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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00027698/00001
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- Title:
- Forage crops ; The silo
- Series Title:
- Bulletin - University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station ; 78
- Creator:
- Conner, C. M.
- Publisher:
- Florida Agricultural Experiment Station
- Publication Date:
- 1905
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Crops ( jstor )
Seeds ( jstor ) Fertilizers ( jstor )
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- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
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The Bulletins of this Station will be sent free to any address in Florida upon application to the Director of the Experiment Station, Lake City, Fla.
St. Augustine, Fla.: THE RECORD COMPANY.
MARCH, 1905
Giuo. W. WILSON, President .Jacksonville C. A. CARSON, Vice-President .Kissimimee F. L. STRINGER, Secretary . . Brooksville F. E. HARRIS . Ocala E. D. BEGGS . Pensacola J. R. PARROTT. . Jacksonville F. M. SIMONTON. . Tampa
ANDREW SLEDD, A. M., Ph. D . . Director
*CHAS. M. CONNER, B. S .Yice-Director and Agriculturist EDWARD R. FLINT, B. S., Ph. D., M. D . Chemist B,. H. SELLARDS, M. A., Ph. D. . Entomologist F. M. ROLFS, M. S . Botanist and Horticulturist CHAS. F. DAWSON, Mt. D. D. V. S . Veterinarian A. WV. BLAIR, A. M .Assistant Chemist R. A. LICHTENTHAELER, M. S .Assistant Chemist F. C. REIER, B. S. . . Assistant Horticulturist S. A. ROBERT, B. S .Assistant in Field Experiments WV. P. JERNIGAN . Auditor and Bookkeeper H. T. PERKINS. Stenographer and Librarian JOHN F. MITCHELL. . . . Foreman Station Farm
F. M. STEA~RNS . Gardener, Horticultural Department
*Superinutendenit Farmiers' Institutes,
The awakened interest in live stock and dair)ing has given rise to numerous inquiries (coming to this office) regarding forage crops. As no publications are available on this subject, it is thought best to give such information as has been collected. The investigations are to be continued, and a subsequent and more complete report made later. These reports will of necessity be brief on account of the short time these crops have been tinder observation.
bVhile this plant is best adapted to the Central West on account of its drouth-resisting properties, it has long been a favorite in the South as a forage crop. There are two kinds of sorghum. rhe saccharine and non-saccharine. Both are drouth-resistant,. but the latter is used more for its seed than for forage. The non-saccharines are known as chicken corn, Jerusalem corn, mlo maize, etc. They are not used very extensively in this State. The common sorghum is used in the North and west for making syrup, and also as a forage crop. In this State it is used principally as a forage crop. The sugar cane supplies better syrup.
There are several varieties of the common sorghum grown for forage, and are given in order for their maturity:
Early Amber, Early Orange,
Link's Hybrid,
the first maturing in about ninety days, and the latter in about 1Y' or 130 days. The early amber is best suited for our purposes.
Planting can be done any time from early spring tip to August 1st, but it is better to plant early and cut the second time
B11l/elin A70. 7S
jor late feeding. Only one variety need be used, if planted at (hffo rent times, to insure a succession of crops.
When possible, it is well to have a crop of cow peas or velvet beans precede tbis crop. Plow the ground thoroughly and as deeply as the subsoil will allow, run a cutawvay harrow over the g round and throw uip light beds. Open the beds and apply the fertilizer.
This plant is known as a gross feeder, and requires a considerable amount of potash, as well as nitrogen and phosphoric acid. Use from 600 to 1,200 pounds of fertilizer containing Ammrronia 4- per cent, Potash 8 per cent, Phosphoric Acid 6 per cent. Use cotton-seed meal as a source of ammonia. Apply in row and work in with a plow. Throw up low beds and brush down with a light drag or weeder. Let stand about ten day s before planting. Plant with a drill at the rate of 13 to 14 quarts of seed per acre. lIt is better that the seed be put in with a drill as the rows are close and straight and can be cleaned with a plow, thus avoiding hoeing. Leave the plants thick in the row; an average of about two stalks per inch. If the ground is rich and well mianured they can be left thicker. If very, poor, leave one stalk every three or four inches.
Cultivate as soon as possible in order to keep down weeds and grass. The weeder can be used as soon as plants are three inches high.
As soon as the plants get four or five feet high you can begin feeding. Cut and haul out to stock. As soon as a large enough area is cut over, throw the dirt from the rows and apply about 300 pounds of cotton-seed meal per acre, and throw the dirt back again. This will make the second crop grow better.
If a large number of dairy cows are to be fed, it pays to run the sorghum through a cutting box, but if only a few, it can be thrown on a grassy place and they will eat it tip clean.
If the cattle and hogs are both to be fed, it will be found
Pips Feeding on Sorghum
Fwage Ovps - The Silo
advantageous to feed together. The cattle will eat the tender parts and the hogs will chew up the tough parts of the stalks.
During the past summer, the work stock (horses and mules) were fed for six months on sorghum. Young pigs made a fairly good growth on sorghum alone from June 30th to September 21st.
When fed alone, sorghum contains rather too much water for most stock. The feeding value increases up to the period of ripening, reaching its maximum when the seed are ripe. The following is the analysis of the ripe stalk:
20.6 per cent. 0.6 per cent. 12.2 per cent. 0.4 per cent.
This plant is used for silage in most dairy sections. It makes rather sour silage, but if put in the silo when rather ripe, it is relished by stock.
Sorghum stands the spring drouth better than any other crop, yet it responds to irrigation, as is evidenced by the following figures:
Yield of green sorghum on high, dry sandy soil averages two plots 19,605 pounds per acre, cut September 12th.
Yield of green sorghum, irrigated three times during the dry season in the spring:
First cutting, June 22d . 37,740 pounds.
Second cutting, August 4th . .00 pounds.
Total . 51,340 pounds.
The crop can be cut and put in shocks, where it will dry out, then can be stored in a barn and fed during the winter.
Numerous newspaper reports are given regarding the poisonous effect of second growth sorghum. These come mostly from the West and Northwest. Very few cases have been reported from the South. The Nebraska station reports the presence of prussic acid in second growth sorghum during a severe drouth. In Florida the second crop would come during the rainy season, hence there would be little danger of poison. We have never had a case at this station.
Rie//c/in Al7o. 7S
This plant resembles the rutab~aga when growing, except that it does not have a fleshy root. It is becoming quite popular in some sections of the State. The mistake has been made of planting it in the spring. Like the cabbage, it does best in the winter. It should be planted in September or October. There are several varieties, but the Dwarf Essex is the most commonly grown.
-It makes excellent feed for hogs or sheep. To get the best results the stock should be turned in and allowed to graze it down. Cattle or horses mash it down, and are most likely to b loat.
It contains a large amount of water, and should be supplemented with corn or something concentrated, if the animals are to be fattened rapidly.
When mulch cows are fed on this there is danger of tainting the milk, unless fed just after milking.
It can be grown in the fall and winter when other crops are out of the way'.
The follow ing is the composition of rape:
14 per cent. 1.5 per cent. 8.1 per cent. 0.2 per cent.
It is practically the same composition as cabbage.
The ground should be well prepared, and rows laid off two and one-half feet apart. Apply fertilizer at the rate of 400 to 600 pounds per sack, containing ammonia 4 per cent, phosphoric acid i per cent, and potash 8 per cent. Work in well, and plant with a drill at the rate of 4 to 6 pounds of seed per acre (seed costs 10 cents per pound.)
Rape gave a yield of 27,200 pounds on rather light sand\ soil, well manured. This crop followed the sorghuim mentioned above on the irrigated land, and this makes a total yield of 78,540 pounds, or a little over thirty-nine tons of green feed per acre, in less than twelve months.
Forage 6-obs - The Silo
It requires one or two workings with a light plow to keep the grass and weeds down.
As soon as it gets six or eight inches high, hogs or sheep or young calves may be turned in on it to graze. If you should cut the crop for feeding, cut above the ground and the stems will sprout and produce another crop.
Bulletin No. 78
4 (.
This plant is a native of South America. It has some merit as a forage crop, but is not so good as sorghum. If allowed to mature, it has too much woody fibre. It matured seed at the station last year, but the season was very favorable. The seed is rather expensive, and must be purchased each year, while sorghum seed can be raised on the farm.
This plant gave a yield, on fairly rich ground, of 20,000 pounds of green stuff per acre. It was cut October 26th. If it had been cut several times during the summer, the yield would have been much greater. At the Louisiana station a yield of fifty tons per acre was obtained.
It is a gross feeder, and requires about the same fertilizer
-as given for sorghum.
Plant in rows five feet apart and three feet in the row. Plant three or four seed per hill.
Forage Crobs - The Silo U
Rye is used principally as a winter pasture crop. Sown in
-November. it wvill make an excellent pasture all winter. Care should be taken to get Florida grown seed, as seed from the North does not do well. Use five or six pecks of seed per acre. Prepare the ground well by breaking, and smooth down the ground with some kind of drag. If fertilizers are to be used, use stable mianure, if it can be had. If not, use a fertilizer containing
3 per cent Ammonia,
6 per cent Potash,
6 per cent Phosphoric acid.
Use from 300 to 600 pounds per acre, according to soil. If grown for seed, do not use so much ammonia.
R FE Jpla ned i drills~
29 3
BR11/c/i; Ao. 7S
If the crop is to be cut and fed, it should be planted in rows, twxo feet apart and very thickly, using, say, a handful of seed to two steps. Use plenty of fertilizer and cover lightly. This can be cut two or three times. Commence using as soon as high enough to cut.
Panicurn Mo lie.
This giant grass is well suited to this State as a pasture grass, and also as a hay grass. Like its relative, the crab grass. it takes root at every joint, if touching the ground, but if thick enough on the ground, will stand well up, as shown in the cut herewith. if allowed to stand too long the lower sterns become hard and woody. It should be pastured or cut frequently for hay. It grows rapidly, making a growth of 4 or 5 feet feet in (0 or TO days.
This grass has been tried at various places in the State, and pronounced a failure, on account of the way it wvas handled.
It does not mature seed here in sufficient quantities to warrant an attempt to propagate it in this wa-x.
The best wvay to secure a stand is to obtain enough of the grass to put out one piece to every square foot of ground. This can be (lone by laying one piece (8 or 10 inches long) one foot apart on the right-hand side of the furrow as tbe ground is being plowed. So place the pieces that the end will project two or three inches after the next furrow has been turned. The best time to do this is just before the rainy season begins.
Low. moist soil is the best, but it will do well on rather sandy soil.
It is very similar to crab grass in its requirements, and responds to fertilizer and moisture in about the same way.
Under favorable conditions the para grass will grow sterns 18 to 20 feet long.
No feeding test has as yet been made, but will be taken up as soon as a sufficient quantity of hay can be secured.
PARA G RASS, set out June 20th
Growth of 1wa 61ra- aftr, iest cutiaqf, faix, October 2531,
Some doubt has been expressed by feeders of this State as to the success of the silo in this warm climate. There are a number in use in the State, and all very successfully. Some have advocated that they should be built below the ground. This is not necessary. The silo at the station is a stave silo, and all above the ground. It keeps perfectly.
The silo is not essential to successful stock feeding in Florida, but it will tide the feeder over the dry seasons, be he engaged in dairying or the raising of beef cattle. During the season of hay making it is usually rainy, and the hay cannot be saved with ease. In filling the silo the rain does not interfere, as we frequently wet the silage as it goes in.
Putting green feed up in the silo does not increase its feeding value. The silo simply enables you to save your feed regardless of the rain, and keeps the feed in a palatable form. A larger amount of feed can be grown per acre where silage crops are grown. as compared with hay grown on the same land.
The following crops are suggested for filling the silo:
Corn with cowpeas. planted at the same time so the vines will run up the stalks, and can be cut with the corn. This mixture makes excellent feed.
Sorghum with cowpeas. Sorghum should be ripe when cut.
Cowpeas alone may be used, but they are very difficult to run through the cutter.
Velvet beans do not make good silage, unless mixed with corn or sorghum.
A field planted for silage should be as near the silo as possible so there would be as little hauling as possible.
There are a number of kinds of silos, and are built either round or rectangular. The round is perhaps the best. They are sometimes built of brick and cement, but more commonly of wood. When built of wood they are built by standing 2x4
Bulletin No. 78
pieces around a circle of the desired size, and binding them together by nailing one-half inch boards on the inside. The boards bend easily and act as hoops. These boards are covered with heavy building paper and ceiling nailed on so that the wall is air-
tight. The walls may also be made air-tight with plastering, first nailing on something to hold the plastering.
Perhaps the cheapest form of silo is the stave silo. The staves should be long enough to reach the top without splicing. Cypress timber is the best to use. Hard pine will do, but it is
Forl-ag' CroPS- Tk Silo
not as easy to make air-tight. The staves should be dressed on the inside, and should be sized so that they will fit up and the silo will be the same size at the top as the bottom. This is essential, as the silage will settle for some time after the silo is filled, and if the silo is not the same size it will let air in between the walls of the silo and silage.
The staves may be from 4 to 6 inches wide, but should be 2 inches thick. It is best to have them cut 6 inches wide and sized to 5 inches. The edges should not be beveled for a silo 10 feet in diameter or larger.
Flat or round hoops may be used. Use two lugs, one on each side, and the staves will draw together better. Place the hoops rather close together at the bottom and increase space as height increases. The cut shown herewith illustrates how the hoops may be placed.
The doors should be 18x24 inches, and cut on bevel so that xw; hen placed in position from the inside the pressure of the silage will tend to make the cracks air-tight. Have about three doors. Do not place one above the other, as the silo will keep its shape better. Place first door 5 feet from bottom, the next 10 feet, and the third 15 or 16 feet. A door mav be made in the roof for filling.
The foundation should be made of brick or stone. As a silo should be made as high as possible, some prefer to dig -3 or I feet in the ground, thus increasing its capacity. This cannot be done unless the drainage is good, as water will spoil the silage if allowed to stand on it. The wall should be at least one foot thick, and level on top.
Should the rats bother by digging under, the bottom may be cemented.
The roof can be made by ripping a 12 or 14-inch plank diagonally, the sharp points going to the center. Any desired pitch can be given. It is not necessary that the roof be tight. In fact, it will do good to have the top wet occasionally, as it will hasten
Bulletin No. 78
decomposition and seal over the top. The silo at the station was icft open for three weeks after filling. It rained almost every day during that time, and the rain did not seem to do any harm, as it was only about 12 inches down to the good silage, which is rather unusual.
The size will depend upon the number of animals to be fed, and the length of the feeding period. In Florida it is necessary to feed off at least 2 or 3 inches each day. If exposed to the air for 24 hours it will mould and the stock will not eat it, hence the silo should be built as tall as possible (say 25 or 30 feet), and increase the size to suit the herd. It is estimated that a thousandpound cow will consume about 40 pounds per day, about 1 cubic foot. If 20 cows are to be fed 6 months, they will require 144,000 pounds, or 72 tons.
Allow a margin of 10 or 15 per cent, as it is almost impossible to fill the silo full, as it settles rapidly, and there is always some loss on top and around the edges near the top.
The following table shows the capacity of round silos:
Depth Inside Diameter in Feet.
12 15 ' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Tons. T. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
20 45 70 so 90: 101 113 12.5 138 131 167 180
21 47 74 84 95 106 118 132 145 159 173 190
22 49 , 77 88 99 111 124 138 152 166 182 198
23 52 81 92 104 117 130 144 159 174 190 207
24 54 84 96 108 122 135 150 166 179 199 216
25 56 88 100 113 127 141 157 173 189 207 225
26 59 92 104 118 132 147 163 180 197 215 235
27 61 95 108 122 137 153 169 187 205 224 244
28 63 98 112 126 142 158 175 193 212 232 252
29 65 101 116 131 147 164 182 200 220 240 262
30 67 105 120 136 152 170 188 207 127 249 271
The size of the cutter will usually depend upon the amount of work to be done. Don't get a cutter too small. Less trouble will be had with one that is too large than with one that is too small.
Feorag-c Crops- T/ Silo 301
The carrier should not be over 30 feet long, as a long carrier gives a great deal of trouble. The silage should be delivered as near the center of the silo as possible, and moved toward the wall with a pitchfork. Keep it higher next to the wall than the center. One man should be kept busy tramping the silage next to the wall all the time it is being put in; the middle will take care of itself.
Fill just as fast as possible, but no harm will be done if a stop of a day or two is made. After the silo has been filled it will settle, and may be refilled.
Any green material may be used for filling the last foot, as it will rot and be thrown away. \eeds or grass, or, in fact, an\thing may be used that will decay and prevent the air from getting down to the good silage. If y ou have nothing else, pull the ears from the corn and use the stalks. The ears may be fed to hogs or other stock. Tramp well, and wet thoroughly. Do not disturb the top until you are ready to open the silo. Any one walking over the surface after it has commenced to rot will do much harm.
If the material being put into the silo becomes too drY, on account of hot winds or any other cause, water may be put on the silage as it goes tip the carrier, at the rate of one-half barrel to the wagon load. If water can be pressed out with the hand, there is too much water being used.
The following is the composition of silage from various crops:
Digested Nutrients
_- in 100 Pound.
Name of Feet].
S ilage,( o rn . 2 1.9 0.9 11.: (.7 C lover . 28.0 2.0 18.5 0.1 Sorghun . 23.9 o.G 14.9 1 ).2 A lfalfa . 27.5 3.0 8. 5 1.9 Cow P eavine . 20.7 1.5 ,6 0.0 Soja B ean . 25.8 2.7 8.7 1.:,
22 Fertilizers . pp. 48 24 Annual Report . " 32 25 Leeches and Leeching . " 17
26 Big Head . " 19 27 Pineapple . " 14 28 Liver Fluke-Southern Cattle
Fever . I30 The Culture of Tobacc( . 2
33 Orange Groves . 33
34 Insect Enemies . 96
36 Insects Injurious to Grain . 31
37 Pineapple . 15 38 Tobacco in Florida . 63
39 Strawberries . 48
40 The Fall Army Worm . 1 8
41 The San Jose Scale., . 30
42 Some Strawberry Insects . 55
43 A Chemical Study of Some
Typical Florida Soil. . 128
51 Some Common Florida Scales. 24
52 Baking Powder . 15
55 Feeding With Florida Feed
Stuffs . 95 56 The Cottony Cushion Scale . 124
i 53 Some Citrus Troubles . pp, 35 57 Top-working of Pecans . 48
58 Pomelos . 43 59 Cauliflower . 20 60 Velvet Beans . 24 61 Two Peach Scales . 32
62 Peen-to Peach Group . 22
63 Packing Citrus Fruits . Folio 64 Texas Fever and Salt Sick . pp. 31 65 The Kumquats . " 14 66 The Mandarin Orange Group. " 32
67 The White Fly . " 94 68 Pineapple Culture. 1. Soils. " 35
70 Pineapple C u I t u r e. 11. Va---"
rieties . 32 71 Japanese Persimmons . 48
72 Feeding Horses and Mules on Home-Grown Feed-Stuffs . . 16 73 The Honey Peach Group . " 20
74 Anthracnose of the Pomelo. " 20
75 Potato Diseases . IG 76 Insecticides and Fungicides. 44
77 Equine Glanders and Its Eradication . 39
I Directions for Preparation of Bordeaux Mixture.
2 Lime and Its Relation to Agriculture.
3 Seed Testing.
4 The White Fly.
6 Nursery Inspection (part 1). 7 Nursery Inspection (part 11).
8 Care of Irish Potatoes Harvested in the Spring and Held for Fall Planting.
9 Sore Head.
10 Plants Affected by Root Knot. 11 Vinegar.
12 Seed Beds and Their Management. 13 Treatment for San Jose Scale. 14 Beef from Velvet Beans and Cassava. 15 and 16 Some Poultry Pests. 17 Preservatives in Canned Coods. 18 Cantaloupe Blight. 19 Cut Worms.
20 Hog Cholera and Swine Plague. 22 Nitrogen as a Fertilizer. 23 Protection Against Drought. 24 Orange Mites. 25 Roup.
26 Lumpy Jaw.
27 Cover Crops. 28 Moon Blindness. 29 Food Adulteration. 30 Dehorning Cattle. 31 Coffee.
32 Foot and Mouth Disease. 33 Red Soldier Bug or Cotton Stainer. 34 Ox Warbles. 85 Butter.
36 Hook Worms in Cattle. 37 Velvet Bean. 38 Practical Results of Texas Fever Inoculations.
39 Lung Worms in Swine. 40 and 41 Glanders. 42 Food Adulterations-Spices and Condiments.
43 How to Feed a Horse. 44 Tree Planting. 45 The Sugar Cane Borer. 46 Selecting Seed Corn. 47 The Rabid Dog. 48 Adulterated Drugs and Chemicals. 49 Saw Palmetto Ashes. 50 Insect Pests to Live Stock.
Full Text |
BULLETIN No. 78. MARCH, J 905 FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. FORAGE CROPS. THE SILO. BY CHAS. l\I. CONNER Th e Bull e tin s of this S tat i o n will be sent f r ee to any addres s in F l o rid a up on app li ca ti on t o the Di r ec t o r of the Experiment Stati o n, L a k e C ity , Fla. St. Augustin e , Fla.: THE REOORD OOMPA~Y. 190 5 .
BOARD OF TRUSTEES. GEO . W . WILSON, President . ... . . Jackson ville C. A. C ARSON, VicePre sident.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kissimmee F . L. STRINGER, Secretar y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. Brooksville F . E. HARRIS . . . . .. . ..... .. .. .... Oca l a E. D. BEGGS .. . . . .. . ..... : . .... Pensacola J . R. P ARROT T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J acksonville F . M. SIMONTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Tampa STATIO N STAFF . ANDREW SLEDD, A. J'v f., Ph. D. . . . . .... Director * CH AS. M. CONNER, B. S .. . . . . Vice-Director a nd Agric ul tu rist EowARD R. FLINT, B. S., Ph. D., M. D. . . . . . . ..... . Chemist E . H. SELLARDS, M. A., Ph. D. . . Entomologist F. M. ROL FS, M. S.. . Botanist and Horticulturi st CHAS . F. D A WSON, M. D., D. V . S . . . . . . . . . . . . V e t erinarian A . \;l, T_ BLAIR, A. M.. . . . . . . . . . . Assist ant Chemi s t R. A . LICHTENTHAELER, M. S. . . . . . .. Assistant Chemist F. C . R EIMER, B. S. . . . . . . . . . . Assistant H orticulturist S . A. R OBERT, B. S. . . . . . . . Assistant in Fie ld Experiments \ V. P. J ERNIGAN... . . . . . . . Audi t or and Bookkeeper H. T . PERKINS . . . . . . . ... . . .. Ste no grap h e r and Li bra rian JOHN F. MITCHELL. . .. ...... Forema n Station Farm F. M . STEARNS.. . . Gardener, Hortic ultural Dep a rtment *Snperintern.l 0t1 t Fnr1ners' Institut f':S,
FORAGE CROPS. BY CIL\S. ::\1. CONK E R. The awakened interest in live stock and dairying has given rise to numerous inquiries ( coming to this office) r ega rding for age crops. a-\s n o publicati o ns are available on this subject. it i s thou g ht best to give s uch information as has been collect ed . The i1westigations ar e to be continued. and a subsequent and more complete report made lat e r. Th ese reports will of ne cess ity be brief on account of the short time these crops have been under observation. SORGHUM. \Vhile this plant is best adapted to the Central \\ 'es t on ac count of its drouth-resisting properties, it ha s long b ee n a favorite in th e S o uth as a for age crop. There are two kinds o f so rghum. 'i:'he saccharine a nd non-saccharine. Both are clrouth-resistant, but the latt er is us ed more for its seed than fo r forage. The n o n-saccharines are known as chicken corn, Jerusalem corn, 111;10 maize, et c. They ar e not us e d very extensively in this State. The common sorghum is used in the I'\orth and west for making sy rup , and also as a forage crop. In this State it is u se d prin cipally as a forage crop. The sugar cane supplies b e tter syrup. VARIETIES. There are several vanet1es of the common sorghum grown for forage, and are given in order for their maturity: Early Amber, Early Orange, Coleman, Link ' s Hybrid, the first maturing in about ninety days, and th e latter in about 1 ? : or 130 days. The early amber is best S\lited for our purposes. TIME TO P LAJVT. Planting can be don e any time from early spring up to Au gust 1st, but it is better to plant early and cut the second time
:!SG Bulletin No. 78 for late fe e ding. Only one variety need be used, if pl a nted at clif f-: : rent time s, to insure a s u ccess ion of crops. SEEDBED. \Vhen possible, it is w e ll to hav e a cro p of cow peas or velvet beans precede this crop. Plow the ground thorou g hly and as deeply as the subsoil will allow, run a c utaway h a r ro w over th e ground and throw up light beds. Ope n the bed s a nd apply th e fertilizer. FERTILIZER. This plant is known as a gross feed e r, and requir es a consid erable amount of potash, as well as nitro ge n and phosphoric acid. lJse from 600 to 1 ,200 pounds of fertiliz e r containing Ammonia i per cent, Potash 8 per cent, Phosph o ric Acid 6 per ce nt. Use cotton-seed meal as a source of ammonia. Apply in row and work in with a plow. Throw up low beds and brush clown with a light drag or w eede r. Let stand about t e n clays before plantin g . Plant with a drill at the rat e of 13 to 1-1 quarts of seed p e r acre. 1t is better that th.e seed b e put in with a drill as th e rows are close and straight and can b e cleaned with a plow, thus avoiding hoeing. Leave the plants thick in the row; an av erage of about two stalks p e r inch. If the gro und is rich and well manured the y ca n be left thicker. If very poor , lea\' e o ne stalk eve r y three or four inch es . CULTIVATION. Cultiv a te as soon as possible in order to ke ep down weed s and grass. The weed e r ca n be used as soo n as pl a nt s are thr ee inches hi g h . USE. As s oo n as the plants get four or five feet high you can be g in feedin g. Cut and h a ul out to s tock. As soon as a large enough area is cut over, throw the dirt fr o m the rows and apply about 300 p o unds of cotton-seed meal per acre , and throw the dirt back again. This will make the second crop grow better. If a lar g e numbe~ of dairy cows are to be fed, it pays to run the sorghum through a cutting box, but if only a few , it can be thrown on a grassy place a nd the y will ea t it up clean. If the cattle and hogs are both to b e fed, it will be found
Fora ge Crops The Silo 289 advantageous to feed togeth e r. The cattle will eat the tender parts and the hogs will chew up the tough parts of the stalks. During the past summer, the \York stock (horses and mules) were fed for six months on sorghum. Young pigs made a fairly good growth on sorghum alone from June :30th to Septemb e r 21st. \\Then fed alone, sorghum contains rather too much water for most stock. The feeding value increases up to the period of ripening, reaching its maximum when the seed are ripe. The fol lowing is the analysis of th e ripe stalk: DRY )L'-.TTER I PROT EIX C ARBOHYDRATES ET HER EXTRACT -----1 ----1 20.6 per cent. I 0.6 per cent. 12. 2 per cent. 0.4 per cent. This plant is used for silage in most dairy sections. It makes rather sour silage, but if put in the silo when rather ripe, it is rel ished by stock. Sorghum stands the spring drouth better than any _ o ther crop, yet it responds to irrigation , as is evidenced by the following figures: Yield of green sorghum on high, dry sandy soil averages t,Yo plots 19,605 pounds p e r acre, cut September 12th . Yield of green sorghum, irrigated three times during th e dry s ea son in the spring: First cuttin(>;, Jun e 22d .. . .......... 37,740 pound s . Second cutting, A u g u st 4th ......... l:l.600 pound s. Tota l ....... .... .. .. ... ... ... 51 , 340 pound s. The crop can be cut and put in shocks. where it will dry o ut, then can be stored in a barn a nd f eel during the \\inter. SECOND GROTVTH SORGHUJI. Numerous newspap e r r epor ts are given regarding the pois onous effect of second growth sorghum. These come mostly from the West and Northwest. Very few cases have been reported from the South. The Nebraska station reports the presence of prussic acid in second growth so rghum during a severe drouth. In Florida the second crop would come during the rainy season, hence there would be little dan ge r of poison. \Ve haYe neYer had a case at this s tation.
290 Bulletin ]\To. 78 RAPE. This plant resembles the rutabaga when growing, except that it does not have a fleshy root. It is becoming quite popular in some sections of the State. The mistake has been made of planting it in the spring. Like the cabbage, it does best in the winter. It should be planted in September or October. There are several varieties , but the Dwarf Essex is the most commonly grown. USE. . It makes excellent feed for hogs or sheep. To get the best results the stock should be turned in and allowed to graze it down . Cattle or horses _ mash it clown, and are most likely to bloat. It contains a large amount of water, and should be supple mented with corn or something concentrated, if the animals are to be fattened rapidly. When milch cows are feel on this there is danger of tainting the milk, unless feel just after milking. It can be grown in the fall and winter wh e n other crops are out of the way. The following is the composition of rape: ~------=----=--=--c===,c =.cc .c.._ --. --=------I>RY MAT~:==--1 __ PR(~!,;] ), I C ARBOHYDRATE S ETHE!t EXTRA C T 14 per cent. 1..5 per c -e 1-1t-. 1 8~1 per cent. 0.2 per cent. It is practically the same composition as cabbage. PLANTING. The ground should be well prepared, and rows laid off two and one-half feet apart. Apply fertilizer at the rate of 400 to GOO pounds per sack, containing ammonia 4 per cent, phosphoric acid 'i per cent, and potash 8 per cent. Work in well, and plant with a drill at the rate of 4 to 6 pounds of seed per acre ( seed costs 10 cents per pound.) Rape gave a yield of 27,200 pounds on rather light sanely soil, well manured. This crop followed the sorghum mentioned above on the irrigated land, and this makes a total yield of 78,540 pounds, or a little over thirty-nine tons of green feed per acre, in less than twelve months.
Forage Crobs The Silo 291 It requires one o r two wo rkin gs wit h a li g h t plow t o ke ep th e grass and weeds dow n . As soon as it gets six or eig ht inches high , hogs or s h eep or you ng calves may be turned in o n it to graze. If yo u should cut the crop for feeding, cut above the ground and the stems will spro ut and produce another crop. DWARF ESSEX RAPE
292 Bull etin No. 78 TEOSINTE. This plant is a native of South Ame rica. It has some merit 2s a forage crop, but is n ot so good as so r g hum. If a llow ed to mature, it h as t oo much woody fibre. It matured seed at th e sta tion la s t yea r, but th e season was very favorable. The seed is r at h e r expe nsiv e, a nd must be purchased eac h yea r, w hil e so g hum seed can be rais ed o n the farm . This plant gave a y i e ld , on fair l y rich g r o und , of 20,000 po und s of g r ee n st uff per acre. I t was cut October 26 th . If it h ad been cut seve ral tim es during th e s umm e r , th e y ield wo _ uld have be ~ n much g r eate r. At the Louisiana s tati o n a y i e ld of fifty t o ns per acre was o bt ai n ed . It is a gross feeder, and r eq uir es a b o ut th e same fertilizfr -:c1s given for sorghum. Plant iii rows five f ee t apart and thr ee feet in the r ow . Plant t hree o r four seed per hill.
Fo1 ' age Crops Th e Silo RYE. Rye i s u sed principall y as a wint e r pasture crop. Sown in November, it will mak e an excellent pa st ure all winter. Care should be tak e n to get Fl o rida grown seed, as seed fr o m the No rth does n o t do w e ll. se fi ve o r six pecks of seed per acre. Prepar e the ground well b y breaking, and smooth down the ground with so me kind of drag. If fertilizers are to b e used, us e s table ma nure, if it can b e had . If not, us e a fertiliz e r c o ntainin g 3 per cent A mm o ni a, 6 per cent Potash, 6 per cent Phosphoric acid. Use fr o m 300 t o 600 pounds p e r acre , according to so il. If grown for see d , do n o t use so much ammonia. RYE pla n t e d in di il ls
2!1-1 Bullcti n lVo. 78 If the crop is to be cut and fed, it should be planted in rows two feet apart and very thickly, using, say, a handful of seed to two steps. Use plenty of fertilizer and cover lightly. This can be cut two or three times. Commence using as soon as high enough t o cut. PARA GRASS. Panicmn Molle. This giant grass is well suited to this State as a pasture grass, and also as a hay grass. Like its relative, the crab grass, it takes root at every joint, if touchin g th<> ground, but if thick enough on the ground, will stand well up, as shuwn in the cut her ew ith . If allowed to stand too long the lower sterns become hard a nd woody. It should be pastured or cut frequently for hay. It grows rapidly, making a growth of 4 or 5 feet feet in 60 or 70 clays. This g r ass has been tried at various places in the State, and pronoun ced a failure, on account of the way it was handled. It does not mature seed here in sufficient quantities to war rant an attempt to propagate it in this way. The best way to secure a stand is to obtain enough of the grass to put out one piece to every square foot of ground. This can be clone by laying one piece (8 or 10 inches long) on e foot apart on the right-hand side of the furrow as the ground is be ing plowed. So place the pieces that the end will project two 01 three inches after the next furrow has been turned. The best time to do this is just before the rainy season begins. Low, moist soi l is the best, but it will do well on rather sandy soil. It is very similar to crab grass in its requirements, and re fponds to fertilizer and moisture in about the same way. Under favorable conditions the para grass will grow stems 18 to 20 feet long. No feeding test has as yet been made , but will be taken up as soon as a sufficient quantity of hay can be secured.
PARA GR.ASS, e t out J i in e 2 0th
(~l'011 /h of' p . _ ' am Gras. , r ttl l'J' /' ' !l 's / ( 'Hllill l , J, ln / ,c11 ( !cto b er ; !:,/.h
THE SILO. Some doubt has be e n expressed by fee de rs of this State as to the success of th e s il o in th is warm climate. There are a number in u se in the State, and a ll very s u ccess fully. S o me have advo cated that the y s hould be built belo w th e gro und. This is n o t neces sa ry. Th e s ilo at the station is a stave s ilo, and all above the g r o und. It keeps perfectly. The silo i s not es se n tia l to s u ccess ful stoc k fe ed ing in Flor ida, but it will ti de the feeder over the dry seaso ns, b e he engag e d in dair y ing o r th e raisin g o f beef cattle. During the seaso n o f ha y mak i n g it i s usually r a in_, , and th e hay can not be sa ved with ease. In fillin g the sil o the rain does not i nterfer e, as we fr e quentl y wet the s ilage as it go es in . Putting green fe ed u p in th e s il o do es n o t inu ease its f eed mg value. Th e si lo sim p l y e nabl es you to sa v e your f ee d regard less o f the rain , and ke eps the fe e d in a pal a t abl e fo rm. A lar ge r a m o unt o f fe e d ca n b e gro wn per acre where silage cro ps are grown, as comp are d with h a y gr o1 n1 on the sa me Janel . The foll01Yin g crop s are sug ges ted for filling th e s ilo: Corn with co wpea s . planted a t the sa m e time so the v ines will nm up the sta lks, and can be c ut with t he corn . This mix ture makes exc e llent feed. Sorg hum , v ith cowp eas . S org hum should be ri pe when cu t. Te os inte. Cowpeas• alone may b e used, !mt they are very difficult to run throu g h the cutt e r. e h t b ea ns do n o t make goo d sila ge, unles s mixed with corn or sorghum. A field plant e d for silag e sh o uld be as near the silo as p os sible so there would b e as little hauling a s possible. KIND OF SILO. Th e re are a numb e r o f kinds o f sil os, and are built either round o r rect a n g ular. The round is p e rh aps the best. They are s o m e times built of brick and cement . , but more commonly oi w ood. \Vh e n built o f wood th ey ar e built by standing 2x -!
298 Bull e tin No. 7 8 pieces around a circle of the desired size , and binding them t o gether b y nailing one-half inch boards on the inside . The boards bend easily and act as hoops. These boards ar e covered with heavy building paper and ceiling nailed on so tlnt the wall is airTHE S ILO tight. The walls may also be made air-tight with plastering , first nailing on something to hold the plastering. Perhaps the cheapest form of silo is the stave silo . The staves should be long enough to reach the top without splicing . Cypress timber is the best to use. Hard pine will do , but it is
Foragl' Crops The Silo 299 not as easy to make air-tight. The staws should be dressed on the inside, and should be sized so that they will fit up and the silo will be the same size at the top as the bottom. This is essen tial, as the silage will settle for some time after the silo is filled, and if the silc is not the same size it will let air in between the walls of the silo and silage. The staw s may be from -1 to 6 inches wide, but should be inches thick. It is b e st to have th e m cut 6 inches \Yide and sized to 5 inches. The edg e s should not be beveled' for a silo 10 fe e t ii: diameter or larger. Flat or round hoops may be used. Cse two lugs. one on each !:iide, and the staves will draw together better. Place the hoops rather close tog e ther at the bottom and in c rease space as height increases. The cut shown herewith illustrates how the hoops may be placed . DOORS. The doors should be 18x2-1 inches, and cut on bevel s o that when placed in position from the inside the pressure of the silage will tend to make the cracks air-tight. Have about thre e door s. Do not place on e above the other, as the silo will keep it s shap e better. Place first door 5 feet from bottom, the next 10 feet, and the third 15 or 16 feet. A door mav be made in the roof for filling. FOU : VDATI0 1 V. The foundation should be made of brick or st o ne. :-\. s a sil o should be made as high as possible, s o me prefer t o dig 3 o r ! f ee t in the ground, thus increasing its capacity. This cannot be clone unless the drainage is good, as water will spoil the silage if al l o wed to stand on it. The wall should be at least one fo o t thick, and level on top. Should the rats bother b:_v digging under, the bottom may b e cemented. ROOF. The roof can be made by ripping a 12 or 1-1-inch plank diag onally, the sharp points going to the center. An:_v desired pitch c a n be given . It is not necessary that the roof be tight. In fact, it will do good to have the top wet occasionally, as it will hasten
300 Bulletin No. 78 decomposition and seal over the top. The silo at the station was idt open for three weeks after filling. It rained almost every day during that time, and the rain did not seem to do any harm, as it was only about 12 inches down to the good silage, which is rather unusual. SIZE. The size will depend upon the number of animals to be fed, and the length of the feeding period. In Florida it is necessary tc• feed off at least 2 or 3 inches each day. If exposed to the air for 24 hours it will mould and the stock will not eat it , hence the silo should be built as tall as possible ( say 25 or 30 feet), and increase the size to suit the herd. It is estimated that a thousand pound cow will consume about 40 pounds per clay, about 1 cubic foot. If 20 cows are to be fed 6 months, they will require 144,000 r,ounds, or 7 ' 2 tons. Allow a margin of 10 or 15 per cent, as it is almost impossible to fill the silo full, as it settles rapidly, and there is always some loss on top and around the edges near the top. The following table shows the capacity of round silos : Depth ! Inside Diameter in Feet. F . 1----. ----------eet. ' . I I i I I , I ! 12 I 15 I 16 17 18 i 19 1 20 : 21 22 I 23 24 --: --i -, --i---1 -: -1 -Tons . ! Ton s. ' Tons. Tons. \ Tons. Tons. Tons. ! Tons. 1 Tons. :Ton s. 1 Tons. 20 1 1 45 1 70 I s o 90 I 101 11 3 I 125 i 138 I i 151 j' 167 : 180 21 47 74 84 95 106 ll8 I 1 32 145 159 17:3 1 100 22 ! 49 , 77 I 88 99 111 124 1 38 152 166 182 198 23 52 81 92 . 104 117 130 I 144 lu!J 1 174 190 207 24 54 84 06 1 108 122 ' 135 1 150 . 11.lfl 17D Hl9 216 25 ,56 88 100 113 127 1 141 1 57 I 17:{ 189 207 225 26 ,5\l 92 104 118 132 147 163 180 I 197 215 235 27 61 95 108 I 122 137 15 8 I Hlfl 187 1 1 205 224 244 28 63 , 1 . 98 1 112 I 126 142 J 15s ' 115 193 212 [ 2s2 . 252 29 65 101 116 1 131 147 I 164 II 182 . 200 I 220 240 1 262 30 67 105 120 136 152 ; 1,0 1 1s8 I 20, / 127 r 249 2;1 FILLING. The size of the cutter will usually depend upon the amount of work to be done. Don't get a cutter too small. Less trouble will be had with one that is too large than with one that is too small.
Forage Crops Tlt c Silo 301 The carrier should not be over 30 feet long, as a long carrier gives a great deal of trouble. The silage should be deliYered as near the center of the silo as possible, and moved toward the wall with a pitchfork. Keep it higher next to the wall than the center. One man should be kept busy tramping the silage next to the wall all the time it is being put in; the middle will take care of itself. Fill just as fast as possible, but no harm will be done if a stop of a day or two is mad e. After the silo has been fill e d it will settle, and may be refilled. Any green material m ay be used for filling the last foot. as it will rot and be thro,yn away. \Veecl s or grass, or , in fact. an thing may be used that will decay and pr e, ent the air from getting down to the good silag e . If you have nothing else. pull the ears from the corn and use the stalks. The ears may be f ed to hogs or other stock. Tramp well_. and wet thoroughly. Do not disturb the top until you are r ea dy to open the silo. Any o n e walking over the surface after it has commenced t o rot will do much harm. If the material being put into the silo becomes t oo dry, on account of h ot winds or a ny o ther cause , water may b e put on the silage as it goes up the carrier. at the r ate of one-half barrel to the wagon lo a d . If water can be pres sed out with the hand. there i s too much water being used . The following is the composition of silage from various crops: 0 ) fome of Fee,l. SilngeDig ested ::--utrienb in 100 Pound,. :.::
22 Fertilizers . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. pp. 48 24 Annual Report.................... " 32 25 Leeches and Le eching ...... .... ' 17 26 Big Head ...... . .. .. ...... ... ...... " 19 27 Pineapple .......................... " 14 28 Liver Fluke-Southern Cattle Fever.... ..... .. .. ............... " 15 30 The Cultur e of Tobacco........ " 28 33 Orange Groves.................... " 33 34 Insect Enemies................... " 96 36 Insects Injurious to Grain...... " 3 1 37 Pineapple... . . . ............. .. . .. .. " 15 3 8 Tobacco in Florida.............. " 63 39 Strawberries...................... " 48 40 The Fall Army Worm........ ... " 8 41 The San Jos e Scale........... .. " 30 42 Some Straw be rry Insect~....... " 55 43 A Chemical Study of Some Typical Florida Soi IP......... " 128 51 So me Common F lorid a Scale s .. " 24 52 Baking Powder $ ..... ....... ...... " 1 5 55 Feeding With Florida Feed Stuffs............................ 9f, 56 The Cottony Cushion Scale..... "124 53 Some Citrus Troubles ........... pp. 35 57 Top -wo rking of Pecan s ......... " 48 58 Pomelos............................ " 43 59 Cauliflow e r........................ " 20 60 Velvet Beans............. . ... .... " 24 61 Two Peach Scales....... . .. . ... . " 32 62 Peen-'to Peach Group.. .. ....... " 22 63 Packing Ci trus Fruits... ... ..... Folio 64 Tex as Fever and Salt Sick..... pp. 31 65 The Kumquats.................... " 14 66 The .Mandarin Orange Gro up .. " 32 67 The White Fly......... . . . . . .. .. .. " 94 68 Pineapple Culture. I. Soils... " 35 70 Pin~a~ple Cu It u re. II. Va-=;, net1es........................... 32 71 Jap a n ese Persimmons........... " 48 72 F eeding Horses and Mules on Home-Grown Feed-Stuffs.... " 16 73 The Honey Peach Group....... " 20 74 Anthracn ose of the P ome l o.. . " 20 76 Potato Diseases.................. " 16 76 Ins ec ti cide s and Fungicid es.. . " 44 77 Eg.uin~ Glanders and Its Erad1cat10n........................... " 39 PRESS BULLETINS. 1 Directions for P r epa ration of Bord ea ux Mixture. 2 Lime and Its Relation to Agri c ulture. 3 Seed Te sting. 4 The White Fly. 6 Nursery Insp e ctio n (part I). 7 Nursery Insp e ct i on (p art II). 8 Care of Iri sh Potatoes Harv ested in the Spring and H e ld for Fall Plant ing . 9 Sore Head . 10 Plants Affected by Root Knot. 11 Vinegar. 12 Seed Beds and Their Managem ent. 13 Treatment fo r San Jose Scale. 14 Beef from Velvet Beans and Cassava . 15 and 16 Some Poultry Pe sts. 17 Preservatives in Canned Goods. 18 Cantaloupe Blight. 19 Cut Worm s . 20 Hog Cholera and Swine Plagu e. 22 Nitrogen as a Fertilizer. 23 Protection Against Drought. 24 Orange Mites. 25 Roup . 26 Lumpy Jaw. 27 Cov e r Crops. 28 Moon Blindness . 29 Food Adulteration. 30 Dehorning Cattle. 31 Coffee. :32 ~'o ot a nd Mouth Di sease. 1 33 Red Soldier Bug or Cotton Stainer. 34 Ox Warbles. 35 Butter. 36 Hook Worms in Cattle. 37 Velvet Bean. 38 Practical Results of T exas Fever Inoculation s . 39 Lung Worms in Swin e. 40 and 41 Glanders. 42 Food Adulterations-Spices and Condiments . 43 How to Fe e d a Hor se. 44 Tree Planting. 45 The Sugar Cane Borer . 46 Selecting Seed Corn. 47 The Rabid Dog. 48 Adulterated Drugs and Chemicals. 49 Saw Palmetto Ashes. i>O Insect P ests to Live Stock.