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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00027659/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Florida home garden
- Series Title:
- Bulletin - University of Florida Agricultural Extension Service ; 107
- Creator:
- Jamison, F. S.
- Place of Publication:
- Gainesville, Fla.
- Publisher:
- Cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics
- Publication Date:
- 1941
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Soil science ( jstor )
Crops ( jstor ) Plant roots ( jstor )
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- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
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Bulletin 107
Revision df no. It
(A revision of Bulletin 80)
Truck Horticulturist, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station
Fig. 1.-College of Agriculture students grow home gardens as laboratory project, planting, cultivating, spraying and harvesting the vegetables themselves.
May, 1941
BOARD OF CONTROL H. P. ADAIR, Chairman, Jacksonville R. H. GORE, Fort Lauderdale
W. M. PALMER, Ocala N. B. JORDAN, Quincy
T. T. SCOTT, Live Oak J. T. DIAMOND, Secretary, Tallahassee
STAFF, AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE JOHN J. TIGERT, M.A., LL.D., President of the University WILMON 1EWELL, D.Sc., Director of Extension' A. P. SPENCER, M.S., Vice-Director and County Agent Leader J. FRANCIS COOPER, M.S.A., Editor' JEFFERSON THOMIAS, Assistant Editor' CLYDE BE ALE, A.B.J., Assistant Editor' E. F. STANTON, Supervisor, Egg-Laying Test RU BY NEWHALL, Administrative Manager'
COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL DEMONSTRATION WORK W. T. NETTLES, B. S., District Agent H. G. CLAYTON, M.S.A., Distr:ct Agent, Organization and Outlook Specialist J. LEE SMITH, District Agent and Agronomist R. S. DENNIS, B.S.A., Asistant District Agent A. E. DUNSCOMBE, M.S.A., Assistant D'strict Agent R. W. BLACIZLOCK, A.B., Boys' Club Agent E. F. DEBusK, B.S., Citriculturit A. L. SHEA.LY, D.V.M., Animal Industrialist' HAMLIN L. BROWN, B.S., Dairyman N. R. MEIRTIOF, M.AGR. Poultryman' D. F. SOWELL, M.S.A., Poultryman WALTER J. SHEELY, B.S., Animal Husbandman L. T. NIELAND, Farm Forester C. V. NOBLE, PH.D., Agricultural Economist' D. E. TIMMoNs, M.S.A., Agricultural Economist, Marketing CHARLES M. HATrPSON, M.S., Agricultural Economist, Farm Management R. H. HOWARD, M.S.A., Agricultural Economist, Farm Management V. V. BOWMAN, M.S.A., Economist and Leader in Land-Use Planning JOSEPH C. BEDSOLL, B.S.A., Assistant Leader in Land-Use Planning J. R. GREENMAN, B.S.A., State Representative, B.A.E. R. V. ALLISON, Pi.D., Soil Conservationist'
COOPERATIVE HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK MAccz E. KvOWN, M.S., State Aaent Lrcy BELE SETTLE, M.A., District Agent RuBY McDAVID, District Agent ETHYL HOLLOWAY, B.S.H.E., District Agent ANNA MAE SIxEs, M.S., Nutritionist VIRGINIA P. MooRE, Home Improvement Specialist ISABELLE S. THT RSBY, Economist in Food Conservation CLARINE BELCHER, M.S., Clothing Specialist
A. A. TURNER, Local District Agent BEITLAN SHUTE, Local District Agent
Location of the Garden --- -------- ------ ----- 3 Cultivation of the Garden ------ - ---------- --- 12
Seed for Planting --------------------------------------- 4 Irrigation and Drainage --- - ------------------------- 12
Vegetable Varieties . ------------- __ 5 Cool Season Crops ---------------------- --- ----- 14
Growing Plants - ---------- -- -------- ----------------- 6 W arm Season Crops ------ ---------- ----- --- _ . 14
Transplanting . ------ ------------ - - ---- ------------------ 7 Hot W eather Crops ------------------------------------ 14
Preparation of the Soil ----- --------------- ----- 7 Insects and Diseases ----------------------- -------- --- 14
Fertilizers -- ----------- -- ---- - ----- -- ----- ----- 8 H arvesting - ------------------ ------ - ------- --- -- ---- 15
Planting - - -------- -- -------- - ---- ----- -- -- - ---- 12 Surplus Products -- ------ --- ----- ----- 16
The home vegetable garden considered either for its monetary value or as a source of wholesome and healthful food is usually the most valuable -piece of land on the farm. The value of the garden should not be calculated merely from the number of dollars the produce could be sold for, but its value should be based on what the produce would cost if purchased at a retail store. The pleasure of having large quantities of high quality vegetables has an additional value that cannot be expressed in terms of money. Many vegetables decrease in quality and food value very rapidly after they are harvested. The quality deteriorates more rapidly at high temperatures. Thus, it is important 'n Florida that the vegetables be used very soon after they are harvested.
The home gardener in Florida may harvest vegetables from the garden each month of the year. However, there are certain seasons in which the various crops grow best and the gardener should try to grow the crops during the season when they grow the best. By carefully selecting the right vegetables, the gardener can have an adequate supply of fresh vegetables during most of the vear.
To be successful in growing vegetables of good quality, there are certain facts that should be observed, Some of these are discussed in this iDublication.
Considerable money is usually spent by the gardener for seeds, fertilizer and labor. For this reason every effort should be made to select a desirable piece of soil for the garden. The plot of ground selected should be fertile and have adequate water control. Good water control means providing irrigation for the dry seasons of the year and good drainage for the wet seasons. There are places on many farms that, when provided with proper drainage, do not require irrigation to produce excellent gardens.
Florida Agricultural Extension Service
These locations are usually on the heavier soils found on the edge of hammocks and in drained lowlands. Many hours of labor will be saved the housewife, and the family assured of more vegetables, if the garden is located conveniently close to the house. It should be well fenced to protect it from rabbits, chickens and other animals.
The size of the garden will depend upon the number of individuals in the family, and upon the method used in caring for the garden. It should be large enough not only to supply fresh vegetables for immediate consumption, but also to furnish vegetables for canning, pickling and storage. Certain crops grow best during definite seasons and plenty of these should be grown for immediate consumption and also for preserving and canning.
There are two distinct ways to care for a farm or home vegetable garden. The first and probably most satisfactory way is to use a relatively small area, fertilize it heavily, plant the crops relatively close together and do the planting and cultivating with hand tools. The other method is to use a large area, planting the rows far enough apart to allow for cultivating with the same equipment as is used in the fields for this purpose, More care will probably be given to the small garden. Quite often gardeners find it profitable to grow certain crops such as watermelons, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes and Irish Potatoes in the field and grow only those crops in the garden which will produce heavily on a small area.
There are many reliable sources from which good vegetable seed can be purchased. The important thing in purchasing seed is to know the amount required and the variety that is adapted to the particular needs for which it is to be produced, and the growing conditions to which it will be subjected. Vegetable seed can be bought at seed stores, grocery stores and many other places of business. Many gardeners find it an advantage to secure catalogues from seed houses, even though they purchase the seed at local stores.
The gardener should know the variety of vegetable best suited to his needs before buying, and not be satisfied to buy just carrot, beet or cabbage seed. Since seed is such a small part of the cost in growing the garden, it is usually wise to purchase enough so that one replanting can be made in case the first one meets with such adverse conditions that it fails to germinate.
The Florida Home Garden 5
It cannot be emphasized too strongly that there is a tremendous difference among varieties, and quite often the success or failure of a garden depends upon the care shown in selecting the proper varieties. Varieties should be carefully selected for the climatic conditions in which they are to be grown and, also, adaptation to a particular purpose. The varieties given in Table 1 have been selected because of their adaptability to Florida gardens. The wise gardener will select varieties from this list, unless others have been found superior. While some of the varieties listed are grown by commercial growers, many of them are not adapted to commercial Production. Some are of superior quality to those grown commercially, but will not stand handling and shipping. Others have been selected because of their lateness or earliness of production. It should be understood that the list has been prepared for home gardeners and not for the commercial truck grower.
The approximate number of days that it takes the varieties to reach edible maturity after planting is given in the table. The climatic conditions prevailing during the time the crop is being
Fig. 2.-A good home garden is not difficult to grow, and should provide the family with fresh vegetables throughout most of the year.
6 Florida Agricultural Extension Service
grown will influence the maturity date. In some seasons the crops will mature in fewer days, in other seasons more days will be required for the crop to reach edible condition. However, within any one season there will be an approximate variation in the time necessary to reach maturity of the varieties as indicated in the table. Thus, early and late varieties may be selected from it for use in the garden.
Plants of such vegetable crops as cabbage, tomato, onion and pepper can be grown successfully by the home gardener. Quite often the gardener finds it advantageous to depend upon a local plant grower for young plants, or the plants may be bought from one of the larger plant growers that do a mail order business. Plants bought from a reliable plant grower are satisfactory. However, there is always present the danger of bringing in various diseases with the plants. In ordering or buying plants the gardener should be careful to specify definite varieties.
Home gardeners who wish to grow plants find a box filled with hammock soil an ideal place for this purpose. If the weather becomes unfavorable the young plants may be protected either by covering them with paper or cloth, or the entire box can be moved to a protected place. Some home gardeners prepare with extra care a small plot in the garden for growing plants for transplanting. When plants are grown in this way, some provision must be made in winter or early spring to protect them from frost or freezes, while, if the plants are being started in late summer for fall planting, they should be protected in the early stages of growth from the hot sun and dashing rains. Old fertilizer bags washed clean . or other such materials, afford good protection. The cloth is stretched tightly above the plants, and should be 10 to 12 inches above the top of the plants in order to insure adequate ventilation.
Success in getting transplanted plants to grow satisfactorily depends very much upon the growing conditions to which the plants are subjected in the plant bed. As the time for transplanting approaches the plants should be gradually hardened. This means subjecting them to slightly adverse growing conditions so that they will store food instead of using it in growing. To harden the plants the cover protecting the young plants should be left off a little longer each day so that for the last week before transplanting it is not used. Water should be withheld from the plants for longer periods than usual. However, it
The Florida Home Garden
is always wise to water the plants thoroughly a few hours before removing them from the plant bed.
There is no difficulty in getting plants to grow when transplanted, provided the plants are suitable for transplanting and are planted properly and at the right season. Well hardened plants should be used for transplanting. Fast growing, very succulent plants will have an exceedingly difficult time in resuming growth after transplanting and will recover only when extremely favorable conditions prevail. Plants should be watered thoroughly 12 hours before they are removed from the seedbed. The soil into which they are to be transplanted should be firm, well worked and free from trash. The plants should be set slightly deeper in the garden than they were in the seedbed, and the soil should be carefully pressed around the roots. Watering, following transplanting, not only supplies needed soil moisture but helps to bring the soil into close contact with the roots and is, therefore, very beneficial.
Plants mav be transplanted any time of the day. However, if they are transplanted in the morning or during the heat of midday it is wise to protect them from the hot sun. This is often accomplished b-y- using palmetto leaf or shingle. These are stuck into the ground alongside the plant so as to shade it from the SUn. Plants transplanted in late afternoon or evening will withstand the shock of transplanting much better than those transplanted in the morning. There should be no difficulty in getting transplanted plants to grow if the plants are carefullv handled, the soil well firmed around the roots and adequate moisture Provided.
The soil in the garden should be carefully and well prepared. This means that the crop residue that is present either will be burned, raked off, or, much better, turned into the soil so that it is well decomposed by planting time. When the plant residue on the garden is raked off or burned, the organic matter so valuable in maintaining the fertility of the soil is destroyed. However, there are times in the home garden when the old plant Growth should be removed so as to get the land into shape for p antinq small seeds.
It is best to select a piece of soil free from weeds and nematoCes. but if this is impracticable, such plants as Bermuda grass rray be partially eliminated by carefully raking out the stems
Florida Agricultural Extension Service
and roots as the ground is spaded or plowed. A few hours of extra work before planting will save many hours of hoeing later in the season.
The land should be well spaded or plowed some time before planting begins. Ten days or two weeks before planting, the soil should be well pulverized and the commercial fertilizer applied. The rows are then marked out and the garden is ready for planting.
Practically every soil type on which crops are grown in this state requires the addition of plant foods to grow a satisfactory crop. Part of this plant food can be supplied by animal manures. In fact, manure is one of the most satisfactory fertilizing materials that the gardener can use, and if available in sufficient quantities, will furnish all the elements necessary for the growing of vegetables with the exception of phosphoric acid. The latter should be applied in addition to the manure. For every ton of manure approximately 200 pounds of superphosphate should be used. This will balance the plant foods furnished by the manure.
If well-rotted animal manures are used, there is really no limit to the amount that can be applied. Approximately 25 pounds of manure and -two and one-half pounds of 16 percent superphosphate for each 100 square feet of garden will furnish an adequate food supply for the garden. However, if the manure is not well rotted and larger quantities are to be used, it should be applied two or three weeks before planting and well worked into the soil so that it will be partially decomposed before the garden is lolanted.
When manure is not available, the plant food required for the successful growing of vegetables may be secured from commercial fertilizers. Probably the best fertilizer for general purposes is one analyzing 5/,/c, nitrogen, 717o phosphoric acid and 51,'/ potash. This fertilizer may be applied at the rate of two and onehalf to five pounds for 100 square feet of area. While the fertilizer can be applied in the crop row if properly mixed with the soil, it is safer for the home gardener to broadcast the fertilizer. It should be applied 10 days or two weeks before the seeds are planted. If applied just previous to planting time, it is liable to burn the young plants as they emerge from the seed. Many gardeners get splendid results by applying the major part of the fertilizer 10 days before the seeds are planted and the remainder when the crop is one-half grown. When fertilizer is applied to
Approximate Time to Plant
No. of Days to
Kind Variety Reach Edible Northern Florida Central Florida Southern Florida
Beans Plentiful 50 March-April
Bush Stringless Black Valentine 45 and
Surecrop Wax 45 Aug.-Sept.
Beans Kentucky Wonder 65 March-June
Pole McCaslan 65
Alabama No. 1 65
Beans Fordhook 75 March-June
Lima Henderson 65
Baby Fordhook 65
Beets Early Wonder 57 Sept.-March
Crosby Egyptian 60
Detroit Dark Red 68
*Broccoli Italian Green Sprouting 110 Aug.-Feb.
***Cabbage Early Winningstadt 90 Sept.-Feb.
Green Acre 85
Golden Acre 80
Glory of Enkhuizen 95
*Carrots Coreless 75 Sept. March
Touchon 75
Chantenay Red Core 75 __5_Cauliflower Snowball 100 Jan.-Feb. aLr
Early Erf urt Aug.-Oct.
Celery Florida Pascal 120 Jan.-March
Golden Self Blanching 115
Chinese Cabbage Pekin Celery Cabbage 90 Oct.-Jan.
**' Collards Georgia 60 Feb.-March
Louisiana Sweet 60 Sept. Nov.
Corn, Sweet Golden Cross Bantam 65 March-April
Cowpeas Brown Crowder 65 March-May
Large Blackeye 65
Feb.-March Sept.-April
Feb.-April Jan.-Feb.
Feb.-April Sept.-April
Aug.-Jan. Sept.-Jan.
Sept.-Jan. Sept.-Jan.
Oct.-March Oct-Feb.
Jan.-April and Aug.-Nov. Feb.-March
Oct.-Jan. Oct.-Jan. Nov. -Jan.
***Endive .Escarole
Cantaloupes "Mustard Okra
Peppers (Hot)
Straight 8 Colorado Florida High Bush Ft. Myers Market
Approximate Time to Plar
No. of Days to
Reach Edible Northern Florida Central Florida
45 Feb.-April Feb.-March
50 and Sept.
120 Feb.-March Jan.-Feb. and
120 July
Green Curled 70 Feb.-March and
Broad-Leaved Batavian 70 Feb.-March and
Black-Seeded Simpson (Leaf) W) Feb.-March and White Boston 70 Sept.
Imperial 44 (Iceberg type) 85 Honey Rock 90 March-April
Hales Best 95
Southern Giant Curled 60 Jan.-March and
Florida Broad Leaf 60 Sept.-Nov.
Clemson Spineless 45 March-May and
White Velvet 45 Aug.
I Crystal Wax 150 Jan.-March and
Bermuda Red 150 Aug.-Nov.
iYellow 150
Early Grano 140
Creole 160
Moss Curled (Triple Curled) 70 Feb. Little Marvel 60 Jan.-Feb.
Hundredfold 65
Laxton's Progress 65
California Wonder 120 Feb.-April
Worldbeater 115
Hungarian Wax 115 Feb.-April
Anaheim Chili 135
Jan.-Feb. and Sept.
Jan.-Feb. and Sept.
Jan.-Feb. and Sept.
Jan.-March ar Sept.-Nov. March-May ai Aug.
Dec.-Jan. Sept.-March
Southern Florida
Dec.-Feb. and
Feb.-March Sept.-March Feb.-March
and Aug.-Sept.
Sept.-Jan. Sept.-Feb.
Jan.-Feb. and Aug.-Oct. Jan.-Feb. and Aug.-Oct.
* * *Spinach
(New Zealand)
Sweet Potatoes
Swiss Chard
Approximate No. of Days to Reach Edible
Katahdin Sabago Bliss Triumph Early Scarlet Globe Cincinnati Market Scarlet Turnip White-tipped Bloomsdale, Long Standing Bloomsdale Savoy
New Zealand Patty Pan or White Bush Yellow Straight Neck Table Queen Zucchini African
Porto Rico Lucullus Marglobe Japanese Foliage (Shogoin) Tokyo Market Leesburg Stone Mountain Dixie Queen
Northern Florida
Oct.-Nov. and Jan .-Feb.
March April March-April and Aug.
March-June Oct._Feb.Feb.-Aug. Jan.-April and Aug.-Oct. March April
VE;IlTAB Ls.-Co ntin ue cl
Time to Plant
Central Florida January
Oct. Nov. and Jan.
March-Aoril Feb.-March and Aug.
Feb.-March Feb.-June
Oct.-Feb. Feb.-Sept.
Jan.-March and Sept.-Nov. Jan.-April
Southern Florida Sept.-Jan.
Oct. Jan.
Jan.April Jan.-March and Sept.-Oct.
Jan.-Feb. Feb .-June Oct.-Feb. Aug.-March Oct.-Feb. Feb .-March
'Will not be injured by light frost. "*Will be injured by temperatures as low as 28' only when blossoming or forming heads. "*Can stand considerable freezing.
12 Florida Agricultural Extension Service
growing plants care should be used in applying it so that none touches the leaves or stems of the plant. The plant will be severely burned whenever fertilizer is allowed to remain in contact with the foliage.
The time of planting has much to do with the successful growth of any crop. In Table 1 is given the approximate date that the different vegetables can be planted in the various parts of the state. Judgment should be shown in using the suggested dates. Perhaps the location is relatively warm or cold as cornpared to adjoining areas. This should influence the selection of a planting date. Then, too, some seasons are warm and others cold. The home gardener can afford to take some risk to assure an early or late crop. However, it is important that consideration be given to the risks of having the crop frosted or of running into too hot weather for proper maturity.
Care should be used in planting the seed at the proper distances and depths. The spacing distance of rows and of seeds in the row should be studied in Table 2. The seed will be planted much thicker in the row than the plants are to stand. After the plants are well started, they are thinned to a stand at the approximate distance given in Table 2 to allow the proper amount of space for best development.
Planting depths for seed of the different crops also are given in Table 2. Where different depths are listed for tlie spme seed, the shallow depth is used usually on heavy or very moist soils, the greater depth on light and dry soils.
The primary purpose of cultivating the garden is to keep weeds under control. Since this is the important thing, every effort should be made to keep weeds out of the garden. If a wheel I-oe or cultivator is used, the teeth or knives should be set shallow so that the weeds will be cut off close to the surface of the soil. When the soil is cultivated or hoed deeDlY, the roots of the vegetables will be cut off as well as the weeds. On sandy soil the only time cultivation is either necessary or desirable is when there are weeds present, then immediate cultivation is an advantage. It is much easier to destroy weeds when they are quite young than it is to remove them after they become large.
For crops to be grown during dry seasons some method of watering or irrigation is desirable. Overhead sprinkling with an or-
The Florida Ilonic Garden
Beans, Bush Beans, Lima Beans, Pole Beet Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Celery Chinese Cabbage Collards Corn, Sweet Cowpeas Cucumber
Eggplant Endive Escarolle Lettuce Musk Melons Mustard Okra Onion Parsley Peas Pepper Potatoes, Irish
Radish Spinach Squash, Summer Squash, Winter Sweet Potatoes Tomato Turnip Watermelons
Seed Required 100 Feet of Row
1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 oz.
12 Dz.
12 lb.
1 '2 lbs.
1 oz.
1 oz. 1 oz.
1 oz. 1 oz. 2 Dz. 1 or. 1 or. 1'2; lbs.
15 lbs.
1 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz. 2 or. 80 plants
1 or.
2 oz.
Required Distance to Produce Betxween Given No. Rows ot Plants (inches) 18 -30
26-48 40-48 14-24 1 oz. to 5000 30-36 1 or. to 5000 24-36
16-24 1 oz. to 4500 24-30 1 or. to 8000 24-36
24-36 1 or. to 4000 24-30
34-42 24-36 48-60 1 or. to 2000 36-42
18-24 18-24 12-18 70-80
14-24 24-40 12-24 12-20 24-36 1 oz. to 1000 20-36
36-42 12-18
14-18 42-48 90-120
48-54 1 or. to 2000 40-60
dinary garden hose is satisfactory if piped water is available. On some soil types watering can be accomplished by running the water down the middle of the row, controlling the flow so that the soil is thoroughly saturated. If no other means are available, buckets can be used, although this is very laborious.
With any method the soil should be thoroughly saturated whenever it is watered. Frequency of watering will depend upon the type of crop being grown and the weather conditions prevailing. For the majority of crops a thorough watering once a week is sufficient. If the soil is thoroughly wetted at each watering, the amount of water to be applied for growing the crop will be less than if simply the surface of the soil is watered frequently. The foliage of some plants may be burned severely if water is applied when the sun is very bright. For this reason, it is advisable to water in the early, morning or late evening.
Inches BetwAeen Plants in
2-3 12-15 15-18 3-5 16-22
14-24 1-3
20-24 6-10 8-12
14-18 12-18 2-3
15-24 36-48 8-12 8-12 12-18
48-60 4-6 18-24 3-4 8-12 2-3
18-24 12-15
1-2 3-5
42-48 48-72
18-24 36-40 4-6
6 0-84
Depth of Planting (Inches)
1 to 2 112 to 2 1% to 1 12to 1 12
'1 to 1/2 14to '
1 to 2 1 to 2 / to /
1/2 24 214 34
1 to 2
1 to 2 12
4 to 8
12 to24
Florida 4gricultural Extension Service
Crops grown during the rainy summer season should be planted on ridges or beds so that the soil immediately around their roots is well drained. Frequent cultivations during this period may help to dry out the soil.
There are many vegetable crops that thrive best during cool weather. Not only will they grow best during cool weather but they will stand light frosts and many will even stand considerable freezing without being seriously injured. This permits their culture late in the fall and early in the spring, and quite often they can be grown during the entire winter. Cabbage and all its relatives such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collards, turniDs, mustard and radishes, grow best during cool weather. Other vegetable crops that thrive in cool weather are lettuce, endive, spinach, carrots, beets and onions.
Snap beans, lima beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and sweet corn, while they must be grown in a season that is free from frost, will do best if produced before or after the season of hot summer temperatures. While some of these crops will grow during hot weather, it is almost impossible to control the diseases that develop during summer, This group of crops are those that are planted immediately following the last frost. The crops available for planting at this time are indicated in Table 1.
It is fortunate that different vegetables do require different temperatures for growing. Thus, there are not only cool season crops for growing during the cooler parts of the year, but there are some crops that thrive in hot weather. Sweet potatoes, New Zealand spinach, okra, eggplant, pepper and watermelons will all produce well during hot weather. For this reason all or part of these crops should be planted in home gardens.
Insects and diseases attack all vegetable crops and in seasons favorable for their development will destroy the crop unless they are properly and vigorously fought by the gardener. The gardener should be prepared to control both insects and diseases.
There are two important types of insects attacking the foliage of the crops. These may be classed as chewing 2nd sucking insects. The chewing insects eat the foliage and their injury
The Florida Honze Garden
can be easily seen. The cabbage worms are a good example of this type. They are controlled by using a stomach poison, such as arsenate of lead. Dusting with a lead arsenate dust made by mixing 1 part of lead arsenate to 4 or 5 parts of lime usually gives good control. Beans are the only crop that cannot be dusted with this dust as the arsenate burns the plants. Since arsenical dusts and sprays are poisonous to humans, care should be used in washing off any residue on the vegetable before using it.
The damage done by sucking insects is not easily recognized. Some sucking insects are very small and not easily seen. They suck the sap from the plant and cause a mottling of the plant or the dying of tissue in small areas. The aphids are an example of this type. They are controlled by applying a contact dust. Nicotine sullohate or Black Leaf 40 has been the standard insecticide used as a control. A 3 or 4 percent dust is made, using lime as the filler. Pyrethrum compounds also are good.
Fungus diseases on plants can be controlled by dusting with copper-lime dust or spraying with bordeaux mixture. To be most effective, dust used for controlling either insects or diseases should be applied when there is no wind. Nicotine dust used to control sucking insects should be applied on a warm day.
There are certain other diseases and insects that live in the soil or are carried by the seed. These cannot be controlled by a dust or spray. For this reason, it is advisable, if possible, not to grow the same crop on the same land two years in succession. For the home garden in Florida it is well to select, at least every three years, a new piece of soil which is free from nematodes and has not had vegetables grown on it for several years. Also it is advisable to rotate the crops so that no individual crOD or its relatives is i rown on the same soil two years in succession.
To insure high quality products some vegetables must be harvested promptly when they have reached the proper sta, Ze of maturity. Many deteriorate rapidly. Sweet corn and English peas lose one-half of their sweetness at prevailing field temperature in two days after they have reached edible maturity, and snap beans rapidly become fibrous and stringy once the pod is fully grown. However, it is not true that all crops lose quality quickly. Carrots, turniDs, beets, and in fact, all root crops, continue to be of high quality as long as they continue to grow rapidly. Peppers and eggplants may be harvested over a long period of time without a decrease in the quality. With such crops as to-
Florida Agricultural Extension Service
mates, cantaloupes and watermelons, higher quality is developed if they are allowed to ripen on the vines.
Those crops that deteriorate rapidly on the plant, such as corn, Deas and beans, will continue to deteriorate when removed from the plant. This change occurs much more rapidly at high than at low temperatures, and in storing they should be held at as low a temperature as possible without freezing them. One of the primary reasons for the garden is to have high quality products for the home, and, therefore, we should make every effort once the crop is grown to harvest it at the proper time.
Many home gardeners quite often have a surplus of certain vegetables. The first use of this surplus should be to preserve it for future use. This can be accomplished by canning, preserving in salt brine or storing dry. If a surplus remains after these needs are filled, it often may be sold.
To be marketable, surplus garden produce must be of as high quality as that of the commercial grower and must be graded and packaged so that it is acceptable to the buyer. It should be emphasized that the home gardener is primarily interested in growing products for home use and it is not until all home needs, are filled that he can afford to sell any produce.
Fig. 3.-An abundant supply of garden vegetables gives variety in the fresh product and the surplus can be preserved for times of less abundance.
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Bulletin 107 Revision"f no. "8 t>
BOARD OF CONTROL H. P. ADAIR, Chairman, Jacksonville W . M. PALMER, Oc a la T. T. ScoTT, Live Oak R . H. GoRE, Fort Lauderdale N . B. JORDAN , Quincy J. T. DIAMOND, S ec retary, Tallahas.see STAFF, AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE JOHN J . TIG ERT , M.A., LL.D., Pr es ident of the Uni versity WI L MO N NEWELL , D.Sc., Dire c tor of Extension 1 A. P. SPENCER, M.S., Vice-Director a nd County Agent L ea der J. FRAN CI S C OO PE R, M.S.A., Editor 1 JE FFERSON THOMA S, Assistant Editor 1 CLYDE BEALE, A.B.J., Ass~tant Edilor 1 E. F. STA..''1T ON, Supervi s or, Egg-Laying T es t R un y :"JEWHALL, Administrative M a nag e r 1 COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL DEMONSTRATION WORK W. T. NETTLES, B. S., Distrirt Agent H. G. CLAYTON, M.S.A., Distr:ct Agent, Organization and Outl, 1 ok Spe ci a li s t J. LEE SMITH, Di stric t A g ent a nd Agronomist R. S. D EN C'II S , B.S.A., A s si sta nt Di s trict Agent A. E. DUNSCOJIIBE, M.S.A. , Assistant Di str ict Agent R. W. BLAcKwcK, A.B., Boy s ' Club Ag e nt E. F. DEBUSK, B.S. , Citriculturict A. L. SHEALY, D.V .M . , Animal Indu s tri a li st1 HAMLIN L. BROWN, B.S. , Dairyman N . R. MEHRHOF, M.AGR. Poultryman 1 D. F. SOWELL, M.S.A., Poultryman WALTER J. SHEELY, B.S ., Animal Husbandman L. T. NIELAND, F ar m F or ester C. V. NOBLE, PH.D. , A gricu ltural Economist 1 D. E. TIMM O:s-s , M.S.A. , Agricultural E co nomi s t, Marketing CHARLES M. HAl\I PS O"-, M.S., Agricultur a l Ec o nomist, F ar m Manag e ment R. H. HowA RD, M.S.A. , Agricultural Economi s t , Farm Management V. V. BowMAN, M.S.A., Economist and Lead er in Land-Use Planning JOSEPH C. BEDSOLE, B .S.A., Assistant Le ade r in Land-U se Plannin g J. R. GREENMAN, B.S.A., State R epr esentative, B.A.E. R. V. ALLISON, Pn . D., Soil Conse , vation ist 1 COOPERATlVE HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK MA".ff E . KE OW N, M.S., State Agent Le cy BELLE SETTLE, M.A., Di st rict Agent R U BY McDAVID, District Agent ETHYL Hou , ow A Y, B.S.H.E ., District Agent A NK A M , \E SIKES, M.S., Nutritioni st VIRGIXlA P. Mooru:, Home Improv e ment Specialist ISA BE LLE S. THURSB Y, Economist in Food Conservation CLARINE BEL CH ER, M.S., Clothing Specialist NEGRO EXTENSION WORK A. A. T URNER, Local Di s trict Agent BEULAH SHUTE, Lo c al District Agent 1 Par t -tim e .
Lo ca tion of the G arden _ _ Seed for Plantin g ........ .. . .. . Vege t a ble Varieties .. ...... . Growing P la n ts . . .. . .. . ........ . Tra n splanti n g ... . . ....... . .... ... . Prepa ration of the S o il . . Fertilizer s -~ l a ntin g THE HOME GARDEN By F . S. J .u n so::s CONTENTS PAGE -------5 -6 7 7 8 12 PAGE Cult iv ation of the Ga rde n .... ................... 12 I rrigation a nd Draina ge ..... 1 2 Cool S easo n Crops ........ . .... . . -..... 14 Warm S easo n Crops ... . ...... .. ... .... . ..... . .. ... ..... 14 Hot Weath e r Crops ..... . ....... . .... . . .... .... . . ...... . . 14 I nse c ts and D iseases . ... ........ . .. 14 Harvesting .......... ... ... .. .... ... . . . ..... . ...... . ............. 1 5 Sur plu s Products .. 16 The home veg etabl e garden con sid ered e ith er for i ts mone ta ry value or as a s o urc e of wholesome and healthful food is usuall y the most valuable piece of land on the farm. The value of th e garden should n ot b e calculated mer e l y from the number of dollars the produce could be sold for , but its va lue should be based o n what the produce would cost i f purch ased at a r etai l sto re . The ple as ure of ha ving l arge quantities of high quality ve getabl es has an additional value that cannot b e ex pressed in ter ms of money. Man y vegetables decr ease in quality and food va lu e ver y rapidl y after they are harvested. The q ualit y deter iorates m o re rapi d l y at high temp e r at ur es . Thus, it is important i n Florida that the vegetab les be used ve r y soon after th ey are harvest e d. Th e home gar dener in Flor ida ma y harvest vegetables from t he garden each month of the year . How eve r , there are certain seasons in which the various crops grow b es t and the gardener sh oul d try to grow th e crops during the seaso n w h en th ey grow the be s t . B y carefull y se lectin g the right vegetables , the ga rden e r can have an adequate su ppl y of fresh vegetables during most o f the ye ar . T o be successful in growing vege tabl es of good qu alit y, there a re certain fact s that s h ou ld be obser ved. Some of these are dis cussed in this publication. LOCATION OF THE GARDEN Consid e rabl e mon ey is usuall y spent by the ga rde ner for s eeds , fertilizer and lab or. For this reason every effort should be made to select a desirable piece of soil for the ga rden . The p lot of ground s e lected should be fertil e and have adeq uate water co ntrol. Good wate r c o ntrol mea ns pr ovidi ng irrigation for the dry seasons of the year and good drainage for th e wet seasons. There are pl aces on man y farms th a t, when pr ov id ed with proper drainage , do not require ir rigation to produce excellent gardens.
4 Florida Agricultural Ext, e nsion S e rvice These locations are usually on the heavier soils found on the edge of hammocks and in drained lowlands. Many hours of labor will be saved the housewife, and the family assured of more vegetables, if the garden is located conveniently close to the house. It should be well fenced to protect it from rabbits, chick ens and other animals. The size of the garden will depend upon the number of in dividuals in the family, and upon the method used in caring for the garden. It should be large enough not only to supply fresh vegetables for immediate consumption, but also to furnish vege tables for canning, pickling and storage. Certain crops grow best during definite seasons and plenty of these should be grown for immediate consumption and also for preserving and canning. There are two distinct ways to care for a farm or home vege table garden . The first and probably most satisfactory way is to use a relatively small area, fertilize it heavily, plant the crops relatively close together and do the planting and cultivating with hand tools . The other method is to use a large area, plant ing the rows far enough apart to allow for cultivating with the same equipment as is used in the fields for this purpose. More care will probabl y be given to the small garden. Quite often gardeners find it profitable to grow certain crops such as wa termelons, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes and Irish Potatoes in the field and grow only those crops in the garden which will produce heavily on a small area. SEED FOR PLANTING There are many reliable sources from which good vegetable seed can be purchased . The important thing in purchasing seed is to know the amount required and the variety that is adapted to the particular needs for which it is to be produced, and the growing conditions to which it will be subjected. Veg e table seed can be bought at seed stores, grocery stores and many other places of business. Many gardeners find it an advantage to se cure catalogues from seed houses, even though they purchase the seed at local stores. The gardener should know the variety of vegetable best suited to his needs before buying, and not be satisfied to buy just carrot, beet or cabbage seed. Since seed is such a small part of the cost in growing the garden, it is usually wise to purchase enough so that one replanting can be made in case the first one meets with such adverse conditions that it fails to germinate.
Th e Florida Home Gard e n 5 VEGETABLE VARIETIES It cannot be emphasized too strongly that there is a tre mendous difference among varieties, and quite often the suc cess or failure of a garden depends upon the care shown in se lecting the proper varieties . Varieties should be carefully select ed for the climatic conditions in which the y are to be grown and , also , adaptation to a particular purpose. The varieties given in Table 1 have been selected because of their adaptabilit y to Flor ida gardens . The wise gardener will select varieties from this list , unless others hav e been found superior. While some of the varieties listed are gro w n b y commercial growers , many of them ar e not adapted to comm e rcial Production . Some are of superior qualit y to those grown comm e rcially , but will not s tand handling and shipping. Others have been selected because of th e ir lateness or earlin e ss of production . It should be under s tood that th e list has been prepared for home gardeners and not for the commercial truck grower. The approximat e number of da y s that it tak e s the varieties to reach edible maturit y aft e r planting is given in the table. The climatic conditions prevailing during the time the crop is being Fi g. 2 .A g o o d ho m e ga rd en is n o t d ifficult t o g r ow, and s h o uld p r ov i::! e th e fam il y w i t h fres h vegetab l es th ro u g h o ut m os t o f th e yea r.
6 Florida Agricultural Ext,ension Service grown will influence the maturity date. In some seasons the crops will mature in fewer days, in other seasons more days will be required for the crop to reach edible condition. However, within any one season there will be an approximate variation in the time necessary to reach maturity of the varieties as indicated in the table. Thus, early and late varieties may be selected from it for use in the garden. GROWING PLANTS Plants of such vegetable crops as cabbage, tomato, onion and pepper can be grown successfully by the home gardener. Quite often the gardener finds it advantageous to depend upon a local plant grower for young plants, or the plants may be bought from one of the larger plant growers that do a mail order busi ness. Plants bought from a reliable plant grower are satisfactory. However, there is always present the danger of bringing in va rious diseases with the plants. In ordering or buying plants the gardener should be careful to specify definite varieties. Home gardeners who wish to grow plants find a box filled with hammock soil an ideal place for this purpose. If the weather becomes unfavorable the young plants may be protected either by covering them with paper or cloth, or the entire box can be moved to a protected place. Some home gardeners prepare with extra care a small plot in the garden for growing plants for transplanting. When plants are grown in this way, some pro vision must be made in winter or early spring to protect them from frost or freezes, while, if the plants are being started in late summer for fall planting, they should be protected in the early stages of growth from the hot sun and dashing rains. Old fertilizer bags washed clean, or other such materials, afford good protection. The cloth is stretched tightly above the plants, and should be 10 to 12 inches above the top of the plants in order to insure adequate ventilation. Success in getting transplanted plants to grow satisfactorily depends very much upon the growing conditions to which the plants are subjected in the plant bed. As the time for trans planting approaches the plants should be gradually hardened. This means subjecting them to slightly adverse growing condi tions so that they will store food instead of using it in growing. To harden the plants the cover protecting the young plants should be left off a little longer each day so that for the last week before transplanting it is not used. Water should be with held from the plants for longer periods than usual. However, it
The Florida Home Garden 7 is always wise to water the plants thoroughly a few hours be fore removing them from the plant bed. TRANSPLANTING There is no difficulty in getting plants to grow when trans planted, provided the plants are suitable for transplanting and are planted properly and at the right season. Well hardened plants should be used for transplanting. Fast growing, very succulent plants will have an exceedingly difficult time in re suming growth after transplanting and will recover only when extremely favorable conditions prevail. Plants should be wa tered thoroughly 12 hours before they are removed from the seedbed. The soil into which they are to be transplanted should be firm , well worked and free from trash. The plants should be set slightly deeper in the garden than they were in the seedbed , and the soil should be carefully pressed around the roots. W tering , following transplanting, not only supplies needed soil moisture but helps to bring the soil into close contact with the roots and is, therefore, very beneficial. Plants may be transplanted any time of the day. However, if the y are transplanted in the morning or during the heat of mid day it is wise to protect them from the hot sun. This is often accomplished by using palmetto leaf or shingl e . These are stuck into the ground alongside the plant so as to shade it from the sun. Plants transplanted in late afternoon or evening will with stand the shock of transplanting much better than those trans plant2d in the morning. There should be no difficulty in getting transplanted plants to grow if the plants are carefull y l :. :mdled. the soil well firmed around the roots and adequate moisture provided. PREPARATION OF THE SOIL The soil in the garden should be carefully and w e ll pre pared. This means that the crop residue that is present either will be burned , raked off , or, much better, turned into the soil so that it is well decomposed by planting time . When the plant residue on the garden is raked off or burned, the organic matter so valuable in maintaining the fertility of the soil is destroyed. However. there are times in the home garden when the old plant fr::>wth should te removed so as to get the land into shape for p antin2: small s e eds . It is best to select a piece of soil free from weeds and nema tc,c : es. but if this is impracticable, such plants as Bermuda grass rr ay be partiall y eliminated by carefully raking out the stems
8 Florida Agricultural Ext,ension Service and roots as the ground is spaded or plowed. A few hours of ex tra work before planting will save many hours of hoeing later in the season. The land should be well spaded or plow ed some time befo re planting begins. Ten days or two weeks b efore planting, the soil should be well pulverized and the commercial fertilizer applied. The rows are then marked out and the garden is ready for planting. FERTILIZERS Practically every soil type on which crops are grown in this state requires the addition of plant foods to grow a satisfactory crop. Part of this plant food can be supplied by animal manures. In fact, manure is one of the most satisfactory fertilizing ma terials that the gardener can use, and if available in sufficient quantities, will furnish all the elements necessary for the grow ing of vegetables with the exception of phosphoric acid. The latter should be applied in addition to the manure. For every ton of manure approximately 200 Pounds of superphosphat e should be used. This will balance the plant foods furnished by the manure . If well-rotted animal manures are used, th e re is really no limit to the amount that can be applied. Approximately 25 pounds of manure a nd -two and one-half pounds of 16 percent super phosphate for each 100 square feet of garden will furnish an adequate food supply for the garden. However, if the manure is not well rott ed and l arge r quantities are to b e used, it sho uld be applied two or three weeks before planting and well worked int o the soil so that it will be partially decomposed before the garden is planted. When manure is not available, the plant food re q uir ed for th e suc c ess ful growing of vegetables may be secured from com mercial fertilizers. Probably the best fertilizer for general pur pos es is one analyzing 5 % nitrogen , 7 % phosphoric acid and 5 % potash . This f e rtili zer may b e applied at the rate o f two and one half to five pounds for 100 square feet of area. Whil e the fertiliz er can be applied in the crop row if properly mixed with the soil , it is safer for the home gardener to broadc as t the fertilizer. It should be applied 10 days or two weeks before the seeds are pl a nt ed. If applied just previous to planting time. it i s liable to burn the yo un g plants as the y emerge from the seed. Many gard e ners get splendid results b y applying the major part of the fertilizer 10 days before the seeds are planted and the remainder when -the crop is one-half grown. Wh e n fertili ze r is applied to
TABLE 1.-VARI ETIES, TIME OF J'vfort'RITY AND PLA NTIN G TIME OF FLORIDA GARDEN VEGETABLES. Approximat e Time to Plant No. of Days to --------------Kind Beans Bush Beans Pole Beans Lima Variety Reach Edible Northern Florida Central Florida Southern Florida Maturity Plentiful 50 March-April Feb. March Stringlcs s Black Val en tin e 45 and and Sept.-April _ __ _ S _ u _ r_e_crop Wax _ ____ 45 Aug.-Se~p _ t _. .-s~e "-p _ t e ~ m _ b ~ e _ r Kentucky Wonder 65 -Mmch June F e b.-April --Jan. Feb. McCa s lan 65 Alabama No. 65 ---F -,,or_d _ h ook 75 -M , ll--c_h _ __ J_u _ n _ e _ _ _ __ _ Fcb. -A pril Scpt. April Hend e rson 65 "'Beets _ ___ B _ a_b~y _ Fordho o k 65 __ _ ____ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ Early Wonder 57 S ep t. March Oct.-March Oct.-Fcb. Crosby Egyptian 60 D e troit Dark Red 68 '''** B,---r_o _ c co-l cc i ---I t a~li ,--a n-Green Sprouting 110 Aug.-Feb. ,:,**Cabbage _ __ _ _ E_ a _ r_l _ y _ W_ii1ningS-tiidt 90 S c pt. FCb . -----~ ---Aug.-Jan. Sept.-Jan. S e pt . -Jan. Sept.--::Jan. Green Ac re 85 Gold en Acre 80 Glory of Enkhui ze n 95 "'''*Carrots Careless 75 S ep t. March Oct. -M arch Oct.-Feb. Touch on 75 Chant e na y R ed Core 75 "''Cauliflow cr --~ S~n-o-w ball ___ ----~ 100 J ,1n .-F e b. and Oct.-Jan. Oct. -Jan . Early Erfurt -~ ~ A _ u ""' g"--.-Oc_t _ . ~-----,-Florida Pase :~ -120 Jan.-March ,,,,,,, . Celery ------Aug.-Fcb. Oct. -Jan . Golden S e lf Blanching 115 ,,,,, .. ,,C-hi nese ~a ~ b ~ b _ a _g_e _P e k in -C ele ry -Ca6Gag e 90 O c t.-J a n. -Oct._~J..:,~ _ _ __ __ _ Nov.-Jan. ___ _ ___ _ *'' '''Collard s-Georgia . . 60 Feb.-March and Jan.-April and Sept .Jari ~ ___ L _ ou_1 _ _ iana Swed ___ ___ 60 S e pt. Nov. Aug.-Nov. -~ ~Corn, S wee t Gold e n Cross Bantam 65 M a rch-April Feb-:--March Jan.-Feb. Cowpcas Brow n Crowder 65 March-M ay -M c-ca-r ch~May Feb.-April Larg e Bl ac k eyc _ 65 _____ _ ------___ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ 1--J "' <:, '< lt "' <:, "' C':i I:: "' ::s
TABL E 1. VARI ET H:s, TI M E O F M A TliR lTY A XD PL AKT L, G Tr:M E O F F .LoR IDA C ARD EN V EG ETA BL Es. -C o nt i nu ed Kin d Cucumb e rs Eg g plant Appr O xim ate Ti ~ P1 a "ii _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vari e t y N o . of Day s to R ea ch Edibl e N o rth e rn Florid a Maturit y Cent r al Florid a Str aig ht 8 45 F e b.-April Feb.-Mar c h Southern Florida Jan . -F eb. Col o rad o 50 a nd S e pt . Flor i da H cc i-g ch --c B =---u sh ,-----c l~2 -co -cF=e ....,b-.--,_M c--=-a r-c h ---,J,....a-n-.-= F =e~b-.a -n-dc---D=-e c . --=Fce-cb-. _a_ n _d-c----Ft. Myers M a rke t 12 0 July Au g. -S e pt. Gr ee n Curle d 70 F e b.-M a rc h a nd Jan.-F e b. a nd S ep t.-J a n. ~ -----------S e pt. Sept. ''"''* Esc a rol e Br oad -L eav e d Ba tav ia n 7 0 F e b . -M a rch a nd J a n.-Feb. a nd ''* Let t uc e Mu s km elo ns Ca ntal o up es '' ''' Mu s tard Ok ra * Oni o ns Bla ck -S ee ded Si mps on ( Le af) ~ o Whit e Bo s ton 70 Im pe ri a l 44 (Ic e b e r g t y pe ) 85 Hon e y R o ck 90 Hal es Be s t 95 Sou t hern Gi a nt Cu rle d 60 Fl o rida B r o ad L eaf 60 Cl em son Spi ne le ss 45 Whit e V e lv e t 45 f Cr ys tal Wax 150 Bermud a R ed 150 l Y e llo w 150 Earl y Gr a no 1 40 Cr eo le 160 S e pt. S e pt . F e b.-Mar c h a nd Jan.-F e b . and S e pt. Sept . M a rch-April J an .-M a rch S e pt.-Nov . M a rch Ma y Aug. J a n . -M a rch Aug.-Nov. a n d and and F e b.-Apr il J a n.-Mar c h Sept.-Nov . Mar c h-M ay Aug. J a n . -March a nd A u g. -Nov . a nd and S e pt.-J a n . S e pt.-J a n . F eb .-March Sept.-M a rch Feb . -March and Au g .-S e pt. Jan .March and Sept.-D e c. c-,*' ...., ' P _ a _ r _ s _ l ~ ey .__ ____ M_o _ s _ s _ C_u _ r l _ e _d ~(_ T_r _,ip ~ l _ e _ _ C _ u _ r_l e _ d _ )_ 7 = 0 == -= F ___ e _ b _ ___ : := = == ~ = === === D:= e-,-c. -J ~ a n -. --...., -------~ ~_-.:_s -.:_e-::_ p -.:_ t . --, -J=a _ n ,_ _ _ _ '' ' ' '* Pe as Lit tle M a rve l 60 J an. -Feb. Sept.-March Sept.-F e b. Hundredfold 65 La x ton 's Pro g res s _ _ _ _ 65 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ -~ California Wond e r 120 F e b.-April J a n . -March Pepp e rs _ ___ __ ____ W _ o_r _ l _ d_b _ e _ a t _ e _ r _ _ _ _ 115 Pepp e rs (Hot) Hun g ari a n W ax 115 F e b.-April J a n .Mar c h An a heim Ch il i 135 Jan .Feb . and Au g .-Oct . Jan . -F e b . and Au g. -O c t. .... 0
TABLE 1.-V ARTETIES, TBm OE MATURITI '. A N D PL AKTDIG Tl l\IE oF FwR1n , 1 G , \RDF. N V1-:c:ETARLE s. ~ Continucrl Approximat e 'l\m eto Pl an t -Killd --0 Potatoes Irish •••Radish - •Spinach Spinach No . of Da ys to Variety Katahdin Sab a go Bli ss Triumph Early Sc a rlet dT obc Cincinnati M ar k et R ea ch Edibl e N o rth er n Fl o rida Maturity --100 -J an:~ F cb . 100 90 25 ~t. -M ar ch 25 Scarlet Turnip White-tipped Blo o msdale, L ong Standing 20 40 40 O ct. -N ov. and J an. -F cb. Blo oms d a le S av oy _ _ _ (New Zealand) Ne w Ze a l a nd 55 M a rch Ap ril 40 ~Mar ch-April 40 and Au g. Squash (Summ e r) Patty Pan or White Bu s h Yellow S t rai ght Neck Table Qu e e n Zucchini 60 50 Squ as h African 100 March (Winter) S wee t Potato es . Porto Ric o 150 M a rch-June Swiss Ch a rd Lucullus 70 -O cf -F eb. _ Tomato es Marglobe lfo F eb .-Aug. "' '' Turnips Jap an es e Foli a ge (S ho go in) .. 50 J a 11. :April an d ~ T _ okyo M a rk et 40 Aug.-Oct . Waterm e lons Le esb urg 100 M ar ch = April Ston e M ountain 100 D ix ie Queen 95 *Will not b e injur e d by light fro st. Central Florida J a nu a ry Oct. = March Oct. Nov . an d J a n. Marc h-April Feb.-March a nd A ug. F eb. -Jun e .. Oct.-Feb. F eb. Se p C Jan.-March an d Sept.-Nov. J a n -:=-A pril ''*Will b e injured by temperatures a s low as 2 8 on ly when bl oss o ming or forming h e ads. "'**Can stand considerable fre ez in g. Southern Florida Sep t. -Jan. Oct. Ma rc h Oct. Jan. Jan .-A pril Jan .M ar ch a nd S ep t . -O ct. Ja n.F eb. F eb .-June _ _ _ _ Oc t.F eb. Au g .-March Oct .Feb. F eb.March ..... .....
12 Florida Agricultural Extension Service growing plants care should be used in applying it so that none touches the leaves or stems of the plant. The plant will be se verely burned whenever fertilizer is allowed to remain in con tact with the foliage . PLANTING The time of planting has much to do with the successful growth of any crop. In Table 1 is given the approximate date that the different vegetables can be planted in the various parts of the state. Judgm e nt should b e shown in using the suggested dates. P er haps the location is relatively warm or co ld as com pared to adjoining areas. This should influ e nc e the selection of a planting date . Th en, too , some seasons are warm and others cold . Th e home gard ener can afford to take some risk to assure an early or lat e crop. However, it is important that con s ideration be given to the risks of having the crop frosted or of running into too hot weather for proper maturity. Care should be us ed in planting the seed at the prop er dis tances and depths. The spacing distance of rows and of seeds in the row should be studied in T a ble 2. The seed will be planted much thicker in the row than the plants are to stand. After the plants are well start e d, they are thinned to a stand at the ap proxim ate distance given in Table 2 to allow the proper amount of space for best development . Planting depths for seed of the different crops also are given in Table 2. Where different depths are list e d for t11e :::ame s eed, the shallow depth is used usually on h ea vy or very moi s t soils, the g reater depth on light and dry soils. CULTIVATION OF THE GARDEN The primary purpose of cultivating the garden is to k eep weeds und er control. Since this is th e important thing , ev ery ef fort should be made to k ee p we eds out of the garden. If a wheel ho9 or cultivator is us ed, the teeth or kniv es should b e set s hal low so that th e weeds will be cut off close to the surface of the soi l. When the soi l is cultivated or hoed deeply, the roots of the vegetables will be cut off as well as the weeds. On sandy so il the only time cultivation is either n ecessa ry or desirable is when the r e are weeds present , then immediate cultivation is an ad va ntag e . It is much easier to destroy weeds whe n they are qu it e y oung than it i s to remove them after they become large . IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE For crops to be grown during dry seasons some method of wat er ing or irrigation is desirable. Overhead sprinkling with an or
The Florida Home Garden 13 TABLE 2. -PLA~TI :SG DrsT . .\..,CE AXD A:1-101 : :s-T OF SEED REQUIRED FOR VEGE T ABLES. Seed Seed Re Requir e d Distance Inches Vegetable quired 100 to Produce Between Between Feet of Giv e n No. Rows Plant s in D e pth of Pl a nting (In c he s ) Row of Plants (inches _ ) _ _ R _ o _ , _ v _ _ ~ Beans, Bush 1 lb. 18-30 2-3 1 to 2 Beans, Lima 1 lb. 26-48 12-15 1 to 2 Beans, Pole 1 lb. 40-48 15-18 1 to 2 Beet 1 oz. 14-24 3-5 to 1 Broccoli 30-36 16-22 ~2 to 1 1 oz. to 5000 Cab bag e 24-36 14-24 1 oz. to 5000 Carrot 16-24 1-3 ~2 1 oz. 2 Cauliflow e r 24-30 20-24 1 oz. to 4500 Celery 24-36 6-10 1 oz. to 8000 Chinese Cabbage 24-36 8-12 Collards 24-30 14-18 oz. 1 oz. to 4000 Corn, Sweet 34-42 12-18 ;2 lb. Cowpeas 24-36 2-3 1 lbs . Cucumber 48-60 15-24 1 oz. Eggplant 36-42 36-48 1 oz. to 2000 Endive 18-24 8-12 1 oz. 1 oz. Escarolle 18-24 8-12 1 2 oz. L ettuce 12-18 12-1 8 l oz. Musk Melons 70-80 48-60 Mustard 14-24 4-6 l oz. Okra 24-40 18-24 2 oz. Onion 12-24 3-4 1 oz. Parsley 12-20 8-12 1 oz. Peas 24-36 2-3 l1 2 lbs. Pepper Z0-36 18-24 1 oz. to 1000 15 lbs. Pota toe s, Irish 36 -42 12-15 Radish 12-18 1-2 1 oz. 2 oz. Spinach 14-18 3-5 2 oz . Squash, Summer 42-48 42-48 Squash, Winter 90-120 48-72 2 oz. Sweet Potatoes 48-54 18-24 80 plants 1 ' , 2 1 / .1 to 1 / 1 to 1/z 1/2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 , ~ 1 to 2 3 / 1 1 to 2 4 to 8 2 Tomato 40-60 36-40 1 oz. to 2000 Turnip 1 oz. 12-20 4-6 1 12 to Waterme lon s 2 oz. 90-120 60-84 2 dinary garden hose is satisfactory if piped water is available. On some soil types watering can be accomplished by running the water down the middle of the row , controlling the flow so that the soil is thoroughly saturated. If no other means are available, buckets can be used, alth ough this is very l abor ious . With any method the so il should be thoroughly saturated ,,hene,er it is ,,aterecl. Frequency of watering will depend upon the typ e of crop being gro,,n and the weather conditions pre vailing. For the majority of crops a thorough watering once a week is sufficient. If the soil i s thoroughly wetted at each water ing, the amount of water to be applied for growing the crop will be less than if simp ly the surface of the soil is watered fre quently. The foliage of some plants may be burned severely if ,,ater is applied ,,hen the sun is Yery bright. For this reason, it is adYisable to water in the early morning or lat e eve nin g.
14 Florida Agricultural Ext,cnsion Servi ce Crops grown during the rainy summer season should be plant ed on ridges or beds so that the soil immediately around their roots is well drained. Frequent cultivations during this period may help to dry out the soil. COOL SEASON CROPS There are many vegetable crops that thrive best during cool weather. Not only will they grow best during cool weather but the y will stand light frosts and many will even stand con siderable freezing without being seriously injured. This per mits their culture lat e in the fall and early in the spring, and quite often they can be grown during the entir e winter. Cabb age and all its relatives such as cauliflower, Bruss e ls sprouts , col lards, turnips , mustard and radishes, grow best during cool weather. Other vegetable crops that thrive in cool weather are lettuce, endive, spinach, carrots, b eets and onions . WARM SEASON CROPS Snap beans , lima b ea ns , c ucumb ers , tomatoes, and swee t corn, while they must be grown in a season that is free from frost, will do best if produced befor e or after the season of hot summer temperatures. While some of these crops will grow during hot wea ther, it is almost impossible to control the dis eases that develop during summer . This group of crops are those that are planted imm edia tely following the last frost. The crops available for planting at this tim e are indicat ed in Table 1. HOT WEATHER CROPS It is fortunate tha t different vegetables do r eq uire different temperatures for growing. Thus , there are not only cool season crops for growing during the cooler parts of th e year, but there are some crops that thrive in hot weather. Swe e t potatoes, New Zealand spinach, okra, eggplant, pepper and watermelons will all produc e well durin g hot weather . For this r eason all or part of these crops should b e planted in home gardens. INSECTS AND DISEASES Insects and diseas es attack all vegetable crops and in sea sons favorable for their development will destro y the crop un less they are properl y and vigorously fought by the gardener. The gardener should b e prepared to control both insects and diseases. There are two important types of insects attacking the ~olia_ge of the crops. These may be classed as chewing and suck mg msects . The chewing insects eat the foliage and their injur y
The Florida Home Garden 15 can be easily seen. The cabbage worms are a good example of this type. They are controlled by using a stomach poison, such as arsenate of lead. Dusting with a lead arsenate dust made by mixing 1 part of lead arsenate to 4 or 5 parts of lime usually gives good control. Beans are the only crop that cannot be dusted with this dust as the arsenate burns the plants. Since arsenical dusts and sprays are poisonous to humans, care should be used in washing off any residue on the vegetable before using it. The damage done by sucking insects is not easily recognized. Some sucking insects are very small and not easily seen. They suck the sap from the plant and cause a mottling of the plant or the dying of tissue in small areas. The aphids are an e xample of this type. They are controlled by applying a contact dust. Nicotine sulphate or Black Leaf 40 has been th e standard in secticide us e d as a control. A 3 or 4 percent dust is made, using lime as the filler. Pyrethrum compounds also are good. Fungus diseases on plants can be controlled b y dusting with copper-lime dust or spraying with bordeaux mixture. To be most effective . dust us e d for controlling either insects or diseas e s should be applied when there is no wind. Nicotine dust used to control sucking insects should be applied on a warm day. There are certain other diseases and insects that live in the soil or are carried by the seed. These cannot be controlled by a dust or spray. For this reason , it is advisable , if possible , not to grow the same crop on the same land two years in succession. For the home garden in Florida it is well to select , at least ever y three years, a new piece of soil which is free from nematodes and has not had vegetables grown on it for several years. Also it is advisable to rotate the crops so that no individual crop or its relatives is grown on the same soil two years in succession. HARVESTING To insure high quality products some vegetables must be harvested promptly when they have reached the proper stage of maturity. Many deteriorate rapidly. Sweet corn and English peas lose one-half of their sweetness at prevailing field temperature in two days after they have reached edible maturity , and snap beans rapidly become fibrous and stringy once the pod is fully grown. However, it is not true that all crops lose quality quickly. Carrots, -turnips, beets, and in fact, all root crops, continue to be of high quality as long as they continue to grow rapidly. Peppers and eggplants may be harvested over a long period of time without a decreas e in th e quality. With such crops as to
16 Florida Agricultural Ext , e nsion S e rvi ce matoes, cantaloupes and watermelons, higher quality is devel oped if they are allowed to ripen on the vines. Those crops that deteriorate rapidly on the plant, such as corn, peas and beans, will continue to deteriorate when removed from the plant. This change occurs much more rapidly at high than at low temperatures, and in storing they should be held at as low a temperature as possible without freezing them. One of the primary reasons for the garden is to have high quality products for the home, and, therefore, we should make every effort once the crop is grown to harvest it at the proper time. SURPLUS PRODUCTS Many home gardeners quite often have a surplus of cer tain vegetables. The first use of this surplus should be to pre serve it for future use . This can be accomplished by canning, preserving in salt brine or storing dry. If a surplus remains after these needs are filled, it often may be sold . To be marketable , surplus garden produce must be of as high quality as that of the commercial grower and must be grad ed and packaged so that it is acceptable to the buyer. It should be emphasized that the home gardener is primarily interested in growing products for home use and it is not until all home needs are filled that he can afford to sell an y produce. Fig. 3.-An abundant supply of garden veg e tables gives variety in the fr es h product and th e surplus can be pres e rved for tim e s of less abundance.