The history of the Department of Food and Resource Economics of the University of Florida, 1916-1976

Material Information

The history of the Department of Food and Resource Economics of the University of Florida, 1916-1976
Series Title:
Economic information report
University of Florida -- Food and Resource Economics Dept
Alleger, Daniel E
Place of Publication:
The Department
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
ii, 61 p. : ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Study and teaching -- History ( lcsh )
City of Orlando ( flgeo )
Jackson County ( flgeo )
Agriculture ( jstor )
Marketing ( jstor )
Agricultural economics ( jstor )


General Note:
Cover title.
Statement of Responsibility:
D. Alleger ... [et al.].

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
026128075 ( ALEPH )
03327020 ( OCLC )
ABT0545 ( NOTIS )
77620850 ( LCCN )


This item has the following downloads:

Full Text
). Alleger
A. Brooker
W. K. McPherson
I. Polopolus
A. Spurlock

Economic Information

Report 55


of Food and


rce Economics

of the University of Florida,


ood and Resource Economics Department
'lorida Agricultural Experiment Stations
:lorida Cooperative Extension Service
collegee of Agriculture
istitute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida, Gainesville 32611

July 1976

The History of the De



LIST OF TABLES . . . . ii
Research Projects . . ... .22
Publications . . . . 25
Highlights in the Development of Departmental
Research Programs . . ... .26
COURSE OFFERINGS, 1975-1976 . . ... 45
Undergraduate . . . ... 45
Graduate . . . . 46

ECONOMICS, 1923-24 THROUGH 1973-74 .. . 48
1916-1976 . . . . ... 56


Table Page
1 Agricultural economists serving on the
teaching and research faculty at the
University of Florida, 1926-1976 . 27
2 Agricultural economists serving on the
Cooperative Extension Service faculty
at the University of Florida, 1922-1976 37



Leo Polopolus

In honor of our Bicentennial the Department of
Food and Resource Economics has prepared this brief
sketch of its history and development. A selected
committee of emeritus faculty members of the Department--
Marvin A. Brooker, Daniel E. Alleger, Alvin H. Spurlock,
W. K. McPherson, R. E. L, Greene, J. Wayne Reitz, and
H. G. Hamilton--contributed generously to the conceptual
framework, organization, and information base. Pro-
fessors Brooker, Alleger, Spurlock, and McPherson also
wrote specific sections of this report. The emeritus
faculty committee in itself represents a significant
part of the Department's history and development.
The discipline of agricultural economics has been
represented on the University of Florida campus since
the arrival of Dr. J. E. Turlington from Cornell Univer-
sity. Dr. Turlington, while trained as an agricultural
economist, was named Head of the Department of Agricul-
tural Education in 1914 and in 1916 also became Head of
Agronomy and Agricultural Engineering, A Department of
Agricultural Economics was initially formed in the
teaching college in 1926 with Dr. J. E. Turlington as
Head. Also, in 1926, a Department of Agricultural
Economics was created in the Agricultural Experiment
Stations with Dr. C. V. Noble as Head. In the early

LEO POLOPOLUS is professor and chairman of the
Food and Resource Economics Department.

1930s economists were also employed in the Florida
Agricultural Extension Service. By 1934, however, the
two formal agricultural economics departments were
merged into one unit with Dr. C. V. Noble as Head. In
some respects, the integrated research, extension, and
teaching philosophy of the present Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) organization was initiated
by agricultural economists at the University of Florida
in 1934!
The strength and reputation of the Food and Resource
Economics Department: is based largely upon the quality,
productivity, and service of its faculty. While no
attempt will be made to provide an exhaustive list of
faculty achievements, some of the more notable ones have
been as follows:

Outstanding College of Agriculture Teacher
7pha Zeta Award')
J. R. Greenman
H. 1B. Clark
Edwi.n H. F'_,nlayson
Outstanding 1FAS Faculty Awards (Gamma Sigma Delta)
i-. G. Hamilton
Leo Polopolus
Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association Research
H. G. Hamilton
R. E. L, Greene
Donald L. Brooke
Marshall R. Godwin
Man of the Year in Florida Agriculture (Progressive
H. G, Hamilton
J, Wayne Reitz
Distiinguis hed Facul ty Award (Florida Blue Key)
J. R. Greonman
Best Paper Award (Florida State Horticultural Society)
C. N. Smith

Outstanding Professor Award (Inter-Fraternity
J. R. Greenman
Authors or Editors of Books
W. W. McPherson
W. K. McPherson
Edna Loehman
Richard Conner
Robert Coppedge
Carlton G. Davis
John Reynolds
Chris 0. Andrew
President, American Agricultural Economics
K. R. Tefertiller
President, Southern Agricultural Economics
K. R. Tefertiller
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Leo Polopolus, Editor and Co-editor
Max R. Langham, Co-editor and Associate Editor
Robert D. Emerson, Associate Editor
Lester H. Myers, Associate Editor

Numerous faculty members advanced to administrative
positions. A representative list of such administrators
would include the following:

J. WayneReitz--President of the University of
Florida; Provost for Agriculture.
W. Kenneth Boutwell--Vice Chancellor of the State
University System of Florida; Assistant Dean
of Academic Affairs.
Joseph Stafford--Vice Chancellor of the State
University System of Florida; Assistant Dean
of Academic Affairs.
Kenneth R. Tefertiller--Vice President for Agricul-
tural Affairs.
C. V. Noble--Dean of the College of Agriculture.
Marvin A. Brooker--Dean for Resident Instruction,

Leo Polopolus--Assistant Dean of the Graduate
John Reynolds--Assistant Dean for Resident
Instruction, IFAS.

Faculty members of the Food and Resource Economics
Department have served as members and as chairmen of
numerous key committees of the College of Agriculture,
Agricultural Experiment Stations, Graduate School,
University (presidential appointment) University Senate,
and the State University System. They have also served
on search committees for the Dean of Resident Instruction,
Dean for Research, Dean for Extension, Vice President
for Agricultural Affairs, Dean of the Graduate School,
Dean for Academic Affairs, and President of the
Members of the faculty have also prepared and pre-
sented testimony on various issues of public policy before
committees of the U. S. Congress and the Florida Legisla-
ture, the Committee for Reciprocity Information, the
Florida Citrus Commission, and other agencies. They have
also consulted with numerous agencies of state and local
governments, trade groups, and business firms on various
economic problems affecting Florida agriculture.
Various faculty members have also served in leader-
ship capacities in honorary fraternal and other organiza-
tions. These include the presidency and other offices
in Gamma Sigma Delta, honorary agricultural fraternity,
and Phi Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic fraternity.
Graduate students in Food and Resource Economics have
served as president and other officers in Omicron
Delta Epsilon, honorary economics fraternity. Depart-
mental staff members have served as faculty advisors to
Alpha Zeta, honorary agricultural leadership fraternity.
A limited number of the faculty members have worked
overseas in various development projects in emerging

nations, primarily in Latin America. They have been
involved in making analyses and recommendations for
expanding food supplies and improving efficiency in
their agricultural economies. Many graduate students
have conducted thesis and dissertation projects on
economic problems of the agriculture of these nations.
The repui-ation of the department has also been
enhanced great y by the performance of.its graduates
in a wide variety cf occupations. Our graduates have
been quite succLssful in private industry, government,
finance, law, politics; insurance, real estate, and
education. Some of our better known products in the
area of government: and politics include the following:
U. S. Congressman Do;n uqua, former U. S. Congressman
Bill Gunteor, Agriculture Commissioner Doyle Conner,
former state senator and gubernatorial candidate Ben
Hill Griffin, and state representatives Pat Thomas,
Gene Shaw, and iill Birchfield. Edwin B. Turlington,
Alachua Countiiy ommiJssioner, and Ralph D. Turlington,
the present Conmmi:sioner of Education, are sons of
Dr., J. E. Turiington, the first agricultural economist
on the U, F. faculty.
Over the past 62 years the discipline of agricul-
tural economics has generally broadened its scope of
work. Presently, the department is actively involved
with farm management and production economics, agricul-
tural marketing, natural resource economics, marine
economics,, rral and community development, and inter-
national development and trade. In addition to our
regular budgeted positions, the department is fortunate
to have close working relationships with five USDA/ERS
economists and four Florida Department of Citrus market-
ing economists located in our departmental complex in
McCarty\ Hall. In late 1975 the department created the
Agricultural Marketing Research Center for the purpose
of serving the applied marketing research needs of


non-citrus agricultural industries in Florida.
Dr. Kary Mathis has been appointed director of this
new intra-Departmental unit.
The Food and Resource Economics Department of the
University of Florida is proud of its previous
accomplishments. It looks forward to the next phase of
its history with renewed dedication to scholarship,
performance, and service.


M. A. Brooker

Prior to the time that federal funds became availa-
ble from the Purnell Act of 1925, there was no program
of research in agricultural economics in the Florida
Agricultural Experiment Stations. There was, however,
a teaching program in the College of Agriculture, and a
limited amount of research was being carried on there.
An active Cooperative Extension program in agricultural
economics did not begin until 1930.
The Department of Agricultural Economics in the
College of Agriculture grew out of the Department of
Agronomy, which at one time included not only agronomy
and agricultural economics, but also agricultural engin-
eering and soils. Several other departments of the
college developed in the same way. This was due to the
limited size of the college and, indeed, of the Univer-
sity as a whole.
When the University of the state of Florida (as it
was then known) opened at its present location in 1905-
06, there was a total enrollment of only 136. For
five years, the professional colleges, including Agricul-
ture, were simply departments of the University, without
college status.
The University Catalog of 1926-27 includes the
following statement: "Upon the elevation in 1909 of
Dr. A. A. Murphree as President, steps were taken to
reorganize the University. The present organization

M. A. BROOKER is professor emeritus of food and
resource economics and dean emeritus of resident instruction,

dates from 1910."
The Minute Books of the College of Agriculture
reveal that the first meeting of the faculty of the
college occurred on October 23, 1910. Ten members -.ere
present, including a good part of the faculty of the
University, since total enrollment in the University at
that time was only 186. J. J. Vernon was listed as
Dean of the College (he was also professor of agronomy).
P. H. Rolfs was Director of the Experiment Stations, but
was not listed as in attendance at the faculty meeting
of the College.
A program leading to the BSA degree was approved
at the second faculty meeting, which occurred on May 8,
1911. At the third meeting, which occurred on May 27,
1911, in President Murphree's office, two students,
R. S. King from Columbia, Alabama and I. E. Soar from
Dade City, Florida, were approved for their degrees.
At that time there were only three departments in the
College--Agronomy, with Dean Vernon as Head; Horticulture,
with W. L. Floyd as Head; and Animal Husbandry, with
R. D. Maltby as Head. The catalog for 1912-13 shows
that the Department of Agronomy had become the Depart-
ment of Agronomy and Agricultural Engineering, and the
Department of Animal Husbandry had become the Department
of Animal Husbandry and Dairying.
The Catalog for 1916-17 shows that Dr. J. E.
Turlington, an agricultural economist from Cornell
University, had become Head of the Department of
Agronomy and Agricultural Engineering. He also was
Head of the Department of Agricultural Education, which
had been established earlier. In the years that followed,
Dr. Turlington was very influential in the development
of the College and of the University, holding the chair-
manship of several important committees, including the
Graduate Committee of the College. In June 1916

H. G. Clayton, who later became Director of Extension
in Florida, received the MSA degree from the College.
He had studied under Dr. Turlington, so it appears
for this reason that his degree is classified in the
statistics of the College as a major in Agricultural
Economics. This seems a doubtful classification, since
the first course in that area, a course in farm management,
was approved at the faculty meeting of June 4, 1917.
An important development occurred early in 1916,
when the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural
Experiment Stations were placed under a single adminis-
trator, with the title of Dean and Director.
Dr. P. H. Rolfs, who had for several years been Director
of the Experiment Stations, was named to this post.
Dean Vernon then resigned, and W. L. Floyd, Assistant
Dean, was placed in charge of the college. During
the year 1919-20, Dr. Wilmon Newell, an entomologist,
who had for several years been Plant Commissioner of
the State of Florida, became in addition Dean and
Director of the University's entire program in Agricul-
ture, which at that time included not only the College
and the Experiment Stations, but also the Agricultural
Extension Service.
From 1916 until 1923-24 Dr. Turlington continued
as Head of the Department of Agronomy and Agricultural
Engineering; courses in agricultural economics, inclu-
ding farm management, rural law, and marketing, were
added over this period of years. The name of the
Department was changed to Agronomy and Agricultural
Economics in 1926, and a separate Department of Agricul-
tural Engineering was established, with Frazier Rogers
as Head.
H. G. Hamilton served under Dr. Turlington as a
graduate student, and was an instructor in the Depart-
ment in 1922-23. He received the MSA degree on
May 27, 1923.

Early in. 1926, with the availability' of federal
funds under the ParneUl Act, Dr. C. V. Noble, a
specialist in farm maf.n.gement and farm cost accou-nting
at Cornell University, was employed by the Florida
Agricultural Experien.t Stations with the title of
"Investigator in AgriculFtural Economics:" ad head of
the Department of Agricultural Ecomomics in the Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations. Bruce M~cKinley, a farm
management specialist with the U. S. Department of
Agriculture in Washington, D, C.., was employed near
the same time with the title "As'si.:a-nt- Ini.Lvestigator
in Agricultural Eccnomicrlic Neither of these new
appointees had any official relationshipp with the
College of Agriciltnre. There was, however, a close
cooperation between( Ncble and Turling ton.
In 1925, the third MSA degree in agricultural
economics was c(::rferc:ed to Rob'ert 7 :y who, as far as
is known, never worked proiessionally in the discipline.
A fourth recipient of a MS.A degree was Frank Brumley in
1926. Brumley was employed by the Department as
instructor in Iar-n management for a time and matricula-
ted at Cornell University ifor his Ph,D. degree, which
he received in February 1936. Sh.orty thereafter he died
an untimely death while serving on the faculty of
Louisiana State Uni-ver ;ity,
In 1926, the Department of Agronomy and Agricul-
tural Economics was di-ivided into two Departments--
Agricultural Economics with J. E., Turlington a.s Head,
and Agronomy with Br6yan a.: i.d.
In 1927, there were three recipients of ';S' degrees
from the Department of A;.gricultural Economics--
M. A. Brooker, C, A. Scarborough, and D. E. Timmons.
When C. V. Noble assumed his duties with the
Experiment Stat.ions, in 1926, he prepared as his first
project a farm management e survey in Jackson County,

Florida. This project received approval and Dr. Noble
was ready for field work, beginning in June of that
The team participating in this field work in June
was composed of Noble, Hamilton, McKinley, Brooker, and
Scarborough. At the end of June, Hamilton and Scarborough
changed to other duties, while Noble, McKinley and Brooker
continued in Jackson County through July, August, and
early September, until 500 usable farm management
records had been obtained. Brooker used the records of
farm tenants from this survey for his master's thesis
entitled, "Farm Tenancy in Jackson County, Florida".
The College department at that time, in addition to
Turlington, had Hamilton, Brumley, and Timmons on its
staff while the Experiment Stations Department was com-
posed of Noble, McKinley, Brooker, and J. L. Wann, who
received his MSA degree in 1932. Hamilton had received
his Ph.D. degree at Cornell University while Brumley,
Timmons, and Brooker were at that time working for their
Ph.D, degrees there during the summers and various
leaves of absence. Timmons later discontinued his
program, while Brooker continued and received his Ph.D.
in 1931, and Brumley in 1936.
Early in 1929, Dr. Noble felt that he had insuffi-
cient knowledge of the State to develop a comprehensive
research program, particularly in regions other than
citrus. He had a reasonable knowledge of the citrus
area because of his connection with Hamilton's work on
packinghouse operations. Consequently, he outlined
what he termed a "Recognizance Survey" of the agricul-
ture of the State and invited Brooker to drive and take
him on this survey.
In February 1929, they traveled through the Bradenton-
Sarasota area thence to Ft. Myers and up the Caloosahatchee
River Valley to Moore Haven on Lake Okeechobee, and then
back to Ft. Myers and down to Okeechobee City, at that

time the county seat of the new Collier County. From
there they crossed the Tamiami Trail to Miami. This
highway had been open for only a few weeks, so it was a
long, interesting, and lonesome "trail". After visit-
ing in the Miami-Homestead area they turned north to
West Palm Beach and then back to the Everglades, Belle
Glade, and Clewiston, where the U. S. Sugar Corporation
mill was just being completed. Then they headed back
to the East Coast and up to the Hastings potato area
and Gainesville! Both participants felt that this trip
had added much to their knowledge of agriculture of the
During the year 1933-34 the College and Experiment
Stations Departments of Agricultural Economics were com-
bined into a single Department, with C. V. Noble named
Head. Dr. Turlington, in ill-health at the time,
retired. He passed away shortly thereafter.
Not all departments in the College and the Experi-
ment Stationswere combined at that time, but this
action served as a precedent that was followed by other
combinations as special events, such as retirement,
In 1938, Wilmon Newell's title was changed from
Dean and Director to Provost for Agriculture, and
Dr. H. Harold Hume became Dean of the College.
Dr. Newell continued as Director of the Experiment
Stations. In 1944, upon the death of Wilmon Newell,
Dr. Hume became Provost for Agriculture and Dean, and
Harold Mowry became Director of the Experiment Stations.
In 1946, C. V. Noble became Associate Dean of the
College of Agriculture.
During 1949, upon the retirement of Provost Hume,
Dr. J. Wayne Reitz, an agricultural economist, became
Provost and Acting Dean of the College. In 1950,
Dr. C. V. Noble was named Dean of the College and Willard
Fifield became Director of the Experiment Stations.

Dr. H. G. Hamilton became Head of the Department of
Agricultural Economics, succeeding Dr. Noble.
Dr. J. Wayne Reitz became President of the Univer-
sity during the year 1954-55, and Willard Fifield became
Provost for Agriculture. Dr. J. R. Beckenbach succeeded
Fifield as Director of the Experiment Stations. At that
time, Dr. M. O. Watkins succeeded H. G. Clayton as
Director of the Agricultural Extension Service, and
Dr. M. A. Brooker, Professor of Agricultural Economics,
became Assistant Dean and, upon the retirement of
C. V. Noble, acting Dean. In 1956 he became Dean.
In June 1963, Dr. E. T. York, Jr., became Provost
for Agriculture, succeeding Fifield who had retired the
year before to become secretary-manager of the Florida
Agricultural Research Institute.
During the year 1965-66, at the instigation of
Provost York, all the units in agriculture at the
University of Florida were brought together in a single
budget in the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences (IFAS). Prior to that time, the College of
Agriculture budget was part of the Education and General
budget of the University, while the Experiment Stations
and the Extension Service had separate budgets. This
caused many complications, since many faculty members
had joint appointments in two, or sometimes all three,
of the units.
About that time, the titles of Director for the
Experiment Stations and the Extension Service were
changed to Dean for Research and Dean for Extension,
respectively, and the title of Dean of the College
became Dean for Resident Instruction. The titles of
the Department Heads were changed to Department Chairman,
and they were placed in charge of the teaching, research,
and extension programs of their respective disciplines.
Shortly thereafter, the title of Provost was changed to
Vice President for Agricultural Affairs. In 1965,

Dr. K. R. Tefertiller succeeded Hamiiron as Chairman of
the Department of Agricultural Economics.
During the following year, 1966, upon the retire-
ment of Dr. J. R. Beckenbach, Dr. J. W. Sites became
Dean for Research,
in 1969, Dr. C. B. Browning succeeded Dr. M. A.
Brooker as Dean for Resident Instruction, and in 1970,
Dr. J, N. Busby succeeded M. 0. Watkins as Dean for
In 1972, the name of the department was changed to
Food and Resource Economics. Tn 1973, Dr. Leo Polepolus,
Professor of Food and Resource Economics and Assistant
Dean of the Graduate School, succeeded Dr. Tefertiller
as Chairman of the Department when Tefertiller succeeded
Dr. York as Vice President for Agricultural Affairs.
These highlights in the history of the Food and
Resource Economics (formerly Agricultural Economics
Department),also contain information on certain related
changes in various agricultural units as they affected
the Department.


Alvin H. Spurlock

The first courses in agricultural economics were
offered in the Department of Agronomy by Dr. J. E.
Turlington, Head Professor of Agronomy, and later by
Dr. H. G. Hamilton, Instructor in Farm Management. The
curriculum in 1923-24 consisted of two courses in farm
management (plus one non-credit course), one course in
marketing, one course in farm records, and one course
in rural law.
The same courses were offered in 1924-25. In the
following year, 1925-26, the catalog indicates the same
courses in the Department of Agronomy and Agricultural
Economics with a seminar in farm management and also
one in marketing.
In 1926-27, in the Department of Agricultural
Economics with Dr. J. E. Turlington as Head Professor,
the same courses, with the addition of agricultural
prices, marketing fruits and vegetables, and "research
problems" for graduate students, were offered as in
In 1927-28 land economics and statistics were
added to the curriculum, and in 1929-30 a course in
agricultural resources was offered. An advanced
course in land economics was added in 1930-31, together
with courses in citrus grove management and truck farm
management. Advanced marketing of agricultural products
began in 1931-32. This was during the depression and

ALVIN SPURLOCK is professor emeritus of food and
resource economics.

there were no additions for several years. In fact,
the marketing seminar seems to have been dropped or com-
bined with the agricultural economics seminar (AS 501-
In 1933-34 Dr. C. V. Noble, who came in 1926 as
Head of Agricultural Economics Research, became
Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics,
succeeding Dr. Turlington. Farm Finance and Appraisal
was first offered that year, and Dr. J. Wayne Reitz
was brought in as an assistant professor.
Agricultural policy was added in 1939-40, and a
course in marketing livestock was given jointly with
the Department of Animal Husbandry.
After U. S. entry in the war in 1941, a course in
"terminal markets and commodity exchanges" was added,
but two courses--citrus grove management and truck farm
management--were dropped.
As the war progressed, with manpower shortages and
lower enrollments, many courses, while still listed in
the catalogs, were not offered. These included:
AS 311--Rural Law
AS 302--Agricultural Resources
AS 304--Farm Finance and Appraisal
AS 412--Land Economics
AS 414--Terminal Markets and Commodity Exchanges
AS 508--Advanced Land Economics
In 1944-45 no catalog was published but a supple-
ment referred to the 1943-44 catalog as the source of
The situation with respect to fewer course offer-
ings persisted until 1947-48 when all the previously
established courses were restored. Five special courses,
including one at the graduate level, were offered for
extension agents in 1947-48.
In 1949-50 a course in advanced agricultural
statistics was offered by Mr. W. F. Callander, retired
from the USDA.

In 1950-51, after Dr. C. V. Noble moved to the
College of Agriculture as Dean, Dr. H. G. Hamilton
became Head Professor of Agricultural Economics.
Research methods in marketing and research methods
in farm management were added in 1952-53 for graduate
students. Dr. 0. C. Stine, retired from USDA, taught
the graduate course in farm management. From this
point forward expansion of the department in terms of
number of courses offered has .been rapid. Most of the
additions have been in graduate-level courses, which
were strong in statistical theory, application, and
"In 1965, following the retirement of Dr. H. G.
Hamilton, Dr. K. R. Tefertiller became Chairman of the
In 1969-70 course numbers were changed throughout,
and cIassified for (1) undergraduates, (2) advanced
undergraduate and graduates, and (3) graduates.
Subject matter fields were broadened.
In 1973-74 Dr. Leo Polopolus became chairman of the
Department, which had changed in name to Food and
Resource Economics,
During the 51 years, 1923-24 to 1974-75, that
courses in agricultural economics have been cataloged,
striking expansion has taken place. The first offer-
ings were in the Department of Agronomy with Agricul-
tural Economics becoming a separate department in
1926-27. Within the period course numbers and titles
have changed, as have instructors. The course outlines
or contents cannot be determined by inspection of cata-
log listings or descriptions, but broadening of content
and updating has doubtless occurred in all subjects.
The basic courses with which the Department began
have remained throughout the history of the discipline
at the University of Florida. Undergraduate courses
have been added continuously. The master's degree was


the only advanced degree offered until 1951-52, when a
doctoral program began. For the past 20 years (since
1954-55) most of the increase in course offerings has
been in the graduate field.
In addition to courses listed in agricultural
economics, courses such as economics and mathematics,
which broaden and strengthen the student's foundation,
especially for graduate study, are required in other


W. K. McPherson

The history of agricultural economic research at
the University of Florida--just as for the entire
nation- -i really the history of how people make scarce
agricultural resources satisfy their numerous and
diverse wants. Ever since the Constitution was adopted,
members of Congress and the State Legislatures have
concerned themselves with how the American people allo-
cate their resources in the production of food and
fiber. As a result, the Land-Grant College system was
established by the Federal Government giving land to
the states .fr Lthe pur ipose of providing rural people an
opportunity Lo learn how to develop and use their
resources more eff.ct:ively. In doing this, those engaged
in agriculture' ad thi.Jr teachers--the faculties of the
universities and col.b ges--quickly became aware of the
fact that knowledge itself ,was a scarce resource.
By the end of ihe 19th century, the Congress had
passed the Hatc-h Act fcr -he purpose of producing more
knowledge about how tie nation's abundant supply of
land resources could be used better to satisfy the wants
of a nation and the world wide population that was
already growing very rapidly. This was really the
beginning of what [,as evolved into the nation's agricul-
tural research, Soon after the turn of the cen-
tury, the STmith--Lever Act was passed, creating the
Cooperative Agricultural Extension Service. This

W. K. MC PHERSON is professor emeritus of food and
and resource economiics,

legislation was designed to give farmers, as well as
college students, access to the expanding body of know-
ledge on producing agricultural products.
As the Land-Grant system grew, individual members of
the Land-Grant college staffs began to specialize and
concentrate their efforts on learning as much as possible
about one or a few phenomena. This specialization led
to a redefinition and subdivision of the conventional
academic disciplines. As the faculties became large
enough to require more formal organization, disciplines
became the nuclei around which departments were
Agronomy was one of the first disciplines to
recognize the importance of making economic evaluations
of agricultural practices. To help make these evalua-
tions, faculty members developed courses in farm
management and encouraged farmers to keep financial
records. Research designed to expand this type of
knowledge was introduced into the Florida Agricultural
Experiment Stations in 1916 when Dr. J. E. Turlington
joined the staff as an assistant agronomist. He con-
tinued in that position until 1921. In 1921, the acti-
vities of the Experiment Stations were sharply curtailed
due to the post World War I depression. At that time,
Dr. Turlington concentrated his efforts mainly on
teaching courses in agricultural economics, a subject
that had recently been recognized as a discipline in
other Land-Grant colleges. However, while in that
capacity he initiated some agricultural economics
research, largely on an informal basis. It was not
until 1926, when federal funds became available under
the Purnell Act of 1925, that agricultural economics was
officially recognized as an appropriate area for research
at the Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations. In that
year Dr. C. V. Noble joined the staff as Head of the
Department of Agricultural Economics. This created a

second department of Agricultural Economics in the
University; one of these departments was responsible
for teaching the discipline and the other for research.
This situation continued until 1934.
The expansion of agricultural economics research
can be measured in terms of the size of the staff,
the number of projects on which the staff worked, and
the number and type of publications released.
At the outset, Dr. Noble had one assistant,
H. G. Hamilton, who was granted a leave df absence in
1927 to complete his doctorate. At that time,
M. A. Brooker joined the staff to continue the work.
By 1923, the agricultural economics academic staff of
the Experiment Stations had been expanded to four
academic researchers and continued at that level until
1945. During that period, there was no further sub-
stantial increase in either Federal or State funds.
With the passage of the Agricultural Marketing Act
of 1946, which earmarked funds specifically for Agricul-
tural Economic Research in Marketing, the size of the
Stations' agricultural economics staff increased
rapidly. By 1950, when Dr. H. G. Hamilton was appointed
Head of the Department, there were 11 researchers on the
staff, three of whom held the rank of professor (econo-
mist). During the next 10 years the professional staff
increased to 30 and remained at approximately that level
until 1965, when Dr. K. R. Tefertiller became Chairman.
The number of researchers listed on the economic
research staff of the Stations is not an accurate mea-
sure of the amount of research conducted since it does
not indicate the number of full time equivalent
professional personnel employed. During this period,
and especially after 1945, there were many joint appoint-
ments between the Stations and College of Agriculture,
with some staff members spending less than one half of
their time on research. Partially offsetting this,

some members of the agricultural economics staff in
the College were conducting researched financed by the
Agricultural Experiment Stations and by grants from
both public and private organizations.
In 1951, the staff was augmented by agricultural
economists employed by the United States Department of
Agriculture and, in 1961, by agricultural economists
employed by the Florida Citrus Commission. Since 1961,
the departmental research program has been supported
jointly by the Agricultural Experiment Station, the
U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Florida Citrus
When IFAS was organized in 1966, it became possi-
ble for Extension Service staff members to have a
portion of their time allocated to research and those
who had previously been onithe Experiment Stations
staff to do some extension work. It was at this time
that all of the agricultural economists on the Univer-
sity of Florida campus began working together in one
organizational unit. However, the change in the
Agricultural Economics Department was scarcely notice-
able since research, teaching, and extension personnel
had been housed and working together for years. The
principal difference was that they received but one
check for their services rather than two or three.

Research Projects

The number of research projects conducted by the
Agricultural Economics Department staff increased slowly
at the outset--from five in 1927 to nine in 1945.
Between 1946 and 1951 the number doubled as a result of
Agricultural Marketing Act funds becoming available. By
1965, this number had increased to 45 and then began
to decline slowly. From 1927 to 1972, individuals or
groups of researchers worked on projects they had

designed and which had been approved by the Experiment
Stations' Project Committee. The objectives of these
projects varied from obtaining time series data
that required many years to complete to very specific
things that could be achieved in relatively short
periods of time.
At the outset, the research program was focused on
commercial agriculture and primarily on vegetable and
citrus production and marketing. However, farm manage-
ment studies were initiated in the late 1920s and some
research in cooperative marketing has been in the
departmental program for more than 40 years. Research
on land tenure was initiated after World War II; in
the early 1950s the manner in which water was being
managed was being investigated.
Since 1960 the scope of agricultural economics
research has been expanded to include:
1. Studies of the sectors and subsectors of the
economy through which agricultural products pass as
they become available to consumers rather than concen-
trating on the production and marketing activities of
farmers per se.
2. Interdisciplinary studies of the economic
impact of the adoption of the results of research
being conducted by other departments.
3. Participation in studies of the agricultural
segment of the state's economy which were reported at
the DARE conferences and publications.
4. Analysis of alternative uses of the state's
land resources and how to make them more useful for
future generations.
5. The use of electronic computers to solve mathe-
matical problems that had previously been resolved on
the basis of value judgements alone.

6. Evaluation of the economic impact of the use of
new production techniques in countries having a sub-
tropical climate similar to that in Florida.
7. Fuller participation in the professional
activities of agricultural economists at both the national
and international level.
8. Cooperative research with other agencies such
as USDA and the Florida Department of Citrus.
In 1972, the enlarged scope of research stimulated
changing the name of the Department from Agricultural
Economics to Food and Resource Economics to describe
better the staff's activities. Thus, the study of how
people allocate scarce resources to satisfy their wants
for food and fiber is now a departmental research
objective, as well as the objective of the Agricultural
Experiment Stations. It was also believed that the new
name would assist in attracting students with no farm
The primary difference between the research objec-
tives of the Department of Food and Resource Economics
and other Departments in IFAS now lies in the fact that
food and resource economics research is primarily con-
cerned with the decisions people make individually and
collectively regarding the utilization of their
resources. Most other departments in the Stations
concentrate their efforts on developing new and more
efficient methods of using one or a very limited
number of resources for very specific purposes.
In 1972, a new system of approving research pro-
jects was adopted. Under this system (and allowing for
a few exceptions), the departmental research faculty
works on only five master projects which are approved
by the Agricultural Experiment Stations. Individual
staff members work on Department-approved sub-projects
that contribute to one or more objectives of the main


The number of publications is commonly used to
measure the productivity of a research staff. Here it
is interesting to note that the number of Agricultural
Experiment Stations bulletins has not increased in
direct proportion to the size of the staff or the num-
ber of projects. From 1927 to 1951, the Department pro-
duced an average of about one bulletin per year.
During the next 20 years, the number ranged from one to
four per year. The number of journal articles meeting
the Stations' standards for scientific publications
increased somewhat more rapidly and totaled six or
seven per year by 1951 and reached 21 in 1956.
In sharp contrast to Stations' approved publica-
tions (i.e., bulletins, circulars, and journal
series papers), there has been a proliferation in the
number of other types of publications: books and
publications prepared for (1) scientific and popular
periodicals, and (2) offset printed economics reports
(earlier departmental mimeo reports). Approximately
445 publications, ranging from books to a series of
periodic reports bearing similar titles, were released
from 1950 to 1965 during Dr. H. G. Hamilton's tenure as
Department Head. Of these publications, 23 were Ph.D.
dissertations and 41 were master's theses. More than
750 titles, covering the same range of subject matter,
were released during Dr. K. R. Tefertiller's eight-year
tenure as Department Chairman.
Just as in the case of projects, the number of
publications leaves much to be desired as a measure of
how the departmental research program developed. A more
detailed evaluation of the program can be obtained by
reviewing the titles appearing in Agricultural Economics
Mimeo Report EC 66-12 (June 1966) and Economics Report
58 (December 1973).

A synopsis of the departmental research program

Highlights in the Development of
the Departmental Research Program

1916--Dr. J. E. Turlington appointed as Assistant
1925--Passage of the Purnell Act by the Congress, etc.,
which allocated increased funding to social
science research.
1927--Establishment of Agricultural Economics Department
in the Experiment Stations and appointment of
Dr. C. V. Noble as Head.
1946--Passage of Agricultural Marketing Act by the
Congress, with additional funding for marketing
research projects in the agricultural experiment
1950--Dr. H. G. Hamilton appointed Department Head.
1951--Establishment of Ph.D. program.
1963--Recognition of agricultural economics in all
phases of agriculture in the first DARE report.
1964--Establishment of the Institute of Food and Agricul-
tural Sciences (IFAS).
1965--Dr. K. R. Tefertiller appointed Chairman of the
1971--Dr. Leo Polopolus and Dr. Max Langham appointed
Editor and Associate Editor, respectively, of the
American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
1972--Name changed to Food and Resource Economics
1973--Dr. K. R. Tefertiller appointed Vice President for
Agricultural Affairs and Dr. Leo Polopolus
appointed Department Chairman.

A listing of teaching and research faculty in
agricultural economics for the 1926-1976 period is

presented in Table 1.

Table I..--Agricultural economists serving on
research faculty at the University

the teaching and
of Florida, 1926-1976

Name and degree

Years listed

Academic title

Alleger, Daniel E., M.S.

Andrew, Chris 0., Ph.D.
Arnold, Carl J., Ph.D.
Bennett, Bobby R., MSA

Bergen, Tallmadge, B.S.

Bieber, John L., Ph.D.

Blair, Paul T., M.S.
Boutwell, Jr., W. Kenneth,

Brodnax, Jr., Henry D., Ph.D.

Brooke, Donald L., Ph.D.

Brooker, John R., Ph.D.

Brooker, Marvin A., Ph.D.

Brooks, Thurston L., B.S.

Brunk, Max E., M.S.
Buck, >G. Brooks, MAMRD

Capel, George L., Ph.D.

Clayton,c Kenneth C., Ph.D.
Cato, James C., M.S.

Chapman, Jr., W. Fred, M.S.

Clark, Harold B., Ph.D.

Conner, J. Richard, Ph.D.

















Asso. Professor;
Chief of Party,
Costa Rica Project
Asso. Professor
Asso. Professor
Asst. in Agr. Econ.
Temp, Asst. Agr.

Asst. Research
Asst. in Agr. Econ.
Ai Ass_,,Professor;
Asst. Dean of
Academic Affairs
Asst. in Agr. Econ.,
Professor,* Acting
Chairman of Department

Instructor in FRE,
Professor; Dean for
Resident Instruction
Adiunct Instructor in
Asso. Professor
Asst. Research

Assoc. Professor,
Asst. Professor
Asst. in Agr. Econ.,
Asst, in Agr. Econ.,

Asst. Professor


See p., 32 for footnotes.

*: t o.~conr iued

Table I.--Agricultural economists serving on
research faculty at the University

the teaching and
of Florida, 1926-1976--

Name and degree

Years listed

Academic title

Callander, William F., LL.B.

Chern, Wen S., Ph.D.
Close, Elmer G., M.S.

Colette, W. Arden, Ph.D.

Courtney, Richard H., Ph.D.
Covey, Charles D., Ph.D.
Crenshaw, Clyas L., M.S.

Dasse, Frank A., Ph.D.

Davis, Carlton G., Ph.D.

De, Vo Huu, Ph.D.

Degner, Robert L., Ph.D.
Dixon, Louis V., MSA

Dominick, Jr., Bennett A.,
Dow, J. Kamal, Ph.D.

Eddleman, Bobby R., Ph.D.

Edwards, William F., M.S.
Emerson, Robert D., Ph.D.
Fairchild, Gary F., Ph.D.

Finlayson, Edwin H., M.S.

French, A. Lee, MAg
Gayoso, Antonio, Ph.D.

Gibbs, Kenneth C., Ph.D.
Godwin, Marshall E., Ph.D.















Interim Dir., Bur. of
Statistics; Consultant,
Statistical Laboratory;
Visiting Lecturer in
Agr. Economics
Asst. Professor, FDC
Interim Asst. in
Agr. Econ.
Asst. Professor

Asso. Professor
Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
Asst. Research
Asso. Professor

Asst. Research
Asst. Professor
Asst. in Agr. Econ.,

Interim Professor
Asso. Professor &
Chief of Party,
Ecuador Project
Professor; Director,
Center for Rural
Asst. In Agr. Econ.
Assoc. Professor
Adjunct Asst.
Professor, FDC
Asso. in Agr. Econ.

Instr. in Agr. Econ.
Interim Asst. in
Agr. Econ.
Asso. Professor
Professor; Director,
Economic Research
Department, FDC


See p. 32 for footnotes.


'able 1.--Agri.cultural economists serving on the L-eaching and
research faculty at the: University of Florda, 1926-1974--
Con t inued

Naine and degreea Years listed Academic title
Name--- and -~---- decree-- `-----

Goshorn, Glenn G., B.S.

Greene, Robert E. L., Ph.D.
Greenhalgh, Richard A., Ph.D.

Greenman, J R. J.D.

Hady, Frank] T., B.A.

HamiltonC, Henry G., Ph.D.
Harris, Gene T., M.S.

Hart, Jr., Kenneth H., J.D.
Hildebrand, Peter E., Ph.D.
Jansna, John D., Ph.D.

Jones, Gary C., M.S.

Kelly, Bruce W., Ph.D.

King, David L., B.S.

Hooks, Richard Clegg, MAMRD

Kearl, W. Gordon, Ph.D.

Kiker, Clyde F., Ph.D.
Kimrme., Donaid C., Ph.D.
Krienke, Albert B., M.S.

Langham, Max R., Ph.D.
Lee, Jong-Ying, Ph.D.

Lester, W. Bernard, Ph.D.

Little, H. W., M.S.
Lininger, Frederick F., Ph.D.
Loehman, Edna T,, Ph.D.
















Asst. in Agr. Econ.
(Or lando)
Adjunct Asst.
Professor, USDA
'rcfessor in Agr.
A'g.-. Economist,.

]lead Professor
inst-ructor in FRE,
Interim Instructor
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor

Aust. in Agr. Econ.,
Asso. Professor
Asst. in Agr. Econ.
Asst. Research
Visiting Professor

Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
YnterimR Asst. in
Aqr. Econ.
Adjunct Asst. Pro-
iessor, FDC

Adjunct Asso. Pro-
fessor; Director,
Economic Research
Dept., FDC
Asst. Agr. Economist
Visiting Professor
Asso. Professor

See p. 32for footnotes.

Table 1 .--Agricultural economists serving on
research faculty at the University

the teaching and
of Florida, 1926-1976--

Name and degree Years listed Academic title

Lloyd, Billie S., B. S.

Lynne, Gary D., Ph.D.
Manley, William T., Ph.D.

Mathis, W. Kary, Ph.D.

McKee, Vernon D., Ph.D.

McKinley, Bruce, BSA
McPherson, William K., M.S.
McPherson, Woodrow W., Ph.D.

Minden, Arlo J., Ph.D.
Moody, Richard E., Ph.D.

Moses, Galen C., MSA

Murphree, Clyde E., D.P.A.
Myers, Lester H., Ph.D.

Noble,c C. V., Ph.D.

O'Reagan, William G., B.S.

Parvin, Jr., David W., Ph.D.

Pearson, James L., Ph.D.

Plath, Clarence V., Ph.D.
Polopolus, Leo, Ph.D.














Asst. in Agr. Econ.

Asst. Professor
Asso. Professor,
Asso. Professor &
Director Agricul-
tural Marketing
Research Center
Asso. Professor &
Director of Planning.
and Business Affairs,

Asst. Agr. Econ.
Graduate Research
Asst. Professor
Visiting Professor

Interim Asst. in
Agr. Econ.
Asso. Professor
Adjunct Asso.
Professor & Director,
Economic Research
Dept., FDC
Head Professor;
Dean, College of
Asso. Professor

Interim Research
Adjunct Asso.
Professor, USDA
Interim Professor
Professor & Chairman
of Dept.;* Director,
Economic Research
Department, FDC'; Asst.
Dean of the Graduate

See p. 32 for footnotes.

Table 1.---Agricultural economists serving on the teaching and
research faculty at the University of Florida, 1926-1976--

Name and degree Years listed Academic title

Poole, S. Alien, BSA

Powe, Charles E., M.S.
Powell, Sr., Levi A., MSA
Prato, Anthony A., Ph.D.
Prochaska, Frederick J., Ph.D.

Reitz, J. Wayne, Ph.D.

Reuss, Lawrence A., M.S.

Reynolds, John E., Ph.D.

Riggan, Wilson B., B.S.
Roberts, Norman K., M.S.

Rose, G. Norman, B.S.

Rudser, Donald K., B.S.

Sarle, Charles F., Ph.D.
Savage, Zach, MSA
Schwartz, Michael, Ph.D.

Seaver, Stanley K,, Ph.D.
Sherrod, Jr., William K.,

Smith, Blair J., M.S.
Smith, Cecil N., Ph.D.

Smith, Eldon D., Ph.D.

Smith, Ernest B., M.S.

Soltani, Reza, Ph.D.
Spurlock, Alvin H., MSA














Interim Asst. in
Agr. Econ.
Research Asso.
Asst. Agr. Economist
Asst. Professor
Asso. Professor

Professor; Provost
for Agriculture;
President of the
Agr. Economist, USDA
Visiting Professor
Asso. Professor;*
Asst. Dean for Resi-
dent Instruction,
Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor

Asso. Professor
Asst. in Agr. Econ.
Interim Asst.

Visiting Professor
Interim Asst. in
Asst. Professor
Professor;* Chief
of Party, Costa Rica
Asst. Professor

Adjunct Instructor
Adjunct Asso. Prof.

See p. 32 for footnotes.

Table 1.--Agricultural economists serving on
research faculty at the University

the teaching and
of Florida, 1926-1976--

Name and degree

Years listed

Academic title

Stewart, Fred J., Ph.D.

Stine, Oscar., Ph.D.

Stout, Roy G., Ph.D.

Stafford, Joseph H., Ph.D.

Tennant, John L., Ph.D.
Tefertiller,c Kenneth R.,

Tran, Long Nhu, Ph.D.

Thor, Eric, Ph.D.
Tilley, Daniel S., Ph.D.

Turlington, J. E., Ph.D.
Tyner, Jr., Fred H., Ph.D.

Upchurch, M. Louis, Ph.D.

Walden, Walter C., M.S.

Wann, John L., MSA

Warburton, Herbert W., M.S.
Ward, Ronald W., Ph.D.

Wershow, James, LL.M.
Williams, Floyd W., Ph.D.
Zepp, Glenn A., Ph.D.














Adjunct Asst.
Professor, USDA
Special Lecturer in
Agr. Econ.

Asst. Professor
Asso. Professor;
Dir. of Div. of
Planning & Analysis;
Visiting Economist
Professor & Chairman
of Dept.' Vice Presi-
denr for Agr. Affairs*
Ass-. Research
Asso. Professor
Adjunct Asst. Pro-
fessor, FDC
Head Professor
Asso. Professor

Visiting Professor &
Acting Director, Cen-
ter for Rural
Adjunct Instructor in
Instructor in Farm
Records and Accounts
Asst. in Agr. Econ.
Asso. Professor

Visiting Professor
Asso. Professor, FDC
Adjunct Asso, Pro-
fessor, USDA

aDegree during time of appointment-
bAbbreviations are as follows: FCC=Florida
Florida Department of Citrus; FRE=Food and
USDA-U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Cooperative with extension.

Citrus Commission; FDC=
Resource Economics; and

dWhere faculty members on the staff have all held more than one aca-
demic position (except where noted with "&"), the current one is
marked with an asterisk.

__I__ __


I_ __


Daniel E. Alleger

For nearly a half century University of Florida
agricultural economists have been actively associated
with the Florida Agricultural Extension Service.
Organized participation between the Department and the
Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations does not appear
to have been actively developed before 1930. However,
for both 1922 and 1923, Dr. J. E. Turlington was listed
in extension annual reports as a special lecturer, and
again in 1924 as a lecturer in farm management. In the
early twenties Dr. Turlington became the Head of the newly
formed Agricultural Economics Department.
In 1930 two agricultural economists, in addition
to the Head of the Department, became associated with
the Extension Service. They were W. R. Briggs and
Frank W. Brumley, both farm management specialists
In 1931 D. E. Timmons joined them, dividing his time
between farm management and marketing. In 1932 for one
year only, J. R. Greenman served as an assistant

Includes professionals in teaching, research, and
extension who were members of the former Agricultural
Economics Department, now the Food and Resource Economics

See alphabetical listings in Table 2 which exhi-
bits the years in which they, and others, are identified
in the Extension annual reports.

DANIEL E. ALLEGER is associate professor emeritus
of food and resource economics.

agricultural economist in farm management. In 1934
Dr. C. V. Noble, the second Agricultural Economics
Department Head, was noted as an agricultural economist
in farm management; in 1935, he cooperated with the
Extension Service. Also in 1934, another farm manage-
ment specialist, R. H. Howard, was added, as was a field
agent in interstate marketing, A. E. Mercker. Four more
farm management specialists became active from 1936,
inclusive (Miley, 1936; Varn, 1936; active from 1936 to
1939). Farm management activities utilized at least 70
percent of the efforts of the economists during the
first full decade of the existence of the Agricultural
Economics Department, the balance of their activities
being equally divided between marketing and miscellaneous
The 1940-1949 decade was the period within which
World War II was fought. This necessitated some reduc-
tion in extension activities, but little shifting of
effort. The proportion of time devoted to farm manage-
ment, marketing, and other activities remained virtually
unchanged from the first 10 years. Extension personnel
included a land-use specialist, V. V. Bowman, 1940-1941,
and a citrus cost specialist, Zach Savage, 1943-19453
Other staff members were Noble, Bedsole, Hampson, Howard,
McGill, Parvin, and Timmons.
The following 10-year period, 1950-1959, witnessed
a considerable shift in goals in agricultural extension
programs in which economists participated. In 1950,
H. G. Hamilton became the third Head of the Agricultural
Economics Department. His special interest was in the
marketing of agricultural products. However, the delayed
effect of the 1946 U. S. Agricultural Marketing Act
probably had a bearing on the transition which followed.
Stress was placed upon improvement in farm income from

3Savage was previously on the Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations staff, to which he later returned, but with
travel expenses paid by the Florida Agricultural Exten-
sion Service.

1950-1959. Only 20 percent of the manpower was directed
toward farm management, but 50 percent toward marketing
and 30 percent to other activities. Interest was now
beginning to center upon the problems of human welfare
and rural area development. In addition to Hamilton,
the staffing consisted of Alston, Black, Cake, Eastwood,
Gilbraith, Giles, Hampson, Moxley, Murphree, and
Between 1960 and 1969 the goals established by the
Extension Service shifted drastically from those of
previous years. This was the decade during which the
Federal Government helped to promote regional research
and extension committees, as the Farm Foundation had
previously done and which it continued to do. Altogether
17 economists served the Extension Service varying
lengths of assignment in the 1960s. Only 6 percent
of the manpower was specifically assigned to farm
management, 44 percent to marketing, and 50 percent to
rural and community development and other activities.
The other activities included those of Hamilton and
Tefertiller, Head and Chairman, respectively, of the
Agricultural Economics Department, plus Alston, Elkins,
Farler, Hill, McCall, Moxley, and Smith. The farm
management personnel were Anderson and Holt, and the
marketing economists comprised Cake, Covey, Eastwood,
Gilbraith, Mathis, and Rosenberger.
The next five years,1970-1974, ushered in a tre-
mendous new effort in economic endeavors by the Florida
Agricultural Extension Service. Altogether, some 30
agricultural economists were involved in extension to
some degree. Because of a renewed interest in farm
management, but partly because of the disappearance of
family farms and the growth of integrated and heavily
financed agricultural units, farm management specialists
were assigned to several of the outlying Agricultural
Research and Education Centers and Agricultural Research

Centers (Belle Glade, Bradenton, Lake Alfred,
and Quincy. Between 1970 and 1974 around 30 percent of
the manpower identified by the Extension Service was
devoted to farm management, 20 percent to marketing,
and 50 percent to rural development and other undertak-
ings. Throughout the period rural area development
occupied a goal of high priority, but interest was also
shifting to problems relating to the natural and man-
made environment. The extension staff members were
Tefertiller, Polopolus, Abbitt, Alston, Anderson, Brown,
Cato, Clayton, Colette, Coppedge, Covey, Eastwood,
Elkins, Farler, Gilbraith, Gunter, Halsey, Hipp, Holt,
Konyha, Levins, Long, Mathis, McCall, McKee, Menasco,
Moxley, Murray, Niles, Otte, Perkins, Rosenberger,
Walker, and Westberry.
Data do show that agricultural extension service
needs and goals shift impressively over time. Since
this is a continuing process, it invites long-range
planning to meet the challenges inherent in a dynamic
economy. The remainder of the 1970s and the years
that follow promise more challenging problems to be
resolved than was true of the years which time has
passed by.

Table 2..--Agricultural economists serving on the Cooperative
Extension Service faculty at the University of Florida,

Name and degree Years listed Academic title

Abbitt, Bennett, MSA

Alston, Clifford, M.S.

Anderson, Charles L., MSA

Bedsole, Joseh C., BSA

Black, William E., Ph.D.

Bowman, V. V.', MSA

Briggs, W. R., MSA

Brooke, Donald L.,


Brown, James A., M.S.

Brumley, Frank W., MSA

Cake, E. W., Ph.D.
Cato, James C., Ph.D.
Clayton,c Kenneth C., Ph.D.
Coppedge, Robert O., Ph.D.
Covey, Charles D., Ph.D.

Eastwood, Ralph A., Ph.D.
Elkins, Virgil L., MSA

Farler, Carl, M.S.A.

Gilbraith, Kenneth M., MSA
Giles, Howard C., Ph.D.

Greenman, J. R., BSA

















Asst. Professor
(Lake Alfred)
Economist, Farm
Management; Vegetable
Marketing Specialist
Asso. Professor
(Lake Alfred)
Asst. Economist,
Farm Management

Land Use Planner;
Economist in
Asst. Agr. Econ.,
Farm Management
Economist, Farm
Management and
Asst. Professor
(Live Oak)
Agric. Econ., Farm

Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
Professor & Asst.
Chmn. for Extension

Professor, Florida
A & M (Tallahassee)
Rural Resource
Development Specialist
Asso. Professor
Livestock Marketing
Asst. Agr. Econ.,
Farm Management
State Representative,

See p. 39 for footnotes.

Table 2.--Agricultural economists serving on the Cooperative
Extension Service faculty at the University of Florida,

Name and degree Years listed Academic title

Gunter, Danny L., Ph.D.
Halsey, Lawrence, MAMRD

Hamilton, H. G., Ph.D.
Hampson, Charles M., M.S.

Hill, Roger P., MSA
Hipp, Timothy S., MSA

Holt, John, Ph.D.
Howard, R. Holt, MSA

Kepner, Karl W., Ph.D.

Konyha, Marvin E., Ph.D.
Levins, Richard A., MSA

Long, Donald E., M.S.
Mathis, W. Kary, Jr., Ph.D.
McCall, James C., MSA

McGill, Clarence J., B.S.

Menasco, Willie T., MAg

Mercker, A. E.

Miley, D. Gray, MSA

Moxley, Clisby C., Ph.D.

Murphree, Clyde E., M.S.
Murray, Louis A., M.S.

Niles, James A., Ph.D.
Noble, C. V., Ph.D.

Otte John A., M.S.
















Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
(Belle Glade)
Head Professor

Asst. Economist
Asst. Professor
Asso. Professor
Asst. Econ., Farm

Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
Asso. Professor
Rural Area Develop-
ment Specialist

Asso. Economist,
Farm Management
Asst. Professor
Field Agent, Cooper-
ative Interstate
Asst. Agr. Econ.,
Farm Management

Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor,
Florida A & M
Asst. Professor
Head Professor;
Dean, College of
Asst. Professor

See p. 39 for footnotes.

Table 2.:--Agricultural economists serving on the Cooperative
Extension Service faculty at the University of Florida,

Name and degree Years listed Academic title

Parvin, Fayette W., D.P.A.

Perkins, George R., Ph.D.
Polopolus, Leo, Ph.D.



Rosenberger, Stanley, E., Ph.D. 1947-1975
Savage, Zach, M.S. 1943-1945

Smith, W. Howard, MAg

Strain, J. Robert, Ph.D.
Tefertiller, Kenneth R.,

Timmons, D. E., MSA

Turlington, J. E., Ph.D.

Varn, Myron M., BSA

Walker, Charles, MBA

Westberry,c George ., M.S.
Westberry, George 0., M.S.








Asso. Economist;
Asst. to Dir., Agr.
Ext. Service; Asst.
to the President
Asst. Professor
Professor & Chairmanp*
Director, Economic
Research Dept., FCC;
Asst. Dean of the
Graduate School
Asso. Professor

Rural Areas
Specialist (Live Oak)
Professor & Chairman
of Dept.; Vice Presi-
dent for.Agricultural
Asso. Economist,
Marketing and
Special Lecturer
Head Professor

Asst. Farm Manage-
ment Specialist
Asst. Professor
(Belle Glade)
Asst. Professor

aDegree during time of appointment.

Where faculty members on the staff have held more than one academic
position (except where noted with "&"), the current one is marked
with an asterisk.
Cooperative with research and/or teaching.
Cooperative with research and/or teaching.


ABBITT, Bennett, Assistant Professor; Community and
Resource Development; M.S., University of Georgia
ANDREW, Chris 0., Associate Professor; International
Trade and Development, Marketing; Ph.D., Michigan
State University
BIEBER, John L., Assistant Research Scientist; Farm
Management, Production Economics; Ph.D., Univer-
sity of Florida
BROOKE, Donald L., Professor; Farm Management, Market-
ing; Ph.D., University of Illinois
BROOKS, Thurston L., Adjunct Instructor, Florida Depart-
ment of Citrus; Citrus Marketing; B.S., Florida
Southern College
CATO, James C., Assistant Professor; Marine Economics;
Ph.D., University of Florida
CLARK, Harold B., Professor; Marketing, Cooperatives,
Credit, Food Distribution; Ph.D., University of
CLAYTON, Kenneth C., Assistant Professor; Community and
Rural Development; Ph.D., Purdue University
COLETTE, W. Arden, Assistant Professor; Community and
Rural Development; Ph.D., Iowa State University
COVEY,. Charles D., Professor, Assistant Chairman for
Extension; Marketing, Public Policy; Ph.D.,
Louisiana State University
DAVIS, Carlton G., Associate Professor; Human Resources
.---. Development, Economic Development, Policy; Ph.D.,
Michigan State University
DE, Vo-Huu, Assistant Research Scientist; Marketing,
'Price Analysis; Ph.D., University of Florida
DEGNER, Robert L., Assistant Professor; Marketing; Ph.D.,
Texas A & M University
DOW, J. Kamal, Associate Professor; International Trade,
Marketing; Ph.D., University of Missouri
EASTWOOD, Ralph A., Professor; Marketing, Cooperatives;
Ph.D., Cornell University

ELKINS, Virgil L., Professor, Area Development
Specialist; Community and RuLal Development;
M.S., Florida A & M University
EMERSON, Robert D., Associate Professor; Resource
Economics; Ph.D., Purdue University
FAIRCHILD, Gary F., Adjunct Assistant Pr:ofessor, Florida
Department of Cicrus; Miarketing; Ph.D., Texas A & M
FINLAYSON, Edwin H Instructor; Farm Management; M.S.A.,
University of Florida
GREENHALGH, Richard A., Ad-iu.ict Assistant Professor,
U.S.D.A.; Natural Resource Economics; Ph.D.,
Universi y of Missouri
GUNTER, Danny L., Assistant Professor; Production
Economics; Ph.D, Un.iversity of T-ennessee
HOLT, John, Associate P-rofessor; Farm Management,
Production Econorri.s; Ph.D., Texas A & M University;
Currently on leave of absence, Oklahoma State
KEPNER, Karl W., Professor,; Food Marketing, Distribution;
Ph,D., Ohio SLate Uni v.rsity
KIKER, Clyde F., Assistant Professor; Resource Economics;
Ph.D., University of Florida
LANGHAM, Max R., Professor; Econometrics, Production
Economics; Ph.D., University of Illinois; Currently
on leave of absence
LEE, Jonq-Ying, Assi stanti Research Scientist; Resource
Economics; Ph.D., University of Florida
LOEHMAN, Edna T,, A-scciate Professor; Resource Economics,
Regional Developiment, Applied Welfare Economics;
Ph.D., Purddue Un i rersit y
LONG, Burl F., Visiting Professor; Resource Economics;
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
LYNNE, Gary D,, Assistant Professor; Natural Resource
Economics, PrEconomics rduiconomics; Ph.D., Oregon
State Univ.ers ity
McKEE, Vernon C., Associate Professor and Director of
Planning and Business Affairs, IFAS; Natural
Resource Economics; Ph.D., Iowa State University
McPHERSON, Woodrow W., Graduate Research Professor;
Economic Developmient, Public Policy, General Theory,
Latin American Program; Ph.D., Harvard University
MATHIS, W. Kary, Associat.e Professor and Director,
Agricultural Marketing Research Center; Marketing;
Ph.D., Texas A & M University

MOXLEY, Clisby C., Professor; Community Resource and
Rural Development; Ph.D., University of Kentucky
MYERS, Lester H., Adjunct Associate Professor and
Economic Research Director, Florida Department of
Citrus; Price Analysis, Marketing; Ph.D., Purdue
NILES, James A., Assistant Professor; Marketing; Ph.D.,
University of California, Davis
OTTE, John A., Assistant Professor and Area Agricultural
Economist; Farm Management; M.S., University of
POLOPOLUS, Leo, Professor and Chairman, Food and Resource
Economics Department; Marketing, Policy; Ph.D.,
University of California, Berkeley
PROCHASKA, Fred J., Associate Professor; General Economic
Theory, Marine Economics, Marketing and Demand;
Ph.D., North Carolina State University
REYNOLDS, John E., Associate Professor; Natural Resource
Economics; Ph.D., Iowa State University
SMITH, Cecil N., Professor; Marketing, Foreign
Agriculture Policy; Ph.D., University of California,
SMITH, Ernest B., Adjunct Instructor and Assistant in
Agricultural Economics, Marketing; M.S., Mississippi
State University
SOLTANI, Reza, Adjunct Associate Professor; Resource
Economics; Ph.D., University of California,
STEWART, Frederick, Adjunct Assistant Professor,
U.S.D.A.; Natural Resource Economics; Ph.D.,
University of Kentucky
STRAIN, J. Robert, Professor; Commodity Marketing;
Ph.D., Oregon State University
TEFERTILLER, Kenneth R., Professor and Vice President
for Agricultural Affairs, IFAS; Production
Economics; Ph.D., University of Illinois
TILLEY, Daniel S., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Florida
Department of Citrus; Marketing, Price Analysis;
Ph.D., Iowa State University
UPCHURCH, M. Louis, Visiting Professor and Acting
Director,Center for Rural Development; Public
Policy; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin


WARD, Ronald W., Associate Professor; Marketing,
Price Analysis; Ph.D., Iowa State University
WERSHOW, James S., Adjunct Professor; Agricultural Law;
LL.M., Yale University
WESTBERRY, George 0., Assistant Professor, Area Agri-
cultural Economist; Farm Management, Production
Economics; M.S., University of Georgia
ZEPP, Glenn A., Adjunct Associate Professor, U.S.D.A.,
Production Economics; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State


ALLEGER, D. E., Associate Professor Emeritus; M.S.,
Pennsylvania State University
BROOKER, M. A., Professor, Dean Emeritus; Ph.D., Cornell
CAKE, E. W., Professor Emeritus; Ph.D. Cornell University
GREENE, R. E. L., Professor Emeritus; Ph.D., Cornell
GREENMAN, J. R., Professor Emeritus; J. D., University
of Florida
HAMILTON, H. G., Professor Emeritus, Head of Department
(1950-65); Ph.D., Cornell University
McPHERSON, W. K., Professor Emeritus; M.S., Iowa State
MURPHREE, Clyde E., Associate Professor Emeritus; D.P.A.,
Harvard University
REITZ, J. W., Professor, President Emeritus, University
of Florida; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
ROSE, G. Norman, Associate Professor Emeritus; B.S.,
Murray State College
ROSENBERGER, Stanley E., Professor Emeritus; Ph.D.,
University of Florida
SPURLOCK, A. H., Professor Emeritus; M.S.A., University
of Florida



FRE 300 Food and Resource Economics Junior Seminar (1)*
FRE 301 Principles of Food and Resource Economics (5)
FRE 304 Computers and Linear Programming for Agriculture (5)
FRE 305 Law Applied to Agriculture (4)
FRE 310 Farm Firm Management (5)
FRE 320 Marketing (5)
FRE 322 Commodity Marketing (3)
FRE 330 Agricultural Finance and Rural Appraisal (4)
FRE 332 Economics of Environmental Quality (4)
FRE 400 Full Time Practical Work Experience in Food and
Resource Economics (1-4)
FRE 401 Special Topics in Food and Resource Economics (1-3)
FRE 411 Management of Farms in Tropical Areas (3)
FRE 412 Agricultural Labor Economics (3)
FRE 421 Terminal Markets and Commodity Exchanges (2)
FRE 423 International and Interregional Trade in
Agriculture (3)
FRE 424 Case Studies of Agricultural Marketing Firms (4)
FRE 425 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer
Behavior (4)
.FRE 426 Food Wholesaling (3)
FRE 427 Principles and Practices of Food Retailing (3)
FRE 430 Land and Water Economics (4)
FRE 440 Public Policy in Agriculture (4)
FRE 447 Income and Employment of Rural People (5)
FRE 460 Quantitative Analysis in Food and Resource
Economics (4)
FRE 465 Basic Activity Analysis for Economics Decisions (4)

Numbers in parentheses indicate quarter credit hours.



FRE 501 Special Topics in Food and Resource
Economics (1-3)
FRE 522 Firm Efficiency (3)
FRE 531 Economics of Natural Resource Planning and
Development (4)
FRE 541 Foreign Agritultural Development Planning (5)
FRE 603 Topics in Food and Resource Economics (1-6)
FRE 604 Intermediate Agricultural Production Economics (4)
FRE 605 .Intermediate Consumption Economics and Agricul-
tural Marketing (4)
FRE 606 Rural Welfare and Development Policy (5)
FRE 607 Activity Analysis for Economic Decisions (4)
FRE 608 Elements of Econometrics (4)
FRE 610 Economics of Agricultural Production I (5)
FRE 611 Economics of Agricultural Production II (5)
FRE 620 Consumption and Demand (4)
FRE 621 Industrial Organization of Agricultural
Markets (4)
FRE 630 Natural Resource Economics (4)
FRE 631 Land Tenure and Taxation in Agriculture (4)
FRE 632 Natural Resource Utilization (4)
FRE 641 Agricultural Policies and Programs in the
United States (3)
FRE 645 Economic Development and Agriculture (5)
FRE 646 Agriculture's Role in the Growth of Latin
American Nations (4)
FRE 650 International Agricultural Policy and Trade (5)
FRE 660 Nonstochastic Models (5)
FRE 661 Econometric Methods I (5)
FRE 662 Econometric Methods II (4)
FRE 663 Research Seminar in Econometrics (1-3)
FRE 680 Regional Economics (5)
FRE 682 Regional Economic Planning (5)
FRE 690 Science and Research Methodology (3)
FRE 691 Procedures in Planning and Conducting Research (3)
FRE 697 Supervised Research (1-5)


FRE 698 Supervised Teaching (1-5)
FRE 699 Master's Research (1-15)
FRE 799 Doctoral Research (1-15)

Appendix on Courses Offered in Agricultural Economics, 1923-24 through 1973-74.

Agronomy Department
J. E. Turlington, Professor of Agronomy
H. G. Hamilton, Instructor in Farm Management
Agricultural Economics courses offered
Agronomy, Cb Farm Management (no credit)
Agronomy VIA Farm Management
Agronomy VIIb Farm Management
Agronomy Xb Marketing
Agronomy XIb Farm Records
Agronomy IXa Rural Law
No change
Agronomy & Agricultural Economics
J. E. Turlington, Professor of Agronomy
H. G. Hamilton, Instructor in Farm Management
Courses offered


54 -
308 -
310 -
311 -
312 -
403 -

Farm Management (no credit)
Farm Management
Rural LAw
Farm Records
Farm Management
- Seminar, Farm Management
- Seminar, Marketing

Department of Agricultural Economics
J. E. Turlington, Professor
Frank Brumley, Instructor
Scarborough & Shoot, Graduate Assistants

Courses offered
AS 54 Farm M
301 Fundam
303 Farm R<
306 Farm M;
308 Market
311 Rural
403 Advanc
405 Agricu
408 Market:
409 Cooper;
501-2 Farm
503-4 Mark<
505-6 Rese;

management (no credit)
mental Principles of Economics
ed Farm Management
Itural Prices
ing Fruits & Vegetables
active Marketing
sting Seminar
arch Problems

410 Statistics
508 Land Economics
201 Agricultural Economics Principles
508 Land Economics changed to AS 412

AS 508 Land Economics
509 Citrus Grove Management
510 Truck Farm Management
AS 514 Advanced Marketing of Agricultural Products
AS 503-504 Marketing Seminar. AS 501-502 continued as Agricultural
Economics Seminary
Dr. C. V. Noble, Head Professor
1934-35 o
AS 304 Farm Finance & Appraisal
AS 54 Farm Management (non-credit course)
Dropped for three years
AS 201 Principles of Agricultural Economics

AS 201 Principles of Agricultural Economics
AS 413 Agricultural Policy
420 Marketing of Livestock (cooperative. wi'th Animal Science)
Hamilton and Shealy
AS 414 Terminal Markets & Commodity Exchanges
AS 509 Citrus Grove Management
510 Truck Farm Management U
Middle of World Waa II. Some courses histcd in catalogs but not offered for
several years. They were again offered in 1947-48. Courses suspended included:
AS 302 Agricultural Resources
304 Farm Finance & Appraisal
412 Land Economics
414 Terminal Markets & Commodity Exchanges
508 Land Economics
514 Advanced Marketing of Agricultural Economics
AS 411 Advanced Agricultural Statistics

AS 518
AS 513

Dr. H. G. Hamilton, Head





(later 621)

- Research Methods, Marketing
- Research Methods, Farm Management

Successful Marketing Firms
National & International Agricultural Programs
Research Methods in Agricultural Economics
Statistical Theory, Sampling Methods
Applications of Statistical Theory

AS 603, 604 -
617 Farm

AS 501
AS 622

Economics of Agricultural Production

Application of Statistical Theory
Master's Thesis
Doctoral Dissertation

Research in Land Economics
Problems in Statistics
Statistical Research
Econometric Methods

- Market Development Research
- Sample Surveys

AS 404 Farm Business Analysis
AS 620 Applications of Statistical Theory
AS 302 Agricultural Resources
1964-65 (after a three-year gap in catalog inspections)
AS 430 Farm Management in Tropical Areas
431 Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Areas
630 Growth in Latin American Countries
631 Low Income Policy in Latin America
632 Economic Growth in Under Developed Countries
1965-66 Dr. K. R. Tefertiller, Chairman
AS 523 Agricultural Policy & Adjustment
AS 530 Seminar in Economic Problems
612 Economics of Marketing & Markets
By 1969-1970 (after a two-year gap in catalog inspection)
Organization of curriculum and courses revamped, with a change in course numbers,
course titles and perhaps scope and content. Undergraduate courses, apparently
similar to preceding years, remained in farm business analysis, farm management,

marketing, agricultural accounting, law, principles of economics, price
analysis, marketing fruits and vegetables, land economics, farm financing,
public policy, terminal markets, marketing livestock, and farm management
and marketing in tropical areas. AS 304, computers and data processing,
was added.
Courses for advanced undergraduates and graduates with 500-numbers were offered
in 9 courses. (See Schedule)
The graduate courses (600s & 700s) were expanded in number, and changed in titles,
course numbers and subjects covered. A total of 24 courses were offered, including
thesis and dissertation. (See Schedule)
Department name changed to Food and Resource Economics.
Dr. Leo Polopolus, Chairman
In 1973-74 (after a three-year gap in catalog inspection)
FRE 322 Economics of Environmental Quality
423 International Trade in Agriculture
460 Quantitative Methods
AS 422 Agriucultural Marketing in the Tropics
550 Comparative Agricultural Systems
Courses for graduates were further changed by:
FRE 645 Economic Development and Agriculture
663 Econometric Seminar
680 Regional Economics
682 Regional Economic Planning

1973-74 (cont.)
AS 642 Economic Development in Agriculture and Low Income Economies
643 Development Planning and Policies in Low Income Rural Economies
644 Regional Economics for Rural Areas


Listing By Graduating Class

Harold Gray Clayton, M.S.A.
1923 (May)
Henry Glenn Hamilton, M.S.A.
1925 (June)
Robert Wray, M.S.A.
1926 (August)
Frank Warner Brumley, M.S.A.
1927 (May)
Marvin Adel Brooker, M.S.A.
Chaffie Aldred Scarborough,
Doyle Edgar Timmons, M.S.A.
1929 (May)
John Francis Cooper, M.S.A.
George Ransom Graham, M.S.A.
Harold N. Haskell, M.S.A.
Robert Louis Zentgraf, M.S.A.
1930 (June)
Raymond Holt Howard, M.S.A.
Frazier Rogers, M.S.A.
1931 (June)
C. J. Bolton, Jr., M.S.A.
Martin Greene Young, M.S.A.

1932 (June)
George Carl Roberts, M.S.A.
Lawrence John Larson, M.S.A.
John Levi Wann, M.S.A.
1933 (June)
Alvin Harold Spurlock, M.S.A.
Morgan Columbus Rochester,
1934 (January)
Fred Nagin Farum, M.S.A.
1935 (February)
Matilda Roesel, M.S.A.
Victor V. Bowman, M.S.A.
1938 (June)
Hamlin L. Brown, Jr., M.S.A.
Paul Robert Seiler, M.S.A.
1939 (May)
Douglas Gray Miley, M.S.A.
1942 (July)
Donald Lloyd Brooke, M.S.A.
Herbert Aubrey Smith, Jr.,
1946 (July)
Marshall Reid Godwin, M.S.A.

1947 (September)
Hugh Madison Smith, M.S.A.
1948 (September)
A. Lee French, Jr., M.Ag
1949 (February)
Robert Jules Krueger, M.S.A.
Jack Conrad Thompson, M.S.A.
Eric Thor, M.S.A.
Robert Charles White, M.S.A.
1950 (June)
James Ricks Carson, Jr.,
Charlie Petter Cowan, M.Ag
James N. Fichter, M.Ag
Nick Kormanick, M.Ag
Clyde Elwyn Murphree, M.S.A.
William N. Garrott, M.S.A.
Raymond E. Campbell, M.Ag
William Ray Cotton, M.S.A.
James Eldridge Kelly, M.Ag
Clifford Odell Wilson, M.Ag
1951 (February)
Charles Willard Bielby, M.Ag
Theo Huffman Ellis, M.S.A.
Edward Lloyd Wood, M.Ag
Raymond Charley Barnes, M.S.A.
Pete Hutchison Brock, M.S.A.
George Craig James, M.S.A.
Levi A. Powell, Sr., M.S.A.
William Albert Stubbs, M.Ag
1952 (February)
Elmer George Close. M.S.A.
Fayette Ward Parvin, M.S.A.

Warren Kingsbury Trotter,
1953 (January)
Robert Floyd Luckey, M.S.A.
Kenneth Marshburn Gilbraith,
Luke David Dohner, M.S.A.
1954 (August)
Fred Richard Marti, Ph.D.
1955 (January)
John Franklin Crum, M.S.A.
1956 (January)
Roy Leland Lassiter, M.Ag
Ernest Evan Brown, Ph.D.
George Lafayette Capel, Ph.D.
Henry Louis Castle, M.S.A.
James Moore Torrance, M.S.A.
Hooper Clyde Spurlock, Ph.D.
1957 (January)
Roy L. Lassiter, Jr., Ph.D.
Richard Kenneth Noles, M.S.A.
Theo Huffman Ellis, Ph.D.
Leopoldo Pardo de Guzman,
Ralph William White, Jr.,
1958 (February)
Fred B. Anderson, Ph.D.
Charles Arthur Nicholls,
Tze I. Chiang, Ph.D.
William Tanner Manley, Ph.D.

1958 (August)
Jesse Rhodes Russell, M.S.A.
1959 (June)
Charles Dean Covey, M.S.A.
Louis Vernon Dixon, Ph.D.
Joseph Mark Friedheim, M.S.A.
Edmond Wendell Horton, M.S.A.
Chen-Tuan Li, M.S.A.
Thomas Chi-Chuang Sung, M.Ag
Ray Hurley Rountree, Jr.,
Teofilo A. Taqueban, M.S.A.
1961 (January)
Maxey Dell Love, Jr., M.S.A.
Floyd Wendell Williams, Ph.D.
CV-reaA ri Tnrosh UnfCfr Dh

1963 (June)
James Donald Bates, MS,A.
Bobby Ray Bennett, M.S.A.
William Fred Chapman, Jr.,
Cesar E. Palmer, M.Ag
1964 (April)
George Henry Jung, M.S.A.
Sai Myint Lwin, M.Ag
Juan Antonio Aquirre,
James Bailey Bell, Ph.D.

Albert Benjamin Krienke, M.S.A. Hashim Alwan Al-Samarrai,
Reuben Navarro y Navarro, Ph,D.
M.S.A. Jose Antonio Costa, Jr.,

Paul Titus Blair, Ph.D.
1962 (February)
Alfonso Blandon, M.S.A.
Ernesto Velez, M.Ag
Herbert Winthrop Warburton,
Mohammed Sultan, M.S.A.
Victor Gladden Edman, Ph.D.
William Bernard Lester, M.S.A
Chen-Tuan Li, Ph.D.
Stanley E. Rosenberger, Ph.D.
Elmer George Close, Ph.D.
Harpal Singh Maur, M.Ag
1963 (April)
John Raymond Brooker, MS.A.

Nelson Wayne Jordan, M.S.A.
Richard Lamar Quails, M.S.A.
1965 (April)
Julian Ralph Meitin, M.S.A.
David Ervin Weisenborn,
Solomon A. Gladstone. M.Ag
Kenneth Robert Henderson,
SRobert Hamilton Brewster,
Aaron A. Hutcheson, M.S.A.
Charlor Judjang, M.Ag
Willie Travis Menasco, M.Ag
Talmadge Gerald Rice, M.S.A.
Robert Conrad Rock, Ph.D.

1965 (December)
Hartwell Anderson Gilliard,
Jr., M.Ag
John Robert Linn, M.S.A.
Carl Ludewig Nottebohn,
1966 (April)
Thomas Elbert Floyd, M.S.A.
Jorge H. Perez, M.Ag
Albert F. Cribbett. M.S.A.
John Gerald Feaster, M.S.A.
Joseph S. Weiss, M.S.A.
1967 (June)
Richard Chesterfield
Raulerson, M.S.A.
James E. Everett, M.Ag
Howell Wayne Willingham,
Leopoldo R. Figueroa, M,Ag
1968 (June)
Wilson V. Goncalves, M.Ag
Eduardo L. Ramos, M.Ag
Timothy S. Hipp, M,Ag
John C. Johnson, M.Ag
Ramon E. Ocariz, M.Ag
Arthur Findlay Parker, Jr.,
James 0. Phillips, Jr.,
Edward P. Sowa, M.Ag
David E. Weisenborn, Ph.D.
Robert E. Zellner, M.S.A,
Luis Manuel Garcia, M.S.A.
1969 (March)
Charles L. Anderson, M.S.A.
Juan M. Clark, M.S.A.

1969 (June)
Wen-Shyong Chern, M.S.A.
Edward R, Yawn, M,Ag
Mohammed Ismail A. Farh,
Sai Myint Lwin, Ph.D.
Edward Lowe McClelland,
Ronald P. Muraro, M.Ag
Robert Henry Priscott,
Manuel J. Carvajal, M.S.A.
Adrian F. Fajardo, M.S.A.
Neil Larry Meyer, M.S.A.
Galen C. Moses, M.S.A.
Kit Sims Taylor, M.S.A.
Ron-Horn Tseng, M.S.A.
1970 (March)
John Lewis Bieber, Ph.D.
David Woodrow Parvin, Ph.D.
Hans Patrick Peterson,
Harry Gene Witt, Ph.D.
James Emmett Giles, M.Ag
Jaya R. Giri, M.Ag
Gino A. Ratti, M.Ag
1971 (March)
Fredric J. Dickerman,
Dallas R. Fox, M.S.A.
Lee W. Hall, M.S.A.
James N. Royal, M.S.A.
Ahmad Mahdzan Bin Ayob,
Bharat Jhunjhunwala,

1971 (August)
Vernon W, Bent, M.Ag
Oscar A. Perez-C., M.Ag
Eduardo E, Rena, M.Ag
Teunis DeBoon, M,Ag
William D, Ricker, Jr,,
Michael Schwartz, Ph.D.
Donna F. Wyatt, M.S.A.
1972 (March)
Bruce A. Cook, M.Ag
Jose Dearing, M.S.A.
Paul Jerome Hooker, Ph.D.
Clara F. McIlwain, M.Ag
Samuel Sen-Rong Huang, M.Ag
Leslie Francis Liverpool,
Jonq-Ying Lee, M.S.A.
Louis Andrew Murray, M,S.A.
Orlando Jose Soto, M.Ag
Daniel B. Wilder, III, M.S.A.
Reinaldo B. Alcantara, M.S.A.
Mario Miguel Amin, M.S.A.
Morris Behar, M.S.A.
Henry Doss Brodnax, Jr,, Ph.D
Juan Antonio Figueras, Ph.D.
Van Brummett Johnson, M.Ag
John Francis McGuire, III,
Juan Montes, M.S.A.
Luciano Mosele, M.Ag
.1973 (March)
Arthur F. Parker, Jr.. Ph.D.
Charles L. Richardson, M.S.A.
Bharat Jhunjhunwala, Ph.D.
Clyde F, Kiker, Ph.D,
Sarah Shu-Jen Yang, M,S,A,
Richard A. Levins, M.S.A.
Terry Allen Moore, M.S.A.
Chih-huang Tuan, M.S.A.

1973 (December)
Antal Borcsok, M,A,M,R,D,
Celinda Borcsok, M,A.M.R.D.
Eduardo E. Brenes, M.A.M.R.D
John R. Brooker, Ph.D.
James Carey Cato, Ph.D.
Arthur J. Hill, M.A.M.R.D.
Robert McElroy, III, M.S.A.
Oma Richard Minton, Jr.,
Charles Powe, Ph.D.
Joseph Roetheli, M.S.A.
Jackie Gayle Smith, M.S.A.
1974 (March)
Teunis De Boon, Ph.D.
Jon Michael Gorham, M.S.A.
Lawrence A. Halsey,
Neto Jose Jacintho,
David Bennett Land,
Gary J. Mesnick, M.A.M.R.D.
Aurelia B. Harris, M.S.A.
Michael J, Mara, M.S.A.
David J. Zimet, M.S.A.
Jose Alvarez, M.S.A.
Daniel Camacho, M.A.M.R.D.
Mario 0. Maya, M.A.M.R.D.
Gerald A. Smith, M.A.M.R.D.
Donald Roy Andrews, M.S.A.
James R, Baarda, Ph.D.
Clarence F. Cogdell,
John Murray Conner,
Edwin Hines Finlayson,
Jean Ongla, M.S.A.
1975 (March)
John Sylvester Brenneman,
George Brooks Buck,
Thomas Adrian Jennings,

1975 (March) (cont,)
Brooks Lee Whitlock,
Jagadevappa N. Bagali, Ph.D.
Frank A. Dasse, Ph.D.
Michael Lee Hogan, M.A.M.R.D.
Jonq-Ying Lee, Ph.D.
Kenneth B. Wiegand, M.S.A.
Oon Lee Yeoh, Ph.D.
Carter Catlin, M.A.M.R.D.
Vo Huu De, Ph.D.
Thomas S. Walker, M.S.A.
James D. Wilson, M.S.A.
Marvin E. Jones, M.A.M.R.D.
1976 (March)
Gustavo J. Arcia, M.S.
Nelson Wayne Jordan, Ph.D.
Tran Nhu Long, Ph.D.
Kamal Pasa-Upon, M.A.M.R.D.
Romulo Soliz, M.S.
Wiladda Tejavej, M.A.M.R.D.
Nancy Jung Chow, M.A.M.R.D.
Sergio Espinosa, M.A.M.R.D.
Pedro B. Garcia, M.A.M.R.D.
Robert D. Goldberg, M.A.M.R.D.
Bert J. Harris, III, M.A.M.R.D.
Richard C. Hooks, M.A.M.R.D.
James F. Jackson, M.A.M.R.D.
Paul Singleton, M.A.M.R.D.
Efrain M. Figueroa, M.S.