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The Apopka Woman's Club honored many of its own for their long-time membership. See page 6A. God Bles Covering the Volume 83 Number 12 IG 326 2- UF LBPYEAST LitvERSI OF FL community in the 1 po BoX0 0l0i 32611-7001 @2006 The GAINESV L 326 Fridav-March 2006 .... FridavMarch 24, 2006, .-. l --, W I .. Middle school zoning will be decided soon School Board will approve 1 of 2 options. By John Peery Apopka Chief Staff The decision on the student atten- dance zones for Apopka-area middle schools will be made Tuesday, March 28, after a public hearing during a meeting of the Orange County School Board. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the board's meeting room at the Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia St., Orlando. The board will choose between a Apopka ( pair of zoning plans that will assign stu- dents to local middle schools as a result of the expected opening of a middle school being built on the north side of Ponkan Road in Apopka. Maps of the two proposals were printed in the Feb- ruary 24 issue of The Apopka Chief and are on the newspaper's Web site, www.theapopkachief.com. The new middle school is being, constructed adjacent to Apopka's Northwest Recreation Complex, as is' an elementary school. The attendance zones for area elementary schools were approved by the School Board at its February 14 meeting. Getting to this point in the approval process of an attendance zone has pitted portions of the community against other areas as parents and com- munity members seek what they feel is best for the children. The two alternatives -- Staff Revised and Option B -- can be seen at our Web site, www.theapopkachief.com. They were also printed in the February 24 edition of The Apopka Chief. Orange County School Board member Jim Martin of Apopka is strongly in favor of the Option B plan. But, he has vocal opposition from, among others, Anne Alsup, an Apopka Realtor. Alsup wants the Staff Revised plan to be passed by the School Board. "I feel very strongly that Option B is the way to go," Martin said. "I do believe Option B is the better plan." Alsup, who has put together a three-page outline explaining her desire for the Staff Revised plan to be approved, said that she thinks that those who want Option B need to take anoth- er look at the Staff plan. "I don't think people have looked at these two plans closely enough," she said. She said that the feeder patterns of students moving from elementary school to middle school is disrupted more in Option B. That, she said, has a "significant impact on kids." Option B would make the student population of both the Ponkan Road school and Apopka Memorial Middle School about the same, while the Staff Revised plan would keep more students at AMMS, allowing for growth at the Ponkan Road school. If Option B is passed, Alsup said, the high growth in See ZONING Page 2A Jim Martin ... area School Board member election is official; vote totals are same Two provisional ballots are rejected by Apopka Canvassing Board. By John Peery Apopka Chief Staff The Apopka election for City Council Seat 1 was made official on Monday, March 20, when the Apopka Canvassing Board voted unanimously to not accept two provisional ballots that had been voted during the recent election between incum- bent Billie Dean and challenger Joe Canzoneri. Dean won handily and the aiptcome of the election was not ifi doubt, but the Canvassing ]4oard had to rule on the two Itallots, which were cast by 4popka residents who were not qn the voter registration list of Bill Cowles, Orange County Supervisor of Elections. . No record of their registra- tion was found and the Canvas- sing Board .voted 3-0 to reject the ballots. In both cases, the voters had thought they were registered to vote in Orange County, but there was no proof to back up their assertions. The vote by the Canvassing Board -- made up of city com- missioners Bill Arrowsmith and Kathy Till, as well as City Clerk Jan Goebel -- finalized the vote between Dean and Canzoneri with Dean reeling in 714 votes, or 75.9 percent, to 227 (24.1 percent) for first-time candidate Canzoneri. The vote total includes both the early voting and the ballots cast on March 14, Election Day. Only 5 percent of Apopka's 18,188 registered voters cast their ballots in the lone city race, but about one-fourth of the 941 voters made their choice during the early voting, as 226 votes were counted from the voting See VOTE Page 5A Sitting as part of the Apopka Canvassing Board, city commissioners Bill Arrowsmith and Kathy Till listen to fellow Canvassing Board member Jan Goebel, city clerk, speak during their Monday, March 20, meeting at City Hall. Relay For Life is this weekend By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff Apopka's seventh annual R1lay For Life, an American Cancer Society fundraiser, will kick off today, Friday, March 24, at: 6 p.m. at Apopka High School's Roger Williams Field. Mayor John H. Land will give the welcome and there will be recognition -of Apopka's city commissioners, Bill Arrow- smriith, Marilyn Ustler McQueen, Kathy Till, and Billie Dean, as well as Orange County Com- missioner Bob Sindler. Relay For Life is an overnight event designed to cel- ebrate cancer survivorship and raise money for research and programs of the American Can- cer Society, according to the ACS Web site. During the event, teams of people gather at the high school and take turns walk- ing or running laps. Each team tries to keep at least one member on the track at all times. The 17-hour event will take See RELAY Page 2A This American Cancer Society banner was signed by those in attendance at a survivors' banquet this week. Debbie Turner of Apopka will take the banner to Washington, D.C. Apopka woman fights disease By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff An Apopka woman has proved that she could teach herself to play golf, participate on the Ladies Professional Golf Associa- tion tour, and become a country club golf professional, all while dealing with a debil- itating disease. Bobbi Salmon resigned from her posi- tion as head golf professional at Errol Estate Country Club on March 1, shortly after she learned that she had the most seri- ous form of scleroderma, an auto-immune disease that affects connective tissue. The name comes from two Greek words: "scle- ro" meaning hard and "derma" meaning skin. Hardening of the skin is one of the most visible forms of the disease, but the systemic type, which Salmon has, involves internal organs, such as the lungs and heart. According to the Scleroderma Foundation Web site, approximately 300,000 persons in the United States have the disease, including 80,000-100,000 with the sys- temic form." Salmon was 24 years old and working for an airline company in Philadelphia, when she decided that she wanted to be a professional golfer. She saw only one obstacle to that goal; she couldn't play golf. With a background playing softball and volleyball at Appalachian State Uni- versity, she didn't think it would be hard to learn. "I just watched people," Salmon said. "I hit a lot of balls. I threw my clubs away and cried a lot. I just thought it was a game. I was too stupid to know how hard it was. I figured all you had to do was get the little ball in the hole and how hard could that be?" She packed her clothes and golf clubs into a Volkswagen and headed to Ft. Laud- erdale, spending nights in her car with the clubs on top of her. A year of practice later, she joined the LPGA tour and qualified to play in the U.S. Open. Later, Salmon played in Europe and Asia for three years. After a short break from the sport, See GOLFER Page 3A City will open new utility billing office Beginning Monday, March 27, city of Apopka utilities cus- tomers will have a drive-up window for utility bill payment as the city's utility billing office is moving across Fifth Street from City Hall, where it is cur- rently located. The utility billing office will move to its new facility at 150 E. Fifth St., directly south of City Hall. The new office will have a drive-up window for bill payment. For more information, call the utility billing office at 407- 703-1727. Section A Opinion ......4A-5A Lifestyle ........6A Worship ........7A Kapers ......... 8A Dining & Ent. ... .10A Bus. Rev. ....12A,4B Section B Sports ..........1 B Legal ads ... .5B-9B Service Dir. .... .10B Classified .. .10-14B Apopka Chief / 50 cents Bobbi Salmon ... fighting disease The Apopka Blue Darters girls tennis team remains unbeaten after six matches. See page lB. The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 2A Groundbreaking set for bridge A groundbreaking ceremo- served. ny for the pedestrian bridge over Construction has already U.S. Highway 441 will be held begun on the bridge that will Friday, March 31, at 10 a.m. span U.S. 441 at Forest Avenue The ceremony will take in Apopka, connecting the West place at the intersection of Sec- Orange Trail north and south of ond Street and Forest Avenue in the highway. It is slated to open Apopka. Refreshments will be in the fall. The ceremony will be host- ed by County Commissioner Bob Sindler of Apopka and Orange County Mayor Richard Crotty. Apopka Mayor John H. Land will also be in attendance. For more information, call 407-836-6207. Meeting set for new elementary school Caroll Grimando, principal of the elementary school on Ponkan Road which will open this fall, will host a community update meeting about the new school on Thursday, March 30, at 6:30 p.m. in the Apopka Memorial Middle School auditori- Grimando said she will introduce new staff, update the community on the naming process for the school, provide a construction update, and talk about other important dates and news. Boy Scouts plan fundraiser luncheon The Apopka Boy Scouts Golden Eagle Luncheon will be held Wednesday, March 29, at the Fran Carlton Center in Apopka and spots are still avail- able for the fundraising event. Check-in begins at 11:30 a.m. with the lunch set to begin at noon. The event is a fundraiser for the Central Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The council's office is located in Apopka. For more information, call the council office at 407-889- 4403. Relay: Two fundraising contests will highlight Relay For Life event Continued from page 1A place Friday, March 24, and Sat- urday, March 25, with closing ceremonies at 11 a.m. Following Land's welcome, the presenta- tion of colors by the AHS Jr. ROTC and VFW Post 10147, and recognition of committee members, the survivor ceremo- ny will begin. Lisa Van Alstine, first runner-up in the recent Miss Apopka pageant will speak, followed by Colonel Bill Symolon, AHS ROTC instruc- tor, with the survivor and care- giver recognition. Bagpipes will then lead cancer survivors as they walk the first lap of the event and their caregivers will take the second. Contestants for second annual Mr. Relay and the new Kiss the Cow fundraiser con- tests will be introduced at 6:45 p.m. The Mr. Relay contenders will dress up as women and go Lisa Van Alstine ... will speak at Relay through the crowd collecting money. Whoever gets the most donations wins the Mr. Relay title. The winner will be announced at 7:45 p.m. For several months, collec- tion jars have been placed in various locations throughout the city for contributions to the Kiss the Cow contest. The public may vote for their favorite city commissioner or the mayor by placing money in his or her jar and the city official with the most money will kiss a cow at 7:30 p.m. Candidates will have an opportunity to "campaign" by collecting more money at Relay For Life. There will be a variety of entertainment at Relay For Life, including Miss Cutie Pie, Bran- di Jean Pipkin, Little Miss Apopka, Audra Moore and Miss Teen Apopka, Terri Darden. Recording artist J.D. Tanner, who lost her best friend to can- cer, will perform later in the evening, as will Hot Sauce Handouts, the winner of the Local Apopka Musicians Eradi- cating Cancer High School Bat- tle of the Bands. Throughout the Relay, special laps, such as wild See RELAY Page 3A Zoning: Alsup says that staff plan is 'unarguably' best for community Continued from page 1A the Ponkan Road school area would soon cause the movement of teachers, students, and porta- bles to that school from AMMS. She said that "isn't fiscally sound." "Unarguably, the staff plan is better for our community," Alsup said. The two current proposals are revisions of plans brought forth earlier, one by Martin, the other by the Pupil Placement staff for Orange County Public Schools. During January and early February, the proposals brought loud and long concerns from the community, but since the ele- mentary zones were established -- they also caused consternation in the community -- the furor has died down, something both Martin and Alsup acknowl- edged. "Since our February vote (on the elementary zones), the input from the community (on the middle school zones) has been minimal," Martin said. "It's been very, very quiet." "I haven't seen much talk about this this time," Alsup said. "It's not the same (intensity) as last time. "People should be talking about it and show up at the meeting," she said. The Realtor said that there is one thing on which those on Anne Alsup .. wants staff plan both sides of the issue should be able to agree. "We should care." DR. DEAN BEHNER Apopka physician for 12 years INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICIAN YOUR HEALTH IS VALUABLE! SPECIALIZING IN PERSONAL ADULT MEDICINE NOW ACCEPTING APPOINTMENTS ACCEPT MOST MAJOR INSURANCES 407-886-1171 APOPKA MEDICAL CENTER 125 S. PARK AVE., APOPKA Over 25'Years Experience in * Wipe Out Debts Keep Your Property * Stop Collection Threats Re-Establish Credit * Stop Foreclosure Catch Up Mortgage Payments * Pay IRS Pay Creditors Over Time ... CARPET ONE"' 2199 E. Semoran Blvd. Apopka 407-889-4128 5231 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando 407-277-7806 179 C-N Hwy 27 Clermont 352-394-0303 Mon Fri: 9am 6pm Sat: 9am 5pm Evening by Appt. If you are considering bankruptcy, call our office today for FREE CONSULTATION Robert H. Pflueger, P.A. 377,Maitland Ave. #1002 407-339-2022 Altamonte Springs The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. AlAbA *op TOe popka Ctief Established 1923 (USPS 545-440) et popka Cljtt is published every Friday and entered as Periodicals, postage paid at Apopka Post Office, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. et rfopIa Clitn newspaper is published by Foliage Enterprises, Inc., every Friday at 439 W. Orange 'tW Blossom Trail, Apopka, Fla., 32712-3417. An annual subscription is $18 in Orange County and $23 outside Orange County. Phone 407-886-2777. Postmaster: Send address changes to %be Spopka tQfet, P.O. Box 880, Apopka, Fla., 32704-0880. e ipop~a Cifet is a consistent award-winning community weekly news- paper and a member of the Florida Press Association. The newspaper won the group's award as its best newspaper in 1982, 1987 and 1988, the only three-time winner. Letters to the editor are welcome but must be signed and include a daytime telephone number and address for verification. Names may be withheld on request. Management reserves the right to edit letters because of space or libelous comment. Letters should be limited to 200 words. Newspaplr Asool Uon of AmeloId City of Apopka Telephone Numbers City Hall .............. .407-703-1700 Mayor's Office ............ 407-703-1703 City Clerk ................ 407-703-1704 Community Devel. .........407-703-1712 Code Enforcement ......... 407-703-1738 Finance Dept .......... .407-703-1725 Fire Chief ............. .407-703-1750 Fire (non-emerg.) .......... 407-703-1756 Parks and Rec. Dept. .......407-703-1741 Police Chief ............ ..407-703-1789 Police (non-emerg.) ........ 407-703-1771 Job Line .............. .407-703-1721 Solid Waste Collect ........ 407-703-1731 Street Maintenance ....... .407-703-1731 Utility Billing ........... 407-703-1727 Medical, fire emergency ........... 911 The city of Apopka: The city of Apopka was chartered in 1882. It is located at 28'30 north latitude and is 150 feet above sea level. Its population is about 34,000 and its total area is nearly 30 sq. mi. Orange County Telephone Numbers Animal Services .......... .407-352-4390 Auto/Boat Tags ............407-836-4145 Building Dept ..... ...... .407-836-5760 County Chairman .......... 407-836-7370 County Commission ........ 407-836-7350 County Attorney ........... 407-836-7320 Clerk of the Court .......... 407-836-2066 Elections Supervisor ........ 407-836-2070 Fire/Rescue ............ .407-836-9111 Garbage Collecting ......... 407-836-6601 Health Dept ........... .407-836-2600 Hunting/Fishing Lic ......... 407-836-4143 Parks and Rec. Dept. ...... .407-836-6280 Property Appraiser ......... 407-836-5000 Sheriff ............... .407-836-3700 Utilities .............. .407-836-5515 All other departments ...... .407-836-5500 Medical, fire emergency ........... 911 Other Area Numbers of Note U.S. Senators Bill Nelson (Dem.) ......... 407-872-7161 Mel Martinez (Rep.) ........ 407-254-2573 U.S. Representatives Corrine Brown (Dist. 3) .... .407-872-0656 Ric Keller (Dist. 8) ........ .407-872-1962' Tom Feeney (Dist. 24) ......407-208-1106 State Representatives Fred Brummer (Dist. 38) ... .407-880-4414 David Simmons (Dist. 37) .. .407-262-7520 State Senators Daniel Webster (Dist. 9) .... .407-656-0066 Gary Siplin (Dist. 19) ...... .407-297-2071 Orange County Public Schools Pupil assignment ........... 407-317-3233 Bus routes .............. .. 407-317-3800 Superintendent ........... .407-317-3202 School Board ............ .. .407-317-3236 Miscellaneous The Apopka Chief ..........407-886-2777 Museum Museum of Apopkans ....... 407-703-1707 i/' COMING TO CENTRAL FLORIDA APRIL 7, 8, & 9, 2006 WALT DISNEY WORLD DOLPHIN HOTEL 30 National & International Orchid Vendors 10am 6pm Thursday & Friday, 10am 4pm Sunday $5 admission More info? www.aosorchidmagic.com Chapter 7 I L Chapter 13 -0- The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 3A Deadline nearing for scholarships The deadline is nearing for the medical scholarships awarded annually by the North Orange Tax District Scholarship Committee. The deadline is Friday, March 31, for applying for medical scholarships which will be awarded for the 2006-2007 academic year. Applicants must be residents of the former North Orange Tax District for one year prior to date of application. The boundaries of the former tax district are: Lake County line on the west and north, Seminole County line on the east, and Keene Road on the south. A committee spokeswoman said that scholarship recipients will be chosen with- out regard to age, race or national and eth- nic origin. The applications are being accepted for medical fields such as medical doctor, dentist, nurse, and other medically related careers. Requests for applications should be mailed to: North Orange Tax District Scholarship Committee, Executive Offices, 201 N. Park Ave., Apopka, 32703. Applications may be picked up during regular business hours at the executive offices of Florida Hospital Apopka at the above address. Continued from page 1A Salmon started a new career as a golf pro- fessional. She opened the Country Club of Mt. Dora and stayed there for nine years before coming to Errol Estate six years ago. While attending to her duties, she also played at times on the LPGA tour, playing in another U.S. Open and four British Opens, as well as many other events. Golf for Women Magazine named her as one of 50 top teaching professionals. She won the LPGA Teaching and Club Profes- sional Southeast Section Championship pre- sented in 2000 and 2002. According to the LPGA Web site, in 2005 Salmon earned $12,791.25 competing in its tournaments. As she added accolades to her golf career, Salmon was becoming bewildered about her health problems. "I've been strug- gling with something for nine years. I didn't feel well and I've always tried to be in shape. I'd walk into the doctor's office with a tan, looking like I was in decent shape and they'd say, 'What the heck's wrong with you?' I got frustrated to the point where they thought I was a hypochondriac and I was beginning to believe I was too. I'd have a rash; then a pain. It was always bizarre symptoms that didn't make any sense." Salmon was finally diagnosed with scleroderma two years ago. "It was horrible, but it was good because I finally realized there was something wrong with me and I wasn't losing my mind." After her diagnosis, she, along with manager and friend Marten Piccinini, researched the disease on the Internet and found there wasn't much information or many doctors working on the disorder. "The challenge is awareness because you can't fund any of these projects without it," Pic- cinini said. With a background in filmmaking, Pic- cinini helped Salmon make a 30-second public service announcement about the dis- ease. He will also film two others with scle- roderma relaying the same message, based on Salmon's theme, "Nothing is Impossi- ble." The golf professional has also made a golf head cover named Miss Roy, based on her love for childhood hero, Roy Rogers. Out of the proceeds of each sale, $1 will go toward scleroderma research. June is National Scleroderma Month and Salmon will acknowledge that by play- ing in the senior open Hy-Vee Classic, an LPGA tournament in Johnstown, Iowa. In addition, she hopes to air her public service announcement nationally and continue working for awareness of the disease. Other than the Hy-Vee Classic, Salmon isn't sure how many more tournaments she'll be able to play in. One of her most frustrating moments was after a trip to Duke University last month, where she learned that she had the systemic form of the dis- ease, when she had to tell her co-workers at Errol Estate that she was resigning as the golf professional. "People look at you, and if you're not bleeding out of your eyes, they don't think anything's wrong with you and most people don't know what it (scleroder- ma) is. It's been a learning process for the people around me." One thing Salmon is sure of is thai she will continue to teach and play golf, although she plans to cut down on the 25 tournaments she plays in annually. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing exactly what I want to do," she said. "I couldn't give up teaching. If they have to roll me out there in a box, I'm still going to teach." 500 Anytime Minutes .. I Just $49.99 for 2 lines . NEXTELIBOOST POny 599 Prepaid phones Prepaid phones : with FREE Nights, on sale and Weekends as low as 803 S. OBT, Apopka as low as 9.99 next to Big Lots and Beall'sOutlet $59.99 with 60 FREE 407-814-8433 (Until Stocks Last) I minutes. 4 7 8 4 4 T Mobile- ula -- Sprint. .. M raising the bar,.dl. - S.'... ** .Lordy, Lordy,. l Look who turned Happy Birthday STim Bennett SA. DoWe Love You. Mom, Dad, Rick, Tami, David, & Savannah Relay: Event is 17 hrs. long Continued from page 2A sock, goofy hat, chocoholic, and poker laps will be announced. At 9 p.m., the luminaria ceremony will be held. Lumi- narias, candles placed in paper bags, may be purchased in memory of a loved one at the event and then placed around the track at the start of the cere- mony. Reverend Henry Cribb, pastor of the First United Methodist Church, will speak prior to the ceremony. After the luminaria ceremo- ny, Commissioner Kathy Till will announce the winner of a Relay For Life themed oil paint- ing by Pasquale Barba, a local artist and owner of Caffe Posi- tano Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria in Apopka. Saturday, March 25 begins with Reveille at 6 a.m. and a bed head contest at 6:30 a.m. After tai chi classes and a perfor- mance by the Piedmont Lakes Middle School Beta Club Band, the Relay awards ceremony and prize drawings will be held at 10 a.m., followed by the closing ceremonies. In the first event of Relay For Life, more than 300 people attended a Survivors Dinner, held for cancer survivors and their caregivers Monday, March 20, at the new Apopka Commu- nity Center, also home to Apop- ka/Altamonte Springs VFW Post 10147. This year, 183.sur- vivors participated, up from 139 last year. "It went wonderfully," said survivor committee chairman Valerie Geth. "We raised twice as much money as we did last year and we're very pleased. It was a fun-filled evening." Serving Florida for Over 25 Years Family Owned and Operated Professional Dependable Trustworthy 407-656-1289 *Clow AmERICAILA"FAvoRrrE GARAGE. Do~oY-q Lift Master Garage Door Openers ~cdYc~aw * On Highland Ave., between the Baptist Church and the Episcopal Church, is the First Presbyterian Church of Apop- ka. A warm, friendly church with a modern, yet conserva- tive approach to worship. * Our interim pastor, Dr. Robert Palmer, is well known in Central Florida, having served churches in Oakland, New Smyrna Beach, and Cocoa Beach. His sermon series for the Lenten season is based on the Lord's prayer. Worship Service is 11:00 a.m. with nursery and Junior Church available First Presbyterian Church of Apopka 500 S. Highland Avenue 407-886-5943 Web site: www.theapopkachief.com email: ads@apopkachief.fdn.com news@apopkachieffn.com mEW ADDRESS Monday, March 27, 2006 City of Apopka Utility Billing Office will relocate to: 150 E. 5th St., Apopka to be equipped with Drive-Up Window for utility bill payment. If you have any questions, please call City of Apopka Utility Billing Office \407-703-1727j M George Collins and his family at Bubbalou's Bodacious Bar-B-Q on Rock Springs Road near Welch. George Collins for - Orange County Commissioner "It's Time for Leadership" I believe in God, Family, Country and Ethical Public Service. I believe that elected public servants are accountable to the citizens. I believe we need higher paying jobs, improved transportation & balanced growth. I would be honored by your financial support, and vote for my grassroots campaign for Orange County Commissioner on September 5th. George will listen to your suggestions and concerns or the future of Northwest Orange County. George Collins Campaign for Orange County Commissioner P. 0. Box 1245, Apopka, Florida 32704 407-924-5335 Political advertisement, paid for and approved by George Collins for -mail: geocollins@aol.com Thank You for your 39 years of hard work, outstanding dedication and service to our communities Orange County Community Action From the citizens of Apopka, Plymouth, & Zellwood In accordance with Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62-708, the City of Apopka is required to calculate and inform users of the full costs of solid waste management. "Full Cost" means the rate charged by local government to the end user for solid waste management services plus any other direct, indirect or outside contractor costs associated with solid waste management services. The City of Apopka declares the full costs for the period October 1, 2004 September 30, 2005 (FY2005) to be as follows: MONTHLY SERVICE FEES Residential Curbside Collection $14.00 Non-Residential Curbside Collection $14.00 $130.00 Dumpster Collection (per container) $53.19 $606.05 ANNUAL EXPENDITURES 10,177 Collection Total Collection Cost Cost per Expenditures Tonnage Cost Per Ton Household Residential/curbside 19,398 $1,681,066 $86.66 $165.18 Residential recycling 1,376 $165,002 $119.93 $16.21 Commercial* 12,651 $144,302 $11.41 $14.18 Non-resident recycling 0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 SU1B-TOTAL 33,425 $1,990,369 $59.55 $195.58 Disposal Total Collection Cost Cost per Expenditures Tonnage Cost Per Ton Household Residential/curbside 19,398 $518,271 $26.72 $50.93 Residential recycling 1,376 $0 $0.00 $0.00 Commercial* 12,651 $416,936 $32.96 $40.97 Non-resident recycling 0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 SUB-TOTAL 33,425 $935,170 $27.98 $91.89 Total Total Collection Cost Cost per Expenditures Tonnage Cost Per Ton Household Residential/curbside 19,398 $2,199,337 $113.38 $216.11 Residential recycling 1,376 $165,002 $119.93 $16.21 Commercial* 12,651 $561,238 $44.36 $55.15 Non-resident recycling 0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 GRAND TOTAL 33,425 $2,925,539 $87.53 $287.47 *Includes multi-family residential Column totals do not add due to rounding For more information, please call the City of Apopka Public Services at (407) 703-1731. March 24, 2006 61064 Golfer: Despite illness, Salmon plans to keep playing golf VstOrShowroomAt 2036ApexCoutApopk The Apopka Chief March 24, 2006, Page 4A Opinion The Apopka Chief A weekly newspaper founded in 1923 Publisher John Ricketson Reporters Richard Corbeil Chris Gauthier General Manager Neoma Knox Photographer Tammy Keaton Editor John Peery Advertising Jacquelyne Trefcer Elaine Giddens ISu psot Should name school for Beckert While the rezoning of the middle school being built on Ponkan Road won't be decid- ed until Tuesday, March 28, the question of naming that school, as well as the elemen- tary school being constructed next to the middle school, will be decided over the next few weeks and months. And, there is already discussion in the community about the naming of the schools. There is a proposal being floated about to name the elementary school on Ponkan Roadfor Howard Beckert. Those who have lived in the Apopka area for many years will remember Beckert as the first and long-time principal of Dream Lake Elementary School, which still stands at the corner of Park Avenue and Summit Street in Apopka. Like other schools in the area, Dream Lake Elementary certainly has changed over the years, but there is no doubt that Howard Beckert served the school and the communi- ty well. Naming the new elementary school after him would -- without a doubt -- be a well-deserved honor for him. However, there is one problem with that happening. Howard Beckert is very much alive. That's great for him, his family, friends, and the Apopka community, howev- er, the Orange County School Board has a long-standing policy that requires a person no longer be living in order for a school to bear his or her name. Generally, we don't disagree with that policy, but there are various times where that policy just doesn't wash with what makes perfect sense. And, this is one of those times. Howard Beckert has had the good for- tune of being retired for nearly 30 years. Why should his legacy be penalized just because he has been blessed enough to live a long life? Naming an elementary school in the Apopka area after him is a no-brainer. His touch on thousands of students who are now parents and grandparents of their own cannot be argued. There will, no doubt, be children and grandchildren of his former stu- dents attending that new school when it opens in August. If the naming of a school cannot be dis- puted, then why not name it after him now. Why penalize the man for having the bless- ing of a long life? Apopka is a unique com- munity and we believe Howard Beckert is a strong part of that community. We fully support the naming of the Ponkan Road elementary school to honor Howard Beckert and would urge the School Board to set aside its policy and name the school after him now. Still support school zoning Option B The important issue of choosing the stu- dent attendance zones for Apopka-area mid- dle schools will be decided next week when the Orange County School Board meets on Tuesday, March 28. At that meeting, the School Board will set the attendance zones for local middle schools due to the opening of a middle school being built on Ponkan Road. That new school will open in August. This rezoning process has been con- tentious, without a doubt. That's unfortunate in one sense, but it also shows the passion that people have for schools here in Apopka. In the past, we have written in this space that we feel that Option B, one of the two alternatives which will be considered by the School Board, is the better one. And, while we still feel that way, there is no doubt that there is merit to the Staff Revised plan. There are positives and negatives to both plans. No one can deny that. The biggest dif- ference that we see in the two is that the i Staff Revised plan allows for growth of the Ponkan Road middle school, while Option B makes the schools more evenly populated today. Whatever the School Board chooses, the Apopka community must come together to support that decision. It's a tough decision, without a doubt, but one that must be made with careful consideration. "Copyrighted Material 4 A4Syndicated Content ," 'Available from Commercial News Providers" f kJA - UM.g A m7, Committee is studying eminent domain law Last summer, Floridians were appalled and upset at the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Kelo case concern- ing eminent domain. The Kelo case arose from a matter where the City of New London, CT, decided to take Suzette Kelo's home in order to sell it to a private developer. The City of New London, or more exactly its redevelopment commission, wanted the prop- erty developed with high-end construction that would gener- ate more property tax. No one's vision of the American Dream is that their house be taken by the govern- ment so that it can be sold to a private party. I wrote at the time of the Kelo decision that Florida was different from Connecticut. Fred Brummer District 38 Report Florida's eminent domain laws are not the same as Connecti- cut's. I also stated that though Florida was different, it was appropriate that Florida proper- ty owners have concerns. Florida House Speaker Allan Bense created a commit- tee to look into Florida's emi- nent domain law. The commit- tee traveled the state. The com- mittee took input from citizens, local governments, and other interested parties. The committee, chaired by Speaker Designate Marco Rubio, has published its pro- posals. The committee has put forth three bills to eliminate residents' worries. The first, HB 1567, tight- ens the law regarding eminent domain. The second, HJR 1569, prohibits the transfer of ownership or control of private property with limited excep- tions. The third, HJR 1571, per- mits a property owner whose homestead is taken by eminent domain to not lose their "Save Our Homes" benefit. The issues in all three pro- posals will protect property owners. Each change will improve Florida's situation with See BRUMMER Page 5A Alzheimer's caregivers get online support A new service from the University of Florida's AlzOn- line.net aims to bring care- givers together for support, no matter where they live. AlzOnline.net, in partner- ship with the Central and North Florida chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, has recently launched free, facilitat- ed support groups via chat room for caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease or dementia. "We are attempting to bring people back to support groups in ways that are more convenient for them," said Jeff Loomis, coordinator of AlzOn- line.net and associate director of the Center for Telehealth, part of UF's College of Public Health and Health Professions. "There has been a downward trend in support group atten- dance, 10 percent of caregivers attend a face-to-face group, while about 40 percent are now accessing support online. There are probably several reasons for this, but some recent reasons given locally have revolved around gas prices and schedul- ing conflicts." Approximately 4 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. More than seven of 10 Americans with Alzheimer's live at home, and almost 75 percent of their home care is provided by family and friends, according to the Alzheimer's Association. "The idea of an online sup- port group originally started when we heard that traditional support groups were missing working professionals with families who are trying to find balance," Loomis said. "Also, there seems to be a growing group of caregivers dealing with early onset dementia who fall between the cracks because of their age." AlzOnline.net is also intro- ducing telephone support groups for Spanish speakers in the Miami and Orlando areas, with the hope of eventually making the groups available for caregivers statewide. AlzOnline.net also offers live, interactive classes on sub- jects such as stress manage- ment, understanding and deal- ing with memory loss, and managing difficult caregiving tasks. A message board and regu- lar telephone conferences with experts in Alzheimer's care are also available. The free services are open to anyone through telephone and Internet. For more information, visit www.AlzOnLine.net or call toll-free 1-866-260-2466. Hello, Baghdad! Come in...this is Bay Hill calling MARCH 24 -- The leftist media's joint effort with the Democrats to cast "Operation Iraqi Freedom" in the same light as the Vietnam War, dredging up "hopeless" and "quagmire" for comparison, blew up in their faces this past weekend. As we marked the third anniversary of the start toward rescuing 25 million Iraqis from torture and murder by the world's latest tyrannical maniac, anti- American bias, both here and abroad, gleefully predicted mass demonstrations in the Vietnam era mode. Happily, they threw a party, but nobody came. Typical in Florida was Mel- bourne, where the Associated Press said "about" 200 showed up in the park. Of course, when the drive-by media says "about," you can assume a much lower number. The AP also applied the "about 200" number to the West Palm Beach courthouse location and said "about 60 people" gath- ered outside City Hall in Orlan- do. "Marching" (slinking?) through Pensacola were "about 40 people." Richard Corbeil Corbeil's Corner Considering the perfect weather, being the height of the tourist season and throngs of spring breakers, these numbers in a state of 16 million permanent residents from throughout the U.S. represent an anti-war senti- ment of statistical zero. It's cer- tainly thousands of times more accurate than a Democrat-weight- ed sample survey of 1,000, with Bush approval numbers in the 30s. Since, all of these miniscule protest groups were also sup- posed to be a confirmation of these low approval numbers, one must discard these recent polls as rigged and manipulated; i.e., push polls designed to produce pre-determined results. I prefer the polls of Ameri- cans, joined by like-minded for- eigners, that directly reflect the benefits of freedom and capital- ism; and that demonstrate a bond of admiration for hard-earned success. I attended such a demonstra- tion over the weekend at Arnold Palmer's Bay Hill Invitational, where "about" 45,000 people from all over the world came together in respect of each other, the contestants, a professional sport and "The King." Most importantly, they were stating that no terrorists or war would intimidate them from enjoying the rewards of freedom. According to press reports, "about" 25,000 people lined the last two holes on Sunday, as a Brit, an Aussie and an Irishman battled to claim victory and the $900,000 first prize. There is something about golf and golfers that makes them ideal spectators at professional or amateur tournaments. Ranging in age from the 80s to infant chil- dren being pushed in strollers, male and female and foreigners all display an identical behavior pattern for complete silence dur- ing a player's shot-making, polite applause for par-performance and loud cheering for a sub-par hole- out or spectacular shot. Golf is unique in it's the only sport where the lowest score wins, absolute polite decorum to opponents is a requisite, and players must call any rule infrac- tions on themselves, even when they are the only ones aware of an infraction. It is estimated that there are over 60 million golfers in the world, from the age of 3 to 93. Typically, at Bay Hill was a field full of foreign players from England, Ireland, Spain, Ger- many, Latin America, Canada, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, etc., representing every race and creed. The 45,000 people were at "Arnie's Place," and not in front of Orlando's City Hall, because they know what rules of engage- ment really mean, whether in peace or war, contests or combat. They know that President Bush has followed the rules of engagement as laid down by the Constitution and the dictates against faceless, hidden, murder- ing terrorists, who, given the opportunity, would set off bombs at Bay Hill, Disney and Orlando City Hall, gleefully slaughtering thousands for their false god. Those at Bay Hill this past week, whether consciously or sub-consciously, recognized by their presence the phenomenal feat performed by this president in not allowing an act by terror- ists on our soil since 9/11 and pursuing them worldwide, elimi- nating more than 80 percent of al-Qaeda's leadership, all while liberating Afghanistan and Iraq and turning Libya and Lebanon away from aggressive paths. Most of the world's golfing enthusiasts recognize that the golfing boom in China is rapidly channeling that former menace onto the path to capitalism and free enterprise. There is no doubt in my mind that North Korea will even- tually succumb to admiration by the Korean people for the success stories of players like K.J. Choi, born in Wando, South Korea, res- ident of The Woodland, Texas, and 40th on last years P.G.A. money list -- to say nothing of the Korean ladies who are start- ing to dominate the L.P.G.A. Just as the European Tour's Dubai Classic has begun to dra- matically change the face of the United Arab Emirates, so further golf development in the Mid-east will follow. Arnold Palmer has been unique in changing the golf world and, subsequently, the world itself. "Arnie's Army" has grown from an enthusiastic gallery following in the 1960s and 1970s to a worldwide corps in the tens of millions of free- dom-loving people who respect those who "give it all they've got" and don't quit. Certainly, it is an army capa- ble of staying the course and overcoming those among us who would surrender to terrorism. "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at your right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked." Psalm 91: 7-8. The Red Caps of Zellwood Station will hold the 17th annual FYI (For Your Infor- mation) Trade Fair on Wednesday, March 29, at the Zellwood Station. This is open to everyone and will be held from 8:15 a.m. until noon. L "No one's vision of the American Dream is that their house be taken by the gov- ernment so that it can be sold to a pri- vate party." State Rep. Fred Brummer on the eminent domain court case "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the I've never seen a monument erected to a true worshippers shall worship the Father in spir- pessimist. it and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that wor- ship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" John 4: 23-24. The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 5A We must remember history in redeveloping downtown Editor: Now that we are the sec- ond largest city in Orange County, it is time for the com- munity to plan for the much needed downtown revitaliza- tion. We need a downtown with charming shops, many restaurants, sidewalk cafes and tearooms and other down- town thriving businesses. Res- idents and visitors should be able to meander through downtown at their leisure, stopping to rest.on benches, enjoying the richly colored flowering plants tastefully placed in planters or flower beds along the walks. After all Apopka is the Indoor Foliage Capital of the World. In answer to the article in the Sunday, March 19, edition of the Orlando Sentinel, "Apopka aims to strengthen its downtown," I would like to answer the question asked: "Do we want a Winter Park Village or a Mount Dora?" Apopka's early settlers were hard-working, forward- thinking individuals who worked together with their neighbors to help the commu- nity obtain the necessary schools, churches and utilities for that era. With their pio- neer spirit, they were able to endure the cyclones and the freezes, which devastated their homes and businesses and caused untold hardships, as they rebuilt their lives. Now it is our turn to work together as a community to revitalize our downtown. We should work hard to pre- serve all the historical build- ings in our town where that is possible. If new buildings are to be built, vintage architec- ture should be used. For our existing buildings, antique facades should be added where needed. This old-fash- ioned downtown decor will help to give the look of old- time charm and small town image. Any town can build a modem Village like Winter Park Village. We do not want a Mount Dora. We want an Apopka! Let us not forget our history and our heritage. Angela Nicols President Apopka Historical Society Editor: It was not that the people of Apopka didn't want change. There is a very simple explana- tion for Mr. (Joe) Canzoneri's loss; we don't know him! He should have come around to talk to most of us in person like I remember Ms. Till did a couple years back. Stop- ping at my door got Ms. Till my vote. Canzoneri is young. If he really wants to be commission- er of Apopka, he MUST cam- paign in person, put out more flyers, do a park rally, invite the public, walk with white, black, and an Hispanic person to affirm your capacity for leader- ship and, voila, you will get votes! Don't give up, Mr. Can- zoneri; the first step is the hard- est, the next will be up to HOW you take them. Good luck and blessings. I voted for Mr. Dean, but on another occasion and knowing you better, one can never say how I might vote. Aida Maria Gonzalez Apopka Voter turnout in election was disappointing Editor: Congratulations to Com- missioner Billie Dean on win- ning his fourth term' to the Apopka City Council. Mr. Dean, in my opinion you ran a straight-on-the-issues campaign and taught me a few things as well. Apopka Chief, I thank you again for your encouragement. I intend to stay involved in Apopka's future. I care about our city and I will continue to bring forth issues I campaigned on, such as single member dis- tricting and a planning commit- tee to oversee new building projects and make sure we have the proper infrastructure to sup- port them. I do have a concern about the number of people who actu- ally voted in the March 14 elec- We have more than 18,000 registered voters. Of those reg- istered voters, just over 900 went to the polls. In other words, 5 percent of the voters made the decision for the other 95 percent. Kathy Till was elected to the Apopka City Council two years ago. A little more than 2,000 people voted in that elec- tion and Commissioner Till won by 6 votes. Yes, your vote does count. Some 230 years ago, a small group of people fought to give us that right. If you don't like things the way they are, you have the venue to change them but, if you do nothing, well, enough said. Joe Canzoneri Apopka City Council Candidate We are a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Bankruptcy Code. We Will Explain To You FREE OF CHARGE How Bankruptcy Works and How It May Help You If: UL. nM'llUMLLI rl r li.M. i ISABEL E. FREEMAN 151 W. SILVER STAR RD. OCOEE * You Or Your Business Have Financial Problems * Your Home Is In Foreclosure * Back Taxes Or Medical Bills Are A Problem * Your Car IsAbout To Be Repossessed * You Are Overwhelmed With Debt And Afraid Of Losing Everything CLERMONT Over 30 Years Combined Experience Same Location FREEMAN LEGAL ASSOCIATES, P.A. The Way I See It Patti Bankson Our Tax Dollars At Work I think President Bush is a man of S good character with solid val- .2 ues, and I think America needs more men like that. Do I think he's perfect? Do I agree with everything he does? Do I think disagreeing with him makes one unpatriotic? No, no and no. Voters should never blindly fol- low anyone. On the other hand, I don't know how "helpful" it is for members of Congress to hold press conferences in which they not only disagree with the President's policies, but also call him names, com- pare him to the vilest dictators in history and totally disrespect the office of President. Practically every time the words "this administration" come out of an opposing politi- cian's mouth, you'd swear they were spitting out a cow patty! I wish people of both parties would share how they'd do things (differently) as freely as they share their criticisms. In general, our problem is the government itself: too big and too much of it -- thanks to both Democrats and Republicans. Specifically, our problem is the government itself: too many lawyers, too out of touch with real Americans, creating too many problems in order to justify eing paid too much money for too little time at work. Example: a one week recess (vacation) for St. Patrick's Day, for crying out loud! Wait! I forgot! They're not all on vacation. The Democrats, for instance, are on assignment per (pages two through six of) Senator Harry Reid's "vacation" game plan to: make use of the following event ideas using America's First Responders, Veterans, Troops and Military Families during the upcoming recess. The goal is to draw attention to everything "this administration" is doing wrong and to show the Democrats understand the pressing issues of, and are committed to, all the people named above. I've saved what I consider the best.for last page one: make use of the following event ideas to draw attention to the security- vulnerabilities caused by the Bush budget and explain how Democrats fought to restore programs that keep America safe: * Hold a press conference on cargo security vulnerability at an airport, train station or port in your state that handles commercial cargo. * Make sure that there is a plane, ship, train or related sig- nage in the background at the press conference so that it is clear where the event is taking place. You know, that's what I love most about politicians -- they'll do almost anything, no matter how stupid or potentially harmful to the country, in the interest of ensuring their re- election and furthering their careers, like... holding a press conference to let the whole world know not only what our vulnerabilities are, but where they are, as well. "Hello, I'm Senator Dumb-Dumb, from the state of Ignorance. Right now I'm standing in front of our state's only airport where we only check one out of every 100 suitcases and containers every third Tuesday at noon. That is if we have enough peo- ple to do that -- which we don't, of course, because the presi- dent won't let us have the money." Don'cha know that after hearing that, if terrorists had any manners at all, they'd be dropping a big, fat Thank You note in the mail to all the Senator Dumb-Dumbs? Patti Bankson invites your comments at pbankson@cfl.rr.com @2006 Patti Bankson Sponsored by Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 Brummer: Change in law means change in Constitution Continued from page 4A eminent domain. The proposed changes address both our statutes and our constitution. Eminent domain is vested in Florida's Constitution. Therefore, any change to eminent domain requires a change to the Consti- tution. In later articles, I will go into more depth about those bills. Should you have any ques- tions about those bills or any other legislative issue, please call me at 407-880-4414 or e- mail me at fred.brummer@ myfloridahouse.gov. The Northwest Orange Republican Women Federated will hold their first golf tourna- ment at Errol Estate Country Club on Saturday, April 8, at 7:30 a.m. Proceeds will benefit the Alice Beth Miner Scholar- ship Fund. The shotgun/scram- ble is $70 and includes range balls, golf carts, 18 holes of golf, registration and lunch, or those interested can just come for lunch at 11:30 a.m. for $20. The tournament is open to both men and women. For applications and more information, please contact Robin McEwen at 407-814- 0935 or download the applica- tion online at NORWF.org. Reservations must be returned by April 2. Vote: Swearing-in for Dean, Land, McQueen will be held April 25 Continued from page 1A March 7-11 at the Leroy Gilliam Training Center in Apopka or at Cowles' office in Orlando. There were 101 absentee ballots counted, and 614 votes that were counted on Election Day at the Apopka Community Center. Although Dean had large margins in absentee, early vot- ing, and Election Day results, he especially did well during the early voting, gaining 186 votes to 40 for Canzoneri. During the absentee voting and the Election Day voting, Canzoneri did somewhat better. Dean won the absentee voting 65-36 while he took the Election Day voting 463-151. The Dean-Canzoneri race was the only one on the ballot because Mayor John H. Land and City Commissioner Marilyn Ustler McQueen were re-elected without opposition. Land, who has been mayor of Apopka since 1950 except for one three-year term, will serve another four-year term, as will Commissioner McQueen, who was first elected in 1996. Those two incumbents went through the qualifying period of January 23-27 without receiving any opposition and will retain their seats for the next four years. The swearing-in ceremony for Dean, Land, and McQueen will be held April 25 beginning at 10 a.m. at the Apopka Com- munity Center, corner of Fifth Street and Central Avenue. ^Sprint. Why search high when you can go low? Get Sprint high-speed Internet at an amazing all-time low of $19.95 a month for as long as you have the service. (Qualifying servicesand one-year term agreement required, applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed only, at current residence and excludes taxes and fees.) * Dedicated, always-on, high-speed connection with consistent speed * EarthLink Internet Service with advanced security and protection tools * Free modem ($12.95 shipping & handling applies)2 * $50 online rebate (covers $49.99 activation fee)3 Call 1-877-SPRINT2 Click sprint.com/high-speed for a special online offer4 Come by a Sprint Store K9~) FLORIDA ALTAMONTE SPRINGS 924 W. State Road 436 at State Road 434 KISSIMMEE 1359 E. Vine St. at Michigan Ave. OCALA 3101 S.W. 34th Ave. at S.W. College Rd. 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Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.R EarthLink is a registered trademark of EarthLink, Inc. SPR-4546 (407) 877-7995 1 (352) 394-0007 Evening Appointments hse Available The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements..Before you decide, ask to have sent to you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Candidates must get out and meet people Golf tournament will benefit women's group The Apopka Chief March 24, 2006, Page 6A Lifestyle Church news .......7A Obituaries .........7A Apopka man is wed in ceremony in Wyoming Focus On N.W. Orange County Alexander Abel ...was born in Virginia Apopkans are grandparents Matt and Jenna Abel are the parents of a newborn son. Alexander Dennis Abel was born in Langley Hospital, Vir- ginia December 10, 2005 and weighed 7 pounds, 14 oz. Grandparents are Dennis and Marilyn Abel of Apopka and Dennis and Kathy Poole of Charleston, South Carolina. Alexander is the first grandson for both couples. Matt, Jenna and the baby will be moving to San Francisco where he will begin working for Genentech next month. Matt graduated from Apopka High School in 1995 and West Point Military Academy in 1999. His wife graduated from Washing- ton and Lee in 2001 and Vander- bilt Divinity School in 2003. She will be a stay-at-home mom. Codey Nicodemus of Cheyenne, Wyoming and Donald Robinson Jr. of Apopka were married in the Creative Ministries Church during an afternoon ceremony on August 6. The bride's father, Danny Nicode- mus, officiated the double ring semifor- mal wedding vows for the ceremony. The bride is a 2004 graduate of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK and the daughter of Danny and Nancy Nicode- mus. Grandparents include Earl and Ruth Reynolds, Maxine Pace, and Warren and Bernadine Nicodemus, all of Cheyenne. The groom graduated from Apopka High School and received missionary training at Warner Southern College. He is presently in boot camp at Parris Island with the United States Marines Corp. He is the son of Don and Debbie Robinson and grandson of Aileen Prince and the late Paul Prince, all of Apopka. Church decorations included wall wreaths and white tulle interspersed with rose petals draped along the aisles and around the door. The unity candle tradi- tion included a prayer led by the bride's father, as the single candles were lit and Audrey Hicks was selected by Omicron Delta Kappa as the organization's new national stu- dent vice president. She is the daughter of James and Alice Hicks, pastors of Center of Faith Church in Apopka. Hicks was initiated in late 2002 and began her involvement in Omicron Delta Kappa in 2003, serving as the Province VIII student director. Hicks has made many remarkable accom- plishments and received numer- ous awards while attending Florida State University. During her first year at FSU, she received the Freshman Senator of the Year award, then went on to receive the Martin Luther King award and the Student Life Senator award. Hicks has become associat- ed with many other leadership and academic honor societies, Donald Robinson and Codey Nicodemus ...lit unity candle then the one symbolizing the oneness of marriage was lit by the couple together. For her wedding day, the bride chose a beaded white satin empire waist gown but she has proven her devotion to Omicron Delta Kappa since she became a member. "Omi- cron Delta Kappa is a consor- tium of diverse individuals with transcendent records of leader- ship and altruistic goals for mankind. I am honored to serve in such a venerable society and I am optimistic regarding our ability to collectively change the world through positively influ- encing our respective communi- ties," Hicks said. The Omicron Delta Kappa Society, Inc., The National Leadership Honor Society for college students recognizes and encourages superior scholar- ship, leadership and exemplary character. It was founded December 3, 1914 at Washing-' ton and Lee University, Lexing- ton, Virginia, by 15 students and faculty leaders. with a sweetheart neckline and organza overlay flowing into a chapel train. She carried a bouquet of red gladio- las. Her hair was fastened with a crystal- studded tiara holding an elbow and fin- gertip veil encircled with satin trim and pearls. Attending the bride was Charity Howard of Missouri, as maid of honor. Janel Buckingham of Ohio, Heidi Quam of Minnesota and Amber Robinson, the groom's sister from Apopka were the bridesmaids. They wore matching apple georgette spaghetti strap a-line formal gowns with empire waists. Flower girl, Morgan Srmith, cousin of the bride from Wyoming, wore a white satin dress with red flower detail and matching head- piece. The groom's black tuxedo featured a white .vest, tie and shirt. Don Robinson Sr. was best man for his son and wore a matching tux with a red vest, tie and white shirt. Ushers dressed to match the best man included Lander and Powell Nicodemus, brothers of the bride, and Andy Robinson, the groom's cousin. Caleb Maas of New York, ring bearer and cousin of the bride, also wore a black tuxedo matching the groom. The mother of the bride wore an apple two-piece, sleeveless formal gown with a sheer sleeved jacket featuring a beaded front. The groom's mother wore a formal two-piece light mauve ensemble, beaded in the front, accented with a long sheer sleeved jacket. Friends gathered to celebrate the wedding at the Northcutt Retreat Center in Hillsdale, Wyoming. Silver tablecloths covered the tables with accents of mir- rored bud vases on each table. A lasagna dinner was served to tie'guests as well as helpings of the red velvet wedding cake frosted in white with details of red and white'beads. A red velvet groom's cake was also served. Later, father and daughter danced to "Butterfly Kisses," and a mother/son number, "I Hope You Dance" was also one of the favorites. Kelly Mackey tended the guest table. The newlyweds honeymooned in Mt. Pilot, North Carolina and will live wher- ever the USMC sends them. There are lots of events happening in the Apopka area Reagan Davis ...was born January 24 Private 1st Class Benjamin W. Davis and Kimberly J. (Loos) Davis, formerly of Apop- ka, are the parents of a newborn daughter. Reagan Elizabeth Davis was born January 24 at 7:07 p.m. at Eglin Air Force Base. Grandparents are Karen and Tino Anthony, Ralph and Diane Loos, and Lydia Davis. Great- grandparents are Ralph and Elaine Loos and Jane and Jim Kimball of Zellwood. The City of Apopka will hold its 18th annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 8, at the Northwest Recreation Center, 3200 Jason Dwelly Parkway (off Ponkan Road) and Williams Park, 515 S. Hawthorne Avenue, Apopka. The egg hunt is open to four age groups from diapers to fifth grade and will begin at 10 a.m. The Easter Bunny will be avail- able as well as moonwalks, crafts, fire truck rides and games. Photographs will be offered at a nominal fee. For more information, call Debbie Lawrence at 407-703- 1778. The ninth annual Dr. Howard A. Kelly Celebration will be held Saturday, March 25, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Kelly Park. This event commemorates the birthday of the man who con- tributed Rock Springs and the surrounding pristine land to Orange County and its residents. The celebration will include free admission into the park, and a scenic hayride tour of Kelly Park. The day's activities will also include several ecological, cultural, environmental and his- torical exhibits. A spokesperson for the event said 800 citizens are expected to attend. For more information, call 407-889-4179 or 407-889- 7394. Loaves & Fishes, a non- profit Christian organization, will hold its annual Walk for Hunger Saturday, April 8, at Sabal Pointe Elementary School, 960 Wekiva Springs Rd., Longwood. Each person wanting to par- ticipate will be given pledge sheets to copy and distribute. He or she must bring all pledges-and donations the day of the walk. Check in time is at 8:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 9 a.m. Loaves & Fishes will have a prayer, prize drawings and awards. The walk is three miles with a water station at the one-mile and two-mile check points and refreshments at the school at the end of the walk. A van will circle the course to help anyone who may need a ride or assistance of any kind. Loaves & Fishes, which receives no government funding, relies totally on private donations from area churches, businesses and individuals. The walk-a-thon is the orga- nization's only. fundraiser of the year. The charity helps approxi- mately 500 families every week with food, clothing, household items, financial assistance and educational classes. The money raised by the walk-a-thon will be used for pur- chasing more protein items for the weekly food bags. A lupus support group meet- ing is held on the third Saturday of each month at the John Bridges Community Center, 445 W. 13th St., Apopka, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. At the May 20 meeting, neurologist Stephanie Carinci, M.D. will speak. For more information, call 407-889-7271 or 407-886-4701 ext. 206. The Apopka Progressive Seniors Club will hold a Taste of South Apopka Saturday, April 1, from noon to 3 p.m. at the John Bridges Center, 445 W. 13th St., Apopka. Donations are $1. The Apopka High School Fine Arts Department will be pre- senting the musical "Ragtime" Thursday-Sunday, April 6-9. The musical is set in the year 1906 and addresses the many issues that came with the industrial rev- olution. Sixty students and a parent, team of volunteers are hard at work preparing for this amazing show. In order to maintain the top- notch quality of the Apopka High School musicals, the fine arts department is seeking donations from the community. Anyone interested in helping raise the funds for this production, contact Linda Boot at 407-905-5500 extension 2375 or e-mail to bootl@ocps.net. County Commissioner -Bob Sindler will hold a street name change unveiling and cookout celebration Saturday, March 25, at noon in the vacant lot next to 444 W. 14th St., Apopka. The event will acknowledge changing the name of West 14th Street, from Hawthorne Avenue to Marden Road, to Ella J. Gilmore Street in honor of her long service to the community. For more information, call Sindler's office at 407-836-7350 or email DISTRICT2@ocfl.net. James and Mary Gates ...celebrated 50 years James L. and Mary Joan Gates of Apopka celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary February 11. They were married at St. John's Catholic Church, Clinton, Maryland in 1956. The couple has five chil- dren and 11 grandchildren and has lived in Apopka for nearly 31 years. James is a retired mas- ter chief petty officer in the U.S. Navy and an electronics techni- cian. Joan is a retired homemak- er and teacher. .The Gates' recommenda- tions for a good marriage are "have faith; be able to compro- mise; and be supportive of one another." Remember oldest natives Oldest Black Natives of Apopka Ophelia Sanders Berry was born in March 1915. She was educated in Apopka Col- ored School and graduated from high school and Clark Universi- ty in Atlanta, earning a bachelor of science degree in elementary education. She and her husband, Carl Berry, were the proud parents of three children. After some years in Georgia, Ophelia returned to Florida and taught at Leesburg High School for many years. She later transferred to an ele- mentary school in Plymouth, then to Phyllis Wheatley Ele- mentary School. She retired from Zellwood Elementary. Ophelia is a member of St. Paul A.M.E. Church and the Mildred Board Bits 'n Tips Progressive Senior Club. Her slogan is, "May the work I've done speak for me." Lee Neil was born in Sep- tember 1908. He was educated in Apopka Colored School and learned early in life that he was destined to be an athlete. He -excelled in baseball. The City of See BOARD Page 9A I Ktchn apes' Apopka student gets national office Yea'sof eric These members of the Apopka Woman's Club were awarded certificates for more than 10 years of service to the organization. Alice Beth Miner and Mary Lee Welch (not pictured) were given awards for being charter members since 1957. ,. The Cheer Corps All Stars Senior Blue Team won first ''- place for Senior Small Excel (" -"" "'' Division in the 2006 Cheer- S' -" sport National Cheerleading and Dance Championship. Shown are, (I-r) front row, St i- Coco Boren, Rachel Shannon, Elizabeth Muscato, Jade Harri- U son, Courtnee Bradley, and S Kathryn Terrian; middle row, S Chelsea Chism, Shelly Teal, Courtney Ledford, Laura S Markiewicz, Kelsey Bird, and Sydney Archer; back row, Coach Ben Hazelrig, Logan Borenstein, Keeley Johnson, i ,Callie Chenowith, Rachel .. Strohm, Rhi Cannon, Madison Corbiidge, Coach Audrey Lee. The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 7A Apopka-area churches set events Internationally acclaimed gospel singer and musician Neville Peter will be in concert at the Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church, Saturday, March 25, at 5:30 p.m. The church is located at 515 Harley Lester Lane in Apopka. Diagnosed with glaucoma as a child, Peter was completely blind by the age of 12, but that hasn't stopped him from becom- ing a gifted singer and compos- er, a spokesperson said. His music has been featured on the gospel projects of Gladys Knight and his music videos have been regularly featured on BET's "Video Gospel Program." He has also appeared on TBN's 'Praise the Lord' talk show and has shared the stage in ministry with such notables as Natalie Cole, Donnie McClurkin, Shirley Caesar, BeBe Winans, Wintley Phipps and many others. Peter has penned more than 100' gospel songs to date and critics consider him one of the brightest emerging talents in gospel music today. To learn more about Neville Peter and his life story, log onto www. nevillepeter.com today. Freedom Ministries Church, 1348 Old Apopka Road, Apopka, will host the Jews for Jesus from San Fran- cisco as they present Christ in the Passover -- A visual display of the Jewish Passover and Jesus' last supper; how it all fits together in God's plan of salva- tion Thursday, April 6, at 8 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. For more information, call 407-886-6006. See CHURCHES Page 11 A Obituaries HELEN COLE, 89, Orlando, died Tuesday, March 14. Mrs. Cole was a cashier in the grocery industry and a homemaker. Born in New Castle, Penn- sylvania, she moved to Central Florida in 1960. She was Catholic. Survivor: daughter, Karen Viau, Plymouth. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. MARIAM W. HUGHES, 92, Apop- ka, died Monday, March 13. Mrs. Hugh- es was a seamstress. Born in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, she moved to Central Florida in 1995. She was member of Jehovah Witnesses Kingdom Hall, Apopka. Survivors: sons, Brian Mighty, Jamaica, Carl Wilmot, England; daugh- ter, Faye Clark, Connecticut; eight grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. NORBERT J. WICK, 84, Apopka, died Wednesday, March 15. He was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. Survivors: wife, Marian; daugh- ter, Susan Larsh; one brother, three sis- ters. Carey Hand Cox-Parker Funeral Home, Winter Park. See OBITUARIES Page 1 1A Got news? Send it to news@apopkachief.fdn.com LOOMIS Funeral Home (l-r) Steven Loomis, James R. Loomis and James "Bob" Loomis Family Owned & Operated When considering pre-need or at-need arrangements, call for lowest price quote. 407-880-1007 420 W. Main St., Apopka Center of Faith .Church, Inc. A Family Minit.ry Services: Sun. 10 a.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Thurs., 7:30 p.m. 698 Martin Street Apopka James Hicks, Pastor 407-464-9375 AAA Sew N Vac Sales & Service All Makes & Models 1 20% OFF L TUNE-UP SPECIAL 407-886-4666 Abel Septic Tanks, Inc. 3122 Laughlin Road Zellwood "Celebrating 43 years" 407-889-2704 APOPKA AUTO UPHOLSTERY 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka (Behind Discount Auto 407-889-0011 27 Years Experience Charlene & Paul Fitzgerald, Owners Martin's Towing 210 E. 7th Street Apopka, FL 32703 407-886-1805 130-A South vl, Park Ave. Apopka 'f< 407-886-2626 Glenn Joiner 13202 W. Colonial Dr. 811 E. Semoran Blvd. Winter Garden Apopka 407-656-4141 407-889-5222 Long's Christian Books 1610 Edgewater Dr., Orlando 407-422-6934 I I Bring this coupon in for 15% off any one item I L -J 'Amn? No Smelly with She//ey's" Shelley's Septic Tanks 104 E. Ponkan Rd. Apopka, FL 32712 Day or Night Barbara Shelley (407) 889-8042 Vice President Lake Co. Residents (352) 383-5775 S'f I Fi,restone SBridgestone TOTAL CAR CARE odyear Steve Enos uniroyal Store Manager BF Goodrich 2409 Semoran Blvd. Pireli Apopka, FL 32703 Road King 407-880-9688 Falkan Roller Skating is Family Fun & Great Exercise! Christian Music Night Every Saturday Night at Semoran Skateway in Casselberry 407-834-9106 www.semoranskateway.com Hug8 Pilt florikt 1112 E. Semoran Blvd. Apopka 407-886-2499 Advertise your business here and support our area churches. Call 407-886-2777 for details. Muffler Man 552 Piedmont Wekiva Springs Rd. Apopka 407-886-1899 AME St. Paul AME 407-889-4464 Apostolic Apostolic Church of Jesus 407-886-2556 City of Refuge 407-884-5638 Assembly of God Apopka Assembly of God 407-886-2806 Wekiva Assembly of God 407-774-0777 Baptist Apopka First Baptist 407-886-2628 Cornerstone FreeWill Baptist Church 407-886-0669 First Antioch Miss. Baptist Church 407-884-7000 First Baptist Church of Rock Springs 407-886-2805 First Baptist Church of Sweetwater 407-862-3893 First Baptist Church of Zellwood 407-889-0509 Forest Avenue Baptist Church 407-886-4374 Fountain of Life Baptist Church of Apopka, Inc. 407-351-1937 Haitian Baptist Church 407-880-3833 Hope Baptist Church 407-886-6980 Lake Ola Baptist Church 352-383-7920 Lakeside Baptist Church 407-295-7645 Lakeville Road Baptist Church 407-884-7477 Living Hope Community Church 407-889-9027 Lockhart Baptist Church 407-295-1133 Magnolia Baptist Church 407-880-4575 McCormick Road Baptist Church 407-886-4957 New Hope Missionary Baptist 407-886-1165 New Testament Community Baptist Church 407-786-0381 Northside Baptist Church 407-884-4443 Oak Level Baptist Church 407-656-1523 Orange Primitive Baptist Church 407-295-6986 Piedmont Lakes Baptist 407-889-3383 Pleasant View Baptist Church 407-886-6717 Plymouth Baptist Church 407-889-3358 Riverside Baptist Church 407-295-3850 Rosemont Baptist Church 407-299-8885 Shiloh Miss. Baptist Church 407-886-6334 Springs Community Baptist Church 407-889-2240 St. Luke's Full Gospel Baptist Church 352-735-9199 Trinity Baptist Church 407-886-2966 Unity Missionary Baptist Church 407-814-9111 Victory Baptist Church 407-884-8811 Wekiwa Springs Baptist Church 407-886-7864 Bible Bear Lake Bible Chapel 407-869-0198 Catholic St. Francis of Assisi 407-886-4602 St. Mary's (Protectress) Ukrainian 407-880-1640 407-886-4803 Charismatic Living Waters Church 407-290-1444 Charismatic Catholic Ascension Church, CEC 407-880-9555 Christian Journey Christian Church 407-884-7223 Church of Christ Church of Christ 407-889-2636 Church of Christ of Plymouth 407-886-1466 LENT A TIM ACTION A IIM-[ OF R~flEG~IOH THE SPRING OF LIFE After the long cold night of winter spring comes as the year's dawn. In the midst of winter, it seems as if life is literally being pulled back into the Earth, receding from the surface of our planet. But each year spring inevitably arrives, and life surges once again, bursting out from the tips of trees and the earth itself in vibrant greens and yellows that can only signal that lile is .waxing once again. Life on earth has a rhythm to it, a pulsing cycle of waxing and waning tides The sun rises; the sun seis. The sap rises; the sap falls. Flowers bloom and flowers fade. We inhale and we exhale. Growth and decay, like our breathing and the beating ol our hearts. is a surge of life, and then a receding of lile. Perhaps what we love about spring is that we can literally see and feel the surge oft life The earth is again coming back to life, and as a part of nature, we leel once again that bloom of youth which adds zest and vigor to our own lives. Spnng is the season for those who love life. Thank God for making each of us a part of this beautiful cycle of life. Church of Christ of West Orange 407-656-2770 Northside Church of Christ 407-884-0031 10th Street Church of Christ 407-884-4835 Church of.God Church of God of Christ 407-886-2206 Church of God of Plymouth 407-886-3780 Church of God of Prophecy 407-814-7170 Church of God of Zellwood 407-886-3074 Church of God Templo Victoria 407-889-0555 Freewill Holiness Church of God 407-884-9888 Grace Street Church of God 407-298-9188 Park Avenue Worship Center 407-886-2696 St. Elizabeth Church of God by Faith 407-886-6290 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Apopka Ward 407-880-9877 Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit 407-886-1740 Faith and Word Word of Life 407-886-7427 Full Gospel Millenium of Glory 407-814-0041 New Covenant Perfecting Ministries 407-880-8898 Fundamentalist Cent. FL Restoration Branch Church of Jesus Christ Fundamental RLDS 407-886-3541 Holiness Independent House of Prayer (352) 735-6244 New Life Holiness and Teen Ministries 407-886-3206 St. Matthew Holiness 407-889-2274 1 I ~ I M APOPKA TREE & SHRUBS Walt Williams Owner 407-886-1060 1616 Schopke Rd., Apopka State No Fault Insurance 119 South Sunset Drive Casselberry, FL 32707 407-889-0098 T e apopka Cbief One of Florida's Top award-winning weekly newspapers! cC AM PA[ANv YThe Planter Commercial & Residential A Free Weekly Publication Garage Doors & Openers 407-886-2777 www.jbmathews.com -862 407-656-1289 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka One Accord Christiar Fellowship Church Multicultural Spirit-filled Church Sunday 10AM Wednesday Service 7PM Youth Wednesday 7PM 7301 Edgewater Dr. 40 7-9523- 3002 Danny Len Buick Pontiac GMC Truck 17605 US Hwy. 441 Mount Dora 352-357-4181 Collison Carey-Hand Funeral Home 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road 407-656-3443 . For everything there is a season, and a.: time for every matter under heaven: a time . to be born, and ,. timee to die : : .' -*3- ,R.S.V, EcrE-'asres 1-2 . -' ; ;*/'." H **; !* Independent New Destiny Christian Center 407-298-5770 True Temple of God 407-880-8181 Interdenominational IAMWEARE Church 407-889-8372 New Vision Community Church 407-886-3619 Northwest Community Church 407-578-2088 One Accord Christian Fellowship Church 407-523-3002 Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 407-884-6696 Jewish Congregation Beth Am 407-862-3505 Congregation of Reform Judaism 407-645-0444 Lutheran St. Paul Lutheran 407-889-2634 Methodist First United Methodist 407-886-3421 Bear Lake United Methodist 407-862-1531 Zellwood United Methodist 407-889-4426 Moravian Rolling Hills Moravian Church 407-332-8380 Nazarene Calvary Church of the Nazarene 407-889-2148 New Life Community Church of the Nazarene 407-291-9294 Non-Denominational Center of Faith Church for All People 407-464-9375 Church Back Home 407-889-3781 Church on the Edge 407-869-1133 Everlasting Covenant Christian Center 407-884-8.598 Compass Community Church 407-774-4600 I T ________________________________________________________________________________ 4 STATE FARM Hal Yeager 49 E. 3rd Street, Apopka "SUs"A*N 407-889-2557 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." Tricia A. Madden, P.A. Free Consultation No Recovery No Fee No Cost 500 E. Altamonte Dr., Suite 200 Altamonte Springs 407-260-0440 I Feilowsehip Cr-uoroh 5623 Gilliam Road Comer of Clarcona Ocoee Rd. & Gilliam Rd. 7 min. from Apopka City Hall Pastor Joe Warner Sundays 0 a.m. 407.299-6311 Apopka Aluminum & 'AAI M A T Nelson's Insurance Screen Inc. V A L- MAR I Services Class Rooms, Screen Rooms, Bryan Nelson Room Additions, Carports 1700 S. Orange Blossom Tr. .For all your insurance needs Concrete Work, Pool Enclosures Apopka 10 N. Park Ave., Apopka Apopka 407-886-7504 407-889-8668 407-886-7553 E'XPREScIO/NS 174 Semoran Commerce PI., Ste.s121 Apopka* 407-886-9500 For all vo UOrpflnt needs j Vann Gannaway Chevrolet 15140 U.S. Highway 441 Eustis 352-343-2400 Bowen Plumbing, Inc. 4 SFaucets Toilets Dis osals Sinks SWater Heater Rootering Repiping 407-889-0708 Tom's Forklift Service, Inc. Family Owned & Operated 5817 Beggs Rd., Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 296-3858 FAX(407) 294-7939 Joel Clark Who do you call when you have plumbing needs? Albertson's Food & White Aluminum Apopka Family & Certified Backflow Tester First National Bank Steve Koscoe lumbmg Pharmac Products Children's Health *Annual Testing -Repair *Installation 211 S. Edgewood Drive, Pharmacy Products 225 E. 7th St. 618 S. Forest Ave. EmergencyRepairsMost Servicewihin24Hours Apopka i 407-797-1900 2400 Semoran Blvd 18040 US Hwy. 441 Main Line Appointment Line Em i 407-383-5632 pop- 400 1 Christian Owned Apopka Mount Dora 407-886-6201 407-556-5232 SLCert.# T05-00-4550-2 r88 & Operated 407-889-9797 407-889-5775 Serving Apopka for over 30 years Crossroads Community Church 407-880-9226 Faith & Power Worship Center 407-880-5115 Faithworld Center 407-292-8888 Freedom Fellowship 407-299-6311 Freedom Ministries 407-886-6006 Gospel Stable Church 407-889-0583 Harvest House Community Church 407-814-0261 Living Waters Christian Center 407-389-0996 Mission For Christ, Inc. 407-889-5998 New Beginnings Ministries 321-689-2260 New Life Praise Worship Center 407-880-3421 Prayer House of Faith Inc. 407-841-2787 Perfecting Praise Ministries 407-298-6776 Sabbath Grace Fellowship 407-970-6535 Sorrento Christian Center 352-735-4447 Spirit of Life Christian Church 407-886-4570 Tangerine Community Church 407-880-6488 Victory Church World Outreach Center 407-889-7288 Westside Community Church 407-880-7887 Pentecostal Abundant Life Church of the Living God 407-880-7255 Church of the Living God Inc. 407-884-0134 Church of the Son 407-246-0001 Ebenezer Christian Church Inc. 407-886-0020 Faith in-Christ By God 407-814-8515 Free Temple Ministries 407-889-3725 House of God 407-814-0656 Pentecostal Church of God 407-295-0898 The Pentecostals 407-889-3802 .Truth Tabernacle 407-814-9333 Way of Grace Ministries 407-889-4000 Pentecostal Holiness Temple of Faith 407-884-6960 Presbyterian First Presbyterian of Apopka 407-886-5943 St. Andrews Presbyterian 407-293-6802 Reformed Church in America Rolling Hills Community Church 407-886-7664 Religious/Biblical Science Bible School of Apopka 407-644-0193 IDMR 407-644-0193 Seventh-day Adventists Apopka Seventh-day Adventist 407-889-2812 Florida Living Church 407-788-7591 Forest Lake 407-869-0680 Franco-Haitian 407-296-4368 Genesis Spanish 407-453-4762 Mount Olive 407-886-0430 Pine Hills 407-291-4816 Plymouth-Sorrento 407-884-0595 Present Truth 407-886-4335 Sheeler Oaks. 407-886-8077 United Brethren Lake Brantley Community 407-862-7821 Unity Unity Church of Christianity 407-295-9181 Way of Grace Ministries "The Family Place" Service Times Sunday 10 am & 6 pm Wednesday 7 pm 8550 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd., Apopka Daniel W. Mattox, Pastor 407-292-9998 AM 950 WTLN The Light 407-886-3388 Hwy. 436/441 "Attend your place of worship this week" MARVIN C. ZANDERS FUNERAL HOME 232 W. Michael Gladden Blvd. Apopka, Florida 32703 All Seasons Pest Control 435 W. Main Street Apopka, FL 32712 407-886-0204 Apopka's Plant Outlet 2177 N. Rock Springs Rd. Apopka, FL 407-814-1144 One Stop Garden Center For All Your Garden Needs Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses, Inc. Ph. 407-886-3434 Wholesale RF0066455 EXPRESV- 10% off 1 r order when you bring in S- this coupon (Behind the ww.a-npblmc,.aim Apopka Tag office) 407-889-4433 Apopka Well & Pump, Inc. Specializing in Submersible & Turbin Pumps Apopka: 407-886-1273 Lake County: 352-483-0779 Individuals Partnerships Corporations 855 N. Park Ave. #2 Apopka Ruby Baxter *407-814-1810 Susy Garcia Freycenet Allstate 130-D Park Ave. Allstate Apopka state. 407-886-8778 407-260-6888 1203 E. Hwy. 436 Altamonte Springs Harris Oil & Air Conditioning Corp. Fuel Service-Oil-Kerosene Diesel-Lubricating Oil 1100 S. Hwy. 441 (P.). Box 987) Phones: 352-383-2322 & 1-800-458-2703 Stephen R. Lareau Certified Public Accountant Serving Apopka Since 1980 407-886-2597 Loomis Funeral Home Inc. Quality Service at reasonable prices from a family that cares! 420 W. Main St., Apopka James R. Loomis, Funeral Director 407-880-1007 -L I L4 I The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 8A Vegetarian recipes are a welcome sight in cookbook A FEW GOOD - VEGETARIAN :RECIPES are included . in New Vision Com- Imunity Church's -recently released - cookbook Feeding The Flock. Kitchen Kapers I was so very gladB Kitchen Kapers to see that when I first By Ramona Whaley reviewed that new local cookbook a couple of weeks ago. A trip through southwest Florida this past week made me even more thankful that at least some people, in this town anyway, have noticed ;that we don't live in a totally carnivorous world .anymore and that growing numbers of non-meat -eaters among us require nourishment, too. Tampa Bay and the Gulf waters scenery at -Sanibel, Captiva and Gasparilla islands were as always spectacular. My first glance at the Peace ;River and Charlotte Harbor waters surrounding :picturesque Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte pro- vided equally splendid sights. It would have been .better, though, if I hadn't been starving and futile- :ly trying to find something to eat during those *three otherwise delightful days of exploring new 'towns. The only things besides meat meals I could -find offered on most menus were grease and sugar. I got so hungry along the way that I some- -how survived on french fries and milkshakes one -day, milkshakes and french fries the next, till I 'became nauseous. Salad was on some menus, so of course I ordered that one day. It was three cherry toma- toes and nutrition-free iceberg lettuce. If a salad is not composed of a variety of vitamin-filled veg- etables, why bother? Requests for anything at all vegetarian were met with rude negativity. This wasn't just at the west coast's ubiquitous seafood restaurants. They might just as well have hung a No Vegetari- ans Allowed sign at every eatery we tried. Fisherman's Village, a charming waterfront marina and mall, tempted me the closest I've come in three and a half decades of vegetarianism to tossing convictions to the wind and chomping down on my conscience's forbidden food. There I sat behind an embarrassingly empty plate while my traveling companions enjoyed a fragrant fish sandwich. A tasty fish sandwich was my most irresistible favorite food in pre-vegetarian days and still entices. My sitting at the table without food, watching the others eating, was an ordeal for me and uncomfortable for them. A very sincere waitress determinedly pushed sweet potato fries as vegetarian fare. I do enjoy a few of them on occasion, alongside a nutritious tasty meatless entree or big veggie burger and a hearty vegetable salad, but a plate full of fries, whether sweet potato or plain potato, does not a vegetarian meal make! Finally, weak and tired from hunger, I gave up the search for real food at the Fisherman's Village mall when I found a small teashop selling lemon- poppy seed muffins. Muffin munching was my main meal that day. "Pack a lunch," my traveling companions sug- gested. I envisioned taking our travel time to search for a supermarket in every new unknown city we encountered, interrupting our trip to buy a picnic-lunch style moveable feast of whole grain bread, low-fat cheese, an avocado and some fruit, piling it on my plate at restaurants, and watching our startled servers' reactions. "Get your vegetarian friends together and do something to fix this," was their better second idea. So, OK, all you vegetarian friends out there and Friends of Vegetarians, let's do that. Let's talk about how we can make at least our own town a role-model vegetarian-friendly city for visiting out-of-towners as well as health-conscious and animal-advocate locals looking for more nice places where they can always find some kind of nutrition that is not animal-based. (Apopka actual- ly is already well ahead of the pack in this, largely due to our community's health-oriented Adventist influence.) The handful of vegetarian recipes (among a multitude of conventional meaty ones for you non-vegetarians) in New Vision Community Church's Feeding The Flock is a brave begin- ning for change. Buy the book and add a whole new dimen- sion to your home cooking style. For starters, enjoy the church cookbook's vegetarian recipes sampler below. (Check health food stores for ingredients with which you are not yet familiar.) Enjoy! RENEE TYLER'S VEGETARIAN TACO SALAD 1/2 cups water 1/2 cup Arrrowhead Mills or other organic bulgur wheat 1/2 package Simply Organic or other brand organic taco mix I head red or green lettuce, torn I diced medium cucumber 1/2 cup chopped onion I can kidney beans, drained, rinsed I to 2 medium carrots, shredded 2 medium tomatoes, diced 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 cup salsa 2/3 cup shredded "vegetarian" (soy) cheese I bag tortilla chips Salsa (optional) Bring water to boil. Add bulgur wheat and taco mix. Stir, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for additional 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in large bowl, mix remaining ingredients except chips and salsa. Add bulgur mixture to vegetables and mix well. For each serving, put handful of chips on plate, add mixture and top with salsa, if desired. RENEE TYLER'S CHUNKY VEGETARIAN CHILI 4 cups tomato juice I onion, cut in rings I large potato, diced I zucchini, chopped I to I-1/2 tablespoons chili powder I to 1-1/2 teaspoons cumin I to 1-1/2 cups cooked kidney beans 1/2 cup bulgur wheat 1/2 cup carrots, chopped I jar mushrooms (or 1/2 cup fresh, sliced) 1/2 cup red pepper, chopped I teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt I can organic tomato sauce with chilies Place all ingredients in a large pan and simmer for several hours. Or, put in crockpot in the morning and cook all day. RENEE TYLER'S "BETTER THAN TUNA" 2 cups carrots 1/2 of a red bell pepper 1/4 of a medium sweet onion 2 stalks celery I tomato I teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt I tablespoon parsley 1/2 teaspoon kelp 3 tablespoons Vegenaise or Nayonnaise Whole-wheat pita pockets or lettuce leaves Process the carrots, bell pepper, onion and celery in food processor until finely chopped. Pour into bowl. Coarsely chop tomato and add to bowl. Blend in the Sea Salt, parsley, kelp and Veg- enaise or mayonnaise. Serve on whole what pita pocket or on bed of lettuce. RENEE TYLER'S SPICY LENTILS I cup dried lentils I small onion, chopped I teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt I to 1-1/2 cups water 2 cloves garlic, minced I can organic diced tomatoes with green chilies Put lentils, water, onion, garlic and salt in medium saucepan and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes. Add tomatoes, reduce heat and sim- mer for 10 additional minutes. MARK F. DAMELIO'S EGGPLANT A LA PARMIGIANA 2 medium eggplants 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1/2 pound Parmesan cheese, grated I pound Mozzarella cheese Basil leaves (dry or fresh), amount to your taste I jar prepared marinara sauce Salt and pepper to taste Flour for dipping (This is for everyone, not just vegetarians. Eggplant is a good meat substitute.) Make batter by mixing together the eggs, milk, salt and pepper and 2 tablespoons of the Parmesan cheese. Peel eggplants and cut into round slices. Dip eggplant slices into flour, then into batter. Fry slices quickly, until browned, in hot oil. Remove from oil and drain on paper towel. Cover bottom of rectangular baking pan with some of the prepared marinara sauce. Arrange fried eggplant slices evenly on top of sauce. Add one layer of sliced mozzarella cheese. Spoon marinara sauce over mozzarella, then sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Add chopped basil leaves. Repeat process. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until cheese is runny. Remove foil and brown the dish in oven for 5-10 minutes more. 'MODERN STOP IN, TOUR THE STUDIO, MEET THE STAFF, TIuF you're always weCcome!!! ... r]ECALL NOW FOR A FREE TRIAL CLASS!!! CE ASK US ABOUT "KIDZCAMP" UN IT'S A FLEXIBLE, AND AFFORDABLE ; SUMMER CAMP & DANCE PROGRAM! > I t's the coolest place to be this summer! S-- We are in Victoria Plaza where SR #429 meets US #441 in Apopka, and on the web at: kidzdance.com NOW OPEN - CONOMY FULL SET DENTURE* (D, OS,2j........$325 Custom Full SetDentures (D5 110 D5120)... .......................... ..$550 Custom Full Upperor Lower (D5110, D51201)............................ $325 Premium Ful SetDentures iD5110. D5 20) ............................... $825 Reline (each) (D5710, 05711) ....... ............ ...........................$120 GoldDenture Crovn (D9999) .. ................ ....................... $150 Simple Exraction (each) (D7 0) .. ... ....... ... ..... ..... ..............$60 Full-mouth X-ray (required for extractions) DQ330) .................... $55 Fees effective December 15, 2005 1 No Appointment Necessary *Same Day Service If In Before 9 a.m. We gladly accept Cash, Checks, Visa, MasterCard and Discover as payment for our services. Affordable Dentures Orlando West, P.A. Blackwood Health Central David M. Simms, DMD Wal-Mart Ave Hospital GeneralDentist Supeer / 1163 Blackwood Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 / colonial Dr (407) 877-3828 Col?/ 4a r For more information, please call lO .D R RDBI --For / r w 1 V800'D[TURIE F /orida's (1-800-336-8873) -Turnpike www.affordabledentures.com il.slE n ClI F ORIDA CODF RFQUIRFS THF FOLLOWING STATEMENT "THESE ARE MINIMUM FEES AND CHARGES MAY INCREASE DEPENDING ON THE TREATMENT REQUIRED THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION. OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT." I JfNFRU DFVURB* Aatne i Dei f Dew: .lae W.I ? PA A ad / oSR d a,,= 1m, D ': ,1 ":. V SAVE $50 SAVE $25 on Custom of Premium on Cuskm or Premium Ful Set Denrures Sjngle ur Partal Denlte &xi'Dn eelp"mertA envbiei a bcallBmd il"d Enpim 4eI3Ji11n L im omsmmnonmn-nnsnieso omam ni so onnmmoinmiiiii im mi Ji *ACRO 'HIP HOPI *MOMMY & ME *.ER SCA PERFORMANCEN COMPANY *DANCETF PREP 'SUMMER C. DALOTCEWMOR ALOT MORE! CLEARANCE on Back Support Mattresses and Fully Priced 100 Page Furniture Catalog Prce 10 -a -OA EXAMPLES 807 S.OBT (441). Apopka Ar i ,,L-- 407-814-7800 Full Mattress Set $168 Next to Big Lots across from Queen Mattress Set $251 Badcock Furniture King Mattress Set $354 Closed Sunday & Wednesday Wood Daybed/Trundle $194 In appreciation for supporting $114 Sleepy's over 8 years. 5 Piece Dining Set $114 Thank you all! [12 = Member of Chamber of Commerce & Better Business Bureau J Has a passion for music Performs in a local jazz band Loves Chef Jeff's Cheese Omelets Plays more now than he has in years B R00K D AL E CHAMBREL at ISLAND LA&,E 'xepioalSi ..r Lvn Asus~sd hLirng Faliry #5753 INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING AVAILABLE Schedule a tour and stay for lunch 407-767-6600 160 Islander Court Longwood, FL 32750 www.chambrelatislandlake.com * Screen, Vinyl, Acrylic & Glass Rooms Patio Covers Awnings * Carports Roof-Overs Handrail Vinyl Siding* Soffit/Fascia * Pool & Spa Enclosures Storm Protection Garage Door Screens * Laminated Roofing Replacement Windows & Doors Materials astomer Satsfa Sinfce 1955, ww.wwhltealuminum.com SI I Tfl 407-889-5775 ucs] I aa f Iigfp onv#Ciflf017 7 UceMaiHswddaM Iwiieiamam#CteNi561 Lii.t -ro Fui.i.i,.sr A -r The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 9A ProKis ho Scott Humston, speaker and performer in his own Pro-Kids Show, appeared at Rock Springs Elementary School Tuesday, March 21. Pro-Kids is a live action motivational program using music, magic, comedy, sto- rytelling and audience involvement. The program is designed to teach kids the importance of honesty, respect, self-esteem, coop- eration and responsibility. Humston holds a bachelor of arts in dramatic arts and has been awarded profes- sional and community awards for his encourage- ment to young people. SMARTSTYLINGS SSMART STYLINGS S We keep your individuality in mind with the right haircut and style. Full Service Salon Color, Trims Pedect Perms nn Highlights Manicure Pedicures 29Years in ,I N 436 Business .. I 407-889-4160 Open Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Closed Sun. & Tues. 0: *is 319 W. Main St.,Apopka Sweetwater Oaks Garden Club will hold plant fair 407-884-0660 Mon. Fri. 9:00a.m. thru 5:00p.m. The Sweetwater Oaks Gar- den wares, food, children's a difference," a spokesperson Youth Camp, scholarships for Sat. 9:00a.m. thru 2:00p.m. ed n Club is sponsoring a garden activities and several education- said Wekiva S rin s Park and cam e - fair Sunday April 2, to be held at Sweetwater Square at the corner of Wekiva Springs Rd. and Fox Valley Drive from 10 a.m. 4 p.m. The fair will have numerous vendors selling plants, i.e., bromeliads, orchids, roses, day lilies, to name a few. Also, gar- al tables with information that will interest residents will be offered. Tom MacCubbin will speak on Waterwise Land- scapes, at 1 p.m. "This fits in with the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs' mission of pro- moting water conservation and what each of us can do to make its wildlife, butterfly gardening, and organic pest control are other topics that will be present- ed. The master gardeners will be there to discuss native plants and other topics of interest. The fair will benefit horti- culture scholarships for Univer- sity of Florida students, Wekiva tat for Humanity, and other pro- jects. This event will be held in conjunction with a flower show. The flower show will be in the community center next to the garden fair location. For additional information, contact Tracey Mulvaney at 407-786-4655. Board: Every month is Black History month Continued from page 6A Apopka designated an area at Park Avenue and Seventh Street named the Neil Baseball Field. The site is now occupied by a business. Lee is the father of several children. Annie Bell Bettis Cun- ningham was born in March 1912 and attended Apopka Col- ored School. She worked in food services at the Orlando airport for many years and was a men- tor to her many nieces and nephews. She is a member of New Hope Missionary Church. Virgil Blair was born in 1911 and also attended Apopka Colored School. He attends St. Paul A.M.E. Church and is a member of the Florida Confer- ence of the A.M.E. Church. Born in March 1912, Allen Chisholm went to Apopka Col- ored School. The only time he lived away from Apopka was when he served his country in World War II. Allen was always self- employed. First, he walked and sold fish door to door. Later, he bought a pickup truck and used his "rolling store" to expand his territory and supply customers who lived long distances from shopping areas with their needs. He added vegetables, other sta- ples and special orders to his supplies. Allen attended St. Paul A.M.E. Church. Lillian Williams Iverson was born in June 1912 and attended Apopka Colored School. She is the mother of one natural-born and one adopted daughter. Lillian worked as a recep- tionist at the Apopka Communi- ty Center, now the John H. Bridges Center, for many years. She is a self-taught pianist and was the faithful musician for years at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, where she is a lifelong member and still attends on a regular basis. Mildred A. Board was born in September 1914. She was :educated at Winter Garden Elementary, Apopka Colored and Daytona Normal schools as well as the Industrial Institute. She graduated from Bethune- Cookman High School and Col- lege, where she was Miss BCC of 1936. She is the mother of two adopted children. Mildred is a life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Apopka Historical Society, Apopka Area Chamber of Com- merce and the Marie S. Gladden Scholarship Fund. She is cur- rently a columnist for The Apop- ka Chief. She is a member of St. Paul A.M.E. Church, where she served on the board of trustees for many years. Her life motto is, "Let me live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man." Officially, Black History month has come and gone, but every month is Black History month to me. We are still up and going. Blessings from Mildred A. Board A Summer Camp That Will Make Memories for a Lifetime June 5 July 28 A Busy Day Every Day Preschool to 6th grade Science Exploration, Art, Music, Swimming, Canoeing and More OnBa: iu Uae.rnte at Resurrection Longwood, Florida 251 E. Lake Brantley Drive 407-788-CAMP (2267) What's holding you back from taking the 1st step in changing your Kitchen? Price? Time? Trust? Most people do not know the options available to them so they put off doing anything to their kitchen! If you want choices, options and a variety of price points, then give us a call. You can trust America's #1 Kitchen Justin Schellenberg and Bath remodeling franchise. Local Owner Kitchen Custom Cabinets *Refacing 1Tune-Up9 .1-day tune-up www.kitchentuneup.com FRECnutain.Ec facieineednl '407553-123 oned nd oIrote Wekiva Accepting 4C Students ward Winning Childhood Curriculum Fun, Loving, Caring Environment l Infant, Toddler, Preschool Before and After School Care Hot, Nutritious Breakfast, Lunch & Snack Professional Staff (CDA Maintained) Hours: 6:30 am 6:00 pm 407-889-4300 Lic#1001-33 f2333 E. Hwy. 436 (Semoran Blvd.), Apopk t~ON .... ... CARS CARS CARS INC. 902 S. O.B.T. (Hwy. 441) APOPKA * Come see why 80% of We Report to the Credit our Business is REPEAT! Bureau * FREE 30 Day Warranty* Every Vehicle has a 7 Day * FREE Oil Changes Every Exchange Guarantee* 3000 Miles.* 50+ Cars In Stock *Some Restrictions Apply APOPKA 407-880-3900 The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 10A Apopka VFW Post 10147 is seeking new members Apopka/Altamonte Springs VFW Post 10147 is seeking members. Commander Artie Vecchio said that the post is the only one in Florida that is com- prised of all life members. Membership currently stands at approximately 200. For more information, call 407-889-8266. W IlNECElLFARSOFPARKAVENUL E WINE OGARS GIFTS CUSTOM nGIF BASKETS "Custom Gift Baskets" Featuring a Wonderful A assortment of Wines *Large Variety of Wines from around the SCigars f World * Wine Accessories World * Gift Certificates Hours: Monday thru * Join the Wine Cellar Club Saturday * Mix and Match Case Sa tdy * Special Discounts 12 pm 7 pm Wine Cellars of Park Avenue 1232 Rock Springs Road Suite 102, Apopka, Next to Cee Bee Air Phone: 407-889-8001 Email:winecellarsparkave@cfl.rr.com Learn about some little-known facts Questions 1. Are all calico cats female? 2. In the animal world, what is the meaning of "sexual dimor- phism?" 3. Why are the edges on the long side of lasagna usually crimped? 4. Why are some watermelon seeds white and some black? 5. What happens to our Social Security number when you die? 6. In what direction are our eyes facing when we are asleep? 7. What sporting group com- petes for the America's Cup? 8. How did 7-Up get its name? 9. Who said, "Grow old with me. The best is yet to be?" 10. Why are there little holes in ceilings of some cars and rooms? Answers 1. No, but most are, according to the Calico Cat Registry Inter- Janet Connelly Know It All national. Approximately one male calico cat is born for every 3,000 females. 2. It is a scientific term used to describe different appearances of male and female of the same species. For example, male birds tend to be more colorful than females. One of the theo- ries of why this is so is that the colorful plumage acts as an attractant to the opposite sex. Many ornithologists believe that the main purpose of sexual dimorphism is to send a visual message to predators. When females are nesting, they are ill- equipped to fend off an attack of an enemy. 3. The curls at the edge of lasagna strips help retain the sauce and the filling between layers. If the lasagna strips were flat, the sauce and the fill- ing would slip out from between layers while cooking as well as while eating. 4. Different varieties of water- melon have an array of differ- ent colored seeds. Seed color in watermelons is genetically determined just as eye color is in humans. 5. According to John Clark, Social Security administrator, each number remains as unique as the individual it is assigned to. When someone dies, the number is retired. The first number was issued in 1936. The nine-digit system has a capacity for creating nearly one billion combinations. A little more than a third of the possi- ble combinations have been issued in the 55 years since the first number was assigned. 6. Upward, usually. Our eye muscles relax when we are sleeping and the natural tenden- cy, known as Bell's Phenome- non, is for the eyes to back over their usual position. When we experience rapid eye movement during sleep, our eyes dart back and forth. 7. The yachting crowd 8. C.L. Grigg created the lemon-flavored soft drink, which is actually a blend of seven natural flavors, in 1929. 9. These optimistic words orig- inated as a thought by the poet, Robert Browning. 10. They help muffle noise. Final thought: Old pho- tographers never die. They just stop developing. Anonymous Use the valu- able coupons found on this page for a GREAT Dining Experience. If you are interested in placing your ad on this page, call our Advertising Department at 407-886-2777 to find out all the details. v~ ^ *41 Bring this ad & get 10% OFF! - ----------- MONDAY NITE: All you can eat WINGS $7.95 TUESDAY KIDS NITE: Eat FREE w/ an adult meal WEDNESDAY NITE: Trivia & KARAOKE THURSDAY NITE: 2 for 1 drinks starts at 7pm ZELLWOOD NOW OPEN! Serving Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner All Day Hoppin' with food & fun! r--------- ---- 1/2 PRICE! Buy 1 Entree & Receive 1 I Entree of Equal or Lesser I Value 1/2 Price I I ine hi )nh% V.'I iln iC, \' c(u O. Na1 ulid iIllE (thicr (iTen .r SC.-dm H rj .-,al nFnd4j, Salurday Fr,ugr. nrill | e & 6 ., .).14- a oneM eplres 31 - ...Leaps Into Apopka! ******************************** "HOPPY HOUR" Monday Friday 35 Wings & Great Drink Specials 4-7 pm 2 for 1 Liquor Drinks Poured Double Tall $2 Domestic Bottled Beer 9 $1.75 Domestic Draft Pints $2 House Wine e ******************************** Softball Teams in uniform get a pitcher of domestic beer and 20 wings for $10.99 and $1 off pitchers. Anytime! ******************************** Tuesday Specials Kids Eat Free! (4-9 pm) Dine-in only. One kid's meal (off kid's menu) with each paying adult meal. Specials not included. 250 oysters (4pm close) All-u-can-eat ribs (4pm close) $1 Domestic Drafts (starts at 7 m) Froggers Grill & Bar 1601 N. Rock Springs Rd., Apopka 407-814-0650 Mon. Sat. 11 am 1 pm Sun. Noon Midnight www.froggers.com , Christo Hunt lub 335546 E. Semoran Blvd. Apopka 407-6450100 1815 Edgewater Dr., Orlando 407-429-8136 s Cafe Great Food & Great Service! Open Daily for Breakfast, Lunch& Dinner Mon. Sat 6:30 AM -9:00PM Sunday 7:00 AM-3:00 PM Breakfast served daily until 3:00 PM Visit www.christoscafe.com for a look at our menu and to call ahead for pick-up SPECIA~ ~L M[nday Thursday only.1t~] g All DoesticBeer ithdinr ufe 2.0pe otl I KING BUFFET I All you can eat Al you can eat . 1$0pe.adult. snow crab legs, fr, I Lunch Bufflet I oysters, scallop, I B poiw Mt NOW fried shrimp, sal L- a'.i teed shrimp, sal N bars, dessert bars, \Apopka 1 I 436 I creams & more. 2157 East Semoran Blvd., Apopka 407-814-9116 esh s, u- ad ice .., 4 Exdudig I $loff peradult.: IDinner Buffet a WE Formerly Mom's Diner Zellwood c , Hours: Mon. Sat. 5am 9pm & Sun. 5am 3pm 2651 N. Orange Blossom Tr., Zellwood 407-889-7002 B ___ I ' NEW IgROVEmMENU NEW IMPROVED MENU! 8 VARIETIES OF ICE CREAM! KINGW.BUFFET "Voted 2005 Foodie Award for Best Buffet" I DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE.. cz I =Nor q, Ifli "jj li Z 117, 7 17 71-AN A 1) )K '(..I !i kc !E t ny. 'I T :It Mf Al A 0. 'r- kf" i, ),Y, III t m. tA IF, -.If,] At!, W kiihmie meissner -.4 I F7C, ON The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 11A Red Caps will sponsor annual FYI fair The Red Caps of Zellwood Station will be presenting the 17th annual FYI (For Your Information) Trade Fair on Wednesday, March 29, at the Zellwood Station Country Club. This is open to all resi- dents or non-residents of the Station and will extend from 8:15 a.m. until noon. Once again, Florida Hospi- tal/Apopka will provide a num- ber of free screenings including blood pressure and lung capac- ity. In addition, a number of doctors will be on hand to answer questions. There will be 42 other exhibitors including Winn- Dixie Pharmacy representatives who may be able to assist the attendees in connection with prescriptions. There will be insurance representatives who can tell about Medicare 65, in addition to other kinds of insur- ance agents, tire dealers, auto repair specialists, investment advisers, roofing contractors, Ford dealer, as well as booths devoted to special shoes for diabetics, picture framing, rounds of golf, etc. Door prizes will include gift certificates to many restau- rants. A number of the exhibitors will provide for spe- cial drawings and one does not need to be present to win. The fair attracts about 400 folks each year and will be under the direction of Jim Smeenge as chairman and John Vanderdrift as vice chairman. Churches: Several meals are available to choose from Continued from page 7A The Knights of Columbus have resumed their Lenten fish dinners at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 834 South Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka. Each Friday during Lent, all-you-can-eat fried or baked fish, hush puppies, cole slaw, and macaroni and cheese will be served at a cost of $7 for adults and $4 for children 10 and under. Delivery is available for orders of 10 or more to the same address. For delivery orders, call 407-538-4374. Northside Baptist Church, 413 W. Welch Rd., Apopka, will hold its monthly Family Dinner Sunday, March 26, at 5 p.m. This month, the dinner is featur- ing a Triple Header, with a baked potato, salad and desserts bar, where everyone will bring fixings and toppings. The meal is free to the public. The church will dedicate its new playground Sunday, April 9, at 10:30 a.m. The festivities will consist of a noon potluck dinner and ribbon cutting cere- mony. The Weekly Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study meets at the home of Bonnie Milliken at 10 a.m. Following a brief fellowship period, the Kay Arthur television program on Precepts is viewed and dis- cussed with weekly worksheets' used as guidelines. A 16-week study of the Book of Revelation started March 15. For directions to the location of this Bible study, call Mil- liken, a member of Northside Baptist Church of Apopka at 407-756-9257. IHunter Hunter Victory Church World Out- reach Center will hold special services with Reverend Joan Hunter, Friday, March 24, through Sunday, March 26. The church is located at 509 S. Park Ave., Apopka on the cor- ner of Park Avenue and Fifth Street. Hunter has been in ministry for more than 30 years. In addition to extensive travel in the United States, she has ministered in Mexico, Ireland, England and the Ukraine. She has also co-authored a book, Healing the Whole Man Hand- book. Hunter will have a healing school, Friday, March 24, at 7 p.m. and again on Saturday, March 25, at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. There will be healing ser- vices Saturday at 6 p.m. and Sunday, March 26, at 10" a.m. and 6 p.m. For more information, call 407-889-7288. Obituaries: Vivian Millan was a nurse's aide Continued from page 7A FLETCHER LEROY RUSSELL, 59, Calhoun, Georgia, died Tuesday, March 7. Mr. Russell was born in Apop- ka. He was a member of the Sugar Val- ley Baptist Church. Survivors: sisters, Mary Fahrforth, Pensacola, Edna Barone, Casselberry, Betty Stakely, St. Augustine, Peggy Cadle, Orlando. JEANETTE WAGONROD, 75, Orlando, died Saturday, March 18. Mrs. Wagonrod was a homemaker. She was born in Alabama. Survivors: Dorothy Anderson, Apopka, Louise Ezell, Avon Park, Annie Lou Collins, LaBelle; broth- er, Frank Anderson, Lockhart; three grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Woodlawn Memorial Park and Funeral Home, Orlando. VIVIAN A. MILLAN, 81, Apopka, died Sunday, March 19. Mrs. Millan worked as a nurse's aide and was later retired from Wal-Mart. Born in Kalama- zoo, Michigan, she moved to Central Florida in 1931. Survivors: son, Billy Casteel, Apopka; daughters, Charlotte Nolan, Pennsylvania, Patripcia Godden, Orlando; eight grandchildren; eight Gilileo Roofing, Inc. Specializing in Residential Reroofs Skylight Installation & Repairs Attic Vent Installations Leak Repairs Soil Pipe Flashing Replacement Roof Inspection Rotten Wood Replacement Gutter Cleaning State Certified Licensed & Insured Lic. #CCC1325714 (352)728-1857 (352)483-4857 0* ** S ** New retailers for Nelsons and J&P Rose Bushes grafted onto Fortuniana rootstock. We also carry an array of miniature rose bushes. Need Mushroom compost, Apopka but not a yard of it? Apopka We sell it by the bucket!! 1 sSo bring them on and fill 'em up! $3.00 per 5 gallon bucket!! 1 -r | Hours: 8am 6pm Daily L v I Except Sundays. BoyScout Rd But if the gate is open we 4 will sell you a bush or two 1909 Boy Scout Road, Apopka 407-889-0964 janiecook@earthlink.net Laura L. Sterling, P.A. Attorney at Law ' 118 West Orange Street, Suite 2 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407-331-5505 . #Hair & Tan FULL SERVICE WAXING & TANNING (s $5 Offi M on Facials .Must present coupon. Exp. 3-31-06 stl I r -I-c-L ---- L-r: Becky, Mai, Ann, Na | 2j 0O f .onS Tanning Lotion Mon. Sat. 9 am- 7 pm u Walk-ins Welcome .Must present coupon. Exp.3-31-06 1057 W. Orange Blossom Tr., Victoria Plaza, Apopka. 407-886-9826 great-grandchildren. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. SHIRLEY McKINNEY, 81, Winter Garden, died Monday, March 20. Mrs. McKinney was a mathematics and music teacher. She was raised in Mari- anna. She was member of Calvary Bap- tist Church, Winter Garden, and she was a missionary. Survivors: sons, Brooke, Garth, Mark, Kim; daughter, Carol Overton; brothers, Carroll Pratt Finleyson, John H. Finleyson; seven grandchildren. Baldwin-Fairchild Funer- al Home, Apopka. SIDNEY R. GICK, 85, Apopka, died Tuesday, March 14. Survivors: daughter, Deborah A., sisters, Myrtle L. Kollmar, Carolyn "Peach" Heck. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. CAROLYN ODEN, 68, Apopka, died Tuesday, March 21. Mrs. Oden was a homemaker. Survivors: sons, Timothy A., Rick Proven; daughter, Cheryl Ann Daddio: brother, Ted Baugh- er; six grandchildren; two great-grand- children. Baldwin-Fairchild Funeral Home-Apopka Chapel. Dental ImPlants Wisdom Teethi * Extractions IV Sedation -I Apopka *407-886-2050 20 S. Park Ave. Suite A Orange City *(386J 774-2999 400 Treemonte Dr. Castings Tea Worms Compositing with worms Grow Naturally Y_ .) Promote Good Health, Safety Call for FREE Consultation - 407-814-9218 T Website: wwwourvitalearth.com 6919 Plymouth Sorrento Rd., Apopka Know the ABCDs of Melanoma Asymmetry Border Color Diameter r -'- - Melanoma ' And Skin Cancer Awareness I FREE Skin Cancer Screenings Monday Afternoons 3:30 5:30p.m. The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service. examination or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours or responding to the advertisement for free. dis counted fee or reduced fee service, examination S~ or treatment L- - FREE PHONE 1265 FREE Reg. $17499 each. | wSAVE $174.99 instantly. i LJ,3 Built-in Nextel Walkie-Talkie GPS enabled: add TeleNav' for voice-guided directions I Web and email enabled Phone oUer requires two-year subscriber agreement Nextel Data Pack may be required. Sprint' Togathef with, rEXTEL SPRINT FAIR &i FLEXIBLE PLAN No huge overages. No roaming charges. Now starting at Sfor 200 $29.9 Anytime Minutes. * Unlimited Nigth & Weekend Minutes. * Nationwide Long Distance. Every Minute. Every Day. 1087 West O.B.T. (Victoria Plaza) 407-814-CELL (2355) Errol, Estates: Get a dear connection with your cell phones using NEXTEL Serving Active Adults,.-, .".*Mr Children Seniors will go out of his way to .dA M ( give you professional and courteous care. Appointments are unrushed. Treatment and therapy are S FOOT & ANKLE Call Today SCLINIC 407-423-1234 Personalized foot pain solutions for active adults Retirement Never Felt So Good! Come Live in the Smoky Mountains! * All ground level apartments * 14 acres on Little Pigeon River * Paid utilities * Transportation * Activities * Pet Friendly * Meals included MountainBrook VILLAGE 700 Markhill Drive Sevierville TN www.MountainBrookVillage.info 1-877-207-5034 55 + Independent and Assisted Living Community AuYe- 44' The phones you want. The plans you want. We even have the prices you want. Only Sprint offers this many choices of phones and plans. Come in and see for yourself. 20% OFF Any Accessory ------------a l 0" tA! The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 12A Learn to Drive Quickly! Convenient Registration First-Time Drive Class (D.A.T.C.) * Classes! In class 4 days, In car 6 days Driving Lessons for All Ages * Traffic Ticket Class Driver License Road Tests (Car Available) -07-880-600 State Approved IU A N. Park Avenue, ApopRa RYAN BROTHERS, INC. Agricultural Fencing Materials Smooth or Rough Treated Pine Rough Cut Cedar & Cypress Custom Cutting & Millwork Metal Roofing & Siding LUMBER& BUILDINo Fence Posts & Poles SUPPLIES Railroad Cross Ties Free Delivery Available "Serving Apopka Area Since 1920" 210 East 5th St. Apopka 407-886-3141 Reclaim your home from unwanted guests. COMPLETE PEST, LAWN, & TERMITE SERVICE * Pest Control *termite Division Lawn Care Division Landscaping Division /. Mercer est eontrolNC. - "IT'lTIE Oit 0E s '04 24 W. 4th Street, Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 880-6207 T 3 0The UPS Store in Apopka The Shoppes of Wekiva 1631 Rock Springs Rd (at Welch) R 407-814-8770 407-814-8771 fax store5514@theupsstore.com Color Copy Sale Ends April 30, 2006i 101"' i n'i nWalk-ins Welcome 1 BEAUTY SALON T You can count on us for quality service. Come See US! Easy access off 436, Seeler d. Sheeler Rd. and WEAREEO I/I Monroe Street. . The UPS Store in More convenient parking The Shoppe Save-A-Lot Plaza A407-814-8770407-814-8771 fax X INCOME TAEX FREE E-File with paid tax p RAL Refund (Loans) in 24 h r- -- *1a'm\9 I $15 OFFF : I Tax, Preparation I I with this,.coupOn I - No0validwi any oL o'' pot.Eiorp4/15/06. Hours: Mon. Fri. 8:30am 7:00pm 'A Sat. 8:20am 5pm Sun. By Appointment Only. Baxter Bookkeeping and 855 N. Rock Springs Rd., Apopka 1/2 Mile South of Welch Rd. k'TIME reparation ours or less 4 - T , Tax Service Ruby Baxter (407) 814-1810 Ryan Brothers, Inc. has the supplies for your outdoor spring time projects Now is the time to think of outdoor summertime fun for your family. The staff at Ryan Brothers, Inc. can help you maximize your backyard space for summer barbecues and family get- togethers with a new deck. Decks are one of the best home improvement invest- ments you can make, and they extend your living space and add value to your home. In 1880, two years before Apopka got its official name, the founder of Ryan Brothers, Inc., Edward J. Ryan, arrived in town. One hundred twenty-six years later, the product of his hard work is still standing, and the work values that were estab- lished then are prevalent still to this day. Ryan Brothers, Inc. is a company you can count on for good quality at the fairest prices in the area. Founded in July 1920 as a sawmill and located outside the town, Ryan Brothers, Inc. grew into one of the largest suppliers of building materials in the area. Now operated by Edward J. Ryan's great grandson, Mark Ryan III, and located at 210 E. Fifth Street, Ryan Brothers, Inc. offers a more personalized service, that one-on-one spe- cialized service. Ryan Brothers, Inc. offers custom millwork for their wide selection of lum- ber, and has free delivery available to the Apopka area. Specialty items offered at Ryan Brothers, Inc. include rough cedar and cypress, treated and untreated lum- ber, metal roofing and siding, plant and form stakes, #57 lime rock and builders sand, and railroad cross ties. Split rail fencing and telephone poles are also carried by Ryan Brothers, Inc. Ryan Brothers, Inc. offers agricultural fencing materials such as fence posts, fence wire, and gates. Whether it is for your house, business, or property, don't miss the occasion to have Ryan Brothers, Inc. assist you with your building needs. As one of Apopka's pio- neer businesses, their build- ing is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, an official listing of historical- ly significant sites and proper- ties throughout the country. The Ryan Brothers, Inc. site has been identified and documented as having played a significant role in the histor- ical development of the local community. With convenient hours Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mark or Tom at Ryan Brothers, Inc. are available to offer solu- tions to particular problems, give advice if requested, and offer knowledgeable assis- tance to customers with building or construction dilemmas, whether it be building a deck or remodeling a room, to building fences, barns, or storage sheds, Ryan Brothers, Inc. is ded- icated to providing the mate- rials and service to meet your needs from start to finish. So, no matter what size of building job you might be looking at, be wise and stop in and see for yourself why Ryan Brothers, Inc. has been successfully serving the community for so many years. For further information, call Mark or Tom at 407-886- 3141 and let generations of experience be on your side. If you have a specific item or special order you would like assistance with, call Mark or Tom and let them assist you. You will find the knowledge and dependability of Ryan Brothers, Inc. to be unsur- passed in the industry. For service, dependability, and quality at reasonable prices, Ryan Brothers, Inc. has a long-standing reputation for providing the very best in all your building needs. Stop in and see for yourself. Advertisement The UPS Store provides expert packing and shipping to fill all of your needs Getting it there in one piece is the most important factor in shipping your valu- ables. The UPS Store can help you do that. You can pack the items yourself or let the staff at The UPS Store do it for you. Your personal items will travel many miles of convey- or belts and roads before they reach their destination. It is vital that you prepare the contents to survive vibration, compression, and drops.' Proper boxes, cushioning materials, and securing of the box are all mandatory to "get it there" in one piece. Boxes Properly constructed and weighted boxes are very important. Each type of box is engineered for a different purpose. The type of box you will need to ship via a shipping company like UPS has a Mullen Test certificate on the bottom of the flap that reads "bursting strength" of 200 pounds or greater. If the certificate states "ECT" for edge crush tested, designed for moving, it may not hold up in shipping conditions and should not be used. The UPS Store only sells and packs in proper shipping boxes to protect your valuables. Contents over 50 pounds should be placed in double-walled boxes with a Mullen Test of 275 pounds. The UPS Store carries or can obtain double-walled boxes for you. Using worn out boxes will almost always result in container failure and loss of product. That is why The UPS Store only uses new corrugate for shipments they pack. The UPS Store even carries a box designed for laptop computers that includes a special suspension kit to protect computers. Different types of con- tents should be boxed and cushioned separately within one larger box. Some items, such as computer monitors and dishware, should be dou- ble boxed. If the outer box gets damaged, then the inner box and cushioning double protects the fragile items. Cushioning materials A minimum of two inch- es of appropriate cushioning material is needed around all sides of a fragile item. Multi- ple items in one box must be cushioned separately. The UPS Store carries small and large bubble wrap, Styrofoam "peanuts," Styro- foam planks, and foam sheet- ing. The UPS Store will also recycle your leftover Styro- foam peanuts to help keep them out of the local landfill. Newspaper is insufficient for cushioning, especially for ceramics. Make sure you use a large bubble wrap for larg- er items and wrap them completely two to three times around all sides. Pack like items together. The UPS Store can, help you with boxing decisions, or for damage insurance, they can wrap and box the items for you to meet UPS packing standards. Securing the box Securing the box is very important. Using nonstan- dard packing tapes are unac- ceptable. Masking tape, duct tape, and gift wrap tape are insufficient and can actually cause damage if they become caught in the conveyor belts or pull off in shipment. String and wrapping paper are also not allowed on the outside of the box for the same rea- sons. You can find good durable packaging tape at The UPS Store. Use two to three inch wide clear or tan packaging tape on all raw corrugate edges. Insurance Shipments are insured for loss and damage auto- matically through UPS at The UPS Store for up to $100 per box packed to UPS standards. Additional insur- ance can be purchased for $1 per $100 of contents. If the box is packed by the cus- tomer then the contents are insured for up to $100 for loss and not damage. Contraband There are many items that The UPS Store cannot ship. Firearms, firearm parts, ammunition, perfume, alco- hol, tobacco, wine, and raw gems or currency are unac- ceptable for shipment. Boxes that once contained per- fume, alcohol, wine, liquor, combustibles, and other haz- ardous or caustic materials cannot be used. If the box says ORM-D or has any other warning labels on it, it cannot be shipped. Please replace the box or have the contents reboxed at The UPS Store. The UPS Store staff wishes to remind you of the Relay for Life Apopka Ameri- can Cancer Society March 24 to 25 relay at Apopka High School. You may get more information about Relay for Life or make a donation at The UPS Store. The UPS Store is locat- ed at 1631 Rock Springs Road in Apopka. The phone number is 407-814-8770 and the fax number is 407-814- 8771. You can email them files at store5514@theups- store.com. Advertisement b Serving you at Ryan Brothers, Inc., are, (l-r), Pete Jackson, Art Moss, Tom Garlow, Mark Ryan, and Jesse Ingram. Ages 6 Weeks to 12 Years Preschool * Active Learning Curriculum * Focus on School Readiness * Accredited Staff * Family Owned & Operated NOW HIRING * Summer Camp Program C070R0368 * Before/After School Program 407-814-8060 2505 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka'(across from Sprint) UPS Store owner Phyllis Olmstead, (r), helps Heidi of Froggers with her package. k6. f Limited 1 _4 i | Ic b The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 13A Celbrtigsrvvoship Do you have news to share with the community? Call The Apopka Chief at 407-886-2777, fax 407-889-4121, or email news@apopkachief.fdn.com OPTICAL', SEYELAND - Buy1 Get,-'i S1 Pair FREE : 1 Buy complete pair of Brian & Julie Pincknei. designer frame ad lenses Sc Habla Espaiol and receive 2nd pair FREE Scnng.popka Sinc 1986 n from selected styles. I In stock Lenses & Frames I* Large Selection ,/Dt'esigrr & BuJia We W1I Mh Most Cotlpetitr'sCoupon F e Rear e& RSulaedS t S- - 4L Frame Repair & Replacement 72 iS 0 B TApp :-40-80 More than 300 people attended the Survivor's Dinner, the kickoff event for Apopka's Relay For Life, an American Cancer Society fundraiser. The dinner, held at the new Apopka Community Center, honored cancer survivors ajnd their caregivers. The theme of this year's event is It Takes a City and each Relay For Life committee had the respon- sibility for decorating tables with a different city team. Entertainment was provided by Johnny and the Moondogs and the St. Paul A.M.E. Church choir. A silent auction was also held. Apopka High School to present 'Ragtime' The Apopka High School Fine Arts Department will pre- sent the musical "Ragtime," based on the novel by E.L Doc- torow. Set in the year 1906, the . story addresses the many issues associated with the industrial revolution. The song style caught on as the new music for America and its syncopated rhythms portrayed the tone of the country, a spokesperson said. The plot of "Ragtime" revolves around three main characters. Mother, played by Jessica Emery, is part of the affluent New Rochelle circle who is trying to understand the changing values of society. Tateh, played by Jonathan Sepulveda, is a Jewish immi- grant searching for the Ameri- can dream. Michael Sapp's character, Coalhouse Walker, is an African American struggling with prejudice who vows to give his son and wife Sarah, played by Natasha Lias, a better life. "These families represent the changing tapestry of America and their lives are fused through luck, tragedy and circum- stance," the spokesperson said. Along with these fictional char- acters, the audience will see Booker T Washington (Alex Pollard), Harry Houdini (Kevin Gismondi), Evelyn Nesbit (Heather Clark), and Henry Ford (Ben Parrish). Students, teachers and par- ents have been working together on the many aspects of produc- ing a mammoth musical, which include costuming, set building, choreography, lighting and sound design. Music teachers Linda Boot, Kim Aldridge and LeeAnin Dresser are teaching the cast the very challenging music for the show. Ron Boot, the guest artistic director, is working with the actors and designing the sets. FSU intern Bret Carson is assist- ing with many aspects of the production. Former AHS Band Director, Bill Reinecke, will conduct the pit orchestra which is comprised of student and pro- fessional musicians. In addition to seeing a musical perfor- mance, attendees will be able to view the talents of the AHS Visual Arts students. The AHS Art Department will put on an art exhibit prior to each perfor- mance. Ragtime will be presented Thursday through Saturday, April 6-8, at 7:30 p.m., and Sun- day, April 9 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets for Ragtime are $8 and can be purchased from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the week of the show and at the door before each performance. Call 407- 905-5500 or e-mail bootl@ ocps.net for additional informa- tion. Library to offer special programs for children The North Orange Library will offer a series of special pro- grams in April. The library is located at 1211 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka, near the inter- section of State Road 436 (Semoran Boulevard) and Thompson Road. Special programs scheduled include: * Fingerprinting and Photo Iden- tification for Children will be held Tuesday, April 4, from 6:45-8:35 p.m. The Orange County Sheriff's Office will offer free electronic fingerprint- ing and photo I.D. for children two and up. Parents retain the card and no record is kept by law enforcement. Each card is prepared in approximately 10 minutes. Reservations are required. Call the library's com- munity relations office at 407- 835-7481. * Cuentos en Espanol, Spanish story time, is set for Saturday, April 29, from 10:30-11 a.m. Crafts and stories in Spanish will be offered. Regular weekly programs are also scheduled. The pro- grams are free and scheduling is not necessary. * Tiny Tales: Rhyme Time for You and Baby, for infants birth to 18 months, will be held on Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. and last approximately 15 minutes. The rhythm and repetition of nursery rhymes are used to introduce very young children to literature. * Toddler Time, set for Wednes- days at 10:45 a.m., is especially for children aged 18 to 36 months and lasts approximately 20 minutes. The use of picture books, finger plays, songs, poetry and Mother Goose rhymes, and flan- nel board stories will encourage the development of verbal and listening skills. * Storybook Fun for Your Little One will be held on Wednesdays at 11:15 a.m. It is a read-aloud program recommended for children ages three to five and includes folk and animal tales, flannel and big book stories, plus rhymes, songs and poetry. The programs are free and last approximately 30 minutes. Groups, families, schools and childcare providers are wel- come to participate. For more information or to register for classes, call the North Orange Library at 407- 814-6150. You Have Your Reason, We Have Your Financing available for... , * Good or Bad Credit Bankruptcy//Foreclosure, OK Foreign National Loans 0 % down and as low $500 own funds Pick a Pay loan, where you choose the payments with rates as low as 1.95% Residential, commercial, and investment loans All Property Types An Array of loan programs to fit your individual needs Debra Kay's/Simply Processing Mortgage Services Call us for a free consultation at 407-464-7020 Free appraisal when you close a loan with us! Want Whiter Teeth? Complete Family Dentistry .Lyne Sy Tangco, D.D.S. New Patients Welcome Se Habla Espanol Apopka Dental Art, P.A. 2438 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka (In the Bealls Plaza) Saturday Appointments Available Most Insurance Accepted 6 iammmmarrj Microsoft SGold Certifed'Authonzed SSmall Business Specialists * vmetrking Solutions Hardware * Service,Repair * Sales Upgrades * Advice. Demos Software Technical Support SUser Training * Custom Design Internet * Remote Access SSecun} Conitrols V iruSpsare Removal r ...- OUR CERTIFIED & EXPERIENCED TECHNICIANS SERVICE ALL BRANDS OF PCs FOR OUR BUSINESS CUSTOMERS WE OFFER: Priority response to sour needs On and off site service and support One stop shopping for all .our computer needs FOR OUR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS W\E OFFER: Lo'er cost in shop repairs Quick turn around times No techno speak Apopka's Computer Service Center r. I'Y .'r.T. T '. Y. i m l Auction-it f" TODAYea A Global Business on a Local Level. * Let Us Do It For You! At Auction-lt Today, we: Research and create descriptions h , -Take professional photos Post items on eBay & monitor auctions , -Securely packages& ship Items -Sendyouacheck! *Ask about our special Collchibles femer r3iilia C.l, Bojis Ewci rriwfi, Jeielqri nt.ques SporIing Goods RPsl Esirte 407.772.EBA Y (407.772. 3229) 3030 East Semoran Blvd., Suite 184, Apopka, FL 32703 www. auctionittodaycfl. corn Comforting Care in the,Comfort of Home Transportation Hospital Discharge .. Meal Preparation Services G r. \'G-r G- iesDelivered Companionship ',- *Errands Pet Care. i "- Rereati0ronal You may choose ony 3 hours a week or40 hours a week. Ducks in a Row Judy Kostur 407-880-8263 (... _/ 837 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka (Apopka. Land Regional Shopping Center) "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content..4._ Available from Commercial News Providers" -:__. l/ / l owoI The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 14A I Lou Haubner and his wife Diann (c) hold the plaque recognizing the Wekiva Springs Strutters as the best local chap- ter in the National Wild Turkey Federation. Wekiva Springs Strutters wins national award for best chapter The Wekiva Springs Strutters Chapter, he local group affiliated with the National ild Turkey Federation, was named the best national organization's convention in Nashville, Tenn. The Apopka chapter was represented at [the convention by Lou Haubner, an Apopka 'Realtor. In addition to that award, the Wekiva Spring Strutters Chapter was also presented with the following awards: membership I_____________ achievement with 4,306 members; greatest net income by a chapter; total sponsor mem- bership with 210 sponsor members; and best net to gross in a banquet by netting 105 per- cent. "Without our volunteers supporting us, the NWTF wouldn't be able to continue its conservation and outreach work," Carl Brown, NWTF chief operating officer, stat- ed in a press release. "We honor our chapters for their efforts through the L.A. Dixon awards because we know that it is our chapter volunteers who make the NWTF so great. It is our chapters doing the NWTF's great on-the-ground con- servation and outreach work," said the chief operating officer. The L.A. Dixon Memorial awards are given in honor of a man who gave unselfish- ly to the NWTF during its early years. In addition to supporting the national head- quarters, Dixon founded the North Carolina state NWTF chapter and twice served as its president. Paroswnoe i n The Apopka Inter-United Soccer Patriots girls under-11 team won 1 and tied 1 over the weekend of March 18-19. On Saturday, March 18, they defeated the CFU Vipers, 7-2 at the Northwest Recreation Complex in Apopka. After a 1 -1 first half, the hometown team scored in the first minute of play in the second half and were never threat- ened after that. Scoring goals were Mari Cirilo, Jessenia Barragan, Alyssa Kaminski (2), Selena Jaimes, Cindy Buch- ner and Brooke Wigmore. Cirilo led the way in assists with two, followed by Wigmore, Jaimes, and Buchner with one assist each. Maria Hernandez, Lauren Green and Kallee Miller also played well in the victory. On Sunday, March 19, the Patriots tied the Florida Thunder 3-3 at Central Winds Park in Winter Springs. Tied again 1 -1 at halftime, the Apopka team fell behind 2-1 and again at 3-2 before Cirilo's third goal of the afternoon in the 57th minute *of play knotted the score against the under-12 team from Winter Springs. Cirilo's first goal came on a free kick from 25 feet out in the first half which was-too hot to handle by the opposing keeper. Kaminski and Jaimes had assists on the goals in the second half. Shown is Kallee Miller (r) as she is about to receive a throw-in from a team- mate in Saturday's game. The Patriots next play the CFU Speed at Central Winds Park on Saturday, April 1, at 3:30 p.m. The last time these two teams (ranked in the top 5 in the state) played, the outcome was a 1 -1 tie in Region Cup Challenge Round playoffs earlier this month. Non-Medical, In-Home Care * In-home Companionship * Meal Preparation - * Grocery Shopping * Transportation Se Habla Espaiiol Open 24 Hours 7 Days a Week 407-814-7070 www.comfortkeepers.com ANOTHER Preowned and new Women's clothing Furniture Household Items New gifts Silk flowers Much more! s TREASURE 210 W 2nd Street, Apopka ' Corner of Main and W. 2nd St, \ / / Next to AOK Tire Mart& & / Across from Hungry Howies ~ 1 407-886-3909 / Open Saturday and Sunday only 10AM- 5PM 1 / I Olr ad ,,i ces.-.-l forHumanlty* Iw It of Greater Apopk, Inc. The HFH Apopka Home Store is looking for new and used building materials and home furnishing items to stock their store. Proceeds from the store help families in the greater Apopka area become homeowners. Call Vickie Wray (407)880-8852 2001 N. Rock Springs Road Homeland ROOFING SUPPLY "Making it easier to do business with us" * Excellent Selection * Fast In & Out Pick Up * Competitive Pricing * Helpful & Knowledgeable Staff 407-410-0196 1839 S. Orange Blossom Tr. Apopka, FL 32703 (Behind Wheller Pools across from Wal-Mart Super Center) H.t nc onLUDOWICI l MHantson __ UdnICRETE H sjn O O i Tr 0 0 I T HO riO s ALL SEASONS PEST CONTROL, INC1 SPECIALIZING IN ROACH, ANT & FLEA CONTROL, SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES Do-It-Yourself Products Available Visit our Web Site: www.allspc.com FREE ESTIMATES o,,; ,1407-886-0204 |__ c5 g BBeIIe Your Kitchen Should Be A Work of Art" .. lu Where the adventure begins... 170 S. Washington Avenue, Apopka Located on Hwy 441 Just South of 429 Interchange (407) 464-2000 Open daily Mon.-Fri. 10am 6pm Sat.10am-4pm www.MosquitoCreekOutdoors.com * Light Housekeeping & more Screened, Bonded & Insured .~. ~.e Comfort V "g ~Koopoers ........ Ib ............ See the story at the top of the page about the Apopka Blue Darters flag football team. State champions in 2004, the Apopka squad is look- ing to make up for last year's loss in the district championship game. Coach Matt Houvouras says this year's squad has the talent to repeat the efforts of the 2004 team. The Blue Darters began the season with a pair of 35-0 victories. The Apopka Chief March 24, 2006, Page 1B Sports Q. Who is playing quarterback for the Apopka Blue Darters flag football team? A. Brittany Hardy is just a sophomore, but she's beginning her second season as the starting quar- terback for coach Matt Houvouras and the Blue Darters. Although Apopka lost several top players from last season, they still have plenty of talent and the Darters are looking for a state title. Flag football begins with 2 easy victories After a stellar start to the 2005 season, the Apopka Blue Darters flag football team dropped two of its last three games. The losses left a bitter taste in the mouths of the players, who vowed that 2006 would be different. With a renewed determination, Apopka opened its season this week with two big victories, defeating Timber Creek on Monday, March 20, and Evans on Tuesday, March 21, with both games ending with 35-0 margins. The Darters won both games on the road. Apopka vs. Timber Creek There were questions surrounding the Darters in their game against the Timber Creek Wolves. After all, they ended last season on a sour note and the first game was a Monday game immediately, following spring break. "We responded well," said head coach Matt Houvouras. "It was a good first game as we looked to shake off the rust, find consistency and develop chemistry." Quarterback Brittany Hardy was excellent, if not perfect. While she did throw two intercep- tions, the QB passed for four scores and had a stel- lar pass on 4th and goal from the 20 that was inch- es from crossing into the end zone. Apopka used quick strikes on offense as Simone Lowman snagged a ball to give Apopka an early lead. Lowman was not finished, as she also returned an interception 50 yards for a score. Senior wide receiver Jenny Taylor, seeing her first flag football action ever, struck twice, once in each half. In the third quarter, her over-the-shoul- der, between-two-defenders catch and run invigo- rated the AHS sideline and put the game out of reach. "That was a play where you are pinching yourself to see if it's real," Houvouras said. "We are fortunate to add a student-athlete the quality of Jenny to our roster. She is smart, fast and can make adjustments quickly. That was the b-t first game I have seen a player have." Junior wide receiver Janice Mars put the punctuation mark on the game when she turned a short strike into a 40-yard touchdown, just before the two minute warning and the mercy rule. Defensively, the Timberwolves got into AHS territory only once as Shanice Ward continually sacked the quarterback and. linebackers Monica Doctor, Mars, and Lowman made short work of the Timber Creek offensive plays. Doctor, an All. Central Florida player a year ago, also had an interception for Apopka. Apopka vs. Evans In the varsity game against Evans, Apopka won 35-0 as well. Lowman and Taylor each picked up their third touchdown of the season. Taylor had a beautiful 40-yard catch and run, where she caught the ball on one side of the field, took off across the field and then headed to the end zone. Mars caught seven passes, including a 55-yard TD on the third play of the game. Defen- sively, Doctor, Jennifer Lassiter, and Kayla Morse helped keep Evans out of the end zone. Senior Kim Newsome returned after a year's hiatus and on her first play of the season, immedi- ately caught a short pass and ran for a 55-yard TD that was called back due to a controversial penal- ty. "The officials thought they saw flag guard- ing," said Houvouras. "I saw a girl outrun the other team." Overall, the head coach was pleased with his team. "This is a very talented group and they have set their sights high. We want to get better each game so that we are peaking at the end of the sea- See FLAG Page 3B Bass tournament set for April 1 The third annual Helen Keller Charity Bass Tournament will be held Saturday, April 1, from safe light to 3 p.m. Tourna- ment boats will launch from the Hickory Point boat launch off State Road 19 on Lake Harris. The entry fee is $60 per boat and there will be $2,500 in cash prizes, including $1,200 for first place. Payouts will be based on a 50-boat field. There also will be an optional $10 big bass pot. The launch fee for Hickory Point will be lifted for the tournament. There will be samples and gifts for each angler, as well as door prizes and drawings. There will also be a weigh-in barbecue held after the tournament. Pro- ceeds from the event will bene- fit the Helen Keller Foundation. For more information or to register, call Randale at 407- 312-5085, or Brad at 1-352-476- 8629. Darters fall short against Warriors g By John Peery Apopka Chief Staff Spotting teams big leads and then fight- ing back has been a way of life this season for the Apopka Blue Darters baseball team. The Darters have won their share of those games, but they fell just short Tuesday, March 21, in a 6-5 loss to the West Orange Warriors. The host Warriors improved to 9-5 overall with the victory, while the Darters fell to 7-4. The Metro Conference loss left Apopka at 1-2 in league play. Apopka is 2-2 in District 6A-4 action. "We can't keep putting ourselves in this position," Apopka coach David Lee said about his team's propensity to allow oppo- nents to get ahead, then have to fight back for a chance at a victory. Even in Apopka's 8-7 victory over the Warriors on February 28, West Orange blasted to a 7-2 lead before the Blue Darters came storming back to take the win. This time, Apopka held an early lead before West Orange took control. The Darters scored once in the first and once in the second without the benefit of a hit. In the first, Robert Beary led off with a walk, then took second on Brandon Brew- er's hit-and-run ground-ball out. Beary stole third, then scored on a ground-ball out to shortstop by Justin LaFavers. Apopka went up 2-0 in the second when Elliott Martinez drew a one-out walk, then took second on a wild pitch. Continuing to force the action, Martinez stole third base and the throw went into left field, allowing Martinez to easily score. Meanwhile, Apopka starter Raymond Copenhaver breezed through the first inning, but the Warriors exploded for five runs in the second to take control of the con- test. The Warriors sent 10 batters to the plate as the first six reached base safely. The big blow of the inning was a bases-loaded dou- ble by first baseman Craig Dodge, which drove in two runs, tying the game at 2-2. Neither team scored again until the fourth inning when the Warriors posted See BASEBALL Page 3B ' Sgrstni eamreaisuneae -Brittany Collins, the top Apopka girls tennis player, keeps her eye on the ball Tuesday, March 21, ,during the Apopka Blue Darters' ' match against the West Orange Warriors at Errol Estate Country Club. The Apopka girls defeated the Warriors, 6-0, for the sec- ond time this season. As a team, the Apopka girls are undefeated, having made their way through six opponents. The AHS team has three matches next week, playing Tuesday, March 28, home against Ocoee; Wednes- )P day, March 29, at Evans; and Thursday, March 30, home ver- sus Timber Creek. The Darters had a match at Olympia on Thursday, March 23, past press . time. L _- Apopka first baseman Justin LaFavers eyes the batter while holding on West Orange's Joey Burkhalter. Apopka, West Orange battling for decades After all the sports teams but the Apopka High baseball squad took off last week for spring break, several of them got back into action early this week. And, on Tuesday, March 21, it turned out to be old rival- ry day for the Blue Darters as four of Apopka's.spring sports teams faced the West Orange Warriors. Whether through old Win- ter Garden High or Lakeview High, Apopka High and the high school in Winter Garden have been facing each other in sports for decades. I am not sure when the schools began facing each other in sports, but I do know that they first played football against each other in 1933, the year Apopka first fielded a football team. The schools were very likely playing each other in sports prior to that, but I do John Peery Peery's Extra Points know that the rivalry goes back at least that far. (Even though many may not believe this, that was prior to my time.) That old rivalry was in full force this week when the Blue Darters and Warriors faced off in girls tennis, boys tennis, fast- pitch softball, and baseball. And, as you might expect, the schools split their successes as Apopka won in girls tennis and fastpitch softball, while West Orange took the competi- See PEP Page 3B I. S S Dressrn frmb eakwt i ll ,. ._ " Stephanie Owen shows the pitching style in which she recorded 14 strikeouts in the 5-1 victory the Apopka Blue Darters had Tuesday, March 21, over the host West Orange Warriors. The victory, coupled with Apopka's 4-2 victory over the Olympia Titans on Wednesday, March 22, gave the Blue Darters a 14-2 record. At the plate against West Orange, the Darters were led by Ashley Kurimai, who was 2-for-2, and Deanna Mazzei, who was 2-for-3. Apopka scored once in the first inning when Nicole Stark drew a walk, stole second and later scored on a single by Owen. West Orange tied the game in the bottom of the first, but the Blue Darters went ahead to stay in the third inning when Mazzei had a two-out single, went to second on a passed ball, and then scored on an error. Apopka put the game away for good in the sixth inning with three runs as Mazzei, Owen, and Robyn Pyburn all scored. Pyburn, Kurimai, and Danielle Brewer all had an RBI in the inning. The Darters will host the Lake Brantley Patriots today, Friday, March 24, and then play three games in four days next week. Apopka will travel to East Ridge on Tuesday, March 28, then hit the road for a game at Tavares on Thursday, March 30, before hosting the Ocoee Knights on Friday, -March 31. All games begin at 7 p.m. The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 2B HARRISON M . 0 4 p- *- am 4p - ULI\ A 0 A Slam-ba racing e'O -.loo - w "Copyrig hte'd'Material - Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" .- n - prodins Irm a w 0 * - 40 0 .l a t ftwm- I %err~o.nv in %jiubcoio k ea-drI hi% *alitt - do'0 9 -4 t I__ &ALA&S 40h W - ~. - a - - "m 4111mm- 41mw i Ittputut di %4Wton cwdkhw 44TM The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 3B Specks are jumpin' in the boat Hello Folks, Well, have you ever heard the expression that they are jumpin' in the boat? I have heard that expression all my life and I can assure you I have had some great days on the water but I have only had two bass actually jump in the boat while I was fishing . Well, this week while I was gath- ering reports for this week's arti- cle, I called Joe at Sorrento Bait and Tackle. The first thing he told me was they were jumpin' in the boat. I said, "Joe, come on, buddy, they are jumpin' in the boat? What jumpin' in the boat?" He said, "Jim, the specks are jumpin' in the boat." It seems this has been one of the best years on the Harris Chain to catch specks. Joe reports that the folks in his area are catching' their limits on the Harris Chain. Most all the canals are loaded with specks and they are bitin' like crazy. You can even catch a limit in most of the lakes in the chain, too. Joe told me that folks have been coming' in and they want to catch some specks but they haven't had any luck at all in the past. Joe sets 'em up with some green super jigs or zip jigs and a bucket of minners and tells them where to fish (Harris Chain) and they come back and report that they had a blast. They tell Joe that they have never caught so many specks in their life. You know, folks, that's what's great about fishing goin' out with a fishing' partner or your family and catching' some fish. Like I said, green super jigs or zip jigs tipped with a minner and you are gonna catch some specks. All the canals in the Harris Chain are loaded with specks. You can find 'em on the edge of the grass and around the pads, the reeds, the overhangs, logs, stumps, the specks just seem to be everywhere and they are bitin'. The bass fishing' on the chain has been doin' good, too, but has slowed down just a little this past week. Most of the bass are bein' caught on shiners. Captain Linda Hawkins has been catching' some nice bass on the Harris Chain on shiners. She has caught several bass over 9 lbs. with her clients. Joe also reports some specks bein' caught in Lake Monroe in the river chan- nel and around government cut. Folks have been catching' some specks in Lake Jesup around Gator Point, and the pil- ings under the Greeneway bridge. Minners and jigs tipped with a minner have been working' the best. Folks have been catching' some nice bass in West Lake Toho. Most of the bass are on the beds and they are eatin' shiners. Please make sure you release the big ones so they can spawn and ensure our fishing' for the future. The big catfish are starting' to move into the deep holes in the Wekiva River. You can catch 'em on small to medium shiners and nightcrawlers. Well, folks, if you have been waiting' for 'em to start bitin', they're bitin'. See ya next week. Tip of the week: dark green jigs tipped with a minner. Save a few and good luck! Baseball: Apopka will host St. Cloud Continued from page 1 B i another run, the one that proved to be the game winner. In addi- tion to the three innings in which they scored runs, the Darters had runners in scoring position in all innings. Trailing 6-2 in the top of the fifth inning, the Darters chased starter Adam Hunt as Beary led off the inning with a double to deep centerfield. Brewer fol- lowed that with a single and then took second on a wild pitch, although it was not far enough away from the plate for Beary to score. LaFavers picked up two of his three RBI on the night when he ripped a double to score Beary and Brewer. Tyler Scan- lon was next with Apopka's third double of the inning, driv- ing home LaFavers. Scanlon took third on a sacrifice bunt by Josh Tanski, but the next two batters were retired and Scanlon was stranded at third in the 6-5 game. Apopka had a two-out threat in the sixth, but had a great chance to score and at least tie the game in the seventh when they had the bases loaded with one out. However, Mike Groen- eveld's hard-hit grounder up the middle deflected off the pitch- er's glove into the hands of the West Orange shortstop, who stepped on second, then fired to first for the game-ending double play. The Blue Darters played at Evans on Thursday, March 23, past press time. Apopka will step out of conference and district play for a home game against the St. Cloud Bulldogs today, Friday, March 24, at 7 p.m. Next week brings two cru- cial District 6A-4 contests as the Darters will play at Colonial on Tuesday, March 28, then host the Winter Park Wildcats on Fri- day, March 31. Flag: Apopka JV also wins two games Continued from page 18B son." Junior varsity Against Timber Creek, Apopka's junior varsity got off to an excellent start as AHS rolled to a 36-0 victory. Quarter- back Tacharlla "TC" Mars threw for three touchdowns and ran for two. Emma Arnsberger and Coralys Acosta each caught one. The Apopka JV hammered Evans, 39-0. Mars connected with Acosta, Shante Whitlock, Kimby Martin, and Janise Jones for scores and Sara Gibson caught two extra-point conver- sions. Mars also ran for two scores. Danielle Ligouri and Jordan Ault led the defensive shutout. With the win, the JV improved its record to 2-0. Upcoming games Next week, the Darters will again be on the road, playing at Mainland on Monday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. The Darters will host the Winter Park Wildcats on Tuesday, March 28, at 7 p.m. On Thursday, March 30, Apop- ka will host the Edgewater Eagles at 7 p.m. The Darters played their first home game on Thursday, March 23, past press time when they hosted the Uni- versity Cougars. PEP: Girls' teams doing incredibly well in sports at Apopka High Continued from page I B tions in boys tennis and base- ball. The success that the Apop- ka girls' teams are having has been fairly constant this year. The girls volleyball team had its best season in a long time, while the girls basketball squad made it to the regional quarterfinals before losing to Lake Mary, the eventual state champion. In girls soccer, Apopka had its best season ever, falling in the regional semifinals. In the spring sports, the girls tennis team was undefeat- ed going into a match at Olympia on Thursday, March 23, past press time. They have already beaten the Titans in an earlier match. The Apopka softball team is 14-2 and 6-0 in District 6A- 4. This squad is having an out- standing season and it looks like that stellar play will contin- ue. Apopka High's flag foot- ball team didn't begin its sea- son until this week, but the Blue Darters were 2-0 going into the first home game of the season on Thursday, March 23, past press time. Coach Matt Houvouras' team easily dis- patched Timber Creek and Evans by identical 35-0 scores early this week. The Darters have many of their top players back from last season and Houvouras isn't afraid to say that he has his eyes set on a second state title in flag football. The Blue Darters won it in 2004, but lost in the district championship game last season. This year, Apopka is loaded on both sides of the ball and it will be a big surprise if the Blue Darters don't at least make it to the state tournament. The boys teams at Apopka High are certainly holding their own this season, but there is no doubt that the girls sports teams at AHS are doing quite well apd, in some cases, dominating their competition. Brackets busted Those of us who are col- lege basketball fans have the same thing happening each year at this time; our brackets get busted from top to bottom. Upsets are always part of the NCAA men's basketball tournament and this year is no different. But, one thing that also messes up brackets that people fill out is the effort to pick the upsets and then they don't occur, but other upsets do. There are always so many underdogs winning in the first and second rounds of the tour- nament that college basketball fans look for possible upsets when the brackets are announced. However, it usually happens to me that the upsets I pick don't happen while the favorites I picked to win fall short. Last week, I printed my picks for the Sweet 16. I got 10 of them right, including all four in the Atlanta Region, but only one. in the Washington, D.C. Region. Teams like Bradley, Wichi- ta State, and George Mason messed up the brackets for many people. Those so-called mid-major teams play solid basketball, as we found out, and many of those types of teams have senior leadership that some of the big-time schools don't have because their best players opt to go to the NBA before reaching their senior season. This is being written prior to the first games in the Sweet 16 and here are my picks to make it to the Final Four: Atlanta Region-Texas over Duke; Oakland Region-UCLA over Memphis; Washington, D.C. Region-Connecticut over Wichita State; and Minneapolis Region-Boston College over Florida. Apopka water polo teams record victories over Ocoee Both the Apopka Blue Darters girls and boys water polo teams won much-needed victo- ries over the Ocoee Knights Wednesday, March 22, at the Winter Garden pool. The Apopka girls entered the pool with a record of 1-7 and their single win was due to a forfeited game. Fueled by a coach's pep talk, the determination of captains Sarah Costolo and Dominique Steele, and the able play of senior Kelli Koppe, the girls downed the Knights, 12-1. Costolo scored six goals, while Koppe tallied three times. The goal was ably manned by sophomore Courtney Bostick, who not only blocked numer- ous shot attempts, but also constantly fed the ball to fast-breaking Costolo who maintained a relentless attack on the Ocoee goal. The Apopka boys team had broken its losing Police Beat If a law enforcement agency charges you with a crime and this paper reports that information, please notify us within 90 days if the charge is later dropped or you are found not guilty by the court. After verifying the informa- tion, we will be happy to pub- lish it. Please send notification to The Apopka Chief, P.O. Box 880, Apopka, 32704 or call the newsroom at 407-886-6777. In the period from March 13-19, the Apopka Police Department received 1095 calls for assistance, responded to 19 crashes, issued 171 traffic cita- tions, and made 16 arrests. Of these arrests, none was a juve- nile arrest. The following adults were arrested and charged: Kimberly Gunter, 39, 579 Maineline Blvd., Apopka, pro- ?ation violation or community control. Mauricio Fernandez, 21, 2033 John Henry Cir., #311, Apopka, theft is more than $300 but less than $5,000, dealing in stolen property. Manuel Santibanas, 28, 127 E. 1st St., Apopka, battery on law enforcement officer, resist- streak the night before with a 17-13 win over the University Cougars and they were focused on improving their record to 4-5. The Blue Darters were led in goals by senior Ryan Leffler, who constantly eluded the Knights defensive line to rack up nine points. Leffler was followed in points by second-string offensive hole-set, freshman Glen Watson with four points, including the high point of the game, a powerful skip shot to the corner of the enemy goal. The defensive line functioned superbly, coach Jerry Russell said, with the alternating hole-defense of captains Greg. Knudsen and Cameron Goodman. The boys won 23-5. Russell said both teams are hoping to: improve their record even more in the upcoming games against Lake Howell. Monica Rose D:., #F1336, Apop- ka, possession of.cannabis more than 20 grams, resisting officer obstruction without violence. Felix Vasquez, 22, 1001 Lisa Ln., Apopka, driving under the influence of alcohol or drug, non-moving traffic violation. Francis B. Warner, 37, 804 S. Highland Ave., Apopka, bat- tery touch or strike. Randall Lee Cody, 40,2471 E. Votaw Rd., Apopka, trespass- ing in structure or conveyance. Domingo Damian-Mendez, 25, 1026 S. Hawthorne Ave., Apopka, resisting officer/arrest. Rolando Damian-Mendez, 20, 1026 S. Hawthorne Ave., Apopka, battery causing bodily harm. Sabas Serrano-Jarillo, 32, 809 Jeffcoat St., Apopka, non- moving traffic violation. ing officer with violence, pos- session and/or use of narcotics equipment. Francisco Ambrocio, 33, 710 N. Lake Ave., Apopka, non- moving traffic violation. Richard Darnell Washing- ton, 47, 1300 Canton St., Orlan- do, contempt of court. Jeffery Shawn Robinson, 38, 140 E. Cleveland St., Apop- ka, petit theft 3rd or subsequent offense. Carol S. Luis, 37, 1234 N. Fairway Dr. Apopka, fraud insufficient funds check make uttering false instrument X 2, theft is more than $300 but less than $5,000, Jeffery R. Warden, 27, 605 a v n a -O Da 24 Hour Service All Jails No Collateral Signature Bonds - (In most cases) NATIVE BAIL BONDS 72 E. Main St., Ste 200, Apopka 44 Upstairs above Park Ave. Gun & Pawn j OPE HOSE HUDA i MACH 5 COME JOIN US SPECIAL GUESTS Ernie Mills-Steelers, Panthers Eric Green-Steelers, Dolphins, Ravens Antone Davis-Philadelphia Eagles Walter Briggs-NY Jets Paul Byrd-Indians, Phillies, Braves Stephanie Best-All American Softball UCF Darcy Johnson-Potential NFL Draft Pick UCF WHAT WE DO At Velocity Sports Performance, world-class coaches deliver scientifically proven training programs in state-of-the-art facilities. We will improve your athletic performance. WHO WE ARE We foster a positive, safe and entertaining envi- ronment that promotes cognitive and physical development for athletes of all ages and skill levels. SPORTS PERFORMANCErs 556 Florida Central Parkway Longwood, FL 32750 407.265.9500 *A9a The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 4B Zm*rAw I 10% OFF ANY AIR I CONDITIONING S REPAIR I *PLUS TAX & SHOP SUPPLIES NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS | EXPIRES 5-31-06 ---- - 1918 S. ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL, APOPKA, FL 32703 PHONE: 407-464-145 SE HABLA ESPANOL *PL S TX&SOPSPLE NO A ID I. AN OHR FFR EXIRES5-3-0 We do it all. Brakes, Tune-ups, Shocks/Struts, Air Conditioning, Computer Diagnostics, Batteries, Factory Maintenance, Timing Belts, Engines, and morel arN Must be one of MV #47147 u our customers 1 $75 OFF Major I I | Repairs With coupon. Exp. 3-28-06 -------- --------- --.- ----------- The next time you need transmission service, transmission Service fIh-N1i cars. I go to the the experienced professionals $ $15.95 Fier extra I FREE Towing with Major Repairs With coupon. Exp. 3-28-06 Free Diagnostic Service Lm 1.." J- We accept major credit and debit cards. 407-880-3075 Transmissions built on site by owner. Se Habla Espanol. 1440 E. Semoran Blvd., Ste. 103, Apopka Sh ler Auto Repair -( Family Owned & Operated We Offer Complete Professional Auto Service r ----------- El OIL CHANGE I ; SPECIAL NO DISPOSAL FEE. ,^8 --- ---c'^ l -- Open Mon.- Fri. 8 am 5 pm MVR#35541 Sat. 8 am- 3 pm. Closed Sun. 710 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-880-5784 (Across from Apopka Land Regional, behind Papa John's Pizza, easy entrance from Sheeler Rd.) IF The staff at Russell Automotive, Inc. will keep your vehicle running its best This year is going by fast, and there is no doubt about that. If you haven't done so already, it's time to get ready for spring cleaning, and that always includes your vehicles. When was the last time y6u had your oil changed? If it was over three months or 3000 miles ago, it's time to be changed. Right now is a great time to have it done since Russell Automotive, Inc. has rebates on every type of Valvoline oil change they offer. Russell Automotive, Inc.'s ASE certified techni- cians know how to maintain a vehicle to make it last, and repair your vehicle in order to avoid having to make the investment of purchasing a new vehicle. With Russell Automo- tive, Inc.'s 8500 square foot facility, they have the abilities and facilities to work on for- eign and domestic vehicles, motor homes, and diesels. These include all makes and models. Their engine and transmission replacement programs are now offering a 3-year, 100,000 mile warran- ty, plus other warranties. Russell Automotive, Inc. has been in business for 25 years and is proud to be located in the Central Florida area. They value their clien- tele and have over 70 fleet accounts. They look forward to serving the city of Apopka as they continue to grow. Just keep an eye on their sign outside for their daily spe- cials. Russell Automotive, Inc. is currently offering dis- counts on all maintenance, brakes, tires, and AC work. They understand it's hard to fit automotive repairs or maintenance into your busy schedule. That's why they offer a shuttle service and same-day service. They will do their best to work you into their schedule today, not tomorrow or before the end of the week.. .today! When unex- pected problems arise, you need them attended to today! Russell Automotive, Inc. is open Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. They also offer financing options, from 3-months same-as-cash to 12-months with low interest. They always offer free estimates unless computer diagnostics is required. There is never a charge to check your brake system, tires, or under the hood components. Leaking fluid in your driveway? Let the experts at Russell Automo- tive, Inc. check it for free! They offer you the choice of OEM manufacturer or after- market parts. They strive for _ N_ 1j~f --" ". .., ..-.,S .." -'. "' :. ';... = ^ 1- The folks at Russell Automotive will use state-of-the- art equipment to keep you on the road. excellence, and do what they can to work with their cus- tomers individually to meet their specific needs. As a family-owned busi- ness, they value their cus- tomers. The staff at Russell Automotive, Inc. is thankful to have such wonderful friends and families that rely on them to keep their vehi- cles on the road. They know how impor- tant it is to keep down-time to a minimum and they have the staff to offer quick turn- arounds on all types of vehi- cles. No job is too big or too small. They welcome new business, and appreciate the opportunity to continue to ' serve their established cus- tomers. Russell Automotive, Inc. accepts most major credit cards, all aftermarket warranty policies, and rental car services. They are locat- ed on 441, just two blocks north of Maitland Boulevard (414), and just one and a half miles south of the Super Wal- Mart on Orange Blossom Trail in Apopka. t Please contact them at 407-298-2853 if you have any questions regarding your vehicles. Advertisement A S.--..---& Valvoline Oil & Filter Service I $7.00 OFF with mail in rebateI Change Oil, oil filter and Lube. Check all fluids, I adjust air pressure, inspect belts and hoses Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 4-14-06 Brake Replacement Special I $20.00 OFF Brake Pad or Shoe Replacement Any Car or Truck Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 4-14-06 *- r- r-_ --- *- -- -Fuel Induction Service Vf $20.00 OFF + Mail in $5.00 rebate Clean throttle body, intake runners, upper internal engine, combustion chamber, injectors, and fuel lines Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer Most models. Exp. 4-14-06 Air Conditioning Maintenance Test & Leak Check Special oke $19.99 Hook up to AC test machine and evaluate your AC system. Most cars & light trucks. Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 4-14-06 Approved Auto Repair A' SynPower ll*0%1 P = ON 407-298-2853 2 blocks north of Maitland exchange on 441 2500 PEMBERTON DR. APOPKA A 4141 1I 111 _I I 11 1111 ilil1:11 I t We sell NAPA Power 65 Battery* $ 399 Part *6024, 6026, SWith exchange 6056, 6058, 6075 Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 to 5:30 Sat. 7:30 4:00 Closed Sun. 407-889-5222 811 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka (behind Dairy Queen) * Tune Ups & Certified Air Conditioning * Brakes Specialists * Fuel Injection service Computer Diagnostic C.V. Joints Wheel Balance Serving Satisfied & Alignments Customers Since 1987 FAIR HONEST DEPENDABLE All Work Guaranteed bi- IHours or 8 -5:30 Mon.-Fri. "We Use Closed on 407-880-3530 STL" gi Saturday 1012 E. Semoran Blvd. 1 7' st. Reg. Apopka #I RREAZMv0'M.. *Tec cini s C.V. Joints - Oil Change Tune Ups A/C Computer Diagnostic Equipment Brake Service Engine & Transmission Electrical Shocks Call Today - CENTRA FLORIDA408808221 Check out our web page www-cfar-net 1779 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka B SE SOLUTIONS E l' '"Copyrighted Material i sSyndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 11111111Ma I I -- -* *.-* - s I a&a 10% OF PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ED SCHEDULE ] TAX & SHOP SUPPLIES NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS EXPIRES 5-31-6 now BRAKE CENTERS - 41ftb 40--ilow Tipopka LEGAL ADVERTISING Phone: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 5B- 9B NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS March 24, 2006 The Office For Farmworker Ministry 815 South Park Avenue Apopka, Florida 32703 407-886-5151 These notices shall satisfy two separate but related pro- cedural requirements for ac- tivities to be undertaken by The Office For Farmworker Ministry. REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS On or about March 24, 2006, The Office For Farmworker Min- istry will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Region IV, for the release of Special Project Grants funded under FA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 2005 (PL 108-447), to undertake a project known as Hope CommUnity Center for the pur- pose of bringing together di- verse people and cultures work- ing for peace in the community. The Hope CommUnity Center will be a one-story, 8,160-square foot, masonry building located at 1016 North Park Avenue, in Apopka, Orange County, Florida. The estimated HUD funding is $764,336.00. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The Office For Farmworker Min- istry has determined that the project will have no significant Impact on the human environ- ment. Therefore, an Environ- mental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).Is not required. Additional project in- formation is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at The Office For Farmworker Ministry at 815 South Park Avenue, in Apopka, Florida and may be examined or copied weekdays 9A.M. to 4 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to The Office For Farmworker Ministry. All com- CITY OF APOPKA PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The following ordinance will be read and considered for adoption at City Council meeting in the Apopka City Hall Council Chambers on Wednesd April 5, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible: ORDINANCE NO. 1812 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA, AMENDING TEE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA, CHAPTER 82, UTILITIESS"; BY AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF ARTICLE II, "WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS"; AMENDING FEES AND CHARGES; ADDING RATES AND CHARGES FOR WHOLESALE WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Interested parties may appear at this meeting and be heard with respect this proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance is available in the Clerk's office or the Finance Department for inspection. Please be advised that, under State Law, if you decide to appeal a deci made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceed and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which re includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to,be based. accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of tl proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Str Apopka, Florida 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five -- days prior to the proceedings. March 24, 2006 ments received by Mar 2006, will be considered Office For Farmworker I prior to authorizing subi of a request for release o Comments should specify Notice they are address RELEASE OF FUN The Office For Farmwork Istry certifies to HUD that Calabrese In his capa Project Coordinator con; accept the jurisdiction Federal Courts If an ac brought to enforce resp: ties in relation to the e mental review process a these responsibilities hav satisfied. HUD's approve certification satisfies its r sibilitles under NEPA and laws and authorities and The Office For Farmwork istry to use Program fun OBJECTIONS TC RELEASE OF FUN HUD will accept objection release of fund and The For Farmworker Ministry cation for a period of fifteen following the anticipated s sion date or its actual re the request (whichever I only if they are on one of lowing bases: (a) the cE lion was not executed Certifying Officer of The For Farmworker Minist The Office For Farmwork Istry has omitted a step o to make a decision or required by HUD regular 24 CFR part 58; (c) th recipient has committed f incurred costs not author 24 CFR Part 58 before a| of a release of funds by or (d) another Federal acting pursuant to 40 CF 1504 has submitted a finding that the project Is isfactory from the stands environmental quality. tions must be prepared a mitted In accordance w required procedures (2 Part 58, Sec. 58.76) an be addressed to HUD Field Office; Brickell Plaz eral Building, Field Enviro tal Officer, 909 SE First A Suite 500, Miami, FL 3028. Potential objectors contact HUD to verify the last day of the objection Joseph Cal Project Coor March 24, 2006 rch 31, by The Ministry mission f funds. y which Ing. DS ker Min- Joseph city as sents to of the action Is onslbill- nviron- and that ves been al of the respon- related I allows ker Min- ds. O DS ns to its Office y certifi- en days submis- ceipt of Is later) the fol- ertifica- by the Office try (b) ker Min- or failed finding tions at s grant undsor 61045 CITY OF APOPKA APOPKA CITY HALL 'PUBLIC NOTICE 120 East Main Street Apopka, Florida 32703 Izedby TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: approval y HUD; NOTICE is hereby given that MAUDEHELEN. LLC. has made application in agency accordance with Florida Statutes 166.041 and the Apopka Code of Ordinances, FRPart Part III, Land Development Code, Article XII, Section 12.04.00, to the City written of Apopka City Council and Apopka Land Development Review Board for a CHANGE Sunsat- IN ZONING FROM "COUNTY" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (A-l) TO "CITY" RESIDENTIAL ONE point of AND TWO FAMILY (R-2). . Objec- ndsub- This application relates to the following described property located east of Nith the Binion Road and north of John Road: 24 CFR id shall That Part of The Southeast 1/4, Section 7, Township 21 South, Range 28 Miami East, City of Apopka, Orange County, Florida, Being More Particularly a Fed- Described as Follows: Inmen- %venue, That Part of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 7, Township 21 South, 33131- Range 28 East, lying north of Johns Road and Easterly of South Binion should Road, Orange County, Florida (Parcel Containing 13.52 +/- acres. e actual period. NOTICE is given that the City of Apopka Land Development Review Board will labrese hold a public hearing to consider the change of zoning request at its rdinator regularly scheduled meeting in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka City Hall on Tuesday. April 11. 2006. beginning at 5:01 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. 61053 61053 FURTHER NOTICE is given that a series of public hearings on the proposed zoning amendment will be held by the City of Apopka City Council at its regularly scheduled meetings in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka City Hall on Wednesday, April 19, 2006, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible AND on Wednesday, May 3, 2006. beginning at 1:30 the P.M, or as soon thereafter as possible. day, All interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to these hearings. Please be advised that, under State law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, Florida, 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceeding. March 24. 2006 t to City sion ings cord In with these eet, (5) City of Apopka City Council Edward D. Bass II, CPA, CGFO Finance Director CITY OF APOPKA LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 120 EAST MAIN STREET APOPKA, FLORIDA 32703. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The City of Apopka Land Development Review Board, in accordance with Article X, Section 10.02.00 and Article II, Section 2.02.07.G, of the City's Land Development Code, herein advises you that DONALD J. BORES requests a Variance to allow relief in the required rear yard setback. Legal descriptions: Lot 6, CAMBRIDGE COMMONS, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 108-110, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Located: 1792 Cranberry Isles Way You are hereby notified that a Public Hearing, required by law, will be held in the City of Apopka Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 11, 2006, beginning at 5:01 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. All interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to this hearing. Please be advised that, under State Law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, Florida 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceedings. LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP DCAO/Community Development Director March 24, 2006 61048 CITY OF APOPKA APOPKA CITY HALL PUBLIC NOTICE 120 East Main Street Apopka, Florida 32703 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given that PATRICK A DEHLINGER has made application in accordance with Florida Statutes 166.041 and the Apopka Code of Ordinances, Part III, Land Development Code, Article XII, Section 12.04.00, to the City of Apopka City Council and Apopka Land Development Review Board for a CHANGE IN ZONING FROM "COUNTY" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (A-1) TO "CITY" RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (R-lAAA),. This application relates to the following described property located east of Plymouth Sorrento Road and north of Appy Lane: The West 98 feet of the South 4 of the West 1 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 ,and East 327.5 feet of the South 4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 and South 15 feet of the South 1 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 (less the West 30 feet for road Right-of-Way) and (less beginning Northwest corner of the South 4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 run North 86 degrees East 98.3 feet South 2 feet South 86 degrees West 100.3 feet South 14.5 feet South 86 degrees West 326.35 feet North 14.49 feet North 86 degrees East 328.49 feet to Point of Beginning) of Section 18, Township 20 South, Range 28 East. Parcel ID # 18-20-28-0000-00-109. Containing 6.60 acres more or less. NOTICE is given that the City of Apopka Land Development Review Board will hold a public hearing to consider the change of zoning request at its regularly scheduled meeting in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka City Hall on Tuesday, April 11, 2006, beginning at 5:01 p.m.. or as soon thereafter as possible. FURTHER NOTICE is given that a series of public hearings on the proposed zoning amendment will be held by the City of Apopka City Council at its regularly scheduled meetings in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka City Hall on Wednesday, April 19, 2006, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible AND on Wednesday, May 3, 2006, beginning at 1:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible. All interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to these hearings. Please be advised that, under State law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main street, Apopka, Florida, 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceeding. March 24, 2006 Apopka City Council Apopka Land Development Review Board Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP DCAO/Community Development Director Apopka City Council Apopka Land Development Review Boa Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP DCAO/Community Development Directo ard or 61050 CITY OF APOPKA LAND DEVSELOfMN F EVIEW BOARD 120 EAST MAIN STREET APOPKA, rLORIDA 32703 TO WHCM IT WMA CONCT : The City of Apopka Land Development Review Board, in accordance with Article X, Section 10.02.00. and Article II, Section 2.02.05.G, of the City's Land Development Code, herein advises you that .f HOMES. INC.. and KB HOMBS ORLANDO. LIC. requests a yVarinae to allow relief in the required yard setbacks. Legal descriptions: Lot 1, ARBOR RIDGE, PHASE I, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 60, Pages 30-34, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Located: 2603 Spicebush Loop Lot 31, ARBOR RIDGE, PHASE I, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 60, Pages 30-34, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Located: 2783 Spicebush Loop You are hereby notified that a Public Hearing, required by law, will be held in the City of Apopka Council Chambers on TueMdv. April 11. 2006. beMinnina at 5:01 P.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. All interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to this hearing. Please be advised that, under State Law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, Florida 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceedings. LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP DCAO/Community Development Director March 24 2006 61047 CITY OF APOPKA APOPKA CITY HALL PUBLIC NOTICE 120 East Main Street Apopka, Florida 32703 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given that HCH DEVELOPMENT. LLC. has made application in accordance with Florida Statutes 166.041 and the Apopka Code of Ordinances, Part III, Land Development Code, Article XII, Section 12.04.00, to the City of Apopka City Council and Apopka Land Development Review Board for a CHANGE IN ZONING FROM "COUNTY" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (A-1) TO "CITY" RETAIL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT IC-1). This application relates to the following described property located east of Clarcona Road and north side of Keene Road: Commence at the Southeast Corner of Sw 1/4 Section 22-21-28, Said Point Is Also on the Centerline of Keene Road Orb 3933, page 3878 & 3374, Page 2242 And, the Point of Commencement; Thence Departing Said Centerline Run North 0048'06" East, a Distance of 30.00' to a Point On the North Right- of-way of Line of Keene Road Said Point Being the Point of Beginning of Parcel il 22-21-28-0000-00-206, Thence Continue along Said North Right-of- way Line Run North 8948'50" West, a Distance of 216.82 Feet; to a Point on the East Right-of-way Line of West Orange Greenway, Thence Departing Said North Right-of-way Line of Keene Road, along Said East Line Run North 20'58'58" West, a Distance of 1,297.28 Feet along Said East Right-of-way Line of West Orange Greenway to a Point of Curvature of a Non-tangent Curve along Said East Right-of-way Line, Concave Easterly Having a Radius of 2,791.00 Feet, a Central Angle of 0140'13" and a Chord Distance of 81.36 Feet Which Bears North 20'10'21" West; Thence Northerly along the Arc of Said Curve a Distance of 81.36 Feet to the North Line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 Section 22-21-28, Thence Departing Said Easterly Right-of-way Line of West Orange Greenway Run South 89*50'46" East along Said North Line, a Distance of 727.42 Feet; Thence South 00o48'06" West, a Distance of 1,286.50 Feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel Id # 22-21-28-0000-00-206. Containing 13.96 Acres (608,064 Sq. Ft.), ore or less NOTICE is given that the City of Apopka Land Development Review Board will hold a public hearing to consider the change of zoning request at its regularly scheduled meeting in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka City Hall on Tuesday. April 11, 2006. beginning at 5:01 p.m.. or as soon thereafter as possible. FURTHER NOTICE is given that a series of public hearings on the proposed zoning amendment will be held by the City of Apopka City Council at its regularly scheduled meetings in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka City Hall on Wednesday, April 19, 2006. beginning at 8:00 P.m., or as soon thereafter as possible AND on Wednesday, May 3. 2006, beginning at 1:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible. All interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to these hearings. Please be advised that, under state law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, Florida, 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceeding. March 24. 2006 Apopka City Council Apopka Land Development Review Boa: Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP DCAO/Community Development Director 61049 rd r61051 61051 vs. D'AVILA INTERNATIONAL, LLC and JOSE AUGUSTO SILUAN, Individually, Defendantss. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I, KEVIN E. BEARY, as Sheriff of Orange County, Florida, under and by virtue of a Judgment and Writ of Execution, therein issued out of the above entitled Court in the above styled cause, dated the 6th day of January, 2006, and have levied upon the following described real property, situ- ated, lying and being in Orange County, Florida, to-wit: Any and all of the right, title and interest of D'AVILA INTERNA- TIONAL, LLC and JOSE AUGUSTO SILUAN, in and to the following described real property, to-wit: Unit Weeks(s) 01, 02 in Units(s) 5442 respectively in Cypress Harbour Condo- minium, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. ALSO KNOWN AS 11251 HARBOUR VILLA ROAD, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:05-CA-9826 HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. JOHNNY ALEXANDER MOORE A/K/A JOHNNY A. MOORE, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST JOHNNY ALEXANDER MOORE A/K/A JOHNNY A. MOORE; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOHNNY ALEXANDER MOORE A/K/A JOHNNY A. MOORE, IF ANY; ANGELA LAVERNE COLE A/K/A ANGELA L. COLE, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ANGELA LAVERNE COLE A/K/A ANGELA L. COLE; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ANGELA LAVERNE COLE A/K/A ANGELA L. COLE, IF ANY; ROO ENTERPRISES, INC.; JMJ BUILDING CO., A DISSOLVED FLORIDA CORPORATION; JOB OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS SPECIALISTS, INC. D/BIA JOB SPECIALISTS AND J.O.B.S.; SYNTHIA K. MOORE; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; SONYA N. ROBINSON; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8599 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. NILDA I. OJEDA, Individual, et. el., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: JOSE A. PAGAN ORTIZ Apartado 544 Catano Toa Baja, PR 00963 USA LYDIA MEDINA VAZQUEZ Calle Palmeira 46C Macun Toa Baja, PR 00963 USA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the .unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest In the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the Institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 11 In Unit 1532, The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 5B CITY or APOPKA PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The following ordinance will be read and considered for adoption at the City Council meeting in the Apopka City Hall Council Chambers on Wednesday. AJril 5. 2006 at 1:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible: ORDINANCE NO. 1811 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Or APOIKA, FLORIDA, TO VACATE A PORTION OF A PLATTED RIGBT-Or-NAT; LOCATED SOUTH OF LATE DOE BOULEVARD, WITHIN THE LAQK DOE BOULVIRD PLAT; PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 16 AND 17; IN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 21,RANGE 28, Or ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING DIRECTIONS TO THE CITY CLERK; FOR SEVERABILITY; FOR CONFLICTS; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Interested parties may appear at this meeting and be heard with respect to this proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance is available in the City Clerk's office or the Community Development Department for inspection. Please be advised that, under State Law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a .special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, Florida 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceedings. City of Apopka City Council Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP March 24. 2006 DCAO/Community Development Director IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 112, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 15 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-47450(GMAP) March 24 and 31, 2006 61012 In HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Av- enue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on orbefore thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against Syou for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- cominodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5270 #05-207-10666 March 24 and 31, 2006 61020 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File Number: 48-2006-CP- 000244-0 Div No.: IN RE: JAMES M. DEAN Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of James M. Dean, de- ceased, whose date of death was December 3, 2005; is pend- ing in the Circuit Court for Or- ange County, Florida, Probate Division; File Number 48-2006- CP-000244-0; the address of which is 425 N. Orange Ave., Ste. 410, Orlando, FL 32801. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representatives attor- ney is set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons, who have claims, or demands against decedent's estate, including un- matured, contingent or unliqui- dated claims, and who have been served a copy of this no- tice, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AF- TERTHE DATE OFTHE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- VICE OFACOPY OF THIS NO- TICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons who have claims or demands against the decedent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or un- liquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. THE DATE OF FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NOTICE IS MARCH 24, 2006. Personal Representative: James E. Dean Attorney For Personal Representative: Richard R. Cook Attorney for Estate P.O. Box 1929 DeLand, FL 32720 386-736-1012 386-736-1061 FL. Bar# 254134 March 24 and 31, 2006 61017 Do you need to receive a FAX? If so, use our FAX number: 407-889-4121. A/sk rthe sender rc pit youf ttiane and photJnt # tcn it so that c -n ,all e y.aou 'hen it a.rives,. The is a smnal charge. Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 FAX: 407-889-4121 JUVENILE COURT DECATUR COUNTY, GEORGIA CASE NOS. 06-JV-063, 064, 065 NOTICE OF SUMMONS To: KELVIN DUNCAN, whereabouts unknown, putative father of B.N.T., a minor female child born October 3, 1991 to Amanda Michelle Taylor Huddleston. A Petition seeking termina- tion of your parental rights was filed in the Juvenile Court of Decatur County, Georgia on February 22, 2006, and cap- tioned as: In the Interest of B.N.T., J.LT., and D.S.W., minor children, Case Numbers 06-JV- 063, 064, and 065. Pursuant to an order for service by publica- tion dated March 9, 2006, you, and any other party claiming a parental interest in said children, are commanded to appear at the courtroom of the Decatur County Sheriff's Department, 912 Spring Creek Road, Bainbridge, Georgia on May 10, 2006 at 9:30 a.m. for a hearing to determine whether parental rights should be terminated. Parents may obtain a free copy of the petition directly or by mail from the Clerk of said Court dur- ing regular business hours, ex- cluslye of holidays. The general nature of the allegations are that IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION ' CASE NO.: 04-16071 CA 13 AZHAR'S ORIENTAL RUGS, Plaintiff, the children are deprived, and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF the deprived state is likely to THE NINTH JUDICIAL continue and cause serious CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE physical, mental, emotional, or COUNTY OF ORANGE, moral harm to the children. You STATE OF FLORIDA may file with the Clerk of this Court, and serve upon Case No.: 05-CA-10793 Petitioner's attorney, Brian D. Division: 39 Bellamy, P. 0. Box 1997, Judge: Cynthia Z. Thomasville, GA 31799, a re- MacKinnon sponsive pleading within sixty In re: Forfeiture of (60) days of March 9,2006. Any THREE THOUSAND, FOUR putative biological father of HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO B.N.T, J.L.T, or D.S.W. is ad- DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS vised that he will lose all rights ($3,482.00) IN U.S. to his child and will not be en- CURRENCY titled to object to the termination of his rights to his child, unless, NOTICE OF FORFEITURE within 30 days of receipt of this PROCEEDINGS notice, he files a petition to le- gitimate his child pursuant to TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS O.C.G.A. 19-7-22; and a notice WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST of the filing of the petition to le- IN THE FOLLOWING gitimate with the Juvenile Court PERSONAL PROPERTY: of Decatur County, Georgia. You have a right to a lawyer in these THREE THOUSAND, FOUR proceedings. You may hire a HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO lawyer, or, if financially unable to DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS hire one, immediately request ($3,482.00) IN U.S. this Court or officer thereof to CURRENCY appoint you a lawyer. Witness the Honorable NOTICEISgivenpursuantto Edwin J. Perry, Ill, Judge of said Sections 932.701 through court, this 14th day of March, 932.707, Florida Statutes 2006. (2005), that the Petitioner, /s/ Gail C. Martin Florida Department of Highway Deputy Clerk, Safety Motor Vehicles, through Juvenile Court its division, the Florida Highway Decatur County, Patrol, seized the above- Georgia described property on or about March 24 and 31, December 5, 2005, in Orange and April 7, 2006 County, Florida, and is holding 61004 the property pending the out- come of forfeiture proceedings. UNIT 5442, ORLANDO, All persons or entities who have FLORIDA 32821. SUB- a legal interest in the subject JECT TO ALL TAXES, property may request a hearing JUDGMENTS, LIENS OF concerning the seized property RECORD OR OTHER by contacting Joseph H. Lee, ENCUMBRANCES, Assistant Attorney General, Of- PURCHASER TO PAY 'ice oftheAttorney General, 501 FOR DEED. East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602. A Peti- as the property of the above "tion for Forfeiture has been filed named defendant, of D'AVILA in the above-styled Court. On INTERNATIONAL, LLC and February 17,2006, the trial court JOSE AUGUSTO SILUAN, entered an Order Finding Prob- and that on the 25th day of able Cause. If there is no re- April, 2006, beginning at nine sponse by Claimants, Petitioner thirty o'clock in the forenoon will seek a Final Order of Forfel- or soon there-after on said ture. day at Civil Process Unit, March 24 and 31, 2006 425 North Orange Avenue, 61026 Room 240, Orlando, Florida 32801, in Orange County, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Florida. I will offer for sale and THE NINTH JUDICIAL sell to the highest bidder at CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE hand for cash on demand the COUNTY OF ORANGE, above described property of STATE OF FLORIDA said defendant, to satisfy said Judgment and Writ of Execu- Case No.: 06-CA-185 tion. Division: 34 Judge: Reginald K. In accordance with the Ameri- Whitehead cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a special ac- In re: Forfeiture of commodation to participate in 1993 ACURA LEGEND this proceeding should con- 4 DOOR (GOLD) tact Pam Dawson, Civil Pro- VIN: JH4KA7665PC032024 cess Sales Coordinator not later than seven days prior to NOTICE OF FORFEITURE the proceeding at Orange PROCEEDINGS County Sheriffs Office, at the address given on notice. Tele- TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS phone: (407) 836-4570; If WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST hearing impaired, 1-800-955- IN THE FOLLOWING 8771 (TDD) or Voice (V) 1- PERSONAL PROPERTY: 800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. 1993 ACURA LEGEND 4 DOOR (GOLD) KEVIN E. BEARY, VIN: JH4KA7665PC032024 AS SHERIFF Orange County, Florida NOTICE IS given pursuant BY: CPL ROBERT to Sections 932.701 through GUILFOYLE 932.707, Florida Statutes As Deputy Sheriff (2005), that the Petitioner, Florida Department of Highway March 24 and 31, April 7 Safety Motor Vehicles, through and 14, 2006 its division, the Florida Highway 61034 Patrol, seized the above-de- scribed property on or about NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN November 28,2005, in Orange pursuant to an OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN County, Florida, and is holding pursuant to an Order Granting the property pending the out- the Motion to Reset Foreclosure the property pending the out- theMotiontoReset orecosure come of forfeiture proceedings. Sale dated MARCH 8, 2006 AlIpersonsorentitieswhohave entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA- a legal interest in the subject 9826 of the Circuit Court of the alegat interest in the subject 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for propertymay request a hearing ORANGE County, ORLANDO; concerning the seizedproperty ORANGE County, ORLANDO, by contacting Joseph H. Lee, Florida, I will sell to the highest AssistantAttorney General, Of- and best bidder for cash at lice of the Attorney General, SUITE 350 of the ORANGE fice of the Attorney Boulevard, County Courthouse at 425 01 East Kennedy Boulevard, NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602, NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, A Petition for Forfeiture fias ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 been filed in the above-styled a.m. on the 11 day of April, 2006 Court. On February 16, 2006, the following described property the trial court entered an Order as set forth in said Summary Fi- Finding Probable Cause. If nal Judgment, to-wit: there is no response by Claim- LOIT o9 BLOCK A ants, Petitioner will seek a Fi- HELOT 9, BLOCK A, nal Order of Forfeiture. SHELTON TERRACE, AC- March 24 and 31, 2006 CORDING TO THE PLAT 61025 THEREOF AS RECORDED r c F c c e ti a r The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 6B Rpopka LEGAL ADVERTISING Phone: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 5B 9B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA File No. 48-2006-CP- 000614-0 Division Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF VINCENT H. KENTISH Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of Vincent H. Kentish, de- ceased, whose date of death was January 31, 2006, and whose Social Security Number is 079-24-3537, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion; the address of which is 425 North Orange Avenue, Room 340, Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and ad- dresses of the personal repre- sentative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is March 17, 2006 Personal Representative: Alphonse Martin 706 Wechsler Circle Orlando, Florida 32824 Attorney for Personal Representative Larry P. Studer Florida Bar No. 442402 PO Box 351 Orlando, Florida 32802-0351 Telephone: (407) 894-9009 March 17 and 24, 2006 60993 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007723 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MICHELE C. HARRISON, a single woman; GUNTHER GORNY and TERESA GORNY, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, GEOFFREY R. UGENT AND JOANN UGENT COUNT IV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on APRIL 6, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 19 in Unit 272, VISTANA FALLS CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Falls Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3340, Page 2429, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA- 007723 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on MARCH 9,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 17 and 24, 2006 60966 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 03CA-4913 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting through Rural Development, formerly Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Plaintiff, vs. SHATINA L. WILSON; ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; and W.S. BADCOCK CORPORATION, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Summary Judg- ment entered in the above en- titled cause in the Circuit Court of Orange County, Florida, I will sell the property located in Or- ange County, Florida, being specifically described as fol- lows: Lot 40, HOLLY CREEK as per plat recorded In Plat Book 30, Pages 108 and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 05-CA-8800 FREMONT INVESTMENT AND LOAN, Plaintiff, vs. CHRISTINA WASHINGTON, et, al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated MARCH 7 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-8800, of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida , wherein FREMONT INVEST- MENT AND LOAN, is a Plaintiff and CHRISTINA WASHING- TON; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF CHRISTINA WASHINGTON; UNKNOWN TENANT; MORT- 3AGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. 'MERS", CLERK OF ORANGE COUNTY COURT; AFFORD- ABLE OAK RIDGE, LTD. D/B/A OAK HARBOR APARTMENTS are the Defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Room 350, Orlando, Fl, at 11:OOAM on APRIL11 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8628 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. BENITEZ ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK IV Daniel R. KItson 86833/05 VII Vicky A. Turner and Lorraine Ekpe and Karen V. Rawls 3424/37 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerkwill offer forsale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, inthe Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION No. 48-2006-CP-000311-O IN RE: Estate of MICHAEL W. BULLINGTON, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Adminis- tration has been entered in the Estate of MICHAEL W. BULLINGTON, Deceased, in File No. 48-2006-CP-000311-O, by the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is P.O. Box 4994, Room 340,425 N. Or- ange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32802-4994; that the decedent's date of death was November 8, 2005; that the total value of the estate is: $ exempt, and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: NAME ADDRESS MABLE C. BULLINGTON 7925 Kimbro Lane Orlando, FL 32818 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administra- tion must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE TIME PRO- VIDED BY LAW. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PE- RIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. . The date of the first publica- tion of this Notice is: March 17, 2006. WILLIAM J. McLEOD, ESQUIRE McLeod Law Firm P. 0. Drawer 950 Apopka, FL 32704 Telephone: 407/886-3300 Florida Bar No. 322024 Attorney for Mable C. Bullington March 17 and 24, 2006 60957 109, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida at public sale to the highest and best bidder, for cash In Room 350, Orange County Court- house, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 13 day of APRIL, 2006. if you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation In order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact the Of- fice of the Court Administrator, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, FL 32801, tele- phone (407)836-2303, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if our are hearing or voice im- paired, call 1-800-955-8771. Dated MARCH 13 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Circuit Court By JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Neal E. Young Attorney at Law 300 3rd Street, N.W. Winter Haven, FL 33881-4002 March 17 and 24, 2006 60971 THE EAST 5 FEET OF 4, BLOCK 109 AND LC BLOCK 109, ANGE ADDITION NO. 2, CORDING TO THE P RECORDED IN P BOOK J, PAGE 124 THE PUBLIC RECO OF ORANGE COU FLORIDA. Dated MARCH 13 200 LYDIA GAR As Clerk of thi By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT As Deput IMPORTANT In accordance with the cans with Disabilities Ac sons needing a reasons commodation to partici this proceeding should, n than seven (7) days pnr tact the Clerk of the Cou ability coordinator at 4 2303, 425 N. ORANC ENUE, SUITE 2130 LANDO, FL 32801. If Ih impaired, contact (TDD 9558771 via Florida Rels term. Ben-Ezra & Katz, PA., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 951 N.E. 167th Street, Si North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Telephone: (305) 770 Fax: (305) 6532 Our file 16866 / Admin March 17 and 24, 2006 said estate shall term TOGETHER with a re, der over in fee simple lute as tenant in cor with the other owners the unit weeks in the a described Condomini the percentage intere tablished inthe Declai of Condominium. TOGETHER with all o tenements, hereditary and appurtenances thl belonging or in any appertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to th judgments of foreclosu the above listed c respectively, in Civil Act 05-CA-8628 #33 DATED this 13 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAl As Clerk of th By: JIM M CIVIL COUR' As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSI WITH DISABILITY If you are a person wit ability who needs any modation in order to par in this proceeding, you titled, at no cost to you provision of certain ass Please contact Court A tration at 425 North Avenue, Orlando, 32801, telephone (40 2050, within two work of your receipt of this ment; if you are hear paired, call (800) 955-1 voice impaired, call (80 8770. March 17 and 24, 20C IN T CAS ORA CLU vs. HIR( D NO COU III M II 8 VI N 8 April the house enu Flori ClerI desc folio erty: Or ViI tog Int me ac tic the LOT R9 OT 3, of BILT an AC- the PLAT rel , OF Bc RDS a JNTY u 6 THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA SE NO. 05-CA-9636 # 40 ,NGE LAKE COUNTRY B, INC., Plaintiff, COCK ET AL., aefendant(s). 'TICE OF SALE AS TO: UNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK laynard W. Greene and Illllcent McNeal Greene 6441/13 lina C. Ye 6554/28 lote Is hereby given that on 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at Orange County Court- se, 425 North Orange Av- e, Suite 350 Orlando, da32801, theundersigned kwillofferforsale the above ;cribed UNIT/WEEKS of the wing described real prop- ange Lake Country Club las III, a Condominium, gether with an undivided rest in the common ele- ents appurtenant thereto, cording to the Declara- on of Condominium ereof recorded in Official cords Book 5914, Page 65, in the Public Records Orange County, Florida, nd all amendments ereto, the plat of which Is corded in Condominium ook 28, Page 84-92 until .:00 noon on the first Sat- day 2016, at which date id estate shall terminate; a Court IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OXLEY THE 9th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, T SEAL IN AND FOR ORANGE y Clerk COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION Ameri- DIVISION ct, per- CASE NO: 05-CA-10600-34 able ac- pate in GREENPOINT MORTGAGE no later FUNDING, INC. or, con- PLAINTIFF rt's dis- 07836- VS. 3E AV- OR. MARGARITA VEGA, IF LIV- hearing ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- D) 800- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- aySys- VISEE, GRANTE, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, quite 204 UNDER OR AGAINST MAR- GARITA VEGA; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MARGARITA 4100 VEGA, IF ANY; WHISPER 2063 LAKES UNIT 7 HOMEOWN- ER'S ASSOCIATION, INC.; DENTON TRINITY ROOFING, INC.; WHISPER LAKES MAS- TER COMMUNITY ASSOCIA- 60970 TION, INC.; SOUTHERN AC- COUNT SERVICES, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION inate; DEFENDANTS) main- NOTICE OF abso- FORECLOSURE SALE mmon of all NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN um in pursuant to a Summary Final t es- Judgment of Foreclosure dated ration MARCH 7, 2006 entered in Civil rationCase No. 05-CA-10600-34 of the Circuit Court of the 9th Judi- of the cial Circuit in and for ORANGE merts County, ORLANDO, Florida, I hert will sell to the highest and best ereto bidder for cash at SUITE 350 at ywise the ORANGE County Court- will be ie final re as to ;ounts, tion No. day of RDNER e Court OXLEY T SEAL ty Clerk ONS ES h a dis- accom- rticipate are en- u, to the distance. ,dminis- Orange Florida 7) 836- ng days s docu- ring im- 8771, or 00) 955- D6 60978 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION No. 48-2006-CP-000553-O IN RE: Estate of MARY H. HUMPHREY, a/k/a MARYANNA HUMPHREY, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of MARY H. HUMPHREY, a/k/a MARYANNA HUM- PHREY, Deceased, whose date of death was August 25, 2005, and whose Social Secu- rity No. is: 264-03-3460, in File No. 48-2006-CP000553-O, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which Is P. 0. Drawer 4994, Suite 340, 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32802-4994. The name and address of the Personal Representative and Personal Representative's at- torney are set forth below: All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against the estate, must filetheir claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publica- 'tion of this Notice is: March 17, 2006. JACK HUMPHREY Personal Representative WILLIAM J. McLEOD, ESQUIRE McLeod Law Firm P. 0. Drawer 950 Apopka, FL 32704 Telephone: 407/886-3300 Florida Bar No. 322024 Attorney for Personal Representative March 17 and 24, 2006 60958 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9707 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. KULON ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK V Ricardo Gonzalez Chavez and Maria C. Gonzalez 86354/29 VI Edwin D. Stinvil 86432/19 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, In-the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded In Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8599 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. NILDA I. OJEDA, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: GILBERTO TORRES 2000 SW 125th Court Miami, Florida 33175 USA DELIA TORRES 2000 SW 125th Court Miami, Florida 33175 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the'unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under 'or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VII Unit Week 02 In Unit 1240, In HAO CONDOMINIUM, TOGETHER with a remain- derover in fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium, TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or In anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-9636 # 40 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing Im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60981 house located at 425 N. OR- ANGE AVENUE In ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 6 day of APRIL, 2006 the follow- ing described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 82, WHISPER LAKES UNIT 7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 16, AT PAGE 49, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 9 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-48393(FM)GRN IF YOU ARE a person with adis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. March 17 and 24, 2006 60962 said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-9707 #33 DATED this 10 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing Im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice Impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60982 according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Av- enue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 1 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodatio n order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you areentitled, atno costto you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactNCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document, If hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5274 #05-207-08414 March 17 and 24, 2006 60959 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5260 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. SCHELL ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK VIII Jorge B. Vasquez Tanus 4302/25 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801,theundersigned Clerk will offerfor sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS ofthe following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9706 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. BUNDRAGE ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Barry S. Bundrage and Pamela Bundrage 5534/5 IV Trevor A. Jackman and Carol Ann Jackman aka Carol A. Jackman 5563/14 X Priscilla Gordon and Brother Ellis J. Gordon 2119/5 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condominium, together with an undivided Interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 22, Page 132-146 until 12:00 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 06-CA-261 DIV. 33 WACHOVIA BANK, NA (F/K/A FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK), AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE, FOR THE HOLD- ERS OF FREMONT HOME LOAN OWNER TRUST 1999- 2, HOME LOAN ASSET BACKED NOTES, SERIES 1999-2, Plaintiff, vs. DAVID J. CARBRERA A/K/A DAVID J. CABRERA A/K/A DAVID CARBRERA, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 8 day of MARCH, 2006, and entered in Case No. 06-CA-261 DIV. 33of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WACHOVIA BANK, NA (F/K/A FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK), AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE, FOR THE HOLD- ERS OF FREMONT HOME LOAN OWNER TRUST 1999-2, HOME LOAN ASSET BACKED NOTES, SERIES 1999-2 Is the Plaintiff and DAVID J. CARBRERA A/K/A DAVID J. CABRERA A/K/A DAVID CARBRERA; WHISPER LAKES MASTER COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC.; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF DAVID J. CARBRERA A/K/A DAVID J. CABRERA A/K/A DAVID CARBRERA; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8886 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. BASARA ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK II Lynn L. Cooksey and Jesse R. Cooksey 3935/52 & 53 IV Tony R. Edwards and Virginia E. Edwards 3811/34 V Bernard J. Harris and Cynthia Rogers 3532/50 VI Samuel Garen Mobley and Chaslty M. Mobley 86433/45 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk willofferforsale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest In the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above de- scribed Condominium In the percentage Interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or In anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-5260 #33 DATED this 10 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES' If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing Impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60975 noon on the first Satu 2061, at which date estate shall terminate; GETHER with a remal over In fee simple abso as tenant in common the other owners of al unit weeks in the abovi scribed Condominium i percentage interest es lished In the Declaratii Condominium. TOGETHER with all o tenements, hereditamrr and appurtenances thi belonging or in anywis pertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to the judgments of foreclosure the above listed ci respectively, in Civil Acti 05-CA-9706 #39 DATED this 13 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSON WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with ability who needs any a modation in order to part in this proceeding, you i titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assist Please contact Court Ad tration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two working of your receipt of this ment; if you are hearir paired, call (800) 955-8 voice Impaired, call (80' 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 OF THE SUBJECT PRO are defendants. I will se 1gilhest land best bidder tlor cas at ROOM 350,425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE, at the Orange County Courthouse, in OR- LANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 9 day of MAY, 2006, the following described property as set forth In said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 50, WHISPER LAKES UNIT 2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 11-12, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE,.at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 10 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 06-00216 March 17 and 24, 2006 60965 Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished In the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-8886 #34 DATED this 9 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing Im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice Impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60960 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 48-04-CA-3599 G.E. MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC, successor by merger to G.E. CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. WILLIE A. MILLS, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST WILLIE A. MILLS; CAROLYN MILLS, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST CARO- LYN MILLS; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated MARCH 7,2006 entered in Civil Case No. 48-04-CA-3599 of the Circuit Court of the 9th Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, ORLANDO, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at SUITE 350 at said IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TO- THE NINTH JUDICIAL inder CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN olute AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY with ll the CASE NO. 48-2006-CA- e de- 000698 inthe stab- WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., on of AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2003-1 ASSET- tf the BACKED CERTIFICATES, rents SERIES 2003-1, sreto Plaintiff, e ap- vs. NATHANIAL BELL, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- will be KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, e final DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- e as to SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- punts TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL on No. OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST NA- day of THANIAL BELL; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF NATHANIAL BELL; DANNY C. GADDY; IDNER UNKNOWN TENANT 1; UN- a Court KNOWN TENANT 2, OXLEY Defendant. T SEAL y Clerk NOTICE OF ACTION S TO: ES DANNY C. GADDY; NATHANIAL BELL; h a dis- UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF accom- NATHANIAL BELL icipate Last known address: are on- to the DANNY C. GADDY stance. 8232 STEEPLECHASE BLVD. dminis ORLANDO, FL 32818 Florangeda NATHANIAL BELL 7) 836 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF )g days NATHANIAL BELL docu- 600 MILLER ST. WEST dg im- ORLANDO, FL 32805 0) 955- If alive, and if dead, all parties S claiming interest by, through, under or against DANNY C. 60976 GADDY and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed herein. PERTY YOUARE NOTIFIED that an to the action for Foreclosure of Mort- foah IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5641 #40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. HEEKS ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK V Shirley.A. Booker 3542/29 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2016, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-10511-37 ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL RESORT CLUB CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., a Florida not for profit corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. ALLAN K. ARMSTRONG et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Allan K. Armstrong, 74 Trelawn Parkway, Welland, Ontario, Canada L3C 1W5 Mudhayan M.A. Al- Mudhayan, Mudhayam M.A. AI-Mudhayan, Code Post #44006, Sabah Alselm, PO BOX 698, State Of Kuwait Emile Paradls, 438 Shamrock Crescent, Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada P7E 2S6. Verna Peltonen, 438 Sham- rock Crescent, Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada P7E 2S6. Idemo Steen, Robet 135,3070 Snekkersten, Denmark Malt Steen, Robet 135, 3070 Snekkersten, Denmark Adela P. Perfetto, Calle Suaoure Colinas, Caracus, 1050 Venezuela YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a lien on the following property located in Orange County, Florida: Unit Weeks 222/05; 231/31 &32; 113/12; 108/42; 224/ 32 & 33, of Orlando Inter- national Resort Club, a Condominium, together with the appurtenances, the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 N. OR- ANGE AVENUE in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 11 day of APRIL, 2006 the follow- ing described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT4, BLOCK Q, ROBINS- WOOD SECTION FIVE, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK W, PAGE 62, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 14 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 04-26129(NCL) IF YOU ARE a person with adis- ability who needs any accom- .modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ina or voice impaired call 1-800- Sbb-8771. March 17 and 24, 2006 60990 gage on the following described property: LOT 1, BLOCK 2, ANGE- BILT ADDITION, ACCORD- ING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK H, PAGE 79, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Dinna Kawass,, Attor- ney for Plaintiff, whose address is 951 Northeast 167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 within 30 days af- ter the first publication of this no- tice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 9 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis- ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If hearing impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. This Is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information ob- tained will be used for that purpose. Our file #17563 /Admin March 17 and 24,2006 60967 der over in fee simple abso- der over in fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, In Civil Action No. 05-CA-5641 #40 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60980 Including the residual un- divided Interest as ten- ants in common, In accor- dance with the Declara- tion of Condominium of ORLANDO INTERNA- TIONAL RESORT CLUB, a condominium and the Ex- hibits thereto, as recorded In Official Records Book 3197, Page 2315 et seq., of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JEFFREY C. SPARKS, the plaintiff's attor- ney, whose address is 545 Delaney Avenue, Building 8, Orlando, FL 32801, on or be- fore April 17, 2006 and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter; otherwise a default will entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. Dated: MARCH 7, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By Yahaira Santiago / CIRCUIT COURT SEAL / As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a di ability who needs any acc modation to participate - proceeding, you are e F._-i703 no cost to you, to thj/jD35724 of certain assistam,2C192579 contact Court AdrSE5WD131118 425 N. Orange'663SA047323 lando, FL 328( (407) 836-2303,;KS WILL BE AC- Ing days of youO FINAL BID. ALL notice. If you ADE.VEHICLE(S)/ voice impaired, WITH NO GUAR- 8770. 1 . March 17 an, 61043 I F A I T v F H T E L 2 v c c c p F K c ti d c v F E I E L F F c c c L The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 7B ZtpopIa eCIjif LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 5B 9B POWER TOWING SERVICES INC. 440 METCALF AVE. ORLANDO, FL 32811 (407) 948-2338 FAX: (407) 948-9498 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78 (5) There will be a sale of the fol- lowing vehicles located at 440 Metcalf Ave, Orlando, FL 32811 DATE OF SALE: APRIL 7 2006 AT 9:00 AM 2001 FORD CONTOUR BLK 4 DOOR VIN#: 1FAHP53U01G182209 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA RED 4 DOOR VIN#: 1NXAE04B6RZ174500 Tow company reserves the right to withdraw said vehicles from auction. For more info, or inquiries, call 407-948-2338 March 24, 2006 61052 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No: 48-2006-CP- 000221-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF CECIL T. BRAGG, SR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of CECIL T. BRAGG, SR., deceased, File Number 48- 2006-CP-000221-0 is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Room 340, Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attor- ney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OFTHE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OFA COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM: All other creditors of the de- cedent and persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including un- matured, contingent or unliqui- dated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is March 24, 2006. Personal Representative: CECIL T. BRAGG, JR. Attorney For Personal Representative: VAN P. GEEKER, ESQUIRE Fla. Bar ID No. 0281506 Igler & Dougherty, P.A. 2457 Care Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Telephone: (850) 878-2411 Facsimile: (850) 878-1230 March 24 and 31, 2006 61032 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-2813 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MARCELO F. MALLEVILLE and SILVIA G. TROIANO, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, DOMINICK ACCOLTI COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaton APRIL 12,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 44 in Unit 1940, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANAIAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA-2813 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and forOrange County, Florida. DATED on March 16,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 ,alephone: (407) 843-4600 'ORTANT ,.u are , ,.1. r nlin i .l-.a IIl r,.:, i '.:.u *r..l ".rilll d a[ r..:, Ir, ir,.c Ir.:. ,.,r. I .:.r i.: P r" r ,,,r I , S- I 2006 S, 6104. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 04/07/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1GNCT18R3H0153780 1987 CHEVROLET 1P3ES46C4YD645781 2000 PLYMOUTH 1YVGE22C1S5337554 1995 MAZDA March 24, 2006 61055 NOTICE OF SALE The following vehicles will be sold at public auction, free of all prior liens, per FI Stat 713.78 at 10:00 AM on April 7, 2006 at lienors address. No titles, as is, cash only. 03 Homestdr, VIN 5HABV12183N025780. Lienor: ASAP Towing, 10600 S. Orange Ave, Orlando FL 32824, phone 407-733-8697. Interested parties, contact: State Filing Service, Inc. (772) 595-9555. March 24, 2006 61033 Banshee's Towing 10600 S. Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32824 407-709-2840 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 713.78 THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO THE PUBLIC ON APRIL 7, 2006AT 10:00 AMAT 10600 S. ORANGEAVE, ORLANDO, FL 32824. 98 CHEVROLET 87 BMW 94 HONDA March 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 05 CA 7292 WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, NA SUCCES- SOR BY MERGER TO NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA, N.A., AS TRUSTEE OF AMRESCO RESIDENTIAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, MORT- GAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 1998-2 UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF JUNE 1,1998, WITHOUT RECOURSE, Plaintiff, vs. SARAH E. PUGH AKA SARAH ELIZABETH PUGH, DECEASED, et, al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated MARCH 16 2006, and entered in Case No. 05 CA 7292, of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida , wherein WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, NA SUCCES- SOR BY MERGER TO NOR- WEST BANK MINNESOTA, N.A., AS TRUSTEE OF AM- RESCO RESIDENTIAL SECU- RITIES CORPORATION, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 1998- 2 UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF JUNE 1, 1998, WITHOUT RECOURSE, is a Plaintiff and SARAH E. PUGH AKA SARAH ELIZABETH PUGH, DECEASED; NORMIE YVETTE PUGH; PAULETTE P. LEWIS; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UNKNOWN TENANT #2; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 05-CA-9461 ACCREDITED HOME LENDERS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. YVONNE M. BRADLEY, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST YVONNE M. BRADLEY; HOWARD C. BRADLEY; LAKEVILLE OAKS HOME- OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC.; FLORIDA UNIVERSAL ROOFING, INC.; SANDS CON- STRUCTION; UNKNOWN TENANT, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated MARCH 14 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-9461, of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida , wherein ACCREDITED HOME LENDERS, INC., is a Plaintiff and YVONNE M. BRADLEY, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST YVONNE M. BRADLEY; HOWARD C. BRADLEY; LAKEVILLE OAKS HOME- OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC.; FLORIDA UNIVERSAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CIRCUIT CIVIL CASE NO. 05-CA-9075, Div. 35 WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, f/k/a First Union National Bank, successor by merger with First Union National Bank of Florida, Plaintiff, v. DONALD M. SHARP; et al. Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES AND CLAIMANTS OF THE ESTATE OF ADELE M. SHARP, DECEASED LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 3000 Clarcona Rd. #462 Apopka, FL 32703 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following property in Or- ange County, Florida: CONDOMINIUM PARCEL: Unit No 462 of YOGI BEAR'S JELLYSTONE PARK CAMP RESORT (APOPKA), a Condomin- Ium according to the Dec- laration of Condominium recorded In Official Rec- ords Book 3347, Page 2482, of the Public Rec- ords of Orange County, Florida, as amended, to- gether with an undivided 1/533rd interest In and to the common elements ap- purtenant thereof. TOGETHER WITH that cer- tain mobile home de- scribed as a 1987 Nobility Richwood with Identifica- tion No. N13047 and Title Number 45166989. BRO 1GNDT13W5W2193782 BLU WBADK8309H9712520 WHI 2HGEJ1221RH512349 61027 WORLD OMNI FINANCIAL CORPORATION; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; ELONZA PUGH, JR. are the Defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Room 350, Or- lando, Fl, at 11:00 AM on APRIL 21 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Fi- nal Judgment, to wit: LOT 16, BLOCK B, BUNCHE MANOR, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK U, PAGE 32, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY FLORIDA. Dated MARCH 17 2006 LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk IMPORTANT In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis- ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If hearing impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. Ben-Ezra & Katz, P.A., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 951 N.E. 167th Street, Su North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Telephone: (305) 770-4 Fax: (305) 653-2 Our file 16616 / ssa March 24 and 31, 2006 ROOFING, INC.; SANDS STRUCTION; UNKI TENANT are the Defenc will sell to the highest ani bidder for cash at 425 No ange Avenue, Room 35 land, FI, at 11:00AM or 18 2006, the following de property as set forth in s nal Judgment, to wit: LOT 10, SOMERSE LAKEVILLE OAKS PH II, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF AS CORDED IN PLAT E 30, PAGE 123, OF PUBLIC RECORDS 0F ANGE COUNTY, FLO Dated March 17, 2006 LYDIA GAh As Clerk of th By: MAYRA I CIVIL COURT As Deputy IMPORTANT In accordance with the cans with Disabilities A sons needing a reason commodation to partici this proceeding should, than seven (7) days pri tact the Clerk of the COL ability coordinator at 4 2303, 425 N. ORANG ENUE, SUITE 2130 LANDO, FL 32801. If impaired, contact (TDI 9558771 via Florida Rel term. Ben-Ezra & Katz, P.A., Attorneys for Plaintiff 951 Northeast 167th Suite 204 North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Telephone: (305) 770 Fax: (305) 653- Our file 16941 / mad March 24 and 31, 2006 TOGETHER WITH al Improvements nov hereafteerected or property, and all e ments, rights, app nances, rents, roya mineral, oil and gas and profits, water r and stock and all fix now or hereafter atta to the property. has been filed against y you are required to serve of your written defenses within 30 days from the the first publication of t tice on Gerald D. Da Trenam, Kemker, S Barkin, Frye, O'Neill & P.A., Plaintiff's attorney, address is 200 Centra Suite 1600, St. Petersb 33701, and file the origin this Court either before on Plaintiff's attorney oi diately thereafter; othe default will be entered you for the relief demai the Complaint. This noti be published once eac for two consecutive wE The Apopka Chief. WITNESS my hand seal of this Court on this of MARCH, 2006 LYDIAGAF Clerk of th By: YAHAIRA SAN CIVIL COURT As Depu In accordance with the cans with Disabilities A, sons with disabilities ne special accommodation ticipate In this proceeding contact the individual or sending notice no lat seven days prior to the p ing. If hearing impaired 1-800-955-8771, or Voic 800-955-8770, Via Flori lay Service. March 24 and 31, 200 1B7HC16X3TS718090 1FMCU14T4HUD04847 1FMCU22X5VUA49357 1FTHX26H6TEB35272 1GBDM19W4SB218103 1GCCS14Z6S8175590 1GCCS19X2T8204124 5522-8260 1GNER1638KF114144 1LNLM83F5LY664070 1ZVBT20C6K5175118 1FTEF15Y7RNA22148 March 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7101 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, Vs. RAFAEL DE JESUS SANTANA, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) X TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO: SANDRA ISABLE JUAREZ GONZALEZ Rancho Largo #112 Villas Del Meson, Juriqullla Queretaro, QR 76320 MEXICO The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRtOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT X Unit Week 05 In Unit 4416, In GRANDE VISTA CON- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL quite 204 CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA 4100 2329 CASE NO.: 2006-CA 325 DIV NO.: 33 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP 61031 RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, S CON- vs. KNOWN STEVE KANG and SUNG RAN plants. I KANG, Terants by Entireties, nd best et. al., north Or- Defendant(s). 50, Or- iAPRIL NOTICE OF ACTION BY scribed PUBLICATION said Fi- AS TO COUNT(s) VIII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- T AT FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- HASE DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: THE 3 RE- TO: CHRISTOPHER 3OOK T. JONES THE 17792 Crossbranch Rd. F OR- Hilliard, FL 32046 RIDA USA MELISSA L. JONES 17792 Crossbranch Rd. RDNER Hillliard, FL 32046 e Court USA . CRUZ TSEAL The above named ty Clerk Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, Ameri- devisees, grantees, assignees, mct per- lienors, creditors, trustees, or abie ac- other claimants, by, through pate in under or against said no later Defendant(s) and all parties or, con- having or claiming to have any urt's dis- right, title or interest in the prop- 407836- erty described below. GE AV- D, OR- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- hearing FIED of the institution of the D) 800- above-styled foreclosure pro- laySys- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- Street tive to the following described property: COUNT VIII -410i Unit Week10 n Unit 1452, 2329 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR 61030 ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA 328 ll the DIV NO.: 37 w or n the MARRIOTT RESORTS HOS- ease- PITALITY CORPORATION, a urte- South Carolina Corporation, Titles, Management Agent on behalf right of CYPRESS HARBOUR Rights CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- tures TION, INC., a Florida non- iched profit corporation, and All Owners as Agent, Plaintiff, 'ou and eacopy vs. , if any, date of PATRICIO R. ACHONDO and his No- JAIMER. ACHONDO, Tenants vis, of In Common, et. al., Scharf, Defendant(s). Mullis, whose NOTICE OF ACTION BY al Ave., PUBLICATION urg, FL AS TO COUNT II nal with service TO THE FOLLOWING rimme- DEFENDANTS) WHOSE rwise a RESIDENCEAREUNKNOWN: against nded in TO: KATHERINE M. JONES, ceshall as Trustee of the Jones h week Living Trust dated July weeks in 26, 1996 108 EGYPT FARMS RD OWINGS MILLS, and the MD 21117 s 20 day USA The above named RDNER Defendant(s) are not known to Ie Court be dead or alive and, if dead, ITIAGO the unknown spouses, heirs, T SEAL devisees, grantees, assignees, ty Clerk lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through Amern- under or against said Defen- ,ct, per- dant(s) and all parties having or ceding a claiming to have any right, title i to par- or interest in the property de- g should scribed below. agency er than YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- 3roceed- FlED of the institution of the (TDD) above-styled foreclosure pro- ce(V)1- ceedings by the Plaintiff, Ida Re- MARRIOTT RESORTS HOS- PITALITY CORPORATION, upon the filing of a complaint to 6 foreclose a mortgage and for 61036 other relief relative to the fol- lowing described property: DODGE FORD FORD FORD CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET PACKARD' CHEVROLET LINC FORD FORD DOMINIUM, accord the Declaration of Co minium thereof, a corded In Official Rec Book 5114 at Page 14 the Public Records c range County, Florida any amendments thi AND you are requ serve a copy of your defenses, if any to th plaint, upon DOUGL KELLY, ESQUIRE, Ho Knight LLP, 200 S. Avenue, Suite 2600, F fice Box 1526, Orlando, 32802, attorneys for the tiff, on or before thirty (3 from the first day of p tton herein and file the with the Clerk of the styled Court either befi vice on Plaintiff' attorney mediately thereafter, otil a default will be entered you for the relief dema the complaint. DATED on this 1' MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAl Clerk of th BY: KELLY G CIVIL COUR As Depu If you are a person disability who needs commodation in order ticipate in this proceeds are entitled, at no cost t the provision of certain tance. Please contact C ministration at 425 No ange Avenue, Suite 21 lando, Florida 32801, te (407) 836-2303 within working days of your re this document. If hea voice impaired, call 1-8 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS TEMPT TO COLLECT AND ANY INFORMATI TAINED WILL BE USE THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5133 #05-137-11064 March 24 and 31, 200 In HAO CONDOMIN according to the Dec tion of Condomirn thereof, as recorded I ficial Records Book at Page 0143 In the P Records of Ora County, Florida, and amendments thereof AND you are requi serve a copy of your defenses, if any to the plaint, upon DOUGL KELLY, ESQUIRE, Hol Knight LLP, 200S. Orar enue, Suite 2600, Post Box 1526, Orlando, I 32802, attorneys for the tiff, on or before thirty (30 from the first day of pi tlon herein and file the o with the Clerk of the styled Court either befo vice on Plaintiff' attorney mediately thereafter, oth a default will be entered a you for the relief demand the complaint. DATED on this 14 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of thi BY: KELLY GR CIVIL COURT As Deput If you are a person disability who needs a commodation in order ticipate in this proceeding are entitled, at no cost to the provision of certain tance. Please contact Co ministration at 425 No ange Avenue, Suite 21 lando, Florida32801, telf (407) 836-2303 within working days of your rec this document. If hea voice impaired, call 1-8C 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS. TEMPT TO COLLECT A AND ANY INFORMATION TAINED WILL BE USE THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5350 #05-207-11185 March 24 and 31, 2001 COUNT II Unit Week 23 In Unit 7 In CYPRESS HARB CONDOMINIUM, acc i---- f, the uAAem -uaI" Ing to the Declaration ofU Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain as- sistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT ANDANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#051299.2104 MRT #05-128-11545 March 24 and 31, 2006 61023 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8377 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehic 04/04/06, 08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida St ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserve right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. ore ser- y or im- herwise against nded in 4 day of RDNER ie Court RUBBS T SEAL ty Clerk n with a any ac- to par- ing, you 0 you, to n assis- ourtAd- orth Or- 130, Or- lephone two (2) receipt of aring or 00-955- AN AT- A DEBT ON OB- ED FOR &61024 61024 IUM, lara- nium nOf- 6017 public inge I any hired to written e com- AS A. land & IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 02-CA-12384 DIV. (40) STANDARD FEDERAL BANK, N.A. F/K/A MICHIGAN NA- TIONAL BANK SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO STANDARD FEDERAL BANK, A FEDERAL BANK SAVINGS BANK PLAINTIFF VS. JERRY LEE GRIFFIN, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST JERRY LEE GRIFFIN; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JERRY LEE GRIFFIN, IF ANY; WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE POOL- ING AND SERVICING AGREE- MENT ON DATED AS OF FEB- RUARY 28, 2001, SERIES 2001-1.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TEN- ANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated MARCH 3, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 02-CA-12384 DIV. (40) of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest ige Av- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Office THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Florida IN AND FOR ORANGE a Plain- COUNTY, FLORIDA 0) days ublica- GENERAL JURISDICTION original DIVISION above- CASE NO: 05-CA-10087-39 re ser- yor im- CITIMORTGAGE, INC. ierwise PLAINTIFF against ended in VS. GRACIE M. HOLMES, IF LIV- day of ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- IDNER SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- e Court TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL RUBBS OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING T SEAL AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, y Clerk UNDEROR AGAINST GRACIE M. HOLMES; UNKNOWN with a SPOUSE OF GRACIE M. ny ac- HOLMES IF ANY JOSHUA to par- SIMON, IF LIVING, AND IF ng, you DEAD, THE UNKNOWN you, to SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, assis- GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, ourtAd- LIENORS, CREDITORS, rth Or- TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER 30, Or- PARTIES CLAIMING AN IN- ephone TEREST BY, THROUGH, UN- two (2) DER OR AGAINST JOSHUA ceiptof SIMON; UNKNOWN SPOUSE ring or OF JOSHUA SIMON IF ANY; 10-955- EQUICREDIT CORPORATION OF AMERICA; STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF AN AT- REVENUE; ORANGE COUN- ADEBT TY, FLORIDA; PRA III, LLC; ONOB- CITY OF ORLANDO, FLOR- D FOR IDA; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TEN- ANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) 6 61019 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final 7446, Judgment of Foreclosure dated ord- MARCH 14, 2006 entered in cord' Civil Case No. 05-CA-10087-39 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8599 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. NILDA I. OJEDA, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) XII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: YVETTE MOLINA PEREZ Bo. Laguna C/7 # 76 Guanica, PR 00653 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT XII Unt Week45 In Unit 1512, In HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 06-CA-690-35 Notice EMC MORTGAGE lea on CORPORATION, 32805- PLAINTIFF, atutes. 'es the VS. RICHARD BISHOP, PERSONAL REPRESENTA- TIVE OF THE ESTATE OF MAGGIE D. DOZIER A/K/A DORA DOZIER, ET AL, DEFENDANTSS. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE ,TO: TIMOTHY LEE DOZIER whose residence is unknown if he/she/they be living; and if he/ she/they be dead, the unknown 61056 defendants who may be spouses, heirs, devisees, grant- ees, assignees, lienors, credi- tors, trustees, and all parties ng to claiming an interest by, through, ondo- under or against the Defen- s re- dants, who are not known to be cords dead or alive, and all parties 488 In having or claiming to have any of Or- right, title or interest in the prop- a, and erty described in the mortgage ereof. being foreclosed herein. uired to YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED written that an action to foreclose a e comrn- mortgage on the following prop- .AS A. erty: land & Orange LOT 16, BLOCK 7, RICH- 'oat Of- MOND HEIGHTS, UNIT# 2, Florida ACCORDING TO THE a Plain- PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- 0) days CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3ubllca- "Y", PAGE 130, PUBLIC original RECORDS OF ORANGE above- COUNTY, FLORIDA. of the Circuit Court of th Judicial Circuit in and fo ANGE County, ORLA Florida, I will sell to the h and best bidder or cai SUITE 350 at the OR County Courthouse local 425 N. ORANGE AVEN ORLANDO, Florida, at a.m. on the 15 day of MA the following described pi as set forth in said Summr nal Judgment, to-wit: LOT 33, RICHMi HEIGHTS, UNIT SEV AS RECORDED IN Pf BOOK 3, PAGE 4 AN PUBLIC RECORDS OF ANGE COUNTY, FLOOR Dated this 17 day of M, 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of the Circui By: MAYRA I. CIVIL COURT Deputy THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-48201(FNM) IF YOU ARE a person wit ability who needs any a modation in order to part in this proceeding, you i titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assist Please contact Court Adi traction at 425 North Orar enue, Suite 2130, Or Florida 32801. Telephone 836-2303 within two (2) v days of your receipt of th tice of Hearing; If you are ing or voice impaired call 955-8771. March 24 and 31, 2006 thereof, as recorded In fclal Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Av- enue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costto you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5279 #05-207-11453 March 24 and 31, 2006 61022 ie 9TH or OR- NNDO, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF highest THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ash at IN AND FOR ORANGE ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA ated at CIVIL DIVISION IUE in 11:00 CASE NO.: 2006-CA-0008 ,Y, 2006 property HSBC MORTGAGE ary Fi- SERVICES INC., Plaintiff, ONDvs. /EN, PLAT UNKNOWN HEIRS, ID 5, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, F OR- ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, RIDA. CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARCH, MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF JACK W. RAYMORE A/K/A JACK DNER WILLIAM RAYMORE, t Court DECEASED, et al, ,CRUZ Defendants. T SEAL y Clerk NOTICE OF ACTION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- TIFF CIARIES, DEVISEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF JACK W. RAYMOREA/K/A JACK WILLIAM RAYMORE, hadis- DECEASED accom- (Residence Unknown) ticipate( are en- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an to the action for Foreclosure of Mort- stance. gage on the following described dminis- property: ngeAv- lando, THE WEST 1/2 OF TRACT e:(407) #20, BITHLO RANCHES, working MORE PARTICULARLY his No- DESCRIBED AS FOL- e hear- LOWS: THE WEST 1/2 OF 1-800- THE WEST 1/2 OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTH- WEST 1/4 OF THE NORTH- 60 EAST 1/4 OF THE NORTH- 61029 EAST 1/4 (LESS THE SOUTH 330 FEET nOf- THEREOF), SECTION 28, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2006-CA-736 DIV 34 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. F/K/A COUN- TRYWIDE FUNDING CORPO- RATION, Plaintiff, vs. PHILIP K. WESTBAY, et at, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: PHILIP K. WESTBAY (Current Residence) 4531 HAZELGROVE DRIVE, ORLANDO, FL 32818 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF PHILIP K. WESTBAY (Current Residence) 4531 HAZELGROVE DRIVE, ORLANDO, FL 32818 JOHN DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (Current Residence) 4531 HAZELGROVE DRIVE, ORLANDO, FL 32818 JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT IN POSSESSION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (Current Residence) 4531 HAZELGROVE DRIVE, ORLANDO, FL 32818 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 62, COUNTRY RUN, ACCORDING TO THE has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 S University Drive #500, Plantation, FL 33324 no later than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice of action and file the origi- nal with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 06-49279 EMC IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate In this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; If you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771. March 24 and 31, 2006 61009 and best bidder for cash at suite #350 at the ORANGE County Courthouse located at 425 N. Orange Ave In Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 19 day of April, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth In said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 31, BLOCK C, SIGNAL HILL, UNIT ONE, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 99 OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 16 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 02-02477(AMI) IF YOU ARE a person with adis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. March 24 and 31, 2006 61010 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 06-CA-952 DIV 34 CITIMORTGAGE, INC, Plaintiff, vs. HILDA MILAGROS RIVERA A/K/A HILDA M. RIVERA, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: TERRY RYKER: 4075 OLD JENNINGS ROAD, MIDDLEBURG, FL. 32068 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 10, PARK PLACE AT MEADOW WOODS, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 28, PAGE 1, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, 61007 in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tIon of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Av- enue, Suite 2800, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- . tiff, onorbeforethirty(30)days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 14 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5343 #05-207-10954 March 24 and 31, 2006 61018 TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUB- JECT TO AN EASEMENT OVER THE SOUTH 60 FEET THEREOF FOR A STREET. has been filed against you and you are required to serve acopy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771.(THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 20 day of MARCH, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 05-08070 March 24 and 31, 2006 61038 PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 21, PAGES 89 THROUGH 91, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801Tee- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 06-00551 March 24 and 31, 2006 61008 whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or Immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801 Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2006-CA 325 DIV NO.: 33 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. STEVE KANG and SUNG RAN KANG, Tenants by Entireties, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: STEVE KANG 10507 Dorchester War Woodstock, MD 21163 USA SUN RAN KANG 10507 Dorchester War Woodstock, MD 21163 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I 1 Unit Week 07 in Unit 1451, 06-00682 March 24 and 31, 2006 6 The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 8B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-10266 DIv. No.: 37 Judge: Jay P. Cohen In re: Forfeiture of 1989 Dodge Caravan Blue) VIN: 2B4FK45KXKR151276 NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Stanley Charles Collins 6830 Turquols Lane Orlando, Florida 32807 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to forfeit your interest In the above-described property In Orange County, Florida has been filed, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, on Petitioner's attorney, Gerald D. Slebens, Assistant Attorney General, Of- fice of the Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100, Tampa, Florida 33602, If you wish to contest this forfei- ture action on or before April 28, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this court either be- fore service on Petitioner's at- torney or immediately thereaf- ter. Otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- lief demanded in the petition. Dated: FEBRUARY 28 2006 LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk March 3,10, 17 and 24, 2006 60867 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 48-2006-CP- 000556-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF CLARENCE M. WILLIAMS, JR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of CLARENCE M. WIL- LIAMS, JR., deceased, File Number 48-2006-CP-000556- 0, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which is: Probate Division, Room #340, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and ad- dresses of the Personal Repre- sentative and the Personal Representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent's Estate on whom a copy of this Notice has been served must filetheir claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OFACOPYOFTHIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against Decedent's Estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is March 17, 2006. C. MILTON WILLIAMS III, Personal Representative Attorney for Personal Representative: G. CHARLES WOHLUST Florida Bar #121660 341 North Maitland Avenue, #346 Maitland, Florida 32751 (407) 644-3206 March 17 and 24, 2006 61002 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION No. 48-2006-CP-000658-O IN RE: Estate of RAYMOND O'BRIEN BALL, JR. a/k/a RAY 0. BALL, JR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of RAYMOND O'BRIEN BALL, JR., a/k/a RAY 0. BALL, JR., Deceased, whose date of death was January 5,2006, and whose Social Security No. is: 267-64-7057, in File No. 48- 2006-CP-000658-O, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is P. O. Drawer 4994, Suite 340, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Or- lando, FL 32802-4994. The name and address of the Per- sonal Representative and Per- sonal Representative's attorney are set forth below: All creditors of the decedenit and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHII THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATIOt OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRT'f (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de cedent and other persons hav Ing claims or demands against the estate, mustfiletheir claim, with this court WITHIN MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SC FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THEi TIME PERIOD SET FORTE ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILEr TWO (2) YEARS OR MORI AFTER THE DECEDENT'I DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of the first public tlon of this Notice is: March 11 2006 SUSAN P. BALI Personal Representative WILLIAM J. McLEOD, ESQUIRE McLeod Law Firm P. 0. Drawer 950 Apopka, FL 32704 Telephone: 407/886-3300 Florida Bar No. 322024 Attorney for Personal Representative March 17 and 24, 2006 6100 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:05-CA-6984-34 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. JEANNE M. SHARPE, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST JEANNE M. SHARPE; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF JEANNE M. SHARPE, IF ANY; KATHRYN A. HOULE, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST KATH- RYN A. HOULE; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF KATHRYN A. HOULE, IF ANY; COUNTRY CHASE COMMUNITY ASSO- CIATION, INC.; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR MERITAGE MORTGAGE CORPORATION; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated MARCH 13, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007949 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. KEN N. DAVIS, JR. a/k/a KENNETH N. DAVIS, JR. a/ka KENNETH N. DAVID, JR. and LORRA1NE K. SPELLMAN, his wife; JESUS R. HERRERA and TERESA L. HERRERA, his wife and RAYMOND HERRERA and JANE HERRERA, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, JESUS R. HERRERA AND TERESA L. HERRERA AND RAYMOND HERRERA AND JANE HERRERA COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 6, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 39 in Unit 2620, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10350 DIV 34 CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. SILVIA LAKEY A/K/A SILVIA M. BARRASO; JAMES LAKEY; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 8 day of MARCH, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-10350 DIV 34, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE MANHATTAN MORT- GAGE CORPORATION is the Plaintiff and SILVIA LAKEY A/K/A SILVIA M. BARRASO; JAMES LAKEY; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350,425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE, at the Orange IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5478 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. QUIRKE ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK X Johnnie Walker and Ann C. Walker 0446/24 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- 05-CA- ourt of In and , OR- 1 to the r cash ANGE 25 N. %ND" entered In Civil Case No. 0 6984-34 of the Circuit Ci the 9TH Judicial Circuit for ORANGE County, LANDO, Florida, I will sel highest and best bidder fo at SUITE 350 of the OR County Courthouse, 4 ORANGE AVE., ORLA Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on day of APRIL, 2006 the ing described property forth in said Summary Judgment, to-wit: LOT 198, COUN CHASE UNIT 4, ACCO ING TO THE PLAT THI OF RECORDED IN F BOOK 34, PAGE 64 THE PUBLIC RECO OF ORANGE COUI FLORIDA Dated this 17 day of MA 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of the Circui By: JIM MO CIVIL COURT Deputy IF YOU ARE a person witl ability who needs any a modation in order to part in this proceeding, you titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assist Please contact Court Adi tration at 425 North Orar enue, Suite 2130, Or Florida 32801. Telephone 836-2303 within two (2) w days of your receipt of th tice of Hearing; If you ar Ing or voice Impaired call 955-8771, DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DR SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-44318 (ASCF) March 24 and 31, 2006 amendments thereof supplements thereto, i ("Declaration"), subje taxes for the current and subsequent years all other matters of rec The aforesaid sale made pursuant to a Fina meant of Foreclosure A JESUS R. HERRERA TERESA L HERRERA RAYMOND HERRERA AND JANE HERRERA COUNT II, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 007949 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this March 13, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Jim Moxtey CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 17 and 24, 2006 60989 County Courthouse, ir LANDO, Florida, at 11:01 on the 13 day of APRIL, the following described pr as set forth in said Final ment, to wit: LOT 149, COLONIAL G DENS REPLAT, ACCO ING TO THE PLAT THE OF, AS RECORDED PLAT BOOK Q, AT P 74, OF THE PUBLIC R ORDS OF ORAl COUNTY, FLORIDA. in accordance with the cans with Disabilities Ac sons in need of a special a modation to participate proceeding or to access service, program or a shall, within a reasonable prior to any proceeding o to access a service, prog activity, contact the Adm tive Office of the Cour ANGE, at 425 N. Oran, enue, Orlando, FL 328C phone (407) 836-2303 or 955-8771 (THD), or 1-80 8770 (V) via Florida Rela vice. Dated this 13 day of M. 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk Of The Circui By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT Deput Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Su Fort Lauderdale, Florida Telephone: (954) 453-C Facsimile: (954) 771-6 05-07511 March 17 and 24, 2006 GETHER with a rema over in fee simple abs as tenant in common the other owners of unit weeks in the above scribed Condominium percentage interest lished In the Declarat Condominium. TOGETHER with all tenements, hereditary and appurtenances th belonging or in anywis pertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to th judgments of foreclosu the above listed c respectively, in Civil Ac 05-CA-5478 #33 DATED this 13 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAF As Clerk of th By: JIM M CIVIL COUR As Depu NOTICE TO PERS WITH DISABILITI If you are a person wit ability who needs any modation In order to pa in this proceeding, you titled, at no cost to yoi provision of certain ass Please contact Court A tration at 425 North Avenue, Orlando, 32801, telephone (40 2050, within two work of your receipt of this do if you are hearing Impai (800) 955-8771, or vi paired, call (800) 955-I March 17 and 24, 200 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON APRIL 7, 2006 AT 8:00 AM AT ACE AUTO PARTS MCKEY ST., OCOEE, FL. 34761, ORANGE COUNTY FOLLOWING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH T HIGHEST BIDDER. YEAR MAKE VIN# 2006 CHEVROLET 1G1AK55F467744 1987 HONDA 1 HGCA5533HA05 1994 VOLVO YV1LS5719R2134 ACE AUTO PARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCE REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. ACE AUTO PARTS RESE THE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AM OWED. ALL VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BE THE SALE BETWEEN 10:00 AM AND 3:00 PM ONLY. P CALL 407-654-6400 FOR FURTHER INFO. March 24, 2006 the 13 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF follow- THE NINTH JUDICIAL as set CIRCUIT Final IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL TRY )RD- CASE NO. 06-CC-00018 ERE- PLAT HILTON RESORTS CORPO- , OF RATION, a Delaware corpora- RDS lion, NTY, Plaintiff, v. ARCH, DARREN ALFORD, If living, and If dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, DNER grantees, assignees, IlHnors, t Court creditors, trustees and all OXLEY other parties claiming an In- " SEAL terest by, through, under and y Clerk against the above-named De- fendant, and TUSCANY VIL- hadis- LARGE VACATION SUITES iccom- CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- icipate TION, INC., a Florida non- are en- profit corporation, to the Defendant. stance. iminis- NOTICE OF ige Av- FORECLOSURE SALE lando, e: (407) NOTICE is hereby given that working the undersigned, LYDIA his No- GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and e hear- County Courts of Orange 1-800- County, Florida, will on APRIL 13, 2006,11:00 o'clock A.M., In Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North lIVE Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at 4 public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post 61011 with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- and posit must be cash or cashier's if any check payable to Orange ct to County Clerk of Court. Final pay- year ment must be made on or be- and fore 3:00 p.m., of the date of the cord. sale by cash or cashier's check: will be A 0.02265% undivided ten- l Judg- ant In common Interest In AS TO Phase III of TUSCANY VIL- AND LARGE VACATION SUITES, A AND as described In the Decla- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO. 06-CA-1048 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tlon, Plaintiff, vs. CHRYS C. HUYNH, if living, and If dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an In- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendant, and TUSCANY VIL- LAGE VACATION SUITES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida non- profit corporation, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on APRIL 19, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall Immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- posit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Orange County Clerk of Court. Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3:00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's check: A .01946000000% undi- vided tenant In common Interest In Phase II of TUSCANY VILLAGE VA- CATION SUITES, as de- n OR- 0 a.m. 2006, operty Judg- iAR- DRD- ERE- D IN AGE REC- NGE Ameri- t, per- iccom- In this a court activity IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ie time THE NINTH JUDICIAL )r need CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ram or ORANGE COUNTY, inistra- FLORIDA t, OR- ge Av- CASE NO. 05-CA-9398 1lTele- 1-800- CYPRESS POINTE RESORT 0-955- AT LAKE BUENA VISTA ay Ser- CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit . ARCH, Plaintiff(s), V. IDNER VIRGINIA R. N. HILL, t Court AMELIA A. HILL, DENNIS OXLEY W. HACKNEY, HELEN SEAL HACKNEY, DERRICK y Clerk HAYES, BETHONY MOYES, DONALD L. STEWART, MARIE STEWART, JILL A. ite 120 CARLIN, RICHARD L. 33309 MAAS, THERESA MAAS, 1365 HOWARD BARNES COLEY, 6052 LAURA ANN COLEY, RAYMOND D. EFFINGER SR., SHERENE L. EFFINGER, MICHAEL E. 60991 STROUP, DIANA STROUP, RANDALL T. PULL, MYNDA inder L. PULL solute Defendant(s) n with all the NOTICE OF SALE AS TO ve de- COUNT I (HILL), III (HAYES/ In the MOYES), IV (STEWART), estab- VI (MAAS) Ion of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the of the Default Final Judgment of Fore- ments closure as to Count I (HILL), III hereto (HAYES/MOYES), IV se ap- (STEWART), VI (MAAS) ren- dered onthe 16 day of MARCH, 2006, in that certain cause s will be pending in the Circuit Court In Oe final andforOrange County, Florida, re as to wherein CYPRESS POINTE counts, RESORT AT LAKE BUENA tion No. VISTA CONDOMINIUM AS- SOCIATION, INC. is the Plain- tiff, and VIRGINIA R. N. HILL, day of AMELIA A. HILL, DERRICK HAYES, BETHONY MOYES, DONALD L. STEWART, RDNER MARIE STEWART, RICHARD ie Court L. MAAS, THERESA MAAS,, OXLEY are Defendant(s), Civil Action T SEAL No. 05-CA-9398, Lydia ty Clerk Gardner, Clerk oftheaforesaid Court, will at 11:00 A.M. onthe ONS 19 day of April, 2006, offer for ES sale and sell to the highest bid- der for cash at the Orange h a dis- County Courthouse, 425 N. accom- Orange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- rtlcipate land, Florida, the following de- are en- scrlbec property, to-wit: u, to the stance. UNIT NO. 5204, Week 16B, udmlnis- of CYPRESS POINTE RE- Orange SORT AT LAKE BUENA Florida VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, 7) 836- a Condominium, accord- ng days Ing to the Declaration of cument; Condominium thereof, re- ired, call corded In Official Records lice im- Book 4443 at Page 2743 of 3770. the Public Records of Or- 6 ange County, Florida, as ration of Covenants, editions and Restrict thereof as record O.R. Book 6630, P 4259 In the Public Rec of Orange County, Floi and all exhibits attack thereto (the "Decl tlon"). Grantee owns a Type cation Ownership Inti In a ONE BEDROOM and shall be require make a reservation Suite, with every E NUMBERED YEAR o pancy rights, in ac dance with the proviso of the Declaration. Together with an app nant undivided Intere common elements o Project as described I Declaration. pursuant to the Final I Judgment In Foreclosu tered In a case pending Court In the above-styled WITNESS my hand ficial seal of said Court day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GA Clerk of Circ County By: MAYRA I. CIVIL COURT Deputy If you are a person with a ity who needs accommod order to participate In th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, to the prov certain assistance. Plea tact Court Administration North Orange Avenue 2130, Orlando, Florida Telephone (407) 836-230 2 working days of your re this document, if you are or voice impaired call 1-8 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff March 24 and 31, 2006 b I Opopkia jCitfr. LEGAL ADVERTISING 7 Phone: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 A. LEGALS CAN BE FOUrND ON PAG S SB 9B RDNER cult and Courts .CRUZ T SEAL ty Clerk disabil- lation In his pro- d, at no vision of se con- n at 425 , Suite 32801, 3 within iceipt of hearing 00-955- 61015 scribed in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof as recorded in O.R. Book 6630, Page 4259 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all exhibits attached thereto (the "Declaration"). Grantee owns a Type 1 Va- cation Ownership Interest In a TWO BEDROOM Suite and shall be required to make a reservation for a Suite, with every YEAR occupancy rights, In ac- cordance with the provi- sions of the Declaration. Together with an appurte- nant undivided Interest In common elements of the Project as described In the Declaration. pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and of- ficial seal of said Court this 16 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff March 24 and 31, 2006 thereafter amended. (COUNT I) UNIT NO. 6208, Week 44B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT III) UNIT NO.6302, Week 01 B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT IV) UNIT NO. 6303, Week 20B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT VI) Said sale will be pursuant to and In order to satisfy the terms of said Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure as to Count I (HILL), III (HAYES/ MOYES), IV (STEWART), VI (MAAS). DATED MARCH 17, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd. Ste 104, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion In order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Suite 350, Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801; Tel.: 407-836-2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NOTICE OF SALE; If you are hearing or voice Impaired, Call 1-800-955- 8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE March 24 and 31, 2006 61028 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-2758- DIV-34 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, AS TRUSTEE f/k/a THE CHASE BANK N.A. AS TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, CHERYL NORRIS A/K/A CHERYL L. NORRIS, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 13 day of MARCH, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-2758-DIV-34, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, AS TRUSTEE f/k/a THE CHASE BANK N.A. AS TRUSTEE Is the Plaintiff and CHERYL NORRIS A/K/A CHERYL L. NORRIS; PRIME ACCEPTANCE CORP.; TONY NORRIS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350,425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE, at the Orange County Courthouse, in OR- LANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 4 day of MAY, 2006, the following described property as IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 06-CA-1510 DIV 33 CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff, vs. SCHUYLER EPPS, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SCHUYLER EPPS N/K/A PATRICIA EPPS (Last Known Residence: 2838 University Drive Acres Drive, Orlando, FI32817) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 50, UNIVERSITY ACRES, ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 34, PAGES 144 AND 145 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve acopy of your written defenses, If any, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8599 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. NILDA I. OJEDA, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VIII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: HECTOR VEGA Carr 414 KM 3 Hm5 Bo Cruces Aguada, PR 00602 USA LISANDRA VEGA BADILLO Carr 414 KM 3 HM5 BO Cruces Aguada, PR 00602 USA IRIS J. VEGA BADILLO Carr 414 KM 3 HM5 BO Cruces Aguada, PR 00602 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, If dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the Institution of the abQve-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL 12 W CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ', THE ORANGE COUNTY, O THE FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-19541 4041 1722 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- ,052 RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, PT OR Plaintiff, SERVES VOUNT v. BEFORE THAVER MOHAMMED, if lIv- LEASE ing, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, 61039 creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an In- Con- terest by, through, under and ions against the above-named De- d In fendant, and ORLANDO VA- Page CATION SUITES II CONDO- ords MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., rida, a Florida non-profit corpora- ched tlon, ara- Defendant. NOTICE OF 1 Va- FORECLOSURE SALE rest Suite NOTICE is hereby given that id to the undersigned, LYDIA for a GARDNER, Clerk of Circuitand VEN County Courts of Orange occu- County, Florida, will on APRIL ccor- 12, 2006, 11:00 o'clockA.M., In sions Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425. North Orange Avenue, Orlando, 3urte- Florida, offer for sale and sell at est in public outcry to the highest bid- )f the der for cash, the following de- n the scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately Default post with the Clerk, a deposit ure en- equal to 5% of the final bid. The in said deposit must be cash or Cause, cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- and of- nal payment must be made on this 15 or before 3:00 p.m., of the date set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 289, OF ROBINSON HILLS UNIT 3, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, AT PAGE(S) 38,39 AND 40, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V)'via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 16 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 05-02052 March 24 and 31, 2006 61013 to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- atelly thereafter; otherwise'a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 06-01142 March 24 and 31, 2006 tive to the following de property: of the sale by cash or cashier's check: Week 51, Unit 827, of OR- LANDO VACATION SUIT- ES II, A CONDOMINIUM (hereinafter the "Condo- minlum"), with every YEAR occupancy rights, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof as recorded In O.R. Book 5196, Page 632 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto (hereinafter the "Declara- tion"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered In a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal of said Court this 15 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: DEBRA S. MILLS CIVIL COURT SEAL S Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no .cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff March 24 and 31, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE #:DR-Dr-06-4451 DIVISION: ASSIGNED DIV. 29 LISA KING Petitioner and GERALD NYANTE Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION WITH NO CHILDREN NO PROPERTY TO: GERALD NYANTE Last Known Address: UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for Dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on LISA KING the Petitioner, whose address is 1017 S. KIRKMAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. DR 05-21336 DIV.: In re: The Marriage of: Ray Charles York, Petitioner, and Merlah Elizabeth York, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE To: Merlah Elizabeth York 7486 Beacon Hill Apt. 6 Orlando, FL 32818 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for dissolu- tion of marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Ray Charles York, Petitioner, whose address is 522 Crabtree RD. APT. 34 ORLANDO, FL 32811 or before May 04, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court before ser- vice on Petitioner or Immedi- ately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on March 21, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit and County Court By: JOSE A. VELLON CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 24, 31, April 7 and 14, 2006 61035 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON APRIL, 2006 AT8:00 AM AT ACE WRECKER, 5601 SOUTH ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL, ORLANDO, FL 32839, ORANGE COUNTY, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BID. MAKE PONTIAC FORD HONDA TOYOTA FORD FORD MERCURY CHEVROLET PONTIAC CHEVROLET MAZDA HONDA QINGQI OLDSMOBILE VIN# 1G2NW52TXVC769172 1FTYR10OC7WPA81717 1HGCD7232RA055740 JT2SV24E5J3277960 1FMDA31 U9PZBO9303 2FMDA5343YBB27096 1MELM10P7VW657210 2G1WL52M4T9173375 1G2JB1246V7530366 1GIJC1245S7129887 JM3LV5223R0613177 1HGCB7656LA165540 LAEAA41062B900555 1G3HN54CXJW405934 ACE WRECKER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. ACE WRECKER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT OWED. ALL VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE SALE BETWEEN 10:00 AM AND 3:00 PM ONLY. PLEASE CALL 407- 855-6631 FOR FURTHER INFO. March 24, 2006 61040 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON APRIL 10, 2006 AT 7:00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHNSON'S - WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32608, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF THE VE- HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED AND NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE. MAKE PONTIAC NISSAN LINCOLN PONTIAC DODGE HONDA NISSAN FORD HONDA CADILLAC CADILLAC PLYMOUTH CHEVY HYUNDAI LINCOLN VIN# 1GMDX06E5VD216602 JN1 FU21POMT312140 1 LNBM81 F9JY676671 1G2WJ12MORF255937 1B3HD46T1RF326451 1HGCB9862MA018912 JN1FU21P5NX913442 1FTDF15Y1 RNB08888 1HGCD563XVA040010 1G6EL1151KU609934 1 G6CD533XL4374877 2P4GP453XWR801811 3GCCW80Z9FS912961 KMHVF24N3WU447277 1LNLM82W1 RY700931 TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH. NO CHECKS WILL BE AC- CEPTED. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. VEHICLESS/ VESSELS) ARE SOLD "AS IS", "WHERE IS", WITH NO GUAR- ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. March 24, 2006 61042 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON APRIL 6, 2006 AT 7:00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHNSON'S WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF THE VE- HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED AND NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE. YEAR 1999 61006 61006 1992 1983 1992 2000 1996 1997 scribed 1999 1999 2002 MAKE FORD DODGE OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET FORD MITSUBISHI FORD CHEVROLET FORD TOYOTA FORD VIN# 2FMZA5143XBB89380 2B4GH4535PR347158 1G3WH54T8ND301331 2G1AN699XD1227564 1FAPP36X8NK175372 4A3AC54L1YE167377 1FALP52U8TA210968 2C1MR5298V6771026 1FAFP10OP8XW217897 1 NXBR12E6XZ262875 1FTYR14EO2PB45196 COUNT VIII 1989 PONTIAC 1G2WJ14T2KF307045 Unit Week12 In Unit 1532, 1989 JEEP 1J4FJ38L2KL468928 In HAO CONDOMINIUM, 1993 CHEVROLET 2G1WL54T5P9135714 according to the Declara- 1992 HONDA 1HGCB7575NA103732 tlon of Condominium 1997 FORD 1FALP6530VK155244 thereof, as recorded In Of- 1986 HONDA 1HGBA5346GA034614 ficlal Records Book 6017 1990 MITSUBISHI JA3CU26X8LU028030 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH. NO CHECKS WILL BE AC- County, Florida, and any CEPTED. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. ALL amendments thereof. SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. VEHICLESS/ VESSELS) ARE SOLD "AS IS", "WHERE IS", WITH NO GUAR- AND you are required to ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. serve a copy of your written March 24, 2006 defenses, If any to the com- 61041 plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Av- enue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE from the first day of publics- tonherein andfiletheoriginal ON APRIL 14, 2006 AT 7:00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHNSON'S with the Clerk of the above- WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORLANDO, styled Court either before ser- FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLOWING vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF THE VE- mediately thereafter, otherwise HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED AND adefaultwillbeenteredagainst NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE. you for the relief demanded in the complaint. YEAR MAKE VIN# 1992 SATURN 1G8ZF5496NZ267703 DATED on this 13 day of 1998 MITSUBISHI JA3AY36A5WU004611 MARCH, 2006. 1995 TOYOTA JT2EL55D1S0093080 1995 MERCURY 3MASM10J1SR624162 LYDIA GARDNER 1989 FORD 1FAPP9590KW291983 Clerk of the Court 1984 PONTIAC 2G2AL69H1E9736387 BY: KELLY GRUBBS '1999 TOYOTA 1NXBR12E4XZ185598 CIVIL COURT SEAL 1991 LINCOLN 1LNCM9740MY672559 As Deputy Clerk 1998 CHEVROLET 1GNCT18W9WK244334 1991 NISSAN 1 N4EB32A8MC780606 If you are a person with a 1993 YAMAHA JYA3HHE00PA052676 disability who needs any ac- 1990 CHEVROLET 1Y1SK5164LZO47675 commodation In order to par- 1998 CHEVROLET 2G1WL52MOW110465.' ticipate in this proceeding, you 1997 FORD 1FTEF1761VKB2931CY areentitled, atnocost toyou, to 1994 NISSAN 1N4EB32A8RC8533' , the provision of certain assis- ?, T.-c,,cTA 4TiSKI2E-Su,882 tance. PleasecontactCourtAd- I-.c ,'LC'F.IOLeILE I,.3MH, 5216TJ84 1-' ministration at 425 North Or- I-, CFORED IF'AFPIP.IPVVVj ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- 198*. CHEE.'iOLET iGIJDO6E.PFKI' lando, Florida32801, telephone p FCN A (407) 836-2303 within two (2) I W5 L, .'C'-.E I'B3E'- .C8S50' working days of your receipt of i -' DC''DGE 8&,IHD,-6F,: this document. If hearing or I .,3 F.7-, iFr.CU2U voice impaired, call 1-800-955- i9.- TCOTT 2-TiBA2EF 8771. 1. Ce ,HE.VRCLET ICWjuOp THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- .5 H.riD IIHGCD; TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT ANDANYINFORMATIONOB- Et" (':,:F THE S'LE AAE C 1-' t'1.' CHE TAINED WILL BE USED FOR CEF TEC, :,ELLERt ESE'.'E-S THE RI'.HT T. THAT PURPOSE. ESALEL- HE Fil 1,L Iji REHEijrjD'* WILL BE P.' HK#050992.5275 VE: -ELi.i "ArE C1.'L S iS JHERE I1, #05-207-10426 /,r|TEEz EITHER E'-PRESEED OR IMF1LIE March 24 and 31, 2006 March 24 2006 61021 Ave Orlando, FL. 32835, on or before April 27, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court before service on Peti- tioner or immediately thereafter. If you tailed to do so, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Peti- tion. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, In- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and seal of this court on March 16,2006. LYDIAGARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: JOSE A. VELLON CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 24, 31, April 7 and 14, 2006 61005 ou60974 61014 61016 The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 9B TOje Zpopla LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 5B 9B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 48-2006-CP- 000415-0 Division 1 IN RE: ESTATE OF JEAN J. BOCK Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JEAN J. BOCK, de- ceased, whose date of death was December 24, 2005; File Number 48-2006-CP-000415- 0, is pending In the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which is425N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attor- ney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- VICE OFACOPY OFTHIS NO- TICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- TER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is: March 17,2006. NANCY BRZEZINSKI Personal Representative P. O. Box 1616 Windermere, FL 34786 MARILYN URCIUOLI Personal Representative 8414 Hobnail Road Manlius, NY 13104 Christopher G. Jones Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar No. 0119040 Giles & Robinson, PA. 390 N. Orange Avenue Suite 2180 Oriando, Florida 32801 Telephone: (407) 425-3591 March 17 and 24, 2006 60994 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-000211 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CARL B. ATCHER, a single man; GORDON J. BELL a/k/a G. BELL and LISA P. BELL a/k/a LISA BELL, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JAMES BURATI COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthaton APRIL 12,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 39 in Unit 09303, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO JAMES BURATI COUNT III, entered in Civil No. 2006-CA- 000211 now pending in the Cir- cuit Courtofthe NINTHJudicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this MARCH 13, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Jim Moxley CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Scall 1-800-955-8771. March 17 and 24, 2006 60988 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-4342 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. FAST ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK II Michael J. Hunter and Denise S. Hunter 4248/32 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florlda32801, the undersigned Clerk will offerfor sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, aCondominium, to- getherwith an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-9570 DIV 40 CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. SHERI DENISE JACOBS; EQ- UITY RESIDENTIAL PROPER- TIES; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SHERI DENISE JACOBS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUB- JECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 6 day of March, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-9570 DIV 40, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC is the Plaintiff and SHERI DENISE JACOBS; EQUITY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SHERI DENISE JACOBS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above de- scribed Condominium In the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, In Civil Action No. 05-CA-4342 #33 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days ofyourreceiptof this document; If you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice Im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60972 a.m. on the 6 day of APRIL, 2006, the following described property as set forth In said Fi- nal Judgment, to wit: LOT 30, BLOCK B, CRYS- TAL LAKE TERRACE, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOKS, PAGE 70, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons In need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801nTele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 10 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 05-06517 March 17 and 24, 2006 60964 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 482006CA000649XXXXXX JP MORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MLMI SURF TRUST SERIES 2005-BC3, Plaintiff, vs. MONICA CARDONA, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MONICA CARDONA CARLOS DEL VALLE UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 1 and UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2 Last known address 12024 Dunmore Court Orlando, FL 32821 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following described prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: LOT 119, DEER CREEK VILLAGE SECTION 3, WILLIAMSBURG AT OR- ANGEWOOD, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19, PAGES 114 AND 115, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-7955 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. DOLENTE ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK IV Jennie Cintron and Michael D. Evans 86255/29 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerkwilloffer for sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas Ill, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2016, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- BID #2006-03 INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Apopka until 10:00 a.m. E.S.T. on April 5, 2006, at the Apopka City Hall, City Clerk's Office, 120 E Main Street, Apopka, Florida 32703, and will be publicly opened and read aloud on April 5, 2006, at 10:15 a.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers to provide the following: TOWING/WRECKER & STORAGE SERVICES Copies of the "Instructions to bidders and specifications" are on file and may be obtained in the City Clerk's Office, 120 E. Main Street, Apopka, Florida, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., beginning March 22, 2006. Each bid shall be submitted on a form furnished by the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in the bids. Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after opening. For questions, call the City Clerk at 407-703-1704. CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA Janice G. Goebel, City Clerk Publish: March 17, 2006 March 24, 2006 60986 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 48-2006-CP- 000575-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF FRANCES N. TUCKER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of FRANCES N. TUCKER, deceased, whose date of death was February 12, 2006, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is: Room #340, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Represen- tative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice Is March 17, 2006. /S/ CYNTHIA L. TENENBAUM, Personal Representative Attorney for Personal Representative: /S/ G. CHARLES WOHLUST Florida Bar #121660 341 North Maitland Avenue, #346 Maitland, Florida 32751 (407) 644-3206 March 17 and 24, 2006 61001 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: DR06-3691 Division: 36 JOSE M BUILES, Petitioner and OFELIA ALEJANDRA RAMIREZ BUILES, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: OFELIA ALEJANDRA RAMIREZ BUILES Last Known address UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it on JOSE M BUILES, whose address is 3160 S. Semoran Blvd Apt 904 Or- lando, FL 32822, on or before April 20 2006, and file the origi- nal with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Ste. 320, Orlando, FL 32801 before ser- vice on Petitioner or Immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. You must keep the Clerk o0 the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Forrr 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. WARNING: Rule 12.285 Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead. wings. Dated: March 7, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 10,17, 24 and 31, 2006 60941 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585, Mid-Florida Lien And ery, will sell at public sale for cash the following des vehicles) located at lienor's place to satisfy a claim of len GMC VIN: 1GKDT13W2T2572909. Lien Amt: $_650.00. R T and D Inc Chelsea, MA. L/H: Fleet National Bank Utica, NY. Ariel Auto Service 1915 W. Pine St Orlando, FL 407-414-542E Isuzu VIN: JACCH58R9M8907471. Lien Amt:$3446.31. R/O S Barrs Orlando, FL. Lienor/AamcoTransmission 600 Lee lando, FL 407-740-0858. 1983 Ford VIN: 1FTES14F7DHA Lien Amt: $2675.00. R/O: Rama Communication Inc Orlan Lienor/Dickson's Auto 355 Ivey Lane #6 Orlando, FL 407-293 2001 Ford VIN: 1FMZU77E11UA90996. Lien Amt: $_650.0 Felipe Torres-Santonyo Wear Palm Bch, FL. Lienor/NU Loo Sales 4950 S Orange Blos TrI Orlando, FL 407-468-1014. Sal April 10, 2006, 10:00 AM. At Mid-Florida Lien & Recover vehicles) may be redeemed by satisfying the lien prior to sa You have the right to a hearing at any time prior to sale filing a demand for hearing in the circuit court. Owner has th to recover possession of vehicle by posting a bond in acco with F.S. 559.917. Any proceeds in excess of the amount of will be deposited with the Clerk of Circuit Court in the county the vehicle is held. March 24, 2006 on our website or at our office: www.theapopkachief.com CHECK IT OUT of your written defenses, to it on SMITH, HIATT & P.A., Plaintiff's attor whose address is PC 11438 Fort Lauderda 33339-1438, within 30 from first date of public and file the original w Clerk of this Court either service on Plaintiff's att, or Immediately thereafter erwise a default will be e against you for the rel manded In the complain petition. DATED on MARC 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: YAHAIRA SAN CIVIL COURT As Deputy IF YOU ARE A PERSON A DISABILITY WHO N ACCOMMODATION IN CO TO PARTICIPATE IN PROCEEDING, YOU AF TITLED AT NO COST TC FOR THE PROVISION CERTAIN ASSIST/ PLEASE CONTACT C ADMINISTRATION A NORTH ORANGE AVI SUITE 2130, ORLA FLORIDA32801. TELEPF (407) 836-2303 WIT WORKING DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THIS D MENT; IF YOU ARE HE, OR VOICE IMPAIRED, C 800-955-8771. 6029-29611 March 17 and 24, 2006 der over in fee simple lute as tenant in com with the other owners the unit weeks in the a described Condominli the percentage interest tablished in the Declar of Condominium. TOGETHER with all o tenements, hereditam and appurtenances th belonging or in any appertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to the judgments of foreclosure the above listed cc respectively, in Civil Act, 05-CA-7955 #39 DATED this 13 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: DEBRA S. CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSON WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with ability who needs any a modation in order to part in this proceeding, you a titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assist Please contact Court Ad tration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two working of your receipt of this ment; if you are hearing paired, call (800) 955-8 voice impaired, call (801 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-9643 Division: 37 Judge: Jay Paul Cohen In re: Forfeiture of 2002 YAMAHA MOTOR- CYCLE (BLUE) VIN: JYARJ04E32AO21315 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 2002 YAMAHA MOTOR- CYCLE (BLUE) VIN: JYARJ04E32AO21315 NOTICE IS given pursuant to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes (2005), that the Petitioner, Florida Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles, through its division, the Florida Highway Patrol, seized the above-de- scribed property on or about October 14, 2005, in Orange County, Florida, and is holding the property pending the out- come of forfeiture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal interest in the subject s property may request a hearing ' concerning the seized property - by contacting Robert Dietz, As- sistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602. A Pe- f tition for Forfeiture has been d filed in the above-styled Court. u On December 2, 2005, the trial I court entered an Order Finding t Probable Cause. If there is no m response by Claimants, Peti- tioner will seek a Final Order of Forfeiture. March 17 and 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No. 05-CA-8493 Judge: Donald E. Grlncewicz In re: Forfeiture of 1997 NIssan Altima XE Recov- (Maroon) scribed VIN 1N4BU31D4VC250451 n. 1996 /0: Big NOTICE OF ACTION Lienor/ 6.1Darry991 TO: St. Fleur Used Rd Or- Auto Sales 30298. 5610 Tellpa Drive do, FL. Orlando, FL 32839 3-5222. 0. R/O: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that ok Auto le Date an action to forfeit your interest y. Said in the above-described property le date. in Orange County, Florida has date by been filed, and you are required he right to serve a copy of your written 3rdance defenses, if any, on Petitioner's the lien where attorney, Gerald D. Siebens, Assistant Attorney General, Of- fice of the Attorney General, 61057 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100, Tampa, Florida 33602, if you wish to contest this forfei- ture action on or before April 26, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this court either be- fore service on Petitioner's at- torney or Immediately thereaf- ter. Otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- vinlg Iief demanded in the petition. Dated: FEBRUARY 28 2006 LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C, CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 ^ 60868 if any, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN , DIAZ, AND FOR ORANGE rneys, COUNTY, FLORIDA ) BOX le, FL CASE NO. 05-CA-657 # 33 D days cation, ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY ith the CLUB, INC., before Plaintiff, orneys vs. er; oth- MC GEE ET AL., entered Defendant(s). lef de- aint or NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS H 13, UNIT/WEEK VI Eveth Joyce Mc Bean IDNER 86337/08 e Court TIAGO Note is hereby given that on SEAL April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at y Clerk the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- I WITH Onue, Suite 350 Orlando, lEEDS Florlda32801, the undersigned DRDER Clerkwillofferforsaletheabove THIS described UNIT/WEEKS of the RE EN- following described real prop- D YOU, erty: )N OF ANCE. Orange Lake Country Club OURT Villas III, a Condominium, T 425 together with an undivided ENUE, interest in the common ele- ANDO, ments appurtenant thereto, 'HONE according to the Declara- HIN 2 lion of Condominium YOUR thereof recorded in Official )OCU- Records Book 5914, Page ARING 1965, in the Public Records 3ALL1- of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded In Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- 60969 urday 2061, at which date -- said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- abso- imon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN of all AND FOR ORANGE bove COUNTY, FLORIDA um in st es- CASE NO. 05-CA-318 #40 action ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., of the Plaintiff, tents vs. ereto MEDINA PUIG ET AL., 'wise Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: will be e final COUNT DEFENDANTS e as to UNIT/WEEK counts, ion No. II Norman Myers and Doreen J. Myers 5282/42 day of Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at IDNER the Orange County Court- SCourt house, 425 North Orange Av- MILLS enue, Suite 350 Orlando, SSEAL Florida32801,theundersigned y Clerk Clerkwillofferforsaletheabove described UNIT/WEEKS of the 2N5 following described real prop- ES erty: h a dis- Orange Lake Country Club accom- Villas I, a Condominium, to- icipate getherwith an undivided in- are en- terest in the common ele- , to the ments appurtenant thereto, stance, according to the Declara- dminis- tion of Condominium Orange thereof recorded in Official lorida Records Book 3300, Page ') 836- 2702, in the Public Records g days of Orange County, Florida, docu- and all amendments ng im- thereto, the plat of which is 771, or recorded in Condominium 0) 955- Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said 60979 estate shall terminate; TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. DR06-3364 DIV.: 42 In re: The Marriage of: DEBORAH HUNTER- JACKSON, Petitioner, and RICHARD JACKSON, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE To: RICHARD JACKSON 1201 CLUB GOLDENROD LN #63 ORLANDO FL 32807 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for dissolu- tion of marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on DEBORAH HUNTER JACK- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE #:DR-06-2964 DIVISION: ASSIGNED DIV. 36 KATHEASA WARD Petitioner and RASHERD WARD Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION WITH CHILDREN NO PROPERTY TO: RASHEED WARD Last Known Address: 1541 S. Atlantic Drive Augusta Ga. 30906 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FlED that an action for Dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 06-CA-871 DIv. 37 JOSEPH LUSTMAN and CAROL LUSTMAN, Plaintiffs, vs. DOROTHY F. HUGHES and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST DOROTHY F. HUGHES, whose where- abouts Is unknown or who Is deceased, et al, Defendants. TO: DOROTHY F. HUGHES, 1200 Park Manor Dr., Orlando, Fl 32825 AND ANY PARTIES UN- KNOWN to Plaintiffs, which par- ties may be Interested as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through, under or against DOROTHY F. HUGHES, whose whereabouts Is unknown or who is deceased. NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title on the following property: der over in fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium In the percentage Interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant' to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-657 # 33 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at' 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; If you are hearing im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice Impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60983 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above de- scribed Condominium In the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-318 #40 DATED this 14 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60992 SON, Petitioner, whose address is 6511 CURTIS ST ORLANDO, FL 32807, on or before April 13, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court before service on Petitioner or imme- diately thereafter. If you failed to do so, a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and seal of this court on March 2, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT C By: TYEIA FE CIRCUIT COURT Deputy March 10, 17, 24 and 3 2006 KATHEASA WARD thi tioner, whose address i RONNIE CIRCLE, ORL FL 32811 or before Ap 2006, and file the origin the Clerk of this Court service on Petitioner or diately thereafter. If you do so, a default will be e against you for the rel manded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 1 Florida Family Law Ri Procedure, requires cert tomatic disclosure of doc and information. Failure I ply can result in sanction cluding dismissal or strip pleadings. WITNESS my hand seal of this Court on Fe 23, 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of the Circ County By: JOSE A. VI CIRCUIT COURT Deput IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 06-CC-421 NES OVERSEAS USA, LLC, a Florida corporation Plaintiff, Vs. CHARLES GIBBINS, Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: CHARLES GIBBINS 8408 EAST LINCOLN DRIVE SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85250 and all parties claiming Inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant, CHARLES GIBBINS, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or Interest In the property. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that action for damages has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Michael N. Hutter, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is Post Office Box 112, Orlando, Florida 32802, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-317 # 33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. GOOCH ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK V Jose VIcente Muriel 3063/25 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- getherwith an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE #:DR-06-2818 DIVISION: 42 SHARON WILCOX Petitioner and GORDON WILCOX Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION' WITH CHILDREN NO PROPERTY TO: GORDON WILCOX Last Known Address: UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for Dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on SHARON WILCOX the Peti- UOURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ELTON THE NINTH JUDICIAL T SEAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR y Clerk ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA 1, Case No.: DR06-3269 Division: 60897 TANGELA L. BRAVO, Petitioner e Peti- is 210 and LANDO JAMES L. BRAVO, Aril 06, Respondent nal with al witbeforeh NOTICE OF ACTION FOR mime- DISSOLUTION OF immeto MARRIAGE entered TO: lef de- JAMES L. BRAVO Last Known address 2.285, 202 MASSEY AVENUE, rules of WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 aiments au- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an um corn- action has been filed against you on, in- and that you are required to [king of serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it TANGELA L. BRAVO whose address is 430 andthe W. BAY STREET, WINTER february GARDEN, FLORIDA 34787, on or before April 13 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this IDNER Court at 425 N. ORANGE AVE, uit and ROOM 320, ORLANDO, y Court FLORIDA 32801 before service ELLON on Petitioner or immediately TSEAL thereafter. If you fail to do so, a Ev C(lrk default may be entered against March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN 60815 AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-C-9143 #40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY Lot 9, Block E, PARK CLUB, INC., MANOR ESTATES, SEC- Plaintiff, TION 1, Plat Book X, Page vs. 79, Public Records of Or- PINDER ET AL., ange County, Florida Defendant(s). has been filed against you and NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses to it, if COUNT DEFENDANTS any, on JOHN C. ENGLE- UNIT/WEEK HARDT, P.A., 1524 E. Living- ston Street, Orlando, Florida I Allstalre M. Pinder and 32803, Plaintiff's attorney, no Sharon M. Pinder & more than 30 days from the Anya M. Thompson date of the first publication 5732/34 of this Notice of Action and VI Jacob C. McLean and file the original with the Clerk of MllIIcent B. McLean this Court either before service 3071/49 on Plaintiff's attorney, orimme- V Osvaldo H. Lopez aka diately thereafter, otherwise a Osvaldo Humberto default will be entered against Lopez and Jolll Mary you for the relief demanded in Greco De Lopez the Complaint to Quiet Title. 2612/27 & 28 WITNESS my hand and Note Is herebygiven that on seal of this Court on FEBRU- April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at ARY 23, 2006. the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, LYDIA GARDNER Suite 350 Orlando, Florida CLERK OF THE 32801, the undersigned Clerk CIRCUIT COURT will offer for sale the above de- By: Collenette Hall scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the CIRCUIT COURT SEAL following described real prop- erty: II you are a person with a dis- ability who needs accommoda- Orange Lake Country Club tlion in order to participate in this Villas II, a Condominium, proceeding, you are entitled, at together with an undivided no cost to you, o the provision interest In the common ele- of certain assistance. Please ments appurtenant thereto, contact Court Administration at according to the Declare- 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite lion of Condominium thereof 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, recorded in Official Records telephone (407) 836-2303 within Book 4846, Page 1619, in 2 working days of your receipt the Public Records of Or- of this document. If you are hear- ange County, Florida, and ing or voice impaired call 1-800- all amendments thereto, the 955-8771. plat of which is recorded in March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 Condominium Book 22, bn816 Page 132 until 12:00 noon Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's at, torney or immediately thereaf, ter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- lief demanded in the Complaint; WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Action. If you are hearing impaired, call (TDD) 1- 800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1- 800-955-8770, via Florida Re- lay Service. March 17 and 24, 2006 60995 over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- liqshd in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-317 # 33 DATED this 10 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60973 tioner, whose address is 26 JUNELLEN LANE WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 or before April 6, 2006, and file the origi- nal with the Clerk of this Court before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on February 21, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit and County Court By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 3,10, 17 and 24, 2006 60797 you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead- ings. Dated: February 28, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 60863 on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- listhd n the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-C-9143 #40 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60977 Y uuolu ty uerK 61000 5, -s 1- IT s L rk 17 The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 10B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday. Call 407-886-2777 01. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. Counseling 13. Good Things To Eat 14. Legal Services 15. Lost and Found 16. Notices 17. Personals 18. Vacation Information 19. Wanted 20. Antiques & Collectibles 21. Health & Nutrition 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted 32. Help Wanted 33. Part-Time Help Wanted 40. FINANCIAL 41. Business Opportunities CLASSIFIED INDEX 42. Money To Lend 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS AND .LIVESTOCK 51. Horses 52. Pets 53. Miscellaneous 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. Appliances, Large 62. Appliances, Small 63. Farm Supplies & Equipment 64. Foliage For Sale 65. Furniture 66. Garage Sales 67. Musical Instruments 68. Nursery Supplies 69. Sporting Goods 70. Miscellaneous 71. Jewelry 72. Computers/Electronics 80. TRANSPORTATION 81. Autos For Sale 82. Boats For Sale 83. Motorcycles For Sale 84. Recreational Vehicles for Sale 86. Trucks For Sale 87. Vans For Sale 88. Transportation For Hire 89. Trailers For Sale 90. AUTOMOTIVE 91. Automotive Repair & Parts 92. Auto Accessories 93. Auto Detailing 94. Miscellaneous 110. SERVICES 111. Child Care 112. Home 113. Landscaping 114. Professional 115. Elderly Care 116. Miscellaneous 117. Cemetery Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. 120. SCHOOLS 121. Professional 122. Trade 130. REAL ESTATE 131. Vacant Land 132. Condominiums For Sale 133. Homes For Sale 134. Townhomes/Duplexes For Sale 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 136. Mobile Homes/RVs For Sale 137. Commercial Property For Sale 138. Homes To Share 139. Apartments/Condos For Rent 140. Homes/Duplexes For Rent 141. Mobile Homes or Lots For Rent 141A. Manufactured Homes For Rent 142. Rooms For Rent 143. Offices For Rent 144. Commercial Property for Rent 145. Real Estate Wanted 146. Exchange 147. Nurseries for Sale or Rent 148. Rental Property Wanted SERVICE DIRECTORY Place your ad in the Service Directory for 13 weeks for only $136.50 (prepaid) For this best buy, call 407-886-2777 TODAY! Deadline: Friday for the following week's The Planter & The Apopka Chief. You are reading one of Florida's oldest community newspapers, Mble pop00a Cbief. To Subscribe, call 407-886-2777 or come by our offices at 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka. We accept cash, check and credit cards. **** SERVICE DIRECTORY ****I - Ihoe: 0-42 9 mEayfi I popka Home Inspections, Inc. I (Apopka Bottle & RV Gas Center, Inc., 407-322-7208 (24 hrs.) I BW I storage Sp'aces I The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 9B opopka Cbipf LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 5B 9B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT B FOR ORANGE COUNTY, na FLORIDA 2C PROBATE DIVISION ea G File No. 48-2006-CP- - 000415-0 Division 1 IN THI IN RE: ESTATE OF JEAN J. BOCK Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JEAN J. BOCK, de- ceased, whose date of death CHA was December 24, 2005; File Number 48-2006-CP-000415- 0, is pending in the Circuit Court vs. for Orange County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of SHN which is425 N.Orange Avenue, UIT Orlando, Florida 32801. The TIE names and addresses of the SH personal representative and the JOt personal representative's attor- UN ney are set forth below. POE All creditors of the decedent JEC and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME D r OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION For OFTHIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS Mar AFTER THE DATE OF SER- Ca' VICE OFACOPYOFTHIS NO- of TICE ON THEM. Jud All other creditors of the de- CoL cedent and other persons hav- CH ing claims or demands against is decedent's estate must file their D E claims with this court WITHIN REE 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE UN OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION S- OF THIS NOTICE. JOi ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED KN, WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SE SET FORTH IN SECTION PR 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA will PROBATE CODE WILL BE bidc FOREVER BARRED. 442 NOTWITHSTANDING THE EN TIME PERIOD SET FORTH the ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED in TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- TER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is: March 17,2006. NANCY BRZEZINSKI tSe Personal Representative P. 0. Box 1616 20( Windermere, FL 34786 anc Co MARILYN URCIUOLI Personal Representative 8414 Hobnail Road Manlius, NY 13104 Co: Christopher G. Jones Cit Attorney for Personal 5:0 Representative Florida Bar No. 0119040 Giles & Robinson, P.A. Eai 390 N. Orange Avenue any Suite 2180 Orlando, Florida 32801 Bic Telephone: (407) 425-3591 March 17 and 24, 2006 60994 For IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL Pul CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-000211 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, VSPlaintiff, j CARL B. CATCHER, a single man; GORDON J. BELL a/k/a G. BELL and LISA P. BELL a/k/a LISA BELL, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JAMES BURATI COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaton APRIL 12,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange IN County Courthouse, 425 North FR Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer I for sale the following described real property: Es TU Unit Week 39 in Unit 09303, da an Annual Unit Week, 20 BELLAFLORIDACONDO- Cc MINIUM, together with all FIc appurtenances thereto, ac- ad cording and subject to the #3 Declaration of Condo- en minium of Bella FloridaCon- Th dominlum, as recorded in the Official Records Book 6222, an Page 1987, Public Records tat of Orange County, Florida, be and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if an any ("Declaration"), subject clit to taxes for the current year de and subsequent years, and co all other matters of record, to cla The aforesaid sale will be TI- made pursuant to a Final Judg- AF meant of Foreclosure AS TO FIF JAMES BURATI COUNT III, NC entered in Civil No. 2006-CA- T- 000211 now pending in the Cir- CC cuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial T!- Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. ce Ina DATED this MARCH 13, de 2006. cli Lydia Gardner 3N Clerk of the Circuit Court OF By: Jim Moxley OF CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk W VALERIE N. BROWN SE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 73 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, PF DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, F( PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION TI 215 North Eola Drive Al Post Office Box 2809 T\ Orlando, FL 32802 Al Telephone: (407) 843-4600 DF Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who of needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 At North Orange Avenue, Suite R2 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, /S Telephone (407) 836-2303 Fl within (2) working days of your 3: receipt of this document; if you #l are hearing or voice impaired, M ** call 1-800-955-8771. (4 March 17 and 24, 2006 M 60988 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-4342 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. FAST ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK II Michael J. Hunter and Denise S. Hunter 4248/32 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offerforsalethe above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium ook 7, Page 59 until 12:00 oon on the first Saturday 061, at which date said state shall terminate; TO- CETHER with a remainder THE CIRCUIT COURT OF E 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-9570 DIV 40 ASE HOME FINANCE, LLC, Plaintiff, ERI DENISE JACOBS; EQ- Y RESIDENTIAL PROPER- S; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ERI DENISE JACOBS; HN DOE; JANE DOE AS KNOWN TENANT (S) IN SESSION OF THE SUB- CT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN suant to a Final Judgment of closure dated the 6 day of rch, 2006, and entered in se No. 05-CA-9570 DIV 40, he Circuit Court of the 9TH icial Circuit in and for Orange unty, Florida, wherein ASE HOME FINANCE, LLC the Plaintiff and SHERI NISE JACOBS; EQUITY SIDENTIAL PROPERTIES; KNOWN SPOUSE OF ERI DENISE JACOBS; -IN DOE; JANE DOEAS UN- OWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SSION OF THE SUBJECT OPERTY are defendants. I sell to the highest and best der for cash at ROOM 350, 5 NORTH ORANGE AV- UE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at Orange County Courthouse, ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or In anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, In Civil Action No. 05-CA-4342 #33 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60972 a.m. on the 6 day of APRIL, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Fi- nal Judgment, to wit: LOT 30, BLOCK B, CRYS- TAL LAKE TERRACE, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOKS, PAGE 70, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate In this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 10 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 05-06517 March 17 and 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 482006CA000649XXXXXX JP MORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MLMI SURF TRUST SERIES 2005-BC3, Plaintiff, vs. MONICA CARDONA, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MONICA CARDONA CARLOS DEL VALLE UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 1 and UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2 Last known address 12024 Dunmore Court Orlando, FL 32821 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following described prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: LOT 119, DEER CREEK VILLAGE SECTION 3, WILLIAMSBURG AT OR- ANGEWOOD, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19, PAGES 114 AND 115, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-7955 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. DOLENTE ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK IV Jennie Cintron and Michael D. Evans 86255/29 Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerkwill offerforsalethe above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914. Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2016, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- BID #2006-03 INVITATION TO BID aled proposals will be received by the City of Apopka until 10:00 a.m. E.S.T. on 06, at the Apopka City Hall, City Clerk's Office, 120 E Main Street, Apopka, Florida d will be publicly opened and read aloud on April 5, 2006, at 10:15 a.m., in the Ci uncil Chambers to provide the following: TOWING/WRECKER & STORAGE SERVICES pies of the "Instructions to bidders and specifications" are on file and may be obtained : y Clerk's Office, 120 E. Main Street, Apopka, Florida, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. 00 p.mr., beginning March 22, 2006. ch bid shall be submitted on a form furnished by the City. The City reserves the right to ! and all bids and to waive any informalities in the bids. ds may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after opening. r questions, call the City Clerk at 407-703-1704. CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA Janice G. Goebel, City Clerk blish: March 17, 2006 March 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 48-2006-CP- 000575-0 RE: ESTATE OF DANCES N. TUCKER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the tate of FRANCES N. ICKER, deceased, whose te of death was February 12, 06, is pending in the Circuit curt for Orange County, grida, Probate Division, the dress of which is: Room 40, 425 North Orange Av- ue, Orlando, Florida 32801. e names and addresses of e Personal Representative d the Personal Represen- ive's attorney are set forth low. All creditors of the decedent d other persons having laims or demands against cedent's estate on whom a py of this notice is required be served must file their aims with this court WITHIN IE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE RST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER IE DATE OF SERVICE OF A OPY OF THIS NOTICE ON IEM. All other creditors of the de- dent and other persons hav- g claims or demands against cedent's estate must file their lims with this court WITHIN MONTHS AFTER THE DATE F THE FIRST PUBLICATION F THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS ET FORTH IN SECTION 13.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE ME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED WO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S ATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication this notice is March 17, 2006. /S/CYNTHIA L. TENENBAUM, Personal Representative torney for Personal representative: / G. CHARLES WOHLUST orids Bar #121660 41 North Maitland Avenue, 346 aitland, Florida 32751 07) 644-3206 arch 17 and 24, 2006 61001 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: DR06-3691 Division: 36 JOSE M BUILES, Petitioner and OFELIA ALEJANDRA RAMIREZ BUILES, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: OFELIA ALEJANDRA RAMIREZ BUILES Last Known address UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it on JOSE M BUILES, whose address is 3160 S. Semoran Blvd Apt 904 Or- lando, FL 32822, on or before April 20 2006, and file the origi- nal with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Ste. 320, Orlando, FL 32801 before ser- vice on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demand petition. Copies of all court do in this case, including or available at the Clerk o cult Court's office. You view these documents quest. You must keep the the Circuit Court's office of your current addre may file Notice of Cu dress, Florida Suprem Approved Family Le 12.915.) Future paper lawsuit will be mailed t dress on record at the c fice. WARNING: Rule Florida Family Law Rule cedure, requires certa matic disclosure of dc and information. Failure ply can result in sanction ing dismissal or striking ings. Dated: March 7, 2006. LYDIA G, CLERK CIRCUIT By: VARISA I CIRCUIT COU Dep March 10, 17, 24 and NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585, Mid-Florida Lien And ery, will sell at public sale for cash the following de vehicle(s) located at lienor's place to satisfy a claim of li1R GMC VIN: 1GKDT13W2T2572909. Lien Amt: $650.00. RF T and D Inc Chelsea, MA. L/H: Fleet National Bank Utica, NY. Ariel Auto Service 1915W. Pine St Orlando, FL 407-414-542 Isuzu VIN: JACCH58R9M8907471. Lien Amt:$3446.31. R/O S Barrs Orlando, FL. Lienor/AamcoTransmission 600 Lee lando, FL 407-740-0858. 1983 Ford VIN: 1FTES14F7DHA Lien Amt: $2675.00. R/O: Rama Communication Inc Orlan Lienor/Dickson's Auto 355 Ivey Lane #6 Orlando, FL 407-29; 2001 Ford VIN: 1FMZU77E11UA90996. Lien Amt: $_650.0 Felipe Torres-Santonyo Wesr Palm Bch, FL Lienor/NU Lo Sales 4950 S Orange BIos TrI Orlando, FL 407-468-1014. Sa April 10, 2006, 10:00 AM. At Mid-Florida Lien & Recovel vehicles) may be redeemed by satisfying the lien prior to sa You have the right to a hearing at any time prior to sale filing a demand for hearing in the circuit court. Owner has t to recover possession of vehicle by posting a bond in acco with F.S. 559.917. Any proceeds in excess of the amount of will be deposited with the Clerk of Circuit Court In the count' the vehicle is held. March 24, 2006 PHOTOS are AVAILABLE for viev on our website or at our office: www.theapopkachief.com CHECK IT OUT of your written defenses to it on SMITH, HIATT & P.A., Plaintiff's atto whose address is PC 11438 Fort Lauderda 33339-1438, within 30 from first date of public and file the original w Clerk of this Court either service on Plaintiff's att or immediately thereafti erwise a default will be e against you for the rel minded in the comply petition. DATED on MARC 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: YAHAIRA SAN CIVIL COURT As Deput IF YOU ARE A PERSON A DISABILITY WHO N ACCOMMODATION IN 0 TO PARTICIPATE IN PROCEEDING, YOU Al TITLED AT NO COST T FOR THE PROVISION CERTAIN ASSIST, PLEASE CONTACT C ADMINISTRATION A NORTH ORANGE AV SUITE 2130, ORLi FLORIDA32801. TELEP (407) 836-2303 WIT WORKING DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THIS MENT; IF YOU ARE HE OR VOICE IMPAIRED, 800-955-8771. 6029-29611 March 17 and 24, 2006 der over In fee simple a lute as tenant in com with the other owners the unit weeks in the a described Condominlu the percentage interest tablished in the Declar of Condominium. TOGETHER with all o tenements, hereditam and appurtenances thi belonging or in any appertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to the judgments of foreclosure the above listed ci respectively, In Civil Acti 05-CA-7955 #39 DATED this 13 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: DEBRA S. CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSON WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with ability who needs any a modation in order to part in this proceeding, you i titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assist Please contact Court Ad tration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two working of your receipt of this meant; if you are hearing paired, call (800) 955-8- voice impaired, call (80C 8770. March 17 and 24. 200f IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA April 5' Case No.: 05-CA-9643 32703, Division: 37 ity Hall Judge: Jay Paul Cohen In re: Forfeiture of 2002 YAMAHA MOTOR- CYCLE (BLUE) VIN: JYARJ04E32A021315 in the m. to NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS o reject WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 2002 YAMAHA MOTOR- CYCLE (BLUE) VIN: JYARJ04E32AO21315 NOTICE IS given pursuant to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes (2005), that the Petitioner, Florida Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles, through 60986 its division, the Florida Highway Patrol, seized the above-de- scribed property on or about October 14, 2005, in Orange County, Florida, and is holding the property pending the out- ded in the come of forfeiture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal interest in the subject documents property may request a hearing orders, are concerning the seized property If the Cir- by contacting Robert Dietz, As- may re- sistant Attorney General, Office upon re- of the Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602. A Pe- Clerk of tuition for Forfeiture has been e notified filed in the above-styled Court. ass. (You On December 2, 2005, the trial rrent Ad- court entered an Order Finding me Court Probable Cause. If there is no aw Form response by Claimants, Peti- rs in this tioner will seek a Final Order of o the ad- Forfeiture. clerk's of- March 17 and 24, 2006 61000 12.285, 61 es of Pro- sin auto- I. cuments , e to com- s, includ- Sof plead- ARDNER RHYMES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF RT SEAL THE NINTH JUDICIAL Duty Clerk CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, 31, 2006 STATE OF FLORIDA 60947 -- Case No. 05-CA-8493 Judge: Donald E. Grincewicz In re: Forfeiture of 1997 Nlssan Altlma XE Recov- (Maroon) scribed VIN 1N4BU31D4VC250451 n. 1996 I/O: Big NOTICE OF ACTION Lienor/ 6.Darrl TO: St. Fleur Used Rd Or- Auto Sales ,30298. 5610 Tellpa Drive ndo, FL. Orlando, FL 32839 3-5222. i0. R/O: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that ok Auto le Dalte an action to forfeit your interest ry. Said in the above-described property ale date. in Orange County, Florida has date by been filed, and you are required he right to serve a copy of your written ordance defenses, if any, on Petitioner's where attorney, Gerald D. Siebens, Assistant Attorney General, Of- fice of the Attorney General, 61057 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100, Tampa, Florida 33602, if you wish to contest this forfei- ture action on or before April 26, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this court either be- fore service on Petitioner's at- torney or Immediately thereaf- ter. Otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- ving lief demanded in the petition. Dated: FEBRUARY 28 2006 LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 60868 if any, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN DIAZ, AND FOR ORANGE rneys, COUNTY, FLORIDA ) BOX ale, FL CASE NO. 05-CA-657 # 33 0 days cation, ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY ith the CLUB, INC., before Plaintiff, orneys vs. er; oth- MC GEE ET AL., entered Defendant(s). lef de- aint or NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS 3H 13, UNIT/WEEK VI Eveth Joyce Mc Bean RDNER 86337/08 e Court TIAGO Note is hereby given that on T SEAL April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at y Clerk the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- NWITH enue, Suite 350 Orlando, NEEDS Florida32801 ,theundersigned ORDER Clerkwill offerforsale the above THIS described UNIT/WEEKSof the RE EN- following described real prop- O YOU, erty: )N OF ANCE. Orange Lake Country Club ;OURT Villas III, a Condominium, NT 425 together with an undivided ENUE, interest in the common ele- ANDO, ments appurtenant thereto, PHONE according to the Declarae- HIN 2 tion of Condominium YOUR thereof recorded in Official DOCU- Records Book 5914, Page ARING 1965, In the Public Records CALL 1- of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- 60969 urday 2061, at which date -- said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- sbso- nmon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN of all AND FOR ORANGE bove COUNTY, FLORIDA im in st es- CASE NO. 05-CA-318 #40 action ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., if the Plaintiff, nents vs. ereto MEDINA PUIG ET AL., wise Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: will be 3 final COUNT DEFENDANTS e as to UNIT/WEEK counts, on No. II Norman Myers and Doreen J. Myers 5282/42 day of Note is hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at :DNER the Orange County Court- e Court house, 425 North Orange Av- MILLS enue, Suite 350 Orlando, ISEAL Florida32801, the undersigned SClerk Clerkwillofferfor sale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the )NS following described real prop- ES erty: h a dis- Orange Lake Country Club iccom- Villas I, aCondominium, to- icipate getherwith an undivided in- are en- terest in the common ele- , to the ments appurtenantthereto, stance, according to the Declara- Iminis- tion of Condominium Orange thereof recorded in Official blorida Records Book 3300, Page 7) 836- 2702, in the Public Records g days of Orange County, Florida, docu- and all amendments 6g im- thereto, the plat of which is 771, or recorded in Condominium 0) 955- Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday S 2061, at which date said 60979 estate shall terminate; TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. DR06-3364 DIV.: 42 In re: The Marriage of: DEBORAH HUNTER- JACKSON, Petitioner, and RICHARD JACKSON, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE To: RICHARD JACKSON 1201 CLUB GOLDENROD LN #63 ORLANDO FL 32807 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for dissolu- tion of marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on DEBORAH HUNTER JACK- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE #:DR-06-2964 DIVISION: ASSIGNED DIV. 36 KATHEASA WARD Petitioner and RASHEF.D WARD Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION WITH CHILDREN NO PROPERTY TO: RASHEEDWARD Last Known Address: 1541 S. Atlantic Drive Augusta Ga. 30906 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for Dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 06-CA-871 Div. 37 JOSEPH LUSTMAN and CAROL LUSTMAN, Plaintiffs, vs. DOROTHY F. HUGHES and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST DOROTHY F. HUGHES, whose where- abouts Is unknown or who Is deceased, et al, Defendants. TO: DOROTHY F. HUGHES, 1200 Park Manor Dr., Orlando, FlI 32825 AND ANY PARTIES UN- KNOWN to Plaintiffs, which par- ties may be Interested as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through, under or against DOROTHY F. HUGHES, whose whereabouts is unknown orwho Isdeceased. NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title on the following property: der over in fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage Interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant' to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-657 # 33 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at' 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing Im- paired, call-(800) --55- paired, call (800) 955-8 voice impaired, call (80 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 GETHER with a rema over in fee simple abs as tenant in common the other owners of a unit weeks in the above scribed Condominium percentage interest e listed in the Declarat Condominium. TOGETHER with all tenements, hereditan and appurtenances th belonging or in anywis pertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to th judgments of foreclosure the above listed c respectively, In Civil Act 05-CA-318 #40 DATED this 14 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAF As Clerk of th By: JIM M CIVIL COUR' As Deputy NOTICE TO PERS( WITH DISABILITY If you are a person wit ability who needs any modation in order to par in this proceeding, you titled, at no cost to yoi provision of certain assi Please contact Court A tration at 425 North Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (40 2050, within two workir of your receipt of this doc ifyou are hearing impai (800) 955-8771, or vo paired, call (800) 955-8 March 17 and 24, 200E SON, Petitioner, whose address is 6511 CURTIS ST ORLANDO, FL 32807, on or before April 13, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court before service on Petitioner or imme- diately thereafter. If you failed to do so, a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and seal of this court on March 2, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE By: TYEIA F CIRCUIT COURT Deputy March 10, 17, 24 and 3 2006 KATHEASA WARD thi tioner, whose address RONNIE CIRCLE, ORL FL 32811 or before Ap 2006, and file the origin the Clerk of this Court service on Petitioner or diately thereafter. If you do so, a default will be t against you for the rel mandedlin the Petition. WARNING: Rule 1 Florida Family Law Ri Procedure, requires ceri tomatic disclosure of doc and information. Failure ply can result in sanction cluding dismissal or stri pleadings. WITNESS my hand seal of this Court on Fe 23,2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of the Circ Count By: JOSE A. VI CIRCUIT COURT Deputy IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 06-CC-421 NES OVERSEAS USA, LLC, a Florida corporation Plaintiff, Vs. CHARLES GIBBINS, Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: CHARLES GIBBINS 8408 EAST LINCOLN DRIVE SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85250 and all parties claiming Inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant, CHARLES GIBBINS, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or Interest In the property. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that action for damages has been filed against you; and you are required to serve acopy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Michael N. Hutter, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is Post Office Box 112, Orlando, Florida 32802, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this 771, or IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN 0) 955- AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA 60983 CASE NO. 05-CA-317 # 33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY ainder CLUB, INC., solute Plaintiff, With vs. all the GOOCH ET AL., ve de- Defendant(s). in the estab- NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: tion of COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK of the nents V Jose Vicente Muriel hereto 3063/25 se ap- e Noteis hereby given that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at s will be the Orange County Court- ae final house, 425 North Orange Av- reasto enue, Suite 350 Orlando, counts, Florida 32801, the undersigned tion No. Clerkwillofferforsaletheabove described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- day of arty: Orange Lake Country Club IDNER Villas I, aCondominium, to- is Court getherwith an undivided in- OXLEY terest in the common ele- T-SEAL ments appurtenant thereto, ty Clerk according to the Declara- tion of Condominium ONS thereof recorded in Official ES Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records h a dis- of Orange County, Florida, accom- and all amendments rticipate thereto, the plat of which is are en- recorded in Condominium uI, to the Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 distance. noon on the first Saturday %dminis- 2061, at which date said Orange estate shall terminate; TO- Florida GETHER with a remainder 7) 836- ig days cument; red, call voice im- 1770. 5 60992 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE #:DR-06-2818 DIVISION: 42 SHARON WILCOX Petitioner and GORDON WILCOX Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION WITH CHILDREN NO PROPERTY TO: GORDON WILCOX Last Known Address: UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for Dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on SHARON WILCOX the Peti- COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ELTON THE NINTH JUDICIAL T SEAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR y Clerk ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA 31, Case No.: DR06-3269 Division: 60897 TANGELA L. BRAVO, Petitioner e Peti- is 210 and LANDO JAMES L. BRAVO, april 06, Respondent a wibeforeth NOTICE OF ACTION FOR before DISSOLUTION OF imme-o MARRIAGE entered TO: lef de- JAMES L. BRAVO Last Known address 2 .285 202 MASSEY AVENUE, rules of WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 umnts au- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an to corn- action has been filed against you ona in- and that you are required to ing of serve a copy of your written de- S fenses, if any, to it TANGELA L. BRAVO whose address is 430 and the W. BAY STREET, WINTER nbruary GARDEN, FLORIDA 34787, on or before April 13 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this RDNER Court at 425 N. ORANGE AVE, cut and ROOM 320, ORLANDO, y Court FLORIDA 32801 before service ELLON on Petitioner or immediately T SEAL thereafter. If you fail to so, a t rierk default may be entered against March 3,10, 17 and 24, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN 60815 AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-C-9143 #40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY Lot 9, Block E, PARK CLUB, INC., MANOR ESTATES, SEC- Plaintiff, TION 1, Plat Book X, Page vs. 79, Public Records of Or- PINDER ET AL., ange County, Florida Defendant(s). has been filed against you and NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses to it, if COUNT DEFENDANTS any, on JOHN C. ENGLE- UNIT/WEEK HARDT, P.A., 1524 E. Living- ston Street, Orlando, Florida I Allstaire M. Pinder and 32803, Plaintiff's attorney, no Sharon M. Pinder & more than 30 days from the Anya M. Thompson date of the first publication 5732/34 of this Notice of Action and VI Jacob C. McLean and file the original with the Clerk of Millicent B. McLean this Court either before service 3071/49 on Plaintiff's attorney, or imme- V Osvaldo H. Lopez aka diately thereafter, otherwise a Osvaldo Humberto default will be entered against Lopez and Jolll Mary you for the relief demanded in Greco De Lopez the Complaint to Quiet Title. 2612/27 & 28 WITNESS my hand and Note is hereby given thaton seal of this Court on FEBRU- April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at ARY 23, 2006. the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, LYDIA GARDNER Suite 350 Orlando, Florida CLERK OF THE 32801, the undersigned Clerk CIRCUIT COURT will offer for sale the above de- By: Collenette Hall scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the CIRCUIT COURT SEAL following described real prop- erty: If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs accommoda- Orange Lake Country Club tion In order to participate In this Villas II, a Condominium, proceeding, you are entitled, atl together with an undivided no cost to you, to the provision Interest in the common ele- of certain assistance. Please ments appurtenant thereto, contact Court Administration at according to the Declara- 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite lion of Condominium thereof 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, recorded in Official Records telephone (407) 836-2303 within Book 4846, Page 1619, in 2 working days of your receipt the Public Records of Or- of this document. If you are hear- ange County, Florida, and ing or voice impaired call 1-800- all amendments thereto, the 955-8771. plat of which is recorded in March 3,10,P17 and 24, 2006 Condominium Book 22, n60816 Page 132 until 12:00 noon Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's at, torney or immediately thereaf, ter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- Ilef demanded In the Complaint: WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate In this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Action. If you are hearing Impaired, call (TDD) 1- 800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1- 800-955-8770, via Florida Re- lay Service. March 17 and 24, 2006 60995 over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished In the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging 'ifrranywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-317 # 33 DATED this 10 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receiptof this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60973 tioner, whose address is 26 JUNELLEN LANE WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 or before April 6, 2006, and file the origi- nal with the Clerk of this Court before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on February 21, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit and County Court By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 3, 10,17 and 24, 2006 60797 you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead- ings. Dated: February 28, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 3,10,17 and 24,2006 60863 on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-C-9143 #40 DATED this 13 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 17 and 24, 2006 60977 L~it Ntm an a emainer I y ...... The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 10B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday. Call 407-886-2777 01. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. Counseling 13. Good Things To Eat 14. Legal Services 15. Lost and Found 16. Notices 17. Personals 18. Vacation Information 19. Wanted 20. Antiques & Collectibles 21. Health & Nutrition 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted 32. Help Wanted 33. Part-Time Help Wanted 40. FINANCIAL 41. Business Opportunities / CLASSIFIED INDEX 42. Money To Lend 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS AND .LIVESTOCK 51". Horses 52. Pets 53. Miscellaneous 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. Appliances, Large 62. Appliances, Small 63. Farm Supplies & Equipment 64. Foliage For Sale 65. Furniture 66. Garage Sales 67. Musical Instruments 68. Nursery Supplies 69. Sporting Goods 70. Miscellaneous 71. Jewelry 72. Computers/Electronics 80. TRANSPORTATION 81. Autos For Sale 82. Boats For Sale 83. Motorcycles For Sale 84. Recreational Vehicles for Sale 86. Trucks For Sale 87. Vans For Sale 88. Transportation For Hire 89. Trailers For Sale 90. AUTOMOTIVE 91. Automotive Repair & Parts 92. Auto Accessories 93. Auto Detailing 94. Miscellaneous 110. SERVICES 111. Child Care 112. Home 113. Landscaping 114. Professional 115. Elderly Care 116. Miscellaneous 117. Cemetery Y [*-i (o-pa-H ?e **** SERVICE DIRECTORY **** Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. 120. SCHOOLS 121. Professional 122. Trade 130. REAL ESTATE 131. Vacant Land 132. Condominiums For Sale 133. Homes For Sale 134. Townhomes/Duplexes For Sale 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 136. Mobile Homes/RVs For Sale 137. Commercial Property For Sale 138. Homes To Share 139. Apartments/Condos For Rent 140. Homes/Duplexes For Rent 141. Mobile Homes or Lots For Rent 141A. Manufactured Homes For Rent 142. Rooms For Rent 143. Offices For Rent 144. Commercial Property for Rent 145. Real Estate Wanted 146. Exchange 147. Nurseries for Sale or Rent 148. Rental Property Wanted SERVICE DIRECTORY Place your ad in the Service Directory for 13 weeks for only $136.50 (prepaid) For this best buy, call 407-886-2777 TODAY! Deadline: Friday for the following week's The Planter & The Apopka Chief. You are reading one of Florida's oldest community newspapers, Te fptopba To Subscribe, call 407-886-2777 or come by our offices at 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka. We accept cash, check and credit cards. oil - ( Apopka Bottjle & RV Gas Center, Inc., pm,- --- ---- t!f f M479 407-322-7208 (24 hrs.) E I BW storage Sp'aces The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 11B 5- __________ _______________ __ ^ _ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CLASSIFIED Call 407-888-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday Wake Up With Us! Start your day b' shopping for bargains in the Classified Section of 0Tle Opopka Cljief and The Planter, or Sell Your Car! Sell Your House! Advertise Your : Yard Sale. We do it all! 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W0217-0505 GOD 18 19. Wanted 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted CAREGIVER HOURLY or live-in. Florida certified. Reasonable rates. Excel- lent references. Call 321 - 228-4268. CC0324-0414 DAV 31 SEEKING CLEANING position. Reliable refer- ences & reasonable. 407- 928-9010. C0324 MCC 31 PERSONAL assistant. Will do all cleaning, er- rands. Will run your household. Reliable. Ex- cellent references. 407- 814-7787. CC0324-0414 BEL 31 32. Help Wanted WELDERS, LAYOUTS & Fitters. Overtime, excel- lent benefits. Call 407- 293-0120 or come by Foote Steele Corp., 6635 Edgewater Drive, Or- lando. E.O.E. A0317-0407 TFN FoO 32 CONCRETE CURB la- borer needed. Experience helpful. Transportation a must. Willing to work and learn. Call 407-886-3394. Leave message. 80310-0331 TFN RIG 32 EXPERIENCED AUTO mechanic wanted. Must have diagnostic ability, top notch skills and be ableto work with the latest equip- ment. We offer great pay & benefits to the right per- son. 5 day work week. Call 407-880-3530. E A0324-0331 J&K 32 EARN EXTRA MONEY Do product taste tests and product evaluations. 436 & Hunt Club. Consumer Connections. 407-862- 1174. CCO310-0331 TFN CON 32 Cell Phones PAINTER & SUB con- Want ed tractors wanted. Experi- enced only. Call Jim 407- Will buy used 832-9812. cell phones W0805-0728/06 STO 32 407-889-5554 DRIVERS NEEDED - 407-889-5554 Class A or B. 407-947- 20. Antiques- &9198.A030-0331 TFN MCG 32 20. Antiques & Collectibles HELP NEEDED NO ex- perience necessary. 21. Health & Nutrition McGee Tire Shop, 130 E. __________ ~7th Street. 407-889-9250. PET CARE Pet Care A0310-0331 TFN MCG 32 Center of Apopka. Rock EXPERIENCED AUTO Springs Road & Ponkan. mechanic wanted. Good Full service. Bloodwork, pay. Call 407-461-8306. x-rays. Always caring for E N0324-0331 TFN MAS 32 your family pet. 407-884- LANDSCAPE foreman,5 8924. LANDSCAPEforeman, J N0317-0324 TFN PET 21 yrs. exp. Layout, reprints, comm/res. Class B Li- 407-654-2371 525 N. Lakewood Ave., Ocoee Nights* Weekends Walk-ins Visas Work Permits Citizenships Residence Cards Family Petitions Visiting Visas Quit Claim Deeds Fiance Visas Translations Without children, property or debt $160 with children, property or debt FREE Consultation Se habla Espaiiol Non-Lawyer cense. 407-884-0303, 407-467-7282. C0210-0331 MJM 32 RECEPTIONIST AND veterinarian and kennel technician for local ani- mal hospital. Experienced preferred, but will train. Enthusiasm and good work ethic valued above all. 407-774-1515. Fax 407-774-0388. C0310-0331 RIV 32 PLUMBERS & helpers needed immediately. Great pay. 407-388-0000. CC0310-0428 JEF 32 The Law Office of Linda Drew Kingston 36 North Park Avenue /\ /\ Apopka, Florida 32703 linda@lia@lindakingstonlaw.com Office phone: 407-889-3933 geneat, kactice iudincin: Real Estate Divorce/Custody Wills & Trusts Probate/Guardianship Bankruptcy Adoption and Corporate Se Habla Espa'nol The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written information about my qualifications and experience. Yes, We Deliver! Subscribe to TlO 21popka Chief 32. Help Wanted 2. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 82. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted BEAUTIFUL & BEYOND Lead stylist looking to build a team of self-moti- vated artistic hairstylist, nail tech and massage therapists with a follow- ing. Rental or commis- sion. Call Narciso. 407- 880-1300. E N0324-0331 BEA 32 EXPERIENCED kitchen prep. 407-886-2360. B0310-0331 TFN ROM 32 CDL"A" DRIVERSIApo- pka-based LTLcarrier hir- Ing OTR 2, 3 & 4 week runs. Also FL-GA drivers. Home weekends. 2 years experience required. No HAZMAT. Great equip- ment & benefits including direct deposit, 401 (k), medical/dental/vision, bo- nus & ride programs Call John. 888-966-2953 or apply online @ honey- bestway.com. B0310-0331 HON 32 CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring CDL class A/light mechanic. Full time. Ben- efits. Affirmative Action EOE/Drug Free M/F/D/V. W1216-0630 CAS 32 EXPERIENCED TREE man. Driver's license a plus. 407-832-5458 or 407-886-7920. CC0310-0331 WIN 32 METAL FRAMERS - Residential, laborers & apprentices. No experi- ence necessary. Serious inquires only. 407-886- 6893. B0310-0331 MET 32 INTERESTING FULL or parttime phone work. Call businesses all over the country. No experience necessary. 407-774- 5335. A0310-0331 TFN PUB 32 CONCRETE finishers & helpers. Pool deck expe- rience preferred. 321-229- 1012 or 321-229-9683. CC0317-0407 HOL 32 PRODUCTION WORK Need immediately. Stak- ing of orchids, weeding, potting, lifting & moving trays of plants up to 10 Ibs. Monday-Friday. Some Saturdays. Excel- lent starting pay. 352-735- 1989. Apply in person. 4055 Britt Road, Mt. Dora. B0303-0324 DEL 32 ENGINEERING, me- chanical designer, mate- rial handling experience & mach. Drafting skills re- quired. Fax resume to 407-299-1489. CC0303-0324 AGR 32 VETERINARY techni- cian/reception. Experi- ence preferred. Rock Springs Animal Hospital. Fax resume 407-814- 1076. W0317-0407 MOS 32 NEED DRIVER for local hauling. Lowboy & stretch trailer experience. Full time. 407-880-7050. B0317-0407 TFN BAS 32 IMMEDIATE COUNTER help needed. Small res- taurant in Zellwood. Vari- ous hours Monday-Satur- day. Call 407-814-1828 or 407-579-8239. B0317-0407 PET 32 PREFAB METAL build- ing foreman & laborers needed. Experienced only need apply. Excellent pay. F/T. Call 352-516-8857 (cell) or352-383-8647 and leave message. CC0317-0407 CER 32 LANDSCAPE mainte- nance. Great pay. Great benefits. Good license. 407-925-7518 or 407- 297-6207. CC0317-0407 GRE 32 DRIVER/LABORER - Must have good driving record. Must be abletolift up to 100 Ibs. 321-436- 4178. CC0317-0407 STA 32 DRIVER/APOPKA Lo- cal foliage company. 407- 889-7117. J B0324-0331 TFN BLO 32 CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring light mechanic/CDL class A. Full time. Ben- efits. Affirmative Action EOE/Drug Free M/F/D/V. W1216-0630 CAS 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE helper needed for local company. No experience necessary. Will train. Driver's license. Start ASAP. 407-466-2101. CC0324-0414 FLO 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE help wanted. Depend- able. Top pay. 407-880- 8048. W0303-0324 TAY 32 WOOD FRAMERS - deckers & experienced helpers. Established cus- tom home framing com- pany hiring for steady work. Ask about our sigh- on bonus. Paul 407-702- 4885. B0303-0324 THO 32 ELECTRICAL: Experi- enced electrician needed for the Apopka area. Sign- on bonus. Full benefits. Highest piece rate pay in Florida. Premier Electric, the residential wiring spe- cialist. EOE/DFWP. 407- 420-1990. B0303-0324 PRE 32 WANTED: ICE CREAM drivers. Must have driver's license. Can make great pay. Ice cream trucks for rent. Call 321-279-9595 or 407-814-7046. C0303-0324 BET 32 POOL SERVICE route. No experience neces- sary. Willtrain. Many great benefits. Must be 21 & have good driving record. 407-294-9921.8-4, Mon- day-Friday. After hours, leave message. B0317-0324 POO 32 WEEKEND receptionist. Part time. Saturday & Sunday. Answering phones & general office work. Please fax resume. 407-869-4452. CC0303-0324 ERA 32 MAKE UP TO $3,500 dollars weekly. Easy work from home. Many com- panies need you. For free information, call 1-866- 405-3992. CC0303-0324 WAI 32 TILE SETTER Must have own tools & experi- ence. 407-872-7755. CC0303-0324 PAR 32 REPAIR PLUMBER with 5 years experience. Must have own tools. Good pay. 407-872-7755. CC0303-0324 PAR 32 MULTI-CULTURAL licensed' barbers. Salary commission or booth rental in busy Pinehills shop. Call Chris407-222- 5099. C0303-0324 CHI 32 BARN HELP- Part time & full time available. Pre- vious horse experience required. Must speak En- glish. 407-886-1955. B0310-0331 ERR 32 MAINTENANCE/ grounds. Apopka mobile home park. Call 407-886- 6511. CC0310-0331 ROC 32 GREENHOUSE HELP needed. Work while your children are in school. Pull orders, fill pots, staple to- tems, etc. Great pay, great hours. 407-886-7880. B0310-0331 CR0O32 NEED MEDICAL secre- tary. Experienced pre- ferred. Non-smoker. Maximum 4 day work week. Fax resumeto 407- 886-9806. A0310-0331 MOR 32 A popka Foliage Co. seeks Cutter & sticker Exp. only reply 321-231-4240 BOOKKEEPER NEEDED Light AP/AR $12.50/hr. Quick Books Exp. A M4usf. Fax Resume to 407-884-2904 or call 407-884-2900 Ask For Tom Established Zellwood nursery looking for Manager. Ability to work ina fast paced customer service environment is required. Excellent pay and benefits available to motivated candidate with great attitude There's a beautiful career on your horizon. Join the team whose compassionate competence has earned us recognition byJ.D. Power and Associates as one ofAmerica's most Distinguished HospitaJs. We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the following: * Floor Finishers (FT Nights, ll:30pm-8am & 7pm-3:30am) Housekeeping (FT Days, Evenings & Nights) Environmental Services Supervisor (FT Evenings) Environmental Services Team Leader (FT Nights) Dietitian (FT) *Food Ilostess (FT) Cafeteria (PT) Cafe Cook (FT) Stockroom (FT) Dishwasher (P'T) All positions are provided with paid & laundered uniforms & generous henefirs package that includes on- site child care. For more information or for immediate consideration, apply online ar: www.flwat.org 1-orward your resume to: Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way, Hwy. North 441, Tavares, 1FL 32778, or contract Sue Krug at (352) 253-3930, or toll- free: 877-298-7329. Fax: (352) 253-3454. Email: susan. krug(gi;ahss.org. EOE. Drug-free, Smoke-free Workplace. www.fhwat.org e fr4 FLOOR maintenance. FT. Experienced. 5 year minimum. $9/hourto start. Apply by phone 9 a.m.-11 a.m. 407-814-0509. CC0310-0331 TOP 32 AUTO REPAIR techni- cian. Experienced. Mon- day-Friday. Must have diag. skills. Good pay. 407-448-9989. 80310-0331 CEN 32, DRIVERS CLASS "A" CDL. Deliver nursery products. Call Tom 800- 953-0300. CC0310-0331 AME32 WELDERS MIG, TIG, print experience. Good pay, benefits. Full time days. Shopwork. 407- 299-1592. CC0310-0331 AGR 32 BODY TECH 10 years experience. Must have tools. High volume shop. Benefits. 407-292-5579. W0310-0331 RRC 32 PINCH-A-PENNY is cur- rently hiring store clerk for 20 to 30 hours per week. Weekends a must. Must be 18 and able to lift 50 lbs. Apply 1685 N. Rock Springs Road, Apo- pka. B0310-0331 PIN 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE personnel. Good pay & incentives. Apopka area. Contact Bill. 321-624- 9442. CC0310-0331 AME 32 MACHINERYPAINTING with conventional spray equipment. Some expe- rience required. Shop maintenance. Full time. Good pay/benefits. DFWP. 407-299-1592. CC0310-0331 AGR 32 Now Hiring" Drivers $12- $14/hr. Call 407-880-6100 (883 Semoran Blvd., \, Apopka) J Experienced Auto Mechanic needed.5-day work week. Excellent pay & benefits to qualified person. (Apopka) 407-880-8221 ReceptionistI Light Bookkeeping Busy Real Estate Office Quickbooks A Must. Fax resume to 407-880-1012 7-3 & 3-11 Shift Please Contact Janet Thompson at LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 352-357-3565 DFWP/EOE Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators 'Train in Florida National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement Assistance 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com . DOOR & HARDWARE Commercial installers only. 407-880-2080. W0317-0407 COM 32 POTTING SOIL manu- facturer needs lab tech- nician. Must have com- puter experience with MS xcel and MS Word. Lo- cated in Plymouth. Fafard, Inc. 407-886- 4150. C0317-0407 FAF 32 RECEPTIONIST Full time. Must have experi- ence in Excel. Call Win- ter Garden Grassing. 407-877-0709. B0317-0324 WIN 32 CLERICAL, APOPKA area. Office manager. Experienced only need apply. Monday-Friday, daytime hours. Call 407- 464-2169. B0317-0324 PRO 32 Medical Assistant and In House Medical Transcriptionist Experienced for busy pediatric office. Fax resume to 407-786-4695 Evergreen is currently interviewing for Lawn Care & Pest Control Specialist. We offer a great work environment, top compensation (32-35 K/Yr), and great benefits. Fax resume to 407-880-3777 or call 407-880-6655 today. You'll be glad you did! HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR HOUSE CLEANERS wanted for new construc- tion & residential. Must' have car & be reliable. Call 407-421-3360, 321- 231-3205 or applyThurs- day, between 9-1 p.m. 1649 Rock Springs Road, H & R Block. C0317-0324 C&C 32 UNDER NEW ownership. Need kitchen help, cooks, servers, banquet servers, bartender, dishwasher. Apply within. 2728 Cay- man Circle, Zellwood or call 407-889-5131. B0317-0407 ZEL 32 Class A CDL driver needed. Part-time or full-time. 407-299-5410 Jonathan , SATELLITE IilSTLRUTIOR0 TECHnICIlfns $33,000- $36,000 Digital Reception Services, is a growing Regional Service Provider for DISHNetwork the industry leader in satellite TV. Due to our EXPLOD- ING GROWTH, we have openings at our APOPKA, location. Electrical, cabling, phone and alarm experience-preferred but NOT REQUIRED. WE OFFER PAID ' TRAINING! ** WE OFFER A FAST PATH FOR ADVANCE-. MENT AND CAREER GROWTH!** All of our field manage- ment staff were promoted from field technidcians. Most promotions occur after 6 continuous months with the company. DRS Satellite Installation Techs are provided with paid training, a company truck, tools, exceptional pay and an outstanding benefits package. For more detailed information, please visit www.hrmcacclaim.com/ apply/drscareers or call: 1-877-351-4473. DRS is a drug/smoke free eoe. Upscale, fast-growing Manufactured Home Retailer The ideal candidate should: Possess superior customer service skills Be energetic, a self-starter and results-oriented Be willing to work on Tuesday Sunday Be conscientious, detail-oriented, neat, clean and drug-free Able to speak, write and translate Spanish a plus Possess own transportation Be knowledgeable of the manufactured housing industry, its practices and the products Compensation based on experience and results Want to be part of an exciting team? Contact Ms. Rende Stroud for an interview at 407-884-4786 or fax resume to 407-886-4629 between the hours of 9AM and 5PM "Follow the Sun" Sun Ovation Homes is an Equal Opportunity Employer Sun Ovation Homes is a member of the Central Florida Better Business Bureau 'LAUNDRY AIDE needed to work a flexible schedule 7-3 & 3-11. Must be a dependable and reliable person. Benefits available. Please Contact Martha McIntosh LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 352-357-3565 DFWP/EOE f DRIVERS " Class A and B, All Local Driving, No Loading/Unloading. Our drivers average $44,000 to $55,000/year. Health insurance, life insurance, uniform, etc. Up to $200/month safety bonus. Drug Free Work Place. 441 and Silver Star Rd. area Container Rental Company, Inc. 407-298-8555 00* For Complete News Coverage Subscribe Online at www.TheApopkaChief.com Send Emails To: ads@ApopkaChief.fdn.com *- -- --- -- -- -- --- "I ! C t O p0pAa p iaipf Home Delivery for Only $18 a Year! I New or Renewal(Orange County) $23 Out of County SName I Address I I City State Zip_____ I IPhone No. I ,Amt. Enclosed $ M _____ Clip This Coupon and Mail To: The Apopka Chief S439 W. Orange Blossom Trail* P.O. Box 880 Apopka, FL 32704-0880 I I 407-886-2777 Fax 407-889-4121 I L ... -.... .. Jl 32. Help Wanted IMMEDIATE OPENINGS CLEANING HOMES $9,50- $11.50/hour M-F. No Weekend or nights. EACH person must have an insured vehicle. English required. Weekly pay. Call CottageCare after 9 a.m. 407-877-7738 ALLIED HEALTH Join the team whose compassionate competence has earned us reciiiton by J.D. Power and Associates as one of America'most Distinguished Hospitals. We arc currently seeking qualified applicants for the following ALLIED HEALTH positions: * Physical Therapists (FT & Flex Pool) * Physical Therapy Assistants (Flex Pool) * Respiratory Therapists (FT Nights) * Radiation Therapists (FT Days) * Mammography Tech (FT Days) * Rad Tech (Emphasis on Specials) (FT Days) * Echo Tech (FT Weekend Baylor Days) * Med Tech Weekend Supervisor (FT Weekend Baylor Days) * Medical Lab Technologist (Flex Pool) * Lab Tech Assistant (Phlebotomist) (FT Nights & PT 5am-9am) * Clinical Dietitian (FT Days) MOST POSITIONS ELIGIBLE FOR COMMITMENT BONUS! For immediate consideration, apply online at www.fhwat.org or apply in person at Florida Hospital Waterman 1000 Waterman Way, Hwy. North 441, Tavares, FL 32778 or contact Sue Krug at (352) 253-3930, or toll-free 877-298-7329. Fax (352) 253-3454. Email: susan.krug@ahss.org EOE DF/SF/WP The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 12B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 82. Help Wanted 82. Help Wanted SECURITY OFFICERS NOW HIRING -FULL & www.myoosps.co. 252-6805 needed. ll shifts avail. needed to work nights at able. Security "D" license awtek In fronf Supe Zeliwood Station & Sawtek In Apopka. No Country Club. experience required. 47-891-0411 Will-Mart, ApopkaApply C00317-0407 ZEL 32 tr252-6805n. Must have S NOW HIRING Experi- test & background check. encedlawnmaintenance 7 p.m. 7 a.m. 12 hour help. Health benefits & shifts, Fulltime3-4dawya Joe at 407-832-9764. day at 407-599-5102. CC0317-0407 MEI 32 80317-0324 COR 32 MAINTENANCE E ASSISTANT Full Time Maintenance Assistant neededghts at Paint and drywall experience preferred. Will Salary commensurate with experience. 7 a.m. 12 hour Please Contact Wiallam Nolan f LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 411 W. WOODLAND AVE., EUSTIS, FL 352-357-3565 \ DFWP/EOE / ALWAYS TOWING Rapid Business Expansion; immediate openings for *Heavy wrecker operators *Medium duty operators *Wheel lift operators -Flat bed operators *Office help (dispatcher & accounts receivable clerk) All driver positions have base salary plus commission, heavy driver position sign-on bonus after 90 days. 407-767-0155 / 321-363-6255 NURSE MARKETING LIAISON LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER has a position open for an energetic nurse with excellent marketing skills. If you have a strong sense of urgency and enjoy meeting new people, we'd love to hear from you. Please Contact Cindy Bloxson at 800-881-9905 EXT. 3741 for and appointment to discuss this exciting opportunity. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Must have a strong mechanical ability and welding, fabrication, & electrical experience. Excellent wages commensu- rate with ability. Excellent benefits after 90 days including 401 (k). Apply in person 9am 12pm INDUSTRIAL CONTAINER SERVICE 6191 Jones Ave., Zellwood EOE/DFW Announcements Is Stress Ruining Your Relationships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. Auctions ABSOLUTE AUCTION. 96 Acres mountain property within Cherokee National Forest Proclamation Boundary. Saturday, April I, 10:30 a.m. Call 1-800-4FURROW or visit www.furrow.com. TN Lic. #62. Estate Auction. 104+/- acres divided. Excellent homesites. Saturday, April 1, 10 a.m. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323- 8388 www.rowellauctions.com 10% buyer's premium GAL AU-C002594. Building Materials METAL ROOFING SAVE SSS Buy Direct From Manufac- turer 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. Business Opportunities #1 Corporate/Sports Apparel Franchise Full Training and Support. No Exp. Needed. Financing avail. Call (800)727- 6720. wwwEmbroidMe.com, ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 BO02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! ACCT REP/LOCAL REP Earn Executive Level Income, P/T or F/T $13,000 investment includes 30 Accounts, Inventory, Territory, Training, Proven Product, 16 Year Old Co (888)456- 0261. Financial WE BUY MORTGAGES. Are you collecting payments on a mortgage9 Why wait years for payments? Call (800)282-1251 Help Wanted ' Drivers CDL A. True Lease to own program. Low payments/ short term lease. Avg. $1.1 I/mile plus fuel surcharge. No hazmat. No forced dispatch FFE Transportation (888)864-0012. "NOW HIRING 2006" AVERAGE POSTAL EMPLOYEE EARNS $57,000/YR Minimum Starting Pay $18,00/hr. Ben- efits/Paid Training and Vacations No Experience Needed (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901. Driver- NOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions, Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equip- ment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A. Special Orientation Pay for Experienced 'Drivers! Home Weekends! Great Pay & Benefits! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc www cvoresstruck com (888)808-5846. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADEMY Start your driving ca- reer! Offering courses in CDL A & B One tuition fee! Many payment options! No registration feel (888)808-5947 nfo@americasdrvingacademy.com. Hunting 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted WAREHOUSE worker wanted for AAA Imports, Apopka. Pull orders, ship- ping & receiving. Non- smoking environment. Driver's license required. Ask for Melvin at 407- 884-0078. CC0317-0407 AAA 32 WAREHOUSE worker. All shifts. Good starting wages. Medical benefits including eye & dental, 401 (k) retirement. Call for interview appointment. 407-889-2800, ext. 0. C0317-0407 STE 32 Monterey Mushrooms, Inc., located in Zellwood, has the following positions available: Truck Driver (CDL) and Equipment Operators. Company benefits include Vacation, Holidays, and Medical Insurance. Apply in person at 5949 Sadler Road, Zellwood, FL Tel: 407-905-4000 'LOCAL DRIVERS for large wholesale nursery. Class A & B Great Rates per mile, drop fees, benefits. Clean driving record required. Baucom's of Florida 3050 Britt Rd., Mt. Dora Call 352-383-4300 or 1-800-533-6403 MOUY MAID A Better Way 7T live. Join the Molly Maid family today! Good pay No weekends, evenings or holidays Company car Medical & dental benefits available Paid holidays & vacation time No experience required Positive Atmosphere Call today to learn more about becoming a Molly Maid Home Service Professional. 407-774-6243 321-303-0816 Legal Services ARRESTED? All Criminal Defense Felonies.Misdemeanors, State or Federal Charges, Parole..,Probation, DUI...Traffic Tick- ets, Bond Reduction. PRIVATE ATTORNEYS STATEWIDE 24 HOURS A-A-A ATTORNEY REFERRAL SERVICE (800)733-5342. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees Call weekdays (800)462- 2000, ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. Miscellaneous EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job Placement. Com- puter provided. Financial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onlinetidewatertech.com. WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAYI (800)842-1305 www.nn.etstan.com. Real Estate North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20%/o pre-devel- opment discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. Lakefront and Lakeview Properties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake. Call Lakeside Realty at (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealtv-tn.com. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C, 28906. www.realtvofmurhvy.com. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUN- TAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealtv.com Call for Free Brochure (800)841-5868. WE BUY HOUSES! Sell yours quick and easy. Fast Cash, Fast Closing, Any Situation OK. www.buvmvmansion.com. (877)239-9761.. WATERFRONT BARGAINS! Lake Access from $202/ monthly* Direct Lakefront starting at $99,9001 ONE DAY ONLY LAND SALINA SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 2006 Just 20 minutes from Augusta, GA Excellent financing available Call today for an early appointment! (888)LAKE-SALE x 1030 *Based on purchase price of $39,900 w/ I u% down, fixed rate of 6.75% for 5 yrs, 15-year term w/balloon payment due at the end of 5 yrs. Terms and rates subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT RE- ALTY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROPERTIES www exitmurhvy.com Motivated Investor wants to Liquidate 2 Units in Jade Beach, Sunny Isle, FL. 38th Floor Unit "E" and 28th Floor Unit "C" email. RMW@ROCKLANDFINANCIAL COM or Call Rob- ert (818)224-4555 Real Estate Auction. Thursday, 3/30 2 Gulf Access Lots Cape Coral. FL. Friday. 3/31 4 New Builder Houses Gateway Devel- opment, Ft Myers, FL. See website www scottauctions coin (888)283-7058 Bruce Scott NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAIN/LAKE LOTS. Deep water dockable lots from $134,900 New Properties Now Avail- ablet NClakefront coin Realty (800)659-6017 or (828)228-6199 www nclakefront coin (Week of March 20, 2006) 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted CLERICAL -General of- GET RESULTS! Adver- TEXER SALESD faste &s h-e al fice duties for property CAREERopportunity, PT/ tise your notice in this TELEPHONE SALES washer & PT/FT break- managment office. Must FT. Flexible hours, train- space next week. Call Full or part time, daytime 407-886-3344. Ask for knowWord, Excel & Ac- ing provided. Financial 407-886-2777. hours, salary plus bonus. Ken or apply in person. cess. Non-smoker, FT. services. State license- Start immediately. Prefer 657 w, OBT, Apopka. Start $i10/hour+ benefits, fees paid. Call 407-884- experience. Must be ex- B0324-0414 KEN 32 Hunt Club/Apopka. Fax 8188. TEACHERS NEEDED tremely dependable. Ask- 67WCB resume 407-862-1819. cco317-0407 SPI 32 Summer positions. Flex-- for Jim. 407-884-4472. RESIDENT CARE direc- wo317-0407 MAR 32 ible hours, training pro- B0324 CFI 32tor needed to oversee voided. Educate adults Fi- tor needed to oversee vided.Educateaduets 07.8Fi- nursing department at an nancial services. 407-884- ALF in Casselberry. Fax Rapid Business Expansion; immediate openings for 8188. STE LIGHTING CENTER ALi u e40e6 6 -Heavy wrecker operators -Medium duty operators CC0317-0407 SPI 32 is looking for someone callresume 407-699-5004826 or *Wheel lift operators *Flat bqd operators DRIVER/COURIER who is reliable & hard B0324-0414 EAS 32 *Office help (dispatcher & accounts receivable clerk) wanted. A clean D/L a Parttingepostion doclerfc t PRODUCTION machine All driver positions have base salary plus commission, must Monday-Friday. F/ for person with schoolage operator. Full time posi- heavy driver position sign-on bonus after 90 days. T and P/T, (afternoons) children. 407-884-7387. tion. Experience pre- 407-767-0155 / 321-363-6255 positions. Good salary 80324-0414 STE 32 ferred. $7/hour. 407-886- 407-767-0155 / 321-3636255 with perks. 407-464-0603. CC0317-0407ONT32 LABORERS TILE & 3663. B0324-0414 PAL 32 wood. Must be reliable.2----- / A\ EXPERIENCED market- Driver's license. Refer- LAWN&SCRUBSPRAY C O O KS & A ID S ingsalesperson.Fulltime ences.3to5daysaweek. tech. Experience pre- with benefits. $9-$10/ 407-761-8105. ferred. Will train right per- POSITIONS AVAILABLE hour. Zellwood. Fax re- C0324-0414 CLA 32 son. Good driving record. sume to 407-889-5200. 352-223-6789. Health, Dental, Vision Benefits Available C00317.04070RA 32 SAW OPERATOR -Apo- 0-324-0414 PES 32 Paid Holiday & Vacation ACCOUNTING: ARAP/ yard laborer9/ No fee. Call DRIVE $12-$15 an Culinary School Reimbursement payroll with computer -407-774-4884 or apply hour. Class D/Class B li- skills. FT with benefits. online at www.proimage cense. Moving experi- Contact Dave Larkin or Frankie Uva Zellwood/Apopka. Please solutions.com324 PRO 32 ence. Team movers. 407- fax resume 407-889- B0324PRO32 880-4515. LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 5200. CC0317-0407GRA32 SIGN PRODUCTION B0324-0414ADV32 411 W. WOODLAND AVE., EUSTIS, FL BOOKKEEPER, FT/PT Apopka area. $8-$10/ EXPERIENCED LAWN 352-357-3565 Monday-Friday. Experi- hour. Hand work making care worker. Validdriver's 352-357-3565 MondPayFriacay. Experi- signs. No fee. Call 407- license.Goodrecord.407- EOE/Drug Free Employer enc inPeachtree help 774-4884 or apply online 467-9567. fu. Appl in person 946 at www.proimage CC0324.0414 GAT32 Century Lane, Apopka or solutions.com. 'fax resume 407-880- B0324 PRO32 88.Part -Time Help 7150. *RV R 000317-0407 LAS 32 GENERAL LABORER Wanted Debary area. $9/hour. Nights 9:00 PM 5:00 AM GOQDPAY&BENEFITS Nurseryyardwork.Nofee. SAre you tired of minimum Call 407-774-4884 or ap- 40. FINANCIAL W c.len an qhnnnino, tr,,JntI.ri.hO asnA'Mll.I_! ks-asun,_ we cvian opping centers ano maus. Must be dependable, reliable & fast moving, able to carry backpack blower and strong enough to lift trashbags. Dependable with good attitude and stable work history. Clean License and dependable transportation. Starting $300 $350 a week depending.on experience. Variable nights off. Call 407-298-1456 for interview. PRESCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED Fast growing preschool in Wekiva/Apopka area now accepting applications for infant and tw ar old room te ers. Immediate positions open. To schedule an appointment for interview contact Michele @ 407-814-8060 Near Baxley, GA. 6,200 sqft cypress house/lodge on 95 acres with 3 acre pond. Excellent location, beautiful home. Hunting & Fishing Paradise. $650,000. (912)632-8916. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? Invest in rural acreage through- out America; coastal, mountain, waterfront properties. 20 to 200 acres, FREE, monthly Special Land Reports: www.land- wanted com/sw. FINAL CLOSEOUT- Lake Bargains! April 8/ 9. Water ac- cess from $34.900 with FREE Boat Slips. PAY NO CLOSING COSTSI Huge $5,000 savings on beautifully wooded parcels at 34,000 acre lake Tennessee. Enjoy unlimited water recreation. Surrounded by state forest Excellent financing Call (800)704- 3154, x 722 TN Land Partners, LLC. Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. Adjoins Pristine State Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC. Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams. www.liveinwv.com. NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on mountain top in gated community, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access, $119,500 owner (866)789-8535 www.NC77.com. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE Gated mountain com- munity bordering a large lake, Spectacular views. Community boat ramp, private boat slips. Between Chattanooga & Knox- ville. Call today (866)292-5769. Gates of the River, TN WATERFRONT MOUNTAIN PROPERTY Scenic homesites surrounding Lake Barkley. I to 6 acre view sites & 5 to 40 acre privacy sites from the 40's. 90 min to Nashville. Grand opening of Phase II on nowl Call (866)339-4966, ASHEVILLE, NC AREA ACREAGE Private, gated moun- tain community with over 4 miles of riverfront. 1 to 8+ acres from the $60s. Incredible views Custom community lodge with mountain' spas, riverwalk Call (866)292-5762. Bear River Lodge. GOLF LOT SALE! Blue Ridge Mountains! Near Asheville, NC. Beautifully wooded homesites on 18-hole Dye designed golf course. Unbelievable incentives. Call toll-free (866)334- 3253 X 1047 cherokeevallevsc com. Western New Mexico Private 62 Acre Ranch $110,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, borders BLM 1930's stone homestead with 2 barns Horseback riding, hiking, hunt- ing. Perfect family ranch, electricity. 100% financing. NALC. (866)365-2825. COASTAL NC WATERFRONT! 1.5 Acres- $99,900 Beau- tifully wooded, great views, pristine shoreline, deep boatable water! Enjoy access to ICW, Sound Atlantic Paved road, un- derground utilities. Excellent financing Call now (800)732- 6601 x 1510. Steel Buildings BUILDING SALE! "Go Direct/Save!" 20x26 Now $5100. 25x30 $6800 30x40 $10,600. 40x60 $16,600. Extensive range of sizes and models. Extensive range of sizes and models Doors/ accessories optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. Vacation Rentals DESTIN, FLORIDA Directly on the Water, NEW Boutique Hotel Harbor Beach, Pool. Steps to Fiiest Restaurants Min- utes to Gulf, Golf, Shopping Introductory Rate www innondestinharbor.com (800)87,1-0470 Wanted To Buy Wanted to Buy: Morgan Silver Dollars and Old US Coins Single coins, accumulations, entire collections Littleton Coin Company Since 1945 Call (800)581-2646. e-mail coinbuy@littletoncoin coinm. Mention code B8K920 ( ANF I paay & no benefits? we ave openings in various fields, with above aver- age pay & paid training, plus 100% medical & den- tal coverage. 30 days paid vacation earned per year, retirement plan. 17-34 year old H.S. diploma grads. No experience nec- essary. Call 1-800-342- 8123. 0C0324 EDE 32 ACCOMPANIST wanted. Growing & loving South- ern Baptist church seek- ing a pianist to play for Sunday morning and evening services and Wednesday evening. Call 407-886-2628. B0324-0414 FIR 32 FULL TIME CLASS A driver. Top pay. All local. Contact Matt. 407-884- 4745. B0324-0414 ASS 32 ABC SUPPLY CO., the nation's largestwholesale distributor of exterior building products, is seek- ing qualified class B CDL driver, Competitive wages, benefit package available to qualified indi- viduals. Apply at 1216 W., Amelia Street, Orlando. EOE. B0324-0414 ABC 32 ply online at www.pro imagesolutions.com. B0324 PRO 32 CNC MACHINIST Apo- pka area. $13-$15/hour. rogram/set-up/operate either mill or lathe. No fee. Call 407-774-4884 or ap- ply online at www.pro imagesolutions.com. B0324 PRO 32 CLERICAL APOPKA area. $9/hour. 5 openings, various duties. Nofee: Call 407-774-4884 or apply online at www.proimage solutions.com. B0324 PRO 32 LAWN SERVICE looking for help. Experience help- ful. 321-228-3632. CC0324 SHE 32 WELDER, MIG,TIG, print experience. Good pay, benefits. Full time days, shopwork. 407-299-1592. CC0324-0414 AGR 32 TRAILER MECHANIC with experience and own tools needed for Apopka trucking company. Thermo King experience helpful. Paybased on ex- perience. Benefits. Apply Honey Transport, 2994 Orange Avenue or call 407-889-9726. B0324-0414 HON 32 41. Business Opportunities VENDING MACHINES for sale. $750 each. Many on location. Great part time cash. Leon. 407-461- 4127. B0303-0324 DUS 41 A CASH COWI! 90vend- ing machine units. You OK locations. Entire business, $10,970. Hurryl 800-836- 3464. #BO02428. CC0324 SUC 41 Are you tired of being BROKE? Earn immediate income. No experience required. S Local Training Call today! Angela Harris , 407-448-5902 J 42. Money To Land 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS & LIVESTOCK Pre-Settlement WPlFI NAN, CE Need Money? Have A Lawsuit? You can get cash before your accident case settles CALL NOW. Toll Free: 866-FUNDS-NOW (866-386-3766) Prop. 1 567t Acres, Old GA Hwy. 46 Prop. 2 73 Acres, Gobbler Lane * Close Proximity To U.S. Hwy. 1 and 1-16 Excellent Homesite Interchange w/ Frontage on 1-16 Great Country Get-Away * Excellent Commercial & Residential Beautiful Woodlands Development Potential * Great Ohoopee River Frontage LAUCTON Hank Oeloney & Myers Jackson. AARE, CES, Auction Coordinators ROWELL AUCTIONS, INC. 800-323-8388 10% Buver's Premium GAL AU-C002594 for!Aditril lt'formatio' www.rowellat.UI ctiost.com We work hard to understand your business and realize yourgoals! * Expand your business or add Purchase new equipment additional locations Advertise and promote your business Increase your product line Buy out a partner Meet unexpected expenses Perform renovations FastApproval One Page Application New Businesses Welcome Imperfet, Shaky Credit OK MEMBEROFCOCOA BLUE FINA SERVICES ORIA LENSED 1-877-452-1725 $$ $ $ $ www.bluefinancialservices.com Call J.G. Wentworth's Annuity Purchase Program 866-FUND-549. J.G.WENTWORTH. ANNUITY PURCHASE PROGRAM "PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY" Immediate openings. Previous exp. I machine operation helpful. Tobacco- I free work environment. Lake County. I Call Exceptional Staffing 407-649-8890 HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Whitetail, Buffalo, Wild Boar. Our season, now-3/31/06. Guaranteed license, $5.00 trophy in two days. No-Game/No-Pay policy. Days (314)209-9800, eve- nings (314)293-0610. W ..ELL The Apopka Chief, March 24,2006, Page 13B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 51. Horses 0B. Garage Sales 52. Pets WEKIVA FRIDAY & AQUARIUMS Salt & fresh. Also live rock &' fish. Reptile tanks, all- equipment new & used. 407-924-2789. CCO310-0331 WES 52 TONS OF KITTENS All colors. First shots, wormed, Advantage. $40 adoption fee includes spay/neuter. Please bring pet carrier. Cat Protection Society. 1-352-735-2287. E0310-0331 GAU 52 ADORABLE BABY bun- nies. Small size from $10 to $20. 407-389-1620. W0303-0324 DAO 52 MANY USED aquariums in stock. 200 gallons down to 10 gallons. Give us a call. 407-889-9887. B0224-0324 SEA 52 53. Miscellaneous PET CARE Pet Care Center of Apopka. Rock Springs Road & Ponkan. Full service. Bloodwork, x-rays. Always caring for your family pet. 407-884- 8924. J N0317-0324 TFN PET 53 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. AppiHances, Large WESTINGHOUSE 16cu. ft. upright freezer, white, $95. 407-884-5069. C0324 ORE 61 62. Applances, Small 63. Farm Supplies & Equipment LIVESTOCK FENCING, poultry wire, field fence, barb wire, hardware cloth. Pressure treated post & poles (20 yr. warranty). Split and full rail fencing. Call Ryans Lumber at 407-886-3141. J A0324-0331 RYA 63 64. Foliage For Sale 65. Furniture BED, $160. ALL NEW queen, no-flip pillow-top set. 5 year warranty. 407- 831-1322. CC0324-0414 GRU 65 POOLTABLE-Gorgeous 8' professional series, decorative legs, leather pockets, oversized 1" 3- piece slate, accessory kit, balls, lifetime warranty. New, in crate; Retail $4,000. Must sell $1,250. 407-831-1322. CC0324-0414 GRU 65 MATTRESS SET-NASA technology. Visco mem- ory foam as seen on TV/ mall. Brand new, in plastic with manufacturer's war- ranty. Cost $1,599. Must sell, $595.407-331-1941. CC0324-0414 GRU 65 FUTON SOLID WOOD mission-style arms, extra nice foam layered pad. All brand new. $250. 407- 331-1941. CC0324-0414 GRU 65 SPA- PORTABLE, fiber- optic waterfall, therapy jets, cup holders, molded seats. Brand newwith fac- tory warranty. $1,995. 407-339-0678. CC0324-0414 GRU 65 BLUE &WHITE FLORAL sofa with complimentary wing. back chair & otto- man. Custom made val- ances to match. Excellent condition. 407-884-7626. W0324 HOL 65 ANTIQUES OAK Hoo- sier cabinet with porce- lain top. Farm style table with lower shelf. Singer tredle machine in oak cabi- net. Excellent condition. Oak pub table with two leaves & 6 cane seat chairs. 407-884-7626. W0324 HOL 65 86. Garage Sales GREENBROOKVILLAS at Errol Estate. Saturday March 25, 8 a.m. noon 1200 & 1202 N. Fairway Drive. C0324 NEE 66 CHURCH-WIDE SUPER sale. Friday & Saturday March 24 & 25,8:30- 3:3C p.m. on the lawn in Parish Hall, Christ Church, 151 W. Church Avenue Longwood, in Historic Dis- trict. CC0324 STR 64 MULTI-FAMILY moving sale. Collectibles, china furniture, pictures kitchenware, lawn mowe & surprises. Friday, March 24, 9 5 p.m., Saturday March 25, 9 a.m. noon 1423 Oak Place, Unit C Errol Estate, Apopka. C03224 DUG 61 WOMEN OF WEKIVA community garage sale Saturday, March 25, 8 - p.m. Maps available a participating homes with balloons. Off of Hunt Clut Boulevard, between San Lake Road & Wekiva Road. CC0324 SMI 61 HUGE YARD SALE 3820 Yothers Road, nex to Zellwood Station, High way 441.9 2 p.m. Satur day. Washer & dryer couch, love seat, both re cline, tons of baby clothes children's, adults clothes baby toys, strollers. Ev erything must gol Buyers 'welcome. W0324 COM 6 i" C C T li Saturday, 8 4 p.m. 34/ Coble Drive, offW. Wekiva 'rail. Too many items to st. 70. Miscellaneous CRAFTSMAN AIR com- pressor, $75. Jeff. 407- 462-9304. C0324 PIE 70 CC0324 BIE 66 MULTI-FAMILY YARD HOT DOG CART, stain- sale. Something for all. less steel, self-contained. Friday & Saturday, 7 2 407-267-2665. p.m. 18 W. Skylark, be- cco324SCH70 tween Park & Lake. W0324TAY66 MAYTAG ELECTRIC -_range & built-in micro- SUNDAY, MARCH 26 waveNew, offwhite $300 8-2 p.m. Furniture, cloth- for both or $150 micro- ing, W/D, miscellaneous, wave, $175 stove. Sofa, 144 S. Highland Avenue, looks new, celery green, Apopka. C324 HAE 66 traditional style, $200.27" 0324 HAE 66 colorTV with stand, $100. 407-383-4311. THREE STAR CC0324-0414 PAR 70 FLEA MARKET 28 FOOT CAMPING trailer. New refrigerator, "A REAL Flea Market" hotwaterheater, AC/heat, Sat. & Sun./Rain or Shine $700.42 inch lawnmower. *f, 3mss.of Ap .* Excellent condition, $150. S o HW, 441 407-880-3328. 407-293-2722 C0324-0414 TOE 70 MURRYRIDERMOWER 67. Musical 30 inch, 11 H.P., Briggs & Instruments Stratton, key start. Runs Ins nood. Needs drive belt. 68. Nursery Supplies $75. 407-886-2273. CC0324-0414 ETT 70 o9. Sporting Goods 14' BOBCAT TRAILER _. Sportig Old tires. 16' Bass boat HUNTING, FISHING & with 2 fishing chairs, 50 camping supplies & ap- H.P. Mercury motor & parel for the whole family trailer. Call 407-814-8986, Large selections to 407-325-7055 to see. 70 choose from. Mosquito 0003224 MCC 70 Creek Outdoors, 170 S. 71. Jewelry Washington Avenue, cor- _ ner of 441 & Washington. 72. Computers/ 407-464-2000. J N0317-0324 TFN MOS 69 Electronics WEIGHT SET Soloflex with extra weights. $200. 80. Jeff. 407-462-9304. 80 C0324 PIE 69 TRANSPORTATION 70. Miscellaneous USED TIRES, SETS OF 81. Autos For Sale 4, mounted & balanced. 1979 JEEP CJ7 Re Aslowas$60/set. Spares 17 d tps- only $5. McGeeWTire 130 movable hardtop, straight E. 7th Street. 407-889- 6. Sold as is. $3,800. Call 9250. Pthtreet. 407 aul 407-448-0941. A0310-0331 TFN MCG 70 00303-0324 WEB 81 CORRUGATED STEEL 1990 VOLVO GOOD roofing for barns, boat working condition, 165K docks, shops, etc. Also miles, needs paint. culvert pipe, 15"x20'. $1,490. 407-786-0629. culvert pipe, 15 X2'. C0310-0331 SHA 81 18"x20'. Call for prices. Surplus Steel & Supply, 1987 GRAND MARQUIS Inc., Apopka. 407-293- Goodmotor&body.Good 5788. for parts. $300. 321-356- B0310-0331 TFN SUR 70 5595. B0324 MAC 81 HURRICANE SUPPLIES Lanterns, LED lights, 1987 HONDA ACCORD weather radios & much 4-door, 5 speed. more. Mosquito Creek-102,O00K miles. $1,850. Outdoors, 170 S. Wash- 321-689-5898. ington Avenue, Apopka. c0310-0331 HUG 81 Corner of 441, just south of 429 Interchangea 407 1993 MARK VIII Lincoln. 464-2000. 65K miles, loaded, garage J N0317-0324 TFN MOS 70 kept. $10,500. 407-889- 7475. FLOORING HUGE se- 00317-0407 OWE 81 elections. Stinson Carpet CADILLAC SEDAN One. Serving Apopka DeVILL A mint since 1968. Great prices. DeVille, 1992. AC, mint Excellentservice.2188E condition, 98,000 miles. Semoran Boulevard.407- $3,200 OBO. Call John 889-4128. 407-814-1988.C0324 FAI 81 J N0317-0324 TFN STI 70 C0324 FAi 81 ROOFING SUPPLIES $5001 HONDAS FROM Shingles, accessories. $5001 Fords, Chevys, Large quantities Always Jeeps, Toyotas and more. Available. Competitive Police impounds. For list- pricing. Delivery available. wings, 800-749-8116, ext. Homeland Distributing, 4119. CC0324-0414 BAR 81 1839 S. O.B.T., Apopka. 407-410-0196. 1994 CHEVY CAPRIS J N0317-0324 TFN HOM 70 Classic. Runs great. Good A PRIDE JET 3 power condition. New AC, fuel chair. New batteries red pump, brakes, shocks, like new. $900 OBO. 407 radiator. $3,500.407-889- 880-0123. 0825. CC0303-0324 HOL 70 C0324-0414 DAV 81 HOTTUB/SPA-5person 82. Boats For Sale lounger. 5 H.P., 24 jets, redwood cabinet. NeverNEW BOAT T-TOP for used. Waranty. Retail sale. 3x5 top, 5 rocket $4,500. Sacrifice $1,450. launchers, cut outs for 407-812-5624. outriggers, 2 king rigs. In- CC0303-0324 JOH 70 cludes crows nest. Paid $2,500. Will sell $1,850 BROYHILL HUTCH, OBO. 407-832-9955. $300. Large rocking chair, E0310-0331 KEC 82 $100. white wrought iron Baker's stand, $65. Gas 12 FOOT V-HULL BOAT BBQ, $65. Haywood pool 2004 Yamaha 4 stroke, vac, $130.407-886-4323. trailer. $1,250 OBO. 407- CC0310-0331 JEN 70 880-4093 or 321-439- r -6046. 3 ALUMINUM SHEDS 4 C0303-0324 HOW 82 sale. 12X36, $800. 6X8, $200.6X6,$200. Call 407- BOAT MOTOR, 18 H.P. 814-8206. Evinrude. Electric start, CC0310-0331 OGLo70 runsgoodbutisolderthan you are. $275. 407-293- DeLONGHI PORTABLE 2426. air & heat conditioner. 7 cco310-0331 REE 82 - months old. $225. 407- 886-4323. cC0317-0407 JEN 70 1975 Arrow Glass MILWALKEESAWSALL Custom Design boat. with case & new blades, 15'2", $100. Jeff. 407-462-9304. 50HP Mercury O.B., on C03224 PIE 70 new B&G galvanized 2 BOX SPRING & mat- new B&G galvanized tress sets. Full size, clean, trailer. Many options $25/set. Recliner, $65. 2 including motorguide end tables & coffee table, trolling motor glass, $30 for all. Sears trollng moor uprightfreezer, $100.407- Hummingbird Depth 521-1927. Finder. C0324 CRA 70 6 52 927ED3 Garage kept, very clean. S2 TWIN BEDS, mattress, many extras I pillows, sheets, blankets, m e Bedspreads. $135. Like vest, anchors, top, full Snew. 407-415-9458. cover. Ready to Fish. SW0324 ALS 70 Only $3995. CRAFTSMAN 21 "PUSH Call 407-889-7989 mower, self-propelled, $150. McClane 24" turf mowerwith grass catcher, 83. Motorcycles For S$300. Jeff. 407-462-9304. C032224 PIE 70 Sale STASK FORCE 10" table 84. Recreational 2 saw & stand, $75. Jeff. Vehicles t 407-462-9304. _____________ h C0324PIE70 2005HOLIDAYRambler, S36" JVC TV/REMOTE/ toy hauler. 35 1/2 foot 5th d stereo, $450 OBO. Black wheel. 5.5 KW generator, a & brown Ashley couch, slide-out, electric magic 6 love seat, $600 OBO. bed, all'options, garaged. White microwave, $35. Lists over $52K. Priced Fan, $10. 407-451-7459. $34,200. 407-886-7653. t( CC0324 KIS 70 CC0303-0324 FPE 84 r- r, s 6 6 86. Trucks For Sale 113. Landscaping 87. Vans For Sale ASTOR FORD CARGO van. 1993, standard. Runs good. $2,500. Phone 407- 884-0627. C0317-0407 ROC 87 88. Transportation FoP Hire 89. Tpralers For Sale 90. AUTOMOTIVE 81. Automotive Repair & Parts RUSSELL Automotive. Complete auto service for 24 years. 1/4 mile north of Maitland Boulevard (414) on O.B.T. 7:30 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. 407-298- 2853. J A0324-0331 RUS 91 CENT. FLORIDA AUTO Repair. Established auto repair offers complete auto service for personal & fleet. Reputation is earned not givenI 1779 S. Orange Blossom Trail, across from Wal-Mart Super Center, Apopka. Call 407-880-8221. J A0324-0331 CEN 91 SHEELERAUTO Repair' offers complete automo- tive service. Family owned & operated. 710 S. Or- ange Blossom Trail, Apo- pka, behind Papa Johns' Pizza. Easy entrance from Sheeler Road. 407-880- 5784. E A0324-0331 SHE 91 92. Auto Accessorles TRAILER HITCH for Dodge minivan. Every- thing included. $85 OBO. 407-832-9955. E0310-0331 KEC 92 03. Auto Detailing 94. Miscellaneous 15" BRIDGESTONE 205X65X15 tires, $40 pair. Jeff. 407-462-9304. C0324 PIE 94 110. SERVICES 111. Child Care INFANTS 12 YEARS old. Qualified teachers. Clean, safe & secure en- vironment. Flexible hours. Accredited FL. Gold Seal Center. 407-889-3026. J N0324-0331 TFN APO 111 CHILD CARE FUN, lov- ing, caring environment. Infant, toddler preschool. Before & afterschool care. Wekiva Child Care. 2333 Highway 436. 4C ac- cepted & Florida Volun- tary Pre-K program. 407- 889-4300. J N0317-0324 TFN WEK 111 CHILD CARE IN MYApo- pka home. Lakeville area. Great references. Family oriented. English speak- ing. 407-616-9595. CC0324-0414 LOW 111 GLAD TIDINGS Pre- school currently enrolling K-2, K-3, K-4 students. Please call 407-656-4140. FLOCS #9049. W0203-0324 GLA 111 CHILD CARE IN MY Sheeler Oaks home. 20 years experience. Mon- day Friday. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 407-884-9565. C0317-0407 ROO 111 112. Home DO ITYOURSELF PEST control products. 435 W. Main Street, corner of Main & Bradshaw, Apo- pka. All Seasons Pest Control. Order in store or visit Web site at www.allspc.com. 407- 886-0204. J N0317-0324 TFN ALL 112 PEST CONTROL Resi- dential, commercial. Of- fering roach, ant, flea & termite protection. One time, quarterly, annually. All Seasons Pest Control, 435W. Main Street, Apo- pka. 407-886-0204. J N0317-0324 TFN ALL 112 APOPKA AUTO UPHOLSTERY 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka, FL (Behind Discount Auto) (407) 889-0011 27 Years Experience arl uFit- --Ftg. SaOwns RAILROAD CROSS ties, lumber &-building materi- als. Ryan Brothers, Inc., 210 E. 5th Street, Apo- pka. 407-886-3141. J A0324-0331 RYA 113 ADVANTAGE Lawn- care. Cut, trim & edge, $20 & up. Licensed & in- sured. Free estimates. No contracts required. 407- 880-7948. CC0310-0331 TFN ADV 113 LAWN CARE Repair lawn mowers, pressure washing, debris hauling, sod. Call Harold Gullins. 321-299-7199. CC0303-0324 GUL 113 Foley's Lawn Care for all your lawn care maintenance Free Estimates call Jim 407-761-0625 (cell) 114. Professional HOME enhancements. Interior, exterior, painting, drywall, wood work & etc. Free estimates. Reason- able rates. Call 407-770- 3322. W0317-0407 MAR 114 COMPUTER REPAIR - Home or business. Fast turn-around. Manage- ment Solutions. Offering years of professional ser- -vice & knowledge. 404 W. ,Main Street, Apopka. 407- 410-0013. J N0317-0324 TFN MAN 114 Horace Mann S Educared Fin ald Soluido Helping school employees with insurance and retirement planning. Call Vaughan Snyman at 407-884-4888 for a free policy estimate 115. ElBderly Care PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS SEEKING 24 HR CARE IN WEKIVA SPRINGS HOME 407-886-4483 116. Miscellaneous TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- fic ticket classes, first time driver classes. All ages. Road test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, across fromcity park. 407- 880-6003. J N0324-0331 TFN CIT 116 GARAGE DOORS- Resi- dential &commercial. Pro- fessional, dependable, trustworthy. Over 25 years of service. Family owned &operated. J.B. Mathews Co., 2036 Apex Court, Apopka. 407-656-1289. J N0317-0324 TFN JBM 116 JUNK 2 DUMP Garage & shed clean-out. Furni- ture, appliances, yard waste, rental properties. Light delivery service. Please call 407-310-9437. CC0224-0317 GRE 116 117. Cemetery Property 120. SCHOOLS 121. Professional TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- fic ticket classes, firsttime driver classes. All ages. SRoad test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, acrossfrom city park. 407- 880-6003. J N0317-0324 TFN CIT 121 ART CLASSES AT THE Apopka Museum. 4 week acrylic painting class in March, ages 12+. Colored pencil workshop for kids 6-12. For details/registra- tion, 407-865-9816. W0324-0414 SUM 121 121. Professional LICENSEDMORTGAGE. broker. Good interest rates. Call Edna 407-353- 9957. Hablo Espanol. CCQ303-0324 QUI 121 122. Trpade 130. REAL ESTATE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimina- tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fa- milial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limi- tation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly ac- cept any advertising for real estate which is in vio- lation of the law. All per- sons are hereby informed that all dwellings adver- tised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 131. Vacant Land BEAUTIFULVACANTlot in Silver Spring Shores, Ocala. 1/4 acre. New homes in area. $40,000. 407-886-9637. CC0303-0324 PAY 131 ROYALTRAILS, EUSTIS Main entrance, beautiful trees on one acre lot, ready to build. Backs up to state preserves. $102,500.407-620-0939. W0310-0331 APO 131 LOT FOR SALE OR trade. 121 W. 110th Street. 50X50. $15,000 OBO. Call John. 407-814-1988. C0324 FAI131 BEAUTIFUL LOT 1/4 acre. Zoned R2. 723 Ma- son Avenue, Apopka. $49K. Adjacent house also available. 407-864- 1812. CC0324-0414 SCH 131 ZELLWOOD residential!. 85X150. Jones Avenue. $75,000. Exit R.E. Re- sults. 407-625-1503. Denny. A0324-0414 TFN SHI 131 2 ACRES HOLLY ST., Zellwood. 135X650. $150,000. Exit R.E. Re- sults. 407-625-1503. Denny. A0324-0414 TFN SHI 131 132. Condominiums FoP Sale DOWNTOWN, APOPKA 2BR/2BA condo. Vaulted ceilings, screened porch, corner unit. $110,000. 407-718-3023. W0324-0414 RUS 132 133. Homes FOP Sale ERROL ESTATE Beau- tiful completely updated executive home in coun- try club setting. Located on the 2nd hole overlook- ing a lake. 4BR/3BA, screened pool, new roof, new paint in & out, new carpet & tile. Bathrooms totally redone. Just re- duced. $539,700. Gary Wiepking, Lighthouse Properties of America. 407-782-4973. CCO310-0331 LIG 133 UCENSED MORTGAGE broker. Good interest rates. Call Edna 407-353- 9957. Hablo Espanol. CC0303-0324 QUI 133 0O ,Mo.- WE HAVE THE PERFECT HOME FOR YOU Homes starting at $6,000. We have Bank Repos, New Homes with Land. We can also sell your home with NO COMMISSION out of your pocket. Call Us At 407-592-1063 407-207-8921 407-207-2655 Spanish Lines 407-325-2213 407-299-5172 I[ Some of the LEGAL FORMS CLASSIFIED I that are available for purchase at AOS: ADS WORK! Call 407-886-2777 1 Powers of Attorney 3-Day Eviction Notices DEADLINE: Notices To Quit Warranty Deeds onday, 5 p.m. Promissory Notes Sale of Real Estate 5s commuiat. mContracts Quit Claim Deeds Leases, etc. see to appreciate. 14' X 60', Double roof, Fl. room w/ windows. A popka office Supply Nicely furnished, ready to move in. Custom drapes Carpet, H eat pump 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32712 24 900 PH: 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 I Hours: 8-5 M-F; 9-1 Sat. I ___-_-__ --_ _- - . Laminate flooring installed from $3" sqft complete Hardwood flooring installed from $450 sqft complete If you have materials we can install them Treasured Moments in Time Scrapbook, Stickers, & Supplies www.treasuredmmenllltitinme.cOin or call 321-388-4886, ask for Holly (Free Shipping Local Residents) 133. Homes For Sale 135. Manufactured 141. Mobile Homes or Homes For Sale Lots For Rent SELL YOUR HOUSE, as ......... is atafair price on the date of your choice. We buy, HOMESOFMERIT-Built houses & land. Call 407. 2001. 28X48 2BR/2BA. SUN RESORT -35' 2004 889-5733. New carpet, water heater 1 bedroom, 2 slide-outs, W0303-0324 BRO 133 & appliances. Carpeted W/D, DW awning, patio. sunroom, 3 car parking Nice clean lot. Ideal 2 3BR/2BA, ONE ACRE, carport & shed. $78,000. adults. $690/month. 321- fenced, carport, out build- 407-886-4484. 277-5889. ings. Rock Springs Road. C0310-0331 GRA 135 W0310-0331 HUR 141 $315,000.407-880-7050. Tony. W0310-0331 BAS 133 1979 FLEETWOOD -14X60, 2BR/2BA, fur- MCCORMICK ROAD COTTAGE, 2BR/1BA nished with sunroom & 1BR/1BA, private, clean, 620 sq. ft. on 1/4 acre furniture. New carpet, 2 nopets.$500/month,utili- wooded lot. 723 Mason car carport & shed. ties paid & security. 407- Avenue, Apopka. $129K. $41,000. 407-886-4484. 889-4678. 407-864-1812. c0310-0331 GRA 135 W0324-0414 BLA 141 CC0324-0414 SCH 133 DOUBLEWIDE elegant 2BR/2BAI STOP renting 3BEDROOMforeclosure! living in senior park of 2 ,2TFors, tng, Pricedtosell.$19,900.For Palm Isles. 236 Bahia 8u $-70.74824, Ferx.l's . listings, call 800-749- Circle. $85,000. Many CC0324-0414BAR141 8124, ext. B-593. extras. Call Mabel or Jes- CC0324-0414 BAR 133 sica at Exit Realty Mobil 141-A. Manufactured APOPKA AREA 3BR/ Team. Toll free 866-221- Hom FO Rent 2BA with 2 rental units on 3948 or 386-956-0209. Homes For Rent 3/4 acre. $200,000. 321- cc0324-0414 BER 13.-ZELLWOOD STATION 228-8338. 136. Mobile Homes/ 55 &over golf community. SC0324-0414BAR133 Sal Newly remodeled. Fur- 3BR/2BA, 2800 SQ. FT.FoSal nished. Large 2BR/2BA, Many new upgrades. PALM HARBOR Mobile living, dining, family Wekiva Glen community. Home. 55+ community. ooms, wet bar. Gmonlf carth. $329,900.407-310-3550. 2BR/2BA, screened included. $1,000/month. CC0324-0414 PRI 133 porch, carport, utility room. 407-712-35431 407-80- $15,900. 407-880-6785. B031000331 THU 141A W0310-0331 HOA 136 80003TUA SUN RESORTS 1995 ZELLWOOD STATION Park model. 40'X12' with 55+, 2BR/2BA, 2 screen 30'X12' addition. 3BR/ porches, W/D, fully fur- 1 BA, shed, W/D. Many nished. Available April 1. extras. Large deeded lot. 407-267-2665.24 SCH 141A $58,500. 407-257-6232. W0303-0324 ANZ 136 3BR/2BA, NEW MOBILE 29 FOO7 T PROWLER, home on Little Lake Har- an 29 FOOT PROWLERris.$1,000monthplusde- No robem 2000. 13 ft. slideout, aw- ris.$1,000monthplusde- ning,tow package. Sleeps posit. 407-782-6895,407- R-en- it-backsix, nice. $7,700.321-277- 886-87W0324-0414WI4.L141A W0324 HUR 136 142. Rooms For Rent 137. Commercial FURNISHED ROOM for Property For Sale rent. Cable, utilities in- cluded. Inrhomewith pool! APOPKA, 1.1 ACRES Lockhartarea.$135/week SMOL Zoned C-2. High- plus deposit. 321-297- way 441.$650,000. Apo- 5160. References re- pka, .82 acres MOL. quired. Zoned C-1. 1st Street. cc0310-0331 GRO 142 134. Townhomes/ $319,000. Florida Land Duplexes For Sale Brokers. 407-323-5552. NI 1 ROM furnished Ucensed R.E. Broker. cottage efficiency, private D B0310-0331 TFN FLO 137 bath, kitchen, utilities with 15. Manufactured- AC furnished. $130 138. Homes To Share weekly, deposit $250. Homes For Sale References/background 1985 FLEETWOOD 130. Apartments/ check. 407-880-3727. 26x56 doublewide 3 bed- Condos For Rent rooms, 2 full baths, 9x16 CHRISTIAN MEN'S screened porch. On pond, APARTMENT Efficien- boarding house. Clean, backyard fenced. 9x10 cies, $100/week. Apart- private. Cable, kitchen shed. Reduced price ment, $150/week. Also, privileges, W/D. $110/ $37,000. Rock Springs- housesfurnished&unfur- week and up. Rock Mobile Home Park. 321- nished, weekly/monthly. Springs Road. 407-889- 299-4257. Ask for Tony. 407-240-1188. 9955. CC0310-0331 BOW 135 T D CC0317-0407 REN 139 C0324 BUR 142 APOPKA-SINGLEWIDE EFFICIENCY ON LAKE 143. ffces For Rent withaddition.4bedrooms, Furnished, A/C, tele- 143 unattached 8x12 office, phone, TV. No deposit.. - Finished irrigation system Low weekly rates. 352- also. $15,000. 407-580- 383-4713. rOffice Space 1794. A0310-0331 TFN LAK 139 Apopka/Hunt Club area. c0310-0331 HAW 135 New business suite 320sf TAKING applications for double office available 2BR/1BA MOBILE home lease on Airstream trailer for sale. Palm Isles mo- with room addition, on now. T-I access to bilehome55+parkinApo- lake Preferrably older internet, security system, pka. Great location. Must gentleman. $150/week. local telephone service, sell. $15,000. 352-406- Everything furnished ex- utilities, use of conference 0728. cept gas. 407-376-7092. room, and signage all CC0303-0324 EIN 135 B0303-0324 SEM 139 included in rent. Call for appointment. APOPKA 2BR/2BA 140. Homes/Duplexes 407-862-2292ext.1004 Carport, shed, screen/ ______ glass room, pool. $24,000. For Rent Must see. Call Angelo. 144. Commercial 407-814-1597. APOPKA-BIG3BR/2BA P t f CC0324-0414 PER 135 1 car garage, duplex. Pperty for Realnt $950/month. $950 secu- ZONED C-3. Downtown rity. 407-947-6041 or407- Apopka. Approximately Oak SpringS Apopka. Approximat886-4538ely a S rls0303-0324r cLA 1640 970 sq. ft. 407-884-9090. New & Pre-owned W0303-0324 MAS 144 Homes for Sale. 3BR/2BA, NICE YARD, N downtown Apopka. $950/ 145. Real Estate FINANCING month, first, last + $500 Wanted AVAIL4BLE! security. 407-383-2535. 352-383-6810 B0317-0407 TFN MCG 140 148. Exchange 3BR/2BA $15,500. STOP renting and buy own. For 147. Nurseries For BI81Clistings, call 800-749- Sale or Rent 8124, ext. B-428. CC0324-0414 BAR 140 APOPKAAREA.Sheeler Rd., 60,000 sq. ft. green- S.-- houseforlease. $2000per month. Florida Land Bro- kers 407-323-5552. Li- censed R.E. Broker. D 80310-0331 FLO 147 S- i"vii m NURSERIES FOR SALE Errol Estte/ od Fans, beds, pipes, boiler. Take it all for $2,500.407- 310-6646. 30 4B0310-0331 APO 147 SORRENTO Highway 1 46.5.7 MOL. AC. 65KSF GH. 24K SF WH, 3/2 home. $750,000. Florida Land Brokers. 407-323- 5552. Lic. R.E. Broker. D 80324-0414 FLO 147 The Apopka Chief, March 24, 2006, Page 14B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 147. Nurseries For 147. Nurseries For Sale or Rent Sale or Rent Affordable new greenhouse structures, rolling benches, fans, wet pad systems and replacement pads. Contact Sam for a quote at PENANG INTERNATIONAL, INC. 407-886-2322 Specializing In Foliage Nurseries And Vacant Land 407-323-5552 We have many buyers. If you are considering selling your land, call usli E-Mail: Joe or Vicky@flalandbrokers.com I Ic. Real Estate Broker Website: www.flalandbrokers.comn Rick Belben, Realtor Realty O.F CENTRAL FLORID. Selling your home? Get the outstanding service you deserve!! Call Rick New Listing! Dunhill at Errol Estate 4 Br/2Ba, New Custom Built Home, Never lived in. $479,000 FREE Home Warranty & Virtual Tour with all new listings. Get the professional marketing you deserve! www.rickbelben.com REAL ESTATE YOUR NEW HOME SPECIALIST'. Are you looking to sell your home? Are you looking to buy a new home? If you or someone you know Is In need of real estate services, I will provide Julie Dolan-Casado free home warranty www.eastlakesource.com (valued at $380) .in Phone: 352-217-0451 f l, Fax: 352-383-0257 Exit ReaTly TriCounly E-mail: juliedcasado@aol.com Nancy Hulburt- Realtor" 321-277-4726 jhom, V.'. TV SUwtd raOp Blue Ridge Mountains! Own Your Piece of Paradise! (AND let someone else pay for it!) Special Preview by Invitation Only www.OrlandoNatlveHomes.com Buying or Selling a Den Shiver Home ?? "Let me help you." EXIT Real Estate Results Realto$ r SUN RESORTS You Own The Land! #415/#417 Double Lot $62,000 #829 New 1/1, Shed $45,000 #2405 1/1 with addition $32,000 #2406 1/11 like new $40,000 #1118 212 Spectacular $64,900 #1011 2/1 CarportlShed $70,000 #635 1/1 addition-pur-fect $45,000 #762 1/1 2004, shed, pavers $41,900 #414 111 wl Addition, Shed $35,000 #747 111 nearly new $35,000 #704 211 great addition $49,500 Call Donita Harper: 407-889-6363 www.apopkarealty.com BEHnFEZ RDELTY INC Gayle Brewer Linda Barr Jon Whiteley 407-920-6968 Plant Nursery fully operational on 4.6 acres, ready for new owners. $430,000. Call Today! Hair Salon Located in Seminole County in area of million dollar plus homes. Call for details. $65,000. Errol Estate Beautifully maintained and updated 3/2 home with over 2200 sq. ft., fp, 2 car side entry garage. Too many updates to list here. Call todoy! $383,900. Hunters Point/Wekiva 4/2 home 2507 sq. ft. on corner lot. Light and bright. A must see! $449,000 Leesburg 2/2 manufactured home on a double lot. 3000 sq. ft. garagelworkshop for your RV or boat. Must be cash only $140,000 i SAT eePe FF99 or 61 .7 6 1 19,90 o 1 .175 I **Per Mo. I **I --. #P67Per M I 0,990or 192 6.moo, 26S1 Per M.m* . In'.) % rif, L .iIIl, [r L,'-iJ&d Jd # i4..14 4QI "4.,990 One Owner, 25K Miles, Auto, A/C, More #126672A *7,990 '5,990 Auto, A/C, CD, Keyless Entry, 17K Miles #P66829A *8,990 V SATURNl [ION I SI [DA . Other convenient locations: Orlando/South Kissimmee S. OBT near FL Mall Hwy 192 near FL Turnpike SALES HOURS: MONDAY FRIDAY 9AM 8PM SATURDAYS 9AM 7PM SUNDAYS 12NOON 5PM Photos for Illustration purposes only. All offers with approved credit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee and retailer-installed accessories extra. Additional warranty may affect final payment. Used car payments calculated at 5.99% APR with 10% down. Must have 720+ Beacon Score. Terms are 36-72 months depending on model year. F Everyone that shops these Classified pages is part of a winning combination! Take a look at the inside pages for more listings! Make a deal! Be a winner! Call 407-886-2777 to place your ad Deadline: Monday at 5 p.m. JOPEN HOUSE aturoay, Marcn h juam zpm 423 S. Bradshaw Rd., Apopka, 3 Br/ I Ba. Starter Home (Refreshments Available) Cheryl Collier Hagins Realtor/Mortgage Broker 0 6 407-427-0934 UAH G o uP. INC. Member of Apopka Chamber -MEOW , a rOFFICES/RETAII I 000S f -lass fi-ont retail SLI ItC 011 Semoran Blvd, $1,475/mo MODaross 890stoffice-SUite, I iwy 4,41 10 $650/11] JMD Realty Services 407-'814-202JO |