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The former Miss Apopka is now working in town for the Ameri- :can Cancer Society. See page 6A. 0Sd Bles . .. .. .... ..-- .. I __2U Apopka High School's fastpitch softball team is off to a roaring 11-1 start. See page lB. r Covering the community in the 21st centuryka Covering the community in the 21st century 2006 The Apopka Chief Friday, March 10, 2006 / 50 cents Early voting ongoing; Election Day is March 14 This early voting sign directs people to the Leroy Gilliam Train- ing Center, 174 E. Fifth St., Apopka, the building at the right of the photo Billie Dean faces challenge from Joe Canzoneri. By John Peery Apopka Chief Staff Apopka resident and city employee Mary Alice Manley made history Tues- day, March 7, when she became the first voter in Apopka election history to cast a ballot during the initial stand-alone, early-voting period. The ballot is a short one, a contest between incumbent City Commissioner Billie Dean and challenger Joe Can- zoneri. The non-partisan, citywide elec- tion is the only race on the ballot as Mayor John H. Land and Commissioner Mr Marilyn ZU UstlIer McQueen both were automati- "- b ', .cally re- Y elected *, without opposition. There were 45 other vot- ers who Dean followed Manle y into the early-voting polling place on the first day. The early voting continues today, Friday, March 10, and Saturday, March 11. Election Day is Tuesday, March 14. The early voting is being held at the Leroy Gilliam Training Center, 176 E. Fifth St., Apopka, directly across from the city's fire station No. 1. The S center will -be open .' w from8a.m. to 5 p.m. each of the -A].1 remaining .' days, but, S-... because of a new state Canzoneri law, the early-vot- ing hours have been reduced to 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., said Jan Goebel, Apopka city clerk and elections official. From 4-5 p.m., those wishing to vote will be given an absentee ballot and may vote it imme- diately and turn.it back in, Goebel said. See ELECTION Page 10A She left her Mark on Apopka Involved in the Apopka community in various capacities for about 35 years, Eltha Mark died Tuesday, March 7. She was 80. Mark moved to Apopka with her late husband, Richard L. Mark, in the early 1970s. Richard. Mark developed' Errol Estate Country Club after the Marks moved to Apopka from the Bahamas. A !- family ., spokes- woman Se ssaid that co t. s faith, family, 'V and i hcommu- nity were Mark the pri- orities in the life of Eltha Mark. "You get out of a community what you put into it," was a favorite saying of Eltha Mark, the fami- ly spokeswoman said. She served the Apopka community in several ways, putting herself into her commu- nity. Eltha Mark was president of the Apopka Woman's Club for several years; chaired the Apopka Art and Foliage Festi- val; served on the Board of Directors for the Apopka Area chamber of Commerce; and vas instrumental in turning .*popka's local beauty pageant nnto a Miss America preliminary ~ageant. She also served in the First United Methodist Church -f Apopka; sold real estate; nur- tured her family; and baked breads, cakes and other treats for family and friends. As a result of her continued community service, Eltha Mark 7as named Apopka's "Citizen See MARK Page 10A City plans to install red-light cameras By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff Apopka Police Chief Chuck Vavrek will ask City Council to implement a municipal ordi- nance that would allow the Apopka Police Department to install cameras to detect and apprehend red-light runners at dangerous intersections. "We find Park (Avenue) and Main (Street) to be the worst intersection in the city for being blatant in that violation," Vavrek said. "Over the past year, there have been 24 acci- dents there, which is a concern, but in a three-hour period, when I put officers out there, we had 75 violators." He said traffic officers man the intersection once a month looking for offenders and see about the same results each time. "We're looking at putting the traffic photo enforcement there to change driving behav- ior," he said. Vavrek is looking at several companies to provide the equipment. One company, Redflex.com takes a 12-second movie of the violation and also photographs the incident. The violator would then be able to go to a SWe b S" site to .W watch ,'. i / the tape 7./ of the viola- Vavrek tion. "We need some means to change driv- ing behavior and that's the biggest push that I have for doing this," he said. "Our enforcement doesn't seem to hinder what's happening at that intersection." While European countries have been using traffic photo enforcement for decades and many other states have adopted See CAMERAS Page 3A Survivors' dinner will kick off Relay For Life By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff Apopka's seventh annual Relay For Life, an Amer- ican Cancer Society fundraiser, will kick off Monday, March 20, with the Survivors Dinner at the new Apop- ka Community Center on the corner of Fifth Street and Central Avenue. The actual Relay will be held Friday, March 24, and Saturday, March 25, at Apopka High School's Roger Williams Field. Relay For Life is an overnight event designed to celebrate cancer survivorship and raise money for research and programs of the American Cancer Society, according to the ACS Web site. During the event, teams of people gather at the high school and take turns walk- ing or running laps. Each team tries to keep at least one member on the track at all times. Survivor committee chairman Valerie Geth said that, so far, 185 cancer survivors and their caregivers have signed up to attend the dinner, themed It Takes a City. Each of the 47 teams participating in the Relay chose a city and will decorate a dinner table at the com- munity center according to that city's theme. A prize will be awarded for the best table. Apopka/Altamonte Springs Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10147 will donate the meal as well as pro- vide the community center free of charge for the evening. "Relay For Life is a worthwhile program and that's what we're here for," said Commander Artie Vec- chio. "It's a good way to help our people and we'll help out as long as we can." In addition to the dinner, there will be a silent auc- tion, speaker, entertainment, and door prizes. Each sur- vivor will receive a purple bag containing their Relay For Life cancer survivor T-shirt, a medal, and gifts from community businesses. Geth's reason for chairing the survivor committee, as well as organizing monthly cancer survivor support group meetings, is personal. "I'm five years out (of treatment) from breast cancer," she said. "I made promises at the time I was going through my chemotherapy and radiation to the Almighty Himself." Despite her ordeal, Geth feels she is lucky. "I'm extremely fortunate. I come from a long line of cancer victims who did not survive. I'm the last of two females on the maternal side of my family that have not passed because of cancer." Because of this, she said volunteering for the ACS is a big part of her life. "Volunteering is very impor- tant," Geth said. "We need to reach down and pull each other up. God has put me here to do something and this is part of my deal with him -- to make sure that I do as much as I can while I'm here. We just have to join hands with the community and step up to the plate." Most of the fundraising teams have stepped up to the plate very well, Geth said. On Tuesday, March 7, Relay For Life committee chairmen held bank night, during which all teams turned in money that they have See DINNER Page 2A Offensive lineman wins first AHS Phil King award By John Peery Apopka Chief Staff Evon Lettsome, who played offensive line for the Apopka Blue Darters football team, was named the first recipient of the Phil King Blue Darter award Saturday, March 4, at the football team's annual banquet. Lettsome, who has signed a National Letter of Intent to play college football at Middle Tennessee State, was presented the award at the banquet held at Trinity Baptist Church of Apopka. The award is named for the late Phil King, who served as Apopka High School's athletic / King director for 17 years. He died of complications from cancer in January 2005. "We were wanting to present an award that embodied the philosophy of Phil King," said Ty Parker, who served as interim head football coach for the Blue Darters over the final two regular-season games and Apopka's playoff game. King's main concerns, Parker said, were, "how See AWARD Page 3A Evon Lettsome and his mother, Latonja Rew, are all smiles following the presentation of the award. ht Volume 83 Number 10 Paeatwinr sal mie Christine Cooper bends down so that outgoing Miss Apopka Nichole McPherson can put the crown on her head Saturday, March 4, during the annual Miss Apopka Pageant. Mayor John H. Land stands at the left. Cooper was named the winner out of 11 contestants in the pageant held at Apopka Memorial Middle School. She will represent Apopka this summer in the Miss Florida Pageant. For a full page of color pictures, see page 18A. Section A Opinion ......4A-5A Lifestyle ........6A Worship ........ 7A Bus. Rev. .12A,3B,4B Legal ads .13A-17A ........... 11B-13B Miss Apopka .. .18A Section B Sports ..........1B Kapers ......... 6B Chief Junior .7B,8B Girl Scouts ......9B Service Dir. .... .14B Classified .. .14-18B 71mm"" The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 2A John Jones of Land Design \ \ Innovations shows a slide Monday, March 6, during a public downtown redevelop- , ment meeting in which the company, which is under con- tract to the city of Apopka, made recommendations for the refurbishing and redevel- ' oping of downtown Apopka. The company recommended ll streetscape projects at U.S. ,i. Highway 441 and Hawthorne Avenue; U.S. 441 and Central Avenue; and Central Avenue and Fifth Street. The cost of the projects is. estimated at ....... .......... $5.25 million over a two-year period. Public comment taken at the meeting will be meshed with the recommendations and presented to City Coun- cil later in the year. DR. DEAN BEHNER Apopka physician for 12 years INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICIAN YOUR HEALTH IS VALUABLE! SPECIALIZING IN PERSONAL ADULT MEDICINE Now ACCEPTING APPOINTMENTS ACCEPT MOST MAJOR INSURANCES .'-.. 407-886-1171 APOPKA MEDICAL CENTER 125 S. PARK AVE., APOPKA H a ir Qualityserviceprovidedby a ir No T 'IT experienced stylists at Quality Hair Care for Today's Family franchise salon prices! Complimentary Blow Dry with any shampoo & hair cut )1100 Value ( New Clients Only 407-886-6480 tlist www.hairnow.biz Call for an appointment or just walk right in! Open 7 days a week. Located in the Shoppes of.Wekiva Plaza Welch Rd. at Rock Springs Rd. Behind McDonald's Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-7 Sun. 10-6 CARPET ONE 2199 E. Semoran Blvd. * Apopka 407-889-4128 5231 E. Colonial Dr. 179 C-N Hwy 27 Clermont 352-394-0303 * Orlando 407-277-7806 Dinner: Several fundraisers are set Continued from page 1A raised. More than $13,000 was collected. An Apopka group won the Local Apopka Musicians Eradi- cating Cancer High School Bat- tle of the Bands Saturday, March 4. Hot Sauce Handouts raised $565.11 to win first place in this year's contest. Each band participating in this event solicited family, friends, fans and area businesses for monetary donations. The winning band was determined by the amount of money the members raised. Members of Hot Sauce Handouts received a $100 gift certificate from music store Sam Ash, a free bowling party from Brunswick Wekiva Lanes, and eight hours of recording studio time from Big Shot Recordings. In a dramatic drop from last year's $6,490 total, this year's A I- I BALLOT CARD GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF APOPKA, FL MARCH 14, 2005 ELECTION GENERAL CIUDAD DE APOPKA, EL EL 14 DE MARZODEL2006 =/ =l To vote, omnptele the yourchoice. Use Inko AM l If S hesit to ask for a new om If i your vote may not count. I Para votar, compete la epuna s e on. Use tina CONCEJO, ESCANO #1 (Vote for One-VoteportUno) JO canzoner BilieLeD n e a battle of the bands only raised $1,532.03. However, recreation specialist Kristi Fixl of the Apopka Recreation Department, which sponsored the evept, was not disappointed. "Although the funding was significantly less, I feel we were extraordinarily successful with fulfilling our mission of the event, which was 'to unite and encourage our local musical community while advocating the importance of cancer related support.' Each and every band played with heart and did their absolute best to monetarily sup- port the ACS. However, there was so much more to the event than that. The mutual respect that the bands (and audience). held for one another was posi- tively tremendous. Everyone was working toward a common goal. I had a great time! This is exactly how I had envisioned this show," she said. In addition to fundraising by individual teams at Relay, several activities are slated such as the Mr. Relay contest, in which men dress up as women and wander through the crowd collecting donations. The winner of the Apopka's Kiss the Cow contest will bestow a smooch on Summer the cow. For the past several months, citizens have been able to vote for commissioners Kathy Till, Marilyn McQueen, Billie Dean, and Bill Arrowsmith or Mayor John H. Land by depositing money in collection jars placed at City Hall and various Apopka businesses. The winning candidate is the one who has the most money in his or her jar at the beginning of Relay. Other guest speakers and entertainment are also scheduled for the Relay For Life. Web site: www.theapopkachief.com email: ads@apopkachief.fdn.com news@apopkachief.fdn.com Phone: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 SAMPLE BALLOT CITY OF APOPKA GENERAL ELECTION MARCH 14, 2006 7:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. APOPKA COMMUNITY CENTER / VFW 519 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE APOPKA, FLORIDA PAPELETTA D4 MUESTRA LA CUIDAD DE APOPKA ELECTION GENERAL EL 14 DE MARZO DEL 2006 7:00 DE LA MANANA HASTA LAS 7:00 DE LA TARDE EL 'APOPKA COMMUNITY CENTER / VFW' EN EL 519 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE APOPKA, FLORIDA Janice G. Goebel City Clerk / Secretario de la Cuidad de Apopka I - . I- - -- Mon Fri: 9am 6pm Sat: 9am 5pmr Evening by Appt. AllAbou Ap* * Thbe apopka (cbi Established 1923 (USPS 545-440) iUe popka CjtI is published every Friday and entered as Periodicals, postage paid at Apopka Post Office, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ljft popa Cljftd newspaper is published by Foliage Enterprises, Inc., every Friday at 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, Fla., 32712-3417. An annual subscription is $18 in Orange County and $23 outside Orange County. Phone 407-886-2777. Postmaster: Send address changes to Qtlje Spopka QiWfef, P.O. Box 880, Apopka, Fla., 32704-0880. Mbje Xpopka Cftef is a consistent award-winning community weekly news- paper and a member of the Florida Press Association. The newspaper won the group's award as its best newspaper in 1982, 1987 and 1988, the only three-time winner. Letters to the editor are welcome but must be signed and include a daytime telephone number and address for verification. Names may . be withheld on request. Management reserves the right to edit letters because of space or libelous comment. Letters should be limited to 200 words. Newspaper Association of Amerlcod City of Apopka Telephone Numbers City Hall .............. 407-703-1700 Mayor's Office ........ .407-703-1703 City Clerk .............. 407-703-1704 Community Devel ......... .407-703-1712 Code Enforcement ........ .407-703-1738 Finance Dept ........... 407-703-1725 Fire Chief .............. 407-703-1750 Fire (non-emerg.) .......... .407-703-1756 Parks and Rcc. Dept ........ .407-703-1741 Police Chief ............. .407-703-1789 Police (non-emerg.) ........ 407-703-1771 Job Line ................ .407-703-1721 Solid Waste Collect ........ 407-703-1731 Street Maintenance ........ .407-703-1731 Utility Billing ............. 407-703-1727 Medical, fire emergency ............ .911 The city of Apopka: The city of Apopka was chartered in 1882. It is located at 28'30 north latitude and is 150 feet above sea level. Its population is about 34,000 and its total area is nearly 30 sq. mi. Orange County Telephone Numbers Animal Services .......... .407-352-4390 Auto/Boat Tags ........... .407-836-4145 Building Dept ........... .407-836-5760 County Chairman ..........407-836-7370 County Commission ....... .407-836-7350 County Attorney .......... .407-836-7320 Clerk of the Court ......... .407-836-2066 Elections Supervisor ........ 407-836-2070 Fire/Rescue- .......... .... 407-836-9111 Garbage Collecting ........ .407-836-6601 Health Dept ............ 407-836-2600 Hunting/Fishing Lic ....... ...407-836-4143 Parks and Rec. Dept. ...... .407-836-6280 Property Appraiser .........407-836-5000 Sheriff ................. 407-836-3700 Utilities ................. .407-836-5515 All other departments .......407-836-5500 Medical, fire emergency ............ .911 Other Area Numbers of Note U.S. Senators Bill Nelson (Dem.) ........ .407-872-7161 Mel Martinez (Rep.) ........407-254-2573 US. Representatives Corrine Brown (Dist. 3) .407-872-0656 Ric Keller (Dist. 8) ........ .407-872-1962 Tom Feeney (Dist. 24) ...... 407-208-1106 State Representatives Fred Brummer (Dist. 38) ... .407-880-4414 David Simmons (Dist. 37) .. .407-262-7520 State Senators Daniel Webster (Dist. 9) .... .407-656-0066 Gary Siplin (Dist. 19) ....... 407-297-2071 Orange County Public Schools Pupil assignment .......... .407-317-3233 Bus routes ................ 407-317-3800 Superintendent ............407-317-3202 School Board ............. 407-317-3236 Miscellaneous The Apopka Chief ......... .407-886-2777, Museum ,,.. Museum of Apopkans .......407-703-1707 - --- -- -i I , *'r-* ( --* n-n.r -- No HatIrm Done wias one of seven bands who played in the Local Apopka Musicians Eradicating Cintc High School Battle of the Bands Saturday, March 4. Apopka band Hot Sauce Hanrd6uts won the competition, raising $565.11 for the American Can- cer Society. In the Relay For Life fundraiser, each band solicited funds, with the win- ner being the 6te who raised the most money. A total of $1,532.03 was raised. Award: Honoree has to embody the sami qualities as Phil King did Continued from ,Mr him those qualities, he quickly although a former baseball and replied, "My mom." He then football coach himself, didn't we played dithe gaW.Aeeio added,."My mom and football." meddle with the coaches and representedApplF R Lettsome said Latonja Rew, how they handled their teams. The award rec i4 nktPaler although a single mother, raised "He absolutely let the coaches said, had to embody the prfici4 him and taught him about do the coaching," Brian King pies, integrity, character, and integrity and character, said of his father. academics" that King tressedd He also said that his coach- But, he was there to support during his time as the AHS ath- es at Apopka High had an influ- the coaches and their teams, letic director. ? ence on him. Brian King said, attending "We had several pl*rs'we : "They portray the images of games most every night to make considered, but Evonl as ,he what a man should be," Lett- sure things were run smoothly most qualified," Parkeraid.' some said. and to support the teams. "It Lettsome's irttegfity'was a Parker said it was also the goes to show the dedication he main reason he won tbl aWard, other way as Lettsome's actions had." the coach said. "It's definitely a on the football field and in the Brian King said the award character award," Parker said. classroom showed his team- named for his father will "help "I felt very ho'noted fo be mates and the coaches about keep those traditional things the first chosenr not Ibinking I having integrity, there" at Apopka High. was worthy of' i," Lettsome For the King family, it was He said that Lettsome's said. "Ev ybody 'sft~es tobe. a special tribute to the patriarch reaction proved that the student- like. coachKing." : of the family. athlete "understood it was Lettsoine is quiidk to give "It's a tremendous honor to something special." credit to others for teaching him have them do it," said Brian Everyone seemed to have the qualities represented by the King, older son of the late Phil that same reaction, Brian King Phil King Blue Dartbr award. King. "It's very well deserving." said. When asked who taught Brian King said his father, "It was a special night." MID-FLORIDA EYE CENTER Margarita Paterson, OD Dr. Paterson joins Dr. Esbensen in our Apopka office. She is a recent graduate of Illinois College of Optometry and has a special interest in contact lenses. Dr. Patersen also provides a wide range of family eye care services. Both doctors work closely with our team of ophthalmologists. Margpita Paterson, OD Board-Certified Optometric Physician [Ilinois Cdllege of Optometry, Chicago APOPKA 12 SOUTH PARK AVE. (407)886-3188 Toll Free: 1-888-820-7878 Offices also in Mount Dora, Leesburg & The Villages/Stonecrest numann, M.D. Studacia Goldey, M.D., F.A.C.S. Panzo, M.D. Keith Charles, M.D. mizel, M.D. Christopher J. Esbensen, OD Participating Medicare Provider www.m idfloridaeye.com Cameras: Police chief expects the cameras to be installed within 90 days Continued from page 1A the technology, Florida has been reluctant to implement the traf- fic cameras, Vavrek. "We con- tinue to remain slow to adapt or to take this type of technology and use it for the betterment of the community," Vavrek said. "Photo enforcement puts more man-hours back to the streets. I don't have to put officers up there. I'm putting man-hours on preventative control while hav- ing the camera to use as enforce- ment. What better evidence do you have than photographs?" According to the ordinance, the violator is considered to be the registered owner of the vehi- cle running the red light. If the registered owner is not the offender, it is his or her respon- sibility to inform police as to the operator of the vehicle. If the car was stolen, there are provisions in the ordinance for the owner to avoid prosecution. Vavrek plans to have the ordinance ready for the next City Council meeting Wednes- day, March 15. If not, the first reading will take place at the April 5 meeting. Before adop- tion, there will be a second read- *ing of the ordinance at the fol- lowing meeting. Once the law 4 passed, there will be requests fl- proposals to companies that do photo enforcement and a com- mittee will look at what the 319 W. Main St.,Apopka 407-884-0660 Mon. Fri. 9:00a.m. thru 5:00p.m. Sat. 9:00a.m. thru2:00p.m. 'AV companies have to offer, From- the th&e 'that the City Council apprdves.the ordinance, Vavrek hopes the technology will be in` place in 60 days to 90 days. In researching the cost of tlie photo equipment and ser- vice, Vavrek found that some companies lchaxge only a per- centage of the fine incurred for thie violation. "It could actually be that we don't have any capi- tal outlay because they would even process the citations for us," he said. Currently#state law allows for a hne of $190.50, but the proposed fine wild be $125. 'avrek said tht the photo enforcement would initially be used at the ikitersectiori of Park Avenue and U.S. Highway 441 because the city owns an ease- ment there and the cameras could be placed on city property. the intersection of Sheeleet Road and Orange Blossom Trailt eu RYAN ,RRy'UERS. INC. SAricultural Fencing Materials SSmooth or Rough Treated Pine w.( lf kbugh.rCut-Cedar & Cypress p Custom Cutting & Millwork SMetal Roofing & Siding LU*BER a BUILDING pence Posts & Poles SUPPLIES Railroad Cross Ties SFree Delivery Available - "Serving Apopka Area Since 1920" 210 East 5th St. Apopka 407-886-3141 Battleof th Band ..IL t4' ,in *POINTE MOI)FRN HIPHOP & ME TWPRE i , COMPANY ,DANCE TEAM PREP 'DANCEWFAi. AND A'A I F 'irl IF' Vyou.'re aivays welcome!!! STOP IN, TOUR THESTUDIO, MEET THE STAFF, ASK US ABOUT "KIDZCAMP" A #FLEXIBLE, AND AFFORDABLE SUMMER CAMP & DANCE PROGRAM! It's the coolest yace to be this summer! CALL NOW FOR A FREE TRIAL CLASS!!! n V 7 8Paza #441 in Apopkaandon eb at: kiddancecom .,lIn Victoria Plaza where SR#429 meets-.US #441 in Apopka, and on the web at: kidzdance.com Don't Forget to make your vote count SRe-Elect Billie Dean Knowledgeable, Proven, Dependable Leadership A City resident for 26 years 12 years of proven experience serving Apopka. "I believe in diversity and see our city as being a small town with big ideas...a community of friends! I will always represent all citizens in every neighborhood within our beautiful City of Apopka. I will continue working to make Apopka a better place to live." SMilitary Career: U.S. Army Vetean Received a Bronze Star for Valor (Koreai War) ' o Education: BS and MS degree in Agriculture and Administration and Supervision Florida A & M University Work Experietnce: Agriculture Teacher Phyllis Wheatley High School, Apopka -6 years Agriculture Teacher and Department Chairperson Apopka High School 32 years Personal: Married to Isadora 30 year; a retired Apopka teacher for35 years; father of 5 3 AHS graduate; grandfather of 4; 2 siblings; 94 year old father, Arthur Dean, lives in Cle/triont; Son-In-Law Lt. Col. Kevin Christie currently serving in riaq S Community Service: Apopka City Commissioner, Orange County Community Affairs, omes in Partnership, Sertoma, Vice chairman of the trustee board of Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, Florida teague of Cities Criminal Justice Policy Committee, Biracial Committee Memnber Orange County Public Schools, Chairperson College of Extension, Research, Technol- ogy, Agriculture, FAMU, Representative for all 1890 Land Grast Colleges and Universities and Native American Universities in America, Former member ofTheAdvisory Council forOrange County Arts & Cultural Affairs, Apopka Citizen's Police, Seniors First. . I respectfully askfor'your vote on March 14, 2006 Apopka City Commission, Seat 1 Early voting March 7-11 Endorsed By: The Apopka Chief and Thd Orlando Sentinel Newspapers Political advertisement, paid for and approved by Billie L. Dean for Seat I The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 3A d 'also has frequent accidents while the State Road 429/U.S. Highway 441 ifiterchange is the most dangerous ib the city, Vavrek said. However, before .the photo enforceifient equip- ment can be placed at those .intersections, the city of Apopka would have to reach an agree- ment with the Florida Depart- mtent of Transportation. The police chief said the city should lead the state in the adoption of the photo enforce- metft ordinance. "Why do we have to be behind the times in Florida?" he said. "I don't think, Apopka needs to be behind. In' the law enforcement communi- ty, I consider us to be a leader and we're going to take the lead: when it comes to .doing some things. This is one of the things we're working on tb make sure that the community's best inter- ests are takencare of." ON 4 The Apopka Chief March 10, 2006, Page 4A Opinion The Apopka Chief A weekly newspaper founded in 1923 Publisher John Ricketson Reporters Richard Corbeil Chris Gauthier General Manager Neoma Knox Photographer Tammy Keaton Editor John Peery Advertising Jacquelyne Trefcer Elaine Giddens I psition g 10 0 i1 S"Copyrighted Material5 :*r%* :Syndicated Content Serve your community--cast your ballot Available from Commercial News Providers" There are times when the importance of a situation demands our attention and participation. And this is, indeed, one of those times in Apopka. That's because there is an election in our fair city for the City Council seat currently held by Billie Dean. The 12- year incumbent is being challenged by Joe Canzoneri. Early voting is ongoing and if the first half-day of voting is any indication, the turnout may be better than some local observers have predicted. There were 46 voters who cast their ballots on the first day of early voting on Tuesday, March 7. That is not a large amount of voters, but if that pace continues throughout the early-voting period, near- ly 250 people will have voted before the polls even open on Tuesday, March 14, for Election Day. But, whether you vote during the early-voting period or take the traditional route and cast your ballot on Election Day, it is most important that you let your voice be heard. Even though the ballot is extremely short as it contains the race for just the one City Council seat, every vote on the City Council is important and, thusly, every vote cast in every City Council seat race must be considered with the utmost importance. While we have made an endorsement in the race and that was printed in the March 3 edition of The Apopka Chief, we mainly care that you care. Participa- tion is the key and you have little recourse to complain about our city gov- ernment if you don't vote and if you don't get involved in the community and its activities. Early voting continues through Satur- day, March 11, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Leroy Gilliam Training Center, 174 E. Fifth St., Apopka, directly across from Apopka fire station No. 1. on Fifth Street. Voting on Election Day will be Tuesday, March .14, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the new Apopka Community Center, 519 S. Central Ave., Apopka. Please take the time to serve your community by casting your ballot. We, as Americans, often ignore this precious right. Let every town around us be jeal- ous of our turnout for this simple elec- tion. Take time to vote and let your voice be heard. A vote in this election is a vote for Apopka. Endorsement is not agreeable Editor: I want to thank The Apopka Chief for their kind words and the encouragement to continue on. It is my intention to stay involved whatever the outcome of the election. I must say, however, that I STRONGLY disagree with your endorse- ment of Billie Dean. I respect your right to do so, but I do not agree with your assessment of him. All you have to do is compare the answers to the questions you proposed to both candidates and you will have your answer. It is clear that Dean is satisfied with the sta- tus quo. He states that Apopka should remain a small town with big ideas and that downtown should be a quaint little village. Anyone who has lived in Apopka for any reasonable amount of time knows that is not feasible. Dean does not get it. The Chief stated that Billie Dean is the man for the job. Actually, the only real assets you gave him were that he gets along with the other council members and he's been around for 12 years. In reading your endorsement, I didn't see See ENDORSEMENT Page 5A Pageantry must be replaced by sewage This week was the opening day of the legislative session. Several times before, I have written about the pomp and pageantry of opening session. Today, I need to pass on pageantry and instead speak about sewage. I have many times written about the proposed rule issued last year by the Department of Health for onsite wastewater treatment systems. Last August, the Department of Health held public meetings to announce their new rule for septic sys- tems in the Wekiva Study Area. The Wekiva Study Area is part of Lake, Orange and Seminole Counties. DOH's proposed rule would add, at a minimum, $10,000 to the cost of a replacement onsite septic sys- Fred Brummer District 38 Report tem. The DOH gave no consid- eration to the huge cost that would be incurred by home homeowners faced with a failed septic system. The Wekiva Study Area is a working class community typical of Central Florida. Some of its neighborhoods are expensive and exclusive. Some of its neighborhoods cannot afford to appropriately maintain present onsite septic systems. Those neighborhoods cannot afford at least$10,000 extra to replace a failed system, nor the additional monthly cost which may easily reach $200 per month. This week I filed HB 1557. HB 1557 is a proposed grant program that would help home- owners in case the DOH rule ever gets approved. Senator Cary Baker of Eustis has spon- sored the companion bill in the Senate. It is important for there to be in place a subsidy for septic system replacement. There is no certainty regarding the future of the DOH's proposed rule. Except for the courageous, persistent chair of the DOH's TRAP committee, the DOH See BRUMMER Page 5A 'Hate America' types dominate classrooms By Dr. Marvin J. Folkertsma Grove City College They come in all shapes and sizes, without regard to age, race, color, credo, Speedo, national origins, pedigree, fili- gree, or no degree. They are full-blooded, half-blooded, 16th-blooded, green-blooded, 1/64th-blooded something or other, Vulcanese, Pekinese, or strip tease. They are mono-cul- tural, multicultural, counter-cul- tural, literate, semi-literate, anti-literate, tall, short, fat, thin, caffeinated, or decaffeinated. They appear in versions that are intellectually challenged, folli- cle-challenged, or deodorant- challenged, and they sport Brooks Brothers suits, baseball caps, with or without shorts, tank tops, nose jewelry, or Fruit-of-the-Looms. For the caffeinated, 1/64th something or other type, one could hardly improve upon the chain-smoking, flowing Fabio- locked personage of Ward Churchill. For the decaffeinat- ed, grunge-like, intellectually challenged Fruit-of-the-Loom (I'm guessing, here) variety, there is that Homer Simpson- as-a-boy specimen, complete with insipid grin and South Park voice, who insisted with profound historical insight that Bush resembled Hitler -- a point he made in a geography class, no less. Makes one shud- der to think what goes on in a history class. However variegated this menagerie is, they have at least four things in common. First, they resent those who charac- terize them as obsessive-com- pulsive disorder types as though that were a bad thing. Second, they are all from planet Earth, though admittedly, fur- ther research is needed on this matter. Third, their beliefs mimic exactly those about whom George Orwell once commented (with left-wing pro- fessors in mind), "You'd have to be an intellectual to believe something like that. No one else would be such a fool!" Which leads us to the fourth, and most important point: they all despise America with a pas- sion. There is a very serious message behind this admittedly tongue-in-cheek introduction - deadly serious, in fact. Anti- Americans dominate many of our classrooms, newsrooms, and boardrooms. And as point- ed out by David Horowitz in his shocking overview of acad- emia, The Professors, these See FOLKERTSMA Page 5A Your grandparents' spring break alive and well in Ft. Lauderdale MARCH 10 -- A recent article by Jamie Malernee of the South Florida Sun Sentinel caught my eye with the head- line "Not your parents' Fort Lauderdale spring break." As a very early spring breaker from the Northeast, I dpve in quickly but soon dis- c vered that my headline would have been, "Your grandparents' spring break back in Fort Laud- erdale." Malernee did an excellent job on today and yesterday, but my yesterday was the early 1950s and Malernee's was the early 1980s, some 30 years later. The basic thing in common with today and my day is a total of about 15,000 spring break- ers, with the peak in between at about 350,000 in the 1980s. The Fort Lauderdale of my college days had about the pop- ulation of present-day Apopka, . with a total in the state of about 3 million. Today, that city has close to 175,000 people; the state more than 16 million. Richard Corbeil Corbeil's Corner There was no Florida's Turnpike and the Interstate sys- tem was still years away. Also, still years away was Holly- wood's spring break classic, "Where the Boys Are," which turned Fort Lauderdale into the beer and bawdy beach capital of the world. To give you an inkling of the gap between the 50s and the 80s, during that 11-day break (3 days driving), two roommates and I went to a drive-in movie one night and had dinner with their parents on two other nights. The big scandal in those days was the vandals who threw a sand shark into a motel swimming pool. One day of our break was spent on a charter fishing boat paid for by a roommate's father, who was an oil and gas man and bank owner from Houston, Texas. Although, we got skunked on any of the big stuff, we dia catch a bunch of south- ern mackerel on our way in and had a great fish fry that night. This same Texan had rented an apartment for he and his wife, and one for us and his two sons. As I remember, there were three coeds staying next door, and we never even met them. Can you imagine this happen- ing in the 80s? My Texas roomie was flown to Fort Lauderdale by his folks. The other roomie and I drove my Nash Rambler con- vertible non-stop from Cam- bridge, Mass. to South Florida. We each had $100 and I had my dad's Jenney Gasoline credit card. Leaving at 3 p.m. on a Thursday, we got to Fort Laud- erdale on Friday at 11 p.m. South of Baltimore, it was strictly one lane in each direc- tion with no divider and a town or city about every 25 miles, all the way to Callahan, Fla., on U.S. 301. There, we split off to U.S. 1 for a horrendous 250 miles. We started off from Cambridge each spending four hours at the wheel and ended the non-stop marathon with half-hour stints for the last 200 miles. Of course in the early 1950s, there was less than half the number of colleges and uni- versities as there is today and about two-thirds the number in the 80s. Also, the vast majority of U.S. students and faculty were conservatives, politically and morally. Fidel Castro's Cuba was still several years away. We were all children of the 1930s. Born in the Great Depression, raised in the mas- sive epic of World War II, ripened in the nuclear threat of the Soviets' Cold War and matured by the possibility of trading college for service in the Korean War. The all-volun- teer army was still decades away. Most of us on spring break had steadies back home and we were fascinated with the beauti- ful, thinly populated Florida of that era. A night was reserved for the jai-alai fronton in Miami -- the only one in the U.S. at that time. The top world class players from Cuba and Spain, including many Basque stars, were permanent fixtures there during the season. The greyhound races were also on our agenda and we bet our group two dollar daily dou- bles and quinellas with much deliberation. But, most impor- tant on our list was a night tour- ing the fabulous and famed lux- ury hotels of Miami Beach. As the numbers at the Fort Lauderdale break grew toward 350,000 in later years with baby-boomers, the drunken brawls, property damage, orgies, injuries and deaths increased exponentially. It is easy to see why the citizens of this prime development area took them on and ran them out to Daytona, Cancun, the Pan- handle and the Caribbean. Malernee reports that most of the aging 1950s hotels have been demolished to be replaced with the W Hotel and Trump International Hotel & Tower. Looking back on that 1950s era, what arrived in South Florida were young men who spent most of their school time in jackets, ties and white bucks -- the young ladies in blouses, skirts and high heels. Self-respect, not self-esteem, determined the conduct of most of them. Female bathing suits were one- or two-piece that fixed on the figure, not the flesh. A biki- ni on Fort Lauderdale's sandy strip then would have initiated police action and eviction. Flashing would have drawn a heavy fine or jail time. In the era well before sun See CORBEIL Page 5A Justice and Peace Office will hold its golf tournament April 3 at Heathrow Country Club at 7 a.m. Cost per player is $125. Lunch and prizes are included. For info, call Fred Brupbacher at 407-682-4753 or Melanie Curry at 407-889-0100, ext. 222. "Department of Health's proposed rule would add, at a minimum, $10,000 to the cost of a replacement onsite septic sys- tem." State Rep. Fred Brummer on the controversy over septic systems "And his fame went throughout all Syria: Forgiveness is a gift given to those who do and they brought unto him all sick people that not deserve it. were taken with diverse diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had palsy; and he healed them." Matthew 4:24. m"a b Is &A Am I % lei 11 ft u"Olt eir...00*4r im The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 5A Endorsement: Apopkans Destruction of area is overwhelming want forward movement during growth period Continued from page 4A that he had much more to offer. He refused to shake my hand on two occasions, saying he was busy. Is that the type of person we Apopkans want to represent all of our communi- ties? The Foliage Sertoma Club of Apopka invited Dean and me to answer questions from the guests and members present at last Tuesday's meeting. I was willing, but Dean said he had other commitments and could- n't make it. I believe I was told he said he would be busy cam- paigning. In my opinion, he is afraid to face me head-on to answer questions picked at ran- dom. I have spent the past six weeks talking to those very Apopkans you say I need to know and, you know what, they want forward movement during this period of incredible growth, not the same old "busi- ness as usual" which you, The Apopka Chief, have agreed to by endorsing Billie Dean. Per- haps on March 14, we will see who is really in touch with the people. Joe Canzoneri Candidate for Apopka City Council Continued from page 4A rule would be effective now with no funding to pay for the replacement systems or month- ly operating costs. The DOH believes that homeowners in the Wekiva Study Area should have to pay more than $10,000 extra to replace their septic system. The DOH continues to try to force its new rule onto homeowners irrespective that a study on the issue has not been conducted in the Wekiva River Basin Area. It is possible that the DOH could get its way to make people pay irrespective of the opposition of some Florida state senators and many Florida House members. Creation of a grant pro- gram will be the best protection Continued from page 4A blocks, painful sunburns also regulated the behavior of a large percentage of spring breakers after dark -- at least for the first few days before tanning. Today, "Not your parents' Fort Lauderdale spring break" is definitely an apt description, not only in terms of numbers, but also in the attitude of resi- for homeowners in the Study Area. If the DOH rule becomes effective, those that cannot afford to pay would not lose their home. It would be both safe and affordable to replace a septic system. The TRAP committee made several suggestions in addition to their proposal for funding for the septic system replacement. I will need to determine whether the addition- al TRAP suggestions can be added to the HB 1557. I will keep you advised. Should you have any ques- tions regarding this or any other legislative issue, please call me at 407-880-4414 or e-mail me at fred.brummer@myflorida- house.gov.p dents, government and business owners. The 10,000 or so who go to Fort Lauderdale this year, will behave themselves and be welcomed by the community. Without a doubt, "It's your grandparents' Fort Lauderdale spring break." "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise," Proverbs 20:1. Editor: I went horseback riding the other day and came home and cried. What destruction in our once-lovely area. They have destroyed so much in such a very short time. It is a sad situa- tion when money is more impor- tant than people that grew up here for generations. The mon- strosity they call a school on Ponkan Road is just awful, and as far as I'm concerned, not needed. We did not ask for all these people to move down here, what is wrong with them staying where they were? We have noth- ing against them personally, just the destruction of our home and lifestyle. I know some of the younger generation in this area is selling just for the money. They do not have the same sense of appreciation for this area that a lot of us do. I also know some of the older generations are sell- ing because they are heartsick about what is happening around here and losing all they worked so hard for because of over- growth. The destruction of trees, environment, water supply and slaughter of many animals daily is just overwhelming for those of us who love this state for what it is, and not for making money. I guess as long as the city leaders, speculators, espe- cially certain local ones, and developers are happy, that is all that counts. Some people call this progress, but most of us just call it what it is -- destruction. I guess it is time for another native of this area that was once such a wonderful place, to-move elsewhere. Mindy McCormack Apopka Folkertsma: Message is simple-minded and formulaic Continued from page 4A inveterate haters with tenure are indoctrinating the most impres- sionable members of our society with views so outrageous, that upon hearing them, one's first inclination is to reach for an abnormal psych text to gain a sense of what's going on. The message they spout is simple-minded and formulaic. The United States is the most racist, sexist, imperialistic, war mongering, homophobic, dictato- rial, environment-despoiling (that's my favorite) and genocidal country in the history of humani- The Way I See It Patti Bankson How About Justice for Us? politically correct culture, expect- ing people to respect our bor- c dders and obey our laws or not wanting to pro- vide foreign law- breakers with free medical care, food, shelter and 12 to 14 years of education makes us not only "out of the (so-called) mainstream", but also "cold, uncompassionate and racist". Unlike California's Cardinal Mahony, who thinks immigrants should be "embraced" regardless of their legal status, and unlike other Catholic leaders who have start- ed a "Justice for Immigrants" campaign, part of which calls for a legalization program for undoc- umented immigrants. Hello! They're not just undocumented, ty. America is the scourge of the world -- the anti-Christ incarnate, the Darth Vader of the universe, whose unfathomable depreda- tions make Hitler, Stalin and Genghis Khan seem like Boy Scout leaders. America, in short, is just not a nice place. Behind this 10th circle of hell description of the United States that would make Beelze- bub blush and Dante eat his heart out is a contradiction so huge that you can drive the planet Neptune through it. The professors don't leave America; these misanthrop- ic muggers all stay in this heart of darkness, this bottomless pit of they're illegal people who did- n't say, "Mother, May I?" before entering this country. And, if they aren't illegal, why do they need to be ]gaiLzef?? Besides, such a program is already in place, but it requires that you ask first, then enter. Unfortunately, while Cardinal Mahony and others are getting all worked up about citi- zens of other countries who are here illegally, many (legal) citi- zens of this country are left to deal with a mess they didn't invite, and are paying a much bigger price than they should have to pay. Tracy Nethercutt used to own a 100 acre ranch in Texas; it now belongs to two illegal immi- grants from El Salvador who said he assaulted them while they were trespassing on his property. Even though he was acquitted of the assault charges, he lost his property to them in a subsequent civil suit. In Arizona, (illegal) immigrants trespassed on Roger Barnett's land, stole some of his belongings, slaughtered his live- stock, and left enough trash to make the place look like a mini- evil. The question is, why? Here the solemn observa- tions of Abraham Lincoln come to mind. In a brilliant address given in 1838 when he was only 28 years old, Lincoln warned about the perils of the ambitious person, who has time on his hands and few useful ways to employ it. "Distinction will be his paramount object," Lincoln said, "and although he would as willingly ... acquire it by doing good as harm, yet, that opportu- nity being past, and nothing left to be done in the way of building up, he would set boldly to the task of pulling down." dump, but they're not in trouble - - he is! He's being sued for $45 million for assault and false imprisonment because he caught and held them until Border Patrol agents (whom he called) arrived. Here's the best part of Roger's story: he's being sued by, Ta-dah! ...the Mexican government! That's right!! Some Mexican attorneys are working with the Mexican Consulate suing American landowners on- behalf of illegal immigrants. One of those attorneys said, "If some- one is injuring our country in any way, we have a duty to react to that injury." (Wow, that must be some kind of foreign thing, or something because in the U.S. the bad guys are the American landowners and others who don't support supporting the illegals!) Another of the Mexicans' attor- neys said, 'They (the landown- ers) can shoot them, they can kill them, they can rape them, they can do anything they want to because somehow they're sub- human..." They're not -- we're Mexicans." He's right... they're not sub-human, but they're really That's why they stay -- the professors, teachers, cynical jour- nalists, disaffected politicians, and treasonous opinion leaders. They are ambitious people; they hate America; they want to destroy it. And they are teaching our children. Marvin Folkertsma, Ph.D. is a professor of political science and Fellow for American Studies with The Center for Vision & Val- ues at Grove City College. He is the author of several books. His latest release is a high-energy novel titled "The Thirteenth Commandment." not entitled to anything more than a one-way ticket back home. American landowners aren't sub-human either, weren't just sitting in their back yards waiting for people to cross the border to use for target practice and do have the right to protect themselves and their property. It's okay for people to want a better life for themselves and their families. What's not okay is that, somehow, providing that better life has become our coun- try's responsibility. It's also not okay for the Mexican govern- ment to provide its citizens with maps and directions to get here, instead of providing them with the opportunity for a better life there. Patti Bankson invites your comments at pbankson@cfl.rr.com @2006 Patti Bankson Sponsored by Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 Everyone has an opinion. Why not share yours? Send your signed letters to the editor to The Apopka Chief, 439 W. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka 32712, fax them to 407-889-4121, or email to news@apopkachief.fdn.com KIDZ' PUZZLES "Copyrighted Material S Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Brummer: DOH trying to force rule on public Corbeil: Sunburns regulated behavior The Apopka Chief March 10, 2006, Page 6A Lifestyle Former Miss Apopka puts on new crown Focus On N.W. Orange County AHS seeking funds for play The Apopka High School Fine Arts Department will be pre- senting the musical "Ragtime" Thursday-Sunday, April 6-9. The musical is set in the year 1906 and addresses the many issues that came with the industrial revolu- tion. Sixty students and a parent team of volunteers are hard at :work preparing for this amazing -show. In order to maintain the top- notch quality of the Apopka High School musicals, the fine arts department is seeking donations from the community. Anyone interested in helping raise the funds for this production, contact Linda Boot at 407-905-5500 extension 2375 or e-mail to bootl@ocps.net. The Apopka Recreation Department will hold the Spring Fling 5k Fun Run/Walk to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay For Life Saturday, March 18. Pre-registration, costing $5, is available by contacting the recre- ation department and race day registration, which will cost $7, begins at 7:30 a.m. The race will start at 8 a.m. and the route is along the West Orange Trail in Apopka. Participants will receive a Spring Fling T-shirt and winners will receive prizes. This is an event for the entire family with four age categories. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society and donations will be accepted on race day. For more information or to pre-register, call Meghan McAdams at 407-703-1744. The Florida Blood Center's bloodmobile will be in the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church parking lot, 834 South Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka on Sun- day, March 19, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. "Donating blood is safe, easy and fast. In the. 30 minutes you spend giving blood, you could save the lives of five people," a spokesperson said. Most healthy persons over 18 years of age (17- with parental consent) and weigh- ing at least 110 pounds may donate, provided some medica- tion and travel restrictions are met. For more information, call 1- 888-936-6283. The cancer support group meeting will be held Monday, March 13, at 7 p.m. at the Muse- um of the Apopkans, 122 E. Fifth Street, Apopka. Carol Ponton, P.A. will speak on Social Security death benefits. All cancer survivors are encour- aged to participate. Survivors needing more information should call Valerie V. Geth, American Cancer Society Relay For Life Survivor Commit- tee Chair at 407-880-2481. The Kentucky Society of Central Florida will celebrate its 20th anniversary at a luncheon Saturday, March 11, at 1:30 p.m. at the Fran Carlton Center, 11 N. Forest Ave., Apopka. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to bring a covered dish. Drinks, meat, dessert and table service are provided. For more information, call 407-869-0841 or 407-778-2362. The Northwest Orange Republican Women Federated will hold its general meeting on Thursday, March 16, at Errol Estate Country Club in the Carnoustie Room from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The speaker, Rhyan Met- zler, Central Florida field director for the Republican Party of Flori- da. will discuss the upcoming election season. The cost is $15. Republicans (men and women) interested in attending should contact Patty Redlich at 407-886-8460. The deadline to RSVP is Sunday, March 12. By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff Although Nichole McPherson, Miss Apopka 2005, officially retired her crown at the 2006 Miss Apopka Scholarship Pageant Saturday, March 4, she will not sever her ties with the Apopka communi- ty. McPherson will serve as Apopka's American Cancer Society community representative with one of her first duties that of helping the local volunteers put on the seventh annual Relay For Life, which will be held Friday, March 24, and Satur- day, March 25, at Apopka High School's Roger Williams Field. "It's my lifetime goal," McPherson said. "I always wanted to work in non- profits doing volunteer management, so this is a great, great head start for me." As a representative, she will have access to information about types of can- cers, medical advances, treatments, legis- Nichole McPherson ...is Apopka's ACS representative School registration set Kindergarten registration for the 2006-2007 school year at Rock Springs Elementary and the new Apopka/Rock Springs/Zellwood elementary relief school will be held Wednesday, March 22, from 8- 11 a.m. at Rock Springs Elemen- tary. Parents/guardians must bring the child's birth certificate, proof of immunization and physical, and proof of residency (lease agreement, homestead exemption card or most recent property tax statement). For more information, call Rock Springs at 407-884-2242 or the relief school at 407-905- 5522. The relief school is now accepting suggestions from future students, parents and community members for a new school name. Email name sug- gestions, along with a brief sup- porting statement for why this name would be appropriate, to Principal Caroll Grimando at grimanc@ocps.net. Motorcycle ride slated The Apopka Relay For Life Bridges Dream Team will host Cure 4 Cancer, a scenic three- hour charity motorcycle ride Saturday, April 1. This event is open to all riders. The cost is $20 per rider, which includes coffee/donuts, lunch and one door prize ticket. There will be additional oppor- tunities to enter a chance-draw- ing for a one-day bike rental. Riders will depart from Porkie's Original BBQ, 201 S. Main St., Apopka at 10 a.m. Sponsors are being sought for both the premier ($1,500) and corporate ($500) levels. For more information, call Theresa Mott, event chairper- son, or Carol Johnson at 407- 886-4701. lation and more. She will use that infor- mation to educate people who have been diagnosed with cancer and explain the options available to them. For now, she will focus, not only on Apopka's Relay, but also those in Mait- land and Altamonte Springs. "I think three Relays are more thai enough, McPherson said. "My primary capacity is to focus on Relays, but part of my job is advocacy and getting out into the com- munity, talking about the American Can- cer Society and the great number of ser- vices that we offer." When McPherson entered the Miss Apopka Pageant, her platform was dia- betes. While attending the University of Central Florida, she also worked with the American "Diabetes Association, educat- ing people, especially children, about the disease. Although she said she plans to still do that during her free time, she is ready to devote herself to the ACS and hopes to get the same opportunity that she had when she was Miss Apopka. "I can reach out and touch people. I can really affect someone's life and either help them not be diagnosed with this terrible disease or help them get the skills or the things they need to keep living." Although McPherson has attended Everlasting Covenant Christian Center in Apopka for several years, she said her Miss Apopka title has brought her even closer to the community. "My church family and my sister r"hwed me all the great things Apopka has to offer. I'd always been very picky about which pageants I competed in, but I just felt at home here. "When I actually won the title, I understood that neighborly small-town- but-big atmosphere. For me, it was heav- en-sent and God truly blessed me because I could not have imagined a better title. I'm hooked now. You can't get me away from Apopka." How many of these questions can you answer? Questions 1. Where did McDonald's open its first ski-through restaurant? 2. What basketball Hall of Famer was named after a , piece of jewelry? 3. Define nullibiquitous. 4. What crop did George Jane Washington use to make Kn payments when he first leased Mount Vernon from his brother's widow in 1754? 5. What does a hyetographist study? 6. What was sewn together to create the first sports bra, known as the Jogbra? 7. What animal has the highest blood 3t Connelly ow It All pressure to exist in any mammal? 8. What future Supreme Court justice was refused a law clerk inter- view in 1959 by Justice Felix Frankfurter? 9. Why did Elvis Presley rarely perform outside the United States? 10. What academy is considered the first uni- versity in the world? Answers 1. In Sweden, on the slopes of Lindvallen in 1998 2. Los Angeles Laker's Elgin Baylor. He was named after his father's gold pocket watch, which was manufactured by Elgin. 3. It means "not in existence anywhere." 4. Tobacco. He paid 15,000 pounds a year. 5. Rainfall; more specifically, the annual and geographic distribution of rain. 6. Two modified jock straps. Copies of the original are in the permanent collec- tion in both the Smithsonian Institute and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 7. The giraffe. On average, its blood pres- sure when prone is 280/180, more than twice that of an average human. The rea- son: the giraffe has to pump blood up its long neck to its brain. 8. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, because Frank- further didn't accept women on the job. Ginsburg was appointed to the high court in 1993. 9. His manager couldn't go with him. Colonel Tom Parker was an illegal immi- grant from the Netherlands' and couldn't get a passport. Presley gave three con- certs in Canada in 1957, and an impromptu performance while on leave from the Army in Paris. 10. Plato's Academy. It was founded out- side of Athens, Greece in 387 B.C. and continued to exist until A.D. 529. Final thought: Get down on your knees and thank God you are on your feet. Irish saying Don't stop growing Thought of the day Taken from Today and Forever By Leroy Brownlow Keep Growing If we want to be somebody tomorrow that we're not today, then we must grow. Really, that's what life is all about: growth. We were born to grow, and if we cease to grow, we start to die. As children, we outgrow our clothes, and as adults, we should outgrow the little spiritu- al garments that once covered smaller souls. It is natural for every living thing to grow until it reaches the climax and then the anti-climax comes. However, there is anoth- er kind of growth in which there should be no anti-climax, spiri- tual growth in which we get big- ger and stronger with the pass- ing of the years. Hence, there is no such thing as a finishing school; instead, the growth process is to continue. Mildred Board Bits 'n Tips Internal growth depends on what the soul is fed and the exercise of noble deeds. Anony- mous They can conquer who they believe they can. He has not learned the first lesson of life who does not every day sur- mount a fear. Ralph Emerson There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. William Shakespeare The greatest part of progress is the desire to progress. Senaca Think on these things See BOARD Page 8A Kitcen Kper Church news .......7A Obituaries .........7A 0 S~n n h ood Apopka Elementary School held an FCAT pep ralley recently to get students in the mood to do well on the FCAT. Flip, (I), the school mascot, and some teachers gave the kids some encouragement. A, otstompig5goo5tim Boggy Creek was one of the bands that entertained the crowd at the Kickin' Coun- try Concert, held Saturday, February 25, at Kit Land Nelson Park. The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 7A Apopka-area churches set events Crossroads Church of God of Prophecy, 408 E. Seventh St., Apopka, will hold a special bik- ers day Sunday, March 12. Ken and Maria Reeves of Walk with Him Ministries from Tennessee will speak at the 11 a.m. service, which will be followed by a din- ner and sing. "The Reeves follow the bike circuit with the message of Christ, winning souls to Christ in their many years of service," a spokesperson said. The public is invited to attend. There will be no 6 p.m. service. For more information, call 407-814-7170. The Apopka Ministerial Alliance and Ministry Magazine will sponsor a special free semi- nar for all area pastors and chap- lains, Tuesday, March 21, enti- tled The Spiritual Growth of the Clergy -- Pastor, Preacher, Chaplain. The seminar will be downlinked live via satellite from 1-4:30 p.m. at the Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church at 515 Harley Lester Lane in Apopka. Center of Faith Church, Inc. AME A Family Ministry St. Paul AME Services:407-889-4464 Sun. 10 axn., Sun. 6 p.m. 407-889-4464 Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Apostolic 698 Martin Street Apostolic Church of Jesus Apopka 407-886-2556 James Hicks, Pastor 407-464-9375 City of Refuge AAA Sew N Vac 407-884-5638 AAA Sew N Vac Assembly of God Sales & Service All Makes & Models Apopka Assembly of God 20%< OF 1 407-886-2806 20% Wekiva Assembly of God STUNE -UP SPECIAL 407-774-0777 407-886-466 Baptist 407-886-4666 Apopka First Baptist Abel Septic Tanks, Inc. 407-886-2628 Cornerstone FreeWill Baptist Church 3122 Laughlin Road 407-886-0669 Zellwood First Antioch Miss. Baptist Church "Celebrating 43 years" 407-884-7000 40 7-8 89-a2 First Baptist Church of Rock Springs 407-889-2704 407-886-2805 First Baptist Church of Sweetwater APOPKA AUTO UPHOLSTERY 407-862-3893 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka First Baptist Church of Zellwood (Behind Discount Auto 407-889-0509 1407- 11 nForest Avenue Baptist Church 407-889-0011 407-886-4374 27 Years Experience Fountain of Life Baptist Church Charlene & Paul Fitzgerald, Owners of Apopka, Inc. M 407-351-1937 M martin's Tow ing Haitian Baptist Church 407-880-3833 210 E. 7th Street Hope Baptist Church Apopka FL 32703 407-886-6980 Apopka, FL 3 Lake Ola Baptist Church 407-886-1805 352-383-7920 S Lakeside Baptist Church 407-295-7645 130-A South Lakeville Road Baptist Church 407-884-7477 Park Ave. Living Hope Community Church Apopka 407-889-9027 407-886-2626 Lockhart Baptist Church 407-295-1133 Magnolia Baptist Church 407-8804575 f f'McCormick Road Baptist Church 407-886-4957 Glenn Joiner New Hope Missionary Baptist 13202 W. Colonial Dr. 811 E. Semoran Blvd. 407-886-1165 Winter Garden Apopka New Testament Community 407-656-4141 407-889-5222 Baptist Church -r Bo rio "7 1 407-786-0381 .Long SChristian BoO Si Northside Baptist Church 1610 Edgewater Dr., Orlando 407-884-4443 407-422-6934 I Oak Level Baptist Church Bring this coupon in for I 407-656-1523 I 5 th coupon i Orange Primitive Baptist Church 15% off any one item I 407-295-6986 S L Piedmont Lakes Baptist "Ain't No Smelly with Shelley's" 407-889-3383 Shelley's Septic Tanks Pleasant View Baptist Church 104 E. Ponkan Rd. 407-886-6717 Apopka, FL 32712 Plymouth Baptist Church Day or Night 407-889-3358 Barbara Shelley (407) 889-8042 Riverside Baptist Church Vice President Lake Co. Residents (352) 383-5775 407-295-3850 ___ Firestone Rosemont Baptist Church S *l i Bridgeston. 407-299-8885 TOTALCAR CARE Michelin Shiloh Miss. Baptist Church Steve Enos Uniroyal 407-886-6334 Store Manager BGoodrich Springs Community Baptist Church 2409 Semoran Blv Dayton 407-889-2240 Apopka, FL 32703 Road King St. Luke's Full Gospel Baptist Church 407-880-9688 Falkan 352-735-9199 Roller Skating is Family Fun Trinity Baptist Church & Great Exercise! 407-886-2966 Christian Music Night Unity Missionary Baptist Church Every Saturday Night at 407-814-9111 Semoran Skateway in Casselberry Victory Baptist Church 407-834-9106 407-884-8811 www.semoranskateway.com Wekiwa Springs Baptist Church 407-886-7864 Huo Pilat Floris 1112 E. Semoran Blvd. I Apopka 407-886-2499 ORLANDO'S OLDEST APPLIANCE DEALER SINCE 1948 MORGAN APPLIANCES Largest Selection of Used Appliances In Orange County at C KitchenAf Wh ol "fOp THE WAY IT'S MADE:' 1207 W. Church Street, Orlando, FL 32805 407-422-2087 Muffler Man 552 Piedmont Wekiva Springs Rd. Apopka 407-886-1899 Bible Bear Lake Bible Chapel 407-869-0198 Catholic St. Francis of Assisi 407-886-4602 St. Mary's (Protectress) Ukrainian 407-880-1640 407-886-4803 Charismatic Living Waters Church 407-290-1444 Charismatic Catholic Ascension Church, CEC 407-880-9555 Christian , Journey Christian Church 407-884-7223 Church of Christ Church of Christ 407-889-2636 Church of Christ of Plymouth 407-886-1466 Speakers at the event will include Dr. Haddon Robinson, Dr. Marguerite Shuster, Dr. Roy Adams, and Dr. William John- son. A complimentary get- acquainted luncheon will be served at the church preceding the seminar at noon. There is no charge for the luncheon or sem- inar and spouses are welcomed. Each participant will receive free seminar materials and a copy of Powerful Biblical See CHURCHES Page 11 A Obituaries CHARLES J., BARNES JR., 41, Apopka, died Wednesday, March 1. Mr. Barnes was the owner of Plum Level Installations, LLC. He was a native of Louisville, Kentucky. He was Catholic. Survivors: wife, Giovanna; son, Charles; daughters, Katie, Giannii; mother, Lois; brother, Eric; sister, Robyn Roberts. BERNICE ELLEN JEFFCOAT, 81, Fruitland Park, died Friday, March 3. Mrs. Jeffcoat was owner/operator of Pine Ridge Dairy for over 50 years. Born in Plymouth, she was a lifelong iENT A TIME OF REFLEGTION THEVALUE OF BEAUTY People olten oppose beauty to utility, as it ihese concepts are somehow at odds with each other. But, isnr it actually the case that beautiful things can be useful, and moreover, that beauty itself is eminently useful? Truly, beauty has tremendous value, even inestimable value. Beauty adds joy and poignancy to our sometimes dreary lives, and pretending that we can live:wllhout beauty is. like pretending that we can liv without .. Indeed, we would live hopelessly dary, Impoverished lives without love or beM4y, and without these most essential of things we would, as it were, wither and dry out. Another way in which beauty has value is in the way that it inspires the 'better angels of our nature." One of the best ways to humanize and civilize people is by exposing them to beauty, either through the arts or the natural world. Beauty is not lust the province lthel-arts. Science itself can be beautiful, or Instance,'n the elegance of an incisive e4planation. And finally, we should remember 'that when it comes to people, there are some things that are more important than physical besi"y, and they are moral and spiritual beauty. So, we should look for beauty everywhe, 'and cultivate it within ourselves. We might he surprised where it turns up, and how It wig nfich our lives. Church of Christ of West Orange 407-656-2770 Northside Church of Christ 407-884-0031 10th Street Church of Christ 407-884-4835 Church of God Church of God of Christ 407-886-2206 Church of God of Plymouth 407-886-3780 Church of God of Prophecy 407-814-7170 Church of God of Zellwood 407-886-3074 Church of God Templo Victoria 407-889-0555 Freewill Holiness Church of God 407-884-9888 Grace Street Church of God 407-298-9188 Park Avenue Worship Center 407-886-2696 St. Elizabeth Church of God by Faith 407-886-6290 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Apopka Ward 407-880-9877 Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit 407-886-1740 Faith and Word Word of Life 407-886-7427 Full Gospel Millenium of Glory 407-814-0041 New Covenant Perfecting Ministries 407-880-8898 Fundamentalist Cent. FL Restoration Branch Church of Jesus Christ Fundamental RLDS 407-886-3541 Holiness Independent House of Prayer (352) 735-6244 New Life Holiness and Teen Ministries 407-886-3206 St. Matthew Holiness 407-889-2274 travel the world over to find the ham lt.l I ull Independent New Destiny Christian Center 407-298-5770 True Temple of God 407-880-8181 Interdenominational IAMWEARE Church 407-889-8372 New Vision Community Church 407-886-3619 Northwest Community Church 407-578-2088 One Accod Chiristian Fellowship Church 407-523-3002 Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 407-884-6696 Jewish Congregation Beth Am 407-862-3505 Congregation of Reform Judaism 407-645-0444 Lutheran St. Paul Lutheran 407-889-2634 Methodist First United Methodist 407-886-3421 Bear Lake United Methodist 407-862-1531 Zellwood United Methodist 407-889-4426 Moravian Rolling Hills Moravian Church 407-332-8380 Nazarene Calvary Church of the Nazarene 407-889-2148 New Life Community Church of the Nazarene 407-291-9294 Non-Denominational Center of Faith Church for All People 407-464-9375 Church Back Home 407-889-3781 Church on the Edge 407-869-1133 Everlasting Covenant Christian Center 407-884-8598 Compass Community Church 407-774-4600 resident of Central Florida. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Leesburg. Survivors: brothers, W. Charles Wilkins, Tavares, Richard M. Wilkins, Apopka; sisters, Ruth W. Chan- dler, Lois W. Carter, both of Apopka, Lena Smallwood, Kissimmee, Diane McKee, Astatula; three step-grandchil- dren; many step-great-grandchildren. Beyers Funeral Home, Leesburg. "BABY" MARTIN, newborn, Apopka. Survivors: parents, Marcus See OBITUARIES Page 11 A Crossroads Community Church 407-880-9226 Faith & Power Worship Center 407-880-5115 Faithworld Center 407-292-8888 Freedom Fellowship 407-299-6311 Freedom Ministries 407-886-6006 Gospel Stable Church 407-889-0583 Harvest House Community Church 407-814-0261 Living Waters Christian Center 407-389-0996 Mission For Christ, Inc. 407-889-5998 New Beginnings Ministries 321-689-2260 New Life Praise Worship Center 407-880-3421 Prayer House of Faith Inc. 407-841-2787 Perfecting Praise Ministries 407-298-6776 Sabbath Grace Fellowship 407-970-6535 Sorrento Christian Center 352-735-4447 Spirit of Life Christian Church 407-886-4570 Tangerine Community Church 407-880-6488 Victory Church World Outreach Center 407-889-7288 Westside Community Church 407-880-7887 Pentecostal Abundant Life Church of the Living God 407-880-7255 Church of the Living God Inc. 407-884-0134 Church of the Son 407-246-0001 Ebenezer Christian Church Inc. 407-886-0020 Faith in Christ By God 407-814-8515 Free Temple Ministries 407-889-3725 House of God 407-814-0656 Pentecostal Church of God 407-295-0898 The Pentecostals 407-889-3802 Truth Tabernacle 407-814-9333 Way of Grace Ministries 407-889-4000 Pentecostal Holiness Temple of Faith 407-884-6960 Presbyterian First Presbyterian of Apopka 407-886-5943 St. Andrews Presbyterian 407-293-6802 Reformed Church in America Rolling Hills Community Church 407-886-7664 Religious/Biblical Science * Bible School of Apopka 407-644-0193 IDMR 407-644-0193 Seventh-day Adventists Apopka Seventh-day Adventist 407-889-2812 Florida Living Church 407-788-7591 Forest Lake 407-869-0680 Franco-Haitian 407-296-4368 Genesis Spanish 407-453-4762 Mount Olive 407-886-0430 Pine Hills 407-291-4816 Plymouth-Sorrento 407-884-0595 Present Truth 407-886-4335 Sheeler Oaks 407-886-8077 United Brethren Lake Brantley Community 407-862-7821 Unity Unity Church of Christianity 407-295-9181 Subscribe to Tbe topka Chbief! Call 407-886-2777. LOOMIS Funeral Home (l-r) Steven Loomis, James R. Loomis and James "Bob" Loomis "' Family Owned & Operated When considering pre-need or at-need arrangements, call for lowest price quote. 407-880-1007 420 W. Main St., Apopka Way of Grace Ministries "The Family Place" Service Times Sunday 10 am & 6 pm Wednesday 7 pm 8550 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd., Apopka Daniel W. Mattox, Pastor 107-292-9998 AM 950 WTLN The Light 407-886-3388 Hwy. 436/441 "Attend your place of worship this week" MARVIN C. ZANDERS FUNERAL HOME 232 W. Michael Gladden Blvd. Apopka, Florida 32703 All Seasons Pest Control 435 W. Main Street Apopka, FL 32712 407-886-0204 Apopka's Plant Ofitlet 2177 N. Rock Springs Rd. Apopka, FL 407-814-1144 One Stop Garden Center For All Your Garden Needs Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses, Inc. Ph. 407-886-3434 Wholesale W RF0066455 jfgss. 10% off 1k: order when you 0'1 1 L bring in *this coupon (Behind the n.c Apopka Tag office) 407-889-4433 Apopka Well & Pump, Inc. Specializing in Submersible & Turbin Pumps Apopka: 407-886-1273 Lake County: 352-483-0779 Individuals Partnerships Corporations 855 N. Park Ave. #2 Apopka Ruby Baxter -407-814-1810 Susy Garcia Freycenet Allstate 130-D ParkAve state Apopka *lui 407-886-8778 407-260-6888 1203 E. Hwy. 436 Altamonte Springs - Harris Oil & Air Conditioning Corp. Fuel Service-Oil-Kerosene Diesel-Lubricating Oil 1100 S. Hwy. 441 (P.). Box 987) Phones: 352-383-2322 & 1-800-458-2703 Stephen R. Lareau Certified Public Accountant Serving Apopka Since 1980 407-886-2597 Loomis Funeral Home Inc. Quality Service at reasonable prices from a family that cares 420 W. Main St., Apopka James R. Loomis, Funeral Director 407-880-1007 APOPKA TREE & SHRUBS Walt Williams Owner 407-886-1060 1616 Schopke Rd., Apopka_ State No Fault Insurance 119 South Sunset Drive Casselberry, FL 32707 407-889-0098 b)he Apopka Qbief One ofFlorida Top award-winning weekly newspapers C OI MllRP ALN YThe Planter Commercial & Residential A Free Weekly Publication Garage Doors & Openers 407-886-2777 www.jbmathews.com r0-n-2 407-656-1289 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka One Accord Christian Fellowship Church Multicultural Spirit-filled Church Sunday 10AM Wednesday Service 7PM Youth Wednesday 7PM 7301 Edgewater Dr. 407-523-3002 Danny Len Buick Pontiac .GMC Truck 17605 US Hwy. 441 Mount Dora 352-357-4181 174 Semoran Commerce PI., Ste. 121 Apopka /"407-886-9500 For allyourprinting needs STATE ARM Hal Yeager _.g" L 49 E. 3rd Street, Collison Carey-Hand Apopka Funeral Home INIURANC 407-889-2557 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road g n Stt. i 407-656-3443 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there! <, Tricia A. Madden, P.A. Free Consultation No Recovery No Fee No Cost 500 E. Altamonte Dr., Suite 200 Altamonte Springs 407-260-0440 "Fe.owship Chu.rch 5623 Gilliam Read' Comer of Clarcona Ocoee Rd. & Gilliam Rd. 7 min. from Apopka City Hall Pastor waer Sundays a.m 407-299-6311 Apopka Aluminum & W A IA R A DT Nelson's Insurance Screen Inc. VVA L- iAI T I Services Class Rooms, Screen Rooms, Bryan Nelson Room Additions, Carports 1700 S. Orange Blossom Tr. For all your insurance needs Concrete Work, Pool Enclosures Apopka 10 N. Park Ave., Apopka Apopka 407-886-7504 407-889-8668 407-886-7553 A2 Vann Gannaway Chevrolet 15140 U.S. Highway 441 Eustis 352-343-2400 Bowen Plumbing, Inc. S407-88 407-88! Faucets SToilets 'Disposals Sinks Water Heater Rootering fReplping S-0708 Tom's Forklift Service, Inc. Family Owned & Operated 5817 Beggs Rd., Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 296-3858 FAX(407) 294-7939 Who do you call when you have plumbing needs?AF Joel Clark First National Bank S oc eAlbertson's Food & White Aluminum Apopka Family & Certified Backflow Tester iSt a al Bank SteVeh KOSCOe lumbg d Children's Health *Annual Testing 'Repair -Installation 211 S. Edgewood Drive Pharmacy Products 225 E. 7th St. 618 S. Forest Ave. EmergencyRepairsMost Servicewithin 24 Hours Apopka 407-797-1900 2400 Semoran Blvd 18040 US Hwy. 441 Main Line Appointment Line 'mn R407-383-5632 407-886-1400 *?'- Christian Owned Apopka Mount Dora 407-886-6201 407-556-5232 cert.# T05-0o-4552 86 0." j & Operated 407-889-9797 407-889-5775 Serving Apopka for over 30 years i I F. She Apopka uhiet, Marcn lu, zuuo, rage oA A Summer Camp That Will Make Memories for a Lifetime June 5 July 28 A Busy Day Every Day Preschool to 6th grade Science Exploration, Art, Music, Swimming, Canoeing and More U. at .Resurrection Longwood, Florida 251 E. Lake Brantley Drive 407-788-CAMP (2267) i. ,< A hm Introducing The Next Generation of After years of searching, Dr. Wayne Hanna, USDA plant geneticist, has bred and released a new improved variety of centipede grass. TifBlair is the first significantly improved centipede grass in over 50 years, available now in the Centi-Seed bag with the same high quality and integrity that has been the trademark of Centi-Seed since 1954. Premium TifBlair Centi-Seed provides quicker coverage and has proven to be more cold tolerant than common centipede. Now homeowners can have a luxurious lifetime Southern lawn with the added benefits of TilBlair. And it's available at the same price. Accept no Substitute. * Certified Pure Seed * Centi-Seed costs less and takes less time and effort than sodding. * "Couch Potato" Friendly Needs less mowing Needs less fertilizer Chokes out weeds An affordable solution for a bare backyard Perfect for new lawns or to convert old lawns Sun or partial shade Superwrapped to make every seed count *Suggested retail prices may vary at participating dealers. Centi-Seed is a Registered trademark used exclusively for premium quality Centiipede gras seed grown and packed by PATTEN SEED CO. LAKELAND, GA 31635-0217 "Producing Lifetime Lawns for over 50 Years:' www.pattenseed.com Most Independent Lawn & Garden Dealers Choose to Sell Centt-Seed HALL'S FEED STORE 15 East 5th Street, Apopka SOUTH LAKE FEED & PET CENTER 102 S. Hwy. 27, Clermont HALL'S GARDEN & PET 6203 Edgewater Dr., Orlando _______Working__it.0out Planning to refill pantry shelves with the help of the sixth annual Vincent- ian Benefit Golf Tourna- ment are, (1-r), Dorothy Juskie, Rosemary Orosch, and Rudy Studenc, presi- dent of the group that helps the needy in the Apopka area through a food pantry at St. Francis of Assisi Church. The golf event was held Sunday, March 5, at Errol Estate Country Club, and included a shotgun-start scramble, door prizes, raf- fle for cash, silent auction and Italian dinner follow- ing play. Board: Remember to pray for our country's leaders Continued from page 6A Show me a family of read- ers and I will show you the peo- ple who move the world. Napoleon You're not the only pebble on the beach. H. Braisted For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. Romans 14:7 It is essential that the stu- / MO' dent acquire an understanding of and a lively feeling of values. Otherwise he more closely resembles a well-trained dog than a harmoniously developed person. Albert Einstein Press through; nothing can harm if you are true. E. Markham Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it, nothing great was ever accomplished. Ages 6 Weeks to 12 Years Preschool * Active Learning Curriculum * Focus on School Readiness * Accredited Staff * Family Owned & Operated * Summer Camp Program * Before/After School Program 407 - NOW HIRING C070R0368 -814-8060 2505 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka (across.from Sprint) ELECT JOE CANZONERI TO APOPKA CITY COUNCIL SEAT 1 MARCH 14 APOPKA NFEDS NEW IDEAS FROM. ITS LEADERS LET AME HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE Politcal Adverusemeni paid for and f.,pr.% ed I.:e Canzoner: for Seal I. Retirement Never Felt So Good! Come Live in the Smoky Mountains! * All ground level apartments * 14 acres on Little Pigeon River * Paid utilities * Transportation * Activities * Pet Friendly * Meals included MountainBrook VILLAGE 700 Markhill Drive Sevierville TN www.MountainBrookVillage.info 1-877-207-5034 55 + Independent and Assisted Living Community Ralph W. Emerson It is difficulties that show what men we are. Epictitus The slogan "Press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. Calvin Coolidge Responsibility walks hand- in-hand with capacity and power. J.G. Holland When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them. Con- fucius Give the world the best you have and this best will come back to you. M. Bridges Please continue to pray for our troops and all their families. Remember, they are there to help free a country. We are so blessed in this country. Pray for our country also, and the leaders of our country to help them make positive decisions for us. May the work I've done speak for me. Mildred A. Board and Per- rine Slim The UPS Store in Apopka The Shoppes of Wekiva 1631 Rock Springs Rd (at Welch) 407-814-8770 407-814-8771 fax store5514@theupsstore.com Color Copy Sale Ends April 30, 2006 Reclaim your home from unwanted guests. COMPLETE PEST, LAWN, & TERMITE SERVICE . . Pest Control Termite Division ecrai Lawn Care Division Ao Landscaping Division . ercer pest ControlINC. -t 5 24 W. 4th Street, Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 880-6207 "ITS I TUBES " CARS CARS CARS INC. 902 S. O.B.T. (Hwy. 441) APOPKA * Come see why 80% of our Business is REPEAT! * FREE 30 Day Warranty* * FREE Oil Changes Every 3000 Miles.* * We Report to the Credit Bureau * Every Vehicle has a 7 Day Exchange Guarantee* * 50+ Cars In Stock *Some Restrictions Apply APOPKA 407-880-3900 I &OHair & Tan FULL SERVICE WAXING & TANNING r - - -- \ FREE TANNING' S-i' Purchase 5 Sessions & e I the 6th is FREE 1,|Must present coupon. Exp. 3-31-06 r 20r '% Zf L-r: Becky, Mai, Ann, Na O i Stylistan e Tanning Lotion Mon. Sat. 9 am 7 pm Tanning Lotion MWalk-ins Wa m1 Mustpresentcoupon.Exp.3-31-06 Walk-ins Welcome roiala-a._ o.. .0. 1057 W. Orange Blossom T'r., Victoria Plaza. Apopka* 407-886-9826 Apopka news The Northwest Orange Republican Women Federated will hold their first golf tourna- ment at Errol Estate Country Club on Saturday, April 8, at 7:30 a.m. Proceeds ,will benefit the Alice Beth Miner Scholarship Fund. The shotgun/scramble is $70 and includes range balls, golf carts, 18 holes of golf, registration and lunch, or those interested can just come for lunch at 11:30 a.m. for $20. The tournament is open to both men and women. For applications and more information, please contact Robin McEwen at 407-814-0935 or download the application online at NORWF.org. Reservations must be returned by April 2. The annual Northern New York State picnic will be held at Kelly Park on Thursday, March 16, at noon in pavilion 2. Those attending are asked to bring a dish to share, table ser- vice, beverage, and lawn chairs, a spokeswoman .said. The picra': has been held since 1950. "Please come and see some old acquaintances and meet some new ones," the spokes- woman said. "We are looking for- ward to a great turnout." For more information, call Anne (Mack) Placona, 1-352- 544-2455. The ninth annual Dr. Howard A. Kelly Celebration will be held Saturday, March 25, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Kelly Park. The cele- bration will include free admis- sion into the park, and a scenic hayride tour of Kelly Park. The day's activities will also include ecological, cultural, environmen- tal and historical exhibits. A spokesperson for the event said 800 citizens are expected to attend. For more information, call 407-889-4179 or 407-889-7394. SOLUTIONS ACROSS 1. Bests 6. Map 9. Bass 13. Aloha 14. APO 15. Alae 16. Reran 17. SPT 18. Dull 19. Babies 21. Sao 22. glia 23. Psalm 25. Each 26. Bahamas 31. Lass 33. Anapest 34. Sch 35. Baser 36. Aesop 41. Cal 44. Barrels 46. Pyre 47. Origami 48. Masa 51. Sison 53.Abas 54. ESE 55. Eagles 61. Macs 62. Nun 63. Cloak 64. Ache 65. Art 66. Teddy 67. Sass 68. Lei 69. Seise SOLUTIONS DOWN 1. Barb 2. Elea 3. Sorb 4. Thai 5. Sane 6. Massa 7. Appalls 8. Potomac 9. Badges 10. Alula I1I. Salic 12. Selah 20. Spas 24. SST 26. Bab 27. ANA 28. Has 29. Ape 30. Mercy 32. Shari 37. Erg 38. Sea 39. Olmin 40. Psi 42. Arsenal 43. Leisure 44. Boo NOWENOLIN 45. Arne. 46. Passes 48. Mamas 49. Abaca 50. Sachs 52. Senti 56. Acts 57. Glee 58. Lodi 59. Eads 60. Skye The Crossword Puzzle can be found on page 9A of this newspaper. The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 9A Students at Lovell Elementary School designed patriotic quilt squares, each one bearing the name of a Florida ser- viceman killed in Iraq. The theme of the quilt is Let Freedom Ring. It was assembled by a group of Titusville quil- ters, who have already put together several of these tribute quilts. All of the quilts will be exhibited throughout the state, eventually ending up in the capitol building in Tallahassee. The Lovell quilt was displayed publicly for the first time February 24, with local dignitaries attending. Shown are Mayor John H. Land, (I), and Lovell assistant principal Elvis Epps. Zellwood Garden Club gives awards Shoingsupor The Zellwood Garden Club welcomed two new members, Carla Durante and Carolyn Pier- son, at the February 21 meeting at the Zellwood Community Center. Barbara Gillis was host- ess. The awards for Yard of the Month and Honorable Mention were awarded for January and February. Yard of the Month went to Voncille -Clemmons for January and Gerard and Monique Masclet for February. Honorable Mention was award- ed to John Marcell for January and Gene and Kathryn Rice for February. After the meeting, the members made bookmark JJ44ANAL~j.PMINT' Microsoft * Gold Cert'diAuthorried Small Business Specialists * Nenrting Solutions Hardware * SernceRepair SSalesUpgrades SAdviceDemos Software * Technical Support * User Training * Custom Design Internet * Remote Access Secuny Controls Vrus'SpywOie Removal OUR CERTIFIED & EXPERIENCED TECHNICIANS SERVICE ALL BRANDS OF PCs FOR QUR BUSINESS CUSTOMERS WE OFFER: * Priority response to your needs * On and off site service and support * One stop shopping for all your computer needs FOR OUR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS WE OFFER: * Lower cost in shop repairs * Quick turn around times * No techno speak Apopka's Computer Service Center favors for the National Garden Club Convention. Adis Strier and Gladys Wagner designed the bookmarks. The members continue to collect empty ink cartridges from printers, fax machines and copiers for Habitat for Humani- ty and Campbell soup labels to purchase a van for the Wekiva Youth Camp. After the next meeting on Tuesday, March 21, the mem- bers will visit Ray Green Nurs- ery in Zellwood. Anyone inter- ested in joining the garden club is invited to this meeting at the Zellwood Community Center at 9:30 a.m. For more information, call 407-886-5023. ANOTHER'S TREASURE Preowned and new * Women's clothing * Furniture * Household Items * New gifts * Silk flowers * Much more! 210 W 2nd Street, Apopka Corner of Main and W. 2nd St, Next to AOK Tire Mart & Across from Hungry Howies 407-886-3909 Open Saturday and Sui I i /l 1 - nday only 10AM 5PM UllJJ 6J 6~LM OVER 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Wipe Out Debts* Keep Your Property Stop Collection Threats* Re-Establish Credit Reorganize Business Restructure Debts Modified Payment Plans Stop Foreclosure Catch Up Mortgage Payments /Pay IRS Robert H. Pflueger Pay Creditors OverTime 377 Maitland Ave., Altamonte Springs 407-339-2022 FEDERAL LAW MAY HELP! If you are considering bankruptcy, DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. PODIATRIS 0 M PANY Serving Florida for Over 25 Years Family Owned and Operated Professional Dependable Trustworthy 407-656-1289 Vist0Or *howooSAt206 AexCoutApopk Serving Active Adults, Children Seniors Our podiatrist, Dr. Childs, will go out of his way to give you professional and courteous care. Appointments are unrushed. Treatment and therapy are always personalized for each patient's specific need. Take the first step toward pain relief and call us today. SORLANDO FOOT & ANKLE a CLINIC Personalized foIot pain solutions for active adults Dr. Douglas Childs Call Today 407-423-1234 116GoodichAve.-Sit 16,Apopa "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" ... .. i I. Wlekiva Accepting 4C Students '*Aard inning Childhood Curriculum Fun, Loving, Caring En'- noaeni na ni. Toddler, Preschool* Before and After School (Cr Hot, Nutritious Breakfast, Lunch & Snack Professional Staff (CDA Maintained) Hours: 6:30 am 6:00 pm 407-889-4300 Lic #10 -33 2 'E. Hwy. 436 (Semoran Blvd.), Apoj Compositing with worms Grow Naturally Promote Good Health, Safety Call for FREE Consultation 407-814-9218 Website: www.ourvitalearth.com 6919 Plymouth Sorrento Rd., Apopka TM C AmE5RtCA's F,-vxi n. GRAGEtt.FDitosT.M Lift Master Ga-rage Door Openers Garage Door Openers I SALE C)n'All V ** .-- ,'>*-* -f W i .-i.-... .... ...... ....... ........ ... .. t _ INA The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 10A Election: Other than Orlando, Apopka is only city in the county to hold early voting for municipal election INCOME TAX TIME FREE E-File with paid tax preparation RAL Refund (Loans) in 24 hours or less SO$15OFF .. S Tax Preparation I with this coupon ' SNot yalid with any odhecoupon Expires4/15106 , Hours: Mon. Fri. 8:30am 7:00pm Sat,8:20am 5pm Sun. By Appointment Only. ~ W.-i I-" ll-cmrc kiwI-Iisp.1 1*C Baxter Bookkeeping and 855 N. Rock Springs Rd., Apopka 1/2 Mile South of Welch Rd. Tax Service Ruby Baxter (407) 814-1810 A, D NOW OPEN- ECONOAIYFULL SET DENTURE* D5 7o o D Y.........$325 Custom Full SetDentures D51 10.0D5120).................................. 550 CustomFullUpperorLo er (D5110,D5120).......... ..................$...............325 Premium FullSetDentures (D5110,0D5120).............................$825 Reline(each)(D5710. D5711)..... ........ .....................$120 GoldDenture Crown ID9999)..... .................. ............... $150 Simple Extraction (each) (D7110) ..................................................... 60 Full-mouth X-ray (required forextracions) (D330........................$... 55 Fees effective December 15, 2005 No Appointment Necessary *Same Day Service If In Before 9 a,m. We gladly accept Cash, Checks, Visa, MasterCard and Discover as payment for our services. Affordable Dentures Orlando West, P.A. Blackwood Health Central DavidM. Simms, DMD Wal-Mart Ave Hospital GeneralDentist Super A- e / 1163 BlackwoodAvenue center Ocoee, FL 34761 / colonial or (407) 877-3828 40- For more information, please call AR 1800-DEIHTU r (1-800-336-8873) www.affordabledentures.com Hablamos 0. 0 Continued from page 1A In addition to the five days of early voting at the Gilliam center, Apopkans can vote from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Satur- day, March 11, at the office of Orange County Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles. The early voting for all Orange County municipal elections began at Cowles' office on February 27 and will be held every day through Saturday, March 11. His office is located at 119 W. Kaley St., Orlando. Other than Orlando, Apop- ka is the only city to hold its own early-voting period, Cowles said. Other municipali- ties around Orange County are having their early voting held only at Cowles' office. He said that early voting has not shown to increase the numbers of voters in a given election, but makes it easier for those who do vote. There are 18,188 registered voters in Apopka as of the clos- ing date for "the registration books, according to figures obtained from Cowles' Web site, www.ocfelections.com. Although the city race is a nonpartisan one, there are 7,415 Republicans registered in Apop- ka and 6,453 Democrats. Those in other parties or having no party affiliation number 4,320. Election Day voting will be held Tuesday, March 14, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the recently completed Apopka Community Center, 519 S. Central Ave., Apopka. It is on the southeast corner of the intersection of Central Avenue and Fifth Street. Goebel said she expects the vote totals to be completed just minutes after the polls close on Election Day. There will be three counts that make up the final tally, she said. The early voting machines will be at the supervisor of elections office in Orlando and will be counted by officials there right after 7 p.m. on Election Day. That total will be faxed to Goebel at the Apop- ka Community Center. Mean- while, Goebel and other poll workers will count the absentee ballots, which will be stored at the Apopka Community Center, immediately after the polls close. Those two totals will be added to the regular Election Day totals for the final vote tally of the race between Canzoneri and Dean. However, due to the new state elections law, if there is even one provisional ballot, the election cannot be certified until Friday, March 17, at 5 p.m., Goebel said. A provisional bal- lot includes ballots that are cast, but the voter cannot prove at the time of voting that he or she is a registered city voter. The person is given a ballot to vote and then the person must provide proof of eligibility before Friday, March 17, at 5 p.m. If the voter is proved to be eligible, then the vote counts; if eligibility is not proven, the vote does not count. Either way, the election is not certified until that deadline. The provisional ballot issue should not affect the outcome of the race, unless it is very close and there are several provisional ballots. The stealing of the candi- dates' signs became an issue in the final week before the elec- tion as Canzoneri had put out roadside signs on Sunday, March 5, in his neighborhood of Rock Springs Ridge only to find them gone the next day. Accord- ing to a report Canzoneri filed with the Apopka Police Depart- ment, he replaced the stolen signs about 6:15 a.m. on Tues- day, March 7, and then saw someone removing them about 9:45 a.m. that day. According to the report, Canzoneri confronted the man who was gathering the signs and he told Canzoneri that he was with Orange County Code Enforcement and that the signs could not clutter up the area. Canzoneri told the man that he had permission from the Rock Springs Ridge Homeowners 41A Association to place the signs. The man then took off with the signs in his car and told Can- zoneri that he could pick up his signs at the Apopka Code Enforcement office, the report stated. Canzoneri met with an Apopka Code Enforcement offi- cer who told him the signs were not there and then Canzoneri met with police over the issue. Canzoneri told police that through undisclosed sources he had identified the man. Police contacted the man who admitted having the signs, saying that he had been through litigation over business signs he had placed in the public right- of-way, the police report stated. The roadway that Canzoneri's signs were next to is a private road maintained by the home- owner's association, the report stated. A police officer retrieved Canzoneri's signs from the man and Canzoneri said he did not wish to press charges. The man is not an employee of Orange County or Apopka code enforce- ment, the report stated. However, both signs from both Canzoneri and Dean were again stolen Wednesday, March 8, and Canzoneri said that he will press charges if the person who took them can be identi- fied. Mark: Eltha Mark was born in Ocilla, Ga., but lived most of her life in Florida, about 35 years in Apopka Continued from page 1A of the Year" in 1978. Born in Ocilla, Ga., Eltha Mark spent most of her life in Florida. When her hus- band was offered a job as a commercial and residential real estate developer, the Marks, including four children, moved to the Bahamas. Just as she did in Apopka, she made significant contributions to the com- Ginny Langen OWNER 29 Years in Business is Open dW7V W_7 W l 5 FLORIDA CODE REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT" THESE ARE MINIMUM FEES AND CHARGES MAY INCREASE DEPENDING ON THE TREATMENT REQUIRED. THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT." | rfili lA !if womte Dam On. e si-o WM PA A Cai r ToSm Oandm Sm, Or .fu.go edOt I (f7l isT7-3826 | SAVE $50 SAVE $25 , on Custrm or Premium on Custom or Premnum I | Fu Set DentUres SngleorPartiaDentwa | C w0 nuibMtFE!pAeeW i Vervic Esa w-d. S ,U4N!Iufa ruAyF Just send the attached card to us with 7. your name, address, and $18 (in-county) plopf a QCbief and you will receive blt ZApopka C(iLtf each week in your mailbox! Your'Local News Source For: Schools Entertainment Government Neighborhood Advertising Shopping Local Sports or send us an e-mail to: ads@ApopkaChief.fdn.com J 1 &ed,/ Sign me up for TO t popka 0i1"f Home Delivery for Only $18 a Year! New or Renewal(Orange County) $23 Out of County Name I Address City State Zip_ Phone No. Amt. Enclosed $_____________ Clip This Coupon and Mail To: The Apopka Chief 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail P.O. Box 880 Apopka, FL 32704-0880 407-886-2777 Fax 407-889-4121 - --- ------------------ Jms munity there. The Marks moved to Apopka a few years later. Survivors include: daughters, Pamela Burke, Ocoee, Leslie Boyle, Port Charlotte, Brenda Lockhart, Indianapolis, Ind.; son, Ray Mark, New Port Richey; brother, Luther Lamar; six grandchildren; and one granddaughter. A service will be held Saturday, March 11 at 11 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, 201 S. Park Ave., Apopka. The Rev. Henry Cribb will officiate. Visitation will be held today, Friday, March 10, from 6-8 p.m. at the church. The family requests that dona- tions be made in her honor to the Florida United Methodist Children's Home in care of First United Methodist Church of Apop- ka, and to Cornerstone Hospice, 108 Ameri- ca St., Orlando. Loomis Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. A Auction-it a l TODAY ayh A Global Business on a Local Level. SMART STYLINGS We keep your individuality in mind with the right haircut and style. Full-service salon for men, women and children. Chic Cuts Creative Color Trims Perfect Perms Hip Highlights Smart Styles Manicure Pedicures Mon., Wed.,Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Closed Sun. &Tues. )_IV-E TEV'1 0AIN 925 :O. .T.Sie5 0.h Okvll Paz Don't Have Time to eBay? 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V -, 1~.n ,lm-.-r -r J- -can also subscribe online, at com www.TheApopkaCh.ief.com The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 11A Garden fair will help with scholarships The Sweetwater Oaks Gar- den Club is sponsoring a garden fair Sunday April 2, to be held at Sweetwater Square at the comer of Wekiva Springs Rd. and Fox Valley Drive from 10 a.m. 4 p.m. The fair will have numer- ous vendors selling plants, i.e., bromeliads, orchids, roses, day lilies, to name a few. Also, gar- den wares, food, children's activities, and several educa- tional tables with information that 'will interest residents will be offered. Tom MacCubbin will speak on Waterwise Land- scapes, at 1 p.m. "This fits in with the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs' mission of pro- moting water conservation and what each of us can do to make a difference," a spokesperson said. Wekiva Springs Park and wildlife, butterfly gardening, and organic pest control are other topics that will be present- ed. The master gardeners will be there to discuss native plants and other topics of interest to gardeners. The fair will benefit horti- culture scholarships for Univer- sity of Florida students, Wekiva Youth Camp, scholarships for campers, landscaping for Habi- tat for Humanity, and other pro- jects. This event will be held in conjunction with a flower show. The flower show will be in the community center next to the garden fair location. "The gar- den fair will provide an oppor- tunity for folks to buy garden items, visit with each other, and give the neighborhood a sense of community for a wonderful cause," a spokesperson said. For additional information, con- tact Tracey Mulvaney at 407- 786-4655. Churches: Fish dinners available during Lent Continued from page 7A Preaching, the latest book by Dr. Derek Morris, Forest Lake Church senior pastor. To register for the seminar call 407-869-0680. Registration deadline for the get-acquainted luncheon is Friday, March 17. The Knights of Columbus have resumed their Lenten fish dinners at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 834 South Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka. Each Friday during Lent, all-you-can-eat fried or baked fish, hush puppies, cole slaw, and macaroni and cheese will be served at a cost of $7 for adults and $4 for children 10 and under. Delivery is available for orders of 10 or more to the same address. For delivery orders, call 407-538-4374. Trinity Baptist Church will hold Survivor APK Style Youth Revival Monday, March 13, to Wednesday, March 15, from 6:30-9 p.m. Guest speakers will be Scott Smith from positive hit radio station Z88.3 and James Hen- derson, the strongest man in the Guinness Book of World Records. The church is located at 1022 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka. For more information, call 407-886-2966. SLearn to Drive Quickly! Traffic Tikenet RegClass First-Tie Drive ClaTests (Car Available) *Classes/ In class 4 days, In car 6 days Driving Lessons for All Ages *Traffic Ticket Class Driver License Road Tests (ar Available) 407-880-6003 State Approved 10 A N. Park Avenue, Apopka Cal fr n ppintment or drop in and seeB us. Friends Like You Are Just Our Style! The Hair Specialists for ] your family! ^jhJ~iL^I 407-880-8263 L _.y 837 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka (Apopka Land Regional Shopping Center) - !ite Obituaries: Eltha Mark was president of the Apopka Woman's Club for several years Continued from page 7A and Carla Martin, Apopka. Baldwin- Fairchild Funeral Home, Apopka. ARLENE F. BAZEN, 60, Apopka, died Friday, March 3. Mrs. Bazen was an accountant. Born in Baltimore, Mary- land, she moved to Central Florida in 1976. She was a member of Journey Christian Church. Survivors: son, Mike O'Reilly, Eustis; daughter, Kellie Jacobs, Apopka; sisters, Cindy Cox, Vicki Hall both of Port Orange; six grandchildren. OLGA JULIA LOPEZ, 74, Apop- ka, died Sunday, March 5. Mrs. Lopez was a homemaker. She was bom in Sastin, Czechoslovakia. Survivors; hus- band, Raymond; sons, Craig, Richard, both of Eustis, Michael, Lawrenceville, Ga.; daughters, Susan DeBellis, Eustis, Nancy Reyes, Southwest Ranches; nine grandchildren. Allen J. Harden Funeral Home, Mount Dora. EARLINE G. MILLER, 87, Eustis, died Saturday, March 4. Mrs. Miller was a homemaker. Born in Vernon, she moved to Eustis from Plymouth in 2000. She was a member of Zellwood Church of God. Survivors: son, Ted, Eustis, .John, Tangerine; daughters, Glenda Nuss, Mt. Plymouth, Virginia Riley, Sandersville, Ga.; 12 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Beyers Funeral Home, Umatilla. ARLENE THELMA WIGGINS, 83, Apopka, died Saturday, March 4. Mrs. Wiggins worked in food service for the Okeechobee County School District. Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, she moved to Central Florida in 1976. She was a member of Trinity Baptist Church, Apopka. Survivors: daughters, Judy Arlene Hale, Barbara Kaye Mace, both of Apopka; son, Marshall E., Tampa; brothers, Donald Lee Burk, Okee- chobee, Jimmy Lee Burk, Fort Pierce; sisters, -Ruth Ellen Fulford, Okee- chobee; 10 grandchildren; 21 great- grandchildren; one great-great-grand- child. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. ELTHA R. MARK, 80, Apopka, died Tuesday, March 7. Mrs. Mark was a homemaker and a leader in communi- ty activities. Born in Ocilla, Georgia, she moved to Apopka in the early 1970s. She was president of the Apopka Woman's Club for several years and a member of the board of directors of the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Apopka. She was named Apopka's "Citizen of the Year" in 1978. Survivors: brother, Luther Lamar Roberts, Franklin, Ga.; daughters, Brenda Lockhart, Indianapolis, Ind., Leslie Boyle, Port Charlotte, Pamela Burke, Ocoee; son, Ray, New Port Richey; six grandchildren; one great- grandchild. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. ELEANOR GRACE GOHRS, nine days, Apopka, died Saturday, March 4. Survivors: parents, Dave and Kelli, Apopka. Baldwin-Fairchild Funeral Home, Apopka Chapel. ALLSEASONS PEST CONTROL INC. SPECIALIZING IN ROACH, ANT & FLEA CONTROL, SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES Do-It-Yourself Products Available Visit our Web Site: www.allspc.com FREE ESTIMATES Ar [407-886-0204 -- Commerce I 435 W. Mai6n Street APOPKA V435 W. Main Street APOPKA Know the ABCDs of Melanoma Asymmetry Border Color Diameter A S I Melanoma And Skin Cancer Awarenessl Monday Skin Cancer Screeniings AMMonday AArnoons The patient and any other nrs r Ifor I payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours or responKing to the advertisement for frees Micael SinP - -I discountedfeeorreducedfeeaserviqe, n examination or treatment. 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FREE PHONE 1 i265 it ^ M Q ,OT,,o. Sl: FREE Reg. $174.99 each. MI A: SAVE $174.99 instantly. Built-in Nextel Walkie-Talkie GPS enabled: add TeleNavy Sfor voice-guided directions ,Web and email enabled Phone osler requires two-year subscriber agreement. Nextel x Data Pack may be required. n 20% OFF Sprint Any Tog he...., w ELu Accessory. S~illllllll -------.... ...--- SPRINT FAIR & FLEXIBLE* PLAN No huge overages. No roaming charges. Now starting at t 0 Q for 20o $29.99 Anytime Minutes. * Unlimited Nigth & Weekend Minutes, * Nationwide Long Distance. Every Minute. Every Day. Ofr leg two yMt wjtnb apmt S*We hear you loud a0d clear" 1087 West O.B.T. (Victoria Plaza) 407-814-CELL (2355) Errol Estates: Get a clear connection with your cell phones using NEXTEL -d Wl- a, aWno.,C.,=,W~~~n~~hmidr*~4~na nodShalNdt n~~m ,,io t'J 10a -fl~hc9t., l~ti0000 adn, L, o n,,,rin ~ EAh hE . T. S.Vl,#WwF, 10ih..0f'flt SidAJ ,, All riqomvitt,, iWt ,,,noi0 -.-A, Where the adventure begins... 170 S. Washington Avenue, Apopka Located on Hwy 441 Just South of 429 Interchange (407) 464-2000 Open daily Mon.-Fri. 10am 6pm Sat.10am-4pm www.MosquitoCreekOutdoors.com New retailers for Nelsons and J&P Rose Bushes grafted onto Fortuniana rootstock. We also carry an array of miniature rose bushes. Need Mushroom compost, Apopka but not a yard of it? Ap opka We sell it by the bucket!! 441 So bring them on and fill 'em up! $3.00 per 5 gallon bucket!! y R : Hours: 8am 6pm Daily Boy Scout Rd But if the gate is open we 6 will sell you a bush or two o b1909 Boy Scout Road, Apopka 407-889-0964 janiecook@earthlink.net Need The Services of a Professional? Check out our Service Directory! Tell them you found them in The Apopka Chief and The Planter Newspapers! 1 1) A XT T 1- I A- . A 1 The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 12A Gilileo Roofing, Inc. Specializing in Residential Reroofs Skylight Installation &,Repairs Attic Vent Installations Leak Repairs Soil Pipe Flashing Replacement Roof Inspection Rotten Wood Replacement Gutter Cleaning State Certified Licensed & Insured Lic. #CCC1325714 (352)728-1857 (352)483-4857 e.-15 1191 t* .1 -= The HFH Apopka Home Store is looking for new and used building materials and home furnishing items to stock their store. Proceeds from the store help families in the greater Apopka area become homeowners. Call Vickie Wray (407)880-8852 2001 N. Rock Springs Road Non-Medical, In-Home Care * In-home Companionship * Meal Preparation * Grocery Shopping * Transportation * Light Housekeeping & more Screened, Bonded & Insured Se Habla Espaiiol Open 24 Hours Comfort 7 Daysa Week S Koeopers. 407-814-7070 www.comfortkeepers.com Dental ImPlants Wisdom Teeth Extractions IV Sedation Boad eri f 111 ied I Apopka *407-886-2050 20 S. Park Ave. Suite A Orange City *(386J 774-2999 400 Treemonte Dr. |SLEEPY'S aJJ7 365 Days A Year All Back Support Mattresses Waterbeds Dining Room Furniture Buffet/Hutches Computer Desks Bedrooms Save Up to 50% On Al Premium Sets!! Example: Theirs Ours Full $350 $194 Queen $450 $239. King $550 $299 $700 $389 $950 $489 $1950 $899 Only Back Support Mattress Sets. PARTNER WANTED. Therapedic, Chiro & Orthopedic 8 years, owner does all!= low overhead = low low prices 407-814-7800 807 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka Bun Bed $149 (Next to Big Lots & Bealls Futon Bunk Bed $149 Across from Badcock Furniture) Rainbow Bunk Bed $129 5 pc. Dinette $119 i Z eumoehor of Clinenhrf nfoeC'nnprrp ee Rf ser Ro ,nesV Burearu NEW DRIVER in the family? Time for NEW CAR insurance. Got a new driver to insure? Call me to learn more about Young Driver Discounts. We Live Where You Live' Shren Yeager, Agent 1643 North Rock Springs Road Apopka, FL 32712 Bus: 407-880-3167 shren.yeager.nhwl@statefarm.com LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR I & STATE FARM IS T1IERE. Providing Insurance and Financial Services State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (Not in NJ). Bloomington, IL P040041 02/04 The Apopka High School Winterguard is made up of students grades 9-12. Apopka High Winterguard begins third competitive season The Apopka High School Winterguard has begun its third season of competition in the Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit in 2006. The guard is made up of dedicated male and female students from grades 9-12. These students learn to spin flags, rifles, and sabres, and incorporate these skills with dance and theatrical performance. The guard earned the silver medal in B Class competition at FFCC Championships in 2004 with their show "Sailing," and was pro- moted to the next class of competition in the 2005 season. This year, the guard has taken home the first place trophy at their last two competitions, with their show entitled "Lega- cy." They are currently ranked in the top three in the AAA class of the Florida Federation of Colorguard Circuits. The guard will compete at the Winterguard International South Power Regional during spring break at the University of South Florida, and at the Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit Championships on April 1 at the University of Central Florida Arena. Members of the Apopka High School guard will also compete in the FFCC Solo and Duet Championships competition on March Comfort Keepers assists families of all ages with tender, loving care We live in a society of "options." From restaurants and retail outlets to cell phones and personal com- puters, the. number of options that are available to us has increased dramatically. Similarly, there are now many options available when it comes to our care as we age. It used to be that if a senior needed care, they moved in with family mem- bers or to a nursing home, sometimes prematurely. Today, there are more than 34 million aging adults in America, and many of those need assistance with their daily activities. Over the next two decades, the number of seniors is expected to dou- ble, and costs for care will continue to rise. National studies show that the overwhelming majority of seniors prefer to stay in their own homes. As a result, home care is one of the fastest growing options for care. Once considered an option for only the wealthy, in-home care is now an affordable alternative. Many seniors do not require 24- hour skilled care. They just need assistance with activi- ties such as meal prepara- tion, light housekeeping, bathing, and dressing. Home care can be tailored to the individual senior's needs, from the number of hours of care needed, to the days of the week that they need assistance, and it can be pro- vided at a fraction of the cost of traditional care. However, choosing home care should not be based on price alone. Before deciding on home care, you should review all your options, find out what ser- vices are needed, and what type of care for those ser- vices is available. The next step is to start asking questions. Here are some questions that you should ask: What types of services does the company provide? Some companies provide companionship and home- making services such as meal preparation, light house- keeping, transportation, and dressing and grooming guid- ance, while others provide personal-care services such as bathing, feeding, and incontinent care. Can the company provide the level of care you or your loved one needs? What is the background of the company? Find out who owns and manages the company. Does a nationally known and reputable firm back the company? Does the company have insurance? Does the compa- ny bond and insure its care- givers? Ask to see a copy of their current policy. Are caregivers employ- ees of the company or inde- pendent contractors? Some home care companies pro- vide caregivers who are inde- pendent contractors, not employees of the company. This is similar to hiring an independent caregiver on your own. You will be con- sidered their employer, and thus are responsible for filing tax reports and providing insurance. Does the company con- duct background checks on its caregivers? Caregivers should be screened via crim- inal, credit, and driving record background checks. What type of training do they provide for caregivers and is it on-going? Ask about the type of caregiver they hire, and what their back- grounds are. S Walk-ins Welcome - KKARE. WAV t BEAUTY SALON ! You can count on us for quality service. Come see us! Easy access off 436, Sheeler Rd. /Sheeler Rd. and H"ERE low /I More convenient parking Par Save-A-Lot Plaza -407-886-3433 e Joann Harrison, (1), and Frances Contreras, the new owners of Comfort Keepers, offer compassionate non- medical in-home care. Is the same caregiver assigned to a client for each visit? A reputable company will take pride in matching their caregivers and clients. This not only provides conti- nuity of care, but also pro- vides a sense of ease and familiarity for the client. Does the company con- duct a home visit before initi- ating services? The home visit is a time to assess the needs of the senior and his or her environment. Family members should be present as well. The stress and emotions that are involved in this important process can some- times overcome your ability to weigh the facts and options that are most impor- tant to your aging family member. Planning ahead, before a need arises, can lessen the stress and emo- tion. Take the appropriate steps, and weigh the options that are available to you and your family. Your loved ones can remain- independent in their own home for many years to come! " Frances Contreras and Joann Harrison are the new owners of Comfort Keep- ers in Apopka. They have been assisting families throughout Central Florida. Comfort Keepers offers companionship and other non-medical services for aging adults, new mothers, and others needing assis- tance in Apopka and Orange County. In-home services include, companionship, meal prepa- ration, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, trans- portation, and more. Com- fort Keepers does not uti- lize independent contractors. All caregivers are hired employees who are. carefully screened, bonded, and insured. If you are in need of assistance, or are interested in learning more about Com- fort Keepers, please 'call 407-814-7070 or visit www.comfortkeepers.com. Advertisement ivieniger ut unumuer ui uumintfrcg cx ovurf utcatric- -11c 11 I-- The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 13A mi0sI 010 11M0I0 FM I -10~;. p. -'4p. x Officials from Seminole Community College and the city of Altamonte Springs broke ground March 1 for a $32 million full-service campus along State Road 434 in Altamonte Springs. The campus is just north of State Road 414 and phase one will include a 100,000 square foot, four-story building. The facility will focus on healthcare, arts and sciences, and adult education. The first phase is scheduled to open in late 2007 and is expected to enroll approximately 2,500 students during its first year of operation. The groundbreaking ceremony also involved sev- eral area politicians who spoke to the approximately 200 people in attendance. The college also made a presen- tation to Lee Moore, who donated $500,000 to aid the establishment of the nursing program for the satellite campus. The gift established The Moore Family Center for Nursing and Healthcare Professions. Begun in 1966, the main campus of Seminole Community College is located in the Sanford/Lake Mary area, while there is also a satellite campus in Oviedo. Seminole Community. College also operates the Center for Economic Development at Heathrow. Library has programs scheduled for March The North Orange Library will offer a series of special pro- grams in March. The library is located at 1211 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka, near the inter- section of State Road 436 (Semoran Boulevard) and Thompson Road. Programs scheduled in- clude: * Spring Break Family Films will be held Monday, March 13, through Friday, March 17, at 2 p.m. Family movies will be shown every day during the spring vacation. * Wild Thing Rumpus is set for Saturday, March 18, at 10 p.m. Activities based on Where the Wild Things Are by Mercer Mayer are featured. * Cuentos en Espanol, Spanish story time, is set for Saturday, March 25, from 10:30-11 a.m. Crafts and stories in Spanish will be offered. * Experience the Flavors of India will be held Saturday, March 25, at noon. The program features an Indian Stidk dance, food, live music, the story of the Taj Mahal, Indian dresses and folktales. - Dr. Seuss' Birthday Whobila- tion Ball, is slated for Sunday, March 26, at 2 p.m. Regular weekly programs are also scheduled. The pro- grams are free and scheduling is not necessary. * Tiny Tales: Rhyme Time for You and Baby, for infants birth to 18 months, will be held on Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. and last approximately 15 minutes. The rhythm and repetition of nursery rhymes are used to introduce very young children to literature. * Toddler Time, set for Wednes- days at 10:45 a.m., is especially for children aged 18 to 36 months and lasts approximately 20 minutes. The use of picture books, finger plays, songs, poet- ry and Mother Goose rhymes, and flannel board stories will encourage the development of verbal and listening skills. * Storybook Fun for Your Little One will be held on Wednesdays at ii:15 a.m. It is a read-aloud program recommended for chil- dren ages three to five and includes folk and animal tales, flannel and big book stories, plus rhymes, songs and poetry. The programs are free and last approximately 30 minutes. Groups, families, schools and childcare providers are welcome to participate. For more information or to register for classes, call the North Orange Library at 407- 814-6150. 0popka QC!itd LEGAL ADVERTISING Phone: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 13A 17A & 11B 13B HEART OF FLORIDA 14118 NW 207TH TERRACE HIGH SPRINGS, FL 32743 407-832-2334 FAX 386-418-0663 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 713.78 THE FOL- LOWING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO THE PUBLIC ON MARCH 27TH, 2006 AT 9:00 AM AT 340 FAIRLANEAVE. ORLANDO, FL 32809 BY HEART OF FLORIDA TOWING. 1994 FORD VIN 1FALP54P2RA138780 1989 HONDA VIN JHMBA4221KC051471 March 10, 2006 60955 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-4215 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiffss, V. SALEH AM AL-HUMAID, SALEH AM AL-HUMAID, SALEH AM AL-HUMAID, E.C. WHALE, J. WHALE, E.C. WHALE, J. WHALE, E.C. WHALE, J. WHALE, KHALID SULAI ALKHELAIWI, KHALID SULAI ALKHEL-AVWI, KHALID SULAI ALKHELAIWI, KHALIO SULAI ALKHELAIWI Defendants) NOTICE OF SALE AS TO COUNT I (AL-HUMAID), II (AL-HUMAID), III (AL-HUMAID), VII (ALKHELAIWI), VIII (ALKHELAIWI), IX (ALKHELAIWI), X (ALKHELAIWI) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Default Final Judgment of Fore- closure as to Count I (AL- HUMAID), II (AL-HUMAID), Ill (AL-HUMAID), VII (ALKHELAIWI),VIII (ALKHELAIWI), IX (ALKHEL. AIWI), X (ALKHELAIWI) raen dared on the 23 day of FEBRU ARY, 2006, in that certain cause pending in the Circuit Court Ir and for Orange County, Florida wherein CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUEN/ VISTA CONDOMINIUM AS SOCIATION, INC. is the Plain tiff, and SALEH AM AL HUMAID, SALEH AM AL HUMAID, SALEH AM AL HUMAID, KHALID SULA ALKHELAIWI, KHALID SULA ALKHELAIWI, KHALID SULA ALKHELAIWI, KHALID SULA ALKHELAIWI, are Defen dant(s), Civil Action No. 05 CA-4215, Lydia Gardner, Cleri of the aforesaid Court, will a 11:00 A.M. on the 22 day o MARCH, 2006, offer for sahl and sell to the highest bidde for cash at the Orange County IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8425 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. . ABDULLAH AU LIAL- HUMAID, ABDULLAH AL- HUMAID (AKA ABDULLAH AU AL-HUMAID), HELMI FOUAD (AKA FOUAD HELMI), AMNA BANJAR, FOUAD HELMI, AMNA BANJAR, JIMMY TORRES RODRIGUEZ, DYHALMA IRIZAARRY GOMEZ, ANA L MORALES, MARIA ANTONIETA LEON DE FERBER, ELVA FLORES (AKA ELVA STELLA ZARZA FLORES), ELVA S. FLORES (AKA ELVA STELLA ZARZA FLORES), YAU ANTONIA DE PALMA Defendants) NOTICE OF SALE AS TO COUNT V (RODRIGUEZ/ GOMEZ), VIII (FLORES), IX (FLORES), X (DE PALMA) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Default Final Judgment of Fore- closure as to Count V (RODRIGUEZ/GOMEZ), VIII (FLORES), IX (FLORES), X (DE PALMA) rendered on the 10 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, in that certain cause pending in the Circuit Court in and for Or- ange County, Florida, wherein CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CON- DOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. is the Plaintiff, and JIMMY TORRES RODRIGUEZ, DYHALMA IRIZZAARRY GOMEZ, ELVA FLORES (AKA ELVA STELLA ZARZA FLORES, ELVA S. FLORES (AKA ELVA STELLA ZARZA FLORES), YALI ANTONIA DE PALMA, are Defendant(s), Civil Action No. 05-CA-8425, Lydia Gardner, Clerk of the aforesaid Court, will at 11:00 A.M. on the 21 day of March, 2006, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- lando, Florida, the following de- scribed property, to-wit: UNIT NO. 5101,Week32B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Ste 350, Orlando, Florida, the following described property, to-wit: UNIT NO. 1101, Week 28, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT I UNIT NO. 1101, Week 29, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT II UNIT NO. 1101, Week 30, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT III UNIT NO. 3104, Week 32, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VII UNIT NO. 3104, Week 33, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VIII UNIT NO. 3104, Week 34, ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT V UNIT NO. 8307, Week 14B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VIII UNIT NO. 8307, Week 15B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT IXD UNIT NO. 5104, Week 12B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNTY Said sale will be pursuant to and in order to satisfy the terms of said Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure as to Count V (RODRIGUEZ/ GOMEZ), VIII (FLORES), IX FLORES, X (DE PALMA). DATED MARCH 9, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd. Ste 104, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES if you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Suite 350, Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801; Tel.: 407-836-2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NOTICE OF SALE; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call 1-800-955- 8771; THIS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE March 10 and 17, 2006 60952 of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT IX UNIT NO. 3104, Week 35, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNTY Said sale will be pursuant to and in order to satisfy the terms of said Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure as to Count I (AL-HUMAID), II (AL-HUMAID), III (AL-HUMAID), VII (ALKHELAIWI), VIII (ALKHEL- AIWI), IX (ALKHELAIWI), X (ALKHELAIWI). DATED MARCH 9, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd. Ste 104, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Suite 350, Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801; Tel.: 407-836-2065 within two (2) working days of your re- ceipt of the NOTICE OF SALE; if you are hearing or voice im- paired, Call 1-800-955-8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFOR- MATION LINE March 10 and 17, 2006 60953 r['El RlAj U l iU i l A i IIBnT RJetldIirtJLBa ACJ We are a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Bankruptcy Code. We Will Explain To You FREE OF CHARGE How Bankruptcy Works and How It May Help You If: ISABEL E. FREEMAN 151 W. SILVER STAR RD. OCOEE * You Or Your Business Have Financial Problems * Your Home Is In Foreclosure * Back Taxes Or Medical Bills Are A Problem * Your Car Is About To Be Repossessed * You Are Overwhelmed With Debt And Afraid Of Losing Everything CLERMONT Over 30 Years Combined Experience Same Location FREEMAN LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PRA. g (407) 877-7995 (352) 394-0007 Evening Appointments Shining of a law r is an important decision that should nt be based solely upon adersmnts.Before you decide, ask to have sent to you fee written inform Available The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision tat should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask to have sent to you free written information about our qualifications and experience. le, I OH11communication... .begins now. FDN makes it easy and affordable to keep your business on the cutting edge of technology with a variety of product packages, premier calling features, consolidated billing and out- standing customer service. English: SAINT Spanish: SAN Italian: SANTA French: SAINT German: HEILIGE ST. PATRICK WASN'T IRISH- BORN. HISTORIANS BELIEVE HE WAS BORN IN SCOTLAND OR ENGLAND. NONETHE- LESS, HE BECAME THE PATRON SAINT OF IRELAND. From voice to Internet, FDN has everything your business needs to keep you communicating! FDN COMMUNICATIONS Call today to find out how we can save you 20-40% off your current local, long distance, and Internet services! In.com *407.835.0332 I The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 14A Rpopka LEGAL ADVERTISING Phone: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 13A 17A & 11B 13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 2006-CP-196-O Division: 1 IN RE: ESTATE OF BARBARA JOHNSON Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the state of Barbara Johnson, de- cedased, whose date of death was June 26, 2005, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County. Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801. The names and ad- dresses of the personal repre- sentative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is March 10, 2006. Personal Representative: Jimmy Dale Johnson 7208 Gantry Lane Ordando, Florida 32818 Attorney for Personal Representative: Unda Drew Kingston Attorney for Jimmy Dale Johnson Florida Bar No. 135836 36 North Park Avenue Apopka, Florida 32703 b. Telephone: (407) 889-3933 March 10 and 17, 2006 60885 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-2529 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. HAROLD ELWELL, JR. and SHIRLEY ELWELL, his wife, et. al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, LLOYD N. TAYLOR AND LA MARIE B. TAYLOR COUNT VIII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 02 in Unit 0414, VISTANA SPA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Spa Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3677. Page 335, Public Records of Orange County, Flodda, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"). The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2004-CA- 2529 now pending in the Circuit Courtof the NINTHJudicial Cir- cuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on March 2, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Dnrive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tactCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1 -800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60929 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 48-2006-CA- 000323-34 AMSOUTH BANK, Plaintiff, V. BARBARA J. MCCONNELL, etc., at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT - PROPERTY TO: Unknown Heire Unknown Parties Addresse Unknown YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action toforeclose a mortgage on the following property in Orange County, Floinda: Lot 12, Summerfield Es- tates,according to the Plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 10 at Page 80 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, together with a portion of Lot 13 described as follows: Begin at the Southeast corner of Lot 13, run North 01 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds East along the East Line of Lot 13, a dis- tance of 125.53 feet; IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-12689 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. DEBORAH C. PALSHA, if liv- Ing, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendant, and ORLANDO VA- CATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on MARCH 29, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offerfor sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder'shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- nal payment must be made on or before 3:00 p.m., of the date IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5509 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, va. MOTLEY ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK III Terry Orlando Ueckert and Doreen Hernandez 5612/51 V Kathy Bates 2118/34 Note is hereby given that on March 22, 2006, at 11:00a.m at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 22, Page 132-146 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-2815 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. THOMAS F. HAMILTON and HELEN E. HAMILTON, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO THOMAS F. HAMILTON AND HELEN E. HAMILTON - COUNT I and VI TO. Thomas F. Hamilton 12 Shrivenbam Road. Swindon Whiltshire, England SN1 2NH Helen E. Hamilton 12 Shnvenbam Road, Swindon Whiltshire, England SN1 2NH And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or against Thomas F. Hamilton and Helen E Hamilton and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein de- scribed YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Flonda: Unit Week 31 in Unit 1771, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. And Unit Week 32 in Unit 1771, -an Annual Unit Week, thence North 56 deg 05 minutes 51 seco West, a distance of feet; thence South 00 greens 28 minutes 35 bonds East, a distance 128.26 feet to the Pol Beginning. The street address which Is 6207 Chris Court, Orlando, FIc 32810 has been filed against and you are required tos a copy of your written fenses, if any to it, on P tiffs' attorney, whose n and address is J. An Baldwin, THE SOLO TROPP LAW GROUP, 1881 West Kennedy B. vard., Tampa, Florida 33 and file the oringinal with Clerk of the above-st Court, on or before 30 d an answer must be file you will be defaulted a judgment may be ent against you for the relie handed in the Complain WITNESS my hand the seal of said Cour MARCH 2, 2006. LYDIAGAR Clerk of the Circui By: YAHAIRA SAN CIVILCOURT Deput March 10 and 17, 2006 of the sale by cash or ca check: Week 50, Unit 642, of LANDO VACATION S ES II, A CONDOMIN (hereinafter the "Co minium"), with e EVEN NUMBERED YEAR occupancy rights, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in O.R. Book 5196, Page 632 in the Pub- lic records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto (hereinafter the "Declara- tion"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal of said Court this 3 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate In this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, If you are hearing or voice Impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff March 10and 17,2006 60908 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging orin anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-5509 #33 DATED this 2 day of MARCH, 2006. rees IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF nds THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 4.95 IN AND FOR ORANGE Sde- COUNTY, FLORIDA eec- CIVIL DIVISION ce of nt of CASE NO.: 06-CA-864- DIV-39 A of JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, stlna AS TRUSTEE, orida Plaintiff, vs. you, serve MARGARET NERO A/K/A de- MARGARET MARY NERO Plain- A/K/A MARGARET MARY name BARRETT, et al, drew Defendants. MON P.A, NOTICE OF ACTION oule- 3606, TO: h the MARGARET NERO A/K/A yled MARGARET MARY NERO days, A/K/A MARGARET MARY id or BARRETT nd a CURRENT ADDRESS: ered 8484 BAY HILL BOULEVARD, f de- ORLANDO, FL 32819 nt. FRANKLIN J. NERO A/K/A I and FRANKLIN JOSEPH NERO, rt on SR. CURRENT ADDRESS: 8484 BAY HILL BOULEVARD, tDNER ORLANDO, FL 32819 I Court TIAGO JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE r SEAL AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN y Clerk POSSESSION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY CURRENT ADDRESS: 60905 8484 BAY HILL BOULEVARD, ORLANDO, FL 32819 cashier's YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthatan action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described I OR- property: SUIT- IIUM LOT 84 AND TRACT C, ndo- BAYVIEW SUBDIVISION, very ACCORDING TO THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2006-CA-1299 DIV 35 CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC BY SUCCESSOR MERGER TO CHASE MANHATTAN MORT- GAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. GREGORY C. MASSEY; STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO- MOBILE INSURANCE COM- PANY; WESTSIDE TOWN- HOMES HOMEOWNERS AS- SOCIATION, INC.; BARBARA MASSEY A/K/A BARBARA J. MASSEY A/K/A BARBARA J. DIXON A/K/A BARBARA SUE MASSEY; MARY SIMS; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF BAR- BARA MASSEY A/K/A BAR- BARA J. MASSEY A/K/ABAR- BARA J. DIXON A/K/A BAR- BARA SUE MASSEY; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF GRE- GORY C. MASSEY; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARY SIMS (Residence Unknown) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 1, BLOCK 12, WESTSIDE TOWNHOMES PHASE 2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8070 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, Ve. CLEMM ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: LYDIA GARDNERCOUNT DEFENDANTS As Clerk of the Court UNIT/WEEK By: JIM MOXLEY I Jacquelyn D. Clemm CIVIL COURT SEAL 5428 31 As Deputy Clerk V Althea L. Fox-Watts 5415/32 NOTICE TO PERSONS VIII Brenda G. Starnes WITH DISABILITIES 5555/22 If you are a person with a dis- Note isherebygiven thaton ability who needs any accom- March 29, 2006, st l:00a.m at modation in order to participate the OrangeCountyCourthouse, in this proceeding, you are an- 425 North Orange Avenue, titled, at no cost to you, to the Suite 350 Orlando, Florida provision ofcertain assistance. 32801, the undersigned Clerk Please contact Court Adminis- will offer for sale the above de- tration at 425 North Orange scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the Avenue, Orlando, Florida following described real prop- 32801, telephone (407) 836- followinertyg escribed real prop- 2050, within two working days rty: of your receipt of this dou- Orange Lake Country ub ment; if you are hearing ir VOillas a Condominium, paired, call (800) 955-8771, or together with an undivided voice impaired, call (800) 955- interest in the common ele- 8770. ments appurtenant thereto, March 10 and 17, 2006 according to the Declara- g60887Delaa- VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. has been filed against you and you are required toserve acopy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it on Plaintiff's attorney as listed below, on or before April 10, 2006 which is 30 days from the first date of publication, which will be March 10, 2006, and file the onginal said written defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorneys or immed- iately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. DATED on FEBRUARY 15, 2006 Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick. Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A 215 North Eola Dnrive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT It you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you. to the provisions of certain assistance Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Flonda 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60879 ion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Flonda, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded In Condominium Book 22, Page 132-146 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-3283 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ANGELICA L. DE RENGEL A/K/A A. RENGEL, a married woman; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO MICHAEL J. PIPE AND NICHOLA S. PIPE - COUNT VI TO: Michael J. Pipe 11/12 St. Swithins Lane London, England EC4N8AS Nichola S. Pipe 11/12 St. Swithins Lane London, England EC4N8AS And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or against Michael J. Pipe and NicholaS Pipe and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Florida Unit Week 29 in Unit 2106, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all PLAT THEREOF AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGES 5 AND 6, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required toserve acopy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the onginal with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 2 day of MARCH. 2006.. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 06-00626 March 10 and 17, 2006 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE PURSUANT TO F, S. 713.78 To: PEDRO L LEBARON / former tenant. You are herby in the following described vehicles) will be sold in Public Auc cash to the highest bidder. Sale and vehicle location: 1714 HC RD ORLANDO, FL on April 06, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. 1967 LIN VIN: 7Y82G821821. March 10 and 17, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-3351 WORLD SAVINGS BANK, FSB Plaintiff, vs. JAK-JOACHIM SAMMETING- ER, a/lka J.J. SAMMETINGER; SUSAN SAMMETINGER Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Default Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure dated FEB- RUARY 24, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-3351 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit, in and for ORANGE County, Florida, where in WORLD SAVINGS BANK, FSB, Plaintiff and JAK-JOACHIM SAMMETINGER, a/k/a J.J. SAMMETINGER, SUSAN SAM- METINGER, Defendants, I will set to the highest bidder for cash on the 30day of MARCH, 2006, at 11:00 a.m.. the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Default Final Judgment ly- N I THE CIRCUIT COU OF 60892 THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS RECORDED IN PLAT Case No. BOOK 19, PAGE 100, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, JOSE M BUILES, FLORIDA. Petitioner has been filed against you and and you are required toserve a copy OFELA ALEJANC of yourwrittendefenses, if any, RAIMREZ BUILES to it, on Marshall C. Watson, Respondent. P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, Rsponden. whose address is 1800 NW NOTICE OF AC' 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. DISSOLUTIC LAUDERDALE FL 33309 MARRIA within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in TO: The Apopka Chief and file the OFEIUAALEJAN: original with the Clerk of this RANREZ-BUILES Court either before service on Last Known addre Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- UNKNOWN ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against YOU ARE NOT you for the relief demanded in action has been file the complaint, end that you are In accordance with the serve a copy of yo Americans with Disabilities Actenses, If any, to Itsead persons in need of a special ac- S. Semoran Blvd commodation to participate in lando, FL 32822,' this proceeding or to access a April 20 2006, and court service, program or activ- nal with the clerk of ity shall, within a reasonable 425 N. OrangeAve time prior to any proceeding or Orlando, FL 32801 need to access a service, pro- viceon Peitionero gram or activity, contact the Ad- thereafter. If you fa ministrative Office of the Court, default may be en ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange default may be enl Avenue, Orando, FL32801TaIe- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- IN THE CIRCUIT 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- THE NINTI vice. CIRCUIT I WITNESS my hand a seal of this Court this 2 MARCH, 2006. Lydia G As Clerk of the By YAHAIRA SAN CIVIL COURT As Deput 06-00909 March 10 and 17, 2006 GETHER with a rema over in fee simple abs as tenant in common the other owners of a unit weeks in the above scribed Condominium percentage interest e lished in the Declarati Condominium. TOGETHER with all o tenements, hereditam and appurtenances th belonging or in anywis pertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to th judgments of foreclosure the above listed c respectively, in Civil Act 05-CA-8070 #37 DATED this 5 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of thi By: JIM Mt CIVIL COURT As Deput NOTICE TO PERSC WITH DISABILITII If you are a person with ablily who needs any s modation in order to par in this proceeding, you tilled, at no cost to you provision of certain assi Please contact Court Ac tration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two workir of your receipt of this ment; if you are hearing paired, call (800) 955-8 voice impaired, call (80 8770. March 0land 17, 2001 amendments there supplements thereto, ("Declaration"), subje taxes for the current and subsequent years all other matters of re has been filed against y you are required toserve of your written defenses to it on Plaintiff's attor listed below, on or befoi 10, 2006 which is 30 da the first date of publ which will be March 10 and file the original said defenses with the clerk court either before ser Plaintiff's attorneys or i lately thereafter; other default will be entered you for the relief demaw the complaint or petitio DATED on FEBRUA 2006. Lydia G Clerk of the Circu By: YAHAIRA SAN CIVIL COURT Depul VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 001019 Lowndes, Drosdick, Do Kantor & Reed, P.A 215 North Eola Dnve Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4 Attomeys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT It you person with a disabili needs any accommod. order to participate in II ceeding, you are entitle cost toyou, to the provi1 certain assistance. Plea tact Court Administratio North Orange Avenue 2130, Orlando, Florida Telephone (407) 83 within (2) working days receipt of this document are heanng or voice imrr call 1-800-955-8771 March 10 and 17, 200 : DR06-3691 Division: 36 'RA TION FOR ON OF GE 'RA S ese IFIED that an d against you required to ur written de- on JOSE M dressis3160 Apt 904 Or- on or before file the origi- f this Court at rue, Ste. 320, I before ser- r Immediately ill to do so, a tered against COURT OF H JUDICIAL N AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, and the FLORIDA day of CASE NO. 2006-CA-000212 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, iardner inc., a Florida corporation, e Court Plaintiff, rTIAGO vs. T SEAL JOHNNIE C. KING, a single y Clerk man and SHARON SMILEY, a single woman; TANISHA R. LEWIS, a single woman 60902 and MYRA M. ROBLES, a single woman and RAUL M. TORRES, a single man; et al., inder Defendants. olute with NOTICE OF SALE AS TO ll the DEFENDANT, SCOTT M. e de- ROGOWSKY COUNT VI in the stabhe NOTICE IS HEREBY on of GIVEN that on April 5, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North of the Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- nents lando, in Orange County Florida erto the undersigned Clerk will offer seap- forsale the following described real property: will be Unit Week 44inUnit 09103, e final an Even Biennial Unit Week, re as to BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- ounts, MINIUM, together with all ion No. appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- day of minium of BellaFlorida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, RDNER Page 1987, Public Records e Court of Orange County, Florida, OXLEY and all amendmentsthersof SSEAL and supplements thereto, if yoerk au- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF rticipate THE NINTH JUDICIAL arcpane CIRCUIT IN AND FOR arto the ORANGE COUNTY, stance. FLORIDA Orange Case No.: 05-CA-10512-33 Florida ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL g -days RESORT CLUB CONDO- r dcu- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, a og im- Florida Not for Profit Corpo- ,771, or ration, 0) 955- Plaintiff, vs. PHILLIP BAXTER et al., 60911 Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Larry R. Coleman, f and 3865 Lighthouse Lane, Lake- it any land, TN 38002 ect to Tena E. Coleman, t year 3865 Lighthouse Lane, Lake- s, and land, TN 38002 'cord. Patricia A. Finnerty, 906 Town Circle, Maitland, FL you and 32751-6357 eacopy PatriciaA. Finnerty, acopy Trustee, 906 Town Circle, mfy as Maitland, FL 32751-6357 reApril YOU ARE NOTIFIED that iatifromn, an action to foreclose a lien on i 2006, the following property located Swntten in Orange County, Forida: vof this Unit Weeks234/48;240/28 immed- & 201/21; 107/36 of Or- wise a lando international Resort aganse Club, a Condominium, to- ndedin gether with the appurte- n. nances, including the re- sidual undivided interest RY 16, as tenants in common, in accordance with the Dec- Gardner laration of Condominium it Court of ORLANDO INTERNA- ...l. TIONAL RESORT CLUBa T SEAL ty Clerk 93 aster, 600 u are a ty who alion in his pro- d, at no sons of asecon- n at 425 E, Suite 32801, 6-2303 of your t; if you paired, 6 Ing and being situate ANGE County, Florida, t Lot 15, Block 188, V bridge at Meadow W' according to the thereof, as recorded I Book 34, at Pag. through 3, of the P Records of Or County, Florida. NOTICE: Any person disability requiring spec commodations to partic this proceeding should (941) 637-2281, 1-86 8771 (TDD); 1-800-95 (V), via Florida Relay i not later than seven ( prior to the proceeding. DATED this 1 day of 2006. LYDIA GAF CLERK C CIRCUIT C By: JIM M CIVIL COUR Depu STRAUS & EISLER, P., Attorneys for Plaintiff 1528 Weston Road' Weston, Florida 33326 (954) 349-9400 March 10and 17, 2006 you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in thiscase, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cult Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead- ings. Dated: March 7, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 10,17, 24 and 31, 2006 60947 object year , and cord. will be i Judg- AS TO any ("Declaration"), su to taxes for the current and subsequent years all other matters of rec The aforesaid sale made pursuant to a Fina ment of Foreclosure SCOTT M. ROGOWE COUNT VI, entered in C 2006-CA-000212 now p in the Circuit Court of the Judicial Circuit in and ange County, Florida. DATED this March 2 Lydia G Clerk of the Circui By: COLLENETTE COUNTY COURT Deput VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 001019 LOWNDES, DROSDICI DOSTER, KANTOR & P PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you person with a disability needs any accommodate order to participate in th ceeding, you are entitled cost toyou, tothe proviso certain assistance. Plea tact Court Administratior North Orange Avenue 2130, Oriando, Florida Telephone (407) 831 within (2) working days receipt of thisdocument are hearing or voice im call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 condominium and the Ex- hiblts thereto, as re- corded in Official Records Book 3197, Page 2315 eat seq., of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JEFFREY C. SPARKS, the plaintiff's attor- ney, whose address is 545 Delaney Avenue, Building 8, Orlando, FL 32801, on or be- fore April 7, 2006 and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the plaintiff's attomey orimme- diately thereafter; otherwise a default will entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint or petition. Dated: MARCH 6. 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By Yahaira Santiago CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Or- lando, FL 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303, within 2 work- ing days of your receipt of this notice. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8770. March 10 and 17, 2006 60945 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON MARCH 23, 2006 AT 7 00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHNSON'S WRECKER SERVICE, INC, 500 WILMER AVE., ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF THE VE- HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED AND NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE, YEAR MAKE VIN# 1999 MITSUBISHI JA3AY11AXXU048262 1993 GMC 1GTCS1426P8511147 1982 CHEVROLET 2G1AN69H3E9159683 1994 CHEVROLET 2G1FP22S1R2206433 2002 MITSUBISHI JA3AJ86E42U060876 2001 DODGE 2B3HD46R91H709027 TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH NO CHECKS WILL BE AC- CEPTED SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. ALL SALES ARE FINAL NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. VEHICLESS/ VESSELS) ARE SOLD "AS IS". "WHERE IS", WITH NO GUAR- ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED March 10, 2006 60940 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF i THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE formed COUNTY, FLORIDA tion for CIVIL DIVISION OLDEN JCOLN CASE NO.: 48-2006-CA-9821 DIV., 4 60942 EQUICREDIT CORPORATION OF AMERICA, In OR- PaInUf, i to wit: vs. Nood- GRACIE M. HOIJES, etal,, fods, Defendants. r plat nPlat NOTICE OF aubllc FORECLOSURE SALE ange NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 24 day of nwith a FEBRUARY, 2006, and entered cial ac- in Case No. 48-2005-CA-9821 ipate in pae in V. 34, of the Circuit Court of contact the 9TH Judicial arcuit in and 5 for Orange County, Florida, 5-8770 wherein EQUICREDDT CORPO- Service, RATION OF AMERICA is the 7) days Plaintiff and GRACIE M. HOLMES; CITYOF ORLANDO, March FLORIDA; PRA III, LLC; STATE Marc, OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; JOSHUA , RDNER SIMON; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OFNER OF GRACIE MN. HOLMES; UN- OFTHE KNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSHUA COURT SIMON; JOHN DOE' JANE OXLEY DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT T SEAL (S) IN POSSESSION OF THEI y Clerk SUBJECT PROPERTY are de- A. fendants. I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at the Orange County Courthouste, ROOM 350, 425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 23 ..... day of March, 2006, the follow- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FQR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-00012 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JOHNNIE C. KING, a single man and SHARON SMILEY, a single woman; TANISHA R. LEWIS, a single woman and MYRA M. ROBLES, a. single woman and RAUL M. TORRES, a single m&n; at al., Defendants. , NO ICE OF SALE AS TO STEINS COUNT IX NOfICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Qrange Avenu6,/uite 350, Or- lando, in Orange CountyFlorida fthe undersigned Clerkwill offer for sale the following described real property: . Unit Week 33in Unit 09303, an Odd Bienni'l Unit V.ieek, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and aiibject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bellas Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof-' and supplements thereto, it. SKY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF civil No THE 9th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ending IN AND FOR ORANGE NINTH COUNTY, FLORIDA for Or- GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION ,2006. CASE NO-03-CA-1063 32 Pardner WASHINGTON MUTUAL t Court HOME LOANS, INC., succes- EHALL sor In Interest by merger to SEAL FLEET MORTGAGE CORP. y Clerk PLAINTIFF 93 VS. REED, KHITAM OASIM-EL-KOWNI, and RADIO I. EL OWNI, I*r Husband; REPUBLIC BANK; and UNKNOWN TENANT/ OWNERS 400o DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF are a FORECLOSURE SALE ty who ition in NOTICES HEREBY GIVEN his pro- pursuant to an Order Grinting d, at no the Motion tb Rese Foreclpsure sionsof Sale dated FE, UARY 28, sa con- 2006 entered in Qvil Cas No. nat425 03-CA-1063 32 the Circuit Suite Court of the 9th Aildicial, circuit 32801. in and for ORANGE County, 6-2303 Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the of your highest and best bidderforcash t; if you at Suite 350, of the ORANGE paired, County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, S Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the'11 60923 day of April, 2006 the following described property as set forth ing described property as set forth in said Final Judgment; to wit: LOT 33, RICHMOND HEIGHTS, UNIT SEVEN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOKS, PAGES 4 &5, OFTHE PUB- LIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate In this proceeding orto access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801 Tele- phone (407) 836.2303 or 1 -800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 3 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone. (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954)771-6052 0506917 March 10and 17, 2006 60890 any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant toa Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO SHARELL T. STEENS - COUNT IX, entered in Civil No. 2006-CA-000212 now pending inthe Circuit Court of theNINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this March 2,2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in orddr to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17,2006 60924 in said Summary Final Judg- ment, to-wit: LOT 30, LAKE WAUNATTA COVE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE 35 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 6 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing orvoice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 04-35554(WASH) March 10 and 17, 2006 60900 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON MARCH 27, 2006 AT 7:00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHNSON'S WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF THE VE- HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED AND NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE. MAKE FORD FORD BUICK OLDSMOBILE TOYOTA MERCURY PONTIAC TOYOTA DATSUN DODGE TOYOTA FORD ACURA CHEVROLET CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY :HONDA BUICK FORD MAZDA VIN# 1 FACP41M7PF206432 1FABP41A7K266981 1G4HP53L8PH536834 1G3NF54N6KM269140 JT2VK13E5P0183945 2MECM75W4NX625208 1G2AF51W4KT203269 JT2AE82EXH3553951 JN1HU01S6EX914164 1B3HD46TOTF137846 4T1SV21E3KU033405 1FTCR11A1NUA87309 JH4CC265XNC012552 201 MR5221 W6724621 1GNER16K2MF119804 1FALP13P7VW218194 4M2DU52P2VUJ59948 JH2PC3506YM105069 2G4WB55L2R1446653 1FALP13P5VW322568 JM3LV5222M0340709 TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH. NO CHECKS WILL BE AC- CEPTED. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. ALL SALES ARE FINAL NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. VEHICLESS/ VESSELS) ARE SOLD 'AS IS", "WHERE IS", WITH NO GUAR- ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. March 10, 2006 60941 OWERTOWING SERVICES INC. 440 METCALF AVE. ORLANDO, FL 32811 (407) 948-2338 FAX: (407) 948-9498 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE., PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78 (5) There will be a sale of the following vehicles located at 440 Metcalf Ave, Oriando, FL 32811: DATE OF SALl: MARCH 23, 2006 AT 9:00 AM YEAR MAKE '. VIN # 1992 TOYOTABLK 2DR JT2EL45F1N0073878 1991 FORD VAN WHI 1FDEE14HOMHA34732 1986 FORD 4DR GRY 1FABP22X4GK106675 1995 MITSUBISHI 2DR WHI JA3AA21A7SU011639 1994 FORD 4 DR WHI 1FAPP36X5RK248042 1988 NISSAN 4DR GRY JN1HT21S2JT131701 1987 CHEVY BLAZER 2DR RED 1GNCS18R1H8229842 1988 MUSTANG 2DR WHI 1FABP44A9JF261369 Tow company reserves the right to withdraw said vehicles from auction. For more into, or inquiries, call 407-948-2338 March 10, 2006 60939 ____________60939 = l, = T 60906 ...... ...... ........ ........ -, ,I , 60887 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENDED DISPOSITION OF FOUND/ABANDONED PROPER' The Apopka Police Department is intending to dispose ofI abandoned property (tools, electronics, jewelry, clothing, bi and other items) being held at the Apopka Police Depa Lawful owners who believe that the said property is being must appear at the Apopka Police Department, 112 E. 6th by Friday, March 31, 2006 Contact may be made betwe hours of 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Monday thru Friday toclaim own Alter March 31, 2006, the Apopka Police Department wil retain the items for its own use, donate the property tochan the property to the finder, sell the property ordestr6y said listing of the items is posted in public view at the Apopka Department. March 3 and 10, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 02-CA-11347 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CHARLES M. FAULKNER and MARIA T. FAULKNER, his wife; DARRYL D. FOSTER and MAY L. H. FOSTER, his wife; at. al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, WILLIAM J. LAUDATO AND CHRISNNE L. LAUDATO COUNT IX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 20 in Unit 0406, VISTANA SPA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Spa Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3677, Page 335, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all a dments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration").. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 02-CA-11347 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and forOrange County, Florida. DATED on February 28, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Norma J. Felshaw CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Ecia Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of thisdocument; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 60857 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-010336 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. TROD T. HAROLD, a single man and KIMBERLY SHEPPARD, a single woman; LUIS TORRES a/k/a LUIS ANGEL TORRES IRIZARRY and RAFAELA COTTO, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, LUIS TORRES A/K/A LUIS ANGEL TORRES IRIZARRY AND RAFAELA COTTO - COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 13 in Unit 2132, an Even Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana CascadesCondominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuantto a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO LUIS TORRES A/K/A LUIS ANGEL TORRES IRIZARRY AND RAFAELA COTTO - COUNT II, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-010336 now pending in the CircuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this February 23, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRYi CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eda Dnve Post Ottice Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT It you are person with a disability whc needs any accommodation ir order to participate in this pro ceeding, you are entitled, at nc cost to you, to the provisions o certain assistance. Pleasecon tact Court Administration at 42. North Orange Avenue, Suit( 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801 Telephone (407) 836-230; within (2) working days of you receipt of this document; if yo. are heanng or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 6080 TY found/ cycles, rtment. ng held Street een the iership. I either ty, give item. A Police 60852 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009260 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PEDRO PAULO BONOMO a/k/a PEDRO BONOMOand VERA BONOMO a/k/a VERA DA CUNHA BONOMO, his wife; PETER G. FARMER and PRISCILLA G. FARMER, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, PETER G. FARMER AND PRISCILLA G. FARMER COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 29,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 11 in Unit 0238, VISTANA FALLS CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Falls Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3340, Page 2429, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 009260 now pending in the Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTHJudicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED an February 23. 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Ecda Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT- If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in orderlo participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. February 3and 10, 2006 60806 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-010921 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JOSE RECIO and HILDA RODRIGUEZ, his wife; MARTIN RICHBURG and OLETHIA B. RICHBURG, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, JOSE RECIO AND HILDA RODRIGUEZ COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat on March29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 12 in Unit 2307, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO JOSE RECIO AND HILDA RODRIGUEZ COUNT 1, en- tered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 010921 now pending in the Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this February 23, 2006. r Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL V I Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No : 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eda Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a o person with a disability who n needs any accommodation in - order to participate in this pro- Sceeding, you are entitled, at no f cost to you, to the provisions of - certain assistance. Pleasecon- 5 tact Court Administration at 425 i North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Flonda 32801, I Telephone (407) 836-2303 r within (2) working days of your i receipt of this document; if you are heanng or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 5512 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SQUARE ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: VICTOR E. MC CLUSKEY and JUDITH M. MC CLUSKEY RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s)VICTOR MC CLUSKEY and JUDITH MC CLUSKEY, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gagekclaim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 16/0197 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas 1, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, 'at which date said estate IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-10615 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. DONALD ROBINSON, ROSIE L. BROWN ROBINSON, ROSALIND TOULSON, JAMES R. LOCKER, LALITHA LOCKER, EVAN S. SCHWARTZ, DENISE COLWELL-SCHWARTZ, ABEL M. ORTEGA, GLORIA ORTEGA, JOHN A. CLOYD, GAIL R. CLOYD, LAWRENCE E. BURNS, VERONICA W. BURNS, HERBERT STANBACK, RUTH H. STANBACK, YVONNE SERMENO, ESTEBAN F. HERNANDEZ, DANIEL HAIR, NIKIAH HAIR. Defendant(s) NOTICE OF ACTION TO: DANIEL HAIR 640 BURLWOOD CIR MT. WASHINGTON, KY 40047 NIKIAH HAIR 640 BURLWOOD CIR MT. WASHINGTON, KY 40047 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: UNIT NO 7301, Week 440, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-010482 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PAULA M. AUSTIN, a single woman; MITCHELL A. BROWN, JR., a single man; ROBERT C. BROWN, a single man; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, EMDADUL SIDDIQUEE A/K/A E.H. SIDDIQUEE COUNT IX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer forsale the following described real property: Unit Week 06in Unit 09109, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO EMDADUL SIDDIOUEEA/K/A E.H. SIDDIOUEE COUNT IX, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 010482 now pending in the Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this February 28, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Norma J. Felshaw CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N BROWN Florida Bar No 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eoda Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3and 10, 2006 shall terminate. TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 24 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kiptinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. Ithearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. March 3 and 10, 2006 60827 a Condominium, acc Ing to the Declaratio Condominium there corded in Official Rec Book 4443 at Page 274 the Public Records o ange County, Floridi thereafter amended. has been filed against yr you are required to sa copy of your written del if any, to it on KATHR VAUGHAN, ESQUIRE plaintiff's attorney, who dress is 110 E. Granada Suite 104, Ormond B Florida 32176, thirty (30 after publication of this and file the original w Clerk of this Court eith fore service on Plaintiff's ney or immediately their or a default will be e against you for the rel handed in the Complai DATED on FEBRUARY 2006. LYDIA GAR CLERK OF THE C BY: Phyllis Kiptinge CIVIL COURT As Deputy ATTENTION: PERS< WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with i ity who needs any acomrr tion in order to partied pate proceeding, you are enti no cost to you, to the pr of certain assistance. contact Court Administi Courthouse Annex, 425 ange Avenue, Ste 35 lando, FL32801 Tel.: 40 2065 within two (2) w days of your receipt of tr TICE OF ACTION; if y hearing or voice impair 1-800-955-8771: THIS I A COURT INFORM, LINE March 3 and 10, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-010076 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ROBERTO FLORES, a single man; HEATHER L. GOMEZ, a married woman; VERONICA GONZALEZ a/k/a GONZALEZ, a married woman; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, ROBERTO FLORES COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 49 in Unit 07305, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Belia Flonda Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ROBERTO FLORES COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 010076 now pending in the Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this February 23, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N BROWN Flonda Bar No. 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Edla Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys lor Plaintiff IMPORTANT It you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Flonda 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 March 10 and 17, 2006 60896 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-7413 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. JOELL ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK VII Thomas J. Morse and Kathleen E. Raymond 0451/47 VIII Eleazar E. Jaimes and Astrid E. Marquez de Jaimes 4251/36 & 37 IX Gabriel Cantu and Christina Cantu 5272/23 X Josue Casas Melendez and Marta M. Loyola de Cases 4241/21 Note is herebygiven that on March 22, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Flonda32801, the undersigned Clerk will offerforsale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN cord- AND FOR ORANGE on of COUNTY, FLORIDA f, re- CASE NO. 05-CA-8051 #34 words 43of ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY A Or- CLUB, INC., a, as Plaintiff, vs. NIGHTINGALE ET AL., ou and Defendant(s). arve a enses, NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: ;YN A. E, the COUNT* DEFENDANTS se ad- UNIT/WEEK a Blvd. Beach, I Scott W.Nlghtengaie and 0) days Karen E. Nightengale notice, 5122/49 ith the II Jose Miguel Glsbert ner be- Corrales and Ines sAttor- Bernadas De GlIbert after, 3127/48 entered III Adan Guillen Palz and ief de- Sadia Haydee Ruiz nt. 3065/49 IV Jack D. Pennington and RY 24, John CInaglia 0253/48 V Carlos I. Zaragoza and IDNER Ana M. Zaragoza ;OURT 3031/48 r, D.C. VI Apart Holidays AG r SEAL 4041/45 & 46 S Clerk Note isherebygiven that on ONS March 22, 2006, at 11:00 a.m ES at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- disabil- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, imoda- Florida32801,theundersigned e in this Clerkwillofferforsaletheabove itled, at described UNIT/WEEKS of the vision following described real prop- Please erty: rator at 5 N. Or- Orange Lake Country Club 50, Or- Villas I, aCondominium, to- )7-836- getherwith an undivided in- Norking terest in the common ele- he NO- ments appurtenant thereto, you are according to the Declara- id, Call tion of Condominium IS NOT thereof recorded in Official ATION Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, 60831 and all amendments IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-010482 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vS. PAULA M. AUSTIN, a single woman; MITCHELL A. BROWN, JR., a single man; ROBERT C. BROWN, a single man; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, AMELIA F. GIPSON COUNT VI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5.2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 12in Unit 09203, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO AMELIA F. GIPSON COUNT VI, entered in Civil No. 2005- CA-010482 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this February 28, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Norma J. Felshaw CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Edola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone, (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 60856 recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-7413 #34 DATED this 23 day of FEB- RUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 2050, within two working of yourreceipt ofthisdocu if you are hearing impaired (800) 955-8771, of voice paired, call (800) 955-87 March 3 and 10, 2006 thereto, the plat of whi recorded In Condomi Book 7, Page 59 until 1 noon on the first SatuI 2061, at which date estate shall terminate; GETHER with a remain over in fee simple abs as tenant in common the other owners of al unit weeks in the above scribed Condominium i percentage interest e wished in the Daclarati Condominium. TOGETHER with all co tenements, hereditary and appurtenances the belonging or in anywis pertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to thi judgments of foreclosure the above listed c respectively, in Civil Acti 05-CA-8051 #34 DATED this 24 day o RUARY, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSO WITH DISABILITY If you are a person with' ability who needs any a modation in order to part in this proceeding, you a titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assist Please contact Court Ad tration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two working of your receipt of thisdoc if you are hearing impair (800) 955-8771, or voi paired, call (800)'955-8 March 3 and 10, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-010589 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ARNOLD J. BUSH and KAREN E. BUSH, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, ARNOLD J. BUSH AND KAREN E. BUSH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthaton March 29,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 22 in Unit 2257, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records ol Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ARNOLD J. BUSH AND KAREN E. BUSH, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-010589 now pending in the Circuit Court of- the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Flonda. DATED this February 23, 2006. , Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 Norti Edola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 60803 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10307 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, AS TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, vs. NYDIA RUIZ, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 22 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-10307, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and forOrange County, Florida, wherein JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, AS TRUSTEE is the Plaintiff and NYDIA RUIZ; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF NYDIA RUIZ; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350,425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00-a.m. on the 30 day of MARCH, 2006, the follow- ing described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: 836- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF days THE NINTH JUDICIAL iment; CIRCUIT IN AND FOR dcall ORANGE COUNTY, ae im- FLORIDA 70. CASE NO. 05-CA-8705 60823 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA ch is CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- nium TION, INC., a Florida not for 2:00 profit urday Plaintiff(s), said TO- V. inder CLAUDE SWEENEY, MARY olute I. SWEENEY, HARRY W. with QUILES, CARMEN J. I the QUILES, SAMUEL F. ede- PATTERSON, MARILYN L. inthe PATTERSON, LACRETIA stab- BARTELL, WILMA on of COLLINS, CAROLYN ROBINETTE, KENNETH K. KING, CHRISTINE L. KING, if the JOYCE CLEONE nents KRUEGER, WILBERT J. ereto STANFORD, DAVID e ap- WILLIAMS, CHRISTIE WILLIAMS Defendant(s) will be e final NOTICE OF SALE e as to AS TO COUNT I cunts, (SWEENEY), V (COLLINS), on No. VI (ROBINETTE) NOTICE IS HEREBY f FEB. GIVEN that pursuant to the Default Final Judgment of Fore- closure as to Count I LDNER (SWEENEY), V(COLLINS), VI e Court (ROBINETTE) rendered on the OXLEY 20dayof FEBRUARY, 2006, in r SEAL that certain cause pending in y Clerk the Circuit Court in and for Or- ange County, Florida, wherein NS CYPRESS POINTE RESORT ES AT LAKE BUENA VISTACON- DOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, a dis- INC. is the Plaintiff, and accom- CLAUDE SWEENEY, MARY I. icipate SWEENEY, WILMA COLLINS, are en- CAROLYN ROBINETTE, are to the Defendant(s), Civil Action No. stance. 05-CA-8705, Lydia Gardner, dminis- Clerk of the aforesaid Court, Orange will at 11:00 A.M. on the 22 lorida day of MARCH, 2006, offerfor ') 836- sale and sell to the highest bid- g days der for cash at the Orange ument; County Courthouse, 425 N. ed, call Orange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- ice im- lando, Florida,thefollowingde- 770. scribed property, to-wit: UNIT NO. 2304, Week 21 B, 60846 of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8603 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(a), V. MARILYN GUERRA SAMPSON, DEBRA R. HOES, CURTISTINE WALDON-HOES, NEIL WALDON-HOES, BERNARD WALDON-HOES, PAUL A. GALLANT, ALICE GALLANT, EDWIN E. MYERS, CHRISTEL MYERS, EDWIN E. MYERS, CHRISTEL MYERS, STEVEN W. JONES, LANELLE M. JONES, HELLEN CRUZ, LEONARDO CARDENAS, SYLVIA Y. WILEY, RENE V. MARSHALL, ROSETTA DWIGHT, PAULA M. DE JESUS, WILFRED DEJESUS JR. Defendants) NOTICE OF SALE AS TO COUNT I (SAMPSON), II (HOES), IV (MYERS), V (MYERS), VI (JONES), VII (CRUZ), VIII (WILEY), IX (DWIGHT), X (DEJESUS) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Default Final Judgment of Fore- closure as to Count I (SAMPSON), II (HOES), IV (MYERS), V (MYERS), VI (JONES), VII (CRUZ), VIII (WILEY), IX (DWIGHT), X (DEJESUS) rendered on the 8day of February 2006, in that certain cause pending in the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Flonda, wherein CY- PRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. is the Plaintiff, and MARILYN GUERRA SAMPSON, DEBRA R. HOES, CURTISTINE WALDON-HOES. NEIL WALDON-HOES, BERNARD WALDON-HOES, EDWIN E MYERS, CHRISTEL MYERS, EDWIN E. MYERS, CHRISTEL MYERS, STEVEN W. JONES, LANELLE M.JONES, HELLEN ' CRUZ, LEONARDO CARDENAS, SYLVIA Y. WILEY, RENE V. MARSHALL, ROSETTA DWIGHT, PAULA M. DEJESUS, WILFRED DEJESUS JR., are De- fendant(s), Civil Action No. 05-. CA-8603, LydiaGardner, Clerk of the aforesaid Court, will at 11:00 A.M. on the 14th day of March, 2006, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Orange County Courthouse, 425N. Orange Av- LOT 319, EAST ORLA SECTION THREE, CORDING TO THE P THEREOF, AS RECORD IN PLAT BOOK "Y", P 51, OF THE PUBLIC I WORDS OF ORAl COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the cans with Disabilities Ac sons in need of a special a modation to participate proceeding or to access service, program or a shall, within a reasonab prior to any proceeding o to access a service, prog activity, contact the Adm live Office, of the Cour ANGE, at 425 N. Oran enue, Orlando, FL 3280 phone (407) 836-2303 or 955-8771 (THD), or 1-80 8770 (V) via Florida Rela vice. Dated this 24 day of F ARY, 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk Of The Circui By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT Deput Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW49th Street, Su Fort Lauderdale, Florida Telephone: (954) 453-C Facsimile: (954) 771-6 05-07411 March 3 and 10, 2006 the Public Records of ange County, Florida thereafter amended. (COUNT I) UNIT NO. 1101, W 47B, of CYPRESS POI RESORT AT LA BUENA VISTA, A CON MINIUM, a Condomini according to the Decl tion of Condomin thereof, recorded In 0 cial Records Book 44' Page 2743 of the Put Records of Ora County, Florida, as th after amended. (COUNT V) UNIT NO. 2303, We 15B, of CYPRESS POI RESORT AT LA BUENA VISTA, A CON MINIUM, a Condomin according to the Decl tion of Condomin thereof, recorded inC cial Records Book 44' Page 2743 of the Pu Records of Ora County, Florida, as th after amended. (COUNT VI) Said sale will be pu to and in order to satis terms of said Default Judgment of Foreclosur Count I (SWEENE' (COLLINS), VI ROBINE DATED FEBRUARY 24, LYDIA GAR CLERK OF THE CC BY: JIM MC CIVIL COURT Deputy Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd. Ste 104, Ormond Beach, FL 321 ATTENTION: PERSON WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with d ity who needs any acoom tion in orderto participate proceeding, you are enti no cost to you, to the pr< of certain assistance. I contact Court Administr Suite 350, Courthouse , 425 N. Orange Ave, Ol FL 32801; Tel.: 407-831 within two (2) working c your receipt of the NOTI SALE; if you are hear voice impaired, Call 1-80C 8771; THIS IS NOT A C INFORMATION LINE March 3 and 10, 2006 NDO IN THE CIRCUIT COURT AC- FOR ORANGE COUNTY, PLAT FLORIDA DED AGE File No. 48-2005-CP- REC- 003139-0 NGE Division Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF Ameri- CHARLES W. RADLOFF t, per- Deceased. iccom- in this NOTICE TO CREDITORS a court activity The administration of the Ie time estate of Charles W. Radloff, irneed deceased, whose date of death iram or was November16, 2005, and inistra- whose Social Security Number 1, OR- is 523-96-9910, is pendinginthe ge Av- CircuitCourtforOrange County, 01Tele- Florida, Probate Division; the 1-800- address of which is 425 North I0-955- Orange Avenue, Room 340, ay Ser- Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and addresses of the - personal representative and EBRU- the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- IDNER dent and other persons having t Court claims or demands against OXLEY decedent's estate on whom a ". T SEAL copy of this notice is required ; y Clerk to be served must file their , claims with this court WITHIN , THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS *, AFTER THE TIME OF THE ' .e 120 FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS ' 33309 NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER " 0365 THE DATE OF SERVICE OF 6052 A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having 60820 claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE SOr- OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION 3, as OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION leek 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA NTE PROBATE CODE WILL BE AKE FOREVER BARRED. 4DO- ium, NOTWITHSTANDING THE A' lara- TIME PERIODS SET FORTH 19 ium ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED Off I- TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- 43at TER THE DECEDENT'S DATE ubllc OF DEATH IS BARRED. nge iere- The date of. first publication of this notice is March 3, 2006 Personal Representative: - Veek Debra L. Hartnett - NTE 2030 South Courtenay AKE Parkway IDO- Merritt Island, Florida 32952 aim, lara- Attorney for Personal ium Representative Offl- Larry P. Studer 43at Florida Bar No. 442402 iblic PO Box 351 nge Orlando, Florida 32802-0351 here- Telephone: (407) 894-9009 March 3 and 10, 2006 60834 rsuant fy the Final east Y), V TrTE). 2006. DNER COURT iXLEY SEAL y Clerk 76 INS ;S lisabil- imoda- a in this lied, at vision Please ator at Annex, rando, &-2065 lays of CE OF ing or 0-955- 'OURT 60822 enue, Ste350, Orlando, Florida, the following described prop- erty, to-wit: UNIT NO. 2202, WeekO8B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT I UNIT NO. 2302, Week 06B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public.Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT II UNIT NO.5305, Week35B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT IV UNIT NO. 5305, Week34B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT V UNIT NO. 5303, Week 20B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VI UNIT NO. 5301, Week 45B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VII Do you need to receive a FAX? If so, use our FAX number: 407-889-4121. Ask the sender to put your name and phone # on it so that we can call you when it arrives. There is a small charge. Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 FAX: 407-889-4121 UNIT NO. 2104, Week 35B, of CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records . Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. ,-." COUNT VIII UNIT NO. 2303, Week 33B, of CYPRESS POINTE RESORTATLAKEBUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of Sthe Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT IX UNIT NO. 1301, Week -" 37B, of CYPRESS POINTE RESORTAT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of s Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records . Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT X Said sale will be pursuant to and in order to satisfy the terms of said Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure as to Count I (SAIMPSON),II - (HOES), IV. (MYERS, V (MYERS), VI (JONES), VII. (CRUZ), VIII (WILEY), IX... (DWIGHT), X (DEJESUS). DATED February 23, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd. Ste 104, . Ormond Beach, FL 32176 ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- . lion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at.. Suite 350, Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32801; Tel.: 407-836-2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NOTICE OF SALE; if you are hearing or - voice impaired, Call 1-800-955- 8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT ' INFORMATION LINE March 3 and 10, 2006 The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 15A l! 407-886-2777 LEGAL ADVERTISING Legals Can be found on I pages 13A 17A & Fax: 407-889-4121 0 tpopkfa bt 11B 13B i imill . -., .1 :1 60799 , 60802 60855 Book 4443 at Page 2743 of The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 16A The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 16A Apopka Cbief LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 13A 17A & 11B 13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No. 05-CA-8493 Judge: Donald E. Grincewicz In re: Forfeiture of 1997 Nissan Altima XE (Maroon) VIN 1N4BU31D4VC250451 NOTICE OF ACTION TO: St. Fleur Used Auto Sales 5610 Tellpa Drive Orlando, FL 32839 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to forfeit your Interest in the above-described property In Orange County, Florida has been filed, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, on Petitioner's attorney, Gerald D. Slebens, Assistant Attorney General, Of- fice of the Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100, Tampa, Florida 33602, If you wish to contest this forfel- ture action on or before April26, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this court either be- fore service on Petitioner's at- Storney or Immediately thereaf- ter. Otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- ief demanded In the petition. Dated: FEBRUARY 28 2006 LYDIA GARDNER By Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipflnger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk March 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2006 60868 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, '; STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-10266 Div. No.: 37 Judge: Jay P. Cohen In re: Forfeiture of 1989 Dodge Caravan (Blue) VIN: 2B4FK45KXKR151276 NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Stanley Charles Collins 6830 TurquoIs Lane Orlando, Florida 32807 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to forfeit your Interest In the above-described property In Orange County, Florida has been flied, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, on Petitioner's attorney, Gerald D. Slebens, S. Assistant Attomey General, Of- fice of the Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite - 1100, Tampa, Florida 33602, If you wish to contest this forfel- ture action on or before April 28, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this court either be- fore service on Petitioner's at- torney or Immediately thereaf- ter. Otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- lief demanded In the petition. Dated: FEBRUARY 28 2006 LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipflnger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk March 3, 10,17 and 24, 2006 60867 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009720 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ARIEL ACOSTA and RUTH B. ACOSTA, his wife; MARGARET L. CULLEY, a single woman; JORGE GAYTAN, a married man" et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, CLIFFORD M, MANIE COUNT VII NOTICE IS HEREBY SGIVEN thaton March 29,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, ando, In Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer Sfor sale the following described real property: Unit Week 43 in Unit 04304, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- Scording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded In Official Records Book 6222, SPage 1987, Public Records p of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, If any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- '^ meant of Foreclosure AS TO CLIFFORD M. MANIE - COUNT VII, entered In Civil No. :: 2005-CA-009720 now pending IntheCircuitCourtofthe NINTH '/ Judicial Circuit In and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this February 21, I 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court 1 ,i By: CORINE HERRY 'CIVIL COURT SEAL '. VALERIE N. BRODuClark Florida Bar No.: 0010193 I D' LOWNDES, DROSDICK, r J DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation In S' ; order to participate In this pro- S ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of youth receipt of this document; If yoi are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 60809 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-10882 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ZIEGLER ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: MONIQUE LANE- VINCENT and CHRISTINE D. LANE, DEREK D. VINCENT AND JOHN LANE III RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming Interest by, through, under or against Defendants) MONIQUE LANE-VINCENT and CHRIS- TINE LANE, DEREK D. VINCENT AND JOHN LANE III, a married couple, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest In the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property In Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 44/3742 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided Interest In the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minlum thereof recorded In Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded In Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-010920 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. IAN T. ALBURY and LOUWANA L. ALBURY, his wife; PATRICIA A. FAIR and BRIAN K. FAIR, her husband; JERRY L. HOLLAND, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JERRY L. HOLLAND COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 29,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, In Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 29 In Unit 2715, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded. n Official Records Book5312,Page2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, If any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO JERRY L. HOLLAND- COUNT III, entered In Civil No. 2005- CA-010920 now pending In the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit In and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this February 21, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation In order to participate In this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days ofyour receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10,2006 60807 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-7955 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, va. DOLENTE ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: NICO BERNARD and LOUISE M. M. BERNARD, A/K/A MARTHA MARIA LOUISE BERNARD RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming Interest by, through, under or against Defendants) NICO BERNARD and LOUISE BERNARD,A/K/A MARTHA MARIA LOUISE BERNARD, a married couple, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or Interest In the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property In Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 30/88266 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minlum, together with an undivided Interest In the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded In Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until f 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- der over In fee simple ab- solute as tenant In com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above described Condo- minium In the percentage Interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minlum. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to It on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress Is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301. West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 28 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis KIpfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- mlnlstrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue; Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florlda Relay Service. March 3 and 10, 2006 60866 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007722 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. CHRISTOPHER R. NASH, a single man; BARBARA M. O'NEILL and JOSEPH E. O'NEILL, her husband; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, BARBARA M. O'NEILL AND JOSEPH E. O'NEILL COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 29,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, In Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 8 In Unit 05205, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- rminlumof Bella FloridaCon- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, If. any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO BARBARA M. O'NEILL AND JOSEPH E. O'NEILL COUNT II, entered In Civil No. 2005- CA-007722 now pending In the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit In and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this February 21, 2006. Lydia Gardner 'Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY IVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROW Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation In order to participate In this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 60810 said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- der over In fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minlum in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to It on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress Is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 16 day of February, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Klpflnger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate In this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- mlnistrator/A.D.A, Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice.(V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. March 3 and 10, 2006 60828 NOTICE OF LIEN SALE "In accordance with the provi- sions of State law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is en- titled to satisfy an owner's lien of the goods hereinafter de- scribed and stored at Uncle Bob's Self Storage located at: 11955 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32837; Phone Number407-826-0024; Fax 407-850-0064; And, due notice having been given, to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having ex- pired, the goods will be sold at public auction at the above stated address to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:15 AM" CUSTOMER NAME JANETTE FLOWERS INVENTORY HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, BOXES CUSTOMER NAME ANDREW MOORE INVENTORY BOXES, TV'S OR STEREO EQUIP, CLOTHES CUSTOMER NAME IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-7251- DIV. 33 FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION PLAINTIFF VS. IRVIN L. WALLACE, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST IRVIN L. WALLACE; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF IRVIN L. WALLACE, IF ANY; CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated FEBRUARY 22,2006 entered In Civil Case No. 05-CA-7251 -DIV. 33of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit In and for OR- ANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Room 350 at the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 N. Orange Aie. In Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 28 day of MARCH, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 48-2006-CA-109- DIV-40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AS TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, vs. JUAN A. BAEZ, et al, .Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 20 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 48-2006-CA-109- DIV-40, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and 'for Orange County, Florida, wherein JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AS TRUSTEE is the Plaintiff and JUAN A. BAEZ; JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AS TRUSTEE; AYMEE BAEZ; JOHN DOE; JANE DOEAS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, In ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 23 day of MARCH, 2006, the following described NOTICE OF LIEN SALE In accordance with the provi- sions of state law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned Is en- titled to satisfy an owner's lien of the goods hereinafter de- scribed and stored at Uncle Bob's Self Storage locations listed below, and due notice having been given to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an Interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired, the goods will sold at public auction to the highest bidder or otherwise dis- posed of on or thereafter DATE OF AUCTION TUESDAY 3-21-2006 TIMES ARE LISTED BELOW UNCLE BOB'S SELF STOR- AGE #77 @11:30 A.M. 4066 SILVER STAR ROAD ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808 407-298-9451 FAX: 407-299-3616 ELLA WYKOFF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BOXES, TV OR STEREO EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCES GRADY RUSHER CLOTHES, BOXES, MAT- TRESS, MICROWAVE, MONI- TOR, TREE MERRY CRONAN CLOTHES, BAGS MELBOURNE LANDALE TOOLS CRYSTAL MITCHELL BOXES, TAPES, CLOTHES, SHELF, SUITCASE TRACY CORSON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, BOXES, SPORTING GOODS, TOOLS, OFFICE EQUIPMENT, PAPERWORK HIRAM MILCE FURNITURE, SPORTING GOODS, TOOLS, CON- STRUCTION EQUIPMENT ANTOINETTE QUEEN HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BOXES TATIANNA SANTORO HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, BOXES, TV ORSTE- REO EQUIPMENT KEITH SMITH SOFA, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BIKE, BOXES, BARRELS, BOXES, CAR RAMP, TABLES ESHONDA COLLIER HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, BOXES, ELECTRIC SCOOTER SHUDEENA SUTTON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, BOXES, TV OR STE- REO EQUIPMENT GEORGE A. DOLSOM TV OR STEREO EQUIPMENT LEON DARIEN HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BOXES, TV OR STEREO EQUIPMENT PHILLIP WILLIAMS LAUNDRY BASKET, BLAN- KETS, BAGS, BOXES, MAT- TRESS, SPRINGS, CLOTHES, BIKE STANFORD RUSSELL JR. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, SPORTING GOODS, JAMES CURD INVENTORY HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, BOXES, SPORT- ING GOODS, TOOLS, TV'S OR STEREO EQUIP. CUSTOMER NAME CHRISTOPHER M. LATHAM INVENTORY HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR- NITURE, BOXES, SPORT- ING GOODS, TOOLS, APPLI- ANCES, TV'S OR STEREO EQUIP, OFFICE EQUIP, OF- FICE MACHINES CUSTOMER NAME CHRISTOPHER CAMPBELL INVENTORY HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FURNITURE, BOXES, TV'S OR STEREO EQUIP. CUSTOMER NAME JAVIER ROMERO INVENTORY HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FURNITURE, BOXES, TV'S OR STEREO EQUIP, OFFICE EQUIP, OFFICE MACHINES CUSTOMER NAME FREDDIE MELVIN JR. INVENTORY 1989 SUZUKI MOTOR- CYCLE VIN# JSIGN72A6L2102534, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. March 3 and 10, 2006 60853 2006 the following des property as set forth I Summary Final Judgme wit: LOT3BLOCKF,JAMI WOODS SUBDIVIS ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF AS CORDED IN PLAT B B, PAGE 48, OF THE I LIC RECORDS OF ANGE COUNTY, FLOOR Dated this 26 day of Fl ARY, 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of the Circui By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT Deput THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, PA., ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-44537 (FTN) IF YOU ARE a person wit ability who needs any modatlon In order to part in this proceeding, you i titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assist Please contact Court Ai tration at 425 North Oran enue, Suite 2130, Or Florida 32801. Telephone 836-2303 within two (2) w days of your receipt of th tice of Hearing; If you are Ing or voice impaired call 955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 property as set forth in s nal Judgment, to wit: LOT 69, HUNTER'S CR TRACT 250, ACCOR TO THE PLAT THERE RECORDED IN I BOOK 25, PAGE 78 THE PUBLIC RECO OF ORANGE COU FLORIDA. In accordance with the cans with Disabilities A sons In need of a special modation to participate proceeding or to access service, program or s shall, within a reasonab prior to any proceeding c to access a service, proi activity, contact the Adm five Office of the Cou ANGE, at 425 N. Oran enue, Orlando, FL 328 phone (407) 836-2303 oi 955-8771 (THD), or 1-8t 8770 (V) via Florida Rel vice. Dated this 24 day of F ARY, 2006. LYDIA GAF Clerk Of The Circu By: JIM M CIVIL COURT Deputy Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Si Fort Lauderdale, Florida Telephone: (954) 453-' Facsimile: (954) 771- 06-00048 March 3 and 10, 2006 TOOLS SHENINKIA McKIEVER FURNITURE CECIL ALLEN JR. FURNITURE TROY McLAUGHLIN CHAIRS, MIRROR, NGHTSTAND, CLOTHES TURE JOSEPH VINCENT TOOLS, APPLIANCES, H STEREO EQUIPMENT FICE EQUIPMENT,( STRUCTION EQUIPMD OFFICE MACHINES, F01 EQUIPMENT, LANDSC/ EQUIPMENT, ACCC RECORDS, OTHER, Ri PRESTON MOORE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, NITURE ANJEANETTE CONNEI VCR, STORAGE BEDFRAME, BAGS, DRESSER, DESK, H BOARD ROSE COOPER BOXES, BIKE, BAGS AIRRION PARKS FURNITURE, BOXES, TC TVOR STEREO EQUIPR LANDSCAPING EQUIP ACCOUNT RECORDS ANNIE GREEN HOUSEHOLD GOODS, NATURE, BOXES, A ANCES, TV OR STI EQUIPMENT JAMES GANGLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS UNCLE BOB'S SELF S AGE #111 @ 1:30 PM 130 CONCORD DRIVE CASSELBERRY, FL 327 407-339-3803 FAX: 407-339-5522 ANITA LOPEZ HOUSEHOLD GC BOXES, APPLIANCES,I STEREO EQUIPMENT BETHANY FORD HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FURNITURE, BOXES, A ANCES, TV OR ST EQUIPMENT, OFFICE CHINES, OFFICE E' MENT, ACCOUNT REC ARVESTER BURRELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS MICHAEL BIVENS FURNITURE, APPLIAI TOOLS JOY RUDDICK HOUSEHOLD GOODS, NITURE, BOXES, ACC RECORDS MARVIN REED HOUSEHOLD GOC BOXES, TV OR ST EQUIPMENT ALEXI TAMIROFF HOUSEHOLD GOODS NITURE, BOXES, SPO GOODS, TOOLS, A ANCES, TV OR ST EQUIPMENT JIMMIE L. DAVIS HOUSEHOLD GOODS NITURE, BOXES, TOOL PLIANCES, TV OR ST EQUIPMENT ANTHONY D. SALLEY TOOLS March 3 and 10, 2006 scribed n said mnt, to- ES A. ION, THE RE- OOK PUB- OR- IIDA. EBRU- :DNER t Court OXLEY SEAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-10861-33 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA- TIONAL ASSOCIATION, suc- cessor by merger to WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIM- ING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST the Estate of PATTY FIELDS a/k/a PATTY A. FIELDS a/k/a PATTY A. DAM- BROSIO, deceased; ATLAN- TIC SIDING, SOFFIT and TRIM, INC. a/k/a ATLANTIC SIDING; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., successor by merger to BARNETT BANK OF CEN- TRAL FLORIDA, N.A.; JO- SEPH D'AMROSIO; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF ACTIOND- CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: The Unknown spouse, heirs, beneficiaries, or other parties claiming against the Estate of the Defendant, PATTY FIELDS A/K/A PATTY A. FIELDS A/K/A PATTY A. DAMBROSIO, deceased, whose residence is unknown: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- erty: LOT 79, ETHAN'S GLENN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RE- y Clerk IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE TIFF COUNTY, FLORIDA TIFF CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10962 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS INDEN- S TURE TRUSTEE UNDER THE hadis- INDENTURE RELATING TO accom- IMH ASSETS CORP., COLLAT- ltcipate ERALIZED ASSET-BACKED are an- BONDS, SERIES 2004-10, to the Plaintiff, stance. dminis- ge Av- vs. rlando, MATTHEW HUDSON A/K/A a: (407) MATTHEW C. HUDSON, et atl, working Defendants. his No- e hear- NOTICE OF 1-800- FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 60848 pursuant to a Final Judgment of 60848 Foreclosure dated the 20 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, and entered In Case No. 05-CA-10962, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial said Fl- Circuit In and for Orange County, Florida, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST REEK COMPANY, AS INDENTURE DING TRUSTEE UNDER THE IN- IEOF, DENTURE RELATING TO IMH PLAT ASSETS CORP., COLLATER- I, OF ALIZED ASSET-BACKED RDS BONDS, SERIES 2004-10 Is the NTY, Plaintiff and MATTHEW HUDSON A/K/A MATTHEW C. HUDSON; MORTGAGE ELEC- Ameri- TRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- ct, per- TEMS, INC.AS NOMINEE FOR accom- LAKELAND REGIONAL MORT- In this GAGE CORPORATION (MIN# court 100103804915543606); UN- activity KNOWN SPOUSE OF MAT- ble time THEW HUDSON A/K/A MAT- orneed THEW C. HUDSON; JOHN gram or DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- nlnistra- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- rt, OR- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT nge Av- PROPERTY are defendants. I 01Tele- will sell to the highest and best r 1-800- bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 00-955- 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ay Ser- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, In ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 FEBRU- a.m. on the 24 day of MARCH, 2006, the following described RDNER It Court OXLEY 11 . T ty uit 0: 6C SEAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 'Clerk THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, te 120 FLORIDA 33309 365 CASE NO. 05-CA-4315 052 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA 60849 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. AHMED MOHAMED, NIMA DINLE, JAVIER SEMINARIO, MARIETTA SEMINARIO, JOSE S, PIC- CANTELLI, MARIA DEMONTES, SAEED A.S. SHABLAN, SAEED A.S. TVOR SHABLAN, ELIAS N. OF- ABRAMOWICZ, ELENA CON- ABRAMOWICZ, ELIAS N. lENT ABRAMOWICZ, ELENA OFFICE ABRAMOWICZ, VERONICA APING C. LARCO, LESLIE MOUNT FOSTER, BRENDA / FOSTER, SAMI GHAZZAWI Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE R AS TO COUNT II BINS (SEMINARIO), IV S(SHABLAN), V (SHABLAN), -EAD- VIII (LARCO), IX (FOSTER), X (GHAZZAWI) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the DOLS, Default Final Judgmentof Fore- MENT closure as to Count II MENT, SEMINARRO, IV (SHABLAN), V (SHABLAN), VIII (LARCO), IX (FOSTER), X (GHAZZAWI) FUR- rendered on the 8 day of Feb- PPLI- ruary 2006, In that certain cause EREO pending In the Circuit Court In and for Orange County, Florida, wherein CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM AS- STOR- SOCIATION, INC. Isthe Plain- tiff, and JAVIER SEMINARIO, MARIETTA SEMINARIO, 707 SAEED A.S. SHABLAN, SAEED A.S. SHABLAN, VERONICA C. LARCO, LESLIE FOSTER, BRENDA FOSTER, SAMI GHAZZAWI, )ODS, are Defendant(s), Civil Action TVOR No. 05-CA-4315, Lydia Gardner, Clerk of the aforesaid Court, will at 11:00 A.M. on the 15th day of March, 2006, offer \PPLI- for sale and sell to the highest EREO bidder for cash at the Orange E MA- County Courthouse, 425 N. QUIP.- Orange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- ,ORDS land, Florida, the following de- scribed property, to-wit: UNIT NO. 7102, Week 16, NCES, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, FUR- a Condominium, accord- 6OUNT Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records DODS Book 4443 at Page 2743 of EREO the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. FUR- COUNT II RTING .PPLI- UNIT NO. 7104, Week 06, EREO of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, FUR- a Condominium, accord- LSAP- Ing to the Declaration of TEREO Condominium thereof, re- Scorded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. 60851 COUNT IV CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE(S) 109, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 South University Drive Suite 500, Plantation, Florida 33301 no later than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice of ac- tion and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; oth- erwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 14 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate In this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. Law Offices of David J. Stern, P.A. 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, Florida 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-48936(FM)NCL property as set forth in nal Judgment, to wit: BEGIN 31.27 FEET S 27 DEGREES 59 WEST FROM THE N( EAST CORNER OF L BLOCK 98, ANGEBII EDITION NO. 2, AS PLAT THEREOF REC ED IN PLAT BOOK J, 124, PUBIC RECORD ORANGE COUNTY, I IDA, THENCE CON SOUTH 27 DEGREE FEET WEST 90.27 THENCE NORTH 8 GREES 29 FEET 115.35 FEET, THI NORTH 18 DEGREE FEET EAST 83.38 THENCE SOUTH 8 GREES 46 FEET 131.6 FEET TO THE I OF BEGINNING. CON ING THEREIN PAF LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOC SAID SUBDIVISION. In accordance with the cans with Disabilities / sons in need of a special modation to participate proceeding or to access service, program or shall, within a reason prior to any proceeding to access a service, pro activity, contact the Adr tive Office of the Cou ANGE, at 425 N. Ora enue, Orlando, FL 328 phone (407) 836-2303 o 955-8771 (THD), or 1-8 8770 (V) via Florida Re vice. Dated this 23 day of ARY, 2006. LYDIA GA Clerk Of The Circi By: JIM M CIVILCOUR Depu Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, S Fort Lauderdale, Florid Telephone: (954) 453 Facsimile: (954) 771 05-07803 March 3 and 10, 2006 UNIT NO. 7104, Week 08, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT V UNIT NO. 7104, Week 29, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a.Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VIII UNIT NO. 7202, Week 14, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT IX UNIT NO. 7210, Week 24, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT X Said sale will be pursuant to and In order to satisfy the terms of said Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure as to Count II (SEMINARIO),IV (SHABLAN), V (SHABLAN), VIII (LARCO), IX (FOSTER), X (GHAZZAWI). DATED February 23, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd. Ste 104, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion In order to participate In this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Suite 350, Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801; Tel.: 407-836-2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NOTICE OF SALE; II you are hearing or voice Impaired, Call 1-800-955- 8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE March 3 and 10, 2006 60800 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-10204 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. COYNE ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: WILLIAM L. AYLOR, JR. and PRISCILLA V. AYLOR RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And ail parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) WILLIAM AYLOR, JR. 'and PRISCILLA AYLOR, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein de- scribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 45/86123 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas ll, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided intereu the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded In Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN 60813 AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. said Fl- CASE NO.: 05-CA-10271 #34 OUTH ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY FEEOUTH CLUB, INC., FEET a Florida corporation, RTH- Plaintiff, LOT 4, vs LTA- DONATE ET.AL., COPER Defendant(s). PAGE NOTICE OF ACTION DS OR FLOR- To: CHERYL P. TURNER TINUE ES 59 RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN FEET, 9 DE- And all parties claiming interest ENCE by, through, under or against ENCE Defendants) CHERYL TURN- ES 13 ER, a single woman, and all 9 DE-ET, parties having or claiming to 9 DEAST- have any right, title or interest OEAST in the property herein de- POINT scribed: NTAiN- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that IT OF an action to foreclose a mort- CK 98, gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- e Amer- ange County, Florida: Act, per- WEEK/UNIT(S) 47/3935 l.accom- a in this Of Orange Lake Country s a court Club Villas III, a Condo- activity minium, together with an ble time undivided interest in the or need common elements appurte- ogram or nant thereto, according to mlnlstra- the Declaration of Condo- urt, OR- minium thereof recorded in nge Av- Official Records Book 5914, 801Tele- Page 1965, in the Public or 1-800 Records of Orange County, 100-955- Florida, and all amendments lay Ser- thereto, the plat of which is recorded In Condominium Book 28, page 84, until FEBRU- 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: kRDNER TOGETHER with a remain- uit Court der over in fee simple abso- vOXLEY IT SEAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF uty Clerk THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF lulls 120 FLORIDA, IN AND FOR 333e 120 ORANGE COUNTY a 33309 CIVIL DIVISION -0365 -6052 CASE NO. 06-CA-70 DIV 37 CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE 60819 COMPANY (FL), LLC, Plaintiff, vs. EDWIN CABRERA; THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF EDWIN CABRERA; REINA CAR- RERO; IF LIVING, INCLUDING ANY UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF RE- MARRIED, AND IF DE- CEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVI- SEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGN- EES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DE- FENDANT(S); LAVENTANA AT WILLOW POND HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; MODINE AFTERMAR- KET HOLDINGS, INC.; WHETHER DISSOLVED OR PRESENTLY EXISTING, TO- GETHER WITH ANY GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, CREDI- TORS, LIENORS, OR TRUST- EES OF SAID DEFENDANTS) AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST DE- FENDANT(S); UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UNKNOWN TEN- ANT #2; Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure en- tered In the above-styled cause, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. CIO00-4946 THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, AS TRUSTEE OF IMC HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST SERIES 1997-5 UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1,1997, Plaintiff, vs. CONNIE M. FAUGHN; JOHN DOE FAUGHN, THE UN- KNOWN HUSBAND OF CON- NIE M. FAUGHN; SHERRI L. WOLFE; JOHN DOE WOLFE, THE UNKNOWN HUSBAND OF SHERRI L. WOLFE; IF LIV- ING, INCLUDING ANY UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMAR- RIED, AND IF DECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, CREDI- TORS, LIENORS, ANDTRUST- EES, AND ALL OTHER PER- SONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DE- FENDANT(S); JOHN DOE, UN- KNOWN TENANT; JANE DOE, UNKNOWN TENANT, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure en- tered in the above-styled cause, In the Circuit Court of Orange County, Florida, I will sell the property situate in Orange County, Florida, described as: BEGIN 30 FEET WEST OF THE SE CORNER OF THE der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attornr ., whose ad- dress is 2505 .trocentre Blvd., Suite 30f, 'st Palm Beach, Florida, 334 within thirty (30) days after. first publication of this Notic, 'nd file the original with the C k of this Court either before s. vice on Plaintiff's attorney o. immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this-Court on the 28 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. March 3 and 10, 2006 60864 lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declara- tion of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 28 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. March 3 and 10, 2006 60865 in the Circuit Court of Orange County, Florida, I will sell the property situate in Orange County, Florida, described as: LOT 17, WILLOW POND- PHASE 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 42, PAGES 29 THROUGH 32, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. A/K/A 957 Whispering Cypress Lane Orlando, Fl 32824 at public sale, at the Orange County Civil Court Building, 425 North Orange Avenue, Room 350, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock, A.M., on MARCH 24 2006. DATED THIS 24 DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT BY MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Offices of Daniel C. Consuegra 9204 King Palm Drive Tampa, FL 33619-1328 Attorneys for Plaintiff In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing a spe- cial accommodation to partici- pate in this proceeding should contact the ASA Coordinator no later than seven (7) days prior to the proceedings. If hearing impaired, please call (800) 955- 9771 (TDD) or (800) 955-8770 (voice), via Flirida Relay Ser- vice. March 3 and 10, 2006 60850 S 1/2 OF THE E 1/2 OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN NORTH 50 FEET, THENCE WEST 144 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 50 FEET, THENCE EAST 144 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING. A\K\A 6500 POPE ROAD, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810. at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the Or- ange County Civil Court Build- ing, 425 North Orange Avenue, Room 365, Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m,, on the 21 day of March, 2006. DONE AND ORDERED at Orange County, Florida this 21 day of February, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT BY Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Offices of Daniel C. Consuegra 9204 King Palm Drive Tampa, FL 33619-1328 Attorneys for Plaintiff If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407)836-2303 within two working days of your receipt of this document; it you are hear- ing or voice impaired, call 1-800- 955-8771. March 3 and 10, 2006 60812 PHOTOS are AVAILABLE for viewing on our website or at our office: www.theapopkachief.com : I CHECK IT OUT I ------ ---- March 3 and 10, 2006 The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 17A LEGAL ADVERTISING SPhone: 407.886-2777' Fax:407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 13A 17A & 11B 13B NOTICE OF SALE The following vehicles will be sold at public auction, free of all pnor lions, per FI Stat 713.78 at 10:00 AM on March 24, 2006 at lienors address. No titles, as is, cash only. 92 Marc 1 MEPM6048NH637797, 87 Mazd JM2UF3114H0566873. Lienor: ASAP Towing, 10600 S. Orange Ave, Orlando FL 32824, phone 407-733-8697. Interested parties, contact: State Filing Service, Inc. (772) 595-9555. March 10, 2006 60932 Banshee's Towing 10600 S. Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32824 407-709-2840 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 713.78 THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO THE PUBLIC ON MARCH 24, 2006 AT 10:00 AM AT 10600 S. ORANGE AVE, OR- LANDO, FL 32824. 97 TOYOTA BLUE JT2AC52L9V0204828 March 10, 2006 60894 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 48-2006-CP- 000471-0 Division 01 IN RE: ESTATE OF THOMAS EDWARD LEAD, a/k/a THOMAS EDWARD LEAD, SR. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of THOMAS EDWARD LEARD, A/K/A THOMAS ED- WARD LEARD, SR. deceased, whose date of death was Janu- ary 4, 2006, File Number 48- 2006-CP-000471-0, Division 01 is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which is 425 N. Orange AvenueRoom 340, Orlando, Florida 32802-4994 The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYSAFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OFA COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- TER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is March 10,2006. Personal Representative: STEWART DOUGLAS LEARD 385 Colwin Court Blue Bell, PA 19422 Attorney for Personal Representative: EVELYN W. CLONINGER Florida Bar No. 210382 CLONINGER & FILES 1519 W. Broadway St. P.O. Box 620337 Oviedo, Florida 32762-0337 Telephone: (407) 365-5696 Facsimile: (407) 3635-8919 March 10 and 17,2006 60872 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007179 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. PAMELA R. BOYKIN, a single woman; ELLIOTT J. CONNORS, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, ROBERT C. FORSYTHE AND DIANE T. FORSYTHE COUNT IV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 11 in Unit 09308, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bellas Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ROBERT C. FORSYTHE AND DIANE T. FORSYTHE - COUNT IV, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-007179 now pending in theCircuitCourtofthe NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Flonda. DATED this February 23, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eda Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Florida 32801, V Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1.800-955-8771 March 3 and 10, 2006 60804 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-1167 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. CATHERINE A. WOODALL, a single woman, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, CATHERINE A. WOODALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County, Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 06in Unit 0316, VISTANA FALLS CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana FallsCon- dominium, fs recorded in Official Records Book 3340, Page 2429, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO CATHERINE A. WOODALL, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 1167 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this March 2,2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eda Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60927 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8696 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, VICTORIA J. FOSTER, LLOYD COLLINSWORTH, ELMA R. ROLLE, WILLIAM H. ROLLE, JAMES FERLIN DALTON, BRENDA S. DALTON, JOHN CHARLES FOX, LESLIE FOX, R. BENJAMIN, NORMA BENJAMIN Defendant(s) NOTICE OF SALE AS TO COUNT I (AL RASHAD), II (AL RASHAD), III (AL RASHAD), IV (AL RASHAD), V (FOSTER), VI (COLLINSWORTH), VIII (DALTON), IX (FOX), X (BENJAMIN) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Default Final Judgment of Fore- closure as to Count I (AL RASHAD), II (AL RASHAD), III (AL RASHAD), IV (AL RASHAD), V (FOSTER). VI (COLLINSWORTH), VIII (DALTON), IX (FOX), X (BEN- JAMIN) rendered on the 2day of MARCH, 2006, in that cer- tain cause pending in the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein CY- PRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. is the Plaintiff, and AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL CRASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, VICTORIA. FOSTER, LLOYD COLLINSWORTH, JAMES FERLIN DALTON, BRENDA S. DALTON, JOHN CHARLES FOX, LESLIE FOX, R. BEN- JAMIN, NORMA BENJAMIN, are Defendant(s), Civil Action No. 05-CA-8696, Lydia Gardner, Clerk of the aforesaid Court, will at 11:00OA.M. on the 5 day of APRIL, 2006, offer for sale and sell to the highest bid- der for cash at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Ste 350. Or- lando, Florida, thefollowing de- scribed property, to-wit: NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE Pursuant to Florida Statute 713 585, Mid-Florida Lien And Recov- ery, will sell at public sale for cash the following described vehicles) located at lienor's place to satisfy a claim of lien. 1972 Buick VIN: 4H67J2H183817. Lien Amt: $_ 650.00. R/O: Annie C Wright Wrnter Garden, FL. Lienor/S & E Auto Repair Inc 961 E. Plant St Winter Garden, FL 407-654-5911. 1997 Isuzu VIN: 4S2CK58V1V4331775. Lien Amt: $675.00. R/O: Martin Federal Credit Union Orlando, FL. Lienor/MR De Auto Sales & Services. Inc. 4950 S. O.B.T. Orlando, FL 407-851-0999 1990 Lexus VIN: JT8UF11E2L0002013. Lien Amt: $650.00. R/O. Reva L King Kissimmee, FL Lienor/GM Auto Body & Repair 109 Ohio Avenue Orlando, FL 407-298-4793. 1996 Chevrolet VIN: 1GCDM19W5TB109467. Lien Amt: $835 00. R/O: Mid Flonda Heat & Air Inc Orlando, FL L/H: Harrs Car Inc. Orlando, FL 1985 Ford VIN. 2FTEF14YXFCA52411. Lien Amt: $625.00. R/O: Wayne L Holloway Osteen, FL Lienor/East Colonial Tire & Wheel Inc 8320 E. Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 407-282-3373. 2000 Chevrolet VIN: 2G1 WW12E4Y9277032. Lien Amt: $3467.00. R/O: Tavans J Jack- son Tallahassee, FL. L/H: Americredit Financial Services Inc. Arilington, TX. 1999 Chevrolet VIN: 1G1JC524XX7248419. Lien Amt: $525.00 R/O: Donnell C Rector Orlando, FL 1997 Chevrolet VIN: 1 Y1 SK5263VZ425809. Lien Ami: $2570.88. R/O: Ogla E Zaiter or Andy Joseph Orlando, FL. 1998 Ford VIN. 1FTZXO764WKA26630. Lien Amt: $1025.00. R/O: Enma Rivero Haileah, FL Lienor/Courtesy Chevrolet 3707 W. Colonial Dr Or- lando, FL 407-295-7000 1991 Toyota VIN: JT3FJ80WXM0007087. LiUen Amt: $6374.32. R/O: Gabriel Chenzard Oriando, FL. L/H: Villa Used Auto Sales Inc Orlando, FL. 1995 Chevrolet VIN: 1G1 BL52W8SR172931. Lien Amt: $2415.41. R/O: Pashala J Coo- per Orlando, FL. L/H: Dick Bennett Motors Inc Oriando, FL Uenor/ Regency Paint &Body Shop 10802 Statllite Bly Orlanod, FL 407- 251-1806. Sale Date, March 27, 2006, 10:00 AM. At Mid-Florida Lien & Recovery. Said vehicles) may be redeemed by satisfying the lien pnor to sale date. You have the right to a hearing at any time prior to sale date by tiling a demand for hearing in the circuit court, Owner has the right to recover possession of vehicle by post- ing a bond in accordance with FS. 559.917. Any proceeds in ex- cess of the amount of the lien will be deposited with the Clerk of Circuit Court in the county where the vehicle is held. March 10, 2006 uAMAII Fl UNIT NO. 3205, Week 31B, of CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDO- MINIUM, a Condominium, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, recorded in Offi- clal RecordsBook 4443at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, as there- after amended. (COUNT I) UNIT NO. 3205, Week 32B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT II) UNIT NO. 3205, Week 33B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT III) UNIT NO. 3205, Week 34B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT IV) UNIT NO. 2102, Week 35B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT V) UNIT NO. 2103, Week 19B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT VI) UNIT NO. 2204, Week 10B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- thereafter amended. COUNT III UNIT NO. 8105, Week 37, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT V UNIT NO. 8105, Week 38, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VI UNIT NO. 8105, Week 39, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VII UNIT NO. 8105, Week 40, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT VIII Said sale will be pursuant to and in order to satisfy the terms of said Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure asto Count I (ITURRIG), III (LUCHETTI), V (METZKE), VI (METZKE), VII (METZKE), VIII (METZKE). DATED MARCH 3, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: Jim Moxley CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd. Ste 104, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Suite 350, Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801; Tel.: 407-836-2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NOTICE OF SALE; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call 1-800-955- 8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE March 10 and 17,2006 SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 4443at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT VIII) UNIT NO. 3204, Week 03B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT IX) UNIT NO. 3205, Week 42B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. (COUNT X) Said sale will be pursuant to and in ordertosatisfy the terms of said Default Final Judgment of Foreclosure as to Count I (AL RASHAD), II (AL RASHAD), III (AL RASHAD), IV(ALRASHAD), V(FOSTER), VI (COLLINSWORTH), VIII (DALTON), IX (FOX), X (BEN- JAMIN), DATED MARCH 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Kathryn A. Vaughan, Esquire, 110 E. Granada Blvd Sle 104, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabi- ity whoneeds any accommoda- tion in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Suite 350, Courthouse Annex, 425N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801; Tel 407-836-2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NO TICE OF SALE; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call 1-800-955-8771; THIS IS NOT COURT INFOR- MATION LINE March 10 and 17, 2006 60904 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 2005-CA-2616 ALEGIS GROUP LP, Plaintiff, et al., Va. FRANK HART, ET.,AL., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant toa Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated FEBRUARY 16 2006, and entered in Case No, 2005-CA-2616, of the Cir- cuit Court of the Ninth Judicial rcuit in and for Orange County, Florida wherein ALEGIS GROUP LP, is a Plaintiff and FRANK HART, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN IN- TEREST BY, THROUGH, UN- DER OR AGAINST FRANK HART; MARTHA LEE HART, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST MAR- THA LEE HART; UNKNOWN TENANT 1; UNKNOWN TEN- ANT 2 are the Defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Room 350, Or- lando, Fl, at 11:00 AM on MARCH 28 2006, the following IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-4319 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. FERNANDO PERIERA ITURRIG, PAZ NAVARRO, RAUL BASOMBIRO, MIRTHA BASOMBIRO, LEONARDO LUCHETTI, MARCELA BARILLI, AGUSTIN HERMIDA, ANA GRACIELA DE HERMIDA, RALF W.G. METZKE, RALF W.G. METZKE, RALF W.G. METZKE, RALF W.G. METZKE, RICKY WATTS, ANGELA WATTS, BERNEDETTE BOUR Defendant(s) AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE AS TO COUNT I (ITURRIG), III (LUCHETTI), V (METZKE), VI (METZKE), VII (METZKE), VIII (METZKE) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Default Final Judgment of Fore- closure as to Count I (ITURRIG), III (LUCHETTI), V (METZKE), VI (METZKE), VII (METZKE), VIII (METZKE) ren- dered on the27day of FEBRU- ARY, 2006, in thatcertain cause pending in the Circuit Court in and forOrange County, Florida, wherein CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM AS- SOCIATION, INC. is the Plain- tiff, and FERNANDO PEREIRA ITURRIG, PAZ NAVARRO, LEONARDO LUCHETTI, MARCELA BARILLI, RALF, W.G. METZKE, RALF W.G. METZKE, RALF W.G. METZKE, RALF W.G. METZKE, are Defendant(s), Civil Action No. 05-CA-4319, Lydia Gardner, Clerk of the aforesaid Court, will at 11:00 A.M. onthe29 dayof MARCH, 2006, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Orange County Court- house, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Ste 350, Oriando, Florida, the following described property, to-wit: UNIT NO. 6204, Week 08, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. COUNT I UNIT NO. 8102, Week 15, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: THE FOLLOWING DE- SCRIBED LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITU- ATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF OR- ANGE, STATE OF FLOR- IDA, TO-WIT: LOT 165, LAKE MANN SHORES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK P, PAGE 28, PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Dated March 3, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Ben-Ezra & Katz, PA., Attorneys for Plaintiff 951 Northeast 167th Street, Suite 204 North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Telephone: (305) 770-4100 Our file 15567 IMPORTANT In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate in nihs proceeding should, r than seven (7) days prii tact the Clerk of the Cou ability coordinator at 4 2303, 425 N. ORANG ENUE, SUITE 2130 LANDO, FL 32801. If I impaired, contact (TDD 9558771 via Florida Rel tem. March 10 and 17, 2006 no later or, con- rt'sdis- 07836- SE AV- ), OR- hearing D) 800- ay Sys- 60889 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-000009 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, va. RICHARD F. ALAIMO and MILDRED L. ALAIMO, his wife; AMBUJ RASTOGI and CAROLYN RASTOGI, his wife; PAMELA A. WILEMON, CMP, a single woman, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, PAMELA A. WILEMON, CMP COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 01 in Unit 2605, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 531 Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuantto a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO PAMELAA.WILEMON,CMP- COUNT III, entered in Civil No. 2006-CA-000009 now pending in theCircuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this March 2, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Nidia Rodriguez CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eoa Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60921 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-006615 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. D'ANDREA GARNETT A/K/A D. GARNETT, a single woman, DWAYNE GARNETT A/K/A DWAYNE G, a single man, ROBERT GARNETT, a single man, et al.,, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO VIOLET WOODS, IF ALIVE AND IF DECEASED, THE ESTATE OF VIOLET WOODS, DECEASED, AND THE UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING AS HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, PERSONAL REPRESENTA- TIVES, ADMINISTRATORS OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST VIOLET WOODS, DECEASED TO: Violet Woods, if alive and it deceased 6844 Cypress Tree Lane Charlotte, NC 28215 The Unknown Parties 6844 Cypress Tree Lane Charlotte, NC 28215 The Estate of Violet Woods, deceased 6844 Cypress Tree Lane Charlotte, NC 28215 And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or against VIOLET WOODS, if alive and it deceased, the ES- TATE OF VIOLET WOODS, deceased, the UNKNOWN PARTIES, and all parties hav- ing orclaiming tohave any nght, title or interest in the property herein described YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following property in Orange County, Flonrida" IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. DR06-3364 DIV.: 42 In re: The Marriage of: DEBORAH HUNTER- JACKSON, Petitioner, and RICHARD JACKSON, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE To: RICHARD JACKSON 1201 CLUB GOLDENROD LN #63 ORLANDO FL 32807 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for dissolu- tion of marnage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on DEBORAH HUNTER JACK- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-9672 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN A. ELLISON, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO ALEJANDRO GRIMALDI COUNT III TO: Alejandro Grimaldi Acueducto #389 Codonia Santa Isabel Tola, Mexico DF, Mexico And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or against Alejandro Grimaldi and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein de- scribed. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following property in Orange County, Florida: Unit Week 21 in Unit 3503, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009720 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vS. ARIEL ACOSTA and RUTH B. ACOSTA, his wife; MARGARET L. CULLEY, a single woman; JORGE GAYTAN, a married man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JEAN RIVAS - COUNT X NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5, 2006 at 11:00 a.m., at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 10in Unit 09304, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bells Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ('Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure AS TO DEFENDANT, JEAN RIVAS COUNT X entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009720 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judidal Circuit in andforOrangeoCounty, Florida. DATED on March2, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Nidia Rodriguez CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, PROFES- SIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Edoa Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT It you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10and 17, 2006 60926 Unit Week 23in Unit 05503, an Even Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bellas Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222. Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsathereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. has been filed against you and you are required toserve acopy of yourwrntten defenses, if any, to it on Plaintiff's attorney as listed below, on or before April 10,2006 which is 30 days from the first date of publication, which will be March 10, 2006, and file the original said written defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorneys or inmedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. DATED on FEBRUARY 16, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Flonrida Bar No. 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P. A. 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Floinda 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of thisdocument; if you are heanng or voce impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60883 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8255 Div. 40 THE BANK OF NEW YORK, ASTRUSTEE, PURSUANTTO THE TERMS OF THAT CER- TAIN POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS NOVEMBER 1, 1996 RE- LATED TO METROPOLITAN ASSET FUNDING INC., MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 1996-A; Plaintiff, vs. ARMANDO DEJESUS; et al, Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale dated FEBRUARY 22, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-8255, of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. THE BANK OF NEW YORK, ASTRUSTEE, PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THAT CER- TAIN POOLING & SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS NO- VEMBER 1, 1996 RELATED TO METROPOLITAN ASSET FUNDING INC., MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI- CATES SERIES 1996-A is Plaintiff and ARMANDO DEJESUS; PAULINE GARCIA A/K/A PAULINE E. GARCIA A/K/A PAULINE E. DEJESUS; MONTGOMERY WARD CREDIT CORPORATION; FRANCISCO GARCIA; DEL REY CONDOMINIUM ASSO- CIATION, INC aredefendants. I will sell tothe highest and best bidder for cash at SUITE 350, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m., on this 23day of MARCH,2006, the following described prop- erty as set forth in said Final Judgment, to-wit: SON, Petitioner, whose a is 6511 CURTIS ST ORL FL 32807, on or before A 2006, and file the ongin the Clerk of this'Court service on Petitioner or diately thereafter. If you f do so, a default will be e against you for the rel handed in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 1 Florida Family Law Ri Procedure, requires cert tomatic disclosure of docu and information. Failure t ply can result in sanction cluding dismissal or stri pleadings. WITNESS my hand a of this court on March 2, LYDIA GAR CLERK C CIRCUIT C By: TYEIA Fl CIRCUIT COURT Deput March 10, 17, 24 and 3 2006 any ("Declaration"), su to taxes for the current and subsequent years all other matters of rec has been filed against yo you are required toserve of your written defenses, to it on Plaintiff's atfon listed below, on or before' 10, 2006 which is 30 day the first date of public which will be March 10, and file the original said defenses with the clerk court either before serve Plaintiff's attorneys or in ately thereafter; other default will be entered a you for the relief demand the complaint or petition DATED on FEBRUA 2006. Lydia G Clerk of the Circui By: Phyllis Kipfinge CIRCUIT COURT Deput' VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 001019 Lowndes, Drosdick, Dos Kantor & Reed, P.A. 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-41 Attomeys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you person with a disability needs any accommodate order to participate in th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, to the provis certain assistance. Pleas tact Court Administration North Orange Avenue, 2130, Orlando, Florida. Telephone (407) 836 within (2) working days receipt of this document are hearing or voice im call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 MINIUM, together wii appurtenances thereto cording and subject t Declaration of Co minium of Vistana Spa dominium, as recorded Official Records Book3 Page 335, Public Rec of Orange County, Flr and all amendmentsth and supplements then any ("Declaration"). has been filed against y you are required toserve of yourwritten defenses to it on Plaintiff's attom listed below, on orbefor 10, 2006 which is 30 day the first date of public which will be March 10, and file the original said defenses with the clerk court either before servn Plaintiff's attorneys or in lately thereafter; other default will be entered a you for the relief demar the complaint or petition DATED on FEBRUA 2006. Lydia G Clerk of the Circui By: YAHAIRA SANT CIVIL COURT Deput' VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 001019 Lowndes, Drosdick, Dos Kantor & Reed, P.A. 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-46 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you person with a disability needs any accommoda order to participate in th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, tothe provis certain assistance. Pleas tact Court Administrationr North Orange Avenue, 2130, Oriando, Florida: Telephone (407) 836 within (2) working days receipt of this document are hearing or voice iml call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17,2006 CONDOMINIUM UNIT 130, OF DEL REY, AC DOMINIUM, PHASI ACCORDING TO DECLARATION OF C DOMINIUM AS CORDED IN OFFICE RECORDS BOOK 3 PAGE 776, AS AMEN IN OFFICIAL RECO BOOK 3497, PAGE AND OFFICIAL RECO BOOK 3497, PAGE AND OFFICIAL RECO BOOK 4231, PAGE AND OFFICIAL RECO BOOK 4460, PAGE 1 OF THE PUBLIC R ORDS OF ORAI COUNTY, FLORIDA GETHER WITH APPUI NANCES THERETO, CLUDING AN UNDIVI INTEREST IN THE C MON ELEMENTS A COMMON SURPLUS SAID CONDOMINIUM SET FORTH IN THE D LARATION OF CON ' MINIUM AS AMENDE A/K/A 6116 CURRY Fl ROAD #130, ORLAN FLORIDA 32822. Dated this 2day of MA 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of said By Jim N CIVIL COURT As Deputy VAN NESS LAW FIRM, 7369 Sheridan Street, Su Hollywood, Florida 3302 Phone (954) 962-0500 Fax (954) 962-0606 File No. OC0774-05 IMPORTANT: In accordance with the cans with Disabilities Act, are a person with a dis who needs any accommoc in orderto participate in th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, to provision c tain assistance. Please c the Court Administrator i North Orange Avenue, Or FL 32801. Phone No. 407 2050 within 2 working d your receipt of this not pleading, March 10 and 17, 2006 Lydia Gardner DNER Clerk of the Circuit Court Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. Moxley CIRCUIT COURT SEAL SEAL Deputy Clerk 'Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 PA. Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, ite203 Kantor& Reed, P.A. 24 215 North Ecla Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a Ameri- person with a disability who , if you needs any accommodation in ability order to participate in this pro- dation ceeding, you are entitled, at no lis pro- cost to you, to the provisions of ,atno certainassistance. Pleasecon- of cer- tactCourt Administration at 425 contact North Orange Avenue, Suite at 425 2130, Oriando, Florida 32801, lando, Telephone (407) 836-2303 7-836- within (2) working days of your ays of receipt of this document; If you ice or are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60888 60895 A 60943 address IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ANDO, THE NINTH JUDICIAL pril 13, CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ial with ORANGE COUNTY, before FLORIDA imme- CASE NO. 2005-CA-2223 ailed to entered VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, ief de- INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. 2.285, DAIL GIBSON, a single man rules of and ERICA ANITA GIBSON, ain au- a single woman, as Joint uments Tenants with Rights of tocom- Survivorship; et al., ons, in- Defendants. king of NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO ZAKARIA YAHYA nd seal FATANI COUNT IX 2006. TO: IDNER Zakaria Yahya Fatani F THE P.O. Box 16784 ;OURT Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21474 ELTON T SEAL And all parties claiming in- y Clerk terest by, through, under or against Zakana Yahya Fatani 1, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or 60897 interest in the property herein described. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: Unit Week 08 in Unit 1516, Ibjct an Annual Unit Week, year VISTANA FOUNTAINS , and CONDOMINIUM, together cord. with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ou and ject to the Declaration of acopy Condominium of Vistana I if any, Fountains Condominium, as "nae as recorded in Official Records e April Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- ys from lic Records of Orange cation, County, Florida, and all 2006, amendments thereof and written supplements thereto, if any. of this vice on has been filed against you and nmedi- you are required toserveacopy wise a of your writtendefenses, if any, against to it on Plaintiff's attorney as ded in listed below, on or before April n. 10, 2006 which is 30daysfrom the first date of publication, RY16, which will be March 10, 2006, and file the original said written ardner defenses with the clerk of this Court court either before service on r, D.C. Plaintiff's attorneys or immed- T SEAL lately thereafter; otherwise a y Clerk default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in ter, the complaint or petition. DATED on FEBRUARY 17, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court 600 By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL are a Deputy Clerk :y who VALERIE N. BROWN nation in Florida Bar No. 0010193 is pro- Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, ,at no Kantor& Reed, P.A. ions of 215 North Eda Drive secon- Post Office Box 2809 Sat425 Oriando, Florida 32802 Suite Telephone: (407)843-4600 32801, Attorneys for Plaintiff 6-2303 IMPORTANT If you are a of your person with a disability who ; if you needs any accommodation in paired, order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no 6 cost to you, to the provisions of 60882 certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 th all within (2) working days of your 0, ac- receipt of this document; if you o the are hearing or voice impaired, ndo- call 1-800-955-8771. Con- February 10 and 17, 2006 ed in 60884 3677, cords orida, ereof ato, if ou and acopy , if any, ney as IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SApril THE NINTH JUDICIAL cation, CIRCUIT IN AND FOR cation, ORANGE COUNTY, 2006,tten FLORIDA of this CASE NO. 2005-CA-009260 vice on nmced- VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, wise a INC., a Florida corporation, against Plaintiff, ided in vs. PEDRO PAULO BONOMO a/k/a PEDRO BONOMOand RY 16, VERA BONOMO a/k/a VERA DA CUNHA BONOMO, his ardner wife; PETER G. FARMER Court and PRISCILLA G. TIAGO FARMER, his wife; et al.,, SSEAL Defendants. y Clerk NOTICE OF ACTION 3 AS TO MANUEL RAMOS B. ster, AND PALOMA Y. RAMOS A/K/A PALOMA Y. DE RAMOS COUNT III TO: Manuel Ramos B. S 1010 Dupont Plaza Center are a 'Miami, FL 33131 tion in Paloma Y. Ramos a/k/a tis pro Paloma Y. De Ramos t, atno 1010 Dupont Plaza Center ions of Miami, FL 33131 s con- seatn-425 And all parties claiming in- Suite terest by, through, under or 32801 against Manuel Ramos B. and 5-2303 Paloma Y. Ramos a/k/a Paloma of our Y. De Ramos and all parties ; if you having or claiming to have any paired, ringht,title orinterest in the prop- p d erty herein described. 60880 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: NO. ON- Unit Week 30 in Unit 0313, E III VISTANA FALLS CONDO- THE MINIUM, together with all ON- appurtenances thereto, ac- RE- cording and subject to the CIAL Declaration of Condo- 497, minium of VistanaFallsCon- DED dominium, as recorded in RDS Official Records Book 3340, 832 Page 2429, Public Records RDS of Orange County, Florida, 835 and allamendmentsthereof RDS and supplements thereto, if 363 any. RDS 309, has been filed against you and 1EC- youarerequiredtoserveacopy NGE of your written defenses, if any, TO- to it on Plaintiffs attorney as RTE- listed below, on or before April iN- 10,2006 which is 30 days from DED the first date of publication, OM- which will be March 10, 2006, ANND and file the original said written OF defenses with the clerk of this I AS court either before service on . DEC- Plaintiffs attorneys or immed- DO- lately thereafter; otherwise a D. default will be entered against ORD you for the relief demanded in DO, the complaint or petition. DATED on MARCH 3,2006. ARCH, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-4035 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. GRACIELA M. CAPURSO and GERARDO ANDRADE and RUBEN MURADIAN and ALICIA M. CAPURSO; etal., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO TERENCE PHILLIPS AND ALICE PHILLIPS - COUNT III and IV TO: Terence Phillips 15 Teynham Avenue Merseyside, England L34 OJQ Alice Phillips 15 Teynham Avenue Merseyside, England L34 OJQ And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or against Terence Phillips and Alice Phillips and all parties hav- ing ordclaiming tohave any right, title or interest in the property herein described. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: Unit Week 13 in Unit 0747, VISTANA SPA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Spa Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3677, Page 335, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"). And Unit Week 14 in Unit 0747, VISTANA SPA CONDO- Christine Cooper crowned Miss Apopka 2006 * ~, f 'I, ,1'* Making up the runner-up; and Miss Apopka 2006 court are, (1-r), Lisa Van Alstine, first runner-up; Christine Cooper, Miss Apopka 2006; Kristen Murphy, third Lauren Meyer, second runner-up. Vanja Grbic performed a belly dance for her talent. She won the Delores McGuffin Interview Award. Lauren Meyer did a Latin jazz dance to "Maria" during the talent portion of the pageant. Miss Apopka 2006 Christine Cooper stretched the lim- its with her lyrical dance to "Amazing Grace." Pageant emcee Trish Wresh Farrell, a former Miss Apop- ka, holds the microphone for LaToyaThompson to speak. S.O.D.A. Pops, a dance troupe from Seminole County, provided entertainment during the 2006 Miss Apopka Pageant held Saturday, March 4, at Apopka Memorial Middle School. Shannon McGonegle played the violin for her talent dur- ing the Miss Apopka Pageant. RT!Yp "' 14 .;-,,.' ; I Christine Cooper smiles after being crowned Miss Apop- ka 2006. Justine Freeman sang "All By Myself" during the talent portion of the pageant. * *.'4. i '. ; * "*'.+ "- i ." ,- I0 ,-',. .'- ' .i4. " p Pageant was held March 4 at Apopka Memorial Middle School. Staff photos by Tammy Keaton F lrl?! \ \ ,vII,~ See the story and pic- ture at the top of the page about the Apopka Blue Darters softball team, which is sporting a sparkling 11-1 record after winning three Dis- trict 6A-4 contests over the past week. The Darters are 6-0 overall in district play. Coach Mike MacWithey's team will take time off for spring break before hit- ting the field again for a March 21 game. The Apopka Chief March 10, 2006, Page 1B Sports Q. Who won the first Phil King Blue Darter award? A. Offensive lineman Evon Lettsome took the prestigious honor in the first year it has been given. The.award, given March 4 at the annual Apopka High football awards banquet, honors the memory of the late Phil King, who died in January 2005. He served as athletic director at Apopka High School for 17 years. Apopka softball team surges to 11-1 with 3 wins Apopka shortstop Savannah Weaver makes a play on a Winter Park runner during the Darters' 5-2 victory. Blue Darters are 6-0 in district competition. The Apopka Blue Darters fastpitch soft- ball team improved to 11-1 with three Dis- trict 6A-4 victories over the past week. Coach Mike MacWithey's team nipped Ocoee, 3-2, on Tuesday, March 7, defeated Winter Park, 5-2, on Friday, March 3, and downed Colonial, 4-1, on Thursday, March 2. With the three district victories, the Blue Darters improved to 6-0 in district action, remaining on top of the standings and in control of their own destiny for the No. 1 seed in the district tournament, which will be held April 18-21 at East Ridge High School. The Darters have two more district games, a March 28 contest at East Ridge and an April 4 home game against the Universi- ty Cougars. The Blue Darters hosted the Winter Springs Bears on Thursday, March 9, past press time in a non-district, non-conference game. Apopka vs. Ocoee With each team having one unsuccess- ful scoring threat, the Blue Darters and the host Knights found themselves in a score- less tie until Apopka erupted for three runs in the fifth inning en route to the 3-2 victo- ry. Savannah Weaver got the offense going by drawing a one-out walk for the Darters and advanced to second on a passed ball. Apopka took the lead when she scored on Charlamine Etienne's single up the middle. Quinnell Francis followed with her own sin- gle up the middle and Nicole Stark added a walk to load the bases. Deanna Mazzei's sacrifice fly to left field scored Etienne and then Francis scored Apopka's third run on Stephanie Owen's single. Ocoee scored two unearned runs, one each in the fifth and sixth innings, but left the tying run at third in the bottom of the sixth when Owen, pitching for the Blue Darters, fanned the Ocoee batter. Owen picked up the victory, striking out 10 and allowing five hits in the complete game outing. Apopka vs. Winter Park In the 5-2 victory over the Wildcats, the host Blue Darters got on the board early, scoring twice in the first inning to take com- mand of the game. Francis led off the bottom of the first -being hit by a pitch and Mazzei, after one out, reached on an error. They scored off base hits by Danielle Brewer and Robyn Pyburn. In the fourth, the Blue Darters quelled any notion of a Winter Park victory by scor- ing three more times in the bottom of the inning. Ashley Kurimai got things going for Apopka with a one-out single. Weaver fol- lowed right behind her with her own single and, after the second out, Francis plated Kurimai with a base hit. Stark had the big blow of thd inning, scoring Weaver and Francis on a single to left field, giving Apopka a 5-0 lead. Winter Park tallied once in the fifth and once in the sixth, but did not seriously threaten the Darters. Owen gave up one earned run, but struck out 11 Winter Park batters. Apopka vs. Colonial The host Grenadiers grabbed an early 1- 0 with an unearned run in the top of the first, but that was all the offense Colonial could muster as Owen had another complete game, striking out 10 Grenadiers and scat- tering four hits. Apopka, meanwhile, tied the game in the top of the second when Kurimai led off with a walk and scored when Francis reached on a fielder's choice. In the third, the Blue Darters took the lead for good when Mazzei had a one-out single and scored on a double by Owen. Apopka tallied a pair of insurance runs in the seventh inning when Owen slapped a one-out single and scored on a triple by Brewer. She then scored on a single by Kuri- mai. Junior varsity The Apopka junior varsity fastpitch softball team has had its own success as the Blue Darters are 9-0. And, just as Stephanie Owen has pitched the varsity squad to its 11- 1 start, her freshman sister, Kaylee Owen, has pitched every game for the successful JV team. See SOFTBALL Page 10B Darters whip Evans, fall to Edgewater By John Peery Apopka Chief Staff In a pair of games against former Apopka High coaches, [he Apopka Blue Darters base- ball team won one by 11 and lost 3ne by 1. The Darters whipped the Evans Trojans and former Apopka baseball coach Gavin ones, 12-1, on Friday, March 3, then dropped a last-inning 3-2 Decision to the Edgewater Eagles and former Apopka foot- ball coach Chip Gierke. The games left the Blue Darters with a 5-2 overall record. Both losses have been to Edgewater. In District 6A-4 play, the Darters are 2-1. In Metro Conference action, Apop- ka is 0-1. Apopka hosted the Dr. Phillips Panthers Wednesday, March 8, past press time in a Metro Conference game. Apopka vs. Evans The Blue Darters easily dis- patched the Trojans, scoring three runs in each inning en route to the 12-1 victory Friday, March 3, at J. Barnes Field. Coach David Lee's team gave up a run in the top of the first inning and fell behind 1-0, but quickly righted the ship in the bottom of the inning. Apopka quickly tied the game when Robert Beary led off with a triple and then scored on See BASEBALL Page 10B On a throw from catcher Robert Beary, Raymond Copenhaver tags out Edgewater's Bobby Rauh, who was trying to steal third base. Kristen Menke (48), who scored six goals for Apopka, advances the ball up the field Monday, March 6, for the Apopka i . High School lacrosse - team during its contest -. ,. ' against the Freedom ' Patriots at Apopka's , Roger Williams Field. The Darters held an early 2-1 .. . lead, but the Patriots rebounded to take a 14- . 11 victory over Apopka's I,) I .i k. first-year team. The Blue " Darters have won one of . their first six games, despite their inexperi- . ence. Freedom, mean- ", ' while, remained undefeat- .. 'ed in five games with the victory. The Darters fell , 16-3 to Bishop Moore on Wednesday, March 8. ... *' Due to spring break,, Apopka will next play - March 22 at Colonial at 7' ,. p.m. ..' New Apopka High School award honors right man Due to a prior commit- ment, I couldn't attend the annual Apopka High football banquet on Saturday, March 4, but from everything I've heard, it was a great event. In addition to the recogni- tion of all the players on the Apopka High freshman, junior varsity, and varsity squads, the night was made extra special by the presentation of the first Phil King Blue Darter award and by the talk given by Rick Darling- ton, Apopka High's football coach. Even though I wasn't there, I can assure you that the pre- sentation of the first Phil King award was a touching and mov- ing event. Offensive lineman Evon Lettsome received the honor and he was truly hum- bled at receiving the award. His humbleness epitomized the way Phil King would have received any honor. As I wrote more than 14 months ago when cancer claimed Phil King, I highly respected the man and I was John Peery Peery's Extra Points just one of many who can quickly tell you of the high character that he possessed. That is what makes the Phil King Blue Darter award such a special one. I know that, as the years go on, the connection to Phil King will mean less and less to the players who receive it. The player who receives the award in 10, years will have had no connection with Phil King and won't be able to totally appreci- ate what it means to have an award with his name on it. But, hopefully, that young man will be of the caliber of person who will humbly accept the honor and appreciate it for what oth- ers tell him about Apopka High School's long-time athletic director. Darlington's talk also gath- ered some special interest from those I've talked to who were at the banquet. Many of those players and parents in the audi- ence know little of Darlington personally. At the most, they are going to know that he was Apopka High's football coach in 2001 when the Blue Darters won the Class 6A state champi- onship and that he spent three seasons as the head coach at Valdosta (Ga.) High before resigning there and returning to Apopka. There is no doubt that Dar- lington's presence can be a commanding one, as a coach and as a speaker. He has the type of personality that draws your attention and you are com- pelled to respond to either accept or reject what he' is say- ing. Those players who do* accept his message, whether See PEP Page 5B The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 2B * ~ m (mM~ HARRISON MOTORS a% oil an Su ovru Ii sULli & A atin tlL', ( tkits N dab.- ophtedMaterial Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" > ft - -f 40 e 0 t- 1%~ 40.e.%SI pot I ofLJ % eI "o k- d% I h i% w' I % Cbey ''I The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 3B If a law enforcement agency charges you with a crime and this paper reports that information, plekas notify us within 90 days if the !charge is later dropped or you are found not guilty by court. After verifying t el orma- tion, we wig be ha pub- lish it. Pleas send d cdation to The Apoppa ChiJ ,.'o~x 880, Apopkti 32704 ~l tlie newsroom at 407-886 7. In the period frO C february' 27-March 5, the Apopka Police Department received 1,031 calls for assistance, responded to 18 crashe', issued 98 traffic cita- tions, and made 19 arrests. Of these arrests, two were juvenile -arrests. The' juveniles were charged with burglary of unoc- cupied dwelling, burglary of occupied dwelling and vehicle grand theft in 3rd degree. .The following adults were arrested and charged: ', Larry J. Ward, 45, transient, Police Beat Apopka, trespassing occupied structure or conveyance, bur- glary of occupied dwelling unarmed. Georgina L. Grubb, 28, 711 Raven Ave., Longwood, driving under the influence of alcohol or drug. Hector A. Velasquez, 38, 1155 Suncrest Dr., Apopka, bat- tery touch or strike. Lonnie E. Jolly Jr., 47, tran- sient,, battery cause bodily harm. Twan A. Hodge, 30, 147 M.A. Board St., Apopka, non- moving traffic violation. Travis Mercer, 23, 1020 Patriot$ play well, but fall short in soccer event The Apopka Ir-Utited Soccer Patri- Patriots could not maintain the lead as the Green, and Jessenia Barragat shared goal ots girls soccer Itt n .yed well in the Winter Park team scored in the third minute in the shutout. Challenge Round ofthe region6rial Cup tour- of the second half to tie the game. Despite The third game was not as close as the nament but came up sHtt of-advancing to aggressive play by both teams during the score indicated as the Patriots had a 6-0 the Final Four in the .iridr 11 age division remainder of the half, neither team was lead before relinquishing two goals in the of the state's top teauls. able to score. The tie score was fitting with final minutes of the game against the Jack- On Saturday, WMrchl, the Patriots tied both teams being ranked in the top 5 teams sonville Fury. Scoring for the Apopka team the CFU, Speed, i-lA, id defeated the in the under 11 division in the state. were Cirilo (2), Lemerise (2), Green (1), Ocala Lightning, -1 lirinig the touma- In the second game, the Apopka team and Barragan (1), with Jaimes (2), Green ment, the Patriots also downed the Jack- 'completely dominated the host Ocala team (2) and Cindy Buchndr (1) heading up the sonville Fury, 6-2. as Mari Cirilo, Brooke Wigmore, Brianna assist category. The Patriots next play in Selena Jaimes scored in the 20th Lemerise, Rasha Roberts, Selena Jaimes, Titusville on Saturday, March 11, against minute of the first *alf against the CFU Lauren Green, and Alyssa Kaminski all the Titusville Freedom in a Greater Central team to take a 1-0ltd at halftime, but the scored goals in the victory. Kaminski, Florida league game. Houar Service All Jails No Collateral *-Signature Bonds -- (In most cases) Keep those L wheels rolling Napa Auto Parts has items for people who pre passionate about their cars who passio e **i From engine. parts to electrical parts, wheels, fend- ers, mirrors and lights, Napa Auto Parts has get you cov. ered. More than'..,tousand choices of car fJa m par' await you at Apida'*.apa Auto Parts store. Eety car part they offer has passed the automotive industry stan- dards, so you are sure to get the finest in the industry at extremely low prices! ,; If you are som6ond 'whod' loves to spend time iin the garage putting the finishing touches on your car's detail- ing, or perhaps yod are con- cerned about the price of gas and want to find something that would help.you get bet- ter gas mileage, thd" Napa Auto Parts can h.lp( The car enthusiasts at Napa Auto Partr have a few suggestions thai4an help you obtain maxirhum gas mileage from your, automo- bile. "There are mray prod- ucts on the market'that can help improve yo.Irtitutomo- bile's gas mileage Idsthere are innovative, i"8tyling products available tjet car owners express iir per- sonality-and custbS their vehicles," says ow'n~r Glenn Joiner. The professionals at Napa Auto Parts '.make choosing ?the right "proqIucts easy. They can si oy' inter the make, model, abh y ar of the car you're biybig,' and you'll be directed to prod ucts designed to fit that vehi- cle. For the past, .$0 years, Napa has been the recog- nized leader in the auto parts and repair butiift;, and offers a wealth o edgeg, helping people with roper :!. .-. tz," r ,;:. care and maintenance of all types of vehicles. Napa Auto Parts in Apopka is a family owned and operated business. : apa was first established in 1925 with the determination to offer quality parts and per- sonalized service to all their customers. The same deter- mination holds true today! Glenn and Thelma Joiner first established Glenn Joiner & Son, Inc. in 1937, which first opened as a used parts/gas station. In 1942, they joined Napa and then branched out to Ocoee and Clermont. After the death of Glenn in 1976, Glenn's son, George, ran the business Until his death in 1996. Now, Glenn Joiner's grandson is the third generation serving Napa Auto Parts. Today, Glenn Joiner & Son, Inc. Napa AOto Parts is the old- est same-family-owned Napa store in the state of Florida. Glenn Joiner & Son, Inc. Napa Auto Parts is a mem- ber of the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce and NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses). Napa Auto Parts offers parts and supplies for cars, trucks, tractors, over-the- road trucks, marine, golf carts, and much more. .They have the network ability to search and find parts all over the country. Some orders are delivered overnight with no extra charge to the cus- tomer. They can also contact the many manufactures via computer and check their inventories. With Napa Auto Parts, you get nationwide war- ranties with easy access by HA RiAfeiV4 UUO w we sell , NAPA IP wer 65 Battery* $ Part *6024, 6026, ith exchange 6056, 6058, 6075 Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 to 5:30 Sat. 7:30 4:00 Closed Sun. 407-889-5222 811 E. Sernlo t vd., Apopka (behind Dairy Queen) -1 Visit Napa Auto Parts at 811 E. Semoran Blvd., Apop- ka,for all your automotive needs. calling 1-800 Net-NAPA to find a store closest to you, or an authorized Napa Auto Care Center to have the repairs done for you. When the repairs are done at the authorized facilities, it dou- bles your warranty. Napa Auto Parts also delivers the quality auto parts consumers have come to expect, where the Peace of Mind warranty offers 12- month/I 12,000-mile protec- tion on qualifying parts and labor. That's important, because when it comes to maintaining your car, you need quality parts and ser- vice you can count on. Napa Auto Parts' strength is unrivaled, with over 6,000 Napa Auto Zfden 10% OFF ANY PREVENTIVE: MAINTENANCE SCHEDULED SERVICE i EXPIRES 5-31-06 I Parts stores, 65 distribution centers, more than 10,500 Napa Auto Care and Auto Care Collision repair facili- ties, and over 310,000 -parts in inventory every day. - Call Glenn and his staff soon at 407-889-5222, or stop by their store, which is located at 811 E. Semoran Boulevard, Apopka, directly behind the Dairy Queen at State Road 436 and Sheeler Road. Store hours are Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Satur- day, from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. You will see that this is the only place to shop for quality auto parts! Advertisement TILDEN CAR CARE CENTERS 1918 S, ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL, APOPKA, FL 32703 PHONE: 407-464-1464 SE HABLA ESPANOL ----------- ---------- $19.99* : 10% OFF OIL, LUBE BRAKE JOB & FILTER LABOR I UP TO 5 QTS. OFPENNZOIL 10W30, MOST CARS 'PLUS TAX & SHOP SUPPLIES *PLUS TAX & SHOP SUPPLIES I EXPIRES 5-31-06 EXPIRES 5-31-06. - -. -- We do it all. Brakes, Tune-ups, Shocks/Struts, Air Conditioning, Computer Diagnostics, Batteries, Factory Maintenance, Timing Belts, Engines, and morel IF SzAILE COolo tI stern Test and Flush I32.00 S. including coolant Presure test coolant system, inspect belts, hoses & Flush complete coolant system with uptol Giallon of Valvoline coolant. Normally $64.00.50% OFF Pldlase present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or ,, scout e percustomer. Most models. Exp. 3-17-06 I Computer'Scan and System Test Engine l Fnd out why. Normally $76.00.50% OFF S Scan fee willapply to complete repair on the same visit. Please present coupof at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or S.discounts. Oe per customerMostmoels. Exp. 3-17-06 Rtea $19.99 SRotate and Baance with a FREE Brake Inspection NOrmally $40.00 50% OFF. Please present coup at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts, Taper customer. Most models. Exp. 3-17-06 $35.00 PLUS FLUID ,V Transmission Service Flush trnsmission cooler, lines and all internally lubricated parts. With Valvoline, I axllfe ATF. Normally $69.95. 50% OFF. Most Cars and light trucks. SPleasp present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or !L, :' il- i CC tsr.,prustomo; MostmodesEx 37-06 SApplm"ed j B t \ J l Auto Repair WSyt war R. D 05 .407-29 8-2853 Sblocks north of MIland exchange on 441 250OEMBER N DR. APOPKA ENGINF s A SR.... M, G` ONSTN-P ETN OLN S TRIG&CA IN Canyon Way, Apopka, aggravat-. Lisa ,M. Walls, 32,. 1400 possession of marijuana not ed offender knew/should have Wrust Rd., Ocoee, possession of : more than 20 grams, possession known victim, cocaine; possession of,marijua- and/or use of narcotic equip- Henry Leroy Pickard, 28, na noinmote than 20'gr~ns. ment. 39 W. 8th St., Apopka, carrying Stephanie A. Platr, 31. 3000 Nocholas A. Theile, 18,830 concealed weapon fireartnm, Clarcona Rd.,..Lot #342, Apop- Woodview Dr., Apopka, posses- resisting officer obstruction ka, non-moving traffic Violation. sion of marijuana not more than without violence. N1iguel A. Valverde, 30, 20 grams, possession and/or use Joseph Reese III, 37, 100 1901 Nicole Lee Cir., Apt. of narcotic equipment. Kingston Ct., Bldg. 102, Orlan- #1224, Apopka, non-moving Nick B. Schneider, 26, 460 do, vehicle theft grand 3rd traffic violation. Lake Bridge Ln., #1121, Apop- degree, non-moving traffic vio- Christopher Michael ka, battery touch or strike lation, possession and/or use of .Jao'dik, 28, 117 E. Nancy Lee (domestic), assault with intent narcotic equipment. 'id., Apopka' driving under the threat to do violence'., Jesse 'Christopher Mason, influence of alcohol or drug. Jack T. West, 57,'116 Edge- 36, 55 E. 2nd St., Apopka, pos- Christen A. Swint, 18, 2522 wood Dt., Apopka, disorderly session of crack cocaine, non- Wekiva Walk Way, Apopka, intoxicatibn. moving traffic violation. I Md lk kAg. A& 0011-1 NAPA The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 4B Peyton Menegat shows off the first deer she shot recently. She was hunting on private land with her stepfather, Duman Wiercioch. Got news? Send it to: news@apopkachief.fdn.com ^KFr TREE STOWING 1 TR AN S ,on internal Repairs M PRESS [FREE TRANSMISSION I Road Test Computer Scan Pan Check Adjustment Check VI SAVE YOUR - TRANSMISSION NOW WITH PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Road Test SChange Fluid Adjust Linkage Adjust Bands I Clean Screen We honor all extended warranties Includes Fluid, Gasket 1914 S. Orange Blossom Tr. L"____ -- Apopka Mv41600o 407-814-0202! Tune Ups Certified Air Conditioning Brakes Specialists Fuel Injection service Computer Diagnostic Shocks Equipment Oil Change E p C.V. Joints Wheel Balance Serving Satisfied & Alignments Customers Since 1987 FAIR HONEST DEPENDABLE All Work Guaranteed Hours 8 -5:30 Mon.-Fri. 407-880-3530 cASoul Saturday 1012E. Semoran Blvd. *M .; ] St.Reg. Apopka 3RDvoses2 Must be one of MV#47147 our customers |$75 OFF Majorl I Repairs With coupon. Eip 3-28-06 | I------------1 The next time you need transmission service, Transmission Service go to the the experienced professionals I $15.95 Filr eTra. FREE Towing with Major Repairs ith coupon. Exp 3-28-06 Free Diagnostic Service L----------- J We accept major credit and debit cards. 407-880-3075 Transmissions built on site by owner. Se Habla Espanol. 1440 E. Semoran Blvd., Ste. 103, Apopka First, deer Sheeler Auto Repair of Apopka enjoys great continuous family management As a family-run business, Sheeler Auto Repair takes pride in offering the highest level of technically-trained, career-oriented technicians, all to provide you, their cus- tomer, with the very best auto service experience. When it comes to auto, truck and SUV repair and service, it's the attention to detail that sets them apart. Sheeler Auto Repair offers free rides to your home or office, or if you choose to wait while they service your vehicle, there is always com- plimentary coffee, and soft drinks are available also. The bottom line is that they are the experts when it comes to the maintenance, general repair, and engine or transmission replacement of your car, truck, or SUV. Whether you own one vehi- cle or are responsible for a fleet of trucks, they have always provided and will con- tinue to give you the very best of service. THEY GUARANTEE IT! Sheeler Auto Repair is set up in every way to satisfy all their customers' needs. For service, they have pur- chased the most modern and up-to-date automotive repair and diagnostic equipment to allow them to get the job done right. For your com- fort, they have assembled a very comfortable, neat, and clean air-conditioned waiting room with clean restrooms, hot coffee, and cable televi- sion always waiting. When you come to Sheeler Auto Repair for service, you will talk to Demetrios or Odysseus, the owners and brothers, who are local Apopka residents that care about the commu- nity and its people. And, you will always have peace of mind knowing that at Sheel- er Auto Repair, you will only get what you need. In today's world of auto repair, it is very hard to find a place you can trust, which makes it hard to choose one! Sheeler Auto Repair wants you to look no further. They want you to stop in for a visit just to see their facility and meet them. Some of the services include, but are not limited to, oil changes. They are never too busy to do a sim- ple oil change, which takes only minutes. They work on air conditioning systems and brakes, and they also do tune-ups, timing belts, c.v. axles, mufflers, clutches, and starters. They are experts at installing alternators and new batteries. They carry only the best battery, the Interstate Battery. And, they stand behind their products. Sheeler Auto Repair will service window motors and antennas. They also provide computer diagnostics to give them more accuracy to access your problem. You will never leave there an unsatisfied customer. They have many of their cus- tomers so completely satis- S eler Auto Repair Family Owned & Operated S /v We Offer Complete Professional Auto Service OIL CHANGE iK SPECIAL S21- 2 (Most Cars & Lite Trucks) NO DISPOSAL FEE. Open Mon. Fri. 8 am 5 pm MVR#35541 Sat. 8 am 3 pm Closed Sun. i 710 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-880-5784 (Across from Apopka Land Regional, behind Papa John s Pizza, easy entrance from Sheeler Rd.) Making sure you receive professional service at a fair price are, (l-r), Odysseus Vergos, David Sliwa and Demetrios Vergos. fled that they recommend the service work to their friends and relatives. That's how a good business gets started, BUILDING TRUST! If you need any towing done, 24-hour emergency towing is also available by phoning 407-884-5450.. So, go straight to the top. Go to the owners. They are located at 710 South Orange Blos- som Trail, in the Texaco Plaza, across from Apopka Land Regional Shopping Cen- ter, on the corner of High- way 441 and Sheeler Road. Give them a call at 407-880- 5784. They are open Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Satur- day, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sheeler Auto Repair is a family owned and operated business that believes in qual- ity work. Demetrios and Odysseus come from a fami- A R ly who believes in honesty and loyalty. You will leave their shop saying, JOB WELL DONE! You deserve the "Sheeler Best." If you are planning a car trip this spring, you should first be sure that your car is in tip-top condition before getting on the road. Sheeler Auto Repair is the com- plete car care center for all your needs. When you stop by for your maintenance check, you will have peace of mind knowing you will be safe on the road. Demetrios and Odysseus appreciate your business and want you to know that. They look forward to you continu- ing to bring your vehicles to Sheeler Auto Repair for all your service and repair needs. Advertisement Certify fdbThma Oil Change *' Tne Us Computer Diagnostic Equipment' Brake Service Engine & Transmission *Electrical Shocks Call Today - CENTRA FLORIDA 407-880-8221 Check out our web page B T Bwww. cfr.netIi MV09103 1779 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka I The Rays, the Apopka Inter-Unit- ed Soccer under 10 premier team started its spring season with a 4-0 victory over an Osce- ola club and tied the next game, 3-3. Shown practicing are, (1-r), Jordan Hicks, Phillip Baety, and Brandon Mullee. Austin Brana led the Rays with two goals in the first game and all three of the goals in the second game against the Seminole club. Guest player Carlos Sanchez pitched in with two goals of his own. There is an Apopka connection to the Jones High School Class 3A state basketball championship team as the head coach and a player are from Apopka. Coach Jerry Howard Sr. and his son, Jaye Howard, are residents of Apopka. The elder Howard is a 1977 graduate of Apopka High School while the younger Howard helped lead the Orlando high school to its first state championship in any male teamisport. Jones downed Boca Raton St. Andrew's, 51-47, in the Class 3A state title game on Friday, March 3, at the Lakeland Center in Lakeland. The Tigers have been to the Final Four two consecutive years. Last year, the team was Class 3A runner-up. Jaye Howard aver- aged 10 pts., 8 reb., and 2 steal for the Tigers during the regular season and in the playoffs up to the state tournament. In the Final Four, Jaye average 11 .5 pts., 10 reb., and was selected to the all-tournament team. Jaye Howard also plays linebacker and defensive end for the Jones football team that finished 7-3 in 2005. He finished the season with 136 tackles, 80 solos. He has scholarship offers from Boston College, Nebraska, Florida Atlantic, Central Florida, North Carolina State, and Florida. Jaye Howard is a 6-foot-5 235 Ibs. junior, and is ranked 31 st by rivals.com for 2007. & BRAKE CENTERS, The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 5B Fishin' fantastic in local lakes Hello Folks, I sure missed y'all last week, as I was traveling' with my wife in Arizona. We were on a business trip and takin' in some of the sights that were available to us. We even took a trip down a river and folks were standing' on the bank and catching' some trout. It's great to be back and while I was gone, the fishing' has been fantastic. Lots of folks are on the water and they are reporting' that the specks are bitin' like crazy and the bass are bitin' as well. The speck fishing' on the Harris Chain is really good right now. You can just about fish anywhere you want and catch enough, for supper today and tomori'ow. Linda Hawkins at Sorrento Bait and Tackle reports that the weather has been great and the fishing' has been great and lots of folks have been catching' their limits of specks on the chain. Linda reports that the specks are in all the canals on the chain. The Apopka Beauclair canals, Dead River, and Haines Creek are doing great; just pick one and go. You need to take some min- ners and if you want, some folks have been doin' good with jigs tipped with a minner. Some folks Dining 8 Entertainment Guide f food, Fellowship Family fun! are even trollin' with a beetle spin and catching' some specks. You can also'catch some specks around the pads and the edge of grass. The specks are on the beds. So, if you have been waiting' for the specks to start bitin', they're bitin'. Linda also reports that the bass fishing' on the chain is doin' real good, too. Most of the bass are on the beds and they are bitin' on shiners and Junebug plastic worms. Linda has had several guide trips and caught several bass over 5 lbs., and two up to 9 lbs. While I was gone, I know everyone watched the Bassmas- ter Classic and saw lots of nice bass weighed in during' the tour- nament. When you can catch a 10 lb. plus fish while you are fishing' and then to catch one Bring this ad &: get 10% OFF! during' the tournament, that's just fantastic. Well, after the tourna- ment was over, the lake got back to normal and folks started to go to their favorite fishing' spot 'and they are still catching' some nice bass over 10 lbs. Linda had one trip where they caught sever- al bass over 5 lbs. and the biggest weighed right at 11 lbs. Folks are catching' some nice bass in East Lake and on the Conway Chain as well. Most of the bass are on the beds, so shin- ers have been working' the best. Please make sure you practice catch and release during' the spawnin' time to insure future generations a chance to catch a 10 pounder when they get to be our age. Folks are catching' lots of bass in the St. Johns River, too. Most of the bass are bein' caught around the pads and shoreline cover. You can catch 'em on shiners and plastic worms. The speck fishing' has been good on the river and some folks are catching' specks right off the banks with minners. Folks, the weather is great and the fishing' is great so now is the time to go get 'em. Tip of the week: Specks and bass on the beds and they are bitin'. Save a few and good luck! MONDAY NITE: All you can eat WINGS $7.95 TUESDAY KIDS NITE: Eat FREE w/ an adult meal WEDNESDAY NITE: Trivia & KARAOKE THURSDAY NITE: 2 for 1 drinks starts at 7pm SPEC FIAL Mondy-Thrdyoni9n111~! ly.J i~ I- a]-0'I I KINGBUFFET I All you can eat $ 10off per adult. snow crab legs, fr I pnch Bulet i oysters, scallopE I D C %Nmotvadl fried shrimp, sat 1,-n-a .- teed shrimp, salz N 1 bars, dessert bars, 436 7I creams & more, 2157 East Semoran Blvd., Apopka 407-814-9116 es u- ad ic ... -- I B--U--F-- KING BUFFET h 150 I h off per adult. Dinner Buffet I e on nBufflOnly. One Coupe vislt.NotVIald *WE CATER ,, PEP: Hot start for Apopka High School fastpitch softball team wasn't unexpected Continued from page 1B from a lectern or on the football field, will become champions of some type. That doesn't mean they will win a state championship every season, but it does mean they will learn how to become young men of strong character. And, who knows, they may even win a district, region, or state title once in a while. Darlington also knows how special Phil King was. He was an admirer of Phil King and can tell you how that, many times, his former boss helped direct him in the proper manner and kept him focused on what needed to be done. Phil King was a special man to many of us and this award is a great one to help the local sports community remem- ber him for many years to come. Spring sports Things seem to be going as expected for the spring sports at Apopka High. The young baseball team has seen some up and down times with most of them being positive. Edgewater seems to bring out the worst in the Blue Darters, as both setbacks for the 5-2 Blue Darters have been to the Eagles. In each game, Apopka had a chance to win, especially in the second loss to Edgewater, but the inexperience of the Darters played out and the Eagles left both games with wins. However, by the time the District 6A-4 tournament rolls around, I would imagine that Edgewater would probably rather play any other team than Apopka. The Eagles know that they didn't dominate Apopka in either game and that if the Darters had played the game the way they know how, the games could have gone the other way. The Apopka High lacrosse team, in its first season, has done pretty good, in my opin- ion by winning one game out of its first five. Only one of the Blue Darters had ever played the game before last fall. Only one team, Olympia, dominated the Darters and even in that game, Apopka nearly played the Titans to a standstill in the sec- ond half. Olympia has been playing the game since the school opened five years ago and they should be among the best teams in the area. Apopka's softball team has gotten off to the hot start that was expected. Junior pitcher Stephanie Owen has led the way for the Blue Darters as Apopka sports a 11-1 record, having fallen only to Lake Mary in a non-dis- trict, non-conference game. In the all-important District 6A-4 race, the Blue Darters are 6-0. A No. 1 seed is certainly a very real possibility for the Darters. Over the past few years, Apopka's pitching and defense have been solid, but the offense has not beei'tfiere in some games. Now, coach Mike MacWithey's team is scoring runs and that seems to be the catalyst in the great start. The Blue Darters won't play over spring break next week and, hopefully, Apopka will pick right back up when they hit the field after taking off 11 days. Cafe Great Food & Great Service! Open Daily for Breakfast, Lunch& Dinner Mon. Sat 6:30 AM -9:00PM Sunday 7:00 AM-3:00 PM Breakfast served daily until 3:00 PM Visit www.christoscafe.com for a look at our menu and to call ahead for pick-up -^^ ^^ - 2 Locations to serve you: Hunt Club 5546 E. Semon Blvd. Apopka 407-6450100 1815 Edgewater Dr., Oriando 407429-8136 I THE PERFECT PLACE FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH Every Sunday 11:00 AM 4:00 PM EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Everyday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM HAPPY HOUR Everyday 4:00 PM 6:30 PM S .-~-.-----------r--------.-----------. Christo a 's ZELLWOOD NOW OPEN! Serving Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner All Day Formerly Mom's Diner Zellwood ! Hours: Mon. Sat. 5am 9pm & Sun. 5am 3pm 2561 N. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka 407-889-7002 218 E Sntoan- 407 89-99 InteWD hpigCner oe f46&Wkv ...Leaps Into Apopka! "HOPPY HOUR" Monday Friday 35 Wings & Great Drink Specials 4-7 pm r2 for 1 Liquor Drinks Poured Double Tall $2 Domestic Bottled Beer $1.75 Domestic Draft Pints $2 House Wine Softball Teams in uniform get a pitcher of domestic beer j, and 20 wings for $10.99 and $1 off pitchers. Anytime! ift s ***$:$***sesse*sse **sis***** ** Hoppin' with food & fun!S r-- --Monday Specials / P25 Wings (7pm close) S P | Buckets of Bud/Bud Light (7pm close) I Buy I Entree & Receive 1 I Froggers Grill & Bar IEntree of Equal or Lesser I | Value 1/2 Price 1 1601 N. Rock Springs Rd., Apopka 407-814-0650 lDinc.nc.ni) Wih Lhii up,.. Nci .j vnh.,Lcr .IIei. M on a I, | m o -x -i i r.pcils, No anldon.Fr. oi.ur.i.) F .,g ,Cni | Mon. Sat. 11 am 1 pm Sun. Noon Midnight I a, Bar. EI- 65o -o,-r.,- -31-., --,-, j www.froggers.com NEW Y MP'V1 MNU ?NEW IMPROVED MENU! 8 VARIETIES OF ICE CREAM! KING BUFFET "Voted 2005 Foodie Award for Best Buffet" r The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 6B Apopka historical cookbook is potato lover's dream THE APOPKA HIS- TORICAL SOCIETY has cooked up a lot of good things for this community over _ the past years and -- decades. Nearly a quar- Kitchen Kapers ter-century ago, for By Ramona Whaley this city's 1982 cen- tennial celebration, the visionary, hardwork- ing group commissioned the writing and pub- lishing of Apopka and Northwest Orange County, Florida. That much- treasured resource book tells the entire story of our local historical heritage, from as far back as the 1840s. Later, the historians envisioned bringing all Apopka's legendary rich history alive via three-dimensional exhibits and displays for the education and enjoyment of all Apopkans and the city's visitors. They went to work on the challenge of raising funds for turning that dream into reality. They accomplished that big goal and created our much-utilized and invaluable Museum of The Apopkans. Continuing their unending quest to pre- serve Apopka's proud past for its future, the Historical Society is now energetically spear- heading a citizens' input campaign suggesting Apopka history and heritage for the theme of the city's planned downtown redevelopment. Besides saving our surviving historical architecture, the new downtown Apopka they envision would revive our city's pioneer spirit and showcase our town's historic iden- tity in a way that would salvage and re-create Apopka's nearly, lost small-town image, feel- ing and old-time charm. Real and re-created vintage architecture, antique facades for existing structures, old- fashioned downtown decor and old-brick streetscapes could make the difference between creating a peaceful-paced potential- ly beautiful historic downtown. Apopka or being consumed by more meaningless, chaot- ic, ugly big-box suburban Orlando sprawl. Such hopes are piled high on the Apopka Historical Society's plate these days, but meanwhile they're serving up something else very special right now. The Apopka Historical Society has just published its long-promised community cookbook at last. For those of us who have been waiting for it with whetted appetites, it's celebration time! Preserving The Big Potato: A Collec- tion of Potato Recipes is as unique a cook- book as the downtown Apopka they envision will be a unique city core. Like the Historical Society's dream of a themed downtown, this is a themed cook- book. Our town's settlers chose for its name a word used by indigenous original inhabi- tants of this space that we occupy today. The Indian word Apopka's translation is "big pota- to," so Apopka is "the big potato." Besides having the longest-serving mayor, Apopka now might possibly even lay claim to the world's most potato recipes ever collected into one very interesting communi- ty's cookbook, who knows? Pass the potatoes, everyone, and be sure to stop by and buy your own copy of this great new local cookbook. It's on sale now at the Museum of the Apopkans. It's $ 10. Enjoy! ALICE BETH MINER'S SWEDISH BROWNED POTATOES 4 large baking potatoes 1/2 cup melted butter Salt as needed Thinly peel potatoes. Slice into the pota- toes crosswise, thinly, and without cutting completely through the potato, forming a fanned, or accordion, effect. Place the potatoes in a shallow baking pan. Brush liberally with melted butter. Sprinkle with salt. Bake in 325 oven, brushing pota- toes frequently with the butter (or use some of the juices from a roast, if this is being cooked alongside.) Potatoes are done when the "accordion pleats" are golden brown and potato is tender. Serves 4. (Note: Apopka has a strong Swedish her- itage. Some modern day residents of our area are descendants of our town's historic Swedish community of Piedmont, which had a strong influence on our local pioneer times.) CONSTANCE MARTIN'S VICHYSSOISE (COLD POTATO SOUP). I stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter 12 leeks, chopped 1-1/2 cups chicken stock (or vegetable stock) 2 cups heavy cream 5 cups sliced onions 5 cups peeled, sliced potatoes I teaspoon ground white pepper 1/4 cup minced fresh chives In large saucepan, melt the butter and add the onions and leeks. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, for 15 to 20 minutes or until vegetables are soft and translucent. Add potatoes, chicken stock and pepper. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer. Cook for 45 minutes. When cool, pour soup (in small batches) through a food mill or blend thoroughly in food processor or blender. Strain the soup through a sieve. Chill for 2 hours. Add the heavy cream. Garnish each serving of soup with chives. LINDA LAURENDEAU'S HERB-ROASTED DIJON POTATOES I cup Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning 6 to 8 medium potatoes, quartered or cut into pieces Mix together oil, mustard and seasoning. Place potatoes in a 9 x 13-inch lightly greased baking pan. Toss with mustard mixture. Bake at 450 for 35 to 40 meetings (or until pota- toes are fork-tender). Stir occasionally. Serve. CAROLYN BOOTH'S APPETIZER POTATO SKINS 3 medium baking potatoes Vegetable oil Salt I cup shredded Cheddar cheese 6 slices bacon, cooked, crumbled Sour cream Scrub potatoes. Rub skins with oil. Bake at 400 degrees for I hour (or until done). Allow potatoes to cool to touch. Cut in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop out the pulp, but leave ? to 1/8-inch shell. (Save pulp for other uses.) Cut shells in half crosswise. Deep fry shells in hot oil for 2 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Place skins on baking sheets and sprinkle with salt, cheese and bacon. Place under broiler until cheese melts. Serve with sour cream. ROSE SANVILLE'S GERMAN POTATO SALAD 4 to 5 large potatoes 1/4 cup finely chopped onions 1/4 cup Crisco vegetable oil 1/4 cup cider vinegar 1/2 cup bacon bits Salt and pepper Boil potatoes in skin. Cool and peel. Cut potatoes into small pieces. Add onions, oil, cider, -bacon bits, salt and pepper. Stir until well coated. Serve at room temperature. MARY FRANCIS MANCUSO'S GARLIC SMASHED POTATOES 6 tablespoons butter 4 cloves of garlic, peeled 1-1/2 pounds Idaho potatoes, peeled, cut into eighths I cup milk (or Half and Half) Salt and pepper to taste Melt half of the butter in small saucepan over low heat. Add garlic cloves. Cover and cook until golden and tender (about 20 min- utes), stirriing occasionally. Transfer mixture to a food processor and puree. Cover pota- toes with salt water in a large saucepan and boil on medium to high heat until tender. Drain and mash potatoes with a potato mash- er or electric mixer Add remaining butter, milk, garlic mixture and seasonings. Beat until light and fluffy. Serve warm. BELLE GILLIAM'S SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE 1/2 pound sweet potatoes I cup butter or margarine I cup brown sugar 8 eggs I cup milk I cup cornmeal Boil and mash sweet potatoes. Cream together the butter and brown sugar; stir into sweet potatoes. Beat eggs; stir into mixture. Add milk, then cornmeal. Beat well and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Yields 8 to 10 servings. (Note: A large assortment of sweet pota- to recipes is included in back part of cook- book.) CMWNECELLARSOFPARKAVENUE "Custom Gift Baskets" Featuring a Wonderful Assortment of Wines Large Variety of Wines from around the Cigars World Wine Accessories Gift Certificates Hours: Monday thru Join the Wine Cellar Club Saturda Mix and Match Case Satur ay Special Discounts 12 pm 7 pm Wine Cellars of Park Avenue 1232 Rock Springs Road Suite 102, Apopka, Next to Cee Bee Air Phone: 407-889-8001 Email:winecellarsparkave@cfl.rr.com Spring Fling 5K Fun Run/Walk Registration Begins at 7:30 AM Race Begins at 8:00 AM Race begins at the West Orange Trailhead on North Forest Ave. This is an event for the entire family: *Under 14 *15 to 25 *26 to 45 *45 and over Preregister for $5 Register at race for $7 Prizes will be awarded to winners and all participants will receive a commerative surprise America All proceeds benefit American Cancer Society's Relay For Life 'o E For more information or to preregister contact Meghan McAdams at 407-703-1744 or mmcadams@apopka.net Sponsored by: The City of Apopka & The Apopka Chief / The Planter Has a passion for music Performs in a local jazz band Loves Chef Art's Cheese Omelets Plays more now than he has in years BR OO K DA L E CHAMBREL at ISLAND LAKE E itp, orn t S r I ir L .'iv ng As>. ied Liing Fialin v "ii , "Earning your business. Through superior service' INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING AVAILABLE Schedule a tour and stay for lunch 407-767-6600 16O islander Cour Longwood. FL 32750 ww.chunambrelaiislindlake corn Roofing Supplies Shingles & Accessories Large Quantities Available Excellent Selection Fast In & Out Pick Up Competitive Pricing Helpful & Knowledgeable Staff .. Multiple Locations 1839 S. Orange Blossom Tr. Apopka, FL 32703 (behind Wheller Pools across from Wal-Mart Super Center) Orlando 407-888-0756 407-410-0196 www.blue-tarp.com Kissimmee 407-343-5600 Want Whiter Teeth? Complete Family Dentistry TlTangco, D.D.S. New Patients Welcome Se Habla Espanol Apopka Dental Art, P.A. 2438 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka (In the Bealls Plaza) Saturday Appointments Available Most Insurance Accepted I IOWA L i\'[N(; L ivv ro 'l-liv F-111.1,vs l' A r Apopka Chie f Junior it's Kot jst for ltaldsI A supplement to The Apopka Chief Friday, March 10, 2006, Page 7B FCAT testing is over; it's time for spring break WHEATLEY ELEM. A Kindergarten Reading -- We have dis- cussed farm animals and will begin our new theme Spring is Here as students learn about the seasons, letters Xx, Yy and vowel sounds. Students are learning sight words that assist in reading and receive words of the week in agenda. READ EVERYDAY FOR 20 MINUTES to increase reading skills. Writing --The students con- tinue to work on writing legible words and sentences on lined paper. As daily writing occurs in the classroom, the students are beginning to write independently using words they know and can sound out such as favorite spelled favrit. Encourage your child to lis- ten to the sounds to write short and long words and remind them that ALL words contain vowels. Math -- The math skills and activities include ordinal numbers, addition and subtraction, counting 0 to 115, counting backward 20 to' 0, patterns, and recognition of numbers 0 to 100. Social Studies -- The students will continue to learn about their country, the U.S.A. Science -- The students will participate and study plants and how they interact with their envi- ronment. The agenda is important for your child to have EVERY DAY. Please check the front pock- ,et and weekly page for important .papers, notes, and reminders from the school and teacher. Please assist your child with .daily homework and return it to school the next day completed by the student. We need parent volun- teers for field trips, please sign up in the front office. First Grade The first graders are working hard this quarter! We are finished with Theme 7: We Can Work It Out! and started Theme 8: Our Earth just before Spring Break. In math, we are still working on addition and subtraction facts, as well as learning to measure using centimeters and performing explorations with various pattern blocks, tools, and math instru- ments. We have begun our science curriculum, and have already planted seeds to see the stages of a growing plant. Next, we will be learning about different kinds of animals, and what plants and ani- mals need to grow. We are still working hard on handwriting, and learning the important parts of a sentence, such as using capital let- ters, correct punctuation, and .proper use of words. Please encourage your children to do their assigned homework, and to complete ALL their class work. The agendas must be looked at and signed every night. We want you to be aware of how your child is doing in school. Thank you for your support! Second Grade The second grade students have begun a new theme in read- ing entitled Family Time. Students will learn about different kinds of families in this theme. Students will be engaged in several activi- ties during this theme. For exam- ple, students will complete a time- line of their life, pair and share family stories, and play the guess- ing game. Parents, your child will request a baby picture of them- selves. Your second grader will also learn to read a recipe and have the opportunity to mix one of the recipes. Students will be learn- ing many new things in math. We will be measuring items, collect- ing data, determine the mean of a set of data, and continue adding with three addends. Soon we will begin a new math unit on frac- tions. We strongly encourage you to introduce your second grader to measuring utensils at home. In science, your second grader will begin to learn about habitats for plants and animals. They will identify several animals' homes and how changes can occur in habitats. Second graders will be attending the free ballet of "Snow White" on March 23. This will enhance their understanding of the performing arts. The second grade team is proud to say that our stu- dents are moving forward in acad- emics. Third Grade After FCAT, we will be start- ing our new social studies unit on communities. Please point out fea- tures in your community that are special and unique. Our next read- ing theme is Voyages. In this unit, we will learn about the Mayflower's journey, a young girl's journey to see her grand- mother abroad and Shackleton's amazing Antarctic adventure. Please continue to read nightly to your children. Fourth Grade February was a month of refocus, rededication, and a time of fine tuning all of our skills for the FCAT test. Now that the FCAT Test is over (SMILE), we all can take a short breath. However, we cannot relax nor let our guard down. There are still goals to reach and dreams to turn into real- ity. The fourth graders will contin- ue reading nightly, writing essays weekly, completing all of their class and homework, working on social studies projects, and work- ing on math skills. March will be filled with excitement as each student believes within their heart they did their very best on the FCAT test. March will also be the time for report card conference night, spring break, field day, and the start of the last grading period. Fifth Grade We've finally made it to the FCAT! We have finished FCAT testing. Please continue to make sure your child is coming to school everyday, on time, and pre- pared. It is especially important the students get a good night's sleep. Breakfast is provided at school beginning at 8 a.m. Make sure all students arrive at school with enough time to eat each day, so they are prepared to do their best on the reading, math, and,sci- ence tests. Spring break is March 10-17. We hope everyone has a restful break and returns to school ready to learn. Reminder: Students should be reading 30 minutes every night with an adult, and documenting the reading in their agendas. If you have any questions, com- ments, or concerns, please contact your child's teacher (Ms. Hitch- cock, Ms. Patterson, or Ms. Valdez). Register your child for VPK There's still time to register for the Orange County Voluntary Prekindergarten by appointment only (walk-ins not accepted). Call 407-522-2252 ext. I to make an appointment. Speak with Jocelyn Lizardo to get a certificate of eli- gibility. The address is 4C Build- ing 3500 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32808 Important dates to remember March 10-17 Spring Break March 20 Begin fourth marking period March-20 PTSA Meeting 5 p.m., SAC Meeting 6 p.m. in the media center March 23 Award ceremonies grades three, four and five 1:30 in the cafeteria March 23 Second Grade to Ballet March 24 Field Day (Volunteers welcome) March 30 PLC, FCAT Backpacks workshop 6 p.m. Kindergarten Round Up is March 22 This is your opportunity to register your child for kinder- garten at Wheatley Elementary if they will be five years old before September 1 and entering kinder- garten in the 2006-07 school year. For more information, call 407- 884-2250 and ask for Ms. Garner. 28,275 Books Read! Ms. Mielke, assistant princi- pal, challenged the Wheatley fifth grade students to come up with an incentive when the school goal of 45,000 books read was reached. So far, this is what they would like Ms. Mielke to do: Ms. Mielke will kiss a pig. Ms. Mielke will kiss a big snake. Ms. Mielke will kiss a goat. Ms. Mielke will ride a motorcy- cle. Ms. Mielke will dress like a clown and pass out balloons. Stay tuned to find out what Ms. Mielke is willing to do to get Wheatley students to read! \ i Apopka Memorial Middle School AMMS LOOKS FORWARD TO SPRING BREAK! The campus has been eerily quiet for the last two weeks -- that's what happens when the entire campus is involved with testing! Now, FCAT is finally over and there has been a collective sigh of relief throughout the cam- pus. Students and teachers alike are glad that testing is finally over! And with the end of testing, spring break has started! A collec- tive cheer arose from the campus as the bell rang at 3:50 on Thurs- day afternoon. A week of rest and relaxation.before the beginning of the last nine weeks. Students need to remember that there are nine weeks remain- ing in the school year!! With the end of testing, there is the belief, or perhaps it would be better to say hope, that school is finished for the year. Nope...nine more important weeks in which a lot of learning and fun will occur. During the month of April, the merit field trips will be taking place. Each is a special trip for each grade level to one of the spe- cial attractions in the central Flori- da area. The eighth graders have a trip to Busch Gardens. The sev- enth grade will be going to Islands of Adventure. Sixth graders are going to the Animal Kingdom for their merit trip. Criteria for the merit trip includes meeting the OCPS requirements for promo- tions, less than 10 unexcused absences, pjo out-of-school sus-, pension, no more than three days of in-school suspension or earned a three in conduct on any report card. Information, will be coming home very soon about these fun trips. As always, we would love to have parents attend as chaper- ones! Please contact your stu- dent's team for more information and how to apply. Before the break, Seahawks continued to garner awards and recognition in several areas. Ath- letics, music and art were in the forefront of the recent awards. After compiling terrific sea- son records, the boys and girls volleyball teams each earned a bye in the first round of the coun- ty-wide Fest. The girls then lost a hard fought battle in the second round. The boys won in the sec- ond round, but lost in three games to Liberty Middle. Tough break for both! They did have a great season and deserve hearty con- gratulations for jobs well done! Several band members repre- sented themselves- and their school very well in the Solo'and Ensemble contest. The students performed solos (accompanied by a pianist). That required a lot of extra work and talent, as well. The students, their instrument, their composition and their awards are: Emily Luellen (eighth grade)/ French Horn/ Panis Angelicus/ Superior; Devon Luellen (eighth grade)/ Alto Sax/ Etude/ Superior; Nishma Rosado (eighth grade)/ Clarinet/ Rigaudon/ Superior; Harold Cater (seventh grade)/ Trombone/ Polovetsian Dances/ Superior; Houston McConnell (seventh grade)/ Alto Sax/ Danc- ing Song/ Superior; John Holmes (eighth grade)/ Percussionist (Snare Drum Solo)/ New Gulf Drummer/ Excellent; Derrick Notice (eighth grade)/ Percussion- ist (Tympani Solo)/ Dance Primi- tive/ Excellent. Way to go Sea- hawks!! We are very proud of you! Four of Ms. Lockett's sixth grade art students were recog- nized at a recent city council meeting for their Arbor Day posters. They are: Amanda Ash- ley, winner for Best Representa- tion of Theme; Lizmary Alejandro winner of the First Time Funny Award; Anthony Carter second place in the First Time Funny Award; and Mariah Payne, runner up in the most creative category. Not only did they earn their own awards, they earned trees to beau- tify our campus. Congratulations and THANKS! Speaking of thanks, all of the AMMS family wants to thank some special companies and peo- ple in our community! Beef 0' Brady's has been, and continues to be, such a terrific supporter of our campus and staff! We can also count on Mr. Conlon to attend our School Advisory Council meet- ings and have constructive sug- gestions to make all of our lives better! Also, a hoorah for the Rock Springs Publix. They can be counted dn to make our special events even more special with their great food (and donations)! The staff and faculty hope the students enjoy their break from the rigors of testing and school. We need them to come back rest- ed, refreshed and ready to go!! There are a lot of activities during this last nine weeks, but we need to be serious students, too!! See you bright and early on March 20! LAKEVILLE ELEMENTARY NetDay, the national educa- tion technology nonprofit group, announced the selection *f Lakeville Elementary School as a SPEAK UP 100 school, one of America's top 100 schools'desig- nated for -encouraging student voices in education technology decision-making. The announce- ment was made by Julie Evans, chief executive officer of NetDay, at the llth annual Consortium of School Networking (CoSN) Con- ference for business and education leaders. Lakeville Elementary School received SPEAK UP 100 recogni- tion along with elementary, mid- dle and high schools in rural, sub- urban and urban communities from 25 different states, plus an American military base in Japan. The selection of the SPEAK UP 100 schools was based upon this year's participation in the annual Speak Up online survey and demonstrated commitment to engaging students in local .tech- nology planning and decision- making. In making the announcement, Julie Evans, CEO of Project Tomorrow-NetDay, said, "I am very impressed by the ways in which the SPEAK UP 100 schools are involving students in technol- ogy planning and decision making and utilizing their Speak Up data to improve the teaching and learn- ing process. Throughout the coun- try we are witnessing powerful ways in which educators are using student input to drive new ideas and innovation in education and technology within their schools See JUNIOR Page 8B It pas to e0goo Mrs. Lowery, (I), and Ms. Myrick wait at the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) locker for students to pick a reward for their week of excellent behavior. Each Friday morn- ing a dice is rolled and that number is drawn from a box of names of students who have had good behavior all week. I Gttig0p mSpd 7 -r- Zellwood Elementary School's third through fifth graders gathered for a parade to conquer the FCAT. They marched through the school with the well wishes from the younger Zellwood Eagles. The parade ended with the thundering support of Principal Duda and sci- ence teacher Mrs. Green riding in on their motorcycles. It al ads u Averyl Chapman, (r), representative from Washington Mutual, presented Teresa Johnston, principal, and Elvis Epps, Assistant Principal of Lovell Elementary School with a check for over $3,000. The money is part of a partnership that Washington Mutual has with area schools. Every time a parent or faculty member uses his or her Washington Mutual ATM card, three cents is donated to the school. The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 8B Junior: The last nine weeks of school start after the spring break Continued from page 7B and districts." Lakeville principal, Kim Stutsman, is proud of the recogni- tion her school has received and said, "At Lakeville Elementary School, we want to make technol- ogy exciting and relevant to the students. It is important to us to listen to what our students have to say. The results of the NetDay Survey assist us in making impor- tant decisions as to what compo- nents we might add to our tech- nology program that will enhance learning for the students and make a greater impact on their academic achievementt" As a designated SPEAK UP 100 school, Lakeville Elementary will be prominently featured on www.netday.org and will receive special recognition from NetDay including a unique SPEAK UP 100 logo to use on the school and district websites. NetDay, will share the SPEAK UP 100 schools and their impact stories with their national partners and other orga- Snizations and agencies interested in student voices in education and technology. This is the first time that Net- * Day is honoring America's top schools for participating in SPEAK UP and for encouraging student voice in education tech- nology decision-making. NetDay has championed student voices in education technology by hosting the SPEAK U'P online surveys and by publishing national reports on their data findings for the past three years. NetDay helps schools engage and empower students to be more involved in local technol- ogy discussions by facilitating the annual online SPEAK UP surveys and through the Student. Voices Resource Center, NetDay's web- site for students (www.NetDay .org/SVRC). The 2005 SPEAK UP for dents and Teachers online event was made possible through the generous support of Dell Inc. and BellSouth Foundation. NetDay has conducted an annual online survey for the past three years, collecting the view- points of over 562,000 K-12 stu- dents from all 50 states, as well as 26,000 teachers. The Speak Up data represents the largest collec- tion of authentic, unfiltered stu- dent views on technology and education ever assembled. The results show today's stu- dents are very technically savvy, approach their lives .Jifferciritl> because of te,.hn,.''lii,', uie ii morL as the', get older and enjoy greater a'cce,. 'o ,.rrmpiJk.r, and the Iriter- ner at home ihan at school. TRINITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Basketball season was con- cluded -with a tournament on Monday, February 13. Congratu- lations to the. Trinity Christian ISchool Green Team who were $winners in the Intramural Basket- ball competition. Kindergarten students were Entertained by alligators, snakes, Pand all sorts of creepy crawly *creatures on February 28, when they traveled to Gatorland near Kissimmee for a field trip. It was a day well spent for the students ,who were delighted by their Encounters with these creatures. The second grade took a field trip to the Brevard Zoo in Mel- bourne on February 10. The stu- dents first attended an education show about the rainforest. The zoo is a circle divided into four parts -- Africa, Australia, Asia and Wild Florida. In Africa, the stu- dents saw giraffes, white rhinos and antelopes. In Australia, they saw emus, wallabies, and birds in the aviary. In Asia, they saw all different species of monkeys and jaguars. In Wild Florida, they saw aHl'gators, crocodiles, owls, hawks, eagles, and otters. A train ride and lunch at the zoo topped off a great day. The Regional ACSI spelling bee for grades 5-8 was held this year at Blue Lake Academy on February 16. Participants in these grades from Trinity were as fol- lows: Andrea Cooper, Fransh Suarez, Julia Osborne, Robbie Ryan, Rachel Skeen, Lauren Walke,Alex Kong, Vinnie Musco, Ceciley Scarbrough, Natalie Gusler, Lauren Zika, Lauren Borg, Michael Fennell, Justin Paul, Robert Kizer, Leonardo Pacheco, Austin Hittell, and Courtney Burgess. The spelling bee ,for grades 1-4 was held February 9 at Foun- dation Academy. Participants from Trinity included the follow- ing students: Christie Alcinord, C.J. Dutton, Connor Grace, John Tyler Moffett, Madison Kelber- man, Nicole Perry, Brianna Shafer, Sara Bornett, Kylie McCuiston, Peyton Sheyda, -Nick Nieman, Rachell Robbins, Brice Perry, Aaron Cooper, Anita Kapur, Drew Sanders, Sarah Suh, Adam Robbins, and Phillip Quinn. First place in first grade was awarded to Madison Kelber- man arid seventh place to Connor Grace. In second grade, ninth place was awarded to Sara Bor- nett and 10th place to Kylie McCuiston. Two of our middle school students qualified for state com- petition in the Reader's Digest National Word Power Challenge. They are competing at Boone High School on March 20. They are two of one hundred students selected from our state. If they win, they will participate in the national competition. Their names are Julie Johnson (eighth grade) and Michael Fennell (seventh grade). Registration at Trinity is now open to the public for the 2006-2007 school year. Enroll today to secure your student's place for next year. Trinity Christian School Chick-Fil-A Spirit night was held February..16. Mrs. Handy's first egrde class had the most partici- p.i,,.rn and v.,,n Ice Dream treats. The '.' inner ,..f Pil:., Nighi .at "Papa John's oh Fehru.r, 21 '.. ere Mrs. Handy's first'grade and Miss Nichol's fourth grade classes. Trinity Christian School Band sold carnations in the weeks preceding Valentine's Day as a fundraiser. They were sold sepa- rately or in groups of three or bou- quet of a dozen. Many students and teachers were pleasantly sur- prised to receive carnations on Valentine's Day. The Trinity Christian School Band participated in the Associa- tion of Christian Schools Interna- tional Annual Solo and Ensemble Festival at Blue Lake Academy on February 9. Forty-five band mem- bers received a Superior rating, with 10 receiving an excellent rat- ing. Upcoming dates to remember: March 7-9 Spring Pictures March 8 ECE-4 Cap & Gown Pictures March 10 Teacher Workday/Stu- dent Holiday March 13-17 Spring Break March 27 Book fair opens, PTM 7-8.p.m., Art Display in cafeteria, middle school lunchroom and Christian Life Center lobby, mid- dle school science fair exhibits in gym, report cards go home March 27-31 Book Fair CLAY SPRINGS E L E M N T A KINDERGARTEN Kindergartners are doing a terrific job reading for the Busy Bee Reading Program. Students earn their reading buttons when they read 20 books. In math, we are working on telling time using both analog and digital clocks. Students made their own clocks and took turns telling time to each other. In science, we are learning about air and motion. We make kites and pinwheels and explored other ways in which air moves. FIRST GRADE The Clay. Springs first graders "heartily" enjoyed all the fun learning experiences of Febru- ary. We celebrated President's Day in reading by learning about Presidents Washington and Lin- coln. Ask your child to tell you an interesting fact about each man. In conjunction with learning about famous presidents, we have been studying American symbols; we did a research project using the computers in the Media Center. Our first graders have also been busily reading for programs such as Caldecott Club, Reading Olympics and Reading Counts! We showed our appreciation for our family and friends on Valen- tine's Day with special cards and treats. In math, we continue to work on measuring (in cm.), telling time, counting money, and addition and subtraction concepts. We have enjoyed place value games, using calculators, and tim- ing in seconds how long it takes us to do different activities. Final- ly, in social studies, we finished up our unit on arctic animals. We learned about polar bears, pen- guins, walruses, whales, and seals, and then saw these animals, live on our field trip to Sea World. That was an exciting and interest- ing learning experience! SECOND GRADE We have been very busy in second grade! Our zoo field trip last month was fabulous! We are looking forward to going to the ballet at the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center. In science, we are studying sound and animal habi- tats. We are developing readiness for multiplication in math. We are alsu working with fractions. We are continuing to increase our reading comprehension through guided reading. We have also been working on poetry writing while studying famous African Americans. THIRD GRADE Did you know that geologists have identified about 4,000 min- erals in the Earth's' crust, but only about 30 of them are common? Third grade students at Clay Springs Elementary are' in the process of becoming geologists. Students ;ai: l-.1r in.li h W,1 lto iden- -. tify the llit irenit I'pc-.~oi r,)d :, Students are observing and mak- ing notes o'i'real rocks. The third graders made vol- canoes after learning how volca- noes form and how they erupt. After learning facts, students were able to watch the eruption of their volcanoes. Have you seen any lords and ladies around Apopka lately? In the coming week, the third graders will become lords and ladies. They will be stepping back to the ancient Middle Ages. Our third graders are becom- ing expert in learning their multi- plication facts. Keep up the great work. FOURTH GRADE Fourth graders at Clay Springs have worked hard all year to learn the fourth grade curricu- lum, and in doing so, they are well prepared for the FCAT. We started off the testing program with per- fect attendance for the two day writing test, and are very proud of our students for making the extra effort to all be here on those important days. FCAT reading and math soon followed at the height of the cold and flu.season, but our attendance remained good. The end of the state testing will be celebrated with our annual pajama day, with students enjoy- ing a day of fun filled activities while decked out in their favorite PJs. We hope our fourth grade Black Bears enjoy this well deserved special day. Parents are reminded to sign up on line at http://volunteer.ocps.net if they want to go on our field trip to St. Augustine on April 17. FIFTH GRADE Fifth grade students have been very busy contributing to their local, state, and national communities this month through participating in the Kindergarten Bake Sale, Pasta for Pennies, and Jump Rope for Heart. They have also worked very hard to be at their best for the test- ing that occurs around this time every year. Positive attitudes and a sense of doing their best are evi- dent in the classrooms each day. Fifteen classroom finalists have been selected in the Modern Woodmen of America Civic Ora- tion Contest. Nine of these semi- finalists will be chosen to partici- pate in Level 1 competition on Wednesday, March 30. The win- ner and runner up will move on to the Level 2 coripetition in April. This year's topic is My State. March will end on an excit- ing note as we welcome Orange County -Historical Museum's Florida Crackers to our school for a special program. This is a won- derful program that brings Florida history alive for us. PE NEWS During the last week of Feb- ruary, the students at Clay Springs Elementary were jumping at the chance to help fight heart disease and stroke, our nation's No. I and No. 3 killers.The students jumped rope and raised money for the American Heart Association's cardiovascular research .and edu- cational programs. The children were presented with a challenge. If the school raised $4,000, the top three fundraisers would get to throw a water balloon in the faces of the physical education staff. If the school raised $5,000, the balloon will be thrown at Mrs. Schroeder, the principal. Read next month's article to see who was hit with the water balloons. DREAMER AND DOER I Clay Springs is pleased to announce Evan Boornazian as this :yet'ls Dre.imer mind Doer. Stu- dents,were asked to;write an essay and participate in an interview to show how character development has affected their life. Evan explained how important team- work is as well as his dream of .someday designing a world famous roller coaster! We are sure his dream of someday creating the world's greatest roller coaster will become a reality. Welcome! Dr. Nancy Pender was recently selected as the new principal for Rock Springs Ele- mentary. Dr. Pender comes to us from Clarcona and Lake Whitney elementary schools, where she served as an assistant principal. She has many years of service in the Orange County School Sys- tem and she is "looking forward to working with our students, par- ents, teachers and community members." We are happy to have her as a new member of our Rock Springs Family. Dr. Nancy Pender ...is new principal SpringFest is scheduled for Saturday, April 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is looking for- ward to and planning this annual event and we know this will be another exciting year! There will be lots of good food and activities for the entire family to enjoy. Car- nival games, face painting, sand art, prize wheels, a silent auction and a huge plant sale are just a few of the activities that have been planned. There will also be a special section of games just for the younger children. This is a wonderfuJ community activity and we are hoping for record par- ticipation. Congratulations to our PTA Membership Committee. We have already surpassed our member- ship from last year, which was 1010, with nearly 1200 members! We salute our Rock Springs fami- lies. Your contributions and sup- port are sincerely appreciated. FCAT is finally over for our 3-5 students. They were tested in reading and math and fifth graders took an additional science test. Everyone worked very hard and we appreciate the support of the entire staff and our parents, as we prepared the children for this important test. Our annual Rock Springs Sock Hop was held on Thursday, March 9, from 7-9 p.m., to break loose from the FCAT. Everyone enjoyed pizza, a drink, hula hoop contests, music, dancing and lots of fun and laughs. Thanks to all who attended and helped support the event. Grade Level News Kindergarten students had a wonderful treat in January, with a visit and concert from Jack Hart- eGoo i Our coach is very pleased with the efforts of all of the students. Mark Your Calendars March 13-17 Spring Break March 20-24 Relay for Life Coin Drive March 22 Report Cards Go Home, Kindergarten Registration (8:30-11:00) March 23 Fine Dining (Group G) March 24 Relay for Life at AHS March 28-30 Music Room Open House mann. His academic CDs are in elementary schools all over the country. Everyone had a wonder- ful time and it was very special to see the children sing and partici- pate, during the concert. Our first graders are working very hard in their classes and their teachers are very proud of their progress. They are learning about compound words and vowel pairs in reading and how to retell sto- ries with good details. In math, they are working on place value and basic facts. There is much more to learn, so parents are encouraged to continue to prac- tice at home and to read to their children, as much as possible. Second grade students recently enjoyed a trip to the Cen- tral Florida Zoological .Park in Sanford. They are also looking forward to a trip to Bob Carr Per- forming Arts Centre on March 24 for a performance of Snow White. This wonderfflfTallet will be per- formed by the Orlando Ballet Company. All of the third graders have been working very hard to master their multiplication facts. They are building an "ice cream sun- dae" with each set of facts that they memorize. A multiplication ice cream party will be held in May, to celebrate their achieve- ments. A recent trip to the Orlando History Center was a highlight for our fourth graders. This trip was a "pre-field trip" before they take their annual trip to St. Augustine in March. The study of Florida is an important part of the fourth grade curriculum, so everyone has worked very hard to prepare for these educational trips. Fifth graders read the book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and had the oppornuni- ty to extend their learning. by going to see the movie at a local theatre. This was a wonderfulway to see a book come to life' They have also been busy studying force and motion in science, colo- nial life and the Revolutionary War in social studies and ecosys- tems in science. Their annual overnight campout is scheduled for April. Science News All of our K-5 students h*ve been learning new vocabulary words and participating in hands- on activities in the science lab. They are observing, recording, measuring, investigating, collect- ing and analyzing data, which prepares them for the fifth grade FCAT Science Test. Media News The media center has been very busy. The Holiday Book Fair was a huge success and we sin- cerely appreciate the hundreds of parents who support the media center, by giving their children money to purchase, books at the fair. The library depends on the success of our book fairs to keep our collection filled with exciting books for the students. Thank you for your help and support! Music News Congratulations to David Brickeen, a fifth grader, who was a winner in the Festival of Orchestras' essay contest. David and his family attended a concert by the Cleveland Orchestra at Bob Carr on January 26. Essay winners were also honored at a reception before the concert and visited backstage, to meet the members of the orchestra. Music Room Open House begins on March 28. Parents are invited to visit and observe their child's music class and to share what's happening in music. Spe- cific dates will be sent to parents in Mrs. Schroeder's music newsletter. Art News Art classes have been busy with clay activities, painting, drawing and weaving. Students are also learning about book illustrators and studying the art of Native Americans. PE News Fitness testing was the focus in PE for several weeks. Students did push-ups, sit-ups, shuttle runs, step ups, long and individual jump rope and 40 yard dashes. ._-_ - ;- Third graders were able to get out some of their frustration about FCAT prior to the test by throwing pies at their teachers. Third grade teacher, April Willard takes a pie in the face thrown by third grader Axton Stonecypher. --Bac HstryMot Our second grade students ended Black History Month with a historical play on famous African Ameri- cans. They taught us about the many great African Americans that have impacted our country. The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 9B Girl Scouts of Citrus Council are celebrating 50 years By Debbie L. Wilson Apopka Service Unit Manager Girl Scouts are celebrating 94 years of histo- ry on March 12. In addition to our 94th celebra- tion nationally, Girl Scouts of Citrus Council is celebrating its 50th anniversary. As part of the national council, we are excited to have had 50 years of the Girl Scout program here in Central Florida. Our Apopka Foliage Unit theme is "Honor- ing the Past ... Guiding the Present ... Building the Future!" In celebrating our 50 years in the area community, many troops have had the oppor- tunity to meet leaders and Girl Scouts that were in troops within the 50-year local history. Recently, during February, Girl Scouts have been selling a record amount of cookies for 2006. Tasty as they are, however, cookies are a small part of the Girl Scouting experience. We want to thank our Apopka community for supporting our annual event along with our calendar sales each fall. These sales help the girls raise funds for their troops allowing them to go on trips and partici- pate in Girl Scout events and programs. Girl Scouts enjoy fellowship and fun while learning about all sorts of topics to earn achieve- ment patches. This past year, our Foliage unit has sponsored programs such as our camporee week- end where our Girl Scouts enjoyed a weekend of camping, climbing, archery, compass courses, music, crafts and an evening of entertainment around the campfire. Our annual Father/Daughter dance was very successful as were the Thinking Day Girl Scouts and Girl Guide programs in the USA and Canada. In the months to come, our girls will participate in our Mother/Daughter Tea and annual bike ride. Along with overnight camping trips in this area, Girl Scouts enjoyed weekend outings like camporee and spending time at Mah-Kah-Wee Program Center, Citrus Council's resident camp in Seminole County. Trips to local campsites can include hiking, canoeing, horseback riding, swim- ming, crafts and more. Girls also make trips to Savannah, Georgia, birthplace of founder Juliette Gordon Low. For more information on how you can enjoy the Girl Scout experience, please contact Citrus Council in Orlando at 497-896-4475. Junior Troop 456 visited the Museum of the Apopkans recently. Shown are, (1-r), back row, Elizabeth Perez, leader and Maria Swanson, co-leader; middle row, Sofia Levares, Ariel Houder and Chantelle Nunez; front row, Chelsea Jotelyn and Dominique Wilson. Members of Junior Troop 1445, (l-r), Andrea Cooper, Danielle Wilson, Autumn Oldak- er and Jessica Munden, camped at Girl Scout Camp Mah-Kah-Wee. Members of Junior Troop 2993 earning their Car Care Badge were, (1-r), top row, Dalia Quevedo, Maggie Ameno, Darla Quevedo, Stefania Kortas, Shelbie Denney, Kyrie Moody, and Caitlin Milliken; bottom row, Lexus Walker, Karol Nayarro, Megan Berenis, Samantha Kozich, and Frances Borell. Members of Troop 1630 are, (I-r), back row, Helen Presley and Donna Amato; third row, Kalee Holt and Sarah Presley; second row, Shea Westfall and Emily Brown; front row, Megan Amato, Autumn Javorowsky and Samantha Durand. 1012 E.. Semoran Blvd. Apopka 407-880-3530 We support the Girl Scouts for the community service they provide! Complete Repair Shop Auto;& Truck Repair Fair Honest Dependable All Work Guaranteed Nelson's Insurance Services Insurance For All Your Needs Life Health Auto *Workers' Comp Prrwrl ( usu.il Proud Supporters of Girl Scouts of America ffj-. 10 N. Park Ave. SeHabol ,Apopka, FL 32703 407-886-7553 Fax 407-814-9492 Bryan F. Nelson Apopka Native 76 Apopka High School Giaduale * Dental Imlants Wisdom Teeth oExtractions f IV Sedation Oviedo 407-366-2243 1410 W.Broadway St. Ste. 204 Apopka 407-886-2050 20 S. Park Ave. Ste. A Orange City (386J 774-2999 400 Treemonte Dr. AAA S S Apopka Office Supply Proud supporter of the Girl Scouts of America -- ---------- --- I I 10% OFF Any Item I Excludes sale items. Must present coupon. I Expires April 30, 2006 I 437 W. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka 407-889-4455 437 W. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka 407-889-4455 j. p 205 W. Main St. Apopka.,: 40 8 .. "6" ,';-. 407-886-6688 .. . ". --2 s ~ .- **. :' ,.: ,I,".lr WE MAKE BIRTHDAYS EASY! No Cooking SNo Cleaning SNo Stress Call now to book your party. ROLL-AIR SKATING CENTER WWW.SKATEROLLAIR.COM 1805 N. Bay Rd., Mt. Dora (352) 357-2689 Abel Septic Tanks, Inc. 407-889-2704 Visit our web site: abelseptic.com Dennis D. Abel SA0900499 Email: dabe179935@aol.com Subscribe Online at -www.theapopkachief.com 52 issues $18.00 per year. Out of county $23 I 1 Call us for details. Tbe ripopka Chief 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-886-2777 L-- --1 -------un-ni 1 l 'I. '~* ~ i I ,l'i A': ~ St.Germain Chiropractic, P.A. "We're Dedicated To Your Good Health" 877 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka - a. I 407-814-2209 1485 US Hwy. 441, Apopka www.therusticranch.com Your child can learn. Shoppes at Hunt Club 450 Hunt Club Blvd., Apopka 407-788-0002 Girl Scouts... Training for leadership, developing minds and discovering Celebrating over 20 Years of Service AGRI STARTS, INC. LINER SUPPLIER 1728 Kelly Park Rd., Apopka 407-889-8055 Castings Tea Worms Compositing with worms Grow Naturally Promote Good Health, Safety To Schedule Call 407-814-9218 Website: www.ourvitalearth.com 6919 Plymouth Sorrento Rd., Apopka K O W e wild n t 5 tIo r l bf re y n w I v' I r IV a 1":? The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 10B Softball: Darters will play again on March 21 Continued from page lB Upcoming games Due to spring break, the Blue Darters won't play again until March 21 when they play at West Orange to face the War- riors at 7 p.m. The next day, Apopka again hits the road for a.4:15 p.m. contest at Olympia. Both games are Metro, Conference contests. The Blue Darters' next home game will be March 24 as Apopka will host the Lake Brantley Patriots in a non-dis- trict, non-conference game. Golf tournament will benefit Apopka group The Justice and Peace Office will hold its annual golf tournament April 3 at Heathrow Country Club. The event begins at 7 a.m. The cost per player is $125, and hole spon- sorships are $1,200 and include greens fee for four, signage, and golf shirts. Lunch and prizes are also included in the entry fee. "The theme for this event is education," a spokesman said. "Join in the fun and win prizes and help us establish a strong scholarship fund." Proceeds from,the event will benefit gradeB ates of Justice and Peace Office's after-sch,. _ academic enrichment program. For more information or registration, c." Fred Brupbacher at 407-682-4753 or Melan, Curry at 407-889-0100, ext. 222. ` Baseball: Apopka can't take advantage of chances against Edgewater Continued from page 1B Brandon Brewer's sacrifice fly. Justin LaFavers followed with a single and Tyler Scanlon advanced him to third on a double. Raymond Copenhaver fol- lowed Scanlon with a double of 'his own, picking up 2 RBI to give the Blue Darters a 3-1 lead. Mike Groeneveld led off Apopka's second inning with a single, advanced to second on a balk, then went to third on a ground out by Josh Dickson. Groeneveld scored on a sacrifice fly by Chad Macherone. Apopka added a pair of runs when Kyle Kiefer reached on a two-out single and LaFavers got on via 'n Evans error. With Apopka substitut- ing liberally, Brian Shinholser slapped a two-run single to score Kiefer and LaFavers to give the Blue Darters a 6-1 lead. In the third inning for Apopka, Taylor Everist and Mitch Creighton each reached on an error, ending up on third and second, respectively. Everist scored on a one-out sacrifice fly by Zach Zwieg. Macherone then reached ,'bn an error and Kiefer blasted a triple to score Creighton and Macherone. Apopka scored its final three runs of the game in the bottom of the fourth when Shinholser led off with a single .and went to second on a balk. He scored on a double by Beau French, *who went to third when Everist reached on an error. Creighton then singled to score French and Everist crossed the plate for Apopka's final run on Zwieg's second sacrifice fly of the game. Dickson pitched the first two innings for the Blue Darters and gave way to LaFavers for the third and fourth innings. Adam Stark finished the game on the mound, hurling the fifth for Apopka. Apopka vs. Edgewater It was a matter of missing chances at the plate, in the field, and on the mound for the Blue Darters in the 3-2 loss to the Edgewater Eagles on Tues- day, March 7. It was the second loss of the season to the Eagles for the 5-2 Blue Darters. The first game counted as a District 6A-4 contest, while the sec- ond game was played as a Metro Con- ference affair. Edgewater scored two runs early and one late to come away with the vic- tory at Phil King Field. Apopka had its chances, especially in the fifth and sixth innings, but could push only one run across in the two innings despite having the bases loaded in each inning. With Apopka trailing 2-1 in the fifth, Kiefer reached first on a one-out. walk and went to third on. a single by Dickson, who took second on the unsuccessful try to retire Kiefer at third. Edgewater then intentionally walked Beary to load the bases with one out. The strategy worked to perfection as the Eagles got an inning-ending dou- ble-play off Brewer's well-hit ball right at the Edgewater second baseman. In the sixth inning, it appeared as if the Blue Darters would take the lead when Apopka loaded the bases with no one out. LaFavers singled to lead off the inning. Pinch-hitter Elliott Martinez was then hit by a pitch and Cody Jones followed with a bunt single to load the bases. But, after a pair of strikeouts, Apopka faced the possibility of scoring no runs until a wild pitch allowed Groeneveld, who was running for LaFavers, to score. In the bottom of the seventh, Edge- water used a pair of walks and a bunt single to load the bases with no outs and then a single past the drawn-in infield by Keith Hernandez scored the Apopka catcher Robert Beary puts the tag on Edgewater's Brian Hill as he slides into home, creating a cloud of dust Tuesday, March 7, during Edgewater's 3-2 last-inning victory over the Blue Darters. Hill was ruled safe by the umpire in the first inning of the game when the Eagles scored two runs. winning run for the Eagles. Apopka got a scate early in the game when starting pitcher Adam Stark, covering a play at home, was struck in the eye by a thrown ball. He left the game after being treated briefly by the Edgewater trainer and was taken to the hospital by his father. Stark has a small fracture on the bridge of his nose. Stark was replaced by Josh Tanski, who shut down the Eagles for most of pitched his heart out." the game. A freshman, Tanski, gave up one Upcoming games unearned run and allowed just one The Blue Darters will travel to St. bloop single in four innings of work. At Cloud on Monday, March 13, for a 7 one time, he retired 11 Edgewater bat- p.m. non-conference, non-district game ters in a row, until an Apopka error, and then host East Ridge on Tuesday, "He's a young man who's playing March 14, in an important District 6A- like he's showing what he can do," 4 contest at 7 p.m. at Apopka's J. coach Lee said about Tanski. "He Barnes Field. Babe Ruh eaueopnswthceemnis n Apopka The West Orange Babe Ruth Baseball League held its open- ing ceremonies Saturday, March 4, at the Northwest Recreation Complex in Apopka, off Ponkan Road. In the picture at the far right, Mayor John H. Land of Apopka (r) and Mayor Jack Quisenberry of Winter Garden toss out ceremonial first pitches during the opening ceremonies. Also present was Ocoee Mayor Scott Vander- grift. The league encompasses all of west Orange County. In the picture at the near right, Richard Wilmot, league presi- dent, shows the size bat with which he would prefer to hit. Apopka softall tamtaks turamntchmpoship The Apopka Mystix 14 and under girls fastpitch softball team won the championship for the ISA Slam-A-Rama tournament on Monday, March 6. The team won four straight games with a thriller in the championship game. The Mystix were down 4-0 after four innings and came back with key hits and runs in the fifth and sixth innings and scored five runs. The defense held and went on to win 5-4. Head Coach Chuck Herb said, "These girls showed tremendous heart when it looked like the other team was close to victory. They all stepped up their games when it counted the most. Myself, coach Kim and Don couldn't be more proud." Shown are, (1-r), front row, Lauren Russell, Nicole Moso, Whitley Herb, and Bailey Kirk. Back row, coach Kim Kirk, Cassie Wolfe, Kristin Millar, Marli Varnadoe, coach Don Eagle, Amber Laberge, Kaylee Galindo, and coach Chuck Herb. Ocoee-High oldswitesors banque Ocoee High School recently held its winter sports banquet. Shown are the athletes honored in the fol- lowing sports for the Knights: boys basketball, girls basketball, boys soccer, girls soccer, cheerleading, and girls weightlifting. Shown at the far right in the picture is Bill Chambers, Ocoee High athletic director. , I I The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 11B apopka Cbief LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407.886-2777 Fax: 407.889.4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 13A. 17A & llB 13B PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON MARCH 24, 2006 AT 8:00 AM AT ACE WRECKER SOUTH ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL, ORLANDO, FL ORANGE COUNTY, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES) W SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BID. YEAR MAKE VIN# 2004 HONDA JH2AF60014K200 1989 JEEP 1J4FJ77L5KL5753 1988 PONTIAC 1G2AF51W4JT214 1997 KIA KNAFA1253V5318 1985 CHEVROLET 1GCDM15NXFB16 2002 CHEVROLET 1G1ND52JO2MS62 1994 CHRYSLER 1 C3EU4535RF222 ACE WRECKER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEF REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. ACE WRECKER RESERVE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT ALL VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE BETWEEN 10:00 AM AND 3:00 PM ONLY. PLEASE CAL 855-6631 FOR FURTHER INFO. March 10, 2006 CITY OF APOPKA MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 14, 2006 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that the Canvassing Board for the City of Apopka General Election will meet on March 14, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., at the Apopka Community Center NFW Post# 10147, 519 South Central Avenue, Apopka, Florida, for the purpose of examining absentee ballots and canvassing the votes cast in the March 14, 2006, General Election. AVISO PUBLIC ELECCI6N MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE APOPKA 14 DE MARZO DE 2006 A QUIEN PUEDE INTERESAR: Se notifica por el present que la Junta de Agentes Electorales pars la Elecci6n General de la Ciudad de Apopka se reunird el 14 de Marzo de 2006, a las 7:00 p.m. en el 'Apopka Community Center / VFW Post# 10147' en el 519 South Central Avenue, Apopka, Florida, con el prop6sito do examiner las papeletas de voto en ausencia y para contar los votos depoaitados en la Eleccl6n General el 14 do Marzo de 2006. City of Apopka, Florida / Ciudad de Apopka, Florida Janice G. Goebel City Clerk / Secretarlo do la Ciudad March 10, 2006 60920o PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF APOPYA 120 EAST MAIN STREET APOPKA, FLORIDA 32703 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Apopka City Council in accordance with -Florida Statutes Section 336.10, has received an application to vacate a portion of Parcel D, Lake Doe Boulevard right-of-way located South of U.S. Hwy 441 and more particularly described as follows: Legal Description of Vacate: A part of Parcel D, Lake Doe Boulevard, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 13, Pages 16 and 17, Public Records of Orange County, Florida and described as, Commence at the NE corner of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 21 S, Range 28 E, Orange County, Florida: Thence S 01-09-09 W a distance of 14.83' along the East boundary of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 to the Point of Beginning; Thence S 01-09-09 W a distance of 187.78' along the East boundary of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 to a point; Thence N 31-01-20 W a distance of 160.09" to the SW ROW line of lake Doe Boulevard: Thence N 59-38- 04 W along the SW ROW line of Lake Doe Boulevard a distance of 100.00' to the Point of Beginning Containing, 8,004 Square Feet. NOTICE is hereby given that the CITY COUNCIL will consider this application at its regular meeting in the City Hall City Council Chambers on Wednesday. March 15. 2006. beginning at 8:00 n.m. or as soon thereafter as possible and on Wednesday. April.5. 2006 Beginnina at 1:30 n.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Please be advised that, under state Law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including testimony ,and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance,with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, Florida 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceedings. Apopka City Council Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP,DCAO/ March 10. 2006 Community Development Director 60946 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-000211 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CARL B. ATCHER, a single man; GORDON J. BELL a/k/a G. BELL and LISA P. BELL a/k/a LISA BELL, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, AMANDA S. HOUSE AND JOSHUA K. PERYEA COUNT VIII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County, Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 05in Unit 07103, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDACONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO AMANDA S. HOUSE AND JOSHUA K. PERYEA-COUNT VIII, entered in Civil No. 2006- CA-000211 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this March 7, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.. 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60938 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-006555 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. BRIAN ALMETER, a single man; REBECA R. LEIVA A/K/A R. LEIVA, a single woman, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, REBECA R. LEIVA A/K/A R. LEIVA - COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 08 in Unit 2334, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO REBECA R. LEIVA A/K/A R. LEIVA COUNT II, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-006555 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and forOrange County, Florida. DATED this March 7, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By. COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are heanng or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60934 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-000211 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CARL B. ATCHER, a single man; GORDON J. BELL a/k/a G. BELL and LISA P. BELL a/k/a LISA BELL, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, MARIEL CONCEPCION A/K/A M. CONCEPCION AND JOEL LOPEZ COUNT IV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 42in Unit 06306, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO MARIEL CONCEPCION A/K/A M. CONCEPCION AND JOEL LOPEZ COUNT IV, entered in Civil No. 2006-CA-000211 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this March 7,2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eda Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Flonda 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are heanng or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60936 5, 5601 32839, ILL BE 313 366 4917 8126 62036 2465 2391 PT OR S THE OWED. SALE .L 407- 60954 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-3123 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. THE ESTATE OF VERDELL D. TAFE, deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against Verdell D. Tate, deceased, ALFRED TAFE and QUEEN A. HARRIS, a single woman, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, THE ESTATE OF VERDELL D. TAFE, deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against Verdell D. Tale, deceased, ALFRED TAFE and QUEEN A. HARRIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5,2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 06 in Unit 0219, VISTANA FALLS CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana FallsCon- dominium, as recorded in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-000211 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CARL B. ATCHER, a single man; GORDON J. BELL a/k/a G. BELL and LISA P. BELL a/k/a LISA BELL, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, SANDRA GARZA COUNT VI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real properly: Unit Week 33in Unit 04301, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDACONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant toa Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO SANDRA GARZA -COUNT VI, entered in Civil No. 2006-CA- 000211 now pending in the Cir- cuitCourt of the NINTHJudicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this March 7, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK. DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 March 10 and 17, 2006 60937 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:05.CA-4846-39 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. DANNY C. KOSOLA, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST DANNY C. KOSOLA; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DANNY C. KOSOLA, IF ANY; DISCOVER BANK ISSUER OF THE DIS- COVER CARD; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated FEBRUARY 16, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-4846-39 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and forORANGE County, OR- LANDO, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidderforcash at SUITE 350, 425 N. ORANGE AVENUE of the ORANGE County Courthouse, OR- LANDO, Florida, at 11:00 A.M. on the 24 day of MARCH, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Fi- nal Judgment, to-wit: FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER SECTION 22. Official Records Book Page 2429, Public Re of Orange County, Fli and all amendments tr and supplements their any. The aforesaid sale made pursuant to a Su Final Judgment of Forec AS TO THE ESTATE VERDELL D. TAFE ceased, and the UNK PARTIES claiming as devisees, grantees, a ees, lienors, creditors eas, personal repre tlves, administrators claimants, by, through der or againstVerdellD deceased, ALFREDTA QUEEN A. HARRIS, ant Civil No. 2005-CA-312 pending in the Circuit C the NINTH Judiciat Cii and forOrange County, I DATED this March 2 Lydia G Clerk of the Circui By: Nidia Rod CIRCUIT COURT Deput VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE . Florida Bar No.: 001019 LOWNDES, DROSDICI DOSTER, KANTOR & F PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive. Post Office Box 2809 Oriando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you person with a disability needs any accommodate order to participate in th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, to the provis certain assistance. Plea tact Court Administration North Orange Avenue, 2130, Oriando, Florida Telephone (407) 836 within (2) working days receipt of this document are hearing or voice im call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-957 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation Plaintiff, vs. RONALD A. MUT A/K/A RONALD A. MUT, SR. and ROXANNE L. MUT, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, DESIREE DIAZ A/K/A DESI DIAZ - COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 12, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 52 in Unit 1350, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 957 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Cir- cuit in and for Orange County, Flonda. DATED on March 7, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document, if you are heanng or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 March 0land 17, 2006 60935 TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, RUN SOUTH 011'18" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 22, 139.96 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1813'42" EAST 654.83 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTINUE THENCE SOUTH 1813'42" EAST 366.31 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 71*46'18" EAST 85.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89*59'48" EAST 104.29 FEET; THENCE NORTH 420 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 7146'18" WEST 316.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS THE EAST 104.29 FEET AS MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE ABOVE PARCEL, TOGETHER WITH MOBILE HOME LOCATED THEREON Dated this 2 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-41975(GMAP) ,vrrh 10and*, 117I, 9009J 60874 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO. 05-CC-20095 3340, ORLANDO VACATION. SUIT- cords ES II CONDOMINIUM ASSO- orida, CIATION, INC. a Florida non- iereof profit corporation, eto, if Plaintiff, vs. will be IL-SANG HURand KYUNGAE mmary HUR, If living, and If dead, the closure unknown spouse, heirs, devi- TE OF sees, grantees, assignees, , de- lienors, creditors, trustees NOWN and all other parties claiming heirs, an Interest by, through, under issign- and against the above-named , trust- Defendants, senta- Defendants. r other gh, un- NOTICE OF D.Tafe, FORECLOSURE SALE FEand teredin NOTICE is hereby given that 3 now theundersigned, Clerk of Circuit courtt of and County Courts of Orange rcuit in County, Florida, will on MARCH Florida. 29, 2006, at the 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Or- ,2006. ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, 3ardner Florida, offerforsale and sell at t Court public outcry to the highest bid- driguez der for cash, the following de- T SEAL scribed property situated in Or- y Clerk ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit 93 equal to 5% of the final bid. The K, deposit must be cash or REED, cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- nal payment must be made on or before 5:00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-10513-40 ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL RESORT CLUB CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, a Florida Not for Profit Corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. FRED SINGLETON et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Fred Singleton, 7017 Woodbine Avenue, Philadel- phia. PA 19151-2330 Mary Singleton, 7017 Wood- bins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19151-2330 Donald West, 172-34 133rd Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 Rebecca West, 172-34 133rd Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 Rogers L. Gueory, 4800 Da- kota Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20017 Jessie F. Gueory, 4800 Da- kota Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20017 Capital Benefit Systems, 1000E. Wlliam Street, Carson City, NV 89701 Patricia A. Jauron, RR2 Box 206A, Sioux City, IA 51106 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a lien on the following property located in Orange County, Florida: Unit Weeks 214/19; 223/ 31; 116/43; 228/15; 206/38, of Orlando International Resort Club, a Condo- minium, together with the appurtenances, including the residual undivided In- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-2813 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. MARCELO F. MALLEVILLE and SILVIA G. TROIANO, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO MARCELO F. MALLEVILLE AND SILVIA G. TROIANO - COUNT I TO: Marcelo F. Malleville Arenales 2145 2do, Piso Depto D Buenos Aires, Argentina 1602 Silvia G. Troiano Arenales 2145 2do, Piso Depto D. Buenos Aires, Argentina 1602 And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or. against Marcelo F. Malleville and Silvia G. Troiano and all parties having or claiming to have any nght,.title or interest in the property herein de- scribed. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: Unit Week 36 in Unit 1938, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County,. 4600 are a ly who ition in his pro- d, at no ions of secon- iat 425 , Suite 32801, 6-2303 of your i; if you paired, 60928 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-5088-O DIVISION: 33 ELIZABETH M. RUGE, Plaintiff, vs. JERRY C. JARVIS and un- known tenants, occupants, spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, personal representatives, administra- tors, or any other person claiming by, through or under the above-named Defendants; and all known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, devisees, grantees, assigns, Lessees and trustees, and all other persons claiming by and through JERRY C. JARVIS, DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JERRY C. JARVIS 9517 2ND AVNEUE ORLANDO, FL 32824-8410 last known address and all known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, devisees, grantees, assigns, lessees and trustees, and all other persons claiming by and through JERRY C. JARVIS, DECEASED, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following real property located in ORANGE County, Florida: Lot 3, Block "C", Tier 4, TOWN OF TAFT, according to the map or plat thereof check: Unit 115, Week 15, o lando Vacation Suite condominium, accord to the Declaration of dominium thereof corded in Official Rec Book 5196, Page 0 Public Records of Or County, Florida, an exhibits attached the and any amendme thereof ( the "Dec tlon"). pursuant to the Final Jud of Foreclosure entered in pending in said Court above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand a cial seal of said Court thi of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of Circ County By: MAYRA I. CIVIL COURT Deput It you are a person with a Ity who needs accommod order to participate In th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, to the provls certain assistance. Pleas tact Court Administration North Orange Avenue 2130, Orlando, Florida telephone (407) 836-230: 2 working days of your re this document, If you are I or voice Impaired call 1-80 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff March 10 and 17, 2006 terest as tenants In c mon, In accordance the Declaration of Co minium of ORLANDC TERNATIONAL RES CLUB, a condomlr and the Exhibits the as recorded In Off Records Book 3197, P 2315 et seq., of the Pu Records of Ore County, Florida, an. amendments thereto has been filed against yi you are required to sei copy of your written defe if any, to it on JEFFR SPARKS, the plaintiff's nay, whose address i Delaney Avenue, Build Orlando, FL 32801, onc fore April 7, 2006 and f original with the clerk i court either before serve the plaintiff's attorney or diately thereafter; other default will entered again for the relief demanded complaint or petition. Dated: MARCH 6, 2006 LYDIA GARE As Clerk of the By YahairaSa CIRCUIT COURT As Deputy If you are a person with ability who needs any a modation to participate proceeding, you are entit no cost to you, to the pro of certain assistance. F contact Court Administra 425 N. Orange Avenue lando, FL 32801, telel (407) 836-2303, within 2 ing days of your receipt notice. If you are hear voice impaired, call 1-800 6770. March 10 and 17, 2006 as recorded in Plat "E", Page(s) 4 and 5, lic Records of Or. County, Florida. PARCEL ID NO. 01-24-29-8516-40903 has been filed against yo are required to serve a c yourwnttendefenses, if it on EDWARD A. KE Plaintiff's attorney, who dress Is 725 NORTH Mi LIA AVENUE, ORLA FLORIDA 32803, will days after the first pi tion of this Notice, and original with the Clerk Court, either before ser Plaintiff's attorney or in ately thereafter; other default will be entered . for the relief demanded Complaint or Petition. DATED on March 8 LYDIA GAR As Clerk of ThE BY: Nidia Ro CIRCUIT COURT AS DEPUTY IF YOU ARE A PERSON A DISABILITY WHO N ANY ACCOMMODATE ORDER TO PARTICIP. THIS PROCEEDING, YO ENTITLED, AT NO CO YOU, TO THE PROVISI CERTAIN ASSIST, PLEASE CONTACT C ADMINISTRATION A NORTH ORANGE AV ORLANDO, FL 32801, PHONE (407) 836 WITHIN TWO (2) WOF DAYS OF YOUR RECE THIS NOTICE. IF YO HEARING OR VOIC PAIRED, CALL 1-80C 8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 Book Pub. ange ou. You copy of any, to RBEN, ise ad- AGNO- ANDO, bin 30 ublica- file the of this vice on mmedi- wise a against IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF d in the THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, ,2006. FLORIDA CASE NO. 2006-CA-000212 RDNER e Court SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, driguez Inc., a Florida corporation, T SEAL Plaintiff, CLERK vs. JOHNNIE C. KING, a single N WITH man and SHARON SMILEY, NEEDS a single woman; TANISHA ON IN R. LEWIS, a single woman ATE IN and MYRA M. ROBLES, a U ARE single woman and RAUL M. )ST TO TORRES, a single man; et ON OF al., ANCE Defendants. COURTT T 425 NOTICE OF SALE AS TO ENUE, DEFENDANTS, TANISHA R. TELE- LEWIS AND MYRA M. 6-2303 ROBLES AND RAUL M. RKING TORRES COUNT II IPT OF U ARE NOTICE IS HEREBY E IM- GIVEN that on April 5, 2006, at 0-955- 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- 60949 lando, in Orange County, - Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: f Or- Unit Week 45in Unit 09507, SiI, a an Odd Biennial Unit Week, ding BELLA FLORIDA CONDO. Con- MINIUM, together with all re- appurtenances thereto, ac- ords cording and subject to the 632, Declaration of Condo- ange minium of Bella Florida Con- d all dominium, as recorded in reto, Official Records Book 6222, ants Page 1987, Public Records lera- of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if lgment a case in the id offi- s 3 day IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR RDNER ORANGE COUNTY, ;uit and FLORIDA Courts CASE NO. 2005-CA-009720 CRUZ T SEAL SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, y Clerk Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, dlsabil- vs. action n ARIEL ACOSTA and RUTH his pro- B. ACOSTA, his wife; d, at no MARGARET L. CULLEY, a sion of single woman; JORGE se con- GAYTAN, a married man; et at 425 al., , Suite Defendants. 32801, 3 within NOTICE OF SALE AS TO ceipt of DEFENDANT, DUWAYNE hearing GREGORY COUNT IV 00-955- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 5, 2006 at 11:00 a.m., at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Or- lando, in Orange County 60907 Florida, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 20in Unit 05404, com- an Odd Biennial Unit Week, with BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- ndo- MINIUM, together with all 3 IN- appurtenances thereto, ac- ORT cording and subject to the ilum Declaration of Condo- reto, minium of Bella Florida Con- Iclal dominium, as recorded in Page Official Records Book 6222, public Page 1987, Public Records inge of Orange County, Florida, d all and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject ou and serve a enses, EY C. attor- s 545 ling 8, or be- file the of this ice on imme- 'wise a ist you in the 3. DNER Court ntiago SEAL V Clerk a dis- ocom- in this led, at vision Please tion at a, Or- phone work- of this ing or 0-955- 60944 Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the cur- rent year and subsequent years, and all othermatters of record. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your wntten defenses, if any, toit on Plaintiff's attorney as listed below, on or before April 10, 2006 which is 30 days from the first date of publication, which will be March 10, 2006, and file the original said wntten defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attor- neys or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition DATED on FEBRUARY 16, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N BROWN Flonda Bar No. 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A 215 North Ecla Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone* (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a per- son with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Flonda 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303within (2) working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice im- paired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60878 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, .FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-5912 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT RESORTS HOSPITALITY CORPORA- TION, a South Carolina Corporation, Management Agent on behalf of SABAL PALMS OF ORLANDO CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida non- profit corporation, and All Owners as Agent, Plaintiff, vs. RICHARD C. MOORE and CLAUDIA B. MOORE, et. al., Defendant(s). AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE AS TO COUNT VII TO: ROBERT C. CRIM, D.D.S., P. A. a disolved Florida corporation f/k/a ROBERT C. CRIM and LINDA JOHNSON CRIM, DDS. P.A. 2311 Alternate Hwy 19 Palm Harbor, FL 34683 USA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Order entered on MARCH 1 2006granting the Amended Fi- nal Judgment of Foreclosure in the cause pending in the Circuit Court, in and for Orange County, Florida, Civil Cause No. 2004-CA-5912, the under- signed Clerk will sell the prop- erty situated in said County described as: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:48-2004-CA-8881 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR NetBank f/k/a RESOURCE BANCSHARES MORTGAGE GROUP, INC., PLAINTIFF VS. KATINA MARIN; JOHN DOE, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF KATINA MARIN; MONOGRAM CREDIT CARD BANK OF GEORGIA; AND UNKNOWN TENANTS/OWNERS, DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated FEBRUARY 27, 2006 entered in Ovil Case No. 48-2004-CA-8881 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder forcash at Suite 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 N. Or- ange Ave., Orlando, Flonda, at 11:00 a.m. on the 27 day of MARCH, 2006 the following de- any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be' made pursuant toa Final Judg-, ment of Foreclosure AS TO' TANISHA R. LEWIS AND MYRA M. ROBLESANDRAUL M. TORRES COUNT II, en- tered in Civil No. 2006-CA-- 000212 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court ofthe NINTHJudicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this March 2, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk, VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, D RTER, KANTOR & REED,I, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 21'5'orth Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Oriando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are aa person with a disability wh l needs any accommodation i order to participate in this pro ceeding, you are entitled, at n. cost to you, to the provisions c certain assistance. Please con. tact Court Administration at 42 North Orange Avenue, Suit 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-230 within (2) working days of you receipt of this document; if y are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 to taxes for the current year ' and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summar; Final Judgment of Foreclosur3 AS TO DEFENDANT, DU WAYNE GREGORY COUN1r IV entered in Civil No. 2005 CA-009720 now pending in th Circuit Court of the NINTH Jul dicial Circuit in and for Orang County, Florida. DATED on March 2, 2006. Lydia Gardne! Clerk of the Circuit Cou By: Nidia Rodriguea CIRCUIT COURT SEAL. Deputy ClerkI VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, PROFES- SIONAL ASSOCIATION -' 215 North Eola Drve Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 . Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are aI person with a disability who. needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425, North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801'; Telephone (407) 836-2303, within (2) working days of your; receipt of this document; if you- are hearing or voice impaired,S call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 . COUNT VII Unit Week20in Unit 4415,_ in SABAL PALMS CON-.: DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 3851 at Page 4528 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida,and any amendments thereof. at Public sale to the highest and best bidder for cash start ing at the hourof 11:00 o'clock a.m. on the Wednesday, April 5, 2006, at the Orange County Courthouse, Suite 350, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Orange County, Florida 32801. DATED this 6 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the CoUr By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Cieri If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in orderto pa'r- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at nocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite #2130, Orlando, Flonda 32801; Tele- phone (407) 836-2303, within two (2) working days of you, receipt of this document. It hearing or voice impaired, ca( 1-800-955-8771. OUR FILE #051299.1393 MORI #04-043-6789 MArch 10 and 17, 2006 scnbed property as set forth jrn said Summary Final Judgment to-wit: LOT 67, SHADY GROVE, '.. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RE_' CORDED IN PLAT BOOK . 10, PAGE 34, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 6 day of MARG 2006. LYDIA GARDN~f Clerk of the Circuit Cou By. JIM MOXLE CIVIL COURT SEA Deputy Cle IF YOU AREa person with dl' ability who needs any accomn modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are eon titled, at no cost to you, to th provision of certain assistance Please contact Court Admini traction at 425 North Orange Av enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Flonda 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) work days of your receipt of this N tice of Hearing; If you are hear., ing or voice impaired call 1-800 a 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 1 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE . SUITE 500 , PLANTATION, FL 33324 '' (954) 233-8000 04-34636 (FNMA) RBM March 10 and 17, 2006 3i, 608er NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON MARCH 24, 2006 AT 8:00 AM AT ACE AUTO PARTS, 12 W. MICKEY STREET, OCOEE, FL 34761, ORANGE COUNTY, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH TO THE' HIGHEST BIDDER. YEAR MAKE VIN # 2006 CHEVROLET 1G1AK55F467744041 1987 HONDA 1HGCA5533HA051722 ACE AUTO PARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR- REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. ACE AUTO PARTS RESERVES THERIGHTTOBID. BIDDING BEGINSAT THEAMOUNT OWED. ALL VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE SALE BETWEEN 10:00 AM AND 3:00 PM ONLY PLEASE CALL 407- 654-6400 FOR FURTHER INFO. March 10, 2006 6 60951, --- -- ----Z March 10and 17, 2 6 r c 06 re er id ira ii d n The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 12B 0[popka LEGAL ADVERTISING Phone: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 13A 17A & 11B 13B Notification of Public Sale In order to satisfy a contractual landlord's lien, under the provi- sions of the Florida Self-Service Storage Act, public notice is hereby given that the following described property will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will be held at Lockhart Stor-It, 6803 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32810on March 18, 2006at8:30 AM. Phone (407) 932-2239 Unit 26 PAGAN Household Furniture March 3 and 10, 2006 60829 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.: 06-CA-802 Division: 33 Judge: Lawrence Kirkwood In re: Forfeiture of 1994 CHEVROLET CAPRICE SEDAN 4 DOOR (WHITE) VIN: 1G1BL52W4RR153898 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1994 CHEVROLET CAPRICE SEDAN 4 DOOR (WHITE) VIN: 1G1BL52W4RR153898 NOTICE IS given pursuant to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes (2005), that the Petitioner, Florida Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles, through its division, the Florida Highway Patrol, seized the above-de- scribed property on or about December23, 2005, in Orange County, Florida, and is holding the property pending the out- come of forfeiture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal interest in the subject property may request a hearing concerning the seized property by contacting Robert Dietz, As- sistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602. A Pe- tition for Forfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. On February 13, 2006, the trial court entered an Order Finding Probable Cause. If there is no response by Claimants, Peti- tioner will seek a Final Order of Forfeiture. March 3 and 10,2006 60835 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 48-2006-CP- 000324-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF Inez Baker Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Inez Baker, deceased, whose date of death was No- vember 7,2005, and whose So- cial Secunty Numberis 264-48- 9674, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and addresses of the personal rep- resentative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims ordemands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NO- TICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against .decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733 702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- TER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is March 3, 2006. Personal Representative: Shiriey Carter 292 ULinberry Lane Ocose, Florida 34761 Attorney for Personal Representative: Kenneth R. Uncapher Florida Bar No 377635 DeCubellis, Meeks & Uncapher, PA. 837 North Garland Avenue Oriando, Florida 32801 Telephone: (407) 872-2200 March 3and 10, 2006 60830 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE #:DR-06-2964 DIVISION: ASSIGNED DIV. 36 KATHEASA WARD Petitioner end RASHEED WARD Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION WITH CHILDREN NO PROPERTY TO: RASHEED WARD Last Known Address: 1541 S. Atlantic Drive Augusta Ga. 30906 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for Dissolu- tion of Marriage'has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: DR06-3269 Division:__ TANGELA L BRAVO, Petitioner and JAMES L BRAVO, Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: JAMES L BRAVO Last Known address 202 MASSEY AVENUE, WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it TANGELA L. BRAVO whose address is 430 W. BAY STREET, WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA 34787, on or before April 13 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. ORANGE AVE, ROOM 320, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 before service on Petitioner or Immediately thereafter. If you fall to do so, a default may be entered against IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Civil Division CASE NO.: 05-CA-7644 DIVISION: 35 DAVID R. FOX, Plaintiff, vs. CLAY FRED GERRINGER, ESTATE OF MARY L PRUITT, deqpased, JOSEPH C. HURT, DONALD L. HURT, RONALD D. HURT, MARY V. GRAHAM, JOHNNIE F. PRUITT, WOODROW W. LLOYD, ALL PERSONS CLAIMING BY THROUGH AND UNDER THE ESTATE OF MARY L. PRUITrrT, INCLUDING HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, CLAIMANTS AND CREDITORS OF MARY L. PRUITT, deceased, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: THE ESTATE OF MARY L. PRUITT, deceased, JOHNNIE F. PRUITT and WOODROW W. LLOYD, and all persons claim- ing by, through and under Estate of Mary L. Pruitt, de- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-7302 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. PRIDE ET AL., Defendant(a). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK IX Antonio C. Sturgis and Ann J. Cook 3613/19 Note is hereby given that on March 22, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerkwill offerforsalethe above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- deroverin fee simple abso- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8963#33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SHEPARD ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: WILLIAM I. REEVES and GAY M. REEVES RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all partiesclaiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) WILLIAM RE- EVES and GAY REEVES, a earned couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any nght, title orinterestin the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Flonda: WEEK/UNIT(S) 50/3432 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92,'until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- KATHEASA WARD the Peti- tioner, whose address is 210 RONNIE CIRCLE, ORLANDO FL 32811 or before April 06, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court before service on Petitioner or imme- diately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on February 23,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit and County Court By: JOSE A. VELLON CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 60815 you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents In thiscase, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to com- plycan result in sanctions, Includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead- ings. Dated: February 28, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 60863 ceased, Including all heirs, beneficiaries, claimants, creditors, occupants, ten- ants, and all others claiming any Interest in subject prop- erty located at 240 North Main Avenue, Apopka, Orange County, Florida 32712. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a foreclosure action has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any; to WIL- UAM J. McLEOD, ESQUIRE, of the McLeod Law Finn, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 48 E. Main Street, P.O. Drawer 950, Apopka, Florida 32704, on or before 30days from first pub- lication, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's at- torney or immediately thereaf- ter, or a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on FEBRUARY 15, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court BY: Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. Circuit Court Seal Deputy Clerk March 3 and 10, 2006 60870 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 48-2006- CP-000531-O IN RE: Estate of SALLY HILL, S.S. Number: 235-44-5484 Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE ADMINISTRATION of the estate of Sally Hill, de- ceased, File Number 48-2006- CP-000531-O is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 N. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 340, Or- lando, FL 32801. The name of the personal representative and personal representative's attor- ney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All known or reasonably ascertainable, including contin- gent creditors of the decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three (3) months afterthedate of the first publication of this notice must file their claims with this Court IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 48-2006- CP-000533-O IN RE: Estate of JIMMY L. BAKER, JR., S.S. Number: 417-48-8653 Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE ADMINISTRATION of the estate of Jimmy L Baker, Jr., deceased, File Number 48- 2006-CP-000533-O is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which Is 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 340, Orlando, FL 32801. The name of the personal representative and personal representative's attorney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All known or reasonably ascertainable, including contin- gent creditors of the decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 06-CA-952 DIV 34 CITIMORTGAGE, INC, Plaintiff, vs. HILDA MILAGROS RIVERA A/K/A HILDA M. RIVERA, metal, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: STACEY RIVERA (Residence Unknown) ANALUCIA M. RIVERA (Last Known Residence: 7622 Winter Shade Drive, Orlando, FI 32822) YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthat an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 10, PARK PLACE AT MEADOW WOODS, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20, PAGE 1, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. imon of all has bove you m in of yi st es- to it action - lute as tenant in corn with the other owners the unit weeks in the al described Condominiu the percentage interest tablished in the Dedare of Condominium. TOGETHER with all o tenements, hereditary and appurtenances the belonging or in any appertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to the judgments of foreclosure the above listed cc respectively, In Civil Acti 05-CA-7302 #34 DATED this 23 day o RUARY, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSON WITH DISABILITY If you are a person with ability who needs any a modation in orderto part in this proceeding, you a titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assis Please contact Court Ad tration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two working of your receipt of this ment; if you are hearir paired, call (800) 955-87 voice impaired, call (80C 8770. March 3 and 10,2006 der over in fee simple nsolute as tenant in mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 24 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kiptinger, D C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Amen- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. March 3 and 10, 2006 60826 been filed against you and are required to serve acopy our written defenses, if any, I, on Marshall C. Watson, the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF f nthe THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ernts IN AND FOR ORANGE ireto COUNTY, FLORIDA wise CIVIL DIVISION L A CASE NO.: 06-CA-202 wil ibe Div.25 e final re asto LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ounts, ASSOCIATION,AS TRUSTEE, on No. IN TRUST FOR REGISTERED HOLDERS OF NOMURA AS- SET SECURITIES CORPORA- f FEB- TION HOME EQUITY LOAN PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI- CNER CATES, SERIES 1995-2, DNEourt Plaintiff, OXLEY . SEAL vs. y Clerk RICHARD DAVIS, at al, Defendants. )NS FS NOTICE OF ACTION a dis- TO: accom- JUANITA GLASS icipate (Residence Unknown) are en- RENEE MATHIS to the (Residence Unknown) stance. LINDA DAVIS dminis- (Residence Unknown) Orange DEBORAH F. FROST lorida (Residence Unknown) days YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an docu- action for Foreclosure of Mort- ng ira- gage on the following described 0) 955- property: LOT 46, SILVER RIDGE PHASE 1, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT 60824 THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGES 1 AND 2, IN THE PUBLIC e ab- RECORDS OF ORANGE corn. COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5642 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. ALSTON ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK II Kevin W. Gray and Cherese P. Gray 86844/39 Note is hereby given that on March 22, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florda 32801, the undersigned Clerkwill offerforsalethe above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12.00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- WITHIN THE LATE THREE MONTHS AFTER DATE OF THE FIRST I CATION OF THIS NOTICE THIRTY DAYS AFTEF DATE OF SERVICE COPY OF THIS NOTICE THEM. All other creditors of I cedent and persons I claims or demands agai decedent's estate must fi claims with this court V THREE MONTHS AFTE DATE OF THE FIRST I CATION OF THIS NOTI ALL CLAIMS DEM AND OBJECTIONS N( FILED WILL BE FOR BARRED. The date of the first p lion of this Notice is Mi 2006. Personal Represei John 647 N. Rya Apopka, FL Attorney for Personal Representative: GEORGE C. KELLEY,E P.O. Box 1132 Apopka, Florda 32704- Telephone: 407886213 Florida Bar No. 098523 March 3 and 10, 2006 R OF RTHE PUBLI- CE OR R THE OF A CE ON the de- having nst the iletheir WITHIN WRTHE PUBLI- CE. ANDS OT SO EVER ublica- arch 3, THREE MONTHS AFTE DATE OF THE FIRST I CATION OF THIS NOTI THIRTY DAYS AFTEI DATE OF SERVICE COPY OF THIS NOTICE THEM. All other creditors of cedent and persons claims or demands again decedent's estate must f claims with this court V THREE MONTHS AFTE DATE OF THE FIRST CATION OF THIS NOTI ALL CLAIMS DEM AND OBJECTIONS N( FILED WILL BE FOR BARRED. The date of the first p tion of this Notice is M 2006. Personal Represe Lisa Brow Alethia P.O. Box Atlanta, GA Attorney for Personal Representative: GEORGE C. KELLEY, I P.O. Box 1132 Apopka, Florida 32704- Telephone: 407 886 21; Florida Bar No. 098523 March 3 and 10, 2006 P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800-. 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 24 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk March 3 and 10, 2006 60833 has been tiled against you and you are required to serve acopy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against. you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801 Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 21 FEBRUARY, 2006. Lydia G As Clerk of th By YAHAIRASANI CIVIL COURT As Deputy 06-00120 March 3 and 10, 2006 deroverin fee simple lute as tenant in coi with the other owners the unit weeks in the a described Condomini the percentage intere tablished in the Decla of Condominium. TOGETHER with all c tenements, hereditary and appurtenances th belonging or in any appertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to th judgments of foreclose the above listed c respectively, in Civil Act 05-CA-5642 #34 DATED this 23day c RUARY, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of th By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSC WITH DISABILITY If you are a person with ability who needs any modation in orderto par in this proceeding, you titled, at no cost to you provision of certain assi Please contact Court A tration at 425 North Avenue, Orlando, 32801, telephone (40 2050, within two working of your receipt of this ment; if you are heari paired, call (800) 955-8 voice impaired, call (80C 8770, March 3 and 10, 2006 NOTICE OF SALE The following property will be sold at public auction per FPI Stat 677.209- 10 for storage and other charges for which a lien on same is claimed. Auction is March 24,2006 at 10:00AM at Urban Storage (Lienor), 1416 N Mills Ave, Orlando FL32803. Phone 407-463-1131. No titles, as Is, cash only. 1997 Mazda 626, 4D, VIN 1YVGE22C2V5603183. Owner: Unknown. Lessee: James Bennett. Lienholder: Unknown. Interested M rties, contact: State Filing Service, Inc 772-595-9555 rch 3 and 10,2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 48-2006-CP- 000349-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF native: ROBERT OVERCASH, R. Hill Deceased. in Ave. 32712 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of ROBERT :SQ. OVERCASH, deceased, whose date of death was November 1132 19, 2005, is pending in the Cir- 30 cuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is: Room 60854 #340, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801. The names and addresses of R THE the personal representative and PUBLI- the personal representative's CE OR attorney are set forth below. R THE All creditors of the decedent OF A and other persons having CE ON claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a the de- copy of this notice is required having to be served must file their inst the claims with this court WITHIN flletheir THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS WITHIN AFTER THE TIME OF THE FRTHE. FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS PUBLI- NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER ICE. AANDS OT SO EVER publica- arch 3, native: in a/k/a Brown 566755 A 31156 ESQ. 1132 30 60862 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10139 DIV #34 EQUICREDIT CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, vs. RONALD 0. ROGERS, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 22 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-10139 DIV #34, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein EQUICREDIT CORPORATION OF AMERICAisthe Plaintiff and RONALD 0. RO(ERS; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF RONALD 0. ROGERS; JOHN DOE #1; JANE DOE #1 AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; JOHN DOE #2; JANE DOE #2 AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROP- ERTY: JOHN DOE #3; JANE DOE #3 AS UNKNOWN TEN- ANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder forcash at ROOM 350,425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 06-CA-871 Div. 37 JOSEPH LUSTMAN and CAROL LUSTMAN, Plaintiffs, vs. DOROTHY F. HUGHES and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST DOROTHY F. HUGHES, whose where- abouts Is unknown or who Is deceased, at al, Defendants. TO: DOROTHY F. HUGHES, 1200 Park Manor Dr., Orlando, FI 32825 AND ANY PARTIES UN- KNOWN to Plaintiffs, which par- ties may be interested as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through, under or against DOROTHY F. HUGHES, whose whereabouts isunknown orwhoisdeceased. NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title on the following property: day of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN pardner AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY e Court 4TIAGO CASE NO. 48-2006-CA-791 SEAL, ty Clerk WELLS FARGO BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR ASSET BACKED SECURITIES 60818 CORPORATION HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST 2004- HE3, Plaintiff, abso- vs. mmon DEBRA RODRIGUEZ, IF LIV- Sof all ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- ibove KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, urn in DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- st es- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- ration TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, of the UNDER OR AGAINST DEBRA ments RODRIGUEZ; UNKNOWN aereto SPOUSE OF DEBRA RODRI- ywise GUEZ; FRANK RODRIGUEZ, IF LIVING,AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, s will be DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- e final SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- re as to TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL ounts, OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING ion No. AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST FRANK RODRIGUEZ; UNKNOWN of FEB- SPOUSE OF FRANK ROD- RIGUEZ; DEERFIELD COM- MUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC.; RDNER CLERK OF ORANGE COUNTY e Court CIRCUIT COURT; STATE OF OXLEY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF T SEAL REVENUE; UNKNOWN TEN- ty Clerk ANT, Defendant. ONS ES NOTICE OF ACTION h a dis- TO: accom- FRANK RODRIGUEZ; ticipate UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF are en- FRANK RODRIGUEZ, j, to the Last known address; stance. 12686 NEWFIELD DRIVE, dminis- ORLANDO, FL 32837 Orange (Defendants Current Florida Residence is Unknown) 7) 836- ng days II alive, and if dead, all parties s docu- claiming interest by, through, ng im- under or against FRANK 1771, or RODRIGUEZ, UNKNOWN D0) 955- SPOUSE OF FRANK RODRI- GUEZ and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title 60825 THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is March 3, 2006. ROBERT FYLSTRA, Personal Representative Attorney for Personal Representative: Robert C. Wilkins, Jr. Florida Bar # 377732 341 North Maitland Avenue, # 346 Maitland, Florida 32751 (407) 539-2798 March 3and 10, 2006 Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 13 day of APRIL, 2006, the follow- ing described property as set forth in said Rnal Judgment, to wit: LOT 16AND17,BLOCK13, WASHINGTON PARK SEC- TION NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK "O", PAGE 151, PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding orto access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1 -800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE #:DR-06-2818 DIVISION: 42 SHARON WILCOX Petitioner and GORDON WILCOX Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION WITH CHILDREN NO PROPERTY TO: GORDON WILCOX Last Known Address: UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for Dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on SHARON WILCOX the Peti- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.:06-DR06-2826 Division: 30 GLORIA A. ROOKARD Petitioner and ERIC L ROOKARD, SR Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: ERIC L ROOKARD, SR Last Known address 992 MERCY DRIVE APARTMENT 15 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to It on GLORIAA. ROOKARD, whose address Is 992 MERCY DRIVE APART- MENT 15 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808 on or before April 6, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. ORANGE AVENUE ROOM 320, OR- LANDO, FLORIDA 32801 before service on Petitioner or immedi- ately thereafter. If you fall to do IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 06-CA-1071-40 Dated this 24 day of FEBRU- LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ARY, 2006. ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE TRUST AGREE- LYDIAGARDNER MENT FOR THE STRUC- Clerk Of The Circuit Court TURED ASSET INVESTMENT By: JIM MOXLEY LOAN TRUST-SERIES 2004- CIVIL COURT SEAL 11, Deputy Clerk PLAINTIFF, Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW49th Street, Su Fort Lauderdale, Florida Telephone: (954) 453-C Facsimile: (954) 771-6 05-07116 March 3 and 10, 2006 quite 120 33309 0365 3052 60621 Lot 9, Block E, PARK MANOR ESTATES, SEC- TION 1, Plat Book X, Page 79, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida has been filed against you and you are required to serve acopy of your written defenses to it, if any, on JOHN C. ENGLE- HARDT, P.A., 1524 E. Living- ston Street, Orlando, Florida 32803, Plaintiff's attorney, no more than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this Notice of Action and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney, orimme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint to Quiet Title. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on FEBRU- ARY 23, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Collenette Hall CIRCUIT COURT SEAL If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs accommoda- tion in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. March 3, 10,17 and 24, 2006 60816 or interest in the property de- scribed herein. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 84, DEERFIELD PHASE 1-D, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23,, PAGE(S) 66, 67 AND 68, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, toil, on Dinna Kawass,, At- torney for Plaintiff, whose ad- dress is 951 Northeast 167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 within 30 days after the first publication of this notice, and file the onginal with the Clerk of this Court ei- ther before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereaf- ter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- lief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 24 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk 6f the Court By' Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Amen- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis-. ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If heanng impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. This Is an attempt to collect a debt. Any Information ob- tained will be used for that purpose. Our file #17575 /Admin March 3 and 10, 2006 60832 VS. DOUGLAS VILLAMIL, ET AL, DEFENDANTSS. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: NANCY VILLAMIL whose residence is unknown if he/she/they be living; and if he/ she/they be dead, the unknown defendants who may be spouses, heirs, devisees, grant- ees, assignees, lienors, credi- tors, trustees, and all parties claiming an interest by, through, under or 'against the Defen- dants, who are not known to be dead or alive, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described in the mortgage being foreclosed herein. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- erty: LOT 2, BLOCK 196, GREENPOINTE, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35 PAGES 61 TO 64, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-6917 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT RESORTS HOS- PITALITY CORPORATION, a South Carolina Corporation, Management Agent on behalf of GRANDE VISTA OF OR- LANDO CONDOMINIUM AS- SOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corporation, and All Owners as Agent, Plaintiff, vs. ASSILA SALIM AL-HARTHY, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE AS TO COUNT IV TO: CARLOS M. CASTILLO Apartado 181-2300 San Jose COSTA RICA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Order to Reschedule the Fore- closure Sale entered on the 16 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, in thecause pending inthe County Court, in an forOrange County, Florida, Civil Cause No. 2004- CA-6917, the undersigned Clerk will sell the property situ- ated in said County described as: COUNT IV Unit Week 20 BOTH in Unit 0405, In GRANDE VISTA CONDOMINIUM, accord- tioner, whose address Is 26 JUNELLEN LANE WINTER , GARDEN, FL 34787 or before, April 6, 2006, and file the origi- nal with the Clerk of this Court before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure tocom- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on February 21,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit and County Court By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk March 3,10,17 and 24, 2006 60797 so, a default may be entered against you for the relief de- manded In the petition,. . Copies of all court documents In thiscase, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest ... You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may filteNotice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of-' lice. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to com- plycan result in sanctions, includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead- ings. Dated: February 21, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk February 24, March 3, 10 and 17, 2006 60789 has been filed against you and' you are required to serve acopy of yourwritten defenses, if any, toit on DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 S University Drive #500, Plantation, FL 33324 no laterthan 30daysfromthedate- of the first publication of this noticeof action and filethe origi- nal with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 24 day of February, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF", 801 S. UNIVERSITYODRIVE- , SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 06-50330(ASCF) IF YOU ARE a person with a dis-. ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of.certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; If you are hearing or vaoce impaired call 1-800-955-8771. . March 3 and 10,2006 60847 Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. at Public sale to the highest and best bidder forcash start- ingatthehourof11:00o'clock a.m. on the Wednesday, March 29,2006, attheOrange County Courthouse, Suite 350, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Orange County, Florida 32801 OR Lobby of the Orange County Courthouse, 201 South East 6th Street, Fort Lauder- dale, FL 33301. DATED this 17 day of FEBRUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain as- sistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite #2130, Orlando, Florida 32801; Tele- phone (407) 836-2303, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. HK #051299.1466 MORI#04-137-1062 March 3 and 10, 2006 60871 ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR: THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. --Edmund Burke: 60838 ow,!L I 60798 The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 13B apopka LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 13A 17A & 11B 13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION No. 48-2005-CP-003054-0 IN RE: Estate of STEVEN ROBERT COX, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Adminis- tration has been entered in the Estate of STEVEN ROBERT COX, Deceased, In File No. 48- 2005-CP-003054-0, by the Cir- cuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is P.O. Box 4994, Room 340, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32802- 4994; that the decedent's date of death was November 8, 2005; that the total value of the estate Is: $ exempt, and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: NAME ADDRESS JOANNE COX 8 Martin St. Apopka, FL 32712 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: AN creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administra- tion must tile theirclaims with this Court WITHIN THE TIME PRO- VIDED BY LAW. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHERAPPLICABLE TIME PE- RIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publica- tion of this Notice Is: March 10, 2006. WILLIAM J. McLEOD, ESQUIRE McLeod Law Firm P. O. Drawer 950 Apopka, FL 32704 Telephone: 407/886-3300 Florida Bar No. 322024 Attorney for Joanne Cox March 10 and 17,2006 60891 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-2734 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ENRIQUE ANCONA MOYA, a married man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO TERENCE PHILLIPS AND ALICE PHILLIPS - COUNT VI TO: Terence Phillips 15 Teynham Avenue Merseyside, England L34 OJQ Alice Phillips 15 Teynham Avenue Merseyside, England L34 0JQ And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or against Terence Phillips and Alice Phillipsand all partieshav- ing orclaiming tohave any right, title or interest in the property herein described. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following prop- erty in Orange County, Florida: Unit Week 16 in Unit 747, VISTANA SPA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Spa Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3677, Page 335, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Dedlaration"). has been filed against you and you are required toserve acopy of yourwrittendefenses, if any, to it on Plaintiff's attorney as listed below, on or before April 10,2006 which is 30 days from the first date of publication, which will be March 10, 2006, and file the original said written defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorneys or immed- iately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. DATED on FEBRUARY 16, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor& Reed, P.A. 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60881 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-3596 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. ZAUL M. ACEVEDO, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO AMARSJA HELD A/K/A A. HELD COUNT V TO: Amarsia Held a/k/a A. Held Montagne Abao Kaya Z-7 Wllemstad, Curacao And all parties claiming in- terest by, through, under or against Amarsja Held a/k/a A. Held and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterestin the property herein described. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following property, in Orange County, Florida: Unit Week 09 in Unit 2208, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5462 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. SKINNER ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK IV Jose Leonardo Cortes and Maria Esther Martinez 4279/40 Note is herebygiven that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00a.m at the Orange CountyCourthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condominium, together wfh an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded inOfficial Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 22, Page 132-146 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8219 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. RUBINO ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK IV Samantha S. Everton and Angel L. Santiago 3105/14 VI Carolyn A. Gould 3004/26 VII Richard A. Greene and Yvonne R. James a/k/a Yvonne R. Greene 5309/29 IX Thomas W. Walczak and Frances H. Walczak 4201/16 & 17 X Nichols Watson, A/K/A Nichols Fitch 4236/08 Note is hereby given that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida32801, the undersigned Clerk will oflerforsale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:02 CA 9772 32 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. EUGENE A. SMITH, JR. A/K/A EUGENE A. SMITH A/K/A EU- GENE ALVIN SMITH, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY,THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST EU- GENE A. SMITH, JR. A/K/A EUGENE A. SMITH A/K/A EU- GENE ALVIN SMITH; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF EU- GENE A. SMITH, JR. A/K/A EUGENE A, SMITH A/K/A EU- GENE ALVIN SMITH, IF ANY; FANTAYE SMITH, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST FANTAYE SMITH; BRENDA HEATH; SANDRA J. SMITH; TESCO PROPERTIES INC. D/B/A EDGEWATER POINTE APARTMENTS; NATIONS- BANC AUTO LEASING INC. F/K/A OXFORD RESOURCES CORP,; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT ION POSSESSION. DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. has been filed against you and you are required toserve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on Plaintiff's attorney as listed below, on or before April 10,2006 which is 30 days from the first date of publication, which will be March 10, 2006, and file the original said written defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorneys or immed- iately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. DATED on FEBRUARY 16, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger. D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN Florida Bar No. 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT It you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. March 10 and 17, 200. over in fee simple abe as tenant in common the other owners of a unit weeks in the above scribed Condominium percentage interest e listed in the Declarat Condominium. TOGETHER with all c tenements, hereditary and appurtenances th belonging or in anywis Pertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to th judgments of foreclosure the above listed c respectively, in Civil Act 05-CA-5462 #37 DATED this 5 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAF As Clerk of th. By: JIM Mi CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERS( WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with ability who needs any. modation in orderto par in this proceeding, you titled, at no cost to you provision of certain assi Please contact Court Ac ration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two workir of your receipt of this ment; if you are hearing paired, call (800) 955-8 voice impaired, call (80 8770. March 10 and 17, 2001 60912 60912 recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, -at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium inthe percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-8219 #37 DATED this 6day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of yourreceipt ofthisdocument; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 10 and 17, 2006 60917 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-10909-33 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA- TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE PLAINTIFF VS. GEORGIA HAYLES IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST GEOR- GIA HAYLES; EDWIN HAY- LES; ARGENT MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated FEBRUARY 28, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-10909-33 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for OR- ANGE County, ORLANDO, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidderfor cash at STE 350 at the ORANGE County Courthouse located at 425 N. ORANGE AVENUE in OR- LANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN 6 AND FOR ORANGE 60875 COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9484 #33 solute ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY olu te CLUB, INC., all the Plaintiff, iv de- vs. inthe MARKLAND ET AL., estab- Defendant(s). ion of NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: of the COUNT DEFENDANTS ments UNIT/WEEK lereto V Melvin Lamont Bynum s ap- and Marnita A.L. Bynum 4247/45 will be VII Dannell L. Scott and Mary Sfina Ann Emery-Scontt ie final 0053/15 as counts IX Ruth E. McGee and iounts James A. McGee, Jr. ion No. 5316/39 day of Note is hereby given that on day March 22, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- RDNER house, 425 North Orange Av- r enue, Suite 350 Ortando, e Court Florida32801,theundersigned OXLEY Clerkwillofferforsale the above T SEAL described UNIT/WEEKS of the ty Clerk following described real prop- ONS erty: ES Orange Lake Country Club h a dis- Villas I, a Condominium, to- accom- getherwith an undivided in- accom- rest in the common ele- ticipate ments appurtenant thereto, are en- according to the Declara- stance tion of Condominium dminis- thereof recorded in Official dminis- Records Book 3300, Page Orange 2702, in the Public Records s 836- of Orange County, Florida, S6 and all amendments iga day thereto, the plat of which is d ocu- recorded in Condominium g ira- Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 -7 -r, noon on the first Saturday IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9637 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. MAIO ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK II Linda D. Jennings 92/51 III John W. Bradford, Jr. 3058/8 IV James F. Shepard, Jr. and Cathy A. Shepard 3213/32 & 33 Note ishereby given that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerkwill offerforsale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas 1, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-004382 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC the Motion to Reset Foreclosure REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Sale dated FEBRUARY 23, INC., a Delaware 2006 entered in Civil Case No. corporation, as nominee, 02 CA 9772 32 of the Circuit Plaintiff, Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit vs. in and for ORANGE County, SERGIO APONTE, a single Orlando, Florida, I will sell tothe man; RAY J. CAMPBELL, II highest and best bidderforcash and VANESSA A. at SUITE 350 of the ORANGE CAMPBELL, his wife; et al., County Courthouse, 425 Defendants. NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. NOTICE OF ACTION AS TO on the 4 day of April, 2006 the TIMOTHY SMITH A/K/A T. following described property as SMITH COUNT IV set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: TO: Timothy Smith a/k/a T. Smith LOT 10, HIAWASSEE 85 Lutyens Drive, Paignton OAKS, UNIT 3, ACCORD- Devon, England TQ3 3LA ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED And all parties claiming in- IN PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE terest by, through, under or 68, PUBLIC RECORDS OF against Timothy Smith a/k/a T. ORANGE COUNTY, Smith and all parties having or FLORIDA. claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein Dated this 2 day of MARCH, described 2006. LYDIA GARDNER YOU ARE NOTIFIED that Clerk of the Circuit Court an action to foreclose a mort- By JIM MOXLEY gage on the following property CIVIL COURT SEAL in Orange County, Flonda Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Heanng, If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 02-98949(INL) March 10 and 17, 2006 60901 Unit Week 30 in Unit 2114, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements therelo, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. And Unit Week 45 in Unit 2605, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together on the 4 day of APRIL, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 85, LAKE SPERLING HEIGHTS, UNIT TWO, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 100, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 6 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, PA, ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-49120 M YNW IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Ronda 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. March 10 and 17, 2006 60898 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scnbed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging orin anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-9484 #33 DATED this 2day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 10 and 17, 2006 60886 estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribedCondominium inthe percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-9637 #37 DATED this 5dayof MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By. JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of thisdocument; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 10 and 17, 2006 60909 with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. has been filed against you and you are required toserve acopy of yourwritten defenses, itf any, to it on Plaintiff's attorney as listed below, on or before April 10, 2006 which is 30 days from the first date of publication, which will be March 10, 2006, and file the original said written defenses with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorneys or immed- iately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition DATED on FEBRUARY 16. 2006 Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By. Phyllis Kipfinger, D C CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N BROWN Flonda Bar No 0010193 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P A 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone (407)8,13-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you. to the provisions of certain assistance Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Flonda 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 March 10 and 17, 2006 60877 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8960 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. JACKMAN ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK IV Richard E. Walker, II and Yvette M. Tillman 86223/43 Noteis herebygiven that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, theundersigned Clerk will offerforsale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following descnbed real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12.00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8968 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. COCOM ET AL., - Qefendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Luis A. Cocom and Hyacinth A. Cocom 3726/10 II Robert A. Franklin and Tara Z. Franklin 3761/27 & 28 III Kenneth R. Scott and Pamela C. Scott 86541/22 Note is hereby given that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florda 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offerforsaletheabove described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12'00 noon on the first Sat- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-7955 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. DOLENTE ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Erik M Dolente and Rhonda L. Dolente 86313/46 V Patrice A. Douglas and Charmain M. Walker 3431/42 X Erica L. Hall 3435/35 ' XI Diana L. Madison and Myra E. Madison 3432/16 Note is hereby given that on March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerkwill offerforsalethe above descnbed UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9709 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. CAIN ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK III Kristin N. Burke and Donald M. Weld 86665/17 IV Ralph J. Federico 86367/11 VI Clinton L. O'Bryan and Catrina M. Taylor 87867/4 VIII Maria V. Gonzalez and Adalberto Santana & Awilda Hernandez 86526/38 X Jason J. Lopez 3732/19 Note is hereby given that on March 29, 2006, at 11.00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house. 425 Noilh Orange Av- enue,. Suite 350 Orlando, Flonda 32801, the undersigned Clorkwill offer for sale thon above described UNI IfWEEKS of the following described real prop- orly Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, together with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is deroverin fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-8960 #39 DATED this 6 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955- 8770 March 10 and 17, 2006 urday 2061, at which said estate shall term TOGETHER with a rer deroverin fee simple a lute as tenant in con with the other owners the unit weeks in the a described Condominiu the percentage interest tabirshed in the Declar of Condominium. TOGETHER with all o tenements, hereditam and appurtenances th belonging or in any appertaining. The aforesaid sales made pursuant to thi judgments of foreclosure the above listed c respectively, in Civil Acti 05-CA-8968 #39 DATED this 6 MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GAR As Clerk of the By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT As Deputy NOTICE TO PERSON WITH PISABILITIE If you are a person with ability who needs any a modation in orderto part in this proceeding, you a titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assis Please contact Court Ad tration at 425 North C Avenue, Orlando, F 32801, telephone (407 2050, within two working of your receipt of this ment; if you are hearing paired, call (800) 955-87 voice impaired, call (80( 8770. March 10 and 17,2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN 60914 AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5512 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY date CLUB, INC., nate; Plaintiff, main- vs. abso- SQUARE ET AL., imon Defendant(s). of all above NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: um in st es- COUNT DEFENDANTS ration UNIT/WEEK III Danita Lawson of the 5326/45 nents VI Kenny Alexander Russell ereto and Hayley wisee Simone Russell 5362/18 will be Note isherebygiven that on e final March 29, 2006, at 11:00 a.m r as to at the Orange County Court- ounts, house, 425 North Orange Av- ion No. enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offerforsate the above day of described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- IDNER arty: SCourt Orange Lake Country Club OXLEY Villas I. aCondominium, to- SSEAL gather with an undivided in- y Clerk terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, )NS according to the Dectara- S& lion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Sa dis- Records Book 3300, Page iccom- 2702, in the Public Records icipate o Orange County, Florida, are en- and all amendments to the thereto, the plat of which is tance. recorded in Condominium dminis- Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 )range noon on the first Saturday lorida 2061, at which dale said 71 8,14& ) 83&- g days docu- g im- 771, or 0) 955- 60913 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- deroverin fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-7955 #39 DATED this 5 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in ordertoparticipate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 10 and 17, 2006 60915 recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12.00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- deroverin fee simple abso- lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-9709 #37 DATED this 03 day of MARCH, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: MAYRA I CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of this docu- ment; if you are hearing im- paired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955- 8770. March 10 and 17, 2006 60916 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 48-2006-CP- 000218-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF JAMES R. COLEMAN, Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The administration of the Estate of James R. Coleman, Deceased, File Number 48- 2006-CP-000218-O, is pending In the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 340, Orlando, FL 32801. The name and address of the personal representative and attorney for the Estate Is set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All persons on whom this notice is served who have ob- jections that challenge the valid- ity of the will, qualifications of the personal representative, venue orjurisdiction ofthisCourt are required to tile their objec- tions with thisCourt WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AF- TER THE DATE OF THE SER- VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All creditors of the decedent and otherpersonshaving claims or demands against the decedent's estate to whom a copy of this notice Is served WITHINTHE LATEROFTHREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THtE DATE OF THE SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publica- tion of this Notice Is March 10, 2006. R. LEE DOROUGH, Attorney for BARBARA K. COLEMAN, as Personal Representative of the-Estate Florida Bar No.: 251380 809 Irma Avenue, Suite 2 Orlando, FL 32803 Telephone: (407) 843-2223 ';arch 10 and 17, 2006 60948 P^ ^ estate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium inthe percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-5512 #37 DATED this 5day of MARCH,'" 2006. LYDIA GARDNER' As Clerk of the Court - By: JIM MOXLEYC CIVIL COURT SEAL '- As Deputy Clerk A NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES It you are a person with a dis-' ability who needs any accom-. modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt of thisdocument; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. March 10 and 17,200660910 60910- CITY WRECKER SERVICE INC. 1236 West State Road 436 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-2735 Ph# 407 788-6161 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE CITY WRECKER SERVICE INC. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 03/30/2006, 08:00 am at 1236 WEST STATE ROAD 436 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714-2735, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Stat- utes. CITY WRECKER SERVICE INC. reserves the right to ac- cept or reject any and/or all bids. 1983 1MEBP95F9DZ693012 MERCURY 1986 JN1HM05S7GX037102 NISSAN 1989 1G4HR54C4KH414411 BUICK 1992 JA7FL24W3NP010240 MITSUBISHI 1992 JM1EC4317N0108003 MAZDA 2003 1FAHP55U23A241523 FORD March 10, 2006 60918 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78 FOR SALE ON MARCH 31, 2006 AT 10:00 A.M., AT B. J.'S TOWING SER- VICE, 670 E. MASON AVE., APOPKA, FL 32703, THE FOLLOW- ING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER: YR/MAKE VIN NUMBER 86 NISSAN 1N6ND16S9GC391406 94 NISSAN 1N4EB31P3RC883803 B J'S TOWING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR RE- JECTNY AND ALL BIDS. B JS TOWING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT OWED. ALL VEHICLES) ARE SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTIES AND NO GUARANTEES OF TITLESS. VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE SALE FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. ONLY. PLEASE CALL (407) 886-0568 FOR FURTHER INFO. March 10, 2006 60930 NOTICE OF SALE The following vehicle will be sold at public auction, per FL Stat 713.585 at 10:00 AM on March 31, 2006 at 333 Thorpe Rd, Or- lando FL 32824 to satisfy a lien against said vehicle for labor, ser- vices and storage charges. No titles, as is, cash only. 1992 Ford Aerostar SW, VIN 1FMDA31UONZA67763. Owner Wayne Leroy Lingford, 100 White Pine Dr, Chocowinity NC 27817. Customer: Jennifer Ayala, 24-A Forest Dr, Davenport FL 33837. Lienholder: Joyce Rusk Tucker, 115 White Pine Dr, Chocowinity NC 27817. Cash sum to redeem vehicle: $1442.97. Uenor: Christensen En- terprises Inc dba Car Care Center, 1000 W Car Care Dr, Bay Lake FL 32830. Phone: 407-824-0976. Notice to owner or lienholder that he has a right to a hearing any time prorto sale date by filing with the clerk of the court. Owner has the right to recover vehicle by posting bond in accordance with Fl stat 559.917. Net proceeds from sale in excess of amount claimed by lienor will be deposited with the clerk of the court. Interested parties, contact: State Filing Ser- vice, Inc (772) 595-9555. March 10, 2006 60933 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78 FOR SALE ON MARCH 24, 2006 AT 10:00 A.M., AT B. J.'S TOWING SER- VICE, 670 E. MASON AVE., APOPKA, FL 32703, THE FOLLOW- ING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER: YR/MAKE VIN NUMBER 83 DATSUN JN6ND02S6DW000898 95 MITSUBISHI JA3AA31C9SU066102 95 FORD 1FALP52U3SA153092 87 OLDS 1G3BP81Y2H9014397 92 CHRYSLER 1C3XU4134NF138202 88 CADILLAC 1G6EL1155JU625701 B J'S TOWING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR RE- JECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. B JS TOWING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT OWED. ALL VEHICLES) ARE SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTIES AND NO GUARANTEES OF TITLESS. VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE SALE FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. ONLY. PLEASE CALL (407) 886-0568 FOR FURTHER INFO. March 10, 2006 60931 KETTERLE'S TOWING 340 FAIRLANE AVE. ORLANDO, FL. 32809 1-407-851-3953 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 713.78 THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION ON MARCH 31, 2006, AT 8.30AM AT340FAIRLANE AVE. ORLANDO, FLORIDA, 32809. VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AS IS FOR CASH OR CASHIER'S CHECK WITH NO TITLE GUARANTEE. YEAR MAKE VEHICLE I.D NUMBER 01 MITS. 4A3AA46G01E099028 87 CHEVY 1GCBS14R7H2138328 93 MERCURY 3MAPM15J9PR653415 86 CHEVY 1G8CT18R6G8119464 94 FORD 1FDEE14HORHA23432 96 CHRYSLER 3C3EL45H2TT261466 93 CHEVY 1GNCS13WOP2140519 94 OLDS. 1G3AG55MOR6399771 98 FORD 1FAFP4049WF242300 03 JEEP 1J4GX48S33C520102 96 PONTIAC 1G2WJ52M3TF241237 03 FORD 1FMYU03133KC86751 99 FORD 1FMRU1766XLB87020 March 10, 2006 60693 ... ... ...... The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 14B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p,m. Monday 01. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. Counseling 13. Good Things To Eat 14. Legal Services 15. Lost and Found 16. Notices 17. Personals 18. Vacation Information 19. Wanted 20. Antiques & Collectibles 21. Health & Nutrition 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted 32. Help Wanted 33. Part- Time Help Wanted 40. FINANCIAL 41. Business Opportunities 42. Money To Lend 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS AND LIVESTOCK 51. Horses 52. Pels 53 Miscellaneous 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. Appliances, Large 62. Appliances, Small 63. Farm Supplies & Equipment 64. Foliage For Sale 65. Furniture 66, Garage Sales 67. Musical Instruments 68. Nursery Supplies 69. Sporting Goods 70. Miscellaneous 71. Jewelry 72. Computers/Electronics 80. TRANSPORTATION 81. Autos For Sale 82. Boats For Sale 83, Motorcycles For Sale 84. Recreational Vehicles For Sale 86. Trucks For Sale 87 Vans For Sale 88 Transportation For Hire 89 Trailers For Sale 90. AUTOMOTIVE 91. Automotive Repair &Parts 92. Auto Accessories 93. Auto Detailing 94. Miscellaneous 110. SERVICES Ill. Child Care 112. Home 113. Landscaping 114. Professional 115. Elderly Care 116. Miscellaneous 117. Cemetery 120. SCHOOLS 121. Professional 122. Trade 130. REAL ESTATE 131. Vacant Land 132. Condominiums For Sale 133. Homes For Sale 134. Townhomes/Duplexes For Sale 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 136. Mobile Homes/RVs For Sale 137. Commercial Property For Sale 138. Homes To Share 139. Apartments/Condos For Rent 140. Homes/Duplexes For Rent 141. Mobile Homes For Rent 14 IA. Manufactured Homes For Rent 142. Rooms For Rent 143. Offices For Rent 144. Commercial Property For Rent 145. Real Estate Wanted 146. Exchange 147. Nurseries lor Sale or Rept 148. Rental Property Wanted 01. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 10. ANNOUNCE- MENTS 12. Counseling 13. Good Things To Eat 14. Legal Services I**** SERVICE DIRECTORY **** OPamn ttl popka B. -244 SERVICE DIRECTORY Place your ad in the Service Directory for 13 weeks for only $136.50 (prepaid) For this best buy. call 407-886-2777 TODAY! Deadline: Friday, for inclusion in the following week's The Planter & The Apopka Chief ^~ ~ ~ ':- The Law Office of Linda Drew Kingston 36 North Park Avenue Apopka, Florida 32703 linda@lindakingstonlaw.com Office phone: 407-889-3933 geneiwalMacce inctwuin. Real Estate Divorce/Custody Wills & Trusts Probate/Guardianship Bankruptcy Adoption and Corporat SeHabla Espanol The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upr' advertisements. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written infoumaon about my qualifications and experience. I Storage Spaces I C Apopka Hoome-,\ I sp nections, Inc. 407-322-7208 (24 hrs.) I The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 15B ALC S SIF IE D m m- n m w w m m --, Call 407-888-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 4. Legal Services BANKRUPTCY IS ALL ie do. Over 23 years ex- ierience in bankruptcy iw. Chapter 7, 11, & 13. mention this ad for free onsultation. Robert H. Iflueger, P.A. 407-339- 022. J N0310-0317 ROB 14 FAMILY, CRIMINAL, im- iigration, wills & trusts. aura Sterling, P.A., At- irney at Law. Call 407- 31-5505. J N0303-0310 TFN STE 14 Buy something! Sell something! use the Classified Section of The Apopka Chief and The Planter. Call 407-886-2777 to place your ad deadline: Mon.5 pm 111,1,1i-TA IM 1 Y-1 u 407-654-2371 525 N. Lakewood Ave., Ocoee Nights Weekends Walk-ins Visas Work Permits Citizenships* Residence Cards Family Petitions Visi-tig Visas Quit Claim Deeds Fiance Visas*Translations Without children, property or debt $160 with children, property or debt FREE Consultation Se habla Espahol Non-Lawyer 32. Help Wanted 82. Help Wanted Medical Assistant and In House Medical Transcriptionist Experienced for busy pediatric office. Fax resume to 407-786-4695 Evergreen is currently interviewing for Lawn Care & Pest Control Specialist. We offer a great work environment, top compensation (32-35 K/Yr), and great benefits. Fax resume to 407-880-3777 or call 407-880-6655 today. You'll be glad you did! Rapid Business Expansion; immediate openings for *Heavy wrecker operators .Medium duty operators *Wheel lift operators *Flat bed operators *Office help (dispatcher & accounts receivable clerk) All driver positions have base salary plus commission, heavy driver position sign-on bonus after 90 days. 407-767-0155 / 321-363-6255 LAUNDRY AIDE needed to work a flexible schedule 7-3 & 3-11. Must be a dependable and reliable person. Benefits available. Please Contact Martha McIntosh LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 352-357-3565 DFWP/EOE Quality Health Care Center in Winter Garden is a 120-bed 5-star facility and is looking to fill the following positions: SFT Nurse 11pm 7am FT CNA 3pm 11pm Please apply in person at 12751 West Colonial Dr. in Winter Garden or call 407-877-6636. Applicants are subject to drug tests, background check and reference check. EOE DFWP Nights 9:00 PM 5:00 AM. We clean shopping centers and malls. Must be dependable, reliable & fast moving, able to carry backpack blower and strong enough to lift trashbags. Dependable with good attitude and stable work history. Clean License and dependable transportation. Starting $300 $350 a week depending on experience. Variable nights off. Call 407-298-1456 for interview. /CoOKS &ALDS POSITIONS AVAILABLE Health, Dental, Vision Benefits Available Paid Holiday & Vacation Culinary School Reimbursement Contact Dave Larkin or Frankie Via LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 411 W. WOODLAND AVE., EUSTIS, FL 352-357-3565 EOE/Drug Free Employer , LOOKING FOR METER CHANGE-OUT FIELD TECHNICIANS In the Apopka, Eustis area. Must have a valid FL drivers license, pass a pre-employment drug test and background check. We will train qualified individuals. $13.50/hr. Please call 407-831-6669 15. Lost and Found', 16. Notices COMPUTER REPAIR - Home or business. Fast turn-around. Manage- ment Solutions. Offering years of professional ser- vice & knowledge,404W. Main Street, Apopka. 407- 410-0013. J N0303-0310 TFN MAN 16 17. Personals 18. Vacation Information N.C. 2 BEDROOM, fully equipped cabin. $69 per night. Beautiful area near Grey Rock in Lake Lure. 407-297-0179. W0217-0505 GOD 18 19. Wanted Cell Phones Wanted Will buy used cell phones 407-889-5554 20. Antiques & Collectibles 21. Health & Nutrition PET CARE Pet Care Center of Apopka. Rock Springs Road & Ponkan. Full service. Bloodwork, x-rays. Always caring for your family pet. 407-884- 8924. J N0303-0310 TFN PET 21 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted 32. Help Wanted WELDERS, LAYOUTS & Fitters. Overtime, excel- lent benefits. Call 407- 293-0120 or come by Foote Steele Corp., 6635 Edgewater Drive, Or- lando. E.O.E. A0217-0310 TFN FOO 32 CONCRETE CURB la- borer needed. Experience helpful. Transportation a must. Willing to work and learn. Call 407-886-3394. Leave message. B0310-0331 TFN RIG 32 EXPERIENCED AUTO mechanic wanted. Must have diagnostic ability, top notch skills and be able to workwith the latest equip- ment. We offer great pay & benefits to the right per- son. 5 day work week. Call 407-880-3530. EA0310-0317J&K32 EARN EXTRA MONEY Do product taste tests and product evaluations. 436 & Hunt Club. Consumer Connections. 407-862- 1174. CC0310-0331 TFN CON 32 PAINTER & SUB con- tractors wanted. Experi- enced only. Call Jim 407- 632-9812. W0805-0728/06 STO 32 HELP NEEDED NO ex- perience necessary. McGee Tire Shop, 130 E. 7th Street. 407-889-9250. A0310-0331 TFN MCG 32 "PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY" Immediate openings. Previous exp. machine operation helpful. Tobacco- free work environment. Lake County. Call Exceptional Staffing 407-649-8890 `LOCAL DRIVERS for large wholesale nursery. Class A & B Great Rates per mile, drop fees, benefits. Clean driving record required. Baucom's of Florida 3050 Britt Rd., Mt. Dora Call 352-383-4300 or 1-800-533-6403 PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED Fast growing preschool in Wekiva/Apopka area now accepting applications for infant and tw ar old room te aers. Immediate - positions open. To schedule an appointment for interview contact Michele @ 407-814-8060 There's a beautiful career on your horizon. Join the team whose compassionate competence has earned us recognition by J.D. Power and Associates as one of America's most Distinguished Hospitals. Weare currently seeking qualified candidates for the following: Cafeteria (PT) Cafe Cook (FT) Stockroom (FT) Dishwasher (PT) Catering Assistant (FT) SFloor Finishers (FT Nights) Housekeeping (FT Evenings & Nights) SEnvironmental Services Supervisor (FT Evenings) Environmental Services Team Leader (FT Nights) All positions are provided with paid & laundered uniforms & generous benefits package that includes on- site child care. For more information or for immediate consideration, apply online at: www.fhwat.org Forward your resume to: Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way, Hwy. North 441, Tavarcs, FL, 32778, or contact Sue Krug at (352) 253-3930, or toll- free: 877-298-7329. Fax: (352) 253-3454. Email: susan. krug@ahss.org. EOE. Drug-free, Smoke-free Workplace. e www.fhwat.org 32. Help Wanted LANDSCAPE foreman, 5 yrs. exp. Layout, reprints, comm/res. Class B Li- cense. 407-884-0303, 407-467-7282. C0210-0331 MJM 32 RECEPTIONIST AND veterinarian and kennel technician for local ani- mal hospital. Experienced preferred, but will train. Enthusiasm and good work ethic valued above all. 407-774-1515. Fax 407-774-0388. C0310-0331 RIV32 PLUMBERS & helpers needed immediately. Great pay. 407-388-0000. CC0310-0428 JEF 32 BEAUTIFUL& BEYOND Lead stylist looking to build a team of self-moti- vated artistic hairstylist, nail tech and massage therapists with a follow- ing. Rental or commis- sion. Call Narciso. 407- 880-1300. E N0310-0317 BEA 32 EXPERIENCED kitchen prep. 407-886-2360. B0310-0331 TFN ROM 32 CDL "A" DRIVERS Apo- pka-based LTLcarfierhir- ing OTR 2, 3 & 4 week runs. Also FL-GA drivers. Home weekends. 2 years experience required. No HAZMAT. Great equip- ment & benefits including direct deposit, 401 (k), medical/dental/vision, bo- nus & ride programs! Call John. 888-966-2953. or apply online @ honey- bestway.com." B0310-0331 HON 32 Plant Buyer/ Receptionist Computer Experience a must. Bilingual a plus. Call 407-886-5004 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring CDL class A/light mechanic. Full time. Ben- efits. Affirmative Action EOE/Drug Free M/F/D/V. W1216-0630 CAS 32 EXPERIENCED TREE man. Driver's license a plus. 407-832-5458 or 407-886-7920. CC0310-0331 WIN 32 METAL FRAMERS - Residential, laborers & apprentices. No experi- ence necessary. Serious inquires only. 407-886- 6893. B0310-0331 MET 32 INTERESTING FULL or part time phone work. Call businesses all over the country. No experience necessary. 407-774- 5335. A0310-0331 TFN PUB 32 MANAGER & assistant. Self storage. Computer skills required. Salary, benefits. Contact Rick at Storage Masters. 407- 291-4443. B0217-0310 STO 32 CONCRETE finishers & helpers. Pool deck expe- rience preferred. 321-229- 1012 or 321-229-9683. CC0217-0310 HOL 32 LARGE WHOLESALE nursery seeking enthusi- astic personnel to fill the following positions. Office administrator/reception- ist/production department supervisor & laborers. Applications accepted Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m., 550 East Keene Road, Apopka, FL 32703. Phone: 407-886- 6122. CC0217-0310 KER 32 MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Full Time Maintenance Assistant needed. Paint and drywall experience preferred. Salary commensurated with experience. Please Contact William Nolan LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 411 W. WOODLAND AVE., EUSTIS, FL 352-357-3565 DFWP/EOE NURSE MARKETING LIAISON LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER has a position open for an energetic nurse with excellent marketing skills. If you have a strong sense of urgency and enjoy meeting new people, we'd love to hear from you. Please Contact Cindy Bloxson at 800-881-9905 EXT. 3741 for and appointment to discuss this exciting opportunity. The Orange County Government is currently hiring: Parks Specialists Perform semi-skilled duties in grounds and building maintenance duties and/or repair work of County Parks facilities. Operate specialized equipment, maintain grass, fields and trails, clean and maintain restroom, offices and grounds, coordinate partner- ship programs with other community organizations and assist park patrons. Work is usually performed under the general super- visor of a higher graded employee who may directly * supervise the most difficult or technical operations. Required: High School degree or equivalent and one year of experience in grounds and building main- tenance and repair; or equivalent combination of education, training or experience. May be required to possess and maintain appropriate valid Florida commercial driver's license for the type of equip- ment operated. Must be able to understand and carry out instructions and able to perform job duties under adverse weather conditions. Apply online at www.orangecountyfl.net or at: Orange County HR, 450 E. South St., 1st Floor, Orlando, FL 32801. Orange County Government is committed to providing equal opportunity in employment and services to all individuals. There's a beautiful career on your horizon. d Join the team whose compassionate competence has earned us recognition by J.D. Power and Associates as one of America's most Distinguished Hospitals. We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the following: Department Secretary for Home Care Services - (FT) Design & Print Shop Specialist (FT) Coordinator of Marketing & Physician Services - (FT) Billing & Collections Clerk Medical Equipment & Supplies Division (FT) Receptionist- Center for Medical Imaging (FT) Emergency Dept. Registration Rep (PT, weekends) Department Secretary for Wound/Hyperbaric Center- (FT) All positions are provided with a generous benefits package that includes on-site child care. For more information or for immediate consideration, apply online at: www.fhwat.org Forward your resume to: Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way, Hwy. North 441, Tavares, FL 32778, or contact Sue Krug at (352) 253-3930, or toll-free: 877-298- 7329. Fax: (352) 253-3454. Email: susan.krug@ahss.org. EOE. Drug-free, Smoke-free Workplace. www.fhwat.org EXPERIENCED AUTO mechanic wanted. Good pay. Call 407-461-8306. E N0310-0317 TFN MAS 32 PRESCHOOLteachers& assistants. Full time & part time positions available. 407-862-9000. B0224-0317 ACA 32 PRODUCTION WORK Need immediately. Stak- ing of orchids, weeding, potting, lifting & moving trays of plants up to 10 Ibs. Monday-Friday. Some Saturdays. Excel- lent starting pay. 352-735- 1989. Apply in person. 4055 Britt Road, Mt. Dora. B0303-0324 DEL 32 ENGINEERING, me- chanical designer, mate- rial .handling experience & mach. Drafting skills re- quired. Fax resume to 407-299-1489. CC0303-0324 AGR 32 PART TIME WORK, full time pay. Need people to clean sheet rock & light carpentry skills. Call 800- 723-0788. Ask for Harold. B0310-0317 NAT 32 BUBBALOU'S Boda- cious BBQ. Serving breakfast soon. Breakfast servers needed. Call Don or Tim Monday-Friday, between 2-4 p.m. 407- 388-1212. J N0310-0317 TFN BUB 32 VETERINARY techni- cian/assistant. Experi- ence preferred. Rock Springs Animal Hospital. Fax resume 407-814- 1076. C0217-0310 MOS 32 NEED DRIVER for local hauling. Lowboy & stretch trailer experience. Full time. 407-880-7050. B0217-0310 TFN BAS 32 WORK FROM HOME Growing business needs energetic self-starter to provide excellent cus- tomer service to high-end clientele. Duties: answer- ing phone, sales orders, & mailings. Fax resume to 1-407-302-7684. CC0217-0310 RAC 32 DRIVER-WAREHOUSE counter person. Class D CDL. Irrigation Supply Dist. Apply 2621 W. O.B.T.,Apopka. 407-889- 0212. B0217-0310 TFN TWC 32 COUNTER HELP/small restaurant in Zellwood. Various hours Monday- Saturday. Call 407-814- 1828 or 407-579-8239. B0217-0310 PET 32 HELP WANTED Early childhood program. After- noon, evening hours. Full time. Benefits. Please call 352-383-5577, ext. 139. W0217-0310 TOM 32 FULL AND PART TIME positions. Good starting salary, benefits. Monday- Friday. 407-464-0603. CC0217-0310 PRA 32 Experienced Auto Mechanic needed. 5-day work week. Excellent pay & benefits to qualified person. (Apopka) 407-880-8221 ALWAYS TOWING Rapid Business Expansion; immediate openings for *Heavy wrecker operators .Medium duty operators *Wheel lift operators .Flat bed operators *Office help (dispatcher & accounts receivable clerk) All driver positions have base salary plus commission, heavy driver position sign-on bonus after 90 days. 407-767-0155 / 321-363-6255 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Hi-growth staffing firm search- ing for ambitious sales specialist to lead and achieve sales goals in the Orlando area. 2+ years outside sales. Base + comm, 401K, benefits, and more. Email Resume to hr@reservesnet.com or call 440-779-5606 32. Help Wanted DRIVERS NEEDED - Class A or B. 407-947- 9198. A030-0331 TFN MCG 32 PREFAB METAL build- ing foreman & laborers needed. Experienced only need apply. Excellent pay. F/T. Call 352-516-8857 (cell) or352-383-8647 and leave message. CC0217-0310 CER 32 BUSY APOPKA LTL trucking company hiring experienced &entry level dispatchers. Must have computer & multi-line phone experience. Pay ased on experience. Benefits & paid vacation. Apply in person at Honey Transport, 2994 Orange Avenue, Plymouth,' Florida or fax resume to ;407-889-7384. B0224-0317 HON 32 LANDSCAPE mainte- nance. Great pay. Great benefits. Good license. 407-925-7518 or 407- 297-6207. CC0217-0310 GRE 32 KITCHEN MANAGER Porky's Original BBQ. 256 E. Main Street, Apopka. $500 per week. Apply 2 - 4 p.m., Monday through Wednesday. CC0303-0310 POR 32 Assistant Sales Trainee Administrative Duties, Basic Computer Skills Fax resume to 407-886-1516 DRIVERS Class A and B, All Local Driving, No Leading/Unloading. Our drivers average $44,000 to $55,000/year. Health insurance, life insurance, uniform, etc. Up to $200/month safety bonus. Drug Free Work Place. 441 and Silver Star Rd. area Container Rental Company, Inc. 407-298-8555 There's a beautiful career on your horizon. Y~ u can create the career and lifestyle of your dreams at Florida Hospital SWaterman, located in the beautiful lakeside community ofTavares, where you'll find our genuine commitment to spiritual enrichment and a healthy balance between work and life so refreshing. Join the team whose compassionate competence has earned us recognition by J.D. Power and Associates for the past 2 years as one of America's most Distinguished Hospitals. We're currently seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: ALLIED HEALTH Physical Therapists (FT & Flex Pool) Physical Therapy Assistants (Flex Pool) Respiratory Therapists (FT Nights) Radiation Therapist (FT Days) Mammography Tech (FT Days) Clinical Dietitian (FT Days) Medical Lab Technologist (Flex Pool) Rad Tech (Emphasis on Specials) (FT Days) Technical Supervisor (Tech or RN) Diagnostic Imaging/Cath Lab Lab Tech Assistant (Phlebotomist) (FT Nights) Med Tech Weekend Supervisor (Days) NURSING Infection Control Practitioner SDirector, Surgical Services Clinical Nurse Specialist/Cardiac Emergency Dept. Clinical Coord. (Charge RN) Wound Ostomy & Continence Nurse (Home Care) Cardio Pulmonary RN (Nights) Labor & Delivery RN/LPN (Nights) Critical Care RN (Nights) MOST POSITIONS ELIGIBLE FOR COMMITMENT BONUS! Discover the warm, family-oriented atmosphere at Florida Hospital Waterman, ranked 4th in the Orlando Sentinel's "Top 100 Companies for Working Families." For more information and for other healthcare opportunities, apply on-line or forward your resume to: Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way, Hwy N 441, Tavares, FL 32778; or contact Sue Krug for Allied Health positions, at (352) 253-3930 or email: Susan.krug@ahss.org. Contact Karin D'Aurora for Nursing positions at (352) 253- 3997; email: Karin.d'aurora@ahss.org. Toll-free at (877) 298-7329. EOE/Drug-Free, Smnoke-Free Worknlaee. .Afi . 32. Help Wanted HONEY TRANSPORT hiring PM dock workers with fork lift experience. Good pay & benefits. Ap- ply at 2994 Orange Av- enue, Plymouth or call John at 407-889-9726. 80217-0310 HON 32 ALARM TECHNICIAN Experience preferred but wil train knowledgeable individual. Permanent po- sition in S.W. North Caro- lina. Call 321-228-1622. DFWP. W0217-0310 CON 32 PAINTERS/HELPERS needed. Transportation, phone. 407-880-0219. or 407-463-2684. CC0217-0310 THO 32 DRIVER/LABORER - Must have good driving record. Class B or C a p;_. Must be able to lift up to 100 lbs. 321-'436- 4178. CC0217-0310 STA 32 CNAS 7-3 & 3-11 Shift Please Contact Janet Thompson at LAKE EUSTIS CARE CENTER 352-357-3565 DFWP/EOE BOOKKEEPER NEEDED LightAP/AR $12.50/hr. Quick Books Exp. A Must. Fax Resume to 407-884-2904 or call 407-884-2900 Ask For Tom Full or part-time Monday Friday Each person must have a car. English required. Call CottageCare after 9 a.m. 407-877-7738 www.fhwat.org -1 I The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 16B CLASSIFIED Call 407-888-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 32. Help Wanted DRIVER/APOPKA Lo- cal foliage company. 407- 889-7117. J B0310-0317 TFN BLO 32 DRIVERS NEEDED - Class A & B for local con- crete company. Great benefits. Hourly pay. Home every night. Call 407-886-5546, ext. 103. A0224-0317 WEK 32 PT HOUSEHOLD pack- ers needed. Must have transportation & valid drivers license. Experi- ence preferred. Call Jan at 407-709-6100. Ad- vanced Moving Service. C0224-0317 PLA 32 MARKETING director for assisted living residents in Casselberry. Fax re- sume to 407-699-4826 or call 407-699-5002. B0224-0317 EAS 32 HOME IMPROVEMENT foreman & laborers. Great pay. Must have transpor- tation. Subcontractors welcome. 407-754-6341. B0224-0317 TAY 32 ROOFING COMPANY needs assistance. Super company. Vehicle in- cluded. Bilingual a must. Will train. Clean Florida driver's license. Ask for Tom. 407-884-2900. CC0224-0317 ROO 32 RECEPTIONIST/admin- istrative assistant needed for Apopka office. Bilin- Sual important. uickBooks a plus. Please call Tom 407-884- 2900. CC0224-0317 ROO 32 SECURITY OFFICERS needed. FT/PT. Good pay. Weekly pay/benefits. Zellwood/Umatilla/Or- lando. Class D license. 407-851-7252. B0224-0317 FOX 32 CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring light mechanic/CDL class A. Full time. Ben- efits. Affirmative Action EOE/Drug Free M/F/DN. W1216-0630 CAS 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE helper needed for local company. Experienced. Driver's license. Start ASAP. 407-466-2101. CC0224-0317 FLO 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE help wanted. Depend- able. Top pay. 407-880- 8048. W0303-0324 TAY 32 WOOD FRAMERS - deckers & experienced helpers. Established cus- tom home framing com- pany hiring for steady work. Ask about our sigh- on bonus. Paul 407-702- 4885. B0303-0324 THO 32 WAREHOUSE HELP needed immediately. General laborer. Pay $8/ hour. Please call 407- 296-8655. , B0303-0324 BAT 32 ELECTRICAL: Experi- enced electrician needed fortheApopkaarea. Sign- on bonus. Full benefits. Highest piece rate pay In Florida. Premier Electric, the residential wiring spe- cialist. EOE/DFWP. 407- 420-1990. B0303-0324 PRE 32 WANTED: ICE CREAM drivers. Must have driver's license. Can make great pay. Ice cream trucks for rent. Call 321-279-9595 or 407- 814-7046. C0303-0324 BET 32 POOL SERVICE route. No experience neces- sary. Will train. Many great benefits. Must be 21 & have good driving record. 407-294-9921.8- 4, Monday-Friday. After hours, leave message. B0303-03103P0 32 WEEKEND receptionist. Part time. Saturday & Sunday. Answering phones & general office work. Pleasefdx resume. 407-869-4452. CC0303-0324 ERA 32 Announcements Is Stress Ruining Your Relationships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. Auctions Auction,469+/- acres,divided,2prime farms,partially irrigated,Sylvania, GA, Saturday. March 25,10:00 am. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 10%BP. GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. Estate Auction, 21+/- acres, 2 homes plus personal property, James M. Wise estate. Fnday, March 24, 2 p.m. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323- 8388 10%BP, GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. Building Materials METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Avail- able Toll Free (888)393-0335. Business Opportunities #1 Corporate/Sports Apparel Franchise Full Training and Support. No Exp. Needed. Financing avail. Call (800)727-6720. www.EmbroidMe.com. ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for $9.995. (888)629-9968 B02000033.CALL US: We will not be undersold! WIN FEMA/FEDERAL CONTRACTS Our GOVERNMENT REG- ISTRATION STARTER KIT makes it easy to become a government vendor. Everything you need to get started $29.95. Visit us at www.officialfemacontracts.com or (800)549-1515. Vending Route: Snack. Soda, Juice, Water, All Brands. Great Equipment & Support. Full Line. Financing Available w/$7,500 Down. (877)843- 8726 (BO#2002-037). Financial WE BUY MORTGAGES. Are you collecting payments on a mortgage? Why wait years for payments? Call (800)282-1251. Help Wanted Driver- NOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat,no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experi- ence. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A. Special Orientation Pay for Experienced Drivers! Home Weekends! Great Pay & Benefits! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines. Inc. www.cvpresstruck.com (888)808-5846. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADEMY Start your driving career! Offer- ing courses in CDL A & B. One tuition fee! Many payment options! No registration fee! (888)808-5947 info@americasdrivingacademy.com. "NOW HIRING 2006" AVERAGE POSTAL EMPLOYEE EARNS $57,000/YR Minimum Starting Pay $18.00/hr. Benefits/Paid Training and Vacations No Experience Needed (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the government. PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department i. Drivers- Flatbed, Reefer & OTR. Recent Average $ 1.27-1.47 per mile. No Experience? On the Road Training Available. (800)771-6318 www.primeinc.com. ANF Advertising Networks of Florida Week of March 6, 2006 MAKE UP TO $3,500 dollarsweekly, Easywork from home. Many com- panies need you. Forfree Information, call 1-866- 405-3992. CC0303-0324 WAI 32 COMMERCIAL PARTS pro. Advance Auto Parts is looking for an ideal can- didate with automotive and parts look-up experi- ence and knowledge of vehicles' systems. Strong nfn/rq 7Ainnal TILE SETTER Must pii'n'io/' iai n.-'. .t. have own tools & experi- skills. Daytime hours with ence. 407-872-7755. occasional weekends. CC0303-0324 PAR 32 Excellent starting salary & full benefits package, REPAIR PLUMBER with including insurance, 401 years experience. Must (K), vacation. 407-405- have own tools. Good 8957. pay. 407-872-7755. C031 o ADV 32 CC0303-0324 PAR 32 MULTI-CULTURAL licensed barbers. Salary HOUSEKEEPER need- commission or booth ed. Contact Trinity Bap- rental in busy Pinehills tist Church. 407-886- shop. Call Chris 407-222- 2966. 5099. B0310-0317 TRI 32 c0303.0324 CHI 32 CARPENTERS & car- FLOOR MAINTENANCE enters' helpers. Must FT. Experienced. 5 year ave tools, experience & minimum.$9/hourtostart. transportation. Call 407- Apply by phone 9 a.m.-11 889-3186. a.m. 407-814-0509. D 1CC0310 SMI 32 CC0310-0331 TOP 32 MAILROOM specialist HIGH SCHOOL GRADS for a Fortune 500 com- Interested in worldwide pany in Apopka. Third & travel? We have job open- first shifts available. $10 wings in welding, mechan- an hour includes week- ics, and engineering with ends. Monarch. 352-874- paidtraining, medical ben- 05129. 10 MON32 efits. Between ages 17- ______ 31MN32 34. Call 1-800-342-8123. BARN HELP-Parttime& oCo0310EDE32 full time available. Previ- AUTO REPAIR techni- ous horse experience re- cian. Experienced. Mon- quired. Must speak En- day-Friday. Must have glish. 407-886-1955. diag. skills. Good pay. 80310-0331 ERR 32 407-448-9989. MAINTENANCE/ B0310-0331 CEN32 grounds. Apopka mobile home park. Call 407-886- 6511. CC0310-0331 ROC 32 1 r GREENHOUSE HELP needed. Work while your children are in school. Pull DOUBLE YOUF orders, fill pots, staple to- tems, etc. Great pay, great . hours. 407-886-7880. Builder B0310-0331 CR0 32 NEED MEDICAL secre- Fastest G tary. Experienced pre- ferred. Non-smoker. Maxi- mum 4 day work week. Fax resume to 407-886- 9806. A0310-0331 MOR 32 82. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 43. Mortgages Wanted 60. ----- MERCHANDISE DRIVERS CLASS "A" LOOKING FOR A loving CDL. Deliver nursery person to work with the products. Call Tom 800- elderly. Non-smoker. 953-0300. 407-339-1568. CC0310-0331 AME 32 CC0224-0317 JOH 32 MACHINERY PAINTING WELDERS MIG, TIG, with conventional spray print experience. Good equipment. Some expen- pay, benefits. Full time encerequired.Shopmain- days. Shopwork. 407- tenance. Full time. Good 299-1592. pay/benefits. DFWP. 407- CC0310-0331 AGR 32 299-1592. CC0310-0331 AGR 32 GENERAL LABORER 33. Part -Time Help for local nursery. Monday- Wanted Friday, 7-5 p.m. Must speak English. 407-886- 2036. B0310 BEN 32 BODY TECH 10 years experience. Must have tools. High volume shop. Benefits. 407-292-5579. W0310-0331 RRC 32 FULLTIME LAWN main- tenance. Experience re- quired. $8 per hour with performance raises. 407- 884-9086. C0310SAM 32 PINCH-A-PENNY is cur- rently hiring store clerk for 20 to 30 hours per week. Weekends a must. Must be 18 and able to lift 50 Ibs. Apply 1685 N. Rock Springs Road, Apopka. B0310-0331 PIN 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE personnel. Good pay & incentives. Apopka area. Contact Bill. 321-624- 9442. CC0310-0331 AME 32 40. FINANCIAL 41. Business Opportunities A CASH COW! 90 vend- Ing machine units. You OK locations. Entire business, $10,970. Hurryl 800-836- 3464. #B02428. CC0310 SUC 41 VENDING MACHINES for sale. $750 each. Many on location. Great part time cash. Leon. 407-461 - 4127. B0303-0324 DUS 41 Are you tired of being BROKE? Earn immediate income. No experience required. Local Training Call today! Angela Harris \ 407-448-5902 / INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! s Lots Available in the - rowing Areas in Florida SPRICIN OPENING NOVEMBER 2006. THE Ww OF DAYTONA BEACH. The Ultra-Luxurious Oceanfront Condominium with Concierge Services and Golf & Spa Privileges. Oceanfront Pool with Sun Terraces and Lush Gardens Ultra-Luxury 2 and 3 Bedroom residences with Fireplace, Panoramic View Balconies, Gourmet Kitchens and Designer Baths. Sales Reach For the Stars Claim Your $2,000 Signing Bonus! And Elevate the Quality of Life of Everyone You See! Here are the Top "10" Reasons Why Our Sales Reps Love Us! 10. Company Paid Health-Benefits 9. Weekly Pay 8. No Slow Seasons 7. Management Opportunities 6. Inflation Proof Product 5. Recognized Household Name 4. 2-3 Pre-Set Quality Appts. Daily 3. Interested Hot Prospects 2. High as $50 per Completed Presenta- tion 1st 90 Days 1. $2,000 Signing Bonus. Here's $243.864.41 in "50" Weekly Comm. Checks Paid to Our High Earners in "2005" $7203.22, $645735,$6086.83,$5823.25,$5716.49,$5521.42,$5493.00, $5482.26, $5421.31.$5394.27,$5378.50,$5373.15,$5365.70,$5288.05, $5261.10, $525907, $5229.19.$5118.12,$5080.90,$5069.42,$5018.81,$5012.17, $490132,$4884.47,$4815.03,$4808.71,$4733.24,$4663.08,$4661.61, $4661.57. $4604.93, $4547.00, $4395.50, $4387.75. $4387.13, $4293.64, $4273.48, $4246.54, $4239.96, $4237.70, $4194.40, $4193.59, $4152.49, $4148.29,$4139.60,$4112.01, $4084.87,$4054.40,$4024.24,$3964.28. To Claim Your $2,000 Signing Bonus Free Info & Program Details Call Catherine McFarland at: (888)563-3188. Hunting HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Whitetail, Buffalo, Wild Boar. Our season: now- 3/31/06. Guaranteed license, $5.00 trophy in two days. No-Game/No- Pay policy. Days (314)209-9800; evenings (314)293-0610. Legal Services DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one signature re- quired! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. ARRESTED? All Criminal Defense Felonies..Misdemeanors, State or Federal Charges, Parole...Probation, DUI...Traffic Tickets, Bond Reduc- tion. PRIVATE ATTORNEYS STATEWIDE 24 HOURS A-A-A AT- TORNEY REFERRAL SERVICE (800)733-5342. Miscellaneous "CHRIST IS ALL." If you have Christ, you have everything. Without Jesus Christ, you have absolutely nothing. Read a life-changing book at: WWW.CHRIST-IS-ALL.US. EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job Placement. Computer provided. Finan- cial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onlinetidewatertech.com. Real Estate * LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Sold! Liow Down / E-Z Financing Free Catalog (800)937-1603 WWW.LANDAUCTION.COM MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE(877)837-2288 EXIT REALTY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROPERTIES www.exiltmurphv.com. ST. PETERSBURG CONDOS < Resident Owned. 55+, No Rentals or Pets, Many Activities/Amenities. I Bedroom from $65.900; 2 Bedroom from$89.900.Call Elaine King,Panache Realty,(727)525-9018,(727)321- 5028. MOUNTAINS OF NORTH GA. The Very Best of Riverfront, Lakefront, Acreage Tracts. Building Parcels From I to 195 Acres Direct From Owners (706)276-7773. North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community 1.5 acres plus. 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts. 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. Waterfront Land Sale! Direct Waterfront Parcels from only $9,900! 2 acres dockable with Log Cabin Pkg. from $89,900! 4.5 acres dockable waterfront only $99,900! All properties are new to the market! Call toll- free (866)770-5263 ext, 8. Lakefront and Lakeview Properties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake. Call Lakeside Realty at (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesidcreallv-ln.conm. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes,Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy. N.C. 28906. www.reallvofmunhv.com. Call today 1-866-741-8317 www.oceanvistasdayrona.com BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA, WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WEST- ERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes,Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Chero- kee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate. Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealty.com Call for Free Brochure (800)841- 5868. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? Invest in rural acreage throughoutAmerica; coastal, mountain, waterfront properties. 20 to 200 acres. FREE, monthly Special Land Reports: wwwland-wanted.com/sw. NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on mountain top in gated community, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access, $119.500 owner (866)789-8535 www.NC77.com. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE Gated mountain community bordering a large lake. Spectacular views. Community boat ramp, private boat slips. Between Chattanooga & Knoxville. Call today (866)292-5769. Gates of the River. TN WATERFRONT MOUNTAIN PROPERTY Scenic homesites sur- rounding Lake Barkley. 1 to 6 acre view sites & 5 to 40 acre privacy sites from the $40's. 90 min to Nashville. Grand opening of Phase II coming soon! Call (866)339-4966. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA ACREAGE Private, gated mountain commu- nity with over 4 miles of riverfront. 1 to 8+ acres from the $60s. Incredible views! Custom community lodge with mountain spas, riverwalk. Call (866)292-5762. Bear River Lodge. WATERFRONT BARGAINS! Lake Access from $202/month!* Direct Lakefront starting at $99.900! ONE DAY ONLY LAND SALE! SATUR- DAY, MARCH 25, 2006 Just 20 minutes from Augusta, GA Excellent financing available Call today for an early appointment! (888)LAKE- SALE x 1030 *Based on purchase price of $39,900 w/ 10% down, fixed rate of 6.75% for 5 yrs, 15-year term w/balloon payment due at the end of 5 yrs. Terms and rates subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. Western New Mexico- 20 Acres Starting at $39,990 Scenic region, Views, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Family retreat, hunting property or year round home. Power, 100% financing. NALC (866)365-2825. INVESTMENT or RECREATIONAL Properties in the BEAUTIFUL STATE 6F GEORGIA. Contact PeachSlate at (866)300-7653 or Visit our Property For Sale Section at www.rubuvinerealestate.com GAL 2550. NEW TO MARKET! DEEP WATER LOTS Beautifully situated on 50 acres with 2,800 feet of magnificent frontage on Battery Creek in Beaufort, SC. Offering deep waterfront dockable, tidal creek and privacy wooded lots starling from $59,900 Call (877)929-2837. WATERFRONT! 2 acres +/- $159900. Gorgeous acreage, great views, pristine shoreline & deep boatable water! Near Bath NC. Enjoy access to ICW, Sound, Atlantic. Paved road, underground utilities, well water, septic approved. Excellent financing. By appointment only. Call now (800)732.6601 x 1497. LargeMtn. Land Bargains,High Elevation.Adjoins PristincStatc Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC.Sweeping Min.Views,Streams.www .liveinwv.com. Steel Buildings BUILDING SALE! "Rock Bottom Prices!" 20x30 Now $4100. 25x40 $6200. 30x50 $9,800. 40x80 $18,400. Extensive range of sizes and models. Ends/accessories optional. Pioneer (80{1)668-5422. Travel CRUISE- 7 NIGIITS, EASTERN CARIBBEAN. Brand new ship sailing r/t from Ft. Lauderdale November 2006- March 2007. From $499 (port taxes included) with FREE BUS! (800)741-1770.www.Iallaboardlnirvel.coml. ARC Exempt. Vacation Rentals DESTIN, FLORIDA. Directly on tile Water, NEW Boutique lHotel. Harbor Beach, Pool. Steps to Finest Restaurants. Minutes to Gulf, Golf. Shopping. Introductory Rate.www.innondeslinharbor.iom (800)874-0470. Wanted To Buy Wanted to Buy: Lincoln Wheat Cents and Old Coins. Single coins, accumulations, entire collections. Littleton Coin Company Since 1945. Call (800)581-2646, e-mail coinbuy@littletoncoin.com. Mention code BRK720. 44. Miscellaneous FOR SALE 50. ANIMALS & 61. Appliances, Large LIVESTOCK------ LIVESTOCK 82. Appliances, Small 51. Horses 63. Farm Supplies & 52. Pets Equipment LIVESTOCK FENCING, AQUARIUMS Salt & poultry wire, field fence, fresh. Also live rock & barbwire, hardwarecloth. fish. Reptile tanks, all Pressure treated post & equipment new & used. poles (20 yr. warranty). 407-924-2789. Split and full rail fencing. CC0310.-0331 WES 52 Call Ryans Lumber at TONS OF KITTENS All 407-886-3141. colors. First shots, JA0310-0317RYA63 wormed, Advantage. $40 TRACTOR: FORD 801 - adoption fee includes 5' bush hog, 5' grader spay/neuter. Please bring blade, 5' cycle bar. Good pet carrier. Cat Protection condition. $3,500. 407- Society. 1-352-735-2287. 889-8700. E0310-0331 GAU 52 C0224-0317 DUN 63 ADORABLE BABY bun- 64. Foll For Sal8 nies. Small size from $104. Fage For Sal to $20. 407-389-1620. W0303-0324 DAO 52 65. Furniture MANY USED aquariums BED, $150. ALL NEW instock.200gallonsdown queen, no-flip pillow-top to 10 gallons. Give us a set. 5 year warranty. 407- call. 407-889-9887. 831-1322. B0224-0324 SEA 52 CC0224-0317 GRU 65 53. Miscellaneous POOLTABLE-Gorgeous 8 professional series, PET CARE Pet Care decorative legs, leather Center of Apopka. Rock pockets, oversized 1" 3- Springs Road & Ponkan. pieceslate, accessory kit, Full service. Bloodwork, balls, lifetime warranty. x-rays. Always caring for New, in crate. Retail your familypet. 407-884- $4,000. Must sell $1,250. 8924. 407-831-1322. J N0303-0310 TFN PET 53 CC0224-0317 GRU 65 82. Help Wanted 32. Helop Wanted 32. Help Wanted www.3StepDivorce.com Provided by 3StepDivorce.com Learn more at our website or call us at 1-800-680-9052 Complete & ready for filing only $299 only 2 9 9 100% guaranteed or your money back (flat fee) NOTICE! If you have a HOME MORTGAGE with SunTrust, Bank of America, Wells Fargo or Wachovia Mtg Cos. Market Research Co. is seeking customers to participate in an independent study of customer service levels in the aforementioned Mtg Cos. telephone call center. Earn $$ for each completed evaluation- Absolutely No Selling! Absolutely NO Account Information collected! Call Toll Free: 1.866.451.5020 or Email: banksurveyl@yahoo.com State: Name, Address, Telephone Number and Mortgage Co. affiliation to receive your information packet. (Mortgage company employees and their families are excluded.) LAID-OFF RECENTLY? As the world's busiest trucking company, Schneider National's business is growing and we're hiring. * Experience rewarded but not required SCompany- aid CDL training for qualified candidates $34,500-$7,500 (depending on experience) * * Teams can earn more than $125,000/yr * Immediate benefits for experienced drivers * Sign-on bonus may apply Apply Online @ schneiderjobs.com Or call 1-800-44-PRIDE (1-800-447-7433) SCHNEIDER. Home Loans b)A'.U RATE F I N A NAC C IN C. Getting You Straight Answersl 100% Financing Available! Purchase / Refinance / Equity Line of Credit Bad Credit / No Credit OK! Foreign Nationals CALL US FOR A FREE APPLICATION! Toll Free 1-866-784-4445 Local 407-249-3202 www.accuratefinance.com 2716 S. Chickasaw Trail, Orlando,FI 32829 Call J.G. Wentworth's Annuity Purchase Program 866-FUND-549. J.G.WENTWORTH. ANNUITY PURCHASE PROGRAM 65. Furniture MATTRESS SET-NASA technology. Visco mem- ory foam as seen on TV/ mall. Brand new, in plastic with manufacturer's war- ranty. Cost $1,599. Must. sell, $595.407-331-1941. CC0224-0317 GRU 65 FUTON SOLID WOOD mission-style arms, extra nice foam layered pad. All brand new. $250. 407- 331-1941. CC0224-0317 GRU 65 SPA PORTABLE, fiber- optic waterfall, therapy jets, cup holders, molded seats. Brand new with fac- tory warranty. $1,995. 407-339-0678. CC0224-0317 GRU 65 MOVING BEDROOM suit. Dresser & 2 night stands, $300. Armoire, $100. Chest of drawers, $80. Dining setwith hutch, tiletoptable, white & ratu- ral wood, $400. Couch & coffee table & endtables, matching, $100. Nego- tiable. 321-277-4464. CC0310 TRO 65 6 PIECE upholstered pa- tio furniture. chairs, table, chaise. $100. 407-814- 8138. C0303-0310 SPI 65 BED QUEEN SIZE, wood frame, box spring & mattress. 1 year old. Can deliver. $300. 407-884- 8352. CC0310 BOT 65 The Waggoners Trucking-Established 1951 Now Recruiting drivers for our SE Auto Transport Division. Drivers must have a valid Class A CDL, 1 year and 100K verifiable OTR miles. Stable work history and clean MVR is a must. Great Pay, Great Benefits,_Matching 401K. Contact Susan or John at (866) 413-3074 EOE kl.. The Apopka Chief, March 10, 2006, Page 17B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 65. Furniture BREAKFAST FABLE, black marblized top and 4 chairs. Excellent condi- tion. $75. 407-886-9245. B0310 WAL 65 LARGE COUCH 7 feet long, 3 rubber cushions, $75. Restorcraft hide-a- bed. Sleeps two. $100. 407-814-7909. C0310 RUS 65 68. Garage Sales ERROL ESTATE Multi- family sale. Friday & Sat- urday, March 10 & 11, 8 a.m.- ? Lots of great items. 2109 Lake Marion Drive. W0310 SLA 66 GARAGE SALE Friday & Saturday, March 10 & 11,9 5 p.m. New & used tools, household items, refrigerator, ladies' & men's bicycles, men, women & children's cloth- ing, new E-Mach monitor & Cannon printer, and much more. 5528 Pine Street, Tangerine. C0310 NIC 66 YARD SALE Thursday & Friday, March 9 & 10. Behind Mullinax Ford, off 436, Apopka. 8 a.m. ? W0310 EAK 66 APOPKA MOVING sale Saturday, 11-5 p.m., Sun- day, 12-5 p.m. 5248 Katie Lynn Drive, Kelly Park Hills N. Furniture, clothes, ap- pliances, adult potty chair & wheelchair, hundreds of paperbacks, baby items & miscellaneous. CC0310 RAI 66 MULTI-FAMILY Satur- day, 8 1 p.m. 1639 Golfside Village Court, Errol. Furniture, yard equipment, small appli- ances, VHS videos, mis- cellaneous. CC0310 VAN 66 70. Miscellaneous HOTTUB/SPA-5 person lounger. 5 H.P., 24 jets, redwood cabinet. Never used. Waranty. Retail $4,500. Sacrifice $1,450. 407-812-5624. CC0303-0324 JOH 70 NASCAR, Earnhardt, Gordon, Stewart, $50. Flea market lot, $45.407- 889-8654. C0303-0310 FIN 70 1991 GAS POWERED 4- wheel golf cart. Looks & runs good. $900.407-702- 3519. W0310 GON 70 BROYHILL HUTCH, $300. Large wicker TV cabinet, $200. Loveseat with two recliners, $300. Large rocking chair, $100. white wrought iron baker's stand, $65. Gas BBQ, $65. Haywood pool vac, $130. 407-886-4323. CC0310-0331 JEN 70 AMANA MICROWAVE, 4 dining chairs, beige, mir- ror, stand-up, 2 camper chairs, 3 winter coats, like new. 407-884-8712. C0310 JAC 70 ROCKING CHAIR WITH stool to match, almost new, $30. Snapper lawn mower, 3.5, $50. Call 407- 886-0203. C0310 POS 70 MAYTAG WASHER & dryer, $65 each. Tele- phone wire, 300 feet, & DSS and dish. 407-884- 0246. C0310 JOR 70 3 ALUMINUM SHEDS 4 sale. 12X36, $800. 6X8, $200.6X6, $200. Call 407- 814-8206. CC0310-0331 OGL70 COMMERCIAL drafting/ drawing table. $95. 321- 689-5898. C0310-0317 HUG 70 I THREE STAR 71. Jewelry FLEA MARKET 72. Computers/ "A REAL Flea Market" Electronics Sat. & Sun./Rain or Shine A A, S. Apopka *.' 1 1** 3 moiO 80. 407-293-2722 TRANSPORTATION 87. Musical instruments 81. Autos For Sale $500! HONDAS FROM 68. Nursery Supplies $500! Fords, Chevys, Jeeps, Toyotas and more. 69. Sporting Goods Police impounds. For list- ings. 800-749-8116, ext. HUNTING, FISHING & 4119. camping supplies & ap- CC000217-0310 BAR 81 parelforthewholefamily. 1998 CHEVY MONTE Large selections to CarloZ-34.Leather,3800 choose from. Mosquito eng. (all power) disc, Creek Outdoors, 170 S. sunroof. 56,000K, cream Washington Avenue, cor- puff. Blue book $6,500. nerof441 &Washington. Asking $5,900 OBO. In 407-464-2000.An$0 80 N0303-0310TFN MOS69 Zellwood Station. 1-678- 779-1822. 70. Miscellaneous C0217.0310 HAV 81 1979 JEEP CJ-7 Re- USED TIRES, SETS OF movable hardtop, straight 4, mounted & balanced. 6. Sold as is. $3,800. Call As low as $60/set. Spares Paul 407-448-0941. only $5. McGee Tire, 130 co303-0324 WEB 81 E. 7th Street. 407-889- 9250. 1983 TOYOTA Cressida. A0310-0331 TFN MCG 70 Original paint. Runsgreat. Needs transmission. CORRUGATED STEEL $1,895. 407-886-1666. roofing for barns, boat CC0303-0310 FAU 81 docks, shops, etc. Also culvert pipe, 15"x20'. 1997 FORD T-BIRD LX, 18"x20'. Call for prices, fully loaded. Looks & runs Surplus Steel & Supply, great. Needs tune-up. Inc., Apopka. 407-293- $1,800 OBO. 407-702- 5788. 3519. 80310-0331 TFN SUR 70 W0310 GON 81 HURRICANE SUPPLIES 1990 VOLVO GOOD Lanterns, LED lights, working condition, 165K weather radios & much miles, needs paint. more. Mosquito Creek $1,490. 407-786-0629. Outdoors, 170 S. Wash- 00310-0331 SHA 81 ington Avenue, Apopka. 1987 GRAND MARQUIS Corner of 441, just south Good motor & body. Bad of 429 Interchange. 407- transmission. $500. 321 - J N0303-0310 TFN MOS 70 C0310 MAC 81 FLOORING HUGE se- 1987 HONDA ACCORD elections. Stinson Carpet 4-door, 5 speed. One. Serving Apopka 102,000K miles. $1,850. since 1968. Great prices. 321-689-5898. Excellent service. 2188 E. 00310-0331 HUG 81 Semoran Boulevard. 407- 889-4128. 82 Boats For Sale 8 J N0303-0310 TFN STI 70 82. Boats FOr Sale ROOFING SUPPLIES NEW BOAT T-TOP for Shingles, accessories, sale. 3x5 top, 5 rocket Large quantities. Always launchers, cut outs for available. Competitive outriggers, 2 king rigs. In- J pricing. Delivery available. eludes crows nest. Paid Homeland Distributing, $2,500. Will sell $1,850 1839 S. O.B.T., Apopka. OBO. 407-832-9955. 407-410-0196. E0310-0331 KEC82 SJ N0303-0310 TFN HOM 70 ROLL-UP DOORS - Commercial grade, galvallum metal, 8 feet wide, 7feettall. $150each. Installation available. 321- S 287-3039. *' W0217-0310 DAN 70 AUTHENTIC CAJUN recipes. 1-888-209-3420. f CC0217-0310 LED 70 2200 FT. 1/2 INCH PVC irrigation pipe. No print. No bells. $100. 407-889- 3900. CC0224-0317 KCP 70 A PRIDE JET 3 power chair. New batteries, red, Like new. $1,200 OBO. 407-880-0123. CC0303-0324 HOL 70 1975 Arrow Glass Custom Design boat. 15'2", 50HP Mercury O.B., on new B&G galvanized trailer. Many options including motorguide trolling motor, Hummingbird Depth Finder. Garage kept, very clean.. many extras vest, anchors, top, full cover. Ready to Fish. Only $3995. Call 407-889-7989 APOPKA AUTO UPHOLSTERY 48 W, 4th Street, Apopka, FL (Behind Discount Auto) (407) 889-0011 27 Years Experience Chalen &Pau Fizgral,.ones 82. Boats For Sale 112. Home 121. Prolesslonal 12 FOOT V-HULL BOAT 2004 Yamaha 4 stroke, trailer. $1,250 0BO. 407- 880-4093 or 321-439- 6046. C0303-0324 HOW 82 BOAT MOTOR, 18 H.P. Evinrude. Electric start, runs good but is olderthan you are. $275. 407-293- 2426. CC0310-0331 REE 82 83. Motorcycles For Sale 1999 YAMAHA ATV - Banshee. 350 twin. Some upgrades. $3,000 firm or trade for Yamaha YZ250 or Kawasaki KX250. 407- 702-3519. W0310 GON 83 84. Recreational Vehicles 1999 26 FT. ULTRA Gulfstream Class C M.H. 25K miles. Excellent con- dition. 2 slides. New tires, batteries. $30,000. 407- 880-4557. C0224-0317 WEY 84 2005 HOLIDAY Rambler, toy hauler. 35 1/2 foot 5th wheel. 5.5 KW generator, slide-out, electric magic bed, all options, garaged. Lists over $52K. Priced $34,200. 407-886-7653. CC0303-0324 FRE 84 86. Trucks For Sale 1978CHEVYTOW truck. Sling type. Old but used daily. $1,500 OBO. 407- 260-4635. CC0224-0317 MAC 86 87. Vans For Sale DO IT YOURSELF PEST control products. 435 W. Main Street, corner of Main & Bradshaw, Apo- pka. All Seasons Pest Control. Order in store or visit Web site at www.allspc.com. 407- 886-0204. J N0303-0310 TFN ALL 112 ADVERTISE YOUR le- gal services here next week. Call The Planter and The Apopka Chief. 407-886-2777. ART CLASSES AT THE Apopka Museum. 4 week acrylic painting class in March, ages 12+. Colored pencil workshop for kids 6-12 March 18. For de- PEST CONTROL Resi- tails/registration, 407-865- dential, commercial. Of- 9816. fering roach, ant, flea & 00224.0317 SUM 121 termite protection. One LICENSED MORTGAGE time, quarterly, annually, broker. Good interest All Seasons Pest Control, rates. Call Edna 407-353- 435 W. Main Street, Apo- 9957. Hablo Espanol. pka. 407-886-0204. CC0303-0324 QUI 121 J N0303-0310 TFN ALL 112 122. Trade 113. Landscaping 130. RAILROAD CROSS ties, lumber & building materi- als. Ryan Brothers, Inc., 210 E. 5th Street, Apo- pka. 407-886-3141. J A0310-0317 RYA 113 ADVANTAGE Lawn- care. Cut, trim & edge, $20 & up. Licensed & in- sured. Free estimates. No contracts required. 407- 880-7948. CC0310-0331 TFN ADV 113 LAWN CARE Repair lawn mowers, pressure washing, debris hauling, sod. Call Harold Gullins. 321-299-7199. CC0303-0324 GUL 113 Foley's Lawn Care for all your lawn care maintenance Free Estimates call Jim 407-761-0625 (cell) 88. Transportation 114. Professional For Hire HOME enhancements. Interior, exterior, painting, 89. Trailers For Sale drywall, wood work & etc. Free estimates. Reason- able rates. Call 407-770- 90. 3322. AUTOMOTIVE C0217-0310 MAR 114 COMPUTER REPAIR - Home or business. Fast 91. Automotive turn-around. Manage- ment Solutions. Offering Repair & Parts years of professional ser- vice & knowledge. 404W. RUSSELL Automotive. Main Street, Apopka. 407- Complete auto service for 410-0013. 24 years. 1/4 mile north of J N0303-0310 TFN MAN 114 Maitland Boulevard (414) onO.B.T.7:30-5:30p.m. EXECUTIVE house- Monday-Friday.407-298- keeper. 20+ years experi- 2853. ence seeking regular SJA0310-0317 RUS 91 weekly clients. Impec- cable references. 407- CENT. FLORIDA AUTO 506-2527. Repair. Established auto 00217-0310 CAS 114 repair offers complete auto service for personal & fleet. Reputation is . earned not given! 1779 -\) Horace Mann S. Orange Blossom Trail, >- Eid,,ed Rin a so l.o,, across from Wal-Mart Super Center, Apopka- Helping school employees Call 407-880-8221. J A0310-0317 CEN 91 with insurance and SHEELER AUTO Repair retirement planning. offers complete automo- tiveservice. Family owned Call Vaughan Snyman at & operated. 710 S. Or- 407-884-4888 ange Blossom Trail, Apo- for a free policy estimate pka, behind Papa Johns' Pizza. Easy entrance from Sheeler Road. 407-880- 115. Elderly Care 5784. E A0310-0317 SHE 91 116. Miscellaneous 92. Auto Accessories TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- TRAILER HITCH for Dodge minivan. Every- thing included. $85 OBO. 407-832-9955. E0310-0331 KEC 92 83. Auto Detailing 84. Miscellaneous 110. SERVICES 111. Child Care INFANTS 12 YEARS old. Qualified teachers. Clean, safe & secure en- vironment. Flexible hours. Accredited Seal Center. 407-889-3026. J N0310-0317 TFN APO 111 CHILD CARE FUN, lov- ing, caring environment. Infant, toddler preschool. Before & afterschool care. Wekiva Child Care. 2333 Highway 436. 4C ac- cepted & Florida Volun- tary Pre-K program. 407- 889-4300. J N0303-0310 TFN WEK 111 CHILD CARE IN MYApo- pka home. Lakeville area. Great references. Family oriented. English speak- ing. 407-616-9595. W0224-0317 LOW 111 GLAD TIDINGS Pre- school currently enrolling K-2, K-3, K-4 students. Please call 407-656-4140. FLOCS #9049. W0203-0324 GLA 111 CHILD CARE IN MY Sheeler Oaks home. Mon- day Friday. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 407-461-6417. C0217-0310 ROO 111 fic ticket classes, first time driver classes. All ages. Road test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, across from city park. 407- 880-6003. J N0310-0317 TFN CIT 116 GARAGE DOORS- Resi- dential & commercial. Pro- fessional, dependable, trustworthy. Over 25 years of service. Family owned & operated. J.B. Mathews Co., 2036 Apex Court, Apopka. 407-656-1289. J N0303-0310 TFN JBM 116 JUNK 2 DUMP Garage & shed clean-out. Furni- ture, appliances, yard waste, rental properties. Light delivery service. Please call407-310-9437. CC0224-0317 GRE 116 117. Cemetery Property HIGHLAND MEMORY Gardens, Apopka. Gar- den of Peace. 2 spaces. Value $2,600 each. One vault, $1,300. Sell for $3,969 OBO. Ray. 813- 486-5842. CC0217-0310 RIM 117 120. SCHOOLS 121. Professional TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- fic ticket classes, first time driver classes. All ages. Road test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, across from city park. 407- 880-6003. J N0303-0310 TFN CIT 121 LQuality Tile Installation ,, '': 0 T l :-.I .^ i..p:r l:r , REAL ESTATE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimina- tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fa- milial status, or national origin, or intentionto make any such preference, limi- tation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly ac- cept any advertising for real estate which is in vio- lation of the law. All per- sons are hereby informed that all dwellings adver- tised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 131. Vacant Land BEAUTIFULVACANT lot in Silver Spring Shores, Ocala. 1/4 acre. New homes in area. $40,000. 407-886-9637. CC0303-0324 PAY 131 ROYALTRAILS, EUSTIS Main entrance, beautiful trees on one acre lot, ready to build. Backs up to state preserves. $102,500.407-620-0939. W0310-0331 APO 131 132. Condominiums For Sale 133. Homes For Sale ERROL ESTATE Beau- tiful completely updated executive home in coun- try club setting. Located on the 2nd hole overlook- ing a lake. 4BR/3BA, screened pool, new roof, new paint in & out, new carpet & tile. Bathrooms totally redone. Just re- duced. $539,700. Gary Wiepking, Lighthouse Properties of America. 407-782-4973. CC0310-0331 LIG 133 APOPKA DOWNTOWN 205 S. Highland Avenue. 2BR/1BA, 2 car. Range price $179,000-$199,000. Completely remodeled, new kitchen cabinets, smartly decorated, fenced ard. Seller motivated. ake offer. Southern Re- alty Enterprises. Call Jack Lanier at 407-924-2572. CC0217-0310 LAN 133 3 BEDROOM foreclosure! Priced to sell. $19,900. For listings, call 800-749- 8124, ext. B-593. CC0217-0310 BAAAR 133 WEKIVA MANOR con- crete block, 3BR/1BA. 1,177 sq. ft. CH/A, new roof, double carport plus additional buildable lot. All fenced. $269,900. 407- 973-2634. W0217-0310 BAL 133 APOPKA SUN Resorts. One bedroom. Asking $39,900. Dax Sursely. 321-947-4373. Lou Haubner Realty. B0217-0310 LOU 133 INVESTORS ONLY-Two 3BR/2BA homes next door to each other. Ap- praised at$135,000 each. Sell for $260K. Seller held second mortgage for $50,000. Currently rents for $2,000 monthly. 407- 880-7875. .W0224-0317 HUR 133 LICENSED MORTGAGE broker. Good interest rates. Call Edna 407-353- 9957. Hablo Espanol. CC0303-0324 QUI 133 133. Homes For Sale SELL YOUR HOUSE, as is at a fair price on the date of your choice. We buy houses & land. Call 407- 889-5733. W0303-0324 BRO 133 3BR/2BA, ONE ACRE, fenced, carport, out build- ings. Rock Springs Road. $315,000.321-228-3015, Tony. "W0310-0331 BAS 133 134. Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 1985 FLEETWOOD - 26x56 doublewide 3 bed- rooms, 2 full baths, 9x16 screened porch. On pond, backyard fenced. 9x10 shed. Reduced price $37,000. Rock Springs Mobile Home Park. 321- 299-4257. Ask for Tony. CC0310-0331 BOW 135 APOPKA-SINGLEWIDE with addition. 4 bedrooms, unattached 8x12 office. Finished irrigation system also. $15,000. 407-580- 1794. C0310-0331 HAW 135 2BR/1 BA MOBILE home for sale. Palm Isles mo- bile home55+ park in Apo- pka. Great location. Must sell. $15,000. 352-406- 0728. cC0303-0324 EIN 135 FOR SALE 1997 Nobil- ity double wide mobile home located at Brightwood Manor. All appliances stay, included: washer, dryer. Fenced yard, deck, storage shed, extra storage with screened patio, large driveway. No money needed. Assume Vanderbilt loan. Payments $299 per month. Moving. Must sell. Located at 4989 Brightwood Boulevard. Manager home. Also manager wanted. Atten- tion: Bob. 407-886-4747 or 407-493-4037. CC0217-0310 KRO 135 APOPKA 2BR/2BA - Furnished. All Maytag appliances, pool. $29,000 OBO. Must see. Call Angelo. 407-814-1597. CC0224-0317 PER 135 DOUBLEWIDE -Elegant living in senior park of Palm Isles. Also units available in family park of Rock Springs. Call Mabel or Jessica at Exit Realty MobilTeam. Toll free 866- 221-3948 or 386-956- 0209. CC0224-0317 BER 135 1971 12X54 2BR/1BA Fully furnished. Excellent condition. Adult park. The Hills. Must be seen! 407- 886-8787. Asking $9,200. W0224-0317 OLS 135 HOMES OF MERIT- Built 2001. 28X48 2BR/2BA. New carpet, water heater & appliances. Carpeted sunroom, 3 car parking carport & shed. $78,000. 407-886-4484. C0310-0331 GRA 135 Oak Springs New & Pre-owned Homes for Sale. FINANCING AVAILABLE! 352-383-6810 S 6< LOOKING FORA GOOD DEAL? WE HAVE THE PERFECT HOME FOR YOU Homes starting at $6,000. We have Bank Repos, New Homes with Land. We can also sell your home with NO COMMISSION out of your pocket. Call Us At 407-592-1063 407-207-8921 407-207-2655 Spanish Lines 407-325-2213 407-299-5172 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 1979 FLEETWOOD 14X60, 2BR/2BA, fur- nished with sunroom & furniture. New carpet, 2 car carport & shed. $41,000. 407-886-4484. C0310-0331 GRA 135 136. Mobile Homes/ RVs For Sale PALM HARBOR Mobile Home. 55+ community. 2BR/2BA, screened porch, carport, utility room. $15,900. 407-880-6785. W0310-0331 HOA 136 MUST BE MOVED - 14X72 singlewide. 2BR/ 2BA, $10,000 OBO. Must see to appreciate. Call Linda for appointment. 321-689-4621. CC0217-0310 KOL 136 MUST SEE Renovated doublewide home in Apo- pka. 3BR/2BA, 55+ park. 407-889-0884. C0303-0310 ARE 136 SUN RESORTS 1995 Park model. 40'X12' with 30'X12' addition. 3BR/ 1BA, shed, W/D. Many extras. Large deeded lot. $58,500. 407-257-6232. W0303-0324 ANZ 136 APOPKA, SUN RESORT Trailer and lot #626.30X8 Coachman. AC and most furnishings. Lot 45X70, 6X8 shed. Concrete pad. Will considerselling sepa- rately. $23K OBO. CCO310-0317 HOP 136 VALENCIA ESTATES 55+ community. 2BR/ 2BA. Must see to appreci- ate. 14'X60', double roof, Florida room with win- dows. Completely fur- nished. Ready to move in. Nice furniture. Custom drapes, carpet. Heat pump, wahser & dryer. $24,900. 407-886-5350. C0310 JAC 136 137. Commercial Property For Sale APOPKA, 1.1 ACRES MOL. Zoned C-2. High- way 441. $650,000. Apo- pka, .82 acres MOL. oned C-1. 1st Street. $319,000. Florida Land Brokers. 407-323-5552. Licensed R.E. Broker.. D B0310-0331 TFN FLO 137 138. Homes To Share 1398. Apartments/ Condos For Rent APARTMENT Efficien- cies, $100/week. Apart- ment, $150/week. Also, housesfurnished & unfur- nished, weekly/monthly. 407-240-1188. TD CC0217-0310 REN 139 EFFICIENCY ON LAKE Furnished, A/C, tele- phone, TV. No deposit. Low weekly rates. 352- 383-4713. A0310-0331 TFN LAK 139 TAKING applications for lease on Airstream trailer with room addition, on lake. Preferrably older gentleman. $150/week. Everything furnished ex- cept gas. 407-376-7092. B0303-0324 SEM 139 ERROL ESTATE condo. 2BR/2BA single story with vaulted ceilings, eat-in kitchen, walk-in closets. Appliances included. Atrium, tile kitchen & bath. 1,107 living sq. ft. 1,528 gross sq. ft. $950/month. 407-886-1157. C0217-0310 RUS 139 140. Homes/Duplexes 142. Rooms For Rent For Rent GET RESULTS Adver-. tise your notice in this space next week. Call ,407-886-2777. 3BR/2BA, $15,500- Stop renting & buy own. For listings, call 800-749- 8124, ext. B-428. CC0217-0310 BAR 140 APOPKA 4BR/2BA - fenced yard. Call407-886- 4533. C0217-0310 COL 140 APOPKA- BIG 3BR/2BA 1 car garage, duplex. $950/month. $950 secu- rity. 407-947-6041 or407- 886-4538. C0303-0324 CLA 1- u 141. Mobile Homes or- Lots For Rent 3BR/2BAI STOP renting Buy $9,000. for listings, 800-749-8124, ext. 5581. CC0217-0310 BAR 141 SUN RESORT, Apopka. 2 bedroom mobile home. Gated community, pool, clubhouse. Available now. 352-223-8048. CC0310 HUG 141 SUN RESORT 31 foot unit, nice, with patio, aw- ning, yard. 1 bedroom. Ideal for 1 or 2 adults. $590/month. 321-277- 5889. W0310-0331 HUR 141 1 BEDROOM TRAILER Single person. $150 weekly. First& last moves you in! All utilities & cable included. No pets. 407- 230-9710. C0310 ROG 141 141-A. Manufactured Homes For Rent ZELLWOOD STATION 55 &over golf community. Newly remodeled. Fur- nished. Large 2BR/2BA, living, dining, family rooms, wet bar. Golf cart included. $1,000/month. 407-712-3543. 407-880- 1621. B031000331 THU 141A 142. Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Cable, utilities in- cluded. In home with pool! Lockhart area. $135/week plus deposit. 321-297- 5160. References re- quired. CC0310-0331 GRO 142 ROOM FOR RENT - Cable, W/D, share kitchen. Mustwork. smok- ers welcome. $110/week, first & last. 407-889-3792. B0217-0310 TFN ISB 142 ROOM FOR RENT-Nice neighborhood, pool, fire- place, W/D, pool table, kitchen/house privileges. $525 a month, $100 de- posit. Available now! 407- 523-1921 or 352-408- 2655. CC0310 BAI 142 ROOM FOR RENT in Wekiva Reserve, Apopka. Cable, W/D & kitchen privi- leges. Call 321-230-2236. W0224-0317 WIL 142 ROOM WITH HALF bath, cable, W/D, kitchen privi- leges. $135/week. First & last required. 407-496- 3582. C0310 LEA 142 CHRISTIAN MEN'S boarding house. Clean, private, cable, kitchen privileges, W/D. $110/ week and up. Rock Springs Road. 407-889- 9955. CC0310-0331 BUR 142 1438. Offices For Rent 144. Commercial Property for Rent ZONED C-3. Downtown Apopka. Approximately 970 sq. ft. 407-884-9090. W0303-0324 MAS 144 145. Real Estate Wanted 148. Exchange 147. Nurseries For Sale or Rent APOPKAAREA. Sheeler Rd., 60,000 sq. ft. green- house forlease. $2000 per month. Florida Land Bro- kers 407-323-5552. Li- censed R.E. Broker. D B0310-0331 FLO 147 NURSERIES FOR sale. Two 20X100. Two 28X100. Fans, beds, take it all for $3,000. 407-466- 4907. W0217-0310 BEL 147 NURSERIES FOR SALE Fans, beds, pipes, boiler. Take it all for $2,500.407- 310-6646. B0310-0331 APO 147 r-------------------- i Some of the LEGAL FORMS I that are available for purchase at AOS: Powers of Attorney 3-Day Eviction Notices Notices To Quit Warranty Deeds Promissory Notes Sale of Real Estate Contracts Quit Claim Deeds Leases, etc. A popka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32712 PH: 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 1 Hours: 8-5 M-F; 9-1 Sat. L J . L---- ------- -------- refi/purchase $400,000 for $1020 low payment options bk/bad credit ok save thousands 40=1613 Apopka C-1 Zoning Downtown Area re- model to your use. Plenty of Parking $173,500. Apopka 3/2 Block Home on Awesome Lot - Owner Motivated $235,000. Errol Estate Awesome Home on 14th green. Over 2300 sq. ft., 3/2.5, fireplace $400,000. Apopka Corner Lot Almost Full Acre 3/2, Family Room, Large Screen Patio, detached 2 car carport/workshop -fenced No HOA $320,000. Vacant Lot Almost 1 Acre Wooded build- able $125,000. Clermont Southridge -7/4 New Home - Never lived in 4,000 sq. ft. 3CG $414,900. Call Donita Harper: 407-889-6363 www.apopkarealty.com ..---.6 The Apopka Chief, March 10. 2006i. Page 18B CLASSIFIED Call 407-888-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 147. Nurseries For 147. Nurseries For Sale or Rent Sale or Rent Affordable new greenhouse structures, rolling benches, fans, wet pad systems and replacement pads. Contact Sam for a quote at PENANG INTERNATIONAL, INC. 407-886-2322 407-323-5552 We have many buyers. If you are considering selling your land, call usl! E-Mail: Joe or Vicky@flalandbrokers.com I ;c. Real Estate Broker Website: www.flalandbrokers.com'" Exit Realty Looking to buy or sell your home? Tri-County Let a professional do the work for you. IJulie Dolan-Casado J REALTOR If you would like to sell your Your Neighll rhood home, I will provide a home Y urN igh warranty ($360 value). Specialist You are reading one of Florida's oldest community newspapers, 8Sfbe .popka CH44ief. To Subscribe, call 407-886-2777 or come by our offices at 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka. We accept cash, check and credit cards. REAL ESTATE Buying or Selling a Denny shiver Home ?? "Let me help you." Igr.A* 7 IT IK M EXIT Real Estate Results www.dennyshiver.com Realtor FREE Home Warranty & Virtual Tour with all new listings. Get the professional marketing you deserve! www.rickbelben.com BEnUTEZ IELTY INC Gayle Brewer Linda Barr Jon Whiteley 407-920-6968 Plant Nursery fully operational on 4.6 acres, ready for new owners. $430,000. Call Today! Hair Salon Located in Seminole County in area of million dollar plus homes. Call for details. $65,000. Errol Estate Beautifully maintained and updated 3/2 home with over 2200 sq. ft., fp, 2 car side entry garage. Too many updates to list here. Call today! $383,900. Donna Krumwiede Realtor 321-363-6974 www.donnakrumwiede-realtor.com EXIT REAL ESTATE Opn HousRESULTS Errol Estate Lexington Club 949 Woodcraft Drive Beautiful 4 Bed/3Bath Pool Home! Saturday March 11, 11 am-2pm Sunday March 12, 1pm 4pm (Open House to be held if home still available) Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Nancy Hulburt Realtor - 321-277-4726 www.OrlandoNativeHomes.com S5ATLIRN *6 Mos. *'9 .0 15 P'rMo gels9 226 MoS Auto, A/C, Tilt, Stereo, More #152028A *3,990 One Owner, Leather, Loaded #853434Q *4,990 vni Saturn of Orlando/North 2725 S. Highway 17-92 SATLRN. 800-313-9224 (Local Call) See Our Entire www.saturnoforlando.com Inventory Online , Other convenient locations: Orlando/South Kissimmee S. OBT near FL Mall Hwy 192 near FL Turnpike SALES HOURS: MONDAY FRIDAY 9AM 8PM SATURDAY 9AM 7PM SUNDAYS 12NOON 5PM Photos for Illustration purposes only. All offers with approved credit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee and retailer-installed accessories extra. Additional warranty may affect final payment. Used car payments calculated at 5.99% APR with 10% down. Must have 720+ Beacon Score. Terms are 36-72 months depending on model year. Everyone that shops these Classified pages is part of a winning combination! Take a look at the inside pages for more listings! Make a deal! Be a winner! Call 407-886-2777 to place your ad Deadline: Monday at 5 p.m. I -- -'95 NIAZDA PROTEGE One Owner, Auto, Loaded #1 59697A $4,990 "079v'6-S-ATURN SLI SEDAN One Owner, 56K Miles, Auto, A/C, More #1698668 $4,490 r |