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Find out why this Northwest Orange County man is raising funds in the Apopka area. See page 6A. I I I II I IT Ii i iI .. . I *P`0 Bles C1popeka Covering the community in the 21st century Volume 83 Number 3 Mayor Land says Apopka is 'sound' Business leaders hear annual report. By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff The Apopka city govern- ment and the community of Apopka is "sound," Mayor John H. Land said Wednesday, January 18, during his annual State of the City address at the monthly membership luncheon of the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce at Errol Estate Country Club. Land began the talk by Land saying the city budget for the fiscal year 2005-2006 was $57,010,700. "It's one of the biggest budgets we've had," he said. The city now covers 30.37 square miles with a total population of 34,801. He went on to say that the millage rate has not increased in 11 years, staying at $3.7619 per $1,000. The mayor, then reviewed some of the city's accomplish- S ments in 2005. For the 22nd consecutive year, the city received a certificate of achievement in excellence for financial reporting by the Gov- ernment Finance Officers Asso- ciation for its comprehensive annual financial report. New technology updates allow online utility account access, automated permit system for scheduling and review of inspections and for Apopka to be the first city to electronically exchange build- ing permit information with the Orange County Property Appraiser's office. See REPORT Page 15A Apopkan fulfills lifelong dream with Rockettes By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff An Apopka High School. graduate recently fulfilled a dream she's had since she %was! three years old by becoming a member of the world-famous Radio City Music Hall Rockettes. Ash- ley deZeeuw, AHS Class of 1998, has been working toward becoming a pro- fessional dancer, in particular with the New York City-based Rockettes, since she was old enough to take deZeeuw dance lessons, she said. "That was my only option. That's all I ever wanted to do," she said. "That's definitely a hard route to take because there are a lot of people who want to make it as a professional dancer. It takes a lot of dedication and strength to pursue it. So far, it's been really good for me." She realized her ambition last Octo- ber when, after three years of auditioning, she was invited to join the Rock- ettes last season and performed in the dance troupe's many holiday pro- grams. Even as a child, deZeeuw worked hard to achieve her goal, taking basic classes in ballet and jazz. When she reached high school, she trained at Show- time Dance Studio five days a week for 4-6 hours a day. In addition to her regular classes, she also received one-on-one This picture, taken by her parents, shows Ashley deZeeuw (fourth from left) during her first performance late last year as a member of the world-famous Radio City Music Hall Rockettes. professional instruction and even flew to Los Angeles every other summer for further train- ing. "When I was in high school, I was really into competing, too," she said. In 1998, deZeeuw won the Miss Dance of Florida competi- tion. She also won several less- er-known titles including Miss Star Quest and Miss Show Biz. In 1995, she performed a duet with another girl on "Star Search," only to lose by a quar- ter of a star in the show's rating system to a group of nine-year- old boy dancers. After her high school grad- nation, deZeeuw continued her training at Florida State Univer- sity, where she graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in the- ater. Her parents, Mike and Jan- ice deZeeuw, who lived in Errol Estate for more than 20 years before moving to Eustis recent- ly, stood by her as she followed her dream, she said, even though it was a very difficult and expen- sive one. "I was very lucky. My parents were always by my side and supported everything I did. They were never pushy about See DREAM Page 15A Qualifying for 3 city political seats is January 23-27 Qualifying for the March 14 city elections will be open from noon on Monday, January 23, to noon on Friday, January 27. Candidates must return their filled-out qualifications papers, along with the filing fee, to the office of Jan Goebel, city clerk, at City Hall, 120 E. Main St., before noon on January 27. The three incumbents, Mayor John H. Land, and commissioners Billie Dean and Marilyn Ustler McQueen, all have declared their intentions to run for re-election and have opened bank accounts. Last week, Joe Canzoneri told The Apopka Chief that he plans to run for a City Council seat against Dean. Can- zoneri, a retired police officer from Chicago, is in charge of the seniors pro- gram for Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary. Canzoneri lives in Rock Springs Ridge. He is the only person to publicly state his intention to run for office. Dean was first elected in Decem- ber 1994 and began serving as a city commissioner on January 1, 1995. He is the lone black city commissioner and just the second in Apopka history. McQueen was first elected two years after Dean. She said the six weeks between qualifying and election day make it tough to reach all the voters in a growing Apopka. For the first time in city history, early voting will be held in an Apopka election. The early voting will be held for five days and will take place at the Leroy F. Gilliam Training Center, 176 E. Fifth St., across from the Apopka Fire Department's No. 1 fire station. Apopka residents will be able to cast their ballots Tuesday, March 7, through Saturday, March 11, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day at the Gilliam center. On March 14, Election Day, the polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., as usual. Goebel said that she is expect- ing to have the city election held at the new community building being con- structed at the corner of Fifth Street and Central Avenue, a little more than a block west of City Hall. The building will be the post home for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10147 of Apop- ka/Altamonte Springs. In addition, it will serve as a community center for public and private functions. A grand opening is scheduled for February 12. The qualifying fee for the mayor's position is $3,419.72 and the fee for the two commissioners' slots up for elec- tion will be $384, Goebel said. She added that 1 percent of each fee goes to the state and 3 percent of each fee is the city's filing fee. The remainder goes to cover a part of the cost of the elections. Candidates must pay the filing fee as there is no provision for qualifying by collecting signatures, as in state races. Schools were in the news in summer of 2005 Editor's note: This is the third of a four- part series reviewing the news events of Apopka for 2005 as reported in the pages of The Apopka Chief. It is com- piled by Richard Corbeil. This week cov- ers July, August, and September. By Richard Corbeil Apopka Chief Staff JULY Short of a court order, there is little chance that the Apopka High baseball coaches, Gavin Jones and Brian King, and athletic director Sonny Wise will be reinstated, stated Ron Blocker, superintendent of Orange County Public Schools ... Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School is getting a facelift during summer break, including a new chain link fence, landscaping, drainage and refinishing of gymnasium floors ...Winners of the Sertoma Club's Service to Mankind awards were Joan Alsup, Ed Conlan, and Becky Saville. Apopka High School announced it will begin a girls lacrosse team as a spring sport in 2006, joining a handful of Central Florida schools in this sport ...The new athletic director at AHS will be Russell Wambles from Tavares High, and who is a 1982 graduate of AHS ... Apopka's Family Friendly Fourth cele- bration, held on the grounds of the Zell- wood Sweet Corn Festival, drew 17,000 people for music and fireworks. On Sunday, July 3, Alvin Curry, 48, of Orlando, shot and killed Deanna R. Gallagher at her home in Apopka, then killed himself after a brief standoff with the police ... Andy Gardiner, executive director of the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce and majority leader of the Florida House of Representatives, was named Outstanding Male of the Year by the Orlando Business Journal ... Former pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Bob Frost, died on July 3 after a long illness. The city of Apopka is considering drawing up an ordinance limiting where sex offenders and predators can live, according to Chief Administrative Offi- cer Richard Anderson ... Janet Connelly, a longtime resident and former teacher, was surprised at City Hall by a mayoral proclamation and celebration for her 80th birthday ... Clyde Blount of Apop- ka was sentenced to 20 years in state See REVIEW Page 1 7A Section A Opinion ......4A-5A Lifestyle ........6A Worship ........7A Kapers .........8A Bus. Rev. ......12A Dining & Ent. .. .11A Legal ads .18A-19A . . . .5B-15B Section B Sports .......... 1B Service Dir. .... .16B Classified .. .16-20B rhie Apopka Chief 20, 2006 / 50 cents Norma West (I) and Jane Kahler, kindergarten teachers at Rock Springs Elementary School, really got into the program Friday, January 13, when Jack Hartman visited their school to put on a show for the younger children at the school. Hartman uses songs and other means of entertainment to help teach children math, English, and other subjects. He came to Rock Springs after a show at Bob Carr Per- forming Arts Centre in Orlando was sold out. A It The winning goes on for the Apopka Blue Darters girls soc- cer team. See page lB. The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 2A City annexes parcel that will aid in AHS expansion The City Council approved ,-four annexations totaling a little more than 13 acres Wednesday, , January 18, during its regular . meeting at City Hall. The four parcels are located in various parts of the area, with the largest being 8-1/2 acres owned by the Orange County School Board. That land will be 'sed to expand the Apopka High school campus when school officialss rebuild Apopka High over the next two years. The School Board pur- chased the land last year from :1 Eloise McLeod, widow of Johnie McLeod, who at one time served as Apopka's city attorney. The expansion and rebuild of the Apopka High campus is expected to begin this summer and is scheduled to be complet- ed by August 2008. Included with the new cam- pus will be a YMCA for both school and community use. The YMCA will include a pool for competition use by AHS swim teams, as well as for recreation- al use by members of the com- munity. Funds have been raised and are continuing to be raised by a local committee to build the YMCA portion of the campus. The City Council also gave preliminary approval to the development plan for Charleston Park, a 67-unit sin- gle-family subdivision between Washington Avenue and New Hampshire Avenue, south of Summit Street. The develop- ment, located on about 21-1/3 acres, will have houses with a minimum living area of 1,452 sq. ft., about 100 sq. ft. over city codes. The minimum lot width will be 70 feet. There was question about the ingress and egress into the subdivision, as just one road is currently planned leading in and out of the development. City staff will work with the developers on that issue before it comes back to the City Coun- cil for final approval at a meet- ing a few weeks from now. In other action, the council: * Approved the final develop- ment plan for an expansion of Chalet North Mobile Park. The additional 3.4 acres will house 23 new rental lots. The park is located along the north side of U.S. Highway 441, east of Roger Williams Road. * Heard Richard Anderson, chief administrative officer, say that the city had a record year in the dollar amount of growth in 2005. He said the city issued $154,845,606 in building per- mits last year, 31.1 percent high- er than the previous record year of 2004. In that year, Apopka broke the $100 million mark for the first time, issuing $106,670,985 in building per- mits. The increase of $48,174,621 from 2004 to 2005 is nearly the total amount of building permits issued by the city in 2001 as it saw almost $57 million issued that year. Homestead exemption filing has begun The beginning of homestead exemption application filing for 2006 began January 3, and ends on March 1, said Orange County Property Appraiser Bill Donegan. Anyone owning property used as a per- manent residence as of January 1, may file for homestead exemption at the Orange County Property Appraiser's Office at 200 S. Orange Avenue (SunTrust Building), 17th Floor, in downtown Orlando. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For an added convenience to customers, beginning January 9, and ending March 1, satellite locations will be set up in Orlando Fashion Square Mall, Florida Mall and West Oaks Mall. These locations will be open Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 4 STINSON CARPET ONEt. Fq :- rm fo~~ wwate Beauty & Performance Save 20% to 40% on Karastan, the most admired broadloom carpeting in the world. Add warmth, character and elegance to your home and take advantage of the lowest prices of the season now! For beautiful carpet that lasts, choose Karastan carpet. Starting , At... SQ. FT. 79 Installed with cushion One Week Only 0% interest, until 2007 STINSON CARPET ONE ' Super Prices, Fantastic Selection 38 Yrs. 2188 E. Semoran Blvd. 5231 E. Colonial Dr. 179 C-N Hwy 27 Apopka 407-889-4128 Orlando 407-277-7806 Clermont 352-394-0303 0U Mon Fri 9am 6pm; Sat 9am 5pm Evenings By Appointment www.carpetone.com Subject to credit approval. No payments are due during the Same as Cash (SAC) period, however, finance charges will accrue. If the original purchase amount is paid in full prior to the SAC expiration date, all accrued finance charges are waived. If not paid prior to SAC expiration date, all accrued interest remains on the account and will continue to accrue until the balance is paid. APR is 24% and minimum finance is $.50, both of which may vary. Available for a limited time only at participating dealers. See store for details. Not responsible for typographical errors. Not all products available at all locations. "If homestead exemption has already been approved on your property and there have been no changes to your title, your homestead exemption will be renewed auto- matically. You will receive your receipt by mail," Donegan said. "The homestead exemption by mail program that I initiated makes the filing process easier and faster," he said. "Appli- cation forms are available on our Web site: www.ocpafl.org. Simply print and complete the forms following the instructions and mail it in with the required documents." Additional exemptions are available for those who meet the criteria established by the state of Florida: Limited Income Senior Exemption up to $25,000 on portions of your millage rates; $500 Widow/Widower; $500 Disability; Service Connected Total and Permanent Disability and $5,000 Ser- vice Connected Disability. Under certain circumstances, the benefit of the service- connected disability may carry over to the veteran's spouse in the event of the veteran's death. Information regarding these exemp- tions is available on the Web site. "Don't miss out on property tax savings this year," Donegan said. "File for your exemptions before March 1. Call our Cus- tomer Service Department at 407 836-5044 for an application to be mailed or if you have any questions about the homestead exemption process," he said. Al IAbgg Apopka -thOAe (popka Chief Established 1923 (USPS 545-440) Me Rpaopka Ctt is published every Friday and entered as Periodicals, postage paid at Apopka Post Office, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. - Me popha jtt newspaper is published by Foliage Enterprises, Inc., every Friday at 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, Fla., 32712-3417. An annual subscription is $18 in Orange County and $23 outside Orange County. Phone 407-886-2777. Postmaster: Send address changes to IMIje Spopha litf, P.O. Box 880, Apopka, Fla., 32704-0880. Mle Stpopha CbItd is a consistent award-winning community weekly news- paper and a member of the Florida Press Association. The newspaper won the group's award as its best newspaper in 1982, 1987 and 1988, the only three-time winner. Letters to the editor are welcome but must be signed and include a daytime telephone number and address for verification. Names may be withheld on request. Management reserves the right to edit letters because of space or libelous comment. Letters should be limited to 200 words. NnLinn! KMrv-.95pilr Arm.wxAinin N-.p~ap A.,oAjtlm.. rA-ftap City of Apopka Telephone Numbers City Hall .............407-703-1700 Mayor's Office ........ .407-703-1703 City Clerk ............407-703-1704 Community DeveL ..... 407-703-1712 Code Enforcement ...... 407-703-1738 Finance Dept. .........407-703-1725 Fire Chief ............407-703-1750 Fire (non-emerg.) .......407-703-1756 Parks and Rec. Dept. ...407-703-1741 Police Chief ............407-703-1789 Police (non-emerg.) .... .407-703-1771 Job Line ..............407-703-1721 Solid Waste Collect ..... 407-703-1731 Street Maintenance ... .407-703-1731 Utility Billing .........407-703-1727 Medical, fire emergency ........ .911 The city of Apopka: The city of Apopka was chartered in 1882. It is located at 28' 30 north latitude and is 150 feet above sea level Its population is about ,31,374 and its total area is nearly 30 sq. mi. Orange County Telephone Numbers Animal Services .......407-352-4390 Auto/Boat Tags ........407-836-4145 Building Dept. .........407-836-5760 County Chairman ...... 407-836-7370 'County Commission ... .407-836-7350 County Attorney .......407-836-7320 Clerk of the Court ...... 407-836-2066 Elections Supervisor .... 407-836-2070 Fire/Rescue ...........407-836-9111 Garbage Collecting .....407-836-6601 Health Dept. ......... .407-836-2600 Hunting/Fishing Lic. .. .407-836-4143 Parks and Rec. Dept. .407-836-6280 Property Appraiser ..... 407-836-5000 Sheriff ...............407-836-3700 Utilities ..............407-836-5515 All other departments .407-836-5500 Medical, fire emergency ........ .911 Other Area Numbers of Note U.S. Reps. Corrine Brown (Dist. 3) .407-872-0656 Ric Keller (Dist. 8) .....407-872-1962 Tom Feeney (Dist. 24) ...407-208-1106 State Reps. Fred Brunmer (Dist. 38) 407-880-4414 David Simmons (Dist. 37) 407-262-7520 State Sens. Daniel Webster (Dist. 9) .407-656-0066 Lee Constantine (Dist. 22)407-331-9675 O.C. Schools Pupil assignment ......407-317-3233 Bus routes ............407-317-3800 Superintendent ........407-317-3202 School Board ..........407-317-3236 Misc: The Apopka Chief ...... 407-886-2777 Museum: Museum of Apopkans .. .407-703-1707 ROBERT R. PRADO, O.D. INDEPENDENT OPTOMETRIST (T ,,FREE Eye Exam <' Reimbursement of your Eye Exam S. lUp to $55 with Purchase of Designer 4 Frames & Lenses. Si 'ng ,raa'co- i .t'h mco :.n M nI umirpurnChase S199 tj .0l CO Irrilr-6Wi Robert R. Prado, O.D. j u -na arici.c, al a m WALK-INS WELCOME 1 HOUR SERVICE AVAILABLE * Most Insurance Plans Accepted Contact Lenses * Lenses Duplicated Layaway * Doctor's Prescription Filled Insurance Plans * Designer Eyewear Frame Repair 721 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka APOPKA] [oo2.OO Off FI -Unlimited Ride Coupon Good for Sunday, February 13, 10:00am-2:00pm only |I No Rain Out Dates IF JSpecial Ride Ticket L ------------------ -------------------------J Sponsored By: SProgress Energy @ BELLSOUTH I 1 lii *po I hamberopkommerce Area Chamber Of Commerce mm I [407-880-2805] m-B The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006 Page 3A Expo -- set for Jan. 28 -- likely will be moved to City Hall By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff There is a good possibility that the city of Apopka will have to move its Expo to City Hall, City Commissioner Kathy Till, event organizer, said. Originally slated to be held at the new Apopka Community Center, which is also home to Apop- ka/Altamonte Springs VFW Post 10147, the event may have to be moved because of con- struction delays on the new pro- ject. The Expo is set for Satur- day, January 28, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. If it is moved, signs directing people to City Hall will be posted at the community center, located on the corner of Fifth Street and Central Avenue. City Hall is located a little more than a block east of the under- construction community center; its address is 120 E. Main Street. Till said each city depart- ment would have an information booth at the Expo. "We thought it was important that residents in the community really have an understanding of not only how their government works, but also how their tax dollars are being spent. This gives them an opportunity not only to find out that information, but also get to know the staff at City Hall and their commissioners." Admission to the Expo is free and many door prizes will be awarded. The Apopka Fire Department will have equip- ment on display and there will be police K-9 demonstrations at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the training grounds at the Apopka police station, 112 E. Sixth Street. The Apopka Citizens Police Academy will be on hand for child fingerprinting and will also hold drawings for bike hel- mets. Each booth at the Expo will have children's activities to encourage family participation. People may register to vote at the Expo in time to participate in the March city elections in which commissioners Billie Dean and Marilyn Ustler McQueen as well as Mayor John H. Land will seek re-election. So that participants can learn some of the duties of the com- missioners, a miock City Council meeting will be held at the Expo. Tours of the Museum of the Apopkans will be offered and Till said the city is working on providing shuttle service for those tours. Mayor Land will give a brief history of Apopka, which was enjoyed at last year's event, Till said. The mayor won't be the only one displaying his talents. Apopka's students wrote essays AHS cheerleaders will hold cheer clinic for school-age children on January 21 The Apopka High School cheerleaders will hold a cheer clinic for school-age boys and girls on Saturday January 21, from 9 a.m. to noon at the AHS Ninth Grade Center cafeteria. The cost for the clinic is $20 which includes a T-shirt. All participants will perform with the cheerleaders at the final home basketball game of the season on January 26. Registration and payment for the clinic will be done at the clinic. W Quality service provided by expe- air N owrienced stylists at Quality Hair Care for Today's Family franchise salon prices! Start Your New Year out BRIGHT! *^ "^ i"'/ \Come in and let our professional stylist at Brighten your new year with highlights. Mention this ad and receive a Free color care maintenance kit. Call for an appointment or just walk right in! Open 7 days a week. 4 88 w6480 Located in the Shoppes of Wekiva Plaza www.hairnow.biz Welch Rd. at Rock Springs Rd. Behind McDonald's .. n Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-7 Sun. 10-6 Stylist Wanted PROCLAMACION DEL ALCALDE 14 DE MARZO DEL 2006 ELECTION REGULAR DE LA CIUDAD, CIUDAD DE APOPKA, FLORIDA CONSIDERANDO QUE, EN ACUERDO CON LAS PROVISIONS DE LA CARTA CONSTITUTIONAL Y LAS ORDENANZAS DE LA CIUDAD DE APOPKA, FLORIDA, UNA ELECCION SERA EFECTUADA EL 14 DE MARZO DEL 2006, EN LA CUAL SERA ELEGIDO UN ALCALDE, UN COMISIONADO PARA EL SEDE 1 Y UN COMISIONADO PARA EL SEDE 2 POR UN PERIOD TERMINANDO EL 25 DE ABRIL DEL 2006. CONSIDERANDO QUE, LOS TERMINOS DE LA OFICINA DEL ALCALDE, DEL COMISIONADO DE LA SEDE 1 Y DE LA SEDE 2 SE VENCERAN A LAS DOCE (12:00) DEL MEDIO DIA EL 25DE ABRIL DEL 2006 POR LO TANTO SERA NECESARIO QUE UN ALCALDE, UN COMISIONADO DE EL SEDE 1 Y UN COMISIONADO DE EL SEDE 2 SEAN ELEGIDOS EN UNA ELECCI6N DE LA CIUDAD DE APOPKA, FLORIDA.- AHORA, POR CONSIGUIENTE, YO, JOHN H. LAND, ALCALDE DE LA CIUDAD DE APOPKA, FLORIDA, COMO REQUERIDO POR LA LEY, POR LA PRESENT PROCLAIMO Y PRONUNCIO QUE UNA ELECCI6N SERA EFECTUADO EN LA CIUDAD DE APOPKA, FLORIDA, EL MARTES, 14 DE MARZO DEL 2006, DESDE LAS SIETE DE LA MANANA HASTA LAS SIETE DE LA NOCHE CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELEGIR UN ALCALDE, UN COMISIONADO PARA EL SEDE I Y UN COMISIONADO PARA EL SEDE 2. VOTAR ANTICIPADO SERA DISPONIBLE CON EL SUPERVISOR DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE ORANGE, LA OFICINA ESTA LOCALIZADO EN 119 WEST KALEY STREET, ORLANDO, FLORIDA POR DOS SEMANAS ANTES DE LA ELECCION; Y ES DE MARTES, 7 DE MARZO 2006, HASTA SABADO, 11 DE MARZO 2006, DES DE LAS 8:00 DE LA MANANA HASTA LAS 5:00 DE LA TARDE EN EL LEROY GILLIAM TRAINING CENTER, 176 EAST 5T STREET, APOPKA, FLORIDA. SOLAMENTE LOS VOTANTES DE LA CIUDAD, LOS CUALES RESIDENT DENTRO DE LOS LIMITS DE LA CIUDAD Y ESTAN PROPIAMENTE REGISTRADOS CON EL SUPERVISOR DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE ORANGE, 0 CUALES ESTARAN PROPIAMENTE REGISTRADOS HASTA EL 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2006, PUEDEN VOTAR EN ESTA ELECClON. CANDIDATES PARA DICHOS PUESTOS DEBEN SER CUALIFICADOS CON EL SECRETARIO DE LA CIUDAD COMENZANDO A LAS DOCE DEL MEDIO DIA EL MARTES, 23 DE ENERO DEL 2006 Y ANTES DEL MEDIO DIA EL LUNES, 27 DE ENERO DEL 2006, EN CITY HALL, 120 E. MAIN STREET, APOPKA, FLORIDA. LUGAR PARA VOTAR: APOPKA COMMUNITY CENTER / VFW POST #10147 519 S CENTRAL AVENUE, APOPKA, FLORIDA YO, JOHN H. LAND, ALCALDE, POR LA PRESENT NOMBRO COMO JUNTA DE AGENTS ELECTORALES PARA DICHA ELECTION LOS SIGUIENTES: JUNTA DE AGENTS ELECTORALES: COMISIONADO DE LA CIUDAD, J. W. BILL ARROWSMITH COMISIONADO DE LA CIUDAD, KATHY S. TILL SECRETARIO DE LA CIUDAD, JANICE G. GOEBEL EN EL EVENT QUE LLEGARIA SER NECESARIO TENER UNA ELECCI6N DE DESEMPATE, SE LLEVARA ACABO MARTES, 11 DE ABRIL DEL 2006, DESDE LAS SIETE DE LA MANANA HASTA LAS SIETE DE LA NOCHE EN EL APOPKA COMMUNITY CENTER / VFW POST #10147, 519 S CENTRAL AVENUE, APOPKA, FLORIDA. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, YO HE PUESTO MI MANO Y HE CAUSADO QUE EL SELLO DE LAS CIUDAD DE APOPKA, FLORIDA, SEA APLICADO Y ATESTIGUADO POR EL SECRETARIO DE LA CIUDAD DE APOPKA, ESTE DiA 18 DE ENERO DEL 2006. ATESTIGUAR: JOHN H. LAND, ALCALDE ICE G. GOEBEL ECRETARIO DE LA CUIDAD 60342 titled "Why I Love Apopka" in a city-wide school project and the best essay from elementary, middle and high school levels will be chosen and its writer rec- ognized, Till said. Winners of the contest will be notified in advance so they can be present at the Expo, be publicly recog- nized, and receive prizes. Each person attending the Expo will receive a goody bag filled with coupons and certifi- cates from local businesses. He or she will also get a punch card, which can be taken to each booth to be punched. When the card is full, it can be entered into a drawing that will be held hourly. Winners will receive gift baskets. Till said the city still needs items from area businesses to put in the goody bags. For more information, call Kristi Fixl at the Apopka Recreation Depart- Got news? Call 407-886-2777. ment at 407-703-1741. Those who need special accommoda- tions for parking and other needs should call 407-703-1704 no later than three days before the event. Last year's Expo drew approximately 100 people, but Till is hoping for a much bigger crowd this year. "We're hoping to have about 300 people this year. We really want to encour- age everyone to come out. It's such a great opportunity to learn what the city is doing for the community. If people have'a question or corp ern about a spe- cific issue, this is the perfect opportunity for them to share that," she said. Laura L. Sterling, P.A. Attorney at Law 118 West Orange Street, Suite 2 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407-331-5505 450 Anytime Minutes & 5,000 Nights & Weekend Minutes for $39.99 or 900 Anytime Plus Unlimited Nights & Weekend Minutes WL for $59.99 f A11I .S.ewih2-ln-a'iy4 Motorola . V3 RAZR : Authorized Retailer [l See store for price CELLULAR TECHNOLOGIES CREDIT CHECK Apopka NO 2428 E. Semoran Blvd. in the Albertson's/ New Beall's plaza Se Habla 407-889-5554 Espafiol i *Cingular also imposes monthly a Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee of up to $1.25 to help defray costs incurred in complying with State and Federal telecom regulation; a gross receipts surcharge; and State and Federal Universal Service charges. These are not taxes or government -required charges. Limited time offer. Other conditions and restrictions apply. See contract and rate plan brochure for details. Up to $36 activation fee applies. Phone price and availability may vary by market. Early Termination Fee: N6ne if cancelled in first 30 days; thereafter, $240 prorated over term. Some agents impose additional fees. Billing: Usage rounded up to the next full minute or kilobyte, at the end of each call or data session, for billing purposes. Cingular Nation: Cingular reserves the right to terminate yourservice if less than 50% of your usage over three consecutive billing cycles Is on Cingular-owned systems. Customer must (1) use phone programmed with Cingular Wireless' preferred roaming database; (2) have a mailing address and live in the area in which subscription is made. Nights and Weekends: 9 pm to 6 am Mon Fri; weekends 9 pm Fri to 6am Mon. Family Talk is a registered service mark of Delaware Valley Cellular Corp., an SBC company. 2006 Cingular Wireless. All rights reserved. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION MARCH 14, 2006 CITY GENERAL ELECTION, CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Apopka, Florida, an election shall be held on March 14, 2006, at which election there shall be elected a Mayor, and a Commissioner for Seat 1, and a Commissioner for Seat 2, for a term ending April 25, 2006; and WHEREAS, the terms of office of Mayor, Commissioner Seat 1, and Commissioner Seat 2 will expire at 12 o'clock noon on April 25, 2006, it is therefore necessary that a Mayor, a Commissioner for Seat 1, and a Commissioner for Seat 2 be elected at an election of the City of Apopka, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN H. LAND, MAYOR of the City of Apopka, Florida, as required by law, do hereby proclaim and pronounce that an election will be held in the City of Apopka, Florida, on Tuesday, MARCH 14,2006, from seven o'clock AM until seven o'clock PM, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, a Commissioner for Seat 1, and a Commissioner for Seat 2. Early voting will be available at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office, 119 West Kaley Street, Orlando, Florida, for two weeks prior to the election; and from Tuesday, March 7, 2006, through Saturday, March 11, 2006, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Leroy Gilliam Training Center, 176 East 5th Street, Apopka, Florida. Only the voters of the City residing within the City limits who are properly registered with the Orange County Supervisor of Elections, or who will be properly registered through February 13, 2006, may vote in this election. Candidates for said offices must qualify with the City Clerk beginning at twelve o'clock noon on Monday, January 23, 2006, and before twelve o'clock noon on Friday, January 27, 2006, at City Hall, 120 E. Main Street, Apopka, Florida. VOTING PLACE: CITY PRECINCT #9104 WILL VOTE AT: APOPKA COMMUNITY CENTER / VFW POST #10147 519 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE APOPKA, FLORIDA I, John H. Land, Mayor, hereby appoint the Canvassing Board for said election as follows:: Canvassing Board: City Commissioner, J.W. "Bill" Arrowsmith City Commissioner, Kathy S. Till City Clerk, Janice G. Goebel In the event it becomes necessary to have a run-off election, this will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 2006, from seven o'clock AM to seven o'clock PM at the Apopka Community Center / VFW Post #10147, 519 South Central Avenue, Apopka, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Apopka, Florida, to be affixed and attested by the City Clerk of Apopka, this 18th day of January, 2006. Attest: / John H. Land, Mayor nicee G. Goebel, City Clerk N0341 W cingularE WIRELESS v A I I The Apopka Chief January 20, 2006, Page 4A Opinion Publisher John Ricketson General Manager Neoma Knox Editor John Peery oe a.m a a AW NOMA- Reporters Photographer Advertising I I Richard Corbeil Tammy Keaton Jacquelyne Trefcer Chris Gauthier Elaine Giddens C yrghted Material Oup ii Syndicated Content I Shooting a call to heed warnings Available from Commercial News Providers" On Friday, January 13, a tragedy occurred in Seminole County that must serve as a lesson to all of us, young and old. Chris Penley, a 15-year-old Milwee Middle School student, was fatally shot after he pointed what proved to be a pellet gun at a Seminole County deputy sheriff. But, that pellet gun looked nearly identi- cal to a 9mm pistol and there was no way for the deputy to know that the gun would not kill him. As with any law enforcement officer, the deputy assumed that the pointer of the gun intended to use it and shoot him or others in the area. Then, the deputy did what his training and what common sense tell us; he shot the person with the gun and 'did what was needed to protect himself and others in the immediate area. Unfortunately, if eventually took the life of young Penley, who has extended family living in the Apop- ka area. While it is unbelievably tragic, there eems no conclusion to draw from this sad situation other than that the deputy did his job correctly and in a professional manner. Faced with the barrel of a pistol, the deputy fired his gun to protect himself and others at the school. It's obvious that the young man had emotional issues he was trying to deal with, b,ut unfortunately, he chose the wrong way of dealing with his problems. The life of a law enforcement officer is tough enough even if the officer never has to pull his or her service weapon during an entire career. But, now, the deputy must live with the knowledge that -- even though he did his job in the proper and legal manner -- he shot a 15-year-old boy who died as a result of the bullet. No matter the justifica- tion, that fact will weigh heavily on the heart and soul of a feeling human being. We don't know any of the people involved or their family, but we do know that sad situations like this will continue to happen as long as children feel like there is no other way of dealing with what life throws their way. Family, friends, teachers, and others need to heed warning signs. Warning signs of possible emotional problems must be addressed to avoid what could be a similar outcome. Toy guns need to look like toys, not like real guns. Based on information we have, it appears that students and authorities alike at Milwee Middle School followed procedures that had been developed in responding to the information that there was a gun on the school premises. Perhaps our society needs to develop a better response to those early warning signs that a child is having a difficult emotional time, a response that would support parents and children alike. Unfortunately, this type of incident will happen again, somewhere, but we all need to make sure it isn't next door or even in our own back yard. Take time to love your child and make sure he or she knows that you love them. That is the best way to avoid this type of tragedy. .1 I 6 / Water district boards should be elected In November every year, property owners receive their property tax bills. They get a copy even if the mortgage com- pany pays the taxes from an escrow account. When people look at their property tax bills, they see the fastest growing government rev- enue source in Florida. The fastest rising property taxes are on rental property, commercial property and investment proper- ty. The huge number of homes being built in Florida provides additional large increases in local government property taxes. When you look at the agen- cies that tax your property, you will see a county tax, a school tax, and, perhaps, a city tax. For each of those, there is an elected official that votes on the amount E i Fred Brummer District 38 Report of tax you must pay. When the taxes upset you, you can "throw the bums out" as we often say. There is also on your tax bill initials that you might not recognize, SJRWMD. Those are the initials of the St. Johns River Water Management District. The district assesses real estate taxes on your home. You likely do not remember the names of the water district board members being on the bal- lot last election. They weren't. You likely do not remember the names of the water district board members. It is more than likely you have never heard their names. The members of the SJR- WMD board are appointed to their positions, not elected. So, when you. get upset at the taxes you pay to the SJR- WMD, you cannot un-elect board members. The governor appoints members to water management boards across the state. All of those appointed boards have the power to assess property taxes. All of the water boards charge property taxes. They charge great amounts of property taxes. See BRUMMER Page 5A Wheatley staff is doing its best Editor: This editorial has been a long time coming. I am sick and tired of the Orange County School Board, namely Katherine "Kat" Gordon, taking pot shots at Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School in Apopka. First of all, thanks go to Jim Martin, Orange County School Board member from Apopka, for all of his efforts in trying to make a positive influ- ence on our educational system in Northwest Orange County. I especially thank the fine and dedicated staff at Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School for doing their best in educating children in our community. Kat Gordon's statements about Phyllis Wheatley Elementary as printed in last week's edition of The Apopka Chief were absurd, indicat- See WHEATLEY Page 5A "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" U.S. war on terror must be won in one place -- the home front JANUARY 20 -- Accord- mig to the Cox News Service, President Bush's use of wiretap Surveillance of phone calls to the U.S. from suspected terror- ists overseas barely gets a blink 'from other nations, warrants or no warrants. * While the leftists and Democrats are staging phony tirades and their media minions tSe terms like "spying" and $nooping" (on Americans), !fost of the world's citizens and governments are virtually silent about the topic. -: Cox reporter Don Melvin quoted Chris Brown who is a Blofessor of international rela- ttons at the London School of economicss -- a left-leaning institution. "In most countries," said Brown, "it would be prob- ably more or less taken for wantedd that wiretaps of this :l nd were going on." : My opposition to any con- ;demnation of the policy, which :was employed in the Clinton :and Carter years, is the right of Richard Corbeil Corbeil's Corner our presidents to suspend or reduce civil liberties in war time to protect American lives here or abroad. In World War II, after the 9/11 type hit on Pearl Harbor, that icon of the Democrat Party, Franklin Roosevelt, imprisoned thousands of Japanese resi- dents, many of them loyal American citizens, in prison camps. Additionally, free speech was greatly diminished in the "Loose Lips will Sink Ships" policies that greatly limited dis- cussions of troop movements, convoy sailing's, whereabouts of loved ones in the service, censorship of letters, and news stories, etc. Unlike the liberals' pre- sent-day dream world and lust for a return to power, we who lived in the WW II era, knew we were at war, and that we would be conquered or killed if the home front didn't emulate the war front in security and risk factors. A major difference between then and now is that there was no possibility of a nut smuggling in a nuclear device in a suitcase. If there had been that possibility then, with that era's patriotic media, the boundaries of civil liberties suspension can only be imag- ined. Under Roosevelt's WW II guidelines today, every Mus- lim, citizen or not, would have been rounded up and interned. Unlike that time, when most of the world was occupied or under ;,illttack from the axis pow- ers. the- luxury of protesting internment did not exist, and international organizations like the U.N., E.U., O.A.S., etc., would only be born later as a result of the U.S. war front and home front. Most of the world realizes this and hence are not perturbed about our surveillance (not snooping or spying) without warrants -- being just scraps of paper in a terrorist war of min- utes, and even seconds, for mass destruction and death. Probably, the most under- standing nation is Israel, which has been the slaughter target of terrorists for 50 years. Menachin Holnung. a pro- fessor of political science at Hebrew University in Jerusalem told CoX., "When sui- cide bombers are all around, people prefer to be alive. Most Israelis prefer safety in the streets over the rights of Pales- tinians." What most of us don't real ize is that we arc under war- rantless surveillance in most of our daily activities. Let's see, I was in a 7-Eleven a few hours ago paying for gasoline and I know a camera was taping me. I went to the bank the other day and a surveillance camera recorded me and my transac- tion. Wal-Mart has me hun- dreds of times, as does Winn- Dixie, Publix, etc. Whenever I call a company or agency about service, billing or other matters, a voice usual- ly says, "This call may be mon- itored for purposes of quality control." The next time you get stopped for a radar-monitored speed offense, ask to see a war- rant for "spying" on you. See you in the slammer! When you go through a red light and a camera "snoops" on you without a warrant, see if the judge throws it out. Like most citizens, none of this bothers me. As I have stat- ed before, those who fight sur- veillance in .1 terrorist besieged sociCy as w' are, intend to do something violent, treasonous or criminal. -Ask yourself what is the difference -between monitoring a phone call from a suspected terrorist killer and being searched before getting on a commercial airliner. Ask for a warrant and you're going Grey- hound or Hertz. The only dif- ference is "partisan politics" and the citizens' safety be damned. Peter Hakim, the president of Inter-American Dialogue, a Washington think tank, is also quoted by Cox. He said the issue of domestic espionage within the United States is "murky" for most people. "I don't get a feeling that this is going to change the way people think about Bush in most coun- tries," he said. Especially in the U.S., Mr. Hakim. Especially on the home front of the terrorists' war front. "The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of nem." The Apopka Woman's Club will host a luncheon/fashion show Feb. 8 at Errol Estate. Registration is at 11:30 a.m.; lunch- eon will begin at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 and must be bought by Feb. 1. Tickets: 407-886-6972 or 407-814-0935. The Apopka Chief A weekly newspaper founded in 1923 "I have filed HB 559. That bill would change the position of water district board members from appointed to elect- ed." State Rep. Fred Brummer on a law he wants changed ."Wisdom is the principal thing; Practice being gracious. therefore get wisdom: and with all thy get- ting get understanding." Proverbs 4:7 I %W a I it (. saw a TO be &I hw SOLA I V6,04M wa~ The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 5A Applications for medical scholarships are Brummer: Board elected available to those living in Apopka area Continuedfrompage4A fromppointed to elected. Upon the bill becoming~lav The North Orange Tax Dis- trict Scholarship Committee is accepting applications for med- ical scholarships which will be awarded for the 2006-2007 aca- demic year. Applicants must be resi- dents of the former North Orange Tax District for one year prior to date of application. The boundaries of the former tax dis- trict are: Lake County line on the west and north, Seminole County line on the east, and Keene Road on the south. A committee spokeswoman said that scholarship recipients will be chosen without regard to age, race or national and ethnic ori- gin. The applications are being accepted for medical fields such as medical doctor, dentist, nurse, and other medically related careers. Requests for applications should be mailed to: North Orange Tax District Scholarship Committee, Executive Offices, 201 N. Park Ave., Apopka, 32703. Applications may be picked Wheatley: It is the mother up during regular business hours at the executive offices of Flori- da Hospital Apopka at the above address. I Art% *~ '9 fq I ; -% Completed applications must be returned to, the above address by March 31. l 9 *9s ia3 9 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content of all Apopka-area schools Available from Commercial News Providers" Continued from page 4A ing a proposed transfer of stu- dents from Clarcona Elementary School would cause further detriment to an already strug- gling Phyllis Wheatley is, a slap in the face to teachers at both schools. Teachers are certified by the Florida Department of Education to teach anywhere in the state. They teach children regardless of race, creed, color, or economic background. Phyllis Wheatley Elemen- tary was bom out of segregation' in 1957 and is the mother to all schools in the Apopka area. It has the capacity to hold almost 1,500 students and has been supplying enrollments to pre- dominantly white schools with African-American students for nearly four decades. It once educated students from first through 12th grades until a federal court order closed the junior and senior high pro- grams. The majority of children attending Wheatley were sons and daughters of citrus, farm, and foliage workers who sacri- ficed much in Orange County during the years when the econ- omy relied solely upon their labor. Phyllis Wheatley has pro- duced many professionals and skilled workers over the years and has a rich heritage and cul- The late Marie S. Gladden was principal of Clarcona Col- ored School before it closed and merged with Phyllis Wheatley. The current Clarcona Elemen- tary has roots in what was once a predominantly black commu- nity at Clarcona-Ocoee and Apopka-Vineland roads. A few years ago, a fight to save Phyllis Wheatley came when residents in a newly developed subdivision started showing up at Clarcona Ele- mentary with their children, only to find out they were zoned for Phyllis Wheatley. They screamed bloody murder to the Orange County School Board and some residents sold their homes, while others home- schooled their children. Provi- sions were made to transfer stu- dents to other schools, creating overcrowding in those schools and riding on the edge of com- pliance with a 1969 federal court order. The 450 students currently attending Phyllis Wheatley are the survivors of politicking among home developers and School Board officials and show significant improvements on the FCAT. Need I say any more? Francina Boykin Apopka The Way I See It Patti Bankson The True American Education Story Friday night I watched John Stossel's 20/20 special called, "Stupid in America, how we cheat our children". I wish every American adult had seen it, especially parents of public school children. The quality of education in this country has been the topic of debate for many years, and has suppos- edly been addressed in various ways, but I've not been con- vinced that it's really changed, much less improved. If I'd had any doubts before, that pro- gram would have erased them. Earlier this month, the Florida Supreme Court struck down Jeb Bush's private- school voucher program, leav- ing him thinking about a consti- tutional amendment to achieve his goal of allowing the use of taxpayer dollars to send chil- dren to private schools. Interestingly, in other parts of the world -- where students far surpass American students academically -- the money is not attached to the school, but to the child. If that were the case here, there would have been no issue to take to the Supreme Court or a need to discuss amending the Constitution. Clearly, the. idea of having to compete in the educational world is seen as a threat by (many, not all) teachers and their unbelievably powerful union. The most common response to the idea of vouch- ers is that it will take money away from schools that are already "failing". Yeah... that's the idea. Maybe that would change the entitlement thinking to excellence thinking, to actu- ally caring-more-about-the- kids-than-yourself-thinking. Somehow the belief is that schools' failure is entirely due to the lack of money. Here's Whether you agree with the decisions of the water manage- ment board or not, the question is, "Should appointed boards have the ability to tax real estate?" Should the voters, including property owners and non-property owners, have the right to change people that can tax their property? I think so. I have filed HB 559. That bill would change the position of water district board members something that helps blow that theory. number of years ago, there was a court order saying more money must be spent on Kansas City schools. Accordingly, there was $2 Billion more spent to build an Olympic size pool, state-of-the- art gym, indoor track, and com- puter labs. They had so much money, they bussed in more kids. Oops, did I say bussed? What they actually did was use 120 TAXIS, not busses! In spite of increased spending, by 2000, Kansas City schools failed to meet any of its state's standards and lost their accreditation. That's just one example of our hard-earned tax dollars at work -- which brings me back to vouchers and the lack of competition in education. People can throw the word unconstitutional at me all day long for all I care, but I'm con- vinced that the real issues are: (1) The refusal of a union and (most of) its members to allow themselves to be put to the ulti- mate test, the one businesses districts would be created for each water management board. Each board position would be elected rather than appointed. Each new board member would represent approximately the same number of people. Should you have questions about this or any other legisla- tive matter, please feel free to call me at 407-880-4414 or e- mail me at fred.brummer @myfloridahouse.gov. must pass to keep their doors open... can you do a good enough job (teaching) to con- vince parents to put their chil- dren and their dollars into yopur school or not? You can say what you want, but public schools are a government monopoly and parents and children have no choice in the matter. (2) The (biggest) objec- tion is not to putting tax dollars into private schools, but into private religious schools. ' Again, as a parent and,a taxpayer, the only educational choice is the government school or you can pay private school tuition -- in addition to your taxes. Next week: All that money spent and Johnny STILL can't read. Patti Bankson invites your comments at pbankson@cfl.rr.com @2005 Patti Bankson Sponsored by Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889.4121 *WekiRva Accepting 4C Students * Aa irning Childhood Curriculum Fun, Loving, Caring En'. nnren nfanf, Toddler, Preschool Before and After School Cari .i Hot, Nutritious Breakfast, Lunch & Snack Professional Staff (CDA Maintained) Hours: 6:30 am 6:00 pm 407-889-4300 Lic #10 -33 2 E. Hwy. 436 (Semoran Blvd.), Apo fa MID-F Mar Margarita Optomet Illinois College of 77 wI2 Talk to your teen about healthy choices regarding discrimination, racism, violence, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and premarital sex. We can help. (^hinkSmajr Do the right thing. www.thinksmartflorida.com ThinkSmart is a program of Catholic Charities of Orlando, Inc. APOP (407)886 ,A FtLDA CENTER N> LORIDA EYE CENTER garita Paterson, OD Dr. Paterson brings .. her expertise to our SApopka office to diagnose and treat Si vision conditions such .as nearsightedness, farsightedness, Sastigmatism, and --Trpresbyopia, and to prescribe eyeglasses, .contact lenses, and medications for the treatment of some eye diseases. Paterson, OD ric Physician Optometry, Chicago KA 12 SOUTH PARK AVE. -3188 Toll Free: 1-888-820-7878 Offices also in Mount Dora, Leesburg & The Villages/Stonecrest Board Certified, Fellowship-Trained Ophthalmologists Participating Medicare Provider www.midfloridaeye.com Dear Editor: My name isAmanda Gonzalez. I am a fifth grade student from Napa Valley Language Academy in Cali- fornia. I have chosen to research the state of Florida for my state report. I will be doing an oral presentation and also displaying interesting items that come from the state of Florida. I am looking for people to send me tourist maps, post cards, souvenirs and photos of your state capitol, state bird or important or interesting build- ings and parks in your state. Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing about the awesome facts about your state. Sincerely, Amanda Gonzalez Send to me c/o Maestra Ilamas-Cruz, 5th Grade Teacher, 2700 Kilburn Ave., Napa, CA 94558. Do you have news to share? Call: 407-886-2777, f~x: 407-889-4121, news@apopkachieffdnLcom or come by our office at 439 W. OBT, Apopka w, W *''r?, - vim The Apopka Chief January 20, 2006, Page 6A Lifestyle LU u~ ~ Lack of funds delays pregnancy center opening Focus on N.W. Orange County AHS grad engaged Brandie Sawyer of Sorren- to,- daughter of Norman and Deborah Sawyer of Apopka, and Rod Quick of Sorrento, son If Ronnie Quick of Apopka, are tgaged. : Sawyer graduated from Apopka High Schpol in 1996 and owns Construct-Rite lason, Inc. : Quick is a 1992 graduate of Desoto High School and owns Past Signs of Apopka. The couple plans to be mar- ried February 18 at Paradise qove in Lake Buena Vista. ; Florida4Marriage.org is cir- :ilating a petition to include a cpnstitutional amendment defining marriage as solely as the union of one man and one goman as husband and wife. rhe petition to include the Flori- laMarriage Protection Amend- rnent on the 2006 ballot must be mailed no later than Monday, January 23, to meet the legal deadline of February 1. * For more information or to sign the petition, visit the Web site at Florida4Marriage.org. The City of Apopka Recre- ation Department will host Kic'N Country, a free concert in Kit Land Nelson Park, Saturday, February 25, from 3-6:30 p.m. Showdown, Boggy Creek, and Johnny Bulford will perform. For more information, call Meghan McAdams at 407-703- 1744. The Apopka Woman's Club will host a luncheon and fashion show Wednesday, February 8, at Errol Estate Country Club, 1355 Errol Parkway, Apopka. Regis- tration is at 11:30 a.m. and the luncheon will begin at 12:30 p.m. Dillard's Department Store will be presenting the fashion show. Tickets are $20 and must be purchased 6y Wednesday, February 1. Tickets will not be sold at the door. For ticket information, con- tact Myma Tomlin at 407-886- 6972 or Robin McEwen at 407- 814-0935. The Hobson-Berry Relay For Life team will hold Bowl for a Cure Friday, February 18, from 7-9 p.m. at Brunswick Wekiva Lanes, 2160 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka. The $15 fee per person includes two hours of bowling as well as shoes and there is a limit of six people per lane. Participants can either form their own teams or bowl on a team made up by organizers of the fundraiser. Sponsorships are also avail- able. A $125 lane sponsor will havb the company/team name on a computerized banner over the lane. For $200, sponsors will receive the banner in addition to a six-person team and shoes for two hours of bowling. For more information or to sign up, call Maureen Landers at 407-880-4590 or Jane Hobson at 407-889-3125 or email Jhob- son490@aol.com. By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff A shortage of funds has forced an Apopka pastor to delay the opening of a program that would support area women who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy and need help in consider- ing options available to them. John Thompson, pastor of Plymouth Baptist Church, had hoped to launch the Apopka Pregnancy Care Center, which will offer support in choosing alternatives to those who are considering abortion, early in 2006. "We had anticipated opening this week, but without sufficient funds to stay open, we felt that it was time to just wait and continue our fundrais- ing," Thompson said. In order to establish a per- manent location for the program, he said the cen- ter should raise at least half of the operating expenses for its first year "just to be wise in our stewardship, making sure we could pay our direc- tor, pay the rent and make sure all the basic sup- plies and office materials were there. As with any non-profit agency, you base that solely on the heart of the community." So far, the organization has between $11,000 and $15,000 in reserve, nearly half the money required to open a temporary location. "If we were to raise another $20,000 and put ourselves into a temporary location, we could become operational, at least in a part-time way." Thompson and pastors of some other Apop- ka-area churches worked together to plan the cen- ter because of the high incidence of abortions in Florida. When the pregnancy center opens, it would offer parenting education services, free self-administered pregnancy testing .kits, materni- ty and baby clothes, and, most importantly to Thompson, advice about pro-life choices. "In our center, we believe heartily that life begins at con- ception and the question is not 'Is it a baby?' The question is 'Is it human?' If it's human, it needs to be treated with dignity. To release to a garbage can or to an incinerator something that is uniquely human, distinctively human, absolutely human, is a tragedy," Thompson said in a previous inter- view. The board of directors and other volunteers for the project have been approaching major foun- dations and learning about major fundraising methods. The organization is in the process of applying for 501-C status, but until that is accom- plished, the center has become a project of the National Heritage Foundation so donors can make tax-exempt donations. Thompson, William Bruce Spears, III, Richard Bowles, Kareni Minish and Judie Palen See FUNDS Page 10A John Thompson stands with the computer donated to the pregnan- cy care center. Where in the world are we, anyway? Questions 1. What city is world-renowned for researching your family tree? 2. To what country would you, travel to view the 2,200- year-old Terra Cotta army, more than 7,000 life-size Janet Connelly Know It All ceramic horses and warriors in full regalia? 3. What city is the world's most northernmost capital? 4. What Florida beach was the winter home of the late John D. Rockefeller? 5. Which is larger in area, the United States or Canada? 6. Charleston is the capital of South Carolina. True or false? 7. Which of the U.S. president's wives is said to haunt the White House gardens? 8. What sort of place is known as a micropolis? 9. Can you name two pirates whose names are frequently linked with New Orleans? 10. What are the five U.S. lakes known as the Great Lakes? Answers 1. Salt Lake City, Utah, where the Family Research Center of the Mormon church is located. 2. Xi'an, China. This significant archeological find was discov- ered in 1974. 3. Reykjavik, Iceland 4. Ormond Beach 5. Canada 6. False. Charleston is the capi- tal of West Virginia. The capital See CONNELLY Page 10A Clay Springs Elementary to hold fundraiser for Katrina victims Clay Springs Elementary School will be holding a fundraiser to benefit the hur- ricane victims. The students made Hurri- cane Bears during the week of January 17 and during their annual JamBEARee on Thursday, January 26. One-half of the profits will go to the victims of Katrina. The students are really excited about this project and look forward to contributing to another community in need. KINDERGARTEN With this first hint of cold weather, our kindergarten classes had a first hand experience with winter. We made a snow- man with chilly snowdough. We cut out snowflakes; we were all amazed how each one was so unique and special. We wrote stories about weather using descriptive words. We listened to many stories written by Jan Brett including The Mitten and The Hat. We also studied about animals and hibernation. Our favorite of course was the Black Bear, our school mascot. Each student made a booklet about animals in the winter. We also made thinking maps to help us organize our information. Clay Springs celebrated this month with JamBEARee, a family curriculum night. Students assisted in helping with activities in reading, math, science, and writing. FIRST GRADE December went very quickly as our first graders were busily reading about winter and the December holidays. We learned about reindeer, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, and we read a beautiful story about poinsettias and Las Posadas. There were fun activities and crafts, which reinforced what was read. In math, the students have continued working on telling time, counting money, and using a number line to add and sub- tract. We enjoyed playing math games which help with those concepts, and with determining which numbers are "greater than" or "less than". Our Math Superstars program has come to a close, and those who participated are looking forward to a celebratory party in recognition of their hard work. It's hard to believe that our school year is at the halfway point! After our much-anticipated winter break, we will be refreshed and ready to work hard in January. SECOND GRADE Happy New Year from second grade! Our students continue to make lots of progress in reading and writing. We will all be taking the DIBELS standardized reading test. We are continuing to incor- porate writing in all subject areas to develop necessary FCAT skills. We are beginning to work with force and motion in science. Money and time are the main focus in math. We will continue to work See VICTIMS Page 10A I Kichn aprsI Church news ........7A Obituaries .........7A Boo sgnig0 Former Apopka Chief publisher Mac McGuffin, (I), signed copies of his first book, Florida Rose, which is about a small-town newspaper, Friday, January 13, at Errol Estate. Joyce Brocker looks on while Mary Suriff waits for his autographed copy. Main ls-son u Entertainer Jack Hartman, (picture on right), used songs and stories to reinforce lessons at Rock Springs Elementary School Friday, January 13. In the picture on the left, students interact with Hartman as he teaches a lesson. t The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 7A Apopka-area churches slate events The Florida Blood Center's bloodmobile will be in the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church parking lot, 834 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka Sunday, January 22, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. "Donating blood is safe, easy and fast," a spokesperson said. "In the 30 minutes you spend giving blood, you could save the lives of five people." Most healthy persons over 18 years of age (17 with parental consent) and weighing at least 110 pounds may donate, provid- Center of Faith Church, Inc. A Family Ministry Services: Sun. 10 a.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Thurs., 7:30 p.m. 698 Martin Street Apopka James Hicks, Pastor 407-464-9375 AAAASew N Vac Sales & Service eAll Makes & Models 1 20%! OFF L TTUNEL-UP SPECIAL L __- a 407-886-4666N Abel Septic Tanks, Inc. 3122 Laughlin Road Zellwood "Celebrating 43 years" 407-889-2704 APOPKAAUTO UPHOLSTERY 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka (Behind Discount Auto 407-889-0011 27 Years Experience Charlene & Paul Fitzgerald, Owners Martin's Towing 210 E 7th Street Apopka, FL 32703 407-886-1805 130-A South Park Ave. Apopka 407-886-2626 Glenn Joiner 13202 W. Colonial Dr. 811 E. Semrnoran Blvd. Winter Garden Apopka 407-656-4141 407-889-5222 -------------------.. - r Long's Christian Books 1610 Edgewater Dr., Orlando 407-422-6934 I Bring this coupon in for I 15% off any one item I L _ 'Ain ? No Smelly with Shelley's" Shelley's Septic Tanks 104 E. Ponkan Rd. Apopka, FL 32712 Day or Night Barbara Shelley (407) 889-8042 Vice President Lake Co. Residents (352) 383-5775 I Firestone 17-01 C I re Bridgestone Michelin TOTAL CAR CAREI Goodyear Steve Enos Dunlopyal Dunlop Store Manager BF Goodrich Dayton 2409 Semoran Blivd. Pirelli Apopka, FL 32703 Road King 407-880-9688 Falkan Roller Skating is Family Fun & Great Exercise! Christian Music Night Every Saturday Night at Semoran Skateway in Casselberry 407-834-9106 www semoranskateway com Hu~o PILLt Forks 1112 E. Semoran Blvd. Apopka 407-886-2499 ORLANDO'S OLDEST APPULIANCE DEALER SINCE 1948 MORGAN APPLIANCES Largest Selection of Used Appliances In Orange County.. KltchenAild.I FOR THE WAY iT'SMADE, 1207 W. Church Street, Orlando, FL 32805 407-422-2087 Muffler Man 552 Piedmont Wekiva Springs Rd. Apopka 407-886-1899 ed some medication and travel restrictions are met. If in doubt, call the blood center at 1-888- 936-6283 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church will host Den- nis Mahaney of the St. John Eudes Center in Buffalo, New York. He will conduct a renewal program beginning Saturday, March 11, and concluding Tues- day, March 14. A church spokesman called the program "a unique and exciting opportu- nity for people to increase their St. Paul AME 407-889-4464 Apostolic Apostolic Church of Jesus 407-886-2556 City of Refuge 407-884-5638 Assembly of God Apopka Assembly of God 407-886-2806 Wekiva Assembly of God 407-774-0777 Baptist Apopka First Baptist 407-886-2628 Cornerstone FreeWill Baptist Church 407-886-0669 First Antioch Miss. Baptist Church 407-884-7000 First Baptist Church of Rock Springs 407-886-2805 First Baptist Church of Sweetwater 407-862-3893 First Baptist Church of Zellwood 407-889-0509 Forest Avenue Baptist Church 407-886-4374 Fountain of Life Baptist Church of Apopka, Inc. 407-351-1937 Haitian Baptist Church 407-880-3833 Hope Baptist Church 407-886-6980 Lake Ola Baptist Church 352-383-7920 Lakeside Baptist Church 407-295-7645 Lakeville Road Baptist Church 407-884-7477 Living Hope Community Church 407-889-9027 Lockhart Baptist Church 407-295-1133 Magnolia Baptist Church 407-880-4575 McCormick Road Baptist Church 407-886-4957 New Hope Missionary Baptist 407-886-1165 New Testament Community Baptist Church 407-786-0381 Northside Baptist Church 407-884-4443 Oak Level Baptist Church 407-656-1523 Orange Primitive Baptist Church 407-295-6986 Piedmont Lakes Baptist 407-889-3383 Pleasant View Baptist Church 407-886-6717 Plymouth Baptist Church 407-889-3358 Riverside Baptist Church 407-295-3850 Rosemont Baptist Church 407-299-8885 Shiloh Miss. Baptist Church 407-886-6334 Springs Community Baptist Church 407-889-2240" St. Luke's Full Gospel Baptist Church 352-735-9199 Trinity Baptist Church 407-886-2966 Unity Missionary Baptist Church 407-814-9111 Victory Baptist Church 407-884-8811 Wekiwa Springs Baptist Church 407-886-7864 Bible Bear Lake Bible Chapel 407-869-0198 Catholic St. Francis of Assisi 407-886-4602 St. Mary's (Protectress) Ukrainian 407-880-1640 407-886-4803 Charismatic Living Waters Church 407-290-1444 Charismatic Catholic Ascension Church, CEC 407-880-9555 Christian Journey Christian Church 407-884-7223 Church of Christ Church of Christ 407-889-2636 ability to relate their faith to daily life." Each day will have a theme including living our faith at work, making a difference in the world, and sharing faith in our families. All evening presenta- tions will begin at 7 p.m. There will also be special daytime pre- sentations each day. The public is invited. For more information, call Mary at 407-862-4202 or the parish office at 407-886-4602. See CHURCHES Page 16A God Is In God Is In Control CHIRP CHIIRP* * Relaxl God is in control. Are rot twjo sparrows solId for a pernny? And n,, .:-ne of them Wiii tail t, Ie ground wirral-ui your Farer s will But e.en Ire hairs :1 oIjyr -ead ae all rum0eredi Fear nori rr6rerore Vu are 01 more *valie than many Sparrows R.S-V. Manhew 10 29-31 Church of Christ of Plymouth 407-886-1466 Church of Christ of West Orange 407-656-2770 Northside Church of Christ 407-884-0031 10th Street Church of Christ 407-884-4835 Church of God Church of God of Christ 407-886-2206 Church of God of Plymouth 407-886-3780 Church of God of Prophecy 407-814-7170 Church of God of Zellwood 407-886-3074 Church of God Templo Victoria 407-889-0555 Freewill Holiness Church of God 407-884-9888 Grace Street Church of God 407-298-9188 Park Avenue Worship Center 407-886-2696 St. Elizabeth Church of God by Faith 407-886-6290 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Apopka Ward 407-880-9877 Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit 407-886-1740 Faith and Word Word of Life 407-886-7427 Full Gospel Millenium of Glory 407-814-0041 New Covenant Perfecting Ministries 407-880-8898 Fundamentalist Cent. FL Restoration Branch Church of Jesus Christ Fundamental RLDS 407-886-3541 Holiness Independent House of Pnrayer (352) 735-6244 New Life Holiness and Teen Ministries 407-886-3206 Obituaries GEORGE L. DUNSTAN Obituaries, DANIEL JOSE OLSON, Bergman was retired from Warner- infant, Apopka, died Monday, Janu- Lambert Company. Born in Summit, , ary 9. Survivors: parents, David New Jersey, she moved to Central [ Olson and Sandra Stroh; maternal Florida in 1996. Survivors: husband, A grandparents, Steven and Pamela Edward: son, Edward Jr., Madison, Sept.12,1916-Jan. 5,2006 Stroh, Apopka; brothers, David Jr., Karl B., both of Apopka; sister, Sara L., Apopka. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. FRANCES ELIZABETH BERGMAN, Longwood, died Wednesday, January 11. Mrs. One of my colleagues at work has a picture on her desk of Iwo sparrows lacking to each other, and one sparrow is asking the other Why do people always seem to be rushing around and fretting about everything' The other sparrow responds I don t know, but perhaps they don't have a God who watches over them as our God watchries o.1er us How ironic thai we should need to be reminded of God's watchful loving eyes by little birds Sometimes it is as if we are literally carrying the weight of the whole world on our own narrow shoulders And, no ones shoulders are broad enouclh for that Gods expectations for us are modest. He wars us to love and care for our fellow human beings as best we can. but. He isn't expecting us individually to be responsible for the entire planet So. we should relax. God is in control, and therefore even when it may not appear as if all things are going according to some cosmic,. dwivine plan. we must know that they are unfolding exactly as they should. As the Zen master says. The snowflake never falls in the wrong place" St. Matthew Holiness 407-889-2274 Independent New Destiny Christian Center 407-298-5770 True Temple of God 407-880-8181 Interdenominational IAMWEARE Church 407-889-8372 New Vision Community Church 407-886-3619 Northwest Community Church 407-578-2088 One Accord Christian Fellowship Church 407-523-3002 Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 407-884-6696 Jewish Congregation Beth Am 407-862-3505 Congregation of Reform Judaism 407-645-0444 Lutheran St. Paul Lutheran 407-889-2634 Methodist First United Methodist 407-886-3421 Bear Lake United Methodist 407-862-1531 Zellwood United Methodist 407-889-4426 Moravian Rolling Hills Moravian Church 407-332-8380 Nazarene Calvary Church of the Nazarene 407-889-2148 New Life Community Church of the Nazarene 407-291-9294 Non-Denominational Center of Faith Church for All People 407-464-9375 Church Back Home 407-889-3781 Church on the Edge 407-869-1133 Wis.; daughter, Donna Gardner, Apopka; sister, Victoria Finan, South Orange, N.J.; one grandchild. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. See OBITUARIES Page 16A -- -r Memorial Service for George L. Dunstan Saturday Jan. 21st at 2pm. Trinity Baptist Church in Chapel 1022 S. OBT Apopka Way of Grace Ministries "The Family Place" Service 'limes Sunday 10 am & 6 pm Wednesday 7 pm 8550 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd., Apopka Daniel W Mattox, Pastor 407-292-9998 Everlasting Covenant Christian Center 407-884-8598 Compass Community Church 407-774-4600 Crossroads Community Church 407-880-9226 Faith & Power Worship Center 407-880-5115 Faithworld Center 407-292-8888 Freedom Ministries 407-886-6006 Harvest.House Community Church 407-814-0261 Living Waters Christian Center 407-389-0996 Mission For Christ, Inc. 407-889-5998 New Beginnings Ministries 321-689-2260 New Life Praise Worship Center 407-880-3421 Prayer House of Faith Inc. 407-841-2787 Perfecting Praise Ministries 407-298-6776 Sabbath Grace Fellowship 407-970-6535 Sorrento Christian Center 352-735-4447 Spirit of Life Christian Church 407-886-4570 Tangerine Community Church 407-880-6488 Victory Church World Outreach Center 407-889-7288 Westside Community Church 407-880-7887 Pentecostal Abundant Life Church of the Living God 407-880-7255 Church of the Living God Inc. 407-884-0134 Church of the Son 407-246-0001 Ebeqezer Christian Church Inc. 407-886-0020 Faith in Christ By God 407-814-8515 Free Temple Ministries 407-889-3725 House of God 407-814-0656 Pentecostal Church of God 407-295-0898 The Pentecostals 407-889-3802 Truth Tabernacle 407-814-9333 Way of Grace Ministries 407-889-4000 Pentecostal Holiness Temple of Faith 407-884-6960 Presbyterian First Presbyterian of Apopka 407-886-5943 St. Andrews Presbyterian 407-293-6802 Reformed Church in America Rolling Hills Community Church 407-886-7664 Religious/Biblical Science Bible School of Apopka 407-644-0193 IDMR 407-644-0193 Seventh-day Adventists Apopka Seventh-day Adventist 407-889-2812 Florida Living Church 407-788-7591 Forest Lake 407-869-0680 France-Haitian 407-296-4368 Genesis Spanish 407-453-4762 Mount Olive 407-886-0430 Pine Hills 407-291-4816 Plymouth-Sorrento 407-884-0595 Present Truth 407-886-4335 Sheeler Oaks 407-886-8077 United Brethren Lake Brantley Community 407-862-7821 Unity Unity Church of Christianity 407-295-9181 1 IMAPOPKA State No Fault Insurance I 1TREE & SHRUBS 119 South Sunset Drive Walt Williams Owner FL3 7 407-886-1060 Casselberry, FL 32707 1616 Schopke Rd., Apopka 407-889-0098 ,W)oob T popko (hEbief I. B. Mithiews One offlbondasTopaward-winning weekly newspapers! (C) M R PANY The Planter Commercial & Residential A Free Weekly Publication Garage Doors & Openers 407-886-2777 www.jbmathews.cem 'O .... 4o7-65e-12S9 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka One Accord Christian Fellowship Church Multicultural Spirit-filled Church Sunday O10AM- Wednesday Service 7PM Youth Wednesday 7PM 7301 Edgewater Dr. .407-523-3002 Danny Len Buick Pontiac GMC Truck 17605 US Hwy. 441 Mount Dora 352-357-4181 Lollison Larey-I-land Funeral Home 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road 407-656-3443 4 07- 6a 6- 44 174 SemOran Commerce P, Ste 121 Apopkan 407-886-9500 For all vour pnhtihg needs STATEFA M Hal Yeager < -ITricia A. Madden, P.A Advertise your business ,,,,, 1 E. gr Srt, N eoeyNoFe oCst Advrtiea churchsies. " S 49 E. 3rd Street Free Consultation here and support our Apopka No Recovery No Fee -No Cost area churches. Spo407-889-2557 500 E. Altamonte Dr., Suite 200 INSU^AN 407-889-2557 Altamonte Springs Call 407-886-2777 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. 407-260-0440 for details. Apopka Aluminum & AI I T Nelson's Insurance Screen Inc. VV LIVIIA R Services Class Rooms, Screen Rooms, Bryan Nelson Room Additions, Carports 1700 S. Orange Blossom Tr. For all your insurance needs" Concrete Work, Pool Enclosures Apopka 10 N. Park Ave., Apopka Apopka 407-886-7504 407-889-8668 407-886-7553 ,= Vann Gannaway Chevrolet 15140 U.S. Highway 441 Eustis 352-343-2400 Bowen Plumbing, Inc. 4 Faucets - Toilets SDisposals Sink SWater Heater - Rootering * Repiping 407-889-0708 Tom's Forklift Service, Inc.,, Family Owned & Operated, 5817 Beggs Rd., Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 296-3858 FAX(407) 294-7939 Joel Clark Who do you call when you have plumbing needs? Albertson's Food & White Aluminum Apopka Family & Certified BackflowTester First National Bank Steve KOscoe umbing PhProducts Children's Health -AnnualTesting-Repair-Installation 211 S. Edgewood Drive Pharmacy Products225E.7thSt. 618S.ForestAv SEmergency Repairs Most Service within 24 Hours Apopka .. 407-797-1900 2400 Semoran Blvd 18040 US Hwy. 441 Main Line Appointment Line 407-383-5632 407-886-1400 Christian Owned Apopka Mount Dora 407-886-6201 407-556-5232 Cert.# T05-00-4552 & Operated 407-889-9797 407-889-5775 Serving Apopka for over 30 years Cer.#A5-0,-5 I AM 950 w ,4 WTLN ,,95. TheLight 407-886-3388 Hwy. 436/44 "Attend your place of worship this week. MARVIN C. ZANDERSE FUNERAL HOME 232 W. Michael Gladden Blvd. Apopka, Florida 32703 . All Seasons Pest Control , 435 W. Main Street Apopka, FL 32712 407-886-0204 Apopka's Plant Outlet 2177 N. Rock Springs Rd. Apopka, FL 407-814-1144, One Stop Garden Centet-l' For All Your Garden Needs Hermann Engelmann' Greenhouses, Inc. , Ph. 407-886-3434" Wholesale "" RF0066455 ,,EXPRESS 10% off'", kt order when you bring in S this coupon ' (Behind the wa.ig,-aphim . Apopka Tag office) 407-889-4433 Apopka Well & Pump, Incw Specializing in Submersible" & Turbin Pumps Apopka: 407-886-1273 Lake County: 352-483-0779, individuals Partnerships Corporations 855 N. Park Ave. #2 Apopka Ruby Baxter- 407-814-1810 Susy Garcia Freycenet Allstate 130-D Park Ave. llt Apopka AigSood'ldl 407-886-8778 407-260-6888 1203 E. Hwy. 436 Altamonte Springs Harris Oil & Air Conditioning Corp. Fuel Service-Oil-Kerosene Diesel-Lubricating Oil 1100 S. Hwy. 441 (P.). Box 987) Phone: 352-383-2322 & 1-800-458-2703 Stephen R. Lareau Certified Public Accountant Serving Apopka Since 1980 407-886-2597 Loomis Funeral Home Inc. Quality Service at reasonable prices. from a family that cares! 420 W Main St., Apopka James R. Loomis, Funeral Director 407-880-1007 I Ii The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 8A Good times and good recipes always go together SOME RECIPES are so much fun! t. I have quite a collection of recipes that I .. ,.. treasure because of good times long Kitchen Kapers ago that will forev- By Ramona Whaley er be associated with them. While browsing through our Apop- ka-area community cookbooks, I always inevitably come across those old recipes I cooked and served to friends and family in times past. Mere remembrance of those certain dishes re-creates happy days that were as delicious as the recipes themselves. I once baked a baklava recipe that was indescribably luscious and delightful. Far better, though, than its outstanding taste was the non-stop raves it brought the cook from my then-teenage nephew and all his pals. The kids talked about it every time they saw me. That recipe is included here. I feel sure all of you now and then experience that same thing and enjoy it just as much as I do. The sampler below includes several of my favorite most unforgettably fun recipes from over the years. Enjoy! JEANNE GLASBRENNER'S BAKLAVA 4 cups walnuts, finely chopped 1/2 cup sugar I teaspoon cinnamon I pound phyllo filoo) dough I cup butter or margarine I jar (12 ounces) honey Grease a 13 x 9-inch baking dish. In large bowl, combine chopped walnuts, sugar and cinnamon until well blended. In baking dish place one sheet of phyllo, allowing it to extend up sides of dish. Brush phyllo with butter or margarine. Repeat to make 5 more layers of phyllo. Sprinkle with I cup walnut mixture. Cut remaining phyllo into approxi- mately 13 x 9-inch rectangles. Place another sheet of phyllo over walnut mixture; brush with butter. Repeat to make 6 layers total, overlapping small strips of phyllo to make rectangles if necessary. Sprinkle I cup walnut mixture evenly over phyllo. Repeat step 3 two more times. Place remaining phyllo on top of last walnut layer. Trim any phyllo that extends over top of dish. With sharp knife, cut just halfway through all layers in a dia- mond pattern to make about 28 servings. Bake at 300 for I hour and 25 minutes or until top is golden brown. Meanwhile, heat honey in pan over.medium heat. Do not boil. Spoon honey over baked baklava. Cool and serve at room temperature. JOAN GUNDAL'S CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING 3 slices stale bread, broken into pieces 2 cups milk I egg, beaten 2 heaping tablespoons cocoa 3/4 cups sugar Beat egg. Add remaining ingredi- ents. Bake in greased casserole dish at 350 for I hour. Serve with ice cream. CHARLOTTE STEINER'S GUACAMOLE I avocado, peeled 1/3 cup tomato, peeled, seeded, chopped 1/3 cup chopped onion I can (4 ounces) green chilies, chopped I small clove garlic, minced (or garlic powder to taste) I tablespoon lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste Tabasco to taste (optional) Mash peeled avocado to a smooth consistency. Add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Chill. Serve as dip for corn chips. MARILYN REILLY'S SPINACH BALLS 2 boxes frozen, chopped spinach I large onion, chopped 4 cups Pepperidge Farm stuffing mix 4 beaten eggs 3/4 cup melted butter 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon thyme Cook and drain spinach. Add other ingredients. Mix well. Refrigerate at least I hour. Shape into small balls. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes. JEANNE GLASBRENNER'S RUMAKI I pound bacon (pieces cut in half) I can water chestnuts (each cut into thirds) Wrap each third of water chestnut with 1/2 strip of bacon. Broil rumakis until golden brown on both sides, watching close- ly. Serve with sauce recipe below. Rumaki Sauce I cup catsup 3/4 cup brown sugar About I tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Cook sauce on low for 20 minutes. Place sauce in shallow dish and add rumakis. Keep warm on hot tray while serving. Serve with toothpicks. CHARLOTTE STEINER'S CORN RELISH 1/2 cup white vinegar I medium onion, sliced 6 tablespoons sugar I teaspoon mustard seed 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard 2 cans (12 ounces each) Mexican-style Whole kernel corn Heat vinegar, onion, sugar and sea- sonings to boiling in medium-size saucepan; simmer 5 minutes. Empty corn into bowl and pour hot vinegar mixture over it. Chill. JEAN HEACOCK'S COLD CUCUMBER SOUP I can cream of chicken soup I carton sour cream VINE CEDlARS OF PARK AVENUE SWINE CIGARS GIFTS CUSTOM GIFT BASKETS "Shop for the Holidays" 9 WINE TASTING Saturday, Jan. 21, 5-7 pm Featuring an assortment of wines from Germany, Italy, and California The charge is $3.00pp with a $3.00 discount on the 1st bottle purchased. Wine Cellars of Park Avenue 1232 Rock Springs Road Suite 102, Apopka, Next to Cee Bee Air Phone: 407-889-8001 Email:winecellarsparkave@cfl.rr.com White pepper I onion, peeled, chopped I cucumber, chopped Blend together soup, sour cream and pepper in blender. Add onion and cucumber. Chill 25 hours. JANET KRIKORIAN'S "BOERIG" SPINACH PIES I package frozen filo (phyllo) dough I pound ground beef I package chopped, frozen spinach I tablespoon onion, chopped 1/2 pound grated brick cheese 2 eggs Salt to taste Pinch of garlic powder I tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon dill weed Margarine, melted Defrost filo dough 2 hours. Brown ground beef. Cook spinach; squeeze dry. Blend all ingredients except dough in food processor or blender. In jelly roll pan, spread 8 sheets of filo dough, which have been brushed with margarine. Spread meat mix- ture over top sheet. Repeat with 8 more sheets, brushed with margarine. Do not spread margarine on top sheet. Cut diagonal- ly and across to form diamonds. Bake at 350 for 30 to 40 minutes. JOY KIEFER'S ARKANSAS DOWN-HOME FRIED CORN 3 to 4 ears corn (2 cups kernels) 3 tablespoons bacon grease, butter or margarine 2 teaspoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons water Place corn on end. Using sharp knife, cut off outer portion of corn kernels. Place in medium bowl. Scrape off remaining kernels and liquid into same bowl. Set aside. In medi- um skillet, heat bacon grease or butter. Add corn, sugar, salt and water. Fry over medium heat, 5 to 7 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve hot. Serves 4. Like You Are Just Our Style! v -1 i The Hair Specialists for your family! ylist- Debbie Abbott NOW OFFERING "FAI ALE BALLET" TAP FOR PRE SCHOOLERS! l JAZZ NEW CLASSES ARE STARTING!!! AREK CALL NOW FOR AO INTE A FREE TRIAL CLASS!! 1 DANCED MODERN STOP IN, TOUR THE STUDIO, MEET THE STAFF, MORE! Youyvre almays welcome !!! In Victoria Plaza where SR #429 meets US #441 in Apopka, on the web at: kidzdance.com Everyone Makes Resolutions. At Curves, You Keep Them. This year, find out how over 4 million women .^ i .' who thought they couldn't get fit have discov- ered they can. At Curves, you can too. Our fun, simple workouts take just 30 minutes, three - times a week. Success is right around the " corner. A- , Join now for 50% off the service fee. Receive a free year's sub- scription to Cuives Award- winning magazine, "diane' Apopka West 1093 W. Hwy 441 @ SR429, in Victoria Plaza. 407-880-9776 Catuve3, citoeeyhngV 6 weeks solution weight management classes starting soon! Offer based on first visit enrollment, minimum 12 mo. cd prorani.Not vwdid with inv other jon ow ff. I i .ho I /5/6 H56 Watching a loved one transition from one life stage to another can be emotionally taxing. You see the need for care change and evolve, and you begin to question, how long can I offer the best care? Where can I turn for caregiving solutions and support? Comfort Keepers can help. Comfort Keepers works with family members to customize a non-medical, in-home, care program that can often keep a senior, or loved one needing care, in the safety and comfort of their own home. Comfort Keepers caregivers are carefully screened, bonded and insured. Comfort Keepers can provide: Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping/ Laundry Services Grocery Shopping/Errand Services Incidental Transportation We a Companionship/Conversation Personal Care Services 0 Respite Care I itCh office' ittdtpt!.dentlty owned andt opcrsiii. 407-814-7070 www.comfortkeepers.com Hablamos Espaiol answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Svl Comfor iomitI Koopeors, Comforting Solutions for In-Home Care" 'Roofng Suplies i wAmbe I~.iL Shingh Large Qu SExcellent Se .. Fast In & O Hop eel, -"Competitive r tkr"' '- Helpful & K "Earning your business... Multiple Lo( Through superior service" Delivery Ava INNOVATIONS f0O LIVING AT I AS ROOFING SYSTEMS es & Accessories entities Available election ut Pick Up Pricing Knowledgeable Staff nations in Central Florida ailable 1a GAF MATERIALS CORPORATION Want Whiter Teeth? Complete Family Dentistry ne Sy Tangco, D.D.S. New Patients Welcome Se Habla Espanol Apopka Dental Art, P.A. S2438 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka (In the Bealls Plaza) - Saturday Appointments Available Most Insurance Accepted r Friends 6 OWNER/STYLIST_ 407-880-8263 837 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka (Apopka Land Regional Shopping Center) I" \----------------I. Where Do You Turn When Love Isn't Enough? 1839 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka, FL 32703 (Behind Fastenal Supply across from Sawtec Inc.) 407-410-0196 877-725-8382 www.blue-tarp.com ELKf Coofidence Budt.im. fl L ,ier. alid through 2/25/06. HS5968 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 9A 4 Sprint Pop into your new one-stop shop in Apopka! Celebrate the grand opening of the new Sprint Store. The new Apopka Sprint Store will blow you away. Our new, convenient location gives you plenty of reasons to celebrate because it's a one-stop shop for all the latest communications and entertainment products and services. For a limited time, you can save up to $200 on select Sprint PCS Phones. (Requires purchase and activation of a new line of service and two-year subscriber agreement. Offer only available in the Apopka Sprint Store.) Apopka Sprint Store 3030 E. Semoran Blvd. at the intersection of SR 436 and S. Hunt Club Dr. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Saturday 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Sunday A,, AL Al Ahl Sprint high-speed Internet: Service not available in all areas. $49.99 Activation fee will apply. A fee of $99.00 will be charged for early termination. Actual performance may vary due to conditions outside of Sprint's network cqontrof. No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. These conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Additional restrictions may apply. Sprint PCS: Nationwide network reaches over 250 million people. Coverage not available everywhere. Offers are not available everywhere and are subject to change without notice. Subject to credit. Terms and conditions apply. See store for details. Instant Savings: Requires purchase and activation by 1/31/06. Savings may not exceed total purchase price of phone. Preferred credit may be required. Business accounts excluded. Not combinable with other offers. Service Credit: Requires purchase and activation of a new Sprint PCS-Phone no later than 1/31/06. Service credit may be awarded in two installments and will appear within the first two invoices. Preferred credit may be required. Business accounts excluded. Not combinable with other offers. Service Plan: $150 early termination fee and a $36 activation fee apply. A deposit may be required. 2006 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P SPR-426801 V,- , The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 10A -Victims: Clay Springs Elementary will celebrate the 100th day of school Continued from page 6A with algorithms and measuring. ,We are looking forward to our :fieldtrip to the Central Florida Zoo in February! FOURTH GRADE Sss...sss...sss. Seven slippery snakes slithered down Connelly: Could Apopka be called a micropolis? Continued from page 6A of South Carolina is Columbia. 7. Dolly Madison 8. Introduced by the Census Bureau in 2003, a micropolis is an area growing in popularity offering the best of both city and country. It isn't a satellite or a suburb of a larger city. Rather, it has an urban core of fewer than 50,000 people and usually serves as a hub for a larger rural area. The U.S. Census Bureau has identified 573 micropolises and the number is said to be increasing. 9. Jean and Pierre Lafitte, who made much money smuggling slaves from the West Indies through that river port. 10. They are Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, Michigan and Ontario. Final thought: All the world's a stage and we are all players on it. The Bard William Shakespeare the sidewalk. "HELP! HELP!" screamed the children in utter fear. They were as scared as a marshmallow at a campfire. Suddenly, out of the baby blue sky appeared....seven famished eagles! The majestic birds of prey swooped down, snatched up the snakes, and flew away like lightning. "Hip hip hooray!" the children cried in unison. The eagles had saved the day! Fourth graders at Clay Springs are busy preparing for the FCAT writing test that will be given on February 7. They arc learning to write well-organized stories, and how to add elaboration and other special skills to make their writing more interesting. Can you spot the following targeted skills in the short passage above? Look for onomatopoeia, alliteration, dialogue, sizzling vocabulary, similes, ellipsis, and juicy color words. Not sure what some of those things are? Ask a Clay Springs student. FIFTH GRADE It's been a wonderful winter so far for fifth grade! The fifth grade students participated in a Walk-A-Thon to raise money for the Red Cross to benefit the hurricane victims. They helped raise over $2,500! Students were also able to enjoy each other's company while walking the perimeter of the school. Our annual JamBEARee is approaching soon. Students will be leading parents in exciting educational activities. Our theme this year is Where in the World is Midnight Bear? Fifth grade students are creating advertisements and commercials to play on the morning announcements. They hope to raise anticipation and participa- tion for the JamBEARee event. January 18 is the 100th day of school. As a school, students are collecting items for Loaves and Fishes. Students are taking on the task of tracking the number of items collected and charting them in increments of ten. FCAT is just around the corner! Reading, math, and sci- ence will be tested at the end of February. PE NEWS On December 16, Safe Kids and Fed Ex presented Clay Springs Elementary with an Outstanding Participation Award plaque for participating in The Walk Your Child to School Day on October 5. The children also received their ice cream party for being one of the top three schools that participat- ed. Safe Kids also presented us with free gifts in which 10 lucky students went home that after- noon with a brand new helmet. What a great day it turned out to be! Our next big event will be in February when we hold our annual Jump Rope for Heart Event. Please give generously if asked to donate money to the American Heart Association. It will help people in our commu- nity. Funds: Baby and maternity clothes are needed MAJESTIC TAN Get The Perfect Tan Year Round! Hot New Bulbs AIRBRUSH TANNING Mon. Fri. 9-9 -Jat. 9-7 Sun. 11-5 2155 E. Semoran Blvd. Apopka Call 407-814-1170 for an appointment. Walk-In's Welcomed. ww.etiremajesticta Never Felt So Good! Retirement Never Felt So Good! Come Live in the Smoky Mountains! * All ground level apartments * 14 acres on Little Pigeon River * Paid utilities * Transportation * Activities * Pet Friendly * Meals included Mountainrook VILLAGE 700 Markhill Drive Sevierville TN www.MountainBrookVillage.info 1-877-207-5034 55 + Independent and Assisted Living Community Where the adventure begins... 170 S. Washington Avenue, Apopka Located on Hwy 441 Just South of 429 Interchange (407) 464-2000 Open daily Mon.-Fri. 10am 6pm Sat.10am-4pm www.MosquitoCreekOutdoors.com Continued from page 6A . are the officers of the board of directors for the Pregnancy Care Center. A general advisory board is made up of members Steve Loomis, Stephen Lareau, Rae Ringenberg, M.D., Roberto Perez, M.D., Thomasita Crow- ell, Esq., and John Long of Gideon International. Dr. Larry Michael, First Baptist Church of Sweetwater; Pastor Dan Don- aldson, Journey Christian Church; Reverend Don D. Yates. Northside Baptist Church; and Dr. Ken Bogle, Trinity Baptist Church, are,.on the pastoral advisory board. In addition to the officers, there are five other members of the board of directors and Thompson said they are seeking five more. "We want to make Save Up to 50% On All Premium Sets!! Example: Theirs Ours Full $350 $194 Queen $450 $239 King $550 $299 $700 $389 $950 $489 $1950 $899 Futon Bunk Bed $149 Rainbow Bunk Bed $129 5 pc. Dinette $119 sure that we not only develop the board with skilled people, but we also are looking for diversity. Our intent is to make sure our board is more heavily weighted with women and that it not be composed entirely of clergy." In addition to fundraising, the board is looking for a loca- tion for the center, which would ideally be close to the bus line, one or two miles from the inter- section of Park Avenue and U.S. Highway 441, be in or near a medical office building and have a private entrance. "The reason for that is we want it accessible for all of Apopka. For the sake of those concerned about the perceptions of those who are going in, we want to make sure it has a pri- vate entrance so people can Only Back Support Mattress Sets. PARTNER WANTED Therapedic, Chiro & Orthopedic 8 years, owner does all!= low overhead = low low prices 407-814-7800 807 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka (Next to Big Lots & Bealls Across from Bdcock Furniture) [TMaa 09=1= enter in a discreet way and not be chastised by family or friends." The center is also collecting baby supplies, such as diapers, maternity clothes, and nursery equipment. "Surprisingly, the number one need for a pregnan- cy center is maternity clothes. The reason is that everyone thinks to give to the babies. For some reason, folks overlook that need (for maternity clothes). Oftentimes, the ladies coming to us for help have limited resources and we want to be able to help them as much as we can." Even though the facility isn't open, Thompson said the center now has office space, which is located in the comer of his office at Plymouth Baptist Church. Missionary Computer Fellowship, based in Orlando, donated a computer so the cen- ter can produce documents as needed. The center also needs vol- unteers for tasks such as stuffing envelopes, as well as helping with future clients. They will be trained by the Baptist Children's Homes of Florida and be required to sign a mission state- ment as well as a doctrinal state- ment. "Scripture is very important to us. It's the Word of God and it's clear to us that we expect that as part of the group," Thompson said. Anyone inter- ested in volunteering or wishing to make financial or other dona- tions can call 321-356-2937 or write to P.O. Box 935, Apopka, 32704. Thompson said that although his church is small, its members heartily support the Apopka Pregnancy Care Center. "It's a strong heartbeat of our people. It's a profound need and the cutting edge of saving life. When you look past all the political things that go along with it (abortion controversy) and the feelings that are involved, people are truly invested in this." Active Learning Curriculum Focus on School Readiness Accredited Staff Family Owned & Operated NOW HIRING Summer Camp Program C070R0368 Before/After School Program 407-814-8060 2505 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka (across from Sprint) Know the ABCDs of Melanoma Asymmetry Border Color Diameter Melanoma And Skin Cancer Awareness Monday FREE Skin Cancer Screenings Monday Afternoons .-I 3:30 5:30 p.m. The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours or responding to the advertisement for free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, 0L examination or treatment, e~g C 013 A TAILS E A P A Pet Salon Now Offering Aromatherapy & Pet Massage. *FREE Hot Oil or Flea Treatment with purchase of a groom .' *WED. Great Bath Specials! Please mention ad to receive your special rates! Open Toes. Sat. Morning and Afternoon by Appointment Only Flexible Hours SLEEPY'S 365 Days A Year All Back Support Mattresses Waterbeds Dining Room Furniture Buffet/Hutches Computer Desks Bedrooms NO ERO'S Ages 6 Weeks to 12 Years Pre5C~hOOl -imie Member of Chaminer of Commerce & Betler business Bureau Need help budgeting your insurance costs? I ow you can pay for your personal, and most business, insurance protection with an easy-to- handle, monthly payment plan called Flex Bill. This plan, avail- able from Auto-Owners Insurance Company, means less strain on your . budget. Call us and ask us about it today! Auto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business S CENTRy 2121 E. Semoran Blvd. A I G N 1R I 1 Colonial Promenade of Wekiva INSURANCE AGENCY flwy 436 & Wekiva Springs Rd., 407-886-3301 Apopka 16101w- cl"O'\'- /011-W "- The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 11A S' Dining and Entertainment Guide Froggers Grill and Bar is hoppin' as the No. 1 party spot in Apopka You don't have to travel far to go to a party spot in Apopka. Froggers Grill and Bar is Apopka's neigh- borhood casual sports restaurant, which caters to all walks of life for the whole family. It is hoppin' with food and fun and offers a lit- tle bit of everything; TV for the sports fans, video games for the slightly more adven- turous, and a pool table and dartboards for those who love a challenge. Froggers Grill and Bar provides a comfortable place with exceptional food, where the neighborhood community can meet to socialize, dine, and watch their favorite sports on any of the 20 TVs and two big screens located throughout the restaurant. No matter what you may want to watch, including all NFL and college football games, there is a TV set for you, including a continuous circle of 14 TVs over the bar alone. Get in the game. You can play Orlando hold'em poker every Thursday night starting at 8 p.m. free of charge! You can play your way to a $ 10,000 seat at the 2007 world series of poker, as well as many other great nightly prizes. Enjoy live trivia every Saturday night free of charge; a fun and unique game show hosted by Rick "pub quiz" Peterson. Show starts at 8 p.m. If you want to come out to the hoppining place in Apopka, Froggers Grill and Bar has "hoppy hour" Monday through Friday, from 4 to 7 p.m. Their famous chicken wings are 35 cents, grilled or original. They have $2 domestic bot- tles and a $2 glass of house wine, $1.75 pint size domes- tic drafts, and 2-for I single liquor drinks (poured dou- ble tall). Froggers' house beer is Iron City and I.C. Light; always -ice cold and always $2. Froggers Grill and Bar offers daily specials seven days a week, from open to close. Monday, you can get 25-cent wings and buckets of beer, (5 bottles for $5.95 bud/bud light) from 7 p.m. to midnight. Tuesday is Kids' Night. KIDS EAT FREE from 4 to 9 p.m. dine-in only, and, of course, with each paying adult. "Tadpoles" also get free Popsicles for dessert and a chance to win a great prize. On the first Tuesday of every month, a FREE BICYCLE will be given away. There is a face painter on hand to transform the tadpoles into whatever their imaginations can come up with. The tadpole menu offers burgers, chicken fin- gers, corn dogs, and grilled cheese. On Wednesdays, they have a buy one, get one fajita special, and free frog- geritas from 7 to I I p.m. for the ladies. Also, from 6 to 8 p.m., Froggers has Bar Bingo, where you can play for food and beverage prizes. Thursday nights, Froggers offers the best prime rib in Apopka. You'll be served well at Froggers Grill and Bar in Apopka by, (l-r), Cassi, Bhoranie, Cindy, Skye, Kiki, Sharpie, and Desiree. The menu is diverse and affordable. Froggers Grill and Bar is famous for their wings and homemade blue cheese, made fresh daily since they first opened their doors in 1987. Favorites include the blackened grouper sandwich, char- broiled chicken salad, ham- burgers, and fajitas. Frog- gers Grill and Bar was the first to do a boneless chick- en wing sandwich back in 1988. The Froggers team, kitchen crew, hostesses, and management team are the best! Edgardo Serrano (aka "Eggie") the general manag- er, keeps Froggers hoppin' with food and fun! Don't be surprised to see Froggers hoppin' into neighborhoods all over Florida. The "new" family- friendly, brightly colored, beach-themed restaurants have come a long way. George Hakim, the original owner of Froggers Grill and Bar, started his first restaurant in the Rosemont area. George has formed a partnership with Russell Salerno. With Russ' love of business, sports, and chick- en wings, this partnership is fan "Frogger"-tastic! George and Russ have three great locations to serve you: in Apopka at 1601 North Rock Springs Road (the plaza next to Pub- lix), 407-814-0650; in Orlan- do at the corner of Turkey Lake Road and Conroy Road, 407-293-4777; and the newest location in Oviedo, 407-359-8388. They are open Monday through Saturday, from I I a.m. to I a.m., and Sundays, from noon to midnight. The friendly and effi- cient staff of Froggers Grill and Bar welcomes every- one to stop by for Hoppy Hour, to schedule your next party, or to just join in the fun! Advertisement Voute Posiion Avial Call Patricia Rich (407)880-8881 2001 N. Rock Springs Road ,, ,Super Bowl Party ~"r All you can eat wings! -4 Free Beer S' when your team scores Zellwood Country Club Whistle Stop Restaurant ' Wednesday Night Menu Featuring All You Can Eat Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Salad Bar & Garlic Bread $4.95 Al Acarte Menu Available t Includes Salad Bar and Dessert From $6.95 Check out our Buffet!, a Friday Night Buffet 2 meats, fisi, vegetables, salad bar & dessert Buffet $8.95 Buffet Changes Weekly I Banuet facilities available from 20 to 300 people Specializinginweddings,specialevents & seminars Open 8 am 8 pm 7 Days a Week Breakfast SMon.- Sat. 8:00- 11:30 Lunch 11:30- 3:30 Dinner M-F 5:00 8:00 Sunday Brunch 8:00 2:00 $5.99 Eggs Benedict, Scrambled Eggs, Biscuits & Gravy, Pancakes, French Toast, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh Fruit and much more. Credit Cards Accepted 2728 Cayman Circle, Zellwood U.S. Hwy. 441 North Make Reservations Early &e 0407-889-5131 M A NEFCCRVE!MT.U VARIETIES OF ICE CREAM! KING BUFFET "Voted 2005 Foodie Award for Best Buffet" SPCA Monda -'Thrsda ol. r - 4 SKNG BUFFET All you can eat I off peradult. snow crab legs, fr SLunch Buffet I oysters, scallop: 1 O I fried shrimp, sai L "a -A teed shrimp, sal; N bars, dessert bars, ok436 3a creams & more. 2157 East Semoran Blvd., Apopka 407-814-9116 2157 East Semoran Blvd., Apopka 407-814-9116 es s) u- ad i KING BUFFET h $1 50 w h J$ offperaduL SDinner Buffet i ce jta I Qi/HMCATER I ___________U Christo 's Hunt Club 3346 E. Semomn Blvd. Apopka 407-6450100 1815 Edgewater Dr., Oriando 407-429-8136 Cafe Great Food & Great Service! Buy 1 entree & get the 2nd one for 1/2 price (equal or lesser value) Monday Friday Open Daily for Breakfast, Lunch& Dinner Mon. Sat 6:30 AM -9:00PM Sunday 7:00 AM-3:00 PM Breakfast served daily until 3:00 PM Visit www.christoscafe.com for a look at our menu and to call ahead for pick-up -------------------------.----......-. ------- .-.--,s--~-----. --.- .. *.v*-~--~.y.~ - S...Leaps Into ApopkaP "HOPPY HOUR" Monday Friday 35 Wings & Great Drink Specials 4-7 pm 2 for 1 Liquor Drinks Poured Double Tall $2 Domestic Bottled Beer ..$1.75 Domestic Draft Pints $2 House Wine ,, -*--, ******************************* * ...j Softball Teams in uniform get a pitcher of domestic beer and 20 wings for $10.99 and $1 off pitchers. Anytime! Hoppin' with food & fun! Tuesday Specials r--- -- Kids Eat Free! (4-9 pm) Dine-in only. One kid's meal (off kid's menu) with each paying adult meal. Specials not included. |1./ A MdI EI. I 25v oysters (4pm close) All-u-can-eat ribs (4pm close) Buy 1 Entree & Receive 1 $1 Domestic Drafts (starts at 7pm B I Entree of Equal or Lesser I Froggers Gril Bar I Value 1/2 Price 1601 N. Rock Springs Rd., Apopka 407-814-0650 Dine in only. With this coupon. Not validwitholhcroffers Mon. Sat. 11 am 1 pm Sun. Noon Midnight or specials. Not valid tin Friday or Saturday. Froggers firill L & Bar 407-814-0650. Offorxpires 1.31.06. www.froggers.com AIP, I W)N9- I I-/wy 9 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 12A INCOME TAX TIME Starting January 5th CASH in a FLASH Money in Minutes RAL Refund (loans) in 24 hours or less E-filing For Qualified Applicants Free Estimati NOW With last Paycheck Stub Baxter Bookkeeping and 855 N. Park Ave., #2 Apopka, Florida 32712 Tax Service Ruby Baxter (407) 814-1810 Dental Implants Wisdom Teeth Extractions IU Sedation If' alBorCetfd Oviedo Apopka 407-366-2243 *407-886-2050 1410 W. Broadway St. 20 S. Park Ave. Suite 204 Suite A Orange City *(386J 774-2999 400 Treemonte Dr. wwwdrreisnico CLARKE'S OPTICAL Come See Us! All Frames oR- All Lenses with purchase of Lenses- with purchase of Frames While Supplies Last Includes all In-Stock Designer Frames: Armani, Cazal, Escada, Hilfiger, Polo, Tura and many more! Sale unfortunately does-not include Oakleys! Eye Exams FREE Maintenance 5 Days A Week with purchase of every complete . -OPTICAL HOURS pair of glasses. Expires 1-31-06 Monday ........9am-8:00pm Tuesday.......9am-:00pm 612 Hunt Club Blvd. Wednesday ... 9am-6:30pm .... Thursday ...... 9am-8:00pm Apopka, FL 32703 Friday .......9am-6:30pm Saturday .......9am-4:00pm 407 862 2020 Sunday ............... CLOSED 407V- The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reim- bursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 407-889-5552 1517 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka Errol Plaza SFlorida Wireless Apopka's Newest Cell Phone Store! 1 Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service offers professional tax preparation Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service specializes in complete, professional accounting and tax prepara- tion services for small and medium businesses, partner- ships and corporations, and individuals. Whether you rent or own your own home, have rental property or sav- ings for your child's educa- tion, or are just wondering how these situations might affect you, Baxter Book- keeping and Tax Service can help. If you have a small business or are thinking of starting one, they can help you set up your bookkeeping and business filings. If you own a business, the last thing you need to be doing after a long day at work is to spend countless hours entering the daily financial transactions of your business. Let Baxter Book- keeping and Tax Service handle your bookkeeping needs without having to pay the high cost of a CPA. You can then spend your time where it matters most. With over 20 years expe- rience in the bookkeeping industry, Ruby Baxter, owner of Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service, is a book- keeper and notary, who decided that the unique needs of small business own- ers, as well as individuals, could be better met and more cost efficient. Ruby provides the customer with an understandable financial statement and hands-on knowledge of their unique accounting needs. She does so at an affordable rate that will allow the business owner to be able to spend greater time conducting other busi- ness needs or spending time with their family. Ruby relo- cated to Apopka last year and opened her business in August. She moved to Apop- ka after owning her own business for 19 years in Jack- sonville, Florida. She wanted to be nearer to family and now makes Apopka her home. Some of the services provided by Baxter Book- keeping and Tax Service are: professional tax advice, planning, and consulting; indi- vidual, business, partnership, and corporate tax returns; complete accounting and bookkeeping services; W-2 and 1099 preparation; pay- roll tax returns; unfiled and amended returns; monthly and quarterly statement preparation; IRS audit assis- tance; and Notary Public ser- vices. Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service is commit- ted to a work environment that will meet or exceed their customers' expecta- tions by being trustworthy, being reliable, and demon- strating their competence on a continual basis. When it comes to gener- ating reliable and credible financial information, it is not just companies that are held accountable. It is the people responsible for those compa- nies. Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service can assist you in developing "mind- share" and train your staff in the best practices that have Ruby Baxter, owner of Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service, has more than 20 years experience in the bookkeeping industry. been proven in over 20 years of business and information technology experience. They fully under- stand that, at the end of the day, it's all about results. That is why they deliver a cost-effective solution to their customers, and the results are guaranteed. It's time to think about preparing those taxes. Bax- ter Bookkeeping and Tax Service is here to help with all your tax needs. If you need cash in a flash, money in minutes, an RAL refund (loans) in 24 hours or less, or e-filing, let Baxter Book- keeping and Tax Service help you. If you are expecting a hefty refund on your feder- al tax return, and you'd like to get your hands on it as fast as humanly possible, how you file has the biggest effect on turnaround time. It's your money, after all, and Uncle Sam is just holding it for you. If you need a tax I.D., Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service can help. They have Spanish-speaking em- ployees to help with language needs. Baxter Bookkeeping and Tax Service is located at 855 N. Park Avenue, Suite 2, in Apopka. They are open Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the off-season. But, for tax season, they are open Mon- day through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sunday, from noon to 6 p.m. Give them a call at 407-814- 1810 to get help with all your tax and bookkeeping needs. Advertisement Many mailbox services are offered at The UPS Store in Apopka Having a mailbox at The UPS Store means more than just a place to pick up your bills. Service is the definitive word. Customers have several luxuries when they have mailbox service at The UPS Store. Package Acceptance One luxury is not having to be tied to the house or office waiting for a package or signature-required enve- lope. The UPS Store accepts and signs for pack- ages from UPS, the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, DHL, and any other delivery com- pany. Delivery companies are unable to leave packages for clients' post office boxes and in most apartment and town- house communities. The post office doesn't accept packages from outside carri- ers and it is too risky for ship- ping companies to leave packages unattended in multi-family dwellings if there is no place to hide the pack- age. The UPS Store to the rescue! Package Notification If you are waiting for a special package to arrive, the staff at The UPS Store can call you when it arrives. This is especially important when the package is a high priced item or urgent document sent next day air. The store is open 58 hours a week to accommodate your sched- ule. Call-in MailCheckTM Expecting an important document but don't want to take time out of your sched- ule to check the mail? Just call the store and have the friendly staff person check your mailbox for an item. 24-Hour Access If you can't make it in from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Fridays, or 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Satur- days, and need to pick up your mail, you can arrange for 24-hour-a-day access to the mailbox center. You can pick up your mail and even make black and white copies at your convenience. Real Street Address Many people would pre- fer to keep their home address confidential. This is especially important in the case of small home business- es. You get an actual street address with no relationship to your home address and no one can tell how large or small your business really is. No post office address -- a real professional looking address on a real street. Mail Forwarding and Holding If you make frequent trips or have to temporarily move, The UPS Store can hold and/or forward your mail for you. Just ask for the additional service and the staff will hold your mail and forward it on a weekly or monthly basis to your new or temporary address. Mailbox service can be arranged for as short of a time span as three months or for as long as 24 months. The longer term saves you money on a per monthly basis and secures the same address for you for a longer period of time. There is a one time set- up fee and a key deposit for 24-hour access in addition to Phyllis Olmstead, co-owner with her husband Jeffery Olmstead, puts up mail into the boxes at The UPS Store in Apopka. the service fee. Other services Many people use The UPS Store as their local office as well as their mail service. There are telecom- muters in Apopka that need copy service, binding, and laminating but are miles from their corporate office. Small office/home office workers don't always have the copiers, computers, and fax machines that big businesses have in-house. The UPS Store becomes their remote office. Clients can email files to the center (store5514@the- upsstore.com) and have the documents reproduced while they are on an appoint- ment, then drop by the store at 1631 Rock Springs Road to pick up the finished docu- ments. The UPS Store is also able to accommodate 3 1/2" %,* Y diskettes, thumb or flash dri- ves, CD-ROM files, and the new multimedia drives used in cameras. Copy jobs can be completed in color or black and white on white or col- ored paper, then laminated or bound for presentations. File types can include PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. The UPS Store -- your mailbox service and local office in one! The UPS Store is a member of the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce and encourages the support of Relay for Life Apopka the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, and Harbor House Spouse Abuse Center. The store is owned and operated by Jeffery and Phyllis Olmstead. The store is a franchise of Mail Boxes Etc. Advertisement i. Our Roots ....L.. Go Deep Nwson insurancee Services .., nsi "c. For All Your Needs ie l 0Atp "'* Woirkers' Comp Property Casualty I Si Yablt Fsnl-ol t F. Nelson Bryar NeSon F J Apopka N'l ive 7( Apopka rgnh S' iS i Graduate " 10 N. Parl9 Ave, Apopka, FL 32703 "' l Fa :407,- 4-7553 Fax 407-814-9492 - - - - - FREE PNONE AND ACCESSORY WITH QUALIFIED UPGRADE OR ACTIVATION. PREPAID SERVICE: No Contract No Deposit No Credit Checks A singular WIRELESS Authorized Dealer For all accessories, all makes & models visit us at www.FloridaWirelessOnline.com -m -0 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 13A S Fitness challenge is fundraiser for YMCA Nine Apopka High School students represented their school at the 2006 Florida Music Educators Association All-State concert, which was held in Tampa January 4-7 under the direction of Craig Jessop, who also is director of the Morman Tabernacle Choir. Shown are, (1-r), back, James Powell and Ben Parrish; second row, Ana Ambs, and Cara Constantine; Sandra Perry, Christy Fitz- patrick and Lanie Ambs, third row. Not pictured are Rhett Fisher and Jes- sica Emery. will also be given Body by God guidelines as to how they can live on a daily and weekly basis to make steady, incremental changes that will ultimately lead to a lifetime of health and happi- ness, all in 40 days," a spokesperson said. During the six weeks, par- ticipants will receive and event T-shirt, a copy of the Body By God Extreme Makeover book and weekly inspirational emails. Participants will be weighed and measured weekly. Participants can register for $40 by phone at 407-889-3223 or in person at St. Germain Chi- ropractic, 877 S. Orange Blos- som Tr., Apopka." Email any questions to info@the40day- challenge.com. Friends make the world a better place to live in Because You are My Friend By Kay Hoffman I'm glad we met, dear friend, on that day so long ago. "By chance," we said and yet I think that God willed it so. Your friendly way has brought me cheer, the thoughtful things you do; it means so much to have a friend who's always Mildred Board Bits n' Tips warm and true. You are the one to whom I turn when trou- bles come my way; you somehow help my heart to see there'll come a brighter day. My world's a better place and I'd like for you to know, it's because you are my friend that helps to make it so. Think on these things Remember how it was when you were young. You can still be that happy if you try. Compassion is a gift that can be given away; so is humility, it only takes a moment. Don't look down your nose at someone you feel is less than you; it could be you some day. Reach high to attain good things in life. Never feel there is nothing left to do; there is always something else. Being a friend is dear, indeed. Always know that beneath the snow will come a world of new beauty. It's funny how a little acorn can become 50 feet tall. To find forgiveness is a bless- ing in disguise. To give forgiveness will heal the wounds in your soul. Do you ever think of a fork in the road as growing? Well, it can be a positive thing for many of us to make choices. Thank goodness for the rain; the world would be lost without it. Did you ever feel that you're alone in this old world? Look again; you're not. God bless you and all your families in the coming year and pray for all our armed forces and their families, too. Mildred A. Board and Perrine Slim Got news? Call The Apopka Chief at 407-886-2777, fax to 407-889-4121 or email news@apopkachief.fdn.com. OU4 Vdad Castings *-Tea Worms Compositing with worms S* "- -* ' Grow Naturally ". Promote Good Health, Safety Call for FREE Consultation i S407-814-9218 po Website: www.ourvitalearth.com 6919 Plymouth Sorrento Rd., Apopka TM ARD will hold Relay fundraisers The City of Apopka Recre- ation Department is seeking musicians for the third annual LAME (Local Apopka Musi- cians Eradicating) Cancer High School Battle of the Bands, which will be held Saturday, March 4, at Kit Land Nelson Park. High-school-age bands from throughout Central Florida are invited to perform. All musi- cal styles are welcome, but members must play their own instruments. Bands must regis- ter to perform by Friday, Febru- ary 3, and registration has been limited to eight bands, Kristi Fixl of the Apopka Recreation Department said. Each band participating in this event is asked to solicit fam- ily, friends, fans and area busi- nesses for monetary donations. The winning band is then deter- mined by the amount of money the members have raised. Last year, seven bands took part in the concert and donated $6,490 to the American Cancer Society. "Our intent is to unite and encourage our local musical community while advocating the importance of cancer-related support," a spokesperson said. For more information, con- tact Fixl at 407-703-1741, email her at kfixl@apopka.net or visit the Web site at www. LAME- Cancer.org. The Apopka Recreation Department will hold Saddle Up for the American Cancer Society Saturday, February 25, from 8 a.m. to noon at Windy Hill Ranch. Those wishing to partic- ipate must seek sponsors and will receive prizes for raising amounts from $35-$200. They will have ti'e-opportunity to ride two trails with obstacles and participate in.horseback games. Walkers are also welcome and may bring hobby horses. Every- one is encouraged to dress in Western garb, McCrary said. South'm Red Smok'r will have barbecue for sale at $10 a plate while Johnny and the Moondogs entertain. There will also be drawings and door prizes. Anyone raising $200 or more will receive a sports bag, sweatshirt, cap and T-shirt; those collecting $125 will get a, sweatshirt, cap and T-shirt, while $75 earns-a- dap and T- shirt. Anyone who brings $35 in donations will be awarded a T- shirt. For more information and directions, call Nancy Hebert at 407-886-2390 or McCrary at 407-703-1741. &OHair & Tan FULL SERVICE WAXING & TANNING Mon. Sat. 9 am 7 pm Walk-ins Welcome 1057 W. Orange Blossom Tr., \ Shop ,. . Quilting Fabrics Classes Material Girl Quilt Shop 319 W. Main St.,Apopka 407-884-0660 Mon. Sat. 9:00a.m. thru 6:00p.m. Tanning Lotion I LMust present coupon. Exp. 1-31-06, victoria Plaza, Apopka 7407-886-9826 Perforing i Tamp The Apopka YMCA com- mittee is sponsoring a 40-Day Extreme Makeover Challenge, based on the book, Extreme Makeover: Body by God by Dr. Ben Lerner. The goal of this event is to give each individual the necessary tools to transform their life one percent per day for 40 days. The challenge consists of six weekly workshops and will be held at the Tabernacle of Prayer and Deliverance Church, 415 S. Central Ave., Apopka, from 7-8 p.m. starting Monday, January 23, and ending Monday, February 27. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about nutrition, exercise, spiritu- al fitness, stress management and time management. "They Auction-it (> TODAYe A Global Business on a Local Level NOW OPEN 'i Our new location is now open for business. We sell your items on eBay and take care of the entire process from photos to listing, to payment and shipping. Stop in TODAY and see how it works! 407.772. EBAY (407.772.3229) Bear Lake Plaza 3030 East Semoran Blvd., Suite 184, Apopka www.auction-ittoday.com Central Florida Auto Repair, Inc. is sponsoring their monthly Cruise-In, Sat., Jan. 21st, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Steak 'n Shake in Apopka on Hwy 441. All cars welcome. Music, trophies & door prizes. For more information, call 407-880-8221 f The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 14A Students from Keith Grumbly's information systems class at Hungerford Prep put their training to good use Tues- day, January 17, when they went to Zellwood Elementary School to set up and program 30-40 computers donat- ed by Winter Park High School. Carol Womack, Zellwood's technical representative, said kindergarten, first and second grade students were working on very old computers before this donation. Shown are, (1-r), back row, Mar- vin Bouquette, Jeff Devlin, Renford Forbes, lan Richardson, Richard Wilder, Grumbly and Antoine Wright; front row, Jermaine Roberts, Diana Sule, Merranda Taylor and Shakera Reese. We are a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Bankruptcy Code. We Will Explain To You FREE OF CHARGE How Bankruptcy Works and How It May Help You If: You Or Your Business Have Financial Problems Over 30 Years Your Home Is In Foreclosure Combined Experience S. ,-. Same Location 151 W. SIABELVER STAFREEMAN RD. OCOEE 151 W. SILVER STAR RD. OCOEE * BacK laxes ur Ieuical bills Are A cProblem * Your Car Is About To Be Repossessed * You Are Overwhelmed With Debt And Afraid Of Losing Everything CLERMONT FREEMAN LEGAL ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1(407) 877-7995 (352) 394-0007 EveningiAppointments Shining of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask to have sent to you free written inform Available The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask to have sent to you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Hurry Do it now! Don't miss another issue. Simply clip this cou- pon, fill it out and mail it to us with your check. We'll do the rest!! You've Found It! The best weekly newspaper in Central Florida S1hje Apopka Clief gives you what you've been looking for. High School Sports Local News and Politics Money-Saving Coupons Classified Bargains & More Don't miss another issue Subscribe Online Today at I www.theapopkachief com r--- ------------------------* I e j popka flbtf I Home Delivery for Only $18 a Year! New or Renewal(Orange County) $23 Out of County Name A address City State Zip______ Phone No. Amt. Enclosed $ 1 = 4 Clip This Coupon and Mail To: The Apopka Chief 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail P.O. Box 880 Apopka, FL 32704-0880 407-886-2777 Fax 407-889-4121 ----- ------------------ -- ~~~. More Apopka news REWARD OFFERED FOR INFORMATION THAT LEADS TO THE RECOVERY OF A RED 2001 SUZUKI 250 ATV 4 WHEELER TAKEN DURING THE EARLY MORNING HOURS OF JANUARY 2, 2006 FROM THE PIEDMONT LAKE SUBDIVISION. Please Call 321-228-4564 after 5:00 p.m. with any information. Ctureh 1853 Vick Rd, Apopka (Just past the back entrance of Errol Estate) 40.7-886-7427 I m~e~chnical supor. Applications are now avail- -able for artists and crafts people wishing to enter the 45th annual Apopka Art and Foliage Festi- val, which will take place April 29 and April 30, 2006, at Kit Land Nelson Park, Apopka. Completed applications must be returned by entry deadline of January 31, 2006. Artists are selected from slides (three of work and one of display format) submitted of recent original work based on artistic merit and workmanship. Categories are: (1) Fine Arts: Division 1 Two Dimensional: Paintings (watercolor, pastel, oil and acrylic), graphics, drawings and mixed media, and photogra- phy. Division II Three Dimen- sional: Sculpture, pottery, fine arts (baskets, weaving,' wood- working, and stained glass), and jewelry. (2) Creative Hand Crafts. For an application, write to Art Show Chairman, Apopka Woman's Club, P.O. Box. 378, Apopka, 32704, or call the art chairmen, Monique at 407-886- 0155 or Joyce at 407-464-9190. The email address for all Festi- val information is artfoliagefes- tival@msn.com. James D. Pierce is the Artist of the Month for January and February. His works will be dis- played in the atrium at City Hall and may be viewed during nor- mal business hours Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pierce is a watercolor artist currently living in Apopka. Originally from Royal Oak, Michigan, he relocated to Flori- da in the early 1970s. He has taken classes in Titusville and the Orlando area. Pierce said much of his inspiration for his painting career came from his now- deceased mother and mother-in- law, both accomplished artists. Anyone interested in view- ing Pierce's work can visit his Web site at http://jimand- sharynp.tripod.com Applications are available for young women wishing to enter the 2006 Miss Apopka Scholarship Pageant. The pageant will be held March 4, 2006, at Apopka Memorial Mid- dle School. Each contestant will be judged in the areas of interview, swimsuit, talent, evening gown, and a new category, casual attire. Applicants must be 17, a senior in high school, through age 24, and have never been married. For more information on entering the pageant, a Miss America preliminary pageant, consult the Miss Apopka Pageant Web site at www.miss- apopka.org, or by contacting Patty Redlich, contestants' .chairman, at 407-886-8460. The winner of the Miss Apopka title will represent Apopka in the 2006 Miss Flori- da Pageant. The Miss America Pageant, which traditionally was held in September in Atlantic City, N.J., has a new date and location. The pageant will be held January 19, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 2006 American Cancer' Society Apopka Relay for Life Survivors Committee is seeking, cancer patients, survivors and" their caregivers to register them with the ACS. By doing so, they will receive updated, education-' al material pertaining to their' particular cancer, as well as have access to a variety of pro- grams that the ACS provides. Previous registrants must re-register each year. All sur-' vivors and their caregivers will" be sent an invitation to take part in the ACS Survivor Dinner free. of charge. To register or re-register, online, visit the Web site at www.cancer.org, call 800-227- 2345, or contact Valerie Geth, survivor committee chair, at 407-880-2481. The Zellwood Antique Tractor and Truck Pull will be held Friday, February 3, at 4 p.m. and Saturday, February 4, at 2 p.m., at the Northwest. Orange County Improvement. Association grounds, 4253,: Ponkan Road, Zellwood. Gates,., will be open two hours prior to' the event. Classes in the competitions include farm stock, super, antique, open gear, turbo open, RPM, V8s, garden tractors, and" modified two-wheel and four-, wheel-drive trucks. There will be concession stands serving full-smoked din- ners, chicken wings, hamburg-s ers, hotdogs and a variety of? drinks and snacks. For more information, call Kevin at 407-464-4508, Ellen at 407-886-3090, or Rob at 352- 636-9898. The Foliage Garden Club of-, Apopka will hold its annual lun-n cheon, card party and fashion-' show Saturday, February 25;,i from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at they_, First United Methodist Church,' , 201 S. Park Ave., Apopka. ; Tickets are $15 and may be" purchased from any Foliage", Garden Club member or by call-,iq ing Sandy Bove at 407-788--- 8258 or contacting her at mylip- stix@aol.com. There will be a plant sale, silent auction, door prizes and the latest fashions, presented by Beall's Department Store. The moderator will be Commission- er Kathy Till. Possibly, mother and daughter Easter fashions will be shown. Early coffee, tea and donuts will be served, followed by a catered luncheon by Savory Solutions at noon. Those attend- ing may organize their own table of card players or join oth- ers. Cards will be furnished. Proceeds from this fundraiser will go toward the club's community projects and scholarships for the Send a Kid to Camp program at Wekiwa Springs State Park youth camp during the summer and scholar- ships for high school students in the Save the Environment through Education and Knowl- edge program. The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page. 5 ......... Dream: After graduation from Florida State, she moved'to New York City Continued from page 1A anything. They realized I'd chosen a difficult career, but they were always behind me and proud of me." In addition to emotional support, deZeeuw's parents paid for all of the dance lessons, cos- tumes, travel and competition fees. "I could never repay them for everything they've done for me. It's how I got where I am today. I could- n't have gotten there without - them," she said. Her younger sister, Brittani, is also working toward being a profes- sional dancer. After graduat- Ashley deZee ing from college, from Apopka Hi deZeeuw moved to New York City, where she lived "the typical starving artist life" as she pur- sued her professional career. She danced in smaller produc- tions and is a hair model for L'Oreal, traveling to various hair shows on weekends. "I did anything here and there, anything to pay the bills and make it work." Having danced at Disney World and on a cruise ship to build her resume, deZeeuw began working to reach her goal. "Growing up, I've always known about the Rockettes and knew it was something I wanted to do." She went to the audition to dance with the troupe and found some stiff competi- tion. "About 400-500 girls audition every year and there's usually less than 10 openings, so it took time to get into it." It took three years of auditions before deZeeuw finally became a member of the world-renowned Rockettes. Then, she discovered a grueling schedu le of practice before she would appear before an audience. SIuring the four weeks prior to the season opening, the troupe rehearsed eight hours a clay six days a week. "It's a uw graduated very grueling gh in 1998. process. It's hard on your body -- lots of kicking and wearing heels every day. You get a lot of injuries and a lot of blisters," she said. All of it was worth it when deZeeuw stepped onto the stage as a Rockette for the first time, she said. "It was great. It was awesome. My parents were in the audience for the first show and I definitely had some tears in my eyes. It was really an amaz- ing experience. I'd spent so much time and energy trying to get to that point and when it actually came, it was kind of surreal." The Rockettes' season usually runs from the end of October to the begin- Ashley deZeeuw will find out later this year if she must audition again for the Rockettes. ning of January with approximately 65 shows. Next May or June, deZeeuw will find out if she has to audition for a sec- ond season with the troupe or will be automatically asked back. Although deZeeuw would like to dance with Rockettes for a few more years, she has another goal to work on. "My two goals when I moved to New York were doing the Rockettes and being in a Broadway show, so now my goal is to try to get on Broadway. Any Broadway show that's a musical, I've auditioned for at least once. I've come very close a few times. I'm hoping within a year, I can land a spot on a show." Despite her success, deZeeuw doesn't think dancing will be a lifetime career. "I'm not itching to be a big, famous movie star. I just want to know that I moved to New York and accom- plished everything I wanted to as far as the Rockettes and Broadway shows. I think there will be a point when I'll be satisfied and I'll be happy moving back to Florida and being a dance teacher, Pilates instructor or something in the field. I think your body can only let you perform for so long. I'm trying to get it all out of my system now." Report: Among 2006 goals for Apopka is citywide wireless Internet service Continued from page 1A The city completed build- ing a permanent Fire Station 2 on Welch Road, purchased a mobile communications/com- mand vehicle, installed state-of- the-art audio/visual equipment in the City Council chambers, and negotiated the purchase of Orange County's utility system in Northwest Orange County. "There won't be the turf fights (over utilities) we've had in the past between the city and the county," Land said. Insurance Services Office, Inc. gave the Apopka Fire Department ISO Class I certifi- cation. ISO's staff collects infor- mation about municipal fire- protection efforts in communi- ties throughout the United States. In each of those communi- ties, ISO analyzes the relevant data and assigns a Public Protec- tion Classification -- a number from 1 to 10. Class 1 represents exemplary fire protection, and Class 10 indicates that the area's fire-suppression program does not meet ISO's minimum crite- ria. The city is one of just five fire departments in Florida accorded the Class I rating. Less than 1 percent of all fire depart- ments in the nation receive the highest rating. In addition, Land said the city completed a $1 million downtown redevelopment pro- ject, renewed and expanded the South Apopka Enterprise Zone, established and equipped a spe- cial response team with a grant from the Homeland Security fund. The city also upgraded traffic control signals to utilize generators during power out- ages, initiated the Cleansweep Program (city-wide rubbish abatement), and received 100 percent reimbursement from FEMA for expenses related to the 2004 hurricanes, an amount of $969,320.72. Aid was also sent to the Gulf Coast after Hur- ricane Katrina. Land also listed several objectives for the city in 2006. Among them were citywide wireless Internet service, City Hall renovations, public safety enhancements, establishing city- wide early voting, Fire Station I expansion, the building of a Fire Station 5 on Jason Dwelley Parkway, and a $28 million wastewater treatment expan- sion. Several road projects were mentioned, including coordinat- ing the final phase of the Rock Springs Road expansion with Orange County, working with Orlando-Orange County Ex- pressway Authority on the John Land Apopka Expressway, and working with Orange County on the West Orange Trail Overpass. In conclusion, Land said, "It's been a busy year. We can report to you that the state of the city is sound and our taxpayers are provided a high level of ser- vice. Our citizens are secure in a quality of life unparalleled by man. We want to keep that small-town atmosphere and con- tinue to keep a close relationship with our citizens. We have an exciting year ahead of us. We think Apopka's going to be an exciting place to be in, especial- ly the businesses with the growth that we have." 96th Annlveisdr TOUR Jl rr, lJ ,,,e IF I I 0 ",.1 , all Ticketmaster outlets, online at www.ticketmaster.com call 8882170301 or w Gaither co HOMECOMING FRIENDS APPEARING S ER 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE ShEaster r c b p 47 hony Burger The Isaa S W" ipOuThe B ooth Brohr perty S* Stop Collection oThreat s Re-Establish Credit SATURDAY, JAN. Z8 6PM IM S 3 i w Tickets available at the TD Waterho Business* Restre Box Offiucture Debtse, For more information or advance group reservatio Plans, call 888-217-0301 or www Gaither com. L;VER 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Wipe Out Debtsl Keep Your Property Stop Collection Threats- Re-Establish Credit Reorganize Business Restructure Debts Modified Payment Plans Robert H. Plueger 377 Maitland Ave. Altamonte Springs 407-339-2022 FEDERAL Stop Foreclosure * Catch Up Mortgage Payments / Pay IRS Pay Creditors Over Time LAW MAY HELP! If you are considering bankruptcy, CALL TODAY g *, gM I * tc hikiing oI n ii t L)riticy p i i an im Il ittaatinc p k)i II itin Idi liiI ak I I k.) i tI I~k iItclorC >1pat III.cIII k in lnk Im, w IcII y kIrc iw i i 1 I 111 kl l nn1111 i llnI mIi~ i MW s:mU0 A A Are You Ready for the EXTREME MAKEOVER CHALLENGE? CHALLENGE JANUARY 23 FEBRUARY 27, 2006 Are You Looking For A Positive Change In Your Life? Could You Stand To ... * Lose a few pounds? * Shed some stress? * Boost your energy? * Increase your time for the people and things that are most important? * Win valuable prizes? * And more all in 40 days? If so, then you're ready for an Extreme Makeover! Dr. Patrick St. Germain This 40 Day Extreme Makeover To participate in the 40 day Challenge will consist of six transformation process, a Make plans to make a positive change in weekly workshops based off the $40.00 registration fee is your lifestyle by attending the 40 Day best-selling book, "Body By necessary. This fee includes the Challenge, which will be held at: God." The workshops will inform required book "Extreme Tabernacle of Prayer and Deliverance participants about ideal lifestyle Makeover: God's Way" and the Church, located at 415 S. Central guidelines such as stress Extreme Makeover Challenge Avenue in Apopka. Please call St. management, time manage-ment, t-shirt. At the end of the six week Germain Chiropractic at the number exercise, nutrition and spiritual challenge an Award Ceremony below to register or if you need directions fitness. will be held. or have any questions! To Register Call St. Germain Chiropractic (407) 889-3223 ---9 9 7 mf I'lg l .- -M 4 3-1 Jj J-S' L a 1----- FASTSIGN5 APOPKA LAW OV FICE OF laijl HARVEY V. COHEN - 4 1. ANTHONY HOUsE J. J..L J L'A ..'.-.LJ.ij' U '^..Lj i "L --- d l j[4 TheZone A ForYou.com Cen SHERRIS & REYNOLDS, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW rat tral FI ICA Auto florid YMCA \ SSt. Germain < l i 1 ai[im niIII1 t I-- I ?"COURY LAW FIRXAJ,', t 1 4 -4 tumtrancv, rute, The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 16A Churches: Speakers and spaghetti dinners are among the events scheduled Continued from page 7A Josh McDowell, interna- tionally known Christian speak- er and author, will speak at all three church services of the For- est Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church, Saturday, January 28. The church is located at 515 Harley Lester Lane in Apopka. Forest Lake's three services are: LOOMIS Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated Proudly announces The Association of life-time Apopka resident with over 37 years experience as funeral GERALD director RICHARDSON Please callfor any and all needs 407-880-1007 Adoration, 8:45 a.m.; Praise, 9:50 a.m.; and Exaltation, 11:30 a.m. McDowell will also con- duct a special seminar for par- ents that same Saturday after- noon in the church sanctuary from 2:30-5:30 p.m. McDowell has spoken to more than seven million young people in 84 countries, includ- ing 700 university and college campuses. He has authored or LOOMIS Funeral Home (I-r) Steven Loomis, James R. Loomis and James "Bob" Loomis Family Owned & Operated When considering pre-need or at-need arrangements, call for lowest price quote. 407-880-1007 420 W. Main St., Apopka co-authored 75 books which have sold more than 10 million copies. Among his most popular books are Beyond Belief to Convictions, The New Evi- dence that Demands a Verdict and More Than A Carpenter. "Young people need to know God loves them," said McDow- ell. "I have a passion for youth because that's where I was when I came to know Christ. Many young people feel abandoned emotionally and spiritually in this day and age. They need to experience God's love for them -- that He cares for them." josh McDowell ...will speak "We are very excited to have Josh McDowell minister at For- est Lake Church," said Dr. Derek Morris, Forest Lake senior pastor and Apopka Minis- terial Association vice president. "He has positively impacted the lives of young people around the world and their relationships with God. The public is invited to join us in this special day of church services and the free afternoon parenting seminar. I know everyone attending will gain a great blessing." For more information about McDowell and his ministry, log onto www.beyondbelief.com and www.josh.org. St. Francis of Assisi ,..ten of Catholic Womer willhold its 12th annual la' gha dinner and show Frid ,, January 20, and Saturdavyfanuary 21, at 7 p.m. in the ,6ish center. / This year's theme is The CCW Radio Show. Tickets are $12 and there will be none sold at the door. To purchase tickets for Friday, January 20, call Sandy at 407-788-8258; for Saturday, January 21, tickets call Shirley at 407-880-2880. Obituaries: David Flowers retired from the Army Continued from page 7A MAC A. TRAUGER, 88, Apop- ka, died Sunday, January 15. Mr. Trauger was a machinist in the tool and die industry. He was born in Plymouth, Ohio. He was Protestant. He was an Army veteran. He was a member of 504th Military Policy Unit and the American Legion, both of Ohio. Survivors: daughter, Jean Trauger, Orlando; sons, Terry, Win- dermere, Alan; two grandchildren. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. CHRISTOPHER DAVID PEN- LEY, 15, Casselberry, died Sunday, January 15. Christopher was born in Orlando. He was Protestant. He was a member of the City of Cas- selberry basketball league, a cross country runner and former Boy Scout. Survivors: parents, Ralph and Donna; brothers, Teak, Ralph J. Ill, Shaun, all of Casselberry; sis- ters, Andrea, Casselberry, Amanda Eakins, Palatka; paternal grand- mother, Margaret, Apopka; mater- nal grandfather, Roger Ransom, Beckley, W.Va.; maternal grand- mother, Jewel Ransom, Geneva, Ohio. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. MERCEDES E. LOPEZ, 85, Bronx, New York, died Saturday, January 15, in Altamonte Springs. Survivors: son, Eugene R., Apopka; sisters, Angela Barciela, Miami, Amada Barciela; three grandchil- dren. Baldwin-Fairchild Funeral Home-West Altamonte Chapel, Altamonte Springs. DAVID F. FLOWERS, Apopka, died Sunday, January 15. Mr. Flow- ers was retired from the Army and the U.S. Civil Service. Survivors: wife, Fay; sons, David, Dale; daughter, Dwanna Martinez; sister, Frances Hodges, Surf City, N.C.; four grandchildren. Woodlawn Memorial Park and Funeral Home, Orlando. JEWELL KATHRYN WOOD- RUFF, 81, Collegedale, Tennessee, and Altamonte Springs, died Satur- day, January 7. Mrs. Woodruff was a homemaker. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga. Survivors: husband, Nathan L.; daughters, Martha Ben- son, Altamonte Springs, Judy Wil- son, Apopka, Mary Benson, Col- legedale; son, Johnny, Chat- tanooga; brother, Arvin Taylor, Mor- ristown, Tenn.; 10 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Baldwin- Fairchild Funeral Home, Altamonte Springs. DANIEL J. HEANEY II, 68, Oviedo, died Friday, January 13. Mr. Heaney was a mason. Born-in Glasgow, Scotland, he moved to Central Florida in 1990. He was a member of the Good Shepherd Catholic Church. Survivors: daugh- ters, Kathleen Rockwell, Debbie Lake, both of Oviedo, sons, Daniel, Poinciana, John, Apopka; six grand- children; two great-grandchildren. Collison Family Funeral Homes and Crematory, Howell Branch Chapel. ANN M. VAN FOSSEN, 78, Apopka died Thursday, January 12. Mrs. Van Fossen was retired from the bakery department at Publix. Born in Detroit Michigan, she moved to Central Florida in 1977.- Survivors: daughter, Marlene; one granddaughter. LUCILLE LEIRA LAMBERT, 76, Zellwood, died Sunday, January 15. Mrs. Lambert was a former school teacher in Seminole County. Born in Kentucky, she moved to Central Florida as a child. She was a member of the daughters of the American Revolution and Colonial Dames. Survivors: daughter, Jeanne Sachse, Orlando; son, Michael, Orlando; three grandchil- dren; one great-grandchild. New- comer Family Funeral Home, Orlan- do. BERNADETTE C. BOU- CHARD, 81, Zellwood, died Wednesday, January 11. Mrs. Bouchard was a homemaker. She was bom in Maine. She was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. Survivors: hus- band, Roland; sisters, Anne Marie Cote, Zellwood, Therese Ebert, Ari- zona; brothers, Joseph Cote, Zell- wood, J. Reynold Cyr, Texas. NELL R. DOUGLAS, 69, Apopka, died Tuesday, January 17. Mrs. Douglas was a homemaker. Mrs. Douglas was born in Ozark, Alabama. She was Baptist. Sur- vivor: husband, Richard G. Leyde, Apopka; sons, Charles D., Alaba- ma, Eddie D., Orlando; daughters, Linda Bibby, Apopka, Sue Douglas, Orlando; sisters, Marlene Webster, Jonesboro, Ark., Willie Merle Camp- bell, Lakeland; brothers, Otha Eng- lish, Holly Hill, Otis English, Troy, Ala.; five grandchildren; two great- grandchildren. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. 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Materials etmo0et Satiaction Sitce /955, www.whltBalumlnum.com IWHITITE A M. 1 I W M, 407-889-5775 UlwMIKn lulMgBIIMno Cra w #MCcIn 0 7 g-udsfaldelm a n rll ctorur CCC}5Sn1 iw"MWM/?u & i oewnd Hair Care Nail Care Skin Care Massage Waxing Spa Packages -0 .......Narciso here from New York to provide you with his creative cutting and colour technique, and to bring the inner superstar out of you! those New Year Bills ! Come in and receive a . 15% holiday discount* on all hair services and relax with a luxurious scalp massage. Compliments of Narciso **Discount for first-time clients. Colonial Wekiva Promenade 407-880-1300 2129 E. Semoran Blvd, near to UA Theatre, Apopka, L SR 436 & Wekiva Springs Road *Medical Director Clermont Dialysis Center *Specialist in Clinical Hypertension by American Society of Hypertension *Board Certified Internal Medicine and Nephrology Kidney Disease & High Blood Pressure OFFICE HOURS By Appointment Only 407-296-1976 Apopka Medical Plaza 205 N. Park Ave. Ste. 106 Apopka Fax: 352-243-8555 407-296-1976 10000 West Colonial Dr. Suite 483 Orlando Fax: 407-296-1952 352-394-1361 1120 Citrus Tower Blvd. Suite 120 Clernaont Fax: 352-243-8555 OUR STAND SAFER DRIVERS DESERVE TO BE RICHER DRIVERS If you're a safe driver. I can help you save up to 25%. Call me today. (407) 886-8778 Susan Garcia-Freycenet We're Moving January 2, 2006 to: 900 Fox Valley Drive, Ste #207 Longwood, FL 32779 IIA l tate. You're in good hands. Appointments to fit your schedule Discount and insurance offered only with select companies and subject to availability and qualifications. Discount amount may be lower and applies to most major coverages, Allstate Insurance Company and Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company Northbrook. IL 02005 Allstate Insurance Company The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 17A Apopka bank manager receives promotion Jeanne Miller, manager of the BankFIRST Apopka branch, has been named senior vice president and branch administration manager, where she will be responsible for overseeing daily branch administra- tion functions in all BankFIRST financial center locations. "Jeanne will continue to provide quality service to our customers through her ongoing efforts to offer her expertise in each of our Bank- FIRST locations," said Donald J. McGowan, BankFIRST president and CEO. "Her presence will provide a consistent level of vision and coordi- nation throughout the BankFIRST organization." Miller has served as vice presi- dent and financial center manager at BankFIRST Apopka for five years, and has personally contributed to the continued success of the company, McGowan said. During her tenure in the Apopka branch office, she was instrumental in the introduction of expanded 7 a.m.-7 p.m. banking hours -- a first for any financial institution in the region, McGowan said. Including her employment with BankFIRST, Miller has a combined 33 years of banking experience, and has held prior sales and service posi- tions with Barnett Bank and SouthTrust Bank, both formerly located in Central Florida. "I am thrilled to accept this opportunity, both personally and pro- fessionally, as the most rewarding aspect of being a contributor to the BankFIRST organization is that we truly are like a family," said Miller. "In that regard, the privileges associ- ated with working in community banking are numerous." Miller has called the Apopka area home since 1985, and in that span of time, has served in many areas of the community. She was the first female president of the Rotary Club of Apopka from 2003-2004, and currently serves as a bequest and sus- taining member of the Rotary Club of Apopka. In addition, Miller sits on the Board of Directors for the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Florida Hospital Apopka Foun- dation. BankFIRST is headquartered at 1031 West Morse Blvd. in Winter Park, and has branch offices in Apop- ka, Clermont, Eustis, Goldenrod, Sanford, and Winter Garden. Bank- FIRST has assets of more than $300 million and was founded as a com- munity-owned commercial bank in 1989. County still has flu shots available Those who have not received a flu vaccination still have time to get one for this flu season, a spokesman with the Orange County Health Department said. Flu vaccines are available by appointment at the following locations for a cost of $25. Medicare will be billed, so there is no direct cost to those with Medicare. The flu shots will be available at: Winter Garden Family Health Center, 1210 E. Plant St., Winter Garden, 407- 877-4320; Central Health Center, 832 W. Central Blvd., Orlando, 407-836- 2502 or 407-836-7131; and Eastside Health Center, 12050 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando, 407-249-4588. "It's not too late to get your flu shot. Flu season is not over. In Florida, December through February is the peak season for the flu," said Dr. Kevin M. Sherin, director of the Orange County Health Department. Vaccines are available for the gen- eral public and always recommended for high-risk groups, Sherin said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends influenza vaccinations for the following high-risk groups: * People 65 years and older * All children 6 to 23 months of age * People who live in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities that house those with long-term illnesses * People aged 2 to 64 years with chron-- ic medical conditions * Women who are pregnant during the influenza season * Health care personnel who provide direct patient care * Household contacts and out-of-home caregivers of persons in high risk popu- lations Influenza is among the top 10 lead- ing causes of death in Orange County and Florida with approximately 3,000 deaths a year in Florida. "It's important to get your flu vaccine now to avoid getting the flu during the flu peak sea- son," Sherin said. In addition to the flu vaccine, it is important for people 65 years of age and older to receive the pneumonia vac- cination if they have never received it before, Sherin said. Pneumonia vac- cines are available while supplies last. The pneumonia vaccine offers long- term protection and may benefit even in the event of pandemic flu by preventing complications, he said. For more information, contact the Orange County Health Department's Immunization Program at 407-836- 2502. Area fastpitch girls softball teams have roster spots There are a few roster spots avail- able for the Diamonds' 12 and under, and 10 and under girls' travel fastpitch softball teams. The teams practice Sun- days from 1-4 p.m. and Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. at Veterans Park 420 Park Ave., Winter Garden. The field is two blocks north of State Road 50. For more information, call Steve 407-928-7282 or send an email to Dia- monds 10u@yahoo.com. The West Orange Girls Club will hold registration and tryouts for the spring season recreation league Satur- day, January 21, and Saturday, January 28, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day at the club fields at 881 N. Ocoee-Apopka Rd., Ocoee. The tryouts are open to girls ages 5-16. Tryouts are for skill level determi- nation only; each girl will be put on a team. Tryouts will start at the top of each hour, at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., and noon. Each tryout session will last about one hour, but will vary depending on the number of girls tryout out at each spe- cific time, a league spokesman said. . Siblings and/or one friend will be place on the same team if it is requested on the registration form, the spokesman said. The registration fee is $75 for girls ages 8-16, and $50 for girls ages 5-7 playing coach-pitch softball. For more information, call Tom Tusing at 407-884-5689 or email him at - thecaropeners@aol.com. Review: Apopka's population in 2005 estimated at 34,801 Continued from page 1A prison for killing AHS student 'Lonnie Hillery, 16, who had 'been bullying Blount's son ... 'David Lee of Leesburg High, "who has coached at three differ- ent Lake County high schools, 'was hired as AHS baseball 'coach to replace Gavin Jones. AUGUST -- City commis- sioners voted 5-0 in the first of "two readings of an ordinance that will not allow sexual offenders or predators to live within 2,500 feet of a park, school, playground or daycare 'center ... Amber Shourky ,became the second AHS car "winner in as many years in the ;Mullinax Drive for Success stu- Pdent car give-away... The 'Orange County Public Schools ;project total school attendance ;at 164,963 students with Apop- 'ka welcoming more than 14,146 ,of them. Nearly 200 people jammed City Hall council chambers to learn about proposed rules for septic tanks in the Wekiva study area, which includes all of Apopka and Northwest Orange County ... Lynx Executive Director Linda Watson an- nounced that the mass transit organization is building a super stop with six bus bays in Apop- ka on Central Avenue, just south of the new VFW post home and community center ... Apopka resident Michelle Tucker won two world championships at the Pinto World Championships in Tulsa Okla. Harry Ansley, a longtime Apopka chiropractor, died Tues- day, August 9, at 79 ... Joseph Welsh of Kissimmee was killed when his 1979 Cessna 310R crashed near the Sweetwater Country Club on a return flight from North Carolina ... Habitat for Humanity of Greater Apopka opened a Home Store on Rock Springs Road selling discounted building materials, and used appliances and furniture. According to figures sup- plied by the University of Flori- da, the April 1, 2005 estimate for Apopka's population is 34,801, which is a 10.9 percent increase over the 31,374 in 2003 ... The Western Expressway (State Road 429) was renamed the Daniel Webster Western Beltway in honor of our state senator from Orlando, who is also a former speaker of the Florida House of Representa- tives. FlltockSprinR.- BloodAWorkaw- Full Service.- Blood Work X-Rays .A Wit1~I~Ifl 3-rn- - Mon.- Fri. 7 a.m. 6 p.m. Sat. 8a.m. 1 p.m. $* 101 Bath regardless of size (includes: routine ear cleaning / brush out) * Pedicure No Kitties Please Proof of rabies required for bath 407-884-8924 17 Million Possible Connections. One Button. Instantly. Happy Valentine's Day from Nextel. Buy one, get one FREE. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE 1275 BY MOTOROLAs -* Built-in Nextel Walkie-Talkie Built-in Camera Web and email enabled Reg. $209.99 each. AFTER $300 INSTANT AND S. $59.99 Mail-In Rebate Phone offer requires activation and a two year subscriber agreement. SPRINT FREE INCOMING PLAN f All Incoming Calls are FREE. From anyone. Anytime. SNationwide Long Distance. Every Minute. Every Day. Unlimited Night & Weekend Minutes. .Voice Mall & Caller ID Plus, includes unlimited nationwide walkie-talkie access. Plans starting at Other monthly charges apply. See *(* ('Q QQ below for details." Offer requires two > $49.99 year subscriber agreement. NEXrE- Sprint Cell hones ,,n ,.., ,.... Together withNEXTEL "Weheryou toud.nd 1087 West O.B.T. (Victoria Plaza) 407-814-CELL (2355) 1*,, arll. t.* -,'E= g " l..",I A b ^t.,I lj. m m hj,.,...,,d P ,. id.Jt.O OM rn, ..ftI ,.. ii ^^W^^^^^^^MWmtWma^'J^'^^^^r'^'^<<^^"^^^t.1'b Former Phyllis Wheatley High School top athletes, Fred- die Fillmore and Willie Thands, were inducted into the national Negro High School Hall of Fame at a ceremony in Daytona .Beach. SEPTEMBER -- Although some tweaking is expected, the city's budget numbers of $26,330,700 come close to the earlier July projection and repre- sent a 10.43 percentage increase over the current year's $23,843,500 ... The city of Apopka began a relief fund to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina and the city will send 14 of its employees to help in the Gulf Coast's stricken areas. Penalties exceeded first e * 4 U 4 downs for both teams (14 for Apopka, 8 for Lake Brantley), but the Blue Darters won over the Patriots, 14-9, in the sea- son's opener ... The Lake Mar- shall Preserve, a development of 90 homes, was given prelimi- nary approval by a 4-1 vote of the commissioners, with Com- missioner Kathy Till voting no ... A group of relief providers from the Sabbath Grace Fellow- ship Church, Apopka, were one of the first to arrive in Biloxi, Miss., directly on the heels of Hurricane Katrina. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Apopka named Andrea Boyd of Mt. Dora as its new executive director ...The Victo- ry World Outreach Center, led by Pastor Doug Bankson and his wife Jeri, celebrated its 10th anniversary ...Still plagued by penalties and turnovers, the AHS Darters still managed a 21- 5 victory over Cypress Creek at Roger Williams Field. Orange County sheriff's deputies are investigating the mysterious death of 18-year-old Brittany Williams, a 2005 grad- uate of AHS, who was found slumped over the wheel of her car in the 800 block of Jeffcoat Street ... Continuing the fight against penalties and turnovers, the Blue Darters defeated host Dr. Phillips, 23-13, to lengthen win streak to three ... About 75 business and civic leaders and residents attended a meeting at the Fran Carlton Center to share ideas on the redevelopment of downtown Apopka. The City Council approved the tax rate of 3.76919 mills -- the llth straight year for the same millage rate ... In their first district contest of the sea- son, the AHS Darters won over brand new Ocoee High, 20-10, for their fourth straight victory ... The following week howev- er, when the undefeated Darters meet the undefeated Edgewater, five touchdown passes by the Eagles pluck the Darters, 32-13, at Roger Williams Field ... Tom and Carolyn Dorman, longtime residents of Apopka, celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to Italy. APOPKA'S LARGEST BEDROOM STORE! ' u/t n td I A 40 7-814-2331 K S S Ch-ek utou coeutcre Kig ilSwop m $299 Mon. Fri. 10AM 6PM Saturday 10AM 5PM Sunday 12PM 5PM 1017 W. Orange Blossom Trail VICTORIA PLAZA Intersection of U.S. 441 & S.R. 429 Free DVD Player to first 50 customers spending $300 SNeed a family doctor? A pediatrician? Or a specialist in women 's services including family planning? We've got you covered. C(/led an internal medicine specialist? A family dentist? We've got them too. In fact, our physicians can provide care for every member of your family from pregnancy and childbirth through every stage of life. But what about x-rays, blood tests, a pharmacy, or EKGs? We cover that too. We also offer evening and Saturday hours participation in most of the area's HMOs, PPOs, and insurance plans and friendly, caring staff. At the Apopka Family Health Center and the Apopka Children's Health Center, you'll find it all. Tmpassion. nvenience. mprehensive service. When it comes to the best in family medical care - -. We've got you covered. V rowing with Central Florida for more than thirty years. Je've got you covered. 0 APOPKA FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 225 East Seventh St. Apopka, FL 3 2703 407-886-6201 HOURS: M & W 8 am. 8 p.m. T & Th 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. Noon APOPKA CHILDREN'S HEALTH CENTER For medical appointments: 407-886-5232 For dental appointments: 407-886-9569 618 Forest Avenue Apopka, FL 32703 407-886-6201 HOURS: M & W 8 a.m.- 7 p.m. Th F 8 a.m. -.5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. Noon We participate in many area HMOs, PPOs, and other insurance plans, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Medipass. Please call to find out if we are a provider for your insurance plan. A service of CommuniVy Healfti Centers, Inc. i ^ The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 18A ---- ------- ---------- * *. a . 0 0 % "Copyrighted Material" - Syndicated Content, Available from Commercial News FProviders I 4bb -.. . 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 Lega s can De LEGAL ADVERTISING foundon Pages 18A 19A & 5B 15B I THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL ;IRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-10474 Division: 33 Judge: Lawrence R. Kirkwood re: Forfeiture of 95 HONDA CIVIC DX REEN) N: 1HGEJ212XSLO28003 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS I ANY AND ALL PERSONS HO CLAIM AN INTEREST THE FOLLOWING ;RSONAL PROPERTY: 95 HONDA CIVIC DX REEN) N: 1HGEJ212XSL028003 NOTICE IS given pursuant Sections 932.701 through 2.707, Florida Statutes 305), that the Petitioner, mnda Department of Highway fety Motor Vehicles, through division, the Florida Highway itrol, seized the above-de- ribed property on or about ;tober 27, 2005, in Orange ,unty, Florida, and is holding ? property pending the out- me of forfeiture proceedings. persons or entities who have egal interest in the subject )perty may request a hearing ncerning the seized property contacting Robert Dietz, As- ;tantAttomey General, Office the Attorney General, 501 ist Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 00, Tampa, FL 33602. A Pe- on for Forfeiture has been id in the above-styled Court. SJanuary 10, 2006,the t rial urt entered an Order Finding obable Cause. If there is no sponse by Claimants, Peti- ner will seeka Final Order Of rfeiture. nuary 20 and 27, 2006 60339 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 48-2005-CP- 003257-0 RE: ESTATE OF )RRAINE M. FERRY Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the rtate of Lorraine M. Ferry, de- 'ased, whose date of death as November 9, 2005, is endingg in the Circuit Court for range County, Florida, Pro- ite Division, the address of ich is 425 North Orange Av- tue, Orlando, Florida 32801. ie names and addresses of e personal representative and e personal representative's torney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent id other persons having aims or demands against rcedent's estate on whom a rpy of this notice is required be served mus( file their aims with this court WITHIN -IE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE RST PUBLICATION OF THIS OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER -IE DATE OF SERVICE OFA OPY OF THIS NOTICE ON -IEM. All other creditors of the de- 'dent and other persons havy- g claims or demands against *cedentfs estate must file their aims with this court WITHIN MONTHS AFTER THE DATE F THE FIRST PUBLICATION F THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHINN THE TIME PERIODS ET FORTH IN SECTION 33.702 OF THE FLORIDA ROBATE CODE WILL BE DREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE ME PERIODS SET FORTH BOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED NO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S ATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication this notice is January 20, 306. Kathleen D. Lindemann Personal Representative 14528 Maidstone Rd Orlando, Florida 32826-5087 Filliam E. Kreuter, Esq. attorney for Personal representative orida Bar No. 0044483 117 Edgewater Drive rlando, Florida 32804 Ilephone: (407) 841-2190 january 20 and 27, 2006 60313 Do you need to receive a kFAX? If so, use our FAX number: 407-889-4121. Ask the se-nder to put Your ianae asnd phone U or it so that we cart call yotu he" it arrives. There ,s a small charge. A popka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossoin Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 FAX: 407-889-4121 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON FEBRUARY 3, 2006 AT 8:00 AM AT ACE AUTO PARTS, 12 W MCKEY STREET, OCOEE, FL 34761, ORANGE COUNTY, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. YEAR MAKE VIN# 1991 FORD 1ZVPT20C6M5166007 ACE AUTO PARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. ACE AUTO PARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT OWED. ALL VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE SALE BETWEEN 10:00 AM AND 3:00 PM ONLY. PLEASE CALL 407-654-6400 FOR FURTHER INFO. December 30, 2005 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA FAMILY LAW DIVISION CASE NO. 48-2006-DR- 000226-0 DIVISION: 30 In Re: The Marriage of: VALERIE A. HOW, Petitioner/Wife, and PETER HOW, Respondent/Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Mr. Peter How c/o New York State De- partment of Corrections Building 2 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12226-2050 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for annulment has been IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9484 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. MARKLAND ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: SAM MING FOO, MELVIN FOO, AND ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SAM MING FOO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) SAM MING FOO and MELVIN FOO, AND ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SAM MING FOO,, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 48/0278 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8948 #35 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. CEMINO ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: BETTY J. MCGEE RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) BETTY MCGEE a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 16/86324 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded In Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall 60340 filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on KEERSTEN HESKIN MARTIN- EZ, Esquire, the Wife's attorney, whose address is Fisher, Rushmer, Werrenrath, Dickson, Talley & Dunlap, P.A., 20 N. Or- ange Ave., Suite 1500, Orlando, FL 32802-0712, on or before February 23, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on the Plaintiffs attorney or Immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. DATED on January 9, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court BY: JOSE A. VELLON CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk January 20, 27, February 3 and 10, 2006 60296 which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attomey, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seat of this Court on the 17 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.DA. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice, January 20 and 27, 2006 60321 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required o serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of JANUARY, 2006 Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURr ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Amenri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice January 20 and 27, 2006 60326 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-3722 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. WEBB ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: MOHAMMAD S. FATANI RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) MOHAMMAD FATANI, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property In Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 37&38/3041 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest In the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-3722 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. WEBB ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: EDWIN SANTIAGO and LEONILDA SANTIAGO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) EDWIN SAN- TIAGO and LEONILDA SAN- TIAGO, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim o on the following de- scribed property In Orange County, Florida: WEEKJ/UNIT(S) 13/5208 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9098 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. BRIAN CLEIVE SOUTER, ROBERTO SUROS, ALBERTO SUROS, GARY L. SCHREINER,DIANA L. SCHREINER, STEVE J. SESSION, MELINDA S. COMBS, GERALD W. CRUMP, KAREN L. CRUMP, GEORGE MAURA, NANCY MAURA, ROBERT L. SIMS, MILDRED L. SIMS, IGNACIO L. RIVER M, DIANA L S DE RIVER, JULLIAN M. BIGGER, DAVID L. WARNER, CLARICE S. WARNER. Defendants) NOTICE OF ACTION TO BRIAN CLEIVE SOUTER P.O. BOX 4185 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following property in Orange County, Florida UNIT NO 5203, Week 05B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- cordaed in Official Records terminate: TOGETHER with ' a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks In the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff s attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days priorto the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 20 and 27, 2006 60322 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage In- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are requiredto serve a copy of your wntten defenses, If any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with.disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.DA. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 20 and 27, 2006 60323 Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on KATHRYN A. VAUGHAN, ESQUIRE, the plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 110 E. Granada Blvd. Suite 104, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176, thirty (30) days after publication of this notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's Attor- ney or immediately thereafter, or a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. DATED on JANUARY 12, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURr BY: KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance Please contact Court Administrator at Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Or- ange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- lando, FL 32801 Tel.: 407- 836- 2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt ol the NO- TICE OF ACTION, if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call 1-800-955-8771. THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE January 20 and 27, 2006 60336 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-9928 DIV 39 ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC., PLAINTIFF, VS. CARMEN J. GONZALEZA/K/A CARMEN GONZALEZ, ET AL., DEFENDANTSS. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: LARRY SCHWARTZ; DEBORAH MIGLIORI; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF HERIBERTO MERCED whose residence is unknown if he/sheAhey be living; and if he/ she/they be dead, the unknown defendants who may be spouses, heirs, devisees, grant- ees, assignees, lienors, credi- tors, trustees, and all parties claiming an interest by, through, under or against the Defen- dants, who are not known to be dead or alive, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described in the mortgage being foreclosed herein. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- erty: LOT 142, HARBOR LAKES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 50, AT PAGES 77-80 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-5478 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. QUIRKE ETAL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: VICTOR M. ACUNA MENDEZ and MARIA ,GABRIELA MONGE RODRIQUEZ RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) VICTOR M. ACUNA MENDEZ and MARIA GABRIELA MONGE RODRI- QUEZ, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida WEEK/UNIT(S) 4/3058 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at has been filed against you and you are required to serve acopy of your written defenses, if any, to it on DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 S University Drive #500, Plantation, FL 33324 no later than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice of action and file the origi- nal with the cieik of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION. FL 33324 05-48046(FM)SLHM IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; If you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60335 which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 17 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- tscipate in this proceeding should contactthe Court Admrnistiator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding If heanng impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 20 and 27, 2006 60320 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585, Mid-Flonrida Lien And Recov- ery, will sell at public sale for cash the following described vehicles) located at lienor's place to satisfy a claim of lien. 2001 ToyotaVIN: JTDBT123010140662. Lien Amt: $675 00. R/O: Zandra AWoods/Chrlene Bazemore Oriando, FL. Lienor/Toyota of Orlando 3800 W. Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 407-298-4500. 1997 Saturn VIN: 1G8ZH5289VZ393896. Lien Amt $2279.85. R/O Donald M Atkinson Geneva, FL 1992 Plymouth VIN. 1P4GH54R9NX282954. Lien Amt: $713.50. R/O: Ronnie King Orlando. FL L/H Keelslei Federal Credit Un. Biloxi, MS 1995 Ford VIN 1FTFE24Y5SHB69040. Lien Amt $1398 R/O. Anthony Garner Scoggins Orlando. FL L/H: Harr's Car Inc Orlando, FL Lsenor/ East Colonial Tire & Wheel Inc 8320 E Colonial Dr Oilando, FL 407-282-3373. 1967 Chevrolet VIN 164677S139290 Lien Arnt $625.00. R/O: Clarence J Moore Orlando, FL. L/H. Cm Financial Ordando, FL. Lienor/AatizznCustomAutoCreationz, Inc 1415Grand St. Orlando, FL 407-416-6691 2002 Pontiac VIN' 1G2HX54K524134235 Lien Amt: $4049.15 R !O Andrea Holder Orlando, FL. L/H: Wells Fargo Financial Acceptance Essington, PA. 2001 Ford VIN: 1FAFP3433IW132864 Lien Amt S1078 55 R/O. Ramiio Martinez Miami, FL LH Wells Fargo -,irancial Ac ceptance, Essington, PA. Lienor/Unique Custom Paint & Body Shop Inc. 711 West Robinson Street Orlando, FL 407.839-6150 1994 Satum VIN 1G8ZG1579RZ184341 LienAmt S625 00 R/O Jodee L Palacios Orlando, FL L'H U':,, '.,, ., ,, ..... Corp Phoenix, AZ Lienor/Saturn of Orlando '- : i. i asselberry, FL 407-767-2022. 1993 Lexus VIN JT8JS47E7P0036672 Lien Amn $69300 R/O: Wheeler I Williams Orlando. FL L'H Superior Bank FSB Montvale, NJ. Lienor/ Pedro's Auto Repain 1312 West Central Blvd Orlando, FL 407-425-1727 1991 GMC VIN 1GDM7H1J1MJ505348 Lien Amt $775.00 RH Gelco Corp Tampa, FL L/H. GE Capital Corp Minneapolis. MN 1989 Interna. lional VIN. 1HTLDDBN4KH630970 LienAmt $775 00 R/O Gelco Corp Tampa, FL L/H GE Capital Corp Minneapolis, MN Lienor/ Renand's Auto Repair 1325 W. Washington Rd Orlando FL 407- 648-4119. Sale Date February 06, 2006. 10 00 AM At Mid-Fonoda Lien & Recovery Said vehicles) may be redeemed by satisfying the lien prior to sale date You have the right to a hearing at any time prior to sale date by filing a demand for heanng in the circuit court. Owner has the nght to recover possession of vehicle by post- ing a bond in accordance with FS. 559 917 Any proceeds in ex- cess of the amount of the lien will be deposited with the Clerk of Ciicuit Court in the county where the vehicle is held January 20, 2006 .. 60316 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9098 CYPRESS POiNTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiffss, V. BRIAN CLEIVE SOUTER, ROBERTO SUROS, ALBERTO SUROS, GARY L. SCHREINER,DIANA L. SCHREINER, STEVE J. SESSION, MELINDA S. COMBS, GERALD W. CRUMP, KAREN L. CRUMP, GEORGE MAURA, NANCY MAURA, ROBERT L. SIMS, MILDRED L. SIMS, IGNACIO L. RIVER M, DIANA L S DE RIVER, JULLIAN M. BIGGER, DAVID L. WARNER, CLARICE S. WARNER. Defendants) NOTICE OF ACTION TO. GEORGE MAURA 1850 SW 122ND AVE, APT 209 MIAMI, FL 33175-7353 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following property in Orange County, Florida: UNIT NO 6105, Week 11 0, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-9098 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. BRIAN CLEIVE SOUTER, ROBERTO SUROS, ALBERTO SUROS, GARY L. SCHREINER,DIANA L. SCHREINER, STEVE J. SESSION, MELINDA S. COMBS, GERALD W. CRUMP, KAREN L. CRUMP, GEORGE MAURA, NANCY MAURA, ROBERT L. SIMS, MILDRED L. SIMS, IGNACIO L. RIVER M, DIANA L S DE RIVER, JULLIAN M. BIGGER, DAVID L. WARNER, CLARICE S. WARNER. Defendants) NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MELINDA S. COMBS 3529 NIKKI LYNN DRIVE BOSSIER CITY, LA 71112-3753 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following property in Orange County, Florida: UNIT NO 5301, Week 29B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9708 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. LOVE ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: TIMOTHY N J SMITH RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by through under or against Defendants) TIMOTHY N J SMITH a single man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right title or interest in tne property herein described YOUJARE NOftFiEDthatan action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Flonda. WEEKIUNIT(S) 8/86336 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, accoLding to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965. in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12 00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall Book 4443 at Page 2743g oj: the Public Records of Or-' ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. ' has been filed against you aind you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on KATHRYN A. VAUGHAN, ESQUIRE, the plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 110 E. Granada Blvd. Suite 104, Ormond BeAdi', Florida 32176, thirty (30) da.. after publication of this notice, and file the original with tia Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's Atffr- ney or immediately thereafter, or a default will be entered against you for the relief deT handed in the Comolaint."' DATED on JANUARY 'i, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEJt. As Deputy Cf4ele. ATTENTION: PERSONS'. WITH DISABILITIES ' If you are a person with disabf ity who needs any accommod- tion in order to participate in-thit proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Pleasse contact Court Administrator 'at Courthouse Annex, 425 N.-0? ange Avenue, Ste 350, 'Sf1- lando, FL 32801 Tel.: 407- 8 2065 within two (2) worlk
days of your receipt of the RN- | TICE OF ACTION; if you-ara hearing or voice impaired, Gail 1-800-955-8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE January 20 and 27, 2006 6033 Book 4443 at Page 2743 of ; the Public Records of Or-,; ange County, Florida, as. thereafter amended. C has been filed against you arid you are required to serve . copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on KATHRYN A. VAUGHAN, ESQUIRE, the plaintiff's attorney, whose ad"' dress is 110 E. Granada Blvd. Suite 104, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176, thirty (30) days after publication of this notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's Attor- ney or immediately thereafter. or a default will be entered against you for the relief &e- manded in the Complaint. -. DATED on JANUARY 12 2006. LYDIA GARDEN 1 CLERK OF THE COURT BY: KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk ATTENTION: PERSONS, - WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- itywho needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in th'ii- proceeding, you are entitled,,%. no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at, Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Or., ange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- lando, FL 32801 Tel.: 407- 836- 2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NO- TICE OF ACTION; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call 1-800-955-8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE January 20 and 27, 2006 60338 terminate: TOGETHER with- a remainder over in fe', simple absolute as tenant in' common with the other own-. ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo-' minium in the percentage ir'- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a c9py of your written defenses, if apy; to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintitf. attorney, whose address is 25q., Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 30.1, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of thin Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be fore service on Plaintiff's atto( ney or immediately thereafter otherwise a default will be en tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and se" . of this Court on the 13 day,q'- JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardnasr CLERK OF TH& CIRCUIT COU)pz. ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA- YAHAIRA SANTIAGQO CIVIL COURT SEAL. Deputy Clerki In accordance with the Amerj cans with Disabilities Act, per, sons with disabilities needing 6n special accommodation to par, ucipate in this proceeding shquoi- contact the Court Administrator- A D.A. Coordinator, 425 Norti Orange Avenue, Orlando. Florida 32801, not later that five, (5) days prior to the proceeding ! If hearing impaired, (TDD) (8QO-. 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800e 955-8770, via Florida Relay Seri vice . January 20 and 27, 2006 60327 I I*, LI Tbe Otpopha Cbt'rf The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 19A Deadline: Tuesday at 5 p.m. for Friday's publication LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A-19A & 5B 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE ; COUNTY OF ORANGE, ; STATE OF FLORIDA Case No. 05-CA-2355 Division 34 IN RE: FORFEITURE OF 1996 HONDA ACCORD EX (2-DOOR)Beige VIN: 1HGCD7160TA013019 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1996 HONDA ACCORD EX (2-DOOR)Beige VIN: 1HGCD7160TA013019 NOTICE IS given pursuant to Sections 322.34(5), 893.13, and 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes, that the STATE OF FLORIDA, DE- PARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VE- HICLES (DEPARTMENT), through its Division,The Florida .tate Highway Patrol, on or about the 20th day of February 2005 in the County of Orange, State of Florida, seized the above-described personal property and is holding the per- sonal property pending the out- come of forfeiture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal interest in the subject property may request a hearing concerning the seized property vy-contacting Yvette Acosta MacMillan, Assistant Attorney General, OFFICEOF THEAT- .TORNEYGENERAL, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, 11th Floor, Tampa, FL 33602-5237. A Peti- tionfor Forfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. The trial court on the 4th day of April entered an Order Of Finding Of Probable Cause. If no re- sponse by claimants, the DE- PARTMENTwill seek a Final Judgment of Default and For- feiture. January 20 and 27, 2006 60271 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA- 009978 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. ALVARO ALVAREZ, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE SAS TO DEFENDANTS, MARILYN K. THOMPSON AND BRIAN K. THOMPSON COUNT VII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 15, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: -Unit Week 08 in Unit 9405, an Even Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella FloridaCon- Idominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be ntade pursuantto a Final Judg- rfient of Foreclosure AS TO MARILYN K. THOMPSON AND BRIAN K. THOMPSON - COUNT VII, entered in Civil No. 2004-CA-009978 now pending iri the Circuit Courtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 12, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, .DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, ,PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 telephone. (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ,ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- )actCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, .Telephone (407) 836-2303 e.lthin (2) working days of your receiptt of this document; if you .are hearing or voice impaired, tcall 1-800-955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60275 A t IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009554 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CARLOS GARCIA and MARISOL MOLINA, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, CARLOS GARCIA AND MARISOL MOLINA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 15, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property Unit Week 09 in Unit 2130, an Even Biennial Unit Week. VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-7169 DIV 35 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. TERRENCE J. PARKER; et al., Defendants. AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 20, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-7169 DIV 35 of the Circuit Court in andfor Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., isthe Plain- tiff, and TERRENCE J. PARKER: et al., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 8,2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 16 EVEN,in Assigned Unit No.425 Assigned Unit Week No. 33 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.453 Assigned Unit Week No. 41 EVEN,in Assigned Unit IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-10161-35 NETBANK, PLAINTIFF, VS. BRUCE BRESSLER, ET AL, DEFENDANTSS. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: BRUCE BRESSLER AND UNKNWON SPOUSE OF BRUCE BRESSLER whose residence is unknown if he/she/they be living; and if he/ she/they be dead, the unknown defendants who may be spouses, heirs, devisees, grant- ees, assignees, lienors, credi- tors, trustees, and all parties claiming an interest by, through, under or against the Defen- dants, who are not known to be dead or alive, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described in the mortgage being foreclosed herein. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on thefollowing prop- erty: UNIT 106, BUILDING 3, OF DOCKSIDE, A CONDO- MINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN OFFI- CIAL RECORDS BOOK 4208, PAGE 249, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ALL RECORDED AND UN- RECORDED AMEND- MENTS THERETO. TO- GETHER WITH AN UNDI- VIDED INTEREST OF SHARE IN THE COMMON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-9902 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUS- TEE ON BEHALF OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2004- NC2 MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-NC2., PLAINTIFF, VS. ALBERT L. CASSIE A/K/A ALBERT CASSIE, ET AL., DEFENDANTSS. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: ANNIE CASSIE whose residence is unknown if he/she/they be living; and if he/ she/they be dead, the unknown defendants who may be spouses, heirs, devisees, grant- ees, assignees, lienors, credi- tors, trustees, and all parties claiming an interest by, through, under or against the Defen- dants, who are not known to be dead or alive, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described in the mortgage being foreclosed herein. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- erty LOT 17, BLOCK A, HIAWASSEE HIGHLANDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK W, PAGE 17, OF THE PUB- and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO CARLOS GARCIA AND MARISOL MOLINA, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009554 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit In and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 12, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation In order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60273 No. 537 Assigned Unit Week No. 1 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 642 Assigned Unit Week No. 47 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 421 Assigned Unit Week No. 25 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 538 Assigned Unit Week No. 25 EVEN, inAssigned Unit No. 512 Assigned Unit Week No. 33 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 512 WESTGATE LAKES III, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5391, at Page 3172, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: /s/E M CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice inThe Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60270 ELEMENTS APPURTE- NANT THERETO. has been filed against you and youare required toserve acopy ofyourwritten defenses, if any, to it on DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 S University Drive #500, Plantation, FL 33324 no laterthan 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice of actionandfiletheiodgi- nal with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 09 day of JANUARY, 2006. 2 LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: KELLY GRUBBS. CIVIL COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 05-47856 (FNMA) RBM IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; If you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60268 LIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and youare required to serve acopy of your written defenses, if any, to iton DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 S University Drive #500, Plantation, FL 33324 no later than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice of action and file theorigi- nal with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 05-47460(CWF) IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you'are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice, If you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771 January 20 and 27, 2006 60292 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-9448 REO PROPERTIES CORP. PLAINTIFF VS. KRISTI SECOR, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST KRISTI SECOR; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF KRISTI SECOR IF ANY; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 12, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-9448 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, ORLANDO, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at SUITE 350 at the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 N. OR- ANGE AVE. in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 17th day of February, 2006 the follow- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:48-03 CA-6478 IRWIN MORTGAGE CORPO- RATION PLAINTIFF VS. EDWIN SANTIAGO IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST EDWIN SANTIAGO; LYMARI SANTI- AGO IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, UENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALLOTHER PARTIES CLAIM- ING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST LYMARI SANTI- AGO; HERITAGE PLACE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSO- CIATION, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated JANUARY 06, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 48-03 CA-6478 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, OR- LANDO, Florida, I will sell to the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:05-CA-5945-#37 GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC., SUCCESSOR BY CON- VERSION TO CONSECO FI- NANCE SERVICING CORP., F/K/A GREEN TREE FINAN- CIAL SERVICING CORPORA- TION PLAINTIFF VS. BERTHA H. BRYANT, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST BER- THA H. BRYANT; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF BERTHA H. BRYANT, IF ANY; CITIFI- NANCIAL SERVICES, INC. F/K/A COMMERCIAL CREDIT CONSUMER SERVI CES, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motionto Reset Foreclosure Sale dated January 10, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA- 5945-#37 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, OR- LANDO, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidderforcash IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-8697 DIV 39 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH M. ROMELUS A/K/A JOSEPH ROMELUS, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 12th day of January, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-8697 DIV39, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE is the Plaintiff and JOSEPH M. ROMELUS A/K/A JOSEPH ROMELUS, ARGENT MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC; MARIE J. ROMELUS, JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11.00 a m on the 17th day of Febru- ary, 2006, the following de- Ing described property as set forth In said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 3, BLOCK C, MAGNO- LIA WOOD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK "V", PAGES 91 AND 92, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 13 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, PA., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-46947(ASCF) IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Flodda32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60288 highest and best bidder for cash at SUITE 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 10 day of FEBRU- ARY, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 50, HERITAGE PLACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGES 106 AND 107 OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 13 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance, Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, PA. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 03-12887(INL) January 20 and 27,2006 60290 at SUITE 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 N. ORANGE AVENUE, OR- LANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 10 day of FEBRUARY, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to- wit: LOT 10 AND THE NORTH 32 FEET OF LOT 11, BLOCK D, LORNA DOONE PARK REPLAT, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 0, PAGE 110, PUBUC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Dated this 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a personwith a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing orvoice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-43075 (GTS) January 20 and 27, 2006 60289 scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 6 BLOCK C, COPELAND PARK RE- PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK K PAGE 128, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 13 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C Watson 1800 NW49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 05-05911 January 20 and 27, 2006 60285 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:02-CA-11426-35 STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR NOMURA AS- SET ACCEPTANCE CORPO- RATION, MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH SECURITIES, SE- RIES 2001-R1 PLAINTIFF VS. CASSEL S. WILLIAMS, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST CAS- SEL S. WILLIAMS; ELLEN D. WILLIAMS; STATE OF FLOR- IDA, FLORIDA HOUSING FI- NANCE AGENCY; BENEFI- CIAL FLORIDA, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION. DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated JANUARY 10, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 02-CA- 11426-35 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 05-CA-9470 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SECURITIES, INC. ASSET BACKED PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-R11 UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF DECEMBER 1,2004, WITHOUT RECOURSE, Plaintiff, vs. ESTHER LUCAS, et, al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 9, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-9470, of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF AMERI- QUEST MORTGAGE SECURI- TIES, INC. ASSET BACKED PASS THROUGH CERTIFI- CATES, SERIES 2004-R11 UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF DECEMBER 1, 2004, WITHOUT RECOURSE, is a Plaintiff and ESTHER LUCAS; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ESTHER LUCAS; UN- KNOWN TENANT are the De- fendants. I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-8500 DIV 33 AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. JUANA LOPEZ; ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF JUANA LOPEZ; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 11 day of JANUARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-8500 DIV 33, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein AU- RORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC is the Plaintiff and JUANA LOPEZ; ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JUANA LOPEZ; JOHN DOE; JANE DOES UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-8011 DIV 35 AURORA LOAN SERVICES, INC., Plaintiff, vs. KIMBERLY L MORTON, et al, Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Motion and Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 10 day of JANU- ARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-8011 DIV 35, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein AURORA LOAN SERVICES, INC. is the Plaintiff and KIMBERLY L. MORTON; ASPHALT PRESER- VATION SYSTEMS, INC.; GRAPHIC SYSTEM, INC ; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR GATE- WAY FUNDING DIVERSIFIED MORTGAGE SERVICES, L.P DBA IVY MORTGAGE; WATERFORD POINTE HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; TARA BRUCE, UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF KIM- BERLY L. MORTON; WILLIAM BRUCE; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are de- fendants I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE. ORLANDO, FL and best binder for cash at SUITE 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 14 day of FEBRUARY, 2006 the fol- lowing described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 69, PARKVIEW AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35 PAGES 111-112, PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IFYOUARE a person with dis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing orvoice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, PA. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 02-00977(AMI) January 20 and 27,2006 60291 425 North Orange Avenue, Room 350, Orlando, Fl, at 11:00 on February 10, 2006, the fol- lowing described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 113, VILLAGE GROVE PHASE TWO, A SUBDIVI- SION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 15 AND 16, PUBUC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Dated January 12, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk IMPORTANT In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis- ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If hearing Impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. Ben-Ezra & Katz, PA., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 951 N.E. 167th Street, Suite 204 North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Telephone: (305) 770 4100 Fax: (305) 653 2063 Ourfile 16960/Admin January 20 and 27, 2006 60295 a.m. on the 14 day of FEBRU- ARY, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 33, BLOCK B, WESTCHESTER PLACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 0, PAGE 141, OF THE PUB- LIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding orto access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 12 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: MAYRA I.CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 05-05702 January 20 and 27, 2006 60286 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 14 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 62, WATERFORD POINTE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24, PAGES 19 THROUGH 22, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accorn- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303or 1-800- 955-877'1 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 12 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By MAYRAI. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile. (954) 771-6052 05-05287 January 20 and 27, 2006 60287 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-9409 DIV 40 OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. LARRY SMITH, at al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: LARRY SMITH (Avoiding Service) UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF LARRY C. SMITH (Avoiding Service) DAWN HALLIWELL (Current Residence Unknown) JOHN DOE (Avoiding Service) JANE DOE (Avoiding Service) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 36, SEAWARD PLAN- TATION ESTATES, 4TH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK T, PAGE 141, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are requiredto serve acopy IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR . ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-7876 SUNTRUST BANK, as succes- sor by assignment to The Hun- tington National Bank, Plaintiff, vs. MARIANNE B. BOEHM a/k/a MARIANN BOEHM f/k/a MARIANN OTTMAN, unmar- ried; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered on January 12, 2006, in the above- styled case, I will sell the prop- erty situated in Orange County, Florida, on February 17, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Room 350, Orlando, Florida 32801. The property be- ing sold is more particularly de- scribed in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and its address is com- monly known as 18413 Madison Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32820. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT By: ELAINE CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Offices STOVASH, CASE & TINGLEY, PA. Attorney and Counselors at Law Amy S. Tingley, Esquire IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA .CASE NO. 05-CA-7413 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. JOELL ET AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Marchelle V. Joell 0467/41 VI Enzo Godofredo De Leon Marroquin and Irene Del R. Mendizabal de de Leon 4249/47 Note is hereby given that on February 15, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 NorthOOrange Avenue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida32801, the undersigned Clerkwill offerforsale the above described UNIT/WEEKS of the following described real prop- erty: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, aCondominlum, to- gether with an undivided interest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-5045 DIV 34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. THEODORE I. WILLIAMS; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuantto an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 4 day of January 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-5045 DIV 34 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, andTHEODORE 1. WILLIAMS; et al., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 22, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 44 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 1915 Assigned Unit Week No. 42 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 912 Assigned Unit Week No. 13 ODD in Assigned Unit ofyourwritten defenses, if any, to It, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address Is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice In The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303or1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 09 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk January 20 and 27, 2006 60269 Suntrust Center 200 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1220 Orlando, Florida 32801 NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DIS- ABILITIES ACT, persons with disabilities needing a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding should contact COURT ADMINISTRATION at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303, within two (2) working days of your re- ceipt of this Notice; if you are hearing impaired (TDD) 1-800- 955-8771 or voice impaired (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Re- lay Service. EXHIBIT A From a point on the West line of Section 22, Township 22 South, Range 32 East 412.60 feet South of the West 1/4 cor- ner of said Section 22, run N 89 degrees 5948" East 2012.85 feet for point of beginning; Continue thence North 89 de- grees 59'48" East 214.97 feet; thence run North 100.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59'48" West 214.97 feet; thence run South 100.00 feet to Point of Beginning. Permanent Parcel Number: 152232 2336 00880 Marianne B. Boehm 18413 Madison Avenue, Orlando FL 32820 Loan Reference Number: 57676940-001-0 First American Order No: 1964738 January 20 and 27, 2006 60283 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium inthe percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. . TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judgments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respectively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA-7413 #34 DATED this 12th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836- 2050, within two working days of your receipt ofthis document; ifyou'are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice im- paired, call (800) 955-8770. January 20 and 27, 2006 60302 No. 943 Assigned Unit Week No. 21 ALL, in Assigned Unit No.1763 Assigned Unit Week No. 7 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 923 Assigned Unit Week No. 25 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1721 Assigned Unit Week No. 16 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 2023 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number(407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you eare voice Impaired call 1-800-955-8770."- Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M., CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL' As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60259 Legal Notices can be found on-line at our website www.theapopkachief.com w < j. . ...........1 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 20A fassic zA ;EMANMERM REVOLUTION >Every Vehicle In Stack Clearly Marked with Everyday Low Prices >No Hassle No Haggle Buying >No Negotiations Necessary [NW 00 HEROET OBLTL AMERICA'S NO. 1 BRAND AMERICA'S NO. 1 VALUE Air Conditioning, Power Steering, , Power Brakes, A M FM/CD Player iNEW 2008III~ i~1 uu~ CHVRLET]THOE [NEW 2006,i CHEVRO:1T SUBURB~:iJ;i'AN] E Certified IMEO WHICLES Several To C V-6, Au F R 0 M '05 PONTIAC GRAND AM Choose From automatic $ 1,995* '05 CHEVROLET IMPALA rm Certified USEDmVHftwES Several To Choose From 4.9% Financing Availablet' F *1 2,995* Under $12,999 Under $18,999 ..... ." '04 CHEVROLET CAVALIER COUPE 2Dr. Auto, AC PL, PW. Tit. Cruise. Stereo. CD. ,#47216635 $9,995' i '01 CHEVROLET S-10 EXTENDED CAB 2Dr. 5Spd, A/C. Low Miles #18249086 cE-d ""*$10,995 '00 GMC 6 SIERRA 2Dr, Auto, A/C Stereo #YE901214 if "ed S1" 0,995. '04 OLDSMOBILE ALERO S' 4Dr, Auto, A.C PL. P'W Tilt, liC Cruise Stereo CD, #4C176784 IS ", *10,995 - 0 '03 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER 4Dr, Auto, A/C, P'L, P/W. Tilt, Cruise, Stereo, CD. ,#3U077638 S'05 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 4Dr, Auto, A/C, P/L. P/W. Tilt Cruise, Stereo, CD, #51258716 WED.ICertified $154995, A- '06 CHEVROLET : -: *,COBALT COUPE LT 2Dr Auto. ,A/C PL,. PW Tilt, Cruise Stereo, CD, #61686987 .jl| l '4 F *15,995' '04 FORD RANGER Auto, A/C, P/L P.W. Tilt, Cruise. Stereo, CD, 6 Cyl, #4PA5-4136 $16,995' '05 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZ S tCertified usl n v-n&tI Several To Choose From 4x4 3.9% Financing Availablet M0 *1 $1 995* LUXURY CARS & SUVS 1'03 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE 4Dr, Auto, A/C, PL, P/W, Tilt, Cruise, CD, Leather, #30200042 I $1i9,995' '06 CHEVROLET HHR 4Dr Auto, A/C. PL P/W. TTill Cruise, Stereo, CD, Leather. #6S507723 tCKLE $20,995 '05 FORD EXPLORER i SPORT TRACK 4Dr, Auto NC, P/L PW. Tilt Cruise. Stereo. C3ss CD. #5UA00214 s20,995' '05 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LT 4Dr. Auto. NA/C, P/L PW. Tilt, Cruise. Stereo CD Leather. 56063721 ucEn v 21,995' All prices plus tax, tog, and title.*39-month dlosed-end lease with $1,500 total due at lease inception, which includes: First payment of $217 for '06 Chevrolet Trailblazer, ($322 for '06 Chevrolet Tahoe, and $369 for Chevrolet Suburban), security deposit of $250 for '06 Chevrolet Trailblazer, ($350 for '06 Chevrolet Tahoe, and $400 for Chevrolet Suburban) and cash or trade equity of $1,033 for '06 Chevrolet Trailblazer, ($828 for '06 Chevrolet Tahoe, and $731 for Chevrolet Suburban. All advertised pricing does not include tax or tag. 10,000 miles per year, any overage will be $0.25 per mile. With approved credit. Severity of credit may affect down payment and APR. All bankruptcies must be discharged. *48-month closed-end lease with $1,500 total due at lease inception, which includes: First payment of $123, security deposit of $150 and cash or trade equity of $1,227. All advertised pricing does not include tax or tag. 10,000 miles per year, any overage will be $0.20 per mile. With approved credit. Severity of credit may affect down payment and APR. All bankruptcies must be discharged. + With approved credit to qualified buyers. Severity of credit may affect down payment and APR. All bankruptcies must be discharged. All rebates and incentives assigned to dealer. All offers not to be used in conjunction. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Dealer fee of $498.55 is included in advertised prices. ______ , On the corner of SR 434 and Maitland Blvd. Cfassiw CHEVR OLET i1 classicchevrolet.com 1 mile south of SR 436, next to Classic Audi. ,T SAI. HOURS: Mon-Fri9-9/Sat9-8/Sun 11-5 (888EX -CEVY SIIVI(.l HOilIt:. Mon-Fri 7-6/Sat8-5 __N^ p - L=-.i k..':" ' MM I-Bd; ;",7- - _ ~~1~~~~* J m I -1 1 h ii i 4 . See the story and pic- ture at the top of the page about the Apopka Blue Darters girls soc- cer team, which defeat- ed the Winter Park Wildcats in an emotion- al contest that wasn't N.. .. decided until penalty kicks. The 5-4 Apopka victory in the District 6A-4 semifinals means Apopka will face host and top-seeded Edgewater in the dis- trict tournament finals. The Apopka Chief January 20, 2006, Page 1B Sports Q. What is the record for the highly successful Apopka Blue Darters girls soccer team? A. Coached by Doug Matthews, the Blue Darters own an 18-3-4 mark and had a 12-game winning streak until the final game of the regular season, when Apopka and Boone battled to a 1-1 tie on a rainy and windy night. Apopka toppled Winter Park for the first time in the district semifinals. Darters down Winter Park for first time Apopka's Loren Cate looks to control the ball during the Blue Darters' 4-0 victory over Ocoee in the first round of the District 6A- 4 tournament. Victory gives AHS girls soccer team a berth in regional playoffs. The Apopka Blue Darters girls soc- cer team has finally beaten its nemesis. The Darters (18-3-4) defeated the Winter Park Wildcats 5-4 after penalty kicks on Wednesday, January 18, in the District 6A-4 tournament semifinals, landing a spot in the tournament finals. With the first-ever victory over Winter Park, the Blue Darters also claimed a spot in the Region 6A-1 quarterfinals, which will be held Thursday, January 26, as both the champion and runner-up in each district continue to the regional playoffs. Apopka, the No. 3 seed in the dis- trict tournament, will face top-seeded and tournament host Edgewater today, Friday, January 20, at 7 p.m. in the dis- trict title game. Edgewater downed University, 4-0, in the other district tournament semifinal. Tickets to the district championship game at Edgewa- ter's Frank Lough Field are $5 at the gate. In the victory over Winter Park, the Wildcats wasted little time attacking the Apopka goal. Winter Park scored its initial goal in the first 40 seconds of the game, but then, senior Joy Powell, who played midfield, stepped up and put a damper on the attacking Wildcats. Pow- ell trapped and stole the ball from the Winter Park players all game long to keep her team in the fight. The Darters didn't back down on the offensive end and were able to get off several great shots on the Winter Park goal before one found the back of the net. At the 30-minute mark, senior Jenny Taylor used her speed to shake the Winter Park player assigned to shadow her all game. Taylor then sent a precision pass to freshman Loren Cate, who shot on frame to tie the score 1-1. Six more minutes ticked off the clock before Winter Park got a ball past Apopka goalie Brittany Oliver to regain the lead 2-1. Apopka's forwards, Tay- lor and Cate, answered immediately when Cate sent a ball cross field to Tay- lor who outraced two defenders and shot on frame to tie the score again 2-2. Apopka was not satisfied with the tie and with only seven minutes remaining before the half, Newsome scored goals three and four for Apopka. Newsome, who was on fire all game, always seemed to be around the ball. Her two goals came when she cleaned up a rebound from a Taylor free kick and a rebound from another shot on goal to give the Blue Darters a 4-2 lead and the momentum going into half time. At the start of the second half, the Darters picked up where they left off and didn't allow a Winter Park goal during the first 36 minutes of play. Oliver, who played outstanding the entire game, had 11 saves in the first half, six saves in the second half and six more in overtime play to bring her game-high save total to 23. With only six minutes left in regulation play, the Wildcats scored to pull to within 4-3 and then, three minutes later, got off another shot that tied the score. With exhaustion setting in on both teams, two 10-minute overtime peri- ods elapsed leaving the victor to be decided by penalty kicks. Apopka coach Doug Matthews made a change and called on New- some's athleticism to defend the goal against the Wildcats' penalty kicks. Coach Matthews also called on Cate, Powell, Shana Rhodes, Newsome, and Taylor to take the penalty kicks for the Blue Darters. Newsome did not disappoint in goal and was able to block two Winter Park penalty kicks. That was more than enough as the Darters' first four See VICTORY Page 3B University High head coach will become AHS offensive line coach A new offensive line coach has been hired bN Apop- ka Blue Darters head football coach Rick Darlington. John Flath, the University High head coach, has agreed to step down from his job at the east Orange County school and will join the Apopka High fac- ulty in early March. Flath, who responded to a request for an interview by email, stated that, "being a head coach is demanding with regards to time above and beyond coaching." He also wrote that his sons, Caleb, 10, and Jake, 7, "have had to sacri- fice a great deal for me to pur- sue building an excellent foot- ball program" at University High, He went on to write that he was concerned about spend- ing more time with them. "In the last year, I have had a bur- den for them and a realization of how fast they are going to be grown and gone. That is time that you can't make up," Flath wrote. Darlington said that Flath brought up the possibility of jokingng the Apopka staff recently when they were hav- ing dinner together. "I tried to dissuade him," Darlington said. "I wanted to make sure he would be OK not being a head coach." The Apopka head coach said that Flath, who played offensive line at Florida State, is a "very knowledgeable foot- ball coach," and that he and Flath agree on more than just football. "We believe in the same things in the programs, in building the players into young men who make good fathers and good husbands." But, despite their friend- ship of 10 years, "I was just shocked he would come over," Darlington said. Flath, who has been Uni- versity's head coach for four years, previously served as an assistant coach at Lake High- land Prep, Seminole High, and Edgewater High. "I'm real excited about him coming over," Darlington said. Soccer class set for youngsters and parents The Apopka Recreation Department is holding registra- tion for a "Guardian and Me" soccer class for children ages 3- .5 . Registration is ongoing and limited to the first 12 children. The sign-up is being held at Fran Carlton Center, 11 N. For- est Ave., Apopka, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost of the three-week session is $30. Classes will be held Febru- ary 4, 11, and 18 -- all Saturdays -- at the Northwest Recreation Complex from 10-11 a.m. each day. The program is designed to prepare children for organized soccer without the threat of competition or fear of getting hurt, a recreation department spokesman said. "Parents will work with their child in a sup- portive environment helping them learn basic motor skills like passing, dribbling, shoot- ing, and footwork through a variety of stations," the spokesman said. "Parents spend quality time learning to teach and support them in sports and the kids will receive a free soc- cer ball." For more information about the program call 407-703-1784. Blue Darters still struggling By Richard Corbeil Apopka Chief Staff The Apopka High boys varsity bas- ketball team continued to struggle against some very strong district and Metro Conference opponents, winning only one of the last three contests in what is a 4-13 season, so far. The bright spot was a January 9 road win, 53-41, against the Colonial Grenadiers, who had eked out a 48-46 overtime victory over the Blue Darters at the Bishop Moore Jim Clark Holiday Classic on December 28. In the recent win, Apopka senior forward Andrew Yamin led the Darters' scoring with 13 points. On Friday, January 13, Apopka hosted the Winter Park Wildcats, ranked seventh in the state sportswriters' poll, and except for holding their own in the first period, 23 points versus Winter Park's 24 points, the rest of the match was spent trying primarily to contain the Wildcats' shooters. Winter Park went home with a 74-45 victory. The visitors had four players in double digits led by junior forward Jor- dan Bolton's game leading 23 points and 17 from senior guard John Pietkiewicz. Apopka's offense dropped from the 23-point first frame, to 10 points, 7, and 9, as the Winter Park defenders con- tained everyone except Darter senior forward Jordan Walker. His 12 points, including two 3-pointers were the only double figures for Apopka. The game had an unusually low number of fouls -- Apopka with only seven and the Wildcats with 11. Game totals were Winter Park 33, 3-5, 74, Apopka 19, 6-12, 45. The Winter Park junior varsity prevailed, 52-45. "We're playing very good teams, many state-ranked, night after night," said Apopka head coach Eddie Jenkins. "Most of the state's top teams are in our backyard and our record reflects that." Although not state ranked, the Evans Trojans are 13-4 and one of the quickest squads in the Metro Confer- ence. When Apopka met them on December 8 in the "Snake Pit" at Evans High, the 78-47 Evans' victory was telegraphed by a 43-17 halftime lead. On Tuesday, January 17, the Darters hosted Evans and again, the halftime score, 44-28, signaled a big Trojans' win, 73-55. Walker, again, led Apopka with 15 points, including three goals from downtown, but this was offset by a 20- point drop by Evans senior guard Den- nis James. Darter junior forward Andy Summerlin also was in double figures with 11 points, but the Trojans halftime lead was too much to overcome, as was Evans completion rate from the charity stripe -- 95 percent. Game totals were Evans 19, 10-11, 73, Apopka 17, 13-21, 55. Evans junior varsity edged the Darters, 61-58. Apopka traveled to East Ridge in Clermont on Thursday, January 19 for a district match past press time. They will play at Melbourne's Florida Air Acade- my today, Friday, January 20. On Tuesday, January 24, The Blue Darters will travel to Ocoee High then return home for a rematch against the Edgewater Eagles on Thursday, January 26. Both of these games will begin at 7:30 p.m. The Eagles game will be the last home game on the regular-season schedule. Apopka's Andy Summerlin reaches for a rebound Friday, January 13, during the 74-45 victory Winter Park registered over the host Blue Darters. 4 Havig agoodtim -.1 I V- -..-:., T wIg'I' , The Apopka Blue Darters boys soccer team defeated the University Cougars, 5-0, on Friday, January 13, at Roger Williams Field. The victory helped Apopka to the No. 2 seed in next week's District 6A- 4 tournament. Apopka will host the Evans Trojans in a first-round game on Tuesday, January 24, at 7 p.m. at Roger Williams Field. The winner of that game will play in the district tournament semifinals on Wednesday, January 25, at 5 p.m. against the winner of the University-Ocoee first-round contest. The semifinals and finals will be held at Winter Park's Showalter Field, with the final set for Friday, Jan- uary 27, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 for all games. The winners of the semifinals will automatically advance to the Region 6A-1 quarterfinals, which are set for February 2. The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 2B HARRIS N MOTORS Nnfk 0~of um wo "Copyrighted Material A Syn cate ontent SyndicatedConen j Ava * * * 0 0 4 wm- ilable from Commercial News Pro6viders" s -M 40 - ft amnw qm - --- mmp mo o 0q ' 4=ftwwwF~mAww s to % tor 1%4pos,. mg %gi.,gak* e-.441*4I hit* Sasur, 4w Idlk The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 3B Victory: Blue Darters, Boone Braves tie 1-1 in final regular-season contest Continued from page 1B players -- Cate, Powell, Rhodes and Newsome -- all sent balls into the back of the Winter Park net, leaving Taylor cheering the win on deck. Apopka's celebration on the field was one for the books. "I am so proud of the tal- ent and effort of this team," Matthews said. "There was no quit in any of the girls tonight. They played 110 minutes of hard-fought soccer against a team that we have not been able to beat in the past. I have to give a lot of credit to our captains, Powell, Newsome and Taylor, for the example and standard they have set for this team. The young players also stepped up and contributed by doing the lit- tle things we have been working on all year. It was a total team effort and a great win for the Apopka Blue Darters." To get to the game against Winter Park, the Darters downed Ocoee, 4-0, in the first round of the tournament. Prior to that game, Apopka had two season-ending contests, one a 5- 2 victory over DeLand and the other a 1-1 tie with the Boone Braves. Apopka vs. Ocoee Hosting the Ocoee Knights, the Apopka Blue Darters jumped into the District 6A-4 tournament on Tuesday, January 17, with a 4-0 victory over the first-year school. The Darters clearly con- trolled the flow of the game on both the offensive and defensive end of the field, as the Apopka forwards took at least 12 solid shots on goal in the first 30 min- utes of the half before one got in the back of the net. With 10 minutes left in the half, Taylor was able to get a ball by the Ocoee goalie after receiving a Newsome assist on the play. Oliver, the goalie for Apopka, had five saves in the first half and four in the second half which helped secure another shutout for the defense. During halftime, coach Matthews asked his team to take advantage of the wind the sec- ond half and take some shots outside the box. "I felt we were a little flat the first half and seemingly lacked a little fire because this was our third meet- ing with a team we had already won two games against. I asked the girls to step it up and make sure we came away with the win." Only 20 seconds ticked off the clock in the second half before Powell sent a ball up field to Newsome. Newsome, determined not to miss, dribbled the ball through the Ocoee back- field and put a sure shot in the net to give the Darters a 2-0 lead. For the next 25 minutes, the defense on both teams con- trolled the action. Taylor Larochelle played well all night for the Blue Darters as she protected the goalie from one-on-one shot opportunities. Marisela Montes and Angel Laws did a great job of smothering the ball on the defensive end to keep Ocoee's forwards off guard all game. With 12 minutes left to play, Newsome and Taylor teamed up again for the third score of the game. Newsome sent a corner kick to the back post and Taylor one-touched the ball in traffic for the score. Cate later took matters into her own hands when she faked out the Ocoee defense and shot on These five Apopka soccer players are making sure their senior season is a memorable one. Seniors shown are, (I- r), front, La Tiriya Inmom and Kim Newsome. Back row, Abby Bass, Joy Powell, and Jenny Taylor. frame to score the fourth and final goal of the match. Cate seems poised and ready to be the heir apparent of Apopka's offense next season. She is the second highest scorer for the Darters this year with 27 goals. Coach Matthews praised his team for getting the job done. Apopka vs. DeLand The Blue Darters got their 17th win of the 2005-06 season Thursday, January 12, when they defeated the DeLand Bull- dogs 5-2 on Senior Night. Only two minutes had ticked off the clock before Tay- lor and Newsome put the first of five goals in the net. Newsome brought the ball through traffic and sent a pass to Taylor on the run and shot a rocket past the charging goalie for the score. At the 10-minute mark, Newsome again sent an assist to Taylor who this time dribbled the ball in the corner and sent a crossing shot that found the top of the far post to get goal number two. DeLand tried to rally in the first half, but Apopka's defense led by Mucy Rowell, Larochelle, Laws and goalie Oliver thwarted the attempts. Oliver was credited with four saves in the first half and one in the second. The third Apopka goal of the half was scored when Rowell fought off a DeLand for- ward and sent a ball up field to Taylor for an assist. Taylor received the pass and chipped the ball over a sliding defender to take a shot on frame for the score. During the second half, four minutes into the play, Cate brought the ball down the side- line and sent a cross to Powell who was waiting at the top of box. Powell, a senior, lined up the pass and shot a blast into the goal to give Apopka a 4-0 lead. Four minutes later, DeLand got its first goal when a free kick found the back of Apopka's net. The Bulldogs picked up the pace of play and held Apopka score- less for the next 18 minutes. DeLand was also able to score off a corner kick with the help of Apopka's leading scorer Taylor. While defending the Babe Ruth baseball league continues registration Apopka goal against the kick, Taylor sent the ball spinning backwards into the net for an own goal. "That is the first time I ever scored one for the other team," Taylor said. With five minutes left in the game, Taylor made up for that last DeLand score when she sent a shot from outside the 30-yard line that the DeLand goalie could not handle. After the game, coach Matthews was pleased with the win. "I was proud of the entire team tonight because they did the things we have been asking them to do all season. They played focused throughout the game and made good decisions with their passes. Our offense was able to make good runs and ultimately they capitalized on those opportunities for some great shots on goal. This is our 17th win of the season" Apopka vs. Boone The Blue Darters got little rest as they traveled the day after a hard-fought game with DeLand to play the Boone Braves in a Metro Conference game on Friday, January 13. The game ended in a 1-1 tie as both coaches anticipated that wet and slippery conditions were going to be a factor in the game. Boone came out aggres- sively and got a comer kick two minutes into the game. It was during this play that Apopka's Taylor went down with a knee to her thigh. She was out for the half. Twenty more minutes went by as both teams attacked and defended their respective goals. Oliver, the Apopka goalie, made several great saves that stole the momentum from the Boone team. She had four saves in the first half. Several more Apopka play- ers went out with injuries, as seniors Newsome, Bass, and Powell joined Taylor on the bench. This left Apopka's future players on the field to battle the Braves. "This was a good chance to see how the team might play together next year. They did a great job of holding the score while taking some good shots on goal," Matthews said. The Braves did manage to kick one ball on frame that slipped through the hands of Oliver just before the half to put them on top 1-0. During the halftime break, coach Matthews contemplated his options to compensate for the injuries. When the second half started, the seniors were able to get back on the field.. "I put Newsome in goal and asked Taylor and Powell to tone it down up top. I felt that their presence on the field would be enough to give us the edge we needed to hold off the attack and get a score," Matthews said. Matthews' plan worked well enough to get one goal to tie the score and thwart 16 attempts on the Apopka goal to prevent Boone from getting the win. Just three minutes into the SATTLJtN( Car buying made easy! ., ,,~~~ ea e 7.*.,_., ,.. . APR BACK! 48 mo. on all ION2 Sedans & FWD4 VUEs . ...Lease a S 2006 ION2 Sedan starting at $1a mo. 199 + tax* ZERO out of pocket The West Orange Babe Ruth Baseball League will hold registration for the spring season for children ages 13-18 in Janu- ary on several dates and at sev- eral sites. The dates, times, and sites for the registration are as fol- lows: January 20, 4-8 p.m., K- Mart, 13105 E. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden; January 21, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Wal-Mart Super- center, 1700 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka; January 27, 4-8 p.m., Winn-Dixie supermarket, 1401 S. Hiawassee Rd., Orlan- do, January 28, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Northwest Recreation Complex, Field 4, Ponkan Road and Jason Dwelley Parkway, Apopka. For more information, call Richard at 407-886-4662 or send an email to freer- cw2005@hotmail.com. Saturn OT urlanao/Nortn 2725 S. Highway 17-92 SATLRN. 800-313-9224 1Loca Call) ene Our Entire www.saturnoforlando.com Softball league has sign-up set for area girls on Jan. 21 Registration for Apopka at the city softball fields adja- Babe Ruth girls fast-pitch soft- cent to the Apopka Ninth Grade ball will be held one more time Center, 800 N. Wells St., Apop- in January. ka. League officials will sign For more information, call ,up players Saturday, January 21, Mickey at 407-8334102. Orlando 'Soiuh Kissimmee S. OBTI near IL Mall Hwy 192 near FL Turnpike SALES HOURS: MONDAY FRIDAY 9AM 8PM SATURDAYS 9AM 7PM SUNDAYS 12NOON 5PM All offers expire 1/31/06. Photos for illustration purposes only. All offers with approved credit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee, and retailer-installed accessories extra. *39 month lease. 12,000 miles a year. No security deposit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee, retailer-installed accessories, and first payment due at delivery. ION2 MSRP $13,530, Stock #145857. Includes $500 Saturn Owner Loyalty Savings and $250 ION2 manual cap cost reduction allowance. Some restrictions apply. Not all will qualify. "Saturn Owner Loyalty Savings customer must have copy of current Saturn payment coupon or Saturn vehicle registration to qualify. Transferable within household. Trade-in not required. See dealer for program details. SAT W N half, Cate received a perfect ball from Powell and sent a shot just outside the 18-yard line for the goal. Cate played an oft- standing game as she gave the Boone defense something to worry about all game. Cate was double teamed at times and went down with a blow to her side later on in the half. A limping Taylor was able to get off three hard shots that hit the cross bar and just missed rebounding in for a score. Row- ell was fearless on the defensive end for Apopka. Rowell refused to be outplayed which led to more frustration for the oppo- nents. Rowell also had to leave the game with an injury to the face. When the Boone offensive attack was able to get by the speed of Larochelle and Laws, Newsome was in the Apopka goal as the last line of defense. Newsome was credited with an amazing 16 saves that kept the Darters in the game. "This move paid off well for us. Angel also played well tonight. Her speed shut down Boone star Lindsay Bryant and held her to only one goal," Matthews said. Other Apopka players such as Hillary Glidden, Heather Wilson, Suzy Wyatt, Megan Howard, Marisela Montes, Shana Rhodes and Jeannine McKnight played tire- lessly and demonstrated why Apopka will continue to be, p force in the state next year. -- I r%. The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006 Page 4B Your Ca .r Ha ndle? CENTRAL FLORIDA MV09103 1779 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka - Call Today - 407-880-8221 Check out our I web page www.cfar.net = Coolant System Test and Flush if $32.00 I including coolant Pressure test coolant system, inspect belts, hoses & Flush complete coolant system with up to 1 Gallon of Valvoline coolant. Normally $64.00.50% OFF Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 1-17-06 L ~ ~- 6~ ~ Computer Scan and System Test Engine light on? Find out why. Normally $76.00. 50% OFF I Scan fee will apply to complete repair on the same visit. Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or S discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 1-17-06 Rotate and Balance with a FREE Brake Inspection Normally $40.00 50% OFF. Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 1-17-06 $3T5. 00PLUS FLUID Transmission Service V Flush transmission cooler, lines and all internally lubricated parts. With Valvoline, Maxlife ATF. Normally $69.95 50% OFF. Most Cars and light trucks. Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or L discounts. One per customer. Most models. Ex. 1-17-06 Approved D jB Auto Repair ' Syrfbwer U p*0% s a :P 9r financing - st.-e5 y MV-0531a8* R- 407-298-2853 2 blocks north of Maitland exchange on 441 2500 PEMBERTON DR. APOPKA Complete Automotive Repair FREE Inspections on Chassis & Exhaust Systems Manufacturer's Recommended Preventive Maintenance Services *, AWinter Car Care A ER Special I Special includes: *.Lubel/Oil/Filter Service I with upto quarts of g$699 *E S N I SAEW o T 10W30 motor oil I Radiator Flush & Fill 0 Includes one gallon of coolant "R Set of 2 New Wiper Blades (front only) wire a w f or Vehicle Safety Inspection ligtU t w p-i- lotr aks Iotreehu t c In lieu of other diesar. Moastcairs and llglhtckls. I E, ad saXsxpy2/28/068 a e ont eiofra. Exp. 20M06 I LUBEi OIL BRAKE PADS CHECK ENGINE S FILTER or SHOES LIGHT ON? I SPECIAL A20LnO 52 n , PER AXLE* $35 OFF $1795* 11 SAVE on our complete inventory of I uLfs e mar : A .k"cr .r. ,, tsp quality,, lletlme warranted brake a Reg. $71.95 Save $35 I I c l 0 vn d qitC 1 a u y c pads and shoes-good for as long as a Was rm r, you om your car. 'With cou .I TulytectI niclanswl scan for codes TUFFY BUCKS 04 0 ANY SERVICE- 1150 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka MV33277 (Highway 436 & Thompson Rd') 407-884-4441 Changeable weather has effected fishing' in lakes of Central Florida Hello Folks, Can you believe this weath- er? It's definitely not good fishing' weather. This past week wasn't too bad, but when that cold front came to town and the wind started to blow like crazy you know you were not goin' to get on the water to do some fishing I had some folks fish off the bank but even that was tough. Let me bring you up to speed on how the fishing' was doin' before the cold front came through. Once the wind settles down, the fishing' will pick back up in a few days. I was hopin' that the full moon would get those ole speckled perch on the shoreline to spawn and if it stays cold, they will move on the beds. As I mentioned last week, some folks have been catching' some specks in the Harris Chain and up on the St. Johns River, and some of the specks had some roe in 'em. If that ole cold front hadn't moved in over the weekend, I believe those specks would have moved to the shore- line. If you get a chance to get on the water once the weather set- tles down, you should find some specks just off the edge of the r- FREE TOWING-G I On Internal Repairs E PARE-FREE TRANSMISSION Road Test Computer Scan Pan Check Adjustment Check S- SAVE YOUR - l ^^I TRANSMISSION NOW WITH PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Road Test I Change Fluid Adjust Linkage Adjust Bands Clean Screen We honor all extended warranties Includes Fluid, Gasket 1914 S Orange Blossom Tr. Filter Extra (if needed) 19Ap S. Orange Blossom Tr. -407- 814- 0202-- - Apopka MV-41600 Lnr' FA 407-814-0202 The next time you need transmission service, go to the the experienced professionals FREE Towing with Major Repairs Free Diagnostic Service 2 one of MV #47147 r customers $75 OFF Major, i Repairs With coupon. Exp. 1-31-06 ---I Transmission Service Most cars. I $15.95 Filter extra. With coupon. Exp. 1-31-06 407-880-3075-- - 407-880-3075 I 'l 4 Viva Transmissions built on site by owner. Se Habla Espanol. 1440 E. Semoran Blvd., Ste. 103, Apopka &-RACNRS grass. If you go to the Harris Chain, I would try just off the edge of the grass and just inside the edge of the grass. Most folks have been usin' Zip jigs and minners. You need to keep movin' along the shoreline until you can locate 'em. Don't sit in one place and wait for a bite, keep moving . If you go to Lake Monroe, I would recommend trollin' with a beetle spin to locate the specks. Once you find an area, you can drop down some min- ners or jigs tipped with a minner. Of course, all this depends on the weather and wind. If the wind does get up and you are fishing' on the Harris Chain, you might try fishing' in the residen- tial canals. These areas 'are located out of the wind and you should find a few specks bitin in the canals. The bass fishing' will pick up also once the weather settles down. Most of the bass will be movin' to the canals to spawn. You will do best by usin' shin- ers. Please remember to practice catch and release during' this time of the year. You need to take your camera along and take a quick picture and put the big bass back in the water as soon as possible. If you do that, you are insurin' future generations an opportunity to catch a big bass in their lifetime. Well, folks, I wish I had more to report on, but unfortu- nately, the weather kinda put a crimp on the fishing It's just that time of the year, but I know it's gonna get better. See ya next week. Tip of the week: good weather. Save a few and good luck! Sheeler Auto Repair Family Owned & Operated We Offer Complete Professional Auto Service -------------- *1 Oil Change Special S* 2 9(Most Cars & Lite Trucks.) I NO DISPOSAL FEE. - --- ----,,-= =, ,------ Open Mon. FrI. 8 am 5 pm MVR#35541 Sat. 8 am 3 pm Closed Sun. ( B 710 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-880-5784 (Across from Apopka Land Regional, behind Papa John's Pizza, easy entrance from Sheeler Rd.) Hours "We Use Closed on 407-880-3530 CASRoL" Saturday $ 99 Part *6024, 6026, 9 3 With exchange 6056, 6058, 6075 Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 to 5:30 Sat. 7:30 4:00 Closed Sun. 407-889-5222 811 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka (behind Dairy Queen) - :- - - 24 Hour Road Service -Batteries. Belts & Hoses Brake Service Shocks STune-Ups- Oil Changes -Transmissions I R E M KA A "r lignments Diesel Mechanics T I -E M A R, 1 ,Tires -Tire Rotation & Repairs = , CARS CAkRS CARS 902 S. O.B.T. (Hwy. 441) APOPKA INC A/C Only 24K Miles 5 Speed Warranty Come see why 80% of our We Report to the Credit Business is REPEATI Every Vehicle has a 7 D FREE 30 Day Warranty* Exchange Guarantee* FREE Oil Changes Every 3000 50+ Cars In Stock Miles.* *Some Restrictions Apil APOPKA 407-880-3900 f you don't lke our car or tru reason bring it back and EXCI * Tune Ups 4 Certified Air Conditioning * Brakes Specialists * Fuel Injection service an .' Computer Diagnostic " Shocks Equipment " Oil Change Equipment * C.V. Joints - * Wheel Balance Serving Satisfied & Alignments Customers Since 1987 FAIR HONEST DEPENDABLE All Work Guaranteed LO PENALT Fast Service. I t Bureau MY )Ply ick for any HANGE ITI ;m 0 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 5B If a law enforcement agency charges you with a crime and this paper reports that information, please notify us within 90 days if the charge is later dropped or you are found not guilty by the court. After verifying the informa- tion, we will be happy to pub- lish it. Please send notification to The Annonka Chief PO Bnox and made 25 arrests. Of these arrests, five were juvenile arrests. The juveniles were charged with petit theft 1st offense, battery touch or strike, petit theft not more than $100, juvenile custody order and aggravated battery by person using deadly weapon. The following adults were arrested and charged: Victor Junior Benson. 25. Police Beat weapon (electrical device), petit theft 3rd offense (warrant). Johnny L. Kirby, 41, 4850 Ponkan Rd., Apopka, possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams. Dianne M. Kirby, 42, 4850 Ponkan Rd., Apopka, possession of marijuana with intent to sell, possession of narcotic equip- ment. Anthony R. Parker, 30, 17 W. 16th St., Apopka, petit theft 3rd or subsequent offense. Juan Jacobo, 30, 351 Mon- roe Ave.. Aoooka. non-moving Tyler J. Shull, 20, 711 East- er St., Winter Park, possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams, possession of controlled substance without prescription- Loraze. Refugio Romo, 43, 6906 Dudley Ave., Tangerine, driving under the influence of alcohol or drug 1st offense. Erin Denise Hopkins, 20, 6210 Ranier Dr., Orlando, petit theft 1st offense. Hunter Kilgore Jr., 33, 2037 Golden Ivy Way, Apopka, dri- ving under the influence of alco- hol or drug 2nd offense, Luis Alberto Teleruoc, 22, 1407 Red Forest, Apopka, dri- ving under the influence of alco- hol or drug 1st offense, operat- ing vehicle without valid license. - Ross Orta, 24, 460 Lake Bridge Ln., Apopka, battery touch or strike. non-moving traffic violation. Zachary Shane Bartlett, 21, 2552 Wyndham Bay Pl., Apop- ka, vehicle grand theft in 3rd degree, criminal mischief of $1,000 or more. James Lee Bibbs, 25,505 S. Washington Ave., Apopka, pos- session of controlled substance without prescription. Stacy Lynn Pruett, 39, 1273 Errol Pkwy., Apopka, posses- sion of marijuana not more than 20 grams, possession and/or use of narcotic equipment. Carolyn A. Turner. 40. 1125 . r vy V ... .... ...,11-1 r -1,1, 1 -, _ 880, Apopka, 32704 or call the 346 Sugarsand Rd., Douglas, traffic violation. Apopka Blvd., Apopka, proba- 24 Hour Service All Jails newsroom at 407-886-2777. Ga., possession of marijuana not Martez Reshard Huntley, tion violation or community In the period from January more than 20 grams. 19, 16 N. Christiana Ave., Apop- control. No Collateral Signature Bonds 9-15, the Apopka Police Depart- Jeffery Shawn Robinson, ka, aggravated assault with Timothy Frank Norris, 20, (In most cases) ment received 1,069 calls for 38, 140 E. Cleveland St., Apop- intent to commit a felony. 452 E. Hillcrest St., Altamonte assistance, responded to 4 crash- ka, fraud uttering false bank bill Adolfo Reyes, 18, 527 Springs, driving under the influ- s ; ; l es, issued 120 traffic citations, check, carrying concealed Roger Williams Rd., Apopka, ence of alcohol or drug. NATIVE BAIL BONDS Road teams will continue NFL success Ustairs above Park Ave. Gun & Pawn The NFL playoffs are about as good as I remember them being for several years. Even though Indianpolis lost and I really wanted to see Peyton Manning get to the Super Bowl and win the big game, the Colts' game against the Pittsburgh Steelers was a pretty exciting one. Pittsburgh held the Colts' offense in check for three quar- ters and deserved to win the game, but Indy certainly had a chance to pull off the miracle. In the Denver-New England game, a potential 14-point swing probably was the difference when Champ Bailey returned Tom Brady's ill-advised pass 100 yards to the New England 1 yard line, taking away a possible New England score and turning it into 7 points for the Broncos when Mike Anderson scored on the next play. The Broncos won 27- 13 and will host the Steelers. I may have gotten both AFC playoff games wrong, but I picked the winners in the NFC games, evening my weekend record at 2-2; overall, I'm 5-3. I didn't get a chance to see a lot of either NFC game, but I was watching when Seattle lost Shaun Alexander to a concussion. Like most everyone else, I thought that the Seahawks' chances of winning got mighty slim at that point. But, the team pulled through and won 20-10 behind quarterback Matt Hasselbeck. Meanwhile, there was a veri- table scoring frenzy in Chicago where the Carolina Panthers went John Peery Peery's Extra Points home 29-21 winners. I was among the crowd who thought the game might not have 25 total points, much less twice that many. The NFL hierarchy may not like the idea of four small-market teams battling it out for the right to play in the Super Bowl, but the four remaining teams all play good defense and they want to run the ball first. It may not be sexy, but it's great football, even in the NFL. I am happy the NFC games came through for my picks, but now comes the really tricky part, trying to figure out which teams will make it to the Super Bowl. Pittsburgh Steelers (13-5) at Denver Broncos (14-3), Sun- day, January 22,3 p.m., CBS: The oddsmakers have set Denver as about a 3-point favorite and that, generally, just acknowledges that the game is being played in Denver. At this point, every team seems like a team of destiny. Getting this far is tough and both of these teams pulled off upsets to get to this point. I know Den- ver was favored over New Eng- land, but any time you eliminate the team that had won three of the past four Super Bowls, then you have pulled off an upset, in my opinion. Pittsbuigh, mean- while, did what not many people thought they could; hold down the Indianapolis offense for most of the game and pull off the big upset in Indy. I haven't seen either team much this season, but I just have a hard time believing that a team quarterbacked by Jake Plummer will land a spot in the Super Bowl, much less win it. However, I do believe in the Denver defense, which is led by linebacker Al Wilson. He was the middle linebacker on the Univer- sity of Tennessee team which won the national championship in 1998. At UT, Wilson was the heart and soul of that team. He was the emotional leader on the defense, as well as the entire squad. He has carried the same passion for the game and his team to the NFL. He is the kind of man you would want to be next to in battle, whether it's on a football field or a real battlefield. I cannot wait to see Wilson and Pittsburgh running back Jerome Bettis meet. Despite Wilson's presence, I think Pittsburgh will win its third-straight road playoff game, giving Steelers fans a chance to win one for the thumb. Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger will be the differ- ence. Pittsburgh 24-Denver 20. Carolina Panthers (13-5) at Seattle Seahawks (14-3), Sun- day, January 22, 6:30 p.m., FOX: This game seems even tougher to pick as both these teams were impressive last week. Carolina won a tough game on the road against a strong Chicago defense, while the Seahawks played most of the game against Washington without NFL MVP Shaun Alexander at running back. He suffered a concussion after just. six carries. Alexander is expected to play on Sunday and I would imagine the team doctor will receive a blow to the head from coach Mike Holmgren if Alexander is not cleared to play. The Panthers, however, will be without running back DeShaun Foster, who broke his ankle against the Bears last week. Los- ing Foster is a blow, but still hav- ing wide receiver Steve Smith gives the Panthers their main offensive weapon. Seattle's home field is definitely an advantage for the Seahawks and they may spank the Panthers, but I think Carolina will make it a 2-0 day for the road teams. The Seahawks are a 4-point favorite, but the Panthers should be able to run the ball well enough to be effec- tive and keep the outside open for the Steve Smith. And, unless Alexander is near 100 percent, the Carolina defense may make him think twice about running hard. He is a warrior, no doubt, but he is also human and the self- protection mode may come over him. The Panthers will be in the Super Bowl for the second time in three years. Carolina 20-Seat- tle 17. ww -hbgslapper~co Reclaim your home from unwanted guests. COMPLETE PEST, LAWN, & TERMITE SERVICE * Pest Control 1 Termite Division Lawn Care Division -: Landscaping Division MNercer Pest eontrolNC. . 24 W. 4th Street, Apopka, FL 32703: PES (407) 880-6207 "trSTETWBES" COM PANY Serving Florida for Over 25 Years Family Owned and Operated Professional Dependable Trustworthy 407-656-1289 Lift Master. Gam D.ooo rf Onen . ANIEICAS kwo~iF LARAE 11ORSua,-Ag -t-ir irpner VistaOr*SowoomAt 036Apx CurtAopk ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-9000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 02/01/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1B3HD46T6SF530278 1995 1FAFP53UlXA284198 1999 3VWRC81H5SM045417 1995 January 20, 2006 DODGE FORD VOLKSWAGEN 60329 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 02/05/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FAFP6534WK264417 1998 1FTFE2421VHB14228 1997 1N4BU31D3RC141209 1994 January 20, 2006 FORD FORD NISSAN 60333 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 02/02/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FTRX17252NA59826 1G6CD5181H4292770 2B4FK45K1 LR674803 2G1 FP22K1X221735 6D47S7E657883 JN1FU21P2MT315198 YV1LS5725VJ381349 January 20, 2006 FORD CADILLAC DODGE CHEVROLET CADILLAC COACH CO NISSAN VOLVO 60330 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 02/03/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G6KD52B1RU261591 1994 1LNLM9845NY644093 1992 2C3ED56F4RH119525 1994 2FAPP36XXLB171301 1990 ., January 20, 2006 CADILLAC LINCOLN CHRYSLER FORD ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehic 02/06/06, 08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida St ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserve right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. JH4DA1758KS002414 1989 January 20, 2006 ACURA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR ORANGE Cl :les on 32805- atutes. yes the 60334 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 02/04/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 2G1FP22S2R2108298 1994 2G1WN54T6N9216681 1992 January 20, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-4097 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. BRIODY ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: DARREN CASSIE A/K/A DARREN BLOOMFIELD and OLIVIA BLANCHARD RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) DARREN CASSIE A/K/A DARREN BLOOMFIELD and OLIVIA BLANCHARD, a single man, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 21/3438 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest In the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in 4Gndomlnlum Book 28, pa g84-92, until 2:00 noon CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 60332 on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contactthe Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 20 and 27, 2006 60328 ANGIOLINA Pettilone and IVAN M. ROE Respond NOTICE O DISSC MA TO: IVAN M. ROE Last Known 80 UNION S1 LAWARENC YOU ARE action has be and that yoL serve a copy fenses, if any E. URBAEZ is647 19TH LANDO, FLO before Febru file the origin this Court at AVE, ROOM FLORIDA 32 on Petitione thereafter. If' default may I you for the relief demanded in thf petition. DUNTY, FLORIDA Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are Case No.: 06-479 available at the Clerk of the Cir- Division: cult Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. E. URBAEZ Dr You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified DRIGUEZ of your current address. (You lent may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court F ACTION FOR Approved Family Law Form 'LUTION OF 12.915.) Future papers In this .RRIAGE lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. DRIGUEZ address WARNING: Rule 12.285, TREET, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- E, MASS 01840 cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents NOTIFIED that an and Information. Failure to com- en filed against you ply can result in sanctions, includ- u are required to ing dismissal or striking of plead- of your written de- ings. , to it ANGIOLINA whose address Dated: January 11, 2006. H STREET, OR- )RIDA 32805, on or LYDIA GARDNER Jary 23, 2006, and CLERK OF THE al with the clerk of CIRCUIT COURT 425 N. ORANGE By: CHRISTINA GARRETT 320, ORLANDO, CIRCUITCOURT SEAL 801 before service Deputy Clerk *r or Immediately January 20,27, February 3 you fall to do so, a and 10, 2006 be entered against 60287 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9639 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. PARROTT ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: ALBERT A. SENDEJO and ALICIA E. SENDEJO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) ALBERT SEN- DEJO and ALICIA SENDEJO, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to nave any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 5/3213 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest In the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall I terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the CourtAdministrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue. Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice January 20 and 27, 2006 60324 SOLUTIONS B A L D S N E A K A H S A G EE E 0 LI C ES O P R E V MART I N L UT H E R I D I 0 CI E S S E E D Y RE C S P E C L A S SOS S HOIR T E S T A L O ES A L V C R R A R E S T DE L AW AR E UT E S C AR V A N E S MERC HIAIN T MO S S E S O ARI S R C A M E D S H RE W I S H K I N G J R SB R T H D A Y A N 0 A A CI NI E- L U L NE W S D I C ES WE K A The Crossword Puzzle is found on page 1 8A of this newspaper.., Havin. a*Bd Day A E IN Legals can be 407.886.2777 LEGAL ADVERTISING found0on Fax: 407-889.4121 p f Pages 18A- 19A & Qt Apob Qitf5B 15B 60331 N.ti- eloper AtF.RTrA'.,; F"nRITF. GARAr.F. Doop,;Tm The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 6B LEGAL ADVERTISING popka : Cbief 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 Economical Accurate Timely Deadline: Tuesday at 5 p.m. for Friday's publication LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A-19A & 5B 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF'FLORIDA ,, Case No. 05-CA-8493 Judge: Donald E. Grincewicz In RE: Forfeiture of 1997 Nissan Altima XE (Maroon) VIN 1N4BU31D4VC250451 NOTICE OF ACTION TO: HENOC ABEL ARBOUET ,.4925 Donovan Street ,- Orlando, Florida 32808 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to forfeit your interest in the above-described property in Range County, Florida has been filed, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on Petitioner's attorney, Gerald D. Siebens, Assistant Attorney General, Of- fice-df the Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 11(iO,Tampa, Florida 33602, if yo'wish to contest this forfei- ture action on or before Febru- ary 17,.2006, and file the origi- na).wi(h the clerk of this court either. before service on Petitioner's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter. Otherwise a default will be entered against you fId the relief demanded in the petition. Dated: JANUARY 11 2006 LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL January 20, 27, February 3 and'0, 2006 S' 200 60297 IN TIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA- 009720 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vS. ARIEL ACOSTA and RUTH B. ACOSTA, his wife; MARGARET L. CULLEY, a single woman; JORGE GAYTAN, a married man; et al., " Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE -AS TO DEFENDANT, JING LAU COUNT VI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 15, 2006. at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will-offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 52 in Unit 02204, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- mfnium of Bella FloridaCon- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, andall amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO JING LAU COUNT VI, en- tered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 009720 now pending in the Cir- cuit Courtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 12, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURTSEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a pera on'with a disability who needs"any accommodation in order participate in this pro- ceedihg, you are entitled, at no cost'o you, to the provisions of cerftin assistance. Please con- tactCotft Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60277 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-7288 DIV 37 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN DAVID CAMPBELL; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the January 3, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA- 7288 DIV 37 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., Is the Plain- tiff, and JOHN DAVID CAMPBELL; et al., are Delen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clockA.M. on February 22, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-4537 DIV 37 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. MARCO ANTONIO DE ANDRADE; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the January 3, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA- 4537 DIV37 of the-Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and MARCO ANTONIO DE ANDRADE; et al., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Oriando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 8,2006, the following described property as set forth In said FinalJudgmentof Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 39 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 1926 Assigned Unit Week No. 39 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 924 Assigned Unit Week No. 27 ALL, In Assigned Unit IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-6582 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. MICHAEL A. PISAPIA, LINDA E. PISAPIA, DIANA MARIA PISAPIA, HARVEY DUBUQUE, LORRAINE M. DUBUQUE, WAYNE B. MONTGOMERY SR., PATRICIA H. MONTGOM- ERY, ROBERT M. KORNITAS, ELLEN M. KORNITAS, DERRIC C. CLEMMONS, DIANE CLEMMONS, EDWIN H. WALKER, PAMELA J. WALKER, KAREN J. CHURCH, THELMA LOUISE MCFARLAND, GREGORY S. YOKEM, ELAINE D. YOKEM, MARIA LUISA P. CASTILLO, ANTHONY V. CASTRO, KEITH A. WELLS, VICKY L. SEARLES-WELLS Defendant(s) NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MICHAEL A. PISAPIA 22 CLARION COURT STATEN ISLAND, NY 10310 DIANA MARIE PISAPIA 22 CLARION COURT STATEN ISLAND, NY 10310 LINDA E. PISAPIA 22 CLARION COURT STATEN ISLAND, NY 10310 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following property in Orange County, Florida: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-4473 DIV 35 CLUB ORLANDO VACATION RESORT OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida Non-profit corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SONYA S. JONES; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 5 day of January 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-4473 DIV 35 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein CLUB ORLANDO VACATION RE- SORT OWNERS ASSOCIA- TION, INC., etc., isthe Plaintiff, and SONYA S. JONES; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Floridaat 11:00 o'clockA.M. on February 15, 2006, the follow- ing described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week Num- ber51 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 246 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 36 even, in Assigned Unit Number 240 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 44 even, in Assigned Unit Number 240 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 26 even, in Assigned Unit Number 241 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 23 whole, in Assigned Assigned Unit Week No. 45 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1565 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you're a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number(407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- Ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60256 No. 1764 Assigned Unit Week No. 10 ALL, In Assigned Unit No.1927 Assigned Unit Week No. 45 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 2034 Assigned Unit Week No. 48 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 2431 Assigned Unit Week No. 49 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1937 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 5020, at Page327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice inThe Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60258 UNIT NO 1201, Week 36B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. has been filed againstyou and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on KATHRYN A. VAUGHAN, ESQUIRE, the plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 110 E. Granada Blvd. Suite 104, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176, on or before or thirty (30) days after publica- tion of this notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's Attorney or immedi- ately thereafter, or a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DATED on JANUARY 11, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Or- ange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- lando, FL 32801 Tel.: 407- 836- 2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt pf the NO- TICE OF ACTION; if you are hearing or voice Impaired, Call 1-800-955-8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE January 20 and 27, 2006 60281 Unit Number 145 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 41 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 245 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 39 even, in Assigned Unit Number 242 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 23 odd, in Assigned Unit Number 147 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 6 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 242 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 39 even, in Assigned Unit Number 245 CLUB ORLANDO VACA- TION RESORT I, a Time Share Resort according to the Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4077, at page 4400, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006, LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M, CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60265 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: Dr-06-581 Division: 31 TRACY L. ROSS Petitioner and JIMMY E. ROSS Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: JIMMY E. ROSS Last Known address 7401 WINDSOME COURT, ORLANDO, FL 32810 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it TRACY L. ROSS whose address is 1057 CANYON WAY, APOPKA, FLORIDA 32703, on or before February 23, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N, ORANGE AVE, ROOM 320, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-3213 DIV 37 BLUE TREE LBV, L.L.C., A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, f/k/a AOKI REALTY CORPORA- TION OF FLORIDA, a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE BLUE TREE ORLANDO, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, f/k/a BLUE TREE ORLANDO I, LTD., a Texas limited partnership Plaintiff, vs. DAVID G. BURTON; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 4 day of January, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-3213 DIV 37 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein BLUE TREE LBV, L.L.C., etc., is the Plaintiff, and DAVID G. BUR- TON; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Court- house, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 8, 2006, the following described property as set forth In said Final DefaultJudgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 51 ALL, In Assigned Unit Number 2-204 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 21 ODD, in Assigned Unit Number 9-208 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber2ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 18-333 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-6582 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. MICHAEL A. PISAPIA, LINDA E. PISAPIA, DIANA MARIA PISAPIA, HARVEY DUBUQUE, LORRAINE M. DUBUQUE, WAYNE B. MONTGOMERY SR., PATRICIA H. MONTGOM- ERY, ROBERT M. KORNITAS, ELLEN M. KORNITAS, DERRIC C. CLEMMONS, DIANE CLEMMONS, EDWIN H. WALKER, PAMELA J. WALKER, KAREN J. CHURCH, THELMA LOUISE MCFARLAND, GREGORY S. YOKEM, ELAINE D. YOKEM, MARIA LUISA P. CASTILLO, ANTHONY V. CASTRO, KEITH A. WELLS, VICKY L. SEARLES-WELLS Defendant(s) NOTICE OF ACTION TO: ANTONIO V. CASTRO 101 DUCHESS AVENUE APT 1 STATEN ISLAND, NY 10304 MARIA LUISA P. CASTILLO 101 DUCHESS AVENUE APT 1 STATEN ISLAND, NY 10304 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following property in Orange County, Florida: UNIT NO 3302, Week 32B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-4481 DIV 33 CLUB ORLANDO VACATION RESORT OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida Non-profit corporation, Plaintiff, vs. HENRY F. HOGGATT; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 30 day of December 2005, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-4481 DIV 33 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein CLUB ORLANDO VACATION RE- SORT OWNERS ASSOCIA. TION, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, and HENRY F HOGGATT; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Floridaat 11.00 o'clock A M. on February 15, 2006, the follow- ing described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 36 even, in Assigned Unit Number 243 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 35 odd, in Assigned Unit Number 242 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 3 even, in Assigned Unit Number 243 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 29 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 244 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 46 whole, in Assigned petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, Including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead- ings. Dated: January 12, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: JOSE A. VELLON CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk January 20, 27, February 3 and 10, 2006 60266 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 32 ALL, In Assigned Unit Number 6-204 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 17 Odd, in Assigned Unit Number 18-333 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 49 ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 15-348 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 12 ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 18-229 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 37 ODD, in Assigned Unit Number 6-103 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 12 ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 6-218 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 20 ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 15-116 ALL OF Blue Tree Resort at Lake Buena Vista, a condominium, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof as re- corded in Official Records Book 4528, Page 4655, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto. "If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourt Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, ifyouarevoice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida, on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice InThe Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60261 SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4443 at Page 2743 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on KATHRYN A. VAUGHAN. ESQUIRE, the plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 110 E. Granada Blvd. Suite 104, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176, on or before or thirty (30) days after publica- tion of this notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's Attorney or immedi- ately thereafter, or a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DATED on JANUARY 11, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Or- ange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- lando, FL 32801 Tel.: 407- 836- 2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NO- TICE OF ACTION; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call 1-800-955-8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE January 20 and 27, 2006 60280 Unit Number 144 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 43 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 245 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 47 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 244 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 24, 25 whole, in As- signed Unit Number 248 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 30 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 248 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 34 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 246 CLUB ORLANDO VACA- TION RESORT I, a Time Share Resortaccordingto the Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4077, at page 4400, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ring days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale, if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, If you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770 " Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006 LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief January 20 and 27, 2006 60263 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-5150 DIV 35 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. AGUSTIN P. SALDATE; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 5 day of January 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-5150 DIV 35 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, and AGUSTIN P. SALDATE; et al., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 15, 2006, the following de- stribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 44 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.1923 Assigned Unit Week No. 15 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 1563 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-1427 DIV 35 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. WILIAM B. PERRY; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 5 day of January 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-1427 DIV 35 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, and WILLIAM B. PERRY; etal., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Court- house, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 22, 2006, the following described property as set forth In said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 19 EVEN,In Assigned Unit No. 744 Assigned Unit Week No. 40 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 753 Assigned Unit Week No. 14 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 764 Assigned Unit Week No. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-7294 DIV 35 BLUE TREE LBV, L.LC., A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, as general partner of WESTGATE BLUE TREE ORLANDO, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, Plaintiff, v. JAIME COLON; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 5 day of January, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-7294 DIV 35 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein BLUE TREE LBV, L.L.C., etc., is the Plaintiff, and JAIME COLON; etal., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange'Avenue, Orlando, Floridaat 11:00 o'clockA.M. on February 22, 2006, the follow- ing described property as set forth in said Final Default Judg- ment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week Num- bers ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 14-110 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 46 ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 14-134 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-4467 DIV 33 CLUB ORLANDO VACATION RESORT OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida Non-profit corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PAMELA ELIZABETH FACEY; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 3 day of January 2006, and entered in Case No, 05-CA-4467 DIV 33 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein CLUB ORLANDO VACATION RE- SORT OWNERS ASSOCIA- TION, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff. and PAMELA ELIZABETH FACEY et al., are Defendants. that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Court- house, 425 N Orange Avenue. Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M on February 8, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure. to wit: Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 47 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 248 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 36 odd, In Assigned Unit Number 241 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 35 even, in Assigned Unit Number 243 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 45 odd, in Assigned Unit Number 241 Assigned Unit Week No. 3 ODD, !n Assigned Unit No. 2015 Assigned Unit Week No. 27 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 2132 Assigned Unit Week No. 10 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1513 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, If any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate In this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of thisnotice in The Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60257 20 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No.1443 Assigned Unit Week No. 15 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1146 Assigned Unit Week No. 9 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 765 Assigned Unit Week No. 25 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 1434 Assigned Unit Week No. 38 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 754 WESTGATE LAKES II, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5000, at Page 3118, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. 'If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate In this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Oriando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice In The Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60260 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 50 EVEN, in Assigned Unit Number 14-113 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber3ALL, in Assigned Unit Number 14-137 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 35 EVEN, in Assigned Unit Number 14-232 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 32 EVEN, In Assigned Unit Number 11-104 ALL OF Westgate Blue Tree Resort, a condo- minium, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof as re- corded in Official Records Book 6703, Page 2603, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto. "If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, If you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida, on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 20 and 27, 2006 60262 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 15 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 148 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 52 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 248 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 36 odd, in Assigned Unit Number 143 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 46 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 240 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 18, 19 whole, in As- signed Unit Number 146 CLUB ORLANDO VACA- TION RESORT I, a Time Share Resort according to the Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 4077, at page 4400, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired call 1-800-955-8770," Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief, January 20 and 27, 2620 .0264 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8696 CYPRESS POINTE RESORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida not for profit Plaintiff(s), V. AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, AHMED ABDULLAH AL RASHED, VICTORIA J. FOSTER, LLOYD COLLINSWORTH, ELMA R. ROLLE, WILLIAM H. ROLLE, JAMES FERLIN DALTON, BRENDA S. DALTON, JOHN CHARLES FOX, LESLIE FOX, R. BENJAMIN, NORMA BENJAMIN Defendant(s) NOTICE OF ACTION TO: WILLIAM H. ROLLE 1286 SW MAPLEWOOD DRIVE PT. ST LUCIE, FL 34986 ELMA R. ROLLE 1286 SW MAPLEWOOD DRIVE PT. ST LUCIE, FL 34986 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien on the following property in Orange County, Florida: UNIT NO 2203, Week 26B, of CYPRESS POINTE RE- SORT AT LAKE BUENA VISTA, A CONDOMINIUM, a Condominium, accord- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-671 # 37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. DAVILA ET.AL, Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: LUIS CARLOS CASTRO AROCHA and LUZ MARIA PAREDES IRAGORRI RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) LUIS CARLOS CASTRO AROCHA and LUZ MARIA PAREDES IRAGORRI, a married couple, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 1/5767 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenantthereto, accordingto the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amend- ments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded In Con- dominlum Book 22, page 132-146, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-4098 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. BLOOM ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: ANDREW GILL' RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) ANDREW GILL, a single man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 06/86852 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- deroverinfee simple abso- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-10204 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. COYNE ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: JOAN A. COYNE RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) JOAN COYNE, a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interesting the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claimof lien onthe follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 3/3872 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple abso- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book4443atPPage2743of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, as thereafter amended. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it on KATHRYN A. VAUGHAN, ESQUIRE, the plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress Is 110 E. Granada Blvd. Suite 104, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176, on or before or thirty (30) days after publica- tion of this notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's Attorney or immedi- ately thereafter, or a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DATED on JANUARY 11, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk ATTENTION: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with disabil- ity who needs any accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administrator at Courthouse Annex, 425 N. Or- ange Avenue, Ste 350, Or- lando, FL32801 Tel.: 407-836- 2065 within two (2) working days of your receipt of the NO- TICE OF ACTION; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call 1-800-955-8771; THIS IS NOT A COURT INFORMATION LINE - January 20 and 27, 2006 60282 shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished In the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and sealofthis Courtonthe 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771,orVoice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 20 and 27, 2006 60307 lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declara- tion of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS -my hand and seal of this Court on the 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800)955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 20 and 27, 2006 60310 lute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium in the percentage Interest es- tablished in the Declara- tion of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Im- paired, (TOOD) (800)955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 20 and 27, 2006 " 60308 . ........ . 4 1 -- I The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 7B LEGAL ADVERTISING El'p 01popha Ijief Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A- 19A & 5B- 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009266 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. IDEAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. A Virgin Islands Corporation; CARLOS H. SCORTICATI and MARTHA S. DESTOC, his wife; JOHN F. HASCALL a/k/a JOHN HASCALL, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, LOISE DONNA SCIMEME - COUNT X NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 15, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 38 in Unit 1357, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005- CA-009266 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED, on January 12, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60278 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA- 009720 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ARIEL ACOSTA and RUTH B. ACOSTA, his wife; MARGARET L. CULLEY, a single woman; JORGE GAYTAN, a married man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, MARGARET A. JENKINS A/K/A MARGARET JENKINS COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 15, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week29 in Unit 02106, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDACONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella FloridaCon- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration'), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO MARGARET A. JENKINS A/K/A MARGARET JENKINS - COUNT V, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009720 now pending intheCircuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- arnge County, Florida. DATED this January 12, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 20 and 27, 2006 60276 I & IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009138 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. HOWARD W. BOWE, JR. a/k/a HOWARD BOWE, JR., a single man and CAGNEY B. BROWN a/k/a CAGNEY BROWN, a single woman; FIDEL MECIAS a/k/a FIDEL A MECIAS and NANCY DE MECIAS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, ANGEL- RAFAEL ROJAS-LOPEZ A/KA AR L COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 15, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 33 in Unit 2539, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 05-CA-10803 FREMONT INVESTMENT AND LOAN, Plaintiff, vs. EMMANUELO.AWOPETU, et, al., Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: EMMANUELO.AWOPETU, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF EMMANUEL O.AWOPETU, VISHWANAUTH RANIJIT AND UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF VISHWANAUTH RAMJIT, The last known residence of the Defendants, EMMAN- UEL 0. AWOPETU, UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF EMMANUEL 0. AWOPETU is; 5719 RIORDAN WAY, ORLANDO, FL. 32808 and the last know residence of the Defendants, VISHWAN- AUTH RAMJIT AND UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF VISHWANAUTH RAMJIT If alive, and if dead, all par- ties claiming interest by, through, under or against EMMANUELO.AWOPETU, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF EMMANUEL O. AWOPETU, VISHWANAUTH RAMJIT AND UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF VISHWANAUTH RAM- JIT and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterestinthe property described herein. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 109, MEADOW- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 03-CA-000312 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FI- NANCE AMERICA, LLC, MIN #100052300358874625, Plaintiff, vs. STEVEN MARSHALL, et al., Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Summary Final Judgment of foreclosure dated March 28, 2003 and an Order Resetting Sale dated JANUARY 10 2006, and entered in Case No. 2003- CA-000312-0 of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Cir- cuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein Mortgage Elec- tronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Finance America, LLC, MIN #1000- 52300358874625 is Plaintiff and STEVEN MARSHALL AND DAWN MARSHALL, HISWIFE; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 1; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2; and ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING INTERESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST A NAMED DEFEN- DANT TO THIS ACTION, OR HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROP- ERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, are Defendants, I will sell to the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. CI 98-2287 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. TONY M. HESTER, a single man, Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, TONY M. HESTER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 15, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350,Orlando, inOrange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 17 in Unit 1878, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. And Unit Week 02 in Unit 1601, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ANGEL-RAFAEL ROJAS- LOPEZ A/K/A A R L COUNT V, entered In Civil No. 2005- CA-009138 now pendingin the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit In and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 12, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; tf you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771, January 20 and 27, 2006 60274 BROOK ACRES FIRST AD- DITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK V, PAGE 136, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it, on Lisa M. Rogers,, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose ad- dress is 951 N.E. 167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 within 30 days after the first publication of this notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate In this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis- ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If hearing Impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. This Is an attempt to collect a debt. Any Information ob- tained will be used for that purpose. Our file #17239/ ssa January 20 and 27, 2006 60272 highest and best bidderforcash In Room 350 at the Orange County County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Or- lando, FL 32801. in Orange County, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the FEBRUARY 14, 2006, the following described prop- erty as set forth in said Orderor Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 4, BLOCK L, MEDAL- LION ESTATES, SECTION FOUR, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK "Y", PAGE 143, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact the Court at 407-836-2060 fx 407-836- 2269 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; If you are hearing or voice impaired, call Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8770. DATEDat Orlando, Florida, on JANUARY 12 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk, Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk SMITH, HIATT & DIAZ, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff PO BOX 11438 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-1438 January 20 and 27, 2006 60293 Condominium of Vistana FountainsCondominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure AS TO TONY M. HESTER, entered in Civil No. Cl 98-2287 now pending inthe CircuitCourt of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and forOrange County, Florida. DATED this January 12, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 2,~and 27, 2006 60279 to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. C10-01-6733-33 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK, AS TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, vs. PEDRO J. GONZALEZ and HELGA E. GONZALEZ, his wife; et al., Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Summary Final Judgment of foreclosure dated October 15, 2001 and an Order Resetting Sale dated JANUARY 10 2006, and entered in Case No, C10- 01-6733-33 of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in andforOrange County, Florida, wherein First Union National Bank, asTrustee is Plaintiff and PEDRO J. GONZALEZ and HELGA E. GONZALEZ, his wife; HUNTER'S CREEKCOM- MUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC.; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 1; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2; and ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING INTERESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST A NAMED DEFEN- DANT TO THIS ACTION, OR HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROP- ERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, are Defendants, I will sell to the highestand best bidderforcash IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-10269 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CHISHOLM ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: CLAUDIA OGRIZEK and TATIANA C. MENDONCA RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s)CLAUDIA OGRIZEK and TATIANA MENDONCA, a single woman, asinglewoman, and all parties having orclaiming to have any right, titleorinterestinthe prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 37/5634 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenantthereto, accordingto the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amend- ments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Con- dominium Book 22, page 132-146, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO. 05-CC-10431 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN W. AINSWORTH and LINDA S. AINSWORTH, if liv- ing, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendants, and ORLANDO VA- CATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County. Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 11:00o'clockA.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- nal payment must be made on or before 3:00 p.m., of the date IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO. 05-CC-3296 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, vs. RALSTON BOSWELL and RAMONA BOSWELL, if living, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendants, and TUSCANY VIL- LAGE VACATION SUITES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida non- profit corporation, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- posit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Orange County Clerk of Court Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3 00 p m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashiers check. A .01946000000% undi- vided tenant in common interest in Phase II of TUSCANY VILLAGE VA- CATION SUITES, as de- in Room 350 at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801 in Orange County, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the FEBRUARY 13, 2006, the fol- lowing described property as set forth in said Order or Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 15, HUNTER'S CREEK TRACT 540, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE(S) 99 AND 100, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costto you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact the Court at 407-836-2060 fx 407-836- 2269 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8770. DATEDat Orlando, Florida, on JANUARY 12 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk, Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk SMITH, HIATT & DIAZ, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff PO BOX 11438 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-1438 6082-15854 January 20 and 27, 2006 60294 shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Courtonthe 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing special accommodationto par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, orVoice (V) (800)955-8770, via Florida Relay Service, January 20 and 27, 2006 60306 of the sale by cash or cashier's check: That certain Unit Week 5, in that certain Unit 102, of OR- LANDO VACATION SUITES II, A CONDOMINIUM (here- inafter the "Condo- minium"), according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof as re- corded in Official Records Book 5196, Page 0632, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all ex- hibits thereto, and all amendments thereto (here- Inafter the "Declaration"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment In Foreclosure entered in a case pending in said Court In the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal of said Court this 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this docu- ment, If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 20 and 27, 2006 60299 scribed In the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof as recorded in O.R. Book 6630, Page 4259 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all exhibits attached thereto (the "Declaration"). Grantee owns a Type 2 Va- cation Ownership Interest in a TWO BEDROOM Suite and shall be required to make a reservation for a Suite, with every YEAR oc- cupancy rights, in accor- dance with the provisions of the Declaration. Together with an appurte- nant undivided interest in common elements of the Project as described in the Declaration. pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and of- ficial seal of said Court this 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771 Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 20 and 27, 2006 60301 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-6418 DIV 34 CARY L. MOSS, Personal Rep- resentative for the Estate of Thelma W. Rollins, Plaintiff, vs. CORNERSTONE FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH, INC., a Florida non-profit corporation; FREE WILL BAPTIST ANNUAL CONFERENCE, "A DIVISION," INC., a Florida non-profit cor- poration; and, TRINITY SPIRI- TUAL FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH, INC., a RFlorida non- profit corporation, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in the above-styled case, I will sell the property situated in Orange County, Florida, on February 16, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Florida 32801. The legal description of the prop- erty being sold is described as: LOT 52, LESS THE NORTH 37 FEETTHEREOF, BLOCK H, TOWN OF APOPKA, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK A, PAGE 87 AND IN PLAT BOOK A, PAGE 109, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. The Property or Its address is commonly known as 57 East Michael Gladden Blvd., Apopka, Florida 32703. DATED this 12 day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE COURT By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Offices STOVASH, CASE & TINGLEY, PA. Attorney and Counselors at Law Robert L. Case, Esquire Suntrust Center 200 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1220 Orlando, Florida 32801 NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILI- TIES ACT, persons with disabilities needing a special ac- commodationto participate in this proceeding should contact COURT ADMINISTRATION at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303, within two (2) working days of your re- ceipt of this Notice; if you are hearing impaired (TDD) 1-800- 955-8771 or voice impaired (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Re- lay Service. January 20 and 27, 2006 60264 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8960 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JACKMAN ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: MICHAEL S. JACKMAN and JAMILLE A. GORDON RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming Interest by, through, under or against Defendants) MICHAELJACK- MAN and JAMILLE GORDON, a married couple, and all par- ties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lienon the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 2/86155 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium. together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 7413 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JOELL ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: EDWARD L. ROOT and MADELINE M. ROOT RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) ED- WARD BOOT and MADELINE ROOT,, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 17/4312 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded in .Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-3089 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ENDERS ETAL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: SADIK HUSSAIN ALLAM RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under.or against Defendant(s) SADIKHUSSAIN ALLAM, a married man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein de- scribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 09/3845 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest In the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate; TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple abso- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-11S97 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. VALERIA MELTON SELLERS, if living, and if dead, the un- known spouse, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an interest by, through, under and against the above-named Defendant, and ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendant. NOTICE OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 5478 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. QUIRKE ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: WALTER A. SCHROEDER and JOAN A. SCHROEDER RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) WALT- ER SCHROEDER and JOAN SCHROEDER, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest In the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 37/5251 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided Interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- domlnium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 8219 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. RUBINO ET.AL, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: PHYLLIS TUCKER and VERNALL E.HENDERSON RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) PHYLLIS TUCKER and VERNALL HENDERSON, a single woman &a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or inter- est in the property herein de- scribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 38/4316 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest In the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-11582 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. NEIL LARSON HILTON, if liv- ing, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendant, and TUSCANY VIL- LAGE VACATION SUITES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida non- profit corporation, Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 11:00 o'clockA.M., in Roord 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid The de- posit must be cash or cashier's. check payable to Orange County Clerk of Court Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3.00 p m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashiers check: A .01946000000% undi- vided tenant in common interest in Phase II of TUSCANY VILLAGE VA- CATION SUITES, as de- der over In fee simple 4aL- solute as tenant in corn-, I mon with the other owners i of all the unit weeks In the I above described Condo- mlnium in the percentage interest established In tfi6 Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a; copy of your written defenses, i If any, to it on Jerry E. Aron,. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress Is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first% publication of this Notice, qrd _ file the original with the Ol4rAi of this Court either before ser- i i vice on Plaintiff's attorney or to Immediately thereafter, other- ,; wise a default will be entered ' against you for the reliefls f minded in the Complaint. f WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the .1 day of JANUARY, 2006. " Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT' ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Artiri-1 cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation, to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avernte, i Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to I the proceeding. If hearing im- I paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 20 and 27, 2006 60309 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common wit the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de-; i scribed Condominium inttHe I- percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and i 4 you are required to serve ai, copy of your written defenses, i if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, 1 Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- I dress is 2505 Metrocentre1 [ Blvd., Suite 301, West PalmI' Beach, Florida, 33407, w ZBBI thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Nir-.: sh.i . file the original with the CledFof this Court either before servIc on Plaintiff's attorney or imrna- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 11 0*1-! of JANUARY, 2006. N 5',' Lydia Gardhetr"' CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY FLOIFDAlb;" Phyllis Kipfinger, b0C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy E lrk In accordance with the Arefrei- cans with Disabilities Act, -' sons with disabilities needing ' special accommodation to af-' ticipate in this t r-;.:.e.a. , should contact -,e C. :u, -i .' ministrator/A.D.A.Coordirftor,' 425 North Orange Avenue',' lando, Florida 32801, not-[it- that five (5) days prior to h proceeding. If hearing impafred (TDD) (800) 955-8771, orVoic' (V) (800) 955-8770, via FIlrd . Relay Service. '- "" January 20 and 27, 20067" ,:" lute as tenant in common pal, with the otherowners of,(1 ,v the unit weeks in the aboea.. ri described Condominium'i the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declara- tion of Condominium. has been filed against youand you are required to serye q. . copy of yourwritten defenweat,,, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose.ad- -- dress is 2505 Metroceottret, Blvd., Suite 301, West Pal h Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, otterE;a wise a default will be ente.ea,. against you for the reliefa-' ' manded in the Complaint.:' " WITNESS my hand seal of this Court on tht day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner , CLERK OF.TI-. CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLOFIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAG' CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Arme-riig cans with Disabilities Act, per;-, sons with disabilities needing],1 a special accommodation tq ;3E participate in this proceeqcing :-i should contact the Court Ad-i,w ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina-b, tor, 425 North OrangeAvenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, ngq;, later that five (5) days prior t p the proceeding. If hearing imj', paired, (TDD) (800)955-87,711y= or Voice (V) (800) 955-8779. via Florida Relay Service. January 20 and 27, 2006 .j 60314,r Week 50, Unit 552, of.q ORLANDO VACATION, , SUITES II, A CONDO-,, MINIUM (hereinafter the,, "Condominium"), with ev- . ery YEAR occupancy. , rights, according to the., Declaration of Condo- r minium thereof as re- corded in O.R. Book5196, Page 632 in the Publicr-i, Records of Orange.,,n County, Florida, and allk,", amendments thereto ., (hereinafter the "Declara-e ,- tion"). .,-,. pursuant to the Final Defalt, Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled ca'usec . WITNESS my hand and of- ficial seal of said Court this 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNEF ' GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above de- scribed Condominium inthe percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 12 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A. DA. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, orVoice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 20 and 27,2006 60305 shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium inthe percentage interest estab- lished In the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress Is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or Imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 11 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A, D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, orVoice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 20 and 27, 2006 60304 scribed In the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof as recorded in O.R. Book 6630, Page 4259 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all exhibits attached thereto (the "Declaration"). Grantee owns a Type 2Va- cation Ownership Interest in a TWO BEDROOM Suite and shall be required to make a reservation for a Suite, with every YEAR oc- cupancy rights, in accor- dance with the provisions of the Declaration. Together with an appurte- nant undivided interest in common elements of the Project as described in the Declaration. pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and of- ficial seal of said Court this 11 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 20 and 27, 2006 60300 FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- posit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Orange CountyClerk of Court. Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3.00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cas!lor cashier's check: Clerk of Circuit arid -. County Cou 'i By: JIM MOXL-EY - CIIVL COURT SEAL.,,c Deputy Cte If you are a person with a disa.ij-, - ity who needs accommodatlon,ip ,' order to participate in this pro--. V ceeding, you are entitled, qt ,_ cost to you, to the provisispp qt.'; certain assistance. Please qorL-, tact Court Administration at 45L. North Orange Avenue, ,uit i *,j 2130, Orlando, Florida 3280, -, telephone (407) 836-2303 2 working days of your rece, .oli this document, if you are heaingf.,s or voice impaired call 1-800-Q5. -' 8771. . Michael J. Belle, Esq., ., v 2364 Fruitville Road : l. Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff , January 20 and 27, 2006 '" <- 6029&-- The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 8B ; (popka LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: '407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A 19A & 5B 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009556 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CHARLIE DAVIS, a married man, Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, CHARLIE DAVIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the un- dersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 47 in Unit 0857, VISTANA SPRINGS CON- OOMINIUM,togetherwith all 'appurtenances thereto, ac- 6cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- 'rfhinium of Vistana Springs 'Condominium, as recorded '"n Official Records Book "'4052, Page 3241, Public 'Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments -thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure AS TO CHARLIE DAVIS, entered i(f Civil No. 2005-CA-009556 ipw pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in andfor Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY o'" CIVIL COURT SEAL rt Deputy Clerk V ALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE FRorida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, FOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ,.ASSOCIATION 2165 North Eola Drive Pdst Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff 1IPORTANT If you are a Person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tactCourt Administrationat425 Ndrth Orange Avenue, Suite 2f30, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60137 THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL ,p CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-1369 VLSTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ELEANOR T. GILL, a single wpman and CORNELIA G. -CORNELIUS, a single -woman; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, EVERTON 0. PARKER AND JOAN E. PARKER COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in-Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following .described real property: Unit Week 45 in Unit 0334, VISTANAFALLS CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- Scording and subject to the SDeclaration of Condo- minium of Vistana FallsCon- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3340, Page 2429, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuantto a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA-1369 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in andforOrangeCounty, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER SClerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE -Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, RPBOFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Pbst Office Box 2809 O ,'.,-.a.:. i. 32802 STeie-,r.:.,- 407) 843-4600 Ant.: ,-.-,'' i.:.. Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a t peTr..i:''', ,r. a disability who nee 3: a-r, accommodation in i, .31 i:, p..n cipate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- -tactCourt Administration at 425 N6rth Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, 'Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, c 1t 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60128 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. LUIS A. ROSARIO Calle Lillian At8 4TA Seccion Levittown To Baja, PR 00949 USA EVA C. SAEZ Calle Lillian AT8 4ta Seccion Levittown Toa Baja, PR 00949 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, titleorinterest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VII Unit Week 13 in Unit 9152, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8571 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. RENE DEPANTE SANTOS, Individual, et. al., 'Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ERIC J. COLL CUCHI ARROYO Calle Adelina Hernandez # 88 Bo De Las Cuevas Trujillo Alto, PR 00977 USA AUREA ESCUTE DAVILA Calle Adelina Hernandez # 88 Bo De Las Cuevas Trujillo Alto, PR 00977 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., uponthefilingof acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6966 DIV NO.: 39 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ARACELIS ECHEVARRIA GONZALEZ and NIDAL YAUNIS SAMARA, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) II TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: P. CLIFFORD BLAIS 350 Parkwood Circle Dorval, QC H9S3A5 CANADA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT II Unit Week 02 in Unit 1524, Unit Week 04 in Unit 1524, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book5114at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S Or- angeAvenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thiefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service.on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost toyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, HK#050992.5211 #05-137-11073 January 13 and 20, 2006 60189 COUNT IV Unit Week 42E in Unit 9249, in GRANDE VISTA CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atno cost toyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5243 #05-137-10636 January 13 and 20, 2006 60186 according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, onor beforethirty(30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a defaultwill be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992,5155 #05-207-09711 January 13 and 20, 2006 60215 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6025 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. JOSE MARIA CORNELLA, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: JACQUELINE EUNICE DOMINGUEZ DE PALOMO Av El Espino PJE 6 PTE #62 Resid Cumbres De Madre Selva Antiguo Cuscatlan- La Libertad EL SALVADOR LEOPOLDO PALOMO PAVETTI Av El Espino PJE 6 PTE #62 Resid Cumbres De Madre Selva Antiguo Cuscatlan- La Libertad EL SALVADOR The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-8864-33 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- CIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOS- TON HEAT 2004-8 PLAINTIFF VS. MICHELLE MITCHELL, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY,THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST MICH- ELLE MITCHELL; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MICHELLE MIT- CHELL IF ANY; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR MERITAGE MORTGAGE CORPORATION; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated JANUARY 5, 2006 entered in Civil.Case No. 05-CA-8864-33 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for OR- ANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 at the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 North Or- ange Avenue in Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 7 day of FEBRUARY, 2006thefol- lowing described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST; THENCE RUN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. LYNN C. JONES 3503 Tussel Street Naperville, IL 60564 USA PAMELA L. JONES 3503 Tussell Street Naperville, IL 60564 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any nght, title orinterest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT IV Unit Week 37 in Unit 2324, tive to the following described property: COUNT III UnitWeek25 In Unit 6243, in CYPRESS HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM, accord- Ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4962 #05-128-09212 January 13 and 20, 2006 60196 NORTH 01006'59" WEST 130.00 FEET ALONG THE 1/4 SECTION LINE FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 01*06'59" WEST 287.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4912'21" EAST 579.91 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PALM LAKE CIRCLE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF PALM LAKE MANOR FIRST ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK "U", PAGE 140, OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 49012' WEST 24.0 FEET ALONG SAID OF RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 56o46'50" WEST 197.94 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89039'00" WEST 250.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Dated this 9 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-46418(ASCF) IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate In this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing orvoice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. January 13 and 20,2006 60199 In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise adefaultwill be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5208 #05-137-11127 January 13 and 20, 2006 60188 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8571 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. RENE DEPANTE SANTOS, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) X TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. JORGE ALVARADO 16 Ave 7 Calle S.O. No# 118 Barrio Suyapa San Pedro Sula HONDURAS MARIA D. DE ALVARADO 16 Ave 7 Calle S.O. No# 118 Barrio Suyapa San Pedro Sula HONDURAS The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, titleor interest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIPRE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplainttoforeclosea mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6964 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. HEATHER K. WRATH a/k/a HEATHER K. CAMERON, Tenants in Common, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: MARIA E. SANCHEZ 66 Strawflower Romeoville, IL 64406 USA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaintto foreclose a mort- tgage and for other relief rela- ve to the following described property: COUNT Ill Unit Week 09 In Unit 1522, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) XII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. JESSICA M. RIVERA HC-02 Box 5683 Flamboyan St. #14-B Luquillo, PR 00773 USA ISMAEL DONES VASQUEZ HC-02 Box 5683 Flamboyan St. #14-B Luquillo, PR 00773 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, titleorinterest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., uponthefilingof a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT X UnitWeek16 inUnit0348, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Flodda32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1 -800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5249 #05-137-10874 January 13 and 20, 2006 60187 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, onor beforethirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a defaultwill be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costto you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5005 #05-137-08800 January 13 and 20, 2006 60216 COUNT XII UnitWeek40 in Unit4613, Unit week 41 in Unit 4613, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florda32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992 5216 #05-137-11112 January 13 and 20, 2006 60191 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6966 DIV NO.: 39 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ARACELIS ECHEVARRIA GONZALEZ and NIDAL YAUNIS SAMARA, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN TO: GARNETT G. LOUNGES 21 Constant Spring Grove Kingston 8 JAMAICA DENISE M. RATTRAY 21 Constant Spring Grove Kingston 8 JAMAICA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- .ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9021 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. TIMOTHY HAVELKA, ET AL., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Sean F. Meagher 28 Humiston Troy, NY 12182 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, SEAN F. MEAG- HER, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterestinthe property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT V An undivided 0.3713% in- terest in Unit 9B of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's BoardWalk Vil- las, a lease condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in Official Records Book 5101, Page 147, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and be- tween DVD and Walt Disney World Co., a Dela- ware corporation qualified to do business in Florida, dated April 1, 1994, and any amendments thereto, a short form of which is re- corded in Official Records Book 5101, Page 88 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and any amendments thereto (the "Ground Lease"), and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-6027 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ALEXANDER BERRY, JR., et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: 'ALEXANDER BERRY, JR. 445 EAST OHIO APT #2908 CHICAGO, IL 60611 USA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property COUNT I Unit Week 02 in Unit 4383, in ROYAL PALMS CON- DOMINIUM, according to COUNT III Unit Week 51 In Unit 1344, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium' thereof,as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required tt serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com plaint, upon DOUGLAS A KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland 6 Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florid 32802, attorneys for the Plain tiff, onorbeforethirty(30)dayj from the first day of publics tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above styled Court either before ser vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im mediately thereafter, otherwise! a defaultwill be entered against you for the relief demanded iNl the complaint. DATED on this 5 day o JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNEFR Clerk of the Court' BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5156 #05-207-09411 January 13 and 20, 2006 60214 subject to that certain Master Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded in Official Records Book 5101, page 83, of the Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida and all amendments thereto, and subject to easements and restrictions of record. (Contract No.: 4004700.000) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days after the first pub- lication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the Ameri- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing at the address given on thle notice. Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847- 1300. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60107 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 3965 at Page 2031 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, onor beforethirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and ftile the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a defaultwill be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costto you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4886 #05-042-08262 January 13 and 20, 2006 60217 Legal Notices can be found on-line at our website www.theapopkachief.com The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 9B 0popka LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A 19A & 5B 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-3053 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. DARNIZ E. FERNANDEZ and JUAN J. ARIAS, her husband; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, KUBEKA LINDIWE A/K/A L. KUBEKA COUNT IV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11.00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 49 in Unit 2123, an Even Unit Week. VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record, The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No 2005-CA-3053 now pending in the CircuitCourt of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and torOrange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Ordando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, tothe provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 -North Orange Avenue, Suite ,2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your -receipt of this document; if you ,are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 arid 20, 2006 60115 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009592 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. DOROTHY J. ELZIE, a single woman; VERNAL L. GRAY a/k/a V. GRAY, a married man, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, DOROTHY J. ELZIE COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Oriando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 21 in Unit 2311, an Even Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO DOROTHY J. ELZIE COUNT I,entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 009592 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Flonda. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Flonda Bar No 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Oriando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771, January 13 and 20, 2006 60116 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7470 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GISELE DA CRUZ BAZIN, In- dividual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: GISELE DA CRUZ BAZIN Av. Epitacio Pessoa 2780/308 R J Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 22470 BRAZIL The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, it dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterest in the prop- erty descnbed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC, upon the filing of acomnplainttoforeclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week49 in Unit 1451, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7463 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. SHERYL SPENCER, Indi- vidual, at. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: ARACELYS MEDINA Bo. Arena Calle Trebol Carr 734 Cidra, PR 00739 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having orclaiming to have any nght, title orinterestin the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the tiling of acomplainttoforeclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following descnbed property: COUNT III Unit Week 36 in Unit 1542, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-4286 DIV 37 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. PAMELA P. BRIM; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 29, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-4286 DIV 37 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County Flonrida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and PAMELA P. BRIM, et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A M. on February 1,2006, the following descnbed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit Assigned Unit Week No. 46 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 1124 Assigned Unit Week No. 15 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1414 Assigned Unit Week No. 4 ALL, In Assigned Unit No.1234 Assigned Unit Week No. 33 EVEN, in Assigned Unit thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the onginal with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocost toyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Flonda 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document, It hearing or voice impaired,call 1-800-955- 8771 THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5164 #05-207-11059 January 13 and 20, 2006 60151 thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your wntten defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you ara a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired,call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5186 #05-207-11162, January 13 and 20, 2006 60153 No.1241 Assigned Unit Week No. 39 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 732 Assigned Unit Week No. 47 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 1124 Assigned Unit Week No. 18 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.1662 Assigned Unit Week No. 44 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.1113 Assigned Unit Week No. 33 ALL, in Assigned Unit No.1623 WESTGATE LAKES II, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5000, at Page 3118, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Salef Saleifyou are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, il you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Flonda, on the 10day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief January 13 and 20, 2006 60226 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9709 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CAIN ET.AL., Defendant(e). NOTICE OF ACTION To: KRISSY L. BROWN RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all partiesclaiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) KRISSY BROWN, a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any nght, title or interest in the property herein de- scnribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing descnbed property in Or- ange County, Flonda: WEEK/UNIT(S) 39/86751 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium. together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12 00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8941 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PALISCH ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: CARMEN L. PALISCH AKA CARMEN OTERO PALISCH RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) CAR- MEN PALISCH AKA CARMEN OTERO PALISCH, a married woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 18/4279 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amend- ments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Con- dominium Book 22, page 132-146, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061. at which dantesirt estate IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-8237 DIV 34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JOSE A. PEREZ; et al,, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-8237 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in andforOrangeCounty, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and JOSEA PEREZ;etal., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 14 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 424 Assigned Unit Week No. 24 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 413 Assigned Unit Week No. 41 EVEN, inAssigned Unit No. 823 Assigned Unit Week No. 42 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No.823 Assigned Unit Week No. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-8178 DIV 33 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. BRENDA J. DAVIS; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 30 day of December 2005, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-8178 DIV 33 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC, etc, is the Plaintiff, and BRENDAJ. DAVIS: et al, are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Court- house, 425 N Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock AM. on February 1, 2006, the following descnbed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 24 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 2532 Assigned Unit Week No. 29 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No, 2513 Assigned Unit Week No. 49 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1825 der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Flonda, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY. 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A, Coordina- tor, 425North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Flonda 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- pai red, (T DD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Flonda Relay Service January 13 and 20, 2006 60170 shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney orimme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. Ifhearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60167 43 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 236 Assigned Unit Week No. 10 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 622 Assigned Unit Week No. 28 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 1011 Assigned Unit Week No. 38 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 253 Assigned Unit Week No. 23 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 411 Assigned Unit Week No. 48 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.537 WESTGATE LAKES III, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 5391, at Page 3172, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "if you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephonenumber(407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Ordando, Florida, on the 10dayof JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60222 Assigned Unit Week No. 14 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 1914 Assigned Unit Week No. 28 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1943 Assigned Unit Week No. 31 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 1957 Assigned Unit Week No. 3 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 2641 Assigned Unit Week No. 30 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 2232 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, it any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, 'Orlando, Florida 32801, telephonenumber (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Flonda on the 10day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication ofthis notice in The Apopka Chief January 13 and 20, 2006 60224 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-006012 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. MARION ALLEN, as Heir, The ESTATE OF CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against CHARLES A. ALLEIM A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS MARION ALLEN, as Heir, The ESTATE OF CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a,m at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 42 in Unit 2738, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page2312, Pub- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-000951 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL BOLT A/K/A M. BOLT, a single man; elt al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, MICHAEL BOLT A/K/A M. BOLT - COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Flonda the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 22 in Unit 2144, an Even Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312 Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. And Unit Week 42 in Unit 2617, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005764 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. KEVIN JAMES HEALY, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Mark C. Healy, deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, llenors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against Mark C. Healy, deceased, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, KEVIN JAMES HEALY, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Mark C. Healy, deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against Mark C. Healy, deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 26 in Unit 2444, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure AS TO DEFENDANTS MAR- ION ALLEN, as Heir, The ES- TATE OF CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administra- tors or other claimants, by, through, under or against CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-006012 now pending in the Circuit Court ofthe NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Flonda. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, tothe provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60113 Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO MICHAEL BOLT A/K/A M. BOLT COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-000951 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and forOrange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Adrministration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of thisdocument; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60117 lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO DEFENDANTS, KEVIN JAMES HEALY, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Mark C. Healy, deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees,assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administra- tors or other claimants, by, through, under or against Mark C. Healy, deceased, en- tered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 005764 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Flonda Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Dnve Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Oriando, Florinda 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of thisdocument; if you are heanng or voce impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60114 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 9484 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MARKLAND ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: APRIL J. MARKLAND RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) APRIL MARKLAND, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 45/5243 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8948 #35 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CEMINO ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: EDWIN A. CEMINO and GISELLA E. CEMINO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all partiesclaiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) EDWIN CEMINO and GISELLA CEMINO, a mar- ried couple, and all partieshav- ing orclaiming tohave anyright, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 10/3716 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8963#33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SHEPARD ETAL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: HERMINIO CARRAS- QUILLO LOPEZ and ANASTACIA BONILLA AMARO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) HERMINIO CARRASQUILLO LOPEZ and ANASTACIA BONILLA AMARO, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein de- scribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gagetclaim of lien on thefollow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 23/3815 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-3209- DIV 34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES LAIDLER; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No 05- CA-3209 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Flonda, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC, etc., is the Plain- tiff, and JAMES LAIDLER; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00o'clock A.M. on January25, 2006, the following descnbed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 19 ALL, in Assigned Unit No.1938 Assigned Unit Week No. 20 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 1914 Assigned Unit Week No. 42 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 1543 Assigned Unit Week No. over in fee simple absolute i as tenant in common with' '. the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- ? scri bed Condominium in their percentage interest estab- i wished in the Declaration of : Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve i1 copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aro(ii Plaintiff's attorney, whose adI dress is 2505 Metrocentqd Blvd., Suite 301, West Palnt Beach, Florida, 33407, withlrk thirty (30) days after the firbt, publication of this Notice, ajd, file the original with the Clerk pf this Court either before servioa on Plaintiff's attorney or imme,, diately thereafter, otherwise' default will be entered again. you for the relief demanded |rn the Complaint. * WITNESS my hand and, seal of this Court on the 4 ddy, of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 Nortn Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not latbr that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60164 der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attomey.or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. . WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. '-s Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNT Y, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days priorto the proceeding. If hearing Lrry- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. , January 13 and 20, 2006.-, 601,68 'I, TOGETHER with a remain;,' der over in fee simple ab,, solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the, above described Condo_ minium in the percentage interest established in the. Declaration of Condo. minium. has been filed against you ajl you are required to serves copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Arbn, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorneyor immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. 4 Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNT-Y, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425North Orange Avenue, Oriando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days priorto the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60149 2 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1951 Assigned Unit Week No. 40 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 2224 Assigned Unit Week No. 49 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 2335 Assigned Unit Week No. 32 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 2011 Assigned Unit Week No. 31 ALL, in Assigned Unit No.1764 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5020, at Page327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale, if you are hear. ing impaired, call 1-800-956- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." , Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10dayof JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY. COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. a,." January 13 and 20, 2006 60223 ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR THE TRIUMPH OF: EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. --Edmund Burke -11- - 0 L I The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 10B Sp0pka Cbjief LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A 19A & 5B 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-1598 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, 'INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, Svs. LYLE B. CHRISTENSEN and RUTH ANN CHRISTENSEN, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, CLIFFORD P. SHARP COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 23 in Unit 1794, an Even Biennial UnitWeek, VISTANALAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded 1' in Official Records Book S- 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- " tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ''ment of Foreclosure AS TO _!CLIFFORD P. SHARP - SCOUNT Ill, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-1598 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. .r'. DATED this January 5, "'2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk '.VALERIE N. BROWN, '.ESQUIRE ,'.Florida Bar No.: 0010193 OWNDES, DROSDICK, "'OSTER, KANTOR & REED, ,'PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 SOrlando, FL 32802 "telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff -I IMPORTANT If you are a ,person with a disability who ,peeds any accommodation in Sprder to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no ,-cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- .-_actCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite '2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, 1Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your '-receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, "call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60124 P13,,IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ,- ORANGE COUNTY, -,: CFLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-008453 'ISTANA DEVELOPMENT, aINC., a Florida corporation, ,. Plaintiff, o' ,vs. S'JAMES E. BARNES, JR. and !iJO ANN W. BARNES, his .wife; TERESA DE SHERNANDEZ and OSCAR .HERNANDEZ, her husband; SJAMES D. KAKOULLIS and ELENI T. KAKOULLIS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO -DEFENDANT, SUN HEE KIM -COUNT VI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite S350, Orlando, inOrange County S.Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 48 in Unit 1418, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- a ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any - The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- "-'008453 now pending in the 'Circuit Court of the NINTH "Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER S CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE.N. BROWN, "ESQUIRE SFlorida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, "'PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive --'Post Office Box 2809 -'Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 "Attorneys for Plaintiff -IMPORTANT If you are a -' person with a disability who needs any accommodation in 'order to participate in this pro- 'I beding, you are entitled, at no ,-cost to you, to the provisions of ,' certain assistance. Please con- 'tractCourt Administration at 425 'Nbrth Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephonee (407) 836-2303 ,*thin (2) working days of your .1ceipt of this document; if you 4are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60120 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-9603 39 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. F/K/A COUN- TRYWIDE FUNDING CORPO- RATION D/B/A AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN J. DOWNER; FLORIDA CENTRAL CREDIT UNION; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOHN J. DOWNER; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 5th day of January, 2006, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-9603 39, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein COUN- TRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE FUND- ING CORPORATION D/B/A AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER is the Plaintiff and JOHN J. DOWNER; FLORIDA CENTRAL CREDIT UNION, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOHN J. DOWNER; JOHN DOE: JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-11598 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. WALTER L. HOO and SUN HOO, if living, and if dead,the unknown spouse, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an interest by, through, under and against the above-named Defendants, and ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- nal payment must be made on or before 3:00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's check: Week 12, Unit 624, of OR- LANDO VACATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9636 # 40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. HIRCOCK ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: RICARDO BENAVIDES and LILIAN J. BENAVIDES RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all partiesclaiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) RICARDO BENAVIDES and LILIAN BENAVIDES, a marriedcouple, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 35/86615 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an . undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9706 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. BUNDRAGE ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: SONJA C. JOHNSON SHEPHERD RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) SONJA JOHNSON SHEPHERD, a single woman, and all parties having orclaiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described' YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 24/5454 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amend- ments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Con- dominium Book 22, page 132-146, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TO. 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 10th day of Febru- ary, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set ,orth In said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 66, GLENMOOR, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE 27, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 05-06693. January 13 and 20, 2006 60203 SUITES II, A CONDO- MINIUM (hereinafter the "Condominium"), accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded In O.R. Book 5196, Page 632;First Amendment recorded In O.R. Book 5514, Page 3043; Second Amendment recorded in O.R. Book 5661, Page 2522; Third Amendment recorded in O.R. Book 6031, Page 3767; Fourth Amendment recorded in O.R. Book 6217, Page 3421; Fifth Amendment recorded in O.R. Book 6340, Page 6160 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida (hereinafter the"Declara- tion"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal of said Court this 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 636-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 60161 der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800)955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60173 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scnbed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006 Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance-with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60166 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8960 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JACKMAN ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: CHRISTOPHER E. SCHLECHT and CHRISTI E. SCHLECHT RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) CHRISTOPHER SCHLECHT and CHRISTI SCHLECHT, a married couple, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 18/3852 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO. 05-CC-13695 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, vs. ANDREW POWERS, if living, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendant, and ORLANDO VA- CATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on FEBRU- ARY 1, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Oriando, Florida, offerfor sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- nal payment must be made on or before 3:00 p.m., of the date IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9707 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. KULON ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To:TISHA A. WALKER and GARY E.GOODSON RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) TISHA WALKER and GARY GOODSON, a single woman, a single man, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 2/86627 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest In the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 9484 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MARKLAND ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: FELIX A. DELGADO and MA EUGENIA ELIZUNDIA & FERNANDO ELIZUNDIA RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) FELIX DELGADO and MA EUGENIA ELIZUNDIA & FERNANDO ELIZUNDIA,, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida. WEEK/UNIT(S) 46/4219 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided Interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12 00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant In com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above described Condo- minium in the percentage Interest established In the Declaration of Condo- minium, has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on Jerry E Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800)955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60171 of the sale by cash or cashier's check: That certain Unit Week 39, in that certain Unit 297, of ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II, A CONDO- MINIUM (hereinafter the "Condominium"), accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in Official Records Book 5196, Page 0632, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all exhibits thereto, and all amendments thereto (here- inafter the "Declaration"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure entered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal of said Court this 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation In order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact CourtAdministration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this docu- ment, If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 60159 TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant In com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of yourwritten defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd. Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North OrangeAvenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800)955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service, January 13 and 20, 2006 60172 shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodationto par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D A Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If heanng impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60165 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:05-CA-2637 DIV. 34 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. HENRY VINSON, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST HENRY VINSON; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF HENRY VINSON, IF ANY; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART- MENT OF REVENUE; LETHA VINSON; PAULINE NELSON; CLERK OF COURT, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated JANUARY 03, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA- 2637 DIV. 34 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, OR- LANDO, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5462 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. SKINNER ET AL, Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Michael P. Skinner and Judy G. Skinner 4280/2 III Janice Pickett and Lehandy M. Pickett A/K/A Lee M. Pickett 2549/4 V Mohd Rashed Bin Badarudin and Nor Raudha Md Nor 5553/45 Note Is hereby given that on February 08, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas Ii, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-12693 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. DAISY M. HALL-THOMAS, if living, and if dead, the un- known spouse s, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an Interest by, through, under and against the above-named Defendant, and ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on FEBRU- ARY 1,2006,11:00 o'clockA.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated In Or- ange County, Florida, The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- posit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Orange County Clerk of Court. Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3:00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's check: IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-12698 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. PHYLESE L. MOSELEY, if liv- ing, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendant, and ORLANDO VA- CATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 1,1 00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange 'County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- posit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Orange County Clerk of Court, Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3.00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's check. A .01343000000% undi- vided tenant in common Interest in Phase III of TUSCANY VILLAGE VA- CATION SUITES, as de- at SUITE 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 09 day of FEBRU- ARY, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth In said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 7 ANDTHE NORTH 15 FEET OF LOT 6, BLOCK C, TAMPA TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK V, PAGE 7, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 09 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRAI. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, a st to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-39562(CWF) January 13 and 20, 2006 60201 Condominium Book 22, Page 132-146 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said es- tate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA- 5462 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20,2006 60210 Week 35, Unit 821, of ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II, A CONDO- MINIUM (hereinafter the "Condominium"), with ev- ery YEAR occupancy rights, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof as re- corded in O.R. Book 5196, Page 632 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto (hereinafter the "Declara- tion"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and of- ficial seal of said Court this 5 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIIVL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 ,Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 60160 scribed in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof as recorded In O.R. Book 6630, Page 4259 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all exhibits attached thereto (the "Declaration"). Grantee owns a Type 2Va- cation Ownership Interest in a ONE BEDROOM Suite and shall be required to make a reservation for a Suite, with every YEAR occupancy rights, in ac- cordance with the provi- sions of the Declaration. Together with an appurte- nant undivided interest in common elements of the Project as described in the Declaration. pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and of- ficial seal of said Court this 6th day of Janaury, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 60162 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6030 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GILBERTO KRIEGER and MARIA VITORIA CAVALCANTI KRIEGER, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III & IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: CRAIG J. DUNSHEATH 34 NORTH PROSPECT AVE PATCHOGUE, NY 11772-2217 USA CYNTHIA DUNSHEATH 34 NORTH PROSPECT AVE PATCHOGUE, NY 11772-2217 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week41 In Unit4552, in IMPERIAL PALM VIL- LAS CONDOMINIUM, ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9018 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. SCOTT A. WHITE, ET AL., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Katherine Ann Zukosky 27045 Coral Springs Wesley Chapel, FL 33543-6666 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, KATHERINE ANN ZUKOSKY, and all parties hav- ing orclaiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT IV An undivided 0.3246% In- terest in Unit 36A of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's BoardWalk Vil- las, a lease condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in Official Records Book 5101, Page 147, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and be- tween DVD and Walt Disney World Co., a Dela- ware corporation qualified to do business in Florida, dated April 1, 1994, and any amendments thereto, a shortform of which is re- corded in Official Records Book 5101, Page 88 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and any amendments thereto (the "Ground Lease"), and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-6034 DIV NO.: 33 MARRIOTT RESORTS HOS- PITALITY CORPORATION, a South Carolina Corporation, Management Agent on behalf of CYPRESS HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, INC., a Florida non- profit corporation, and All Owners as Agent, Plaintiff, vs. CARLOS AVILA MOLINA and DORA MOLINA DE AVILA, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT (s) VI TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCEARE UNKNOWN: TO: MERLIN A. CAMPBELL 310 Charles St, Apt. 13 Newport News, VA 23608 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any nght, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT RESORTS HOS- PITALITY CORPORATION, upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mortgage and for other relief relative to the fol- lowing described property: Records Book 4894 at Page 2645 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. COUNT IV Unit week 21 in unit 4560, In IMPERIAL PALM VIL- LAS CONDOMINIUM, ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Official Records Book 4894 at Page 2645 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of yourwritten defenses, If any to the complaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ES- QUIRE,-Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attor- neys for the Plaintiff, on or be- fore thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either before service on Plain- tiff' attorney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the com- plaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4973 #05-028-10304 January 13 and 20,2006 60219 subject to that certain Master Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded In Official Records Book 5101, page 83, of the Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida and all amendments thereto, and subject to easements and restrictions of record. (Contract No.: 3001759.001) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, iH any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days after thefirst pub- lication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 26 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the Ameri- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual oragency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing at the address given on the notice. Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847- 1300. It hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, orVoice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20,2006 60198 COUNT VI Unit Week 15 in Unit7155, In CYPRESS HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days fromthefirst day of publication herein and filethe original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain as- sistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#051299.2046 #05-128-10752 January 13 and 20, 2006 60141 LEGAL FORMS can be purchased from AOS Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FI 32712 PH: 407-889-4455 FAX: 407-889-4121 s r I a I I I U I I I I If I a I e I u - The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 11B LEGAL ADVERTISING popka C! ie Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALSCANBE FOUND ON PAGES 18A 19A & 5B 15B . IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-006177 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. EMPORER'S DESIGN, INC., AN OREGON CORPORA- TION; CHANTAL BAYOKISA A/K/A BAYOKISA SCHANTAL, a single woman, aet al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, BETHANIA S CABRAL AND VICTOR CABRAL COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- . ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk n will offer for sale the following described real property: UnitWeek20 in Units03402 and 03401, Annual Unit Weeks, BELLA FLORIDA CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- Sject to the Declaration of Condominium of Bella Florida Condominium, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all : amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year i. and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be a made pursuant to a Final Judg- i ment of Foreclosure AS TO BETHANIA CABRAL AND VICTOR CABRAL COUNT III, entered in Civil No. 2005- CA-006177 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange u- County, Florida v DATED this January 5, 2006. '- ,Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY n CIVIL COURT SEAL ., Deputy Clerk sq VALERIE N. BROWN, ,. ESQUIRE n, Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL c ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 t, Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a F_ person with a disability who -. needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- /., ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certainassistance. Please con- tactCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 Lii 60134 r X IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF "-b* THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR n ORANGE COUNTY, .vr FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA- 001568-0 Y MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware .. corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, FRANCIS J.J. DOMACASSE a/k/a FRANCIS J. DOMACASSE a/k/a F. DOMACASSE and ISAIRA G.G. DOMACASSE a/k./a ISAIRA G. DOMACASSE, his wife; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, VIVIAN F. DARDEN-COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY w GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following T described real property: SUnit Week 48 in Unit 2458, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, SVISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book5312, Page2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO VIVIAN F. DARDEN COUNT V, entered in Civil No. 2004- .* CA-001568-0 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ''. ange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, ',- 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: James Moxley CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 k Orlando, FL 32802 1 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tactCourtAdministration at 425 -North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60111 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-8651 DIV 35 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY (F/K/A BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, N.A.) AS TRUSTEE OF THE OWNERS OF MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2001-AMI, Plaintiff, vs. AMANDA CARR-CASTILLO A/K/A AMANDA R. CARR CASTILLO, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO GUSTAVO R. CASTILLO (Address Unknown) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property. LOTS 32 AND 33, BLOCK 16, AVONDALE, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK N, PAGES 1 AND 2, PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve acopy of your written defenses, if any, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-4440- DIV. 40 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. ZANNIE MAE KIRT IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY,THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ZANNIE MAE KIRT; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ZANNIE MAE KIRT IF ANY; FIRST NA- TIONAL BANK OF CENTRAL FLORIDA; ORCHARD PARK PROPERTY OWNER ASSO- CIATION, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 30, 2005 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-4440-DIV. 40 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for OR- ANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: OSVALDO BURGOS Carretera 735 KM 0.4 Interior Barrio Arenas Sector VAIIle Real Cidra, PR 00739 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 09E in Unit 1443, In HAO CONDO- MINIUM, according to the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) XIII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: KERRY J. TAYLOR 2 Riley Close Yaxley, Peterborough CAmbridgeshire, PE 73QD ENGLAND BRIAN S. TAYLOR 2 Riley Close Yaxley, Peterborough Cambridgeshire, PE 73QD ENGLAND MARGARET J. TAYLOR 2 Riley Close Yaxley, Peterborough Cambridgeshire, PE 73QD ENGLAND The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or Immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time pnor to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk January 13 and 20, 2006 60177 the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 N. Orange Ave. in Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m on the 26 day of January, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to- wit: LOT 30, ORCHARD PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES 76-77 PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 5 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-41149(FNMA) EMC IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florda32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing orvoice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60175 Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6017at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Flonda32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or vojce impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5282 #05-207-11377 January 13 and 20, 2006 60193 gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT XIII Unit Week21 in Unit 1564, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Bookt6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771 THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE HK#050992.5292 #05-207-10290 January 13 and 20, 2006 6019S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10304 GREENWICH CAPITAL FI- NANCIAL PRODUCTS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. EDNA DENISE CALLOWAY, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO. JOHN L. NUCCITELLI (Residence Unknown) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 226, CAMELLIA GAR- DENS SECTION THREE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 77 AND 78, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve acopy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1600 NW IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-7165 DIV 33 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JO ANN W. NORTON; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuantto an Orderor Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 21 day of December 2005, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-7165 DIV 33 of the Cir- cuit Court In and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, and JO ANN W. NORTON; et al., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 19 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 948 Assigned Unit Week No. 50 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 966 Assigned Unit Week No. 25 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 948 Assigned Unit Week No. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 482005CA009522XXXXXX DEUTSCHE BANK NA- TIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR LONG BEACH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2006-WL2, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN PETERS, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Summary Final Judgment of foreclosure dated January 3, 2006, and entered in Case No. 482005CA009522XXXXXX of the Circuit Court in and for Or- ange County, Florida, wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-WL2 is Plaintiff and JOHN PETERS; KIMBERLY PE- TERS; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 1; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2; and ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING INTER- ESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST A NAMED DE- FENDANT TO THIS ACTION, ORHAVING ORCLAIMINGTO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROP- ERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, are Defendants, I will sell to the highestand best bidderforcash in Room 350 at the Orange County County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Or- lando, FL 32801. at Orange County, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd day of February, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Order or Final Judgment, to- wit: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: ELBERT L. ROBINSON 7327 S. Troy Street Chicago, IL 60629-3043 ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON 7327 S. Troy Street Chicago, IL 60629-3043 The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property; COUNT I Unit Week35 In Unit 1243, 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint, In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 05-07501 January 13 and 20, 2006 60179 24 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 2243 Assigned Unit Week No. 34 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 944 Assigned Unit Week No. 41 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 922 Assigned Unit Week No. 18 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 927 Assigned Unit Week No. 14 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 912 Assigned Unit Week No. 12 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 917 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you're voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice inThe Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60225 FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, 1ST ADDITIONTO SCHENLEY PARK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK P, PAGE 42, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLOR- IDA; RUN EAST 272.90 FEET ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF LOT 2, AND AN EASTERLY PRO- LONGATION THEREOF FOR THE POB; THENCE CONTINUE EAST 65.1 FEET ALONG SAID EAST- ERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH BOUND- ARY OF LOT 2; THENCE NORTH 107.00 FEET PAR- ALLEL WITH THE EAST BOUNDARY LOT OF LOT 1 TO THE NORTH BOUND- ARY LOT 1; THENCE WEST 65.1 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY OF LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 107.00 FEET TO THE POB. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atno costto you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Pleasecontact the Court at 407-836-2060 fx 407-836- 2269 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; if you are hearing or voice impaired, Call Flonrida Relay Ser- vice (800) 955-8770. DATED at Orlando, Florida, on JANUARY 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk, Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk SMITH, HIATT & DIAZ, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff P O Box 11438 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33339-1438 Phone: (954) 564-0071 January 13 and 20, 2006 60174 in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY Phyllis Klpfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, al no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance PleasecontactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Flonrida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document, If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE HK#050992 3671 #03-207-3565 January 13 and 20, 2006 60192 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 06-CA-10347 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL MARKESTEYN, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MICHAEL MARKESTEYN L/K/A 7713 LIVERPOOL BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32807 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MICHAEL MARKESTEYN L/K/A 7713 LIVERPOOL BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32807 JOHN DOE and JANE DOE L/K/A 7713 LIVERPOOL BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32807 YOU ARE NOTIFIED thatan action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 3, BLOCK "K" OF IVANHOE ESTATES UNIT 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 50, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7463 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. SHEF3YL SPENCER, Indi- vidual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VI TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: EDGARDO J. PRIETO AGOSTINI C-6 S-7 #14 Villas De Parana San Juan, PR 00926 USA SONJA J. MAIZ INESTA C-6 S-2 #14 Villas De Parana San Juan, PR 00926 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterestinthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VI Unit Week 34E In Unit has been filed against you and youare required toserve acopy of your written defenses, If any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address Is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice In The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kiptinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 05-02998 January 13 and 20, 2006 60178 1036, in HAO CONDO- MINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florda32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1 -800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5189 #05-207-11115 January 13 and 20, 2006 60154 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 48-2006-Dr-210 DIV.: 36 In re: The Marriage of: Jeannette, Moise, Petitioner, and Dimltrie, Moise, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE To: Dimitrie Molse Unknown YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for dissolu- tion of marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jeannette Moise, Petitioner, whose address is 3268 Benson IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7539 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. JOHN D. TORGERSON and KRISTIN L. TORGERSON , Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: KRISTIN L.TORGERSON 4244 S. Farm Road Springfield, MO 65810 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, llenors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week 06E In Unit 1353, in HAO CONDO- MINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6036 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, Vs. ADOLFO CHOW MORENO, Individual, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) II TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCEARE UNKNOWN: TO: ERNESTO FERNANDEZ 22 South Maya, Philam Homes Quezon City, Metro Manila PHILIPPINES OUVIA FERNANDEZ 22 South Maya, Philam Homes Quezon City, Metro Manila PHILIPPINES The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or'alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the Institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaintto foreclose a mort- age and for other relief rela- Ive to the following described property: COUNT II Unit Week12 inUnitt7335, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IX TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: BISMARK MARQUEZ RIOS 44 Calle Mosaico - P.O Box 1857 Caguas, PR 00726 USA ELIZABETH BONILLA MARTINEZ 44 Calle Mosaico P.O Box 1857 Caguas, PR 00726 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the Institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: Park Blvd. Orlando Florida, 32829, on or before February 16, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court be- fore service on Petitioner or Im- mediately thereafter. If you failed to do so, a default will be entered against you for the re- lief demanded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain au- tomatic disclosure of documents and Information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, In- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and seal of this court on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: JOSE A. VELLON CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk January 13, 20,27 and February 3, 2006 60158 minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint DATED on this 5 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5174 #05-207-10601 January 13 and 20, 2006 60155 Unit week 13 in unit 7335, In CYPRESS HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein andfile the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either-be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 29 day. of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodationn in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atno costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130,'Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT - AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992. 5096 #05-128-10370 January 13 and 20, 2006 60140 COUNT IX Unit Week46 In Unit 1355, In HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiptinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atno costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance, Please contactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or-, lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of, this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5288 #05-207-11282 January 13 and 20, 2006 - 60194 I Iii 1 ... Come in \ VJ rain or shine ...," but come in NOW and take advantage of our $100 per week* Classified Ad Special (*10 words or less. One item per ad. Cash only. Must be prepaid by Tuesday noon of the week that it runs for the special pricing. For itents under $100 only. Price must be in ad. If ad needs to be billed, then regular pricing applies.) cal 407-886-2777 Sell your swing! Sell your guitar!! Sell any of your stuff! The Apopka Chief & The Planter 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail (corner of Bradshaw and 441) Apopka 32712 Next door to Apopka Office Supply The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 12B LEGAL ADVERTISING Npopka L)irf Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A 19A & 5B 15B .Notification of Public Sale In order to satisfy a contractual landlord's lien, under the provi- sions of the Florida Self-Service Storage Act, public notice is hereby given that the following described property will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will be held at Lockhart Stor-It, 6803 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32810 on January 21, 2006 at 8:30 AM. Phone (407) 932-2239 Unit 42 Stribbling Tools & Household January 13 and 20, 2006 60197 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL 'CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No. 05-CA-10266 In re: FORFEITURE OF 1989 DODGE CARAVAN (BLUE) VIN:2B4FK45KXKR151276 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1989 DODGE CARAVAN (BLUE) VIN:2B4FK45KXKR151276 NOTICE IS given to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes, that the STATE OF FLORIDA, DE- PARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VE- HICLES (DEPARTMENT), through its Division, The Florida State Highway Patrol, on the 26th day of October, 2005, in the County of Orange, State of Florida, seized the above-de- scribed personal property and is holding the personal property pending the outcome of forfei- ture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal in- terest in the subject property may request a hearing concern- ing the seized property by con- tacting Gerald D. Slebens, As- sistant Attorney General, OF- FICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602-5237. A Petition for jForfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. If no re- sponse by claimants, the DE- PARTMENT will seek a Final Order Of Forfeiture. January 13 and 20, 2006 60157 re IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-9990 Division 37 In RE: Forfeiture of -1988 MAZDA RX 7 CONVERTIBLE (BLACK) 'VIN JMIFC3519J0103729 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS 'TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS 'WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST "IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: '988 MAZDA RX 7 CONVERTIBLE (BLACK) "VIN JM1FC3519J0103729 NOTICE IS given pursuant to "Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes, that the STATE OF FLORIDA, DE- PARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VE- -HICLES (DEPARTMENT), -lhrough its Division, The Florida vState Highway Patrol, on or about the 13th day of October 2005, in the County of Orange, 'State of Florida, seized the above-described personal '=property and is holding the per- usonal property pending the out- "come of forfeiture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal interest in the subject property may request a hearing cconcerning the seized property 'by contacting Joseph H. Lee, Assistant Attorney General, OF- FICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, Tampa Civil Litiga- tion Bureau, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, . FL 33602-5237. A Petition for Forfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. The trial court on the 8th day of Decem- ber 2005, entered an Order Finding Probable Cause. If no response by Claimants, the DE- PARTMENT will seek a Final -Order Of Forfeiture. January 13 and 20, 2006 60245 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No. 2005-CA-7109 In re: FORFEITURE OF 1999 ACURA INTEGRA (RED) VIN: JH4DC2399XS002289 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1999 ACURA INTEGRA (RED) VIN: JH4DC2399XS002289 NOTICE IS given to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, SFlorida Statutes, that the ESTATE OF FLORIDA, DE- PARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VE- SHICLES (DEPARTMENT), through its Division, The Flonda State Highway Patrol, on the 23rd day of July, 2005, in the .County of Orange, State of Florida, seized the above-de- .-scribed personal property and -ris holding the personal property -,pending the outcome of forfei- Sture proceedings. All persons ",or entities who have a legal In- ,terest In the subject property i, may request a hearing concern- - Ing the seized property by con- -. acting Gerald D. Siebens, As- sistant Attorney General, OF- FICE OF THE ATTORNEY - GENERAL, 501 East Kennedy -.Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, YrFL 33602-5237. A Petition for Forfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. If no re- sponse by claimants, the DE- PARTMENT will seek a Final Order Of Forfeiture. n January 13 and 20, 2006 - 860156 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-008454 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. GEOFFREY PEARCE, a single man and SUSAN FARLAM, a single woman; CARLOS RAFAEL PEREZ SAMAYOA a/k/a CARLOS R. PEREZ SAMAYOA, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JUANITA GAVIN HUGHES COUNT IX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 25 in Unit 1333, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005- CA-008454 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60119 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA- 009944-0 INEZ B. WALKER, Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST AMANDA JONES, deceased, Defendants. TO: ANY PARTIES UN- KNOWN to Plaintiff, which par- ties may be interested as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through, under or against AMANDA JONES, deceased. NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for quiet title on the following property: Lot 7, Block 12, WASHING- TON PARK SECTION ONE, O. R. Book O.Pg. 151, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida. Parcel ID # 32-22-29-9004-12-070 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) XI TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. DANIEL CINTRON TORRES B8 12 Daisy Street San Juan, PR 00926 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., uponthe filing of complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT XI UnitWeek48 in Unit 9141, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Con- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLOFIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-4035 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. GRACIELA M.CAPURSO and GERARDO ANDRADE and RUBEN MURADIAN and ALI- CIA M. CAPURSO; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, RICARDO R. JAMSCHON AND ADRIANA JAMSCHON COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006,. at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 02 in Unit 0712, VISTANA SPA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Spa Con- dominium, as recorded In Official Records Book 3677, Page 335, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"). The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 4035 now pending in the Circuit Courtof the NINTH Judicial Cir- cuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60130 has been filed against you and you are requiredto serve acopy of your written defenses to it, if any, on JOHN C. ENGLE- HARDT, P.A., 1524 E. Living- ston Street, Orlando, Flonda 32803, Plaintiff's attorney, no more than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this Notice of Action and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney, or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint for Foreclosure. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on DECEM- BER 19, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: ALBANITZA GARCIA CIVIL COURT SEAL If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document. If you are hear- ing orvoice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. December 30, 2005, January 6, 13, and 20, 2006. 60024 dominium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY; Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE HK#050992.5215 #05-137-11084 January 13 and 20, 2006 60190 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009555 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. LUIS A. ALBORNOZ a/k/a A ALBORNOZ and JULIA E. DUQUE a/k/a JULIA E DUQUE D, his wife; DAVID P. BRYANT and SANDRA M. BRYANT a/k/a S M BRYANT, his wife; MARY CIPRIANO, a married woman; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, ERIC E. HINOJOSA AND JENNIFER H. HINOJOSA A/K/A JENNIFER HINOJOSA - COUNT IV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, InOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 06 in Unit 06102, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDACONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ERIC E.HINOJOSAAND JEN- NIFER H. HINOJOSA A/K/A JENNIFER HINOJOSA - COUNT IV, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009555 now pending intheCircuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eels Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation In order to participate In this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tactCourtAdministration at425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60131 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007723 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MICHELE C. HARRISON, a single woman; GUNTHER GORNY and TERESA GORNY, his wife; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, MARINO MOLINA P AND C.T. MOLINA COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 33 in Unit 236, VISTANA FALLS CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vstand Falls Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3340, Page 2429, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and allamendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, If any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA- 007723 now pending In the Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED onJanuary 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certainassistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60127 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-000253 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. YOLANDA ESTRADA and RAUL FUENTES, her husband; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, GUSTAVO LEON AND ESTHER DE LEON COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006. at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 03 in Unit 1870, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 000253 now pending in the Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTHJudicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTEIS, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tactCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60126 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005216 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. DOROTHY M. BRAGG, a single woman; KELLY E. BROWN, a single woman and JEREMY S. SMITH, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, TERENCE D. MILLER AND FRANCINE MILLER COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, InOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: UnitWeek35 in Unit 03104, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDACONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuantto a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO TERENCE D. MILLER AND FRANCINE MILLER COUNT V, entered In Civil No, 2005- CA-005216 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tactCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60132 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-9609 H35 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- CIATION AS TRUSTEE, IN TRUST FOR THE HOLDERS OF CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON MORTGAGE SECU- RITIES CORR, HOME EQUITY ASSET TRUST 2003-3, HOME EQUITY PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-3, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- CIARIES, DEVISEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF BARBARA V. GRAY- KOWSKI, DECEASED, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO' KAREN GRAYKOWSKI, 4155 Connel Lane, Orlando, FL 32822 MICHAEL GRAYKOWSKI, 4155 Connel Lane, Orlando, FL 32822 YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthatan action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 248, EAST ORLANDO SECTION THREE, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK "Y", PAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6276 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ALBA NYDIA LLAMAS- SANTOS, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VIII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: MARY LUZ FORT MONTALVO C/Amapola 75-A Bo Ingenio P.O. Box 1259 Toa Baja, PR 00951 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the Institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VIII Unit Week48 in Unit 1433, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-008452 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. STEVEN ALDWORTH and CHRISTINE BRADY ALDWOTH a/k/a CHRISTINE BRADY ALDWORTH; TAWEEFG A. AL-NASSAR a/k/a TAWFEEG A. AL- NASSAR and AWATIF AL- NASSAR; LESTER J. BOYKIN and MARIA P. BOYKIN, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, MICHAEL HOLTZCLAW AND SUSAN D. HOLTZCLAW COUNT VI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 05 in Unit 0076, VISTANA CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurte- nances thereto, according and subject to the Declara- tion of Condominium of Vistana Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3167, Page 1201, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. Together with a remainder over after termination In fee simple absolute, as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in all phases of said condo- minium on October 1, 2020 in that fractional interest set forth in the Declaration of Condominium. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 008452 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATEDonJanuary 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate In this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certainassistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60136 51, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice In The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 05 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk January 13 and 20, 2006 60182 tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange Coun- ty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florilda32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5033 #05-207-10564 January 13 and 20, 2006 60149 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005618 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. JACK C. OWENS, a married man; NICOLE BROWN and RICKY BROWN, her husband; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JACK C. OWENS COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: UnitWeek 10in Unit 05402, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDACONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO JACK C. OWENS COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 005618 now pending inthe Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tactCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60133 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6025 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. JOSE MARIA CORNELLA, Individual, at. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV & V TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCEARE UNKNOWN: TO: LIGIA INES PESANTES DE ROCA Puerto Azul M2-F4 Villa 7 Guayaquil ECUADOR The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT IV &V UnitWeek05 in Unit5231, Unit Week 14 in Unit5313, in CYPRESS HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM, accord- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7471 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. DIANE SANDERS, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. BLANCA F. VALLE OTERO Forest View- Espana 1-13 Bayamon, PR 00956 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, titleor interest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTTOWNERSHIPRE- SORTS, INC., uponthefilingof a complaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT IV Unit Week34 in Unit0122, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Con- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009479 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ, a single man; ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ, a single man and EVERETT THOMAS, a married man; INDALECIO SOLIS, JR. and LUCIA V. SOLIS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, InOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: UnitWeek03in Unit 09107, an Even Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDACONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bellae Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ - COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009479 now pending in theCircuitCourtofthe NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK. DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certainassistance, Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; If you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60135 ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol-, land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post. Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for' the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein andfile the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Coert either bei fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or Immediately thereafter,' otherwise a default will be en-' tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation In order to par-' ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atno costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two '(2) working days of your receipt of this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4963 #05-128-08314 January 13 and 20, 2006 60139 dominium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof.. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written) defenses, if any to the cor-' plaint, upon MICHAEL' SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol-' land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein andfile the original with the Clerk of the, above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac-' commodation In order to par2 ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, tO the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5198 #05-137-10843 January 13 and 20, 2006 60142 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009590 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT,' INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. LARRY E. DEATON, JR., a' married man; ROBERT O. JOSE a/k/a ROBERT JOSE and CAROL A. EAST-JOSE, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO, DEFENDANTS, ROBERT 0. JOSE A/K/A ROBERT JOSE AND CAROL A. EAST-JOSE COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 13 in Unit 1988, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANALAKES CONDO-. MINIUM, together with all, appurtenances thereto, ac-. cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuantto a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ROBERT 0. JOSE A/K/A ' ROBERT JOSE AND CAROL A. EAST-JOSE COUNT II, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 009590 now pending in the Cir- cuit Courtof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you area person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisionsof certain assistance.Please cpn- tact Court Administration at425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60125 ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR ETHE TRIUMPH OF: EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. --Edmund 13urke ......... ............. . ... . ^_______n____~~ '~' - ......... 11 ............. The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ,; ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005382 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. KATHLEEN FAIRBANKS- MERIN, a married woman and EVELYN FAIRBANKS, a married woman, Defendants. ,NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, KATHLEEN FAIRBANKS-MERIN AND EVELYN FAIRBANKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11.00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property ,'Unit Week 47 in Unit 2108, .an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together "with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana ,Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ,"Declaration"), subject to --taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. n The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Givil Case No. 2005-CA- 005382 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial ,Circuit in and for Orange Qpunty, Florida. DATED onJanuary 5,2006 LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court ,, By: CORINE HERRY ,. CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 COWNDES, DROSDICK, E OSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff (OPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- seeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of qcrtain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your r. ceipt of this document, if you pre hearing or voice impaired, pall 1-800-955-8771. Januaryy 13 and 20, 2006 60112 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR &o ORANGE COUNTY, Wr FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-8341 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Sa. J.TE ESTATE OF CATHY E. BROCKMAN, Deceased, .,AROLYN NEWBY, ROBERT WRIGHT, JABON ,RIGHT, and UNKNOWN ARTIES claiming as heirs, Aevisees, grantees, ;Vssignees, lienors, creditors trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants by, through, under or against Cathy E. Brockman, Deceased, Defendants. -NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, THE ESTATE OF CATHY E. BROCKMAN, Deceased, CAROLYN NEWBY, ROBERT WRIGHT, JABON --WRIGHT, and UNKNOWN "PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants by, through, under or against Cathy E. Brockman, Deceased ,V- NOTICE IS HEREBY 3IVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk Will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 47 in Unit 1376, 'an Annual Unit Week, 'VISTANA FOUNTAINS "CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- 'ject to the Declaration of -Condominium of Vistana 'Fountains Condominium, as "recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and 'supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be Made pursuant to a Summary JFinal Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2004-CA- "6341 now pending in the Circuit '1'ourt of the NINTH Judicial 'Circuit in and for Orange "County, Florida, ..DATEDon January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER '5 Clerk of the Circuit Court 'i By ELAINE CHANDLER .3L CIVIL COURT SEAL ,Ji Deputy Clerk ,AVALERIE N. BROWN, E'ESQUIRE 'Florida Bar No: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, *PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a ' person with a disability who Oheeds any accommodation in ' :bfder to participate in this pro- c6%eding, you are entitled, at no o6st to you, to the provisions of certainn assistance. Please con- ntactCourt Administration at 425 f'lorth Orange Avenue, Suite 6P130, Orlando, Florida 32801, pi..r,:,-,- (407) 836-2303 S ..Mir,,.,-. working g days of your 'iY'eceipt of this document; if you ,'iave hearing or voice impaired, '.all 1-800-955-8771. 'January 13 and 20, 2006 60118 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 05-CA-10382 CENTEX HOME EQUITY COM- PANY, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. LOWREATHEA JACKSON; DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ, LAW- RENCE J. KOLUPKE; IF LIV- ING, INCLUDING ANY UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMAR- RIED, AND IF DECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, CREDI- TORS, LIENORS,AND TRUST- EES, AND ALL OTHER PER- SONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTSS; SHEELER HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSO- CIATION, INC.; WHETHER DISSOLVED OR PRESENTLY EXISTING, TOGETHER WITH ANY GRANTEES, ASSIGN- EES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, OR TRUSTEES OF SAID DEFENDANTS) AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST DEFENDANTSS; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UN- KNOWN TENANT #2; Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION TO: DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ; IF LIV- ING, INCLUDING ANY UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMAR- RIED, AND IF DECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, CREDI- TORS, LIENORS, AND TRUST- EES, AND ALL OTHER PER- SONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTSS; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9019 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. JUDI A. O'GRADY, ET AL., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Elaine R. Ormond 16 General Hobbs Road, #3 Jefferson, MA 01522 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, ELAINE R. ORMOND, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT II An undivided 0.2888% in- terest in Unit 3A of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's BoardWalk Vil- las, a lease condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in Official Records Book 5101, Page 147, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and be- tween DVD and Walt Disney World Co., a Dela- ware corporation qualified to do business in Florida, dated April 1, 1994, and any amendments thereto, ashortform of which is re- corded in Official Records Book 5101, Page 88 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and any amendments thereto (the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6030 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GILBERTO KRIEGER and MARIA VITORIA CAVALCANTI KRIEGER, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: GILBERTO KRIEGER AV GETULIO VARGAS 2932-11 CURITIBA, PARANA, 80240-040 BRAZIL MARIA VITORIA CAVALCANTI KRIEGER AV GETULO VARGAS 2932-11 CURITIBA, PARANA, 80240-040 BRAZIL The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC.,upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: Whose residence areas un- known. YOU ARE HEREBY required to file your answer or written de- fenses, if any, in the above pro- ceeding with the Clerk of this Court, and to serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attor- ney, whose name and address appears hereon, on or before February 8, 2006; the nature of this proceeding being a suit for foreclosure of mortgage against the following described property, to wit. LOT 50, SHEELER HILLS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 34, PAGE 150, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. A/K/A 2002 LAUREN ROAD APOPKA, FL 32703 If you fail to file your answer or written defenses in the above proceeding, on plaintiff's attor- ney, a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint or Pe- tition, DATED at ORANGE County this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, per- sons needing a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding should contact the ASA Coordinator no later than seven (7) days prior to the pro- ceedings. If hearing impaired, please call (800) 955-9771 (TDD) or (800) 955-8770 (voice), via Florida Relay Service. Law Offices of Daniel C. Consuegra 9204 King Palm Drive Tampa, FL33619-1328 Tel (813) 915-8660 Fax (813) 915-0559 Attorney For Plaintiff January 13 and 20,2006 60184 "Ground Lease"), and sub- ject to that certain Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restric- tions recorded In Official Records Book 5101, page 83, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and all amendments thereto, and subject to easements and restric- tions of record. (Contract No.: 4001158.000) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve acopy of your written defenses, it any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days after the first pub- lication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY . In accordance with the Ameri- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing at the address given on the notice. Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847- 1300. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florda Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60108 COUNT I Unit Week 17in Unit4574, in IMPERIAL PALM VIL- LAS CONDOMINIUM, ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 4894 at Page 2645 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGG- ERUD, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, onor before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a defaultwill be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at nocostto you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4889 #05-028-09643 January 13 and 20, 2006 60218 LEGAL ADVERTISING bje ZApopka CIjief / \ 407-886-2777 -Fax: 407-889-4121 Deadline: Tuesday at 5 p.m. for Friday's publication LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A-19A&5B-15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-7100 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. VERONICA L. SMITH and MICHAEL L. SMITH, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) X TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. MIRIAM N. RIVERA VALENTIN Urb. Summit Hills C/Yunque 583 San Juan, PR 00920 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT X UnitWeek42 in Unit9348, in GRANDE VISTA CON- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7470 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GISELE DA CRUZ BAZIN, In- dividual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) II TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: CARLOS 0. FIGUEROA Bo Cedros Carr 185 KM 12.1 PMB 140 Box 4960 Caguas, PR 00777 USA ANA DIEZ ROSAS Bo Cedros Carr 185 KM 12.1 PMB 140 Box 4960 Caguas, PR 00777 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6276 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ALBA NYDIA LLAMAS- SANTOS, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) X TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: DIANA B. CHARLES 2132 Crosshair Circle Orlando, FL 32837 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplalnttoforeclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT X Unit Week 23X in Unit 1344, In HAO CONDO- MINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED.on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance, Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5110 #05-137-10767 January 13 and 20, 2006 60144 COUNT II Unit Week23 In Unit 1026, In HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Flonda32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, HK#050992.5165 #05-207-06111 January 13 and 20, 2006 60152 minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Av- enue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise adefaultwill be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of DECEMBER,-2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5038 #05-207-10405 January 13 and 20, 2006 60150 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5512 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. SQUARE ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Jacqueline A. Square 5311/11 IV Rachid Maloof and Monika Miksl De Maloof 3058/28 V James E. Plant, Jr. and Dorothy R. Plant 0112/21 & 0457/49 Note is hereby given that on February 08, 2006, at 11:00 am atthe Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS ofthefol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest In the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded In Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6029 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. FREDDY JOSE GUZMAN, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ALBERTO L. ROLDAN 887 North Fairfield Rd Layton, UT 84041 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, It dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterest inthe prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., uponthefilingof acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 44 in Unit 0451, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Con- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8707 DIV NO.: 33 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. YASMINA OTHMAN, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ROBIN J. MORRIS 1557 Pheasant Walk Apt A Fort Pierce, FL 34950 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., uponthefilingof acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VII UnitWeek21 inUnit2321, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION Case No. 05-CA-8449 Div. 34 FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. ZULEIKAACEVEDO, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure Includ- ing Award of Attorneys' Fees and Costs dated January 9, 2006, entered In Case No. 05-CA- 8449 Div. 34 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida wherein FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION is the Plaintiff and ZULEIKA ACEVEDO and ACE- VEDO, unknown spouse of ZULEIKAACEVEDO, if married; CARLOS ACEVEDO and JULIA MORALES, his wife; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE is/are De- fendants, I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash, at Suite 310, lobby, of the Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Or- ange Avenue in the City of Or- lando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on Thursday, the 9th day of February, 2006, the following described property, as set forth Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall termi- nate; TOGETHER with a re- mainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA- 5512 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABIUTIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20,2006 60208 dominium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book5114at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and. any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you areentitled, at no costtoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4989 #05-137-06883 January 13 and 20, 2006 60146 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 11 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florda32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5261 #05-137-11449 January 13 and 20, 2006 60148 in said Summary Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure Including Award of Attorneys' Fees and Costs, to-wit: The South 37.5 feet of Lot 21, Block H, QUAIL HOL- LOW AT RIO PINAR, ac- cording to the Plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 5, at Page 1, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. DATED this 10th day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk GREGG S. AHRENS, ESQUIRE ADORNO & YOSS LLP 2525 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33134 (305) 460-1100 In accordance with the American Disabilities Act, persons with dis- abilities needing a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the Provi- sion of Assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired, Call 1- 800-955-8771. January 13 and 20,2006 60232 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.:; 05-CA-8225 DIV 37 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. VICTORIA A. SHARROCK; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 29, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-8225 DIV 37 of the Circuit Court in andior Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and VICTORIA A. SHARROCK; etal., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clockA.M. on February 1,2006, thefollowing described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 19 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 1264 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6965 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ANA TORRES, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ANA TORRES Plaza #2 Apt. 501 Garden Hill Guaynabo, PR 00966 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown.spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff,' MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week 06X In Unit 8423, in GRANDE VISTA CONDOMINIUM, accord- Ing to the Declaration of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 05-CA-10297 IRWIN UNION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff, vs. RONALD RAIMEY, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST RON- ALD RAIMEY; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF RONALD RAIM- EY; HUNTER'S CREEK COM- MUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC.; TANGLEWOOD NEIGHBOR- HOOD ASSOCIATION AT HUNTER'S CREEK, INC.; UN- KNOWN TENANT, Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: RONALD RAIMEY AND UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF RONALD RAIMEY Last known address: 2561 CLARINET DRIVE, ORLANDO, FL 32837 If alive, and if dead, all par- ties claiming interest by, through, under or against Ronald and all parties hav- Ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the property described herein. YOU ARE NOTIFIED thatan action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: ALL THAT CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN ORANGE COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA, VIZ: LOT 15, HUNTER'S CREEK - TRACT 135, PHASE I, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 18 PAGES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-4483 DIVV34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JUAN A. PINERO; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Orderor Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-4483 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in andiorOrangeCounty, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and JUAN A. PINERO; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00o'clock A.M. on January25,2006, the following described property asset forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 19 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 557 Assigned Unit Week No. 7 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 638 Assigned Unit Week No. Assigned Unit Week No. 32 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 718 Assigned Unit Week No. 16 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1242 .Assigned Unit Week No. 18 ALL, in Assigned Unit ' No. 1352 WESTGATE LAKES II,- according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records'.' Book 5000, at Page 3118,. of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida,' and all amendments) thereto, if any. "if you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are ert titled, at no cost to you, to thd provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminia; tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-9551 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida, on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAk As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice inThe Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60221 Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the corl- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Oj- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days fromthe firstdayof publication herein andfiletfje original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either bq- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be ea- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint DATED on this 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNEP Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou,to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5006 #05-137-06913 January 13 and 20, 2006 60145 92 AND 93, OF THE PUB- LIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO EASE- - MENTS, RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATIONS OF RECORD AND TO TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2003 AND THEREAFTER. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Dinna Kawass,, At- torney for Plaintiff, whose ad- dress is 951 N.E. 167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 within 30 days after the first publication of this notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate In this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis- ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If hearing impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any Information ob- tained will be used for that purpose. Our file #17154 / mad January 13 and 20, 2006 60180 32 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 235 Assigned Unit Week No.- 47-ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 453 Assigned Unit Week No. 3 ALL, in Assigned Unit No.453 Assigned Unit Week No. 19 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 244 WESTGATE LAKES III, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re-i corded In Official Records Book 5391, at Page 3172,1 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, If any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participant in this proceeding, you are ert- titled, at no cost to you, to the, provision of certain assistance, Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orangbe Avenue, Orlando, Florld" 32801, telephone number (4071 836-2303, within two (2) work; Ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955-' 8771, if you are voice impaired' call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNEqR As Clerk of the Court- BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice inThe Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60228 * * ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR :THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. --EdLmund Burke o o o o o oo o o oo o o o "If The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 14B LEGAL ADVERTISING Zpopka QChief 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 Economical Accurate Timely Deadline: Tuesday at 5 p.m. for Friday's publication LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A 19A & 5B 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 48-2005-CP- 000425-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF MINNIE D. GIBSON-TURNER Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of MINNIE D. GIBSON- TURNER, deceased, File Num- ber 48-2005-CP-000425-0, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is: 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the personal repre- sentative and of the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons, who have claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, and who have been served a copy of this notice, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OFTHREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OFTHIS NOTICE OR (30) THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OFACOPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and persons who have claims against the decedent's estate, including unmatured, con- tingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS (3) AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THETIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE IS: January 13, 2006. Personal Representative: EARLIER BUSH 2002 Ludlow Lane, Orlando, FL 32839 Attorney for Personal Representative: By: GRACE ANNE GLAVIN, ESQ. GRACE ANNE GLAVIN, P.A. 1340 Tuskawilla Road, Suite 106 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Telephone: (407) 699-1110 Florida Bar No.: 350605 Janaury 13 and 20, 2006 60163 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FORq ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 48-2005-CP- 002942-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE R. DiCARLO, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (summary administration) The administration of the es- tate of Josephine R. DiCarlo, deceased, File Number 48- 2005-CP-002942-0, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 340, Orlando, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the pe- titioners and the petitioners' at- torney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including un- matured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against the decedent's estate, including un-matured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publica- tion of this Notice is: January 13, 2006. Persons Giving Notice: Joanna D. Wragg 365 Redwood Lane Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Attorney For Person Giving Notice: Edward W. Soulsby Attorney for Petitioner Florida Bar No. 488216 KENNETH B. WHEELER, LL M. TAX, P.A. 1155 Louisiana Avenue, Suite 100 Winter Park, Florida 32789 Telephone: (407) 645-1779 January 13 and 20, 2006 60253 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE PURSUANT TO F. S. 713.78 1991 Sat VIN: 1G8ZK5471MZ114297. 1999 Oldsmobile VIN: 1G3NL52EOXC401205. 1992 Isuzu VIN: 4S1CL11L3N42. 1698. 1970 Silve VIN: FLZ74500770. 1996 Isuzu VIN: 4S2CM58V8T4339816. 2001 BMW VIN: WBAAV53421JS90932. 1997 Pontiac VIN: 1G2NE52T7VM546536. 1988 Subaru VIN: JF1AN42B8JC458550. Sale Date: January 31,2006, 10:00 AM. At 3001 Aloma Ave. Winter Park FL. Towing/Storage company re- serves the right to withdrawal said vehicles) and/or vessels from the auction. For more inquiries call 407-657-7995. Jangru a 120 2006 january x, zuuo NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78 FOR SALE ON FEBRUARY 3, 2006 AT 10:00 A.M., AT B. J.'S TOWING VICE, 670 E. MASON AVE., APOPKA, FL32703, THE FOL ING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIt BIDDER: YR/MAKE VIN NUMBER 98 FORD 1FTZR15U3WPA5 93 MERCURY 1MELM5049PA612 88 DODGE 1B3BU4631JD199 94 JEEP 1J4FT68S9RL1465 00 CHEVROLET 1G1JC1245Y7388 B J'S TOWING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT C JECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. B J'S TOWING RESERVE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT ALL VEHICLES) ARE SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTIE NO GUARANTEES OF TITLESS. VEHICLES) MAY BE THE DAY BEFORE THE SALE FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 3:1 ONLY. PLEASE CALL (407) 886-0568 FOR FURTHER IN January 20, 2006 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AT 7:00 OCLOCK AM AT JOHN WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORL FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLC VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF TI HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE. YEAR MAKE 1996 CHEVROLET 1989 NISSAN 1996 ACURA 1989 BUICK 2004 CHEVROLET 1995 CADILLAC 1991 CADILLAC 1987 JEEP 1992 OLDSMOBILE 1997 MITSUBISHI 1995 JEEP 1989 CHEVROLET 1991 HONDA 1990 MITSUBISHI 1995 EAGLE 1993 CHEVROLET 1985 FORD 1993 HONDA 1997 DODGE 1993 CADILLAC 1986 OLDSMOBILE 1998 PONTIAC 1995 FORD 1985 CHEVROLET UNITED MOTORS 1985 CHEVROLET 1998 FORD 2001 DODGE 1992 NISSAN 1988 TOYOTA 1989 TOYOTA 1994 OLDSMOBILE VIN# 1GCCS1945T8161 JN1GB22S9KU508 JH4DB7665TS00 1 1G4AH51N9KG41 1G1JC12F1473448 1G6EL12Y6SU606E 1G6CD13B4M4297 1JCMT7847HT149 1G3HY5319NH368 JA3AY36C9VU044 1J4GZ58YXSC757 1GNDM15Z4KB12 1HGED354XML07 JA3CR56V4LZ01S9 4E3AK44Y4SE135 2G1FP22P6P2130 1FABP4636FH 184 JHMEH9591PS012 2B3HD56F2VH703 1G6DW5277PR71 1G3GM69Y7GR3C 4G2JB32T3WB20 1FALP52U8SA23C 1G1AW19R4F618! 1GCBS14E3F2142 2PAFP71WOWX11 2B3HD46R91H709 JN1EJ01P2NT110 JT2AE92W6J3133 1NXAE92E3KZ019 1G3CX52L6R4306C TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH. NO CHECKS WILL CEPTED. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL B SALES ARE FINAL NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. VEHIC VESSELS) ARE SOLD "AS IS", "WHERE IS", WITH NO ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. January 20, 2006 NOTICE OF PUBUC SALE ON FEBRUARY 10, 2006 AT 7:00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHN WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORL FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLC VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF TI HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE. MAKE CHEVROLET FORD CHEVROLET HOMEMADE ISUZU ACURA CHEVROLET FORD CHEVROLET ACURA HYDRAULIC HOMEMADE DODGE CHEVROLET FORD BUICK OLDSMOBILE BUICK OLDSMOBILE ATM FORD CHEVROLET FORD VIN# 1G1JC34T5R7317 2FALP71W7RX145 1G1BL83E7MW23 M/~i \/tM Ml IkllQCD 4S2CK58W7W4327689 JH4KA3248KC014025 1Y1SK5260SZ058976 1FALP62WXRH179634 1G1BN69H2GY176011 JH4KA7668NC019023 NOVIN000083035215 2B4GH2532NR539882 2G1WL54T3P9241305 1FTEF15Y2RNA18279 1G4CW53L7M1680523 1G3AJ55M4T6365874 1G4CW51COJ18850 2G3AJ51W1H9366360 KNJBT06H1K6134736 2G1WF55E6Y9106540 3FAPP15J3NR 148321 TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH. NO CHECKS WILL CEPTED. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL B SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. VEHIC VESSELS) ARE SOLD "AS IS", "WHERE IS", WITH NO ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. January 20, 2006 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON FEBRUARY 3, 2006 AT 8:00 AM AT ACE WRECKED SOUTH ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL, ORLANDO, FL ORANGE COUNTY, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES) W SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BID. MAKE AMC BUICK CHEVROLET CHEVROLET DODGE FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD HONDA ISUZU JEEP NISSAN TOYOTA TWIS VOLVO VIN# 2CCCK3855GB71 1G4HR54C6KH42 2G1WL54TOL925 1G1ND52JOY632 1B4GH54L5RX39 1FAPP36XONK13 1FALP52U4VA12 1FACP57U9NA1t 1FDEE14N7SHB7 1FAFP55U52A18 1HGCB7664LA04 1GGCS1447V865 1JCWW7329GT1 1N4BU31F8PC24 4T1SK12E4SU49 5F02T49A94C500 YV1FX8853K1215 ACE WRECKER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCE REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. ACE WRECKER RESERVE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT ALL VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE.TH BETWEEN 10:00 AM AND 3:00 PM ONLY. PLEASE CA 855-6631 FOR FURTHER INFO. January 20, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE 05-CA-3836 DIV 34 THE SEASONS OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida Non-profit corporation Plaintiff, vs. KEITH H. JENKINS; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-3836 DIV 34 of the Circuit Courtin and for Orange County, Florida, wherein THE SEA- SONS OWNERS ASSOCIA- TION, INC., ETC., is the Plain- tiff, and KEITH H. JENKINS; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N, Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clockA.M. on January 25, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 36 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2302 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 5 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2322 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 51 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2332 Assigned Unit Week Num- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8968 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. 60315 COCOM ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION G SE- To: SLLOW- ANGELITA M. SANTIAGO 3HEST RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against 2477 Defendant(s) ANGELITA SAN- 2136 TIAGO, a married woman, and '870 all parties having or claiming to 574 have any right, title or interest in 954 the property herein described: OR RE- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an S THE action to foreclose a mortgage/ OWED. claim of lien on the following de- S AND scribed property in Orange - SEEN County, Florida: 0O P.M. WEEK/UNIT(S) 16/86856 Of Orange Lake Country 60317 Club Villas III, a Condo- 031, minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page iSON'S 1965, in the Public Records ANDO, of Orange County, Florida, OWI NG and all amendments thereto, HE VE- the plat of which is recorded EDAND in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall 1 372 terminate: TOGETHER with 8484 314 7840 848 i889 7537 9328 3152 4479 7706 25830 9531 331 5020 '765 549 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:48-04-CA-3509 NATIONAL CITY MORTGAGE CO. PLAINTIFF VS. 328'. RAFAEL I. MACHUCA, IF UV- 1684 ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- 21176648 KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- 6648 VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- 2385 SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- )829 TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL a941 OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING 2709 AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, 4078 UNDER OR AGAINST RA- 9027 FAEL I. MACHUCA; UN- 3001 KNOWN SPOUSE OF RAFAEL 3804 I. MACHUCA, IF ANY; JEANIE 9751 ORTIZ, IF LIVING, AND IF 6056 DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, BEAC- GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, D. ALL LIENORS, CREDITORS, IcDO FLOTRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER LES)/ PARTIES CLAIMING AN IN- GUAR- TEREST BY, THROUGH, UN- DER OR AGAINST JEANIE 60318 ORTIZ; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JEANIE ORTIZ, IF ANY; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) qSON'S RE-NOTICE OF ANDO, FORECLOSURE SALE OWING HE VE- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BD AND pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated JANUARY 03, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 48-04- 609 CA-3509 of the Circuit Court of 5447 the 9th Judicial Circuit in and for 6873 ORANGE County, Orlando, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-10269 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. CHISHOLM ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BE AC- ID. ALL CLE(S)/ GUAR- To: MICHAEL W. FLAHERTY and JUDI L FLAHERTY 60319 RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) MICHAEL FLA- R, 5601 HERTY and JUDI FLAHERTY, 32839, a married couple, and all parties /ILL BE having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an 03938 action to foreclose a mortgage/ 28908 claim of lien on the following de- 7648 scribed property in Orange 7013 County, Florida: 95819 I9627 WEEK/UNIT(S) 36/2531 26245 Of Orange Lake Country 08347 Club Villas II, a Condo- 74098 minium, together with an un- 9696 divided Interest in the com- 43557 mon elements appurtenant 53071 thereto, according to the 55233 Declaration of Condominium 2373 thereof recorded in Official 9443 Records Book 4846, Page 0120 1619, in the Public Records 5920 of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, PT OR the plat of which is recorded ESTHE in Condominium Book 22, OWED. page 132-146, until 12:00 E SALE noon on the first Saturday LL 407- 2061, at which date said es- tate shall terminate: TO- 60314 ber 49 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2312 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 28 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2326 Assigned UnitWeek Num- ber 22 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2306 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 48 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2326 THE SEASONS II, a Time Share Resort according to the Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 3429, at Page 572, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number(407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 877.1, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida, on the 11 day of January, 2006.. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60251 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9708 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. LOVE ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: THOMAS A. DUNN and DEANNA A. DUNN RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) THOMAS DUNN and DEANNA DUNN, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 44/86215 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff s attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or Immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60242 Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidderforcash at Suite 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 No. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, at 11:00a.m. on the 21 day of FEB- RUARY, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 18, BLOCK C, LON- DONDERRY HILLS SEC- TION TWO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK W, PAGES 149 AND 150, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IFYOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, PA. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 04-26037(MTM.) January 13 and 20, 2006 60233 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 13 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO. CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate In this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A.-Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 20 and 27, 2006 60325 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipale in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that live (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60240 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9709 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. CAIN ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: MARCELL E. PERRY and ARTHUR L. JOHNSON, JR. RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) MARCELL E. PERRY and ARTHUR JOHN- SON, JR., a married man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 2/86545 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas Ill, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9707 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. KULON ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: ALDO L. TREJO and JOSE G. TREJO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) ALDO L TREJO and JOSE G. TREJO, a single man, a married man, and all par- ties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property In Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 47/86763 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas Ill, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5641 #40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. HEEKS ET AL, Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Donald Wesley Heeks and Jeana D. Angelini 86755/35 Note is hereby given that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Oriando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided In- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8947 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. LIMERICK ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: CARLA P. LIMERICK RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) CARLA LIMER- ICK, a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 44/3127 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noonon the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate TOGETHER with terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over In fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium In the percentage in- terest established In the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff s attorney, whose address Is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kiptinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60238 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your wrtten defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my h an d seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipflnger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate In this proceeding should contactthe Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not laterthatfive (5) days priorto the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60239 terminate; TOGETHER with a remainder over In fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks In the above described Condo- minium In the percentage In- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or In anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, In CivllAction No. 05-CA- 5641 #40 DATED this 10 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipflinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABIUTIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate In this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing Impaired, call (800) 955-8771, orvoice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20,2006 60235 a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60243 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION Case No. 05-CA-8658 DIV 33 FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. FRANCISCA ZAYAS, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure Includ- ingAward of Attorneys'Fees and Costs dated January 5, 2006, entered in Case No. 05-CA- 8658 DIV 33of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida wherein FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION is the Plaintiff and FRANCISCA ZAYAS and __ AYAS, un- known spouse of -RANCISCA ZAYAS, if married n/k/a FELIX ZAYAS; HUNTCLIFF PARKAT MEADOW WOODS HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE is/ are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidderforcash, at Suite 310, lobby, of the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue In the City of Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on the 7 day of FEBRU- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 'CASE NO.: 05-CA-8941 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. PALISCH ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: SANDRA JO ROBINSON RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) SANDRA JO ROBINSON, a single woman, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or in- terest in the property herein de- scribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim-of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 49/4285 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided Interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619. in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 22, page 132-146, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said es- tate shall terminate: TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9639 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. PARROTT ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: ANDREA K. RANEGAR ENGLISH RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) ANDREA RANE- GAR ENGLISH, a single wo- man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property In Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 34/486 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, togetherwith an un- divided Interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-5641 #40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. HEEKS ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: JASON S. PELTIER RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) JASON PELTIER, a single man, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 45/3439 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with ARY, 2006, the following de- scribed property, as set fortffl said Summary Final Judgmer of Foreclosure Including Awae of Attorneys' Fees and Cost, to wit: Lot 29, HUNTCLIFF PARIJ according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat 51, of the Public Recor of Orange County, Floridpar, DATED this 9 day of JANU ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER, CJed MAYRA I. CRU2 CIVIL COURT SA/lr Deputy CIl1I GREGG S. AHRENS, ,. ESQUIRE ) ADORNO & YOSS LLP ,',,, 2525 Ponce De Leon Boulevarid. Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33134 (305) 460-1100 -4 In accordance with theAmeris' DisabilitiesAct, persons with-li1- abilities needing a special ,c- commodation to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the ProvJt sion of Assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within, working days of your receipt fc this document; if you are heaf-- ing or voice impaired, Calf,,1; 800-955-8771. 0:. For case# 407-836-2056 o,0. January 13 and 20, 2006 ao 60231 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absoluteM as tenant in common with thdt other owners of all the unil weeks in the above det- scribed Condominium in theO percentage interest estabh wished in the Declaration 'f Condominium. 7: has been filed against you and- you are required to serve a co' of your written defenses, if 'ati' to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff-' attorney, whose address is 250s Metrocentre Blvd., Suite qol', West Palm Beach, Floridal 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of'this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relic demanded in the Complaint-' WITNESS my hand and's, of this Court on the 10 da.x,& JANUARY, 2006. .-rP Lydia Gard h CLERK OF T_ CIRCUIT COU."t' ORANGE COUNTY, FLOOR A, Phyllis Kipfinger, DA.. CIRCUIT COURT SEy Deputy C In accordance with the Amrn cans with Disabilities Act, Po- sons with disabilities needirg^ special accommodation to ticipate in this proceeding shaljt. contact the Court Administr tI A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 Nortn Orange Avenue, Orland. -1 Florida 32801, not later thatffv (5) days prior to the proceedctg If hearing impaired, (TDD) ( r 955-8771, or Voice (V) (80R 955-8770, via Florida Relay' S', vice. " January 13 and 20, 2006 60M terminate: TOGETHER wi a remainder over in fee, simple absolute as tenant In"' common with the other owrt- ' ers of all the unit weeks MA the above described Condd- minium in the percentage in-'` terest established in the Det-"' laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address Is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original wt the Clerk of this Courteitherbpt fore service on Plaintiff's atfo.- ney or immediately thereaftptjv otherwise a default will be en-' tered against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and s9al of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardnr" CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COULFTZ,1 ORANGE COUNTY, FLORID./A Phyllis Kipfinger, D.CA' CIRCUIT COURT SEAL,;A Deputy Cler In accordance with the Amein- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing-A special accommodation to par, ticipate in this proceeding shoid contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlande, Florida 32801, not later that five,, (5) days prior to the proceedingon If hearing impaired, (TDD) (809P%- 955-8771, or Voice (V) (8001,.1 955-8770, via Florida Relay Seirjy, vice. 0,o:. January 13 and 20, 2006 i 60236 . a remainder over In fee.-,aa simple absolute as tenant in- common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in - the above described Condo-.-, minium in the percentage in-, - terest established in the Dec- - laration of Condominium. ,, has been filed against you ad.r you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintifts attorney, whose address is 25056. - Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301',v West Palm Beach, Florida,'o,: 33407, within thirty (30) day" ,6 after the first publication of thiS e Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for ;he relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and sellA,' of this Court on the 10 day of';. JANUARY, 2006. .. Lydia GardnetC 2 CLERK OF THBE-, CIRCUIT COURP?,\ ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA-'> Phyllis Kipfinger, D.O.' H CIRCUIT COURT SEAL;ho' Deputy Clerk-, T In accordance with the Amed-AMl cans with Disabilities Act, per'"N sons with disabilities needing5,'l special accommodation to par-Le ticipate in this proceeding shouldSet- contact the CourtAdministrator/sc J A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 Nort'Wf, Orange Avenue, Orlando.',:,at Florida 32801, not later that fIivi. (5) days prior to the proceedingd'i . If hearing Impaired, (TDD) (800)t'7 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800)1t.. 955-8770, via Florida Relay Serz.q; ) vice. e"' January 13 and 20, 2006 *'*e.; 00241 111 ..ii--- .....i i 1.1..-11 1 1 ii .1 ^l .M-. - The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 15B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA ", CASE NO. 2003-CA-5559 VjTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC';, a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ALLAN J. ORMSBY and JACQUELINE ORMSBY, his wAfe, et. al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, WILLIAM J. ANGEL, THE ESTATE OF :INDA S. ANGEL A/K/A 'LINDA BARNHART, DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN PARTIES, JODY "BUTLER, AND VICKIE -TAYLOR COUNT VIII "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 200D, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- arige County Courthouse, 425 N6rth Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: nriit Week 39 in Unit 0621, VISTANA SPA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Spa Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3677, Page 335, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof apd supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration'). ,-The aforesaid sale will be nmade pursuantto a Final Judg- rmert of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2003-CA-5559 now pptding in the Circuit Court of thp NINTH Judicial Circuit in aridfor Orange County, Florida. ', ATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Ftorida Bar No.: 0010193 LqWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 2Vr North Eola Drive Pst Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 T-elephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in ork.r to participate in this pro- ceaping, you are entitled, at no cit-to you, to the provisions of c nain assistance. Please con- td4trCourt Administration at 425 N'rth Orange Avenue, Suite 2T3'1, Orlando, Florida 32801, TElephone (407) 836-2303 win (2) working days of your rq'ipt of this document; if you a'earing or voice impaired, ca1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60129 Do you need to receive a FAX? If so, use our FAX number: 407-889-4121. A~sk the sender to put your name and phone # on it so that we can call you when it arrives. There is a small charge. Apopka a Office Supply '437 W. Orange ,Blossom Trail, Apopka .07-889-4455 VAX: 407-889-4121 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA "-CASE NO. 2005-CA-1368 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation v plaintifff, vs- JObN ALLAN RAILTON AiK]A JOHN ALAN RAIL~TON and MARIA VIeTORIA CAPRILE A/K/A M/VICTORIA CAPRILE, his wife; et al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, UBALDO 'JEREZ AND ADRIANA 'ORTEGO COUNT VIII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350,'Orlando, inOrangeCounty Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: LTnit Week 37 in Unit 1457, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS II CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains II Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4598, Page 3299, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. .The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in CivifCase No. 2005-CA-1368 nowpending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in andforOrange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court SBy: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who t needs any accommodation in border to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tactCourt Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 213Q, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephonee (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your _ceipt of this document; if you "' hearing or voice impaired, ill 1-800-955-8771. inuary 13 and 20, 2006 \ ,. t 60121 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007695 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MILA SANCHEZ DE BAEZ a/k/a MILA DE BAEZ, a single woman; MERVIN W. VILLALOBOS and GLADYS E. VILLALOBOS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, MILA SANCHEZ DE BAEZ A/KA MILA DE BAEZ COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 42 in Unit 1650, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS II CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains II Condominium, as recorded In Official Records Book 4598, Page 3299, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA- 007695 now pending inthe Cir- cuitCourtof the NINTHJudicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No." 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando,. FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60122 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vS. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VIII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. MARY C. TUCKER 3913 8th Street N.W Washington, DC 20011 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, If dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, titleor interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., uponthefiling of acomplaintto foreclose mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VIII Unit Week 03X in Unit 0122, in GRANDE VISTA CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-7924 DIV. 34 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUS- TEE ON BEHALF OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2005- HE1 MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-HE1 PLAINTIFF VS. TABITHA M. BURNS, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST TAB- ITHA M. BURNS; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF TABITHA M. BURNS, IF ANY; LYME BAY COLONY CONDOMINIUM AS- SOCIATION, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 5, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-7924 DIV. 34 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for OR- ANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at suite 350 at the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 N. Orange Avenue in Oriando, Florida, at 11.00 a.m. on the 9th day of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007695 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MILA SANCHEZ DE BAEZ a/k/a MILA DE BAEZ, a single woman; MERVIN W. VILLALOBOS and GLADYS E. VILLALOBOS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, CARMEN LUISA RODRIGUEZ A/K/A C. LUISA RODRIGUEZ AND LUIS EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350.Orlando, inOrange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week2 in Unit 1670, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS II CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains II Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4598, Page 3299, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No 2005-CA- 007695 now pendingin the Cir- cuitCourtofthe NINTHJudicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida DATED onJanuary 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60123 Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon 'MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from thefirst day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 11 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contactCourt Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5212 #05-137-11045 January 13 and 20, 2006 60147 February, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit. UNIT 702, BUILDING 7, LYME BAY COLONY, A CONDOMINIUM ACCORD- ING TO THE DECLARA- TION OF CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2579, PAGE(S) 1029, AMENDED IN O.R. BOOK 2597, PAGE 1628, AND O.R. BOOK 2617, PAGE 1759, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO- GETHER WITH AN UNDI- VIDED INTEREST IN AND TO THE COMMON ELE- MENTS APPURTENANT THERETO Dated this 9 day of January, 2006, LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By. JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-45090 (CWF) IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance, Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771 January 13 and 20, 2006 60200 !abr popha Cjief-f 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 SDadllne: e. TUosday at 5 p.m. for Friday's publication LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 18A 19A & 5B 16B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 04-CA-9063 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. CASTILLO ET AL, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK VII Prapaipim Atibaedya 3642/49 Note is hereby given that on February 08,2006, at11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Flonda 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS ofthe iol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, aCondominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments. appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-7100 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. VERONICA L. SMITH and MICHAEL L. SMITH, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IX TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. STEPHEN HALLORAN 1233 Golden Canna Celebration, FL 34747 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., uponthe filing of acomplaintto foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT IX Unit Week 171n Unit0313, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM. according to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT,, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8219 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. RUBINO ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Damian C. Rubino and Yury Debbie Duque 4310/03 II Nigel A. Albert and Stella E. Albert 0420/33 V Michael C. Foreman and Catherine M. Foreman 0073/12 VIII Yolanda Rivera 0459/20 XI Andre F. Sequeira and Shirley Sequeira 3136/38 Note is hereby given that on February 08, 2006, at 11:00 a. m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property, Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof e- corded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Or- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: DR06-507 Division: 38 JOSEPH REID, Petitioner and MADLIN REID, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: MADLIN REID Last Known address UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it on JOSEPH REID, whose address is 7160 BLAIR DRIVE, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32818 on or before February 23, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, ROOM 320 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against terminate; TOGETHER a remainder over in simple absolute as tens common with the other ers of all the unit wee the above described Cc mini in the ercentac terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining, The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No. 04-CA- 9063 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABIUTIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20, 2006 60211 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- angeCounty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box. 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005, LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAiRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, atnocosttoyou, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact CourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771 THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5109 #05-137-08601 January 13 and 20, 2006 60143 ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall termi- nate; TOGETHER with a re- mainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining, The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No 05-CA- 8219 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clelki NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES II you are a person with a dis ability who needs any accomrr modation in older to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, orvoice impaired, call (800) 955-8770 January 13 and 20, 2006 60207 you for the relief demand petition. Copies of all court docu in this case, including orde available at the Clerk of t cult Court's office, You m view these documents up quest You must keep the C the Circuit Court's office of your current address may file Notice of Curre dress, Florida Supreme Approved Family Law 12.915.) Future papers lawsuit will be mailed to t dress on record at the cle fice. WARNING: Rule 12 Florida Family Law Rules cedure, requires certain matic disclosure of docu and information. Failure t ply can result in sanctions, ing dismissal or striking of ings. Dated: January 11, 2006. LYDIA GAR CLERK O CIRCUIT C By: VARISA RH CIRCUIT COURT Deput January 13, 20, 27 and February 3, 2008 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-3722 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. WEBB ET.AL, Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: EDWIN SANTIAGO and LEONILDA SANTIAGO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) EDWIN SANTI- AGO and LEONILDA SANTI- AGO and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOUARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 13/5208 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noonon the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-4158 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. SAULSBERRY ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: RIZALINO V. YAP and THELMA YAP RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) RIZALINO YAP and THELMA YAP, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 19/86362 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28. page 84-92, until 12 00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9021 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. TIMOTHY HAVELKA, ET AL., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Ireye Hays and Joanne Heckethorn 408 Delaware Avenue Palmyra, NJ 08075 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants, IREYE HAYS AND JOANNE HECKETHORN, and all parties having or claiming to have any nght, title or interest in the property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida COUNT II An undivided 0.4386% in- terest in Unit 44 of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's Beach Club Vil- las, a leasehold condo- minium (the Condo- minium") according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof as re- corded in Official Record Book 6531, Page 3526, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; sub- ject to that certain Ground Lease by and between DVD and Walt Disney World Corp., a Florida cor- poration, effective March 1, 2000, and any amend- ments thereto, a short form of which is recorded in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments d in the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE uments COUNTY, FLORIDA irs, are CIVIL DIVISION he Cir- nay re- CASE NO.: 03 CA 2902 pon re- BANK ONE, NATIONAL AS- SOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, lerk of Plaintiff, notified . (You vs. ant Ad- Court MELVIN L. JENKINS; UN- Form KNOWN SPOUSE OF MELVIN in this L. JENKINS; JOHN DOE; he ad- JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN rk's of- TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROP- ERTY, 2.285, Defendants. of Pro- n auto- RE-NOTICE OF iments FORECLOSURE SALE o com- includ- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN plead- pursuant to a Motion and Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 03 day of JANU- ARY. 2006, and entered in Case No. 03 CA 2902, of the Circuit IDNER Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit F THE in and for Orange County, ;OURT Florida, wherein BANK ONE, IYMES NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS T SEAL TRUSTEE is the Plaintiff and y Clerk MELVIN L. JENKINS; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF MELVIN L. JENKINS; JOHN DOE; JANE 60254 DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are de- fendants. I will sell to the high- I with est and best bidder for cash at fee ROOM 350, 425 NORTH OR- ant in ANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, FL own- 32801 at the Orange County lks in Courthouse, in ORLANDO, ondo- Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 09 ke in- terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff s attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Courteither be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60205 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, f any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attomey, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60206 thereto (the "Ground Lease"), and subject to that certain Master Decla- ration of Covenants, Con- ditions and Restrictions recorded in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, and subject to easements and restrictions of record. (Contract No.: 6007034.000) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JAMES R MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days after the first pub- licatior of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter, otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAI1A SANTIAGO CIVIIl COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the Amen- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing at the address given on the notice Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847- 1300. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1 -800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60109 day of FEBRUARY, 2006, the following descnbed property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 60, FALCON TRACE UNIT 7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 45, PAGES 3 AND 4, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate In this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 09 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: MAYRAI. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365/ Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 03-02160 January 13 and 20, 2006 60204 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8070 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. CLEMM ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF, SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK II Thomas J. Bealer and Cassie L. Barnhart 2620/40 III Jose E. Cavallini and Nydia I. Cavallini 5425/33 IV Paul J. Dumas and Betsy J. Dumas 2529/07 Note is hereby given that on February 08, 2006, at 11:00 am at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property. Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, . according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 22, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9019 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. JUDI A. O'GRADY, ET AL., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Judi A. O'Grady 1309 Locust Street Eudora, KS 66025 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, JUDI A. O'GRADY, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title orin- terest in the property herein de- scribed, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT I An undivided 0.2892% in- terest in Unit 25A of the Disney Vacation Club at The Villas at Disney's Wil- derness Lodge, a leasehold condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded In Official Record Book 6170, Page 1425, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and between DVD and Walt Disney World Corp., a Florida corporation, ef- fective March 2,1999, and any amendments thereto, a short form of which is re- corded in Official Records Book 6170, Page 1394 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida; and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-8232 DIV 34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL A. JONES; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-8232 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in andfor Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and MICHAEL A. JONES; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 29 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 752 Assigned Unit Week No. 4 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 763 Assigned Unit Week No. 39 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1153 Assigned Unit Week No. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 04-CA-9732 DIV 33 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC, Plaintiff, vs. EUGENE PETERS A/K/A EU- GENE R. PETERS; ISPC; WEDGEFIELD HOMEOWN- ERS ASSOCIATION, INC; CHRISTINA L. PETERS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUB- JECT PROPERTY, Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursuant to a Motion and Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 04day of JANU- ARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 04-CA-9732 DIV 33, of the CircuitCourt of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein COUNTRY- WIDE HOME LOANS, INC is the Plaintiff and EUGENE PETERS A/K/A EUGENE R. PETERS; ISPC; WEDGEFIELD HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC; CHRISTINA L. PETERS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for 'cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, Page 132-146 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said aes- tate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuantto the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, inCivilAction No. 05-CA- 8070 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your' receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, orvoice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20, 2006 60209 subject to that certain Master Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded In Official Records Book 6170, Page 1376, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and sub- ject to easements and re- strictions of record. (Contract No.: 5006763.000) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the Amenri- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not late- , than seven days prior to the pro- ceeding at the address given on the notice. Telephone: Orangs County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847- 1300. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 <'160110 10 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No.1615 Assigned Unit Week No. 29 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1317 Assigned Unit Week No. 11 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1338 Assigned Unit Week No. . 28 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1236 Assigned Unit Week No. 30 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 1165 WESTGATE LAKES II, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5000, at Page 3118, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation inorderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60227 in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 07 day of FEBRU- ARY, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit THE SOUTH 150 FEET OF TRACT 8,ROCKET CITY UNIT 8A NKA CAPE OR- LANDO ESTATES UNIT 8A, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORD- ED IN PLAT BOOK Z, PAGES 106 THROUGH 109, INCLUSIVE OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding orto access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 09 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 -Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 04-08156 January 13 and 20,2006 60202". I I1 . .... .. .. . .. S - I -..- The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 16B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday CLASSIFIED INDEX Call 407-886-2777 To Place Your Ad. Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. 01. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. Counseling 13. Good Things To Eat 14. Legal Services 15 Lost and Found 16, Notices 17. Personals 18. Vacation Information 19. Wanted 20. Antiques & Collectibles 21 Health & Nutrition 30. EMPLOYMENT 31 Employment Wanted 32 Help Wanted 33 Part-Time Help Wanted 40. FINANCIAL 4 1. Business Opportunities 42, Money To Lend 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS AND LIVESTOCK 51. Horses 52. Pets 53 Miscellaneous 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. Appliances, Large 62. Appliances, Small 63. Farm Supplies & Equipment 64. Foliage For Sale 65. Furniture 66. Garage Sales 67. Musical Instruments 68. Nursery Supplies 69. Sporting Goods 70. Miscellaneous 71 Jewelry 72. Computers/Electronics 80. TRANSPORTATION 81. Autos For Sale 82. Boats For Sale 83. Motorcycles For Sale 84. Recreational Vehicles For Sale 86. Trucks For Sale 87 Vans For Sale 88 Transportation For Hire 89 Trailers For Sale 90. AUTOMOTIVE 91. Automotive Repair &Parts 92. Auto Accessories 93. Auto Detailing 94. Miscellaneous 110. SERVICES 111. Child Care 112. Home 113. Landscaping 114. Professional 115. Elderly Care 116. Miscellaneous 117. Cemetery 120. SCHOOLS 121 Professional 122. Trade 130. REAL ESTATE 131. Vacant Land 132. Condominiums For Sale 133. Homes For Sale 134. Townhomes/Duplexes For Sale 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 136. Mobile Homes/RVs For Sale 137. Commercial Property For Sale 138. Homes To Share 139. Apartments/Condos For Rent 140. Homes/Duplexes For Rent 141. Mobile Homes For Rent 141A. Manufactured Homes For Rent 142. Rooms For Rent 143. Offices For Rent 144 Commercial Property For Rent 145. Real Estate Wanted 146. Exchange 147. Nurseries for Sale or Rent 148. Rental Property Wanted I SeniorDsc (popk Botle You are subscribing to the BEST when you subscribe to [popkia I)icf Only $18 for 52 issues for Orange County residents. ($23 for other than Orange County residents.) Call 407-886-2777 for information BW I storage Sp 407-322-7 (24 hrs.) PM t !f!27-2449 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 17B CLASSIFIED Call 407-888-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday . 14. Legal Services 82. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted ^4 aff% Ari Do you have something to sell? Place your classified ad in our paper. Our readers would like to hear from you. Deadline is Mondays at 5 p.m. Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 VClI)e ApoptlaI iefji & The Planter Newspapers U1. TOOU LATE TO CLASSIFY DO YOU HOUSE SIT? Advertise your services here next week. Call The Planter and The Apopka Chief at 407-886-2777. 10. ANNOUNCE- MENTS 12. CounseUlng 13. Good Things To Eat 14. Legal Services 407-654-2371 525 N. Lakewood Ave., Ocoee Nights Weekends Walk-ins Visas* Work Permits Citizenships G Residence Cards Family Petitions Visiting Visas Quit Claim Deeds Fiance Visas Translations Without children, property or debt $160 with children, property or debt FREE Consultation Se habla Espaiol Non-Lawyer LEANING TREE Greeting Cards are now available at iApopka 0 office I Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 32712 Phone: 407-889-4455 Need a fax sent or received? If so, use our Fax: 407-889-4121 Help VFW Post 10147. In this case, a brick would be a GOOD GIFT! Apopka/Altamonte Springs Post 10147 VFW is having a fund-raising drive -- bricks are being installed in the loggia and sidewalks of the new building and are available for $50 each for one line of 15 characters, or Two lines for $55 and - three lines are $60. Fill out the form below as you would like your copy to appear and return it with your check. Send payment to: P. 0. Box 912, Apopka, FL 32704-0912 Remember that it is tax deductible. If purchasing more than one brick, make copies of this form. A form must accompany each brick that is ordered. Name Address: City, State and Zip Line 1 rL00000000000 Line 2 WLDDWWLJWWE:J Line 3 IIIDDDDDDDII I[DDDII 1 Telephone: One Line = $50 each brick Two lines = $55 each brick Three lines = $60 each brick ,'f I SERVICE TO RENDER? Advertise for clients here next week. Call 407-886- 2777. BANKRUPTCY IS ALL we do. Over 23 years ex- perience in bankruptcy law. Chapter 7, 11, & 13. Mention this ad for free consultation. Robert H. Pflueger, P.A. 407-339- 2022. J N0113-0120 ROB 14 FAMILY, CRIMINAL, im- migration, wills & trusts. Laura Sterling, P.A., At- torney at Law. Call 407- 331-5505. J N0120-0127 TFN STE 14 15. Lost and Found MALE, 1 YEAR, BASSET hound from Golden Gem Road, Apopka. Answers to Fred. Contact 407-880- 9786. N0113-0120 CAS 15 16. Notices COMPUTER REPAIR - Home or business. Fast turn-around. Manage- ment Solutions. Offering years of professional ser- vice & knowledge. 404W. Main Street, Apopka. 407- 410-0013. J N0120-0127 TFN MAN 16 17. Personals 18. Vacation information 19. Wanted Cell Phones Wanted Will buy used cell phones 407-889-5554 20. Antiques & Coectildes 21. Health & Nutrition PET CARE Pet Care Center of Apopka. Rock Springs Road & Ponkan. Full service. Bloodwork, x-rays. Always caring for your family pet. 407-884- 8924. J N0120-0127 TFN PET 21 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted ENJOY LEARNING TO play piano. 5 years through adults in my home. Call Judy. 407-928- 9010. C0113-0203 MCC 31 32. Help Wanted Maintenance Person for greenhouse. 3 years exp. Call 321-231-4240 HELP WANTED Greenhouse and plant nursery research assistant/helper. Contact Robert Stamps at 407-884-2034, ext. 164, EOE/AAE Needed PT for Busy CPA (Tax Season) Call 407-886-4331 Ask for Dawn or Fax Resume 407-880-8077j DIESEL MECHANIC Benefits plus $18/hr. start for experience with truck, forklift, trailers, & tractors. 407-877-0709 PHARMACY OPPORTUNITIES join the team whose compas- sionate competence has earned us recognition by J.D. Power and Associates as one of America's most Distinguished Hospital We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the following opportunities: STAFF PHARMACISTS 7 On/7 Off Nights 8am- 4:30pm M-F PHARMACY TECH Stat Tech 12:30pm 9pmr M-F For more information or for immediate consideration, forward your resume to or contact Karin D'Aurora at (352) 253-3997 or call toll-free 877-298-7329. Fax (352) 253-3454 or email: Karin.d'aurora@ahss.org. Visit our website at wwwfhwatorg DF/SF/WP F Xpi HsiA L~It'll,~ m Mechanic/Assembly Tech Wanted Truck Body Manufacturing Company Good Pay for Qualified Applicant Apopka/SR 441 Area Assembly of Construction Lube & Mechanic/Service Trucks Air & Hydraulic Systems, and other General Mechanical Skills Helpful Must have own tools/transportation Call 407-889-5688 or 321-228-6574 NOW HIRING ALL kitchen positions needed. Competitive wages, Day-One Insurance options, Full and Part time positions available. Accepting applications Mon. Frt. 2pm 6pm 340 W. SR. 436, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 I 407-682-3636 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 17B I Experienced Auto Mechanic needed. 5-day work week. Excellent pay & benefits to qualified person. (Apopka) 407-880-8221 Evergreen is - currently interviewing for Lawn Care & Pest Control Specialist. We offer a great work environment, top compensation (32-35 K/Yr), and great benefits. Fax resume to 407-880-3777 or call 407-880-6655 today. You'll be glad you did! REGISTERED NURSES Join the team whose compas- sionate competence has earned us recognition byJ.D. Power and Associates as one of America's most Distinguished Hospitals. We are currently seeking qualified RNs for the following opportunities: Home Care Services (FT days) Infection Control Practitioner (FT days) Cardio Pulmonary (FT nights) Labor & Delivery (Fr nights) *PACU (FT evenings) Case Management (Flex) Human Resources (Flex) For more information or for immediate-consideration, forward your resume to or contact Karin D'Aurora at (352) 253-3997; Fax (352) 253-3454 or email- Karin.d'aurora@ahss.org. www.fhwat.org EOE l , DF/SF/WP , Am "PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY" Immediate openings. Previous exp. machine operation helpful. Tobacco- free work environment. Lake County. Call Exceptional Staffing 407-649-8890 Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses is looking for full time production and shipping people. Apply at 2009 Marden Road, Apopka 8:30 am 4:30 pm, Mon. Fri. Two full time positions available, Scanning Clerk & Contract Processor. Must have proficient com- puter skills. We offer 401K, Medical & Dental benefits. EOE, DFE. | If you'd like to join the Woodlawn team, fax resume to Angel at 407-295-7720. West Orlando. WELDERS, LAYOUTS & Fitters. Overtime, excel- lent benefits. Call 407- 293-0120 or come by Foote Steele Corp., 6635 Edgewater Drive, Or- lando. E.O.E. A0120-0210 TFN FOO 32 CONCRETE CURB la- borer needed. Experience helpful. Transportation a must. Willing to work and learn. Call 407-886-3394. Leave message. B0113-0203 TFN RIG 32 EXPERIENCED AUTO mechanic wanted. Must have diagnostic ability, top notch skills and be able to work with the latest equip- ment. We offer great pay & benefits to the right per- son. 5 day work week. Call 407-880-3530. E A0113-0120 J&K 32 DRIVER Sod, CLASS A Local, Clean MVR, $40K Plus Benefits. Off Road & Forklift Experience Required. 407-877-0709 MAINTENANCE" First line diag- nostic building & equipment. Responsible for in-house repairs. Exp. with AC, plumb- ing, motors. Standing, lifting required. Benefits, FT M-F 407-598-1209 EARN EXTRA MONEY Do product taste tests and product evaluations. 436 & Hunt Club. Consumer Connections. 407-862- 1174. CC0113-0203 TFN CON 32 PAINTER & SUB con- tractors wanted. Experi- enced only. Call Jim 407- 832-9812. W0805-0728/06 STO 32 DRIVERS NEEDED - Class A or B. 407-947- 9198. A0113-0203 TFN MCG 32 HELP NEEDED-NO ex- perience necessary. McGee Tire Shop, 130 E. 7th Street. 407-889-9250. A0113-0203 TFN MCG 32 EXPERIENCED AUTO mechanic wanted. Good pay. Call 407-461-8306. E N0113-0120 TFN MAS 32 LANDSCAPEforeman, 5 yrs. exp. Layout, reprints, comm/res. Class B Li- cense. 407-884-0303, 407-467-7282. B0113-0203 MJM 32 RECEPTIONIST AND veterinarian and kennel technician for local ani- mal hospital. Experienced preferred, but will train. Enthusiasm and good work ethic valued above all. 407-774-1515. Fax 407-774-0388. C0113-0203 RIV 32 PLUMBERS & helpers needed immediately. Greatpay. 407-388-0000. CC0113-0303 JEF 32 OFFICE CLERK, inven- tory management person. Irrigation wholesale dis- tributor. Class "D" CDL license. 2621 W. OBT, Apopka. 407-889-0212. B0113-0203 TFN TWC 32 BEAUTIFUL& BEYOND Lead stylist looking to .build a team of self-moti- vated artistic hairstylist, nail tech and massage therapists with a follow- ing. Rental or commis- sion. Call Narciso. 407- 880-1300. E N0113-0120 BEA32 1020 Ocoee-Apopka Road A~N~R Suite #100 Apopka, FL 32703 (DOOR SYSTEMS, INC) (407) 880-4664 Overhead Door Installers Needed Monday- Friday, 50-60 hrs../ week. Excellent pay & benefits ^Experience helpful but will train right person MUST be 18, dependable, able to lift heavy objects AND have VALID FL drivers license. Nights 9:00 PM 5:00 AM. We clean shopping centers and malls. Must be dependable, reliable & fast moving, able to carry backpack blower and strong enough to lift trashbags. Dependable with good attitude and stable work history. Clean License and dependable transportation. Starting $300 $350 a week depending on experience. Variable nights off. Call 407-298-1456 for interview. MOIUYMAID. A Beter Way To Liw. Join the Molly Maid family today! Good pay No weekends, evenings or holidays Company car Medical & dental benefits available *Paid holidays & vacation time No experience required Positive Atmosphere Call today to learn more about becoming a Molly Maid Home Service Professional. 321-303-0816 TEAK ISLE, Inc., A manufacturer of quality marine accessories, is in need of full-time employees.for night and day shift Fokif OprtrSaie ules mmN prtr, oi ufc Fast growing company provides hard workers with opportunity for advancement. Woodworking and assembly skills preferred. We are a drug-free workplace. Apply in person Monday Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 401 Capitol Court, Ocoee or fax resume to 407-656-2344 MECHANIC 1 United Rentals Heavy Machinery is seeking a mechanic to maintain and repair excavators, dozers, articulated end dumps, motor graders, compaction equipment and loaders. Must have a high school diploma with 3+ years experience repairing equipment with mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical systems. We offer a competitive compensation and health benefits package including 401K plan.*, Email mabrow*@ur.com. EOE VFW "BUY A BRICK" Fund Raiser - Help us with our building fund drive! I -1 r- 32. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED kitchen prep. 407-886-2360. B0113-0203 TFN ROM 32 EXPERIENCED dish- washer & PT/FT break- fast cook needed. Call 407-886-3344. Ask for Ken or apply in person. 657 W. O.B.T., Apopka. W0113-0203 KEN 32 PRODUCTION workers needed. Entry level. Will train. 12 hour shifts. Full time, 3-4 days a week. Steady work history & H.S. degree required. Call 407-599-5102 or apply online www.corestaff.com. B1230-0120 COR 32 NEED EXPERIENCED breakfast cook. Good pay. Zellwood Station Country Club. Apply in person. 407-889-5131. B1230-0120 WHI 32 OVERHEAD DOOR in- stallers needed. Commer- cial construction & weld- ing experience a plus. Must have clean driving record & transportation. Full time with overtime. Apopka area. Call 407- 884-5955. CC0113-0203 FLO 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE help wanted. Depend- able. Top pay. 407-880- 8048. W0113-0203 TAY 32 CDL "A" DRIVERS Apopka-based LTL car- rier hiring OTR 2, 3 & 4 week runs. Also FL-GA drivers. Homeweekends. 2 years experience re- quired. No HAZMAT. Great equipment & ben- efits including direct de- posit, 401(k), medical/ dental/vision, bonus & ride programs! Call John. 888- 966-2953 or apply online @ honey-bestway.com. 130113-0203 HON 32 82. Help Wanted INSURANCE AGENCY looking for strong sales, customer oriented person. Computer literate, self- motivated, bilingual. Fax resumes to 407-884- 0068., CC0113-0203 ALL 32 CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring concrete foreman. Minimum 3 years experi- ence. Full time. Benefits. Affirmative Action EOE/ Drug Free M/F/D/VN. W1216-0630 CAS 32 CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring concrete curb fin- ishers. Full time. Benefits. Affirmative Action EOE/ Drug Free M/F/D/V. W1216-0630 CAS 32 FULL TIME HELP wanted. Must be bilingual. Office experience & basic computer required. Tax experience preferred. Monday-Friday. Apopka area. 407-814-1810. E N0113-0120 BAX 32 2 WAREHOUSE workers needed for manufacturing company in Apopka. 2 years experience in ship- ping/receiving. Pay $9- $11/hour. Send resume today to maitland@corestaff.com or fax to 407-644-0028. Applications available at www.corestaff.com. B1230-0120 COR 32 BARN HELP: STALL cleaning Mondaythrough Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Starts at $6.50. Call Dee 407-353-6673. CC1230-0120 FOS 32 RECEPTIONIST for medical office. Experi-: _._.. ence in medical terminol- ogy, computer skills. No smoking. Send resumeto: P.O. Box 2556, Apopka, FL 32704. B1230-0120 MOR32 The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 18B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 32. Help Wanted ARE YOU LOOKING for an employee? Advertise here next week. Call 407- 886-2777. RECEPTIONIST & op- tometrist tech needed for a small friendly optical. Will train for right person. Must have a good attitude & work ethic. Team player & professional phone eti- quette. Clarke's Optical. 407-862-2020. Michelle or Clarke. W1230-0120 CLA 32 HELP WANTED Mar- keters. Get paid to wave. Please call 407-884-9003. CC0120-0210 LIB 32 EXPERIENCED &trainee level telecommunication technicians. Fax resume to 407-389-4378. W0106-0224 STR 32 CODING MACHINE op- erator needed for factory in Apopka. Will train. 407- 889-3900. CC0106-0127 KCP 32 NOW HIRING MATURE, energetic crewmemberst We clean homes Monday- Friday, no weekends. Start $9/hour plus paid mileage. Weekly pay. Each applicant needs a car. English required. Drug free workplace. Call 407-877-7738 after90a.m. CCO106-0127 COT 32 APOPKA EVENTS CO. needs experienced tent person. Must have verifi- able experience & pass drug test. 407-435-9191. CC0106-0127 HOL 32 32. Help Wanted BWI NOW HIRING die- sel service tech. Starting pay $35K & up. Full ben- efits. Fax resume to: 407- 884-0701 or apply BWI, 3700 W. OBT, Apopka. 407-884-0242. BO106-0127 BWI 32 EXPERIENCED PHONE person needed. Apopka location. PTdays. Weekly pay salary plus bonus. Call 407-464-2169. B0120 PRO 32 WANTED GENERAL manager. BBQ restaurant In Apopka. Fax resume. 407-880-3352. CC0106.0127 POR 32 EXPERIENCED TREE man. Driver's license a plus. 407-832-5458 or 407-886-7920. CCO0113-0203 WIN 32 STYLIST POSITIONS available for busy salon. Full & part time available. Hair Now. 321-239-3727. A0113-0203 HAl 32 WANTED FRONT of- fice administrative assis- tant for small sales busi- ness in downtown Apopka. Must have a minimum of 5 years ex- perience with MS Office, QuickBooks & general office duties. Please send resume & income require- ments via email to info@psipos.com or fax to 321-415-0303. No agencies. CC0113-0120 PLA 32 Announcements Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. Building Materials METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manu- facturer. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. Business Opportunities ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! CELL PHONE STORES "WE FIND LOCATIONS" Florida $79K, Turnkey Start-ups all inclusive *Complete Training *Huge Profit *Quick Return *High Volume *All Carriers Call: (954)796-0000. Partner with doctor's- Earn doctor's income. Full Training & Support. Call (800)311-9365 24 hours. Professional Vending Route: Snacks, Soda, Water, Juice, Healthy Snacks. All Brands, Excellent Equipment/Service. Financing Available w/$7500 Down. (877)843-8726. AIN#2002-037. Financial CREATIVE FINANCING for ALL your business needs! Equipment Leasing, Specialty Truck Financing, Medical Working Capital Loans, SBA Loans, A/R Financing, Busi- ness Acquisition Financing. (877)452-1725 www.bluefinancialservices.com. Health LOWEST PRESCRIPTION PRICES Less than Canada. Better than MedicareD. Fosamax 70mg $16.00, Plavix $41.00,Lipitor20mg..$37.00/month.Viagra 100mg..$2.75/ pill. Global Medicines (866)634-0720 www.globalmedicines.net. Help Wanted Driver- COVENANT TRANSPORT. Excellent Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses Available. Refrigerated Now Available. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729). BECOME A Mystery Shopper! GAPbuster is currently recruiting mystery shoppers. Get paid to shop and improve customer service. Apply now at: www.gapbuster.com/xec. Wanted Class 8,7,6 Diesel Mechanics with Certification in CATS, Cummins or Detroit. Must have 5 years experience. Excellent pay and continued training. (863)668-9525. COSMETOLOGIST Be a part of a 210 Salon chain in Florida, Make $$$, Career Options. Hair Cuttery (800)ASK-Job l. EOE. BANKCARD SALES $49. Lease= $1440./ $59.= 1791 Lifetime Vested Residuals 1.65% + 19.5 -100% above. (888)637-2426 X 226 Exp Req. (Week of January 16, 2006) L_________---- 32. Help Wanted MEAL FRAMERS - Residential, laborers & apprentices. No experi- ence necessary. Serious inquires only. 407-886- 6893. B0113-0203 MET 32 FULL TIME SERVERS 100% flexibility. $7/hour to start. Apply at Porky's BBQ Restaurant, Tues- day thru Thursday, 2 4 p.m., 256 E. Main Street, Apopka. CC0113-0120 POR 32 ROOF SERVICE TECH needed. Will train right person. Apply at 894 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Or- lando or call 407-660- 8552. CC0113-0203 ONE 32 ELECTRICALtechnician needed. Electrical expe- rience a must for motor operator trouble shooting & installation. Must have clean driving record & transportation. FT with overtime. Apopka area. Call 407-884-5955. CC0113-0203 FLO 32 INTERESTING FULL or parttimephonework. Call businesses all over the country. No experience necessary. 407-774- 5335. A0113-0203 TFN PUB 32 LABORERS NEEDED Day & night shifts avail- able. Full time. Medical benefits. Apply in person, 6424 W. Jones Avenue, Zellwood or 2983 Orange Avenue, Plymouth. 407- 886-2511. A0113-0203 WEK 32 82. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted 51. Horses IMMEDIATE POSITION Assemble items at home. $500 weekly pay poten- tial. Any hours. Easy work. No experience. Info 1-985-646-1700. Dept. FL-344. 00120 BAY 32 CSR-CLERICAL Cus- tomer service & computer experience preferred. FT, Monday-Friday + ben- efits. Apopka area. Call 407-880-6655 or fax re- sume to 407-880-3777. DW0120-0210 EVE 32 PART TIME receptionist. Apopka company needs experienced receptionist to work 2-3 hours a day, Monday-Friday during lunch. $9/hour. Call 407- 599-5102 or apply online at www.corestaff.com. B0120-0210 COR 32 LOCAL ROUTE driver needed. Class A or B. Must have good customer service & communication skills. Must be able to lift 80 lIbs. Clean back- ground. High school grad. Route experience pre- ferred. Call Carlos at 407- 884-3243 for an interview or fax a resume to 407- 880-4144. B0120-0127 STE 32 AVON FT/PT/MGMT. opportunity. Join my team. Earn 50% profit for 2 months. Health insur- ance available. Call Cindy 407-886-9470 for ap- pointment. CC0120 CUR 32 NEEDED- ESTIMATOR for commercial doors & hardware. Apopka office. 407-880-2080. W0120-0210 COM 32 LICENSED REAL estate agents needed. No desk fees. Call for interview. Rohrer Realty, Inc. 407- 880-0933. 80120-0210 ROH 32 BARN HELP Part time & full time available. Pre- vious horse experience required. Must speak En- glish. 407-886-1955. B0120-0210 ERR 32 MANAGER & assistant. Self storage. Computer skills required. Salary, benefits. Contact Rick at Storage Masters. 407- 291-4443. W0120-0210 STO 32 WANTED-EXCAVA- TOR operator, pipe lay- ers, hillman, tailman & la- borers. Call Paul. 386- 433-6129 (cell). CC0120-0210 GRE 32 Drivers Wanted! Flexible Hours $10-$15/Hour Average Commission and Tips Nightly CONCRETE FINISH- ERS & helpers. Pool deck experience preferred. 321-229-1012 or 321- 229-9683. C0C120-0210 HOL 32 FULLTIME LAWN main- tenance. Experience re- quired. $8 per hour with performance raises. 407- 884-9086. C0120SAM32 LARGE WHOLESALE nursery seeking enthusi- astic personnel to fill the following positions. Office administrator/reception- ist/production department supervisor & laborers. Applications accepted Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m., 550 East Keene Road, Apopka, FL 32703. Phone: 407-886- 6122. CC0120-0210 KER 32 APPRENTICE NEEDED for security camera com- pany. Some attic work. ust be able to lift 50 Ibs. & work on ladders. Pay based on experience. 321-278-7109, 407-886- 0145. E N0120-0210 ALL 32 SECURITY OFFICERS needed. FT/PT. Good starting pay. Weekly pay & benefits. 407-851-7252. T B0120-0210 FOX 32 SQUARE horse ha 352-483-( 52. Pets E BALES OF y. $4.50 each. 3407. W1O 13-0203 BIS 51 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. Appliances, Large PT BOOKKEEPER for law office. 21 hours per week. Fax resume to 407- 886-0087. B0120-0210 MCL 32 WANTED ICE CREAM drivers. Must have driver's license. Can make great pay. Call 321-279-9595 or 407-814-7046, CC0120-0210 BET 32 HELP WANTED PT - Construction work, painter, handyman, clean- ups. Call 407-299-4158. D CC0120-0126 SMI 32 33. Part -Time Help Wanted 40. FINANCIAL 41. Business Opportunities A CASH COWI 90 vend- ing machine units. You OK locations. Entire business $10,670. Hurryl 800-836- 3464. #802428. CC0120 SUC 41 42. Money To Land 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS & LIVESTOCK F-UR SALE: RED NOSE Lelypitbulls. 10 weeksold. Sweet disposition. Par- ents can be seen. 407- 880-9369,407-470-4248, 407-468-9903. C0106-0127 GUN 52 53. Miscellaneous PET CARE Pet Care Center of Apopka. Rock Springs Road & Ponkan. Full service. Bloodwork, x-rays. Always caring for your family pet. 407-884- 8924. J N0120-0127 TFN PET 53 MATTRESSES & furni- ture. Bunk beds, day beds, futons, memory foam. Furniture for the entire house. Sit& sleep. Victoria Plaza. 407-814-2331. E N0113-0120 TFN FLO 65 DINING ROOM Cherry wood double pedestal table with 2 leaves, 6 Chip- pendale chairs, lighted china cabinet. New, in box. Cost $4,900. Sacrifice $1,650. Server available. 407-260-2088/ CC0113-0203 MEY 65 Woodland Road, Cairo, GA Saturday -:- January 28 -:- 10:00 a.m. Excellent Cattle Farm * Great For Hay Production Small Tracts For Homesites Fenced & Cross-F * Just North of Cairo's City Limits Excellent Mini-Farms 38 Acres Timber * Paved Road Access On Woodland Road 50' x 90' Steel Frame Barn Well Stocked Pond Myers Jackson. AARE CES. Auction Coordinator Rowell Auctions, Inc. ROWELL 800-323-8388 ROWELLU AUCTIONS 10% Buyer's Premium GAL AU-C002594 AUCTIONS enced land d For oreInfraio wowlacions* com AVERAGE POSTAL EMPLOYEE EARNS $57,000/ YR Minimum Starting Pay $18.00/hr. Benefits/Paid Train- ing and Vacations. No Experience Needed (800)584-1775 Ref #5600. CYPRESS TRUCK LINES, INC Driver Designed Dis- patch. FLA ONLY/Flat Bed students welcome. Home Every WeekEnd Most Nights (800)545-1351 www.cvpresstruck.com. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADEMYJACKSONVILLE'S CDL SCHOOL ANNOUNCES ITS GRAND OPENING! *Financing Available Call For Details (866)889-0210. Driver- NOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker,no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950. Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment. PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Deoartment i. Legal Services DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one signature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000. ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. NEED A LAWYER? A-A-A ATTORNEY REFERRAL SERVICE *Divorce *Custody *Restraining Orders *Visita- tion *Property *Modifications (800)733-LEGAL (800-733-5342). Miscellaneous EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job Placement. Computer provided. Financial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onlinetidewatertech.com. Real Estate North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA.WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.chcrokeemountainrealty.coim Call for Free Brochure (800)841-5868. NC MOUNTAINS-Log cabin $89,900. basyto finishcabin on secluded site. Million $$$ Views Available on 1-7 acre parcels $29,900-$79,900. Free Info Available! (828)256-1004. Coastal Southeast Georgia Large wooded water access. marsh view, lake front, and golf oriented hoiinsiIcs from the nmid $70's Live oaks. pool, tennis, golf. (877)266-7376. www,.coopers)point.com. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUM- MERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REALTY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROPERTIES www.exitmurplhy.com. MOVE TO TENNESSEE! LOOKING FOR LAKE LOTS, LAKE HOMES, LAND, FARMS, VICTORIANS, IN- VESTMENT OR MARINAS WE HAVE IT ALL AT AFFORDABLE PRICES. EXECUTIVE CHOICE REAL ESTATE IN TENNESSEE (865)717-7775 CHARLOTTE BRANSON AGENT OR VISIT MY WEBSITE WWW.EXECUTIVECHOICEREALESTATE.COM OR WWW.CHARLOTTEBRANSON.COM. Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. Adjoins Pristine State Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC. Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams. www.liveinwv.com. NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on mountain top in gated community,view,trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access, $119,500 owner (866)789-8535 www.NC77.com. TENNESSEE LAKEFRONT HOMESITES 1 to 6 acres from the $40s. Spectacular lake, mountain and wooded nature sites newly released.Just l-1/2 hours to Nashville. Don't miss out! Call (866)339-4966. TENNESSEE LAKESIDE RETREATS New gated com- munity. Incredible lake & mountain views. I to 5 acre building sites from the $40s. Lake access,boat ramp, private slips (limited). Don't miss out. Call (866)292-5769. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA Peaceful gated community. Incredible riverfront and mountain view homesites. I to 8 acres from the $60s. Custom lodge, hiking trails. 5 miles to natural hot springs. Call (866)292-5762. E Tennessee Lake Properties Homes from $200,000 to $1,000,000. Lakefront lots from $100,000 Lakeview lots from $35,000 Call Lakeside Realty (423)626-5820 or visit www.lakesidercalty-tn.com. EAST TENNESSEE PROPERTIES FOR SALE- Sold by owner. Log Homes, Lots & Acreage near Pigeon Forge- Gatlinburg, Newport & White Pine. Call Ricky Bryant (423)623-2537. Government Foreclosed Homes!!! $0 or Low Down! No credit OK! Bank & Gov't Repos available now! HUD, VA, FHA For Listings (800)749-2750. COASTALNC DEEPWATER! Off- season Special- Save Big! 10 acres- $139,900. Beautifully wooded,deep boatable water, long pristine shoreline. Access to ICW, Atlantic, Sounds. Power, phone, perked. Excellent financing. Call now (800)732-6601 x 1458. Adult Communities and Other Properties For Sale Ocala / Marion County Team Real Estate of Ocala, Inc. Realtor - Multiple Listing Service (888)391-6658. Your Ad Could Be Here Runyour ad STATEWIDE!!! Foronly $450youcan place your 25 word classified ad in over 150 newspapers throughout the state reaching over 5 MILLION readers. Call this newspaper or Advertising Networks of Florida at (866)742- 1373. Visit us online at www.florida-classifieds.com. Display ads also available. ANF Advertising Networks of Florida The Waggoners Trucking-Established 1951 Now Recruiting drivers for our SE Auto Transport Division. Drivers must have a valid Class A CDL, 1 year and 100K verifiable OTR miles. Stable work history and clean MVR is a must. Great Pay, Great Benefits, Matching 401K. Contact Susan or John at (866) 413-3074 EOE Homeowners who owe the IRS must read this before April 15 If you ovwe $10.000 or more in past due taxes, there are four solutions: (1) You can pay it in full. This is, of course. your best option. (2) You can pay it o'f with a cred- it card. This is not a good solution- unless you can pay off your credit card in lfsll quickly. Besides. the IRS charges you a hell "conten-- icnce" fee. (3) You can borrow from a Il lend or relative. You already know this is not a good idea. (4) You can use the eqLui in vouit home to pat offyour debts. This is your best option andi we have the best program. ONE I. \we guarantee the loist r-ate in writing. We will beat all offers- or we'll pas )sou $250 TWO. we will not increase \our rate even if you ha\ e a lo\ credit score. We don't let a computer tell us w\hat to do. We can give you a loan when others say no even if you have a "low" credit score. THRI.E, there's an excellent chance your loan will be approved. We approve 6 out of 7 applicants. And some of these people have credit scores belos\ 540. You have an 86% chance of getting a loan-no matter your situation. Why must you call before April 15? Because you don't know what the IR.S may do after April 15. They may garnish our wages. seize your car or even foreclose Nour house. I here's no reason to owe the IRS if \uU ha\c equity in your home. We can tell .ou--free of charge- and over the phone if tou qualikl. .Open 7 days. (all 1-800-700-1242, ext. 283 Honey Mae Homoe Loans i licensed by the Florda Department of Financial Services Call J.G. Wentworth's Annuity Purchase Program 866-IND-549. J.G.WENTWORTH. ANNUITY PLRCHASF PROCRAIA S^McCoy Federal Credit Union NOW HIRING TELLERS FOR APOPKA OFFICE To be considered for the Teller position you will need the following qualifications: High school diploma Minimum 1 year related cash handling experience Must be continually alert, use sound judgment, and show patience Able to add, subtract, multiply and divide Able to read and comprehend English Able to communicate effectively Minumum Starting wage $9.00 per hour McCoy Federal Credit Union offers excellent benefits and a strong commitment to our team members. We are seeking strongly motivated Individuals to become part of our team. Please APPLY IN PERSON at: McCoy Federal Credit Union 35 W. Michigan Street Orlando FL, 32606 between the hours of 9:00 am. and 4:00 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. www.mccoyfcu.org (407) 855-5452 DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas in Florida WHOLE:SA]LE !PR~ 1 .~ICINGu.- 95.4-5 65 0 N%. Ole I I L t AQUARIUMS Salt & 62. Appliances, Smal fresh. Also live rock & f P . fish. Reptile tanks, all equipment new & used. 407-924-2789. 63. Farm Supplies & CC01 13-0203 WES 52 Equipment TONS OF KITTENS All colors. First shots, wormed, Advantage. $40 LIVESTOCK FENCING, adoption fee includes poultry wire, field fence, spay/neuter. Please bring barb wire, hardware cloth pet carrier.352 Cat Protection Pressure treated post & Society. 1-352-735-2287. poles (20 yr. warranty). E0113-0203 GAU 52 Split and full rail fencing. UKC BLUE NOSE Call Ryans Lumber at A.P.B.T. Two females, 2 407-886-3141. males. $600. First shot, J A0113-0120 RYA 63 health certificate. Ready__ _ 12-29-05. ContactBrettor 04. Foliage For Sale Kim at 407-765-7762. W0120-021o 52 urnture 65. Furniture The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 19B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 65. Furniture 81. Autos For Sale 2000 FORD EXPLORER ENTERTAINMENT cen- 2 door, auto, AC. $3,500. ter & matching roll-a-way 321-689-5898 407-889- desk. Washed white oak. C0113-0203 HUG 81 $75 each. 407-880-3493. C0106-0127 BAL65 1980 460 FORD MOTOR Grag Sale & radiator, trans M-sup- 68. Garage Sales ports, drive shaft. $450 or best. 407-310-5798. APOPKA FRIDAY & C0120-0210 MAN 81 Saturday, 9 3 p.m. 447 Alabama Avenue. House 82. Boats For Sale behind Burger King. Din- ing set & lots more. NEW BOAT T-TOP for C0120 CAR 66 sale. 3x5 top, 5 rocket SOFA, RECLINERS launchers, cut outs for tools, bike, lotsmore Satoutriggers, 2 king rigs. In- tools, bike, lots more. Sat- cludes crows nest. Paid urday, January 21, 8 4 $2500. Will sell $1,850 p.m. 5319 Holtland Drive, OO 407-832-9955. Kelly Park Hills, north. O E0113-0203 KEC 82 C0120 REI 66 MOVING SALE Satur- 84. Recreational day only. Errol Estate. 7:30 Vehicles -4n m 1241 I akeFrancis -r .-. ... . .. Drive, Apopka. CC0120 HOE 66 THREE STAR FLEA MARKET "A REAL Flea Market" Sat. & Sun/Rain or Shine A ms S. of Apopa * On Hwy.. 44 * 407-293-2722 68. Sporting Goods POOL TABLE, SLATE, 1 ". Solid wood, gorgeous. Paid $5,800. Sell $1,350. 407-260-2088. CC0113-0203 MEY 69 HUNTING, FISHING & camping supplies & ap- parel for the whole family. arge selections to choose from. Mosquito Creek Outdoors, 170 S. Washington Avenue, cor- ner of 441 & Washington. 407-464-2000. J N0120-0127 TFN MOS 69 70. Miscellaneous USED TIRES, SETS OF 4, mounted & balanced. As low as $60/set. Spares only $5. McGee Tire, 130 E. 7th Street. 407-889- 9250. A0113-0203TFN MCG70 CORRUGATED STEEL roofing for barns, boat docks, shops, etc. Also culvert pipe, 15"x20'. 18"x20'. Call for prices. Surplus Steel & Supply, Inc., Apopka. 407-293- 5788. B0113-0203 TFN SUR 70 HURRICANE SUPPLIES Lanterns, LED lights, weather radios & much more. Mosquito Creek Outdoors, 170 S. Wash- ington Avenue, Apopka. Comer of 441, just south of 429 Interchange. 407- 464-2000. J N0120-0127 TFN MOS 70 FLOORING HUGE se- lections. Stinson Carpet One. Serving Apopka since 1968. Great prices. Excellent service. 2188 E. Semoran Boulevard. 407- 889-4128. J N0120-0127 TFN STI 70 ROOFING SUPPLIES Shingles, accessories. Large quantities. Always available. Competitive pricing. Delivery available. Homeland Distributing, 1839 S. O.B.T., Apopka. 407-410-0196. J N0120-0127 TFN HOM 70 HOT TUB/SPA 5-per- son lounger. 5 H.P., 24 jets, redwood cabinet. Never used. Warranty. Retail $4,500. Sacrifice $1,450. 407-812-5624. CC0113-0203 JOH 70 WEDDING GOWN, 10/12 Paid $1,600. Asking $375. Drycleaned. Sealed in box. 407-620-0939. W0113-0203 APO 70 ROLL-UP DOORS - Commercial grade, galvallum metal, 8 feet wide, 7feettall. $150 each. Installation available. 321- 287-3039. C0120-0210 DAN 70 FOR SALE MAXON Tuck Away hydraulic lift. 2500 lb. capacity. Works well. Measures 92.5" out- side to outside and 23.5" wide at the deck. $650. 407-293-8773. CC0106-0127 SOU 70 PRONTO ELECTRIC wheel chair. Left hand control, large oxygen tank holder. $2,500 OBO. 407- 889-0183. C0113-0203 BRA 70 TWO STORY CAGE for ferret. Lots of accessories & food. Best offer. Call 352-267-3713 (cell). 407- 880-0474. W0113-0120 SMI 70 KENMORE refrigerator. Looks new. Side-by-side, almond. Ping pong table, sewing machine (Brother). 407-889-2082 between 2-5 p.m. C0113-0203 RAT 70 71. Jewelry 72. Computers/ Electronics MACHINE, INTEL Pentium 4 Processor. 2.80 GHZ, 80 GB hard drive, 512 mb. $400. 407-565- 0723. W0113-0203 AND 72 80. TRANSPORTATION 81. Autos For Sale 1981 CHEVROLET Sub- urban 3/4 ton. Good con- dition. AT, V-8, AC. $1 900. 407-884-8449. CC1230-0120 ADC 81 1999 GOLDEN FALCON 31' pull-out room. Fully loaded. $16,000. 407- 886-6595,321-287-3585. C1230-0120 RIG 84 88. Trucks For Sale 87. Vans For Sale 1992 CHEVROLET VAN 3/4 ton, V-8, AT. Good condition. $1,900. 407- 884-8449. CC1230-0120 ADC 87 88. Transportation For Hire 89. Trailers For Sale 90. AUTOMOTIVE 81. Automotive Repair & Parts RUSSELL Automotive. Complete auto service for 24 years. 1/4 mile north of Maitland Boulevard (414) on O.B.T. 7:30- 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. 407-298- 2853. J A0113-0120 RUS 91 CENT. FLORIDA AUTO Repair. Established auto repair offers complete auto service for personal & fleet. Reputation is earned not given! 1779 S. Orange Blossom Trail, across from Wal-Mart Super Center, Apopka. Call 407-880-8221. J A0113-0120 CEN 91 SHEELER AUTO Repair offers complete automo- tive service. Family owned & operated. 710 S. Or- ange Blossom Trail, Apopka, behind Papa Johns' Pizza. Easy en- trance from Sheeler Road. 407-880-5784. E A0113-0120 SHE 91 82. Auto Accessories TRAILER HITCH for Dodge minivan. Every- thing included. $85 OBO. 407-832-9955. E0113-0203 KEC 92 110. SERVICES 111. Child Care INFANTS 12 YEARS old. Qualified teachers. Clean, safe & secure en- vironment. Flexible hours. Accredited FL. Gold Seal Center. 407-889-3026. JN0113-0120TFNAPO 111 CHILD CARE FUN, lov- ing, caring environment. Infant, toddler preschool. Before & after school care. Wekiva Child Care. 2333 Highway 436. 4C ac- cepted & Florida Volun- tary Pre-K program. 407- 889-4300. J N0120-0127 TFN WEK 111 CHILD CARE IN MY home. Infants & up. Con- structive learning. A-1 ref- erences. Affordable rates. 407-884-6818. W0113-0203 CHi 111 DOREEN'S Affordable Daycare in my home. Monday-Friday. Meals, learning activities. 15 years experience. Excel- lent references. $65 per week. Located in Sheeler Oaks, Apopka. 407-462- 3735. CC0113-0203 BEN 111 112. Home DO IT YOURSELF PEST control products. 435 W. Main Street, corner of Main & Bradshaw, Apopka. All Seasons Pest Control. Order in store or visit Web site at www.allspc.com. 407- 886-0204. J N0120-0127 TFN ALL 112 PEST CONTROL Resi- dential, commercial. Of- fering roach, ant, flea & termite protection. One time, quarterly, annually. All Seasons Pest Control, 435 W. Main Street, Apopka. 407-886-0204. J N0120-0127 TFN PES 112 113. Landscaping RAILROAD CROSS ties, lumber & building materi- als. Ryan Brothers, Inc., 210 E. 5th Street, Apopka. 407-886-3141. J A0113-0120 RYA 113 ADVANTAGE Lawn- care. Cut, trim & edge, $20 & up. Licensed & in- sured. Free estimates. No contracts required. 407- 880-7948. CC0113-0203 TFN ADV 113 COMPUTER REPAIR - Home or business. Fast turn-around. Manage- ment Solutions. Offering years of professional ser- vice & knowledge. 404W. Main Street, Apopka. 407- 410-0013. J N0120-0127 TFN MAN 113 FRANCISCO Landscap- ing. Designs & mainte- nance clean-ups. Free es- timates. Best prices in town. Keep smiling 407- 383-1717. C0113-0203 CAR 113 114. Professional O Christian Home & Bible School Variety Shoppes APOPKA AUTO UPHOLSTERY 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka, FL (Behind Discount Auto) (407) 889-0011 27 Years Experience GREAT BUY! Mobile Home Package Air Conditioner with heat, 2.5 tons Excellent condition. $800 407-880-9750 J. Tom Smith Trim, Tile, Remodeling/Renovations, Carpentry Services Licensed Call 407-889-3186 & Insured or 321-297-5131 114. Professional NEED HELPING hand? House cleaning, child care, errands, etc. Days & weekends. 321-354- 8816. C0113-0203 BRA 114 DEL'S CONCRETE - Homeowners are our spe- cialty. Driveways, patios & etc. Licensed & insured. Call forfree estimate. 407- 322-7208. D SD0120DEL114, NEED HOME improve- ments? Call All Around Home Improvements. Li- censed & insured. Free estimates. MC & Visa ac- cepted. 352-551-4142. D SD0120 ALL 114 AFFORDABLE HOME Makeover. Home repairs, remodel & all handyman repairs. Call Billy for free estimate. 407-451-4386 or 407-884-9374. D SD0120 AFF 114 HAVE WEEDS?I THE garden tamer will do weeding, pruning, plant- ing, etc. Call Jenny at407- 209-9432. CC0113-0203 WAL 114 TRACTOR WORK- Bush hog mowing, grading. No job too small. Free esti- mates. 321-239-0597. W0120-0210 SIM 114 TAKE A LOOK You, too, can save money by shopping the classified listings in this paper. what C41 115. Bderly Care PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS SEEKING 24 HR CARE IN WEKIVA - SPRINGS HOME 407-886-4483 118. Miscellaneous TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- ficticket classes, first time driver classes. All ages. Road test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, across from city park. 407- 880-6003. J N0113-0120 TFN CIT 116 GARAGE DOORS-Resi- dential &commercial. Pro- fessional, dependable, trustworthy. Over 25 years of service. Family owned & operated. J.B. Mathews Co., 2036 Apex Court, Apopka. 407-656-1289. J N0120-0127 TFN JBM 116 120. SCHOOLS 121. Professional TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- fic ticket classes, first time driver classes. All ages. Road test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, across from city park. 407- 880-6003. J N0120-0127 TFN CIT 121 ART CLASSES at the Apopka Museum in Janu- ary. 4-week pastels, ages 12+. Saturday pastel workshop for kids 6-12. Details/registration, call 407-865-9816. W0120-0210 SUM 121 130. 135. Manufactured 187. Commercial REAL ESTATE Homes For Sale Property For Sale All real estate advertised 1985 FLEETWOOD APOPKA, 1.1 ACRES Ferein isal subct to the 26x56 doublewide 3 bed- MOL.230ft. Highway441, which makes it illegal to rooms, 2 full baths, 9x16 200 ft. Old Dixie Highway. advertiseany preference, screened porch. On pond, C-2 zoning allows car lot, limitation, or discrimina- backyard fenced. 9x10 restaurant, etc. $650,000. etlgon basexhd on rac, color, she $37,000. Rock Florida Land Brokers. 407- mitlal status, or national Springs Mobile Home 323-5552. Licensed R.E. origin,orintention to make Park. 321-299-4257. Ask Broker. anysuchpreference.,liml- for Tony. D B0113-0203 TFN FLO 137 station, or discrimination. CC 01 13-0203 BOW 13518.Aat We wtil not knowingly ac- C1 138. Apartments/ cept any advertising for 1971 12X54 2BR/1BA Condos for Rent real estate which is in vo- Codos FOr Rent lation of the law. All per- Fully furnished. Excellent sonsareherebyinformed condition. Adult park. The APARTMENT- Efficien- that all dwellings adver- Hills. Must be seen! 407 A MN icien- tised are available on an 886-8787. 0 cies, $100/week. Apart- equal opportunitybasis. 886-8787. Asking ment, $150/week. Also, S$15,000. housesfurnished &unfur- 131. Vacant Land w0113-0203 OLS 135 wished, weekly/monthly. WOOD industrial APOPKA-SINGLEWIDE 407-240-1188. ZELLWOOD industrial with addition. 4 bedrooms,, TOD CC0120-0210 REN 139 zoned vacant land. 18.53 unattached 8x12 office. EFFICIENCY ON LAKE acres. $50,000 per acre. Finished irgation syst EFFICIENCY ON LAKE Near 429/Beltway. Priced irrigation syst Furnished, A/C, tele- belowmarket.Gary,ght- also. $15,000. 407-580- phone, TV. No deposit. house Properties. 407- co0113-0203HAW135 Low weekly rates. 352- 782-4973. 3-0203 HAW 135 383-4713. CC0113-0203 LIG 131 PALM ISLE SENIOR B0113-0203 TFNLAK 139 NEARBUSHNELL .91 twoark. 2002 4BR/2BA ERROL ESTATE 2BR/ acres.Zonedhomesonly. letwood. Immaculate 2.5BA condo. Furnished, $42,000.321-303-3166. condition. Too man up- seasonal. $1,900/month. 80106-0127 UND 131 grades to mention. Come 847-426-4515. 0106-0127 UND 131 see it &fall in love. Asking CCo106-0127 CAS 139 188. Homes Fur Sale $85,000. Make your offer. 133. Hom Call Mable, Exit Realty TAKING applications for ERROL ESTATE Beau- MobilTeam. Tollfree866- lease on Airstream trailer tiful completely updated 221-3948 or 386-747- with room addition. On executive home in coun- 1655. lake. Preferrably older try club setting. Located CC0106-0127 BER 135 gentleman. $150/week. on the 2nd hole overlook- 2BR/1 BA MOBILE home verything furnished ex-7092. ing a lake. 4BR/3BA, for sale. Palm Isles mo- cept ga0106-0127SEM1392 screened pool, new roof, bile home parking Apopka. - new paint in & out, new Great location. Must sell. 140. Homes/Duplexes carpet & tile. Bathrooms 352-406-0728. totally redone. Just re- cc0106-0127 EIN 135 FOr Rent duced. $554,900. Gary Wiepking, Lighthouse ZELLWOOD 3BR/2BA SHEELER OAKS Re- Properties of America. 2200 sq.ft. manufactured modeled two story 3BR/ 407-782-4973. home on 2 acres. Lifetime 2BA. Family room, fenced cco1 13-0203 LIG 133 rubber roof, attached ga- yard, deck. $1,200 rent/ rage. $250,000. Exit R.E. deposit. WMGI. 407-896- PUNTA GORDA ISLES Results. 407-625-1503. 1200, ext. 119. waterfront property. To- Denny. N0106-0127WIL140 tally remodeled. 3BR/ DWO113-0203SHI 135 LAKE APOPKA Very 2BA, 45 foot dock, 14,000 ------ LAKE APOPKA Very lb. boat lift.$599,000.941- APOPKA 2BR/2BA. nice 1 bedroom,fireplace, 815-7283. Furnished. All Maytagap- dishwasher, C/H&A. CC01230-0120 CAR 133 pliances, pool. $49,000. Nicely furnished. Deposit Must see. Call Angelo. $700. Rent $210 weekly VILLACAPRIATERROL 407-814-1597. includes utilities. 407-880- Estate. #739 Via Milano cco120-0210 PER 135 3727. Circle. 3BR/2BA, 2100 sq. 001 13-0203 CAS 140 ft. living space, split plan SUN RESORT 40' Park ------ LR, DR, great room, eat- model. $38,900. Fridge, ZELLWOOD 3BR/1BA, in kitchen, enclosed sun stove, microwave, 1200 sq. ft., large corner porch, 2-car garage. All washer, dryer. Furnished. lot, C/H&A. $850/month. upgraded appliancescon- 10'X8' shed. 407-889- Lou Haubner Realty. 407- vey. New whole-house 2693. 886-8010. water purifier, rain gauge, C0120-0210 SAW 135 80113-0203 LOU 140 and other great perks. ST.JOHNS RIVER-Near PINE HILLS ROAD & In- Priced to sell. $323,500. DeBary. Park model with dian Hills Road. 3BR/ Appointment only. 407- addition, plus deck. Fur- 1.5BA. Family room, fire- 889-7784. nished. Great condition, place, screened room, no C0106-0127 STA 133 Must see.$89,000, nego- rear neighbors. Will re- FOR SALE BY OWNER tiable. 407-482-5215. model to suit. Lease/op- 4BR/2BR. Rolling Oaks. cc0120-0210 NEW 135 tion purchase. Will trade $229,000.407-886-1993. boat, car, motorcycle, CC01 13-0203 ACK 133 house, land ortruck. $925/ SOak Springs month. 407-948-2592. 2BR/2BA HOME ON 1/2 New & Pre-owned D CC0120 SMi 140 ngacre ear Wcoukiva. Askingyliv- Homes for Sale. DUPLEX, 2BR/2BA - $193,000. Call 407-880- FINANCING Fenced yard, no pets. 9188. CC0113-0203 GRA 133 AVAILABLE! $700/mosit. 407-682 $00 de- COUNTRY UVING close 352-383-6810 N01220 STA 140 to UCF & 408. Lot 100' X RETIRED COIIDLE has 300'. 3BR/1 BA, new roof, 2 wells, beautiful land- 138. Mobile Homes/ one bedroom cottage. scape. $300K. 407-620- By: l1)r Sale Single 35 or older. One scap0939. w 1$300K. 407-620- RVs FoSale3 AP child under 60OK. Electric, 0939. W0113-02PALM HARBOR Mobile water, cable ready in- PINE HILLS ROAD & In- Home. 55+ community. cluded. W/D hook-up. dian Hills Road. 3BR/ 2BR/2BA, screened Fenced yard attached. 1.5BA. Family room, fire- porch, carportutilityroom $650/month, first, last. place, screened room, no $15,900. 407-880-6785. Ready February 1. 407- rear neighbors. Will re- W0113-0203 HOA 136 889-8716. model to suit. Lease/op- 00120-0127 CRU 140 tion purchase. Will trade OWNER FINANCING -2 FOR RENT- 3BR/2BA boatr,car, motorcycle, bedroom. $600 down, mother-in-lawottage house, land or truck. 407- $300 per month. Gated withmother-i-a ened 1/ 948-2592. cco120 SMI 133 with 24 hour guard, pool, 1BR/iBA on fenced 1/2 Many extras. 407-399- acre. Lake Apopka area. FOR SALE OR LEASE 4286. $1,300. 407-925-5805. 1800 sq. ft. 3BR/2BA CC0113-0203 PAR136 B0120-0210 0TN BAN 140 home. 2002, double ga- rage, hardwood, tilefloors. Many upgrades. $285,000.407-529-7301. CC0113-0203 ROT 133 LONGWOOD-3BR/2BA split plan. Tile & wood floors, private pool, fire- place, many updates. Brantley schools. $299,900. GaryWiepking, Lighthouse Properties America. 407-782-4973. CC0120-0210 LIG 133 STOP .06 '- o FORECLOSURE Owe more than your house is worth? Liens? Call Now! 407-463-1731 iVIEW !"]i HOE & LAN WA ; T, W NoRpirs, No Aprisl LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? WE HAVE THE PERFECT HOME FOR YOU Homes starting at $6,000. We have Bank Repos, New Homes with Land. We can also sell your home with NO COMMISSION out of your pocket. Call Us At 407-592-1063 407-207-8921 407-207-2655 Spanish Lines 407-325-2213 407-299-5172 140. Homes/Duplexes 143. Offices For Rent For Rent SWEETWATER OAKS Very clean 4BR/2BA, 2 living rooms, lots of stor- age. Lawn service. Fruit trees. $1,600/month. 407- 733-3297. CC0120-0210 URQ 140 PRIVATE APARTMENT One bedroom, utilities & cable included. $775 monthly + security. 407- 464-1988. CC0120 POR 140 141. Mobile Homes or Lots For Rent SUN RESORT 36 FT. unit. 1 bedroom, awning, privacy patio. $615/ month. 321-277-5889. W0120 HUR 141 SUN RESORT 1BR/1BA Lot 648. W/D, patio, N/S, no pets. $495/month, $200 deposit. $75 electric deposit. 407-886-3743. C0113-0203 ZIK 141 1 BEDROOM, SINGLE person. $150weekly. First & last moves you in! All utilities & cable included. No pets. 407-884-5402. W0120 ROG 141 SUN RESORT- 2 rentals now available. Lot #826. Modern 2BR/1.5BA. $740/month. Lot #1308. Nice 1BR/1BA. $655/ month, utilities included. 407-252-0983. CC0113-0203 GIV 141 RETIRED COUPLE has one bedroom mobile home on premises. Single 35orolder. 1 child under OK. No smoking, no pets. Electric, water, cable TV included. $600/month, de- posit. Ready February 1. 407-889-8716. C0120-0127 CRU 141 NICE CORNER LOT in Sun Resort. Partially fur- nished. Clean. Quietarea. Lot 331. $490/month plus deposit. 407-267-6603. W0120-0127 NEL 141 141-A. Manufactured Homes For Rent ZELLWOOD STATION 55 & over, golf commu- nity. 2BR/2BA, living, din- ing, family rooms, wet bar, golf cart included. $1,200/ month. Utilities included. 407-712-3543, 407-880- 1621. Available March 15. B0113-0203 THU 141A ZELLWOOD COUNTRY Club. On the golf course. 3BR/2BA, furnished. No pets. $1,3Q0/month in- cluding utilities, $300 de- posit. 407-889-8380,407- - 808-6016. 00120AND141A SUN RESORT 1BR/1BA Gated community. No pets. $650/month. 407- 884-6848.407-340-3618. CC0120-0210 CAR 141A 142. Rooms For Rent 1 BEDROOM PLUS pri- vate bath. Use of kitchen, laundry. Cable. 55+ per- son. Prefer female. $450/ month. 407-884-8348. W1230-0120 CAL 142 FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Cable, utilities in- cluded. In home with pool! Lockhart area. $135/week plus deposit. 321-297- 5160. References re- quired. CC1230-0120 GRO 142 ROOM FOR RENT Pri- vate entrance & bath. Fur- nished, electric, water in- cluded. $600/month, de- posit. 407-862-5362. CC0120-0210 IRV 142 QUIET COUNTRY set- ting. Bedroom plus private bath. Kitchen, laundry, house privileges. Smok- ing outside only. $500 per month plus deposit. Pay half of electric/cable. 321 - 303-0829. E0120-0210 CON 142 ROOM FOR RENT IN Bear Lake area. $125/ week, utilities included. 407-252-5116. CC0120-0210 PER 142 PRIME OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 1400- 1600 SF on 441 in Apopka 407-509-7453 145. Real Estate Wanted Sell me your house, fair price, on the date of your choice. voidAs-Is" foreclosure bankruptcy double house payments Ugly Houses OK. No Charge.' Call John first today. 407-782-8623 www.jdbuyshomes.om 147. Nurseries For Sale or Rent APOPKA AREA. Sheeler Rd., 60,000 sq. ft. green- house for lease. $2000 per month. Florida Land Bro- kers 407-323-5552. Li- censed R.E. Broker. 0 B0113-0203 FLO 147 ASTATULA-5.5ACRES MOL, 36,500 sq. ft. nurs- ery, 2400 sq. ft. 5BR/3BA MH, 7 horse stalls. Must see! $449,000. Florida Land Brokers. 407-323- 5552. Licensed R.E. Bro- ker. D B0113-0203 TFN FLO 147 148. Rental Property Wanted WANTED -Warehouseto rent. Minimum 800 sq. ft. for wood boat/weekend restoration hobby. Mature man needs space. Jim. 407-466-0504. C1209-0106 DUN 148 Affordable new greenhouse structures, rolling benches, fans, wet pad systems and replacement pads. Contact Sam for a quote at PENANG INTERNATIONAL, INC. 407-886-2322 FLORIDALAND BROKERS,, Specializing In Foliage Nurseries And Vacant Land 407-323-5552 We have many buyers. If you are considering selling your land, call usl! E-Mail: Joe or Vicky@flalandbrokers.com I ;c. Real Estate Broker Website: www.flalandbrokers.comn Some of the LEGAL FORMS available for purchase at AOS: Powers of Attorney 3-Day Eviction Notices I Notices To Quit, Warranty Deeds, Sale of Real Estate, Contracts, Quit Claim Deeds, Leases, etc. I Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka (next door to Elje Z[popla CIjief & The Planter Newspapers) 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 Hours: 8-5, M-F; 9-1 Sat. -m-- --- -m------------- ----r--mm Elmo OFFICE SPACE for lease. 2,100 sq. ft. with office. Downtown Apopka. Large parking. $1,500/ month. Lou Haubner Re- alty. 407-886-8010. B1230-0120 LOU 143 144. Commercial Property for Rent APOPKA-21,600 sq.ft. anchor space site avail- able soon. Victoria Plaza, Highway 441 & SR 429. 500 yardsfrom new Home Depot. Call for details. 407-679-2281. B0113-0203 TFN VIC. 144 LOCKHART warehouse/ office. 550 sq. ft. $465/ month. 407-880-3727. C0113-0203 CAS 144 APPROXIMATELY 970 sq. ft. Zoned C-3. Down- town Apopka. 407-884- 9090. CC0106-0127 MAS 144 leew/ofc Uk20/o -19 ir The Apopka Chief, January 20, 2006, Page 20B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday REAL ESTATE Buying or Selling a Denny Shiver Home ?? "Let me help you." EXIT Real Estate Results www.dennyshiver.com Realtor SUN RESORTS #415 Double Lot 2BR $62,000 #829 2005 Park Model $45,000 #655 Immaculate 2BR $48,000 #2406 Park Model/Shed/Addition $45,000 #1406 Super 2/2 Carport Shed $37,500 #1011 Carport 2/1 Shed $72,000 #2526 Best in Park 2/1.5 $69,900 $119,900 $199,900 $225,000 Call Donita Harper: 407-889-6363 www.apopkarealty.com Apopka 2/1 Corner Lot Rock Springs 1/2 Acre Corner Downtown Apopka Commercial Oavle Plza 750 Sq. f. 05/ 90I~ Po. Offie, Donow ppk'C U$95mo rHMS f.or EN I.ekva- 3e/2b Of ThmsonRoa 1/ Sare 3rSb U60.f 110mO If Experien "The Pi 2 Realtors fo -k Over 1,5 ,. Homes So 35Year .Expe PATTY REDLICH, CRS, GRI Broker-Assoc., 407-340-0623 Cell Pattysells@aol.com REAL ESTATE 2br/2ba home, 1378sf. home on 2 lots! Reduced to $218,000 Julie Dolan-Casado M irs Call me if you need to sell or find your next home with free home warranty! Anne 'Afsuy, P.A. Broker Associate 407-889-4069 EXITl REAL ESATE RIESUUS Open House in Errol Estate Sunday, Jan. 22 from 1-4 PM 640 Via Milano in Villa Capri 3 Bd/2Ba, Tile Roof, Large Screened Deck w/ Hot Tub. Includes Lwn Care! $289,900 1485 Lexington Parkway in Muirfield Estate 3 Bd/2Ba, built 2002, 1/3 Acre, Luxury Upgrades $354,900 'Apoyka's 'Trusted'Reaktor Since 1994 ce Counts. Call 500 Luxury old in Florida s Combined rience!!! SANDI STRICKLAND Realtor-Assoc. 407-922-4512Cell Sandisellshouses@aol.com How Much is My Home Worth? What is the Difference Between a Realtor and a Broker? What is the Advantage of a Full-Service Realtor? When is the Best Time to Sell My Home? Should I Try Selling on my Own First? Can You Help Me Find a Realtor in Another Town? CALL US! We will answer ALL your questions!! W ichert Your Resident Specialist www.WelcomeToOrlando.net Think .'*AT ONAWIDE FLEET* AUTO SALES ORE .. ...^J L ,r 5 ~lbi~tAU UIU V. EDIDiON : A T in Vt*. duai i- a:ud Ss'I RoiadI S23. 225 I 53ES O 0 Everyone that shops these Classified pages is part of a winning combination! Take a look at the inside pages for more listings! Make a deal! Be a winner! Call 407-886-2777 to place your ad Deadline: Monday at 5 p.m. p SATIR N John Murphy Used Car Manager I ~ ~ ~ e Mo S. S.Per Mo ePer M One Owner, V-6, Auto, Loaded #P66841A *3,990 V-8, CD Changer, One Owner, A/C #203530B *6,990 Hi ]n[.. iara nnaDI KI DiI Auto, Sunroof, Loaded #162481Q *4,990 Sunroof, CD, A/C, One Owner #178120B $6,990 i0 ilO0i^1H!tl-- gsf Saturn of Orlando/North 2725 S. Highway 17-92 SATLRN. 800-313-9224 (Local Call) Inventory OEntire www.saturnoforlando.com Other convenient locations: Orlando/South Kissimmee S. OBT near FL Mall Hwy 192 near FL Turnpike SALES HOURS: MONDAY FRIDAY 9AM 8PM SATURDAYS 9AM 7PM SUNDAYS 12NOON 5PM Photos for Illustration purposes only. All offers with approved credit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee and retailer-installed accessories extra. Additional warranty may affect final payment. Used car payments calculated at 5.99% APR with 10% down. Must have 720+ Beacon Score. Terms are 36-72 months depending on model year. BEMITEZ REflLTY INC Brewer Linda Barr Jon W Gayle 407-920-6968 Apopka 2br/1.5ba on 1/4 a 3S uild a new home. $79,900 Plant Nursery fully operational on 4.6 acres, ready for new owners. $430,000. Call today. - I v hiteley - 1 11 1 . |