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A local woman is heading up many fundraisers for American Cancer Society's Relay For Life. See page 6A. God, Bless Amer ica 7- 3 .. hi Covering the community in the 21st century Volume 83 Number 2 2006 The Apopka Chief Friday, January 13, 2006 / 50 cents Board will pick from 2 attendance zone proposals for 2 new schools By John Peery Apopka Chief Staff Tweaking the alternate student atten- dance zone option for one of two schools being built in Apopka, the Orange County School Board on Monday, January 9, agreed to present two proposed attendance zone alternatives for each of the two schools being built along Ponkan Road adjacent to the city of Apopka's Northwest Recreation Complex. Board members agreed to advertise two student attendance zone proposals for the elementary school and two proposals for the middle school being built on the north side of Apopka. A public hearing on the zoning propos- als is tentatively scheduled for February 14. The School Board will have a meeting at 5:30 p.m. that day at its Educational Leader- ship Center, 445 W. Amelia St., Orlando. At the meeting, the public will be allowed to comment on the zoning proposals for the two schools. At that meeting, the School Board will choose one of the two attendance proposals Sandy Simpson, of Orange County Pupil Placement, made a presentation of the proposals for the School Board. for each of the schools. The names for the schools will be chosen later. At the work session on Monday, Janu- ary 9, the School Board did not take public comment, but there was a handful of parents The alternate zoning pro- posals for the elementary school and middle school are printed on page 8A. from the Piedmont Lakes subdivision off Piedmont-Wekiwa Road who made their approval known by applauding when the board agreed to tweak an alternate zoning proposal of board member Jim Martin. Their subdivision has been assigned to Clay Springs Elementary since the school was built several years ago, but, under Mar- tin's plan, the area would have been assigned to Lovell Elementary, something the parents fought. Laura Peavey, vice president of the Clay Springs PTA, said that she and a hand- ful of others collected 303 signed petitions and had 47 emails protesting Martin's pro- posal. When the plan was presented, board See SCHOOLS Page 2A A c il uni e7 (Staff photo by John Peery) Even though the temperatures didn't dip as low as predicted, which was right about freezing, Sunday, January 8, was still a chilly morning as the lows in the area dipped into the upper 30s, the coldest air of the season. The fog and frost helped create this sunrise scene along Vick Road. Author Susan Carol from Apopka High in students this week. McCarthy, who graduated 1969, spoke to current AHS Author tells of racial prejudice in area's past By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff A 1969 Apopka High School graduate returned to her alma mater Tuesday, Janu- ary 10,.to share her story of racial prejudice and Ku Klux Klan activity in Apopka and the rest of Central Florida in the early 1950s. Author Susan Carol McCarthy, who was born in Apopka in 1951, spoke to nearly 100 students in the AHS media center as well as those in English teacher Sarah McLeod's classes. Her brother, AHS softball coach Mike MacWithey, introduced her to her Apopka High audience. McCarthy's first novel, Lay That Trumpet in Our Hands, describes the events that occurred in the year of her birth that loosened the Klan's grip on Central Florida and her father's role in its decline. Although the book is fiction, real characters and places are thinly disguised. Plymouth is called Mayflower and its neighboring towns Wellwood (Zellwood) and Mt. Laura (Mt. Dora) are easily recognized. However, she changed Apop- ka's name to Opelaki. "I had a great childhood," McCarthy said. "Despite all that hap- pened, Apopka was a wonder- ful place to live and I didn't want people to think it was- n't." An infant in 1951, McCarthy didn't hear her father's story until court records were unsealed in 1991. Then an advertising copy- writer in Southern California, she received a thick envelope from her father, Lee MacWith- ey, containing an article from the Orlando Sentinel about the release of FBI documents describing Klan activities. There was also an eight- page letter from her father beginning with the words, "I See AUTHOR Page 3A Construction on U.S. 441 overpass will begin as scheduled By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff Although concerns over water line and sewer line placement. threatened to delay the start of construction on the West Orange Trail overpass which will span U.S. Highway 441 in downtown Apopka, those details are being worked out and construction should start as scheduled Tuesday, January 17, said Richard Anderson, the city's chief administrative officer. "We've got a plan and we're going back to the contractor to discuss some prices," Anderson said after a meeting between city and county officials, Wednesday, January 11. "I think we're all on the same page and trying to make sure that it's still within budget." The $4,853,000 overpass will con- nect the trail, which runs adjacent to Forest Avenue through downtown Apopka, on both sides of U.S. 441. Ramps will make the bridge accessible to handicapped individuals, as well as bicyclists, roller skaters, and those on foot. The overpass is scheduled for completion sometime in November. Anderson said that, initially, con- struction would not disrupt traffic, except on Forest Avenue north of U.S. 441. "We will have a traffic plan in place. We've already talked to the business owners there. As far as I know, as the construction proceeds, initially, I don't think we're going to see any lane "- blockages on 441." The trail .I ,r crossing over U.S. 441 has been in the planning stages since August 2000, Anderson when Orange County Parks and Recreation did a study, partnering with Apopka, to determine the best method of crossing U.S. 441. The City Council voted to accept a design submitted by Reynolds, Smith and Hill, the architec- tural firm hired for the project in December 2002. Since then, Orange County has been working on acquisition of the cor- ridor and funding issues, as well as modifying the original design. The concept of the bridge mimics City Hall's brick structure and white columns adorned with replicas of the City's signature stainless steel Boston fern, which was damaged during the 2004 hurricanes. The first part of the West Orange Trail was constructed west of Winter Garden in 1993 along the abandoned Orange Belt Railway as part of the Rails to Trails project, which rebuilt abandoned railroad beds into recre- ational hiking and biking trails. It begins at Killarney Station on old State Road 50 in Oakland and extends north into Apopka, currently ending at the intersection of Welch and Rock Springs roads. The trail passes through the com- munities of Oakland, Winter Garden and Ocoee before linking to Apopka. Eventually, the West Orange Trail will extend to Wekiwa Springs State Park and Kelly Park, but not before 2009 or 2010, said Ken Pelham, Orange Coun- ty Parks and Recreation landscape architect. The trail is currently 22 miles long and will be 30 miles long when the extension is built. An estimated 60,000 people per month use the North Orange Trail, Pel- ham said. In April, Apopka Fire Department was rated among best Editor's note: This is the second of a four-part series reviewing the news events of Apopka for 2005 as reported in the pages of The Apopka Chief. It is compiled by Richard Corbeil. This week covers April, May, and June. By Richard Corbeil Apopka Chief Staff APRIL As part of the Maitland Boulevard Extension Project (formerly known as the Apopka Bypass), the Orlan- do-Orange County Expressway Authori- ty is working with Apopka on direct access to Vick Road at the current end of SR 429 ... More than 125 cancer sur- vivors attended the annual Survivors Dinner at the First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall to kick off Apopka's sixth annual Relay for Life fundraiser ... Longtime Apopka nursery workers and owners Omer and Dolly Hutchings celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary. Apopka Fire Chief Richard Ander- son is presented with a plaque noting the AFD's Class I rating from the national rating agency ISO, designating the department as one of only 43 of the nation's 45,000 local fire departments so rated ... More than 2,500 people attended the Relay for Life at Roger Williams Field on April 1, with receipts totaling $81,000 and more expected ... After some controversy over the clearing of land, the City Council approved the development plans for the two new schools off Ponkan Road. The Apopka High baseball team won a key district contest against Edgewater, 6-2, keeping a strong chance for getting the number one or two seeding spot in district playoffs ... Thomas A. Collins who, as chief, guided the Apopka Police Department for two decades, died April 9 at the age of 84 ... Blue Darter baseball team wins seven straight and clinches the district's number one seed for the play- offs with a 4-2 win over Lake Brantley ... The AHS tennis team finishes its best regular season in its history with a 15-1 record. First Baptist Church of Apopka called Dr. Paul F. Gordon to be its senior . pastor, after he served several months as interim pastor ... Despite Saturday sprin- kles, the 44th annual Apopka Art and Foliage Festival drew the expected 30,000 to 40,000 attendees ... The annual Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce Fashion Show at Errol Estate Country Club was sold out three weeks in advance. MAY Mayor John H. Land named Edward Bass finance director in charge See REVIEW Page 16A Section A Opinion ......4A-5A Lifestyle ........6A Worship ........ 7A School maps ... .8A Kapers ........12A Dining & Ent. .. .13A Bus. Rev. ......14A Legal ads .16A-17A . . .6B-13B Section B Sports ......... 1 Service Dir .....1 Classified ...14-1 B The Apopka Blue Darters girls soccer team won three games this past week. See page lB. 0 Z[Pol jEb e The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 2A Apopka Expo will be first event in area's new community center By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff The city of Apopka will be the first organization to hold an event at the new Apopka Community Center, which is also home to Apopka/Altamonte Springs VFW Post 10147. The city will hold its second annual Expo at the center, located on the corner of Central Avenue and Fifth Street, Saturday, January 28, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. City Commissioner Kathy Till, event organizer, said each city department would have an information booth at the Expo. "We thought it was important that residents in the community really have an under- standing of not only how their government works, but also how their tax dollars are being spent. This gives them an opportuni- ty not only to find out that information, but also get to know the staff at City Hall and their commissioners." Admission to the Expo is free and many door prizes will be awarded, Till said. The Apopka Fire Department will have equipment on display at the commu- nity center and there will be police K-9 demonstrations at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Apopka police station's training grounds. For those who wish to have their chil- dren fingerprinted, members of the Apopka Citizens Police Academy will be on hand to per- form that service and also hold -drawings for bike helmets. l a -- i s Each booth will have children's activities, Till Till said. "We want to encourage fami- lies to come." People may register to vote at the Expo in time to participate in the March city elections. City commissioners Billie Dean and Marilyn Ustler McQueen as well as Mayor John H. Land will seek re-election. They have no opposition as of now. Tours of the Museum of the Apopkans will be offered and Till said the city is working on providing shuttle service for those tours. A mock City Council meeting is scheduled for the Expo so those attend- ing can experience how meetings are con- ducted. Land will give a brief history of Apopka, which was enjoyed at last year's event, Till said. "It was very well received. Mayor Land is a good story-teller." The mayor won't be the only one dis- playing talents using the English language. Apopka's students wrote essays titled, "Why I Love Apopka" in a city-wide school project and the best essay from ele- mentary, middle and high school levels will be chosen and its writer recognized, Till said. Winners of the contest will be notified in advance so they can be present at the Expo, be publicly recognized and receive prizes. Each person attending the Expo will receive a goody bag filled with coupons and certificates from local businesses. He or she will also get a punch card, which can be taken to each booth to be punched. When the card is full, it can be entered into a drawing that will be held hourly. Winners will receive gift baskets. Parking at the Apopka Community Center is ample, Till said, with additional parking available across Fifth Street. Those who need special accommodations should call 407-703-1704 no later than three days before the event. Last year's Expo drew approximately 100 people, but Till is hoping for a much bigger crowd this year. "We're hoping to have about 300 people this year. We really want to encourage everyone to come out. It's such a great opportunity to learn what the city is doing for the community. If peo- ple have a question or concern about a spe- cific issue, this is the perfect opportunity for them to share that." Schools: Parents applaud School Board's decision Continued from page 1A member Kat Gordon spoke against moving the students from Clay Springs to Lovell due to overcrowding issues at Lovell, which is more than 40 years old. "Why are you moving Clay Springs students to Lovell?," she asked. Gordon said that moving the 78 students from Piedmont Lakes subdivision would be "violating our own rules." Lovell was built for 444 students and currently has about 638. Combined with growth, the additional 78 students would increase the student attendance at Lovell to 730. Gordon said that to assign the students to Lovell would be "sending them to a lesser facili- ty." She also said she wouldn't allow her child to be moved. "I would not go back from Clay Springs to Lovell." That com- ment drew applause from Peavey and others from the neighborhood. Martin, responding to Gor- don's comments, said that he saw "enough merit to withdraw that section out of the proposal." Peavey and the others from Jim Martin .. agrees to changes Piedmont Lakes subdivision, including Beth Muckler, Mary Bunk, and Clayton Lee, said that their neighborhood was "involved in the school." They also said it was a "very diverse neighborhood." Another area of ,Martin's elementary school zoning pro- posal that was changed affected students at Phyllis Wheatley and Clarcona elementaries. He had wanted to move students from Clarcona to Wheatley because they live within walking dis- See SCHOOLS Page 3A U U c, ,),,, , pr<_ rTri C am looE l -*W Laminate Floors S ] The beautiful ... floor that's made -%: to stay beautiful. SFor the ultimate ,, protection 1 One Year against the .-. NFinancing heaviest house With No Interest & No Paymrnents" hold traffic, a laminate floor Columbia Laminate Starting At... > ^SQ.FT. Installed can't be beat. With a triple 20 year warranty, it will not stain, it will not fade, it will not wear through. Minimum purchase 100 sq. Ft. STINSON CARPET ONE8 . Super Prices, Fantastic Selection 47 Yrs. 2188 E. Semoran Blvd. 5231 E. Colonial Dr. 179 C-N Hwy 27 Apopka 407-889-4128 Orlando 407-277-7806 Clermont 352-394-0303 Mon Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am 5pm I . Evenings By Appointment I^ - www.carpetone.com . Subject to credit approval. No payments are due during the Same as Cash (SAC) period, however, finance charges will accrue. if the original purchase amount is paid in full prior to the SAC expiration date, all accrued finance charges are waived. If not paid prior to SAC expiration date, all accrued interest remains on the account and will continue to accrue until the balance is paid. APR is 24% and minimum finance is $.50, both of which may vary. Available for a limited time only at participating dealers. See store for details. Not responsible for typographical errors. Not all products available at all locations. DR. DEAN BEHNER Apopka physician for 12 years INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICIAN YOUR HEALTH IS VALUABLE! SPECIALIZING IN PERSONAL ADULT MEDICINE NOW ACCEPTING APPOINTMENTS ACCEPT MOST MAJOR INSURANCES 407-886-1171 APOPKA MEDICAL CENTER 125 S. PARK AVE., APOPKA Where Do You Turn When Love Isn't Enough? Watching a loved one transition from one life stage to another can be emotionally taxing. You see the need for care change and evolve, and you begin to question, how long can I offer the best care? Where can I turn for caregiving solutions and support? Comfort Keepers can help. Comfort Keepers works with family members to customize a non-medical, in-home, care program that can often keep a senioror loved one needing care, in the safety and comfort of their own home. Comfort Keepers caregivers are carefully screened, bonded and insured. Comfort Keepers can provide: Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping/ Laundry Services Grocery Shopping/Errand Services Incidental Transportation We Companionship/Conversation Personal Care Services 0 Respite Care Each office independently owned and operated. 407-814-7070 www.comfortkeepers.com Hablamos Espanol answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week T" _Comfort SKoopeors Comforting Solutions for In-Home CareM AllAboutApopk T 4 0popka (ief Established 1923 (USPS 545-440) iTOt 2popha Cbitf is published every Friday and entered as Periodicals, postage paid at Apopka Post Office, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Xjt iSpapha Clitd newspaper is published by Foliage Enterprises, Inc., every Friday at 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, Fla., 32712-3417. An annual subscription is $18 in Orange County and $23 outside Orange County. Phone 407-886-2777. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1,et Spopia OlWt, P.O. Box 880, Apopka, Fla., 32704-0880. Ifjet Spopka Citt is a consistent award-winning community weekly news- paper and a member of the Florida Press Association. The newspaper won the group's award as its best newspaper in 1982, 1987 and 1988, the only three-time winner. Letters to the editor are welcome but must be signed and include a daytime telephone number and address for verification. Names may be withheld on request. Management reserves the right to edit letters because -f space or libelous comment. Letters should be limited to 200 words. %)AC N N "pap. A". aatsmar 4.0, City of Apopka Telephone Numbers City Hall .......... Mayor's Office . . City Clerk ......... Community Devel. ... Code Enforcement . Finance Dept ...... Fire Chief ......... Fire (non-eeerg. ) ... Parks and Rec. Dept.. Police Chief ...... . Police (non-emerg.) . . .407-703-1700 . .407-703-1703 . .407-703-1704 . .407-703-1712 . .407-703-1738 . .407-703-1725 . .407-703-1750 ..407-703-1756 ..407-703-1741 . .407-703-1789 . .407-703-1771 Job Line ............. .407-703-1721 Solid Waste Collect ...... 407-703-1731 Street Maintenance .... .407-703-1731 Utility Billing ......... .407-703-1727 Medical, fire emergency ......... .911 The city of Apopka: The city of Apopka was chartered in 1882. It is located at 28'30 north latitude and is 150 feet above sea level. Its current population is about 31,374 and its total area is nearly 30 sq. mi. Orange County Telephone Numbers Animal Services ....... .407-352-4390 Auto/Boat Tags ....... .407-836-4145 Building Dept.......... 407-836-5760 County Chairman ..... .407-836-7370 County Commission ... .407-836-7350 County Attorney ...... .407-836-7320 Clerk of the Court ..... .407-836-2066 Elections Supervisor .407-836-2070 Fire/Rescue ........... 407-836-9111 Garbage Collecting .... .407-836-6601 Health Dept ......... .407-836-2600 Hunting/Fishing Lie. ... .407-836-4143 Parks and Rec. Dept .... .407-836-6280 Property Appraiser .... .407-836-5000 Sheriff .............. .407-836-3700 Utilities .............. 407-836-5515 All other departments .407-836-5500 Medical, fire emergency ......... 911. Other Area Numbers of Note U.S. Reps. Corrine Brown (Dist. 3) .407-872-0656 Ric Keller (Dist. 8) .....407-872-1962 Tom Feeney (Dist. 24) .. .407-208-1106 State Reps. Fred Brummer (Dist. 38) 407-880-4414 David Simmons (Dist. 37) 407-262-7520 State Sens. Daniel Webster (Dist. 9) .407-656-0066 Lee Constantine (Dist. 22)407-331-9675 O.C. Schools Pupil assignment ...... .407-317-3233 Bus routes ........... .407-317-3800 Superintendent ....... .407-317-3202 School Board .......... .407-317-3236 Misc: The Apopka Chief ..... .407-886-2777 Museum: Museum of Apopkans .407-703-1707 Nnli,nl K,,myp.,rn Arm.Ai.i The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 3A Author: 'Dad handed me a heck of a story,' McCarthy said Continued from page 1A want you to hear from the horse's mouth what I did and why I did it." In the comer of the letter was written, "You're the writer. Write this." "Dad handed me a heck of a story," McCarthy said. "It was a real nail biter." His letter described Klan activities, which began with the murder of a black citrus fruit picker in Win- ter Garden and ended with the bombing of NAACP activist Harry T. Moore's home in Mims. Moore, who helped many blacks register to vote, was killed instantly and his wife, Harriette, died nine days later. Last month, four suspects were identified in the deaths of the civil rights worker and his wife and Attorney General Charlie Crist has reopened the investigation. The suspects came from Brevard, Lake and Orange counties. McCarthy said she was appalled to recognize several names she knew from her child- hood, including a former Apop- ka chief of police, schoolmates' parents and community leaders, who, her father said, were active and violent Klan members. There was also a report of a high-speed chase when the Klan pursued Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court jus- tice, then an attorney with the NAACP who was investigating the trial of four black men accused of rape in Lake County. The chase started at the Lake County line on U.S. Highway 441 and continued through Apopka and Lockhart, with Klan members hoping to kidnap the attorney. McCarthy's father worked with J. Edgar Hoover's FBI, breaking into Klan head- quarters near Lake Apopka and stealing membership lists and other damaging evidence. Fol- lowing the subsequent investi- gations, Klan activity dwindled in Central Florida. After writing Lay That Trumpet in Our Hands, McCarthy wrote a second book, True Fires, about a corrupt Lake County sheriff. Later, the first novel was chosen for the One Book, One Community program for the Tampa-Hills- borough County library system and McCarthy added public speaking at schools to her resume. In her talk at Apopka High School, she recounted the inci- dents her father told her about and then asked the students, "Do you think things are better now?" When the kids replied affirmatively, she said, "Well, they're not. From 2000 to 2003, the leading state for hate crimes was California, but Florida was number two. The number of hate crimes in this state exceeds the total in all the other states in the Deep South combined." In 2004, a big spike in hate crimes in Tennessee skewed the figures so the statement was not true that year, she said. She also said that, accord- ing to the Southern Poverty Law Center, only South Carolina, because of its recent controversy over flying the Confederate flag, exceeded Florida in the number of hate groups. McCarthy said she is sur- prised her Florida visits have not sparked recriminations from the families of those appearing as characters in her books. "I always expect it but it hasn't happened yet and I've been to Lake County three times." Currently at work on her third novel about the Cuban missile crisis from a Floridian's point, of view, McCarthy is unsure where her career will lead her. "I'm sort of split, but I'm moving forward with the book. I spend a lot of time talk- ing to schools and I've been working with Evangeline Moore, Harry T. Moore's only surviving daughter. I want to continue with that. It's been very meaningful. I find it hard to believe in these politically cor- rect times that people don't want to talk about racism," she said. Schools: Middle school proposal wasn't changed Continued from page 2A tance of Wheatley, but are bussed to Clarcona. However, that was changed after attorneys for the School Board, including Frank Krup- penbacher, suggested that the changes would not be approved by a court because of the 1960s desegregation order under which the board still must oper- ate. Again, Gordon argued against Martin's proposal, say- ing that among the students that would be moved under Martin's plan would be "low-perform- ing" pupils. "Why would we, as a board, give damage to Wheat- ley when it is struggling already?," she asked. Other changes to Martin's proposal sailed through, includ- ing tweaks along Ponkan Road. He proposed that Pittman Estates subdivision be included in the new school's attendance zone and that was approved with no discussion. Also, Martin's alternate plan for the middle school atten- dance zones was not changed at all. The staff zoning recom- mendations as presented in December were not changed by the board and will be among those advertised to the public. The principals for the two new schools have been named, as Caroll Grimando has moved from Rock Springs Elementary School to the Ponkan Road ele- mentary school and Dr. Cathy FCAT tutoring available Ocoee High School is hold- ing FCAT tutoring after school Monday through Thursday from 3:30-6:30 p.m. The tutoring for reading FCAT is Monday and Wednes- day and math is Tuesday and Subscribe to Be today! Call 407- 886-2777. Thursday. Interested students 319 W. Main St.,Apopka need to register at Ocoee High 40788 Af 6A School's community school 4 I "0 U UU office. Mon. Sat. 9:00a.m. thru 6:00p.m. For more information, call Carolyn Hendrickson at 407.905.3000 ext. 4105. NEXTEL BOOST PHONE SPECIAL DEAL! 0M Only $59.99 .. 200 FREE Minutes FREE Activation. Motorola 1415* Color Screen Other models available. Prices vary. Thornton has left Maitland Mid- dle School to be principal of the Ponkan Road middle school. JAZZ ACRO "PREOK |BAL .WIP I MODE 'DANCE TEA COMPANYN MOMMY & ME *AND MORE!! In Victoria Plaz; NOW OFFERING FAIRYTALEE BALi. FOR PRE SCHOOLERSI NEW CLASSES ARE STARTING. CALL NOW FOR LET A FREE TRIAL CLASSIC NTE HOP RN AM STOP IN, TOUR THE STUDIO, fEET THE YoWre cvwavysv we2cime . . where SR #429 meets US #441 in Apopka, on the web at: kidzdancecomrn; NOTICE OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NUMBERS: 1798 THRU 1800 AND 1806 NOTICE is hereby given that the property owners noted below and shown in the attached vicinity map have made application, in accordance with Florida Statutes 171.044 and the Apopka Code of Ordinances, Part III, Land Development Code, Article XII, Section 12.04.00, to the City of Apopka City Council, for ANNEXATIO of the properties shown in the following map: Talk to your teen about healthy choices regarding discrimination, racism, violence, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and premarital sex. We can help. Do the right thing. www.thinksma rtflorida.comn ThinkSmart is a program of Catholic Charities of Orlando, Inc. 5 t B. S ., *8g ..* * ORD. ITEM OWNER'S NAME LOCATION NO. NO. __________ 1798 1 Orange County BPI North of Martin Street and east of Vick Road Orlando Country Aviation 1799 2 Services, Inc. North of Hogshead Road and west of U.S. 441 1800 3 James P.A. Thompson South of Wesley Road and west of Orange Blossom Trail 1806 4 Leslie V. and Nancy R. Hebert North of Welch Road and west of Rock Springs Road The proposed annexations, as indicated in the map of this advertisement may be inspected by the public in the City of Apopka Community Development Department, and/or the office of the City Clerk, at 120 E. Main Street, Apopka, Florida (Apopka City Hall). NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the adoption of ORDINANCE NO'S. 1798 THRU 1800 AND 1806 will be held by the City of Apopka City Council at its regularly scheduled meeting in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka City Hall on Wednesday, January 18., 2006, beginning at 8:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible. All interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to this hearing. Please be advised that, under State law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office at 120 E. Main Street, Apopka, Florida 32703, Telephone (407) 703-1704, not later than five (5) days prior to the proceedings. Apopka City Council January 6 & 13, 2006 Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP Community Development Director 60102 Do you have news you would like us to publicize? Call 407-886-2777, Fax it to 407-889-4121 or mail it to 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka FL 32712 or email: news@apopkachief.fdn.com Learn to Drive Quickly! Convenient Registration First-'Time Drive Class (D.A.T.C.) Classes/ In class 4 days, In car 6 days Driving Lessons for All Ages Traffic Ticket Class Driver License Road Tests (Car Available) 407-880-6003 State A proved 10 A N. Park Avenue, Apopka b'i C i.lj or inippiniueit..J iiit... lt-t i iidse s The Apopka Chief January 13, 2006, Page 4A Opinion The Apopka Chief A weekly newspaper founded in 1923 Publisher John Ricketson Reporters Richard Corbeil Chris Gauthier General Manager Neoma Knox Photographer Tammy Keaton Editor John Peery Advertising Jacquelyne Trefcer Elaine Giddens 0. - "Copyrighted Materia _!_____s ito ; Syndicated Content Competition always best for us Available from Commercial News Providers" Last week in.this spot, we opined that well run and is free of major controversies. 0 wve feel it is best when incumbents in any Yes, there are problems, but nothing that political race have opposition. cannot be handled or that would cause finan- P p ANY race haveopposition,-cannot-+ be -- ha -nd d r c tha tw u cause fij-nan~j- We have not changed our opinion on that position, but, after hearing from a handful of readers about the editorial, we want to make sure that our thoughts are understood. Our bottom line motivation for wanting opposition for every officeholder running for re-election in any political race is that com- petition makes it better for all of us. Just think of what has made America great: competition. We have battled competitively against each other since we set foot on the soil of North America. In the private sector, compe- tition means better products or services and usually at a lower price for the public.. In the public sector, we were in fierce 'competition with the Soviet Union in the 1960s to see which country would land a man on the moon first. That space race led to many inventions and upgrades from the pri- vate sector that were used for the U.S. space program, and many of those same improve- ments are now in use by the public. Generally, we feel that Mayor John H. Land and the City Council are doing things the right.way. The city is, for the most part, claim strain on te taxpayers. iutj, jU utecause things are running fairly smoothly doesn't mean they'can't be done even better. Competition for those running for re- election is paramount so that they are forced to step back and analyze the job they are doing and to try to figure out how to do it better. However, those who are wanting to provide that competition should not all of a sudden show up and announce their candida- cy. Running for office should not be some- thing that just sounds like a neat thing to do. People running for office here should do their homework prior to beginning a cam- paign so as not to waste the time and effort of voters. Attending City Council meetings and keeping abreast of the issues is of para- mount importance. Being involved in the community is also extremely important as Apopka is not just another blip on the map. We have a community feeling here in Apop- ka and that needs to remain, no matter who serves us as mayor and commissioners. Competition is great for politicians,' but it must come from those who have the interest and ability to do the job better than the incumbent. Florida's low tax state for people, not business Florida's low tax state for people, not business Previously, I have written about three initiatives to raise your taxes that are trying to reach the November 7 ballot. The "FAIR" (Floridians Against Inequities in Rates) amend- ments will change Florida's tax system and be a disaster for Floridians. In my previous articles, I wrote that one of the "FAIR" amendments would abolish almost all sales tax exemptions. I explained that abolition of the "re-sale" exemption would add substantial cost to the products consumers buy. I also wrote that one of the "FAIR" amend- ments would create a sales tax on most services. This week I will discuss "FAIR's" impact upon tax policy. Florida, as other states and the federal government, uses Fred Brummer District 38 Report tax policy to encourage eco- nomic development and job creation. The Legislature has created sales tax exemptions for research and development, new and expanded businesses, man- ufacturing businesses, agricul- tural operations, motion picture making in Florida, and creation of jobs in enterprise zones. These efforts to create high paying jobs for Florida's work- ing families would be abolished by one of the "FAIR" amend- ments. Florida is often described as a low tax state. For individu- als, that is correct. That is not so for businesses. A recent national study conducted for the Council on State Taxation shows that Flori- da is a high tax state for busi- ness. Currently, Florida state and local taxes consume 5 per- cent of private sector gross state product. The national average for taxes on business as a share of gross state product is 4.7 per- cent; Georgia is 3.8 percent, and North Carolina is 3.5 per- cent. Automatically repealing sales tax exemptions that help See BRUMMER Page 5A Editor: Re: Response to letter by Tom Dorman in January 6 edition of TheApopka Chief. Transportation is and should be the city's top priority. I would like to give a brief history of the Apopka Bypass or Maitland Boulevard Exten- sion. While Apopka holds the honor of being the second largest city in Orange County, major road projects require the cooperation of state and local transportation authorities, and all levels of elect- ed officials. This takes considerable time and effort. During Mr. Dorman's tenure as a board member on the Orlando-Orange. County Express- way Authority, the Apopka leg of the beltway (Part A) was postponed and replaced with the "Central Connector," a road designed to only serve downtown Orlando interests. Mr. Dorman also voted to spend more than $1 million on a study of the "Central Connector" which could have been used for our Bypass. Also, in the mid 1980s, an effort to support cities receiving their fair share of the local gas tax was opposed by Commissioner Dorman. This opposition lost Apopka $1 million in transportation dollars and required a legislative remedy from Tallahassee. To overcome these setbacks in the 1980s, a concerted effort was waged by newly elected Commissioner Tom Staley, the legislative delega- tion, and our Apopka officials. Our goal was to make the Western Beltway and the Apopka Bypass top projects for the Expressway Authority and the Florida Department of Transportation. The city of Apopka even offered to lend the state DOT $1 million for the required Bypass study. See PRIORITY Page 5A Friends are nifty when you turn 50 50. -If you're measuring degrees in Fahrenheit, it's chilly, but not too cold. If you're counting pennies, it won't buy a lot these days. But, if you're adding up the years of your life, then it means you are a half-century old. Fifty really sounds much older when you say it like that -- a half-century. Adding the word century certainly gives the number a different meaning. But, no matter how you slice it or say it, 50 years of age is definitely a benchmark. And a dear friend is just days away from that special event. Patrick McGuffin, Pat to those who know him, turns 50 on January 23. He's the first of a group of us who were born in 1956 who have either hung around Apopka since graduat- John Peery Cornbread Dressing ing from Apopka Memorial High School in 1974 or have at least kept in touch with each other through the years. In this column, I have the perfect opportunity to wish him a very happy half-century birth- day, or, should I say, I have the perfect chance to harass him and just give him general grief about turning 50 before me. Yes, assuming that I keep breathing, I, too, will turn 50. My birthday is near the end of May, so, as you can see, I am more than four full months younger than Pat, quite a differ- ence, if I say so myself. However, this is not about my turning 50, but Pat hitting that half-century mark. Really, though, for a guy who is almost ready to join AARP, he looks pretty good. Yeah, there are a few gray hairs mixed among the red, er, strawberry blond on the top of his head. Of course, there aren't quite as many of those straw- berry blond hairs up there as there used to be because, well, he'll be 50 in a matter of days. Weight-wise Pat has always been one of the fortu- nate ones. In school, he was one of the skinny guys and those of us with maybe a pound or two of extra weight were glad that we were made of more than skin and bones. But, alack and alas, even See PEERY Page 5A Al-Queda's strategy right out of the leftists' play book JANUARY. 13 -- A major supporter of the Democrat Party made a victory statement last . Friday, January 6, exulting in his :perceived, mistaken belief of the defeat of our armed forces in the Mideast and the importance of this to the future of Muslims and the U.S. leftists. According to Associated Press reporter Omar Sinan's dis- patch from Cairo, Egypt, "Al- Queda's No.I2, Ayman al-Zaw*- hari said in a videotape aired Friday by Al-Jazeera that the United States' recent decision to withdraw some troops from Iraq represented an Islamic victory (emphasis mine) and called on Muslims to attack oil sites." I'm sure leading Dem left- ists John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel, Ted Kennedy, Dick Durbin, Harry Reid, et al., must be ecstatic at their chief party "hack" al-Zawhari's victo- ry speech. "You remember I told you more than a year ago that the American withdrawal from Iraq is only a matter of time, and Richard Corbeil Corbeil's Corner here they are now ... negotiating with the mujadeen," he exulted. Wasn't it just about a year ago, after the first of three fan- tastic free elections in Iraq, bet- ter known as the "Purple Finger Poll," that our leftist pols and their press pals began harangu- ing about pulling put of the Iraqi "quagmire," getting more hysterical with each historical election? It is obvious that the terror- ist leader is promoting the Democrat strategy and agenda of using defeat in Iraq as a road to victory in U.S. elections. He is quoted on Al-Jazeera's Web site as urging supporters (terror- ists) to attack oil sites in Muslim countries. This certainly reflects the philosophy and method of popu- lation enslavement since the Industrial Revolution and the age of capitalism-inducing free- dom. The communists assaulted freedom through land and indus- try seizure by the state, with the starving, murdered masses sup- porting an elite ruling group in sumptuous splendor. It can only last so long, as the Soviet Union found out and as Red China will prove, as they flee the Soviet model; as they return to privatization of proper- ty and industry. Al-Queda's tyranny by ter- ror is cut from the same cloth. Why else call for the destruction of the most valued commodity in Muslim Countries -- the oil reserves -- unless the thought of petroleum augmented free nations putting you out of unearned power frightens you silly. Why do you think the Dems and other big government con- trol types have fought tooth and nail for decades against nuclear power plants? If we had devel- oped them at only half the rate as Europe, producing unlimited, cheap power, our economy would be beyond calculation, along with the freedom and per- sonal life control such an econo- . my makes possible. Political footballs like Social Security, medical care, retirement, unemployment, crime, poverty, tax rates, etc., would bce minor concerns and not political campaign issues. Why do you think the left has battled against oil drilling in the mosquito-infested ANWAR or the Gulf of Mexico, while belit- tling the oil industry and stop- ping them from building any new refineries for decades? A primary tool in the liber- als' drive for despotic control of our lives through limiting of our finances, has been a myriad of taxes that our founding fathers refused to incorporate in the for- mation documents. Another aspect of economic degradation has been the acqui- sition of our nation's land by the government, also forbidden in any large quantities by the Con- stitution. Federal ownership of land in the U.S. is rapidly approaching 40 percent of all the land. This, combined with that acquired by local and state governments, is driving the cost of owning a home to more than 50 percent of income and creat- ing a society of mortgage slaves. Some of the main players in this scheme by leftist pols have been the environmental whack- os, treehuggers, mouse protec- tors, snail darter devotees and other land-snatchers, most of whom are ignorant of their suck- er role for the power mongers. To these idiots, "global warm- ing" is as real as "global cool- ing" was to their predecessors back in the 1970s. They refuse to recognize it for what it is -- a major strategy to hamstring and damage the world's major engine of free- dom, the U.S. economy. That's why al-Zawhari's false boast of victory in TIrq was only a cover for the real purpose of Islamofascism. His call to "attack oil sites in Muslim coun- tries" is just the continuing strat- egy to recreate poverty where it's been overcome and return to a feudal existence, ignorance, and human slavery. The fear of the left is a pop- ulation of well-heeled, hard working people who believe in limited government. When they look at Iraq's 25 million people with one of the world's largest oil reserves and three democrat- ic elections in 12 months, they are terrified and certainly they wish al-Queda all the best for the new year. A Texas in the heart of the Mideast -- the Democrats' worst nightmare! "Blessed is he that consid- ereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. The LORD will preserve him and keep him alive: and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou will not deliver him unto the will of his enemies." Psalm 41:1-2. The Apopka.Woman's Club will host.a luncheon/fashion show Feb. 8 at Errol Estate. Registration is at 11:30 a.m.; lunch- eon will begin at 12:30 p.m, Tickets are $20 and must be bought by Feb. 1. Tick- ets: 407-886-6972 or 407-814-0935. LI_____________________________________________ "Fifty really sounds much older when you say it like that -- a half-century. Adding the word century certainly gives the num- ber a different meaning." Editor John Peery on a friend's upcoming 50th birthday df ~PP Transportation is top priority "Come, and let us return unto the Courage is a decision, not a feeling. LORD; for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day. he will raise us up; and we .shall live in his sight. Hosea 6:1 and 2. . 1 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 5A Earning the Eagle Scout award as a teenager was pretty neat for Pat McGuffin and having then-U.S. Sen. Bill Gunter perform the ceremony was even better. Peery: Pat has version of middle age bulge Continued from page 4A Pat McGuffin has seen Father Time take hold and now he has his own version of the middle- age bulge. Granted, it's pretty small compared to some of us, but, for Pat, it might as well be the size of a watermelon. Frankly, he looks like a woman who's just a little bit pregnant, but I wouldn't dare write that for fear of embarrassing him. Nor would I mention about how, in our school years, Pat was not always exactly one of the first guys chosen when it came to sports. No, no, no, I am NOT say- ing or even inferring that he wasn't the most athletic guy around, but those of us compet- ing in a pickup game of foot- ball or basketball were praying that the other team would get stuck, er, would choose Pat. It's not that Pat wasn't an athletic/sports kind of guy, it's just that, well, maybe it was that the athletic genes in his family skipped the 1950s. I could go on and on and on and on about Pat's short- comings, but he and I have known each other way too long for him not to have some sto- ries on me, so, I shall leave the harassment part, well, for the most part, anyway. When Pat moved to Apop- ka in 1964 with his family, he and I got to know each other right away. I figured that any kid my age with that flaming red hair and that many freckles needed a friend or two in his new town. So, I welcomed the new guy to Apopka. Of course, his family became pretty well known fair- ly quickly as his parents, Mac and Delores McGuffin, started the Apopka Planter newspaper as a competitor to The Apopka Chief. Time marched on and the McGuffins eventually bought The Chief in 1969 and sold it 10 years later to my boss, John Ricketson, who still owns it and very graciously allows me to write and harass friends of mine who are turning 50 more than four months ahead of me. I guess I haven't lived up to my promise to not harass Pat any more, but it's just so darned easy. However, I shall try just a little harder. After all, there are those stories that Pat could tell that must remain silent. Both professionally and personally, our lives have inter- twined to the point where we are almost related ... at least in a weird, Apopka kind of way. You see, my stepson, Adam Shaw, married Pat's niece, Angela Waits, last year. Pat's wife, Sheila, and Angela's mom, Sherry, are sisters. And, Angela's dad, David, has been a friend of mine since we moved to Apopka in 1958, even prior to my becoming friends with that guy turning 50. So, not only is Pat a near and dear friend, but he also is my stepson's uncle-in-law, or something like that. My wife, Grace, never ceases to be amazed at how all these friendships and family relationships are meshed together. I am sure, in the back of her mind somewhere, she wonders if we all didn't just ride in together from the hills of Tennessee. Just as Pat could tell sto- ries on me, I could tell a hand- ful on him. But, I want him to continue to have family and friends who won't abandon him. I would tell the story of why I call him The Face, but I really don't remember the ori- gins, although I do know what it means and that is all I am saying about that. I do have to mention the time when we were in our mid- 20s and he decided to shave his beard. Well, sort of. Pat had grown a beard so people would know he was out of junior high school (he's always had that forever-young Dick Clark look), but one night. he got a wild hair and decided to shave his beard. But, he did it in a strange sort of way. He shaved only half his beard. I was single and living in the Mt. Plymouth area at the time and my doorbell rang one evening and, lo and behold, there stood before me a young man with half a beard. You see, Pat had decided to shave his beard, but then, being the oft-goofy kind of guy he is, he shaved half of it, got in his car, and drove out to show me. He had that big smile and laugh going when I answered my door and then I started guf- See PEERY Page 10A Brummer: Florida must be competitive for jobs Continued from page 4A us attract and retain business and create jobs will not cause Florida to become a magnet for high-paying jobs and growing businesses. Taxes are one of the items businesses consider when they choose a location. Flori- da's tax rates for business do not favorably compare now with Georgia and North Caroli- na. The "FAIR" proposals will only make Florida less compet- itive. We need to make Florida more competitive for good jobs not less competitive. Theorists may argue whether or not governments should use tax policy to encour- age job creation. I believe that Florida must continue its efforts to attract high paying jobs. These efforts include current exemptions from sales tax for specific incentives. These incentives should not be abol- ished without debate and a vote of the Legislature. In these three articles, I have shown that the "FAIR" amendments will make home products and insurance more expensive for consumers and finding good jobs more difficult for Florida's working families. Can there be a worse proposal? I think not. Should you have questions about the "FAIR" amendments or any other legislative topic, please call me at 407-.>.-,i-4414 or e-mail me at fred.brum- mer((am yfloridahousei.gov. Priority: Everyone must work together so we can build Apopka's much needed roadways Continued from page 4A For longer than a decade, I serve continuously on a half- dozen transportation and envi- ronmental committees, keeping construction of the road alive The Way I See It Patti Bankson Elvis Has Left The Building... The dark- ened room was filled to capacity with people and hushed anticipa- tion. Ending the silencece, the band and singers broke into Space Odyssey. The vol- ume and intensity steadily rose to a peak, then the music segued into C. C. Rider, Elvis stepped onto the stage and the people went nuts! If you're thinking this hap- pened before Elvis died in 1977, you're wrong. This was last Saturday night and I prom- ise you, it wasn't just another Elvis "sighting" or urban leg- end. This was a tribute to the King of Rock and Roll, and my husband and I had better than and in the public eye. The Western Beltway was open to the public on July 8, 2000, and approval for the Apopka Bypass was announced in the summer of 2004. I wish to thank Governor "ring-side seats" -- we were two of the back-up singers. Elvis, in this case, is Jack Smink, known internationally as an Elvis Tribute Artist who has performed Elvis shows world-wide for 28 years, also appearing in several movies featuring Elvis Tribute Artists and at least two books pub- lished on the subject. His most notable appearance was in Portland, Maine's Cumberland County Civic Center where Elvis Presley, had he not died on August 16, was to have appeared on August 17 and 18, 1977. Jack and his LST (Lightning Strikes Twice) band were asked to perform there on August 18, 2002 to commemo- rate the 25th Anniversary of Elvis' death. Well over 6,000 Elvis / Jack fans packed the venue. On Jack's 8th trip to England in October 2005, four out of five upcoming appear- ances were already sold out on his arrival, with some driving as much as 4 hours from Liverpool and beyond to his performance in Ascot. Jeb Bush, Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty, Expressway Authority Chairman Allan Keen, state Sen. Daniel Web- ster, state Rep. Fred Brummer, the City Commission, and The Apopka Chief for their tireless Saturday night's concert was a re-creation of Elvis' 1973 Aloha from Hawaii show, fea- turing songs like Hound Dog, Jailhouse Rock, Burnin' Love and more, making for a power- ful blast from the past! The six top-notch, extremely talent- ed musicians gave it all they had, and they had plenty! There were eight back-up singers in all, but leaving my husband and myself out of this "pat on the back", the other six extremely talented back-up singers also gave it all they had, and they, too, had plenty! Last, but certainly not least... Jack. He tells his audiences he's not there to imitate Elvis, (and he's not) but he sounds so much like him, that if you closed your eyes.... It would be an injustice to Jack if I didn't mention his audience. When we arrived for a 4 p.m. sound-check, some fans were already there, although the doors weren't opening for another 2-hours, with dinner after that, and the show after that! Talking to them efforts on behalf of the Apopka Bypass. It takes all of us work- ing together to build our much- needed roadways. John H. Land Mayor of Apopka I learned they're not just Elvis fans, but Jack fans, as well. As for those who came later, well... all I can say is I watched in fascinated amazement as they lined up in front of the stage screaming and waving their arms waiting to get one of Elvis', uh... I mean, Jack's scarves. If I hadn't known bet- ter, I'd have thought Elvis truly was alive and well and shaking his hips in Melbourne, Florida! "Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis left the building almost 29 years ago, but the next best thing left the building just last Saturday night, and he'll be back April 29th with his LST Band and Singers." Be there or be square, little momma! Patti Bankson invites your comments at pbankson@cfl.rr. corn @2005 Patti Bankson q Sponsored by Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 MSATLRNr Car buying made easy NO Car buying made easy! HASSLE ftwo - Is APR BACK! i^ 48 mo. on all ION2 Sedans & FWD4 VUEs or, Lease a 2006 ION2 Sedan starting at 1 99+f o ZERO out of pocket, $500 "- t i M*SA;VINGS,1.: Saturn of Orlando/North 2725 S. Highway 17-92 SATRN. 800-313-9224 (Local Call) See Our Entire www.saturnoforlando.com Inventory Online I.-. ,, SATIRN Kissimmee i2 near FL Turnpike SALES HOURS: MONDAY FRIDAY 9AM 8PM SATURDAYS 9AM 7PM SUNDAYS 12NOON 5PM All offers expire 1/31/06. Photos for illustration purposes only. All offers with approved credit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee, and retailer-installed accessories extra. *39 month lease. 12,000 miles a year. No security deposit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee, retailer-installed accessories, and first payment due at delivery. ION2 MSRP $13,530, Stock 11145857. Includes $500 Saturn Owner Loyalty Savings and $250 ION2 manual cap cost reduction allowance. Some restrictions apply. Not all will qualify. *Saturn Owner Loyalty Savings customer must have copy of current Saturn payment coupon or Saturn vehicle registration to qualify. Transferable within household. Trade-in not required. See dealer for program details. Other convenient locations: Orlando/South S. OBT near FL Mall Hwy 19 The Apopka Chief January 13, 2006, Page 6A Life style r-"" - --------------- ---- Church news . .7A Obituaries . . .7A Several fundraisers planned for Relay For Life Focus On N.W. Orange County John Anderson to hold concert Apopka native John Ander- son, a 1972 Apopka High School graduate, will hold a concert Sat- urday, January 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Helen Stairs Theatre for the Performing Arts in Sanford. The theater is located at 203 S. Magnolia Ave., Sanford. Tickets for the concert given by the country music star are $35 and $30. For more information or to order tickets, visit www.helenstairstheatre.com or call long distance 1-407-321- 8111. The Apopka Woman's Club will host a luncheon and fashion show Wednesday, February 8, at Errol Estate Country Club, 1355 Errol Parkway, Apopka. Regis- tration is at 11:30 a.m. and the luncheon will begin at 12:30 p.m. Dillard's Department Store will be presenting the fashion show. Tickets are $20 and must be purchased by Wednesday, February 1. Tickets will not be sold at the door. For ticket information, con- tact Myrna Tomlin at 407-886- 6972 or Robin McEwen at 407- 814-0935. Apopka author W.R. "Mac" McGuffin will hold the first of three scheduled book signing today, Friday, January 13, from 6-8 p.m. at Errol Estate Country Club. The former newspaper pub- lisher has written Florida Rose, a book about a small .fictional town with a small daily newspa- per. McGuffin will also hold a book signing on Wednesday, January 18, from 9-11 a.m. at United Heritage Bank, 21 E. Third St., Apopka. His third scheduled book signing is set for February 19 at the Apopka His- torical Society's meeting at Museum of Apopkans, 122 E. Fifth St., Apopka. Florida Rose is not a book about roses, but about a small- town daily newspaper and how the newspaper staff sees the town's newsmakers as opposed to how the newsmakers some- times see themselves, McGuffin said. McGuffin, who will be 83 in February, owned and published The Apopka Chief from 1969 to 1979, prior to its purchase by John Ricketson, current publish- er and owner. The paperback book is being sold for $12.95 plus sales tax at Apopka Office Supply, 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail; Catfish Place, 311 S. Forest Ave.; and Mosquito Creek Out- doors, 170 S. Washington Ave., Apopka. The Northwest Orange Republican Women Federated will hold its inaugural coffee and installation of officers Thursday, January 19, in the Carnoustic Room at Errol Estate Country Club from 10 a.m. until noon. The cost is $12. Republi- cans (men and woman) interest- ed in attending should contact Patty Redlich at 407-886-8460 and RSVP by Monday, January 16. S Shannon Schambeau, who was a runner-up twice in prcvi- ous Miss Apopka pageants, will be competing as the 2005 Miss District of Columbia in the Miss America pageant. The pageant will air Satur- day, January 21, at 8 p.m. on the Country Music Television net- work. She will join 2005 Miss Florida contestant, Mari Wilen- sky, a student at the University of Florida, in competing for the Miss America crown. By Chris Gauthier Apopka Chief Staff With less than three months before the seventh annual Apop- ka Relay For Life, the signature fundraising event for the Ameri- can Cancer Society, teams are organizing fundraisers, hoping to meet the local goal of $100,000 this year, said Debbie Turner, event chairman. The 18-hour walk-a-thon is scheduled for Friday, March 24, and Saturday, March 25, at Apopka High School's Roger Williams Field. A Relay For Life Expo will be held Friday, January 27, from 6-8 p.m. at the Fran Carlton Center, 11 N. Forest Ave., Apop- ka. "This will be a great place for people to.find out what they want to know about Relay with- out sitting through a formal pre- sentation. They can just check out the area that interests them," Turner said. Tables will be set up to dis- perse information on corporate and individual sponsorship, marketing and publicity volun- teers, registering a team, and more. Luminarias will be offered for a donation and pur- chasers may decorate them at Challenge to benefit YMCA The Apopka YMCA com- mittee is sponsoring a 40-Day Extreme Makeover Challenge, based on the book, Extreme Makeover: Body by God by Dr. Ben Lerner. The goal of this event is to give each individual the necessary tools to transform their life one percent per day for 40 days. The challenge consists of six weekly workshops and will be held at the Tabernacle of Prayer and Deliverance Church, *415 S. Central Ave., Apopka, from 7-8 p.m. starting Monday, January 23, and ending Monday, February 27. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about nutrition, exercise, spiritual fitness, stress manage- ment and time management. "They will also be given Body by God guidelines as to how they can live on a daily and weekly basis to make steady, incremental changes that will ultimately lead to a lifetime of the expo or take them home to do so. Turner is also looking for local talent to entertain the crowd at Relay For Life in March. Computers will be set up so committee members can show people how to access the Amer- ican Cancer Society's Web site and take advantage of the infor- mation available. Relay gear, such as T-shirts, caps, jewelry, calendars, decals and other items, will also be on sale. Survivor committee chair- man Valerie Geth will be on hand to speak to attendees about the newly started cancer support group, which meets on the sec- ond Monday of every month. The first meeting, held January 9, was a great success, Turner said, with many of the 12 sur- vivors attending promising to bring friends to the next gather- ing. In other activity regarding the Relay For Life, the Apopka Recreation Department is seek- ing musicians for the third annu- al LAME (Local Apopka Musi- cians Eradicating) Cancer High School Battle of the Bands, which will be held Saturday, March 4, at Kit Land Nelson Park. Patrick St. Germain ...sponsors fundraiser health and happiness, all in 40 days," a spokesperson said. During the six weeks, par- ticipants will receive an event T- shirt, a copy of the Extreme Makeover: Body by God book and weekly inspirational cmails. Participants will be weighed and measured weekly. Participants can register for $40 by phone at 407-889-3223 or in person at St. Germain Chi- ropractic, 877 S. Orange Blos- som Tr., Apopka. E-mail any questions to info(a'thc4(dlay- challenge.coim. Phone book recycling set Residents of unincorporalced Orange County can recycle their old telephone books fromn now until Iechruary 10. They should place lirc old hooks in ihcil oiange recycling bin lor pickup oni their regular recycling collection day. Il ilr m orie ilforrIialioll, call tlc ()lalcg (Coounily tlilitics Solid Waste Ilrlinc al )7-8136-0()0(1. U -I Many people work toward the success of Apopka's Relay For Life. Shown are, standing (I- r), Debbie Turner, chairman; Debbie Fischer, co-chair; Maureen and Tim Landers, Hobson- Berry team; and Emily Lewinger, American Cancer Society; seated Susan Holznagel, com-. mittee member and Candy McCrary, director of the Apopka Recreation Department. members must play their own instruments. Bands must regis- ter to perform by Friday, Febru- ary 3, and registration has been limited to eight bands, said Kristi Fixl of the Apopka Recre- See RELAY Page 11A High-school-age bands from throughout Central Florida are invited to perform. All musi- cal styles are welcome, but Beware of bears and buzzards Janet Connelly Know It All leaves until ready to cat. 5. The word koala means, "to drink." The koala gets almost all of his water from the gum leaves they eat. 6. Is. They cat mostly carrion (dead animals), but often vomit when .they are disturbed. They have a keen sense of smell, sharp eyes, and can see dead animals from a great distance. 7. Six species, but only three live in North Amer- ica. 8. The turkey vulture, sometimes called a buz- zard. 9. The California condor. It is 45 to 95 inches long and has a wing-spread of between 8.5 and 11 feet. 10. No, they live on the ground under overhang- ing cliffs, in logs and in caves. The female lays from one to three eggs on bare surfaces. Final thought: If you see a buzzard perched outside your bedroom window, you know it's going to be a bad day. Correction In last week's column, I gave the answer to the following question incorrectly: Is Birming- hant or Montgomery the capital of Alabama? The answer I gave was Birmingham, but as all you good Alabamians pointed out, the correct answer is Montgomery. Thank you, my readers, for brinr ing this to my attention. Questions 1. What are some of the charac- * teristics of a marsupial? 2. What is the native land of the koala? 3. Are koalas arboreal? 4. What is the koala's main diet? 5. The name koala is an aborigi- nal word. What does it mean? 6. A vulture (is, is not) a bird of prey. 7. How many species are there of the American vulture? 8. Which of the American vultures lives in Flori- da? 9. The largest land bird in North America is a vulture. Which one? 10. Do vultures build nests? Answers 1. A marsupial is a mammal whose young are born incompletely formed. They are carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother's belly. 2. Koalas are found in the wild only in Australia. Fossil evidence found there are indicators they evolved more than 25 million years ago. It is estimated that there are only about 100,000 koalas in the wild today. 3. Yes. They live in trees, like to wedge them- selves between the forks of branches and are rarely on the ground. 4. This furry creature cals only the bark and leaves of some eucalyptus Irecs. They have sharp Iclth ;and check pouches where ihey can store I ith n ap r'S Proud0Hbitat hmeowne Despite the chilly weather on Saturday, January 7, more than 30 people turned out for the groundbreaking for Habi- tat for Humanity of Greater Apopka's 15th home. In the pic- ture on the left, new homeowner Patsy Simms speaks to the crowd as Mayor John H. Land listens. In the picture above, Simms poses with Jay Robinson, president of Habi- tat's Board of Directors. I The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 7A St. Francis has two events The Florida Blood Center's bloodmobile will be in the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church parking lot, 834 S. Orange Blos- som Tr., Apopka Sunday, January 22, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. "Donating blood is safe, easy and fast," a spokesperson said. "In the 30 minutes you spend giving blood, you could save the lives of five people." Most healthy persons over 18 years of age (17 with parental consent) and weighing at least 110 pounds may donate, provided some medication and travel restrictions are met. If in doubt, call the blood center at 1-888-936- 6283. St. Francis of Assisi Council of Catholic Women will hold its 12th annual lasagna dinner and show Friday, January 20, and Sat- urday, January 21, at 7 p.m. in the parish center. This' year's theme is The CCW Radio Show. Tickets arc $12 and there will be none sold at the door. To purchase tickets for Friday, January 20, call Sandy at 407-788-8258; for Saturday, Janu- ary 21, tickets call Shirley at 407- 880-2880. GEORGE LEROY DUNSTAN, 89, Apopka, died Thursday, January 5. Mr. Dunstan was a civil engineer in bridge construction. Born in Warren, Ohio, he moved to Florida in 1946. He was a member of Orlando chapters of the Moose, Elks, American Legion and DAV. He was a Navy veteran of World War II. Survivors: wife, Flora; daughter, Dottie McNeil, Niles, Ohio; stepdaugh- ter, Cathy S. Brown, Winter Park; step- son, Don Taylor, Lake Alfred; sister, Vir- ginia Frazier, Warren; brother, Robert, Amarillo, Texas. 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren. Veterans Funeral Care. WILLIAM 0. SAMS, 48, Orlando, died Monday, January 2. Born in New Philadelphia, Ohio, he moved to Central Florida in 1983. He was Baptist. Sur- vivors: sisters, Mary Huff, Orlando, Rose Lowe, Apopka; brother, Terry Lee Sams. HENRY DELL BOARDMAN, 71, Apopka, died, Friday, January 6. Mr. Boardman was a farmer. He was born in Union City, Pennsylvania. He was Pentecostal. Survivors: wife, Elise L.; Obituaries daughters, Harriet Sherman, Titusville, Pa., Lisa Komar, West Virginia, Marie Smith, Roxanna Fassett, both of Erie, Pa., Esther Whitso, Meadville, Pa., Von- della Keterman, Mexico, Shannon King, Apopka; brother, Kenny Boardman, See OBITUARIES Page 11A BATTS FUNERAL HOME Since 1987 Providing Light During The Darkest of Times Batts Community Referral Services Family Hour Plan Starts at $899 *Christian Burial Plan Starts at $999 Easy Credit Payment Plan "Your Affordable Friend in The Funeral Business" ORLANDO, FL LEESBURG,FL 36 N. Halbe Ave. DAYTONA 311 PIne St. 407-841.2351 386.353-4797 352-217-7368 Center of Faith Church, Inc. A Family Af{nistrn Services: Sun. 10 a.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Thurs., 7:30 p.m. 698 Martin Street Apopka James Hicks, Pastor 407-464-9375 AAA Sew N Vac Sales & Service All Makes & Models r ----- -- 1r 20% OFF S TUNE -UP SPECIAL L-- --".---- -. J 407-886-4666 Abel Septic Tanks, Inc. 3122 Laughlin Road Zellwood "Celebrating 43 years" 407-889-2704 APOPKA AUTO UPHOLSTERY 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka (Behind Discount Auto 407-889-0011 27 Years Experience Charlene & Paul Fitzgerald, Owners Martin's Towing 210 E. 7th Street Apopka, FL 32703 407-886-1805 S130-A South Park Ave. Apopka 407-886-2626 Glenn Joiner 13202 W. Colonial Dr. 811 E. Semoran Blvd. Winter Garden Apopka 407-656-4141 407-889-5222 Long's Christian Books 1610 Edgewater Dr., Orlando 407-422-6934 Bring this coupon in for I 15% off any one item I L .--- _1 J "An k No Smelly with Shelley's" Shelley's Septic Tanks 104 E. Ponkan Rd. Apopka, FL 32712 Day or Night Barbara Shelley (407) 889-8042 Vice President Lake Co. Residents (352) 383-5775 Fire stone R ARE BI Bridgestone Michelin TOTAL CAR CARE Goodyear Steve Enos Uniroyal Dunlop Store Manager BF Goodrich Dayton 2409 Semoran Blvd. Pirelli Apopka, FL 32703 Road King 407-880-9688 Falkan Roller Skating is Family Fun & Great Exercise! Christian Music Night Every Saturday Night at Semoran Skateway in Casselberry 407-834-9106 www.semoranskateway.com Huso PIlat Flort 1112 E. Semoran Blvd. Apopka 407-886-2499 ORLANDO'S OLDEST APPUANCE DEALER SINCE 1948 MORGAN APPLIANCES Largest Selection of Used Appliances In -. Orange County Roper KitchenAld" WVhjpiol SFOR THE WAY I'S MADE 1207 W. Church Street, Orlando, FL 32805 407-422-2087 Muffler Man 552 Piedmont Wekiva Springs Rd. Apopka 407-886-1899 St. Paul AME 407-889-4464 Apostolic Apostolic Church of Jesus 407-886-2556 City of Refuge 407-884-5638 Assembly of God Apopka Assembly of God 407-886-2806 Wekiva Assembly of God 407-774-0777 Baptist Apopka First Baptist 407-886-2628 Cornerstone FreeWill Baptist Church 407-886-0669 First Antioch Miss. Baptist Church 407-884-7000 First Baptist Church of Rock Springs 407-886-2805 First Baptist Church of Sweetwater 407-862-3893 First Baptist Church of Zellwood 407-889-0509 Forest Avenue Baptist Church 407-886-4374 Fountain of Life Baptist Church of Apopka, Inc. 407-351-1937 Haitian Baptist Church 407-880-3833 Hope Baptist Church 407-886-6980 Lake Ola Baptist Church 352-383-7920 Lakeside Baptist Church 407-295-7645 Lakeville Road Baptist Church 407-884-7477 Living Hope Community Church 407-889-9027 Lockhart Baptist Church 407-295-1133 Magnolia Baptist Church 407-880-4575 McCormick Road Baptist Church 407-886-4957 New Hope Missionary Baptist 407-886-1165 New Testament Community Baptist Church 407-786-0381 Northside Baptist Church 407-884-4443 Oak Level Baptist Church 407-656-1523 Orange Primitive Baptist Church 407-295-6986 Piedmont Lakes Baptist 407-889-3383 Pleasant View Baptist Church 407-886-6717 Plymouth Baptist Church 407-889-3358 Riverside Baptist Church 407-295-3850 Rosemont Baptist Church 407-299-8885 Shiloh Miss. Baptist Church 407-886-6334 Springs Community Baptist Church 407-889-2240 St. Luke's Full Gospel Baptist Church 352-735-9199 Trinity Baptist Church 407-886-2966 Unity Missionary Baptist Church 407-814-9111 Victory Baptist Church 407-884-8811 Wekiwa Springs Baptist Church 407-886-7864 Bible Bear Lake Bible Chapel 407-869-0198 Catholic St. Francis of Assisi 407-886-4602 St. Mary's (Protectress) Ukrainian 407-880-1640 407-886-4803 Charismatic Living Waters Church 407-290-1444 Charismatic Catholic Ascension Church, CEC 407-880-9555 Christian Journey Christian Church 407-884-7223 Church of Christ Church of Christ 407-889-2636 Church of Christ of Plymouth 407-886-1466 Church of Christ of West Orange 407-656-2770 Northside Church of Christ 407-884-0031 10th Street Church of Christ 407-884-4835 Church of God Church of God of Christ 407-886-2206 Church of God of Plymouth 407-886-3780 Church of God of Prophecy 407-814-7170 Church of God of Zellwood 407-886-3074 Church of God Templo Victoria 407-889-0555 Freewill Holiness Church of God 407-884-9888 Grace Street Church of God 407-298-9188 Park Avenue Worship Center 407-886-2696 St. Elizabeth Church of God by Faith 407-886-6290 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Apopka Ward 407-880-9877 Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit 407-886-1740 Faith and Word Word of Life 407-886-7427 Full Gospel Millenium of Glory 407-814-0041 New Covenant Perfecting Ministries 407-880-8898 Fundamentalist Cent. FL Restoration Branch Church of Jesus Christ Fundamental RLDS 407-886-3541 Holiness Independent House of Prayer (352) 735-6244 New Life Holiness and Teen Ministries 407-886-3206 Take An Interest In Others Since most people would rather talk about themselves, than listen 10 others. many conversations tend to be rather sell-centered. with each party to the conversation trying to ourdo Ithe others in meir attempt to convince everyone how grand they are Howe,,er. if we really want to be the star of [he conversation, we should stop thinking about what we will say nexi and really listen to the people we are talking to And. when there is a lull in the conversation instead ot lumping right in with our own story, we can talk about the other person or ask them questions about what they may have just told us This is more than just good advice about how to keep a conversation going- it is a good interpersonal skill, and one way in which we can display a genuine interest in others When I was in graduate school, one of my best friends Ed. who incidentally was very well-liked by almost everybody, had a conversational habit of asking lots of questions. He was always asking people about their lobs. their hobbies and their interests. And since Ed was genuinely curious about what other people were doing with their lives. his questions never came across as intrusive or nosy. On the contrary, most people really enjoyed talking to him because he seemed to be genuinely interested in them We all know how flattering it can be when someone takes an interest in us so we should return the favor and show an interest in others St. Matthew Holiness 407-889-2274 Independent New Destiny Christian Center 407-298-5770 True Temple of God 407-880-8181 Interdenominational IAMWEARE Church 407-889-8372 New Vision Community Church 407-886-3619 Northwest Community Church 407-578-2088 One Acord Christian Fellowhip Church 407-523-3002 Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 407-884-6696 Jewish Congregation Beth Am 407-862-3505 Congregation of Reform Judaism 407-645-0444 Lutheran St. Paul Lutheran 407-889-2634 Methodist First United Methodist 407-886-3421 Bear Lake United Methodist 407-862-1531 Zellwood United Methodist 407-889-4426 Moravian Rolling Hills Moravian Church 407-332-8380 Nazarene Calvary Church of the Nazarene 407-889-2148 New Life Community Church of the Nazarene 407-291-9294 Non-Denominational Center of Faith Church for All People 407-464-9375 Church Back Home 407-889-3781 Church on the Edge 407-869-1133 .5 MINIM. Of AM IN -.9w 8mr-lmmp ON LL dsti -M APOPKA State No Fault Insurance TREE & SHRUBS 119 South Sunset Drive .? Walt Williams Owner S 407-886-1060 Casselberry, FL 32707 1616 Schopke Rd., Apopka 407-889-0098 ql ZirP (je Zpopka Cjief Sa One of Flods Top award-w/ninng weekly newspapers! "C)MP, ^The Planter Commercial & Residential A Free Weekly Publication Garage Doors & Openers 407-886-2777 www.jbmathews.com nW -8Oo-27 o i 407-656-1289 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka One Accord Christian Fellowship Church Multicultural Spirit-filled Church Sunday 10AM Wednesday Service 7PM Youth Wednesday 7PM 7301 Edgewater Dr. 407-523-3002 Danny Len Buick Pontiac GMC Truck 17605 US Hwy. 441 Mount Dora 352-357-4181 Lollison Larey-Hiand Funeral Home 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road 407-656.3443 Ik* -uoS 174 Semoran Commerce PI,, Ste. 121 Apopka* 407-886-9500 For all vour e na/rii/ needs STATI VA Hal Yeager << Tricia A. Madden, P.A. Advertise your business S49 E. 3rd Street, Free Consultation here and support our SApopka NoRecovery NoFeeNo Cost area churches Ns*T 407-889-2557 500 E. Altamonte Dr., Suite 200 area churches. Altamonte Springs Call 407-886-2777 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.* 407-260-0440 for details. Apopka Aluminum & ~A I A IRA Nelson's Insurance Screen Inc. V A L-M" I I Services Class Rooms, Screen Rooms, Bryan Nelson Room Additions, Carports 1700 S. Orange Blossom Tr. For all your insurance needs Concrete Work, Pool Enclosures Apopka 10 N. Park Ave., Apopka Apopka 407-886-7504 407-889-8668 407-886-7553 ,:2,Vann Gannaway Chevrolet 15140 U.S. Highway 441 Eustis 352-343-2400 Bowen Plumbing, Inc. - SFaucets SToilets Disposals Sinks SWater Heater Rootering Repiping 407-889-0708 Tom's Forklift Service, Inc. Family Owned & Operated 5817 Beggs Rd., Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 296-3858 FAX(407) 294-7939 Joel Clark Whyoucallwhenhveplumbingneeds? First National Bank Albertson's Food & White Aluminum Apopka Family & Certified Backflow Tester First National Bank SteVe Iosoe P l Children's Health *AnnualTesting. Repair.lnstallation 211 S. Edgewood Drive Pharmacy Products *Emergency Repairs-Most Service within 24 Hours 407-797-1900 225 E. 7th St. 618 S. Forest Ave. SE, Apopka Dre 407-797-1900 2400 Semoran Blvd 18040 US Hwy. 441 Main Line Appointment Line 407-383-5632 407-886-1400 Christian Owned Apopka Mount Dora 407-886-6201 407-556-5232 Cert.#T05-00-4552 & Operated 407-889-9797 407-889-5775 Senring Apopka for over 30 years LOOMIS Funeral Home (I-r) Steven Loomis, James R. Loomis and James "Bob" Loomis Family Owned & Operated When considering pre-need or at-need arrangements, call for lowest price quote. 407-880-1007 420 W. Main St., Apopka Tell them you saw it in Eb)e Zpopka Chbief Everlasting Covenant Christian Cente: 407-884-8598 Compass Community Church 407-774-4600 Crossroads Community Church 407-880-9226 Faith & Power Worship Center 407-880-5115 Faithworld Center 407-292-8888 Freedom Ministries 407-886-6006 Harvest House Community Church 407-814-0261 Living Waters Christian Center 407-389-0996 Mission For Christ, Inc. 407-889-5998 New Beginnings Ministries 321-689-2260 New Life Praise Worship Center 407-880-3421 Prayer House of Faith Inc. 407-841-2787 Perfecting Praise Ministries 407-298-6776 Sabbath Grace Fellowship 407-970-6535 Sorrento Christian Center 352-735-4447 Spirit of Life Christian Church 407-886-4570 Tangerine Community Church 407-880-6488 Victory Church World Outreach Centei 407-889-7288 Westside Community Church 407-880-7887 Pentecostal Abundant Life Church of the Living God 407-880-7255 Church of the Living God Inc. 407-884-0134 Church of the Son 407-246-0001 Ebenezer Christian Church Inc. 407-886-0020 Faith in Christ By God 407-814-8515 Free Temple Ministries 407-889-3725 House of God 407-814-0656 Pentecostal Church of God 407-295-0898 The Pentecostals 407-889-3802 Truth Tabernacle 407-814-9333 Way of Grace Ministries 407-889-4000 Pentecostal Holiness Temple of Faith 407-884-6960 Presbyterian First Presbyterian of Apopka 407-886-5943 St. Andrews Presbyterian 407-293-6802 Reformed Church in America Rolling Hills Community Church 407-886-7664 Religious/Biblical Science Bible School of Apopka 407-644-0193 IDMR 407-644-0193 SeApopka Seventh-day Adventistists Apopka Seventh-day Adventist 407-889-2812 Florida Living Church 407-788-7591 Forest Lake 407-869-0680 Franco-Haitian 407-296-4368 Genesis Spanish 407-453-4762 Mount Olive 407-886-0430 Pine Hills 407-291-4816 Plymouth-Sorrento 407-884-0595 Present Truth 407-886-4335 Sheeler Oaks 407-886-8077 United Brethren Lake Brantley Community 407-862-7821 Unity Unity Church of Christianity 407-295-9181 So whatever you wish that (men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets. RLS V Mathnew 7 12 Way of Grace Ministries "The Family Place" Service T'imes Sunday 10 am & 6 pm Wednesday 7 pm 8550 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd., Apopka Daniel W Mattox, Pastor 407-292-9998 AM 950 AeW WTLN 956 The Light Ip7 407-886-3388 Hwy. 436/441 "Attend your place of worship this week" MARVIN C. ZANDERS FUNERAL HOME 232 W. Michael Gladden Blvd. Apopka, Florida 32703 All Seasons Pest Control 435 W. Main Street Apopka, FL 32712 407-886-0204 Apopka's Plant Outlet 2177 N. Rock Springs Rd. Apopka, FL 407-814-1144 One Stop Garden Center For All Your Garden Needs Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses, Inc. Ph. 407-886-3434 Wholesale RF0066455 EXPRES 10% off order when you bring in '" this coupon (Behind the wwiiu, pau,.c, Apopka Tag office) 407-889-4433 Apopka Well & Pump, Inc. Specializing in Submersible & Turbin Pumps Apopka: 407-886-1273 Lake County: 352-483-0779 Individuals Partnerships Corporations 855 N. Park Ave. #2 Apopka Ruby Baxter* 407-814-1810 Susy Garcia Freycenet Allstate 130-D ParkAve state Apopka MO 407-886-8778 Ml [, I li'I I 407-260-6888 1203 E. Hwy. 436 Altamonte Springs Harris Oil & Air Conditioning Corp. Fuel Service-Oil-Kerosene Diesel-Lubricating Oil 1100 S. Hwy. 441 (P.). Box 987) Phones: 352-383-2322 & 1-800-458-2703 Stephen R. Lareau Certified Public Accountant Serving Apopka Since 1980 407-886-2597 Loomis Funeral Home Inc. Quality Service at reasonable prices from a family that cares! 420 W. Main St., Apopka James R. Loomis, Funeral Director 407-880-1007 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 8A Maps of Ponkan schools' attendance zones as proposed by School Board member Jim Martin The student attendance zone proposals as presented by Orange County Public Schools staff was printed on page 16A in the December 16, 2005, edition of The Apopka Chief. All four maps are on The Apopka Chief's Web site at www.theapopkachief.com. This is the alternate proposal for the area elementary school attendance zones. This is the alternate proposal for the area middle school attendance zones. The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 9A 0Sprint Sprin t Pop into your new one-stop shop in Apopka! Celebrate the grand opening of the new Sprint Store with High-Speed Internet service for $19.95 a month! The new Apopka Sprint Store will blow you away. Our new, convenient location gives you plenty of reasons to celebrate because it's a one-stop shop for all the latest communications and entertainment products and services. Don't let this event float by without a visit! Come in during our grand opening week of January 8 January 14 and get Sprint high-speed Internet service for $19.95 a month for as long as you have the service,; (One-year term agreement and activation fee applies.) You can also save up to $200 on select Sprint PCS Phones. (Requires purchase and activation of a new line of service and two-year subscriber agreement. Offer only available in the Apopka Sprint Store.) Apopka Sprint Store 3030 E. Semoran Blvd. at the intersection of SR 436 and S. Hunt Club Dr. 10 a.m.--7 p.m. Monday-Saturday 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Sunday SR 436 AL Al $19.95 Sprint high-speed Internet: Not available in all areas. Monthly rate good for new High-speed Internet residential customers only and applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed. Not valid with any additional offers or discounts. Subject to change or cancel without notice. Monthly Fee: Monthly rate of $19.95 applies as long as customer remains at current residence and subscribes to a qualifying calling package (Sprint Solutions Standard Plan, Basic Plan or Sprint Special Plan). Sprint high-speed Internet: Service not available in all areas. $49.99 Activation fee will apply. A fee of $99.00 will be charged for early termination. Actual performance may vary due to conditions outside of Sprint's network control. No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. These conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of web sites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Additional restrictions may apply. Sprint PCS: Nationwide network reaches over 250 million people. Coverage not available everywhere. Offers are not available everywhere and are subject to change without notice. Subject to credit. Terms and conditions apply. See store for details. Instant Savings: Requires purchase and activation by 1/31/06. Savings may not exceed total purchase price of phone. Preferred credit may be required. Business accounts excluded. Not combinable with other offers. Service Credit Requires purchase and activation of a new Sprint PCS Phone no later than 1/31/06. Service credit may be awarded in two installments and will appear within the first two invoices. Preferred credit may be required. Business accounts excluded. Not combinable with other offers. Service Plan: $150 early termination fee and a $36 activation fee apply. A deposit may be required. Drawing: No purchase necessary to enter or win. Must be 18 years old or older. Void where prohibited. One entry per person. Enter drawing starting January 8th and ending January 14th during store hours. See store for complete rules. 2006 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. SPR-4268 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 10A Do you have church news you would like us to publicize? Fax it to 407-889-4121, or mail or deliver it to 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka FL 32712 I ibo ctin I v'i!i.~KJ ii.. -I ., - ir~us. ~ Ii ~ ~i7 -. ir~awm~ -i00~"-Hp-r-7-ar-'---l-- ~L"' ir: ,~uri~ ~ ________________________________ *''i r. -xi--. --in b.-a~1 u=,ea Ideal Mortgage Com- pany, located at 491 N. SR 434, Suite 131, Altamonte Springs, held its ribbon cutting ceremony Thursday, January 5. Participat- ing were Mayor John Land, (center), owner George Gonzales (right of Land), Ginger Gonzales (left of Land), and various Apopka Area Cham- ber of Commerce ambassadors. The company is a mem- ber of the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce. Foliage Garden Club to hold annual fundraiser A wireless plan you control. Peace and joy for everyone. Witn Sprint and Nextei, you control your plan it doesn't control you. SPRINT FAIR & FLEXIBLE'PLANS No Roaming Charges. No Huge Overages. Now starting at $29.99 for 200 Anytime Minutes Offer requires two-year service agreement. Other month charges apply. See below for details. 1560 BY Motorola' * Built-in Nextel Walkie-Talkie * GPS enabled: add TeleNav" for voice-guided directions * Web and email enabled i$9.9 * Nationwide Long Distance. Every Minute. Every Day * Unlimited Night & Weekend Minutes * Voice mail and Caller ID 0 S ~wmol VI-2300 BY Sanyo' * Sprint PCS Ready Link' capable * Sprint PCS Vision'capable *Sprint SMS Text Messaging capable SE FREE (g,--- Sprint with new activation Togeh.,.ithNExt or upgrade Scar charger 1087 West 0.B.T. (Victoria Plaza) hands free 407-814-CELL (2355) ., ..........-. ... Retirement Never Felt So Good! Come Live in the Smoky Mountains! * All ground level apartments * 14 acres on Little Pigeon River * Paid utilities * Transportation * Activities * Pet Friendly * Meals included MountainBrook VILLAGE 700 Markhill Drive Sevierville TN www.MountainBrookVillage.info 1-877-207-5034 55 + Independent and Assisted Living Community The Foliage Garden Club of Apopka will hold its annual lun- cheon, card party and fashion show Saturday, February 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 201 S. Park Ave., Apopka. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased from any Foliage Garden Club member or by call- ing Sandy Bove at 407-788- 8258 or contacting her at mylip- stix@aol.com. There will be a plant sale, silent auction, door prizes and the latest fashions, presented by Beall's Department Store. The moderator will be Commission- er Kathy Till. Possibly, mother and daughter Easter fashions will be shown. Early coffee, tea and donuts will be served, followed by a catered luncheon by Savory Solutions at noon. Those attend- ing may organize their own table of card players or join others. Cards will be furnished. fundraiser will go toward the club's community projects and scholarships for the Send a Kid to Camp program at Wekiwa Springs State Park youth camp during the summer and scholar- ships for high school students in the Save the Environment through Education and Knowl- Proceeds from this edge program. Peery: Secret's out; Pat shaved half of his beard Continued from page 5A fawing right along with him. Pat shaved the rest of the beard that night, but he was paranoid about being stopped by an Apopka police officer who might think something was really strange about a driver who had just half a beard. How- ever, he made it out to my house and back to his without the traffic stop and, until this day, it has been our little secret. But, despite his sometimes weird way of doing things, Pat really has a heart of gold. (Yes, here come a few lines of seri- ANOTHER Preowned and new * Women's clothing * Furniture * Household Items * Christmas decorations * New gifts * Silk flowers * Much more! 210 W 2nd Street, Apopka corner of Main and 2nd St, next to AOK Tire Mart 407-886-3909 ousness.) The reason this column is running this week instead of closer to his birthday is because he is spending 10 days in Ecuador as part of a Christian mission team and won't be coming back until January 23, his birthday. (I wanted to make sure that he got a chance to read this column before his trip.) I chastised him about not being in town on his birthday since I wouldn't have a chance to harass him personally, but I have given him a pass since he is doing such a good thing. I don't know all the details of the s TREASURE NVflXT fDLWh l TLV V L.LE.11 Open Saturday and Sunday only 10AM 5PM Adi o ional 10%O Flrea sadiI .i II I i .I0, Apopka %; 407-886-2050 Call today foryour 20 S. ParkAve. Suite A ImlantConsutation S * mission trip, but I do know he is going down on his own dime and has done so several times over the past few years. He's also been a very good and loyal friend to me. (Of course, that may change after he reads this.) Pat's honest and above board in all his does, whether professionally or per- sonally. He also enjoys being a grandfather (see, he IS old) as each of his daughters -- Stacey and Jenny -- has a son, and Stacey has a second one on the way. He's a solid citizen who loves the Lord, his family, and his friends, and shows that love z~ Pre'5c~hool * Active Learning Curriculum * Focus on School Readiness all the time, although it may be in VERY strange ways! Pat and I have grown together from third graders to gray hair, although that is not to say that we have completely grown up; I don't think that will ever happen. We have made our share of mistakes and done some really dumb things together and separately, but I cannot thank God enough for putting Pat McGuffin in my life and for him being my best friend. Stay safe, my friend, and I'll write another harassing col- umn when you turn 100. Ages 6 Weeks to 12 Years L imie Spaestll I L Accredited Staff Family Owned & Operated NOWHIRING Summer Camp Program C070R0368 Before/After School Program 407-814-8060 2505 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka (across from Sprint) Reclaim your home from unwanted guests. COMPLETE PEST, LAWN, & TERMITE SERVICE * Pest Control . *Termite Division Lawn Care Division .. Landscaping Division I Mercer Pest eontro INC. -. 24 W. 4th Street, Apopka, FL 32703 no (407) 880-6207 IT'S Tiu T w ** NOSERLLNG" ' "Copyrighted Materiaj - Syndicated Contenp r Available from Commercial News Providers'. 1 !!!T7 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 11 A Relay: All of the money raised in Apopka stays here in this community Continued from page 6A action Department. Each band participating in this event is asked to solicit fami- ly, friends, fans, and area busi- nesses for monetary donations. The winning hand is then deter- mined by the amount of money thile members have raised. Last year, seven bands took part in the concert and donated $6,490 to the American Cancer Society. "Our intent is to unite and encourage our local musical com- munity while advocating the importance of cancer-related sup- port," a spokesperson said. For more information, con- tact Fixl at 407-703-1741, email her at kfixl@apopka.net or visit the Web site at www. LAMECan- cer.org. The ARD's Kiss the Cow fundraiser is ongoing, Candy McCrary, director of the depart- ment said. Commissioners Bill Arrowsmith, Billie Dean, Marilyn Ustler McQueen and Kathy Till, as well as Mayor John H. Land, are participating in the fundraiser, Collection jars with their names are placed at the city clerk's office at City Hall, the Fran Carlton Center, 11 N. Forest Ave., The Apopka Chief and The Planter, 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, all in Apopka, as well as other area businesses. Those wanting to participate may vote for their favorite public servant by placing money in the jars. The winning candidate, the one with the most money deposit- ed in his or her jar, will be announced at Apopka's Relay For Life and have the honor of kissing Summer, the cow. Area businesses that would like to have collections jars can call McCrary at 407-703-1741. The recreation department is also holding Saddle Up for the American Cancer Society Satur- day, February 25, from 8 a.m. to noon at Windy HI ill Ranch. Those wishing to participate must seek sponsors and will receive prizes for raising amounts from $35-$200. They will have the opportunity to ride two trails with obstacles and participate inl horseback games. Walkers are also welcome and may bring hobby horses. Everyone is encouraged to dress in Western garb, McCrary said. Southern Red Smok'r will have barbecue for sale at $10 a plate while Johnny and the Moon- (dogs entertain. There will also be drawings and door prizes. Anyone raising $200 or more will receive a sports bag, sweatshirt, cap and T-shirt: those collecting $125 will get a sweatshirt, cap and T-shirt, while $75 earns a cap and T-shirt. Anyone who brings $35 in dona- tions will be awarded a T-shirt. For more information and directions, call Nancy Hebert at 407-886-2390 or McCrary at 407- 703-1741. The Hobson-Berry Relay For Life team will hold Bowl for a Cure Saturday, February 18, from 7-9 p.m. at Brunswick Wekiva Lanes, 2160 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka. The $15 fee per person includes two hours of howling as well as shoes and there is a limit of six people per lane. Partici- pants can either form their own teams or bowl on a team made up by organizers of the fundraiser. Sponsorships are also avail- able. A $125 lane sponsor will have the company/team name on a computerized banner over the lane. For $200, sponsors will receive the banner in addition to a six-person team and shoes for two hours of bowling. For more information or to sign up, call Maureen Landers at 407-880-4590 or Jane Hobson at 407-889-3125 or mail Jhob- son490(aiaol.coni. Relay For Life teams have more fundraisers coming up in the next few weeks and they will be publicized when details are available. Turner said corporate sponsors are needed to provide a donation of $1,500. In return, their names will appear on all Relay For Life advertising. Turner emphasized that all the money raised by the Apopka Relay For Life stays in the com- munity, helping Apopka residents battle cancer. She received last year's figures from the American Cancer Society recently. With the proceeds from last year's Relay For Life, Turner is currently help- ing 14 families with their needs after a cancer diagnosis; she helped 27 in all during 2005. ACS paid for 19 sets of prosthesis (for those who thad mastectoinies), 34 wigs, and 29 bandanas. In addi- tion, it will award a scholarship of an unidelerminied anmoulnt to all Apopka Iligh School senior. Twenty-three women and 21 men are in the ILook Good, Feel Good program, which helps patients with make-up, colostomy bags, and other needs after surgery or chemotherapy. In addition, the ACS has provided 230 rides to treatmienIt or doctor's appoint- ments, filled 950 prescriptions, and sent 27 families to Boggy Creek Camp, a facility for ill and special-needs individuals, for a vacation from dealing with can- ccr. "And we still have money left, which is a good thing," Turn- er said. Turner's dedication to her cause means she volunteers many hours. In 2005, she put in 1,220 volunteer hours and made 43 pre- sentations to area businesses and organizations. In addition, she has another commitment that she is looking forward to. She will be in Tallahassee February 21-22 for Advocacy Day, when she will speak to both the state House and state Senate about the need for cancer research dollars in Florida. Only one person is chosen from each district, and from those rep- Obituaries: Donald Hann was a veteran of WWII Continued from page 7A Union City, Pa.; sisters, Donna Chal- fant, Cleveland, Ohio, Iva Jones, Cam- bridge Springs, Pa., Bertha Boardman, Corry, Pa.; 26 grandchildren; 14 great- grandchildren. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. FRANCES HERNDON TOLLI- SON, 85, Greenville, South Carolina, died Thursday, January 5. Mrs. Tollison was an elementary school teacher. She was born in Bowman, Georgia. She was an Army veteran of World War II. She was a member of St. Mark Methodist Church, Greenville. Survivors: daugh- ters, Mary Frances Therrell, Apopka, Paula Cooper, Kathy Christy, both of Greenville; sons, Lester Harold, Mauldin, S.C., Thomas Crayton II, Greenville; nine grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; six great-grandchil- dren; one step-great-grandchild. Mack- ey Mortuary, Greenville. DONALD WAYNE HANN, 83, Apopka, died Saturday, January 7. Mr. Hann was a builder. Born in Niles, Michigan, he moved to Central Florida in 1993. He was a member of Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church. He was a Marine Corps veteran of World War II and a member of the VFW. Sur- vivors: wife, Naomi; daughter, Julie Poole, Longwood; son, Gary, Tacoma, Wash.; eight grandchildren; four great- grandchildren. Loomis Family Funeral Home, Apopka. JAMES J. "JIM" McAULIFFE, 90, Maitland, died Friday, January 6. Mr. McAuliffe was a lawyer and an accoun- tant and former vice president of C.V. Griffin Groves. Born in Rockaway Beach, New York, he moved to Central Florida in 1947. He was Catholic. Sur- vivors: wife, Margaret; sons, Jim, Par- adise Valley, Ariz., Bob, Gulf Breeze, Ken, Casselberry, John, Sarasota, Den- nis Apopka; daughters, Mary, Naples, Kathy Dinger, Altamonte Springs, Hansel, Vermont; 24 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Baldwin- Fairchild Funeral Home-Lake Ivanhoe Chapel, Orlando. SALVATORE "SAL" C. LENTINI, 69, Winter Park, died Saturday, January 7. Mr. Lentini was born in Brooklyn, New York. He was an Air Force veteran of the Vietnam War. Survivors: wife, Julie; son, Salvatore A., Las Cruces, New Mexico; daughters, Francine .V Hill, Orlando, Cristine L. Shavers, Apopka; step- daughters, Shannon A. Letcher, Winter Park, Lynnette Perry, Lake Mary; eight grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Carey Hand Cox-Parker Funeral Home, Winter Park. BERNARD THOMAS ROGERS, 79, died Sunday, January 8. Mr. Rogers was retired from the civil service. He was born in Bradenton and moved to Central Florida in 1949. Survivors: daughter, Brenda Cromas, Apopka; son, Gary, Orlando; six grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Carey Hand Cox-Parker Funeral Home-West Fair- banks Chapel, Winter Park. RICHARD RAY SEAY, 71, Orlan- do, died Monday, January 9. Mr. Seay was an Army veteran. He was a mem- ber of Church of Christ Apopka. Sur- vivors: wife, Joyce M.; sons, Rick, Tommy, both of Orlando; brothers, Albert, John, Robert, Bryant, Roy; sis- ters, Bonnie White, Lucy Hilton; five grandchildren; three great-grandchil- dren. Baldwin-Fairchild Funeral Home, Apopka. MILDRED C. KLINK, 85, Zell- wood, died Tuesday, January 10. Mrs. Klink was a homemaker. Survivors: Have you made out a living will? Most of us haven't thought about doing so, but maybe we should. Blank forms are available at APOPKA OFFICE SUPPLY 407-889-4455 437 W. Orange Blossom Tr next to The Apopka Chief daughter, Judy Brown; two grandchil- dren; four great-grandchildren. Baldwin- Fairchild Funeral Home, Apopka. resentatives, only a few are allowed to speak. This is Turner's second year as a guest speaker, and the experience has cured her jitters over speaking to the legis- lature. "I've heard so many person- al stories from the people in gov- ernment about how their lives have been touched by cancer and they have the same struggles, that I look at them as friends," she said. "It's easier to talk to friends; I don't look at them as legislators. Laura L. Sterling, P.A. Attorney at Law 118 West Orange Street, Suite 2 . Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407-331-5505 ******IJ HIIH -p - --lB IBrian, Jim & Julier Iintknce Large Selection of Designer & Budget Eyewear & Sunglasses Frame Repair & Replacement OPTICAL (EYELAND) of Apopka Q~H air Now' SHair Now! Quality Hair Care for Today's Family DO We'll help IT UP PE fFTV Call for an appointment or just walk right in! Open 7 d Located in the Shoppes of Wekiva Plaza Welch Rd. at Rock Springs Rd. Behind McDo Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-7 Sun. 10-6 - F --- - SBuy 1 Get 1 Pair FREE, I Buy complete pair of ' designer frame and I lenses and receive 2nd pair FREE from selected styles. In stock I Lenses & Frames I L .--- --.- J We Will Match Most Competitor's Coupons Se habla Espafiol Hwy. 436 & Hwy. 441 (Next to Kash & Karry) I *evn"Aok Since 1986:. 407-88-033 Quality service provided by experienced stylists at franchise salon prices! you greet the new year with great looking hair! days a week. Stylist Wanted www.hairnow.biz aid's 407-886-6480 t Apopka Child Development Center ' 170 E. Magnolia St., Apopka, FL 32703 407-889-3026 Infants through 12 years Accredited Florida Gold Seal Center High Reach Curriculum Qualified Teachers * Nutritious Meals Clean, Safe and Secure Environment Flexible Hours Transportation Available Hop0el "Earning your business... Through superior service" Shingles & Accessories Large Quantities Available * Excellent Selection * Fast In & Out Pick Up * Competitive Pricing * Helpful & Knowledgeable Staff * Multiple Locations in Central Florida * Delivery Available 9* DECRA INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING I ROOFING SYSTEMS GAF MATERIALS CORPORATION 2nd Annual '^^ iimir Meet with Mayor John Land, City Commissioners, City Department Directors and Fire and Police Chiefs Children's Activities & Fingerprinting FREE Goodie Bags Safety Tips For Your Family Register to Vote Refreshments Prize Drawings Come to the Second Annual, City of Apopka Expo and learn how your tax dollars are used to provide fire and police protection, City services and see how we are meeting the needs of our growing community. Janury;26,200 10.0 am.-S200 m Apopka Commnity Cente onte onr9fCnta 9,]t Demonstrations and Exhibits at: - The New Apopka Commnunity Center - Fire & Police Equipment Demonstrations - Apopka Historical Museum - K-9 demonstrations at 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.Mn. Flyer provided by ( ._E City of Apopka: 407-703-1700 Recireation Depart'ment: 407-703-1741 For special accommodations, call 407-7(03-1704 no later than 3 days in advance of the event. 1839 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka, FL 32703 (Behind Fastenal Supply across from Sawtec Inc.) 407-410-0196 -* 877-725-8382 www.blue-tarp.com I% -- -- kv, ! MRoofin'g Supplie -1 I ELK? Confidence Built-in. !r- .., The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 12A Good recipes are just like good friends,.very reliable "Make new friends, But keep the old. One is silver, The other .-- gold." The older I get, Kitchen Kapers the more I under- By Ramona Whaley stand that old say- ing from my childhood days. It certainly is true of our good friendships all through life. Old friends more and more become great treasures gaining in value as time goes by. Each newfound friend is a priceless discovery. That is just as true of the recipes that have appeared in this food column over the 'years. Recipes from our community cook- 'books published 10 or 15 or 20 or more years ago taste just as scrumptious in this new year 2006 as they did when this column first began back about 17 and a half years ago. And, sometimes the more time changes our surroundings, attitudes and lifestyles, in fact, all the better those vintage old days' recipes look and taste to us. Here are a few more recipes in keeping with our New Years theme of re-running some of the best recipes from the late 1980s and early 1990s beginnings of this column. BETH HOLDER'S CHICKEN PACKETS 2 cups cooked, diced chicken I package (3 ounces) cream cheese ,(room temperature) ;I tablespoon chopped chives or scallions `2 tablespoons milk ,Salt and pepper to taste 2 packages Pillsbury crescent rolls ,4 tablespoons melted butter !Bread crumbs Combine chicken, cream cheese, chives, ,milk, salt and pepper, mixing well. Unroll 2 packages crescent rolls and press each pair *into a rectangle. Place 2 heaping tablespoon- ;fuls of chicken mixture into center of each 'rectangle. Fold dough over and seal edges tightly. Dip each packet in melted butter, then roll in bread crumbs. Place on baking sheet. Bake 20 min. at 350. Makes 8 packets. MRS. E. T. BASS' MEATLOAF (from Zellwood United Methodist's 1950 edition cookbook) I pound ground beef 1/4 pound sausage I small green pepper, chopped I onion, chopped I cup bread crumbs I cup canned tomatoes, mashed 3/4 cup milk 1/4 cup shortening Extra breads crumbs and butter for top- ping Salt and pepper to taste 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Mix ground beef and sausage meat. Add salt and pepper seasonings; mix well. Add and mix together chopped onion, chopped green pepper and shortening. Add milk, bread crumbs and half the mashed tomatoes. Form into loaf and put into greased baking dish.. Cover with extra bread crumbs and dots of butter or margarine. Pour remaining tomato over all. Bake at 350 for I hour. Note: A can of tomato soup can be substituted for toma- toes. BONNIE ENDICOTT'S MEATBALL OVEN DINNER I pound ground beef 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 1/4 cup corn meal I teaspoon salt 1-1/2 teaspoons dry mustard I teaspoon chili powder Salt 1/2 cup milk I slightly beaten egg 1/4 cup flour 2 tablespoons fat (oil) 2 cups tomato juice 3 potatoes, quartered 6 carrots, halved 12 to 18 small onions Combine meat, onion, green pepper, corn meal, seasonings, milk and egg, mixing thoroughly. Form 12 balls. Sprinkle with some of the flour and brown in hot fat (oil). Place in casserole. To fat in skillet, add remaining flour and blend. Add tomato juice. Cook till thick. Pour over meatballs. Arrange vegetables around meatballs. Add salt. Cover. Bake at 350 for I hour. Serves 6. MRS. C. E. GRINNELL'S HUSH PUPPIES (from Zellwood United Methodist's 1950 edition cookbook) 2 cups corn meal I cup flour I teaspoon baking soda I teaspoon baking powder I teaspoon salt I egg 6 tablespoons chopped onion 2 cup buttermilk Fat (oil) for frying Sift dry ingredients and add rest of ingre- dients. Have batter quite thin (as for hot cakes). Form into balls and fry in deep fat (oil). Serve with fish. Option: Maybe be fried in fish grease. MARGUERITE K. SNYDER'S SPINACH SURPRISE 2 packages frozen spinach 1/2 pint sour cream 2 small cans tomato paste 2 tablespoons chopped onion I cup canned mushrooms I stick oleo (margarine) Paprika Cook spinach; drain. Saute onion in oleo. Add mushrooms, mixing together with spinach. Place mixture in casserole. Spread tomato paste over spinach. Top with sour cream. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. DELORES EURE'S SCALLOPED CARROTS 4 cups sliced carrots I medium onion, chopped 3 tablespoons butter I can cream of celery soup 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese I cup herb stuffing 1/2 cup melted butter Cook carrots in boiling, salted water until tender; drain. Cook onion in 3 tablespoons butter until soft. Stir in soup, salt, pepper and cheese. Add carrots. Place in 2-quart casse- role. Toss stuffing with 1/3 cup melted but- ter. Spoon over carrot mixture. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. MARGIE GRINNELL'S COUNTRY POTATO PIE 2 teaspoons butter 3 medium potatoes, peeled 1-1/2 teaspoons salt I cup (1/4 pound) shredded Swiss cheese 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 eggs I cup milk 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard Spread I tablespoon butter over bottom and side of 9-inch pie pan. Shred potatoes in blender or on coarse grater. Drain well. Sprinkle I teaspoon salt on potatoes. Press over bottom and sides of buttered pie plate to form crust. Sprinkle cheese over potato crust. Melt remaining I tablespoon butter in skillet. Add onions and cook until tender and transparent. Spread over cheese. Beat eggs with remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, milk, pep- per, parsley, paprika and mustard. Pour over onion and cheese in pie plate. Bake at 375 for 40 to 45 minutes until edge of pie is golden. Let stand 10 minutes. APOPKA'S LARGEST BEDROOM STORE! * rnme FUcrnuitwr SIT 7 1. .*utdedM,/s 12 407-814-233,1 Mon. Fri. 10AM 6PM Saturday 10AM 5PM VICTORIA Sunday 12PM-5PM 1017 W. Orange Blossom Trail APOPKA " VICTORIA PLAZA Intersection of U.S. 441 & S.R. 429 Tj[vyREE[(D wuow""~ m 4- 10ih AArI iv(l s,iry ME 1 COMING TOUR This one of a kind collector's CD will be S handed to each ticket holder during the Ga their Homecoming concert. HOMECOMING FRIENDS APPEARING Gaa er vocal Band, Ernie Hoase Signature Sound Quartet, /ei, s i1,vn, Jeff & Sheri Easter, 4nfh.)ny Burger The Isaacs. rThe Bcofhs Brother ben Sper 60 h1jar, Parker tLnda Ruonile & Mike 41en Ir, I : .' I' n nJr,4. SATURDAY, JAN. 18-6PM -ED [3100 ..00 Tickets available at the TD Waterhouse Centre Box Office, all Ticketmaster outlets, online at www.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone 407-839-3900. For more information or advance group reservations, call 888-217-0301 or www.Gaither.com. Serving Active Adults, Children Seniors Our podiatrist, Dr. Childs, will go out of his way to give you professional and courteous care. Appointments are unrushed. Treatment and therapy are always personalized for each patient's specific need. Take the first step toward pain relief and call us today. Dr. Douglas Childs ORLANDO Call Today FOOT & ANKLE C* LINIC 407-423-1234 '"ravealdizd t fl pintin solutionn f ]r uacive adult f. 0 Good c A S i A gAopka C (COLLIER FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS Gregory Collier, Sr. Certified Financial Planner* President, CFS, Inc. Financial Advisor, RJFS AN INDEPENDENT FIRM FINANCIAL PLANNING INVESTMENTS Helping You Create &i Preserve Wealth for Generations ,: Securities and investment advisor' services offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC lB.Mathews CO I I PANY Serving Florida for Over 25 Years Family Owned and Operated Professional Dependable Trustworthy 407-656-1289 .4tstRIC 'S rXsRtrrF.GARjAGEt DoaowsT Lift Master Garage Door Openers s O S o A t 0 Ap O ou'tAopk Hair Care Nail Care Skin Care Massage Waxing Spa Packages "e@ $ tv ......Narciso here from New York to provide you with his creative cutting and colour technique, and to bring the inner superstar out of you! those New Year Bills Come in and receive a 15% holiday discount* on all hair services and relax with a luxurious scalp massage. Compliments of Narciso **Discount for first-time clients. Colonial Wekiva Promenade 407-880-1300 21 9 E. Semoran Blvd, near to UA Theatre, Apopka, SR 436 & Wekiva Springs Road PODIATRIST Douglas M. Childs. DPM The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 13A I Dining and Entertainment Guide King Buffet Chinese Restaurant offers new look and new menu Good fortune awaits you at King Buffet Chinese Restaurant. They now have a new look and a new, improved menu with more to offer you, but it is still served by the same friendly and smiling faces. They invite you to enjoy flavorful authen- tic Chinese tastes at afford- able prices. To thank you for making them your favorite Chinese restaurant, look for their special offer in their ad on this page. If you're having a party, King Buffet Chinese Res- taurant knows how to make it perfect. They cater cus- tomized packages for every occasion from weddings and showers to family reunions, birthdays, anniversaries, prom and graduation parties, fundraisers, corporate events, and holiday parties. King Buffet Chinese Restaurant is one of the longest established Chinese restaurants in Apopka. With a capacity for over 180 din- ers, they are able to host large parties and functions with ease. Quality food and service at a sensible price is what they, at King Buffet, aim to achieve each day. King Buffet Chinese Restaurant is a popular restaurant with families. The restaurant is comfortable and smart looking with Chinese mementos adorning the walls, and the food is fresh and tasty. The attention to customer service and the superior quality of the food makes King Buffet Chinese Restaurant very popular. Jimmy, the manager, greets you at the door with a friendly smile. Jimmy moved to Apopka last year from New York and is anxious to serve you. Hungry? King Buffet Chinese Restaurant offers over 55 items daily on their buffet and more than 150 items are offered weekly. This can satisfy all appetites. In addition, King Buffet has a menu that offers many made-to-order choices. The menu includes choices of appetizers, soups, fried rice combinations, chow mein, lo mein, egg foo young, vegeta- bles, chicken, beef, pork, and seafood. Oriental alcohol bever- ages are served at King Buf- fet Chinese Restaurant along with your best Chinese foods. They strive to -offer the best Chinese food in town with all-you-can-eat, and they also serve the finest oriental alcohol beverages like Tsingtao, Kirin Ichiban, Plum Wine, and the finest Japanese Sake. They also provide domestic wines and beers for those who don't want to venture out. Great news is here for all their loyal customers and customers who have never been to King Buffet Chi- nese Restaurant before. They have just remodeled for the comfort of their cus- tomers to have a better din- ing experience. They added booths for those customers who prefer the nice, comfort seating. Their friendly staff is trained to provide their cus- tomers with a calm, relaxing, take-your-time dining atmos- Jimmy Li, King Buffet Chinese Restaurant manager, will greet you with a smile and will make sure your din- ing experience is a great one with the restaurant's new look and new, improved menu. phere. The buffet bar now has more varieties of foods and desserts from which to choose. For that delightfully sweet ending to your dining experience, they have now added several more varieties of ice cream. And, best of all, they still offer the same low prices of $5.99 for adult lunch buffet or $8.99 for the dinner buffet, and $12.99 if you want to add crab legs to your dinner. For take-out orders, please call 407-814-9116 or fax to 407-814-9117. King Buffet Chinese Restaurant will also accept reservations for special occasions or orga- nization parties. Credit cards are accepted. King Buffet is open Monday through Saturday, from I I a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for lunch. Dinner is served Mon- day through Thursday, from 4 to 10 p.m., and on Friday and Saturday, from 4 until I I p.m. On Sundays, the hours are II a.m. until 10 p.m. King Buffet Chinese Res- taurant is conveniently located at 2157 East Semoran Boulevard, in the Colonial Promenade Plaza. If you want to eat like a king, be served like a king, then go to King Buffet Chi- nese Restaurant. It is FIT FOR A KING! Advertisement Monday through Saturday 6:30 am to 9:00pm GUY is back! *' WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Trivia 6:00 KARAOKE 8:00 WINE CELLARS OF PARK AVENUE VWINE CaGARS GIFTS CUSTOM GIFT BASKETS "S hop for the Holidays" CUSTOM GIFT BASKETS Featuring a Wonderful Large Variety of Wines -Assortment of Wines ar iety of ines from around the Cigars |p World Wine Accessories * Gift Certificates Hours: Monday thru Join the Wine Cellar Club o Saturday * Mix and Match Case Sa t u rd Special Discounts 12 pm 7 pm Wine Cellars of Park Avenue 1232 Rock Springs Road Suite 102, Apopka, Next to Cee Bee Air Phone: 407-889-8001 Email:winecellarsparkave@cfl.rr.com p NEW IMPROVED MENU! ,y'r 8 VARIETIES OF ICE CREAM! ITCING BUFFET --- --- r KG ----- I KING BUFFET KING BUFFET I1 $ 1 00 1 $ 50 I I off per adult. I off per adult. 1 LunchBuffet 1 Dinner Buffet I SDnluA OrvtmCu pofle O lnperVai ,ilot id I I ln01s I O ciBaOn t pervtis~.a1.a1 d IBrrIer K IE 1 a groeirl r l i1 Lunch Buffet: Dinner Buffet: Mon.-Sat.11 am 3:30 pm Mon. Thurs. 4 pm 10 pm Adults....$5.99 Child.....$2.99 Fri.- Sat. 4pm. 10:30 pm .- Sunday (All Day) 11 am 10 pm 5 436 |- HIE CATER 2157 East Semoran Blvd., Apopka 407-814-9116 Hoppin' with food & f r -----------I 1/2 PRICE! Buy 1 Entree & Receive 1 I IEntree of Equal or Lesser I Value 1/2 Price | I Dine in only. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Not valid on Friday or Saturday. Froggers Grill % L Bar 407.814-0650. Offer expires 1-31.06. ...Leaps Into Apopka!' e******* i****esi* *P> tR********** 3 "HOPPY HOUR" Monday Friday 35 Wings & Great Drink Specials 4-7 pm 2 for 1 Liquor Drinks Poured Double Tall $2 Domestic Bottled Beer a $1.75 Domestic Draft Pints $2 House Wine Softball Teams in uniform get a pitcher of domestic beer and 20 wings for $10.99 and $1 off pitchers. Anytime! run! Tuesday Specials Kids Eat Free! (4-9 pm) Dine-in only. One kid's meal (off kid's menu) with each paying adult meal. Specials not included. 25q oysters (4pm close) All-u-can-eat ribs (4pm close) $1 Domestic Drafts (starts at 7pm) Froggers Grill & Bar 1601 N. Rock Springs Rd., Apopka 407-814-0650 Mon. Sat. 11 am 1 pm Sun. Noon Midnight www.froggers.com j S.. .-... ..... NOW ... IN STOCK Leanin' Tree ^ Boxes ofAssorted Cards 20 in each pack for only $14.95 You must see these cards to appreciate the beauty for the value. Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 NOW OPEN We invite you and your family to dine in our new restaurant, ,Christo's Cafe. Serving a wide variety of home cooked meals... Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 3346 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka (Near Hunt Club Plaza) Ph: 407-645-0100 Fax: 407-645-0300 All items are available for take out. Visit us online at: www.christoscafe.com a BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Sunday 7:00 am to 3:00pm . i$ll B t The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 14A Get Connected...Stay Connected APOPKA'S COMPUTER CENTER ,,.....~.- Computer Repair & Upgrades K ., I B / '*Network Support Virus/Spyware Removal On & Off-site Service Central 404 Wda gi .Ap F3 Auction-it #" TODAYOay A Global Business on a Local Level NOW OPEN e Our new location is now open for business. We sell your items on eBay and take care of the entire process from photos to listing, to payment and shipping. Stop in TODAY and see how it works! 407. 772. EBAY (407.772.3229) Bear Lake Plaza 3030 East Semoran Blvd., Suite 184, Apopka www.auction-ittoday.com #Haivr &Tan FULL SERVICE WAXING & TANNING .---- --- --- *L ,FREE TAMNING I Purchase 5 Sessions & I the 6th is" FREE S( Must present coupon. Exp. 1-31-06 rL-------------------------i r - -- L-r: Becky, Mai, Ann, Na 20% O: Mon. Sat. 9 am 7 pm Tanning Lotion Walk-ins Welcome Mustpresentcoupon.Exp. 1-3106 1057 W. Orange Blossom Tr., Victoria Plaza, Apopka* 407-886-9826 : Shipping Services uLPS FeD1 Oa, Airy UPS '2n Day Air' UPS ; 3 ['a/ Sele,-I" UPS Grr.urid UPS iniernalronal Packaging Services Mailbox & Postal Services Packaging & Moving Supplies Copying Services Finishing & Printing Services 1 OOFF I UPS AIR SERVICE Ljmt w n 'efua Ncw vax) with cu av S le s 1 aMpy V" al ca nV y The UPS Stor ce -. ........ The UPSStore.. : I [ 'he UPS Store Shoppes of Wekiva 1631 Rock Springs Rd, Apopka 407-814-8770-407-814-8771 fax store5514@theupsstore.com SLEEPY'S 365 Days A Year All Back Support Mattresses Waterbeds Dining Room Furniture Buffet/Hutches Computer Desks Bedrooms Save Up to 50% On All Premium Sets!! Example: Theirs Ours Full $350 $194 Queen $450 $239 King $550 $299 $700 $389 $950 $489 $1950 $899 Only Back Support Mattress Sets. PARTNER WANTED Therapedic, Chiro & Orthopedic 8 years, owner does all!= low overhead = low low prices 407-814-7800 807 S. Orange Blossom Tr., Apopka (Next to Big Lots & Bealls Futon Bunk Bed $149 Across from Badcock Furniture) Rainbow Bunk Bed $129 5 pc. Dinette $119 m B u Member of CIhamber of Commerce & Better Business Bureau Auction-it Today takes the hassle out of selling on eBay while you make money Auction-it Today is a full service eBay drop-off store that handles the entire eBay selling process. They sell just about anything, from small items, such as antiques and collectibles, to large items, such as airplanes, cars, boats, and real estate. Auction-it Today takes the worry out of what to do with items you no longer need or want, and you get global exposure, all at the same time. The staff are professional and experienced eBay auctioneers who know how to maximize the value of your items. They exhibit exceptional attention to detail, maintain high auction standards, and are recognized by eBay as power sellers. And, best of all, you don't have to do any of the work. Bring your items to the Auction-it Today store and they will inspect your items, determine their approximate value, and their acceptability for sale. Pick-up service is available for items large in quantity or size. Auction-it Today takes professional photographs of your items, and creates a detailed, unique listing to place on eBay. Once your items have sold, Auction-it Today processes the pay- ment. Then, they profession- ally pack and ship your items, and once delivery has been confirmed, they send you a check! At Auction-it Today, they have the reputation and experience necessary to get your items noticed by millions of potential buyers all over the world. They take pride in their careful attention to detail and excellent customer service skills. If you are a business owner, Auction-it Today can help you sell new merchan- dise, overstock, returns, or stale inventory. They can also help you liquidate equipment and supplies. Auction-it Today is a good source to help with any fundraiser. They can help you raise money for any non-profit organization, school, or church. Here are a few items that are the top sellers on eBay: antiques, art, automobiles, auto parts, boats, camcorders, cell phones, collectibles, com- puters, construction equip- ment, power tools, digital cameras, doll house furniture, electronics, event tickets, hummels, jewelry, musical instruments, real estate, sporting goods, taxidermy, and video games. It takes the average per- son nearly two hours to list an item on eBay, and most eBay users are buyers. This makes Auction-it Today's service very valuable. They take the hassles out of the time-consuming eBay sell- ing process. Owners Mike and Erin Tenney bring more than 40 years of combined business and franchising experience to the company. They are excit- Auction-it rf'f ^ . - /v f^ . Auction-it Today owners Mike and Erin Tenney display some of the items they sell. ed about being a part of the Apopka community, and they are doing their part to get established in the community by advertising in The Planter and The Apopka Chief, and joining the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce. They will help you deter- mine an appropriate selling strategy for listing your item. Once this is done, they will take photographs, write your listing, placing it in the correct category for the most expo- sure on eBay, monitor the auction, handle payment, and pack and ship to the buyer. Once the transaction is complete, you get your money. There are over 150 million registered users on eBay in over 150 countries. It is the way to go and Auction- it Today is the place that can make "it" happen for you. You can give them a call at 407-772-3229 with any ques- tions, or stop in at their con- venient location at 3030 E. Semoran Boulevard in the Colonial Shoppes of Bear Lake in Apopka, just four miles west of 1-4. They are open Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sat- urday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information about Auction-it Today, check out their Web site at www.auc- tionittodaycfl.com, or e-mail them at met@auctionittoday- cfl .com. So if you're tired of seeing red, let Auction-it Today turn your unwanted items into green! Advertisement Florida Wireless is the newest wireless store and provider for Cingular in Apopka Florida Wireless is the new kid on the block in Apop- ka. They are the provider for Cingular Wireless phones and accessories. Cingular is the largest digital voice and data network in the U.S., and Flori- da Wireless is the place to go for all your wireless needs because they provide high- quality innovative products, services, competitive prices, and on-time delivery. And, best of all, a customer can receive a 30-day, no-ques- tions-asked return policy. At Florida Wireless, the owner understands the impor- tance of customer satisfaction, and they strive to develop a good relationship with their customers by providing quality customer service. People are tired of getting "customer NO-SERVICE." It is critical at Florida Wireless for their future growth and success, and to attain the highest level of excellence. Owner Mandep Singh moved to Florida from Califor- nia and opened the business last April. He has over eight years of experience in the industry. He has a staff of three that also has a lot of knowledge about the cell phone industry. And, they also believe in excellent customer service. Mandep jumped right in when he came to Florida. He works for a big computer company and is also a real estate agent. Since Florida Wireless is a family owned business, they are able to negotiate prices on cell phones and accessories. They will give you the best price. They will do anything they possibly can to make their customer happy and give great deals on cell phones and accessories. Florida Wireless is dedi- cated to providing you with a wide range of Cellular/PCS accessories and superior ser- vice at a competitive price. Some of the phones you can get accessories for are: Nex- tel, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Audiovox, Panasonic, Sanyo, and many more. You can visit them on their Web site at www.floridawirelessonline.co m. They have their own accessory warehouse for all cell phone models at great prices. They provide home chargers, car chargers, leather cases, holsters, and lots of other accessories. c If a customer has little use for a wireless phone other than emergencies and security purposes, Florida Wireless provides pre-paid services. If a customer is in need of con- stant use of a wireless phone, they have great plans from which to choose. They pro- vide free phones with a new . ., , a rt Florida Wireless has many Cingular products. activation or an upgrade. They have unlimited calling within the largest mobile-to-mobile calling community. They have an exclusive offer on their wireless plans that allows cus- tomers to keep their unused anytime minutes from month to month. Currently, Florida Wire- less is running a special for 450 anytime minutes and 5,000 nights and weekend minutes for only $39.99, or 900 any- time plus unlimited nights and weekend minutes for only $59.99. You can add a line for $9.99. This plan is only avail- able with 2-line family talk plans starting at $59.99. Florida Wireless is con- veniently located at 1517 W. Highway 441 in Errol Plaza in Apopka. They are open Mon- day through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Satur- day, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Give them a call at 407-889- 5552 and they will be able to assist your needs. Florida Wireless is your one stop shop for all your cell phone service needs. They are dedicated to providing cus- tomers with wireless technol- ogy designed to enrich their lives. Advertisement FREE CONSULTATION BANKRUUP1TCY We are a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Bankruptcy Code. We Will Explain To You FREE OF CHARGE How Bankruptcy Works and How It May Help You If: SYou Or Yor Business Have Financial Problems Over 30 Years Your I lome Is In Foreclosure Combined Experience ... .. .. ..... ... .. Same Location L. rnHIU.MLL rm-nIVIMAI ISABEL E. FREEMAN 151 W. SILVER STAR RD. OCOEE * Back Taxes Or Medical Bills Are A Problem * Your Car Is About To Be Repossessed * You Are Overwhelmed With Debt And Afraid Of Losing Everything CLERMONT FREEMAN LEGAL ASSOCIATES, P.A. (407) 877-7995 (352) 394-0007 Evening Appointments Thglwsmp dcth dbbslovt Boy e sy_____- y w a yeAvailable The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide :- u( nave sent to you free written information about our qualifictfiofs and experience. 407-889-5552 1517 W. Orange Blossom Trail, (( Apopka Errol Plaza Apopka's Newest Cell Phone Store! FREEPHON AN ACSSR PREPAID SERVICE: No Contract No Deposit No Credit Checks cingular WIRELESS Authorized Dealer For all accessories, all makes & models visit us at www.FloridaWirelessOnline.com I -A The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 15A North Orange Library has special programs for children in January The North Orange Library will offer a series of special programs in January. The library is located at 1211 E. Semoran Blvd., Apopka, near the intersection of State Road 436 (Semoran Boulevard) and Thompson Road. Programs scheduled include: * One Book, One Community, Esperanza Rising is slated for Saturday, January 21, at 10:30 a.m. After hearing the story Esperanza Rising, children will learn about migrant laborers and create a Hispanic craft. * Snakes Alive will be held Sunday, January 22, at 2 p.m. Howard Riley of Snakes Alive talks about the reptiles. * Credit Information and Restoration is scheduled for Thursday, January 26, at 7 p.m. George Gonzalez, CEO and director of Ideal Mortgage Solutions, will discuss keeping track of and repairing credit. * Cuentos en Espanol/Spanish Story Time is set for Saturday, January 28, at 10:30 a.m. Regular weekly programs are also scheduled. The pro- grams are free and scheduling is not necessary. * Tiny Tales: Rhyme Time for You and Baby, for infants birth to 18 months, will be held on Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. and last approximately 15 minutes. The rhythm and repetition of nursery rhymes are used to introduce very young children to literature. * Toddler Time, set for Wednes- days at 10:45 a.m., is especially for children aged 18 to 36 months and lasts approximately 20 minutes. The use of picture books, finger plays, songs, poetry and Mother Goose rhymes, and flannel board sto- ries will encourage the develop- ment of verbal and listening skills. * Storybook Fun for Your Little One will be held on Wednes- days at 11:15 a.m. It is a read- aloud program recommended for children ages three to five and includes folk and animal tales, flannel and big book sto- ries, plus rhymes, songs and poetry. The programs are free and last approximately 30 min- utes. Groups, families, schools and childcare providers are welcome to participate. For more information or to register for classes, call the North Orange Library at 407- 814-6150. More Apopka-area news to note Applications are now avail- able for artists and crafts people wishing to enter the 45th annual Apopka Art and Foliage Festi- val, which will take place April 29 and April 30, at Kit Land Nelson Park, Apopka. Complet- ed applications must be returned by entry deadline of January 31. Artists are selected from slides (three of work and one of display format) submitted of recent original work based on artistic merit and workmanship. Categories are: (1) Fine Arts: Division 1 -- Two Dimensional: Paintings (watercolor, pastel, oil and acrylic), graphics, drawings and mixed media, and photogra- phy. Division II -- Three Dimensional: Sculpture, pot- tery, fine arts (baskets, weaving, woodworking, and stained glass), and jewelry. (2) Creative Hand Crafts. For an application, write to Art Show Chairman, Apopka Woman's Club, P.O. Box 378, Apopka, 32704, or call the art chairmen, Monique at 407-886- 0155 or Joyce at 407-464-9190. The email address for all Festi- val information is artfoliagefes- tival@msn.com. The 2006 American Cancer Society Apopka Relay for Life Survivors Committee is seeking cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers to register them with the ACS. By doing so, they will receive updated, education- al material pertaining to their particular cancer, as well as have access to a variety of pro- grams that the ACS provides. Previous registrants must re-register each year. All sur- vivors and their caregivers will be sent an invitation to take part in the ACS Survivor Dinner free of charge. To register or re-register online, visit the Web site at www.cancer.org, call 800-227- 2345, or contact Valerie Geth, survivor committee chair, at 407-880-2481. The Hope Community Cen- ter will present Dine, Dance and Dream with Us Saturday, Janu- ary 14, 2006 at St. Mary Mag- dalen Church in Altamonte Springs. This event is a fundraider for the Farmworker Ministry in Apopka. There will be music by Dukes of Harmony and a silent auction. A single ticket costs $50, a Friends and Family table is $450 and a Big Dreamer table costs $800. For more information or a mailed invitation, call Lynn Devanie at 407-772-7361 or the Office for Farmworker Ministry at 407-886-5151. Army Pvt. Chauncey L. Johnson has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Car- olina. Johnson is the son of Edward Young of Hickory Creek Drive, Orlando, and Tracy Johnson of Contreau Court, Apopka. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the The HFH Apopka Home Store is looking for new and used building materials and home furnishing items to stock their store. Proceeds from the store help families in the greater Apopka area become homeowners. m Call Vickie Wray (407)880-8852 2001 N. Rock Springs Road WILLAM -TELEgMD JAMS GRON .D- . Mari -Know the ABCDs SoClk of Melanoma Asymmetry Border e o cColor Diameter SgaeiooMelanoma c s b nAnd Skin Cancer Awareness s iMondaysn PLVA&LIBphtohrayFREE Skin Cancer Screenings C a l aMonday Afternoons sI 3:30 5:30 p.m. I The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed ass result of and within 72 hours or discounted fee or reduced fee service. L, examination or treatment, L. . Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fit- ness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemi- cal warfare and bayonet train-, ing, drill and ceremony, march- ing, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map read- ing, field tactics, military cour- tesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. Applications are available for young women wishing to enter the 2006 Miss Apopka Scholarship Pageant. The pageant will be held March 4, 2006, at Apopka Memorial Mid- dle School. Each contestant will be judged in the areas of interview, swimsuit, talent, evening gown, and a new category, casual attire. Applicants must be 17, a senior in high school, through age 24, and have never been married. For more information on entering the pageant, a Miss America preliminary pageant, consult the Miss Apopka Pageant Web site at www.miss- apopka.org, or by contacting Patty Redlich, contestants' chairman, at 407-886-8460 The winner of the Miss Apopka title will represent Apopka in the 2006 Miss Flori- da Pageant. The Miss America Pageant, which traditionally was held in September in Atlantic City, N.J., has a new date and location. The pageant will be held January 19, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kristen Windall of Apopka was named to dean's list at Anderson University in Ander- son, South Carolina for the 2005 fall semester. Apopka/Altamonte Springs VFW Post 10147 is seeking members. Commander Artie Vecchio said that the post is the only one in Florida that is com- prised of all life members. Membership currently stands at approximately 200. For more information, call 407-889-8266. The Zellwood Antique Tractor and Truck Pull will be held Friday, February 3, at 4 p.m. and Saturday, February 4, at 2 p.m., at the Northwest Orange County Improvement Association grounds, 4253 Ponkan Road, Zellwood. Gates will be open two hours prior to the event. Classes in the competitions include farm stock, super antique, open gear, turbo open, RPM, V8s, garden tractors, and modified two-wheel and four- wheel-drive trucks. There will be concession stands serving full-smoked din- ners, chicken wings, hamburg- ers, hotdogs and a variety of drinks and snacks. For more information, call Kevin at 407-464-4508, Ellen at 407-886-3090, or Rob at 352- 636-9898. Where the adventure begins... 170 S. Washington Avenue, Apopka Located on Hwy 441 Just South of 429 Interchange (407) 464-2000 Open daily Mon.-Fri. 10am 6pm Sat.10am-4pm www.MosquitoCreekOutdoors.com A" REWARD OFFERED FOR INFORMATION THAT LEADS TO THE RECOVERY OF A RED 2001 SUZUKI 250 ATV 4 WHEELER TAKEN DURING THE EARLY MORNING HOURS OF JANUARY 2, 2006 FROM THE PIEDMONT LAKE SUBDIVISION. Please Call 321-228-4564 after 5:00 p.m. with any information. W~etiva SAccepting 4C Students *A ard. inning Childhood Curriculum Fun, Loving, Caring En jbn.io eni nfalri, Toddler, Preschool* Before and After School '-'ar Hot, Nutritious Breakfast, Lunch & Snack " Professional Staff (CDA Maintained) Hours: 6:30 am 6:00 pm - 407-889-4300 Lic#10 -33 2 E. Hwy. 436 (Semoran Blvd.), Apo . Friends Like You Are Just Our Style! , The Hair Specialists for your family! Featured Stylist- Lori Thomas The Cutting Edge Hairstylists welcome Lori Thomas, the nezoest member of their team. Teresa Dixon OwNER/STYrLIsT 407-880-8263 837 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka -k ~ (Apopka Land Regional Shopping Center) ---I NEW DRIVER in the family? Time for NEW CAR insurance. Got a new driver to insure? Call me to learn more about Young Driver Discounts. We Live Where You Live. Shren Yeager, Agent 1643 North Rock Springs Road Apopka, FL 32712 Bus: 407-880-3167 shren.yeager.nhwl@statefarm.com LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR I STATE FARM IS THERE.' Providing Insurance and Financial Services State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (Not in NJ), Bloomington, IL P040041 02/04 Fom the Ordinary, We have hundreds of Home Improvement products available as do-it-yourself kits or professional installed * Screen, Vinyl, Acrylic & Glass Rooms Patio Covers Awnings Carportis* Roof-O(ers Handrail Vinyl Siding Si ln I,1.i * Pool & Spa Enclosures Storm Protection Garage Door Screens * Laminated Roofing Replacement Windows & Doors Materials CuAtome t54ac o Sce / 955. www.whitealuminum.com awae Me 407-889-5775 UDIuc d iBPaBdnaSBi#cuctwfAC9ciG4l Umustd NhrdidaIIlC.UsrcttCr#cc805t17 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 16A It's time to file for homestead exemption The beginning of Home- stead Exemption application fil- ing for 2006 began January 3, and ends on March 1, said Orange County Property Appraiser Bill Donegan. Anyone owning property used as a permanent residence as of January 1, may file for home- stead exemption at the Orange County Property Appraiser's Office at 200 S. Orange Avenue (SunTrust Building), 17th Floor, in downtown Orlando. Office hours are Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For an added convenience to our cus- tomers, beginning January 9, and ending March 1, satellite loca- tions will be set up in Orlando Fashion Square Mall, Florida Mall and West Oaks Mall. These locations will be open Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. "If homestead exemption has already been approved on your property and there have been no changes to your title, your homestead exemption will be renewed automatically. You will receive your receipt by mail," Donegan said. "The homestead exemption by mail program that I initiated makes the filing process easier and faster," he said. "Application forms are available on our web- site: www.ocpafl.org. Simply print and complete the forms fol- lowing the instructions and mail it in with the required docu- ments." Additional exemptions are available for those who meet the criteria established by the State of Florida: Limited Income Senior Exemption up to $25,000 on portions of your millage rates; $500 Widow/Widower; $500 Disability; Service Connected Total and Permanent Disability and $5000 Service Connected Disability. Under certain circum- stances, the benefit of the ser- vice-connected disability may carry over to the veteran's spouse in the event of the veter- an's death. Information regarding these exemptions is available on the website. Call the customer service department at 407 836-5044 for an application to be mailed or if you have any questions about the homestead exemption process." Review: Sexual episode investigated at AHS Continued from page 1A of the budget and human resources divisions ... Two investigations -- one criminal and one administrative -- are being conducted at AHS over a sexual episode between the AHS' former athletic trainer, Stephanie Wesley, and an 18- year-old student baseball player ... Errol Estate couple Bill and Evelyn Bunka celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The Society of Chest Pain Centers granted Florida Hospi- tal Apopka full certification as an accredited Chest Pain Center ... Leslie Andrew Belgrave, 33, 110 Nancy Lee Lane, fatally shot himself in the head while standing outside his home, which he had set on fire and which was in foreclosure. The Piedmont Lakes Mid- dle School Jazz Ensemble has been invited to perform at the prestigious Midwest Clinic: An International Band and Orches- tra Concert in Chicago in December ... The Apopka Rotary Club celebrated its 79th anniversary at their May 12 meeting. The Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit held its centenni- al celebration which marked the 1905 naming of the church, originally founded 'in 1886 ... AHS graduation at the T.D. Waterhouse Center in Orlando was the largest class ever, exceeding 700 graduating seniors ... A major change in the city's organizational chart moves city administrator Richard Anderson, who also serves as fire chief, to the newly created post of chief administra- tive officer, reporting directly to Mayor Land. Recreation Way was offi- cially renamed Jason Dwelley Parkway for the Navy Petty Officer 2nd class Apopkan who was killed by a roadside bomb near Fallujah, Iraq on April 30, 2004 ... Phyllis Wheatley Ele- mentary School announced a voluntary school uniform for the 2005-2006 school year ... The AHS baseball team ends a 20-9 season with a loss, 8-4, to the Oviedo Lions in the Region 6A- 1 semi-finals. A popular AHS 2004 gradu- ate, Adam Stratton, was killed in a single-car crash on Interstate 10 in Live Oak on May 20 ... More than 1,000 people attend- ed the Apopka Car Show in the Park to admire 160 classic cars and helped raise $4,300 for charity and an equal amount for the city's recreation depart- ment's summer programs. JUNE A trainer/student tryst leads to the entire AHS baseball coaching staff (Gavin Jones, Brian King, Bobby Brew- er) and the athletic director, Sonny Wise being relieved of their athletic duties ... Fine weather blessed the 32nd annual Zellwood Sweet Corn Festival with a three-day attendance of 17,000, led by a Friday Family Night crowd of 8,000 ... The First Baptist Church of Apopka celebrated its 125th anniversary on Sunday, June 12, featuring the Cornerstones in a morning musical performance and an afternoon gospel sing during dinner on the grounds. NBA superstar, Grant Hill of the Orlando Magic, visited Phyllis Wheatley Elementary where he was presented with the 2004-2005 NBA Sportsmanship Award and later conducted a clinic for 4th and 5th graders ... Hundreds of admirers, friends and relatives attended the 95th birthday celebration of Roger Williams, former, legendary principal of AHS held at the Museum of the Apopkans and sponsored by The Apopka Chief ... Bobby Brewer is reinstated as an assistant baseball coach after a review by AHS Principal Bill Floyd and Orange County (North) Area Superintendent Ruth Perez-Christian. The Apopka Chief won six statewide newspaper awards at the Florida Press Association annual meeting in Key West: consisting of two first place awards, one second place, one third place and two honorable mentions. The Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce made its awards at the annual banquet to: Bill Vin- cent, Apopka Florist, Business- man of the Year; Melanie Mills, Loaves & Fishes, Business- woman of the Year; Apopka VFW, Community Service Award; Carie Von Bargen, Fire- fighter of the Year; Charles Michael Sheatham, Law En- forcement Officer of the Year. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 48-2005-CP- 002942-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE R. DICARLO, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (summary administration) The administration of the es- tate of Josephine R. DiCarlo, deceased, File Number 48- 2005-CP-002942-0, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 340, Orlando, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the pe- titioners and the petitioners' at- torney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including un- matured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent ana other persons hav- ing claims or demands against the decedent's estate, including un-matured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publica- tion of this Notice is: January 13, 2006. Persons Giving Notice: Joanna D. Wragg 365 Redwood Lane Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Attorney For Person Giving Notice: Edward W. Soulsby Attorney for Petitioner Florida Bar No. 488216 KENNETH B. WHEELER, LL M. TAX, P.A. 1155 Louisiana Avenue, Suite 100 Winter Park, Florida 32789 Telephone: (407) 645-1779 January 13 and 20, 2006 60253 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 48-2005-CP- 000425-0 IN RE: ESTATE OF MINNIE D. GIBSON-TURNER Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es- tate of MINNIE D. GIBSON- TURNER, deceased, File Num- ber 48-2005-CP-000425-0, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is: 425 North Orange Avenue. Or- lando, FL32801. The names and addresses of the personal repre- sentative and of the personal representative's attorney are set lorth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons, who have claims or demands against decedent's estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, and who have been served a copy of this notice, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OFTHREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR (30) THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the de- cedent and persons who have claims against the decedent's estate, including unmatured, con- tingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS (3) AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED ,WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- TICE IS: January 13, 2006. Personal Representative: EARLIER BUSH 2002 Ludlow Lane, Orlando, FL 32839 Attorney for Personal Representative: By: GRACE ANNE GLAVIN, ESQ. GRACE ANNE GLAVIN, P.A. 1340 Tuskawllla Road, Suite 106 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Telephone: (407) 699-1110 Florida Bar No.: 350605 January 13 and 20, 2006 60163 NOTICE OF SALE The following vehicles will be sold at public auction, free of all prior liens, per Fl Stat 713.78 at 10:00 AM on January 27, 2006 at lienors address. No titles, as is, cash only. 72 Baker VIN 725355. Lienor: ASAP Towing, 10600 S. Orange Ave, Orlando FL 32824, phone 407-733-8697. Interested parties, contact: State Filing Service, Inc. (772) 595-9555. January 13, 2006 60212 POWER TOWING SERVICES INC. 440 METCALF AVE. ORLANDO, FL 32811 Tel (407) 948-2338 Fax (407) 948-9498 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78 (5) There will be a sale of the following vehicles located at 440 Metcalf Ave. Orlando, FL 32811 DATE OF SALE: JANUARY 24, 2006 AT 9:00 AM 1995 PONTIAC 2 DOOR RED VIN # 1G2WJ12X6SF211926 1982 DODGE VAN TAN VIN # 2B5WB31T1CK163914 1996 FORD 4 DOOR WHI VIN # 2FALP71WOTX159780 1977 GENERAL MOTORS CORP PICK UP BRO VIN # TCL147A514700 1989 MITSUBISHI 4 DOOR WHI VIN # JA3CU36X9KU082912 1991.. AGURA-2 DOOR RED VIN # JH4DA94561MS055604 1995 N1ISSAN 4OOR BLU VIN # 1N4BU31D5SC206048 Tow company reserves the right to withdraw said vehicles from auction. For more info, or inquiries, call 407-948-2338 January 13, 2006 60252 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON FEBRUARY 2, 2006 AT 7:00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHNSON'S WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF THE VE- HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED AND NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE. YEAR 2001 1988 1987 1986 2000 1997 1995 1992 1998 1996 1992 19CH 1999 1991 1977 1993 1995 1991 2000 1992 1992 1991 MAKE CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY CHEVROLET MERCURY SATURN OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC PLYMOUTH MITSUBISHI CHEVROLET MITSUBISHI HONDA PORSCHE TOYOTA HONDA CADILLAC SUBARU DODGE. PLYMOUTH MERCURY V. I. N. N/A 1 FABP64T8JH149096 2MEBM75F9HX663260 1G BN69HOG9107120 1ZWFT61L6Y5620954 1G8ZF5286VZ208306 1G3HN52K7S4829742 1G3HN53L9N1825446 W06VR52R4WR233308 1 P3ES27COTD556284 4A3CS44R9NE100256 2GCDC14C7D1136681 4A3AK34YXXE044386 1HGCB7544MA146379 911720644 1NXAE04E6PZ079989 1HGEJ1129SL011901 1G6DW54E6MR725285 'I"'U ... eouY lou, 4S3BH686oY7607b/ 1B4GH44R7NX274 1P4GH54R8NX167 1MEPM6042MH60 TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH. NO CHECKS WILL I CEPTED. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BI SALESARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS WILLBE MADE. VEHIC VESSELS) ARE SOLD "AS IS", "WHERE IS", WITH NO ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. January 13, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-7924 DIV. 34 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUS- TEE ON BEHALF OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2005- HE1 MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-HE1 PLAINTIFF VS. TABITHA M. BURNS, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST TAB- ITHA M. BURNS; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF TABITHA M. BURNS, IF ANY; LYME BAY COLONY CONDOMINIUM AS- SOCIATION, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 5, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-7924 DIV. 34 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for OR- ANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at suite 350 at the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 N. Orange Avenue in Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 9th day of February, 2006 the follow scribed property as set said Summary Final Jud to-wit: UNIT 702, BUILDING LYME BAY COLON CONDOMINIUM ACCi ING TO THE DECLi TION OF CONDOMIN RECORDED IN OFFI RECORDS BOOK 2 PAGE(S) 1029, AMEN IN O.R. BOOK 2597, F 1628, AND O.R. B 2617, PAGE 1759, PU RECORDS OF ORA COUNTY, FLORIDA, GETHER WITH AN IU VIDED INTEREST IN TO THE COMMON MENTS APPURTEN THERETO Dated this 9 day of Ja 2006. LYDIA GAR Clerk of the Circui By: JIM MC CIVIL COURT Deput THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-45090 JCWF) IF YOU ARE a person wit ability who needs any a modation in order to par in this proceeding, you titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assi. Please contact Court A tration at 425 North Oran enue, Suite 2130, Or Florida 32801. Telephone 836-2303 within two (2) v days of your receipt of It tice of Hearing; If you ar Ing or voice impaired call 955-8771. January 13 and 20, 200 Prestige Towing, Inc. P.O. Box 574264 Orlando, Florida 32857 407/658-4811 PH 407/658-9108 FAX NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION PER FL STATUTE 713.78 THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD ATAUCTIO JANUARY 25, 2006 AT 10:00 AM AT 6140 HOFFNER AV LANDO, FL 32822. THE VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AS IS NO TITLE GUARANTEE YEAR MAKE VIN 1990 MITSUBISHI 4A3C544T3LE10 1992 NISSAN JN1M534P8NW1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTO BID. FOR MORE INFORM. CALL 407-658-4811 January 13, 2006 ON ON E, OR- S WITH 04808 106594 ATION, 60255 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, ange County, Florida, and all IN AND FOR amendments thereto, the ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, Page CASE NO. 05-CA-8219 #37 59 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY date said estate shall termi- CLUB, INC., nate; TOGETHER with a re- Plaintiff, mainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in com- vs. mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks In the RUBINO ETAL, above described Condo- Defendant(s). minium in the percentage In- terest established in the Dec- NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: laration of Condominium. COUNT DEFENDANTS TOGETHER with all of the UNIT/WEEK tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto I Damlan C. Rubino belonging or in anywise ap- and Yury Dabble pertaining. Duque 4310/03 The aforesaid sales will be II NIgel A lbert and imad ursuant t0ouhe finalludg- Stella E. Albert ments of foreclosure as to the 0420/33 above listed counts, respec- V Michael C. tively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA- Foreman and 8219 #37 Catherine M. Foreman DATED this 9th day of Janu- 0073/12 ary, 2006. ViII Yolanda Rivers 0459/20 XI Andre F. Sequeira and Shirley Sequsira 3138/38 Note Is hereby given that on February 08, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments Appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded In Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, In the Public Records of Or- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-8070 #37 '497 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY 4752 CLUB, INC., 7603 Plaintiff, 0484 BE AC- vs. D. ALL CLEMM ET AL., CLE(S)/ Defendant(s). GUAR- NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS 60230 UNIT/WEEK ring de- II Thomas J. Bealer forth in and Cassale L Jgment, Barnhart 2620/40 III Jose E. Cavalllni 4G 7, and Nydla I. IY, A Cavalllni ORD- 5425/33 ARA- IV Paul J. Dumas and NIUM, Betsy J. Dumas CIAL 2529/07 2579, NDED Note is hereby given that on PAGE February 08, 2006 at 11:00a.m OOK at the Orange County Court- JBLIC house, 425 North Orange Av- HNGE enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida , TO- 32801, the undersigned Clerk NDI- will offer for sale the above de- AND scribed UNIT/WEEKSof thefol- ELE- lowing described real property: 4ANT Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condominium, to- anuary, gather with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, IDNER according to the Declaration it Court of Condominium thereof re- OXLEY corded in Official Records T SEAL Book 4846, Page 1619, in y Clerk the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded In ITIFF Condominium Book 22, ha dis- accom- ticipate are en- , to the stance. dminis- nge Av- rlando, e: (407) working his No- e hear- 11-800- 16 60200 LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing Impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20, 2006 60207 Page 132-146 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said es- tate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA- 8070 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20, 2006 60209 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: DR06-507 Division: 38 JOSEPH REID, Petitioner and MADLIN REID, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: MADLIN REID Last Known address UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it on JOSEPH REID, whose address Is 7160 BLAIR DRIVE, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32818 on or before February 23, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, ROOM 320 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-3722 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. WEBB ETAL, Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: EDWIN SANTIAGO and LEONILDA SANTIAGO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming Interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) EDWIN SANTI- AGO and LEONILDA SANTI- AGO and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property In Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 13/5208 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided Interest In the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-4158 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. SAULSBERRY ET.AL, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: RIZALINO V. YAP and THELMA YAP RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) RIZALINO YAP and THELMA YAP, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 19/86362 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided Interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the, Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page' 1965, In the Public Records. of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded In Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall you for the relief demanded In the petition, Copies of all court documents In this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court's office. You may re- view these documents upon re- quest. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress on record at the clerk's of- fice. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Pro- cedure, requires certain auto- matic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, includ- ing dismissal or striking of plead- Ings. Dated: January 11, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: VARISA RHYMES CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk January 13, 20, 27 and February 3, 2006 60254 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over In fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium In the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or Immediatply thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate In this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing Impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60205 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium, has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E, Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60206 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9019 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. JUDI A. O'GRADY, ET AL, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Judi A. O'Grady 1309 Locust Street Eudora, KS 66025 and all parties claiming Interest by, through, under or against Defendant, JUDI A. O'GRADY, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or In- terest In the property herein de- scribed; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT I An undivided 0.2892% In- terest In Unit 25A of the Disney Vacation Club at The Villas at Disney's Wil- derness Lodge, a leasehold condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded In Official Record Book 6170, Page 1425, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and between DVD and Walt Disney World Corp., a Florida corporation, ef- fective March 2,1999, and any amendments thereto, a short form of which Is re- corded in Official Records Book 6170, Page 1394 of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida; and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-8232 DIV 34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL A. JONES; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-8232 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff. and MICHAEL A. JONES; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 29 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 752 Assigned Unit Week No. 4 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 763 Assigned Unit Week No. 39 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1153 Assigned Unit Week No. subject to that certain Master Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded In Official Records Book 6170, Page 1376, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and sub- ject to easements and re- strictions of record. (Contract No.: 5006763.000) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of tola Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this.Court on the 29 day of .DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY ;, In accordance with the Ameri- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the pro- ceeding at the address given on the notice. Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847. 1300. If hearing Impairedi (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 1 60110 10 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No.1615 Assigned Unit Week No. 29 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1317 Assigned Unit Week No. 11 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1338 Assigned Unit Week No. 28 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1236 Assigned Unit Week No. 30 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1165 WESTGATE LAKES II, according to the Tlims Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records " Book 5000, at Page 3118, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, If any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate In this proceeding, you are en" titled, at no cost to you, to th_ provision of certain assistance' Please contact Court Admlnis- tration at 425 North Orango Avenue, Orlando, Florida' 32801, telephone number (407f 836-2303, within two (2) work- Ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; If you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955.- 8771, If you are voice Impaired,' call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006j LYDIA GARDNEIR As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL' COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Cler- Publication of this notice In ThfI Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60227 LEGAL ADVERTISING l e a popka CiIef 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 Deadline: Tuesday at 5 p.m. for Friday's publication LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 16A- 17A & 6B- 13B ._ _._, LEGAL FORMS can be purchased from AOS Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FI 32712 PH: 407-889-4455 FAX: 407-889-4121 -Y U. . ... .. .. ... .. ... ---i The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 17A Brush fire keeps Apopka firefighters busy An Apopka firefighter sprays water on the smoldering brush fire Wednes- The fire burned about eight acres of dry brush and the blaze was aided by day, January 11, which was just west of the end of Rogers Road. a light breeze during the low-humidity day. The charred brush is shown as the smoldering parts are doused with water Apopka Fire Department officials said the recent frost helped dry out the by an Apopka firefighter. The fire was near the Arbor Ridge subdivision, brush, and that the cause of the fire was unknown. LEGAL ADVERTISING Apopka e|ief Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 16A- 17A & 6B- 13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-1368 -VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation Plaintiff, vs. JOHN ALLAN RAILTON A/K/A JOHN ALAN RAILTON and MARIA VICTORIA CAPRILE A/K/A M. VICTORIA CAPRILE, his wife; et al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, UBALDO JEREZ AND ADRIANA ORTEGO COUNT VIII NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN that on February 8, ,'2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 37 in Unit 1457, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS II CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains II Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4598, Page 3299, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA-1368 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in andforOrange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, .ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL 'ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60121 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 04-CA-9063 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. CASTILLO ETAL, Defendantss. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK VII Prapalpim Atibaedya 3642/49 Note is hereby given that on February 08, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VIII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. MARY C. TUCKER 3913 8th Street N.W Washington, DC 20011 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTTOWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VIII Unit Week 03X In Unit 0122, In GRANDE VISTA CONDOMINIUM, accord- Ing to the Declaration of terminate; TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No. 04-CA- 9063 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770, January 13 and 20, 2006 60211 Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 11 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPTTO COLLECT DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5212 #05-137-11045 January 13 and 20, 2006 60147 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE 05-CA-3886 DIV 34 THE SEASONS OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida Non-profit corporation Plaintiff, vs. KEITH H. JENKINS; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No, 05- CA-3836 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein THE SEA- SONS OWNERS ASSOCIA- TION, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, and KEITH H. JENKINS; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 36 whole, In Assigned Unit Number 2302 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 5 whole, In Assigned Unit Number 2322 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 51 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2332 Assigned Unit Week Num- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-7100 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. VERONICA L. SMITH and MICHAEL L. SMITH, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IX TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. STEPHEN HALLORAN 1233 Golden Canna Celebration, FL 34747 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT IX Unit Week17ln Unit 0313, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to ber 49 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2312 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 28 whole, in Assigned Unit Number 2326 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 22 whole, In Assigned Unit Number 2306 Assigned Unit Week Num- ber 48 whole, In Assigned - Unit Number 2326 THE SEASONS II, a Time Share Resortaccording to the Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 3429, at page 572, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, If any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in orderto participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando. Florida, on the 11 day of January, 2006.. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: ELAINE M. CHANDLER COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60251 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance PleasecontactCourtAd- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue. Suite 2130, Or- lando. Florida32801. olelephoie (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, HK#050992,5109 #05-137-08601 January 13 and 20, 2006. 60143 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 03 CA 2902 BANK ONE, NATIONAL AS- SOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, vs. MELVIN L. JENKINS; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF MELVIN L. JENKINS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROP- ERTY, Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Motion and Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 03 day of JANU- ARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 03 CA 2902, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein BANK ONE, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE is the Plaintiff and MELVIN L. JENKINS; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF MELVIN L. JENKINS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are de- fendants. I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH OR- ANGE AVENUE. ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 09 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9021 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. TIMOTHY HAVELKA, ET AL, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Ireye Hays and Joanne Heckethorn 408 Delaware Avenue Palmyra, NJ 08075 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants, IREYE HAYSAND JOANNE HECKETHORN, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT II An undivided 0.4386% in- terest in Unit 44 of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's Beach Club Vil- las, a leasehold condo- minium (the "Condo- minium") according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof as re- corded in Official Record Book 6531, Page 3526, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; sub- ject to that certain Ground Lease by and between DVD and Walt Disney World Corp., a Florida cor- poration, effective March 1, 2000, and any amend- ments thereto, a short form of which Is recorded in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments day of FEBRUARY, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 60, FALCON TRACE UNIT 7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK45, PAGES 3AND 4, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 09 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: MAYRAI, CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365/ Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 03-02160 January 13 and 20, 2006 60204 thereto (the "Ground Lease"), and subject to that certain Master Decla- ration of Covenants, Con- ditions and Restrictions recorded In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, and subject to easements and restrictions of record. (Contract No.: 6007034.000) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days after the first pub- lication of this N6tice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint, WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By. YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk. NOTICE FOQ ORANGECOQU.TY In accordance with the Amen- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing at the address given on the notice. Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847- 1300. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60109 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) XI TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. DANIEL CINTRON TORRES B8 12 Daisy Street San Juan, PR 00926 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title orinterest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT XI UnitWeek48 In Unit9141, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Con- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 04-CA-9732 DIV 33 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC, Plaintiff, vs. EUGENE PETERS A/K/A EU- GENE R. PETERS; ISPC; WEDGEFIELD HOMEOWN- ERS ASSOCIATION, INC; CHRISTINA L. PETERS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUB- JECT PROPERTY, Defendants. RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Motion and Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 04 day of JANU- ARY, 2006, and entered in Case No. 04-CA-9732 DIV 33, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein COUNTRY- WIDE HOME LOANS, INC is the Plaintiff and EUGENE PETERS A/K/A EUGENE R. PETERS; ISPC; WEDGEFIELD HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC; CHRISTINA L. PETERS; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, dominium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and filethe original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5215 #05-137-11084 January 13 and 20, 2006 60190 in ORLANDO. Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 07 day of FEBRU- ARY, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: THE SOUTH 150 FEET OF TRACT 8,ROCKET CITY UNIT BA NKA CAPE OR- LANDO ESTATES UNIT8A, ACCORDING TO THE PLATTHEREOF, RECORD- ED IN PLAT BOOK Z, PAGES 106 THROUGH 109, INCLUSIVE OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or active'* shall, within a reasonable timi prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court OR- ANGE, at 425 N Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1 -800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1 800-955- 8770 (V) via Florda Relay Ser- vice Dated this 09 day of JANU ARY, 2006 LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: MAYRAI. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-60b 04-08156 January 13 and 20 M The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 18A I ic SVOT AMERICMN REVOUJUION >Evefy Vehcle In Stck Clearly Marked with Everyday tow Prices >No iHassle No Haggle Buying ONo Negotifations Necessaiy JANUARY KICKOFF SALES BLITZ O% APR FIN R 72 MONTHS I ink;I [NEW 1 2006 CHEVROLET-II] I~ Ih' IM PAL!a1 PONTIAC GRAND AM 'OS CHEVROLET IMPALA '05 CHEVROLET TRAILBL Ufl e *deri~fie C ed Choose From I Several To Choose From Several To Choose From automatic 4.9% Financing Available 4x4 4.%i nacgIi3.9% Fnancim Avaiablet --w *11.995 $12,995 i 18,9 M _ ? 2999 Under '03 OLDSMOBILE ALERO SEDAN 4r, Auto, A/C, P/L, P/W, Tilt, Cruise, CD,#3C139950 Cer tifed ~~~~1~U 0r9*-~Ut7 t~an1 '01 CHEVROLET S-10 EXTENDED CAB 2Dr, 5Spd, A/C, Low Miles #18249086 D0 995 '99 GMC SUBURBAN LS 4Dr, Auto, A/C, P/L, P/W, Tilt, Cruise, Stereo, CD, #XG545084 11, 995"* '99 MAZDA MIATA CONVERTIBLE Only 32,551 Miles, One Owner #X0124996 $11995*S 18,999 '05 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 2Dr. Auto A/C, P/L. PW, Tilt, Cruise. Stereo, Cass, #59279583 $14,995" '04 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LS 2Dr Auto. A/C, P/L, P/W Tilt Cruise, Stereo. CD. Sportside, #4Z133857 *15,995' '06 CHEVROLET COBALT COUPE LT 2Dr. Auto, A/C P/L, PiW. Tilt Cruise. Stereo CD. *67686987 s16,995 '04 FORD RANGER EDGE EXTENDED CAB Auto, A/C, P/L, P/W, Tilt, Cruise. Stereo, CD, 6 Cyl, #4PA54136 $16,995' CARS & SUVS '04 FORD F-150 2Dr Auto. A/C, P ,L. P/W, Tilt. Cruise. Stereo, CD Player Leather #4NC19271 S'21 995' '02 FORD T-BIRD S 2r. Auto, A/C, P/L, P/W, Tilt, Cruise, Stereo, CD. Yellow, Blacktop, Rare Car, #2Y103718 $24,995- '04 CADILLAC CTS 4Dr, Auto, A/C. PL, P/W Tilt. Cruise. Stereo, CD, Leather, 040181568 $24,995" '05 CHEVROLT SUBURBAN LT 40. Auto. AC. P.'L PW. rill Cruise Slereo CD Sun & Sound Pkg, 05J130687 $30,995' *All prices plus tax. tag, and title. **39-month closed-end lease with $1.500 total due at lease inception, which includes: First payment of $249 for '06 Chevrolet Impala, ($359 for '06 Chevrolet Tahoe, and $399 for Chevrolet Suburban), security deposit of $0 for Chevrolet Impala, ($400 for '06 Chevrolet Tahoe and Suburban) and cash or trade equity of $1,251 for '06 Chevrolet Impala, ($741 for '06 Chevrolet Tahoe, and $701 for Chevrolet Smburban). All advertised pricing does not include tax or tag. 10.000 miles per year, any overage will be $0.25 per mile With approved credit. Severity of credit may affect down payment and APR. All bankruptcies must be discharged. 48-month closed-end lease with $1,200 total due at lease inception, which includes: First payment of $159, security deposit of SO and cash or trade equity of $1,041. All advertised pricing does not include tax or tag. 10,000 miles per year, any overage will be $0.20 per mile. With approved credit. Severity of credit may affect down payment and APR. All bankruptcies must be discharged., With approved credit to qualified buyers. Severity of credit may affect down payment and APR. All bankruptcies must be discharged. All rebates and incentives assigned to dealer. All offers not to be used in conjunction. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Dealer fee of $498.55 is included in advertised prices. Z" Onthecorner of SR434and Maitland Blvd. classicchevrolet.conm ,I * 1 mile south of SR 436, next to Classic Audi. V SALI HOURS; Mon-Fri9-9/Sat9-8/Sun 11-5 1-888-NEXT-CHEVY i I.I%. -I.......... ..... e. A-..:.. c /.. r.f. .4 0 4 3 _______________ (634H3) El l tfl intLC I '05 Cer al To V.6, A Sever FU R 0 Ufn ______ I - -NE W 200 6 CHEVRO L ET TAH - --- ----I LM-LI i SC RVICE HOLIRS: Mon-Fri 7-6 / Sat 8-5 LUXURY, I I TI See the story and pic- ture at the top of the page about the Apopka Blue Darters girls soc- cer team. The Darters won three games this past week and landed the No. 3 seed in the upcoming District 6A-4 tournament. Apopka will host the Ocoee Knights on Tuesday, January 17, at 7 p.m. in the first round of the tourna- ment. The semifinals and finals will follow. The Apopka Chief January 13, 2006, Page 1B Sports Q. What sport will have its debut season at Apopka High School this spring? A. Joining a handful of Metro Conference schools and others across the state, the Blue Darters will field a lacrosse team this spring. The girls team will begin its season February 11 by playing in a jamboree. The Blue Darters will be coached by Sally Leffler. Darters win three more, clinch No. 3 seed in girls soccer district playoffs Winning three games this past week, including two by one goal, the Apopka Blue Darters girls soccer team wrapped up the No. 3 seed for the Dis- trict 6A-4 tournament, which will be held Tuesday, January 17, through Fri- day, January 20. Apopka, coached by Doug Matthews, will host the Ocoee Knights, the No. 6 seed, in the first-round game on Tuesday, January 17, at 7 p.m. at Apopka High's Roger Williams Field. A victory in that game would send the Blue Darters to a district semifinal contest Wednesday, January 18, at 5 p.m. against the. winner of the Winter Park-West Orange first-round contest. The semifinal game winner will battle for the district championship Friday, January 20, at 7 p.m. The semifinal games and the championship game of the district tournament will be held at Edgewater High School, the No. 1 seed. Tickets for each district tourna- ment session is $5, as set by the Florida High School Athletic Association. The two district finalists will advance to the Region 6A-1 quarterfinals Thursday, January 26. In this past week's three games, Apopka downed the Olympia Titans, 3- 2, then nipped the University Cougars, 2-1. The Blue Darters easily handled the West Orange Warriors, 5-0, in the third game of the week. Apopka vs. Olympia TheBlue Darters hosted Olympia Wednesday, January 4, and came away with their second win against the Titans. For the first 12 minutes of the Came the teams battled hard to ain the upper hand Apapka 'enir.s Kim New- some and Jenny Taylor turned the tide Apopka's Jenny Taylor controls the ball as Kelli Baker of West Orange closes in during the Blue Darters' 5-0 victory over the Warriors. in Apopka's favor when they teamed up to put the first score on the board for the Darters. Newsome was able to bring the ball out of traffic to feed a pad<- for an u mi to Taylbr. Taylor set-" tied the ball and took a shot outside the 18-yard line that got past the Olympia goalie's outstretched arms. Olympia's offense later stepped up its play and was able to tie the score before the half when a penalty kick just outside the 1 S-yard box found the back of the Apopka net. Brittany Oliver, Apopka's goalie, blocked two great shot attempts before that to hold the score to a tie at the half. When the second half started, Olympia came out very determined and got off four great shots in the first 15 minutes of play. Oliver squelched the attack with four more great saves that allowed the Apopka offense to regain the momentum. Taylor and freshman Loren Cate teamed up to score Apopka's second goal when Taylor sent a pass down field that Cate handled and then shot the ball in the net to give the Darters a 2-1 lead. With only seven minutes left in the game, Olympia answered with a rebound shot from a missed penalty kick to tie the score again at 2-2. With time clicking off the clock, Taylor sent her second assist to Cate who faked out the Olympia backfield to give Apopka the go-ahead goal and the win. Coach Matthews said he was pleased with the victory. "I felt like our girls came out a little flat and missed several opportunities that ultimately led to scores for Olympia. I knew we were going to be in a dogfight against this team because they always get up to play us," he said. "The great thing about this game was that the girls were able to recover in the second half by making better passes, which gave us the chance we needed to score." Apopka vs. University The Darters downed the University Cougars, 2-1, in a hard-fought match Friday, January 6, at Apopka's Roger Williams Field. The Blue Darters came out striking just three minutes into the game as Newsome sent a blast towards, See SOCCER Page 5B Late-game losses haunt AHS boys basketball team By Richard Corbeil Apopka Chief Staff The Apopka High boys varsity bas- ketball team continued to slide into a disappointing season, losing two Metro Conference matches -- one at Dr. Phillips, 65-52, on Friday, January 6, and the other at home to Jones, 68-55, on Monday, January 9. The contests were remarkably sim- ilar. In each game, either team could have won, but Apopka fell short defen- sively and had poor shooting in both games in the fourth period. Most surprising was the match at Dr. Phillips with the Panthers (12-1) being ranked No. 2 in the state by the sportswriters poll. After losing the first period, 19-15, Apopka held Dr. Phillips scoreless for the first 5 minutes and 25 seconds of the second frame and allowed them only four points for the remainder of the period, while scoring 12 and leading at the half, 27-23. After a see-saw battle the rest of the way, the Blue Darters (3-10) only trailed by four, 54-50, with 2:35 remaining in the game. As Apopka seemed to tire, the Panthers got ener- V gized with sophomore guard Chris Warren putting up eight points in the fourth period and senior guard Erick Green posting five of his game-leading drop of 22 points. Outscoring the Darters, 22-13, in the last period, 14 of it in the last two- and-a-half minutes, gave Dr. Phillips the final victory. "We played real good until the last few minutes," said Apopka head-coach Eddie Jenkins, "but our best defense of the year didn't last long enough. They (Dr. Phillips) are not rated No. 2 for nothing. We got tired and they didn't," he said. The leading scorer for Apopka was junior guard Trent Hillman with 11 points. Also in double figures for the Panthers besides Green, were senior forward Darrien Beacham (18) and Warren with 14. Game totals were Dr. Phillips 25, 8-13, 65, Apopka 20, 6-11, 52. The home match against Jones (5- 8) had many similarities to the Panthers match, with Apopka leading at the half, 36-34, and a tie ballgame, 48-48, at the end of three periods. The Darters' main problem came in trying to contain Jones' 6-foot-6 senior forward Jarvis Williams who led the game with 29 points, dominating the second half with 21 of them. Again, Apopka's defense, play- making and rebounding went south in the last period, which they lost to the Tigers, 20-7. "We're not finishing the games," said coach Jenkins. "The passing and rebounding get bad in the last period. I think we get too anxious even though we're doing good in these areas for See AHS Page 4B One Darter very firm on commitment, others will make visits With National Signing Day less than three weeks away, only one Blue Darter has made a verbal com- mitment, but others are making vis- its this weekend. Defensive back Joe Shuler, a four-year starter for the Blue Darters, is firm on his verbal com- mitment to the Toledo Rockets, while four others will make recruit- ing visits this weekend. Two offensive linemen, Gary Gregory and Evon Lettsome, will make official visits to North Caroli- na State in Raleigh this weekend while defensive back Derric Tarver will travel to Tallahassee for a recruiting visit to Florida A&M Uni- versity, a Division I-AA program. Linebacker Jared Brooks will be in Washington, D.C., this weekend to visit Georgetown University, t which plays Division I-AA football. Gregory, 6-foot-5, 310 lbs., and Lettsome, 6-5, 295 lbs., are being recruited by the N.C. State Wolf- pack, a member of the Atlantic Coast Conference. Wolfpack head coach Chuck Amato is a former Florida State assistant coach and recruits heavily in Florida. Tarver, 6-0, 180 lbs., played defensive back for the Blue Darters, While Brooks, 5-10, 195 lbs., was the starting middle linebacker for Apop- ka. National Signing Day is sched- uled foi February 1. On that day at 8 a.m high school, football players may sign National Letters of Inient to play college football. -Blu Drtes aulTier Simone Lowman (23) battles for a rebound late in the game during Apopka's 56-17 whip- ping of the Jones Tigers on Friday, January 6. The Apopka High girls basketball team, coached by Miriam Jenkins, is 10-7 following the home-court victory. I Drtrs- Widctsbatleto1- te David Williams heads the ball Saturday, January 7, during the Apopka Blue Darters boys soccer team's match against the Winter Park Wildcats. The Blue Darters (6-2-2) and Wild- cats tied 1-1. Winter Park now owns a 15-0-2 record. i*. . The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 2B HARRISON MOTORS V-8, Extra Clean, 75KMies 1909 South Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703 Phone: 407-464-1744 www.harrisonmotors.com ,o1 V-8,Extr Clen, 7K Mies A IN! h~kR Nohodx 'S ful 4 I) "Copyri hted Material Syndicated ontent ow d -amo*m0a Available from Commercial'News Providers ews 210s ofm go u o .oe a W, l Everyone in Apopka Reads This Page!eposr 4 /Call 407-886-2777 to find out how you can be a NASCAR Pagepponsor. &a W& ft#04od Go ob a Do" The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 3B Tampa Bay's loss was lone bad pick in NFL playoffs Last week was not the most successful I've ever had in picking NFL playoff games, but it certainly wasn't the worst, as I picked three of four correctly. In the three games I picked correctly, I also got the score of the winning team exactly right. However, in each case, I gave the losing team too much cred- it. Tampa Bay's 17-10 loss to the Washington Redskins was the only game I didn't pick right. It was as tough a way to lose a playoff game as could be. Washington scored two touchdowns thanks to its defense with Sean "The Spit- ter" Taylor returning a fumble for a score and then LaVar Arrington setting up another Washington TD by returning an interception to the Tampa Bay 5 yard line. Washington had 120 yards of total offense and still won the game. That was the lowest total yardage for a winning playoff team in NFL history. The NFL has been having play- off games for many decades and the Bucs are the team on the losing end of that type of record. It seems the ghost of former Bucs owner Hugh Cul- verhouse continues to haunt the team. The New England Patriots took care of the Jacksonville Jaguars about like I thought they would, but their defense was even more dominant, giv- ing up just a field goal to the John Peery Peery's Extra Points Jags. The Pats are playing very well on both sides of the ball and you know they have supreme confidence as you would expect from the organi- zation which has won three of the past four Super Bowls. Carolina absolutely annihi- lated the New York Giants. After that kind of shellacking, I am surprised that the Giants fans didn't make sure that Eli Manning and others suffer the same fate as Jimmy Hoffa and end up with cement galoshes or buried in the end zone at Giants Stadium. The Panthers domi- nated from the beginning, leav- ing no doubt that they are a team with which to be reck- oned. Pittsburgh handled the Cincinnati Bengals as I figured they would, although Cincy battled with emotion early. But, when Bengals quarterback Car- son Palmer went down on Cincy's first pass play of the game, you knew that any chance the Bengals had of win- ning went out the window. Jon Kitna is not a bad backup QB, but he is a backup for a reason. The Steelers just have too many solid weapons on offense and a very good group on defense to lose to the Bengals' backup quarterback. This week, the picks don't get any easier, but all four play- off games feature rematches from the regular season. Washington Redskins (11- 6) at Seattle Seahawks (13-3), Saturday, January 14, 4:30 p.m., FOX: The Redskins won the regular-season match-up, beating Seattle 20-17, meaning they should repeat and move on in the playoffs, right? Well, the 'Skins overcame history last week by beating the Bucs, a team that had beaten them in the regular season. So, can Seattle repeat Washington's feat of last week? Of course, and I think they will. Seattle reminds me of Carolina in that they seem very focused. They are built on a strong running game and solid defense, teams which, traditionally, have done very well in the NFL's postseason through the years. Yes, Wash- ington is very much built on a strong running game, but, as we saw against the Bucs, put up a good defense against them and you can all but stop that offense. Seattle may not have as good a defense as Tampa Bay, but the Seahawks have a much better offense and will keep the 'Skins offense off the field by controlling the ball and the clock. The Seahawks are a 9-1/2-point favorite, which is a lot of points in a playoff game, but I think they will dominate and I may be being nice to the Redskins to think they can keep it this close. Seattle 24-Wash- ington 13. New England Patriots (11-6) at Denver Broncos (13- 3), Saturday, January 14, 8 p.m., CBS: What a shocker -- New England is playing the prime-time game. The Patriots are such a draw because of their winning ways that it was a no- brainer to put them in this time slot. The weather could be a huge factor in this game, but both teams are used to playing in snow, rain, wind, or even beautiful weather, so, the team that handles whatever weather is there is the one that will win. And, one other major factor is the quarterback position. Which quarterback would you take if you were an NFL coach, New England's Tom Brady or Den- ver's Jake Plummer? Yes, I thought so. I would take Brady, too. Denver has done a good job this season, but New Eng- land is a very focused team. I am not real sure how Denver could be favored by 3 points, but they are just that. Not only will the Patriots cover, but they'll win fairly easily. New England 27-Denver 17. Pittsburgh Steelers (12-5) at Indianapolis Colts (14-2), Sunday, January 15, 1 p.m., CBS: This is the one game in which I will have a rooting interest. I was a Colts fan when they were in Baltimore, but lost interest when they moved to Indianapolis. But, as the years went by, I grew less and less upset over the move from Balti- more. Then, when the Colts did one of the best things in fran- chise history by drafting Pey- ton Manning out of Tennessee, I was back to being a full-time Colts fan. I like the Bucs, but there's nothing like seeing the blue and white of the Colts and that horseshoe on their helmets. As far as the game itself, this one certainly scares me as the Steelers have the offense to move the ball and put scoring pressure on Manning and the Colts. I just have a feeling that Pittsburgh is playing for more than just another playoff win as running back Jerome Bettis likely will retire after this sea- son and he is so well liked on the team that they will have extra motivation. The Colts, however, have plenty of their' own to prove as they've played second fiddle to New England, never being able to get by them in the playoffs. This isn't New England facing the Colts, so Indy better not be looking to next week or it will be one and done for the Colts. I cannot imagine that Manning will let this team peek toward New England and will focus on the very tough test of the Steelers. I don't think it will be a game like the Rose Bowl where Southern California scored 38 points and still lost, but I think it will be a high-scoring NFL game. Indy's defense will keep the Steelers bottled up enough to allow Peyton and the offense to score nearly 30 points and advance to next week's AFC championship game. The Colts are a 9-1/2-point favorite and I am not sure how it's that high. Pittsburgh is too good for that kind of spread, but they won't win. Indianapolis 27-Pitts- burgh 24. Carolina Panthers (12-5) at Chicago Bears (11-5), Sun- day, January 15, 4:30 p.m., FOX: With these two defenses, 13 points may be enough for one team to advance. I just feel like the Panthers are a team of destiny, at least until it gets to the Super Bowl. They are a tough team with a strong run- ning game and a pretty darn good defense. Chicago is always a blue-collar team and this year is no different, but the Panthers are solid on both sides of the ball and I think will be able to get the job done with DeShaun Foster at running back and Steve Smith at wide receiver. The Bears are a 3- point pick and that seems right, but I am still sold on the Pan- thers, even though it will not surprise me to see Chicago come away with the victory. The Bears won the regular-sea- son match-up, but I don't think they will make it 2-0 against the Panthers this season. Caroli- na is on a mission and will win someway. Carolina 17-Chica- go 13. Computer problems aside, fishing' is up and down like the weather Hello Folks, Well, it's been a while since I last talked to y'all about some fishing I think it was last year since I wrote my column. I was goin' to submit a column last week, but my computer went down and I couldn't email the report to the paper in time before it went to print. Anyway, I sure hope you and your family had a Happy New Year. The weather over the holi- days was cold one day, warm one day, windy the next, cold again, and then it would just start all over again. I sure hope you did get a chance to get on the water and get to do some fishing . The fishing' hasn't been too bad; it's been the weather that's been keeping' folks from goin' fishing The cold snap we had over the weekend will get the specks to bitin' in the chain. I talked to Linda Hawkins at Sor- rento Bait and Tackle, and she reports that the folks in Lake County are starting' to catch some nice specks in Lake Dora, Lake Beauclair, and in the Apopka canals. Most of the specks are get- tin' ready to go on the beds and the next full moon should push 'em on the beds. Some of the specks have got roe in 'em, so it won't be long. Most of the specks are bein' caught on min- ners, and zip jigs tipped with a minner. Some good colors to use on the zip jigs have been a sil- ver-and-blue color, and char- Jim Keck Goin' Fishin' treuse. You will find the specks just off the shoreline or on the edge of the grass. Lake Monroe has been pro- ducin' some nice specks over the past few weeks. The specks are in the channels goin' into the power plant. You can catch 'em by trollin' a beetle spin or castin' a zip jig on light line. Some folks are catching' limits of specks in the St. Johns River near State Road 46. You can catch some specks in Lake Jesup as well. Linda also reports some good bass fishing' in the Harris Chain. Most of the bass are bein' caught on shiners, Rat-L- Traps, and weightless worms like the Producto Hot Rod. Some good colors to use have been Redbug, Junebug, and watermelon. Some folks have started to catch a few bass in the canals in the Harris Chain on shiners. If you go to the Kissimmee Chain, folks are catching' some nice bass on shiners, and spin- nerbaits. Most of the bass are m'.3 ^ 'Copyrighted Material VSyndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" m - -in- ~ - ..~ ~-.* bein' caught in the areas of the lake where there is lots of grass. Another good area has been on West Lake around Goblets Cover and the grassy island area of the lake. Most of the bass are bein' caught on spinnerbaits, top-water, and plastic worms. Always remember that this is the time of year when the bass go on the beds. Please practice catch and release if you catch a big ole female. Please handle her gently and release her so she can produce some more big .bass. See ya next week. Tip of the week: specks on The edge of the grass. Save a few and good luck! ALTAMONTE SPRINGS 924 W. State Road 436 at State Road 434 KISSIMMEE 1359 E. Vine St. at Michigan Ave. OCALA 3101 S.W. 34th Ave at S.W. College Rd. CLERMONT 260 Citrus Tower Blvd. at Hwy. 27 MAITLAND 248 N. Orlando Ave. on the N.E. corner of W. Horatio Ave. and Hwy. 17/92 LADY LAKE 684 US Hwy. 441 N. in Rolling Acres Plaza Shopping Center APOPKA 3030 E. Semoran Blvd. at the intersection of SR 436 and S. Hunt Club Dr. Service not available in all areas Monthly ateo good for now High-speed Internet residential customers only Offers not valid with any additional offers or discounts and are subject to change or cancel without notce. Addrional restrictions apply 'Monthly Fee: Promotiunal monthly rate of $19 95 applies while customer subscribes to a qualifying calling package (Sprint Solutions Standard Plan, Basic Plan or Sprint Special Plan), remains on this plan and at current residence. Taxes nnd surcharges are additional and are based on standard monthly rate Sprint high-speed Internet: S99 termination fee will apply if service is cancelled before one year. Performance may vary due to conditions outside of network control No minimum level of speed is guaranteed. Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of web sites accessed, inside wiring,or telephone conditions Restrictions may apply 'Modem offer Without credit approval customer will be charged S99 99 for modem. 2005 Sprint All rights reserved Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Spnnt Communications Company L P EarthLnk is a registered trademark of EarthLink, Inc. SPR-4346 S-Sprint. Why search high when you can go low? Get Sprint high-speed Internet at an amazing all time low of $19.95 a month for as long as you have the service. (Qualifying services and one-year term agreement required, applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed only, $49.99 activation fee will apply and excludes taxes and fees.) * Dedicated, always-on, high-speed connection with consistent speed * 24/7 technical support * Free modem ($12.95 shipping & handling applies)' * Award winning EarthLink"t Internet Service with advanced security and protection tools Call 1-877-SPRINT2 Click sprint.com/high-speed Come by a Sprint Store FLORIDA Emd **&R) AL The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 4B Having a Bad ay 24 Hour Service All Jails No Collateral Signature Bonds (In most cases) .NATIVE BAIL BONDS 72 E. Main St., Ste 200, Apopka Upstairs above Park Ave. Gun & Pawn Have Stuff? Don't Want Stuff? Sell Stuff!! Call 407-886-2777 to place an ad in the Classified Section. Deadline is Mondays at 5 p.m. for The Planter & lwe Apopha QChief. Don't delay, call TODAY! Registration for Apopka Babe Ruth girls fast-pitch soft- ball will be held three times in January. League officials will sign up players Saturday, January 14, Thursday, January 19, and If a law enforcement agency charges you with a crime and this paper reports that information, please notify us within 90 days if the charge is later dropped or you are found not guilty by the court. After verifying the informa- tion, we will be happy to pub- lish it. Please send notification to The Apopka Chief, P.O. Box 880, Apopka, 32704 or call the newsroom at 407-886-2777. In the period from January 2-8, the Apopka Police Depart- ment received 1,000 calls for assistance, responded to 25 crashes, issued 122 traffic cita- tions, and made 27 arrests. Of these arrests, four were juvenile arrests. The juveniles were charged with petit theft 1st offense and possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams. Saturday, January 21, at the city-owned softball fields adja- cent to the Apopka Ninth Grade Center, 800 N. Wells St., Apopka. For more information, call Mickey at 407-832-4102. The following adults were arrested and charged: Lisbet Pedroso Lamas, 20, 1312 Harley Ave., Deltona, petit theft 1st offense. Gilbert Martinez, 18, 1043 Bavarian Way, Apopka, burglary to unoccupied dwelling, grand theft of dwelling property in 3rd degree. Juan Alfredo Payne, 22, 1426 Ellen Ln., Apopka, driving while license suspended 1st offense. Darrian J. Hill, 34, 3981 Versailles Dr., Orlando, petit theft 1st offense. Wanda Griffin, 34, 1437 Cape Cove Blvd., Orlando, pos- session and/or use of narcotic equipment. Eduardo Rivera Toro, 18, 248 Hayfield Way, Apopka, pos- session of marijuana not more than 20 grams. Police Beat AHS: Darters will host Winter Park Continued from page 7B three periods. We've got to remain at that level all the way," he said. In double digits for the Darters were senior forward Jor- dan Walker and junior forward Andy Summerlin. Both had 12 points with two 3-pointers each. Game totals were Jones 25, 11- 21, 68, Apopka 19, 8-14, 55. The Darters traveled to Colonial on Wednesday, January 11 past press time and will host Winter Park tonight, Friday, Jan- uary 13. Evans will also visit Apopka on Tuesday, January 17. Another road trip to East Ridge in Clermont will take place on Thursday January 19. All games start at 7:30 p.m. PAO AIi' 'h12 UI 24 Hour Road Service *Batteries Belts & Hoses Brake Service Shocks 'Tune-Ups- Oil Changes 'Transmissions Alignments Diesel Mechanics Tires Tire Rotation & Repairs I Iaa -- **. : * S A A *S ^I 0 I I Coolant System Test and Flush y S $32.00 ' including coolant Pressure test coolant system, inspect belts, hoses & Flush complete coolant system with up to 1 Gallon of Valvoline coolant. Normally $64.00.50% OFF Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or I discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 1-17-06 . I $38.00 Computer Scan and System Test Engine light on? Find out why. Normally $76.00.50% OFF Scan fee will apply to complete repair on the same visit. Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 1-17-06 -i------ -- - S$19 99 Rotate and Balance with a FREE Brake Inspection Normally $40.00 50% OFF. Please present'coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Exp. 1-17-06 I $35.00 PLUS FLUID I I Transmission Service l S Flush transmission cooler, lines and all internally lubricated parts. With Valvoline, Maxlife ATF. Normally $69.95 50% OFF. Most Cars and light trucks. Please present coupon at time of check-in. Not valid w/any other specials or discounts. One per customer. Most models. Ex 1-17-06 L II- -/ --- Approved a Auto Repair SynPbwer *0% & .n^, Uve financing 407-298-2853 2 blocks north of Maitland exchange on 441 2500 PEMBERTON DR. APOPKA NJ.- Au4o o0 AJIIA?0 BWD ME RD & RKECNTR MV09103 1779 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka - Call Today - 407-880-8221 Check out our S web page www.cfar.net J U-- lufl SMust be one of MV #47147 Sour customers $75OFF Majorl Wi tRepairs With coupon. Exp. 1-31-06 STransmission Service The next time you need transmission service, T rsiiMost cars. I go to the the experienced professionals $15.95 Filerext. FREE Towing with Major Repairs With coupon. Exp. 1-31-06 Free Diagnostic Service L ---- -- J We acce major credit and debit cards. 407-880-3075 Transmissions built on site by owner. Se Habla Espanol. 1440 E. Semoran Blvd., Ste. 103, Apopka Sheeler Auto Repair Family Owned & Operated We Offer Complete Professional Auto Service SOil Change Special, I, I $4 95 1 2 (Most Cars & Lite Trucks.) V NO DISPOSAL FEE. I Open Mon. Fri..8 am 5 pm MVR#35541 Sat. 8 am-'3 pm. Closed Sun. = ^Z ) 710 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka 407-880-5784 (Across from Apopka Land Regional, behind Papa John's Pizza, easy entrance from Sheeler Rd.) r FREE TOWING 1 I On Internal Repairs E -FREE TRANSMISSION I I INSPECTION Road Test Computer Src~ Pan Check Adjustment Check' S-SAVE YOUR TRANSMISSION NOW WITH PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Road Test SChaneFluid :Adjust Linkage Adjust Bands '%W SClean Screen We honor all extended warranties Includes Fluid, Gasket Filter Extra (if needed) 1914 S. Orange Blossom Tr. L --_- __ Apopka Mv-41600oo 407-814-0202 Registration continues for Babe Ruth softball Ladarren Griggs, 22, 1501 Marden Meadows, Apopka, selling marijuana within 1,000 feet of worship center or busi- ness. Randazelle M. Miller, 23, 147 M.A. Board St., Apopka, possession of cocaine. Christopher Lee James, 21, 1119 Plymouth-Sorrento Rd., Apopka, traffic violation, pos- session of marijuana not more than 20 grams, burglary of unoc- cupied dwelling unarmed. Kash Heston Kidd, 24, 2000 Rock Springs Rd., Apop- ka, possession of crack cocaine. Dina Lormica, 23, 5262 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, petit theft 2nd offense. David Rodriguez, 35, tran- sient, Apopka, petit theft 1st offense. Donnie Lamar White, 41, 175 W. 12th St., Apopka, utter- ing forged instrument, dealing in stolen property, possession and/or use of narcotic equip- ment. Sonja L. McGruder, 41, 67 Michael Gladden Blvd., Apop- ka, possession and/or use of nar- cotic equipment. James C. Davis, 41, 1209 S. Central Ave., Apopka, posses- sion of cocaine, resisting officer obstruction without violence. Jeannie Elizabeth Sims, 33, 31 W. Tahoe St., Apopka, pos- session of cocaine. William Hugh Glover, 19, 1731 S. Clarcona Rd., Apopka, selling cocaine within 1,000 feet of worship center or business. Danielle C. Trudell, 19, 1068 Aspen Way, Apopka, pos- session of crack cocaine, pos- session and/or use of narcotic equipment. Michael Joseph Daeder, 21, 5324 Pale Horse Dr., Orlando, petit theft 1st offense. Kelsone Toussaint, 20, 6414 Bayamon Ln., Orlando, petit theft 1st offense. Michael A. Lamberson, 34, 1708 Grand Oaks Dr., Apopka, battery domestic 2nd offense. I rl ENGINE BRAKES SHOCKS i STRUTS s AIR CONDITIONING :VjC DINTS i TUNE-UPS HEATING &,COOLING STARTING & CHARGING 0 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 5B Registration times set for Babe Ruth baseball The West Orange Babe Ruth Baseball League will hold registration for the spring season for children ages 13-18 in January on several dates and at several sites. The dates, times, and sites for the regis- tration are as follows: January 13, 4-8 p.m., Play It Again Sports, 950 N. State Road 434, Altamonte Springs; January 14, 9 a.m.-3" p.m., Play It Again Sports, 7621 W. Colonial Dr., Ocoee; January 20, 4-8 p.m., K-Mart, 13105 E. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden; Jan- uary 21, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Wal-Mart Super- center, 1700 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka; January 27, 4-8 p.m., Winn-Dixic supermarket, 1401 S. Hiawassee Rd., Orlan- do, January 28, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Northwest Recreation Complex, Field 4, Ponkan Road and Jason Dwelley Parkway, Apopka. For more information, call Richard at 407-886-4662 or send an email to freer- cw2005@hotmail.com. West Orange Girls Club sets softball sign-up The West Orange Girls Club will hold registration and tryouts for the spring season recreation league Saturday, Jan- uary 21, and Saturday, January 28, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day at the club fields at 881 N. Ocoee-Apopka Rd., Ocoee. The tryouts are open to girls ages 5-16. Tryouts are for skill level determination only; each girl will be put on a team. Tryouts will start at the top of each hour, at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., and noon. Each tryout session will last about one hour, but will vary depending on the number of girls trying out at each specif- ic time, a league spokesman said. Siblings and/or one friend will be placed on the same team if it is requested on the registra- tion form, the spokesman said. The registration fee is $75 for girls ages 8-16, and $50 for girls ages 5-7 playing coach- pitch softball. For more information, call Tom Tusing at 407-884-5689 or you may send him an email at thecaropeners(a)aol.com. Soccer: Blue Darters down West Orange, 5-0 Soccer class for kids 3-5 set for February The Apopka Recreation Department is holding regis- tration for a "Guardian and Me" soccer class for children ages 3-5. Registration is ongoing and limited to the first 12 chil- dren. The sign-up is being held at Fran Carlton Center, 11 N. Forest Ave., Apopka, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost of the three- week session is $30. Classes will be held Feb- ruary 4, 11, and 18 -- all Satur- days -- at the Northwest Recreation Complex from 10- 11 a.m. each day. The program is designed to prepare children for orga- nized soccer without the threat of competition or fear of get- ting hurt, a recreation depart- ment spokesman said. "Par- ents will work with their child in a supportive environment helping them learn basic motor skills like passing, dribbling, shooting, and footwork through a variety of stations," the spokesman said. "Parents spend quality time learning to teach and support them in sports and the kids will receive a free soccer ball." For more information about the program call 407- 703-1784. Continued from page 1B the University goal that was too hot for the Cougar goalie to hold on to. Taylor handled the ball off the rebound from the goalie's hands and netted the ball to give Apopka the early 1-0 lead. It was Newsome again who set up the second goal when she earned a penalty kick after being taken down in the box. This time, Cate stepped up to capital- ize and give the Darters their second goal on the evening. The Cougars were able to get a break away run with six seconds remaining in the first half and put a shot on goal that got past Oliver, for the score. During the half time break, coach Matthews asked his team to settle down and make better plays. "We were not finding feet with our passes and at times appeared to be a little fatigued. I asked the girls to get back to the basics and play like we were capable of playing. We were missing a few players due to injuries so I am fairly pleased with the win. This was an important district game for us and with the win, we were able to lock up third place (seeding)," Matthews said. In the second half, defense was key for both teams. Neither offense could get the lid off the goal even though several shots just missed the mark. Oliver had three saves in the second half and two in the first, which was enough to secure the 2-1 win for the home team. Apopka vs. West Orange Apopka battled the War- Help VFW Post 10147. In this case, a brick would be a GOOD GIFT! Apopka's Marisela Montes Danielle Axtell of West Orange 10, during Apopka's 5-0 shutout Warriors. riors Tuesday, January 10, at far pos Roger Williams Field and came Warrior away with another win, 5-0. play, a The first Apopka score caught came when Cate sent a lead pass put a d to Taylor, who beat one defend- for Ap er and angled the ball into the Newsoi (14) battles with Tuesday, January ut victory over the t to avoid the charging r goalie. Shortly after the a hustling Abby Bass the goalie off guard and reflected pass in the net popka's second score. me, who had a stellar ALi I SP ' [ game, is credited with an assist when she sent a well-placed cor- ner kick to the far post that Cate was able to head in for the third Apopka score of the half. Coach.Matthews made a few half time adjustments that forced the Darters to make bet- ter passes. "I asked the team to settle in and be more precise with their passes. I told them to get at least two touches on the ball in the Warriors backfield before they took a shot on goal. The girls responded in the second half and we were able to put two more goals on the board. I was pleased to be able to rotate everyone into the game, which will help to keep the team tuned up for the district games," he said. When the second half start- ed, it was obvious that the Darters were making a con- science effort to pass the ball more. Both teams fought for 28 minutes before another goal was made. It was Newsome who put the fourth goal on the board when she sent a laser shot through the goalie's legs. Taylor finished the scoring attack by the home team when she han- dled a Newsome pass, faked around a defender and sent a power shot in the back of the net for the fifth and final score of the game. Apopka's defense played a great game and is credited with its ninth shutout of the season. Apopka goalie, Brittany Oliver, had four timely saves that frustrated the West Orange offense. SSEASONS PEST CONTROL, INC, t : ; A', I J, I 1M . ECIALIZING IN ROACH, ANT & FLEA CONTROL, SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES Do-It-Yourself Products Available Visit our Web Site: www.allspc.com FREE ESTIMATES r 1407-886-0204 ___ S' 1-800-298-0204 ~ 435 W. Main Street APOPKA T"**; -VFW "BUY A BRICK" SFund Raiser - Help us with our pka t. Ptbuilding fund drive! Apopka/Altamonte Springs Post 10147 VFW is having a fund-raising drive -- bricks are being installed in the loggia and sidewalks of the new building and are available for $50 each for one line of 15 characters, or Two lines for $55 and three lines are $60. Fill out the form below as you would like your copy to appear and return it with your check. Send payment to: P. 0. Box 912, Apopka, FL 32704-0912 Remember that it is tax deductible. If purchasing more than one brick, make copies of this form. A form must accompany each brick that is ordered. Name Address: City, State and Zip Line 1 Line D Line 3 DDDDDDDDDDDDD Telephone: One Line = $50 each brick Two lines = $55 each brick Three lines = $60 each brick Send your news about Apopka to: news@apopkachief.fdn.com Want Whiter Teeth? Complete Family Dentistry Lyne Sy Tangco, D.D.S. New Patients Welcome Se Habla Espanol Apopka Dental Art, P.A. P an2438 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka (In the Bealls Plaza) 2438 [o.Semor s Blvd, Apopka I Saturday-Appointments Available Most Insurance Accepted INCOME TAX TIME / Starting January 5th CASH in a FLASH j Money in Minutes /- t RAL Refund (loans) in 24 / . hours or less E-filing For Qualified Applicants Free Estimati NOW With last Paycheck Stub Baxter Bookkeeping 855 N. Park Ave., #2 Apopka, Florida 32712 and Tax Service Ruby Baxter (407) 814-1810 ~ Walk-ins Welcome 7KAIRE.WAY7 BEAUTY SALON You can count on us for quality service. Come see us! Easy access off 436, Shccler Rd/ Sheeler Rd. and WE ARE 0 N Monroe Street. HERE k IIRI RI. More convenient parking ark Ave, Save-A-Lot Plaza = i-407-886-3433 --6 OVER 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE t Wipe Out Debts Keep Your Property SStop Collection Threats* Re-Establish Credit ^ ^* Reorganize Business Restructure Debts Robert H. Pflueger 377 Maitland Ave. Stop Foreclosure Altamontc Springs Catch Up Mortgage Payments Pay IRS 40'7-339-2022 Pay Creditors Over Time FEDERAL LAW MAY HELP! If you are considering bankruptcy, CALL TODAY MetinAd orFRE onulaio I l ie lItttz i in I al tuyiett an mis iitiiittiit deciien ht hait Ift~li t110 eIV tiNsekl Niskte l ntpitlndeettsitie'l ,!- w tdie, ~ tet s i io nd o teem nVit(tenjlni tn1tttntt titi t mutt L(1111ii Ahte itaenis Ititi c~jvitet I -U A' RYAN BROTHERS, INC. Agricultural Fencing Materials Smooth or Rough Treated Pine .m^nn Rough Cut Cedar & Cypress Custom Cutting & Millwork Metal Roofing & Siding LUMBER a BUILDING Fence Posts & Poles SUPPLIES Railroad Cross Ties j3j f 4 Free Delivery Available "Serving Apopka Area Since 1920" 210 East 5th St. Apopka 407-886-3141 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 6B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2003-CA-5559 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation. Plaintiff, vs. ALLAN J. ORMSBY and JACQUELINE ORMSBY, his wife, et. al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, WILLIAM J. ANGEL, THE ESTATE OF LINDA S. ANGEL A/K/A LINDA BARNHART, DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN PARTIES, JODY BUTLER, AND VICKIE TAYLOR COUNT VIII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 39 in Unit 0621, VISTANA SPA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Spa Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3677, Page 335, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ('Declaration"). The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2003-CA-5559 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED,, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attomeys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60129 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON JANUARY 27, 2006 AT 8:00 AM AT ACE WRECKER. SOUTH ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL, ORLANDO, FL 32 ORANGE COUNTY, THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES) WIL SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BID. YEAR MAKE VIN# 1993 BUICK 1G4HP53LXPH496692 1995 CHRYSLER 1C3EJ56H3SN562658 1991 DODGE 1B4GK44RXMX521486 1992 FORD 1FACP57U9NA108347 1990 HONDA 1HGCB7564LA113009 1988 HONDA 1HGCA5524JA063102 1990 HONDA JHMEE275XLS003497 1995 MITSUBISHI 4A3AJ46G9SE063842 1990 NISSAN JN1HJ01P2LT401745 1993 NISSAN JN1EB31P9PU238853 1995 NISSAN 1N4AB41DXSC772729 1996 PONTIAC 3G2JB5244TS842756 1993 SATURN 1G8ZJ5574PZ104708 ACE WRECKER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. ACE WRECKER RESERVES RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT OW ALL VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE S BETWEEN 10:00 AM AND 3:00 PM ONLY. PLEASE CALL 855-6631 FOR FURTHER INFO, January 13, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007695 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MILA SANCHEZ DE BAEZ a/k/a MILA DE BAEZ, a single woman; MERVIN W. VILLALOBOS and GLADYS E. VILLALOBOS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, MILA SANCHEZ DE BAEZ A/KA MILA DE BAEZ COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 42 in Unit 1650, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS II CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains II Condominium, as recorded win Official Records Book 4598, Page 3299, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA- 007695 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60122 5601 2839, L BE - OR THE WED. SALE 407- 60220 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-007695 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MILA SANCHEZ DE BAEZ a/k/a MILA DE BAEZ, a single woman; MERVIN W. VILLALOBOS and GLADYS E. VILLALOBOS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, CARMEN LUISA RODRIGUEZ A/K/A C. LUISA RODRIGUEZ AND LUIS EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 2 In Unit 1670, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS II CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains II Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4598, Page 3299, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA- 007695 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60123 CITY OF APOPKA APOPKA CITY H.LL PUBLIC NOTICE 120 East Main Street Apopka, Florida 32703 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given that MARSE ALT W. HOWARD has made application, i accordance with Florida Statutes 163.3187(c) and the Apopka Code o Ordinances, Part III, Land Development Code, Article XII, Section 12.04.00 to the City of Apopka City Council, and Apopka Planning Advisory Board for CHANGE IN THR FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM RESIDENTIAL LOW (0-5 DU/AC) T Additionally, lARS AI,. W. HOWARD has made application in accordance wit Florida Statutes 166.041 and the Apopka Code of Ordinances, Part III, Lan Development Code, Article XII, Section 12.04.00, to the City of Apopka Cit Council and Apopka Land Development Review Board for a CHANGE IN ZONING FRO RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-IA) TO PROFESSIONk OFFICE/INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT (PO/I) . This application relates to the following described properties located Nort of Monroe Avenue, east of'Highland Avenue, and west of Edgewood Drive: Commence 10 feet East and 280 feet South of the Northwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10, Township 21 South, Range 28 East, Thence East 200 feet, thence South 60 feet for a Point of Beginning, Thence continue South 120.5 feet, Northwesterly 52.9 feet, North 106.10 feet, thence East 50 feet to said Point of Beginning. Orange County Parcel Identification Number 10-21-28-0000-00-028. AND The West 54 feet of Lot 4 and the North 20 feet of the West 54 feet ol Lot 5 of Gene Speece Addition to Apopka as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 31, Public Records Orange County, Florida. Orange County Parcel Identification Number 10-21-28-8210-00-040. AND That part of lots 6, 7, and 8 of the Gene Speece Addition to Apopka as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 31, Public Records, Orange County, Florida, lying South of an East-West line in the center of the middle of the two most Southerly rows of citrus on said lot 6 (LESS the West 54 feet thereof). Orange County Parcel Identification Number 10-21-28- 8210-00-060. AND Begin at the Southwest corner of Lot 8 of the Gene Speece Addition to Apopka as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 31, Public Records, Orange County, Florida, thence run North 180.08 feet, East. 54 feet, thence South 195.17 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 8, thence Northwesterly to the Point of Beginning. Orange County Parcel Identification Number 10-21-28-8210-00-080. The above-mentioned lots containing 0.80 acres more or less. NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Apopka Planning Advisory Board wil hold a public hearing on the proposed Future Land Use Amendment at it regularly scheduled meeting in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka Cit Hall on Thursday. February 2. 2006. b9ainnina at 7:00 p.m., or as soo: thereafter as possible. NOTICE is given that the City of Apopka Land Development Review Board wil. hold a public hearing to consider the change of zoning request at it: regularly scheduled meeting in the City Council Chambers of the Apopka Cit Hall on Tuesday. February 14. 2006. beginning at 5:01 p.m., or as soo] thereafter as possible. FURTHER NOTICE is given that a series of public hearings on the propose< Future Land Use and Zoning Amendments will be held by the City of Apopka Cit' Council at its regularly scheduled meetings in the City Council Chambers o. the Apopka City Hall on Wedndav,. February 15, 2006. beminnina at 8:00 n.m. or as soon thereafter as possible AND on Wednesday, March 1. 2006. becrinnin, at 1:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible. All interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to these hearings. Please be advised that, under State law, if you decide to appeal a decision made with respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes a testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's office at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, Florida, 32703, Telephone (407)703-1704, not later than tive (5) days prior to the proceeding. Apopka City Council Apopka Planning Advisory Board Apopka Land Development Review Board Nicole Guillet-Dary, AICP January 13,. 2006 Community Development Director 60244 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8968 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. COCOM ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: ANGELITA M. SANTIAGO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) ANGELI fA SAN- TIAGO, a married woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 16/86856 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:48-04-CA-3509 NATIONAL CITY MORTGAGE CO. PLAINTIFF VS. RAFAEL 1. MACHUCA, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST RA- FAEL I. MACHUCA; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF RAFAEL I. MACHUCA, IF ANY; JEANIE ORTIZ, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN IN- TEREST BY, THROUGH, UN- DER OR AGAINST JEANIE ORTIZ; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JEANIE ORTIZ, IF ANY; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated JANUARY 03, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 48-04- CA-3509 of the Circuit Court of the 9th Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, Orlando, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-6872 Div. 37 EMC MORTGAGE CORPO- RATION Plaintiff, v. HECTOR MONTIJO; LOURDES MONTIJO; and all unknown parties claiming by, through, under or against the above named Defendants, who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said un- known parties claim as heirs, devisees, grantees, assign- ees, Ilenors, creditors, trust- ees, spouses, or other claim- ants; TENANT #1 and/or TEN- ANT #2, the parties intended to account for the person or persons In possession; SOUTHCHASE PARCEL 5 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure en- tered on October 10, 2005, and the Order Rescheduling Fore- closure Sale entered on JANU- ARY 4, 2006, in this cause, in the Circuit Court of ORANGE County, Florida, I will sell the property situated in ORANGE County, Florida described as: LOT 203, SOUTHCHASE 1A, PARCEL 5, PHASE 3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9708 #34 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. LOVE ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: THOMAS A. DUNN and DEANNA A. DUNN RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) THOMAS DUNN and DEANNA DUNN, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 44/86215 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration ofCondominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall a remainder over in simple absolute as tena common with the other C ers of all the unit wee the above described Co minium in the percentage terest established in the laration of Condominiun has been filed against yo you aie required to serve a of your written defenses, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Pla attorney, whose address I: Metrocentre Blvd., Suite West Palm Beach, FI 33407, within thirty (30) after the first publication Notice, and file the origin the Clerk of this Court eith fore service on Plaintiff's ney or immediately there otherwise a default will b tered against you for the demanded in the Compla WITNESS my hand an of this Court on the 10 d JANUARY, 2006. Lydia G GLERK C CIRCUIT C ORANGE COUNTY, FLC Phyllis Kipfinge CIRCUIT COURT Deput In accordance with the A cans with Disabilities Act sons with disabilities need special accommodation t: tlcipate in this proceeding s contact the Court Adminls A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 Orange Avenue, Oris Florida 32801, not later th (5) days prior to the proceed If hearing impaired, (TDD) 955-8771, or Voice (V) 955-8770, via Florida Rela vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 No. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, at 11:00a.m.onthe21 dayofFEB- RUARY, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 18, BLOCK C, LON- DONDERRY HILLS SEC- TION TWO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK W, PAGES 149 AND 150, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or.voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 04-26037(MTM.) January 13 and 20, 2006 60233 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 34, PAGE 53 AND 54 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. a/k/a 1824 Putney Circle, Orlando. Florida 32837 at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the Orange County Courthouse lo- cated at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350, Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 o'clock A.M. o'clock a.m., on FEBRUARY 10, 2006. Dated at Orlando, Florida this 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Douglas C. Zahm, P.A. 18830 U.S. Hwy 19 N., #300 Clearwater, FL 33764 (727) 536-4911 phone / (727) 539-1094 fax If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs accommoda- tion in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled at no cost to you, for the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this document. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60234 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue. Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TOD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60240 fee IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, ant in IN AND FOR ORANGE own- COUNTY, FLORIDA. ks in ndo- CASE NO.: 05-CA-9709 #37 ge in- Dec- ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY m. CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Du and Plaintiff, a copy if any, vs. aintiffs s2505 CAIN ET.AL., e 301, Defendant(s). orida, ) days NOTICE OF ACTION of this al with To: er be- MARCELL E. PERRY and attor- ARTHUR L. JOHNSON, JR. after, RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN be en- relief And all parties claiming interest lint by, through, under or against Defendants) MARCELL E. idseal PERRY and ARTHUR JOHN- day of SON, JR., a married man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in iardner the property herein described: F THE COURT YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an ORIDA action to foreclose a mortgage/ r, D.C. claim of lien on the following de- 'SEAL scribed property in Orange ty Clerk County, Florida: imeri- WEEK/UNIT(S) 2/86545 t, per- Of Orange Lake Country ding a Club Villas III, a Condo- o par- minium, together with an un- should divided interest in the com- trator/ mon elements appurtenant North thereto, according to the ando, Declaration of Condominium at five thereof recorded in Official eding. Records Book 5914, Page (800) 1965, in the Public Records (800) of Orange County, Florida, y Ser- and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon 60242 on the first Saturday 2061, at - which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9707 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. KULON ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: ALDO L. TREJO and JOSE G. TREJO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) ALDO L. TREJO and JOSE G. TREJO, a single man, a married man, and allpar- ties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 47/86763 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5641 #40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. HEEKS ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Donald Wesley Heeks and Jeana D. Angellni 86755/35 Note is hereby given that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Forida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scnbed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, Page 84-92 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8947 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. LIMERICK ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: CARLA P. LIMERICK RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) CARLA LIMER- ICK, a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 44/3127 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in feu simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipale in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 terminate: TOGETHER a remainder over in simple absolute as tena common with the other o ers of all the unit week the above described Con minium in the percentage terest established in the I laration of Condominiun has been filed against yo you are required to serve a of your written defenses, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plai attorney, whose address is Metrocentre Blvd., Suite West Palm Beach, Flt 33407, within thirty (30) after the first publication o Notice, and file the origin the Clerk of this Court eith fore. service on Plaintiff's ney or immediately ftiere otherwise a default will b tered against you for the demanded in the Compla WITNESS my hand an of this Court on the 10 d JANUARY, 2006. Lydia G CLERK O CIRCUIT C ORANGE COUNTY, FLO Phyllis Kipfingei CIRCUIT COURT Deputy In accordance with the A cans with Disabilities Act sons with disabilities need special accommodation to ticipate in this proceeding s contact the Court Administ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 I Orange Avenue, Orla Florida 32801, not later tha (5) days prior to the procee If hearing impaired, (TDD) 955-8771, or Voice (V) 955-8770, via Florida Relay vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 terminate; TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA- 5641 #40 DATED this 10 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. lease contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you ,are hearing impaired, call (800) '955-8771, orvoice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20, 2006 60235 a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the otherown- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administratoii A.D.A, Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando. Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired. (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. JJU jl( 1 6 .0, 2006 6 60243 IN THE CIRCUIT COUR I OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION Case No. 05-CA-8658 DIV 33 FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. FRANCISCA ZAYAS, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure Includ- ingAward ofAttorneys'Feesand Costs dated January 5. 2006, entered in Case No. 05-CA- 8658 DIV 33 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida wherein FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION is the Plaintiff and FRANCISCA ZAYAS and ZAYAS, un- known spouse of FRANCISCA ZAYAS, if married n/k/a FELIX ZAYAS; HUNTCLIFF PARK AT MEADOW WOODS HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE is/ are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at Suite 310, lobby, of the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue in the City of Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on the 7 day of FEBRU- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE 60238 COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8941 #37 with ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY fee CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ant in ration, own- Plaintiff, ks in ndo- Vs. e in- Dec- PALISCH ET.AL, m. Defendantss. u and NOTICE OF ACTION a copy if any, To: intiff's SANDRA JO ROBINSON s2505 RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN 301, orida, And all parties claiming interest days by, through, under or against of this Defendant(s) SANDRA JO al with ROBINSON, a single woman, er be- and all parties having or claim- attor- ing to have any right, title or in- eafter, terest in the property herein de- )e en- scribed: relief int. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ d seal claim of lien on the following de- day of scribed property in Orange County, Florida: 'ardner WEEK/UNIT(S) 49/4285 F THE Of Orange Lake Country OURT Club Villas II, a Condo- ORIDA minium, together with an un- r, D.C. divided interest in the com- SEAL mon elements appurtenant yClerk thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium meri- thereof recorded in Official , per- Records Book 4846, Page ling a 1619, in the Public Records o par- of Orange County, Florida, should and all amendments thereto, rator/ the plat of which is recorded North in Condominium Book 22, ando, page 132-146, until 12:00 at five noon on the first Saturday eding. 2061, at which date said es- (800) tate shall terminate: TO- (800) ySer- 60239 IN THECIR.CUITCORT, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9639 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. PARROTTET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: ANDREA K. RANEGAR ENGLISH RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) ANDREA RANE- GAR ENGLISH, a single wo- man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein descnbed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 34/486 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300. Page 2702. in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-5641 #40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corpo- ration, Plaintiff, vs. HEEKS ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: JASON S. PELTIER RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) JASON PELTIEFR, a single man, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage/ claim of lien on the following de- scribed property in Orange County, Florida WEEK/UNIT(S) 45/3439 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, togetherwith an un- divided interest in the com- mon elements appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominiumi thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County. Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded In Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with AHY, 2006, lihe following de- sciibed property, as set iorth in said Sumnimary Final Judgment of Foreclosure Including ward of Attorneys' Fees and Costs, to- wit: Lot 29, HUNTCLIFF PARK, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 51, Pages 48 through 51, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. DATED this 9 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk GREGG S. AHRENS, ESQUIRE ADORNO & YOSS LLP 2525 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33134 (305) 460-1100 In accordance with the Amencan Disabilities Act, persons with dis- abilities needing a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the Provi- sion of Assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hear- ing or voice impaired, Call 1- 800-955-8771. For case# 407-836-2056 January 13 and 20, 2006 60231 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60237 terminate: TOGETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand andseal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY,2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771. or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60236 a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other own- ers of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terest established in the Dec- laration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff's attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my handand seal of this Court on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Phyllis Klpfinger, D C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Administrator/ A D.A Cooidinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If heanng impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Ser- vice. January 13 and 20, 2006 60241 Thq Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 7B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005382 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. KATHLEEN FAIRBANKS- MERIN, a married woman and EVELYN FAIRBANKS, a married woman, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, KATHLEEN FAIRBANKS-MERIN AND EVELYN FAIRBANKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006. at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 47 in Unit 2108, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ect to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration*), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA- 005382 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY IVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60112 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-8341 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. THE ESTATE OF CATHY E. BROCKMAN, Deceased, CAROLYN NEWBY, ROBERT WRIGHT, JABON WRIGHT, and UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants by, through, under or against Cathy E. Brockman, Deceased, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, THE ESTATE OF CATHY E. BROCKMAN, Deceased, CAROLYN NEWBY, ROBERT WRIGHT, JABON WRIGHT, and UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants by, through, under or against Cathy E. Brockman, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 47 in Unit 1376, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2004-CA- 8341 now pendingin the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT It you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60118 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 05-CA-10382 CENTEX HOME EQUITY COM- PANY, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. LOWREATHEA JACKSON; DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ, LAW- RENCE J. KOLUPKE; IF LIV- ING, INCLUDING ANY UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMAR- RIED, AND IF DECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, CREDI- TORS, LIENORS,ANDTRUST- EES, AND ALL OTHER PER- SONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTSS; SHEELER HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSO- CIATION, INC.; WHETHER DISSOLVED OR PRESENTLY EXISTING, TOGETHER WITH ANY GRANTEES, ASSIGN- EES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, OR TRUSTEES OF SAID DEFENDANTS) AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST DEFENDANTSS; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UN- KNOWN TENANT #2; Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION TO: DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DIONISIO RODRIGUEZ; IF LIV- ING, INCLUDING ANY UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMAR- RIED, AND IF DECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- EES, ASSIGNEES, CREDI- TORS, LIENORS, ANDTRUST- EES, AND ALL OTHER PER- SONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTSS; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9019 PALM FINANCIALSERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. JUDI A. O'GRADY, ET AL, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Elaine R. Ormond 16 General Hobbs Road, #3 Jefferson, MA 01522 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, ELAINE R. ORMOND, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT II An undivided 0.2888% in- terest in Unit 3A of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's BoardWalk Vil- las, a lease condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded In Official Records Book 5101, Page 147, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and be- tween DVD and Walt Disney World Co., a Dela- ware corporation qualified to do business in Florida, dated April 1, 1994, and any amendments thereto, a shortform of which is re- corded in Official Records Book 5101, Page 88 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and any amendments thereto (the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6030 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GILBERTO KRIEGER and MARIA VITORIA CAVALCANTI KRIEGER, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: GILBERTO KRIEGER AV GETULIO VARGAS 2932-11 CURITIBA, PARANA, 80240-040 BRAZIL MARIA VITORIA CAVALCANTI KRIEGER AV GETULO VARGAS 2932-11 CURITIBA, PARANA, 80240-040 BRAZIL The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: e/is un- equited ten de- ve pro- of this a copy s attor- ddress before ture of suit for against operty, LLS, THE RE- OOK THE OR- IDA. Whose residence are known. YOU ARE HEREBY re to file your answer or writ lenses, if any, in the abo' ceeding with the Clerk Court, and to serve a thereof upon the plaintiff' ney, whose name and a appears hereon, on or February 8, 2006; the na this proceeding being a foreclosure of mortgage a the following described pr to wit: LOT 50, SHEELER HI ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF, AS CORDED IN PLAT BC 34, PAGE 150, OF PUBLIC RECORDSOF ANGE COUNTY, FLOR A/K/A 2002 LAUREN ROAD APOPKA, FL 32703 If you fail to file your a or written defenses in the proceeding, on plaintiff's nay, a default will be e against you for the reli handed in the Complaint tition. DATED at ORANGE this 4 day of JANUARY, LYDIA GAF Clerk of the Circui By YAHAIRA SAN CIVIL COURT Deputy In accordance with the An with DisabilitiesAct of 199 sons needing a special a modation to participate proceeding should conts ASA Coordinator no late seven (7) days prior to th ceedings. If hearing imp please call (800) 955 (TDD) or (800) 955-8770 ( via Florida Relay Service Law Offices of Daniel C. Consuegra 9204 King Palm Drive Tampa, FL 33619-1328 Tel (813) 915-8660 Fax (813) 915-0559 Attorney For Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 200 "Ground Lease"), and s ject to that certain Ma Declaration of Covena Conditions and Res' tions recorded in Offi Records Book 5101, p 83, of the Public Rece of Orange County, Flo and all amendme thereto, and subject easements and rest tions of record. (Cont No.: 4001158.000) has been filed against you you are required to serve a of your written defenses, to it on JAMES R. MITCl Plaintiff's attorney, whose dress is 2300 Sun Trust C 200 South Orange Avenu lando, Florida 32801, thirty (30) days afterthe firs location of this Notice and f original with the Clerk Court either before servi Plaintiff's attorney or im ately thereafter; otherwise fault will be entered again for the relief demanded Complaint. WITNESS my hand an of this Court on the 29 d DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GAR CLERK O CIRCUIT C ORANGE COUNTY, FLO By: YAHAIRASANT CIVIL COURT Deput NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the A cans With Disabilities Act sons with disabilities need special accommodation tI ticipate in this proceeding s contact the individual or a. sending notice not later seven days prior to the pro ing at the address given o notice. Telephone: O County (407) 836-2 Osceola County (407) 1300. If hearing imp (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or (V) 1-800-955-8770, via F Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 COUNT I Unit Week 17 In Unit 4 In IMPERIAL PALM LAS CONDOMINIUM cording to the Declara of Condominium the as recorded In Official Records Book 4894 at Page 2645 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGG- ERUD, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4889 #05-028-09643 January 13 and 20, 2006 60218 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ON JANUARY 30, 2006 AT 7:00 O'CLOCK AM AT JOHNS WRECKER SERVICE, INC., 500 WILMER AVE., ORLAI FLORIDA 32808, TELEPHONE 407-293-2540, THE FOLLOW VEHICLE (S) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. SOME OF THE HICLES POSTED MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SALVAGE SALE, LEAL ADVERTISE IN T I)e Rpopka Chief 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 Deadline: Tuesday at 5 p.m. for Friday's publication LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 1 6A-17A &6B 13B V. I. N. 1FALP52U7TG224: 1GDDM19W3XB51 2FTJW35G4JCA03 1J4GZ5BS2PC5381 1G4CW54C6K1675 1Y1SK5264TZ0431 1G1AW27X6E6957 1Z37J5S430290 JHMBA4125JC065i JM1EC4311 P02260 1 B7HE16YXNS600 1G2HX53L8N12307 1GNDX03E3YD255 1G8ZH5598PZ1963 1G2HX53L6N12641 1GCDC14Z1PE190 9Y82S749429 2G1WL54R6L9126E 19UYA2257VL0107 1FTDF15Y9HNA71 YV1AX8845K13682 1B4GH44RNX1887 TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH. NO CHECKS WILL BE CEPTED. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE. VEHICLE VESSELS) ARE SOLD "AS IS", "WHERE IS", WITH NO G ANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. January 13, 2006 IN nc t. nlLUUIII Ut N IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFU THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA answer above" CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7470 ,sattor- DIV NO.: 35 enteredd ief de- MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP t or Pe- RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, County vs. Cou06ty GISELE DA CRUZ BAZIN, In- 200 dividual, at. al., RDNER Defendant(s). TIAGOurt NOTICE OF ACTION BY T SEAL PUBLICATIO4II ty Clerk AS TO COUNT(s) II nerican TO THE FOLLOWING DE- 90, per- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- accom- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: In this TO: CARLOS 0. FIGUEROA er than Bo Cedros Carr 185 KM ran 12.1 PMB 140 he pro- Box 4960 paired, Caguas, PR 00777 voice), *. ANA DIEZ ROSAS Bo Cedros Carr 185 KM 12.1 PMB 140 Box 4960 Caguas, PR 00777 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, 60184 the unknown spouses, heirs, -8 devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said sub- Defendant(s) and all parties ister having or claiming to have any ants, right, title or interest in the prop- trcal erty described below. page YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- ords FIED of the institution of the )rida above-styled foreclosure pro- ants ceedings by the Plaintiff, t to MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- tric- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of ract a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described u; and property: copy if any, ELL ad- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ,enter, THE NINTH JUDICIAL Or- CIRCUIT IN AND FOR within ORANGE COUNTY, tpub- FLORIDA ile the CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6276 ce on DIV NO.: 37 medi- ' a de- MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP st you RESORTS, INC. in the Plaintiff, vs. deal ALBA NYDIA LLAMAS- lay of SANTOS, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). IDNER NOTICE OF ACTION BY )F THE PUBLICATION COURT AS TO COUNT(s) X )RIDA IlAGO TO THE FOLLOWING DE- SEAL FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- y Clerk DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: DIANA B. CHARLES 2132 Crosshair Circle SOrlando, FL 32837 Ameri- USA t, per The above named ding a Defendant(s) are not known to o par- be dead or alive and, if dead, agency the unknown spouses, heirs, r than devisees, grantees, assignees, ceed- lienors, creditors, trustees, or on the other claimants, by, through range under or against said 2050; Defendant(s) and all parties 847- having or claiming to have any aired right, title or interest in the prop- Voice erty described below. torida YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the 60108 above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the' Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: . 1574, COUNT X VIL- Unit Week 23X in Unit , ac- 1344, in HAD CONDO- atlon MINIUM, according to the reof, Declaration of Condo- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-7100 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. VERONICA L. SMITH and MICHAEL L. SMITH, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) X TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. MIRIAM N. RIVERA VALENTIN Urb. Summit Hills C/Yunque 583 San Juan, PR 00920 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC,, upon the filing of Sa complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT X Unit Week 42 In Unit 9348, In GRANDE VISTA CON- COUNT II Unit Week 23 In Unit 1026, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the fire day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5165 #05-207-06111 January 13 and 20, 2006 60152 mlnium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Av- enue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5038 #05-207-10405 January 13 and 20, 2006 60150 DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (4.07) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document, If hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5110 #05-137-10767 January 13 and 20, 2006 60144 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL ON'S CIRCUIT IN AND FOR NDO, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA WING GENERAL JURISDICTION E VE- DIVISION AND Case No. 05-CA-8449 DIv. 34 FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION, 230 Plaintiff, 8133 ;875 vs. 113 5759 ZULEIKA ACEVEDO, et al., 07 Defendants. 036 NOTICE OF 020 FORECLOSURE SALE 082 )639 NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN 764 pursuant to a Summary Final 5791 Judgmentof Foreclosure Includ- 306 Ing Award ofAttomeys'Fees and 038 Costs dated January 9, 2006, 086 entered in Case No. 05-CA- 8449 Div. 34 of the Circuit Court 616 of the 9TH Judicial Circuit In and 715 for Orange County, Florida 894 wherein FIRST HORIZON 252 HOME LOAN CORPORATION 711 is the Plaintiff and ZULEIKA ACEVEDO and ACE- E AC- VEDO, unknown spouse of . ALL ZULEIKAACEVEDO, If married; E(S)/ CARLOS ACEVEDO and JULIA UAR- MORALES, his wife; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE is/are De- fendants, I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash, at 60229 Suite 310, lobby, of the Orange i.-Wf.-uuOii m uiiii 9reNqO I.ki lCount Coly urthouse, o425 N. Or- ange Avenue In the City-of Or- lando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M., on Thursday, the 9th day of February, 2006, the following described property, as set forth IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5512 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB,.INC., Plaintiff, va. SQUARE ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Jacqueline A. Square 5311/11 IV Rachid Maloof and Monika Miksl De Maloof 3058/28 V James E. Plant, Jr. and Dorothy R. Plant 0112/21 & 0457/49 Note is hereby given that on February 08, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which Is recorded in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6029 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. FREDDY JOSE GUZMAN, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ALBERTO L. ROLDAN 887 North Fairfield Rd Layton, UT 84041 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 44 In Unit 0451, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Con- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8707 DIV NO.: 33 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. YASMINA OTHMAN, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ROBIN J. MORRIS 1557 Pheasant Walk Apt A Fort Pierce, FL 34950 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VII Unit Week21 In Unit 2321, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to in said Summary Final ment of Foreclosure Inc Award of Attorneys' Fee Costs, to-wit: The South 37.5 feet of 21, Block H, QUAIL H LOW AT RIO PINAR cording to the Plat the as recorded In Plat Boc at Page 1, of the Pu Records of Ora County, Florida. DATED this 10th d January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER By: JIM MO CIVIL COURT Deput GREGG S. AHRENS, ESQUIRE ADORNO & YOSS LLP 2525 Ponce De Leon Boul Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33134 (305) 460-1100 In accordancewith the Am Disabilities Act, persons w abilities needing a speci commodation to particip this proceeding, you are ea at no cost to you, to the sion of Assistance. Pleas tact Court Administration N. Orange Avenue, Suite Orlando, Florida 32801, phone (407) 836-2303 w working days of your rece this document; if you are Ing or voice Impaired, C 800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2001 Condominium Book 7, F 5 until 1-N00n non nn first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall termi- nate; TOGETHER with a re- mainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage in- terestestablishedinthe Dec- laration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No. 05-CA- 5512 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, orvoice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20, 2006 60208 dominium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4989 #05-137-06883 January 13 and 20, 2006 60146 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND -you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 11 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, O.- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5261 #05-137-11449 January 13 and 20, 2006 60148 Judg- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF luding THE NINTH JUDICIAL s and CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA f Lot HOL- CASE NO.: 05-CA-4483 , ac- DIV 34 ereof ok5, WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a public Florida corporation, as range general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, lay of Plaintiff, vs. , Clerk JUAN A. PINERO; et al.; DXLEY Defendants. SEAL y Clerk NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY evard, GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-4483 DIV 34 of the Circuit erican Court in and for Orange County, Ith dis- Florida, wherein WESTGATE al ac- LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- ate in tiff, and JUAN A. PINERO; et entitled, al., are Defendants, that I will Provi- sell to the highest and best bid- e con- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- at 425 ange County Courthouse, 425 2130, N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Tele- Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on within 2 January 25, 2006, the following eipt of described property as set forth hear- in said Final Judgment of Fore- Call 1- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. S 19 ODD, In Assigned Unit 60232 No. 557 Assigned Unit Week No. 7 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 638 Page Assigned Unit Week No. n the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-8225 DIV 37 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. VICTORIA A. SHARROCK; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 29, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-8225 DIV 37 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and VICTORIA A. SHARROCK; et al., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 1,2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 19 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1264 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6965 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ANA TORRES, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ANA TORRES Plaza #2 Apt. 501 Garden Hill Guaynabo, PR 00966 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the. unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week 06X in Unit 8423, In GRANDE VISTA CONDOMINIUM, accord- Inn to the Declaration of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY CASE NO. 05-CA-10297 IRWIN UNION BANK AND TRUSTCOMPANY, Plaintiff, vS. RONALD RAIMEY, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST RON- ALD RAIMEY; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF RONALD RAIM- EY; HUNTER'S CREEK COM- MUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC.; TANGLEWOOD NEIGHBOR- HOOD ASSOCIATION AT HUNTER'S CREEK, INC.; UN- KNOWN TENANT, Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: RONALD RAIMEY AND UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF RONALD RAIMEY Last known address: 2561 CLARINET DRIVE, ORLANDO, FL 32837 If alive, and if dead, all par- ties claiming interest by, through, under or against Rotted and all parties hav- ,n ..'olalming to have any tnIt Me Br interest in the p "lpe ty decmt herein. ;ARNOTIFIED that an 'lon for Fbteclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: ALLTHAT CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN ORANGE COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA, VIZ: LOT 15, HUNTER'S CREEK - TRACT 135, PHASE I, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 18 PAGES MAKE FORD GMC FORD JEEP BUICK CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET HONDA MAZDA DODGE PONTIAC CHEVROLET SATURN PONTIAC CHEVROLET LINCOLN CHEVROLET ACURA FORD VOLVO DODGE Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- p!aint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodatioh in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5006 #05-137-06913 January 13 and 20, 2006 60145 92 AND 93, OF THE PUB- LIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO EASE- MENTS, RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATIONS OF RECORD AND TO TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2003 AND THEREAFTER. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Dinna Kawass,, At- torney for Plaintiff, whose ad- dress is 951 N.E. 167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 within 30 days after the first publication of thiq notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; other- wise a default'will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis- ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If hearing , impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. This Is an attempt to collect a debt. Any Information ob- tained wll be used for that purpose. Ourfile #17154 / mad January 13 and 20, 2006 60180 32 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 235 Assigned Unit Week No. 47 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 453 Assigned Unit Week No. 3 ALL, In Assigned Unit No.453 Assigned Unit Week No. 19 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 244 WESTGATE LAKES III, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5391, at Page 3172, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendment(s) thereto, if any., "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60228 Assigned Unit Week No. 32 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.718 Assigned Unit Week No. 16 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1242 Assigned Unit Week No. 18 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 1352 WESTGATE LAKES II, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5000, at Page.3118, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida, on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The , Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60221 --------------- - The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 8B ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 01/24/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G4HR54C9JH475400 1988 BUICK 1GCCT14R2J8198862 1988 CHEVROLET 1LNCM81W7MY645198 1991 LINCOLN 1P3AA4633RF101215 1994 PLYMOUTH JN1HJ01PXLT438428 1990 NISSAN 1P3EJ46COXN588085 1999 PLYMOUTH January 13, 2006 60247 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78 FOR SALE ON JANUARY 27,2006 AT 10:00 A.M., AT B. J.'S TOWING SER- VICE, 670 E. MASON AVE., APOPKA, FL 32703, THE FOLLOW- ING VEHICLES) WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER: YR/MAKE VINNUMBER 92 CADILLAC 1G6CD13B7N4241030 94 PONTIAC 1 G2JB54H8R7542967 B J'S TOWING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR RE- JECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. B J'S TOWING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID. BIDDING BEGINS AT THE AMOUNT OWED. ALL VEHICLES) ARE SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTIES AND NO GUARANTEES OF TITLESS. VEHICLES) MAY BE SEEN THE DAY BEFORE THE SALE FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. ONLY. PLEASE CALL (407) 886-0568 FOR FURTHER INFO. January 13, 2006 60246 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 01/28/06, 08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G8ZG5283SZ371844 1995 SATURN 1J4FX58S1TC181034 1996 JEEP KMHJF22M4PU372860 1993 HYUNDAI January 13, 2006 60250 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC * 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 01/25/06, 08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G3AJ54N3M6327953 1991 OLDSMOBILE 1LNCM92EXMY603636 1991 LINCOLN 1MECM5340NG613634 1992 MERCURY 1N4AB41D7TC701439 1996 NISSAN 2P4FH5135HR267723 1987 PLYMOUTH WBAAE6405H8821883 1987 BMW January 13, 2006 60248 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009556 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, CHARLIE DAVIS, a married man, Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, CHARLIE DAVIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the un- dersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real Property: "', Unit Week 47 in Unit 0857, VISTANA SPRINGS CON- SDOMINIUM, togetherwith all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the SDeclaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Springs Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4052, Page 3241, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final J Judgment of Foreclosure AS TO CHARLIE DAVIS, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009556 Snow pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court 'f C By: CORINE HERRY b" CIVIL COURT SEAL VE Deputy Clerk ,' VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, .- DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION rs 215 North Eola Drive . Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60137 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-1369 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ELEANOR T. GILL, a single woman and CORNELIA G. CORNELIUS, a single woman; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, EVERTON 0. PARKER AND JOAN E. PARKER COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 45 in Unit 0334, VISTANA FALLS CONDO- SMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Falls Con- dominium, as recorded In Official Records Book 3340, Page 2429, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered Civil Case No. 2005-CA-1369 now pending In the Circuit Court Sof the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL SDeputy Clerk -, VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE SFlorida Bar No.: 0010193 "' LOWNDES, DROSDICK, M' DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, I PROFESSIONAL "C ASSOCIATION 5 Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 ,i' Telephone: (407) 843-4600 w Attorneys for Plaintiff I IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- r' ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of carrtsan assistance. Please con- "tact Court Administration at 425 ." North Orange Avenue, Suite *" 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, J Telephone (407) 836-2303 '' within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60128 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. LUIS A. ROSARIO Calle Lillian At8 4TA Secclon Levlttown Toe Baja, PR 00949 USA EVA C. SAEZ Calle Lillian AT8 4ta Secclon Levittown Toe Baja, PR 00949 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, *the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VII Unit Week13 In Unit 9152, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8571 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. RENE DEPANTE SANTOS, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. ERIC J. COLL CUCHI ARROYO Calle Adelina Hemandez # 88 Bo De Las Cuevas Trujillo Alto, PR 00977 USA AUREA ESCUTE DAVILA Calle Adelina Hemandez # 88 Bo De Las Cuevas Trujillo Alto, PR 00977 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, If dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6966 DIV NO.: 39 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ARACELIS ECHEVARRIA GONZALEZ and NIDAL YAUNIS SAMARA, Tenants by Entireties, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) II TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: P. CLIFFORD BLAIS 350 Parkwood Circle Dorval, QC H9S3A5 CANADA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, If dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FlED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT II Unit Week 02 In Unit 1524, Unit Week 04 In Unit 1524, In HAO CONDOMINIUM, In GRANDE VIST, CON- DOMINIUM, according to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF the Declaration of Condo- THE NINTH JUDICIAL minium thereof, as re- CIRCUIT IN AND FOR corded In Official ecorda ORANGE COUNTY, Book 5114at Pag14881In FLORIDA the Public Record of Or- ange County, Florida, and CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6025 any amendments thereof. DIV NO.: 35 AND you are required to MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP serve a copy of your written RESORTS, INC. defenses, if any to the co- Plaintiff, plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- I v.J. land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- JOSE MARIA CORNELLA, ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Individual, et. al., Office Box 1526, Orlando, Defendant(s). Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty NOTICE OF ACTION BY (30) days from the first day of PUBLICATION publication herein and file the AS TO COUNT(s) III original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- TO THE FOLLOWING fore service on Plaintiff' attor- DEFENDANT(S) WHOSE ney or immediately thereafter, RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief TO: JACQUELINE EUNICE demanded In the complaint. DOMINGUEZ DE PALOMO DATED on this 4 day of Av El Espino PJE 6 JANUARY, 2006. PTE #62 Resid Cumbres LYDIA GARDNER De Madre Selva Clerk of the Court Antlguo Cuscatlan- BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. La Libertad CIRCUIT COURT SEAL EL SALVADOR As Deputy Clerk LEOPOLDO PALOMO If you are a person with a PAVETTI disability who needs any ac- Av El Espino PJE 6 commodatlon in order to par- PTE #62 ticipate in this proceeding, you Resid Cumbres are entitled, at no cost to you, to De Madre Selve the provision of certain assis- Antlguo Cuscatlan- tance. Please contact Court Ad- La LTbertad ministration at 425 North Or- EL SALVADOR ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, RForda 32801, telephone The above named (407) 836-2303 within two (2) Defendant(s) are not known to working days of your receipt of be dead or alive and, if dead, this document. If hearing or the unknown spouses, heirs, voice impaired, call 1-800-955- devisees, grantees, assignees, 8771. lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- Defendant(s) and all parties TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT having or claiming to have any AND ANY INFORMATION OB- right, title or interest in the prop- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR erty described below. THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5211 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- #05-137-11073 FlED of the institution of the January 13 and 20, 2006 above-styled foreclosure pro- 60189 ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- COUNT IV gage and for other relief rela- Unit Week 42E In Unit 9249, in GRANDE VISTA CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. if hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5243 #05-137-10636 January 13 and 20, 2006 60186 according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. ELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before se,- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiptinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT. IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5155 #05-207-09711 January 13 and 20, 2006 60215 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-8864-33 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- CIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOS- TON HEAT 2004-8 PLAINTIFF VS. MICHELLE MITCHELL, IF LIV- ING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST MICH- ELLE MITCHELL; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MICHELLE MIT- CHELL IF ANY; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR MERITAGE MORTGAGE CORPORATION; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated JANUARY 5., 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-8864-33 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for OR- ANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 at the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 North Or- ange Avenue in Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 7 dayof FEBRUARY, 2006 the fol- lowing described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST; THENCE RUN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, va. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, at. al., Defendant (s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. LYNN C. JONES 3503 Tussel Street Naperville, IL 60564 USA PAMELA L JONES 3503 Tussell Street Naperville, IL 60564 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest In the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the Institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT IV Unit Week 37 In Unit 2324, tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 25 In Unit 6243, In CYPRESS HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando; Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or Immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllts Kiptinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation In order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4962 #05-128-09212 January 13 and 20, 2006 60196 NORTH 01*06'59" WEST 130.00 FEET ALONG THE 1/4 SECTION LINE FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 01*06'59" WEST 287.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49'12'21" EAST 579.91 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PALM LAKE CIRCLE AS SHOWN ON THE PLATOFPALM LAKE MANOR FIRST ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK "U", PAGE 140, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 49*12' WEST 24.0 FEET ALONG SAID OF RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 56"46'50" WEST 197.94 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8939'00" WEST 250.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Dated this 9 day of JANU- ARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-46418(ASCF) IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60199 In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- laint, upon DOUGLAS A. ELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5208 #05-137-11127 January 13 and 20, 2006 60188 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8571 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. RENE DEPANTE SANTOS, Individual, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) X TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. JORGE ALVARADO 16 Ave 7 Calle sS.0. No# 118 Barrio Suyapa San Pedro Sula HONDURAS MARIA D. DE ALVARADO 16 Ave 7 Calle S.O. No# 118 Barrio Suyapa San Pedro Suls HONDURAS The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6964 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. HEATHER K. WRATH a/k/a HEATHER K. CAMERON, Tenants In Common, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: MARIA E. SANCHEZ 66 Strawflower Romeoville, IL 64406 USA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 09 In Unit 1522, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7468 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. OLUSESAN S. TAIWO, Individual, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) XII TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. JESSICA M. RIVERA HC-02 Box 5683 Flamboyan St. #14-B Luquillo, PR 00773 ISMAEL DONE VASQUEZ HC-02 Box 5683 Flamboyan St. #14-B Luquillo, PR 00773 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, If dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lenors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the Institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tve to the following described property: COUNTY Unit Week 16 In Unit0348, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief 'demanded in the complaint. DATER on this 4 day of JANUARY, 006. .YDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis'Kipflnger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate In this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5249 #05-137-10874 January 13 and 20, 2006 60187 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5005 #05-137-08800 January 13 and 20, 2006 60216 COUNT XII Unit Week 40 in Unit 4613, Unit week 41 In Unit 4613, in GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kiptinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation In order to par- ticipate In this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5216 #05-137-11112 January 13 and 20, 2006 60191 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6966 DIV NO.: 39 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ARACELIS ECHEVARRIA GONZALEZ and NIDAL YAUNIS SAMARA, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: GARNETT G. LOUNGES 21 Constant Spring Grove Kingston 8 JAMAICA DENISE M. RATTRAY 21 Constant Spring Grove Kingston 8 JAMAICA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9021 PALM FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. TIMOTHY HAVELKA, ET AL, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Sean F. Meagher 28 Humlston Troy, NY 12182 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, SEAN F. MEAG- HER, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNTY An undivided 0.3713% In- terest In Unit 9B of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's BoardWalk Vil- las, a lease condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded In Official Records Book 5101, Page 147, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and be- tween DVD and Walt Disney World Co., a Dela- ware corporation qualified to do business In Florida, dated April 1, 1994, and any amendments thereto, a short form of which Isre- corded In Official Records Book 5101, Page 88 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and any amendments thereto (the "Ground Lease"), and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-6027 DIV NO.: 40 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ALEXANDER BERRY, JR., et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: ALEXANDER BERRY, JR. 445 EAST OHIO APT #2908 CHICAGO, IL 60611 USA The above named Defen- dant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defen- dant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest in the property de- scribed below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week 02 in Unit 4383, In ROYAL PALMS CON- DOMINIUM, according to COUNT Ill Unit Week 51 in Unit 1344, In HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff' attorney or im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5156 #05-207-09411 January 13 and 20, 2006 60214 subject to that certain Master Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded in Official Records Book 5101, page 83, of the Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida and all amendments thereto, and subject to easements and restrictions of record. (Contract No.: 4004700.000) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiffs attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30)daysafterthe first pub- lication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the Ameri- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing at the address given on the notice. Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceofa County (407) 847- 1300. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice RV) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida alay Service. January 13 and 20,2006 60101 the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 3965 at Page 2031 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon DOUGLAS A. KELLY, ESQUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Of- fice Box 1526, Orlando, Floda 32802, attorneys for the Plain- tiff, on or before thIrty (30) days from the first day of publica- tion herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above- styled Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff attorney or Im- mediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Courl By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4886 #05-042-08262 January 13 and 20, 2006 60217 The Apopka Chief, January13, 2006, Page 9B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-3053 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. DARNIZ E. FERNANDEZ and JUAN J. ARIAS, her husband; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, KUBEKA LINDIWE A/K/A L KUBEKA COUNT IV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 49 in Unit 2123, an Even Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration'), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005-CA-3053 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60115 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009592 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. DOROTHY J. ELZIE, a single woman; VERNAL L. GRAY a/k/Ida V. GRAY, a married man, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, DOROTHY J. ELZIE COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 21 in Unit 2311, an Even Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO DOROTHY J. ELZIE COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 009592 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60116 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The following vehicles will be sold at Public Auction to satisfy liens pursuant to Chapter 713.585 of the Florida Statutes at the Location of each Lienor on date Indicated at 9AM. Inspect one week prior to Auction at Lienors address. As is. Where is. 2000 Chrysler Cirrus Vin# 1C3EJ46X6YN266432 Reg.Owner/Cust: Alexander J. Herb 348 Royal Palm Dr. Kissimmee, FL. 34743 Lienholder: None Lienor: ED'S Quality Transmissions 1440 E. Semoran Blvd. Ste. 103 Apopka, FL. 32703-5637 Pho: 407-880-3075 Lien Amt: $2525.92 Sale Date: Jan. 30, 2006 1997 Chev. Lumina Vin# 2G1WL52M4V9232296 Reg.Owner/Cust: Kimberly Walker 107 E. 15th St. Apt.C Apopka, FL. 32703 Llenholder: None Lienor: Delgado Motor, Inc. 624 W. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka, FL. 32712-3456 Pho: 407-814-7377 Lien AmI: $1406.88 Sale Date: Jan. 30, 2006 1995 Ford Ranger Vin# 1 FTCR10 A5SUA83101 Reg.Owner/Cust: Thelma S. Medeiros 7704 Whisper Place Orlando, FL. 32810-2738 Lienholder: None Lienor: Delgado Motor, Inc. 624 W. Orange Blos- som Trail Apopka, FL. 32712-3456 Pho: 407-814-7377 Lien Amt: $445.00 Sale Date: Jan. 30, 2006 1992 Chev. Storm Vin# J81RF2369N7556772 Reg.Owner/Cust: Kathryn A. Whitaker 1848 Linden Rd. Winter Park, FL. 32792-1019 (954 Rolllngwood Loop Casselberry, FL. 32707) Lienholder: James E. Whitaker 1848 Lin- den Rd. Winter Park, FL. 32792-1019 Lienor: Expert Car Care, Inc. 3016 Alafaya Trail Oviedo, FL. 32765 Pho: 407-365-8274 Lien Amt: $3177.51 Sale Date: Jan. 30, 2006 1993 Nissan Sentra Vin# JN1EB31POPU200122 Reg.Owner/Cust: Passion A. Suarez 6824 Massa Ct. Orlando, FL. 32810 Lienholder: Florida Finance Group, Inc. P.O.Box 5020 Winter Park, FL. 32792 (Gas & Electric Credit Union 2759 5th Ave. Rock Island, IL. 61201) Lienor: Pars Auto Body & Mechanics 1714 N. Goldenrod Rd. Orlando, FL. 32807 Pho: 407- 823-7711 Lien Amt: $813.00 Sale Date: Feb. 06,2006 1993 CHEV. CAVALIER VIN# 1G1JC1449P7163772 Reg.Owner/Cust: Mary B. Bakrania P.O.Box 22354 Lake Buenavista, FL. 32830-2354 Lien- holder: None Lienor: Quality Collision Repair 3400 Silver Star Rd. Orlando, FL. 32808 Pho: 407-290-1044 Lien Amt: $818.65 Sale Date: Feb. 14, 2006 Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585 the pre- ceding claim a lien on vehicle shown for storage, labor and/or ser- vices. Unless charges shown are paid In cash, said vehicles will be sold for cash by public auction on date at time shown where vehicle is located. Owners or any one claiming an interest have a right to a hearing prior to the scheduled auction which can be set by filing demand with clerk of the Circuit Court in their county and mailing copies of demand to all other owners and lien holder. Owner can recover possession without judicial proceeding by posting bond per Florida Statute 559.917. Auction proceeds in excess of charges due will be deposited with Clerk of the Circuit Court. January 13, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7470 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. , Plaintiff, vs. GISELE DA CRUZ BAZIN, In- dividual, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: GISELE DA CRUZ BAZIN Av. Epitaclo Pessoa 2780/308 R J Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 22470 BRAZIL The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week49 In Unit 1451, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7463 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. SHERYL SPENCER, Indi- vidual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: ARACELYS MEDINA Bo. Arena Calle Trebol Carr 734 Cidra, PR 00739 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 36 In Unit 1542, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-4286 DIV 37 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. PAMELA P. BRIM; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 29, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-4286 DIV 37 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and PAMELA P. BRIM; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 1, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: SAssigned Unit Week No. 46 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.1124 Assigned Unit Week No. 15 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No.1414 Assigned Unit Week No. 4 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 1234 Assigned Unit Week No. 33 EVEN, In Assigned Unit 60138 thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526. Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5164 #05-207-11059 January 13 and 20, 2006 60151 thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando. Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5186 #05-207-11162 January 13 and 20, 2006 60153 No.1241 Assigned Unit Week No. 39 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No.732 Assigned Unit Week No. 47 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1124 Assigned Unit Week No. 18 ODD, In Assigned Unit No.1662 Assigned Unit Week No. 44 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1113 Assigned Unit Week No. 33 ALL, In Assigned Unit No.1623 WESTGATE LAKES II, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 5000, at Page 3118, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, If any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the rovislon of certain assistance. ease contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; If you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida, on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60226 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8941 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PALISCH ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: CARMEN L. PALISCH AKA CARMEN OTERO PALISCH RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) CAR- MEN PALISCH AKA CARMEN OTERO PALISCH, a married woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 18/4279 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amend- ments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Con- dominium Book 22, page. 132-146, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-8237 DIV 34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as enersl partner of ESTATE LAKES, LTD., a limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JOSE A. PEREZ; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-8237 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plain- tiff, and JOSE A. PEREZ; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 14 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 424 Assigned Unit Week No. 24 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 413 Assigned Unit Week No. 41 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 823 Assigned Unit Week No. 42 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No.823 Assigned Unit Week No. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-8178 DIV 33 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. BRENDA J. DAVIS; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 30 day of December * 2005, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-8178 DIV 33 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, and BRENDA J. DAVIS; et al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Court- house, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on February 1, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 24 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 2532 Assigned Unit Week No. 29 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 2513 Assigned Unit Week No. 49 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 1825 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9709 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CAIN ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: KRISSY L. BROWN RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) KRISSY BROWN, a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein de- scribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 39/86751 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided Interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- Assigned Unit Week No. 14 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 1914 Assigned Unit Week No. 28 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 1943 Assigned Unit Week No. 31 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1957 Assigned Unit Week No. 3 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 2641 Assigned Unit Week No. 30 ODD, in Assigned Unit No. 2232 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, If any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue. Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day ol JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60224 der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage Interest established in the Declaration of Condo- mlnium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate In this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- minfstrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V)(800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60170 shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida elay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60167 43 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 236 Assigned Unit Week No. 10 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 622 Assigned Unit Week No. 28 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 1011 Assigned Unit Week No. 38 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 253 Assigned Unit Week No. 23 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No.411 Assigned Unit Week No. 48 ODD, In Assigned Uqnit No. 537 WESTGATE LAKES III, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 5391, at Page 3172, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida, on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief., January 13 and 20, 2006 60222 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-006012 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, plaintiff, vs. MARION ALLEN, as Heir, The ESTATE OF CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/KIA CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS MARION ALLEN, as Heir, The ESTATE OF CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/KIA CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, llenors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offtter for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 42 in Unit 2738, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-000951 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL BOLT A/K/A M. BOLT, a single man; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, MICHAEL BOLT A/K/A M. BOLT - COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 22 in Unit 2144, an Even Biennial UnitWeek, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312,Page2312,Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. And Unit Week 42 in Unit 2617, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005764 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware . corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. KEVIN JAMES HEALY, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Mark C. Healy, deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lenors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against Mark C. Healy, deceased, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, KEVIN JAMES HEALY, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Mark C. Healy, deceased, and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lilenors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administrators or other claimants, by, through, under or against Mark C. Healy, deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 26 in Unit 2444, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page2312, Pub- 60181 lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure AS TO DEFENDANTS MAR- ION ALLEN, as Heir, The ES- TATE OF CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, Ilenors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administra- tors or other claimants, by, through, under or against CHARLES A. ALLEN, A/K/A CHARLES A. ALLEN, JR., deceased, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-006012 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES. DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809. Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60113 Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded In Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO MICHAEL BOLT A/K/A M. BOLT COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-000951 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407)'843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; it you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60117 lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO DEFENDANTS, KEVIN JAMES HEALY, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Mark C: Healy, deceased, \ and the UNKNOWN PARTIES claiming as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, personal representatives, administra- tors or other claimants, by, through, under or against Mark C. Healy, deceased, en- tered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 005764 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate In this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of 'certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60114 NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585, Mid-Florida Lien And Recov- ery, will sell at public sale for cash the following described vehicles) located at lienor's place to satisfy a claim of lien. 19999 Toyota VIN: JT2BG22K3X0303050. Uen Amt: $1208.00. R/O: Louis Daphaney Jean Orando, FL. L/H: Flamingo Financing Orlando, FL Lienor/Renand's Auto Repair 1325 W. Washington Rd Orlando, FL 407-648-4119. 1993 Isuzu VIN: 4S2CY58V1P4318414. Lien Amt:$2170.50. R/O: Juana Maria Lopez Winter Garden, FL. Lienor/ L & N Motors 3609 Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando, FL 407-592- 5780.1991 HondaVIN: 1HGCB7251MA040534. Lien Amt:$625.00. R/O: NW Abeke Kelechi Priscilla Daytona Beach, FL. Lienor/Slg- nature Auto Repairs 4701 W Concord St. Ste B Orlando, FL 407- 297-4151. 1998 Pontiac VIN: 1G22HX52K2WH20302. Lien Amt:$3660.59. R/O: Nathanael Lopez Oriando, FL. Lienor/East Colonial Tire & Wheel Inc 8320 E. Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 407- 282-3373. 1998 Ford VIN: 1FAFP13P2WW252428. Lien Amt: $1178.32. R/O: Eloise Chatman Tomlinson Orlando, FL. Lienor/ Hosey's Auto Parts & Service 1205 Bruton BIv Orlando, FL 407- 295-9902. 1991 Toyota VIN: JT2ST87F4M0078806. Lien Amt:$625.00. R/O: Edward Alan Hollingsworth Orlando, FL. L/H: Diamond II Auto Sales, Inc. Orlando, FL. Llenor/Signature Auto Re- pairs 4701 W Concord St. Ste B Orlando, FL 407-297-4151. Sale Date: January 30,2006, 10:00 AM. At Mid-Florida Lien & Recovery. Said vehicles) may be redeemed by satisfying the lien prior to sale date. You have the right to a hearing at any time prior to sale date by filing a demand for hearing in the circuit court. Owner has the right to recover possession of vehicle by posting a bond In accor- dance with F.S. 559.917. Any proceeds In excess of the amount of the lien will be deposited with the Clerk of Circuit Court in the county where the vehicle is held. January 13, 2006 LAKES, INC., etc., Is the Plaian- tiff, and JAMES LAIDLER; eat al., are Defendants, that I will sell to the highest and best bid- der for cash at Suite 350 Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit: Assigned Unit Week No. 19 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 1938 Assigned Unit Week No. 20 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 1914 Assigned Unit Week No. 42 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 1543 Assigned Unit Week No. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 9484 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MARKLAND ET.AL., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION To: APRIL J. MARKLAND RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) APRIL MARKLAND, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or Interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 45/5243 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided Interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded In Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8948 #35 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CEMINO ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE.OF ACTION To: EDWIN A. CEMINO and GISELLA E. CEMINO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) EDWIN CEMINO and GISELLA CEMINO, a mar- ried couple, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 10/3716 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8963 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SHEPARD ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: HERMINIO CARRAS- QUILLO LOPEZ and ANASTACIA BONILLA AMARO RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) HERMINIO CARRASQUILLO LOPEZ and ANASTACIA BONILLA AMARO, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein de- scribed: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lienon the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S)23/3815 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914. Page 1965, In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-3209 DIV34 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of STATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES LAIDLER; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the December 28, 2005, and entered in Case No. 05- CA-3209 DIV 34 of the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE tration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing Impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, Ifyou are voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20, 2006 60223 over i fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium In the percentage interest estab- lished In the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, It any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress Is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ' ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- minlstrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60164 der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V} (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60168 TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are requited to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and le the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20,2006 60169 2 ALL, in Assigned Unit No.1951 Assigned Unit Week No. 40 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 2224 Assigned Unit Week No. 49 ALL, In Assigned Unit No. 2335 Assigned Unit Week No. 32 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 2011 Assigned Unit Week No. 31 ALL, In Assigned Unit No.1764 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded In Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, If any. 'If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. lease contact Court Adminis- The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 10B Spopka C ief LEGAL ADVERTISING Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 16A 17A & 6B -13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-1598 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, v3s. LYLE B. CHRISTENSEN and RUTH ANN CHRISTENSEN, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, CLIFFORD P. SHARP COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse; 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 23 in Unit 1794, an Even Biennial UnitWeek, VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. I The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO CLIFFORD P. SHARP - COUNT III, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-1598 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VAERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 . Oriando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60124 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-008453 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES E. BARNES, JR. and JO ANN W. BARNES, his wife; TERESA DE HERNANDEZ and OSCAR HERNANDEZ, her husband; JAMES D. KAKOULLIS and ELENI T. KAKOULLIS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, SUN HEE KIM COUNT VI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 48 in Unit 1418, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- tic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure . entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 008453 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida., DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDIGK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceedlng, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60120 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-9603 39 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. F/K/A COUN- TRYWIDE FUNDING CORPO- RATION D/B/A AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN J. DOWNER; FLORIDA CENTRAL CREDIT UNION; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOHN J. DOWNER; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 5th day of January, 2006. and entered in Case No. 05-CA-9603 39, of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein COUN- TRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE FUND- ING CORPORATION D/B/A AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER is the Plaintiff and JOHN J. DOWNER; FLORIDA CENTRAL CREDIT UNION; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOHN J. DOWNER; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at ROOM 350, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-11598 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. WALTER L. HOO and SUN HOO, if living, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, llenors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an interest by, through, under and against the above-named Defendants, and ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- nal payment must be made on or before 3:00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's check: Week 12, Unit 624, of OR- LANDO VACATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9636 # 40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. HIRCOCK ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: RICARDO BENAVIDES and LILIAN J. BENAVIDES RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) RICARDO BENAVIDES and LILIAN BENAVIDES, a married couple, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 35/86615 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9706 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. BUNDRAGE ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: SONJA C. JOHNSON SHEPHERD RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) SONJA JOHNSON SHEPHERD, a single woman, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 24/5454 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amend- ments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Con- dominium Book 22, page 132-146, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TO- 425 NORTH ORANGE AV- ENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801 at the Orange County Courthouse, in ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 10th day of Febru- ary, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 66, GLENMOOR, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE 27, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons in need of a special accom- modation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, program or activity, contact the Administra- tive Office of the Court, OR- ANGE, at 425 N. Orange Av- enue, Orlando, FL 32601Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. Dated this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk Of The Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk Law Office of Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 05-06693 January 13 and 20, 2006 60203 SUITES II, A CONDO- MINIUM (hereinafter the "Condominium"), accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded In O.R. Book 5196, Page 632;First Amendment recorded In O.R. Book 5514, Page 3043; Second Amendment recorded in O.R. Book 5661, Page 2522; Third Amendment recorded In O.R. Book 6031, Page 3767; Fourth Amendment recorded in O.R. Book 6217, Page 3421; Fifth Amendment recorded in O.R. Book 6340, Page 6160 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida (hereinafter the"Declara- tion"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal of said Court this 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 60161 der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60173 GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60166 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8960 #39 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. JACKMAN ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: CHRISTOPHER E. SCHLECHT and CHRISTI E. SCHLECHT RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) CHRISTOPHER SCHLECHT and CHRISTI SCHLECHT, a married couple, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 18/3852 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIt IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO. 05-CC-13695 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, vs. ANDREW POWERS, if living, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendant, and ORLANDO VA- CATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on FEBRU- ARY 1, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Odrando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Or- ange County Clerk of Court. Fi- nal payment must be made on or before 3:00 p.m., of the date IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9707 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. KULON ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To:TISHA A. WALKER and GARY E. GOODSON RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant(s) TISHA WALKER and GARY GOODSON, a single woman, a single man, andall parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to fbreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 2/86627 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 9484 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MARKLAND ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: FELIX A. DELGADO and MA EUGENIA ELIZUNDIA & FERNANDO ELIZUNDIA RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming Inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) FELIX DELGADO and MA EUGENIA ELIZUNDIA & FERNANDO ELIZUNDIA,, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 46/4219 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest In the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant In com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60171 of the sale by cash or cashier's check: That certain Unit Week 39, in that certain Unit 297, of ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II, A CONDO- MINIUM (hereinafter the "Condominium"), accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in Official Records Book 5196, Page 0632, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all exhibits thereto, and all amendments thereto (here- inafter the "Declaration"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure entered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal of said Court this 6 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: MAYRA I.CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this docu- ment, If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 60159 TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple ab- solute as tenant in com- mon with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condo- minium in the percentage interest established in the Declaration of Condo- minium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60172 shall terminate: TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- .scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordinator, 425 North Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60165 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO:05-CA-2637 DIV. 34 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. HENRY VINSON, IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE UN- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST HENRY VINSON; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF HENRY VINSON, IF ANY; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART- MENT OF REVENUE; LETHA VINSON; PAULINE NELSON; CLERK OF COURT, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order Granting the Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale dated JANUARY 03, 2006 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA- 2637 DIV. 34 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for ORANGE County, OR- LANDO, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-CA-5462 #37 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, vs. SKINNER ET AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE AS TO: COUNT DEFENDANTS UNIT/WEEK I Michael P. Skinner and Judy G. Skinner 4280/2 tll Janice Pickett and Lehandy M. Pickett A/K/A Lee M. Pickett 2549/4 V Mohd Rashed Bin Badarudin and Nor Raudha Md Nor 5553/45 Note is hereby given that on February 08,2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Orange County Court- house, 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32801, the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the above de- scribed UNIT/WEEKS of the fol- lowing described real property: Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condominium, to- gether with an undivided in- terest in the common ele- ments appurtenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof re- corded in Official Records Book 4846, Page 1619, in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-12693 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. DAISY M. HALL-THOMAS, If living, and if dead, the un- known spouse, heirs, devi- sees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an interest by, through, under and against the above-named Defendant, and ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on FEBRU- ARY 1,2006,11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated in Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est biddershall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- posit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Orange County Clerk of Court. Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3:00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's check: IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL CASE NO.: 05-CC-12698 HILTON RESORTS CORPO- RATION, a Delaware corpora- tion, Plaintiff, v. PHYLESE L. MOSELEY, If liv- ing, and If dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an in- terest by, through, under and against the above-named De- fendant, and ORLANDO VA- CATION SUITES II CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non-profit corpora- tion, Defendant. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, LYDIA GARDNER, Clerk of Circuit and County Courts of Orange County, Florida, will on Febru- ary 8, 2006, 11:00 o'clock A.M., in Room 350, at the Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bid- der for cash, the following de- scribed property situated In Or- ange County, Florida. The high- est biddershall Immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The de- posit must be cash or cashier's check payable to Orange County Clerk of Court. Final pay- ment must be made on or be- fore 3:00 p.m., of the date of the sale by cash or cashier's check: A .01343000000% undi- vided tenant In common Interest In Phase III of TUSCANY VILLAGE VA- CATION SUITES, as de- at SUITE 350 of the ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 09 day of FEBRU- ARY, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT7 AND THE NORTH 15 FEET OF LOT 6, BLOCK C, TAMPA TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK V, PAGE 7, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 09 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: MAYRA I. CRUZ CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation In order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. DAVID J. STERN, P.A. 801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 500 PLANTATION, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-39562(CWF) January 13 and 20, 2006 60201 Condominium Book 22, Page 132-146 until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said es- tate shall terminate; TO- GETHER with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above de- scribed Condominium in the percentage interest estab- lished in the Declaration of Condominium. TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining. The aforesaid sales will be made pursuant to the final judg- ments of foreclosure as to the above listed counts, respec- tively, in Civil Action No.05-CA- 5462 #37 DATED this 9th day of Janu- ary, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2050, within two working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing impaired, call (800) 955-8771, or voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. January 13 and 20, 2006 60210 Week 35, Unit 821, of ORLANDO VACATION SUITES II, A CONDO- MINIUM (hereinafter the "Condominium"), with ev- ery YEAR occupancy rights, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof as re- corded In O.R. Book 5196, Page 632 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto (hereinafter the "Declara- tion"). pursuant to the Final Default Judgment in Foreclosure en- tered in a case pending in said Court in the above-styled cause. WITNESS my hand and of- ficial seal of said Court this 5 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of Circuit and County Courts By: JIM MOXLEY CIIVL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabil- ity who needs accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within 2 working days of your receipt of this document, if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955- 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 scribed In the Declarat of Covenants, Condltloi and Restrictions their as recorded in O.R. Be 6630, Page 4259 In Public Records of Oran County, Florida, and exhibits attached their (the "Declaration"). Grantee owns a Type 2 cation Ownership Inter In a ONE BEDROOM Su and shall be required make a reservation fo Suite, with every YE occupancy rights, in cordance with the pro sions of the Declaratio Together with an appui nant undivided Interes common elements of Project as described in Declaration. pursuant to the Final De Judgment in Foreclosure tered in a case pending in Court in the above-styled ca WITNESS my hand ai ficial seal of said Court thi day of Janaury, 2006. LYDIA GARD Clerk of Circu County C By: JIM MO CIVIL COURTS DeputyC If you are a person with a d ity who needs accommoda order to participate in this ceeding, you are entitled, cost to you, to the provis certain assistance. Please tact Court Administration a North Orange Avenue, 2130, Orlando, Florida 3 Telephone (407) 836-2303 2 working days of your rec this document, if you are hi or voice impaired call 1-800 8771. Michael J. Belle, Esq., 2364 Fruitville Road Sarasota, FL 34237 Attorney for Plaintiff January 13 and 20, 2006 ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805-0000 PHONE: 407-445-8877 FAX: 407-532-9894 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC gives Notice 'of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vehicles on 01/26/06,08:00 am at 416 BUCHAN ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32805- 0000, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ALWAYS TOWING OF CENTRAL FLORIDA INC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1G2NE14U1JC670574 1988 PONTIAC January 13, 2006 60249 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 6030 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GILBERTO KRIEGER and MARIA VITORIA CAVALCANTI KRIEGER, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III & IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: CRAIG J. DUNSHEATH 34 NORTH PROSPECT AVE PATCHOGUE, NY 11772-2217 USA CYNTHIA DUNSHEATH 34 NORTH PROSPECT AVE PATCHOGUE, NY 11772-2217 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT Ill Unit Week 41 in Unit 4552, in IMPERIAL PALM VIL- LAS CONDOMINIUM, ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-9018 PALM FINANCIALSERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. SCOTT A. WHITE, ET AL., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Katherine Ann Zukosky 27045 Coral Springs Wesley Chapel, FL 33543-6666 and all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, KATHERINE ANN ZUKOSKY, and all parties hav- ing or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described; YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the following described property in Orange County, Florida: COUNT IV An undivided 0.3246% in- terest in Unit 36A of the Disney Vacation Club at Disney's BoardWalk Vil- las, a lease condominium (the "Condominium") ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded In Official Records Book 5101, Page 147, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto; subject to that certain Ground Lease by and be- tween DVD and Walt Disney World Co., a Dela- ware corporation qualified to do business in Florida, dated April 1, 1994, and any amen ts thereto, a short form of which is re- corded In Official Records Book 5101, Page 88 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and any amendments thereto (the "Ground Lease"), and S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 60160 THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR tlon ORANGE COUNTY, ons FLORIDA eof ook CASE NO. 2005-CA-6034 the DIV NO.: 33 nge all MARRIOTT RESORTS HOS- eto PITALITY CORPORATION, a South Carolina Corporation, Management Agent on behalf Va- of CYPRESS HARBOUR est CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- ulte TION, INC., a Florida non- d to profit corporation, and All Dr a Owners as Agent, EAR Plaintiff, ac- ovi- vs. 3n. CARLOS AVILA MOLINA and rte- DORA MOLINA DE AVILA, t in Joint Tenants with Right of the Survivorship, et. al., the Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY fault PUBLICATION e en- AS TO COUNT (a) VI n said cause. TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE nd of- RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: s 6th TO: MERLIN A. CAMPBELL 310 Charles St, Apt. 13 DNER Newport News, VA 23608 it and USA Courts XLEY The above named SEAL Defendant(s) are not known to Clerk be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, isabll- devisees, grantees, assignees, tion in lienors, creditors, trustees, or s pro- other claimants, by, through at no under or against said ion of Defendant(s) and all parties e con- having or claiming to have any at 425 right, title or interest in the prop- Suite erty described below. 32801, within YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- eipt of FIED of the institution of the hearing above-styled foreclosure pro- 1-955- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT RESORTS HOS- PITALITY CORPORATION, upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mortgage and for other relief relative to the fol- lowing described property: Records Book 4894 at Page 2645 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. COUNT IV Unit week 21 in unit 4560, In IMPERIAL PALM VIL- LAS CONDOMINIUM, ac- cording to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 4894 at Page 2645 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the complaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ES- QUIRE, Holland & Knight LLP, 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attor- neys for the Plaintiff, on or be- fore thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either before service on Plain- tiff' attorney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the com- plaint. DATED on this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.4973 #05-028-10304 January 13 and 20, 2006 60219 subject to that certain Master Declaration of Cov- enants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded in Official Records Book 5101, page 83, of the Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida and all amendments thereto, and subject to easements and restrictions of record. (Contract No.: 3001759.001) has been filed against you; and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JAMES R. MITCHELL, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2300 Sun Trust Center, 200 South Orange Avenue, Or- lando, Florida 32801, within thirty (30) days afterthe first pub- lication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 26 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk NOTICE FOR ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the Ameri- cans With Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to par- ticipate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceed- ing at the address given on the notice. Telephone: Orange County (407) 836-2050; Osceola County (407) 847- 1300. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice RV) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida delay Service. January 13 and 20, 2006 60198 COUNT VI Unit Week 15in Unit 7155, in CYPRESS HARBOUR CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain as- sistance. Please contact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, tele- phone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#051299.2046 #05-128-10752 January 13 and 20, 2006 60141 .. 11 1 60162 The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 1 lB LEGAL ADVERTISING 0pop0 a 1 ljie Ph: 407-86-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 16A 17A & 6B -13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-006177 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. EMPORER'S DESIGN, INC., AN OREGON CORPORA- TION; CHANTAL BAYOKISA A/K/A BAYOKISA CHANTAL, a single woman, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, BETHANIA CABRAL AND VICTOR CABRAL COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m at the Or- ange County C6urthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 20 in Units 03402 and 03401. Annual Unit Weeks, BELLA FLORIDA CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Bella Florida Condominium, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO BETHANIA CABRAL AND VICTOR CABRAL COUNT III, entered in Civil No. 2005- CA-006177 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK. DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone. (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60134 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA- 001568-0 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. FRANCIS J.J. DOMACASSE a/k/a FRANCIS J. DOMACASSE a/k/a F. DOMACASSE and ISAIRA G.G. DOMACASSE a/kJa ISAIRA G. DOMACASSE, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, VIVIAN F. DARDEN COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 48 in Unit 2458, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page'2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO VIVIAN F. DARDEN COUNT V, entered in Civil No. 2004- CA-001568-0 now pending in Sthe Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County. Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: James Moxley CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 January 13 and 20, 2006 60111 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-8651 DIV 35 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY (F/K/A BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, N.A.) AS TRUSTEE OF THE OWNERS OF MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2001-AMI, Plaintiff, vs. AMANDA CARR-CASTILLO A/K/A AMANDA R. CARR CASTILLO, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: GUSTAVO R. CASTILLO (Address Unknown) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOTS 32 AND 33, BLOCK 16, AVONDALE, ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT THERE- OF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK N, PAGES 1 AND 2, PUBLIC RECORDSOFOR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-4440- DIV. 40 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. ZANNIE MAE KIRT IF LIVING, AND IF DEAD, THE U N- KNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DE- VISEES. GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ZANNIE MAE KIRT; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ZANNIE MAE KIRT IF ANY; FIRST NA- TIONAL BANK OF CENTRAL FLORIDA; ORCHARD PARK PROPERTY OWNER ASSO- CIATION, INC.; JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UN- KNOWN TENANTS IN POS- SESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 30, 2005 entered in Civil Case No. 05-CA-4440-DIV. 40 of the Circuit Court of the 9TH Judicial Circuit in and for OR- ANGE County, Orlando, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) III TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: OSVALDO BURGOS Carretera 735 KM 0.4 Interior Barrio Arenas Sector VAIIle Real Cidra, PR 00739 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT III Unit Week 09E in Unit 1443, in HAO CONDO- MINIUM, according to the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) XIII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: KERRY J. TAYLOR 2 Riley Close Yaxley, Peterborough CAmbridgeshire, PE 73QD ENGLAND BRIAN S. TAYLOR 2 Riley Close Yaxley, Peterborough Cambridgeshire, PE 73QD ENGLAND MARGARET J. TAYLOR 2 Riley Close Yaxley, Peterborough Cambridgeshire, PE 73QD ENGLAND The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, lille or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- to it, on Marshall C Watson, P A,, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immodi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue,Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk January 13 and 20, 2006 60177 the ORANGE County Court- house located at 425 N. Orange Ave. in Orlando, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 26 day of January. 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment, to- wit: LOT 30, ORCHARD PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES 76-77 PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Dated this 5 day of January, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A., ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954)233-8000 05-41149(FNMA) EMC IFYOU ARE a person withadis- ability who needs any accom- modatio n order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice of Hearing; If you are hear- ing or voice impaired call 1-800- 955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60175 Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded In Official Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5282 #05-207-11377 January 13 and 20, 2006 60193 gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT XIII Unit Week 21 In Unit 1564, In HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt ol this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5292 #05-207-10290 January 13 and 20, 2006 60195 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10304 GREENWICH CAPITAL FI- NANCIAL PRODUCTS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. EDNA DENISE CALLOWAY,et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JOHN L. NUCCITELLI (Residence Unknown) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property LOT 226, CAMELLIA GAR- DENS SECTION THREE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 77 AND 78, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OFOR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintifl, whose address is 1800 NW IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 05-CA-7165 DIV 33 WESTGATE LAKES, INC., a Florida corporation, as general partner of WESTGATE LAKES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Plaintiff, vs. JO ANN W. NORTON; et al.; Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45, FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated the 21 day of December 2005, and entered in Case No. 05-CA-7165 DIV 33 of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, wherein WESTGATE LAKES, INC., etc., is the Plaintiff, and JO ANN W. NORTON; et al., are Defen- dants, that I will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash at Suite 350 Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on January 25, 2006, the following de- scribed property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Fore- closure, to wit' Assigned Unit Week No. 19 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 948 Assigned Unit Week No. 50 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 966 Assigned Unit Week No. 25 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 948 Assigned Unit Week No. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 482005CA009522XXXXXX DEUTSCHE BANK NA- TIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR LONG BEACH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-WL2, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN PETERS, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Summary Final Judgment of foreclosure dated January 3, 2006, and entered in Case No. 482005CA009522XXXXXX of the Circuit Court in and for Or- ange County, Florida, wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-WL2 is Plaintiff and JOHN PETERS; KIMBERLY PE- TERS; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 1; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2; and ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING INTER- ESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST A NAMED DE- FENDANT TO THIS ACTION, OR HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROP- ERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in Room 350 at the Orange County County Courthouse. 425 N Orange Avenue, Or- lando, FL 32801. at Orange County, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd day of February, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Order or Final Judgment, to- wit: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: ELBERT L. ROBINSON 7327 S. Troy Street Chicago, IL 60629-3043 ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON 7327 S. Troy Street Chicago, IL 60629-3043 The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of Ihe institution of ihe above-slyled foreclosure pio- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for othlier relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week 35 in Unit 1243, 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the flrst publication of this Notice inr The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court oitheli before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immr rdi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be enteord against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Amoricans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice, WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By Phyllis Kiplinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 05-07501 January 13 and 20, 2006 60179 24 EVEN, In Assigned Unit No. 2243 Assigned Unit Week No. 34 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 944 Assigned Unit Week No. 41 ALL, in Assigned Unit No. 922 Assigned Unit Week No. 18 ODD, in Assigned Unit No.927 Assigned Unit Week No. 14 EVEN, in Assigned Unit No. 912 Assigned Unit Week No. 12 ODD, In Assigned Unit No. 917 WESTGATE LAKES I, according to the Time Sharing Plan thereof, re- corded in Official Records Book 5020, at Page 327, of the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments) thereto, if any. "If you are a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Avenue. Orlando, Florida 32801, telephone number (407) 836-2303, within two (2) work- ing days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hear- ing impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771, if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8770." Dated at Orlando, Florida on the 10 day of JANUARY. 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court BY, COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk Publication of this notice in The Apopka Chief. January 13 and 20. 2006 60225 FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, 1ST ADDITION TO SCHENLEY PARK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK P, PAGE 42, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLOR- IDA; RUN EAST 272.90 FEET ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF LOT 2, AND AN EASTERLY PRO- LONGATION THEREOF FOR THE POB; THENCE CONTINUE EAST 65.1 FEET ALONG SAID EAST- ERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH BOUND- ARY OF LOT 2; THENCE NORTH 107.00 FEET PAR- ALLEL WITH THE EAST BOUNDARY LOT OF LOT 1 TO THE NORTH BOUND- ARY LOT 1; THENCE WEST 65.1 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY OF LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 107.00 FEET TO THE POB. If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact the Court at 407-836-2060 fx 407-836- 2269 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; if you are hearing or voice in]paired, call Florida Relay Ser- vice (800) 955-8770. DATED at Orlando, Florida, on JANUARY 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk, Circuit Court By JIM MOXLEY CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk SMITH, HIATT & DIAZ, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff PO Box 11438 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33339-1438 Phone: (954) 564-0071 January 13 and 20, 2006 60174 in HAO CONDOMINIUM. according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you aro inquired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any 0o hIe com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministlalion at -125 Norlh Oi- ango Avenue. Suilo 2130, Oi lando, Florida 32801 elolphone (407) 836-2303 williin two (2) working days of youi lncoiplt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771 THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992 3671 t#03-207-3565 January 13 and 20, 2006 60192 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10347 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL MARKESTEYN, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MICHAEL MARKESTEYN L/K/A 7713 LIVERPOOL BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32807 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF MICHAEL MARKESTEYN L/K/A 7713 LIVERPOOL BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32807 JOHN DOE and JANE DOE L/K/A 7713 LIVERPOOL BLVD. ORLANDO, FL 32807 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 3, BLOCK "K" OF IVANHOE ESTATES UNIT 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 50, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-9955 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PLAINTIFF VS. ALISON HELMLY, ET AL DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF ACTION - CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: ALISON HELMLY AND THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ALISON HELMLY whose residence is 1528 LILLY OAKS CIRCLE, GOTHA, FL 34734 and who is evading service of process and the unknown de- fendants who may be spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, as- signees, lienors, creditors, trust- ees, and all parties claiming an interest by, through, under or against the Defendants, who are not known to be dead or alive, and all parties having or claim- ing to have any right, title or in- terest in the property described in the mortgage being fore- closed herein. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- erty: ALL THAT CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, VIZ: LOT 23, LAKE LILLY OAKS, ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 27, PAGE 142 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-10351 35 CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC AS SUCCESSOR BY MERG- ER TO CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. HAROLD L. BOULER A/K/A HAROLD BOULDER; CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; STATE OF FLORIDA, DE- PARTMENT OF REVENUE; CYNTHIA MAJOR; JOEL A. HANNA A/K/A JOEL HANNA; LENORA MONTGOMERY; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF HAROLD L. BOULER A/K/A HAROLD BOULER; UN- KNOWN SPOUSE OF JOEL A. HANNA A/K/A JOEL HANNA; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POSSESSION OF THE SUB- JECT PROPERTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JOEL A. HANNA A/K/A JOEL HANNA (Residence Unknown) LAST KNOW ADDRESS: 5326 BOTANY COURT, ORLANDO, FL 32811 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 521, MALIBU GROVES, NINTH ADDI- TION, ACCORDING TO IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7463 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. SHERYL SPENCER, Indi- vidual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VI TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: EDGARDO J. PRIETO AGOSTINI C-6 S-7 #14 Villas De Parana San Juan, PR 00926 USA SONJA J. MAIZ INESTA C-6 S-2 #14 Villas De Parana San Juan, PR 00926 USA The above named Defendants) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants. by, through undoi or against said Dofendanl(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, tile or interest in the prop- city described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution ol the ibove-styled orieclosure pro- ceedigs by lIe Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property' COUNT VI Unit Week 34E in Unit has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of Ihis Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801 Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk 05-02998 January 13 and 20, 2006 - 60178 has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 S. University Drive, Ste 500, Plantation, FL 33324 no later than 30 days from the date of the.first publication of this Notice of Action and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 5 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK IF YOU ARE a person with a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this No- tice; If you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771. LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A. ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 05-47942(ASCF) January 13 and 20, 2006 60176 THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 137, PUB- LIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff. whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL32801TeIe- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk January 13 and 20, 2006 60183 1036, In HAO CONDO- MINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- nministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5189 #05-207-11115 January 13 and 20, 2006 60154 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 48-2006-Dr-210 bIV.: 36 In re: The Marriage of: Jeannette, Molse, Petitioner, and DImitrie, Moise, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE To: Dimitrie Moise Unknown YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an action for dissolu- tion of marriage has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jeannette Moise, Petitioner, whose address is 3268 Benson IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7539 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. JOHN D. TORGERSON and KRISTIN L. TORGERSON , Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) I TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: KRISTIN L. TORGERSON 4244 S. Farm Road Springfield, MO 65810 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT I Unit Week 06E in Unit 1353, In HAO CONDO- MINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condo- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6036 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ADOLFO CHOW MORENO, Individual, at. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) II TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: ERNESTO FERNANDEZ 22 South Maya, Philam Homes Quezon City, Metro Manila PHILIPPINES OLIVIA FERNANDEZ 22 South Maya, Philam Homes Quezon City, Metro Manila PHILIPPINES The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff. MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT II Unit Week 12 In Unit 7335, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 8639 DIV NO.: 34 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ELBERT L. ROBINSON and ELIZABETH M. ROBINSON, Tenants by Entireties, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IX TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: BISMARK MARQUEZ RIOS 44 Calle Mosaico P.O Box 1857 Caguas, PR 00726 USA ELIZABETH BONILLA MARTINEZ 44 Calle Mosaico P.O Box 1857 Caguas, PR 00726 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest inn the piop- orty described below YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff. MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS. INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: Park Blvd. Orlando Florida, 32829, on or before February 16. 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court be- fore service on Petitioner or im- . mediately thereafter. If you 1 failed to do so, a default will be ' entered against you for the re- 0 lief demanded in the Petition. WARNING: Rule 12.285,. Florida Family Law Rules of'o Procedure, requires certain au- tomaticdisclosure of documents and information. Failure to com- ply can result in sanctions, in- cluding dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and seal of this court on January 5,2006. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: JOSE A. VELLON CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk January 13, 20, 27 and February 3, 2006 60158 minium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 in the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol-" land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or-' ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of " publication herein and file the. original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 5 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER' Clerk of the Court, BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL" As Deputy Clerk' If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or-: lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document, If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5174 #05-207-10601 '2 January 13 and 20, 2006 60155' 'it Unit week 13 in unit 7335, in CYPRESS HARBOUR - CONDOMINIUM, accord- ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as 'S recorded in Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. ' AND you are required to1 serve a copy of your written- defenses, if any to the com-- plaint, upon MICHAEL-I SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- A land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- S ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Postq Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty, (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file theq original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- . fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 29 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER' Clerk of the Court ' BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk " If you are a person with a' disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5096 #05-128-10370 January 13 and 20, 2006 60140 COUNT IX Unit Week 46 in Unit 1355, in HAO CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded in Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to, serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL' SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for' the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- . tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 4 day of JANUARY, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: Phyllis Kipfinger, D.C. CIRCUIT COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerky If you are a person with a -,- disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- licipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to A the provision of certain assis- , lance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration al 425 North Or-- anrge Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone , (407) 836-2303 within two (2) 'A working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771 THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- " TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB-., TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ,. THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5288 #05-207-11282 January 13 and 20, 2006 0 60194 . The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 12B LEGAL ADVERTISING Oplp ha QCljifd Ph: 407-8B6-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 16A 17A & 6B 13B Notification of Public Sale In order to satisfy a contractual landlord's lien, under the provi- sions of the Florida Self-Service Storage Act. public notice is hereby given that the following described property will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will be held at Lockhart Stor-lt, 6803 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32810 on January 21, 2006 at 8:30 AM. Phone (407) 932-2239 Unit 42 Stribbling Tools & Household January 13 and 20, 2006 60197 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No. 05-CA-10266 In re: FORFEITURE OF 1989 DODGE CARAVAN (BLUE) VIN:2B4FK45KXKR151276 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1989 DODGE CARAVAN (BLUE) VIN:2B4FK45KXKR151276 NOTICE IS given to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, - Florida Statutes, that the STATE OF FLORIDA, DE- . APARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VE- HICLES ( DEPARTMENT), through its Division, The Florida State Highway Patrol, on the 26th day of October, 2005, in the County of Orange, State of Florida, seized the above-de- scribed personal property and is holding the personal property pending the outcome of forfei- ture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal in- terest in the subject property may request a hearing concem- ing the seized property by con- tacting Gerald D. Siebens, As- sistant Attorney General, OF- FICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602-5237. A Petition for Forfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. If no re- sponse by claimants, the DE- PARTMENT will seek a Final Order Of Forfeiture. January 13 and 20, 2006 60157 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.: 05-CA-9990 Division 37 In RE: Forfeiture of 1988 MAZDA RX7 CONVERTIBLE (BLACK) VIN JM1 FC3519J0103729 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1988 MAZDA RX7 CONVERTIBLE (BLACK) VIN JM1 FC3519J0103729 NOTICE IS given pursuant to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes, that the STATE OF FLORIDA, DE- PARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VE- HICLES ( DEPARTMENT), through its Division, The Florida State Highway Patrol, on or about the 13th day of October 2005, in the County of Orange, State of Florida, seized the above-described personal property and is holding the per- sonal property pending the out- come of forfeiture proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal interest in the subject property may request a hearing concerning the seized property by contacting Joseph H. Lee, AssistantAttorneyGeneral, OF- FICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ,Tampa Civil Litiga- tion Bureau, 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602-5237. A Petition for Forfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. The trial court on the 8th day of Decem- ber 2005, entered an Order Finding Probable Cause If no response by Claimants, the DE- PARTMENT will seek a Final Order Of Forfeiture. January 13 and 20, 2006 60245 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF FLORIDA Case No.2005-CA-7109 In re: FORFEITURE OF 1999 ACURA INTEGRA (RED) VIN: JH4DC2399XS002289 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1999 ACURA INTEGRA (RED) VIN: JH4DC2399XS002289 NOTICE IS given to Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutes, that the STATE OF FLORIDA, DE- PARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VE- HICLES ( DEPARTMENT), 'r,, ,uirii-,, C'. .:;:-. Tii- Flonda "iv.:.' Hgr, ,. ; i :i, on the 23rd day of July, 2005, in the County of Orange, State of Florida, seized the above-de- scribed personal property and is holding the personal property pending the outcome of forfei- ' lure proceedings. All persons or entities who have a legal in- terest in the subject property may request a hearing concern- ing the seized property by con- tacting Gerald D. Siebens, As- sistant Attorney General, OF- FICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ,501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1100, Tampa, FL 33602-5237. A Petition for Forfeiture has been filed in the above-styled Court. If no re- sponse by claimants, the DE- PARTMENT will seek a Final Order Of Forfeiture. January 13 and 20, 2006 60156 Banshee's Towing 10600 S. Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32824 407-709-2840 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 713.78 THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO THE PUBLIC ON JANUARY 27, 2006 AT 10:00 AM AT 10600 S. ORANGE AVE, OR- LANDO, FL 32824. 96 FORD RED 1FTEF15Y1TLA80758 January 13, 2006 60213 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-008454 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. GEOFFREY PEARCE, a single man and SUSAN FARLAM, a single woman; CARLOS RAFAEL PEREZ SAMAYOA a/k/a CARLOS R. PEREZ SAMAYOA, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JUANITA GAVIN HUGHES COUNT IX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 25 in Unit 1333, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, it any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005- CA-008454 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60119 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA- 009944-0 INEZ B. WALKER, Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE- VISEES, GRANTEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST AMANDA JONES, deceased, Defendants. TO: ANY PARTIES UN- KNOWN to Plaintiff, which par- ties may be interested as heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through, under or against AMANDA JONES, deceased. NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for quiet title on the following property: Lot 7, Block 12, WASHING- TON PARK SECTION ONE, O. R. Book O, Pg. 151, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida. Parcel ID # 32-22-29-9004-12-070 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-7453-O TYMBER SKAN ON THE LAKE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff, vs. J. FORD PROPERTIES, INC., TYMBER SKAN ON THE LAKE OWNERS ASSOCIA- TION, SECTION ONE, INC., any and all unknown parties claiming by, through, under and against the herein named individual defendants who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said unknown parties may claim an interest as spouses, heirs, devises, grantees, or other claimants; and unknown tenants to ac- count for parties in posses- sion, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Default Fi- nal Judgment of Foreclosure and for Attorneys' Fees and Costs dated August 19, 2005. and Order Resciheduling Fore- closure Sale dated December 30, 2005. in this cause, I will sell the properties situated in Or- ange County, Florida, described as: That certain condominium parcel composed of Unit B, Building 4, TYMBER SKAN ON THE LAKE SEC- TION ONE, in accordance with and subject to the covenants, conditions, re- strictions, terms, and other provisions of that Declaration of Condo- minium of TYMBER SKAN ON THE LAKE SECTION ONE, a Condominium, dated July 6,1972, and re- IN THE CIRCUIT COUI THE NINTH JUD CIRCUIT IN ANI ORANGE CO FL( CASE NO. 2005-CA VISTANA DEVELOPMENT INC., a Florida corpora Plaintiff, vs. GRACIELA M. CAPURS GERARDO ANDRADI RUBEN MURADIAN an CIA M. CAPURSO; et a Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS DEFENDANTS, RICAR JAMSCHON AND ADR JAMSCHON COUNT NOTICE IS HE GIVEN that on Febru 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at II ange County Courthous North Orange Avenue, 350, Orlando, in Orange C Florida the undersigned will offer for sale the fol described real property: Unit Week 02 in Unit 0 VISTANA SPA CON MINIUM, together witl appurtenances thereto cording and subject to Declaration of Co ininium of Vistana Spa dominium, as records Official Records Book Page 335, Public Rec of Orange County, Flo and all amendments th1 and supplements there any ("Declaration"). The aforesaid sale made pursuant to a Sur Final Judgment of Forec entered in Civil No. 200 4035 now pending in the Court of the NINTH Judic cuit in and for Orange C Florida. DATED on January 5 LYDIA GAR Clerk of the Circui By: CORINE H CIVIL COURT Deputy VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 001019 LOWNDES, DROSDICK DOSTER, KANTOR & F PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you person with a disability needs any accommoda order to participate in th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, to the provis certain assistance. Pleas tact Court Administration North Orange Avenue, 2130, Orlando, Florida 3 Telephone (407) 836 within (2) working days 0 receipt of this document; are hearing or voice imp call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 200 has been filed against yoi you are required to serve a of your written defenses t any, on JOHN C. EN HARDT, P.A., 1524 E. L ston Street, Orlando, F 32803, Plaintiff's attorney more than 30 days fror date of the first public of this Notice of Action file the original with the Cl this Court either before se on Plaintiff's attorney, or ii diately thereafter, other default will be entered ag you for the relief demand the Complaint for Foreclo WITNESS my hand seat of this Court on DEC BER 19, 2005. LYDIA GAR CLERK O0 CIRCUIT CC By: ALBANITZA GA CIVIL COURT If you are a person with a ability who needs accomm tion in order to participate proceeding, you are entitle no cost to you, to the prove of certain assistance. P contact Court Administrat 425 North Orange Avenue, 2130, Orlando, Florida 3: telephone (407) 836-2303 2 working days of your re of thisdocument. If youare ing or voice impaired call 1 955-8771. December 30, 2005, Jar 6, 13, and 20, 2006. corded July 6, 1972, in fiscal Records Book 22 Page 381, Public Reco of Orange County, Flor together with an undivii interest in the common ements declared in s Declaration of Con minium, the condomini unit being a part of Condominium known TYMBER SKAN ON T LAKE SECTION ONE, located at 4264 Ingleni Lane, Orlando, Flor 32839. at public sale, to the highest best bidder for cash, or Courthouse steps at the O County Courthouse local 425 North Orange Av Room 350, Orlando, Fl 32801, at 11:00 o'clock a. the 26th day of January, 2 DATED this 4 day of ary, 2006. LYDIA GAR CLERK 0 CIRCUIT C By: /s/ E M Ch CIRCUIT COURT DEPUTY C If you are a person with a c ity who needs accommodate order to participate in th ceeding, you are entitled cost to you, to the proviso certain assistance. Pleas tact Court Administration North Orange Avenue, 2130, Orlando, Florida telephone (407) 836-230E 2 working days of your rec this document, il you are h or voice impaired call 1-8C 8771. LAW OFFICES DECUBELLIS, MEEKS & UNCAPHER, P.A. Kenneth R. Uncapher Post Office Box 4976 Orlando, Florida 32802-49 Telephone: (407) 872-220 Facsimile: (407) 423-1038 January 6 and 13, 2006 RT OF DICIAL D FOR UNTY, ORIDA A-4035 ENT, nation, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 0 and THE NINTH JUDICIAL E and CIRCUIT IN AND FOR d ALI- ORANGE COUNTY, l., FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009555 S TO SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, DO R. Inc., a Florida corporation, IIANA Plaintiff, IT II vs. LUIS A. ALBORNOZ a/k/a A REBY ALBORNOZ and JULIA E. ary 8, DUQUE a/k/a JULIA E he Or- DUQUE D, his wife; DAVID e, 425 P. BRYANT and SANDRA M. Suite BRYANT a/k/a S M BRYANT, County his wife; MARY CIPRIANO, Clerk a married woman; et al., lowing Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO 712, DEFENDANTS, ERIC E. 4DO- HINOJOSA AND JENNIFER th all H. HINOJOSA A/K/A , ac- JENNIFER HINOJOSA - o the COUNT IV ndo- Con- NOTICE IS HEREBY ed in GIVEN that on February 8, 3677, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- cords ange County Courthouse, 425 orida, North Orange Avenue, Suite ereof 350, Orlando, In Orange County eto, if Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: will be mmary Unit Week 06 in Unit 06102, closure an Odd Biennial Unit Week, 05-CA- BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- Circuit MINIUM, together with all ial Cir- appurtenances thereto, ac- 'ounty, cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- ,2006. dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, lDNER Page 1987, Public Records t Court of Orange County, Florida, HERRY and all amendments thereof T SEAL and supplements thereto, if y Clerk any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and 93 all other matters of record. <,' REED, The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ERIC E. HINOJOSA AND JEN- NIFER H. HINOJOSA A/K/A JENNIFER HINOJOSA - 600 COUNT IV, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009555 now pending are a in the Circuit Court of the NINTH y who Judicial Circuit in and for Or- tion in ange County, Florida. is pro- , at no DATED this January 5, ions of 2006. se con- Lydia Gardner at 425 Clerk of the Circuit Court Suite By: ELAINE CHANDLER 32801, CIVIL COURT SEAL 6-2303 Deputy Clerk of your VALERIE N. BROWN, ; if you ESQUIRE paired. Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, 06 DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, 60130 PROFESSIONAL - ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a u and person with a disability who copy needs any accommodation in o it, if order to participate in this pro- GLE- ceeding, you are entitled, at no ving- cost to you, to the provisions of lorida certain assistance. Please con- y, no tact Court Administration at 425 m the North Orange Avenue, Suite action 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, n and Telephone (407) 836-2303 erk of within (2) working days of your service receipt of this document; if you mime- are hearing or voice impaired. vise a call 1-800-955-8771. ainst January 13 and 20, 2006 ded in 60131 sure. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF I and THE NINTH JUDICIAL CEM- CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DNER CASE NO. 2005-CA-007723 FTHE CURT VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, ,RCIA INC., a Florida corporation, SEAL Plaintiff, vs. a dis- MICHELE C. HARRISON, a moda- single woman; GUNTHER in this GORNY and TERESA ed, at GORNY, his wife; et al., vision Defendants. lease ion at NOTICE OF SALE AS TO Suite DEFENDANTS, MARINO 2801, MOLINA P AND C.T. within MOLINA COUNT V receipt hear- NOTICE IS HEREBY -800- GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- nuary ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 60024 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 33 in Unit 236, Of- VISTANA FALLS CONDO- 246, MINIUM, together with all )rds appurtenances thereto, ac- ida, cording and subject to the dad Declaration of Condo- n el- minium of Vistana Falls Con- said dominium, as recorded in do- Official Records Book 3340, ium Page 2429, Public Records the of Orange County, Florida, as and all amendments thereof THE and supplements thereto, if and any. ook rida The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure entered in stand Civil Case No. 2005-CA- n the 007723 now pending in the Cir- range cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial ted at Circuit in and for Orange enue, County, Florida. Iorida m. on DATED on January 5, 2006. .006. Janu- LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER DNER CIVIL COURT SEAL F THE Deputy Clerk COURT VALERIE N. BROWN, handler ESQUIRE SEAL Florida Bar No.: 0010193 ;LERK LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, disabil PROFESSIONAL nation in ASSOCIATION is pro- 215 North Eola Drive at no Post Office Box 2809 ion of Orlando, FL 32802 e con Telephone: (407) 843-4600 at 425 Attorneys for Plaintiff Suite IMPORTANT II you are a 32801, person with a disability who i within noeds any accommodation in eipt of order to participate in this pro- learing ceeding, you are entitled, al no 00-955- cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avonuo, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your 176 receipt of this document; if you 00 arm hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60105 60127 DELICE TOWING AND STORAGE 440 METCALF AVE ORLANDO FL 32811 407291 1454 FAX 321 689 4231 PH NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE PURSUANT TO F.S. 713.78(5) The following vehicle located at 440 Metcalf Ave Orlando, FL 32 will be sold: DATE OF SALE JANUARY 31ST 2006 AT 9:00 AM 1995 NISSAN PICKUP RED 1N6SD11S8SC40 1992 CHEVROLET VAN WHITE 1GNDU06DXNT15 DATE OF SALE FEBRUARY 26TH 2006 AT 9:00 AM 1989 HONDA ACCORD BEIGE JHMCA5533KC1 Tow company reserves the right to withdraw said vehicle from tion. For more info, or inquiries, call 407-291-1224 January 13, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-000253 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. YOLANDA ESTRADA and RAUL FUENTES, her husband; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, GUSTAVO LEON AND ESTHER DE LEON COUNT III NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following- described real property: Unit Week 03 in Unit 1870, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion'), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 000253 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Flonrida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you. to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60126 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005216 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. DOROTHY M. BRAGG, a single woman; KELLY E. BROWN, a single woman and JEREMY S. SMITH, a single man; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, TERENCE D. MILLER AND FRANCINE MILLER COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue. Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 35 in Unit 03104, an Odd Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of. Foreclosure AS TO TERENCE D. MILLER AND FRANCINE MILLER COUNT V, entered in Civil No. 2005- CA-005216 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Ju- dicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK. DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation inr order to pardicipato in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions ol certain assistance- Please con- tact Court Administralion at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suito 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; it you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60132 2811, 13757 1215 08591 auc- 60185 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6276 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ALBA NYDIA LLAMAS- SANTOS, Individual, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) VIII TO THE FOLLOWING DE- FENDANT(S) WHOSE RESI- DENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: MARY LUZ FORT MONTALVO C/Amapola 75-A Bo Ingenio P.O. Box 1259 Toa Baja, PR 00951 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendants) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC.. upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT VIII Unit Week 48 in Unit 1433, in HAD CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declara- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-008452 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. STEVEN ALDWORTH and CHRISTINE BRADY ALDWOTH a/k/a CHRISTINE BRADY ALDWORTH; TAWEEFG A. AL-NASSAR a/k/a TAWFEEG A. AL- NASSAR and AWATIF AL- NASSAR; LESTER J. BOYKIN and MARIA P. BOYKIN, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, MICHAEL HOLTZCLAW AND SUSAN D. HOLTZCLAW COUNT VI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 05 in Unit 0076, VISTANA CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurte- nances thereto, according and subject to the Declara- tion of Condominium of Vistana Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book3167, Page 1201, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. Together with a remainder over after termination in fee simple absolute, as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in all phases of said condo- minium on October 1, 2020 in that fractional interest set forth in the Declaration of Condominium. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 008452 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 5, 2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES. DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys loT Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to pailicipato in this pro- cooding, you aio eontilled, at no cost to you. to tho provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-600-955-8771 January 13 and 20, 2006 60136 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-9609 H35 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- CIATION AS TRUSTEE, IN TRUST FOR THE HOLDERS OF CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON MORTGAGE SECU- RITIES CORP., HOME EQUITY ASSET TRUST 2003-3, HOME EQUITY PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-3, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- CIARIES, DEVISEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTERESTINTHE ESTATE OF BARBARA V. GRAY- KOWSKI, DECEASED, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: KAREN GRAYKOWSKI, 4155 Connel Lane, Orlando, FL 32822 MICHAEL GRAYKOWSKI, 4155 Connel Lane, Orlando, FL 32822 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 248, EAST ORLANDO SECTION THREE, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK "Y", PAGE tion of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Of- ficial Records Book 6017 at Page 0143 In the Public Records of Orange Coun- ty, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2). working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5033 #05-207-10564 January 13 and 20, 2006 60149 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005618 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. JACK C. OWENS, a married man; NICOLE BROWN and RICKY BROWN, her husband; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, JACK C. OWENS COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 10 in Unit 05402, an Annual Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO JACK C. OWENS COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 005618 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, FOSTER, KANTOR & REED. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired. call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60133 51, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Marshall C. Watson, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 1800 NW 49TH STREET, SUITE 120, FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33309 within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in The Apopka Chief and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding or to access a court service, program or activ- ity shall, within a reasonable time prior to any proceeding or need to access a service, pro- gram or activity, contact the Ad- ministrative Office of the Court, ORANGE, at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801Tele- phone (407) 836-2303 or 1-800- 955-8771 (THD), or 1-800-955- 8770 (V) via Florida Relay Ser- vice. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 05 day of JANUARY, 2006. Lydia Gardner As Clerk of the Court By KELLY GRUBBS CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk January 13 and 20, 2006 60182 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA-6025 DIV NO.: 35 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. JOSE MARIA CORNELLA, Individual, et. al., Defendantss. NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV & V TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN: TO: LIGIA INES PESANTES DE ROCA Puerto Azul M2-F4 Villa 7 Guayaquil ECUADOR The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees,.assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: ANU ANY INFORUMATI IUN OB- COUNT IV & V TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Unit Week 05 in Unit 5231, THAT PURPOSE. Unit Week 14 in Unit 5313, HK#050992.4963 In CYPRESS HARBOUR #05-128-08314 CONDOMINIUM, accord- January 13 and 20, 2006 60139 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2005-CA 7471 DIV NO.: 37 MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. DIANE SANDERS, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLICATION AS TO COUNT(s) IV TO THE FOLLOWING DEFENDANTS) WHOSE RESIDENCE ARE UN- KNOWN: TO:. BLANCA F. VALLE OTERO Forest View- Espana 1-13 Bayamon, PR 00956 USA The above named Defendant(s) are not known to be dead or alive and, if dead, the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees, or other claimants, by, through under or against said Defendant(s) and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty described below. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of the institution of the above-styled foreclosure pro- ceedings by the Plaintiff, MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RE- SORTS, INC., upon the filing of a complaint to foreclose a mort- gage and for other relief rela- tive to the following described property: COUNT IV Unit Week 34 in Unit 0122, In GRANDE VISTA CON- DOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Con- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009479 SVO VISTANA VILLAGES, Inc., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ, a single man; ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ, a single man and EVERETT THOMAS, a married man; INDALECIO SOLIS, JR. and LUCIA V. SOLIS, his wife; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 03 in Unit 09107, an Even Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ - COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-009479 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY IVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff ' IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding. you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60135 dominium thereof, as re- corded in Official Records Book 5114 at Page 1488 In the Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. HK#050992.5198 #05-137-10843 January 13 and 20, 2006 60142 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-009590 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. LARRY E. DEATON, JR., a married man; ROBERT O. JOSE a/k/a ROBERT JOSE and CAROL A. EAST-JOSE, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, ROBERT O. JOSE A/KIA ROBERT JOSE AND CAROL A. EAST-JOSE COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 13 in Unit 1988, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA LAKES CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Vistana Lakes Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4859, Page 3789, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declara- tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ROBERT 0. JOSE A/K/A ROBERT JOSE AND CAROL A. EAST-JOSE COUNT II, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 009590 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 5, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: ELAINE CHANDLER CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando. FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to thie provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 13 and 20, 2006 60125 ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof, as recorded In Official Records Book 4263 at Page 0404 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and any amendments thereof. AND you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to the com- plaint, upon MICHAEL SJUGGERUD, ESQUIRE, Hol- land & Knight LLP, 200 S. Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2600, Post Office Box 1526, Orlando, Florida 32802, attorneys for the Plaintiff, on or before thirty (30) days from the first day of publication herein and file the original with the Clerk of the above-styled Court either be- fore service on Plaintiff' attor- ney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be en- tered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED on this 13 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Court BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any ac- commodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assis- tance. Please contact Court Ad- ministration at 425 North Or- ange Avenue, Suite 2130, Or- lando, Florida 32801, telephone (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this document. If hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. THIS DOCUMENT IS AN AT- TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AKnAiNU 1wn vru-MKi urn% uo The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 13B LEGAL ADV ERTISING apopka C)ief Ph: 407-886-2777 Fax: 407-889-4121 LEGALS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES 16A 17A & 6B 13B IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-004881 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ANTONIO BLANCH and MANON BLANCH, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, ANTONIO BLANCH AND MANON BLANCH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 04 in Unit 0001, VISTANA CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurte- nances thereto, according and subject to the Declara- tion of Condominium of Vistana Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 3167, Page 1201, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. Together with a remainder over after termination in fee simple absolute, as tenant in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in all phases of said condo- minium on October 1, 2020 in that fractional interest set forth in the Declaration of Condominium. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005- CA-004881 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 3,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK. DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 6 and 13, 2006 60099 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-2525 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. JACQUELINE R. HIGHTOWER and EUGENE HIGHTOWER, III, her husband; et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, JACQUELINE R. HIGHTOWER AND EUGENE HIGHTOWER, III COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 49 in Unit 03205, an Even Biennial UnitWeek, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendmentsthereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO JACQUELINE R. HIGH- TOWER AND EUGENE HIGHTOWER, III COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 2525 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Cir- cuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 3, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407)843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice Impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 6 and 13, 2006 60095 NOTICE OF SALE The following property will be sold at public auction per F 677.209-10 for storage and other charges for which a lien on is claimed. Auction Is January 27, 2006 at 10:00 AM at Orl Truck & Trailer Repair Inc (Lienor), 339 Thorpe Rd, Orland 32824. Phone 407-438-7633, No titles, as is, cash only. 1991 Dane Trailer, VIN 1GRAA5611MB025603. Owner: Ideal Che and Supply Co. Lessee: North/South Movers. Lienholder: N Interested parties, contact: State Filing Service, Inc 772-595-9 January 6 and 13, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-CA-4490 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. EARL BARKLEY, JR. and VALERIE BARKLEY, his wife; Et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, ELIZABETH BROWN - COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 36 in Unit 03304, an Even Biennial Unit Week, BELLA FLORIDA CONDO- MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- minium of Bella Florida Con- dominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 6222, Page 1987, Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ('Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ELIZABETH BROWN - COUNT-II, entered in Civil No. 2004-CA-4490 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 3, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: CORINE HERRY CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 6 and 13, 2006 60096 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA- 005570 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. BROKERS INSURANCE GROUP, INC., A SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION; DAVID H. MCKENZIE and DELORIS A. MCKENZIE, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, BROKERS INSURANCE GROUP, INC., A SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION COUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 12 in Unit 2757, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration"), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO BROKERS INSURANCE GROUP, INC., A SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION - COUNT I, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-005570 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Or- ange County, Florida. DATED this January 3, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 6 and 13, 2006 60093 I Stat same lando do FL Great mical one. 9555. 60086 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA- 005215 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee Plaintiff, vs. JEANNIE MASON, a married woman and RUTH E. LEWIS, a single woman, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, ANDREA LUBERTO- GALPERIN COUNT V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 24 in Unit 2440, an Even Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA CASCADES CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Cascades Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 5312, Page 2312, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any ("Declaration'), subject to taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all other matters of record. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO ANDREA LUBERTO-GALPE- RIN COUNT V, entered in Civil No. 2005-CA-005215 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida: DATED this January 3, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the CircuiFtCourt By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 6 and 13, 2006 60094 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-005219 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation, as nominee, Plaintiff, vs. SHARON L. BORZON, a married woman; BARRY F. MOUNTS A/K/A B. F. MOUNTS and CAROL A. MOUNTS, his wife, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANTS, BARRY F. MOUNTS A/K/A B. F. MOUNTS AND CAROL A. MOUNTS COUNT II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 52 in Unit 1489, an Even Biennial Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS II CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains II Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4598, Page 3299, Public Records of Or- ange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure AS TO BARRY F. MOUNTS A/K/A B. F. MOUNTS AND CAROL A. MOUNTS COUNT II, en- tered in Civil No. 2005-CA- 005219 now pending in the Cir- cuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED this January 3, 2006. Lydia Gardner Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Pleasecon- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 6 and 13, 2006 60098 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9636 # 40 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. HIRCOCK ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: DANIEL R. KITSON RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) DANIEL KITSON, a single man, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the prop- erty herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 4/86464 -Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- der over in fee simple abso- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO: 05-CA-9659-39 WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE PLAINTIFF VS. MICHAEL S. HAMER, ET AL DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF ACTION - CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: MICHAELS. HAMER whose residence is 6362 LAKE HORSESHOE DRIVE, OR- LANDO, FLORIDA 32818. and who is evading service of process and the unknown de- fendants who may be spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, as- signees, ilenors, creditors, trust- ees, and all parties claiming an interest by, through, under or against the Defendant(s), who are not known to be dead or alive, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property de- scribed in the mortgage being foreclosed herein. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to' foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- erty: LOT 51, OF HORSESHOE BEND SECTION 1, AC- CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 142AND143,OFTHE PUB- LIC RECORDS OF OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA- 9484 #33 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MARKLAND ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: ANOTHAI TECHAMONTRIKUL RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming inter- est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) ANOTHAI TECHAMONTRI- KUL, a single man, and all par- ties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the fol- lowing described property in Orange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 47/4211 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas I, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided interest in the common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Con- dominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 3300, Page 2702, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 7, page 59, until 12:00 noon on the first Saturday 2061, at which date said estate shall terminate: TO- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-9638 #35 ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SINCLAIR ET.AL., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION To: ANDRES R. VILLARREAL and DAISY M. VILLARREAL RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN And all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendants) ANDRES VILLARREAL and DAISY VILLARREAL, a married couple, and all parties having or claiming to have any right. title or interest in the property herein described: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mort- gage/claim of lien on the follow- ing described property in Or- ange County, Florida: WEEK/UNIT(S) 52 & 53/3623 Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas III, a Condo- minium, together with an undivided Interest in the common elements appurte- nant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- minium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 5914, Page 1965, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, the plat of which is recorded in Condominium Book 28, page 84-92, until 12:00 noon on the first Sat- urday 2061, at which dale said estate shall terminate: TOGETHER with a remain- lute as tenant In common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the above described Condominium In the percentage interest es- tablished in the Declara- tion of Condominium. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jerry E. Aron, Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 2505 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 301, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33407, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before ser- vice on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 28 day of DECEMBER, 2005. Lydia Gardner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Yahaira Santiago CIVIL COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Court Ad- ministrator/A.D.A. Coordina- tor, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801, not later that five (5) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing im- paired, (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or Voice (V) (800) 955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. January 6 and 13, 2006 60082 you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, on DAVID J. STERN, ESQ. Plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- dress is 801 S. University Drive, Ste 500, Plantation, FL 33324 on or before February 16, 2006 (no later than 30 days from the date of the first publication of this Notice of Action) and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court at ORANGE County, Florida, this 27 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL DEPUTY CLERK IFYOU ARE a personwith a dis- ability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are en- titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Adminis- tration at 425 North Orange Av- enue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Telephone: (407) 836-2303 within two (2) working --ysMor-your recerpr or M- days of your receipt or in tice of Hearing; If you are ing or voice impaired call 1 955-8771. LAW OFFICES OF DAVID J. STERN, P.A. ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-47734 MYNW January 6 and 13, 2006 GETHER with a remain over in fee simple abso as tenant in common the other owners of al unit weeks in the above scribed Condominium ii percentage interest es Wished in the Declaratio Condominium. has been filed against yo you are required to se copy of your wntten deft if any, to it on Jerry E. Plaintiff's attorney, whoa dress is 2505 Metroc Blvd., Suite 301, West Beach, Florida, 33407, thirty (30) days after th pub ication of this Notici file the original with the C this Court either before s on Plaintiff's attorney or diately thereafter, other default will be entered a you for the relief deman the Complaint. WITNESS my han seal of this Court on the of DECEMBER, 2005. Lydia G CLERK 01O CIRCUIT C ORANGE COt FLI YAHAIRA SANT CIVIL COURT Deputy In accordance with the A cans with Disabilities Ac sons with disabilities nee special accommodation I ticipate in this proce should contact the Cou ministrator/A.D.A. Coord 425 North Orange Avenu lando, Florida 32801, no that five (5) days prior proceeding. If hearing iml (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or (V) (800) 955-8770, via F Relay Service. January 6 and 13, 2006 der over in fee simple solute as tenant in c mon with the other own of all the unit weeks in above described Con minium in the percent interest established In Declaration of Con minium. has been filed against yo you are required to se copy of your written defe if any, to it on Jerry E. Plaintiff's attorney, whose dress is 2505 Metroc Blvd., Suite 301, West Beach, Florida, 33407, thirty (30) days after th publication of this Notice file the original with the of this Court either before vice on Plaintiff's attorn immediately thereafter, wise a default will be ean against you for the relief handed in the Complain WITNESS my han. seal of this Court on II day of DECEMBER, 20i Lydia Ga CLERK O0 CIRCUIT C ORANGE COU FLC YAHAIRA SANT CIVIL COURT Deputy In accordance with the / cans with Disabilities Ac sons with disabilities ne a special accommodate participate in this proce should contact the Cou ministrator/A.D.A. Coo tor, 425 North Orange Av Orlando, Florida 3280 later that five (5) days p the proceeding. If hearing paired, (TDD) (800) 955- or Voice (V) (800) 955- via Florida Relay Servic January 6 and 13, 200' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 48-2006- CP-000002-O IN RE: Estate of SALVATORE JAMES CERNIGLIA, S.S. Number: 164-14-9075 Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE ADMINISTRATION of the estate of Salvatore James Cerniglia, deceased, File Num- ber 48-2006-CP-000002-O is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 340, Orlando, FL 32801. The name of the personal represen- tative and personal representative's attorney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All known or reasonably ascertainable, including contin- gent creditors of the decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice must IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 45-2005-CA- 10223 Div. 34 THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF THE EQCC ASSET BACKED CERTIFI- CATES, SERIES 2001-2, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY HARRISON, DECEASED, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- CIARIES, DEVISEES, AS- SIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI- TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST INTHE ESTATE OF DOROTHY HARRISON, DECEASED (Residence Un- known) RODERICK HARRISON (Resi- dence Unknown) PHYLLIS W. HARRISON (Resi- dence Unknown) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT 15, BLOCK "B", IVEY LANE ESTATES, FIRST i5 No- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN hear- AND FOR ORANGE 1-800- COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 05-CA-8941 #37 ITIFF ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PALISCH ET.AL., 60079 Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION nder olute To: JACQUES POTVIN and with HELEN D. PARENT I the e de- RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN n the stab- And all parties claiming inter- n of est by, through, under or against Defendant(s) JACQUES POTVIN and ou and HELEN PARENT, a single serve a man & a single woman, and all senses, parties having or claiming to . ron have any right, title or interest se ad- in the property herein de- centre scribed: Palm YOU ARE NOTIFIED that Within an action to foreclose a mort- e first gage/claim of lien on the fol- l, and lowing described property in erk office Orange County, Florida: imme- WEEK/UNIT(S) wise a 38/5464 against ded in Of Orange Lake Country Club Villas II, a Condo- minium, together with an d and undivided interest in the 28 day common elements appur- tenant thereto, according to the Declaration of Condo- ardner minium thereof recorded in F THE Official Records Book 4846, .OURT Page 1619, in the Public UNTY, Records of Orange County, ORIDA Florida, and all amend- TIAGO ments thereto, the plat of SEAL which is recorded in Con- y Clerk dominium Book 22, page meri- 132-146, until 12:00 noon Ameri- on the first Saturday 2061, t, per- at which date said estate 4ido mng a to par- eeding ,rt Art * Ad- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF inator, THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ue, Or- IN AND FOR ORANGE it later COUNTY, FLORIDA to the GENERAL JURISDICTION paired, DIVISION rVoice CASE NO: 05-CA-9827 Florida GMAC MORTGAGE CORPORATION 660084 PLAINTIFF VS. ab- om- THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVI- ners SEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGN- the EES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, ndo- TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER age PARTIES CLAIMING AN IN- the TEREST BY, THROUGH, UN- ndo- DER OR AGAINST THE ES- TATE OF JAIME FERRER, DECEASED, ET AL 'u and DEFENDANTS) rve a senses, NOTICE OF ACTION - Aron, CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE se ad- centre TO: UNKNOWN SPOUSE, Palm HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- within EES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, e first CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, e, and AND ALL OTHER PARTIES Clerk CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, e ser- THROUGH, UNDER OR ney or AGAINST THE ESTATE OF other- JAIME FERRER entered whose residence is unknown if ef de- he/she/they be living; and if he/ it. she/they be dead, the unknown defendants who may be d and spouses, heirs, devisees, grant- he 28 ees, assignees, lienors, credi- 05. tors, trustees, and all parties claiming an interest by, through, ardner under or against the Defen- F THE dants, who are not known to be OURT dead or alive, and all parties UNTY, having or claiming to have any ORIDA right, title or interest in the prop- IAGO erty described in the mortgage SEAL being foreclosed herein, y Clerk YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Ameri- that an action to foreclose a t, per- mortgage and enforce a lost ceding note and/or mortgage on the fol- ion to lowing property: ceding rt Ad- UNIT NUMBER 1633-D, OF rdina- THE WEATHERLY CON- 'enue, DOMINIUMS AT CENTRAL 1, not PARK, A CONDOMINIUM rior to ACCORDINGTOTHEDEC- ng im- LARATION OF CONDO- 8-6771, MINIUM RECORDED IN 8770, OFFICIAL RECORDS ca. BOOK 4739, PAGE 3308, 6 OF THE PUBLIC 0n0a1 RECORD OF ORANGE file their claims with this WITHIN THE LATER THREE MONTHS AFTER DATE OF THE FIRST Pl CATION OF THIS NOTIC THIRTY DAYS AFTER DATE OF SERVICE C COPY OF THIS NOTICE THEM. All other creditors of th cedent and persons h claims or demands again decedent's estate must file claims with this court Wl THREE MONTHS AFTER DATE OF THE FIRST Pl CATION OF THIS NOTIC ALL CLAIMS DEMA AND OBJECTIONS NO' FILED WILL BE FORE BARRED. The date of the first pu tion of this Notice is Janus 2006. Personal Represent Rebecca M 369 Sesame Apopka, FL Attorney for Personal Representative: GEORGE C. KELLEY, ES P.O. Box 1132 Apopka, Florida 32704-11 Telephone: 407 8862130 Florida Bar No. 098523 January 6 and 13, 2006 ADDITION, ACCORD TO THE PLAT THERE AS RECORDED IN P BOOK 2, PAGE 22, PU RECORDS OF ORA COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against yo you are required to serve of your written defenses, to it, on Marshall C. W P.A., Attorney for PI whose address is 181 49TH STREET, SUITE 12 LAUDERDALE FL within thirty (30) days at first publication of this No The Apopka Chief and f original with the Clerk Court either before serv Plaintiff's attorney or im ately thereafter; others default will be entered a you for the relief deman the complaint. In accordance w Americans with Disabiliti persons in need of a spec commodation to particip this proceeding or to acc court service, program oi Ity shall, within a reasc time prior to any proceed need to access a service gram or activity, contact t ministrative Office of the ORANGE, at 425 N. C Avenue, Orlando, FL3280 phone (407) 836-2303 or 955-8771 (THD), or 1-80 8770 (V) via Florida Rela vice. WITNESS my hand a seal of this Court this 28 DECEMBER, 2005. Lydia As Clerk of thi By Phyllis Kipfinge CIRCUIT COURT As Deputy 05-07290 January 6 and 13, 2006 shall terminate: GETHER with a remain over in fee simple abso as tenant in common the other owners of all unit weeks in the above scribed Condominium in percentage interest es lished in the Declaratio Condominium. has been filed against yr you are required to se copy of your written defe if any, to it on Jerry E. Plaintiff's attorney, whoa dress Is 2505 Metroc Blvd., Suite 301, West Beach, Florida, 33407, thirty (30) days after th publication of this Notice le the original with the C this Court either before s on Plaintiff's attorney or diately thereafter, other default will be entered a you for the relief deman the Complaint. WITNESS my han seal of this Court on the 2 of DECEMBER, 2005. Lydia G CLERK O0 CIRCUIT C ORANGE COI FLi YAHAIRA SANT CIVIL COURT Deputy In accordance with the A cans with Disabilities Ac sons with disabilities nee special accommodation * ticipate in this proce should contact the Cou ministrator/A.D.A. Coord 425 North Orange Avenu lando, Florida 32801, no that five (5) days prior proceeding. if hearing imn (TDD) (800) 955-8771, or (V) (800) 955-8770, via I Relay Service. January 6 and 13, 2001 COUNTY, FLORIDA, ALL EXHIBITS AMENDMENTS THEIR TOGETHER WITH AN DIVIDED INTEREST AND TO THE COMIC ELEMENTS AS SCRIBED IN SAID DE RATION APPURTEN THERETO, ALL IN ACC DANCE WITH AND S JECT, HOWEVER, TO OF THE PROVISIONS THE SAID CONDOMIN has been filed against yc you are required to serve of your written defenses, to it on DAVID J. STERN Plaintiff's attorney, whoa dress is 801 S. UNIVE DRIVE, STE 500, PL, TION, FL 33324 no lat 30 days from the date first publication of this no action and file the origin the clerk of this court before service on Plainti torney or immediately th tear; otherwise a default w entered against you for lief demanded in the con or petition filed herein. WITNESS my hand a seal of this Court at OR. County, Florida, this 19 DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GAI CLERK O CIRCUIT C BY: YAHAIRA SAN' CIVIL COURT DEPUTY C IF YOU ARE a person will ability who needs any a modation in order to part in this proceeding, you a titled, at no cost to you, provision of certain assis lease contact Court Ad traction at 425 North Oran enue, Suite 2130, Or Florida 32801. Telephone 836-2303 within two (2) w days of your receipt of th tice of Hearing; If you are ing or voice impaired call 1 955-8771. Law Offices of David J. Stem, P.A. 801 S. University Drive Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954) 233-8000 05-47470 (FNMA) GMA6 January 6 and 13, 200f Court OF I THE UBLI- E OR THE OF A E ON e de- aving st the e their THIN ITHE UBLI- ;E. HANDS T SO EVER blica- ary 6, native: lillikan e Ave. 32703 SQ. 132 60092 DING IEOF PLAT BLIC NGE ou and a copy if any, Vatson, aintiff, 00 NW 20, FT. 33309 ter the tlice in ile the of this ice on nmedi- wise a NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF IMPOUNDED ANIMAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that I will offer for sale and sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described livestock, to-wit: TWO ADULT GELDING HORSES (1-BROWN/WHITE, I-BLACK) at one thirty o'clock in the afternoon or soon thereafter, on the 16th day of January, 2006, at 963 Hancock Lone Palm Road, Orange County, Florida, to satisfy a claim in the sum of approximately $893.44 for fees, expenses for feeding and care, and costs hereof. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Pam Dawson, Judicial Process Sales Coordinator not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Orange County Sheriff's Office, 425 North Orange Avenue. Telephone: (407)836- 4570; If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1- 800-955-8770, via Florida Relay Service. KEVIN E. BEARY, as Sheriff Orange County, Florida BY: SGT KET BROWN As Deputy Sheriff January 6 and 13, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FL CASE NO.: DR05-19763 IN RE: TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF A. H., a minor child. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JOHN HAMEL, JR. Orlando, Florida YOU ARE NOTIFIED that Petition to Terminate Parental Rights Pending Stepparent Adoption proceedings have be- un, petitioned by CONNIE OLEMAN, and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written consent or objection to these proceedings on the Re- spondent, through her attorney, tg ins IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF aed in THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, ith the FLORIDA es Act, CASE NO. 2005-CA-2372 cial ac- pate in VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, cess a INC., a Florida corporation, r activ- Plaintiff, unable vs ing or SONIA SANCHEZ, a married a. pro- woman; at al., he Ad- Defendants. Court, )range NOTICE OF SALE AS TO 1Tele- DEFENDANTS, SUSAN M. 1-800- CODA AND BARBARA L. i0-955- BIERCE COUNT VI ay Ser- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, nd the 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- day of ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Gardner Florida the undersigned Clerk e Court will offer for sale the following er, D.C. described real property: T SEAL y Clerk Unit Week 42 in Unit 1844, an Even Biennial Unit Week, ' .6 VISTANA LAKES CONDO- 60087 MINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, ac- cording and subject to the Declaration of Condo- TO- minium of Vistana Lakes under Condominium, as recorded olute in Official Records Book with 4859, Page 3789, Public the Records of Orange County, a de- Florida, and all amendments ithe thereof and supplements stab- thereto, if any ("Declara- 'n of tion"), subject to taxes for the current year and subse- quent years, and all other ou and matters of record. serve a enses. The aforesaid sale will be Aron, made pursuant to a Final Judg- se ad- ment of Foreclosure entered in centre Civil Case No. 2005-CA-2372 Palm now pending in the Circuit Court within of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in ae first and for Orange County, Florida. e, and ;lerk of DATED on January 3,2006. service LYDIA GARDNER imme- Clerk of the Circuit Court wise a By: CORINE HERRY against CIVIL COURT SEAL ded in Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE d and Florida Bar No.: 0010193 28 day LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ardner ASSOCIATION F THE 215 North Eola Drive OURT Post Office Box 2809 UNTY, Orlando. FL 32802 ORIDA Telephone: (407) 843-4600 TIAGO Attorneys for Plaintiff SEAL IMPORTANT If you are a y Clerk person with a disability who needs any accommodation in Ameri- order to participate in this pro- It, per- ceeding, you are entitled, at no ding a cost to you, to the provisions of to par- certain assistance. Please con- eeding tact Court Administration at 425 irt Ad- North Orange Avenue, Suite inator, 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, ue, Or- Telephone (407) 836-2303 ot later within (2) working days of your to the receipt of this document; 1f you paired, are hearing or voice impaired,, rVoice call 1-800-955-8771. Florida January 6 and 13, 2006 60100 6 60083 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AND OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR AND ORANGE COUNTY IEOF, I UN- CASE NO. 05-CA-10388 T IN MON FREMONTINVESTMENTAND DE- LOAN, CLA- Plaintiff, IANT vs. COR- D. SCOTT HEINEMAN, INDI- SUB- VIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEE )ALL OF WAHAB FAMILY TRUST; S OF at, al., IUM. Defendants. ou and NOTICE OF ACTION a copy if any, TO: ESQ. D. SCOTT HEINEMAN, IN- se ad- DIVIDUALLY AND AS RSITY TRUSTEE OF WAHAB ANTA- FAMILY TRUST; UN- er than KNOWN SPOUSE OF D. of the SCOTT HEINEMAN; KURT tice of F. JOHNSON, INDIVIDU- al with ALLY AND AS TRUSTEE either OF WAHAB FAMILY iff's at- TRUST; UNKNOWN ereaf- SPOUSE OF KURT F. will be JOHNSON; MUHAMMED there- A. WAHAB AKA nplaint MUHAMMAD A. WAHAB; HANANE CHARRAT; UN- KNOWN TRUSTEES, BEN- nd the EFICIARIES, DEVISEES, ANGE GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, day of LIENORS, CREDITORS OR OTHER CLAIMANTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR RDNER AGAINST, THE WAHAB DF THE FAMILYTRUST, ;OURT TIAGO D. SCOTT HEINEMAN, IN- T SEAL DIVIDUALLY AND AS CLERK TRUSTEE OF WAHAB FAMILY TRUST; Ia: 12128 hadis- SHADOWBROOK LANE, ccom- ORLANDO, FL. 32828 and icipate the last known residence are en- of the Defendants, UN- to the KNOWN SPOUSE OF D. stance. SCOTT HEINEMAN; KURT minis- F. JOHNSON, INDIVIDU- ge Av- ALLY AND AS TRUSTEE lando, OF WAHAB FAMILY 3:(407) TRUST; UNKNOWN working SPOUSE OF KURT F. is No- JOHNSON; MUHAMMED e hear- A. WAHAB AKA 1-800- MUHAMMAD A. WAHAB; HANANE CHARRAT; UN- KNOWN TRUSTEES, BEN- EFICIARIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS OR OTHER CLAIMANTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR P AGAINST, THE WAHAB FAMILY TRUST are: 5208 60085 60077 R. GREGORY COLVIN, ES- QUIRE, whose address Is 1000 E. Robinson Street, Suite G, Post Office Box 3106, Orlando, Florida, 32802 on or before January 12, 2005. You must also forward the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. Or- ange Avenue, Room 320, Or- lando, Florida, 32801, prior to service of respondentsor imme- diately thereafter. IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO, A DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU. DATED this 29 day of No- vember, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By:/s/ Ashley Knox CIRCUIT COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk December 23,30, 2005, January 6, and January 13, 2006 59948 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2005-CA-3597 VISTANA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. NIGEL C. ADAMS; at al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE AS TO DEFENDANT, COMPANIA EXPORTADORA SUDAMERICANA SRL, A PARAGUAY CORPORATION COUNTII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 25, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. at the Or- ange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 350, Orlando, in Orange County Florida the undersigned Clerk will offer for sale the following described real property: Unit Week 42 in Unit 1573, an Annual Unit Week, VISTANA FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM, together with all appurtenances thereto, according and sub- ject to the Declaration of Condominium of Vistana Fountains Condominium, as recorded in Official Records Book 4155, Page 509, Pub- lic Records of Orange County, Florida, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, if any. The aforesaid sale will be made pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Civil Case No. 2005- CA-3597 now pending in the Circuit Court of the NINTH Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. DATED on January 3,2006. LYDIA GARDNER Clerk of the Circuit Court By: COLLENETTE HALL COUNTY COURT SEAL Deputy Clerk VALERIE N. BROWN, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 0010193 LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 215 North Eola Drive Post Office Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone: (407) 843-4600 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro- ceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions of certain assistance. Please con- tact Court Administration at 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, Telephone (407) 836-2303 within (2) working days of your receipt of this document; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. January 6 and 13, 2006 60097 PHILLIPS OAK, OR- LANDO, FL. 32812 If alive, and if dead, all par- ties claiming interest by, through, underoragainst Def Name and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property described herein. YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthatan action for Foreclosure of Mort- gage on the following described property: LOT(S) 9, PHILLIPS COVE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 53, PAGE(S) 148 AND 149, OF THE PUBLIC REC- ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Lisa M. Rogers., Attor- ney for Plaintiff, whose address is 951 N.E. 167th Street, Suite 204, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 within 30 days after the first publication of this notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or imme- diately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded In the complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 26 day of DECEMBER, 2005. LYDIA GARDNER As Clerk of the Court By: YAHAIRA SANTIAGO CIVIL COURT SEAL As Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, per- sons needing a reasonable ac- commodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, con- tact the Clerk of the Court's dis- ability coordinator at 407836- 2303, 425 N. ORANGE AV- ENUE, SUITE 2130, OR- LANDO, FL 32801. If hearing impaired, contact (TDD) 800- 9558771 via Florida Relay Sys- tem. This Is an attempt to collect a debt. Any Information ob- tained willbe used for that purpose. Our file #17169/Admin January 6 #nd 13,2006 60078 Legal Notices can be found on-line at www.theapopkachief.com _ ,a m mtm , The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 14B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 01. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. Counseling 13. Good Things To Eat 14. Legal Services 15. Lost and Found 16. Notices 17. Personals 18. Vacation Information 19. Wanted 20. Antiques & Collectibles 21. Health & Nutrition 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted 32. Help Wanted 33. Part-Time Help Wanted 40. FINANCIAL 41. Business Opportunities 42. Money To Lend 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS AND LIVESTOCK 51. Horses 52. Pets 53. Miscellaneous 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. Appliances, Large 62. Appliances, Small 63. Farm Supplies & Equipment 64. Foliage For Sale 65. Furniture 66. Garage Sales 67. Musical Instruments 68. Nursery Supplies 69. Sporting Goods 70. Miscellaneous 71. Jewelry 72. Computers/Electronics 80. TRANSPORTATION 81. Autos For Sale 82. Boats For Sale 83. Motorcycles For Sale 84. Recreational Vehicles for Sale 86. Trucks For Sale 87. Vans For Sale 88. Transportation For Hire 89. Trailers For Sale 90. AUTOMOTIVE 91. Automotive Repair & Parts 92. Auto Accessories 93. Auto Detailing 94. Miscellaneous 17U. StHWv.ib 111. Child Care 112. Home 113. Landscaping 114. Professional 115. Elderly Care 116. Miscellaneous 117. Cemetery 120. SCHOOLS 121. Professional 122. Trade 130. REAL ESTATE 131. Vacant Land 132. Condominiums For Sale 133. Homes For Sale 134. Townhomes/Duplexes For Sale 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 136. Mobile Homes/RVs For Sale 137. Commercial Property For Sale 138. Homes To Share 139. Apartments/Condos For Rent 140. Homes/Duplexes For Rent 141. Mobile Homes For Rent 141A. Manufactured Homes For Rent 142. Rooms For Rent 143. Offices For Rent 144. Commercial Property for Rent 145. Real Estate Wanted 146. Exchange 147. Nurseries for Sale or Rent" 14R Rental Prnnortv Wanted 01. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ARE YOU LOOKING for an employee? Advertise here next week. Call 407- 886-2777. Oak Springs New & Pre-owned Homes for Sale. FINANCING AVAILABLE! 352-383-6810 10. ANNOUNCE- MENTS 12. Counseling 14. Legal Services BANKRUPTCY IS ALL we do. Over 23 years ex- perience in bankruptcy aw. Chapter 7,11, & 13. Mention this ad for free consultation. Robert H. Pflueger, P.A. 407-339- 2022. J N0113-0120 ROB 14 FAMILY, CRIMINAL, im- migration, wills & trusts. Laura Sterling, P.A., At- torney at Law. Call 407- 331-5505. J N1223-0113TFN STE 14 15. Lost and Found MALE, 1 YEAR, BASSET hound from Golden Gem Road, Apopka. Answers to Fred. Contact 407-880- 9786. N0113-0120 CAS 15 16. Notices COMPUTER REPAIR - Home or business. Fast turn-around. Manage- ment Solutions. Offering years of professional ser- vice & knowledge. 404W. Main Street, Apopka. 407- 410-0013. J N0106-0113 TFN MAN 16 17. Personals 18. Vacation Information 10. Wanted Cell Phones Wanted Will buy used cell phones 407-889-5554 20. Antiques & Collectibles DO YOU HAVE EXTRA furniture? Advertise here next week. Call 407-886- 2777. 21. Health & Nutrition PET CARE Pet Care Center of Apopka. Rock Springs Road & Ponkan. Full service. Bloodwork, x-rays. Always caring for your family pet. 407-884- 8924. J N0106-0113 TFN PET 21 DO YOU PROVIDE care for the elderly? Advertise it here next week. Call 407-886-2777. DO YOU PROVIDE land- scaping services? Adver- tise it here next week. Call 407-886-2777. PETS FOR SALE? Ad- vertise in this spot next week. Call 407-886-2777. 407-654-2371 525 N. Lakewood Ave., Ocoee Nights* Weekends Walk-ins -Visas Work Permits Citizenships* Residence Cards Family Petitions Visiting Visas Quit Claim Deeds Fiance Visas Translations Without children, property or debt $160 with children, property or debt FREE Consultation Se habla Espaiol Non-Lawyer DIRECTORY p -- -, tt27-244 I SeioDic Apopka.Bott- CLASSIFIED INDEX Deadline is Monday a 5 p in. Call 407-886-2777. The Law Office of Linda Drew Kingston 36 North Park Avenue Apopka, Florida 32703 linda@lindakingstonlaw.com Office phone: 407-889-3933 qene al w actie including: Real Estate Divorce/Custody Wills & Trusts Probate/Guardianship Bankruptcy Adoption and Corporate Se Habla Espaiol The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written information about my qualifications and experience. IU. FlUiRal VIULJU;IIL VVCIIILUU Isto-rage sp LB W Pointing] The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 15B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday KIDZ PUZZLES "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! Call 407-886-2777 DEADLINE: Monday, 5 p.m. 30. EMPLOYMENT 31. Employment Wanted ENJOY LEARNING TO play piano. 5 years through adults in my home. Call Judy. 407-928- 9010. C0113-0203 MCC 31 32. Help Wanted WELDERS, LAYOUTS & Fitters. Overtime, excel- lent benefits. Call 407- 293-0120 or come by Foote Steele Corp., 6635 Edgewater Drive, Or- lando. E.O.E. A1223-0113 TFN FOO 32 CONCRETE CURB la- borer needed. Experience helpful. Transportation a must. Willing to work and learn. Call 407-886-3394. Leave message. B0113-0203 TFN RIG 32 EXPERIENCED AUTO mechanic wanted. Must have diagnostic ability, top notch skills and beableto work with the latest equip- ment. We offer great pay & benefits to the right per- son. 5 day work week. Call 407-880-3530. E A0113-0120 J&K 32 EARN EXTRA MONEY Do producttastetests and product evaluations. 436 & Hunt Club. Consumer Connections. 407-862- 1174. CC0113-0203 TFN CON 32 Experienced Auto Mechanic needed. 5-day work week. Excellent pay & benefits to qualified person. (Apopka) 407-880-8221 32. Help Wanted PAINTER & SUB con- tractors wanted. Experi- enced only. Call Jim 407- 832-9812. W0805-0728/06 STO 32 DRIVERS NEEDED - Class A or B. 407-947- 9198. A0113-0203 TFN MCG 32 HELP NEEDED-NO ex- perience necessary. McGeeTire Shop, 130 E. 7th Street. 407-889-9250. A0113-0203 TFN MCG 32 EXPERIENCED AUTO mechanic wanted. Good pay. Call 407-461-8306. E N0113-0120 TFN MAS 32 LANDSCAPE foreman, 5 yrs. exp. Layout, reprints, comm/res. Class B Li- cense. 407-884-0303, 407-467-7282. B0113-0203 MJM 32 BEAUTIFUL& BEYOND Lead stylist looking to build a team of self-moti- vated artistic hairstylist, nail tech and massage therapists with a follow- ing. Rental or commis- sion. Call Narciso. 407- 880-1300. E N30113-0120 BEA 32 EXPERIENCED kitchen prep. 407-886-2360. B0113-0203 TFN ROM 32 EXPERIENCED dish- washer & PT/FT break- fast cook needed. Call 407-886-3344. Ask for Ken or apply in person. 657 W. O.B.T., Apopka. W0113-0203 KEN 32 STRUCTURAL Engi- neering company seek- ing Florida professional engineer. Part/full time. Work mainly focused on residential engineering with some small commer- cial projects. Salary $65,000 to $80,000. Lo- cated in the Central Florida area. Phone 407- 740-7111. Fax 407-740- 7656. Email esg@esgonline.net. CC1223-0113 ENG 32 Grower/ Greenhouse Manager Fax Resume to 407-886-1516 32. Help Wanted RECEPTIONIST AND veterinarian and kennel technician for local ani- mal hospital. Experienced preferred, but will train. Enthusiasm and good work ethic valued above all. 407-774-1515. Fax 407-774-0388. C0113-0203 RIV 32 PLUMBERS & helpers needed immediately. Great pay. 407-388-0000. C0113-0303 JEF 32. WAREHOUSE person. Ir- rigation wholesale dis- tributor. Class "D" CDL license. 2621 W. OBT, Apopka. 407-889-0212. B0113-0203 TFN TWC 32 WOOD FRAMERS, deckers & experienced helpers. Established cus- tom home framing com- pany hiring for steady work. Ask about our sign- on bonus. Paul. 407-702- 4885. B1223-0113 TFN THO 32 LAWN MAINTENANCE help wanted. Depend- able. Top pay. 407-880- 8048. W01 13-0203 TAY 32 NEED EXPERIENCED breakfastcook. Good pay. Zellwood Station Country Club. Apply in person. 407-889-5131. 81230-0120WHI 32 INSURANCE AGENCY looking for strong sales, customer oriented person. Computer literate, self- motivated, bilingual. Fax resumes to 407-884- 0068. CC0113-0203 ALL 32 Greeting, answering incoming calls, & general office duties. FT, M-F Call 407-598-1209 32. Help Wanted CDL "A" DRIVERS Apopka-based LTL car- rier hiring OTR 2, 3 & 4 week runs. Also FL-GA drivers. Homeweekends. 2 years experience re. quired. No HAZMAT. Great equipment & ben- efits including direct de- posit, 401 (k), medical/ dental/vision, bonus & ride programs! Call John. 888- 966-2953 or apply online @ honey-bestway.com. B0113-0203 HON 32 PRODUCTION workers needed. Entry level. Will train. 12 hour shifts. Full time, 3-4 days a week. Steady work history& H.S. degree required. Call 407- 599-5102 or apply online www.corestaff.com. 81230-0120 COR 32 CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring concrete foreman. Minimum 3 years experi- ence. Full time. Benefits. Affirmative Action EOE/ Drug Free M/F/D/V. W1216-0630 CAS 32 CASTILLE COMPANY, Inc. 407-830-8431. Now hiring concrete curb fin- ishers. Full time. Benefits. Affirmative Action EOE/ Drug Free M/F/D/V. W1216-0630 CAS 32 FULL TIME HELP wanted. Must be bilingual. Office experience & basic computer required. Tax experience preferred. Monday-Friday. Apopka area. 407-814-1810. E N0113-0120 BAX 32 MILLWORK ASSEMBLY Local Door & Trim Co. Whse-Exp Millwork & Door Assembly. Handtools & Lifting Required. F/T, Days, M-F. Benefits. 407-598-1209 Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses is looking for full time production and shipping people. Apply at 2009 Marden Road, Apopka 8:30 am 4:30 pm, Mon. Fri. 0 "'- V" -HIAO -O Packing & Shipping plus general nursery work. Now thru May $$$ Daily Pay!!$$$ Connell Farms 150 Bradshaw Rd., Apopka or call 407-886-3255 TEAK ISLE, Inc., A manufacturer of quality marine accessories, is in need of full-time employees.for night and day shift Fast growing company provides hard workers with opportunity for advancement. Woodworking and assembly skills preferred. We are a drug-free workplace. Apply in person Monday Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 401 Capitoi Court, Ocoec or fax resume to 407-656-2344 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted OVERHEAD DOOR in- stallers needed. Commer-- cial construction & weld- ing experience a plus. Must have clean driving record & transportation. Full time with overtime. Apopka area. Call 407- 884-5955. CC0113-0203 FLO 32 FULL TIME greenhouse sorting, production & sup- port help needed for an Apopka nursery. Apply in erson. 4051 Fudge oad, Apopka. 81223-0113 TWY 32 DRIVERS: $8 AND UP to start. Will train, delivery vehiclefurnished. PTdays & weekends. 24-30 hours. Must be customer service oriented. MVR check. Background & drug test required. 407-886-4433. CC1223-0113 ADV 32 BLIMPIE SUBS in Apopka needs experi- enced PT workers, eve- nings & weekends. 1700 S. O.B.T., inside Wal- Mart. 407-464-0727. CC0106-0113 BLI 32 RECEPTIONIST & op- tometrist tech needed for a small friendly optical. Will train for right person. Must have a good atti- tude & work ethic. Team player & professional phone etiquette. Clarke's Optical. 407-862-2020. Michelle or Clarke. W1230-0120 CLA 32 HELP WANTED Mar- keters. Get paid to wave. Please call 407-884- 9003. cc0113 LISB32 EXPERIENCED & trainee level telecommu- nication technicians. Fax resume to 407-389-4378. W0106-0224 STR 32 NURSE/ATTENDANT wanted. Must have own transportation. Experi- ence with paralyzed people. 9 a.m. till noon, 10 to 15 hours per week. $20/hour. Zellwood. Fax information to 407-889- 0257. Serious inquires only. CC0106-0113 PEP 32 CODING MACHINE op- erator needed for factory in Apopka. Will train. 407- 889-3900. CC01.06-0127 KCP 32 NOW HIRING MATURE, energetic crewmembers! We clean homes Monday- Friday, no weekends. Start $9/hour plus paid mileage. Weekly pay. Each applicant needs a car. English required. Drug free workplace. Call 407-877-7738 after 9a.m. CC0106-0127 COT 32 PTOR FT SECRETARY/ receptionistfor small con- struction office. Typing, filing, answering phone, etc. Comp/data entry ex- perience necessary. Ask for Terri 407-293-8773. CC0106-0127SOU 32 Nights 9:00 PM 5:00 AM. We clean shopping centers and malls. Must be dependable, reliable & fast moving, able to carry backpack blower and strong enough to lift trashbags. Dependable with good attitude and stable work history. Clean License and dependable transportation. Starting $300 $350 a week depending on experience. Variable nights off. Call 407-298-1456 for interview. MAINTENANCE PERSON Well-established Apopka foliage nursery seeks full-time person for various duties including light electrical, light mechanical, irrigation, equipment upkeep, miscellaneous repairs, etc. Clean driving record, wages = experience. We pay time & a half. Drug-free workplace. 407-886-0045 / 1020 Ocoee-Apopka Road A~N~R Suite # 100 Apopka, FL 32703 (DOOR SYSTEMS, INC.) (407) 880-4664 Overhead Door Installers Needed Monday Friday, 50-60 hrs. / week. Excellent pay & benefits Experience helpful but will train right person MUST be 18, dependable, able to lift heavy objects AND have VALID FL drivers license. MECHANIC 1 United Rentals Heavy Machinery is seeking a mechanic to maintain and repair excavators, dozers, articulated end dumps, motor graders, compaction equipment and loaders. Must have a high school diploma with 3+ years experience repairing equipment with mechanical, hydraulic, pniematic, and electrical systems. We offer a competitive compensation and health benefits package including 401K plan. Email mabrown@ur.com. EOE There's a beautiful career on your horizon. Join the team whose compassionate competence has earned us recognition by J.D. Power and Associates as one of America's most Distinguished Hospitals. \e are currently seeking qualified candidates for the following: SCafeteria (FT & PT) Care Cook (IF) Stockroom (PT) Dishwasher (PT) Housekeeping (PI') Floor Finishers (FT Nights) All positions are provided with paid & laundered unitorms generous benefits package that includes on- sute child care. For more information or for immediate consideration. apply online at: www.fhwat.org Forward your resume to: Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way, Hwy. North 441, Tavares. FL 32778, or contact Sue Ktug at (352) 253-3930, or toll-free: 877-2)8- 7329. Fax: (352) 253-3454, Email: ssan.krug ahss.org. EOE. Drug-free, Smoke-free Workplace. www.fhwat.org Mechanic/Assembly Tech Wanted Truck Body Manufacturing Company Good Pay for Qualified Applicant Apopka/SR 441 Area Assembly of Construction Lube & Mechanic/Service Trucks Air & Hydraulic Systems, and other General Mechanical Skills Helpful Must have own tools/transportation Call 407-889-5688 or 321-228-6574 q.You've Found It! ^, 'The best weekly newspaper in Central Florida El e Apopka ~htief gives you what you've been looking for. I f High School Sports Local News and Politics Money-Saving Coupons Classified Bargains & More Don't miss another issue Subscribe Today!!! Take About 2 Minutes to fill in your name and address on the subscription form below, write your check, drop it in the mail to 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32712, and you will get the latest neighborhood news every week for the next year, delivered to your door by the postman or Subscribe Online at www.th eapopkachi efcom "be Spopha Chief 1 Home Delivery for Only $18 a Year! I I New or Renewal(Orange County) $23 Out of County I Name H I Address I City State Zip_________ I Phone No. I Amt. Enclosed $___________ ISA I Clip This Coupon and Mail To: The Apopka Chief I 439 W. Orange Blossom Trail P.O. Box 880 Apopka, FL 32704-0880 407-886-2777 Fax 407-889-4121 illmmli mmmmmmmmlmmmlmmmmmmmmm lll I The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 16B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 82. Help Wanted ADMINISTRATIVE as. sistant. Local marketing company seeks detail ori- ented administrative as- sistant to handle multi- task office duties. Com- puter & organizational skills required. Fax re- sume to 321-256-5158 or call 321-256-1883. CC1223-0113 TAR 32 2WAREHOUSEworkers needed for manufactur- ing company in Apopka. 2 years experience in shipping/receiving. Pay ' $9-$11/hour. Send re- sume today to maitland@corestaff.com or fax to 407-644-0028. Applications available at www.corestaff.com. B1230-0120 COR 32 TAX PREPARER -Train- ing provided. Call 407- 884-9003. CC0113LIB 32 DIESEL MECHANIC Benefits plus $18/hr. start for experience with truck, forklift, trailers, & tractors. a. 407-877-0709 407-877-0709 32. Help Wanted 32. Help Wanted BARN HELP: STALL cleaning Mondaythrough Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Starts at $6.50. Call Dee 407-353-6673. CC1230-0120 FOS 32 RECEPTIONIST for medical office. Experi- ence in medical terminol- ogy, computer skills. No- smoking. Send resumeto: P.O. Box 2556, Apopka, FL 32704. B1230-0120 MOR 32 MAINTENANCE person. Well established foliage nursery seeks full time person for irrigation, light electrical, equipment up- keep and miscellaneous repairs etc. Clean driving record. Wages = experi- ence. We pay time & a half. Drug free workplace. 407-886-0045. B0113 PRO 32 Evergreen is cur- rently interviewing for Lawn and Shrub Care Spe- cialist. We offer a great work environ- ment, top compen- sation (32-35 K/Yr), and great benefits. Fax resume (407) 880-3777 or Call (407) 380-6655 today. You'll be glad you di l AVON FT/PTMGMT. op- Sortunity. Join my team. arn 50% profit for 2 months plus a bonus your first week. Call Cindy 407- 886-9470 for appoint- ment. CC0113 CUR 32 STYLIST POSITIONS available for busy salon. Full & part time available. HairNow. 321-239-3727. A0113-0203 HAl 32 WANTED FRONT of- fice administrative assis- tant for small sales busi- ness in downtown Apopka. Must have a minimum of 5 years ex- perience with MS Office, QuickBooks & general office duties. Please send resume & income require- ments via email to info@psipos.com or fax to 321-315-0303. No agencies. CC0113-0120 PLA 32 DRIVER Sod, CLASS A Local, Clean MVR, $40K Plus Benefits. Off Road & Forklift Experience Required. 407-877-070.9 32. Help Wanted FULL TIME SERVERS 100% flexibility. $7/hour to start. Apply at Porky's BBQ Restaurant, Tues- day thru Thursday, 2 4 p.m., 256 E. Main Street, Apopka. CC0113-0120 POR 32 ROOF SERVICE TECH needed. Will train right person. Apply at 894 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Or- lando or call 407-660- 8552. CC0113-0203 ONE 32 METAL FRAMERS - Residential, laborers & apprentices. No experi- ence necessary. Serious inquires only. 407-886- 6893. B0113-0203 MET 32 CLEANERS Cleaning Authority. Up to $9/hour. Car required. Monday- Friday. 407-332-7639. CC0113-0203 TUL 32 32. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED PHONE person needed. Apopka location. PTdays. Weekly pay salary plus bonus. Call 407-464-2169. B0113 PRO 32 FULL & PT PAINTER/ handyperson & helper needed. All work phases. Single private home ex- teriors. Experience pre- ferred. JG Elder Remod- eling. 407-619-2613. CC0113 ELD 32 WANTED GENERAL manager. BBQ restau- rant in Apopka. Fax re- sume. 407-880-3352. CC0106-0127 POR 32 HELP WANTED: Ship- ping department at busy foliage nursery. Reliable, clean driving record. Wages = experience. We pay time & a half. Drug free workplace. 407-886- 0045. B0113 PRO 32 32. Help Wanted FULL TIME mainte- nance. Truck or van re- quired. General repairs, painting, minor landscap- ing. Some local travel mileage.paid. Good skills required. $12to start plus benefits. Call 407-696- 5700. CC0106-0113 HOU 32 APOPKA EVENTS CO. needs experienced tent person. Must have verifi- able experience & pass drug test. 407-435-9191. CC0106-0127 HOL 32 BWI NOW HIRING die- sel service tech. Starting pay $35K & up. Full ben- efits. Fax resumeto: 407- 884-0701 or apply BWI, 3700 W. OBT, Apopka. 407-884-0242. B0106-0127 BWI 32 EXPERIENCED TREE man. Driver's license a plus. 407-832-5458 or 407-886-7920. CC0113-0203 WIN 32 S\MCCoy Federal Credit Union NOW HIRING TELLERS FOR APOPKA OFFICE To be considered for the Teller position you will need the following qualifications: High school diploma Minimum I year related cash handling experience Must be continually alert, use sound judgment, and show patience O. Able to add, subtract, multiply and divide Able to read and comprehend English Able to communicate effectively MInumum Starting wage $9.00 per hour McCoy Federal Credit Union offers excellent benefits and a strong commitment to our team members. We are seeking strongly motivated Individuals to become part of our team. Please APPLY IN PERSON at: McCoy Federal Credit Union 35W. Michigan Street Orlando FL, 32806 between the hours of 9:00 am. and 4:00 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. www.mccoyfcu.org (407) 855-5452 NET W 0 RK BetterTVforall. An S i .. . FREE Receivers ! FREE HD or DVR Equipment Upgrades ! FREE Standard Installation ! FREE Local Channels Call us today!! FREE Movie Channels ! 32. Help Wanted FREE INCOME TAX classes starting January 9. Day & evening classes available. Job opportuni- ties available. Call 407- 884-9003 to register. CC0113 LIB 32 ELECTRICAL technician needed. Electrical experi- ence a must for motor operator trouble shooting & installation. Must have clean driving record & transportation. FT with overtime. Apopka area. Call 407-884-5955. CC0113-0203 FLO 32 INTERESTING FULL or part time phone work. Call businesses all over the country. No experience necessary. 407-774- 5335. A0113-0203 TFN PUB 32 LABORERS NEEDED Day & night shifts avail- able. Full time. Medical benefits. Apply in person, 6424 W. Jones Avenue, Zellwood or 2983 Orange Avenue, Plymouth. 407- 886-2511. A0113-0203 WEK 32 40. FINANCIAL 41. Business Opportunities A CASH COW1 90 vend- ing machine units. You OK locations. Entire business $10,670. Hurryl 800-836- 3464. #802428. CC0113 SUC 41 42. Money To Lend 43. Mortgages Wanted 44. Miscellaneous 50. ANIMALS & LIVESTOCK 51. Horses SQUARE BALES OF horse hay. $4.50 each. 352-483-0407. W0113-0203 BIS 51 52. Pets AQUARIUMS Salt & fresh. Also live rock & fish. Reptile tanks, all equipment new & used. 407-924-2789. CC0113-0203 WES 52 TONS OF KITTENS All colors. First shots, wormed, Advantage. $40 adoption fee includes spay/neuter. Please bring pet carrier. Cat Protection Society. 1-352-735-2287. E0113-0203 GAU 52 52. Pets UKC BLUE NOSE A.P.B.T. Two females, 2 males. $600. First shot, health certificate. Ready 12-29-05. Contact Brett or Kim at 407-765-7762. C1223-0113 SPU 52 FOR SALE: RED NOSE Lely pitbulls. 10weeks old. Sweet disposition. Par- ents can be seen. 407- 880-9369,407-470-4248, 407-468-9903. C0106-0127 GUN 52 53. Miscellaneous PET CARE Pet Care Center of Apopka. Rock Springs Road & Ponkan. Full service. Bloodwork, x-rays. Always caring for your family pet. 407-884- 8924. J N0106-0113 TFN PET 53 60. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 61. Appliances, Largo G.E. ELECTRIC COIL stove. Like new. Off white buff), 4 burner, with oven glass window). $175. 407-814-2347. CC0113 BRO 61 62. Appliances, Small 63. Farm Supplies & Equipment LIVESTOCK FENCING, poultry wire, field fence, arb wire, hardware cloth, Pressure treated post & poles (20 yr. warranty). Split and full rail fencing. Call Ryans Lumber at 407-886-3141. J A0113-0120 RYA 63 64. Foliage For Sale 65. Furniture ENTERTAINMENT cen- ter & matching roll-a-way desk. Washed white oak. $75 each. 407-880-3493. C0106-0127 BAL 65 65. Furniture MATTRESSES & furni- ture. Bunk beds, day beds, futons, memory foam. Furniture for the entire house. Sit& sleep. Victoria Plaza. 407-814-2331. E N0113-0120 TFN FLO 65 DINING ROOM Cherry wood double pedestal tablewith 2 leaves, 6 Chip- pendale chairs, lighted chinacabinet. New, in box. Cost $4,900. Sacrifice $1,650. Server available. 407-260-2088/ CC0113-0203 MEY 65 REDUCED, MUST SELL Living room/Florida room furniture. Like new. Will sell separately or as a set. Two couches in the popu- lar whitewash rattan with pastel cushions. Glasstop matching end table& cof- fee table plus 2 chair-top bar stools. Complete set only $500 OBO. Couches new cost over $600 each. Call today. 407-886-7966. E0113-0127KNO65 RAGAZZI CRIBS One antico white (shabby chic) with mattress, $299.95. One candlelight (wood tone) with mattress, $299.95. Kid's Stop Con- signment, Apopka on SR 436. 407-464-0496. 80113 KID65 MOVING -SOFA, CHAIR, coffee table, other match- ing pieces. Like new in tropical print original from Leaders Casual Furniture, Entire 8 pieces, $900. Green leather loveseat, $175. Triple dresser, chest of drawers, full/queen headboard, $250. 407- 814-9964. C0113ST0O65 66. Garage Sales THREE STAR FLEA MARKET "A REAL Flea Market" Sat. & Sun./Rain or Shine 3 07-le S. ofApopka * o on HWy. 2 1 * 407-293-2722 APOPKA AUTO UPHOLSTERY 48 W. 4th Street, Apopka, FL (Behind Discount Auto) (407) 889-0011 27 Years Experience Chalee &Pal itzerldOwer Announcements Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. Books FREE Publishing Guide. Have you written a book? Publish your book in weeks and have it available for sale worldwide. (888)232-4444 ext.1738 or www.trafford.com/1738. Building Materials METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manu- facturer. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. Business Opportunities ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Millionaire Makers That's what Success Magazine called us in their Cover Story. To learn how we can help you realize YOUR dreams call (800)311-9365. Help Wanted Driver- COVENANT TRANSPORT. Excellent Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses Available. Refrigerated Now Available. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729). BECOME A Mystery Shopper! GAPbuster is currently recruiting mystery shoppers. Get paid to shop and improve customer service. Apply now at: www.gapbuster.com/xec. Small dealership looking for parts person and outside sales for new territory upcoming for new year. Call for Application (800)556-7577. AMERICA'S DRIVINGACADEMYJACKSONVILLE'S CDL SCHOOL ANNOUNCES ITS GRAND OPENING! *Financing Available Call For Details (866)889-0210. CYPRESS TRUCK LINES, INC Driver Designed Dis- patch. FLA ONLY/Flat Bed students welcome. Home Every WeekEnd Most Nights (800)545-1351 www.c'prcsstruck.com. Now Hiring for 2006 Postal Positions $17.50-$59.00+/hr. Full Benefits/Paid Training and Vacations No Experience Necessary (800)584-1775 Reference # 5600. Driver- NOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950. Home For Sale SEEKING A QUALITY LOG HOME MANUFAC- TURER? Dealers Needed Original Old Timer Log Homes High Commissions, Stability, Support, Value. Contact Mr. Henry (800)467-3006 www.oldtimerloghomes.com. Legal Services DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one signature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. ACCIDENTINJUREDAllPersonal Injury *WRONGFUL DEATH *AUTO *MOTORCYCLE *TRUCK *PREMISE/ PRODUCT *ANIMAL BITES *SLIP AND FALL *PE- DESTRIAN A-A-A Attorney Referral Service (800)733- 5342 24 Hours. Miscellaneous MEDICARE "D" DRUG PLAN CONSULTANTS Inde- pendent Physician Managed. We WILLSAVE YOU MONEY! We Work For YOU, Not Insurance Companies CALL (888)325-PILL WWW.MEDICAREDRUGHELP.NET. EARN DEGREE online from home. '*Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job Placement Assistance. Com- puter & Financial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onlinctidewatertcch.com. Real Estate North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. Coastal Southeast Georgia Large wooded water access, marsh view, lake front, and golf oriented homesites from the mid $70's Live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. (877)266-7376. www.cooperspoint.com. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokecmountainrealty.com Call for Free Brochure (8(X00)841-5868. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUM- MERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REALTY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- ERTIES www.exitmurphy.com. WESTERN NCMOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there is: Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE OF MOUN- TAIN PROPERTY SALES (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.rcallyofmurphy.com. NC MOUNTAINS-Log cabin $89,900. Easy to finish cabin on secluded site. Million $$$ Views Available on t-7 acre parcels $29,900-$79,900. Free Info Available! (828)256-1004. East Alabama Mountain Property For Sale One hour west ofAtlanta in Piedmont, ALBeautiful View 48 acres $144,000 14,400 down 1,087 per month owner financed. Call Glenn (850)545-4928. MOVE TO TENNESSEE! LOOKING FOR LAKE LOTS, LAKE HOMES, LAND, FARMS, VICTORIANS, IN- VESTMENT OR MARINAS WE HAVE IT ALL AT AFFORDABLE PRICES. EXECUTIVE CHOICE REAL ESTATE IN TENNESSEE (865)717-7775 CHARLOTTE BRANSON AGENT OR VISIT MY WEBSITE WWW.EXECUTIVECHOICEREALESTATE.COM OR WWW.CHARLOTTEBRANSON.COM. Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. Adjoins Pristine State Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC. Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams. www.liveinwv.com. NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on mountain top in gated community, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access, $119,500 owner (866)789-8535 www.NC77.com. TENNESSEE LAKEFRONT HOMESITES 1 to 6 acres from the $40s. Spectacular lake, mountain and wooded nature sites newly released. Just 1-1/2 hours to Nashville. Don't miss out! Call (866)339-4966. TENNESSEE LAKESIDE RETREATS New gated com- munity. Incredible lake & mountain views. 1 to 5 acre buildingsites from the $40s. Lake access, boat ramp, private slips (limited). Don't miss out. Call (866)292-5769. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA Peaceful gated community. Incredible riverfront and mountain view homesites. I to 8 acres from the $60s. Custom lodge, hiking trails. 5 miles to natural hot springs. Call (866)292-5762. Government Foreclosed Homes!!! $0 or Low Down! No credit OK! Bank & Gov't Repos available now! HUD, VA, FIIA For Listings (800)749-2750. Steel Buildings BUILDINGS DIRECT! 25 YEARS. Order now for spring delivery,andsave! Extensive range ofsizesand models. Built to last. Priced to sell! Pioneer (800)668-5422. ALLSTEEL BLDGS! UPTO50% OFF!! Engineered for Hurricane Coast! Ship Factory Direct for quick delivery. 24x30 Up to 100x2X00! Call Now! (800)499-6401 Eddie. Your Ad Could Be Here Run yourad STATEWIDE!!! For only $450you can place your 25 word classic filed ad in over 150 newspapers throughout the state reaching over 5 MILLION readers. Call this newspaper or Advertising Networks of Florida at (866)742- 1373. Visit us online at www.florida-classifieds.com. Display ads also available. The Waggoners Trucking-Established 1951 * Now Recruiting drivers for our SE Auto Transport Division. Drivers must have a valid Class A CDL, 1 year and 10OK verifiable OTR miles. Stable work history and clean MVR is a must. Great Pay, Great Benefits, Matching 401K. Contact Susan or John at (866) 413-3074 EOE Adt vetr //isewm Homeowners with money worries may qualify for low-interest loans ,SmartAfo/oer-" b A';,Aer/ra Ross LOANS: Direct lender loosens its requirements for homeowners who need money now. Have you been turned down for a loan? Do you need more than $10,000 for an/o reason? Are you paying more than 10% interest on any other loans or credit cards'? If you are a homeowner and answered "yes" to any of these questions, they can tell you over the phone and i///ro/io o///gaf//o/ if you qualify. High credit card debt? Less- than-perfect credit? Self em- played? Late house'pay- ments?Financial Problems? Medical bills? IRS liens?/,, does/ ti /f l laer/ If you are a homeowner with sufficient equity, there's an excellent chance you will qual- ify for a loan- usija//ir iz? You can find out over the phone-and free of charge- if you qualify. Honey Mae Home Loans is licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. Open 7 days a week to serve you. 1-800-700-1242 ext. 263 Call J.G. Wentworth's W Annuity Purchase Program J.G.WENTWORTH. 866-FUND-549. ANNUITY PURCHASE PROGRAM We will train you. Bilingual Spanish a plus. Classes Begin January 9th REGISTER NOW!!! LBERTm* LIBERTY TAX SERVICE TAX 380 Semoran Commerce PI, Ste 101 SERVICE Next to Apopka Tag Agency on Hwy 436 www.llbertytax.com Apopka, FL 32703 DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the | Fastest Growing Areas in Florida WHOLSAL PRCIN Week of January 9, 2006) ANF Advertising Networks of Florida ^~ - The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 17B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday 66. Garage Sales SOFA, RECLINERS, 19" color TV, tools, lots more. Friday & Saturday, 8 4 p.m. 5319 Holtland Drive, Kelly Park Hills (north). C0113 REI 66 YARD/GARAGE SALE 4629 Plymouth-Sorrento Road. Friday & Saturday, January 13 & 14, 10 4 p.m. No early birds. Car- pet installation tools, tools, auto accessories, camp- ing & boating equipment, household items, etc. C0113 D0 66 MOVING/GARAGE sale Saturday, January 14, 8 - 3:30 p.m. 3940 Gourock Court, 4th street on R. Rock Springs Ridge in Apopka. c0113 STO 66 NEW YEAR clean-out of 2 households. 8 foot en- tertainmet nter, 40 inch TV, sofas, lamps, clothes, 100 DVDs, fireplace tools. Saturday, January 14,8 - 3 p.m. 744 S. Christiana Avenue, Apopka. CC0113 PEN 66 KID'S STOP Consignment Annual $1.50 Blow-Out (most clothes) Racks & Racks of Clothes Jan. 16-21 (Next to Mullinax Ford on SR436) 407-464-0496 67. Musical Instruments 68. Nursery Supplies 69. Sporting Goods POOL TABLE, SLATE, 1". Solid wood, gorgeous. Paid $5,800. Sell $1,350. 407-260-2088. CC0113-0203 MEY 69 HUNTING, FISHING & camping supplies & ap- parel for the whole family. Large selections to choose from. Mosquito Creek Outdoors, 170 S. Washington Avenue, cor- ner of 441 & Washington. 407-464-2000. J N0106-0113 TFN MOS 69 70. Miscellaneous USED TIRES, SETS OF 4, mounted & balanced. As low as $60/set. Spares only $5. McGee Tire, 130 E;- 7th Street: 407-889- 9250. A0113-0203 TFN MCG 70 CORRUGATED STEEL roofing for barns, boat docks, shops, etc. Also culvert pipe, 15"x20'. 18"x20'. Call for prices. Surplus Steel & Supply, Inc., Apopka. 407-293- 5788. B0113-0203 TFN SUR 70 HURRICANE SUPPLIES Lanterns, LED lights, weather radios & much more. Mosquito Creek Outdoors, 170 S. Wash- irltton Avenue, Apopka. Corner of 441, just south of 429 Interchange. 407- 464-2000. J N0106-0113 TFN MOS 70 FLOORING HUGE se- lections. Stinson Carpet One. Serving Apopka since 1968. Great prices. Excellent service. 2188 E. Semoran Boulevard. 407- 889-4128. J N0106-0113 TFN STI 70 ROOFING SUPPLIES Shingles, accessories. Large quantities. Always available. Competitive pricing. Delivery available. Homeland Distributing, 1839 S. O.B.T., Apopka. 407-410-0196. J N0106-0113 TFN HOM 70 HOT TUB/SPA 5-per- son lounger. 5 H.P., 24 jets, redwood cabinet. Never used. Warranty. Retail $4,500. Sacrifice $1,450. 407-812-5624. CC0113-0203 JOH 70 REDUCED, MUST SELL Living room/Florida room furniture. Like new. Will sell separately or as a set. Two couches in the popu- lar whitewash rattan with pastelcushions.Glasstop matching end table & cof- fee table plus 2 chair-top bar stools. Complete set only $500 OBO. Couches new cost over $600 each. Calltoday. 407-886-7966. E0113-0127 KNO 70 WEDDING GOWN, 10/12 Paid $1,600. Asking $375. SDrycleaned. Sealed in box. 407-620-0939. W0113-0203APO 70 ROLL-UP DOORS - Commercial grade, galvallum metal, 8 feet wide, 7feettall. $125 each. 321-287-3039. C1223-0113 DAN 70 FOR SALE MAXON ' Tuck Away hydraulic lift. 2500 lb. capacity. Works well. Measures 92.5" out- side to outside and 23.5" wide at the deck. $650. 407-293-8773. CC0106-0127 SOU 70 PRONTO ELECTRIC wheel chair. Left hand control, large oxygen tank holder. $2,500 OBO. 407- 889-0183. C0113-0203 BRA 70 TWO STORY CAGE for ferret. Lots of accessories & food. Best offer. Call 352-267-3713 (cell). 407- 880-0474. W0113-0120 SMI 70 70. Miscellaneous KENMORE refrigerator. Looks new. Side-by-side, almond. Ping pong table, sewing machine (Brother). 407-889-2082 between 2-5 p.m. C0113-0203 RAT 70 71. Jewelry 72. Computers/ Electronics MACHINE, INTEL Pentium 4 Processor. 2.80 GHZ, 80 GB hard drive, 512 mb. $400. 407-565- 0723. W0113-0203 AND 72 80. TRANSPORTATION 81. Autos For Sale 1981 CHEVROLET Sub- urban 3/4 ton. Good con- dition. AT, V-8, AC. $1,900. 407-884-8449. CC1230-0120 ADC 81 2000 FORD EXPLORER 2 door, auto, AC. $3,500. 321-689-5898. 407-889- 8230. C0113-0203 HUG 81 82. Boats For Sale NEW BOAT T-TOP for sale. 3x5 top, 5 rocket launchers, cut outs for outriggers, 2 king rigs. In- cludes crows nest. Paid $2,500. Will sell $1,850 OBO. 407-832-9955. E0113-0203 KEC 82 83. Motorcycles For Sale 84. Recreational Vehicles 1999 GOLDEN FALCON 31' pull-out room. Fully loaded. $16,000. 407- 886-6595,321-287-3585. C1230-0120 RIG 84 86. Trucks For Sale 87. Vans For Sale 1992 CHEVROLET VAN 3/4 ton, V-8, AT. Good condition. $1,900. 407- 884-8449. CC1230-0120 ADC 87 88. Transportation For Hire 89. Trailers For Sale CAR TRAILER Double axel, tire rack, 6' 2" be- tween fenders, 16 feet long. $675. 407-884- 8747.407-782-3745. C0113 KEL89 90. AUTOMOTIVE 91. Automotive Repair & Parts RUSSELL Automotive. Complete auto service for 24 years. 1/4 mile north of Maitland Boulevard (414) onO.B.T. 7:30-5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. 407-298- 2853. JA0113-0120RUS91 CENT. FLORIDA AUTO Repair. Established auto repair offers complete auto service for personal & fleet. Reputation is earned not given! 1779 S. Orange Blossom Trail, across from Wal-Mart Super Center, Apopka. Call 407-880-8221. J A0113-0120 CEN 91 SHEELER AUTO Repair offers complete automo- tive service. Family owned & operated. 710 S. Or- ange Blossom Trail, Apopka, behind Papa Johns' Pizza. Easy en- trance from Sheeler Road. 407-880-5784, E A0113-0120 SHE 91 92. Auto Accessories TRAILER HITCH for Dodge minivan. Every- thing included. $85 OB. 407-832-9955. E0113-0203 KEC 92 93. Auto Detailing 84. Miscellaneous 110. SERVICES 111. Child Care CHILD CARE IN MY home. Infants & up. Con- structive learning. A-1 ref- erences. Affordable rates. 407-884-6818. W0113-0203 CHI 111 DOREEN'S Affordable Daycare in my home. Monday-Friday. Meals, learning activities. 15 years experience. Excel- lent references. $65 per week. Located in Sheeler Oaks, Apopka. 407-462- 3735. CC0113-0203 BEN 111 111. Chd Care 120. SCHOOLS INFANTS 12 YEARS old. Qualified teachers. Clean, safe & secure en- vironment. Flexible hours. Accredited FL. Gold Seal Center. 407-889-3026. J N0113-0120 TFN APO 111 CHILD CARE FUN, lov- ing, caring environment. Infant, toddler preschool. Before & after school care. Wekiva Child Care. 2333 Highway 436. 4C ac- cepted & Florida Volun- tary Pre-K program. 407- 889-4300. J N0106-0113 TFN WEK 111 112. Home DO IT YOURSELF PEST control products. 435 W. Main Street, corner of Main & Bradshaw, Apopka. All Seasons Pest Control. Order in store or visit Web site at www.allspc.com. 407- 886-0204. J N0106-0113 TFN ALL 112 PEST CONTROL Resi- dential, commercial. Of- fering roach, ant, flea & termite protection. One time, quarterly, annually. All Seasons Pest Control, 435 W. Main Street, Apopka. 407-886-0204. J N0106-0113 TFN PES 112 113. Landscaping RAILROAD CROSS ties, lumber & building materi- als. Ryan Brothers, Inc., 210 E. 5th Street, Apopka. 407-886-3141. J A0113-0120 RYA 113 ADVANTAGE Lawn- care. Cut, trim & edge, $20 & up. Licensed & in- sured. Free estimates. No contracts required. 407- 880-7948. CC0113-0203 TFN ADV 113 COMPUTER REPAIR - Home or business. Fast turn-around. Manage- ment Solutions. Offering years of professional ser- vice & knowledge. 404W. Main Street, Apopka. 407- 410-0013. J N0106-0113 TFN MAN 113 FRANCISCO Landscap- ing. Designs & mainte- nance clean-ups. Free es- timates. Best prices in town. Keep smiling! 407- 383-1717. C0113-0203 CAR 113 114. Professional NEEDA HELPING hand? House cleaning, child care, errands, etc. Days & weekends. 321-354- 8816. C0113-0203 BRA 114 DEL'S CONCRETE - Homeowners are our spe- cialty. Driveways, patios &etc. Licensed &insured. Call forfree estimate. 407- 322-7208. C SD0113 DEL 114 NEED HOME improve- ments? Call All Around Home Improvements. Li- censed & insured. Free estimates. MC & Visa ac- cepted. 352-551-4142. D SD0113 ALL 114 AFFORDABLE HOME Makeover. Home repairs, remodel & all handyman repairs. Call Billy for free estimate. 407-451-4386 or 407-884-9374. D SD0113 AFF 114 HAVE WEEDS?I THE garden tamer will do weeding, pruning, plant- ing, etc. Call Jennyat407- 209-9432. CC0113-0203 WAL 114 115. Elderly Care PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS SEEKING 24 HR CARE IN WEKIVA SPRINGS HOME 407-886-4483 116. Miscellaneous TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- fic ticket classes, first time driver classes. All ages. Road test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, across from city park. 407- 880-6003. J N0113-0120 TFN CIT 116 GARAGE DOORS-Resi- dential & commercial. Pro- fessional, dependable, trustworthy. Over25 years of service. Family owned &operated. J.B. Mathews Co., 2036 Apex Court, Apopka. 407-656-1289. J N0106-0113 TFN JBM 116 117. Cemetery Property CEMETERY LOTS Two adjacent spaces in High- land Memory Gardens. $2,500 for both. 407-293- 2426. CC1223-0113 REE 117 121. Professional TRAFFIC SCHOOL, traf- fic ticket classes, first time driver classes. All ages. Road test & more. City Driving School, Apopka. 10 A N. Park Avenue, across from city park. 407- -880-6003. J N0106-0113 TFN CIT 121 ART CLASSES at the Apopka Museum in Janu- ary. 4-week pastels, ages 12+. Saturday pastel workshop for kids 6-12. Details/registration, call 407-865-9816. C1223-0113 SUM 121 122. Trade 130. REAL ESTATE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimina- tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fa- milial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limi- tation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly ac- cept any advertising for real estate which is in vio- lation of the law. All per- sons are hereby informed that all dwellings adver- tised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 131. Vacant Land 133. Homes For Sale 131. Vacant Land ZELLWOOD industrial zoned vacant land. 18.53 acres. $50,000 per acre. Near 429/Beltway. Priced below market. Gary, Light- house Properties. 407- 782-4973. CC0113-0203 LIG 131 NEAR BUSHNELL- .91 acres. Zoned homes only. $42,000. 321-303-3166. B0106-0127 UND 131 132. Condominiums For Sale 133. Homes For Sale ERROL ESTATE Beau- tiful completely updated executive home in coun- try club setting. Located on the 2nd hole overlook- ing a lake. 4BR/3BA, screened pool, new roof, new paint in & out, new carpet & tile. Bathrooms totally redone. Just re- duced. $554,900. Gary Wiepking, Lighthouse Properties of America. 407-782-4973. CC0113-0203 LIG 133 PUNTA GORDA ISLES waterfront property. To- tally remodeled. 3BR/ 2BA, 45 foot dock, 14,000 lb. boat lift. $599,000.941- 815-7283. CC1230-0120 CAR 133 STOP FORECLOSURE Owe more than your house is worth? Liens? Call Now! 407-463-1731 VIEWS HOT -. South on PairkAvenue to Cleveland, West to Hawthorne 1623 S. Hawthorne Remodeled 4 Bedroom, Central Heat & Air AMERICAN DREAM DOWNPAYMENT ASSISTANCE INITIATIVE Assistance of up to $10,000,5 year Deferred Payment Loan non amortizing, For Very Low and Low income!, Can use the State HOME Investment Partnership Program or Mortgage Revenue Bond Program or State HAP PDA Program 1620 Long Lane Newly Remodeled, 3 Bed/1 Bath, Central Heat & Air Per Month (P&I) South on Park Avenue to Cleveland, West to Long Lane H-T O S&LAN -mTE ZO chapfrm e TermiesOK 133. Homes For Sale 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale VILLA CAPRI AT ERROL Estate. #739 Via Milano Circle. 3BR/2BA, 2100 sq. ft. living space, split plan, LR, DR, great room, eat- in kitchen, enclosed sun porch, 2-car garage. All upgraded appliances con- vey. New whole-house water purifier, rain gauge, and other great perks. Priced to sell. $323,500. Appointment only. 407- 889-7784. C0106-0127 STA 133 FOR SALE BY OWNER. 4BR/2BR. Rolling Oaks. $229,000.407-886-1993. CC0113-0203 ACK 133 2BR/2BA HOME ON 1/2 acre. Beautiful country liv- ing near Wekiva. Asking $193,000. Call 407-880- 9188. CC0113-0203 GRA 133 COUNTRY LIVING close to UCF & 408. Lot 100' X 300'. 3BR/1 BA, new roof, 2 wells, beautiful land- scape. $300K. 407-620- 0939. WO 113-0203 AP O 133 PINE HILLS 3BR/1.5BA Family room, fireplace, screened room, no rear neighbors. Will remodel to suit. Lease/option pur- chase. Will trade boat, car, motorcycle, house, land or truck. 407-948-2592. D CC0113 SMI 133 FOR SALE OR LEASE 1800 sq. ft. 3BR/2BA home. 2002, double ga- rage, hardwood, tilefloors. Many upgrades. $285,000.407-529-7301. CC0113-0203 ROT 133 LOCKHART LARGE 3BR/1BA, family room, screened pool. $179,000. Lease/option purchase. Will trade boat, car, mo- torcycle, house, land or truck. 407-948-2592. D CC0113 SMI 133 134. Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale DUPLEX, 2BR/2BA - Fenced yard, no pets $700/month, $700 de- posit. 407-682-2054. B0113 STA 134 135. Manufactured Homes For Sale 1985 FLEETWOOD - 26x56 doublewide 3 bed- rooms, 2 full baths, 9x16 screened porch. On pond, backyard fenced. 9x10 shed. $37,000. Rock Springs Mobile Home Park. 321-299-4257. Ask for Tony. CC0113-0203 BOW 135 PALM ISLE SENIOR park. 2002 4BR/2BA leetwood. Immaculate condition. Too many up- grades to mention. Come see it & fall in love. Asking $85,000. Make your offer. Call Mable, Exit Realty Mobil Team. Toll free 866- 221-3948 or 386-747- 1655. CC0106-0127 BER 135 2BR/1 BA MOBILE home for sale. Palm Isles mo- bile home park in Apopka. Great location. Must sell. 352-406-0728. CC0106-0127 EIN 135 ZELLWOOD 3BR/2BA 2200 sq. ft. manufactured home on 2 acres. Lifetime rubber roof, attached ga- rage. $250,000. Exit R.E. Results. 407-625-1503. Denny. D W0113-0203 SHI 135 APOPKA-SINGLEWIDE with addition. 4 bedrooms, unattached 8x12 office. Finished irrigation system also. $15,000. 407-580- 1794.. C0113-0203 HAW 135 ASTATULA, 5.5 ACRES MOL. Beautiful country setting, 2400 sq. ft., 5BR/ 3BA, fireplace, large mas- ter bedroom & bath with garden tub. Property has horse stalls, lighted arena & paddocks. Also, 36,500 sq. ft. greenhouses. $449,000. Florida Land Brokers. 407-323-5552. Licensed R.E. Broker. D 80113-0203 TFN FLO 135 1971 12X54 2BR/1BA Fully furnished. Excellent condition. Adult park. The Hills. Must be seen! 407- 886-8787. Asking $15,000. W0113-0203 OLS 135 136. Mobile Homes/ RVs For Sale 2BR/2BA FURNISHED All Maytag appliances, pool. $49,000 OBO. Call Angelo. 407-814-1597. CC1223-0113 PER 136 PALM HARBOR Mobile Home. 55+ community. 2BR/2BA,' screened porch, carport, utility room. $15,900. 407-880-6785. W0113-0203 HOA 136 MOBILE HOME trailerfor sale in the Rock Springs Mobile Home Park. $4,000 OBO. 407-383- 1717. C0113 CAR 136 OWNER FINANCING 2 bedroom. $600 down, $300 per month. Gated with 24 hour guard, pool, many extras. 407-399- 4286. CC0113-0203 PAR 136 137. Commercial Property For Sale APOPKA, 1.1 ACRES MOL. 230ft. Highway441, 200 ft. Old Dixie Highway. C-2 zoning allows car lot, restaurant, etc. $650,000. Florida Land Brokers. 407- 323-5552. Licensed R.E. Broker. D B0113-0203 TFN FLO 137 138. Homes To Share 1398. Apartments/ Condos For Rent APARTMENT Efficien- cies, $100/week. Apart- ment, $150/week. Also, houses furnished & unfur- nished, weekly/monthly. 407-240-1188. TD CC1223-0113 REN 139 EFFICIENCY ON LAKE Furnished, A/C, tele- phone, TV. No deposit. Low weekly rates. 352- 383-4713. 80113-0203 TFN LAK 139 ERROL ESTATE 2BR/ 2.5BA condo. Furnished, seasonal. $1,900/month. 847-426-4515. CC0106-0127 CAS 139. TAKING applications for lease on Airstream trailer with room addition. On lake. Preferrably older gentleman. $150/week. Everything furnished ex- cept gas. 407-376-7092. B0106-0127 SEM 139 140. Homes/Duplexes For Rent FOR RENT 3BR/2BA and 1 BR/1 BA on fenced 1/2 acre. Lake Apopka area. $1,375. 407-925- 5805. B1223-0113 TFN BAN 140 2 BEDROOM HOUSE Near all schools. $700/ month. 407-496-7131. B1223-0113 DEA 140 3BR/1BA POOL HOME 1500 sq. ft., tile through- out, newly decorated. $1,100/month, $1,100 deposit. Call for appoint- ment. 407-862-5362. CC1223-0113 IRV 140 407-592-1063 407-207-8921 407-207-2655 Spanish Lines 407-325-2213 407-299-5172 140. Homes/Duplexes For Rent GREAT SEMINOLE County schools. 4BR/ 2BA, 2000 sq. ft. Huge backyard, fireplace, deck. $1,700/month. Realtor/ owner, Nancy Arroyo- Perez. 407-252-5116. CC1223-0113 ARR 140 SHEELER OAKS Re- modeled two story 3BR/ 2BA. Family room, fenced yard, deck. $1,200 rent/ deposit. WMGI. 407-896- 1200, ext. 119. N0106-0127 WIL 140 LAKE APOPKA Very nice 1 bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, C/H&A. Nicely furnished. Deposit $700. Rent $210 weekly includes utilities. 407-880- 3727. C0113-0203 CAS 140 ZELLWOOD 3BR/1BA, 1200 sq. ft., large corner lot, C/H&A. $850/month. Lou Haubner Realty. 407- 886-8010. B0113-0203 LOU 140 PINE HILLS 3BR/1.5BA Family room, fireplace, screened room, no rear neighbors. Will remodel to suit. Lease/option pur- chase. Will trade boat, car, motorcycle, house, land ortruck. $925/month. 407- 948-2592. D CC0113SMI 140 3BR/2BA, 2 CAR garage, fenced yard. First, last & security. $1,300/month. Votaw Village. 352-383- 2865. B0113 STE 140 LOCKHART LARGE 3BR/1BA, family room, screened pool. $1,000/ month. Lease/option pur- chase. Will trade boat, car, motorcycle, house, land, or truck. 407-948-2592. DCC0113SMI 140 141. Mobile Homes or Lots For Rent NICE MOBILE HOME. Partially furnished on lot #2528 in Sun Resort. $595 plus deposit. 407-886- 7446. C0106-0127 NEL 141 1 BEDROOM MOBILE home in Apopka on bus line. No pets. Call Jim. 407-345-1024. B0106-0127 TRO 141 SUN RESORT 36 FT. unit. 1 bedroom, awning, privacy patio. $615/ month. 321-277-5889. W0113 HUR 141 SUN RESORT 1BR/1BA Lot 648. W/D, patio, N/S, no pets. $495/month, $200 deposit. $75 electric deposit. 407-886-3743. C0113-0203 ZIK 141 1 BEDROOM, SINGLE person. $150 weekly. First & last moves you in! All utilities & cable included. No pets. 407-884-5402. C0113 ROG 141 SUN RESORT 2 rentals now available. Lot #826. Modern 2BR/1.5BA. $740/month. Lot #1308. Nice 1BR/1BA. $655/ month, utilities included. 407-252-0983. CC0113-0203 GIV 141 141-A. Manufactured Homes For Rent ZELLWOOD STATION 55 & over, golf commu- nity. 2BR/2BA, living, din- ing, family rooms, wet bar, golf cart included. $1,200/ month. Utilities included. 407-712-3543, 407-880- 1621. Available March 15. B0113-0203 THU 141A 142. Rooms For Rent ROOM FOR RENT-Nice neighborhood, pool, fire- place, W/D, pool table, kitchen/house privileges. $475 a month, $100 de- posit. Available now! 407- 523-1921 or 352-408- 2655. CC0113 BAI 142 142. Rooms For Rent 1 BEDROOM PLUS pri- vate bath. Use of kitchen, laundry. Cable. 55+ per- son. Prefer female. $450/ month. 407-884-8348. W1230-0120 CAL 142 FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Cable, utilities in- cluded. In home with pool! Lockhart area. $135/week plus deposit. 321-297- 5160. References re- quired. CC1230-0120 GRO 142 ROOM FOR RENT Pri- vate home. All utilities in- cluded. Kitchen & laundry privileges. N/S, N/D. 407- 862-4975. CC0106-0127 ROG 142 ROOM FOR RENT - Share my home. Female preferred. $100/week. 407-886-0755. C0113 DUN 142 CH/A, CABLE TV, W/D, kitchen privileges. Call for information. 407-886- 4728. W0113 MAT 142 143. Offices For Rent OFFICE SPACE for lease. 2,100 sq. ft. with office. Downtown Apopka. Large parking. $1,500/ month. Lou Haubner Re- alty. 407-886-8010. 81230-0120 LOU 143 144. Commercial Property for Rent APOPKA-21,600 sq. ft. anchor space site avail- able soon. Victoria Plaza, Highway 441 & SR 429. 500yardsfrom new Home Depot. Call for details. 407-679-2281. 80113-0203 TFN VIC 144 LOCKHART warehouse/ office. 550 sq. ft. $465/ month. 407-880-3727. C0113-0203 CAS 144 APPROXIMATELY 970 sq. ft. Zoned C-3. Down- town Apopka. 407-884- 9090. CC0106-0127 MAS 144 145. Real Estate Wanted 146. Exchange 147. Nurseries For Sale or Rent APOPKAAREA. Sheeler Rd., 60,000 sq. ft. green- houseforlease.$2000 per month. Florida Land Bro- censed R.E. Broker. D B0113-0203 FLO 147 ASTATULA-5.5 ACRES MOL, 36,500 sq. ft. nurs- ery, 2400 sq. ft. 5BR/3BA MH, 7 horse stalls. Must see! $449,000. Florida Land Brokers. 407-323- 5552. Licensed R.E. Bro- ker. D B0113-0203 TFN FLO 147 0 130113-0203 TFN FLO 147 Specializing In Foliage Nurseries And Vacant Land 407-323-5552 We have many buyers. If you are considering selling your land, call usil E-Mail: Joe or Vicky@flalandbrokers.com I 'c. Real Estate Broker Website: www.flalandbrokers.com .--- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- *l Some of the LEGAL FORMS available for purchase at AOS: Powers of Attorney 3-Day Eviction Notices SNotices To Quit, Warranty Deeds, Sale of Real Estate, I Contracts, Quit Claim Deeds, Leases, etc. Apopka Office Supply 437 W. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka I (next door to Vl)je pophla QIjief & The Planter Newspapers) 407-889-4455 Fax: 407-889-4121 Hours: 8-5, M-F; 9-1 Sat. L6---------------- --- ------- J Affordable new greenhouse structures, rolling benches, fans, wet pad systems and replacement pads. Contact Sam for a quote at PENANG INTERNATIONAL, INC. 407-886-2322 LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? WE HAVE THE PERFECT HOME FOR YOU Homes starting at $6,000. We have Bank Repos, New Homes with Land. We can also sell your home with NO COMMISSION out of your pocket. Call Us At Aggressive Tree Service Are your Trees Ready for Hurricane Force Winds? Tree Removal Fdrtilizing Cabling Topping Citrus Spraying Tree Diagnosis Trimming Stump Grinding Dcmossing FREE WOOD CHIPS "Setting New Standards in the Tree Care Industry" Licensed & Insured Residential & Commercial 407-886-1800 .-a r lox The Apopka Chief, January 13, 2006, Page 18B CLASSIFIED Call 407-886-2777 Classified Deadline 5 p.m. Monday REAL ESTATE TAKE A LOOK! You, too, canl save money by shopping the classified listings in this paper. Sea you can find! 1600gwool 160* $1,10 So. 3b/2a,170S~ w01k Gayle Brewer REAL ESTATE -1 407-889-4069 www.A-Teatnillfomes.com FWA R HO U $ E-, FORAEP(T 5000 s.f., gr6dd level, w/ office $1,250/mo. JMD REALTY SERVICES 407-814-2020 00ul' -u ETAIL. F-OFFICES/R IL Hwy 436, 1000 S.f. Frontage, glass front, $1,500/mo. Oakville Plaza Hwy 441 Frontage 750 Sq.,ft. $795/mo; 900 s.f. Prof. Office, Downtown Apopka $695/mo. 'JMD REALTY SERVICES 407-814-21020 A LENDER BEMITEZ REALTY INC Linda Barr Jon Whiteley 407-920-6968 Apopka 2br/1.5ba on 1/4 acre. Rent or build a new home. $79,900 WF-KIVAk For Sale 2br/2ba., 1378sf. home on 2 lots! $229,900 Julie Dolan-Casado 352-217-0451 Exit Realty Tri County WWW.EASTLAKESOURCE.COM OF CENTRAL F..RIDA Selling your home? Get the outstanding service you deserve!! Rick Belben, Realtort Call Rick FREE Home Warranty & Virtual Tour with all new listings. Get the professional marketing you deserve! www.rickbelben.com Buying or Selling a Home?? "Let me help you." EXIT Real Estate Results www.dennyshiver.com Denn Shiver Realtor A I A FE AUTO.SALE rovors 4RuNNE-R SR5 7941 T 4-:~ T. r ic7Rrn-ISat o0 Si Ie s1:7 r-j5' VAII 'iddi Tr i Pr.1 F PI i~i, E D IT ION 4T ci.-r I,11A- Tr.--Yi, S31E Prin oC5C4.95 i I ReiaI $23225 Sale SI18q%0 DODGE RAM 1500 CARGO VAN l' 1 f DODGE RAM iij) CARGO VAN,, A" l ilt ,;,,:,, |hIM ,.4fl : : aT, -, i- I" hl r 1:r ' : ; :Tn ::) :' I5 9')5 ] ,1 ,S7 9q'f . Everyone that shops these Classified pages is part of a winning combination! Take a look at the inside pages for more listings! Make a deal! Be a winner! Call 407-886-2777 to place your ad Deadline: Monday at 5 p.m. SSATLRN. : iPer*Mo.* eIl199 o gOMm Pe M.1 Per.3M o V-6, One Owner, Loaded #P66841A *3,990 One Owner, V-8, Must See #203530B *6,990 = I,'IMINtLIN IN i s Per Mo. PergMo 139oegg r fc*li M 1 M 1690ors9 One Owner, Sunroof, Auto, Loaded #162481Q *4,990 One Owner, Auto, Leather, Alloys #854454A *6,990 3 !M WW Iil u Other convenient locations: Orlando/South Kissimmee S. OBT near FL Mall Hwy 192 near FL Turnpike SALES HOURS: MONDAY FRIDAY 9AM 8PM SATURDAYS 9AM 7PM SUNDAYS 12NOON 5PM Photos for illustration purposes only. All offers with approved credit. Tax, tag, title, $398.50 dealer fee and retailer-installed accessories extra. Additional warranty may affect final payment. Used car payments calculated at 5.99% APR with 10% down. Must have 720+ Beacon Score. Terms are 36-72 months depending on model year. SUN RESORTS #415 Double Lot 2BR $62,000 #829 2005 Park Model $45,000 #655 Immaculate 2BR $48,000 #2406 Park Model/Shed/Addition $45,000 #1406 Super 2/2 Carport Shed $37,500 #1011 Carport 2/1 Shed $72,000 #2526 Best in Park 2/1.5 $69,900 Apopka 2/1 Corner Lot $119,900 Rock Springs 1/2 Acre Corner $199,900 Downtown Apopka Commercial $225,000 Call Donita Harper: 407-889-6363 www.apopkarealty.com Just Listed Villa Capri at Errol Estate 3 Bd/2 Ba., Tile Roof, Large Screened Deck w/ Hot Tub. Includes Lawn Care! $289,900 Wekiva Glen 4Bd/2 Ba., Park Front Lot w/ Water View, Pool, Reduced to $318,000 Wekiva Glen Like New, 3Bed/2 Bath on Conservation Lot, Pool .$339,900 Reduced! Rock Springs Ridge 5 Bd/3 Ba/3 Car, Golf Front, Heated Pool & Spa $459,900 Muirfield Estate at Errol Estate 3 Bd/2 Ba., 2014 s.f. built 2002, 1/3 Acre. Luxury Upgrades $354,900 Errol Estate, 3 Bd/2 Ba., Comm. Pool & Lawn Service, Screened Porch $259,900 Apojpka's Trusted Realtor Since 1994 Mt. PlymoUth I I |