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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Paid circulation leader Winner of22 state and nationalawardsfor journalism excellence in 2006 77th Year, Vol. 36 Thursday, December 28, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 50O DCF worker charged with striking his two step-children Dec. 1 A Macclenny man employed girl's finger away from his by the Department of Children when she confronted hir and Families was in custody the bedroom, then slapped last week, charged with striking because she was slapping his step-daughter and step-son The accused said he was during an argument that began angry" when the step-dau, the morning of slanuned December 19 door to her over breakfast room and lo food he brought it. to a Blair Circle w He adn residence where .n breaking d( they reside with the door. his estranged Mr. wife. also' adn Deputy Wa\m- to -, to slapping ne Limbaugh l step-sonaft said he made the pushed a4 arrest following into his an interview and denied with Robert older si Wood, 54, at R. alleged a 11e gat the sheriff's department annex. that he struck her three For now, Mr. Wood is charged times, knocking her down with battery on the 1.5-year-old hallway. girl and her brother, age 10. Deputy Limbaugh's rd The suspect's wife Debra notes the girl's left eye wa Wood, 38, alerted police after and swollen, along with her husband telephoned to say right shoulder One of the he and the step-daughter were son's eyes was red and sw arguing over the food, and Ms. as well. Wood heard the girl screaming in The officer contacted the background. The teen called as per department policy, her minutes earlier to alert her to at least one of the chi the argument. was treated-at the hospital The step-daughter alleges injuries. she was struck twice in the Mr. Wood was already fac Wvith a closed fist after Mr. leave from DCF when Wood forced open her locked alleged offenses occur bedroom door. While they were Spokesman John Harrell a struggling, her brother struck DCF district headquarters Mr. Wood in the back with a Jacksonville said the su chair, and he allegedly then has worked for the agency struck the boy with a closed fist. than 12 years, and his duti The altercation was witnessed not include involvement by the Wood's 7-year-old son, children. Instead, Mr. who affirmed his step-brother's works in a department version of events, processes requests for food Mr. Wood told Deputy and Medicaid requests, sai Limbaugh he first slapped the Harrell. face n in 1 her him. .%er\ ghter the bed- icked lit ted down Wood itted g the :erhe chair back,, 1 the ster's ion more in a report s red her step- ollen DCF and ldren al for y on the irred. at the rs in spect more es do with Wood that , cash d Mr. '!Chrishtnias Eve Sfi re in Glen is inestigated bt, i-re marszal ~ i S A nto t he ca use .tlgaI jr I~/j.2 i e r v d a r e n ta l h o u s e o~ c t u p f / tie Sltanley Gr ]a JPlh e201.1 tII 4I(- i'c it aotaio'C'a et', i a' i E In top photo.Count.)Fi're Ciiie/ Ri/ ird Dolan iun ams ati rc it.pt 11 a ttl Dav, dh, ib a ll.a,-, o vcite npa.. ? aflierir u a tDit 1ia A 10t fiitAe I/a Olll~t/iedp f~.ilte bti ab' In /1:1.0 P,1at alth L'I'rt,ter'ICR / 25aade Ny.,h,,. ii md Ifictirroo5r port. . a ',ihb''. C/act Do..I aid, .'iell- ..t1the car QQ *I1 IlCtle ~ciV 1 ,t nie & ti0-1 711-1i-. 1 'f il te? aI ll.lblL 31, 1.* h lp dliii S-fOic tamiihi I,'. l/hi hia t ti ~ Chr iwai r-, leuc*/~te p 31 Trucker is 13th death Baker County will be ending the year with 13 traffic fatali- ties, assuming the roads remain relatively safe between now and New Years Day. The latest death is that of Dorr W. Snyder, 53, of Salt Springs, Fla., who died December 22 of injuries received when his. semi-- truck overturned on SR 121 north of Macclenny the' afternoon of December 18. He was a driver for Pritchett Trucking of Lake Butler, and was hauling a load of garbage and household trash north to a landfill in Charlton County, Ga. across the state line. Charges still pend against Ja- mie Booth, 21, of Macclenny, whose eastbound Honda failed to stop at SR 23C and 121 and pulled into the path of the 2006 Mack truck. Mr. Snyder had to be extri- cated from the cab wreckage by fire and rescue workers follow- ing the 3:18pm accident and was flown from the scene to Shands Jacksonville, where he died on Friday. Nine people lost their lives on Baker County roads in 2005. The critically injured Mr. Snyder was flown December 18 to Shands Jacksonville where he died four days later. His lifelong love affai BY, KELLEY LANNIGAN cloth, a special wrapping that "This stuff is great, he says, Press Staff protects a plant's green leaves It's synthetic with a large mesh Dr. Kyle Brown is up early, from freezing temperatures. weave that lets air circulate and rolling up a long length of frost ... ... light penetrate, but,still protects .. from cold and wind damage." ..'-. lDr Brown's love affair with >00 (:)G) r-4- (Jo - 0 plants began as a child. His par- ents, in his words, were "plant people." His father, a zoology professor at Texas A&I Univer- sity in the 1940s, loved plants and his mother was passion- ate about growing flowers, and always kept them around the house. To this day, Dr. Brown can't smell Calendulas, a flower his mother was particularly fond of, without a strong emotional response and vivid memories from childhood. r with plants He recalls his parents giv- class and working in an in ing him his own little patch of trial environment. garden and teaching him how "I learned it wasn't for to plant and tend it. He was al- he said "And the calculus c lowed to gather nuts from the es I had to take were more huge pecan tree that grew on the I bargained for. I decide family's property and sell them go back to my roots, ba< for his Christmas money. plants." The elder Mr. Brown was In the mid 1950s, the B also manager of the university's family moved to Florida teaching farm and it was there Brown began summer sc young Kyle was exposed to ag- at the University of Flori riculture as a science. taking a botany class. It wa At the end of high school, an class that he credits as bein interest in cars lead him to en- "spark" that lead to his life roll in the mechanical engineer- love affair with the plant w ing program at Southern Meth- He earned an undergrai odist University in Dallas. The degree in botany, then a program was set up as an in- ter's with an emphasis in t dustry co-op plan and students spent alternating quarters in (See page 5) idus- me," class- than ed to ck to rown . Dr. :hool da by s this ig the -long vorld. duate mas- tropi- COVERING BAKER COUNTY SINCE 1929 The county 's ost professional and extensive source for news, classified, display and real estate listings www.bakercountypress.com ,. 904.259.2400 .. 904.259.6502Fax .o bcpress@nefcom.net 9 Trio used escalating tactics to abuse child Sworn criminal complaints for child abuse were filed against a Glen St. Mary man, his brother and sister-in-law for employing what a deputy sergeant called "a progressive-t3 pe punishment rit- ual" on a 12-year-old girl, who is the daughter of one of the broth- ers. The "progressive" system, ac- cording to Sgt. Michael Crews of the sheriff's department, includ- ed techniques like increasing, by one the number of swats with a paddle board, hacking off 4-6 inches of hair from the right side of the girl's head and forcing her to sleep outside in the "freezer room" of a residence on Kenneth Walker Road. During freezing weather sev- eral weeks ago the. girl was al- lowed to sleep on the floor of a laundry room out of the %Neather. and issued a small envelope of instant grits and a can of soup as part of the punishment scheme. Bruising from the paddling was so severe the girl had diffi- culty sitting down, according to a report by case worker Kathy Au- ton from the Department of Chi l - dren and Families' Macclenny (See page 4) Jury needs anoOur to convictman A six-member jury took about an hour the evening of Decem- ber 20 to find a Sanderson man guilty of sale and possession of crack cocaine stemming from an undercover buy in May, 2006. Sylvester Ford, 31, was im- mediately sentenced to ten years in state prison by Circuit Judge David Glant, who wound up his term on the criminal bench last week. The sentencing culminat- ed a day- long trial in which the state laid out the de- tails of a con- trolled drug buy from Mr. 6. Sheriff's investigators helped set up the buy using a confiden- tial informant equipped with Jimmie Nettles, who testified for the state, purchased .4 grams of cocaine from the defendant for $60. Mr. Ford was reportedly ready to make a plea deal earlier last week but was talked out of it by a girlfriend. Juries were chosen for his trial and that of Hershel Col- lett, 42, who was sentenced to 75 months after he pleaded guilty to burglary and grand theft. Mr. Collett, who was brought here for trial from Baker Cor- rectional where he is serving a 15-year term, was arrested for breaking into the residence of (See page 2) 6 89076 48819 8 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 2 %.-- 0 o"* b a #"u 0 o- s % I,- wb dif- - 4 flu-. - I ,"Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" %W o ammbp I* a& I 40w a 4 * * ob0 q 0 0 0 ~ -.0 rTa ~r-. 0 EL Visa Card Best Rates Around... Use your Country Fe/el Crint Union I' sa through Dec/mber and receive our low i/r' on i7n' purna'ises/s, A/Ialc'Ce' trlimsif'Crs or Ic'sh ad/ViIc/'es. . Do you have one? Apply today! Quick Approvals! COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US Hwv. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 S100)( S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266- 1041 www.countryfcu.com Glen Council approves retirement for itself and The Glen St. Mary Town Council voted without dissent December 19 to bring itself and three town employee es under Florida's retirementsystem. Mayor Juanice Padgett esti- mates the initial "pay-up" to the state for all eight positions will be $15,000. The amount equals nine percent of gross salary for two maintenance and one office worker, and 12 percent for the elected officials, who are more quickly vested into the system. Council members make $200 monthly; the mayor $1833. The council decided to pur- sue the idea back in October, and formal adoption awaited,the December agenda to firm up de- tails. Jack Reneau made the mo- tion and Councilman Perry Hays was absent. In other business during the relatively short regular meeting that evening, the council decided to set public hearings for January on proposed changes to Glen's utility ordinance. Town counsel Joel Foreman of Lake City presented the pro- three employees of town posed changes including a higher tions for a building to house tl water service security deposit of maintenance department. It w; $100 per single residential rental be constructed on a tract direct units (vs. $35 for owners) and north of the Glen post office. $100 for commercial (vs. $35 for The ..-town also" .adopted owners). The same rates apply schedule of 11 paid holidays th for sewer hookups, though the parallels one recently adopted I owner fee there is $45. county workers. Mayor Padge Glen St. Mary is also propos- proposed two additional onc ing charging the new, higher de- Columbus Day and President posits to customers for two late Day, but the council stayed wi or non-payment of utility bills. the lower number on a motion b A second amendment sets up to Woody Crews. $1000 fine for anyone who uses The county will be contacted an underground well after con- about the lack of sidewalk ram] necting to the town's water ser- for handicapped access on C vice. The exception is well use 125 north. Councilman Renea for irrigation. said he fielded a complaint b Attorney Foreman said no one resident about the oversight progress was made since last Ramps are mandated by tl month on a pending impact fee Americans with Disabilities Ac ordinance, and briefed the coun- cil on a survey to define the lines of Block 1 and 2 in northwest "" s Glen, which somehow were "ir" eliminated from the current plat map. The survey will be done by a Starke firm at an estimated cost 372 S. Si of $3500. Glen Will consult with the S.. -N City of Macclenny on specifica- .. SUNDAY TA 2006ll .1,hi,(. 1_, 2 id , Ie >'d't like to int1nk ever nI- r Jt Iho Spent ret r 11 H/ "w it.%this immeasurable success in the year ahead T ~u t '-r f,- ,r Worship Dr. Edsel M. Bone Directions f Senior Pastor North [-Broadcast Live on WJXR 92.1 I Jury takes he ill ly a at by ;tt es ;'s th by ed ps R Iu by it. he ;t. L LOGS M D'[PULPOOD 1 0.- one hour i .; ,-- i to convict to DIAMOND TIMoER, INC. ,(From page 1) ,-OR A QUALITY CUT" CALL 282-5552 KENT WILLIAMS Sanura D'eat on Riversiae r. in Glen St. Mary on June 14; 2005. His sentence was partially based on an extensive criminal record that includes three prior burglaries, another grand theft, prowling and driving with a sus- pended license. Earlier in the week, Judge Glant ordered Gary Lee Mosley Jr. to serve a nine-month sen- tence in county jail in return for a guilty plea to grand theft. Advertising Deadline Monday 5:00 PM 05 I Baptist Church of Maclenny t Feels Like Home" xth Street at W. Minnesota Ave. SERVICES WEDNESDAY SERVICES 01 9 30 jarn P'ravr .'. Bpr.lie Shlv 0 45 rim 10l -15 ai Ai'ji.3 li:o r Fliildrieri 6 45 piii ', 6 00 pm ;ll ,ul.ri ,- iir p 6 -45 prri rom 1-10: Take Exit 48 N. Go 1.3 miles on Hwy. 121 See steeple on left FM each Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am MARY KAy I''102V discover a nev you See yourself in a whole hew way with a free makeover! Find a look that expresses your style, your personality, your life. Call me to create a fabulous look that's uniquely you. You'll love what you discover. Carla D. Coward ' Independent Sales Director www.MaryKay.com/CarlaCoward 904-259-3172 904-477-4107 (cell) vtNI PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to an application submitted by Hassie Gene Burnsed, to'be granted a Variance on property located in Section 05, Township IN, Range 21, located off of CR 127 north on John Burnsed Road containing approximately 4.54 acres in Baker County, FL. The Baker County Land/Local Planning Agency acting in its capacity as the Board of Adjustments, will consider the request at a public hearing scheduled for January 11, 2007 at 7:01 p.m. in the County Commissioners Cham- bers of the Administration Building, 55 North Third St., Macclenny FL. On the date above mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to theVariance re- questtoSection3.04.12.04Aisforareductionintheminimumlot requirements (width). Written comments for or against the Variance request may be sent to Baker County Planning Department, 81 North Third St., Macclenny, FL. 32063. Faxed comments my be sent to (904) 259-5057. Copies of the Special Exception may be inspected by any member of the public in the Planning Department, address stated above. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodation or an inter- preter to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-5123 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. : -n' I " ,:u I' t l ,oi S i i '' IE t':- a .fl 1 c l '. l' ni 1 t' 11 I pt u lt :-7 *f -4 l.4 i io w:\\ in J .' SHioninbotham Brothers ,Heating and Air -. ." (Business information available) JA *' - e - -4-W =qw 31 I llm I 4911b D o Q o % 4 1 I % I It I P I I ON 0 4 % '% I 1 4 Oil It % k I IN 4 4 14 % I I TWI DAIIIZD MI INITV DDF.,;.O Thiircttdqv flrpmhpr Q28. 2006 ~Page 3 IOp iI-Commen L.t/tr.il 'III I i I Opinion Cm SComment THE Proud of children for thinking BAKERCOLNTY of each other at Christmastide. PRESS USPS 040-280 Post Office Box 598 ** 104 South 5" St. Macclenny, FL 32063 (904) 259-2400 The Baker County Press is published each Thursday. by Baker County Press, Inc. Periodicals postage paid under permit issued April 12,1929 at the post office In Macclenny, Florida. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 a year inside Balker County; $25.00 a year outside Baker County: deduct $1.00 for persons 65 years i age or older, mil- tary personnel on active duty outside Baker County, and college students living outside Baker County. POSTMASTER: send address changes to The Ba'er Counly Press, P.O. BoK 598, Maccenny, FL 32063. JAMES C. MCGAULEY Publisher/Editor NEWS FEATURES l\elley Lanniganr ADVERTISING PRODUCTION Jessica Prevatt. GRAPHICS Josh 6lacIrnon FEATURES COMMENT 'SPORTS Robert Gerard COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel BUSINESS MANAGER- Karnn Thomas CLASSIFIED & T PESETTI JG-. Barbara Blai:kshear CONTACT US- Phone- 904 .259-2400 Fax 904-'259-6502 Email bcpress@nefcom.net Mail PO Bo% 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny, FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the newspaper office prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless other wise noted or arranged, Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication It is requested that all news iterrs be typed to insure accuracy in print. Social Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notic- es and social events must be submit- ted within fout weeks of the event. It is YOur responsibility to ensure pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Letters to the editor are welcome, but must con- tain the signature of the writer, a telephone num- ber where the writer may be contacted and city of residence, Letters must reflect opinions and statements on issues of current interest to the general public. The news- paper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet standards of publication. MYSIDE OF THE MATTER ROBERT GERARD Ho, Ho, Yawn. It's the day after Christmas and I'm kicked, back watching soccer on television. It's Boxing Day in England and I haven't the foggiest idea what that means. Is it the daN where you try to figure out what to do with all the boxes your Christmas gifts were in? Are you boxing with your cousin Leo, who gave you a chia pet for the fourth year running? It's a mystery to me.. In England, Boxing Day is like Jan. 1 to us. It's the day when every soccer team in the country plays and people getting over their Christmas revels get to recover by overdosing on sports. They dress up in funnx costumes and cavort in the stands. SI am sitting in my flannel pants with penguins on them and the New Orleans Saints shirt I got for Christmas while writing this on my laptop while New- castle United takes on the Bolton Wanderers on the telly. I am a happy camper. It was a good Christmas on this'side of the county. I admit though, it was a little strange. My children are 16,18 and 21, and aren't of the age where they go quite as crazy over Christmas. Gone are the days when I've had to assemble giant Barbie RV's with 80 pieces or put together Big Wheels. I miss those days a little bit. The children were firm Santa supporters and very strict tra- ditionrialists. It didn't seem like Christmas if they didn't go to the Methodist Church candlelight ceremony and eat Christmas Eve dinner with their "Aunt" Betty Sands. They would then come home, put out their cookies and milk for Santa and pretend to sleep. Not that they ever truly slept. When she was little, Sara would insist one or both of her brothers sleep with her on Christmas Eve and they would plot, plan and listen for Santa until one or two in the morning. Dylan took to setting his clock for 3:00 am, and after a year or two I unplugged it in self-defense while he was asleep. As they got older, they-just got up early real early. They woke us up at 5:30 am and we would crawl out of bed bleary-eyed and yawning. Their presents would be art- fully arranged under the tree and that lasted about 10 seconds be- fore the whirlwind began. Five minutes later it looked as if a Toys R Us had been turned over and shaken into our living room. This year, it's been different. They are as concerned about get- ting great gifts for their brothers and sister; mom, dad and grand- parents as they are about what they receive. I like that. Dylan and Spencer bought their mom a very nice Irish crys- tal decanter and glasses. Sara Beth arranged for photos of the three of them at the park in Glen St. Mary. Spencer was desperate to buy his brother a new guitar and will- ing to spend every penny of the money he had made taking pic- tures for the Press to make it happen. Unfortunately, he saw the price of the new Gretsch hol- low body and had to give him an IOU on a graduation present instead. His brother Dylan had his own secret to keep until Christmas morn. The little scamp spent all his money from working at the YMCA last summer to take his little brother to New York with him on the high school Humani- ties trip in March. He gave Spencer a wrapped Yankees cap and told him he would have to wear it in NYC. When it sunk into Spencer what his brother was telling him, he pounced on him and they rolled around under the tree like pup- pies while their momma cried. I have to admit that though it is very different, it is just as good. It is so heartwarming to me to see our children have grown up lov- ing each other. That's not always the case and it's a real shame. My children are each other's best friends. Sara, never told Dylan to get lost, or ignored him 0 ! at high school. Sara's friends became Dylan's friends. Sara's best friend in high school, Josh Blackmon, became Dylan's friend. Dylan doesn't tell Spencer to get lost or ignore him at high school. Dylan's senior friends have become Spencer's friends and Spencer can't imagine what high school will be like after his brother graduates. , I guess that kind of love and closeness is the best Christmas present of all. I It qA-OW domuIAd= Chif impressed by gestures rb I o afierfire on Chrismasfve Dear Editor: The Baker County Fire Department was called out to a house fire on Glen Ave. in Glen St. Mary on Christmas Eve about 1:30 in the afternoon. Upon our arrival we found the home fully involved with fire. Here you have a family home full of the Christmas spirit, with Christmas decorations in the front yard, and it filled a heart with sadness that a family had just lost everything it owned on Christmas Eve. We were mopping up the fire scene and moved our rehab truck up to the front of the house, and we pulled the tents off the truck so the family could get out of the rain. We gave them coffee and hot choco- late and the Red Cross was notified and set them up in a hotel for three days. They also gave the family funds for clothing and medication. In the process of trying to provide what little comfort we as a fire department could, our faith and belief in the generosity of our neigh- bors in this season of giving was reinforced. Neighbors, many of them complete strangers, reached out.to this family. People driving by stopped and gave what they had in the form of gift cards, checks, cash and clothing. Dollar General Store in Glen called and told the family to come to the store and get what they need- ed for Christmas. A representative from Dominos Pizza in Macclenny brought food for the family and firefighters. A family stopped by with chicken from KFC. County Commissioner Mark Hartley from the Glen district stopped by with gifts for the family, and to lend support. These are some of the reasons we as a fire department are proud to serve the people of Baker County. Prayers and heartfelt thanks from us and the family of Stanley Green to our neighbors and friends, and the wish for a safe and blessed Christmas and New Years to all. Richard Dolan, Chief Baker County Fire Department Storms THEBAI PORCI KELLEYLANN] Some residents of I got more than they barge on Christmas morning line of storms produced pressure system swell Northern Florida from of Mexico about 8:00 The gusting winds a rain caused a startling a damage. In Columbia. Praises BC at Christm Dear Editor: We always hear things about our sheriff ment, but this time I'd it is always there for u County when we need I also want to than apartment for its acts o: during the holiday seas single parent, and man like mine need help. Th department was there with its food and toy I thank God I am a p community. To the B( up the good work! Thanks especially and Jody Dyal, who pi time and care into this brought smiles into th nity. Gr Sen us tlei j 20.. , ~2 00 With best wishes for a yearfilled with 12 months of prosperity, 52 weeks of good health and 365 days of happiness. Thank you for helping to make this past year a successful one for us. Baker County Sheriffs Department I A "Copyrighted Material '0 &4 Syndicated Contentb M Available from Commercial News Provid4 Illurbucly Lim;vIllu1 40, 4vvvj F-arv '.) that fascinate S three homes were destroyed, CK evidenced in the unsettling, 'Times Union photos published H Tthe following day. SI've experienced awesome and often strange effects of the IGAN weather, as everyone probably Lake City has. Here is a brief recap of a ake fy few of the more memorable gained for events. . A squall My brother and I were d by a low camping at Boyd's Campground pt across on Key West. We'd just finished the Gulf hea supper. when a water spout am, sSnaked down from the clouds nd heavy and connected with the ocean. It amount of began undulating back and forth County' like a giant Slinkie. We sat transfixed, watching as it drew close to shore. Then it broke free from the water and dissolved. The eerie thing was that it made no sound at all. Nothing. At the next campsite, an overweight man in too-tight shorts who'd been munching on. Doritos looked over at us. "Holy cow!" he shouted, ges- turing at the sky with the-Doritos o bag. "Did you SEE that?" Several years ago while driv- ing to a store, I came upon a chaotic scene near pny home. A group of people were busy /rs cutting up and removing a large I pine tree that had fallen across the road. Where a mobile home had stood the night before, there. was now only a scattered pile of debris. It was hit by a tornado and looked as if it had been I blown apart by dynamite. The massive destruction seemed surreal as nothing else in the surrounding area was C'S disturbed. The tornado never actually touched ground but made brief contact for a few seconds -%ith the tops of the trees and the unfortunate mobile home. Another time, as I drove negative home from work I got caught f's depart- in a hailstorm. I'd read about the like to say creepy green color of the sky s in Baker during hail and suddenly here it. it was all around me. fk the de- The hailstones were small and f kindness they fell in copious amounts, son. I am a millions of them pummeling the iy families car. There was nowhere to seek .e sheriff's shelter and visibility was nearly last week zero. drive and Finally it stopped. I opened art of this the door and stepped out into a CSO, keep blanket of hail that reached my ankles. The oddest thing was the to Buck smell. The hail had shorn most it so much of the leaves from the trees, effort and releasing a cloud of chlorophyl ie commu- into the air. I have developed a healthy ace Gaskins respect for Mother Nature. Macclenny I'm glad it's the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron fly- ing their WC-130 aircraft straight into those hurricanes -H to release Dropsonde weather measurement canisters into the storm. I'll just watch it on NOVA from the comfort of my sofa, thank you very much. -00 .lw,.Illlw THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 4 Sanderson man chased down, charged with tossing piece of concrete at vehicle with deputy and family December 22 A Sanderson man was arrested late on December 22 and charged with felony criminal mischief for tossing at least one of two concrete pieces at a southbound vehicle driven by Deputy Sgt. Michael Crews of the sheriff's department. His wife and two children were also in the private vehicle. Sgt. Crews, who reported the incident near Jonesville Park on CR 127 just after 11:00 pm, said the impact caused him to swerve and nearly run off the pavement. No one was injured and damage to his vehicle was not noted. The officer told Deputy Dar- rin Whitaker he turned around but did not pursue four black males when they fled on foot into nearby woods. The on-duty offi- cer canvassed the area later along with Deputy Christopher Walker, and they spotted the subject near the park and gave chase. Based Trio used escalating- punishment (From page 1) office. The agency investigated on the basis of an anonymous re- port to its toll-free abuse hotline in Tallahassee'. Named in'the complaint were the child's uncle and aunt, Rudy and Renee Carter, both 39, and her father Randy Carter, 37, all of the same address. The child's mother is said to be drug-addict- ed and does not reside there, nor was she identified in the sworn statement. The victim told Ms. Auton that at the time of her investiga- tion, she was up to 16 swats at the hands of her uncle and half that number by her father. On December 12j, the! day before the DCF. worker's v.iit. she was smtuck on the backside with the paddle for not ha\'ing a home- work assignment. The shearing of her hair was punishment for making a sarcastic remark to the aunt and sleeping outside was for failure to feed 31 dogs and other animals on the property. accord- ing to the report. The child was removed from the home into foster care after Ms. Auton conducted the in- vestigation, and her father was recently appointed an attorney prior to a civil custody hearing. A .decision on whether to pros- ecute the three for third-degree felonies will be left up to the state attorney's office. Ms. Carter characterized the child's punishment to the DCF worker as "bad, real bad." "Suspects Randy and Rudy were proud to admit their in- volvement and took issue with the concerns that Ms. Auton ex- pressed about the punishment, being bizarre," wrote Sgt. Crews in the report. Both men were "adamant" they had the right to punish the girl as they saw fit, added the deputy. on the description by Sgt. Crews, they arrested Kentrez Smith, 18, who was wearing a black shirt and red shorts with white stripes. The others got away. Damage to the Crews vehicle was to the passenger side door and rear quarter panel. Mr. Smith was booked for fel- ony criminal mischief, throwing a missile at a vehicle and resist- ing police for declining to iden- tify accomplices. In other cases involving van- dalism to vehicles, an estimated $2000 damage was done to a 2004 Toyota parked overnight December 20 at the residence of its owner Holly Roberts off Ow- ens Acres Drive in Macclenny. Ms. Roberts told Deputy Brad Dougherty an estimated $2000 damage was done to paint, all / four tires were cut and the inte- rior stained by a soft drink. She also named a 17-year-old suspect from Jacksonville, who allegedly drove by her house taunting her several times the previous night. Ms. Roberts told police she saw the suspect pouring the soft drink and the stains -\ ere the onl\ dam- age she noted before morning. According to a relative of the suspect, she has been dating Mrs. Roberts' ex-husband. Police say they want to talk to the teen. The previous evening, some- one scratched paint and dam- aged tires on a 2003 Honda SUV belonging to Roxann Lloyd of Sanderson. She told police a girl- friend of her estranged husband may be responsible. There was no damage estimate. The passenger side window of a 1994 Ford Ranger was shot out by a pellet or BB the afternoon of December 20 while it was parked on Ohio St. in Macclenny. Rich- ard Staggs told police a neigh- bor saw two suspects in a brown Chevrolet drive by and shoot at the vehicle., Vandalism to a rear window was put at $300 after an attempt- ed entry overnight December 20 at the Macclenny Moose Lodge. Nothing was reported missing from the premises. Twenty mailboxes were dam- aged along Crews Road .over- night December 19. Woodlawn Kennels I I Quality Professional Care GROOMING 259-4757 BOARDING Private Spacious* Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom. . Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip. .. Boarding (per actual day) . . . . ... $20-$25. . $10-$15 . $5-$7 GIBSON McDONALD F-RN.-URE COMPANY ^^i:f:^ ( /'*< i-~hlU VlV(|Jallrh i,.~ >1 UP TO Entire store markdown & on sale for rapid liquidation! Now's the time to get that present you really wanted! Light Oak Finish Counter Height Table with 4 Bar Stools Reg. $399 NOW $277 Mocha Color Microfiber La-Z-Boy Reclining Sofa Reg. $999 NOW *724 Merlot Finish Bedroom Suite By Vaughn Bassett Queen Size Platform Bed, Dresser, Mirror Reg. $1699.99 NOW $114999 All Wood Pine Finish Bedroom Suite Kind Size Bed, Dresser, Mirror and Chest Reg. $1599.99 NOW $1077 Rustic Pine Bar with Overhead Canopy and brass racks Reg. $999 NOW $588 Light Maple King Size Poster Bed Includes Headboard, Footboard & Rails Reg. $499.99 NOW s238 ~'~&!A ~ c~~dZ@i1~ mm ~ KZ@13 ~E ~' BAKER SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER Macclenny 259-5655 -VISA 11J U 1, 1,/ JLD I Is' 1; nil L'." -atA RON Need to contact us for advertising or editorial issues? bakercountypress.com PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to an application submitted by Hassie Gene Burnsed, to be granted a Variance on property located in Section 05, Township 1N, Range 21, located off of CR 127 north on John Burnsed Road containing approximately 4.54 acres in Baker County, FL. The Baker County Land/Local Planning Agency acting in its capacity as the Board of Adjustments, will consider the request at a public hearing scheduled for January 11, 2007 at 7:01 p.m. in the County Commissioners Cham- bers of the Administration Building, 55 North Third St., Macclenny FL. On the date above mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the Variance re- questtoSection3.04.12.04Aisforareductionintheminimumlot requirements (w idth). Written comments for or against the Variance request may be sent to Baker County Planning Department, 81 North Third St., Macclenny, FL. 32063. Faxed comments my be sent to (904) 259-5057. Copies of the Special Exception may be inspected by any member of the public in the Planning Department, address stated above. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act. persons needing special acconmmodqtion or an inter- preter to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-5123 at least 48 hours prior to' the time of the hearing. <1 ON cDONA -GIBS FM CEMCCOMPANTY VUUM THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 5 Lifelong plant love affair (From page 1) cal horticulture. One memorable project was his study of "Devil's Ivy," a common house plant that is a member of the Aroid fam- ily. He focused on the change in growth form for this seemingly non-descript plant. When allowed to develop in its natural habitat and colonize tree trunks, it turns from an un- assuming house plant with small heart shaped leaves into a hardy vine with monstrous leaves. Dr. Brown recalls the extreme his passion for plants took him to at one time. During a stint in the Air Force in the 1960s he discovered a complete vol- ume of. works by the horticul- turist Luther Burbank in a book- store in Colorado Springs. The twelve-volume set was leather bound and featured color plates. He took out a $120 loan to pur- chase them. "It was a lot of money for such a thing at the time, but I just had to have them," he says. : The books sit on the shelves today at his residence north of Glen St. Mary, and he still en- joys reading entries with titles. such as "How the cactus lost its spines and how it found them again." Later in the 1970s, research on the life history and geograph- ical distribution of the Sabal Palmetto earned him a doctor- ate degree from North Carolina State University. Today, Dr. Brown is a retired faculty member of Lake City Community College. For twen- ty-three years he taught botany, chemistry and biology cours- es as part of the college's golf and landscape management pro- gram. He now devotes most of his free time to personal horti- cultural projects on his five-acre tract of land. Dr. Brown's gardens are di- vided into sections. One area is the "southwest section" and fea- tures desert plants from his na- tive Texas. A nearby citrus grove is filled with varieties, of orange, lemon and grapefruit trees laden with fruit. Dr. Brown picks and holds up some yellow fruit from a Yuza- quat tree a three-way cross be- tween an Ichang Lemon, a Pu- mello (grapefruit family) and a Kumquat. "These make the most fabu- lous lemonade you ever tasted," he declares. "And did you know that orange trees originally came from China?" In the native section, plants indigenous to north Florida have a home. Here is the Red Buck- eye, the first thing in the entire garden to bloom in the spring. There is White Huckleberry whose fruit tastes like cream and sugar, Trillums native to Colum- bia County and the endangered Ashe Magnolia, native only to the Florida Panhandle. Most eye-catching of all is the graceful palm grove with its many varieties such as the Mule Palm, Brazilian Needle Palm and Blue Hesper Palm from northwest Mexico. Some of the trees in the palm garden are the original plants propagated by Dr. Brown dur- ing his doctoral research project in the 1970s. An unusual cab- bage palm features twin trunks which developed from a single seed that contained two separate embryos. He still has the black and white "baby picture" photo he made to document the em- bryos' development. The garden contains both a "cool" and a "warm" house. The warm house has propane heaters and circulating fans that keep the temperature constant for tropical plants like orchids. The cool house is not heated and is sealed with polyethylene sheeting. A long shelf is covered with a drip matt on which sit dozens of plants. A slow trickle of water keeps the matt continu- ously moist. Plants sitting on the matt draw water up by capillary action which keeps them contin- uously supplied with moisture. Excess water from the saturat- ed matt falls like slow rain onto plants sitting under the shelves. According to Dr. Brown, cool- ing water releases heat, which helps regulate the interior temperature. Although it can get a little nippy at times inside the cool house, the covered structure protects plants from frost and wind, the two most damaging elements. "Most plants can take some really low temperatures short term, if they are protected in this way," Dr. Brown says. The cool house does have space heaters and heat lamps if the temperature plunges below freezing. In the late 1970s, Don Boy- ette, a teacher and coach at Bak- er County High School, intro- duced Dr. Brown to plants called bromeliads, natives of the pine- apple family. He got hooked on the exotic looking plants, which are native only to the Americas. and became an active member of the Jacksonville Bromeliad Society. Unusual in appearance, bro- meliads can have vividly col- ored bracts (flower stems) and variegated leaves. Their unusu- al shape, called a rosette, forms storage wells that hold water. Many of the plants are "epi- ph\ tes." meaning they don't need soil to survive. They grow directly on trees, burrowing into the bark for stabilization and using their cups for rain traps. Some derive nutrients from fall- ing leaf and insect matter that becomes trapped in their rain cups and decays, ultimately be- ing absorbed by the plaiat. There are species of bromeli- ad whose bloom spike can take months to develop, but when it's ready, the plant will stay in bloom for up to six months. The plants were introduced into the United States by a land- scape architect named Mulford Foster who lived and worked in Orlando in the 1940s and 50s. He and his wife were fond of traveling in South America where they collected the plants and brought them back to the states. One bromeliad, the Aech- mea Orlandiana, was named for the city Orlando. Dr. Brown holds up an Or- landiana which has variegated leaves and a ruby red bract. "I love these plants. They're exotic to look at and relatively, eas to grow," he says in admit ration. "That's the big appeal for me." According to Dr. Brown, there are a few tricks to growing suc- cessful bromeliads. The plants do well on a porch or patio and need high humidity. They don't do well inside a house because of the dryness of interior air. They can be brought in during a freeze or to enjoy the bloom, but should not be kept inside too long. The interior cup should al- ways contain water. Dr. Brown makes his own potting mixture for bromeliads which, interestingly, contains no soil at all. The plants do well in a mixture of peat moss, perlite and cypress bark that is light and well aerated. Another interesting feature of bromeliads that Dr. Brown en- joys is the tendency of the plant to produce "sports" or natu- ral mutations. Variations of the plant appear frequently with no manipulation from humans. The result can be new variegated leaf patterns and.different col- ored and shaped inflorescence (flower stalks and blooms). "There is just a lot about bro- meliads that's rewarding and in- teresting," he says. Lately, Dr. Brown has turned his interest toward experiment- ing with evergreen shrubs and conifers which are usually only found growing much further north in the United States. He enjoys pushing the envelope, seeing which plants he can get to live and actually thrive in Florida's tropical climate. He is also anxious for a new addition to his collection, a spe- cific kind of dwarf bald cypress called a Peve Minaret, which he considers to be the most perfect type of miniature tree. Working in the horticulture field has had its unexpected re- wards. Dr. Brown has been able to travel to such locales as Be- lize, Venezuela and Ecuador to see plants growing in their na- tive habitats and bring speci- mens back to the states for study and cultivation. He has long considered working in the gar- den to be the most relaxing thing in ,the world. "Plants are perfect company because they don't talk back,", he jokes. On a more serious note, he looks around his garden and ob- serves, "I have always consid- ered plants to be an extraordi- nary gift from God and I thank Him for giving me the passion to appreciate them." First AssembIl of God in NMacclenny is proud to present Mrs. Connie Hollingsworth as the new Director y ,and Ms. Shannon Smith as the new Assistant Director at Special Blessings Daycare. Both ladies have their forty hours state mandating child- care training and Child Development Associate Certi- ( fiction. In addition they both possess State of Florida Childcare Directors Credentials. Mrs. Hollingsworth has been with Special Blessings since 1999 and Ms. Smith has been with Special Blessings since 2003. They are both attending Lake City Community College working towards their Associate of Science Degree in early childhood development. First Baptist Church of Glen St. Mary will be conducting two Financial Peace Workshops beginning in January. One workshop will be on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm beginning January 3. The second workshop will.be on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm beginning January 14. The first session of each workshop will be an introduction and overview. The only cost is the purchase of a set of materials -..-- for each family. .; .. Daie Ramse) i the founder ofFinancial Peace Lini\ersity andi ie-' host of a nationally syndicated radio talk show. The Financial Peace Workshop shows people how to put into practice proven common- sense principles that allow them to learn how to: 0 Get out of Debt *Control Spending *Begin to save money'on a regular basis *Take the stress and conflict over money out of the marriage *Set and achieve personal and family financial goals. The Financial Peace Workshop gives people the tools on how to live on less, and how to maximize the use of the resources they have. A married couple said, "The workshop made us sit down as a couple and communicate and it gave us an instant pay raise." A single mom said, "I hated a budget, but I ended up getting the hang of it, and it ended up being more of a blessing than anything else." Stop living with guilt, frustrations and headaches that come with trying to manage your personal finances. Learn how to find financial peace. If you need help with family finances, plan to attend one of the introductory sessions on January 3 or 14 to see how the workshops can take the stress, even the conflict out your finances. For additional information, to make reservations, and to purchase workshop materials, call the church office at 259-6977. -F acaOMvY O' TeacHe PRLSPERP TIOi' P ypMSl! IoUC8TOR P pepapaTIo' fllSTITUT' Alternative Certification for Teacherr, Substitute Teacher Training Paraprofessional Preparation/Testing Teacher Rererification . Endorsements Noyce and other Scholarships available s35SOcifnre Irln ORTS eoUc TIan nest;f L Transfers to a 4-year program MST provides laptop while enrolled 58RLY CHILOHOOO 1OL'C3 TI n Associate in Science in Early Childhood Degree Childcare Training .^ For more information call LAKE CITY (386) 754-4266 LCOMMIUNI n LillianiL /ii LCCC is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution ' Macclenny Mart ^ Union $1.39 pk $11.99 ctn 305s $1.49 pk $12.99 ctn Pall Mall $16.99 ctn Marlboro Medium $2.99 pk $23.99 ctn Milk Longhorn Timberwolf --- - --- - --- ----------/ all flavors $2.99 gal. 99_ BUY 1 GET 1 FREE: At the corner of US 90 & SR 121 Sunday 7 am 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm H ave A Gradi Time! a 0 0 How time flies when you're having fun, and you've made this past year a grand one for us! Happy New Year and heartfelt thanks to all of you. Butch's Paint and Body Shop NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given the.proposed ordinances whose titles hereinafter appear will be presented to the Baker County Board of Commissioners for public hearing and possible adop- tion on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 6:01 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The Baker County Land/Local Planning Agency will review on Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The hearings will be held at the Baker County Administration -Building,. 55, North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida. Copies oft said ordinances may be inspected by any member of the public in tlie Commissioners office, address stated above. On the date above-mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance which are titled as follows: ORDINANCE 2007- An ordinance of the county of Baker, Florida, amending Ordinance No. 91-1, as amended, regarding the future land use map of the adopted comprehensive plan, with respect to a parcel of land, being approxi- mately 4.54 acres in size, relating to the small scale development amendment procedures established in sections 163.3215, Florida Statutes, pursuant to an application submitted by Hassie Gene and Audrey Burnsed; providing for a change in land use classification from Agricultural Zone B to Residential Zone D; providing severability and an effective date. ORDINANCE An ordinance of the county of Baker, Florida, rezoning 4.54 acres of real property owned by Hassie Gene and Audrey Burnsed, from AG 7.5 to RCMH 1; providing severability and an effective date. -4 S,- __ "e Bunised property is I-- located out CR 127 on ..... -John Birnsed Rd. ,! i-!Hi , S-- --. -* !-- '1-'iH[- ^-- -' i;- ; Lt ri' .... i-A...>L- "i', -'I Persons interested in commenting on the proposed rezoning may appear and shall be given an opportunity to speak at the public hearing or may send written comments to: Baker County Planning Department, 81 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida 32063. Copies of the ordinances are available for public inspec- tion at the Baker County Planning Department. For additional information, please call (904) 259-3354. NOTE: Pursuant to Section 286.0.105, Florida Statutes, if any member of the public desires to appeal any decision made at this public hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose may need to ensure that he/she transcribe a verbatim record of the proceedings, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons need- ing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-3613 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 6 Lounge cooler is The door to an outside beer cooler building was forced open at the Country Club Lounge overnight December 22 and a thief or thieves carted off 65 cases of beer valued at $1238. Tabitha Zeigler of Macclenny, manager of the lounge south of Interstate 10 on SR 121, said the beer was last seen about 2;30 the afternoon of December 21 and the theft went undetected until the following afternoon about 3:20. The heist included most popular brands, the most consisting of 25 cases of Bud Light. Deputy Tony Norman noted in his report no fingerprints were found because the area is refrigerated. Neither the door bar nor the lock that held it in place were found, either. Mock MCItrainingheldin Cuyler Cuyler Baptist Church, was the setting for the first Baker County mock mass casualty incident training December 16. The simulated school bus accident took two months to plan and coordinate and involved Baker County and Macclenny fire departments and emergency medical service resources throughout the coun- ty. Members of the Fire Explorers and teensfrom Cuyler Church volunteered to portray victims. The training exercise was videotaped for rescue personnel to review and study at a later date. "We learned first hand how overwhelming this particular rescue scenario can be," said Jol, Aohileri "ell. an assistant county fire chief. "It's helped us iduetuif areas that need attention so we'll be as ready as possible if the real situation occurs." Above: City and county firefighters go tli/rotghi tie procedure to extract an injured victim from the bus interior. From left: Billy Cannella, J,-;e\ Alatuhi. victim Wayne Chassen and Morgan McClel- lan. Below: Rescue workers deliver an accident victim to the yellow "nion-im- mediate transport" ground tarp. PHOTOS BY KELLEVY LANNIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the proposed ordinance whose title hereinafter appears will be presented to the Baker County Board of Commissioners for possible adoption on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 6:01 p.m. or as soon there- after as possible.-The Baker County Land/Local Planning Agency will review on Thursday, January 11,2007 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Both hearings will be at the Baker County Administration Building, 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida. Copies of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of the public in the Commissioners' office, address stated above. On the date above-mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance which is titled as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2007- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF BAKER, FLORIDA, REZONING APPROXI- MATELY 53.76 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY NORTH FLORIDA HERITAGE GROUP, LLC; FROM AG 7.5 TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD); PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ''i '.--rT 1 . The property is T i located north of ^-K-.- Woodlawn Road and -.. east of Dupree Road 7- _^-r_ --r _ If any member of the public desires to appeal any de- cision made at this public hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose may need to ensure that he/she transcribe a verbatim record of the proceedings, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-3613 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. CITIZENS OF MACCLENNY ,PLEASE TAKE NOTICE at the regular meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, January, 9,2007 at 6:00 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 118 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, the City of Macclenny will consider the below ordinance for final reading: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO REZONING; PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN LANDS IN THE CITY OF MACCLENNY; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A VOLUNTARY REZONING REQUEST.FROM CATINA WIDEMOND JONES AND CLARENCE 0. JONES ON PARCEL 32-2S-22-0007-0002-0080; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. '--z m o U) A complete legal description by metes and bounds and the ordinance can be obtained from the office of the City clerk. Anyone having an interest in the first reading of this ordinance is invited to attend the meeting. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the proposed ordinance whose title hereinafter appears will be presented to the Baker County Board of Commissioners for possible adoption on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 6:01 p.m. or as soon there- after as possible. The Baker County Land/Local Planning Agency will review on Thursday, January 11,2007 at 7:00 pm or as soon thereafter as possible. The above hearings will be held at the Baker County Administra- tion Building, 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida. Copies of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of the public in the Commissioners' office, address stated above. On the date above-mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance which is titled as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2007- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF BAKER, FLORIDA, REZONING APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE OF REAL PROP- ERTY OWNED BY GEORGE W. KNABB JR., FROM RCMH 1 TO RC .5; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Knabb property is located at 4778 ----- -- --.I'e Estate Street If any member of the public desires to appeal any de- cision made at this public hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose may need to ensure that he/she transcribe a verbatim record of the proceedings, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-3613 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. looted of 65 cases of beer on Friday Two vehicle thefts were reported in sepa- ported stolen last week at opposite ends of the rate incidents the morning of December 20, county. the first a 2003 Chevrolet pickup left on the The first was a tree stand valued at $300 roadside of SR 228 south of the interstate and belonging to Robert Davis of Lake City. with mechanical problems the night before. He left it in a wooded area off Forest Road .Owner Jimmy Overstreet of Glen St. Mary 257 near Olustee on December 10 and it was said the truck was gone when he went to re- taken sometime during the next week. He re- trieve it that morning about 6:30. ported it to police on December 19. About two hours later, Gerald Stoddard Herbert Rogers of Macclenny said an au- discovered his 1998 Ford work van was taken tomatic deer feeder valued at $350 was re- from the back yard of his residence off Frank- moved from a hunting lease just north of the lin St. in Glen St. Mary. He parked it there Macclenny city limits. He reported the theft the previous evening and told police it may December 21, and Lt. Chuck Brannan of the contain as much as $3000 worth of carpeting sheriff's department said ATV tracks at the tools. scene led to the nearby Deerwood Subdivi- Two pieces of hunting equipment were re- sion. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 7 Boyfriend is arrested for domestic violence Brooks allegedly walked through a wooded area and west on the CSX tracks. Deputy Whihaker, minutes later stopped Mr. Brooks walk- ing north on Lowder near Long Drive, and the suspect said he was walking home from Winn- Dixie. following an argument with his wife the previous eve- ning. The officer noted Mr. Brooks appeared intoxicated. A criminal complaint will be filed against a suspect identified as Gino Harris, no age or address noted, after he fled on foot from Deputy Hardin, \\ ho spotted him acting suspiciously near a resi- dence on Quail Lane on Decem- ber 21. The days leading up to the Christmas holiday weekend brought with them the custom- ary arrests and criminal com- plaints for offenses like battery and prowling. Daniel McAllister, 32, was arrested for domestic violence outside his residence off Claude Harvey Road northwest of Glen St. Mary the morning of Decem- ber 20 following an argument with his live-in girlfriend. Melanie Anderson, 38, said she fled their home with a daugh- ter after Mr. McAllister made repeated threats and destroyed property3 once he got inside. Ear- lier, he was outside throwing fur- niture about the yard. Ms. Anderson said she was struck b\ the door when the boy- friend forced his way in, and she fled to the nearb\ residence of her motherwhere she was inter- viewed by Deputy Darrin Whita- ker. The officer soon after was called back to the couple's resi- dence where he arrested Mr. McAllister, who was spinning around the yard in a pickup truck. He had a strong odor of alcohol and slurred speech, the report noted. The state attorney's office will decide whether r to press charges against Jacqueline Scoggins. 29. of Glen St. Mary for allegedly striking Beverly Johns, 47, on the face and arms after going to her residence off Wright's Lane' in Macclenny. . The confrontation took place' the afternoon of December 20 af- ter the accused said she went to the residence to pick up prescrip- tion medication. The victim.told Deputy John Hardin the incident was due to a long-standing dis- pute. A similar complaint evolved, follow ing an alleged attack on Daphne Battles, 23, of Glen by Chariot Moore, 21, of Olustee the same afternoon. Ms. Battles and two witnesses told Deputy Ah son Smith that Nis. Moore ap- proached her on Grissholm St. and struck her several times. Two juvenile-age girls denied, a knife was involved in a fight %\ ith a third young female at the county's ball fields in north Mac- clenny about 1:00 am on Decem- ber 23. The victim,. a 16-year-old who lives nearby, said one of her assailants attempted, to cut her during the scuffle, but Dep- uty Curtis Ruise said marks on the girl's back matched one of the accused's statement that she pushed the complainant into a chain link fence. Kenneth Brooks, 33, of Mac- clenn\ was charged with prowl- ing near a residence on Railroad Ave. in west Macclenny just be- fore 1:00 am December 20. , Tony Larry said he spotted SIMr. Brooks in front of his, resi- dence and when he asked what the suspect was doing there, Mr. Pageant to be held, Miss Baker County, Miss Glen St. Mary and Miss Macclenny pageants will be held on January 5 at 7:00 pm at the Baker County High School Auditorium. Rehearsal will be Thursday night at 6:00 pm. SFor more information,contact Tami Yarborough at 259-4407. PII BACK FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY $3.00 Lunch Special Monday Friday 11:00 am 4:00 pm Choice of Popcorn Shrimp, Clams or Fish. Served with fries, coleslaw and hushpuppies ALL YOU C Sunday & Monday.. Tuesday & Wednesd Thursday.................. Reorders Cantrell top scholar This year's Salutatorian at Baker County High School, who graduated at age 16, has been named the Academic Top Schol- ar in the 2006 graduating class. Jason Cantrell, the son of Crystal and Newell Cantrell of Macdclenny, is currently enrolled at the University of Florida ma- joring in mechanical and aero- nautical engineering. Jason % as actually a co-Salu- tatorian and while at Baker High was involved in a number of or- ganizations, including FFA, Beta Club and Future Problem Solv- ers. Florida Academic Scholars are chosen on the basis of grade point average, and their best scores on the SAT and ACT col- lege entrance tests. In addition to their scholarships via the Bright Futures program,; the top scholars also get up to $1500 annually. F RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd.. Mlacclennr. FL 32063 RR License No. 228114-0 . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereb\ given that the proposed ordinance whose title hereafter appears \\ ill be presented to the Baker County Board of Commissioners for possible adoption on Tuesday. January .16 2007, at 6:01 p.m. or as soon there- after as possible. The Baker County Landi/Local Planning Agency \will review on Thursda. January 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The above hearings Will be held at the Baker County Administration Building, 55 North Third Street. Macclenny, Florida. Copies of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of the public in the Conmmissioners' office, address stated above. On the date above-mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the proposed - ordinance which is titled as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2007- AN ORDINANCE OF TIHE COUNTY OF BAKER, FLORIDA, REZONING APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY J.C. WALTON FROM RCMH 1 TO RC .5; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. t-- ,-- The Walton P property is located i on the south side of Estate Street If any member of the public desires to appeal any de- cision made at this public hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose may need to ensure that he/she transcribe a verbatim record of the proceedings, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-3613 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. KIDS NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT One free kids basket and drink with the purchase of one adult dinner. 'AN EAT 2:00 pm 8:00 pm .........Snow Crab Legs.........$22.95 lay........Shrimp.................. $13.95 ............Fish ......................... $ 10 .95 Share allowed until closed. Pei ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday at 8:00 pm Macclenny Church of Christ, 5th and Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 Well Drilling Water Softeners & Purification Septic Tanks Drain Fields Iron Filters 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS L ... F ..- .;; ,- C- .. . i ].;Major credct cards accepteded . N .,.FCOWn .e ,,. r.. .. .. Choose the More-Than-1 Enhanced Bundle, for only $39.95 a month and you'll get: Local Service NEFCOM's most popular calling features: Caller ID, Call Waiting, Call Forwarding Busy Line, Call Forwarding Don't Answer, and Anonymous Call Rejection 25 E.L.C. (quarter) calls 100 Minutes of Long Distance calls to anywhere in the Continental U.S. NEFCOM Enhanced Voice Mail includes 3 separate Mailboxes, each with their own greeting. NEFCOM WireGuard inside wiring maintenance Bundling these services means saving l more than $135.00 annually Call Today to sign-up or to find out about our other Great Bundled Service Plans. 904-259-2261 Gift Certificates Available THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 8 Situaries Mrs. Burnham dies December 26 Mary "Maggie" Magalene Burnham, 80, of Sanderson died Tuesday, December 26, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center. Maggie was born in Esto, Florida on September 30, 1926 to the late John Henry,and Viola Carroll Payne. She lived in Baker County most of her life and attended Vineyard of Love Ministries. Maggie loved gardening, fishing, sewing and spending time outdoors. She also enjoyed- art and loved spending time with her family. She is predeceased by son Joe Rufus Burnham. Survivors include her hus- band of 64 years, Willie Joe Burnham of Macclenny; child- ren Frances Burk, Johnny Ray (Julie) Burnham and Linda Fay (Buddy Barton) Burnham, all of Macclenny, Willie Mae (T.C.) Green of St. George, Ga. and Elizabeth Wheeler of Sanderson; 20 grandchildren, 38 great- grandchildren and .Ieveral great-great grandchildren. The funeral sen ice will be held on Thursday. December 28. 2006 at 1:00 p.m. in the chapelof V.Todd Ferreira Funeral Sen ices of Nlacclenn \\ith Pastor Troy Alexander officiating. Interment \\ill follow \ in Macedonia Cem- etery. Betty J. Crews funeral thursday Betty ,J. Crews, 73, died Friday;, December 22, 2006. She was born in Pierce County, Ga. and lived most of her life in Jacksonville . She was a member of Macclenny R e v i v a I Center., Survive ors include son Wayne Cre ea s dhaught ers Jane (Ton ofo Burnsed, Jean (Nlike) Lloyd, Karen (Erman) Copher and Lynnm (Jerry) Trist; brothers Dub, David .and. Jack Crawford;i sisters Peggy Jones and Linda McClain; 10 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren and 2 great- great-grandchildren. The funeral service will be held Thursday, December 28, at 11:00 am in the chapel of Town & Country Funeral Home on Normandy Blvd, Jacksonville, with interment at Memorial Park. We publish obituaries & pictures FREE! Ms. Hargroves,, Maxville resident Minnie Zell Hargroves, 70, of Maxville -died December 22, 2006. She was born on November 5, 1936 to the late Dan and Beatrice Cannon, Hargroves. Ms. Hargro'ves was a life-long resident of Nlaxville and a member of the Max\ ille Church of Christ. She enjoyed crossword puzzles and reading her Bible. . Survivors include her aunt and uncle, Virginia and Millard Canaday; aunt Hazel Wilkinson; cousin Dorinda Canaday, all of' Jacksonville; numerous cousins. The funeral service \ as held on Wednesday, December 27 ini the chapel at V, Todd.Ferreira Funeral Services of Nlacclenn. -%ith pastors Robert Allen and Neal Griffis officiating. Interment followed at South Prong Cemetery. Florence Murray,' Bryceville native Florence Helen Hunt- Murra,- 76, of Brice\ille died on December 19, 2006 in Jacksonville. Mrs. Mlurray \\as born Februar\ 20. 1930 in Bryce\ ille,thedaughterofthelate Chester A. Hunt and the former Francis Virginia Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by granddaughter Erin Whitty. Survivors include daughters Annette Murray, Sharon Murray and Carolyn (Keith) Whitt\; grandchildren Margie (Kenneth)' Warren, Kasey Whitty, Cory Whitty and Dana Whitty; three great-grandchildren; brother C.A. (Verna) Hunt; uncle David (Sadiei Hunt. The funeral service was held Friday, December 22, 2006 at Brandy Branch Cemetery in Bryceville with Rev. Dann\ Fouraker officiating. Arrangements were under the direction of R. Vance Prestwood, LFD. St. Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am First United, Methodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny ~ 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm John L. Hay, Jr., VToddAm ber&----Em-aFerreira V. Todd Funeral Services 250 North Lowder St., Macclenny 259-5700 NormanD.Jones dies December 20 Norman Dale Jones of Lake Butler died December 20, 2006 at Shands University of Florida Medical Center after a brief illness. He was born in Baker County and lived most of his life in Baker and Duval counties. Mr. Jones was a retired police officer and a Baptist. He ,N as the son of the late Charlie and Effie Thompson Jones. Survivors include sons Nor- man Dale Jones Jr. and Rich- ard Jones, both of Jacksonville, Bryan Kqith Jones of Lake City and Joseph Jones of Lake But- ler; brother Barry Jones of Grif- fin, Ga.; sisters Wanda Jacobs of Jacksonville and Betty Reider of Houston, Texas; eight grand- children and five great-grand- children. The funeral service was held Wednesday, December 27 at the Chapel of Archer. Funeral Home with Rev. Barry Jones officiating. Interment followed in Woodlat n Cemetery, Mac- clenny. Louis Magnan, UPS electrician' Louis F. Nlagnan.48,f Nlac- clenny died Wednesday. Decem- ber 20, 2006. Louis \\as born on October , 14, 1958 in ' Jacksonville and moved ." to Macclen- . ny 12 years ago. He was " a Baptist and a member of IBEW Lo- cal #177 of Jacksonville. Mr. Magn-a Louis Was predeceased by his father. Mau- rice R. MNagnan. He %worked for UPS as an electrician in the plant engineering dept. and loved be- ing home with his wife and chil- dren. Survivors include his loving wife of 20 years, Marian Parks- Magnan; children Rachel F., Magnan and Alex M. Magnan, all of Macclenny; mother Alber- tine L. "Tina" Bastien Magnan of Jacksonville; brother Pierre A. Magnan of Ottawa, Canada; sister Michele (Vernon)Hamner of Jacksonville; numerous niec-' es and nephews. The memorial service was held Friday, December 22, 2006 in the chapel at V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services in Macclenny Pastor Alan Floyd of First Bap- tist Church of Middleburg offi- ciating. MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship !0i-3i .urn- 11:00 am Worship Services S1 100 .un .. ,, \\Ved Bible Snid .. -.'- i i pn, ,,,,. I" '' i iL I minister .. -.. San F. itcilching Pastors Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North t 259-4461 Nlacclennm, FL Pastor Tim Cheshire Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11 00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:01) pm -.... .. -- Jesus answered, "Verivy. verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of watei and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the king- dLom of God.' John 3 5 ArrieB. Ruise rites on Saturday Arrie B. Ruise, 67, of Mar- garetta died December 22,2006 following a long illness. Mrs. Ruise was born No- vember 3, 1939 to the late William and Nel-. lie Gaskins . She was i - predeceased by her hus- band of 30 Mrs. Rise years, King S. Ruise Sr. She was member of the St. John Baptist Church ,in Sanderson. She retired in 1994 after 25. years with the Baker County school transportation depart- ment. Survivors include children King S. Ruise Jr.. James (Jackie) Ruise, both of NMargaretta and Glynis L1. Ruise of Sanderson; .step-children Kenneth (Paula) Watson of Ft., Pierce, JoAnn George of Lake Cit,y Martinel Givens of Valdosta, Glennel Givens and Katina Givens of Jacksonville and Maurice Giv- ens.of Margaretta: sisters Ear- tha Lee Gaskins and Annagusta Donaldson of Sanderson; broth- ers William Gaskins. Rev. Rich- ard Gaskins, Deacon Lu mark Gaskins, Lonnie Gaskins and Mozell Gaskins. all of Sander- son; sisters-in-law Mrs. Clensy Warren of Jacksonville and Mrs. Elouise Ruise of Sander- son; aunt Mrs. Hilda McCray of Sanderson; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews and many sorrow ing friends. The funeral, services \%ill be held Saturday, December 30, 2006 at noon at St. John Baptist Church, Five Churches Road, Sanderson. Arrangements are under the direction of Combs Funeral Home in Lake City. In Memory of Dora Fay Norman Come With Me The Lord saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. - So He put his arms around you . and whispered, "C i.,ii ,ih ,n ." With tearful eyes,. we watched you suf- fer and saw you fade away, Although we loved youmdearly, We could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, A beautiful smile at rest, God broke our hearts to prove He only takes the best. It's lonesome here without you We miss you so each day, Our lives aren't the same Since you went away. When days are sad and lonely, and everything goes wrong, We seem to hear you whisper, "Cheer up and carry on." Each time we see your picture, You seem to smile and say, "Don't cry, I'm in God's keeping, We'll meet again someday." WE LOVE YOU, MAMA- MICHELLE, RONNIE & TONYA In Loving Memory of Daisy Williams 12/5/32-12/28/05 Little did we know that morning, that God was going to call your name, In life, we loved you dearly, In death we do the Wi It broke our hearts to lose you, It has been on ' year since you sd departed from us, GYou left us peace- ful memories, Your life is still our guide. And though we Ms. Williams cannot see you, You are always at our side. YOUR CHILDREN MAVIS, CHARNITA, ELVIS, PHYLLIS GARY, MICHELLE & ERIC Sincere appreciation The family of Dora Fay Norman would like to express its sincere appreciation for all the kindness, prayers, food and flowers sent to them during their recent loss. A special thanks to pastors David and Timothy Thomas, Todd Ferreira Funeral Services and Aunt Christine Potter.- MICHELLE, RONNIE, TONYA 'AND FAMILIES Watch Night service First Baptist Church of Sanderson will have a New Year's Eve Watch Night service from 8:00.pm until midnight, or as long as you want to stay. Gail Moore, Eddy Croft and Ross Edenfield will be sharing in song. You are welcome to join in sharing your talent.. Dinner will be served around 10:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday.... 8:30 am Morning Worship Service...... 10:30 am Children's Church ............ 11:30 am Evangelistic ............... 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.)............. 7:30 pm Rev. Albert Starling Home: 259-3982.* Church: 259-6521 Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday\ School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunda\ Moning Worship 11:00 A.M Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 First Baptist Church GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA Hea n Sunday School 9:45 AM Baker Co.uli Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM 259-6977 Dr. Walter Bennett, Interim Sr. Pastor Perry Hays, Associate Pastor ______JUV ____- -___ CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE Independent Pentecostal Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny am am pm pm am Youth Proarams 10:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm 11:00 am 7:00 pm Iwww~christianfellowshiptemple.comf Senior Pastor David Thomas 2594940 Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday Sunday School Common Ground Sunday Common Ground Wed. (Teens) God Kids Sunday God Kids Wednesday Guerry Funeral Home We are a family owned company with two locations serving our respective communities. If you have a question about a funeral with burial or a funeral with cremation, call us. Guerry Funeral Home's reputation was built on caring for your family. 420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East) Macclenny 259-2211 Bill Guerr Larr 2659 S.W. Main Blvd. (U.S. 41 South) Lake City (386) 752-2414 y and Bryan Guerry, Funeral Directors y Williams, Office Administrator 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00 9:15 Youth Pastor Gary Cmmmey '-- -5 MOMMMONEW RodneyJones, 63, ofMacclenny Rodney Richard Jones, 63, of Macclenny died December 23, 2006. He was born in Mankato, Minnesota on February 25, 1943 to the late Clifford and Mary Evans Jones. Mr. Jones was a resident of Baker County since 1995 and enjoyed puzzles and. woodwork. Survivors include his fiance, Pam Webber of Macclenny; children Ricky and Robby Jones, both of Missouri, and Randy Jones of Minnesota; brother Thomas Jones of Minnesota; sister Sandra A. Womble of Macclenny; four grandchildren. The arrangements were under direction of V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny. Vonda Shadd, 77, ofSanderson dies Vonda 'Norman Shadd, 77, of Sanderson died peacefully Wednesday, December 21,2006 at St. Vincent Medical Center af- ter an extended illness. She was born in Raiford, the daughter of the late Sam Norman and Ever- ette Griffis Norman. She retired from Northeast Florida State Hospital and was a member of the New River Congregational Methodist Church in Raiford. She was preceded in death by her husband Leeman Shadd and son Leeman Dewayne Shadd. Survivors include daugh- ters Carolyn Annette Shadd of Jacksonville, Elaine Shadd and Pam Shadd, both of Sanderson; brother Hisley A. Norman of Hampton Lake; sisters Joyce Hill and Muriel Rosier, both of Sanderson; grandson Jonathan Norris; 6 great-grandchildren. The funeral service was held Friday, December 22 at the cha- pel at Archer Funeral Home with Rev. Michael Norman and Bro. Craig Shiver officiating. In- terment followed at Pine Grove Cemetery in Raiford. Mr. Thomas dies Christmas Day Robert Ardelle Thomas Sr., 68, a native and life-long resident of Jacksonville, died on Monday, December 25, 2006. Mr. Thomas was a mem- ber of Trinity Baptist . Church and worked for - the City of Jacksonville as a traffic and sign eng- ineer. Mr. Thomas was Mr. homas a. volunteer firefighter, a carpenter and loved to play the guitar, piano and harmonica. He enjoyed fishing and watching television. Mr. Thomas was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers and three sisters. He is survived by his loving wife of 44 years, Odie Ann Perritt Thomas; sons Robert A. Jr, Rex D., Gerald L. and Burt R. Thomas; daughters Robin A. Thomas, Cathy G. (Dwayne) Frank and Alice F. Thomas; brother Richard Thomas; sister Catherine L. Johnson; grandchildren Dwayne (D.J.) and Selena M. Franck; several cousins, nieces and nephews. The funeral service will be held Saturday, December 30 at 2:00 pm in the chapel of Fraser Funeral Home, 8168 Normandy Blvd. with Rev. Jim Kilpatrick officiating. Interment will follow in Riverside Memorial Park. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 5:00 8:00 pm on Thursday and Friday. Frances Upton of Baldwin dies Frances M. Upton, 63, of Baldwin died December 22, 2006. She was born on August 16, 1943 in Hawkinsville, Ga. to the late J.T. and Sara Rid- . dle Surren- "- cy and was a resident of Baldwin- sthe past 36 years. Mrs. Upton was a Baptist and very much e n j o yed Ms.Upton reading. Survivors include herhusband of 42 years,R.B. Upton. children Michele (Michael) Perdue of Baldwin and Christopher (Jessica) Upton of Monroe, Ga; brothers Tommy Surrency of Bryceville and Thad Surrency of Baldwin; sister S h irley Quinn of Macclenny; grandchildren Brittany and Megan Fanning CANCER? Don't go it alone The Baker County Cancer Support Group First Thursday of month at 7:00 pm Baker Coaminy Hcorh Deparimcnt THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 9 Check us out online at bakercountypress.com FAITH BIBLE CHURCH Ne-u~ HJ-pe for the Communiity Five Churches Road Hwvv. 127 Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Eiyn 4' Sunday Night Senice 7:00 p.m. : I'idell ;I: Williams -Pastor / One Christmas Season, around the 28th My best Christmas present was 3 days late This gift, i j i u, fpped in the usual manner No tinsrl ..r, o :t a small piece of flannel 40 years ago? How can that be? You still brine loy to the World to me! Mom, Dad, Hubby and Kids r4 F 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All F ift h .'qP& 2 5 o r ::.' Ia d,nn A t 111r~' ~I [ 1~ vu Ha k i Sun a~ ch~'l 1:3) a ~ ''e-I esd. Bible Stu d& i:00 )p m Sund., RitiruitisgW orship 10:15 i ~D T uaal~71 ) p Siinda EvidtilnWorship i.Ijll pm .-I Lor'ingi Church ,rilh a Growing I isbon of E~rcelle,,ce" S i-ii 11-i nll 1n'Sd h i-'J w d'i no, "impr )9,10 4w, I ~i .- ... . The Road to Calvaq Comer of Madison & Stoddard Glen St. Mai-y Pastor: Tornmy Anderson Phone: 904-259-2213 Sund, School: ......... 10:00 a.m. SUnday Moriiing Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday Eveiiin Service ... 6:00 p.m. Swiderson Congregational Holiness* Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 an) Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Ev ening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Even'ing Proer Serv. 7.30 pm Pastor. Oral E. Lyons Help Wanted: Dental Assistant 5 Yr. Experience, Required Fax Resume to .904-396-4,924 Don't have experience yet?, See the ad for Jacksonville Dental Assistant School. -in the Help Wanted section of the classified ads of The Baker County Press., It starts With the headline: "In Just 71 Days you can have the- skills you-need to get a job as a Dental Assistant" FFirst Baptist Chu.rch of Sanderson CR 229 S., Sanderson FL Sunday School ....... 10:00 am Sun. Morning Worship 11:00arn Sun. Evening Worship .. 6:00 pra Wed. Eve. Bib le Study. .7:00 prn AWANA Wed. Night.. 7:00 pm Pastor Bob Christmas www.firstbaptistchurchofsanderson.com 5 W/V -- -----;m.. BORO Lot$ of BUY I 25 99 GET 1 + tax FREE a carton Cigarette Deals 40SE CUERVO CAPTAIN KAHLUA #a.4MORGAN 3399 0"$2999 Spice 1.75 mL r,, 1.75 mL Coconut Rum i,1,999 s $1799 2299, 750 mL 1.75 mL 1.75 mL With best wishes and thanks from the whole bunch. We value your business and hope to serve you again, soon. Ronie s Food George and Staff Jack Daniels 1.75, Paul Masson, .75mL,19-99 Knob Creek750ml 9-9-9 Canadian Club 1.75ML $199-9- Arb I orM i St 750ML $499 Woodbridge 1.5L $10%9- At. the close of a notheryear..., Cp Before the clock Cq strikes the final hour, CP C we resolve to give you .our very best wishes, for a fabulous and fun-filled year. We're YL really grateful for the I ,time you and your children have spent with us.. Baker County School Superintendent Paula Bart'on' Maile a safe and bapp _71 j, Neir 1earM . "t "'. .%" " ,,ISMIRN'OFF 99 1.75 mL imL Canadian LTD 1.75mL $3399 $139-9 .Seagrams Gin 1.751L $1 gag- Re*my MartinV.S. 750ML $19%9- CLC 1.75mL $159-9 Crown Royal750rL $2199 BY BAKER BEVERAGE 207 W. Macclenny Ave. o 259-8184 ."GREY GOOSE $2799 750 mL -JIM BEAM 11104 - .,t3310 21 1975 9mL -A PATRON SILVER $2799 375 mL 199 750 mL Southern Home 1.5L $799 I I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 10 ports Cats hosting seven teams in the First Coast Classic The Baker High varsity Wild- cats will be shooting for another Florida First Coast Classic title this week as they host seven top area teams. The tournament has been a holiday staple for a dozen years. The tournament, which opens at 2:00 pm on Thursday and runs through Saturday night, features the Cats, Fort White, Stanton Prep, Hamilton County, Wolfson, Crescent City, Orange Park and Englewood. The Wolfson Wolf- pack will be the team to watch. The 'Pack has been in the state rankings for most of the season and features a potent offense and tough defense. Wolfson will face Crescent City in their opening round match. Another tough team in the .0. "Se Wolfpack's bracket will be the Orange Park Raiders. The Raid- ers have been up and down this season, but when they are on their game they are capable of beating anyone. Coach Charles Ruise expects to see an Orange Park/Wolfson matchup for the top spot in their bracket. The Raiders will square off against Englewood in the first round. The Wildcats face off against Fort White on Thursday at 8:00 pm in the BCHS gym. In an ear- lier match, the Trojans of Hamil- ton County will take on the Blue Devils of Stanton Prep. Games are at 2:00, 4:00, 6:00 and 8:00 pm on Thursday and Friday and 6:00 and 8:00 pm on Saturday. BCRota.r)' Club Baker Commrt RoanarChill reiirc /5,if Jo''l'Bar her cad r'rpc- mut'red a p/a pc'71'c/. Ka'', CI arure I a7 BaAer Cowrrr Al/idd/c Scho.,'' S11001 CO "i ti!., i ,,/eIAt/ikh " tie Afout/i /br Oct).y Sc' I',u p/ar% vol/iba' l/rn/ ttheI/i bi"rotsarid lllitatcli~i. can4.8, cc''av,og'. S/rie i f/t'e dicngl~itit of/'Sucia amid GmYt PRESS ADVERTISING DEADLINE Monday 5:00 PM ZQjoNotices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.: 2006-CP-036 IN RE: The Estate of Leland E. May, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Leland E. May, deceased, whose date of death was April 18, 2006, is pending in the Circuit Court for Baker County, Florida. Probate Division, the address of which is 339 East Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, FL 32063. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be.served must file their claims with this court within the later of 3 months after the time of the first publica- tion of this notice or 30 days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court within 3 months after the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims not filed within the time periods set forth in Section 733.702 of the Florida Probate Code will be forever, barred. Notwithstanding the time periods set forth above, any cliam filed two (2) years or more after the decedent's dae of death is barred. SThe date of first publication of this notice is December 21, 2006. Attorney for Personal Representative: Robert Fridley, Esquire FBN 0577111 110 SE 1' Street, Fourth Floor, Suite 336 'Gainesville, FL 32601 Personal Representative: Kathy Stafford 23267 Dobson Ave. Sanderson, FL 32087 12/21-28 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUlNT"i' FLORIDA. FILE NO.: 02-2006-CP-0060 IN RE: ESTATE OF. CHARLES CLIFFORD JOHNS NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION (One PR) The administration of the estate of Charles Clifford Johns, deceased, File Num- ber 02-2006- CP-0060, is pending in the Probate Court, Baker County, Florida, the aodres- a.l whin c .339 Easi Macclenny Av- enue M c ,:9 ,lErnn, Flori,3 3206 3 The names and addresses of the per- sonal representative and the personal repre- seniaiive's ahcrnev are sei lonh below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS are noti- fied that: All persons on whom this notice is served, who have'objections that challenge the validity of the will, the qualifications of the personal representative, venue, or jurisdiction of this court are required to file their objec- tions with this court within the later. of three months after the date of the first publication, of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. All creditors 'of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate 'on whom a copy of this notice is served, within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice, must file their claim with this court within the later of three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. Alln o.,n- cread-,I.r oi me decedeni ana persons hang claim. ,i demnils againslI i.h decedennri'. estaipe mui tliof rner ,-1aiim.' 'Air. iriN :Curl minin irhre Tmrninc. ianer ire J.1ale I ire lirci putjlIcaiin oi Ir nncii . ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJEC- TIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of .thefirst publication of this notice'is December 21, 2006. Frank E. Maloney, Jr. Attorney for personal representative Florida Bar No.: 142990 445 E. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, FL 32063 Telephone: (904) 259-3155 Warren G. Johns Personal Representative 12/21-28 / PUBLIC NOTICE M er an tile Bank Baker County will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 6:00 pm during the Baker County Commission meet- ing to seek public comment on transmittal to the Department of Community Affiairs of text -. Amendments to the Capital Improvement Ele- .. ment of the Comprehensive Plan. For more information, contact Baker County Planning f& Zoning Department at 904-259-3354 or at S." 81 N. 3rd Street, Macclenny, Florida 32063. S Notice to persons needing special accommo- S'-dations and to all hearing impaired persons: S In accordance with the Americans with Dis- S" --.. abilities Act, persons needing a special ac- S. commodation or an interpreter to participate :' ', ,." ,.'- .-- in this proceeding, should contact Sara Little S*' at 904-259-3613, or at 55 N. 3rd Street, Mac- clenny, Florida 32063 no later than five (5) .days prior to the date of this meeting. 12/28-1/4 Filled With Our Gratitude ...And Best Wishes, Too! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHT JUDI- CIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR , BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA-0191 William W. Lott and Claire Sue Cooley Plaintiff, vs. LEONA KNABB, not known to be dead or alive; And all unknown grantees, creditors, and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them, and, if dead, their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, arid all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them; and all unknown grantees, creditors, and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them, and, if dead, or not known to be dead or alive, their several and respective estates, unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors, or other parties claiming by, through, under or against those unknown natural persons, and the several and respective unknown assigns, successors in interest, trustees, creditors, lienors or any other party claiming by, through, under or against any corporation existing or dissolved, or other legal entity named as defendant, and all claimants, person or parties, natural or corporate or whose exact legal status is unknown, claiming under any of the above named or described defendants or parties or claiming to have any right, title or interest in and to the lands hereafter described. Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: LEONA KNABB YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Action to Quiet Title on the following property in Baker County, Florida (Overlap of ORB 195 page 64 and DB 5, page 419) Part Of Section 32 TownrEsr,,p 2 Souir, Range 22 East, Bai er Couniv F:,orida and being part of t-'.'.e lands -.r'iu.vrarjc: in Official Records Boo[ iORBi 195 pa3g 64 of the Official Records of Baker Coun- ty Florica and .e.rng more particularly oea'-:rbed as loii'ole Commren,:e ia a cor.rei moi'numeriI mariring irhe SE cor- ner ol Sclhionr 3? Tonship 2 South, Rane 2.?2 Easi Bal'er Couniy Florida and iren,,:e r.1 01 90 W aoi.ng the Easi Ine .,i said Seciur 32 a dos.iance of 296.92 heel o a i:oncrele monumrrent marking the SE corner Oi lands described in ORB 13 page -47 8 o -dad Oric.al Re- cords; then.e 5 a6'26 14 W. aor,ng irie South line of said lands, 395.56 feet to 'a concrete monument, LS 4708, marking the SW corner of said larids in ORB 13, page 478; thence N 010 02'02"W, along the West line of said lands, 283.66 feet to a 58 inch ron rod, L47, LS4708, on the North line of lands previouslv o'tned by Leona Knaib as i c'.odej in deedR Book 5. page S419 01o Sai' OHiCial iRe':'rdas a-. .:c plied and monumented according to survey by B.G.Moore, LS 439, dated September 8, 1971; thence continue N 0102'02" W, along the aforementioned West line of ORB 13, page 478, a distance of 45.31 feet to a point on the South line of lands originally-deeded to W.W. Loft and Wife, as recorded in Deed Book 2, page 289 of said Official Records; thence S 7836'17" W, along said South line 154.28 feet to its intersection with the East line of lands described in said ORB 195, page 64 and the Point of Beginning of the herein described lands; thence S 0059'11" E, along the East. line of said ORB 195 page 64, a distance of 31.12 feet to the aforementioned North line of said Leona Knabb as occupied and surveyed by the aforementioned B.G.Moore; thence S83 51 '44" W, along said occupied and surveyed line, 334.00 feet to the SW corner of the lands originally deeded to W.W.Lott and Wife in said Deed Book 2, page 289 and being the same as the coW ncornr of chose lands deeded to the .alorernenhalond Leona Knatb in said Deed Bon-, 5 page 419; ih.'n.e i.-178 36 17 E, aion g the line common to Lott and Knabb as per description recorded in said Deed Book 2 page 289 and Deed Book 5, page 419, a distance of 338.22 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.12 acre more or less. and (Overlap of ORB 19 page 149 and DB 5 page 419) Part of Section 32, Township 2 South, Range 22 East, Baker County, Florida, and being part of those lands described in Official Records Book (ORB) 19 page 149 of the Official Records of Baker County, Florida, and being more particu- larly described as follows: Commence at a concrete monument marking the SE corner of Section 32, Township 2 South, Range 22 East, Baker County, Florida, and thence N 01*19'02" W, along the East line of said Section 32, a distance of 296.92 feet to a concrete monument marking the SE corner of lands described in ORB 13, page 478 of said Official Re- cords; thence S 8828'14" W, along the South line of said lands, 395.56 feet to a concrete monument, LS 4708, marking the SW corner of said lands in ORB 13, page 478; thence N 0102'02" W, along- the West line of said lands, 283.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod, LS4708, on the North line of lands previously owned by Leona Knabb.as recorded in Deed Book 5, page 419 of said Official Records as occupied and monumented according to survey by BG Moore, LS439 dated September 8, 1971, and the Point of the aforementioned West line of ORB 13, page 478, a distance of 45.31 feet to a point on the South line of lands origi- nally deeded to W.W. Lott and Wife, as recorded in Deed Book 2, page 289. of said Official Records; thence S 7836'17" W, along said South line, 154.28 feet to it's intersection with the East line of lands described in said ORB 195 page 64; thence S 059'11" E, 31.12 feet to a point( on the aforementioned occupied and surveyed North line of Leona Knabb; thence N 8351'44 E, along said line, 152.39 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.13 acre more or less. has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written de- fenses, if any, to it on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney, whose address is 445 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Fl 32063, 904- *259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice and on or before the 24th day of January, 2007, and to file the original with the clerk of this Court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint or Petition. Witnessed my hand and seal of this Court on this 18 day of December, 2006. T.A. "AL" FRASER CLERK OF COURT BY: JAMIE CREWS DEPUTY CLERK 12/21-1/11 CITIZENS OF MACCLENNY Please take notice at the regular meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, January 9, 2007 at 6:00 pm at the City Hall, 118 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, the City of Macclenny will consider the below Ordinance for final reading: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Macclenny, Baker County, Florida; amending the retirement plan and trust for the firefighters of the City of Macclenny; providing for conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date. Anyone having an interest in the final read- ing of this Ordinance is invited to attend the meeting. 12/28 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Notice is hereby given that the proposed ordinance, whose title hereinafter appears, will be brought up for reading on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at the meeting of the Bak- er County Board of County Commission- ers, commencing at 6:00 pm in the County Administration Building at 55 North Third Street in Macclenny, Florida. A copy of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of the public at the offices of the Baker Coun- ty Board of County Commissioners in the County Administration Building at 55 North Third Street in Macclenny, Florida. On the above mentioned date, all interested parties may.appear and be heard with respect to this proposed ordinance. ORDINANCE NO.: 2006-51 An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, Florida for the mitigation of new development Impact on the transportation system and for the appropriate distribution of the fi- nancial impact as proportionate and fair share assessments to promote transpor- tation concurrency within Baker County and providing definitions, 'penalites, di- rections to the codifier, severability and an effective date. By: Terence M. Brown Baker County Attorney 486 North Temple Avenue Post Office Box 40 .Starke, Florida 32091 12/28-1/4 America'S Best Storage 305 E. Florida Avenue- Macclenny, Florida 32063 America's Best Storage will conduct a public sale to the highest bidder for cash only on their premises at 305 East Florida Avenue, Macclenny, FL 3206 .:on Saiuro ay. January 6, 2007, at 10:00 am on ire following unal;i #14 Alphonso & Berry BronCr, hou-er,,:,it #15 Jerry Stafford, household items #33 Tina Shannon, household items #82 Tina Watkins, household items #19 Sabrina L. Crews, household items #104 Sharon Yarbrough, household items #8 Lee Harvey, household items #69 Joellen Outlaw, household items. #7 Selena Roberts, household items #89 Tommy & Crystal Long, household items #85, #90 Katina Allen, household items #53 Cynthia St. John, household items The company reserves the right to reject any bid and withdraw any items from sale. 12/28-1/4 IN THE CiRCI.lT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLOR- IDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 2006-CA-143, WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK f/k/a Washington Mutual Bank, FA, Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM MARTIN a/k/a William E. Martin, et al, .Defendant(s) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby given pursuant to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure dated December 21, 2006 and entered in Case No. 2006-CA-143 of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit in and for Baker Coun- ty, Florida wherein Washington Mutual Bank f/k/a Washington Mutual Bank, FA, is the Plaintiff and William Martin a/k/a William E. Martin; Tara' L. Martin; are the Defendants, I'will sell to the highest and best bidder for.- cash at the front door of the Baker County Courthouse at 11:00 am, on the 23rd day of January, 2007, the following described prop- erty as set forth in said Final Judgment:' Parcel 21,'Sanderson Circle: Part of the Northwest %/4 of the North- west 14 of Section 12, Township 3 South, Range 20 East, Baker County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection of the Easterly right of way line of State Road No. 127 (a .100 foot right of way as now es- tablished) withthe Northerly line of block 7 and 8 as shown on plat of the Town of Sanderson as recorded in plat book 1, page 34, of the' public records of said County; thence North 20 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West, on said Easterly right of way line, a distance of 222.63 feet to the point of curve to the right; said curve being concaved Easterly and hav- ing a radius of 359.26 feet; thence around said curve a chord bearing and distance of North 1 degree 26 minutes 30 seconds East, 266.06 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence North 23 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds East, on said Easterly right of way line, a distance of 151.56 feet; thence North 87 de- grees 51 minutes 23 seconds East, a distance of 290.36 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 2 degrees 08 minutes 37 seconds West, a distance of 175.0 feet; thence North 87 de- grees 51 minutes 23 seconds East, a distance of 126.23 feet; thence South 2 degrees 08 minutes 37 seconds East, a distance of 175.0 feet; thence South 87 degrees 51 minutes 23 sec- onds West, a distance of 126.23 feet to the point of beginning. a/k/a 13922 Sanderson Circle, Sand- erson, FL 32087 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pen- dens. must file a claim within sixty (60) days after the sale. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on December 22, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski P.O. Box 25018 Tampa, Florida 33622 12/28-1/4 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Baker County District School Board will hold the following Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 2, 2007, in the Baker County District School Board Room located at 270 South Boulevard E., Macclenny, Florida, beginning at 6:30 pm: Approval of: New and Revised School Board Policies The public is invited and encouraged to attend. The documents will be available for preview at the Baker County School Board Office located at 392 South Boulevard E., Macclenny, Florida beginning December 6, 2006. 11/30-12/28 HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST" GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146 The following vehicle will be sold at pub- lic auction January 12, 2007 at 10:00 am, at Higginbotham's Towing & Recovery, US 90 West, Glen St. Mary, FL. 32040. 1994 Toyota Pickup ID#4TARN81A6RZ181124 12/28 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAKER COUNTY,. FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2006-106-CA UCN: 022006CA000106XXXXXX BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWABS, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2004-15, MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-15, Plaintiff, vs. DAVID EDDY, et al, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursu- ant to an Orde r orSummary Final Judg- ment of foreclosure dated December 14, 2006 and entered in Case No. 2006-106-CA UCN: 022006CAOOQ106XXXXXX of the Cir- cuit Court in and for Baker County, Florida, wherein Bank of New York, as Trustee, on behalf of the Certificateholders CWABS; Inc.,' Alternative Loan Trust 2004-15, Mortgage Pass Through Certificates, Series 2004-15 is Plaintiff and David Eddy; Wendy Eddy; Fox Ridge Estates Homeowners Association of Macclenny, Inc.; Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. d/b/a America's Wholesale Lender; Un- known Tenant No. 1; Unknown Tenant No. 2; and all unknown parties claiming interests by, through, under or against a named defen-' dant to this action; or having or claiming to' have any right, title or interest in the property herein described, are Defendants, I will sell. to the highest and best bidder for cash at the front door of the Baker County Courthouse,: 339 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, 32063 at Baker County, Florida be- tween 11:00 am and 2:00 pm on the 15th. day of January, 2007, the following described' property as set forth in said Order or Final Judgment, to wit:- Lot 11, Fox Ridge Estates, Phase One, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat book 3, page 39 of the public records of Baker County, Florida. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the' property owner as of the date of the Lis Pen- dens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to provision of certain as- sistance. Please contact the Court at 904- 259-8113 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this Notice; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call Florida Relay Service 800-955-8770. S 0 DATED at Macblenny, Florida, on Decem- ber'15, 2006. Al Fraser As Clerk, Circuit Court By: Jamie Crews As Deputy Clerk Smith, Hiatt & Diaz, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff P.O. Box 11438 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339-1438 Telephone: 904-564-0071 12/21-28 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA-138 MERCANTILE BANK, formerly known as CNB National Bank Plaintiff, vs. TIMOTHY P. BYRNES, et al., Defendants NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an order or a final judgment of foreclosure entered in the above captioned action, I will sell the property situated in Baker County, Florida, described as: Lot 13, Allen Lands, according to'the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 2, page 58, of the public records 'of Baker County, Florida at public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the front door of the Baker Coun- ty Courthouse in Macclenny, Florida at 11:00 am on the 23rd day of January, 2007. That any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court on December 22, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk, Circuit Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk Sidney E. Lewis, Esquire Lewis & Bernard, P.A. Attorney for Plaintiff 300 W. Adams Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 Telephone: 904-355-9003 12/28-1/4 Advertising Deadline Monday 5:00 pm Time's running out to say, "Happy New Year and many thanks", so please accept our best wishes and know that we loved every single minute of serving you this past year. Happy New Year! COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary* 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 www.countryfcu.com RENTALS OR SALES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? -"' Iron Filters and Conditioners s Water Treatment /' Free Water Tests-- --- S Well & Pump Supplies THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 11 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS -' - Light Land Clearing -- SITE PREP FOR NEW HOMES LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES (904) 259-9461 OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 Closed Holidays Metal Roofing Homes and Mobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installers Many Styles and Colors to Choose From Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.com (904)779-5786 SA 1-800-662-8897 BB Toll Free SButch's Paint & Body Shop 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER | ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR l Forenri & Domestic Dupont Lifetime Warranty Pair-t Computer Estimating + l \, i' ,i'*& Insurance Claim W:"r1 1 Full Isurd ENTERPRISE Stop in for your free estimate g RENT-A-CAR DROP-OFF 259-3785; . Ti :; --' :. ': .. -- sE *' :i." .'. -"' " I^ ~- ,/ -4 Tl fE Th T+4RFINS t \\ *: k i i ll tf r ,topping here. .1 S Bur bet,:re we put the ,e:ar t beI ' W \V. *,.isl; v,:,uI _,id tiimes m the veair al-le:-io Baker County Property Appraiser Tim Sweat and Family Carol, Tina, Nick, Shanna, Staniley Joe,Jerry and Bobby . __._____ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pm Macdenny Church of Christ 5th and Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 *i, LAKE CITY STAFF ASSISTANT I Grant Funded Position Assist the Coordinator of Student Ac- tivities with clerical and budget man- agement duties. High school diploma or equivalent with 2 years clerical experi- ence and knowledge of Word & Excel. Special consideration given to appli- cants with an associate degree or certifi- cate in related area. Salary: $18',669 annually plus benefits Application Deadline: January 15,2007 College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development Lake'City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment In Just 71 Days... You can have the skills You need to get a job as a DentalAssistant 10 week course, Saturday only Tuition $2,450 Payment plans call Christi @ Jacksonville Dental Assistant School For info packet 904-398-3401 Next class starts: March 3,2007 Reg. by FL Commission for Independent Education Call Locally 259-2313 or ,,A / ,i Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb Our showroom is conveniently located at the intersection of Hwy. 121 and U.S. 90 in downtown Macclenny 'The Easiest Place in the World to Buy a Car or Truck" www.lambsautoandtruck.com + Thrift hopee 9889 S. Glen Ave. Hwy. 125, Glen St. Mary Open Monday thru Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm *259-5773* New and used items arriving daily Baby Clothes Sleepwear Furniture Knick-Knacks CDs & DVDs Curtains Linens Pictures Ladies Wear Shoes Toys Men's Clothing ...and much more! WE NOW CARRY NEW ATVS, DIRT BIKES & TRAILERS!! Parts & Service available on all bikes we sell. Now accepting isaLL.and Mastercardl 0 I-Estate & assiofiedylds .,Rea C14 All County Offices closed 1/1/07 No,. 4 S Masoj on In: I t A S eptieTcTa a SPint ic S Fdl'Dirt gSie CL&xrl OLnA 57 Stomta 1 P1 Cimmrete Tiles No&. 4 Stotie- M"so CA& Sci LUm 1Rock 1RoA Base Welpt1oSnt &ani KIrsk ICrete FdLtirt ThUbbli Ro4tfeA unsuftah Material Other Setviee Inuele. quimpat 4-kudfiqg CGuert Pipe Instafltiou^, Driveway StabiizaIi&m ad AMorm Coal us for ywor ounext'Pr ojeet! ************ ********** *** *********** ********* Telephone: 904-278-4960 Fwc: 904-275-8289 While Butler' building systems .are pre-ergineered. their final design is not predetermined Using Butler s exclusive technology, we can help you design a building from the ground up Even special design elements like skylights fascias and entrance systems can be incorporated to produce nol |ust any 1 building, but your building For systems that meet your building , needs. choose Butler For the experience and expertise to get the job done choose ., - us, your local Butler Builder" . CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION L of North 2109 W US Hwy 90 S&uiie 170-144 Lake City, FL 32055 Florida, Inc. 7 -8887oitl www.conceptcnf.com Lot 28 Winchester W - T 3.004 sq. ft.. 4/3.5 $242,650 Lot 26 Montgomery B Lot 49 Cumberland A Lot lt Chesapeake C 1,261 sq.ft., 3/2 3.897 sq. ft., 5/4.5 $278,750 1,625 sq.ft.,3/2 $169,300 $159,200 C,)'ch Ohgn': and Irria3ion Ssi-nm il-,O Alurmi nut Scr.=.e.1 Por.:h *"--- -* *- .'; *** -.*^'S t -- .- T A t. ^ .^ 'Covenant SUnderground Utilities, Inc. *BOX BLADE WORK *DEBRIS REMOVAL *DRIVEWAYS *HAUL MULCH/DIRT INSTALLATION/REPAIR OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 16148 CR 125 N Glen St. Mary, Florida 32040 .1 Make Every S Count! ... And while you're at it, 0 ~ o7 please know that we loved So ths every minute of serving you this past year! S Best wishes to you and yours in the New Year. o Chairman Mark Hartley Commissioner Gordon Crews Commissioner Alex Robinson ,D Commissioner Julie Combs cp Commissioner Mike Griffis County Manager Joe Cone, Ann Yarborough & Sara Little INV .... = , ,7 L! T' 17 r J FT I Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accom- panied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker'County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run without notification of error by the person or agency for whom it was published, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to retuse advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the publisher does not meet standards of publica- tion .. U V 1999 Harley Davidson Roadglide, $10,000. 259-1371. 12/21-28p Discover a New You! See yourself in a whole new way with a free makeover! Find a look that expresses your style, your personality, your life. Call me to create a fabulous look that's uniquely you. You'll love what you discover. Business information available. Carla D. Coward, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, www.marykay.com/ carlacoward, 259-3172 or 904-477- 4107. 12/28p Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent corndilion Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; .2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334- 6695. 12/7-28p Washers/Dryers $150 set, will sepa- rate; refrigerator & stove 90 day war- ranty, free delivery and set up. 904 964-5266 anytime. 1214-28p Good used appliances. 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717.7/13-3/29p Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 11/2tfc Winchester Model 70, 264 mag. rifle, Simmons Aetec scope & bullets, $525 or $425 without scope. 259-8689 or 504-0573. 12/28p, King pillowtop, new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 11/2tfc Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, .very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc Stump Nocker II boat, 9.9 Mercury kicker, Magic trailer, 43 lbs. Thrust trolling motor, new marine battery, new tires & rims, great shape, $1600. 259- 7435. 12/280 Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904-858- 9350. 11/2tfc Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mattress & boxsprings, retail $950, sacrifice for $395, can deliver! 904- 858-9350. 11/2tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much- more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfec Buck Stove, cast iron, with blower, .used as fireplace insert. New $1500, sell for $600. 259-3737 ask for Karin. 11/30t1c Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet buffet, all mahogany, can be seen ai Southern Charm. 259- z140. 12/9tfc 1989 F250 7.3 diesel dually, 4 door, automatic, AC, PW, PL, 57,000 miles. new tires, $4500 OBO. Call Lee at 259- 2409 night & weekends or 813-9324 day. 12/21-28p 2004 Ford F250 4x4 Super Duly ex- tended cab, gas, loaded with every- thing, 20" tires & rims, 62,500 miles, $20,500. 904-591-2640 or 259-7574 or 259-2900. 12'28tfc 1987 Ford Ranger on '85 F250 chopped frame, 393 Stroker Windsor Mudd truck, 39.5 boggers, Nitious with trailer, over $10.000 invested, $3900 OBO. Call Lee at 259-2409 nights & weekend or 813-9324 days. 12/21-28p 2002 Ford Explorer LS, 84,000 miles, extended warranty V6, automatic, CD, power steering, tilt wheel,'cruise con- trol, tow package, rear air, aluminum wheels, new tires, $8900. 259-7574 or 904-591-2640 or 259-2900 12/28ffc 1995 Ford Taurus, loaded, needs transmission installed, $1700 0B0; Isuzu pickup, Toyota pickup. 904-591- 2916. 12/28p Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968. 4/22tfc Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at Southern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc 20+ registered quarter horses, Brood- mares, Winglins, Palominos, Buck- skins, Sorrels, etc. Cowbr.ed. Jodi @ 4na-RR-A.Q3 11/9-19/9Rn --7-771 -W- Lost: English Springer Spaniel on N. 125 in Glen St. Mary on December 13, brown & white. Reward. 259-5996. 12/28p Notice to readers:. The newspaper olilen publiihe.s claEl- flied advertising on sublecis libe workl:-3- ' nome weight loss produces,. helt riprod- ucrs. While Ihe newspaper use, reason- able discretion in deciding on publication if Sucn ads it lakes no responsibililr,. j. to the truirilulness o01 c.aimi Repondenis should use caution and commonn sense before sending any money or making utier ,omrmirnents Dased on sjilenimenlb and or promises; demand speuiics in wring iou acn also call trie Federal Trade Corrmimis ri at 1-S77-FTC-HELP to find out riow ir spot fraudulent solicitaiion Rememben r it ii sounds too good to be Irue ii probably is -Trie Baker County Press Seeking the right person tohandle front office duties at an established, busy office in Macclenny. You must have above average business and organizational skills, a proven ability to deal with the public in an accurate and pleasing manner Salary commensu- rate with experience. Send resumes to c.o Box: 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 11/16tfc Dental Assistant needed. Experience preferred, Monday-Friday, 9:00 am- S5:00 pm, Lake City office; also needed Sterilization Tech, will train. Please 1ta resumes to10 386-752-3122 12,7-28p Northeast Florida State Hospital, a Governor's Sterling award winner, is currently seeking to fill the follow- ing position: Food Support Worker, Selected applicants will be hired as county employees, eligible for county benefits. However, the physical loca- tion of employment will be on-site at Northeast Florida State Hospital, located at 7487 S. State Road 121, Macclenny, EL 32063, 904-259-6211 and fax 904-259-7104. Salary will be determined based upon applica- ble position. Applications and posi- tion information, class specifications and position description, are avail- able to pick up at Northeast Florida State Hospital, Human Resources, Administration Building at the address listed above. The position will be post- ed in accordance with Baker County posting requirements for a period of Lost chocolate/.tan small male chihuahua. Debarked. Neutered. 7 yrs old. Please call 904-307-8146 or 251-5451 Lost companion. Missed dearly. Lost at Normandy and Lane Ave, 14 days. Posting will begin on Monday, December 25, 2006 and will close on Monday, January 8, 2007. A faxed resume can be accepted. A county application and the position information mailed upon receipt of confirmed fax. Note: Applications"cannot be consid- ered after the closing date of January 8, 2007. 12/28c Florida Times Union early morning route in Macclenny and Sanderson. Must have dependable transportation, cash bond and telephone. Call 1-888- 810-4524. 12.'8-1,.4p Experienced painters needed. Must have lools, benefits after 90 days. 259- 5877. 12/30ttc Pest control/lawn technician needed, opportunity to learn a Irade with great career potential for hard worker, $10/ hour to train. Medical, dental, retire- ment, life, $26k plus. Must have a valid Florida driver's license. 904-766-9332. 12/28tfc A/C and duct installer, must be experi- enced. 259-8038. 12/14-1/4 Part time w/full time potential. Look- .ing'for motivated, qualified person in Baker and surrounding area Ex.perience .in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny. FL 32063. 6/2tfc Local home care agency looking for full. time/part time Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. Contact Linda 31 259-3111. 5/25tfc Pier 6 Seafood now accepting applica- tions for all positions. 259-6123. 12/28-1/25c Company specializing in erosion con- trol now hiring the following positions: Crew leaders, equipment operators, laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license a MUST. Fax resume to 904-275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE. Drug free workplace. 12/28p Local company hiring dump truck driv- ers. Must have CDL Class B, clean driv- ing record. Must be dependable with .steady work record. Please call 334- 9329 cell or 259-6172. 12.'28-1/4p Wellspot oilers unique opportuni- ties for an ARPN with Family Practice Certification in Macclenny and Normandy Blvd area. Wellspot treats common illnesses in retail locations. Wellspot is a nurse practitioner driven company committed to excellence. We offer excellent salary and benefits pack- age. Contact us via email at careers@ wellspot.com or phone 205-988-9577. 12/28-1/4p Plumber needed. Only experienced plumbers need apply. Dickie's Plumbing 653-1136. 12i28c OC AS I S Warehouse Associates 4' 01. -SAFl1tm $8.50 9.00/ hr Oasis Staffing is currently recruiting for Michaels Distribution Center. We have several full time openi ngs. Positions are available for 1st and 3rd shifts at their main center on Beaver Street. Quali- fied candidates will be able to lift 50 lbs., have a clean criminal background, and be able to pass a drug screen. If you want to benefit in this great opporiunitn please walk-in to apply Monday Friday from 9:00 am 12:00 pm at 9200 W. Bea\ er Street. Ask for Mary. LAKE ALAPAHA PLANTATION 1,100 + ACRES 01 & IIL.u IN 74 TRACTS 12 MILES FROM VALDOSTA, LOWNDES COUNTY, GA SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2007 10:00 AM SALE SITE: MATHIS CITY AUDITORIUM, VALDOSTA * Building Lots, Mini-Farms, & Small Acreage Tracts with Access to a 220 SAcre Private Fishing & Boating Lake * Various Size Tracts that is Zoned for Residential and Commercial Development Including One Tract that has Over 4,500 Ft. of Undeveloped Lake Frontage. A Rare Opportunity! * Over 2 Miles of Frontage on the Pristine Alapaha River. Various Size Tracts Offering River Frontage or River Access. Some Tracts have Excellent Pine Timber and Offer Some of the Best Deer, Turkey, Duck & Wild Hog Hunting in this area! Directions to Property: From 1-75, Exit 16 Go East 18 Miles on US Hwy 84 to the Entrance to Lake Alapaha Plantation on the Right. 10% Buyer's Premium FREE Brochure! 229-242-5412 or 800-334-9724 www.professionalawactioneer.comn m. .~. . 3/2 HOME READY FOR YOUR FAMILY Great neighborhood in Macclenny this handsome 3/2 1547 SF home has a 2 car garage plus storage. Nice yards with fenced back yard and sprinkler system. Wired for sound. $175,900 CLASSIC WARM 3/2 BRICK HOME In established om..2298 SF, large screened ] ~ Large kitchen wit. On 2 city lots with back yard fenced! $195,900 COUNTRY ESTATE IN CITY 2500 SF 4BR/3BA house. Completely remodeled and updated! New Kitchen-Aid appliances. New wiring, plumbing and air conditioning! Stone and wood flooring, vinyl board fence. Two new electric fireplaces! REDUCED- $279,900 PERFECT FOR LARGE FAMILY! Spacious 4 BR, 2 BA 2005 Fleetwood doublewide MH, 1917 SF on 1.2 acres. Large living area and kitchen. $105,900 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with building. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305,000 3/2 SW and 2 story home on 1.21 a in the mobile. RE 9,mplete the house. REDUCED $99,500 Exc. commercial corner lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000 3 lots in Glen St. Mary, 75x130. $55,000 each 1999 14x70 mobile home with chainlink fenced yard. 2 BR, 2 BA with a garden tub and sepa- rate shower in master bath. Close to city. $79,900 dIa/2/~ IVew *teci4! walk to school. 1560 SF $159,900 ~~,' ."-, . INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY- Brick home & two additional lots to build on in excellent location for convenience to 1-10 and shopping. Remodeled with new kitchen, stove & refrigerator. All 3 for $189,900 EXCELLENT BUSINESS LOCATION! 1.25 acres with 320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighborhood. $419,000 Macclenny Realty Inc. Wayne Combs, Licensed Real Estate Broker *. We can show and sell all listings! 29779 *a3-52,cl "'- i Anne Kitching, Realtor, 962-8064 ** Wendy Smith, -Realtor, 710-0528 ** Tina. Melvin, Realtor, 233-2743 cell. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 13 A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time lawn mainte- nance worker with valid Florida drivers license. 259-7335. 3/23tfc Full-time/part-time Paramedics. The Baker County Board of Commissioners will, be accepting applications until 5:00 pm on January 5, 2007. for full- time/part-time paramedics. Must be a Florida certified paramedic with current AHA Certification Heath Care Provider and ACLS certified. Florida fire fighter I or II preferred. Additional training or certification will be a plus. Full ben- efits provided. You may pick up appli- cations at the Emergency Operations Center located at 1190 W. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida 32063. The Baker County Board of.Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all applications. 12/28-1/4c Travelodge now taking applications for desk clerk. Must be able to work all 3 shifts. No phone calls. Apply between 8:00 am-3:00 pm at 1651 S. 6th Street. 12/28-1/4c We1pu bish obtare3 Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimi- nation." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and peo- ple securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings\advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal oppor- tunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-97717. The toll free telephone number for the impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 1994 singlewide, 2 BR, 2 BA, 14x70 on 2 acres, $70,000. 226-3704 or 259- 5573. 12/21-28p FSBO. 10 acres, several miles outside of Glen, 1/10 mile off Hwy 90, nice property, prime location, restricted to homes, horses allowed, $135,000. 259-3878.. 11/30tfc WHITEHEAD BROS.,JNC. LAKE CITY LOGISTICS NEW RAISE IN PAY Over the road drivers needed. New trucks with ThermoKing APU's, 1800 v, art in erters. top of the line leather seats, walk-in condo sleepers, and new air-ride front suspension for a smoother ride than you nha% e e% er experienced. Home se% eral nights most weeks as we have a good mixture of regional and over the road Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks locally. Earn up to 30% of revenue immediately. NO WAITING!!! New increased layover pay. Up to $100 00 per day. 2 weeks vacation. $1200.00 per year Safety Bonus. Driver of the Year bonus. Driver recruitment bonus. Medical and dental insurance. Need 2 years experience. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE 904-368-0777 or 888-919-8898 4 acres with 3 mobile homes, low $190,000s. Call Alma at 259-5968. 12/7-28p 2.25 acres, high & dry, fish pond & complete setup, ready to move on! Homes & mobile homes. Georgia Bend, 15 minutes to 1-10, $50,000, owner financing or 10% cash discount. 912-843-8118. 9/28tfc FSBO. 5 acres with mobile home, large oaks; hayfield, fish pond, hwy front- age, $129,900. Other land & home packages available with some owner financing. 904-591-2916. 12/28p COUNTRY LIVING Beautiful high & dry land. 28.54 acres on paved road frontage. Can be split in minimum 7.5 acres. MLS# 317891, $642,150 VACANT LAND -12 acres with 1 acre cleared. Well, electric, telephone, covered carport. 5th wheel included. MLS# 320255, $158,000 LAND FOR INVESTMENT- 40 acres 6f land for development. South of -Sanderson in Baker County. Great investment property! MLS# 329000, $600,000 53 ACRE FARM In Glen St. Mary. Set up with electric, well, septic system, fenced, 2 ponds waiting for your finishing touches. MLS# 307155, $700,000 HORSES WELCOME Gorgeous 4BR/3BA, 2480 sq ft home on 5.14 acres. 4 stall barn with feed & tack- room. Fenced. In desirable area. MLS# 313581, $387,000 3.80 acres with singlewide mobile home, 2 power poles, nice fish pond, lots of shade trees, building with elec- tricity, surrounded on three sides by the Osceola National Forest, in Taylor, $95,000. 259-2997. 12/28-1/4p FSBO. Copper Creek Hills, Unit III, lot for $55,000. Call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 prm. 1,0/26tfc New construction. 1800+ SF, 4 BR, 2 BA, 9 ft. ceilings,.crown molding throughout, off grade foundation on 1 acre in N. Macclenny, $195,900. 904- 219-0480. 9/21tfc' ~.rnRealty CLorp IRLUTORS MOVE IN READY 3BR.'2 SBA, 2767 sq f. cul-de- sac lot, fenced rear many anmeninies MLSU 327028. $245,000 GOLF COMMUNITY- Immaculate 4BR,'.5BA, corner lot, hot tub, fireplace, fenced yard, crown molding, French doors. MLS# 324991, $299,900 CALE BRICK 4BR/3BA, 2385 sq ft, built in 2004,42" cabinets, screened porch, 1/3 acre lot. MLS# 332,105, 10 acres off Cowpen Road, restricted to 1 home, $120,000. Call Ray at 904- 651-8085. 12/21-1/11p 1.28 acre lot with well & septic off Woodlawn Rd., $45,000. Please call 904-813-3091. 10/12tfc 1/2 acre, rare to find in Glen St. Mary, high & dry, close to high school & ten- nis courts, mobile homes OK, $42,900. 904-219-0480. 10/12tfc Home located at 1016 Christy Court in Macclenny, $175,000. Call Cheryl at 860-8174. 12/21-1/4p 1395 Chaffee Road South, Jacksonville 904.772.9800 ,A REALJEWEL-3BR/1.5BA, well maintained, newer plumbing, Florida room, fencedrear, corner lot. MLS# 341951, $161,000 OVER V2 Acre 3BR/2BA, new roof 2006, updated plumbing & electrical 2002, fully fenced yard. MLS# 330401, $194,000 ACREAGE 3.5 acres located just $369,900 35 miles from Jacksonville. Mobile REMODELED-3BR/2BA, large lot with trees, new homes allowed. MLS#341513, MANDARIN -3BR/2BA, lake view, beautiful appliances, cabinets, counter tops, roof, carpet, $49,900 d. MLS#341513, landscape, newer carpet, Irg fenced backyard. MLS# windows. MLS# 321389, $144,000 FSBO. 1250 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA home completely remodeled,' new inside & out, 1+ beautiful acres, great location, $156,000 OBO. 259-6077. 12/21-28p 75x125 lot in Glen St. Mary, $29,000. Call 904-838-0035. 11/23tfc Ocala National Forest lots, $500 down, $199 month. Owner 352-624- 2215 or 352-236-4579 www.ocalafor- estland.com/2nd. 10/19-12/28p FSBO. Copper Creek Hills, Unit III, 1 large lot, $60,000. Please call 259- 3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 10/26tfc BEAUTIFUL LOCATION -4.75 acres in beautiful Old Nursery Plantation. Cleared & fenced, ready to build your home. MLS# 333422, $159,900 READY FOR DREAM HOME - 3 acres on paved road, ready for mobile home or build to suit. MLS# 333770, $60,000 IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA home on .31 acres. Open floor plan, large backyard, screen porch, privacy fence. MLS# 333101, $215,000 BAKER COUNTY -7.5 acres, private shady lot. Partially cleared with paved road frontage. Already split into 2 parcels. MLS# 312559, $139,900 MANY UPGRADES 4BR/2.1 BA, 2961 sq ft, built in 2005, fenced yard, screened patio. MLS# 332831, $275,000 VACANT LAND Beautiful .43 acres, wooded, high & dry, zoned commercial. MLS# 231117, $45,000 CORNER LOT 4BR/2BA, built in 2005, intercom system, sprinkler system, appliances stay. MLS# 327565, $239,900 IT? 9nDO PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. JACK LEE Professional painting Heating* Air Electrical service CONSTRUCTION Pressure washing Licensed and Insured CUSTOM BUILDER -i exerirexerc. 259-0893 Interior exterior Lic. #ET11000707 Build on your lot or ours Residential commercial Lic. #RA13067193, Your plans or ours S Lic. #RA13067194 4/21tfc Fully insured Locally owned DESIGN ALTERNATIVES c Model home in Copper Creek 25 years experience 858-1700 259-7359 259-5877 783-9039 Custom house plans 4/6tfc SR TRUSS 7/28tfc to your specifications ROGER RAULERSON Qualified Good references WELL DRILLING Engineered trusses for your new 4/30tfc 2" and 4" wells 4/30tfc 2" and 4" wells Home Barn Shed Etc. JAMES' MOBILE Water & iron conditions installed Free estimates HOME SERVIC 259-330e HOME SERVICE Call Roger or Roger Dale Move & set-up 259-7531 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc 1 WOODS TREE Mobile home pads & upgrades Licensed & Insured SERVICE Honest & dependable Family owned & operated Tr rmnl inh hlin259-3763 or 509-750 4/3-Ic Tree removali inht haiiiinG 4/3tfc Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 1-904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/16/06-11/16/07 A & R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc STAN WILSON POND & LAND CLEARING 259-5065 12/28-1/18p FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/1tfc MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259;2255 CBC060014 3/14tfc Licened & Insured 12/28-2/15p JIM'S CATFISH FARM & U FISH Open Saturdays & Sundays 7:00 am until dark Public fishing, no license required Channel catfish, $20/per 100 $150/per1000 Call Ron 904-591-1450 cell 12/7-28p APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances * 24 hour, 7 day emergency service! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/1tfc THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads & much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 SIDING, SOFFITS, TRIMI General Repairs Dave Carpenter Licensed & Insured 259-8424 DRYCORE 24 hour emergency service Emergency water removal Dehumidification Mold prevention Hardwood floor drying 259-8929 9/14-12/28p CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor, Land clearing We sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Dirt starting at $85/load Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 CU-CO057126 3/16-3/1/07p MARSHALL ROWAN HOME IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR SERVICE Free estimates tfc Custom remodeling, electrical, plumbing, tile, custom cabinets painting, drywall, pressure washing 259-1532 904-699-4707 I came, I sawed, I fixed it! SANDS TRUCKING Fill dirt ~ Millings Slag Concrete washout Land clearing Fish ponds Road built Houses/buildings demo Inground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc KC EARTHMOVERS Road construction Clearing Excavation Aggregate Equipment Hauling Culvert pipe Driveway installation 904-275-4960 10/26tfc ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS See our catalogs at The Office Mart, 110 South 5th Street, Macclenny 259-3737 BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 2/17tfc C.F. WHITE SEPTIC TANK SERVICES New systems & repairs Field dirt Top soil Bulldozer & backhoe work Culverts installed 275-2474 509-0930 cell 12/7tfc LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing, Free estimates 259-8700 12/28-1/18c 12/7-28p CCC046197 5/27tfc KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Fall & winter hours Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 2:00 pm 259-5222 (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service ,WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~ Financing available - JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc DEREK CRAWFORD TRUCKING AND LANDCLEARING Fill dirt-~ Slag ~ fishponds 318-5187 318-4119 Licensed & insured 12/14-1/4p GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner 11-/16tfc NOBLITT'S HOME INSPECTIONS, INC. NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified Serving North Florida and South Georgia 259-5342 259-5416 fax 12/7-1/25p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING & SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water softners & iron filiers New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 31st year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p K G TIRE SERVICE 24 HOUR ROAD SERVICE For all your commercial tire needs New, used & recap tires Commercial & National accounts Fleet services Service truck in Macclenny 904-422-4541 904-422-4542 cell 12/14-1/4p B&N TRACTOR SERVICES, INC. Locally owned & operated Licensed & insured Slab prep ~ Driveways Finish mowing ~ Boxblade work Bushhog work 904-364-8027 904-338-4746 Serving Baker & Surrounding counties 12/7-1/25p GOD'S BUSINESS After-hours computer repair Networking, training, graphic design and writing Call Cheryl 904-885-1237 9/16tfc ji3kid 4b I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 28, 2006 Page 14 Elegant entrance brick home. 4 BR, 2 BA, 2400 SF heated, 13' ceilings, great room, living room, dining room, breakfast area, kitchen w/white cabi- nets, both bathrooms w/jacuzzi, master BA/walk-in shower, security system, surround sound in great room, large sunroom next to a screened inground pool. Brand new 13 seer, high effi- ciency heat pump. Sprinkler system, beautiful landscaping. 2 room detached garage w/12' aluminum lean to and a fenced area. All on 1 acre which has an underground petsafe invisible fence. Wonderful neighborhood. Great loca- tion. Serious inquires only. $380,000. 259-4602 or 259-6546 or 219-2842. 8/24tfc Baker County area, 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home, W/D, front & back porch, 2 car garage & storage on 114 acre coun- try living, $600/month, $600 deposit. Available January 1. Call 259-7574 or 259-2900 or 904-591-2640. 12/28tfc Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-860- 4604. 3/17tfc 2 BR, 1 BA apartment in city limits, non-smoking, absolutely no pets, $600/ month plus $600 deposit. Taking appli- cations. 259-6616. 12/28p 2 BR, 1 BA mobile home, CH/A, Kozy Korner Mobile Home Park, we supply garbage, water & lawn service, no pets, $550/month, 1st, last and $300 deposit. 259-7335. 12/28c 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets, garbage, sewer, water & mowing pro- vided, $600/month, $600 deposit. 912- 843-8118. 12/28tfc New home, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile floor- ing throughout on 1.28 acre lot in Macclenny All electric appliances, $850 security deposit. $850. month. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 8.31,tfc Office space, US 90, Glen. 259-6735. 12/,12tfc ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pm Macclenny Church of Christ 5th and Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 ,~i. .Fill Dirt Top Soil LSeptic Tank Sand "P INC. (904) 289-7000 D}pn 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm ATTORNEY David P. Dealing iorrmer Baker County Prosecutor SERIOUS INJURIES CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF ANOTHER AND CRIMINAL DEFENSE Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All// initial consultations are absolutely fiee. ; I."... 'r 'It. 'l.1;,,i ,rr j v?, i,'I ',', 4P American Enterprise Bank Make a resolution to protect your neighbors, your loved ones and yourself. Stay sober behind the wheel this holiday season. A" "" #54Last Chance Savings at our .#,,,..154., -1.;-MILE WARRANTY O.ERAGE IN AMERICA. MILE RAIN LIMITED WARRANTY 000 MILES 4AR..O 1C.;OURTESY TRANSPORTATION ?^ 1oOnooo MILES $O ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE ,. C ,,. t .I 4 fft MF ..da wIItlihtKO Mlii Rrni l d~ir ft Hiii|g lr t dotol iiiin 2006 Chevy Uplander LT 4 Door, 7 Passenger, DVD Player, Dual Power Sliding Doors, Rear Parking Assist, Remote Vehicle Start RED TAG 23,990* Act Now! Offer Expires January 2, 2007 * """" .""t'rt Ejeo U E3a 2007 Chevy Tahoe LS 2 WD, Third Seat RED TAG$30,952 b". 1'' 2007 Chevy Trailblazer 2 WD, LS RED TAGs23,640 PINEVIEWCHEVROLET 119 S. Sixth St. 259-5796 -Pre-Owned ** 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New www.PineviewChevrolet.com N,. AIVMERICAN REVOUTIO Includes all applicable rebates. Tax, tag and title fees not included. Rebates and interest rates are w.a.c. .~uL ___ _ N ........... "e 1 1 F U K, ,, e ... .t ): .. . It's been a privilege and a pleasure serving you, and we look1 toward to seeing every one of you again next year. n Renembei This Note of Caution at the New Year: DRINKING AND DRMNG DON'T MIX! yIt This important message is brought to you by: Rebates. up to Qu Int e6tt;All as, ow, as |