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The Baker County press
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00024160/00102
 Material Information
Title: The Baker County press
Uniform Title: Baker County press (Macclenny, Fla. 1929)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: Tate Powell
Place of Publication: Macclenny Fla
Creation Date: December 21, 2006
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Macclenny (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Baker County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Baker -- Macclenny
Coordinates: 30.283333 x -82.116667 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began Apr. 12, 1929.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 39 (Jan. 2, 1931).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000579533
oclc - 33284409
notis - ADA7379
lccn - sn 95047186
System ID: UF00024160:00102

Table of Contents
        page 1
        page 2
    Main: Opinion & Comment
        page 3
    Main continued
        page 4
        page 5
        page 6
        page 7
    Main: Obituaries
        page 8
        page 9
    Main: Social
        page 10
    Main: Sports
        page 11
    Main: Real Estate & Classifieds
        page 12
        page 13
        page 14
    Main continued
        page 15
        page 16
Full Text


Paid circulation leader. Winner of22 state and national awards forjournalism excellence in 2006

77th Year, Vol. 35 Thursday, December 21, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 50

The Lu, I c Fa,,,i A-Ch~~r~. tonuscthh'atino I nreiinr wi tronth VII \ ilPole 4br 4I'ic diiC.,-,p/~r a,o C.1 .hI,!
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Righ Heahr Dc~op1 isFi, -r% ocilthEli, /BraadonT/nar -Wbo i4ICoph
P- .,F -KF ,F L

A 'Mamu' Christmas 1

Press Staff
Darlene Locke gives.a special gift to her family and friends every year at.
Christmas. For several weeks prior to the holiday season, Ms. Locke is busy
decorating her acre of property off Woodlawn Road south of Macclenny
with lights and a myriad of other decorations in preparation for her annual
"Mamu Christmas."
"My grandkids call me Mamu," said Ms. Locke. "Some of them came
to me a long time ago and said they wanted to'have a Christmas just with
Mamu, so we had our own party together."
The grandchildren had so much fun their mothers wanted to attend the
next year. All parents attended the year after that. Then the party evolved into
an annual holiday family reunion with friends and special guests included.
This year on december 9, nearly 175 people attended.
A 15-foot inflatable Santa greeted guests as they walked through an
opening in thgehedge flanked by two lighted candy.canes. Beside a life-sized
nativity scene, an angel with a trumpet glows brilliantly in front of a wall
that is lit Iith a me-sage "Happ\ Birthda,, Jesus.". -..
A huge oak tree is decorated with.a halo of lights. More lights outline thel
covered tent shelters under which tables and chairs have been placed for'
visiting and eating. Tall torch heaters provide warmth as well as two open
pits with roaring fires.
As volunteers work busily at the grill cooking hotdogs and hamburgers,
music fills the air. Children surround a pianist and accordian player for
jolly versions of Christmas and other songs. More kids jump nearby on
A 10-foot Frosty the Snowman appears and dances with delighted


services gets

new director
David Richardson of Glen St.
Mary was named the county's
director of emergency services
on December 18 by a unanimous
vote of the county commission
during its regular monthly meet-
Mr. Richardson, 43, has been
with the rescue department both
volunteer and full time since
1982 when he signed on as an
EMT. He is now a paramedic and
was recommended by County
Manager Joe Cone on the basis
of experience and other qualifi-
cations. He has a master's degree
in public administration from the
University of North Florida and
a bachelor's from UF.
The replacement for longtime
director Rick Clark, who retired
last month, also completed the
certified public manager pro-
gram through Florida State.
(See page 2)

G) 0o-


o Co,~

"Whew," breathes Frosrt. pulling at her necktie after a few minutes. "It
sure gets hot in this snow suit!"'
Everybody is busy eating, sing i ng, dancing and greeting folks they haven't
seen in a long time. Lots of people remark over the taste and colorful stripes
of a special dessert called Punch Bowl Cake made with layers of pudding.
fruit, nuts and cake all in one bowl.
The highlight of the evening, however, is the anival of Santa Claus.
All of a sudden, reindeer bells can be heard in the distant darkness and
children's eyes get huge as they realize who is coming.
Suddenly Santa appears at the edge of the yard, accompanied by Mrs.
Claus and three elves dressed in red and green. The ecstatic children go nuts
and cameras start to flash.
"Last year, these kids got so excited they tore the lights off the hedge
trying to get to Santa!" recalled Mrs. Locke.
Throughout the evening she circulates through the crow d. hardly stopping
to eat or rest. Everything must be perfect, everybody happy and everyone
must be ackno\\ ledged.-7
N 1s. Locke's niece \licki St. John, assists with the decorating and planning
of the annual party. Her specific job is testing the hundreds of lights every
year to determine what's good and what needs to be replaced.
"We plan all year, from January to December," she said. "We find a lot of
the decorations at Goodwill and thrift stores which we refurbish and use."
It takes two full days just to get the lights on the oak tree in the front yard,
but to Mrs. Locke, such effort is worth it.
"It's the one time during the year all the family comes together. Mamu
Christmas means ev er. thing to me," she said.

The Baker County Commission
wasted little time the eveningof Decem-
ber 18 approving the closing document
and accepting a $1,475,907.50 check
for the old health department property
at the corner of South Sixth and Lowder
in Macclenny.
The base selling price of $1.515 mil-
lion is $15,000 above that originally
negotiated with Property Management

Support, Inc. of Jacksonville, which
will contract with Walgreens for a drug
store on the prime comer acre just west
of the Macclenny post office building
owned by Baker County.
The added cost is far less than
$200,000 first mentioned by county at-
torney Terry Brown when he discussed
with the county board earlier this month
the closing deadline had passed. Mr.

State could

add 120 beds


for criminals

If the money can be found in the 2007-08 bud-
get, the State of Florida could nearly double the
number of beds at Northeast Florida State Hospi-
tal reserved for criminals unable to be tried in the
courts because of mental illness.
Though the Department of Children and Fami-
lies, which manages Florida's mental hospitals, is
keeping its plans close to the vest as it prepares
budgets for the coming fiscal year there is little
doubt the state will have to fill the demand for pa-
tients accused of crimes but deemed unfit for trial.
The 120-bed added allotment at NEFSH will be
for "secure" forensic beds that require heightened
fenced areas with greater surveillance and more
advanced employ ee training.
The state added 60 forensic "step-down" beds
at NEFSH south of Macclenny this budget year,
along with funds for contract employees to staff
them. That brings the number of temporary foren-
sic beds to 132, about a fourth of the patient popu-
lation at the hospital.
Generally, the step-down classification does not
require greatly increased security; in fact. some
employees speaking off the record say the criminal
patients are easier to care for than the majority of
the state hospital's current population that are civ-
illy committed.
The NEFSH campus off SR 121 originally
housed 1100 patients before the state revamped its
treatment plan in the 1970s and 1980s toward com-
munity-based care. The hospital is authorized for
481 civil beds, and the state will be eyeing some of
the buildings that have been u under used or not used
..-at all in recent. \ears. ..
".I's something that's definitely being consid-
ered, but they haven't decided the numbers yet
because the amount of money available next year
isn't known," said Al Zimmerman, press secretary
for DCF in Tallahassee. He was speaking on behalf
of Dr. Rod Hall, the program director for mental
health in Florida.
The "secure" beds are reserved for criminals
who stay past the normal 120 days of treatment
before they are discharged back into traditional
Steve Kennedy, administrator at NEFSH, con-
firmed the state is interested in the Macclenny cam-
pus for criminal beds but deferred further comment
to the DCF public affairs office in the capitol.
Florida has 2352 beds authorized for in-patient
mental health, he noted. Of those, 1416 are foren-
sic and step-down. The demand is greatest in south
Florida, as could be expected.
Northeast Florida State Hospital opened in the
late 1950s and today has a payroll of around 1200
and an annual budget of $68 million.
The 60 beds added this year are staffed by 39
employees employed by NEFSH and 35 more
budgeted by the state via a contract through the
Baker County Commission.
Spokesman Zimmerman said DCF should have
a clearer idea of its plans for NEFSH early in the
new year.


Driver critically injured as tons of trash spill onto SR 121
Deputy Mike Lagle hands over equipment to fire and rescue workers as they extricate Dorr W. Snyder, 53, of Salt Springs, Fla.from the cab of his over-
turned 2006 Mack truck the afternoon of December 18 following a two-vehicle collision on SR 121 at Steel Bridge Road north of Macclenny. The crash
occurred as Mr. Snyder, hauling a northbound semi-trailer full of trash from Alachua County to a landfill in Charlton County, Ga., attempted to avoid
a 1998 Honda that ran a stop sign at SR 23C. Charges are expected against Jamie Booth, 21, of Macclenny, the driver of the Honda who was taken to
Fraser Hospital with minor injuries. Mr. Snyder was flown from the scene to Shands Jacksonville with life-threatening injuries.


Brown in fact sought a price of $1.7
million in a November letter to an at-
torney representing the buyer.
The corner for more than a quarter-
century was the site of the health de-
partment, a one-story brick structure
that will be razed to make way for the
new store. A county-owned park was
(See page 6)

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rode Ked system
Baker County officials from emergency services
and other departments will meet with counterparts
from the City of Macclenny on December 21 to ex-
plore expanding the Code Red auto-dial system for
emergency alerts to the remainder of the county.
Macclenny recently contracted with the mar-
keter of Code Red at a base annual cost of $5000.
The system is now in place with the capability of
notifying residents with special alerts. The city
sought information on the network shortly after a
main water line ruptured in northwest Macclenny
in early November.
The break interrupted water service in that quad-
rant of Macclenny for several hours and resulted in
a state-mandated "boil order" covering the entire
city before water could be used for consumption.
Code Red now makes it possible for officials
to quickly send out recorded messages to all or
a portion of city residents in cases like this. The
initial cost covers 12,500 minutes of use per year,
an amount the Ormond Beach, Fla. company says
(See page 2)

6 8907648819 8

County sells tract for


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 2

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Director Richardson on

rescue service
(From page 1)
He -started i the. ne% .job the
tollow ing day and "will make
.-$50,000 annually ith supervi-
sory duties over the county's two
-rescue stations and a dozen em-
, "I feel my qualifications
*.and back-
ground will
to main-
taining the -
high stan-
-dards this
has, and
help us
,prepare for
ihe growth h hard,
- we're al-
iead\ seeing." said Mr. Richard-
Aon, who also has a history of
::Civic involvement including that
()f candidate for public office.
Other applicants included ex-
.rescue chief Carolyn Hodges and
:ichard Dolan, the county's fire
chief f who proposed handling
bothh departments.
K In other business during
'Monday's pre-holiday meeting,
the board approved a $35,226
i:ackage for engineering plans
and specifications on paving of
,Confederate Dr. north of Glen
.St. Mary. The low bid went to
.Tarbox of Jacksonville; the sole
,other quote 'was from Darabi
eiand Associates of Gainesville at
Confederate Dr. loops around
,the populated Hills of Glen sub-
'-division off Park St. and is.one of
.the county's paving priorities.
8The county also. approved a
:a$38,180 contract with engineers
:Post Buckley Schuh and Jer-
mnigan, also of Jacksonville, for
,a master transportation plan to
'*e included as an update to the
comprehensive land use plan.
-: Manager Cone said he negoti-
ated the pact down from around
-$50,000, adding the study pin-
,pointing likely road positioning
and traffic loads will help with
future DRI deliberations.
SIn other business, the com-
Absorbed a lengthy and tech-
miiical report by Diane Dimpe-
,io of the nine-county St. Johns
River Rural Health Network on
ithe changing Medicaid insur-
*ance system for low-income
-persons. Though she and Kerry
,Dunlavey, director of the Baker
,County Health Department, did

since 1982
not specifically mention the sub-
ject, they hinted the county may
be hit up for all or part of an ex-
pected $86.340 to participate in
the money match pool next fiscal
Accepted the annual.report-
from the Florida Division of For-
estry from area supervisor Steve
Holman and William Lamborn,
the Baker County forester sta-
tioned at Pine Top.
Mr. Holman cautioned, that
the summer of 2007 may pose
a wildfire. threat similar to that
of 1998 if current drought con-
ditions persist. He estimated
ground moisture "as dry or drier
thanin 1998." /
Agreed with a recommenda-
tion from the Code Enforcement
,Board to reduce a fine against
James Greene of Macclenny by
75 percent to $460.38.
The code board originally
cited former owner Rex Ingram
for excess refuse in 1998, and
a lien for $1841.50 was placed
on the property in the Deerfield
Subdivision off CR 228 in the
southeast county. Mr. Greene
inherited the tract from the late
Mr. Ingram and approached the
code board last week about a re-
duction. The property has since
come into compliance.
Once liens are placed on prop-
erty, reductions can be authorized
only by the county commission
on recommendation by the code

County may link
(From page 1)
should be sufficient under nor-

mal circumstances. Added fees
apple3 above that ceiling ,
S-aMihaliF Mann'.' who handles '
Macclenny's Internet 'and com-
puter systems, says a link to
Code Red is posted on the city's
website [www.cityofmacclenny.
com] and seeks data like phone
numbers and other contact infor-
Likewise, Mr. Mann says sim-
ilar inquiries will be mailed with,
January's utility bills.
SExpected at Thursday's meet-
ing other than Mr. Mann are
Adam Faircloth, recently hired
as the county's 911-emergency
coordinator, the sheriff's depart-.
ment, fire and rescue, county
administration and NEFCOMN
The city's system was re-
cently tested through the local
phone company and functioned
adequately, though Code Red is
capable of far exceeding the lo-
cal phone traffic load as much
as 60,000 calls per hour.
Mr. Faircloth said the system
will come in handy for more lim-
ited alerts like forest fires, fugi-
tive searches or escapees, and
Amber Alerts for missing chil-
dren. .
Threading the alert system'
through the county dispatch of-
fice at the emergency opera-
tions center will be explored at
this week's meeting as the most
feasible method of introducing


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Code Red countywide.
"Logisficall. it makes the
most sense," believes Mr. Mann.
"The dispatchers are already over
there 24/7 and the rt pe of situa-
tions most, likely to require the
system go through there anyway.
We think the 911 data already in
their system could be utilized."
For the time being, the phone
numbers logged into the Mac-
clenny system are drawn from
"white page" data already on the
Mr. Marshall explained that in
many cases. Internet telephone
numbers may be inaccurate or
undesirable for instance, peo-
ple who communicate mostly or
exclusively by cell phone.'

. ..* '

Here's hoping that your holiday,
Will go smoothly all the way ...
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Happy Holidays and many thanks for your support.
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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 3







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ofChristmas gifts

I justfinisheda shopping day "You're not helping."
with Kelley," and I'm exhausted. By this point, I figured, out
My wife, who by hour ten of our what that meant. Helping meant
shopping mara- carrying the
thon I was re- M/v \Tni O' packages, mak-
ferring to as'the .-'-, L .-.C ,vJt -ing periodic
Christmas Nazi, trips to the car
ran me ragged. THE MATTER when the loads
"You ne\ er got too heavy
go, so you just ROBERT GER RD got too heavyin
... ~ ...... .......................... avoid. sitting

don't know now

hard shopping is." she explained.
"This is nothing, ou should try
the day after Thanksgiving."
No thanks. I remember when
the children were little, Kelley
and her friend Chern Hart would
get up at 4:30 in the morning and
not return until 10:30 at night. It.
,would take me six trips back and,
forth to the van to bring in all the
I guess I lead a sheltered life
-\hile mn \rife and other shop-
ping storm troopers battle it out.
. daN -to-day on the front lines of
Christmas gift buying. It's one of
life's hard realities I'd rather not
The first thing that amazed me.
\\as the traffic. It \\as 11 in the
morning and the roads \ ere bum-
per-to-bumper. I'm on holiday\
break andI don't know about the
thousands of other people clog-
ging the roadways.' Lip until this
point I never understood road
rage, but as I sat for 15 minutes.
waiting to turn left into the mall,
I was beginning to embrace my,
inner road warrior.
When we finally parked, and
stepped into the insane asylum
that is the mall, Kelley bran-
dished THE LIST.
"We have limited shopping
time, so my goal is to get every-
thirig on THE LISTbefore we go.
home today."
"That's a pretty long list. How
long do you think it will take?"
"That depends on0 how many
places we have to go. We want to
be organized about this."
That's .all well and good.
These excellent intentions lasted
until we crossed the portals of the
first store. Like Dante's Inferno,
The Gap should have a sign stat-
ing, -"Abandon all lists, ye who
enter here." .
We hadn't'gotten ten feet be-
fore Kelley said, "Isn't that cute.
Don't you think that would look
good on Sara?"
I glanced at THE LIST.
"That's not on THE LIST."
"I know. I'm just looking."
I'd hear that sentence a few
times during this marathon.
Here's the thing about shop-
ping from THE LIST. I guess
you could title it The Difference
Between Men and Women Part
Give a man THE LIST, and
you will get exactly \hat is on
it. It will take about three hours
of hard shopping, but you'll have
every item purchased. Of course,
the drawback is that you'll spend
more money in the process and
there's no telling exactly what
you'll get.
If THE LIST says a blue
sweater, that's what you'll get. A
man will walk into a store any
store and the first blue sweater
he sees, he'll buy it. He won't
go to five stores looking for. the
PERFECT blue sweater.
If he sees five blue sweaters,
he'll shrug and pick one. It might
be intended for an 18-year-old,
and if the first sweater a man sees
is a button-up Mr. Rogers sweat-
er, it's going in the cart.
He also won't be distracted by
such niceties as sales and two-
for-ones. What it says on the list
is what he'll get.
I noticed that wasn't neces-
sarily the case with Kelley. She
would spot something that she
wanted to buy "Remember that
this is here. We'll see if we can
get it for less at Dillards."
"Is Dillards on THE LIST?"
"It is now. You've got to be
"Then why make a list?" That
was a man question. It got a
woman answer.

on the benches

whilee she was in shopping,'and
nod m\ head appro\ ingly when
asked if I liked a potential pur-
About four hours in, I asked a
silly question.
"Do w e get to eat on this shop-
ping trip?"
"Are Nou hungry?'"
S"Yes. It is 2:00 in the afternoon
and we ha\ en't had lunch."
"I'm sorry. \\lien I get in the
zone I forget about eating."
That's true. She got the crazy
e\ es \\hen she spotted a sale,
Mlen know\ the "crazy e\es" from
watching g the NFL. Middle line-
backers get them as they stare
across the line of scrimmage at
a quarterback. It's the look a lion
gets "when spotting an antelope.
Women get the -crazy eyes"
when theN see a 50% off sign.
E% entually,. it was over and we
had a nice dinner at 10 pm,at the
Outback as a reward for getting
most of the things on THE LIST.
"We only have a few more things
to get," said Kelley. "But we can,
get them next time."
"Next time?!!?"

Dear Editor:
I've been listening and
reading in the Press [about
growth in Baker County] and
have some beefs. This may be
the best time to speak of them.
There's talk about not,
wanting to see more "roof tops" -
[purely residential growthh. I
feel this way also, and what
I would like to see as a senior
citizen is more low -income
apartments or houses built in or
near Macclenny.
Maybe they won't provide

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Church firing of Mrs. Suppa is regrettable

Dear Editor: Countv. She w\as more than the children who attended Special
Seventeen .years ago. my director of Special Blessings; Blessings because they are more
mom, Rae Suppa. felt the need she."was like another mom for a,. than ready for kindergarten. -
for- more family ministries lot of these children. She lo\ed The funny thing about life is
in Baker CountN. Along with being \ith them, \watching them that. eventually, the big green
her pastor and the backing of grow and meeting new\ siblings monster imone\ invades. Even
her church, she did just that. as the. came. The church also though Mrs. Rae had started
She took what she knew about sa\\ tremendous growth. Special Blessings from the
raising children and what God Special Blessings grew and ground up and developed such
had put on her heart and created, there were many changes: special relationships with so
Special Blessings ,(a day care the buildings 'got bigger: the many families, the current
facility\ in north NMacclenn i. staff was better educated, and church board at First Assembly
IP\ ill never forget ho"\ excited eventually the day care turned of God. in Macclenny decided
she %as on opening da\! Even into. a learning center with a she is too expensive.
minute of the previous five K-4 program approved by the One week before Christmas.
years had been spent readying -state. Children were not just with no reason, the church fired
the building 'and acquiring being cared for, but they were Mrs. Rae. Turns out that quality\
qualified staff. It was a great .learning.Ask any elementary childcareisn'tfree.and(hechurch
success. "Mrs. Rae" .became. teacher in the county and they \would rather have someone with
a household name in Baker will tell you they know the half the qualifications and half
the experience because they
1 wouldd give this person hl the
ld rd d lo -Iin m se;.nor salary Someone should tell the
tu4i chttrch" boarte that story about
Sthe fish and the loaves. When
many jobs for the younger County and believe sometimes you put your trust in God and
generation, but don't we deserve that only people who live in big .you work to serve Him through
something better for the time houses with picket fences are the helping your community and not
and years we put in during our ones who get heard first. I am yourselves, somehow He always
younger years? You may think proud to live here but ashamed provides.x
we can just be looked over, but of how the senior community\ Best of. luck to Special
remember that we spend our 'gets noticed. Blessings without Mrs. Rae
money locally. We also pay state To the county commission they .\ill need it. I would say
taxes on what we spend, and we, and others: please have a heart. the, same for Mrs. Rae, but my
are also voters. We need low-income apartments mom doesn't need luck; she has
The number of older people for senior citizens. a community of children and
is expanding, so.we need.to get families w\%ho love her and know
..l..i a^ ,- A., A ..... ,,,^ h Esther mith how much she loves them.

usea to t ne. ea. Are we, oo e
uscu lu ii- luca.. /u.c w, w u u\. GlenSt. Mar
I was born and raised in Baker

Sandy George


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 4

Arrests, complaints after

rash of domestic violence

A number of arrests and crimi-
nal complaints resulted as county
deputies responded to a rash of
domestic violence incidents the
past week, all of them involving
unmarried couples.
: Shelly Shumate, 27, of Sand-
erson was arrested during the
early morning hours of Decem-
ber 15 after threatening to kill
live-in boyfriend Curtis Myers,
43, in the presence of Deputy
Curtis Ruise, who answered a
complaint that she also attacked
her husband.
' Mr. Myers told the officer he
confronted Ms. Shumate on Faith
Temple Road north of Sanderson
and took her car keys because
she and a relative had been out all
night drinking and taking drugs.
Also present when he confronted
her was one of their two children,
a six-year-old daughter.
Deputy Ruise said the child
was crying and nodded when
he asked her if the couple was
fighting. The incident took place
about 1:30 that morning, and the
second child was with her father
the previous evening at their ad-
dress off Ivory Williams Lane.
The previous evening about
9:00, Jennifer Harvey, 26, told
police her boyfriend beat her-
and threatened to kill her while
holding her down on the floor
of their residence off CR 139B.
Deputy Darrin Whitaker noted
MS. Harvey's face and neck bore
signs that she had been punched

and choked.
Mr. Wilkerson fled the resi-
dence before the officer arrived
and a criminal complaint for
domestic battery was filed with
the state attorney's office. Ms.
Harvey said she was held at the
house against her will for a half
hour before Mr. Wilkerson let
her go. She called police from a
neighbor's residence.
Michelle Young, 24, was treat-
ed at Fraser Hospital emergelrcy
room early on December 14 for
two bruised eyes she received at
the hands of boyfriend Richard
Dobbs, 39, of Glen St. Mary the
previous evening. He was arrest-
ed for domestic violence stem-
ming from the incident at their
residence off Lila Harvey Road.
An argument over a pending
breakup landed a similar charge
against Ron Stewart, 40, of Mac-
clenny the evening of December
17. He is accused of striking An-
gie Hickman, 30, at their resi-
dence off Barber Loop.
Joanna Young, 25, of Mac-
clenny filed a criminal complaint
alleging ex-boyfriend Charles
Guernsey, 28, of Glen St. Mary
violated a court order by tele-
phoning her the evening of De-
cember 18. Because of past do-
mestic violence, a judge recently
ordered Mr. Guernsey to have no
direct or telephone contact with
Ms. Young.
He reportedly called her about
visitation with their child.

Shopping trip ends infight
It was a Christmas shopping trip that just turned sour.
'Lewis Karnes, 39, of Glen St. Mary was arrested the evening of
December 16 for fighting with his brother Russell, 38, in the parking
lkt of the Fastway convenience store on Woodlawn Road.
i Deputy Randy Davis, who responded to the scene just before 8:00
pin, had to fire his Taser gun twice before he and Deputy Dwight
Qroves handcuffed the elder brother, who refused an order to stand
still with his hands on a patrol car while being pat searched.
'.Geneva Nave, the suspect's 66-year-old mother, told police her sons
began fighting in the car when she pulled up to the convenience store.
. She had taken them Christmas shopping and said the older son had
too much to drink.
.' Lewis Kames x\ as charged \\ ith fighting and resisting arrest w without
x olence.'

A grandson who confessed to
a drug problem was arrested for
looting the home of Barbara Ball
on the Eddy Grade in north Bak-
er County on December 16.
Ms. Ball and her son returned
to the residence about 7:30 that
evening to find the front door
was entered and a security safe
on a porch had been forced open.
Missing were $600 in silver dol-
lars, $20,000 in cash, prescrip-
tion medication and jewelry.
Brandon Johnson, 25, of Sand-
erson allegedly took the contents
of the safe to his residence off
Hilltop Road, and also ransacked
a closet and cedar chest in Ms.
Ball's bedroom without taking
Because a knife belonging to
the suspect was found at the bur-
glary scene, he was interviewed
that evening by Deputy Gavin
Sweat, who said Mr. Johnson de-
nied involvement and appeared
extremely high on drugs. Shawn
Eiserman, the suspect's step-
father who also resides at the
Hilltop address, told police Mr.
Johnson was taking prescription
medication later the same eve-
ning, and confirmed from Ms.
Ball it had been taken from the
The next morning, grandchil-
dren of the victim found the jew-
elry and coins and Mr. Johnson
was interviewed at'the sheriff's
annex, where Deputy John Har-
din said he appeared nervous,
and gave conflicting statements.
He eventually led Deputy Sweat
back to the Hilltop address where'
the cash was recovered zipped up
in a camouflage bag and stowed
in tall brush. Mr. Johnson admit-
ted the burglary and said he needs
help for the drug addiction.



was stolen from a carport, along
with two gasoline cans.
Someone had been attempting
to enter a rental trailer occupied
by Rebecca Harmon on Mitch


Lane in Glen St. Mary. She told
police she found pry marks on
her rear door everyday for the
week preceding December 12,
when she reported it to police.

Deputy Sweat counted $9995
in the bag and it was to be re-
turned to Ms. Ball. There was no
explanation of the discrepancy
between that amount and what
was thought to be in the safe.
He was booked for burglary,
grand theft and resisting police
by denying involvement.
In a similar case, a safe box ly-
ing under a bed at the residence
of Lonnie Combs of Sanderson
was entered sometime between
December 9-11 and $3000 cash
taken, along with a wedding
band arid documents. An ex-wife
who had been at the address off
Combs Road during that time
frame denied involvement.
A rock was thrown through a
sliding glass door to gain entry at
the residence of James Jackson
in Ridge Estates during da\ light
hours December 11. Mr. Jackson
reported $900 cash taken from a
dra-\\er in a bedroom., along w ith
prescription medication
The owner told Deputy Greg
Burned an acquaintance from
Jacksomnille he had argued with
the pre\ ions da\ man\ be respon-
sible. The suspect identified as
Chris Thomas. 28. adlegedl\
admitted the burglar\ during a
-phone conversation and threat-
ened to torch the residence iti Mr.
Jackson reported it.
A rear door \\ as pried open at
the residence of Charles Tillnan
off Sanderson Circle overnight
on December 17 and the om ner
reported clothing, a tele vision.
barbeque grill, food and funruire
taken. No value \sas assigned to
the miissing property.
Richard Humnphrey reported
a bo\ \\ ith prescription medica-
tion delivered to his residence on
South Boulevard on December 4

Franklin Mercantile
An amazing array .of jntiqui ,..
'-llec/ible/s ,couniln 'oi,,d: in a

ei en one on sorwinr ht.liar Iiifl n4
The I", Cottage
4 i ''ijloian Sli q-)pe i lk-(rv 'un t iblk.;

antiques aiid ,nthll used items
compliment eat h othlier.
And for a special treat before i->r aiter \'tir slipping. Isai A-Muse 10
make uiur resenation if'r their Four Coure- Candlelihit dinner.
Res.eration time, are
6.011 pirn or 7:30 prn. Er\er Frida\ in December
For information or r-eseratiins L.Iall 259-1 i2t
Or for a more casual dinning exptrieu'e drop mint
Open until 10:00 pm
For more information call 259-5040

Addicted grandson charged in

Se have lre fift baskets and
lots of gift ideas tor

Holiday Blood Drive

The Florida/Georgia Blood Mobile will be at
Macclenny Nursing and Rehab
on Wednesday, December 27 from 12:00 pm 3:00 pm.
They are offering a free coffee mug and calendar to
anyone who donates. They are in great need of
donations especially here at the holidays.
Please call 904-259-4873 and ask for
Stacey Conner if you have any questions

You're invited to Baker County's

2nd Annual

Candlelight Shopping

These businesses \\ill be open each Friday in
December until 8:00 pm for \our shopping pleasure.

,ric lanindarh!

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 5

Strategic, teacher merit

plans adopted by district
BY KELLEY LANNIGAN with top evaluations receive a 5
Press Staff percent salary bonus.
The Baker County School The board previously voted
board at its December 18 meet- during its December 4 meeting
ing approved the district's 2006- to approve an upgrade for the
07 strategic plan. A draft of the district's current AS400 system
plan was previously submitted and an accompanying three-year
for board discussion at the De- lease agreement.
cember 4 meeting. The AS400 runs payroll, fi-
The strategic plan identifies nancial and human resource ap-
objectives and strategies at el- plications and is considered by
ementary, middle, and second- school administration to be the
ary levels and identifies school district's most critical hardware/
personnel associated with work- software system.
ing to administer achievement The new lease agreement
of those objectives. Examples of adds $72,050.22 for addron
strategic plan goals are: equipment and will be paid in
Developing and implement- monthly installments of $2,189.
ing a district comprehensive The upgrade, by Midrange
reading plan as required by the Support & Services, Inc., an
state of Florida. IBM service provider, will ap-
Maintain safety and disci- proximately double the system's
pline in the classroom, disk storage capacity, internal
Full implementation of a memory and processing power.
wellness policy which addresses "There is still available mem-
nutrition education and physical ory on the system, but if we post-
activity. pone much longer there ma\ not
Establish business partner- be enough memory capacity to
ships that promote increased handle the upgrade, which could
student achievement, end up costing even more mon-
Approve a staffing plan that ey in the long run," said Marcell
supports the teacher/student ra- Richardson, the school district's
tios and-class size reduction re- finance chief.
quirements as prescribed by the In other district-related news,
Southern Association of Colleg- the board voted to approve a 4%
es and Schools. rate increase for the 2007 em-
* The strategic' plan also sug- ployee dental plan. Dental in-
gests time lines and budget al- surance for the school district
locations for achieving goals is provided by Combined Insur-
and evaluation criteria for mea- ance Services, Inc. and will re-
suring progress. and level of flect, starting January 1, 2007,
completion. a monthly rate of $3.36 per em-
The board also approved a ployee for. single coverage and
state mandated Special Teachers the same rate per employee for
Are Rewarded (STAR) Plan as family coverage.
the teacher pay for performance
system. State education offi- -
cials have mandated that each
of Florida's 67 school districts
complete a STAR plan by Dec.
The STAR merit pay plan
has been debated for some time
throughout Florida and, accord-
ing to sources such as the Her-
nando County Today's online
edition, teachers' union repre-
sentatives and school officials
have dubbed the state's mandat-
ed pay performance plan as un-
fair and unsettling.
Concerns have been voiced
that the merit plan will create an
unfair precedent in that teachers
will be eligible for merit raises
but paraprofessionals such as
cafeteria workers will not. How-
ever, Florida Education Com-
missioner John Winn said the I,
program serves Florida students ,
by ensuring students, have high-
quality teachers.
The STAR plan will be used in |
the future as the primary teacher '--
evaluation instrument, with 50 ,M '
percent of the teacher's perfor-
mance based on student learn-
ing gains. Student scores will be -V
determined over a school year
through individual improvement
plans based on a 300 point scale.,
The program targets middle and "
high school teachers and those 1

In-law, zoningfeud erupts

A long-simmering. feud in- Rhoden Mr. Keeton said he was
volving ex-in-laws erupted in "going to kill them all," referring
gunfire during the early morning to the Roman family.
hours of December 14 south of The two have been in a rela-
Sanderson off Mud Lake Road. tionship more than three years
Stephen Keeton, 43, faces and have one child, the report
multiple charges in the incident, noted.,
and turned himself in the next The accused is an ex-brother-
day after fleeing the scene. He is in-law of Ms. Roman's and has
also charged with beating up his been at the center of a property
longtime girlfriend after they left dispute with her and her husband
a Christmas party at the Country in recent months.
Club Lounge that morning. Just last week, the Baker
Mr. Keeton allegedly drove County Code Enforcement
recklessly several times by the Board ordered Ms. Roman .to
residence of Martin Roman and close down a fence building en-
his wife Susan, both 48, just be- terprise on her property because
fore 2:00 am and exited his truck it. is not properly zoned. Mr.
armed i th a pistol and rifle. The Keeton complained to county of-
Romans and a 16-year-old fe- ficials of disruptive commercial
male fled back into the residence activity in the neighborhood. Po-
after first going outside, and Mr. lice have also been called to the
Keeton is charged with firing at Sunshine Lane addresses for nu-

Mr. Roman, and shooting an es-
timated four times into the front
doqr before kicking it open.
The Romans and the teen
fled through a rear door of their
residence off Sunshine Lane into
nearby woods and called police
from a neighbor's house. No one
N as injured.
Just prior to that, Mr. Keeton
aliegedl\ punched girlfriend
Ricci Whitney, 26, after forcing
her into his truck while leaving
the party. Ms. Whitney told Dep-
uty Sgt. Thomas Dyal the boy-
friend repeatedly held her head
and slammed it against a middle
console before letting her out of.
the truck on Wiremil Road east
of Sanderson.
Nis. Whitney, who sustained
numerous facial lacerations and
bruises, called police from a resi-
dence nearby..
She told Investigator Scotty

in gunfire December

merous disturbances. dwelling and domest
Mr. Keeton was booked for battery. The two form
aggravated assault with intent are felonies.
to commit a felony, firing into a


ic violence'
per charges

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1. .. *. .

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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 6

DROP approved for

full time city fire staff

The City of Macclenny on De-
cember 12 expanded the existing
retirement plan to allow full time
members of the fire department
to enroll in the DROP (deferred
retirement option program) avail-
able to other city employees.
DROP, available also to coun-
ty and state workers, allows long
term workers to remain on the
payroll five years beyond retire-
ment eligibility and funnels paid-
in cash into an interest-bearing
account to be drawn out when
the worker leaves.
Macclenny Chief Daniel
(Buddy) Dugger characterized
omission of full time workers.
as a "glitch". and the commis-
sion voted unanimously for the,
ordinance that covers him, along
w ith a trio of other fire officers
nowv full time on the city payroll:-
Joey Mathis, Martin Cole and
Scott Crews.
In another bit of administra-
tive housekeeping involving the
fire department, the city board
approved a policy allowing ac-
crual of up to 80 hours of over-
time pay from."call-outs" once
they have worked more than 53
hours during a pa\ period..
The full time officers work 40
hour weeks on a 24-on, 48-off
basis and are paid time-and-a-
half above that up to 53 hours.
The banking option takes effect
above that.
In other business last week,
the commission approved a six-
year note from Mercantile Bank-
for $550,000 to finance several
repaving projects in lMacclenn).
The note bears 4.9% 'fixed-rate
interest to the lender and requires
six annual payments through
The resurfacing projects are
mostly complete and include all
or portions of Niltondale Road,
North Boulevard, Third and,
Fourth Sts., South Boulevard,
Minnesota and Florida Ave. A
section including parking on
South Boulevard in front of the
PreK/kindergarten'school w ill be
done during the Christmas holi-
day. Dut.al Asphalt is the con-
City Manager Gerald Dopson
reported the portion of unpaved
and often impassable Denise St.
in west Macclenn\ thing inside
the cirt belongs to MacclennN
and he \ ill proceed \ith a joint
venture \with Baker County to
pave it. Macclennm will attempt
to coordinate it with the remain-
ing resurfacing project.
The city will also seek a traf-
fic survey at South Sixth (SR
1211 and George Hodges Road
to determine if it can be cited in
the future for a traffic signal.

No cattle

in $800 deal
A Sanderson man is accused
in a criminal complaint of bilk-
ing Linda Perry of Glen St. Mary
out of $800 she intended to go
for purchase of eight cows.
Nathan Keene, 39, took the
check on December 11 and told
Ms. Perry he would deliver the
animals to her farm off Fred Perry
Road in a matter of days. When
he failed to do so and remained
out of contact, she learned Mr.
Keene already cashed the check
when she attempted to stop pay-
When contacted by Deputy
Tracie Benton, Mr. Keene said ,
he had made arrangements to re-
pay the money at $200 a week, a
statement Ms. Perry told the of-
ficer was untrue.
Mr. Keene told Deputy Ben-
ton the owner of the cows in
Middleburg kept the $800 Mr.
Keene owed him. The accused
was not able to identify the own-
er he knew only as Mike, nor
give a telephone number.
He will be charged with grand
In another theft report, an
employee from Macclenny was
named as a likely suspect in the
theft of about $300 cash from the

Waffle House in Macclenny.
Waitress Wendy Hoilman 'of
Glen St. Mary said she noticed
her tip jar with about $100 miss-
ing from under a counter about
4:30 am on December 16. An-
other $200 was gone from the
register drawer.

Another unanimous vote
was recorded to re-appoint Gil
Crowser to the city's Zoning Ad-
justment Board. He will serve
another two-year term.
In zoning matters, the com-
mission approved first reading
of a request by Clarence Jones
and Catina Widemond to rezone
a tract west of Country Federal
Credit Union from single-family
residential to residential-profes-
sional office. The couple seeks
placement of a day, care center.
Also approved with little com-
ment on second reading were
changes in the land use map and
rezoning of _15-plus acres on
US 90 in east Macclennm to be
known as Barber Plaza.
The action will allow future
commercial development of the
tract on the north side of 90 as
a planned unit development. The
city last month promised resi-
dents of nearby Cypress Pointe
it would hot allow non-compat-
ible use of the tract. Owners Joe
and Evel, n Barber and Gary and
Kathy Barber said.they have no
specific plans for the two parcels
as yet.
They will have to petition
to the city for specific zoning
changes in the future.,
Macclennm also' passed on
second reading last week its
"proportionate fair share" or-
dinance to bring the city in line
\ ith requirements of Florida law
on long range planning.
Nlacclenny must submit .a
five-year capital improvement
plan and update it annually. The
ordinance phase-in next year
also mandates local government
agencies coordinate expanded
services brought about by new
development, and how the\ will
be funded.
The mandate is commonly
referred to as "Senate Bill 360,"
the numeric assignment of the
legislation authorizing it.

MLK parade to

be held Jan. 12th
A day of celebration in honor
of the late Dr. Martin Luther
King will be held on Friday,
January 12, 2007. A parade will
begin at Keller Intermediate
School at 11:00 am. Anyone
that wishes to participate in the
parade, please contact parade
marshall and coordinator Rev.
Tommy Rollins at 259-7721
office or after hours at 386-754-
9161 home.

Press Adverti ii .
H.olidaay dlafl
PMThrst iVlas y.t:.'K.e t

'] *

Six arrests in gang'street

gunfire, abduction last week

Six males from both Macclen-
ny and Sanderson were arrested
on charges ranging from aggra-
vated battery to kidnapping and
criminal mischief for involve-
ment in what police are calling
loosely organized gang violence
on December 16.
The events leading up to the
arrests, including a confrontation
at the Macclenny McDonald's
and gunfire after dark on Griss-
holm St. in.the south city, alleg-
edly stem from friction between
a group of black males calling
themselves the "Macclennry
Boys" and another known as the
"Sanderson Boys."
Deputy Garrett Bennett said
he was met by an hysterical Cris-
tin Ellis, 24, of Macclenny ion
Grissholm just after 9:00 when
he and other officers responded
to reports of gunfire in the area.
Ms. Ellis said a group of men
were in the area shooting pistols
into the air, and one of them.
Gary Carter. 21, of NMacclenn.,
twice pointed a pistol at her head
and verbally threatened her. She
also said Michael Williams, 20,
of NMargaretta, bumped her sev-
eral times w ith his vehicle before
the group left the area in three
Police were told by his. Ellis
and several others \\ho identified
the suspects but declined to sign
statements that the Gfisshobu St.
gunfire .\was retaliation for the
attempted kidnapping of Todd
Winfred. 22. of Sanderson from
the McDonald's parking lot. He
named Martius Holland, 24, and
Wesley Belford. 23.both of Mac-
clenny., as his assailants.
Mr. Winfred said he struck
Mr. Belford w ith a bottle after he
was forced into the rear seat of a
vehicle. and was able to escape
before being driven off by Mr.
McDonald's has been the
scene of similar activity and
fighting before, often follow ing
night basketball games at Baker
County High School. Partici-
y pants are typically black males.
agesdl8 throughmid-20s. '
"I don't think w\e can charac-
terize these groups as organized
gangs in the traditional sense,"
said Sheriff Joey Dobson this
week. "They are groups from
Macclenny and Sanderson and
the incidents are more of a ter-
ritorial nature."
The sheriff said he has recom-
mended to NlcDonald's manage-
ment in the past to emplo\ off-
duty officers those evenings to
head off the confrontations. '
Deputy Benneu's report notes
he found 14 shell casings from a
9 mm pistol near the Grissholm
St. residence of Shirley Ruise.
who said she and others iriclud-
ing children hit the floor to avoid
being struck by stray bullets that
One round was found embed-

ded in a kitchen cabinet, said the
deputy, and likely went through a
window nearby. Police were told
by witnesses and neighbors both
pistol and shotgun firing erupted.
The witnesses, including some
who said they were struck, by
bird-shot pellets, were reluctant
to identify themselves, fearing
Also arrested either b. police
or turning themselves in were
Marion Gaskins, 19 and Jason
Jefferson. 24, both of Sanderson.
Charges include aggravated as-
sault, aggravated battery, kidnap.
improper display and discharge
of \weapons and criminal mis-

Land sale for

(From page 1)
dismantled there more than a
\ ear ago.
The sale negotiation dragged
on anmid delays oer signage and
other matters, a fact thai irked
board members at the Baker
County Council on Aging, which
has an eve on most or all of the
Earlier this month, board
chairman Barbara Yarbrough
asked the county board to speed
up preliminaries for a new, coun-
cil headquarters despite the lack
of a firm deal on the Waloreens
land. Two sites are said to be
under consideration for the ne\\
building to replace the one on
LIUS 90 at College in NlacclennN.
A debate %\ill likelN ensue in
coming months over hown much
of the $1.515 million will be gi'-
en over for the senior center.

Need a phone number for a classified ad
and don't have the paper handy?

Wor unto ua a c)ilb i born, unto un a W on if given:
anb te goDemrment 41agl be upon i) oufber; anb it name
Saffl be calfeb %oiberful ~ounefort, Z e migitt9 6ob,
e. e, etlating Watler, Z e Trince of Tpeace.
~., .-aia( 9:6

With exceeding
great joy,
we wish you
and yours a
truly miraculous

Thank you for being
such wonderful
friends and

Alex Robinson & Family



Don't go it alone
The Baker County
Cancer Support Group
First Thursda of month
-:00 p rmr
Baker Counrt Headlh Deparcmcnt

With warm wishes and every happiness during this
beautiful holiday season from

A Touch of Spring
Eric and: Brenda Kinghorn


- DV


SAt.TkeHoliodap s

In this season of faith and renewal, we'd like to join our
friends and eibors in a prayer for peace on earth and
understanding between nations.
At this time we are also reminded of the meany blessing

we have been fortunate to receive, especially the goodwill
and support of people like you.

Best wishes for a joyous Noel with heartfelt thanks.

Paula Barton

I ~


-,, ....
wwu iste7,

This holiday season \we re delivering best wishes
to all those who ve been so good to us this past year.
We couldn't have asked Santa for better
friends and neighbors than you.


6(2SSLt trcAacliv 5-~0 T w -N et Gln S.M

602 S Sixth Street, Mlacclenni 259--02 US Hwvy 90 West, Glen St. lu-\
100 S Lima Street, Bald\vin 20o-1041

i01 Closed Christmas Day

, A Message Of Peace & Joy

...-- _

T-i I I I rli 1, (/-8, 1, !, I I

t All-5N. -

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 7

Pair arrested for theft, re-sale of $4300

4-wheeler for $80 to buy crack cocaine

The sheriff's department made
several arrests recently for thefts
that had been reported earlier, in-
cluding two persons implicated
in the theft of a $4300 all-terrain
vehicle from a Baxter man.
Mark Donley reported the
theft from a outdoor shed on De-
cember 2 and told police it oc-
curred sometime after November
29, and a break in the case came
when Deputy Curtis Ruise spot-
ted the blue Polaris off CR 229
north of Sanderson on December
10. A black male who was riding
it fled on foot.
The second break occurred
when Sarah and Tommy Jewell,
who live off CR 127 south of
Baxter, identified John Hart, 19,
of Macclenny and a 15-year-old
male accomplice as. the persons
the\ saw in the area of Mr. Don-
ley's residence the day the ATV
went missing.
The youth was driving it on
127, and Mr. Hart was driving a
1992 Saturn accompanied by his
mother Jeannmie, 47, and Crystal
Mette, 21, of St. George, Ga.
In a subsequent interview, Mr.
Hall said the juvenile took the
ATV and then sold it to an indi-
vidual they knew only as "Scoot-
er" in Sanderson. He gave them
$80 which they used to purchase
crack cocaine. They are charged
with grand theft and dealing in
stolen property.
Mr. Hart is also named in a

criminal complaint for stealing
a jewelry box containing $835
worth of necklaces, a bracelet
and earrings the morning of De-
cember 13. The victim's name
was withheld because she is 15
years old.
The suspect told Deputy
Erik Deloach he got drunk
and doesn't remember what
he did with the valuables tak-
en from the residence off Oak
Moss Trail near Sanderson.
On December 11, Mr. Hart was
with a 15-year-old male when the
youth was caught attempting to
steal a baseball cap from Sports
Shack in Macclenny. Both sus-
pects were ordered via trespass
warrant to stay away from that
.store and adjoining Hagan Ace
In another arrest for a theft re-
ported earlier in December, Don-
terio Wishop, 21, of Jacksonville
is charged with stealing jewelry
and guns from the residence of
Bonita Varnes off CR 23A north.
He was a construction worker at
the residence during a remodel-
ing at the time, and pawned the
jewelry at three branches of Cash

America in Jacksonville. It was
subsequently recovered.
Mr. Wishop told sheriff's in-
vestigators he sold the three fire-
arms on the street for cash.
Deputy Deloach was acting
on a tip when he came across
Henry Williams, 24, of Glen St.
Mary seated in a 1999 Chevrolet
S-10 truck he is accused of steal-
ing from Julie Starling of Mac-
clenny on December 8.
Ms. Starling reported the
missing vehicle when Mr. Wil-
liams, who is acquainted with
her and who used the vehicle
with permission before, failed to
return it. The arrest and vehicle
recovery were on December 12.


Another Christmas without you
Always thinking of you
Happy Holidays
With L.-,
\Your Father
\VWiter R. Adams

Long-term truck 'borrower
County deputies arrested two accelerated when the officer got
persons on successive days last behind his vehicle after it turned
week for felony drug possession, south off Friendship Place at a
including a Macclenny woman high rate of speed.
who had failed for one week to The chase began about 12:30
return a vehicle to its owner. am and continued on Tony Givens
Dana Thomas, 25, was found Road, CR 127 where. the speed
about 1:00 pm on December 15 was noted, Combs Trail and back
in possession of a 2003 Ford on 127 before Mr. Walker turned
Mustang belonging to Morris west again on Dopson Road.
Roberts of Waycross, Ga. Dep- Deputy Anderson said he lost
uty John Hardin said he stopped track of the vehicle on a curve.
Ms. Thomas at the Raceway sta-
tion off Woodlawn Road after
police received the complaint by "
Mr. Roberts. .*
-During a subsequent search, ., .
the officer said he found a spoon .
with cocaine residue in the car's
front console.
Mr. Roberts told police he
gave Ms. Thomas permission to
use the vehicle a week earlier,
but only for a matter of hours.
The previous day, Michael
Bailey, 34, of Macclenny was ..
jailed on a similar charge after he ...
was found with a single Xanax .
pill in a pants pocket.
Mr. Bailey was stopped at -
Sixth St. and Shuey Ave. in north
Macclenny that morning about
10:45 following a report of a sus-
picious car in the Deerwood Cir-
cle subdivision where he resides. ..
His 1987 Cadillac matched the .
description of the vehicle.
In another felony arrest, Ken-
neth Walker, 49, of Lake City is
charged with leading a county : --
deputy on a high speed chase
early on December 17 before lic're dispensing a large measure
beearly on December 17 beforest ishe or a happy and heallhh
outrunning hm in a remote area e appreciate out Irust and n
off Leon Dopson Road north of
Sanderson. R I
Deputy Ben Anderson said ay n o r
Mr. Walker, who it turns out is
wanted in Lake City on a similar
count of fleeing police and driv-
ing with a suspended license,


in fabric or leather.


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Mon, Wed Sat 10 am 5:30 pm, Sun. 1 5:30 pm CLOSED TUESDAY



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-", --T _-_. .: .._ 7 !
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lAuto &-Truck

'is arrested
Three hours later, police
responded to a report of two
suspects at a nearby residence
seeking a ride to Lake City. Mr.
Walker was taken into custody
on the fleeing and suspended li-
cense charges, and faces an ad-
ditional count for doing about
$300 damage to the property of
Gene Combs off Combs Trail
during the pursuit.

-. .


e giooiId cheer alonr 1 itih our
olidar season lo all our neighbor. ;
e thank ou l for choosing us.

: Y

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 8

1 ituaries

William Dart, 63,

f Tallahassee dies
William "Bill". Crandall
Dart, 63, died Wednesday,.
December 13, 2006. Mr. Dart
was born in Connecticut, grew
up in Orlando and moved to
Tallahassee in 1961 to attend
Florida State University. After
receiving his MBA, he began
his work at Easter Seal. Shortly
after, he began a 35-year career
in various departments within
state government.
Survivors include his beloved
wife of 42 years, Jewell Crews
Dart; daughters Lisa (Jim)
Waddell of Tallahassee and
Lori (Randy) Hearne of Perry;
brother Robert of Orlando;
3 grandchildren and other
relatives. /
The funeral service was held
Saturday, December 16, 2006 at
Culley's MeadowWood Funeral
Home, with burial at Culley's
MeadowWood Memorial Park.

Willow Dickson

enjoyed gardening
Willow Fuqua Dickson, 86,
Macclenny died Thursday,
December 14, 2006 at
N u r s'i nag **4.
and Rehab -
Center. Mrs.

Texas on
November 7,
1920 to the
late Wiley
Holder and
Josephine Ms.Dickson
Fuqua. She moved to Baker
County in 2000 from Lawtey.
Willow enjo\ ed collecting o\% Is.
gardening and making crafts. -
She also enjoyed teaching Bible-~
school and spending time at the
Council on Aging.
Survivors include her
loving husband of 59 years,
Trevett Dickson; son Roland
(Laurie) Dickson of Albany,
Ga.;. grandchildren Richard C.
and Samuel P. Westbrooks.
The funeral service was held
.Tuesday, December 19, 2006 in
the chapel at V. Todd Ferreira
Funeral Services with Pastor Joe
'Vianna officiating. Interment
followed at the Veteran's
National Cemetery in Bushnell,

Don't go it alone
The Baker County
Cancer Support Group
First Thursday of month
7:00 pm
Baker County Health Department

Buddy Hickox, 66,

dies afier long illness
Eddie Lawrence "Buddy"
Hickox, 66, of Bryceville died
Wednesday, December 13,
2006 at St. Vincent's Medical
Center following a long illness.
'He was a native of Hoboken,
Ga. and lived in Jacksonville
before moving to Bryceville in
1970. He was the son of the late
Eugene L. Hickox and Josephine
Raulerson Hickox and was
preceded in death by his brother
Sam Raulerson. Mr. Hickox
retired as a supervisor and
dispatcher with A.A.A. Cooper
Trucking Company. He was a
1961, graduate of Jacksonville
University, a Baptist and loved
antiques, woodworking as a
hobby with the family-owned
business, Rachel's Farmhouse,
Surn ivors include his wife
Ruth Hickox: daughter Cindy
Hickox: son Clay Hickox, all of
Bryceville; sisters Janice (John)
Rhoden of Macclenny, Geraldine
Brown and Dianne (Buddy)
Warren, both of Jacksonville;
sister-in-law N larn Raulerson
of Bryceville; brothers Walter
Adams of Bryceville and Bill
Adams of Jacksonville; his
loving pet, Mr. Beasley.
The graveside service was
conducted Saturday, December
16 at Verdie Cemetery in Nassau
County with Rodney Kelly
of West Jacksonville Baptist
Church officiating. Guerry
Funeral Home of Macclenny
was in charge of arrangements..

5th Sunday sing
Highland First Baptist Church
in Lawtey will hold its 5th Sun-
day sing at 11:00 am on Sunday,
December 31, 2006. Dinner on
the grounds will follow the wor-
ship service.
Please join us for \ orship. fel-
lowship and food.

Holiness Church
CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 10:00 am
Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm
Pastor: Oral E. Lyons


,'s iT I l I '.l f- I-I .i 1d.I'n
",1 fcll.l' I i' l l.' l I 4 1 i ,. 1 L 'Jl I in
\6 ,11U *ji .hl l in' ill [.[I\
\1 i ?, .i l "_I ]mL' / 'n. pm
Where Everyone is Somebody and
Jesus is the Leader
L\ L s'it RIN '\ ni l'U.
Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell

Blanche Mixon,

life long resident
Blanche Mixon, 76, of Glen
St. Mary died December 12,
2006 at St. Vincent's Medical
Center. She was born in Glen
St. Mary and was a life long
resident. She was a member of
Manntown Congregational Holi-
ness Church and enjoyed helping
her husband A.J. Mixon operate
Mixon TV. and Repair business
for 31 years. Her hobbies were
gardening and fishing. She was
the daughter of the late Levin
Lee and Lancy Canady Fish. She
was predeceased by her husband
of 56 years.
Survivors include children
Carolyn Mixon Pearce of
Waverly, Ga., Glenda (Glen)
Mixon of Lake City and Debbie
Mixon (Nathan) Thomas
of Wildwood; brothers Leo
(Darlene) Fish of Glen St.
Mary and Buster (Linda) Fish
6f Macclenny; sisters Kizzie
(Bob) Davis of Marietta and
Betty Fish Jones of Macclenny;
9 grandchildren,, 17 great-
grandchildren and two great-
The funeral service was
FndaN. December 15, 2006 in
the chapel at V. Todd Ferreira
Funeral Services with Pastor
David Thomas officiating.,
Interment was in Moniac
* Cemetery.

Sadie Self 84,

NEFSH worker
.Sadie Raulerson Self, 84, of.
'Macclenny died Wednesday,
December 13, 2006 at St.
Vincents Medical Center fol-
lowing a long illness. Mrs. Self
was bor in Taylor and lived in
Baker County all her life. She
was the daughter of the late
Wesley B. and Eliza Raulerson,
and widow of Ira Davis Sr. and
Andrew B. Self Sr. She was also
preceded in death by her son Ira
Davis Jr. Mrs. Self worked as a
psychiatric aide with Northeast
Florida State Hospital for 20
years until her retirement in
1982. She was a member of the
Macclenny Church of Christ.
Survivors include daughters
Sadie Mae Eliza Pringle of Glen
St. Mary and Annette D. (Randy)
Barber of Lake City; sons
Wesley A. (Martha) Davis Sr. of
Taylor and Andrew "Andy" B.
(Cathy) Self Jr. of Macclenny;
18 grandchildren, numerous
great-grandchildren and great-
great grandchildren.
The graveside funeral ser-
vice was conducted Monday,
December 18 at Pleasant Grove
Cemetery in Taylor with Rev.
Tommy Anderson, pastor
of Road to Calvary Church,
officiating, assisted by Mr. Joe
Raulerson. Guerry Funeral
Home of Macclenny was in
charge of arrangements.

"c'.w -o/, /;i the Con'mim,,:if
Five ('hi ircht Rodg
I-1, 127 Sa,,di r,,,, Fl.
Sunday Schol :45 a.m."
Sun,.I,,y Moming \\'orhip 1l:11n a.m.,
\Ved. Night Bible Study 7:1)0 p.m.
rve -I" Sunden Night Ser'ie 7:11U p.m.
., idell l: William -Pntor '"

Mt. Zion N.C.

Methodist Church
121 North t 25'--4461
Ma.icclenny, FL
Pastor Tim Cheshire

'Bud'Hicks retired

Civil Service retiree
William Orie "Bud" Hicks,
Jr., 75, of Glen St. Mary died
Sunday, December 17, 2006 at
his residence. He had resided
in Glen St. Mary most of his
life .and was the son of the late
William Orie Hicks, Sr. and
Annie Elizabeth Thompson
Hicks. He worked with U.S.
Civil Service at the Naval Air
Rework Facility, Naval Air
Station, Jacksonville for 36
years and retired as supervisor
and management analyst in
1986. He was of the protestant
faith and enjoyed meeting with
friends at the Waffle House. He
was preceded in death by Thelma
Louise Harvey and Sylvia Sue
Combs Wingo.
He is survived by his wife
.Agnes C., Hicks of Glen St.
Mary; daughters Thelma Diane
Fraser of Macclenny, Deborah
"Debbie" Elaine Hicks and
Lillian Elizabeth *"Libby"
Hicks, both of Glen St. Mary;
son Charles Gregory Hicks of
Glen St. Mary; sisters Lorena
Nancy Harvey and Doris Mae
VanDoren of Jacksonville and
Mildred Daisy Lagasse of
Tallahassee; 7 grandchildren
and 10 great-grandchildren;
extended family Gene (Ruby)
Combs, L.E. (Sharon) Combs,
Mike i Patty' Combs, Greg
(Julie)i Combs, D.L. Combs,
Carl Wingo, eVoncille Combs
Haney, Rachel Combs Ste\art.
Janie Combs.. Berryhill and
Wanda Combs (Bruce) Rhoden.
The funeral service was
conducted Wednesday, Dec-
ember 20,2006 at Mannto%%n
Congregational Holiness Church
with Rev. David Hodges,
officiating. Interment will be in
Manntown Cemetery. Guerry
Funeral Home was in charge of

We publish

obituaries & pictures


d First United

93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Youth:. 6:00 pm
Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm
Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm
John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor

First Baptist Church
of Sanderson
CR 229 S., Sanderson FL
Sunday School ....... 10:00 am
Sun. Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sun. Evening Worship .6:00 pm
Wed. Eve. Bible Study. .7:00 pm
AWANA Wed. Night.. 7:00 pm
Pastor Bob Christmas

Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church
Elder Arnold Johns
Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm
For information call: 259-9567

St. Peters Anglican Fellowship
Minnesota Ave, Macclenny, Fla.
Sunday School 9:00 am
Sunday Service 10:00 am

23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd.
Sunday School 9:45 am
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All

Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us
Glen Friendship Tabernacle
Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary
WJXR Radio Service Sunday. ... 8:30 am
Morning Worship Service...... 10:30 am
Children's Clhurch .... ........ 11:30 am
Evangelistic .... ............ 6:00 pm
Bible Study (Wed.).............. 7:30 pm
Rev. Albert Starling *.Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521

Jesus:' The Way, The Truth and The Life
Sunday School 10:00 AM. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM.
SundaN Morning Worship 11:00 AM. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 PM.
Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner
North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500

F1tli St. &25-1
StVnellPa r

nr.ii n F % Paul Hale

SSundav Shol 0:3) am esa Bible Stud 7:0)0 pm
Sunifai' MIurning Wirship 10:15 am Thursday uub 7:00 pm
Thur, r Hi7r .00 pm

Sunda Eenin Worship p
I L nNurfrr- v ip-id"1 ir all u *r .
'"A Loving Church irilh a Growing iisbin of Excellence"
Spd.idl BI .131, r S.houl R.-dinrss i.-nI-T 2:vJi' lr>r


First Baptist Church
A. Bet Ic' S Sunday School 9:45 AM
Baer LCoi Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM
S Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Dr. Walter Bennett, Interim Sr. Pastor
Perry Hays, Associate Pastor





Senior Pastor Independent Pentecostal Church Associate
David Thomas Tim TAi
2594940 Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny 2594.

Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Service 7:00 pm
Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday- 9:15 am

Youth Programs .
Sunday School 10:00 am [e'
Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am
Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm
God Kids Sunday 11:00 am I
God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm YothR

V/odAbe .mm .erer


V. Todd

Funeral Services

250 North Lowder St., Macclenny 259-5700

Sunday School 9:45 aj
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 amn
Sunday Evening Worship 6.00 pm
Wednesday Prjover Servic:e 7 00 pru

Jesus answered. "Veiilv, verily I
sjay unto thee, e-cept a m,in bi e
born o0 water ..rind of tile Spirit.
he cannott enrier into the king-
dom of God J,,ohrn 3 5


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 9

Fay Norman, 76,
dies December 15th
Dora. Fay Norman, 76, of
Macclenny died December 15,
2006 at her residence. Mrs.
Norman was born March 27,
1930 in Loudon, Tennessee
to the late.
Robert and
Lillie Mae
She was a
member of M .;
Fellowship 'e
She loved
gardening Ms.Norman
and spending
time with her grandchildren.
Survivors include her son
and daughter-in-law Ronnie and
Wanda Norman of Macclenny;
daughters and son-in-laws
Michelle and Bill Honsberger
of Lawtey and Tonya and,
Dwight Nipper of Macclenny;
grandchildren Wesley. and
Travis Norman, Keisha Bishop.
Brett Bennett and Luke and
Shelby Nipper; seven great-
grandchildren; sister Shirley
Barton of Macclenny and a very
dear and special friend Cl de
Newmans, also of Macclenny.
The funeral service was.
held on Sunday, December 17,
2006 at Christian Fellowship
Temple with Pastor David
Thomas officiating. Interment
was in Macedonia Cenetery.
The arrangements were under.
the direction of V. Todd Ferreria
Funeral Services, Macclenny..

Lonnie Wilcox
dies-on birthday
Lonnie Wilcox died.,on
Saturday, December 16, 2006.
Mr. Wilcox was born on
December 16, 1922 to Robert
& Mary Lee
Wilcox in
McCray, .
Ga. Lonnie t
moved to
Florida at [
.an early
age \\here' ,

in Hills-
County. He joined the United
States Army on January 27, 1943
anfd he received a Bronze Star,
Philippine Liberation Service
medal with a Bronze Star, Good,
Conduct medal and WVWILVic-
tory medal. He was emnplo ed
with Pritchett Trucking as a
driver for many years until his
Mr. Wilcox was a member of
Washington Temple Independent
Methodist Church of Wimauma,
Survivors include his devoted
wife, Willie Mae Wilcox;
children Bernard Wilcox, Joyce
Pittman of Tampa, Raileigh
Nelson of Lakeland, Laurat
Berrien ,of Detroit, Mich.;,
Phyllis Parker,* Alvin Wilcox,
Lonnie Wilcox, Jr., Nancy
Daniels, Patricia :Roberson,
Theresa Wilcox, e Maxie
(Laviece) Wilcox and Keith
(Rebecca) Parker, Tara (Mike)
Washington, Alex (Virginia)
Brianna Wilcox of Baldwin,
Robert (Melissa) Wilcox and
Thomasina (Claude) Henderson
of Jacksonville; grands but
raised as Lonnie's children;
numerous grandchildren and
great-grandchildren; a host of
nieces and nephews; special
niece Helen Black; special
persons Mary Alice Cooper and
Gladys Wilcox; very special
god-daughter Robin Prittchett
The wake will be Friday,
December 22,2006 at Emmanuel
Church of God in Christ from
5:00-8:00 pm. The service will
be held on Saturday, December
23 at 11:00 am at the church.

Hale Funeral Home of Starke is
in charge of arrangements.

573 S. 5th St. 259-6059
Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am
Fellowship 10:30 am 11:00 am
Worship Services


V\ cd. iBiI'Ic "*'id,
7:31 II I

Robert Thrasher,

60, retired USAF
Robert Edward Thrasher,
60, died December 16, 2006 at
his home in Baker County. He
began his life on July 31, 1946,
in Atlanta, Ga., the first born son
to Luther and Francis Thrasher.
At the age of 19, he entered the
United States Air Force and
served his country faithfully
in Vietnam and retired after 20
years. He received numerous
awards and commendations
including the Medal of Valor. He,
was predeceased by his brother
David Luther Thrasher.
Survivors include wife
Carletta Thrasher of Baker
County; daughter, and family
Christina and Martin Tomlin,
Elise and Ethan of Norman,
OK; son and family Richard
and Rebecca Gifford, Davana,
Danyelle,-Blaine, and Alyson of
Granite,.OK; father and mother
Luther Edward and Sara Francis
Thrasher of Dahlonega, Ga.;
brothers James Howard Thrasher
of Atlanta and Louis Douglas
(Janet) Thrasher of Dahlonega;
sisters Cheryl Ann (Phillip)
Dervan of Powder Springs,
Ga. and Michelle iDale.) Alley,
numerous nieces, nephews and,
The funeral service will be
held at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday,
December 21, 2006 in the
chapel of V. Todd Ferreira,
Funeral Services. The. family
'ill receive friends from 1 to
3 p.m.' prior to the service on
ThursdaN. Interment will follow
in Fort Sill National Cemetery
in El in. OK at a later date.

in our co-workers, classmates
and friends at the Baker Coun-
tr Sheriff's Office, the Baker
County school district and Winn
Dixie. All of you did so much
for us that words are inadequate
to express how you helped in
the greatest, smallest and most
meaningful ways.
We want to especially thank
. Rev. John Hay for his comfort-
ing message during the funeral
and his spiritual guidance dur-
ing this %\hole tragedy.To Sher-
iff Joey Dobson. we w ant to say
we love \ou and thank Nou for
all you did throughout this time.
Your sweet words at the service
touched all of us.
In closing we would like to
dedicate the follow ing poem to
each of you who touched us in
words, thoughts and deeds:

*."-,: .& .^> *,* ..-:

' '*i ,.] ,,f

Special tork'pins for baby delivery
Paramedic Chris Harvin (left) and EMT Greg Gainey (right) received the first-ever
stork pins given to Baker County rescue workers during a presentation at the county
commission meeting by Fire Chief Richard Dolan the .evening of December 18. Ms.
Harvin, the county's employee of the month for November, and Mr. Gainey, who cap-
tured the honor for December, assisted in the delivery of a baby at the home of the
mother in late November. The baby was a girl and is doing just fine.

Need a phone number for a classified ad
and don't have the paper handy?

We're carrying a message of gratitude to all of the people who have
helped make this past year a joyful one for us, and hope the coming
holiday season brings lots of glad tidings your way.
Merry Christmas!

Supervisor of Elections
Nita Crawford
& Staff


Help Wanted:

Dental Assistant
5 Yr. Experience
Fax Resume to:

Don't have,
experience yet?
See the ad for
Jacksonville Dental
Assistant School
in the Help Wanted section
of the classified ads
of The Baker County Press.
It starts with the headline:

"In Just 71 Days

you can have the
skills you need to
get a job as a

Dental Assistant"

Family grateful for support during loss
During the recent loss of our It Only Takes a Moment
youngest son and brother, we It only takes a moment to
were inconsolable. Yet your reach out to be a friend, but to the
words, your presence and your one who needs you... the memo-
prayers were felt by each of us. ry never ends.
The visits, calls, food and flow- A simple act of kindness to
ers comforted and demonstrated a person you don't know may
the importance of family, friends plant a seed of friendship.that for
and community in our lives. It is them will always grow.
the outpouring of love and con- We sometimes lose perspec-
cern that has helped and con- tive of the difference we can
tinues to help as we grieve the make, when we care more of our,
loss of our little Bryce Taylor giving and care less of what we
Finley. take.
Our families, who also ex- So remember that your actions
perienced the personal pain of may help change a life someday,
our loss, have been incredible in always think about the person
the love and support they have that you meet along the way.
given us. We want them to know For it only takes a moment to
how much we love and appreci- reach out to be a friend, but to the
ate them. one who needs you...the memory
We all have extended families never ends.

Dr. George Weeks, DDS
Cosmetic, Reconstructive, and Family Dentistry
60 West Boulevard North'
Macclenny, FL 32063


F' ~ .', 1

iFill Dirt Top Soil

'i Septic Tank Sand


4904) 289-7000

pen 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm

Well Drilling ~ Water Softeners & Purification
Septic Tanks Drain Fields ~ Iron Filters


Licensed in Florida & Georgia
K Major credit cards accepted.

* New Hope Church U

23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd.

,^ Sunday

December 24
Morning service will still be held.
No evening church service.

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 10



Graduates from
basic training
Jefferson Cade Fraser gradu-
ated from Air Force basic training
at Lackland AFB on November
9. He will be st.uioned at Incirlik
AFB in Turkey beginning April 1
of next year.
Cade is: a 2006 graduate of
Wolfson High School and is the
son ofJeff Fraser and Laura Bryan
Grandparents are Lillian D.
and William Kirkland of Glen St.
Mary. .
Garden Club
drawing winners
The Garden Club of Baker
CounrCheld a drawing. at the
Christmas Craft fair on Saturday.
December 2. The follow ing %%ere
the winners of that drawing:
Jeannette Conner kumquat tree:
Jane Bennett gazing ball; Eloise
Davis knockout rose bush.
Thanks to all who braved the
elements and participated.
Visit with Santa
Santa and NMs. Claus %ill be
visiting with children on Christ-
mas Eve from 8:00 am-6:00 pm
at 917 N.Lowder St.
Bring your camera and pho-
tograph your child in a beautiful
outdoor holiday setting.
Refreshments will be avail-
able. The event is free and is
sponsored by Hall 's Racing of


perfect t

Easygoing. Elegant. Energetic
Mary Kay has just the right sc
to express your style. Your
personality.Call me to
experience the wonderful
fragrances designed for all th
moments in your life. Ask ab
our men's fragrances too,

(Business infc

Thanks from
Rhoden family
The family of Seab Rhoden
would like to thank all the citizens
of Baker Count) who came out
and bought a plate or gave a dona-
tion at the benefit' har was held
for him. It is great to live in a town
where there are so mans kind and.
caring people.
\'e would like to give a special
thanks to Brad Raulerson tor do-
ing a terrific job grilling and to Jes-
sica Raulerson, Jamie K. and Kane
Godwin, Jessica Hodges, Meagan
Lowery, Adam Saltz, Dustin Irish,
Connie Keys. Mike Shay and ev-
eryone else that helped put every-'
thing together. There are too many
names to mention everyone.
Seab was very lucky to have.
such good Friends who really
cared. Your acts of kindness will be
remembered forever, just as Seab
will be'.
Thanks again,
Greg & JlaIan Rhoden parents
Shane Rhoden brother'
Brandi & Gar. Manning -
sister & brother-in-la%

Fla. Pioneer

John Burnett and his children
John Edward and Amy Burnett
were awarded Florida Pioneer,
Certificates at the 30th Annual
Conference of the Florida State
Genealogical' Society meeting
held in Melbourne., Florida on
November 10.
They were awarded state
certificates on their ancestors
Seaborn Dobson, John Dan-,
iel Williams and Hansford Al-
ford. These pioneers settled in
Florida prior to 1845 and have
numerous descendants in and
around Baker County. The Bur-
nets were awarded account) cer-
tificate for Z.A. Davis, ho prior
to 1861 settled in the area .that
became Baker County.
Dr. Burnett is the director of
equal opportunity and affirma-
tive' action at the University of
Nevada Reno. where he and
his fanmil reside.




ut Carla D. Coward
Independent Sales Director
904-477-4107 (cell)
tion available) .

GFWC writing contest winners
The GFWC Women's Club of Macclenny declared the wners of i1n Sea' writ-
nv -, .t ,, Dc,. eoiitr 15. TI.R 11 .irs a, :i. ,i pl c, ,e- Ti htr eL',IUll: 2nd place
- Br,,. I Sa .4 "'." ,-i place \la. Atn:i c i ) -itd. The prizes were checks of $50,
,S30 ,Pd ) 20 i1tpecn c/i. Each winner al,,, re,' ched a certificate. The contest was
held p.''im..ie writing for 5th ,,iaders. The student could write about any subject
d' .i.ied and the story had to be less than 2000 words. The judges felt the qual-
it*, : 'i, itiii was t u,. e i i,,pr, .. I1liit t i'i at The le pirlace imit, storyy will be sent
to the :aite -,,,p9ni.. if jad.ii"?z on the state level. Last year's state winner was
from Macclenny.

LI7n The

CMo o

As I blkl of dOu'ue rivers nie g. itund,
\Xe jtil tL. dunk all ,I d'u lot (umin- ,,l:ufI d
One thifinrg luit ie Lnw is true,
L we ,we eour success in eich 'ine oi you'
Merry Christmas!
Thrift Log Homes

January 5
Application Deadline December 22
,.Tiny Miss,Ba.ier Counti Tin, Ni.- M;iacclenr,. Tins Mis Glen St. Mary
3-S ,ears ofi age
Little NMis Baker County/ Little Mis Macclenny/ Little Miss Glen St. Mary 6-8
years of age ,
Jr. Miss Baker County/ Jr. Miss Macclenny/ Jr. Miss Glen St. Mary
9-13, years of age
Miss Bakei Count, Teen/ Miss Macclenny Teen / Miss Glen St. Mary Teen
14-16 years of age
Miss Baker County/Miss Macclenny/ Miss Glen St. Mary ,
17-19 years of age
For more information please call Tami Yarborough at 904-259-4407
F.-. ipp i ,.r.i: goby i..i local Radi.. Shack and pick them up!

(904) 259-5252
Best quality at affordable prices
Monday Saturday 1 New owners
9:30 am 7:00 pm J ) Tina & Linda Lee
Sunday m Gift certificates available
12-00 pm- 5:00-pm .
1458 S. 6th Street, Macclenny. Next to Winn Dixie Shopping Center
*i. l 'ffmr". t: .Z *.'2 ... -.. ..;. -r .'-'fl ,1 '" '. *.'.;..-t Siff l. -' "*

Ii. ,A V 0"1

w ,:w,.,,

;* ': ,*..- .V,
E ,.;;' ,: .. ,
0 p ; /



SMerry Christmas


Happy New Year
Baker Beverage

| .0 y. y S

.l iii ii.oiV

in the spirit of the season,
we'd like to wish all our
friends and neighbors a
happy, healthy
and meaningful holiday

Your support this
past year has meant
everything to us.

Ronie s

FO od SL
George and Staff ,, '..

. .. ... .'. ... ..


David P. Dearing
former Baker County Prosecutor



Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macdenny 259-1352
Toll Free (888) 211-9451
All initial consultations are absolutely free.
I )h' it "' t L If", 12lc i!. ,'1.1', .,; 1i1. '; i' I ;j It _r.C *-I n.'/ Z l" '07 ,.',i Ow

Golly Gee
Look who's 3


Willi qid udiogs lou dl] our neighbors ad] friends Il l. hr '
joyous limle ul yei. We r uWly yalue your business and suppuil ind
renew our commitment to serving you wellin the year ahead.
Thimks, Evetoul!

\\i uwIke oum banking personal.

- -


-A- 0-.* %.,.


4 Z

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 11

a Caorts

Lady Cats survive late

surges; beat Baldwin, Yulee
Fans of the Lady Wildcat bas- Yulee held a slim one point lead
ketball team will have to let their going into the fourth quarter.
fingernails grow back over the The attitude that Griffis spoke
Christmas holidays. They won of was demonstrated in the hard
both games last week by a mar- play down the stretch. BCHS
gin of a basket or less. picked it up and outscored Yu-
On December 12, the girls de- lee 16-13 in the fourth period to
feated the Baldwin Indians 47-46 secure the win. They got a great
and then came back two nights effort defensively from Caitlin
later to defeat Yulee 42-40. The Griffis, who controlled the paint
wins gave Coach Franklin Griffis and pulled down 16 rebounds as
an early Christmas present. The well as scoring 6 points.
Lady Wildcats will be sporting a Hinson led the Lady Wildcats
five game winning streak when with 15 points. Ruise had 9 and
they open up play in January. Deanna McKenzie 8 points and
"We have developed a win- 7 rebounds on the night,
ning attitude, and it has helped "We have had players step
us in the close games that we up when they needed to provide
have had lately," said Griffis. He points, steals or rebounds that
believes each win builds confi- helped us win. It has been a great
dence to the point that the girls team effort."
now go out on the court expect- The girls are 8-5 plus t1\ o pre-
ing to win, not hoping to win. season wins. They will face a
"Before. I'm not sure that theN tough Bradford County team on
would have found a way to win. Jan. 4 at 7:30 pm.
But now, they are believing that'
they will," Griffis added. A I L
That winning attitude showed ALCOHOLICS
itself in both games last week.
The girls built a lead on Bald- ANONYMOUS
win and then withstood a furious A NU iYM US'
comeback attempt in the fourth
period to take the one point win. Monday & Thursday
The Lady Cats went up early, 8:00 pm
taking a 14-9 lead in the first
quarter and then holding off an MacclennyChurch of Christ
Indian surge to lead 26-24 at the 5thandMinnesota
.half. The girls came out of the 275-3617 or 259-8257
locker room playing with a lot
of intensity. The third quarter has
belonged to the Lady Wildcats in
most of their wins, and this was
no exception. They outscored the
Indians 13-6 and it proved to be
the difference.
Baldwin charged back in the
fourth period to outscore BCHS
16-8 and make for the nail-chew-
ing finish. But BCHS held them
off for the victory.
Brittany Ruise led the way -
with 14 points and 8 rebounds "
for the Cats. Brittany Hinson had-- .
11 points and 7 rebounds and '..- '
Caitlin Griffis added 8 points and
6 rebounds.
Thursday's matchup with Yu-
lee was a back and forth affair. tA tv l 1ir p iu tletrt'ii 1r. 11'
Neither team could really pull 'nt/ai just 1iL. Iuc l, l'lr '.1,
away from the other and were / i 1/1rI' ,ra //llatwiul'li. iu-w,
very evenly matched. The Cats
jumped out to the early lead as llks /'.'' / t/l ilmt.
they had against Baldwin on )r../1/ 1 II's//I/
Tuesday. But Yulee battled back
in the second period and the .IleChi ia,
game was knotted at 20 at inter-int and
mission. Butch's Paint and
Neither team managed much
offense after the interval as they
started cold and the defenses
stepped up their pressure. But [ ..

Ivis. ur tIJt

Griffis named

weeks top player
Forward Caitlin Griffis is,
this week's Player of the Week.
She pulled down 16 rebounds
and added 6 points for the Lady
Wildcats to help defeat Yulee 42-
40 last Thursday night.
Griffis, daughter of Coach
Franklin Griffis, is as much a
center as a forward and when the
5'8" junior is on her game, she
can be ph\sicallh imposing. She
is averaging close to 8 rebounds
a game and though she is not a
prolific scorer. can be counted on
for five points a game..
Griffis has been a key factor
in the Lady Cats' posting a five
game winning streak going into
the holiday break. She controlled
the boards against Yulee and
pulled down some key rebounds
to help hold off a furious charge
in the final minutes.
She will face a tough test
when the Wildcats return from
the holidays. She will face off
against a very physical Bradford
County team. The Tornadoes
were a playoff team last season
and the Wildcats will want very
badly to snatch a win.


lai/aill bi u/Phl.'I?/ r
.%kj jlal% oI.

I Body Shop n



Letters to Santa
Dear Santa,
My Christmas list is...
1. The Legeid of Spiruaga 2. Dodl
Digno 3. sage Dog The DvD
Love, Aden
Dear Santa,
My Christmas list is...
1. dog 2. bik 3. Spidrman kit
Love, Pierce
Dear Santa,
My Christmas list is...
1. cd plyr 2. hrs 3. Jepp
Love, Mackenzie
Dear Santa,
My Christmas list is...
1. Kutrkrdon 2. bik 3. dinosor
Love, Carter
Dear Santa,
My Christmas list is...
1. jet sled 2. four wilr 3 drtbik
Love, Wyatt
Dear Santa,
My Christmas list is...
1. Bratz 2. Bell 3. CD player
Love, Mary
Dear Santa,
My Christmas list is...
1. pogo stik 2. flom 3. Dru kash
Love, Ally

At this special time of year, we recall all the
good people we've had the privilege to serve and "Iri'.,
\wish you all much peace, joy and harmony at .)
Christmas. We value your friendship and are ,' .;
sincerely grateful for your loyal support.

'Konnie's '(ear Poos

Advantage Tax Service of Macclenny has
recently sold its Lake City office.
Our Macclenny office still remains with the
same ownership and management that has
served Baker Counfy for 15 years.
We will continue to serve our present
clients as well as welcoming new clients.
Bill Paul, President
Lucile Kennedy, Manager
1191 S. Sixth Street (904) 259-8322



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Remy Martin V.S. 750mL

CLC 1.75mL

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21 1.75 mL


1.75 mL

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Paul Massonl.75mL$199
Knob Creek 750OmL9
Canadian Club 1.75mL
Crown Royal75omL $21 "



i.~. *~$*

Southern Home .5L
I Arbor Mist 750mL
, :Woodbridge 1.5L



ISi Iofthe seaon are in the ar. .

\iih ghLs and ti elI e\erv\here --
h# i'J iAnd a blanket of % hate co% ers the ground.
we'd like to give Spreading jov and glad ndmgs all around --
you ourthanks and best wishes for a So at us mo t special anie ot cear, .
one-of-a-kind season and a W'd like to thank all of 'ou tor stopping here'
prosperous year.
From your friends at
Baker County

SIX Health Department
Adturain Sc bohkirg ,' --

Jennifer, Jodi, Amanda, Brett
Kendall and Maria
..... '^ r :"- ,-", .. ..

207 W. Macclenny Ave. 259-8184 '

750 mL

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 12

x / I u,,'i] 0

-Rea lF,st- as.iie- -z

Rudolph may have competition!
If Santa needs extra deer to help fly his slkigh he needs look no farther than the
PreK Center. To celebrate the season, these ki,,dereartencrs proudly sport their
hand-crafted reindeer hats. Reindeer are just one of many designs clildreni were
seen wearing on the PreK campus before Baker C.'.nr public schools JdimisS~,d
December 15 at noon for the 'Christmas holiday. From left: Ddil'a Harde',nl.rook
Mason Hickman, Cht w'nei Hughes and Kailtlynni MI. iehid. PHOTO BY KELLEY LANNIGAN

Established company seeking candidates to join our team for
the following positions:
Contract Billing Accountant i:: :,:ioul lh i, i:,u:
'-' I:"-'[ I.i,],- i i F i ,i[n Ii ..,': l.i :in'l ,'i:'F!t 3,: riii" 'i, -i'ri- t F ,. 1II,_-
,-rn: l l |:if, I ',-,-i i: ?, .i 1 I 1:. ,= l -''t ,i ri 'in. ii i,].;irl eii: .' 1 1. iI1
.3,:i 1 ,- .l ,7 .l |: i ,: ir l e 1:1- .I i ,, ,- 'I I ,:."r I l .j(,- :. :.l l 1.,l-: l l, .h Il l I I0
ri 1.1ii 1.i 1 '- -i i -F I '-r 1,-' .:r Y I ,: i ,-- t1 ..l i i : .I ',' 1 ,111 i i:..i rii

Shop Clerk -1ph: hi ul hi F ir rni dli i i- l i ri1i' i i .r
: 1n i ,ll h, .:-lv. I F ,: i i o,'.'l ,l F I 3- t '-. ,- _oi i ill i .iF i :F:iFF L i ii'.
ii' ,:llbf,-r.- rl 1 ,- : i:. II 1:'1| :' : *:'n d i i' F iF '- ,i :I r ir-I l i 3 i -ii., ,.- 1:,1 rino:. i
,-,,,--', I / -'- FTI i n': h "! ... 11 ii'i .i' ir-i':-K .Fl r :ii : i : '11 ,ii: ,- r ,iiririn ,rit

Yard Supervisor -pi']: t : il .ji F3ri ] [I F11. i.:1 ,' h ","l
ni ii: ii i: iii 1F:. i. F III i- F1 ii F i l F : 1ir l 1 ,i 'F ,,- .ii: l i ii ,F' ,' r \ i :
,:i I ti i1 h I I 't 711:,n : F:1 iir_:.iuiri FijI t, 'n, i Fi i i,' pr,-4 -.4-1 i' ,:.:ll .:_,.ml'F
4 :. ; 'I ,,, Flr'tr ,lr -la'it

We have more!
|More for sales, automobiles, help wanted,
S- r rentalss, FSBO and yard sales

SOAS IS Warehouse Associates
STAPPING $8.50 9.00/ hr
Oasis Staffing is currently recruiting for Nlichaels Distribution
Center. We have several fill time openings. Positions are available
for 1st and 3rd shifts at their main center on Bea% er Street. Quali-
fied candidates will be able to lift 50 lbs.. ha% e a clean criminal
background and be able to pass a drug screen. If ou %\ant to
benefit in this great opportunitN, please w alk-in to apply Monda)
Friday from 9:00 am 12:00 pm at 9200 W. Beaver Street.
Ask for Man.



May you and your loved ones be inspired by the
true meaning of Christmas and its enduring message of
peace, faith and love during this holy season.
Have a very Merry Christmas.
Higginbotham Brothers Heating and Air

1,100 + ACRES O-za --KLD IN 74 TRACTS

SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2007 10:00 AM
* Building Lots, Mini-Farms, & Small Acreage Tracts with Access to a 220
Acre Private Fishing & Boating Lake
* Various Size Tracts that is Zoned for Residential and Commercial
Development including One Tract that has Over 4,500 Ft. of Undeveloped
Lake Frontage. A Rare Opportunity!
* Over 2 Miles of Frontage on the Pristine Alapaha River. Various Size
Tracts Offering River Frontage or River Access. Some Tracts have
Excellent Pine Timber and Offer Some of the Best Deer, Turkey, Duck &
Wild Hog Hunting in this area
Directions to Property: From 1-75. Exit 16 Go East 18 Miles on US Hwy B4 to
the Entrance to Lake Alapaha Plantation on the Right.
10% Buyer's Premium ~ FREE Brochure!
229-242-5412 or 800-334-9724

5- -~

Just For You At

The Holidays

Here's hoping.rour holiday season dellivrs
e ntiing yo.u're er wanted.
It? know we're truly grateful br the gif of your
friendship. ,tem (Mrristmas!

Monday & Thursday
8:00 pm
Macclenny Church of Christ
5th andMinnesota .
275-3617 or 259-8257

In Just 71 Days...

You can have the skills
You need to get a job as a


10 week course,
Saturday only
Tuition $2,450
Payment plans
call Christi @

Jacksonville Dental
Assistant School

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Next class starts:
March 3, 2007
Reg. by FL Commission for
Independent Education


Metal Roofing
Homes and Mobile Homes
Factory Certified Professional Installers
Many Styles and Colors to Choose From
Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME!
State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC05 7887!
Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.com

RS 1-800-662-8897
Toll Free

Butch's Paint & Body Shop
5573 Harley Thrift Rd.
N>1 Foreign & Domestic


* Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint
Computer Estimating
Insurance Claim Work
Color iv\athingr
Fully InsuredC
Stop in for your free estimate

--% : --

fill^ i!,(l
Ii i
On *

Florida =



Ue SPECIAL 5*.9 r, r.
lu'I i ipj i rI I :ii 3"

I ;. ^ 41. IB .-- .1
I ". Lun chfrom 11am-Spm AmAARS
" 259-5800 Y
Located in Winn DLxie Shopping Center on 6th St.

,jo~ o


Lot 28 Winchester W Lot 26 Montgomery B Lot 49 Cumberland A Lot 16 Chesapeake C
"_* L- 3.004 sq. ft., 4/3.5 1,261 sq.ft., 3/2 3,897 sq. ft.. 5/4.5 $278,750 1,625 sq.ft.,3/2 $169.300
$242,650 $159,200 Coach lights and Irrigailon SstIm 11-.20 Alummnurm Screened Porch
""": ... .-:.. ........ ......... A, -'.- *'**-




Classified ads and'notices must be
paid in advance, and be n our office
' no later than 4:00 pm the Monday
preceding publication, unless other-
wise arranged in advance. Ads can
be mailed provided they are accom-
panied by payment and instructions.
They should be mailed to: Classified
Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O.
Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We
cannot assume responsibility for
accuracy of ads or notices given over
the telephone. Liability for errors in
all advertising will be limited to the
first publication only. If after that
time, the ad continues to run without
notification of error by the person or
agency for whom it was published,
then that party assumes lull payment
responsibility. The Baker County
Press reserves the right to refuse
advertising or any other material
which in the opinion of the publisher
does not meet standards of publica-


Two Universal Theme Park Islands of
Adventure power pass annual tickets.
Good for 15 months. Asking $80 each.
259-4686. 12,21c
1-730 Motorola cell phone, like new,
comes with black body.glove scuba
case, $60. 259-8929. 12/14-21p
Broyhill queen sleigh bed, pine, like
new, paid $800, sell for $350. 742-
9399. 12/21p
3X24 It., 29 gauge, metal roofing;
2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334-
6695. 12/7-28p
"American" youth saddle, 14", dark
oil, great condition, $250. 912-843-'
2098. 11/23-12/21 p
50 gallon electric water heater, kitchen
sinks, faucets, all new still in box.
259-6644. 12/21p p
Kenmore gas dryer, excellent condi-
tion, $100; Proform Treadmill, in time
for Christmas, $200. 259-7502.
12/14-21 c
Now through Christmas,. The Franklin
Mercantile will be open Thursday-Sat-
urday, Friday evenings until 8:00 pm.
S259-6040. 11/30-12/21 c
2005 Honda Foreman Rubicon
GRX500 4 wheeler, 2 wheel drive, low
miles, looks and runs' good, $4400
OBO. 904-591-2640. 12/21c'
Washers/Dryers $150 set, will sepa-
rate; refrigerator & stove 90 day war-
ranty, free delivery and set up. 904
964-5266 anytime. .12/14-28p
Good used appliances. 90 day money
back guarantee. 266-4717.7/13-3/29p
Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic,
$199. 904-398-5200. 11/2tfc
Great Christmas gift. Dirt bike, 150cc
beginner bike, must sell, like new,
great deal!. Contact Mike at 259-4362
or 622-6094 after noon before 6:00.


King pillowtop, new with warranty, 1998 Mercury. Tracer, approximately
$289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 45,000 miles on .4 cylinder engine, au-
11/2tfc tomatic, air & heat, new breaks& tires,
Ba.... ,I.'.'*i, ,h..w,;th ,Ah,;am $1800. 571-0913. 12/21p

DUl y i ni ngUllllll IUI VVILII U aiIIOrs,
very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round
foyer console. All pieces are mahogany
wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140.
/ 2/3tfc
1999 Harley Davidson Roadglide,
$10,000. 259-1371. 12/21-28p
Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory
foam mattress & boxsprings, new
in plastic, with warranty, retail $950,
must sell $379. can deliver. 904-858-
9350. 111/2tlc
Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with
maltress & boisprings, retail $950,
sacrifice for $395, can deliver. 904-
858-9350. 11/2tfc
Perfect Scents! Easygoing. Elegant.
Energetic. Mary Kay has just the right
scent to express your style, your per-
sonality. Call me to experience the
wonderful fragrances designed for all
the moments in your life. Ask about
our, men's fragrances too. Business
information available. Carla D. Coward,
Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consul-
tant, www.marykay.com/carlacoward,
259-3172 or 904-477-4107. 12/21p
Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece,
excellent condition. Southern Charm
259-4140. 12/9tic
Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors,
canvases, drawing pads and much
more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth
Street, 259-3737. tfc
Carter Bros. 2 seater go-kart. great
condition, $650 OBO. 259-4308.
Buck Stove, cast iron, .with blower,
used as fireplace insert, New $1500,
sell for $600, 259-3737 ask for Karin.,
Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront
china cabinet, buffet, all mahogany,
can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-
4140. 12/9tfc
14 ft. Jon boat with trailer, $400. 226-
3704 or 259-5573. 12/21p

1995 Ford Taurus, loaded, needs
transmission installed, $1700 OBO;
Isuzu pickup; Toyota pickup. 904-591-
2916. 12/21p
1989 F250 7.3 diesel dually, 4 door,
automatic, AC, PW, PL, 57,000 miles,
new tires, $4500 OBO. Call Lee at 259-
2409 night & weekends or 813-9324
day. 12/21-28p
1988 Toyota 4x4 truck, $2000. 226-
3704 or 259-5573. 12/21 p
1987 Ford Ranger on '85 F250
chopped frame, 393 Stroker Windsor
Mudd truck, 39.5 boggers, Nitrous with
trailer, over $10,000 invested, $3900
OBO. Call Lee at 259-2409 nights &
weekend or 813-9324 days. 12/21-28p
1989 Dodge Dakota, V6, automatic,
A/C, $1500; 2001 Ford Ranger 4x4, ex-
tended cab, V6, automatic, A/C, $6500;
1996 S-10 4x4, extended cab, V6, au-
tomatic, A/C, $5000. 2002, 30 ft., 9
ton equipment trailer, 3 axle, $4500.
904-838-2648. 11/30-12/21 p

Dinkins Jewelry. Expert jewelry repair
and custom jewelry design. Monday-
Friday 10:00 am-5:00 pm, Saturday
10:00 am-? thru Christmas. 259-6674.
Piano lessons. Accepting students.
To reserve your lesson spot, call Lisa
Ravelo at 904-434-2437. 12/14-21p
Do you have a junk car or truck you
want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968.
Now accepting antique furniture on
consignment. Pieces have to be in good
condition. Call Karin at Southern Charm
259-4140, 2/131fc

Free kittens to good home; litter box
trained, 7 weeks old. 266-4013.12/21 p
Dogs: all types from puppies to adults.
Animal Control, $50 boarding fees will
apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc
20+ registered quarter horses. Brood-
mares, Winglins, Palominos, Buck-
skins, Sorrels, etc. Cowbred. Jodi @
904-266-4339. 11/9-12/28p
Christmas puppies! 8 weeks on 12/20,
Red/Blue Heelers, $250 each. 912-843-
2098. 11/23-12/21 p
Pet Chinchilla for sale, includes large
cage, accessories and display desk,
$75. 275-2637. 12/21 c
8 year old mare quarter horse due to
foal in early spring, $1000 with tack.
921-843-2648 or 904-251-4451.

Notice to readers:
The newspaper often publishes classi-
fied advertising on subjects like work-at-
home, weight loss products, health prod-
ucts. While the newspaper uses reason-
able discretion in deciding on publication
of such ads, it takes no responsibility as
to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents
should use caution and common sense
before sending any money or making other
commitments based on statements and/or
promises; demand specifics in writing. You
can also call the Federal Trade Commission
at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find out how to spot
fraudulent solicitations. Remember: if, it
sounds too good to be true, it 'probably is.
- The Baker County Press
Dental Assistant needed. Experience
preferred, Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-
5:00 pm, Lake City office; also needed
Sterilization Tech, will train. Please fax
resumes to 386-752-3122. 12/7-28p
Local home care agency looking for
full time/part time Physical Therapist
and Occupational Therapist. Contact,
Linda at 259-3111. 5/25tfc

f Thursday & Friday 9:00 am-noon, Old
,- i-,[; post office in Macclenny on S. College
S Street. Miscellaneous items.
a ., Thursday & Friday 8:00 am-?, 217 Blair
1I St. Good stuff, no junk.

Seeking the right person to handle
front office duties at an established,
busy office in Macclenny. You must
have above average business and orga-
nizational skills, a proven ability to
deal with the public in an accurate and
pleasing manner. Salary commensurate
with experience. Send resumes to c,'o
Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063.
In home care for elderly female,
Monday-Friday 7:00 am-4:00 pm. 259-
1404 after 6:00 pm. 12/14-21p
Experienced painters needed. Must
have tools, benefits after 90 days. 259-
5877. 12/30tfc
A/C and duct installer, 'must be experi-
enced. 259-8038. 12/14-1/4
Dental assistant, Monday-Thursday,
busy, high tech Riverside office, mini-
mum 3 years experience required. Call
355-5531 or fax resume to 791-9239.,
Part time w/full time potential. Look-
ing for motivated, qualified person in
Baker and surrounding area. Experience
in sales helpful. Reply with resume &
references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny,
FL 32063. 6/2tfc
Thrift Log Homes needs full-time lum-
ber yard laborer, $6.75/hour. 259-2900
or come by office on Hwy 121 N.
Now accepting applications for full
time employment. Valid class A or B
CDL with Hazmat and tanker endorse-
ments required; good driving record
a- must; local routes/home every
night. Serious .inquires only. Call
259-2314 or send resume to Stone
Transport Services LLC, P.O. Box 1229,
Macclenny, FL 32063. 12/14-21p
Company specializing in erosion con-
trol now hiring the following positions:
Crew leaders, equipment operators,
laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid
driver's license a MUST. Fax resume to
904-275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE.
Drug free workplace. 12/21 p
A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs
experienced full time lawn mainte-
nance worker with valid Florida drivers
license. 259-7335. 3/23tfc
Car fanatics wanted. Learn to earn
$2000-$5000 per month using your
own car as a demo. Get started today.
904-813-8440. 11/30-12/14p

Notice to Readers
All real estate advertising in this newspaper
is subject to the Fair Housing Act which
makes it illegal to advertise "any preference,
limitation or discrimination based on race,
color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status

or national origin, or an intention, to make
any such preference, limitation or discrimi-
nation." Familial status includes children
under the age of 18 living with parents or
legal custodians, pregnant women and peo-
ple securing custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is in
violation of the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings advertised in this
newspaper are available on an equal oppor-
tunity basis. To complain. of discrimination,
call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The
toll free telephone number for the impaired
is 1-800-927-9275.
Beautiful 3 BR 2 BA Macclenny home,
Cypress Pointe. Large family room
and living room, backs up to pond and
preserve. No rear neighbors, 1875 SF,
$185,000. 407-252-4387: 12/14-21 p
Great starter home or rental. Newly
remodeled house in Baldwin, 3 BR, 1
BA.' New everything. 2 lots, $114,000
OB00 Call Rick at 962-4223. 12/21p
4 acres with 3 mobile homes, low
$190.000s Call AIma at 259-5968.
2.25 acres, high & dry, fish pond &
complete setup, ready to move on!
Homes & mobile homes. Georgia Bend,
15 minutes to 1-10, $50,000, owner
financing or 110% cash discount 912-
843-8118. 9/28tfc
FSBO. 5 acres with mobile home, large
oaks, hayfield, fish pond, hwy frontage,
$129,900. Other land & home package.
904-591-2916. 12/21p
FSBO. Copper Creek Hills, Unit Ill. lot
for $55,000. Call 259-3313 weekdays
between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 10/26tfc
1994 singlewide, 2 BR, 2 BA, 14x70
on 2 acres, $70,000. 226-3704 or 259-
.5573. 12/21-28p
FSBO. 10 acres, several miles outside
of Glen, 1/10 mile,off Hwy 90, nice
property, prime location, restricted to
homes, horses allowed, $135,000. 259-
3878. 11/30tfc
10 acres off Cowpen Road, restricted
to 1 home, $120,000. Call Ray at 904-
651-8085. 12/21-1/11p
1.218 acre lot with well & septic off
Woodlawn Rd., $40,000. Please call
904-813-3091. 10/12tfc

Lost chocolate/ tan small
male chihuahua. Debarked.
Neutered. 7 yrs old.
Please call
904-307-8146 or 251-5451
Lost companion.
Missed dearly. Lost at
Normandy and Lane Ave.

.... ... : ,

Great neighborhood in Macclenny this handsome 3/2 1547 SF home
has a 2 car garage plus storage. Nice yards with fenced back yard
and sprinkler system. Wired for sound.

In established om. 2298 SF,
large screened I large kitchen
On 2 city lots with back yard fenced! $195,900

2500 SF 4BR/3BA house. Completely remodeled and updated!
New Kitchen-Aid appliances. New wiring, plumbing and air
conditioning! Stone and wood flooring, vinyl board fence,
Two new electric fireplaces! REDUCED- $279,900

Spacious 4 BR, 2 BA 2005 Fleetwood doublewide MH,
1917 SF on 1.2 acres. Large living area and kitchen.

2 lots on US 90- in Glen St.
Mary with building. Excellent
business opportunity. Has water
& sewer. Currently rented at
$1100/month. $305,000
Excellent Business Location!
1.25 acres with 320 feet high-
way frontage on busy 121
North. Zoned Commercial
neighborhood. $419,000
Exc. commercial corner lot.
East Macclenny Avenue, .92
acres. $200,000

Macclenny Realty Inc.
Wayne Combs, Licensed Real Estate Broker ** We can show and sell all listings!

5 1 South Sixh St e t S e C a0 l n y
259,709 3384528cel

_f- i| Anne Kitching, Realtor, 962-8064 ** Wendy Smith, Realtor, 710-0528 ** Tina Melvin, Realtor, 233-2743 cell.



3/2 SW and 2 story home on
1.21 aM i,, in the
mobile- mplete
the house. REDUCED $99,500
3 lots in Glen St. Mary, 75x130.
$55,000 each
1999 14x70 mobile home with
chainlink fenced yard. 2 BR, 2
BA with a garden tub and sepa-
rate shower in master bath.
Close to city. $79,900

THE. BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 14

Elegant entrance brick home. 4 BR, 2
BA, 2400 SF heated, 13' ceilings, great
room, living room, dining room, break-
fast area, kitchen w/white cabinets,
both bathrooms w/jacuzzi, master
BA/walk-in shower, security system,
surround sound in great room, large
sunroom next to a screened inground
pool. Brand new 13 seer, high efficien-
cy heat pump. Sprinkler system, beau-
tiful landscaping. 2 room detached
garage w/12' aluminum lean to and a
fenced area. All on 1 acre which has an
underground petsafe invisible fence.
Wonderful neighborhood. Great loca-
tion. Serious inquires only. $380,000.
259-4602 or 259-6546 or 219-2842.
New construction. 18.00+ SF, 4 BR,
2 BA, 9 ft. ceilings, crown molding
throughout, off grade foundation on 1
acre in N. Macclenny, $195,900. 904-
219-0480. 9,21-tfc
M2 acre. rare to find in Glen St. Mary,
high & dry, close to high school & ten-
nis courts, mobile nomes OK, $42,900
904-219-0480. 10/12ttc
FSBO. 1250 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA home
completely remodeled, new inside &
out. 1+ beautiful acres, great location,
$156.000 OBO. 259-6077 12,.21-28p
75x125 lot in Glen St Mary. $29,000
Call 904-838-0035. 11/23tfc
Home located at 1016 Christy Court
in Macclenny, $175,000. Call Cheryl at
860-8174. 12/21-1/4p

Ocala National Forest lots, $500
down, $199 month. Owner 352-624-
2215 or 352-236-4579 www.ocalafor-
estland.com/2nd. 10/19-12/28p
FSBO. Copper Creek Hills, Unit III,
1 large lot, $60,000. Please call 259-
3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00
pm. 10/26tfc

3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on 1 acre in
Glen, great location, $800/month. 1st,
lst and $800 deposit. 259-3805
12/14-21 p
3 BR, 2 BA singlewide on acre,
14x80,,$650,'monih. $500 deposit
available January 2007. references
required: 259-5853 or 673-8119.
S.- .: ... 12/21p
Rent to Own. 3 BR, 2 BA house in
Sanderson, $750/montn 901-327-
7667 12/14-21p
3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on 1 acre on
125 South. fenced. two car carport,
pole barn and pool, $850/month,
$1150 deposit, no inside pets. 259-
9066. 12/21p
Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C. no
pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-
860-4604 3/17tfc
14x80 singlewide mobile nome, $550,'
month, $550 deposit. 904-545-2275.'


Over the road drivers needed.
New trucks ith ThermoKing APU's. 1800 watt in erters. top of the line
leather seats. wvalk-m condo sleepers, and nevw air-nde front suspension
for a smoother nde than Nyou have e% er experienced. Home sex eral nights
most weeks as we have a good mixture of regional and over the road.
Home most weekends., Personalized dispatching that comes from onl.
dispatching 25 trucks local. Earn up to 30% of revenue immediately .
NO WAITING!!! New increased layo\er pa\,. Up to $100.00 per day.
2 weeks vacation. $1200.00 per year Safer\ Bonus. Dn\er of the Year
bonus. Drixer recruitment bonus. Medical and dental insurance Need 2
years experience.
904-368-0777 or 888-919-8898

New 3 BR mobile homes, no pets,
garbage, water & mowing provided,
$600/month. 912-843-8118. 5/4tfc
New home, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile floor-
ing throughout on 1.28 acre lot in
Macclenny. All electric appliances, $850.
security deposit, $850/month. Please
call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00
am-5:00 pm. 8/31tfc

Office space, US 99, Glen. 259-6735.

beautiful Old Nursery Plantation. Cleared
& fenced, ready ro build your home.
MLSt 333422, 5159,900

paved road, ready for mobile home or
build to suit. MLS# 333770, 560,000

IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA home on .31
acres. Open floor plan, large backyard,
screen porch, privacy fence. MLSi
333101, $215,000

BAKER COUNTY-7.5 acres, private
'shady lot. Partially cleared with paved
road frontage. Already split into 2
parcels. MLSi 312559, 5139,900

COUNTRY LIVING Beautiful high &
dry land. 28.54 acres on paved road
frontage. Can be split in minimum 7.5
acres. MLS# 317891, 5642,150

VACANT LAND- 12 acres with l acre
cleared. Well, electric, telephone,
covered carport. 5" wheel included.
MLS# 320255, S158,000

open floor plan, separate office, covered
lanai, 3 car garage, on a preserve lot.
MLS4 323073, 5355,000

ACREAGE 3.5 acres located just 35
miles from Jacksonville. Mobile homes
allowed. MLSN 341513, 549,900

2002 Fleetwood 16x76 singlewide,
D/W, CH/A, 3 BR, 2 BA, huge walk
through closet, $35,000, insured value
is $45,000. 321-609-0480.
11/30-12/21 p'

Deadline Monda, at 5:00 :


W.11son RealitCo) o RLALTORS'

updated HVAC, newer roof& windows, wood
floors, glassed in front porch with A/C. MISR
341304, $179,900

COUNTRY IN CITY All bricd home, built in
2005, 3BR/2BA, stone fireplace & Jacuzzi. Second
2BR/2BA home. both homes on 2.04 acres MLSR
334675, 5440,000

Insurance Agency CSR

Experienced commercial, $35k-$45k

Handle large book of business

220 or 440 required,

paid 401k health, dental, vacation,

parking & convenient location,

Valarie @ zellnerinsurance.com

1395 Chaffee Road

South, Jacksonville


LOG HOME 4BR/2BA, 2136 sq ft, sione fireplace.
island kitchen, 30x40 garage, workshop, sits on
1.49 acres. MLS# 321049. 5312,000

COLLINS BUILT Built in 2005 3BR/2BA, 2060
sq ft, marble garden bath, tray ceilings, covered
patio. & many more upgrades' MLS# 312015,

MONEY MAKER 3BR/1BA Investment property
in terrific condition. hew siding, new roof freshly
painted, hardwood floors. ML5# 324592, 593,900

home on extra large lot. New A/C unit,
Family room. fenced front & rear yard.
MLSf 332777, S5309.900

of land for development. South of
Sanderson in Baker County. Great
investment property! MLSn 329000,

53 ACRE FARM In Glen St. Mary.
Set upwith electric, well, septic
system, fenced, 2 ponds waiting for
your finishing touches. MLSNt 307155,

4BR/3BA, 2480 sq ft home on 5.14 acres.
4 stall barn with feed & tack room.
Fenced. In desirable area. MLS# 313581,

home buyers dream! 3BR/2BA with
updated kitchen & antique fireplace.
MLS# 342186, 5145,000

21A home with a loft upstairs located
on a preserve lot. Many upgrades! MLSO
331592, 5307,000

home, stone fireplace, upgraded
appliances, new tile, vanities & fixtures
in both baths. MLS# 331680, 5169,900


_ .. '. .'.. .' ."

Engineered trusses for your new
Home Barn Shed Etc.
Free estimates



Tree removal Light hauling
Stump removal,
We haul or buy junk cars and trucks
We sell horses
Licensed Insured
Free estimates
24 hour service
Call Danny
Jesus is the Only Way
New roofs Roof repairs
Roof replacement
Free estimates
Culverts Installed
Tim Johnson
6/1 tfc
Design / Build
Your plans or our plans
Bentley Rhoden -
CBC060014 3/14tfc
Heating* Air Electrical service

Licensed and Insured
Lic. #ET11000707
Lic. #RA13067193,
-Lic. #RA13067194


Custom house plans
to your specifications
Qualified Good references

Open Saturdays & Sundays
7:00 am until dark
Public fishing, no license required
Channel catfish, $20/per 100
$150/per 1000
Call Ron
904-591-1450 cell
Air conditioners Heat pumps
Major appliances
24 hour, 7 day emergency.service!
Call Vince Farnesi,
Oils, acrylics, watercolors,
canvases, drawing pads
& much more!
110 South Fifth Street
Build on your lot or ours
Your plans or ours
Model home in Copper Creek
2" and,4" wells
Water & iron conditions installed
Call Roger or Roger Dale
Licensed & Insured
Family owned & operated
24,hour emergency service
Emergency water removal
Dehumidification Mold prevention
,Hardwood floor drying

Complete site & underground
utility contractor, Land clearing
We -ell dirt & slag '
.Hourly rate available on:
grader, dozer & trackhoe work
Dirt starting at $85,'ioad
Mitch Canaday, Jr.



Free estimates
Custom remodeling, electrical,
plumbing, tile, custom cabinets
painting, drywall, pressure washing
I came, I sawed, I fixed it!
Fill dirt Millings ~ Slag
Concrete washout
Land clearing Fish ponds
Road built
Houses/buildings demo
Inground pools demo
904-445-8836 days
904-653-2493 evenings
Road construction
Clearing Excavation
Equipment Hauling
Culvert pipe
Driveway installation
See our catalogs at
The Office Mart, 110 South 5th Street,

No job too big or ioo small
Houses Mobile homes Decks
Sidewalks Carports Sheds
Licensed References available
Call for free estimates
Since 1963
Residential and Commercial
Pest control
Lawn and Shrub care
Termite protection
Damage repair guarantees
Free estimates Call today!
Sentricon Colony
Elimination System
New systems & repairs
Field dirt Top soil
Bulldozer & backhoe work
Culverts installed
509-0930 cell
Roofing, Free estimates



We build in-ground pools
We sell and install

DOUGHBOY above-ground po
Service Renovations Clean
Repairs Chemicals Parts
698-E West Macclenny Ave
(next to Raynor's Pharmacy
Fall & winter hours
Wednesday, Thursday & Frid
10:00 am-6:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am 2:00 pr
(CPC 053903)

Water softeners Iron filters
Sales Rentals Service
Total water softener supplies
Salt delivery
~ Financing available .-
797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny
Fill dirt ~ Slag ~ fishponds
Licensed & insured
All types of pest control
Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan,
Bill or Philip
Beverly Monds Owner
Well drilling
Water conditioning purifibation
New septic systems
Drain field repairs
We're your water experts
Celebrating our 29th year
in business.
Credit cards gladly accepted
Fully licensed & insured
Florida & Georgia


Home repairs Remodeling
m Mark Stevens
9/2tfc Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p

For all your commercial lire needs
New, used & recap tires
Commercial & Natronal accounts
Fleet services
Service truck in Macclenny
904-422-4542 cell
Locally owned & operated
Licensed & insured
Slab prep Driveways
Finish mowing ~ Boxblade work
Bushhog work
Serving Baker &
Surrounding counties
After-hours computer repair
Networking, training,
graphic design and writing
Call Cheryl
NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified
Serving North Florida and
South Georgia
259-5416 fax
Professional painting
Pressure washing
Interior exterior
Residential commercial
Fully insured Locally owned
25 years experience

. . . 0 . . .


Two arrests

for cart theft

Two persons have been
charged and more arrests may
follow for the theft and vandal-
ism of a golf cart belonging to
Hyram McCormick off Richard-
son Road south of Sanderson on
December 9.
After being driven around the
area off Mud Lake Road where it
was stolen, the cart was located
at Deerwood Circle in east Mac-
clenny on December 15, where
Melburn Bailey initially said it
was brought for him to repair it.
Mr. Bailey, 26, who has a Sand-
erson address, was later charged
with dealing in stolen property
for allegedly purchasing the
cart for $30. He denied also giv-
ing two juvenile males, age 15,
a marijuana cigarette as added
One of the 15-year-olds, along
with another male age 17, are ex-
pected to be charged with grand
theft of the cart valued at $4000.
They and others later cut the top
off the vehicle and were seen rid-
ing in it by at least two witness-
es. One of the youths was out of
town last week, the other, could
not immediately be located..
Deputy Curtis Ruise made
the initial report on the theft, and
handed over the investigation to
sheriff's investigators Lt. Chuck
Brannan and Steve Harvey.
In other cases involving ve-
hicle thefts, the boyfriend of a
Glen St. Mary woman who said
her 1990 Cadillac was stolen
during the early morning hours
of December 16 may be charged
with filing a false complaint.
The vehicle belonging to Sar-
ah Smith was recovered near CR
139B and Claude Harvey Road
the following day, minus a ste-
reo and speakers. Ms. Smith's
boyfriend Zackaria Jordan, 21,
claimed the vehicle.
Police later learned Mr. Jordan
was driving the Cadillac when it
was stopped by a Jacksonville
officer about 4:30 am the same
day it went missing.
Three mountain bikes valued
at $115 each were taken from a
location near a school bus stop
at the intersection of Reid Stdf-
ford Road and Ridge Estates on
December 12. They belonged to
children of Tiffney Ratliff, who
reported the thefts. There is a
possible suspect.





"I .L, A ,. ".:' 17' l
Y 1. |

,lt ,1O ald the oi n 0M u hlo e lel/'ssat itth ooi a lthe gLol I

fWrnwe and uleti ims /ar Iv in da l y1Laso,.

Ronmie Sapp Well Drilling & Septic Tank i

ii *
I-- ._ -, 0 --,' |

;NI S. Glen Ae. hwy.125. Glen St. Mar-

9:00 am to 5:30 pm

New and used items arriving daily
Baby Clothe. Sleepwear : Furniture
Knick-Knacks CDs & DVDs. Curtains-
Linens Pictures Ladies Wear
Shoes Toys \Nfen's Clothing.

u...a much mope!
4 **f? L-



Parts & Service available on all bikes we selh

I a m I ni I a d vM.isA

1 ci rid-i dii.

At this season of His holy Birth,
We'd like to join you in prayer for peace on earth;
And send a message of hope and joy your way
For a deeply satisfying holiday!

P & R Electric

PR ss


The most

extensive listings

in Baker County


Yard Sales,

For Sales,



I& more!

S"ptleTaftk &Oafl

-. ~ ~ ~ M clteaCrig a-

PO"A IX' &coivOtion.

67 Stom sRe~e" o.ftett Td"~
No,. 4 &totie mas O#4a
Ltme 1oek R1oeA Rose WeltPoit vtt&a~
Kmk Kn L t, Fdtihtt

Other &evtemm Ina64-. 4 m~p~mt 44a*tuM,
Cw6tet1'ipe Instatfntio"i, Vri#ewaq Sbitizatim at& aiSMmtl

OCal us f rgout rtext14ojeefiI
00.*o*o0000000* 00*00***Goe.s 000s..sos

Telephom. e0 4-275~4WG


lii./hir' S OI ul i d f lira, i
'* -';- ,, .,. ,', -*.. I tri OS1 h m" t r'i iohi, ,

S .. --' For your goodwill
., and friendship.
"Y ." ....E r ..... *.. 11^ .,* wie feel truly
'- '" bhssed. Aoel!
'* ",, M ",,^ 'tI) -'-

..... .,,,. Have a safe

& Merry


Sheriff joey Dobson
& the staff of the
Baker County Sheriff's Department

December 21. 2006 Page 15

Legal Notices

The Baker County District School Bdard will hold
the following Public Hearing on Tuesday, January
2, 2007, in the Baker County District School Board
Room located at 270 South Boulevard E., Mac-
clenny, Florida, beginning at 6:30 pm:
Approval of: New and Revised School
Board Policies
The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
The documents will be available for preview at the
Baker County School Board Office located at 392
South Boulevard E., Macclenny, Florida beginning
December 6, 2006.
P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST
GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120
Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146
The following vehicle will be sold at pub-
lic auction January 9, 2007 at 10:00 am, at
Higginbotham's Towing &. Recovery,, US 90
West, Glen St. Mary, FL. 32040.
2001 Kia 4 door,

FILE NO.: 02-2006-CP-0060
(One PR)
The administration of the estate of
Charles Clifford Johns, deceased, File Num-
ber 02-2006-, CP-0060 is pending in the
Probate Court, Baker Couniy. Florida, the
address -:f ahi.rh is 339 Easi Ma-.clenny Av-
enue, Ma.:cclenny. Florida 32063
The names arnd addresses of the per-
sonal repre-.sentailve and ihe personal repre-
senalaiv's attorney are set lonrh below
fied that: All persons on whom this notice is
served who have objections thai cr.aiienge
.he validity of Ine will the qualificallions or the
personal represent alive venue or lurisdciclion
01 tIis coun are re-quired to ilie itriir oblec-
tions with inis court wilhin the later ol tree
months after the date of the first publication
of this notice or hinrty days after the date of
service of a copy of ihis noiicci on them
All creditor,, l i,) aee-.'erni and other
persons having claims or demands against
decedent's estate on whom a copy of this
notice is served, wirin thre- months after
the date of the first publication of this notice,
must file their claim with this court within the
later of three months after the date of the first
publication of this notice or thirty days after
the date of service of a copy of this notice
on them.
All other creditors of the decedent and
persons having claims or demands against
the decedent's estate must file their claims
with this court within three months after the
date of the first publication of this notice.
,The date of the first publication of this
notice is December 21, 2006.
Frank E. Maloney, Jr.
Attorney for personal representative
Florida Bar No.: 142990
445 E. Macclenny Ave.
Macclenny, FL 32063
Telephone: (904) 259-3155,

Warren G .Ions
S2/21 P-28epenlahve


the 24th day of January, 2007, and to. file
the original with the clerk of this Court either
before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A.,
Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise
a default will be entered against you for the
relief demanded in the Complaint or Petition.

Witnessed my hand and seal of this Court
on this 18 day of December, 2006.


Ad 1IIsing di -



CASE NO.: 2006-106-CA
UCN: 022006CA000106XXXXXX

DAVID EDDY, et al,
ant to an Order or Summary Final Judg-
ment of foreclosure dated December 14,
2006 and entered in Case No. 2006-106-106-CA
UCN: 022006CA000106XXXXXX of the Cir-
cuit Court in and for Baker County, Florida,
wherein Bank of New York, as Trustee, on
behalf of the Certificateholders CWABS, Inc.,
Alternative Loan Trust 2004-15, Mortgage
Pass Through Certificates, Series 2004-15 is
Plaintiff and David Eddy; Wendy Eddy; Fox
Ridge Estates Homeowners Association of
Macclenny, Inc.; Countrywide Home Loans,
Inc. d/b/a America's Wholesale Lender; Un-
known Tenant No. 1; Unknown Tenant No.
2; and all unknown parties claiming interests
by, through, under or against a named defen-
dant to this action, or having or claiming to
have any right, title or interest in the property
herein described, are Defendants, I will sell
to the highest and best bidder for cash at the
front door of the Baker County Courthouse,
339 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny,
Florida, 32063 at Baker County, Florida be-
tween 11:00 am and 2:00.pm on the 15th
day of January, 2007, the following described
property as set forth in said Order or Final
Judgment, to wit:
Lot 11, Fox Ridge Estates, Phase
One, according to the plat thereof
as recorded in Plat book 3, page
39 of the public records of Baker
County. Florida.
Any person claiming an interest in the
surplus from the sale, if any, other than
the properly owner as of the date of the
Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60
days after the sale.
If you are a person with a disability
who needs any accommodation in order
to participate in this proceeding, you are
entitled, at no cost to you, to provision
of certain assistance. Please contact the
Court at 904-259-8113 within two (2) work-
ing days of your receipt of this Notice: if
you are hearing or voice impaired, call
Florida Relay Service 800-955-8770.
DATED ai Macclenny, Florica, on Decem-
ber 15, 2006
Al Fraser
As Clerk, Circuit Court
/ By: Jamie Crews
As Deputy Clerk
Sm.ih. Hiatt & Diaz, P.A.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
P.O. Box 11438
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339-1438
Telephone: 904-564-0071

CASE NO.: 2006-CP-036
IN RE: The Estate of Leland E. May,
The administration of the estate of Leland
E. May, deceased, whose date of death was
April 18, 2006, is pending in the Circuit Court
for Baker County, Florida. Probate Division,'
the address of which is'339 East Macclenny
Ave., Macclenny, FL 32063. The name and
address ot the personal representative and
the pers-onal represEntaiive's. attorney are
sel lonn'belc.w All creda.c,rs ,:.t Ithe cedel>'
and otner persons having claim or demands
against decedent's estate on whom a copy of
this notice is required to be served must file
their claims with this court within the later of
3 months after the time of the first publica-
tion of this notice or 30 days after the date
of service of a copy of this notice on them.
All other creditors of the decedent and other
persons having claims or demands against
decedent's estate must file their claims with
this court within 3 months after the date of
the first publication of this notice. All claims
not filed within the time periods set forth in
Section 733.702 of the Florida Probate Code
will be forever barred.
Notwithstanding the time periods set forth
above, any cliam filed two (2) years or more
after the decedent's dae of death is barred.
The date of first publication of this notice
is December 21, 2006.
Attorney for Personal Representative:
Robert Fridley, Esquire
FBN 0577111
110 SE 1" Street, Fourth Floor, Suite 336
Gainesville, FL 32601,
Personal Representative:
Kathy Stafford
23267 Dobson Ave.
Sanderson, FL 32087



Monday & Thursday
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Macdcenny Church of Christ
5th andMinnesota

275-3617 or 259-8257


CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA-0191

William W. Lott and Claire Sue Cooley
LEONA KNABB, not known to be dead or
And all unknown grantees, creditors, and all
other parties claiming by, through, under or
against them, and, if dead, their unknown
spouses, heirs, devisees; grantees,
creditors, and all other parties claiming
by, through, under or against them; and all
unknown grantees, creditors, and all other
parties claiming by, through, under or
against them, and, if dead, or not-known
to be dead or alive, their several and
respective estates, unknown spouses, heirs,
devisees, grantees and creditors, or other
parties claiming by, through, under or
against those unknown natural persons,
and the several and respective unknown
assigns, successors in interest, trustees,
creditors, lienors or any other party
claiming by, through, under or against
any corporation existing or dissolved,
or other legal entity named as defendant,
and all claimants, person or parties,
natural or corporate or whose exact legal
status is unknown, claiming under any of
the above named or described defendants or
parties or claiming to have any right, title
or interest in and to the lands hereafter
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Action to
Quiet Title on the following property in Baker
County, Florida
(Overlap of ORB 195 page 64 and DB
5, page 419)
Part of Section 32, Township 2
South, Range 22 East, Baker Coun-
ty, Florida and being part of those
lands described in Official Records
Book (ORB) 195 page 64 of the Of-
ficial Records of Baker County,
Florida and being more particularly
described as follows: Commence at
a concrete monument marking the
SE corner of Section 32, Township 2
South, Range 22 East, Baker County,
Florida and thence N 0119'02" W,
along the East line of said Section 32,
a distance of 296.92 feel to a concrete
monument marking the SE corner of
lands described in ORB 13 page 478
of said Official Records: thence S
88*28'14"W, along the South line of
said lands, 395.56 feet to a concrete
monument, LS 4708, marking the SW
corner of said lands in ORB 13, page
478; thence N 01* 02'02"W, along the
West line of said lands, 283.66 feet
to a 5/8 inch iron rod, LS4708, on'the
North line of lands previously owned
by Leona Knabb as recorded in Deed
Book 5. page 419 of said Official Re-
cords as occupied and monumented
according to survey by B.G.Moore, LS
439, dated September 8, 1971; thence
continue N 01*02'02" W, along the
aforementioned West line of ORB 13,
page 478, a distance of 45.31 feet to a
point on the South line of lands origi-
nally deeded to W.W. Lott and Wife,
as recorded in Deed Book 2, page
289 of said Official Records; thence
S 7836'17" W, along said South line
154.28 feet to its intersection with the
East line of landsdescribed in said
ORB 195, page 64 and the Point of Be-
ginning of the herein described lands;
thence S 0059'11" E, along the East
line of said ORB 195 page 64, a dis-
tance of 31.12 feet to the aforemen-
tioned North line of said Leona Knabb
as occupied and surveyed by the
aforementioned B.G.Moore: thence
S83 51'44" W, along said occupied
and surveyed line, 334.00 feet to the
SW corner of'the lands originally
deeded to W.W.Lotl and Wife in said
Deed Book 2, page 289 and being the
same as the NW corner of those lands
deeded to the aforementioned Leona
Knabb in said Deed Book 5, page 419;
thence N*78 36'17" E, along the line
common to Lott and Knabb as per de-
scription recorded in said Deed Book
2 page 289 and Deed Book 5, page
419, a distance of 338.22 feet to the
Point of Beginning. Containing 0.12
acre more or less.
(Overlap of ORB 19 page 149 and DB
5 page 419)
Part of Section 32, Township 2 South,
Range 22 East, Baker County, Flor-
ida, and being part of those lands
described in Official Records Book
(ORB) 19 page 149 of the Official Re-
cords of Baker County, Florida, and
being more particularly described
as follows: Commence at a concrete
monument marking the SE corner of
Section 32, Township 2 South, Range
22 East, Baker County, Florida, and
thence N 0119'02" W, along the East
line of said Section 32, a distance of
296.92 feet to a concrete monument
marking the SE corner of lands de-
scribed in ORB 13, page 478 of said
Official Records; thence S 88*28'14"
W, along the South line of said lands,
395.56 feet to a concrete monument,
LS 4708, marking the SW corner
of said lands in ORB 13, page 478;
thence N 0102'02" W, along the West
line of said lands, 283.66 feet to a 5/8
inch iron rod, LS4708, on the North
line of lands previously owned by Le-
ona Knabb as recorded in Deed Book
5, page 419 of said Official Records as
occupied and monumented according
to survey by BG Moore, LS439 dated
September 8, 1971, and the Point of
Beginning of the herein described
lands, thence continue N 0102'02"
W, along the aforementioned West
line of ORB 13, page 478, a distance
of 45.31 feet to a point on the South
line of lands originally deeded to W.W.
Lott and Wife, as recorded in Deed
Book 2, page 289 of said Official Re-
cords; thence S 7836'17" W, along
said South line, 154.28 feet to it's in-
tersection with the East line of lands
described in said ORB 195 page 64;
thence S 059'11" E, 31.12 feet to a
point on the aforementioned occu-
pied and surveyed North line of Leona
Knabb; thence N 8351'44 E, along
said line, 152.39 feet to the Point of
Beginning. Containing 0.13 acre more
or less.

has been filed against you and you are re-
quired to serve a copy of your written de-
fenses, if any, to it on Frank E. Maloney,
Jr., P.A., Attorney, whose address is 445 E.
Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, FI 32063, 904-
259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first
publication of the notice and on or before

:THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday December 21, 2006 Page 16

1-10 'nodes,'other zoning ordinances approved

: TheBakerCountyCommission
:plowed through a number of
:public hearings on zoning-
related matters the. evening of
December 18 ranging from land
:use changes to certifying the new
'Wal-Mart Supercenter can sell
package liquor,
Although its effect will be
:more long range, the board
:also approved changes to the
"development node" for the
Interstate 10 interchanges at
SR 229 and US 90 in the west
The fine-tuning and increase in
acreage of former circular nodes
a mile and a half in diameter to
larger polygons doesn't change
`existing zoning.
It does, however, define an
area for land use planning in the
future. In the case of the Olustee
node (US 90 west of Sanderson)
the intended use is largely non-
Avery Roberts of Union
County, one of several large

landowners in the area, told the
board he plans a "job center"
, on his portion with little or no
residential use.
Acreage in the node was
increased from 1130 to 4362.
At the 229 interchange (the
Sanderson node), things are a
bit different with residential use
taking up to 70 percent and non-
residential the remainder.
The node includes the former
Richardson Dairy which Mr.
Roberts indicated will likely go
The discussion before that
vote evolved into a complaint
session about increased industrial
traffic along Reid Stafford Road
since a tract owned by Randy
Crews was rezoned for a land
prep contracting businesses.
Several residents along Staf-
ford complained of heavy traffic,
littering and.large vehicles tearing
up the unpaved road surface.
David Rhue, one of the speakers,
told the board' the county was

"snowed" by Mr. Crews.
The speakers were more
concerned about when Staf-
ford will be paved than the
development node ordinance.
Mr. Roberts said his company
plans to pay for diverting the road
south and west on the former
dairy property before it reaches
CR 229.
In other zoning matters, Mr.
Roberts was once again involved
in the rezoning request to allow
a batch concrete plant on 10.45
acres off Arnold Rhoden Road
near the Wiremil plant.
He requested the change
on behalf of Alachua Partners
and told the board he had no
immediate plans to construct
the plant. He will have to seek
a special exemption first and
estimated- that could be in two

The commissionapprovedfirst
reading on another ordinance,
this one for a land use change
from agriculture A to B for 975
acres of the proposed Osceola
Trails development between CR
125 and CR 127 north of Cuyler.
Macclenny attorney Hugh
Fish, representing Amram Adar
of Hallandale Beach, Fla., also
got an affirmative vote on a plat
plan for 22.5 acres and 39 lots
of the tract off Noah Raulerson

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