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THE BAKER COUNTY PRiSS Paid circulation leader Winner of22 state and national awards forjournalism excellence in 2006 77th Year, Vol. 32 Thursday, November 30, 2006 Macdenny, Florida 500 Adrian official says Ce still alive; the DRI vote Brothers are charged in robbery with pistol Two Macclenny brothers were father Ike Tisdale, who denied arrested early the afternoon of knowledge of their whereabouts November 22 on multiple felony despite a tip that Ricky Tisdale counts for allegedly robbing two had driven a small black vehicle Sanderson men at gunpoint in to the residence. When advised the south city. The victims say the hood of the vehicle was one shot was fired during the warm, indicating it had been re- robbery. cently used, the elder Mr. Tisdale .Marion Tisdale, 28, and Ricky speculated someone took it to to Tisdale,24,both of the same Syc- a store. more St. address, surrendered Victim Ruise then told Sgt. to several county deputies at the Crews the younger brother was Minnesota St. residence of the seen entering his brother's apart- older brother. There police found ment. Marion Tisdale's girlfriend $1050 of the $1400 in cash be- and the mother of their children lived taken in the robbery, along initially denied knowing his k ith a gold necklace.' whereabouts, then indicated the Wilford Ruise, 30, and Na- brothers were inside when she thaniel Thomas, 23, told police was advised she was subject to they were parked near the power arrest for harboring fugitives. line on The older brother exited first, G r i s followed by Ricky Tisdale, who s h o 1 m was talked out of the apartment St., a by his father. h i g h The Tisdales denied know- c r i me ing anything of the robbery, and neigh- gave officers differing accounts b o r of how the money and necklace hood in ended up in the apartment. They M a c- are charged with armed burglary clenny, of the vehicle and robbery with Ricky Tisdale a b o u t a firearm, both first degree felo- 1Ricky Tisdale 2 : 3 0 nies. when Ricky Tisdale approached The Tisdale brothers both have them and demanded money at extensive arrest and criminal g u n complaint records dating back point. several years for offenses includ- He then ing aggravated battery, resisting alleged- arrest, driving without a license, ly fired domestic violence, sale and pos- S one shot session of drugs and, in the case overMr. of Marion Tisdale, robbery. Thom- as'head, then point- ed the Marion Tisdale weapon in his face as Mr. Thomas gave him $1400. About the same time, Marion Tisdale allegedly reached into Mr. Ruise's vehicle and snatched a wallet, two gold rings, a rope necklace, the gold necklace and several gold tooth caps. Other than the necklace, no other prop- erty was recovered. Sgt. Michael Crews said he went to the home of the suspects' 0 1 -O1 cxm o-!4 -4 Q , An executive of a south Flori- da development company termed /the Baker County Commission's decision last week to deny an initial application for a 7000- unit residential and mixed-use development northwest of Glen St. Mary "unfortunate" but pre- dicted it won't derail the project. "It was a little disheartening," said Brian May of the Adrian De- xelopment Group based in Coral Gables. "I wish someone would have tipped me off beforehand." The commission voted 4-0 (one member was missing) not to transmit a DRI (development of regional impact) application for Cedar Creek to the Depart- .ment of Community Affairs in Tallahassee because Adrian did not address the county's new policy of setting aside acreage for development of "high-wage" jobs. The board was swayed, by Ginger Barber, director of both the Baker County Chamber of Commerce and Baker County Development Commission, that the formula for industrial acre- age as a percentage of the total development insures the county won't be stuck with only "roof tops." Strictly residential projects, B P sh 01 B M e' Ji Glen fines for illegal use of wells The Glen St. Mary Town Council decided November 21 to fine residents who tap into exist- ing deep wells for household use after they connect to the munici- pal water system. After some discussion that .evening, the board, decided to levy a $1000 fine for violators, plus make them fork over legal and other costs in the event Glen has to shut down its central water system due to contamination. Councilmen fear interruption of water service similar to that in Macclenny earlier this month when one of the city's aging water mains burst resulting in a "boil order" until the entire net- work tested free of contaminants. The order lasted three days. So far, there have been but two cases of well use, both by cus- (See page 2) the current thinking goes, don't generate sufficient property tax- es to fund added governmental services. The county's current formula is every new house gen- erates the need for 1.5 jobs, each paying a minimum of $26,386, or 15% higher than the current average annual pay in Baker County. If the res April, 2006 case, Adrian aside 6.75 ai of 1500 d Creek, up to 3054 acres b is completed dar Creek is 'disheartening Cedar Creek is emerging as "new ground" for the county board because it's the first de- velopment large enough to trig- ger the DRI process, a compli- cated series of reviews by DCA to make sure it complies with Florida's more stringent growth statutes. Had the board okayed the transmittal process last week, Cedar Creek would have under- gone a two-month review before' the plan returned here for further fine-tuning. N Ir.N lay urged unsuccessfully last week the commission send the initial plan to DCA and work out details on industrial land set-aside and other matters later. Conmnissioners balked, insisting Sore "ork needs to be done be- fore it goes anywhere. Mr. May. Adrian's chief op- erating officer, said this eek he hopes to persuade a majority of the board to rescind the Novem- tar Creek rezoning sign. ber 21 vote and thus get around the minimum six month before solution adopted in any re-zoning can be presented is adhered to in this anew. And he remains insistent a would have to set the county's "high-wage set acres in its first phase aside" rule is unreasonable- par- wellings at Cedar ticularly for a community where a total of 31.5 of its 5000 of the 7000 units will be before the third phase reserved for the "active, over-55 in 2021. (See page 2) SHOEBOX CHRISTMAS PROJECT Mission group gift boxes to maritimers Y KELLEY LANNIGAN. which addresses spiritual and "We participate in a lot of to anyway," laughs Ms. Row ress Staff social services to the maritime mission projects, but this one is who secures each box wit Carol Rowe has a passion for and aviation communities of the my absolute favorite," said Ms. heavy duty rubber bands to ho] Carol Rowe has a passion or Jacksonville area. The gift boxes Rowe, a native of Chicago who the lids in place. Even wrappir As coordinator of the Women are distributed to foreign work- has made her home in Macclen- the boxes is a mission effoi s coorgadinizator of the WomFirst ers on the cargo ships that come ny since 1980. Ms. Rowe's daughter Beth Wi ap Missions Church of Mrganization at Finto the port during the holiday Every year in September, the loughby participates by single aptist Church of Macclenny, season local Cato's clothing store do- handedly wrapping each bo s. Rowe heads up the Christ- This is the seventh year First nates dozens of empty shoebox- and lid with donated paper an as shoe, box mission project Baptist's Women on Mission es to the project. ribbon, a job that usually take very year. group has sponsored the shoe "The Cato store in Macclenny an entire evening. The boxes are donated o box project has always gladly provided the The gift-wrapped filled box, ". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r theni"~-r I/ J-< M i<'-**drJ-- lode int the cnrc Carol Rowe amidst shoebox gifts readied for seamen, others at Jacksonvil e, th ld ng rt. il- e- ox ad es es are then loaded into the church van and driven to the Jackson- ville Port ministries trailer office by November 15. Many work- ers receive their boxes during a Thanksgiving dinner at the port. According to Ms. Rowe, the workers on the cargo ships come from many different countries. They can't take time off during Christmas because their fami- lies too badly need the money they send home. Many work- ers are on the ships for thirty day stretches because their trav- el route takes them around the cape of South America instead of crossing through the Panama Canal. "It's a long time to go without seeing your family, especially ,at Christmas," said Ms. Rowe. "So the gift boxes are greatly appreciated." When asked which items are most popular, Ms. Rowe is quick to point out that toiletries are al- ways welcome. Magazines, sta- tionary and phone cards to call home are big with the workers. "I'm a big supporter of the port ministries," she said. "It provides many services and functions as a welcome sta- tion for the folks getting off the ships. They even have Bibles in every language you can imagine and volunteer pastors who offer spiritual counseling. "Our shoe box mission pro- vides a little 'box of fun' during the holiday season and makes them feel welcome," she said. 6 9076488'19 8 COVERING BAKER COUNTY SINCE 1929 The county's most professional and extensive source for news, classified, display and real estate listings www.bakercountypress.com ** 904.259.2400 *. 904.259.6502 Fax .. bcpress@nefcom.net boxes for this i holiday mis- lsion," said Ms. Rowe. "That makes our job 7 -, easy.". f -> Mission :' "-'-- ei members then pick up a box from the church which ^^ 1 contains a'40- item list. Over a two-month period, the la- -. dies shop for items such as toiletries, cos- ~ metics, ra- zors, phone cards, candy, gum and other treats. S i n c e many ladies are on fixed incomes, the two-month shopping peri- od allows them Sample time. to S accumulate the box's con- S tents and find the best priced items. "I tell them ii ",' they can't pos- forty items in one box, but e prbless their hearts, they try le port. aCKSonvine rort ministries, THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 2 SI I Copyr I i I Material ,,in. .= ..- 1 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" AmiFU- -:: ?M. U ::::. *- w/ - U =U=.-..= Visa Card Best Rates Around... S Use \'Wvor Country Federdl Credit Lt Unio n I 7sa through December I and, receive our /ow rate' onn any purchases, balance tran.lers or Cash alIdvan'es. Do you have one? Apply today! Quick Approvals! COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 www.countryfcu.com Glen Council votes to fine well violators (From page 1) tomers who resumed using them after failing, to pay the town's average $25 monthly water bill. Mayor Juanice Padgett said one of them has since moved; the oth- er is re-connected and attempting to catch up the arrearage. Newly-hired town attorney Joel Foreman of Lake City urged stiff fines for what he termed "a breach of trust" when residents deprive the town of revenue by using their own wells after con- necting to the central water sys- tem. At present, Glen has water service only south of US 90, and, plans expansion when grants and favorable loans become avail- able. If fines and other costs go un-- paid, the town will place a lien on property preventing sale until they are paid, along with interest if applicable. Councilman Dickie Foster, a plumbing contractor, again reminded the board state law forbids wells within 75 feet of septic tanks unless water is used for irrigation only. The town will continue to allow that. Mr. Foreman will add the fine portion to a pending utilities or- dinance, one of several such "housekeeping" matters he has been asked to resolve. The attorney also reported last week he is further researching an ordinance on impact fees, and recommended Glen take "a fresh look" at them. The town in July approved a $2750 fee for new construction to offset an increase in services, and will collect the $1500 assessment for the school district. Mayor Padgett said she fa- vors a system like Macclenny's where revenues are funneled out to agencies like fire and rescue, police and road department. In a workshop prior to that evening's meeting, the council ordered a $100 security deposit from tenants connecting to the water system, compared to $35 for homeowners. Mayor Padgett urged the higher amount because renters are more likely to leave Glen St. Mary with past due util- ity bills. That policy will also be incor- porated intp the utility ordinance along with the well prohibition. The council authorized a sur- vey to determine boundaries of Blocks 1 and 2,in the northwest quadrant of Glen, areas believed to be in the original plat but now not included. Attorney Foreman recom- mended the action prior to title searches and other means to determine jurisdiction. A land- owner in the disputed section near North Monroe claims she is outside the town's boundaries and thus not subject to Glen's or- dinances. The missing blocks are among several matters that have long pended resolution in Glen St. Mary. A survey will 'cost an esti- mated $8000. Councilman Jack Reneau will inspect a town-owned lot behind the Glen post office before land preparation starts for future con- struction of a maintenance de- partment storage yard. Consider- able fill will be required and thus tree removal. Want to read the paper online? YOU CAN! bakercountypress.com Judge grants $125,000 bond to Virginia woman A Richmond, Va. woman was arrested earlier this month for, DUI i manslaughter' follow ingi completion of a ,detailed; report by the Florida Highway Patrol and Circuit Judge David Glant on Monday of this week set her bond at $125,000. Michelle Anderson, 26, was at the wheel of an eastbound 2002 Mitsubishi that crossed the cen- ter line and flipped on Interstate 10 near SR 228 the morning of May 18, 2006. The accident killed Jayne N. Dacquisto, 21, of Midlothian, Va., a suburb of Richmond. The accident injured Ms. An- derson and another passenger. The three were enroute to a west Florida wedding. A blood alcohol sample taken from the driver after she arrived by helicopter at Shands Jackson- ville showed an alcohol content of. .187, more than twice that considered drunk in Florida. She was arrested November 8 and Judge Glant this week reduced bond from the original $300,000. The FHP report noted Ms. An- derson smelled of alcohol after the accident and troopers found two liquor bottles in the car's in- terior. In other cases this week, Judge Glant gave William Cur- in D Uldeath ran 30 months in state prison in returnmfor ,a no contest plea to aggra\ ated battery ith a deadly wapon: " Michael Gainey, sentenced earlier this fall to 20 years in prison as a chronic probation violator, was given another five years after pleading no contest to grand theft auto. He has appealed the earlier sentence. Charles Womack III pleaded no contest to child abuse for hav- ing sex with a 15-year-old Glen St. Mary female earlier this year and received a one year, one day prison sentence. He will be on probation four years following release. Johnnie Carter will be in county jail nine months after pleading to felony driving with a suspended license, and Leonard Jones drew a six-month term for sale and delivery of cocaine. Jeffery Dove will be on pro- bation two years as a felony vio- lator for driving on a suspended license and Heather Harvill drew a similar sentence for obtaining prescription drugs by fraud. A capias warrant was issued for the arrest of Mark Bingaman, who failed to appear in court for felony possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. His bond was set at $40,000 once he is in cus- tody. A BASKETBALL We build strong kkls, soung families, snmg conummines. Calling all children and teenagers, ages 4-17 And everyone 18 and older, make sure you sian un for the adult league. Project still alive (From page 1) set." '".The county's police is arbi- trary," he argues. "There is no study I know of that shows if we set aside that kind of acreage it will create those high-wage jobs. I don't know of any other devel- opment that has done this! It's very short-sighted." Mr. May said he told Ms. Bar- ber the company's market analy- sis showed most jobs in that cat- egory going in the direction of Cecil Field's Commerce Center in west Duval County. "It's not about putting land aside. The jobs will come to Baker County with a develop- ment like this," he believes. That's not the way Commis-. sion Chainnan Alex Robinson sees it. "Had that (the land set-aside) and other matters been answered up front, I wouldn't have had a problem sending it off for transmittal," said Mr. Robinson, a week after the vote. "If you do something like thiis the right way, with questions ans\\ ered up front, it has my support Chairman Robinson said he would .not rescind his vote last week, and planned to give the DRI proposal another hearing after the six-month interval.. He also said he received no re- action either .way from the public since the hearing. I W U IMBE I LOGS AND !0 '- 1 ACRE OR LARGER DIAMOND TIMBER, INC. "FOR A QUALITY CUT" CALL 282-5552 KENT WILLIAMS First Baptist Church of Macclenny .372 S. "It Feels Like Home" 372 S. Sixth Street at W. Minnesota Ave. SUNDAY SERVICES SuLlida' SctoolI ')'30 am1 Worship 1 l0: -15 ar I' 1 1i10 prnr WEDNESDAY SERVICES P'rj',-r ;. Bile ,l Dtil.v/ i1' 4' pim 4wiri for rhiilden 6 45 p:im ',I:u.tlh i(rup 6 45 pri r. ,-uaw. oue Directions from 1-10: Take Exit 48 N. Go 1.3 miles Senior Pastor S o North on Hwy. 121 See steeple on left |Broadcast Live on WJXR 92.1 FM each Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am Call the YMCA front desk at 259-0898 for further questions. Open to everyone in Baker County. FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE The YMCA does not turn away anyone with the inability to pay. Apply for scholarships at the YMCA. YMCA MISSION STATEMENT To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Come out ad enjoy th iff :JKU::::::.. -r --r-d l M Dnna THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 3 opinion Comment THE RBAKERCOUNTY PRESS USPS 040-280 Post Office Box 598 ** 104 South 5" St. Macclenny, FL 32063 (904i 259-2400 SThe Bakef County Press Is published each Thursday by Baker County Press, Inc. Periodicals postage paid under permit Issued April 12, 1929 at the post office in Macclenny, Ronda. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 a year inside Baker Countv, $25.00 a year outside Baker County; deduct $100 for persons 65 years of age or older, mil- County, and college students living outside Baker County. POSTMASTER' send address changes to The Ba.er County Press, PO. Bo< 598, Macdenny, FL 32063. JAMES C. MCGAULEY Publisher/Editor NEWS FEATURES lelley Lannigan ADVERTISING PRODUCTIOrN S)essica Prevat. GRAPHICS Josh Blac 'ronr FEATURES COMMENT Robert Gerard COMMENjT -Cheryl R. Pingel BUSINESS MANAGER Karinr Trhomas CLASSIFIED & T'PESETTIrG- Barbara Black.sear CONTACT US- Phone 9044 259-2400 Fax- 904/259-6502 Email bcpress@nefcom.net Mail PO Bo\ 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny, FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the newspaper office prior to 5:00 p m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless otherwise noted or arranged. Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication. It is requested that all news items be typed to insure accuracy in print. Social Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notic- es and social events must be submit- ted within four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Letters to the editor are Welcome, but must con- tain the signature of the writer,,a telephone num- ber where the writer may be contacted and city of residence. Letters must reflect opinions and statements on issues of current interest to the general public. The news- paper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet standards of publication. Initial DRI transmittal on Cedar Creek cou been approved by commission with specific .. ... .- .. turned down a request for a large for projects of this size (7000 ponying up acreage for industrial IM PR SS-IONS scale amendment to the local land dwelling units in three phases sites that she can peddle to pros- development regulations and the over 15 years). They'll be plenty pects. JIM McGAULEY request by Adrian Development of time,to negotiate later. Nearly a dozen others spoke, Group to start the DRI process. The commission said "no some eloquently and some not, Taking both sides of an issue Commissioners were a bit dice." about how Cedar Creek will rob is sometimes the easy way out. piqued that Adrian thumbed its On one side, it's refresh- Baker County of its rural charac- In this case, I'll take "some" hose at a recently enacted policy ing to see a county commission ter. Their points are well-taken, of both sides of the argument af- setting aside land in each new prepared to stand up for what it but most of the speakers live in ter the county commission's de- development for creation of wants, in this case details that close proximity to the 3000-plus cision last week to at least delay high-wage jobs. The developer will great impact the Baker acres northwest of Glen where transmittal of Baker County's also had no more than a desire County of 2020. The board Cedar Creek is proposed. first DRI application to Tallahas- to locate a medical complex in knows gro% wth-related matters The rest of Baker County's see. the "to% i center" portion of Ce- will occupy a great deal of its 23,000 residents stayed away. DRIs are the process required dar Creek northwest of Glen St. time in coming years, and.'ap- That fact can be interpreted by Florida for large-scale devel- Mary, and locate, a satellite of pears determined to do it. right several ways: most people are opnlents (250 units or more in Lake City Community College even if it means putting off anx- ,neither for nor against Cedar Baker County). They are sup- there as well. No commitments, ious de elopers. Creek; most don't think it'll af- posed to study closely both if just a desire. Ginger Barber, director of fect them; they're against large-, the development complies with Brian May, an Adrian execu- both the Chamber of Conmmerce scale developments but believe state growth statutes, and the re- five. argued details like this can, and local development contmis- the county : commission will suiting impact it \\ill have on the be worked out later, and with sion, had the greatest influence reject them; they're in favor county mostly in the areas of the money his company\ has tied on the commission last week, of Cedar Creek because it will environment and governmental up in the project so far, it's best arguing mere "roof tops" don't. raise the standard of lix ing here; services, to get the DRI ball rolling. The pa\ the bills anymore. Higher "Dancing % ith the Stars" was on That's why they call them De- state, after all, always 'comes paying jobs must be sought with TV that night. velopments of Reiolnallmpact. back with stipulations it wants the help of each new developer On the other side of the de- The commis sion last week Kids are aging, but still want childlike elements to parties Spencer ,grew up chattering M Y SIDE OF all the time. He sang songs he made up and drove everybody T M A TT-R crazy. One time we were driving THE M ATTER into Jacksonville to seea movie' and he satig nonsense songs the ROBERT GERARD, whole way there and all the'Way, My family is reaching one back. By the time we got home, My family is reaching one none of us could speak in a co- of those milestones that tend to none of us could speak in a co- sneak up when you're not look- erent sentenced hand, ing. My son Spencer is about to Dylan, on the other hand, ing. My son Spencer is about to didn't talk at all. It wasn't that turn 16 on Friday and his brother he didn't wanta t alk as a baby, Dylan is going to be 18 on Sat- it was that his sister wouldn't They are still kids at heart, let him. Sara Beth, who talked t a t is eall the time, considered herself but adulthood is creeping up on Dylan's interpreter. As a result, them. Sometimes they are willingmes, Dylan didn't talk for a long time to welcome it ill rat other be kids. because "Da-La," as he. called they woulfe and I feestill rather bsame waykids. her, said everything for him. My wife and I feel the same way. ")ylan wants his bottle. We particularly felt real life Dylan wants you to turn ontlPee intruding when the mail came Wee's Playhouse. Dylan waon Pee the other day and Dylan had re- Wee's Playhouse. Dylan wants ceived his Selective Service an- knew what Dylan wanted or nouncement. That didn't thrill ally knew what Dylan wanted or anyofusemen thatd ttherei didn't until he was three or four any of us. I realize that there is and got tired of Da-La asking for no draft but it still makes us ner- Barbie dolls. vous to think that our baby is in One of my favorite stories the pool. about them was when Dylan We're doing a party for them. about them was when Dylan Dylan has a band playing at he and Spencer were four and six Dylan has a band playing at the and got into an argumentabout Murray Hill Theatre frequently,'who was more powerful, Super- and he has enlisted one of the man or Jesus. Spencer, who at other bands he plays with to per- the time was rarely seenwithout form at the party. That will make his Superman pajamas with the the neighbors happy. his Superman pajamas with the the neighbors happy. cape on the back, naturally fell . Therestoftheirpartyrequests, into the Superman camp. Dylan however, show that they're still was equally convinced that Jesus not that far from kidhood. Spen- could beat Superman in a fight. cer wants a croquet tournament. "Jesus can walk on water," he His Granny bought him a croquet said. set and he and his friends will "Superman can fly over the get together and knock the ball S c fl o t get together and knock the ball water and then shoot it with his around. Spencer has informed. heat vision and dry it up." them that croquet is a "game .of "Jesus made everything on ladies and gentlemen," so he and earth and will take a rock and his friends wear dress shirts, ties Kryptonite lik he and sweater-vests to play. turn it e into Kryptonite likehe Wife Kelley is planning a "snowball fight," a wonderful Laurie Furr Vancini. She takes G et a 2n old stockings and fills them with flour and ties the ends. When you throw them, they leave a trail of flour through the air and splotch- es of flour that look like snow when they hit. Kids run around and pelt each other with "snow- balls." They love it. They also want to rent a thing called the "Moonwalk" to jump around in. I'm happy to say that my kids still have a lot of kid left in them. Not that I'm surprised by that. If you have followed this column over the years you'll remember I have chronicled their lives from birth to now. People often will ask me if the things I write about really happened, and for the most part they did. Id have concerns bate, the commission, could have approved transmittal last week, with the stipulation that certain matters like set-aside industrial acreage, the scope of medical fa- cilities and a community college be addressed before the plans come back for another hearing. At this early stage, Adrian won't be slipping any fast ones by the commission, and ulti- mately the board has final say over Cedar 'Creek even if the DCA gives it the green light. The state planning agency will pick the plan apart, suggesting changes ranging from road pav- ing to street width and treatment of % wetlands. before it gets off the launch pad. The Baker County Commis- sion made a strong statement last week by turning its back on the DRI process. It could have made the same statement less stridently and still preserve its resolve to do this right. "Copyrighted Material ,4 Syndicated Content t Available from Commercial News Providers" v 1 %~4~q. - Superman all weak and beat him that way." Usually what happened in such arguments was that Spencer got frustrated and mad and start calling Dylan names. They never were able to use "bad words" like stupid or idiot, so instead they made up their own insults. Spencer, who had the worst temper of the two, invariably puffed up, turned red and said, "Dylan ... you're a ... buttsniff- er." Dylan would run through the house looking for his mother. "Mama, Spencer called me a buttsniffer." They both were loyal Barney fans. They wandered through the house all day long singing "I love you, you love me ..." It drove us all crazy because it is one of those "earworm" songs that stick with you whether you want it to or not and at work, I'd be singing "I love you, you love me ...", One day, Spencer walked into our bedroom wearing nothing but his X-Men underwear. He had opinion! Dear Editor: My husband and I recently went through a rough time with our small child. Just over two months ago, he became ill and we took him to his regular doctor. We then discovered he had a problem with fluid on his ears, along with a runny nose and cough. Two months and several different medicines later he is still sick. During his last visit to the first doctor he was sent for an x-ray of his head to see if he had a blockage or sinus infection. Three days later, our son was even worse, so we took him for a sec- ond opinion. We discovered he had developed pneumonia in his left lung and had a declining oxygen level. After a breathing treatment, a change in medication and a damn good scare, I still wonder why his condition was not caught sooner, or how it could have gotten this bad in just a couple of days. This letter is not intended to hurt or damage anyone, it's just a way of saying a second opinion can't hurt. It may be the best way to go. Christina Reneau Glen St. Mary painted himself purple. "Look, Mama. I'm Barney." I thought of that the last time he painted his face red and gold and put a cut- out basketball on his head for a .Wildcat game. It's hard seeing them all grown up. Dylan will graduate from high school this year and both of them have turned into fine young men. But I still wouldn't be sur- prised if one day they showed up in my bedroom dressed in their underwear and painted purple. I wouldn't be surprised at all. Send us letters and make sure they are SIGNED with a phone number and city of residence. II I v I--, a.* ; ,'- -_-. -- Zanita iaua will be visiting CVS/pharmacy Saturday, December2 .... You' 7011be given a FREE 4x6 print THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 4 School district approves pact with state to train special ed students in areas of vocational skills BY KELLEY LANNIGAN! The sub-grant will help pay meeting, the school board de- board attorney for 29 years and Press Staff for preparation of an inter-lo- cided Dean Griffis and Kar- has been contracted for another The Baker County School cal report of data as part of the en McCollum will continue three years, effective November Board voted during its Nove- process for preparing public as board chairperson and vice 2006-2009. Board voted during its Novem- schools to come in compliance chairperson. "Mr. Caven is always just a ber 21 meeting to approve an with state-mandated concurren- John Caven, of Jacksonville, phone call away and we have agreement with the Department cy on future growth. longtime school district coun- always appreciated that," stated of Education to train exceptional As part of the recently enact- sel, got a new contract. Mr. Superintendent Paula Barton. ed students in vocational skitarget ESE ed Senate Bill 360, local gov- Caven has served as the school The program will target ESE ernmental entities must come (formerly known as special ed) DOT road project hearing students age 18-22 with individ- in sync with school districts to ualized plans to prepare them regulate the permitting of new D O T road project hearing ioremploymen par th residential developments so The agreement is effective they do not exceed the availabil- n agreeyme nt is effective ity of classroom space in local The Florida Department of Transportation scheduled a public hear- January 2, 2007 June 20, 2009. hools. ing for next Monday, December 4 in Jacksonville to discuss its five- The school district will provide sc Suprintendent Paula Barton ,year project plan, including several in Baker County. 10% ($4,000) of funding with noted out theon-going consul- DOT plans to spend $2.9 billion in the 17-county north Florida dis- the remaining 90% ($36,000) station of Baker County Growth trict over the next five years, and hearings are held at varying locations funded by the Department of each year to discuss priorities and any alterations and additions. EducationDivisionf Vocation- f the strategic efforts the dis- Presently, the state plans to resurface Odis Yarborough Road from al Rehabilitation. tricthas already taken to tackle CR 125 to CR 23C, a portion of CR 250 in the Osceola Forest in north At present, one full-time em- h ch al n torre en Baker County in 2007-08. The state moved back two years construc- ployment specialist will admin- "We took the reigns on this tion of a, sidewalk along Lowder in west Macclenny from US 90 to sister the program to serve six issue early on," board chairman SR 121.., students. Up to five specialists ssean Griffis stated. DOT added two projects in Baker Counti: improx events to SR 2 in may be employed to accommo- The concurrency plan is due the northwest county and resurfacing of US 90 from Sanderson to the date up to ten students during the to the Department of Communi- Nassau Count\ line in 2009-10. program's three-year contract. toAffa thp rto The hearing for Baker and other Jackson ille area counties will be The school board also ap- fesi p due January at 5:30 pm at the DOT training center on Edison Ave. near Stockton hensive work plan due JanuarypSt proved a state-funded sub-grant 13, 2007; interim draft facilities St. agreement with thile Florida De- element due March30,2007 and SlUm p ea, asiepe m otorist years of 1938, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 4.7, 5, 55, and 65. apartment of Community Affairs t e 2007 or metal auto tags dated 1911- effective November 21, 20061917, paying $500 -$1000 each depending on condition. June 30, 2007 in the amount of During its re-organization $25,000. meeting prior to the regularf.... I am in need for auto tags beginning with prefix# 52 for the Slum ped, asleep m otoristyears, of 1938, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,.45, 46, 47, 50, 55, and 65. bla mAlso want Baker County porcelain or metal auto tags dated 1911- bb le toSt0a7 C em ediCineC .1917,'paying $500 $1000 each depending on condition. Also want Florida tags dated 1918-43 A motorist found slumped in 45 degree air and his speech was Call the front seat of a parked pickup truck in west Macclenny the af- ternoon of November 21 told the arresting officer, he was reacting to medication given him for a toothache,. Gordon Taylor,. 37, of Sander- son was at the wheel passed out when confronted by Deputy Mi- chael Lagle just after 6:00. His 1991 Ford Ranger was parked in front of Konnie's Pools in the Park West strip center on US 90, and the officer noted the tail lights indicated the pickup was' in reverse. When Mr. Taylor awoke, he, began backing the pickup and it struck the push bar on the front of Deputy Lagle's patrol car and, came, to a .stop. He refused to exit the vehicle, and attempted to yank the driver side door closed before the. officer and Deputy Jeffrey :Dawson pulled him out and handcuffed him. Deputy Lagle said there was no odor of alcohol, but Mr. Tay- lor was sweating profusely in the slurred. He was charged with DUI and refused to submit to tests at county jail. Neither his truck nor the po- lice car sustained damage in the light collision. In other cases, a motorist caught speeding on SR 125 just after midnight on November 25 turned out to be an habitual traf-, fic offender whose license has been suspended nine times. Deputy Curtis Ruise said he clocked Aaron Simmons, 31, of Sanderson at 74 in a 55 mph zone. A computer check con- firmed the past violations and Mr. Simmons' 2000 Nissan pickup was towed from the scene while he was taken to jail. He was also ,given a ticket for speeding. In another traffic-related ar- rest, Martin Garcia, 41, of Glen St. Mary was charged with re- sisting Deputy Sgt. Thomas Dyal by insisting he was the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident on Smokey Road the evening of November 25. Mr. Garcia said he was trying to protect the real driver. Jeff Francis 727-345-6627 e-mail: gobucs13@aol.com www.floridalicenseplates.com PO Box 41381 St. Petersburg, FL 33743 , Slag ill Dirt Sand 1 Milling Glay,,' , "Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built 653-2493 (904) 445-8836 cell. I ," SWoodlawn Kennels\ Oi, ity Professional Care EIGROOMING 259-4757 BOARDING Private Spacious *Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ....... $20-$25 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip. . . $10-$15 Boarding (per actual day). . . . $5-$7 Whyi s t r s LET US HELP YOUR MEMORIES BE REMEMBERED OPEN THIS FRIDAY 8 A.M. ,*' ; -. ,'':i. ;] '' / '"n , r .' _' r . * ) --, *:*' : .:.. ^U. ",^^ C ... , ', ." : :-i ". ,'-''. ', .. .. .. ..tf ^ !" .', ,, .'' "'" i -' '1 ] 3" *?: ,; i>; : : .,-..n ;*. ,. .... i ..', :30 3 I G "WHAT A JOY IT HAS BEEN TO FRAME THINGSTHAT REPRESENT SUCH LOVE TO OTHER PEOPLE. I HAVE LAUGHED AND CRIED RIGHT ALONG WITH MY CLIENTS..." I HAVE FRAMED- TEA CUPS JEWELRY BOW TIES COLLEGE JERSEYS TROPHIES HAT BOXES' Bus BOTTLES WALLETS CROCHETED ITEMS TENNIS RACKETS WAR MEDALS FLAGS NEWSPAPERS BARBIE DOLLS BABY TEETH ALLIGATOR FEET AND ON... AND ON... Mr. Maloney Pro-bono award to Mr. Maloney from Florida Bar Macclenny lawyer Frank E. Maloney has been chosen to re- ceive the President's Pro-Bono Service Award for 2007 in the Eighth Judicial Circuit that in- cludes Baker County. The award will be presented on January 25 at the Supreme Court Building in Tallahassee. The pro-bono award recogniz- es legal services rendered free of charge to people who otherwise may not be able to afford coun- sel. Mr. Maloney was informed of the honor in a November 21 letter from Hank Coxe III, a Jacksonville attorney and presi- dent of the Florida Bar. Mr. Maloney, 63, is a gradu- ate of Georgetown University and obtained a law degree from FSU in 1971. He has been in pri- vate practice in Baker County 25 years. He was nominated for the award by the Three Rivers Legal Aid organization. SEASONS GREETING FROM Rudolph's Christmas Tree Farm OPN 7 DA I -'WK Select the tree of your 8:00 A.M. ,-6 I:0_ choice and cut it fresh -ONHW1 15 AN from the field of beautifully -ACHFOIGN- shaped Cedar. BO- 5411,1 ARE FURNISHED .r a d . ;. t. .-: "2i- -A- .... / i 'X- g...- ---- ..... .. . Choose the More-Than-1 Enhanced Bundle, for only $39.95 a month and you'll get: Local Service NEFCOM's most popular calling features: Caller ID, Call Waiting, Call Forwarding Busy Line, Call Forwarding Don't Answer, and Anonymous Call Rejection 25 E.L.C. (quarter) calls 100 Minutes of Long Distance calls to anywhere in the Continental U.S. NEFCOM Enhanced Voice Mail includes 3 separate Mailboxes, each with their own greeting. NEFCOM WireGuard inside wiring maintenance Bundling these services means saving more than $135.00 annually Call Today to sign-up or to find out about our other Great Bundled Service Plans. *' " The Easiest Place in (lie World to Buy a Car or Truck" .r.I 904-259-2261 ' 2 '.d q -, ,, , ... ,' ^ ,I .7 , Call Locally 259-2313 or Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb Our showroom is conveniently located at the intersection of Hwy. 121 and U.S. 90 in downtown Macclenny www.lIambsauioandtruck.comi V OMM" ML THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 5 D fires a Taser twice before subduing fleeingwoman Nov. 21 A county deputy shot a fleeing suspect twice with a Taser stun gimn and required the assistance of another officer before hand- cuffing her just before 1:00 am on November 21 north of Sand- erson. 'Deputy John Hardin said he received information that Ma- chel Givens, 40, of Sanderson, wanted on an outstanding war- rant for failure to pay child sup- port, was at the Club 229. He found her seated in a vehicle, arid she initially gave him a false name, then snatched away her arm when told she was under arrest. Deputy Hardin said Ms. Givens shoved him with her free hand whenhen he again attempted to handcuff her, then ran away. The officer while chasing the suspect fired a first Taser shot that was ineffective because only one of the two probes made con- tact. The second shot was effec- tive, but Ms. Givens continued to resist -being handcuffed until DepurN Tony Norman arrived to assist. Ms Givens ik 5'4" tall and weighs 202 pounds, according to the incident report. She was booked at county jail for battery on a la% enforcement officer and resisting arrest with- out violence. The first charge is a felony; the second a misde- meanor. In other cases,, a bar patron was charged late on November 25 with aggravated battery for injuring another man by striking him with a beer bottle. Deputy Mark Hall said he found Virgil Jewell, 26, of Sand- erson walking west from Mac's Liquors in dox\ nto\\ n N lacclenny shirtless and bleeding. Both Mr. Je\ ell and a witness said Mel- vin Mann, 24, also of Sanderson, struck him with the bottle as he w alked out of the bar. He sought' treatment at Fraser Hospital for a laceration above the eye. Police said NAr. Mlann also had an outstanding %\arrant for felo- ny forgery. Robert Ryan, 39, of Miami Springs, Fla. was charged with battery and two drug-related counts following a Thanksgiving Day altercation 4t the home of a relative on Hickory St. in Mac- clenny. Police were called to the scene about 1:45 am and found James Ryan, 32, of Davie, Fla. bleeding. from the face and with several fa- cial bruises he said were caused by repeated blows from his older brother. The younger Ryan said he did not fight back because the accused was intoxicated. Deputy James Parham mI also found a small amount of mari- juana in a plastic bag, along with a prescription pill that the sus- pect was attempting to hide in his hand while being questioned. He was booked for misdemeanor possession and possession of a controlled substance. A criminal complaint for ag- gravated assault tas filed No- iember 20 against Juan Bals, 36, of Sanderson for allegedly threatening to kill girlfriend Eli- za Baker. 42, in the presence of her children. Ms. Baker told Deputy Mark Hall the boN friend made similar threats in the past and when she told him to leave her residence off Bay St. he threatened to burn it down. She was also advised to obtain a restraining order barring him from the property. Another criminal complaint, this one made the evening of No- vember 25, alleges Jason Oralls struck girlfriend. Selena Roberts, 33, in the stomach with a 2X4 board. Ms. Roberts said she and the 32-year-old boyfriend argued at a Blair St. residence that evening before 7:00 and threw laundry .detergent on each other before the accused left the residence to retrieve the board N Is. Roberts'is Mr. Oralls' sister-in-law. Client arrested with pill at drug counseling center A Sanderson man was arrest- sure and disorderly conduct on ed the afternoon of. November US 90 near 8th St. 21 for felony possession of pre- Two witnesses told Sgt. Phil scription drugs when he showed Duval they witnessed Mr. Smith up at a Macclenny drug-counsel- urinating as he walked that after- ing center for an appointment. noon about 1:15, and the suspect Police received a tip that An- denied the allegation, telling Sgt. thony Simmons, 33, was ex- Duval he was pouring drink out pected at the Baker Community of a cup. The officer.noted Mr. Counseling Services office on US Smith smelled strongly of alco- 90 just west of the county court- hol and did not have a cup in his house. Deputy Darrin Whitaker possession. said Mr. Simmons was found to Later that afternoon, Deputy have one Oxycontin pill in his John Hardin arrested Joe John- pants pocket when searched. He son, 65, for disorderly intoxica- was described as a client of the tion near the Macclenny Wal- center with three warrants out- Mart. He allegedly harassed a standing for contempt of court. woman accompanied by three Possession of the pain-relief small children, confronting her drug without a prescription is a at close distance and attempting third-degree felony. to grab her. In other arrests the past week, Mr. Johnson was too intoxi- Steven Smith, 27, of Macclenny cated to give police his address, was charged with indecent expo- the deputy noted: Monday Thursday 10:30 am 8:00 pm Friday and Saturday 10:30 am 10:00 pm Serving pizza, salads, clubs, riders, wings and a variety of baskets and appetizers. Family owned and operated Roger Yarborough Jr. and Ryan Yarborough Next to Subway on S. 6th St. Macclenny. 259-4660 Sanderson woman' house looted of$6290 in jewelry A relative who lives nearby self-car wash on US 90 in east will be questioned about the Macclenny about 10:30 pm on theft of $6290 in jewelry from Thanksgiving Day. A camera the home of Stephanie Ferguson over the office door and another off Keegan Lane in Taylor. near the wash stalls were dam- Ms. Ferguson told Deputy aged, as was an security light. Tony Norman she noticed jew- A neighbor reported a white elry missing November 25 from Jeep Liberty vehicle in the area a box and safe in the master bed- about that time. The male was room of her residence, and last wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans.. saw the items around November A 13-year-old girl from the 1. They include a bridal ring set Macclenny area was released to valued at $2000, chains, earrings, her father following her arrest a necklace and other rings., the afternoon of November 22 The victim also said a key for shoplifting an MP3 player went missing from a hiding place- and CD player from the CVS outside the residence in mid- store downtown. October. The relative, who was The teen was involved in a .given permission in October to battery and shooting incident the enter the residence to use a tan- week before last in Macclenny, nirlg bed, was out of town when but was not one of the persons the burglary was reported, arrested. In other propertN-related crimes reported the past week, _ Mary Bennett said someone NG FAITH entered her residence off Taber " Blvd. in Glen St. Mary during ) LIVING FAITH the da) on November 21 and ASSEMBLY OF GOD took a computer and hard drive 12664 Mudlake Rd. valued at $1607. Cardboard was Glen St. Mary removed from a front door to 75-29 9 gain entry. 524 A teen who lives in the neigh- borhood was arrested earlier this month for theft of a modem from Ms. Bennett's yard. It was not worship with us kno\ n if he is a suspect in the some Sunday soon! latest case. The'morning of November 10:30 am & 6:00 pm 23, Eva Joyce Sigers reported a . pistol taken from the interior of a Wednesday 7:00 pm 2002 Ford Explorer parked near her residence off Ryba Road. A. surveillance camera cap- We sing a happy song! turned the image of a white' male responsible for vandalism at the We pray a prayer of faith! Completes school Army Pvt. Scott G. Boothe Jr. recently graduated from a utili- ties'equipment repair school at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. He is the son of Scott Boothe Sr. of Sanderson and Laurie Diaz of Tampa:.Pvt,. Boothe 4is a 2001 graduate of Baker County High School. Let Us Hell) You Put Your CASH to Work. mri .II',Ir~I I $100,000 -Pi - 3.50- 3.90, 4.25 ,, 4.35 -, 4.70% 5.00 o 500 r'mirnmuni flL 5.15, $100,000 minimum u vj_ VyStar ( mrtlt Union We never forget that it's your money. Local NIKE Dealer Men. wn,,en d. ids Appraorel GymTI S t.l-. Sponing Goods! EqulipnErl UF- UGA FSU Purses Jewwelr Game Faces Sandals House & Car Flags Wildcat Items I-Shirts Hoodie-. Game Fat.es EagE Lettermar, Ja,:ietts 1168 South 6th Street Macclennv, FL (904) 777-6000 www.vystarcu.org CUA Servig all residents of S -i Northeast Florida. We offer on-site' EMBROIDERY & SILK SCREENING PERSONALIZE & CUSTOMIZE Christmas Presents & Business Uniforms Blankets Purses Bags onesies Baby Gifts Polo Shirts T-Shirt Jackets Your local GEORGIA BOOT dealer A Great Christmas Idea NEW BOOTS for men, women and children American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs s, Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 DICLENDER I Butch's Paint & Body Shop 5573 Harley Thnift Rd YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER S_ ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR 31 Foreisin ". Domestic -- Dupont Lifetime Wanant-,v Paint ; f,, I- .- -* Compiutier Estim.n, ri '. ', r, lsudnI_.I (71, C lair Woi .. c o, L'tr', S' Full, Insured |I ENTERPRISE Stop 'i for your free estimate DROP-OFF A, 7". I 0 S'-a .. .da ,,, t ^^gP -.4:t;. ::ff^ T .:7S.7, ,-- i.., -&. :k(#2:"i **''." ':' ": : "ir ":.;'.'t: mega is inc. Adventures in Scra cooking Open House December 2 9:00 am 5:00 pm Come by and see us while you're enjoying the Christmas Festival Gift Baskets available prices range from $10 & up Great gifts for: Mom Wife Daughter Teacher Co-worker Friends Mother-in-law Cousin Sister Girlfriend Etc. New kits are available New merchandise Gift certificates always available One Day Specials 30':',: off select merchandise . Bring in this ad and receive a FREE GIFT 28 E Macclenny Ave. Macclennr 259-1973 5I IE The Baker County Press 'en House' Saturday, December 2. 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm Stop in and see the restorations on the Press office. Have cake and punch and stop to visit. We preach the word of God! All in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! You are welcome! Pastor Jim Baggett - I MONr7l7T7ET ACCOUNT !, ALI-! 1- 11 111, le. .. '. '.' i I A I .;l %. !.-1. 11 1... .. I , 11.61. 11., ..1 .. M,,. .. ... ....... I,- Na., I C. I, I., I ..,. A.I.T. .., q % THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 6 Senior Division Wildcat players: Ben Johnson, CJ Cornellier, Drew Rodgers, Roland Gaskins, Falon Lee, Cory Lawler, Trenton Harvey, Zachary Roberts, Lance Rayburn, Jordan Parker, Dalton Gabbard, Kyler Hutchins, Natavian Griffin, Camron Ingram, Rickie Tharpe, Curtis Thompson, Landon Mitchell, Brandon Cole, Brent Evett, Chris Staggers and Matthew Cantrell. All-Stars advw The Senior division All-Star "Wildcats" played in the Fifty- eighth Annual KatKaveck Bowl in Waycross, Georgia November 22. The team of eleven, twelve and thirteen year olds advanced to the championship game by defeating the "Brunswick Ti- tans" 26-14. Top offensive play- ers for the Wildcats were Ro- land Gaskins with 10 carries for 100 yards rushing and a 31 yard touchdown run. Ben John- son with 7 carries for 28 yards and two touchdowns. Falon Lee with 13 carries for 100 yards To meet in January The Baker County Cancer Support Group will not have a meeting in December, and the next one will be on January 4 at the Baker County Health Depart- ment. It begins at 7:00 pm. The group assists cancer pa- tients and their caregivers. For more information, telephone Mag McGauley at 259-3476. Eligible for All- Academic Team Bo Clayton, a Baker County student attending Lake City Community College, is one of two students there eligible for. nomination to the Florida All- Academic Team. Mr. Clayton, along with Dani- elle Burkett, a student from Lake City, are among six LCCC stu- dents on the school's All-Aca- demic Team. He is a graduate of Baker High, where he was an outstand- ing athlete and scholar. Suinder son I Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm Pastor: Oral E. Lyons First Baptist Church of Sanderson CR 229 S., Sanderson FL Sunday School ....... 10:00 am Sun, Morning Worship 11:00 am Sun. Evening Worship ..6:00 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study. .7:00 pmn AWANA Wed. Night.. 7:OQ pm Pastor Bob Christmas www.firstbaptistchurchofsanderson.com ance to championship game rushing. Rickie Tharpe with 2 4 carries for 8 yards rushing. carries, a 19. yard touchdown The defensive players were Ben and he scored two extra points. Johnson and Roland Gaskins Top defensive players were Ben each with 6 tackles, C.J. Cornel- Johnson with 6 tackles, Roland .ier and Corey Lawler each with Gaskins with 5 tackles and Fa- 5 tackles, Trenton Harvey with Ion Lee, Corey Lawler, C.J. 4 tackles, and Zachary Roberts Cornellier, Trenton Harvey each and Kyler Hutchins each with 2 with 4 tackles. tackles and a fumble recovery In the championship game by Natavian Griffin. The Baker the "Wildcats" faced the "Glynn County Senior Division All-Star County Broncos". The "Wild- Wildcats overall record was 3 cats" were defeated by a score wins and 1 loss. of 30-0. This win was the 4th straight championship win for the "Broncos". Top offenAsia e 'i players were Roland GaskinsM with 11 carries for 43 3 ards rushing and Drew Rogers with NOECPI S t LA" tm i, For the return ot f- Lucy No questions asked ' iFemale i Black Saddle Back - Walker Hound \\ ith \ white and bro% n. Red collar and I -" red flea collar. Last seen on ,- Claude Harvey Rd dosn n from Cedar Creek Farms Rd. on Thursda\. November 16. Likes to play with other dogs in area, may have wandered off with the hunting dogs. Hunters if you have seen her with your dogs please call Patricia 838-4767. Thank you. She is our family dog. SMaccenny Mart.*- BAACE POS STARTING ATE$15.9 BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Menthol Light Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights Camel Full Flavor Camel 99 Camel Turkish RE TAG,'II' HOIDAY-I.. SAE g iu -Egg II I 1-206 HEY ALIU I ALLNE 207CHVYSIllAD SNEWPORTS ($7.99)j SBUY 2 GET 1 FREE 1DORAL $19.99 ctn' 305s $12.99 ctn Marlboro Reds & Lights $25.99 ctn L* .... ** At the corner of US 90 & SR 121 K Sunday 7 am 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am -.10 pm ,Fill Dirt Top Soil tSeptic Tank Sand EP INC. (904) 289-7000 pen 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm IJRR HAMMQALIYUSDVEIL acaoeMY Or Te'acNR PRPOa TIOFTIl PROalRm euCaTO MreeaRATISn MSTITUTe * Alternative Certification for Teachers Substitute Teacher Training * Paraprofessional Preparation,'Testinq Teacher Recertification! Endorsements Noyce and other Scholarships available 115SCla'O'iT In RTS EUCaTiO1n O MSR * Transfers to a 4-year program MaST provides laptop while enrolled I~8ILY CHILNHO O13 LUC8IIIo * Associate in Science in Early Childhood Degree Childcare Training 4) LAiUCE CITY LInMMIINI I r.i EL i i For more information call (386) 754-4266 A l AfIt EDI E AL DRT I TF l Length of contract limited.See dealer to details Unmited tie offer. On select vehicles plus tax, tag & fitteees'PtNce A-N A I C ANru L v Uf I JI indudesdealerdiscounts, rebates,andincenives whichare subjectto change.Advertisedprice amount includes pre-delivery service charge of $95 00. "2007 models. Whichever comes first. See dealer for details. t See dealer for rebate details, tt Take delivery by 1/2/07 see dealer for details, --laticl-d LCCC is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution I I ,11 ,' .. "*- ; . ", :1u .* '(g i, I I MEMMEN L'I'll THE BAKER COUI ; Lady Cats lose to Bradford, V Ridgeview before the holiday Tyler Thomas looks for an inside lane against Baldwin PHOTO BY SPENCER GERARD 'Buz zer win' Tuesday Center Tyler Thomas hit a last-second buzzer beater to defeat Baldwin 41-40 in the Wildcats' home basketball opener Tuesday evening. Coach Charles Ruise called time out with 5.1 seconds left in the game and the Cats trailing by a point. Nate Strachen got the in-bound ball and went up for the shot. It missed and Thomas pulled down the layup and immediately put the ball in as his teammates and fans mobbed him. It was a fitting ending to, the game since Strachen and Thomas carried the team much of the way. Strachen got ten of his game-high 12 points in the first half, and Thomas got all his, 8 points in the second half. He also played extremely well on defense, pulling down multiple rebounds. The Cats actually held a 16- 12 lead at the end of the first on the strength of some key Ike Parker free throws. , The Indians pulled closer as the second period progressed and tied the ball game on a dunk with 3:50 to go in the half. The large Baldwin crowd exploded. But soon after, Kyle Kennedy drained a three pointer and Thorne Crowley also. hit from beyond the three point-line. The Wildcats extended their lead to a 28-20 margin at the half. Both teams started ice cold in the second half. Baldwin tried to rely on three pointers but they wouldn't drop. The Indians closed to within three. points before Thomas hit a basket at the end of the third period to put BCHS up 34-29. The Wildcats had a hard time penetrating Baldwin's 2/3 zone,' 'and instead of forcing them into man to man coverage, they pushed the ball inside where it was stolen. Baldwin narrowed the game to two points w ith 2:30 left in the game and then took the lead at 1:51 to go. That's when things really got exciting. The Indians missed the top end of a one-and-one and the Cats got the ball back. Strachen, who only had one basket in the second half, tried to penetrate on the baseline but was hemmed in by two Indian players. Ruise saw the predicament and wisely called time out. Strachen's last. second shot, came off the backboard right into Thomas' hands. He went up almost uncontested for the layup and the \win. The Cats host Stanton Prep on Thursday at 6:00 and 7:30 pm. Appreciates coaches, te and others There are eecni-s around the v.orld you farn,, parents and coaches for pu that happen every day where the people ting up with me, for supporting the f, behind the scene go unrecognized. .o ture high school football pla',ers. ar I would like to take this opportunity to for making the experience one *. e 11:, recognize Richie Tharpe, president of ways remember. the Baker County Touchdown Club, and COACH TIMMY HODGI his wife, Tracy, for making our Baker County Youth League Wildcats Allstar football team a great success this past week in Waycross. I want to thank the other coaches, Steve Cornellier, Freddie Bennett, Roger Parker.anrid Damon Lee. I would also like to thank the parents and fans that braved the cold weather and traveled to Waycross to support the youth league Wildcats! Although the Cedar Creek Chur weather was cold and windy, we still had so many fans in the stands.for every fail\ to join us as t game that it felt like we were actually at a BCHS Wildcats Friday night game. 25th a This Allstar team was comprised of 21 players from the different Senior Divi- sion football teams and I want to espe- S 1 cially thank them forworking so hard u nd ay , and giving up their time to make all of this possible. We only had two weeks 1 1 to prepare the kids and some of them 11 had never played football together, but that didn't slow them down. They were Guest ready from the minute we set foot on the field. Reve'ere In addition to the team receiving trophies, the BCTC provided the foot- Lulnch follo\\i ball uniforms, they chartered a bus for the Wednesday game, paid for the Sli kids' lunch and provided the players on.. De,. and coaches with tournament t-shirts. C g Ol 1 Thanks to the parents for well man- I nered kids. We heard a lot of positive comments. Sing \\itl The BCTC went above and beyond the call of duty and it was very much No eve] appreciated by me and the players' fam- ilies. Thank you, Richie, Tracy and the touchdown club for a great time! Thank CR 229 North, to CR 124, North The BCHS Lady Wildcat bas- ketball team had a rough week leading into the Thanksgiving break, dropping a pair of games to two of the top teams in the district. The were handled easily by an athletic Bradford County squad, but battled Ridgeview down to the wire on the road. Bradford cruised to a 31-57 win over the Wildcats on the girls' home court on Monday. The Tornadoes ran out to an early lead and never relinquished it leading horn to horn. It was a frustrating night for Coach Franklin Griffis. "They jumped on us early and it took until the second half until we finally settled down enough to play decent ball," commented Griffis. Bradford's fast break was devastating in the early going, cutting through the Lady \Wild- cat defense like butter. Bradford held an 7-20 lead at the end of the first quarter. The pace slowed a little in the second period, but the 1Wildcats could not manage to put the ball in the basket. The\ onl\ scored two buckets in the second period and \\ere outscored 4-14. The Tornadoes \\ere up 34-11 at the break. The Wildcats played the Tor- nadoes even in the third period. but couldn't claw their \\wa back into the game. Bradford's first half lead \was insunnountable. The shooting woes showed in the box scores. None of the Cat players reached double figures, with Destin\ de la Pena and Brit- tan\ Hinson leading the \\ay with six points. Kara Dupree had fi'e points. Brittan\ Ruise, Deanna McKenzie and Caitlin Griffis had four points and Mea- gan Osteen a basket. The girls battled Ridgeview basket-to-basket, but in the end they were derailed by free throw shooting and lost 43-40 to their district foes. They came back from the big loss to Bradford and played well enough to win, but the ball didn't fall in their favor. The Cats fell behind to Rid- geview early and trailed 7-14 points at the end of the first pe- riod. But they clawed their way back to a 22-28 deficit at the half. Neither team shot well after the intermission, but the Cats made a big surge in the fourth quarter to almost come back and win the game. Coach Griffis was enthusiastic about the effort. "I. was very proud of the fact that we were down by 12 in the fourth quarter and fought back to within two points," said Griffis. "The girls ne\er quit playing hard and we had a couple of op- portunities to w in." In the end. it was the tree throw shooting that cost them the \\in. The Cats shot onlI 27' c from the line. and when it counted the most. the ball %wouldn't drop. Hinson led the Cats with 14 points, hitting four three point- ers. Griffis added 8 'ind Ruise 7 points. Destin\ de la Pena hit for 5 and Meagan Osteen. Sarah Tra\iick and Deanna NIcKenzie all had a basket. The Lad\ Cats have a big ataa\ match at Santa Fe on Thursday\ before returning to pla\ First Coast at home on FIn- da\ night. Game times are 6:00( and 7:30 pm. Well Drilling after r Softeners & Purification: Septic Tanks Drain Fields Culverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS \1 IS\ M :Nl c clCard Aneicc.n E-'pre4s *- Dicovei ut- Li - nd d- ES niversary ch invites you and your he church celebrates their nniv ersary. December 3 00 am t Speaker d Roy Crews ing worship service de Sho\w 5 years of me mllories" after lunch h local singers ning service Sanderson next to Cedar Creek Cemetery Second. annual I .. Christma TREE LIGHTING & REMEMBRANCE SERVICE Saturday December 9, 2006 at 6:00 pmin in the Ferreira Chapel it I I I i t'One I r i- titbbrInIIC aOid It'IlctiLon if tiit" IlI I t 1iU'f1 /o1ti'd o 01 1 . 1 special 0entt1h 1il tree will be lit dn inL tilhe ct rteo y. 1\e a'ould like each tilt fi'il/ to brin lii 1 OHllHIllent'l 'e 'es ttitiI 'PC of I/out 0 7nihi 11/ It'i1ll'E l0 d ill t'cciil tice. l hii i 11 1ii N I l' it:', 11 ,,1 : l,0 0 t1 ii 'c tit b i l t' IIo -fl c r' .\ h.,d ,iil, F j,7 it' i /,i ,h' 1 CIi ii1l1C t liti II 1 htI'fl itt1r h d 11 110 : i1 -- YI ii' 'IC' l ; i IT t .l '.d1 250 North Lowder Street ~ 259-5700 V. Todd Funeral Services l---- ^M--- ^^^^^--^--..^^ i--- . U *PII BACK FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY $3.00 Lunch Special Monday Friday 11:00 am -4:00 pm Choice of Popcorn Shrimp, Clams or Fish. Served with fries, coleslaw and hushpuppies ALL YOU C Sunday & Monday.. Tuesday & Wednesd Thursday.................. Reorders Gift Certific Har RENTALS OR SALES : i Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? ,1* 2Z* Iron Filters and Conditioners , Water Treatment " Free Water Tests~- SWell & Pump Supplies Fabulous Footworli Inc. Dance Studioq*.-. : Dance Apparel * Cainmioflage, sizes 0-3 m ifren Open House and Registration November 27 December 1 Monday Friday 2:00 pm 8:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am 12:00 pm Classes begin December 4 A ~Offering Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, and Country Line Dance orc 259-1818 Located in Glen St. Mary across from Mercantile Bank. kibii adiamemL-m)5W KIDS NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT One free kids basket and drink with the purchase of one adult dinner. 'AN EAT 2:00 pm 8:00 pm .........Snow Crab Legs.........$22.95 day........Shrimp..................$13.95 ............Fish....................... $10.95 are allowed until closed. ;ates Available Jacksonville's LARGEST Furniture Store Under One Roof. , 60,1)00J sq. ft. of Show room filled with IHome Furnishings and Accessories. All In stock & ready to take home. COME SEE FOR YOURSELF! HAPPY HOLIDAY'S! _'" SPECIALIZING Living Rooms Bedrooms Kid's Bedrooms Dining Rooms ;,: Home Office - + Wall Units Gifts Accessories .t I 'q a Decor Gifts Name Brands Like.. Broyhill Hooker AICO Bradington Young England Winners Only Hickory Hill Jaclyn Smith Riverside Standard Collezione Serla Best Chairs Universal Gifts & Accessories Plus More! G HIGHEST QUALITY WITH THE LOWEST PRICES 239 Jones Rd. Circle Furniture Call For Directions 904-781-1079 Op n on y W n (-'IT Id r dIUyItrd, lurei, dI cII1 S Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 10-5:30, Sunday 1-5:30, Closed Tuesdays. I V 1 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 8 social Ms. Lancaster and Mr. Dekle Spring wedding Mr. and Mrs. Mark (Nikki) Lancaster of Macclenny an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marca Nicole Lancast- er to Paul Peyton Dekle of Jack- sonville. Paul is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William (Iva) Dekle of Jacksonville. The bride-elect is a. 2001 graduate of Baker County High School and a graduate of Mercer University in N lacon, Ga. where she received a Bachelor of Sci- ence in Business Administra- tion. She is currently employed by the Baker County School Board. Paul is a 1995 graduate of First Coast High School in Jack- sonville. He completed a 5 year internship with Johnson Con- trols, Inc. and is currently em- ployed with them as a project superintendent in Jack son\ ille. n The couple \\ill be married on April 28, 2007 at the Mac- clenny Church of God i ith a re- ception following at the Mathi- House in Glen. Tommy Lee Brill Rollins VII Rollins .brother Rev. Tommy and Marissa Rollins of Olustee are pleased to announce a new arrival to the Rollins family. Tommy Lee Brill Rollins VII was born on October 28, 2006 at Orange Park Medical Center. He weighed seven pounds and was 19 inches long. DINKINS NEW CONGIEC4ATIONA4L ?\ET11ODIS'T' CHURCH .( 1 I N of Sartder-i, sundA 51hool rin nj _'JuB~dd 5th'cr.- ln I, -I;l') ,-111 \i'd, Niqht S'crvi /. 'in m Where Everyone is Somebody and Jesus is the Leader I-.\f IQ ,().L AtD.' k),'I Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST : 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am 11:00 am Worship Services 1I I :1 :1 ni S. \\ed. Bibkl Srudv ... .( I pn .: ,i .llinislei S -' Sam F. Kitching Hosts ofTroop Talk speakers at meeting Captain Tripp Ballard and Leah Lett, hosts of Troop Talk, Voice of the Troops, will speak at the Rotary Club meeting on December 6 at noon at the Macclenny Church of Christ. Troop Talk radio brings the soldier's story front and center through engaging live interviews with military members who have served and continue to serve. NOVEMBER 30 DECEMBER 1 7:00 pm nightly Sanderson Christian Revival Center CR 229 South, Sanderson, 904-27JESUS %,,5'Bke9Cunyl%,,5%cleDy S %5Pn6 r Tpeai.,I Blaine Grayson Thomas Baby boy Thomas John Thomas and Lindsey Stuart are pleased to announce the birth.of their son Blaine Grayson Thomas. He was born on November 10, 2006 and weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 202 inches long. He joins his big sister Bailey. Maternal grandparents are Melissa and Steve Adams of Macclenny and George Stuart Jr of Lake City. Paternal grandpar- ents are Melissa and John McIn- tosh of St. George, Ga. and John and Kay Thomas of Bryceville., Blaine's great-grandparents are Joe and Evelyn Barber of Mac- clenny, George and Fay Stuart of Lake City and Ray and Lena Thomas of Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 11 wedding Daniel Davis and Andrea Griffis were married on Novem- ber 11, 2006 at Jekyll Island, Ga. They will host a reception at their home at 423 McIver St. on Saturday, December 2, 2006 at 4:30 pm. All friends and family are welcome. January 5 Application Deadline December 22 Tiny Miss Baker County/ Tiny Miss Macelenny/ Tiny Miss Glen St. Mary 3-5 years of age L iile Mi-s Baker County/ Little Miss Macclenny/ Little Miss Glen St. Mary 6-8 years of age Jr. Miss Baker County/ Jr. Miss Macclenny/ Jr. Miss Glen St. Mary 9-13 years of age Miss Baker County Teen/ Miss Macelenny Teen / Miss Glen St. Mary Teen 14-16 years of age Miss Baker County/ Miss Macclenny/ Miss Glen St. Mary 17-19 years of age For more information please call Tami Yarborough at 904-259-4407 For applications go by your local Radio Shack and pick them up! ATTORNEY David P. Dearing former Baker County Prosecutor SERIOUS INJURIES CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF ANOTHER AND CRIMINAL DEFENSE Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are 1absohlte/l' free. I \ ,] ,1 . !'l ',r ...1 .. ; ,i !.' .'. .'. .,. ", ].*, .... .-on ,1' /:C. e .c H,;i .. w '',I .'.. I' *: I!. *. TheRod o alar Cornr ofMadson Stodar GlenSt.Mar Pasor Tmm* Adeso ).oQ 5, -' C..b Franklin Merchantile The Hair Factory' Megacropolis The Ivy Cottage And for a special treat before or after sour shopping., isit A-Muse to make your reservation for their Four Course Candlelight dinner. Reservation times are 6:00 pm or 7:30 pin. Even FridaN in December For information or resertalions call 259-10620 Or for a more casual dinning experience drop into Calendars Open until 10:00 pm For more information call 2590-5040 S- 'SPRIN *.. .' N L .. ... . . REGISTER NO W! SPRING 2007 CLASSESt4 SLUAKE CITY EOMMUIINIY COLLEi E Open Registration Nov. 7-Dec. 14 8 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Mon.-Thu. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.- Fri. Dec.15 8 a.m.-3 p.m.fe ts(all fees due by 3 p.m.) 8 a.m.-3 p.m. S* ^: (Fees are due by 3 p.m. each day) irr For more information: I; I" "fl" ,lbt'" 'm.d .-. .~. -.4...-.' (.5601 /.D 'f"gj~~f 2 5fl sp rin sjp I <^- *.*A/} ^&^ J^ One of the few professionals still making house calls. Matthew Putney is one of 10,247 Edward Jones investment representatives serving individual investors in 50 states. Today, we have more branch offices than any other brokerage firm in the country, and we serve more than 6 million individual investors nationwide. Matt is anxious to put his expertise and the extensive resources of Edward Jones to work for you. He'll, meet with you at home or at any other convenient location that suits your needs. Call Matthew Putney 0oday. 259-6400 i -'" d,, .,ri. ,,,.m . Member SIPC Edwardjones Serving Individual Investors Since 1871 You're invited to Macclenny's 2nd Annual Candlelight Shopping These businesses will be open each Friday in December until 8:00 pm for your shopping pleasure. '': '. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 9 ituaories '- Faith Hickman, 49, dies November 22nd Faith Hickman, 49, of Mac- clenny died November 22,2006. She was born July 29, 1957 in Jacksonville and remained there until moving to Macclenny three H ars ago. Faith was a me . ber of the King don Wiltnes se and loved her friends. especially children. Shewaspre-d Ms Hickman deceased by her father Robert Edward Methvin Sr. and brother Theron Methvin. Survivor's include her mother Gloria Methvin, of Glen St. Mary; children Heather Lydia McQueen of Jacksonville,a Calin Edward :McQueen. of Jacksonville and Brandy Nicole Walker of lfiddleburg, brother Robert Edward Methvin Jr. of Glen St. Mary;: sisters Gail Lynn Weber of Jacksonville and Donna Kay George of Daytona Beach; grandchild Michael Keith Walk- er. A memorial service will be held Saturday, December 2, 2006 at 1:00 pm in the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services, Macclenny with Predeska Brown officiating. Shirley HJohns, 69, a native of Georgia Shirley Hazel Johns, 69, of Macclenny died Sunday, No- vember 19. 2006 at Shands Jacksonville. Shirley was born June 26, 1937 in Fitzgerald, Ga. to the late Alan and Ava Lewis. She lived in Baker County since 1957. She enjoyed fishing and riding motorcycles.. Survivors include her lov- ing husband of 49 years, Mar- vin James Johns of Macclen- ny; children Marie A Ninimger of Jacksonville and Michael D. (Cassandra) Johns of Law- renceville, Ga.; grandchildren. Jamal Nowrozi of Macclen- ny, Ann and David Johns of Lawrenceville. The funeral service was held Wednesday, November 22,2006 in the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services, Macclenny. < First UnitedJ Methodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm \John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 1 259-4461 llacclennv, FL Pastor Tim Cheshire Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Everiinr Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm Jesus answered, Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enler into the king- dom ol God." John 3 5 Blanch Norman funeral Tuesday Blanch Louise Norman, 49, of Glen St. Mary died at her home on Friday, November 17, 2006. Mrs. Norman was born September 8,1957 in New Lon- don, Con- to the late Levi Wayne and A ar Flo John- son Tillis. She lived in Baker County for 25 years. Blanch ,,as 1.i,, a member :. of Taylor Ms.Norman Church. She enjoyed fishing, arts and crafts and w4a talented seam- stress. Most of all. Blanch was a loving and caring person. She. is predeceased by her brother Charles Tillis. Surivors include her loving husband of 31 years, Daryl W'ay ine Norman Sr. of Glen St. Mary; children Beth (Derek) Manning and Daryl Wayne (Christina) Norman, both of Glen St. Mary and Debbie (Dougie) Mobley of St. George, Ga.; brothers Michael DeHart and Jerry Norman, both of Glen St. Mary, Marlin Tillis of Middleburg and Arthur Tillis of New Hampshire; sisters Zola Norman, Lorraine DeHart and Angie Holloman, all of Glen St. Mary; two grandchildren. The funeral service was held November 21, 2006 at Taylor Church with Pastor Jim Cox officiating. The arrangements were under the direction of V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services. Family grateful The family s of Ann Davis would like to thank everyone who kept Ann in their prayers this past year through her long hard battle with heart compli- cations. There were so many of you to thank and we would never want to leave anyone out, so for everyone who has been down this long road with us, with much sincere appreciation, ers or just had a simple word of peace for the family after Ann died. Most of all we are thank- ful for the prayers that went up on our behalf. We would like to thank Revs. Oral Lyons, Bob- by Griffin and Justin Griffis for the beautiful service that gave our family so much peace. We would also like to thank Man- dy Clevenger, Diane Conner and Guerry Funeral Home for a wonderful job. Please continue to pray for our family for we have a long, hard road ahead of us that only with the help of the Lord we will make. May God bless each one of you. - PETE AND BOYS, MICHELLE & FAMILY, ROBERT AND MEAGAN, CHRIS & FAMILY, DUANE & FAMILY, SHIRLEY & WILMER ATWELL & FAMILY Deepest gratitude The family of Michael Shane Crawford would like to express its deepest gratitude to all those who helped us through this diffi- cult time. Your food, cards, calls, prayers and support are very much appreciated. JuanM. Smith, 42, dies November25th Juan Mascus Smith, 42, of Maxville died Noveinber 25,. 2006. He was born on January 28, 1964 in Jacksonville to the late Henry Leroy and Jeanette Sercyrcy Smith.' Mr. Smith was a resident of Maxville the past 22 a member of the Clay Hill Baptist Church. collecting eag es, Mr. Smith fishing, and spending time with his family. f Survivors include his wife of ?l years, Tammy Waters Smith of Maxville; children Destinie Nichole Srnith and Lacie Danielle Smith, both of Max\ille, brother Donnie Smith of Nliddleburg; sisters Linda Sweat of Boulogne, Fla. and Mildred Spencer of Atlanta, Ga. The funeral seri ice was held No\ember 28, 2006 at the Macclenny Church of God with PastorRick Crews of Clay Hill Baptist Church officiating. Interment followed at Long Branch Cemetery,. Maxville. Arrangements N'ere under the direction of V. Todd Ferreira, Funeral Services of Macclenny. Hear felt thanks The family of Johnny Craw- ford extends its heartfelt thanks for every expression oflove and comfort during our time of sor- row. We gratefully acknowledge Pas- tors Leslie, David and Timmy Thomas for the wonderful words of comfort. Our gratitude to the staff of Macclenny Nursing and Rehab for their care during the final months of Dad's life. Thank you to our church families, Chris- tian Fellowship Temple and Glen Baptist, for your prayers,.support, and the delicious meals. Also, thanks to the Baker and Charlton County sheriff's offices for hon- oring us during the procession. Mlay God bless each one wiiho touched our lives during this dif- ficult time. In Loving Memory of Blanch Norman Life Does Not End Here You passed from this life .,o On angel wings' that unfold, You've moved to the kingdom Of years past, . untold. The day that you". G left us, You felt no great pain, Endless tears that were shed, Were of love, not in vain. In hearts deeply you're missed, Indeed a great deal. Ever thought of so much, Time alone now can heal. Somewhere up in Heaven For certain you'll be,- You've gone to meet Jesus,. Yet to pray now for me. DARYL AND ALL YOUR CHILDREN Family grateful The family of Blanch Nor- man would like to thank every- one for the prayers, cards, flow- ers and food that were sent to us We would like to especially thank Taylor Church and Sand- erson C.H. Church, Hospice for all the loving help and V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services for the excellent service. Extra thanks to Bros. Mark Woods and Jim Cox for a beautiful homegoing celebration. May God bless you Daryl Norman and Family An account has been established at Vystar to benefit the young family of Shane Crawford, who was killed in Jacksonville by an unknown assailant. The account number is 0702671011 Mrs. Ullmann, retired librarian Evelyn Genivera Roberts Ull- mann, 72, of Macclenny died early on November 22, 2006 at Macclenny Nursing and Rehab Center following an extended illness. A.native of Mango, Fla, Mrs. Ullmann was the daughter of the late Millard and Thelma Lindsey Roberts and was raised in Lake City. .She received a bachelor's degree from Abilene Christian College and taught first grade at Melrose Park Elementary School for many years. She also earned a master's degree in library sci- ence from the University of South Florida and took a position as librarian at Mt. Dora Christian School. Following her retirement, Mrs. Ullmann relocated to Macclenny where she lived for the past de- cade. She was an avid reader and Sunday School teacher, and loved to sing. plaN the piano, gro\ flow- ers and collect miniatures. Mrs; Ullmann is survived by sons Gerald of Jacksonville and Lorin (Christie) of Austin, Tex- as; daughter Lori Lincoln of Fort Pierce,. Florida; sisters Meredith (Jack) Leckie of Palm Coast, Florida and Gwendolyn (Jack) Brogden of Homosassa, Florida; brothers Lindsey "Red" (Susie) of Lake City, Joe (Lizann) of Sa- vannah, Ga., Ron (Pam) of Jack- sonville and Don (Linda) Roberts of Tampa: and 4 grandchildren. The graveside funeral service was held November 25,2006 at the Midway Church of Christ Cemetery in Bell, Fla. The ar- rangements were under the direc- tion of the Dees Family Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Lake City. Family thankful God called our cherished Ro- bert Karry "Bobby" Balkcom home August 15, 2006. You didn't go alone for we went with you. Our family chain is broken as nothing seems the same. The chain will link again soon. God saw you were tired, so He put His arms around you and whis- pered before your tragic accident and said. "It's time you "come with me." He made a golden heart stop beating, hard-work- ing hands to rest. God broke our hearts to prove he only takes the best. A special thanks to V. Todd Ferreria and -staff, May White, Gail Kirkland, Tonya and David Godwin, Mandy Clevenger, Joey Dobson, hundreds of families, Christian Fellowship Temple, Kingsley Tharpe,Jimmy Johnson, St. Johns Police Academy, W.W. Gay and Bro. David Thomas. Please keep our family in your prayers as we need the strength to be able to put our family back together. The family of Bobby Balkeom Janet, Bill & David Boggs, Karen,, Jarred, Kameron & Kristyn Carter Thanks so much The family of Emery Albert Kirkland would like to thank ev- eryone for the love and support during his illness and our sad loss. Our family, friends, church Family andHospice were of great support and comfort 'through it all. A special thank you to V. Todd Ferreira for a lovely ser- vice. A wonderful husband, dad- dy, father-in-law and papa will be in our hearts forever. ANNIE LOU KIRKLAND BRUCE (NANCY) KIRKLAND RHONDA (RODNEY) PAGE KENT (JACKI) KIRKLAND Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church Elder Arnold Johns Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For information call: 259-9567 St. Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am 23-A to Lauramdre Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary W.JXR, Radio Service Sunday .... 8:30 am Morning Worship Service...... 10:30 am Children's Church........... 11:30 am Evangelistic .................. 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed)............. 730 pm Rev. Albert Starling *Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 Sunda rnin Worship 10:15 am . ud Fifth v. & !Worship 59-69031 Su rtal n rell ,First Baptist ChurchPastor: GLe F t ARY, FLOR IDPaul al S Shol :30 Sunday School 9:45 AM ,,.S a MoSundayrnin Morning Worship 10:15 am Thursday 1ouh 7:00 AM Sunday Evening Worunday Eehip Worship 6:00:00 pmPM Sr Wednesday Prayerll Meeting 7:00 PM ,f ,, "' Loring Church with a Crowing Vision of Excellence" ;' i Sppe ial Blff ins' Sc'h,,, Readiness Crnlte 2'*'))il ), First Baptist Church GLEN$ST;. ARY, FLORIDA '-" '" "',,,, ,, Sunday School 9:45 AM --/ a tk cerLui.\ Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM .o ^*HlSunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM 1^ & Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM l 259-6977 Dr. Walter Bennett, Interim Sr. Pastor Perry Hays, Associate Pastor CHRISTIAN F FELLOWSHIP L"i TEMPLE Senior Pastor Independent Pentecostal Church David Thomas 2594940 Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny Sunday School 10:1 Sunday Morning Worship 11:1 Sunday Evening Worship 6:( Wednesday Night Service 7:( Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday 9: Youth Programs Sunday School Common Ground Sunday Common Ground Wed. (Teens) God Kids Sunday God Kids Wednesday 10:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm 11:00 am 7:00 pm Associate Pastor Tim Thomas 2594575 00 am 00 am 00 pm 00 pm 15 am Youth Pastor Gday Crimmmey www.christianfellowshiptemple.com G Guerry Funeral Home Is your favorite funeral director a salesman or a caregiver? Caregivers are not concerned with selling expensive caskets and expensive burial vaults. Caregivers make suggestions to keep funeral costs reasonable. Guerry Funeral Home's reputation was built on caring for your family. 420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East) 259-2211 2659 S.W. AM.in Blvd. (U.S. 41 South) Lake City (386) 752-2414 Bill Guerry and Bryan Guerry, Funeral Directors Larry Williams, Office Administrator All donations are greatly appreciated. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 10 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Rea tat Cl~ssl TA.B.E. test The Test for Adult Basic Edu- cation (T.A.B.E.) will be given Friday, December 1 at 9:00 am at the Family Service Center adjacent to Keller Intermediate School. Registration is prompt- ly at 9:00. Those arriving late will not be admitted. For more information, call 259-4110 or. 259-0403. Blood drive Dec. 10 The Florida/Georgia Blood Alliance will have a mobile unit at Taylor Church on Sunday, De- cember 10 from 9:30 am-l:00 pm. For more information on this blood drive, please call Tay- lor Church at 259-7324 ext. 221 or the FL/GA Blood Alliance at 353-8263. *i rr 10 acres (3 cleared) and 2003 like-new 4/2 doublewide with 1643 sq. 15781 Turner Cemetery Rd. I100,00O. loned single famHily. all(904) 073-7088 Motivated seller! Driver WE'RE BRINGING JOBS TO YOU! CRST Van Expedited is hiring Truck Drivers in YOUR area. No Experience? No Training? We offer Company Sponsored Training, Day one Benefits and Guaranteed Hometime. Start Your New Career With Us Today! Call for more details. 800-913-2778 www.driveforcrst.com In Just 71 Days... You can have the skills You need to get a job as a DentalAssistant 10 week course, Saturday only Tuition $2,450 Payment plans call Christi @ Jacksonville Dental Assistant School For info packet 904-398-3401 Next class starts: March 3,2007 Reg. by FL Commission for Independent Education U CITIZENS OF MACCLENNY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE at the regular meet- ing of the City Council on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, 118 East Mac- clenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, the City of Macclenny will consider the below Ordinance for first reading: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO REZONING; PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN LANDS IN THE CITY OF MACCLENNY; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A VOLUNTARY REZONING REQUEST FROM CATINA WIDEMOND JONES AND CLARENCE 0. JONES ON PARCEL 32-2S- 22-0007-0002-0080; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A complete legal description of metes and bounds and the Ordinance can be obtained from the office of the City Clerk. Lost chocolate/ tan small male chihuahua. Debarked. Neutered. 7 yrs old. Please call 904-307-8146 or 251-5451 Lost companion. Missed dearly. Lost at Normandy and Lane Ave. IZI?8 R12?1 ofkMaccldenly *259-48Z8 ,B* IMi.MI. r H pm g, eillnrTF- p y UU17 Luxurious Country Living! 4BR/2BA dream home on 5 acres. This home is vour dream home with 12' ceilings, real oak floors, heated in-ground pool and Jacuzzi. Seller will pay for a 1 year home warranty. Gorgeous landscaped lawn with the awesome floor plan to make this your home for life. Room for horses if you want to live in luxury, and have the country life. This home has too many items to mention, you MUST see it to believe it!!! MAC-030 $474,900 Anyone having an interest in the first reading of this Ordinance is invited to attend the meeting. Great neighborhood in Macclenny this handsome 3/2 1547 SF home has a 2 car garage plus storage. Nice yards with fenced back yard and sprinkler system. Wired for sound. $175,900 CLASSIC WARM 3/2 BRICK HOME In established Dm' 2298 SF, large screened ('9 1= BL'arge kitchen wit . On 2 city lots with back yard fenced! $195,900 COUNTRY ESTATE IN CITY 2500 SF 4BR/3BA house., Completely remodeled and updated! New Kitchen-Aid appliances. New wiring, plumbing and air conditioning! Stone and wood flooring, vinyl board fence, Two new electric fireplaces! REDUCED- $279,900 New Listings Added Dailj Please visit our website at www.cbisaacrealty.co Macclenny Treasure! This gorgeous 3BR/2BA 1939 SF home has a 4th room that could be a den or an office. Large eat in kitchen with oak cabinets, formal dining room, arches in walkway, master bath has jet tub for relax- ing evening baths and your yard is easily maintained with the sprinkler system. MAC-028 $279,000 St. Mary's River Bluff on the river 3BR/2BA home. Asking $187,000 BRING ALL OFFERS MAC/WH-043 St. George, GA, 15.5 miles north of Fl/GA border. 2/1 home with ih in 1111 7 ilr2,u- .icrre. Hinie i l l s with plenty of room to grow and the added bonus of nature at its finest. Seller to pay $2,000 towards closing and $750 bonus to selling agent!! $84,500 MAC-023 St. Mary's River Bluff, off river, brand new 2006 3BR/2BA DW/MH on 1.25 acres, never been lived in. $132,500 MAC-017 Macclenny 3/2 home on 1 acre with great open floor plan. $274,000 MAC-021 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY St. George, GA, 27.5 acre chicken houses (egg laying cooler, equipment barn 1566 SF brick home with garage. Barns not currentl.I duction, but have source fo manager. MAC-029 $295,000 10.01 acres just off paved US 90. Don't worry about rainy days, you're just off the paved road. Owner wil $2,000 towards closing and $750 bonus it selhnig a PRICE REDUCED!! $1-,900 - Macclenny Convenience store, no gas pumps, but gi potential with added fuel system to serve large truck $350,000 Macclenny 1.18 acres with 3/2 DW/MH adjoining al store to live in or use extra acreage to have i large fu area. $224,900 y-- m1" Y! es with g), egg plus a a 2 car in pro- or farm those Spay gent!! MAC-025 great s. , MAC-008 above fueling MAC-009 )OD ren can PERFECT FOR LARGE FAMILY! Spacious 4 BR, 2 BA 2005 Fleetwood doublewide MH, 1917 SF on 1.2 acres. Large living area and kitchen. $109,900 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with building. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305,000 Excellent Business Loc 1.25 acres with 320 feet way frontage on busy North. Zoned Comm neighborhood. $419,000 Exc. East acres. IP II action! hinh_ 3/2 SW and 2 story home on 1.21 a i in the mobile mplete the house. REDUCED $99,500 3 lots in Glen St. Mary, 75x130. $55,000 each "'O"' 1999 14x70 mobile home with lercial chainlink fenced yard. 2 BR, 2 BA with a garden tub and sepa- r lot. rate shower in master bath. o, .92 Close to city. $79,900 walk to school. 1560 SF $159,900 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY- Brick home & two additional lots to build on in excellent location for convenience to 1-10 and shopping. Remodeled with new kitchen, stove & refrigerator, All 3 for $189,900 CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent corner lot location! Beverage License is available! Richard's Grocery & Meat Market, 386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny $389,000- Owner will stay on to train you for 6 months. ER LS Macclenny Realty Inc. _ Wayne Combs, Licensed Real Estate Broker ** We can show and sell all listings! - Anne Kitching, Realtor, 962-8064 Wendy Smith, Realtor, 710-0528 ** Tina Melvin, Realtor, 233-2743 cell. 61 JC2I2 s-ri' f~DC) 'ii C press Po~tC r * . ,... ; Lot 51 Arlington B ...-... 1.3 75 ,: 1 -' i'a* t (} 3 S -Model Hours: Mon. 11-7 oi 904) 653-174 Tues., Wed., & Sat. 10-7 rn ,nLni ty .and MocI- 1-0 Cwe.,st. no. ih o' 3R 228 Sun. 11-5 ,. -- g2 ~~ L L [ ,': .. ..- Lot 17 Sunbury G - ,,-'.'- ':l f t ' $2'Ci 2 :00 Lot 49 Cumberland A S,o'?7 .. It 4 c "'.,-,: :r: r l',_Il, l ., ,.*r-i71 ri,3 3 h''i"'-' ::. -I, nh L oL 16 -, Chesapeake C 11 C' ..luriur uc .tnolPorch RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes *Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811470 r J rTi ' Classified ads and notices must be. paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accom- panied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run without notification of error, by the person or agency for whom it,was published, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County, Press reserves the -ight to refuse advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the publisher does not meet standards of publica- tion. V V V2 carat diamond. brilliant, qual- ity European cut, set in man's mount with two .10 diamonds, just in time for Christmas, will sacrifice for $1500. Serious inquires only. 904-229-3457 leave name & number. 11/23-30p "American" youth saddle, 14", dark oil, great condition, $250. 912-843- 2098. 11/23-12/21 p Solid wood Futon bunkbed, twin on top, full size on bottom, great condi- tiorn, includes mattress, $200. 904- 626-6201. 11/23-30p Washers/Dryers ,$150 set, will sepa- rate; refrigerator & stove 90 day war-, ranty, free delivery and set up. 904 964-5266 anytime. 11/30-12/4p Dell Dimension L series computer, Pentium III, mouse, keyboard, 17 inch CRT monitor, printer, 56K modem, CD ROM, floppy drive, Zip drive, 7.5 GB HD, Windows 98. $150. 259-3737. tfc Good used appliances. 90 day money , back guarantee. 266-4717.7/13-3/29p Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 11/2tfc King pillowtop, new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 11/2tfc Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc Various size pipe racks, $100 $150 each. 387-0176. 11/16-30p 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; 2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334- 6695. 10/5-11/30p Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904-858- 9350 11/2tfc 5 HP chipper/shredder $100; 4x8 util- ity trailer $200; truck bedliner, fits Toy- ota, $50; V2 HP pump $50. 259-7502. 11/30c Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mat- tress & boxsprings, retail $950, sac- rifice for $395, can deliver. 904-858- 9350. 11/2tfc Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Xbox & 5 games, $85; 19" TV, $25 or both for $100. 904-568-1691. 11/30p Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Buck Stove, cast iron, with blower, used as fireplace insert, New $1500, sell for $600, 259-3737 ask for Karin. 11/30tfc Homemade fruit cakes. New Life Ladies' Ministries has delicious fruit cakes available for your holiday needs. 5 lbs. $30, 3 lbs. $23, mini muffins - $8. Call 259-7373 or 259-6360. 1 .1/9-30c Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet, buffet, all mahogany, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc 2004 Yamaha Bear Tracker 4 wheeler. low hours garage kept, purchased newv 11.'04, $2700 OBO: Ashley couchIlo- veseat, burgundy, $125 OBO; glass coffee/2 end tables, $60 OBO; ladies diamond wedding ring, paid $4700, sell for $1600 OBO; ladies diamond cocktail ring, $400 OBO. 386-623-0866 or 904-497-2899. 11/23-30p, Weider Platinum XP800 crossbow, excellent condition, paid over $1000, asking $500 OBO. 904-289-9959. S11/30p Now through Christmas, The Franklin Mercantile will be open Thursday-Sat- urday. Friday evenings until 8:00 pm. 259-6040. 11/30-12/21 c ProForm 520X Treadmill, digital con- sole with time/incline/distance/laps/ speed/heart rate/calorie count manual programs/certified trainer program with 10 settings, plug in for computer, stereo or TV, originally $600, sell for $300. 259-4472. 11/30p 1989 Dodge Dakota, V6, automatic, A/C, $1500; 2001 Ford Ranger 4x4, ex-. tended cab. V6 automatic, A/C. $6500., 1'9 S510 4 ,4, extended cab, V6, auto- matic, A/C, $5000. 2002, 30 ft., 9 ton equipment trailer, 3 axle, $4500. 904- 838-2648. 11/30-12/21 p 1975 Dodge motor home, 30 ft., about 30,000 miles on V8 engine, about 85% restored, $6500. 571-0913. 11/30p 2001 Ford Ranger XLT, red, 4 cylin- der, 5 speed, A/C, CD player, power steering, new tires, runs great, 93,500 miles, $5795 OBO. 259-7856 after 5:00 pm. 11/2tfc 1994 Cavalier, approximately 50,000 miles on 4 cylinder, automatic, air/ heat, a nice little white car, $2100. 571- 0913. 11/30p Perfect Christmas present, 1996 Har- ley Davidson Sportster, many extras, great custom bike, $4150 OBO. 259- 8680. 11/30p 1997 Ford Escort, runs great, A/C, $1200 OBO. 704-5043. 11/30-12/4p 1986 Ford F150, low mileage, $1200 \OBO. 259-9742. 11/20-12/4p Tutoring provided in Math & Science, $20/hour, Call E.L. Carpenter at 259- 6518. 11/2tfc Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968. 4/22tfc We do small job land clearing, bush hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake, etc., also tree trimming & removal. 259-7968. 6/29tfc Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at Southern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc English/White English/Ugapei pup- pies, shots/wormed, POP, $550, cash only. 275-3079. 11/30p Happy Jack mange medicine pro- motes healing and hair growth to any mange or bare spot on dogs and hors- es without steroids. Glen Cash Store 259-2381. www.e-stitch.com. 11 16-12. 1p Boxer pups, CKC papers, health certifi- cate, $475 each. 904-422-4541. 11/2-12/7p 20+ registered quarter horses. Brood- mares, Winglins, Palominos, Buck- skins, Sorrels, etc. Cowbred. Jodi @ 904-266-4339. 11'9-12'28p Christmas puppies! 8 weeks on 12.20, Red/Blue Heelers, $250 each. 912-843- 2098. 11'23-12.21p Dogs: all types from Ipuppies to adulls. Animal Control, $50 boarding lees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc Free kitten to a good home, litterbox trained, very cute. 904-266-4013. 11/30p Blockhead Pitbull puppies, 10 weeks old, 2 males, 3 females, all shots & wormed, ready for Christmas, $60. 259-4898. 11/30p Beagle puppies, 9 weeks old, $150 each. 259-2900. 11/30c 19 month old quarterhorse filly & 7 month old quarterhorse colt, AQHA registration pending. 904-377-6348 or 259-9433. 11/20-12/4p Free to good home, 3 beautiful, playful kittens. 259-7502. 11/30c Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classi- fied advertising on subjects like work-at- home, weight loss products, health prod- ucts. While the newspaper uses reason- able discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents should use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other commitments based on statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. - The Baker County Press Subway now hiring for our new loca- tion inside the Supercenter, all shifts. Applications are only being accepted at WorkSource office. 11/30-12/9p Seeking the right person to handle front office duties at an established, busy office in Macclenny. You must have above average business and organizational skills, a proven ability to deal with the public in an accurate and pleasing manner. Salary commensu- rate with experience. Send resumes to c/o Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 11/16tfc Experienced painters needed. Must have tools, benefits after 90 days. 259- 5877. .12/30tfc Company specializing in erosion con- trol now hiring the following positions: Crew leaders, equipment operators., laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license a MUST. Fax resume to 904-275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE. Drug free workplace. 11/30p Part time w/full time potential. Looking for motivated, qualified per- son in Baker and surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references;to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc YARD SL TAG SAL Midtown Day Fla Market. Saturday, December 2, 7:30-noon. No fee. bring your own set up. Crafters, dealers or church groups welcome. Anyone interested in playing bluegrass or gos- pel for enjoyment, contact Kathleen at 904-994- 5595. Thursday. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?. 121 N. & 228 N. Friday 9:00 am-2:00 pm. 121 N. on left, nice things. Friday 9:00 am-?, 5466 Blue Hole Rd. Furni- ture. Christmas decorations, new & used merchandise. 1990 Buick Regal. 259-5345. Friday & Saturday 9:30 am-1:00 pm. Kaite Court next to Woodshed. Namebrand clothes, young women's small-med., teen boys med., men's large. Friday & Saturday 8:30 am-3:00 pm. 5454 Woodlawn Rd. Friday & Saturday 7:00 am-?. 11732 Faye Rd. Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm. 4504 Hickory St. Clothes girls 14/16, 10'-, 12' ). 14'-., luniors 3.4, women 18'20, toys, games, puz- zles,, books, knicks knacks, more. Saturday 7:00 am-noon. 630 W. Ohio Ave. 2 families. Saturday 8:00 am-?. CR 123 (Old Smokey Road), follow signs. Clothes, games, miscellaneous. 2 families. Saturday 8:00 am-?, 464 Ivy St. Clothes, books, TV. toys, furniture. Saturday 8.00 am-noon. 121 N. across from Macclenny Church of God. Multi-family. Florida Times Union early morning route in Macclenny and Sanderson. Must have dependable transportation, cash bond and telephone. Call 1-888- 810-4524. 11/23-30c Local home care agency looking for full time/part time Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. Contact' Linda at 259-3111. 5/25tfc Cleaning/maintenance person, must be able to operate floor machine, part- time, 20-25 hours week, immediate *opening, minimum wage. Macclenny Moose Lodge, call 259-6305 or 259- 2700, 9:00 am-1:00 pm. 11/30-12/7c A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time lawn mainte- nance worker with valid Florida drivers license. 259-7335. 3/23tfc .9 Class "A" Maintenance Mechanic needed for 3rd shift maintenance crew. Must have minimum 5 years experi- ence. Pay ranges from $17.43 plus a 26 cent shift differential pay. We are an equal opportunity employer and a drug free workplace. We offer 401k, health insurance, paid holidays & vacation: Apply at Gilman Building Products, CR 218, Maxville or fa, resume to 904- 289-7736. 1j1/23-12/14c Full time trim/punch out carpenter for loca! construction company Benefits and paid vacation included. Please call. 813-1580 weekdays only between 9:00 am 5:00 pm. 10/26tfc Avon Be a representative or be a per- sonal shopper, 50% off. 275-3215 or 1-866-665-2866. 11/23-30p Thrift hopee 889 S. Glen Ave. Hwy. 125, Glen St. Mary Open Monday thru Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm .*259-5773* - New and used items arriving daily * Clothes *Shoes *Furniture *Baby Items -Parts & Service available on all bikes we sell. Lay-A-Way Available ..owacepig is ad Maserar Florida Crown ,'/ Realty Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Josie Davis Mark Lancaster Juanice Padgett Andrew P. Smith Teresa Yarborough 799 S 6th St., MacclE it 259-6555 Fixer upper for hunter/fisherman. 1994 1296 SF 3 BR, 2 BA MH on 2.73 acres. Shed with camp kitch- en and sleeping area. Near Ocean Pond in Olustee. Needs a little work. $69,900 3 BR, 1 BA, vinyl siding, new roof on I acre. CH/A. $100,000. Tony Giyens Rd., Sanderson. Brick. 1632 SF. 3 BR, 2 BA, i;uge moidelin kitchen, large family 'r presidentiall or ,--f ice se Thi jI, a nice Reduced- Ten high and dry acres zoned for horses. Located 3 miles west of Glen St. Mary off of US 90. Good road front- age. Modular, manufactured and conventional homes wel- come Reduced to $159,900 New Listing- Peaceful setting on private lane. High and dry enny 22 acres with 1404 SF 1999 doublewide in good condition. m 3 BR, 2 BA split design. Nice screened porch. 2 miles north S l. .s of Glen St. Mary. Priced to sell $129,900 Commercial property- on US Hwy. 90 in Nice older MH completely renovated & Macclenny. Older home may be converted to busi- hew additions. 3 BR, 1 BA, FP, screen & ness space. Established flower shop offering world wide wire service. $445,000 open porch, abv. ground pool, privacy fence. Large storage buildings. .88 acre corner lot. Nearly new 2004 manufactured home. 984 SF,es. Reasonably priced at $89,900 Owner will Must see to appreciate. $209,000 consider financing with 20% down. OWNER FINANCING- Investment opportunity! Restaurant building and land across street from courthouse. The building is currently rented to a barbecue restaurant. This is a prime location (300 East Macclenny Avenue (US Hwy. 90). Near hospital, doctor offices, city/county offices and downtown business district. Plenty of parking on .6 acre with 129 front feet on US Hwy. 90 and approximately 205' on Third St. Sale includes building, land and equipment listed on original rental agreement. AFFORDABLY PRICED AT $265,000. Owner will finance with $65,000 down and balance at 7.75% for 15 years. The business name "Lyman Green's Bar-B-Que" is not included in the sale. 41 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 12 Car fanatics wanted. Learn to earn $2000-$5000 per month using your own car as a demo. Get started today. 904-813-8440. 11/30-12/14p TA Tavelcenter Town & Country Restaurant is looking for grave yard shift cooks, Tuesday-Saturday, full time, pay depending upon experience. Servers & dishwashers needed. Apply in person at 1024 US 301 S, exit 343 in Baldwin. 266-4281. 11/9-30c Earthmoving. Heavy equipment opera- tors, dozers, track hoes and off road dump trucks. Health benefits. EOE. Drug free workplace, email resume to radkins'.'comanco.com. Applications can be completed at www.comanco corn or call for applications at 813- 988-8829 ext. 117 Current locations: Folkston, GA. : 11/9-30p Now taking applications tor front desk. Must be able to work all 3 shifts. Apply in person 9:00 am-3:00 pm at Travelodge, 1651 S. 6th St., Macclenny. 11/23-30c Utility workers needed for EEO and drug free established company. We offer 401k,' nealthrdenlal insurance, paid holidays & vacations. $1 raise after 6 months. Apply in person at Gilmar Building Products, CR 218. Maxville. 11:23-30c Monday 5:00 p I Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based,on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimi- nation." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with pIrenit or legal custodians, pregnant women and peo- ple securing custody of children under 18. This' newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal cppcr- tunity basis. To complain of da' rirmiriation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the impaired is 1-800-927-'275. FSBO. 10 acres, several miles outside of Glen, 1/10 mile otff Hwy 90, nice property, prime location, restricted to homes, fiorses allowed. $135.000. 259-3878. 11/30tfc 75x125 lot in Glen St Mary, $29.000 Call 904-838-0035. 11.'23tIc 1997 doublewide on 2.71 acres, pole barn, shed fenced pond May consider lease option, $105,000 904--4 7-8995. 11/'23-30p WHITEHEAD BROS.JNC LAKE CITY LOGISTICS NEW RAISE IN PAY Over the road drivers needed. New trucks x% ith ThermoKing APU's, I St00t an in\ ereis, top of the line, leather seats. walk-in condo sleepers,. and ne\I air-ride front suspension fora smoother ride than .Nou ha\e ever experienced Home several nights most weeks as we have a good mixture of regional and over the road. Home most weekends Personalized dispatching that comes forn onl) dispatching 25 trucks locally. .Earn up to 30'- of revenue immediately. NO WAITING!!! Ne"\ increased layover pay. Up to $100 00 per da\. 2 weeks Vacation. $1200.00 per ;-ear Safers Bonu.. Driver of the Ye.ir bonus. Driver recruitment bonus. Medical and dental insurance Need 2 \ears experience CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE 904-368-0777 or 888-919-8898 8/24tfc Commercial property zoned IH, 2000 FSBO. 3 acres, +/- with well and septic SF house/office on .7 acres, fenced tank in North Baker County, can set 2 with 2 outbuildings (1) 20x10, (1) mobile home on property, $58,000. 30x30. 7185 Beaver St, $250,000 OBO. 259-3457. 11/30p Bobbv Gatlina at 616-7075. 11/9-30p Elegant entrance brick home. 4 BR, 2 BA, 2400 SF heated, 13' ceilings, great room, living room, dining room, break- fast area, kitchen w/white cabinets, both bathrooms w/jacuzzi, master BA/walk-in shower, security system, surround sound in great room, large sunroom next to a screened inground pool. Brand new 13 seer, high efficien- cy heat pump. Sprinkler system, beau- tiful landscaping. 2 room detached garage w/,'12' aluminum lean to and a fenced'area. All on 1 acre which has an underground petsafe invisible fence. Wonderful neighborhood. Great loca- tion. Serious inquires only. $380,000. 259-4602 or 259-6546 or 219-2842. FSBO. Copper Creek Hills, Unit III, lot for $55,000. Call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 10/26tfc 1/2 acre, rare to find in Glen St. Mary, high & dry, .close to high school & ten-' nis courts, mobile homes OK, $42 900. 904-219-0480. 10/12tfc 1.28 acre lot with well & septic.off Woodlawn Rd., $40,000. Please call: 904-813-3091. 10/12tfc 1 acre lot, located in Macclenny III, dry, $75,000. 259-7549. 11/30-12/4p FSBO. 3 BR, 1 BA mobile home, sun room, carport, garage, storage shed at River Park East, south of Welaka with deeded river access to St. Johns.River in River Park West Boat Club/Marina, $58,000. 259-3457. 11/30p Ocala National Forest lots, $500 down, $199 month. Owner 352-624- 2215 or. 352-236-4579 www.ocalafor- estland.com/2nd. 10/19-12/28p FSBO. Copper Creek Hills, Unit III, 1 large lot, $60,000. Please call 259- 3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 10/26tfc S S S BRICK ROOMY READY- All brick, tolling hills. 1896sf, new metal roof & windows. Upgraded baths Home warranty. MLS#339016, S185,000 BRICK BEAUTY 3BR/2.5BA in great area w/2 car garage & detached workshop. Close tol -10 & has tons of extras. MLS#318595 5229,000 VACANT LAND 40 acres of land for development. South of Sanderson in Baker County. Great investment property. MLS# 329000, 5600,000 53 ACRE FARM In Glen St. Mary. Set up with Elec'Well'Septic SSystem'Fenced'2 ponds waiting for your finishing touches. MLS#30?155, '5725.000 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 3 duple>es-6 total unns-2 units have 2BR/ 2BA, 4 units have 2BR/1IBA. Excellent location. MLSM294791, $480,000 WILL NOT LAST Home is on a corner lot. Split bedrooms, open floor plan, formal living & dining rooms MLS9334893, 5209 750 COUNTRY IN THE CITY 2005 All brick 1800sf home on 2.04 acres plus rental home. MLSH334675, 5475,000 1395 Chaffee Road S South, Jacksonville kh .-904.772.9800 WaLmon Reill (:oq) Rp I'.1 'O RS -- ;,. *v -,. y'a .-2k.aiaj^T , IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA home on .31 acres. Open floorplan, big backyard, screen porch, privacy fence. MILSf333101, 5215,000 READY TO BUILD 3 acres ready for mobile home or build to suit. MLS#333770 $60,000 CUTE STARTER Home has a fireplace. Split floor plan, nice size kitchen. MLS#334915, 5162,438 MOVE IN READY 3BR/1BA home with over 1500sf. Oversized 2 car garage, central heat & air only 2 years old. MLSt 335408, 5142,000 CUTE STARTER 3BR/1BA starter on a large lot. Close to everything. Needs a linle work. MLS#336391, S75,000 LOG HOME 4BR/2BA with 2136s[. Family room w/stone fireplace. Island kitchen, 30x40 garage w/ workshop. All on 1.49 acres. ML5#321049, 5S312,000 COUNTRY LIVING-28.54 acres on paved road frontage. Can be split in minimum 7.5 acres. MLS#317891, S642,150 HORSES WELCOME Gorgeous 4BRi3BA 2480sfon 5.14 acres.4 stall barn w/teed & tack room. Fenced. In desirable area. MLSI31 3581, 5387,000 EAGLES HAMMOCK- Beautiful 4BR/2.5BA has loft upstairs, located ,on preserve lot. Many upgrades MLS#331592, $311,550 BAKER COUNTY -7.5acres, private shady lot. Partially cleared with paved road frontage. Already split into 2 parcels. MLS5312559, 5139,900 VACANT LAND 12 acres w/ll acre cleared. Well, electric, telephone, covered carport. 5"" wheel included. MLSl320255. S158,000 . AN ABSOLUTE GEM 3BR/1BA home totally renovated Ready for immediate sale and move-in. MLS5334825, $93,000 BEAUTIFUL LOCATION 4.75 acres in beautiful Old Nursery Plamation. Cleared & fenced ready to build your home. MLSs333422, S159,900 * ... IT? A & R ROOFING. INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson '6/1tfc MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259-2255 CBC060014' 3/14tfc COASTAL CLEANING OPTIONS "One call cleans all" We clean: windows, gutter, mini-blinds (wash n' wax), pressure washing & much more. Janitorial office cleaning 904-813-8016 11/2-12/14p HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured 259-0893 Lic. #ET11000707 Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RAI13067194 4/21 tfc THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads & much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 ftc JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 4/6tfc WELL DRILLING 2" and 4' wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 4/3tfc BUSY FINGERS TRANSCRIPTION Word processing Transcription Brochures Booklets Flyers 20 years experience 334-4620, 11,23-1.'14o APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances* . 24 hour, 7 day emergency service! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/1tfc CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor, Land clearing We sell dirt-& slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Dirt starting at $85/load Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094' CU-C057126 3/16-3/1/07p GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner 11/16tfc RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL' CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p DEREK CRAWFORD TRUCKING AND LANDCLEARING Fill dirt Slag fishponds 318-5187 318-4119 Licensed & insured 11/16-12/7P KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS. We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy), Fall & winter hours ,Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 2:00 pm' 259-5222 (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc SANDS TRUCKING Fill dirt-~ Millings Slag Concrete washout Land clearing Fish ponds Road built, Houses/buildings demo Inground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc HURST PRESSURE WASHING No job too big or too small Houses Mobile homes Decks Sidewalks Carports Sheds Licensed References available Call for free estimates 591-2631 11/23-30p AMERICAN METAL FABRICATION, INC. (previously Daniel Metalworks) Specializing in stainless steel, aluminum, steel & sheet metal 259-3754 11/ -inn ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service WATER TESTING -Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~ Financing available ~ JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc NOBLITT'S HOME INSPECTIONS, INC. NHC, FHIA & NACHI Cenitied Serving North Florida and South Georgia 259-5342 259-5416 fax 10/12-11/30p KC EARTHMOVERS Road construction Clearing ~ Excavation Aggregate Equipment Hauling Culvert pipe Driveway installation 904-275-4960 10/26tfc FILL DIRT Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White 275-2474 4/6tfc MARINE CONTRACTORS Docks ~ Retaining walls Gazebos Decks ~ Repairs Floating dock systems Call for free estimate 904-219-8094 9/14-11/30p DRYCORE 24 hour emergency service Emergency water removal Dehumidification Mold prevention Hardwood floor drying 259-8929 9/14-12/28p RONNIESAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification. New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates- Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 2/17tfc PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tfc B&N TRACTOR SERVICES, INC. Locally owned & operated Licensed & insured Slab prep ~ Driveways Finish mowing Boxblade work Bushhog work 904-364-8027 904-338-4746 Serving Baker & Surrounding Counites 10/12-11/30p GOD'S BUSINESS After-hours computer repair Networking, training, graphic design and writing Call Cheryl 904-885-1237 a'16rn ZACK TREE TRIMMING SERVICE & HANDYMAN 906-653-2046 904-651-3216 t1 t -30n DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc A & R TRUSS Engineered trusses for your new Home Barn Shed Etc. -Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing, Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 5/27tfc WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 1-904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/16/06-11/16/07 ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS So many options! See our catalogs at The Office Mart 110 South 5th Street, Macclenny 259-3737 MEON New construction. 1800+ SF, 4 BR, 2 BA, 9 ft. ceilings, crown molding throughout, off grade foundation on 1 acre in N. Macclenny, $195,900. 904- 219-0480. 9/21tfc 2.25 acres, high & dry, fish pond & complete setup, ready to move on! Homes & mobile homes. Georgia Bend, 15 minutes to 1-10, $50,000, owner financing or 10% cash discount. 912-843-8118. 9/28tfc 0 IA I "I" ij THE BAKER COUNTY.PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 13 FSBO. Mobile home with screened porches on 5 acres with large oaks, fish pond, hayfield, highway frontage, $129,900. Also, other land & home packages available. 653-1656. 11/30p 5 acre tract off 185 towards Moniac, $45,000. 904-651-3216 or 904-653- 2046. 11/9-30p L1 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, very nice, no smoking, no inside pets, 11 mile south of 1-10 on 121, $600/month, $600 security deposit. Taking applications. 9.04-545-2275. 11/23-30p Unfurnished, 2 BR, $550/month, $200 deposit, N. 7th St. 259-2608. 11/30c Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-860- 4604. 3/17tfc New 3 BR mobile homes, no pets, gar- bage, water & mowing provided, $600/ month. 912-843-8118. 5/4tfc 1 BR, 1 BA block home, $400/month, water & sewer included. 904-334-1902 or 904-874-3361. 11/30p New home, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile floor- ing throughout on 1.28 acre lot in Macclenny. All electric appliances, $850 security deposit, $850/month. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:OQ pm.. 8/31tfc New mobile home park, west side of Jacksonville, 55+ gated community, lot rent only, $300/month includes water & sewer. 904-874-3361. 11/30p For sale or rent. Clean 3 BR, 2 BA home on 1 acre, hardwood .floors, Sanderson, $750/month. 327-7667. 11/30p' 2002 Fleetwood 16x76 singlewide, D/W, CH/A, 3 BR, 2 BA, huge walk through closet, $35,000, insured value is $45,000. 321-609-0480. 11/30-12/21 p Commercial building, 2500 SF, 90 W. Macclenny. 259-7923 or 307-3818 11/16-12/7p Ra .Lersovtn NWell mriLl~ing 2" & 4" Wells Water & Iron Conditioners Installed Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated Underground Utilities, Inc.T SI BBCULVERTS *BOX BLADE WORK *BUSH HOG/MOWING *DEBRIS REMOVAL *DRIVEWAYS *HAUL MULCH/DIRT INSTALLATION/REPAIR OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 16148 CR 125 N Glen St. Mary, Florida 32040 .CE BP ILD IN DI-I..L CLAY. NASSAU. BAKER & iT JOHiN'5 COUNTIES CLIP AND SAVE ...BUY NC E-wired house package Electric Fireplace w/ remote, marble surround & mantle Fungus resistant roof shingles Full security with 2 keypads Stain-resistant carpet upgrade Built-in over-the-range microwave Six extra phone/cable outlets * Classique style interior doors * 2-tone interior paint )WAND RECEIVE FREE * Programmable thermostat * Concrete stain on front porch & back patio (does not include additional concrete) 5 Recessed lights in Kitchen Upgrade faucets in master bath: Carriage lights at Garage Small crown molding on kitchen cabinets VALUED OVER effj3 PLUS RECEIVE QyI IN FREE UPGRADES OF YOUR CHOICE FORA TOTAL SAVINGS OF C/Gl View Our Floor Plans at www.sedaconstruction.com CCE LIA (904) 724-7800 E Conrici .on Cnmpiv..i I d.^^tpsn^np^u~p,4pta4Q .a!tyHos Want to see your classified ad online? You can, at the all new bakercountypress.com / Hickman Metal Roofing . Homes and Mobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installers Many Styles and Colors to Choose From Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIlNlE!' State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: wwW.lifetimemetalroofing.com (904)779-5786 ROsA 1-800-662-8897 BBB (0 Toll Free - While Butler'' building systems are pre-engineered, their final des is not predetermined. Using Butler's exclusive technology, we can hel you design a building from the ground up. Even special design elements like skylights, fascias and entrance systems can be incorporated to produce not just any L building, but your building. L For systems tha meet your building needs, choose Butler For the experience and expertise to get the job done, choose us, your local Butler Builder"'. 6d A *.. .5 ii I .-> -' ^i^ "7'. - ' % T -t,' ' ,.- :'' .,,.e ' Help Wanted: Dental Assistant 5 Yr. Experience S Required Fax Resume to: 904-396-4924 Don't have experience yet? See the ad for Jacksonville Dental Assistant School in the Help Wanted section of the classified ads of The Baker County Press. It starts with the headline: "In Just 71 Days you can have the skills you need to get a job as a Dental Assistant" Light Land Clearing -- TE PREP FOR NEW HOMES LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES (904) 259-9461 OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 Closed Holidays, sian LeZ INotices IN THE CIRCUIT GOURT EIGHTH JLIDICIAL CIRCUIT lII AND FOR BAKER COUNT, FLORIDA CASE NO 02-2006-CA-0153 RH DAVISanrdRM DAVIS. Plarnins vs. P ARVEL C CREWS deceased PATRICIA YOUNGG CREWS, rak voie, ARVEL DALE CREWS DEANNA BARON and SANDRA CREWS as heirs 01 ine decedrnl STATE OF FLORIDA t DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. elal Delendani ' NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Patricia Young Crews, Deanna Baron, San- dra Crews, any and all unknown grantees. credi- Stors and all other parties claiming by. through, under or against the estate: *- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Verified Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint has been tiled against ^. you on the following described property: Lot 28. Deerwood Estates. a recorded subdi- S-. vision as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 60, public records of Baker County. Florida. Parcel IDi 28-2S-22-0112-0000-0280 and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any. to it on Frank E. Malo- i ney, Jr.., P.A.. Allorney. whose address is 445 -. East Macclenny Ave., Macclenny. Florida 32063; (904)259-3155. within thirty (30) days after the f lirst publication of the notice and on or before the 8th day of December, 2006. and to file the .- original with the Clerk ofl this Court either before service on Frank E. Maloney. Jr., P.A., attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a delault .. will be entered against you for the relieve de- manded in the Complaint or Petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on this 1st day of November, 2006. T.A. "AL" FRASER CLERK OF COURT BY: Jamie Crews -3 DEPUTY CLERK 11/9-30 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County of Bak- . er, the holder i: irer iolilovng certificate, has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance nme des' :ripli:,n :i i prjprty. and jr e names in which il iA d:S.t'.L; d jre' 0 fi illOw; Certificate Number: 01-00568 Year of issuance: 2001 Denriplion roi ruoperry 20.3S-21.0000-0000- (055 Bem al Irme SE ,::rner '1 irn ijW ', OI ihe SW Shcion 20, T.:mwnihip 3 Soulh. Raige 21 Easi ihrince run N 0 31'21 W 210 leei. Thenr.e run N s8 8 52 W. 26. 1 ie'i, Inenre 0 31'21' E, 210 0 iei irenre $ 89'58'52" E 265 71 feet to the Point of Beimnning Tog iher wiih 15 foot easement for ingress and egress over and across the following described property; the South 15 feet of the NW/A of the SW/A, Section 20, Townsrp 3 South, Range 21 East, Baker County, Florida. All of said property being located in Baker County, Florida. - Names in which assessed: Clay and Mandy Davis. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed ac- cording to ethe law, the property described will be sold to the highest bidder at the front door of the Baker County Courthouse, 339 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, FL. on January 16, 2007, at 11:00 am. Dated this 13th day of November, 2006. AI Fraser Clerk of Court Baker County, Florida By Bonnie M. Palleschi As Deputy Clerk 11/16-12/7 Finally Completion b Speeia In: No,. 4 StoeM1j Sa Krsk Krete FdLDirt RRubbls Rothk UMuLtablk MateriaL Other Sewvifes In &ue: S6u ipmnt atroing, CuivtStPipe Installation, Drivewaj Stabiization oaul Motel Cal" S 9 for wouto nText'lojeAet TelepIonte 904-275-4900 Faw: 904-275-9202 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-DR-401 IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: CARLOS ALBERTO RIVERA, husband, and CHERYL ANN RIVERA, wife. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: CARLOS ALBERTO RIVERA LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: Jacksonville, FL You are notified that a Petition for Dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the action on the wife's attorney whose name and address is Hugh D. Fish, Jr., at P.O. Box 531, Macclenny, Florida 32063 on or before Decem- ber 15, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of Court, either before service on the petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage will be entered to the relief demanded in the petition. WITNESS my hand and seal on this 14th day of November, 2006. T.A. "AL" FRASER CLERK OF COURT BY: Jamie Crews AS DEPUTY CLERK S11/16-12/7 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Baker County District School Board will hold the following Public Hearing on Tuesday, 'January . 2, 2007. In ihe Baker County DiincI School Board Room located aj 270 Souih Boulevard E., Mac- clennv Flonila, feginrurig ar 6 30 pm Approval ol New and Revised School Board Policies SThe public is irvired and encouraged Io anend The docurmerns will be available lor preview at the Bajer County Sc:no'l Board Office located at 392 Soulh Boulevard E Macclenny Florida beginning December 6. 2006 11/30-12/28 PUBLIC NOTICE Please lake nonce al Ihe regular meeting oi me City' Council on Tuesday Dec emPer 12, 2006 at 6 00 pm at Ciut Hall 118 E. Macclennv Avenue. Macclenny. Florida, the City ol Macclennv will consider the below Ordinance for linal reading. A Bill to or enTilled an acti iealing Seclon 5.26 ol mne Uniled Land Use Development Regulalion. enliled "Proponionaie Fair Snrare Program' providing lor purpose and inilenT providing for applicability providing Ior general reluiremenls [providing lor application process providing or determining proporniorale lair share ,obligation, providing ior proponionale lair .iriare acreemeri : providing or proponionrale lair share lurn providing lor an erlehiive daie Anyone r avring ran Ieres in, the final reading of Ihis Ordinance is invilea lo attend the meeting 11/30 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE BAKER COLiN' COMPREHEIISIVE PLAN AMENDMENT(SI IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET lD 06 -2-N01-0201-iAl-Ill The Depanrmerit gives notice of ius inent to find ine Amer-,dmenrit( .i0 ie Compirehensive Plan ior Baker Countyr. adopted by Ordinance Nuos. 206-30 and 2006-32 on Seplember 25 2006 IN COMPLIANCE pursuant to SeCinons 163 3184. 163 3137 and 163 1189 FS Tre adopted Baker Countyv Comprehensive Plan AnrF-ndmenllsi and Deprinmenl's Obieorions RecommendhiionE and Commenis Report iiiany). are available for public inspection Monday Ihrough Friday etcepl ior legal hohlaays during norradi busmne-i nour. at Ine Bakir Counry Planning and Zoning Depanrteni. 81 Northn 3rd Sireei Macclenny. Flurida 32063. An, aie':irea person a defined in Seirnon 163.3184, F S., nai a righl to petition tor in administrative hearing to challenge the proposed agency delerminanori final ine Ariendmenils) to the Baler County Comprenensive Plan are In Compliance, as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1), ES. The petition must be filed within twenty-one (21) days after publication of this notice, and must include all of the information and contents described in Uniform Rule 28-106.201, F.A.C. The petition must be filed with the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard. OaT Boulevard. Tallahassee, Florida 32399- 2100. and a Copy rr aile or delivered to the local goverrinmenl Failure io iirnriy ile a petition shall constitute a wavier of any right to request an adminiivraiive- proceeding as 3 peniiioner under Se'oiur,. 120 569 and 12057 FS ii a [eliriion is iled ii fle purpose of irie aamir,.;iraiive rieariny will be a present evidence and ielihmonri and forward a recorrimendred order to10 ne Depanmeni if no relileor o fi d. ins Noiice 01 Inieri, rinall become final agency action. ii a peiioi is lIteda. olher ahecied persons may peliioii for leavve even in Ire proceeding. A peliiuon lor intervention miusi be filed at least iweniy (201i dai before the final hearing and, must include aiia of the information and contents described in Uniform Rule 28-106.205, F.A.C. A petition for leave to intervene shall filed .at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Department of Management Services, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060. Failure to petition to intervene within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such person has to request a hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to participate in the administrative bearing. After an administrative hearing petition is timely filed, mediation is available pursuant to Subsection 163.3189(3)(a), F.S., to any affected person who is made a party to the proceeding by filing that request with the administrative law judge assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings. The choice of mediation shall not affect a party's right to an administrative hearing. Mike McDaniel, Acting Chief Office of Comprehensive Planning Department of Community Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Thanks to: Bass Plumbing, P & R Electric, New Wave Air Conditioning, Amans Painting, Florida Concrete Services, Wilson Stucco, Lee a Cates Glass, Miles Cope Drvwall, American Welding, Moran Insulation, Landscape by Tiger Lily and Scott and Tom For lease information call Jean at 275-2944 Office Space from 600 square feet 6924 E. Mt. Vernon St., Glen St. Mary L-_ of North Florida, Inc. 2109 W US Hwy 90 Suite 170-144 386-755-8887 Lake City, FL 32065 www.conceptcnf.com PUBLIC NOTICE LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that local government staff and elected officials representing Baker CountN, the City of Macclenny and the Town of Glen St. Mary will be attending an educational/informational "Lo- cal Government Workshop of Low Impact Development and the Benefit to Water Quality This workshop, which is sponsored by Baker County, Baker County Extension Office, St. Johns River Water Management District, and presented by the University of Florida Program for Re- source Efficient Communities, will be held on Monday, December 4,2006 from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm at the Baker County Agricultural Center, 1025 West Macclenny Av- enue, Nlacclenny, Florida. The public is invited to attend. The purpose of the workshop is to inform the attendees of water quality protection and overall environmental re- source efficiencies gained from the application of low im- pact development design standards in existing and future development that may occur in Baker County; For more information, contact Mike Sweat, County Project Manager at the Baker County Extension Office at 904-259-3520. It is anticipated that one or more local elected officials will attend and participate in the workshop. NOTICE TO PERSON NEEDING SPECIALACCOM- MODATIONS AND TO ALL HEARING IMPAIRED: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact the ADA Coordinator at 905-259-3520 at the Baker County Extension Office. For hearing impaired individuals: Call Telecommunica- tion Device for the Deaf (TDD): Florida Relay Service: 1-800-955-8770 no later than 5 days prior to the date of the workshop. Sponsored by: Baker County Board of Commission- ers, Baker County Extension Office, St. Johns River Wa- ter Management District, University of Florida CONCEPT CINSTRU TI A BUTLER BUILDER" CAN DESIGN-BUILD YOUR PROJECT FROM SCRATCH. ft t 6'. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 30, 2006 Page 14 OPEN Saturday 10 am-4 pin 125 off Entire s Merchandise*% Macclenny's #1 Christmlas Store Since 1982 ~3Oio off Christmas I Merchandise ' 40 0 off Christmas 1 i Ornaments P '~-~ ~I STOP BY FOR GREAT DEALS! Coffee and cookies for everyone. Southern Charm 110 S "Where cit Open: Monday" - 'Excluding :,llcfibkl ;.. a . 5th Street 259-4140 yi style meets country prices" - * Friday 9:00 am 5:00 pm, Sat. 11-4 --- ,i'iquc turriJrtjrc. a., eiia a, e iri.i prt'.. ,'u: pur,:,ji CERTlF ATE HOLIDAY SHOPPING MADE EASY!I 2006 Chevy HHR LT Sunroof, Leather, Loaded! OVER 400 MILES ON A TANK OF GAS. L MSRP $24,400 ONLY 21,877* THE GM 100,000-MILE WARRANTY THE BEST COVERAGE IN AMERICA. 100,000-MILE YEAR POWERTRAIN LIMITED WARRANTY 00,00O0 MILES YEARS OF COURTESY TRANSPORTATION 100,000 MILES YEARS OF ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE W. iht~b h ci,- it -rim, I" dt.Ilr for limitediwavrantmidetai s. &m.wm 2006 Chevy Uplander Dual power doors, DVD player Perfect for the family! MSRP $29,730 ONLY$23,990* 2006 Chevy Malibu LT 4 Door Sedan, MSRP$20,665' ONLY 11 119 S. Sixth St. *lcle 259-5796 -Pewned 273 L Macclenny Ave.* 259-6117 -New www.PineviewChevrolet.com -. -AN j l R="lOIJION CHEVROLET rkL |