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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Paid circulation leader Winner of22 state and national awards forjournalism excellence in 2006 77th Year, Vol. 28 Thursday, November 2, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500 iery wreck on rain-slick Two more people died on went out of control on rain-s Baker County roads last week- pavement, crossed the grassy end in a fiery crash on Interstate dian and was struck in the rea 410 just east of the Columbia a westbound semi-truck. County line. Trooper James Starling The eastbound 2005 Nissa the impact was "catastrop] truck driven by Gary L. Helm- and the pickup burst into flame bach, 59, of Green Cove Springs Mr. Heimbach and passed Mary Sneider, 56, of Port Hur Michigan were trapped in the ferno and died at the scene. Interstate 10 Friday kills two Both commission candidates citing management skills BY JIM McG AULEY Glen St. Mary district. Press Publisher Mr. Griffis had no GOP pri Mike Griffis and Mark Crews mary opposition, and next Tues are hoping local voters haven't day will be the first time he is forgotten the important Baker tested at the polls. County race that remains on next Mr. Crews has run before, ii Tuesday's ballot that of countN 1998 when he got just over 100( commissioner District 4 votes trying to unseat Commis (north BakerCounty). sioner Frec It will be the sole local Raulerson contest on the ballot, along who is re- with an array of state and tiring .thi national races and six -year. The proposed amendments to incumbent Florida's Constitution (see amassed Impressions, page three),. large enough While both candidates majority to cite growth as the biggest avoid a run- challenge facing the coun- off. tN board the next decade .. Mr. Grif and beyond, thev \ .. fis, a political significantly in their style newcomer and secondary concerns. has been Mr. Griffis, 47, and attending general manager of NEF- Mark Crews commission COM, the meeting s local tele- since Janu- phone com- ary, including workshops. pany. tends and feels they have helped toward the him get a grasp of what lies method in store if he wins. cal and has "If I'm elected, there studied the \\ill be no learning curve, c o m m is '- he declares. "I'm confident sion opera- that I'm familiar \ith all tion closely the issues currently] before fir nearly, a the board. year. Meeting ne\% challenges Candi, not on the county board's date Crews, immediate horizon will 44,hasbeen be the true test, he ari-es. running a and his experience both as more gener- Mike Griffis a phone company execu- al campaign tive and his involvement in promising to vote issues "in the civic affairs make him the best interest of the people." He better candidate. emerged as top finisher in the Mark Crews says five years September primaries, easily as an officer at Country Federal beating out three othe" candi- Credit Union give him the edge dates in the most crowded of the in dealing with finances. Years local races, and scooping up 48 spent in the mechanical trades percent of the vote at the same (an insulator) and in the engi- time. neering department at Northeast The Griffis-Crews contest has Florida State Hospital schooled significance that reaches beyond him in the technical end of the the personalities and their vision job areas like building mainte- for Baker County. It's the first nance and the road department. time a Republican candidate (Mr. As commissioner, he indicated Griffis) has gotten within reach of his interests will lie in purchasing a seat on the county commission procedures and getting the most in well in anyone's memory. out of money spent maintaining John Joseph challenged Steve dirt roads. Kennedy in 1988 as a Repub- Both candidates strongly sup- lican, and Democrat Kennedy port having new developments smothered him in the general pay for themselves up front in election by more that a 4-1 mar- infrastructure roads, bridges, gin to win the first of several(Page please) terms as commissioner from the( p lick They marked the tenth and weekends. *'4 5 5 0 % me- eleventh people to die in traffic The driver of the semi, 59- 3 - rby accidents in Baker County so far year-old Farrell L. Judy III of * this year. Last year, nine people Thomasville, Ga. received only said died. minor injuries and was treated at 7 f 41111 -al-l-Ir' */l -t) lic" The area was saturated with the scene. 1 J UU li gib lIw I ll vUOt ies. rain showers that evening that Rescue and fire units from - iger continued through early Satur- both Baker and Columbia coun- The last go-around of the parties including Independen *on, day morning, and the interstate ty responded. The accident oc- off-year election cycle in 2006 and Libertarian. Registration in- was busier than usual on one of curredat 11:20 pm. off-year election cycle in 2006 and Libertarian. Registration en -s .i t '- o oi o1 cra ke 1\ ce nextvr Im r T....lnxo .. l-.,,1t-o d. ... r k1. ni b..ir.... Forida's top college football mEwoaWl!mK~W!fi mummwlaJt~mHu >O00 2 00 Z~ M 0IG o - 4~ 00 ~G) N,) 0) WillAX Lm r HUM luesUay o UOOKSI November 7, and Baker County weeks Elections Supervisor Nita The Crawford looks for a turnout of opened near 50%. contini If she gets anywhere at 5:0 around that, it will be a great office improvement over the primary buildir election in September when 9:00 ai only 32.5% of eligible voters The bothered to do so. will op Baker County has a record on elec number of adults who are where eligible 12,998 to be exact. superv Of those, Democrats still hold As c a commanding edge at 8585, or and 36 65.3% of the electorate. There. Republicans number 3607, absent< a record tally motivated to turn be bac out next week because of the 7:00 pi party's candidate for the county Aga commission (see story above), have The remainder of registrants, screen said Ms. Crawford, consist of select 742 with no party affiliation, amen and 163 aligned with minor amen and 13 algnedwithmino S s .n 3- d s e 1 a t 0 - I- 1 s it s t n l nave een ckloseu severaiU popular alternative d up October 23 and will ue through this Saturday 0 pm. The supervisor's in the old Citizens Bank ig downtown opens at m. county's nine precincts en for 12 hours at 7:00 am ;tion day. If you are unsure to vote, telephone the isor's office at 259-6339. f Tuesday, 750 early voted 0 cast ballots by absentee. is still time to request an ee ballot, and they must :k to the supervisor by m on election day. in this election, voters a choice of touch- or optical scanning to candidates and vote on ments. L sl Ir. ar s h rr n, THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 2 %41 "1 %1"12 114114 %%111* RS kim t'4 14%11 . 9om lmw H- - 1:1 .-'-Copyrighted- Material -; z S7Syndicated Content * Available from Commercial News.Providers, 400Mf GE" w w -=. "Imp ~m*low. 1I 1 A * aqs,,w or - w Visa Card Best Rates Around... S U'seI your C0ountry Federal Credit Union g lisa through December and receive our low rate on any purchases, balance transfi'rs or cash advances. Do you have one? Apply today! Quick Approvals! w qm ww COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Maccleniy 259-6702 US H\yx. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 1 0 S. Lina Street, Bald\\hn 266-1041 www.countrvfcu.com Th, 120I 0,n i',, BCHS .,a iitde b/od', i a/l-n al, i ,.tr m /ili e n eia' ,i,,I 1/, /bli i, I'. c tle ,tar I PHOTO BY KELLEY NORMAN One arrested in bomb scare A 14-year-old Baker High student has been charged with a second-degree felony offense for allegedly telephoning; a bomb threat directed at the school the morning of October 25. Investigator David Morgan said the youth admitted making the call from a classroom. Two other male students, ages 15 and 16, were with him at the time but backed out on participating. The 16-year-old dialed the number and. handed him the phone, con- fessed the suspect. It took police and firemen, act- ing in three teams, about a half- hour to scour the interior of the multi-building' campus in east Glen St. Mary before sounding the all-clear. Meanwhile, the 1200 member student body and staff remained outside at a safe distance away Tara Washington had a special message for an angry crowd that gathered in front of her South Boulevard residence in Mac- clenny to arrest her October 27 for striking a 12-year-old girl with a stick. She mooned them while curs- ing loudly. According to several witness- es to an after-school fracas that broke out on South 8th St. near- by that afternoon, Ms. Washing- ton, 34, pulled up in a vehicle and asked another young female who had struck her. The report by Deputy Mark Hall does not indicate if the second child was related to Ms. Washington. Witnesses, who later declined to sign written statements but af- firmed the sequence of events, said Ms. Washinr,ton gave the from the buildings. Two, days after the incident, Principal David Crawford sum- moned police to talk to the old- er youths who allegedly knew something about the hoax. Both implicated the younger student, who has not returned to class since Wednesday. The youth, accompanied by his grandmother, reported to the sheriff's annex behind the courthouse for an interview, and admitted to making the threat. His message was recorded on a voicemail in one call, and an of- fice receptionist took the second call. She told police on Wednesday the caller was a white male with a voice inflection that suggested he was a juvenile. He told her, "a bomb will go off in the school in ten minutes."' second child a stick and pointed to the 12-year-old, saying "Kill that bitch!" The youngster re- fused to brandish the stick, so Ms. Washington did. Deputy Hall said the 12-year-old sus- tained a small bump on the head during the attack. It did not re- quire medical: attention. Minutes later when several officers prepared to transfer the suspect to county jail, a crowd had gathered near the suspect's house, taunting her loudly. , That's when she responded, pulling down her pants and show- ing her backside to the group. Ms. Washington was quickly hustled into the waiting patrol car. She was booked for battery, indecent exposure and disorderly conduct. I i. The recorded message, ac- cording to Investigator Morgan, said, "Yes, there's a bomb in the building." The youth was turned o\ er to juvenile justice authorities. Ronald Mann is re-appointed Governor Jeb Bush has re-ap- pointed Ronald L. Mann of Sand- erson to the Baker County Devel- opment Authority. His term will run through October, 2010. Mr. Mann, 49, is vice-presi- dent of MMI Strand Company and this will be his second term on the development board. Other board members are Dar- rell Register, chairman, Gloriya D'Ane, Joyce Davis, Polly Gore, Danny Lamb and Steve Rhoden. I invite all my friends and past customers to visit me at Jerry Hamm Chevrolet. 39-33 *200Pilis wy, Two vie for board (From page 1) schools, fire and rescue to name several. In fact, Mr. Griffis, places growth management at the top of his priorities, followed by at- tracting new industry and subse- quent residences to help pay for other growth costs. "We can't wait until it's too late. We have to plan now. for the future," is the message Mr. Griffis sa\s he has been using during months of campaigning. He feels past involvement in civic affairs gives him the edge over Mr. Crews, He has been a Chamber of Commerce presi- dent, and officer of the Jaycees and Sertoma Club, both now defunct, and a longtime Little League baseball coach. Mr. Griffis, started with the former Northeast Florida Tele- phone Comnpani as a repairman in 1978, then became outside plant manager, and later in charge of marketing and public relations before his present position. Mr. Crews says he performs a number of management level functions at Country Federal, in- cluding loan officer and facilities manager. \\'eU Drilling after r Softeners & Septic Tinks Drain Fields - 259-6934 PLur tic. I[J-n Culv erts WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS VI..v .... *'" FAn ."' .; pt- Dic,.,, r .. ,. \-ISAl-\* M._.rer,-.trd Amenc..n Expe-_- Discover ) Call Locally 259-2313 or J/' / / Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb hA seto P& i Wrltu Car Our showroom is conveniently located at the intersection of Hwy. 121 and U.S. 90 in downtown Macclenny The Easiest Place in the World to Bay a Car or Track" www.lambsautoandtr-uck.com get MARK DEMOCRAT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 4 Community Involvement: / Dawkins Lodge #60 member / Elk's food drive and Christmas gifts for Kids volunteer / Fair Association volunteer Background: / Banking & budgeting experience $ Underground utilities, road maintenance (building and maintenance) $ Various business area related training I support: / A new jail facility / Government accountability, property tax reduction / Improving county roads, parks and recreation facility / Council on Aging / State of the art schools / Updated fire and rescue equipment Paid political advertisement paid for and approved by Mark Crews, Democrat for County Commissioner District 4. %. 0 tq* -. I IA I-W4fo 0 e -quo Cursing accused assailant decides to moon the crowd MR [Rontiie Sapp WeR & Sepfic Tani 0 " 410 qpamp 41, W 44b 40P.44P qw w THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 3 pinion Comment All six amendments merit consideration BAKER COUNTY PRESS USPS 040-280 .:Post Office Box 598 *, 104 South 5`1 St. Macclenny, FL 32063 (904) 259-2400 :.The Baket County Press Is published each Thursday by Baker County Press, Inc. 'Periodicals postage paid under permit .Issued April 12, 1929 at the post office in .Macclenny, Florida. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00'a year inside Baker County; $25,00 :. year outside Baker County; deduct $1.00 S'for persons 65 years of age or oldei, mill-- . tary personnel on active duty outside Baker County, and college students living outside Baker County. POSTMASTER: send address changes to The.Ba.er County Press, P0. Boy, 598, Macpenny, FL 32063. JAMES C. MCGAULEY Publisher/Editor NEWS. FEATURES l\elley Lanrigan ADVERTISING, PRODUCTION Jessica Prevatt. GRAPHICS Josh Blacknior FEATURES COMMENT Robert Gerard COMMENT-Cheryl R. Pingel BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas CLASSIFIED & TiPESETTING- Barbara Blackshear CONTACT US- Phone 904..'259-2400 Fax 904,259-6502 Email bcpress@nefcom.net Mail PO Bo\ 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny, FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the newspaper office prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless otherwise noted or arranged. Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication. It is requested that all news items be Itped to insure accuracy in print. Social Notice Deadlines Birth anniouncerrents, wedding notice. es and social events must be submit. ted within four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure pho. tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Letters to the editor are welcome, but must con- tain the signature of the writer, a telephone rium- ber where the writer may be contacted and city of residence. Letters must reflect opinions and statements on issues of current interest to the general public. The news- paper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet standards of publication. IMPRESSIONS JIM McGAULEY Other than the all-important county commission race still to be decided in this off-\ear elec- tion cycle, Baker County voters will be asked their preference next week on a bevy of state-/ races including US senator, gov- ernor, cabinet officers, a circuit judge (also very important) and 'whether to retain-supreme court and district appeals court judges. Then there are. the amend- ments. If anyone remembers what the\ read in this column. they'll recall the writer's opinion that changing or adding to the Florida Constitution should be a difficult process. That way, we don't get asked to decide matters best left. to legislators. matters like treat- Best gift is caring about our families... DESERT DIARY MAJ. BOBBY HART Oct. 30 CAMP VICTORY, Iraq-It's Halloween and we're all suffer-, ing from serious cases of sugar overload. The boxes continue to roll in every day and are now stuffed with candy and Halloween deco- rations, so it's beginning to look like a spooky holiday-a real case of Iraqnaphobia punctuated by explosions and gunfire. The boxes do keep coming. We get them from family mem- bers, friends and from people, we've never met before. Many are odds and ends, candy, cook- ies and toothpaste and tooth- brushes-which come in real handy, because of all the candy and cookies. People always ask what we. need and offer to send everything from enhanced body armor to books to movies to well, candy, cookies and toothpaste. I never can come up with an answer for them. We are not lacking for any- thing, except there are guys who have started asking for flower and grass seeds. That baffles me, a bit. Not having to mow grass or mess with flowers are near the top of things I like about this place. In all, the support we get is overwhelmingly positive and lets us know people have not for- gotten about us. I try to let people know how much we appreciate that sup- port by writing this column each week and I do little things like send back pictures of stuffed animals that elementary students have given me with notes about what we've been doing. Even though I do want every- one to know we appreciate their support, there's another side to as well- it's therapeutic for me to do those things because it keeps me in touch. When I was deployed in 2003, the JROTC at West Nassau High gave me an American flag to take with me. I brought it over, flew it over our base and then sent it back to them. This time I bought a flag, flew it over our headquar- ters here and sent it to the school. After I mailed it, I found out the school was having a Military Appreciation Night at one of its football games. I thought that was pretty nifty, but then I found out they had invited my wife Cheryl to the ment of pregnant pigs or whether the state should institute, at pub- lic expense, pre-kindergarten schools. , One of the amendments on next week's ballot addresses this very point. Amendment ",Two calls for a higher 60 percent ma- jority for approval of any future amendments. Florida already has a 'two-thirds majority" rule for any new provision resulting in new taxes. Amendment Two merits a yes vote. Other amendments and some recommendations: -Amendment One establishes a state budget committee to link spending more closely to esti- mated revenues and set up long- range fiscal planning. Sounds -great if it works; 'should have been done legislati elv but also \orih an affirmative vote:. Amendment Three funnels 15 percent of annual revenues from. the huge tobacco lawsuit directly into advertising and oth- er measures to educate people on the dangers of smoking. It was proposed by citizen" initiative (rather than the, legislature) be- cause the state has this odd habit of diverting $57 million in annual settlement funds into areas other than \\here it was intended. Worth voting for just to keep sticky hands out of the till.' Amendment Four doubles the Homestead Exemption to $50,000 for low-income seniors. Why not? The loss of local prop- erty tax revenues in Baker Coun- ty will probably not be noticed, though state" ide the loss is esti- mated at $36 million. Amendment Five ties dis- counts on Homestead Exemption to percentage of disabilitN for veterans 65 or older. Their dis- ability has to be combat-related and they had to be Florida resi- Sdents when they entered military service: Again, \\ hy not? The loss of local property tax revenue here will be miniscule. Amendment 6 deals with eminent domain, the right of gov- ernment to take your property for. public use. Before the ridiculous US Supreme Court ruling in a Connecticut case last year, emi- nent domain wasn't, a' topic that got people hot under the collar. No more. The high court said essentially) it's okay to condemn property if govenunent is mo- tivated simply by greed: to get more tax revenue from a higher use. Amendment 6 requires gov- ernment hold onto o\% nership of condemned property for a de- cade before it sells it to a private entity, Yippee! Vote for it. For my money, Amendment T\wo is the most significant of the six constitutional questions. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content P Available from Commercial News Providers" wt game. She packed up my mom, aunt, sister-in-law, nephew and whoever else could fit in the car and went to the game. She flipped the coin before the game. When I talked to her after- \ards, she was mighty happy and said, "You would have been proud. They did a super job. And I want to tell you that you are re-' ally loved." State and federal constitutions are legal blueprints that should be messed with only in the rarest of circumstances. Wacky judicial interpretation of the living documents well, there's not much we can do about that except keep Republi- cans in office and hope they ap- point strict constructionists to the bench. Making it harder to add new amendments (17 of the existing ones would not have passed be- cause they didn't get 60 percent or higher approval) is just plain good government. We are not a pure democracy; we. are a representative democ- racy. If state legislators don't have the guts to enact changes to the way we're governed or on the treatment of pregnant pigs or whether we need a "bullet train" - then the idea probably isn't worth consideration. Employee showed rare concern for her Dear Editor: I write, this letter because one doesn't often see something like this in our busy times. I had a routine e\e exam last summer and purchased new glasses. I was treated very well and was told that if I ever had problems, call back. I was hospitalized in Sep- tember, and realized my glasses were bent and could not be worn.' I telephoned for help and within n 45 minutes this person came to my hospital room and repaired my glasses right there! Thanks' so much to Willy at Macclenny Optical for going out of the way. We don't see enough of your kind of caring anymore. Betty Bonner Macclenny Why do leaves turn in the fall? THE BACK PORCH KELLEY LANNIGAN That made me reel pretty dang ... good. It also gave me an answer Ever wonder why leaves turn for everyone who asks what we colors in the fall and drop off or eed everyone who asks what we trees? I enjoyed learning the neJust be good to our families secret behind this event when I Just be good to our families. was in elementary school, but There's nothing more impor- it's never taken the mystery out tant to every soldier over here of the experience. than (to know their families are The turning of leaves is less being taken care of in our ab- dramatic here in north Florida sence. than in other southern climes, We get so wrapped up in our but it's happening just the same. everyday responsibilities that The ground under the popcorn we're more or less oblivious to trees where I park my car in the the things going on around us. morning has been covered in a It's our families that have to red and yellow speckled carpet. watch the news and hear of all The serrated leaves of the, the: death and destruction. It's Virginia Creeper vines have the sons and daughters who have sported varying shades of scarlet to go to a special event without for some weeks now and every their parent or the wife who has other day I rake up the offerings to get the air conditioner fixed of leaves and red berries from when it craps out. the dogwood tree in my front It's the families who are the yard. real heroes. They are the ones The trees are getting ready to who make the sacrifices that al- go to sleep, my mother told me low us to do what we do. as a child. This idea fascinated me, because if trees needed to 0 Macclenny Amoco BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Menthol Light Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights Camel Full Flavor Camel 99 Camel Turkish SNEWPORTS ($7.99) IBUY 2 GET 1 FREE DORAL $19.99 carton 305s . $2.99 carton At the corner of US 90 & SR 121 Sunday 7 am 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm go to sleep, then that must mean they were awake the rest of the time. I always imagined they could hear what I was thinking and as I played in the woods, it wouldn't have surprised me too much if one of them had actually said something to me. Trees that shed their leaves. in the fall are known to be deciduous, a fancy term derived from the Latin decidere which means: to fall off. O.K., but why do they fall off in the first place? Leaves are the tree's food- making factories. They .use rain and the summer's abundant sunlight to chemically generate food (photosynthesis) for the tree which the tree then stores in its cells. In winter, there is not enough rain or sunlight to do this. At the base of the leaf's stem is a special line of.cells. When the days begin to grow shorter, the change in sunlight signals the tree it's time to shut down for the winter. The special cells swell and shut off the supply of water to the leaf. As it begins to die, the chlorophyll which gives leaves their green color disappears. When that happens, other colors such as yellow and red and orange that are always present in the leaves but masked by the chlorophyll can now be seen. All the tree's leaves eventually fall off and the tree goes to "sleep." I've seen maple trees with leaves so brilliantly orange it looked like the forest was on fire. A huge hickory tree near my parents' house glowed like beaten gold in the afternoon sun, nearly too bright to look at without sunglasses. I always loved the fall show of color, even though it meant raking up all those blastedpiles of leaves. But piles of leaves meant bonfires and bonfires meant hot dogs and marshmallows. Fall truly was a magic time. My friend Allison who lives in North Carolina collects autumn leaves and presses them between wax paper. Something in the wax helps preserve the color. She then makes, leaf collages and frames them. She began the habit of giving these snapshots of autumn to people along with her famous pumpkin pie. It became a tradition during the harvest festival in the small community where she lives and now she plans for it all year long. She even has helpers who gather the leaves for her famous collages. Florida's amazing flowers are what made it famous and gave the state its name. It would be hard to choose my favorite thing at this point Florida's fabulous flowers or North Carolina's fall leaves. The best of both worlds would be just that a home in both places where you could watch the show in every season. Part-time Jcbs great ay & benefls High Schpol Jrs, Srs, GEDs, you can fill vacant positions in The Florida Army National Guard NOW. 100% Tuition, & up to $20,000 in bonuses & loan repayment. Your civilian skills may qualify youl satellite common, avionics,.A&P certifications, FAA licenses, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, mechanics & more. Contact SFC .ionatil n Prestonl ;111 *a.)l4-4..S-4v l ,11 oI n -tn n; 4 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 4 Attacks mother after boyfriend arrested Baker Counity EMtS ptr nelwr'Oik' onk a ShIlBab%. man ?leqluifflaS1a Iiec'%pari,,Cpaih III.,,l (Iftd in Iit' iojpiial ''am ait ioieEmter~gefic % Alo/b1.iIs Mdica athmon u.mLab. hFuu, 1 Aloth.eru'el. Davi'd Ri/ia'id.c-', Bake'r Coun~tyFire-C,~Ciel Ri,:hart! AX'tait Ve auld Patt J.k Re~scu -e cre'w's'gtmoi BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff Four Baker County EMC technicians alternately srudN the information on the video screen and the IV that flows fluid into their patient. At a laptop computer close by, certified instructor Karen Crowe hits a key which starts a patient reaction. "OK folks."she says. "As the .fluid flows through the IV you-. suddenly notice swelling at the \ entrance site." As she speaks the site of needle entry on the patient's armn does indeed begin to swell. "Got it," responds a paramedic and the group begins , counteractive procedures. Afterwards MNs. Crowe leads the group in a discussion on all possibilities that swelling might indicate and what treatment would be chosen to deal with them. The patient is not a real person. but' one of several specially- designed compurer-driven mannequins made available, to Baker County emergency medical personnel during - training sessions conducted in the EMLRC Mobile Simulation Lab. . Based in Orlando, the mobile - lab, the only one of its kind, is managed by the Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource, Center. EMLRC is a non-profit education and research facility\ founded in 1990. It made a stop in Macclenny October 23-as it criss-crossed North Florida. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Section 197.122 Florida Statutes Provides: "All owners of property shall be held to know that taxes are due and payable thereon annually and are hereby charged with the duty of ascertaining the amount of current and delinquent taxes and pay- ing them before the first day of April following the year in which they. are assessed." Under Chapter 197.322 notice is hereby given that the 2006 Certified Baker County Tax Rolls have been delivered by the Property Appraiser to the Tax Collector and are open for collection November 1,.2006. These rolls cover Ad Valorem tax rolls for Real Estate, Tangible Personal Properties, Rail- road Properties and Non-Advalorem Assessment Rolls. Districts and Cities included are: General Revenue (County), Fine and Forfeit (County) Health Department (County) General School School Capital Outlay School Discretionary City of Macclenny Hospital General Revenue St. Johns District Suwannee River District Fire Protection Solid Waste Disposal Discounts as provided by Law are: 4 percent discount will be allowed for November; 3 percent for December; 2 percent for-January; 1 percent for February. The taxes paid in March shall be without discount. Penalties are effective April 1. The Tax Collector's office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, with the exception of the last working day of each month the hours are 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. We are located at 32 North 5th Street, Macclenny, Florida; telephone 904-653-4518 or 904-653-4519. Statements have been mailed to all property owners November 1, 2006 at last known address. If you have acquired property since January 1, 2006 and do not receive a tax bill, please inquire at the Tax Collector's office for your tax statement. WHEN PAYING TAXES PLEASE BRING YOUR STATEMENT Gene Harvey, Tax Collector, Baker County www.bakercountyfl.org/taxcollector The mobile lab provides realistic emergency medical situations that help paramedics; EMTs, firefighters, nurses and physicians throughout Florida keep abreast of changing emergency medical technolog- and keep their state required certifications current. The unit can even simulate a situation involving patients exposed to terrorism or biological %warfare.. "It's advantageous." Ms. Crowe said, "Some emergency, situations occur only rarely . The mobile lab recreates trauma situations the paramedics ma\ not experience very often. This helps keep their skills sharp for such an event." According to Ms. Crowe,, the mannequins exhibit characteristics and symptoms similar to real people.. They: breathe, have heartbeats and pulses, lung sounds and pupils that dilate. Thebaby mannequins crv and an adult version can even respond when asked questions about sy mptoms. ' During training exercises, if paramedics aren't performing a procedure correctly, the IC~t 01,7111 r,AIIIhML h. %C l ,.ritSL 01 1iC re- e EmE tr t'cu.. I ni dh- 'dal 101111 hlfl J0111 P-'..-.t. L e training mannequins will get worse: airways swell shut, heartbeats fade or arrest completel. pupils dilate. etc. The computer screens monitor all activity for feedback on all the procedures. The sessions are videotaped for later studN. The 45-foot mobile lab has t\\o main rooms divided b\ a central control center. One room simulates a hospital energency room complete w ith crash carts and the other, the interior of an ambulance, The sessions help emergency medical personnel easily maintain the 34 hours of continuing education the\ are required to complete every two \ears to keep certification current. Eight members of Baker County's rescue service, paramedics and EMTs, took the training last w eek. "School can now come right to the site here they work," said his. Crowe. "It saves the, expensee of travel and cuts down on the number of employees absent due to training in another location. It's a big advantage." 1 E UYTIBE I A female prison guard living with her parents in Olustee is charged with domestic battery after an attack on her mother the morning of October 30 moments after a deputy-sheriff arrested her boyfriend. Amanda Odom, 26, alleg- edly argued with and pushed her mother into a table shortly after 7:00 at her parents' address on Elijah Dobson Road. Dianne Odom, 53, sustained a small cut on the rear of her head and. the suspect's father Earl, 57, had to restrain his daughter \\ ith a head- lock. Deputy Greg Bumsed wsas called to the residence b\ the parents after they awakened and found their daughter's boyfriend. 27-year-old Rusty Canaday of Glen St. Mary in their daugh- ter's bedroom. She had recently moved back in, and the parents , ere not allowing the boyfriend on the premises. DeputN Burnsed said the younger lMs. Odom cursed at him and for a brief time blocked his entry into the bedroom. He was there to arrest Mr. Canaday on warrants from both Baker and Columbia counties, and issue a trespass order. The officer had placed Mr. Canada\ in his patrol car %% hen he heard commotion from inside the residence. He re-entered through a rear door and found Mr. Odom restraining his daughter. Deputy Burnsed said Mr. Canada\ as wanted for failure to appear in court for sentencing on a drug misdemeanor and for driving with a license that had been suspended. In another case also involving battery on a parent, a criminal complaint was issued October 26 charging Steven Joseph Smith, 27, of NMacclenn\ w ith domestic violence against his mother. 47- year-old Brenda Smith. The mother told Sgt. Adam' Faircloth at midnight her son had been drinking the previous evening and became violent dur- ing an argument. Mr. Smith fled through a rear door when his mother summoned police. Sgt. Faircloth noted bruises and small scratches on the moth- er's right arm. Ryan Jordan, 18, was arrested the afternoon of October 27 for assault on his step-mother, 47- year-old Esther Jordan at her residence off West Ohio in Mac- clenn\. NlMs. Jordan said he became angry, cursing and threatening to kill her, after refusing to clean ,his room. The confrontation be- gan lienn the step-mother began cleaning the room herself. Tuesday Thursday 10:30 am 8:00 pm Friday and Saturday 10:30 am 10:00 pm Ne\i to Food Lion on S. 6th St. NMacclenn\. 259-4660 HIGHEST QUALITY WITH THE LOWEST PRICES ir GRAND OPENING! MATTRESS SHOP! Circle (klFurniture SPECIALIZING( IN: ' Living Rooms Home Oltice Bedrooms Wall Units "'"" -- Kid's Bedrooms Gills e Dining Rooms Accessories Save $150 Call For Directions ..".. , 904-781-1079 239 Jones Rd. www.circlekfurniturejax.com '-.-, '-- N'; I- Cr"e Card 60.000 sq. ft. of Showroom filled with Home Furnishings and Accessories. ) .ccpt, All In stock,& read itodtake home. COMIE.SEE FOR OLRSELF! csh r"":- Mo :Wed -Sat 1Oan5:30pm Sun. 1 00rfi-5-"30pm ClosedTuesdays " LOGS AND PULPWOOD 1 ACRE OR LARGER i?--"-" 1"^';-- -- DIAMOND TIM IER, INC. "FOR A QUALITY CUT" CALL 282-5552 KENT WILLIAMS THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 5 I I I 1.6 C / GrandHomecomingparade! The more they change, the mote they stay the same (except for the mounted entrant on the cell phone aboi c Hundreds turned out to watch the.traditional parade through downtown Macclenny the afternoon of October 26. and later that neitlt to watch the crowning of the court. Chosen Baker High queen (far left) was Wendy Nguyen (center)J flanked by 2nd runncr- up Gentri Billotte (left) and. April Atulerson. The weekend was spoiled a bit by the Wildcat loss to Bishop Kenney. which kept its playoff hopes ahlie with a 34-22 win over the Cats I see page 12). Photos by Jeisica Prevan and Kle/tLanngan Benefit Nov. 4th A number of fund-raising events will be held on Saturday. November 4 at the Macclenny Moose Lodge on West Lox\der to benefit 6-year-old Ethan Ar- nold of Glen St Marne. who recently u n de r went surgery to remove a second brain lun mor. a The ben- efit includes a yard sale. bake sale, pork and rice dinners on sale and musical en- tertainment by Jimmy Barton and Josie Davis. The event is from 9:00 am-3:00 prm. To arrange for donations to the yard sale. or baked goods, call Annette Barton at 259-3932 or Josie Davis at 259-5291. If you prefer to make a monetary dona- tion, please do so through Mer- cantile Bank in Ethan Arnold's name. Dr. Nancy E. Davie Licensed Mental Health Counselor. 259-1758 117 S. Fifth St. * Child, Adolescent, Adult & Marital Therapy il[Dirt Top Soil Septic Tank Sand Iif EP INC. 4904) 289-7000 am ~ 4:30 pm SIrFFIS for Couty CommissIoner, District 4 q "Next Tuesday is Election day and your chance to make your voice heard. It is truly an honor to be running for County Commis- sioner, District 4. The decisions our County Commissioners make the next four years willbe the most critical in Baker County's history. Regardless ofparty affiliation we ear all Baker Countlans uho care about. the future of our community. My professional . and business experience has provided me with the skills to help lead this great county into the future." ,. - Professional Experience Current General Manager, Northeast Florida Telephone 28+ years continuous employment as general manager, marketing manager, outside plant engineer anld installer/repairman Business and Civic Service > Board of Directors for Florida Telecommunications Industry Association, Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. & Work Source + Past President of Baker County Chamber of Commerce and the Baker County Jaycees I + Charter member of Baker County Kiwanis Club + ^ 10+ years as Little League baseball coach + Member of First Baptist Church of Macclenny Paid political advertisement. p.iid for and approved by Mike Griff,. Republican, foi Count,, Comnmii oner District -t. I **">/A.. ^*^,, *lA-fc.i,, THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 6 Threatens house guest with rifle early Saturday An argument between a Glen St. Mary man and a house guest. resulted in the arrest of the former early on October 28 for threaten- ing the latter with a rifle. Brandon Hall, 24, was booked for aggravated assault with the rifle and possession of marijuana after police found a large bag of it on the floor of his Chevrolet Impala parked at Mr. Hall's resi- dence off Orbey Rhoden Road. Earlier, Deputy Cpl. Michael Lagle said he was responding to a report of the incident just before 4:00 am when he found Timothy Harrison, 21, of Jack- sonville walking along CR 127. Mr. Harrison said Mr. Hall threatened him with the rifle, then chased him from the prop- erty in the Impala. The two ar- gued after Mr. Hall accused his guest of stealing money, said Mr. Harrison. Mr. Hall told a different story when police questioned him. in- sisting the argument was over tools missing from a shed and de- nN ing the threat %\ith a firearm. A 16-year-old male who wit- nessed the confrontation backed up Mr. Harrison's version, and police said the engine area of the Chevrolet was warm, though Mr. Hall said he had merely driven it behind the residence to put air in a tire. In other arrests for crimes on persons, Jessica Frazier. 23, was charged with battery on Amy, Stavley, 34, at a residence off West Railroad in Macclenny the afternoon of October 25. The incident was witnessedby Deputy Sgt. Michael Crev. s, \\ho \'as called to to scene about 1:00 after Ms. Frazier refused to leave a residence undergoing renova- tion. She and a boyfriend who had worked on the project had been living there for some time, said Sgt. Crews, and refused to vacate, despite several requests over an eight-week period. Ms. Stavley was there repre- senting the property owner, and was struck on the head as she -walked past Ms. Frazier, who became angry and had to be re- strained. Jessica Egido, 22, of Jack- sonville faces a similar charge for allegedly biting and scratch- ing Travis Johnson, 18, of St. George, Ga. in the early morning hours of October 27-.. 'Ms. Egido and companion Joseph Crews, 20, also of St. George, were sitting in the park- ing lot of Mercantile Bank in Glen St. Mary about 12:30 am when questioned by Deputy Wil- liam Hilliard. The officer was responding to complaints that Ms. Egido was banging on doors of a private residence in the neighborhood. According to the deputy, she ap- peared disoriented and denied ever being in Glen. Patient Tania Rosado, 27, was 7066 E. Mt. Vernon St. Glen St. Mary, PL 32040 904-259-4679 200 Fodiie ncutlL 4o0er ie Only 459901-"1 2000 Ford F150 XLT 4x4 80K Miles Only $950000 Financing available on select units Down Payments starting at only 300.oo i All Prices & Down Payments, plus Tax & Tag 904-259-4679 named in a criminal complaint October 27 alleging battery for, attacks on two doctors at North- east Florida State Hospital on October 12. She is accused of striking Dr. Paul Duda, 63, with a garbage can that morning, then striking Dr. Ruth Parnas, 67, in the lower Suspects are named in two cases ofvandalism Vehicles sustained damage in Criminal complaints will be path of a large truck. two incidents of criminal mis- filed againstboth suspects. The incident occurred th chief reported to the sheriff's de- Similar action will be taken ternoon of October 29 near apartment the past week. against a 17-year-old girl who lor. Damage to the vehicles . Sharonda Ellis said she and allegedly threw a perfume bottle not noted in either case. her young son witnessed Martius at a vehicle driven by a 16-year- In a case of petty theft, a Holland, 24, and Ashton Amer- old girl. Both are from the Mac- tive denied know ledge of a son, 20, enter her property off clenny area. glary at the home of Rita] Sycamore St. in Macclenny on The complainant said the ning off Orbey Rhoden RoE October 27 about 7:00 pm and older girl was tailgating her just October 23. toss a brick through the driver before the incident, and nearly Another relative reported side window and a rear window caused her to swerve' across the morning locks were broken of her 1984 Chevrolet. center lane of CR 125 into the bedroom door, a closet doo: back. , Four charged withhaving cocaine, pot Four persons found in and out- smoking devices in his bedroom gency room of Fraser Hospital. side parked van by the Macclen- at a residence off Blair Circle in Another occupant said the teen ny Park at 3:00 am on October Macclenny. suspect had been living there. 26 ended up in jail charged with The youth, who attempted to Tosha Gabhart, 22, said she felony possession of narcotics. flee the address through a rear had been staying at the Blair Deputy Sgt. Adam Faircloth door, was taken into custody St.' residence when she got the said he was on routine patrol about 1:00 am on October 29 bums on her stomach and chest when he spotted the 1997 Honda whenn several officers went there area. She told police she didn't van near locked gate,. to serve a warrant. remember how they got there, Wendy Gallahue, 30, of Mac- The arrest order had been and later speculated her memo- clenny said cocaine residue obtained the previous day when ry might have been affected by found on three cash bills, plus Deputy Mark Hall said the drugs sleeping pills. a pair of plastic baggies with and pipes were found during a When the youth was arrested marijuana %were hers. The others search of the residence while in- the follow ing morning he had were charged with possessing vestigating the mysterious burn more prescription medication in two $1 bills and a $20 bill with marks on a woman who had his possession, and told officers the residue and ha'king a partially sought treatment at the emer- he stole the pills. smoked marijuana cigarette, a misdemeanor. s They were identified as Dan- Woodlawn Kennels tarius Culter, 25, and Lorenzo' Major, 28, both of Jacksonville., () llity Prof',nldl il i' and Dodi Hickman. 40, of Mac- "" " clenny |59-475 B Mr. Cutler, who gave officers GRONIIN(; 2 59- 7 BOARDIN permission to search the vehicle. said they were in the area at that Private Spacious Indoor/Outdoor Runs time of morning celebrating Ms. t Gallahue's birthday. i Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom... ... $20-$25 In another felony possession case, a 17-year-old male ju'e- Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip ............ $10-$15 nile %was charged with stashing Boarding (per actual day) ................... $5-$7 prescription medicine and drug- .e af- Tay- was rela- bur- Man- ad on I that on a r and a suitcase inside, and prescrip-, tion niedication belonging to Ms. Manning was taken. It was stored in the suitcase. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pin Mac.crnvy C hurch ofChnmt 2-5-361 or 259-825- -I Relay for Life 7 meeting held The Relay for Life Kick Off was held at the \Woman's Club Club House on October 26t Plans were made to start work on the event for 2007. It % ill be held at the Baker County Faqi Grounds on Saturday, March 31 from 7 am til midnight. D There are 14 teams already registered for this event. Jo- Ann Huk and Cheryl Lunm are the chairpersons for Teani Recruitment. If you have a tearr that wants to join or %ant to be on a team, we have a place fot you. Call Jo-Ann at 904-318- 0452 or Cheryl at 259-3666. , We are looking forward to making this year's Carnmial o' Life the best yet. Please let ug, know that you are ready to join the Walk Around the Track t6 find a cure for cancer. Our next Team meeting % ill be Nov. 30 at the Club House at 6:30 pm. ', ,L : 1 Metal Roofing Homes and 1MAobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installers A* lany Styles and Colors to Choose From Alanutacrurer's \WVarranties'up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887!, Visit us o the web at: \ww.lifetimcietalroofing.com n (904)779-5786 (SA 1-800-662-8897 Toll Free HBB LILM Dr. Lex is the newest member of the medical staff at Baker County Medical Services, Inc. Dr. Lex will begin her practice November 1 in the former office of Dr. Gary Dopson. Office Hours: Monday Friday 8 am- 5 pm Dr. Lex is a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician who graduated from the Eastern Virginia Medical School. She has been a member of the United States Navy for the last 8 years working at the Naval Hospital in Jacksonville. Dopson Family Medical Center 159 North Third Street Macclenny) -'4 4.- 4"' "b'-. ~ "C,. AIf INTRODUCING IPMN THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS. Thursday November 2. 2006 Page 7 s -a .-a s ,d a-,-, . !'-' -. J.r.: h--** .Y :. .; :. % ,.171 I11a --B ^ ^ History club goes 'ghoulish' at haunted jail.... Upwards of 300 brave souls entered at their own risk at the old Mclver St. county jail for two nights last weekend at the annual Haunted Jail event sponsored by the Baker High history club and the Old Jail Restoration group. A group of students who volun- teered at the jail posed for a ghoulish photo Saturday night. They are (from left) Nikki King, Trey West, Megan Crawford, Sedaira Johnson and Tia Case. Club sponsor Mark Hartley said about $1200 was raised this year, and the organizations split it evenly. Man claims he was shot at twice The sheriff's department is looking for a Macclenny man ;who allegedly fired two pistol shots at the current boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend the evening of 'October 28. Vincent Thomas, 37, of Jack- sonville told police he was riding a bicycle on South Boulevard in Macclenny about 10:00 pm when Hidies Akins, 45, pulled up beside him in a Ford Bronco and fired a single shot from a pistol. Mr. Thomas said he jumped off the bike and started pushing it as his assailant then attempted to run him over. The victim told Deputy Wayne Limbaugh he hid behind a tele- phone pole near 9th St. for pro- tection. then picked up the bike that had been damaged by the Bronco and again began pushing it tomard the residence of girl- friend Dinmitri Jefferson on West Mlinnesota. Mr. Akins once again pulled iilongside him, according to Mr. Thomas. and the two exchanged ,~ words before a second shot was fired and the Bronco drove off. 'Mr. Thomas was not injured. The previous afternoon and e\ enmng. ls. Jefferson, 29, sum- .'moned police after Mr. *Akins '.allegedly i isolated a domestic vi- olence restraining order by tele- ;'honing her and making threats ,:?n person at hler residence. The ex-girlfriend said Mr. ,-Akins also slightly damaged her '.car with a vehicle . The sheriff's department was called to two other incidents involving violence against girl- friends over the weekend, in- cluding one where a deputy had to threaten the alleged assailant w ith a Taser gun. Deputy Mark Hardin said Johnnie Smith, 24, of Sanderson cursed him and approached in a threatening manner when the of- ficer ordered'him to stop the af- ternoon of October 27. Mr. Smith was walking on Grissholm St. in southwest Mac- clenny shortly afterpolice learned about 6:40 he was the suspect in an attack on girlfriend Maketta Lee, 23, at her residence. The of- ficer said.Mr. Smith balled up his fists and cursed him acts that prompted the Taser threat. Ms. Lee, who said her boy- friend had been living with her about a month, sustained a mouth laceration. Deputy Hardin said Mr. Smith continued to curse and threaten him and Cpl. Mike Lagle during transport to country jail, where he was booked for, battery and resisting arrest. A criminal complaint was is- sued October 28 charging Ricky Tisdale, 24, of Macclenny with battery of girlfriend Sabrina Ruise, 22, of Glen St. Mary that evening as she was leaving work. According to Ms. Ruise, the boyfriend punched her in the face repeatedly after accusing her of seeing another man, then kicked her in the back and stom- ach after she fell to the ground. 'N American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 SLENDER J, ~ ",- * Slag Fill Dirt Sand Milling Clay * Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built 653-2493 (904) 445-8836 cell. Deputy John Hardin noted in his report Ms. Ruise's face bore the signs of the beating, including "severe swelling" when she filed the complaint at county jail. Cancer group The monthly meeting of the Baker County cancer support group will be held this Thursday, November 1 at 7:00 pm. It is held in the meeting room at the Baker County Health Department. The group is for cancer sur- vivors and their caregivers. For more information, telephone Mag McGauley at 259-3476. Press Advertising Deadline Monday 5:00 PM i otique . ". Bagg.letto I ' & ,.'_, ,." . [.. ^.IK 4), *;~ '5~t~' .>~.' 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Now 5mr.'ino ai '1 dec' of 'dill ',, Flori]'da, A:!ccci I onFyi I 'rs~ck Crid suJoc to credit upps. i Certai n r!rct ic', an 3d 'iminliuc' AppII N'Cli'.''iiF IiI's' r urire'ul"n, e I' Hie bor:'i cfPl:,;f, I ilhe,',* Ml rpi'c u Ku m(110fS: l cu"V, l ii Vti b', Ii ''iouioi', N i -1 propuid ;triesI aid 'curS 1 ''uto I in es.-,w cii'oii 1c s .'cte amrO cf laxon' and r'-raci .5 Is your money making someone else rich? A FEW TIPS FROM THE PEOPLE WHO NEVER FORGET THAT IT'S YOUR MONEY VyStar Credit Union is owned and managed by our members, more than 350,000 of them in Northeast Florida. Because we are member-owned, we work hard to find ways to reduce fees, offer more services and help our members keep more of their hard-earned money. Here are just a few ways we do that: EARN POINTS WHEN YOU SPEND AND INTEREST WHEN YOU SAVE With a VyStar free checking account, there are'no costly monthly fees, hidden service charges or minimum 5 balance requirements. And we pay you interest on all your deposit accounts, so your money grows. Plus, you earn rewards points for free travel and merchandise whenever you make signature-based purchases using your free Vi', check card. Get a VyStar free checking account today and we'll give you 2,000 bonus rewards points to get you started. REFINANCE YOUR AUTO LOAN Lots of people know that refinancing their home loan can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars. But did you know that you can do the same with your auto loan? Contact VyStar today to learn how you can lower your interest rate and monthly payment by refinancing to a better deal. SAVE UP TO $5,000 ON MORTGAGE CLOSING COSTS We want to help people buy homes. That's why, for a limited time, we'll pay up to )-,, II.. of your mortgage closing costs when you purchase or refinance. Get your mortgage with VyStar, and you'll enjoy low rates, free services and save on closing costs with this offer. Safid:s..Trucldng & Land Developm C-orm-ON. llw to---w J ti THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 8 Social, New members are welcomed The GFWC Woman's Club of Macclenny October meeting was centered around membership. We had 6 new members join on that day Kacie Kennedy, Mary Baxia, Joy Phillips, Harriet Shutters and Eva Jean King. The new members were asked to tell something about themselves and \\hv the\ chose to join the club. School Activities NOVEMBER 6: District wide: School board meeting 6:30 pm. BCHS: Band parent meeting 7:00 pm. NOVEMBER 7: BCHS: Hi-Q at Hilliard. Project.R.E.A.C.H. at Westside. Girls' basektball pre-season tip off at Union. NOVEMBER 8: MES: School Advisory Council meeting 8:00 am. NOVEMBER 9:- District wide: Progress reports. Cauden Ciia, Born October 5 Ashleigh, Frankie, Cameron and Chayse Crain are proud to announce the birnh of their baby brother Caeden Sean Crainm on October 5, 2006 at Memorial Medical Center in Jacksonville. He weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 inches long. Proud parents are Frank and Danielle Craih of Glen St. Mary. Grandparents are Jerry and Martha Morgan of Glen St., NMarn, and Donald and Louise Crain of Nlacclenn. . We publish -obituaries & pictures FREE! ,l/; -irSl ad ,ll S l, h.-h - Sanchaz-Ward Timothy Sanchaz and Fred and Paula Archer of Orlando. along with David and Patricia Ward of Glen St. Mar\ are' proud to announce the upcoming marriage of Padra Sanchaz of Orlando and Scott Ward of Kissimmee. The. wedding will be November 11 at 3:00 pm at The Lakes Reception, Mount Dora, Florida. After a, honeynmoon trip to Lake Tahoe. the couple, will reside in Kissimmee. Rotary scholar-athlete recognized Joel Barber (left), pre i/deo of the Baker Counti Rotiar Club, presented its scholar- athlete oif dte ,iou1h an ard on October 27 to Brittany Gray, a junior at Baker County High School i ho ,mi,,taoins a 3.9,) grade point average. Ms. Gray, the daughter of Oscar and S, ie Gra oj ..liac cle'n',i. also plays 'i, both tihe i 'iehiVbi and softball teams. The Rr-tarians plan to,. recgnize similar srntdt ,acinIe'et 'is at bilth thei high school and Baker County Middle School on a reilalr baids. .41,o in photo is David Ciiford, BCHS pr i,,pal. PHOTO COURTESY.,OFJOEL BARBER c lunch Iiw K for the, week of November 6-10 BREAKFA.ST MONDAY: Breakfast pizza. ITult luice and nulk T'UESDAI: Sausage biscuit. truth luice and milk. WEDNESDAY: Cereal ith muiti.-rainr iast. rini juice and nulk THURSDAY: Pancaker and 4.aiusage on a stick. fruit juice and milk. :, '; *LUNCH . C. Jlnrclhi plat, ,.h t i. ld ,U ,i h lIat i..-11 ,..r crackers, and dessert . n ,, W, n r-: J IOR NIONDAI: Mleican burntio ir chicken u ith rice casserole and a homeniade She:it roll Choice ol 2 ide, steamed peas. hashbro n pamtr and fruii choice TUESDAY: Grilled chicken on a bun or hahan lasagana ,th a hom-emade wheat roll Choice of 2 side tossed salad. seasoned pole beans, chilled Irunl choice and an oatmeal cookie WEDNESDAY: Taco salad % Ith sal.a or beef nuggeit Choice of 2 'des- ledu. and [omato. golden corn. chilled hunt choice and a homemade % heal roll THURSDAY: Pork rib patr) on a bun or chef's choice ot entree Choice of 2 sides whipped potatoes, seasoned carrots. i killed fruit choice and a homemade de'- sert choice. S* Table Linens & Chair Covers SColumn Sets & Candelabras Sables & Chairs 'FloralArrangements S s Chocolate Fountain 99 9 uch More I -:- -- I 1478 SoutixthSreeM | Butch's Paint & Body Shop| | 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR Foreign & Domestic I c ," Duponrt Lifetime Wanrant Painit ,' ,,' C'-omputer Estimating 'i .i Insuranr ce Clan iX Work .q ',L, a, _-lo puJterizdd Color Matchling .- FUlli' InSII.ledJ E ENTERPRISE Stop in for your free estimate DROP-OFF 259-37851 R"NT CA79.--,7--. :' !L: .- .--.''-. :;_- "--^^^^ 'rrr ~-,rr~4-vr "rv ~ -... -. ecson family Practice Will now be open for an extended time from 5:00 n m Q--O n m XJL %JL.p.L k j F 0 ILL. p. . Tuesday and Thursdays. Please call for an appointment 259-3 50 Walk-ins Welcome Gospe! Sing Saturday, Nvember 4 Dinner 4:00pm Music 5:00 pm The Red" Barn at Willie Griffis residence From Sanderson take 127 North 4 miles to Willie Griffis Road on right, turn righirat white board fence', cross cattle gap, follow main road I mile to red barn. What to Bring Lawn Chair and a dessert if you wish. Menu Pork and Rice Pilaf, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Fresh Greens, String Beans and Rolls Come and enjoy good food and Gospel singing ATTORNEY-,, David P. Dealing former Baker County Prosecutor SERIOUS INJURIES CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF ANOTHER AND CRIMINAL DEFENSE Jacksonville (904) 399-8989. Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are absolutely free. a ',,1','W~i at B nc a :, t f.. '.S d WL ,4'. a ,".-'. S,1,'., T.". 'fJ'I L'/lil l.i;Y~'';'l[ LYCuLum seie 2K006S07 presents HOLLIOv eST'S TIMM2 TUMI L Also appearing: Funnyman Christopher John & his famous impressions. November 9 7:30 p.m. Levy Performing Arts Enjoy Dinner in the Lobo Cafe at 6 p.m. Fried chicken or roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, cut corn, French green beans, French bread, salad bar, chocolate cake, choice of any fountain drink, tea or coffee. The cost is $8 Individual tickets on sale now and at the PAC box office the day of the performance For more information call (386) 754.4340 including tax. If you need assistance due to a disability call 754-4340 LCCC is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution LIVING FAITH S .-ASSEMBLY OF GOD 12664 Mudlake Rd. Glen St. Mary 275-2949 You are invited to worship with us some Sunday soon! 10:30 am & 6:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm We sing happy song! We pray a prayer of faith! We preach the word of God! All in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! You are welcome! Pastor Jim Baggett LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE m THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 9 ituaries Cassandra Carter dies October 28 Cassandra Leann Finley Carter, 23, of Jacksonville died October 28, 2006. She was born in Jacksonville, lived most of her life in Macclenny and returned the last four years to- Jacksonville. She was the daughter' of William (Buck) Finley and Sandra Hommonds. She was a homemaker and a Baptist. Ms. Carter is survived by her husband Jeremy Carter of Jacksonville; daughters Jessilyn Trinity Carter and Brooklyn Legena Carter; mother Sandra Hammonds of Macclenny; father William (Buck) Finley of I Jacksonville; sisterAngelaFinley of Macclenny; brothers William Jr. Finley, Travis Finley, Bobby Joe Finley, Eugene Finley, Justin Hammonds, all of Nlacclenny, and Albert C. Finley of High Springs; maternal grandmother Lois Wright of Macclenny and maternal grandfather Gene i Hammonds of Kingsport, Tennessee. The funeral service will be ;-held Wednesday, No\ ember 1 at 2:00 pm at the Christian Fellow ship Church of lacclenny with Rev. David Thomas officiating. Interment will follow in South Prong Cemetery in Baker County.,( Archer Funeral Home of Lake Butler was in charge of arrangements. Service later for Dan L. Clark r. Dan Lewis Clark Jr., 42, of St. George, Georgia died on October 23, 2006. Mr. Clark was a native of Ft. Riles. Kansas and had resided in St. George for one year. Prior to living in St. George he resided in Mishawaka, Indiana. He served in the US Army and loved to work on cars and motorcycles. Survivors include his wife 'Kristie Anne Clark of St. George; mother Lynn Swanson' of St. George; daughters Leah Clark of Mishawaka and Christina Kellermeier of Cedar Lake, Indiana; step-daughters Nicole, Melissa, and Jessica Ducey, all of Mishawaka; step- sons Timothy Stafford and Kristopher Arseneau, both of Elkhart, Indiana; brothers Ross (Lorie) Swanson and William (Amanda) Swanson of St. George and Robert (Lori) Clark of Portsmouth, Rhode Island; grandchild Alexandria Ducey of Mishawaka. A funeral service for Mr. Clark will be held at a later date. Cremation arrangements are under the direction of Guerry Funeral Home, Macclenny. MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am -11:00 am Worship Services V, A Q. IsCr . S -.... F. i7:3 inpm .... b; IMi sister -.." : ,: *"* Sam F. Pitching Mr. Dingman was multi-service vet Donald Allen Dingman, Sr., 78, of Baxter, Florida died. Saturday, October 28, 2006. Mr. Dingman was a native of Albany, New York. He moved to Jacksonville in 1939 and then to Baxter in 1981. He was the son of the late Clarence Allen and Annie Evans Dingman. He was a veteran, of US -military services, serving the Marines, Navy, Air Force, and ArmN and a member of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union #234 of Jacksonville for 35 ears. Mr. Dingman enjoyed fishing, traveling, swimming, and spending time with his grandchildren and great- grandchildren. He was predeceased by grandson Brian Dingman. Mr. Dingman is survived by his loving wife of 60 years, Barbara Ann Joiner Dingman, children Donna Ann Dingman, Janet Cheryl (Fred) Raulerson. and Donald Allen (Elizabeth) Dingman. Jr.: brothers William and Raymond Dingman: sisters Marguerite Hendrickson and Carol Cazalas; grandchildren Jamie IBeckil Raulerson, Scott (Nielissai Raulerson, David McClendon. William McClendon. and Jacqueline Dingman; step- grandchildren Eric (Sherriel Raulerson and Sondra (Tim) Nobles; 5 great-grandchildren and 10 great-step-grandchildren. The funeral service for Mr. Dingman'will be held on No- vember 1, at 11:00 am in the the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services in Macclenny with Rev. Fred Raulerson officiat- ing. Interment will follow at Swift Creek Cemetery, Union County, Florida. The family suggests memorials be made to the Pediatric Cancer Research Center, 14005 A North Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618. Ruby Davis, 70, dies October 29 Ruby Lee Davis, 70, of Mac- clenny died Sunday, October 29, 2006. She was the daughter of the late Roy Lauramore and Thelma Es- telle Johns more, and the %%ido%\ of Vernon Toni Davis. w:. She % as 41 also prede- , ceased bN dauh ter Nand Cal- 5 lender. She f as a home- an DaR. maker, a member of New Hope Church of Baker County and a lifelong resident of Macclenny. Ms. Davis is survived by daughters JudN (Bud) Harvey and Wanda Br\ant. both of Sand- erson, Annette (Terry) Mash of Macclenny and Tammy (Jim) Collins of St. George, Georgia; sons Randall (Becky) Davis Sr. of Sanderson and Donald R. (Tina) Davis Sr. of Jacksonville; sisters Eloise (Dick) Davis, Ker- rel (Albertd Cox and Katherine Pride. all of Macclennr ubro others Arthur Lee (Nlar\ i Lauramore and Re. J.C. (Sand\ i Laura- more, both of (acclenn a son-in- la\" David Callender of Nlulber- ry, Arkansas; 25 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren. The funeral service will be held on Wednesda\. November 1st at 2:00 pm at her church % ith Pastor J.C. Lauramore oftici- ating, assisted b\ Rev. Bobb\ Griffin. Interment will follow \ in Turner Cemetery., Guerry Funeral Home of Macclenny was in charge of arrangements. First Baptist Church of Sanderson CR 229 S., Sanderson FL SundaN School .......10:00 am Sun. Morning Worship 11:00 am Suii. Evening Worship .6 00 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study .,7:00 pm AWANA Wed. Night.. 7:00 pmn Pastor.Bob Chrismias , ;.'w% ftirSibhapichi rchII'of4 iider..orC ClOm Guerry Funeral Home Is your favorite funeral director a salesman or a caregiver? Caregivers are not concerned with selling expensive caskets and expensive burial vaults. Caregivers make suggestions to keep funeral costs reasonable. Guerry Funeral Home's reputation was built on caring for your family. 420 E MN\ L.c-n: ) Ave, (U.S. 90 East) M3.i,:lenny 259-2211 2659 SW. Main Blvd. (U.S. 41 South) Lake City (386) 752-2414 Bill' Guerry and Bryan Guerry, Funeral Directors Larry Williams, Office Administrator Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle, Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday. ... 8:30 Morning Worship Service..... 10:30 Children's Church ....... ... 11:30 Evangelistic.... ...........6: Bible Study (Wed.)............. 7: Rev Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 Revival November 5 00 pm 30 pm -9 Ms. Wilkerson rites November 1 Leola Smith Wilkerson, 89, of Macclenny died Sunday, October 29, 2006. She was born in Baldwin and resided there most of her life before moving to Macclenny in 1994. She was the daughter of the late Osie Lee Smith and Viola Mathis Smith, and the widow of Lewis Wilkerson. She was predeceased by children Roy Wilkerson, Ray Wilkerson, Floyd Wilkerson and Frances W. Crews. She was a homemaker and attended the First Assembly of God Church in Baldwin. Surviors include sons Franklin (Linda) Wilkerson and Carl (Michelle) Wilkerson, both of Baldwin, and Harold (Deborah) Wilkerson of Jacksonville; sister Ethel Thomas of Gainesville; daughter-in-law Elaine Wilkerson, of Macclenny and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The funeral service, for Ms. Wilkerson was held on Wednesday, November I in the chapel of Guerry Funeral Home in Macclenny with Rev. Le\\is Wilkerson, pastor of Life Point Churchin Port Charlotte. Fla. officiating. In loving memory ofmy Papa "Homer Farris" NoVember 2005 One year ago today you- left ine. Al. heart is broken,, but I know that God is tak- ing very good care of von.. I love and miss ou very much. LOVE, YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER DARIENNE VAUGHN In loving memory of our Dad "Homer Farris" November 2,2005 One year ago today you left. us. In hife n'e loved yout. dearly,. in death wte will do the same. It broke our hearts for you to' leave, but you did not go alone, for part of us went with yoif. Your love is still/ our u1ide and althouiigi ne cannot see you. you ,ire"ar i-tys'ateour side. We love and miss you verv much. Lo (E UR CHILDREN. MICHMEL FdRRIS AND HEATHER VAUGHN SFirst United' SMethodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm \John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor , FAITH BIBLES CHURCH N,'u' fktb./b' the Cen.,.mnit;v Five Chlurclh.' Road I I\v. 127 S.ndcrsio, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.n. Suiiday Morning Wunhip 1 1:00 .a.n. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Evervy*4'SundawNightSeie 7-00p nm. \ 'idell If: Tliamsn -Pastor , Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North t 259-4401bl ML.icclerin, FL Pastor Ti, Chesiire Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church Elder Arnold Johns Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For information call: 259-9567 St. Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 AM. Sunday Evening Worship6:00 PM. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Services 9:45 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All il Fifth .B,. & 259-69311 T, r-r i. M, BIV 01 G tor: 1,7ri1' lenn 1 D i I H Paul HiIle,;,' SSunday Schoul 9:30 dam nesd oBible S -1111 p uini rn W h I: m \\edlesdad Bible SMId\ .:01l pml ^ Sunda Moirning \Wfir.ship 111:15 am 1 i, . r T hursday louth 7:04 pm 0: !, Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Thursda p ,Niir, v pr,,ied Ih r all s,.r,-n S Loring Church 'wilh a Growing vision of Excellenre" S :. S i.: l Bl 3 nI1 S, h.I Readiness I;ui-r 4. 4 I i First Baptist Church LiGLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA ".A H.c6 ,,, /, Sunday School 9:45 AM B/,.r leq Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM .. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM 259-6977 Dr. Walter Bennett, Interim Sr. Pastor Perry Hays, Associate Pastor L- David Thomas 2594940 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE JSeventh St.& Ohio Ave.,. D laccleii nr Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., MaLclenny Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday Youth Programs Sunday School Common Ground Sunday 'Tim Thomas 2594575 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 7:00 pm pm 9:15 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm God Kids Sunday God Kids Wednesday 11:00 am 7:00 pm www.christianfellowshiptemple.com Sunday School 9-45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6 00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 00 pm Jesus answered, "Verily, verily I s.ay unto thee, e'cept a man be born o0 water and ot the Spirit. he cannot enter into the king- dom of God John 3-5 Sunday Night 6:00 pm Monday Thursday 7:30 pm Evangelist Robert Mays Everyone Invited! Pastor Oral Lyons Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church HWY 127 N. Sanderson 259-2827 7- - I- --. ...] 11 am am am THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 10 Ms. Wilkerson rites November 1 Leola Smith Wilkerson, 89, of Macclenny died Sunday, October 29, 2006. She was born in Baldwin and resided there most of her life before moving to Macclenny in 1994. She was the daughter of the late Osie Lee Smith and Viola Mathis Smith, and the widow of Lewis Wilkerson. She was predeceased by children Roy Wilkerson, Ray Wilkerson, Floyd Wilkerson and Frances W. Crews. She was a homemaker and attended the First Assembly of God Church in Baldwin. Surviois include sons Franklin (Linda) Wilkerson and Carl (Michelle) Wilkerson, both of Baldwin, and Harold (Deborah) Wilkerson of Jacksonville; sister Ethel Thomas of Gainesville; daughter-in-law Elaine Wilkerson of Macclenny and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The funeral, service for Ms. Wilkerson was held on' Wednesday, November 1 in the chapel of Guerry Funeral Home in Macclenny with Rev. Lewis Wilkerson, pastor of Life Point Church in Port Charlotte, Fla. officiating. J.C. Yonn, 87, native ofBaxter J. C. Yonn, 87, of Boca Raton, Fla. died October 24, 2006. He was born in Baxter on March 27, 1919. He served in World War II and was honorably discharged in 1946. Mr. Yonn was a 50-year Master Mason and a member of the Morocco Shrine Temple in Jacksonville. He also enjoyed golf at the Boca West Country Club. He is predeceased by his loving wife of 51 years, Clevy Yonn, and his eldest daughter Jacquelyn Key. 'He is survived by brothers C. H. and Henry Yonn; sister Mary Lou Bowlin; daughter Carmen Yonn; sons Hubert and Richard Yonn; grandchildren Robert. Mark, and Julie Key,. Travis, and.W \endy Yonn, Rick- and Sarah Yonn and eight great- granchildren. The funeral service was held October 27 with interment at Boca Raton Cemetery. Carl Pellum Sr. 7/28/33 11/1/05 We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name. In life we loved you B' dearly, in .. death we do ... the same. , It broke our hearts to lose you. you, did not go I alone. for part oJ us went with you, the day God called you home. You left Mr Pellum us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide, and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken; and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. WE LOVE AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH! MELISSA, CHRIS, CARL & GRANDCHILDREN Everyone Johnny Williams funeral on Friday Johnny 0. Williams, 68, of Macclenny died on Tuesday, October 31, 2006. He was born in Macclenny on October 15, 1938 to the late Roland and Estelle (Stokes) Williams. Mr. Williams lived in Baker county all of his life. He enjoyed spending time with his family and was predeceased by his son Scott Norman. Mr. Williams is survived by children Pamila (James) Reed, Johnnie Jo (J.J.) Williams and Joseph R. Williams, 'all of Milton, Pa.; Dana Williams and Matthew (Trisha) Williams, both of New Columbia, Pa.; brothers Ralph Self (Beverly), and Jessie J. Williams, both of Macclenny, and George R. Williams (Cathy) of Glen St. Mary; sisters Shirley Paige (Danny) and Velma Gatlin, both of Macclenny; 14 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The funeral service for Mr. Williams will be held on Friday, November 3 at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny with Pastor Tommy Anderson officiating. The family will receive friends on November 2 from 6:00-8:00 pm in the chapel. Nancy Mann, grocery owner Nancy Lou Mason Mann, 58, of Glen St. Mary died on October. 30,. 2006. Mrs. Mann -was born on August 22, 1948 in Jacksonville and has been a resident of Baker County the past 21 years. She was the owner and operator of Mann's Grocery in Jacksonville and also Mann's Fish and Food ini Glen St. Mary.; She enjoyed taking care of her children and grandchildren. She was predeceased by her father, Clifford Anderson Mason. She is survived by her husband of 38 years, John Paul Mann Sr.; mother Evelyn Couey Mann: children Sheila (Robi Handres., John Paul "Punkin" Nlann Ji., (Christy) and Funston Clifford "Scooter" Mann; brothers, Clifford Anderson Mason Jr., Lawrence Stains, Wade (Sylvia) Mason, Shelton Mason and Sherman Mason; sisters Gloria (Johnnie) Williams, Rosemary Roland and Joy Tatum; 10 grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. The funeral service will be Thursday, November 2 at 1:00 pm in the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny with pastors Leslie and David Thomas officiating. Interment will follow in South Prong Cemetery. The family will receive friends for visitation Wednesday, November 1 from 6-8 pm in the chapel. DININMS NEW (CONi'CR. EN\T(IONAL ? -THODIST C!(IInyn tk I '/ B. ft iniln-Mtir iail,2 _hj l 1 Il 01onm .'tilt .'._) :V inilill 3'. raei'i I .' ouI IIl uiiiltn .'n thl V'viI ,: (- ('n I, pm kV d. Nhlht :.nICe /:'11) hpm Where Everyone is Somebody and Jesus is the Leader Pastor Rev. ErnIe Terrell Prays Is someone listening? Find out this Sunday 11:00 am Glen Church 7556 Aunt Mary Harvey Road 259-3920 Come as you are... Gle St. Mary S Sanderson. Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm Pastor: Oral E. Lyonsls Special Blessings School Readiness Center 590 N. 7th St.. Macclenm). FL - I inuiles Qou 0 our Annual al :eslivuatm flouembef 1 : 5:00 pm 8:00 pm Jfee j4dmission I, S7 ee Gjames l # Yreee lood4 So please come and join the fun, food. and fellowsh-dip ~,r~'' '..,t.,'', Hearing Test Find out what you're hearing and what you're not. Expires 11/10/06 ~rooo OF Beltone One! 1 $500 off a single instrument Not to be combined with ~4f jn r lh rr Oprevriojus purclnise. Oier vjhd Onl furch)s-i untliI 11 '10.'06 Video Ear Inspection Is it hearing loss orjust ear wax? We'll look at your ear canal with our video ear camera Expires 11/10/06 BELTONE HEARING AID CENTERS Keystone Heights 6542 Triest Ave. ** 352-473-6050 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 11 Thank you The loving family of Ray Lewis would like to send a sin- cere thanks to the entire com- munity of Baker County. How blessed was Ray to live in a town that he loved, and a town that loved him back? All of us appreciate the continuous prayers, heart-felt cards filled with kind words, abundance of delicious food, endless laughter while reliving fond memories, sincere hugs of encouragement, and thoughtful personal visits we have received in the past few weeks. We continue to celebrate the life of Ray Lewis and it is an honor to call Baker County our home. Thank you for everything. MONA, DEAN, ANNE, LYNN, MELISSA, T.C. SASSY, & DANYLE . ,' .%'__,-_- Jordan Daniel Booth October 6, 2005 - November 6, 2005 How very sofilv you tiptoed into our world. Almost silently, only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts. vForever in Our Hearts" W-E MISS YOLi VERY RlCH. MAMA, DADDY, ALEXA, AUNT Km,, UNCLE DAsVE, CHELSEA., SKLER. KYLIE, GRANDMA, GRANDPA AND AUNT KARIBETH Sing & fish fry New River New Cong- regational Methodist Church in Lake Budler will have a gospel sing and fish fry Saturday. November 4. Holy Ground and Southern Joy will be the featured groups. Everyone is invited to enjoy the great southern gospel singing and good food. Dinner w ill be served at 5:00 pm and the singing starts at 7:00 pm. For more information call (386) 431-1536 or (904i 964-3583. Benefityard sale There will be a benefit yard sale for the family of Shane Martin to help cover funeral expenses on November 3. 4 from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm. The address is 13972 N. CR 23-A. Sponsored by UCI medical staff. For donations or information call (386) 431-2488. Press Advertising Monday 5;:00,PM Help Wanted: Dental Assistant 5 Yr. Experience Required Fax Resume to: 904-396-4924 Don't have experience yet? See the ad for ' Jacksonville Dental Assistant School in the Help Wanted section of the classified ads of The Baker County Press. It starts with the headline: "In Just 71 Days you can have the skills you need to get a job as a Dental Assistant" Arrgghh...festival time atPre-K! Zade Weeks. decided to take to the high seas as a pirate when he attended the second annual fall festival at the Baker County Pre-K and Kindergarten school in Ahacclcenn on October 21. Over 1000 children and adults attended, said teacher Bonnie Jones, one of the organizers. Teachers set up game booths with literacy themes, and the event also included gamnes. a costume contest and pefiormanc e by the school's Kinder-Chornus. PHOTO COURTESY OF BRAD WEEKS 0i The Hair factory 0 Total Family Hair Care Dow open inside midtown Center 28 West macclenny fluenue 1t7 Come see us and receive through Nouember ,,,- - T " "3. g... 000 For Appointments call 259-7780 Walk-ins always welcome! ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 80p0 pi Maccenny Church of Christ 5th andMinnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 Legal Aotices HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST GLEN ST. MARY. FL. 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146 The filow.ong vehicle will be sold at pub. lic auction November 17. 2006 ai 10 00 am. al Higginooliarra s Towing & Recovery US 90 /Ves Glen Si Mary, FL 320-40 1992 Ford Ranger VIN e1FTCR14A9NTA90282 1995 Chevy Pick-up VIN #1GCEC14ZXZ186589 11.2c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COlUNT,' FLORIDA CASE NO 02-2006-C'A-015 R H Davs and R M D0ayA , Pianinh -is Arvil C. Criev:; deierjzei Patiri.c a IJia Cri- ; hir, dile Arvel iai- Crriw[i Deinni BEroul ani Sandra Crew.c a' ncry aorl In De,:eadenm Sile i Flouridi 0epanrmenti ul Reenuye i j31 Defendani'; NOTICE OF ACTION TO An, a3nd jll unrinoin granriec :redluie' jnd aill clrer panires ciiain ci b ihounri. under n aJair,.l ine ev imle YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Iritl a Vernied Mrlngi]ie Frec,:i,:ure i:,omplaini rla been Iliea q)iinsi you and you a r required to serve a c py 01 your critlh n deilene. i ar.,. I, it on Fran- E Maloniiy Jr PA Anrornev. cwhse address i:1 A41 EjcI Maj::ienrny Avenue Mai:(lean Fhrnda 32063. 09041259-31i5 winrn irnrty 1301 days jnytr in. Iira l pubic.aion Oi the rnonce ajnd on or belore ine 6in day ir NJuvember 2006 dnl i0u lili in. original wcn he Cierk 01 ini.n Coun ieinher beinre siervi onr, Frnin E Mal.iney Jr PA ani.rney ,o immediately ihereaner ciherwire a delaiull cwil be eilered a.j i yi lIo r he relieve demanded I Ihe Complaintl cr Petition Witness my hand and r eal .:.1 In Courl on In- )rd day il Odclbter 2006 TA AL FRASEF CLERK OF COuRT B'r iJa,)nt Cr-c: AS IEPuT. CLERK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA-0167 Cecil H. Rhoden and Barbara A. Rhoden, his wife Plaintiffs, vs. The Unknown Heirs of Pency Rhoden and the Unknown Heirs of Maxie Ray Rhoden Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: The unknown heirs of Pency Rhoden and the unknown heirs 0i Mj.ie Ray Rhoden, de- ceased, and any and all heirs of said decedents, grantees, or other parties claiming through, by, under or against said defendants. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Suit to Quite Title' has been filed on the following described property: A part of the E1/2 of the S'/ of the SEA of SWA Section 8, Township 2 South, Range 22 East, Baker County, Florida ,rnd being mn.re pjrlicularil' described as follow. B.0iri 31i ir iremiaep-cion F1i the West right of line i:. Slate Rojd Nj:, 1_'1 i 100 foot right of wjv a.s r, nowi eaiinripl and the Souln inm :i :.aid Section 8; run thence North along *.,ji rinri oi wa.line a distance of.362.00 feet to a pini run inenc.e Wsi parallel with said South me a ,iraince i ;62.0 it- I l i point; run thence. South parallel with said Road riqni h I oai a im.,ir a:, ,-a 362 00 feet l i ii:i Sutrn ini of said Se.lion 8 run Iher,:e Ei'i ajl:n, zaid Sourn line a dr1.ljin:e O- 62 001 lIr mori e or lee ito irir Point no Beginning conlaininng 3 it rei. more :r les.. 'u are required I, serv-r a copy of vOur writ. Irn ere-r:e.. it ,n.; toI Ir iac on on i\ne ilicon.i erP' An.:.rnerv wnh...e neTije jd addde5; is Hugh 0 Fih PCi B-'. 31 l. Mi'lfenrn, FriatdR 32063. 0n or ,riore rJovembter 11 1',0u6 and ile lhe original with the Clerk of Coun e rrt r b-iore ..enrve on r. Ir pelaioner ;anorni;, or inimeui]el, ihereiner ,:Othervwie a Final Juagmenicl er:e(lr.':ure will be rniere-, hir ihe rdil'i dimn uridel i-in in peiliur, Wiinei. mv hry n and i. if tI ih.,. Court on this 1')I n ljav oi Or: ion r 20 06 T.A. "AL FRASER CLERY OF COURT. '. Jamniewr AS DEPUTY CLERK 10/26-11/2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . B I THE BOARDi OF Courjr, COMMISSIONERS OU BAKER COuNT,, FLORIDA' [JOiCE IS MEREB,' itivEl'1 ihal inp Board cl C ,)urry C nini-.,i.ne: :.r 1Li C'e(C .unry F:iri]3 uwl rAidu: I i putDln: riear.g nj rid ajiuplhnr 01 itri propju.ed i rln-ij ii -e nriu e lutle nerierin anr appear Ia D near,1 Trur.lrjia, uo,.emter 2. 201)6 ,:,TT|-|,r|,, ,j i li pim ai iJ,:.nri Trnrd Sireeil ri a::l nn, FI,or,1) AI a[Jp el in- prpo;.ed Ordinin:er ma/ b- ri.pteid trv any membprrr ,:i ine pubii: t Ir.p or.l:e ui lhe Cier. ,ui Circuit Court in irme Bjler :urf. Co)unr,,u.j- ,n Marclenri. F,,rIja On ine dale ai,,y,.. rn n .:.ricntd ill ,rin-r.ilel t rdei-., nuia appear and be rneard wmir, iepeci .: lthi: prpo)edl Ordihnacn. ORDINANCE 2006- An ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, Florida, to adopt, establish and regulate standards for the construction and maintenance for water utility facilities and ancillary systems in .Baker County; the enforcement of such standards, penalties, the repeal of ordinances inconsistent with this article; provide directions to the codifier; and providing an immediate effective date. 10/26 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its intent to issue a permit (File No. 0169603-013) to Kenneth R Klein, Plant Manager, E. I. du Pon- de ripm:,ur: a r a Orrioanv. Inc., Post Office Box .5. 'srie Fija 3'001, to al)ow- the i datldn i a c-iew urnia walker management system-to provide for the continuation of on going heavy minerals mining activities at the Maxville Mine. The application includes the addition of areas (North Maxville Expansion) to the existing mining operations. The North Maxville Expansion Area is a3,082.76- acre property. A surface water management system for approximately 2,189.28 acres of dredge mining and satellite mining areas will be contained within the overall property boundaries. pro'ijci area is separated into northern and southern sites.- The northern 97 70.a0re site will be satellite mined and the southern 1,210.58-acre site will be dredge mined. The project will dredge or fill a total of 209:93 acres of wetlands and other surface .waters for both sites. The northern satellite mining will impact eight wetland and other surface water areas resulting in 13.72 acres being filled and 97.20 acres being excavated. The southern dredge mining site will impact 13 wetland and other surface water areas resulting in 21.60 acres being filled 76.35 acres being excavated. Additionally two ditches on the northern site will be excavated totaling 0.65 of an acre and two ditches on the southern site will be filled and excavated for a total of 0.41 of an acre. Wetland mitigation at 18 locations will create or restore 169.27 acres of coniferous forest wetlands,, 56.81 acres of mixed forest wetlands and 21.38 acres of herbaceous wetlands. Impervious areas totaling 0.5 of an acre will be, created in uplands for the mobile concentrator. The system will be capable of containing 1,150 acre-feet of water at any one time. Reclamation will occur concurrentlywith mining such that only about 180 acres will be within the system thereby limiting the volume from a 25-year; 24-hour rainfall event that has to:eb contained an'd treated before release. The footprint of the system will be made up of.a 1) pre-mining, 2) the active mining and 3) the reclamation and humate storage pond areas. The surface water management system for the North Maxville Expansion is not dependent on the system for the rest of the mine to provide the required storage capacity. A portion County Road 228 is proposed for relocation. An application for the surface water management system for the road relocation will be submitted to the St Johns River Water. Management District (SJRWMD). The permit for the North Maxville Expansion does not modify the requirements Permit Nos. 0169603-010 and 0169603-011 which remain as separate active permits. The completion of construction, including reclamation will be in the year 2026. This project is located south of Interstate 10, west of US 301 and County Road 228 bisects the property. It is west of the town of Maxville and .southeast of MacClenny and located in Sections 35 and 36, Township 2 South, Range 22 East; Sections 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25 and 26, Township 3 South, Range 22 East; in Baker County. RIGHTS OF AFFECTED PARTIES Under this intent to issue, the permit is hereby granted subject to the applicant's compliance with any requirement in this intent to publish notice of this intent in a newspaper of general circulation and to provide proof of such publication in accordance with section 50.051 of the Florida Statutes.. This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes as provided below. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed, this intent to issue automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application, subject to the result of the administrative review process. Therefore, on the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and effective until further order of the Department. When proof of publication is provided, if required by this intent, and if a sufficient petition is not timely filed, the permit will be issued as a ministerial action. Because an administrative hearing may result in the reversal or substantial modification of this action, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities until the deadlines noted below, for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time, have expired and until the permit has been executed and delivered. Mediation is not available. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Under rule 62-110.106(4) of the Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected bythe Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard; Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting parry *jhocrng thai Ine lailure Io, ile a reique:.it i ran P. ensio.n or lime biel, lu i he d iadlline wa; inre result' ui eiicuable neglect S i 1timely ai-ld sufficient petition for an jadmri iralive hearing is filed, other persons trirce iuub.lirniiji initere l: will b jni-led tv ini.-. Oulit:'rm oi inne jmirnil.raive pr-c'i.:. tre tre rigni [ o periun ior, iniervein in irn pr,-ee,-,r i Iniervennionr l il re piermined o-ly ati ir., ,-i.rlin n i lhe pie:ndiriij orier upron Ihe ring ul i monio:n S.ormpliadn. wini rule 28-106 2',5 i[me Florida . Adminrsiralive CCde In accordance with rule 62-110.106(3), petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within' 21; days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice' under subsection 120.60(3). of ihre Ford Saiiue: mu.'i be filed within 21 days. Oa pulicajOiun Ol mie notice or within 21 days of rer.e.irt or cirne wriern nriicie, whichever occurs first. Under siijbeciiaon 120 6011 oi ml i-e Florida Siaiu-e: rnwever any per,;un ri,n, ha. -.i. ed ihe D )parnment 'i icr n-oice Oi agencriy acln rmay hitS a petaion uminin 21 da s ,at rereipl at uch inolice reg rii le.-:. rir, ialie or putiibcaican Tne p-iioier na3iil mar a Cuop, :I ine pelhii'-i I, ir, itppiicani 31 t he addrdies. irii:aii i at3, at at irt h n ie o lilin The iailwie .l ) n,- pi:r.i,:,n Iii t .e i peliiion ior an aaminr.raliie nealirig Ain irn n appr prialei liriie periO '] hail 1nr. |iiut? .1 i.t jniivT ol lhit perz n's rnin i,:, lieque ar, aj iTiri ;ir ,ive deterrninraion ir.,ingli uider P-li or'. 120l 569 and 120 57 ,-) ire Flori Siaulu. A A pemiiron ir.nati dpuii- Ithe material lair:i cr, whi:h iri Diepani Teni,'- :i,orn is b3i'ed ,Tu.li S onriini tire lollcit, g inig riTirmali (ja Thernameraand3ddreolet01ear, agenri:yane.:iei .ne, r e iigen(f., .. i e r idetniilen i3,n riinum r r i inowrl (b) The name, address, and telephone number of Ihepierilirnr inr)me aadrie:: and ieilpro,:ne nuiTibier Oi in peiioe,:rner a rpr eria-ri3u..t il any, which 'shall be the address for service iurpouser. during he ,:,urc :| ir in p .:,:H d,-Jdig and an e.planaii ,ri O rhow irte rIildi:-,ii', r' . .uliilaniijl irlperi.. are ,:,r wi be ineil r ; .t .he agency lJ-i iriTinaii,,,-i (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner' received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of'material fact. If there are ini- ire petition mlIsi so indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate i.,:; , ali-ijl inlud tn- iri, specificc facts irai ire peintinerr correndai warrant reversal or.' mr diiIi:3 :inl i ir i igeriv''i pro i:.led iii n , (f) A statement of ire spe.slc rules :r sialule ihii irir ppiih aner ,.:ouniind: rialuire re,-er,ji ur riidii.:.ali.:n f lthe i erJ n v a propo:ie*d j3l:", and (g) A siaieien-eri of( he relief ':ouhi by the peiilo-r 11u1inig pire,:,.:i-l. iriine hion that inc peiiiIoner i vi h e.m ir, a.geity iO iaie with i-:pe: Ii ir, e ,' pr.:pou d a:n i -n A petition that does not. dispute: the material facts.on which the Department's action is based :.r3li -lile ira) ri-i zl'-r l11:1. ,ri r h iiillp tr ji rni , irinerwin e riall :, onriiin the :.ame ini, rma.iliur .a ,.ei inrn atiove a, reuijilred tr rulej 28-106 iif11 iUnder pariagrdpri 120569112iic and' I I l iri- FIlri3a S13aile' a peiii in ior adminr iri aiir nie,irig niij.i bth dia;T&ii.ed by h'w aeriv,. if ire piiionir d :, n tl ubnlrialnilyv i-ompli wih Ime ait: c rcqiijrern, n or is unrinmelri 'iae The Department has determined that the, prop.osd d3 .ir6 bn1e:.u f, ili :- polerill Ene,i:i ,,ri ih nr.-''iir,:i-n'trl ,.r in,: putbli S:o r-irveri3al nature '.)r locai:j 0n ir h'i l i. tj ia e a , negrien:er d pubi n -u) nc ern or iel. r o :.-| 1 ireq .lii t Sor admiisirativeproceerain: Thereiore our-unjri .h luthi'ecliun 3 341 14 I f nrid rules 62. S i i0 1 106151 I 19i a jit andn 1 2 .:4 i,:i0901i'U1 FAC yCiu l ine pprcani l are iequirai lii puiJlisr at %Iur ei, -i e.pc r i,.pe ti -n e(rio:.ed )ll.:,- ni i ,u i IS suue The notice i" required 10 b1 puritned one time, within 30 days of the date of entry of this intent, in the legal advertisements section of Se.ipaipr of i'eril circulation meeting the reqjiremeniensi -:iLiior, 50 01 1 and 50.031, ES., in irne i:ournirv rere lhe alh ivi.ir, : i hr pl ii: WAinrn :eve'i i j,:, pu0.1 : .aT ni Ir ,lipp.i l -lu I provide proul I put.,il.a o in r i f:irm preo._.ribl b, .:'in 5) 051., F S I. Department of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Mine Reclamation 2051 East Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32310-3760 Failure to publish the notice and provide proof of publication within the allotted time shall result in denial of the permit. This intent to issue constitutes an order of the Department. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 120.68(7)(a) of the Florida Statutes, which may require a remand for an administrative hearing, the applicant has the right to seek judicial review of the. order under section 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399 3000, and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable, filing fees'with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the Order is filed with the Clerk of- the Department. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of paragraph 373.114(1)(a) or section 373.4275 of the Florida Statutes, may also seek appellate review of the order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under subsection 373.114(1) or section 373.4275 of the Florida Statutes. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within . 20 days from the date when the order is filed with Sthe Clerk of the Department. 11/2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDI- CIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-DR-384 THE MARRIAGE OF: THOMAS D. WOOD, Husband, and MELISSA POWERS WOOD, Wife. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MELISSA POWERS WOOD You are notified that a petition for dissolu- tion of Marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on FRANK E. MALONEY, JR.,P.A., Attorney, whose address is 445 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny Florida 32063; (904) 259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice and on or before the 4th day of December, 2006, and to file the original with the Clerk of this Court either be-* fore service on FRANK E. MALONEY, JR., P.A., attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- lief demanded in the Complaint or Petition. DATED this 26 day of October, 2006. T.A. "AL" FRASER CLERK OF COURT BY Sherri Dugger AS DEPUTY CLERK 11/2-23c PRESS CLASSIFIED ONLY $4.50 : Deadline Monday at 5:00 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS * / / St .' "n 7:00oo pm BCMS Auditorium ?ee-Wee Tincess 4-6 s. Ltdt Miss Pinass 79 rs. Pre-Ien Pincess 1O-12prs. .qe Princess l-lyts. Cistmas Queen 6y'rs. andoCr. This pageant is open to all young ladies ages 4 and up. The contestants will be judged in eveninggown apparel only. The Teen Princess and Queen division will have a question interview on stage. The winners will represent the City ofMacclenny Fire Department in the Annual Lighted Christmas Parade and also serve a Christmas dinner to our senior citizens at the Council on Aging. :..- Entry f e is $35 per contestant. '" -- Registration and walk-thru will be held " Thursday, November 2, 6:00 pm at the BCMS Auditorium. Contact pageant coordinator for more information Melinda Lewis at 259-1251/ 887-2984 or Dedra Carrington at 298-5140. )r d a ly jr le n IS R I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 12 - Jvorts it, in FLer 12iFFa*Ik.,1 1,'* k r ITIpy lha r/j% th. It', h ai../kFFse F' ia r S~ia'vPei uI n g /o, )- ardF PI-oTo BY SPENCER.-' F Boys' cross country qualifies for regionals The Wildcat cross country Ruise lauded the team's work The boys' race will start at 10:40 team had an exciting time at ethic. "They've accepted the am at Bartram Trail. the district tournament this past challenge all season long and be- The girls did not qualify, but weekend at Bishop Kenny. The cause of it, they're able to con- ran well. Shae Raulerson was the team finished in sixth place over- tinue on in the post-season." top runner for BCHS. Guadalupe all and qualified for the regional He also complemented the Campos and Sylvia Sotomeyer tournament Saturday at Bartram work of his seniors, Blake Row- also ran well. Trail. an and TJ Mosely. "We're very "The girls did a good job com- Coach Charles Ruise was en- proud of our two seniors. They peting throughout, the race. Even thused about the district finish, showed leadership.in not giving though results didn't go our way, The Cats are in the same district up." we feel good about our experi- with state powers Bishop Kenny, Kennedy was the top BCHS ence we gained this season." said Bolles and Episcopal. The team finisher, with Ro\ an, Timmy Ruise. We're looking forward to had performed well all season Mason, Evan Ward, Mosely, Co- a much better season for our girls and advancing to the regionals rey Cavanaugh and Allen Luff- team next year. was a real plus for the program. man finishing with good times. Luke Kennedy helped power -" the Cats to the high finish with a -. very strong individual run. Ken- nedy finished 8th overall with i i ' a 17:36. "Luke did a good job - setting the pace and from there I igniting the fire in our team to .. .1 finish as strong L as they did," said , Baker High squanders halftime lead, falls to Bishop BY BOB GERARD Press Sports Last week Coach Johns lamented the m rors that had plagued hi season long. His comm oddly prophetic in lig Friday'- 34-22 homeco to Bishop Kenny. The Wildcats bulldoze a 22-7 lead only to see saders post 27 straight In the early going, it though the game bel the Wildcats. They coi wrong. The Wildcat offen owned the line of sc throughout the first ha cious Lee dashed throi the size of a Mack ti most of the first half, was all Wildcat red. Mike Stukel, the Ker caller who almost single ly defeated the Wildcats was hampered and Operating out of the he couldn't find recei couldn't run the ball ef It looked like a long nig store for the Crusaders. ,But if there was any owing in the game it vi Cats' first possession, w straight penalties force cat punt. They got the back, however, and fo the half it looked as if B running downhill. RII CONS CONS Kenny at Homecoming Friday, Chaz Johns cracked an 18- completed three straight pass with poo yard run, and though he coughed plays, which set up Wes Moc- and on ir Bobby up the ball, Carlos Holton recov- zul's sexen-N ard run. The kick saw prone mental er- ered to keep possession. Lucious was good and Kenny had nar- by miscu enta er Lee and Johns moved the ball rowed the gap to 14-7. Kenny stean all steadily down the field and Johns But then, the Cats got the ball yard run ht of last got the first Wildcat score on a back. Lee took it to the Kenny 35 go up 28- ming loss 24- \ ard scamper. Carlos Holton and when he was hit while out of score can slipped containment and ran into bounds, the major penalty moved picked u zed out to the corner for the two point con- the ball to the 20. Two plays later and run version. he took it into the end zone. conversic the Cru- The Wildcats soon increased If this had have been a movie The g t points. their lead. Rod Rentz, Cur- there would have been a flash and cost looked as tis Bennett and Alvin Hughes of lightning and crack of thlun- was injury onged to forced Stukel into incompletions der to signal that the game was ly, and w: d do no and the Crusaders had to punt about to turn around. On the en- for the s sive line the ball. The punt didn't leave suing kickoff, Mike Stukel dem- injury, Cl rsivemae BCHS in a very favorable posi- onstrated to the Wildcat crowd for the la, finmmage tion, however, they it possession just hov dangerous a player he Lee co gh hole s on the 8 yard line, with 82 yards can be. Stukel 'got the ball on a 'game ag ruck. For of real estate to go. reverse and raced 89 yards for a leg inju ruck. or Lucious Lee brought his A- the score, out running just about stretcher the game game, and all Holton had to do every Wildcat in the process. ry. Lee h signal was give him the ball and that was The kick was good and the game up to the ny-h signal that. The offensive line manhan- went to halftime 22-14. 197 yard last year, dled the Crusaders and Lee broke Football pundits are quick to Oddly harast year through and carried defenders to point out that the most dangerous in desper arassehotgun, the 49-yard line. Holton hit tight times during a game are the last keep the rivers and end Tyler Thomas at the 32. Lee two minutes of the first half and Two wee effectively. would drive the ball to the 3-yard the first two minutes of the sec- needed to ght was in line, but a holding call moved it ond. That cliche certainly proved County a back to the 11-yard line. Holton to be true in this game. ous of lo foreshad- scrambled to the six and Lee took The second half opened up and Jack vas on the it home from there. Though the with the Wildcats punting. The offs. The vhen three conversion attempt was no good, Cats stopped Kenny, but their erything d a Wild- the Cats were up 14-0. punt hit a Wildcat on the helmet with the' ball right Kenny showed disturbing and Kenny got the ball back on could act ballr most of signs of life in the next posses- the Wildcat 26. Three runs later, season. CHS was sion, and it was clear that they Stukel punched it across from .....* weren't going quietly. Stukel a yard out. The conversion that PRES would tie the game was no good * as Greg Williams broke up the pass, but the Crusaders were well L |AU A M ORE within striking distance, trailing D I LA RAMOREt by a 22-20 score. Dead SThe Wildcats had their chances TRUCTION, INC. in the half, but they were plagued THE B Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 SRR License No. 282811470 Let Us Help You . Put Your CASH to Work. r ; . h'E, -,,- 5 .0 0 " .,2 .,3.50-,. I- + I.1 00. 3.90: 500 mrmlnnum . 5E000 4.25 15 - j,.r:.ir4,, 4.35 .1 $100,000 4.70% $100,000 minimum i i, ,, ,, ...... .h 1168 South 6th Street Macdclenny, FL (904) 777-6000 www.vystarcu.org/ V y Star iUA Serving all residents of -. Northeast Florida. We never forget that it's your money. 34-22 or clock management, lore than one occasion, rising drives hampered es and penalties. 'took the lead on a 9- and a conversion pass to -22. The final Kenny ae after a bad pitch was p on the 10-yard line into the endzone. The on attempt failed. ame was a frustrating ly one. Carlos Holton red, though not serious- ith backup BJ Rowe out season with a shoulder haz Johns took the helm st series. )uld be out for the final ,ainst Fernandina with iry and Rod Rentz was ed off with a neck inju- ad an outstanding night time he was hurt, with s rushing on 25 carries. enough, Kenny came lately needing to win to ir playoff hopes alive. eks ago, the Wildcats ) win against Suwannee nd have a bizarre seri- isses occur with Raines son to make the play- )ugh the Cats lost, ev- else fell into place and win over BCHS, Kenny ually back into the post- S CLASSIFIED ONLY $4.50 line Monday at 5:00 LKER COUNTY PRESS ***** ***** **** r L.0& S T(EI 'IInl i l .jii'i : 'tn "iir eliF ii I ,:i-| I | "" FEAST FOR 4 1 a 4.9 -28.99 ' flS cR16 L1 I'" Or, IPf ;[l piMT.r ,1 -._ I I -oai d FEAST FOR 2 $18.99 9 9NI ot Mid with any other special. Onecoupon per person per nd ga~llctmast.visit. Only valid in participating stores Expires 11/8/06. pWth punchacot asu.on k e.PsC Ise i . WOODY'S 259-5800 Located in Winn Dixie Shopping Center Luke KA i e.it 1 Alliin Luira i Bi,/c Rh i .od C'oi Gniatii hi. ELW tia ild J. , 'i'lc\ iriJ Ttii ~IdOm u sO ,*,e rit.'n ,, / It _~,: 'l n t li,. i F5 ,, ,., ., ,'.- rt I im,,. n RENTALS OR SALES CJ2 .URVHard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? Iron Filters and Conditioners A Water Treatment Free Water Tests- Well & Pump Supplies A .* ** Now Taking Applications 2 3 Bedroom Apartments Corner of South 6th Street and Lowder Street Equal Housing (904)259-600 Opportunity (904)259-6008 ,'E BUILD IN .I.'..-LS .EY. N" W.AL N R R ,TjOH'l ,I! )I'.ITItEE .: CLIP AND SAVE ..BUY NOW AND RECEIVE FREE : * E-wired house package Progran * Electric Fireplace w/ remote, Concret marble surround & mantle & back Fungus resistant roof shingles addition Full security with 2 keypads 5 Reces Stain-resistant carpet upgrade Upgradi Built-in over-the-range microwave Carriage Six extra phone/cable outlets Small cd Classique style interior doors kitchen 2-tone interior paint VALUED OVER PLU W@D( )IN FREE UPGRADES OF Y FOR A TOTAL SAVINGS OF View Our Floor Plans at www.sedaconstruction.com (904) 724-7800 nmable thermostat te stain on front porch patio (does not include tal concrete) ssed ',his in Kitchen e faucets in master bath e lights at Garage brown molding dn cabinets S RECEIVE fOUR CHOICE F tr SK '* F a .* .. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 13 Steelers remain unbeaten in '06 The Middle Division Steelers remained unbeaten by defeating a tough Jets team that refused to give up. Both defenses played very hard in the 18-8 contest. Top players offensively for the Steelers were Reggie Givens with 18 carries for 82 yards and a touchdown, Carl Jefferson with eight carries for 62 rushing yards, Logan Kish and Josh Nichols had two carries apiece. Defensively Carl Jefferson led the team with six tackles, Logan Kish with four tackles, Reggie Givens, Joshua Allen and Josh Nichols with three tackles each. Dustin Martin, Cody Taylor and Hunter Dugger had two tackles each. The Jets' offensive play lead- ers were Brandon Combs with one carry for a touchdown. Rasheem Gaskins had five carries for 25 yards, Rashadd Hadley and Chase Drury also rushed for gains. Austin Manning kicked an extra point. Defensive standouts were Brandon Combs with seven tackles. Jacob Carter, Rasheem Gaskins, Rashadd Hadley and Austin Nlanning had six tackles each. Other notables were Robert Thomas. Reed Williams. Evan Barrett, Jordan Kenned\ and Hawke Forbes. '06 season ends vith Fernandina The Baker High Wildcats will face one of the more prolific passers in the area this Friday when they take on the Fernan- dina Beach Pirates. Emory Win- gard has had to rely on his strong and accurate arm as the winless Pirates search for some way to get rid of the goose egg from the win column. They \\ere shut out, ion Friday 27-0 by Engle\\ ood. A week earlier. Wingard passed for 222 yards in a los- ing effort to the Lee Generals and racked up 206 yards passing, against Forrest. Wingard has the luxury of a quartet of good re- cei verss. Hunter Whittaker caught ifi'e passes for 66 yards, Mal- colm Green also snagged five for 49 yards \ersus Lee. Wingard spread the wealth around with iTahj Kimble and Domilic Jones 'pulling in three apiece. The Wildcats expect to have ithe services of Carlos Holton and Lucious Lee, both of whom .~ere injured in the game Friday. but without Rod Rentz, who has 'sprained ligaments in his neck. Though Lee \'ill be playing |through pain, he is 50 yards short "of a 1000 yard season and wants .a shot at that milestone. Kr Smiulth ot Iith Pt i.:' rtii ,'/i e .ze..c ,Chacsed bi C iwe' ..Smiih t ithe Reidskint in Monday nights matchup in which the Patriots came out on top 18-6. CITIZENS OF MACCLENNY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE at the regular meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, November 14 2006 at 6:00 o'clock P.M. at City Hall, 118 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, the City of Macclenny will consider the below ordinance for final readingg, A BILLTO BE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ANNEXATION; PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN LANDS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF MACCLEN- NY; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION REQUEST FROM CLAUDETTE CRAWFORD OF PARCEL 30-2S- 22-0000-0000-0570: PROVIDING FOR AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. A complete legal description by meets and bounds and the ordinance can be obtained from the office of the City. Clerk. Anyone having an interest in the final reading of this ordi- nance is in\ iled to attend the meeting. '. -::~--- ----- : ' 32063. Copies of the ordinance are available for public inspec- tion at the Baker County Planning Department. For additional information, please call (904) 259-3354. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if any member of the public desires to appeal any decision made at this public hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and for thatning Depurpoe may needorto ensure that he/she transcribe a verba- tim record of the proceedinan which.record ouldi include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons need- ing a special accommodation oran interpreters, to participate number this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-3613 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. At Jerry Hamm Chevrolet, you'll find People You Can Trust- before you buy and after the sale. Let the Professional People Pleasers at Jerry Hamm Chevrolet help you. With more than 500 years combined experience in the automobile business, let the people, product and price at Jerry Hamm Chevrolet go to work for you today. Old-fashioned values still work today at Jerry Hamm Chevrolet $500 RAT 0% APR REBATES & DISCOUNTS UP TO $10,000 THE BEST COVERAGE IN AMERICA 100,000 MILE / 5 Year Powertrain Limited Warranty" 100,000 MILE / 5 Years Courtesy Transportation* 100,000 MILE / 5 Years Roadside Assistance** M IL 200 CEV MNT CRL I ER AMM QALI SE EICE A N A ER C A 'Priceindudesdoealerdiscounnsrebates,Iandeincenves wihare subjectbchange.Advertised price 11 R..O 11 amount includes pre-delivery service charge of $95.00. "2007 models. Whichever comes first. See dealer for details. See dealer for rebate details, Based on R L Polk & Co 2001-2005 Total Registrations for GM-Defined Large Utility SegmentttBased on 2006 GM Large Utility segment and latest available competitive information Tahoe 2WD EPA estimated MPG 16 city, 22 highway. Excludes other GM vehies ' ER-- ... .. ,.r- . We Treat You Better THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 14 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS I,,~s t Florida Crown Realty tirJ, ,-5afQBroker iJWanice Padgett t'Sa Yarorugh 296555-- Brick. 1632 SF. 3 BR., 2 BA, large modem kitchen. large f amily room with fireplace. Convenient location Zoned for residential or office use. This is a nice home for ornly Reduced- Ten high and dry acres zoned for horses. Located 3 miles west of Glen St. Mlary off of US 90. Good road frontage. Modular, manufactured and con- ventional homes welcome Reduced to $159.900 Investment Opportunity- .91 acre zoned for duplexes. Property\ also includes a rice 3 BR. 2 BA home w. large mod- em kitchen, spacious familN room,. replace and other ame- nines. Home & duplex lots priced to sell at $250,000 WHITEHEAD BROS.,INC. LAKE CITY LOGISTICS NEW RAISE IN PAY Over the road drivers needed. New trucks with ThermoKing APU's, 1800 watt inverters, top of the line leather seats, walk-in condo sleepers, and new air-ride front suspension for a smoother ride than you have ever experienced. Home several nights most weeks as we have a good mixture of regional and over the road.. Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks locally. Earn up to 30% of revenue immediately. NO WAITING!!! New increased layoyer pay. Up to $100.00 per day. 2 weeks vacation. $1200.00 per year Safety Bonus. Driver of the Year bonus; Driver recruitment bonus. Medical and dental insurance. Need 2 years experience. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE 904-368-0777 or 888-919-8898 & otdep i iovzag In. RTxOCA Consfrwjtioti, t SuePond. 6 iQvot L 57 Stofe Reagteei CoitetTiles NoM. 4 Stow Mosowg Sanl LimcoefkRovAdBase WedPoint Sand Krsk K(rete FdDrt RulbbleRoek, unsutitabi Matetal Ot er Servies Indude- Eq uipmnt H44uling, Culvert'PipB InstoM&Vio lDriveway StaObiliztion aad Mote! CcdAtsf9rornet jeciI 0**O ..6.........................***HO0gS.*. TelepleM e904-275-4960 FwO Y904-275-329282 A BUTER BULDER CA DSIN-UID OUR' PROJCT FOM SCATCH r I iRai clersovi. Well Drilling 2" & 4" Wells Water & Iron Conditioners. Installed Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 ,-7 Family OWned & Operated ,& LC'r,-"a : ir_ .ur, d In Just 71 Days... You can have the skills You need to get a job as a Dental Assistant 10 week course, Saturday only Tuition $2,450 Payment plans call Christi @ Jacksonville Dental Assistant School For info packet 904-398-3.04 Next class starts: March,3, 2007 Reg. by FL Commission for Independent Education New listing- Fixer upper for hunter/fisherman. 1994 1296 SF 3 BR, 2 BA MH on 2.73 acres. Shed with camp kitchen and sleeping area. Near Ocean Pond in Olustee. Needs a little work. $69,900 3 BR, 1 BA, vinyl siding, new roof on 1 acre. CH/A. $100,000. Tc.n Gi;,en Rd .Sarider,:.n Commercial property- on US Hwy. 90 in Macclenny. Older home may be converted to.busi- ness space. Established flower shop offering world wide wire service. $445,000 NewListing-Nearly new 2004 manufactured home, IQR4 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA fiui d.a .,n l10 Cre, oned or horse. Mtic se t', Jppr.:i.ule $209.011( Nice older MH completely renovated & new additions. 3 BR, 1 V2BA, FP, screen & open porch, abv. ground pool, privacy fence. Large storage buildings. .88 acre corner lot. Reasonably priced at $89.900 Owner will Consider Iinjning hii 2i0" down NEFCOM's NEW Bundled Services ... Something to Smile about! Choose the More-Than-1 Enhanced Bundle, for only $39.95 a month and you'll get: Local Service NEFCOM's most popular 0a 0lwfture ;Car ID, Ca tingo Cal Fowarding Busy C (afr.. ."r -- ...... *-. *..- flf..t b6U-. ^ ^ ...-..- .... -~,:lP^a li .w -- -"-. ... ..." -" ., ... '; ".L- :--.',.:.'.'-i t .-: ---.t:: '.. 7 : :,:" While ButleOO building systems are pre-engineered, their final design is not predetermined. Using Butler's exclusive technology, we can help you design a building from the ground up. Even special design elements lke skylights, fascias and entrance systems can be incorporated to produce not just any building, but your building. 9 For systems that meet your building needs, choose Butler " For the expenence and expertise to get the job done, choose us. your local Butler Builder?' t' 1 . t ~ ~ '"v .. -. ;= J,, -:. " "' '" # < ". -, ,, -. t 'i "' **--. ~',, ^..; ,. v *.* ,. :* S.' .. :..; :. .." .5 55 ..5~.. S, 5f, ,. -I.E ; .. .:.. .. .- "... ...f'.\ '^.:" ,* .* ,. . CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION of North Florida, Inc. 2109 W US Hwy 90 Suite 170-144 386-755-8887 Lake City, FL 32055 www.conceptcnf.com SPACIOUS HOME-2004 stucco home 4BR/3BA, tile foyer, kitchen & bath. 1 acre w/pond. Backyard very private. MLS#303587, $270;500 BRICK BEAUTY 3BR/2.5BA in great area w/2 car garage & detached workshop. Close to 1-10 & has tons of extras. MLS#318595, $229,000 TWO STORY BRICK- 3BR/3.5BA, on beautiful 4+acres lot. Full brick, large front porch with columns, 2 car garage, fireplace & much more. MLS#326811, $299,900 VACANT LAND- 40 acres of land for development. South of Sanderson in Baker County. Great investment property. MLS#32900, $600,000 53 ACRE FARM In Glen St. Mary. Set up. with Elec*Well*Septic System*Fenced*2 ponds waiting for your finishing touches. MLS#307155, $725,000 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 3 duplexes-6 total units-2 units have 2BR/2BA, 4 units have 2BR/1BA. Excellent location. MLS#294791, $480,000 WaLson Realty Corp. REALTORS' COUNTRY LIVING Must see 4BR/3BA, 2380sf, 2004 Cavalier, DW Mobile home on 1 acre. MLS#326135, $158,000 IMMACULATE 3BR/2RA hnme 1395 Chaffee Road South, Jacksonville 904.772.9800 MOVE IN READY 2BR/2BA charming brick bungalow in Murray Hill. Formal living & dining. Eat in kitchen, oversized 1 car garage detached. MLS#327801, $148,900 SPACIOUS CONDO- 4BR/2.5BA 1899sf, with covered patio, inside laundry & much more. MLS#326933, $134,900 LOVELY HOME Well cared a.3." p "n MOVE IN READY- 4BR/2.5BA on for 3BR/2BA, fireplace, family COUNTRY LIVING 28:54acres on on .31 acres. Open floorplan, big cul-de-sac. Great square footage room, storage galore, plus paved road frontage. Can be split in backyard, screen porch, privacy for large family. 2-car garage, huge workshop, nice patio. minimum 7.5 acres. MLS#317891, fence. MLS#333101, $215,000 lots of amenities. MLS#327028, MLS#321964, $154,900 $642,150 $254,900 HORSES WELCOME Gorgeous 4BR/3BA 2480sf on 5.14 acres. 4 stall barn w/feed & tack room. Fenced. In desirable area. MLS#313581, $387,000 BAKER COUNTY-7.5 acres, private shady lot. Partially cleared with paved road frontage. Already split into 2 parcels. MLS#312559, $145,000 COUNTRY LIVING Four acres in Bryceville w/doublewide mobile home. Concrete block workshop. Home sold as is. MLS#329232, $168,500 BEAUTIFUL HOME 2646sf on 10 acres in Baker. Built 2003, 3BR/2.5BA w/bonus room, pond, playground and lots of upgrades. MLS#325474, $399,999 VACANT LAND- 12 acres w/1 acre cleared. Well, electric, telephone, covered carport. 5th Wheel included. MLS#320255, $158,000 BEAUTIFUL LOCATION 4.75 acres in beautiful Old Nursery Plantation. Cleared & fenced ready to build your home. MLS#333422, $159,900 READY TO BUILD- 3 acres ready for mobile home or build to suit. MLS#333770, $60,000 - I , J FTI ' Classified ads and notices ntrst be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accom- panied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for : accuracy of ads or notices given over *the telephone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run without notification of error by the person or agency for whom it was published, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker Countvy Press reserves the right to refuse S advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the publisher does not meet standards of publica- tion. I V Dell Dimension L series computer, Pentium III, mouse, keyboard, 17 inch CRT monitor, printer, 56K modem, CD ROM. floppy drive, Zip drive. 7.5 GB HD, Windows 98. $150. 259-3737. tic Seasoned oak firewood cut to fit mod- ern pre-lab heaters & fireplaces, you, haul $60 for lull size level load, $70 for long bed Can deliver for extra fee. Call 653-1149. 1,1/2-9p Welder Platinum XP 800 crossbow. Paid over $1000, asking $500 exc. condition 289-9959 11/2p Frigidaire stove, propane, white, 2 .ears ola 904-704-9868 11 2p Upright piano. $100 OBO. 259-3770. 11/2p Treadmill, good condition, paid $300, sell $150 OBO; 3 ton Nordyne central air unit, $200 firm. 259-8055 or 534- 1675 cell. 11/2-9p Lighted curio cabinet in antique bisque finish, new condition, $200; girls bedroom set in antique bisque fin- ish on pine with ribbon & rose garland decals; full size poster bed, 2 drawer nightstand, 5 drawer chest with mirror,- 4 drawer'student desk with hutch, 1 drawer corner desk, $495. 259-3785 8:00 am-5:00 pm or 259-7856 after 5:00 pm. 11/2tfc Suzuki 250 4 wheeler, hi & low range, front & rear racks, runs excellent, $1500. 904-699-2683. 11/2p 'Factory 6 lug Chevy tires & wheels, $500; 6 lug Eagle aluminum wheels, $175. 259-4117. 11/2p 1996 Class A 34' Winnebago Adven- turer, fully serviced, sleeps 6, 62K miles, $28,900. 259-9500. 10/19tfc 32' 5th iny ame- iust see! Jayco JayCrane 93 Supreme Wheel. High end model. Ma nities, excellent condition-mn Located in Macclenny. Priced sale. $10,999 call 386-546-231 Dining room table and Chi net, solid oak with 4 leaves, claw feet, medium oak color with 2 piece China cabinet, $400, 259-7867 or 259-1373 11/2-9p Tractor-Mitsubishi 24h/p 2 cyl. Diesel 3 point hitch 4' box blade 4' bushhog - other attachments. $3000 259-4297 or 477-4359 11/2p Good used appliances. 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717.7/13-3/29p Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 11/2tfc K i k. K- Kriac I..s Si. cs Bach trumpet with case and accesso- ries $250 259-9758 evenings only 11/2p New 16 & 17 saddles just in time for Christmas. pads, blankets, rein & headstalls included $250 each 275- 2979 11/2p Formall Cub, mechanically sound runs great, fertilizer distributor and extra. plows. $200 OBO 904-339-2557 11/2p Washers/Dryers $150 set, will sep. refrigerator & stove 90 day warranty, free delivery and set up. 904 964-5266 anytime 11/2-9p King pillowtop, new with warranty. $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. S 11/2tfc ,1992 Suns Airstream motor home, class A, 48K miles, lots of extras, $16,500. 251-4641 cell or 259-8565. 10/12-11/9p 26x30 hip set of trusses, 412 pitch, 16" overhang, $1000. A&R Truss 259- 3300. 9/14tic Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare: half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal rooting; 2:;6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334- 6695 10.'5-11/30p Adult western saddle, good condition,. includes pads & other accessories, $375. 259-9040. 11/19-26p Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950. must sell $379, can deliver. 904-858- 9350. 11/2tfc 27" ProScan TV, excellent condition, $200 firm. 259-5011 10/26-11/2p The Franklin Mercantile now re-open for your business! Friday & Saturdays 10:00 am-5:00 pm. CR 125, at the rail- road crossing in Glen. 259-6015. 9/28tfc Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mat- tress & boxsprings, retail $950, sac- rifice for $395, can deliver. 904-858- 9350. 11/2tfc Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront, china cabinet, buffet, all mahogany, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc 1997 Quantum 18 ft. bass/ski boat, 125 HP Mercury Force, new tires, wheel- bearings, seats & tail lights, all acces- sories included, excellent condition, $8500. 259-5296 after 6:00 pm. 10/26-11/2p Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, e.cellerit condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 1 2/9tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth' Street 259-3737. ffc 2001 Sea Pro SV 1900 115 Yama- ha, fully loaded,' excellent condition, $13,500. 904-476-5244. 10/26-11/2p 2006 Forest River Sierra, 2 slides, 34 ft. 259-5365 or 509-8025. 10/26-11/2p Connex 4400 HP CB with hi & low channels; Texas Star 667, longer talking distance; CB with mounted stand; 3 ft. jumper. Paid $750, sell for $350. 275- 2845 or 483-7510. 10/26p I for fast 2003 Honda 200XR dirt bike, excel- 69 lent condition, very few hours, like new, 11/2-9p $2000 OB0. 653-2084 or 904-566- na cabi- 2428 : 11/2p Buck Stove, cast iron, with blower, used as fireplace insert, New $1500, sell for $600, 259-3737 ask for Karin 11/2-9p Motor home powered by Ford, nice, new engine, 6 new tires, new brakes, new refrigerator, new CD, new awning, have $10,000 invested, need $6500. 571-0913 11/2p 2006 Skyline RV, 2 slide outs, 32x11V, asking payoff only. 259- 5766. 11/2-9p ',Icc I)%% cuaI CtIF)- & [)\rJz PIC~ici t Iti rr~itrw; Nelei\ Chlihiii r- -- --- -- --------------- ---------- ---- - Lay-A-Ways available on ATVs & Dirt Bikes until December 15 -.._. ___ ..A_ -. -.... .. A_ ....-.. ,_A_ :. A *- iAX-- TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED SPRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 r Thrift $hoppe 9889 S. Glen Ave. H\\3'. 125, Glen St. Mary Open Monday thru Saturday 9:00l am to 6:00 pm -^259-5773 . Come in and see our new look! Nex\ ,and used items arri\in Jdail\ We've got what you're looking for... NM ic\ ee-Fui 111tUrLc 2001 Ford Ranger XLT, red, 4 cylin- der, 5 speed, A/C, CD player, power steering, new tires, runs great, 93,500 miles, $5795 OBO. 259-7856 after 5:P00 pm. 11/2tfc 1987 Chevy 4x4, V8, AT. AC, PS, PB. 2nd owner 20k on motor. 0 K on trans- mission, Too much to list, ready for hunting $5000.00 OBO 904-266-4013 11/2p 1998 Lincoln Towncar Executive Series, very dependable, good ride, under blue book value $4500 305-2131 11/2p 1988 65 passenger Blue Bird School Bus, Gas, Great for church or convert to RV. new tires, deep cycle batteries, great price. $5000 305-2131 11,2p 2005 Dodge Neon SXT, Black $11000 259-4716 11/2p ,Isuzu Trooper 4x4, cold AC, excellent on gas. $1800 OBO Isuzu P/U, 4 cyl., stick shift, $1500 OBO 904-591-2916 11/2p 1993 Mercedes 190E 2.3 $2.500 OBO 259-9104 after 4-00 pm 11/2p 1998 Chevrolet ton. 4x4, 350 mo- Tor, automatic. SWB. needs paint: 1984 Toyota extended cab, 4x4, needs car- buretor. 275-2069 or 588-4198. 11 '2p 1985 GMC El Camino, very nice, $2800. 251-4641 cell or 259-8565. 10/12-11/9p 1989 Toyota Celica convertible, runs good, cute, fun, good gas mileage, $1200 OBO. 275-2286. 11/2p For sale by owner 2006 Chevy Tahoe LS, 2 WD, 3rd row seat, 8.600 miles, $26,500. 259-5895. 1i i2p 2002 Ford Ranger, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, clean pickup, 1 owner. $3500. 259- 2287. 11/2p -- Pony party package, includes screened pavilion, lumper, slide, ponies & train, $250. 259-2465. 10/26-111/2p Do'you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968. 4/2211c Handyman services. Remodels, ad- ditions, fences, tile, drywall, decks, porches, etc. Licensed & Insured. 653- 2014 day or anytime @ 954-288-0706. 10., 19-25p We do small job land clearing, bush hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake, etc., also tree trimming & removal. 259-7968. 6/29tfc Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at Southern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc Boxer pups, CKC papers, health certifi- cate, $600 each. 904-422-4541'. 11/2-23p 2 male beagles, about 11 months old, $150 for both, 591-2640 11/2p Puppies free to a good home; Ameri- can bulldog mom, lab( black) dad, very playful and loving, 2 months old. 259- 9375 after 5:00 pm 11/2p Non-Grey Geldings Bay Mare; Black and white paint filly, saddles and misc. tach. 275-2466 11/2p HUGE GARAGE SALE IN GLENWOOD Friday & Saturday 8-3 90 W. to Nursery Blvd., fol- low signs to big green house. Office furniture, misc. office supplies, too much to list!!! *.. ...-. -.* .S* . . ,-, Will pick up for free unwanted, left over yard .a sale items. Call 653-1558. SGESL, Thursday 8:00 am ?, 447 South 3rd Street. S' Bedroom furniture, dining set, sewing machine, kitchen and other items. -'. w --, Friday 8:00 am ?, 917 Red Fox Way ..AG (Foxridge) ... .- ," Friday 8:00 am 1:00 pm. 211 College Street. '' Little bit of everything '1'' Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 121 N. on left 5 miles. Nice things cheap Friday 8:00 am ?. 125 S. Cross RR tracks, 1st road to right, 2nd house on left. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, Oak St. Macclenny II. Lots of baby items toys, clothes and more. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am ? 144 Blair Street, ofl U.S. 90. Lots of items. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, Miltondale to River Circle, left at Suzanne Drive, right at Thomas Circle. 2nd house on left. Lots of stuff Friday 8:00am 2:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am noon, Corner . of River Circle and Suzanne Drive, look for sign on HWY 90 and Lowder. Lucy and Ethel's Semi Annual Yard Sale, something for . everyone. Nice, clean, name brand clothes, shoes and purses, adult XXL-XS, Childrens 4-7. sewing machine in case, books, bookshelf, magazines, sheers, tools, craft stuff and holiday decor, household items. Hope to see you and God Bless. Friday & Saturday 7:00 am ?, 13547 Bob Burnsed Road, Glen St. Mary. Lots of everything. Friday & Saturday 9:00 am ? 8518 east Ben Rowe Circle, just past Woodlawn Kennels. Lots of perfect gifts for Christmas, oriental items, purses, oil paintings, various vases, tiger, horse end tables, dream catchers. Friday 8:00 am 3:00pm & Saturday 8:00 am 1:00 pm. 8400 Penny Place. Take Woodlawn Rd. turn north on Creekside Drive, first cul-de-sac on left. Loads of indoor and outdoor Christmas decora- tions, a lyr old pre-lit 7 ft tree. Oodles of other misc. items. Friday & Saturday 7:00 am noon, 7422 CR 23C. Corner of James Britt and 23C. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am 3:00 pm, 13972 N. CR 23-A, Benefit for Shane Martin Family. Saturday 8:00 am 2:00 pm, behind WJXR between 5th and 6th Street. Midtown Day Flea Market. No fee, bring your own set-up. This month we are having some classic cars from the area. Crafters, dealers, church groups welcome. Stop by the Ivy Cottage to make reservations or call Kathleen at (904) 994-5595 Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm. 4504 Hickory St. Maccelnny II. Clothes. girl's sizes 14/16, Juniors 3/4, Women 18, toys and games, wooden shelves, knick-knacks and lots more. Saturday 9:00 am ?, 4209 Hickory Street. Household Items, men's and women's clothing. Saturday 8:00 am noon, 633 North Blvd. West. Air hockey table, twin bed, roll top desk, lots of clothes and miscellaneous items. Saturday 8:30 am-?. 8377 Hillcrest Drive, off Woodlawn Road. Multi-family. Bike, dishes, suits, odds and ends, collectibles. Saturday 8:00 am- ?, 127 N. 31,2 N. of U.S. 90, second house on the right, across bridge. Clothes all sizes, truck toolbox, stroller, high chair, bed clothes, toys, Christmas tree, pillows, clocks, pic- tures, dishes, lots more. Saturday 8:00 am-?, Maxville. 228 E. first road before 301, left on Tangerine, follow signs. Huge 3 family, lots of great stuff, bedroom furniture, VCR/DVD players, movies, lamps, kitchen appliances, household items, baby items, high chair, changing table, clothes all sizes, men's, women's and children's, new tree stand, brand new hot water heater, Christmas stuff, toys, and lots more. Saturday, in Glen across from Country Boys Store, for Cindy Below Foundation. Saturday 8:00 am ?, 13821 Cedar Creek Drive, Sanderson Saturday 7:30 am ?, 7700 Klein Road. Mattress, women's cloth- ing, children's clothing. Saturday 8:00 am ?. 465 Islamorada Drive at Cypress Point. Saturday 8:00 am 1:00 pm, 250 North Blvd. East, Macclenny. 3 Family. Movies, clothes, household items, baby items. Saturday 8:00 am 1:30 pm, Hunter's Ridge off Odis Yarborough. Multi-family. Furniture, clothes, toys, Dewalt planer and much more. Agency CSR Experienced comm'cl $35k-$45k Handle Irg book of bus. 220 or 440 required, paid 401k health, dental, vacation, parking. convenient location. Valarie@zellnerinsurance.com THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 16 Beagle Walker pups, 8 mo ready to start, $100 each. 275 588-4198. Dogs: all types from puppies Animal Control, $50 boarding apply. 259-6786. AKC Registered female Box friendly & playful, 1 year ol AKC registered male Basse very friendly, 10 months ol 275-2845. Horse for sale. Good with kl included, $1200. 259-2465. 10/2 nths old, Company specializing in erosion con- 5-2069 or trol now hiring the following positions: 11/2p Crew leaders, equipment operators, to adults. laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid fees will driver's license a MUST. Fax resume to 904-275-3292 or dall 275-4960. EOE. 11/20tfc Drug free workplace. 11/2p xer, very Immediate openings for the following: Id, $200; track hoe operator, loader operator, fin- t Hound, ish dozer, tailman with 2 years experi- d, $150. ence, hillman with 2 years experience,. 10/26p general laborers, pipelayer. Apply in ids, tack person at Earthworks, 11932 N SR 121, Macclenny, FL. or call 653-2800. ... ., 11/2c 60-1i 1/p Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classi- fied advertising on subjects like work-at- home, weight loss products, health prod- ucts. While the newspaper uses reason- able discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents should use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other commitments based on statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. -The Baker County Press Baker County Animal Control will be accepting applications for a permanent part time position, 20 hours per week, $8/hour. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, HS or GED graduate w/ valid Florida driver's license. Must be proficient in Word, Windows & data entry excellent typing & telephone communication skills Kennel duties included. Applications can be acquired at the Administration Office at 55 N. 3rd St Macclenny, FL Deadline for appli- calions will be November 7, 2006, at 2:00 pm Baker County Commissioners is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a drug free workplace. 10,26-11,2c We are looking for skilled structural steel craftsmen who are able to work in a team environment Hours of opera- tion are from 7:00 am-3:30 pm with the possibility of overtime when required. Benefits include paid holidays, personal days & vacation. Apply in person at 710 Griffin Court, Macclenny. Apex is an EOE and drug free workplace. 10,26-11,19p 2nd shift storeroom clerk. Must have computer knowledge. Salary $13.08/ hour. We are on EEOCdrug free work- place. We offer 401k. health insurance, paid holidays and vacations. Apply at Gilman Building Products, CR 218, Maxville, FL or fax resume to 904-289- .7736. 11/2-16c Local home care agency looking for full time/part time Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. Contact Linda at 259-3111. 5/25tfc Experienced painters needed. Must have tools, benefits after 90 days. 259- 5877. 12/30tfc Pest control lawn tech, $10!/hour to train, $26K+, medical, dental, life, retirement. Must have valid driver's license. Please call 904-726-9332. 10.'19-26p A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time lawn mainte- nance worker with valid Florida drivers license. 259-7335. 3/23tfc Dump truck driver needed, CDL Class B license, be d nave clean driving record 2 334-9329. Part-time ranch hand. Must driving record & experience trailers & tractors. 289-9331 Part time w/full time potent Weekend Residential live-in house parents. needed to provide care for 2 disabled adult females in Baker County. CNA preferred, HS diploma or GED required. Pay includes $100 per day per 24 hour period plus room & board. Hours would be Friday 6:00 pm through Sunday 6:00 pm. Please respond to Rose Payne via email at rose_frazier@dcf.state.fl.us or fax resume to 904-259-5187. 10/26c Pediatric nurses needed. Long term hourly homecare case in Baldwin avail- able. All shifts. Integrity Health Service 730-9580. 10/26-11/2p Full time trim/punch out carpenter for local construction; company. Benefits and paid vacation included. Please call 813-1580 weekdays only between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. ., 10/26tfc Attention all RNs and LPNs. Macclenny Nursing and Rehab Center currently has open positions for full time, 7:00 pm-7:00 am shifts. Also, openings available for full time PTA and Speech Therapist PRN. All inter- ested applicants, please apply in per- son at Macclenny Nursing and Rehab Center, 755 S. 5th Street, Macclenny, FL. On-site interviews available or call 259-4873. 10/26 Local concrete company now hiring /laborers, experience preferred by not required Call 259-2050 leave mes- sage. 10/26-11/2c RN staffing nurses needed imme- diately. All shifts available, Baker & Duval Counties. Integrity Health Services 730-9580 10/26-11/2p lependabtle Baker County Seniors. Need work. 59-6172 or Need training. Need extra cash. We 10.19-26p can help. If you are 55 and older with nolimiled income, we may have the I have clean training and employment opportuni- with horse ties that can help you pay the bills. 1. Call Eileen Hendrix now ,d' Experience 10/19-26c Works. Inc. 904-358-9971. Funded ial. Looking by the State of Florida. Department of l. ing Elder Affairs. FOE. 10/26-11/160 lor motivated,a qualified person in uaker and surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references to P0. Bop 598, Macclenny FL 32063. 6.'2rfc Utility worker needed for EEO and drug free established company. We offer 401(k), nealtn/dental insurance. paid holidays & vacations. $1 raise after 6 months. Apply in person at Gilman Building Products. CR 218 in Maxville, FL. 10i19-26c H.R./ Receptionist for immediate open- ing Must have 2 yr. e.x:p. Send resume to Earthworks of North Statle Road 121 Macclenny. FL 32063, Pri 904 653 2801 Aton: Joanna Young 11,2c Now hear this! Earn $70K plus yearly. Spend 2 days with me, I'll prove it to you. The #1 commercial aerial photog- raphy in the USA is recruiting sharp. high class sales reps in your area. No travel. Call Charles Berdel at 1-800- 767-2553. 10,26p G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401 K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CA1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! mow .,.& ~J irr ITg HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured 259-0893 Lic. #ET11000707 Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RA13067194 4/21 tfc Custom Homes Residential & Commercial New construction Framing Remodeling Additions Keith Muse, owner 259-2006 545-8316 cell CBC#1250391 10/26-11/16p 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 4/3tfc SANDS TRUCKING Fill dirt ~ Millings ~ Slag Concrete washout Land clearing Fish ponds Road built Houses/buildings demo Inground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~ Financing available - JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/1 5tfc Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White 275-2474 4/6tfc KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS ... We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts" 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Fall & winter hours Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 2:00 pm 259-5222 (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours, Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 4/6tfc PIANO REPAIRS & SERVICE Sales Tuning Restoration Installation of computerized players Local & long distance moving Call Randall 904-269-4169 10/26-11/2p DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tfc B&N TRACTOR SERVICES, INC. Locally owned & operated Licensed & insured Slab prep ~ Driveways Finish mowing Boxblade work Bushhog work 904-364-8027 904-338-4746 Serving Baker & Surrounding Counites 10/12-11/30p DRYCORE 24 hour emergency service Emergency water removal Dehumidification Mold preven- tion Hardwood floor drying 259-8929 9/14-12/28p GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner 11/16tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances * 24 hour, 7 day emergency ser- vice! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/ltffc FLORIDA CONCRETE SERVICES, INC. Footers Foundations Sidewalks Driveways 904-259-2050 1n/o.111/IRn Culverts Installed 259-2536 'Tim Johnson A & R TRUSS Engineered trusses for your new Home Barn Shed Etc. Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc NOBLITT'S HOME, INSPECTIONS, INC. NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified Serving North Florida and South Georgia 259-5342 259-5416 fax S 10/12-11/30p KC EARTHMOVERS Road construction Clearing Excavation, Aggregate Equipment Hauling Culvert pipe Driveway installation 904-275-4960 10/26tfc CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor, Land clearing We sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Dirt starting at $85/load Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 CU-C057126 3/16-3/1/07p LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing, Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 5/27tfc A & R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 6/1 tff a9/9tf a BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 2/17tfc RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p MARINE CONTRACTORS Docks ~ Retaining walls Gazebos Decks ~ Repairs Floating dock systems Call for free estimate 904-219-8094 9/14-11/30p WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p TUTOR IN MATH & SCIENCE $20 per hour. E.H. Carpenter 259-6518 SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems. Drain-field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259-2255 CBC060014 3/14tfc Free Estimates Custom remodeling, electrical, plumbing, tile, custom cabinets, painting, drywall, pressure washing. 904-259-1532 904-699-4707 11/2-23p SPECIALTY PAINTING BY IAN Murals, interior, wall decor, Rates compliment any budget 259-5108 514-5044 11/2p COASTAL CLEANING OPTIONS "One call cleans all" We clean: windows, gutter, mini-blinds (wash n' wax), pressure washing & much more. 904-813-8016 11 /2tfc 11/2-1217p --l h-'. SALA6 'i Part time scale operator. The New , River Solid Waste Association is seek- Sing qualified applicants for a perma- nent part time position of scale opera- , tor. Will be responsible for operating computerized scale system, collect- ng ing fees & keeping accurate records :s of all transactions. Must be a high :, school graduate with two years of experience in similar work. Must be willing to work a flexible sched- 25 hour week. Salary commensurate with experience. Applications can be ' picked up. at the New River Regional k Landfill on State Road 121, just north 6 or Raiford. Deadline for applications ^ will be November 3, 2006 at 5:00 pm. For further information, call 386-4431- 1000. New River Solid Waste is a drug ' free workplace; drug testing will be I required. EOE. 10,26-11/2c Assistant secretarial position. Applications will be accepted until I November 7, 2006 @ 1:00 pm for the position of assistant secretary for the Baker County Road Department. The applications and list of job responsi- bilities may be obtained from the Baker -. county Administration Building, 55 N. 3rd Street, Macclenny, FL. Applicants must have a high school diploma, must have. excellent written & verbal com- munication skills, must be proficient in ! Word Perfect or Microsoft Word, Excel and modern office practices, equip- ment & standard clerical techniques. Salary will be $20,000/year. Only quail- Sied applicants should apply. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and comply with drug free workplace polic- u es. The Baker County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all applications. 1 0/26-11/2c ' SSouthern Gospel Group looking for a professional piano player. Practices in, the Macclennyarea. 904-541-6461 ii 11/2-9p Sitter needed for 16 month old infant. Saturday only. Three references need-, ed. 259-9182. 10.,26c 911 Coordinator. Applications will be accepted until November 7. 2006 at 1:00 pm for the 911 Coordinator posi- tion. Responsible, professional posi- tion with Baker County Board of County Commissions involved with the assign- ment of new street addresses and management of existing information in the County. Requires the compilation -j and coordination of data with the US Postal Service, phone companies and other public and private agencies and PUBLIC NOTICE Real Estate Auction By court, bank or seller order 8989 CIRCLE G LN7 S.ANDERSON,FL OPENING BID: $10,000 Inspections: 1-4pmn Sun. Nov. 12th & 2 hrs prior to sale. '1731 W. 29TH ST., , 1 JACKSONVILLE, FL S2BR 1BA 625sf+ single- - family. OPENING BID: $1,000 Inspections: 1-4pm Sun. Nov. 12th & 2 hrs prior to i sale.. . All properties sell: 11:15am STue. Nov. 14 at 8989 CIRCLE G LN, SANDER-, SON.'FL I Visit %% illiamsauction.com or call 800-801-8003. FLW&WALC#AB.-Ot)00760. Dean C. Wiliiams Broker RE#3003737, Monte W. Lowdermnan AUC#AU3278 Account Clerk I Accounts Payable/Property Specialist Clerical accounting work involving a wide range of duties to support the College's system of financial resources involving but not limited to accounts payable, property records maintenance, ohsidiar, ledger maintenance and data entry. High Schobl graduate (or equivalent) plus three years of business office experience, one of wfiich is in accounting. Must be computer literate and experienced in word processing and data spreadsheets. Must be able to perform manual labor and lift 35 lbs correctly. Special consideration will be given applicants with an associate degree or certificate in a related area. Salary: $19,602.00 annually plus benefits. Position closes: November 13, 2006. Cosmetology Teaching Assistant II (213 Duty Daysf Re-advertised Cosmetology license plus 2 years of teaching or work experience. Typing, keeping student records, ordering materials, maintaining inventory, assisting instructors in clinic, preparing and grading exams, collecting fees and preparing deposits. Special consideration will .be given applicants with an associate degree or certificate in a related area. ,Salary: $17,705.20 annually, plus benefits Application deadline: November 13,.2006 College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitvcc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment utility companies: Must have a work- ing knowledge of subdivision plats, legals descriptions, aerial photogra- phy and latitude/longitude coordinates. Survey and CAD experienced individu- als are encouraged to apply. Must have a high school diploma, valid Florida driver's license, fineat and professional appearance and ability to work with the public. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and comply with drug free workplace polices. The Baker County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all applications. 10/26-11/2c Notice to Readers All real estate advenlsinr in i, nerwsp,.iper is subject,to the Fair Housirin Act wnrcrn rnakes 1 illegal Ir, dvenrse 'jny preference. limiadlion cr discrminancori tased ori ra'e.. color, religion se.,. rhandijp. tamiltar Slijsu or national origin. or an rilernion. 10 rnaVe any such prelereice, htr l ,mijlni ,r l.'icrimi- nation." Familial status includes children. under there aoe of 18 living with parents or. legal custodians, pregnant women and peo- ple securing custody of children under'18. This newspaper will not r:ownl:E ac'.pl anyv dvenising for real es.t~ite wrcr.n i 5,in violation otl rie iaw Our readers jre riherebv informed Iha3i ll dAclhrlirigs a jenised in tr1., newspaper are available on 3n equal oppor- lunity basis Ti: comnplairi ol diic.riminalion,.. (all HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777 Trie' lull free telephone nunmbr for ire impaired is 1-300-927-9275 New construction. 1800+ SF. 4 BR, 2': BA, 9 ft ceilings, crown molding throughout, off grade foundation on 1 acre in N. Macclenny. $195.900. 904- 219-0480. 9,21tdc 2.25 acres, high & dry, fish pond &, complete setup, ready to move on!t Homes & mobile romes. Georgia Bend, 15 minutes to 1-10,.$50,000, owner financing or 10%i cash discount. 912-843-8118. 9,'28tc Purchase or rent to own, Nice 3 BR. 2 BA doublewide on 2.71 acres wiln pond, pole barn & shed. 904-477- 8995. 10/19-26p Gorgeous '1 acre on Estates Street in Macclenny II. hign & dry,.convenient to everything. Restricted to site built homes only. $49,000 904-219-0480. 10..121,: 3000+ SF, 2 story home on over 5.5 acres with pool, spa, 3 car garage, $469,900. 259-9500. 8/31tfc Elegant entrance brick home. 4 BR, 2 BA, 2400 SF heated, 13' ceilings, great room, living room, dining room, break- last area, kitchen w/wnile cabinets, both bathrooms v,'lacuz2, master BAiwalk- in shower, security system, surround sound in great room, large sunroom next to a screened inground pool. Brand new 13 seer, high efficiency heat pump. Sprinkler system, beautiful landscaping. 2 room detached garage w/12' alumi- num lean to and a.fenced area. All on 1 acre which has an underground petsafe invisible fence. Wonderful neighbor- hood. Great location. Serious inquires only. $380,000. 259-4602 or 259-6546 Or 219-2842. 8/24tfc Covenant SUnderground Utilities, Inc. s *CULVERTS S*BOX BLADE WORK BUSH HOG/MOWING *DEBRIS REMOVAL *DRIVEWAYS *HAUL MULCH/DIRT INSTALLATION/REPAIR OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 16148 CR 125 N Glen St. Mary, Florida 32040 1/2 acre land, zoned mobile home. 338- 4026. 10/5-26c Ocala National Forest lots, $500 down, $199 month. Owner 352-624- 2215 or 352-236-4579 www.ocalafor- estland.com/2nd. 10/19-12/28p /2. acre, rare to find in Glen St. Mary, high & dry, close to high school & ten- nis courts, mobile homes OK, $42,900. 904-219-0480. 10/12tfc Farm house on approximately 13 acres, 8 stall barn, large screened pavilion, oaks, pond, includes farm equipment. Established pony party,' inflatable & horse boarding income, great business opportunity. $750,000. 259-2465 10/26-11/2p 1.28 acre lot with well & septic off Woodlawn Rd., $35,000. Please call' 904-813-3091. 10/12tfc .1 acre, Macclenny II on Dogwood St.. .. $55,000. 653-1775. 10/26-11..2p 175+/- 1/8 acre lots. Osceola National Forest. Serious inquiries only. 653-2288 or 378-5140 or259-3075. 10/26-11/9p 8.18 acre off Mudlake Rd. & Mallie Davis'Rd. Great place to raise a family; great neighborhood or great.invest- ment, planted in nalm trees. Light pole, septic & well, ready for your mobile home orto build, $135,000. 259-3763. 10'26-11,2p 1 acre lot, Macclenny Ill, $75,000 259-75.9 10,26-11,2p FSBO. Copper Creek Hills. Unit IIl, .1 large lot. $60.000 Please call 259- 3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 10.26tfc 3 BR mobile home on over 1' acre with pecan trees, board fence, front- age. $90k. Glen St. Mary. 259-2465. 10'26-11 2p FSBO. Copper Creek Hills. Unit II.1, lot for $55,000. Call 259-3343 weekdays between 9.00 am-5:00 pm. 10/26tfc 900 SF singlewide on .43 acre on Stone Road 14,76, 2 BR, 2 BA, $75 000. 904-718-4140 10,26-11/2p 2.5 acre. 2 BR, 2 BA w, 1 BR, 1 BA in-law suite, 1 acre lenced w/horse stall, on HWY' 125 close to interstate $193,000 call Richard 707-2111. For sale or rent. 3 BR, 1 BA house, approirnimately 1000 SF, $850/month, deposit required, no smoking or pets. 259-2746 10 19ric Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C. no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904- 860-4604. 3/17tic 3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets, garbage, water & mowing provided, $450-$600'month. 912-843-8118. 5/4tfc. . New home. 3 BR. 1 BA.. tile Illp.g.- irng throughout on 1.28 acre lot, in Macclenny. All electric appliances, $850 security deposit, $850/month. Please call 259-3343 weekdays, between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 8/31tfc 3 BR, 1 BA house on 1 acre 'in Glen St. Mary $800.00 a month & $500.00 deposit 904-233-7727 11/2p For rent. 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home in country. No pets. $600 Rent, $500 deposit. 275-2865 11/2p Light Land Clearing - ITE PREP FOR NEW HOMES LICENSEDS- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES (904) 259-9461 OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 Closed Holidays CLASSIC WARM 3/2 BRICK HOME In established Macclenny neighborhood, 3/2 home has large bonus room. It is 2298 sq. ft., has large screened back porch, plus screened side porch. The large family room. On 2 cif a must see !! 3/2 SW & 2 STORY HOME on 1.21 acres in Glen St. Mary. Live in the MH w1 REDUCED m]u COUNTRY ESTATE IN CITY 2500 SF 4BR/3BA house. Completely remodeled and updated! New Kitchen-Aid appliances. New wiring, plumbing and air conditioning! Stone and wood flooring, vinyl board fence. Two new electric fireplaces! REDUCED- $279,900 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 17 FSBO. 1996 Homes ol Merit. 28>68. 3 BR. 2 BA, cathedral ceilings, open . floor plan stone fireplace, very large kitchen with lots ot cabinets, side-by- side refrigerator, overhead air vents, spacious master with large walk-in closets garden lub. separate shower lots more. Must see $36,000. Must be moved to your property. 259-5895 or 654-6998. 11/2p PRESS CLASSIFIED ONLY: $4.50 Deadline Mondayat5:00 : Deadline Monday at5:00 o o iooooU ~' 11O ' For sale or rent, clean 3 BR, 2 BA home on one acre.'HW floors. Sanderson. $750 monthly. 327-7667 11/2-9p 2 BR, 2 BA Mobile Home, GA bend area, newly renovated, CH/A $550, $250 deposit 259-5317 11/2-9p Office for rent US 90 Glen. 259-6735 11/2 tfc 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home on 2.1 acres, beautiful 300 ft. white, sand beach on St. Marys River, handyman special, $595/month. 904-220-1565., 10/29-11/2p 2500 SF, Highway 90 W. Macclenny. 904-307-3818 or 904-259-7923. 11/2p 1999 Oakwood mobile home, 28x65, 3 BR, 2 BA with laminated wood floors & tile floors. $29.000 904-838-2648. 11,2-9p 2004 Fleetwood doublewide. 24x48, 3 BR, 2 BA, utility room. eat-in kitchen, $25,000. 259-5098 or 259-6078 . 10/26-11/2p Explore. Learn. Lead. Wal-Mart is looking for driven people. Your Macclenny Wal-Mart store is Relocating!! As a member of the Wal-Mart team, you will receive com- petitive wages and a generous benefits package including: health, 401 (k), stock purchase plan, profit sharing, mer- chandise discounts and career advancement opportunities. Career Opportunities Include: Cashiers Sales Associates Stockers Please apply at: WORKSoMwce 1 184 South 6th St Macclenn\, FL 32063 Phone (904) 259.9309 Fax (904) 259-7702 Bakery Produce Meat Tire Lube & Express 1160 South 6th Streel Macclenny FL 32003 Phone (904) 259-4760 Fax (904) 259-2447 w*v, walmart corn SII Mul Miiwill frisi i',liriiiv li~i~rIrri,,,,im fl plivmgfilIm ii rh D ,0;I' a .t .1 ,,r m. .Udl jiipnai'o,, ,l ,,11ien d, ',bilit' t~riit~iy. utravll :1fi1,, r-1101iil O OC~ I o pc. ,u ajr~y 1-, k I'ildly pyi'ri~oil trw Assodl~. acei25940.28: ~ J .1.1 MI I. r *l M T IqnMi..Mi M-. irinmm.i n II New Listings Added Daily- Please risit our website at wuirir.cbisaacrealtr.coml St. Mary's River Bluff on Horseshoe Loop Peace and quiet in the 3BR/2BA home with a new rear deck and just completed stone fireplace front and hearth. Custom mural painting in child's room that is just too beauti- ful to describe. 2 car carport with a separate 1200SF garage. that is a handyman's dream. rAlI this and more on 1.33 acres. MAC-022 $194,900 Just Listed! This gorgeous 3BRI2BA 1939SF home has a 4th room that could be a den or an office. Large eat in kitchen with oak cabiitets, formal dining room, arches in i alkwayv master bath has jet tuib for relax- ing evening baths and your yard is easily maintained with the sprinkler system. MAC-028 $279,000 St. Mary's River Bluff on the river 3BR/2BA home. Asking $187,000 BRING ALL OFFERS MAC/WH-043 Baker County 7.9 acres zoned for home or mobile home $78,210 BRING ALL OFFERS MAC-007 Baker County 13 acres zoned for home or mobile home $128,700 BRING ALL OFFERS MAC-005 St. Mary's River Bluff, off liver, brand new 2006 3BR/2BA DW/MH on 1.25 acres, never been lived in. $ 1325.I") MAC-017 Macclenny 3BR/2BA Beautifulihome on corner lot with too much to mention. Large spacious roonis throughout. $291,000 MAC-020 '03 DOUBLEWIDE 4 BR, 2 BA ON 2 ACRES 2081 SF a must see with lots and lots of upgrades! 2 outbuildings and a RV storage building. 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with building. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305,000 Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 feet high- way frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighborhood. $419,000 3 lots in Glen St Mary, 75x130. $55,000 each 1999 14x70 mobile home with chainlink fenced yard. 2 BR, 2 BA with a garden tub and sepa- rate shower in master bath. Close to city. $79,900 Exc. commercial East acres corner lot. W e, .92 Too cute to believe in St. George, Georgia Perfect if you wvant to escape from the city for the peace and quiet of the country. Adorable 2 BR, I BA on 2.3" acres. You will have privacy and dihe benefit of wildlife right out your door. You hate to come see this barg:un to believe. All the room in the world to grow! MAC-023 $84,500 Seller 'will pay $2000 toward closing costs! ' Maiclenm O 2 home on 1 acre with great open floor plan. $274;000 MAC-02f Sanderson on Cowpen just off US90, just off the paved road. 10.01 acres to build your dteam home. Owners in process of making it easier for you to imagine your home, and save you money, by hav- ing part of the property cleared. $149,900 MAC-025 Macclenny Convenience store, no gas pumps, but great potential with added fuel system to serve large trucks. $350,000-. MAC-008 Macclenny 1 I ,acres iilh 3 2 DWXMI adiining above slore to live in or use extra acreage 1,i lute.a largr hauling area $221i,.ii1 MAC-009 4 BR/2 BA IN QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD Beautiful old neighborhood in Macclenny. Your children can walk to school. 1560 SF $159,900 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY- Brick home & two additional lots to build on in excellent location for convenience to 1-10 and shopping. Remodeled with new kitchen, stove & refrigerator. All 3 for $189,900 CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent corner lot location! Beverage License is available! Richard's Grocery & Meat Market, 386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny $389,000UU- Owner will stay on to train you for 6 months. 521 South Sixth Street, La I St. C,-La I W ny' Wayne Combs, Licensed Real Estate Broker ** We can show and sell all listings! W" Jii }F," II.. T4'Ui I" ': Anne Kitching, Realtor, 962-8064 ** Wendy Smith, Realtor, 710-0528 ** Tina Melvin, Realtor, 233-2743 cell. 'AnRR HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. WAL*MART Stores, Inc. *---- 6M . IM k- be the difference THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday November 2, 2006 Page 18 - "' -, - W .. I " 2A .I. -- wiluraax ..Diesel -!-avalable 777 ,'O oIorado 4x4 Z-71RI Reg Calb 1 available ath. sunroo -Star .1..... ... available . T w/remote start DVD, --a powersldig doors 1 available C5 yobaltLT4 Dr I available 1.,Cte..a-; b ,Availabl., ~ e I K -- .. ', , .~~~ -. _.,.. .. ;..- .. . tAhevro et &Third Day Y--, .ak_ ad Gi vingA rive E'yTbibb Dayand FM 988.1 The PrVmiNe thepmig po benefit the A `tyoad Drive M .,' I- .-.o m 1` . '606 Hummer H3 6; Loaded, Auto, V6 29,995 '03 !Ionda Accord S4 Door, Auto, CT, PW, PL '15,995 '02 GMC Yukon XL 4x4, Auto, Leather, Sunroof $17,995 '97 Honda Civic 5 Spd., A/C, CD, Rear Spoiler $5,995 '01 Chevy Silverado LS X-Cab $12,995 '06 Ford Freestyle Auto, CD, PW, PL $16,995 '05 Tacoma Pre-Runner '01 Nissan Maxima . V6, Auto, PW, PL 5 Spd., A/C, Sunroof, Leather $20,995 $11,995 '91 Chevy Reg. Cab Z71 '04 Jeep Grand Cherokee Automatic, 4x4 4WD, Sunroof, V8, Leather $3,995 $17,995 '06 Chevy Cobalt LS Auto, CD $11,995 '02 Jeep Wrangler Sport 6 Cyl., A/C $11,995 PH E E CHEVROLET 119 S. Sixth St. Macclenny 259-5796 -Pre-Owned 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New www.PineviewChevrolet.com 'On select models. W.A.C. Offer ends October 31. X A I AB rl^lAMI fIIflhElL Lance Gris Marvin Nelson Clayton Blackshear Morris Silas jU IV ER I Sales Manager Used Car Mgr. Finance Manager Sales Associate Aa . |