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13840 YONGE LIBRARY FLA. HISTORY PO BOX 117007- UNIV. FLA. GAINESVILLE FL 32611 AKER COUNTY PRESS Paid circulation leader Winner of22 state and national awards forjournalism excellence in 2006 77th Year, Vol. 23 Thursday, September 28, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 50. ./ Neighbors slam Woodlawn plan iCount) Commission adppovLes land use amendment for planned 130-lot subdivision 'Stand with Israel' rall4 here... A4fer ihe" march, parricipatts hien ito the blowing of the ram's horn signaling i/i begiing ,.q the Stvid tIt Isi rael rally which was held Suairday Sept. 23 at Her,. tae'c Park. Tihl ral!,. ip.:.'i scored bv Daughters For Zion to promoore awareness o't Clhristia,ni 's5 Jdaic ot)gins..featured speakers. music, dance and dramamr per/or- iance. an d lood. Ch'Lck iese Jron!i Ie-/: Gi, en Halls. Edward Walls, Garrett Griffis and Breui,,a Johniotn. See page 6. PH:---T:. O Kf_,._-E' LANNIGAN BYJIM McGAULEY Press publisher Buffeted by protests from a half dozen nearby residents fearing overcrowded neigh- borhoods and roads. plus allegations they were not properly\ notified, the Baker County Commission on Monday approved a land use change amendment for the 54-acre Lakes of Woodlaw\n subdivision off \oodlawn Road. Commissioners and county planner Ed Preston assured the worried neighbors the vote merely sends the development plan back to the Department of Communitx Affairs in Tallahassee for another re\ iew. The "nuts and bolts" details of the 130- lot subdivision, including the type of hous- ing, lot size and improvements to the narrow Woodla\ n Road, will come later \hen the zoning status and subdivision regulations are considered. At the same September 25 meeting, the board unanimously approved a land use change for the 1631-acre. St. Mars Shoals Park the county plans to develop for recre- ation and conservation. A land use change similar to that sought for Woodlawn for another residential devel- opment called LongBranch Farms west of Glen St. Mary \\as withdrawn. Its principals are John D. Kennedy and RickN Davis of Nlacclennv. The Lakes of Woodla\\ n is proposed by an entity named North Florida Heritage Group and the principal is JeffreN Cook of Earth- \orks of Northeast Florida in Nlacclenny. The Woodla\% n master plan was submitted to DCA in Ma\, and sent back \ith concerns that certain preliminaries are met before final approval. They include an inter-local agree- ment \ith Macclennv for afterr and sew\er, and assurances the developer "ill pony up money to help pay for improvements on Woodlawn. often called "Snake Road" be- cause of its finding g course. The re-submitted plan also addresses pay- ment for extra burdens on schools. Mr. Preston recommended the county adopt the ordinance for the land use change, and Commissioner Mark Hartley \ as the sole dissenter. "I lived off Woodlawn Road for 15 years and I know what it's like." he said. echoing some of the early speakers. "I ha\ e problems with the density [four houses per acre] and with only one entrance." He predicted traffic snarls with a single turnoff from Woodla" n, particularly at peak rush hours. North Florida Heritage has al- ready agreed to basic infrastructure like paved roads., curbs and gutters., and a turnaround for school buses. Mr. Preston's remark that a DOT traffic study showed no significant adverse impact with the addition of Lakes of Woodlaw% n w as met with laughter from audience members \ ho decried the "urbanization" of the area off Woodlaw\n and intersecting Dupree Road. Nonetheless, traffic on the east-west artery between CR 125 south of Glen St. NlarN and SR 121 at Interstate 10 is expected to be a key issue once the county gets the plan back from the state and the actual zoning changes are proposed. Other speakers predicted large increases in the amount of roadside trash accompanying a heavier traffic load. noise levels and disap- pearance of a rural atmosphere. In a public hearing that preceded the land use votes. no one spoke for or against final adoption of the reduction of the county's tax mill rate to 8.46 or the $25.8 million budget it will help fund in 2007. With the exception of routine departmen- tal comments accompanying requests for funding, there was virtually no input from the public during budget deliberations in July and August. The board votes on both were unanimous. Jury acquits in DUI trial Wednesday A six-member jury deliberat- ed nearly three hours the evening of September 20 before deciding John J. Dugger Jr. of Sanderson is not guilty of a drunk driving charge that dated back one year. Mr. Dugger that evening re- fused to take either a field so- briety test or submit to a breath test, and testified his erratic driv- ing that evening was due to poor road conditions on CR 127 north of Sanderson. The trial before Circuit Judge David Giant lasted all day, and the jury was out from shortly after 5:00 pm to just be- fore 8:00. The jury at one point appeared deadlocked, and asked Judge :Giant if its decision had to be unanimous. It returned the ver- dict shortly thereafter. "This kind of case can some- times be more difficult [to get a conviction] because you don't have any scientific evidence that someone was intoxicated and you have to rely on other testi- mony." said Assistant State At- torney Greg Edw ards. Mr. Dug- ger was represented by Duke Fagan of Jackson% ille. Mr. Dugger was tried in felony court because the last of his two prior DUI con ictions occurred within ten years of the one in September, 2005. In other felony court cases the past week, Caleb Kaeck of Mac- S-clenny drew a five year prison term for violating probation for his role in the traffic death of Phillip Middleton, 20, of Mac- clenny in January 17, 2006. Mr. Kaeck at the time of the accident was on probation for DUI causing personal injury. Mr. Middleton was a passenger in a car driven by the defendant that night when it collided head-on with another vehicle on CR 23A north of Macclenny. He still faces a charge of DUI homicide. In other sentencing by Cir- cuit Judge David Giant on Sep- tember 25; Carey Dolison drew a three-year prison term in return for a plea to aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and felo- (See page 2) 6 89076 48819 8 Manpaidfor house guests to visit doctors, getpresuptionsfor re-sale, say investigators Sheriff's investigators on the serving of a search warrant and the cost of prescriptions as ed on drug-related charges September 22 raided the north that morning, part of the deal. eral times earlier this year, i Macclenn) home of a man now The search yielded 532 doses In addition to the pill cache. an additional felony posses charged with multiple counts of of the drugs Xanax. Soma, Lar- officers that moving found count because police f( possession and sale of prescrip- cet and Methadone. all stored in $350 cash, $80 of %which %\as marijuana stashed in a ciga tion medication. prescription bottles in a file cab- identified as money paid by an pack in his pocket the mor Arrested inet unlocked undercover buyer on Septem- of the raid. along withJohn .... by Mr. McCoy ber 19 and 21. The investigators During a premises sea David Mc- in the presence set up the deals both officers also f( Coy, 59, w' as of the officers. evenings at the Linda hunting bows a couple who The prescription St. address, and were .. other related p lived with him labels bore the aware of the file cabi- erty in a shed, at the Linda St. names of both net storage. C harged Mr. DC address, and Mr. Dotson and hInboth earlier bus., and Kenneth Bro who he used as NMs. Harding. Mr. McCoy sold the 32, of Maccli "mules" to ob- Ms. Hard- pills for $5 each. and with stealing 1 tain drugs from ing in a later threw in a handful in from a garage a an estimated A interview told the bargain, according ': ,residence of half-dozen lo- investigators to statements by the Crews.' cal physicians. Da\ id Bryant confidential source. That burglary Brett Dot- and Scotty Rho- A fourth person at curred Septe son, 36, and den Mr. McCoy the residence that day 19 off CR 23 i KathyHarding, enticed them to faces felony drug pos- Mr. Dotson and involved prop 37, are charged li\l e %ith him if session counts after 123 worth $1575, in& also with ille- theN would pro- prescription pills were found in ing a $700 bow. Mr. Br gal, possession Mir. cCoy cure prescrip- the trunk of her leased automo- told police Mr. Dotson gav of controlled tions and split the bile. equipment to Mr. McCoy drugs, and Mr. Dotson was sub- contents with him. Christina Hall, 27, of Wash- cause he owed him money. sequently arrested for unrelated Mr. McCoy used his por- ington, N.C. told police she was Mr. McCoy remains in c drug possession and grand theft tion to sell to others, including in the area visiting a daughter ty jail pending a $30,000 b counts. the undercover buyer, and the and denied knowledge of the Mr. Dotson's release pen The arrests follow several couple either consumed theirs pills stashed in a canvas bag. bond of $191,000. undercover purchases at the ad- or sold pills back to Mr. McCoy. She admitted the bag was hers. dress that immediately preceded He also paid for doctor visits Mr. Dotson, who was arrest- (See page 4) sev- faces ssion found rette ning arch. found and prop- and otson )oks. enny them t the Jerry Y oc- nber north perty clud- ooks e the y be- oun- bond; ds a Dies as pickup hits semi A Glen St. larN man died early on September 23 .when his Ford Ranger pickup truck slammed into the rear of a trac- tor-trailer parked in the emer- gency lane of an on-ramp to In- terstate 10. Jason R. Palleschi, 36, was dead at the scene after the 2:10 am accident. He was the seventh person to die on Baker County roads in 2006. and was alone in the vehicle at the time. The mruck driven by Robert S. Tay lor, 28, of Corinth, Miss. was parked legally at the entrance from SR 121, said Trooper D.R. Bazinet. Mr. Ta ]lor stopped there to clean his windshield of love- bugs that have been swarming in northeast Florida in recent days. Neither Mr. Taylor nor pas- senger Michael S. Cox, 31, also of Corinth, were injured. The passenger was. in the sleeper compartment of the truck cab. Mr. Palleschi was not wear- ing a seat belt. A determination of other contributing factors in the accident pends a toxicology analysis. Legacy of friendship .. 90th birthday occasion .,,..... to renew bonds, memories BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff Four ladies with ties to Baker County and a long legacy of friendship met recently for a celebration lunch and an after- noon of reminiscing. Lucy Dinkins, 87, Luda Kilgo, 83, Peggy Nagle Humprey, 90 and Louise Whitt, 90, have been friends for decades. Ms. Humprey, who now resides in Moultrie, Ga., traveled to Macclenny last week to cel- ebrate her 90th birthday at the home of Luda Kilgo and reunite with some of her best buddies. They sat chatting in the liv- ing room, admiring the beauti- ful paintings of fruit and flowers and a majestic stag on mountain done long ago by Ms. Kilgo's mother. Again and again, they thanked each other for the .many thought- ful gestures, kind deeds and wonderful friendships shared over the decades. Afterwards, the ladies retired to the dining room, enjoyed a catered lunch of chicken salad, fruit salad, pimiento cheese on whole wheat and New York cheesecake. Lunch was a time to catch up on the lives of other friends, remember ,loved ones and friends now deceased and hear about children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It was also a time to remark on all the changes in Macclenny, remem- ber interesting facts and tell funny stories. Ms. Whitt made sure the atmosphere remained jovial Getting together to celebrate friendship and the old times; (l-r) Ms. Whitt, Ms. Humprey, Ms. Kilgo and Ms. Dinkins with a hilarious joke: "A preacher told his congre- gation he would say a word and they were to tell him a song it reminded them of. "Love," he said. "Love Lifted Me," one lady volunteered. "Rock," said the preacher. "Rock of Ages," shouted a man. "Sex," said the preacher. The congregation was silent, but finally an elderly lady on the front pew raised her hand. "I know that one," she said. "Precious Memories." (See page 2) I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 2 Legacy of friendship... (From page 1) who spent her professional career Ms. Dinkins remembered as a nurse, was called to a hos- being able to get an extremely pital emergency that night. She being ablll-made pairto get an extremeflew past officers out patrolling well-made pair of shoes for $5 a w s f d and bread could be bought for and was stopped for driving so and bread couldfast on a back road in dangerous 10 cents a loaf in Macclenny. conditions. "That was a long time ago," she "I just told them they'd bet- laughed."I just told them they'd bet- She also talked about walking ter let me go, I had to get to that She ao talked about walking"And they from school to eat a good lunch emergency," she said. "And they at the boarding house for teach- did, they let me go." After lunch there was more ers that Ms. Kilgo's mother ran. visiting until time for Ms "That cost 25 cents," she said. visiting until time for Ms. "We thought we were important, Humphrey's daughter to dri eating at the boarding house back to Georgia. eating at the boarding house To cap off their extra special instead of a sack lunch brought from home." visit, the four friends had their Ms. Humphrey recalled how photo made with their arms she and her friends often went to around each other, adding yet the Glen St. Marn Nursery to go one more precious miemorv to .O their alreadN rich collection. for a %\ alk %\ ith her friends. "1 loied going to the nursery to %\atch Luda's daughter Kell A| A l Oi put her horse through a jumping Ai *lllwll routine. MEETINGS That brines the conversation to Ms. Kilgo's family\ and the Every Monday at fact that her daughter Kell is 8:00 pm now a missionary\ working on Bible translation in a remote NMaccleumi Church ofChrist \illage in Nepal, something the 5tLmnd N tinrneso ladies find remarkable. Op:nri[.. il ntn&. indJ "I've visited Nepal," said Limdmmehmbers.takcohol,. Ms. Kilgo. It's about as differ- ent from NMacclenn\ as you can Talk turns to the man\ coun- ( O rco tries these ladies have \ visited during their lives: China. Italy. le'' ,: erN-.' New lc.k Germany. France. Nepal and Ireland. MNis. Dinkins ,as able to take each of her grandchildren FALL on a trip to a different country. SPECIAL "I \as lucky," she says. "I got to go most ever where I wanted CALL PC to go." 795 S. 6 NMs. Whitt pipes up at that point. "Do \ou girls remem- ber this place before Interstate Lf O A 10) \%as here and most of these -- ----... - roads were dirt?" ( osa na She remembers co\\ pastures ' on Jonathan Street and getting stopped b\ the cops in a pouring .HIAf. ( rain on the road from Raiford C IE Nt-WHMM to the hospital in Macclenn\ at 2:110 am in the morning. 904-2 All the ladies laugh at this ,' i,. S' w i stor\. It seems that MsI. Whitt. ,' Ne.- Hours ,, lC,&T, Nov, DEC) )R MORE INFO 653-1111 iTH ST. ,MACCLENHY, FL AMJSOMAIAIR~o INC2 Cooau.s,. fnzRUs WO2090 L l3(olb amsa id a. Jury acquits (From page 1) ny driving with a suspended li- cense. Jeffery Crawford got two years after pleading to four drug- related charges and grand theft. Hosea Belford drew a simi- lar sentence after admitting he violated probation on four earlier drug-related cases. Christopher Jenkins will serve 32 months in state prison for failing to register as a sex of- fender. His earlier offense was for having sexual relations with an underage female. ' Judge Glant ordered a two- year probation for Donnie Con- nolly on a child abuse charge stemming from batter on a mni- nor ho had been in a light % ith his child. Dann Jackson \ill serne a half-\ear in count) jail after pleading to a charge of felons dri ing with a suspended li- cense. Laura Sparkman and Karen Woolf were gixen two-year drug offender probations for posses- sion of controlled substances % ith the intent to sell. Fair Schedule & Midway Promotions Friday, Oct. 6th Fair Opening Day Gate Admission: $5.00 Adults, S3 Students 6-8:30 pm Discount Tickets Midnight Madness 10 pm 1 am $15 Armbands for all rides Early Bird Madness 8:30 pm 1 am $20 Armbands for all rides Beauty Contest 7:30 pm Saturday, Oct. 7th Bluegrass Show/Family Day on the Midway Gate Admission: $5.00 Adults, S3 Students Kids pay $10 1-5:00 pm 6 pm Midnight $15 Armband for all rides Robinson's Racing Pigs, Disconnect K-9s Sunday, Oct. 8th Church Day Buy a $15 Annband and get a second one for 1/2 Price AND FREE Admission with your Sunday Church BulItin OR $3.00 "Walk Around" fee Ipm to close Robinson's Racing Pigs, Disconnect K-9s Monday, Oct. 9th Discount Ride Ticket Day Gate Admission: S5.00 Adults, S3 Students Discount Ride Tickets OR $15 Armband from 6 pm closing Robinson's Racing Pigs, Disconnect K-9s Tuesday, Oct 10th Discount Ride Ticket Day Gate Admission: $5.00 Adults, S3 Students Discount Ride Tickets or $15 Armband from 6 pm closing Disconnect K-9s Hypnosis Company Wednesday, Oct 11th Baker County Student Day FREE gate admission for Students Gate Admission: $5.00 Adults, $3 Students Thursday, Oct 12th Discount Ride Ticket Day Gate Admission: S5.00 Adults, S3 Students Friday, Oct 13th - Rodeo Day at the Fair Gate Admission: $5.00 Adults, S3 Students Rodeo 7:30 pm Saturday, Oct 14th - Family Day on the Midway Pet Show 6:00 pm Star Search 7:00 pm Rodeo 7:30 pm Tues Sat Robinson Racing Pigs, Disconnect K-9s FREE Pad S& Labor" S /'!.4 *i.! i~ kIij 1,j IA :iVps FREE Pad & Labor* NI JKI~L1L! e~ rn )' 2) H 4J~.r~ 2.~ Installation Available titP .Installation I ~ [e~I ~ eiWI~ W~ 1 'A'k0A'ARj~q~ :i$i e stole~ #i aer rnrTFA-. ---=I^ TUP PAI~oD('C I INiTV DDI.OC';Thiir~rcgncv, 'cntember 928.32006Pagep 3 II.I~l A 'M Il[tUANI L )PrL U~ .J.IN I ITI ELm.s, i Comm ent Popes 'insulting remarks' R COUTHE on L BAKERCOUNT oi ns PRESS USPS040.280 - 10O9ffle Box 9"**104 South St; .,. Macolenny, FL 32063 (904)259-2400 ... The Baker Couty Press is published each .Thursday by Baker. County Press, Inc,. Periodicals postage paid under permit, SIssu Ap12,"1929 at the post officein OIwenny, Florida. ," $20.00 a year insed B"aer Cty; $25 00. ' arout ie Baker'Coitmy dedict $1.00'. for persons 65 yeais. of age-or.oaler, mil- tay persorinel on active tduy outsl Baker Codifty, and cri ollge studetfls lvfrng outde Baer-Couty. POSTMASTER: send .address . changes to The Bake County Press, P.O. Bof 598, Macdnny R,F 32063. JAMES C. MCAULEY Publisher EDITOR- Michael Rinker NEWS/FEATURES- Kelley Lannigan ADVERTISING/PRODUCTION Jessica Prevatt T PESETTiNG/ GRAPHICS Jeremy Beasley & Josh Blackmon FEATURES/COMMENT Robert Gerard COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear CONTACT US- 'Phone-904 ,'259-2400 Fax 904/2596502 Email bcpress@nefcom.net Mail- PO Box 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny, FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com. This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the newspaper office prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless otherwise noted or arranged. Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication. It is requested that all news items be typed to insure. accuracy in print. Social Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notic- es and social events must be submit- ted within four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Letters to the editor are welcome, but must'con- tain the signature of the ,writer, a telephone num- ber where the writer may, be contacted. and city of residence. Letters must reflect opinions and statements on issues of current interest to the general public. The news-. paper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet standards of publication. well, a little more violence MY SIDE OF THE MATTER* ROBERT GERARD As you know, one of the many hats I wear is that of crusading investigative journalist. The hat resembles a lamp shade with Press written on it, and enables me into the very recesses of the news industry where I am able to ferret out (or hamster out) tid- bits of news that most reporters miss. Here are some items that crossed my table and were missed by other yellow journal- ists. Just remember, you read it here first. The Pope has gotten into a lot of trouble lately using some- what insulting remarks against Islam during a recent meeting. Benedict quoted a text from the Middle Ages that criticized the religion for gaining converts via the sword. The Pope's spin doc- tors quickly got him to apolo- gize. Moslems. who the Pope criti- cized for using violence as a tool of conversion, demonstrated, there\ a firebomb or tN\o at some church- es and killed a couple of nuns in protest against the ridiculous as- sertions. Cat Stevens. a former pop singer \who is also a devout Mos- lem. also joined the criticism. He claimed that he used to believe Sthe .-P.neb..i^. a 4bl .:po.w- does not: The Pope apologized yet again and added that "Ooo. baby. baby it's a Wild World ..." and then suggested "...eeryone jump up on the Peace Train." President Bush has wisely stayed out of the argument be- tween the head of the Catholic Church and Islam except to say that now that the Pope has prov- en that he isn't infallible, he's [Mr. Bush] the only \world leader left ho is. European golfers won their third straight Ryder Cup victory at the K Club in Ireland this past week. The Europeans dominated such top American golfers as Ti- ger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Jim Funk. When asked about the loss, US captain Tom Lehman com- mented he thought the odd rules imposed by the Europeans could have had a hand in the loss. "The fact that they made us play in kilts could have had something to do with it." Tiger Woods agreed. "I kept feeling a draft and couldn't concentrate on my putting." Scientists are still baffled as to why cut spinach continues to produce illness or even death. Over 250 cases of E-coli have been linked to bag spinach over the past month. One death has been attributed to the bacteria: Though the Center for Dis-, ease Control and Prevention (CDC) is actively investigating the source of the outbreak, there is one group not at all surprised by the situation. Eight year old Lucinda Mat- lock, spokesperson forth CAYV, [Children Against Yucky Vegeta- bles] claims to have known it all along. "All adults had to do %was lis- ten to their kids." says Matlock. "We could have told them all along that spinach was yucky and shouldn't be eaten." Mat- lock warns that people who eat broccoli, cauliflower. Brussels sprouts, cooked cabbage and beets face the same danger. "We ,feel strongly that these dangerous vegetables should be replaced at the dinner table by macaroni and cheese and Cap- tain Crunch cereal." I am convinced it won't be long until deviled ham and choc- olate covered cherries are added to the spinach list. The Army recently withheld its new budget request from Con- gress in protest. The senior ser- vice claims that it is bearing the brunt of the load in Iraq. and as a Result should get a big-ger s-hare ot deen. buget:..Mor General Booth Harrington said in an interview that the Army should either be "paid more or have less to do." , I have made that same asser- tion for years with a subtle twist. I have been attempting to con- vince Press publisher Jim Mc- Gauley I should be paid more and be given less to do. Like the Army's protest, mine falls on deaf ears. Almost everyone has heard that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez rocked the United Na- tions last week with claims that President Bush was "the devil." A day after, the president had spoken at the UN, Chavez said he "could still smell the sulfur." What \\ as not widely reported was Chavez's comments that Vice President Dick Cheney is Casper the Unfriendly Ghost,' and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are Fred and Wilma Flintstone. i of Macclenny "It Feels Like Home" ";% 372 S. Sixth Street at W. Minnesota Ave. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am & 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY SERVICES Prayer & Bible Sludy 6 45 pm Awana tor Children 6 45 pm 'routh Group 6.-15 pn r. isoi M. Bune Directions from 1-10: Take Exit 48 N. Go 1.3 miles i eniorPastorNorth on Hwy. 121 See steeple on left Broadcast Live on WJXR 92.1 FM each Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am Vart-tirne Jobs oreat pay & benefits High School Jrs, Srs, GEDs, you can fill vacant positions in The Florida Army National Guard NOW. 100") Tuition, & up to $20,000 in bonuses & loan repayment. Your civilian skills may qualify you! satellite common, avionics, A&P certifications, FAA licenses, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, mechanics & more. Contact SF' .Jonathan - irte-ton at 0O.1 .1 3S! r 1: 4 .. X!-fi 74MS Si' i .hilh.i v. i~ r,:,l. il ,;".-, : ri rail Foullanguage s (The following letter was sent to Superintendent Barton earlier this month. Dr. Heddle early this week confirmed Ms. Barton replied that the matter had been addressed.) Dear Superintendent: My wife and I recently visited our daughter, son- in-law and grandchildren in Macclenny. Since our daughter and her husband are avid supporters of the community, we attended the Friday night Baker County High School football game with them on September 8. Our son-in-law purchased good seats so that we could see the total field. Our seats were in close proximity to the coaches who videotaped the game and relayed information to the coaches on the field. I feel compelled to write to you because of the cursing and foul language these coaches used during the game. It is a tragedy when God and prayer have been removed from our schools, but it is even more reprehensible when the coaches used the name of Jesus Christ as a curse word. When a Wildcat player missed a tackle, a block, or even failed to catch a pass, these coaches frequently used the "F" word or the name of the Lord in vain. Coaches andl teachers should be Dositive role oils game night models for the children of America. What are we teaching our children with this type of language we heard? At one point in the game my granddaughter turned to me and said, "Grand-dad, did you hear the dirty words that man used?" There were small children sitting within hearing distance of the coaches who were verbalizing their displeasure with the football players. These small children heard the coaches and looked at them as they cursed in a very loud voice. Since the coaches of Baker County High School use this type of language in public. I can only imag- ine what they say to the players when no one is around. Again I ask, what are we teaching our chil- dren? I have known many good coaches who do not use this type of language. The language of your coaches as they performed their official duties at a public gathering is inexcusable. They spoiled the at- mosphere at the game [that] Friday night for us. Sincerely yours, Dr. Ron Heddle Santee, South Carolina "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Where did they The dog days of summer just officially ended. Evenings have been blissfully cooler, but the heat during the day can still climb into the 90s. Our great grandparents, most of whom were farmers and lived without air conditioning, were more'directly affected by the season then we are today. occur, . Dog days, whichonly occur in the northern hemisphere, begin in TH E late July and last through the early part of September. Characterized PO by the hottest, most humid tem- P I peratures of the year, they were KELLEY L traditionally' considered period of KELLEYL inacti'ity and stagnation. Plants went to seed in the fields, creeks and streams ran dry and certain diseases like rabies seemed to occur more frequently. Most people assume this time of year came to be called "dog days" due to the rise in cases of rabies that caused infected dogs to go mad. In the early' part of the 20th Century, the mere sight of a rabid dog acting crazed and wandering through the town streets incited panicked shouts of "Mad Dog!" You might remember the scene in the movie To Kill A Mockingbird when lawyer Atticus Finch has to do just that. The term "dog days" has yet another origin, however one rooted in the stars. Most people are familiar with the constellation Orion the Hunter. His belt of three stars in a row is one of the most identifiable images in the night sky. Less familiar to most people are the two dog constellations accompanying the giant in his pur- suit across the heavens of Lepus, the rabbit star. The brightest star in the night sky is part of Canus Major, or the big dog. That bright star is called Sirius, commonly known as the dog star. . In late July, Sirius becomes very visible on the Signs ** Banners ** Store Fronts Race Cars & Trucks FREE ESTIMATES (904) 334-0773 Imchamp1 7@yahoo.com Richard Ferry get'dog days'? horizon rising and setting with the sun, So bright is Sirius that ancient Romans and Egyptians thought it to be giving added heat to our sun, resulting in the hottest season of the year. The Egyptians observed that the appearance of Sirius, which they called Sihor. rose in conjunction Sixth the sun just before the annual flooding of the Nile Ri'er, bringing BA C K life back to the parched, arid land. Egyptian priests. \"ho were CH ,the calendar-keepers of their day, watched for the first appearance ANNIGAN T of Sirius, then marched from their AMN 1N IGAJNM temples to announce the beginning of the new year. There is a reference in the 1557 Book of Common Prayer to "Dog Dales" of sunmier and many refer- ences were made to Sirius in the Old Testament, notably the Book of Job. The Hebrews referred to the star'as Mazzaroth. Job 38:31-32 says: ...Canst thou loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth (Sirius) in his season? Although looked upon favorably in ancient times as the harbinger of soon-to-appear life-giv- ing waters in Egypt, the appearance of the dog star came to be associated with intolerable heat, lethargy, disease and of course, mad dogs. James Owens, writing for National Geographic, cites that Pliny, a Roman historian living and writing in the 24th century A.D., made notations in his Natural History of the increased risk of being attacked by rabid dogs in the months of July and August. Whether you believe the dog star brings life giv- ing water or madness or is just one of the infinite wonders that exist beyond this world depends upon your perspective. So, next summer when it feels like everything's "gone to the dogs," you might want to look up into the night sky. August heat and humidity aside, it's an amazing sight. elaeSince Circle Furniture,9,. You won't believe our prices... -orthte(.selection! 111WdThu, hr r I i" T Suni 1 '3'ir *L IL 11 Specializing in: Living Rooms *Bedrooms Kids' Bedrooms Lodge Dec Dining Rooms Home Offic 60,000 Sq. Ft. of Beautiful Furniture, Home Furnishings & Accessorie ,239 Jones Rd, #4, Jacksonville 904-781-1079 I I IUI bUCIY OUPLUI I IVUI ,-Up e-vivv I clj;-, -P I / mm THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 4 %4 4 M*I WIN lisp %,%I 4"m %M5( 4IK'%I few 09 -m "Cop r htedMatI ria " --Copyrighted MateriaI-, - :Syndicated Content Available from' CommercialNews Providers" ,-a quo ___00 a w 4 -m4 m glb J IL e.ftgito I I l I I w 0 *q , w Visa Card Best Rates Around... Use y.p- Cn 7ry Federal Credit Union Visa through December and receive our low rate on any purchases, balance transfers or cash advances. Do you have one? Apply today! Quick Approvals! No 4 0 go 0 m w U U U -0 = ~g esp-- - S 0 COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US H\f'i. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 www.countryfcu.com CD Rates Certiflicate 12 Alontb Cerj'ificafe 24AMoiltb Cefficaf~ae 6.00 * County approves new position to alleviate load in the planning office At the urging of both Countr Robinson suggested &'idy Pitt- southeast cpuilty. line, and the Manager Joe Cone and Ed Pres- man, a former department efi- relocation of a short stretch of ton, who heads'up the planning ployee currently at Taber Library, 228. Both alterations are due to andzoning department, the Coun- be considered for the post. ongoing titanium mining in the ty Commission approved adding In a related item, Manager region.. a "planning technician" position Cone advised the board of a meet- DuPont will pay Baker Coun- to alleviate some of the work- ing at the Ag center on October 5 ty $200,000 for the land involved load. to solicit public input on growth in the 228 diversion, plus donate The job will be advertised in and the direction it should take in 20 acres of unimproved land. the $25,000-30,000 range and Baker County. Commissioners Julie Combs, the money drawn from large fees He urged commissioners to Mark Hartley and Chairman Alex. paid by developers for DRI [De- be present as well, and said the Robinson will sit on the value velopments of Regional Impact] session will not include presenta- adjustment board that meets on applications. tions by any development group. two appeals October 5. Mr. Cone told the board dur- The meeting begins at 5:00 David Crawford, a veteran ing its meeting on September 25 and is scheduled for two hours. heavy equipment operator at the, the newly hired Mr. Preston is The manager briefed the board road department, was recognized getting "wrapped up" in routine on a recent meeting with a group as the county's Employee of the matters that can be handled by' of developers during which Month. the new employee, the third in he urged them to adhere to the Kathy Barber was appointed that department. "thoroughfare" concept of feed- to the Health Planning Council. He needs more time for larg- ing their connecting roads into er matters, particularly in light major arteries. I CL of the pending DRIs and other In other routine business, the ALCOHOLICS commercial and residential proj- commission approved certifica- AN N MO S ects that have to pass through tions for tax deed applications on the planning and zoning depart- parcels with delinquent property Monday & Thursday ment. taxes from the year 2000. Commission Chairman Alex The owners of record are Clar- 800 PM ence D. McDaniel, Clay and Man- Macdenny Church of Christ -- dy Davis, James D. and Sharon Y. 5th and Minnesota ) LIVING FAITH Jackson and Ryan and Patricia A. -A ASSEMBLY OF GOD Williamson. 275-3617 or 259-8257 12664 Mudlake Rd. The board approved the agree- ment with DuPont for temporary Glen St. Mary relocation of the Deerfield Es- Aers inDed i 275-2949 states Road off CR 228 near the M n 5 0 'Mystery truck' at Wal-Mart Authorities early this week have few leads as to who left a stolen 2006 Dodge pickup par- tially hidden in a wooded area just north of the Wal-Mart Distri- bution Center east of Macclenny over the weekend. The vehicle, believed involved in an attempted theft in Nassau County, was found the morning Paid couple to visit doctors (From page 4) The sheriff's department also released the names of four others arrested the past week in unrelat- ed drug cases. All involve earlier undercover buys and are from Macdlenny unless otherwise in- dicated: Lois Johnston, 38, two counts of trafficking in hydroco- done and possession with intent to sell. Albert Sweat, 44, sale and possession of marijuana. Erit Jerome Myers, 32, five counts of sale and possession of crack cocaine. Chance Mallory, 17, three counts of sale and possession of a controlled substance and mis- demeanor marijuana possession. Jamie Journey, 34, of Sand- erson, sale of a controlled sub- stance and possession with intent to sell. of September 24 and bore sus- picious markings including pel- let damage from a shotgun and a bullet hole in a rear tire rim thought caused by a high-pow- ered rifle. Deputy Erik Deloach said there appeared to be blood in the area of a rear tool box, in the truck bed and near the rear right side tire. What were described as burglary tools were found in the truck bed. A K-9 search team from Baker Correctional trailed scents from the scene southward to near the I rear parking lot of the property " where police believe as many as four persons may have waited for - another vehicle to pick them up. A Macclenny woman who works at the distribution center i told Deputy Deloach she saw. a white male in his 30s standing in ) the roadway near an older model ) brown and white Ford pickup about 10:30 that morning. The man was wearing blue., jeans and a blue t-shirt and had , shaggy hair, said the woman. l0 ,:: AN P .'-.r-" O :" 1 0-CiPi: O R r'. GER Septic Tanks.. Drain Fields... Culverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS Licensed in Florida Georgia VISA MasterCard American Express Discover LANCE Covi Y COMMUNITY COIILUH Basic Law Enforcement Officer Training October 30, 2006 March 16, 2007 Olustee Campus in Building 3, Lab 2 6 a.m. 4 p.m. Monday Thursday (a few weekend training dates required) Mandatory Meeting, October 11 Must be 19 years old before March 16, 2007, have a high school diploma or GED, and pass a physical exam including EKG. Call for details: Law Enforcement Program at (386) 754-4383 by e-mail at brownd@lakecitycc.edu or visit the Lake City Community Web site at www.lakecitycc.edu for more information quo ftb400 Im .46b, -lab up 00, 404W You are invited to worship with us some Sunday soon! 10:30 am & 6:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm We sing a happy song! We pray a prayer of faith! We preach the word of God! All in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! You are welcome! Pastor Jim Baggett his" low THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 5 Cuts man in bar fight A brother-in-law is charged with cutting 46-year-old Paul Harvey of Sanderson with a knife during an argument at Pop's Place east of Macclenny the night of September 22. Police were called to the emer- ,.-geency room at Fraser Hospital about 11:30 where Mr. Harvey was treated for a large laceration on his leg and three smaller cuts near his abdomen. He told Deputy Ben Anderson he was stabbed by Clifford Bell,' 39, of Glen St. Mary, and during a subsequent interview with Mr. Bell, he admitted to the attack in response to being slapped by Mr. Harvey. Mr. Bell was booked for ag- gravated battery. In other incidents, a Mac- clenny man named in a criminal complaint recently for an attack on his 14-year-old son was ar- rested for disorderly conduct early on September 24 when he attempted to visit the boy. Roney Davis, 48, had been drinking when he showed up at the residence of his daughter and son-in-law about 2:00 am, asking to see his son, who was asleep inside. They refused to al- low him in and called police. Deputy Greg Bumsed inter-. viewed the parties and left when Mr. Davis agreed to be civil, then was called back shortly after when the father allegedly threatened the daughter and son- in-law and became unruly again. He was then arrested. Blake Iverson, 22, of Sander- son was arrested for battery of a co-worker at a construction site off Glen Farms Road the after- noon of September 19. Mr. Iverson told Deputy Gavin Sweat he struck Lynwood Griffis, 47, of Glen twice about the head and took him to the ground when the latter reached in his tool box and the accused took it as a threatening gesture. The rho quarreled frequently over the past several \\eeks, the deputy was told. Two parties to another ongo- ing dispute, this one over a road right-of-way, were charged the evening of September 24 with disturbing the peace. Stephen Keeton, 42, and neighbor Martin Roman, 48, had come to near-blows on several occasions and the sheriff's de- partment responded, said Sgt. Michael Crews. Mr. Keeton has accused Mr. Roman of wrongfully blocking 'access to his residence, and both family and neighbors said they fear the dispute will escalate into serious bodily harm or death. The propefn in question is on Sunshine Lane in Sanderson. May have set the record for driving without license, A motorist arrested or running a stop sign in Sanderson the early morning of September 24 may hold the record for the great- est number of driver's license suspensions. Shortly after he stopped Tommy Smith, 38, of Maxville on US 90 about 12:45, Deputy Randy Davis learned via a computer check that Mr. Smith was driv- ing with 21 suspensions, and had,been declared a felony habitual offender. Deputy Davis stopped the 1992 Ford van being driven by Mr. Smith after it turned east onto US 90 from CR 229. The deputy said Mr. Smith had been drinking, but he did not charge him with an alcohol-related offense. "I'd never seen that many prior sus- pensions before so we looked it up and found out 17 of them wvere for failure to Mr. Smith pay, two were for failure to appear arid the other two for refusing to submit [to breathalyzer tests] DUIs," said Deputy Davis. Mr. Smith remains in county jail this week pending a $5000 bond. In another weekend arrest involving alcohol, Michael Larry, .45, no address listed, was charged with disorderly intoxication the evening of September 22 for refusing to leave the BP station in downtown Macclenny. Deputy Ben Anderson said-he twice requested Mr. Larry cease pestering store customers. M fiB^,.". ,:S..X ..............\....,,.;.I ':.'"i'-.,........... .. .................................. Saturday, October 7 6 p.m. Larry Gillis The Gillis Brothers Lake City Slickers Florida Line Legal Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 02-2006-CA-0134 Margaret 0. McDaniel Plaintiff, vs. Billy Jo McDaniel & Shirley Baker, deceased and her heirs, assigns, widower, devisee, grantees, creditors or other parties claiming through, by, under or against her Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION To: Shirley Baker, deceased and her heirs, as- signs, widower, devisee, grantees, creditors or other parties claiming through, by, under or against her YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Peti- tion to Set Aside a Quit Claim Deed recorded at OR Book #2001-5851 of the Public Records of Baker County has been filed on the follow- ing described property: A lot beginning on the West half of the North- west 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 of Section 30, Town- ship 3 South, Range 21 East, 8 Chains South of the Northwest corner of said West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 30, then run East 210.0 feet, then run South 210.0 feet, then run West 210.0 feet to said West line of said West 1/2 of the North- west 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 30 and then run North along the West line of said Section 30, a distance of 210.0 feet to the point of beginning. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the action on the Petitioner's Attorney whose name and address is Hugh D. Fish, Jr. at P.O. Box 531, Mac- clenny, Florida 32063, on or before October 5, 2006 and file the original with the Clerk of Court, either before service on the Petitioner's Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise, a Summary Final Judgement will be entered for the relief demanded in the petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on this 5th day of September, 2006. T.A. "AI" Fraser Clerk of Court By: Bonnie M. Palleschi Deputy Clerk 9/7-28 Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 02-2006-CA-0135 Sara Frances Ingram, Rachel Howard Lane and Clara Sue Reimer, Plaintiffs ' vs. A.A. Geitgey and Lucy Geitgey, his wife, not known to be dead or alive; presumed to be dead; And all unknown grantees, creditors and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them, and if dead, their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, and ail other panics claiming by. through. under or against them. and, if dead. or not known to be dead or alive ineir several and respective estates, unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees ana creditors.or other parties claiming by, through, under or against hose unknown natural persons, and the several and respective unknown assigns. succeso:,rs in interest, Irus'lees, credao s, ienors or an ,trier party claimirng by, through, under or against any corporation, existing or dissolved, or other legal entity named as defendant, arid all claimants, persons or parties, natural or corporate or whose exact legal status is unknown, claiming under any o the above named or described defendants or parties, or claiming to have any right, lille or interest ;n and to the lands hereafter described. Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION To: A.A. Geitgey, not known to be dead or alive Lucy Geitgey, not known to be dead or alive YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Action to Quiet Title on the following property in Baker County, Florida; A part of Section 36, Township 2 South, Range 21 East, Baker County, Florida, being more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of U.S. 90 West and North Clinton Avenue, (a 60 foot right of way as now established); Thence North along the Westerly Right of Way line of North Clinton Avenue a distance of 1229.74 feet to the Point of Begin- ning; thence continue North along said Westerly Right of Way line a distance of 157.50 feet; thence West a dis- tance of 260.00 feet; thence South a distance of 157.50 feet; thence East a distance of 260.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. SAlso known as: !: -1 A lot beginning 157 5 feet South ol the NE corner ol Block 80 of the Town of Glen St. Mary, on the East line of said block, then run Westerly, along the South line of a lot owned by Josie Lee Davis, as described in Deed Book 18, page 95-96, a distance of 260 feet, to the West line of said Block 80, then Southerly along the West line of said Block 80, a distance of 157.5 feet, then run East parallel with the North line of said Block 80, a distance of 260 feet, to the East line of said Block 80, then run North along the East line of said Block 80, a distance of 157.5 feet to the place of beginning. has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defens- es, if any, to it on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A. Attorney, whose address is 445 East Mac- clenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063; (904)259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, and on or be- fore the 16th day of October, 2006, and to file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on the 8th day of September, '2006. T.A. "Al" Fraser Clerk of Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk 9/14-10/7 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Baker County District School Board will hold the following public hearing on Monday, October 16, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the School Board District School Board Room of the Baker County School Board Ad- ministration Building, 270 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida 32063: APPROVAL OF: Revision of Policy 3.060+ (Safe and Se- cure Schools). Adoption of Policy 3.061+ (Option 2) (Do- mestic Security). This document is available for review at the Baker County School Board Office, 392 South Boulevard E., Macclenny, Florida 32063 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm, Mohday through Thursday. The public is invited to attend. - Paula T. Barton 9/7-10/12 Superintendent of Schools NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that David Crews, the holder of the following certificate, has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the prop- erty and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 04-00283 Year of issuance: 2004 Description of property: 28-1S-21-0143- 0002-0030, Lot 3, Block 2, Timberland Es- tates, as recorded in plat book 3, pages 3 and 4 of the public records of Baker County, Florida. Names in which assessed: Philip Joseph Lefebvre, III. All of said property being in the County of Baker, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described herein will be sold to the highest bidder at the front door of the Baker County Courthouse, 339 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida on November 29, 2006 at 11:00 am. Dated this 20th day of September, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk of Court Baker County, Florida By Bonnie M. Palleschi As Deputy Clerk /or-10 n/1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that David Crews, the holder of the following certificate, has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the prop- erty and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 04-00240 Year of issuance: 2004 Description of property: 04-1 S-21-0144- 0002-0010, Lot 1, Block 11, Seminole Ridge, a subdivision, located in Baker County, Flor- ida, as recorded in plat book 3, page 5, of the public records of Baker County, Florida. Containing 7.5 acres more or less. Names' in which assessed: William and Dena Graham. All of said property being in the County of Baker, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according the law, th law, the property described herein will be sold to the highest bidder at the front door of the Baker County Courthouse, 339 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida on November 30, 2006, at 11:00 am. Dated this 20th day of September, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk of Court Baker County, Florida By: Bonnie M. Palleschi As Deputy Clerk q/28-10/19 Registration of Fictitious Names I the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or pro- fession carried on under the name of Big D's Custom Fencing, P.O. Box 1029, Glen St. Mary, Florida 32040, and the extent of the interest of each is as follows: NAME EXTENT OF INTER- EST David A. Stearns 100% David Stearns Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAKER Sworn to and subscrread etore me this 22nd day of September 2006 AI Fraser Clerk of Court Baker County, Florida By: Jamie Crews As Deputy Clerk 9/28 Registration of Fictitious Names I the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested in the business or pro- -fession carried on under Ine name of Arch- Lite, 5551 Cherry Tree Ave., Macclenny, Florida 32063 and the extent ol Ine interest of each is as follows: NAME EXTENT OF INTER- EST Brett D. Cloer 100% Brett D. Cloer Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAKER Swom to and subscribed before me this 21 st day of September, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk of Court Baker County, Florida, By: Jamie Crews As Deputy Clerk IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA-0150 DEBRA FOSTER', Plaintiff, , vs. . JOE JONES, JR., if alive, and if dead, his unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other persons claiming by, through, under or against him, and all other unknown persons, if alive, and if dead, or not known to be dead or alive, their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustee or other persons claiming by, through, under or against the unknown persons, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Joe Jones, Jr, if alive, and if dead, his unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grant- ees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other persons claiming by, through, under or against him, and all other unknown persons, if alive, and if deed, or not known to be dead or alive, their unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees or other persons claiming by, through, under or against the unknown persons. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a lawsuit has been filed to quiet title and for title by adverse possession concerning the following real property located in Baker County, Florida: Lot 9 of Block 45, Town of Glen St. Mary, according to the plat thereof, as recorded In plat book 1 of the public records of Baker County, Florida. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Michael S. Drews, Esq., Plaintiff's Attorney, whose ad- dress is Law Offices of Michael S. Drews, P.A., 8823 San Jose Boulevard, Suite 211, Jacksonville, Florida 32217 on or before October 27, 2006 and file the original with .the clerk of this court either before service on 'Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED this 25 day of September, 2006. T.A. "AL" FRASER CLERK OF COURT BY: Jamie Crews AS DEPUTY CLERK 9/28-10/19 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE IF HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Baker County, Florida, will conduct a public hear- ing and adoption of the proposed Ordinance whose title herein after appears, on heard Tuesday, October 3, 2006 commencing at 6:00 pm, at 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida. A copy of the proposed Ordinance may be inspected by any member of thd public at the office of the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court in the Baker County Courthouse in Macclenny, Florida. On the date above mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to this proposed Ordinance. Ordinance 2006- An Ordinance of the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners of Baker County, Florida, amending Ordinance number 98-15 to require violators of said Or- dinance to pay a fine not to exceed $500.00; providing for the issuance and contents of civil infractions; pro- viding for repeal of Ordinances in conflict; providing for severance; and providing an effective date. 9/28 Baker County Board of Commis- -sioners 55 N. 3rd Street Macclenny, Florida 32063 Request for Qualifications Transportation Master Plan/ Thoroughfare Plan Consultant RFQ-RFQ-023-2006-0-2006/SL The County Commission of Baker Coun- ty, Florida is seeking a qualified consulting team to provide professional engineering and related services to assist in the planning, development and implementation of a Trans- portation Plan/Thoroughfare Plan for Baker County. All submittals must be received by Baker County Managers office, N.Third St, Macclenny, FL 32063, Attention: Sara Little, no later than 1:00 pm local time on October 13th. Due Date/Time: 10/13/2006, 1:00 pm Eastern Baker County Board of Commissioners Par- ties desiring to provide these services should submit eight (8) copies of Statement of Qual- ifications to Baker County, Attention: Sara Lit- tle, Baker County Administration, 55 N. Third St., Macclenny, FL 32063. 904-259-3613, no later than 1:00 pm on October 13, 2006. All submittals shall include at a minimum the following information: 1) One or two page Letter of Interest. 2) Four references with names and telephone numbers of contact persons for completed projects of a similar nature in the State of Florida. 3) Resumes of' individual team members including years of service with current firm as well as previous experience. 4) A general outline of planned steps and procedures to compile the neces- sary data including, a tentative time table for implementing a Transportation Master Plan/ Thoroughfare Plan for Baker County. Please download attachments for a detailed Public Announcement. NOTE: Interested parties are advised that lobbying of Evaluator Com- mittee members, Baker County Government employees, or elected officials regarding Re- quest for Qualifications is strongly discour- aged.The County reserves the right to cancel this project at any time. M/WBE's are encour- aged to participate in the bid process. 9/28-10/5 ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT GIVES WRITTEN NOTICE OF INTENDED DISTRICT DECISION THE DISTRICT gives notice of its intent to issue a permit to the following applicant on September 22, 2006: Town of Glen St. Mary, Ms. Juanice Padgett, P.O. Box 519, Glen St. Mary, FL 32040. application #24. The District pro- poses to allocate 0.124 million gallons per day of ground water for public supply use and 1.440 million gallons per day off ground waler for fire protection. The with- drawals used by this proposed project will consist of ground water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer via 1 active well and 1 proposed well in Baker County, located in Section 36, Township 2 South, Range 21 East, known as City of Glen St. Mary. The file(s) containing each of the above- listed applications) are available for inspec- tion Monday through Friday except for le- gal holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-at the St. Johns River Water Management District Headquarters or the appropriate Service Center. The District will take action on each permit application listed above unless a peti- tion for an administrative proceeding (hear- ing) is filea pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tions 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes Chapter 28-106 and 40C-1.1007, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to request an administrative hearing by .filing a written peti- tion with the St. Johns River Water Manage- ment District (District). Pursuant to Chapter 28-106 and. Rule 40C-1.1007, Administrative Code (F.A.C.)i ithe petition must be filed (re- ceived) either by delivery at the office of the District Clerk of District Headquarters, P.O. Box 1429, Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 (4049 Reid St., Palatka, FL 32177) or by email with.the District Clerk at Clerk@sjrwmd.com within twenty six (26) days of the District de- positing notice of District decision in the mail (for those persons to whom the District mails actual notice), within twenty one (21) days of the District mailing notice of District deci- sion (for those person to whom the District emails actual notice), or within twenty one (21) days of newspaper publication of the notice of District decision (for those persons to whom the District does not mail or email actual notice). A petition must comply with Sections 120.54(5)(b)4 and 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. The District will not accept a petition sent by facsimile (fax), as explained below. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S. is not available.' A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), F.S., where there is a dispute between the District and the party regarding an issue of material fact. A petition for formal hearing must also comply with the requirements set forth in Rule 28-106.201, F.A.C. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to an informal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(2),'F.S., where no material facts are in dispute. A petition for an informal hearing must also comply with the requirements set forth in Rule 28- 106.301, F.A.C. A petition for an administrative hearing is deemed filed upon receipt of the complete petition by the District Clerk at the District Headquarters in Palatka, Florida. Petitions received by the District Clerk after 5:00 pm, or on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 am on the next regular District business day. The Dis- trict's acceptance of petitions filed by email is subject to certain conditions set forth in the District's Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (issued pursuant to Rule 28- 101.001, Florida Administrative Code), which is available for viewing at www.sjrwmd.com. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the petition being in the form of a PDF file and being capable of being stored and printed by the District. Further, pursuant to the District's Statement of Agency Organiza- tion and Operation, attempting to file a peti- tion by facsimile is prohibited and shall not constitute filing. Failure to file a petition for an administra- tive hearing within the requisite time frame shall constitute a wavier of the right to an administrative hearing. (Rule 28-106.111, F.A.C.) The right to an administrative hearing and the relevant procedures to be followed are governed by Chapter 120, Florida Stat- utes, Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. and Rule 40C- 1.1007, F.A.C. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means the District's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected by the District's final action has the right to become a party to the pro- ceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. Gloria Lewis, Director Division of Permit Data Services St. Johns River Water Management District 9/28 HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146 The following vehicle will be sold at pub- lic auction October 13, 2006 at 10:00 am, at Higginbotham's Towing & Recovery, US 90 West, Glen St. Mary, FL. 32040. 2000 Chevy Blazer ID#1 GNCT18L10 OYK291299 &,Fill Dirt Top Soil ASeptic Tank Sand -REP INC. .1904) 289-7000 r pen 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm American Enterprise Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs Loan. Production Office 692 W. Macc]enny Ave. Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 ------- s.- ' -,., ...l N DE,. .* W 11 kr I 4- I "- I I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 6 BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff It was a surprising sight for many folks the morning of September 23 as they traveled along Macclenny Avenue. From their cars, passing motorists caught sight of a procession of 130 women, men and children carrying bright blue and white flags. At the head of the parade the two largest flags flew side by side. One bore the familiar stars and stripes of the United States; the other featured the stripes and large blue Mogen David, known to many as the Star of David. The "Stand with Israel" march was coordinated and sponsored by Daughters For Zion, a local woman's organi- zation formed by Macclenny resident Kitty Waddell .to help' inspire a greater awareness among Baker County's citizens of Christianity's deep Judaic roots.. The march began at the Baker County courthouse and culmi- nated in a rally celebration held at Heritage Park %which featured speakers, music, dance and dra- matic performances and food. The opening of the rally began with organization supporter Charlie Lance blowing the sho- far (ram's horn), the traditional, Jewish way of calling an assem- bly. "Daughters, For Zion is not: a political organization in the least," says Ms. Waddell. "Our, main goal is to foster education about Christianity's significant Judaic connections and to pro- mote humanitarian aid to the, state of Israel.". Ms. Waddell has held a life- long passion for. the culture of Israel which began when she was a 10-year-old girl grow- ing up in the 1950s in White Springs, Fla. At the time, the young Kitty didn't make any connections between the Israel of the 20th Century, founded in 1948, to the ancient country described in the Old Testament. "I'm sure I had heard about Israel in the news but didn't really pay attention," said Ms. Waddell. She describes how the word Israel suddenly took on new meaning for her when she was called upon to read out loud from the Bible during a young people's service at her church. "I suddenly realized this isn't just ancient history I'm read- ing about. The Bible is talking about a place that still exists today," she said. "That experi- ence brought heaven and earth together for me." She began reading and studying everything she could about Israel and over the years, amassed a personal library of more than 300 volumes on the subject. for the week of October 2-6 BREAKFAST MONDAY: Breakfast pizza, fruit juice and milk. TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit, friut juice and milk. WEDNESDAY: Cereal with multi grain toast, fruit juice and milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast hot pock- et, fruit juice and milk. FRIDAY: Teacher's planning day LUNCH Cold lunch plate or chef salad with wheat roll or crackers, and dessert (when offered) OR MONDAY: Pepperoni pizza slice or chunky chicken soup w/homemade wheat roll, seasoned mixed vegeta- bles, tossed salad, chilled fruit choice and milk. TUESDAY: Oven baked chicken w/slice of cornbread or deli turkey & cheese on bun, whipped potatoes, steamed broccoli, chilled fruit choice and milk. WEDNESDAY: Turkey & rice casserole or breaded chicken patty on 'Too tired for school,' attacks mother A passion r Israel SDaughters forZion support Christianit'5s Jewish roots After a lifetime of study, the desire to visit Israel became so strong that Ms. Waddell con- quered her fear of flying and in 2000 boarded her first plane to embark on a tour of the Holy Land. "For Christians, this is where it all began, with the Israelites," she says. When I first arrived in Israel, I felt I had somehow come home." Since. then, she has visited the country twice more. Feeling what she believes to be a divine inspiration. ("I heard this voice in my heart") she went on to found Daughters For Zion and began speaking in public about the organization's mission. Thus far, Daughters For Zion has been instrumental in rais- ing funds to donate to Operation Northern Renewal, a charitable organization under the National Jewish Fund which plants trees in sections of Northern Israel where forests have been devas- tated by. bombing. The group has also raised money to help provide winter fuel to heat a school in the small. remote village of Aboud, where an American missionary, is at work. "We have a core of about 15 women in the group no\\ and we hope that will increase." says Ms. Waddell. In the meantime, Daughters for Zion is planning a series of education talks open to the pub- lic about the culture of Israel, and wants to plan a tour to the country in the near future. "I hope the tour can expose people to such highlights as the Dead Sea, the City of Jerusalem, Calvary, The Holocaust Museum and maybe some actual excava- tion projects of ancient sites." In just 71 days... You can haue the Skills- " You need to get a job~p7 Dental flssistant 10 week course, Saturday only Tuition $1950 Payment Plans Call Christi @ Jacksonuille Dental Assistant School For info packet: 904-398-3401 next class starts: november 4 Reg. by ft Commission for Independent education Cuyler Community fish Fry Saturday September 30th 11:00 a.m. First Baptist Church of Cuyler on CR127 Come join us in the fun! bun, hashbrown patty, lettuce & toma- to slices, chilled fruit choice and milk. THURSDAY: Baked hot pocket or golden corndog, baked french fries,, creamy slaw, chilled fruit choice and milk. FRIDAY: Teacher's planning day. Daughters For Zion will also continue to pursue new humani- tarian projects to benefit Israel. "My ultimate wish is to help Christians reconnect with their Judaic roots," says Ms. Waddell. "Genesis Chapter 12, Verse 3 says it best: 'I will, bless those who bless you ... all the com- munities of the earth shall find blessing in you.'" For more information about. Daughters For Zion, contact Kitty Waddell at 614-9289. 400 gallons ofdiesel are carted away Burglars helped themselves to an estimated 400 gallons of die- sel fuel and other items from log- ging equipment parked overnight September 21 on a dirt road near the US 90 and Interstate 10 inter- change %\est of Sanderson. The fuel, a pump attached to a fuel tank and a tire w ere the prop- erty of Lew is Timber of Starke. The pump was valued at $300, No value was attached to the tire and diesel fuel is selling retail for about $2.7() a gallon. A company employee told police 250 gallons were taken from a holding tank and another 150 from a parked truck. In other thefts involving ve- hicles that same night, just over $1000 in property was taken from two vehicless parked at a residence on Stoddard Ave. in Glen St. Marn. Kevin Barton and Timothy Sparkman said the items includ- ed a saw, leaf blower and stereo components. They were taken from a .1998 Pontiac and a 2000 Chevrolet pickup. On nearby 'Taber Boulevard. a 1986 Chevrolet pickup belong- ing to Evan Rhoden %\as looted of a tool box and tools and a weed trimming machine. They were valued at just over $400. An attempt was made to take .a CD player from the truck's in- terior. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pm Macclenny Church of Christ 5th and Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257, The sheriff's department ar- rested a 14-year-old the morning of September 19 after he struck his mother, who was awakening him to go to school. The boy, who has a history of conflict with his 41-year-old mother, told Deputy William Hilliard he hit her on the head and arm because he was tired and didn't feel like going to school. Because' of ongoing problems that the Department of Children and Families have been inves- tigating, and the likelihood of continued violence, the youth was transferred to the custody of juvenile authorities. The incident occurred at a residence on US 90 west in Mac- clenny. In another case involving a juvenile-age student, a 14-year- old male is charged %with battery for attacking another student on a school bus near his home in Margaretta the afternoon of Sep- tember 19. According to witnessess, the Firewise class is this Saturday A program on protecting your home during wildfires %\ill be held this Saturday, September 30 in the fellowship hall of the TaN lor Church in north Baker County.. The presentation will include the Taylor community wildfire protection plan. risk assessments and other topics that are part of the Fire\ ise prevention system. The program is jointly spon- sored by the Baker County Fire Department and the Florida Di- vision of Forestry. It is free. Participants will get Firewise materials, a t-shirt and lunch. The program runs from 10:00 am to. noon. For more informa- tion, contact Fire Chief Richard Dolan, 259-6111. BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Menthol Light Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights .Camel Full Flavor - Camel 99 Camel Turkish Free George Foreman Grill when you open a Home Equity Line of Credit -. PRIME M INUS *?'' ,.: MERCANTILE BANK W talke'your banking petrsoaliy. 595 South Sixth Street, Macclenny ................... 904-259-2245 6953 E. Mount Vernon Street, Glen St. Mary ...... 904-259-8660 id f I 1 I , 1 I l 1 I t .F J : I l I % l v'Macclenny Amoco SNEWPORTS ($s7.99) BUY 2 GET 1 FREEi DORAL g $19.99 carton 305s $12.99 carton_ younger boy blocked the aisle when the 17-year-old attempted to exit at his stop, then attacked him. The accused exited the' bus through a rear door and was ar- rested at his home off CR 139B after he was interviewed by po- lite. Lois Johnston, 38, of St., George, Ga. was charged with battery of jail deputy Rodney Driggers the morning of Septem- ber 21. Officer Driggers and several others were placing Ms. Johnston in a restraining chair because of unruly behavior when she alleg- edly struck him in the face. A criminal complaint for do- mestic violence battery was filed against Keith Barton, 40, for an alleged attack on his wife Rhon- da, 36, at their residence in Mac- clenny during the night of Sep- tember 17. Ms. Barton showed up for a medical appointment with swol- len eyes, and the incident was reported to the sheriff's depart- ment. a Earns CMA Sandra Wheaton recently passed the examination earning her certified medical assistant cer- tification. She attended Sandford Brown Institute in Jacksonville and is employed by Baptist Pri- mary Care in Jackson ille. Sandra is married to James VWheaton and they reside in Mac- clenny. She is the daughter of Joe & Penny Luding of Middleburg. CAROLYNHEIGHT RENTALS OR SALES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? -"": Iron Filters and Conditioners A SWater Treatment Free Water Tes6s0--;:' Well & Pump Supplies Thrift $ hoppe 9889 S. Glen Ave. Hwy. 125. Glen St. Mary Open Monday thtui Saturday 9:00 am to 6i:00 pm -r 259-5773 * Come in and see our new look! New and used items arriving daily We've got what you're looking for... Movies ** Furniture Balpy Clothes Knick-Knacks Jeans All Sizes Linens Shoes .Sleepwear CDs & DVDs Pictures Toys Dishes I j 7- .3 3 I J 1. 3 Furniture Curtains Ladies Wear Mens Clothing Stuffed Animals -. WE NOW CARRY NEW ATVS & DIRT BIKES!! Parts & Service _;. available on all bikes we sell. YARD SALE . Are you looking for a good location to have your next yard sale? LOOK NO FURTHERI We are offering limited FREE space on Saturday only. Call for more details- NATURAL LGH $1 U ASE(AS At the corner of US 90 & SR 121 Sunday 7 am 9 m Mon,-Sat. 6 am 10 pm A ATTORNEY David P. Dearlng former Baker County Prosecutor SERIOUS INJURIES CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF ANOTHER AND CRIMINAL DEFENSE Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are absolutely free. T ai ./ -'. 'I ;.'.' .'.i, *. .l l .' L, ':' J i t a! i', not' l A ,'-la/, d s upor advr-rt'e..-'" E. f"'i t W ,",,',w!' u.s r.. -iaod 'ut./ ;,.- rien .1f rmation . 51 G' I,l i' ^I ii' 1 '1,d i i'i'i r/^fr ike -y-- -", ---, -- I F cial NO _NE=..l air. and ,irs. Jio .its Wed at The Glen' Priscilla Christine Barton and Andrew Lee Johnson, both of Macclenny, were married on September 23 at The Glen. Pris- cilla is the daughter of Buba & Lisa Barton of Macclenny. An- drew is the son of Bruce & Betty Johnson, also of Macclenny. The couple will reside in Macclenny. Cancer support The Baker County Cancer Support Group will meet on Thursday, October 5 at theBaker County Health Department meet- ing room starting at 7:00 pm. -The group meets on the first ThursdaN of each month to assist. cancer patients and their care- giveirs. For more information, please contact Mag McGauley, 259-3476. Manning reunion The Manning family reunion. will be held at Ocean Pond (Olus- tee Beach 'entrance) on Sunday, October i9l'Hope to see you there. Happ)'Birthday Trishia Rose Tedesco S I ... t., . I love you "'V' .4 ' WillU U Marry Me? " Anthony D[ii ,) 1n Hall Happy 40th Birthday | 50th anniversary party October 1st The 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Barbara and Ran- dolph Chisholm of Macclenny will be held on Sunday, Octo- ber 1 from 2:00-5:00 pm at First United Methodist fellowship hall. The Chisholms were married on August 11, 1956. Their children are Joanna Anderson, Chris and David Chisholm of Macclenny. All friends and relatives are invited to join them for this cel- ebration. Raulerson reunion The Raulerson reunion will be Saturday. October 7, 2006, at the Pine Level Church fellow- ship hall in Baxter. All family & friends are welcome. Bring your favorite covered dish or beverage. Visitation will begin at 10:00 am and lunch at 1:00 pm. Please join us. ll l uckeby Preston & Kristy Huckeby are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Kallen Kole Huckeby. She was bom August 11, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medi- cal Center. She weighed 5 lbs 12 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. Proud Grandparents are Ernie & L\ nn Gaine'. Gary & Nancy HuckebS. Ge'eit Grandparents include Carolyn & Ronald Plymel, Carolyn Gainey, Skeeter Gainey, Walt and Virginia Wagner, & Pricilla Jackson. Great-Great Grandpa Paul Plymel. Aunts Delaney Gainey & Ashley Huckeby. Let Us Help You Put Your CASH to Work. Minimum Balance $2,500 $10,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 7 Rocking Chair r Table Linens & Chair Covers Column Sets & Candelabras Or ByMary Baxla Tables Chairs '; t-s J a Arannamants The Baker County Council on Aging Board of Directors will meet September 28, at 5:00 PM at the Senior Center. Almost all Council on Aging operations depends greatly on volunteers who play vital roles in agency administrative func- tions and are the backbone of many COA services. Two of the- service areas that benefit most from the time contributed by volunteers are Telephone Reassurance and Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels or home delivered meals is heavily, dependent on a cadre of volun- teers who deliver the service; usually in a team of two, one to drive and one to deliver. The cur- rent Meals team is led by Mary Covin, with the longest time on a route and some of the other team stars include the First Methodist Church of Macclenny, whose members fully staff the largest meal route five days a week; the Macclenny Nursing and Rehab Center meals team that runs the second largest route three days a week: and our individual volun- teers %\ ho generously give their time one or two days a week. Our hats go off to these dedi- cated volunteers. They are truly "Elder Angels"..To get on board. call 259-2223, extension 222. Telephone Reassurance, is a service in which these "Angels" communicate on a mutually agreed upon schedule with assigned homebound clients, to check on the client's safety and well being and satisfaction with the services they are receiv- ing. Reassurance teams also help survey client satisfaction with services. The Telephone Reassurance volunteer has the opportunity to provide a much needed service and the client or caregiver has a new friend, or in some cases renews a friendship with someone they have kno'% n for \ears. The Council is no% in need of three volunteers to do Telephone Reassurance calls and another to act as coordina- tor of the Reassurance TEAM. Volunteer candidates should call 259-2223, extension 231 for more information. The Council on Aging will / : .' . 1P -' AP * 3.50% 3.9000 4.25C. 4.35% 5.00% *Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) shown are effective as of September 13, 2006, and are subject to change. Federal regulations limit the amount of withdrawals from a Money Market Account to six per month, three of which may be by check. VyStar is insured by the National Credit Union Administration. (904) 777-6000 www.vystarcu.org C1S Serving all residents of M4 Northeast Florida. We never forget that it's your money. We never forget that it's your money. hold an evening workshop event, from 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM, on Thursday, October 24t' at the Macclenny Women's Club. This community program, "Day of Decision Put Your Wishes in Writing" is presented at no charge and open to the public. Elder law attorneys and psycho- social professionals will answer questions related to legal and emotional aspects of advanced care. All ages are encouraged to take advantage of this great learning and planning .opportu- nity. BCCOA had some very good news this week, when an in- home service client called to say she had found some valuable jewelry reported missing. The client's call was much appre- ciated. The COA is, also very glad to have this circumstan- tial cloud of suspicion removed from over the Council on Aging. The Agency runs background checks on every new hire, rou- tinely monitors service staff activities and -investigates all complaints or allegations. Our sincere thanks to this client for her call and an apology for any discomfort that perceived suspi- cions may have caused a trusted staff member. HAPPY IST BIRTHDAY COHEN JOSHUA POTTS WE LOVE YOU! MAMA 6 DADDY RIFFIS --"County Commissioners are the policy makers for their communities. The deci- sions they make in the next four years will be the most critical in Baker County's his- tot'm. My business and ciric experience pro- ride mie with the skills to lead this great count' into the future. I believe Baker t County can become the leading example of rural living in the state of Florida." Professional Experience Current General Manager, Northeast Florida Telephone 28+ years continuous employment as general manager, marketing manager, outside plant engineer and installer/repairman Business and Civic Service R Board of Directors for Florida Telecommunications Industry Association, Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. and Work Source Z Past President of Baker County Chamber of Commerce and the Baker County Jaycees -Z Charter member of Baker County Kiwanis Club 4 Z- 10+ years as Little League Baseball coach Z Member of First Baptist Church of Macclenny Paid p:'oitical advcertisemtent, paid for .and .tppioj ed :l I\ Mike CrGutlfi Rcpubhlc.tn, lr. C('O'untry C'om1 i'ss1tion Di -llti[ -i Looking for work or a better job? BAKER COUNTY -JOB. .FAIR*' Tuesday, October 10 3:00 pm-7:00 pm WO RKNjfe' 1184 S. 6th St., Macclenny Open to the general public. EMPLOYERS ATTENDING: Wal-Mart DC Taco Bell Prologistics VyStar Credit Union Sage CDL Pro Park Logistics Lake City Community College Macclenny Nursing &. Rehab Alliance Care, Bag0afetto BoMtiMque affordable boutique jewelry designer inspired handbags luggage & weekender toteables pageant & evening wear jewelry Red Hatter's accessories besioners bau4 ters 31 SIXTH & RAILROAD MACCLENNY 904.259.3800 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 8 Graveside services for David Barnes, David Cortez Barnes, 51, of Bryceville died September 24, 2006 at his home in Bryceville. He was born November 18, 1955 to the late Jasper Barnes .and Leila Johnson Barnes. Mr. Barnes was preceded in death by his son, Josh Barnes. He is survived by his daughter, Becky Barnes. * The : family will receive friends from 6:00-8:00 pm September 28 in the chapel of Prestwood Funeral .Home, Baldwin. Graveside services will be held at 11:00 am on September 29 at Brandy Branch Cemetery in Bryceville with Pastor Ken Barney' officiat- ing. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Barnes Memorial Fund with Bank of America, A/C #46305. MitziBunn, 47, dies September 22 Mitzi Gail (Smith) Bunn, 47, of Lake City died September 22 at Lake City Medical Center. She' was born in Reidsville, Ga., on June 21, 1959. She was a homemaker and enjoyed spend- ing time with her family, espe- cially her grandchildren, play- ing bingo at the Moose Lodge and backgammon. She was preceded in death by her father, Thomas Wesley Bunn. Ms. Bunn is survived by her former husband of 28 years, Leroy Smith of Sanderson; fiance Joseph Smith Sr. of Lake City; mother Nezzie Baker Bunn of Baldwin; children Trishia "T.R." R. Tedesco and Charleen Nicole Thompson (Michael) of Macclenny, Thomas Lee Smith ofILake City; brothers Thomas W Bnih(fiGwen), Jr. of Baldw in and Jerry Wayne Bunn (Susan) of Ridge Manor, Fla.; sister Deborah Whitty (Michael) of Baldwin; grandchildren Julia Lorraine and. Emily Elaine Tedesco, and Joseph Bartholomew Tedesco mI; niec- es, nephews and cousins. The funeral service for Ms. Bunn was held on September 26 at 11:00 A.M. at Calvary Baptist Church with Pastor Donnie E.Williams Sr. officiat- ing, and special music selec- tions by Stephanie Branch. Pallbearers were Thomas Smith, Richard Bunn, Michael Whitty, Jr., Randall, Brince and Richard Smith, Darrel Davis and Gary Daniels. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny was in charge of arrangements. First United> FMethodist Church 93 N. 5t St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday Schooli 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor) If-- John M. Johns, 60, ofBrandon dies JohnM. Johns, 60, ofBrandon, Fla. died on September 20 sur- rounded by his loving family ' Mr. Johns is survived by wife Linda Weaver Johns: mother Lorayne Rhoden of Macclenny; sons John NM. Johns Jr. (Jennifer) of Brandon and Kenneth NM. Johns (Sara) of. Ridgeview, Fla.; sisters Mamie Cole (Martin) and Joan Johns of Macclenny; brothers Porter Johns (Barbara) of Waycross, Ga. and James "Butch" Johns (Ann) of Macclenny; grandchil- dren Ashley and Jacob Johns: several nieces and nephews. Services and visitation were held on September 22 at Serenity Meadows Funeral Home in Riverview, Fla. The family requests donations to the American Cancer Society, 1462 Oakfield Dr., Brandon, Fla. 33511. Donald Martin, Air Force veteran Donald Gene Martin. 73. of Glen St. NMar died September 19, 2006 in ,. . Saginay. . 'to the late ''" " Floyd andi . Violet Wil- son ] lar- tin. He w %as Force vet-b eran and of Mr. Martin Methodist faith. Mr. Martin en- Alice Descho Martin and son Donald d Martin. Mr. Martin is survived by his loving wife Eunice of Glen; children Vicki Blake (Steve), Christine Taylor, (Darwin) and Rebecca Williams (Steve); 13 grandchildren and 7 great-grand- children. The funeral service was held September 22 in the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services in. Macclenny with Reverend John W. Yarbrough officiating. Inter- ment was September 25, 2006 in Frankenmuth, Michigan. 124th Homecoming Brandy Branch Baptist Church will have their 124th Homecom- ing on Sunday, October 1, begin- ning at 10:00 am. The speaker for the event will be Rev. Tom Turner. Ever. Everyone is welcome. ituaries Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 Guerry Funeral Home Is your favorite fimuneral direct(ir a salcsman1 or a caireg air? C.a oi.h ~.rs are not concerned with selling expensive c;.sk c t, and c p,. ,-ivc' burial vaults. Caregivers make suggcstuins to kccp funeral costs reasonable. Guerry Funeral Home's reputation was biilt on caring for vomr ithnil. Katie Johns Long, 91, ofMacclenny Katie Johns Long, 91, of Macclenny died September 24, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville. Ms. Long was born in Charlton County, Ga. on February 21, 1915 to the late Colonel Hardy and Lola Prevatt Johns. She moved to Macclenny and mar- ried Reed Thomas Long. They moved to Worthington Springs, Fla. for several years and start- ed a family, then returned to Macclenny to run a small gro- cery store on Highway 90 for a short time during the war years. The Longs then moved to Sanderson to farm. The Longs lived in Miami for 25 years and also in Valdosta, Ga. Ms. Long has lived in Macclenny for the / past 33 years. She was an active member of Jehovah's Witnesses and worshipped at the Macclenny Kingdom Hall. Ms. Long is pre- ceded in death by her husband; sons Roger Albert and John . David; brothers Arthur, Frank, Johnny, William and C. H.; sis- ters Mattie, Ethel, Myrtis, Ruby and Velvie. Ms., Long is survived by son. Eugene (Ina Faye) and daugh- ter Gracie Lee Joyce (Michael); surviving sister Betty Johns of Macclenny; grandchildren: Michelle Wilson (Jerry), Debra Lynn Odom (Eskel), David Eugene Long (Lisa), Linda Gay Sirmons (Darrell), James Michael Long (Adia), Lori Ann Lasseter (Steve),- John Christopher Joyce and Frances Lorraine Blocker (Fred); 15 great-grandchildren. The funeral service will be held at 1:00 p.m. September 28 in the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services in Macclenny with Elder Robert E. Methvin Jr. officiating. Pallbearers will be her great-grandsons' Zane Corder, Joseph Blocker, Travis Long, Brandon Odom, Joshua Sirmons and Blake Lowery. Interment will follow in Elzie Chapel Cemetery south of Lake Butler.iNisitation will be .in the Ferreira Chapel from 6:00-8:00 p.m. September 27. Thankyou We would like to thank ev- eryone for the food, prayers and flowers received during our time of sorrow. Thanks to. Dale Bennett and Mark Crews for the songs at the funeral and gravesite. Also, thanks to Rich- ard Yarbrough for his wonderful eulogy of his Uncle Windell. THE FAMILY OF WINDELL DUGGER. Jason Palleschi dies September 23 Jason Robert Palleschi, 36, of Macclenny died suddenly September 23 in an automobile accident. He wasbomnJuly 18, 1970 in Providence. Rhodelsland and lived in Macclenni the past 26 years. M r Palleschi graduated from Baker C o u n t y Mr. Palleschi High School in 1988 and was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. He enjoyed football, wrestling, music and playing guitar, play- ing video games and working with computers. He was an avid Green Bay Packers fan. Mr. Palleschi is survived by parents Jim and Bonnie Pal- leschi of Macclenny; sisters Lisa Palleschi of Glen St. Mary and Kimberly Delaney (Jeff) of Lake City; uncles Charles Palleschi (Arlene) of Lynn, Mass., Carl Palleschi (Linda) of Salem, Mass., Robert Palleschi of Epping, NH; Charles Kon- owalski (Patti) of Green Bay, Wis. and Michael Baeb (Mary) of Oneida, Wis.; niece Jennifer Wallace of Lake City and numerous cousins. A funeral Mass was held at 10:00 a.m. September 27.at his church with Father Caesar Russo and Father Jose Maniyangat as celebrants. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Catholic Charities or the charity of your choice. Fundraiserfor new Central Center Everyone is invited to a fund- raiser for the new Central Cen- ter in Sanderson. The fundraiser is a Home Interior Party on Thursday, September 28 at 7:00 pm. There will be food, fun and games,. ,Please comr e o,,,4ve some fun and.support this fund- raiser for the new senior citizens center. For more information, please contact Marva Williams at 275-2770. In Loving Memory of Alice Thompson 9/27/14 7/17/01 Not a day has gone by without a thought of you. How we long to see you and say "I love you". We know you are in your Heav- enly Home watching us. Wonderful one you are not gone. With you in our Hearts we will never be alone. CHASITY, LUCY, QUINCY & FAmILY First Baptist Church of Sanderson CR 229 S., Sanderson FL Sunday School ..... .10:00 am Sun. Morning Worship 11:00 am Sun. Evening Worship .6:00 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study. .7:00 pm AWANA Wed. Night.. 7:00 pm Pastor Bob Christmas www.firstbaptistchurchofsanderson.com Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 1 259-4461 f\lacclennv, FL Pastor Ti,,, Cheshire Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worshp 11'00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm St. Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church Elder Arnold Johns Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For information call: 259-9567 MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am 11:00 am Worship Services Ii 1.111 .i ",,' \\eJ B l!e S irdv .. W,. I- eohd, -i. ". :- I3. pni ,i M.inister Sam F. Pitching Come and magnify the Lord and worship w Glen Friendship Taberna Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday... Morning Woorship Service...... Children's Church ............ Evangelistic ......... ..... . Bible Study (Wed.)........... Rev Albert Starling Home: 259-3982* Church: 259-6, 23-A to Laurarnore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 Sunday Evening Services 6:00 | Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 Pastor J. C. Lauiarmore Welcomes All ~ I pI p.-1 I Luoring Ilaurcl, W Sen~ior Pasor Davind Tbewa' 2594!140 -1DN iF A ail u'l. fr I'ill, pil I', Id III Ih% 111 a r'4a wu I rimi.aintof l.vrv CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE S. Pentecostal Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00 9:15 SSander Congrega Holiness ( CR 127 N., Sand Sunday School 1 Morning Worship Sunday Evening Wor Wed. Evening PrayerS Pastor: Oral 2594575 am am pm pm am Youth Programs Sunday School 10:00 am Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm God Kids Sunday 11:00 am God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm www.christianfellowshiptemple..com 420 E. Macdenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East) Macclenny 259-2211 'n; S.W. Main Blvd. (U.S. 41 South) Lake City 752-_' 11 Bill Guerry and Br3 ain Guerry Funeral Dir,,. ,,.- LarryWilli.m, Office .Lhin !i ii. r ' Jesus answered, "Verily, verily I say unto thee, e-cept a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into Ihe king- dom of God." John 3:5 'son itional Church ; person, FL *b 0:00 am 11:00 am ship 6:00 pm Serve. 7:30 pm E. Lyons r q ith us A cle ) .8:30 am a 10:30 am 11:30 am g .6:00 pm ' 7:30 pm 521 - am . am ,' Pm , 2,31-1l0 t: P,,l Jlll^ K, 1 1:011 mj0 n 7:1111 pin . I- Fti'ince Yoltlh Arstor Gag ("Immey THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS. Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 9 Lillian Ruise rites Saturday Lillian "Susie" Ruise; 64, of Sanderson died September 22, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville. She is 'survived by her hus- band of 46 years, Rudolph Ruise; chis- dren Cynthdia Stewart(Nol- an), Gwen SCa r t e r , Lillian Will - iams(Edgar). PhyllisFarrar (Patrick)., . Marie Ruise, Curtis Ruise (Renee), Cassandra Bro w n ,. Ms.Ruise Rodric k Ruise; two sisters Mary Lee Ruise (Norman) and Betty Mays (Sammy); three brothers Charles Perkins (Harriett), Les-- ter Perkins (Sonjay) and Robert Perkins. The funeral service and. cel- ebration of her life will be held September 30 at 1:00 pm at the Faith Temple Church of God In Christ in Sanderson. Visitation for family and friends will be on Saturday at the church from noon until the hour of service. Interment will be in the Quitman Cemetery. Arrangementsby Sar-, ah L. Carter Funeral Home. INMEMORY OF Arthur Dwayne Raulerson 9/29/60 10/28/03 Don't think of him as gone awav his journey's just begun, life holds so many facets this earth is only one. Just think of him as resting, from the sorrows and the tears, in a place of warmth and sadness where there are no days and years. Think how he must be wish- ing that we could know today how nothing but our sadness can really pass away. And think of him as living, in the hearts of those he touched for noth- "ing loved is ever 'lost and he was loved so iimch. UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN. LOVE YOU, MICKEY Thanksfor the prayers For all the calls, cards, food and kind words, but most impor- tant, I thank you for your prayers and friendship which means the world to me. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU, CAROL MALEY DINKIN5 NEW CONGCEQCATIONAL ?METHODIST CHL.RCH '- c1 )7 N. oft tKiirAy r i ,' tu il "i{. 7 (- 1(t l1am .2Siidri', Xorningq i'. ic e1 1 (t) ial eid Nikht S' c.rre J.j(. jm. Where Everyone is Somebody and Jesus is the Leader Pastor Rev. Erie Terrell I'q Blowing the sax at age 86... At age 86, Bert Canova ofLeesburg, Fla., can still blow a lively rendition of "She 'll be coming around the mountain." The talented ortagenarlna amended the Canova janmil reunion on September 17. Decenidents of George Paul Canova, >i'lo origi- nally settled in Sanderson in the 1800s, traveled from as tar away as Utah to gather at Ocean Pond Camnpgrouid near Olustee. Weil-k-nown 1940s. 50s ,omeidian Judy Caot, a. ii ht was born in Starke, was descended froni the Sanderson Canovas. PHOTO BY KELLEY LANNIGAN John Rush at LCCC The Student Activities Association at Lake City Community College will host a free concert by nationally recog- nized musician/performer John Rush.,The concert is scheduled for noon on Pine Square (Lake City campus), October 4. The community is invited to come out to the campus and hear "the guitar virtuoso that can real sing." Singing and playing gui- tar/bass/harmonica/piano/sax- ophone/banjo/keyboard and percussion, Rush plays his own original music and songs you know. He has been named "Entertainer of the Year" by Campus Activities Magazine and "Musician of the Year" by Campus Awards (campusaward. FAITH BIBLE CHURCH AN'uw 1pe/fbr the C.orrmmnmity Five Churches Road Hw-. 127 Sandcr mn. FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bibl Study 7:00 p.m. Evenry4 Sunday Night Service 7.i p.m. 7denllW. Wildianmus -Pastor i \~ / ERICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811470 Butch's Paint & Body Shop 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR Foreign & Domestic * Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint ,),. > S Computer Estimating S *Insurance Claim Work ~* Computerized Color Matching i Fully Insured *U-R ENTERPRISE Stop in for your free estimate RENT-A-CAR 259-3785 2 -DROP-OFF 25=3781451 com). Averaging more than 200 dates a year, Rush is making a name for himself in the college campus and club circuit. With. a set list that cover more than 600 songs and over 150 differ- ent groups, Rush plays original and/or cover depending upon what the audience requests. He has beqn called a "human iPod" because he can play more tha 55 hours of music upon request! Rush has a powerfully dynamic voice that makes you feel he's lived every song he sings. His guitar style is. a cross between Stevie Ray Vaughan and Mark Knopfler. To date, he has also released three CDs of his own music. For more information, con- tact Amy Dekle in LCCC's StudentActitvies Office at (386) 754-4317. Visit John Rush's Web site at www.johnrush.com for complete information about him and his biography. ThebuildinghousingTaylor'D BBQ on South 6th in Macclenny was entered via a south window overnight on September 25 and an estimated $880 in property taken. Police say windows on both sides of the structure were tam- pered with, and the property may have been removed through the north window. A table saw val- ued at $300, meat worth an es- timated $500, a cooler and beer were among the items missing when owners Frank and Linda Taylor opened the next morning. In other incidents, someone entered a shed outside the resi- dence of Tim Hughes off Tom Wilkerson Road between Sep- tember 17-19 and took a pressure washer valued at $150. An attempt to break into a storage trailer on the Phantom Fireworks property at Interstate 10 and SR 228 was unsuccess- ful overnight on September 19. A chain securing a lock on the doors was cut, but the lock held, police said. This was the second recent in- Irish stores and dinner Return to the days before the motor car, the television and the telephone, to gentler times and simpler places with native Irish storyteller Tomaseen Foley's Irish Times on October 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Levy Performing Arts Center. Enjoy dinner before the per- formance at 6 p.m. at the Lobo Caf6. Dinner will include baked chicken or corned beef and cab- bage, rice pilaf, yeast rolls, salad bar, cherry pie, choice drink. Reservations must be made for the dinner. More information regard- ing tickets may be obtained'and reservations for dinner may be made by calling the box office at 386-754-4340. Family thankful Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. The family Sof Mis-sionary Dr. Wilhelmenia T. Farmer would like to thank the Baker County sheriff's de- partment, FHP motorcycle unit, Elder Joe N. Ruise for his words of comfort, the ladies on the food committee at Faith Temple Church of God in Christ and each one of you for the food, cards and the many, many flowers that were given to us in our time of bereavement. Our prayer is that God will continually bless each and every one of you. THE BoNEs & FARMER FAMILIES First Baptist Church I GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA "A Beacon to Sunday School 9:45 AM BakerO C ,ni" Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM S~ Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM f 259-6977 Dr. Walter Bennett, Interim Sr. Pastor Perry Hays, Associate Pastor * Slag *Fill Dirt Sand Milling Clay * Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built cident at Phantom; the first net- ted over $300 in merchandise. A video surveillance camera at the scene was not working the night of the latest attempt. , Someone attempted unsuc- cessfully to.enter the residence of Mellony Shepherd through a front windotW between Septem- ber 23-24. Damage to a window frame at the Steel Bridge Road . address was $185. Checking out ears at the health faii:.. Bonnie Jones, a teacher at the PreKIKindergarten Center, gets her ears examined with a video otoscope by Sharn Senea, a BellTone hearing technician present at a, community health fiir Sept. 23 at Neun Beginnings Church in Alacclenny. The fair was organized in conjuncnon with Baker County Health Department. Other organi- Sarioins offering .services and infrntration at tiie event included John Goetze Physical Therapy. Curves, Northeast Florida State Hospital. the Fla.-Ga. Blood Alliance, the Baker County school district and the Just Say No Club. The tair also featured per- firmniances hb the Noble Knights cheerleaders. P-:,.. KEi..n LV.N L .AN Call Locally 259-2313 or "_ s Toll Free 1V88-Dan LaMiiil _Oar shoTwroom is conenenfly, located at the mine;rsecaon A t of Hw) 121 and US 90 min downtown Macclenn) 'TheEasiestPlaceintheWorldtoBuya Car'or' uck" wu w ,lambsauroandmirck comn CITIZENS OF MACCLENNY, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE at the Special meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 6:00 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 118 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, the City of Macclenny will consider the below ordinance for first reading: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AND ORDI- NANCE RELATING TO ANNEXATION; PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN LANDS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF MACCLENNY; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION REQUEST FROM CLAUDETTE CRAWFORD, OF PARCEL 30-2S-22-0000-0000-0570; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE., + --- -- ----- I A complete legal description by metes and bounds and the ordinance can be obtained from the office of the City clerk. Anyone having an interest in the first reading of this ordinance is invited to attend the meeting. I Taylor'd BBQ burgled THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 10 LegalNotices PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 7,2006 NOTICE OF ELECTION I, Sue M. Cobt Secretary of Staie of ire State of Florida do hereby give notice that an elec- tion will be held in each county in Florida on November 7, 2006. for the ratification or rejection of proposed constitutional amendments of the Slate of Florida NO.,I CONSTITriTIONALAMENDMEEN ARTICLE Ill. SECTION J9 : .,..(Legislative ' Ballotitle: STATE PLANNING AND BUDGET PROCESS . Ballot Summary: Proposing amendments to the State Consmution to limit ine amount of nonrecurring general revenue which may be appropriated for recurring purposes in any fiscal year to 3 percent of the total general revenue funds estimated to De available, unless otherwise approved by a mnree-fifths vote of the Legislature; to establish a Joint Legislative Budget Commission, which shall issue long-range finan- cial outlooks, to provide for limited adjustments in the state budget without the concurrence of the full Legislature, as provided by general law. to reduce the number ot times trust funds are automatically terminated; to require the preparation and biennial revision of a long-range state planning document: and to establish a Govemment Efficiency Task Force and spec y its duties Full Text: ARTICLE III LEGISLATURE by concurrent resolution The commission shall convene at least quarterly and shall convene at the call of the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives A majority of the commission members of each house plus one additional member from either house constitutes a quorum Action by the commission requires a majority vote of the commission members present of each house The commission may conduct its meetings through teleconferences or similar means. In addition to the powers and duties specified in this subsection the joint legislative budget commis- sion shall exercise all other powers and perform any other duties not in conflict with paragraph (c)(3) and as prescribed by general law or joint rule NO.2 CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT ARTICLE VI, SECTION 4 (Legislative) BallotTitle: TERM LIMITS . Removed from the ballot by the Florida Legislature. NO. 3 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENI)MENT ARTICLE X., SECTION 5 (Legislative) Ballot Tide: REQUIRING BROADER PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS OR REVISIONS Ballot Summary: Proposes an amendment to Section 5 of Article XI of the State Constitution to require that any proposed amendment to or revision of the State Constitution, whether proposed by the Legislature, by initiative, or by any other method, must be approved by at least 60 percent of the voters of the state voting on the measure, rather than by a simple majonty. This proposed amendment would not change the current requirement that a proposed constitutional amendment Imposing a new state tax or fee be approved by at least 2/3 of the voters of the state voting in the election in which such an amendment is considered. Ful Text: ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS manent residence of the owner, or another legally or naturally dependent upon the owner, shall be exempt from taxation thereon, except assessments for special benefits, up to the assessed valuation of five thousand dollars, upon establishment of right thereto in the manner prescribed by law. The real estate may be held by legal or equitable title, by the entireties, jointly, in common, as a condo- minium, or indirectly by stock ownership or membership representing the owner's or member's pro- prietary interest in a corporation owning a fee or a leasehold initially in excess of ninety-eight years. (b) Not more than one exemption shall be allowed any individual or family unit or with respect to any residential unit. .No exemption shall exceed the value of the real estate assessable to the owner or, in case of ownership through stock or membership in a corporation, the value of the proportion which the interest in the corporation bears to the assessed value of the property. (c) By general law and subject to conditions specified therein, the exemption shall be increased to a total of twenty-five thousand dollars of the assessed value of the real estate for each school district levy. By general law and subject to conditions specified therein, the exemption for all other levies may be increased up to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars of the assessed value of the real estate if the. owner has attained age sixty-five or is totally and permanently disabled and if the owner is not entitled to the exemption provide in subsection (d). td) By general law ana subject to conditions specified therein, the exemption shall be increased to a total of the following amounts of assessed value of real estate for each levy other than those ol school districts' fifteen thousand dollars with respect to 1980 assessments; twenty thousand dollars with respect to 1981 assessments; twenty-five thousand dollars with respect to assessments for 1982 and each year thereafter. However, such increase shall not apply with respect to any assess- ment roll until such roll is first determined to be in compliance with the provisions of section 4 by a state agency designated by general law This subsection snail stand repealed on the effective daMe of any amendment to section 4 which provides for the assessment 01 homestead property at a speci- fied percentage ofl is just value. (e) By general law and subject to conditions specified therein the Legislature may provide to renters, who are permanent residents, ad valorem tax relief on all ad valorem tax levies. Such ad valorem tax relief shall De in the form and amount established by general law. (f) The legislature may, by general law. allow counties or municipalities, for the purpose of Itneir respective tax levies and subject to the provisions of general law, to grant an additional homestead tax exemption not exceeding fty twenty-five thousand dollars to any person wno has thne legal or equnaDle title to real estate and maintains thereon the permanent residence of the owner and who has attained age sixty-five and whose riousehold income, as defined by general law. does not exceed twenty thousand dollars. The general law must allow counties and municipalities to grant this additional exemption, within the limits prescribed in this subsection, by ordinance adopted in the manner prescribed by general law, and must provide for the periodic adjustment of the income limi- tation prescnDed in this subsection for changes in the cost of living ARTICLE X11 SCHEDULE SECTION 19. Stare Budgeting. Planning and Appropriations Processes.- (a) ANNUAL BUDGETING LI) Effective July 1, 1994, General law snall prescribe the adoption of annual state budgetary and planning processes and require that derait reflecting the annualized cosis of ihe state budget and reflecting the nonrecurring costs or Ihe Duaget requests shall accompany state department and agency legislative budget requests, the governor's recommended budget, and appropriation bills. (2) Unless aooroved by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house appropriations made for recumng purposes trom nonrecurring general revenue lunds tor any fiscal year shall not exceed *tr p ,an.nnnt f the total nanaral t.u..ls.desllr t,. =r.mli =n he uavaiablhl at h he time ,,uch annrn- Doiation is made (3) As prescribed by general law each state deranment and agency snall be required to submit a legislative budget request that is based uoon and that rellects the long-range financial outlook adopted by the joint legislative budget commission or that specifically explains any variance from the long-range financial outlook contained in the reauesi (4) For purposes of this section subsee'on., ire terms department and agency shall include the judicial branch (b) APPROPRIATION BILLS FORMAT Separate sections within the general appropriation bill shall be used for each maior program area of the state budget, major program areas shall include: edu- cation enhancement 'lottery' trusi fund items; educaiion (all other funasi; numan services, cnminal justice and corrections; natural resources, environment, growth management, and transportation; general government, and judicial branch Each major program area shall include an itemization of expenditures lor state operations state capital outlay; aid to local govemmems and nonprofit organizations operations, aia to local govemmenis and nonprofit organizations capital outlay federal funds and the associated state matching runds spending authorizations lor operations, and spend- ing authonzations for capital outlay Addionally appropriation Dills passed by the legislature shall include an itemization of specific appropriations that exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in 1992 dollars. For purposes of this subsection specificc appropnation.' itemzation.' and -major program area" shall be defined by law. This nitemization threshold shall De adjusted by general law every four years to reflect the rate of inflation or deflation as indicated in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers U S. City Average All Items. or successor reports as reported by the United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labdr Statistics or its successor Substantive bills containing appropriations shall also be subject to me itemizartion requirement mandated under this provision and shall be subject to the governor's specific appropriation velo power described in Article III, Section 8 Th.s subsection snaill be elective J liyot 1994. (c) APPROPRIATIONS REVIEW PROCESS (11 No later than September 15 of each year tne joint legislative budget commission shall issue a long-range financial outlook setting out recommended fiscal strategies for the state and its depart- ments and agencies in ordpr to assist the legislature in making budget decisions The long-range financial outlook must include major workload and revenue estimate" In order to implement this paragraph the joint legislative budget commissionn shall use current official consensus estimates and may request the development of additional official estimates 1i2 The joint legislative budget commission shall seek input irom the public and from the executive and judicial branches when developing and recommending thne long-range financial outlook 13) The legislature shall prescribe by general law conditions under which limited adjustments to the budget as recommended by the governor or the chief lustico 01 the supreme court may be anproved without the concurrence of the lull legilratur- Etleeiive-lJuly 1 1993. general law shall pre scr.be requir.menta lor cach eparnmen ar.n ari :ger..y i i atAte ooverr.,r.rii to10 ubT planning doc ument ana supprting budget request for review Dy ire appr6piatrns ,ommine..s of both hou'3es of the legislature Tr.e review ;nail includee a comparison or the major issues ,n the planning document and budget raqucsi 10 tr,.,se major tlsues includedd in Ir. governor's recommended budget For purposes of this subsection th. lerms department and agencyy hall include the judicial branch. id) SEVENTY-TWO HOUR PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD All general appropriation bills shall be fur- nished to each member ol me legislature, each member ol tne cabinet tne governor, and the chief justice of the supreme court at least seventy-two hours before final passage by either house of the legislature of the Dill in the rorm thai will be presented to the governor. (el FINAL BUDGET REPORT. Efeetive November4- 992- A final budget report shall be prepared as prescribed by general law Tne final budget repon shall be produced no later than the _10th 99th day after the beginning of ire fiscal year and copies of ine report shal be furnished to each member of the legislature, the head of each department and agency of the state, the auditor general, and the chief justice ol the supreme court. , (f) TRUST FUNDS. (1) No trust fund of the State of Florida or other public body may be created or re-created by law without a three-fifths (t35) vote or tre membe sn.p or each house l tine legislature in a separate bill for that purpose only. (2) State trust funds in existence before the effective date of this subsection shall terminate not more than four years after the effect;.e doi.' of thi. s.bsech:,n State trust funds created after the effective date of ti-.s subsection snail terminate not more than four years after the effective date of the act authorizing me iriial creation of rie trusi lund By law me legislature may set a shorter time period for which any trust fund is authorized (3) Trust funds required by federal programs or mandates; trust funds established for bond cov- enants, indentures, or resolutions, whose revenues are legally pledged by the state or public body to meet debt service or other financial requirements of any debt obligations of the state or any public body; the state transportation trust fund; the trust fund containing the net annual proceeds from the Florida Education Lotteries; the Florida retirement trust fund; trust funds for institutions under the management of the Board of Governors Regents, where such trust funds are for auxiliary enterpris- es and contracts, grants, and donations, as those terms are defined by general law; trust funds that serve as clearing funds or accounts for the chief financial officer or state agencies; trust funds that account for assets held by the state irf a trustee capacity as an agent or fiduciary for individuals, pri- vate organizations, or other governmental units; and other trust funds authorized by this Constitution, are not subject to the requirements set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection. (4) All cash balances and income of any trust funds abolished under this subsection shall be deposited into the general revenue fund. (5) The provisions of this subsection shall be effective November 4,1992. (g) BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND. Beginning with the 1994 1995 fiscal year, at least 1% of an amount equal to the last completed fiscal year's net revenue collections for the general revenue fund shall be retained in a budget stabilization fund. The budget stabilization fund shall be increased to at least 2% of said amount for the 1995 1996 fiscal year, at least 3% of said amount for the 1996 1997 fiscal year, at least 4% of said amount for the 1997 1998 fiscal year, and.at least 5% of said amount for the 1998 1999 fiscal year. Subject to the provisions of this subsection, the budget stabilization fund shall be maintained at an amount equal to at least 5% of the last completed fiscal year's net revenue collections for the general revenue fund shall be retained in the budget stabilization fund The budget stabilization fund's principal balance shall not exceed an amount equal to 10% of the last completed fiscal year's net revenue collections for the general revenue fund. The legislature shall provide criteria for withdrawing funds from the budget stabilization fund in a separate bill for that purpose only and only for the purpose of covering revenue shortfalls of the general revenue fund or for the purpose of providing funding for an emergency, as defined by general law. General law shall provide for the restoration of this fund. The budget stabilization fund shall be comprised of funds not otherwise obligated or committed for any purpose. (h) LONG-RANGE STATE PLANNING DOCUMENT AND DEPARTMENT AND AGENCY PLANNING DOCUMENT PROCESSES. General law shall provide for a long-range state plan- ning document. The governor shall recommend to the legislature biennially any revisions to the long-range state planning document, as defined by law. General law shall require a biennial review and revision of the long-rang state planning document, shall require the governor to report to the legislature on the progress in achieving the state planning document's goals, and shall require all departments and agencies of -tale government to develop planning documents that identify state- wide strategic goals and objectives consistent with the long-range state planning document. The long-range state planning document and department and agency planning documents shall remain subject to review and revision by the legislature. The long-range state planning document must Include projections of future-needs and resources of the state which are consistent with the long- range financial outlook The department and agency planning documents shall include a prioritized listing of planned expenditures for review and possible reduction in the event of revenue shortfalls, as defined by general law. To ensure productivity and efficiency in the executive, legislative, and judi cial branches, a quality management and accountability program shall be implemented by general law. For the purposes of this subsection, the terms department and agency shall include the judicial branch. This subsection shall be effective July 1, 1993. (i) GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY TASK FORCE No later than January of 2007 and each fourth year thereafter the president of the senate the speaker of the house of representatives and the governor shall appoint a government efficiency task force the membership of which shall be estab- lished by general law The task force shall be composed of members of the legislature and repre- sentatives from the private and public sectors who shall develop recommendations for improving governmental operations and reducing costs Staff to assist the task force in performing its duties shall be assigned by general law and the task force may obtain assistance from the private sector The task force shall complete its work within one year and shall submit its recommendations to the joint legislative budget commission the governor and the chief justice of the supreme court (j) JOINT LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMISSION There is created within the legislature the joint legislative budget commission composed of equal numbers of senate members appointed by the president of the senate and house members appointed by the speaker of the -house of representa- tives Each member shall serve at the pleasure of the officer who appointed the member A vacancy on the commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment From November of each odd-numbered year through October of each even-numbered year the chairperson of the joint legislative budget commission shall be appointed by the president of the senate and the vice chairperson of the commission shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives From November of each even-numbered year through October of each odd-numbered year the chairperson of the joint legislative budget commission shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the vice chairperson of the commission shall be appointed by the pres- ident of the senate The joint legislative budget commission shall be governed by the joint rules of thie-asenate.and the house.of representatives, which shall remain in effect untiLreoealed or amended er e percent o g SECTION 26 Increased homestead exemption increasing the maximum additional amount of the e katl lahs effect January 1 2007 -The amendment to Spction 6 ot Article VII h.-.maentea dvomnnnl inr It,.o.incnme .niors, NO.7 CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT ARTICLE VII,SECTION 6 iLegis' latia el -' - Ballot Title: PERMANENTLY DISABLED VETERANS' DISCOUNT ON HOMESTEAD AD VALOREM TAX Ballot Summary: Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to provide a discount from the amount of ad valorem tax on the homestead of a partially or totally permanently disabled veteran who is age 65 or' older who was a Florida resident at the time of emenng military service wnose disability was corn-,. bat-related, and who was nonorably discharged: to specify the percentage of the discount as equal . to the percentage of the veteran's permanent service-connected disability; to specify qualificatiohl' requirements for the discount, to authonze the Legislature to waive the annual application require-,,! ment in subsequent years by general law; and to specify that the provision takes effect Decemoer 7, 2006. is setl-executng and does not require implemennng legislation. Fu Text- ARTICLE VII FINANCE AND TAXATION 1 10 LJV zlvclllzvW CIL 111tv 11111W buglil iwplv- - nomesteao exerrwtion ior iow-income 5eniors SECTION 5 Amendment or revision election. - (a) A proposed amendment to or revision of this constitution, or any part of it, shall be submitted to the electors at the next general election held more than ninety days after the joint resolution or report ot revision commission, constitutional convention or taxation and budget reform commission propos- ing it is filed with the custodian of state records, unless, pursuant to law enacted by the affirmative vote of three-fourtns of the membership of each house of the legislature and limited to a single amendment or revision, it is submitted at an earlier special election held more than ninety days after such filing. (b) A proposed amendment or revision of this constitution, or any part of it, by initiative snail be submitted to me electors at the general election provided the initiative petition is filed with the custo- dian of state records no later than February 1 of the year in which the general election is held. (c) The legislature shall provide by general law. prior to the holding of an election pursuant to this section, for the provision of a statement to the public regarding the probable financial impact of any amendment proposed by initiative pursuant to section 3 Id) Once In the tenth week, and once in the sixth week immediately preceding the week in which the election is held. the proposed amendment or revision, with note of the date of election at which it will be submitted to the electors, shall be published in one newspaper of general circulation in each county in which a newspaper is published. (e) Unless otherwise specifically provided for elsewhere in this constitution dt the proposed amend- ment or revision Is approved by vote of at least sixty percent of the electors voting on the measure it shall be effective as an amendment to or revision of the constitution of the state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January following the election, or on such other date as may be specified in the amendment or revision NO.4 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE X, SECTION 7 (Citizen Initiathive BalotTitle: PROTECT PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY YOUTH. FROM ADDICTION, DISEASE, AND OTHER HEALTH HAZARDS OF USING TOBACCO Ballot Summary: ' To protect people, especially youth, from addiction, disease, and other health hazards of using tobacco, the, Legislature shall use some Tobacco Settlement money annually for a comprehensive statewide tloacco education and prevention program using Centers for Disease Control best prac- tices. Specifies some program components, emphasizing youth, requiring one-third of total annual funding for advertising. Annual funding is 15% of 2005 Tobacco Settlement payments to Florida, adjusted annually for Inflation. Provides definitions. Ettective immediately. Fll Text: BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF FLORIDA THAT Article X, lorida Constitution. Is amended to add the following: Section 27.'Comprehensive Statewide .Tbacco Education And Prevention Program.,In ordento, pro- tect,people, especially youth, .from health hazards of using tobacco. including addictive disorders, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and lung diseases: and to discourage use of tobacco, particularly among youth, a portion of the money that tobacco companies pay to the State of Florida under the Tobacco Settlement each year snail be used to fund a comprehensive statewide tobacco education and prevention program consistent with recommendations of the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as follows: (a) Program. The money appropriated pursuant to this section shall be used to fund a compre- hensive statewide tobacco education and prevention program consistent with the recommendations for effective program components in the 1999 Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs of the CDC. as such Best Practices may be amended by the CDC. This program shall include, at a minimum, the following components, and may include additional components that are also contained within the CDC Best Practices, as periodically amended, and that are effective at accomplishing the purpose of this section,, and that do not undermine the effectiveness of these required minimum components: (1) an advertising campaign to discourage the use of tobacco and to educate people, especially youth, about the health hazards of tobacco, which shall be designed to be effective at achieving these goals and shall include, but need not be limited to, television, radio, and pnnt advertising, with no limitations on any individual advertising medium utilized; and which shell be funded at a level equivalent to one-third of each total annual appropnation required by this section: (2) evidence-based curricula and programs to educate youth about tobacco and to discourage their use of it, including, but not limited to, programs that involve youth, educate youth about the health hazards of tobacco, help youth develop skills to refuse tobacco, and demonstrate to youth how to stop using tobacco; (3) programs of local community-based partnerships tnat discourage the use of tobacco and work to educate people, especially youth, about the health hazards of tobacco, with an emphasis on pro- grams that involve youth and emphasize the prevention and cessation of tobacco use: (4) enforcement of laws. regulations, and policies against the sale or other provision of tobacco to minors, and the possession of tobacco by minors; and (5) publicly-reported annual evaluations to ensure that moneys appropriated pursuant to this sec- tion are spent properly, which shall include evaluation of the program's effectiveness in reducing and preventing tobacco use, and annual recommendations for improvements to enhance the program's effectiveness, which are to include comparisons to similar programs proven to be effective in other states, as well as comparisons to CDC Best Practices, including amendments thereto. (b) Funding. In every year beginning with the calendar, year after voters approve this amendment,, the Florida Legislature shall appropriate, for the purpose expressed herein, from the total gross funds that tobacco companies pay to the State of Florida under the Tobacco Settlement, an amount equal to fifteen percent of such funds paid to the State in 2005; and the appropriation required by this section shall be adjusted annually for inflation, using the Consumer Price Index as published by the United States Department of Labor. (c) Deflnitions. Tobacco" Includes, without limitation, tobacco itself and tobacco products that include tobacco and are intended or expected for human use or consumption, including, but not lim- ited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and smokeless tobacco. The "Tobacco Settlement" means that certain Settlement Agreement dated August 25, 1997, entered Into in settlement of the case, styled as State of Florida, et al. v. American Tobacco Company, et al., Case No. 95-1466 AH (Fla. 15" Cir. Ct.), as amended by Stipulation of Amendment dated September 11, 1998; and includes any subsequent amendments and successor agreements. "Youth" includes minors and young adults. (d) Effective Date. This amendment shall become effective immediately upon approval by the vot- ers. Financial Impact Statement: This amendment requires state government to appropriate approximately $57 million in 2007 for the Comprehensive Statewide Tobacco Education and Prevention Program. Thereafter, this amount will increase annually with inflation. This spending is expected to reduce tobacco consumption. As a result, some long-term savings to state and local government health and Insurance programs are probable, but indeterminate. Also, minor revenue loss to state government is probable, but Indeter- minate. NO.5 CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT ARTICLE HII, SECTION 16 (Citizen Initiative) i BallotTitle: INDEPENDENT NONPARTISAN COMMISSION TO APPORTION LEGISLATIVE AND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS WHICH REPLACES APPORTIONMENT BY LEGISLATURE Removed from the ballot by the Florida Supreme Court. NO.6 CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT ARTICLE VII, SECTION 6 ARTICLE XII, SECTION 26 (Legislative) Ballot Title: INCREASED HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION Ballot Summary: Proposing amendment of the State Constitution to increase the maximum additional homestead exemption for low-income seniors from $25,000 to $50,000 and to schedule the amendment to take effect January 1, 2007, if adopted. Fll Text: ARTICLE VII FINANCE AND TAXATION SECTION 6. Homestead exemptions.- (a) Every person who has the legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains thereon the per- SECTION 6 Homestead exemptions - (a) Every person who has the legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains thereon the pert-' manent residence of the owner, or another legally or naturally depended upon the owner. snail b,-. exempt from taxation thereon. except assessments tor special benefits, up to the assessed valuation. of five thousand dollars, upon establishment of nght thereto in the manner prescribed by law The ': real estate may be held by legal or equitable title by the entireties. lointy. in common as a condo- minium. or indirectly by stock ownership or membership representing the owner's or member's pro-. prietary interest in a corporation owning a lee or a leasehold initially in excess ot ninety-eignt years. (b) Not more than one exemption shall be allowed any individual or family unit or with respect to any residential unit. No exemption shall exceed the value of the real estate assessable to the owner, or. in case of ownership through stock or membership in a corporaTon, the value of the proportion which the interest in the corporation bears to the assessed value of the property , (c) By general law and subject to conditions specified therein. the exemption shall be increased Id',' a total of twenty-five thousand dollars of the assessed value of the real estate for each school district. levy. By general law and subject to conditions specified therein, the exemption for all other levies. may be increased up to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars of the assessed value of the real estate it the owner has attained age sixty-five or is totally and permanently disabled and if the. owner is not entitled to the exemption provided in subsection (0). (d) By general law and subject to conditions specified therein the exemption shall be increased to a total of the following amounts or assessed value or real estate for each levy other than those of tscleienhv tiLg wn rea inigg~q tweoty .t@oysand dollar& withespec to 1981 asses-,idfts: tenty-.e thousand dollars with respect to assessments 1oic 1982 and each year thereafter. -.. . However, such increase shall not apply with respect to any assessment roll until such roll is firs., determined to be in compliance with the provisions of section 4 by a state agency designated bp, general law This subsection shall stand repealed on the effective date of any amendment to seci-i tion 4 which provides for the assessment ol homestead property at a specified percentage oi ;is lu ; value. (e) By general law and subject to conditions specified thnrein, the Legislature may provide to renters, who are permanent residents. ad valorem tax r'plief on all ad 'valorem tax levies Such ad valorem lax relief shall be in the form and am'nount established by general law. "* (f) The legislature may, by general law allow counties or municipalities, lor the purpose of their-i respective lax levies and subject to the provisions of general law. to grant an additional homestead,. tax exemption not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars to any person who nas the legal or equ l table title to real estate and maintains thereon the permanent residence of the owner and who nsf I attained age sixty-five and whose household income, as defined by general law, does not exceed , twenty thousand dollars The general law must allow counties and municipalities to grant this add6 tional exemption, witnin the limits prescribed in this subsection, by orOinance adopted in the mannerI prescribed by general law. and must provide fort e periodic adjustment of the income limitation prescribed in this subsection for changes in the cost of living (g) Each veteran who is age 65 or older wno is partially or totally permanently disabled shall receive a discount from the amount of the ad valorem lax otherwise owed on homestead property the veteran owns and resides in if the disability was combat related the veteran was a resident i this state at the time of entering the military service of the United States and the veteran was nonor& ably discharged upon separation from military service The discount shall be in a percentage equal. to the percentage of the veteran's permanent service-connected disability as determined by thWiJ United States Department of Veterans Affairs To duality for the discount granted by this subsectiori an applicant must submit to the county property aopraiser by March 1 proof of residency at the time' of entering military service an official letter from the Unsted States Department of Veterans Aftairs, stating the percentage of the veteran s service-connected disability and such evidence that reason- ably identifies the disability as combat related and a copy of the veteran's honorable discharge j(f the Droperty aDDraiser denies the request for a discount the appraiser must notify the applicant iV. writing of the reasons for the denial and the veteran may reasoly The Legislature may by generl.. law waive the annual application requirement in subsequent years This subsection shall take ehe^ December 7 2006 is self-executing and does not reouire implementing legislation NO. 8 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE X., SECTION 6 iLegislatiei . Ballol Title: EMINENT DOMAIN Ballot Summary: Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to prohibit the transfer of private property taken by eminent domain to a natural person or private entity; providing that the Legislature may by gen- eral law passed by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house of the Legislature permit exceptions allowing the transfer of such private property; and providing that this prohibition on the transfer of private property taken by eminent domain is applicable if the petition of taking that initi- ated the condemnation proceeding was filed on or after January 2, 2007. FuHText: ARTICLE X MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 6. Eminent domain.- (a) No private property shall be taken except for a public purpose and with full compensation there- for paid to each owner or secured by deposit in the registry of the court and available to the owner. (b) Provision may be made by law for the taking of easements, by like proceedings, for the drain- age of the land of one person over or through the land of another. (c) Private property taken by eminent domain pursuant to a petition to initiate condemnation pro- ceedings filed on or after January 2 2007 may not be conveyed to a natural person or private entity except as provided by general law passed by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house of the Legislature Woodlawn Kennels\ Quality Pro ssional Care GROOMING 259-4757 BOARDING Private Spacious Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ........ $20-$25 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip .......... $10-$15 Boarding (per actual day) ................ . $5-$7 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 11 Baker County 30 orts Ridgeview 0 ohud OD ob lel' em .Wildcats shut down Panthers to halt two-game losing streak BY MICHAEL RIN Press Sports It might be a means Wildcats' improvement son that they were ab il& defeat an opponent lack of intensity. 'The Cats (3-2, 0 put Ridge\iew 30-0 what was a classic "tr scenario that is. t coming off a frustr to Raines and perhaps ahead to a crucial g Jackson. "We came out une head coach Bobby Jo "We were unemotional tice Thursday and I ried about that. It cai We didn't dominate t1ie way we should hav . Still, the Cats' at allowed them to take unlike earlier this sea KER they came out flat against Gainesville Eastside and lost at: home. That game fell between sure of the an emotional home-opening %\in nt thissea- over rival Bradford County and nt this a- S.e ble to eas- the Cats first district game. et tsioeae "Games like this. you always hope you're good enough to 0-1) shut overcome your lack of emotion. Friday in This time we were." rap gam'e" Especiall the defense and he5 were the running game. Sloss Baker defenders held the s looking Panthers' runners to just 31 ame with yards on 29 carries. Ridgevie% 's passing game- motional," fared somewhat better, with ohrs said. quarterback Derek Hatcher al at prac- completing 10-22 for 113 yards, was wor- although he was sacked four ried over. times and intercepted once. the game The Panthers fumbled sev- ve" eral times, but didn't lose any. hleticism "Their no-huddle was no big the game, deal; we were prepared." Johns ison when said. "[Defensive coaches] sig- ; ,..naled plays into o~ rin_ packers . 1 -1 .. .. ... a. .. J L ,- ^ and secondary."' Despite picking up 16 first downs and running more plays than Baker's offense (50-48), the Panthers' offense was unable to penetrate the red zone. "They kind of nickled and dimed us. They moved the chains, but never really threat- ened to score." Some of that yardage came in the first half, when the.Cats came out a little soft in cover- age, giving up short passes. "I got tired of looking at that and told our coaches to tighten up, tighten up the cornerbacks." Johns also was unhappy with linebackers' play, his team's tackling and the defensive line's inability to dominate the line of scrimmage. However, he did single out the play of freshman safety Darvin Ruise (see Film Star below). Despite the shutout, he' lamented the.lack of emotion oni defense. '"I like us to fly around, pound people and chase the football." On offense, the Cats did pound people, rolling up 335 yards on the ground.; Lucious Lee ran for 151 yards on 15 carries, scoring three touchdowns and a pair of two-point conversions. Quarterback Carlos Holton had 110 yards on six carries, while Chaz Johns ran 11 times for 69 yards, a touchdown and conver- sion. "I'm pleased with our offense line; we're getting bet- ter," coach Johns said. "We were able to run our basic plays and still have 335 yards'without doing anything fancy.'" He also said the backfield blocking was good. What wasn't so good was the passing game, which, other than a good showing at Raines, has been a sore spot all season. Holton completed one pass in 10 attempts, a 41-yard strike to Jamar Farmer. "Sometimes we can't pass side of a barn, and sometimes we just can't catch the ball," the coach said. The Cats scored one touch- down in each quarter as Lee got the party started w it h a five-yard burst. The con- version failed.. In the sec- ond quarter, he ran it in from three yards, then made the conversion. Johns scored from the five in the third quarter, then got the conversion. Lee finished the scoring with a 36-yard bolt and conversion. Asked. whether the Panthers. - who easily defeated the Cats last season offered any kind of 'test for his team, coach Johns said, "not enough of one." "They're not as athletic as the teams we've played or will be playing, but they are very, very well coached." (abo.v.) illamHughes /hc's though Ridget ieu blockers atid tackle's ithe rumter for a Ios (nem B .1 Ro.- e ezoes airborne in the Panthers 'backfield, a fnorue gathering spot i,6 Cat defenders Fruin' Taanate Jad Sarnan takt: the lanid oue (below lep) DDans. linemann Lee Tav/or was a line too qmick o0j the ball and was flagged. /r being : cksnameides Jons*JakOn game is keto Cats' BY MICHAEL RINKER top of Cla Press Sports Baker Before the season start- 0-1, while ed, Cats' coach Bobby Johns yet to pla knew his team's playoff Lthe Wdse hopes hinged on stealing a lhe W elc game from either Raines or' l y en Andrew Jackson. ward spir that would Two weeks ago, it was the tion of l Vikings who stole one, win- thonos ning in overtime despite being are a dominated by the Cats. al e, That leaves Andrew Jackson. I like "They are the best football "They ha' team we'll play all year, but "We've they're definitely beatable," Johns said Monday. on a missi "This is our statement game. We can't afford any more losses a running in district. There is no forgive- a third in action. ness." ' The Tigers come to Memorial Stadium Friday with a record of 4-0, including three blow-out wins. Their other victory was a dis- trict game in which they edged Bishop Kenrny 15-14. That leaves Jackson and Raines with 1-0 records at the tigers Pollard t he'll return ing time c son again two touch yards on 1 The go begin 7:3( season ss 3A-District 3. and Bishop Kenny are e Suwannee County has y a district game. ason, Jackson stomped ats 48-6 in a game that sured the Cats down- al to a winless season d lead to the resigna- ad coach Carl West. year's Cats, however, rent team. our chances," he said. ven't played any teams hat we do on offense. e got to play as if we're ion." d Jackson is primarily team, but passes about f the time using play running back Troy old the Times-Union n this week after miss- lue to injury. Last sea- st the Cats he scored downs and ran for 133 1 carries. ame is scheduled to ) pm Friday. By the numbers ChalkTalk by Bobby Johns Film star Baker County Ridgeview 1st quarter Baker -< 2nd quarter Baker 3rd quarter Baker 4th quarter Baker Scoring Lucious Lee, 5-yard run (conversion run failed) Lee, 3-yard run (Lee run) Chaz Johns, 5-yard run (Johns run) Lee, 36-yard run (Lee run) Rushing Lee 15-151, Carlos Holton 6-110, Johns 11-69, Harold Moore 4-3, Jamar Farmer 1-2 Holton 1-10-41, Johns 0-1-0 Farmer 1-41 Hank Farmer Passing Receiving Interceptions Tackles Darvin Ruise 12, Rod Rentz 11, Dylan Mann 10, Curtis Bennett 9, Hank Farmer 9, Jared Sharman 8, Tommy Moore 7, Johns 6, Brandon Lucas 6 Against Ridgeview, we tried,to keep it simple with our power running game and run the football straight at the Panthers' defense. The draw play for us is nothing more than an "old fashioned" off-tackle power play. Not many high schools use this type of play anymore, but it is still one bf our favorites. The idea is to block everyone on the line of scrimmage down and use the fullback to "kick out" the first defender outside of our widest player. We then pull the backside guard to fill for any linebacker that is unaccounted for. Throughout the game this past week, we used this play with Chaz Johns blocking for Lucious Lee to run off tackle. This play, along with our isolation play, was the staple of our offensive output this past week. We hope it will continue to be a solid play for us over the remainder of the season. 1 Darvin Ruise freshman safety playing a day after a death in his family, he led the team in tackles with 12 "he has really improved... he played his best game," coach Johns said "his grandmother passed away Thursday, so he had that to deal with... for him to have played that well shows a lot of character" "We didn't dominate the game the way we should have." Bobby Johns THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 28, 2006 Page 12 Bronco Anth .on),JamnesIslips a tackle during cone of h~is sWILel carr.ieskir 14.?7 ardS. including an &38- ard toticluloti n run. " James high rusher in Broncos win In the Youth Football League feature game, the Middle Division Broncos came away with a hard- of the end zone. .. The Broncos were led by Anthony James, who gained 147 yards on seven carries, including an 88-yard- touchdown run. Vvshawn Akins scored the other touchdown on a one-yard plunge. Offensive players of the game for the Broncos were Hunter Chambers, who carried the ball four times for 35 yards and an extra point. Victor Givens gained 22 yards on two carries, D.J. Griffis 18 on 4. and Terrall Allen. 13 on two. Defensive players of the game for the Broncos were D.J. Griffis. who had 11 tackles. Hunter Chambers had nine, Caleb Parker 8. Allen 7 and Mitchell Hartely 6. Kyle Fennell. Awsten Yonn and Wyatt Griffith each had three, and Travis Hall, Givens, Wyatt Reeves and Collyn Green each had one. For the Panthers on offense, Jacob Milton ran nine times for 32 yards. while Kyle Brron also carried' the ball nine times, gaining 30 yards. Brandon Harvey got four carries for 16 yards. Ridge Home four for 10 and Jacob Stalvey two for nine. On defense, Home and Michael Ahrens led the way with five tackles each. Milton. Harvey, Tyler Mo-: ran, Tristen Griffin and Brandon Parker all had three, while Antwon Major and Tyquand Major each had a pair. In the other Middle Division game Saturday, the Steelers rolled over the Jets 20-0. In the Pee Wee Division, the Bucs shivered the Titans' timbers 19-14. and the Vikings pillaged the" Cowboys 42-7. Monday night in the Senior Division. the Falcons swooped down on the Dolphins 39-6 and the 49ers( panned the Bears 27-6. i The division leaders after two weeks are the Pee Wee Vikings (2-0), Middle Division Broncos (2-0) and- Senior Division Patriots (2-0). Scores and statistics courtesy of Dwight Harris. BCHS team competes with best of the best Saturday BY BOB GERARD Press Sports The Wildcat cross country team competed in a huge invi- tational at Ridgeview Saturday. Some of the top runners in the state were among the 180 boys and 160 girls competing in the prestigious meet. The Wildcat runners had a good showing, finishing in the top third. Luke Kennedy was the top BCHS runner, finishing 48th overall with a time of 18:52. Blake Rowan was the second Cat to finish, crossing the line in 19:19. Timmy Mason finished in 19:37. Evan Ward in 20:24, Robert Mason in 21:07 and TJ Mosely in 22:12. Shae Raulerson was the top girl for BCHS. finishing in 25:35. Sylvia Sotomavor fin- ished in 33:37. Brittany Dale and Guadalope Campos also competed. "The Ridgeview Invitational gae our athletes an opportunity to compete against some qual- ity competition." coach Charles Ruise said. "Even though \%e didn't have any of our athletes to finish ver high, they ran well and gained valuable experi- ence." The Cats race Thursday against West Nassau. Yulee and Hilliard at 4:30 pm. IPlace a Press classified ad and register to win two tickets to the Wildcats next home game. Lady Cats split in net action, play wellin Wolfson Classic BY BOB GERARD Press Sports The Lady Wildcat varsity vol- ley ball team had a busy week. They split in individual matches with Union County and Middleburg. and competed well at the Wolfson Classic in Jack- sonville. The Cats defeated Union County Monday in three straight matches. 25-11, 26-24, and 25- 17. Tiffany Norman and Ashley Holton led the way for BCHS with eight kills apiece. Norman also had four aces and Cassie Kennedy had 11 assists. The Cats had a tougher time with Middleburg, losing to the Broncos in four games Thurs- daN. They \\on the first game in a 26-24 squeaker, but lost 25-14, 25-23, and 25-22. Norman and Holton had three kills, while Kallie Crumnmey had three as- sists and Brittany Gray added two aces. "Even though the result was not what we wanted, this was the best game the team has played since the beginning of the sea- son," coach Chris Armoreda said. The Cats played well in the Wolfson Classic over the week- end. They started slow, losing to Bartram Trail, Lake Ho"\- ell and Yulee. but came back to beat University Christian in two games, 25-23 and 25-20. Norman, Holton and Gray were the kill leaders with six apiece. Crummy collected 13 assists and Gray and Kennedy had three aces. The Cats will face Hilliard Thursday in the BCHS gym at 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm. The junior varsity dropped its games to Union County and NMiddleburg. Morgan Harvey and Chris- tina Fraze had' three kills against UCHS. Kari Harris and Krista Smith had four assists. Harvey, Heather High and Fraze had two aces. Harvey and High led the way against Middleburg with two kills. High also had four aces and Krista Smith had four as- sists. Competitive Cheer & Dance * A Tumbling Dance Twirl Five-Star o* Team All ages, male & female 4 * &toM Call 259-2.266 to register Located by Food Lion on Sixth St. -v** ~ P Ut Rubin Jackson BCMS Football H Haley Taylor BCMS Cheerleading Each received a $10 gift card to Woodys courtesy of 4 Macclenny Nursing and Rehab ^/\ c^/'/^ f^/'^^ ^/^/^ Macclenny Nursing & Rehab would like to recognize the Baker County Middle School i Football player and Cheerleader of the week for the Same against Yulee Middle School September 19 "ga e_ L :U . I, .. I V4 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS S .Si-iel. Thursday September 28, 2006 Discount or full service brokers? By Jared Wilkerson Real Estate Writer In today's market, it is becom- ing increasingly difficult for sellers working on their own to find a buyer for their property. At this point, it doesn't even nec- essarily have to "be a problem with the price at which the home is mar- keted. There are just fever buyers, nImaking the need for professional marketing and exposure higher than ever. As a result, the sellers who were hoping to accomplish their moves without turning to a professional are now deciding it is best to do so in record numbers. Real estate profes- sionals are now loving it. Listings are so easy to come by that pros- pecting for them has now become a secondary part of business planning for an agent. That's .all fine and good for the agents, but what about the hom- eowners? Since they had initially hoped to save on the commission paid for an agent's services, many sellers are" hoping to slowly edge their way up the ladder to the next step, which usually involves hiring a discount broker, rather than a full service one. Let me jump ahead a bit and say that, unfortunately. homeowners who list with discount brokers usually end up having these listings expire without a sale, then having to hire a full service broker afterward to clean up whatever hap- pened with the discounter. I want to make one thing clear before moving on: This is not an article designed solely to usurp the discount broker. I don't intend to name companies or point out indi- vidual bad records. That's just mean spirited and I don't consider it to be very professional. However, there are some general statistics and com- mon scenarios which homeowners may want to consider before select- ing a company with which to list their home. I would also like tq point out that I do, in fact, work for a full service broker. On whatever merit it war- rants me, the information I will relay in this article is fact only. List with me or some other full service broker, if you will, but this is not an attempt to solicit business. These are simply the facts, as far as real estate trends go. is required to sell your home at top dollar in the current market, then, if I were a discount broker marketing your home at a lower percentage rate, which of these 1 percent would I be most likely to take money away from if I didn't take it from you as a seller at the listing appointment? It's a loaded question. But the obvious answer is that my office's bills still have to be paid. Also, I, personally, am not in this business to work for free. Therefore. if I have to lower my commission, then I'm taking it out of the areas of mar- keting which I know good and well are absolutely necessary to sell your home at top dollar. That is the same business model that discounters run on. Unfortunately, we don't see a high number of the marketing tools we know work being used by discount brokers. For them, it is more or less a game of using their license to put a listing in the MLS and then hop- ing for the best. Secondly, the companies that claim to market and sell properties at a flat fee. and I hate to say it like this but it is the truth, are mislead- ing sellers from the start. This flat fee applies only if one of their own agents (most likely the listing agent, themselves) sells the property on their own. As an agent, selling your own listing happens so rarely that we call it "having a birthday," because it might happen once a year out of twenty or thirty listings. In order to get full asking price, these flat fee companies will con- vince sellers to put the home on the MLS in order to have other agents show it, as well. But in order to (See Page 2) When I first got my real estate license., I, too, had to choose \\ heth- er to work with a discount or full service broker. I had several offers for positions with numerous com- panies with whom I interviewed. I made that choice based on the market trends which laid out suc- cess and failure for both agents and homeowners alike. Here they are. Again, they are just the trends and statistical facts. For example, did you know that regardless of whether a company is considered discount or full service, their electric, heating and cool- ing bills for their offices are pretty much the same? They also pay similar amounts for their mortgage on their office locations. It costs the same dollar amount for me, as a full service agent, as it does for a discounter to order a virtual tour on one of my properties arid to have that % irttual tour uploaded to all of the major internet home-search engines. The cost of running the business is all the same, no matter what commission we charge. As agents, .we are also, equally, people; people with bills of our own.. People with families and households to keep running. Which means that we are all in business to make a profit. That profit is what we use to make our living. So, if one percent of my commission to sell a home goes directly to the bro- ker to pay the bills at my office and another percent goes directly to the money that translates into my profit on a sale (in other words, to me) and another percent is directed solely . toward the marketing which I know l- m.. .. ." "L'. A bold brick exterior with wrought-iron accents makes this .. one-and-a-half story Southern home low maintenance. The inside features ten-foot ceilings in every room, which adds to the spacious feeling of this large, open house plan. The top floor features a media room and fireplace, game room, bedroom and full bath. For more details, log onto www.house-of-the- week.com, or call 866-685-7526. Cypress Pointe (904) 653-1741 Cypress Pointe Community and Model: 1-10 west, north of SR 228. ~a U.. -'-I. Li .1 Model Hours: Mon. 11-7 Tues., Wed., & Sat. 10-7 Sun. 11-5 - j JF '^'^i "^ ~>1 : Lot 51 Arlington B 8 1,875 sq. ft., 3 2 . $10SO, 150 Lot 17 Sunbury G 2,223 sq.ft., 3 2.5 $202,200 Lot 21 Winchester V 3,004 sq. ft., 4/3.5 $237.,900 Lot 53 Winchester W 3.004 sq.ft., 4,'3.5 $239,200 --- -------- S r w . THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. September 28, 2006 Page Two-B Full service or discount broker? (From Page 1) have other agents show the home, you (as the seller) will have to offer a compensation (it's the MLS rules to do so) to agents who bring buyers around. Once you add the buyer's agent's commission onto the price, it is almost like listing with a full service company anyway. Then we have to take a look at one of my favorite stats; the List-to-Sale ratio. Discount brokers are renowned for convincing sellers to ask too high a price for their homes. It just looks that much bet- ter when they're discussing a seller's bottom line at the listing appointment. "I know. the other agents told you to expect this much for your home, but we feel that with the proper marketing, we can get this..." That seals the deal for most sellers. In reality, what the sellers have just done is made their home an active billboard for the discount- er's buyer lead call genera- tor. Buyers call based on the sign in your yard, but when they hear the price, they say it's too high and the discount agent tells them something along the lines of, "Well, there are many other homes, being offered at market value in the neighborhood... why don't we set an appointment to look at those?" In essence, your home is now working to sell other properly priced homes in the neighborhood. And think I about it,- why would that agent sell your home for no extra money than the flat fee they are charging when they can just as easily take that qualified buyer over to one of the full service broker's homes and receive a full com- mission for the sale. Weigh it out...no extra money, verses a few thousand dollars extra on a full service listing's sale. Which would you, as real estate agent and business person, choose to show and sell? Therefore, the amount that discounters tell sellers to expect for their homes is rarely what they get. Sellers will be convinced to con- tinually lower prices until their homes are priced below market value, just to force a sale. So, how bad is it? Well, the largest discounter in the Northeast Florida area is rid- ing at just 94% of the origi- nal asking price for closed sales. That means that it costs an extra $6,000.00 per $100,000.00 of asking price just to sell with a discount broker. They also have the highest number of expired listings, i.e., homes that didn't sell at all. These are the stats. I run them myself every month.. They are cor- rect. Any seller or discounter who would like me to prove it is welcome to find my ad 'in this paper and call me for the numbers. Basically, not only did it just take several extra months to sell with a discount bro- ker, but the seller also had to accept less than they would have gotten for their home had they listed it with a full service broker who would have been upfront with them from the beginning. That flat fee doesn't sound so good now, does it? I hear this every month from the countless sellers who list with me and the other agents in my office following a nasty bout with a discount broker following the expira- tion of their listings. One of the worst possible scenarios involves a particu- lar company that is totally based online. All I can say is that if someone did, by chance, come to your home to see it based on the online ad provided by this conm- pany, who would make the time to show it? Well, you would. And who would help to negotiate the price 'at arm's length,' as suggested by every real estate school of thought? No one would. Sellers basically pay these sen'ices to send them buy- ers who will probably never even show up, then if they do, have,no education what-. soever as to whether or not your price is good; meaning that they will undercut you at every turn, just to feel like they are getting a good deal. In closing, are discount brokers good for certain markets? You bet. But not this one. When sellers could probably do just as well to sell on their own with a sign in the front yard and an ad or two in the local papers, discounters can make sell- ing a home pretty easy. But it's pretty easy during that time anyway. In a market like the one in which we find ourselves now, discount brokers aren't doing sellers any favors. It takes a certain number of marketing tech- niques to get a home sold nowadays, and the discount- ers just don't offer them. Basically, you end up pay- Got Questions About Real Estate? Buying or selling property shouldn't be a guessing game. Don't let uncertainties about the current market drive you to make poor decisions. Contact me for the guidance and information that will make your next big decision one of your best ever! 2.5 acres in beautiful Old Nursery Plantation which includes an 1850 sq ft mobile home. Perfect for living on your land while you build your dream home in one of Baker County's favorite areas. $135,000 Jared Wilkerson. ; .. REALTOR;.. C call: 899-6957 +.nsan Wiooli) Co.p. Fit LTORS', Visit www.jaredsellshouses.com for everything you need when buying and selling real estate in Baker County. Real A answers. Real Results. CLASSIC WARM 3/2 BRICK HOME In established Macclenny neighborhood, 3/2 home has large bonus room. It is 2298 sq. ft., has large screened back porch, plus screened side porch. The kitchen is large with lots of cabinets, also large family room. On.2 city lots with back yard fenced, this one is a must see !! $195,900 NEW HOME UNDER CONSTR " Many e'1ras3 3 BR I coverec porch , & 295 st bonus room. LaminaLe Vioiod floor, carpet & tile, gas FP, central vacuum, security system, pre-wired for home theatre. $259,900 3/2 SW & 2 STORY HOW on 1.21 acre Live in the MH while REDUCED $99,500 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with building. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305,000 ExcellenfIlot. East Macclen i9M ^Ul jio0,000. Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighbor- hood. $419,000 .98 Acr South. $ ing to sell property in this market one way or another. It's best to put that payment into the effective market- ing of your home rather than into the waiting that occurs when that money is wasted on trying to save it in the first place. Reaching more people than ever! COMING SOON... Online- Classified Ads Baker County-new home --- 18-- 1 259-7574 3 BR, 2 BA brick/vinyl house, 2240 SF on 1 acre, Bob Kirkland Rd. 2 car garage, front & back porch, large bedrooms, great room, custom cabinets, lots of extras. Located minutes from schools, just outside city limits, close to 1-10, $219,000. Light Land Clearing - SITE PREP FOR NEW HOMES LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES (904) 259-9461 OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 Closed Holidays . TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 The Ideal Realtor Rose M. Stokes -----------Agmtmr Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS' Florida Real Estate License since 1994 OPORUNT New Construction Residential Homes Vacant Land Over 15 Years Mortgage Experience- Obtained a Florida Builders Contractor License 'If you or anyone you know is interested in buying or selling real estate please call me. Familiar with the Jacksonville, Macclenny, Callahan & Hilliard areas. (904) 899-6971 Cell: (904) 502-1520 Fax: (904) 771-8639 COUNTRY ESTATE IN CITY 2500 SF 4BR/3BA house. Completely remodeled and updated! New Kitchen-Aid appliances. New wiring, plumbing and air conditioning! Stone and wood floor- ing, vinyl board fence. Two new electric fireplaces! $289,900 / 4 BR/2BA IN QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD Beautiful old neighborhood in Macclenny. Your children can walk to school. 1560 SF $159,900 on 121 Beautiful Country Home on 5.01 acres - 4 BR/! -Awro,2350heated SE. Detach- ENIN nt, over- sized in-ground pool, & large barn. Add'l land w/pond also available. $429,900 4 BR BRICK HOME ON 1.49 ACRES Perfect for your garden with a 16x20 workshop, just 5 minutes from town! $189,000 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY- Brick home &-two additional lots to build on in excellent location for convenience to 1-10 and shopping. Remodeled with new kitchen, stove & refrigerator, All 3 for $189,900 CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent corner lot location! Beverage License is available! Richard's Grocery & Meat Market, 386 N, Lowder St., Macclenny $389,000- Owner will stay on to train you for 6 months. HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. t, Wayne Combs, Licensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell We can show and sell all listings! ' Anne Kitching, Realtor 962-8064 Wendy Smith, Realtor 710-0528 Tina Melvin, Realtor 233-2743 cell. SCovenant B Underground R Utilities, Inc. *CULVERTS *BOX BLADE WORK *BUSH HOG/MOWING *DEBRIS REMOVAL *DRIVEWAYS *HAUL MULCH/DIRT INSTALLATION/REPAIR OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 16148 CR 125 N Glen St. Mary, Florida 32040 Experience in: U SOLD -------------------- Fall is a great time to prune THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. September 28, 2006 Page Three-B You may think that the approach of the end of the growing season means you can stop worrying about the trees in your landscape. Think again! Fall is one of the best times to examine the safety and health of your trees, say experts in tree care. Why? With the leaves off, cracks, defects and deadwood are easier to see. Also, with win- ter storms approaching, haz- ards should be removed now before they damage prop- erty. Some homeowners worry that arborists will not be able to determine deadwood on a tree when the leaves are off. "On the contrary," says Gerstenberger, "This is the best time for an arborist to locate deadwood by looking for changes in color, fungus growth, cracks, and other symptoms that can help them make this determina- tion. Since the leaves are off, the view of the entire tree's architecture is clear and a thorough check can be per- formed." Pruning is much more than the simple act of sawing off limbs. Proper pruning is an art-based on scientific prin- ciples of plant physiology. At its most basic level, prun- ing trees involves removing damaged, dead or structur- ally weak limbs, which will C improve a tree's health and reduce the chances of per- sonal or property damage caused by falling limbs. Professional arborists have the capability to make the tree safer and more attractive by pruning live growth as well. Proper pruning encourages growth, increases flower and fruit production, improves plant health, repairs dam- age and helps add aesthetic appeal to a tree. Pruning at the right time and in the right way is critical, since it is pos- sible to kill a tree through neglect or over-pruning. How can a homeowner know if an arborist will prune a tree correctly? "Ask the arborist if they prune according to the American National Standards Institute standard for tree pruning, which is called ANSI A300," says Gerstenberger. This standard requires that the recommended use of cer- tain tools, cutting techniques, and pruning methods be fol- lowed, and sets the standard definitions for terms the arborist will use in your esti- mate. Properly written work estimates for tree pruning should be written in accor- dance to ANSI A300 stan- dards. In addition to the informa- tion given on the work esti- mate, ANSI A300 sets some guidelines for basic prun- ing practices that arborists should follow. If an arborist is adhering to the ANSI A300 pruning standard they: will not leave branch stubs will make few or no head- ing cuts will not cut off the branch collar (not make a flush cut) will not top or lion's tail trees will not remove more than 25 percent of the foliage of a single branch will not remove more than 25 percent of the total tree foliage in a single year will not damage other parts of the tree during pruning will not use wound paint Homeowners who would like a professional arborist to assess their trees should con- tact the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), a 68 _ year old public and profes- sional resource on trees and arboriculture. It has more than 2,000 member compa- nies who recognize stringent safety and performance stan- dards and who are required to carry liability insurance. TCIA has the nation's only Accreditation program that helps consumers find tree care companies that have been inspected and accred- ited based on: adherence to industry standards for qual- ity and safety; maintenance of trained, professional staff; and dedication to ethics and quality in business practices. Metal Roofing * Homes and Mobile Homes * Factory Certified Professional Installers * Many Styles and Colors to Choose From * Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! * State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.com (904)779-5786 RS 1-800-662-8897 v Toll Free EBBB An easy way to find a tree care service provider in your area is to use the "Locate Your Local TCIA Member Companies" program. You can use this service by call- ing 1-800-733-2622 or by doing a ZIP code search on the TCIA Web site, www. treecareindustry.org. rch Lite Painting Tile , Repairs Remodeling Free Estimates Call Brett 904-485-0356 kLicensed & Insured LAlKE CITY Instructor/Coordinator, Emergency Medical Services Programs 228 Day, Tenure Track' Re-Advertised Teach and assist in program develop- ment, planning and implementation of EMT Basic, Paramedic, and EMS Associate Degree programs. Coordi- nate schedules, clinical sites and in- structors; maintain state and national program certifications. Must have bachelor's degree in emergency medical services or closely related field and Paramedic certification at state or national level. Salary: Based on degree & experience plus benefits. Complete application packet must be received by October 13, 2006 for guar- anteed consideration. College application and copies of transcripts required. Position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Devel- opment Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake Cir. FL 32025 Phone: (386)754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment INVESTMENT Won't last long. Priced to sell. A must see, located offof HWY 90 in Glen. A little over 3.3 acres. MLS#292745, $951,777 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - 3 duplexes- 6 total units- 2/2 & 2/1. Excellent location. MLS#294791, $480,000 HORSES WELCOME Gorgeous 4BR/3BA, 2480 sf on 5.14 acres. 4-stall barn w/feed room, tack room, fenced, in desirable area. MLS#313581, $390,000 BRICK BEAUTY Remodeled 3BR/2BA 1868 sf brick home on 1.32 acres. Pergo floors & ceramictile. MLS#317539, $188,000 VACANT LAND- .43 commercial property located near a church & main Post Office in Jacksonville. MLS#231117, $45,000 53 ACRE FARM In Glen St. Mary set up with elec*well*septic*fenced*2 ponds. MLS#307155,$874,500 LIVE IT UP Home on large cul-de-sac. Fresh paint, split bedrooms, large game room & fenced yard. MLS#318701,; $229,900 OFFICE/HOME Ideal for professional office & attached living quarters. MLS#318312, $185,000 NICE LOCATION- 2BR/2BA, 1716 sf, wheel chair accessible. Built in bookshelves. Nice screened in patio. MLS#319147, $181,000 READY TO BUILD Approx. 2.5 acre lot. Spring Lake Estates. Private w/pond. MLS#319935, $83,000 Florida V Crown Realty Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Josie Davis Mark Lancaster Juanice Padgett Andrew P. Smith Teresa Yarborough 799 S. 6th St.,Macclenny t 259-6555 r | New listing- Fixer upper for hunter/fisherman. 1994 1296 SF 3 BR, 2 BA MH on 2.73 acres. Shed with camp kitchen and sleeping area. Near Ocean Pond in Olustee: Needs a little work. $69,900 3 BR, 1 BA, vinyl siding, new roof on 1 acre. CHIA. $100,000. Tony Givens Rd., Sanderson. Brick, 1632 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA, large modem kitchen, large family room with fireplace. Convenient location. Zoned for residential or office use. This is a nice home for only. Reduced- Ten high and dry acres zoned for horses. Located 3 miles west of Glen St. Mary off of US 90. Good road frontage. Modular, manufactured and con- ventional homes welcome Reduced to $159,900 Investment Opportunity- .91 acre zoned for duplexes. Property also includes a nice 3 BR, 2 BA home w/large mod- em kitchen, spacious family room, fireplace and other ame- nities. Home & duplex lots priced to sell at $250,000 Commercial property- on US Hwy. 90 in Macceknny Older home ma. be corenied to busi- ness pace. Establshed flower shop offenrng world - .de ,Le ser, ice $44l5,000 NewL tring-Nejrl rnew 20ir4 manuf3ac ridhome. 14 SF. BR. 2 B\ fi.'r deck on II.i acre. zoned Ilr hores e Mu%' ,ee to appreciate i$209.000 ' Nice older MH completely renovated & new additions. 3 BR, !V2 BA, FP, screen & open porch, aby. ground pool, privacy fence. Large storage buildings. .88 acre comer lot. Reasonably priced at $89,900 Owner will consider financing with 20% down. New Listings Added Daily- Please visit our website at www.cbisaacrealty.com "W ^. ft- 1 rfl{$. I , i',a& f^^^i ,lftt" .- ... . Gorgeous 10.01 acre parcel perfect to build your dream home. Owners have left property "as is" so you can clear it-as much or as little as you prefer. Restricted to site built homes only but you can have a horse or cow per acre. Just off US 90 and close to 1-10. Be in Jacksonville or Lake City and have the benefits of the country life. Call for price!' 259--f828 Picture perfect home in Macclenny II. This home of- fers beautiful tray ceilings, open floor plan with large family room, formal dining room, nice sized kitchen with loads of oak wood cabinets, WWC, tile floors, wood floors in the office or 4th bed- room. Covered front porch and back patio perfect for anytime of the day. Don't miss this one! $279,000 Too cute to believe! Perfect if you want to escape from the city for the peace and quiet of the country. Adorable 2 BR, 1 BA on 2.3" acres. You will have privacy and the benefit of wildlife right out your door. You have to come see this bargain to believe. All the room in the world to grow! Call for price! S,259-4828 .- -to 3/2 almost all brick on 1 acre, 1800+ SE Feels brand new. $274,000 3/2 2229 SF completely remodeled with 1000 SF beautiful addition. A must see! $291,000 16 acres in St. George, Georgia. Paved road frontage with a pond. Quiet country living! $14,5000 per acre. 1395 Chaffee Road South, Jacksonville 904.772.9800 SPACIOUS HOME 2004 stucco home 4BR/3BA, tile foyer, kitchen & bath. 1 acre with pond. Back yard very private. MLS#303587, $270,500 BEAUTIFUL HOME- 2646 sf on 10 acres. Built in 2003.3BR/2.5BA with bonus room, pond, playground, lots of upgrades. MLS#325474, $425,000 RENTALS-ACREAGE 3 rental units, all currently rented on 2.5 acres. Great opportunity for investment income. MLS#327752, $259,900 SUPER INVESTMENT- 3BR/2BA, 1634 sf, mostly brick home w/fenced rear. MLS#327291, $94,900 BRICK BEAUTY 3BR/2.5BA in great area w/2 car garage + detached workshop. Close to 1-10 & has tons of extras. MLS#318595, $229,000 2 STORY BRICK- 3BR/3.5BA on beautiful 4+ acre lot. Large front porch with columns. Fireplace, 2 car garage, and much more. MLS#326811, $395,000 PRIVATE ACREAGE -7.5 acres private shady lot, partially cleared, with paved road frontage. Already split in 2 parcels. MLS#312559, $150,000 FULLY REHABED 3BR/2BA, 1300sf, ready to move in. MLS#320602, $94,900 2 STORY HOME Spacious 4BR/ 2.5BA home built in 2004. Ready for move in. MLS#319429, $209,900 1.8 ACRES Fish from your backyard. 3BR/2BA DW on cul-de-sac near Baldwin. Great buy, close in but in the country. MLS#310618, $110,000 GREAT STARTER 2BR SW Mobile Home. Appliances stay. Fireplace, screened porch, very clean, nice floor plan. MLS#300527, $79,900 AWESOME TOWNHOME 3BR/2BA, 1196sf, on large lot. Tile floors & fresh paint. MLS#320218, $156,900 VALUE PACKED- 2BR/2BA one owner condo. Gate secured. Lots of extras. Walking trails, pool, clubhouse, playground, 1 car garage. MLS#321766, $168,900 EXECUTIVE HOME 3BR/3BA has own office, atrium, in-ground pool w/water fall. 4.23 acres, zoned for horses. 3- car detached garage. MLS#290659, $460,000 VACANT LAND -12 acres, 1 acre cleared, well, electric, telephone, covered carport, 5t" wheel included. MLS#320255, $158,000 DON'T MISS OUT Here's your chance to own this beautiful 1.82 acre lot in established Glenwood. Gravel drive. MLS#314433, $82,500 COUNTRY LIVING 28+ acres of vacant land in the country. MLS#317891, $642,150 LIKE NEW Must see 4BR/3BA, 2380sf, 2004 Cavalier DW mobile home, on 1 acre. MLS#326135, $160,000 We Build Our Plan on Your Lot Construction Company fIB., W.. Building Quality Homes - We Build our House On your Land You Free Options package valued $12,500 with the purchase of a home ar Home View our floor plans at www.sedaconstruction.com 904-724-7800 Mon-Fri 8-5 pm Wolson Redf Corp. I.: C V 1.1kS Subject to change without notice CGC026880. Expires September 30,2006 j- -3 Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless otherwise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed pro- vided they are accompanied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume .responsibil- ity for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liabili- ty for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad con- tinues to run without notification of error by the person or agency for whom it was published, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the pub- lisher does not meet standards of publication. Dresser w/matching twin head-. board and twin motorized bed, $300 for the set; sofa bed, full size, floral print w/pillow, only used a few times, $500; lift chair, doesn't work, make offer; 19" TV w/ DVD player, $100, microwave, new, $30. 904-563-3029. 9/14-28p 2002, 17%' Nitro bass boat, $11,000; Connex 3300 CB w/250 Texas Star Linear, $250; aluminum dog box, $75. 653-1713.9/21-28p Power sport, 2 seat go-kart. 6 HP, new clutch & belt, carburetor rebuilt, full roll cage w/seatbelt, spare parts & 5 HP engine, $650. 266-4575. 9/28-10/5p 44" Grasshopper, zero radius mower w/23 HP Kawasaki engine, $1600; 61'x12' dual axle trailer w/weedeater rack & tailgate, both for $800. 904-251-4451 or 912- 843-2648. 9/28-10/5p 26x30 hip set of trusses, 412 pitch, 16" overhang, $1500. A&R Truss 259-3300. 9/14tfc Gehl feed grinder, $1500; John Deere 1 row corn picker & wag- on, 3 spares, $500; Hammer mill, $300. 275-2683. 8/31tfc Futon bunkbed, $100, white, nice. 408-9143. 9/28c Looks greatly 5. piece oak bedroom set, queen size with mattress, $750; Two denim crib sets, $10 each; 259-2746. 6/8tfc Dell keyboard & mouse, $10. 259- 2400. 6/15tfc 2000 Polaris Ranger 2x4, glass windshield, roof, 150 hours, $4500; 2001 Mallard 33 ft. trav- el trailer, slide out, bunkbeds, $14,500. 259-4143. 9/28p 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; 2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334-6695. 9/7-28c Bed, beautiful temp-pedic mem- ory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904-858-9350. 8/lOtfc The Franklin Mercantile now re- open for your business! Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm. CR 125, at the railroad crossing in Glen. 259-6015. 9/28tfc Epson Stylus color 600 printer, $25. 259-2400. 4/20tfc 6 piece bedroom set, queen mat- tress & boxsprings, new in boxes, $499, can deliver. 904-858-9350. 8/lOtfc Newgen DesignXpress 12 laser printer, ethernet, parallel, serial, appletalk, SCSI connectivity. Prints up to 11x17, uses HP toner & drum. PC or MAC, has one tray & power cord, $250. 259-2400. 8/24tfc Good used appliances. 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717. 7/13-3/29p Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mattress & boxsprings, retail $950, sacrifice for $395, can de- liver. 904-858-9350. 8/lOtfc King plllowtop, new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 8/lOtfc Great selection of Fenton Glass Cash for, your junk car or truck. I now at The Franklin 'Mercantile. haul. 904-509-0921. 5/4-10/26p Open Fridays & Saturdays 10-5 at Now accepting antique furniture on the railroad crossing in Glen. 9/28 consignment. Pieces have to be in SALE Antique breakfront buffet, break- good condition. Call Karin at South- ,front china cabinet, buffet, all ma- ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc .-K. ; - hogany, can be seen at Southern .-, Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc Do you have a junk car or truck you ..... ' Mahogany secretary; beautiful want hauled off or to sell? 259- r: '4s..- .. Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. South- 7968. 4/22tfc . ern Charm 259-4140. 12./9tfc - Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs. rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2,3tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Moonlight wedding gown designed by Carole Hai, new worn, beaded, size 10, paid $635, sacrifice for $300. 259-9097. 9/28p Nikon Scan Touch oversized flat- bed scanner with SCSI connection, $75. 259-2400. 6/15tfc Thrift Shoppe, Glen St. Mary. Weekly specials! This week clothes are on sale, 9/27/06 10/3/06. 259-5773. 9/28p Thrift Shoppe. ATVs and trailers on sale. Come check out the DEALS. 259-5773. 9/28p Thrfit Shoppe. Bring us your un- wanted items. We are looking for lawn equipment, tools, furniture. Clean out your shed and receive some extra cash for Christmas. 259-5773. 9/28p Luxury queen pillowtop,.in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 8/lOtfc 1969 Alrstream travel trailer, ex- cellent hunting trailer, good condi- tion, $750. 904-612-0571. 9/28p 2003 Coachman travel trailer, 25 ft., 1 slide out, great condition. new tires, $17,000. 259-6844. 9/28p Large entertainment center with 35" Sony TV, like new, $475 or make offer. 259-4264. 9/28p Dodge caravan trailer hitch, Dodge Dakota trailer hitch, Dodge Dakota steps. 259-2354. 9/28p Washer/dryer $300 for both; car- pet, medium blue, saxony, 12x17, $75; blue/white Berber, 13x13, 10x16, both for $200; Ioveseat & couch, $250. 259-3794. 9/28p 1999 Honda Coupe, leather, CD player, sunroof, spoiler, good condi- tion, $7500. 904-588-2815.9/7tfc 2002 Ford Explorer LS, 78,000 miles, w/extended warranty, V6, automatic, CD, power steering, tilt wheel, cruise control, tow package rear air, aluminium wheels, new tires, $10,950. 259-7574.8/31tfc 2006 Chevrolet Tahoe, cruise control, power windows & door locks, 3rd row seat, 8100 miles, excellent condition, $25,500. 259- 5895. 9/28p 1989 Ford Ranger, runs good, clean, $1200; 5x18, 2 axle flatbed trailer, $500. 259-4347. 9/21p 1995 PontIac Transport SE van, approximately 60,000 miles on en- gine, V6, $2100. 571-0913.9/28p 1982 Ford FI50, 4x4, 351 Wind- sor, 4 speed granny, 33 buckshot mudders, $1500 OBO. 259-4709 or 813-6040. 9/28-10/5p 1991 Honda Prelude, great condi- tion, $2500 OBO; 1996 Nissan Ultima for selling parts. 314-4661. 9/28p As of this date, September 18, 2006, I, Michael Shedd, will no longer be responsible for any debts made by Paula Shedd or anyone else. 9/21-10/12p Housecleaning. Reasonable, de- pendable, references. Call Alice at 259-5500. 9/28-10/19p We do small job land clearing, bush hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake, etc., also tree trimming & re- moval. 259-7968. 6/29tfc Affordable & dependable. Let me take care of your cleaning needs. Also available evenings & week- ends. Call 259-8310. 9/28p Bulldog puppies, $100 each. 370- 4114 or 259-7021. 9. 21-28p Quarter horse, good with kids w. tack, $1400. 259-2465.9/'21-28p Dogs: all types from puppies to, adults. Animal Control. $50 board- ing fees will apply. 259-6786. S11/20tfc Free to good home. Bulldog, 8 months old, friendly, needs to be outdoors. 259-8698. 9,28p Jack Russell Terriers. 771-5962. 9/28p English/White English pups, CKC, shots/wormed, POP, $700. 904- 275-3079. 9/28p Registered Pit Bull puppies, pick yours today. Ready November 1st, $275. 259-8589. 9/28-10/5p Best location In the county for the new drive thru convenience store concept, drive through gourmet cof- fee shop, car wash, dry/fold laun- dromat, ice vending machine, drive through produce, barber shop, hot dog stand, office or retail space., 100 ft. frontage by 140 ft. deep, lo- cated on S. 6th St. between Waffle House & American Inn, 350 ft. to 1-10. This "hot" location is avail- able for only $125,000. Call Florida Crown Realty 259-6555. 8/17tfc Are you looking for a good location . to have your next yard sale? Well, look no further. We are offering FREE limited space on Saturday only. Call the Thrift Shoppe at 904-259-5773 for more information. Friday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 901 Red ~ Fox Way, Fox Ridge subdivision. " Household & children's furniture, baby clothes. Multi-family. Friday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 121 N. on left. Good stuff. Hope to see you. Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 121 N. to 185, 4th driveway. Every- thing goes. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 541 Timberlane Dr. Boys - newborn to 2T. women & mens clothes, girls clothes 6-6x. knick Knacks. Huge sale. 5 families. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 368 S. 2nd St. Changing table, ' cradle, children & baby clothes, toys and more. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 125 N. approximately 3 miles ' from Hwy 90. 13117 Dellrosa Lane, look for signs. Heater, - oak loveseat. handicap golf cart. few tools, lamp, some clothes. Ford tractor, new mower. Too much to list. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, 11807 Confederate Dr. E., Hills of - Glen. Baby clothes, 50% off Premier Jewelry, adult clothes, 60% off Mary Kaye products. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, 783 Fox Run Circle. Clothes, twin bed, bedding, books, tea sets, teddy bears, angels, country decor, arts & crafts, miscellaneous items. 4 families. Saturday 7:00 am-?, Blair Circle across from E-Z stop, Glen. ; Yard sale prices. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, 108 N. 5th St.. across from Meth- odist Church. Furniture, clothes, Christmas decorations and ; much more. Saturday 8:00 am-?, N. Lowder. 3 miles to Harry Rewis Rd. Furniture, tools, bikes, hunting, toys, speakers. Saturday 9:00 am-2:00 pm, 8601 S. Ben Rowe, look for signs. 2 papasan chairs. 2 19" TVs, 13" TV, hamster condo, video cabinet, CD rack, video chair. Christmas presents, street sled. Too much to list. Empty nest sale. Rain cancels. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, 602 M.L. King Dr. Women & boys clothes all sizes, a little bit of everything. Saturday, Shop in a/c at Glen Church on Aunt Mary Harvey . Rd. Multi-family. Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am-?, 416 W. 8th Ave., behind Moody's Chevron. Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am-?, 6843 Miltondale Rd. Moving sale. No early birds please. Saturday, Hwy 228 to Jule Rd. to 121 Martha Dr. 2 families. COMING SOON- The all new bakercountypress.com Place ads online, search ads online, buy subscriptions online SPRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401 K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! / THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. September 28, 2006 Page Five-B Notice to readers- . The newspaper often publishes classi- fied advertising on subjects like work- at-home, weight loss products, health products. While the newspaper uses reasonable discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents should "use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other commitments based on statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Baker County Press Company specializing in erosion control now hiring the following positions: Crew leaders, equip- ment operators, laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license a MUST. Fax resume to 904-275- 3292 or call 275-4960. EOE. Drug. free workplace. 9/28p Earthmoving. Heavy equipment operators, dozers, track hoes, off road dump trucks. Local work & extensive travel required. Health benefits. EOE. Drug free work- place. E-mail resume to radkins@ comanco.com. Application can be completed at www.comanco.com or call Application 813-988-8829 ext. 117. Current locations: Folkston. GA. 9/14-10/7p Dental assistant needed for busy Lake City practice. Must be EDA certified & experienced in crown & bridge; team oriented. Monday - Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, salary commensurate with experience. Fax resume to 386-752-3122. 9, 28-10,/5p Security officers, all areas of Jacksonville. Call Giddens Security 384-8071 or apply in person at 528 S. Edgewood Ave. 9/14-10/7c Experienced A/C service tech/ installer needed. Must have driver's license & tools. 259-0893. 6/15tfc Northeast Florida State Hospital, a Governor's Sterling Award Winner, is currently seeking to fill the follow- ing position: Food Support Worker. Selected applicants will be hired as county employees, eligible for county benefits.. However, the phys- ical location of employment will be on site at NEFSH, located at 7487 S. SR 121, Macclenny, FL 32063. Telephone 904-259-6211 and fax-904-259-7104. Salary will be determined based upon applicable position. Applications and position information, class specifications & position descriptions, are avail- able to pick up at Northeast Florida State Hospital, Human Resources, Administration Building 'at the, address listed above. The position will be posted in accordance with Baker County position requirements . for a period of 14 days. Posting will, begin on Monday, September 25, 2006 and will close on Monday, October 9, 2006. A faxed resume can be accepted. A county applica- tion and the position information mailed upon receipt of confirmed fax. Applications cannot be con- sidered after the closing date of October 9, 2006. 9/28c Part time w. full time potential. Looking for motivated, qualified per- son in Baker and surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 6,'2tfc Apex Fabrication, Inc. is looking for skilled structural steel crafts- men who are able to work in a team environment. Hours of operation are from 7:00 am-3:30 pm with the possibility of overtime when required. Benefits include paid holidays, personal days and vaca- tion. Apply in person at 710 Griffin Court, Macclenny. Apex is an EOE and drug free workplace. 9/14-10/7p Retail store now hiring assistant store managers. Competitive pay, 401(k), health plan, paid vacations. Fax resumes to 266-3381. 9/28-10/19c Shop maintenance help needed, small engines. 259-7335. 8/24tfc A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time licensed driver. 259-7335.3/23tfc Experienced painters needed. Must 'have tools,. benefits after 90 days. 259-5877. 12/30tfc Pier 6. Seafood now accepting applications for all positions. 259- 6123. 9/14-10/19c Dental Assistant, 5 years experi- 6nce required. Fax resume to 904- 396-4924. Don't have experience yet? See the ad for Jacksonville Dental Assistant School on the school page of this paper. It begins with the headline: "In just 71 Days you can have the skills you need to get a job as a Dental Assistant." 9'21-10/12p Local home care agency looking for full time/part time Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. Contact Linda at 259- 3111. 5/25tfc Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this news- paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any: preference, 'limitation or discrimina- tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national ori- gin, or an intention, to make any such. Preference, limitation or, discrimina-. tion." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents" or legal custodians. pregnant women and people securing customd of children under 18. This newspaper ,will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our read- ers are hereby informed that all dwell- ings aderutsed in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the impaired ;s 1-800-927-9275. 10 acres on Fred Harvey Rd., wooded, $140,000 OBO. Call Lisa or Donnie Simmons at 904-573- 9798 or 904-568-0635 or 904- 568-1123. 9/28-10/.5c : '. Beautiful 3000+ SF pool home S$469,900 4. 4 BR/3BA. formal dining room. eat-in 1 Elegant entrance brick home. 4 BR, 2 BA, 2400 SF heated, 13' ceil- ings, great room, living room, dining room, breakfast area, kitchen w/ white cabinets, both bathrooms w/ jacuzzi, master BA/walk-in shower, security system, surround sound in great, room, large sunroom next. to a screened inground pool. Brand new 13 seer, high efficiency heat pump. Sprinkler system, oeauti- ful lahdsdapitg. .2 room'detached garage w/12' aluminum lean to and a fenced area.: All on 1: acre whidh has an underground petsafe invisi- ble fence. Wonderful neignoorhood. Great location. Serious inquires only. $380,000. 259-4602 or 259- 6546 or 219-2842. 8/24tfc 2.25 acres, nigh & dry, fish pond & complete setup, ready to move on! Homes & rnobile homes. Georgia Bend, 15 minutes to 1-10, $50,000, owner financing or 10% cash dis. count. 912-843-8118. 9/i28tfc FSBO. Beautiful 2 acres in Glen St. Mary, located behind high school. 2 electrical services. 2 wells. 2 sep-. tic systems, nice 3 BR, 2 BA single- wide mobile home on 1st acre, leav- ing the 2nd acre for a new home or development. $135,000 as is. Call 904-910-5583. 9/21-28c New construction. 1800+ SF, 4 BR, 22. BA, 9 ft. ceilings, crown molding throughout, off grade foun- dation on 1 acre in N. Macclenny, $195.900. 904-219-0480.9/21tfc on over 5.5 acres kitchen with island and hickory cabinets, great room with brick fireplace, huge mas- ter bath with garden tub and walk-in closet, wood floors and S 12-foot ceilings throughout. All this, plus an attached 2-car garage, detached 1-car garage, wrap-around front porch, large screened porch overlooking pool & spa, RV parking/hook-up and fenced rear. 259-9500 / 881-4197 Custom 1997 doublewide, 4 BR, 3 BA, family room w/fireplace, formal living room & dining area, secu- rity system, 2 car carport, storage building on 1/2 acre fenced corner lot, $136,000. 259-6417. 9/21-28p 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide, fenced yard on .70 acre, Glen St. Mary, $95,000. 259-2465. 9/21-28p Auction: 853 Acres, Nassau County, FI. Tuesday October 10, 7:00 pm, 102 Acres: Divided, com- binations or as a whole, 89.30 acres of 1993 planted pines, cypress bottom, paved road frontage, CR 121. 50 Acres: Ideal hunting land, great recreational potential. 7.40 Acres: Commercial potential, Hwy 1 frontage, Hilliard area. 11 Acres: Planted pines, cypress bays. 11 Acres: Planted pines, cypress bays. 671.31 Acres Divided into 3 Tracts: or in combination or as a whole, paved road frontage, ideal hunt- ing tracts. Photos, plants & details @ www.HUDSONMARSHALL.com. Free brochure 800-841-9400. H&M# AB110; CQ220129, Ben G. Hudson, Jr. AU230; BK3006464. 9/21,10/5p 3000+ SF, 2 story home on pver 5.5 acres with pool, spa, 3 car garage. $469,900. 259-9500. 8.. 31tfc 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on .50 acre, den, fireplace, fenced yard, above ground pool. Glen St. Mary, $110,000. 259-5295. 9,21-28p SRoger RTauL-ersov, weLl T DrLLige 2" & 4" Wells Water & Iron Conditioners Installed Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated L-.:er J.:., in ,r,: r.n J |l "I I.T ,:U T T ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies Salt delivery -.Financing available'~- JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc MASHELL DEEN' DECORATING In-home consultations Custom window treatments Accessorizing mashell001@yahoo.com 259-7939 9/21-10/12p FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust Buckshot Goodyear Michelin Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR Custom exhaust Flowmaster Turbo, Glaspaks Call today for the best price! 259-1393 10/6tfc BAKER WELL & PUMP 24 hour pump repair Iron filters Irrigation systems 251-4641 9/21-10/5p DRYCORE 24 hour emergency service Emergency water removal Dehumidification Mold prevention Hardwood floor drying 259-8929 9/14-12/28p JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 4/6tfc GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control' Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner 11/16tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR. Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances * 24 hour, 7 day emergency service! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/ltfc LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing, Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 5/27tfc CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor, Land clearing We sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer-& trackhoe work Dirt starting at $85/load Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 CU-C057126 3/16-3/1/07p DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL, INC. Resideotial/Commercial Garbage pickup for Baker County Roll off Dun ipsters 259-5692 Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator 4/6-10/5p KIRKLAND'S LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING Lawn mowing Tractor work. Clean-up -.Hauling 259-3352 9/14-10/5p FILL DIRT Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White. 275-2474 4/6tfc KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Fall & winter hours Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 2:00 pm 259-5222 (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. Commercial Residential New construction Service 904-260-2090 CAC1813701 4/6-9/28p ALAN'S TREE SERVICE Free estimates No job to big or to small Remove dangerous trees near your home Licensed & Insured Locally owned & operated 7 days a week 904-710-5011 Docks Retaining walls ~ Gazebos Decks ~ Repairs Floating dock systems Call for free estimate 904-219-8094 9/14-11/30p FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/ltfc RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing -Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tfc BUG OUT SERVICE Since 963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 2/17tfc WOODS TREE, SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal 9/21-28p We haul or buy junk cars and trucks MARINE CONTRACTORS We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259-2255 CBC060014 3/14tfc A & R ROOFING, INC. New r9ofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc TWH CRANE SERVICE, INC. Free estimates Licensed & Insured 275-2853 904-838-8449 Timmy Hodges, Owner 8/31-10/5p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS So many options! See our catalogs at The Office Mart, 110 South 5th Street 259-3737 GOD'S BUSINESS After-hours computer repair Networking, training, graphic design and writing Call Cheryl 904-885-1237 9/16tfo HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured 259-0893 Lic. #ET11000707 , Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RA13067194 4/21tfc A & R TRUSS Engineered trusses for your new Home Barn Shed Etc. Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc WELL DRILLING 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 4/3tfc SANDS TRUCKING Fill dirt ~ Millings ~ Slag Concrete washout Land clearing ~ Fish ponds Road built Houses/buildings demo Inground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads & much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 I , A, THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. September 28. 2006 Page Six-B Ranch in Glen St, Mary, 2 barns, ponds, oaks, cross fenced, board fence frontage, 3 BR, fireplace, porches, party & boarding income includes equipment & livestock.: $750,000. 259-2465. 9/21-28p 2005 Brick/vinyl home in. Macclenny, 1800 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA, whirlpool tub, 2 car garage, large family room w/10' ceilings, many upgrades, $180,000. 424-7981. 9/28-10/50. ' 5 acre tract off 185 towards Moniac, $45,000. 904-651-3216 or 904-653-2046. 9/7-28p New construction. 3 BR. 2 BA brick. house in Hunter's Ridge, 2307 total SF, great room, kitchen, back porch, $239,000. 259-4602 or 259-6546. - 7/27tfc 27 acres off US 301 near Bryceville, $250K. 904-483-7617 or 449- 6184. 7/20tfc Copper Creek Hills, Unit III, last lot available on cul-de-sac, $55,000. Please call 259-2255. 8/24tfc 3 BR, 2 BA house with 2 rental mobile homes on 13.2+- acres in the Georgia Bend area, big work- shop & 2nd kitchen, $190,000. 904-629-1779. 5/25tfc annu m rJ _ L 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home. fi vated, new paint, CH/A, Bend off 121, no pets, $25 t. $550,month. 259-5317, 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home month, $200 deposit. River Mobile Home Park 259-314 9/ fully reno- 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, corner of 125 & US 90, all new inside. 259- 2035. 9/28-10/5c 2 BR, 1 BA apartment in quiet -heighborhood, no smoking, no pets, $550/month, last month's rent and' deposit. 904-859-3026. 9/7tfc 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home on 1 acre in Macclenny. All electric appliances, $750 security deposit, $750/month. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 9/28tfc SM4obile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no . pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-: 860-4604. 3/17tfc 3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets,: garbage, water & mowing provided, $450-$600/month. 912-843-8118. 5/4tfc' 3 BR, 2 BA pool home at the end of Miltondale Rd. 1875 SF heated, $1500/month. 813-1580. 9/28-10/19p , Beautiful 1600 SF new home with Sjacuzzi in MBR, all electric appli- ances, beautiful neighborhood, inside city, $2100 security deposit, S$1400/month. Please call 259- 3343 weekdays between 9:00 arIm- 5:00 pm. 8/lOtfc New home, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile floor- ing throughout on 1.28 acre lot in Macclenny. All electric appliances, $850 security deposit, $850/ month. Please call 259-3343 week-- days between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 8/31tfc ueorgia 2 BR, 1 BA mobile home, lawn main- 0 depos- tenance along with pickup of house- hold trash included, 1st and last. 9/28p plus $300 deposit. $500/month. $525/ 259-7335. 9/7tfc * Heights t8. 21-28p 3 BR, 2 BA singlewide on Mudlake Rd, CH/A, yard work included, $300 deposit, $450,.'month, 1st & last . month's rent. For more information, call 259-4884 or 635-8160.9/28p 3 BR, 2 BA brick home, carport, utility shed, privacy fence, $950/ month plus deposit. 259-6849. 9/21-28p Rent to own or purchase. Nice 3 BR, 2 BA doubiewide on 2.71 acres with pond, no pets. 904-477-8995. 9/21-28p 4 BR, 2 BA spacious home in Bryceville, $750/month, 1st. last & $500 deposit. Call 904-392-9344 for appointment. 9 '28-10/5P 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, close to city. no pets, $500/month, $500 deposit. 545-7688. 9/28p lTimeshare week available, October ^15-October 22,' doubleshare A&B sides, sleeps 8. $1200 for both, "A" side $700, "B" side $600. Saffire Valley, N.C. near Smoky Mountains, east side. 9/28-10/5p ADVERTISING DEADLINE Monday at 5:00 STHE BAKER COUNTY PRESS September Special. St. Augustine, 1 BR condo, sleeps 4, large heated pool, $500/week, monthly rates available. 904-483-7617. 7/20tfc Coming soon to Glen. Office space, from 600 SF, newly remodeled. Call 275-2944 for details. 8/31-9/14p Commerclel building, 1100 SF of offiCe space divided in to 3 offices & 1 BA. 1 block from courthouse on 4th St., directly behind Dependable Heating & Air. Just $650/morith, deposit required. 259-6546 or 259- 4602. 7/13tfc . , SFSBO. 1996 Homes of Merit, 28x68, 3 BR, 2 BA, cathedral ceilings, open floor plan, stone fireplace, very large kitchen with lots of cabinets, side- by-side refrigerator, overhead air vents, spacious master with large walk-in closet, garden tub, separate shower, lots, more. Must see. Very motivated seller, $41,000 or make offer. Must be moved to your prop- ' erty. 259-5895 or 654-6998.9/28p BCHWU4k$It. Ic Stop in,plae e a classified ad and e entered to win two e tiIc tto a Wildcat Mome lame Drawings will be held the week of each hbme game SS 5 -..wt, .r. *i{|.a.ttii-aa.---,hn e" . Reaching more people than ever! Buying Selling Careers Rentals FSBO Yard Sales It's all inside! Coming Soon... Place & search ads online f' bakercountypress.com NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The City of Macclenny has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. Initially proposed tax levy $551,241.00 B. Additional tax due to new construction, additions, annexations and other assessment changes C. Actual property tax levy This years's proposed tax levy $12,503.00 $ 563,744.00 $681,224.00 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on: Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:00 A.M. at the MACCLENNY CITY HALL 118 East Macclenny Ave Macclenny, Florida A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF MACCLENNY-FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF MACCLENNY ARE 29.96 PERCENT MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES. ESTIMATED REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes (3.65 millage rate) Sales and Use Taxes Franchise Fees Utility Service Taxes License & Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges For Services Fines and Forfeitures Special Assessments/Impact Fees Interest Revenue Other Miscellaneous Revenues Debt Proceeds TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES General Government Financial & Administrative Public Safety Physical Environment Transportation, Human Services GENERAL FUND $682,724, 280,078 375,000. 657,752 216,500. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTERPRISE FUND 55 546,686 593.958 531,700 2,000 776 386,000 2,500 3,500 920,000 $4,216,716 $982,458 $154,815 $- 982,7751 .. 1,515,854 514,362. 596,458 1,046;5', ., - 61,022 1,7< 56 .90 24 26 TOTAL BUDGET $-- $682,724 280,078 375,000 5,000 712,752 216,500 1,140,644 90,000 2,321,700 2,000 4,000 950,000 ,000 93,276 t,850 1,000 $2,784,850 28,350 1.181.000 $7,984,024 $- $154,815 982,775 : 1,515,854 1,977,407 3,088,227 1,046,569 61,022 Debt Services 185,841 433,417 619,258 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 4,461,238 596,458 2,410,824 7,468,520 RESERVES Reserve For Contingencies (244.52,) 386.000 35,626 177,104 Reserve For Utility Development 338,400 338,400 TOTAL RESERVES (244,522) 386,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATED EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES $4,216,716 $982,458 374,026 515,504 $2,784,850 $7,984,024 The tentative, adopted, and/or final budgets are on file in the office of the above mentioned taxing authority as a public record. ..... F S - I 7 I . .. Adp& IKE |