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13840 FLA. HISTORY yONGE UB N'V.FLA.tS PO BOX y,7IO7 "UNoV. FLtA. GAINESV\LLE FL 32611 lAKER COUNTY PRESS Paid circulation leader. Winner of 22 state and nationalawards forjournalism e.cdlel ce in 2006 '77th Year, Vol. 22 Thursday, September 21, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 50. Reading in the Park BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff What's better than hotdogs, chips and drinks? Books, of course! Nearly 100 children and par- ents enjoyed books and lunch when they attended the Reading in the Park program held Sept. 16 at Glen St Mary's Celebration Park. Sponsored by the PreK/ Kindergarten Center, the two- hour program was held to pro- mote a love of reading animong Baker County children. "We wanted to give children a chance to see their teachers outside of a school setting and to help them view reading as a fun experience, not just something they do in the classroom." said PreK Center principal Sherrie, Raulerson. Small, brightly illustrated, paperback books w ith titles such as I Have a Friend. A Trip to the Zoo, and In The Garden were donated by the Wilmington Book Company. Volunteers Tony Esterling. a Navx recruiter and ArmN ser- geant Johnathan Preston donned their uniforms and delighted children by volunteering to read stories outloud. Twelve-year old Gage Preston. a student at NMacclenny Middle School \\as also a volunteer reader. Parents sat on benches and on blankets %\ith children gathered around listening to stories. The Baker County Rotary Club donated hotdogs., chips and drinks for the day's event. '"All this reading makes me hungry," joked one parent who be43proi ided byihelllwtln,,1U',cBook C6.111P(111. PH-,-- l" -'.KFLLt -L was visitingg the Rotary food booth where member Doug Wilds busily cooked hotdogs. Seated at a nearby picnic table, five-year old \\\att Suggs ate a hotdog. flipped through a book and exclaimed "Look! There's a skunk in here!" When asked what he liked most about Reading in the Park, Austin Dash. 5. said. "All my friends and teachers are here.". Glen hires new town attorney BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff Prior to and during its meet- ing Tuesday night, the Glen St. Nlar town council said hello to its new attorney and good-bye to its long-time maintenance man, who is retiring. Joel Foreman, w ith the Lake City firm of Norris & Foreman, \\ ill no" be the town's legal ad- visor, replacing-Phyllis Rosier, who left after being appointed circuit judge earlier this year. Town officials narrowed their search from the four lawyers that applied to the pair they in- terview ed prior to the meeting. Each councilman met indi- vidually with Mr. Foreman and Stephen Bullock, of Brannon. Brown. Hale\ & Bullock, also of Lake City. At the meeting. Perry Hays, Dickie Foster and Woody Crews voted for Mr. Foreman, while Jack Reneau and Mayor Juanice Padgett voted for Mr. Bullock. Prior to the \ote. each can- didate was given the chance to make a final pitch. 'You guys have some in- (Page 2 please) Joint committee to A-W id Tr 9* h rw d Dancin with the dolphins ICIUC l OW LO enCln c . ,U SCt1 Set-up by grandmother courthouse grant $$,N BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff Representatives of the cbun- ty and the court system will meet soon to plan how to spend, $300,000 in grant money for the courthouse.. Both the county and the Eighth Circuit state attorney's office were awarded Communi- ty Issue Budget Request grants of $150,000. At a workshop Monday, county commissioners agreed to form a committee to develop "cohesive plan" after it became apparent they weren't on board with a request to spend $55,000 on a key card access system. County Judge Joey Williams said the system is "not anything novel... but, allows flexibility in programming for the public defender state attorney, clerk of court, judges and guardian ad li- tem... it controls access with all these differing needs." Led by chairman Alex Rob- inson, the commission seemed skeptical of the need for the con- trolled access system, especially with deputies already in place for security. County manager Joe Cone, also said the figure seems high. Commissioner Gordon Crews asked court officials to prioritize the need for the system. "It's not a 9-1-1 prior-. ity," Judge Williams replied. "If o u' e got better ideas, let's talk about them." Mr. Robinson said he'd fa- vor additional space at the courthouse in..order to-bring the county's constitutional officers together. Some are currently en- sconced in a building on Fifth Street north of US 90. Space at the courthouse is at a premium, due in large part to continued expansion by the state attorney's office. "'E\ er inch is occupied," said Clerk Al Fraser. There also. was talk about setting up video conferencing technology linking the court- house and the jail so that judges can conduct first appearances remotely. The technology also would connect different coun- ties within the judicial circuit. Judge Williams said court of- ficials put together their wish list "preliminaril.." and suggested all parties meet to "sketch out a long-term plan for this mone\." He said they would like to "hear from the county about what is on your mind." Mr. Robinson suggested that representatives from the judge, the state attorney's office, the clerk, and possible\ others, meet with Mr. Cone, who ill coordi- nate the committee. In other action at the work- shop, commissioners considered funding requests from three so- cial services agencies Baker County Community Mental Health Services ($126,694), Baker County Counseling Ser- vices ($80,000) and Clay and Baker-Kids Net ($12,000). The money .would have to come from the county's con-, tingency fund which is about $350,000 because the budget has already been advertised and can't be amended at this point. "Where were these numbers in August when we were. work- *ing on the' budget," Mr. Robin- son asked. Thke county board decided meet with BCCS representa- tives to see whether the agency can get by with less money, then determine how much the county can spare. Meanwhile, the commission (Page 6 please) BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Slifft Isaac Koenig had an experi- ence last month most people can only imagine. During a visit to Marineland south of St. Augustine, the 13 year-old Sanderson resident got to swim up close and personal with a dolphin. Isaac participated in one of the interactive programs being offered to visitors at The Dolphin Conservation Center of the newly refurbished Slarineland. Originally built to be an underwater tilm stage in 1938, Marineland became a w ildl% popular attrac- tion featuring trained, perform- ing dolphins that dazzled tourists for decades. Competition from attractions such as Sea World and dam- age from hur- ricanes forced Marineland to close in 2004. The facil- ity re-opened in 2006 with a new% look and a newe mission focused on research and education. Phy Ills Koenig, Isaac's grandmother, lived in Daytona Beach when she was a little girl and often encountered dolphins in the ocean near a sand bar where she and her uncles liked to sv. im. Over the \ ears Ms. Koenig told her grandson many stories of how the sea mammals would playfully steal her beach ball as she waded in the waist deep water or nudge her back toward shore when the current became swift. "You could look in their eyes and see the intelligence." she said. "It was as if they knew the water might be dangerous for a small child." Ms. Koenig also told her grandson about visiting Marineland in the early 1950s and watching a dolphin named Nellie perform tricks (unbeliev- ably, Nellie is still alive and well at Marineland today). Because of his enthusiasm and interest Ms. Koenig wanted Isaac to have an opportunity to be a participant in a dolphin-interac- tive program, so she made the arrangements, but kept it a secret. The surprised Isaac didn't know what was happening until they were on the road to St. Augustine. "I just love animals," says Isaac with a smile. "The most wonderful thing was learning so much about the dolphins from the trainers." The partici- pants underwent a training peri- od, learning how to approach and touch the dol- Twelve-year-old Isaac Koenig participates in a dolphin interactive program at the new Dolphin Conservation Center located at Marineland. The Glen St. Mary resi- dent was instructed on using hand signals to communicate with the highly intelligent sea creatures. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARINELAND. phins. They learned hand sig- nals which would summon the dolphins to them or send them away. "Dolphins don't liked to. be touched on their ears, eyes, around, their jaws or near their blowholes," Isaac' explained. "But if you do it the right way, you can touch the end of their snouts and hold onto their fins. If you slap the water, that sig- nals them to approach you." Parents and visitors are not allowed in the dolphin encoun- ter area but watch from a seating arena behind a transparent barri- er. The participants are also pho- tographed with their dolphins in the shallow end of the tank. "The dolphins would dance with you, too," said Isaac. "They 'stand' themselves upright in front of you and you hold onto their front fins, and they move you around." When asked if he looks for- ward to another visit, he quickly says "you bet." Ms. Koenig is grateful that her grandson got so much out of his visit to the Dolphin Conservation Center. She views her early encounters with dol- phins as a near-spiritual experi- ence that put her in touch with nature in a unique way. "I was glad I could do that for Isaac, too," she said. The Esterlink, tanut. -1. A',cni. 'aidra CiieJ ThccY' ad.]iira Ilt'PII le',A Slr. Aho THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 2 Multiple cases of credit card fraud, theft reported Crenshaw speaker at annual Farm Bureau banquet... Congressman Ander Crenshaw addressed the Baker County Farm Bureau's aonn1al baiqhact September 18 at the Ag Center in,*, Macclenny. Rep. Crenshaw talked about his role in spearheading the establishment of a neir Veterans Administration cemetery to, be located in northeast Florida just off 1-95 near the Jack.sonvidle hiternanonal Airport. "We owe our veterans a iremnendous debt of gratitude," he said. Baker was one of several northeast Florida counties thai lobbied or ithe natiotdl ce,itierr' needed because. existing ones have run out of space in south Georgia. itnrit and middle Floruia Tin tradtnoinai grdled st tak supper 'ui ai l the, fixings enjoyed by the esnmated 150 in arendance preceded the speech Also on the program n as 4-H inember Hannah Masier on, who spoke on urban sprawl. P.,:,.:. K,,_-e., L .AN.. Glen hires new town attorney... S(From page 1) credible challenges in terms of growth, and incredible opportu- nities," Mr. Foreman said. "I'll help guide you through the long and %winding road...." Also prior to the meeting, Glen officials held a small re- ception for Joe Raulerson, who is retiring after five and a half years as the town's maintenance man. (See page 10 for photo of Mr. Raulerson and his wife Pat at the reception.) "I've been real pleased to be here," he said during the meet- ing. "I really enjoyed my time here." Each of the town's officials thanked him for his service. Councilman Crews said. "'I haven't heard a citizen or mem- ber of this board have anything but good to say about you. "I don't want to express our Appreciation with just words or heartfelt testimony, but with something tangible." He then called for the council to gixe Mr. Raulerson a "going a%%ay gift or bonus." He recommended $500, and his colleagues agreed, appro%- ing his motion unanimously. "That wasn't necessary." Mr. Raulerson said. "But it's appre- ciated." In other action at the meeting. the council: Adopted the town's budget for the coming fiscal year. There \ere only a couple of minor changes in the final version. The plan calls for $272.710 in spending, but just $219.128 in revenue. The approximately $53.000 needed to balance the budget \\ill come from the town's re- serve fund of nearly $500.000. Spending under the cur- rent year budget, as amended. is $392.092. which included $70.000 related to utilities construction and payment of connection fees to the city of Nlacclenny. which leases sewer space to Glen. As part of the proposed bud- get, a maintenance yard will be built on tow n-owned property behind the post office on US 90. The cost is anticipated to be $25.000. The town will make its first payment $57.000 on its utili- ties loan. Officials froze the amounts the town gives to organizations such as the Council on Aging, the Emily Taber Library and the Chamber of Commerce. Adopted a resolution that the town's employees will par- ticipate in the state retirement system. Two Baker County women reported cases of credit card fraud and a third reported to the' sheriff's department recently her cards stolen along with a cell phone and wallet while she shopped at Wal-Mart. Mary Hodges of Glen St. Mary told police her VyStar credit card was likely stolen on September 7 at the Macclenny Waffle House. She reported four days later her account reflected it was used to pay nearly $1300 in cell phone charges. : Charlotte, Guernsey of Mac- clenny. reported, her account showed five unauthorized charges, all but one at local stores and gas stations between August 6-20. - Jacklyn Rewis of Middleburg reported her purse and contents \were taken from a shopping carn at Wal-Mart the morning of Sep- tember 17. She was in the chil- dren's department and briefly left the cart to retrieve a daughter. Ms. Re"wis told police two other women were nearby at the time and could have taken the items. In other reports, Kimberly SManning, 28, of MNlacclenny was arrested the evening of Septem- ber 12 for attempting to leave Winn-Dixie with seven cosmetic products valued at $32 in a bag that also contained a prescription she had paid for. A store manager stopped Ms. Manning just after 7:00 and she was unable to show a receipt for the items. Deputy Mark Hall also arrested her companion, 42-year- old Kevin Millington of Glen St. Mary, on a warrant from Clay County for failure to pay child support. Berle Bostic, a manager at Kentucky Fried Chicken in Mac- clenny, called police the after- noon of September 14 after $150 from her paycheck went miss- ing from a pay envelope. She noticed the missing cash as she returned to her office after a brief absence. Five employees at the store then, including one who had been under suspicion for a theft at nearby Hardee's, were ques- tioned by Deputy Brad Dough- erty and denied knowledge. The one worker agreed to and passed a voice stress analysis test at county jail that afternoon. qCircleQ uriture I. 1 v i n g R s w ~ * Kids, -ahwt i 4 t'fllA (t' e (k/h C1,09 lom~F h~S & .. F t SW4#.-78I14 079. wvyi sclbkirktrn~tMW~ cotn, tViW .Tbvr-. Fri & .'t.0 m' - SUP' .3p LO5EF MUSE)A% On Sunday, September 24, Pastor Conner will continue a series of messages on the 'End Times' Everyone is Welcome! North 6th Street. Macclenny, Florida (904) 259-3500 . *MARULENNY WE HEAR SYOU CALLING! $i.69 INSTALLED w/Pad* 6PiET FR& E LOCALLY OWNED El c & OPERATED FOR FLOOR & HOME HIt'E N scEARLY 30 YEARS! W IN SINCE 1977 See store for details. CND-933 -:i:: .- - "y -^. - & -- ............... Inif-PA .1 :. I J. liff, HT E BAKER COUNTY PRE han-cam, contamber 91 anna ones a ^^^*^^^ ~Ii- M jM \^ \ D /A\MM UU I% T rni ,o i i\L^ i Opinion I comment Newspaper will be moving more ii .................... have literally been born with a plete newspaper to select top hard drive and all the lingo that news and sports stories, along 1S i ^ accompanies computers and with other useful information JIM McGAULEY internet usage. about the publication. S' All but the very few news- The Press will soon inau- papers now have websites, and gurate a more interactive site, Everybody is going internet. post everything from the com- allowing for correspondence That may seem like a trite statement to"many of you who %"went internet" a decade ago, but to many Baker County resi- dents the information highway is being newly discovered. No doubt because of the newspaper field, others of us found ourselves dragged into the new technology because, well, if we didn't we'd be left some- where behind everyone else. 6! The past decade I've run across people who appear to Wants to clear name JAMES C. MCGAULEY Dear Editor: Publisher I want, to address an article S written about my arrest for do- EDITOR Michael Rinker mestic violence against my live-, NEWS/FEATURES Kelley Lannigan in girlfriend at the time, Kelli Harey., in Ma\ of this year. ADVERTISING/PRODUCTION I was unfairly and unjustly in- Jessica Prevatt carcerated because of the lies she TYPESETTING/GRAPHICS told. I was unable to see my chil- Jeremy Beasley & Josh Blackmon or dren for several weeks until my court appearance. not to mention FEATURES/COMMENT s having my name appear in the Robert Gerard newspaper as having committed COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel the crime. [BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas thought a person in our coun- BUSINESS MANGER Karin Thomas tr as innocent until proven CLASSIFIEDS- Barbara Blackshear guilty. I found out this is not the case. Instead, a person, is guilty CONTACT US- until they prove themselves in- , nocent. Phone 904./259-2400 1 realize advocacy groups are Fin ax-* Gt true.ptiw .of Fax-., domestic iolen"ce, but 1,feel ihev 'Email bcpress@nefcom.net, should take some time to get both sides of a story before they rush Mail PO Box 598 down to the courthouse and have 104 South 5th St someone arrested, and cause dhildrens' lives to be disrupted Macclenny, FL 32063 by jerking them from their hom '' for no reason. www.bakercountypress.com b hs Had I been given a.chance to state my side of the story, I and This newspaper is printed on my children might have been recycled paper. spared months of mental anguish due to the lies that were told. : S, Iwrite this letter to clear my submission Deadlines name. and,.I hope in the future All news and advertising must be those who were so quick to have submitted to the newspaper office me arrested and my children tak- en from me will proceed more prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday cautiously with .others. Hope- prior to publication, unless otherwise fully, they will take-extra time noted or arranged. Material received and get both. sides of a story, or after this time will not be guaranteed at least stop and think how they would feel if it were them and for publication. It is requested that their children. , all news items be typed to insure It has been a long four months accuracy in print. : for us while I fought to prove my innocence. I hope no other per- Social Notice Deadlines 'son has to go through what my- a N e eaself and my children did because Birth announcements, wedding notic- someone lied. er and social events must be submit- Wade (Peewee) Harvey Jr. 4t& iwthin fnuiir s^.ca nf th, p.v2ni It Sanderson ICYU rIlLIIIII IUUI I .'Ii, kl L i It = IIL It is'your responsibility to ensure pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this Splicy. Letters to the editor are welcome, but must con- tain the signature of the writer, a telephone num- ber where the writer may be contacted and city of residence. Letters must Reflect opinions and statements on issues of .current. interest to the 'general public. The news- paper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's ;Judgement does not meet S standards of publication. Part Utime Jobs great pay & benefits High School Jrs, Srs, GEDs, you can fill vacant positions in The Flonda Army Nalional Guard NOW. 100% Tuition, & up to $20,000 in bonuses & loan repayment Your civilian skills may quality youl satellite common, avionics, A&P certifications, FAA licenses, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, mechanics & more. Jonathan FLORIDA Preston at '044--IS-43R' nor Q04-687-637i i.n.lin prc.-ionuLi ,u anmi .miil New ownei Eu kba I .V "Copyrighted Mat Syndicated Cont Available from Commercial Ne\ ",,. DESERT DARY MAJ. BOBBY HART Sept. 18, 2006 CAMP VICTORY, Iraq- This week I'm going to give you a tour of my new home for the, n.M4en orp 14. ntfis. !' b Before I wrote this, I had toQ get it cleared by our security people. I assured them I would not write anything that would let the enemy know we're here. In ttuth, it's not like we're hiding. The base stretches for miles and has constant helicopter and con- Svpy traffic in and out. You can also look it up on the Internet and find out almost anything you want to know. My new home, Camp Victory, is on the outskirts of Baghdad, surrounded by some of the roughest neighborhoods-like Sadr City-in Iraq. It's not uncommon to hear gunfire com- ing from just beyond our bound- aries and we get rocked fairly regularly by sizeable explo- sions as our military operations continue to clear bad guys out of those rough neighborhoods. Another interesting item about the base is its proximity to another infamous Iraqi' land- mark, Abu Ghraib. Other than that, it's really pretty comfortable here. Even the temperature has been coop- erating, capping out about 110 each day. The mornings are pleasurable, if not a little nippy, at 80-85. In fact, given the option, I would say living is as good here as it is in Kuwait, better than Egypt, and dam close to Fort McCoy, Wis., or Fort Stewart, Ga. The military has set up a city that has a population compa- rable to that of Nassau County and is surrounded with 20-foot high concrete barriers. There are actually trees and a few small lakes. The base surrounds a couple of Saddam Hussein's palaces including the Qasr Al-Faw Palace, one of his newest. cr n43:c, rs, New lock,' New Hours -0 A47, $9)90 (OCT, Nov, DEC) CALL FOR MORE INFO 653-1111 795 S. 6TH ST. MACCLENNY, FL The Al-Faw Palace is named for an Iraqi city that was taken over by the Iranians in the war between those countries.- Iraqi forces retook the city and Saddam built the huge palace on a man-made lake as a monu- ment to his nation's "victory" over Iran. * There are several other pal- "c"aes -around,-' including \one reportedly being built by Uday Hussein before his demise. It's quite impressive what has developed here in the past three years. Our little city uses more than 1.000,000 gallons of drink-. ing water a day and literally tons of ice. Most of our guys are living in small trailers that are divided into two or three compartments depending on rank. I'll eventu- ally share-one with one other person, \but for now I'm stuck in transient tents set up for new- comers or the people who are leaving. Affectionately known as "Whoville," the tents are divided into eight or ten small living areas big enough for a cot and cuple of dufflebaf.g "' 6You really couldn't ask for better food. We have almost any and everything one would want to eat four times a day. There's fast food, traditional American food, a pasta bar, a bar with nothing but Indian food, a sand- wich bar and my favorite, the ever-present ice cream bar with Baskins-Robbins flavors with every kind of topping imagin- able. Someone said the Army needs to make a recruiting video with nothing .but the ice cream creations soldiers conjure up. In fact, when we were told to make signs to replace the 30th Medical Brigade's "Victory Medic,&,sign-. .- ~\ihrKmp"wn "DeseWMedics," I thinA one of my guys was still thinking about chow. When I came into our opera- tion center, I read the sign and told him I thought it was much more accurate than any of us wants to admit, but we, really aren't called "Dessert Medics." 4E- Circulation is Everything If circulation was merely the act ofmailing a publication to everyone free of charge whether they want it or not that would be easy. It's a bit more difficult to produce a quality publication and put it out there for sale. It has to be professionally prepared with information your readers want and need - information they are willing to pay for week after week. That way your readers make the decision. It takes a professional staff dedicated to putting out that publication each week, know- ing readers deserve to get something for their money. No other publication in Baker County approaches our paid circulation numbers. We do it differently. We earn your support. Week after week. THE BAKERCOUNTY PRESS 7. Iovf niviii1ndno, a urdersuspcct . THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Baker County's Paid Circulation Leader Since 1929 104 South Fifih St., Macclenny 259-2400. cpress@nefcom.net BAKERCOUNTY PRESS UPSO240-2S 10-tVfice ox 5 104 South ,S:t. ^'p'*rh t'$ *kl'Fenny, h3206 S ....,. V.. W94) 259-R40 .. t ahe Couony Press is published i.: i.rsdiay -y Baker County Press, n.: ,jridicais postage paid under peimtt ^ j"a 12, 1929 atthepost office n I& BM" RATES- 0$0 y ear inse B er County, $35:* S steer r9 5 ypars of- ge or owr, rn, taDpersowel on ac mive ty outside Baiwe Cog dist college students 4ivin orm tsid- a lr iodofl POSTMASTER. send afdres - Sisnge itd aka Couity Press, P.O. ft- M,5#ia, ;FL 32063. ii 'Camping outnear Saddam'spalace I I IUIJUCIY OUPLUI I IUVI d-I -Ly e-%ivv F c;tp;c; " THE ( nto the cybersphere from readers and advertisers paper on-line, 'except for paid and easier reference to newspa- subscribers. The on-line edition per services for our readers who will be available at mid-week keep track of us via the internet. and stories updated as needed Unlike many- publications, between publication dates.' we won't be putting the entire Non-subscribers will still contents of each week's news- have access to all the informa- tion needed to get in touch with us, and access to the top stories of the week and much of the classified advertisement sec- tion. The main motive for on-line subscriptions is to keep our out- of-county customers, most of whom have endured patiently Sthe declining service levels of erial the US Postal Service, which as a reward for poorer service plans t a 25% rate increase next year.. S(I'm not complaining about post offices in Baker County. As Providers" They couldn't be nicer, and they -- care about getting your paper to Surveys reveal that, particu- larly in smaller communities With their weekly papers, people still want the actual newsprint in hand rather than an electronic version at least for no\w. Younger readers not so. They are internet-friendly and accus- tomed to getting information on line. w THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 4 $A' A f.P4 ti - IA I a I _' j.Copyrig hted-Material _- Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers -aO a g -".im 04 V". III I S a - *- M, pOkbdpqb o 40-- we 40meom hmS Visa Card Best Rates Around... Use your Country Federal Credit Union Visa through December and receive our low rate on an r purchases, balance transfrs or cash advances. Do you have one? Apply today! Quick Approvals! COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclennv 259-6702 US Hw~. 90 \Vest, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldin 266-1041 vwww.countryfcu.com -N 4, CD Rates F7 -, -, q .,. . -, 1 -, Y, Vandalizing police cruiser 'shows what I think' of cops Garden Club kicks ofl new season withplansforfield trips' Baker County Garden Club president Kyle Brown of Glen St. Mary addresses club members and guests on Sept. 14 at the club's first meeting of the season. Members discussed such topics as an upcoming trip to the botanical gardens at the Jacksonville Zoo and the planning of garden club sponsored programs in the schools to encourage a love of gardening and also exercise. Dr. Brown is a retired horticulture teacher at Lake City Community College. PHOTO BY KELLEY LANNIGAN A criminal complaint for prop- erty destruction was filed follow- mg.an incident early on Septem- ber 17 when a Jacksonville man demonstrated his contempt for police by smashing the window of a parked county patrol car., The cruiser is assigned by Deputy Tracie Benton and was parked off Jerry Circle in Mac- dclenny next to the residence of Renee Hopson. . Ms. Hopson said her son, 19- year-old Richard Wisner, show- ed up about 5:00 am seeking to spend the night because of a tift with his room mate in Jackson- ville. She refused to allow him in because he had two acquain-, tances with him, and threatened to call police. "I'll show you what I think of police," the son replied before walking over to the police car ' and putting his fist through the driver'ss side window ". " He then left the scene. In other vehicle vandalism cases, the rear window of a 2003 Mustang was broken out during the night of September 12 on Lissie St. in Macclenny. , Owner Claudette Grey told police she heard an alarm about 2:30 outside her residence. A 2001 Ford driven by Pa- tricia Johnson of Sanderson was pummeled with rocks as it passed through Olustee in the west county the evening of Sep- tember 15. The rocks thrown from the area around Olustee Park dam- aged the windshield and passen- ger side window. Cherokees to host Pow-Wow The Cherokees of Georgia Tribal Council will host the 26th annual Fall Pow-ow at the St. George, Ga. tribal grounds in Charlton County October 4-6. An addition this fall is the sev- en-sided council house recently constructed the. third such structure in the United States. It will be open for tours. The Cherokees have also ar- ranged for dance performances all three days by Australian Ab- origines. The Pow-Wow features an ar- ray of inter-tribal dancing, story telling and crafts. Admission is free, but no pets will be allowed on the grounds. There are a limited number of campsites. Call 904-845-7288 or 483-7099 for details. Says husband and others. tried to stuffher in trunk A number of arrests for do- mestic violence battery took place recently, including that of Kenneth McAndrew, 38, of Macclenny, charged with stik- ing his wife, and with the help of others, wrapping her in a blan- ket and attempting to stuff her into the trunk of a car. At least that is the story given to police by Judy McAndrew, 48, who gave Deputy Mark Hall several versions of the incident. She was first interviewed at the emergency room of Fraser Hos- pital, where she sought treat- ment for an eye injury. Deputy Hall accompanied her back to an address on Shir- ley Ave., where she claims she was accosted while sleeping on a couch. Her husband was at the residence and arrested for bat- tery and violating an injunction. The same deputy arrested Jimmy Simmons, 56, of Sand- erson following a confrontation early on September 17 at a resi- dence off Ivory Williams Rd. Mr. Simmons is accused of shoving girlfriend Laura Rush, 35, and threatening to shoot both her and her car after she refused to give him $20 to pur- chase beer. Deputy Hall said the suspect complained he would be unable to take his oxycontin pills with him to jail, and that he needed them for back and leg pain. He was taken to the Fraser emergency room before book- ing, and a doctor there suggest- ed Mr. Simmons' problem was alcoholism. A criminal complaint was filed September 12 charging Larry Wiggins, 38, with injur- ing wife Sandra, 37, during an argument at their residence off Ivy Hodges Rd. in south Mac- clenny. Sgt. Thomas Dyal said he re- sponded to a disturbance call and found Ms. Wiggins in the road- way crying with a large scratch on her neck. She told him her husband fled earlier with their two children. Deputies were unable to lo- cate suspects after Jeremy John- son, 35, of Macclenny showed up at the emergency room about midday on September 9 and said he was beaten by several males near the comer of King Dr. and South Boulevard. He described them only as black males, and said he did not know any of them. Well Drilling ~ Water Softeners & Purification Septic Tanks ~ Drain Fields ~ Culverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS .Licensed in Florida e Georgia S VISA MasterCard American Express Discover American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, Florida S259-6003 kJ C LOGS AND PULPWOOD 1 ACRE OR LARGER DIAMOND INC. "FOR A QUALITY CUT" CALL 282-5552 KENT WILLIAMS BAKER COUNTY FAIR PET SHOW Ages 4-18 Saturday, October 14 6:00 pm Livestock Barn at the Fairgrounds Bring your Favorite Pet! Please No Livestock, Pets Only! NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF PET: Please fill out form by Sept. 29 and send to: BAKER FAIR ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 492, MACCLENNY, FL 32063 \ For more information call 259-7314 www.bakercountyfl.org /6 .1 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 5 Disruptive BCMS student arrests Disruptive students have been giving teachers, the campus dep- uty and a bus driver a hard time at Baker County Middle School recently, and ended up at county. jail under arrest as a result. A 16-year-old female from' the Olustee area. of west Baker County was charged with resist-' ing. Deputy Traci Benton and disturbing the peace on a school bus before it departed the Mac- clenny campus the afternoon of September 15. Driver Angelina Tolliver sum- moned Ms. Benton when the student became unruly, and she cursed and threatened the of- ficer repeatedly while resisting attempts to handcuff her: Other students witnessed the confron- tation that ended when she was. cuffed and escorted off the bus to county jail. Complaint on neighbors for theft, pawning of rings A south Macclenny mother and daughter are named in a criminal complaint for theft -and pawning of 14 gold rings last spring or ear- ly summer. . Complainant Sandra Wiggins of Macclenny said she gave the rings to her mother in April. for safe keeping, then spotted several of .them recently, in the jewelry case at Duval Pawn and Gun.. Deputy Jeffrey Dawson said -records at the pawn shop show ,-five rings pawned by Virginia Or- jitagus, 58, who lives next door to. MMs. Wiggins'mother. 1 The .suspect confirmed, she, I'pawned the rings at the request of daughter Melissa, 34, who was i; ving at the Minnesota Ave. ad- dress at the time but, according to her mother, has since moved to St. Augustine ., . The mother said she \\ as asked to pawn the rings because the :daughter did hnot have identifica- ion. j The complaint alleges petti theft. : In other recent complaints. h Lillian Coffin. 82. said four rings Valued at $1800 %\ere taken from her residence off Pine Circle on September 12, and alleged an employee of the Baker Count) Council on Aoing is responsible. The worker cleaned her house that day,' a service offered by the local agenc., but a'spokeswoman r'for the council told Depun Jeff .;*: .";< SK WOWf-*.vQ HiaW1 IBi3imi Da%% son the individual has never had a similar accusation in the five, \ ears she has been on the job. James Forsyth reported the theft of $500 in wicker patio fur-, nitute from lhis residence off Con- federate Dri\e north of Glen St. Mary. The owner said he returned the evening of September 16 to find a w hite male on the property. The suspect fled into nearb\ w% oods. NIr. Fors\th told police he no- ticed the furniture missing earlier but did not tile a report. Deborah Hodges reported a pit bull valued at $300 and belong- ing to her son % as taken from her proper off CR 229 o\ ernighlt on September 12. Three days earlier, a 14-year- old male student in the school's special ed department was charged with disturbing a class, throwing a chair at a teacher and destroying property during an outburst just before 9:00 am. The youth said he wanted to get arrested to join a fellow stu- dent who was charged in a simi- lar incident the day before. The 15-year-old male was taken to the juvenile shelter in Gaines- ville. Both are from the Sander- son area. The youths were involved in the earlier incident that target- ed Deputy Benton, along with teachers Patsy Vinzant and Tam- my McCpollough. Want to read the entire paper online? You can- in two weeks! Be sure to check out the redesigned bakercountypress.com Fill Dirt Top Soil Septic Tank Sand REP INC. ) (904) 289-7000 Open 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm I ._J j.-- 4 t "CountIl Commissioners are the policy makers for their communities. The deci- .. sions the, Imake in the next four years will Sto'. My business and ciric experience pro- S; vide mue with the skills to lead this great i county into the fulutre. I believe Baker SCounty can become the leading example of I rural lining in TIhe slate of Florida." S_* !? Professional Experience Current General Manager, Northeast Florida Telephone 28+ years continuous employment as general manager, marketing manager, outside plant engineer and installer/repairmanm Business and Civic Service Z Board of Directors for Florida Telecommunications Industry Association, Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. and Work Source Z Past President of Baker County Chamber of Commerce and the Baker County Jaycees Charier member of Baker County Kiwanis Club 10+ years as Lilde League Baseball coach S 0 Member of First Baptist Church of Macclenny L'dj ii. r ldilli-l idJ'.ertri'lien piid tfoi rinl .ii-pi'e.'ed hI, Mik'- Gt fit - Rep i ,.li, n ]:'o r o -'..inil' '.. i.n i -il.:,rn-r DC'_lII.I -t * Legal Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT; IN AND FOR BAKER, COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 02-2006-CA-0134 Margaret 0. McDaniel Plaintiff, vs. Billy Jo McDaniel &'Shirley Baker, deceased and her heirs, assigns, widower, devisee, grantees, creditors or other parties claiming through, by, under or against her Defendants.. NOTICE OF ACTION To: Shirley Baker, deceased and her heirs, as- signs, widower, devisee, grantees, creditors' or other parties claiming through, by, under or against her YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Peti- tion to Set Aside a Quit Claim Deed recorded at OR Book #2001-5851 of the Public Records of Baker County has been filed on the follow- ing described property: A lot beginning on the West half of the North- west 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 of Section 30, Town- ship 3 South, Range 21 East, 8 Chains South of the Northwest corner of said Wes I1/2 of the Northwest, 1/4 of the Nonhwest 1/4 of said Section 30, ihen run East 210 0 feet. then run Soun 210 0 leet mten run Wes.i 210.0 lee to said West line of said West 1/2 of Ihe North. west 1/4 of tre lJonhwesl 114 of said Seclon 30 and Ihen iun Nonh along mne Westline of said Section 30. a dosiance ol 210 0 feet to the point of beginning. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses. il any to Ihe action on the PeriHorner Anorney wrose name and address is Hugh D Fisn. Jr ai PO Box 531 Mac- clennv. Florida 32063. on or before October 5, 2006 and Ile rhe original with the Clerk of Court either before service on the Petitioner's Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise, a Summary Final Judgement will be entered for the relief demanded in the petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on this 5th day of September, 2006. T.A. "AI" Fraser, Clerk of Court By: Bonnie M. Palleshi Deputy Clerk 9/7-28 N THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 02-2006-CA-0135 Sara Frances Ingram, Rachel Howard Lane and Clara Sue Reimer, Plaintiffs, vs. A.A. Geitgey and Lucy Geitgey, his wife, not known to be dead or alive, presumed, 10 De dead And all.unknown granlees. creditors and all other parties claiming oDy. through. under or against Iem and it dead, Ineir unknown spouses, heirs, devises, grantees, creditors, and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them, and, if dead, or not known to be dead or alive, their several and respective estates, unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors, or other parties claiming by, through, under or against those unknown natural persons, and the several and respective unknown assigns, successors in interest, trustees, creditors, lienors or any other party claiming by, through, under or against any corporation, existing or dissolved, or other legal entity named as defendant, and all claimants, persons or parties, natural or corporate, or whose exact legal status is unknown, claiming under any of the above named or described defendants or parties, or claiming to have any right, title or interest in and to the lands hereafter described. Defendants. ,NOTICE OF ACTION To: A.A. Geitgey, not known to be dead or alive Lucy Geitgey, not known to be dead or alive YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Action to Quiet Title on the following property in Baker County, Florida: A part of Section 36, Township 2 South, Range 21 East, Baker County, Florida, being more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of U.S. 90 West and North Clinton Avenue, (a 60 foot right of way as now established); Thence North along the Westerly Right of Way line of North Clinton Avenue a distance of 1229.74 feet to the Point of Begin- ning; thence continue North along said Westerly'Right of Way line a distance of 157.50 feet; thence West a dis- tance of 260.00 feet; thence South a distance of 157.50 feet; thence East a distance of 260.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Also known as: A lot beginning 157.5 feet South of the NE corner of Block 80 of the Town of Glen St. Mary, on the East line of said block, then run Westerly, along the South line of a lot owned by Josie Lee Davis, as described in Deed Book 18, page 95-96, a distance of 260 feet, to the West line of said Block 80, then Southerly along the West line of said Block 80, a distance of 157.5 feet, then run East parallel with the North line of said Block 80, a distance of 260 feet, to the East line of said Block 80, then run North along the East line of said Block 80, a distance of 157.5 feet to the place of beginning. has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defens- es, if any, to it on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A. Attorney, whose address is 445 East Mac- clenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063; (904)259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, and on or be- fore the 16th day of October, 2006, and to file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on the 8th day of September, 2006. T.A. "Al" Fraser Clerk of Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk 9/14-10/7 HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146 The following vehicle will be sold at pub- lic auction October 6, 2006 at 10:00 am, at Higginbolham s Towing & Recovery, US 90 West, Glen St. Mary, FL. 32040. 1991 Ford 4 door ID#1FACP50U3MA1 83957 9/21 ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT GIVES WRITTEN NOTICE OF INTENDED DISTRICT DECISION THE DISTRICT gives notice of its intent to deny a permit to the following applicant on October 10, 2006: :\ Keith Davis, P.O. Box 82, Glen St. Mary, FL 32040, application #42-003-96806-1. The project is located in Baker County, Section 32, Township 02 South, Range 22 East. The ERP application is for con- struction of a surface water management system for a development kiown as the Macclenny Duplexes. The receiving water- body is an associated ditch. The file containing each of the above- listed application are available for inspection Monday through Friday except for legal holi- ' days, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the St. Johns River Water Management District Headquar- ters or the appropriate Service Center. The District will take action on each permit ap- plic:aiorn listed above unless a petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) is filed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes Chap- ter 28-106 and 40C-1.1007, Florida Adminis- trative Code (F.A.C.) A person whose substantial interests are or maybe affected has the.right to request an administrative hearing by filing a written peti- tion with the St. Johns River Water Manage- ment District (District). Pursuant to Chapter 28-106 arid Rule 40C1 1007 Fiorda Admin- istrative Code (FA C I, me petton must be filed (received) either by delivery al Ihe oHlice of Ihe Disirci Clerl. at Disinci Headquarters. P.O Box 1429 Palatka Florida 32176-1429 (4049 Reid St- Palatka. FL 32177) or by e-mail with Irne Districi ClerK at Clerk@slrwmd Scorn within twenty six 1261 days 01o the District depositirig a noIice ol District aucision in Ihe mail (for Ihose peisorns to whom the District mails actual notice within twenty one 1211 days of Ihe Dislnct emailing notice of District decOsion ilor those person wrom the Districi emails actual notice), or within iweniy one (21) days of newspaper publication of the notice of District decision (for those persons to whom the District does not mail or email actual notice). A petition must comply with Sections 120.54(5)(b)4 and 120.569(2)(c), *Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. The District .will not accept a petition sent by facsimile (fax) as explained below. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S. is not available. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to a formal administrative hearing pursuarnt to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), F.S:, where there is a dispute between the District and the party regarding an issue of material fact. A petition for formal hearing must also comply with the requirements set forth in Rule 28106 201, F.A.C. A person whose substantial ,interests are or may be affected has the right to an informal adminislralive hearing pursuant 1o Secitons 120 569 1ard 120 57i2). F.S were no material facts are in aispule A petition for an inlormal nearing must also comply wilh the requirements sei lorth in Rule 28- 106.301, F.A.C. A petition for an administrative hearing is deemed filed upon receipt of the complete petition by the District Clerk at the DistrIctI Headquarters in Palatka, Florida Petitions received by the District Clerk after 5:00 pm, or on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 am on the next regular District business day. The Dis- trict's acceptance of petitions filed by email is subject to certain conditions set forth in the District's Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (issued pursuant to Rule 28- 101.001, Florida Administrative Code), which is available for viewing at www.sjrwmd.com. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the petition 'being in the form of a PDF file and being capable of being stored and printed by the District. Further pursuant to the District's Statement of Agency Organization and Operation, attempting to file a petition by facsimile is prohibited and shall not constitute filing. Failure to file a petition for an administra- tive hearing within the requisite time frame shall. constitute a waiver of the right to an - administrative hearing (Rule 28-106.111, F.A.C.) . The right to an administrative hearing and the relevant procedures to be followed are governed by Chapter 120, Florida Stat- utes, Chapter 28-1.06, F.A.C. and Rule 40C- 1.1007, F.A.C. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means the District's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected by the District's final action has the right to become a party to.the pro- ceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. Gloria Lewis, Director Division of Permit Data Services St. Johns River Water Management District 9/21 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 8TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER'COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 02-2006-CA-108 Mercantile Bank, formerly, CNB National Bank, Plaintiff, vs. Merline Knabb Forsyth, etc., et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION To: Merline Knabb Forsyth, a/k/a Merline Knabb & James R. Forsyth, Residence un- known, Last known residence: 11643 E. Con- federate Drive, Glen St. Mary, FL, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following property in Baker County, Florida: Lot 30, The Hills of Glen, according to plat thereof recorded in plat book 2, pages 51 and 52, of the public records of Baker County, Florida. has been filed against you and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defens- es, if any, to it on Sidney E. Lewis, Esquire, plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 300 W. Adams St., Suite 300, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202, within 30 days after the first publica- tion of this notice. and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on the 1st day of September, 2006. TA. "Al" Fraser Clerk of Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk 9/14-21 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 2001-CA-000002 U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, F/K/A FIRST TRUST BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT, DATED AS OF DECEMBER 1,1997, NEW CENTURY HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, SERIES 1997-NC6 Plaintiff, vs. .GERALD EDWARD WILLIAMS, EUNICE WENLYN WILLIAMS, JOHN DOE, JANE DOE, AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, Defendants RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Motion and Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale Date dated the 29th day of August, 2006, and entered in Case No. 2001 CA 000002, of the Circuit Court of the 8th Judi- cial Circuit in and for Baker County, Florida, wherein U.S. Bank Trust National Associa- Stion, f/k/a First Trust Bank National Asso- ciation, as Trustee under the pooling and servicing agreement dated as of December 1, 1997, New Century Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-NC6, is.the Plaintiff, and Gerald Edward Williams, Eunice Wenlyn Williams, Joe Doe, Jane Doe as unknown tenants in possession of the subject property, are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the front door or main entrance of the courthouse, at the Baker County Courthouse, in Macclenny, Florida, at 11:00 am on the 27th day of September, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: NC#43618 Legal Description Lot 14, of Lewis Subdivision as per plat ihereol recorded in Deed Book 20, page 179 ol me public records of Baker County, Florida, said land also known as: A part of the SW'/ of Section 32, Township 2 South, Range 22 East. more parniculsrly described as follows: Corrrer,.:e al ire n J.rr-rnwe-i corner of Lol 16. or Lewis SuO.ditiior, a: recorded in Deed Book 20, page 179 of the public records of Baker County, Florida, and run East along the South right of way Lewis Street 230.00 reel to.tre Northwest corner of Lot 14. for a point ol beginning: thence con- ., tnue Esi alc'ng s.d Suu n rht of way line, I 115.00 leer, 0 trme Northwest corner of Lot 14, thence S 0'03'10" W, along the East line of said Lot 14,,a distance of 276.22 feet to a points on the Nnrth right ,:f way line of County Road No. 23-4; rmentce S 88'17'56"W, along said North right of way line, 115.05 feet to a point on the West line of.said Lot 14; thence N 0'05'10"E, along the West line of said Lot 14, a distance of 276.46 feet to the North- west corner of Lot 14 and the point of begin- ning. Any person claiming an interest in the sur- plus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. If you are a person with a disability w(ho needs any accommodation in order to par- ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled at n& cost to you, to the provision of cer- tain assistance. Please contact (Al Fraser) Clerk of Court of Baker County, Florida at 339 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida (904)259-3121 within 2 working days of your receipt of this -notice of hearing, if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955- 8771. Dated IhiS 291r, day or August. 2006. Al Fraser As Clerk, Circuit Court By: Jamie Crews As Deputy Clerk Marshall C. Watson 1800 NW 49th St., Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: 954-453-0365 Facsimile: 954-771-6052 Toll Free: 1-800-441-2438 9/14-21 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Baker County District School Board will hold the following public, hearing on Monday, October 16, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the School Board District School Board Room of the Baker County School Board Ad- ministration Building, 270 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida 32063: APPROVAL OF: Revision of Policy 3.060+ (Safe and Se- cure Schools). Adoption of Policy 3.061 + (Option 2) (Do- mestic Security). This document is available for review at the Baker County School Board Office, 392 South Boulevard E., Macclenny, Florida 32063 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. The public is invited to attend. Paula T. Barton Superintendent of Schools 9/7-10/12 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 02-2006-CP-037 IN RE: ESTATE OF LILLIAN PHAGAN DUBOSE a/k/a LILLIAN MCCORMICK DUBOSE Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate.Lillian Phagan DuBose a/k/a Lillian McCormick Du- Bose, deceased, whose date of death was June 10, 2006, and whose Social Security Number is 261-32-4094, is pending in the Cir- cuit Court for Baker County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 339 East Macclenny Avenue, Suite 126, Macclenny, Florida 32063. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claim with this court within the later of three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims not filed within the time periods set forth in Section 733.702 of the Florida Statutes probate code will be forever barred. Notwithstanding the time periods set forth above, any claim filed two (2) years or more after the decedent's date of death is barred. The date of the first publication of this notice is September 14, 2006. Attorney for Personal Representative: A. HAMILTON COOKE Cooke & Meux, P.A. Florida Bar No.: 110757 1301 Riverplace Blvd, Suite 2254 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Telephone: 904-396-5101 Personal Representative: Martha DuBose Hill 370 E. Michigan Ave. Macclenny, FL 32063 9/14-21 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 6 Forestry team wins district for third time By Gregory Johnson FFA Instructor The Baker High School FFA Forestry team captured the dis- trict title on September. 14 for the third year in a row, edging out teams from several northeast Florida counties in six key tim- ber skill areas. The winning team will now compete with other district champs from around Florida in Perry on October 19-20 for the state title. The district team consists of Justin Combs, Hannah Master- son, Tucker Crews and Jocham Williams. The B team members are Katelyn Lankford, Austin Gibson, Chance Jones and Tif- 'ke BaA'er High FFA Forei-wts : 1r I Aatel's'LnLaktsord. TutiAe'r Crews'.. Ati~snn Gj~ibson. iJot h,7osn Iilleams. T,/ftans'Dind. Justin Comiibs. H-annaht Alavesnad ChanceJo'n~ S. Nt-)i s ;. vIt ~. tGre j khnsvn. fany Dodd. It placed fourth, just behind Union County's A and B teams. Justin Combs capped the field with first places in equipment identification, dendrology, forest disorders, and second place in Enrollnow for 4-H Hands and Open enrollment Heft) home. Leader for 4-H is being held now! Hefty Sign-up for Cloverbuds, Clo- You can pick upa verleaf Cloggers Club, Hooves ty 4-H Enrollmen Horse Club, Livestock Club, the Baker County Sharp Shooters Club and Talking fice or go to our \ve Hands Club. load enrollment fc Cloverbuds (ages 5-7 only) is baker.ifas.ufl.edu. an exploratory club designed to fee of $2 for horse teach young children about dif- club and $1 for all ferent 4-H projects. It meets the required with enrol first Tuesday of every month at For more inform 6:00 pm. Leader Gail Elledge call the Baker Cou Cloverleaf Cloggers is open Service at 259-352 to ages 5-18 for youth to learn the basics of clogging. It meets every Thursday evening at the C _g . fairgrounds at 7:00 pm. Leader id kU - Madeline Lawson Hands and Hooves is' a h6rse project club and open to youth for the we ages 8-18. It allows youth to learn about horses with a hands- Sepl.t2 on approach. Club meetings BREAKM F are the second Tuesday of each MONDAY: Breakl month at 6.30 pm. Leader -' Tina jukie and milk Thomas TUESDAY: Sausai Livestock is a project club juice and milk. focused on beef, dairy, swine, WEDNESDAY: goats, sheep, poultry and rab- whole grain toast, fruit bits. It is open to ages 5-18, how- et, fruit juice and mill ever 5-7 year olds are limited FRIDAY: 2 slices to poultry and rabbit projects. (whole grain), fruit jui Club meetings are held at vari- LUN' ous times each month. Leader Cold lunch plate or, - Lovurn Rivers wheat roll or cracke Sharp Shooters is a shooting MO(when offered sports club open to youth ages cheese on whole gra 8-18. for youth to learn more baked chicken with c about the basics in shooting, us- whipped potatoes, sti ing an air rifle. Next meeting is chilled fruit choice, m on September 28th at 6:00 pm at TUESDAY: Peppi the fairgrounds nextto the horse or Chunky chicken sc arena. Leader Gary Stephens made wheat roll, s< arena. Leader Gary Stephens vegetables, tossed sal Talking Hands is open to choice and milk. youth ages 8-18 and teaches WEDNESDAY: i- sign language in a fun way using dog on a whole grain games, songs, worksheets and a tomato slices, baked dictionary. Meets every Tuesday crispy slaw, chilled fr of each month at 6:30 pm at the homemade cookie ant THURSDAY: Tu serole w/homemade breaded chicken patty SchoolActivities bun, hashbrown patt mato slices, chilled f SEPTEMBER 23: 0milk. SEPTEMBER 23: FRIDAY: Baked BCHS: Cross Country.@ Ridgeview, Tour- golden coru dog, bak nament. Volleyball Tournament @Wolfson. slaw, chilled fruit chog SEPTEMBER 25: RPM-IQnwniuhMp A-inutt) tu C uP ill. ruu- D oS: SoIUWpitull (H) 4:UU & o:UU pm. FoUot-U ball Booster Club Mtg, 7:00 pm, Aud. FCAT Retakes, 7:30 am, Cafeteria. BCMS: Vol- leyball vs. Fernandina Beach (H) 5:00/6:00 pm. KIS: "Celebrate Freedom!" Week. SEPTEMBER 26: BCHS: Slowpitch @ Ed White 4:00 & 6:00 pm. Volleyball vs. Trinity Christian (H) 5:30/6:30 pm. Golf @ Columbia. FCAT re- takes, 7:30 am, Cafeteria. BCMS: Football vs. Fernandina Beach (H) 5:00/6:00 pm. WES: School Advisory Council Mtg., Media Ctr., 6:30 pm. 'SEPTEMBER 27: District Wide: Early Dismissal. BCHS: FCAT Retakes, 7:30 am, Cafeteria. SEPTEMBER 28: BCHS: Volleyball vs. Hilliard (H) 5:30/6:30 pm. FCAT retakes 7:30 am, Cafeteria. Cross Country (H) 4:30 pm. ROTC pizza fundrais- er. BCMS: Volleyball @ Hilliard 5:00/6:00 pm. KIS: Academic recital, 4th grade, 6:30- 7:30 pm. MES: Picture retakes. SEPTEMBER 29: BCHS: Deadline to register for SAT Test on 11/4. Football vs. Jacksoni (H) 7:30 pm. Volleyball Tournament @ Sante Fe. KIS: "KIS Day!" wear purple shirts, SEPTEMBER 30: BCHS: Cross Country @ Middleburg, Tour- nament. Volleyball Tournament @ Santa Fe. compass and pacing, timber esti- /mation and general knowledge. He turned in the highest indi- vidual scoring in the contest. Other top finishers were Tuck- er Crews with a first in forest dis- orders and second in equipment clubs Courthouse er Elizabeth a Baker Coun-, t packet from Extension Of- bsite to down- )rms at http:// 4-H insurance and livestock' other clubs is Iment. nation, please nty Extension 0. eek of 5-29 AST Vast pizza. fruit ige biscuji, fnu[ Cereal with t juice and milk. .akfast hot pock- cinnamon toast ice and milk. CH chef salad with rs, and dessert d) OR, eli-turkey & in bun or oven orn bread slice,_ teamed broccoli, ilk. eroni pizza slice >up and a home- easoned mixed [ad, chilled fruit Hamburger or hot bun, lettuce and potato rounds, uit choice, and a id milk. rkey & rice cas- e wheat roll or on whole grain y, lettuce & to- ruit choice, and d hot pocket or ed fries, creamy ice and milk.. grant money at issue... (From page 1) directed the county attorney to review the mental health sern ic- es contract between the county and the Departmeni of ,Children and Family Services and the Northeast Florida State Hospi- tal, which provides the services. As for the Clay and Baker Kids Net, commissioner Robin- son said, "Personally, I'm going to have to saN no." Commissioners Julie Combs and Fred Raulerson did not at- tend the workshop. ID; Hannah Masterson second in tree identification andgeneral knowledge, and third in disor- ders; Jocham Williams, third in general knowledge. I just 71 da ys... You can have the skills You need to get a job as a Dental flssistant 10 week course, Saturday only Tuition $1950 Payment Plans Call Christi @ Jacksonville Dental assistant School For info packet: 904-398-3401 next class starts: november 4 Reg. by ft Commission for Independent education Work. Minimum B al r,.:,--. $2,500 $10,000 $25 000 $50,000 $100,000 3.50"o 3.90' 4.25C, 4.350o. 5.00% A mi, i traton,.r t. r,, ,r,:, ,' u '- rj ,-, l .. I.. Administration. ,, (904) 777-6000 www.vystarcu.org NCiUA iS: Serving all residents of -- *- ?- Northeasi Florida. Vey Star V Credit Union We never forget that it's your money. Baker County Health Department LIMITED SUPPLY OF FLU SHOTS $20.00 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY CALL 259-6291 EXT 2221, Must have a high risk factor at this time. HIGH RISK FACTORS ARE: Health care workers Persons aged over 50 Adults who have a chronic illness (High blood pressure is not considered a high risk condition) Healthy household contacts and caregivers of children aged 0-59 months IMacclenny Amoco, V, sg a 3A5 f A A BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Menthol Light Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights Camel Full Flavor Camel 99 Camel Turkish NEWPORTS (7.9 iBUY 2GET FREE' DORAL $19.99 carton 305s S$12.99 carton I I I I ATTORNEY David P. Dearing former Baker County Prosecttor - At the corner of US 90 & SR 121 Sunday 7 am- 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm Prime minus 1/2%* I No closing costs* I Interest may be tax-deductible** MERCANTILE BANK 595 South Sixth Street, Macclenny 904-259-2245 *Must meet certain credit standards to qualify for Prime minus .50%. ft is possible, based on your credit score, that your rate may be greater than the Prime minus .50%. APRs vary by creditworthiness, ranging from Prime minus .50% to Prime + 2.00%. Variable rate may vary monthly based on adjustment of Prime Rate published in The Wall Street Journal, As of 8/28/2006, the Prime Rate for determining the variable rate is 8.25%A The maximum APR under the plan is 18%, Offer valid on owner-occupied or secondary residences only. Property insurance is required, and flood insurance will be required if property Is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area. Tite insurance and appraisal are required if loan amount is greater than $250,000. Minimum credit line of $ 10,000. Bank will pay the costs associated with opening the home equity line of credit for credit lines up to S250,000 (closing costs typically range from $0 to $2,000). Interest-only option is available for a term of 120 months. Please note that interest-only minimum payment will not repay the outstanding principal balance on your line. You will be required to pay any outstanding balance In a single payment at maturity. Maximum term is 180 months. Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. See your local branch for additional product information. *Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest Member FDIC. t Equal Housing Lender ------ -- ---------- -------- --- --- -- ----- ---- -------------- ---- --------- ---- ---- Rahain Watson Dearing Berry & Moore, P.A. ] t,:or:c -' W'. it o'l .'r Ki l',',;,,* o: v ,i' ,n*'l ['l ., ,,:r !"c ti- .la't i ',:,f' AUTO MOBILE ACCIDENTS WORKERS' COMPENSATION EMPLOYMENT LAW CRIMINAL DEFENSE WRONGFUL DEATr & PERSONAL INJURY NURSING HOME NEGLECT Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 A// in i/if! coisCOIS/t7ions/1 a b0/ 7 isolutI!. fit'. 6953 E. Mount Vernon Street, Glen St. Mary 904-259-8660 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 7 cial Lindsey Paige Christopher Born August 17 Keith and Heather Christo- pher of Macclenny are pleased to announce the birth of daughter Lindsey Paige Christopher on Au- gust 17, 2006 at Baptist Hospital South. She weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 inches long. Proud grandparents are Butch and Mary Prescott and Clarke and Jane Christopher, all of Mac- clenny. Spaghetti dinners Tickets for the annual spa- ghetti dinner sponsored by the MNacclenny Wqman's Club are on sale this week. The dinner is October 20 at midday and in- cludes the traditional fixings for S $6 adults and $5 children. Club members will be selling tickets the next month. Eat in, take out and delivery available. SENIORS' MENU for the week of September 25-29 NMONDAY: Meaiballs !'gTayV over egg noodles, carrots. broccoli, gelatin Stopping and milk TUESDAY: Sweet & sour chicken, rice. mixed %egetables, pineapple nd-' buts. brott nies. bread and milk WEDNESDAY: Smoked sausage w/peppers and onions, potatoes, stewed tomatoes, cornbread, applesauce and milk. THURSDAY: BBQ grilled chicken, blackeyed peas, rice, peaches and milk. FRIDAY: Beanie weenies, potato salad, pears, bread and milk. December vows Mike and Monica Carlton of Macclenny are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Amanda, of Jackson- ville, to Andy Coop, the son of Johnny and Marilyn Smith of Pulaski, Tenn. The couple plans to wed in Jacksonville on December 16. Family and friends are invited. Making items for neo-natals Members of the Macclenny, VWoman's Club are making re- cei\ ing and coccheted blankets, hats and booties for the babies in the neo-natal unit of Shands Jacksonville, Medical Center. They will be given to premature and intensive care babies. The project is sponsored by' the club's Home Life Department and Cheryl Lunn is the chairper- son., So far, 31 blankets, 35 pair of booties and 14 hats have been donated. The project is the brainchild of Arnel Stafford and her daugh- ter Lara Jacobs. If you have ma- terials \ou can donate, or ques- tions about the program, call Nls. Jacobs at 259-9661. Rocking Chair Corner Wawa. Octob-er 14 at The Baker County Middle School Great Artists, Top Entertainment, Great Fun! Aboard 'Iwo Jima' SSgt. Randall R. Richards, shown here with son Ryley, is currently on a six- month deployment aboard the USS Iwo Jima. Sgt. Richards is a graduate of Baker County High School and is mar- ried to Bernadette Richards. He is the son of Roberta Snyder and grandson of Edith and Buddy Sirmans, all of Baker County. Kenny Johnson Ellen Weeks Lajona Powell Special performances by: Brianna Knight Haley Taylor Niki James Showtime :00U p.m. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Advance tickets: $25.00 At the door $31.50 Baker County School Students: $19.95 Under 12: $15.00 Tickets can be purchased at Radio Shack & Top-Notch Want to place your ad online? You can, in two weeks at the all new bakercountypress.com The Baker County Council on Aging Board of Directors will meet at the Senior Center at 5:00 PM on Thursday, September 21, 2006. The Council on Aging accepts and welcomes donations from the community in support of our seniors and the services the Council provides. In addi- tion to money, contributions from the community include household and lawn items, assistive devices like walkers, canes and wheelchairs, jewelry and other personal items. If a need is identified for something. specific and a donation comes in that matches that need, the item, or items, will. be given to the person in need. For items not in immediate demand, "yard sales" have been conducted to dispose of items not distributed but the time and manpower required for thesb events is prohibitive. As an alternative, a small space in the Center has now been set aside for a "daily yard sale". Items are priced within reach of fixed' incomes and the "yard sale corner" is open daily from 11:00 until 2:00, to seniors and the general public. All proceeds are divided equally between the Center's Senior Activity Fund and a COA Client Crisis Fund. The Council is partnering this month and next with the Northeast Florida Area Agency on Aging. (recently re-named "ElderSource") and the Baker County Health Department in a series of Healthy Aging work- shops for seniors. On Tuesday of last week local Health Department staff made the ini- tial presentation on heart dis- ease. On Thursday ElderSource brought in a certified chef for the nutrition component of the sym- posium, complete with healthy snack samples. The remaining presentations will all, be, on Tuesday morn- ings at 11:00 and all seniors aie invited. The Singing Evangelists are ALTry Vemma Today! .... a, with Mangosteen and Essential Minerals Love, mama, Daddy, 6 flnsley Even if you are not health challenged be MY PRECIOUS ANGEL proactive so you will never be faced with HappY O BIRTHDAY any of the ailments listed above. M ON Endorsed by Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, MD andc Michael F. Roizen, MD., as seen on Oprah," 60 Minutes, and in the May '06 issue of Esquire Magazine. I Visit our website Sww.nutritionhealthinfo.com Then go to W \.\ eminabuilder.coni/22753 05 LOV, For more information - MOMMY, GRlANDMAl 6 PaPA Call (904) 259-3603 (904) 408-97- LO Baker County - Friday, October 6th Fairgrounds 7:30 p.m. No Entry Fee Applicants must be 15-18 years old Evening Gowns only $50 Cash Prize Crown Trophy Sash for winner Application must be received by Sept. 25, 2006 Fill out the application and send to: BC Fair 'Queen Pageant', 1325 Copper Oaks Court., Macclenny, FL 32063 Name: Mailing Address: Age: Phone: The Baker County FairAs oaioni abides by the ries and regidations of the Florida Miss Teen Pageant A copy of the irules ll be givsn Io each contestant T/he ommim f a mi oflpcla t afler jer applicaion has been aecead TOakVfo rpccpatoion. www.bakercountyfl.org The Baker County Health Department is now accepting AvMed We welcome you to come and be a part of our local family of Professionals. We offer a variety of other Health Care services such as OB/GYN, Family Planning, Smoking Cessation, CPR, Childbirth Education, and Diabetes Education classes. For further details, please call 259-6291 -.tmr scheduled to be at the Center on Wednesday morning, September 20th and the third Wednesday of every odd month. Josie Davis will bring us country music this Thursday morning and the fourth Thursday of every month. A Seniors trip to Jacksonville is scheduled for Friday, September 22, to Jacksonville. The COA bus will leave the Center at 9:00 AM. Seniors will spend the morning at Orange Park Mall, have lunch at Barnhill's and return to the Center in late afternoon. Seat reservations are on a first call basis. Please call 259-2223, ext. 221.to reserve a seat or for more information. Senior Center participants will also be going to Jacksonville on Friday, October 7, to attend the Craft Bazaar and Family Festival at the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, have lunch and shop at Regency Mall. The BCCOA bus will leave the Center at 9:00 and return after lunch. Upcoming events: September 26 Physical Actiity: Walking Club Start Up October 3 Tobacco October 10 Stress Management October 17 CPR Anytime; BP Checks Manning reunion The Manning family reunion will be held at Ocean Pond (Olus- tee Beach entrance) on Sunday, October 8. Hope to see you there. 6- THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 8 i/W 'tuaries L.D. Bradley, 76, dies on Tuesday Lester David (L.D.) Bradley, 76, of Macclenny died on Tues- day. September 19. 2006 at St. V incent's "* .';-- Center. He M. B.l x as born - in Bronson, Florida on r Mla\ 23. 1930 to the late Benja- rain Frank,- lin Bradley and NMa- bel Crews. and lived Mr Bradley in Baker County all of his life. Mr. Bradley owned and op- erated L. D. Bradley Land Sur- veyors in Jacksonv ille. He was an Army veteran and attended First Assembly of GodP Church in Macclenn'. Nfr. Bradley was an avid fish- erman and quail hunter and also enjoyed farming and spending. time with his family. He was predeceased by -brothers Har- old Bradley, R. V. Bradley and George Powers; and sisters Ruby Harper and Ellen Lindsey. He, is survived by Pearl L. Bradley, his loving wife of 27 years; children David (Kay) of Glen St. Mary, Michael (Tina) of St. George, Ga., Terry (Anita) of Glen and Lisa (Doug) Crenshaw of Jacksonville; sister Dorothy (Ralph) Davis of Sanderson; grandchildren Ka\lan Kirkland. Katybeth. Sarah. Stephanie and Amy Bradle\. Nlarissa and Kyle Crenshaw. A memorial service will be held on Friday, September 22 at 11:00 amatthe Christian Fellow-- hjp Temple in Macclennv. with PistIor-Paul Hale'rand Elder Ar- nold Johns officiating.- Ferreira Funeral Services of Mlacclenny is in charge of arrangements. Pro-Israel rally A "Stand with Israel" rally and march will be held in Mac- cenny on Saturday, September 23 at 10:00, starting at the county courthouse and moving west to Heritage Park off Lowder in the west city. The program includes food, music and drama, sponsored by the Daughters for Zion, an orga- nization that describes itself as Christian and in support of'the state of Israel. Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church Elder Arnold Johns Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For information call: 259-9567 Bobby Burnsed dies at age 66 Robert (Bobby) Burnsed, 66. of Glen St. Mary died on Sep- tember 16. 2006 at Ed Fraser Memorial Hospital. MNr. Burnsed %%as a lifelong resident of Baker County, the son of the late Judge B.R. and Myrtle Martox Burnsed. He was preceded in death by daughter Sonya Burnsed and sister Joyce SGuy. Mr. Bumsed loved to fish and hunt, and he was a niember of the Christian Fellow ship Tem- ple in Macclenny. He is survived by-wife Caro- lyn; daughters Regina Parker of Macclenn., Stephanie Green of Hawthorne and Penny Miele of Glen; sons Robert A. Burnsed Jr. and Martin T. Burnsed, both of Glen; eight grandchildren. The funeral service for Mr. Bumsed was on Wednesday, September 20 at 2:00 pm at his church with Re\. David Thomas and Elder David Cra\ford offi- ciating. Interment at Macedonia Cemetery followed the service. Guerry Funeral Home of Macclenny was in charge of ar- rangements. James Dyal, 69, ofHilliard, Fla. James R.Dyal, 69, of Hilliard, Fla. died on September 16, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center ,ii Jacksonville. He was a native of Jacksonville and retired after more than 30 years as an inspec- tor \ith the Florida Department of Agriculture. Mr. Dyal is survived by Chris- tine, .his wife of 50 years; daugh- ter Lisa (Robert) Jenkins of Hilliard;,sons Steve (Becki) and Kenneth Dyal, 'all of Hilliard; sister t'Julia. Mae Hom9e ot ac- clennN.; brothers Thoma a- lor and Paul Edard of Perry; grandchildren Kyle, Jonathan, Brittiney andBr\ce Jenkins: four great-grandchildren. The funeral service for 'Mr. Dyal was on Wednesday, Sep- tember 20 at 11:00 am at Mac- dclenny Primitive Baptist Church, followed by interment at Mill Creek Cemetery, Hilliard. Calla- han Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. DINKINrS NEW CON()ECR\TION. 11, \ ILTI ItODIST CIIUtCIl '. I i 1 / I l ,.i h ..T ,l N.i l Ii. )ll S i.). i," O'i' I Iil Where Eeryone is Somebody and Jesus is the Leader f,Pastor R1i E Al.(o Terr Pastor Re. EnvWe Teriell Rev. Gearis, 67, funeral Tuesday Dr. Ronald H. Gearis, 67, of Cleveland, Tennessee died Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at his home. He was bornm on July 26, 1939 in Hanover, Pa. to Al- bert Lewis and Mildred Shilke Gearis. He was married May 24, 1959 in Hanover to Judith Ann Mowrer Gearis. Rev. Gearis graduated from Eichelberger High School in 1957, and received a bachelor of divinity from Luther Rice Semi- nary, a master's degree from American Bible College and a . doctor of divinity from Trinity, Baptist College in Jacksonville. He also, received honorary doctorate degrees from Oklaho- ma Baptist College, Texas Bap- tist College, and American Bible College. He served in the Navy from. 1958-1968, land was pastor of iGrace Baptist Church in Bald- win from 1968-1978. In 1978, he began as a nmissionary -evan- gelist with the Rock of Ages Prison Ministrn of which he be- came president in 1987. He was a member and trustee of Berean Baptist Church in Cleveland. He is .survived by his wife, Judy Gearis of Cleveland; son and daughter-in-law, Scott and Deborah Gearis; grandson and granddaughter-in-law h lark and Marguerite Gearis; step grand- daughter Arianna Sauvage, all of Fernandina Beach; one great- granddaughter, Abigail Gearis. The funeral service' was held on Tuesday, September 19 at 2:00 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville with Dr. Rick Ad- ams and Pastor Dewayne Jowers officiating. Interment followed at Gethsemane Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers were Larry Alt- man, James Coleman, Jr., Har- vard Frost, Steven Johnson, Preston Johnson and Laverne Watson. Honorary pallbearers were. LeRoy Ellison, Terrill El- lison, Danny Fouraker, James Higginbotham, Terry Howe, Chuck Webber, the Rock of Ages Board of Directors and Rock of Ages Missionaries. The family) requests that me- morials may be made to the Rock of Ages Prison Ministry for the Prisoners Study Bible Fund. We invite you to send a message of condolence and view the Gearis family guestbook at www.ralph- buckner.com. Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am -11:00 am W-,.rhip Scmtce \\cJ Bikble Sudi S:31 pim S "" ', i' F M inisler '""'"' Samni F. Kitching Ms. McKinnon rites Thursday Michelle Barnett McKinnon, 38, of Jacksonville died on Fri- day, September 15, 2006. She was born May 20, 1968 in Yuma, Arizona and was a member of Woodstock Baptist Church. Ms. McKinnon graduated from Ed White High School in 1986 and later attended Concorde Career Institute. She is survived by Cam,McK- innon, her husband of 13 years; daughter Chloe, both of Jack- sonville; father Dennis (Harriet) Barnett of Glen St. Mn,,ar.'; mother Hiroko (Ron) Fast of Jackson- ville; mother- and father-in-law Mac and Betty McKinnon and brother-in-law Brian (Jenny) Nc- Kinnon, all of Jacksonville; other family members and friends. The funeral service for Ms. McKinnon will be held.on Thurs- day, September 21 at 2:00 pm at her church on Crystal Springs Road. Arrangements were by Town and Country Funeral Home. Family grateful A big thank you to all the peo- ple who put in time and showed their love to be with,the Sirmans family\ during their time of grief. An even bigger thank you to the Cornerstone Church,: Mae White, V. 'Todd Ferreira and all the people who attended the fu- neral sen ice for and viewing of Robert (Buddy) Sirmans.- Special thanks to the Sol- diers of the Cross, who touched our hearts with their music. And' Thanks 10to the fanmil), friends and neighbors who sent food, flowers, cards and prayers. The Sirmans Family IN MEMORY Tony Hall 9/23/1980 6/5/1999 It ain'tfair; you died too young, Like the store) that had just begun, But death tore the pages all away. God knows how I miss you, All the bad that I've been through. Just knowing no one could take your place. And sometimes I wonder who you'd be today? The only thing that gives me hope,. Is I know I'll see you again some day. -Sarah _First United Methodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pmn Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm \ John L. Hay, Jr.. Pastor FAITH BIBLE" CHURCH A'..- Hope fr the Conmmu.iri , -Five Churches Road Hwy. 12'7 Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 1'Of00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Evmry-y Sunda NightSeim. 7-00p.ni. ilellIt'.If'Wilams -Pastor 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All .u. lill .r. ~& 259-69.31 It A i, 1-,,nT r A. I F LBIH', i. 1 J17, 1. i111 Hat Siudav School 9:.,11 m .... .. | 3 nd ni W h n:15 n 1 Wednieday Bibl S iudy 7:01 pi Sunlai\ Mornino Worsliip 10:15 ani rI, t 7 ., ii. unila ening Wmship :t0 i) pm 00 p V 'hr,' ln r-f lr i lr al l ., u .r . "I I. oring fI hurrh iritlh n Cariwng I vision of ErrIetnre" | =='.ss sw itaJ,',i e..,,I *l*h.. n.. .th utI le M*admi.i'ui 3le f B Hi athfB First Baptist Church GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA /"A Beacon to Sunday School 9:45 AM SBaker County" Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM 259-6977 Dr. Walter Bennett. Interim Sr. Pastor Perry Hays, Associate Pastor 259~4940O Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship' Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday Youth Proqrams Sunday School Common Ground Sunday c (7 c G 10:00 am 11:00 am .ommon Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm | 3od Kids Sunday 11:00 am at 3od Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm "' *"" Grty Crmmsy www.christianfellowshiptemple.com Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Stnda\ School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed.,Eve. Worship 7:30 PM. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 i-t 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:15 am Guerry Funeral Home L We are a family owned company with two locations serving our respective communities. If you have a question about a funeral with burial or a funeral with cremation, call us. Guerry Funeral Home's reputation was built on caring for your family. 420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East) Macclenny 259-2211 2659 S.W. Main Blvd. (U.S. 41 South) Lake City (386) 752-2414 Bill Guerry and Bryan Guerry, Funeral Directors Larry Williams, Office Administrator Mt.ZionN. C. methodist Church 121 North t 259-4461 Macclenny, Florida 32063 Pastot: Tinm Cheshire Sunday School 9'45am Sunday Morning Worship 11 00am Sunday, Evening Worship 6 00pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7.00prn Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE I' i a ti Pentefostal Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday.... 8:30 am Morning Worship Service...... 10:30 am Children's Church ....... .... 11:30 am Evangelistic ................. .6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.)........ ..... 7:30 pm Rev. Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 mmmmmmomi 594575 'Doing their part to help cheerleaders compete Dustin Taylor, left, Tera Roddenberry and Taylor Adkins did their best to attract customers to a car wash Sept. 19 in the Mac- clenny CVS parkiti k-l,. T&hi 'oun gsters were helping Nobel Knight Gym cheerleaders raise money to participate in upcoimg competitions in Jackl.son ale a',d Tampa. PHodro BY KELLEY LANNIGAN WalMart DC donates $5000 BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff The Wal-Mart Distribution Center east of Macclenny was recognized at the Baker County School board meeting Sept 18 for a $5,000 contribution to the district. The money will be di- vided between the district and individual schools. According to Gavon Demers, assistant to Superintendent Pau- la Barton, the distribution center has been a good partner to edu- cation and periodically makes donations to the school district. I The district will receive $2,000. Baker County High School, Baker County Middle School and the PreK/Kindergar-, ten Center each $1,000. In other areas discussed dur-, ,ing the board's September 18 meeting 'five' lease agreements were approved with McCrim- lmon's Office Systems in Live Oak to replace copiers at West- Sside Elementary, Keller Interme- diate, Macclenny Elementary, BCHS and the district office. Each contract is for a 48- month period and monthly fees will range from $276.00 to $467.02.. According to Cathy Golon, the director of purchasing, the new copiers will reduce the cost per copy from 15 cents to 6 cents. Savings to the district should be about $180 per month. "We've gotten the best of the life of the existing copiers," Ms. Golon said. "Most are five to six years old and some of them have Sunder son Congregational SHoliness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm Pastor: Oral E. Lyons ( First Baptist Church I of Sanderson& i CR 229 S., Sanderson FL Sunday School ....... 10:00 am k Sun. Morning Worship 11:00 am i Sun. Evening Worship .6:00 pm , Wed. Eve. Bible Study.. 7:00 pm I AWANA Wed. Night.. 7:00 pm Pastor Bob Christmas '. www.firstbaptistchurchofsanderson.com produced as many as six million copies to date. We're also very pleased, so far, with the service we've received from McCrim- mon's Office Systems." In other items, an amendment regarding a Learning for Life grant proposal was approved. ' The original grant propos- al sought $43,841, but was changed to $48,991. The De- Busted for felony pot near Olustee A motorist stopped near Olus- tee the evening of September 14 for violating a law limiting. the music volume emitting from vehicles ended up charged 0. i th felony possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Eric Roth, 22,. of Lake City allegedly admitted in a taped in- terview following his arrest he intendedto sell the estimated 2.5 pounds of pot there after buy- ing it in Jacksonville earlier that day. Deputy Garrett Bennett was clocking vehicles for speeding on US 90 about 8:30 whenhe stopped the 2000 Pontiac driven by Mr. Roth, who initially re- fused to permit a search after the officer said he smelled marijuana smoke. The search turned up three plastic bags of marijuana stuffed in the car's trunk between the rear seat and stereo speakers, $1316 in cash, a digital scale and other paraphernalia. A 26-year-old male passen- ger, also from Lake City, was not charged. Mr. Roth was ticketed for the, loud music and for having win- dow tinting that exceeded the darkest shade allowed by law. apartment of Education was the source for the extra funding. Learning for Life is a char- acter education and self-esteem program. The additional money will be help cover salaries, ben- efits and travel expenses for in- structors. The district this week also ad- opted the following millage rates to be applied to appraised val- ues to determine property taxes next year. They are: required lo- cal effort at 5.001; discretionary at .510; additional discretionary at .250; capital improvement at 2.000. Total millage for com- bined rates is 7.761. Total budget for the school district for fiscal year 06-07 is $55.4 million. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 9 Domestic violence and disorderly charges after visit to estranged wife in Macdclenny Two Glen St. Mary men, one Police were called after the riods. Deputy Davis said he ap- of them an estranged husband, intoxicated suspect argued with plied a Taser shock to bring Mr. found themselves charged early his sister over leaving his vehicle Tisdale under control when he on September 14 with disorderly in front of her house for long pe- resisted arrest. conduct for allegedly interfering with officers sorting through a disturbance that ended with the husband also charged with do- mestic violence. Justin Hanby, 24, is charged with going to a residence off North Lowder St. after midnight and confronting his estranged - wife Monica, 24, who was stay- ing with a friend. He allegedly grabbed her and attempted to-at force her into her vehicle outside the residence. Instead, Mr. Hanby took the vehicle with the intent of hav- ing a friend drive it back to the ,i couple's Glen St. Mary address. They were stopped by officers responding to the disturbance complaint and the vehicle was returned to Ms. Hanby., Sgt. Michael Crews saidMr. Four generations poseor hoto... Hanby and friend Benjamin Four, entrarins ofl de pendants ofEdithSirmans (right) ofMacclenny were on hand Combs. 24, of Glen St. Mary be- lr. its ph.ogerapih ia'n recently. Others include (from left) her grandson Randall came belligerent and appeared to Richards. her daughter Robertia Snyder holding Ms. Sinnrmans' great-grandson Ryley hax e been drinking. Richards of North Carolina. This photo was taken shortly before Mr. Richards was Policealso issued a trespass deployed on a Navy cruise. Photo courtesy of Edith Sirmans warning to .stay away from the .. Lo) der St. address and given in- Diikms N M Church formation on obtaining a protec- .-.:-.M C.c tive order. : tu rd S member 23 Later in the evening of the Sturday, epe r3 same day, Marion Tisdale, 27,7: p. . was booked for disorderly in- toxication after he confronted The Gibbs Family his sister Laconda Ruise, 31, G si and Deputy Randy Davis at the Refreshments will be served sister's residence off King Dr. in CR 127 north of Sanderson Macclenny. Pastor Terrell welcomes all! Woodlawn meeting The Woodlawn Cemetery As- sociation will meet on Monday, September 25 at 6:00 pm on the cemetery grounds. Everyone with an interest in the operation of the cemetery is urged to attend. If you have questions, call R.L. Starling at 259-4619. Town Meeting on Cedar Creek Development of Regional Impact Sufficiency The initial application for development approval for the 3,012 acre master planned, mixed use develop- ment known as Cedar Creek located north of US-90 and northwest of Glen St. Mary has been submitted for sufficiency review. A public workshop (Town Meeting) will be held at the date, place and time shown below to both see a presentation of the devel- opment as it is proposed and to offer comments to assist the County in requesting additional informa- tion from the developer needed to adequately assess the impacts. A copy of the proposal is available for review at the County Administration Building at 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida, 32063. October 5, 2006 Agricultural Center at 1025 West Macclenny Ave., Macclenny FL 5:00 6:30 p.m. RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 o* 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811-40 ' RENTALS OR SATES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? Iron Filters and Conditioners A Water Treatment :- ,)" Free Water TestsK-. r-- Well & Pump Supplies list-^ Ne einn omuiyCuc 38.othLwe Sre,0acen Yo1 presents a Community Family Health 'Ad Wellness Fair , Saturday, September 23 9 a.m. Noon All activities are free. Including blood pressure screening, physical therapy analysis by John Goetze Inc., vision analysis by Macclenny Optical, hearing screening by Beltone, and BMI analysis by Curves. The vari- ous Baker County Health Department programs will offer a wide variety of health information for adults and children. The Council on Aging and Community Hospice will be represented. Our local school principals will be on site to answer parents FCAT questions. In addition, there will be performances by the Noble Knights cheerleaders at 10:30, the "Just Say No" club at 11:00, and "Outspok'n" The Blood Mobile will start taking donations at 8 a.m. Be present to win hourly door prizes donated by local merchants. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 10 No child left inside Studies suggest the majority of American children spend most of their time indoors, watch- ing television and playing video games.. As children become more sedentary, there is the possibility they will begin suffering from health and social problems that were not a concern a generation ago. Many of us can remember a time when exploring roaming a nearby forest or searching for the best fishing hole. Today, a child roaming their world means surf- ing the internet. Only now as a society are we discovering how this loss of natural play is chang- ing America's children and our own concept of society. According to child'advocacy expert Richard Louv, the lack of nature in children's lives, what he calls "nature-deficit disorder," can be directly linked to many of the ailments that children suffer today. With the rise of childhood obesity. attention deficit disorder, depression, and other maladies, American children are growing up less healthy then their parents did a generation ago. This is even occurring while more children than ever are par- ticipating in organized sports. However, Louv believes that nature can be a potent therapy for these illnesses. In his new book "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children, from Na-. ture-deficit Disorder," Louv uses scientific research to explain how direct exposure to nature is essential for children to develop into physically. emotionally, and spiritually healthy adults. Richard Louv is not the only one speaking out about this prob- lem. The concern about children losing their connection to nature is so great that a national con- ference on the subject was held recently at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Con- servation Training Center. Secretary of Interior Dick Kempthorne joined more than 300 educators, conservationists. throfessponals, and busi- es aders-to discuss how-to restore the connection between Need to look up the phone number for a classified ad and don't have the paper handy? Iou can find it online- in two weeks! Coming soon a redesigned more complete bakercountypress.com children and enjoyment of the outdoors. Secretary Kempthome said, "Our children are at risk of losing touch with God's creation. Few- er children are enjoying the great . outdoors, Too many children are overweight and out of shape. Fewer teenagers are out fishing. and hunting. Too many teenag- ers are.i'n % indowless basements playing'video games, where peo- ple are the hunted prey." This is a real problem, and so- lutions are now being discussed around the country. The slogan "No Child Left Inside" is often used to 'promote the idea of get-, ting children outdoors. Luckily, there is an easy.way to ensure your child does not suffer from "Nature-deficit Dis- order." Get your child outside. ,, A good place to start is your local National Wildlife Refuge or state park. At the Okefenokee NWR there is over 100 miles of water trails and hiking trails- plenty of room to roam. Re-dis-. cover your childhood interest in animals as you watch alligators swim by. Take your child boat- ing, hiking,' or bird watching. Spend a night under the stars with your family deep within the swamp. . And for husbands or sweet- hearts itching to get away from '"honey-do" lists, there's hunting, fishing: even wildlife photogra- phy opportunities. Tell your wife 'or husband you are doing it for your children,. to ensure that they remain connected with the natu- ral world, and maybe. just may- beyou will rediscover the child inside yourself as well. So use your explorations of the Okefenokee and other natu- ral areas as therapy for your child and yourself, to reconnect to na- ture for health and happiness. It will help reduce stress, improve your health, and forge a stronger family bond. Both you and your child will be better for it. Joe Raulerson retires from Glen post .4 retirement ceremony and buffet marked the departure uJoi.e Raulerson a.( Glen Si. Alarn's oiiside maintenance chliie on September 19 jiuF prior to the iown coanci'l regular meeting. Mr. Ruerson, shown here ilhi i/e' Pat., Ih. Been n/ih the iroui more than five years and plans nt contiIre hi i pat -time iinui 'r, and other piirsuit lHe's been afrequentpresence in the toi ti in recent years, mowing rights-of-way and lending to other maintenance ditnes Co-worker T'oiny, Ott remains on lthe lob. ioned by Glenn Robinson. inho as recentiv hired to replace Mr. Raulcron Rotary awards 2nd scholarship... Joel Barber, presidentrof the Baker Count) Ruoar Club. rec.enti' presented a E251. check to Bo Clavrion of Sanderson,; winner o iihe second acdenicA scholarship al, ard- ed b\ ithe local se r, i.omirgantzati. Mir. Clr'to, coMpieted his ir t rar at Lake Cir' Conihuinirt College wall a 3 5 grade print ai eragte. and l i/t itto seek a biusinzt, dcgre. romn a ciir-Y 'ear college once lie completes' aii a isociei/e degree. He is a 200 Ii graduate of BaAer Couinni High School pr.,t.....une, 1 Har.e, B..\er Pond management courses *By Mike Sweat Comit. Eviension Director ' The Baker County Extension Office, along with Extension offices in Bradford and Union, counties, will be conducting a series of workshops in beginning fish pond management on Sep- tember 21 at the Baker County .,Agricultural Center. : The second program will be, held at the Bradford County fair-:, grounds on September 26 and will feature intermediate pond management topics including feeding & harvesting, weed iden- tification and control and water quality for fish production.. The advanced management Workshop will be on Septem- ber 28 at the Fellowship Baptist Church in Raiford and includes fish disease diagnosis and con- trol and a review of water quality and management topics. Registration for each program will begin at 5:30 pm and costs $10 per person, which includes-a' meal and program materials. If you are interested in attend- ing or would like more informa- tion. please call the extension office at 259-3520 or visit the website at http://baker.ifas.ufl. edu. . ' Woodlawn Kennels IQHI ) i J, )Pfjroion/al Care GROOMING 2 59-4757 BOARDING Private Spacious* Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom .....$20-$25 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip . .. .... $10-$15 Boarding (per actual day). . . .. . $5-$7 v. - hii CaU Locally 259-2313'ori Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb Our ,ho"Twoom is .onerienilh located at the intersecoon of H%). 121 and U.S.90 in idonTtoWD M acclenn. I,, -i lamnbsauiw;andiruck.com "The' Exle~ Plce 1.n he W 1.d -, .N a (.., .:. ButchsPaint & Body Shop I 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER M ENTERPRISE b RENT-A-CAR DROP-OFF MINOR REPAIR B B 1* Foreign & Domestic Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint Computer Estimating Insurance Claim Work Computerized Color Matching w* Fully Insured Stop in for your free estimate 259-3785 NIL pi --r (turdag, Oetobzr 14, 7:00 pn j31;k,rGoctntyj EaiTground-% Kendrik Samson BCMS Football Out of Town Judges Contestants will be Ludged on talent, originality and presentation. Applications must be received b\ September 25. Mlal. pplic ior, to Par T.a lor POC) Bo 1S. (-icnSt iNlarn FL 3214ui Baylee Barber BCMS Cheerleadinc Each received a $10 gift card to Woodys courtesy of Macclenny Nursing and Rehab ^.<1/ _^/-^/ J J /' /. Macclenny Nursing & Rehab would like to recognize the Baker County Middle School )otball player and Cheerleader of the week for the game against Callahan Middle School September 12 Junior Category, ages 4-15 Adult Category, ages 16+ 1st Place: $75 2nd Place: $50 Trophies Adult & Child Category Xl- " W4 W4 Name: Age: Mailing Address: Phone: Talent Category': No. of persons participating: After receiving your application the Star Search Committee wilt contact you Thank you for your partoopatonr www.bakercountfl.org 'Iff WE Til THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 11 Baker County 28, Raines 30 Would, could, should Cats dominate but fumble away lead to lose in OT Horseshoes and band grenades The Cats came; close to touchdowns on a couple of plays, S but as we all know, close doesn't count in football. On the last play of regulation, Chaz Johns catches a pass on the Vikings' five-yard line, but can't score. A couple of plays before, Cats' receiver Jamar Farmer caught a long pass at the ten. He had the Raines secondary beat by more than five yards but had wait on the pass. On the last play of the first half, a Raines defender gets his fingertips on a pass intended for Tommy Moore at the goal line. / BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports The Wildcats out-ran, out-passed, out-defended and. oh \eah. out- fumbled Raines, High School Friday on their w-ay to a 30-28 overtime -loss at Vikings field, which dropped their record to 2-2 (0-1 in dis- trict). "That's a pretty good assessment of what happened," coach Bobby Johns said Tuesday morning. The Cats lost three fumbles, all of which led to Vikings' touch- downs, including the most important. hicli came with about three minutes left in the fourth quarter. Up 22-14 with possession around the Raines 35-yard line, and needing just a couple of first dow ns to run out the clock and take home a well earned victory, the Cats put the ball on the ground and watchedas Vikings'defensive back Anthony Curry scooped it up and took it to the house. The two-point conversion tied the game. In the third quarter, the Cats had the lead, momentum and field position, and seemed poised to take control of the game when the\ turned the ball over on the Raines 25-yard line. The first play affer the fumble. Vikings scatback Ra\ Dukes reeled offaremarkable 75-yard touchdo%\ n run that \went nearly sideline-to- sideline and featured several jaw-dropping cutbacks and escapes. Johns said that while watching film he counted 11 missed tackles on the play. He also saw Dukes clearly\ step out of bounds once, and probably another time. an obsern ation echoed b\ radio broadcasters. "Other than that run, we did a good job on him." the coach said. The diminutive Dukes carried the ball ten times for 117 yards. Last season at Memorial Stadium, he tore through the Cats' defense for 173 yards on 14 carries. The Vikings first touchdown followed a turnover in the second quarter, but Johns said the key play \as \ lien Baker defenders were sacking the Raines quarterback and he \\as able to flip the ball to one of his runners as he went.to the ground. The back took it about half the length of the field to the red zone. \\ here the Vikings scored on a six-yard run to take a 6-0 lead. The Cats responded with a one-)bard touchdown% n blast by Chaz Johns, then a 60-yard scoring run by quarterback Carlos Holton to make the score 14-6. Dukes followed \ith his high- (Page 12 please) SThis week: Ridgeview The Panthers made the third round of the playoffs last year, but lost a lot of players to gradu- ation, according to coach Bobby Johns. "They're a very well coached football team, the kids are al- ways in the right place." While many teams, including the Cats, control the ball through the run, Ridgeview uses its short passing game. "If we give them five yards a catch, they'll take that all night long." Johns said they use the shot- gun formation 90 percent of the time, with three or four wide re- ceivers, and go no huddle.. On the other side of the ball, it will be the first 3-4 defense the Cats have faced this season. The game begins at 7:00 pm at Ridgeview. By the numbers ChalkTalk by Bobby Johns Film star Baker County Raines 2nd quarter Raines Baker 3rd quarter Baker Raines 4th quarter Baker Raines Overtime Raines Baker Scoring Parker 6-yard run (kick failed) Chaz Johns 1-yard run (Carlos Holton run) Holton, 60-yard run (run failed) Dukes 75-yard run (McCloud pass to Williams) Johns, 6-yard run (Holton run) Curry 35-yard fumble return (McCloud pass to Williams) McCloud 1-yard run (Norris run) Johns, 5-yard pass from Holton (pass failed) Rushing Holton 20-186, Lucious Lee 16-63, Johns 12-51 Passing Holton 9-14-148 Receiving Johns 6-67, Jamar Farmer 3-72 Tackles Dylan Mann 19, Hank Farmer 12, Johns 9, Holton 9, Brandon Lucas 9, Jared Sharman 9, Rod Rentz 8 2 Jamar Farmer The 32/33 Veer has been one of the best plays in my offense over the past several years. It's an option play that allows us to "read" defensive players and make decisions on who will carry the football based on what the defense does. At a crucial point in the third quarter, quarterback Carlos Holton made a read to keep the ball, then went 60 yards for a score. The play works by reading the first defensive player head up to outside the offensive tackle. The quarterback will place the ball in the belly of the fullback, and if the defensive player squeezes down to tackle the fullback, the QB will pull the ball back. If the defender doesn't go for the fullback, the QB will give him the ball. If the quarterback keeps the ball himself, he will either run down the field as Carlos did or pitch it to the tailback if a secondary defender comes to tackle him. It's a great play if you have an athletic quarterback, but also works if you have a great "decision maker" at quarterback. Look for us to run this play many times during the season. senior all-purpose player got his chance against Raines and came up big, catching 3 balls for 72 yards, including a long reception near the end of regulation that gave the Cats a chance to go for the win from the 10-yard line "he's not very big (5'5"/140), but has worked hard to become strong and really molded himself to the team's needs and system," coach Johns said (right Qiarterback Carlos Holton. who raiu tit I 16 yards. reaches thie ball across tie goal liie to scoee on the two-point con'ersion to put the Cats up 22-14 with about six minutes left in Mle game (belon'i Hoilon. who dth' n wfor 141 yards ti itili tie touch pass tio Chaz,: Johns to the J7kngs 'one-yard line JoIIIs later punched a i tnr the Cats first sore , (bortomi Hank Farmer (30) and Dylan MInnI 21). who hada combined31 tackles, are in the backlielh before the quarterback can hand off. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday September 21, 2006 Page 12 Woulda, coulda... (From page 11) light-reel run, but the Cats coun- tered with a short burst from Johns. They were up 22-14 when Curry picked up the fumble and scored. Despite the mistakes, the Cats were in position to win the game at the end of regulation. After Raines tied it at 22 on the fumble return, the offense- got the ball back with about two minutes left. A few plays later, with time dwindling, Jamar Farmer had the Vikings' second- ary beat by more than five yards but had to stop and wait for the pass at the ten-yard line, where they caught up to him. After Raines stuffed a run, the Cats got off one more play, a pass from Holton to Johns at the five, but Dukes got to him before he could get turned and headed for the end zone. The Vikings got the ball first in overtime and scored easily. They faked a kick for the extra- point and ran it in for two. Holton hit Johns with a five- yard touchdown pass, but was pressured on the conversion at- tempt and was unable connect with a receiver. There appeared to be contact in the end zone, but not enough to draw a flag. The good new s from the game was the progress of the offense, especially the passing game, which has been nearly non-exis- tent -just 52 net yards through the first three games. Against Raines. Holton com- pleted nine of 14 passes for 148 yards. "We worked hard on that dur- ing practice." Johns said. "We gave Carlos a better opportunity to be successful, we didn't just pass on third and long." "We've always relied on our play action, especially with Car- los. We like to get him out on the point and give him a chance to make decisions." Meanwhile the running game was hitting on all cylinders, gaining 301 yards on 50. Holton, who is shaping up as a high school version of Michael Vick, ran for 186 yards, includ- ing a 60-yard touchdown run. (See ChalkTalk below.) Lucious Lee racked up 63 yards on 16 carries and Chaz Johns 51 on 12., "We won the battle on the line of scrimmage," coach Johns said. In fact, when asked if his of- fense has been progressing as well as he'd hoped, he pointed to the improved block ng. S"We're' becoming more phys-, ical and that's a big key. We're knocking people off the ball 'a little bit more," He also said Holton has been making good decisions and the option is clicking the' way he wanted. "There's definitely been progress. We put up 440 yards on Raines. People say they're young, but they still have ath- letes out there. " He's also happy w ith the evo- lution of the defense. "There's no question we're getting better. We're more ag- gressive. We're getting pressure on the quarterback," he said, adding "We've made changes' everN week on defense, trying to get as much speed on the field as possible." Ladies play tournament and three dual matches BYBOB GERARD Press Sports It was a mixed bag for the Lady Wildcat volleyball team last week. They came up against some tough competition, including many of the state's top-ranked teams. They played hard and competitively. The highlight of the week was a second victory over Bradford County. Earlier in the season they defeated Bradford on the road, and this time around the Tornadoes gave them all they could handle before BCHS came back and beat them in five games. "This was an emotional game for us, knowing that this was our rival," said Coach Chris Armoreda. "You never want to lose a game to your rival on your home court. Our play was very inconsistent and our execution was lack-luster and this put us in a hole 2 games to 1 after dropping games two and three." Bradford made some mental errors and the home crowd provided a lot of noise that fired up the players. Baker came back and began to dominate play in games four and five. Statistical leaders for the game were Tiffany Norman and Brittany Gray with 4 kills each. Cassie Kennedy had 8 assists. Kristin Mathis and Kennedy had 2 aces each and Norman, MI ary Dugger and Tasha Battles collected a pair of blocks each., 'The Lady Cats started the week with a three-game loss to fifth- ranked Alachua Santa Fe. The Lady Cats rose to the level of play and gave the Raiders a lot of trouble before falling 25-15, 25-23 and 25-9. Armoreda was pleased despite the loss. 'There were a lot of positives that came from this 2anme." Tiffany Norman led the \wa\. \ ith 5 kills. Mind\ Roberts had 3 as- sists and Mar) Dugger, Tasha Battles and Brittany Gray had 3 blocks each. This past weekend, the Lady Wildcats participated in the First An- nual Gator Town Volleyball Tournament in Gainesville at PK Yonge and Bucholz High. The tournament brought the cream of the state's volleyball players to Gainesville. Thirteen of the 16 teams ranking in the Top 6 in the State through 2A.- 6A were in attendance. "This was a great learning experience for the team." said Armore- da. "We were able to play against and watch some of the best teams in Florida. We played 5 games and out of the 11 matches in total from the 5 games, we w\ ere able to win one match against a tough team from Sarasota. We tookthis team to three games. I wanted the girls to see what it took to be a tdp notch caliber volleyball team. It was an eye opener for them to see girls their age playing at near college level." Statistical leaders for the Wildcats \ere Gray with 17 kills, Nor- man w ith 15 kills. Roberts and Norman with 6 aces, Kennedy with 27 assists, Norman. Ashley Holton, Battles and Gray had 4 blocks each. The Cats will travel to Wolfson this weekend for a tournament to play Bartram Trail, Yulee and Lake Howell. The JV team split their games last week losing to Santa Fe by the "''1". .......4'.. s~',,: c~* ~ ;j~ 1 7 Right, Tiffany Norman calls off teammate Kallie Crummey. Bottom, the girls touch hands as Jessi Nunn is replaced in the line up. scores 25-19 and 25-15. The\ beat Bradford County to complete the s\\eep by the scores of 15-25. 25-19 and 15-11. The girls are playing hard and \working well as a team. The JV lost freshman Holton to the varsity. Armoreda had been pleased with her depth and athleticism and pulled her into the senior squad. . ,.. .5-' ,. Lilant Hall scores ofn o ius play frim scrinmiu e, awai,ist the 1raw. Cowboys shut out Titans In the Youth Football League game of the week, the Pee-Wee division Cowboys rolled over the Titans 27-0 Saturday. On. offense, the Cowboys were led by Seth Paige with 3 carries for 75 yards rushing and 2 touchdowns runs of 32 yards each, Travion Clayton with 7 carries for 27 yards and 1 touch- down, Dylan Hall with 6 carries for 12 yards and a touchdown. Jamon Jones and Blake Roberts each added extra points. Defensive players of the game for the Cowboys were Clayton with 6 tackles and a fumble re- covery, Jadyn Yarborough with 5 tackles, Roberts with 4, Hall with 3 tackles, 2 fumble recover- ies, and an interception returned for 25 yards, Blake Dicks and Colby Hodges each had 3 tack- les, Paige, David Powell and Boys win, girls The Wildcat boys cross coun- try team has started the season in fine fashion, winning both its meets, while the girls have struggled and have yet to win. The boys got a big win in their first meet, defeating Columbia High and Fort White in a tri-meet. They then traveled to Callahan and won a five-way meet with West Nassau, Yulee, Hilliard and Baldwin.- Robert Mason, Timmy Mason, Paul Gibson, Luke Kennedy and Evan Ward were top finishers for the boys against Columbia and Fort White. Shae Raulerson was the top girl. Logan Campbell had 2 each. Titans offensive players of the games were Justin Waddell with 10 carries for 25 yards and Justin Morris with 3 carries for 11 yards. The standout defen- sive players were. Waddell and Jonathon Hodges with 5 tackles each, Jason Johns, Kaleb Man- ning and Tallon Dugger with 4 a piece and Justin Morris with 3. The other Pee-Wee score Sat- urday was the Vikings over the Eagles 22-7. On Tuesday, it was the Jaguars over the Eagles 12-7. In 'the Middle Division, it was the Broncos over the Chargers 33-8 and Jets over the Panthers 16-0 on Saturday. Senior Division scores were the Patriots over the Bears 32-0 and the Redskins over the Colts 19-6 on Monday; and the 49ers over the Falcons 19-6 Tuesday. struggle early The boys team dominated the competition in the five-way meet, taking the first seven slots. Robert Mason finished on top with a 19:55. Blake Rowan was second just a step off the pace at 19:58. Timmy Mason, Kennedy, TJ Mosely, Gibson and Ward also were top finishers. Raulerson finished fifth overall for the girls at 28:51. Guadalope Campos, Brittany Dale, Sarah Combs, Sylvia Sotomayor and Kelsey Dudley were top finishers for BCHS. The Lady Cats finished third. Both teams will travel to Ridgeview Saturday. JVfootball drops hearreaker to B ford26-20 BYBOBGERARD as a result of Wildcat miscues. Matt Peeples continued to ups Joey Codoba and Chris Press Sports "Fumbles stalemates the of- shine for BCHS on offense and Crawford opened holes all night Sj i fense," said head coach Ronald defense. He ran well on the of- long for the running backs. ooball tea juniosuffered a heart- Lee. "We outplayed them in fense side of the ball and made Lee has also been impressed breaking defeatThursday, losing every aspect of the game, but some strong hits at linebacker. by the play of Cody Walker at breaking defeatThurdaosing couldn't hold onto the ball for The transfer from West Nassau linebacker and Calvin Hawkins The Wildcats dominated the the win." is both the team's leading rusher at linebacker and safety. gamThe Wildcats domoersin the It was a frustrating game for and its leading tackler., Lee plans to make some game; but nine turnovers in key Lee, who felt the game should Lee couldn't say enough changes in position before the 26ituations gve the Tornadoes a have been in the win column. about the pla\ of his offensive team hosts Union County on 26-20 win. "These were all things that line. James Treece. Kvle Small- Thursday night. and doC\ n the field all nigut long plagued us in practice and I've 'wood, Trace Ferguson. Garrett "Sometimes you just have to but kept turning the ball nioer lon told them again and again that MobleN. Reed. Tillis and back- shake it up." Bradford.and giving them the how you perform on the prac- Bredge that tey needed. Bradfordthe tice field is how you'll perform Calling all Children and Teenagers, ages 4,17! got the majority of their' points on Thursday night." veaiWS Golfers earn best score BY BOB GERARD Press Sports The Wildcat golf team had its best match of the season, traveling. to Callahan to defeat West Nassau 160-184. The win was the team's best score of the year. It boosts its record to 5-1 on the year. JJ Finley was the medalist, shooting a 1 over par 37 for nine holes. Lukas Crews and Trey Echols both shot 39 while Trevor Corbitt checked in with his best round of the year at 45. Coach John Staples was particularly pleased with the performance he got from some of his younger players. "Trevor shooting a 45 was big for us as far as a solid team score goes and Lukas was his usual consistent self. It was nice to see us rebotind from our worst round of the year to follow it up with our best round of the year." SouCEn, 'Wt build snng kidstrong anulis, stmng i onmuin i's ,.es Call the YMCA Front Desk at 259-0898 for more registration information. Open to everyone in Baker County! FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE The YMCA does not turn away anyone with the inability to pay. Apply for scholarships at the YMCA. YMCA MISSION STATEMENT To put Christian principles into i...m i 1u 2, '' rl 'I I .,11 * Slag Fill Dirt Sand Milling Clay * Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built 9 653-2493 (904) 445-8836 cell. Busy week for Cat volleyball . :t THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS September 21, 2006 Smart repairs for sellers Early September By Jared Wilkerson Real Estate Writer When planning to sell a home in the current market, sellers should take an objective look around <_ the property for repairs orupgrades that need to be made in order to make the home more appealing to buyers. Take cau- Stion, though. The types of repairs or hile. F you do and how Jared o er son. Fealtor y -n h o- they're done \aill detennrmine whether or not you get your money back when the home finally sells. Some repairs and upgrades are north h while. For instance, if all of the other homes in the neighbor- hood that are currently on the mar- ket have recently remodeled kitch- ens and bathrooms, it would be a pretty tough sell-to market a home N% ith all original fixtures afid cabi- netry at the same pricing levels as the rest. Here's a handy list of do's and don't regarding home repairs: I Do0: Repaint all interior roomnis with neutral col- ors. Not only will it make the home look nicer and less lived in, but neutral colors are sure not to offend the design tastes of prospective buyers. Light colors also make a room look, bigger verses a darker colored paint. 0 Do: Consider re-shin- gling the roof if it is over 15 years old. According to a recent statistical survey on home repairs, homes in Northeast Florida with new roofs average just over 100% return on repair costs upon the resale of the home. This study included only homes that were stripped to the bare wood and then re-shingled. If there is wood damage present in the roof from a leak, then chances are that it will not pass a Wood Destroying Organism report (which is required by ,most lenders) and as a result will require some roofing repair anyway. This is where a pre- marketing inspection will. come in handy to help tip the scales on whether or not to go for the new roof. Sure, adding a new roof will also take longer before the home can 1 Do: Update bathrooms if they are becoming dated. Nothing says yuckk" in the mind of a buyer more than a lime-green matching toilet and tub set from the 70's. Sure, they still function okay, but that doesn't mean they still work. This especially applies to any bathrooms that are adjacent to major living areas (these are the ones the new owners will let guests use). These repairs can be exten- sive and still payoff. Replace all fixtures to include sinks, tubs, showerheads, and even the toilet. New solid surface countertops are a great sell- ing feature here. A remodeled bathroom fetches nearly 110% of the costs upon resale. IZ Do: Consider doing some minor remodeling of the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the most influential areas of the house. If it looks a little outdated, the buyers will never forget that. All-new cabinets simply cost too much to replace to ever recoup that money at closing. However, older cabinet doors can be eas- ily replaced with newer styles at a fraction of the cost of replacing the entire cabinets. I can't believe how cheap new counter tops are these days. A little know how in basic removal and installation can go a long way toward sprucing up the look and (See Page 3) A bold brick exterior with wrought-iron accents makes this I It one-and-a-half story Southern home low maintenance. The H itEll. inside features ten-foot ceilings in every room, which adds E tip7fj I.wJ to the spacious feeling of this large, open house plan. The WIll 't 1 top floor features a media room and fireplace, game room, "- -- bedroom and full, bath. For more details, log onto www.house-of-the- week.com, or call 866-685-7526. Cypress Pointe (904) 653-1741 Cypress Pointe Community and Model !1-10 west, north of SR 228. iuki, I j.. Lot 51 Arlington B 1.875 sq. ft 3'2 $180.150 Lot 17 Sunbury G 2,223 sq.ft.. 3 2.5 $202,200 C .. F~:.S I.,. .. .. i Lot 21 Winchester V 3,004 sq. ft., 4/3.5 $237,900 Model Hours: Mon. 11-7 Tues., Wed., & Sat. 10-7 Sun. 11-5 .$ .......... Lot 53 Winchester W 3,004 sq.ft., 4,3.5 $239,200 Thursday THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. September 21, 2006 Page Two-B Early September land sales (From Page 1) Jefferson, Eric D in 36-2s- 20e to $10 Rayonier Forest Resources LP to JSWHD#1 Inc in 29-ls-21e, $327,960 Wood, Robert Earl to Thorninn, Carrie in Deerwood Est Lot 7, $10 Raulerson, Lyma F to Stackhouse, Jamie D in Riverview Acres Lot 11, $10 Bennett, Agie Jessie to Alford, Jeannie M in 35-1s- 20e, $0 Alridge, Marshall to Thomas, Linda D in 28-3s- 9e, $10 Morgan, Ralph H to Adkins, Steven G in Shaves Bluff Lot 18, $65,000 Long, Tambra to Register, Lloyd A in 24-2s- 20e, $250,000 Yarborqugh, David M to Watt, Brian in 12-2s-21e, $0 Masters,. Mona Ann Dorman to Webb, Charles III in Town Of Macclenny Lots 7,8 Bk 68, $150,000 Roberts, Charles D to Roberts, Charles D in Green Ridge Est Lot 2, $0 Parish, L Eli to Stivender, Fred B in Allen Lands Lot 4, $50,000 Combs, Fred Jr to Powless., Richard W in 11- 3s-20e, $87,000 Cooper, Dan C Sr to Sutton, Jay in Turkey Creek Ret Unit One Lot 2 Bk 4, $180,000 Motley, David B to J Parker Properties, LLC IN 5- 3s-22e, $10 Trustee Management Services LIc to Lumpkin, Jackie Irish in Owens Acres Lot 1 Bk 2, $166,000 Rewis, Carl to Rewis, Carl in 19-2s-22e, $10 Seller offering $10,000 in allowances for quick sale! Beautiful Little St. Mary's riverfront tri-level, 3 BR, 2 BA, Jacuzzi in master BR with 16' balcony over- looking a 2 story solarium, 2 tier deck, waterfall, koi pond, and in-ground pool. $279,000 Call 259-3329 or 904-923-7223 for appt. uni qua *flrchitu Ior, spcilfatre COUNTY RS 2.59-240 Alvarez, Linda to Taylor, Fred Jr in 2-2s-21e, $0 Brannen, Joshua W to Cauley, Jonathan M in 8- 2s-21e, $172,500 Town Of Glen St Mary Florida to Tropical Equipment Sales And Leasing Inc in Lot 1 Block 10 Town Of Glen St Mary, $10 Rolling Meadows Of Macclenny LLC to Drees Homes Of Florida Inc in Rolling Meadows Lot 28,29,121, $123,445 Maronda Homes Inc Of Florida to Santiago, Juan L in Cypress Pointe Unit 1 Lot 60, $202,200 Maronda Homes Inc Of Florida to Warren, Israel in Cypress Pointe Unit 1 Lot 25, $219,650 Sigers, Eva Joyce to Arend, Russell J in 32-is- 22e, $191,200 Langford, Darrell A to Langford, Darrell A in Shaves Bluff Lot 12, $10 Watson, Williama H to Watson, H Richard in Whispering Pines Lot 8, $10 Elledge, William H to Elledge, William Harry in 11-4s-20e, $10 Elledge, William H to Wege ,Properties II LLC in 11-4s- 20e, $10 Reaching more people than ever! Buying Selling Careers Rentals CLASSIC WARM 3/2 BRICK HOME In established Macclenny neighborhood, 3/2 home has large bonus room, It is 2298 sq. ft., has large screened back porch, plus screened side porch. The kitchen is large with lots of cabinets, also large family room. On 2 city lots with back yard fenced, this one is a must see!! $195,900 NEW HOME UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Many extras! 3 BR/2 BA on 1 acre. Covered porch & patio, 2 car garage *. - & 295 sf bonus room. Laminate wood *. - floor, carpet & tile, gas FP, central vacuum, security system, pre-wired for home theatre. $259,900 3/2 SW & 2 STORY HOME on 1.21 acres in Glen St. Mary. Live in the MH while you complete the house. REDUCED $99,500 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with building. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305,000 Excellen lot. East Macclen 0,000. Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighbor- hood. $419,000 3M .98 Acr South. $ SOLD"^^^ TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED SPRITCHETT TR UCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 FSBO Yard Sales It's all inside! COUNTRY ESTATE IN CITY 2500 SF 4BR/3BA house. Completely remodeled and updated! New Kitchen-Aid appliances. New wiring, plumbing and air conditioning! Stone and wood floor- ing, vinyl board fence. Two new electric fireplaces! $289,900 4 BR/2BA IN QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD Beautiful old neighborhood in Macclenny. Your children can walk to school. 1560 SF $168,900 on 121 Beautiful Country Home on 5.01 acres - 4 BR/ 3BA Aro 2350 heated SF. Detach Ent, over- sized in-ground pool, & large barn. Add'l land w/pond also available. $429,900 I, O W L -- a INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY- Brick home & two additional lots to build on in excellent location for convenience to 1-10 and shopping. Remodeled with new kitchen, stove & refrigerator. All 3 for $189,900 CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent corner lot location! Beverage License is available! Richard's Grocery & Meat Market, 386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny $389,000- Owner will stay on to train you for 6 months. HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. t Wayne Combs, Licensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell We can show and sell all listings! Anne Kitching, Realtor 962-8064 Wendy Smith, Realtor 710-0528 Tina Melvin, Realtor 233-2743 cell. OPEN HOUSE! Saturday 1 4 1305 Copper Creek Dr Off Lowder St from Hwy 90, left into Copper Creek Hills, home is on the left, Brick Beaut) in Copper (reek! This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home fea- tures a huge living area, large eat-in kitchen, RV/Boat parking and DP - two covered patio areas. Also has a detached brick storage facility.f $ $229,000 Jared Wilkerson, REALTOR : 4 Call: A.. 899-6957 W6tn Realty Co(p. RLAUTORSA Visit www.jaredsellshouses.com for everything you need when buying and selling real estate in Baker County. Real Answers. Real Results. Cleo) PLO THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. September 21, 2006 Page Three-B 7T7I 7 Brick, 1632 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA, large modem Reduced- Ten high and dry acres oned for residential Reduced- Ten high and dry acres zoned for horses. Located 3 miles west of Glen St. Mary off of US 90. Good road front- age. Modular, manufactured and conventional homes wel- come Reduced to $164,900 Investment Opportunity- .91 acre zoned for duplexes. Property also includes a nice 3 BR, 2 BA home w/large mod- em kitchen, spacious family room, fireplace and other ame- nities. Home & duplex lots priced to sell at $250,000 New listing- Fixer upper for hunter/fisherman. 1994 1296 SF 3 BR, 2 BA MH on 2.73 acres. Shed with camp kitchen and sleeping area. Near Ocean TPond in Olustee. Needs a little work. $69,900 Commercial property- on US Hwy. 90 in Macclenny. Older home may be converted to business space. Established flower shop offering world wide wire service. $445,000 New Listing- Nearly new 2004 manufactured home. 1984 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA front deck on 10 acres zoned for horses. Must see to appreciate. $209,000 3 BR, 1 BA, vinyl siding, new roof on 1 acre. CH/ A. $100,000. Tony Givens Rd., Sanderson. Nice older MH completely renovated & new additions. 3 BR, 1 V2 BA, FP, screen & open porch, abv. ground pool, privacy, fence. Large storage buildings. .88 acre comer lot Reasonably priced at $89,900 Owner will consider financing with 20% down. Don't remodel rooms to include built in shelving or organized closets. Smart repairs for sellers (From Page 1) feel of the kitchen. Linoleum is a floor covering whose time has passed in today's housing market. If it can be replaced with a moderately priced alterna- tive, it will be well worth the effort. Finding a good deal on more energy efficient appliances is not a bad idea either, depending on how old the existing ones are. Making room to add in a dishwasher to a kitchen without one will win all sorts of favor with buyers. 1] Don't: Bother replacing win- dows. Everyone loves the idea of dou- ble-paned thermal windows, but the price and time involved will cost an average of about a 20% loss at resale. Don't: Remodel any rooms to include adding customized shehv- ing or built-in storage spaces. Built-in shelving units can add a lot of uniqueness to a room and obviously will come in handy for the new buyers, but the shelves might also run the risk of not fitting in with the buyers' design tastes or may even hinder their furniture lay- out ideas. Despite what you may have seen on one of HGTV's redesign shows, bare rooms are still the best way to go. Besides, it would probably cost 25% more to redesign the room's layout than what the room itself will be worth at the -A; 5. -5. .5 I-. 5. 4 A; -5. .5. 4 '5. A; '5. 4: 4 4 4: 4 4: 4: I.- I.. 5' ~5 - .5. 5' 5' "5 I 5., 5. I] Don't put in new carpet if the old carpet has any life left in it at all. A lot of people don't agree w\ith this one. citing that every investor who buys a property to make money invari- ably replaces the carpet. Don't misun- derstand, new carpet is nice, but a lot of times homeowners end up replacing car- pet that isn't bad at'all with carpet that on]N they would want. Nothing says ouch on a wallet like new carpet that doesn't match any of the buyers' furniture. They aren't going to replace brand new carpet with more brand new carpet, and believe it or not, that might keep them from buy- ing the home. I hear it from buyers all the time. \\orst-case scenario: if the carpet is really on the borderline, offer ia carpet allowance for the buyers at closing. Now they can select their own carpet, which will make them hap- pier anyway. Even if they don't actually use the money to replace the carpet, it may still be a good payback in their minds for the money they had to put toward closing, which might just turn "bad carpet" into "great selling point." sale. Gas is $3 a gallon... what are you waiting for ? An excellent opportunity for a bright, self-motivated person right here in Baker County. No commuting to Jacksonville. Part time with full time potential, salary base with commission - sales and marketing experience helpful. Apply to: PO Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063 HORSES WELCOME Gorgeous 4BR/3BA, 2480 SF home on,5.14 acres. 4 stall bam, with feed & tack room. Area is fenced with separate fences. Home is on corner lot with side and front entry. Kitchen updated, and much more. MLS#313581, $390,000 - FARM COUNTRY 53 picture perfect acres. Fenced/cross fenced, 2 ponds. Has - electric, well, septic system & phone lines. All upgraded/new in last 12 months. MLS#307155, $874,500 GORGEOUS HOME- 3BR/2.5BA, 1680 SF home on spectacular lot. Offers huge family room, large updated kitchen w/oversized cabinets and eating area. Finished 2 car garage w/separate detached garage in back. 2 covered patios and beautiful landscaping. Mstr. bath w/garden tub and his & her closets. MLS#318595, $229,000 NICE AND PRIVATE 7.5 acres, platted as a 5 acre and 2.5 acre parcel. Shady lot partially cleared. T shape lot with paved access from CR-130. Also has access from private road. MLS#312559, $150,000 BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME 3BR/3BA, 3146 SF home in established area. Features dramatic stone entry formal living and dining. Den with fireplace, exposed beams, equipped kitchen w/pantry & eat-in area. Inside laundry, bonus room w/double closets. Florida room looking over tranquil backyard w/in-ground pool and much more. MLS#290659, $460,000 New Listings Added Daily- Please visit our website at www.cbisaacrealty.com Mo.5 3 BR. 2 BA 2229 SF home with hardwood floors, ar hallas, stone tile floors, luxurious formal dining room. won't believe the unbelievable serenity perfect for entertain Please call our office for directions to our OPEN HOUSE this Saturday, September 16, from 1-3 PM. 259-4828. $291,000 This 1834 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA home is picture perfect, and fresh w ith WWC, tile floors, large open kitchen with cabinets.. Huge inmaster bath, split floor plan and a firepla Please call our office for directions to our SOPEN HOUSE this Saturday, September 16, from 1-3 PM. 259-4828. $274,000 dched You dining. MAC-020 clean oak Ice. MAC-021 An adorable 3 BR/2 BA home. on 1.33 acres and a 1200 SF garage/workshop that can be your handyman's dream. The child's room and master bathroom have custom paint jobs that you just must see An adorable Koi pond & new back deck in the process of being completed with a roof and fireplace with a new stone front & hearth. Take the short ride, just over the FI/GA line to see thi, beaurv!!! $184.900 iA-O:, Georgia 3BR.'2B\ I,51 acres $1Si,OOn .,unn,,' Callahan 3BR2B un I+ acre 3 car garage $1o'.0l OO t..,"14 Georgia 16 acres paved frontage CR185 $14,500/acre Msc-Ool Georgia Douglas. 3BR/1BA Brick Home $64,200 MAc-s01 Jacksonvile Commercial potential 1.39 acres $500,000 MAC-o00 Georgia SMRB Off River 2006 DW/MH 1+ acres $132,500 MAc-016 Macclenny Commercial US 90 frontage .43 ac Owner Finance Jacksonville Investment 2 rental houses $218,900 MAC-019 MAC-004 Macclenny 3/2 almost all Brick Home'1884 SF, 1 ac. $279,000 Sanderson 7.9 acre zoned home or M/H $78,210 MAC-007 MAC-020 Macclenny Convenience store, great potential'.66 ac. $350,000 Georgia 2/2 Wood cottage, 1+acre river lot $168,000 MAC-008 SALE PENDING MAC-24 Macclenny Zoned Comm.l.18 acre with DW/MH $224,900 MAC-009 BEAUTIFUL HOME- 2646 SF on 10 acres in Baker County. Built in 2003.3BR/2.5BA with bonus room, pond, playground, lots of upgrades. MLS#325474, $425,000 NEED A DEVELOPER -This 15 acres is now ready to be developed. All areas are ready for some type of business. Come see, come buy. MLS#292461, $575,000 CUTE STARTER 3BR/2BA, 1144 SF home. Living and dining room combo.. Hardwood floors, large corner lot, nice porch across front. MLS#297732, $144,900 MOVE RIGHT IN Former model home with upgraded cabinets in kitchen, formal living'and dining room, great room with fireplace, and sunroom. MLS#317879, $239,000 WALK TO THE CAMPUS Charming bungalow on Fishweir Creek, near FCC. Double lot. 3BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen/breakfast bar. Sunroom, wood floors and much more. MLS#317218, $193,500 COMMERCIAL LAND 11.34 acres behind Westside Industrial Park. 3 minutes from 1-295. MLS#282119, $200,000 VACANT LAND -12.08 acres with approx. 1 acre cleared to build a home. Well, electric, telephone, covered carport, utility shed and 51h wheel included with land purchase. MLS#320255, $158,000 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY- 3.3 acres located in growing commercial area. The value is in the land. Livable 3BR/2BA 2244 SF house built in 1934 on land. MLS#292745, $951,777 3 DUPLEXES 6 total units, 2 units have 2BR/2BA, 4 units have 2BR/1 BA. All units currently rented. Great investment opportunity. MLS#294791, $480,000 BRICK BEAUTY- 3BR/2BA, 1868 SF brick home has been remodeled. Ceramic tile in foyer & kitchen. Pergo in living room. Located on 1.32 acres, lovely landscaping. Close to schools and shopping. MLS#317539, $188,000 DON'T MISS OUT- You can own your own beautiful 1.82 acre lot in an established area. Last available vacant lot on a dead end private cul-de-sac & has a gravel drive. MLS#314433, $82,500 VACANT LAND 28.54 acres on paved road frontage. Can be split into minimum of 7.5 acres. High and dry, bring your horses and cows. MLS#317891, $642,150 COUNTRY LIVING Must see 4BR/3BA, 2004 Cavalier double wide Mnobile home with 2380 SF, on a 1,acre lot. MLS#326135, $160,000 We Build Our Plan on Your Lot SEDA Construction Company Building Quality Homes We Build our House + On Your Land. On Your Land Your Home Free Options package valued $12,500 with the purchase of a home View our floor plans at www.sedaconstruction.com 904-724-7800 Mon-Fri 8-5 pm C Florida ; Crown Realty Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Josle Davis Mark Lancaster Juanice Padgett Andrew P. Smith Teresa Yarborough 799 S. 6th St., Macclenny t 259-6555 sav 05^5 m..._ Subject to change without notice CGC020880. Expires September 30, 2006 - -- - Classified adsand notices must be paid in advance; and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless otherwise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed pro- vided they are accompanied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibil-. ity for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liabili- ty for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad con- tinues to run without notification of error by the person or agency for whom it was published, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the pub- lisher does not meet. standards of publication. 2000, 30 ft. 5th wheel Terry camp- er, 50 year edition, 2 slides, TV w/VCR & DVD, stereo w/CD player, ceiling fan, all upgrades. Must see to appreciate. 9,04-612-8256 or 259-3281. 9/14-21p Dresser w/matching twin head- board and twin motorized bed, $300 for the set; sofa bed, full size, floral print w/pillow, only used a few times, $500; lift chair, doesn't work, make offer; 19" TV w/ DVD player, $100, microwave, new, $30. 904-563-3029. 9/14-28p 44" Grasshopper, zero radius mower w/23 HP Kawasaki en- gine; 6'x12' dual axle trailer w/ weedeater rack & tailgate, both for $2700. 904-251-4451 or 912- 843-2648. 9/14-21p 26x30 hip set of trusses, 412 pitch, 16" overhang, $1500. A&R Truss 259-3300. 9/14tfc Gehl feed grinder, $1500; John Deere 1 row corn picker & wag- on, 3 spares, $500; Hammer mill, $300. 275-2683. 8/31tfc Looks great! 5 piece oak bedroom set, queen size with mattress, $750; Two denim crib sets, $10 each; 259-2746. 6/8tfc Dell keyboard & mouse, $10. 259- 2400. 6/15tfc 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; 2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334-6695. 9/7-28c Bed, beautiful temp-pedic mem- ory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904-858-9350. 8/lOtfc Epson Stylus color 600 printer, $25. 259-2400. 4/20tfc 6 piece bedroom set, queen mat- tress & boxsprings, new in boxes, $499, can deliver. 904-858-9350. 8/lOtfc Newgen DesignXpress 12 laser printer, ethernet, parallel, serial, appletalk, SCSJ connectivity. Prints up to 11x17, uses HP toner & drum. PC or MAC, has one tray & power cord, $250. 259-2400. 8/24tfc 1990, 16 ft. Fisher boat, 25 HP Mercury motor & trailer, excel- lent condition, water ready. Asking $2750 OBO. 259-3696 home or 229-7338 cell. 9/21p WHITEHEAD BROS.,INC. -LAKE CITY LOGISTICS NEW RAISE IN PAY Over the road drivers needed. New trucks with ThermoKing APU's, 1800 watt inverters, top of the line leather seats, walk-in condo sleepers, and new air-ride front suspension for a smoother ride than you have ever experienced. Home several nights most weeks as we have a good mixture of regional and over the road. Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks locally. Earn up to 30% of revenue immediately. NO WAITING!!! New increased layover pay. Up to $100.00 per day. 2 weeks vacation. $1200.00 per year Safety Bonus. Driver of the Year bonus. Driver recruitment bonus. Medical and dental insurance. Need 2 years experience. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE 904-368-0777 or 888-919-8898 3925. .9/21p Miller welder w/trailer & acces- sories, $1200. 259-1303 or 545- 8588. 9/21p with mattress & boxsprings, retail $950, sacrifice for $395, can de- liver. 904-858-9350. 8/lOtfc King pillowtop, new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 8/lOtfc Antique breakfront buffet, break- front china cabinet, buffet, all ma- hogany, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. South- ern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics,, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Nikon Scan Touch oversized flat- bed scanner with SCSI connection, $75. 259-2400. 6/15tfc Rotary tiller, 6', PTO powered, hardly used, in new condition, cost $1600 new, asking $1250 firm. 904-502-7408. 9/21p 3 piece living room suite couch, loveseat & chair, forest green, t250. 259-0584 or 813-4900. S9/21c 2002, 17%' Nitro bass boat, $11,000; Connex 3300 CB w/250 Texas Star Linear, $250; aluminum 'dog box, $75. 653-1713.9/21-28p Ready to go fishin' 15' Gheeneu w/trailer, 5 HP Honda motor, troll-. ing motor, vest, livewell, $1700, like new. 259-1303 or 545-8588. 9/21p Roper Washer, Kenmore dryer, * '$175 each, both in excellent condi-- tion; saw horses, $25!pair, heavy duty; 8000 BTU A/C, new in box, $125. Call Andy at 259-7700 after 6:00 pm. 9/21p Refrigerator, 25.6 CF, side-by- side, water & ice in door; glass top range & dishwasher, everything is white, works very good, looks great, $450 OBO for all; 1997 Ford Thunderbird, $1800 OBO; 23 ft. Proline Walkaround Cuddy Cabin, 150 HP Ocean Runner on -Sea Drive bracket, almost new alumi- num trailer w/brakes, $5500, with rods & reels & extras. 259-6683. I 9/21p Utility trailers, trailers, trailers. Used. $250 and up. 259-1303 or 545-8588. 9/21p Rear tires for Ford tractor, pumped up on Ford rims, $150 each. 912- 266-1641. 9/21c Thrift Shoppe. Come shop with us. Huge store sales. 9889 S. Glen Ave. (125 close to railroad). 259- 5773. 9/21p Thrift Shoppe carries ATVs, dirt- bikes & trailers. 9889 S. Glen Ave. (125 S. near railroad). 259-5773. 9/21p Sears Craftsman riding lawnmower, 17.5 HP, 42" cut, used very little, $700. 259-6753. 9/21p Mahogany dining room table w/ leaf, 2 arm chairs & 4 side chairs, lighted china cabinet, all for $300. 259-4148 after 5:00 pm. 9/21p 24' Coleman camper w/extras, $6500. 259-9055 or 598-4935. 9/21p Oak/glass display cabinet, $75; white bedroom furniture chest, dresser w/mirror, nightstand, white computer desk, all for $325; solid oak entertainment center, $125. 259-4633. 9/21p Hotpoint 18.2 CF refrigerator w/ ice maker, good shape in/out, $100, pickup or deliver. 259-2968. 9/21p ~N~'~- --'; 'I Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 121 N. on left. Lots of goodies. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, Short- - putt Dr. Clothes, toys. furniture, ap- pliances. etc. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, ' 10451 N. Clinton Ave., Glen. Various items. Saturday only 8:00 am-?. Dixie Mini Storage. 8th Street. Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, Go north on Lowder. 3 miles on right. Lots of really nice adult clothes, men's shirts size 16L. Lots of stuff besides clothes and its got to go! Rain cancels. 1 day only. Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm, Corner of Lowder & 121, Old Health Depaitment. Student desk, computer stuff, large woman's clothes, Cabbage Patch dools, scrapbookking stuff, western videos, opera CDs, lots of stuff. Multi-families. Saturday 9:00 am-?, Neighborhood sale @ Baker Manor, cor- ner of Lowcoer & 121, turn in on House cleaning. Very dependable, personalized service. Call Cindy at 259.9563. 9/14-21p As of this date, September 18, 2006, 1I,Michael Shedd, will no longer be responsible for any debts made by Paula Shedd or anyone else. 9/21-10/12p Will do sitter service for children or elderly in your home, Monday-Fri- day, 8:00 am-4:30 pm. 275-3214. 9/21p We do small job land clearing, L;wnsh hog mowing, scatter.dirt, root rave. etc., also tree tririnnirig & re- moval. 259-7968. 6/29tfc 1985 GMC Jimmy S-10 350- 700R4, runs good, $4000 OBO. ball for more details 275-3415. 9/14-21p 1999 Honda Coupe, leather, CD player, sunroof, spoiler, good condi- tion, $7500. 904-588-2815.9/7tfc 2002 Ford Explorer LS, 78,000 miles, w/extended warranty, V6, automatic, CD, power steering, tilt wheel, cruise control, tow package rear air, aluminium wheels, new tires, $10,950. 259-7574.8 31tfc 1999 Chevy S10 4x4, V6, $5500; Massey Ferguson 240 box blade, $4000. 259-3723, 9/21p 1986 Chevy 4x4, $5500. 370- 4114 or 259-7021. 9/21p 2006 Tahoe with 3rd row seat, 8000 miles, $28,800 OBO. 259- 5895. 9/21p 1995 Pontiac mini van, clear, w' approximately 60,000 miles on V6 engine. 2599-2342. 9/21p 1991 Lincoln Towncar SE series, runs good, needs, minor motor work, in Glen, $500 as is. 850- 673-2779. 9/21p 1997 Chevy 1500 4 WD, loaded, 8000 Warn winch, $6500. 838- 1230. 9/21p 1989 Ford Ranger, runs good, clean, $1200; 5x18. 2 axle flatbed trailer. $500. 2594347. .9. 21p 1988 Lincoln Towncar, excellent' condition, $1200. 259-0768 or 338-7153. 9/21p Small dump truck, 4 cylinders, Per- kins diesel, runs great, new paint, $1400. 912-266-1641. 9/21p 2003 Ford Expedition, Eddie Bau- er edition, leather seats, sunroof, fully loaded w/all extras, excellent condition, $18,500 OBO. Please call Ricky at 334-3112. 9/21p White 1988 Lincoln Towncar Ex- ecutive Series, nice ride, very de- pendable, blue leather interior, $5000. 305-2131. 9/21p Lowder street. Cash for your junk car or truck. I haul. 904-509-0921. 5/4-10/26p Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at South- ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259- 7968. 4/22tfc 7 year old. Pintaloosa stallion, $700; 7 year old Quarterhorse mare w/tack, $1600. 904-251- 4451 or 912-843-2648. 9/14-21p Beagle puppies, purebred, 15", $75. 259 4633 or 509-3925.., 9/21p. Bulldog puppies, $100 each. 370- 4114 or 259-7021. 9,.21-28p Chihuahua/Terrier mix puppies, $100 each, almost weaned. Danny Thrift 259-1303 or 545-8588. 9/21p Quarter horse, good with kids w/ tack, $1400. 259-2465.9/21-28p. Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control, $50 board- ing fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc G- PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401 K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! ' A Good used appliances. 90. day Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, : -" t2i" money back guarantee. 266-4717. $199. 904-398-5200. 8/lOtfc Friday only, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, 6126 7/13-3/29p Hunter's special. Holiday camper, George Hodges Rd. 259-6865. Multi- ,- Solild wood cherry sleigh bed $1000 OBO. 259-4633 or 509- ...-,, families. Driver Jacksonville Tenninal Dedicated Shorthaul Avg. $683 $907/week NO TOUCH FREIGHT 85% preloaded/pretarped CDL-A required 877-428-6527 www.ctdrivers.com I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, September 21, 2006 Page Five-B Retail business in Sanderson. 904- 813-8464. 9/21p Best location In the county for the new drive thru convenience store concept, drive through gourmet cof- fee shop, car wash, dry/fold laun- dromat, ice vending machine, drive through produce, barber shop, hot dog stand, office or retail space., 100 ft. frontage by 140 ft. deep, lo- cated on S. 6th St. between Waffle House & American Inn, 350 ft. to 1-10. This "hot" location is avail- able for only $125,000. Call Florida Crown Realty 259-6555. 8/17tfc Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classi- fied advertising ort subjects like work- at-home, weight loss products, health products. While the newspaper uses reasonable discretion, in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents should use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other commitments based on statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also -call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find out how ito spot fraudulent .solicitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. -The Baker County Press Dental assistant needed for busy Lake City practice. Must be EDA certified & experienced in crown & bridge; team oriented. Monday - Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, salary commensurate with experience. Fax resume to 386-752-3122. 9/14-21c Experienced A/C service tech/ installer needed. Must have driver's license & tools. 259-0893. 6/15tfc Apex Fabrication, Inc. is looking for skilled structural steel crafts- men who are able to work in a team environment. Hours of operation are from 7:00 am-3:30 pm with the possibility of overtime when required. Benefits include paid holidays, personal days and vaca- tion. Apply in person at 710 Griffin Court, Macclenny. Apex is an EOE . and drug free workplace. 9/14-10/7p A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs. experienced full time licensed driver. 259-7335.3/23tfc Experienced painters needed. Must have tools, benefits after 90 days. 259-5877. 12/30tfc Shop maintenance help needed,. small engines. 259-7335. 8/24tfc Part time w/full time potential. Looking for motivated, qualified per- -son in Baker and surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc Company specializing in erosion control now hiring the following positions: Crew leaders, equip- ment operators, laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license a MUST. Fax resume to 904-275- 3292 or call 275-4960. EOE.-Drug free workplace. 9/21p Earthmoving. Heavy equipment operators, dozers, track hoes, off road dump trucks. Local work & extensive travel required. Health benefits. EOE. Drug free work- place. E-mail resume to radkins@ comanco.com. Application can be completed at www.comanco.com or call Application 813-988-8829 ext. 117. Current locations:. Folkston, GA. 9/14-10/7p Two dump truck drivers w/asphalt experience needed. Call 334- 8739. 8/31-9/21p Pier 6 Seafood now accepting applications for all positions. 259- 6123. 9/14-10/19c Security officers, all areas of Jacksonville. Call Giddens Security 384-8071 or apply in person at 528 S. Edgewood Ave. 9/14-10/7c Truck drivers needed. Earn $800- $1000 per week. Company pro- vided CDL training for those who qualify. School graduates welcome. Call AMG at 866-374-0764. 8/31-9/21p Dental Assistant, 5 years experi- ence required. Fax resume to 904- 396-4924. Don't have experience yet? See the ad for Jacksonville Dental Assistant School on the school page of this paper. It begins with the headline: "In just 71 Days you can have the skills you need to get a job as a Dental Assistant." 9/21-10/12p Local home care agency looking for full time/part time Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. Contact Lacy of Linda at 259-3111. c 5/25tfc Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this news- paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimina- tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national ori- gin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimina- tion." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our read- ers are hereby informed that all dwell- ings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the impaired is 1-800-927-9275. FSBO. Beautiful 2 acres in Glen St. Mary, located behind high school. 2 electrical services, 2 wells, 2 sep- tic systems, nice 3 BR, 2 BA single-. wide mobile home on 1st acre, leav- ing the 2nd acre for a new home or development, $135,000 as is. Call 904-910-5583. 9/21-28c New construction. 1800+ SF, 4 BR, 21/ BA, 9 ft. ceilings, crown molding throughout, off grade foun- dation on 1 acre in N. Macclenny, $195,900. 904-219-0480.9/21tfc Custom 1997 doublewide, 4 BR, 3 BA, family room w/fireplace, formal living room & dining area, secu- rity system, 2 car carport, storage building on 1- acre fenced corner lot, $136,000. 259-6417. 9/21-28p 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide, fenced yard on .70 acre, Glen St. Mary, $95,000. 259-2465. : 9/21-28p 3000+ ,SF, 2 story home on over' 5.5 acres with pool, spa, 3 car garage, $469,900. 259-9500. 8; 31tfc 2.25 acres, high & dry, fish pond & complete set-up, ready to move on. Georgia.Bend -.15 minutes to I- 10,. $45,000 owner financing. 912- 843-8118. 9/21tfc I acre lot in Macclenny 11, $55,000. 653-1775. 9/14-21p 3 BR, 2r BA doublewide on .50 acre, den, fireplace, fenced yard, above ground pool, Glen St. Mary, $110,000. 259-5295. 9/21-28p Baker County new home. 3 BR, 2 BA brick/vinyl house, 2240 SF on 1 acre, Bob Kirkland Rd. 2 car garage, front & back porch, large bedrooms, great room, custom cabinets, Ipts of extras. Located minutes from schools, just outside city limits, close to 1-10, $219,000. 259-7574. 8/31tfc,. Ranch in Glen St. Mary, 2 barns, ponds, oaks, cross fenced, board fence frontage, 3 BR, fireplace, porches, party & boarding income includes equipment & livestock. $750,000, 259-2465.' 9/21-28p 5 acre tract off 185 towards Moniac, $45,000. 904-651-3216 or 904-653-2046. 9/7-28p Acreage & timberland financing available from Farm Credit of North Florida. Contact Jeffrey Spencer 800-342-3795 for details. 8/31-9/21p New construction. 3 BR, 2 BA brick house in Hunter's Ridge, 2307 total SF, great.room, kitchen, back porch, $239,000. 259-4602 'or 259-6546. 7/27tfc 27 acres off US 301 near Bryceville, $250K. 904-483-7617 or, 449- 6184. 7/20tfc Copper Creek Hills, Unit III, last lot available on cul-de-sac, $55,000. Please call 259-2255. 8/24tfc Beautiful 3000+ SF pool home on over 5.5 acres ,.,$469,900 -i .. 4 4.BR/3BA. formal dining room, eat-in kitchen ith island and .. hickory cabinets, great room with brick fireplace. huge mas- h ter bath with garden tub and %alk-in closet, wood floors and 12-foot ceilings throughout. All this. plus an attached 2-car li garage, detached I-car garage, wrap-around front porch, large screened porch overlooking pool & spa. RV parking/hook-up ence re 59-9500 / 881-4197 3 BR, .2 BA house with 2 rental mobile homes on 13.2+- acres in the Georgia Bend area, big work- shop & 2nd kitchen, $190,000. 904-629-1779. 5/25tfc 3 BR, 2 BA triplewide mobile home on 2.2 acres, fenced yard, deck overlooking pond, huge kitchen & master bath, 1800 SF, $129,000, Glen St. Mary. 904-626-6201. 9/14-21p Elegant entrance brick home. 4 BR, 2 BA, 2400 SF heated, 13' ceil- ings, great room, living room, dining room, breakfast area, kitchen w/ white cabinets, both bathrooms w/ jacuzzi, master BA/walk-in shower, security system, surround sound in great room, large sunroom next to a screened inground pool. Brand new 13 seer, high efficiency heat pump. Sprinkler system, beauti- ful landscaping. 2 room detached garage w/12' aluminum lean to and a fenced area. All on 1 acre which has an underground petsafe invisi- ble fence. Wonderful neighborhood. Great location. Serious inquires only. $380,000. 259-4602 or 259- 6546 or 219-2842. 8/24tfc 7.5 acres in Baldwin, zoned resi- dential, water & sewer available, walk'to school & shopping. Call John Swanson, Broker, 257-9033. 9/14-21p RTlersoe WeLL DYrLLliv g 2" & 4" Wells Water & Iron Conditioners Installed Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured ANGEL AQUA, INC. GATEWAY PEST KIRKLAND'S LAWN NOBLITT'S HOME WOODS TREE WEDDING Water softeners Iron filters CONTROL, INC. CARE/LANDSCAPING INSPECTIONS SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS Sales Rentals Service 259-3808 Lawn mowing ~ Tractor work NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified Tree removal Light hauling & INVITATIONS WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~ Financing available ~ JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc MASHELL DEEN DECORATING In-home consultations Custom window treatments Accessorizing mashell001@yahoo.com 259-7939 9/21-10/12p FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust Buckshot Goodyear Michelin Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR Custom exhaust Fl6wmaster Turbo, Glaspaks Call today for the best price! 259-1393 10/6tfc BAKER WELL & PUMP 24 hour pump repair Iron filters Irrigation systems 251-4641 9/21-10/5p DRYCORE 24 hour emergency service Emergency water removal Dehumidification Mold prevention Hardwood floor drying 259-8929 9/14-12/28p JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 4/6tfc All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner 11/16tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances * 24 hour, 7 day emergency service! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing, Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 5/27tfc CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor, Land clearing We sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Dirt starting at $85/load Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 CU-C057126 3/16-3/1/07p DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL, INC. Residential/Commercial Garbage pickup for Baker County Roll off Dumpsters 259-5692 Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator Clean-up ~ Hauling 259-3352 9/14-10/4p FILL DIRT Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White 275-2474 4/6tfc KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install 7/ DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Fall & winter hours Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 2:00 pm 259-5222 (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc ALL FLORIDA ' CUSTOM AIR, INC. Commercial Residential New construction Service 904-260-2090 CAC1813701 4/6-9/28p ALAN'S TREE SERVICE Free estimates No job to big or to small Remove dangerous trees near your home Licensed & Insured Locally owned & operated 7 days a week 904-710-5011 9/21-28p MARINE CONTRACTORS Docks ~ Retaining walls ~ Gazebos Decks ~ Repairs Floating dock systems Call for free estimate 904-219-8094 Serving North Florida and South Georgia 259-5342 259-5416 fax 7/6-9/21p FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/ltfc RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p TRACTOR WORK Bush hog Dirt leveling Root-raking General clean up By the hour or the job 904-591-2916 9/14-21p PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tfc BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259-2255 CBC060014 3/14tfc A & R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc TWH CRANE SERVICE, INC. Free estimates Licensed & Insured 275-2853 904-838-8449 Timmy Hodges, Owner 8/31-10/5p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia So many options! See our catalogs at The Office Mart, 110 South 5th Street 259-3737 GOD'S BUSINESS After-hours computer repair Networking, training, graphic design and writing Call Cheryl 904-885-1237 9/16tfc HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured 259-0893 Lic. #ET11000707 Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RA13067194 4/21tfc A & R TRUSS Engineered trusses for your new Home Barn Shed Etc. Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc WELL DRILLING 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 4/3tfc SANDS TRUCKING Fill dirt ~ Millings ~ Slag Concrete washout Land clearing ~ Fish ponds Road built Houses/buildings demo Inground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads & much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 4/6-10/5p 9/14-11/30p 2/17tfc tc f \ I tfc tfc I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, September 21. 2006 Page Six-B 40 acres vacant land in Sanderson. 904-813-8464. 9/21p Auction: 853 Acres, Nassau County, Fl. Tuesday, October 10, 7:00 pm. 102 Acres: Divided, com- binations or as a whole, 89.30 acres of 1993 planted pines, cypress bottom, paved road frontage, CR 121. 50 Acres: Ideal hunting land, great recreational potential. 7.40 Acres: Commercial potential, Hwy 1 frontage, Hilliard area. 11 Acres: Planted pines, cypress bays. 11 Acres: Planted pines, cypress bays. 671.31 Acres Divided into 3 Tracts: or in combination or as a whole, paved road frontage, ideal hunting tracts. Photos, plats & details @ www.HUDSONMARSHALL.com. Free brochure 800-841-9400. H&M# AB110; CQ220129, Ben G. Hudson, Jr. AU230; BK3006464. , 9/21-10/5p Rent to own or purchase. Nice 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on 2.71 acres with pond, no pets. 904-477-8995. 9/21-28p 2 BR, I BA apartment in quiet neighborhood, no smoking, no pets, $550/month, last month's rent and deposit. 904-859-3026. 9/7tfc Very nice house in Raiford, 4 BR, 3 BA, QH/A on 2 acres, with shed and small barn, $775/month, 1st & last plus $750 deposit. No inside pets, no smoking. 783-4757. 9 7-21p Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A, C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904- 860-4604. 3/17tfc 3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets, garbage, water & mowing provided, $450-$600/month. 912-843-8118. 5/4tfc Beautiful 1600 SF new home with jacuzzi in MBR, all electric appli- ances, beautiful neighborhood, inside city, $2100 security deposit, $1400/month. Please call 259- 3343 weekdays between 9:00 am- 5:00 pm. 8/lOtfc New home, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile floor- ;ng throughout on 1.28 acre lot in Macclenny. All electric appliances, $850 security deposit, $850/ month. Please call 259-3343 week- days between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 8/31tfc 2 BR, 1 BA mobile home, lawn main- tenance along with pickup of house- hold trash included. 1stIand last plus $300 deposit. $500/month. 259-7335. 9/7tfc 2 BR, 1 BA singlewide in Glen, carport, screened back porch, no smoking, no pets. 550, month, $550 deposit. 904-813-5558.. 9/21p 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home close to city, no pets, $600/month, $600 deposit. 545-7688. 9 21p 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home, fully reno- vated, new paint, CH A, Georgia Bend off 121, no pets, $250 depos- it, $550/month. 259-5317.9/21p 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, $525/ month, $200 deposit. River Heights Mobile Home Park 259-3148. 9/21-28p 3 BR, 1 BA block house w/real fire- place on 5 acres, highway frontage, $800/month, 1st & last w/deposit. 653-1656 leave message. 9/21c 2 BR, 1 BA house in Glen, $650/ month, $650 deposit required. 874- 6100. 9/21p 2 BR, I BA singlewide on Rufus Powers Rd, Glen, no pets, $250 deposit, $425/month. 259-6846 or 259-4575 after 4:00 pm. 9/21p 3 BR, 2 BA singlewide, CH/A, yard work included, $300 deposit, $500/ month, 1st & last month's rent. For more information, call 259-4884 or 635-8160. 9/21p 3 BR, 2 BA brick home, carport, utility shed, privacy fence, $950/ month plus deposit. 259-6849. 9/21-28p September Special. St. Augustine, 1 BR condo, sleeps 4, large heated pool, $500/week, monthly rates available. 904-483-7617. 7/20tfc Coming soon to Glen. Office space, from 600 SF, newly remodeled. Call 275-2944 for details.,8/31-9/14p Commercial building, 1100 SF of office space divided in to 3 offices & 1 BA. 1 bioca' from cour those on 4th St., directly behind Dependable Heating & Air. Just $650/month, deposit required. 259-6546 or 259- 4602. 7/13tfc 1 BR singlewide. hew floors, $1000 OBO. 259-2375. FSBO. 1996 Homes of Merit; 28x68, 3 BR, 2 BA, cathedral ceilings, open floor plan, stone fireplace, very large kitchen witn lots of cabinets, side- by-side refrigerator, overhead air vents, spacious master with large walk-in closet, garden tub, separate shower, lots more. Must see. Very motivated seller, $41,000 or make offer. Must be moved to your prop- ertr. 259-5895 or 654-6998.9 21p Scare up Halloween fun with tricks and door treatments From a witch enshrined in cobwebs to a cornucopia of autumn colors, JELD- WEN's door decor ideas cap- ture the spirit of Halloween - front and center for one of the heaviest entryway traffic times of the year. JELD-WEN, the world's leading manufacturer of reli- able windows and doors, of- fers expert Halloween door decor advice and creative harvest themes for a vari- ety of today's most popular styles. The designs are made with colorful and playful materials, adding to a home's curb appeal and festive feel. "When planning Hallow- een decor. consider the archi- tectural style of the door first, then choose a design that will function best within its framework," said Elizabeth Souders, JELD-WEN door marketing manager. "For example, a simple wreath or swag would work best with a highly detailed front door. Whereas a simpler door style would complement a Hal- loween decoration ith more color and detail." When it comes to spend- ing on Halloween, consum- ers have no fear. Research shows Hallow\een is one of the biggest decorating sea- 'ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. COMMERCIALL* RESlDENTIAL NEWv CONSTRUK rION *- SERVICE ICE MACHINES, COOLERS, FREEZERS 904-260-2090 4%% fsr, )I14IRW IRORIONA < AC i8,7 4) ...' i .. ,a i. Metal Roofing * Homes and Mobile Homes I * Factory Certified Professional Installers * Many Styles and Colors to Choose From * Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIMAIE! * State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.com BBB 1-I sons of the year. Around 60 percent of homeown- ers purchase decorations, arid almost half decorate their homes or yards. Retail spending amounts are heart- stopping, totaling more than $3 billion, according to the- National 'Retail Federation. And thanks to trick-or-treat- ers, the front door and entry- way gets most of the action. To dress the door for the season, some of JELD- WEN's suggested Hallow- een door designs incorpo- rate unique accents, like a mossy wreath with a devil's mask and small bats with red eyes tucked throughout. The design really "pops"' when hung on a red door such as the JELD-WEN@ Steel Provincial@ door. For a less spooky,. more harvest season feel, a woven cornu- copia, filled %ith brilliantly colored dried flow ers, leaves and moss overflo%%s to greet guests throughout the au- tumn months. All of these creations, including a simple and affordable do-it-yourself option, complement each door's architectural style, texture and color. Fall into the door care habit Because Halloween means a lot of attention on the front door, it's also a great time to check your door for any maintenance or cleaning needs. "Halloween and the be-. ginning of the cool weather is the perfect time to inspect your doors to make sure they're in good working or- der before the chilly win- ter months," Souders said. "Just a few quick touch-ups can add years of life to your door." JELD-WEN offers sim- ple steps to help front doors look their best for Halloween trick-or-treaters. Gentle cleaning: Just like windows, doors can often use a good wash. JELD- WEN recommends using gentle materials such as mix- ing one teaspoon of baby shampoo to one gallon of water. Dry thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth. Do not use abrasive tools, harsh liquids, power washers or hoses that - ADVERTISING * DEADLINE Monday at 5:00 : : THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS can damage doors and windows. Inspect weather- proofing measures: Carefully look at the frame, seals and weath- erstrip to make sure the door won't allow cold air into the home dur- ing the winter months. Inspect door sur- faces: For painted or stained doors, inspect the finish on all six r sides for any signs that restoration is needed, such as cracks, dulling or a whitish cast on the door's surface. Be sure to follow the manufac- J turer's recommended finish when retouch- , ing., For more information about the exceptional value and reliability of JELD- * 24 Hour Emergency Response * Emergency Water Removal * Mold Prevention * Dehumidification * Hardwood Floor Drying * Sewage Cleanup - ~ 686-4133 24/7 Locally Owned & Operated Chris Eddins, Owner !i .s! fw ;XL ,lc -S i. ,.*. ;*" 31" .*S ** ****** * While Butler" building systems are pre-engineered, their final design ir nol predetermined Using Butler's exclusive technology, ve can help pou design a building from the ground up Even special design . elements like skylights, fascias and entrance systems can be incorporated to produce not just any building, but your building, For systems that meet your building ,ilcds cdfiose Butter * For the experience and expertise to get the job done choose us your" local Butler Builder " COUNEPT UNSTRUCIIUN . of North k' 'U' i Hv. '.' U 1 0 Lake Cilv FL 220-5. Florida, Inc, WW L',",rIrarie:pIt.nfi -"r Iu Give-a-Mway Stop in, place a classified ad and be entered to win two free tickets to a Wildcat Home Game Drawings will be hekli the- weel., of each home game Bradford Cty. Eastside Andrew Jackson jaby Backs ": iF, 10/6 Union Cty. 10/27 Bishop Kenny For more information call The Baker County Press at 904-259-2400 (904)779-5786 S 1-800-662-8897 Toll Free BCHS Wildcat 9/1 9/8 9/29 .... r WEN products, or to find a dealer near you, please visit wNvww.jeld-%%en.com or call 800-877-9482, ext. PR-352. |