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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 13&40 'ONGE LIBRARY FLA HISTORY PO BOX 117007- UNIV FLA GAINESVILLE FL 32611 To re-visit insurance consultant appointing The Macclenny City Commis- sion will likely re-visit its decision * last week to appoint local insurance agent Jack Baker as the exclusive representative for Blue Cross Blue Shield in future deliberations over employee health care benefits. Tim Owen. of the city's insur- ance consultant firm Ow'en and Associates of Jacksonville, has asked for an agenda slot August 8 to suggest the board may be vio- lating state statutes w ith the Baker appointment. In a parallel development, the county commission decided on Tuesday of this week to schedule a workshop for August 21 on the same subject. Mr. Baker, a local Farm Bureau agency manager, requested the de- signation approved during a spe- cial meeting the evening of July 25. Mr. Owen had been expected at the meeting also. but cancelled due to a family emergency. Mr. Baker approached the city a year ago seeking Nlacclenny's blessing as the sole consultant for Blue Cross. Recognizing a long- held policy that local vendors be given preference when fea- appr.'ed "e req ues. ,. . aC'Isultant Or'en, who con- tracts, also with Baker County on health policy matters, says that' compromises Mr. Baker, and in effect makes it a requirement that a consultant live in Baker County. "If Jack represents Blue Cross. can he be unbiased when he pres- ents a quote for health insurance?" asked Mr. Owen. "We're not against Jack, but we don't think the city can make it a requirement that a person acting as a consultant be local. "If that's a special requirement for the job. it isn't unbiased on the part of the citl." concluded Mr. Owen. whose firm represents both private and public entities in five states. City manager Gerald Dopson said he is aware the consultant feels he might be losing "a com- petitive edge" b. conceding the Blue Cross proposals to-Mr. Baker, and told the board during the half- hour meeting that evening the lat- ter merits consideration because he is based in Baker County. Mr Owen. in fact. secured the present coverage for 42 city employees %with Aetna. The con- tracts are normally bid annually. and the Owen firm has handled negotiations for several years. Mr. Dopson said the Aetna package "\as deemed overall the best of several, despite the fact that it and others are as of this month not accepted by Fraser Hospital for emergency services. "My point is is this the best way?" stated Mr. Owen. "When an entity like the cit\ sends out requests for proposals, it must by law send out one set of specifica- tions (for co\eraget. Does having multiple agents equal having mul- tiple specifications?" Mr. Baker, who was at Tuesday's county meeting, asserted no laws are violated by the single consul- tant status. S"The only thine l'xe asked to do is bring you a quote from Blue Cross," he said. adding that all car- riers have vary ing specifications. 6 89076 48819 8 Paid/circu/ition leaer l'"nner o /1 state anid national auar'dJfof journ a/inm excellence in 2006 Thursday August 3, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500 Suicidal woman shot Olustee resident still critical a, standoffon Sunday BY NHCHAEL. RINKER PressStaff ,i ''I"i Distraught over a crumbling relationship and impending surgery, a suicidal Olustee- woman held police at bay for several hours - Sunday before being shot multiple times af- .I ter pointing a shotgun at ' deputies %Nho stormed . her home. '-.' Susan Smith. 48, was ,'. . in critical but stable " condition Tuesday. ac- " cording to Sheriff Joey Dobson, who said he'd ". spoken with her daugh- ... ter that morning. No deputies were in-" I jured. It's the first time in . more than two years ." ".. . that a Baker County ........ deputy has fired a shot in the line of dut. Ms. Smith appar- ently did not fire the 12- gauge, double-barreled shotgun, although the sheriff said state crime scene investigators from the Florida Depart- ment of Law Enforcement have yet to make an official determination.I The FDLE investigates all cases in which a police officer fires a weapon. 'Our guys are put in harm's way every day. but this %%as certain5 beyond that." H Sheriff Dobso .said.. .. ....d.V.fro-.. .,rnfereeE *d ,'a d ".. ., ,", set) held l oq 'podi ,. ( .here, FD LE aog i fe .!g i __ha a '. ing." oadAM S hsmauBecarn'1atsoup ined ayhm shoot and kill her. At Ms. Smith's home, police put tear When he saw the shotgun'pointed at him He said Ms. Smith also had a pistol, .22-caliber rifle and a high-powered rifle throughout her home, a neatly kept place about a quarter-mile south of US 90 between Olustee and the Columbia County line. At one point during the standoff she stepped outside. fired a shot into the ground then pointed the .22 at a deputy and told him to get off her' property. The sheriff speculated NMs. Smith may have been attempting "suicide by cop." The phenomenon. which has been noted in scientific journals for more than 20 years. occurs when a person \\ants to end her life but for some reason doesn't want to do it herself, so she provokes a police officer to The sheriff'said Ms. Smith mentioned to a police negotiator that if she killed herself, her daughter wouldn't get her life insurance money. It was the second time in two weeks the sheriff's six-man special response team en- tered a mobile home to end a standoff. Joseph Jordan, a violent fugitive wanted in at least two states, was holed-up inside his uncle's Glen St. Mary residence July 17 for more than an hour before deputies went in to find him hiding in a kitchen cabinet. In both cases, SRT members entered the home after tear gas failed to flush either sus- pect. gas in every room but ohe the bathroom, which had no window. In response, Ms. Smith apparently grabbed the shotgun and retreated to the bathroom, stuffing towels under the door to prevent the gas from coming in. She sat on the toilet with the gun pointed at the door. Led by deputies Scotty Rhoden and Mi- chael Crews, the SRT went room-bN-room in Ms. Smith's mobile home until they reached the bathroom. Deputy Rhoden, a drug investigator, went through the door first, holding a four- foot-long metal shield in front of him. DISTANCE LEARNING: Bringing college classrooms to high school campus BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff A group of Health Science Ca- reer Academy students are cur- rently studying pharmacology in the first "distance education" lab recently established at Baker County High School. Students .... watch as the live image of Blanch Vanz- ant, a faculty member of the Department of: .. Allied Health at Lake Cit Com mmunit t College, lec- tures on the applications of pharmacolog B to the practice of nursing. W During the lecture, she asks the stu- dents ques- .. . tions and theN i answer via mi- crophones at- tached to their desks. Funded St s through a health career grant, the lab is connected to Lake City Com- munity College by a two-way viewing system that utilizes fiber optics and a satellite feed. The lab contains cameras, two plasma television screens and microphones to allow interactive conferencing. As the instructor lectures live from her classroom at LCCC, students at the high school question her via the microphones nitor the instructor and other classes via PHOTO BY on their desks. The distance lab's technol- ogy was designed and furnished by Visual Systems Group, Inc., %which specializes in video, voice and data conferencing products and services. The students from remote loca- tions can view each other, plus lis- ten to and respond to each other's comments. The greatest advantage, agree the Baker students, -. is the convenience .i 1 factor. Commuting to Lake City twice a week would be required to com- plete the course other ise. Another added advantage, accord- ing to the students, is the fact that they are also allowed to communicate per- sonally by e-mail with the instructor Students are re- quired to be pres- ent on the LCCC campus the first day of class for "orientation, to pick Lup class ma- terials and to go over the syllabus. screens. Afterwards, all KELLEY LANNIGAN ,classroom instruc- tion is conducted in the lab. A teacher is usually present to (Page 2 please) he recoiled, bumping into Sgt. Crews im- mediately behind him. Deputy Rhoden then raised his Glock .40 'caliber semi-automatic handgun over the curved top of the shield and began firing. After Sgt. Crew s regained his balance, he too began firing over the shield. The weapons, called "40s," are issued to all deputies, not just the SRT. They hold 15 rounds in the clip and one in the chamber. FDLE investigators confiscated the weapons, but have not yet said how many rounds were fired. The barrage, however, blew apart the toi- (Page 2 please) County manager s pay package settled at $82,280 with perks County officials negotiated a base pay and benefits package worth $82,280 during talks last week with the new ly hired county manager. Joseph Cone requested and received a $5000 auto allowance atop his $75,000 annual salary. and the county will kick in an additional $2280 as his share of a medical insurance plan held by his wife, a registered nurse. Mr. Cone, 59, thus \ ill not be added to the Humana plan subscribed to by other county employees. A day after he was chosen from among three finalists for the posi- tion that has been vacant since last November. Mr. Cone conferred with county attorney Terry Brown of Starke and Alex Robinson, chairman of the county commission. As of Tuesday this week, Mr. Cone had yet to return a signed copy of the contract. He left last week on a previously planned vacation. Copies of the contract were distributed to commissioners during the board's regularly scheduled meeting this week. and Mr. Brown advised them to look it over for revisions and a final discussion before accep- tance. The commission earlier indicated it wanted Mr. Cone on the job in early August before budget deliberations begin. He was hired during a special meeting July 24 on a 3-2 commission vote. Other key contract elements: A six month probationary period. Severance pay equal to six months salary if he is dismissed after the probation. Dismissal for cause negates severance pay. A $50 monthly allowance for a personal cellular telephone. Ironi- cally, it was misuse of the counts's phone that led to the firing of his predecessor Jason Griffis in late 2005. Mr. Cone resigned in June as city manager in neighboring Lake City. a job he had held for ten years. His resume includes positions in administration and planning in Marion County and the city of Ocala, jobs the majority of the board felt beneficial here due to present and anticipated growth, both commercial and residential. The contract also contains a provision that Mr. Cone move to Baker County within six months. I, THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday Augst 3, 2006 Page 2 M i\ m-WiMtt 11% 1 N fM &is t x "PCor Copyriqhted.Material w * =-. Syn dictated' Content j Available from Commercial'News Provi -~ 4sw b V qv b*q m04 r- w w ders" 11111 . - I C' * Visa Card Best Rates Around... Use your Country Federal Credit Union Visa through December and receive our low rate on any purchases, balance transfers or cash advances. Do you have one? Apply today! Quick Approvals! COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US H\\x. 90 \West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldin 266-1041 www.countryfcu.com >,A .. CD Rates l2Mwitb ~4r ate Ce~f~ 5~~~LP)~ tOO ~i~Iep~ ~ ~ Woman still critical after being shot S (Fronipage l1 let in addition to striking Ms. Smith an unknown number of times. She was taken to Shands Jack- sonville Medical Center where she underwent surgery Sunday night and was moved to recovery Mon- day. As of Tuesda) Ms. Smith was still in the intensive care unit. "We were patient, diligent and did everything according to proce- dure," Sheriff Dobson said. "We hate that this had to occur, but we gave her ample time, ample opportunity to put her hands up and come out. If she had, we would have taken care of her, got her into mental health treatment." The standoff began around 10:30 am after Ms. Smith's boyfriend Charles Wilkinson called the sher- iff's department from Tallahassee to say she was threatening to kill herself. She reportedly had kicked him out of the house that morning after discovering he'd committed some Neighborhood meeting Aug. 3 Residents who live nearby the proposed West Glen Estates and Glen Forest developments are invit- ed to attend a neighborhood meet- ing on August 3. The evening meeting will be at the Sanderson Community Center on Thomas Sweat Road starting at 7:00. The event is organized by Commissioner Julie Combs and land owner Greg Boree and his rep- resentative Wyman Duggan will be present to answer questions. Complete Electrical Sign Company Manufacturing, Repair Face Replacement & Custom Graphics Call Us For All Your Signage Needs 904-766-6222 www.signsharks.com alleged transgressions. ment to arrest Jpohn David Kight'Jr., She later contacted him by cell., who answered the do6r.holding a phone reportedly via text message handgun and began firing at them - to say she was contemplating sui- after chasing them down stairs. cide. He was killed when they returned He returned to the scene from fire. Tallahassee during the standoff. Ms. Smith's daughter, who lives in D Middleburg, also showed up. .l.'t (/'ltce The Columbia County Sheriff's Office sent a female :negotiator * when it became apparent Ms. Smith wouldn't leave her home. The two spoke several times, but Ms. Smith, who appeared intoxicat- (FromPage 1) ed, would suddenly hang up each take roll, administer testing and of- time. fer secondary support for additional During. one exchange, she said she was scheduled for an unspeci- fied surgery the next day, and indi- cated it was possible she wouldn't survive it. Past rioon, police cut off power to the mobile home. At about 4:15 pm, they tear-gassed it, waited more than an hour, then went in. Sheriff Dobson said the shooting was the first for his department since Deputy Crews and Sgt. Thomas Dyal killed a Glen St. Mary man on Memorial Day weekend in 2004. The officers had gone to an apart- questions the students have after completion of the class. A trained proctor takes over the class when the teacher is not present. Garlon Webb, the Baker County. school district's vocational direc- tor, describes distance learning as a means of offering students greater education opportunities. She credits the efforts of Ann Watts, vocational program assis- tant and Debra Gnann, a teacher of health and science, for pushing the project to a reality at the high school. First Baptist Church of Macclenny "It Feels Like Home" 372 S. Sixth Street at W. Minnesota Ave. SUNDAY SERVICES WEDNESDAY SERVICES Sundlay Sciool 1 ;0 .iri Pr..ivr iib '-,iJ .15 pill Worship 10 4 ,r ITi ,' ln r riiiil-i l , ', 5 1 TIJo ,,. h .(roi : |:', .1r pin Or. Edsel M. Bone Directions from 1-10: Tiake Exit 48 N. Go 1.3 miles North Senior Pastor on Hwy. 121 See steeple on left SI RIrnasIra n I i n nn 1 A cO arh c.unl. v IMnrninn f 0 t 1.tin am I PRESS ADVERTISING )LAI -lNF----5:00 PM MONDAY Am Addmlk qm . 4111bl Ml OPIM HT E BAKER COUNTY PRFAR Thurwinv luiv 27. 2006 Paste 3 Opinion , Comment ions* All things THE Time for moratorium on signs Ahings BAKER CONT tractive commercial corner. schemes need tightening, with an a conflict between what a commer- are by the IMPRESSIONS That's the kind of stuff you're eye on effective signage that blends cial entity wants to do with signage SDSER going to see if we don't tighten up. into greenery. and what's best for the environ- nU I DCe S SD Dlf ...... .-,* AlX TT r" .. .. .. .. 1 T 1 .......e..r USPS 040-80 'Post 0ffce Box:598 no 104 Soth 5-.St. .- ......v.Mac-clenny, FL 32063 .^ (904) 259-2400 ^ThaiBker County Press is puillshed each :,Thurs ay- by Baker County Press, Inc. .Peiodicals postage paid under permit .Issued April 12, 1929 at the post office In 1 iaeny, florida. SU C RIPTION RATES $2.,00 a year inside Baker County: $25.00 a year outside Baker County; deOtut $1.00 tor? persons 65 years of age or older, mill- tay personnel on active duty outside Baker County, and college students living outside BakerCounty. POSTMASTER: send address '4b*angeS toThe Baker.Count Press, P.O. Box. 65 ,.acclen, RL 32063. JAMES C. MCGAULEY Publisher EDITOR Michael Rinker NEWS. FEATURES Kelley Lannigan ADVERTISINGPRODUCTION Jessica Prevart TYPESETTING/,GRAPHICS Jeremy Beasley & Josh Blackmon FEATURES/COMMENT Robert Gerard COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel BUSINESS MANAGER Kann Thomas CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear CONTACT US- Phone-904/259-2400 .Fax- 904/259-6502 Email bcpress@nefcom.net Mail PO Box 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny. FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com * This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the newspaper office prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless otherwise noted or arranged. Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication. It is requested that all news items be typed to insure accuracy in print. Social Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notic- es and social events must be submit- ted within four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Letters to the editor are welcome, but must con- tain the signature of the writer, a telephone num- b* er where the writer may be contacted and city of residence. Letters must reflect opinions and statements on issues of current interest to the general public. The news- paper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet :sta ards of publication. :, ;-, 1 ,.*, .- t i:. '9 . JIM cIVGlAU LL I This would be an excellent time to declare a brief moratorium on permitting of new commercial sig- nage, both countywide and in the City of Macclenny. The focus should be fine-tun- ing the rather detailed ordinance already in effect in the city, and putting some teeth into one regulat- ing commercial signs in the county. The coming explosion of com- mercial development at Interstate 10 and SR 228 is still in its infancy, and the target zone involves acre- age both in and outside Macclenny. But already the sign requests are. coming in: the Wa I Mart Super- center and its adjoining Nlurph's gas mart, possibly a chain restau- rant on a nearbN out-parcel, and more recently, the request from Walgreens for a second sign near 228 and CR 23A. The citN turned that one down because the sign w\as located off Walgreen property, so the chain is purchasing land from the county and intends to go with the off-site plan. The count 's planning and zon- ing office, with a new\ director start- ing this week. can expect a flood of similar requests the next two years. It's important that signage be regu- lated as to not create the eyesores we have on South Sixth on both sides of the interstate. A mish-mash of styles. coloring, height. lighting and other elements have been allowed to collide on that stretch, including the hideous Scrawline message sign in front of The fast-food icon recently com- peted a refurbishing of its property at the comer of Barber Road, but the too-tall, awful sign detracts from n hat is other ise a very at- , Macclenny is on the verge of adopting a new zoning category for the 228 corridor leading to the interstate. Based on a "limited access" concept, it allows for four-laning of 228 with "greenscape" space between the road and commercial development on both sides of the road. A re-vamped sign law fits in nicely probably lower lying to meet eye-levels of motorists or in neat clusters where applicable for uses like professional buildings with multiple tenants. Lighting and landscaping INeCIy developed areas o I Jacksonville's southside and north- west Gainesville show the effect of stringent yet effective-sign control. The signs are there to guide you to a destination, but they don't domi- nate the landscape or distract you. Signs are a necessary element of an urban environment, but should be kept to the most subtle presence possible. Does that mean from time to time you won't find a location on the first try? Yes, but the pay off in more pleasant surroundings is well xorth it. Planning and zoning depart- ments realize there will always be. ment. Businesses generally want "big- ger and more," and local govern- ments should make it their business to sensibly define those limits. Fact is, most chain retailers have several sign schemes to comply with varying local laws, but in the absence of limitations, they will always go for the biggest ones. Right now is the optimum time for both the city and county to fine tune sign (and accompanying landscaping ) ordinances so tomor- row on SR 228 and CR 125 into Glen doesn't in fiveyears look like South Sixth in Macclenny today. C' * .1 .Copyrighted Material, < Syndicated Content r- , Available from Commercial News Providers _M , mw w -s% 'Writing on demand exercises exhilarating, but writing aboutnumbersof any kind is stilldfficult Someone asked me a couple days of checkers and "Go Fish." read a piece I had composed in 20 will never be a master of numbers, ago about a w writer's conference I at- It's no surprise then, that I can't minutes. I can write about them in some ca- tended last %week in Gainesville at imagine \what physicists actuallydo Writing on demand pushes the pacity if I absolutely have to. But I the Thomas Center.. at one of their conferences. envelope and requires brainstorm- don't choose to. "H\at do you do at a writer's I can conclude, however, even ing of furious proportions. The ex- Reporting on the tentative school conference?" they innocently que- in my perpetual .. ercise required us budget and millage pending ap- ried. right-brain state, to seek out an ob- proval by the school board nearly For a moment I nearly laughed that it does have j, ect either in or on undid me recently. and said something smart like: something di-- PO R H the grounds of the If Marcelle Richardson at the "Well. 1we certainly don't build ten- rectly to do with P JX1JJ_ Thomas Center school board office and my editor nis courts." physics. and write about it Michael Rinker here in the news- But for someone who,doesn't .,So backtothe KELLEYLANNIGAN using descriptions paper office hadn't babysat me \\ rite, it \N as a legitimate question: I writing. confer- --- from each of the through it, last week's issue of The often forget that writing, like paint- ence. What does five senses. Press would still be at the printer. ing or playing a violin, is a, nearly mysterious enterprise for most peo- ple. I feel the same way about num- bers and accounting and anything remotely smacking of math or alge- bra. I nearly didn't get my college degree because I couldn't pass a math class. Math is nearly incom- prehensible to me. I see people sitting around with books of Sudoku number problems which have become very popular and I know they are doing them for fun, which is beyond my ability to comprehend. I can barely grasp the rudiments one do at a writer's conference? You've probably got a clue by now - you write. " : I've been writing for a while and have gotten used to weekly dead- lines. I can throw a story together in a short amount of time if need be. What I experienced at the confer- ence for the first time was what it was like to write on demand. It wasn't fun at all, not at first. But it got easier. Over several days, I got better and actually started to enjoy the challenge. I was rewarded by having a published medical writ- er whose class I had taken call me up during the last night's banquet to Mossmann 1 "/' Inspections, LLC 716-8769 cell* 259-3366 Mike Ossmann, Home Inspection Specialist '- A ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ICE MACtINES, COOLERS, FREEZERS CAC 1813701 / Imagination played a big role. It was a bit unnerving, like those awfultimed essay portions of exams you had to take in college, which al- ways made me want to scream. But this was for fun, to challenge our ability to organize thoughts rapidly, to project ourselves into the world of our imagination as an actual participant, to write and edit and use economic language as rich- ly as possible. It was like trying to describe what it would be like to suddenly discover one could fly and be lim- ited to one short paragraph to tell about the experience. I've concluded that although I * L~iF qip ml VMacclenny Amoco *- *A- A - BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Menthol Light Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights Camel Full Flavor Camel 99 Camel Turkish NEWPORTS ($7.99) I BUY 2 GET 1 FREE I DORAL $19.99 carton 305s $12.99 carton I - .1 At the corner of US 90 & SR 121 4 Sunday 7 am 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm DESERT DIARY MAJ.BOBBY HART July 30,2006 FORT McCOY, Wisc.--One thing about the Army is the pro- cedures they come. up with usu- ally work-despite what many of us wearing, the green think or how much we all complain about why we have to do things a certain way. For instance, we all questioned why we had to go to Wisconsin to train to go spend a year in the des- ert. We've found out the last week or so as the temperatures here have been over 100 almost every day. Of course, the high temperatures here-usually in the mid 90's-is lower than the low temperatures in Iraq. We get the weather every day for Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq usually ranges from the low to mid 120s with the lows in the 90s. Kuwait is usually a bit %warmer and quite a bit windier. Someone said the other day, "Well at least you have a breeze." The problem is if .the wind is p not blowing, it feels like an oven when you w alk outside. If the wind is blowing, it feels like a convection oven. But to 'get back to the train- ing. at the 3rd Medical Command (MEDCOM) we have' more than 30 percent of our soldiers--almost 40 percent who are cross-leveled or moved in from other units to fill in the voids. When we deployed with' the 143rd Transportation Command in 2003, we had two. I wrote then how amazing it was to see how quickly these guys fit into our unit. It is even more amazing now to see basically an entire platoon from all over the country-California to Delaware, Washington state to Florida-meld into- an effective working group. The credit has to go to Army training. We have manuals, regula- tions and procedures for everything we do. We were doing live fire exercises on convoys this week. This means you drive down the road and see targets pop up and you jump out of your vehicle and start shooting. Again, remember many of these guys we've never laid eyes on, so when you get out and see basically a stranger-sometimes a teenager who isn't even shaving yet-blaz- ing away with an M-16 less than a foot from your head, it can be a bit unnerving. You just have to do every thing "by the numbers." We exit the vehi- cle according to a set procedure, start putting lead downrange, re- enter the vehicle and then finally, clear unused ammunition "by the numbers." There was a joke many years ago that the Army even had a regulation that instructed you how to urinate "by the numbers," but it isn't fit for a family publication. The system does work. There were 40 of us locked in a room this week coming up with a restated mission statement for what we'll be doing once we get to Iraq. Each person has his or her own piece of the pie and most are pretty territo- rial over that part of the mission. What we used was the Military Decision Making Process. We had a mediator who opened up the regu- lations, started reading definitions and then went down the list until we had the mission we wanted and one that every one could agree on. We're now stuck in two rooms with the windows covered up and have to work together to solve real- world problems as they happen to the group we're going to replace in Iraq. It looks like chaos, but each sec- tion does its own thing and in the end, things fall together-as long as we do it by the numbers. I 1VE1,3J3 SOt\ NER, JERRY HORTON IIIUI,,"PULAy -#%Aly l A -F;- I I -- t I 1-, 1, 17- 1 ." I I I . THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday August 3, 2006 Page 4 Pair swipes car after owner just says no A Macclenny couple was jailed the morning of July 29 for stealing a 1989 Oldsmobile belonging to an acquain- tance in whose north Macclenny resi- dence they had been residing. Brett Dotson and Kathy Harding, both 36, were in the vehicle when it was stopped by Depurty Brad Dough- erty on Andrews St. in Glen St. Mary about 9:00am, The theft was reported earlier that morning by owner Rebecca Conner, who told police the couple asked her the previous evening to borrow the car to buy some crack cocaine. She refused, and had earlier done so when the couple asked her to drive to buy drugs . When Ms. Conner awoke the next morning, the car was gone. Mr. Dotson was also charged with possession of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax without a prescription. He ap- parently attempted to conceal several pills in the rear sear seat ofa patrol car that, transported him and his girlfriend to county jail. Mr. Dotson also figured in an indi- rect way in a case the previous day that resulted in the arrest of Jeffrey Craw- ford, 23, of Macclenny for trafficking in stolen property. iMr. Dotson and Ms. Harding were guests at the 'residence of Marie Par- rish on Reid Stafford Road about the time $300 in jewelry went missing. The property was traced to Duval . Gun and Pawn in Macclenny where it was allegedly pawned on July 20 by Mr. Crawford for $15. The suspect initially blamed the Clerk stole $ or her kids A store clerk caught stealing cash and failing to ring up merchandise confessed to the crime on July 26 / and told police she stole the money "'for her kids." Pamela.McRae, 31, of Macclenny was questioned by Deputy. John Hardin shortly after he reviewed a surveillance tape from the Citgo store on South 6th and Hodges. The tape furnished by manager Tim Nunn reportedly shows Ms. McRae, stuffing cash in her pocket and not recording purchases on a register. In all, Mr. Nunn estimates she took over $300. The police report does not specify a time frame nor the date of the video tape. Ms. McRae, who is also listed as a cook at Connie's Kitchen, is charged with grand theft. In another theft from a local business, someone made off with an estimated $600 in cash from a cabi- net in Calendar's Deli overnight on July28. A person doing repairs inside the locked building reported a broken rear window that morning just after 9:00. The opening was too small for someone to squeeze through, and a rear door was found partially ajar. Police say there is a suspect. Cried over not having license A Jacksonville woman was ar- rested July 28 for reckless driving after a witness called police saying there was an obviously intoxicated woman at a convenience store try- ing to put gas in her car. Jennifer Dugger, 24, was pull- ing out of Country Boy's in Glen St. Mary heading south on CR 125 when Deputy Brad Dougherty ar- rived at 9:46 am. As he tried to catch up to her, he saw her car weaving in and out of her lane, then veer into the path of an oncoming car as she crossed the railroad tracks. He stopped her at Andrews Street. Ms. Dugger began crying and said she didn't have a license be- cause it had been suspended. A computer check revealed it had been suspended six times, once for being a habitual offender. Unsteady on her feet and slurring her words, she denied consuming alcohol, but said she'd taken some prescription medication. In addition to reckless driving, she was cited for driving with a suspended license as an habitual of- fender. crime on Mr. Dotson, according to the report by Deputy David Morgan. In another theft case involving a ve- hide, someone pried open a rear slid- ing glass window to take a shotgun; CB radio and more than $300 in cash, and coins from a parked pickup over- night on July 24. April Conner told police she bor- rowed the 1996Toyota from her father and parked it the previous evening on Dolphin St. in Sanderson. She locked the vehicle, and discov- ered the burglary the next morning. The shotgun was stored behind the bench seat, about $300 in cash in a purse under the seat, a roll of quarters in a coin slot and a cooler containing beer was taken from the truck bed. Ms.. Corner' estimated the loss at $800 DOFprogram The state is making forest land management assistance money available to non-industrial private landowners on a 75-25 cost-share basis. The money can be used for activ- ies like site prep. tree planting and prescribed burning. Applicants must have at least 10 acres but no more than 10,000 acres and have a management plan in place. Maximum amount of funds through the Forest Land Enhance- ment Program is $10.000 and the' sign-up period runs from August 4- September 15. For more information contact the Baker County headquarters for the Division of Forestry, 259-3997. A Glen St. Mary woman was arrested July 27 for possession of drug paraphernalia just 20 minutes after a deputy had cited her for not having a valid license and warned her not to be, driving. Delene Ilano, 46, was stopped at 8:13 am for running a stop sign and failing to signal for a turn from South Boulevard to Ninth Street. Deputy John Hardin cited her for driving with a suspended license,. then warned her not to drive until she got it back. He also gave her a warning on the traffic violations and for not have the proper tag on her car. Nonetheless, he saw her behind. the wheel stopped on Grissholm Street. He followed her as she drove' to \est Minnesota Street, where he pulled her over 'Asked why she was driving de-. /spite the warning. Mr. Ilano said she was looking for someone to "clean her house." Asked if she %\as. in fact. looking to buy drugs in the neighborhood well-kno\\n for such activity she replied. "not toda\." She granted the officer pernmis- sion to search the car. and he found a small bag containing the residue of a white po\\der\ substance, two crack pipes and a cut piece of straw used to snort cocaine. He cited her for possession of Reports for duty Army Pvt. Raymond E. Thomas 'has arrived for dut\ at Fort Stew- art, Hines% ille, Ga. Pvt. Thomas, a light-\w heel vehicle mechanic, is the son of Marlo L. Scott of Macclenny. His wife Rebekah is the daughter of Gaylon and Madonna Vorwaller of Jacksonville. Dr. Nanc E. Daime Licensed Mental Health Counselor 259-1758 117 S. Fifth St.. Child, Adolescent, Adult Marital Wherapy * \Well Drilling W\ater Softeners & Purification Septic Tanks Drain Fields (Zulverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS iSA',.". ter( .rd i encan ,;rc D G. cre..; A \1SA MasterCard .-mencan E:.prce Di-cover ' LAE IT COMMUITY CLLEG Did not heed warning drug paraphernalia and for the im- proper tag. Jailers found stolen card Wayne Fields of Macclenny learned it's probably not a good idea to bring incriminating evidence with you when you are booked into coun- ty jail. . Police found a debit card belong- . ing to Mr. Fields' girlfriend Melba Groover, also of Macclenny after she named him in a criminal com- plaint for looting her Vystar Credit Union checking account of an esti- nmated $4000. , Lt. Glen Gnann of the sheriff's deparunent soon learned that Mr. Fields was arrested on July 24 for dri\ ing on a suspended license. He was booked the day before Ms. Groover's complaint. A search of personal property sur- rendered by the suspect when he en- tered the jail turned iup the debit card. and Mr. Fields in a subsequent inter- vie" admitted charging in excess of $2000 the previous %%eek. The victim's bank records re-. realed fraudulent charges began on July 19. On Jul\ 28. NMs. Groover reported checks from t\o checkbooks be- longing to her also had been stolen, and Mr. Fields subsequently admit- ted to cashing those, but said he had the authoritN to do so. He is charged .%ith grand theft. fraudulent use of a credit card and felony counts of fraud and forgery. AL-ANON MEETINGS Every MNonday at 8:00 pm at the Nlacclenny Church of Christ 5th Sr.& 3lmnt:c,u Open to all friends and ftrnil members of alcoholics. American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenn), Florida 259-6003 Art in Motion S.Dance Studio 105 S. 5th St., Macclenny Ballet/Pointe Tap Jazz Tumbling Ages 3 to adult New classes this year with Terry Nauman- Wiggles & Giggles A great way to introduce dance, music and drama to young children ACTING UP WITHI MS. TERRY Learn all about theatre arts in a fun wayl REGISTRATION I .ATE. Saturday A S't i ,. ." -; -i : ....." -. I'. i';:.- ?^ at thEstudio from10' p 3 pm For more information, call dire~ Bethany KellMa*a 259-TAPP (8277) or (9041 783-3273 .-It ,''. .. .-- ,. -'...:.,'*'^ . -..------- R e-Elect Your County Commissioner of 14 Years A, ALEX :r B for County Commission District 2 I am a proud husband, father of 3 and grandfather of 3.1 I enjoy spend- ing time with my grandchildren and family. I served in the U.S. Army for 2 years including a one year tour of duty in Vietnam. I am a member of the First Baptist Church in Glen St. Mary. Aside from that I am a work-aholic, .1 have owned and operated P&R Electric, Inc. since 1984. I was elected in 1992 as your county commissioner for District 2. For the pasts 14 years I have represented you the citizens of Baker County on every legislative issue. I am dedicated to my position and will continue to serve with the utmost respect to those of you who trust and support me. I"',* In March 2000 I completed the County Commissioner certification program. S.,, I make many trips to Tallahassee a year to represent Baker County and its needs. S,,,, I have always had an open door policy. I stay in touch with the people of Baker County. I am someone who the people can talk to and will listen. Baker County has to be prepared for the future and the growth com-. ing to our county. With substantial experience, training, leadership and your support, I look forward to being your County Commissioner for District 2, helping to make a better Baker County. Pd. Pol. Adv. Pd. for and Approved byAlex Robinson, Dem., County Commissioner District 2. ^^*^**^^**^^*^^*^^^*^^*-*---* V W**y*'^y*'**^*Y** vrhi*lY**U*; Intoxicated woman is arrested despite heritage S A woman wearing, a wig and camouflage, and staggering along SR 121 near Woodlawn Road after midnight July 25 told a deputy not" to be harassing her because she was a "Cajun German from California." Maureen White, 53, from Long Beach, Calif., was arrested for dis- orderly intoxication after being un- able to tell Deputy Garrett Bennett where she was. She said she was on her way to Miami from Louisiana and had had S "just two beer," although a breath test later measured her blood alco- hol content at .23, nearly triple the legal limit. She also had prescription drugs, including barbituates, in her blood. When the officer confronted her on the road and was able to get her out of traffic, she yelled at him: "Why don't you go arrest some [black people] and quit harassing me! I am a Cajun German from California." Later, while being examined at Fraser Hospital, she cursed staff. members and yelled out that she was filing a lawsuit against the sheriff's department and hospital for "beat- ing" her. She also accused them of being "prejudiced against white people" Cpl. Davis serving in Iraq Lance Cpl. Jason Davis of Glen St. Mar) is currently on a 7-month deployment to Iraq as a member of the 2nd Marine Transportation Support Battalion. The son of Charlie (Bud) and Faye Davis. the 2004 graduate of . Baker.County High School is sta- X tioned .at Camp Taqqadum and his duties involve daily convoy mis- sions to surrounding camps and at - airfields, in Iraq and Kuwait. He either drives a 7-ton truck or is a convoy turret gunner. c Lance Cpl. Davis has told his , parents 20-hour shifts are common,' and because summer temperatures : in the area top 115 degrees, often the con\oys move at night. " He completed recruit training at Parris Island, S.C. in January, 2005. The Marine is the brother of Susie Harvey of Glen and Brenda Blanton Cpl. Da. of Live Oak. , ?, LOGS AND PULPWOOD^,, A' RZ -ARGER0 - ? .S i.i DIAMOND TIBER, INC. CALL "-hA 225 2 K T WLI , CALL 282-5552 KENT WILLIAMS No public input on the tentative school budget BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff The Baker County School Board approved without dissent a tenta- tive fiscal 06-07 budget and millage during a public hearing Monday, July 31. Final budget approval will be voted on at the September 18 hear- ing. . No one from the public was pres- ,ent at the evening hearing. The total district budget of $52 million for fiscal year 2006-07 \\as proposed and initially approved by the board earlier in July. The current budget is $7.5 mil- lion more than lasr year's budget of $44.6 million. The local property tax effort in revenues decreased slightly from the current year be- cause of new and re-assessed prop- erty on the tax roll. The school district receives rev- enue from state, federal and local sources. The 2006-07 revenues from these sources are: Knife versus baseball bat The sheriff's department filed a battery charge against a Sanderson man who hit another man in the hand with a baseball bat July 25. Tra\ is Roberts. 30, pulled up to a home on Joan Street in Nlacclenny around 4:30) pm to confront Hidies Akins. Mr. Akins told Deputy Brad Dougherty the two had an ongoing dispute. g ,r b t Mr. Roberts grabbed the alu- minum bat, jumped out.of his car and challenged him using a racial epithet and profanitN. Both men are black. Mr. Akins said he: pulled out a pocket knife to protect himself. Meanwhile, Dinitri Jefferson, who lived at the residence, jumped between the two men. S Nonetheless, Mr. Travis swung the bat, hitting Mr. 'Akins on the hand, causing the knife to cut--Ms. Jefferson. , Police were unable to locate accused, whose listed address in Sanderson is not valid. Ms. Jefferson told Dep. Dough- erty the fight was mutual and that Mr. Travis shouldn't be charged. The officer, however, filed the charge with the state attorney. Correction noted An article in last week's edition on candidates in the upcoming pri- maries incorrectly listed the occu- pation of Leroy Green, running for the north county seat on the county commission. Mr. Green is a licensed life and : health insurance broker. $33.2 million state S$2.6 million federal $7.1 million local sources The district's largest expense is in the area of instructional services totaling $19.2 million. The tentative millage amounts for fiscal year 2006-01 are: Required local effort 5.001 Discretionary .510 Additional discretionary .250 Tentative capital improvement 2.000 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday August 3, 2006 Page 5 A, A RENTALS OR SALES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? Iron Filters and Conditioners Water Treatment , Free Water Tests _._ . Well & Pump Supplies, Children s ,Medical Center COU us to,)shedule, PhYsf~s PDd milnUTAZM!oDs Macclenny 1419 S. 6th St (904) 653-1822 Callahan 542273 US Hwy. 1 (904) 879-0860- Glen St. Mary '6704 E.. ount,,Vernon Sft (90o) 259-7420 Lake Butler 395 W. Main St. Suite B. (386) 496-1655 Lake City 789 W. Duval St. (386) 755-1546 Lake City LC -Baya Live Oak Macclenny Glen St. Mary Alachua Callahan Hawthorne Gainesville Lake Butler Branford. Newberry Medicaid Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthy Kids * Most Major Insurance Companies and HMO's www.cmnckids.com , , ^-f- /fb S CaH Locally 259-2313 or ""y / Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb rb .. ..,._ Our ho-, r.,oomn, I r' muendl, located iat he irte, ectin -T He, 121 and U S 90 in d.: ., n.v'.n Maccdenni, -W 1 V I a ,', 1 ,.' B - Bumpi .. Signs Brochures er Posters oiScKers __ Complete printing and design service -so you can put your best face forward! THE OFFICE MART South 5th St. Downtown Macclenny 259-3737 i' s f-s We , -. i5' ." a ' .* '; ' Ai ', S',O N. , K for County Commissioner District 2 * Son of Jimmy and Connie (Bennett) Knabb, Lifelong Residents of Baker County. " Married to Amy (Strube) Knabb for 14 years. " Has 3 children Savannah 13, Madison 9 and Jase 2. * Graduated from Baker County High in 1990. * Certified in CPR and as a First Responder. " Worked with Dept. of Corrections, Florida Wire & Cable (Wiremil) in Sanderson, and currently employed with Gerdau Ameristeel. * Currently owns and operates Baker Lawn Care. IZI I promise to make educated decisions IZI I will work hand in hand with the citizens, other 'based on knowledge of the issues and what is the right thing to do for Baker County. commissioners, all county departments and all other government agencies to make a difference in the future of Baker County. q Vote Jason Knabb for County Commissioner Dist. 2. lli i (I po I i I it a I a d vot ttwmen I pat (I tot an (I i p I) iov(, (I I)v )a v)n Kit a bb, Dew foi Cot i iity Commissionet Di it. 2 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday August 3, 2006 Page 6 '.4 ~, ,,CUP Greystone land prep creates new vista off US 90 Tree hIarvesntg equipment was followed by large earth movers that are clearing a swath of former woodland to make i a\ lor the Gre.stone subdilison incest 'Glen St. Mary, due for development e,'rhl next year ThIe rollin 123 acres lust west of the Linie S1 Aa as waslaid bare t, )the protect, and Baker Comity High School is now ciearl v visible to the north tromn US 9) it west './t the river hill. The de ieloper plans 240 homes onlthe tract. Hunting permits for Refuge Public hunting will be permit- ted in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge at Suwannee Canal. the Pocket and Cowhouse Island. Permits %\ill be required onl1 for Suwannee Canal, and the deadline for applications is August 3 1. Only 40 permits %ill be issued for this hunt. ten of them for hunt- ers in wheelchairs. The Suwannee hunts for deer \ (either sex, limit two per day) and feral hogs (either sex, no limit)% \ ill be on Friday and Saturday. October. 27-28. The\ are half-day onl'. from two hours before sunrise until noon. Hunters \\ill be required to use shotgun slugs or muzzleloaders only. Use of buckshot is not permit- ted. Foot traffic only' will be allowed during the Cowhouse Island hunt, and hunters must sign in and out of the area. Regulations and more informa- tion are available at 229-426-5267. Archery hunting only will be allowed on The Pocket Hunt near. Fargo September 9-October 13. Sign in and out is required there as well, and all hunters must have a valid entrance pass. Stands must be removed daily. for the week of August 3-11 BREAKFAST THURSDAY: Breakfast Hot Pocket. fruil juice and milk. FRIDAY: Pancakes with syrup, fruit juice and milk. MONDAY: Breakfast pizza, fruit juice and milk. TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit, fruit juice and milk. . WEDNESDAY: Cereal with whole wheat toast, fruit juice and milk. THURSDAY: Pancakes and sausage on a stick with syrup, fruit juice and milk. FRIDAY: Waffles with syrup, fruit juice and milk. LUNCH Cold lunch plate or chef salad with wheat roll or crackers. and dessert (when offered). THURSDAY: Slice of cheese pizza, Slop- py Joe on a bun, green beans, tossed salad, fruit choice. FRIDAY: Fish on a whole grain bun or spaghetti with meat sauce, baked fries, crispy slaw, slliced cucumbers with dressing, fruit choice and warm apple crisp. MONDAY: Mexican burrito. ham with macaroni and cheese and a homemade wheat roll, seasoned peas, raw carrots with dressing, chilled fruit choice. TUESDAY: Grilled chicken on a whole grain bun, Italian lasagna with homemade wheat roll, lettuce and tomato slices, tossed salad, pole beans, chilled fruit choice and an oatmeal cookie. WEDNESDAY: Taco salad, beef nuggets, lettuce and tomato slices, golden corn, chilled fruit choice. THURSDAY: Sliced pork roast with a homemade wheat roll, sliced turkey sandwich, seasoned whipped potatoes, mixed Oriental vegetables, chilled fruit choice. FRIDAY: Vegetable beef soup with a pea- nut butter and jelly sandwich or spicy chicken tenders, potato rounds, crispy coleslaw, chilled fruit choice and a peanut cup. For more information on the ref- uge hunts. call 912-496-7836. Singles Club in Lake Butler The Lake Butler Singles Club is open to all persons over 21 who find themselves "suddenly single" and seek wholesome fun on Saturday nights with people under similar circumstances. - The club, located at the Lake. Butler Communit Center by the lake. has been in existence since 1982 and always welcomes new members. It has 'attracted Baker County residents for years to the pot-luck suppers starting at 7:00 pm and dancing from 8:00-11:00. Proper dress is required and no alcohol is allowed. . The club is affiliated w ith Singles' Association of Florida and nine other clubs. Dance lessons can be arranged for details call Mildred Johns at 386-758-8223. 24 Hour Emergency " Response 259-892 686-4133 cell. Locally Owned & Operated Chris Eddins, ( R ICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Laurarnore Rd.. Macclenn.y, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811470 Fil Dir t Top Soil 9Septic Tank Sand EP INC. : (904) 289-7000 am ~ 4:30 pm * Emergency Water Removal * Mold Prevention * Dehumidification * Hardwood Floor Drying * Sewage Cleanup 9g Receive : 20% Off Your Homeowners Deductible Owner 24/7 I with coupon -------------J Re Elect School Board Member District 4 .. IH NI: EXPERIENCED 10 years on the school board TRAINED State Certified Board Member Master Board Distinction DEDICATED Many years of service to the children of Baker County. through volunteerism and serving on the school board "I would like to continue to help move the district forward as your school board member." Vote for Paul Raulerson Paid political advertisement paid for and approved by Paul Raulerson, School Board Member District 4 Hickman Metal Roofing Homes and Mobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installers Many' Styles and Colors to Choose From Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: wvww.lifetimemetalroofing.com (904)779-5786 1-800-662-8897 BBB 0 Toll Free Fundraiser Service for First Community Holiness Church Saturday, August 12th 6:30 pm --New St. Johns Baptist Five Churches Rd., Sanderson Let's make this a community effort! : 11 Please lend a helping hand. Donations will be welcomed and greatly appreciated! Host ,Pator - a" -Rev. Richard Gakldns For questions or concerns, please feel free to contact' Pastor Vic Givens (904)-275-2094 : Baker County Sheriff's Office Golf Tournament The tournament will be on Friday, September 8, 2006 at the Bent Creek Golf Club in Jacksonville. Contact Tournament Director John Finley at 259-2231 or visit http://bakercountyfl.org/bcso/ on the internet for the informal. and registration details Working Hand in Hand with the people with an open mind for the future of Baker County... THAT'S THE ANSWER!! S r ~'.~'. Jason Knabb for County Commissioner District 2 sds r..- I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday August 3, 2006 Page 7 itutaries Ms. Anderson, homemaker Mrs. Maurine Clark Anderson, 85, of Macclenny died Friday, July 28, 2006 at Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville. She was born on February 4, 1921 in Reidsville, Ga. to the late Henry C. and Reta Adamson Clark. Mrs. Anderson was a homemak- er and a member of the Macclenny Church of God, where she was actively involved in many minis- tries including the prayer chain. She was an avid Atlanta Braves baseball fan and loved talking on the phone. She is predeceased in death by her husband of 44 years, Farley L. Anderson. Survivors include her chil- dren James (Pawnee) Anderson of Macclenny, Linda (Jay) Adair of Jacksonville Beach, and Linda (Herbert) Carter of Middleburg; grandchildren Leslie Tyre, Casey Keene, 'Vanessa Compton, Lisa Dewees, Tito Borges, Lance Borges, Larkin Gates, Mariah Gates and Daniel Kelly; 21 great-grandchil- dren, four great-great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews., A funeral service \%as held 2:00 pm on August 1, 2006 at her church with pastors' Clyde Anderson and Johnnie Anderson officiat- ing. Interment followed in Taylor Cemetery. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny was in charge of arrangements. Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church Elder Arnold Johns Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For information call: 259-9567 - First United Methodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor Gertrude Crews enjoyed cooking Gertude Ruis Crews, 89, of Glen St. Mary died on Thursday, July 27, 2006 at Shands Jacksonville. She was born November 25, 1916 in Olustee to the late Manning and Minnie Coleman Ruis. Ms. Crews lived in Baker County all of her life, and was a member of, Manntown Congregational Holiness Church. She enjoyed cooking, sewing, quilt- ing and serving others. She loved her family and enjoyed spending time with them. She was prede- ceased by her husband of 46 years, David T. Crews. Survivors include her four chil- dren Aline Kirkland (Fred), Jack Crews (Shirley), Clyde Crews and 1Betty Kirkland; sister Elsie McDonald: brother Otis Ruis (Mary Ann); step-daughters Minnie Kirkland and Lettie Whitener; grandchildren Connie Bennett (Danny), Beverly Blume, Debbie Webb (Jeff), Charles Kirkland (Rena), Jana Jackson (Jeff), Jerry Crews (Lena), Wendell Crews (Ruthia), Karen Goff (Ken), and Ray Kirkland (Erica); 11 step- grandchildren: 15 great-grandchil- dren; and many nieces and neph- ews A funeral ser ice was held on Monday, July 31, at. 11:00 am at Mantow n Congregational Holiness Church with pastors David Hodges and David Thomas officiating. Internrient followed in Macedonia Cemetery. V. Todd Ferriera Funeral Services was in charge of arrange- ments. Sunday School 9:00 am .Sunday Service 10:00 am DINKINS NEW. CONGREGATIONAL METHODIST CHULlCH CR 17 N. of 5anderon: Sunday School FO',0:aam Sunday noiri mg Service 11 00 aRm Monday Nihn Semnce :00 pin 'ed. Niht Senice .7:')pm Were Eveqyefe is S mebadl Jesus is the Leader EVERYONE W TLCOME Pastor Rem Er akTeli Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Sery. 7:30 pm % Pastor: Oral E. Lyons f Rev. Williams, Vietnam Vet Rev. J.D. "Billy" Williams, 62, of Raiford died on July 30, 2006 in his home after an extended illness. He was born in Sanderson.to the late Willie and Ella Mae Williams. He graduated from Baker County High School and retired as a pro- duction engineer with Insteel Wire Products in Sanderson. He was an ordained minister and pastor of Cedar Creek Church. Mr. Williams was a veteran of the Vietnam War, and was predeceased by his son, David Williams. 'Survivors include loving wife of 31 'years, Diane Anderson Williams of Raiford, daughter Stasi McKenzie of Raiford, sons Jeffery Williams and Timmy Williams of Raiford and Danny Williams of Perry; brothers Bobby Williams and Wayne Williams, both of Raiford; foster brothers Sammy Grubbs of Perry, David Grubbs of Pendleton, SC./, and Tommy King of Biloxi, Miss.; sister Janice Grubbs of Pendelton, SC., ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A funeral service was held August 1, at 2:30 pm at his church near Sanderson with Rev. Wayne Williams officiating. Interment fol- lowed in Turner Cemetery. MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Srudy 9:45 .an Fellowship 10:30 amn 11:00 am Worship Services, :11:0 I. .i \ed. Bible Srudy :31 i pm )=': i-._ .. i tMinister Sam F. Kitching Elzie Lynnwood Whitfield August 2, 1941 August 5, 2005 "Cherrish..." FOREVER, SPOOKY Iris Society to hold sale Aug. 6 The FLAGA Iris Society will hold its annual fall Iris rhizome sale Sunday, August-6. This )ear the club will feature some of Cadd's latest introductions of Rebloomer Bearded Iris, as well as Louisiana Iris. The starts at 1:00 pm in Gilbert Hall of St. Peter's Anglican Church on the corner of Fifth St. and Mclver St.. Refreshments \ ill' be served and the public is invited to come shop for their favorite Iris. For further information.. call Anita Gerson 904-259-9590. Exceptional Praise & Worship Come be a fil Warm, Friendly Folks artof what God A Sunday School Your Children will love! isdoing! Sunday @ 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. / Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. Y Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am Morning Worship Service 10:30 am Children's Church 11:30 am Evangelistic 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm Rev. Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 Thanks for help during recovery We would like to say thank you to everyone in our community for your love, support, meals, gifts, and most of all your prayers for our family. We know it's because of those prayers that Marshall is getting stronger every day and it is the rea- son we have all recovered so well. Special thanks to our family at Raiford Road Church for all of your love, prayers and financial support that you have given our, family. We are so very blessed to have friends, neighbors and loved ones like you. Thank you from the bot- tom of our heart. We love all of you. THE HALL FAMILY Bluegrass comedy concert Saturday Community Health De\ elopment. Inc. \ ill hold a concert featuring the bluegrass comedy group Sno Rogers on Saturday. August 5. 2005. The concert \\ill take place from 4:00-7:00 pm at the Baker County Fairgrounds. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased in advance by calling 259-3152. ext. 2246. Children under fixe years of age are free. Proceeds from the event \\ ill sup- port Baker County health education. I /..J- L- I.ULIAUIl.IIIUI Im\U. f t. ( I L gIIi1UIlIIuJ'If\U . Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am' Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All i c. "i .1i..r < .. :: -.o.'. . Sansiell E'T "' ^" P^UP 1, _I T R ,A.,l CA -)P,, r ,'la i A CL-C I t C n.r, I.IO P p(lll Hale '. j. ,_ a --l _J'nn ^ : -- ... ^. , Sunday Sunday Sunday ly School 9:30 am ay School 9:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 7: ay Morning Worship 10:15 am Thursday Yo th 71 ay Evening Worship 6:00 pm Thursday Y Nursery provided for all services. "A Loving Church with a Growing Vision of Excellence" Special Blessings School Readiness Center 259-8466 00 pm 00 pm -rn-rn f o.' ....r. e' First Baptist Church of Sanderson CR 229 S., Sanderson FL Sunday School ............10 am Sun. Morning Worship .... 11 am Sun. Evening Worship .... 6 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study .... 7 pm Pastor Bob Christmas "FAITH BIBLE CHURCH e e.w Hope for the CommtniaJy Five Churches Road Hwy. 127 Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Nighr Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Everv4' Sunday Niglr Ser ice 7:00 p.m. SVidell if Williams -Pastor First Baptist Church GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA "A Beacon to [ Sunday School 9:45 AM Baker County" Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6-00 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM 259-6977 Dr. Walter Bennett, Interim Sr. Pastor Perry Hays, Associate Pastor CHRISTIAN FET JLOWSHIP TEMPLE Independent Pentecostal Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny Associate Pastor Tim Thomas 259- 4575 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00 9:15 Youth Programs Sunday School 10:00 am Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm God Kids Sunday 11:00 am God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm www.christianfellowshiptemple.com Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday Guerry Funeral Home Is your favorite funeral director a salesman or a caregiver? Caregivers are not concerned with selling expensive caskets and expensive burial vaults. Caregivers make suggestions to keep funeral costs reasonable. Guerry Funeral Home's reputation was built on caring for your family. 420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East) Macclenny 259-2211 Bill Guerr G Larr 2659 S.W. Main Blvd. (U.S. 41 South) Lake City (386) 752-2414 y and Bryan Guerry, Funeral Directors y Williams, Office Administrator Mt. Zion N. C. ethist Church 121 North f 259-4461 Macclenny, Florida 32063 Interim Pastor: Tim Cheshire Sunday School 9 45am Sunday Morning Worship 11 00am Sunday Evening Worship e. 00pr Wedn-sday Prayer Service 7 00prm A9 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 PM. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday August 3, 2006 Page'.8 '^Ss. T ~ *. ... ! Xici, a " ^.~~] L..^Bi^^/ I ':'''1111 ' ; \ 4, .C 5; ,f, : - K- ------- ---- To wed Aug. 5 Treston Rayburn and Cheyenne Kinghom would d like to announce the marriage of their parents. Doris Dicks of Glen St. Mary and Rik Kinghorn of Glen St. Mary on August 5, 2006. Aiic I Vt ," .''" it5 r,; R I ,.w ? RiR mi' October wedding .A,,CqO..I .. )Ol3.W.A Elder Joe and Sharon Ruise ot lMargaretta, along "ith Nancy Nettles of Macclennv and the late Shelton Nettles, are pleased to announce the engagement and c coming marriage of their children .Angel Lorili Nettles and Roosevelt Shannon Ruise. The h\ ending g ill take place October 28, 2006 at 3:00-pm'at Emmanuel Church of God In Christ in Macclenny. A reception at the Agriculinne Center will follow. AMl friends and family are welcome. Birthday party Framn il and friends of Ann Combs of Nlacclenn\ are in% ited to a special birthday parry on Saturday. August 19 from 2:00-6:00 pm at the Mlathis House on the Glen St. Mary Nursery. No gifts please: you must be present to find out her age. Engagement Sarah and Donald Zarrella Sr. of Sanderson are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Ann to Jesse Leandre%, Dunnam Jr.. the son of Martha and the late Andrew\ Dunnamn of Cross City, Fla. The marriage ceremony will be on August 19. 2006 at the Southside Baptist Church in Lake City. The couple plans to reside in Gainesville. Kensey Rae Eldridge Born at St. Vincent's Medical Center, Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 10:14 a.m. Weight 7 Ibs 14 oz Length 19 1/2 inches Parents are Bobby Dyal s David Eldridge of Macclenny, Florida. Grandparents are Sandy & Roger Robinson of Nlacclenny, Florida and Sandra & James Eldridge of Mayo, Florida Hannah ti niers Miracle baby David and Charmion Winters of Glen St. Mar\ are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter. .Hannah Faith Winters, born on June 15. 2006 at Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville %weighing five pounds and t\wele ounces and \vas 18 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are Avin and Linda Miller of Jasper. Fla. and Norma NWinters of Gordon\ille, Fla. Family reunion .The Fish family reunion \\ill be held at Tona Fish's home on Wassie Fish Rd. near Cuyler on Saturday. August 5. Lunch will begin at 1:00. The meat \\ill be provided: please bring a covered dish. Tu (oeTcker D/ Jody and Sabrina Thrift are pleased to announce the birdh of their son. Tucker Lone Thrift was born on June 11. 2006 weighing 6 Ib;. 6 oz and was 19 3 4 in. long. Proud grandparents include Joev g4,BibeThrft ofr.. Macdrclny, Phil and niifcauvm ofHilliard andJudyand.Sporw ftiense of Vera Beach. ,'." Great-grndparens include Willa Mae Thnh. Pete and Wayne Alford of Mac- denny. Berr' Jo Davis. Joyce and Ceene McKendree of Yulee and Dorothy Collins ofJacks.ondlle. Table Linens & Chair Covers Column Sets & Candelabras Tables & Chairs pj* Floral Arrangements I Chocolate Fountain S* 9 57Much More 1-6620 * Rebuild Engines * General Maintenance * Rearend Ring & Pinion Setup * Rebuild & Service Genr Transmission 959 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclennv 259-20541 ioral Car & iiiack Rle pairs RaigFe NoAvi'.bl E REFILLS HERE Earn more. Save more. @VyStaro Credit Unton, We never forget that it's your money. 1168 South 6th St. Macclenny, FL Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. (904)777-6000 www.vystarcu.org *Annual Percentage Yields (APY's) shown are effective as of July 6th, 2006, and are subject to change. There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal from certificates. VyStar is Insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Ctik b Cra , Born July 25 Colb\ & Issac Craig of Sanderson are pleased to announce the birth of bab\ brother Caleb, Gage Craig on Jul\ 25. 2006 to Hannah Craig of Sanderson. Caleb w\as born at St. Vincent's Nledical Center in Jacksonxille weighingg 7 lbs. 8 oz. and he was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Mike and Diane Craig of Sanderson. Great- grandparents are Frank & Bonnie Craig of Nlacclenny. and Bonnie and theilate Les Da\ is of Sanderson. Isabelle Marmie of Nlacclenn\ is the great great-grandmother. To wed in Glen Mr. and Mrs. John Barton of Macclennm cordially invite family and friends to the %wedding of their daughter Stephanie to Joshua C. Denmark of Jack son\ ille. The %wedding \\ill be at 6:00( pm on September 2 at Celebration Park in Glen St. NlMaryi. A reception %ill immediately follow. 1. J, I Woodlawn Kennels GROOMING 259-4757BOARDING Private Spacious* Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ....... $20-$25 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip......... $10-$15 Boarding (per actual day). . ... . $5-$7 ^____________ Circle Furniture J ii Hn, ti l'Irlif '. i/n pr ,', Specializing in: Ling Rooms Bedrooms Kiid' BlJoimns LoLdge Decor Dining Rooms Home Office 1.:"', Hon 239 60,000 Sq. Ft. of Beautiful Furniture, ie Furnishings & Accessories Jones Rd.-# acksonville -904-78tI 079 Fri.,r.'I' (Jr *)l.~.'~l, a ;Ilh I '.' "-I www.circlekfturnitureiax.com Mon, Wed. Thuis Fn &. Sat 10 arn 5 30 pm Sun 1 5-30 pm CLOSED TLIESDAY Ievivad Sunday I.:.. .August 6, 2006 6:00 p.m. Monday. ednesday August 7- 9 7:30 p.m. Evangelist Rev. Edgar Woods Everyone Invited Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N.. Sanderson Serving Maccleniny Since 1992 We specialize in beginning through advanced training for boys and girls ages 4 and up. Classes are divided up according to age and ability level We also offer tumbling classes and cheerleading prep classes. Please call ahead if unable to register on registration date. Class size is limited. Macclenny Pre-Registration Monday, August 7th from 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Classes held every Monday Classes begin on August 14th All students will be coached by Ronnie McReynolds safety certified member of the United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Coaches Registration and classes will be held at Keller Intermediate School Gymnasium For More Information Call: Ronnie @ (386) 496-1098 or (386) 365-3422 USA Gymnastics of Florida THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday August 3, 2006 Page 9 - Edwin & Sarah Taylor Celebrate 50 Edwin and Sarah Taylor of Glen St. Mary recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 30, 2006 in their home with a fam- ily dinner. Family members include their children Cathy Forsyth of Jacksonville, Freda Wiggins o: Carrollton, Miss., Bonnie Murphy of Hilliard, Eddie Taylor of Carrollton, Miss. and Penny Bass of Maxville; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Singles Club in Lake Butler The Lake Butler Singles Club is open to all persons over 21 who find themselves "suddenly single" and seek wholesome fun on Saturday nights with people under similar circumstances. The club, located at the Lake Butler Community Center by the, lake, has been in existence since 1982 and always welcomes new members. It has attracted Baker County residents for years to the pot-luck suppers starting at 7:00 pm and dancing from 8:00-11:00. Proper" dress is required and no alcohol is allowed. The club is affiliated with Singles' n Association of Florida and nine r other clubs. Dance lessons can be e arranged for details call Mildred - Johns at 386-758-8223. f ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pm Macclenny Church of Christ 5thand Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 Butch's Paint 5573 Hark YOUR ONE STOP ALL MAJOR & V ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR DROP-OFF & BodySI ey Thrift Rd. COLLISION CEN AINOR REPAIR Foreign & C Dupont Lifetime Warra t ,A Computer Ec I* lnlsurance Cla a Comp ColoraI S* Ful' Stop in for your free e 259-3m 'op rFER.: If domesticc irty Paint estimating 3im WCek )uterized Matching v Insured estimate 785 '^ ^ SSSS .. ZONING VARIANCE NOTICE L.V. Hiers Inc. is requesting a variance to the zoning at 284 E. Florida Ave. for the purpose of replacing an old warehouse with a new office and warehouse combination. Any support or objections may be heard at the Zoning Adjustment Board meeting to be held on August 7, 2006 at 5:00 p.m., at City Hall, 118 East Macclenny Ave. .Watson Goodwin Building & Zoning Coordinator City of Macclenny ZONING VARIANCE NOTICE Hugh Bentley Rhoden, acting on behalf of Donnie and Connie Nelson, is requesting a zoning variance at 566 Pine Crest Court, Lot 50 Timberlane Subdivision. Any support or objection may be heard at the Zoning Adjustment Board meeting to be held at 118 E. Macclenny Ave., on Monday, August 7, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. Watson Goodwin Building & Zoning Coordinator City of Macclenny Notices City ol Macclenny Invitation 0o Bid The City or Macclerny. Baker County, has request- ed sealed Dias trom Florida Licensed Surveyors to lurnish a topographical design survey with a digital terrain model showing underground utilities in or- aer for a design team to redesign street parking, sidewalks, landscaping & drainage for an approxi- mate six block area in downtown Macclenny. The area is north of the southerly right of way of the railroad to the center line of Shuey Street and 200 feet east of Fourth Street to the westerly right of way of Sixth Street. Deadline of receiving sealed bids is August 7, 2006 at 9.00 am. Contact Roger Yarbrough at 904-259-0968. City Hall, for additional information. The City of Macclenny reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informall- ties. 7/20-8/3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 02-2006-CA-0089 JIMMY D. GALLUPS AND JUDITH A. GALLUPS, HIS WIFE, PLAINTIFF, , vs. J.C. WILLIAMS AND CARRIE WILLIAMS, HIS WIFE. NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, AND ALL UNKNOWN GRANTEES. CREDI- TORS, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH UNDER OR AGAINST THEM. AND IF DEAD THEIR UNKNOWN SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES. GRANTEES, CREDITORS. AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- DER OR AGAINST THEM; AND ALL UNKNOWN GRANTEES, CREDITORS, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THEM, AND IF DEAD, OR NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, THEIR SEV- ERALAND RESPECTIVE ESTATES, UNKNOWN SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES AND CREDITORS, OR OTHER PARTIES' CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THOSE UNKNOWN NATURAL PERSONS, AND THE SEVERAL AND RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN AS- SIGNS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. TRUST- EES, CREDITORS LIENORS OR ANY OTHER PARTY CLAIMING BY. THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ANY CORPORATION, EXISTING OR DISSOLVED. OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY NAMED AS DEFENDANT. AND ALL CLAIMANTS, PERSONS OF PARTIES. NATURAL OR COR- PORATE. OR WHOSE EXACT LEGAL STATUS IS UNKNOWN, CLAIMING UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE NAMED OR DESCRIBED DEFENDANTS OR PARTIES, OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE LANDS HERE-AFTER DESCRIBED, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION To: J.C. Williams, deceased Carrie Williams, deceased You are Notified that an Action to Quiet Title on the following property in Baker County, Florida: Part of Section 26 and 35 of Township 2 South, Range 20 East, Baker County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest the Northwest corner of NE 1 of NW 1/4 of Section 35; Township 2 South, Range 20 East, Baker County, Florida, thence run N 88*43'48" E., along the North line of said Section 35, a distance of 385.53 feet to the East line of lands described in O.R. Book 17, page 69 and the Point of Beginning. Thence N 0041'26" W, 198.76 feet to a concrete monument, LS 4708 on the South right of way line of County Road No. 124 (an 80.00 foot wide public right of way as now estab- lished); thence N 6352'16" E., along said South right of way line, 16.27 feet to a concrete monu- ment marking the Northwest .corner of lands de- scribed in O.R. Book 81, page 521 of said Official Records; thence S 00038'52" E, along said West line, 205.60 feet to the aforementioned North line of Section 35 and being the Point of Beginning of said lands described in O.R. Book 81, page 521; thence continue S 00038'52" E., along said West line, a distance of 804.94 feet to a concrete monu- ment on the bank of a creek; thence continue S 0038'52" E., 5 feet, more or less to the centerline of the creek; thence run Westerly along the center- line of the creek 14.02 feet, more or less, to a line bearing S 0041'26" E., from the Point of Begin- ning; thence N 0041 '26" W., along the East line of O.R. Book 17, page 69 a distance of 10 feet, more or less, to a 5/8" iron rod, LS 4708, on the North bank of the creek; thence continue N 00*41'26" W., 801.12 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.33 acres more or less. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it op Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney, whose ad- dress is 445 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063; (904)259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice and on or before the 14th day of August, 2006, and to file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relieve demanded in the Complaint or Petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on the 13th day of July, 2006. TA. "Al" Fraser Clerk of Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk 7/20-8/10 IN THE COUNTY COURT. EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 02-2006-SC-0171 L.V. HIERS, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION Plantiff, vs. JEFFREY Z. HAROUTUNIAN, INDIVIDUALLY AND D/B/A FIRST COAST LIMOUSINE, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JEFFREY Z. HAROUTUNIAN FIRST COAST LIMOUSINE, INC. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a complaint for Money Damages has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your writ- ten defenses, if any, to it on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney. wnose address is 445 East Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, FL 32063; 904- 259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice and on or before the 5th day of September, 2006, and to file the original with the Clerk of this Court edner before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P A., attorney or Im- mediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint or Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on this 31st day of July. 2006. T.A. AL" FRASER CLERK OF COURT BY Jamie Crews DEPUTY CLERK 0P2.in.1 A Registration of Fictitious Names I the undersigned, being duly sworn, do here- by declare under oath that the names of all per- sons interested in. the. business or profession carried on under the name of DON BURNSED' CONSTRUCTION, INC., 11803 Don Burneed' Rd., Sahderson, FL 32087, and the extent of the interest of each is as follows: NAME EXTENT OF INTEREST Don Butmsed 100% Don Bumsed Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAKER Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of July, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk of Court Baker County, Florida By: Bonnie Palleshi As Deputy Clerk 8/3 TOWN OF GLEN ST MARY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Project: Remove & Replace Sidewalks in vari- ous locations. The Town is requesting dollar per square yard. The Town will purchase the concrete directly. Bids may be dropped off at Town Hall, 10046 N. Glen Ave., or mailed to P.O. Box 519, Glen St. Mary, FL 32040. Deadline for receiving bids will be August 14,, 2006 at 10:00 ,m. a/a IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA-0011 DIVISION: UCN 022006CA000011XXCICI WALTER MORTGAGE SERVICING, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GLORIA J. WILLIAMS; DONNA A. WILLIAMS, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, pursuant to the Judgment of Foreclosure entered In the above cause, I will sell the property situated in Baker County, Florida described as follows: A portion of government land Lot 19, Section 36, Township 2 South, Range 20 East, Baker County, Florida; and being more particularly described as follows: Point of Beginning being the Southwest corner of saod government land Lot 19 and run North 87 degrees, 52 minutes, 47 seconds East, a dis- tance of 100 feet; thence North 0 de- grees 29 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 220 feet; thence South 87 degrees 52 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 100 feet, thence south 0 degrees 29 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 220 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.50 acres more or less. at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash at 11:00 am on August 22, 2006, at the east doors of the courthouse., Florida. Any person claiming an Interest In the surplus from the sale, If any, other than the property owner as of the date of the LIe Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. In accordance withthe American with Dis- abilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the A.D.A. Admin- Istration for the Clerk of the Court not later than 7 days prior to the proceeding at: 339 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, FL 32063. "If hearing Impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, voice 1-800-955-8770. This is not a court Informa- tion line.' DATED: July 25, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk, Circuit Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk NIXON AND ASSOCIATES 3105 W. Waters Ave. Tampa, FL'33614 Telephone: (813) 93-7722 8/3-10c NOTICE Meeting Time Changed Baker County School Board The Baker County School Board will meet for their regular Board meeting as follows: Monday, August 7,2006 6:00 p.m. District School Board Meeting Room (270 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida) Please note this tie change from 6:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. is for this meeting only. ^^^^'^ C^^^^^^^ E^rw _WS -"T ..*.jmifBH HBBM M HI^ City Of Macclenny ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PROJECT: City of Macclenny Roadway Paving Improvements Baker County Florida OWNER: City of Macclenny Macclenny City Hall 118 E. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, FL 32063 ENGINEER: Darabi and Associates, Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road, Building A Gainesville, Florida 32641 Telephone: (352) 376-6533 1.0 WORK DESCRIPTION The Project is located at various locations through- out the City of Macclenny. The Work is generally described as furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transporta- tion, services, and incidentals and performing all work necessary. to provide the Owner with road- way paving improvements throughout the City of Macclenny. The roadway improvements include resurfacing approximately 17,400 I.f. of roadway, reclamation of approximately 4,000 I.f. of roadway, and constructing approximately 550 l.f. of road- way. The project includes associated surveying, testing, pavement striping, sodding and seeding, and maintenance of traffic. All work shall be in accordance with the construc- tion drawings, specifications, and contract docu- ments. 2.0 RECEIPT'OF BIDS Bidding and contract documents may be exam- ined at the Macclenny City Hall. Copies of the documents may be obtained at Engineer's office for $250.00 dollars per set; which constitutes the cost for reproduction and handling. Checks shall be payable to Engineer. Payment is non-refundable. Bids shall be completed on the enclosed Bid Form as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and otherwise be in compliance with the Bidding Documents. Sealed bids will be received at the Macclenny City Hall, 118 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida 32063 until 2:00 P.M. (local time) on August 11, 2006, at which time and place all bids will be opened. Any Bids received after the specified time and date will not be considered. For further information or clarification, contact Mr. Don Lee at (352) 377-5821. 7/27-8/3 NOTICE OF BID FOR PEST AND RODENT CONTROL SERVICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Baker County Board of Commissioners will receive writ- ten, sealed bids in the Baker county Adminis- tration Building, 55 N. Third St., Macclenny, FL 32063, until 3:00 pm on August 17, 2006, for various County Facilltues. Specifications and lo- cation of each facility may be obtained from the Baker County Administration Office or by calling 904-259-3613. Bids should be sealed and contain the words Pest Control Bid" on the outside of the envelope. The Baker County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. 8/3-10 CITY OF MACCLENNY INVITATION TO BID The City of Macclenny solicits written proposals to all insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health insurance plans. Proposals are expected from only finan- cially sound Insurers, authorized to do business in Florida. All organizations are to provide a written request for Information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant. Written re- quests are to be submitted to: O&A Insurance Services via e-mail or fax: Wendy@Owenservices. com or 904-287-5625. Formal written proposals will be accepted through August 10, 2006. 7/13-8/10 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTHJUDICIAL CIRCUIT, INLAND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA- 80 IN RE: GENE HARVEY, as TAX COLLECTOR OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION TO: DELINQUENT TAXPAYER RECEIVING THIS NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY. NOTIFIED that a Petition for Validation of Tax Warrants issued for unpaid 2004, Baker County Personal Property Taxes has been filed by Gene Harvey, Baker County Tax Collector, in which you are named as a party for nonpayment ol 2004 Personal Property Taxes as assessed against you. Upon ratification and confirmation of the petition by the Court, the Tax Collector shall be authorized to issue a tax war- rant against you. and levy upon, seize and sell so. much of your personal property as necessary to satisfy the delinquent taxes, plus costs. interest, attorney's fees and other charges. YOU WILL BE DISMISSED AS A PARTY TO THIS ACTION WITHOUT ANY COURT APPEARANCE BY YOU IF YOU PAY SAID DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY YOU AND COSTS TO THE TAX COL- LECTOR AT: 32 NORTH 5TH ST., MACCLENNY, FLORIDA 32063, PRIOR TO THE FINAL HEAR- ING SCHEDULED IN THIS MATTER. You are further notified that a Final Hearing will be held in this maier on the 24th day of Au- gust, 2006. ar the Baker County Courthouse in Macclenny, Baker County, Florida. at 11 30. am before the Honorable Phyllis M. Rosier, Circuit Judge, at which time you or your attorney may present your objections, it any, to issuance of the Tax Warrant against you The amount of Ihe as- sessment or amount of taxes levied have been paid or not A copy of the Petition tiled neremin may be o0- rained at the office of tne Clerk ot tne Circuit Court in Macclenny, Baker County, Florida upon request Witness my hand and seal of this Court on this 14 day of July. 2006. LIST OF DEFENDANTS 1. Americom Network, Inc 04-5000053 2. Connie's Kitchen 04-5001160 3. Faith Texturing & Coating, Inc. 04-5001745 4. Fibersteam Carpet Cleaning 04-5001805 5. Interstate Brands Corp 04-5002736 6. Thomas Edwin Long 04-5003200 7. James J. Rowe 04-5004363 8. Refuse Land Development 04-5005604 9. Asuncion Crow 04-5005725 10. Labels 04-5005796 AL FRASER As CLERK OF COURT BY Katie Kennedy DEPUTY CLERK 7/20-8/10 Formal written proposals will be accepted through August 10, 2006. 7/13-8/10 HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146 The following vehicle will be sold at public auction August 18, 2006 at 10:00 am, at Higginbo- tham's Towing & Recovery, US 90 West, Glen St. Mary, FL. 32040. Ford Mustang Completely burnt & stripped 83 City Of Macclenny ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PROJECT: City of Macclenny Baker County Potable Water Storage Tank Rehabilitations Macclenny, Florida OWNER: City of Macclenny 118 E Macclenny Avenue Macclenny, FL 32063-2195 ENGINEER: Darabi and Associates, Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32641 Telephone: (352) 376-6533 1.0 WORK DESCRIPTION The Project is the Ohio Street 100,000-gallon elevated' water storage tank, the Ohio Street 360,000 gallon water ground storage tank, and- the Macclenny Products Road 100,000-gallon elevated water storage tank. The work is generally described as rehabilitation of one ground storage and two elevated potable water storage tanks. The work on each individual tank is as follows: Ohio Street Tank 100 000-gallon Replacement of roof hatch, roof vent, 2 cathoaic protection plates Repair of light Pressure washing of tank exterior Painting of tank exterior and tank interior Installation of antenna stand Installation of Lad-Guard shield. Removal of interior spider assembly Installation of safety cable on roof ladder Removal of target board Ohio Street Ground Storage Tank 360 000-gallon Cleaning Interior Inspection Macclenrny Products Road Elevated Tank 100.000-gallon Painting of tank exterior Installation of vent Repair of light All work shall be in accordance with the specifica- tions and contract documents. 2.0 RECEIPT OF BIDS Bidding and contract documents may be exam- ined at 118 E. Macclenny Ave, Macclenny Florida 32063-2195. Copies of the documents may be obtained at Engineer's office for $250 per set; which con- stitutes the cost for reproduction and handling. Checks shall be payable to Engineer. Payment is non-refundable. Bids shall be completed on the enclosed Bid Form as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and otherwise be in compliance with the Bidding Documents. Sealed bids will be received at the Macclenny City Hall, 118 E Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida, until 2:00 P.M. (local time) on August 9, 2006, at which time and place all bids will be opened and read aloud. Any Bids received after the specified time and date will nor be con- sidered. 7 For further information or clarification, con- tact Ms. Rachel Conn at the Engineer's office, 730 NE Waldo Road. Gainesville, Florida 32641, (352)377-5821. Questions shall be submitted in wanting to the Engineer by July 25. 2006 7/27-8/3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. FILE NO.: 02-2006- CP-0029 IN RE: ESTATE OF FLORENCE SINCLAIR,, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION (One PR) The administration of the estate of FLOR- ENCE SINCLAIR, deceased, File Number 02- 2006-CP-0029, is pending in the Probate Court, Baker County, Florida, the address of which is 339 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTI- FIED THAT: All persons on whom this notice is served, who have objections that challenge the valid- ity of the will, the qualifications of the personal representative, venue, or jurisdiction of this court are required to file their objections with this court within the later of three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. All creditors of the decedent, and other per- sons having claims or demands against dece- dent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice, must file their claim with this court within the later of three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJEClIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publication of this notice is JULY 27, 2006. Rock Tressler Personal Representative Frank E. Maloney, Jr., Esquire Attorney for personal representative: 445 E. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, FL 32063 904-259-3155 Florida Bar No.: 142990 727-8/3 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INVITATION TO BID The Baker County Board of County Commis- sioners solicits written proposals to all insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health insurance plans. Proposals are expected from only financially sound insurers, authorized to do business in Florida. All organizations are to provide a written request for information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant. Written re- quests are to be submitted to: O&A Insurance Services via mail or fax: Wendy@Owenservices. com or 904-287-5625. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday August 3, 2006 Page 10 Heritage Park chapel under construction... Tony Arnold, a carpenter iuh Carlisle Contrrucitors. Ic. of Jacksonville. measures a truss in the roof of the chapel being built on the grounds of Heritage Park in west Macclentry. Construcnon on the chapel began last Saturd.T. Philanthropist Catherine Reynolds. who has relatives in Ahacclenniv. donated 550,)000 to) ard the project scheduled to be completed in late .Agusr It ill feantre a nil roof. wood siding aind an outside garden. Heritage is one of three Baker County parks in line tor $6),000 worth of outdoor recreation grants fomn the state the coming fiscal year The other; are St. AMarv's Shoals Park off tarbrough Road and the Macclenny Park near 11'est Boulet ard Photo b) Kellet Laragain Holton helps team clinch world series Ashley Holton, ofMaccleniiv, is a member of the Jax- Plaers girls softball team that clinched a world series title in Panama City Beach last month. Ms. Holton. 14, who has been playing softball since she was seven, plays catcher and short- stop on the Jacksonville-based squad affiliated with the U.S. Fast Pitch Association. She is. the daughter of Bill and Debbie HoTlon. PH(-)TmO COURTESY OF BILL HOLTON LBayer Coawty Lite League Fall Ball Baseball Sign-ups Saltrday, August 5 & 12 10 Oa.m. 1Z_0 pim. Ages 5-115 \ JLzpe ap ddoiied by aftonApril 30, M6 ] 'eme bing a py atib*fli ,wdilir-tAi Wildcat Football! Boosters Club Weekly meetings begin August 7th Reserve Booster seating at Memorial Stadium still available. Contact Brian Yarbrough for more information 759-5734. CATS' SPORTS SHORTS All Baker High students boys and girls interested in playing golf this year should report to the P.E. portable at 2:00 pm Friday. Coach John Staples will provide all necessary, information on team try- outs. - He said he will field a girls' team if there is enough interest. The first match is scheduled for August 24. The BCHS golf team will play all its matches on the road this season because its home course, Pineview Golf & Country Club has been sold to residential developers. The Baker County community is invited to a "Wildcat Pride Celebra- tion" at Memorial Stadium in Macclenny the evening of August 11. Highlights include introduction of both the varsity and JV football teams, cheerleaders, the BCMS Bobcat football players, along \with senior division players in the youth league. There will also be door prizes and refreshments. Join in on this kick-off of what promises to be an exciting football sea- son at all age levels. ' A training and fundamentals camp for future Wildcat football players will be held at the high school practice field on Saturday, August 5. The camp .is free to anyone signed up to play Youth League football this fall, and a sign-up sheet will be at Memorial Stadium during signups conducted by the Touchdown Club each Saturday. ,( The camp begins with check-in at 7:00 am and practice starts a half- Hour later: . Wildcat players under.supervision of coach Bobby Johns and his assis- tants will serve as instructors. Each participant will receive a t-shirt. You must pre-register to be guar- anteed a shirt. SENIORS'MENU for the week of August 7-11 MONDAY: Salisbury Steak w/ gravy. augrann potatoes, oriental blend, bread. cranberry sauce, milk TUESDAY: Sweet & sour chicken w/ rice. mLxed vegetables, pineapple tid- bits. bread, pudding, milk WEDNESDAY: Breaded pork party, lima beans. sliced carrots, bread, mixed fruit, milk THURSDAY: Chicken and dumplings. California. squash. bread, peaches. milk FRIDAY: BBQ beef, macaroni & cheese, colesla%\. bun, nulk PUBLIC RELEASE 2006-2007 SCHOOL YEAR NEW MEAL PRICES Breakfast: $1 Lunch (Pre-K Grade 6): $1.50 Lunch (Grades 7-12): $2 Reduced Price Breakfast: 300 Reduced Price Lunch: 40 i-r t'N i"ur e[ivc tiL we c ler I pTr .ui.it ucho l mit)l fnp( on. ' Please pre-p3n accnidinglYv C liarging imeal< is disco-uraged and noi permnitle Infi grades 6-12. rhe Baker Couni\ Schlool Board has announced its policy for free and re- duced price meals available for children unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. The district's administrative office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by an', interested party. Their following household size and income criteria will be used for deter- nuting eligihil.ny: FLORIDA INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEALS Effective from August I. 2006 to June 30, 2007 FREE MEAL SCALE Household size I 3 4 5 6 7 8 Annually 12.740 17,160 21.580 26.000 30.420 34.840 39.260 43,6,80 For eicih ;additional family member., add +4.420 Monthly) 1,062 1.430 1.799 2.167 2.535 2,904 3.272 3.640 +369 Bi-Monthly 531 715 900 1,084 1.268 1.452 1,636 1,820 +185 Bi-Weekly 490 660 830 1.000 1,170 1,340 1,510 1,680 Weekly 245 330 415 500 585 670 755 840 +170 +85 REDUCED MEAL SCALE Household size 1 2 , 4 5 A nn Will vN IS,18130 24,40 30.7 10 37.000 413,290 6 49.580 7 55,870 8 62.160 Foi. mchmeddi d ionl . family member, add +6.21X) I I II * 6 Uacng ue Now vaiabl Baker County Touchdown Club Football Equipment Sw Swap &Sell 0 All Sizes Bring your used equipment and swap or sell at this' years event Free tables provided ", Free hot dogs and sodas Sponsored by this years football coaches Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:00 p.m. -:5:00 p.m. (tables open at 1:45) At Raiford Road Church 4 Hwy 121 1 mile south of 1-10 on left For more information contact Chuck Nichols 759-1421 Baker County Touchdown Club Youth Football and Cheerleader Sign-Ups Every Saturday in July & 8:00 am 12:00 pm August 1st and 3rd 5-8:00 pm , Final Sign-Up Saturday, August 5 8:00 am- NOON All Sign-ups are at Memorial Field behind the BP station on Hwy. 90. Fee $45 Copy of Birth Certificate and proof of insurance Monthly 1.51 1 1.035 . 2.560 3,084 3.608 4,1 32 4,656 5.180 +525 Bi-Monthly 756 1.018 1,280 1.542 1,804 2.066 2.328 2.590 +263 Bi-Weekly 698 940 1.182 1,424 1.665 1.907 , 2,149 2,391 Weekly 349 470 591 712 833 954 1.075 1,196 +242 +121 i '1. t'', .' id. it'.,,. ;. I,-1. 1 .. .. .1. i- h '., ',ii i;r; w '"ha tt'.-,i n ti, i lm ltt itlh q u n r.4F.. Children front families whose income is at or below the levels showni are eligible for tree or reduced price meals. Only one free and reduced price meal application is mteded for each family. Lf appiuved lor tree or reduced price meals. exch chlild living in your household and attending a Baker Counrt public school lis-,,d on the umil meal application v.,uild be eligible. Irapplying for more than one Foster child. (a legal ,rex:nsibiliti.-a, welfare agency o county in your houi'..ehnld. 'ton must coimplete'a eparale applicatln flo6 each child. Application fionna tie being sent to all homes with a letter to pants or guardians. To apply tbr free or reduced pxice meals. households should fill out the application and return it to tire school. Copies are also avadl.blc at the principal's office in each school. If I ou have questions, or need assi-stance completing the application, call the Nutrition Services office at (904) 259-4330. The intfiimrainn pro% ided on the application will be used for the purpose of deter- mirinin elgibflin and mna\ be verified at any time during the scihooxl year by school and.or oilier proNgm officidas. loii;eholds that weceive Fxood Stamnps or TANF (Temporar3 Assistance to Need) Families) are required to list on the application only the children's names in your household attending a Baker Count) Public School and their corresponding food stamp numbers or TA\N c:eie numbers. and wnnen name and signature of adult household For' ithe ,xool offici:ds to diccmarinc eligibility, all other households must pro% ide the follow% ing information lited on the application: 11 ) naines of till children in your household attending a Baker County Public S hoot l; (21 names of all household members related or 1not; (31 the toudl gross income recei'.ed last month and how often it wis received net to the namue of the hi'toLsehold iemniber receiving tthe income under the appropriate column as to the type of income it is such as earning from work. child support, social secunty, ec. .). (4") Social Securiti nuinrber of the adult signing the application or check the box indicatingrfthey do not ha'.e Social Secunty number; 15) and the signaturee of .un adult hinisehold member cenifying that the information provided is co'mect. HoL schIoldas TiU lae ii hot chold member in the military and receive housing al- lowalinces as par oIf the Militibn Housing Privatization Initiative, should not include their I utintg allowance as nicome. .All other allowance must be included in their gross income. Households with deployed service members are to consider them as part of their household anid to report only the portion of the deployed service member's income , made available to tIle houln- lold. Any other income for othermembers in the household slIhold be reported I louselold'Ii that i i a -;i od Stamp or TANF case number must reportto the school when Food Stamps or T \N F ar no longer received. Applications may be submitted at an\ time during tiheyear. IUndler the provisions of the free and reduced price meal policy, each school will review applications and determine temporary eligibility. If a parent or guardian is dis- :risf'ied v. itli th ruling of the official. lielhcl may wish to discuss the decision with the determining oftic.ial n an inl'nrmal basis It the pa it wishes to make afoirmal appeal, he/she may make a request eilIthet eiially by contacting the Nutrition Services office at 259-4330. r m in., ritini t) Office of the Superintendent, 392 South Blvd. East, Mac- cleniiNy. Florida 320'63. The policy contains an outline of the hearing procedure. If a h~.u-ethold member hieom 'rie untemploied or if the household size changes, the school should be contacted.'Such changes may allow the children of the household to become eligible for reduced price meals, or for additional benefits such as free meals, if the hiouehold inconye falltkal orlov. lthie le\els e,,homin ahme. In certain cases, foster children are also eligible for these benefits. If a household has ti-ter children Ii i ing with them. and wishes to apply for such meals forte foster child/ student, the household should contact the school for more information. If you are applying for a child that is homeless, migrant, or a runaway call your child's school or the Nutrition Services office at (904) 259-4330. Unless indicated otherwise on the application, the information on the flee and reduc- ed price meal application may be used by the school system in determining whether the child is eligible forother educational programs. In the operation of child feeding programs administered by the U.S. Department of, Agriculture, no child will be discriminated against because of'race, color, sex, national origin, age or handicap. If any member of a household believes he or she has been discriminated against, he/she should write immediately to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (Voice mand TD). USDA is an equal oppxrtunity pnvider and employer If you have other questionsor need help, call (904) 2594330 Si necesita ayuda, por favor llame altel6fono: (904) 259-4330 Si vous voudriez d'aide, contactez nous au number: (904) 259-4330 * N We invite you to join us at the Baker Square Shopping Center Down with payments as low as /Month Corporate Vehicles Used Vehicles - Bank Reprocessed 0 NOT MISS THIS EVENT! Credit Problems? No Problem! r J Baker Square Shopping Center, 1436 SR-121 Macclenny, FL 32063 886-608-3791 "With approved credit ,M.aximurr arrournt, with credit score of 760 or greater. You vehicle cannot exceed 200 of your gros-,s monthl'., iri.;,rre \Ve.hickle payment totaled with you current monthly payments must not exceed 50% of your gross income Any equity deficit in your current vehicle must be paid with I ... ehicle Bai ikrLi:1.ie must b. : disch-arged Addi- tional down payment n-ay be required Based on original M.S.R.P of selected offered vehicles Vehicles_ n1. hav-e bee r pulrcha-.e, at aJCtion $ -1, 0 0 OFF $1,000 OFF I VEHICLE PURCHASE MUST PRESENT COUPON, EXPIRES SUNDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 2006 As VA Ai MEMO= N ? T AM ERI CAN 4 r AN ,vw Rm:=VOLUTION THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday August 3, 2006 Mold By fared Wilkerson Real Estate Wrirer The other day I was out show- ing properties with one of my investors when we pulled up to a cute little vacant house on the north side of Jacksonville. From the outside, it looked to be about parwith the others we'd seen so far, but the nr extremely low price on the - in fo rma - tion sheet made it look pretty sweet on Jared Wilkerson. Realtor paper. As is the norm for seller's secu- rity procedures. I had called the day before to inform the listing agent that we'd be stopping by. While on the phone weith her, she said. "Oh, and you may want to wear a gas mask or something The chuckle put me in a light- 'hearted mood,_so.J. just said, - "That bad, huh?" To which she responded in a much more seri- ous tone, "You've no idea." Never one to back do\vn from a challenge, I kept the home on the list and there we were the next day going inside to take a closer look. Immediately upon entering the house. I felt like my lungs were collapsing. No joke there. Either there was no oxygen in this structure and I actually couldn't breathe, or my lungs had a mind of their own and just knew better than to do so. The investor said something like, "Ya know, I don't know if we ought to stay in here very long:' while breathing through her sleeve and motioning around the living room with her free hand. However, being a man of very * limited education and having an overall "dumb as a box of rocks" demeanor, I suggested we open a few windows and let it air our while we looked around the yard. So we did. When we came back, it wasn't much better in there at all. But we were able to move through the house until we finally saws it. MOLD! It was all along the kitch- en walls and on both bathroom ceilings, as well as the master bed- room walls that connected to the dangers master bath. Black and fuzzy and regard to toxicity. Th I swear it looked like it was pul- nitrogen and cellulos sating, although I'm sure most of the surface, the mor that was just my imagination. All mycoroxins. Molds I kept thinking was "Andromeda fiberboard, gypsum b Strain!" ent paper coverings, She set a land-speed record on surfaces are therefoi the way back to my car. I'll testify likely to be hazardous in the home he higher the ;e content of e potent the growing on board, differ- and lint-like re the most IS. Obviously, that's the time to take action. For smaller jobs (defined in the EPA handbook as 10 square feet or less), it is probably okay to clean the affected area yourself. However, any patch of mold that is larger than a 3 foot by foot section has progressed to a level bers of the family begin to display' certain adverse health symptoms, such as: respiratory problems including asthma and infections, severe eye irritation with watery or burning red eyes, constant dry or hacking coughing, nose and throat irritation, skin rashes, to that effect if she wants to con- . tact the folks at .. r Guinness. didn't retention Tips ' bother asking her .- . if she'd like to o a a ' makeanoffer. and leks are good areas f Later, my r hypochondriac s moisture to collect and provide ha personality' start- ed wondering if I itat for mold growth. shouldbeworried about my expo- ' Sure tsmofo 2. Keep air conditioning arip pans clean learn all ,Icould and make sure that drain lines remain about the health unobstructed . risks associated unobstructed. with mold in the home, thods of 3. Keep indoor humidity low ' detection and . treatment. Here's ... : what I found H 4Turn on vent fans or crack windows our: ' First of all, when showering. I'm safe. Whew! Limited exposure Co ndn ato to mold generally 5. Condensation that collects in window only causes short s t termallergic reach corners is a sign that may bbem m tions in people -' who are suscep- to replace them.. tible to everyday kI- y c_ .- ,, : .,,- allergens. So for me, brainpower minus 10, but 50 points for a strong immune sys- tem. Awesome. Mold's function in nature is to break decaying matter down to its simplest building blocks in order to recycle it back into an eco- system. It reproduces using tiny microscopic spores that travel by air at the whims of the wind. So, when walking outside in a humid environment, we are breathing in mold spores whether we can smell that faint mold' odor or not. The only time that mold pres- ents a health risk is when it is producing compounds that have, toxic properties, called mycotox- ins. They occur when the mold has just the right combinations of temperature, pH and humidity. The surface on which the mold is growing also makes a difference in Interestingly, while the mold is alive, it is covered by a thin slimy layer that prevents the spores from escaping. It is only after the mold dies and dries out that the spores are released. These spores continue to fly around, both outside and indoors in a dormant state until they land on something moist, such as condensation in a shower or the inner walls,of your lungs. In the case of just a few spores finding their way into the human body, most immune systems will lay the smack, down and simply back- hand the mold right back out of, the body. In the shower stall on the other hand, the spores will take root and begin to spread and reproduce to other damp areas of the home. In time, the mold will prog- ress to a level at which it is visible. requiring professional assistance. I know what you're thinking. Who on earth would allow a spot of mold to grow that huge with- out whippingout the Tilex some- where along the lines? The answer is someone who can't see it. Part of mold's awesome cosmic power is that it thrives in humid areas with dim light. Most ofthe time, the mold will be found growing in the interiorofwalls on the backside of drywall following a homeowner's bout with water damage or a leaky roof that has gone undetected. Another com- mon hidden mold area is on the underside of wallpaper that has been trapping cooking vapors for years in a kitchen. If you can't see t, it's tough to fight it. In this situation, most homeowners will begin to notice that the children or older mem- IBS (if you don't know what that is, it's nor my place to tell ya here; just consider your- self lucky), con- stant fatigue, new food allergies, headaches, and of course nasal and sinus conges- tion. Prolonged exposure to mold spores has even been linked to memory impair- ment. If these symp- toms persist in otherwise nor- mally healthy individuals, mold is probably the cause and hom- eowners should begin testing for it immediately. There are two main types of tests that you can do yourself and both are relatively cheap. The first is a simple surface rest, involving lift tape that is applied directly to common mold areas, such as bathroom or kitchen walls. The Zaxby's is coming to Macclenny BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Busint'e NMacclenny officials have con- firmed reports that a Zaxbv's res- taurant is slated for a parcel of land located on South Sixth Streer on the north side of Interstate 10. Specializing in chicken dishes, Zaxby's is parr or the growing trend of "fast casual" restaurants, which bridge the gap between fast-food and casual dining, according to W\ikipedia, an online encyclopedia. Fast-casual restaurants are similar to fast-food restaurants in that they do not offer full table service, but promise a somewhat higher quality of food and atmosphere. A preliminary site plan has been submitted to the city and the res- taurant is seeking a permit from the St. Johns River Water MNanagement District. The proposed 314-6-square-Foot facility will sit on about 1.1 acres. Reportedly the restaurant want- ed an entrance onto South Sixth, bur stare transportation officials nixed that because it would have ex- ited onto rhe on-ramp For 1-10 west- bound. Instead, the entrance will be on George Hodges Road. Zaxb\'s was established in Stares- boro, Ga. in 1990 by childhood friends Zach McLeroy and Tony Townley. The chain, which spans the South- east United States, has approximate- ly 350 restaurants, including several in Jacksonville. The menu features buffalo wings and chicken fingers, along with sal- ads such as The Blue, which is mixed greens, red cabbage, carrots, roma tomatoes, blue cheese crumbles, fried onions, blackened chicken or / Buffalo Finmgerz with Texas toast. There are also several chicken sandwiches and desserts, including cheesecake and key lime pie. *0 '0* As one comes in, another goes out. Sarah's Coffee House is closing its (See Page 2) (See Page 3) This beautiful traditional. Southern home features a kitch- en with an oversized island, serving Oar, and large, walk-in pantry. Other features include ten-foot ceilings and a great room with double French doors leading to the rear covered porch. For more details, log onto www.house-of-the-week.com, or call 866-685-7526. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, August 3. 2006 Page Two-B Mold dangers at home (From Page 1) second is an air quality test kit, which soaks up air particles from any room in the house. Both of these test kits can be acquired for FREE at www. homemoldtestkits.com (simple enough) and conform to testing guidelines set out by the EPA and OSHA. The kits themselves are free, but they get ya on the back end by charging a few bucks for shipping and then of course the kit itself doesn't give a positive or negative result there in your home. It must be sent off to their lab for analysis, but this fee is only $20 per kit. That's cheaper than another ENT doctor visit. A word of caution: Although these kits do conform to testing guidelines, many professionals claim they are not completely reli- able, due mostly to the fact that untrained people are collecting the samples. If mold is found to be pres- ent, although not visible, the absolute safest route to take is to hire a professional. Here in the Baker County area, technician Chris Eddins of Dry Core Water Damage Solutions provides the type of thorough cleanup and dis- posal required and can be reached at 259-8929. For times when the area is vis- ible and falls within the 10 sq ft section rule, it is usually safe to handle the problem yourself. Just remember to wear eye goggles that do not have vent holes in the sides, long sleeves accompanied by gloves that go at least halfway up the forearm, and a heavy-duty respirator (such as the EPA sanc- tioned N-95, $20 at a local hard- iware store). while e you're clean- ;ing, you'll be6 releasing all of the loose spores into your air supply. That's why you need the make- shift spacesuit. Thoroughly clean the area with simple detergent and a coarse cloth until no more evidence of mold is visible. Then allow the surface to dry for at least 24 hours, although 48 is recommended, before resuming it normal use. Caution: Some porous surfac- es cannot be adequately cleaned. The mold spores will simply hide out in the small holes or, worse yet, die from the detergent and then release the spores upon dry- ing out. Ceiling tiles, carpets and other such expendable surfaces will need to be replaced. The most important step in the clean-up process is to locate the source of the moisture and eliminate it. All is for naught if this is not done. In order to prevent future outbreaks, there are certain steps that should be taken on a regular basis. 1. Be sure to clean and repair roof gutters regularly. Clogs and leaks are good areas for moisture to collect and provide a habitat for mold growth. 2. Keep air conditioning drip pans clean and make sure that drain lines remain unobstructed. Once a mold growth migrates into an HVAC system,'it will have to be turned off and completely gut- ted before its use can continue. 3. Keep indoor humidity low. Set a dehumidifier to 50% or below to squash potential mold growth inside the home. 4. Turn on vent fans or crack windows when showering. Bathrooms are real trouble areas for mold and will have to be treat- ed regularly regardless of good maintenance habits. However, venting moisture to the outside of the home when possible is New Development Special Unbelievable Savings of $20,000 SEDA Pays all closing costs*. SEDA pays realtor commission of 4% on the preselected homes listed below 3 Homes available for quick move in Lot 1-26 Lot 1-30 Lot 1-88 save $20,000 Save $20,000 save $20,000 was 26 was $295,900 was $301,-E0 is $241,900 is $275,900 is $281,900 SEDA 904-259-0922 Construction Company Jac"oneW B aet oca4 O(wned Siaene S.jud I-10 West approx., 26 miles to first Macclenny exit (Exit 336 Hwy. 228 Weit) (You are now on 5th Street) Go 2 miles to Macclenny; Cross over Highway 90 (Macclenny Ave.) At the intersection (Highway 121 stop light) go straight across, you are now on 23-B. Sands Pointe 1/2 mile on the left. Price & availability subject to change without notice. Subject to program rules. See agent for details. No other promotions, discounts or gift cards apply to this offer. Must close in 45 days. Realtor commission of 4% good for.contracts written on preselected properties above only. *Closing costs paid only if SEDA preferred lender is used, does not include prepaids, HOA dues, capital contributions, origination fees or points. Expires Aug 09,2006. Corp. 724-7800 CGC020880. ?"ia5 TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 Advertising Deadline Monday at 5:00 : THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS: Se ...................0....o 1995 FORD L8000, GARBAGE TRUCK, SUBMIT SEALED BIDS TO BE OPENED 8/8/06. CITY OF MACCLENNY, FLORIDA. JUST TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE, ALL NEW TIRES. 904-259-0968 DAYS .* ' PINEVIEW CHEVROLET in Macclenny has an opening for a Sales Associate Full time, experience not necessary but considered a plus, -will train if needed. Great working hours, health benefits, paid vacation & automobile allowance. Call Lance for an appointment. (904) 259-6117 Let me show you how I can put more money in your pocket at closing by working with a professional...especially with the current market conditions. 4BR 3BA. 1945 sq ft. filly remodeled on one acre of land All Ne\- roof, carpet. hard. ood loorig. AC unit. \\ater softener. and secirit sy stem Probabl\ the best deal in towi right n t $1711) Jared Wilkerson. REALTOR'ft- S899-6957 r -,r.k I- S Visit www.jaredsellshouses.com for e er thing \on need rwhen buN ing and selling real estate in Baker Counth. Real A answers. Real Results. New Paint & Carpet A music see in jacksonville' This BR/ B BA: brick home has been Ireslly catpe and tile in f both bathrooms. Plus a hon0l room .. . ithai would make d greal oliceorretreat trea There IS a i) .. car deuched garage e and an attached car -- -.. port. Very easy to show. Don' t miss this one! $158,000 JAX-004 South SR 121 in Macclenny! Commercial property with enormous potential. Property sits directly behind a convenience store ... - that is also listed for sale. Both parcels are zoned Commercal General. 500+ homes are planned directly across the street oI) th is bargain lusi - waiting for the nght " buyer. This is a. 2,.2 .. .. SF Doublewide MHtAil7 which sits on 1.16 acres of prime property $224,900 MAC-009 Vacant Land Zoned for Home/MH in Sanderson! This L shaped p.r- cel contains indr "- - lots firsi loi ki : ' 7.M99acres,second 10t is .()1 acre ' vith paned road Gorgeous starter home in St. George, GA fThis irouges on CR A'd Gorgeous starter home in St. George, GA new 1440 SF home k with stainless steel appliances, "-A Berber carpet in .. the bedrooms, .. . vinyl wood floors, . vaulted ceilings with beautiful light fixtures. Sits on .55 acre. Additional parcel behind home can be purchased. You can't find a bargain like this anywhere. $132,400 MAC-013 m HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. S, Licensed Real Estate Broker S. 259-7709 338-4528 cell OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 2:00 5:00 pm In Cannon Heights, corner of Smoothbore Ave. & Evergreen St. IMMACULATE LIKE-NEW 3/2 BRICK HOME 2+ acres on corner lot in excellent neighborhood. Floors are tile & hardwood. Glass doors open to porch & large fenced backyard. Two car garage finished with carpet. Planted maple, grapefruit, flowering pear & cherry trees. Home has many extras, is open, sunny & inviting. JUST REDUCED!! $249,900 We can show and sell all listings! LIKE NEW HOME ON 2 ACRES 3/2 open floor plan, tile throughout, Berber carpet in bedrooms, wrap around front porch and back porch overlooking spring fed fish pond. On private lot at end of cul-de-sac. Approx. 1907 SE Many extras! $259,900 4 BR, 2 BA IN QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD Beautiful old neighborhood in Macclenny. Your children can walk to school. 1560 SF $168,900 Anne Kitching, Realtor 962-8064 cell. Wendy Smith, Realtor 710-0528 cell. Tina Melvin, Realtor 233-2743 cell. Seventy Acr-.acre. Moccasin Creek. Like e call us about this land in thecou T75,000 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with build- ing. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rentedat $1100/ month. $305,000 Excellent ~rner lot. East Macclenn, i s. $200,000. Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighbor- hood. $419,000 New Home Under Construction! Many extras! 3 BR/2 BA on 1 acre. Has covered porch & patio, 2 car garage & 295 sf bonus room. Floor will be laminate wood, carpet & tile, gas fp, central vacuum, security sys- tem, pre-wired for home theatre. Country living at it's best! $269,900 .98 Acres zoned Commercial on 121 South. $119,900 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side screened j 1mily room, large bonus roo ,w "C..- aack yard, stove & refrigerator. Must see to appreciate. In Macclenny city limits. $199,900 BRICK HOME 1.49 acres, perfect for your garden with a 16x20 workshop, just 5 minutes from town $189,000 CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent comer lot location! Beverage ULcense is available! 386 N. Lowder St, Macclenny $389,000 O te iei. ai 6 t' ra ts I Wf irtn, rn6tI, Brick home and 2 additional lots to build on in excellent location for convenience to 1-10 and shopping. I Has been remodeled with new kitchen, stove & refrigerator. All 3 for $189,900 on 1.21 acres in Glen St. Mary. Live in the MH while you complete the house. $129,900 .. i"t arl8Macdenny 259 4828 R n l E .BM l ,i -ia. ;,d- i ..i This Week's Featured Listings... 521 South Sixth Street, Ste. C, Macclenny Zaxby's coming to Macclenny... (From Page 1) doors about a month before its first anniversary in business. A sign posted last month in the window at its location on 11 West Macclenny Avenue said the business was 'for sale. Reportedly,, however, owner David Theus now is putting up the physical assets for auction. That leaves two coffee houses in Macclenny: Elliano's, a drive- through site on US 90 near the west city limits, and Calendars, located on Macclenny Avenue and College Street. Calendars also has a pizzeria adja- cent to the coffee house. During a presentation to county commissioners, Ginger Barber, ex- ecutive director of the Chamber of Commerce, said she anticipates Rayonier selling a big chunk of land for a DRI. The county's Development Com- mission had been trying to buy some of the land east of Macclenny on US 90 for industrial development, but the company "won't discuss selling," Ms. Barber said. The commission's success in bring- ing industry to the county is causing its land holdings to dwindle. With the Hansen RobfTile plant now operating in Enterprise West, there remains just a 6.9-acre parcel. There is more space in Enterprise East, including about 52" acres on US 90 directly in front of the Wal Mart Distribution Center. There are also two other parcels 54 acres and 18 acres behind the DC. Much of those parcels are wetlands, however. Ms. Barber said two prospects inquired about sites in Enterprise East. She wouldn't name the com- panies, but one, which is still active, is a manufacturer looking to build a 200,000 square foot facility on 20 acres. Estimates are that it would bring 100 high-wage jobs with it. The other, which ended up select- ing a site in Georgia, was planning a 500,000 square foot facility on 30 acres, with 1-5 to 200 employees. Ms. Barber also said that Sander- son Pipe, located in Enterprise West, and the Wal-Mart DC, have gener- ated 1010 jobs and $24.75 million in payroll. Hansen is expected to add 81 jobs. In addition, the DC paid $825,560 in taxes last year, while. Sanderson Pipe paid $122,81". Hansen is projected to be paying $122,542 in taxes next sear. The Chamber of Commerce re- cendly agreed ro three-year contracts with both the county and city for economic development services. Each will pay $16,500 per year. w, W k THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. August 3. 2006 Page Three-B Press Advertising Deadline Monday 5:00 PM SFOR SALE i i 2004 brick 2470 sqft, V--- lE 4/3, bonus room, ti_ KnI' 1.12 acres, 3 car i *ll garage, screened back porch, FSBO, -- .. 6258 West River Circle (of Lowder & Miltondale), $344.900, appt only Ii" & 259-5544. 7264 Odis Yarborough Road Sunday. August 6 1:00 4:00 pm REFRESHMENTS DR4AW7NG FOR GIFT BASKET .'"' ." : ;" c. ' RH I iiE ~~I A Tj While Bullerr building systems are pre-engineered, their final design is nol predetermined. Using Butler's exclusive technology, we can help you design a building from the ground up. Even special design elements like skylights, fascias and entrance systems can be incorporated to produce not jusI any building, but your building r For systems that * Slag Fill Dirt Sand Milling Clay Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built meet your building needs choose Butler W For the experience and expertise to get the job done, choose us, your local Butler , Builder' I ,^ ^' .*. .*~- --^ .'.l * .. -<. \ :7 *- .... =* *: -<" * " :* .. .::: .*! ? ,. ,! ....... " * f ,* ....:.. -:. *:; . ...i. ; *. o- -' 4. mimmaculate 4/3 home on 5.14 acres with approximately 2500 sq. ft. with 2 car garage. 4 stall horse barn with feed room and tack room. Directions: 121 N. turn left on Hwy. 23-C. 1.6 miles to Odis Yarborough Rd., turn left. home is approximately 3/4 mile on left. S CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION of North Florida, Inc. 2'109 W US Hwy 90 Suite 170-144, 386-755-8887 Lake City, FL 32055 www conceptcni.com Help Wanted Code Enforcement Officer The Baker County Board of Commissioners will be accept- ing applications until August 17, 2006 at 1:00 pm for a part time person to fill a position of Code Enforcement Officer. This per- son must be honest, dependable. reliable and a team worker as well as experienced. The wage range is from $8.65 to $10.00 per hour commensurate with qualifications and experience. We are an equal opportunity em- ployer and comply with Drug Free Work Place Policies. Applications may be obtained from the Commis- sioners Office in the Baker County Administration Building located at 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida 32063. LAKE CITY Computer Maintenance Technician Troubleshoot, repair & maintain PC hardware; install & configure soft- ware; help users with problems and Help desk requests. Experienced in troubleshooting and repairing com- puter hardware and installing & con- figuring software for Windows oper- ating systems. High school diploma or equivalent. Special consideration for degree or certificate in related area. BS in Computer Science a plus. Salary: $23,827 annually, plus benefits Application deadline: August 21, 2006 College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment There's a reason we're Jacksonville's Largest locally owned homebuilder. Come see why. Choose from over 40 floor plans S We build in Duval, Clay, St. John's, Nassau & Baker Counties View our floor plans at --"www.sedaconstruction.com 904-724-7800 Mon-Fri 8-5 pm Options package valued at $%000 FREE with home purchase SEDA is one of the few builders -th a diediat an Otc; Dsion S..'ci, iiz~in i~n l"u~,1rI9- o.r plan on your lot. Our Offsite Division team will be with you through every ste .p ,i ue hualding process, from site assessment, .-' rr: .. ni i'.meorientation he jalk- iriuuh. 'uhji-rl o hIi n ghn e iinhout rni.tlk ( (:CL h1120 I1. 'f pirr'. *l utIl 301, 2006 Serving ALL your real estate needs! O Florida Crown \ Realty WE SELL PROPERTY FAST! LET US SELL YOURS... www.floridacrownrealty.com Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Josie Davis, Sales Associate Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate Teresa Yarborough, Sales Associate 799 S. 6th St., Macclenny 259-6555 A Little Bit of History! This 2,445 sf house was built circa 1910 and also has a separate commercial building on the lot (right). A well established flower shop, located in the commercial building, offers a world wide wire service. The home may be renovated for offices, retail, restaurant or any other use allowed in a Commercial General Zone. Lot size is 99' x 215' with lots of potential for two separate businesses. 99' frontage on US Hwy. 90 and 215' frontage on First Street. REDUCED $445,000 Nice 1 acre lot in Keaton Beach. Five minutes to Gulf of Mexico. This lot can be used for mobile homes or site built homes. Priced for quick sale $69,900. Building Lot, conveniently locat- ed between Glen St. Mary and Macclenny. This heavily wooded lot .Good .&on m Macedonia Very is restricted to site built homes only. 3/,- acre + priced at $34,900. nice older M, completely renovated. acr p at $34900 3 BR, 1.5 BA porch and storage build- Nice 3 BR/1 BA frame home with S. AI ac re, Above ground new vinyl siding and CH/A. Recently pool, approimately 1450 SFheaited & remodeled and ready to move into. . -..., cooled. Fi place. Must see to appreci- Located on Tony Givens Road in ate. $89,000 Owner will consider Sanderson on 1 acre. $125,000 financing with 20% down.. Reduced to $100,000. Ten Acres Loc is high and dry Commercial Lo between Waffle ;ated on Arnold Rhoden Rd. close to US 90. This tract with good road frontage. Priced at $175,000. t 14,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. frontage on SR 121. Located House and Day's Inn, adjacent to I-10. $125,000. Commercial property in Hilliard, 1/2 acre with 105' frontage on West 3rd St. Small brick home in need of renovation, can be converted to office space. $159,000. Custom Ceramic Tile Work Over 15 years experience Jason Hurst ,. Owner/Operator (904) 509-9278 .... Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accom- panied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598. Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run with- out notification of error by the per- son or agency for whom it was pub- lished, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other mate- rial which in the opinion of the pub- lisher does not meet standards of publication. 2 HP air compressor, new. out of the box, $50; Bowflex Extreme, 210 ib. rating with all attachments including instructional CD & leg attachments, retails for $1000, asking $800 firm. 502-5235. 8,, 3p 6 piece bedroom set, queen mat- tress & boxsprings, new in boxes. $499, can deliver. 904-858-9350. 7/7-8/3c Fresh green peanuts, hand picked, washed & graded. Truluck Farms, O'Bnen, FL. 259-2055. 7/'27-8 131p Good used appliances. 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717. 7/13-3/29p 2000 Yamaha Wave Runner, 3 seater with trailer, very low hours, good con- dition, $6500. 259-4602. 7,13rfc 2001 GSXR 600. Call 904-485- 0797. 7/27-8,-3p 5 piece oak bedroom set, queen size with mattress, $1000: 2 crib sets, denim color. $25 each. 259-2746. 6/8tfc Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mattress, & boxsprings, retail $950, sacrifice for $395. can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3p Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet, buffet, all mahoga- ny, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc Solid wood coffee table, light colored with glass inserts, $75. 275-3007. 3/16tfc 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; 2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334-6695. 8/3-31p Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3p 2 Dell monitors, 17 inch, $25; Nikon Scan Touch oversized flatbed scan- ner with SCSI connection, $75. 259- 2400. 6/15tfc Two Polaris 4 wheelers, 1-400 & 1- 500, both water cooled, low hours, excellent condition, $2500 each or both for $4500. Call 386-325-1809 after 6:00 pm. 7/27-8/3p 14.8 cf Kenmore chest freezer, runs like new, 6 years old, still in great condition, asking $150. 259-7011. 8/3p Okidata dot matrix, SCSI, turbo, $50; Dell keyboard & mouse, $10.. 259-2400. 6/15tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 7 13-8,'3p Epson Stylus color 600 printer, $25. 259-2400. 4, 20tfc King pillowtop, new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 7/13-8 .3p Loveseat/sleeper, sage & tan, very good condition, $75: Sliding glass door, $25 OBO; queen size, revers- ible quilted comforter with matching bed skirt, 2 pillow shams. 3 throw pillows & lamp shade, hunter green navy & burgundy, very good condi- tion, $75. 259-2183 between 5:00 pm-9:00 pm. 7.'27tfc 1993 5th wheel Terry camper. 26'5", good condition. $3000. 259-2704. 7 '27-8, 3p TEFLON cookware. We stopped do- ing dinner parties and have some beautiful 17 piece sets left. Heavy, 7 ply surgical stainless steel, water- less & greaseless. Brand new. Were $2000, first 7 callers buy for $368. vaposeal.com, 1-800-434-4628.8 '3p Farmall Cub tractor, runs great, some implements, $2000. 904-339- 2557. 8,'3p King size victoria rice bed $200; bar $70; desk, bik & wood. $100; TV, black, $17; TV, wooden enclosure, $50: coffee table & 2 end tables, $40 set, industrial water fountain $325. Melinda Lewis 887-2984.8 '3p Flex cross training system $100: computer desk $35: microwave $20: 3 ft. trampoline $10, cement mobile home steps, $100. 259-2659. 8.'3p 1990 Oldsmo- bile Cutlass, ex- cellent condition, very low mileage, power windows & locks, V6 engine, $4000. 259-2828. 8.'3p 2002 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer, sunroof, 5 disc CD changer, DVD,; fully loaded, extended warranty, ex- cellent condition. 259-6005. 8 3c 1976 Chevrolet Scottsdale truck, very good condition, 1 owner. Call Joe Rhoden at 259-3216. 8 3tfc Clean Saturn, cold a c., 1 owner, $850; diesel tractor, runs great, new paint, $1800: small GMC Kingcab truck, 1 owner, cold a/c, $1000. 912-266-1641. 8 '3c 1992 Mustang convertible, runs good, $850. 912-266-1641. 8, 3p Cash for your junk car or truck. I haul. 904-509-0921. 5/4-10/26p Experienced caregiver/household manager for the elderly. Available anytime. Call 266-0046 or 514-2917 cell. 8/3-lOp Personalized computer troubleshoot- ing, upgrades & system design. Free in house computer assessment. Call Beach Dix at 904-349-1621.8/3-10p Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259- 7968. 4/22tfc Will clean your home or office. Please call me at 904-349-1238. 8/3p Music lessons in Macclenny, guitar, bass & voice. 653-1737. 6/29-8/3p Christian woman will do sitter ser- vice in our home for children or el- derly, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm. 275-3214. 8/3p We do small job land clearing, bush hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake, etc., also tree trimming & removal. 259-7968. 6/29tfc Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at South- ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc Advertising Deadline Monday at 5:00 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS: WANTED Roommate needed. Quiet new home in Tallahassee, 6 miles from campus, utilities, satellite TV, local phone. Call 904-616-4943. 8.3p Free: Black male Lab, 8 months old. doghouse & feeder. 838-0035. 7 27t'c Must see! Blockhead red-nose Pit Bull pups. $150 firm, S weeks old. shots & dewormed. Big breed. 3 males. 1 female left. Mild tempera- ment. Call Chris at 259-8929. 7 13-8 3p Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control. $50 boarding fees will apply. 259-6786. 11 20tfc Rottweiler puppies. Registered AKC. 3 females, 1 male, $300 each. Call Sandra at 904-449-3120. 8 3-10p Lost: Black & brown female hound, last seen at the end of Oak Ridge Dr. in Glen. 386-623-3096. 8 3p Hunters: 3500 acre hunting club in Nahunta, GA, 3 vacant spots, $500. Call 259-8589. 8,3p Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classified advertising or subjects like worP -at-nome, weight loss products. health products. While the newspaper jses reasonable discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness or claims. Respondents should use caution and congnion sense before sending any money or making other commitments pased on statements ana or promises: demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commissiorn SALE T., AG SA l(North Lowder) on Lyons Midtown Day Flea Market is continuing on through the summer months. No fee for the months of August & September. Call Kathleen at 994-5595 for more information. Thursday & Friday 8:00 am-?, end of .; Charlie Rowe Dr. Moving sale. 275- 4075. Friday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 121 N. 5 miles on left. Lots of nice things. Cooler sale. Friday & Saturday 7:00 am-?, 23A Lane. Flowers, clothes, household items. whatnots. Rain or shine back patio. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 7349 W. Madison St., Glen. , Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-noon, Hills of Glen. Clothing, all sizes, K- housewares. : Saturday 7:00 am-2:00 pm, Jean Jones' house, 123 S. East Blvd. Ladies' Auxiliary sale. Rain cancels. Saturday 8:00 am-?, 6375 E. Thomas Circle. Girl's & misses clothing, toys, household items & much more. Saturday 8:00 am-?, 121 S. across the street from Raiford Road , Church. Little girl's clothes 3T-6. boy's clothes 2/3T. household items, bow & arrow with case. 259-9792. 3 families. Saturday 7:00 am-noon, Whispering Pines. Furniture, children clothes. Saturday 8:00 am-?, Jimmy's Auto Repair on US 90 by the Ag Cen- ter. Summer & winter clothes med. & large, 5-11 sizes, shoes - size 11 & a lot of other odds & ends, girl stuff! Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, George Hodges Rd.. right on Aspen then 1st left. Girl's 8-10 clothes, men & boy's clothes, household items, toys, books, screen doors. Rain cancels. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, Hwy 121 N. approximately 4 miles on left. , Saturday 7:00 am-noon, 370 Barbara Circle & Miltondale Rd. Mov- ing sale. at 1-F77-FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent solicitations. Remember: i it sounds toc good to be true, it probably is. The Baker County Press Hiring for desk clerks at American Inn. 259-5100. 7-27tfc '1*pmp truck-driver needed, must have stable work record', be reliable, have clean CDL Class B license. 259-6172 or 904-334-9329. 7-.'27-8 '3p Security officers, all areas of Jacksonville. Call Giddens Security 384-8071 or apply in person at. 528 1 S. Edgewood Ave. 7 ,27-8, 3p Full-time trim/punch-out carpenter for local construction company. Benefits & paid vacation included. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 6/8tfc Experienced metal roofer needed,. dependable, driver's license required, good pay. 904-251-5804, after 7:00 pm, call 259-3757. 7/13-8/31p Yard Sate Saturday 7:30 a.m. ? 5977 Copper Drive Copper Creek Subdivision Toys, Kitchen items Children, Men's Et Women's clothes (Polo, Tommy Hilfiger) G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! .4: ; -- ,"..4 '" -.A' .. . WHITEHEAD BROS, INC LAKE CIrY LOGISTICS. INC nxalm.IM OTR DRIVERS NEEDED Go through Home several times most weeks. '' s Home most weekends Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at our location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety Bonus up to $1,200 per year. Dnver of the Year bonus, and driver recruitment bonuses. Blue Cross Blue Shield medical and dental insurance. Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving -.,record. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE AT 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898 Aim THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 27, 2006 Page Five-B A/C service tech/installer. New con- struction & change outs. Reference & good driving record a must. Pay depending on experience. Big sign on bonus. 259-8038. 7/20-8/10p A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time licensed driver. 259-7335. 3/23tfc Local home care agency looking for full time/part time Physical: Therapist and Occupational Therapisf. Contact Lacy of Linda at 259-3111. 5/25tfc6 Company specializing in erosion con- trol now hiring the following positions: crew leaders, equipment operators, laborers,- class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license is a must. Fax resume, to 904-275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE/drug free workplace. 8/3p Experienced painters needed. Must have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc Experienced A/C service tech/install- er needed. Must have driver's license & tools. 259-0893. 6/15tfc 'Part time w/full time potential. Looking for motivated, qualified per- son 'in Baker and surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references to P.O. Box,598, .Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc Class A mechanic for 3rd shift main-- tenance crevw. Must have minimum 5 years experience. Pay ranges from, $16.96 plus a 264 shift differential -pay. We are an equal opportunity employer & a drug free workplace. We offer 401k, health insurance, paid holidays & vacation. Apply at Gilm an Building Products, CR 218, Maxville, FL or fax resume to 904-289-7736. /13-8/3p Need- experienced A/C & duct install- ers, must be dependable. 259-8038. 7/13-8/3p: Ray's Nursery, Inc. has openings for irrigation personnel & tractor mowers. ' Apply in person at the office at 8:30 am, Monday-Friday. 8/3tfc Northeast Florida State 'Hospital is seeking a Groundskeeper #42414. Applicant must have one year experi- ence in groundskeeping or landscap- ing. Annual salary $19,315. Apply online at https://peoplefirst.myflor- ida.com. Closing date is August 11, 2006. ':8/3-10 Dump truck drivers needed. Asphalt experience. Will train. 786-5077. 8/3-10p CNA needed part-time to be a care- giver, assist with ADL skills, meals & light housekeeping. You must have CNA experience & reliable references.- Please call 904-259-2625 to sched- ule an interview., 8/3p Medical assistant needed for busy pediatric office., Should be highly motivated with great communication skills. Please fax resume to 904-398- 1460 or call Fran at 398-1471. 8/3p 27 acres off US 301 near Bryceville, $250K. 904-483-7617 or 449-6184. 7/20tfc New construction. 3 BR, 2 BA brick house in Hunter's Ridge, -2307 total SF, great room, kitchen, back porch, $239,000. 259-4602 or 259-6546. 7/27tfc 3 BR, 2 BA house with 2 rental mobile homes on 13.2+- acres in the Georgia Bend area, big workshop & 2nd kitch- en, $190,000. 904-629-1779.: 5/25tfce 10 acres, restricted to homes, nice Full time customer service posi- property, good location, bring your- tion. Local agency has an immedi- horses, $138,900. 259-3878. ate opening for the right person who 7/20-8/10p possesses good office' & computer 40- acre farm, 'on 229 south ,of skills. Prior insurance .experience' is Sanderson, $10,000/acre. 545- not required, but applicant must be 6961. 7/27-8/3o motivated to become a licensed insur- 5 25 acres cleared, with stream. dance CR. Rely in confidence by faxing located in Danridge, TN, minutes from resume to 259-3987. 8/3c Dollywood, nice barn, $15,000/acre, sm 904-334-89,04. 7/27-8/17p 10 acres, Folsom Trail, restricted to _~I~~ -homes only, corner lot with private road, $115,000 OBO. 626 2664. 7/20-8/3p Notice to Readers FSBO. 1800+ SF mobile home, 3 BR, S.. .-..... ... -... 3 BA, family room, dining room, laun- rll real estate advertising in thisi newspa- per is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color,'religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with par- ents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. -.. This newspaper will not knowingly accept .any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in - this newspaper are available'on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimi-. nation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669- ' 9777. The toll free telephone number for Sthe impaired is 1-800-927-9275. - Jack Lee Construction spec home in Copper Creek, 3 BR, 21/2 full baths. Call -781-5117 or 904-751-6053.. 6/22tfc Large desirable lot in Copper Creek,; one of the largest & last in Phase II, $77,500: 259-6199. 6/29tfc 'dry room, large kitchen, onI1.7 acres, $94,900. Call 616-9432. 8/3-10lO Nice 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on .25 acre in Macclenny, living room, dining room, bonus room, recently remod- eled, $79,00)0.904-477-8995. 8/3p FSBO. 3 BR 1 1/2 BA house, large back, yard, great investment at' $74,;90. 510 Lewis St. 259-4302. uu00+ on Mviae . Ready to mo' Beautiful 7.5 acres, located 500 ft off of Crews Rd on Woodrow Raulerson Rd. Very nice property with cypress tree pond, $150,000. For info, call 259-2083 after 6:00 pm or leave message. 7/13-8/3p 8.18 acres off Mudlake Rd & Mallie Davis Rd. Well, septic tank& pole.- Ready to move your mobile home on. Will deliver & set-up home for buyer.' $130,000. Call 259-3763 leave mes- sage. 8/3-24p 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, carpet & vinyl flooring, living room, kitchen, din-' ing room on .50 aqre lot in Sanderson. All electric appliances, $750 secu- rity deposit, $750/month. Please call between the hours of 9:00 am-5:00' pm, weekdays ONLY. 259-3343 or 626-8424. 6/ltfc 2 BR'house, living room, dining room, kitchen, front & back'porches, appli- ances, CH/A;. all electric, $700/: month, $800 deposit, no animals, 2 references required. 259-6966.8/3c; New office space, 480 SF on West US 90; Glen St. Mary. OD Rewis 259- 6735. 7/27tfc Commercial building, 1200 SF, 1 block from courthouse, $650/month, $650 deposit. 259-4602.. 7/13tfc 3 BR, 2 BA, $575/month, lawn ser- vice & garbage, pickup included, 1st, last & $300 deposit. 259-7335. - .7/20tfc, 2 BR, 1 BA apartment in nice neigh- borhood, no smoking, no pets, $550/ month plus deposit & last month's rent. Call 859-3026. 7/27tfc 2 BR, 1 BA upstairs apartment, CH/ A, $500/months, 1sti& last month's rent plus security deposit. 904-703- 6306. 7/27-8/3p 4 BR, 3 BA doublewide, on 7 seclud- ed acres;,.fireplace, CH/A, artisan Slowing well,'$850/month, 1st & last * plus '$600 security deposit, refer-- ences required. 904-653-1656 leave message. 8'.8/3p Mobile homes, 2 and -3 BR, A/C, no. pets,, $500-$550 'plus deposit. 904- 860-4604. 3/l7tfc 12x60 mobile home, 2 BR, 1 BA in Glen, $425/month, $200 deposit. 259-4575 or 259-6846. .8/3p 3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets, garbage, water & mowing provided,- $450-$600/month. 912-843-8118. l-5/4tfc ed 3 BR; 2 BA mobile home on 5 acres .ry with stocked fish pond, carport/ I 1- garage on Mudlake Rd., $900/month, re- $1200 deposit. 259-9066.. l,': 7/27-8/3p 4" New home for rent, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile nd flooring throughout on 1/2 acre lot )0' in Macclenny, all electric appliances. lie $875 Security deposit, $875/month. ve iPlease call 259-3343 weekdays .d between 9 am-5pm. 6/22tfc, & 2 BR, 1 BA apartment, $650/month, 0 $650 -security deposit. 259-7892. or )p 591-2790. 8/3tfc 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on 1 acre, front & back porches, 2 miles from 1- 10, $750/month, 1st & last.& depos-, it. 259-2552'.: 7/27-8/3p Georgia Bend, 2 BR country house, nice, $550/month plus deposit. 912- 843-2093 or,904-777-8880. 8/3p 3 BR, 2 BA singlewide on 1/2 acre 2 miles from 1I10, $650/month, 1st & last 7 deposit. 259-2552.7/27-8/3p 14x60, 2 BR, :1 BA electric heat, big window unit, $500/month, $700 deposit, 2 references required, no pets. 259-6966 .8/3p 1 BR, ,1 BA brick apartment house in Macelenny, $550/month, $250 deposit. Call 233-0924. : 8/3p 3 BR 2 BA mobile home, Georgia Bend area, $450/month. 904-629- 1779. 8/3tfc 3' BR 1 1/2 BA house, large back yard, $700/month. 510 Lewis St. 259-4302. 8/3p - 3 BR singlewide close to US 90 in Sanderson. No smokers, no pets. $500/month. .No deposit to those - owning a lawnmower & will mow grass at least every 2 weeks. Must have 3 good references'. 259-9177.8/3-10p : September Special. St. Augustine, 1 BR condo, sleeps 4, large heated pool, $500/week, monthly rates avail- able. 904-483-7617. 7/20tfc l.l ul leu O .l.IIIIl.UU Average $683 $907/wk NO TOUCH FREIGHT 85% Preloaded/Pretarped CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627 www.ctdrivers.com Introduction to Human Medical Science (Medical Terminology), HSC 2531, for Fall Semester. Must have Master's degreevwith I 8 graduate credit hours in Anatomy & Physiology, or com- parable health related field. ' Contact Patty Smith smithp@lakecitycc.edu Phone: (386),754-4239 Fax: (386) 754-4739, College application and , transcript copies required. Application available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Coleges and Schools S VP/APAIEAEO t College ii . [)B I DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans. to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc J BETROS' PRESSURE W.VASHING Driveways ~ sidewalks vinyls Brick ~ windows 904-3384045 cell "Quality work guaranteed" 7/27-8/3p; JAMES' MOBILE. HOME SERVICE Delivery & Set up Where the customer comes first! 904-509-7550 cell 904-259-3763 8/3-24p WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured. Free estimates ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~-Financing available ~ JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc FILLDIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/ltfc TWH CRANE SERVICE, INC. Free estimates Licensed & Insured 275-2853 904-838-8449 Timmy Hodges, Owner 7/13-8/3p A & R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/gtfc KIRKLAND'S LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING Lawn mowing Tractor work Clean-up ~ Hauling 259-3352 .7/6-27c JNA GUTTER Specializing in 6" seamless rain gutters Residential & Commercial Free estimates 904-964-8207 7/20-8/10p FILL DIRT Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White 275-2474 4/6tfc NOBLITT'S HOME INSPECTIONS NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified Serving North Florida and South Georgia 259-5342 259-5416 fax 7/6-9/21 RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL SANDS TRUCKING Fill dirt Millings ~ Slag Concrete washout Land clearing -Fish ponds Road built Houses/buildings demo ~ In- ground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc ALL ABOUT TEXTURING, INC,. Knockdown Popcorn Orange Peel New construction remodeling Free estimates 653-1713 904-588-6763 8/3-24p R.K. MUSE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Residential & Commercial New construction Framing Remodeling Additions 259-2006 545-8316 cell CONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning' Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Spring & Summer hours: Monday Friday 10:00 am 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 5:00 pm 259-5222 '(CPC 053903) 9/2tfc RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL, INC. Residential/Commercial Garbage pickup for Baker County Roll off Dumpsters 259-5692 Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator 4/6-10/5p JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances * 24 hour, 7 day emergency ser- vice! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/ltfc ALAN'S TREE SERVICE FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust." Buckshot Goodyear Michelin Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR Custom exhaust Flowmaster Turbo, Glaspaks Call today for the best price! 259-1393 10/6tfc CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor, Land clearing We. sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 CU-C057126 - 3/16-9/7p ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. Commercial Residential New construction Service 904-260-2090 CAC1813701 4/6-9/28p WEDDING la I.- THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, August 3, 2006 Page Six-B The Baker County School District Transportation De- partment will be offering a school bus driving class for anyone interested in driving a school bus for Baker County Schools starting August 7, 2006. The .classes will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Baker County Transpor- tation compound on Baker Bus Drive. The class consists of 20 hours classroom instruction and 20 hours of driving time. You must have 5 years licensed driving experience, a Florida driver's license, a high school diploma or equivalent to be eligible to take the class. For more information, please contact the Transportation Department at 259-2444. S or school clothes 1 & supplies. "- i All Day Every Day Kids Eat for 99 .Hl' K.K idi 10 & under. limit I per adul - - -,.; meal purchase. Expires ..06 ,m-m me --i... . r:"" *---.' *, --- -- -- - FEAST FOR 2 FEAST FOR 4 18.99 $28.99 Chicken, Spare Ribs, Pork with French Fries, Cole Slaw, Fried Corn, Garlic Toast & BBQ Beans S ot t valid th arin other special. One coupon per person per visit. Onli vlid r in participating stores. Empires 8. 9 06. Le TeMos Fin Yor Hus R Roger Ra lLersoKI Well TriiLLig 2" & 4" Wells Water & Iron Conditioners Installed Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 SFamily Owned & Operated Li.cenTed Inumrepd Heritage Oaks and Old Town Crossing bolh offer homebuyers se,-eral of our most popular single-family designs nestled on natural, preserved romesites Join us as we continue to pioneer one of Northeast Florida's fastest growing and most desirable areas. Residents of Heritage Oaks and Old Town Crossing will enjoy a gracious lifestyle and quiet, natural surroundings with 311l the conveniences of nearby metropolitan Jacksonville We currently have several inventory homes available within Baker Counlyi . -m"m-m" -,-. ' FAMILY VALUE i. Chicken To Go - $10.99 I Woody's whole chicken, pint of beans, pint of cole slaw & garlic toast 1 1 ...1 li iv r. a : r 1. ... ..r p .,; -- --- --m- .m1 availabilities within Heritage Oaks and Old Town Crossing, please contact Watson Custom Home Builders' Site Agent at: (904) 259-3834 Welcome to our newest Baker County neighborhood, Rolling Meadows, offering a quiet countryside setting and plenty of space for a growing family. Choose from expansive homesites up to '3-acre, many backing up to a scenic lake. Call today for more information. EXTR-AO RDINA. RY SAVINGS MA R .H .. .NO ? ^ fi'. ',.Y..u-a .s1 : ... .. .. ,. 'r "j ; .; .i. ;,, .. ,'4:" <. , Flo- fill" ROLLING MEADOWS From the $100s -,0 'H .4'' iii H'' ~ :.i <. 3 to 4 bedrooms 2 to 3.5 bathrooms, 2-car garages Approx. 1,612 to 2,650 sq. ft. 904-259-5666 A Map ito t,, C'.ilc ' DIRECTIONS: 11est on i-10 to E.i\t 336 Riught on SR 22S I\\'st. Go appi,,. 3 il'es SR 228 will curve to left and become CR 23B. Coimmniit' i, appro ': mle on the i ight. SALES CENTER HOURS: Tuesday Saturday, 10 a.m. to o_ p.m.: Sunday and MNonday. 12 to 6 p.m. DISCOVER YOUR CHOICES IN FLOORPLNS, COMMUNITIES AND DESIGN OPTIONS AT THE HOME GALLERY. 800-221-3014 UII.. LI ... .. I...I b - I YV- - --- ----- - Wf witev |