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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 13840 YONGE LIBRARY FLA. HISTORY PO BOX 117007 UNIV. FLA. GAINESVILLE FL 32611 -77 l m ---'-r.- . Ji( CrifI t/i /e'l(C' I iiie o1Sttt ~fh1L4(ofllal'rd o' Oi fdi. -m e'fxIc ice i1i2006 Thursday July 27, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 50o Papei It's that tin School m be tailored take off th BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff Responding both to a fe ing figures on the number o Baker County, the school di implementation of a nutrition all students and staff this fall Compared with the nation Baker Counts school children highest percentages in the 3r number is 28 percent. The percentages were cal Institute of Health's Body M body fat based on age, high According to Cathy Golon vices for the Baker County Florida received a grade of' and local efforts to control ch NMs. Golon, along with Nl chief nurse. worked with Je County Health Department t. icy and plan. The plan also received ir of members of the school bc faculty and staff, parents, st and will be reviewed on an a ported to the school board. "Research shows that \ve do better in school." said M that childhood obesity often 1 lems in adulthood, ranging fr types of cancer." Healthful changes and imi drink items in school break achieving the goals and lowe weight children. NMs. Golon h From a nutrition standpo strive for nutrition education all foods served in the school NMs. Golon notes that manN have alwva s enjoyed wt ill still items as pizza, hot pockets ai pear altogether. The changes \ill occur in (Page 4 And to pay of$52.1 mi BY KELLEY LANNIGA Press Staff Baker County residents w see no rise in their school pro erty taxes even though the te tative budget expenditures f the districthave increased 16 percent over last year's open ing budget. The proposed total scho .budget for fiscal year 2006-4 is $52.1 million, ,an increa of $7.5 million over last yeai budget of $44.6 million. According to Finance C ficer Marcelle Richardson, w] presented the tentative budg summary at the school boarc September 17 meeting, pro Ill I11l II 6 89076 48819 8 , pencils, crayons... e of year again, school starts August 3 enus will I to help e pounds deral mandate and alarm- f overweight youngsters in strict "will begin full-swing in and wellness program for nal average. 24 percent of en are overweight, with the d and 5th grades \\here the culated using the National ass Index w which determines t and weight. ., director of nutritional ser- school district, the state of "D" when it comes to state childhood obesity. archeta Crewvs. the district's essica Franks of the Bakl o formulate a wellness pc iput from a team made ard. school administration udents and the common annual basis with results ell-nourished, healthy ki s. Golon. "It's also knov eads to serious health pro om T\ pe 2 diabetes to sor provements in the food a fasts and lunches is ke\ ring the percentage of ov believes. int. the wellness plan \\ and nutrition standards I Is. , of the same foods childr I be on the menu. Such fo nd french fries won't disa reduced fat and sugar co please) Enrollments inside... PreK Center plans to brief parents on traffic patterns BY KELLEY LANN1GAN Press Staff .er Changes being implemented by the PreK Center to help relieve traffic ol- congestion problems will be discussed at open house meetings to be held August 1 for parents of first-time students. The traffic discussion will emphasize, changes in parking and traffic pat- terns for drop-off and pick-up of children at the PreK Center on South Bou- levard in Nacclenny. .P.. ple living' hear the' school have complained'about the traffic, blocked driveways. littering and damage to private property resulting from the long lines of parked cars, man. arriving as much as one and one-half hours prior to the end of the school day. The changes are the result of the adaptation of a plan proposed to the Bak- er County School Board by the Traffic Related Committee., which includes board members, county commissioners and residents. Sherri Raulerson, prin- up cipal of the PreK Center, is on the committee. n. "W\e have been %working to make the upcoming school year as positive an ity experience for parents as for the children." she said. re- ."Having the traffic pattern run smoothly is also very important to ensure ids safety. By eliminating the long waiting lines of parked cars. w\e don't have blocked fire hydrants and other issues of non-access which have posed a )bn potential danger in the past." b- Nis. Raulerson anticipates the pick-up process can be done in 30 minutes. me She said parents can make drop-off and pick-up of children run smoothly by adhering to a few" guidelines: Parents \ ill have assigned pick-up times and should not arrive more than to 15 minutes early. er- A staggered arrival pattern should help create a continuous traffic flow ill ith a %ern short %waiting period. ill Those who violate the assigned pick-up times or park improperly in the for afternoon \\ill be asked to leave. Parents should receive a letter this week from the PreK Center inforniing *en them of their assigned open house slot and pick-up times for their children. od The school. no\ in its second year of operation, also "\ill be using a sys- ap- tern it found successful last semester. Each vehicle will be provided with a folder show ing the child's last name and display ed on the dashboard. A staff 3n- member uses a two-\ay radio to alert teachers to children needing to be sent (Page 8 please) foritall- school boardproposingbudget 'llion forfiscal '06-'O7 reduced village N erty values county-wide have existing property, has generated year, there has been a 13 per- increased by $112 million, more money for the school dis-. cent rise in health insurance while millage rates have. actu- strict. costs and an 18 percent rise in ill ally fallen slightly. The school district receives building/facilities insurance." P- Property tax revenues make revenue from state, federal and The largest capital out- n- up the bulk of the $4.4 million local sources.,The 2006-07 rev- lay expenditures will go to for in local support for the annual enues from these sources are: new. classroom construction 6.5 budget, usually 7-8 percent of $33.2 million state at Baker County High School at- the district's total spending. $2.6 million federal at $3.4 million. Other capital The bulk comes from state and $7.1 million local sources items include roof replacement Dol federal sources. The district's largest expense at Baker County Middle School 07 The school and other ad is in the area of instructional at $300,000; roof replace- se valorem tax bills for individu- services totaling $19.2 million ment at Westside Elementary r's als could still rise despite lower which goes toward plant opera- at $822,569; district computer millage if assessed values go up tions, administration staff, trans- upgrades at $1.96 million and f- because of home improvements portation, and school board 10 new buses for $1.3 million. 1ho or other reasons. office operation. The board also approved get 'Higher property values, "Within the areas of the sub- changes to two millage figures d's which Ms. 'Richardson attri- categories in instructional ser- listed in the proposed budget DP- butes to the growth of new vice such as salaries, benefits summary. Tentative required housing, new commercial and and equipment, we're seeing local effort village dropped business property real estate overall rises in expenses, said from 5.229 to 5.001 and ten- and the increase in value of Ms. Richardson. "In just one (Page 2 please) KEY COUNTY JOBS FILLED Board selects Cone as county manager The Baker County Commission brought its quest of nearly eight months seeking a' ne\ county manager to a close on Jul\ 24 when it voted 3-2 to hire Joseph Cone of Lake City. Mr. Cone, 59. resigned a month ago after a decade-long stint as Lake City manager, a post he says he left after accomplishing most of his goals and after becoming disillusioned over "meddling" by some com- missioners in administrative matters. During a relatively brief special meet- ing earlier this week, the board select- a | F-ri ed Mr. Cone Ap i from among -'S ",' three finalists remaining after vetting a sec- ond %rave of applicants. He was supported by Chairman .lex Robinson and commission- ers Gordon Crew s and New cor' it Mark Hartle. Commissioner Julie Combs cast her lot behind James (Jeffi Littrell of Destin and outgoing Commissioner Fred Raulerson backed Joseph Miranti. who most recently \\as Madison County manager. All five commissioners voted earlier July 11 to place Mr. Cone among the finalists; the other two got four votes each. Mr. Cone was to join coun- ty attorney Terrm Brown and Chairman Robinson on Tuesda\ afternoon ironing out details ot a contract that the board decided Nlonda\ it %\ants to keep "open ended" rather than for a specified term. The count 's initial salan offer is $75,000 annuall: it and other fringes like actionn time and insurance may be subject to nego- tiation. As Lake City manager. he made $110,000. The com- mission wants Mr. Cone to start before departmental o budgets are -n submitted next i month, but the Sne\w manager Th hinted during a view Tuesday Sbe may seek a modest delay tor a mountain vacation. Board mem- bers refrained from conmient on the finalists prior to ,oting. and appeared to agree \,ith Robinson t lic rating system recommended by consultant Colin Baenzieer \\as effective. Letters of appreciation \%ill be sent this \\eek to Mr. Littrell and Mr. Nliranti. \ho now resides in St. Cloud. The commission favored paral- leling Mr. Cone's work nirules "ith those of other counts employees. (Page 2 please) Veteran planner begins new job on August 1st Another ke. county administrative employee is due to report August 1 to take the job as planning and zoning director. Ed Preston. 51, of Jacksonville \\ill take over for Cath\ Rhoden, who resigned recently after two-plus years at the post considered one of the key administrative positions in county government in light of recent and projected gro\ th. Mr. Preston, a 51-year-old Jackson'ille natie, comes here from the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council, where his most recent responsibility was chief of emergency preparedness. He has been in the planning business nearly three decades, both in the private sector with engineering firms, and with a'gencie ike NEFRPC. His bachelor's degree is in urban M PStu dies from Jacksonville Uni-1 "We're shaped-by our expe- riences. and I believe planning is the ultimate team sport," n Hisaid (Nr. Preston in a telephone inter' iew July 25. "I see myself mainlN as a coach. I'm big.on citizen participation." He says economics is the prime motivator for growth, and planning for it critical, par- Sticularlh when a county is situ- ated like Baker. Air. Pre ton c/hati wah CambtLbr Dire,.,tr "You have the benefit of see- Ginger Barber at 'meet and greet last weekend. ing everybody else screw things up we want to do it right," he said of his expectations taking the job that will pay $65,000 annually. Mr. Preston was one of but a handful of applicants for the position that functions under the county manager. His biggest challenge in the near future will be dealing with expected DRIs (development of regional impact) that precede large-scale residen- tial developments in the planning stages north and west of Macclenny and Glen St. Mary. Mr. Preston noted present proposals call for as many as 10,000 new homes in the immediate area, resulting in an influx of 30,000 people. His experience includes six years with the design firm Reynolds, Smith and Hills (now RSH) in growth management director of military related planning for another private firm, a self-employed consultant for 10 years, and emergency planner for the City of Jacksonville. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 2 -- Cp. r---- --- ---1.a m -"opyri dq h MateriaI 40 wMdO eoi mdbbmft- .a 0 40 a L 2 ,Syndicated Cdontent 5 Avai labefromC6mjommercial :News' Provi a m -om W-rv SM W @ q 0* -f t0 400 Ift I ~* ** *< w^ m* *_) ; C ________ o .- .- o .O .. 3: p O w gp lers" a e 4w m d ow dom 4 Board selects Joe Cone Budget at as new county manage' $51 million (From page 1) where possible. and he will be on probation siLx months a time dur- ing which he can be terminated without severance pay. After that, it will likely equal six months pay.' None of the three finalists were in the original 34 who responded to the first advertisement, a list later pared down by Mr. Baenziger to four by mid-June. Two of them were shot down when members learned one was accused of sexual harassment and the other of illegal dumping. The remaining two were thought to lack experience in specific areas like growth management.. The board and consultant went back to the drawing board after that impasse a month ago, when it appeared finding a suitable can- didate may be drawn out yet fur- ther. Initially, the county sought a replacement by June at the latest. The vacancy was created last December when Jason Griffis was fired for excessive use of a county, cell phone.. Before the Lake City position, Mr. Cone was Marion County administrator for eight years start- ing in 1987; assistant city manager of Ocala 1984-87 and the city's planning director for the four years preceding that. It was that experience in growth- rich markets that put him over the other finalists in the eyes of the commission, which is looking at intense activity in Baker County in the coming years. Several commissioners noted they were impressed with the demeanor of all finalists during individual and group interviews last Saturday, and during a "meet and greet" at the county administration building July 21. Reached at his Lake City resi- dence Tuesday, Mr. Cone said he is enthusiastic about the challenges awaiting him here. "While I leave here feeling yery good about what we accomplished, this will be a good match," he said. "My experience has been in high growth areas, and it will be helpful moving Baker County in the right direction." Mr. Cone said he was encouraged by the recent hiring of Ed Preston, a professional planner with more than three decades of experience in northeast Florida (see related arti- cle, page one). '"You have several DRIs (devel- opments of regional impact) sched- uled there, and I think he and I can help negotiate agreements favorable to the county." Lake City Mayor Stephen Witt described Mr. Cone as "one of the hardest working people I have ever seen" ,when contacted as a reference by the consultant. He described the nominee as "a pro" and "honest," adding that his weak point "trying too hard to make everyone happy." References from others includ- ing former Mayor Ray Kirkland, were glowing, as were others from Marion County. Baker County commissioners appeared insistent the manager re- side here, but be given a reasonable time to move from Lake City. The proposed contract will be forwarded to each member for review before it is finalized. Sheriff Joey Dobson, who %\as in the audience Monday evening dur- ing final selection, congratulated the board for being "diligent and professional" during the extended search. "You all worked hard and you don't get a lot of attaboyss' but you certainly deserve one this time," said the sheriff, who by function often interacts with the manager and whose relationship with for- mer Manager Griffis was stormy at best. The board also expressed grati- tude to consultant Mr. Baenziger, a former city manager himself. The search cost $18,500, and the consultant from Wellington will repeat the process without charge if Mr. Cone leaves within one year. SARKS Complete Electrical Sign Company Manufacturing, Repair Face Replacement & Custom Graphics Call Us For All Your Signage Needs 904-766-6222 www.signsharks.com ,/ (From page 1), tative total millage from 7.989 to 7.761. Final budget and millage will be adopted at a public hearing sched- uled for September 18. In other school board business, two of the district's Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB) funded projects a new lighting system and thermal storage energy system were discussed. - Updated lighting with each unit producing up to 50 candle feet of light will be installed at the high school football field and should be in place by the Wildcats' first game of the season. A thermal energy storage unit will be installed on Westside Ele- mentery's climate control system and is projected to save the district approximately $62,000 annual in utility costs. Both savings projects are being purchased through contracts with Seimens Building Technologies, Inc. Caged dogs were starved Baker County's. animal control officer found a locked portable cage 'on the front porch of a residence off Pine Ridge Dr. containing nine puppies, three of which had already starved to death. Officer Georgia Blondhelm was called to the address the afternoon of July 17 on an animal cruelty com- plaint, and said two of the remain- ing puppies were near-death and the other four in poor condition. They apparently had no food and water for several days. The dogs' owner, Funston Mann, has been in county jail since July 7, and his mother told Deputy Tony Norman the puppies were left in the care of Mr. Mann's 15-year-old son. The boy was at the residence when the animals were removed, and told Officer Blondhelm "he tried but was unable to properly care for the animals and did not know what to do with them." Mr. Mann remains in county jail for selling drugs. ADLI'SN AMERICAN Homeownership. Fantasy Come True: NO MORTGAGE CLOSING COSTS: Got your firat mortgage with VyStar and we'll pay up to $5,000 towards your closing costs. Offer excludes prepaid Items,' loan origination fee and discount points, Remember, we have plenty of choices with and withuiit iAin Julginationt fee. This mean you don't need to pay title ht Jip:;,.. r rdlni and transfer charges, appraisal and survey fees, underwriting and p oc.i:'.ir in fees and other standard fees that other lenders may charge, often totaling thousands of dJolitr -. Ask a Member Relationship Specialist about this and other great tending Wof t -, ovllII1.1r hl ,liiiuI, VySt ii.day 'iir let us help you make your dreams come true. (904 777.6000 WWWVYSTARCU,ORG NCUAJ ~.' ...r,,,.II/II c 7 qqwm own-% - amp- so domp- 4p ow I lq lm q qmmmm THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 3 pinion T comment IY 2Why was o r" $312,000 IBAKERCOUNTY PRESS Ssitting in S the . BY MICHAEL RINKER #h....23 3, Press Commentary S' Have you ever awakened from S|aes' a, night (or weekend) of industrial- - Si iBaker Co'J e,;Fte strength partying, put on your pants lspste.: to go home, stopped for a little hair A2 29t of the dog ("Bartender, a can of .0 '" -:".. Sparks, please."), fished out a few wadded up bills and, surprise, found a crinkled $5 bill among the several ae B G!ZNR .singles? ("Make that two Sparks, Sa year 1nde Baker smg Sp so ...u"ts de Baker Co 2i-tedcI.. please.") iepe son-rs 65 yeacs of age~ or oldr W No? You've never done that? e*y.pesonne on act .duty osideB 'Well, uh, then neither have I. Cutt, and cbteg stents Jkv .r's6- iBut most of us have felt the little StIersn. POSTMA TER k0adA.. i4 kick that comes from found money. 'to.The Ba~r County press P0o. That's why I can understand the ... giddiness at a recent county com- JAMEC. MC ULY .s mission meeting. JAMES C. MCULY At the end of the evening, after Publisher the agenda was put to bed, after i the county's sign ordinance got its EDITOR Michael Rinker butt kicked twice- once by the New NEWS/FEATURES Kelley Lannigan j Life Church of God (approved for an electronic sign), and once by the ADVERTISING/PRODUCTION First Corporate Church of Wal-Mart Jessica Prevat (approved for excess signage)- * TYPESETTING/GRAPHICS Chairman Robinson, as is his cus- Jeremy Beasley & Josh Blackmon tom. polled each commissioner to FEATURES/COMMENT see if he/she had anything to add. Robert Gerard Or. in the case of Mark Hartley, something to subtract. COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel Usually there's no heavy lifting BUSINESS MANAGER- Karin Thomas in those closing remarks, maybe a Srenuminder of the senior citizen fih CLASSIREDS Bartara Blackshear 0 fry or an announcement of another : riveting transportation workshop. CONTACT US- But this time it was different. Phone 4 Commissioner Hartley, typically a low-key presence at the meetings Fax w^^ gl .- -*oa sttoeed about .a- new-coJotmld- i that heals dirt roads. Email bcpress@nefcom.net It's made from material left over Mail PO Box 598 when coal is burned to generate M electricity. You just mix it with the 104 South 5th St dirt on the road, let it sit a spell, and voila! Macclenny, FL 32063, Better than limerock! www.bakercountypress.com Cheaper than asphalt! I have no reason to doubt Mark's Miracle Cure for abused and ne- This newspaper is printed on glected byways especially after recycled paper. county road superintendent Robert Fletcher added an "Amen, brother!" Submission Deadlines to the commissioner's sermon but S I have reservations about the pro- All news and advertising must be cess. submitted to the newspaper office During his pitch. Mr. Hartley prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday told his colleagues he'd,spoken to prior to publication, unless otherwise he count's budget chief ho told him she could find in some account noted or arranged. Material received the $312,000 needed to pay for six after this time will not be guaranteed miles of miracles. for publication. It is requested that After a couple of jokes about a. Whose district will get the paved all news items be typed to insure ; w e sc ill t p all news items be typed to insure roads (by the way, let's remember to accuracy in print. keep an eye on that), commission- ers approved his motion to move Social Notice Deadlines forward. Birth announcements, wedding notic- .A few questions: . Birth announcements, wedding notic- Why is there $312,000 sitting in es and social events must be submit- some account waiting to be plucked ted within four weeks of the event. It i on little more than a whim? is your responsibility to ensure pho- How much more loose change tographers, etc. are aware of this is floating in the county budget? Somebody told me recently the policy. board hoards upwards of several ; million, but that can't be true be- , .*: .,, ... :..:.. cause the commissioners wouldn't ... "r "'*: take money from taxpayers unless -;.:= :.' ..... '... .;...-. .. they absolutely needed it for spe- welcome, but must COt- cific purposes. Right? t ^ ,i,,^. k : But here's the $312,000 ques- ;writer, a telephone, num- 'ber where the writer may. be, contacted and city qf . ' residence. Letters' must 'reflect opinions- apd-' statements on issues 'of .current interest to'the -general public. The news- paper reserves the right to. reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet standards of publication. tion: Is it that nearly a third of a mil- lion dollars is such an insignificant amount that it can be spent as an afterthought? Shouldn't the board have put the matter on the agenda, researched it a little (for instance, is there really only one source for the coal by-product?), discussed it, then voted on it? I'm sure the way they handled it was perfectly legal county at- torney Terry Brown is pretty good at keeping the board on the straight and narrow but was it the best way? I don't think so, but I understand their excitement. I felt the same way when I dis- covered the wadded-up $5 bill in my pocket and bought two cans of Sparks. Confessions of a genuine handyman SMIATTER ROBERT GERARD From the files of Handyman Bob, number 872. It's a funny thing about do it' yourself projects. 'Whenever I; get involved in one, I always wind up having more respect for the people who do this stuff for a living.. I also wonder why the heck I don't help bolster the American economy by having the profession- als do this work for me? What twisted little comer of my mind makes me think that I can do the work of a professional handy- man? . For the answer to these universal questions, we need only to look at that most American of artifacts, the honey-do list, In this case, I am the honey, and the list is prepared for me by my wife. . Usually it contains things like fix the back door doable, trim the hedges also doable, renovate the master bathroom hey, how did that get on there? My major honey-do for this sum- mer is number three renovate the master bathroom. Lots of things have gotten in the way of me start- ing this project. Some of them are man-made, me being the man who made them, of course, since I really had trepidations about renovat- ing the bathroom, and some being. unavoidable. However, since summer is al- most over and I go back to work on Thursday, I couldn't ignore this task any longer. : Kelley wanted two main things. I had to move our old 1920's bath- rub and enlarge the shower. I looked at this plan in my cool, dispassion- ate way and encountered two :main problems. The first in 1920 they made bathtubs out of cast iron and they weighed slightly less than the Titanic. Second I never enlarged a shower before. Kelley doesn't just get these little projects in her head, she usually has a good reason. The fact that she had never liked the shower in the 15 yeais have lived in the house didn't really come into play. It leaked. Oh, and there was that unexplain- able hole that appeared after our son Spencer took a shower in it. "I don't really know what hap- pened," he explained. "I just sort of leaned against it." "There's a hole the size of a Buick in the wall of the shower." "I guess I don't know my own strength." Guess not. I put that strength to good use, though. One thing that I can do, with no problem whatsoev- er, is tear things up. Spencer and I happily tore down the old shower; We banged on it. We frammed on it with hammers. We tore off tile, with pry bars. In no time flat we had torn out the shower. Only one problem there was -now a big ugly blank space in our. bathroom where there used to be a shower. / - "We could always, like, put; a plant there," I reasoned. 7 Kelley didn't like my reasoning. "I want a bigger shower." It was time to call in the construc- tion SWAT team. I got my father- in-law Carl Norman on the case. Carl can build anything. I've never seen a construction project that he couldn't manage. Oh, he'd get mad and throw things. I once dodged a framing hammer that was heading my way end over end like a Last of the Mohicans tomahawk after he'd banged his thumb with it, but you learn to live with these things. He wasn't throwing it at me, he was just throwing it and I happened to be in the general direction. But I took comfort in the fact that he's mellowed over the years. We replaced the rotten part of the floor, we changed the copper piping for the n:ew shower head. That was a trial. SHere&hold this, pipe %with these channel locks." I did what I was told. I'ni good at doing what I'm told. since I usually don't know what the heck is going on. Whump! Carl fired up a propane torch and started heating pipe about two inches from my hand. '4 I have a little problem with pro- pane torches. It stems from the time that I went to the dentist's office to have a temporary crown removed and he couldn't get it off. I was sitting there helplessly, my mouth Sdeadened and packed with cotton. "Nurse, get the torch." p "Murph burla murphamorph?" I COpyrighte-d Materi~al "u" '"--- ,said. He smiled. Whump! There was a indicated Contentpropane torch two inches from my 4 e *incisors. Available from Commercial News Providers"iNr mo -: &e dd &' A ti he torch in my mouth. He heated up a metal rod and put it against the crown to melt the glue. Nonetheless.... Pretty soon, the work was done and it was now time for my part of the renovation project. Tiling the shower. I'll give you more on that it my next installment of the Handyman Bob files, number 873. owerPoint: the work of the devil MAJ. BOBBY HART July 23, 2006 FORT MCCOY, Wisc. Soldiers call it death by PowerPoint. It probably causes more head and neck injuries than anything in the military and although I've not seen any fatal injuries, I must admit I have been very close to becoming a fatality myself. It is so bad, in fact, that one of our instructors said, "PowerPoint is the work of the devil." Almost every class we have is PowerPoint and every class begins with the instructor saying, "I'm not going to insult your intelligence by reading the slides." They then pro- ceed to read all but about two words of each slide. The ironic thing is the mili- tary has no one to blame but itself because every time any of us have to talk in front of a crowd, we break out the projectors and start making up slides. In fact one of our required offi- cer courses-Combined Arms and Services Staff School (CAS3)- requires us to make enough PowerPoint presentations that at the end of the course, everyone is a cer- tified PowerPoint ranger. During our mobilization training, we spend endless hours watching a projection screen as instructors flash up slides. The remainder of the time is spent running convoys in full battle rattle and enclosed Humvees with the temperature inside hovering near 120 degrees or running 300-400-yard rushes in full gear trying to secure villages. Given the choice of sitting in air conditioning and watching the PowerPoint or heating to death in 40 pounds of extra gear, almost everyone will say, "Load up boys, which village are we going to take over today?" . One of the classes we recently took was a four-day version of Blue Force Tracker-which is an opera- tions system that allows for the tracking of friendly forces on the battlefield and a host of other neat- to-have options. The course-which normally is taught over a period of time rang- ing up to six weeks-features more than 800 slides. The curriculum guide, and I'm not exaggerating, is almost a foot thick. We sat there for three days so lost that there was no way we could track friendly forces because we had no idea where we were. We spent the first two days calling the class Blue Cheese Crackers. Miraculously on the fourth day by the time we start- ing sending people out, we could actually tell them where they were and where they needed to go. Blue Force Tracker is one of the new innovations since I was last deployed in 2003 as a battle captain for a transportation command dur- ing the actual war. I can assure you that Blue Force Tracker makes life much better now. Another massive undertaking has been a three-day course in Arab cul- ture and the ever changing Middle East political landscape. The program-which features experts from around the world, including many famous authors and analysts--condenses thousands of years of history and culture of the Arabs, Muslims, Jews and other people of the region in just three days. As one of the instructors said, "We have to be smarter as a nation so we can determine what the out-, come of our actions will be two or three generations from now." One of the classes highlighted how the United States supported the regime in Iran under the Shah and after religious zealots took over, we helped Saddam Hussein bolster his reign in Iraq. It is all incredibly interesting and although I admit I still don't under- stand much of what goes on in the Middle East, I'm sure after a few more hundred slides over the next week or so, I'll be good to go. SMITY'S WESTERN STYORE HW 0W AEM AI526A 40 .'- facilM TO SCH0L1 SAVTE 7% NOW! ON EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR SCHOOL BOOTS-JACKETS-ALL CLOTHING REDUCED FIOM 77) TO 5,, (NO SALES TAX JULY 22ND THRU JULY 30TH) 'lTA ADVANTAGE OF OUR MOfTil p.j 0 OTII ANNIVI IARY CELEBRA'I'ION OUR WA t '.,: A . T1IANKS? j :i I "i j ? ,1 * THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 4 Serving a 'slimmer school menu, (From page 1) tent and a larger variety of offerings such as fruits, salads and yogurt. Portion sizes will be tailored dif- ferently. Instead of making a meal entirely of pizza, children will be encouraged to eat a slice of pizza and a serving of salad. 100 percent fruit juice and low fat milk will take the place of soda. . "French fries will be baked, not fried and reduced fat pizza will have more whole grain flour in the crust. The food will still be tasty' and ap- petizing," Ms. Golon asserts. "It's not necessary to drastically eliminate fat altogether to achieve our nutrition goals. Children actu- ally need fat, but fat consumption should be monitored. Children also need more calories than adults be- cause they are growing so rapidly." Ms. Golon reports that many of the major food industries that sup- ply school cafeterias are actively stepping up to the plate with brands tailored to meet standards now re- quired by the wellness plans. Flyers listing numerous healthful foods will be available which can help parents choose healthier snacks for children to bring from home. "This plan is a work in prog- ress," said Ms. Golon. "It will take. support from the entire community to make a significant difference, but it will be well worth it." The wellness programs were re- quired to be adopted by schools and in place by July 1. 2006. Section 204 of the public law ad- dresses three main goal components of the wellness program: (1) estab- lishing healthy school nutrition en- vironments. (21 reducing childhood obesity and (3) preventing diet-re- lated chronic diseases. In 2004, Eric Bost, the under- secretary for Food. Nutrition and Consumer Services, addressed the House Committee on Government' Reform and the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness and made this sobering pronounce- ment: "Recent, trends among children' are alarming: In the past 20 years. the percentage of children w ho are overweight has doubled and the percentage of adolescents "ho are overweight has more than tripled. If we do not stem this fide. man\ chil- dren in this generation of children will not outlive their parents." Remember early voting! Don't forget you can save yourself the election day hassle of. waiting in lines by voting early in the upcoming primary\ election. The supervisor's office in the- downtown annex (former Citizens Bank building) will be open 9:00 am-5:00 pm starting Augusb t 21, including the two Saturdays leading up to the September 5 primary. Other matters of interest to voters: August 1 is the deadline to request ballots for voters who won't be in Baker County on election day and are unable to early vote. Call the supervisor's office at 259-6339 or e-mail elections@nefcom.net A newly installed EViD sys- tem will be used in 2006, using the scan strip on your driver's license to access information traditionally contained in the .polling books at each precinct. '* Remember, you must present a photo ID with a signature on. it to vote regular ballot. If not, your bal- lot is considered "provisional" and it will be up to a canvas board to decide later whether it counts. You have three days following an election to present a proper ID and have your ballot added to the regular stack. *r ,t-I1r V i ** E Boyfriends charged in separate abuse incidents Boyfriendswerejailedfordomes- with her children when the incident tic violence in two unrelated recent occurred about 6:20 pm, and sh cases, one of them also involving fled the scene. She also told police an attack on a deputy sheriff who Mr. Williams has' threatened he responded to the scene. before, and after the park incident Deputy Mike Lagle said Thomas he drove by a residence where sh Passmore, 25, of Glen St. Mary had gone and yelled at her. swung around and elbowed him in Ms. Thomas told Deputy Mar] the chin %when the officer told him Hall she has no idea why the sus the afternoon of July 18 he was pect is mad with her. under arrest. Mr. Williams could be charge Mr. Passmore pulled up to the with aggravated battery with residence of girlfriend Amber deadly weapon. Gabhart, 18, about 2:30 shortly after Tammy Barton. 18, of .Glen St Deputy Lagle arrived to investigate Mary filed a complaint alleging her complaint that the boyfriend ex-boyfriend Garrett Gray, 19, o choked her during an argument. Macclenny violated a court orde Ms. Gabhart said the boyfriend the morning of July. 24 from at pre became violent after accusing her vious domestic violence. of cheating on him. Minutes before, She told police Mr. Gray banged the couple exchanged words and on the door and w\indow\ of he Mr. Passmore left the residence residence on South Boulevard ii off Okey Lane. only to return and Macclenny demanding he be let ii threaten to kill Ms. Gabhart and a to see his children. male identified as Buddy. A judge earlier banned the sus Deputy Lagle said he ques- pect from contact with the girlfriend tioned Mr. Passmore briefly after who said he had called repeatedly, he returned the second time. and the before the incident about 8:30 tha suspect began pounding on the win- morning. dow of his 1997 Plymouth Breeze. And in arrests just after midnight He also said the deputy would have on July 22. three intoxicated mei to kill him before he spun around were charged with disorderly con and struck the officer. duct and fighting. He also denied choking Ms. Deputy Darrin Whitaker sai Gabhart, and the officer noted Mr. David Barron, 34.and Jason Bassile Passmore on the way to jail said he 22, both of Macclenny, along witl did not intend to strike him. Roney Davis. 48, of Sandersot He was booked for domestic vio- refused to heed requests to cain lence. battery on a law enforcement down after the officer arrived at tht officer and resisting arrest w ith vio- scene off Tall Pine Road. lence. both felonies. Shooting In a second case, this one the .OOtin. IS morning of July 23. boyfriend Michael A. Bennett. 29. was charged * with domestic battery on Jessica said accident Champion, 21. and with threatening to kill her. A Glen St. Mary teenager \\a The girlfriend told Sgt. Thomas wounded in her left arm the after Dyal Mr. Bennett returned home noon of July 23 when a rifle being about 3:00 am and pulled her by the cleaned by two other teens accident feet off her bed, then covered her tally discharged. with a mattress. Kayla Bell, 16. as taken t( He allegedly struck her on the Shands Jacksonville where she was head with an unknown object when treated for the non-life threaten Ms. Champion attempted to leave ing injury that occurred at a resi- their residence off CR 125 south dence off Bertie Davis Circle. near with the accused's cousin, 19-year- Sanderson just before 4:00 pm. oldChrist artrao p m '..^BeDll bedroom wit Mr. Bennett used. kniJqsJa&h. "andoni "Dais. 17, \ho resides two tires on the girlfriend's car, then at the address, and Shane Davis threatened to kill her with the knife 14, of Sanderson, who \ She called police and later that ,when it.discharged. The older youth morning Mr. Bennett was arrested was holding the firearm at the time at a, residence off Orbey Rhoden according to statements given to Road. Deputy John Hardin. The cousin was located in the Statements given to the% office] same neighborhood, but claimed he by all three parties coincided, and was asleep during the incident and no one will be charged. did not see anything. C ',p o Mr. Bennett and Ms. Champion have been together seven years and have two children together. LOGS AND PULPWOC Both youngsters were at the house that morning during the alter- . 'cation. In other cases, a criminal com- 7- ': plaint was filed July 17 against A -Rayon Williams, 23, no address DIAIVIUN 1 available, for allegedly pointing a "FOR A Qt pistol in the face of a Macclenny A woman at Jonesville Park north of CALL282-5552 Sanderson. Crystal Thomas, 21, said she was ' Robbedat gunpoint Two Jacksonville men told the sheriff's department they were robbed of $1285 in cash by several unknown suspects who put guns to their heads in the rear of the' Club 229 north of Sanderson the morning of July 21. The victims, Terry Rudolph, 64, and Ronald Bailey, 55, said they were playing dice with others just before 2:00 am when a man named "Rolo" suggested the game move to the rear of the building. Shortly after, the two told Deputy Greg Burnsed the lights went out and they were relieved of their cash. Both men have the same East Fifth St. address in Jacksonville. Mr. Rudolph said he was ordered to remove his pants, and one of the robbers retrieved keys from it, opening his vehicle and taking a $200 pistol from the glove box. They described a vehicle driv- en by ."Rolo" and it matched one belonging to Wilford Ruise, 30, of Sanderson, who told Deputy Brad Dougherty he was at the club and heard others talk of a robbery. He said he knew nothing of it and had nothing to do with it. '1 Y: It e e .r it e k s- d a Ig r d r n n -, I. n I- 1d h n 1 iS - * ) 0 s r 3, r I 2 qualify late by paying fees, on fall ballot There's a bit of a traffic jam of candidates seeking to replace Fred Raulerson as District 4 (north coun- ty) commissioner in the upcoming elections, but other than that it looks to be a relatively calm off-year in 2006. It's more than calm on the Baker County School Board, where two of the three members slated for elec- tion in 2006 got by without opposi- tion. As the "'pay up qualifying peri- od ended last Friday, Mark Crews added his name to the stable of District 4 hopefuls. He joins Charles Eddie Anderson, Ida Bennett Raulerson and Leroy Tony Greene on the Democratic slate. .,!_ Those three, along with Republican Mike Griffis, qualified earlier by getting 129 signatures before the June 19 deadline. Mr. Griffis will face off in November against the w innerof the Democratic primary in September. Mr. Crews. because he qualified after the signature deadline, paid a $1671 fee last week. as did Jason Knabb over in District 2 (south Macclenny) to challenge incumbent Alex Robinson. School board member Paul Raulerson '(Glen) is pitted against Charlie Artie Burnett mI, who also qualified by signature. With the exception of Mr. Crews, \\ho finished a distant second behind Commissioner Raulerson in 1998, the challengers in 2006 are all political newcomers, and most have little or no record of involvement in civic or public affairs. Among the commission candi- dates, Mr. Crews is an officer with Country Federal Credit Union. Mr. Anderson is a minister. Ms. Raulerson is employed by the Baker County Council on Aging, and Mr. Greene sells real estate. Mr. Knabb works at Ameristeel , in Baldwin and Mr. Burnett with the Department of Corrections. Mr. Griffis, who has been attend- ing commission meetings since January and is the sole Republican candidate because Ms. NMcCbllum is unopposed, is general manager of NEFCOM, the local telephone and communications company. GOP meeting The regular monthly meeting of, the Baker County Republican Party will begin at 7:00 pm on Thursday, July 27 at the party headquarters on South College St. in Macclenny. D 1 ACRE OR LARGER UI, INC. UJALITYWCUT"MS * KENT WILLIAMS Well Drilling ~ Water Softeners & Purification Septic Tanks ~ Drain Fields ~ Culverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS Licensed in Florida & Georgia VISA MasterCard American Express Discover K- .. '- American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 LENDER LAt FLORDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. COMMERCIAL ** RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ICE MACHlNES, COOLERS, FREEZERS I 904-260-2090 OWNER, JERRYi HORTON CAC 1813701 E $ 1U GF CIGARETTES **BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ** Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Milds Marlboro Menthol Light MarlboroMenthol Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights Camel Full Flavor Camel 99 Camel Turkish At the corner of US 90 & SR1 21 /- Sunday 7 am 9 pm* Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm Call Locally 259-2313 or Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb Our showroom is conveniently located at the intersec- tion of Hwy. 121 and U.S. 90 in downtown Macclenny * Slag Fill. Dirt, Sand Milling Clay Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built Art in Motion Dance Studio 105 S. 5th St., Macclenny Ballet/Pointe Tap Jazz Tumbling Ages 3 to adult New classes this year- Wiggles & Giggles A great way to introduce dance, music and drama to young children! ACTING UP WITH MS. TllRRY Learn all about theatre arts in a fun way! -- REGISTRATION DATE . .Saturday, August 5th at the studio from 10 am 3 pm ;or more information, call director Bethany ; X;.Kelr.at 259-TAPP (8277) or (904) 783-3273,." (Auto & Trck Cente THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 5 Driver tried to mask beer smell -~ 7" a,.,' U 'F -, '4 I ' :; '. I ' o,' ... ..... .. -,".# ^ ; ...^, ^ -4: ,, *^**ftii . a,: ).,. District uses scanner to check fingerprints... Kim Green, a personnel aide in the Baker County school district office, helps Kristyn 117iiielicad of Glen St. Mary complete a computer- ized fingerprint scan to allow Ms. Whitehead, an elementary education major at FCCJ. 1to0 t is r itih the district as a substitute teacher. Fingerprinting is requiredfor all employee s ail d,'r ho ia a:,r, a s,'hoc ai: p's Applicants log onto the Department of Education's fingerprinting website and use' their credit cards ,t pai' the processing and registration fee. The entire process takes ah,',It 20 mi",a,tes P,.:.rio Kelle' Lirmnig r, Youth had cocaine One of two juvenile age males found walking nearNorthBoulevard and Third St. in the early morning hours of July 22 is charged with felony possession of cocaine. The 16-year-old from Glen St. Mary had the drug in a plastic bag- gie stashed in a cigarette box, said Deputy Mike Lagle, who stopped to question him and another 16-year- old from Glen about 3:24 am. A third suspect, later identified as Genaro Harris, 20, of Macclenny,. pedaled from the scene on a bicycle when the officer hailed the trio. The second youth was not charged. but he was implicated the following day in the theft of tm\o bicycles from the residence of Chris Sharp on Gum Road in Glen. "Theowv'ner later spotted the bikes at a residence off HilliairdAve., and a juvenile female who lives there identified the 16-year-old as one of two persons who visited her that day riding the bikes. They are val- ued at $370. In a second, unrelated drug arrest, Roger Raulerson, 21, of Glen St. Mary was booked the night of July 20 for felony possession of marijuana. Deputy Randy Davis said he stopped the northbound '200-4 GMC pickup driven by the suspect because loud music emanated from it in the vicinity of Fraser Memorial Hospital that night about 10:40. Mr. Raulerson had a baggie -w ith more than 20 grams of pot in his left pants pocket. The officer confis- cated a scissors knife from another pocket, and an automatic-pi'stol thai't" was hidden under a seat. Today pretending. Tomorrow savinglives. th4 What they learn today will shape their tomorrow. Cla/Nssu/akr/*ador Cunies:, (1(-o-,3-30 -"~ec~cb.a, CarDs , Bumper Stickers Signs Brochures S Posters Complete printing and design service -so you can put your best face forward! THE OFFICE MART South 5th St. Downtown Macclenny 259-3737 A Sanderson woman who told a county deputy she sprayed perfume in the cab of her pickup "to cover up the smell of beer" after it was stopped on US 90 ended up charged with reckless driving. Deputy Randy Davis said he stopped the westbound 1994 GMC after observing it cross the center line several times and force oncom- ing vehicles out of the east lane in downtown Macclenny. The officer received a report about 8:00 the evening of July 20 that the pickup was swerving on the road- way as it left Pop's Place tavern in the east city. When he approached the truck cab, Deputy Davis said he noticed driver Sheilah Knapp, 52, appeared to be moving her hands "back and forth," then she explained she was dispensing perfume. She further told the officer she had only a few beers arid was in a hurry to get off Shadd Lane. She was instead taken to county jail and her truck was towed. Joshua Hall, 18. also of Sanderson, faces a similar count following his arrest in south Macclenny about 12:30 pm on July 17. Deputy l Mike Lagle said he observed Mr. Hall "cat walking" a Yamaha ATV near the intersection of South Boulevard and Grisholm St.. and chased the suspect for several COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. EASY CREDIT TERMS TO FIT ANY BUDGET. HURRY! ACT NOW! HURRY! ACT NOW!! I nish TurioaiTI! blocks. Mr. Hall was also charged with driving on a license that has been suspended indefinitely. In other arrests, Tina Miller, 26, of Glen St. Mary faces a count of disor- derly intoxication after she was found partially clad and walking along CR 127 near Cove St. in Sanderson. She was reported by two juvenile males who attempted to get her off the roadway the evening of July 1. One of the youths, who lives with the suspect and her husband, told Deputy Brad Dougherty Ms. Miller became intoxicated and got into a fight with her sister-in-law. When the officer caught up with Ms. Miller, she was cursing and abu- sive, and reeked of alcohol. She was clothed in shorts and a bra because her shirt had been torn, off in the fight. The Department of Children and' Families was contacted because Ms. Miller allegedly left her three chil- dren, ranging in age 6-8, at home without supervision. Thomas Allen, 27, of Orlando was booked for loitering and prowl- ing during the early morning hours of July 20 after he was questioned twice by Deputy Alison Smith.' 'I The officer said she first spotted him behaving strangely outside the Kangaroo Store on US 90 in east Macelenny. ' Mr. Allen said he had come from California and would telephone friends in -Jacksonville to pick him up. About an hour later, the officer located him on South Sixth at the S&S convenience store. Mr. Miller ran to the Waffle House across the street. He admitted to Deputy Smith he changed his shirt to avoid detec- tion, and looted a Salvation Army collection box off Sixth to find it. Harold Hare, 25, was arrested July 21 at his residence off Chipshot Dr. in northwest Macclenny on a Brevard' County warrant charging him with violating probation for cocaine pos- session. 7 ,- HAPPY 1STt BIRTHDAY- Love, Momma, Daddy & Family INTEREST FREE FOR 18 MONTHS* HURRY! ACT NOW! .MANY ITEMS ARE ONE-0F-A-KIND EVERY ITEM ONE-OF-A-KINDw$9 ChryFns alEVterYaiTEMn LVIS .168S.6t S.,macenF. . a. .-* a a...e.'. F a ~ a-a a ~ a .. ... ..** S.59- 565 GIBSON THURSDAY-9AM-,6PM FRIDAY-9AMm-7PM SATURDAY 9AM -5PM FAMOUS NAME BRANDS MARKED DOWN! LA-Z-BOY LANE SIMMONS BEAUTYREST RCA GE HOTPOINT VAUGHAN-BASSETT ASHLEY SPRING AIR EVERY ITEM MARKED DOWN! LIVINGROOMS, BEDROOMS, ROCKERS, RECLINERS, DINING ROOMS, LAMPS, DINETTES, CURIOS, MATTRESS SETS, BUNKBEDS, DAYBEDS, WASHERS, DRYERS, TABLES, ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS, DESK CHAIR, SOFAS, LOVESEATS, SECTIONALS & MUCH, MUCH MORE!! THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 DAYS ONLY! ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! MEANS HUGE SAVINGS FOII THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 6 BAKER COUNTY SCHOOL ENROLLMENTS Baker County Pre-K/K Center (Pre-K Classes) CREWS--School Readiness PreK--Mason Atkinson, Jadea Baez, Kelci Frame, Sierra McCauley. Alexandria Stines, Ariel Weddell HADDOCK--School Readiness Pre-K-- Destiny Corbett, Bradley Gainey, Brianna Griffis. MacKenzie Hires, Amanda Johns. Karl Mack 11, Logan McDermitt. Kierra' Richardson. Hunter Sw indell, Hannah Walton, Trey Wilkerson. Victor Wilson McNEAL--School Readiness Pre-K--Layla Amerson, Dustin Bray. Bryan Brockington. Willie Chappell. Shakina Farmer. Kaylyn Godsin, Leah Hilley. Justin Hupman-Pnngle. Daisey Lauramore. Enc Lauramore, La'Shaunt MNosle. Pearl Sealey. Ty'Quan Tisdale OWENS-- School Readiness Pre-K-- Makayla Coleman. Jacoby Clayton, Caleb Farnham, Neal Geiger, Tay lor Gnffis. Dustin Guernsey. Karli Johnson. Brianna Thornton,. Alexis Turner. Logan Tyson, Kiley Whitney KIRBY--.,P.K.---Morning session--Hannah Cash. Seth Crawford. Bryce Crewss. Dy lan Gnffis, Gage Gnffis, Caleb Hayden, Alexandria Hill. Taylor Hodges. Dylan Jager. Stetson Keene. Ermly Mobley, Hunter Mulligan, Jessica Noblin, Lucy Now% len. Richard Rest is. Chance Smallswood, Dalton Wellbomrn Melanie Willis KIRBY -VPK-Afternoon session--Caroline Barber. Marrisa Brown. Colby Craig. Jeffrey Crew s. Shay In Crew s. Abigail Henley. Kamerin Johns, James Kelly. Carter Kennedy, Dalton Lew is. Billy Martin, Brooke Noblitt. Madison Norman. Savannah Pepitone. Destaney WVerba-Raulerson. Kirsten Starling. Faith Strickland. Jillian WVaters McCORMICK-VPK-lMorning session--Mitchael Combs., Albert Cresws. Jaime Esterling II. Kalea Higginbotham. Griffin Hodges. Cassidy Manucy, Kellan Merritt. Dalton Ploucher. Michael Pow ell, Amber Reneau, Bryson Roberts. Chase Sands, Carole Spiey. Hannah Starling. Chrisuan Taylor. Matthew Thompson. Cassie Waters. Skylar Wilkerson. YEAGER-VPK-Aflernoon session--Cason Adams, Jordyn Dy fee. Teddy Hammock. Jaiden Heaps. Gabnelle Howie. Abbigail Karpf. Aaron Norman, James Smith. Macy Roswe. Nathan Wilson Baker County Pre-K/K Center Kindergarten Classes ALDERMAN: Dorothy Brockington. Madison Clark. Cadee Craswford. Zachary Graham, Dustin Hamilton, Nate Holland. Damsia Hope, Amber Hughes. Cheyenne Jenkins. illiam Kemath. Jesslyn Martin, Adam Miller. Shelby Rose. Alexander Scott. C.J Smith. Nathaniel Tubberville. Jacob Vickers. Henry Wilkerson . BENNETT: Major Batten. Lauren Cales. Andrew Clark. Christopher Collent. Jaqswan Davis, Margaret Dalis. Joshlyn Green. Emily McComas. Joseph Nloms. Hannah Oralls. John Passmore. Allysa Pipkins, Thomas Rowse. Payton Ruise. Christina Slater. Daron Thomas, KasperWojdat BETROS: Carnssa Adams. Jared Brown. Kayana Church. Chrisuan Combs. Cot\ .Deyton. Jaquez Ellor. Enyama Evans. John Johnson. Owen Loadholtz. Myles Mornson. Dreama Morrow. Jordan Peterson, Caleb Rhoden. Melanie Smith. Hannah Thick. Sa anna Walker. Vanessa Yale BETTERMANN- Kyndel Allen. Brittany Burger. Kaidlyn Carter, Mackenzie Carter, Jacobi Gaskins. Skylar Hinson, Cameron Jefferson, Regan Nlash. Jace McKinney. Jesse Monahan. Trent Sparkman. Colton Taylor. Garrett Thomas. Noah Warner. LeAnne Whiute, Stephanie \\ ilkerson COMBS Da\ id Baumgardner. Kevin Campos. Callie Crouch. Isaiah Daniel. Katelynn DaMis. Allie Fauble. Garret Fauble. Shyriq Green. Brittany Harger. Cameron Johns. Couriney Jordan, Daw son Long. Layla Nettles. Michael Parker. Levi Pickett, Kendra Porterfield. Cheyenne Powell. Garrett Sullivan DAVIS- Madison Barton. Bnttany Chandler. K\quan Chrome. Abigail Craig. Kiara Cresws. Christina Givens. Andrew Guajardo. Dylan Hardenbrook. Mason Hickman. Cheyenne Hughes. Richard Krausse. Katlynn Morefield. Brandon Reed, Nlegan Rhoden. SMallone Self. Asery Thornton. William Waters. Re'Ahna York DRUMMI OND- Cheyenne Addison, Devon Beach. Enaiya Brown, Michael Colbert. Hunter Dickinson. Ausan Godwin. Nlichael Gordon, Mackenzie McNeal. Hayley McRae, Ariyonna Mitchell. Jordan Mobley. Trais Roberts. Deanna Sw\indell. John White. Quantez Wilson. Alexandria Winn FOWLER Michael Asaio. Hailey Austin. Darrell Bell. Daniel Christ. Marcus Dialo, Destanee Dugger. Kenneth Goethe. Sierra Jones. Adrianna Lauramore. Brooklyn Nlatelsk-. Wend\-McCaulev. Jacob Ragan. Christopher Smith. Ciurtfss Tavl'or. Katl\n Wilkerson .- .. r. ' HALL. Reagan Brantley. Stesen Collingswood. Ella Glenn. Michael Jefferson. Warren Johns, Amber Mann. Jared Pilkington. Alexus'Schlarbaum. Keon Simmons. Chester S Starling, Brandi Taylor, Hannah Teerlink, Raegan Williams. KaitlynWilson. Reece Wynn, Ashley Wnne HAND: Daniel Blair. Loriann Bbss. Reggie Bullard. Tony Holland. India Jackson. Tony Johnson. Daniel Jones, Alexis Moore. Dustin Powers, James Reed, Breanna Roberts. Re'yna Roland. Lucas Rosier, Noah Ruise, Charles Siemmerinng. George Stev. ard. Hailey Jade Taylor. Sh.aron Wiggins HORNE- Cod\ Bennen. Chloe Bra\aldo. Conner Butcher, Macy Combs. Dalbs Ellis. Sara Lynn Green. Jackson Helms, Aiden Herb. Colby Kennedy. Garrett Lew is, Noah Melt in. Gareth Parker. Pierce Parker. Allie Richardson. Wy)att Suggs, Michael Tillis. Breit Tal Ior. Mackenzie \\ebb ; KISH Mackenzie Bennett, Kiersten Canaday. Gain Cresws. Austin Dash, Melvin Tre) Datis, Le.en Fish, Tondnc Gibbons, Devin Hartley. Dylan Hartley. Andrea Johnson. Michael Johnson. Alexis Ledford. Sierra McGee. Mallory Rhoden. Emily Straining. Samuel Voss. Jaquez Williams KOSIER Jared Burnsed, Tyler Burnsed, Mason Carter, Gracie Cranford, Antwan Eddings. Ashlynn Harris, Tyler Heberi. Kelsey Johns, Trent MobleN, Colton Moore, Brianna Norrell. Taylor Orberg. Joshua Ossman. Katie Register. Kayla Rhoden, Marissa Rhoden, CadeN n Sw indell. Joshua Willis LUCAS: Carrie Makayla Davis. Haley Dumas. Abree Ellis, Madison Johnson. Trace Kemp. Alejandro Leon. Stanley Lin. Brooke Martin. Danielle Nelson. Jamal Paskel. Virgil Penrod, Carlos Perozo. Andrea Southard. Edsward Stokes. Hunter Thomas MCCOOK Rebekalyn Barber. Daw son Byrd. Emily Carpenter, Allie Crunime), MichaelDavis, Bleyne Fraser, Demi Jones. Emily King. Kelton Knabb. Zachary Lyons, Dixie Raulerson. Dalton Ray. Karrulya Ruise. Haley Theophile. Doobie Weeks. Matthe"w Whiting, Caden Yarborough MCLARTY: Amanda Ballard, Margaret Bryant. Patrick Coker, Dawson' Crews, Constance Evans, Jason Holland. Myrica Holliday, Annalee Kick, Kayiesha Major, Jennifer Martin. Amber Miller, Zachary Randall, Garrett Sparkman, Jakob Studisant., Amber Sw. mdell. Kayla VanVactor, Angelee Williams NAFE Kaiel n A.ndresw s. Kay lee Baity, Jillian Cox. James Diaz, Gala Dyal, Daisy Griftis. Alexandria Griflis. Tucker Hodges, Eselyn Jones. Corey Lauramore, Savannah Lee. Lydia Los good. Matthew MNette, Jaylen Miles, Tyler Roberts, Dalton Starling ROWAN: Ben Anderson, Kaleb Branch, Katherine Castleberry, Zoelle Dunn, India Ellis, Mika Gray, Carsyn Griffis, Chase Hancock, Madalyn Hand, Bailey Hanks, Matthew McDuffie, Trace Milton, Keaton Padgett, Brooklyn Rae Rhoden, Katherine Rhoden, Emma Self, Ty Stewart, Emmaline Williams ST. JOHN: Eric Anderson, Cassidi Beavers, Austin Cole, .Dominic Crews, Lucas Davis, Donald Duran, Evander Flowers, Damaria Gibson,, Miesha Givens, Wyatt Godbold, Katherine Harris,.Shameria Jefferson, Kendall Manucy, Kaitlyn McComb, Destanie Munoz. Nina Overstreet, Brandon Richardson SWEAT: Cheyenne Adcock, John Anderson, Jaxson Burnsed, Noah Carter, John Crews, Payton Crews, Bailey Dugger. Morgan Green, Madison Hauge, Courtney Johnson, Kessler Mallory. Sky lar Murphy. Robert Logan Muse, Lacey Nordstrom, Joel Satterwhite, Lyna Shumate, Michael Blaine Turner, Hac Van Do THOMPSON: Katelyn Brassart, Shayla Brazeale, Lindsey Davis, Issac Estep, Dakota Fountain, Austin Keaton, Brantley Kenny, Karlicia Mack, Shawna Masse, Joseph McComb, Shelby Nipper, Shania Paige, Damian Pryde, Emily Shackelton, Dylan Spires, Gerald Starling, Lucas Wood THRIFT: Benjamin Coffin, DeShaun Davis, Michelle Dukeman, Eva Gray, Caitlin Harvin, Madison Herring, Alexander Himmelhaver, Shandria Jones, Kelsey Norman, Daytrell Paige, Haley Rogers, Marydith Stidham, Kameron Thompson, Blade Walker, Joshua Walton, Christopher Wilson, Chandler Wood WALLER: Andrew Bailes, Dalton Chavers, Kiara Davis, Marci Davis, Ayden Eastman, Peyton Ferry, Megan Harrell, Natalie Hilliard, Michael Holmes, Ernie Jones, Rilynn Kelley, Jordan Looby, Noah McCollum, Rachel Mechum, Cody Milton, Hannah Preston, Dillon Ray, Brianna Smallwood WILKERSON: Lewton Bumett, Keyanna Bymon, Marcus Chisholm, Dyler Davis, Emily Dennison, Sabrina Donaldson, Yumari Farmer, Alyssa Flakowicz, Sarah Keves, Dustin Petty, Kyle Rhoden, Kellie Stewart, Clayton Thomas, John Mason Turrentine, McKenzie Williams MACCLENNY ELEMENTARY FIRST GRADE FISH: Jacob Angelo, Jacob Bollinger, Dylon Gainey, Maurice Graham, Savannah Harper, Jamyah Herring, Corben Hodges, Ryan Holt, Lane Johns, Jamon Jones, Jessica Norman, Kaitlin Padgett, Susan Reimer, Sydney Roney, Jalisha Ruise, Spencer Soyring, Joseph Tedesco, Brittany Wilson, Trenten Yonn. FITZWATER: Chesney Crouch, Blake Dicks, Elizabeth Diperna, Selena Gonzalez, Karli Harvill, Destini Hires, Jarren Hodges, Nicholas Howell, Ty Kelly, Krystyn Kingsley, Lucas Kish, Myra Kronz, Tara McDowell, Dahae Miller, Mallory Morgan, Karlee Nelson, Minh-Trang Nguyen, Chase Nielsen, Mallory Tomlin, Micah Wright. GORDON: Shelby Behm, Xaiyne Bryant, Catey Cavannaugh, Chelsea Crockett, Bryce Donaldson, Willondria Green, Keshaun Griffin, Cole Harvey, Ja'quez Jackson, S. L. Johns, Britney Lauramore, Marissa Lightsey, Elijah Rayburn, Demyus Roberson, Chase Sweat, Gregory Thompson, Caleb Wilkerson, Michael Worten. GRIFFIN Da\onie Brown.. Aers Br.an, Ch.se Cre'ws. Allie England. Emma GIpson. Zach Gregory. Blane Gnffis. Shuann Holling. Tucker Kinghom. Andrew Nlarunez. Lanrr Mulligan. Carson Padgert. Ashle\ Paulson. Grace Rayzor. Mackenzie Rhoden. Wa Ion Rhoden, W\\art Rhoden. Hailee Rodgers. Clayt Smith. Kallie Sowell HUGHES: Cameron Blow, Sydney Brown, Myles Finn, James Forbes, Jayden Fowler, Tyler Fox, Hailey Freemah, Bishop Fuller. Jabraun Jackson. Sa\e) Jefferson, Jordan Johnson. Joshua Jones. Lia Love. Sierra McCaule, Lillian Reddel. Tavion Reed. Tyneisha Reed. Christopher Roberts. Reagan Wilds JONES. Vera Baker. Alison Barton. Tristn Bentle). Cameron Berg. ls'aiah Brown, Gabriel Cannon. Christian Crawford. DYLAN Drew. AlIssa Giddens. Rick) Johns. Joe% Johnson. Nladissn Looby. Nlarthew Manlek. Josie Norns. Holl. Raulerson. Devin Smith. Joshua Warner. Brian West Donheish righth. SLOUGH Cod, Barfield. Gregor Barrios. Caleb Carroll. Taslor Craft. Trisdn Cre\ws. Lacey Durham. Mlanhet, Eldridge. John Green. Alamru Guidash. Dalion Johnson. Jordyn Martin, Ent NlMers. Emnurt Paige. Alexia Pikney. Kelsey Ray. Amber Ruise. Chelsea Ste\en. Hunter Wilion. Da 0son Yarborough MCCART- Crysta Bierman. Sidne% Da\ is. Alexis Francis, Carson Gray. Wesley Hall. Hope Kirkland, Nicolas Langston. Michelle Lin. Reginald McCray. Sierra Michell. Tommy Ruise. Garrett Sanville. Cameron Scott. Jesslyn South, Stacey Taylor. Justin Wiggins, ince Wilkerson. Joequan \\ ilson MITCHELL Serenit) Akins. Kristopher Angelo. Haleigh Beazzo. Am\ Belcher. Muchel Cram. Sidney R Da\is. Shelbe\y Frits. Jarred Gaskmns. Jayvon Ho\ard. Jacob Morgan. Noah Nelson. Gage Rainey. Jacob Teague. Chris Thompson. Alyssa Thrift. Z, mir Washington. Elisha Watkins. Nicklaus \\ land. /SCOTT Bradies Barthlou. Mika\la Br.tndt. Alexia Carter, Ashley Charles. Roshell Collet. Angel Dai idson. Logan Foreman. Vernon Franklin. Brianna Karpf, Ramon Leon. William Martin. NlanheN McDonald. Justin Norman. Alexandria Rolhns. Hannah Ross. Noah Thompson. Jordan \an% actor. Jaice \\illianms SECOND GRADE DAV1S. Heather Case. Kaylie Cohen. Ciera Davis. Meagan Dugger. Amesha Graham. Joseph Green. Kelses Kitchens. Tre\or Le'lmich. Daid McCauley. Jerry- Norman. Josie Sha\, Bailey Smallv.ood. Peyton Staggs. Jesse Taylor, Dono\an Terrell, Tyler Walker. Paxton \Vilson. Kass.i Wisneski. Jarne \\i nne. Katie Youne HARVEY : Jakob Altman. Zacher\ Bell. Jonathan Carter, Monica Cra\\ford. Dalton Creas., Julia Doiron. Shaquan Griffin. Siera Grimes. Jasmine Henderson. Ashlyn Hodges. Emil\ Johnson. Ta Ilor Kirkland. \\ill Litin\ston. Nicole Lot\ery. Dominic Pepitone. Madison Morrison, Larin\ Thompson. Ra\en Tucker. Michaelah Wilkerson. Errol \\hniheld HURST. Erik Addison. James Barton. Sara Boothe-Holbrooks. Anna Boswen. McCayla Christ. Amber Da h. Kajilyn Da\ is. Cassids Famnham. Joshua Hayden. Katelyn Johnson. Austin Keene. Tabitha Kemp. Jared Kiper, Christian Lee. Cor Mills. James Phillips, Hunter Reed. Hunter Retcho. Pe.ton Rew-is. Courtney Sapp. Emil\ Tedesco. Daniel \\ilson SABAKA- Ste'.en Cares. Robert Cras ford. Alyssa Da\is. Cassandra Guajardo. Dalton Harris. Ashly nn Johnson. El\ ssa Jones. Codo Karpf. Joseph Lara. Jacqueline Legg. \Vlos MlcGahd. Domnuique Ni\on. Case\ Padgeit. Seth Paige. Zoe Reedy. Christopher Robins. Hunter Smalls ood. Austin Starling. Matthe\w Thompson. Atley Wood SULLIVAN Asha Blue. A\en CanadaN. Elizabeth Clark. Enmily Coleman. Hay ley Cook. Caidiyn Fish. Alissa Guidash. Rosemar, Helms. Chaunta.ius Jackson. Jonathan Jacobs. Shantena) Jackson. Hannah Johnson. Shelby King. Landen Nevil. Emily Orender. Eric Parker. Nathan Res\ is, Matthes Scott. Dalton Vbnk. Jacob Waltman. A. TAI LOR Morgan Bos man. Hunter Brinain. Hannah Cain. Logan Combs. Tannis Crews. Zachar. Crockett. Elizabeth Gray. Jordan Griffis. Rena Howie. Lindsey Lo\e. Hunter Meadow s. Harrison Presta. Samantha Rabon. Sydney Rauterson. Will Rhoden. Tiffans Saniaroo. Hunter Shannon. Alexis Stewart. Dakota Stitsinger. Siteen Tanner. Chaise Ta\ or. Johnrue Sue \ illiams. J:id, n Yarborough W\IGNALL Brenden Baker. Delaine Combs. Elizabeth Cre"s, De\ante Dasis. Pe;ton Eastman. Sidnie Fauble, Michael Fisher. Tnsta Gibson. Austin Hartle\. Madison Kenned). Chesanne Krauss. Sadie McCaskill. Austin Malls. Caleb Mobley. Canm'ron Mohble\. Nick Phagan. Elizabeth Pinkston. Caleb Scott, Blair Shadd. Amber Thatcher. Jacob Thrilt WOODS: T\ler Altman, Alexis Barnes. Julianne Beasley. Hayleigh Boatright. Erica Flako%%icz. Kaylan Gaines. Emily Gray. Marcus Harper. Tiketa Highland. Isabella Holloway. Jada Jackson. Daryl Klotz. Da\ id Meyers. Taylor McNeil. Jayla Moody. Marcus Norton. Makayla Tennison. Dalton Thomas. Detrone Watkins. Trestany Vilkerson. Dat son Williams . THIRD GRADE ANDERSON Brtanna Briani, Dona\an Bryant. Zachiar Carr. Kelsea Crain. Hunter DaMt i. Kyle Dac is, lan Finn, Das son Fraser. Emil) Harris. Ty Hartles. Melody Holt, Jeffrey LaPointe. Jordan Lauramore. Khaiil Lee, Morgan Lee. Ty ler Mash. Ricki Mitchell. Matihess Morgan. Kelse\ Owvens. Sat'dna Rli~AU n; April StfisYtigbr "Zachary Trulucil. Brittan,\ Webb. A. 3 W ilkinsbri. l;i': * CUNMPSTON Christina Adams. Vyshawn Akin,.. Jod\ Buettgen. Logar Butler. Brittani Crockett. Gregorn Ellis, Kyle Fish, Christina Harris. Jacob Hendrix. Shania Hill. Danny Mathis, Justin Morris, DeWay)ne Sikes, Eric Stoutamire. Kelsey Taylor. Jonathan WVelch. DaelynY oung DORMNAN T) ler Barton. Tyler Brown, Dylan Burnham. Shelby Christmas, Joshua Cox, Destny Gamne,, Shay n Holland, Wilnesha Johnson. Kacey Kreiser. Cod\ Martin. Layne McClellan. Alssa McLaren, Rachel Price. Siltio Sotomasor. Shelb. Ta\lor. Delicia \Washing ion. . GODWIN Israel Alexander. Kyle Ba\s. Christo-pher Buhler. Trai.ion Clay ton. Ste\en Colling ,.,,.'d. Cod,> Davis, Madison Fox, Dillon Gill. Porshua Jefferson. Katal) n Johnson. Selena Johnson. Talor Knapp. Isaiah Miller. Ales Neidermeier. Patrcia Randall. Amnanda Rhoden. Blane Sirmons. Bailey Tyson. JACKSON: ZacharN Briner. Kolion Conner. Kristine Finkle. Jason Franklin. Hayden Gaines, Jake Gibson, Jesse Hall, Kenny Hall. Shelby Johns, Taylor Martin. Nathan Mills. Cheyenne Monfort. Honor Raulerson. Priscila Simon, Dustin Thrift. Sydnee \Wason, Kasey Weber, Heather Wilkerson. Kel1 arus Williams, Colton Yeager. . RAMBO: Ashley Bezares. Ka\yla Charles. Brooklyn Crews s. Johnnie Da% is. Stephen Eldridge. Butch Hanrill, George Hunter. Cheyenne Hutson. Jordan Kiper. Keith McLemore. Cod', Morgan, Crew s Orender. Anthon, Simmons. \adarian Robinson. Deangelo Thomp.on. Luke \Whisman. RENTZ. Dominic Combs, Corvn Eastman. Nicholas Fernandez. Caleb Grirfin. Ta'Keisha Hadley. Jillian Hodges. Jason Johns,. Jack Koburger. Jake Koburger. Morgan Lagle. Duncan McClellan. Kate Meadow s. Samuel Oyinloye, Desean Prescott. Ashton Ray. Dau son Robbins. Shea Robinson. Gray son Wagstati L. TAYLOR:, Zachary Cannon, Courtne\ Davis, Shayla Dearborn. Jay mie Gaines. Collyn Green, Marthesw Johns. Angel Johnson. Michael Jordan, Pans Jones, Bradle\ McDonald. Jimmy Morgan, Terrence Potts, James Reed. J. D.1 Roberts. Caitlan Rose. Amber Simmons.. Frederick Sirmones. John Stewartn -Westside Elementary School FIRST Callahan Mich.iel B.alc,. Ioshla Banon. Ra\ Ch.rle Megan Conner, Abigail Craven, Jamie Davis, Trijn D,' is. Le' Dugger. Christian Gardner. Line Gary,.Faith Green, Tory Haines, James Harrell, Joshua Ha:, god. K:.1ii ai lohn.-'n. Panicia Mqgee. Quantrel Ruise, Hannah Thomas, Lindsey Walker, Leland Wiggins, Noah Williams DYAL: Timbra Alford, Zaryona Allen, Lacey Bell, Heath Bennett, Tyler Eddy, Macy Gleaton, James Griffis, Devon Jordan,,Landon Mccune, Timothy Midyette, Katelynn Muncy, Alyssa Rich, Rockey Roberson, Edward Ruise, Melissa Simmons, Jusru Tampoc. 'ourimey Waltrip, Frederick Wil- ' lam ,. kairil l ni. - HiART Tain BurncJ, Cameron Crain, Caleb Crews, Cole Ci: hn.b.i ,r.moruc Denmark, Rea- X J RE ' gan Dopson, KylieGabbard, Miriah Grendzini, Kyle Griffis, Mad]s,:.rn Haller, Quinci Hand, Ad- dison Hannah, David Higginbotham, Christo- pher Hill, James Johnson, Nicholas Lee, Clarissa Midyette, Landen Oca, Tori Richardson, Emmalee Rushing, Miranda Tubbs HILTON: Ethan Arnold, Skyler Cales, Gavin R eg isterin g Conner, Mckenzie Curry, Christopher Davis, Markelya Ford, Kole Griffis, James Hance, Mar- cus Harvey, Amberly Home, Tanner Kennedy, Savannah Lauramore, Victoria Lewis, Courtney S-1 1 i c 'il Malloy, Jordan Miller, Patrick Ruise, Cheyenne lerV' l g LIlI rel l Taylor, MASON: Jaclyn Adkison, Jakari An- derson, Erika Bond, Dalton Dietz, Matthew Ed i qual i 1 ity wards, Angel Farmer, Dawson Fergusofi, Tucker 1 L11 q |UclHLV Gombert, Colbey Griffis, William Hines, Chelsie Hodges, DaltonLauramore, Pilar Manning, Ro- instruction in a berto Perez, Morgan Smith, Shayla Smith, Tony Trail, Derrick Williams, Joseph Young MURPHY: Jeremiah,alderman, Dawson Bea- S ttin sinc sley, Sydney Bumsed, Daniel Courson, Alaina s n Crawford, Olivia Crews, Jacquelyn Donker, Klint Griffis, Curtis Harmon, Griffin Hinson, Cooper Hodges, Morgan Jewell, Javari Johnson, Jamilee . Lauramore, Maegan Lawrence, Taylor Moore, Brandy Norrell, Arlie Rhoden, Jarred Spurlock, , Austin West RICHARDSON: Hayden,bennett, Naudia Cope- . land, Shayla Crews, Jeslyn Estep, Maeghen Gross, . Carliya Jefferson, Christopher Kellar, Lucas Mor- ris, Tucker Pinson, Mark Roberts, James Rowe, Andrea Ruise, Reilly Ruise, Haley Self, Lacie Silguero, Robert Small, Kayla Thigpen,. Clay Touchton, Michael Walker, Mikea Washington, Mackenzie Williams . ROACH: Billy Brown, Destiny Davis, Jennifer Call for inform atio Davis, Madyson Davis, Aleara Ferguson, Dalton Hathcox, Cameron Hauge, Cameron Kaiser, Au- Patricia W weeks, drianna Lane, Savannah Parish, Devin Simpson, Noah Starling, Brandon Tubberville, Gladys Yac- cannot SANDS- CollIn Ambrose, Chey enne Ball., \Villiam Barber. Ro, Clark. Mckenzie Cres s. Sarah Crews, William Crockett. Brysen Dopson. Ama-a Figueroa. Jade Hale. Delane) Harve\. MNckenzie Hick- man. Leah Kerce. Etelhn Knabb. Ethan Kijught. Camryn Payne, Jackson Sands, Lillie Starling, Noah Ta,,Ior, SHERIDAN Keoaa Adkins. Saannah Anderson. Jonniesue Bailey, Shelton Brannen, Austin Brogdon, E'yanna Brosn. Deton Cole. Joshua Dickinson. Lemon Geiger. Jacob Gray. Dalton Har- nson, Na lee Lumpkmn. Jeremiah Riggs. Antonio Rodnguez. Gabnelle Schoolcraft. Xzasier Smith, Preston Surnon. Austin Terrell. Asia Walker. Samantha ) uhas SMITH: Donna Connolls. Rodney Dais. \Waylon Golden. September Mclknley. Kayla Milling, An- thony Otiz. Hannah Robens. Mathea Sands. St., Simmons. Sadie Sparkman. Savannah Stafford. Earl Starling THOIML Elizabeth Ambrose. Abbigail Baggen, James Barnen. Dusnn Childress. , Ke'inna Cover. Shote)a Coleman. Ace Cresa. Deaoen DaisR. S)dnec, Dehan. Ton)a EdlSards. Lourde;Garcia. Jordan Gloser. K)ne Holman. Jessica Holmes, Robenrt Knuckles. Zacher) Lill), Sum- mer Motble\. Cj.stln Peters. Morgari Snrudl. Amber Simmonr WAV.RNER Robert Baker. Ta)Ilor Conner. Elizabeth Dillard. Geffer) Gaskmns, Cailynn Goldsmith, Jordan Harsey. Chnstopher Lewis, Mackenzie Martin. Hannah Mcca,-crawford. Kelesey Myers, Rebecca Pearl. Anthony, Prescon, Ta)Ilor Pugsles. Elizabeth Reagan. Parker Roberts, Serena Rowan, Brandon \%age,. Samana Williams. Thorne Zimmerman. SECOND CREWS Sierra Aldy. Joseph Alford. Courme) Baldyn. Cheyenne Cales. Isaiah Creas, Benjamin Ellis. Jared E\en. Hunter Mcmahan. Bne Milenchick. Chelsea Miller. Shanoa Murch. Leslie Nipper, Christina Perez. Mark Romano. James Smiuth, Kelse) Smc"kland. Natharual Taylor. Jacob Wallstedt. D lan \\ alton. Darb\V Weatherly DIU\AL Sierra Ahiens. Mackenzie Anail. ZacharN Bingham. Chnsuan Blanks. Mallory Cain, Wil- ham A Caner. Chad" ick Collins. Chnsr Cre is. Mallory Godw in, Enca Harnle). Rodenck Haygood. Nallory Moble). Mason Mosle\, Breah Pelfre-,. Heaiher Pietrosiki. Karly Richardson. Meara Tarte, Kajil' n W\alker..Jessica Vesterstelle ELLEDGE R)an Barnes. Deaunt"e Bros n. Clayton CanadNy. Samantha Evans. Ausin Feagle. Mar- cus Hall. Terrde Hughes, Marcus Reed. Jessica Robens, Bnttan) Sansoucie. Johnn) Smith. Isaac Tis- dale GONZALEZ Clayton Adklns. Joseph.bureau. NM B. Charles. Mlackenz. Clark. Marthe, Crews, Hope FI). Dametra Gibson. Johnny Hodges. Joseph Johnson. Johnathan Kincheloe. Catherine Krausse. Dylan Lesis. Amelia Loubani. Osn Marthe\ws. Maegei Miller. Jordan Norton. Jamue Pnsen. Bn- anna William_. Dylen Williams GREEN Jacob Anderson. Chnristopher Baker. Clayton Braisarn. Braniley Br.ant. Deanna Caudill, Ta lor Gra Crat ford. Richard Cuiksa. Case. CurrN. Blair Finley. Lani Fo>ier. Ronald Goodman. Mar- gare E Gray. Donnie Gnrfis. Sara Hillird. Courtic', Hodges. Dareoria Hudso.n. Macy) ackson, Danu- -, ha Kjrksc.. Kaden Miller. Charles Peacock. Chnsiopher Touchioun HAND Caleb Cress.. Collin Creis. Katilin Cress.. Nhrarda Dehart. Lil\.-anne Drasd). Bradle) Fennell. Ka-sn Gitens. Gannon Godmin. Timioth\ Harrell. Dakota Mclarrt. Logan Monds. Gordon Norman. Jacob Perrmman. Landon Peteron. Bamlei Pisani. Gadin Register, Gunner Southard. Ridge Stean.Ossen Ta)lor, Nathan \Vest. Kelse:, Wilcox HURST: Olivia Bogardus. Alyssa Cagle. Joshua Carter. Amanda Craig. Ciera Crews. Tmiothy Curry. Shawn Danese. Amber Denmark. Amanda Dennison. William T Dugger. Dusin Higginbotham. Taylor Miller. Kaithn Nash. Christian Pntchard. Janiie-lynne Raul- erson, Jared Raulerson, Hale Shass. Jarquez Stes% art. Tammie Stoddard SJACOBS Corey Adams. Dalton Adams. Thomas Aldndge. Desiree Bingham. Erinn Brtn- son. Keondrick Clayton. Amber Combs. Christopher Duggar. Hale\ Dugger. Grace Fly. Hunter Gro\es. Dale Hodges .angel Jackson. Tristan. Jew ell. Tiffany Kenny. Trad Sey- mour. Alexx St John. Amber Tay, lor. Cody Thatcher. Reginald Thomas JAMES- Apnl.crews. Jenna Ellis. Eugene Farmer. Kyle Francis. Cecil Hagan. Summer Harsey. Joshua Herring. Chastity Mallo.. Savannah Moss. Chyna Parker. Caitlyn Parrish. Hale\ Porterfield, Shailey Rhoden. Brandy Robinson. Robert Schmehl, Ashlyn Stafford, .Christian Vatkins. Byron Williams. Warden Wolle LANCASTER. Dillon Bijeaux. Marcus Burger. Sean Chancey'. Savannah Cresws. Mason Filosi, Mason Fuller, Visica Gaskins. Sarah Hicks. Kailee Knight. Kaitlyn Lasw, Kasandra NMccook. Jesslynn MNlers. Kelse\ Nash. Alexus Reed. Chrisnan Rogers. Wiliam Shaffner. Morgan Shellenbarger. Saige Wilson. Bryar Zimmerman RHODEN. Charles.anderson. Brooke Burnsed. Brianna Da\ is. La\ ia Davis. Bryce Donk- er. Aura Esterling. Samuel Etans. AshIle Hall. Lacey Johns. Zachary Korkowskj, Kelly La\s ler. Lillianne Lotus. Bnanna MNcelfresh. Ryan Parish. MNacy Payne. Zackre\ Robinson, Kimberl\ Rov.e. Mason Spencer. Michael Tolbert. Dominique Washington STAFFORD Bnanna Chandler. Badley Cook, ThOmas Er in. Nia Fish. Nlarkese Givens, Russell Godmin. Kaylon Golden. Mason H.arey. Parker Holman. Katelyn Johnson. Tyler Long. Braxtion Moore. Charles Murray. Catnlin Raulerson. Aurumn Reicho. Kaytlin Robin- son. Dilan Rosier. Lauren Sienmmyer, Stephanie Stoutenborough, Jesslyn W\ldhams THIRD ADA.IS: William Breswer. Nicholas Brow n. Breanna Condrich .ashli Everett. James Wyatt Grlffith, AlIsa Hall. Dalecya Kirksey. Hunter Long. Alexandra Nipper. Justis Paige, Eliza- beth Rhoden, Savanna Rhoden. Jessica Rosier. Natrone Stoutanure. Dustin Yaccarino BINN- Ash.ton Alford, Hunter Burnsed. Brooklyn Chambers. Arneisha Clayton. Haleigh Craw ford. Zachar, Dehan, Luz Garcia. Tealeah Gisens. T\mez Gi\ens. Tyler Groves. Brandon Harns. Colby Hodges. NMondrell Jefferson. Selena Johnson. John Mcelroy. Jack- son Nen. Payton Parker. Deandre Rwuse. Mason Taylor. Kate VWhitehead GRAY-X marquel Allen. Bnrittany Clark. Tony Coleman. Keith Conner. D\ lan Davis. Cheicy Foerman. Sheldon Gnffis, Jonathon Hodges. DequaviusJosephi'AJlen Laurarrtore. Megan Lauramore. Alissa Leonard. Deanna Maxw.ell.:Jordan Muncy. Andrea Pearl. Savannah Roberts. Katlynn Schlarbaum. Jordan Somnmise 'GRIFFIS Jacob Alford, Ton Baggen. Donovan Breazeale.TTyria Haygood. Stephen Mann. Akeli Manning. Ashly McNlmahan. Thomas MNidyette. Samantha Pearl. Kaitlyn Raulerson, - Elika Rogers. Kayse Sands, Oli\ia Sapp. Kyle Stelma. Tyler Sulli an. Whitney Tollver. John Tow nsend. Justin Waddell. Tay lor Walton HILLIARD Angel Alford. Jacob Brown. Taylor Brow n. Scariett Brows ning. Corey Bur- nette. Michael Collins, Hunter Combs. Rachel Das is. Jasmine Denmark. Daughton Martin. Dustin Narin, Shaw n Marin. Elissa NMiller. Alexandrea Oli er. Dalesha Paige. Kaleb Wal- ton, Sydney Wi ltams, Kane Wolfe, Tres or Worley HITE: Abigail Carpenter. Taylor Carrington, Kristyn Carter, Madison Combs, Raymond .Crews, Kay lan Dat is, Callie Elledge, Hannah E Harvey, Samantha Hinson, Craig Jones, Dalton Jones, Tristan Lauramore, Nlaci Mcduffie. Rhet NMckendree, Jordan Parker, Beth- any Richardson, Jacob Sanders, Shyanne Shumate. James Stas ely. Corley Sweat, Alexis Wendel PAYNE: Jarrett Barton, Jessie Cox, John Crawford, Bradley Dehart, Kellen Dopson, Mary Elledge, Katelynn Flandreau, Marcus Godbold, Rachel Harrison, Dylan Irish, Zachary Johnson, Grace Jones, Shelbie Martin, Larrm Morris, James Nelson, Cody Ratliff, Owen Register, Blake Roberts, Javan Robns.on. Ashley Suggs, Bailee Turner, Hannah Wilker- son SHOPE: Christ) Combs, Alexis Cowart,'Monica Crawford,, Michael Davis, Shannon Dos ling. Brach Dukeman, Bailey Edwards, Victor Givens, Kesjaun Jefferson, Ruxavi- er Johnson, Logan Kaiser, Tayler Lafaso, Rikki Langston, Kaylee Lowery, Julia Rivest, Shawn Sapp, Wesley Siemering, Samantha Stafford, Gabrielle Starling - WENDEL: Kristen Barton, Taylor Bloxham, Logan Campbell, Justin Combs, Benjamin Crawford, Shelby Crews, Gydeon Femandez. Justin Hardee. Ethan Hatcher, Harley Jones, Kameron Kight, Davis Knabb. Patrick Lamb. Kamard Mccray, Christian Padgett, Grant Peterson, David Powell, Payton Prescontt. Austin Rhoden, Rosemar> Thompson WHITE: Brandie Callaway. Kolbie Davis. Hannah E Harney. Bnan Hoffman. Peyton Hoswell. Jerenuah I\erson. Jacob May. James Tyler Nelson., Trenton Noblitt. Chase Parker, Dustin Pow less. Nicahl Ruise. Rachel Schwartz, Katlin Sigers. Kenneth Simmons, Bran- deri Snyder, Melanie Sweat, Ashley Thompson. Tra\ is Trail. 'WILLIAMS: Marlena Coleman, Jinny Davis, Halainna Force, Patricia Garrett, Bridgett Gillman, Cameron Hans, Chance Hardenbrook, Tucker Hart, Amber James, Zachary Les- ter, Kaleb Manning, Dillon Nipper, Dalton Norman, Jamie Oakes, Treston Pipkins, Jesse Regnier, Hunter Riggs, Jacob Schmehl, Elizabeth Stiers, Shelby Stoddard (Continued on page 7 please) -ed'- h ~ mov I Pfor 200school6-2007 s for 2006-2007 school year 3-5 years preschool Christian .1978. Licensed by the National Association of Christian Education n at 259-3521 Director I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 7 BAKER COUNTY SCHOOL ENROLLMENTS Keller Intermediate School FOURTH GRADE BOATRIGHT Room 238 Blackwood, Justin, Boatz, Donan. Charles, Ausnn. Combs. Tracey. Dinkins. Andrew; Duncan, Mia. Gould, Rebekah. Gray. Colton. Hulen. Kendell. Lau son. Bnanna; Lewis. Emmanuel. Milchell, Maegan; Myers, Paul, Raulerson, Rosie. Rhoden. Kr sten: Ruise. Charles. Sielma. Kenneth: Stewart, Javon;Theophile, Jacob. Williams, Ivy, Williams, Sasana CRUMMEY Room 237 Barnes, Senrra. Batten, Mason; Benton, Karrigan. Chapman. Tyler. Dewolfe, Danielle. Dewolfe, Kathanne: Dyal, Kaylyn; Hodges, Brooklyn. Hodges. Brandon. Keene, Mandy, Kerce. Molly; Mclntosh, Melissa; Mobley, Jonathan; Parker. Brandon; Ray, Mark, Roberts. Madison. Sampley, Kayla, Sanders, Sierra; Schielding, Bren. Snmith, Jusnn; Tesion. Destiney. Yarborou-h, Joan MORLEY Room 101 Anderson, Jackie. Berg, K)le. Bureau. Clayton. Chauncey. Mallory. Harrell. Jessica; Hartle,, Mitchell, Harvey, Apryl. Hathcox. Colb:,. Loadholtz. Mason, Nionds. Allison; Paulk. Alexandra. Picket, Tara; Pilkingion. Jessica. Regnier. Cheyenne, Rife. Core). Sellers. Jacob. Smith. Jacob. Stafford. Matthew; Stallings. Anna. Whlute. Aaron CAVANNALIGH Room 105 Barton, Tnsten; Bennen, Knstin. Delp. Bnrtant. Donaldson, Vomesha. Gain, Makayla: Hance, Kaidin; Jones. Alia. Major. Anntan. Meisier. Garren. Niller. Candace; Mosel), Elizabeth; Nelson. Kimberly, Nipper, Cody: Parker, Caleb, Rafuse. Zachary: Raulerson. Jaren., Raulerson, Tyler ; Russell, Bradley; Smalflwood, Cassidy, Thomas, Joseph. Walker, Steven, Williams, Jasmine SMITH Room 108 Boyene, Landon; Cain. Grason, Caner. Jacob, Combs, Keith. Dinkins. Ashleigh, Dopson, Sydney, Former, Lexie. Home. Ridge. Kish. Steve, Long, Rachel, Long, Rebekah. McCray. Summer: Padgettn, Lailan. Paulson. Angelica. Payne, Karlie, Rodgers, Hannah, Srmith. Elizabeth, Stalvey, Jacob; Waldron, Forrest; Wheeler. Callie; Whitng. Bnanna; Wilkerson, Danmelle KICK Room 107 Altman, Tnstan; Beck, Troy, Crews. Brody, Crews, Kyle. Croft, Baylee: Hall, Travis: Hams, Stantrell. Hatcher, Carolyn. Heathenngton. Nathan, Higginbothan, Dalton: Holmes, Shannon: Home, Natalie; Johnson, Darchelle, Kennedy. Jordan, Kreutz. Tyler, Michitsch. Alexus. bilton. Jacob, Mobley, Joseph; Rice. Zachary: Schatz. Julia; Stewart. Dream): Williams. Donelle GIDDENS Room 106 Allaire. Angel. Burnsed. Morgan. Butcher. Marthew. Carroll, Jaime. Chisholm. Marthew. Crews. Haley, Gerace. Nlaegan. Goethe. Ashton. Kruse. Diamond. Martin. Emily, Nlidyette, George; Nowlen, Hannah; Pnngle, Allee. Raulerson. William. Rhoden. Grace Mane. Sands, Jesslyn, Sapp, Victona, Smith. Brea, Waltman. Oakley. Williams, Videll: WiLon. Cameron; Yarborough. R)an PERRY Room 302, Albino. Chelse.i Barton, Desirea, Berry. Lauren. Bourgois. Celeste; Brazeale, Bnnan). Bumsed. Austn; Bussey, Kristin. Cramn, Frank. Cullen, Dillan, Holman, Tanner, Martin. Brandtn. Reeves. Jenna. Rollni. Thomas, Sibley. Sadie, Tomas. Elena. Walker. Randall. Williams, Bakaun. Wingate. Autumn. Yonn. Taylor TBA -Room 103 Allen.Tenell. Brannen. Catherine. Brazeale. Brooke, Brewer. Chelsea. Davis. Sandi, Durham, N- Megan. Gaine. Elizabeth, Giens. Ermll, Graves. Kasey. Highland, Tasha. Howard, Eric; Karagiannopoulos. Ales: MlcElfre'h, Thomas. Nipper. Garren. Parker. Kelby, Westervelle, Ja); Wheeler. Brandon, Williams. Jesse PRESTON Room 240 Burch. Keyonna. Combs. Brooke: Combs. Shelby, Edwards, Steven. Fennell. K) le; Harrell. Tommy. Hauge. Libradio, Johns, Autumn. Johnson, Zoe, Johnson. David, Kersey, Tiffany: Lee-Hayden. Laura; Mathis. Cod). McSwain. Bnnany. Mobley, Kaleb. Ratliff. Jessica; Rollins. Deante BROOKINS Room 301 - Bennett, Jacob. Bnrinson, Delane., Burnsed. R)an: Damnelowicz, Isaiah: Dugger. Hunter, Geiger, Brandon, Jenkins. Ethan. Kirby, Cameron. Mattox, Christopher. McDonald. Ashle). Mosley, Maia, Ripest. Ethan. Scott. Katelyn. Sullivan, Harley; Summey. Deanna; Taylor. Logan TBA Room 102 Baxter. Samantha; Corben. Sydney. Freeman. Ethan. Gabbard. TaylIor: Gibson. Brendon, Giv ens. Reggie, HI-e, Austin, Jefferson, Mlakayla. Johnson. Malci, Manunng. Austin: ; Moorman. Brooke, Oakes, Ryan, Raybum. Grant. Terry. Caleb, Vanderpool, Mary, Williams, Dalton Wright, Charles RODGERS Room 104.. Baker. Samuel. Brown. John. Colhngwood. John. Cox. Kristen, Drury. Chase; Edg), Rachel, Eldndge, Chns; Fish, Savannah. Fraser. NMles; Handie. Louis, Harvey, Brandon, Ingram. Kalyn; Loyd, Alexis. Nettles, Amber. Nettles. Natalie; Neumans. Garren; Orberg, Tanner, Powell, Desiree: Thomas, Blake BINION Room 304 Benne, Taylor; Clark. Dylan: Combs, Brandon, Davis. Thomas; Head. Kayla; O'neal. Angel. Ortiz, Jean-Yves, Rayburn, Jenelle, Rhoden. Deanna. Robinson. NMkell. Sanchez. Gncelda, Snead, Davante; Thompson. Rhylee; Walker, Andrea. Weddle. Makay la. While. Tharen LYONS Room 303 Brooks, Dudley; Bumen, Brittany, Combs. Courtne). Karnes. Savannah. Keen, Kate; Lafaso. Gabrielle: Noblitt, Austn, Reed. Hale, Roberson. Desiree, Siummons. Monica. Truen. James, Whitehead, Mya; Williams, Joseph, Worle). Wyatt WITEN Room 309 Bailey, Sharlie; Brooks, Kimber; Campbell. Joshua. Crawford. Chnstopher. Davis, Kansas; Dixon, Tianna: Farmer, Megan; Jagodnik, Amanda, Merchant. Blayne. Newmans. Kaleb, Robbms, Tnristan, Starling, Willis; Thompson. Zachar), Tolben. Caroln.% Weeks. Brandon WESTBERRY Room 236 Barron, Kaitlyn;'Brazeale, Shianne; Brown, Ezayine; Davis, Keltni; :Drow, Matthew; Ferguson, Al)yssa, Gnffis, Jesse.-HunM. David. Jonas. Le... KeI. Arm,:n FIFTH GRADE CINAL Room 1903 Alligood. Lewis: Caner. Adam, Cook. Shelb): Cook. Robert. Ferguson. Damian T.. Franklin, Carlion: Harris. Tyromnca, Johnson. Stephanie. Johnson, Manthew, Lee. Elisha: Manucy, Nlarthew; McKenney, Samuel; Nid)yere. Chanty : Niller. Cassie: Oakes, Elizabeth. Rogers, Bnan, Rushing, Chrinsopher. Smith, Miranda. Starling. Sydni. Tanner, Nranda: Wans. Jolonda, Weddle, Deanna OWINGS Room 1904 Adams. Brandie; Baker, Nelissa: Barron. Klie. Barton. Sabnna. Bow man. Breneisa, Burnene. Desonee, Conner. Taylor: Coody, Dyland, Goldsmith. Brian: Graham, Zachary. Hadley. Rashadd; Harris, lames Hinson. Brandi. HodgeS. Damn, Hunter. Jordan. Jackson. Nia; MaJor. Tyquand, Manning. Joseph. NMiller. Cody, Tvardos, Stephanie. Wilkerson, Sarah ELLEDGE Room 409. Albnnon. Lawrence. Arms.rong Laura. Bramnle. Stephen. Brown, Kayla, Brant. Bnrirany: Da\is. Shauna. Davis. Katie: Doson, Bryce Ingram, Kameron, Jefferson, Carl; Lee. Taylor. Lightsey, Arrica; Mnedecke. Katieln. Myklebost. Lauren. Thornton. Taylor; Vose, Quinton; Walker, Brandi, Walke, Walker, Bobby; \es. Hannah, Whale,, Tiffan\c: Willis. Brandon, Woolard, Judson PORTERFIELD -Room 1905 ' Allen, Shelley; Boldry, David; Bowles, .Tay lo. Cooper. Margaret, Corder, Aaron; Davis, Brianna; Girgis. Taylor, Graham,. Omega; Green, Kimberly, Hams, Emmie; Lysaght-Younger, Evan; Mathis, Joel; Moran, Tyler; Murphy, Kailey; Nixon, Darryl; Oender Kaden; Pettyjohn, Sara; Ploucher, Alan; Silguero, Lexie; Starling, Kirsten; Stewart, Brad; Taylor, Steven LUCAS Room 40. : Adums. John, Albino. S, dne'y;Alford, Whitney; Cams, Cynthia; Dickinson, Jacob; Eckert, Jenna. Given,. Shayla. Grantham. Eric; Hagans, Ariel; Harvey, Austin; Hollings, Jacovan; Johnson. Tiamara. Johnson, Shelton. Jordan. Nicki. Lawrence. Macie. McDonald, Tyler; Meadows, Chase; Soyring, Brandon; Strohmetz. Sarah. Like. WP lie. Warmer. Austin: Yarbrough, Destiny SAPP Room 009; ; Alford, Chelzie; Anderson. Am. Burnsed. Aaron. Carter; Jesse;H Clhity, Manhew, Crews. Megan. Fay,'Raven; Green. Darius; Greene, Kimberlee; Haney. Shyan; Holt, Mercer. Jasonek. Krisrina. King, Nachelle. Lester. Edgar. McDonald, Matthew; Nettles, Adrian; Reed, Shakyra; Schaeffer. Mikala, Simmons. Cody; Smith, Kayla; Thomas, Charles MCCLENDON Room 406;, Barker, Brazell; Boone, Michael; Brannen, Brandon; Byrd, Travis; Campos, Jonathan; Gray, Kristen; Harvey, Sandra; Hille, Kimberly; Hodges, Jennifer; Lee, Brandie; Leftwich, Daniel; Lewis, Winston; Mann, Katie; McSwain, Theodore; Tate, Cody; Taylor, Cody; Williams, Kacey; Yonn, Awsten TAYLOR Room 1902; ; Adkins, Ashton; Barton. Jesse, Bumett, Jamie; Crawford, Quinton; Etheridge, ibby; Famesi, Sarah; Flores, Mikal; Godwin, Glenna; Hancock, Taylor; Hand, Mekenzi; Hines, Reba; Hoatlin, Derrick; Holton, Kylie; Knabb, Madison; Langston, Ronnie; Miller, Brandon; Raley, Morgan; Raulerson, Desaraie; Shiloh, Hilary; Surrency, Trinise; Thomas, Robert; White, Jered KATSACOS (MICKE) Room 404 Barrett, Evan; Combs, Christopher; Davis, Miranda; Evans, Mikki; Ferguson, Palmer; Gray, Braden; Harvill, Lauren; Hodges, Shelby; Hodges, Alan; Johnson, Taylor; Knapp, Ashli; Miller, Storm; Noles, Casen; Norrell, Brittany; Raulerson, Dylan; Rowe, Dillan; Smdth, Matthew; Sollicito, Ryan; St. John, Sarah; Stacy, Peyton; Tharpe, Victoria; Thompson, Kathryn TAYLOR -.Room 403 Beckerdite, Taylor; Bennett, Shad; Brown, Teyanna; Carter, Darian; Coleman, James; Constanza, Michelle; Crews, lJared Paul; Cushman, Caleb; Davis, Randy; Fogarty, Gabrielle; Hughes, Chace; Keeton, Brittany; Kirby, Kyle; Mallard, Austin; Moore, Bayleigh; Muse, Kaiflen; Padgett, Jessica; Raulerson, Danielle; Thomas, Alexis; Thomas, Alexa ; Turner, Jarett; Turner, Jordan PRESCOTT Room 408; ; Adkiys, Ashton ; Ahrens, Michael; Albritton, Candi; Campbell, John; Collins, Sarah; Cox, Savanha; Crews; Ethan; Dewit, Kirsty; Farmer, Tenaya; Foley, Ashley; Hanman, Michael; Hodges, Brittany; Hodges, Deana; McCray, Joseph; Parker, Kelly; Pearl, Anthony; Powell, Vanessa; Starling, Brookelyn HURST Room 312; ; Callen, Brandon; Gaskins, Rasheem; Givens, Jennifer; Hollings, Emonte; Hoover, Katelyn; Kaufman, Leah; Law, Justice; Manning, Joshua; Mathis, Danielle; Merritt, Christopher; Miller, Mason; Nipper, David; Rollins, Tommy; Sibley, Rachel; Sigers, Casey; Smith, Megan; Tedesco, Julia; Welch, Matthew MURPHREE Room 402 Allen, Joshua; Beasley, Jason; Bennett, Kourtni; Canaday, Dakota; Curran, Robert; Davis, Marquel; Drew, Katelyn; Escobar, Ariana; Gaines, Auburn; Hysler, Amanda; Krausse, Tiffany; Lauramore, Taylor; Lloyd, Codi; Murray, Shelby; Sanders, Rickle; Shaffner, Jacob; Sundy, Austin MURPHY Room 010 Adams, Olivia; Aldous, Rayne; Clayton, Taiylor; Dehart, Brittany; Eiserman, Meghan; Farrell, Patrick; Folsom, Jacob; Graham, Brianna; Griffin, Denisha; Griffin, Natavian; Harden, Branden; Harvey, Jonathan; Harvin, Amber; Patterson, Hunter; Smith, Whitiey; Vitt, Jordan; Williams, John; Wynn, Jacob HARRISON -Room 1901 Braddy, Tyler; Dopson, Taylor; Elledge, Forrest; Gregory, Grant; Harvey, Clara; Hinson, Abby; Hodges, Brittni T; Jarvis, Branda; Knabb, Lexy; Kuhr, Shelby; Mason, Caitlin; Mechum, Shelby; Mobley, Mason; Osteen, Malory; Register, Alexander; Rhoden, Briann; Sanderson, Chelsea; Sweat, Mason; Taylor, Genie; Wendel, Tyler; Williams, Hunter; Wingard, Mackenzie HERMAN Room 405 Alford, Kasey; Anderson, Kelsey; Anderson, Megan; Arabie, Delaney; Berry, Kelsey; Blanks, Candice; Bradley, Amy; Chambers, Hunter; Chancey, Timothy; Coker, Thomas; Collins, Emily; Forbes, Hawke; Griffis, Daryl; Hayes, Reggie; Nichols, Joshua; Rhoden, Chelsea; Sapp, Brianna; Thomas, Kevin; Thomas, Shana; Thompson, Madison; Welborn, Amber; West, Clayton WHEELER e- Room 1906; ; ; Barton, Byron; Cole, Tyler; Corder, Kaitlyn; Dana, Michael; Ferguson, Keegan; Gray, Sara; Griner, Stephanie; Guin, Reba; Harrison, Brandi; Johns, James; Johns, Randall; Kuster, Michael; Lee, Colton; McNeil, Rebekah; Parrott, Cody; Pigott, Kiala; Ray, Autumn; Robinson, Lateshia; Ruise, Aaliyah; Samaroo, Kimberly; Stewart, Samantha ; Mr. GOLON 4'" and 5" Room 401 Brown, Jarrett; Elixson, Garrett; Gentry, Jamie; Griffin, Tristen; Griffis, Dylan; Hughes, Richard; Rambo, Matthew Mr. READ 4'" and 5"h Room 508 Brown, Catherine; Davis, Brandon; Harvey, Wade; Hoffman, Robert; Kitchens, Kayla; Klotz, John; Raulerson, Tyler; Stoutenborough, Kimberly; Trail, Tyler Baker County Middle School EIGHTH- APPLEWHITE, JAMES H. Collingwood. Michael Jay, Gibson, Paulesha JeneU, Gross, Jena Dawn; Johns, Mindy Ann: Kuster Jr. James Law son. Plan. Leon William; Portns. Brooke Leanne. Taylor. James Brandon, Widemond, Da% id Bernardle. Williams 0, Samuel Lawton: Williams, Ashiton Brady MLXED GRADES- BRADDY, LISA Allen, Favion M ; Battles. Kiara Tashy)a, Bois-claire, Dakota Austn, Brown Jr. Charles Dean; Eck- ert. Jeremy Dwamne; Farmer. Deontay Lewis; Ford, Mardreakus Lamar; Hadley, Lucrena Von-acacia, Hoffman, William Daniel, Mack. Denzel Devante; Miller, Christopher Douglas; Odom, Jeremy Ryan; Parker, Jordan Roger, Stout, Jason Sk)ler, Walker hi, Steven Ray, Whiute, Kaleb Sky; Whitener, Bran- don Charles EIGHTH- CARRINGTON, DEDRA Bennett, Justin Garrett, BIoxham, Trevor Lee, Blum, Taylor Aaron; Brannen Jr. Billie Joe; Crab- tree, Lam Michele, Jones. Marklta Cornelius. Ken, D)ylan Pamnck, Marnn. Dusin Hugh; Muse, Dale Grady; Qualler, Clifford Mcveety. Taylor, Haley Mckay: Thomas, Cameron David SEVENTH- CASSIDY, ANNE Anderson, Abigail Sorrel, Anderson. Steven James, Bloxhain, Zachary James: Bury. Cathy Liny, Ca- son, Robert Chnstophe; Crawford, Brandon Wade; Crawford, Layton Ray. Crurnmmey, Taylor Nicole; Driggers, Shelby Lynn, Dubose, Joseph Michael, Finley, lan Parker; Fish, Blake Mannin; Fries II. David Allen; Gabbard, Dalton Ernest: Harrell Jr, Ronald Eugene; Hams, Kelsey Renee; Jackson. Dalton Boyd; Johnson, Jennifer Irene: Jones, Michael Dillon; Keinath, Richard Layton; Lane. Nlynah Taylor. Lauramore, William Cole; Melton, Ashley Michelle, Myers Jr. Willie C: Nipper, Dalton Scon. Phillips, Dustin Colby; Raulerson, Kallie Alexis, Ray, Shawnee; Rowe, Ty William; Ruise, Arkeem Corteyz. Smallwood, Joshua Nathaniel, Sta\ely. Hunter Neal: Tharpe II, Richard Kingsley; Tillis, Britany Michelle; Wilkinson, Kyle Glenn EIGHTH- CLEVENGER, EMILY Addison, James Daniel Alford, Devin Anthony: Banon. Emily Lynn, Everen Jr, Marthew Scon. Gibson. Timothy Ryan: Hadley, Kesohntae Tamez, Insh. Billy Joe; Lightsey. Tyler Garren; Liings- ton, Harli Alexandra; Lovery. Cason Bren, Mcinamay, Joseph Henry, Nipper. Kelton Gage; Parker, Kelsey Ettie. Powell. Stephanie Yvette; Powers, Gabnel Stone. Richerson, Chnslopher Lee, Ruise, Marquis Traselle; Sla), Jessica Ann, Smith, Brooke Nicole, Sparkman, James Daniel; Stafford, Cody Shane, Thompson. Ganett Weston. Waters. Dallas Shayne EIGHTH- COMBS, LINDA G. Alford. Caleb Garren ; Bennen, Caroline Rose: Burke. Jerem) Chnristopher. Dasis, Tiffany Irene; Dorsev. Thomas Eugene. Farnesi, Rachel Mane, Higginbotham. Chelsea Brooke; Knabb. Savannah Jade, Manning. Shaylah Cierra, Roberts. Dalton Jeffrey, Smith. William Cote:; Tay lor, Ryan Wesley. Walker, Staria Mae EIGHTH- DAVIS. BETH Bennen. Jason Randall Braddock, Danielle Nicole, Brandey, Brian Michael, Caner, Rebecca Dani- elle. Clouse, Stormn Lanai; Cooper, Jaime Richelle-m; Dugger. Sarah Michelle. Gnffis. Garren Ja- son: Gnffis. Klayton Paul, Guillory, Ryan Chnstophe, Hale, Ashley Nicole, Hurd, Kendall Clayion, Kellum. Cod) Wayne; Kinghom. Enca Nichole, Kirkland. Enn Elizabeth, Lovet, Joshua Dylan. NMangiatico, Ray Adam; Mathews. Daniel Dewayne. Mercer. Corey Scott. NMeNers. Bryan Augustus, Mowry; Jackson Lee; Young. Collin Kent EIGHTH- DOWLING, ETHEL Barton, Kayla Brooke ; Barton, Tabitha Elaine. Caner, Kasie Latae; Griffis. Joshua Dalton. Harne. Kimberly Kathenne, Jackson. Reuben David, Mccray, Corey Jaleel; Paige, Shanmell; Pnngle. Marthew Ira, Ruinse. Adrian Lorenzo; Stuhr, Ashley Elizabeth, Townsend. Knsun Brooke. Wilkerson. Danielle Lee SIXTH- FINLEY, CAROL Ball, Kristina Elizabeth Bench. Crystal Nicole; Brewer. Kerr) Lynn, Clayton. Rondesia MNIlan; Corbin. Joshua David; Dminns, Aaron Patrick, Ervin, Jonathan Curtis. Ford. Isaac Charmane: Gar- cia. Didier Ponce, Green, Shawn Douglas; Hutson, Cody AlMan; James. Enc Michael; Jones, Kenya Ades)a. Lee, Favion Alto: Mcmahan, Chrinstopher Darren; Perez-hinson. Matthew Nelson: Rosier, Heather Mane, Ruise. Brandon Alexander. Strickland, Dylan Fain: Sullihan. Tabitha Ann. Wilson, Danus Deshawn SEVENTH- FINLEY, DONNA Akins. Kels) Charnelle, Barefoot. Julie Ann. Branch, Ryan Alan, Brooks Jr. Larry Lee; Daniels. Ron- ald Kase), Dixon, Kellie Rashell; Hams, Desiree Nicole; Harney, Thomas James; Holmes, Chantelle Breanne, Lee Jr, Damon Lashay; Lee, Tierra Momque, New mans. Korey Dustin, Small. Sheila Bni- tany, Smith, Bnan Allen; Wilson, Broneshia Latrice SEVENTH- FREY, MELODY Baker, Jessica Sadiqua ; Crain. Ashleigh Amberlyn. Crew s. Kelsey Randa, Fisher, Richard Dale; Fog- arts II. Sean Patrick, Griffin. Adam Chase; Griffis Vi, Sam Buster: Hudson, Taylor Quanlona, John- son. Kelsee Deanne. King. Austen Michelle. Lester, Alayna May. Lofus. Core) Mathew, Ray. Chey- enne, Renninger, Elizabeth Anne; Shay, Jesse Adam; Simpson, Charles Everen. Singleton Ii. Kendrick Bernard, Thomas, Angela Faye; Thompson, Manan Marguente, Thornton, Grant Chnstan, Tnppen. Hannah Jo. Tuten, Brandon Micheal; Votava, Katelyn Ann; White, Taminusha Darcina. Willey, Joshua SEVENTH- GIDDENS, MARTHA ANN Branch, Kailyn Danielle Cart, Nicholas Jay; Clark, Candace Kay; Cole, Brandon Dane. Combs, Gar- rett Alan, Corrmn, Kayla Renee, Davis, Sarah Elisabeth. Dukeman, Nicholas Adam; Givens Jr. Terry Wayne, Harvey, Austyn Daniel, Hughes.Tanner Riley; Jackson. Sarah Lanrissa, Miller. Marissa Emily. Moore. Chelsea Olivia, Moquin, Patrick Andrew, Parrish, Chelsee Elizabeth. Pnriven. Kay)tlin Joanne; Sapp, Bnttani Reneigh. Sirk. Thomas Edward. Smith. Brandon James; Stevens, Hayden Douglas, Truluck. Taylor Ann. Washburn, William Tucker SIXTH- GILSON, SARAH Carner. Chelsea Ann Cauley. Johnathan Ronald. Combs. Wesley Scon. Crew-, Aaron \,,ant, Crews, Whitley Elizabeth, Dempsey. Andrea Deshala, Gatlin, Gamson Tyler, Greer. Bethany Kaidlyn; Hol- land, Kayla Christine; Jacobs, John George: Jordan, James Calvin; Lee, Kadjh: Mills. Blake Dil- lon; Neal, Lillian Kennedy; Parker Ill, Dwight Delano; Phagan, Tyler Russell, Roberts, Lauren Julia; Shope, Maunce Alan; Theophile, Tiffany Leann SIXTH- HALL, ERIN Behm, Ashleigh Nicole Blow, Danielle Michelle; Brookins, James Charles; Brown, Joshalyn Shey- enne; Cooper, Isis Lavoi; Craig, Corey Leonard, Dugger, Bntany Nicole; Givens, MariahAriel; Hil- ton, Crysta Anne; Johnson, Samantha Lee; Lafaso. Ashley Nicole; Lee, Falon Omar;,Lilly, Daniel Austin; Long. David James; Norman, Devin Nikole: Rhoden, Mercedes Renee; Rogers, Devinne Renee: Simmons, Alexander Brenden, Standberry. Dimitn De'%ante-r; Stamn. Keifer Jay; Steven, Jay- son Dean: Stoulamiure Jr, Erick; Thorntmion, Shawn Tyler; Wheeler. Ashle) Nicole, Williams, Craylon Travon SIXTH- HARRELL, PAM Bond, Jessica Alanna, Bookout. Dustn Tenence: Branch. Aleu Kd, Buhler. Steven Hans; Burkhardt li, Scon Anthony, Chnste. Ashlei Breanna, Da\is, Jessica Hope. Dinkins. Casey Hunter; Fernandez, Bnanna Racheal, Gerace, Dylan Kyle: Hay, Randall Scontt: Hester, Corey Lee; Johnson. Shane Chns- tophe; Jones, Taylor Brooke, Mallen. Luc Anthony, Namwises, Brinanny Nichole, Padgen, Timo- thy W. Potts. Rachael Renee; Scott, Manhew Shayne, Stew an, Travis Dale, Taylor. Chandler Gage. Thames. Andrew Paul MIXED GRADES- HARVEY, SANDI Bellovich, Ryan Michael ; Bennett, Brooklyn Suzanne. Crews, Christian Michael; Frey, Nicholas. Wade; Griffs, Lily Brooke; Jones, Savanna Paige, Mobley. Nicholas Adam; Morris, Kaylee Ann; Pressley, Johnathon Lane; Staggers, Melissa Virginia; Whitehead, Sarah Rose; Williams;April Mozell; Yarborough. Jordyn Faye MIXED GRADES HEMBREE, DAHLON Blackburn, David Ethan; Gray, Bnanna Channell. Harvey, Whitnie Shyann; Mosley, Letrey Ronald; Rosier Jr. Donald Franklin; Williams, Adam Do Ile; Williams, Jaden Lakennedy EIGHTH- HODGES, AMANDA Anderson, Oliver Jacob ; Bell, Kristn Louise. Brounice, Ashley Nicolle; Carpenter, Davidedward Dakota, Cauley, Kelsey Jane; Cole, Kyle Matthew, Gainme, Delaney Knstine; Goshorn, Kaylin Dawn; Herb, Jessica Diane; Knight, Elijah Grey, Richardson, Jessica Danielle; Smith, Charles Brandt; Star- ling Jr, Ellis Arthur EIGHTH- HOOD, MELODY Albritton, Lateria Cora ; Brooks, Aaron Keith& Burnsed, Kayla Michelle; Conner, Cortney Michele; Duffey-finkle, Lisa Michelle; Dupuy, Jessica Lynn; Greene, Shelby Lyn; Harris, Ashley Diane; Jack- son, James Troy; Johnson, Edward Henry; Keen, William Edward; Morris, Matthew Paul; Noblitt Jr, Steve Allen; Roberson, Jennifer Nicole; Samnpley,.Chelsey Michelle; Smith, Keith Allen; Smith, Kristopher Wayne; Wheeler, William Ray; Wight, Mitchell Aaron; Yarborough, Kasey Lauren; Yonn, Adrienne Ruth EIGHTH- JOHNS, CHEVONELL Ahrens, Thomas David ; Bussey, Sam Thomas; Dyer, Robert Anthony; Kirkland, Haley Brooke; Overstreet, Tyler Joseph; Raulerson Jr, Hampton Dushayne; Reed, Shakirra Demitri; Ruise, Nicole Lashaw; Rumsey, Kevin Neal; Taylor, Jacob Brandon SIXTH- KENNEDY, RICHARD art Ii, Jimmie Brian; Taylor, Hagan Lynnette; Wilson Ii. Jesse Monroe, Wonen, Adam Mhchael EIGHTH- KIrTRELL, JESSICA Antoine, Amber Laqueshia ; Apromollo, Christopher Alexand; Bennett, Christopher Robert; Booth, Stephen Mitchell; Cannon, Quinci Miranda; Combs Jr,. Kevin Ray; Cremeans, Adriann Darling; Di- perna, Brendan Ronald; Fletcher, Seth Dalton; Frazier, Charles Edward; Givens, Tymachee Jordea; Harden, Maegan Elizabeth; Hollings, Janay, Tyleisa; Koenig, William Isaac; Lee, Kierra Monea; May, Daniel Edward; Mccalvin, Brandi Jo; Parker, Beverly Jacara; Peterson, Brittani Danielle; Rus- B sell, Matthew Tyler; Shumate, Laura Beth; Waters, E SEVENTH- KRAMER, JAMES A. - Alford, Zachary Cole ; Baldwyn, Halley Marie; Bares, Marcus Lee; Barton, Kimberly Michelle; Benton, Kelsey Nicole; Charron, Christina Renae; Collett, Stephanie Nakesha; Collingwood, Rachel Michelle; Combs, Dalton Scott; Cooler, Allie Nichl1e; Fernandez, Darius Oliver; Franks, Erin Ellise; Fritz Jr, Jeffrey Alan; Henderson, Cedrick Devon; Howard, Tonia Danielle; Hupman, Jacob Jitendra; Nguyen, Diana Trang; Paulson, Victoria Elizabeth; Pittman, Julie Michelle; Ruise, Jasmine Blonzella; Russell, Kasey Capri; Sands, Jena Vic- toria; Short, Tilena Stephanie; Stoddard Jr, Mark Anthony EIGHTH- LONG, MELISSA Andrews, Caitlyn Nicole ; Baker III, William Mat- tin; Combs, Alicia Dianne; Crews, Chelsea Brooke; Crummey, Kari Liana; Elrod, Austin Ryan; Finley, Blane Carver; Gueltzow, Ashley Nichole; Hand, Jordan Lee; Hartley, Taylor Olivia; Helms, Ellie Amelia. James, Kara Nicole, King. Daniel Joseph. Martin. Nlaise" Danielle, MNiller, Charles Cory, Pe- terson, Angelo Daniel Raulerson, Ashley Lynn; Sasse, Phillip Scott; Sodek, Chad Austin; Steven, Austen Nickolis; Taylor, Jordan Blayne; Thick, Ashleigh Victoria; Tubbs, Morgan Raye; Wheeler, Leah Ruth SIXTH- MAHON, ANTHONY SHAWN TAX FREE SALE July 22 -29 megaCR is, ,inc For every $20 you spend, you are entered into a drawing d'-.v$ti crni oSc king to win one of two $50 gift cards to Outback Steakhouse * (or Carrabba's or Bonefish Grill) or Olive Garden (or Red Lobster or Smokey Bones BBQ) Select items will be 25% off and tax free. Some of these items include: Idea books, scrapbooking pens, colored pencils, scissors, rulers. Select Disney products will be 25% off. (products by Sandylion & Paper Garden) All page kits will be 25% off A Free "Back to School" make n' take just for stopping in to see us! A 259-1973 28 E. Macclenny Ave. Anadil, Nchaela Page Berry, Patrick Ray: Black. Kirby Dean; Calken. Cody Anthony: Duncan, Mayath Lashae; Gifford. Bobby Dylan; Gould, David Enc-nolan, Gregory Jr. Stephen Richard. Har- ris. Colby Keith; Hayes 11I. Thomas Russell, Holland, Dean Ray, Lange. Alexis Lee. Lew is. Amberly Brooke, Mcintosh, Cody Bnar. Miracle, Christopher Lee. Moorman. Le'lee Mane. Rayburn, Tres- ion Jarrel; Roddenberry. Tera Lynn; Solomayor, Alexandra; Spradley, Trasis Lee; Williams, Cordaryl Leemanuel SEVENTH- MANNING, JUDITH Barber. Baylee Chnsuna; Brown, Barry Foster; Chisholm, Cindy Dean. Gaskins Jr. Bobby Rydell, Lewis. Katie Abra; Lower). Jeremy Walter; Mack. Dawn Lacalla: Melton h. Joseph Edward. Murphy, Samuel Allen; Pendleton, Tyler Blake; Rice, Lauren Elizabeth; Rogers. Philip Michael. Wilds. Casey Dale: Williams, Branden Chnslophe; Williams, Mark Stephen SIXTH -MCCASKILL, BARBARA Brannan Iv, Robert Charles, Burnham, Knstian Damelle; Chisholm, Victoria Lynne, Clarkson, Wil- liam Seth; Crawford, Megan Elise; Crews, Bethanie Christine; Crurmmey, Kone Ellen: Davis. Bron- son Lee, Dopson. Haley Lauren; England. Lacey Marie; Haller, Dusun Paul. Harrell. Sarah Rhoden, -hgginbotham. Budget Nichole; Lyons Jr, Emil Clayton. Mckendree, Reagan Alexis, Nipper. Baleigh Nikelle; Raulerson, Corlis; Raulerson, Robert Marshall; Richardson. Shiloh Miranda: Rodgers, Caleb James; Smith, Autumn Kaylee, Stafford. Kaylan Michelle; Stephens, Madison Gray: Tane, Caban Wallace; Wagstaff, Allison Brooke, Whinton. Cheyanne Rebekah MIXED MCCLENDON, WILLIAM Allen. Amber Leanne, Beach. Tyler Spencer; Chambers, Jacob Martin. Combs Jr, Daniel Leslie; Crawford, Brandon Craig, Crews. Brittany Sue. Cumpston. Parnck Kelly, Dinkins, Amanda Pearl; Eye. Thomas Edward, Harris. Alexandria Nicole Howell. Kailan Bree; Hurst. Willis Scon Miller, Juson Wade Moms. Zachary Wayne: Palmer, Hailey Lynn. Peterson, Dustin Shane: Rhoden. Jessica Lynn; Shaft- ner. Aaron Ray, Smith, Sara Louise; Starling, Hannah Lauren. Taylor, Hunter James SIXTH MCCULLOUGH, CAROLYN Caner, Damous Devon; Carter. Haley Elizabeth. Clardy Jr. Garrett Scon. Daiis. Nlarkas Carlton, Dol- by, Richard Tyler. Even. Brenton Scottn. Hartsfield. Dillion Walton. Holland. Mhtchell Royce: Jones, Jorden Thomas, Kerns, Stephanie Michelle; Nettles Jr. John Ernest: Sansoucte. Loniue Ruben. Smith Jr, Bnan Carl, Taylor. Courtney Gail, Taylor, Joseph Allen. Vincent. Brooke Wenona SEVENTH- MCDUFFIE. GEORGE Beck, Apryl-jo. Boykin, Joseph Bruce. Brown. Joslyn Fretonza. Cales. Michael Willard, Care), Mat- thew David, Conner, Rebecca Lynn: Cordova, Daniel Alexander. Dugger, Windell Blame: Duran. Shirley Aida: Fraze. Cathenne Eileen. Giaens. Kelton Asery. Green, Johaious Lorenza. Gnriffis. Sk)e Wayne:; -cks. Cameron Nelson; Johnson. Chealsy Nichole. Kindig, Ka)la Mana. Kirkland, Jack Esan. Lauramore. Kaytin Dian; Mccarry. K)le Alexander, Momrns. Kamerori Blade, Nelson Jr. James Lathaers. Pressle)y. Christen Hayley. Pnichard. Taylor Morgan. Rayburn Ii. Lance Edward. Reeves, Cody Brandon, Smart. Samantha Renee, Sullian. Hunter Reid: Waw zy nsln Keano Lee SIXTH- MEISTER. KEVIN Blue. Kase\ Cheyenne: Brow n, Bnan Rashard: Carroll. Caleb T, Cloer. Bradley Tyler. Collins. Zach- ary Tyler. Combs, Samantha Gasle. Crabrree. Jessica Taylor. Dotson. Garren William. Ddal. Kamala Mane: Golden. Kimberly Marlene; Head, Laken Nicole: Henderson. Bnanna Arneice. Hines. Emily Breeanna, Jenkins. Stesen Daniel. Johnson, Monica Malynn; Lightses. Peyton Andrew. Mccullough. Kyle Franklin: Miracle. Kaidmn Alexandra; Paige. Marquis Antw an. Payne. Tnstan Lee. Rhoden. Tay- lor Sierra, Ty)son, Tara Lynn SIXTH- MITCHELL, MERRY Ackerman. Dollon Daniel. Bell. Morgan Dianne: Bndenbaker. Bnianna Nichol. Bumene. Amanda Lynn: Cannon. Nlichaela Crstal. Crews. Joshua Garren. Crews. SidneN Brigham. Dana. Brianna Louise, Dixson. Yoshika Maranda, Foerman. lichalah Allison. Ford. Dornesha Shantell. Holmes. Kaylyn Deanthony: Kirksey, Dareshia Ashanite'. Lepeak. Shawn Michael: Mcdol'.ell. Tres Edward. Morgan. Brandyn Taylor; Morgan, Esther Elizabeth. Nlouzin. Cry tal. Nash. Jarred Daiid. Padgen. Cases Emory. Street. Jarrod Michael. Summe), William Dwight. \Wallace Jr. \Wndell Brenard. West- berry. Dylan Dwight. Wheeler. Jacob Way ne SEVENTH- MOBLEY, JONATHAN Aldous. James Ryan: Bennett. David Michael, Bennen. Tyler Scott. Branch. Robert Ahmaad, Bran- nen. Lanssa Nicolle: Burns. Grant Campbell, Burnsed. John Dillon. Cannon. Elizabeth Anne. Combs. Brooke Ashliain, Cooley In. Ray Charles. Crew s, Eric Chandler. Farr, Daniel Anthony, Ferst. Joshua Lee: Freeman. Cods Dustin. Green, Tyrona Nicole: Hall, Christian Bryan. Haney. Denca Alabama. Hinson, K)le Brandon, Jacobs. Jennifer Megan; Lauramore. Kyle Allen. Lee. Jared Cason. Little. Kevin Scott. Mcnun Jr, John Dewayne: Momson. Kler James, Powell. Lauren Ashles. Raulerson. Clinton Ray; Reed. Jan NlMeechtell; Repoich, Sabnna Ann. Rhoden. Ro.ce Nhchael. Roe, Jlames Austin. Taylor. Michael Ra). Westerwelle. Samantha. Whlute, Brinnany Nicole. Wiggins, Ryan Dillion. Williamson. Kyle Philip SIXTH- MOBLEY. LISA Baxter Jr, Johnny William. Brookens. Sarah Ranee Chambers. Rachel L)nn Hanks. Hunter Ray . S(Continued on page 8 please) , SFAILL CL SSES*- COMMiUNLTNY COLLEB6S REGISTER NOW August 9 (Mon-Thu) 70.30 a.m. 630 p.m. August 10 S730 a.m.- 3 p.m.ONLY ASm.. f0dTe t For more information cail , Y (386)754-4287 SCHOOL SALE THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July.27, 2006 Page 8 BAKER COUNTY SCHOOL ENROLLMENTS (Middle school continued from page 7) Hart, Mary Christine; Johnson, William Cameron; Lamb, Johnathan William; Mkelvey, James Daulton; Meadows, Emily Elissabeth; North, Jolmathan Taylor; Oakes. NMand) Renee. Paige. Shaunce Demashiana. Posell. Megan Nicole. Raile). Jordan Lee, Roberts. Jacqueline Mars. Sapp. Levi Garrett; Sparks, SummerLeigh; Sweat, JamesTimothy; Taylor. Brooke Jeanene, Tainlor. Chase Dakota. Ta3 lor, Morrissa De\onne; Whisman, Nathan Robert. Yaccanno, Stephanie Michelle. Zanolik, Ashley Marie SIXTH- NICOLOSI. JENNIFER Addison, Bethan) Linn, Akins Jr. Hidies Tyrone, Blue. Spencer Lee; Brantley. Amanda Ka), Carter, Matthiew Robert; Conner li, Mitchell Alan; Crawford, Tricia Mane; Davis, Cathenne Alice, Jones. Rodne) Shuantez; Mickens, Tihryn De'andrae; Miller, Carrisa Raschell; Reddel, Ashley Marie; Richardson, Jennifer Denise; Starling, Michael Joshua; Stivender, Krisn Brooke, %V Icox. Shannon Lee SIXTH- PARKER, JOAN Boykin,LidaMarie; Broughman, EmmaaReana; Brown, KelKvin Joshua. Crews. Hale) Brookl nn. Da is. Laurel Elizabeth, Demko, Daniel J.; Guillory,JustinTler; Harve). Nlagen Deanna, Hurst. D)lan Lee. Kincheloe, Stephanie R; Lane, Skyler Keith;- I Maccalla. Alien James, Mccann. Karleigh Scan. Nlcmahan. Amanda Ann Muitchel, LandonLavance; Neidermeier, atmanheA Aaron: Roach. Halee Ann. Roberts, Kenneth William; Taylor, Christina Rae; Weddle. Bnrtney Chnsune. Weeks 1%. William Henry. Wilkerson. Markie D)an. EIGHTH- RHODEN, ANGELA Barber, Jordan Eric; Burnsed, Macy Leann; Campbell, Justin Quincey. Casileberr, Apnril Renee, Chri siansen, Thomas Michael; Crasen. Jordan Le\i. Cra % ford, Blake Andre &. D.nkjns, James Colb%. Edge. Tiffany Dale; Holder, Ariel Mane, Long. Daniel Mark, Mccullough, Ta)rum Ali; O'neal. Melissa Sue. Ponder, Carlton Ra)shawn, Pregoni. Nicholas Alexander, Surrenc), Dorian Tamez, Ssords. Brand) Alice - SIXCTH- RHODEN, TARA Burnsed, James Daniel; Conger, Dalton Kyle; Corbett, Stephen Lyman. Crews, Charlone Ann; Hams, Britney Louise: Kjncheloe. Rebecca N, Mann. Dillon Garren. Manning, David Lemar: Manning. Karlie Nakea; Martino, Ceirra Elizabeth; Mcdowell, Dana Nicole; Mcnun. Heather Jo), Mercer. Ashle. Nicole; Nail, Stephanie Renee; Orberg. T)ler Chance. 0).nlo)e. Rachel Ovinloluw a. Ploucher, Enca Kell,., Roberts, AnraN Rashaad, Sundy, Autumn Nicole, Sweene). Cory James. Turner. Talmadge Trent. \elborn, Brit-.an A.nn. Wilcox. Jasmine Laiesha. Wilkerson. Ethan Zacker), EIGHTH- RICHARDSON, JENNIFER : . Adams. Rick b er, Blue. Hanna Renee, Gaskinrs. Rasen Rickandra. Hembree, Breanna Rose. Henderson. James Thomas. Huno. Dasid Etheridge. Kerce. Ashlyn Elizabeth. Mccullough. Saige Cee'aira, Nor- man. Chase Anthony; Norman. Jamie Lee. Paige, Deson Jamaal. Patterson. Chrisnna Mane; Poole. Jessica Suzanne; Poole. Samantha Rae. Rh.rnehardt. Rebecca Leigh. Richardson. Came Ali;sa. Smith. Tamara Teonna; Sorrells, Rachael Suzanne, Stuhr, Anndrea Marie. Thompson, Zachary Stevtan, Thornton. Haylie Kr,snne. Trac). Ashley Danielle. Wilkerson. Christopher Jacob. SEVENTH- RICHER- SON, KRISTINA Cantrell. Marthew Dalton, Finle), Faith Nicole; Mccann. Ta)Iler Allison; McduJfie. Morgan Alse. Michilich. Briarina Ka Norns, Roben hMchael, Ra)y BnnanN Autumn. Ruise. Chelsey Alhcia; Spencer, Zackern Michael. Trawick, Leslie Cara, Waldron. Kale. Starr. Waters, Kayse Deanne. Weaver. Rush Jonathan; Whide\. Dylan Charlesw' SIXTH- ROUNDTREE, TIFFANY Banks. Joenathan Ocativus: Bellamy Jr, Moses Charles. Brown, Devante Raheem, Cason. Michelle Nicole, Chad%% ick. James Harold: Constanza. Christina Shirleys; Crew s. Ermil) Sharron: Darbie. Jacob Lee. Dasis. Starlia Jeanmane, Dixon, Anel Colleen, Eddins. Justin Robert, Graham. Megan Nicole. Holland Jr. Kels in D% a. ne. Hollings. Jacqueline Lelaya. Jones. T) ra Latoya. Kighi. Austin Gage. Lawler. Core) Scottn; Lee, Malik Khalil, Major, Larry: M)ers, Chnstna Bernice. Paige Jr, Lans Dale. Reneau, TNler Alston. Thompson In. Curti. William4. Marquise Rashad EIGHTH- SCHUTT, VALERIE. Bain. Enka Nichele. Burnsed Jr. Michael Leo. Dais. Jessica Rashell. Gnriis, Kayla MNane. Holland. Michael Justin. Hutchinslii, Thomas Ed% ard, Lipruck. Amber Denise. Martin. Ashlee Shanelle. Robin- son. Annionene Lashay. Sellers, Daniel Blake. Sigers, Elizabeth Louise: Starling. Andrew Caleb. Stenart. Rachel Rae: Tassell, Amber Michelle. Tenmnson, Calab De.n, Tubberville, Am) Mane. Waddell. Chnrstopher Allen; Wesiberr. Danielle Rose Adkins. Talor Leeanne: Baker. Dasid Larry: Baldwyn, Tyler Shaun. Crew s, Cod) Register. Cres s. James Dillon. Hill. Ioshua Lamar. Hutchins. Zackery7- Michael. Kosier. Marthes, Stephen, Lightsey-thointon. Suezanne Ga, Moore. Colin Da% d. Morales. Garrett Austn. Odom, Tanlor Anne, Pass. Anna Lee. Perkins. Latondnra Riann, Richardson. Amber Lynn. Richardson, Benny T)ler, Richardson. Christopher Adam. Sapp. Jusnn Scotkyle, Sellers, Christopher Bryce. Ta lor. Britney Rae. Thomas, Chnstopher Cod) SWVEAT, `IERRILEE to briefparents Bennett, Abigail Teme, Hams, Dalton Ray, Harney, Trenton Craig, Johnson. Darry) Edward; Jones; Taylor Glenn, Jusnce, Stanle, Michael. Kingbird. Alexander Darcy; Lancaster. Cod) Lee, Lauramore. Case) James; Mcderrmart, Mitchell Sean Pettorelli, Anthony Domnick. Raulerson lii. Edward Ray; Rayburn, Joshua James, Ruise Jr, PhillipNoms. Simmons. Hope Marie; Smith, Brandon Lee; (FrOm page 1) SStoneberger, Victoria Lynn; Wonen. Anna Mane p . EIGHTH- TANNER, LYNN .. OUt. Behm, Heather Chnristine: Bennet. Crystal Nichole. Byrd.Annmane Taylor. Case. Crystal Lynn, Combs. Destaru Taryne. Crartford. Seth Andre,; Cre. Staff parking is being relocated Cod) Leighton. Fish. Lindsey Enn, Harmon. Shakena T Hams, Mlichaelann, Hogan, Dekimby Alexander, Johnson, Fabian Lee, Lee. Tenysha Ken)ata: Staff parking is being relocated Luffman, Anel Bnanne. Maran. Julia Ann. Stuhr. Trenton Donaan. Wesiberry. Nicole. Wheaton. Jusun Thomas. \Wooduard. Nathan Aliah to free up spaces near the PreK SEVENTH- rBA Center for the public. Alford, Lacie Lyinn; Bach, Stephaue Michelle, Blanks, Marthew TNler. Boldry. Elizabeth Mane. Braddy, Tiffany Fae. Buettgen, Joseph Kyle, Cohen. Ms. Raulerson recognizes that Dillon James. Davenport. Brandon James. Drury. Lindsay Danae. Flores Jr, Mark Anthon Gaskins. Roland Xaiter. G.\ens. Niesha Sharnell: Harsne. Megan Bnanne, Hauge. Chnsnna Mane. Hutchins. Larry Carlionk Johnson. Cale Garten, Keen. Joseph Dakota. Kenned.. Joseph Kody. Martin. Chns- when a child attends PreK for the topher Wendell. Merren. James Dylan. Mobley.Tyler Shane, Phoebus. Dylan R. Pnven Jr, William Michael. Ra)sor. Ti-ann Saffer. Ruise. Takenya Felice. first time, there may be some sepa- Smullen. .lames Edmin, Sione, Bradley Wade. Thomas. Diedra Shan.a. VaLkins. Amber L\nn ratin anxiety for aren't and child. EIGHTH- TBER, MNEAGHAN. ration a n xiety paren Altman. Jarred Reais, Baker. Maurice Deshawne. Cra%&ford. Viciona Clarice. Crews, Chnsiopher Conen, Dobbs. Tiffany Nicole. Halle. Jeisica Rene. Parents usually desire to walk the Jordan. Chnristopher Earl. Marsh.Ashion Timoth), Merrert, Ta)ler Manon; Norton, William Tler; Paige. Djauon Deontme. Parker, Peyton Noelle, Qunon. child in and spend a little time get- Dallas Micheal. Reeves. Danan Gray. Scheilding Jr. Robert Joseph; Smith. Auson Lee. Southard. Caleb Andrew Williams. Ntichael K)ie the child settled MIXED GRADES VINZANT. PATRICIA ing the child settled. Banon. Jonathan James. Burns. Rikei\a Labreasha. Gadsb\. Savanah Kathenne. Owens Jr, Frank Andres \hinehead. KimberilAgee. Forest Michael. Traffic rules and parking for Albino. Joseph Medeiros. Browning. Sumer Renee. Busse). Mason Ray. Gamne. Luke Asbur). Gibson. Sarah Ashley.. Gr ens. Nlarlaina Nicole. H. sler. those first few days of school w ill Alisyn Harley. Jackson. Cheyenne R. Jeffres. Kayla Sierra, Whitehead. KimberlyJohns. Pamela Ka.. Mann. Heather Renee. Markham. James Luke. Me- comas. Enca Dawn; Midyene. Austn Eugene: Morton. Co ntlua Starr. Rafuse. Ashleigh E, RaleN. Whime.\ Eden Rauleison Jr. Judstin Reed. Raulerson. be somewhat relaxed to allow par- Logan Alssa; Sikes Jr, Jimmn) Duane, Smith. Caitlyn Shelby; Williams, BrandiAnderson, Chestina Brooke. Bays. Chance Wade. Bennett. Megan Nl- ents and children to acclimate. Par- chelle. Brandi, Travis Edward. Burns. Deborah Jean. Buicher. Colton Douglas: Cermk. Frank Richard. Conner Jr. Richard James. Dietz. Robert Joseph: Drady. Jerry Delon, Jackson. Autumn Lee; Johns. Matnhew Deea) ne, Johnson. Benjamiun Hubert. Lepeak Jr. John MaNthew. Long. Kassidy April. Niller. cents will then be required to follow Justin Mlonroe, NMlton. John Wyatt. Ploucher, Alisha Renea, Preston, Robert Ausnngag; Sawyer. Manhew William. Tanner. Heather Brieanna; Thompson.' the pre-set arrival schedule, traffic Chelsea Bnana. Thompson, Taylor Nicole: Wages. Krisina Rachelle, Williams, ByronelleBennen. Marcus WVaylon, Blue. Yasmine Nanettae, Bovman. ow and arkin idelines M) ke-quia Jeanerta, Braddock, Amber Renee; Brov n, Clanssa Sharline; Dopson. Hannah Nicole. Drasd). Kathryn Danielle; Esans. Dawn Mlaree. Esans,d parking guidelines. Leon Joseph, Farrell. Jessica Lynn; Hadley, Berry Vonmce; Hadle), Malone Lamont, Henderson. Chnristopher J ; Lauramore, Brianna NMegan, Lipmck, After about a month or so. Ms. Kimberly Ann; Nevill, Logan Jean; Rhoden, Cleara L; Robins, James Alexander, Ther. Tanq Elhadi, Washington, Altua Kellie; Wolfe. Ashley Elizabeth, Raulerson hopes to schedule a par- Wood. James. Garrett. Williams, CathyCarns. Randall Jay, Combs, Rebekah Enn. Dasis. Dusnn Bradley. Esans. Allison Mane, Folsom lii, Bill) Charles: . Gibbs. Emilys Ann, Hodgson. James Alexander; Hutcheson. Kathr)n Elizabeth. Johnson. Nathan Kyle. Lambert. Jeffrey lMichael. Mcdowell, Troy Dwayne, ent meeting in the evening to invite Nipper. Marcus Alexander. Pietrosski Jr, Jeremy Shea; Rambo. Melissa Joanne. Sapp. Chase Tyler feedback about how the new system Giade/Sect.Students Assigned 09/01 Adams Barnes,A. (17) 09/02 Barnes, R. Boyd (17) 09/03 Brannon. Burns (17')' 09/04 Btiiler -'Clough,1B. 7)' '- 09/05 Clough. J. Craig B (17.) 09/06 Craig. C. DavisJe. (17) 09/07 Davis,Ju. -Dolby.J(17) 09/08 Dolby.W-Farmer (17) 09/09 Farr GivensJ (18) 09/10 Givens,T. Harrell (18)' 09/11 Harris HoUand.J (18) 09/12 Holland, K. Johnson,Je (18) 09/13 Johnsono. Lindsey (18) 09/14 Linton- Martin (18) S 09/15 Mathews Moquin. (18) 09/16 Morris-Parrot (18) 09/17 Parsons Ramsey (18) - 09/18 Ratliff- Rife (18) Portable 1 09/19, Riggs.- Sanders.K. (18). 09/20 Sanders,S Stout (18) Portable 3 09/21 Sundy Tucker (18) Portable 4 09/22 Turner -Wicker (18) 5 09/23 Wilcox. Zeigler (18) Abbott Bradley,A. (23) Bradley, S.. Champion (23) Chanaki. Crews Ch. (23) Crews, K. Farmer(23) Finley- Givens (23) Goethe- Henderson (23) Henry. Howell J. (23) Howell T. -Jones (23) Jordan.-Lyons (23) Magnan. Moran (23) Moreland. Paige (22) Baker C< Teacher ..'RoomI Ms. Singleton Mr. Huth '- Ms- Turner TBA Ms. G.Fowler Nis. Broyles Ms. Gearen Ms. Fish Mr. Horn Ms. Thomas Mr. D. Harvey Ms. Vanderhoof Ms. Andrews Ms. Helms: Ms. Reed Mr. Alexander Ms. Armioreda county High School. Number 10/12 Parker Robert 803 10/13 Roberts. -Simr 808 10/14 Slay-Ta) lor J. 812 105 ..Ta.lo,r..- Wh 815 709 715 718 721 722 725 401 1507 1521 1522 1209 1210 1216 Ms. Clark Portable 2 Mr. Armoreda Mr. E. Johnson. Mr. Garrison Portable Mr. Wilkerson Mr. Clark Mr. E Griffis Ms. Ralph Ms. Bagley Mr. Thrift Mr. McElveen Ms. Norman Ms. Weeks , Ms. Mosley L Ms. Henderson Ms. Heath son.(23) mons (22) (22) itener(.22) 11/01 Acosta Bnggs (26) 11/02 Brooks. Colbert (26) ,11/03 Coleman Daniels (26) 11/04 Davis Gainey(25) 11/05 Gaskins Heppner(26) 11/06 Hodges- Johnson (25) 11/07 Jones- Mann (25) 11/08 Marsh Norman L. (26) 11/09 Norman S. Reier (26) 11/10 Rhoden Smullen (25) 11/11 Spatcher Trippett (25) 1.1/12 Tubberville Ziefel (25) Grade/Sec. Teacher Room Number 12/01 Adams Brooks (23) 12/02 Brown.,- Davis (23) 12/03 Deboe Godwin (23) 12/04 Goff- Hooper (23) 12/05 Ireland Lewis A. (23) 12/06 Lewis D. Moore H. (23) 12/07 Moore S. Proctor (23) 12/08 Railey Sharp (23) 12/09 Smith Thomas(22) 12/10 Thorn. Yukna (22) PE Ms. L. Hays 1420 Mr. Landtroop 1430 Ms. Taylor 708 Mr. Burlage 8 Mr. Blair 806 Sergeant Roth 813 Mr. R Yaracs 820 Mr. Beasley 821 Mr. H. Jefferson 826 . Ms. E; Elixson 902 Mr. G. Johnson 903 Ms. Gnann 1501 Mr. J. Johnson 1511 Mr. Inman 1527 Ms. Jacobs 1533 - Mr. Wouters Portable 6 Students Assigned Mr. D. Smith 314 Mr. T. Clardy 322 Mr. G. Cook 410 Mr. Hartley 522 Ms. Harrell 701 Mr. Rodgers Gym. Mr.McDonald Gym Mr. T. Hayes 1106 Ms. Smith Media Center Ms. D. PelhamPortable 7 / 06/12 Belford, R.; Combs W.; Cox, J.; Crews C.; Daniels, K.; Dobbs B.; Gefitry, L.; Givens R; Jackson A.;Keehmer C; Mosley, A.; Siles, S.; Tber N; M.Wallstedt;. (14) Ms. D. Fowler 1220 * All students,will receive their schedules at open house in their homeroom. is working. Parents will be asked for suggestions to make further im- provements if needed. Butch's Paint 5573 Harle YOUR ONE STOP C ALL MAJOR & M I ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR DROP-OFF -- ----- -- -----,-- FREE PRE-K4 S Must be 4 years old by September 1 st 3 hours per day (9 a.m.- 12 p.m.) ^" Certified Teachers SBefore and after care available Now registering all ages Special Blessings Infant and School Readiness Center 590 N 7th Street 259-8466 is the issue... E AP For balances of $2,500 or more MERCANTILE BANK 1W take your bang personaly. 1-800-238-8681 www.bankmercantile.com *Annual Percentage Yield (APYj is accurate as of date of publication. Rate subject to change. Minimum opening deposit is $2,500.00. A checking account is required. Penalty for early withdrawal. Member FDIC. PERlE is the answer! I !J 16 Your quality of life in 1' Baker County the next 5-10 years depends on decisions made TODAY! /'ll keep working for you... ALEX for County Commission District 2 Pd. Pol. Adv. Pd. for and Approved by Alex Robinson, Dem., County Cownmiaio Dieict 2. 4, .xTe 4 ,:4 ,- -- ,al 10/01 10/02 10/03 10/04 10/05 10/06 10/07 10/08 10/09 10/10 10/11 CE --- --- ------- ----- ---mat ----- ------- I & Body Shop y Thrift Rd. COLLISION CENTER MINOR REPAIR AM T-- Foreign & Domestic Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint S Computer Estimating Insurance Claim Work ^Ax" Computerized Color Matching Fully Insured Stop in for your free estimate 259-3785 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 9 Lt.jtuarieS Jerry Dolison, 56, dies on July 16th Jerry Donald Dolison, 56, of Sanderson died on Sunday, July.16, 2006 at Shands Jacksonville fol- lowing a brief illness. Mr. Dolison was born June, 29, 1950 in Philadelphia. Pa. to the late Percy Luckey and Ida Mae Dolison.: He was employed by Ray's Nursery, in Sanderson. .: He is survived by his loving wife. Rosa of Sanderson; daughters Tonya (Charles) Dixon, Shereese (Narsier) Gregory and Syreeta Barrs, all of Philadelphia: sons Jerry. Jr.. Derrick Bing. Troy Bing and1 Shandel (Tonya) Barrs, all of Philadelphia: brothers Michael Dolison of Sanderson, Robert (Eleanor) and Anthony Dolison, both of Philadelphia; adopted brothers Eric Peailman and Dwayne Monroe, both of Jacksonville; mother-in-law Theresa Chandler of Sanderson and father-in-law Willie James Barkley of Dublin. Ga.; numerous grand- children. aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and a host of friends and extended family members. The funeral service was held on Saturday. July 22 at 1:00 pm at Faith Bible Church in Sanderson with Pastor Videll Williams and Bishop Ernest Folston. Jr. presid- ing. Interment was in Quitman Cemetery in Sanderson. Cooper Funeral Home in Lake City was in charge of arrangements. Joe Nolan, 83, dies on July 18th Joe C. Nolan, 83, of the Clay Hill area near Middleburg. Fla.. died Tuesday, July 18. in the Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville fol- lowing a brief illness. Mr. Nolan was born near Middleburg and resided in the Clay Hill area all of his life. He was the son of the late Robert Nolan and Hattie Mosley Nolan and was self-employed in the timber and pulp\wood industry for many years. He was a mem- ber of the First Baptist Church of Maxville. Survivors include daughter Lana (William) Mclnamay of Clay Hill: son Joey (Sylvia) Nolan of Clay Hill; four grandchildren and seven grandchildren. f A funeral service was held at 11:00 am Friday. July 21. in the First Baptist Church of Maxville and Pastor Mike Hamm officiated. Interment followed in Long Branch Cemetery in Clay County. Funeral arrangements are under the care of Guerry Funeral Home, Macclenny. Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church Elder Arnold Johns Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For information call: 259-9567 WetieslayNigit ...,. 73 m .j Funeral held for Clyde Watson, 65 Clyde Richard Watson, 65,. of Brvceville, died Wednesday, July 19, 2006. He was born in Lauringburg, North Carolina on October 27, 1940. He was prede- ceased by his wife of 47 years Rose Marie "Honey" Watson. Survivors include son S Terry (Lynn) Watson; daugh- ters Anita (Bo) Whittemore a and Pam ;li- Watson; broth- ers William A. : 3 (Shelly) Watson and Gerry (.Charlene) AMr. Iason Watson, sisters Belle (Chuck) Flowers, Kitty (Jim) Jenson. Linda Perkins. Lois (Ron) Stratton, Betty Siebold and Edie Alexander: grand- children Amanda. Ashley. Nichole, Kelsey. Tracy. (Jonathon). Jeremy (Charleeni. Brittany and Nikki and great-grandchildren Shane and Macy. A funeral service was held at 11:00 am. Saturday. July 22 at Temple Baptist Church and Pastor Bob Galentine officiated. Pallbearers include John Hodges. Earl Driver. Robert Hunter. Mike Raulerson. Jeremy Whittemore and Tim Flowers. Interment followed in Oak Grove Cemetery in Macclenny. V. Todd Ferriera Funeral Services was in charge of all arrangements. DINKINS NEW CONGREGATIONAL 1AETHiOD1ST CIUQCIH CR I I :7 i' fnderson . Stniday school .00 am 'aundy Nominr Sevice I :0u I.1n Sunday Nikht 5ervice' 600 pm dl. Night Snrvice 730pT 1 Where tveye is Somebody and Jesis is the Leader EV' .Y0N IVELOtE. ,.... MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th ST. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Studv 9:45 am Felk- -wsup 11'1:30 am 11:01 am Worship Services S-11:00 am Wed. Bible Study ^ ._ 7:30 pm S'M i Minister Sam F. Kitcbing -- -- ------- iROAD TO CALVARY GOSPEIhMlG!NG Every 4th Friday of each month. Come join in on the singing. Starting at 7:30 p.m. Every one welcome Hope to see you there this Friday night! Dorothy White, born in England Dorothy Arme White, 85, of Glen St. Mary died at h ome on Tuesday, July 18, 2006. She was Sbom May 17, 1921 in Tut- bury, England and moved to Glen in 1999 from Jackson- ville. Ms. White was a member of the Glen Church and enjoyed writ- ing poems, i s. hn oe storytelling and painting birds. She was predeceased bi her husband, Milton L. White. She is survived by children Mar- ian (Bobby) Giddens of Sharps- burg. Ga., Barbara Brackett of Forest Park. Ga.. Margaret (Jim) PArrish of Douglasville, Ga., Rose (Thomas) Going of Glen, Julie (Kip) Torjusen of Jacksonville and John (Sharon) Dubee of Atlanta; sister Margaret Adams of Alston- field, England; 17 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Ms. White's funeral service was held at 11:00 am on Friday. June 21 in the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services in Macclenny with Pastor Franklin Griffis officiating. Inter- ment followed at Riverside Memo- rial Park in Jacksonville. Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am Sun. Morning Worship .... II am Sun. Evening Worship .... 6 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study..... 7 pm Pastor Bob Cuhristmas Q First United " Methodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pmn P John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor U Exceptional Praise & Worship Come be a Warm, Friendly Folks part what God A Sunday School Your Children wil love! is doing! Sunday @9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m., / Wednesdays (1 7:00 p.m. Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 Satch Wilkerson, 65, dies July 23rd Elisha "Satch" Wilkerson Jr., 76, of Macclenny died on 'Sunday, July 23, 2006. He was born February 16, 1930 in- Macclenny to the late 6 El isha and -* AVertice Varnes Wilkerson Sr. and lived in *_ Baker County all his life. Mr. Wilkerson was a member of New Hope h Congregational 11:e nahm d J s Methodist Church. He was a member ir. ilkerson of DaLwkins Masonic Lodge #60 of Nacclerny and an honorary member of other lodges. SAffectionatelyknown as "Papa Satch," Mr. Wilkerson was the owner and operator of Satch's Auto Parts. He enjoyed fishing. camping, and traveling. Survivors include his loving wife of 55 years. Janette MN. Wilkerson: children Jimmy Wlkerson (Dorothy). Sissie Crews i Neil), Peggy Newmans (James), Shirley Padgett (Buster), all of Macclenny and Freddie Lewis (Chrissy) of Oklahoma; thirteen grandchildren and 23 great-grand- children. A funeral service \as held at 11:00 am on July 26. at New\ Hope New Congregational Methodist Church and Pastor J.C. Lauramore officiated. Interment followed in Oak Grove Cemetery with Masonic rites. Pallbearers include Stan Harvev. Tom Adams, Larry Scott. Buddy Barton. Herb Hicks. and Don Ball. Honorary pallbearers include Judy Harris, Margie MNlann. Linda (Sister) Sands. Vi\vian Crews. Wanda Prevatt and Sue Giles. V. Todd Ferriera Funeral Services was in charge of all arrangements. Sanderson ' Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 dm Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm Pastor: Oral E. Lyons /FAITH BIBLE CHURCH New Hope for the Community Five Churches Road Hwy. 127 Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9-45 a.m. SundayMorningWorship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Every 41 Sunday Night Service 7:00p.m. VidellW.Williams-Pastor First Baptist Church j GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA' Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM 1 "e Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM 0L "A Beacon | to Baker David Thomas 259- 4940 l, ,. Co unty" 259-6977 Perry. Hays, Associate Pastor I Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor date Pastor Thomas 259- 4575 b Pastor m CHRISTIAN FET J.OWSHIP TEMPLE Independent Pentecostal Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny Sunday School 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 Wednesday Night Service 7:00 Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday 9:15 Youth Programs Sunday School Common Ground Sunday Common Ground Wed. (Teens) God Kids Sunday God Kids Wednesday 10:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm 11:00 am 7:00 pm www.christianfellowshiptemple.cor m mom Regnal Wilson, Regnal Morgan Wilson, 76, of Macclenny died on Friday. July 21, 2006. She was born May 10, 1930 inBlackshear, Ga. to the late James 'Evan rand Sophi. Bexton Morgan. Mrs. e iWilson moved to Bak er County in 1981' from New York. She is predeceased by sisters Louise Todd and Naomi Sellers. Survive ors as. U lson include her husband Jessie James Williams: children Beverly Ann Nicholson (Terry) of West Virginia, Sharon Denise Sanchez (Jesus) of Parfin. New Jersey: broth- er J.R. NMorgan of Blackshear. Ga.; Family grateful for kindness We would like to take this op- portunity to thank each and every- one for all acts of kindness show n towards us in the illness and pass- ing of our dear loved one. We want you to kno\ that we appreciate all that %\as said and done to console us. Special thanks to Pastor Viddell Williams, Faith Bible Church. Bish- op Ernest Folston. Jr.. the Crusaders for Christ Church family, the staff of Cooper Funeral Home. Kenneth Paige, Sr.. Sandy Ruise, and Wil- liam Green. THE F.%mLv OF JERRY DONALD DOLISON Georgia native sisters Leona Dixon of Waycross, Ga. and Jewel Weaver of Kentucky; grandchildren Danielle Sanchez, Daneena Young and Teresa Nicholson and many nieces and nephew s. A funeral service was held July 24. in the chapel of V. Todd Ferriera Funeral Services with Pastor Tommy Anderson officiat- ing. Interment followed at South Prong Cemetery. Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 259-4461 Pastor Bobby Grifin Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believelh in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am Morning Worship Service 10:30 am Children's Church 11:30 am Evangelistic 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm Rev Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All Fifilt St. & 259-6931 Siansell e.. ". Pastor:l ~" "-'---7lR T .iSFSMBL'L O) GOr0 I ,licrlennv 1-- t r N c Y Paul Hale Sunday School 9:. am Wednesdav Bible Stud v 7:00 pm Sunday Morning Worship 10:15 am Thursday, , S, -nda 9. : / dneThursday Boutb 7:00 pm Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Nurse Special Blessings School Readiness Center 251-8160 ' K THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 10 jcial 'i Wed July 19 Sonny and Renee Staier of Sanderson are proud to announce the wedding of their son Tim to Kristal Henkel, the daughter of Larry and Diane Henkel of Long Island, New York. The couple were married Sunday, July 19, 2006 at 3:00 pm at the Lighthouse Tabernacle Church of God on Long Island, NY. Tim is a full-time evangelist in the Church of God and Kristal will join him in the ministry. After hon- eN mooning in Cancun, Mexico, the couple will reside in Macclenny. Family and friends are welcome to a wedding shower/reception for the happy couple on Saturday, July 29 at 5:00 pm at the New Life Church of God Fellowship Hall on Hwy 121 North in Macclenny. i ,': : ;.- J,ls-ii tiid .-Vdre iI Gaii GIname\ Nephew born Becky Rhynehardt is proud to announce the birth of her neph- ew" Gavin Mitchell Gainey on July 2, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center. He \weighed eight pounds three ounces and \was 20" long. Proud parents are Crystal Rhynehardt and Dairon Gainey of Bryceville. Grandparents are Steve and Brenda Rhynehardt of.Glen St. Mary and Mitchell and Sharon Gainey of Bryceville. Sabrirna Thrift is pleased to0 announce the birth of their son. Tucker Lone Thrift was born on June 11, 2006 4ighing' lbs. and 6 oz. and was 19 3/4 in. long. Proud grandparents .include Joey and Bebe Thrift of Macdenny, Phil and Teri Davis of Hilliard and Judy and Sport Stephens or Vera Beach. Great-grandparents include Willa Mae Thrift, Pete and Wayne Alford of Mac- denny, Betty Jo Davis, Joyce and Ceene McKendree of Yulee and Dorothy Collins of Jacksonville. TONYA MILTON IS TURNING 30! We love you, Austin & Kids July 17 wedding Kevin and Nancy Crews, and Tim and Vanessa Colvin, all of Macclenny, are pleased to announce the marriage of their children, Jessica and Andrew. The wedding ceremony took place July 17 at Neptune Beach. The couple honeymooned in the. mountains of Tennessee and will live in West Palm Beach. Table Linens & Chair Covers 3 1* Column Sets & Candelabras Tables & Chairs SFloralArrangements *Chocolate Fountain 3 ,, 5 -*Muchl More 2,494W3o9t 51.-6620 Family thankful Thank you doesn't seem like strong enough words to express 'how grateful we are for all the love and support we have been shown though this very difficult time:in our lives. To each and every person, who has been by our side, called, prepared food, sent cards or flowers, and to everyone who has prayed for us, please know your acts of kind- ness have been appreciated and will never be forgotten. : Please continue your pra\ ers for us. To Joey Dobson, thank you for being there with David and for tak- ing care of us. You are not only our Sheriff but our friend and David was proud to call you his friend. To David and Timmy Thomas, your words must have been directly from God. because they were perfect. We are so glad you are only (in your own words) a couple of coun- try preachers, it was exactly whitt David would have wanted, because he was just a country boy himself. To the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, you support has been over- wvhelming. David would have been so proud of the brotherhood that he belonged to. To e' en one along the roadside procession, we were touched and honored to see so many people stop what they" % ere doing and take time to pay respect. .'Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of' God." Matthew 5:9 THE FAMILY OF DAVID MOBLEY, P.AtT. GARRET ,NDU StRuHI MOBE1. SHANNON DND BRAND IOBLE'. ELVIE AND DARRELL MOBLEY, VIRGIL AND PAT CRI %'S Cancer meeting 'The monthly meeting of the Baker County Cancer Support Group will be on Tuesday, August 1 at 7:00 pm in the meeting room of the Baker County Health Department. All cancer patients, survivors, their families and caregivers are urgedto attend the meetings. If you want to know more about the group, please call Mag McGauley at 259- 3476. GED classes to resume Adult Education and GED preparation classes will resume in August. Day classes in Macclenny will -reopen on Thursday, August 3. Regular classes are held Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Family Service, Center at Keller Intermediate School. Adult education instructor is Cheryl Ward. .Evening classes, in Glen St.. Mary will reopen Tuesday, August 1; Regular classes are offered Tuesday and Thursdays at the Baker County High School, in room 529 from 6:30 pm tO 9:00 pm. Teresa Greene, Angie Hinson and Judie Johnson are the adult educa- tion instructors: Evening classes in Sanderson will reopen Thursda\. August 3. Regular classes are held on.Monday and Thursday, at Sanderson Christian Center on CR 229 (Exit 327 off 1-10 and south 5 miles). Adult education instructor DuWayne Bridges. SRegistration for the August GED Tests will be held at 6:30 pm on August 15 at the Baker County Middle School cafeteria in Niacclenny. The GED Tests will be, given August 21-23. The test fee is $50. Adults enrolled in class for a minimum of 12 hours may test for $40 with a signed waiver from a Baker Count\ adult education teacher. For additional informa- tion about test registration, contact Nancy Cain at 259-0403 .-. ."_._!- II." .............. Stylist Tony a Godwin is now scheduling new clients. Call for an appointment. (904) 259-6930 Styles by Susie is located on US 90 in Glen St. Ma Circle -' Furniture S.' von't believe our prices... ,.... or the selectioli! Specializing in: Living Rooms Bedrooms Kids' Bedrooms Lodge Decor Dining Rooms Home Office 60,000 Sq. Ft. of Beautiful Furniture, Home Furnishings & Accessories 239 Jones Rd. #4, Jacksonville 904-781-1079 Appreciates kindness during sorrow The family of Raymond Dopson would like to express our sincere gratitude to our family and friends for their visits, prayers, flowers, cards and food during our loss. A special thanks to Pastors, Johnny Raulerson and Eddie Griffis for the beautiful services; Eddie Griffis, Tonda Griffis and Theresa Yarborough for the beautiful music; and Raiford Road Church for all the of the food and for dinner at the church after the services. Thanks also to Bill Guerry and his staff for their kindness and support, and to Sheriff Joey Dopson and his staff for the funeral procession. Also, we would like to publicly thank our active pallbearers John Kirkland, Scott Kirkland, Reece Crews, Joey Crews, Richard Mann, Chris Mann, and our honorary pall- bearers Ray Barton, Earnest Long, Jerry Rhoden, Cletus Hinkle and Buddy Dugger. Above all, we would like to thank the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for His love, grace, and mercy. GOD BLESS You ALL, NADINE, ROSEMARY AND MARTY, TERESA AND RICKY, DANIELLE MADISON WoQdlawn Kennels GROOMING 259-4757 BOARDING Private* Spacious Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ....... $20-$25 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip .........$10-$15 Boarding (per actual day) .... . ....... $5-$7 RENTALS OR SALES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? Iron Filters and-Conditioners Water Treatment " Free Water Tests . ^-. Well & Pump Supplies Earn more. Save more. ary next to Fritz's barber shop Family Owned & Operated Since .1984 www.circlekfurniturejax.com Mon, Wed. Thurs, Fri & Sat 10 am 5:30 pm Sun. 1 5:30 pm CLOSED TUESDAY Baker County Touchdown Club Youth SFootball and Cheerleader Sign-Ups Every Saturday in July ,/ 8:00 am 1.2:00 pm ,- August 1st and 3rd 'r 5-8:00 prn Final Sign-Up Saturday, August 5 8:00 am NOON All Sign-ups are at Mlemorial Field behind the BP station on Hwv. 90. Fee $45 Copy of Birlh Certificate and prool of insurance @VyStar (rdtt ULlnion We never forget that it's your money. 1168 South 6th St. Macclenny, FL Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. (904)777-6000 www.vystarcu.org "Annual Percentage Yields (APY's) shown are effective as of July 6th, 2006, and are subject to change. There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal from certificates. VyStar is insured by the .. ... ..... National Credit Union Administration. .. I - --3- r4P- S. * RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauraniore Rd.. NMacclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 28281147- .0 bammommimimminim i --V UF graduate Stationed in NC On May 6, 2006 Ms. 'Quincy Anne Griffis graduated from the University of Florida with a bach- elor of science degree, in microbiol- ogy and cell science and a minor in health science education. She has 'been accepted into the University of Florida, College of Medicine, for the fall semester to pursue, a medi- cal degree. Quincy Anne is a 2002 gradu- ate of Baker County High School and 2004 graduate of Lake City Community College. She is the daughter of Dean and Gail Griffis of Macclenny. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pm Macclenny Church of Christ 5th and Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 Air Force. Staff Sgt. Heather Bassett is stationed in the Persian Gulf area as a member of the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing based in North Carolina. Her unit provides support for the Air Force fueling and aerial fueling operations. She is a lodging service representative and has been in the military five years. Sgt. Bassett is the daughter of Raymond E. Hendricks Jr. of Macclenny and Victoria Barnes of Carrollton, Ky. Davis to perform Gentleman Josie Davis in con- cert Sunday, July 30th at 10:30 am at the New, Beginning Community Church. 380 N. Lo%%der St. Every- one is welcome to attend. S DR 4 C 24 Hour Emergency Response Emergency Water Removal Mold Prevention Dehumidification Hardwood Floor Drying Sewage Cleanup r -- -----------. Receive I 259-8929. 1 Your 686-4133 cell. Homeowners Deductible Locally Owned & Operated Chris Eddins, Owner 24/7 I with coupon J '.'-; '. ": :' : i & L - - Fill Dirt Top Soil ... Septic Tank Sand .-; .. -(904) 289-7000 Open 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PNirsuant to an application submitted by John and Stephanie Wingard to be granted a Special Use Permit to Section 3.05.25 E. F. of the Baker County Land Development Regulations on property located on Pete Johnson Road, south of Macclenny Fl.. off of CR 228, for the purpose of allowing two (2) hors- es on a 1.51 acre parcel. The Baker County Land Planning Agency will consider the request at a public hearing sched- uled for Auggust 10. 2006. at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. in the County Commissioners Chambers of the-, Administration Building. 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, FL. On the date above-mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the Special Use Permit request. Written comments for or against the Special Use Permit may be sent to the Baker' County Planning and Zoning Department, 81 North Third Street, Macclenny, FL. 32063. Faxed comments may be sent to (904) 259-5057. Copies of the Special Use request may be inspected in the Planning and Zoning Department by any member of the public. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persoris needing a special accommodations or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administration Department at (904) 259-5123 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. PUBLIC NOTICE Nita D. Crawford, Supervisor of Elections THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 11 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.. 02-2006-CA- Soices City of Macclenny Invitation to Bid The City of Macclenny, Baker County, has request- ed sealed bids Irom Florida Licensed Surveyors to furnish a topographical design survey with a digital terrain model snowing underground utilities in or- der for a design team to redesign street parking, sidewalks, landscaping & drainage for an approxi- mate six block area in downtown Macclenny. The area is north ol me southerly right of way of the railroad to the center line of Shuey Street and 200 feer east of Fourth Street to the westerly right of way of Sixth Sireet. Deadline of receiving sealed bids is August 7, 2006. at 9.00 am Conlact Roger Yarbrough at 904-259-0968, City Hall, lor additional information. The City of Macclenny reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any inlormail- ties. 7/20-8,3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY. FLORIDA CASE NO, 02-2006-CA-0089 JIMMY D. GALLUPS AND JUDITH A. GALLUPS, HIS WIFE, PLAINTIFF, vs. J.C. WILLIAMS AND CARRIE WILLIAMS HIS WIFE, NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, AND ALL UNKNOWN GRANTEES, CREDIT. TORS AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY. THROUGH. UNDER OR AGAINST THEM. AND IF DEAD. THEIR UNKNOWN SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, CREDITORS, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- DER OR AGAINST THEM; AND ALL UNKNOWN GRANTEES, CREDITORS, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THEM, AND IF DEAD, OR NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, THEIR SEV- ERAL AND RESPECTIVE ESTATES, UNKNOWN SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES AND CREDITORS, OR OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THOSE UNKNOWN NATURAL PERSONS, AND THE SEVERAL AND RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN AS- SIGNS. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, TRUST. EES. CREDITORS, LIENORS OR ANY OTHER PARTY CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ANY CORPORATION, EXISTING OR DISSOLVED, OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY NAMED AS DEFENDANT, AND ALL CLAIMANTS. PERSONS OF PARTIES. NATURAL OR COR- PORATE, OR WHOSE EXACT LEGAL STATUS IS UNKNOWN, CLAIMING UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE NAMED OR DESCRIBED DEFENDANTS OR PARTIES, OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT TITLE OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE LANDS HERE-AFTER DESCRIBED, Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION To: J.C. Williams, deceased Carrie Williams, deceased You are Notified that an Action to Quiet Title on the following property in Baker County. Florida: Part of Section 26 and 35 of Township 2 South, Range 20 East, Baker County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 35, Township 2 South, Range. 20 East. Baker County, Florida, thence run N 88'43'48" E along the North line of said Section 35, a distance of 385.53 feet to the East line of lands described in O.R. Book 17, page 69 and the Point of Beginning. Thence N 0041'26" W, 198.76 feet to a concrete monument, LS 4708 on the South right of way line of County Road No. 124 (an 80.00 foot wide public right of way as now estab- lisned) thence N 63-52'16" E., along said South right ol way line. 16.27 feet to a concrete monu- ment marking the Northwest corner of lands de- scribed in O.R Book 81. page 521 of said Official Records thence S 00'38'52" E. along said West line, 205.60 feet to the aforementioned North line of Section 35 and being the Point of Beginning of said lands described in O.R. Book 81, page 521; thence continue S 10038'52" E., along said West line, a distance of 804.94 feet to a concrete monu- ment on the bank of a creek; thence continue S 0038'52" E., 5 feet, more or less to the centerline of the creek; thence run Westerly along the center- line of the creek 14.02 feet, more or less, to a line bearing S 00*41'26" E., from the Point of 'Begin- ning; thence N 0041'26" W., along the East line of O.R. Book 17, page 69 a distance of 10 feet, more or,less, to a 5/8" iron rod, LS 4708, on the North bank of the creek; thence continue N 0041'26" W., 801.12 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.33 acres more or less. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your.written defenses, if any, to it on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney, whose ad- dress is 445 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063; (904)259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice and on or before the 14th day of August, 2006, and to file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relieve demanded in the Complaint or Petition. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on the 13th day of July, 2006. T.A. "Al" Fraser Clerk of Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk 7/20-8/10 AMERICA'S BEST STORAGE 305 East Florida Ave. Macclenny, Florida 32063 America's Best Storage of Macclenny will con- duct a public sale to the highest bidder for cash only on their premises at 305 East Florida Ave., Macclenny, FL 32063, on Saturday, July 29th at 10:00 am on the following units. The company reserves the right to reject any bid and withdraw any items from the sale. Unit #33 Tina Shannon Unit #99, Lisa & James Smullen 7/20-27 IN RE: GENE HARVEY as TAX COLLECTOR OF BAKER COUNTY. FLORIDA AMENDED NqTICE OF ACTION TO. DELINQUENT TAXPAYER RECEIVING THIS NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Validation of Tax Warrants issued for unpaid 2004. Baker County Personal Property Taxes has been filed by Gene Harvey, Baker County Tax Collector, in which you are named as a party for nonpayment of 2004 Personal Property Taxes as assessed against you. Upon ratification and confirmation of the petition b Ithe Court, the Tax Collector shall be auitorized to issue a lax war- rant against you, and levy upon. seize and sell so much of your personal property as necessary to satisfy tne delinquent taxes, plus costs interest, attorney's tees and other charges. YOU WILL BE DISMISSED AS A PAR- TY TO THIS ACTION WITHOUT ANY COURT APPEARANCE BY YOU IF YOU PAY SAID DE- LINQUENT TAXES OWED BY YOU AND COSTS TO THE TAX COLLECTOR AT, 32 NORTH 5TH ST., MACCLENNY, FLORIDA 32063. PRIOR TO THE FINAL HEARING SCHEDULED IN THIS MATTER. You are further notified that a Final Hear- ing will be held in this mater on tne 24th day ot August, 2006, at the Baker Counry Courthouse in Macclenny, Baker County Florida, at 11:30 am before the Honorable Pnyllis M Rosier, Circuit Judge, at which time you or your attorney may present your objections, i< any, to issuance of the Tax Warrant against you. The amount of the as- sessment or amount of taxes levied have been paid or not. A copy of the Pention filed herein may be ob- tained at the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court In Macclenny, Baker County, Florida upon request. Wilness my hand and seal of this Court on this 14 day of July, 2006. LIST OF DEFENDANTS 1 Amerincom Network, Inc 04-5060053 2. Connie's Kitchen 04-5001160, 3. Faith Texturing & Coating, Inc. . 04-5001745 4. Fibersteam Carpet Cleaning 04-5001805 5. Interstate Brands Corp 04-5002736 6. Thomas Edwin Long 041-5003200 7 James J.Rowe 04-5004363 ,., 8. Rafuse Land Development 04-5005604 9. Asuncion Crow 04-5005725 10. Labels 04-5005796 AL FRASER As CLERK OF COURT BY Katie Kennedy DEPUTY CLERK 7/20-8/10 City Of Macclenny ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PROJECT: Ci;y of Macclenny Roadway Paving Improvements Baker County, Florida OWNER- ENGINEER City. of Macclenny Macclenny City Hall 118 E. Macclenny Ave Macclenny, FL 32063 Darabi and Associates. Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road. Building A Gainesville, Flonrida 32641 Telephone 1352) 376-6533 1.0 WORK DESCRIPTION The Project is located at various locations through- out the City of Macclenny. The Work is generally described as furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transporta- tion, services, and incidentals and performing all work necessary to provide the Owner with road- way paving improvements throughout the City qf Macclenny. The roadway improvements include resurfacing approximately 17,400 I.f. of roadway, reclamation of approximately 4,000 I.f. of roadway, and 'constructing approximately 550 lf. of road- way.,The project Includes associated surveying, testing, pavement striping, sodding and seeding, and maintenance of traffic. All work shall be in accordance with the construc- tion drawings, specifications, and contract docu- ments. 2.0 RECEIPT OF BIDS Bidding and contract documents may be exam- ined at the Macclenny City Hall. Copies of the documents may be obtained at Engineer's office for $250.00 dollars per set; which constitutes the cost for reproduction and handling. Checks shall be payable to Engineer. Payment is non-refundable. Bids shall be completed on the enclosed Bid Form as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and otherwise be in compliance with the Bidding Documents. Sealed bidswill be received at the Macclenny City Hall, 118 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida 32063 until 2:00 P.M. (local time) on August 11, 2006, at which time and place all bids will be opened. Any Bids received after the specified time and date will not be considered. For further information or clarification, contact Mr. Don Lee at (352) 377-5821. City Of Macclenny ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PROJECT: City of Macclenny Baker County Polable Water Storage Tank Rehabilitations Macclenny, Florida OWNER. City of Macclenny 118 E Macclenny Avenue Macclenny. FL 32063-2195 ENGINEER: Darabi and Associates, Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32641 Telephone- (352) 376-6533 1 0 WORK DESCRIPTION The Protect is the Onio Street 100.000-gallon elevated water storage tank, the Ohio Street 360.000 gallon waler ground storage lank. and the Macclenny Products Road 100.000-gallon elevated water storage tank The work is generally described as rehabilitation of one ground storage and two elevated potable water storage tanks The work on each individual tank is as follows Ohio Street Tank 100 000-gallon Replacement of roof hatch, root vent 2 calhodic protection plates S Repair ol tignt Pressure washing of tank extenor Painting of tank exterior and tank interior S Installation of antenna stand S Installation of Lad-Guard shield Removal of interior spider assembly Installation ot01 safety cable on rool ladder Removal ot target board Ohio Street Ground Storage Tank 360 000-gallon Cleaning Interior,. Inspection - Macclenny Products Road Elevated Tank 100.000-oallon Painling oI lank exterior Inslallation or vent *' Repair ot tight . All work shall be in accordance with the specifica- tions and contract documents. 2.0 RECEIPT OF BIDS Bidding and contract documents may be exam- ined at 118 E Macclenny Ave, Macclenny. Florida 32063-2195. Copies of the documents may be obtained at Engineer's office for $250 per set- which con- stitutes the cost for reproduction and handling. Checks shall be payable to Engineer Payment is non-refundable Bids shall be'completed on the enclosed Bid Form as set Iorth in the Instructions to Bidders and otherwise be in compliance with the Bidding Documents: Sealed bids will be received at the Macclenny City Hall, 118 E Macclenny Ave , Macclenny, Florida, until 2:00 P.u (local time on August 9. 2006, at which time and place all bids will be opened and read aloud Any Bids received after the specified time and date will not be con- sidered. For further information or clarification, con- tact Ms Rachel Conn at the Engineer's office. 730 NE Waldo Road. Gainesville, Florida 32641 (352)377-5821 Questions shall be submitted in writing to the Engineer by July 25. 2006 7/27-8/3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY. FLORIDA FILE NO 02-2006- CP-0029 IN RE: ESTATE OF FLORENCE SINCLAIR,, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION (One PR) The administration of the estate of FLOR- ENCE SINCLAIR. deceased. File Number 02- 2006-CP-0029. is pending in the Probate Court. Baker County, Florida, the address of which is 339 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny. Florida 32063. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTI- FIED THAT: All persons on whom this notice is served, who have objections that challenge the valid- ity of the will, the qualificantions of the personal representative, venue, or jurisdiction ol this court are required to file their objections with this court within the later of three months after the dale of the first publication of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice On them., All creditors of the decedent, and other per- sons having claims or demands against dece- dent's'estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice, must file their claim with this court within the later of three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publication of this notice is JULY 27, 2006. Rock Tressler Personal Representative Frank E. Maloney, Jr., Esquire Attorney for personal representative: 445 E. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, FL 32063 904-259-3155 Florida Bar No.: 142990 7/27-8/3 727-8/3 Mossmann Inspections, LLC 716-8769 cel e o 259-3366 Mike Ossmann, Home Inspection Specialist STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 2005-21. 2005-50, 2005-52, 2006-17, 2006-18 AND 2006- 19 IN COMPLIANCE AND THE COMPREHEN- SIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS ADOPTED BY ORDI- NANCE NO. 2005-19 NOT IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO 06-l-NOI-0201-(A)fN) The Department gives notice o0 its intent to find the Amenaments to the Comprehensive Plan lor Baker Counly, adopted by Ordinance No 2005-19. on April 17, 2006, Not In Compliance and Ordinance Nos 2005-21 2005-50. 2005-52, 2006-17, 2006-18 and 2006-19 on April 17, 2006 In Compliance, pursuant to Sections 163-3184 163.3187 and 163.3189, FS The adopted Baker County Comprehensive Plan Amendments, the Department's Objections. Recommendations and Comments Report lif anyl. and the Department's Stalement of Intent to lind the Comprehensive Plan Amendments Not in Compliance will be available for public inspection Monday through Friday except lor legal holidays, during normal business hours Baker Counry Plan. ning & Zoning Department, 81 North 3rd Street Macclenny Florida 32063 Any affected person. as declined in Section 163 3184. F.S.. has a right Ic petition tor an administrative nearing tocriallenge ihe proposed agency determination thai Ire Amendments to trie Baker County Comprehensive Plan are in Com- pliance. as defined in Subsection 163 3184(1)1 F.S The petition must be filed within twenty-one (21) days after publication ol this notice, a copy must be mailed or delivered to the local govern- ment and must include all ol the information and contents described in Unilorm Rule 28-106 201 F.A.C The petition mus be filed with The Agency Clerk, Department ol Communitly Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard. Taldahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Failure to timely file a petition shall constitute a waiver of any right to request an administrative proceeding as an-petitioner under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. If a petition is filed, the purpose of the administrative hearing will be to present evidence and testimony and forward a recommended order to the Department. If no petition is filed, this Notice of Intent shall become final agency action. This Notice of Intent and the Statement of Intent for those amendments found Not In Compli- ance will be forwarded by petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAh-) of the Depart- ment of Management Services for the scheduling of an Administrative Hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The purpose of the administrative hearing will be to present evidence and testimony on the noncompliance issues al- leged by the Department in its Objections, Recom- mendations and Comments Report and Statement of Intent in order to secure a recommended order for forwarding to the Administrative Commission Affected persons may petition to intervene in either proceeding referenced above. A petition for intervention must be filed at least twenty (20) days before the final hearing and must include all of the information and contents described in Uniform Rule 28-106.205, F.A.C. Pursuant to Sec- tion 163.3184(10), F.S., no new issues may be alleged as a reason to find a plan amendment not in compliance in a petition to intervene filed more' than twenty one (21) days after publication of this notice unless the petitioner establishes good cause for not alleging such new issues within the twenty one (21) days after publication of this no- tice unless the petitioner establishes good cause for not alleging such new issues within the twenty one (21) days time period. The petition for inter- vention shall be filed at DOAH, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060, and a copy of mailed or delivered to the local govern- ment and the Department. Failure to petition to intervene within the allowed time frame consti- tutes a-waiver of any right such a person has to request a hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to participate in the adminis- trative hearing. After an administrative hearing petition is time- ly filed, mediation is available pursuant to Subsec- tion 163-3189(3)(a), F.S., to any affected person who is made a party to the proceeding by filing that request with the administrative law judge as- signed by the Division of Administrative Hearings. The choice of mediation shall not affect a party's right to an administrative hearing. Valerie J. Hubbard, AICP Director Division of .Community Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 A Hl,- CITY OF MACCLENNY INVITATION TO BID The City of Macclenny solicits written proposals to ail insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health insurance plans. Proposals are expected Irom only linan- cially sound insurers, authorized to do business in Florida. All organizations are to provide a written request lor information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant Written re- quests are to be submitted to. O&A Insurance Services via email or tax Wendy@Owenservices. corn or 904-287-5625. Formal written proposals will be accepted through August 10, 2006. .7/13-8/10 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INVITATION TO BID The Baker County Board ot County Commis- sioners solicits wrinen proposals to all insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health insurance plans Proposals are expected from only financially sound insurers authorized to do business in Florida Al organizations are to provide a written request for information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant Written re- quests are to be submn-ied to: O&A Insurance Services via email or tax. Wendy@'Owenservices com or 904-287-5625 Formal written proposals will be accepted through, August 10., 2006. 7/13-8/10 HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P 0. BOX 1120. US 90 WEST GLEN ST MARY, FL 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (9041 259-6146 The following vehicles will be sold at public auction August 11, 2006. at 10.00 am. at Higgin- botham's Towing & Recovery. US 90 West Glen St Mary, FL. 32040. 1993 Toyota ID#JT2SKi3E6PO020176 1988 Pontiac 4 door ID#1G2AG51R4JT225435 1993 Ford 2 door ID#1 FAPP6240PH 149362 2005 Dodge 4 door ID#1B3ES56C25DI 15781 7/27 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 12 Wil pi' LAL 1 ;.... U- CM =. WHAT IS ABSTINENCIE? SAYINGNO TO.- Unhealthy Decisions Bad Influences Drugs and Alcolol Teen Pregnancy Date Rape Broken Dreanis Financial Burden Ern.otional Burden Bad Reputation STUs SAYINGYESTO., I'viore Free Tnie Extra Spending &q$ Pursuit of Dreams Good Reputation Popularity Finding Prince Charrilling Parental Trust Wild Wedding Nkiht WE ARE OUTSPOK'N ARE YOU WITH US ?, of Forida's First Coast 14 ii4' ;.d,,, : :c@ ,) h :.";; _ Someone who '" cares ELECT ,. Charles Eddie ANDERSON County Commissioner Dist. 4 Polcal advertsemerwA paid for and approved by Cnarles Eddie Anaerson Derr. for County Commissorne DO srict 4 TUMBLING CLINIC Ages 5-7 From 3 to 6:oo pm $30.oo for 3 hours Ages 8 & up From 3 to 10:oo0pm $50.00 for 7 hours ' SIGN UP NOW!! Call 259-2266 to register Located by Food Lion on Sixth St. Tumble.... Tumble.... Tumble.... .' - 4' 44 /4i4. 4' U' I-I AODA SR-i erng &a ,ep s 3etup & Service General Car & Truck Repairs 959 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny 259-2054 Rai.g.ue No Aviabe -T tat A . IJason Knabb for County Commissioner District 2 Work Hand in Hand with the Chamber of Commerce to insure quality, clean industry with good paying jobs for Baker County. Work Hand in Hand with our local school officials to make sure our school system will have adequate school facilities from future development, to prevent over crowding in our schools so the children of this county can get the very best education possible. Work Hand in Hand with the Council on Aging to make sure our elderly are taken care of and provide them with a safe build- ing. Remember, these are the folks who took care of us and now it's our responsibility to take care of them. Work Hand in Hand with the Baker County Sheriff's Department to help provide our citizens with the very best protection and encourage allocated funds from future developments for additional jail facilities. Work Hand in Hand with the Road Department to help them receive the raises they have been promised and have not received, but deserve. Work Hand in Hand with the Recreation Department and County to help allocate and provide recreational facilities for our youth. I believe an active youth is a healthy youth and a youth that is safe and out of danger. * I PROMISE to you, the citizens of Baker County, I will work Hand in Hand with all of the departments in the county and treat everyone fairly * I PROMISE to work hard, study the issues, be prepared to discuss and vote on the issues for our county. * I PROMISE to look out for he future of our county and do my very best to guide it in the right direction. * 1 PROMISE to be available and to always perform my duties to the very best of my ability. With your support and Cod's help, we will work Hand in Hand to make great things happen for Baker County and its citizens. 4,* y . TRANSMISSION STARTING FROM tt 2006 CHEVY SILERADO E. CAB 2006 CHEVY TAHOE STARTING FROM STARTING FROM STK#CR132086 2 1 1 1 STK#CZ151312 SEA 20TI8N8 HIGHWAY 90 WEST 1/2 MILE PAST 1-75 IN AKE CITY CHEVROLET 386-752-6933 SALES HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-9PM, VS.6 RAi p 5PD R1.8A- VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.eddleaccardichevroletmazda.com DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES. tt DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES, MUST TRADE 1999 VEHICLE OR NEWER TO QUALIFY FOR THIS PRICE. ** LIMITED TERM CONTRACT ON SELECT MODELS WITH APPROVED CREDIT IN LIEU OF REBATES. PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY, MAY NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL MODEL. /.: ),,I:: PPV v ', -Amr, IAOPPI Iddpppl Iddppl IAMPP' A 'A 'A v Mop- 'Mop- 'dop- Odp- Awv Avv Awv --Avv 'A I;gd THANK YOU!. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you and your children for another four years. a If I can be ofservice to you, please don't " hesitate to call. (904) 259-1743 Karen McCollum School Board District 3 Political advertisement paid for and approved by Karen McCollum for School Board District 3 NEW AND IMPROVED Website Visit us at www.columbiabankflorida.com NEW Internet Banking Site NOW AVAILABLE Bill Payment NEW PRODUCT Identity Theft Protection Plan PREMIUM CD RATES WITH FREE CHECKING R- -- -U1 Locations in Lake City: 173 NW Hillsboro Street 514 SW State Road 47 (386) 752-5646 386) 755-2755 1720 West U.S. Highway 90 (386) 752-3322 4785 West U.S. Highway 90 (386) 719-8810 Requires a checking account when opening a certificate of deposit to receive premium rate. Minimum balance to open and obtain Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is $5,000.00 for 6 month and 12 month terms. Subject to , penalty for early withdrawal, which would reduce earnings. Rate subject to availability. Automatically renews at prevailing rate. Earned interest paid at maturity or transferred to checking account. APY is accurate as of July 24, 2006 and subject to change without notice. Member FDIC LBDER -HE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 27, 2006 Page 13 PUBLIC RELEASE The Baker County School Board has announced its policy for free and re- duced price meals available for children unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. The district's administrative office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party. The following household size and income criteria will be used for deter- mining eligibility:,, FLORIDA INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR' FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEALS Effective from August 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 FREE MEAL SCALE Household size Annually Monthly Bi-Monthly Bi-Weekly Weekly 1 12,740 1,062 531 490 245 2 17,160 1,430 715 660 330 3 21,580 1,799 900 830 415 4 26,000 2,167 1,084 1,000 500 5 30,420 2,535 1,268 1,170 585 6 34,840 2,904 1,452 1,340 670 7 '39,260 3,272 1,636 1,510 755 8 43,680. 3,640, 1,820 1,680 ,840 For each additional. family member, add +4,420 +369 +185 +170 +85 REDUCED MEAL SCALE Household size Annually Monthly Bi-Monthly Bi-Weekly Weekly 1 18,130 .1,511 756 698 349 2 24,420 2,035 1,018 940 470 3 30,710 2,560 1,280 1,182 591 4 37,000 3,084 1,542 1,424 .712 5 43.290 3,608 1,804 1,665 833 6 49,580 4,132 2,066 1,907 954 7 55,870 4,656 2,328 2,149 -1,075' 8 62,160 5,180 2,590 2,391 1,196 For each additional family member, add +6,290 +525 +263 +242 +121 'n ir .ileT I,'/ia.r."',.t'" i.. lc &z. ,.'.il/-.riB. u-r. ficiblnA t tn.r l i.-,:,' .'i .tr/.'#.' "l ^ iiL.'b t rf'(,r/r.' Children from families %% hose income is at or below the le\ els shown are eligible for free or reduced price meals. Only one free and reduced price meal application is needed for each family. If approved for free or reduced price meals, each child living in your household and attending a Baker County public school listed on the family3 meal application wouldd be eligible. If applying for more than one Foster Child (a legal responsibility of a \ welfare agency or court) in your household, \ ou must complete a separate application for each child. Application forms are being sent to all homes iith a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for free or reduced price meals, households should fill out the application and retum it to the school. Copies are also available at the principal's office in each school. If you have questions, or need assistance completing the application, call the Nutrition Services office at (904) 259-4330. The information provided on the application will be used for the purpose of deter- mining eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year by school and/or other program officials. Households that receive Food Stamps or TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) are required to list on the application onhI the children's names in your household attending a Baker County Public School and their corresponding food stamp numbers, or TANF case numbers, and written name and signature of adult household member. For the school officials to determine eligibility, all other households must provide the following information listed on the application: (1) names of all children in your household attending a Baker County Public School; (2) names of all household members related or not; (3) the total gross income received last month and how often it was received next to the name of the household member receiving the income under the appropriate column as to the type of income it is (such as earning from work, child support,social security, etc.); (4) Social Security number of the adult signing the application or check the box indicating they do not have a Social Security number, (5) and the signature of an adult household member certifying that the information provided is correct. Households that have a household member in the military and receive housing al- lowances as part of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, should not include their housing allowance as income. All other allowance must be included in their gross income. Households with deployed service members are to consider them as part of their household and to report only the portion of the deployed service member's income made available to the household. Any other income for other members in the household should be reported. Households that list a Food Stamp or TANF case number must report to the school when Food Stamps or TANF are no longer received. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Under the provisions of the flee and reduced price meal policy, each school will review applications and determine temporary eligibility. If a parent or guardian is dis- satisfied with the ruling of the official, he/she may wish to discuss the decision with the determining official on an informal basis. If the parent wishes to make a formal appeal, he/she may make a request either verbally by contacting the Nutrition Services office at 259-4330, or in writing to: Office of the Superintendent, 392 South Blvd. East, Mac- clenny, Florida 32063. The policy contains an outline of the hearing procedure. If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size changes, the school should be contacted. Such changes may allow the children of the household to become eligible for reduced price meals, or for additional benefits such as free meals, if the household income falls at or below the levels shown above. In certain cases, foster children are also eligible for these benefits. If a household has foster children living with them and wishes to apply for such meals for the foster child/ student, the household should contact the school for more information. If you are applying for a child that is homeless, migrant, or a runaway call your child's school or the Nutrition Services office at (904) 259-4330. Unless indicated otherwise on the application, the information on the free and reduc- ed price meal application may be used by the school system in determining whether the child is eligible for other educational programs. In the operation of child feeding programs administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, no child will be discriminated against because of race, color, sex, national origin, age or handicap. If any member of a household believes he or she has been discriminated against, he/she should write immediately to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (Voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you have other questions or need help, call (904) 259-4330 Si necesita ayuda, por favor llame al tel6fono: (904) 259-4330 Si vous voudriez d'aide, contactez nous au number: (904) 259-4330 ^.-. .. .; 4. -.I ', *. I.... ,.. .. ?" i K .rF- .....0,q..... '. city.i--- a. .,-ova.I.- ,. 1,soTO. S 1,O G K!: '.'-,: ,':-.:,-, v, ,- .' -., '-., ,% r s ,% ',;, ':*~~ '02 Chevy Trailblazer Automatic, V6, CD *12,995 '99 nevy Lumina Automatic, Power Windows, PL $3,588 '00 Chevy Impala LS Automatic, V6, CD $7,995 '00 Honda Civic EX '03 Saturn L200 Automatic, CD Auto, CD 17,588 $9,995 '02 Kia Spectra '99 Cadillac Sedan Deville '05 Chevy Aveo 2005 Chevy Malibu '01 Chevy Silverado Automatic Leather Automatic, CD Auto, CD Crew Cab, Auto, V8, CD $4,875 $7,995 SOLD 10,995 S15,995 119 S. Sixth St. Macclenny 259-5796 -Pre-0wned 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New. www.PineviewChevrolet.com *See salesman for payment details. ** Includes all annlicable rebraes Tax ta g & title fees extra ,- Lance Griffis Marvin Nelson Clayton Blackshear Morris Silas Roger Parker Mike Dees Tanya Shadd Sales Manager Used Car Mgr. Finance Manager Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate AN AMERICAN REVOUJTION - THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS ThursdJy JAy 2 7th, 2006 Finding homeow. ners insurance By Jared Wilkerson Real Estate Writer Some serious trouble is on the horizon for all proper-, ty owners ando tax- payers in the state of Florida. h The ,cur- rent insur- ance situ- ation has just this month Jared Wilkerson, Realtor re ac h ed levelsthat have speculators screaming that the sky is falling. If it does, all homeowners in the state may end up once again paying assessment fees on their insurance premiums, whether they have private or state run insurance policies. If you currently own a home or are in the process of purchasing one, then you've probably already formed some pretty strong opinions about homeowner's insur- ance and the companies that provide it. If any por- tion of the home's cost was oris to be financed, there's just no getting by without it. Lenders require proof of it before they'll issue the money to purchase a prop- erty, and rightly so. It pro- tects -their interest when a home is destroyed and the owners cannot afford to get the property back up to a level at which it adequately backs the loan. Simple. However, that require- ment is the first step in a cycle that has been putting a strain on Florida's property owners for some time...and that cycle is one or two more big storms from shutting down completely and taking most of the state's revenue reserves with it. Here's the dilemma: In 1992, Hurricane Andrew ripped through Dade County in South Florida and devas- tated both peoples' lives and the insurance industry. With billions of dollars in damages pouring into claims departments simultane- ously, the money just wasn't there and many companies had to file for government subsidies as well as simply dropping numerous policies in large blocks. The state of Florida stepped in with the Florida Resident Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association (FRPCJUA) and the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association (FWUA) to pick up all of these dropped policies, which col- lectively reached a portfolio peak of just over 1 million homeowner's policies by the mid 90's. The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation eventually recognized that regardless of the amount of premiums coming in, the likelihood of a major pay- out on 1 million policies held by a single entity was absolutely certain on a long enough timeline. As such, they loosened regulations on private insurers, bring- ing them back into the state by allowing them to operate at more profitable levels in the way of higher premiums and less coverage responsi- bilities. This pulled policies away from the state and put them back with conventional insurers. Crisis averted...well, tem- porarily. Then in late 2002, the Legislature passed a bill creating at the start of 2003 a company which I'm sure you've all heard of - Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, better known as just "Citizens". The primary_ need for Citizens was mainly just to facilitate home buy- ing for older homes that oth- erwise didn't qualify under the strict underwriting of private insurers. Remember, the homes couldn't be pur- chased without insurance. This time, however, the state had learned a thing or two from its dealings with Citizens' predecessors, FRPCJUA and FWUA. They decided to write a law stat- ing that Citizens had to be the absolute most expen- sive homeowner's insurance provider available, enticing policy seekers to exhaust all other avenues before apply- ing with the state. This effec- tively marketed Citizens as the "insurer of last resort." Little did legislators know that the criteria for what constituted the "last resort" was about to shift. Citizens was a hot number initially, picking up tens of thousands of dropped poli- cies in its first year. Things leveled off for a bit near the end of 2003 and it seemed that the plan would work out, well, as planned. Then in August 2004, Hurricane Charley hit Charlotte County (along with hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jean 'in other areas) and over the next two months, Citizens had to take on nearly 56,000 dropped policies. Florida legislators fired back by placing a morato-. rium on private insurers to prevent them from dropping anymore policies before November 30th of that year in an effort to cover hom- eowners for the rest of the season. Speculators then said that once December 1st rolled around, that would pretty much wrap up private insurance in the state of Florida. Once the morato- rium expired, it pretty much did. Since December 2004, over two dozen major insur- ers have left the state, leav- ing three other big players to pick up the slack State Farm, Allstate, and Citizens. And considering the risk associated with homes in Florida, you really can't blame them for leaving. Wait a second....I take that back. Of course you can. They were more than happy to collect all those premiums for years and years. Then when the storms came, they all cleared out, taking the term "fair-weather friend" to a whole new level. Well, I'm not writing this to start a revolution against insurers so back to the story... Until July 1", State Farm was riding high as the num ber one provider of home owner's insurance in the state with 941,000 policies, Then. Poe Financial Group dissolved into oblivion at the end of June., dumping 330,000 policies onto the state-run program in one lump. As of today. Citizens boasts 1.2 million poll cies (one out of every five homeowners) and claims to receive 50,000 applica tions for new policies every month. Projections indicate that Citizens will insure 1.5 million homes by the end of the year. Wanna know how much property insurance that translates into? $387.6 billion. If .every home Citizens insures was destroyed, that would be the cost to rebuild, Now, of course, the likeli hood of that many homes being destroyed by catas trophe is, thankfully, non existent. But some of them probably will be, if not this year, then maybe next. You have to keep in mind that these are considered, for one reason or another, to be high-risk homes. That's why the other companies don't want them. (See Page 2) This contemporary, luxury home offers a large kitchen that is open to a vaulted breakfast nook and family room. The private, dramatic master suite and bath features a trayed ceiling, and a see-through fireplace that can be viewed from the whirlpool tub. For more details, log onto www.house-of-the-week.com, or call 866-685-7526. --. .-. I "I I-Az- "" -1 -, -t ........ .. -,- dll" I I 11 "I I I . -y THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 27. 2006 Page Two-B Finding homeowners insurance (From Page 1) How many would it take to make a dent? What if just one percent of Citizens' portfolio meets with disas- ter? That's nearly $4 billion. Based on median home prices along coastal areas, that's about 7,500 homes. In a few bad storms, that is possible. Thanks to last year's season, Citizens is already operating at a $1.5 billion deficit. It has requisitioned $5 billion in "reserves" for payouts for 2006 $3 bil- lion of that is bonded, mean- ing that it must be repaid if that portion is used. So, / any amount of claims over $2 billion will be assessed in the form of premium increases to policy holders not only for Citizens' customers, but to, private insurance carriers' customers, as well. Believe it or not, that's the way the law is written. So, even if you were read- ing this thinking, "Well, I'm sure glad I'm not insured by them," then I'm sorry to tell you that it doesn't matter. You'll still pay for it. And pay for it not only in the form of assessments on your own policy, but also in your state taxes, which the Florida Senate voted inr April of this year to devote between $750 million to $920 mil- lion of toward paying off last year's deficit from Citizens' dealings. Some of you may recall paying one; .of thesb'.afore-,1 mentioned assessments just last year to offset the 2004 losses. It will happen again this year. The senate just hasn't decided when yet. This has Citizens reeling backward trying to find a solution to halt their accep- tance of new policies, which is tough to do since they are designed to accept pretty much everybody. Their latest attempt came in the form of a request for their third rate hike in a year. The last one was approved at 16.9 per- cent. This request is for an increase of 45 percent on top of the recent increas- es. It hasn't passed yet as far as I can tell, but some- thing along those lines prob- ably will eventually. Keep in mind that Citizens is by law already the most expensive way to go. So, what can homeown-. ers do to try to prevent this problem from getting any Lot 1-11 Lot 1-26 Lot 1-30 Lot 1-88 save save save save $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 worse? Not much, unfortunately, but there are a few things that may help to slow down the future growth of this pro- gram. Purchase a newer home. Following Hurricane Andrew, many governments on the local levels began enforcing stricter building codes. Then in 2001, Florida enacted a statewide code upping the par for new construction. A newer home will probably meet underwriting guide- lines for private insurance, which will save you money over having to go with Citizens. Call the insurance com- pany that handles your car insurance. Interestingly, with stricter guidelines for issu- was $261q,900 was $3029,99 was $e7e ance of new policies, some- times company agents get a certain allotment of poli- cies they're allowed to start up. They have a tendency to save these policies for exist- ing customers, rather than hand them out to new ones. It works. Ask your real estate agent or closing coordina- tor for an insurance refer- ral. Sometimes insurance agents couple up with real- tors to generate new busi- ness. Take advantage of their networking. Ask your neighbors who is insuring them. Underwriting is usually risk- assessed according to ZIP code. If they're getting a good deal through a certain company, then you probably can, too. Finally, call Citizens. Although they've done little to publicize it, Citizens actu- ally has a referral program called the Florida Market Assistance Plan that was set up solely to aid hom- eowners to find alternate insurance plans that best suit their needs usually for quite a bit cheaper, too. Beautiful 3BR/3BA brick home in Glenwood features dramatic stone entry, formal living and dining, den with fireplace and exposed beam ceiling, equipped kitchen with pantry and eat-in area, inside laundry, bonus room, Master with double closets. Florida/Atrium room looks out over tranquil and private backyard retreat with in- ground pool and custom stone decking with waterfall. Truly a unique and beautiful property. .. .. Jared W ilkerson, 4%1 REALTORC Call: 899-6957 Walton Realty Corp. REALTORS Visit www.jaredsellshouses.com for everything you need when buying and selling real estate in Baker County. Real Answers. Real Results. is $273,900 is $241,900 s. $275,900 is $281,900 Must Close in 30 days EDAo 904-259-0922 Construction Company Jackw vi' wsest acally (9wned Stome iBuilder 1-10 West approx., 26 miles to first Maccledny exit (Exit 336 Hwy.,228 West) (You are now on 5th Street) Go 2 miles to Macclenns. Cross over Highwag 90 (1Macclenny Ave.) At the intersection -Highvav 121 stop light) go straight across, you are nou on 23-B. .Sands Pointe 1/2 mile on the left. Subject tochangoe without notice *Zero dollar closing costs requires use of SEDApreferred lender and applies to Sands Pointe only. / ExpiresAug2,2006. CGC020880 Corp. (904) 724-7800 TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 t HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. OPOTh Licensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell We can show and sell all listings! ** FEATURED HOMES ** DELIGHTFUL LIKE-NEW BRICK HOME 2+ acres on corner lot in excellent neighborhood. Floors are a...... .... + ~tile & hardwood. Glass doors open to pomrch & large fenced backyard. Two car garage finished with carpel Planted maple, grapefruit, flowering pear & cherry trees. Home has many extras, is open, sunny & inviting. JUST REDUCED!! $249,900 Beautiful Country On 5.01 acres 4 BR/ 3 BA -Approximately 2350 Pine walls & ceilings brought in from Montana. Deta oversized in-ground pool, & large barn,. Additional la $429,900 LIKE NEW HOME ON 2 ACRES S 3/2 open floor plan, tile throughout, Berber carpet in bedrooms, wrap around front porch and back porch overlooking spring fed fish pond. On private lot at end of cul-de-sac. Approx. 1907 SE Many extras! $259,900 This New Paint & Carpe A must see in jacksonville! T painted with, new carpet and tile in both bathrooms. Plus a bonus room that would make a greatofficeorreireat area. There is a two car detached garage and an attached car- I . port. Very easy to show. Don't Siith D 171 in Ma Week 's Featured Listings... t Vacant Land Zoned for Home/MH in Sanderson! his 3 BRI2 BA brick home has been freshly This L shaped par- cel contains two _----- lots. First lot is -. -""1 7.99acres,second - lot is 5.01 acres wibth paved road . frontage on CR _e125. Bring your___ horses!! Mother-- - in-law suites miss this one! $158,000 -JAX-004 allowed.$162,500 l AiAflTIl "' MAC-009 LouUI el n-,14 U aceMnniUM I, yl Commercial property with enormous potential. Property sits directly behind a convenience store that is also listed for sale. Both parcels are zoned Commercial General. 500+ homes are planned directly across the street so this is a bargain just waiting for the right buyer. Thisis a 2,052- M SF Doublewide MI H which sits on 1.16 acres of prime property. $224,900 MAC-009 Anne Kitching, Realtor 962-8064 cell. Wendy Smith, Realtor 710-0528 cell. Tina Melvin, Realtor 233-2743 cell. Seventy Acmk ilfl acre. Moccasin Creek. Like i IJE 1 1, call us about this land in W UiO 7 ,000 2 lots on US 90-in Glen St. Mary with build- ing. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/ month. $305,000 Excellent commercial corner lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000. Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighbor- hood. $419,000 New Home Under Construction! Many extras! 3 BR/2 BA on 1 acre. Has covered porch & patio, 2 car garage & 295 sf bonus room. Floor will be laminate wood, carpet & tile, gas fp, central vacuum, security sys- tem, pre-wired for home theatre. Country living at it's best! $269,900 .98 Acres zoned Commercial on 121 South. $119,900 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side screened irJmily room, large bonus roo.m..ck yard, stove & refrigerator. Must see to appreciate. In Macclenny city limits. $199,900 Gorgeous starter home in St. George, GA This is a, brand new 1440 SF home with stainless steel appliances, Berber. carpet in [ the bedrooms, r -a-r vinyl wood floors, vaulted ceilings with beautifullight In- fixtures. Sits on .55 acre. Additional parcel behind home can be purchased. You can't lind a bargain like this anywhere. $132,400 MAC-013 BRICK HOME 1.49 acres, perfect for your garden with a 16x20 workshop, just 5 minutes from town $189,000 E-Z STOP CONVENIENCE STORE with all stock & equipment Also, a 4 BR house & mobile home lots (4) can be sold separately. Call for price & details! W4 BR house & four rental mobile home lots, rented at $160 each $185,500 New Development Special Unbelievable Savings of $20,000 Plus $0,00* in closing costs $. 00move in 4 Homes available for quick move in . The following land transac- tions were recorded in. the Baker County courthouse July 1-25. Values are de- rived from documentary stamps. Many descriptions are by S(ection) T(ownship) R(ange). If acreage or .price are not listed, none were indi- cated in the documents. Burnsed, Charles E to Akel Brothers Inc in 26-2n- : 20e,$165,000 Williams, Terence Robin to Manncy, Jennifer W in 21-is- 21e,$0O Owen, Laura Barnes to Walker, Emily Millicent in 29- 3s-19e,$10 Thacker, Carmen M. to Thacker, Carmen M Trustee in S32-2s-21e,$10 Daniel, Stanley to Turner, Barbara Lynn in Lot 26 Pine Grove Estates.$110.600 Goldsmith, Charles L to Goldsmith. Linda in 35-2s- 21e,$0 - Stout, Richard D to Bryant, Thomas J Jr in Yarborough Sportsman Park- Lot 7 Section C Bk A.$2,400 S Anderson '& Raulerson Construction Inc to Chance, Paul H in Semiole Ridge Unit TwopLot 4 Bk li,$10 Geiger, Marie to Fryer. Scott C in 20-2s-22e,$10 Starling, Loni W to Starling. Kristopher D in Town Of Macclenny Lots 1,2 Bk 6,$0 Thomas, Betty to Rain, Martha in 8-ls-21e$10 Blackburn, Homer L to Robinson, Jacqueline M in S7- 3s-21e,$72,000 - Reddington, Roby R to Tatum, Jessica in S7-3s- 22e,$164,500 Naugher, Terri Hudnell to, Naugher, Terri Hudnell in S29- 3s-19e,$13,167 Canady, Sharon Lee to Canady, Ronald Jeffrey Ill in S32-ln-21e,$0 Canady, Ronald Jeffery IIl to Smith, Harmon Mckinnley in.! S323-ln-2ie,$8,500 Taylor, Carl A to Burnett, Andrew M in Karma Estates Pb-. 2 Pg-25 Lot 1,$52,500 MacGlen Builders Inc to; Peterson, Vernon R in Lot 17, Glenfield Oaks,.$209,120 Padgett, Eli Lto Young, Joanna, in 32-2s-22e,$220,000 Lohr, John to Deloach, Charles in 14-3s-21e,$219,000 Phillips, David D to Lawson,. Clarence David in Lot 111. Old Nursery Plantation.$55,000 Spott, Christopher Kellum to Preglere, Lawrence W in 5-2s- 21e,$145,300 Crawford, Sadie to Starling, R L in 32-2s-22e,$50,000 Grimmett, George L to Rodgers, James G in 1-3s- 21e,$40,000 First Horizon Home Loan Corporation to Federal National Mortgage Association in 18-2s- 22e,$274,000 Federal National Mortgage Association to Cain, Daniel Randolf in 18-2s- 22e,$274,000 Hines, Tommy L to Hines, Tommy L in Cannon Heights Phase I Lot 14,$10 Morales, .Stephanie to Kazmierczak, Brian D in Town Of Macclenny Lot 5 Bk 13,$147,900 Hastings, Thomas C Jr to Thomas, James M Jr in Macclenny li Unit li Lot 6 Bk- C,$234,000 Stephens,. Karen S to Stephens, Robert A in River Country Est Lot 10,$10 Gillette, Charles H to Nunley, Steven R in Turkey Creek Ret Unit 2Lot 16 Bk 2,$10 Parker, Lillian C to Drew, Edwin Paul in E R Rhoden Add Lot 19 Bk 8,$10 Marsh, John H to Marsh, Diane S in St Marys River Est Lot 20,$10 Porterfield, Larry A to Patel, Dinesh T in: Old Nursery Plantation Lot 21-A,$560,000 Hatcher, Paul 0 to Yoder, Jeremiah F in 4-1s- 21e,$125,OO000 Raley, Christean Moran to Wayne, David in S33-3s- 21e,$10 Rhoden, Fred K to Potter, Christine in Town Of Macclenny Lots 5,6 Bk 68,$185,000 Blanton, Marlene W to Prevatt, James Larry Jr. in 19- 3s-21,$10 VSC Investments Inc to. MacGlen Builders Inc in Copper Creek Hills Plat Book 2 Page 110-111 Lot 12,$55,000 Smith, Charles S to Childrens Elite Inc in S29-2s-22e,$10 Markarian, Berge H to North Florida Land Exchange LLC in SS16-2s-21e,$72.000 : Bridger, Cynthia to Varga, Bert Jr in 16-2s-21e,$10 Bridger, Cynthia to Dehart, Frank in 16-2s-21e,$10 Bridger, Cynthia to Craven, William T ini16-2s-21e.$10 Bridger, Cynthia to Kennedy, Timothy S in 16-2s-21e.$10 Bridger, Cynthia to Burchell, Edward S in 16-2s-21e,$10 Kellum, Laurie Ann to Kellum, Laurie Ann in 18 And 19-3s- 21e,$10 Yarborough Mobile Homes' Inc to Meadows Commercial Properties Inc Jn, 5-3s- 22e,$305,000 -- - Jennings. Deborah C to Jennrings, Deborah C in S6-2s- 22e,$10 Jennings, Deborah C to Jennings, Deborah C in S6-2s- 22e,$10 Taylor, Franklin DR to Padgett, Harry L in 3-ls-20e,$86,000 Davis, Jerry G to Chancey, Glenn M in 25-2s-20e,$10 Alridge, Marshall to Thomas, Linda D,;$10 Kirkland, RonnieOto Reneau, Charles J in Lot 4 Block 36 Town Of Glen St Mary,$20.000 Chesser, John A to Chesser, Vernon G,,$i0 Johns, Marcus W to Johns, Marcus W in 35-2s-21e,$0 Maronda Homes Inc Of Florida to Kreutz, Danny W' in Cypress Pointe Unit 1 Lot 11,$164,300 Maronda ,Homes Inc Of Florida to Hoke, Wayne B in Cypress Pointe Unit 1 Lot 12,$186,425 Evans, Celia to Evans, Joseph in Forest Park Sub Lot 4,$79,125 Lane, McKenndree Bobbie Jean to Hayes, Theon in 3-1s- 20e,$108.200 De La Pena, Jose to Kirkland, Jeff in Town Of Macclenny Lot 1 Bk 4,$144,000 'Bowen, Ray Dean to' Emery, John E II in Labeuna Estates Unit Two Lot 5 Bk 8,$182,000 Duncan, Norris Edward Jr to Ogden, Lewis H in Owens Acres Unit Two Lot 11 Bk 5,$183,200 Parker, Joshua to Parker, Lynzi in Jerry W Thomas Sub Lot 3 Bk 2,$10 / Doshier, Michael David to Scott, Mario Louise in Country Club Est Unit 2 Lot 14 Bk 1,$10 Rolling Meadows Of Macclenny LLC to Drees Homes Of Florida Inc in Rollings Meadows Lot 74,75,76.$121,013 Noblitt, Emmitt to Peritone. Daniel A in 19-3s-21e,$62,900 Land transactions recorded July 1-25 I Zuld 1995 FORD L8000, GARBAGE TRUCK. SUBMIT SEALED BIDS TO BE OPENED 8/8/06. CITY OF NLMCCLENNiY. FLORIDA. JUST TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. ALL NEW TIRES. 904-259-0968 DAYS ZONING VARIANCE NOTICE Hugh Bentley Rhoden, acting on behalf of Donnie and Connie Nelson, is requesting a zoning variance at 566 Pine Crest Court, Lot 50 Timberlane Subdivision. , Any support or objection may be heard at the Zoning Adjustment Board meeting to be held at 118 E. Macclenny Ave., on Monday, August 7, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. :,"' Watson Goodwin S Building &v Zoning.Coordinator, City of Macclenny PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Pursuant to an application submitted by Thomas A. Fraser to be granted a variance to the Homestead Division Section 3.05.24 A of the Baker County Land Development Regulations on the property located on Fraser Road north of Glen St. Mary off CR 125 in Glen St. Mary, Florida for the purpose of deeding a fam- ily member a 2.56 acre parcel. The Baker Count) Land Planning Agency will consider the request at a public hearing scheduled for August 10, 2006, at 6:01 p.m.. or as soon thereafter as pos- sible. in the County Commissioners Chambers of the adminis- tration building, 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, FL. On the date above-mentioned, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the variance request. Written comments for or against the variance request may be sent to the Baker County Building Department, 81 North Third Street, Macclenny, FL. 32063. Faxed comments may be sent to (904) 259-5057. Copies of the Variance may be inspected at the Building Depart- ment by any member of the public. According to the Americans _with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the administration department at (904) 259-5123 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. Serving ALL your real estate needs! 0 Florida Crown \ Realty WE SELL PROPERTY FAST!! LET US SELL YOURS... www.floridacrownrealty.com Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Josie Davis, Sales Associate Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate Teresa Yarborough, Sales Associate 799 S. 6th St., Macclenny 259-6555 J'" If your homeo so e e .. ou knowI ha-ecetina "(904)779-5786 ( 1-800-662-8897 Toll Free . "; , .4 Little Bit of History! This 2.445 sf house was built circa 1910 and also has a separate commercial building on the lot (right). A well estab- lished flower shop. located in the commercial building, offers a world wide wire sen ice. The home may be renovated for offices, retail, res- taurant or any other use allowed in a Conmmercial General Zone. Lot size is 99' x 215' with lots of potential for two separate businesses. 99' frontage on US Hw\\. 90 and 215' frontage on First Street. REDUCED $445,000 Ten Acres Located on Arnold Rhoden Rd. close to US 90. This tract is high and dry with good road frontage. Priced at $175,000. Commercial Lot 14,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. frontage on SR 121. Located between Waffle House and Day's Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $125,000. IBB IF-. Nice I acre lot in Keaton Beach. Five minutes to Gulf of Mexico. This lot can be used for mobile homes or site built homes. Priced for quick sale $69,900. Building Lot. conveniently located between Glen St. Manr and Nlacclenny. This heavily wooded lot is restricted to site built homes onlN. ", acre + priced at $34,900. Nice 3 BR/I B.4 frame home \\ ith new % inN l siding and CH A. Recently\ remodeled and ready to move into. Located on Tony Gi\ens Road in Sanderson on I acre. $1-25.000 Reduced to $100.000. Commercial property in Hilliard. 1 2 acre with 105' frontage on West 3rd St. Small brick home in need of renovation, can be converted to office space. $159.000. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 27, 2006 Page Three-B Custom Ceramic Tile Work Over 15 years experience Jason Hurst A- " -' .' Owner/Operator V', . (904) 509-9278 ,- Metal Roofing Homes and Mobile Homes " Factonr Certified Professional Installers Many Styles and Colors to Choose From manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemnetalrooting.com NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON FIRST READING OF ORDI- NANCE NO. 06-25 RELATING TO ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN LANDS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF MACCLENNY AND COM- PANION SMALL-SCALE FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTf REZONING The City Commission of the City of Macclenny shall consider first reading of the Ordinance No. 06-25 providing for the acceptance of a voluntary request from owner. Rock Contractors, Inc.. to annex approximately 5.0 acres into the corporate limits of NMacclenny. A public hearing on the first reading of the proposed ordinances will be held on Tuesday., August 8. 2006 in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 118 East Nlacclenny Ave., Macclenny. Florida. The City Commission meeting will begin, at 6:00 pm ,: -, '"". 'r } .- .""- I -. f 'C .-- -." '-" -... ~- -- --- called to order. Interested persons may appear at the hearing and be heard regarding the adoption of the proposed amendment. Complete legal description of the subject properties and the pro- posed ordinances are available for review at the City Manager's Office, City Hall, on Monday though Friday during regular busi- ness hours. Should any person appeal any decision made as a result of this hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of these proceed- ings is made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, person needing special accommodations or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Manager at (904)- 259-0971 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. .... .--- Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accom- panied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liability for errors in' all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run with- out notification of error by the per- son or agency for whom it was pub- lished, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other mate- rial which in the opinion of the pub- lisher does not meet standards of publication. ----- --- 6 piece bedroom set, queen mat- tress & boxsprings, hew in boxes, $499, can deliver. 904-858-9350. 7/7-8/3c Fresh green peanuts, hand picked, washed & graded. Truluck Farms, O'Brien, FL. 259-2055. 7/27-8/31p Good used appliances. 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717. 7/13-3/29p 2000 Yamaha Wave Runner, 3 seater with trailer, very low hoursi-good con- dition. $6500. 259-4602. 7/13tfc 2001 GSXR 600. Call 904-485- 0797. 7/27-8/3p Dining room set -Itable, 4 regular & 2 wingback chairs, phina cabinet, from Circle K; 7. piece King bedroom set, without mattresses. Call 259-4523 after 4:00 pm for details. 7/27p 5 piece oak bedroom set, queen size Switch mattress, $1000; 2 crib sets, denim color, $25 each. 259-2746. 6/8tfc Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mattress & boxsprings, retail $950, sacrifice for $395, can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3p Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet, buffet, all mahoga- ny, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs,. rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc' Solid wood coffee table, light colored with glass inserts, $75. 275-3007. 3/16tfc Diesel tractor, 3 pt. hitch, new paint, runs great, $1800; Isuzu truck, 5 speed, 1 owner, very very clean, $1000; 1996 Oldsmobile, runs good, $950. 912-266-1641. 7/27p SLAKE CITY Part-Time Reference Librarian Temporary position providing reference service and Library orientation to evening and Saturday students. Master's in Library Science from ALA accredited program. Salary: $17.00 per hour College application and transcripts required. Applications available at www.lakecitycc.edu. Contact Jim Morris 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386)754-4337; Fax (386) 754-4837 Email: morrisj@lakecitycc.edu. College application and transcripts required. Applications available at www.lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; 2002 Honda CR-V, automatic, cloth 2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. seats, 47,000 miles, $16,500. 259- 334-6695. 7/6-27p 3352. 7-27p Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3p Two monitors, 17 inch, $25; Nikon /Scan Touch oversized flatbed scanner with SCSI connection. $75: Okidata dot matrix, SCSI, turbo, $50; Dell keyboard & mouse, $10. 259-2400. 6/15tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 7/13-8/3p Epson Stylus color 600 printer. $25. 259-2400. 4/20tfc King pillowtop, new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 7/13-8/3p 1996 Shadow 1100, very good con-. dition, garage kept. 1st $3500 takes it! Call Roger at 382-50,49. 7/27p 2002 Bombardier 650 ATV, great condition, hardly used, $2200 OBO. 465-3841. 7/27p Two Polaris 4 wheelers, 1-400 & 1- 500, both water cooled, low'hours, excellent condition, $2500 each or both for $4500. Call 386-325-1809 after 6:00 pm. 7/27-8/3p 12' Jon boat, 5 HP Evinrude, Motor: Guide trolling motor, trailer, $1500. 545-7688. 7/27p 33x12.5x15 Pro Comp mud tires Son 6 lug Chevrolet wheels, real good condition, $400. Call Roger at 382- 5049. 7/27p Like new, 2 piece sectional sofa with recliner & queen sleeper bed, mauve & bed, 2' end tables, $600. Call 259- 5970 after 1:00 pm. 7/27p - Sliding glass door,.$25; queen size, reversible quilted comforter with matching bed skirt, 2 pillow shams, 3 throw pillows & lamp shade, hunter green w/navy & burgundy, very good condition, $75. 259-2183 between 5:00 pm-9:00 pm.. 7/27tfc. Horse, registered paint; rifle; hover i round. 912-843-2093. 7/27p 1993 5th wheel Terry camper, 26'5", good condition) $3000. 259-2704., 7/27-8/3p New OSB, $7.50/sheet; new con- crete blocks, 75/block. 545-7688. 7/27p 2005 Ford Ex- plorer XLT, 20,000 miles, black in color, 4x4, $29,000. 259-3352. 7/27p 2004 Chevy Avalanche, 4x4, loaded, leather, sunroof, DVD, 49K miles, asking $25,900 OBO. 545-6087 or 275-2826. 7/27p 1995 Toyota Camry LE, silver, auto- matic, A/C, radio/castette, power windows, power locks, $2700 OBO. 6367 Woodlawn Rd., 259-2253. 7/20-27p -LMJE CITY Instructor/Coordinator Patient Care Assistant Program' 198 Duty Days, Tenure Track Instruct students, coordinate classroom activities, clinical rotations and clinical skills. Prepare students to pass State exam. Must have AA or AS in Nursing, Florida RN license, and two years experience in long term or acute care Salary: Based on degree and experience plus benefits. Review of applications to begin immediately. College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: www. lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association S of Colleges and Schools. VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment 1988 Volvo 240 GL, automatic, pow. er windows, radio/CD, sunroof, A/'C, tinted, $1995 cash. 6367 Woodlawn Rd. 259-2253. 7/20-27p Cash for your junk car or truck. I haul. 904-509-0921. 5/4-10,'26p 1994 Ford F150, cold A. C, low miles, great shape inside & out. drives better, $3950 QBO, 465- 3841. 7/27p 2004 Chevy Silverado 2500, HD, 2x2, 4 door, extended cab. still under warranty, 35K miles, tool boxes, ask- ing $17,500 OBO. 545-6087 or 275- 2826. 7/27p 1996 Toyota Camry LE. silver. V6, 4 door, automatic, tinted, power win- dows, power locks, radio/CD, $5500 cash OBO. 6367 Woodlawni Rd. 259- 2253. 7/20-27p 2005 Chevy Silverado 2500, HD. 4x4, 4 door, crew cab, loaded, leather, 20" rims, 14K miles, asking $30.700 OBO. 545-6087 or 275- 2826. 7,27p Let me take care iof your cleaning . needs! Tuesday Friday. An hon- est, dependable Christian person, licensed for Baker County area, 4 years experience, professional train- ing. Reasonable rates. For rhore in- formation, call Zelda at 259-5407 home or 894-3267 cell. References are available. 7/27p Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259- 7968. 4/22tfc I need help with yard work. 259- 3545. 7.27p Music lessons in M-ic0lenny, guitar,--' bass & voice. 653-1737. 6/29-8,'3p Childcare openings for children 6 months & up. Fun, encouraging & car-,, ing environment. Daytime/before &, after school. Call Lisa at 275-4026. 7/27p Will clean your house, references available, no weekends. 259-5841 or 612-2328. 7/27p I, Daniel F. Sparkman, Jr., would like to apologize for my actions against Unemployment. I have no excuses for my actions, but if given the opportu- nity, I will do my best to correct my mistakes. 7/27p .- a"i '. Thursday. Friday & Saturday 9:00 am- t 2:00 pm, 121 S., 1st driveway past S, SAL Raiford Road Church. Everything must ^ go. A.,'n Friday 8:00 am-noon, 2295 Glory Rd., R Allen Acres Rd, left to Glory Rd., last S?'house on left. Computer desk, convert- - S"' ible baby crib with mattress, clothes, concrete steps, exercise equipment & S oI other items. I' Friday 8:00 am-noon, 5678 George Hodges Rd. Mens. women, young man & girl's clothes, Ab Lounger & household items. 259-5723. Friday 7:00 am-?, Youth Center on Mclver St. Electronics, lots of'T men's clothes, more. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-5:00 pm, 43 W. Ohio Ave. Moving sale everything must go. 259-5206. Friday 9:00 am-6:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am-noon, Hwy 250, Tay- i lor, next to store. Loads of stuff. Moving sale. 259-7479. Rain y cancels. ; Friday & Saturday 7:30-11:30 am, 6229 Miltondale Rd. Great A school clothes for girls and boys, household items. Saturday 7:00 am-2:00 pm, Jean Jones' house, 123 S. East Blvd. " Ladies' Auxiliary sale. Rain cancels. Saturday 9:00 am-?, SR 228 to Wolfe Dr. to Barber Loop. Stepha- nie., Megan & Regan. Saturday 7:00 am-2:00 pm, 7472 Pierce Rd. off 125 N.. Glen. Boys clothes 10-12-14, mens clothes 29, 32, 34, ladies clothes, John Deere gas edger, Bio-Dyne weight machine, oak student desk w/chair, used bikes, air hockey, 5 HP chipper shredder & more. Rain or shine. Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 12343 Confederate Dr. W., Hills of Glen. Furniture, pots & pans, dishes, clothes & more. No early birds. N Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 6306 & 6326 CW Webb Rd. Living ,P room. daybed frame, TV, dorm size refrigerator, golf clubs, kids clothes to size 4, mens & ladies clothes & shoes, baby items, toys. 5 families. SSaturday 8:00 am-?, 479 N. 6th St. Children clothes, shoes ^ & toys, various sizes, women & mens clothes & shoes, various . sizes, various household items. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, New Beginning Community Church, 380 4 N. Lowder St.. Lots of.bargips. Knick knacks to -furniture. All pro- F ,-ceed'to benefit youth & children's programs. *-.1 -mu~ ~ 4~ WHITEHEAD BROS., INCJLAKE CITY LOGISTICS, INC. OTR DRIVERS NEEDED Go through Home several times most weeks. '. Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at our location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety Bonus up to $1,200 per year. Driver of the Year .i- bonus, and driver recruitment bonuses Blue i Cross Blue Shield medical and dental Insurance. Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving record. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE AT 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898 Q PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 -Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401 K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! %f THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 27, 2006 Page Five-B We do small job land clearing, bush hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake, etc., also tree trimming & removal. 259-7968. 6/29tfc Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at South- ern- Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc --- - Boston Terrier, 8 months old; papers, black & white, male, $400 OBO. 259- 9776. 7/27p Blockhead red-nose Pit Bull pups, 8 weeks old, shots & dewormeo.i Big breed, 5 males, 1 female left. Mild temperament. Must see. $200 firm. 259-8929 Chris. 7/13-8/3p Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc Free: Black male Lab, 8 months old, doghouse & feeder. 838-0035. S7/97tfn Lost dog: Female, red coat, crystal blue eyes, has blue collar, medium size dog. Last Seen on Steel Bridge ,Rd at the Animal Control Center. If you have any information, please call' the Davis residence at 275-2368 or Animal Control at 259-6786. 7/27p Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classified advertising on subjects like work-at-home, weight loss products, health products. While the newspaper uses reasonable discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents should use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other commitments based on statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP tofind out'how to spot fraudulent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Baker County Press Experienced metal roofer needed, dependable, driver's license required, good pay 904-251-5804, after 7:00 pm, call 259-3757. -7/13-8/31p Painter's helper. Apply in person at Butch's Paint & Body Shop, 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. 7/13tfc Pier 6 Seafood now accepting applica- tions for all positions. 259-6123. 6/15-7/27c Travelodge is now taking applications for night auditor. Apply in person from 8:00 am-4:0 pm at 1641 S. 6th St. No phone calls. 7/20-27c A/C service tech/Installer. New con- struction & change outs. Reference & good driving record a must. Pay depending on experience. Big sign on bonus. 259-8038. 7/20-8/10p All equipment operators needed. Experienced required. Apply in person at Earthworks, 11932 N. SR 121, Macclenny. 904-653-2800. 7/27c, New Life Preschool & Daycare is now hiring full-time, part-time & substi- tute teacher positions. Salary will be based on experience &.qualifications. 259-7373 or 259-6360. 7/20-27c A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time licensed driver. 259-7335. :3/23tfc Local home care agency looking for full time/part time Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. Contact Lacy of Linda at 259-3111. 5/25tfc Company specializing in erosion con- trol now hiring the following positions: crew leaders, equipment operators, laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license is a must. Fax resume to 904-275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE/drug free workplace. 7/27p Experienced painters needed. Must have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc Security officers, all areas of, Jacksonville. Call Giddens Security 384-8071 or apply in person at 528 S. Edgewood Ave. 7/27-8/3p Full-timetrim/punch-out carpenter for local construction company. Benefits & paid vacation included. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. .6/8tfc Experienced A/C service tech/install- er needed. Must have driver's license & tools. 259-0893. 6/15tfc 8739. Dump truck driver needed, must have stable work record, be reliable, have clean CDL Class B license. 259-6172 or 904-334-9329. 7/27-8/3p Part time w/full tie potential Looking for motivated, qualified per- son in Baker and surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references to P.O. Box 598,. Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc Class A mechanic for 3rd shift main- tenance crew. Must have minimum 5 years experience. Pay ranges from $16.96 plus a 264 shift differential pay. We are an equal opportunity employer & a drug free workplace.- We offer 401k, health insurance, paid holidays1& vacation. Apply at Gilman Building Products, CR 218, Maxville, FL or fax resume to 904-289-7736. 7/13-8/3p Need experienced A/C & duct install- ers, must be dependable. 259-8038. 7/13-8/3p, Production/machine operator. Insteel Wire Products, a manufac- turer of pre-stressed concrete strand will be accepting applications for production/machine operator posi- tions for current openings at the Sanderson plant on Thursday, July 27th Thursday, August 3rd from 9:00 am-3:00 pm.. Applicants must be 18 years old. Working hours will be 12 hour shifts. Experience preferred.: Benefit package includes health, life, dental, 401k. Interested candidates must apply in person. Insteel Wire Products, Sanderson Division, One: Wiremil Road, Sanderson, FL 32087. AA/EOE/Pre-employment Drug Screen. 7/20-27c Dump truck driver needed, $13/hour. Rebecca Hodges Trucking 904-334- Average $683 $907/wk NO TOUCH FREIGHT 85% Prelooded/Pretarped CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627 www.ctdrivers.com Hiring for desk clerks at A Inn. 259-5100. . 2 .-- g-: _..: =::-; -a'- Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this newspa. per is'subjectto the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with par- ents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept. any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimi- nation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-, 9777. The toll free telephone number for. the impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Beautiful 7.5 acres, located 500 ft off of Crews Rd on Woodrow Raulerson Rd. Very nice property with cypress tree pond, $150,000. For info, call 259-2083 after 6:00 pm or leave message. 7/13-8/3p, 10 acres in Sanderson area with well, septic tank &S power pole included. Owner financing. Call 275-2210. 7/20-27p 10 acres, Folsom Trail, restricted to homes only, corner lot with private road, $115,000 OBO. 626-2664. 7/20-8/3p Jack Lee Construction spec home in Copper Creek, 3 BR, 21/, full baths. Call 781-5117 or 904-751-6053. 6/22tfc Large desirable lot in Copper Creek, one of the largest & last in Phase II, $77,500. 259-6199. 6/29tfc New construction. 3 BR, 2 BA brick house in Hunter's Ridge, 2307 total SF, great room, kitchen, back porch, $239,000. 259-4602 or 259-6546. 7/27tfc 7/27p 3 BR, 2 BA house with 2 rental mobile merican homes on 13.2+- acres in the Georgia 7/27tfc Bend area, big workshop & 2nd kitch- en, $190,000. 904-629-1779. 5/25tfc 10 acres, restricted to homes, nice property, good location, bring your horses, $138,900. 259-3878. 7/20-8/10O 40 acre farm, on 229 south of Sanderson,' $1,0,00/acre. 545- 6961. 7/27-8/3c New 2006 doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA located on 1/2 acre, fenced yard, owner financing available, $86,900. 259-7925.or 476-7136. 7/27c 3 BR, 2 BA house, 2100 SF liv- ing space on 1 acre, approximately' 1/2 mile from city limits on 121 N., $190,000. 904-334-8247 or 386- 965-7334. 7/27p Great location in Glen. Lovely brick home, 2 BR, 1 BA, great condition, 1 acre, $155K. Call 259-3579 or 781- 1326. :,:7/27p 5 25 acres cleared, with stream located in Danridge, TN, minutes from Dollywood, nice barn, $15,000/acre, 904-334-8904. 7/27-8/17p 27 acres off US 301 near Bryceville, $250K. 904-483-7617 or 449-6184. 7/20tfc se ...* .. '.' :ee e 20tee Advertising Deadline Mondayat 5:00 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS sizes 4.5, 5.5, 6,7 zA sidelinesportz06@aol.com DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc J BETROS' PRESSURE WASHING Driveways ~.sidewalks ~ vinyls SBrick ~ windows 904-338-4045 cell "Quality work guaranteed" 7/27-8/3p WELL DRILLING 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 4/3tfc FLORIDA CONCRETE SERVICES, INC. Footers Foundations Sidewalks Driveways 904-259-2050 7/20-8/10p ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies TWH CRANE SERVICE, INC. Free estimates Licensed & Insured 275-2853 Timmy Hodges, Owner 7/13-8/3p A & R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured *' Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 7/28tfc Residential and Commercial JNA GUTTER Specializing in 6" seamless Pest control WJF ENTERPRISES HOME IMPROVEMENT Specializing in: Siding ~ storm gutters ~tile window/doors & more You'll LOVE our PRICES I guarantee it! 259-1703 904-226-3764 7/20-27p R.K. MUSE CONSTRUCTION, INC.. Custom Homes Residential & Commercial New construction Framing Remodeling Additions 259-2006 545-8316 cell Keith Muse, owner CBC#1250391 7/20-8/10p MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design /Build Your plans or our plans LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing, Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 5/27tfc HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured 259-0893 Lic. #ET11000707 Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RA13067194 4/21tfc COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL, INC. Residential/Commercial Garbage pickup for Baker County Roll off Dumpsters 259-5692 Kent Kirkland, OWner/Operator 4/6-10/5p ALAN'S TREE SERVICE Free estimates JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 4/6tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances * 24 hour, 7 day emergency ser- vice! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/1tfc KIRKLAND'S LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING Lawn mowing~ Tractor work Clean-up ~ Hauling 259-3352 FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. Commercial Residential New construction Service 904-260-2090 CAC1813701 4/6-9/28p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc WEDDING 7/6-27c ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS 7/15tfc FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/ltfc 7/20-8/10p FILL DIRT Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White 275-2474 4/6tfc Country charm, brand new spacious doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA, fireplace, nice yard, $850/month plus security deposit, lease required. 465-3841. 7/27p Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904- 860-4604. 3/17tfc 12x60 mobile home, 2 BR, 1 BA in Glen, 4425/month, $200 deposit. 259-4575 or 259-6846. 7/27p 3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets, garbage, water & mowing provided, _$450-$600/rnonth. 912-843-8118. : 5/4tfc S2 BR, 1 BA apartment, $500 secu- rity deposit, $625/month, 12 month lease, no pets. 351 N. Lowder St. 259-9797. 7/27c 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home on 5 acres with stocked fish pond, carport/ garage on Mudlake Rd., $900/month, *$1200 deposit. 259-9066. 7/27-8/3p Newhome for rent, 3 BR, I BA,\tile flooring throughout on 1/2 acre lot in Macclenny, all electric appliances. $875 security deposit, $875/month. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9 am-Spm. 6/22tfc ---------- **--*-^SF-Wi-'H"" -" I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 27, 2006 Page Six-B 3 BR 2 BA singlewide, no smok- ing. no pets, 1st & last month's rent. $550 ,month. Call 259-3767. 7.'27p S 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, carpet & vinyl flooring, living room, kitch- en, dining room .on .50 acre lot in Sanderson. All electric appliances, $750.security deposit, $750 /rnonth. Please call between the hours of 9:00 am-5:00 pm, weekdays ONLY. 259- 3343 or 626-8424. 6/itfc : 2 BR house, living room, dining room, kitchen, front & back porches, appli- *:^: ances, CH/A, all electric, $700/ month, $800 deposit, no animals, 2 references required. 259-6966. 7/27c Cedar ranchette on 5.3 acres with 600' river frontage, barn with 2.3 acres fenced. 2 master suites with ::: private baths & walk-in closets, direct :: access to pool & hot tub. Detached mother-in-law suite could be possible S rental income for renter. 30 ft. trailer pad, total privacy, ADT available. Must see to appreciate. 25 minutes to downtown Jax, 40,minutes to Atlantic Beach. $1350/month plus deposit. Available September 1st. Call Ron at 703-927-4986 or 904-259-8548. 7/27p 3 BR, 2 BA, $575,. month, lawn ser- vice & garbage pickup included, 1st, last & $300 deposit. 259-7335. '--. 7/20tfc 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on I acre, - : front & back porches, 2 miles from I- 10, $750 month. 1st & last & depos-. :: it. 259-2552. 7/27-8/3p 2 BR country house in Georgia Bend. $750/month in includes deposit & electric; 2 BR mobile home in SMacclennv, $450 month plus depos- it. 912-843-2093. : 7/27p 3 BR, 2 BA singlewide On 1/2 acre 2. miles from 1-10, $650 'month, 1st & last 7 deposit. 259-2552.7.. 27-8/3p 14x60, 2 BR, 1 BA electric heat.'": big window unit, $500 'month, $700 : deposit, 2 references required, no -: ets. 259-6966. 7'27p 2 BR, 1 BA apartment in nice neigh- borhood. no smoking, no pets. $550,. : month plus deposit & last month's rent. Call 859-3026. 7/27tfc -- 2 BR, 1 BA upstairs apartment, CH,' A, $500/months, 1st & last month's rent plus security deposit. 904-703- 6306. 7/27-8 3p ii^ ^&'^ SS^ ^^S~"1?^!^!!!!..^.,-;7/2 , New office space, 480 SF on West US 90, Glen St. Mary. OD Rewis 259- 6735. 7/27tfc 6 door 90x35 garage space, or 1 door 30x35 or 2 door 35x60, excel- lent for paint & body shop, auto repair shop or any other commercial use; office space available. Lots of park- ing. 1 mile east of Macclenny on US 90. 259-2019 or 813-0935. 7/20-27p Commercial building, 1200 SF, 1 block from courthouse, $650/month, $650 deposit. 259-4602. 7/13tfc 1981 Peachtree doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA, recently remodeled, new cabinets, whirlpool tub, fireplace. 259-2019 or, 813-0935. 7/20-27p oRoser, RaLdersovA welL D~rillLing 2" & 4" Wells Water & Iron Conditioners Installed Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated "Licensed & Insured ZONING VARIANCE NOTICE L.V. Hiers Inc. is requesting a variance to the zoning at 284 E. Florida' Ave. for the purpose of replacing an old warehouse with a new office and warehouse combination. Any support or objections may be heard at the Zoning Adjustment Board meeting to be held on August 7, 2006 at 5:00 p.m., at City Hall, 118 East Macclenny Ave. Watson Goodwin Building & Zoning Coordinator City of Macclenny S" "FOR SALE S2004 brick 2470 sqft, Ile 4/3, bonus room, S1.12 acres, 3 car garage, screened back S-hol -t ing 'porch, FSBO, lII 6258 West River Circle S c (off Lowder & Miltondale), 4: 4 259-5544. The Baker County School District Transportation De- partment %Il be offering a school bus driving class for anyone interested in driving a school bus for Baker County Schools starting August 7, 2006. The classes will be held on Monday Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Baker County Transpor- tation compound on Baker Bus Drive. The class consists of 20 hours classroom instruction and 20 hours of driving time. You must have 5 years licensed driving experience, a Florida driver's license, a high school diploma or equivalent to be eligible to take the class. For more information, please contact the Transportation Department at 259-2444. .iLAKE CITY t. o 490tN9Y M lMlt Instructor/Coordinator Patient Care Assistant Program 198 Duty Days, Tenure Track : Instruct students, coordinate classroom activities, clinical rotations and clinical skills. Prepare students to pass State exam. Must have AA or AS in Nursing, Florida RN license, and two years experience in long term or acute . care ,Salary: Based on degree and experience plus benefits. Review of applications to begin immediately. College application required. Position details and application available on the %eb at: www. lakecitvcc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake Cit., FL 32025 Phone: (3861754-4314 Fax: 1(386l 754-4594 E-mail: boertchergiilakecintcc.edu LICCC '; 3ji ?.lle. t.% lheS.:'ilhtarn A ,';.--i on.,n .I C. |lII ;c ardJ Sch.ol. 'TP -*D EA EOp I-.lle hm Educn ....r, & E ripk..,merni September Special. St. Augustine, 1 BR condo, sleeps 4, large heated pool, $500 /week, monthly rates avail- able. 904-483-7617. 7/20tfc 2 BR, 2 BA condo, ground floor, pool side, incredible ocean view, St. Augustine Beach. Call 476-89,07 or 505-0083. -., c 7/6-27c CAREPARENTS This is a live-in position for a couple or team to provide direct care and guidance for residents in a home located in Baker County. $40K + benefits, housing and board. Fax resume (904) 259-5187, There's a reason we're Jacksonville's Largest locally owned homebuilder. Come see why. Choose from over 40 floor plans We build in Duval, Clay, St. John's, Nassau & Baker Counties View our floor plans at www.sedaconstruction.com 904-724-7800 Mon-Fri 8-5 pm Options package valued at $9,000 FREE with home purchase SEDA is one of the feiw builders with a dedicated Offste Division 5pse.:'drmg 't building wr plan o *yoI oI. Our Offsite Division '-mam ,.iil be with you through every step of the building process, from site assessment, plan selection, home orientation to final walk through. Subject to change without notice CGC020880. Expires July 31, 2006 Stop by for a tour. .',tC.M L ;i .i i- iM : r. ..- ,..- ,: : .- i .'.' izn- ;n water aerobics classes, physical therapy, :,- good old fashioned swimming. q- ,vraa'. private pool parties swim lessons, of Florida's First Coast Back To School Every time thru 8/9/06 you eat at Woody's- Register to win a $250 WaIt Mrt Gift Certificate for school clothes n imeal purchase. Expires 8/9/06 S FEAST FOR21 S18.99 SChicken, Spare Ribs, Pork with Fr Ss Fried Corn, Garlic Toast & lJot valid with any other special. One cou[ valid in participating stores. ,. _.-- .- -------- mmmmemmmm T --------- FEASTF FOR 4 FAMILY VALUE 2899 Chicken To Go ench Fries, Cole Slaw, I 10.99 k BBQ Beans Woody's whole chicken, pint of beans, n per person per visit. Only pint of cole slaw & garlic toast E'pires 8 9 06. i j .,.,-. L ... . ---------J---E--- j If yur ome9or omenesyoukno, hsecpionalinteior es9,, --- -- --- I |