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13840 YONGE LIBRARY FLA. HISTORY PO BOX 117007 -UNIV. FLA. GAINESVILLE FL 32611 HE BAKER CoUNTY PRESS Paid circulation leader *Winner of15 state and regionalawardsfor journalism excellence in 2006 77th Year, VoL 14 Thursday July 20, 2006 Alacclenny, Florida 50o Lawsuit is settled rom '05 accident Oii Interstate 10 BY MICHAEL DRINKER Press Siaff A Games% ille mo\ ing company has settled a lawsuit by a M acclen- ny woman injured in an accident caused b\ one of its truck dnvers. w ho had multiple traffic violations and was unlicensed at the time Dianna Pounds suffered seri- ous multiple fractures to her w rist. M which required metal plates, pins and screw s to repair. As a condition of the settlement. the payment amount cannot be re- vealed, according to her attomey Charles Sorenson. NIs Pounds. 58. a medical as- sistant at Fraser Memorial Hospi- tal, was on 1-10 enroute to Jack- sonville around 4 30 pm Jul\ 19, 2005 w hen the accident occurred. Clarence Campbell. 43, driv- ing a semni with a flat-bed trailer. pulled in front of her just past the Chaffee Road overpass, according to the Flonda Highway Patrol He'd been stopped on the south shoulder of the highway to re-se- cure. his load. He'd made a stop in Nlacclenn. to deliver heavy equip- - rnent. -* ,,: NIs. Pounds was unable to : swerve around him because there was a car in the next lane, so she hit the back of the trailer, then car- omed into the path of another car which struck her. Her vehicle %\as totaled. She w as lucky to have escaped with her life, according to Mr. So- renson. who is with the Jackson- ville law firm of Coker, Schickel, Sorenson & Daniel Police cited NMr. Campbell for improperly pulling out in front of her. Ms. Pounds filed a lawsuit No- vember 1 in circuit court in Duval County. At first the suit alleged simple negligence against Mr. Campbell and his employer, Hill's Van Ser- vice. (As part of thie settlement, the company was not to be identified, but it is listed in the police report.) However, after Mr. Sorenson discovered MN r Campbell's driving record, he amended the complaint to allege negligent hiring and re- tention against Hill's. The company should have made "an appropriate in% estimation into his suitability to operate [a] motor vehicle," the lawsuit said. "It was company policy to do a background check," according to Mr. Sorenson, "but they didn't do it in his case." It costs just $3 and very little time to have the Jacksonville Sher- iff's Office do a check, he added. Mr. Campbell had 21 traffic ci- tations, Mr. Sorenson said. He also had an extensive crimi- nal record dating back to 1982, and was arrested for crimes rang- ing from prowling to burglary to possession and sale of drugs, as well as grand theft auto. Hill's Van Service agreed to pay Ms. Pounds for medical expenses and lost wages, as well as pain and. suffering. Because of her wrist injuries, she had to greatly reduce hours she worked at her part-time job as a lab tech at Shands Jacksonville, Mr. Sorenson said. Her case was featured in a tele- vision report last week on First Coast News. S111 11 II 6 88907648819 8 Fumi'e Joseph Jordan. slnrldess and .soabng n et, is led horn the scene ofAlondav s capture at the naile olIns uncle est ofGlen St .Alanar .lso in photo (from left arl Sg tAlichael Cren s, Invesngator Randy Cre s and Depun-Alike Lagle rightt. Broward armed robber found hiding in cabinet after police storm trailer in Glen A fugitive with six felony con- Jordan's victions and wanted in at least two Jennifer states was found hiding in a kitchen custody cabinet at a trailer in west Glen St across tl Marn in the earl\ evening of Juh Chiel 17. spied N More than a dozen Baker County leave th deputies surrounded the residence of ran bac Shelli Jordan off CR 139B for more the trail than an hour before the six-member ing the Special Response Team entered and Polic found Joseph E. Jordan, 36, of Fort Brow ar Lauderdale had tele Shortly after several deputies that afti went to the trailer about 5:20, Mr. number s girlfriend, 31-year-old Joseph Jorda *A Federlin, %was taken into eluded police it after she exited and ran several days, al he front yard. rung them in a f Gerald Gonzalez said he during which s kir Jordan attempting to were damaged. rough a rear door. but he Mlr Jordan v k inside when he realized armed robbene er %as surrounded, prompt- Beach and Bro'i stand-off been looking fc e %ere told by authorities in break when Ms d County that the girlfriend contacted themrn phonedd her mother earlier on Monday. ernoon, and they traced the "We seemed t to the Jordan residence. he'd been; but t An indomitable spirit keeps this MD victim going BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press S/aff Ricky Higginbotham has lived his entire life dealing with limb girdle muscular dystrophy, but he has never let it stop him for one minute. . When an unsuccessful surgical procedure last fall resulted in his be- ing dependant on a wheel chait, the indomitable Glen St. Mary resident refused to let his condition slow him down. Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is a group of more than 30 genetic diseases characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal rhuscles that control movement. Limb girdle MD is usually not fatal and victims can live long and often full lives. In fact, even from his wheelchair, Mr. Higginbotham, who recently turned 50, repairs electrical appliances like microwave ovens. He uses a collapsible hydraulic table with locking wheels when he is. working. The motorized wheel chair allows him to hold the handlebar on the table and maneuver it into position. He still has to have help with lifting and, of course, people must bring appliances to him. Last fall, Mr. Higginbotham, who has a background in auto mechanics, electrical work and appliance repair, fell while working around his home and sustained serious bruising to his torso area. While recovering, he was sent'to a urologist who convinced him of the need for surgical removal of scar tissue. The surgery left him unable to stand and he had no recourse but to use a wheelchair. With no post-surgery care or physical therapy recommended by the surgeon, Mr. Higginbotham was on his own. "They did the surgery, sent me home after one day with no instructions and basically said, 'See ya later,'" said Mr. Higginbotham. For victims of limb girdle MD, physical exercise is critical. Healing from the surgery took weeks. Without the exercise and con- fined to the chair, his leg tendons shrank severely, leaving him unable to stand or walk. n had successfully n south Florida for t one time outrun- a high-speed chase several police cars Was sought for two *s in West Palm Aaid authorities had r hium They got a . Federlin's mother about the phone call to show up at places he managed to sta\ ahead of us." said Detecti e Joseph Ventura of the Broward Count\ Sheriff's Office He and another of- ficer were in NMacclenny the follow - ing da\ to question Mr. Jordan and Nls. Federlin Both suspects were to be trans- feired from the Baker Count) jail later this week and early next Detective Ventura said Mr. Jor- dan is wanted also in West \'irgima as a sexual offender. ,Most of his past convictions have Glen enacts fees of $2750 BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff Glen St. Mary officials Tuesday night became the last to decide on how much the town will charge in impact fees for new construction. At a workshop prior to their reg- ular monthly meeting, town coun- cilmen agreed to charge $2750 per unit, and to collect the school board's $1500 fee. The mayor will now work on getting an ordinance, written so that the council can vote the fees into law. Glen's amount is higher than the county's $1500 and lower than the City of Macclenny, which is slightly higher than $3000. The county, the city and the school board all approved the concept of impact fees late last year. The fees, levied on ne\\ con- struction, are intended to help pay for the additional roads, schools, police and fire services needed to accommodate growth The county's fee is dedicated to transportation. while iacclenny's is apportioned to la" enforcement, emergencN services, fire services and recreation Glen St. Mary will also spread its fee across several categories. A studN is required to determine w whether a fee is justified and what amount can be assessed. Glen officials paid the town's engineer, Mittauer & Associates, todo the study. However, they opted not to fol- low the firm's recommendations, which would have added up to $1 900 Under the fee approved Tues- been on property -related crimes to (Page four please) (Page four please) Ricky Higginbotham repairs appliances from his motorized wheelchair by using an adjustable hydraulic work table with locking wheels. Higginbotham, 50, a resident of Glen St. Mary, has been using a wheelchair since unsuccessful surgery last fall. Blackie, Mr. Higginbo- tham 's faithful little dog, often hops onto his lap while he is working. PHOTO BY KELLEY LANNI AN He finally sought physical therapy on his own through Medicare and currently undergoes sessions twice a week in Macclenny. He also exercises at home three times daily. Through therapy, the home exercises and his stubborn spirit, Mr. Higginbotham is deter- mined to be standing and walking short distances be- fore the year is out. Duchenne MD, the most common form of the dis- order, strikes in infancy and often takes the life of the victim in the early teenage years. "There is no cure for MD, but I was lucky I had the limb girdle form," says Mr. Higginbotham. "Otherwise I probably wouldn't be here today. As a child, we knew something was wrong and my parents would take me to the pediatrician and he would tell them not to worry, I was just uncoordinated." Over time, the problems with coordination, motor skills and mobility grew more pronounced, but Mr. Higginbotham's fighting spirit always kept him going. He wasn't coddled by his family, which in retrospect he views as a valuable experience. "I got no special treatment because I was different," he said. "My dad always made me try by myself first,' (Page two please) THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 20, 2006 Page 2 4~lAA '*AT- Wl 1 ~ %MAvR t *4- l f i A smd 4II a& I-Materi a 40 4WD rm aSyndicated Content I y^- "" -' "" "" "" "g ='= y-o 'i " Available ifromCommerciaI' News Providers IA I I- IV. 0,0 0 e 40 0 AD 1" -f -NWW 0.a ... .. ,. 0 I- *m S oo m m Rw * wqv vw 0040 0p 00a * 00. *0 . ~E 4am4w40 4i-d 9, Back To School Loans, NOW AVAILABLE School Starts August 3! Let us help you with your back to school needs. C' COUNTRY FEDERAL a CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US Hxy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 'Indomitable spirit motivates ___________ISING a'm* (Fr6rh hge1 -) 1) H '`1 everi' hthoui it he as '7' cap ab " then if something proved too dif- doing. . ficult, someone could step in and After that, Mr. Higginbotham give me handd" says, he never worried over it He also credits the friends he again. had in Glen St. Mary while he was Dr. Valensteine did make one growing up. They accepted him as 'sobering prediction: Mr. Higginbo- he was and helped him if he needed tham would be in a %%heel chair, un- it. He simply found ways to corn- able to walk by age 25. pensate for his weaker muscles and "I told him that very day that pretty much did'whatever he set his wouldn'tt happen," recalls NMr. Hig- mind to. ginbotham. "I told him the next time Even % ith the: coordination he saw me, whenever that was, I'd problems, Mr. Higginbotham was walk into his office." always drawn to activities that re- Nineteen years would go by be- quired using his hands and he was fore he saw Dr. Valensteine again, forever building, fixing, tinkering and when he did the doctor was and adjusting some project. dumbfounded. "I once rewired our entire house," Every year, Mr. Higginbotham he says matter-of-factly. "It needed went to the Mayo Clinic for an to be done so I did it." evaluation. Tired of the traveling, Descended from a family) that in- he decided one day on a whim to go cluded electricians, a clock maker to Gainesville instead. and a master carpenter, hands-on "When I walked into the clinic tendencies came naturally to Mr. and greeted Dr. Valensteine, the Higginbotham. In high school he man's eyeballs almost popped from set his goal on becoming an auto his head. He was amazed to see me mechanic- and took the necessary walking. And I was able to say to classes to achieve that. him 'I told you I'd walk back.in Unbeknownst to him, he was here,"' said Mr. Higginbotham. actually performing self therapy. As for his current misfortune, he Auto mechanics was a perfect way holds .no grudge. He has lived his to stretch and condition weak mus- life and is thankful for it. He decid- cles. ed long ago that having MD would In 1975, when Mr. Higginbo- never beat him. tham was 19 years old and working During his teenage years he re- as a mechanic for the Baker County members being as careless and school system's bus garage, he was sometimes foolhardy as any typical injured on the job. Dr. Gary Dopson teenager. Having survived hot rods, of Macclenny examined him and wrecked cars, bar fights and law became concerned about the condi- men, he figures he can survive MD tion of Mr. Higginbotham's upper and the wheelchair, too. legs. "I've always been positive, ac- "Ricky, have the tops of your cepted challenges and had great legs always been this small?" the faith," says Mr. Higginbotham. "I doctor asked him. When Mr. Hig- completely believe I will stand and ginbotham told him they had, Dr. walk again. You can do more than Dopson exclaimed, "Well, some- you think you can. Just like in the thing isn't right." Bible, if you have faith even the He was sent to neurologist Jacob size of a mustard seed you can ac- Green in Jacksonville who then re- complish amazing things." ferred him to Dr. Edward Valenste- ine, a reputable teaching neurologist Fr t in Gainesville. m rst After a battery of tests, Dr. Va-. lensteine made the discovery that "It F Higginbotham had MD. **r. 372 S, Sixth "That scared me and I lay there 32.S ". sort of depressed," Mr. Higginbo- = '. SUNDAY SERI tham remembers. "All I knew was '- nda School that people with MD usually died. I c asked him how long I had." Worship 1 To his relief, he learned that with & I his particular type of MD, he would Dr. Edsel M. Bone Directions from I-1 live as long as most normal people. Senior Pastor on H.wy. 121 See He was told to go on and do what- Broadcast Lie on WJR 92.1 FM e Broadcast Live on WJXR 92.1 FM es I When asked if he could have one ish, Ricky Higginbotham answers \ without hesitation He wants to see a cure for muscular dystrophy in his lifetime, not so much for himself, but for all the youngsters still being afflicted with the condition. He watches science programs on the Discovery channel and believes that with the advances being made in medical science and technology, a cure will be found. "If not in this lifetime, I'm sure the Lord will make me whole again in the next," he declares warmly. "On that great day, I won't just walk down those golden streets, I'll be running wide open." Attempts to filla bogus prescription A Macclenny woman was arrest- ed July 12 for trying to use a forged prescription at the CVS pharmacy. Marsha Craig, 51, was at the store's drive-through window when Deputy Jeffrey Dawson arrived at 5:14 pm. The CVS pharmacist, Urmila Patel, had checked with the Orange Park doctor who signed the prescrip- tion for Loratab and found out that Ms. Craig had altered it. Loratab is a narcotic pain reliever. The officer took Ms. Craig aside. and asked if she'd altered it. "Yes, I changed it from zero re- fills to ten," she told him, explain- ing that she couldn't afford to con- tinue going to the doctor's office to get the prescription. She was arrested and charged with forging a prescription, which is a felony. aptist Church of Macclenny eels Like Home" Street at W Minnesota Ave. VICES 9 0 am] 10 45- am &010 pol WEDNESDAY SERVICES Prayer & Bible Sludv 6-45 pm Awana for Children 6 45 pmr Youth Group 6 4-5 pm 0: Take Exit 48 N. Go 1.3 miles North e steeple on left ach Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am I w a * CD Rates LEi r'iii OF I'A - -- -- -- -------- I- - NTY PRESS, Thursday July 20, 2006 Page 3 Sn i THE BAKER COU pinion o commenten t THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 51.., i s / .. . county, SuaiM Titi sena aaoeas t Th6- BPess, P,9A80x iaMUMi maAuuu SJMIES C. MCGAULLEY Publisher EDITOR Michael Rinker : NEWS/FEATURES Kelley Lannigan ADVERTISING/PRODUCTION Jessica Prevatt TYPESETTING/GRAPHICS Jeremy Beasley & Josh Blackmon FEATURES/COMMENT Robert Gerard COMMENT- Cheryl R. Pingel BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear CONTACT US- Phope-904.259-2400 , F i- .'. Email- bcpress@nefcom.net Mail- PO Box 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny, FL 320631 www.bakercountypress.comi This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the ,newspaper office prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless otherwise noted or arranged. Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication. It is requested that Small news items be typed to insure accuracy in print. SSocial Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notic- es and social events must be submit- ted within four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Lett ers to the editor are Iut mtst cOTi- ta in.the signature of thI w ter, a teephohe numh- ,0.' ber wherethe writer may:. -be contacted and city of fG .residence. Letters must. reflect opinion's and statements on issues of current interest to the ; :geeal public. The news paper reserves the right Sto reject 'any material Switch in the newspaper's Decision a 'si! 4 BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Commentary It was. quite literally, a sign from God. And county conmussioners got the message So now the New Life Church of God % ill get the new, scrolling, electronic sign that its pastor, Ed Holbrooks, said was "the %ill of God." The church, located on SR 121 north near Steel Bridge Road. had asked the commission for a vari- ance from the county's sign ordi- nance, which prohibits flashing or moving signs. "Variance," of course, is bureau- cratese for "the rules don't apply to S you County staff recommended that the variance request be denied be- cause a sign like that doesn't fit the rural setting surrounding the church. There also was concern that granting it would open "Pandora's Box" by setting a precedent for fu- ture variance requests. The funny thing is that the com- mission usually follow s its staff rec- ommendations, but not in this case. I wonder why'? Is it possible that the comnmis- sioners by all appearances a de- vout group of individuals have a collecuve soft spot for houses of worship? What if, for instance, a wArecker service auto body shop let's call it Joe's Tows had sought a variance for its sign" Would commissioners grant that? Nab. And if they did, what's the point of having a sign ordinance'? Listening to Commissioner Gor- don Crews, however, you might think the ordinance detracts from the county's beauty. "I look at this [sign] as an im- provement, an upgrade," said the usually level-headed commission- er. An improvement over what? Mother Nature? Be careful if Mr. Crews ever asks you to go on a scenic drive with him. You might be thinking Pacific Coast Highway or the Blue Ridge Parkway, but he'd be cruising down Blanding Boulevard. Now, if you w ere to ask the com- missioners why they approved it, I'd bet they'd cite language in the regulations that gives them excuses to grant variances. In fact, they did say that. By law they were required to do so. m God?' But I came to a conclusion while trying to listen to the count) attor- ney read through the list of excuses it was difficult, after all, we had a lawyer reading land-use regulations written in bureaucratese. There are so many loopholes in there that about the only sign that couldn't make it would be if a prac- ticing atheist who molested his grandmother wanted a giant flash- ing sign that said "We sell alcohol on Sunday and crack even other day." But it could be argued that the commission approved the variance for humanitarian reasons. The Re\. Holbrooks talked about ho"\ he could change the message on the sign from his home by com- puter. That would alleviate the need for a church volunteer to change a sign by hand, and save the poor fellow from the guilt he'd feel if he forgot to do it His thought was that God's chil- dren carry around enough guilt without unduly adding to the bur- den Here's my thought: The first mes- sage on the sign should read, "The Lord and the county commission - work in mysterious ways." --"Copyrighted Material ISyndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Calls to DOF on control burn an abuse of public servants Dear Editor: Do you think those women even .as well as wildlife. Remer This weekend I witnessed the thought far enough ahead of the con- earth science course? worst misuse of our public servants, sequences if someone truly needed In the country, burns t and total disregard for the safety of the qualified services of those re- life. Crop-dusting feeds others. spending to these bogus calls? tects that new growth, anm On Friday,. after days of prepa- How would you have felt if you mal for people to ride hor ration, the equipment was put in lost your home or a loved one in a the ditches. What isn't i position, the qualified, trained help fire because response to your call for you to send your dogs assembled and all required permits was delayed due to such a waste' of their heels. (Road ditches i pulled, and the yearly burning of time? property.) some pastures began. I for one would be quite upset. In the country we res Simple enough you'd think. And I feel that those departments and those service person Wrong! should be justly compensated for have chosen to be there Two women -mother and daugh- this misuse, including the person- need them. ter who have appointed them- nel's time,, gasoline, and wear and If you don't like this coi selves the sole owners of every- tear on the equipment. Maybe then go back to the city. thing on this side of Baker County these kind of people would think Dar called the Division of Forestry not twice before playing this game. Gl just one time but two times to re- As taxpayers, are we expected to port a wildfire. They were informed foot the bill? that everything was authorized, but This year, when the bookkeepers continued to hound until DOF re- for these services explain their plea We lI o eBnj sponded. for more funds and you feel your Being assured that all was under pockets growing lighter, you can control was not enough. Calls began thank those two women on Mud to the sheriff and fire departments. Lake Road for their contribution to This letter is in no way meant to the growing deficit. end uslett criticize the named departments. And just a small note to the rest They were doing their sworn duty of you transplanted city slickers. a nd ilk B with as much professionalism as This is the country, and controlled one can when faced with such total burns are a way of life and a benefit . waste of their time and resources, to all. They prevent uncontrolled with a phoe and lack of respect from those mak- wildfires, renew the soil and clear ing these time-consuming, bogus the way for new grass and vegeta- calls. tion to emerge to sustain livestock mber your bring new and pro- d it's nor- rses along normal is to bite at are public pect that, nnel who when we untry life, 'lene Smith. en St. Mary 0ier Appearance of parks is a reflection on the city Dear Editor: Sorry to take so long, but I would like to comment on Kelley Lannigan's June 29 column about Nlacclenny Park. This park could be one of Nlacclenny's stars instead of an eyesore. It needs not only to be cleaned up and fishing should not be allowed in the pond but it needs to be brightened up. It needs tree trimming and col- or. Plantings could be done with perennials that, once established, would not need the constant care and "water that annuals do. You get the sense of darkness even in the middle of the day. The gazebo is a nice touch, but paint it. Add color all around Right now it just looks nasty, but there are so many possibilities to make it sparkle. Macclenny is growing, and places like this could be an asset. Photogra- phers are always looking for unique places to photograph models, and with the city's growth, we want all the positive publicity we can get. These may just seem like a small little deal. but it only takes one bad experience to turn someone's interest to another area. Granted, I am in real estate sales, so I do have a vested interest in this. but in my brochures, and when showing prospective home buyers and commercial developers, I Would like to be able to add this. Naquin Chitty t lacclenny Serving 91 months for attack in January, 1998 Dear Editor: I want to respond to an article I read in your July 29 edition that contained a statement by Robert Home made when he was arrested on June 22. Mr. Home stated, "The officer didn't do anything about the person who hit him in the head," referring to an incident in January, 1998. Mr. Home's statement is misleading. I am the person who hit Mr. Home in the head. and I'm here at Florida State Prison serving a 91.2 month sen- tence for aggravated battery with great bodily harm. Mr. Home might think the officer "didn't do anything" but he doesn't know what it's like in prison. I don't get my copy of The Baker County Press for a week or two after it comes out, I don't get to eat what I like, I visit with family and friends only twice a week, and I don't get to spend holidays or my birthday with them. Everything I do is watched by correc- tions officers. The citizens of Baker County should know I'm being punished for my actions against Nir Home. They also should know that Deputy (Brad) Dougherty wasn't with the sheriff's department at the time I hit Nr. Home. lj'yes t ga oN,hke Combs was, and he didhisjob 100%. .,. .. No one is above the law. David R. Crews Florida Stale Prison irmnate Raiford Well Drilling W\ater Softeners & Purification Septic Tanks ~ Drain Fields ~ Culverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS L ..,,ed in Florida Georgia VISA MasterCard American Express Discover ^ t --. -_ ...._..... _._ 'Jaf FALL CLASSES IJAIKE CiTYv cfiMMomNlr COILIHBI S REGISTER NOW August 9 (Mon-Thu) 7'30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. August 10 7;30am.-3 p.mONLY 'V 4-' II For more information call (386) 754-4287 wW,lW ecitycedu LCCC is an Equal Access/Equal S Opportunity 'Institution .. , A THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 20, 2006 Page 4 Broward robber... (From page 1) support a drug habit, authorities say. They also include aggravated bat- tery and sexual battery. Information about his prison record was not im- mediately known. Sheriff Joey Dobson said he will not be charged with any crimes in Baker County. For now, Ms. Fed- erlin is charged here with resisting arrest without violence. A Broward warrant was served on the girlfriend for being an ac- complice. "We were told he was possibly armed, and I'd say I used the mega- phone 30 times trying to get him to come out," said Sheriff Dobson, who along with other officers was drenched during a heavy thunder- storm that rolled across the area about 6:30. Officers shot two canisters of gas and tossed another through a window in unsuccessful attempts to flush the suspect outside. About 7:00, the heavily armed special team entered and two minutes later the suspect was found in the kitchen. He positioned himself in the cab- inet space and sealed the doors with wet towels to ward off the tear gas. Mr. Jordan, the nephew of the trailer's owner, told Sheriff Dobson he never heard the amplified orders to surrender. Officers did not find a firearm in the trailer. After deputies realized they had a potentially dangerous situation developing, neighbors along with north-south street west of Glen St. Mary were evacuated and traffic di- verted. A rescue unit stood by just off US 90 to the south. Mr. Jordan was placed in a re- straining chair with a special head- gear when he became belligerent during booking at county jail. He protested being taken to the ground in the rain soaked driveway just west of'the trailer, and claimed initially he was injured. His demeanor improved consid- erably by the following morning, said Sheriff Dobson, and Mr. Jordan was generally cooperative when in- terviewed early Tuesday afternoon by the Broward detectives. The fugitive's silver 2003 Chev- rolet Impala was towed from 'the scene and will be processed for evi- dence of the police chase. AL-ANON MEETINGS Every Monday at 8:00 pm at the Macdenny Church of Christ 5th St. & Mirnne..:.n. . Open to all friends and family Glen fees (From page 1) day, the town will assess $500 for fire protection, $500 for emergency services, $1000 for transportation, $700 for law enforcement, and $50 for administrative costs. Mittauer suggested $1500 for transportation and $400 for admin- istrative. Last year, consultant Frank Da- rabi, who did an impact fee study, said his research showed that Glen, Macclenny and the county could each charge $2777. Mayor Juanice Padgett, however,. has said Mr. Darabi did not present any recommendation to town offi- cials. Also last year, the county mistak- enly included Glen in its impact fee ordinance, but town officials opted not to sign an interlocal agreement on the fee. ' The fee will be assessed when a building permit is pulled, or in the case of mobile homes, the move-on permit. Because neither the school dis- trict nor Glen St. Mary issues build- ing permits, the county must collect the fee on their behalf. In Macclen- ny, the city will collect the school's fee. In other business at Tuesday's meeting, the council: Agreed to advertise for a main- tenance employee to replace Joe Raulerson, who is retiring Septem- ber 30. Starting salary will be $12 hour. They'd like to have the person hired early so he or she can shadow Mr. Raulerson on the job before he steps down. Heard from its auditor Clay Ly- ons, of Lyons & Lyons CPA, who said the town "appears to be in good shape" financially. Scheduled a budget workshop for August 8. Complete Electrical Sign Company Manufacturing, Repair Face Replacement & Custom Graphics Call U6 ror All Your Signage Neleds 904-766-6222 www.signsharks.com Clasifed $450 :. . DOThearing July 18 on I110 widening... Ginger Barber, executive director of the Baker County Chamber of Commerce (right) discusses the planned six-laning of Interstate 10 from Glcn aS .1lary east into, I. snlle prior to a public hearing at the county commission chambers the evening ofJuly 18. With Ms. Barber is Debh AI Ai let. picect rainagei t0' 1 /iaLi is, expected to be an $87milllion project. DOT planning official Bill Henderson said the addi- liin If Mhi d lane east and west from Glen to the proposed Branan-Chaffee Road interchange is ,ely /ie' or more years in the future, but ihe/ planing neels t,. begin in 2006. The 17-mile expansion into the present median will involve no further right-of-way acquisition on the interstate that was constructed in the late 1950s, and will be done in four stages going east to west. DOT is basing the need on an expected increase of daily traffic through Baker County from the present 25,000 vehicles to 62,000 by 2030. Mr. Henderson said higher traffic counts and number of accidents on the corridor has pushed the project to the planning board in the Lake City-based DOT district. Commission approves re-routing of Reid Stafford Rd. to the south of 1-10 BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff In a relatively light agenda, the Baker County Com- mission cleared the way for rerouting Reid Stafford Road so that it intersects with CR 229 farther south, a%\ aa from Interstate 10. The county was concerned about the safety of hav- ing the road meet CR 229 so close to the interstate interchange, according to the developer's agreement commissioners.approved with Osceola Land & Timber Corp. Reid Stafford is a dirt road that runs along the south side of 1-10 between CR 229 and CR 125; although at that end it's called Glen Nursery Road. Under the agreement, Osceola is granting a i 00-foot right of way through its land so that the road can be redirected southwest and connect with CR 229 about a half mile south of where it does now. Osceola will build the base for the road, then the county will pave it. The company will pay the difference between the cost of paving the new road and the cost of paving the old road, which the county would likely have done. The agenda was light because the Independence Day holiday pushed back the commission's first meeting of the month from July 4 to July 11, Its second meeting of the month was held at its regu- larly scheduled time, just six days later. In other business, the commission: Approved increases in per diem rates (from $50 to $80), breakfast ($3 to $6),,lunch ($6 to $11), dinner ($12 to $19) and mileage (29 cents to 44.5 cents) Agreed to remove special rescue and garbage col- lection assessment liens against property owned by Dan Cooper, who is selling. The board also waived interest and penalties, requir-' ing Mr. Cooper to pay just the original assessments, Which were $75 each \ear in 198' through 1989. Mr. Cooper said he % as unaw are of the assessments, which has been a common problem because at the time the county had problems notifying all property own- ers. Agreed to a new three-year contract with the Baker County Chamber of Commerce for its services as a "specialized economic development practitioner." ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ICE MACHINES, COOLERS, FREEZERS 904-260-2090 SOI"NER. IJERR HORrON AC U 18137,01 Last chance to take advantage of our summer deals. Party packages starting as low as $50.00 .)6&onwcdfk sno-kocne Coatcrn Ccetny "The Easiest Place in the World to Buy a Car orTruck" tion of Hwy. 121 and U.S. 90 in downtown Macclenny Fu won'iture You won't believe our prices... Specializing in: Living Rooms Bedrooms Kids'Bedrooms Lodge Decor Dining Rooms Home Office 60,000 Sq. Ft. of Beautiful Furniture, Home Furnishings & Accessories ~39 Jones Rd. #4, Jacksonville 904-781-1079 Family Owned & Operated Since 1984 or the selection! ',.,^.* . www.circlekfurniturejax.com Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10 am 5:30 pm Sun. 1 5:30 pm CLOSED TUESDAY , Bounce Party Rentals Locally owned and operated Call to setup your next party today 1-888-385-6661 I_ _____________________ _ Styles by Susie is located on US 90 in Glen St. Mary next to Fritz's barber shop Macclenny Amoco CIGARETTES ** BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ** Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Milds Marlboro Menthol Light MarlboroMenthol Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights Camel Full Flavor Camel 99 Camel Turkish At the corner of US 90 & SR121 Sunday 7 am 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm If you've been waiting to buy your Bob-Cat Zero Turn lawnmower, wait no more! Buy it today at Northeast'Florida Power Equipment and get [No Interest til March '07 & No Payments til April '07!- No Pay til April & No Dec. Fees!*1 SP With a 9.99% APR J 0% APR for [0% APR for'o0% APR for) 18 Months!) -24 Months!*.36 Months!J a a 'gagn~'Tr?^ Committee will propose a modified school traffic plan Looking for the best alternative available to solve traffic problems on South Boulevard before the start of 2006-07 school year in August, the recently formed traffic-related committee last Thursday evening approved a modified version of Plan A, previously submitted for consideration to the committee by the Baker County School Board. The plan incorporates elements from Plan B which was also previ- ously proposed by the residents of the south Macclenny neighborhood long troubled by traffic and parking problems that began with the open- ing of the PreK/Kindergarten Cen- ter a year ago. The compromise plan will now be submitted to the school board for consideration. Plan A will now include: Substitute orange road cones to designate traffic lanes in place of permanent painted stripes on South Boulevard. A designated pick-up/drop-off line with an enforced, staggered line-up time for vehicle arrivals. Painted crosswalk grids in an east/west orientation on specified sections of sidewalk. Divided school bus traffic along- two routes to prevent total concen- tration along a single street. Opening of additional parking spaces on school property to pub- lic. Formation of a committee to include an architect and traffic en- gineer to study and design solutions for possible construction of new north/south single lane road with ingress from South Boulevard and egress onto Jonathan Street. Con- struction may require a new bulk- head built along the existing reten- Hi h-speed police case A 15-year-old Jacksonville male was arrested July 15 for reckless driving and other charges afterlead- ing a police officer on a chase that reached 100 miles per hour. Deputy Garrett Bennett was headed north on CR 125 at about 2:00 am when he saw an on oncom- ing car in his lane traveling at an es- timated 75 miles per hour. He pulled off the road to avoid a possible collision, then gave chase. After about a mile and a half, the driver slammed on the brakes and slid sideways onto Clyde Newmans Lane. He had to stop when he came to the dead end. The officer arrested the boy, then asked his 17-year-old- passenger if she'd seen his emergency lights. "No, not at first. I wasn't paying attention, but then [the youth] said, 'Damn, there's a cop,"' she said. Inside the car the officer found a partially smoked marijuana ciga- rette. Asked if there were any more drugs in the car, the driver replied, "No, I already smoked it all." In addition to reckless driving, he was charged with possession of marijuana and attempting to elude a police officer. ii i i "' .. .' David Theus, a neighborhood member of the traffic committee, shares his suggestions for South Boulevard traffic route solutions at the committee 's vork session July 13. tion pond near the Baker County Middle School track. Many members of the traffic, committee agree that regardless of immediate measures taken, traf- fic will still pose problems for the area. "There has to be some compro- mise from the school board ,and the residents. All traffic can't be eliminated entirely from South Boulevard," said Gerald Dopson, Macclenny's city manager. "We're looking for balance and to assure residents of a tolerable solution." The major problem, according to Assistant Superintendent Glen McKendree, is the bottleneck that results in the narrow, congested areas immediately adjacent to the PreK Center and the school dis- trict's central offices. "We changed the traffic flow pat- tern twice just last year, trying to relieve the bottleneck. Staggering starting times for different classes could provide sdme relief," he said. Brenda Swisher, the committee. chairperson, is concerned about the 17 buses that will enter the area twice daily "I've lived through it for a long time. It's like the Indy 500 when they come around the corner by my house. The noise is deafening and tlhe weight of the buses destroys the comers of the roads around the cul- verts." According to school board mem- bers on the traffic related commit- tee, many factors contribute to traf- fic congestion, such as the increase in the number of bus riders as the year progresses and parents who must travel to multiple schools to pick up children. , David Theus, who lives on Col- lege. street near the PreK Center, presented his own diagram with suggestions for alternative, traffic routing. "The bottom line is the buses have to go somewhere. They can't fly in," he said with a laugh. "A so- lution will take compromise from all ofus ". Man accosts, steals from teens camping on St. Marys River A pair of teenage boys told po- lice July 10 they were camping at the Boy Scout Camp when two men accosted them, punched one of them in the face and stole their skateboards. The boys, 15 and 16, both from Macclenny, said the unidentified men arrived at about 3:00 am and began arguing with them. The men said they'd lost a phone, and made the boys look for it. The older boy got punched in the face and the men made off with not only the skateboards but an MP3 player, $10 in cash and a tent. The items were valued at about $550. In another battery, two NEFSH employees reported July 10 that a patient had punched and spit on them. Police filed a battery charge with the state attorney against Gregory Davis, 23. Hospital employee Albert Strat- ton said Mr. Davis came into his office June 14 and without provoca- tion began punching him. Mr. Stratton had to use office furniture to shield himself from the assault. Employee Leilani Greggs arrived as hospital staff members were re- straining Mr. Davis. He then spit on her numerous times. P r e s s V Advertising Deadine Registering for 2006-2007 school year Serving children 3-5 years old with quality preschool instruction in a Christian setting since 1978. Licensed by the National Association of Christian Education Call for information at 259-3521 Patricia Weeks, Director Comes home, tosses table at his spouse Police arrested a Glen St. Mary man July 14 and charged him with domestic violence and attempting to elude police. , Zacharia Jordan, 21, returned to his home on Clinton Avenue just past midnight, went into his bed- room and said something to his wife who was lying in bed trying to get their daughter to go to sleep. Sarah Jordan couldn't under- stand him because his speech was slurred. Stumbling and barely able to stand, he grabbed the baby chang- ing table and tried to throw it, but was unable. Ms, Jordan took the child and ran to a neighbor's home where she called police. Meanwhile, Mr. Jordan jumped in his car and took off. Deputy Tracie Benton arrived to investigate, and as she was leaving she spotted the car. She turned on her emergency lights and siren, but Mr. Jordan didn't stop immediately. When he did, it turned out his driver's license had been suspend- ed. The officer cited him for that. He also said he'd had about 12 beers before earlier going to his home. Flim-flam artist strikes at restaurant A Waffle House waitress told po- lice July 12 that a flim-flam artist bilked her out of $96. Laura Watkins said an unidenti- fied man came in around 10:30 pm and ordered a cup of coffee. He handed her a $100 bill and she gave him $98 in change. He then asked her for the $100 back, and handed her $2. She said he exchanged the mon- ey very quickly, but she realized something'% wasn't right. When she e nt back to tell the cook what was going on, the man left. He headed south on Sixth Street in a white Chevy Suburban with a Mississippi license plate., THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 20, 2006 Page 5 Weapon, other charges Two Jacksonville men and a woman were arrested July 11 on various charges after they were stopped for driving suspiciously in Macclenny. The driver, Richard Leprell, 45, was charged with driving with a sus- pended license, and also had an arrest warrant from Clay County. Karen Runyon, 40, was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, pos- session of a controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Timothy Crosby, 40, was charged with possession of drug parapherna- lia. Deputy Greg Burnsed arrived at Wolfe Drive and Pine Circle around 9:00 pm in response to a report of a suspicious vehicle. He stopped Mr.. Leprell, who was behind the wheel of a 1995 Chevy pickup, driving slowly and weaving. The trio inside gave conflicting reasons for being in the neighborhood. Mr. Leprell said his license had been suspended for DUI and Ms. Run- yon said she had a knife concealed beneath her right pant lege Police also found prescription pills and multiple crack cocaine pipes in her purse. They also found a couple of crack pipes under the passenger seat where Mr. Crosby was sitting. Sideline Sportz Youth football equipment & custom t-shirts Mom and Dad custom t-shirts to match team jersey Come see us on Saturday next to Baker Beverage on US 90 under the oaks ^Re Reebok Cleats Only$22.00 S sizes 4.5, 5.5, 6, 7 sidelinesportz06@aol.com American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs AA Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. . Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 LENDERS BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE TAX FREE SALE July 22 29 megaCR, For every $20 you spend, you are entered into a drawing to win one of two $50 gift cards to Outback Steakhouse (or Carrabba's or Bonefish Grill) or Olive Garden (or Red Lobster or Smokey Bones BBQ) Adventures in Select items will be 25% off and tax free. Some of these items include: Idea books, scrapbooking pens, colored pencils, scissors, rulers. Select Disney products will be 25% off. (products by Sandylion & Paper Garden) All page kits will be 25% off Free "Back to School" make n' take just for stopping in to see us! 259-1973 28 E. Macclenny Ave. I Is your water misbehaving? If so, call us... .. -.. ... We will bring the Water Wagon to your house & fix it! For more Information about products and services see our ad in the '05-06 Macclenny phone book on page 100 Our Water Conditioning Units Will Bring Quality Water Into Your Home! 904.608.5669 or 904.613.1898 A MACCLENNY BASED COMPANY 'f, . f "\ THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 20, 2006 Page 6 Jituaries John Aldrich dies July 15 John Aldrich, 82, of Mount Dora, Fla. died July 15, 2006 at his home following a brief illness. He was born October, 17, 1923 in Metter, Ga. to the late Shelley Starling Al- drich and the former Cora Lee La- nier. Mr. Aldrich was a member of the Mount Dora Church of God. He retired after 38 years from the City of Mount Dora and managed Pine Forest Cemetery there. Mr. Aldrich is survived by Mary, his wife of 63 years; daughters El- berta (Woodrow) Raulerson, Violet (Larry) Pike and Patricia Aldrich; brothers Shelley James (Grace) and. Darvin (Sherri) Aldridge; sisters Jewel Silcox. Bonnie (Bill) Nleis- ter and Gladys Cannon, 11 grand- children. 17 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Mr. Aldrich \\as pre-deceased by sister Mary Wood. The funeral sen ice % ill be held at 11:00 am on T-hursday, July 20 at Lane Ave. Church of God in Jack- sonville with Rev. Steve Deboise officiating. Pallbearers are Dustin Taylor. Richard Taylor. Woodro\% Raulerson III, Carcy Silcox, Jona- than Raulerson and James Thrift. Presmtood Funeral Home in Baldwin was in charge of arrange- ments. Tomlinson rites July 18th Jesse Lee Tomlinson, 47, died on Friday, July 14, 2006 after a brief illness. He was born at the US Arm\ hospital in Ludwigsberg, Germany and lived in Jacksonville all his life.. N r. Tomlinson attended Ed% ard White High School and served in the N anne Corps He retired after 22 years with the Jackson' ille Sher- iff's Office, and for the past several Sears owned and operated Jesse's Law n Service. He \\as an a\ id hunt- er and fisherman and \vill be warmly remembered for his friendly nature and lo\e olf amilk. Mr. Tomlinson is survived by sons Joshua and Jonathon, parents James and Betty Tomlinson, for- merly of Baker County, brothers James (Debra) and Dale Tomlinson,, all of Jacksonville; grandmother Jane Tomlinson of Macclenny; many other relatives and friends. A memorial service was held at Woodstock Baptist Church in Jack- sonville on July 18 with Rev. Cecil Brown officiating. Burial followed at Riverside Memorial Cemetery. Fraser Funeral Home on Normandy Blvd. was in charge of arrange- ments. The family requests donations in Jesse's memory to The Gideons International, P.O. Box 6696, Jack- sonville, Fla. 32236. Press Classifieds $ I Glen Hill Primitive Baptist (Church Elder .Arnoid .Iol'n , Sunday Serices Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For nlormatilon call 25 9-956" Ray Dopson, USFS ranger Raymond Edward Dopson, 71, of Macclenny died on July 11, 2006 at his residence following an extended illness. Mr. Dopson was born in Sanderson to the late Lonnie Owen Dopson and Rosa Lee Wood Dopson. He mot ed to Macclenny in 1953. Mr. Dopson was a for- mer employee of-the US Forest Service at Ocean Pond serving as a forest ranger and served as a dis- patcher with the Macclenny Police Department. He was also a certi- fied waste water technician with' the Water Department of the City of Macclennm until his retirement in 1997. He %%as a 1953 graduate of Sanderson High School and a mem- ber of Raiford Road Church in Maccleunn Survivors include his loving % ife Nadine Dopson of Nlacclenn.' daughters Rosemary i. lart ) Farnesi of Nlacclenn) and Theresa (Rick) Taylor of Taylor. granddaughter Danielle Farnesi; and great-grand- daughter Madison Finley. A funeral ser ice \\as held at 11-00 am on Friday, July 14. at Raiford Road Church in Nlacclenny dand Rev Johnny Raulerson and Re%. Eddie Gritffis officiated. Interment followed in Cedar Creek Cemeterx in Sanderson. Guerr) Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements Harris memorial A celebration. of the life of Van Thomas Harris will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday, July 22 at Wood- stock Baptist Church in Jackson- ville. Mr. Harris, 76, a former Baker County resident, died July 18. He was the son of the late Vandie Har- ris and Sippie Harris Hartenstein of Macclenny. Attendees at the service are asked to bring stories and remembrances McCray's Chapel God Will Deliver on Time is the theme of a special service at Mc- Cray's Chapel in Olustee on Sat- urday, July 22 beginning at 7:00 pm. Several Baker County speakers have been scheduled for the Evening service There \ ill be an evening sern ice at Faith Bible Church in Sanderson on Sunday Jul\ 23 starting at 7:00. The serve ice is this week only. B---,- "l-- --: . FAITH BIBLE CHURCH NeC Hope fir the Community Five Churches Road Hu:y 127 Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Every 4* Sunday Night Service 7:00 p.m. N In loving memory of Uncle Chester 7/15/85 8/29/99 LOVE, ALEX AND HANNAH STARLING Family grateful We sincerely thank everyone for their prayers, flowers, cards and food following the loss of our pre- cious mother. A special thanks to Ed Fraser Hospital for the generos- ity and kindness, and to Frank Wells Nursing Home for the care and love given Mama during her stay there. Thanks also to Pastors David Thom- as and Donnie Williams, and to the musicians and singers for a beauti- ful service. God bless you all. The family of Edith Williams St. Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am Exceptional Praise & Worship Come be a (ii Warm, Friendly Folkspa of what God A Sunday School Your Children will love! is doina! Sunday @ 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. / Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. V Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 EM. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 PM. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 y j Videll I Williams -Pastor / Former Baker County teacher Catherine "Kitty" Sullivan recently completed the comprehensive ex- aminations for her PhD in K-12 advanced teaching in education at Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dissertation process began on July 11. Ms. Sullivan plans to write her dissertation on reading intervention programs and will do extensive research on specific strat- egies and interventions for strug- gling readers. Ms. Sullivan has been a class- room teacher for the past 26 years. Most of her teaching was in the Baker County system, but she now teaches at St. George Elementary in St. George, Georgia.. J Sanderson L Congi egalional Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 1 1:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm - Pastor: Oral E. Lyons c Her son Jack graduated from BCHS in 2005 and completed his first year of college at Embry Rid-, die Aeronautical University. He is transferring to FSU this fall. Ms. Sullivan earned a bachelor of fine arts degree in drama from the University of Georgia and her master's degree in elementary ed- ucation from Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah. She is a part-time professor for AASU in the early childhood edu- cation department instructing un- dergraduates how to teach reading to elementary students. She hopes to do part-time con- sulting for school systems after she -.' First Baptist Church of Sanderson CR229 S., Sanderson, FL Sunday School.......... .10 am 11 am .6 pmi " pmu Pastor Bob Christmas Sun Morning Worship Sun Evening Worslup Wed E\e Bible Srudy ROAD TO CALVARY REVIVAL July 23-26 Sunday 6:00 p.m. Monday-Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Rev. Tommy Anderson DINKINS NEW CONCREGATIONAL METHODIST CHUICH CRI 127 N. of Sandcrson Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday rt'oing Service 1 1:00 am Sunday Nighl Sernue 0:00 pm Wed. NilNt Ser5ece 7-'50 pm Whom Everyone is Somebldy and Jesus s the Leader L'EQTYONE WtLCO, P,. aster Ne wLrWL e Terl.d First Bap tist Church j GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM "A ",A Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM C i "A Beacon 99 ^1^ to Baker .a Couni0\"" 259-6977 Perry Hays, Associate Pastor "Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor REVIVAL 1MONlAC BAPTIST CHURCH July 16-21 7:00 p.m. nightly July 16 Joe Butler Dom Black Creek Baptist Church July 17 Chris Drum First Baptist Baldwin July 18 Matt Willams Sonrise Baptist Church July 19 Dr. John Sullivan Director Baptist Convention July 20 Larry McGinley Old Plank Road Baptist July 21 Allen Flloyd First Baptist Middleburg Special Singing Nightly Come and Join us (904) 259-7325 Senior Pastor David Thomas 259- 4940 Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday Youth Programs Sunday School 10:00 am Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm God Kids Sunday 11:00 am God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm Associate Pastor Tim Thomas 259- 4575 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:15 am Youth Pastor Gay Cunimmgy www.christianfellowshiptemple.com completes her PhD program. Ms. Sullivan, a breast cancer sur- vivor, says it was the cancer battle that made her determined to accom- plish this specific goal in her life. "Cancer opened my eyes. I had not done some of the things that were once important to me. The PhD actually started out as a joke while I was completing my master's program. The more I thought about it,'I decided to go for it. "I have not regretted my decision to advance my education to the doc- toral level. It makes me feel good about me. Just another reminder to everyone that cancer does not have to be the end of a productive life!" Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 259-4461 Pastor Bobby Griffin Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm L"-L For God so loved the world. that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting lile. John 3:16 Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Semice Sunday 8:30 am Morning Worship Service 10:30 am children'ss Church 11:30 am Evangelist ie 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm Rev.4lbert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All [7th .~.& Avre.. V ftJ,-~ rh',,,i', Sunday Schnul Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Eruning \\Wrship S l > T A c;. E M N 1 '.1 l0 C. 0 NI I t A C I k N ID 9:30 am 1I):15 am 4:llf pm Wednesday Bivble Study Thursday linuth Nur'rrn prmid.d nr all >r,,r. "'4 Loring Church with a Growing vision of Excelle. Spetnld Blssiun; Sdchi.,l Rradinirss enter 2''i'J44, 7:00 pu unce -- ---- N,T% Cancer victim into PhD program CHRISTIAN FEr.T OWSHIP TEMPLE Independent Pentecostal. Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny h; I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS. Thursday July 20. 2006 Page 7 Arrest for disorderly intoxication A Glen St. Mary man holding his mouth open to show his teeth to a police officer was arrested July 15 for disorderly intoxication. Darrell Foreman, 39, was walk- ing in the middle of John Allen Road after an argument with his father when deputiesGarrett Ben- nett and Brad Dougherty arrived at 10:35 pm. Police had received a call about an argument at the Foremans' resi- dence on John Allen. When asked what he was doing, Mr. Foreman replied belligerently, "Nothing. Just walking down the road. Can't I do that!?!" Slurring his words and unable to speak in complete sentences, he refused the officers' repeated re- quests to calm down. The strong odor of mouthwash was coming from him, so Deputy Bennett asked what he'd been drinking. "Equate. For my mouth," he said. Equate is an off-brand mouth- wash. Then, according to the police re- port, "He proceeded to stumble to- wart me in a quick manner hold- ing his mouth open with his hands as to show me his teeth." With neighbors coming out of their houses and cars slowing down to see the commotion, Mr. Foreman was arrested. Deputy Bennett then drove over. to the Foremans' home to talk with his father Edwin Foreman, who said his son had been drinking' Magnum malt liquor and Equate mouthwash all afternoon. As they were talking, Darrell Foreman was in the back of the patrol car yelling, "I love you dad. Thanks." :- OFFSET PRESSMAN -- DUPLICATOR . Operate and maintain all print shop equipment. Knowledge of high-end duplicating machines. Ability to operate an ABDICK press desirable. Responsible for quality printing and bindery work such as, collating, saddle stitching. binding publications, numbering machines, etc. Ability to prioritize projects.and work in a fast paced print shop. High school diploma/ GED, plus five years experience in print operations and computer literate required. Associates degree preferred. Salary: $26,269.00. plus benefits Deadline for applications: August 2, 2006 Position details and applications available on our Web site at www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 Email: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment Battery complaint against Glen man charged with battery man Tr mInc' woma AGlenSt.Marymanwascharged When police arrived, Mr. Koe- he proceeded to unload fror with domestic violence July 15 for nig told them he had a dagger-style ous pockets on his nmilitar Police filed a criminal complaint July 14 against a Macclenny man who punched his live-in girlfriend after she caught him and another woman having sex in a car July 14. A charge of battery was filed with the state attorney against Jason Traded his speakers for cocaine A Glen St. Mary man who told police he'd traded his audio speak- ers for crack cocaine July 13 was, arrested after refusing to move his vehicle. Richard Gowdy, 47, was charged with resisting an officer without vi- olence when he wouldn't move his Chevy Blazer off Grissolm Street in Macclenny. Deputy Sgt. Thomas Dyal no- ticed him parked in the middle of the street at 11:21 pm. The officer asked him to move the vehicle because it was block- ing traffic, but Mr. Gowdy said he couldn't lea% e because he had given his car speakers to an unidentified man who said he'd be right back with the crack. The deputN advised Mr. Gowdy that the man would not be return- ing. Thus informed, Mr. Gowdy said he wanted the man arrested for stealing his speakers. Instead, Mr. Gowdy was arrested for not moving his car. He also was cited for improper' parking. Smith, 23, arid his paramour, Tonya Goodrich, 22. The victim, Dawn Dean, told police that she and Mr. Smith had been arguing on July 8 and that she left their home on Ohio Avenue. She returned around 1:00 am to find Mr. Smith and Ms. Goodrich in a car outside the home. The pair have a child together but until that point in time had been separated. Ms. Dean said she and Mr. Smith started arguing again. Ms: Goodrich then tripped Ms. Dean and held her down as Mr. Smith punched her in the face. He then threatened to kill her if she reported the incident to police. Ms. Dean fled to a safe haven in Jacksonville, where eventually she was persuaded to report the inci- dent. The police report noted faint bruising under her right eye consis- tent xith her account of the attack. Baby left in car A Sanderson woman was cited July 15 after police found, her one- :year-old baby locked in her car I while she shopped at Wal-Mart. Cynthia Smith, 19, was charged Sixth child neglect for leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle. Rodney Driggers, a corrections officer at county jail, saw the infant in the Chevy sedan around 10 am. The car was running and the doors were locked. The baby was buckled in a car seat. He called it in and Deputy Ben Anderson responded. After about 15 minutes. Ms. Smith came out of the store. GOSPEL CONCERT CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE ON THE CORNER OF SEVENTH STREET & OHIO AVE. SUNDAYJULY23 at 6:00 PM PASTOR DAVID THOMAS PASTORTIM THOMAS - PASTOR GARY CRUMMY slapping his son. Phillip Koenig, 39, also was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a self- propelled knife. Deputy William Hilliard arrived around 5:30 pm at a home on Dar- rie Lane in Sanderson where the suspect's ex-wife and current girl- friend Dana Koenig lives. It was there that he slapped his 17-year-old son for not doing the laundry properly. Ms. Koenig then told him to leave the house, which he refused to do. 1 7 il- I t knife uea to his nght DOot under ms pant leg. After officers removed the knife, he said he had several more, which m vari- y-style pants. Because he struck his son, police notified the Department of Children and Family Services. Benefit Fish Fry Gospel Sing & Cake Auction July 29 5:00 p.m. in Sanderson Voting Center All proceeds go to Matt Davis, a liver transplant patient now again in need of help. Your prayers and donations greatly needed. (Fried fish, hushpuppies, grits, baked beans, coleslaw and sweet tea) For more details call 259-5567 Sponsored by Vineyard of Love Ministry, Olustee For balances of S2.500 or more MERCANTILE BANK Vk take your banking persona*y 1-800-238-8681 www.bankmercantile.com *A nnu p! F' lr *3L]p e .l, l -"[:vigt id I 'ur rv v -",f l rr ,-,f pua -,,, hn *r I'.-.f-: u ,',- .,i r'.; j i ".'r l r ,_ ,1,:p ,-," ,: 111 :r..,=,' i. -i,.-,l ," i'r -ii,,,-,- 11 ,,^ ,-, -,-- "1 eg.'lieo) Pere mir, rt r' ) ,i eI, o Ir.e M 'n -, i -' , GLEN ST. MARY CONGREGATIONAL HOLINESS CAMPGROUND EAST ANDREW STREET, GLEN ST. MARY, FL 32040 Monday Friday, July 17-21 7:30 p.m. Nightly with Linda Baughtman Tuesday Friday, July 18 21 10:30 am. Daily with Justin Griffis SPECIAL SINGING NIGHTLY WITH THE "PENTACOSTAL EXPRESSIONS" Everyone Welcome THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 20, 2006 Page 8 Randall Hodges and Cindy Crawford July 29th vows AlvN and Diane Cra\ ford and Gary and Debbie Hodges. all of Sanderson, are pleased to announce the marriage of their children, Cin- dy Crawford and Randall Hodges. The wedding will be on Satur- day, July 29 at 6:00 pm at The Glen House. - Mitchell Rhoden and Amanda Wilson Wilson-Rhoden Tony and Angela Holloman, and Virgil and JoAnne Rhoden, all of Glen St. Mary, are pleased to an- nounce the upcoming marriage of their children. Amanda Mechelle Wilson and Mitchell Lee Rhoden The ceremony \ill be on July 22 at 6.00 pm at the Mathis House in Glen St. Mary All family) and, friends are im ited. Nikolas Sloan Horstmeyer Born June 26th Justin and Shanna Rae Horst- meyer of Sanford, Fla. are pleased to announce the birth of son Nicko- las Sloan on June 26. He weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 21 inches long. Grandparents are Kim Green and Walker Green, both of NlacclennN. and Doug and Annie Hor-tmeler of Winter Springs. Fla Ribault reunion The Ribault class of 1966 will hold a 40th class reunion on. Saturday, August 5 at the Sel'a Marina Couhtr. Club in Atlantic Beach All graduates li\ ng ing the Baker County area are urged to attend. For more information, call Y \onne T\ pe at 259-5073. Thanks for two great years Alexis Michelle Matthews Daughter born Jimmy Matthews and Nikki Tra- cy of Macclenny are. pleased to an- nounce the birth of daughter Alexis Michelle on July 9 at Baptist Medi- cal Center in Jacksonville. She weighed 6 pounds; 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. Grandparents include Michelle and Patrick Tracy, and Joy and David Bassile, all of Macclenny; James and Brenda Matthews Sr. of Callahan; great-grandparents in- clude: Lucille and Tim Fox, Catfish and Lilly Davis, Folie and Dorothy Matthews, all of Macclenny; Gerry and Cathy TracN of Hawthorne Fla., Vera Tracy of West Palm Beach, Gail Petry of Columbus, Ohio, and J.D. and Tina Daniels of Jasper, Fla. Vows August 18 Tina Christie of Glen St. Mary and Robert Stewart of Macclenny are pleased to announce their en- gagement and upcoming wedding on August 18. The ceremony will be held in Callahan. SAcial Thanks so much The family of the late Edith Williams would like to thank every- one for their prayers, the flowers, cards and food that was sent during the loss of our precious mother. A special thanks to Ed Fraser Hospital for your generosity and kindness and to Frank Wells Nursing Home for the love and care that was given to Mama during her stay there. Thank you Pastor David Thomas, Pastor Donnie Williams and the musicians and singers for the beautiful service. God bless you all. MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059- Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am 11:00 am \ Worship Services '11:00 qm \ Biblek Sud ".7" 7.31Upmn .l, .i i k ,~linister Samn F. Kitching First United Methodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny ~ 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm ( John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor , V L Cl nton u rwis ana wMisty ,oeu Cole-Griffis Doug and Me6lisa 9 ole of Mac- clenny are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Misty Paige Cole, to Clinton Way ne Griffis, the son of Frank and Sharon Ingram and the late Aubrey Wayne Griffis, also of Macclenny. ' The wedding will take place on October 14, 2006 at the Mathis House in Glen St. Mary. Todd Home and Sandy Fowler Hrne-Fowler Pam Home and the late Darryl Home of Taylor are pleased to announce the upcoming marriage of their son Todd Home to Sandy Fowler of Jacksonville on August 26,2006. The ceremony will be held at the Mathis House in Glen St. Mary at 6:00 pm.. All friends and relatives are invited. RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 -** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811470 SWestside Nursery & Preschool Now accepting new enrollments for our upcoming VPK year. Limited space is available. Contact us at 259-4899 Loue 90u, Sue HAPPY 2ND SIRTNDAY WE LOVE YOU, MOM & DAD Leann Faith Norman Born June 27th Dwayne and Shelly Norman of Macclenny are pleased to announce the birth of daughter Leeann Faith Norman on June 27, 2006 at Bap- tist Medical Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches long. Proud grandparents are Herb and Oralee Thornton, and Terry and Barbara Norman, all of Macclenny. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pm Macdenny Church of Christ 5th and Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 M Table Linens & Chair Covers S" Column Sets & Candelabras Tables Chairs FloralArrangements Chocolate Fountain .... ..Much More 259839orOf660 Mossmann Inspections, LLC 716-8769 cell 259-3366 . Mike Ossmann, Home Inspection Specialist ,""|,* '-.: 24 Hour Emergency Response Emergency Water Removal Mold Prevention Dehumidification Hardwood Floor Drying -;' Sewage Cleanup .----------- ---- I, Receive 259-8929 20% Off 1 Your 686-4133 cell. Homeowners I Deductible Locally Owned & Operated Chris Eddins, Owner 24/7 1 with coupon IL k.July 24,25, & 26j 9" ( 9:00 a.m. noon * SGames, Crafts, Bible stories STeaching of God's word Lunch provided If you need a ride call 259-3507 or 259 5567 Vineyard of Love Ministry, Olustee While Butler* building systems are pre-engineered, their final design is not predetermined. Using Butter's exclusive technology, we can help you design a building from the ground up. Even special design elements like skylights, fascias and entrance systems p,'\ can be incorporated to produce not just any r r" For systems that , meet your building T needs, choose Butler For the experience and expertise to gel the lOb done choose ... .. us, your local Butler .. : Builder.' c p .vi So f North Florida, Inc. 2109 W US Hwy 90 Suite 170-144 386-755-8887 Lake City, FL 32055 www.conceptcnf.com Twins arrive!! Garrett Sanville is proud to an- nounce the birth of his brothers, Daniel Steve and Ethan Lewis, on June 23, 2006 at Baptist Medical Center., Daniel weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19 inches long; Ethan weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. Proud parents are Mike and Lynne Sanville of Macclenny; grandparents are Windell ad Mar- garet Kirkland of Macclenny, Vic- tor and Phyllis Tauro of Waldo, and Mike and Jackie Sanville of Jack- sonville. T HE PESS.; THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 20, 2006 Page 9 Col. Terry Szanto recently as- sumed command of the 330th Air- craft Sustainment Wing at Robins .Air Force Base, Georgia. As wing commander, he is re- sponsible for five groups, 16 squad- rons, 180.0 personnel and a $5.8 bil- lion budget., His previous assignment was commander of the 350th Electronic Systems Group at Langley AFB in Virginia, where he was responsible for development, upgrading and support for the 19 worldwide Air i and Space Operations Centers. Col. Szanto graduated from Bak- er County High School in 1977 and received a bachelor's degree in en- gineering mechanics in 1981 from' 1 the Air Force Academy in Colora-, do. He earned a master's degree in national resource strategy from the National Defense University and an MBA from Pepperdine University. He is the son of former Press Col. lerry Szanto news editor Nancy Szanto c tona Beach and Otto Sza Ocala. Earn more. Save more. !! rr1m --'v!- . EVyStar L reda Union We never forget that it's your money. 1168 South 6th St. Macclenny, FL Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. (904)777-6000 www.vystarcu.org *Annual Percentage Yields (APY's) shown are effective as of July 6th, 2006, and are subject to change. There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal from certificates. VyStar is insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Today counting. Tomorowbanking. r ,- i W .t l'e ..a- t will ,s p 'h:-e r ' What they learn today will shape their tomorrow., Participte in Flrida's FILvoutr preknderarte (VP) prgram CO'tat te arl LarnngCoaiSon 4 Cla/Nssa/Bk-e/B~ador Contes (86 3-43 vw'ecfnbo C .4. AEtiYt5OMM5'Ot55TION 0OF T Woodlawn Kennels uality, PrOfess*io al Care GROOMING 259-4757 BOARDING Private Spacious Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ....... $20-$25 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip .... . . $10-$15 Boarding (per actual day)....................$5-$7 6 RENTALS OR SALES _Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? I.,te * Iron Filters and Conditioners Water Treatment Free Water Tests __--- Well & Pump Supplies - - Rahaim Watson Dearing Berry & Moore, PA. Atornev's i.'th o ''r 100 Iears combined experience in the 'area of AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS WORKERS' COMPENSATION EMPLOYMENT LAW CRIMINAL DEFENSE WRONGFUL DEATH & PERSONAL INJURY NURSING HOME NEGLECT Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are absolutely free. The /rrrg qf a lawyer ir an inp tant derison thau shoud rt based sole/v upon adh.wtrusen"nts. Before you daie, ask as to dsenj yuire ~ wrttn informant on abowu daoor an and experidfce. Command at Robins -HCKOU Six more awards to newspaper The Baker County Press won six awards for journalism excellence based on contest results release this month by two national newspa- per organizations. . Together with state awards pre- sented last month, The Press has received a total of 17 such honors this year. The accolades were for work published in 2005. Judging was by professional journalists. The National Newspaper Asso- ciation announced by e-mail Sun- day that Michael Rinker received a )f Day- first place in business writing for his into of story on the Hansen roof tile plan coming to Sanderson. The article also had taken firsi place in the recent Florida Press As- sociation contest. The NNA, with more than 250C members, is the largest newspaper organization in the United States. Mr. Rinker won second place in sports writing for his story about the resignation of Baker County High School football coach Carl West. Earlier this month, the National Federation of Press Women an- nounced that Nancy Szanto won four at-large awards, including a first place for special articles .on government and politics. She also was awarded second place for special articles in science, ecology or the environment, and re- ceived honorable mention for both continuing coverage and news re- porting., Ms. Szanto, who was news edi- tor at The Press before retiring last September, won dozens of similar awards over her 29-year career in journalism. Officials saved her animals This is a special thank you to the ladies of the county's animal con- trol department, and to the Bakerlz County Fire Department for saying my horses during a fire on July 14. You are all heroes in your pro- fession. J .r Jodie Johnson manded in the Complaint or Petition. Witness my hand and seal of thi the 13th day of July, 2006. T.A. "Al" Fraser Clerk of Court By: Jamie Crews Deputy Clerk AMERICA'S BEST STORAGE 305 East Florida A3e NMacclenny). Ronda 32063 Legal Notices City of Macclenny Invitation to Bid The City of Macclenny, Baker County, has requested sealed bids from Florida Licensed Surveyors to furnish a topographical design survey with a digital terrain model showing underground utilities in order for a de- sign team to redesign street parking, sidewalks, land- S shaping & drainage for .n appiovimate .ik block area in downionn Maccleunn The areas is north of the southerlv ringhi of %a% 01 the radilroad to the center line of Shuey Street and 200 feet.east of Fourth Street to the westerly, right of way of Sixth Street. Deadline of receiving sealed bids is August 7, 2006, at S 9:00 am. Contact Roger Yarbrough at 904-259-0968, City Hall, for additional information. The City of Macclenny reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities. 7/20-8/3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT t INANDFORBAKER .t COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 02-2006-CA-0089 t Jimmy D. Gallups and JudithA. Gallups, his wife, Plaintiff, vs. J.C. Williams and Carrie Wdh is hlus .le not known to be dead or alive, and all unknown grantees, credi- tors, and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against them, and if dead, their unknown spouses, 1 heirs, devisees, granted credion ind all other pirtie., claiming by, through, under or agams l them, and all un. kno.-n gr.raitees Lredior.. and all other pLrties claumnng bk dluough under or agunit them and if dead, or not kno"n to be dead o:r alhe thrir eseril and respe(se estates, unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors, or .other piarc claiming b%. through, under or againiL thowe unknown natural persons, and the several and e.pect nse unknown si1gna, iuc,.cesooI in Uinere? - rusinee.. credior.c,. Iseor;o or anm other part) claiming by through under or agaurt sny corporation enanng or di..olied. or other legal entity named as defendant, and all clainant, person_ of parties, natural or corpo- rate or aho.e en it kgal status is unknown, claiming under any of the above named or described defendants orparties, or claiming to hale an night. title or interest in and to the lands here-after descnbed Defendants. * NOTICE OF ACTION To: J.C Wilham., decei-ed Carrie Williams, deceased You are Notified that an Action to Quiet Title on the following property in Baker County, Florida: . t Part of Section 26 and 35 of Township 2 South, r Range 20 East, Baker County, Florida, being morepar- ticularly described as follows: Commence at the North- I west comer of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 35, Town- ship 2 South, Range 20 El Baker County, Florida, thence run N 88'43'48' E along the North line of .,ajd Section 35, a distance of 385 53 feel to the East line of land descn bed in 0 R Book 17. page 69 and the Point of Beginning Thence N 00'41 '2- W. 198.76 feet to a concrete monument L. 4708 on the South nght of way line of Count) Road No 124 tan 80 00 foot aide public nghtl o wa a1 noa eniabhshed,, thence N 63*52'16" E., along said South right of way line, 16.27 feet to a concrete monument marking the Northwest comer of lands described min R Book SI pige 521 ol s.ad O[.. ficial Records; thence S 0038"52' E along said Wert line, 205.60'feet to the aforementioned North line of Section 35 and being the Point of Beginning of said lands described in O.R. Book 81, page 521; thence con- tinue S 0038'52" E., along said West line, a distance of 804.94 feet to a concrete monument on the bank of a creek; then continue S 00*38'52" E., 5 feet, more or less to the centerline of the creek; thence run West- erly along the ceniterline of the creek 14.02 feet, more or less, to a Line bearing S 00"41'26" E., from the Point of Beginning; thence N 0041'26" W., along the East line of OR. Book 17, page 69 a distance of 10 feet, more or less, to a 5/8" iron rod, LS 4708, on the North bank of the creek; thence continue N 0041'26" W., 801.12 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.33 acres more or less. . has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., PA., Attorney, whose address is 445 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063; (904)259-3155, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice and on or before the 14th day of August, 2006, and to file the original with the Clerk. of this Court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., Attorney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relieve de- NOTICE OF PROPOSED AGENCY ACTION The Deparunent of Enaronmental Protecton gs e Notice of it Intent to Issue a permit to the New Rive Sohlid Wasie A-.Xociatin to construct Cell 5 of the Clas I landfill and to continue to operate the Class I andI landfills and the Waste Tue Collerton Center at th, New Rjier Solid Waste Fatinh The faciht is locate on east :1 State Road 121. approuimately 2.5 miles no of Rasford in Umon County. Florida The Department's file on this matter is availabi for public inspection during normal business hour 8:00 am to 5:00 pm., M londay through Fnday except for legal holidays, at 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suit 200B. lackoMnille Florida A person ahoie substantial interests are affected, b) the above piopoied agency action may peunon fo administrative determnation (hearing) under section i 20 569 and 120 57 of the Florida Statules The pentino must contain the information et forth below and music be filed (recetied) in the Department's Office of the General Counsel. Marjorn Stoneman Douglan Build ing. 3900 Commonaealth Bouleard. Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Honda 32399.3000 Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled 16 written notice under section 12060(3) of the Flonda Statutes must be File stilnn 14 day5 of publication of this nonce or receip of the written notice, whichever occurs first. The peti noner shall mail a copy of the penon t to the applicant at the address mdicaied aboae at the tune of filing Thi failure of an\ person to ilde a petitiono ithm the ap piopnate time period shall consuonne a %anser of tlha person's right o requeit'an adminismrame delermina non (hearing) under sectons 120 569 and 120 57 of the Flonda Statute or to intervene to thas proceeding ant parucipate as a part) to it An. subsequent minterventoi I. n a proceeding initiated b., another party) will b oults al the discreton of the preuddmg officer upon the filing of a motion nU compliance with rule 28-106 205 of the Flonda Administirane Code A petition that di putes the material facts on ahicl the Department's action i.- ba5ed must containthe fol lowing information: (a) The name. addess and telephone umn ber of each petitioner, the applcant' name and ad dress. the Departnment File Numbers (0009721.004 & 0249280-001) and the county in hiuch the project i proposed; (b) A statement of ho% and %hen earl petitioner recened nonce oi the Department's acuon or proposed acona. (c).A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affected b. the Department's action or proposed action; (d) A statement of all material facts dis puted by petitioner or a statement that thgr% ae niC disputed facts, " I I(e) A statement offacts, which the peti- tioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department's action or proposed action; (f) A statement of which rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Department's action or proposed action; and (g) A statement of relief sought by the pe- titioner, stating precisely the action the petitioner wants the Department to take with respect to the Department's action or proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the mate- rial facts'on shich the Department's acnon it based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and other- wise hall contain the ;ame mformaaon as set forth above as required b) rule 28-106 301 of the Florida Administrati e Code Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filin of a petition means the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the Department have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance' with the requirements set forth above. In accordance with Section 120.573 ES., the Department advises that mediation if not available in this case as an alternative to filing a position for an administrative determination. - 7/20 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO.: 02-2006-CA-80 IN RE: GENE HARVEY, as TAX COLLECTOR OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION TO: DELINQUENT TAXPAYER RECEIVING THIS NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Validation of Tax Warrants issued for unpaid 2004, Baker County Personal Property Taxes has been filed by Gene Harvey, Baker County Tax Collector, in which you are named as a party for nonpayment of 2004 Personal Property Taxes as assessed against you: Upon ratification and confirmation of the petition by the Court, the Tax Collector shall be authorized to issue a tax warrant against you, and levy upon, seize and sell so much of your personal property as necessary to sat- isfy the delinquent taxes, plus costs, interest, attorney's fees and other charges. YOU WILL BE DISMISSED AS A PAR- TY TO THIS ACTION WITHOUT ANY COURT APPEARANCE BY YOU IF YOU PAY SAID DE- LINQUENT TAXES OWED BY YOU AND COSTS TO THE TAX COLLECTORAT: 32 NORTH 5TH ST., MACCLENNY, FLORIDA 32063, PRIOR TO THE FINAL HEARING SCHEDULED IN THIS MATTER. You are further notified that a Final Hearing will be held in this mater on the 24th day of August, 2006, at the Baker County Courthouse in Macclenny, Baker County, Florida, at 11:30 am before the Honorable Phyllis M. Rosier, Circuit Judge, at which time you or your attorney may present your objections, if any, to issuance of the Tax Warrant against you. The amount of the assessment or amount of, taxes levied have been paid or not. r A copy of the Petition filed herein may be obtained at the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Mac- clenny, Baker County, Florida upon request. Witness my hand and seal of this Court on this 14 day of July, 2006. LIST OF DEFENDANTS 1. Americom Network, Inc. 04-5000053 2. Connie's Kitchen 04-5001160 3. Faith Texturing & Coating, Inc. 04-5001745 4. Fibersteam Carpet Cleaning 04-5001805 5. Interstate Brands Corp 04-5002736 6. Thomas Edwin Long s Court on 04-5003200 7. James J. Rowe 04-5004363 8. Rafuse Land Development 04-5005604 9. Asuncion Crow 7/20-8/10 : 04-5005725 10. Labels 04-5005796 ALFRASER As CLERK OF COURT BY Katie Kennedy *;- ,. DEPUTY CLERK S'.*:" .' : : 7/20-8/10 DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES NORTHEAST FLORIDA STATE HOSPITAL PUBLIC NOTICE The Community Behavorial HealthCare Advisory Board announce, a meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @ 11:30 am Place: Northeast Florida State Hospital, Building 1, Conference Room ,General subject matter to be considered: Organiza- tional meeting & general provision of services by the Community BehavorialHealthCare Office. Please call 904-259-6211 x1693 for instructions on partcipabin . 7/20 e -NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC r The Baker County District School Board will hold the Iollowing public hearing on Monday, July 31. 2006, in the Baker County District School e Board Room localed al 270 South Boulevard s ', East. Beginning at 6:30 p.m (to be held consecu- i tively): e APPROVAL OF THE 2006-2007 PUPIL PRO- GRESSION PLAN AND 2006-2007 CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT d APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE BUDGET AND MILLAGE . The public is invited and encouraged to at- t tend. e This documems are available for preview at - the Baker County School Board office located at , 392 South Boulevard Easl. Macclenny, Florida. 8:30 am 4:00 pm, Monday Ihrough Thursday. S The public is invited to attend d Paula T. Barton A Superintendent of Schools - 6/22, 7/6, 7/20C e City Of Macclenny ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID }- PROJECT: City of Macclenny e Baker County d Potable Water Storage Tank a Rehabilitations -e Macclenny, Florida 5 OWNER: City of Macclenny 118 E Macolenny Avenue Macclenny, FL 32063-2195 - ENGINEER: Darabi and Associates, Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32641 Telephone: (352) 376-6533 1.0 WORK DESCRIPTION The Project is the Ohio Street 100,000-gallon h elevated water slotage lank, Ihe Ohio Slreet 360,000 gallon waler ground storage lank and Ihe Macclenny Products Road 100.000-gallon elevated waler storage lank s The work Is generally described as rehabilitation of one ground storage and two elevated potable water storage tanks. The work on each indMdual l tank is as follows. *. . Ohio Street Tank 100 000-gallon * Replacement of roof hatch, roof vent, 2 cathodic protection plates S Repair of light 1 Pressure washing of tank exterior Painting of tank exterior and tank interior Installation of antenna stand Installation of Lad-Guard shield - Removal of interior spider assembly * Installation of safety cable on roof ladder * Removal of target board Ohio Street Ground Storage Tank 360 000-gallon I Cleaning Interior Inspection S:Macclenny Products Road Elevated Tank 100.000-gallon . Painting of tank exterior S Installation of vent S, Repair of light All work shall be in accordance with the specifica- tions and contract documents. 2.0 RECEIPT OF BIDS Bidding and contract documents may be exam- ined at 118 E. Macclenny Ave, Macclenny, Florida 32063-2195. Copies of the documents may be obtained at Engineer's office for $250 per set; which con- stitutes the cost for reproduction and handling. Checks shall be payable to Engineer. Payment Is non-refundable. Bids shall be completed on the enclosed Bid Form as set forth In the Instructions to Bidders and otherwise be in compliance with the Bidding Documents. Sealed bids will be received at the Macclenny City Hall, 118 E Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida, until 2:00 P.M. (local time) on July 26, 2006, at which time and place all bids will be opened and read aloud. Any Bids received after the specified time and date will not be con- sidered. For further information or clarification, contact Ms. Rachel Conn at the Engineer's office, 730 NE Waldo Road, Gainesville, Florida 32641, (352)377-5821. Questions shall be submitted In writing to the Engineer by July 16, 2006. 7/13-20c CITY OF MACCLENNY INVITATION TO BID The City of Macclenny solicits written proposals to all Insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health Insurance plans. Proposals are expected from only finan- cially sound Insurers, authorized to do business in Florida. All organizations are to provide a written request for Information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant. Written re- quests are to be submitted to: O&A Insurance Services vla.emall or tax: Wendy@Owenservlces. corn or 904-287-5625. Formal written proposals will be accepted through August 10,,2006. 7/13-8/10 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INVITATION TO BID The Baker County Board of County Commis- sioners solicits written proposals to all Insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health insurance plans. Proposals are expected from only financially sound Insurers, authorized to do business In Florida. All organizations are to provide a written request for Information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant. Written re- quests are to be submitted to: O&A Insurance Services via email or fax: WendyOOwenservices. com or 904-287-5625. Formal written proposals will be accepted through August 10, 2006. 7/13-8/10 Amenca s Best Storage of Nacclenny will condua- a public sale lto the highest bidder for caah only on their premise at 305 East HFlonda Ae Macclenny FL 32063. on Saturda). July 29th at 10 00 am on the fol- lowing'units The company re'enres the nghb to reject any bid and sithdraa any items from the sale Unimt 33 Tna Shannon Ulit i 99. I.ja & James Smulelm 7-20-27' SlATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BNATRONMENTAL PROTECTION ATTORNEY David P. Dearing former .Baker County Prosecutor 1% 0 I , A ie ! 2006 Chevy Trailblazer LS 2WD $23,625* or ft MSRP $28,305 DEAL OF THE WEEK 2006 Silverado Z-71 4WD, Reg. Cab, Lifted and Ready to go Off-Road!!!! $27 990 MSRP $32,913 / 04 .... ... __,- .. "v. , * a BRAND NEW, MUST GO! 2005 Chevy SSR $36,995" $48,420 MSRP '98 Ford Mustang GT '05 Chevy Impala '01 Buick Regal GS '01 Pontiac Bonneville '02 Chevy Tracker Automatic, V8 Great Car! Auto, V6, Leather, Sunroof Auto, Sunroof, Leather Auto, 4WD, A/C $3,995 '12,995 $9,995 $9,995 $7,995 1 4,^ '02 Chevy Trailblazer Automatic, V6, CD 12,995 '99 Chevy Lumina Automatic, Power Windows, PL $3,588 '00 Chevy Impala LS Automatic, V6, CD $7,995 '00 Honda Civic EX Automatic, CD $7,588 '03 Saturn L200 Auto, CD $9,995 '02 Kia Spectra Automatic $4,875 '99 Cadillac Sedan Deville Leather .7,995 '04 Chevy Trailblazer 2005 Chevy Malibu Automatic, V6, CD Auto, CD $15,995 $10,995 '01 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab, Auto, V8, CD $15,995 ET 119 S. Sixth St. Macclenny 259-5796 -Pre-Owned 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New www Pinau;,,mdrharnl-, ,-,m *wwu ww w. I IU II WU III I *See salesman for payment details. ** Includes all applicable rebl U tees. Tax, tag & title fees extra. Lance Griffis Marvin Nelson Clayton Blackshear Morris Silas Roger Parker Mike Dees Sales Manager Used Car Mgr. Finance Manager Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate AN AMERICAN RFVOUJTION .. .......... ........................ ............ .... ... ............ R-T-77-77TAT.W., - ........ .. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 20th, 2006 Keeping up with the Jones By Jared Wilkerson Real Estate Writer The practice of taking on major renovations in and around the home used to be an idea the majority of hom- eowners dreaded. Whether from a general lack of knowl- edge on where to begin, what direction to take, and how to complete a home renovation project or the high cost of having to hire a professional in order to achieve the desired results, most people put the job off in the hopes that orange shag carpeting would make a tremendous comeback next season. However, with the grow- ing popularity of such shows as Designed to Sell, Flip This House, and just about anything else you might find on HGTV in the& evening, home remodeling is quickly becoming a weekend hobby in which a surprising num- ber of homeowners are will- ing to take part. In fact, it seems that Home Depots and Lowes are showing up in towns with the same regularity as Walmart Supercenters, making the job of finding the right materials and guidance to redo a kitchen as simple as going to the store for a loaf of bread. Most homeowners are content to stick to the simple upgrades, such as installing new countertops, updating bathroom fixtures, or maybe even laying down some new ceramic tile or hardwood flooring. Some owners, on the other hand, are taking home remodeling to a new level customizing and redesigning every facet of the house, inside and out. Burl and Ruth Jones of Glen St Mary fall into the lat- ter category. I had the plea- sUre of meeting with them last week for a detailed tour of their beautiful and mas- terfully remodeled home in the Glenwood subdivision just outside of town. "The funny thing is," Burl joked, "when we bought this place in '88, we bought it just the way we wanted it and we've been remodeling it ever since." The Joneses moved to the area from Tennessee as part of a job transfer in the late '80s. They spent almost two full years searching for the perfect home in which they could settle down and eventually retire. They were drawn to the Glenwood subdivision because at the time it was the only neigh- borhood in Baker County that had good sized lots and a legitimate homeowners' association. If you are unfamiliar with Glenwood, it is an extremely well-established neighbor- hood with very few lots still undeveloped. Every home along its streets has a cus- tom-built look and would qualify, at the very least, as a really nice home. However, all things considered, I'd have a hard time believing that anyone around there is "keeping up with the Joneses" where itomestlo upgrades. For those of you whose mouths begin to water dur- ing this description, I'll go ahead and tell you that this house is currently on the market .The first thing that sets this amazing home apart from the others is the cus- tom automatic security gate that adorns the stone and brick drive at the home's entrance. Even though the integrity of this gate could potentially keep just about anyone or anything out, the columnar brick walls at its sides, coupled with the gate's artistic design, make it still somehow look rather inviting. When I asked Mr. Jones why he'd elect to install a security gate in such a safe neighborhood, he said "Well, at the time I knew this guy who made them and he got me a really good deal on it." In fact, just about all of Mr. Jones' upgrade stories about the house start out with either "Well, I knew this guy" or "I had this friend in the business" and all of them end with "So I got a really good deal on the (Top) Rear View with in ground pool at the Jones' residence. (Bottom right) Front view of Jones' residence. whole thing." Past the gate, visitors get a drive-by view of the first of two custom built sandstone waterfall fountains along the figure-eight gravel drive. It winds back to the' 3-car, fully finished, wired-for-ste- reo detached garage toward the rear of the property. The front entrance of the home was originally cedar and had no covered entryway. Burl and Ruth took down the cedar and replaced it with a' warm stone that adds a cer- tain grandiose appearance to the doorway. They then laid a stone walkway from the gravel drive and tied a gable roof covering with col- umns into the existing roof, accentuating the entrance. Once inside, they added Canadian oak baseboards and crown molding to every room even the laundry room. Nothing in this house (Bottom left) Fountain in rear. got left out. One: of their first major structural renovations . included knocking out a few walls in the master bedroom, nearly doubling its size, and creating two walk-in closets, a vanity sink area, and a separate sitting area with a bay window overlooking the yard. Next, they went to work on the ceilings. Mr. Jones "knew a guy" and got a great Photos by Jared Wilkerson deal on a bunch of pickled cypress wood, which he used to redo several key areas of the house, giving them a warm country feel that is both beautiful and relaxing. When they bought the home, it had an attached side-entry garage. With a 3. car detached garage in the back, they decided it would (See Page 3) THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 20, 2006 Page Two-B IFF POSITIONS NEEDED Experienced Utility Track Hoe Operator Pipe Layers Finish Dozer & Track Hoe Operator Truck Mechanic Dump Truck Driver 3 Years Exp., Benefits, Insurance Maxville Call 904-289-7000 [T ) New Development Special Unbelievable Savings of $20,000 Plus SEDA pays up to $7,000* in closing costs 4 Homes available for quick move in Lot 1-11 Lot 1-26 Lot 1-30 Lot 1-88 save save save save $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 was $293,000 was $295,900 was $30,900 was e'm+9o is $273,900 i. $241,900 Is $275,900 is $281,900 Mst Close in 30 days SED 904.259-0922 constrctoo Company ja&anugwieee R wiet Xd,4 OCiwaed. Ame 53uifde* 1-10 "A C :iapprux.. 16 rmile.; to first NI%:wcIefln% cEdt lF~it336 hwy. 228 West) (You aie no~w (n -th Strect) Go miles to -IMcclenny. Crin v.. or i-ighn~ay 90J (Muc9cirnIf3.1 Me.) -%t fica inhi~iccriorn (H-ighwdy 121 11op light) ~gip t.raigh[ 3crtbR%. you.arc oc'..on "-~E-. Sands Pointe 1/2 mnilc onthc left.o eCrj:'-380f vrp 19041724 ;600 SWatson Realty Corp. REALTORS I We've Moved! Dawn Wiseman Morgan Roso Stokes (904) 237-7046 Still Serving: (904) 502-1520 Baker Nassau Duval Bradford Counties Give us a call for all the benefits of listing or buying witOWATSONt. We ARE the BEST that O work for the BEST!! -- - I I INSURANCE/ INSPECTOR We are looking for independent contractors to perform Exterior Residential Property Insurance inspections in a local territory. Earnings based on number of inspections you complete. Commitment to a local terri- tory is required. Direct or related experience required. You will need the following items to be- gin: Dependable vehicle, digital camera, measuring wheel & PC with high-speed internet access. To learn more about Millennium and to register online, please visit us at www.millinfo.com and reg- ister under property inspector on *our employment page. ' CLASSIFIE ADERISN r111 u~r Beautiful 3BR/3BA brick home in Glenwood features dramatic stone entry, formal living and dining, den with fireplace and exposed beam ceiling, equipped kitchen with pantry and eat-in area, inside laundry, bonus room, Master with double closets. Florida/Atrium room looks out over tranquil and private backyard retreat with in- ground pool and custom stone decking with noaterfall. Truly a unique and beautiful property. Jared Wilkerson, -- REALTOR 899-6957 Wl Visit www.jaredsellshouses.com for everything you need when buying and selling real estate in Baker County. Real Answers. Real Results. Looking for Privacy? Cross fenced 7.5 acres with 2 BR, 1 BA single- wide MH, detached shed, pond, cov- ered carport, wwc id d equipped kitchen. O j pO.cated on a paved .. I e to build your dream home. Already set-up with well, septic and power. Live in the SW while you build. Hurry...won't last long. $108,200 Heart of Glen- Very nice remodeled 4/2 DW MH located in the heart of Glen St. Mary. Spacious kitchen, wwc, ceramic tile, fenced yard, wood deck and concrete patio. Excellent location and priced to sell fast. $110,000 Spacious 3/2 DW MH- has for- mal living room, den, inside laundry and very spacious kitchen, Built in 1996 with nearly 1800 SF of living space. Located on over 1 acre within walking distance to new Macclenny Elementary. $125,000 PRIME LOCATION- Very well kept 4/4 2 story brick home sitting on 4.76 acres on Hwy. 90. Currently zoned Agricultural, but rezoning can be. applied for. $385,000 Great Commercial Opportunity - Completely remodeled automotive station with two automotive bays, side garage entrance with roll-up door and plenty of parking onf .27 acre on US Hwy. 90 in Baldwin $250,000 High and dry residential property totaling 3.18 acresi MH .5 (1 hoD, JII n the heart i rice to sell fnot t12)flnn ALTY R... -- EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Professional Real Estate Services V 69 ac.eny'Ae 9042 -933e .. eny F 306 refrigerator, spacious LR, 'acLk- iLt m and more! Beautifully d acre on paved road. $62, i New Listing .-Wha a steal...3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home has 1288 SF, huge kitchen, fenced yard wall to Wall carpet, new a/ c and ductwork and new well...and an inground pool. Priced for quick sale $153,900 Lake' Butler Treasure Beautiful 1999 3/2 DW with over 2350 SF, family room, formal living room, formal dining room, wwc, ceramic tile backsplash in kitchen and baths and more. Located on 1.5 acres with new deep well & septic tank. Won't last long at $84,900 Investment opportunity Three mobile 'homes located on over 7.5 acres in Glen St. Mary. Two homes are a 1996 with approximately 1100 SF and the third is a 2005 with nearly 1200 SF, with a detached shed and covered front porch. Located on a beautiful 7.5 acres that backs up to the creek. Great investment opportunity! Live in one home and rent the other two. $199,900 2 Story Brick Beauty! Beautiful 4/2 home with nearly 2000 SF of living space. Built in 2004 and located on .72 of an acre in the city limits. Some of-this homes features are ceramic tile, split floor plan, French doors, formal dining room, great room, office/study, tray ceiling, 2 car garage, wood deck and more... $269,000 Brick home on 5 acres Gorgeous 3/2 brick home with over 2000 SF. Recently upgraded with new ceramic tile throughout, new carpet in bedrooms and fresh paint. This home features formal DR, brick FP, spacious kitchen with breakfast bar, screened porch, 2 car garage, security system, split floor plan. Located on 5 acres with pond and detached shed. Partially fenced. $355,000 ,.' ,',,, Investment Opportunity Two lots totaling 1.5 acres. All Convenient to Everything! Close to buildings on property being sold as-is. Home is not livable. schools, sho pmL. Iloarks! Great 1800 SF concrete block building. $65,000 3/2 home 11oM early 1400 SR 121 Frontage g* 3v g nt opportunity over 1.3 SF, 2 car f-al "'privacy fenced acres just minutes fa WO backyard with large deck. REDUCED Near Completion Brand new 3/2, nearly 1400 SF of living FOR QUICK SALE $149,900 space. Split floorplannNW ra tile, stainless steel appli- WHAT A STEALU! Immaculate 1996 ances, huge masteii railing & spacious walk-in 3/2 SW MH located in Glen. Lovely closet, formal dining gL room, elegant covered entry, kitchen with electric stove and new With the rapid growth in our county and the constant rise in property values it is critical to know the value of your property before advertising it for sale. As a free service we offer: Professional Comparative Market Analysis These reports will compare your property to other comparable properties that have sold within the past year and help to establish a fair and competitive asking price. This service can be invaluable in helping to determine a fair market value for your property. Call us today to schedule for your FREE COMPARABLE MARKET ANALYSIS 2 car garage w/opener & concrete drive- way. On a paved in Glen just minutes from 1-10. $155,000 JUST REDUCED-New Listing! Old Nursery Plantation acreage. Beautiful 4.75 acres cleared and fenced on a cor- ner lot. Restricted to homes only, zoned for horses. Excellent location to build your dream home. Just minutes to 1-10. Won't last long!! Beautiful 3/2 home on city lot. This home features new vinyl sih C i|q d kitchen with bay win- dow, living room with W w ,s, master bedroom with vaulted ceiling, inside utility and attached garage. $155,500 What a cutie!! Rer ti SVfH located on .53 acre. This super cute horn lijlodeled. Wait until you see the kitchen!i YouW tf a nis price!! $55,000 Dollhouse for sale This 4/3 two story country charmer has a wrap around porch, ceramic tile, formal dining room, master bedroom has balcony overlooking living room. Located on 1.84 beautifully landscaped corner lot in private Glenwood Subdivision. $330,000 What a Find! This 4/2 has over 3400 sf, new carpet, new wallpaper, $1500 allowance foL | iances, walk-in closets, 2 stc i~ f l l.iroom, screened porch, in-gro P ,cated on a very private 2 Fa i cclenny. $307,50, JUST REDUCED $298,500 Close to Jax Beach 3/2 home with pond view has vaulted ceilings, game room/4th bedroom, oak cabinets, dual shower in Master bedroom, and much more. Located on a large .31 acre lot in Sutton Lakes. $245,000 Great Brick Starter Be UtifLly rated 4/1.5 brick home has ceramic tile, wV c n a corner in the city limits with above gr.acy fence. Reduced to $81,500 Priced to Sell Great starter home located in Maxville. 1980 SW MH has 2/2, eat-in kitchen, inside utility room, fenced front yard and 2 detached sheds. Located on 1.5 acres. Asking $66,000 Model Home Very quiet and va, iDW has taped and textured i i i nbo, fireplace and oversized I g, 1~ Tjj,3 acres full of trees. Won't las iong at $135,000 'Gorgeous Cypress Home Beautiful cypress home has 3/3.5, jacuzzi, tub, ceramic tile, office, gas fireplace, wood floors, wwc, formal dr, eat-in kitchen, 2-car garage, water soft- ener and security system. Located on over 8 acres in Nassau County. $485,000 Just Reduced! Gorgeous Acreage Build your dream home on this 16.24 acres, including 6 acres of marketable timber. Property is completely fenced with paved road frontage. High and dry. Zoned AGI0. Approximately 10 acres is planted Argentine Bahaya. Asking $349,160 Back on the Market Immaculate 3/2 DW MH built in 1998. This home features a huge family room, den w/ fireplace, new carpet, large kitchen w/ all new appliances, new washer & dryer, and new CH/A. Located on almost 8 acres and zoned for horses. $170,000 Callahan Acreage Looking for peace & quiet? This 1.5 acres has hard road access, septic, fully fenced. Zoned for 1 home per acre. Entertaining all offers $350,000 HIDDEN MEADOWS EQUESTRIAN ESTATES New gated community coming soon Located off of Southern States Nursery Road in Glen St. Mary this community will consist of 25 five acre tracts, homes only, paved roads and community bri- dle path. Select your lot now and choose between several lakefront lots or more private lots that will back up to a nature preserve. Owner financing is available. Lo ingfrane oe DTWXT Advertising Deadline I Monday at 5:00 1 Ti TE B AICE, R COUNTY PRESS S, I IT H I AST D) Tdc2my- Keeping up with the Jones... (From Page 1) make a much better office than a garage. Where most people would have simply thrown up some drywall, changed the doors and hooked the room into central heat and air and called it a day, Burl and Ruth (as you might expect at this point) decided to go a bit farther.. .well, a lot farther. The pickled cypress ceiling made another great appearance, as did the oak trim and molding, but this time they decided to finish the entire room in cypress paneling. I'm not usually a big fan of wood panel walls, but I guess it's not what you do, it's how you do it because this office looks incredible. They also took out a section of the roof and replaced it with double-length sky-light- ing and replaced the old doors with two Sfloor-to-ceiling glass panels and two French doors, providing an open and connected feeling with the outside landscaping.. Now on to my favorite part of this home, - the Florida room. It was originally just a screened back porch nothing at all fancy about it. They replaced the screens with sliding glass windows and raised the ceiling, from the standard flat porch style to a rising vaulted style. They then redid all the walls in sandstone and tiled the floor with.panels that simulate the look of huge wooden tiles. The cypress ceiling worked out great here as well, as did the well placed sky-lights and open feeling French doors. Aside from everything just mentioned, this room has two great things about it: The first is that it has three separate entrances back into the house one to the den, one to the main living room, and one to the master bedroom. "We designed this room with entertaining in mind," said Ruth. "If we're having a party or gathering, we can just close all the glass windows and open up the Whole house and people spend most of the time out here." The second great thing about it is the view of the pool. This isn't your garden variety backyard barbeque area swimming pool. It's a free-form Olympic sized masterpiece with its own custom sandstone waterfall and a changing cabana, all added by Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The deck has been refinished in its entire- ty with custom sandstone to include the stone steps that lead down into the shallow area. It also has a walkway leading out to a private area of the yard with a seating area from which the beauty of the entire scene is easily taken in. After the tour of the grounds, I had two questions I was dying to ask: 1) Why did they go through the trouble to do all of this, and 2) How could they possibly sell and leave this place? "The home is meant to be a. place of enjoyment, so why not? We both had high- pressure jobs and this was just the perfect place to.come back and get away from it all," answered Burl. "When we get back up there to Tennessee, we plan on doing the whole thing over again." 'Ruth, whose specialty was the breathtak-. ing landscaping full of flowering trees and vines, added, "It is hard. to leave it after working with it and watch- ing it grow all these years, but now I guess someone else can come and fall in love with it and that makes. " it all worth it." As I mentioned, this 3,146 sq. ft. work of art on 2.41 acres is currently for sale. If you would like to stop by and take a look at it or find out more infor- Jared Wilkerson, Realtor mation, call the listing real estate agent, Loraine Drinkwater of Watson Realty Corp at (904) 899-6929. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 20. 2006 Page Three-B TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 Week's Featured Listings... Cozy in Macclenny Sanderson -Development Potential! diuon. WI linoleum floors, ruce open klih- 5.79 acres currently zoned RCMNi .5. This parcel can be subdivided into '" .1/2 acre homesites on well and sepdc with approved plat and installation of a paved road into the subdivi- sion'. Possibility. of nin 1/2 acre homesites, You won'tfind abetter S bargainfor home- site development. home, priced to sell quick, easy and fast!! Call Also, great oppor- MAC-H30 tunity.for additional church property. Owner financing with 20% down. me-nt Ptn ti!nf t;a $230,000-MAC-006 UIlUUli.L .,lU.L X lY l XAT UI lV llt I. / U i.LL. U .43 acre comer lot zoned commercial with entry from East Boulevard and, frontage on US 90 " Previously approved for a 5400 SF build- ing plus 108( SF pated parking. NO wetlands! __ Incredible commercial - investment poienual in the city of Mlacclenny Owner financing wAith -:. .., 20% down or with a cash offer, we can negotiate. $165,000 -MAC-006 Beautiful pond in Georgia! Take your pic, .. buy this as one 16 acre tract or pdcw : up an additional 4 acres and buy two 10 acre tracts. Zoned for site built homes already I unit per 10 acres. Small pond on front lot with paved road rontage on CRIS. PerdectI hr horses, Limuly and future plans. This property sits high and dry Take a ride through the pastures and hardwoods to see for yourself. Only.$14,5000 per acre. -MAC-001 Serving ALL your real estate needs! 9 Florida Crown 1I9 FRUKD L8SUUU, UAK1AULb TRUCK, SUBVIIT SEALED BIDS TO BE OPENED 8/8/06. CITY OF MACCLENNY, FLORIDA. JUST TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE, ALL NEW TIRES. 904-259-0968 DAYS Driver-Jacksonville Terminal | GUARANTEED Dedicated Shorthabl Average $683 $907/wk NO TOUCH FREIGHT 85% Preloaded/Pretarped CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627 www.ctdrivers.com Realty WE SELL PROPERTY FAST!! LET US SELL YOURS... www.floridacrownrealty.com Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Josie Davis, Sales Associate Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate Teresa Yarborough, Sales Associate 799 S. 6th St., Macclenny 259-6555 A Little Bit of Historv! This 2.445 sf house was built circa 1910 and also has a separate commercial building on the lot (right). A well estab- lished flower shop, located in the commercial building, offers a world wide wire service. The home may be renovated for offices. retail, res- taurant or any other use allowed in a Commercial General Zone Lot size is 99' x 215' with lots of potential for two separate businesses. 99' frontage on US Hwy 90 and 215' frontage on First Street. REDUCED $445.000 Ten Acres Located on Arnold Rhoden Rd close to US 90. This tract is high and dry with good road frontage. Priced at $175,000. Commercial Lot 14.000 sq. ft. 100 ft. frontage on SR 121. Located between Waffle House and Day's Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $125,000. Nice I acre lot in Keaton Beach Five minutes to Gulf of Nlexico This lot can be used for mobile homes or site built homes. Priced for quick sale $69,900. Building Lot. conveniently located between Glen St Mary and Macclenny. This heavily wooded lot is restricted to site built homes only , acre + priced at $34.900. Nice 3 BRI1 BA frame home with new\ vinyl siding and CH.A Recently remodeled and ready to move into Located on Tony Givens Road in Sanderson on I acre $125.000 Reduced to $100,000. Comminercial property in Hilliard, 1/2 acre with 105' frontage on West 3rd St Small brick home in need of renovation, can be converted to office space $159,000. HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. f, Licensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell We can show and nall all liifinani! ** FEATURED HOMES ** : L '" DELIGHTFUL LIKE-NEW BRICK HOME 2+ acres on corner lot in excellent neighborhood. Floors are S.. tile & hardwood. Glass doors open to porch & large fenced MM 11 backyard. Two car garage finished with carpet. Planted maple, grapefruit, flowering pear & cherry trees. Home has Sr" many extras, is open, sunny & inviting. JUST REDUCEDII $259,900 ^ ^ < S .,,:.LIKE NEW HOME ON 2 ACRES f o t 3/2 open floor plan, tile throughout, Berber carpet in P D bedrooms, wrap around front porch and back porch iiJ Aoverlooking spring fed fish pond. On private lot at end of cul-de-sac. Approx. 1907 SF Many extras! $259,900 Anne Kitching, Realtor 962-8064 cell. Wendy Smith, Realtor 710-0528 cell. Tina Melvin, Realtor 233-2743 cell. Seventy Acr 25n lj acre. Moccasin Creek. Like e,1JU[ N call us about this land in te(countryi 7,000 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with build- ing. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/ month. $305,000 Excellent commercial corner lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000. Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighbor- hood. $419,000 New Home Under Construction! Many extras! 3 BR/2 BA on 1 acre. Has covered porch & patio, 2 car garage & 295 sf bonus room. Floor will be laminate wood, carpet & tile, gas fp, central vacuum, security sys- tem, pre-wired for home theatre. Country living at it's best! $269,900 ,98 Acres zoned Commercial on 121 South. $119,900 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side screened I* I mily room, large bonus roo.., ack yard, stove & refrigerator. Must see to appreciate. In Macclenny city limits. $199,900 OPPRTIITS U BRICK HOME 1.49 acres, perfect for your garden with a 16x20 workshop, just 5 minutes from town $189,000 521 South Sixth Street, Ste. C, Macclenny This Precious, Comfy & 3/2, 1300+ SF in excellent on en -ith plenq ot slor- age space, looking into your ery priaie dnng room This home is soft and quaini and would be perfect tor ari lam- ily. ADl rooms are wired *-, for phone and cable, including ihe double car garage!! This is a must see for your showing! $159,900 -M Cnmmi-i.ial TInviet ;;* .- " :- "t ^ *!. Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accom- panied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run with- out notification of error by the per- son or agency for whom it was pub- lished, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other mate- rial which in the opinion of the pub- lisher does not meet standards of publication. 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; 2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses. 334-6695. 7/6-27p Good used appliances. 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717. 7/13-3/29p 5 piece oak bedroom set, queen size with mattress, $1000; 2 crib sets, denim color, $25 each. 259-2746. 6/8tfc Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mattress & boxsprings, retail $950, . sacrifice for $395, can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3p Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet, buffet, all mahoga- ny, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc 2000 Fleetwood Prowler, 30', fifth wheel, 2 slides, very nice camper, $17,000. Call 259-3763 leave mes- sage. 7/13-20p Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc Solid wood coffee table, light colored with glass inserts, $75. 275-3007. 3/16tfc Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3p Two monitors, 17 inch, $25; Nikon Scan Touch oversized flatbed scanner with SCSI connection, $75; Okidata dot matrix, SCSI, turbo, $50; Dell keyboard & mouse, $10. 259-2400. 6/15tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 7/13-8/3p Epson Stylus color 600 printer, $25. 259-2400. 4/20tfc King pillowtop,' new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 7/13-8/3p 2000 Yamaha Wave Runner, 3 seater with trailer, very low hours, good con- dition, $6500. 259-4602. 7/13tfc 1990 Bass Tracker, 150XP Evinrude, fully equipped boat, motor & trailer, $4000. 783-1575 please leave mes- sage. 7/13-20p 27' above ground pool, new 2 HP motor, $800 OBO; go-kart Twister MDL, $1000 OBO; 12' aluminum fishing boat, $1000 OBO, 20 HP Mer- cury. 259-1704 after 6:00 pm. 0797. 7/13-27p 1996 Fleetwood Prowler RV, 26 ft., 5th wheel, cold A/C, has vents to each area, large freezer refrigera- tor, non-smoker, excellent condition, $5300. 259-5286. 7/20p Murray Select riding lawnmower, 12 HP, 30" cut, motor runs good, needs belt work, $150. 275-2845. 7/20p Stainless steel Whirlpool refrigerator, 18 cf, used only 4 months, $350; nice sofa, paid $1000, sell for $600 OBO; used front door, $25, alunimum 2005 Ford Explorer XLT, 20,000 windows, $10 each. 259-1703 or miles, black in color, 4x4, $29,000. 904-226-3764. 7/20p 259-3352. 7/20p Summer annuals. Red Pentas, 2002 Honda CR-V, automatic, cloth Cleomes, Moss Roses, Coleus, 4." seats, 47,000 miles, $16,500. 259- pots, 18 per tray, $12 per tray. Will 3352. 7/20p hell mixed trays & single plants. Also SI0, V6, automatic, $1200. 904- have Tommy Toe & Rutger tomato 591-2916 leave message. 7/20p sets. 259-6120 or 275-2854 leave 2004 Chevy Avalanche, 4x4, loaded, message. 7/20p leather, sunroof,. DVD, 49K miles, Dnlnig ttnn. la e 2- O-9 re ular mdr ,t nimng room se Ltame, z -- uig & 2 wingback chairs, china cabinet, $650 0BO, from Circle K; 7 piece King bedroom set, without mattress- es, $1000 OB0. Call 259-4523 after 4:00 pm for details. 7/20p Tires & rims for 2006 Nissan Titan, brand new, $600. 259-6242 or 334- 0377. 7/20p Hustler light commercial, zero turn, 20 HP Kohler, 52" deck, 120 hours, $4500 OBO. 259-3618 or 613-9233. 7/20p 2005 Yamaha Kodiak 400, 4x4 four wheeler, excellent condition, limited use, with trailer, asking $5500 OBO. 259-5137 or 904-591-6855. 7/20p Restored pedal car; chest freezer. 259-2192. 7/20p Toddler girl clothes 2T-3T summer & winter sets & separates, shoes 6,7 & 8. Will sell by the pieces or set for 50 each or all of it for $70. They are taking up too much space! Very nice rarely worn. 259-5156. 7/20p Formal dining room set, cherry, Queen Anne, table with extension, 6 chairs, lighted china hutch & side table, $1200 OBO; porcelien collect- ible dolls, best offer. Call Rhonda at 259-9091. 7/20p Cash for your junk car or truck. I haul. 904-509-0921. 5/4-10/26p 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier, 4 door sedan, 2.2 engine, 66,500 miles, $8000 OBO. 259-1356. 7/13-20p 1993 Geo Tracker, $1500 OBO. 259- 1704 after 6:00 pm. 7/13-20p 2000 Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer Edi- tion, V6, 20 mpg, automatic 4 WD, all power, leather seats, automat- ic transmission, keyless entry, CD changer, $5500. 259-3794 or 571- 2636. 7/20p 1997 Ford Aerostar van, good condi- . tion, $1200 OBO. 904-704-5043. 7/13-20p 2001 Chevrolet Sliverado LS pickup, 90,000 miles, excellent condition, $10,500. Call Donna Flores at 904- 994-0365. 7/20p 2001 Alero 2 door, 94K miles, ex- cellent condition, tinted windows, $3200. 259-2242. 7/20p 2005 Pontiac Grand Am, red, very clean, 17,900 miles, $12,575. 904- 707-2111 or 259-9257. 7/20p ,, LAKE CITY c CmlItN Y tllttE Senior Staff Assistant needed within the President's Office. Proficient in Word and Excel. Ability to take and transcribe notes a must. Ability to work with minimal supervision. Requires high school diploma, or equivalent, plus four years secretarial or clerical experience.. Salary $22,692.00 annually, plus benefits. Deadline for receiving applications: July 20, 2006. Vocational Recruiter (Grant Funded Position) Professional position assisting the Director of Admission Services with recruitment of vocational and adult stu- dents. Bachelor's degree and two years related experience. Must have valid Florida driver's license. Computer literate. Salary: $27,583 annually plus benefits. Application deadline: July 28, 2006 College application required. Full position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386)754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment asking o$25,900uu. o545-608 or 2- 2826. 7/20p 1995 Toyota Camry LE, silver, auto- matic, A/C, radio/cassette, power windows, power locks, $2700 OBO. 6367 Woodlawn Rd., 259-2253. 7/20-27p 1998 Chevy S10, good condition, $3500. Call for details 259-5156. 7/20p 1988 Volvo 240 GL, automatic, pow- er windows, radio/CD, sunroof, A/C, tinted, $1995 cash. 6367 Woodlawn Rd. 259-2253. 7/20-27p 2004 Chevy Sllverado 2500, HD, 2x2, 4 door, extended cab, tool box- es still under warranty, 35K miles, asking $17,500. 545-6087 or 275- 2826. 7/20p 1996 Toyota Camry LE, silver, V6, 4 door, automatic, tinted, power win- dows, power locks, radio/CD, $5500 cash OBO. 6367Woodlawn Rd. 259- 2253.. 7/20-27p 1977 MG Midget convertible, resto- ration or use for parts, new battery & interior kit, needs ignition switch & cosmetic work, $1000. Call Rhonda At 9->QQQ r 1992 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 i camper special, gooseneck new A/C, 55K on engine, 1: truck, excellent condition, OBO. 259-1168. 2005 Chevy Sllverado 2500, HD, 4x4, 4 door,' crew cab, loaded,'" leather, 20" rims, 14K miles, asking $30,700. 545-6087 or 275-2826. 7/20p -- -- --- -- - Childcare. Now have openings ac- cepting children in my daycare. Let your children enjoy a fun, loving envi- ronment. Reasonable rates, flexible hours. 259-8875. 7/20p 100% FREE LONG DISTANCE on your .;. :; Thursday & Friday, 8518 Ben Rowe ^ Circle, past Woodlawn Kennel. Pictures, RAG.SALE. handbags, clothing, antique cars. Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm. Hwy 90 to YARDSAD 125 S. to Andrew Street, turn left & fol- low signs to River Oaks Circle. House- TAr .- .- hold items, clothes, etc. Friday 8:00 am-noon, 14087 N. CR 23A. Kid's clothes & toys. Friday & Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 121 S., 1st driveway past Raiford Road Church. Mona Lewis 259-3840. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, go to Barber Rd. off 121. left on Rhdoen Dr.. first house on right. Baby clothes, children's clothes, ; miscellaneous household items. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, Shortputt Drive. Furniture, appliances. TVs, clothes, toys, dishes, miscellaneous items. Friday & Saturday 7:00 am-1:00 pm, 533 N. 5th St. Kids & adult V clothing, furniture, arts & crafts. 3 family moving sale. Friday & Saturday 7:30 am-?, 1013 Christie Court. Baby clothes : & items, household. Lots of everything. * Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 360 East Blvd N. Baby girl & boy ^ clothes, young girl's clothes, great back to school clothes & scrubs. 3 families. Friday, Saturday & Sunday 8:00 am-?, 13975 Ruben Crawford Rd. g. Furniture. clothes & more. 653-1581. Saturday 8:00 am-?, Woodlawn Cemetery Rd. Baby items, baby, ; * teen & maternity clothes, miscellaneous. Saturday 7:00 am-?, Glen St. Mary, Schell Byrd's house. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, 562 N. 5th St. Variety of items to choose from. Saturday 8:00 am-noon, Woodlawn Rd to Ben Rowe Circle to JB Hines, follow signs. Lots of great items, ladies plus size clothes, ladies plus size scrubs, Playstation, games, printers, household items. Rain cancels. Saturday 7:00 am-?, 121 N. to 23D to River Hills Dr. 7/20p Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, ABC Learningn Center, S. 6th St. pickup, t228) by Badcock Furniture. Daycare Fundraiser. "We have a little r iht h, bit of everything". 1OK on $5500 7/20p Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 6326 CW Webb Rd. Baby, household ;;i & yard items, boy's clothes & shoes, age 2-6. Multi family. Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm. 121 N. 5 miles on left. Lots of nice things; Saturday 8:00 am-?, Tiny Tots Day Care, 219 E. Michigan Ave. " WHITEHEAD BROS., INCJLAKE CITY LOGISTICS, INC. eaatmMrn, OTR DRIVERS NEEDED Go through Home several times most weeks. t,,'. i. :,;^ t Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at Sour location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety Bonus up to $1,200 per year. Driver of the Year ', bonus. and driver recruitment bonuses. Blue Cross Blue Shield medical and dental Insurance. '-Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving record. : ;. .. -. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE AT e .: 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898 G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! computer. Uses voice over IP. Works even on dial up. No contracts. No' gimmicks. Download free dialer pro- ,gram at www.adcalls.com/9498. 7/20-p Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259- 7968. 4/22tfc Affordable & dependable. Let me take care of your cleaning needs. Also available evenings & weekends. Call 259-8310. 7/20p Music lessons in Macclenny, guitar, bass & voice. 653-1737. 6/29-8/3p We' do small job land clearing, bush *hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake, etc., also tree trimming & removal. 259-7968. 6/29tfc Going to pawn your guns? Cash for your gun. No junk. 259-3372. 7/20p Christian childcare in my home. Monday-Friday, 6:00 am-6:00 pm, 20 years experience, licensed, hot meals & snacks. Hill of Glen area. Cathy Thomas at 259-3678. 7/20p Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to abe in. good condition. Call Karin at South- ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc. Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding. fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfce Boston Terrier, 8 months old, papers, black & white, male, $400 OBO. 259- 9776. 7/20p: Deer trail dog, male, 4 years old, Beagle/Walker, $200; AKC regis- tered Basset Hound, 7 1/2 months old, male, $200; 3 puppies, Walker/ Beagle, 4 months old, off trail dog, $50 each; standard gray Chincilla, bought from Petsmart, includes 2 story cage, all accessories, $200. 275-2845. 7/20p Horses. 2 APHA registered Yearling fil- lies. A Palomino, sire is son of PBHA. Wold Champion & World Champion producer HEZA Classic Fox, qualifies, for registration in PHBA; A Red Dun Overo, bloodlines Red Sunny Dee, Skipper W, Bolds Top Chick, an APHA champion. Both are bred. Price nego- tiable to good home. I can help you startthem when ready & board them if needed. 259-1703 or 904-226- ' 3764. 7/20p Blue Pit Bull puppies, 8 weeks old, shots & wormed, POP, $150. Call Co- rey at 653-1971 or 219-9308.7/20p- Found: Black & tan hunting do, track- er collar, found on Richardson Rd. 275-2369. 7/20 Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classified advertising on subjects like work-at-home, weight loss products,: health products. While the newspaper uses reasonable discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. IRespondents should use caution and common sense before sending any moneyor makingother commitments basedonh statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is'. The Baker County Press Delivery specialist.needed.'Full-time, 2 positions open. Apply in person at. Badcock Furniture, 701 S. 5th St., .Maccienny. 7/13-20c. Experienced metal roofer needed,. dependable, driver's license required, good pay. 904-251-5804, after 7:00 pm, call 259-3757. 7/13-8/31p: Painter's helper. Apply in person at- Butch's Paint & Body Shop,~5573 Harley Thrift Rd. 7/13tfc- Pier 6 Seafood now accepting applica- tions for all positions..259-6123. 6/15-7/27c A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs- experienced full time licensed driver. 259-7335. ,3/23tfc Local home health agency looking for full time RN & Physical Therapist. For more information, call 259-3111. Company specializing in erosion con- trol now hiring the following positions: crew leaders, equipment operators, laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license is a must. Fax resume to 904-275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE/drug free workplace. 7/20p Experienced painters needed. Must have tools. 259-5877. .12/30tfc Full-timetrim/punch-out carpenterfor local construction company. Benefits & paid vacation included. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 6/8tfc Experienced A/C service tech/install-' er needed. Must have driver's license; & tools. 259-0893. 6/15tfc Part time w/full time potential. Looking for' motivated, qualified per- son in Baker and surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply5with resume& references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc Mechanically Inclined person needed- for general groundskeeping, for light delivery with some lifting and for some light :maintenance duties. Must be dependable with a good work record. References and resume to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. This is an excellent part time opportunity. 7/13-20p Class A mechanic for 3rd shift main- tenance crew. Must have minimum 5, years experience. Pay ranges from $16.96 plus a 26$ shift differential pay. We are an equal opportunity employer' & a' drug free workplace., We offer 401k, health insurance, paid holidays & vacation. Apply at' Gilman Building Products, CR 218, Maxville, FL or fax resume to 904-289-7736. 7/13-8/3p Need experienced A/C & duct install- ers, must be dependable. 259-8038. 7/13-8/3p Drivers: Home every weekend! .41 loaded/.37 empty/.01 loaded miles tarp. Pay, health, life, dental, 401k, monthly bonuses. CDL-A 1 year .expe- rience.. Grayson Mitchell 800-434- 1882. 7/13-20p Part-time carpenter, patch up work, roofs, mobile home work. 653-1656 leave message. 7/20c Ronie's Food is looking for cooks & cashiers. Apply in person. Hwy 90 in Glen. 7/20c: Security officers, all areas of Jacksonville. Call Giddens Security 384-8071 or apply at 528' "S. Edgewood Ave. 7/27-8/3c- COTAs and PTAs. Macclenny Nursing & Rehab is offering $5K sign on bonus to work at this great facility that boasts a great Rehab Manager and dynamic Administrative team. .Miss. all the Jacksonville traffic and drive west on 1-10 for 20 minutes, enjoy flexible schedules, and friendly staff in a rural relaxed setting. Call Julie at 1-866-559-5515, ext. 111. 7/20c. Production/machine operator. Instell Wire Products, a manufacturers of pre-stressed concrete strand will be accepting applications for production/ machine operator positions for cur- rent openins.at the Sanderson plant on Thursday, July 20th Thursday, August 3rd from 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Applicants myst .be 18 years old. Working hours will be 12.hour shifts. Experience preferred. Benefit package includes health, life, dental, 401k. Interested candidates must, apply in person. Insteel Wire Products, Sanderson Division, O One Wiremil Road, Sanderson,,FL 32087. AA/ EOE/Pre-employment Drug Screen. 7/20-27c RN/LPN, 7:00 pm-7:00 am, must be dependable; CNAs, 11:00 pm- 7:30 am, full-time. Apply in-person at Macelenny Nursing & Rehab, 755SS. 5th St./Hwy 228. Ask for Sharon or Melves. 7/20c Travelodge is now taking applications for night auditor. Apply in person from 8:00 am-4:O pm at 1641 S. 6th St. No phone calls.:. 7/20-27c A/C service tech/installer. New con- struction & change outs. Reference & good driving record a must. Pay depending on experience: Big sign on bonus. 259-8038. 7/20-8/lp New Life Preschool & Daycare is now hiring' full-time, part-time & substi- 1-- ----' I Driver- J< "' /''t . / OJ )nville Terminal 3HT tarped 9-5627 :om . Y PRESS Thursday. July 13. 2006 Page Five-B . Salary will be 1 acre with 2 BR mobile home in need .qualifications. of repair. Well, septic tank & power Oi, 7/20-27c pole. Mobile home can be moved for :essary, $400- your new home. Cuyler area, $45,000 enings & week- OBO. 904-226-3064 day or 259-5383 ilrirvindf rrord. after 6:00 pm. 7/13:20p Large desirable lot in Copper Creek, one of the largest & last in Phase 11, $77,500. 259-6199. 6/29tfc 3 BR, 2 BA house with 2 rental mobile. homes on 13.2+- acres in the Georgia Bend area, big workshop & 2nd kitch- en, $190,000. 904-629-1779. 5/25tfc 10 acres, restricted to homes, nice property, good location, bring your horses, $138,900. 259-3878. 7/20-8/10p Beautiful 7.5 acres, located 500 ft off of Crews Rd on Woodrow Raulerson Rd. Very nice property with cypress tree pond, $150,000. For info, call 259-2083 after 6:00' pm or leave message. 7/13-8/3p. Must see! 10 acres with pond, 2 dou- blewide mobile homes, $225,000. Call for appointment 259-5098. 7/13-20V. - - - - ... 2 BR house. 259-33 7/20p WELL DRILLING 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531- 4/3tfc FLORIDA CONCRETE SERVICES, INC. Footers Foundations Sidewalks Driveways 904-259-2050 7/20-8/10p WILSON STUCCO, INC. "For all your stucco needs" Free estimates Commerical & Residential Kevin Wilson 904-759-3907 Gene Polk 904-626-5084 Locally owned & operated in Baker County 7/6-13p ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~ Financing available ~ JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc HELPING HANDS CLEANING SERVICE Licensed & Bonded 483-7886 7/20-27p TWH CRANE SERVICE, INC. Free estimates Licensed & Insured 275-2853 904-838-8449 Timmy Hodges, Owner 7/1-8/3p A & R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tfc JNA GUTTER Specializing in 6" seamless rain gutters Residential & Commercial Free estimates 904-964-8207 7/20-8/10p PRESSURE WASHING Houses $75-$100 Mobile homes $40-$50 Call Floyd 904-209-5779 7/13-20p FILL DIRT Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White 275-2474 4/6tfc WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell ,horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection . *Damage repair guarantees Free estimates Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 2/17tfc WJF ENTERPRISES HOME IMPROVEMENT Specializing in: Siding ~ storm gutters ~tile window/doors & more You'll LOVE our PRICES I guarantee it! 259-1703 904-226-3764 7/20-27p SANDS TRUCKING Fill dirt ~ Millings ~ Slag Concrete washout Land clearing ~ Fish ponds Road built Houses/buildings demo ~ In- ground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc R.K. MUSE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Residential & Commercial New construction Framing Remodeling Additions 259-2006 545-8316 cell Keith Muse, owner CBC#1250391 7/20-8/10p MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plan's or our plans Bentley Rhoden - KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Spring & Summer hours: Monday Friday 10:00 am 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 5:00 pm 259-5222 (CPC 053903) D.R. RILES WE DRILLING 2" & 4" rock wells Shallow wells ~ Irrigat Pump service 904-334-3372 904-782-1674 H&R TRANSMISSION] Macclenny, FL. Free estimates Free tc on all repairs 904-382-7086 6/2 9/2tfc LL :ion HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured, S 259-0893 Lic. #ET11000707, Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RA13067194 4/21tfc STEPHEN'S TREE SERVICE Trimming ~ Tree removal Affordable rates Free estimates Licsensed & Insured 904-653-1314 7/13-20P COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL, INC. Residential/Commercial 7/6-13p Garbage pickup for Baker County Roll off Dumpsters NS 259-5692 Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator owing 29-7/20p FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/ltfc NOBLITT'S HOME INSPECTIONS NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified Serving North Florida and South Georgia 259-5342 259-5416 fax 7/6-9/21 LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing, Free estimates 4/6-10/5p ALAN'S TREE SERVICE Free estimates No nob to small or to big Remove dangerous trees near your home Licensed & Insured Locally owned & operated 7 days a week 904-710-5011 7/20-8/$ GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 4/6tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances 24 hour, 7 day emergency ser- Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/ltfc KIRKLAND'S LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING Lawn mowing ~ Tractor work Clean-up ~ Hauling 259-3352 7/6-27c A & R TRUSS Engineered trusses for your new Home Barn Shed Etc. Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. Commercial Residential New construction Service '6-9/28p FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust Buckshot Goodyear Michelin Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR .Custom exhaust Flowmaster Turbo, Glaspaks 11/16tfc Call today.for the best price! 259-1393 10/6tfc 904-259-2255 259-8700 014 3/14tfc CCC046197 5/27tfc CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor, Land clearing We sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 CU-C057126 3/16-9/7p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business. Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS So many options! See our catalogs at The Office Mart, 110 South 5th Street 259-3737 tfc DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads & much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 tfc GOD'S BUSINESS After-hours computer repair Networking, training, graphic design and writing Call Cheryl 904-885-1237 9/16tfc 904-260-2090 $P CAC1813701 4) 904-509-2397 9/9tfc Lic#RRO067433 6/29-12/28D CBC060 I 10 acres in Sanderson area with well, septic tank & power pole included. Owner financing. Call 275-2210. 7/20-27p 10 acres, Folsom Trail, restricted to homes only, cornerlot with private road, $115,000 OBO. 626-2664. . .7/20-8/3p 27 acres off US 301 near Bryceville, $250K. 904-483-7617 or 449-6184. 7/20t1c Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904- 860-4604. 3/17tfc 3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets, garbage, .water & mowing provided, $450-$600/month. 912-843-8118. 5/4tfc New home for rent, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile flooring.throughout on 1/2 acre lot in Macclenny, all electric appliances. $875 security deposit, $875/month. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9 am-5pm 6/22tfc 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, carpet & vinyl flooring, living room, kitch- en, dining room on .50 acre lot in Sanderson. All electric appliances, $750 security deposit, $750/month. Please call between the hours of 9:00 am-5:00 pm, weekdays ONLY. 259- 3343 or 626-8424. 6/1tfc Doublewide in the country, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1st & last month's rent plus deposit, references needed. 653- 1656 leave message. 7/20c 3 BR, 2 BA house with detached garage on 1 acre in Macclenny II, $1000/month, 1st & last *month's rent required, no pets. Call 614-4650 leave message.. 7/13-20p Country charm, 1.1 acres on St. Mary's River, fish in backyard, 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide,, $750/month, secu- rity deposit & lease required. 465- 3841. 7/20p THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 20. 2006 Page Six-B 3 BR, 2 BA, $575/month, lawn ser- vice & garbage pickup included, 1st, last & $300 deposit. 259-7335. 7/20tfc 2 BR SW mobile home, Glen St. Mary, $150/week, no deposit. 904-910- 5434, beeper 160*132311*2. 7/20p 2 BR house in Georgia Bend, $750/ month, electric included, $300 depos- it; 2 BR mobile home in Macclenny, $450 plus deposit. 912-843-2093 or 904-777-8880. 7/20p 3 BR doublewide; Blackbottom area, $250/week, no deposit. 904-910- 5434, beeper 160*132311*2. 7/20p 1 BR, 1 BA, inside city, no pets, $375. 259-5126. 7/20p September Special. St. Augustine, 1 BR condo, sleeps 4, large heated pool, $500/week, monthly rates avail- able. 904-483-7617. 7/20tfc 2 BR, 2 BA condo, ground floor, pool side, incredible ocean view, St. Augustine Beach. Call 476-8907 or 505-0083. 7/6-27c 6 door 90x35 garage space, or 1 door 30x35 or 2 door 35x60, excel- lent for paint & body shop, auto repair shop or any other commercial use; office space available. Lots of park- ing. 1 mile east of Macclenny on US 90. 259-2019 or 813-0935. 7/20-27p Commercial building, 1200 SF, 1 block from courthouse, $650/month, $650 deposit. 259-4602. 7/13tfc 1981 Peachtree doublewide, 3 Br, 2 BA, recently remodeled, new cabinets, whirlpool tub, fireplace. 259-2019 or 813-0935. 7/20-27p 24x52 1983 doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA, $2900. 472-3327 cell. 7/20p Must see! 1992 Fleetwood 14x80, 2 BR, 2 BA,'riew carpet, excellent condition, $12,500. You move. 259-6354. 7/20p ADJUNCT INSTRUCTORS FOR ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS Fall 2006 EMS Instructors: Teach EMT Basic and Paramedic courses. Must be registered Florida paramedic with associate degree and two years field experience. Bachelor degree, teaching experience and instructor certificate in ACLS, BTLS, BLS, PEP preferred. Contact Dr. A. Pallas, Executive Director, Allied Health Academy Phone: (386) 754-4487Fax (386) 754-4987 Email: pallasa@laketityce.edu Patient Care Assistant Program: Part time Instructor for clinical/lab,200 hours total, between 9127-11/15. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in acute or long term care. (1 Position $22.00-$25.00/hour based on degree.) Practical Nursing Program: Clinical instructor three days per week between 8/23-12/15. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in acute or long term care. BSN and teaching experience preferred. (2 Positions $22.00-25.00/hour based on degree.) Registered Nursing Program: Clinical faculty for 20 hours/week fall term (16 weeks). Must have BSN, FL RN license and 2 years recent acute/long term care experience. MSN and. teaching experience preferred. ($23.00- 26.00/hour based on degree.) LPN to RN Bridge Program: Clinical faculty for Saturdays 7A-7P between 8/24-12/9 (Gainesville). Strong Medical-Surgical background preferred. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in adult acute care. BSN required; MSN and teaching experience preferred. ($23.00- 26.00/hour based on degree.) NUTRITION (NUR 1192) Instructor: Must have a Masters Degree in nutrition or related field with 18 graduate hours in nutrition. (MSN's are qualified.) Class meets Tuesday evenings 5:OOPM-9:OOPM. Body Structure and Function (PRN 0080) Instructor: Must have a BSN in nursing or health related field with a minimum of 8 hours coursework in anatomy arid physiology. Class meets Monday and Wednesday 5:00 PM- 6;45PM Contact Robbie Carson, Director of Nursing Programs Phone: (386) 754-430. Fax (386) 754-4904 ( II jli-,h ar ,.r. ...J ..., I'Lf i ] ,ripl rcqu Ilfed j-I Ii a* .I Ihl 11 1l .. .,:h i wvwliakeciivcc edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association ''.. -. i.,,J ..,t . Employment There's a reason we're Jacksonville's Largest locally owned homebuilder, Come see why. Choose from over 40 floor plans We build in Duval, Clay, St. 3ohn's, Nassau & Baker Counties View our floor plans at www.sedaconstruction.com 904-724-7800 Mon-Fri 8-5 pm Options package valued at .. $9,000 FREE with home purchase SEDA is one of the few builders with a dedicated Offsite Division Specializing in building our plan on yourtot, Our Offsite Division team will be with you through evc. ;. ..' .: b'.i '...; process, from site assessment, plan selection, home oine3n-:Lc, '. Ir. '. ,- .,, .h c;, Subject ro change w ithousl n otice CGCO2080. Epiresh.lIly 31, 2006 ? LAKE CITY Adjunct Instructors Needed Fall Term, Beginning August 21, 2006 Physical Science Instructor: Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in a physical science. Night section and internet sections available. General Biology Instructor: Mas- ter's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in biology. Saturday class. Daytime Preparatory Math In- structor: Minimum of Bachelor's degree College Level Math Instructor: Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in mathematics Day- timeNighttime classes. Contact Paula Cifuentes at (386) 754-4260 or Email: cifuentesp@lakecitycc.edu English Instructor: Master's degree with 18 graduate hours in English. Contact Holly Smith at (386)754-4360 or email smithholly@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment 4 LAKE CI Part-Time Reference Librarian Temporary position providing reference service and Library orientation to evening and Saturday students. Master's in Library Science from ALA accredited .program. Salary: $17.00 per hour College application and transcripts required. Applications available at Www.lakecitycc.edu. Contact Jim Morris 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386)754-4337; Fax (386) 754-4837 Email: morrisj@lakecitycc.edu. College application and transcripts required. Applications available at www.lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment Fonst For 4 1Feast For2 od c14iWAtII, Lunch or Dinner by monelunch or dilloe nr 11A5 livo dr fnku,ort thueameond lunhl t o diner Wnrn o equal or llteuvvalue%'.all, In oIl ttfiIU Rib dinner%, tio hilld poldlooe two malda wflh INo putohail @I Iwo dilim. FIREE"AP P ETIZER~ your chWNgiOftetOwn.o M a 1 edUqeill er Ohillhuc Orlue Family Value Dhlekn*Th'G UNNlli l uit wolh a $1 99 610 qSA k5 W11510", R,. U JGIBSON McDONALD FURNITURE COMPANY eigg iaRockng6Cairwhit Wa $19 ow $9 gls shlvs, lihe. mirrred, back Was$,9.. 15 o $9., Count .er Hegt~c D.nete ta le 4 S. (igt'Oaorexrs so 66t ha'. .Oakfinih BIroosui Slihbd rs seM ,MI' il~ad Was$ 99.0 No $.38 Wh..,.nshconty3edoo,, Hedord oto arraldr e anmir. 7 4/2 2468 SF Home Many Extras! $214,800 Open House Sat., July 15 & 22 |