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YONGE LIBRARY FLA. HISTORY PO BOX 117007 UNIV. FLA. GAINESVILLE, FL 32611 -"--.o.O _ 1- .. ')..__j County agrees to help NEFSH BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staft Baker County Commissioners agreed July 11 to provide admin- istrative support for about 40 employees being hired by the Northeast Florida State Hospital, which is receiving 54 3 million from the state to add 60 forensic beds NEFSH will give the county a percentage of its gross contract to pay for the additional workload. The county will in effect be act- ing as NEFSH's human resources department. Joe Infantino. who spoke for the hospital at a commission workshop Tuesday. said the forensic program is an opportunity for NEFSH to carve out more services, meaning -the future becomes brighter for the hospital " He explained that forensic beds are for people who are court- ordered to the facility They are those found not guilty by reason of msanitr or those not competent to stand trial. The forensic beds at NEFSH are -step down" beds as opposed to "secure beds and are intended for patents who'\e received treat- ment and pose no danger. The board also approved a request b\ NEFSH's Todd Berchen for three additional full-time employees for a traumatic brain injury\ program The state has already approved a $200.000 operating budget and start-up money Mr. Berchen told the commis- sioners that the county will not have any liability in connection with the program. A house on Doctor's Circle is being modified for two patients. It will be staffed by house par- ents and a rehabilitation specialist., Mr Berchen also noted that broadening this niche will help NEFSH withstand calls for priva- tization or closure In other business: Chairman Alex Robinson told the board that the count- and the city of MNacclenny have taken the first step toward a cooperative effort to improve CR 23A. Representatives from both enti- ties met at City Hall Jul. 17 and agreed to direct county roads superintendent Robert Fletcher and consultant Frank Darabi to draft an interlocal agreement that will set the framework for coop- eration. Details such as how cost-shar- ing will be handled would be worked out later, after the respec- tive boards approve the interlocal agreement. The men said they expect to' have the draft ready within four weeks. CR 23A is a county road leading into, and through, the city, where it is known as Lowder Street. It is in disrepair and probably too small to handle increased traffic from hous- ing developments approved by the city, including Barber Plantation, which is planned for the former Pineview Golf & Country Club. SThe commission voted 3-2 to deny a request by Carolyn Hodges. - who resigned from the Baker County EMS after more than 18 years to receive payment for one- quarter of her accrued sick time. County policy allows payment (Page 2 please) I II 11 l I 6 89076 48819 8 Paid circLdation leader e Winner of 15 state and regional awards for journalism excellence in 2006 Thursday July 13, 2006 3 new county m List culled from 7 includes BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff Baker County Commissioners narrowed their list of finalists for the county manager's job from seven to three including Lake City's manager and will begin the mterx iew process July 21 with a reception for the candidates The finalists are James .Jeffrey"' Litrell. director of utili- ties in Okaloosa County. Joseph Nliranti. former Madison County manager, and Joseph Cone. who recently resigned as Lake CitN's manager Headhunter C Wemington. Fla. of seven candid their application missioners on Ju He met with t Julv 11 to discus Police converge for funeral of strio Dozens of patrol cars jrom ithe Jackwsoile Sheriff q OQce and ote, po"h ageicies in norwhast Florida followed ot .ti David E. Aloblev was taken to Macedonia Ceineter from the Chrinan Felion ship Temple in north Ahtccleninv. Officer A before that was a Baker Counnt deputy He died oj a heart anack on Julv 5 at at'e 52 and is survi-ed b-' a wife and three c Team vehicles vandal Vandals did thousands of dollars in damage to five vehicles parked last weekend in the lot aside the Baker County High School gym The damaged property\ includ- ed a pickup truck belonging to an assistant football coach who along with several Wildcat players left it at the school while attending a two-day motivational session at Camp Blanding --We can't tell whether this was a case of retaliation or just plain vandalism." said Sheriff Joey Dobson earlier this week. "Whoever it was' wanted to do some real damage." Head football coach Bobb\ Johns said on Tuesday the 1998 Ford truck belonging to assistant Jamie Rodgers of Macclenny may be declared a total loss with smashed windows and damage to the exterior and interior. Police believed a baseball bat or club was used, and that the locked compound was entered during the early morning hours of July 8 or the previous evening. The locked gate prevents vehi- cles from entering the area, but the parking lot is easily accessible from the tennis courts and trackto the north. A school custodian said she last observed the parked vehicles Friday afternoon and noted no sign of vandalism. They were left there the previous morning when the team left by bus for Camp ,Blanding. Radios were taken from three Deputy Tony Norman processes vandalized coach's pickup fo of the five vehicles, and the inci- dent was first reported to police by a player's mother who was dropping off a vehicle before the team's expected arrival later that morning. Also heavily damaged was a 1995 Chevrolet pickup belonging to Lloyd Taylor Glen St. Mary; lesser damage was done to a 1992 Ford pickup belonging to Mary Bennett and a 1992 Tovota rea- istered to Arlesh Macclenny. A f not identified in 1 The team spe Blanding at whai team building anc ing that included and even an obst The training through the sch< gram. Macclenny, Florida 50 manager finalists ex-Lake City manager Later that da\. at the commis- All five commissioners voted olin Baenziger of sion meeting, he distributed bal- for Mr. Cone. while Mr. Litrell presented the list lots for that each commissioner to and Mr Miranti got four votes dates. along with vote for his or her favonte. They each. packets. to com- could vote for an\ number of can- Two other candidates got two I. 7 didates up to five votes each. but the commission hem individually Mr. Baenziger then tallied the decided to go with just the top s the candidates. votes three S- A brief reception will be held * __'-the evening of July 21.. It is an opportunity for commissioners to see how the candidates interact : .. with community leaders. The following morning. a Saturday, probably around 8:30, board members will interview them one-on-one. After a lunch break, the com- Smission will meet as a body to interview them. Following the timeline of their Thoriginal 'schedule. commissioners ..N.'will then schedule a special ses- sion MNonday to vote on the new 7 manager. although their regular meeting es the following week Commission chairman Alex J Rob inson said he wants to hate someone in place by the time the commission beams working on next ear's budget. which will likely be in a few weeks. The lengthy search process four months and counting was i delayed last month after a series H Hof miscommunications and mis- understandings. Commissioners had been scheduled to hire some- one by June 12 The county has been \without a manager since the board fired Jason Griffis December 15 for a series of transgressions capped by --, his use of a count. phone to make hundreds of personal calls .C commissioners started their ..,". search three months later. hinng SBaenziger & Associates to solicit ; and screen resumes The board i.s pabingi the firm S18.500 ... o. pIn mid-Man. Mr. Baenzger presented commissioners with a list of four candidates Two of the four looked good cken officer July 8th B Mtheir resumes, butanInteret Sofintra a search found that, one had been ie r#i procession the morning of Jtly 8 as the body of veteran Patrobnan accused of sexual harassment and loble. who hived in Glen St. Alan. u as n itih JSO thepast 13 years. atid another of illegal dumping. lhidren. The other two didn't have enough experience, either gener-,. zed Distri or with growth anageent. a high prionty for Baker CountN Sfasetaeals with the list of candidates, and-, Sfa t-tracks aid he'd heard second-handthat his colleagues shared his view about the finalists fi esforBoard members, however. cant discuss the matter among,- themselvesunless it's at a public"" Press SitIf g Part of the delay was that Mr. Citing safety concerns, the Robinson didn't want word to get Baker County School Board on out that none of the finalists were July 6 declared that the need for acceptable because it might reflect lane striping and painting diagonal badly on the board or the county. parking spaces on South Boule- Meanwhile, an erroneous report, vard is an emergency situation. in The Standard made it appear The designation will allow dis- the chairman had begun direct- trict officials to bypass the usual ing Mr. Baenziger to check out bid process in order to save time certain candidates, thus bypassing and have the safety measures com- the other commissioners. pleted by the beginning of school The resulting confusion on August 3. prompted an emergency meeting.. The action last week follows June 22 where board members complaints by neighborhood resi- agreed that the candidates were -: dents who feel their quality of life not acceptable, and asked Mr. has been diminished by escalat- Baenziger to submit another list fingerprints. tion resulting from construction of Meanwhile, in reaction to the PreK/Kindergarten center last Mr. Robinson's displeasure, Mr. a Green, both of year. Baenziger had re-posted the ad Lfth vehicle was "We want a new approach to soliciting more candidates. the initial report. be taken in dealing with traffic is- "I presented the candidates, ent two days at sues," said Brenda Swisher, chair- then talked to the commission t Coach Johns as woman of the committee formed chair and he indicated he was not d leadership train- to study the problem. thrilled with them," Mr. Baenziger problem solving "We are asking that instead of said two days before the emergen- acle course. continuing to waste taxpayers' cy meeting. "If he's not thrilled, was arranged money for a situation that should then we should look for other can- ool's ROTC nro- have never been created in the didates." (Page 2 please) (Page 4 please) u HEBAKER COUNTY PRESS THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 2 . lw 0, u~m I- -"Co pyrighted-Mater *, 'Syndicated Content w 0 0 41 0^ -^^- 11 'm * * _ -.d m - ial Available from Commercial News, Providers I liii S 0 a WP @0 @0 @0 0. am- qv 0 , 0. * o S -l -. 4D *0- . 0 o SBack To School Loans NOW AVAILABLE School Starts August 3! Let us help you with your back to school needs. COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 CD Rates ,,, -: ; /, ; t ^i:. -:: =. :s -,b^ ^.-. o ...''! *;* ' a.c 'iIt.qOO c t Mm de"~t 0051~r000 District fast-track... County (From Page 1), first place, a more feasible plan be adopted... Let's not continue to put band aids on top of band aids." Amid protests by Ms. Swisher and Danny Lamb,, selected earlier to represent the neighborhood, the board approved the emergency sta- tus pending recommendations from the committee and/or the City of Macclenny's approval. It will also seek an estimate of the cost of the painting and striping. The Traffic Related Committee, which convened for the first time June 29, examined two solutions: Plan A, which involves striping South Boulevard, diagonal parking spaces and using another crossing guard; and Plan B, which involves reconfiguring existing property and rerouting bus traffic off of South Boulevard. Ms. Swisher, in a statement she read at the school board meeting, reminded the board that the traffic committee had made no recommen- dations for any work to be started, nor had the committee agreed upon Plan A submitted by the school district regarding the painting and striping. "It hasn't been approved by the traffic committee," Mr. Lamb in- terjected. "We don't want the roads to be striped. We don't want that at all." Ms. Swisher continued by re- questing that the school administra- tion give the same consideration to to Plan B as to Plan A. "We request for Plan B that ar- chitectural and engineering plans be designed by a third party and be paid for by the school board and or city/county commissioners with the same sense of urgency as has been exhibited for Plan A," she said. Ms. Swisher's request was not addressed by the board. School district officials argue that seeking emergency status is neces- sary to establish safe traffic flow by the start of school on August 3. The administration believes that painting a dividing stripe down the middle of South Boulevard to es- tablish two one-way lanes for buses and cars, and painting of diagonal parking spaces will result in safer, more efficient traffic management. Mr. Lamb voiced opposition throughout the meeting, believing the school board is moving forward. prematurely with plans to stripe the road prior to review and selection of a traffic-soh mg proposal to be de- cided, hopefully, during the traffic committee's next work session. It's been the traffic committee's understanding that none of the dis- cussion regarding possible solu- tions would be put into action be- fore all suggested proposals had been more thoroughly examined, a plan selected, then submitted to the school board for consideration. School board member Patricia Weeks argued the feasabilty of the board's desire to declare emergency' status and move forward with the striping and painting on the basis that traffic safety has recently be- come a topic of extreme concern to the board. Ms. Weeks contended that the board now recognizes a critical need for the lane striping and new parking space lines even beyond the plans by the school administration and traffic committee because the need to improve the general traffic safety of the area warrants it. PRESS ADVERISN DADLNE50M ONAY 1 nds a hand (From Page 1) only to employees who retire. Ms. Hodges acknowledged that she resigned although she could have retired because it's better for her financially to postpone retire- ment. She said, however, that an exception was made for a previous employee. Commissioner Crews remind- ed the board that EMS director Rick Clark is scheduled to enter the DROP program in November ,and suggested commissioners give some thought to hiring his replace- ment, perhaps early enough so he or she could spend a few weeks work- ing with Mr. Clark. The board hired Ed Preston as the new county planner. He had been working with the Northeast Florida Planning Council. Mr. Preston is available to statt August 1. He will be paid $65,000 per year. Metal Roofing Homes and Mobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installers Many Styles and Colors to Choose From Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.corm (904)779-5786 1-800-662-8897 Toll Free 333 First Baptist Church of Macclenny "It Feels Like Home" . ~" 372 S. Sixth Street at W Minnesota Ave. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9 30 am Vorship 10 45 arn & 6.00 pm WEDNESDAY SERVICES Prayer & Bible Study 6.45 pm Awana for Children 6 45 pm Voutri Group 6-45 pm Dr. Edsel M. Bone Directions from .-10: Take Exit 48 N. Go 1.3 miles North Senior Pastor on .lwy. 121 See steeple on left Broadcast Live on WJXR 92.1 FM each Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am . -MwIA 4mbdo l 49 0 4=4M S 4~ e - * w a 4WD 40=P 401low Moop i W4&mmj6w a ftpqmw 4m- 4w %(I I %I O"Is of mu( %.%I It* 604, "At 114*471 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 3 Opinion omm ent THE Lauded principal exempfes BAKER CouT . PRESS best qua cities of an educator ..' ICDC nfn-InAA .. . Post Office Box 598 ** 104 South 5' St Macclenny, FL 32063. (904) 259-2400 'i Baker CountysPress is published eac' Thursday by Baker County Press, Inc. S.Periodicals postage paid under permit suedud April 12,192.9 at tWe post office in .Macctenny, Florida. SUBSCRIPTION RATES M $20.00 a year inside Baker County; $25.O q *year outside Baker County; deduct $1.,00 -:for persons 65 years of age or older,. mili' tary personnel on active duty outside Baker , .C6outy, and college students living outside; SBoker County. POSTMASTER: serd .address. changes to The Baker County Press, P.O. Bo~ 98, Macclenny; FR.32063. JAMES C. MCGAULEY Publisher EDITOR Michael Rinker NEWS/FEATURES Kelley Lannigan ADVERTISING, PRODUCTION Jessica Prevatt TYPESETTINIG,, GRAPHICS Jeremy Beasley & Josh Blackmon FEATURES,/COMMENT Robert Gerard COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas, CLASSIFIEDS- Barbara Blackshear This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the newspaper office prior to 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless otherwise noted or arranged. Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication. It is requested that all news items be typed to insure accuracy in print. Letters to the editor Welcome, but must: contain the signature.. f' the writer, a tele- phone number where' the writer may be con- S'acted and city of resin d.ence, Letters must, reflect opinions and statements on issues of current interest to the general public. The newspaper reserves the right to reject any material which in the' n newspaper's judgement does not meet stan- dards of publication. Social Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notices j and social events must be submitted within four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure photographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Contact Us- Phone 904/259-2400 Fax 904/259-6502 Emaillw bcpress@nefcom.het Mail PO Box 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny, FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com 'PORCCH KELLEY LANNIGAN Whenever I meet an elementary school teacher, the conversation turns to children and education, which is natural. I admire people who become educators and am always interest- ed in the factors that put them on the road to choosing teaching as a profession. I completed the college education requirements and earned my teaching certification, but didn't feel I possessed the patience or stamina to be a really good teacher. Meeting LuAnn Williams, prin- cipal of Nlacclenny Elementary and recipient of the 2006 University of Florida's College of Education's Distinguished Educator; Award, once again reminded me that edu- cators are a special breed of folk. Born in rural Baker County into a family of 12 children, this remark- able woman overcame poverty to attend college, earn a master's degree in education, teach at the elementary level, then become an administrator. Ms. Williams credits her tight- knit family and her parents' simple, solid example of support and love as being the foundation which pro- pelled her toward achievement and success She laments a general demise- of Itestrong nuclear family unit inu', modern society and believes this is putting growing numbers of chil- dren at a distinct disadvantage. What she does. believe is that, when ,parents cannot provide a strong presence, for whatever rea- son, teachers can step in and take up the slack. Just one person's positive influence can make the. difference in a child's life. It's a role she savors and looks forward to every day of her working life. Parents face a lot of challenges, Ms. Williams recognizes. Many are single parents trying desperately to meet their children's many needs. Many work multiple jobs trying to make ends meet. Constant demands on a parent's time, finances and energy don't always leave much room for quality one-on-one time with their, children. Teachers can fill in the blanks and fill them sig- nificantly. An integral aspect of Ms.. Williams'philosophy toward educa- tion is an open door policy regard- ing parents. "1 welcome parents to my school," she said. "They need to know they are as important and welcome at the school as the children Many of them don't even make appoint- ments anymore. When they have a concern or a need to talk the,\ just show up." , When asked what one skill par- ents should, if at all possible, instill in their children, Ms. Williams answers without hesitation read- ing. Teach a child to read and you give that child a passport to the world. Even if they never leave Baker County, at least they know of other people, beliefs and cul-. tures. Reading empowers a child with dreams and shows them what is possible. Ms. Williams' favorite book from childhood is also one of my own favorites The Five Chinese Brothers by Claire Huchet Bishop. I laughed when she told me this. I'd not thought of this book for years and suddenly the story with its sim- ple but fabulous illustrations blazed up from my memory. It's a perfect example of a "pass- port" book and a magical story about a culture far away, loyalty and the length a family will go to save a loved one. Ms Williams belief in education finds its way into her spiritual life, too She often prays for students and families she knows are struggling. Whenshe isn't busy being princi- pal, and wife and mother to her own family, she's educating families through church workshops about the mechanics of preparing students to apply to college When Ms. Williams looks at children she doesn't see race or social status, ability or disability, pn\ pledge or poverty. She suimply sees a child and the potential of that child. "They are all my babies, every one," she says. "Copyrighted Material /Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 11 (44J 44IL~5 V1 (~tY~I MAJ. BOBBY HART July 10, 2006 FORT MCCOY, Wisc.-A friend once told me the great thing about retirement was that you have six Saturday and a Sunday. I appreciate that analogy more now because as we continue our training in preparation of deploying to Iraq, it seems each week we have seven Mondays. It is amazing how time is critical in everything we do, from waking up to eating to showering, but days don't matter. It is rare when I know what day it is and I have to check every time I have to write down a date. In fact, after I returned from Operation Iraqi Freedom in December, 2003, I thought I would be able to adjust quickly and return to work in January with no prob- lems. Things went well enough, but the following basketball season I did a program for my team. We were selling them at the games when one of my players came up and said, "Coach, do you realize this isn't 2003 anymore?" I didn't. And that was scary. We're into our second month of training now and have switched to the field for a series of combat operations that we'll likely encoun- ter in Iraq, including convoy secu- rity, casualty evacuation and urban operations. The Forward Operating Base (FOB) we're at does a pretty good job of replicating Iraq. Sandy, bar- ren and they even broadcast Muslim prayers over loud speakers through- out the day, including 0400-pro- nounced oh, four hundred-which is military for 4 a.m. Like Robin Williams' character in "Good Morning Vietnam" said, "It's 0400. What does the oh mean? It means oh, my God, it's early." -We're living in tents with about 12 people; the tents are fairly large and fairly comfortable with ply- wood floors. Besides the prayers, another problem is that we're all on differ- ent training cycles, which means when we're coming and going at all times of the night. So if you happen to be able to sleep in-until 0500- someone else has already been up banging around the tent for more than an hour. We also have to wear our I.B.A. (Interceptor Body Armor), Kevlar helmet, gloves and goggles every- where we go. The new body armor, which is unisex, is equipped with removable throat and groin pro-. tectors, as well as front and back removable plates, which can stop' 7.62 mm rounds. The armor along with the Kevlar and weapon all weigh about 30-35 pounds. So inthe middle ofthe night if you want to walk the 50 yards to the porta-johns to relieve yourself, it entails a ten-minute preparation period by getting dressed in the dark and stumbling over everyone to get out of the tent. The fact that we are already force-hydrating to get ready for life in the desert doesn't help matters much. I'm currently drinking eight quarts of water a day and know from my previous experience that that isn't enough. I was drinking 12 liters-more than 10 quarts-of water a day the last time I was over, and when I went to the doctor for a checkup, he told me to drink at least two more quarts a day. Currently that means a lot of get- ting up and relieving yourself in the middle of the night. So I lie on my cot and convince myself I can put it off. That usually buys me a few precious minutes and by then some- one else gets up and starts banging around. Or the Muslim prayers begin. ATV law ignored Dear Editor: i have been watching ,children in my neighborhood riding their all-terrain vehicles, and I wondered what is safe and what is not. After a lot of soul-searching, I looked up Florida law and it was very enlightening. From Chapter 316 (motor vehicles and uniform traffic control), here' what I found: The term "all-terrain vehicle" means any motorized off-highway vehicle 50 inches or less in width, having a dry weight of 900 pounds or less, designated to travel on three or more low-pressure tires, having a seat designated to be straddled by the operator and handlebars for steering control. and intended for use by a single operator *wuith no pas- sengers. No person under 16 years of age shall operate. nde or be oth- erwise propelled on an all-terrain vehicle unless the person wears a safety helmhnet meeting US Depart- ment of Transportation standards. and eye protection. Except as provided in this sec- tion, an all-terrain vehicle may not be operated on public roads, streets or highways of this state, except as otherwise permitted by the manag- ing state or federal agency. I have observed these rules (and there are others) being ignored by the parents and children of Baker County. They ride ATVs on paved roads down to the comer store to get snacks.. Also, when did you last see a child wearing a safety. helmet, let :alone eye protection? What is the usual age of these children? Many times they are un- der the age of 16. Police have to see these viola- tions, and when kids think police have been called, all they do is get off the ATV and tell their side of the story. , When I see this happening, I truly wonder how safe are the children, grandchildren and others in this county. Are they not our future? Kathy Lilly and Family Macclenny Dear Editor: I asked the county commission on July 11 to pay me one-quarter of my sick time left over after I resigned from Baker County EMS, and was turned down. County policy states that if an employee retires, he or she should be paid one-quarter of accumulated sick time. I could have retired but I would have been penalized by the state retirement system because of my age. In the past an employee resigned and because of an agreement between an attorney and the county attorney, payment was made. This was an exception to the county policy. I asked for payment of sick time in my letter of resignation and was told by the chairman that he thought I should receive it because it was done in the past for another employee. I waited for my last check and the payment was not there. When questioning it, I was told to get on the agenda at a commission meeting and request it. Later, I was told by the chairman that I should not receive it because it was against county policy. County policy had been broken in the past for another employee, so why am I any different? I have given 18 years to the county and called in sick one time in 17 years. In the past. year, I have used up some of my sick money in order to cut down on the time. I have donated hundreds of hours to other employees who needed time. Why am I being penalized for being a good employee who is rarely out on sick leave? The county commissioners have policies and procedures for employees, but if you are going to stick by these policies it should be uniform to all employees. Citizens of Baker County, please wake up and see how unfair and incon- sistent some of the commissioners are. Take this into consideration when you cast your votes for them. CAROLYN HODGES, EX-CHIEF BAKER CouNTY EMS Sanderson A *A IA: LOGS AND PULPWOOD 1 ACRE OR LARGER DIAMOND INC. "FOR A QUALITY CUT" CALL 282-5552 KENT WILLIAMS Training base m imlcs Treated differently __T r./ o* on unused sick pay TV "Vi^-irl /nrI,~m -1 IAO I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 4 Punched his brother r Macclenny Amoco Lions Club installs new officers... Outgoing president Alichael Haiker (right) accepts a gavel plaque in appreciation of his 'one-year term as president of the Alacclenny Lions Club during a presentation by incoming president Joev Iillamns on June 26. Other new officers installed that evening were Chuck Prachar, first vice-president. Bill Beckun, second vice-pre.sident. AMel Bessinger. secretary, Chris Thomas. treasurer and Paul Raulerson. tail ntister. Installing officer was Jacki: Stein art, a past international governor. The Lions are Baker County's oldest civic ot gani:ation. founded in 1935. The club Iuha 22 current members and meets at the ,\/acclenn i.'iian 's Club on the second and Riourth Monday et enings. Pi.:.T:.Oi, Cairi. .:.E n-, L.: ,,ICL LU" Mom show over police A woman arrested for child neglect July 8 told police she was glad the\ were taking her daughter because it freed her up to do more drugs Carolyn Thigpen, 30. whose address is listed as Callahan but who'd been spending time at a home on Mud Lake Road. was changed with felony cruelty to a child. Larry Smith. 42. of NMacclenny, who was visiting the home with two other men. was arrested for assault on a police officer. resisting an offi- cer without violence and disorderly conduct. He became belligerent when police brought in a dog to check the men's truck for drugs SMs Thigpen. had told officers. thlat the men'hiad brought drugs for' the homeowner. Howvever. none were found. Deputy Sgt. Michael Crews said an unidentified person. who claimed to have gone to the house to buy drugs the night before, told' him that the child, 1. was vomiting a yellow liquid and wearing a dia- per that appeared not to have been: changed in several da\s The informant told him that the mother was passed out on the bath-. room floor with several syringes lying around. When Deputy Crews arrived at 2:22 pm, the homeowner, John "Rocky" Blanton, at first denied the woman and child were there. Ms. Thigpen, however, walked out of the home holding the little girl. The officer noted numerous bruises and marks on her arms, then asked if she'd been using drugs. "Damn right. I am grown, I can if I want to. What about it?" she replied. She then asked whether Sgt. Crews was going to take the baby, and he said yes. Ms. Thigpen became angry and began to curse. "I am glad you are going to take her. Now I can do more drugs more often. I won't have to worry about her because the state will have her and they can pay for her." She then told the officer about the men in the truck having drugs. Deputy Darrmn Whitaker, the K9 officer, was walking .his dog Zeus around the truck when Mr. Smith began to cause a disturbance. The deputy looked inside the truck and saw a .45 caliber revolver lying within reach of all three occu- pants. He ordered them to remain seat- ed with their hands visible, but Mr. Smith got out, mumbling obsceni- ties and threats. Both officers placed him in restraints. He then said his father was a dis- trict attorney and had represented Ted Bundy. Mr.. Smith said his father would see to it that deputies Crews and Whitaker lost their jobs. He also threatened Deputy Tracie Benton, saying, "I know where you live." Ms. Thigpen asked that Deputy Crews get a diaper from the home. .While in there, the officer saw drug-related items like scales,. syringes, rolling papers, scorched Ts no re ret taking kid tin foil and prescription pills all within reach of the child. He also noted that the home had the "'strong stench of filth. urine and feces ". The little girl was turned over to Laura Legget of Glen St. Mary. who is related to the child. Ms. Thigpen approved the custody arrangement. Gets buzzed, throws up, goes to jail AGlen St Manry an.was aflest- ed" 'ul 3 for 'underage diinking after he told police he had a strong buzz on, then threw up. Joshua Teston. 18, was at the wheel of a pickup parked near the Citgo station at CR 125 and 1-10.. A customer had reported he and another young- man were sitting there drinking. Deputy Tracie Benton arrived at 11:17 am to find both apparently drunk. The\ slurred their speech and had bloodshot eyes. There were several empty beer cans in the truck bed. The passenger was a 16-year-old Macclenny youth. Mr Teston told the officer he was too drunk to drive As Deputy Benton was checking out the truck. he vomited. She asked if he was OK, and he said, "I had too much to drink and just need to throw up." Both young men were arrested, and Mr. Teston's truck was towed. On the way to jail, Mr. Teston kept saying that he was very drunk. A family cookout July 4 led to the arrest of a Macclenny man for punching his brother in the face. Eric Mobley, 24, was charged with batten and domestic \ violence His brother. Gregory Mobley. told police somebody took Eric's car kels because he'd become intoxicated at the cookout Greg later went to his home on Bearden Trail and Eric followed him and started an argument. He then punched Greg in the side of his face near his left eve. Deputy James Marker found Enc at a home on SR 121 north and asked himun what happened. He replied that he and his broth- er got into an argument and he hit' him. In another batten. police will file a charge with the state attorney against a suspect who punched a 16-year-old girl Jul\ 8 in the park- ing lot of Charlotte's Web. The victim said she was at the Splish Splash car wash when the suspect. a female, drove by and gave her the finger. She said she followed the suspect to find out wh\ she flipped her off.' He grabbed her wheel A Glen St Marn man was arrest- ed July 8 for disorderly conduct after police stopped his girlfriend for erratic dn\ ing . Robert Brown. 23. was riding with Ricki Strama as she was driv- ing south on South Sixth Street near 1-10 at 4:40 am. Deputy Mark Hall stopped the truck after seeing it sharply swerve twice Nis Strama said they'd been arguing and that Mr. Brown grabbed the wheel and jerked it to the night She reacted b\ turning back to the left. , He at first denied that anything had happened. The officer said le smelled like alcohol and was slurring his words. Mr. Brown said he'd had only eight beers. . He was arrested after becom- ing uncooperative and refusing to answer questions. * Th yP t VO f a,' oTM c 'The Easiest Place in'lic World to Buy a, Car or Trick" SALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. COMMERCIAL' ** RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ICE MACHINES, COOLERS, FREEZERS 904-260-2090 I OWNER, JERRY HORTON CAC 1813701/ 'asw--- ---- --- --- ------------- --..t~==aStflaaaii------__ ---- ------- --- wm ---- -- * American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. 'el Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 EjNDER The suspect then began punching her, and the x ictim said she couldn't understand why. Police were unable to immedi- ately locate the suspect .. .-In another altercation, Ashley Peeler. 24. of Lake-City said an unidentified man ,punched her. in the face during a Jul) 4 fracas at the Country Club Lounge Ms Peeler said an unidenti- fied woman approached her in the bar around 1-00 am. accused her of sleeping with her husband. then backed her into a comer Ms. Peeler punched the woman in the face When several patrons tried to break it up. the man stepped up and punched Ms. Peeler in the eye Deputy Bill Starling inter% iewed witnesses, but was unable to find out who the man was. Finalists (From Page 1) From that came the sex en he pre- sented to the commissioners Jul\ 7. He received 34 resumes from the initial recruitment. which ran about a month, ending April 28. Although the Baenziger firm tar- geted Florida candidates. it received applications from eight other states. including Texas and New York Eleven Macclennr residents and three from Glen St Maan also applied, but didn't make the cut Mr. Baenziger selected nine of the 34 applicants, but four withdrew their names for vanous reasons. including one who found Baker County to be too rural and one who objected to the rigorous background checks The fifth was subsequently dropped. It was the remaining four that commissioners found lacking Baenziger & Associates guar- antees that if the new manager leaves in the first year., it will repeat the search for free. If the manager leaves in the second Near, the finn will repeat it, and charge just for expenses. The guarantee is void if the cornm- mission chooses a candidate not among those recommended by the firm. CIGARETTES ** BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ** Marlboro Blend 27 Marlboro Milds Marlboro Menthol Light MarlboroMenthol Marlboro Menthol Light 100s Marlboro Menthol 72 Camel Lights Camel Full Flavor Camel 99 Camel Turkish r. At the corner of US 90 & SRI 21 Sunday 7Tam 9 pm* Mon.-Sat. 6 am -10 pm Butch's Paint & Body Shop 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR -I- w~uI!r - 'Al ENTERPRISE Stop RENT-A-CAR DROP-OFF Foreign & Domestic Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint Computer Estimating o Insurance Claim Work Computerized Color Matching Fully Insured in for your free estimate 259-3785 ISIM --- ------- ;~- LAKECITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE] Call Locally 259-2313 or Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb Our showroom is conveniently located at the intersc~ lon of.Hwy. 121 and U.S. 90 in don nicn Mt.iini www.lambsautoandtruck.com PRESS ADVERTISING < DEADLINE 4 PM MONDAY Is your water misbehaving? If so, call us... --- -- - We will bring the Water Wagon to your house & fix it! For more Information about products and services see our ad In the '05-06 Macclenny phone book on page 100. Our Water Conditioning Units Will Bring Quality Water Into Your Home! 904.608.5669 or 904.613.1898 A MACCLENNY BASED COMPANY DI)IIAM CEB wants to order The Code Enforcement Boardwill ask the Baker County Commission next month to authorize the clean up of private property when own- ers fail to do so after they are cited for violations of the county's refuse ordinances. The request arose from a case re- heard during the code board's regu- lar meeting the evening of July 16. Neighbors off Klein Road west of Glen St. Mary complained of trash and abandoned vehicles on a tract owned b\ Robert Smiley. The CEB ordered a clean-up of the same property two years ago, then filed a lien when Mr. Smiley failed to comply. The lien still stands and the law allows subse- quent complaints since the 180-day fine period has long passed. Code Enforcement Office Glen Patten produced photos taken ear- lier Monday of accumulated refuse, and noted he had posted a notice of hearing in a visible location since the owner had not responded to sev- eral certified letters, the first dating back to March of this year. The health department also visit- ed the site following neighbor com- plaints about rodent infestation. The code board ordered an initial $200 fine if the property is not clean within 10 days, then fines of $ 100 a da\ for up to 180i daas ."We need a means to clean up property when an owner does not respond both to correct the \io- lation and give neighbors some relief. said CEB Chairman Jum lMcGaule\ He noted the City of Macclenny uses its own work force to mow and clean up property in Niolation. then assesses owners for the cost In cases of non-paiment. go\v- ernments are empowered to place liens on the proper Chairman McGauley will ask the county board to consider a similar ordinance, adding he will push for contracts with pre-screened private companies rather than use of public employees. The code board asked Mr. Patten to investigate how neighboring counties handle non-compliance property, and that information will be presented to the commission as well., In other cases where notices were posted because owners failed to respond, the code board gave James Davis 15 days to remove a portable toilet and refuse from property off Cow Pen Road. Two recreational vehicles that had been parked there were remov- ed before Monday's meeting The board was a bit more lenient with the daughter of the late Leon Addison, who had been cited in February for having a burned-out and unsafe mobile home on prop- ertm off CE 229 south. The daughter made some pro- gress cleaning the tract, said Mr. Pat- ten, and she was given 45 additional days to do so or face an initial fine of $75 and subsequent daily\ fines of $15. Harr\ Paramore of Glen St. Mary estimated he needs a month to finish clearing away abandoned vehicles and excessive trash from his property off Smokey Road The self-descrinbed lawn mowver mechanic was the sole defendant to appear at the July 10 meeting. and said illness and other woes prevent- ed him from coming into comph- ance in the case that dates back to January. The code board allowed him the month to complete it or face fines. Several other defendants came into compliance before the meeting: Ms. Debbie's Piano Studio m- Now accepting students of all ages Beginning, intermediate, and advanced lessons Little Mozart Program Fully equipped studio l- Over 25 years of experience i Debbie Chace (904) 259-3837 570 Pine Crest Court. Macclenn\, Florida 32063 'cleanup Dewey Adams, Christina Force, Joshua Perry, James Wright, Samuel Miller and Tiffany Crawford for violations ranging from excessive refuse to lack of mobile home skirt- ing. Sam Anger of Sanderson return- ed to the CEB after an absence of several years, and the board still seeks a member from the Glen St. Mary area. Mr. Patten advised a re-hearing is scheduled for the August 14 meet- ing on the abandoned \ vehicles case against Vern Arline of Olustee. Mr. Arline has been cited in the past for having an unauthorized junk yard, though he claims the accumulation of scrap and vehicles' actually constitutes an auto parts business at the comer of US 90 and CR 250A. The enforcement officer indi-' cated some of the vehicles may be' on adjoining property owned by a church. Arrested foi A Middleburg man is in custody charged with aggravated stalking of his ex-girlfriend, who lives in south Macclenny. The sheriff's department was alerted about 2:00 the afternoon of July 10 that Bobby Dressel, 29, had told his father he purchased a shot- gun and was going to Macclenny to kill Cynthia Below, 30, who lives in Dixie trailer park behind Winn- Dixie on South 6th. Two deputy sherffis were sta-' tioned for two hours near the resi- dence based on the information given to Clay County by the sus- pect's 61-year old father. About 6:00 pm, a neighbor reported the suspect, who appeared agitated. was walking in the neigh- borhood and fled into nearby woods Officers combed the area to no avail, and'shortly after Mr. Dressel was spotted by Deput\ William Cops get their Mann A Sanderson man was arrested July 7 on felonN drug charges after a police infonnant purchased several pills from him. Funston 'Scooter Mann. 34, was.charged with possession with intent to sell. and selling. prescnption drugs The unnamed informant told n\ estigators he or she had purchased pills from Mr Mann in the past. The informant went to his house JulN 5 around 5:30 pm to buy six Loratabs Police provided an undercover vehiclee and $30, and set up recording devices to tape the transaction. A pharmacist at Ra\nor PharmacN later identified the pills. Furniture loa won't believe our pices... ,. ,or the election ! Family Owned & Operated Since 1984 . Specializing in: Living Rooms Bedrooms Kids' Bedrooins 0 Lodge Decor Dining Rooms Home Office 60,000 Sq. Ft. of Beautiful Furniture, Home Furnishinus & Accessories 239 Jones Rd. #4, Jacksonville 904-781-1079 www.circlekfurniturejax.com Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10 am -5 30 pn, Sun. 1 5:0, pm,, CLOSED TUESDAY THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 5 stalking ex-girlfriend Hilliard walking north near the Dressel denied having a firearm. Dollar General in Baker Square. Ms. Below was at work during The deputy chased the suspect this week's incident and was aware east, first in his patrol car and then of the situation. on foot, before overtaking him near The elder Mr. Dressel told Clay South 6th. A 2003 Nissan truck that County authorities he feared for was not registered to the suspect the girlfriend's safety because of but reportedly driven by him to hs son's "hostile manner" and his Macclenny was located nearby. remark that "he had had enough." This is. the second such inci- The suspect is also charged with dent involving Mr. Dressel and resisting police without violence, a Ms. Below. Police records reflect misdemeanor. The stalking charge an arrest in 2004 for discharging a is a felony. firearm in the direction of her resi- dence, and that Mr. Dresselfled into Vets th i'kful the nearby woods. Authorities never found the fire- The Disabled American arm in that case, and Sgt. Adam Veterans, Chapter 20, would like Faircloth, who was familiar with to express its gratitude to all who the earlier case. said he repeatedly .participated min the drive on June asked the suspect this week if hbe hid .0 and July I. For any questions what was reported to be a 12 gauge or comments on the chapter, please call 259-4956 snot un in [be wooded area. Mr If you've been waiting to buy your Bob-Cat Zero Turn lawnimnower,; wait no more! Buy it today at Northeast Florida Power Equipment and get SNo interest til March '07 & No Payments til April '07! No Pay til April & No Doc. Fees!- [Ni a With a 9.99% APR ) (0% AP for 0% APR for 0% APR foro 18 Months! 24 Months!i"36o Months! 2006 CHEUY SIUERADO EK CU 2006 CHEW TAHOE V-8, CD"" PLAYER, LOADED, LOADED. 3RD ROW28,318 HIGHWAY 9 WEST, 1/2 MILE PAST 1-75 IN LAKE CITY .CHEVROLET 386-752-633 SALES HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-9PM, SATURDAY 8:3oAM-5.M.. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.eddieaccardichewoletmazda.com DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES. tt DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES, MUST TRADE 1999 VEHICLE OR NEWER TO QUALIFY FOR THIS PRICE. ** LIMITED TERM CONTRACT ON SELECT MODELS WITH APPROVED CREDIT IN LIEU OF REBATES. PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY, MAY NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL MODEL. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 6 SJ[ituaries Infant Hale, dies July 4th Infant .Daniella Lynn Hale, 4 months old, died on Tuesday, July 4, 2006 at her residence. She was born in Kingsland, Ga. and resid- ed in Glen St. Mary. She is sur- vived by her parents Daniel Hale and Jennifer D'Aguiar of Glen St. Mary; siblings Antonio. Jake, Nick, Aliyan and Tyrenan all of Glen St. Mary; grandparents Sheila and John Philips of Glen St Mary. grand- mother Francine Buller and grandfa- :ther Mike "Poppie" Underhill, both lof Jacksonville; grandfather Danny .Joe Hale of Glen St. Mary; grand- mother Brenda Hale of Georgia; :grandfather Tony D'Aguiar of Port :St. Lucie, Fla.; great-grandparents David and Betty Pearl of Spring :Hill, Fla., and many more relatives. A funeral sen ice was held at, 112:00 pm on Saturday, July 8 at First Baptist Church of Cuyler with 'Pastor Billy Worthington officiating 'Interment followed in Oak Grove Cemetery. Guerry Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Sheryl Jackson, of Jacksoniville SSheryl Rebecca Jackson, 31, of Jacksonville died on Tuesday. July 4, 2006. She was born in Jacksonville on November 27. 1974 She lived in Jacksonville all of her life and was the youngest of 12 children. Ms. Jackson was predeceased by her father David Jackson. Survivors include her moth- er Shirley Andrews Johnson. sis- ters Clara Jo Johnson and Ann- McCarthy of Jacksonville, Deborah Leftwich of Ft. Meyers, Fla. and Ruth Williams of Orlando. brothers David Jackson of Sulfur, Louisiana. S Cecil Jackso0, Dale Jackson. Lyndon Jackson and Freddie Jackson of Apopka, Fla., Robert Jackson of Glen St. Mary, Bryan Jackson of Jacksonville, and numer- ous other relatives. A funeral service" was held at 2:00 pm on Frida\. July 7,.in the chapel of Ferreira-Fraser Funeral Services with Pastor Rafael Cuevas officiating. Interment followed in Oak Grove Cemetery. PRESS ADVERTISING DEADUNE 4 PM MONDAY Glen Johnson, 78, truck driver William "Glen" Johnson, 78, of Macclenny died Thursday, July 6, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville following a brief ill- ness. He was born in Mt. Vernon, Ga. and moved to Macclenny at an early age, and lived here the rest of his life. He was the son of the late William Raleigh Johnson and Anne Gibbs Johnson. He was employed as a truck driver with Blair's Nursery in Macclenny for many years Mr. Johnson was predeceased by his sister Margaret Norman and step-sister Zlema Peacock. Survivors include daughters Sherri Dugger of Fruit Grove. Fla.. Susan Pittman of Jacksonville and Sandi Griffis of Lake Butler;- son Robert Glen Starling of Glen St. Mary; sister Laverne Dicks of Lake City. brother George Robert -Johnson of Macclenn\; step-sis- ter Geanice Johns of Jacksonville. eight grandchildren, eight great- grandchildren, three special nieces. and nephews Patty Key. Marky and Susan Norman, and a host of other nieces and nephews, and man\ friends. A funeral service was held at 11:00 am on Monday. July 10. in the chapel of Guerr Funeral Home with Rev. David Thomas. pastor of Christian Fellowship Temple. officiating. Interment followed in MNacedonia Cemetery. Thank you We would like to tank every- one who made the 4th of July Community Wide Celebration a blessed event. We are grateful to all the sponsoring churches, to every- one who cooked, served and helped clean up, the wonderful singers, and to those who gave out door prizes., May God bless you all. ST. GEORGE FIRST BAPTIST ST. GEORGE CHURCH OF GOD MONiAC BAPTIST PINE LEVEL CHURCH BAXTER CHURCH OF GOD In loving memory of Uncle Chester 7/15/85 8/29/99 Lo\ E, ALE'.: ,mD I-HNN4 d- STAR. NG Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening W\\orship 6:00 PM. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 PM. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 David Mobley, Ralph Wheat, Army veteran vnil1 fi'- David Eugene Mobley, 52, of Glen St. Mary died on Wednesday,. July 5, 2006 at. St. Vincent's Medical Center. Mr. Mobley was born on September 8, 1953 in Jacksonville to Elyie Mildred Suggs MobleB and the late Curtis Eu gene of Macclenny He lixed in Baker County . all of his hfe Mr. Mobley workedwith the Baker.. County Sheriffs Office Mr. Mobley for many years and had worked for .the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office as a patrolman the past,13 years. He enjoyed fishing and woodworking. Mr. Mobley was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. "Survivors include his loving wife Patti Lee Crews Mobley of Glen St. Mary; his mother; children Shannon David Mobley (Brandy) of Sanderson. Garrett Lee Mobley and Sarah Brooke Mobley, both of Glen -St. Mary; brother Darrell D. MobleN of Macclenny; his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Virgil and Pat Crews of Glen St Mary: grandchil- dren Mallory Mobley. Zane Mobley and Whitle) Mobley. and nephew Jason MobleN of Jacksonville. A funeral service was held at 11:00 am on Saturday, July 8, at Christian Fellowship Temple in Macclenny with Pastor David Thomas officiating Interment fol- lowed in Macedonia Cemetery. V Todd Ferreira Funeral Services was in charge of arrangement Ralph Henshaw Wheat, 77, of Macclenny died on Sunday, July 9, 2006 at his residence. Mr. Wheat was born in Overton County, Tenn. on July 18, 1928 to the late Philip W. and Nora Hunter Wheat. He lived in Jacksonville prior to mov- ing to Baker County in 1994. Mr. Wheat was a US Army Veteran and a member of Destiny's People Worship Center. He was employed for 28 years by the US Department of Defense where he worked as a materials engineer until retirement in 1989. He was the orig- inal sponsor and organizer of Baker County's Food Service Program and he volunteered at the Samaritan Food Distribution Center in Baker County. Mr Wheat is predeceased by his, brother John Andrew Wheat; sisters Melba Fleming, Ruth Shacklette, Dean Stout, Janie Bullard and Olive Belle Wheat. Survivors include his loving and devoted wife of 52 years, Betty Lou McCreless Wheat of Macclenny, children Clifford Wheat (Lisa) of Green Cove Springs, Donna Metcalf (Tony) of Johnson City, Tenn. Bryan Wheat (Tamsen) of Fernandina Beach and Kenneth Wheat (Tammy) of Palm Desert, Cal; sister Jeanne Lewis of Hendersonville. Tenn.; nine grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held at 1.00 pm on Wednesday. July 12, 2006 at the chapel of Ferreira Funeral Services, Macclenny, with Pastor David Raean and Pastor Robert Solomon officiating. Interment will follow in Riverside Memorial Park in Jacksonville. In lieu of flowers. donations may be sent in Mr. Wheat's name to Community Hospice of Northeast Exceptional Praise & Worship Come be a Warm, Friendly Folks part of J what God A Sunday School Your Children will love! is doing! Sunday @ 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. / Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. * REVIVAL MONIAC BAPTIST CHURCH July 16-21 7:00 p.m. nightly July 16 Joe Butler Dom Black Creek Baptist Church July 17 Chris Drum First Baptist Baldwin July 18 Matt Willams Sonrise Baptist Church July 19 Dr. John Sullivan Director Baptist Convention July 20'- Larry McGinley Old Plank Road Baptist. July 21 Allen Flloyd First Baptist Middleburg Special Singing Nightly Come and Join us (904) 259-7325 First Baptist Church GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM S ,Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM 0 IlW "A Beacon to Baker County" 259-6977 Perry Hays, Associate Pastor Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor U U3 CHRISTIAN FET J.OWSHIP TEMPLE Independent Pentecostal Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny Associate Pastor Tim Thomas 259- 4575 Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday Youth Programs Sunday School Common Ground Sunday Common Ground Wed. (Teens) God Kids Sunday God Kids Wednesday 10:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm 11:00 am 7:00 pm I www.christianfellowshiptemple.com I 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00 9:15 Florida, 4266 Sunbeam Rdl, Jacksonville, FL, 32257. Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church Elder Arnold Johns Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm For information call: 259-9567 5unaUy .uciool I iL'w' mil 5unday orring SerC ce 11 00 Ad m 5undav Night Sierce 0'00 pm.. Wed. Night service 710 pmr Where Everyone is Somebody and JesuIs the Leader EVERYONE VLLCO1ME Pastor Rev. Ende -Tirel Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm Pastor: Orni E. Lyons , U I aunuay cnouuui Uuu am Sunday Service 10:00 am First Baptist Church of Sanderson CR 229 S., Sanderson FL Sunday School ..... .10 am Sun Morning Worship ... .11 am Sun Evening Worship .... 6 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study .... 7 pm' Pastor Bob Christmas Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 259-4461 Pastor Bobby Griffin Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J. C. Lauramore Welcomes All Fifil; St. & 259-6931 SIRS T ASSEMBLY OF GO(-~ I :Maccuifen .F- ce S 5 B .- Paul Hale Sunday School 9:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm Sunday MNrning Worship 10:15 am - _c n a .Thursda Y south 7:01 pmm Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm pm Nurtn, prwvidd fr aI emn n. pto ." Loring Church with a Growing vision of Excellence" SprM al Blessings Schtul Readiness iCeter 259-84t Bill Guerry Owner; LE.D. Offering services in a quiet, thoughtful and professional manner. Guerry Funeral Home ...a tradition of excellence continues. Bryan ' GUERRY FUNERAL HOME 420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East) Macclenny 259-2211 Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary W.JXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am Morning Worship Service 10:30 am Children's Church 11:30 am Evangelistic 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm Rev. Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 7 Man arrested after late-night snack, snooze I. A blen St. Mar) man apparently S'liked the food at Lyman Green's Barbeque so much he couldn't wait for the Macclenny restaurant to open. -John Holloman, 23, was found Sleeping under a table by an employ- S' ee at 5:30 am on July 6.He smelled strongly of alcohol. la' Although he could nt explain to ,_e b o see ...hrn police how he got into the restau- 4i rant, or why, Deputy Ben Anderson =, --. found several pieces of cooked i meat that had been taken from the 4 walk-in cooler and placed on a food "X i found several beers. l-IE;Employees said Mr. Holloman S. -took a pickle. LIF Dis tin gushed Educator award Jailoficialsfound a roll of nick- n igd ad els on him. Lyman Green's employ- MacclennyEletment`a-principalLu--bitnieillians(2ndfrom left)receivestheUniversity of ees confirmed it belonged to the Florida'sSchool o Edtcanorn i 2006 Dtisngishied Eduicato of the Ieariatd,' Recipis restaurants of the a and are invited to participate in the iultlersxn graditaron conuniencenici t cere- mony as members of td phlifoin'n assenmbh dressed O i, ill academic tegahlia.T The att7I In addition to btrglar. a felony, are gnien bi-annualli to on nomnitne in each of the state 's tie ditcaional e~ro,is Cr,er he was charged with petty theft. for the award includes _f)stering c.xcellence in the school it7ning ntnlIonmient, leadersl/p In othlier property cries: , and eremtplar' prot'essionahsm (From let f Joelen.tlOlerke. boatd Ioftistees, Als fi ilhams.. Keith Lane of Sanderson told .-Alfred liarriTglon of the board o. trustees and Dean Catherine Emihovich. -DA police July 5 that someone stole: Arrested for marijuana possession The passenger in a car stopped for a traffic violation June 5 was arrested after police found marijua- na during a search prompted by his refusal to follow police orders. Jeffrey Hall, 25, of Glen St. Mary was asked to step out of the car. which had been stopped on South Sixth Street at 1:48 am, . Deputy Mark Hall asked and received permission to search him. The officer asked about the bulge in Jeffrey Hall's front right pocket. Mr. Hall said it was a pipe. Asked if he had anything else on FAITH BIBLE" CHURCH New Hope for the Community Five Churches Road Hwy. 127 < Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. SundayMorning Worship 11:00a.m. i ,eNight Bible.tudy- -.00-pm.-. Every-4 SundayNight Service 7:00p.m. S Videll I Williams -Pastor' MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 a -11:00 am S rsip 11;00.am ... R;,-3 \6cd Bble Study ,"a Y'o 7.36n pm ,w:':::' M minister" ~Sa.. Fam f.Kitching First United "- Methodist Church 93 N. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pmn Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor -.J him. he replied. "Yeah. I got weed in my other pocket." He was arrested for misdemean- or possession of marijuana and pos- session of narcotic equipment. also a misdemeanor. Meanwhile. a Sanderson man %\as arrested July 7 for disorderly intoxication after he urinated in public. David Boyette. 33. was near. US 90 and East Boule\ard when Deputy Wayne Limbaugh arrived at 4:33 pm in response to a report of an intoxicated man urinating on the street. , He had a strong odor of alcohol about him. w\as unable to maintain his balance. slurred his speech and could not answer general questions about his name or address. FHP checkpoints The Florida Highway Patrol will. set up checkpoints around Baker County on a regular basis checking for driver licenses and for safety defects like bad brakes, defective lighting and \worn tires. First Assembly of God 231 N. 5th St., Macclemy July 15th 11:00 am 1:00 pm $5.00/plate Plate includes: Fish, hush puppies, coleslaw, baked beans and sweet tea. Dine-In or Take Out Call in to order: 259-6931, For balances of $2,500 or more MERCANTILE BANK We take your banking personally. 1-800-238-8681 www. bankmercantile.com *Annual Percentage Yield (\PY) is accurate as of date of publication, Rate subject to change. Minimum opening deposit is $2,500.00. A checking account is required (Free Checking excluded). Penalty for early withdrawal. Member FDIC. several rifles, pistols .and a com- pound bow from his home on CR 125 north. Also missing was $1500 \\orth of Bicentennial silver dollars. Plant class Growing plants is one of the most popular hobbies in the United States. Propagating plants can be ben- eficial for landscape additions, to share with others or to donate to groups for fundraising. The. St. Johns County extension office in St. Augustine will hold a class on plant propagation on Thursday. July 20 at 3:00 pm. Plant samples will be furnished, and stu- dents will be able to go through the county's arboretum to collect cuttings. There is a $5 fee for the course and the registration number is 904-209-0430. Hayfield day Baker Count) livestock owners and hay producers are invited to the 9th annual regional ha- field dao on Wednesday. July 19 at the North Florida Research and Education Center located between Live Oak- and White Springs. During the 8:30 am-3:00 pm ses- sion. topics will include new grass varieties, disease and \\eed control. Farm equipment dealers \ill con- duct field demonstrations that after- noon following lunch. For more information and direc-I tions, call the Baker County exten- sion office at 259-3520. There is a $5 registration fee. S K S Complete Electrical Sign Company Manufacturing, Repair Face Replacement & Custom Graphics Call Us For All Your Signagc Needs 904-766-6222 www3.signsharks.com' The weaponry was, valued at $1730. Walter Battles of Macclenny told police Jul\ 5 that someone stole a chainsa\w. pressure washer. chainsaw kit and generator from his home on NMclver Street. The equip- . Rebuild Engines *aGeneral l i Maintenance i SRearend Ring & 1 . Pinion Setup L .I . Rebuild & Service Gen ,Transmission 959 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny 259-2054 ment was valued at $1900. Bernice Anthony of Sanderson reported that someone had broken-' into her home on Doyle Williams Road July 5 and stole jewelry, pre- scription drugs and coins. The loss \\as valued at $1085. 1jI IIdIT I.II *11;0 eral Car & Truck Repairs 0 1ca e BOTE REFILLS HERE Fill Dirt Top Soil F..ill Dirt Top Soil !Septic Tank Sand EP INC. -(904) 289-7000 -. Open 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm 259-892 686-4133 cell. Locally Owned & Operated Chris Eddins, * 24 Hour Emergency Response * Emergency Water Removal * Mold Prevention * Dehumidification * Hardwood Floor Drying * Sewage Cleanup r - -- - S i Receive 9 20% Off Your I Homeowners Deductible Owner 24/7 I with coupon -.. .. .. GLEN ST. MARY CONGREGATIONAL HOLINESS CAMPGROUND EAST ANDREW STREET, GLEN ST. MARY, FL 32040 Monday Friday, July 17-21 7:30 p.m. Nightly with Linda Baughtman Tuesday Friday, July 18 21 10:30 a.m. Daily with Justin Griffis SPECIAL SINGING NIGHTLY WITH THE "PENTACOSTAL EXPRESSIONS" Everyone Welcome m THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 8 C i' A^_. ^^ 9 .. 4.- Chapman boy Justin and Susan Chapman of Macclenny are proud to announce the birth of their son, Harrison Reid Chapman, born June 21. 2006 at Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville. He weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. and was 191/2 inches long. Grandparents are Allan and Brenda Johnson of Crescent Beach and Randy and Joy Chapman of Macclenny. Daughter born David and Charmion Winters of Glen St. Mary are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Hannah Faith Winters. Hannah was born on June 15, 2006 at Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville weighing 5 lbs, 12 ozs and was 18 1/2" long. Grandparents are Avin and Linda Miller of Jasper, Fla. and Norma Winters of Gordonville, Fla. Th i g 3 0 In .nthoni Paidl Strickland Born June 19 Paul and Melissa Strickland of Macclenny are happy to announce the birth- of son Anthony Paul Strickland, on June 19, 2006 atBaptist Medical Center in Jacksonville. He weighed 8 lbs, 4 ozs and was 20 1'4" long. Proud famnil' members include brother Sean: paternal grandpar- ents Kennith and Judy Stnckland of Keystone Heights; maternal grand- parents the late Mark and Mary Ray of Sanderson. We thank God for the nLi ,love and joy you have g- iven us. Love you very much Mama, Daddy, Papa & Granny Hodges, il papa & Granny Jones, Uncle a Clinton,Aunt Kari, Uncle Bran- don, Aunt Amanda and Chris- ntina and Great Grandma Crews S and Great Grandma Hodges. RICH LAURAMOREE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811470 Westside Nursery & Preschool Now accepting new enrollments for our upcoming VPK year. Limited space is available. A 2 Contact us at 259-4899 - ~*, .4 Patricia and Jerry Carswell Celebrating 50!t Jerry Carswvell and Patricia The Carswells are active mem- Owens Carswvell recently celebrat- bers and elders of New Life ed their 50th wedding anniversary. .Christian Fellowship. They were married on July 7, 1956 The couple, along with their in Mlacclennv at the First Baptist three children and spouses Terran Church. and Billy Hale, Tona and Mike Jerry is originally from Green Crews, Ty and Pam Carswell, cel- Cove Springs. He attended the ebrated their anniversary with a trip University of Florida and South to Maine and Canada in June. Georyia College in Douglas where 'The couple has eleven grandchil- he played baseball. In 1956, he was dren. They enjoy camping, traveling signed b\ the Milwaukee Braves and spending time with .their chil- roimaization and played baseball dren, grandchildren and friends. To wed July 15 Jimmy A. Gray (Andy) and Janet Marie Linn both of Macclenny, are pleased to announce their upcom- ing marriage on July 15th, 2006 at Celebration Park in Glen St. Mary. Janet iq the daughter of Timothy and Judy Limn of Highland, Ind. .And) is the son of Jimmy and Claudette Gray of Macclenny. Senator hold office hours representatives of U.S. Senator Bill Nelson's office will hold office hours for Baker County residents on Tuesday. July 18. 2006 from 10 30 am-ll- 00 am at the Glen St. Marn Town Hall. The availability, is open to any'- one, including those who need help with federal issues. Those unable to attend may con- tact Senator Nelson by mail 1301 Riverplace Blvd.. Suite #2218. Jacksonville. FL. 32207. Please contact Senator Nelson's office at (904)-346-4500 for further details. Scout car zoash The Cub Scouts of Macclenny Pack 555 will be ha\ mg a car wash on Saturday. JulJ 15. from 9.00 am 3.00 pm in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Macclenny. 716-81 Mike Ossr Announcing a new book release by Martha Anne Giddens _ Excellent reading for ages 9 and up \ Why does 12 year old John Wayne Cooper consider himself to be the Unluckiest Kid in the Universe? Get ready to laugh out loud as you read this story! To order locally, send $10.00 payment, with the completed form below to: Martha Giddens, ,. ,,. .... ,: P.O. Box 37459, Jacksonville, FL 32236 rName IAddress City Zip IPhone or online orders are $15.00 due to S&H. Call toll free 1-888-232-4444 or www.trafford.com/05-2833 . ------ for one season. He then joined his brother Alex in the pulpwood business. They founded Carswell Timber Co. Inc. The Carswells ha\ e lived in Lake City since 1961. Patricia is originally from Macclenm. She attended Lake Ci\ Community College. where she received an AS degree in nursing. She later attended the Uni' ersity of Flonda and the University of North Flonda for advanced training. Pat worked has worked in the nursing field in many capacities. She was a labor and delivers nurse at Lake Shore Hospital for man\ years. She taught the first health occupations class at Columbia High School for five years, and worked as a public health nurse for six Nears. She was then a school nurse for rune N ears before retiring in 2000. SENIORS' MENU for the week of July 17-21 MONDAY: Breaded pork patty w/ gra- vy, creamed corn, california blend, roll, tropical fruit mix. .,TUESDAY: Chicken a la King w/ Egg noodles, broccoli, hot apples w/ cinnamon, wheat bread, pudding. WEDNESDAY: Meatballs w/ gravy over rice, squash, green peas, roll, banana. STHURSDAY: Roast turkey w/ gravy,. Au gratinr potatoe. broccoli, wheat bread, cranberry sauce. FRIDAY: Smoked sausage, coleslaw, potato A.lad. white bread, peaches. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday & Thursday 8:00 pm Macclenny Church of Christ 5th and Minnesota 275-3617 or 259-8257 ..* Table Linens & Chair Covers Column Sets & Candelabras Floral Arrangements S Chocolate Fountain Much More 259-839?7 or -6620 SLordy, Lordy Look who is S6 "40" Alvin Clements S- y 17 Baker County TochdownCati Youth Ceerle,,r e SignU.Ups Every Saturday in July 8:00 am 12:00 pm August 1st and 3rd 85 1:m-NO ON 'All Sign-upst aidre eordl Fie nd- S the B station on ., O. Fee $45 Copy or Birth Certificate and proof of insurance Hey, where are you going with all the Scooby Snacks?! The force is strong Mossmann Inspections, LLC 769 cell 259-3366 mann, Home Inspection Specialist . . "=o THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 13, 2006 Page 9 Thanks to all who helped Thanks to ever one who helped make our annual July 4th fireworks celebration a success. Special thanks to the Wal-Mart Distribution Center, Phantom Fireworks. B J. Cannon, the Baker County fire and sheriff's departments, City of Macclenny and the Baker County Fair Association. Buddy Dugger. Chief MAacclenny Fire Department Eighteen from here attending Camp Cherry Lake... These Baker County campers and three adults are spending the week near Madison, Fla. at the 4-H camp Cherry Lake. Supervised by Marva Williams (right), Cindy Tomas and Me- lissa Wichman (left), the attendees are (not in order pictured) Jacob Anderson, Teddy and Brandy Calhhan. Cody Crews, Brendan DiPerna. Seth Flelcher. Ellie Helms, Dylan Kett, Brvan Lohr. Larry Ploucher, Ciera Rhoden, Chelsea Rhoden, ,felissa Staggers..4shleigh Thick, Elena Tomas, Jordan Witt, Wallace and April Williams. PHOTO couRrssY OF BAMER COUNTY EXTENSION SnuVCE Liberty graduate St. Leo graduate Timothy Smith. of Glen Saint Kelle Casey of Glen Saint Mary, Marn recent graduated from has recently graduated from St. Leo' Libe rt Universitx with a master University with a bachelor of arts of business administration degree. degree in psychology The corn- LibertyUniversity isa- private, mencement ceremonies were held Liberty Univers .pri ate, at the university 's Atlanta Center in Christian liberal arts university in late June. Lynchburg. Virginia. Today counting. Tomorrow banking. -7.. .-- .-- ' What they learn today will shape their tomorrow. Conts C Woodlawn Kennels .t Q,,j;iOtty Pn, s'f ..i, Care I ( ^GROOMING 259-4757 BOARDING Private Spacious Indoor/Outdoor Runs . $20-$25 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip .......... $10-$15 Boarding (per actual day). . . . . $5-$7 RENTALS OR SALES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? Iron Filters and Conditioners Water Treatment '. : .f .. ,, ..,* ' Free Water Tests '-i Well & Pump Supplies PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Baker County Local Planning Agency will be holding regularly scheduled public meetings on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Thursday of each month starting August 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Baker County Board of Commissioners Chambers at 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Fl. If you should have any questions concerning these meetings you may contact the Baker County Planning Department at 259-3354. Baker County Touchdown Club MANDATORY COACHES MEETING For anyone interested in coaching football or cheerleading Monday, July 17 ** 7:00 pm Second week- Monday, July 31 ** 7:00 pm \Xell Drilling \Xater Softeners & Purification Sepic Tanks Drain Fields Culverts 259-6934 \X-E'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS L' cJ in F nrrd:i C-' Gorga.i \ SA -MasterCard Ameriencan Express Discover --- -or Earn more. Save more. A, - VyStar- .redit Union We never forget that it's your money. 1168 South 6th St. Macclenny, FL Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. (904)777-6000 www.vystarcu.org *Annual Percentage Yields (APY's) shown are effective as of July 6th, 2006, and are subject to change. There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal from certificates. VyStar is insured by the National Credit Union Administration. L.J- ATTORNEY David P. Dearing former Baker County Prosecutor Rahaim Watson 0 Dearing Berry & Moore, PA. Attorneys, with o -100 years combined experience in the area of AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS WORKERS' COMPENSATION EMPLOYMENT LAW CRIMINAL DEFENSE WRONGFUL DEATH & PERSONAL INJURY NURSING HOME NEGLECT Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are absolutely free. Tie k'.riaf s ea ii /,,'i r n l :f' ant e,i i .vtm /.- r1k 'i u b t- < ibe r.zd .'ev np/*.w, ,' uco. r.n. Befolr' you /e, l ,ashk u t in o u fto u't int wr teni infrm,.on aba ow qua.'.ticniom jrdi erxpeenen', Is CHAMBER V City Of Macclenny ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PROJECT: City of Macclenny SBaker County Potable Water Storage Tank Rehabilitations Macclenny, Florida OWNER: City of Macclenny 118 E Macclenny Avenue Macclenny, FL 32063-2195 ENGINEER: Darabi and Associates, Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32641 Telephone: (352) 376-6533 1.0 WORK DESCRIPTION The Project is the Ohio Street 100,000-gallon elevated waler storage tank, the Ohio Street 360,000 gallon water ground storage lank, and the Macclenny Products Road 100.000-gallon elevated water storage tank. The work is generally described as rehabilnatlon ol one ground storage and two elevated potable water storage tanks. The work on each Individual tank Is as lollows: Ohio Street Tank 100t000-gallon Replacement of root hatch, root ventl. 2 cathodic proleclion plates - Repair of light Pressure washing ol lank exterior Painting of tank exterior and tank interior Installation of antenna sand Installation of Lad-Guard shield Removal of interior spider assembly Installation of safety cable on root ladder Removal ol target board Ohio Street Ground Storage Tank 360 000-gallon Cleaning Interior Inspection Macclenny Products Road Elevated Tank S00 ntO &Oa- altr..-- .- - Painting of lank exterior Installation of vent Repair 01 light All work shall be in accordance with the specifica- tions and contract documents. 2.0 RECEIPT OF BIDS Bidding and contract documents may be exam- ined at 118 E. MacclennyAve, Macclenny, Florida 32063-2195. Copies of the documents may be obtained at Engineer's office for $250 per set; which con- stitutes the cost for reproduction and handling. Checks shall be payable to Engineer. Payment Is non-refundable. Bids shall be completed on the enclosed Bid Form as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and otherwise be in compliance with the Bidding Documents. Sealed bids will be received at the Macolenny City Hall; 118 E Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, Florida, until 2:00 P.M. (local time) on July 26, 2006, at which time and place all bids will be opened and read aloud. Any Bids received after the specified time and date will not be con-, sidered. For further information or clarification, contact Ms. Rachel Conn at the Engineer's office, 730 NE Waldo Road, Galnesville, Florida 32641, (352)377-5821. Questions shall be submitted In writing to the Engineer by July 16, 2006. 7/13-20c City Of Macclenny ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PROJECT: City of Macclenny Roadway Paving Improvements Baker County, Florida OWNER: City of Macclenny 118 E Macclenny Avenue Macclenny, FL 32063-2195 ENGINEER: Darabi and Associates, Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32641 Telephone: (352) 376-6533 1.0 WORK DESCRIPTION The Project is located at various locations through- out the City of Macclenny. The Work is generally described as furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transporta- tion, services, and Incidentals and performing all "work necessary to provide the Owner with road- way paving improvements throughout the City of Macclenny. The roadway Improvements Include resurfacing approximately 17,400 I.f. of roadway, reclamation of approximately 4,000 I.f. of roadway, and constructing approximately 550 I.f. of road- way. The project Includes associated surveying, testing, pavement striping, sodding and seeding, and maintenance of traffic. All work shall be in accordance with the construc- tion drawings, specifications, and contract docu- ments. 2.0 RECEIPT OF BIDS Bidding and contract documents may be examined at the Macclenny City Hall. Copies of the documents may be obtained at Engineer's office for $250.00 dollars per set; which constitutes the cost for reproduction and handling. Checks shall be payable to Engineer. Payment Is non-refundable. Bids shall be completed on the enclosed Bid Form as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and , otherwise be In compliance with the Bidding Docu- ments. Sealed bids will be received at the Mac- clenny City Hall, 118 E. Macclenny Ave., Mac- clenny, Florida 32063 until 2:00 P.M. (local time) on August 11, 2006, at which time and place all bids will be opened. Any Bids received after the specified time and date will not be considered. For further Information or clarification, contact Mr. Don Lee at (352) 377-6533. 7/13c Next to Food Lion on South Sixth Street Legal ATotices HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146 The following vehicles will be sold at public aucllon July 28. 2006, at 10:00 am. at HIgglnbo- lham's Towing & Recovery. US 90 West. Glen SI. Mary. FL. 32040. 1985 Ford F150 ID#IFTCF15F5FPA61939 1990 Toyota 4 door ID#4TISV21E6LU202673 7/13 Registration of Fictitious Names I the undersigned, being duly sworn do here- by declare under oath thai the names ot all per- sons interested in the business or profession earned on under Ihe name ot Taylor Made Home Inc., 6789 Cottontail Lane, Glen St. Mary, FL. and the extend of Ihe Interest ol each is as follows: NAME EXTENT OF INTEREST Melissa L. Taylor 60% Mark A. Taylor 40% Melissa L. Taylor Signature Mark A. Taylor Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAKER Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day ol.July, 2006. -. - Al Fraser Clerk of Court Baker County, Florida By Katie Kennedy As Deputy Clerk 7/13 Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing Public notice it hereoy given that: (1) A meeting of the Baker County Hospital Authority ( BCHA) will be held beginning at 5.30 pm on Monday. July 2. 2006 lor tIhe purpose of discussing the millage rate of BCHA for fiscal year 2006-2007, and (It) A joint meeting and public hearing will be held by BCHA and Baker Couniy Medical Services, Inc rBCMS') on Wednesday, August 2. 2006 beginning at 5:30 pm for the purpose of: (A) conducting a public hearing concerning the Issuance by BCHA of its Revenue Bond (Baker County Medical Services, Inc. Project), Series 2006 (the "Bond") In a principal amount nnot to exceed $10,000,000 to provide funds to refinance the BCHA Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 (the "Refunded Bonds") and pay the costs of issuance of the Bond. The Refunded Bonds provided funds to finance construction of a hospital, outpatient and nursing facility (the "Proj- ect") located at 159 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida 32063. The Project, and all of the property refinanced with proceeds of the Bond, is and will be owned by BCHA and leased to and oper- ated by Baker County Medical Services, Inc. (the "Company"). The Bond shall not be a debt, liability or obligation of the State of Florida, Baker County, or any political subdivision thereof, other than BCHA, and the Bond shall be a limited obligation of BCHA, payable solely from payments derived from the Company. No funds of BCHA shall be expended In connection with the Bond; and (B) considering adoption of a resolution approving the Issuance of the Bond by BCHA. The meetings will be held at the Commerce Cen- ter, 20 East Macclenncy, Florida 32063. The public hearing will be conducted in a manner that provides a reasonable opportunity for Inter- eested individuals to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the proposed Bond. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the BCHA with respect to any mater considered at such meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose such person may need to Insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the ap- peal Is to be used. 7/13 CITY OF MACCLENNY INVITATION TO BID The City of Macclenny solicits written proposals to all Insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health Insurance plans. Proposals are expected from only finan- cially sound Insurers, authorized to do business In Florida. All organizations are to provide a written request for Information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant. Written re- quests are to be submitted to: O&A Insurance Services via email or fax: Wendy@Owenservlces. com or 904-287-5625. Formal written proposals will be accepted through August 10, 2006. 7/13-8/10 BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INVITATION TO BID The Baker County Board of County Commis- sioners solicits written proposals to all Insurance companies authorized to offer group employer paid life and health Insurance plans. Proposals are expected from only financially sound Insurers, authorized to do business In Florida. All organizations are to provide a written request for information and complete a Vendor Request Form as provided by our consultant. Written re- quests are to be submitted to: O&A Insurance Services via email or fax: Wendy@Owenservlces. com or 904-287-5625. Formal written proposals will be'accepted through August 10, 2006. 7/13-8/10 Browse t-hri- h t-j fidoor craft booths. Saturday, July 15 Indoor Craft Show 9:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spaghetti Dinner/ Entertainment 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom .... 2006 Chevy Trailblazer LS 2WD ,3, 6 3625* MSRP $28,305 Vea % vee 'Weed- 2006 Silverado Z-71 1e, Chevy SSR $36,995* $48,420 MSRP '98 Ford Mustang GT '05 Chevy Impala '01 Buick Regal GS '01 Pontiac Bonneville Automatic, V8 Great Car! Auto, V6, Leather, Sunroof Auto, Sunroof, Leather $3,995 12,995 $9,995 "9,995 '02 Chevy Trailblazer Automatic, V6, CD s12,995 '02 Kia Spectra Automatic $4,875 '99 unevy Lumina Automatic, Power Windows, PL 13,588 *I '99 Cadillac Sedan Deville Leather $7,995 '01 Chevy Prizm Automatic, A/C $3,995 '04 Chevy Trailblazer Automatic, V6, CD $15,995 '00 Honda Civic EX Automatic, CD s7,588 '90 Chevy K5 Blazer '01 Chevy Silverado Automatic, 4x4, A/C Crew Cab, Auto, V8, CD $2,995 s15,995 119 S. Sixth St. Macclenny 259-5794 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6111 www.PineviewChevrolet.( *See salesman for payment details. ** Includes all applicable rebtaes. Tax, tag & till AN Ir l -:r EWCHt 6-Pre-Owned 7 -New com le fees extra. Lance Griffis Marvin Nelson Sales Manager Used Car Mgr. AMERICAN RE- " VROLET Clayton Blackshear Morris Silas Roger Parker Mike Dees Finance Manager Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate fOULTION Tanya Shadd Sales Associate 4%r. Fuwd was perfect- ly manicured. and theP brick exterior didn't haeii the slightest bit of dirt or grime on it., The sell-. ers decided to price the home properly and we quickly accepted one of many great offers for it. The sellers were slated to walk away with a nice chunk of change and every- thing was smoothly heading toward closing.. Then one day I got a call from the buyers' .agent. The WDO report had come back positive. WDO means Wood Destroying Organism and as you might have guessed from the title of the arti- cle, it turned out that the place had termites. I called another pest con- trol guy, over there to deter- mine the extent of the infes- tation and when they pulled back the drywall, the little guys were swarming in there and extensive structural damage was visible in ithe studs. It was a nightmare. Unfortunately, when the sell- ers woke up from it, they were staring down the barrel of nearly $5,000 dollars in treatment and repair costs.' The repairmen even had to Needless to say, my sell- ers were none too thrilled about their net profits being eaten away at by a bunch of silent'little visitors who were squatting on their land. Perhaps the worst part of all is that they really had done just about everything pos- sible to make sure that the home was well cared for... every- thing,that r; I n case you're new to the area, the warm, humid and inviting climate of Northeast Florida is host to all sorts of earth's wonder- ful creatures ,that don't quiteclassify as human. To put it another way, we've got tons of bugs....literally.; Some of them eat our crops. Some eat each other. Some of them even eat us! But in real estate, the ones you've got to look out for are the ones that intend to eat you out of house and home. into a home. A mature col- ony will contain an average of 60,000 workers (these are the termites that actu- ally tear up the wood to feed to other castes of termites in the colony) who can con- sume up to a one-foot length of 2" x 4" pine every 118 to 157 days. Ouch! Termites aren't always the easiest pests to find evidence of in and around a home. The easiest sign to look for is small mud tubes, either on the wood itself or near cracks in the exterior brick or foundation which lead all the way to the ground. These outside ,evidence of active termite infestation. This is because most subterranean worker termites have a duty to the other members of the colo- ny to return periodically with food. These workers also i In most cases, these tubes are about the diameter of a pencil. . Also, keep an eye outfor >small unexplainable holes in drywall, usually high up near the ceiling. Yes, termites will even bore through and can eat drywall. As far as treatment goes, there are two major types. of termites: "ground" termites and "dry- wood" termites. Ground ter-. .. mites are the most common. To survive, they require food in the form of cellulose extracted from the wood. Interestingly, they can- not digest this wood on their own. They. contain small; protozoa (microorganisms)' in their intestines that 'secrete an enzyme needed to break down the wood. Ground termites also require a constant source of moisture and a moderate cli- mate. In comparison to dry wood termites, ground ter- mites can do the most dam- age in the shortest amount colony will, have migrated to any space in the attic where the roof leaks or, to a foundation area below a leaky plumbing pipe. Then, it gets more expensive.. Standard treatments for ground termites will usually be based on a price per lin- ear foot of the exterior wall perimeter. It isn't cheap, but neither 'is hoisting up' a load bearing wall to replace joists or studs. Plus, most pest control compa- P; -nies that provide this service guar- antee the job for at least 'a year and often times the guarantee is transferable to the new owners if the home is sold during that time. On the. other side of the spectrum, dry wood termites have a bit more De vilI incarnate in them. (See Page 3) Sutton, Kirby Ill to JSWHD#1 Inc in S29-is-21e, $50,000 Willoughby, Brent S to Crawford, Byron C in 6-2s-22e, $50,000 Gaines, Donnie to Rivest, Christo- pher A in 5-2s-21e, $273,600 Raulerson, Thomas J to Overlin, Carl in 29-3s-19e, $148,000 South Georgia Builders Inc to Scoates, Benjamin in Town Of Mac- clenny Lot 2 Bk 55, $120,000 Boozer, Anne Luke to Greene, Earl M in 1-3s-21e, $10 Rock Contractors Inc to Columbia Rmc Inc in 12-3s-20e, $250,000 Knabb, James W to Knabb, Ja- son K in E R Rhoden Add Ot 6 Bk 8, e$6,500oo McDUffie, Tara to Tanner, Sharen W in Town Of Glen St Mary Lot 6 Lot 5 Bk 35 $10 McDuffie, Tara to Monds, Eston in Town Of Glen St Mary Lot 7,8 Bk 35, $35,000 Sibila, Xiomara to Ortis, Jerry in Frank Combs Est Lot 9, $10 Ortis, Jerry to Johnson, Cheryl in F, rank Combs Est Lot 9, $10 Kirkland, Kent D to Bayview Fi- nancial Property Trust in 17-3s-21e, $67,900 Baker investment Group to Rk Muse Construction Inc in 32-2s-22e, $38,oo0 Muse, Robert K to Muse, Robert K in 7-3s-21e, $10 Auger, Stephen Arthur to MacGlen Builders Inc in 35-2s-20, $42,500 Jones, Melissa T to MacGlen Build- ers Inc in 02-3s-20, $24,600 Yarbrough, William Brian to R K Muse Construction Inc in Town Of Macclenny Lot 3 Bk 56, $19,000 Carswell, Patricia Ann to Asberry, George W in Town Of Macclenny Lot 3 Bk 65, $250,000 Hulett, Jack to Hulett, Jack in Town Of Glen St Mary Lot 5,6, Bk 42, $0 Milton, James A to Milton, James A in 33-2s-22e, $0 Milton, James A to Milton, James A in 33-2s-22e, $0 Carpenter, Willie M to Carpenter, William M in Oakridge Lot 30 13-24- 2s-21e, $0 Cain, Gabriell Halker to Cain, Gabri- ell Halker in 32-2s-22e, $10 A Bar Sales Inc to Ali, Bano in Town Of Macclenny Lot 2 Bk 40, $165,000 Glen Plantation Ltd to Volz, Brandi R in Quail Hollow. At Glen Plantation Lot 12, $57,500 Thrift, Paul Timothy to Thrift, David Joel in 29-2s-22e, $10 Thrift, Paul Timothy to Thrift, David (See Page 2) THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 13, 2006 Page Two-B June 16-30 land transactions (From Page 1) Joel in 29-2s-22e, $10 Thrift, Paul Timothy to Barton; Pau- la T in 17-2s-22e, $10 Thrift, Paul Timothy to Thrift, David Joel in 29-2s-22e, $10 Yoder, Jamie G to Yoder, Jamie G in 9-3s-22e, $10 Dobbs, James W to James W Dobbs, Living Trust in 14-4s-20e, $10- Walker, W B to Johns. Bobby G Jr in 24-2s-21e, $10 Manufacturers .And Traders Trust Company to Heiden, Frank in 33-2s- 21e, $23,000 Robinson, Jacqueline to Foster, Debra in Town Of Glen St Mary Lots 8,9,10 Bk 45, $10 Jack Lee Construction Inc to Bell, Damian A Sr in Lot 6 Copper Creek Hills Unit 3, $49,000 Canaday, Mitch to Hamilton, Mat- thew W in Fox Ridge Estates li Plat Book 3 Pages 56-57 Lot 67, $159,900 Budzeak, Robert J to Guesman, Bruce L in 29-1s-20, $10 Budzeak, Robert J to Guesman, Bruce L in 29-2s-20, $10 Budzeak, Robert J to Guesman, Bruce L in 29-1s-20, $10 Roberts, Cathy Ann to Fougnie, Kenneth J in Lot 9 Riverview Acres, $10 Consolaro, LouisA to Royal, Larry E in 25-2s-20, $10 Frazier, Rose Lee to Little, David H in S6-2s-22e, $0 " Anderson & Conner Inc to An- derson, Lori Anne in Lot 47 Cannon Heights Phase II, $10 Priscilla Avins Ministries Inc to Woods, Mark ,in Town Of Macclenny Lot 1 Lot 10 Bk 39, $66,400 Hudson, Auston Keith to Bouchard, Phillip D in 11-4s.20e. $75,000 Beyond Builders Inc to Gross, Stephan in Davis Park Sub Lot 8. $155,000 Farhas, William L Sr to Smith, Le- roy in Turkey Creek Retreat Unit 2 Lot 1 Bk 5, $10 Howell,. Deborah to Howell, Kim B in 20-2s.22e. $10 Rolling Meaaows of Macclenny Lie to Drees Homes of Florida Inc in Rolling Meadows Lot 118,119.120. $119,815 Brown. Mary K to McCaul, Wanda Sue ir, Deerfield Sub Lot 45 BI, 1, $10 Cypress Pointe of Macclenn) LIc to SMaronda Homes Irn: of Florica in C-. press Pointe unit 1 Lots 30.31.39,40, $126,000 Thomas, Bettr to Rain, Randolph C in 8-ls-21e, $10 The Barber Irrevocable Trust to Bar- Der, Joe Bryant in 33-2s-22e, $10 Higginbotham. Daniel MJr to Thom- as, Jennie R in Deerfield Sub Lot 45 Bk 2, $10. Gardner, Grant -A to Thrift. James Harlis Sr in 29-1s-21e, $90,000 Dykes and Associates Construction Inc to Stavely, Amy in Copper Creek Hills Unit 3 Lot 10, $274,450 Crews, Donna E to Baker County Board of Commissioners in 12-2s- 21e, $0 Moore, Beatrice M to Dodd, Frank- lin in Yarbrough Sportsman Park Or-1 Pg 680&a 681&a Lots 8 9 10 And 11, $10 ,.. Raulerson, Barbara Dale to Rauler-' son, Joe L Jr in 36-2s-2-1e, $10 : White, Donald D to White, Donald D in 19-2s-22 & Et AI, $10 Williams Mark Dopson to Patton Sean A in 21-1s-21e, $135,000 Macglen Builders Inc to :'Dozier, William R Jr in Glenfield Oaks Lot 9. $205,800 . :.... -............... : Dawn Wiseman Morgan / Rose Stokes (904) 2377046 (904) 502-1520 S7 Still Serving: -., Baker Nassau Duial* Bradford Counties SGive us a call for all the benefits of listing or buying with WATSON". ' We ARE the BEST that work for the BEST!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Serving ALL your real estate needs! O Florida ./ Q Crown Realty WE SELL PROPERTY FAST!! LET US SELL YOURS... www.floridacrownrealty.com Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Josie Davis, Sales Associate Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate Juanice Padgett, Salet Associate Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate Teresa Yarborough, Sales Associate 799 S. 6th St., Macclenny 259-6555 Sellers, ask me about my current List-to-Sale Ratios! (More money in your pocket) Jared Wilkerson. REACTOR, Direct: (904) 899-6957 Mobile: (904) 923-2017 jm\\ ilkersonria atsonrealtcorp coin FAtI' coun-m crunj *-.fr prniac' and :. ,: u land Kb -dd ,a serene n.er ot- a zl-jeu ul bii'sca -pe s : [. ri r; t'iJn rj c.lu ion j nd ama ing 1.e.s a:ccompa- r-j ,i4 id ,i 'i' .i -nd to do amibiLjitd i l .., ri.. tur .ks 0' rsi d pond 3BR B. A ll' .icl. lin .:.n .aIurem. .nc' .. 0 propr, i fuli neck Land already ,.-.od i.,. r,. and carp.un-n rernI led tas a m .r ii om.: .:.n a m perfect for \it in I and 'hi-".. '..-is '.n. anJ :*.rcnt'd ..hj 'u biuld ,r di' i o h.ome orn dhis un- pat I'3 ,, 9.0i S O .c able twd i a.: .re240.000 I'I never too busy to give mIy customers the personal time and .iI service they expect v from their agent. l,,d.-tr,K- rC..rp R-E-.LTORSa visit wwmy.jaredsellshouses.com for eventhing \ou need when bun ing and sellein real estate in Baker Coudnty. Real Answers. Real Results. A Little Bit of Histori'! This 2,445 sf house was built circa 1910 and also has a separate commercial building on the lot (right). The home may be renovated for offices, retail, restaurant or any other use allowed in a Commercial General Zone. Lot size is 99' x 215' with lots of poten- tial for two separate businesses. 99' frontage on US Hwy. 90 and 215' frontage on First Street. REDUCED $445,000 Bring the kids and their horses. 14.88 nice acres. Part hay field and part wooded with small creek and catfish pond. 3 BR/2 BA double ide Nice I acre lot in Keaton Beach. Five minutes to Gulf of Mexico. This lot can be used for mobile homes or site built homes. Priced for quick sale $69,900. Building Lot, conveniently located between Glen St. Marv and Mlacclenny. This heavily wooded lot is restricted to site built homes only. ' acre + priced at $34,900. Nice 3 BRII BA frame home with new vinyl siding and CHl A. Recently remodeled and ready to move into. Located .on Ton\ Givens Road in Sanderson on 1 acre $125..00 NIH with extra hookup for a second MH and two extra ellsls. C'on lenient .Rede .. .. .. Reduced to $100.000. to Jacksonville. Located on NW 216th Street in La\\tev. Priiced at- Commercial property in Hilliard, $179,000. 1.2 acre with 105' frontage on West Commercial Lot 14.000 sq. fi. 100 fi. frontage on SR 121. Located 3rd St. Small brick home in need of renovation, can be converted to office between Waffle House and Day's Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $125,000. a $159.000. space. $159,000. Looking for Privacy? Cross fenced Model Home Very quiet and pri- 7:5 acres with 2 BR, 1 BA single- vate. This 3/2 DW has taped and wide MH, detached shed, pond, cov- MULTIPLE NG SE V textured wall ered carport_-a qifl e -S 03 TI t T RE A L 0TY R19P 0te xtured walBl( Ig|i d kih on M LSS EQUAL HOUSING ro era eI .Iit lElLTOR: LS.d Professional Real Estate Services OORTUITY la a tiihacres full of trees. Won't last long at yo am home. Already set-up with well, septic and power. Live in the SW Beautiful while you build. Hurry...won't last long. WHAT A STEAL!! Immaculate 1996 3/2W MH located in With the rapid growth in our county and JUST REDUCED -New Listing! Old Nursery Plantatin acre-ypres compress Hom Be5, jacuzzi, tub, Hert of Glen-Ve nice remodel len.d Lovely U 3I tew refrigerator, the constant rise in property values it is age. Beautiful 4.75 acres cleared and fenced on a corner lot. c ceramic tile, office, gas fireplace, Heart of Glen- Very nice remodeled spacious Leautifully deco- Restricted to hoesonly, zoned for horses. c locai f ce, gas fireplace, y e Md IPa c Restricted to homes.only, zoned for horses. Excellent location wood floors, wwc, formal dr, eat-in 4/2 DW MH located in the heart of d d oa $62 Excellenthe value of yourlpropertyowood doors, wwc, formal dr, eat-in Glen Mary Soc us i heart of rated and loedlcre on paved road. $62,900 critical o now the value of yourpropery to build your dream home. Just minutes to 1-10. 5,000 kitchen, 2-car garage, water softener Glen St. Mary. Spacious rtchen, wwc, New Listing- What a steal...3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home has before advertising it-for sale. $170,000 and security system. Located on over and concrete patio. cellent location SF huge kitchen, fenced yard wall to wall carpet, new a As a free service e offer: Won't last long!! Beautiful 32 e on city lot. This home 8 acres in Nassau County. $485,000 and priced to sell fast. $110,00 ductwork and new well...and an inground pool. Priced features new viyl si ui kitchen wibay win- Just Reduced! Gorgeous Acreage for quick sale $153,900 Professional Comparative dow, living .room With S [ I, master bedroom with Build your dream home on this 16.24 Spacious 3/2 DW MH- has for- Lake Butler Treasure Beautiful 1999 3/2 DW with over Market Analysis vaulted ceiling, inside utility and attached garage $155,500 acres, including 6 acres of market- mal living room, den, inside laundry 2350 SF, family room, formal living room, formal dining room, These reports will compare your property to and very spacious kitchen. Built in wwc, ceramic tile backsplash in kitchen and baths and more. these reports comparable e your properties t o hatas cutie!! Re located on .53 acre, able timber. Property is completely 1996 with nearly 1800 SF of living Located on 15 acres wother comparable properties that have sold This super cute homIe odeled. Wait until you fenced with paved road frontage. High 1996 with nearly 1800 SF of living Located on 1.5 acres with new deep well & septic tank. Won't within the past year and help to establish a fair see the kitchen!! You trice!! $55,000 and dry. Zoned AG10. Approximately space. Located on over 1 acre within last longat $8]4,900 and competitive asking price.. Dollhouse for.sale '- This 4/3 two story country charmer 1o acres is planted Argentine Bahaya. walking distance to new Macclenny Investment opportunity Three mobile homes located g p Dollhose f sae This 4/3 twstory coutintryle, charmer 10 acres laki n ted Argentine$349,160 Bahaya. Elementary. $125,000 on over 7.5 acres in Glen St. Mary. Two homes are a 1996 This service can be invaluable in as a wrap around asporch, coveramic tile, formal divining room, Askin. Located Back on the Market Immaculate PRIME LOCATION- Very well kept with approximately 1100 SF and the third is a 2005 with helping to determine a fair market omasten 1.84 beautifullylandscaped coerlookinprivate Glenwood 3/2 DW MHbuilt in 1998.This home 4/4 2 story brick home sitting on nearly 1200 SF, with a detached shed and covered front porch. value for your property. Subdivision. $330,000f s h irn 4.76 acres on Hwy. 90. Currently Located on a beautiful 7.5 acres that backs up to the creek. value for your propertyfeatures a huge family room, den w/ 4.76 acres on Hwy. 90. Currently Great investment opportunity! Live in one home and rent Call us today to schedule for your What a Find! -, This 4/2 has over 3400 sf, new carpet, new fireplace, new carpet, large kitchen zoned Agricultural, but rezoning can the other two. $199,900 wallpaper, $1500 allowance for .v lances, walk-in w/ all new appliances, new washer be applied for. $385,000 2 Story Brick Beauty! Beautiful 4/2 home with nearly 2000 FREE COMPARABLE closets, 2 I~ lom, screened & dryer, and new CH/A. Located on Great Commercial Opportunity SF of livi space. Built in 2004 and located on 72 of an acre MARKET ANALYSIS prch in ated on a very almost 8 acres and zoned for horses. - Completely remodeled automotive in the city limits. Some of this homes features are ceramic tile, private .2 acr irny. $375 JUST REDUCED $170,000 station with two automotive bays, side split floor plan, French doors, formal dining room, great room, $298,500 Callahan Acreage Looking for garage entrance with roll-up'door and office/study, tray ceiling, 2 car garage, wood deck and more... Close to Jax Beach 3/2 home with pond view has vaulted peace & quiet? This 15 acres has hard plenty of parking on .27 acre on US $269,000 2 t ceilings,:game:room/4th bedroom, oak cabinets, dual shower road access, septic, fully fenced. Zoned Hwy. 90 in Baldwin $250,000 Brick home on 5 acres Gorgeous 3/2 brick home with over in Master bedroom, and much more. Located on a large .31 for 1 home per acre. Entertaining all Commercial Lot Beautiful corn- 2000 SF Recently upgraded with new ceramic tile throughout; LijenedRelEsta acre lot in Sutton Lakes. $245,000 offers $350,000 mercial lot with Highway 90 frontage new carpet in bedrooms and fresh paint. This home features Great Brick Starteri-eb j di- ted 4/1.5 brick home HIDDEN MEADOWS in Baldwin. $38,000 formal DR, brick FP, spacious kitchen with breakfast bar, H has ceramic tile, i ,aVn a corner in the city EQUESTRIAN ESTATES High and dry residential property screened porch, 2 car garage, security system, split floor plan. 63 39limits with above groW 'cy fehce. Reduced to New gated community coming totaling 3.18 acres! Q H 5 Located on 5 acres with pond and detached shed. Partially |ir81,500 RslEstiat ii $At81,5o."00 rn (1lhong3.18 iacr .5fenced. $355,000 1 I Priced to Sell -'Great starter home located in Maxville. 1980 soon Located off of Southern (1 ho Investment Opportunity Two lots totaling 1.5 acres. All Near Completion Brand new 3/2, SW MH has 2/2, eat-in kitchen, inside utility room, fenced States Nursery Road in Glen St. heart sell buildings on property being sold as-is. Home is not livable, nearly 1400 SF of living space. Split floor- front yard and 2:detached sheds. Located odn 1.5 acres. Asking Mary this community will consist fast. $112,000 1800 SF concrete block building. $65,000 plan, wwc, ceramic tile, stainless steel $66,000 of 25 five acre tracts, homes only, Convenient to Eveything! Cl Looking for a new home? We can help. We can show appliances, hu s suite w/tray Great Commercial Opportunity This concrete block com- paved roads and community bri- schools, shopping & balparks!Great any Realtor's listing. Buy your next home wi us and ceiling & sp lost, formal mercial property wasati a convenience store die path. Select your lot now and 3/2 h l5i 1400 ricele a FREE one year home wa.ant, dining room, gant covered PHASE I envirdnmen1 ~3 c ed Located on US 90 choose between several lakefront SF, 2 nced SR 121 Frontage e opportunityover entry, 2 cargarage w/opener & concrete in Sanderson just mir dance to Ocean Pond on lots or more private lots that will backyard with large deck. R EDUCED acres just minutes fr.3 driveway. On apaved road in Glen justnearly one acre $81,500 back up to a nature preserve. FOR QUICK SALE $149,900 acres just minutesminutes from 1-10. $155,0000 O ac ing is a valuable. Termites: Keeping your house off the menu (From Page 1) and pay fc buyers an Their colonies are generally smaller maybe the proper 1,000 workers, tops. As their name implies, repairs in they don't need an outside moisture infestation source. They can extract all the '-. ' moisture they. need directly ,. , from the wood. The only way to " be certain to get rid of these termites is to take all the mea- .... sures required for ground ter- . mites and then add on heavy you rainta tent fumigation, as well. That's where the idea in our big bucks come in. Be sure to place a sign on the property alerting .7r,. S'> ' neighborhood kids that the cir- ,. cus is not, in fact, in town. w4,- _\<-:-..- When a home that is for sale "' -" on the market is found to be infest- Rememl ed with termites, sellers do have certain con- the old o tractual obligations to deakwith the problem, ing: an our Most contracts will state in plain English of prev that the sellers are obligated topay up to 1% tion is wo Sof the total sales price toward WDO related a pound repairs. This amount is on top of any other wishing y repairs required as a result of other inspec- didn't ha tions. If the treatment and repair bill goes to pay so over this amount (and if, there is structural guy $5,0 damage, .it probably will), sellers have the bucks right to cancel their contracts with buyers come reply and back out of the deal, usually only paying s e v e r for the buyers' out of pocket expenses up to walls in y that point. house... However, if the sellers want to sell the somethi property, they had might as well go ahead like that. or these repairs with the current d continue with the, closing of ty. They will have to make these order to sell anyway. The termite records will come up as an issue in subsequent sales attempts, as well. There is no legal way of hiding what has happened. The lesson for this week is a simple one You just never know. Regardless of how well lin your home, it is always a good area to have your home regularly treated to prevent termites. ber say- ice ven- rth of you ive me 00 to ace al our or ng New Development Special Unbelievable Savings of $20,000 Plus SEDA pays up to $7,000* in closing costs 4 Homes available for quick move in, Lot 1-11. Lot 1-26 Lot 1-30 Lot 1-88 save save save save $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 was $293,9 O was $261,900 was $295,999 was ,s $273,900 .s$241,9000 is $275,900 is $281,900 Must Close in 30 days ConSEDtruCompany Construction Company 904-259-0922 Jac& nwWn s am t onca4jl (uned emew uilude, 1-10 West approx., 26 miles to first Macclenny exit (Exit 336 Hwy. 228 West) (You are now on 5th Street) Go 2 miles to Macclenny. Cross over Highway 90 (Macclenny Ave.) At the intersection (Highway 121 stop light) go straight across, you are now on 23-B. Sands Pointe 1/2 mile on the left. Subject to change without notice *Up to $7,000 in closing costs requires use of SEDApreferred lender. Expires July i5, 2006! . CGC020880 Corp. (904) 724-7800 S'SAIii IN ut Security Officers All areas of Jacksonville Call Giddens Security 384-8071 or apply at 528 S. Edgewood Ave. Jacksonville E AKE CITY ADJUNCT INSTRUCTORS FOR ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS Fall 2006 EMS Instructors: Teach EMT Basic and Paramedic courses Musl be registered Florida paramedic wilh associate degree and two years field experience. Bachelor degree teaching experience and instructor certificate in ACLS BTLS. BLS PEP preferred Conlail Dr. A. Pallas, Eeculmhe Director, Allied lilealhhb Ac'ademn Phone: (386) 754-487Fao (386) 754-4987 Mail: palUa.~a'lakaciryi'r.cdu Patient Care Assistant Program: Part lime Instructor for clinical/lab 200 hours total. between 9/27-11115. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in acute or long term care (1 Position $22 00-$25 00/nour based on degree I Practical Nursing Program: Clinical instructor three days per week between 8123-12/15. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in acuie or long term care BSN and teaching experience preferred (2 Positons $22 00-25 00;hour based on degree ) Registered Nursing Program, Clinical faculty for 20 hours/week fall term (16 weeks) Must have BSN, FL RN license and 2 years recent acute/long term care experience. MSN and teaching experience preferred. ($23.00- 26.00/hour based on degree.) LPN to N Bridge Program: Clinical faculty for Saturdays 7A-TP between 8/24-12/9 - (Gainesville), Strong Medical-Surgical background preferred. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in adult acute care. BSN required; MSN and teaching experience preferred. ($23.00- 26.00/hour based on degree.) NUTRITION (NUR 1192) Instructor: Must have a Masters Degree in nutrition or related field with 18 graduate hours in nutrition, (MSN's are qualified.) Class meets Tuesday evenings 5 OOPM-9 OOPM Body Structure and Function (PRN 0080) Instructor Must have a BSN in nursing or heahh related field with a minimum of 8 hours coursework In anatomy and physiology Class meets Monday and Wednesday 5 00 PM- 6 45PM. Conrtatl Ruhhic ( ersn. Dirctlor ofNursing Program, Phone: (1161 7'4-44304 Fa k386) '7541-,04 College application and copy ofta ecripts required. Application available on the web at: www.takecitvct.ed's LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADAJEA/IEO College in Education & Employment Classified Advertising Deadline Monday at 5:00 pm THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 13, 2006 Page Three-B -t412ew2468SFHome Many Extras! $214,800 Open House Sat., July 15 & 22 10 am -2 pm Call 334-9944 TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 This Week's Featured Listings... Precious, Comfy & Cozy in Macclenny Sanderson -Development Potential! 35 2, 1300+ SF ine\celleni onduon. W(, holeum floor, rucei:pen lich- 5.79 acres currently zoned RCMH .5. This parcel can be subdivided into en with plenty of sior- B :"1/2 a(re homesiies on well and septic with approved plat and installation age space, looking into of a paved road your very private dining into the subdivi- room. This home is soft .sion. Possibility Au" and quaint and would of nin 1/2 acre be perfect for any lam- homesites. You .. ily. All rooms are wired ,won't find abetter -1a m Ior phone and cable, bargain for home-- including the double site development. car garage!! This is a must see home, priced to sell quick, easy and fast!! Call Also, great oppor- for your showing! $159,900 -MAC-H30 tunity for additional church property. Owner financing with 20% down. CAmmMAa I 4l 1n'sranP, nf Dat ntial! $230,000 -MAC-006 sClIuk~~n~ iIIR ~mnt.I~l~L 5f.~It1UiL. .43 acre corner lot zoned commercial with entry from East Boulevard and frontage on US 90 t Previously approved for a 5400 SF build- ing plus 108(0 SF paved parking. NO wetlands' _...-V-- Incredible corimercial ....... -- ------ -- investment potential in the city of Macclenny. Owner financing idi 20% down or f tih a cash offer, we can negotiate. $165,000 -MAC-006 Beautiful pond in Ge6rgia! Take your pic.. buy his as one it, acre tract or pick up an additional 4 acres and buy M two 10 acre tracKs. Zonedforsitebuli- homes already Ir unit per 10 acres. . Small pond on front lot with paved road frontage on CR185. Perfect for horses, family and future plans. This property sits high and dry. Take a ride through the pastures and hardwoods to see for yourself Only $14 5000 per acre. -MAC-001 HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. ^t < ev n4^t6f4, Licensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell We can show and sell all stings! A *FEATURED HOMES ** 6 .: | DELIGHTFUL LIKE-NEW BRICK HOME S" 2+ acres on corner lot in excellent neighborhood. Floors are S. .... tile & hardwood. Glass doors open to porch & large fenced backyard. Two car garage finished with carpet. Planted maple, grapefruit, flowering pear & cherry trees. Home has many extras, is open, sunny & inviting. JUST REDUCED!! S259,900 Beautiful Country Home On 5.01 acres 4 BR/ 3 BA Approximately 2350 heated SF Ponderosa Pine walls & ceilings brought in from Montana. Detached garage w/apartment, oversized in-ground pool, & large barn. Additional land w/pond also available, $429,900 ,a.. LIKE NEW HOME ON 2 ACRES ....... .... 3/2 open floor plan, tile throughout, Berber carpet in bedrooms, wrap around front porch and back porch Overlooking spring fed fish pond. On private lot at end of cul-de-sac. Approx. 1907 SF. Many extras! $259,900 Anne Kitching, Realtor 962-8064 cell . Wendy Smith, Realtor 710-0528 cell. Tina Melvin, Realtor 233-2743 cell. Seventy Ac W.j. acre. Moccasin Creek. Like e ; call us about this land in e!counry ,000 2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with build- ing. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/ month. $305,000 Excellent commercial corner lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000. Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North. Zoned Commercial neighbor- hood. $419,000 New Home Under Construction! Many extras! 3 BR/2 BA on 1 acre. Has covered porch & patio, 2 car garage & 295 sf bonus room. Floor will be laminate wood, carpet & tile, gas fp, central vacuum, security sys- tem, pre-wired for home theatre. Country living at it's best! $269,900 .98 Acres zoned Commercial on 121 South. $119,900 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side screened Ij |; mily room, large bonus roo 110back yard, stove & refrigerator. Must see to appreciate. In Macclenny city limits. $199,900 !3 S *i. .~ - .. CONVENIENCE STORE MEAT MARKET Well established buslnesAin the fast zDwing area.of Macclemy. Excelint corner lot locate on Beverage Lilese isAvail Mnt Mad 388 N. Low*eMr, "WclOd e $389,000 Owner/ c i nitay a 0.t 5 Mou i6rmi:i BRICK HOME 1.49 acres, perfect for your garden with a 16x20 workshop, just 5 minutes from town $189,000 Brick home and 2 additional lots to build on in excellent location for convenience to 1-10 and shopping. Has been remodeled with new kitchen, stove & refrigerator. All 3 for $189,900 *6..,-;. Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provided they are accom- panied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run with- out notification of error by the per- son or agency for whom it was pub- lished, then that party assumes full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other mate- rial which in the opinion of the pub- lisher does not meet standards of publication. 5 piece oak bedroom set, queen size with mattress, $1000; 2 crib sets, denim color, $25 each. 259-2746. 6/8tfc Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with, mattress & boxsprings, retail $950, sacrifice for $395, can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3c 3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing; 2x6, 44.ft., load bearing, trusses. 334-6695. 7/6-27p Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet, buffet, all mahoga- ny, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc Solid wood coffee table, light.colored with glass inserts, $75. 275-3007. 3/16tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tic Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, $199. 904-398-5200. 7/13-8/3c Epson Stylus color 600 printer, $25. 259-2400. 4/20tfc King pillowtop, new with warranty, $289, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 7/13-8/3c Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory foam mattress & boxsprings, new in plastic, with warranty, retail $950, must sell $379, can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 7/13-8/3c Two monitors, 17 inch, $25; Nikon Scan Touch oversized flatbed scanner with SCSI connection, $75; Okidata dot matrix, SCSI, turbo, $50; Dell keyboard & mouse, $10. 259-2400. 6/15tfc Set of 4 Bridgestone 265/70/17, only 5K miles. 904-545-1413.7/13c, 1983 Honda Goldwing GL.1100, adult ridden, 85K miles, very deperidable, looking to sell, $2500 OBO. 803- 4376. 7/13p Good used appliances. 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717. 7/13-3/29p 2000 Fleetwood Prowler, 30', fifth ' wheel, 2 slides, very nice camper, $17,000. Call 259-3763 leave mes- sage. 7/13-20p 2000 Yamaha Wave Runner, 3 seater with trailer, very low hours, good con- dition, $6500. 259-4602. 7/13tfc 1990 Bass Tracker, 150XP Evinrude, fully equipped boat, motor & trailer, $4000. 783-1575 please leave mes- sage. 7/13-20p 4 cf chest freezer, runs great, ap- proximately 6 years old, $150. Call Jason or Tammy at 259-7011.7/13p Murray garden tractor, 18 HP, 46" cut; 4 wooden swivel high back bar stools, $80. 259-4494. 7/13p 27' above ground pool, new 2 HP motor, $800 OBO; go-kart Twister MDL, $1000 OBO; 12' aluminum fishing boat, $1000 OBO, 20 HP Mer- cury. 259-1704 after 6:00 pm. 7/13-20p 2001 GSXR 600. Call 904-485- 0797. 7/13-27p k. I. ', > ,o 1990 Jeep Wrangler newly rebuilt engine, new transfer case, new tires, good condition, $5,700, 482-2653 Eddie Williams 6/22-7/13p 2002 Explorer LS, 76K miles, ex- tended warranty. CD, power steering, tilt steering, cruise control, tow pack- age, rear air, aluminum wheels, new tires, automatic, V6, $13,000 OBO. ,259-7574. 7/6-13c Cash for your junk car or truck. I haul. 904-509-0921. 5/4-10/26p 1992 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 pickup, camper special, gooseneck hitch, new A/C, 55K on engine, 110K on truck, excellent condition, $6000 OBO. 259-1168. 7/13p 1999 Chevrolet S-10 Extreme, $3000 OBO. 259-1835 or 635-4570. 7/6-13p 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier, 4 door sedan, 2.2 engine, 66,500 miles, $8000 OBO. 259-1356. 7/13-20p 2005 Honda FourTrax 400 EX, driven 3 times, brand new, $8900. 259- 2741. 7/13p 1993 Geo Tracker, $1500 OBO. 259- 1704 after 6:00 pm. 7/13-20p 1990 4x4 Chevy Blazer, new every- thing. 371-4176 leave message. 7/13p 1998 Chevy 4x4, A/C, heat, very clean, fully loaded, valued at $13,500, asking $10,000. Must see. 275-2708. 7/13p '1984 Camaro, V6, completely re- stored. high metallic silver, new in- terior, rebuilt engine & transmission, new alternator, CD/MP3 player, air, super clean, great car, $2995. 259- 3794 or 571-2636. 7/13p 2000 Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer Edi- tion, V6. 20 mpg. automatic 4 WD, all power, leather seats, automat- ic transmission, keyless entry, CD changer, $6000. 259-3794 or 571- 2636. 7/13p 1994 Toyota Camry, runs good, needs some work, $1000 OBO. 563- 2366. 7/13p 1997 Ford Aerostar van, good condi- tion, $1200 OBO. 904-704-5043. 7/13-20p I will do all your laundry in my home wash, dry, fold, starch & iron. Call Carol at 259-3747. 7/13p Childcare In my home, flexible hours, reasonable rates, up to 6 years of age. Clean, fun & loving atmosphere. Glen St. Mary area. 259-8875.7/13p Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259- 7968. 4/22tfc Senior Staff Assistant needed within the President's Office. Proficient in Word and Excel. Ability to take and transcribe notes a must. Ability to work with minimal supervision. Requires high school diploma, or equivalent, plus four years secretarial or clerical experience. Salary $22,692.00 annually,, plus benefits. Deadline for receiving applications: July 20, 2006. Vocational Recruiter (Grant Funded Position) Professional position assisting the Director of Admission Services with recruitment of vocational and adult stu- dents. Bachelor's degree and two years related experience. Must have valid Florida driver's license. Computer literate. Salary: $27,583 annually plus benefits. Application deadline: July 28, 2006 College application required. Full position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386)754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment SAffordable & dependable. Let me take care of your cleaning needs. Also available evenings & weekends. Call 259-8310. 7/13p Music lessons in Macclenny, guitar, bass & voice. 653-1737. 6/29-8/3p We do small job land clearing, bush hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake, etc., also tree trimming & removal. 259-7968. .6/29tfc . Childcare openings in my home. Ag-. es 6 mos. & up. After school avail- able. Experienced mother of two with previous work history @ BCHD with Healthy Start/Healthy Families pro- gram. Affordable rates. Call Lisa Mil- ton at 275-4026. 7/13p Need someone to pull weeds. Call 259-3545. 7/13p Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in. good condition. Call Karin at South- ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc CKC registered Min-Pin puppies, 2 male, 1 female, first shots, wormed, $300. 259-8247 leave message. 7/6-13p AKC traditional male Boxer, ears & tail clipped, 17 weeks. $550, last one left. South Sanderson Pine Box- ers. 275-4570 or 627-6142. 7/13p Blockhead red-nose Pit Bull pups, 8 weeks old, shots & dewormed. Big breed. 5 males, 1 female left. Mild temperament. Must see. $200 firm.. 259-8929 Chris. 7/13-8/3p Lab pups, AKC, champion pedigree, POP, born 3/11/06, 1 chocolate male $250, 1 yellow male $200. 259-7445 ask for Andy. 7,'13p Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding fees will apply. 259-6786. 11.,'20tfc Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classified advertising on subjects like work-at-home, weight loss products, health products. While the newspaper Uses reasonable discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents should use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other SALE rASALE Thursday & Friday 8:00 am ?, 121 N., ; left on 23C. Lots of miscellaneous & furniture. 2 families. Rain or shine. Thursday & Friday 8:00 am 2:00 pm, 121 N. 5 miles on left. Nice things, melons. Hope to see you. Cooler sale. Thursday & Friday 7:00 am ?, 9960 S. Glen Ave.. Glen St. Mary. AY" E is Thursday & Friday 8:00 am 3:00 pm, 710 Chipshot Dr. off Lowder St. Dorm refrigerator, leather recliner. 3 wheel bike, dresser with marble top, lamps,. clothes, lots of household items. Call Wednesday to see items early! 259-9593 or 982-2476. Friday 8:00 am ?, 121 to Mudlake Rd. to L.E. Harvey Rd. to Bri- arbush Land. Reclining sofa, children clothes, etc. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am ?, corner of 229 S. & Mudlake Rd., Sanderson. Friday & Saturday 9:00 am 6:00 pm, Hwy 250, Taylor, next to store. Loads of stuff. 259-7479. Rain cancels. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am ?, 7316 Mudlake Rd. off 121 S. Car seat, clothes, toys. etc. Saturday 8:00 am noon, 9020 Cary Barber Rd. off Barber Rd., . follow signs. Girls & ladies clothes, furniture, etc. Saturday 9:00 am 2:00 pm, 500 JS Lamorada Dr. S., Cypress Point. No early birds. Saturday 8:00 am 2:00 pm, 7629.Plantation Rd. off 125 S. Clothing, furniture, miscellaneous goodies. Saturday 8:00 am 1:00 pm, 232 S. 3rd St.. Macclenny. Saturday 8:00 am noon, 719 Fox Run Circle. Clothes, toys, mis- cellaneous. Saturday 8:00 am 1:00 pm, 125 N. to 139B, left by EZ Stop. 2nd dirt road on right, Warren Thompson Rd., follow signs. Baby , items, stroller, car set, swing, baby girl clothes, boys 2T-6. girls 8- 12, toys & lots more. Saturday 8:00 am 1:00 pm, Lowder St./23A N. past James Bar- ton Rd. Dishes, girls 4-6 & teens 2-4 clothing, handbags, shoes, toys, a little of everything. 2 families. Saturday 8:00 am 2:00 pm, 1124 Copperfield Circle, first right on Copper Creek. Saturday 8:00 am 1:00 pm, 121 N. to Eva Jones Rd. Girls 18 mos.-2T, Jr,'Womens, mens, baby items. WHITEHEAD BROS, INCJLAKE CITY LOGISTICS, INC. iananne l a OTR DRIVERS NEEDED Go through Home several times most weeks. Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at our location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety Bonus up to $1,200 per year. Driver of the Year bonus, and driver recruitment bonuses. Blue 'Cross Blue Shield medical and dental insurance. Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving Record. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE AT 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898 PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401 K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1 -800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 13, 2006 Page Five-B commitments based on statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877 FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent solicitations. Remember:. if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Baker County Press Pier 6 Seafood now accepting applica- tions for all positions. 259-6123. 6/15-7/27c Experienced plumber needed for Mike Green Plumbing. 219-8906. 6/15tfc A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time licensed driver. 259-7335. 3/23tfc Local home health agency looking for full time RN & Physical Therapist. For more information, call 259-3111. 5/25tfc Construction foreman, heavy equip- ment operators with experience need- ed. Good pay with benefits. 904-653- 1272. 7/6-13p Company specializing in erosion con- trol now hiring the following positions: crew leaders, equipment operators, laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license is a must. Fax resume to 904-275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE/drug free workplace. 7/13p Experienced painters needed. Must have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc Full-time trim/punch-out carpenter for local construction company. Benefits & paid vacation included. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 6/8tfc Experienced A/C service tech/install- er needed. Must have driver's license & tools. 259-0893. 6/15tfc Experienced plumbers needed. Only experienced need apply. Dickie's Plumbing 653-1136. 7/6-13c Attention Nurses- ready for a change? Northeast Florida State Hospital is, currently hiring for Registered Nurses. Located 28 miles west of Jacksonville on 1-10. Campus-like facility, all shifts available no rotation, every other weekend off, leave accrual for full time - 8 hours every 2 weeks, excellent benefits low cost no waiting period, deferred comp available, free CEUs on campus, salary based on years of experience, 100% vested in state retirement after 6 years. Applications must be submitted online at hnps:,.. peoplefirst.myflorida.com or call Gale Wilkerson at 904-259-6211 ext. 1756 for further information. EEO 'AA. 7 6-13c Part time w/full time potential. Looking for motivated, qualified per- son in Baker and' surrounding area. Experience in sales helpful. Reply with resume & references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc Avon helpers needed. I do the paper- work, you earn the $$$! Call Kaycee at 275-3215, ISR. 7/6-13p Delivery specialist needed. Full-time, 2 positions open. Apply in person at Badcock Furniture, 701 S. 5th St., Macclenny. 7/13-20c Mechanically inclined person needed for general groundskeeping, for light delivery with some lifting and for some light maintenance duties. Must be dependable with a good work record. References and resume to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. This is an excellent part time opportunity. 7/13-20p Class A mechanic for 3rd shift main- tenance crew. Must have minimum 5 years experience. Pay ranges from $16.96 plus a 264 shift differential pay. We are an equal opportunity employer & a drug -free workplace. We offer 401k, health insurance, paid holidays & vacation'. Apply at Gilman Building Products. CR 218, Maxville, FL or fax resume to 904-289-7736. 7/13-8/3p Calendar's Pizzeria & Dell is look- ing for wait staff & kitchen staff. Set schedules & great tips. Must be 18 years old. Call 259-5040 or apply in person. 7/13c Drivers. Great pay, bonus program. Solos: average $900-$1100 week; teams: guaranteed 5200 mile weekly. Owner/operators welcome. CDL-A 2 years experience required. Call Anita at 800-451-5529. 7/13p Need experienced A. C & duct install- ers, must be dependable. 259-8038. i 7/13-8/3p Experienced metal roofer needed, dependable, driver's license required. good pay. 904-251-5804, after 7:00 pm. call 259-3757. 7.'13-8/31p Painter's helper. Apply in person at Butch's Paint & Body Shop, 5573 Harley Thrift Ra. 7 '13tfc Drivers: Home ever. weekend! .41 loaded. .37 empty, .01 loaded miles tarp. Pay, health, life, dental, 401k, monthly bonuses. CDL-A 1 year expe- rience. Grayson Mitchell 800-434- 1882. 7,'13-20p Driver no CDL necessary, $400- $600/week, home evenings & week- ends, must have clean driving record. 653-1656. 7/13-20p Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this newspa- per is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any prefer-. ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, cplor, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or, discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with par- enms or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18 This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our.readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimi- nation, call HUD toll free at 1-800M669- 9777. The toll free telephone number for the impaired is 1-800-927-9275. FSBO. Totally remodeled home in Baldwin, 3 BR, 1 BA, 1100 SF, $110,000. Call Rick at 904-962- 4223. 7/6-13p Jack Lee Construction spec home in Copper Creek, 3 BR, 21/2 full baths. Call 781-5117 or 904-751-6053 6/22tfc Large desirable lot in Copper Creek, one of the largest & last in Phase 11, $77.500. 259-6199. 6/29tfc Brick home. 3 BR, 1 BA. large living room & kitchen on 1/2 acre lot, new roof, new floors, fenced yard with shed, new central A/C.. Must see! 904-588-3636. 7/6&13p 3 BR, 2 BA house with 2 rental mobile homes on 13.2+- acres in the Georgia Bend area, big workshop & 2nd kitch- en, $195,000. 904-629-1779. 5, 25tfc There's a reason we're Jacksonville's Largest locally owned homebuilder. Come see why. * Choose from over 40 floor plans * We build in Duval, Clay, St John's, Nassau & Baker Counties * View our floor plans at www.sedaconstruction.com 904-724-7800 Mon-Fri 8-5 pm Options package valued at FREE with home purchase Sk!OA is one 0ch ~e feivbuilders -.'.tl a de8d'bcah {t Dvisbi Spec ilzingi ir. bili~vq ocm plan or, r..'Ii*lit Ou'- Off site Clivision team L'vill be 4izh you though eyer" step of uede L'slokiq peoc'S.. hrorn site 25fsret plain See~ction, home onriotation to hanai 'Iavk th-taughi. Subject in change A ijhout notice CGCO2I1SSO. E~piies Jul% 31. 2006 10 acres, restricted to homes, nice property, good location, bring your horses, seller pays closing, $139,900. 259-3878.. 6/22-7/13C Beautiful 7.5 acres, located 500 ft off of Crews Rd on Woodrow Raulerson Rd. Very nice property With cypress tree pond,. $150,000. For info, call 259-2083 after 6:00 pm or leave message. 7/13-8/3p Must see! 10 acres with pond, 2 aou- blewide mobile 'homes, $225,000. Call for appointment 259-5098. 7/-13-20p New 2006 doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA located, 1/2 acre, fenced yard, owner financing available, $86,900. 259- 7925 or 476-7136& 7/13c iRK ~lerson 2" & 4" Wells Water & Iron Conditioners Installed Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured .P ' POSITIONS NEEDED Experienced Utility Track Hoe Operator Pipe Layers Finish Dozer & Track Hoe Operator Truck Mechanic Dump Truck Driver 3 Years Exp.,, Benefits, Insurance .Maxville ,'Call 904-289-7000 E) F\\P E -)E ''* -' y ," .A ... 0 :A .9IT I' WELL DRILLING 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 4. 3tic WILSON STUCCO, INC. "For all your stucco needs" Free estimates Commerical & Residential Kevin Wilson 904-759-3907 Gene Polk 904-626-5084 Locally owned & operated in Baker County' 7/6-13p ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters Sales Rentals Service WATER TESTING Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~ Financing available ~ JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc TWH CRANE SERVICE, INC. Free estimates Licensed & Insured 275-2853 904-838-8449 Timmy Hodges, Owner 7/13-8/3p A & R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tfc PRESSURE WASHING Houses $75-$100 Mobile homes $40-$50 Call Floyd 904-209-5779 7/13-20p FILL DIRT Bull dozer & backhoe C.F. White 275-2474 4/6tfc WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 904-222-5054 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28 BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates -.Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 2/i7tfc SANDS TRUCKING' Fill dirt ~ Millings ~ Slag Concrete washout Land clearing ~ Fish ponds Road built Houses/buildings demo ~ In- ground pools demo 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 6/29tfc MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259-2255 CBC060014 3/14tfc KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Spring & Summer hours: Monday Friday 10:00 am 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 5:00 pm 259-5222 BP (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc D.R. RILES WELL DRILLING 2" & 4" rock wells Shallow wells ~ Irrigation Pump service 904-334-3372 904-782-1674 7/6-13p H&R TRANSMISSIONS Macclenny, FL. Free estimates Free towing on all repairs 904-382-7086 6/29-7/20p FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/ltfc NOBLITT'S HOME INSPECTIONS NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified Serving North Florida and South Georgia 259-5342 259-5416 fax 7/6-9/21 LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 HIGGINBOTHA BROS. Heating* Air Electrical s Licensed and Insure 259-0893 Lic. #ET11000707 Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RA13067194 STEPHEN'S TREE SERVICE Trimming ~ Tree removal Affordable rates Free estimates Licsensed & Insured 904-653-1314 KIRKL AND'S LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING Lawn mowing ~ Tractor work Clean-up ~ Hauling 259-3352 7/6-27c A & R TRUSS 7/13-20P Engineered trusses for your new COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL, INC. Residential/Commercial Garbage pickup for Baker County Roll off Dumpsters 259-5692 Kent Kirklahd, Owner/Operator 4/6-10/5p GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner 11/16t JACK LEE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILDER Build on your lot or ours Your plans or ours Model home in Copper Creek 259-7359 783-9039 4/6tfc 5/27tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR LM Air conditioners Heat pumps Major appliances * service 24 hour, 7 day emergency ser- vice! d Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 4/21tfc 7/ltf Home Barn Shed Etc. Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc ALL FLORIDA CUSTOM AIR, INC. Commercial Residential New construction Service 904-260-2090 CAC1813701 4/6-9/28p FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust Buckshot Goodyear Michelin Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR fc Custom exhaust FlOwmaster Turbo, Glaspaks Call today for the best price! 259-1393 10/6tfc CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor Land clearing We sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 c CU-C057126 3/ '16-9/7p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc BRYANT CONSTRUCTION Screen rooms ~ Patio covers Room additions Insured 259-5917 CBC#051298 1/19-7/6pI WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS So many options! See our catalogs at The Office Mart 110 South 5th Street 259-3737 tfc DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads & much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 T T ., :, 4 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 13. 2006 Page Six-B Stop Renting! Here's your chance to own your own property and home. Owner financing! Property with OMNI doublewide located at 13048 N. CR 23 A. No closing costs. 5% down and 15 year financing makes monthly pay- ment approximately $625 per month. Call 904-651-8383. 7/13p I acre with 2 BR mobile home in need of repair. Well, septic tank & power pole. Mobile home.can be moved for.- your new home. Cuyler area, $45,000 OBO. 904-226-3064 day or 259-5383 after 6:00 pm. 7/13-20p 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home in country, CH/A, $750/month, $600 deposit. no pets. 275-2865. 7/13c Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A,/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904- 860-4604. 3/17tfc 3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets, garbage, water & mowing provided, $450-$600/month. 912-843-8118. 5/4tfc New home for rent, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile flooring throughout on 1/2 acre ,lot in Macclenny, all electric appliances. $875 security deposit, $875/month. Please call 259-3343 weekdays between 9 am-5pm 6/22tfc 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, carpet & vinyl flooring, living room, kitchen, din- ingroom on .50 acre lot in Sanderson. All' electric appliances, $750 secu- rity deposit, $750/month. Please call between the hours of 9:00 am-5:00 pm, weekdays ONLY. 259-3343 or 626-8424. 6/ltfc 3 BR, 2 BA house, fireplace. CH/A. fenced, 1 acre pond. beautifully land- scaped, 2 minutes to 1-10, very pri- vate, $800/month, 1st, last & secu- rity, deposit. 259-7794 before 9:00. pm. 7/13-20p Doublewide in the country. 3 BR, 2 BA, 1st & last month's rent plus deposit, references needed. 653- 1656 leave message. 7/13p 3 BR, 2 BA house with detached, garage on 1 acre in Macclenny II, $1000/month, 1st & last month's rent required, no pets. Call 614-4650 leave message. 7/13-20p = -- .......---- --- 2 BR, 2 BA condo, ground floor, pool side, incredible ocean view, St. Augustine Beach. Call 476-8907 or 505-0083. 7/6-27c Commercial building, 1200 SF, I block from courthouse, $650/month, $650 deposit. 259-4602 or 759- 3818. 7/13tfc T .......-.- --- ---! ---*- --*s ^ ^:-----' ) Must see! 1992 Fleetwood 14x80, 2 BR, 2 BA, new carpet; excellent condition, $14,500. You move. 259-6354. 7/13p Driver- Jacksonville Terminal | GUARANTEED .V Dedicated Shorthaul Average $683 $907/wk , NO TOUCH FREIGHT 85% Preloaded/Pretarped I CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627 I www.ctdrivers.com IMMEDIATE NEED QUALIFIED PEOPLE Warehouse Workers Order Pullers Assembly Production Workers Administrative Assistant Data Entry Manpower" Please contact your Manpower office 904-783-9400 S, YOUI NEIGHBORHOOD Find out what's going on around town with the newspaper that has it all. Take a few moments to read the paper each week, and you'll stay on top of local news and developments that affect you and your family. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Cirii.ulainon leadr nice 1929 904-259-2400 bcpress@netcom.net 104 South Fifth St.. Macclenny www.bakercountypress.com wf b ,,,= . Butch's Paint & Body Shop 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR Foreign & Domestic Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint * Computer Estimating * Insurance Claim Work Computerized Color Matching Fully Insured 1 2-. ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR DROP-OFF Stop in for your free estimate 259-3785 DEADLINE FOR PLACING ADS 5:00 Monday LAKE CITY Adjunct Instructors Needed Fall Term, Beginning August 21. 2006 Physical Science Instructor: Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in a physical science. Night section and internet sections available. General Biology Instructor l fas- ter's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in biology Saturday class. Daytime Preparatory Math In- , structor. Nlinmum of Bachelor's degree College Level Math Instructor Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in mathematics Day- ame..Nightume classes. Contact Paula Cifuentes at (3861 754-4260 or Email cifuentesp,@lakecitycc edu English Instructor: Master's degree %\ith 18 graduate hours in English.' Contact Holl) Smith at (386)754-4360 or email smithholly@lakecitycc edu LCCC 1 accredited tb he Southern A i4cnaUt:n of Collgee, and S.ch*:.* F ADAE.' E,.: olege na Educauon & Emplome~ri tt= -s---3a ^^B NIs. Debrah Miller. Project Manager Florida Department of Transportation 1109 S. Marion Avenue, MS 2007 Lake Cirt, FL 32025-5874 1-800-749-2967 (386) 961-7793 Fax: 386-961-7508 Email: Debrah.millerfa dot.state.fl.us FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BAKEISUR PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Interstate 10 Widening from CR 125, east to the proposed Branan Field Chaffee Rd. Interchange Locati n ". .... .Proposed A 4iWwI. ui. u f 'C :an Field-Chaffee Rd. F L:U I O I D Interchange Map fBegin Project 2 Bsalds n Financial ID No.s End ! Project . 213001-21 213471-2, 213272-5, 213272- . The Florida Department of Transportation invites you to attend a public hearing to discuss proposed transportation improvements to Interstate 10 from CR 125 in Baker County, Florida, east to the proposed Branan Field Chaffee Road Interchange in Duval County, Florida. This hearing will be held Tuesday, July 18, 2006, in the Baker County Commission Chambers, 55 N. Third Street. Macclenny, Florida 32063. The hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a presentation by the Department followed by an opportunity for public comment. However, for your convenience, beginning at 4:30 p.m., Department personnel with maps, drawings, and other project information will be available to discuss the proposed improvements and answer questions. Also, as of June 20, 2006, information will be available for inspection and review during normal business hours at the Emily Taber Public Library, 14 West Mclver Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063, the Callahan Branch Library, 5266 State Road 200 #10, Callahan, Florida 32011, and the FDOT Jacksonville Urban Office, 2198 Edison Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32204. The Florida Department of Transportation has been conducting a Project Development and Environmental Study evaluating the need to add capacity to the existing Interstate 10 roadway. The objective of the proposed improvements is to reduce congestion and improve safety by widening Interstate 10 from a four- lane facility to a six-lane facility by adding additional lanes in the median and to extend the interchange merge and diverge ramps to meet current standards. Although the proposed improvements do not require additional right-of-way for the road widening, right-of-way will be needed for stormwater treatment ponds along the corridor. This hearing is being conducted to afford interested persons the opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design, and social, economic and environmental effects of the proposed improvements. Those who wish to submit written statements may do so at the hearing or mail them to the address below no later than August 17, 2006. All comments received by August 17, 2006, will become part of the public hearing record. All residents, property owners, and interested persons or groups are encouraged to come and participate. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or familial status. This project is being developed in compliance with Titles VI and Related Statutes of the Civil Rights Act. This hearing will be held in compliance with Chapter 339, F.S., Chapter 120, F.S., 23 CFR 771, and 23 USC 128. Also, the project has been evaluated in accordance with Federal Executive Orders 11990 "Protection of Wetlands" and 11988 "Floodplain Management". Anyone needing project or public hearing information or special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, should write to the address or call the telephone number given below. Special accommodation requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act should be made at least seven (7) days prior to the public heal ing. Your attendance at this public hearing is encouraged and any comments made are appreciated. If you have any questions or comments please contact: i'0taA,10.4C'o 0 ISM 18 Months I terest Free, *18 months free.financing on approved credit. Minimum purchase of $599 required. See salesperson for details. I A |