Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion &...
 Section A: Main continued
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Social
 Section B: Real Estate
 Section B: Classifieds


The Baker County press
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00024160/00078
 Material Information
Title: The Baker County press
Uniform Title: Baker County press (Macclenny, Fla. 1929)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: Tate Powell
Place of Publication: Macclenny Fla
Creation Date: July 6, 2006
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Macclenny (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Baker County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Baker -- Macclenny
Coordinates: 30.283333 x -82.116667 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began Apr. 12, 1929.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 39 (Jan. 2, 1931).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000579533
oclc - 33284409
notis - ADA7379
lccn - sn 95047186
System ID: UF00024160:00078

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
    Section A: Main: Opinion & Comment
        page A 3
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 4
        page A 5
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Social
        page A 8
    Section B: Real Estate
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Classifieds
        page B 4
        page B 5
        page B 6
Full Text

Paid circulation leader Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005

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Year, Vol. 12 Thursday July 6, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 50

Two plans proposed to

ease schooltraffic woes

Press Sntff
Brenda Swisher has been
appointed chairwoman of the new lI
formed Traffic Related Comrnittee
that 11il focus on solving traffic
and parking problems that have
become problematic for residents
of the South Boulevard neighbor-
hood adjacent to the new PreK
Kindergarten Center
The committee's first meeting
convened Thursday e ening. June
29 to hear two proposals one from
the school board, the other from the
residents of that south NMacclenny
Members of the traffic commit-
tee, who are serving on a volunteer
basis, represent the school board,
school district. City of Mlacclenny,
sheriff's office, fire department and
NMs. Swisher, w ho resides at
Boulevard and Lav erne just east of
the school property, defined dur-
ing her initial address of committee
members the purpose and ground
rules of the traffic committee.
""We are all here tonight because
we care about children," Mls.
Sw isher stated. "We care about the
education of those children and also
about the %welfare of one of the old-
est communities in Nlacclenny "
She called for teamwork to
resolve the traffic and parking
problems to the satisfaction of the

school board and the community.
She also made clear her expectation
of professional conduct b\ comnut-
tee members during the duration of
future meetings.
"There should be no w whispering,
smirking, snickering, or disrespect-
ful behavior during these meetings."
Ms Swisher said "The disrespect I
have seen exhibited pre\liously is
The meetings were set by com-
mittee vote to a time limit of one
and one half hours per session
Dunng the first meeting, two
proposals. Plan A and Plan B were
presented and opened for discus-
Plan A, proposed by the school
district, involves applying vis-
ible striping to the center of South
Boulevard to create two one-way
traffic lanes One will be designated
for buses, one for cars. An addition-
al crossing guard w would be added to
help direct buses and cars entering
and exiting the current loading and
drop-off areas
Plan A also calls for reconfigura-
tion of existing parking along South
Boule ard adjacent to the school
grounds to 45-degiee angles The
purpose is to increase the number
of spaces and hopefully expand the
size of the new cai and bus lanes b\
several feet.
The proposal theonzes that plac-
ing existing parking at an angle
should also facilitate backing out

and merging with traffic flow. The
possibility of making available
some free spaces in a middle school
parking lot currently used by cafete-
ria and sern ice personnel, but closed
to the public for security purposes,
\\ ill also be considered.
Proposal A is characterized by
immnediacN and could possibly be in
place b\ August 3. before the next
school term begins It is not con-
sidered to be a permanent solution,
only a stop-gap measure
Plan B. presented by Danny
Lamb representing the neighbor-
hood. calls for eliminating bus
traffic and PreK-related traffic and
parking from South Boulevard alto-
Relocation of existing middle
school campus recreation sites
such as the track, basketball and
tennis courts wouldd open up room
to construct a new bus and PreK.
Kindergarten traffic loop and park-
ing lot.
A new one-way in.one-way
out loop utilizing Johnathan and
Laverne Streets as the main conduit
would concentrate bus and car traf-
fic and associated parking to a dif-
ferent location somewhere behind
the PreK facility and away from
South Boulevard.
Some, but not all of the optional
locations of Plan B could require
PreK kindergarten age children to
walk across school property from
their classrooms to the designated
drop off and pick up point.
Concerns were expressed by
several traffic committee mem-
bers regarding the logistics of
such an arrangement, especially in
bad weather Such an arrangement
could require construction of co\ -
ered w alk\ ays.
(Page twvo please)

As American as a '31 Ford Roadster...
Travis Staggers and Robert Thompson check ouw the engine of a 1931 Ford .lodel A Deluxe Roadsler, one *..imam vintage cars in hdisplav
last Sanirdav at the cominimnitv Fourth a/July celebration held at the Baker County Fairgrounds The annual telebranon i' sponls.cd I.1
the Baker County Fire Department and the City of .acclenny and features many aritlOracns such as a barber ue ,co,'k-off, pon ,iim..i train
rides for children, a dunking booth, a itrestling inaich and fireworks display Pnoio. here and on pge r...-.\ K-elie, Lr. ,anIr

Pool Opens Monday!
Important Pool Facts:
Community Adult Swim 7:00 am 8:00 am Monday Friday
Community Swim 11:00 am 2:00 pm Monday Saturday
Cost: $2 18 years old & older; $1 17 years old & under
Water Aerobic Class 8:00 am 9:00 am Fridays
Swimming Lessons Signups July 10, lessons begin July 17
2 week sessions (8 lessons), $55 members, $110 non-members

All swimmers under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Phone numbers: Front desk 259-6331, Aquatics 259-6330
At left: Shmiin Eastman, Baker YII CA Eecuntie Director cannonballs into the new pool.

Motorist is arrested for

trafficking and battery
A Nlacclenny man stopped June so he pulled him over
28 for not using his turn signal w as Trooper Joshua Earre\ armr.ed as
arrested for trafficking in cocaine Deputy \\ hitaker went to lut patiul
and battery on a la%% enforcement car to check Nir Gnssert's drinei's
office. license.
Carlos Gnssett, 33, \\as dri\ ing The trooper started to search Mr
north on CR 228 at 2 50 pm when Grissett, who suddenly elbowed
Deputy Darrin Whitaker saw him him in the chest and tried to run
turn left onto the westbound ramp Both officers grabbed him and put
to Interstate 10 him on the hood of the patrol car
The officer noticed he didn't use The found a clear plastic bag in
his turn signal, then sa\w inside the the waistband of his pants. It con-
car that Mr. Gnssett's three-\ear-
old son was not wearing a seat belt, (Page two please)

Press Staff
Todd Bunting, manager of Ace Hardware in
Macclenny, wanted .to do something special for his
store, something that would make shopping there mem-
orable for the regular customers and visitors.
His idea a model car collection.
Several times a year the Ace Hardware Company
sends catalogues to its vendors featuring special-issue
model cars. Mr. Bunting, who began ordering the cars
for his son at Christmas a number of years ago, decided
to start another collection for his store.
He kept the first models on the shelves of his small
office in the back of the store.
"The office door was always open. Kids would go
by and see the models and go nuts," he said. "They'd
drag their parents into the office to see the cars and
trucks and planes. Seems like I had people in there all
the time. I'd take the models down and let them hold
III i tI Over time the
collection out-
Igrew the few
shelves in the
6 89076 48819 office and had

to be moved to a display case on the back side of the
cashier station. Again, it was the kids that always saw
the models and made a fuss.
Mr. Bunting says it's not unusual to be working in
the store and hear a child shout "Hey Dad, come look
at this!"
Collecting the models started out simply as fun, but
their popularity among patrons prompted Mr. Bunting
to pursue building the collection seriously. He is now
planning to construct a series of display shelves that
will be located on the upper walls around the store.
His favorite model is a truck complete with boat and
boat trailer.
"This is a Ford F-150 with a TR-17/DC Bass Boat,"
he says proudly. "The truck's tailgate, hood and trunk
open and the steering wheel on the boat turns the motor,
and the seats rotate."
Many of the cars, trucks and planes in the collection
are designed as banks for saving coins. There are vin-
tage replicas as well as contemporary models some-
thing to please all interests.
The models are manufactured by the Ertl Company,
famous for its replicas of vehicles, planes and farm
equipment. Ertl produces models for big industry
names such as John Deere.

trucks and planes in the near filtre. Photo10 by Ke.lley I umng

The models are made of die-cast metal with fully
detailed interiors, engines and under carriages. Doors
and windows open, as do hoods and tailgates.
Mr. Bunting hopes his collection will become a draw
for the store, not just for to shop for hardware, but to

see and compare the different models.
"I think it would be great if people living in
Macclenny would bring visiting friends and family to
the store specifically to see it," he says. "I want the col-
lection to become a point of pride for local folks."

More than hardware...

Model car collection enjoyed by young and old

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 6, 2006 Page Two



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Fireworks, wrestling & trains

Trafficking in cocaine
S- (From.page oneY
tainted more than 32 grams of,.crack cocaine and more than 15 grams of
powder cocaine.
In addition to the battery and drug charges, all of which are felonies. Mr.
Grissett was cited for failure to signal and failure to restrain his child.
In another cocaine case two days later, a police search turned up 3.4
grams of crack at a home in Rhoden's Trailer Park on Barber Road in south
Investigator Scotty Rhoden served a warrant on Erit Myers, 32.
The officer found a pill bottle in a kitchen cabinet in a mothball box.
Inside the bottle was several pieces of crack.
Mr. Myers admitted it was his, and he was charged with possession with
intent to sell cocaine, a felonN.

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(clockwise) A fireworks display provided by Phantom Fireworks and the
City of Macclenny Fire Department finished the evening's festivities.
Mr. B, "The People's Referee" admonishes wrestler Legion Cage who sub-
dues his opponent Chaysn Rance on the ropes.
Sean Strickland gets ready to steer the wheel of his car on "Poppa's Toy
Train" as father Paul Strickland gives encouragement.
Photos by Kelley Lannigan

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for all your lending needs
Loan Production Office .
692 W. Macclenny Ave. 1-,
Macclenny, Florida '









4441 "1 %TMR 04*14 kl PINK BLtltt 414 %T%

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday July 6. 2006 Page Three


; Publisher/Editor Post Office Box 5
NEWS.'SPORTS Michael Rinker (90,
I NEWS.."FEATURES Kelley Lannigan Trie Baer .oui'.y Pr
COMMENT-. Cheryl R. Pingel Br o Pre
unaer p-rm, t sued Al
Jessica Prevatt & Laura Briner ar re
FEATURES,'COMMENT Robert Gerard a Be r courrty: .
f age or older. milil1
BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas s"l.e Baer Couury ,an
CA E Bb Baler Courv. POSuTh
:: CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear to Tr e Baker Curty I
- .. .. ... .. ................... ... ........... FL. 32.63.
; .. : .z "." '. .. .." ",: "i.. :.'22 _'. '7 -' i.'". _: ,* .. .^ :.- .;::: '. .!^ -,

S 040-280
598 *s 104 Soutn 5th St.
enny, FL 32063
4i 259-2400
res. iS pUooiriel ea:rh Triurs ,.ay
11, inc Perioicali pi1age paid
prii 12, 1929 at ir. pist office in
Baer Cc'untr, $25.00 a vear .uit
auc:i 1.0ix' for prions E65 vears
irv pier.onnei orn active ur out-
i.] c.iiege students iivirg cultsde
MASTER- send addrec.s ranges
Press, P.O Bok 598. Maccienny,

7-minute icing

likely to 'vanish

just that quickly



"... and I told those kids, if I hear
you' talk like that again, I'm going
to wash your mouth out with soap."
Pause. "Oh, my God, I sound just
like Mama!"
My daughter Sara Beth got this
look of shock on her face as she said
it. She was relating an event from
her day working at the YMCA.c
She and her brother Dylan are
working at the Y's summer day
camp. They are in charge of the 4-6
year old kids.
I have to laugh because it hasn't
been that long since they've acted
like 4-6 year olds.
An example: My wife made a
cake the other day with seven-min-
ute icing and Sara Beth walked out
of her bedroom and through the
kitchen.,,, -;; -
"What's that I smell ''"
"A cake," I said.
"Who's it for?"
"I don't know. But its got seven-
minute icing."
"Seven-minute icing," she shout-
ed, and then immediately lowered
her voice to a whisper. .She knew
that if her little brother Spencer
heard about it, the race to the icing
bowl would be an Olympic event.
"Bowl?" she asked.
"Sink," I shot back.
Her eyes were like saucers as she
beat a path to the icing bowl. For
the next five minutes, her head was
buried in it.
"Hey," yelled Spencer as he
emerged from his room. "Share the
wealth. Share the wealth."
"No wealth for you," she replied,
her face emerging from the bowl,
spoon in hand and a dollop of icing
on the end of her nose. "Ha, ha, ha,
ha, hah!" she sang.
"Hah to you!" he yelled, grab-
bing the bowl and running from the
"Ahhhhh! Mamaaaa! Spencer
stole the icing bowl."
She chased him from room to
room. Spencer, who is quicker and
more agile than his sister, jumped
over furniture and ran backwards
with the bowl held out tauntingly
while his big sister whined.
"Stop it, Spencerrrr!"
Of course, the affair of the cake
wasn't finished. A couple of hours
later, Dylan came home from
band practice. We don't see much
of Dylan; he's either working or
practicing with his band, Soapbox
Havoc. [The band is playing at the
Murray Hill Theatre in Jackson-
ville on July 8, so it's late nights for
"Ooohhh, a cake. Who's that
"I don't know. You'd better ask
your Mom before you eat any of it."

Important notice on
wedding, social notes
Brides and other persons who plan
to submit articles in the future should
be aware that, while The Press is
pleased to publish your inforrnation, it
must be submitted no later than four
weeks after the event.
It is your responsibility to ensure
that photographers, etc. are aware of
this policy.

There's no telling whether a cake is
fair game or leaving the. house for
parts unknown.
"Ruiight." he said, stretching it
out suspiciously.
I went to bed because I had a
conference in Gainesville the next
day and had to get up early.
It was my first mistake.
As morning da\ ned bright and
early, as mornings tend to do,. I
stumbled into the kitchen, dull and
late as I tend to be, and made coffee
My blood doesn't pump to any of
the nether regions of my body until
I have coffee.
My wife Kelle) came in and
immediately stopped dead iniher
"Are you responsible for this?"
she asked.
I had no idea what "this" was.
That did' not, however, mean I
wasn't responsible. I have learned
in 24 years of marriage that I can be
responsible for things I didn't even
know existed.
'-Uh ..:. Idon'f think so. :
"Someone is. Is it you?"
"Not that I know of. But if I am,
I'm truly sorry for it. Can I have my
coffee now?"
"Do you even know what I'm
talking about?"
"Not really, no."
"The cake."
"Ah, the cake."
"Look at the cake," she said,
pointing. "It's naked!"
It truly was. Well, a more ap-
propriate description was bald. The
cake looked like an old bald man.
The seven-minute icing was com-
pletely eaten from the top, leaving
only iced sides.
"That's not something you see
every day."
"Do you know anything about
this?" I shook my head.
We trooped the children into the
kitchen. Understand these children
are 20, 17 and 15, and they all three
denied any knowledge about the
cake. Not only hadn't they eaten the
icing, they didn't even know there
was such a thing as icing. Or cake
for that matter.
They didn't seem to have knowl-
edge that civilization had progressed
to the point where cake existed.
I thought I was talking to 4, 5,
and 6 year olds. We never did get to
the bottom of it. So when my chil-
dren have had a bad day at camp
and have been bitten, or some little
kid has drooled in their hair I fig-
ure they're just getting what they

,, This newspaper
Sis printed or
recycled paper.

Submission Deadlines
All news and advertising must be
submitted to the newspaper office
prior to 4:30 p.m. on the Monday
prior to publication, unless otherwise
noted or arranged. Material received
after this time will not be guaranteed
for publication. It is requested that
all news iterns be typed to insure
accuracy in print.

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Available fromnCommercial News Providers"

we ma

Childhood obesity explode ng

and we worry about words
Okay, let's look at this problem of overweight chil- could shed a few yourselves."
dren and adolescents. How many doctors are going to do that?
The people who track these things warn that serious The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
consequences will result if something isn't done about along with medical associations and others, are lean-
the number of young people tipping the' scales at 20 ing toward use of the common terms "overweight" for
percent to 30 percent or more above the \ eight the3 are kids who are just that The ones \ ho are heavier will be
supposed to be at a certain age. called the dreaded "o( oid obese
Fast food, parents % ho don't hae the time or inch- iThe government esumates 17 percent of children
nation to prepare traditional, balanced meals, the easy in the United States wei gh mo0e than 95 percent of
accessibility and variety of soft drinks, lack, of exer- children their age and gender; 34 percent weigh more
cise the list of reasons goes on, One than 88 percent to 94 percent of their
doesn't have to be a graduate nutri- peers. That's 41 percent in a "trouble
tionist or medical doctor to see why I M PRESSIONS zone."
this is happening. / I E I Still, some physicians are wary
And don't kid (no pun intended) l-lF ,.-' 2. _. of making families angry by talking
yourself, it's as big or bigger a prob- f l- bluntly about this problem tagged
lem right here in Baker County. as by many observers as a full-blown
elsewhere. Children are getting fatter and heading for a American epidemic. They and others fret over "loss of
lifetime of health problems if they don't slim down. self-esteem" if children are categorized thusly.
Facing these facts, it's a bit ridiculous to learn we're What about the loss of esteem that comes with en-
wasting time debating how doctors and diet experts are tering early adulthood with a stigma like being over-
supposed to tell children they are fat. weight? What about entering your 30s and 40s plagued
Using the word "fat" is, of course, off-limits. And by problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, poor
knowing that government and the academic professions circulation and a host of other ills directly linked to
couch offensive phrases and words in obscure language weighing too much?
better than anyone else, we now have to decide how to Our obsession with being "correct" could prevent us
deliver the news to our children that they are, well, "at from getting help to someone when it counts the most,
risk" for obesity. early in a lifetime.
Should our pediatricians say, for instance, "Jason ap- Nobody's calling for insensitive bluntness dealing
pears to be inclined to exceed the recommended caloric with the "overweight" epidemic. Let's just use plain
intake on a daily basis, and therefore may be. at risk language, as in-"Son, you're getting too heavy and you
for medical complications in the future caused by body ou re you
mass acceleration beyond that traditionally observed in need to do something about it before it grabs you."
males his age." There's tons of information on the Internet on how
"My recommendation to you as a parent is to urge to battle childhood obesity most of it common sense.
Jason to abstain from caloric intake at his current lev- Let's not worry about "correctness" and "self-es-
els, and combine that effort with exertion of his limbs teem" but instead zero in on informing these children
and joints in activities designed to accelerate his meta- and adolescents in plain language what their prob-
bolic rate." lem is and how to correct it.
Say what? The. best source for this information? Parents, of
Or, the doctor could simply do Ja- course.
son, his parents and society a favor
and say, "Jason weighs too much for
a kid his age. He needs to quit eating Is your water misbehaving?
so much, get off his butt and start be-
ing active.
"And come to think of it, Mr. and
Mrs. (fill'in- the blank), both of you

Letters to the editor are welcome, but must contain
the signature of the writer, a telephone number
where the writer may be contacted and city of
residence. Letters must reflect opinions and state-
ments on issues of current interest to the general
public. The newspaper reserves the right to reject
any material which in the newspaper's judgement
does not meet standards of publication.

O- E




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Social Notice Deadlines
Birth arinunc elier is, wedding rnoties
ard social events must be subniitled
witirn for weeps of the event. It is your
responsibility to ensure protograpners,
etc. are aware o:f thirs policy.

Contact Us-
Phone 904 259-2400
Fax- 904 259-6502
Email bcpress@nefcom.net
Mail P Bo' 598
104 South 511r Sr
Macclennr. FL 32063

Your opinion

Glad city


the park

Dear Editor:
After reading the article this
week on the poor conditions at the
Macclenny park, I want to submit a
comment on behalf of my daughter
and nephew.
My family lives just a few blocks
from the park, and with my home
being so close to Highway 121, I
feel more comfortable taking my
2-year-old daughter and my 6-year
old nephew to the park to play. I of-
ten find myself having to make ex-
cuses to my nephew as to why we
can't go to certain areas of the park
because of the vandalism and poor
My nephew asks me, "Aunt Issy,
lets go sit in the shade under the
pa% ilion My usual response is,
"O nl\ if there isn't any glass or gar-
bage." He doesn't quite understand
why I tell him that, but anyone
who has a 2-year-old toddler will
agree that they seem to pick up ev-
c'ryIiin h asking "%hat' this," and
Lord knows there are plenty ciga-
rette butts to supply a whole army
of "smokes" for a year!
So we tend to stay away from the
areas that are worse, but my nephew
seems to to think it's me being "mean."
He thinks if he picks up the garbage
I \ rll ha\ e a change of heart and atl
1o lurne o\ er there. If a 6-\eai-old
can killingl\ pick up nasbu garbage
that's not even his, why can't others
dispose of their own?
I am very happy to hear that the
park is finally getting the attention
it deserves. Unfortunately, cosmetic
care isn't going 'to be enough. My
hope is that Macclenny puts the
grant money to good use and may-
be installs security cameras that can
catch the vandals and start making
them pay for damage instead of the
city asking for money to fix their
If these "hoodlums" know they
are being watched they might be
just a little reluctant to destroy the
park property.
The small children of Baker
County deserve these parks, and
the older kids shouldn't be allowed
to destroy what means so much to
them. Kudos to the city for finally
acknowledging the situation, but
let's make the effort count.
Christina Gullion

Your opinion counts...
Send us a letter
-and sign it

If so, call us...

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 6, 2006 Page Four

Mother says son's ex

forged his
Police are investigating a Mac-
clenny woman suspected of forg-
ing a note allowing her to pick up
her ex-boyfriend's paycheck while
he was in jail, then forging his sig-
nature.to cash it.
Deput) Trade Benton was un-
able to find Tina Robinson, 33, on
June 29 to question her about the
allegation, %which \was made by
Mary Fulcher, whose son is in jail.
Nis. Fulcher said Ms. Robinson
went to the boyfriend's employer,
W.J. Sapp of Baldwin. and used the
forged note to get his check.
She then cashed it at Baker Bev-
erage. A clerk there did not recall
who cashed the check.
Ms. Fucher gave Deputy Benton
copies of her son's driver's license,
the forged note, and the returned
In other property crimes:

He tried to

for the sex
An Ohio man who said he had
sex with a woman he met at the
Econo Lodge before finding out
she had a boyfriend was arrested
July 2 after he punched her friend
in the nose while trying to apolo-
S.- Joseph Leitmein, 27, of White-
hall, Ohio \as charged with bat-
Deputy Brad Dougherty arrived
at the motel on Woodlawn Road at
4:06 am and spoke with the victim,
Tanimm Mclnarna.,oftMiddleburg,
\\ho %\as staying in a room with
two other \omen and two men.
She said Mr. Leit%%ein \was stay-
ing in the room next to hers and
had come to her door yelling and
screaming, trying to get to one of
the other women. She opened the
door to get him to leave and he
punched her in the nose.
: The deputy noted dried blood
around her-nose. .**
The other t o \w omen w witnessed !
the punch as the:two men slept.
Mr. Leitwein told the officer.he
was working with a long-haul truck
driver and \\as passing through
SMacclennv on his back to Ohio.
He said the first night he stayed
at the Econo Lodge, he met Nis.
Mclnarnav's roommate, w\ho is
from Macclennv, and had sex with
her. ' "
The second night he discovered
she had a boyfriend, \\ho was by
then stad ing in her room.
Mr. Leiiwein said he'd gone to
the room, which was next to his, to
apologize, vowing not to leave un-,
til the woman came outside to hear
the apology. ,
He denied punching.Ms. McI-
However,. 'due to tier bloody
nose and the statements of her two
roommates, Deputy Dougherty ar-
rested him.
By then, motel manager Karen
Clark had approached the officer
and asked that he order the three
women and two men to leave the
premises because of ongoing com-
plaints of arguments..
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Dewey McCoy, 51, and Brett
Dotson, 36. both of Macclenny,
were arrested June 27 for petit theft
after they were seen on a security
video stealing a keg of beer from
Moody's Chevron on US 90.
Mr. McCoy w\as recognized by
an employee of Moody's because
he delivered The Florida Times-
Union to the store.
At first both men denied com-
mitting a crime. Mr. McCoy said
he figured he could take the keg
because on \\as at the side of the
store, while Mr. Dotson told police
"some white guy" gale him per-
mission to take it.
The keg of beer was %alued at
*Clinton Farmer, 42. of Glen St.
Mary was arrested July I for steal-
ing a box fan from the Dollar Gen-
eral Store on US 90.
Mr. Farmer told police he was'
loading the fan in the car for a
woman who was purchasing it.
Neither of the two women accom-
panying him said the\\ were buying
a fan.
The fan was valued at $8.
T'wo 14-year-old boys \ere ar-
rested June 27 for breaking into the
Baker County Alternative School
on MNlinnesota Avenue. Both were
charged with trespassing on school
property, one was also charged
with burglary
George Knabb of Glen St.
Mary reported June 30 that some-
one had stolen his child's four-
wheeler \ which he valued at $800.
Aneie Hickman of Jacksonville
reported June 26 that someone had
stolen her cell phone worth $120
and had broken her hair-straighten-
ing iron.
She suspected her ex.-boy friend.
but he denied it.

Press Advertising
4 pm Monday

j1N Woodlawn Kennels
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Private Spacious *Indoor/Outdoor Runs
Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ...$20-$25
Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip . .. .. .. $10-$15
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Baker County Touchdown Club Youth

Football and

Cheerleader Sign-Ups
Every Saturday in July /
8:00 am-12:00 pm
August 1st and 3rd
5-8:00 pm 1I-

Final Sign-Up
Saturday, August 5
8:00 am NOON
All Sign-ups are at Memorial Field behind
the BP station on Hwy. 90.

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We're only 1.5 miles west of Wal-Mart on US 90. 30 mm. from Mlacclennv.
ie liuae a fidl ern ice depai mnenl, pat is department & ser, ii e colliiion ctnh r
All departments are open Sainrdav fioin .S-5 pmt tfir yoi v cnventniinct.

Library programs
The Emily Taber Public Library
% ill be hosting a teddy bear picnic
with music, stories, puppets, art
and much more on Wednesday,
July 12 from 11:00 to 12:00 pm.
Please bring you favorite teddy
Also, come and learn %with us
about how manners can be fun on
Monday, July 17 from 11.00 to
12:00 pm.
All programs \ ill be held at the
Emily Taber Library in Macclenny.
Ages 4-10 are welcome to attend.

am -~ 4:30 pm

I :7



Reserve Tickets On Sale
July 17-20 & July 24-28
General Public Tickets On Sale }
July 31 August 4

Tickets will be $35 for five (5) home games.

All season tickets will be sold at BCHS front office,-.
between the hours 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 pm.

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She planted this 34 years ago...
GarJdiemarlewiumutmB(, te Sialin 'Ig fAlafCclenn iis ,Avarfeddib te cennir plants she
1,laiiied In /lei Yin~d 34 %t'ear% ago. The plinnatl~e 10 Al/c co and a mieinbei of the agave
tamilt-. bloomst enl: nC Ili S 1.4'11111. Selidlii'V lip 0 single flot ered stalk ithat cani rea, Ih 40
fret atitheight .Alur blcoiming. the plariti dkj Naiit'Aiv erican- used the cemunr pant as ia
soulrLe 0! suap. to(ed hhibi. ,.udi'c me cand %Itipruas. PHOTO j uiKIsLLE'i L NNNIC N

THE BAKER COUNTYPRESS Thursday, July 6, 2006 Page Five

' I

Signs directing Wal-Mart traffic west to US 90
Severql signs. along US 90 westbound froi tin d A itl-Ahl-A Distr'ibution Centlrt i Ii t proitr,,iciai st i eekt in ,t' rt / l it ir l .'i ,'.ta rriuicl
traffic from turiith It f t it 7 c tlu yit, L Gle St Alan' arind Sander son betor, tca 'h lg triteriltt sIt i a irt 'tnrSt nt r iti it i ,'
reqiiesteied .i(inil\' hs. Iht Cr' I ./ A Ihccltiien iii tc. ii donh/'i ii re aklih:ar 'h c'i niitiittiie andt Gt ir St Aiinr. ii ifose H main iv 't:-ii ih tr'aJ.
arte J Odtq Iate to ,L. 'o u irte i ri r ci, ir.tu ailr ii .r Easrbound trrak irrth,.: Io. the I tW l-A-art r ilen l ter it ail iuciA, i .I US 9 i,

He said, she said... both charged

The sheriff's department filed
charges against a husband and % ife
who accused each other of domes-
tic violence June 26.
Mar\ Sapp. 42. of NMacclenn\.
said she was working g tor her re-
centlh-estranged husband at his
home on Contederate Drn\e in
Glen St. MNarN.
She told Deputy Adam Faircloth
that she tried to remove personal
items from the business office
around 3:00 pm, but that her hus-
band grabbed and pulled some files
from her. injuring her wrists.
She told the officer she'd moved
out of the house about a month ear-
lier, but continued to iork for the
Her husband. Ronald Sapp, 52,
said his wife had been removing
business-related files ever since
she moved out. He also said that
as he reached for the files she %\as
-- carr ing he -1hit 1im in the' face
and neck. He v as bleeding from a

Had drugs

A Starke man was arrested June
30 for illegal possession of prescrip-
tion drugs after he was stopped for
not having a tag on his car.
Nikolas Porfiriadis, 20, was
headed south on SR 121 and try-
ing to turn left onto Interstate 10
east around 11:15 am when Deputy
James Parham III noticed the miss-
ing tag.
Mr. Porfiriadis said he'd just
bought the car and had yet to trans-
fer the title.
The officer noticed a small pre-
scription pill bottle beside the -pas-
senger seat where Joshua Davis,
18, of Middleburg was sitting. The
bottle contained 60 Xanax pills.
Mr. Davis said he'd picked them
up for his sister, then admitted tak-
ing some the night before. Mr. Por-
firiadis said he'd taken three or four
pills that morning.
Both were charged with posses-
sion of a controlled substance, and
Mr. Porfiriadis was cited for not
having a tag and failing to show his
license when asked.'

small cut behind his ear, and had opened, and unopened cornespon-
scratches on his wrists and arms. dence to Mr. Sapp.
Because DeputN Fairclodt not- Because the officer could not
ed that most of the files Ms. Sapp determine %%ho the aggressor \\as,
tried to remove had her personal he filed a batted\ ,domestic % violence
financial papers, but also contained charge against exch.

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Wouldn't st

A Jacksonville man was arrested
July 1 for disorderly conduct af-
ter refusing police orders to calm
James Eddings, 22, was outside
a home on Eastwood Road in Mac-
clenny around 3:00 pm arguing
with the occupants.
He told Deputy Ben Anderson
that it was an argument over prop-
erty and the officer warned him to
stop arguing and simply get his
*Mr. Eddings, however, tried to
instigate another argument by yell-
ing at the residents, and, was ar-
On June 30, Lonnie Combs. 36,
of Sanderson \\as arrested for traf-
fic offenses.
Deputy John Warren Hardin
spotted Mr. Combs driving fast
northbound on South Si\th Street
around 2:00 am, and making g an
abrupt left turn on Lo\\der Street
As the officer chased him. N l.
Combs \eered across the tenter

$4.50 for 15 words


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top arguing
line several times.
Deputy Hardin eventually
stopped him on West Minnesota.
Mr. Combs was cited for driving
with a suspended license and care-
less driving.

fNH Ac

I T'Ii~iiW=I

i, a ',,'i ofl Eec,:uti'rn issued in ihe County Court
or01 Baker County, Florida on Ihe 17in day of May
2006 in ire cause wherern .sset Acceptance
LLC *.aas plainOHf and D.ouglas J Brosseau was
deiendar. being Case No 05 CC-344 in said
COurl I Joey B Dobson as Srerff :of Baker
County Florida. nave levied upon all Ire right, ti-
lie. and inleresl of Ine defendant, Douglas J
Brosseau. in and to10 he following describDed
property to wil
2006 GMC Van, Vin#IGTG225V061118787
(Note: Anyone interested In viewing the
vehicle being sold should do so prior to the
time of the sale at Moran's Motor & Wrecker
Service located at 59 North 7th Street, Mac-
clenny, FL.)
I riaill orier [his property Ior -male at the front en-
Irance I01 r.e Bayer Cournly Courlri'nuse 339 E,
Ma,'clenny A,.erue in Macclenny. County of
Baver Staie o FlridoaS or, July 18 2006 at Ihe
nour o 11 00 am or as soon inereafter as pos .
IDole I will ofer r r sale all ol Irn sa,a defen-
danis Douglas J Brosseau, rgrht iitle and inter-
esl in aloresaid property ai public auction and
will sell tre same subjecl 1o taxes, Io all prior
hler-,. encumbrances and ludgements. if any to
ir,- rignest an DoE:It bidder .-.r CASH IN HAND
Tre proceeds Ic:' be ap ,liid a: rar a': may Oc to
tinie raren|l 0COII r si.-J ihe atiisla':lion of the
.s-.e ,escribed e,.e,-ui.:r, I NOTE In accor-
d,"h'e .'.*ir, he A" ivr.an, i e rn Disabilties Act.
F sro.ns *.. r disaFtii.' neeid.ng. spe-'lI accom.
mro.:,daon to parri,.:,al in ir,, i o. F":e:. ,rng ShOuld
contaci ir. e Baer Courni, en er ,h,:e at 904-
:.95.0245 prr, IT t ir,- ,.lae ,e I :in -rip al I
Sn .Joey B. Dobson
Sheriff to Baker County, Florida
By: Pamela L. Davis
Civil Process Deputy
6 615.76




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B .".. .:' .. ./ :.a I .s i 'T .'., n f.. re a..trit.': ittrrm..'i-. at..a eit qua.t'i,.za,'i and e.'.,rtnc,'e


The Baker County District School Board will
noidO Inhe following OutlIc rearing on Monday July
31 2006, in ihe BaKer Counrt District Sch:ol
Board Room located at 270 Sounh Bouietara
East. Beginning at 6:30 p.m (to be held consecu-
n The public is invited and encouraged to at-
This documerinis are available for preview at
nme Baker Courir/ Scho.:ol Board office located at
392 Soulh Boulevara East. Macclenn% Florida,
8 30 am 4 00 pm. Monday inrougri Trhursdav
The public is ;iri;ied to attend.
Paula T. Barton
Superintendeni of Schools
6/22 7/6. 7/20c

P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST
GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120
Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146
Trie following venicle witl oe sold ai public
auction July 21i. 2006 at 1000 am at1 Higginrbo-
tham s Towing & Reco.'er, uS 90 West Glen St
Mary. FL 320-10
1995 Saturn, ID#G8ZH5286SZ163163
Registration of Fictitious Names
I the undersigned, being duly sworn do
hereby declare under oath Inal Ihe names of all
persons interested in the business or profession
carried on under the name of Fosters Construc-
tion and Ine extent o0 the interest of each is as
Robert Foster 60%
Morris Foster 40%
Robert Foster
Morris Foster
S Signature
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th
day of June, 2006.
;AI Fraser
Clerk of Court
Baker County, Florida
: By, Katie Kennedy
S/ As Deputy Clerk
7/6p .
The ST Johns Ri.ver Water Manage.rneri D.s-
irici has received tie applications ior Environ-
mental Resource Permits from
Morrells, 461 SW Deputy J Davis Lane,
Lake City, FL 32024, application #40-003-
106292-1. The project is located in Baker
County, Section 32, Township 02 South,
Range 22 East. The ERP application for con-
struction of a surface water management sys-
tem for a 0.87 acre commercial development
known as Morrell's of Macclenny.
Jimmy Yarborough, 9228 South SR 228.
Macclenny. FL 32063, application #40-003-
106305-1. The project is located in Baker
County, Section 07. Township 03 South,
Range 22 East. The ERP application is for
construction of a surface water management
system for a 14.49 acre commercial develop-
ment known as Lakes at Wopdlawn.
STnhe files containing eacn.qi, Ihe above-listed
applications are available lor inspection Monday
inrouqh Friday ex;epi t for legal rihiildaVs, 8:00
a m 10 5 00 p rr, at The S Jonns Ri..er Water
Marnagemenr, Disitri Headquarters or the ap-
propriaTe Ser,ic. Center Vriiten OticLlions to
the applicaiion rria, be made. rbu sriouhld be filed
with received ,.,i1the District Clerk, 4049 Reid
St., Paiaih.a. FL .32177-1429, no later than 14
aays Irn.ri li-,e i1le OT pubri: ahr.n 'r'jrin r, a-r islc.
tions should iderni, ir te Oblecior c", name an
address. and fully describe the oOlechion T, Trie
application Filing a written objection does not
eniille you to a Chapter 120, Florida Statutes Ad-
miinstralive hearing Onl) those persons whose
substantial interests are affected by the applica-
tion and who file a petition meeting the require-
ments of Sections 120.596 and 120.57, Florida
Statutes and Chapter 28-106 Florida Administra-
tive Code may obtain an Administrative hearing.
All Timely filed wri rieri objections will be presented
to the ic.,ard or c.:.nrsiJeraii.on in its deliberations
on application prior to the Board taking action on
Ihe applicaiic.n
Gloria Le ,. Director
Division of Permit Data Services
St. Johns River Water Management District

CASE NO.: 02-04-0193-CA

L. HALL, his wife,
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to an Or-
der of Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in
the above captioned action, I will sell the proper-
ty situate in Baker County, Florida, described as
Commence at. the SE right of way of
the intersection of SR 23-D and SR
23-C, both being 60 foot right of way
as now established, thence S 0 deg.
13'30" W, along said right of way of
State Road 23-C, 394.85 feet; thence S
89 deg. 52'55" E, 433.54 feet to the
Point of Beginning; thence continue S
89 deg. 52'55" E, 216.80 feet; thence N
0 deg. 13'30" E, 1997.86 feet; thence N
89 deg. 55'23" W, 216.80 feet; thence S
0 deg. 13'30" W, 197,72 feet to the
Point of Beginning. Said lands lying
and being in Section 6, Township 2
South, Range 22 East, Baker County,
FL. LESS AND EXCEPT any part lying
within road right of way.
at public sale to the highest and best bidder
fol[ cash, at the front door of the Baker County
Courthouse, Macclenny, Florida, at 11:00 am on
the 18th day of July, 2006.
Thomas "AI" Fraser
Clerk of Circuit Court
By: Jamie Crews
Deputy Clerk
Hugh D. Fish
Florida Bar No.:0242861
RP.O.Box 531
Macclenny, FL 32063
Telephone (904) 259-6606

305 East Florida Avenue
Macclenny, Florida 32063
America's Best Storage of Macclenny will
conduct a public sale to the highest bidder for
cash only on their premises at 305 East Florida
Avenue, Macclenny, FL 32063, on Saturday, July
8, 2006 at 10:00 am, on the following unit. The
company reserves the right to reject any bid and
withdraw any items from the sale.
#105 Tammy McCullough

\ Kt-'irh Muse ~ ncr (F~1 ri~d

keith MUSe 0%%n'er

C B. C Cl


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 6, 2006 Page Six

In a heartbeat, he admits

that he possesses cocaine
A Glen St. Mary man who was "My dad is going to kill me. I
so nervous that a deputy "could mean, not for real, but he is gonna
observe his heart beat through his be mad at me," Mtr. Griffis said.
shirt," was arrested June 30 for When Deputy Bennett asked him
possession of cocaine, if he had an contraband -,and to be
Chad Griffis, 26, was sitting in honest about it he started, to cry
his car backed onto a tram road and pointed to his front shirt pocket'
near Horseshoe Loop when Deputy where the officer saw a small piece
Garrett Bennett approached his car of plastic containing powder co-
around 7:00 pm. caine.
When the officer asked .him A search of the car turned up'
what he was doing, Mr. Griffis said three rocks of crack cocaine and a
he was going through a divorce and container of alcohol.
was just trying to get away. Mr. Griffis was arrested and his
The deputy asked him why he father was called to pick up the
was so nervous, car.

Cats as hot as weather

The Wildcats' summer base-
ball team defeated Class 3A state
champion Episcopal 3-2 June 27,
according to coach John Staples.
Kelly Davis accounted for the
winning score with a home run in
the top of the seventh.
Bobby Dugard threw seven
strong innings before giving way
to Brad Griffis who pitched the fi-
fal two.
Curtis Lowery had a couple of
hits for.the Cats.
Two days later, they dominated
Trinity 11-3, picking up 15 'hits
including Kirk High's sixth home
run of the summer.
Travis Tyson, Rob Kirkland and

Thinking ahead to
BCHS golf season
Baker High boys golf coach John
Staples reminds his guys that free
fall sports physical are scheduled
for 8:00 am July 20 in the cafeteria.
He said the team is returning the
nucleus from last year's squad that
won 18 matches. The 2005 Cats
went to regionals, the furthest that
any BCHS golf team has advanced.
"I think this year we will face
the adversity of not having a course
a little bit more than last year," he
said, referring to the closing of Pin-
e\ iew Golf and Country Club. "Last
)ear it had just closed and guys were
still on their came. This Near it will
be about who gets out and plays on
days off.
"Either \\a), we'll have fun and
compete every match out."

Monday @ 5:00 pm

Thomas Ireland led the offensive
onslaught, Staple said..
Griffis pitched five innings to
get the win. Ridge Sweat and Tyler
Thomas closed out the game.
"The fact that we don't prac-
tice at all, in the summer and just
show up for games is a credit to
where these guys have come abil-
ity-wise," Staples said in a written
statement. "Episcopal w as a good
solid win against a team hot off a
state championship "
He also noted that a lot of ju-
nior \arsit\ players are getting a.
lot of playing time in the summer.

Baseball sign-up
If your child is interested in
playing fast pitch baseball for ages-
12 and under for the fall season
please call 912-843-2713
- ;
Mt. Zion N.C.
Methodist Church
121 North 259-4461
Pastor Bobby Griffin
Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship 11 00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Service 7 00 pm

For God so loved the world. thai he
gave his only begonen Son, thal
whosoever believer in him should not
perish but have everlasling life
John 3 16

Dr. Nancy E. Davie
Licensed Mental Health Counselor

259-1758 117 S. Fifth St.
* Child, Adolescent, Adult & Marital Therapy


SCustom Homes Additions Remodels
259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell.
5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 1
RR License No. 282811470


SRegina Starling

S60 -)r all \')tur lending

602 South Sixth St.
.. -Macclenny
-, ,.Office 259-6702



ed in Iraq
the Euphrates River. He is the son
of Mag and Jim McGauley, also of

A segment broadcast on Good
Morning Jacksonville Saturday
by WTLV featured an' interview
via satellite with Cpl. Patrick Mc-
Gauley of Glen St. Mary, who is
stationed in Ramadi on his second
tour in Iraq.
The ten-minute broadcast in-
cluded conversations between Cpl.
McGauley and his sister Rosemary
Nickles, who along with her hus-
band Nlichael were in the television
studio downtown. The Marine was
also interviewed by Good Morning
host Victor Blackwell. Lance Cpl.
Michael Powers of Middleburg was
highlighted as well during the July
1 feature. The station broadcasts
satellite link interviews with First
Coast area servicemen and women
ser\ ing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Cpl. McGauley,' a Marine re-
servist, is attached to the 2nd Am-,
phibious Assault Battalion based in
Jacksonville. He is on temporary
assignment in Ramadi, a protin-
cial capitol about 70 miles west
of Baghdad. He was wounded by
mortar fire in early June and short-
ly after re-joined his unit patrolling,

child care in the evening hours?
If so, please call
Child Care & Learning Center

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Under New Ownership
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You Are Invited

Pastor Bobby Griffin

retires after 19 years!

Mt. Zion New Congregational Methodist
Church cordially invites you to take part
in our celebration of the retirement of our
Pastor Bobby Griffin and his wife Faye Griffin.

Special Services Will Be:

July 9, 2006 11:00 am
Special Speaker David Dinkins
Special Singers Robert Norman & Don Self
Lunch served after 11:00 am services
All friends and family are invited to attend.
Join us for a day of celebration and appreciation.

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231 N. 5th St., Macclenny

July 15th
11:00 am 1:00 pm


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Dine-In or Take Out

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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 6, 2006 Page Seven


Virginia Hulett

dies June 30th
Virginia Irene Hulett, 67, of
Glen St. Mary died in her home
on Friday, June 30, 2006., Mrs.'
Hulett was born December 1.7,
1938 in Broxtoni, Ga., to the late,
Levi and Pearl Carlton Pipkins.
She resided in Baker County since
1951. Mrs. Hulett was a member,
of Souls Harbor Church of God
in Glen St. Mary. She enjoyed joy
riding.and visiting people.
Family members include her
loving husband of 46 years, Jack
Hulett of Glen St. Mary; son Jesse
Hulett (Lisa), also of Glen St.
Mary; brother Levi Buddy Pipkins
of Hobbs, New Mexico; sisters
Francis Brown of Macclenny,
Eula Mae Pipkins Unger and
Mary Olivia Pipkins, both of Port
Charlotte, Fla.; grandchildren Jes-
sica Leann Hulett and Kendell
Ray Hulett.
A funeral service was held
on Monday July .3-at her church
at 2:00 pm with Pastors James
Scottand Shane Smith Qfficiating.
Interment will follow in MNanto\\ n
Cemetery. V. Todd Ferriera Fun-
eral Services took care of all the
arramcement .

In loving memory of
Dwaine nAllen.
12/07/73 6/25/05
One year and many, tears, with
a heart full of memories, you will
always be near. .
We miss your love, though
we know your spirit is with God

fJ First United '
93 h. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Youth: ,, 6:00 pm
Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm
Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm
Open Hearts. Open Minds, Open doors.
K John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor

CR 127 N. of Sanderson

Saturday, July 8

"Servant's Heart"
Refreshments will be served
Bro. Ernie Terrell Welcomes

Edith Williams

funeral July 1st
Mrs. Edith Mildred Williams,
86, of Glen St. Mary died Wed-
nesday, June 28, 2006 at the Mac-
-lenny Nursing & Rehab Center
following an extended illness.
She was born in Macclenny and
moved to Jacksonville in 1942,
then moved back to Glen St.
Mary in 1988. She was the daugh-
ter of the William Cicero Crews
and Clara Ellison Crews, and the
widow of the late Walter Lamar
"Mac" Williams. She worked in
central supply for Baptist Med-
ical Center in Jacksonville for
17 years. Mrs. Williams was a
Protestant. She was also prede-
ceased by her son Clyde D. Wil-
Survivors include daughters
Clara (Sonny) Nelson. Paulette
Sealey, Joan (Willie Mckay)
Carpenter and Debbie (Cleve)
Perryman, all of Glen St. Mary;
; son Sammn L. iRosl.,ni Williams
of Jacksont ille: grandchildren
Lamar Nelson, Da% id Perr man.
Mark Carpenter. Keith Williams,
Kns Scale', Jason Perryman, Kini
Issace and Denise McGlew; 21
SAdfuneral service was held at
11:00 am Saturday, July 1, at the
SChristian Fellowship: Temple in
Macclenny with Pastor David
Thomas officiating, assisted by
Pastor Donnie E. Williams% Sr., of
Calvary Baptist Church. Interment
followed in Taylor Cemetery.
Guerry Funeral Home was in
charge of all arrangements.

VBS July 10-14
Vacation Bible School will be
held July 10-July 14 at the Church,
of God by Faith in Sanderson.
Classes begin at 7:30 nightly.
The theme of this summer's
sessions is "God's power for my
For more details, call 275-2092.

First Baptist Churchi
Sof Sanderson
CR 229 S., Sanderson FL
Sunday School ..... ....10 am
Sun. Morning Worship ... .11 am
Sun. Evening Worship .... .6 pm
Wed. Eve. Bible Study ... .7 pm
Pastor Bob Christmas


,'aw Hope for /&- Conumnilt
Five Churche Roajd
Hy \i12 Sarnder4.,n, FL
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Mlorning Worship 11:00 a.m.
\Ved. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Evenr' 4 Sunday Night Serice 7:00 p.m.
S idell/f:. Williams -Pastor

Offering services in a quiet,
thoughful and professional

Guerry Funeral Home
...a tradition of excellence continues.

Bryan Guerry L.D.


420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East)

5' '-, S 'S -

Faili r Chlarhi' Cc.u di- int Ih.i .ili sciri t', as f ,1/'1,ici .t St. P t r A'ii., l oi Fdll,i.u silp.
Photob, Kelle\ Lanniann

Father Charlie retires

BY KELLEY LANNIGAN But Frank Cervehy, Bishop of
Press Staff the Dioce-se of Florida at the time,
ca: had other plans for the ne\" retiree.
Wearing his favorite chasiuble The bishop sent him to NMacclenny
robe with its endearing embroi- aspriest-in-charge of what was
dered butterfly that winks in and then St. James Episcopal Church,
out of the folds ashe moves, Father which had lone been a church of
Charlie Coit preached and admin- inission tatuS % without a perma-
istered his last official communion nent, full-time priest.'
at St. Peter's Anglican Fellow ship Father Charlie was at the helm
in Macclenny last month. He had of the church January 1 when the
served the church for 19 years. congregation decided to withdraw
"Ser ing this congregation has its affiliation from the Episcopal
been fun," Father Charlie said. Church USA and reform as St.
"These people, they love each Peter's Anglican Fellowship under
other, they take care of each other. the auspices of the Anglican Alli-
They are such a family, ance of North Florida.
"I've celebrated my 50th wed- As St. Peter's searches for a new
ding. anniversary here and my 80th priest, services will be overseen by
I birthday. I married lots of folks volunteer clergy from other Angli-
over the years and we built a new Canchurches until one is found.
wing onto the church. So much has can churches until one is found.
happened during those years and. Meanwhile, Father Charlie con-
now it's time for my second retire. tinues to belnvolved as part ofthe
now its timefor my s St. Peters mil,retire but a member
. m e n t . ., .
Failing e e, i nh[t and i recent o Fte conh,-.g. on .
,ocula l 'stroke helped fihalize "i ls F ,.he 1 h"^ e
S [c1 2s' e hi v. 1lit I _,enle of humor. jokes.
SFather Charlie, who has a de- about the fact that his wife Alma
gree in architectural engineering sewed the bu tterfly his priest's r
and is originally from Ohio, earned robeto cover up a cigarette burn.
a master of divinity from Kenyon it's Hen loves the butterfly because
College and began serving Episco- ad the resurrection. He views hist
pal churches in the north Florida second retirement like the butterfly
area in the 1970s. He retired from second aeniremend like the butterfly
the clergy in 1987. not an ending, just the beginning
of another part of life's journey.

St. Peters Anglican Fellowship
Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla.
Sunday School 9:00 am
Sunday Service 10:00 am

Glen Hill Primitive Baptist Church
Elder Arnold Johns
Sunday Services Starting 10:30 am
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm
,For information call: 259-9567

First Baptist Church
a Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM
A Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM
I -j Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM

Senior Pastor
David Thomas

A Beaco
to Baker

Perry Hays, Associate Pastor
Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor



Independent Pentecostal Church
Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny

Sunday School
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Evening Worship
Wednesday Night Service
Radio, WJXR 92.1 Sunday

Youth Programs

Sunday School
Common Ground Sunday
Common Ground Wed. (Teens)
God Kids Sunday
God Kids Wednesday


CR 127 N. of Sanderson
Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Ptoming Service 11:00 am
Sunday Night Serce 6:00 pmin
Wed. Night Service, 7:50 pm
Where Everyone Is Somebody and
Jesus is the Leader
Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell

573 S. 5th-St. 259-6059
Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am
Fellowship 10:.30 am 11:00 am
Worship Services
S 11:00 am
S \\ed. Bible Study
":30. pm
.M ministerr
:;': ... Sanm F. Kitching

HOliness Church
CR 127 N., .Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 10:00 am
Morning Worship. 1i1:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm
% Pastor: Oral E. Lyons .

f ill

,- Par T A s

23-A to Laurarnm re Rd & Fairgr,:uiijnr :. Rd.
Sunday School 9:45 am
Sunday AM Worship 11:00 am
Sunday PM Services 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
Pastor J.C. Lauramore Welcomes All

Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life
Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Ev'ening Worship 6:1.11 P.M.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M.
Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner
North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500

Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us
Glen Friendship Tabernacle
Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary
WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am
Morning Worship Service 10:30 am
Children's Church 11:30 am
Evangelistic 6:00 pm
Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm
Rev Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521

Exceptional Praise & Worship Come be a
Warm, Frinedly Folks of
what God
A Sunday School Your Children will love! is doing!
Sunday @ 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. / \\ dinesdja> ai 7:00 p.m.

H gh ;-,- 0W s Gl- S --.' a F lor ia- .,0.,


-IF &I lk c 11 F

Suinda Nh~lonn Wisp
Sund1a% Ewrning I~i~rsh

t1):.lI a m

., I\ r 1 I" 1,. ,,I ,'1. ,. ,r1 .. ..
"I Loring Church with a Crowing lision of Excellence
"... '1 l l. ;-,n ,,FI- n R .-,' ,l, -; .... III. I :" .; [ ,
.*':"' Kambrell Richardson.

Grandparents are Kevin and
Nancy Crews and Gordon and
Cathy Richardson. Proud great-
grandparents are Jackie and An-
glis Davis, Sharon Crews, Doyle
and Betty Sapp. Emma's great-
great grandmother is Belle Cole-

Colson Lne .iltman

Born June 5th
Connor Altman is proud to
announce the birth of his babN
brother Colson Lane Altman
on June 5. 2006 at St. Vincent's
Medical Center in Jacksonville. He
weighed eight pounds, five ounces
and 20 1/2 inches long.
Proud parents are Shannon and
Ashley Altman of Glen St. Mary.
Grandparents are Arthur and June
Altman of Glen St. Mary and
Ronnie and Stephanie Kerce of
Jackson% ille.

I r.
Laldi id Gabriel Oca

Born June 22
Brother Landen is proud to
announce the bir[h of brother
Gabriel Ryan Oca. He %%as born
June 22 at Baptist Medical Center
in Jacksonville, %weighing 7 lbs.,
2 oz.
Proud parents are Freddie and
Brandi Oca of Glen St. Mary.

Monday @ 5:00 pmr



-for the week of July 10-14
MONDAY: Meatballs w/ gravy over.
egg noodles, creamed corn. green peas,
roll, tropical Iruit mi\.
TUESDAY: Macaroni and cheese w/
ham, sweet potatoes, garden salad w/ dress-
ing. wheat bread, banana.
WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti w/ meal
sauce, garlic bread, carrots. green beans
and bread, corn bread. gelatin v./ topping
THURSDAY: Lima beans and ham.
collard greens, nce. cornbread.
FRIDAY: MNeatloaf. mashed potatoes,
applesauce, white bread, tomatoes & cukes


The Area Agency on Aging for
,Northeast Florida seeks volunteerss
from Baker County to join the
award-winning SHINE (Serving
Health Insurance Needs of Elders)
program that helps older people
make informed decisions about
Medicare and other health insur-
ance matters.
Volunteers also make presenta-
tions to groups and participate in
health fairs, senior citizen events
and other activities. For more de-
tails on how .ou can be a part of
this worthwhile cause, call Debra
Phillians at 391-6645.

Kiniberly Anne Delbne.
formerly of Glen St. Mary,
and Keavin Douglas Pridgen
of Kelly, North Carolina were
united in marriage on Saturday.
May 20th. 2006 at Haw Bluff
Baptist Church in Rowan. North
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Steve De \Ine of
Teacher. Nor(h Carolina land
the groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs, Virgil Duffie 'of Council,
North Carolina.
The couple honeymooned in
Gatilinburg, TenneN\ee and will
reside in Kelly, North Carolina.

Bud's Neptune Motors

Service Department

Now Servicing and rebuilding
transmissions and other
vehicle repairs. '


Must be 4 years old by

September 1st

3 hours per day
(9 a.m. 12 p.m.)

^ Certified Teachers

^ Before and after care available

Now registering all ages

Special Blessings Infant and School

Readiness Center

590 N 7th Street


Baker student
gets scholarship
-Ashton Norman was awarded
a $1000 scholarship from the Na-
tional FFA Organization.
Ms. Norman, a 2006 Baker High
graduate and member of the Baker
County Sr. FFA, will use the funds
to pursue a degree at Lake City
Community College.
She is the daughter of Todd and
Debbie Norman, of Macclenny.
She was chosen from 6390 appli-
cants from across the country. Se-
lections were based on applicants'
academic record. FFA and other
school and community activities, a
supervised agricultural experience
program. and future goals..
BASF Agricultural Products
sponsors the scholarship, which is
one of 1821 awarded through the
National FFA Scholarship Program
this year. Corporate sponsors ha'e
contributed more than $2.2 million
this year.

Thank you
Macclenny Nursing & Rehab
Center, along %with Becky Mc--
Duffie. Director of Nursing, thank
the following companies for your
contributions during National
Certified Nursing Assistant's
A Touch of Spring, Top Notch,
Red Nails, Shear Charm, Forever
Tan. Pier 6, Subway. Taylor'd
BBQ, Wings Galore. Woody's, JL
Vincent. Elianos, Bath & Body
Works, and Gibson McDonald.

$4.50 for 15 words

Ha y'V 1.0 BrrhSavIl
r 6rac~e '

Scholars recognized

Lake City Community College
congratulates the following stu-
dents for scholastic achievement
for spring 2006 semester. The pres-
ident's' list features those students
with a grade point average of 4.0.
The vice president's list features
those with 3.5 Or higher and no
grade below C in any course they
have taken.
President's list Daniel Adam
Reavis and Cynthia Ruth Starling.

Vice president's list David
Barton, Whittney Burda, Jason
Cantrell, Amanda Cavannaugh,
Jessica Crews, Ashley Dugger,
Julie Ellis, Jackquelyn Given,
Alicia Hart, Kristen Huskey, Justin
Jones, Katie Newmans, Shannon
Nickels, Adelaide Recinella, Traci
Rhoden, Priscilla Rhoden, Dana
Ruise, Stephanie Smallwood,
Kashanda Smith and Deborah

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For the outdoor sportsman,
some of Florida's best hunting
is in Baker County, as a large
parts of the Osceola- National
Forest lies within its boundar-
ies. The abundance of lakes
in the county and nearby pro-
vide great fishing opportunities.
Located in the national forest
is the 800-acre Ocean Pond;
great for those who enjoy swim-
'ming and water skiing.
The homes in Sands Pointe
range from 1,800 sq. ft. to
over 3,000 sq. ft., with 1 and
2-story plans avail-
able. Prices start in
he low $200's.
The model at
Sands Pointe,
which was entered
in this year's NEFBA
Parade of Homes,
is the Weschester
II, which is
2,275 sq. ft.

"Homebuyers just love the
open feel of this 4 bedroom, 2
bath plan," says Semanik.
Upon entering the foyer,~this
plan has a formal living room,
dining room and a decorative
niche. The, large kitchen
includes a breakfast nook and
breakfast bar that overlooks the
family room. The family room is
sure to be the favorite room of
the house, with a fireplace and
built-in entertainment center.
The back wall is nothing but
glass with fourtall sliders, which
when opened' to the covered
lanai and screen-enclosed
pool with cascading waterfall,
create a large in-door/out-door
entertaining space.
The master suite with a'tray
ceiling has a luxury bath with
his and her sinks, large walk-
in closet, separate toilet room,
glass shower and a Roman

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 6. 2006 Page Two-B

Morrell's coming to Macclenny

(From Page 1)
Commissioner Julie Combs'
suggested the county offer Ms.
Rhoden a pay raise.
However, Mr. Robinson said
the departing employee as-
sured him money wasn't an
issue; it was just that she felt
strongly about going to work for
her church.
In a related matter, Amanda
Smith of the Northeast Florida
Regional Council told county
commissioners she's decided
to become a stay-at-home mom
after the birth of her baby last
Ms. Smith had advised the
county on planning and zoning
matters under a contract with
the NFRC.

County commissioners are
upset with the developer of
West Glen Estates, located
north of US 90 and south of
Cowpen Road.
During the first reading for
a rezoning request from agri-
cultural to a planned unit de-
velopment, residents who'd
purchased property that was
parved out of the original par-
cel complained they weren't
told of owner Greg Boree's
-plans for the PUD.
One commissioner char-
acterized it as an unrecorded
Mr. Robinson said, "This
is one of those 'Uh, oh! I got
some property and I have to
hurry up and do something
with it."
Commissioners also ques-
tioned why so little paving will
be done on adjacent roads.
"It looks like he [designed]
it so he didn't have to pave the
roads," Commissioner Gordon
Crews said. "I'll have, a hard
time supporting this project
without a consensus on paying
some of these roads."
Commissioner Combs sug-
gested they "go back to the
drawing board."
Mr. Robinson added sardoni-
cally, "Good luck with the sec-

ond reading."
West Glen Estates is propos-
ing a 982-acre development
with 185 single-family homes,
a "rural commercial" area and
an equestrian center.


DOT's James Bennett down-
played the need for a variance
that-would allow increased traf-
fic on Interstate 10 and remove
the last' major hurdle to explo-
sive, wide-ranging growth.
The idea is being supported
by large property owners who
can't develop the land because
the highway's current level of
Mr. Bennett's presentation
at a workshop appeared to so-
lidify the commission's general
skepticism about applying for
the variance.
At a previous commission
meeting, Mike Yarborough said
he and the Knabb family have
been working two years on a
project in the eastern part of
the county. He added that he
has spoken with a couple of
developers in the west county
and another in the middle who
are also looking at large-scale


* *0

The county is selling an in-
terest in a sliver of land in front
of the post office to Walgreen's
at a nominal price so that the
company can position an off-
site sign for its store planned
at the intersection of Sixth and
Lowder streets.
The City of Macclenny's sign
ordinance prohibits it.
The strip of land runs paral-
lel to Lowder in front of the post,
office, from the west driveway
to near Fifth Street.
The Walgreen's sign will be
-placed there, so it can be seen
'by people traveling on Fifth.
The company will also in-
clude a sign for the post of-

The county commission ap-
proved a revised site plan for a
subdivision north of Macclenny
after the developer redesigned
the entrance to allow school
buses to pull in and pick up
Commissioners Mark Hartley
and Ms. Combs raised safety
concerns May 2 when Creek-

side Oaks sought approval of
its site plan.
They, objected to children
from the development having
to wait for buses on SR 121,
where the speed limit is 60
miles per hour.
Creekside Oaks is a 71-unit
subdivision located on the
west side of the highway about
half a mile north of CR 23B. It
will have just one entrance, so
buses couldn't drive through
and the streets are two small
for a bus to turn around.
Although the school board
had approved the arrangement,
Mr. Hartley and Ms. Combs,
along with Fred Raulerson,,vot-
ed to have the developer come
up with a solution.

If your home has
interior design,
architecture or
special features-
Contact Kelley Lannigan at

Sellers, ask me about my

current List-to-Sale Ratios!
(More money in your pocket)

Fab,ilcI5cou'cnir% scrnng oifcrs pri-.acl and Joc.01.15and .'und b-, a serene rnt r or-
a beaun~fui landscapes. access tori'.er~i dc i'cnng se -,on and aanz Lng -ie;nozompa-
unjl- and enc'uoh tand todc.) an% ihjrng wed b% great marure ..J-s O~er~izcd pond
33BRI2B3A all brick home feanmres neot on properR~ is fiiII stocked Land alread%
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Florida "


A Little Bit of History! This 2,445 sf house was built circa 1910 and
also has a separate commercial building on the lot (right). The home
may be renovated for offices, retail, restaurant or any other use allowed
in a Commercial General Zone. Lot size is 99' x 215' with lots of poten-
tial for two separate businesses. 99' frontage on US Hwy. 90 and 215'
frontage on First Street. REDUCED $445,000

Real Results.

Nice I acre lot in Keaton Beach.
Five minutes to Gulf of Nlexico. This
lot can be used for mobile homes or
site built homes. Priced for quick sale
Building Lot, conveniently
located between Glen St. Mary and
Macclenny. This heavily wooded lot
is restricted to site built homes only.
3/4 acre + priced at $34,900.
Nice 3 BR/1 BA frame home with
new vinyl siding and CH/A. Recently

Bring the kids and their horses. 14.88 nice acres. Part hay field and remodeled and ready to move into.
part wooded with small creek and catfish pond. 3 BR/2 BA doublewide Located on, Tony Givens Road -in
S' Sanderson "'on "I acre. $125,000
N IH with extra hookup for a second MH and two extra wells. ConVenient Re to $1,00,00
-Reduced to $1.00,000.
to Jacksonville. Located on NW 216th Street in Lawtey. Priced at o er property in Hiliard,
-Commercial property in Hiullard,
$179,000. 1/2 acre with 105' frontage on West
Commercial Lot 14,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. frontage on SR 121. Located 3rd St. Small brick home in need of
renovation, can be converted to office
sI between Waffle House and Day's Inn, adjacent to 1I-10. $125,000. renovation, can be converted to office
t space. $159,000.

Looking forPrivacy? Cross fenced Model Home Very quiet and pri-
.7.5 acres with 2 BR, 1 BA single- [- vate. This 3/2 DW has taped and
wide MH, detached shed, pond, cov- -vate.1 T ThiT 3/ textured w a s tae dng
e .. I S T A T d w T ililN
ki I ': o .on .. .. EQAL'0US? n ,ai C H U 3HSN
aalid Professional Real Estate Services 10P auU.BiG V lat
aw d se a-u acres full of trees. Won't last long at
well, septic and power. Live in the SW $6135,000-Av*0-2 519 -G o CHm B t
$1 Hurrywont lastong WHAT A STEAL!! Immaculate 1996 / W MH located in With the rapid growth in our county and JUST REDUCED,- New Listing! Old Nursery Plantation acre- cypress home has 3/3.5, jacuzzi, tub,
Heart of Glen Ve nice remodel Glen. Lovelewdndndon o refrigerator the constant rise in property values it is e. Beautiful 4.75 acres cleared and fenced on a corner lot. ceramic tile, office, gas fireplace,
Heart of Glen-Very nice remodeled spacious L critical heeautifuly deco- property y Restricted to homes only, zoned for horses. Excellent location wood floors, wwc, formal dr, eat-in
4/2 DW MH located in the heart of rated and loIted ..f...er3/4 acre on paved road. $62,900 critical to know the value of your property to build your dream home. Just minutes to 1-10. $195 wo kitchen, 2-car garage, water softener
Glen St. Mary. Spacious kitchen, wwc, New Listing What a steal...3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home has before advertising itfor sale. $170,000 and security system. Located on over-
ceramic tile, fenced yard, wood deck andSFecurithnyncdmadLocaoedlorptvewa
and concrete patio Excellent location1288 SF, huge kitchen, fenced yard wall to wall carpet, new A a free service we offer: Won't last long!! Beautifl2 e on city lot. This home 8 acres in Nassau County. $485,000
and concrete patio. Excellent location c and ductwork and new well...and an inground pool. Priced features new vinyl sid iui kitchen with bay win- Just Reduced! Gorgeous Acreage
and priced to sell fast. $110,000 for quick sale $153,900 Professional Comparative doures new giving room wit kastenr bedroom wint- Just Reduced! Gorgeous Acreage
Spacious 3/2 DW MH- has for- Bdow, living room with .vftf ,c ",uls* master bedroom with Build your dream home on this 16.24
Spacious 3/2 DW MH- has for- Lake Butler Treasure Beautiful 19993/2. DW with over Market Analysis vaulted ceiling, inside utility and attached garage. $155,500 acres, including 6 acres of market-
mal living room, kitchen inside laundry 2350 SF, family room, formal living room, formal dining room These reports will compare your property to What a cutie!! ReS located on .53 acre. able timber. Property is completely
and very spacious kitchenof Builtin wwc, ceramic tile backsplash in kitchen and baths and more. other comparable properties that have sold This super cute hom ~niodeled. Wait until you fenced with paved road frontage. High

1996 ace.Locawith nearly 1800 crSF of livthing Located on 1.5 acres with new deep well & s$84,900 within the past year and help to establish a fair see the kitchen!! You trice $55,000 and dry. Zoned AG. Approximately
walking distance to new 1 aclenny Inve lastme long at $84,900opportunity Three mobile homes locatedand competitive asking price. Dolhouse for sale This 4/3 two story country charmer 10 acres is planted Argentine Bahaya.
walking distance to new Macclenny Investment opportunity Three mobile homes located has a wrap around porch, ceramic tile, formal dining room, Asking $349,160
Elementary. $125,000 on over 7.5 acres in Glen St. Mary. Two homes are a 1996 This service can beinvaluable in master bedroom has balcony overlooking living room. Located Back on the Market immaculate
PRIME LOCATION- Very well kept with approximately 1100 SF and the third is a 2005 with helping to determine a fair market on 1.84 beautifully landscaped corner lot in private Glenwood 3/2 DW MH built in 1998. This home
4/4 2 story brick home sitting on nearly 1200 SF, with a detached shed and covered front porch. value for your property. Subdivision. $330,000 features"a huge family room, den w/
476 n Hwy s9 n Located on a beautiful 7.5+ acres that backs up to the creek, value for your property. S division. $33000 features a huge family room, den w/
4.76 acres on Hwy. 90. Currently Great investment opportunity! Live in one home and rent Call us today to schedule for your What a Find! This 4/2 has over 3400 sf, new carpet, new fireplace, new carpet, large kitchen
zoned Agricultural, but rezoning can the other two. $199,900 wallpaper, $1500 allowance for lances, walk-in w/ all new appliances, new washer
be applied for. $385,000 2 Story Brick Beauty! Beautiful 4/2 home with nearly 2000 FREE COMPARABLE closets, 2 st room, screened & dryer, and new CH/A. Located on
Great Commercial Opportunity SF of living space. Built in 2004 and located on .72 of an acre MARKET ANALYSIS porch, in-gro coated on a very almost acres and zoned for horses,
- Completely remodeled automotive in the city limits. Some of this homes features are ceramic tile, private 2 acrs ir~i eauclenny. $307,500, JUST REDUCED $170,000
station with two automotive bays, side split floor plan, French doors, formal dining room, great room, Inis $298,500 Callahan Acreage Looking for
garage entrance with roll-up door and office/study, tray ceiling, 2 car garage, wood deck and more... Close to Jax Beach 3/2 home with pond view has vaulted peace & quiet? This 15 acres has hard
plenty of parking on .27 acre on US $269,000 ,' ceilings, game room/4th bedroom, oak cabinets, dual shower road access, septic, fully fenced. Zoned
Hwy. 90 in Baldwin $250,000 Brick home on 5 acres Gorgeous 3/2 brick home with over in Master bedroom, and much more. Located on a large .31 for 1 home per acre. Entertaining all
Commercial Lot Beautiful com- 2000 SF. Recently upgraded with new ceramic tile throughout, acre lot in Sutton Lakes. $245,000 offers $350,000
mercial lot with Highway 90 frontage new carpet in bedrooms and fresh paint. This home features Great Brick Starter e d ated 4/1.5 brick home HIDDEN MEADOWS
in Baldwin. $38,000 formal DR, brick FP, spacious kitchen with breakfast bar, has ceramic tile, 9L' n a corner in the city EQUESTRIAN ESTATES
High and dry residential property screened porch, 2 car garage, security system, split floor plan. limits with above gri v,,vacy fence. Reduced to New gated community coming
totaling 3.18 acre MH .5 Located on 5 acres with pond and detached shed. Partially Lcs ReEteA n$81,500
totaling 3.18 te H. fenced. $355,000 Priced to Sell Great starter home located in Maxville. 1980 soon- Located off of Southern
1 ho rtlfo sell Investment Opportunity Two lots totaling 1 5 acres. All Near Completion Brand new 3/2, SW MH has 2/2, eat-in kitchen, inside utility room, fenced States Nursery Road in Glen St.
fart $112000 sellbuildings on property being sold as-is. Home is not livable. nearly 1400 SF of living space. Split floor- front yard and 2 detached sheds. Located on 1.5 acres. Asking Mary this community will consist
ast. $112,000 1800 SF concrete block building. $65,000 plan, wwc, ceramic tile, stainless steel $66,000 of 25 five acre tracts, homes only,
Convenient to Everything! Close to Looking for a new home? We can help. We can show appliances, huge s suite w/tray Great Commercial Opportunity This concrete block corn- paved roads and community bri-
schools, shopping& ballparks! Great any Realtor's listing. Buy your next home with us and ceiling& sp :'loset, formal mercial property was t jpati s a convenience store, die path. Select your lot now and
3/2 h Il' 1400n 'receive a FREE one year home warranty, dining room, O elegant covered PHASE I environment tl )co ted. Located on US 90 choose between several lakefront
i E SR 121 Frontage aent opportunityover1.3 ener&concreteinSandersn just mii trance to Ocean Pond on lots or more private lots that will
Fbackyrd with large deck. REDUCED acres just minutes fronU I p. o 1 driveway. On a paved road in Glen just nearly one acre,.$81,500 back up to a nature preserve.
FOR QUICK SALE $149,900 a minutes from 1-10. $155,000
ww~uha~ ~ jy Owner financing is available.



Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker "
Joste Davis, Sales Associate
Mark Lancaster, Saes Associate'
Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate
Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate
Teresa Yarborough, Sales Associate
799 S. 6th St., Macclenny


-.- I -I'.,-.,.

Sa) s Poir
S(From Page 1)
tub. The other three bedrooms
and bath are located on the
opposite side of the home,
offering privacy for the master
The model is located at 5965
Sands Pointe Drive. The base
price of this floorplan starts
from the upper $200's.
To get to Sands Pointe, take
Hwy. 90 to Lowder (23-B), turn
north and go approximately
1/2 mile.
"We have great incentives
right now for buyers," says
Semanik. "For buyers that
purchase now, SEDA will pay
$7,000 toward closing costs.
Also, for those wanting to move
soon, we have 4 homes ready
for quick occupancy."
SEDA Construction Company
is Jacksonville's largest locally
owned builderwho has achieved
national rankings and recogni-
tion. Founded by Jacksonville
native, John Semanik, SEDA
was ranked the third largest
builder in Jacksonville in 2003,
building 560 homes. In 2004,
the national industry magazine,
Professional Builder, ranked
SEDA in their "Next 100" issue,
sourcing closings'and gross rev-
enue. Topping national recogni-
tion in building performance,
J.D. Power and Associates gave
SEDA top rankings in 2004 for
home readiness. 2005 proved
to be a banner year for SEDA
Construction Company, With
hundreds of Jacksonville home-
buyers choosing SEDA as.their
builder of choice.

Lot 1-11
Lot 1-26
Lot 1-30
Lot 1-88



nte: Serene

"We have been building
homes for thousands of First
Coast families since 1982,"
says Semanik. "We have a
great team who takes pride in
their work, and it shows."
For more information on,
Sands Pointe, contact the
SEDA model at 904-259-0922.
Model hours are Monday
through Saturday, 10 a.m.-6
p-.m. and Sunday 12:30 p.m.-
6 p.m.

was $23,~-90
was $261,49
was $296,0ea
was $301,000

is $273,900
is $241,900
is $275,900
is $281,900

Must Close in 30 days ,

Construction Company
Construction Company


Jadc&6onwwet viet &wa (gwned Jwe iuddew

1-10 West appros.. 26 miles to first Macclenny exit (Exit 336 Hwy. 228 West) (You are
now on 5th Street) Go 2 miles to Macclenny. Cross over Highway 90 (Macclenny Ave.)
At the intersection (Highway 121 stop light) go straight across, you are now on 23-B.
Sands Pointe 1/2 mile on the left

Subjectto change without notice *Up to $7,000 in closing osing cot requires use of SEDApreferred leder. Expires July 05, 2006.
CGC020880 Corp. (904) 724-7800



In addition to Sands Pointe,
SEDA Construction Company
is building in 13 other com-
munities located throughout
Jacksonville, including Duval
and Nassau Counties, with new
communities opening this year
in St. Johns and Clay Counties.
For more information and list-
ing of their communities, visit
their website at www.sedacon-
struction.com, or call (904)
Article submitted by Dana White,
SEDA Construction.

1 ~ I r MMIM H I ll t '111 1.61
Adjunct Instructors Needed
Fall Term Be1innng Augtil 21 2006
Physical Science Instructor:
'Nl Mastei s degree Witlh 18 graduaic '
credit hours in a physical science.
Night section and internet sections
General Biology Instructor: Mas-
ter's degree with 18 graduate credit
hours in biology. Saturday class.
Daytime Preparatory Math In- \
structor: Minimum of Bachelor's
College Level Math Instructor:
Master's degree with 18 graduate
credit hours in mathematics. Day-
time/Nighttime classes.
Contact Paula Cifuentes at (386)
754-4260 or
Email: ciliientesp.i'lakecir\ cc edu
English Instructor: Master's
degree with 18 graduate hours in
English. Contact Holly Smith at
(386)754-4360 or email
LCCC is accredited by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools
VP/ADA/EA/EO College in
Education & Employment

THE RAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 6. 2006 Page Three-B

onnie Sapp Well Septic Tank

There's a reason we're Jacksonville's Largest locally owned homebuilder.
Come see why.
Choose from over 40 floor plans
We build in Duval, Clay, St. John's, Nassau & Baker Counties
View our floor plans at www.sedaconstruction.com
904-724-7800 Mon-Fri 8-5 pm'

Options package valued at

FREE with home purchase
sED'A n .ie of l e 4. o .:a s iw r;'. a ea sareeat.cc f satc oiisa.. r.

Our Of'Jsite ODvison team .Ath be witn you through. Veo step ofi ue bu?;4di ng process,
S'i st a ass 'eic ian %ie r e':ic, i:n. i,0 'e E atoE, a pw.hr si.k thr .s312.
Subjcet iu change wilhoul notice CGCIl21)SlI. E\pies .lnh 31. 2006 1

Well Drilling ~ Water Softeners & Purification
Septic Tanks ~ Drain Fields ~ Culverts

This Week's Featured Listings...

Precious, Comf & Cozy inMacclenny Sanderson -Development Potential!
'2, 1300+ SFin ecellentcondition MWC,.linoleum floors, nice openkitch- 5.79 acres currently onied Rd M 5 This p cel 'ri be subdivided uo
en with plenri of sir 1,'2 acre homesites on iell and septic uith approved plati and instlltnon
age space, Ioolong noIl of a' paved toad
your er puiinnie d m Cg into the cubdi~i.
room this home is sol et P. o sion.. Possibility
and qualm and Awould oftnin I2. acre
be perfect lur anVy an .i homnesites. You
dy All rooms are wired won find a better
for phone and cable,ti.... ,.. bargain for home- ..
including the double site deelhpmeni.
or garage!' This is a must see home, priced ito sell quick e.ti aand f ti Call Also, great oppor-
for your showing' $1 50,9ti -LAC-Hil runiny fur additional church property. Owner financing with 20% down.
Commercial Investment Potential! $230,000-MAC-00oo6
.43 acre corner lot zoned commercial with entry from East Boulevard and Beautiful pond in Georgia!
frontage on US 0. Take your pick..
Previously approed buy this as one l(
for a 5400 S1 build- acre tract or pick
ing plus 1086 SF paved a national
parking. NO wetlands! two10acretracts.
Incredible commercial Zonedforsitebult '
investment potenual in homes already I
the city of Macdenny. unit per 10 acres.
Owner financi- if i .- Small pond on
20% down or-;with a ,- ..... ?. : -front lot with paved road frontage on CR185. Perfect for horses, family and
20% down or with a future plans. This property sits high and dry. Take a ride through the pastures
cash offer, we can negotiate. $165,000 -MAC-006 and hardwoods to see for yourself. Only $14,5000 per acre. -MAC-001

HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc.

C ," Licensed Real Estate Broker

259-7709 338-4528 cell
We can show and sell all listings!

: : 2+ acres on corner lot in excellent neighborhood. Floors are
.... tile & hardwood. Glass doors open to porch & large fenced
t "backyard. Two car garage finished with carpet. Planted
ii L maple, grapefruit, flowering pear & cherry trees. Home has
a many extras, is open, sunny & inviting.
JUST REDUCED!! $259,900

Beautiful Country Home
On 5.01 acres 4 BR/ 3 BA Approximately 2350 heated SF Ponderosa
Pine walls & ceilings brought in from Montana. Detached garage w/apartmeht,
oversized in-ground pool, & large barn. Additional land w/pond also available.

3/2 open floor plan, tile throughout, Berber carpet in
bedrooms, wrap around front porch and back porch
overlooking spring fed fish pond. On private lot at end of
cul-de-sac. Approx. 1907 SF. Many extras! $259,900

Anne Kitching, Realtor
962-8064 cell.

Wendy Smith, Realtor
710-0528 cell.
Tina Melvin, Realtor
233-2743 cell.
Seventy AcW j acre. Moccasin
Creek. Like i M call us about
this land in The T l75,000,
2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with build-
ing. Excellent business opportunity. Has
water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/
month. $305,000
Excellent commercial corner lot. East
Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000.
Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres
with 320 feet highway frontage on busy
121 North. Zoned Commercial neighbor-
hood. $419,000
New Home Under Construction! Many
extras! 3 BR/2 BA on 1 acre. Has covered
porch & patio, 2 car garage & 295 sf bonus
room. Floor will be laminate wood, carpet
& tile, gas fp, central vacuum, security sys-
tem, pre-wired for home theatre. Country
living at it's best! $269,900
.98 Acres zoned Commercial on 121 South.
3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side
screened i Vnmily room, large,
bonus roo.i... aack yard, stove
& refrigerator. Must see to appreciate. In
Macclenny city limits. $199,900

L ~I ~

0 I..-

Well established business in the fastest ,
-growing area oftmacehny. Excellent cdrn
lot location Beveragelicensls Availablef
Richar's Grocery&

386 Lowder St, Macceny
oagr tilana0 lt#nf yu efr 5 r*ont

Brick hor
build on
new kitc
All 3

1.49 acres, perfect for
your garden with a
16x20 workshop, just
5 minutes from town

ne and 2 additional lots to
in excellent location for
nce to 1-10 and shopping.
been remodeled with
;hen, stove & refrigerator.
for $189,900

ur rental mobile home lots,
ed at $160 each


censed i Florida Georgia
VISA MasterCard American Express Disc':er

New Development Special

Unbelievable Savings of $20,000

Plus SEDA pays up to

$7,000* in closing costs
4 Homes available for quick move in

. g


, __


Senior Staff Assistant
needed within the President's Office.
Proficient in Word and Excel.
Ability to take and transcribe notes a
must. Ability to work with minimal
supervision. Requires high school
diploma, or equivalent, plus four years
secretarial or clerical experience..
Salary $22,692.00 annually,
plus benefits.
Deadline for receiving applications:
July 20, 2006.
Email: cifuentesp@'llakerct.cc.edu
Vocational Recruiter
(Grant Funded Position)
Professional position assisting the
director of Admissions Services with
recruitment of vocational and adult stu-
dents. Bachelor's degree and two years
related experience. Must hai e .alid
Florida driver's license.
Computer literate.
Salary: $27,583 annual\
plus benefits.
Application deadline. July 28, 2006
College application required Full
position details and application
available on the web at:
Human Resource Development
149 SE College Place
Lake Citv, FL32025
Phone: (386)754-4314
Fax; (386)754-4594
E-niail boenchcrg'-'lakecitycc edu
-, J r ,l* : r r-i
!T :,:.':iii rl,, f '_',7, i',: it i J h.:,,)i.

/ ,L'g 7 ?- .



Classified ads and notices must be
paid in advance, and be in our office,
no later than 4:00 pm the Monday
preceding publication, unless other-
wise arranged in advance. Ads can-
be mailed provided they are accom-
panied by payment and instructions.
They should be mailed to: Classified
Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O.,
Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We
cannot assume responsibility for
accuracy of ads or notices given over
the telephone. Liability for errors in
all advertising will be limited to the
first publication only. If after that
time, the ad continues to run with-
out notification of error by the. per-
son or agency for whom it was pub-
lished, then that party assumes full
payment responsibility. The Baker
County Press reserves the right to
. refuse advertising or any other mate-
rial which in the opinion of the pub-
lisher does not meet standards of

Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with
mattress & boxsprings, retail $950,
sacrifice for $395. can deliver. 904-
858-9350. 6/15-7/6p
3X24 ft., 29 gauge, metal roofing;
2x6, 44 ft., load bearing, trusses.
334-6695. 7/6-27p
Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece,
excellent condition. Southern Charm
259-4140. 12,'9tfc
Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs,
very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half
round foyer console. All pieces are
mahogany wood. Southern Charm.
259-4140. 2/3tfc
Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront
china cabinet, buffet, all mahoga-
ny, can be seen at Southern Charm.
259-4140. 12/9tfc
Solid wood coffee table, light colored
with glass inserts. $75. 275-3007.
Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors,
canvases, drawing pads and much
more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth
Street, 259-3737. tfc
Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic,
$199. 904-398-5200. 6/15-7/6p
Epson Stylus color 600 printer, $25.
259-2400. 4/20tfc
King pillowtop, new with warranty,
$289, can deliver. 904-391-0015.
Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory
foam mattress & boxsprings, new in
plastic, with warranty, retail $950,
must sell $379, can deliver. 904-
858-9350. 6/15-7/6p
Two monitors, 17 inch, $25; Nikon
Scan Touch oversized flatbed scanner
with SCSI connection, $75; Okidata
dot matrix, SCSI, turbo, $50; Dell
keyboard & mouse, $10. 259-2400.
5 piece oak bedroom set, queen size
with mattress, $1000; 2 crib sets,
denim color, $25 each. 259-2746.
White & beige canopy bedroom
suite, 3 piece, excellent condition,
$400. 259-2215. 6/29-7/6p
Set of 4 Bridgestone 265/70/17,
only 5K miles. 904-545-1413. 7/6p
Hewlett Packard complete computer
system with printer, less than 1 year
old, $800. 653-1581. 7/6p
Pickup truck topper, like new, tinted
windows, fits 8' bed, $600 nego-
tiable. 653-2084 or 566-2428 cell.
Kenmore 1999 model refrigerator
freezer with ice maker, $200; freezer
inside 28" width, 20" deep, 18"
high. Price negotiable for quick re-
moval'by 7/7. Also gas grill with 2
tanks, $50. If interested, call 259-
2954. 7/6p


Flowers for sale. Angel trumpet, Hi- A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs
biscus, sago palms & more. 244 N. experienced full time licensed driver. .. Friday 8:00 am-2:00 pm., 4275 Hick-
6th St. 259-2691 or 860-7858.7/6p 259-7335. 3/23tfc :. -, .* ; '. ory St., Macclenny II. Kids & women
Ray's Nursery, Inc..now has an open- clothes, furniture, miscellaneous good-
ing for a tractor mower. Apply in per- -.o- ies.
son at the office between 8:30-9:00 Friday 8:00 am-?, 6298 Michelle Rd,
am, Monday-Friday. 6/29tfc A .Whispering Pines. Home decor, furni-
Traller/TK Techs wanted must rave ture, 3500 SF indoor/outdoor carpet.
2002 Explorer LS, 76K miles, ex- own tools, apply at 1120 Enterprise O.. TSAL oar. clothing.
tended warranty, CD, power steering, Blvd., Macclenny, or call 259-2901. Friday 8:30 am-l:0 pm, 125 south
tilt steering, cruise control, tow pack- 6,'29-7, 6p of Glen, white house on left.
age rear air aluminum wheels new I ni h l AathL l< nik.-n frofGlenwhite house on left.

tires, automatic, V6, $13,000 OBO.
259-7574. 7/6-13c
1991 Plymouth Voyager, $800, de-
pendable. 653-1581. 7,/6p
Cash for your junk car or truck. I
haul. 904-509-0921. 5 '4-10. 26p
1992 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 pickup.
camper special, gooseneck hitch,
new A/C, 55K on engine. 110K on
truck, excellent condition, $6000
OBO. 259-1168. 7/6p
1999 Chevrolet S-10 Extreme,
$3000 OBO. 259-1835 or 635-4570.
1990 Jeep Wrangler newly rebuilt
engine, new transfer case, new tires,
good condition, $5,700, 482-2653
Eddie Williams 6, 22-7/13p

Do you have a junk car or truck you
want hauled off or to sell? 259-
7968. 4 '22tfc
We do small job land clearing, bush
hog mowing, scatter dirt, root rake,
etc., also tree trimming & removal.
259-7968. 6/29tfc
Childcare openings in my home. Ag-
es 6 mos. & up. After school avail-
able. Experienced mother of two with
previous work history @ BCHD with
Healthy Start/Healthy Families pro-
grtm. Affrdtdable rates. 6:00 am-6:00
pm, Monday Friday, once a month
Saturday. Call Lisa Milton at 275-
4026. 7/6p
Music lessons in Macclenny, guitar,
bass & voice. 653-1737. 6/29-8/3p
Now accepting antique furniture on
consignment. Pieces have to be in
good condition. Call Karin at South-
ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc
Lady seeks house cleaning jobs,
honest, dependable, reliable. Call
259-8188. 7/6p

Free kittens to good home, very
cute, litter box trained, 10 weeks old.
266-4013. 7/6p
CKC registered Min-Pin puppies, 2
male, 1 female, first shots, wormed,
$300. 259-8247 leave message.
Kittens want homes safe from harsh
weather, dogs & cruel people. Have
1st shots, $20 (refunded after neu-
tering). Call Mary Beth at 376-7454.
Dogs: all types from puppies to
adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding
fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc

Notice to readers:
The newspaper often publishes classified
advertising on subjects like work-at-home,
weight loss products, health products.
While the newspaper uses reasonable
discretion in deciding on publication of
such ads, it takes no responsibility as to
the truthfulness of claims. Respondents
should use caution and common sense
before sending any money or making other
commitments based on statements and/
or promises; demand specifics in writ-
ing. You can also call the Federal Trade
Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find
out how to spot fraudulent solicitations.
Remember: if it sounds too good to be
true, it probably is. The Baker County

Go through Home several times most weeks.
Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching
that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at
Vi, our location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety
Bonus up to $1,200 per year. Driver of the Year
bonus, and driver recruitment bonuses. Blue
Cross Blue Shield medical and dental insurance.
Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving
904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898

Luoal i Iome aI i agencIy UUo ing IorI
full time RN & Physical Therapist. For
more information, call 259-3111. .'
5 '25ifc

Construction foreman, heavy equip-
ment operators with experience need-
ed. Good pay with benefits. 904-653-
1272. 7 6-13p
Company specializing in erosion con-
trol now hiring the following positions:
crew leaders, equipment operators,
laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid
driver's license is a must. Fax resume
to 904-275-3292 or call 275-4960.
EOE/,'drug free workplace. 7-6p
Experienced painters needed. Must
have tools. 259-5877. 12 30tfc
Part time with full time potential.
Looking for motivated, qualified per-
son in Baker and surrounding coun-
ties. Experience in sales helpful.
Reply with resume and references to
P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063.
Full-time trim/punch-out carpenter for
local construction company. Benefits
& paid vacation included. Please call
259-3343 weekdays between 9:00
am-5:00 pm. 6 8tfc
Experienced A/C service tech,/install-
er needed. Must have driver's license
& tools. 259-0893. 6/15tfc
Experienced plumbers needed. Only
experienced need apply. Dickie's
Plumbing 653-1136. 7 6-13c
Attention Nurses- ready for a change?
Northeast Florida State Hospital is
currently hiring for Registered Nurses.
Located 28 miles west of Jacksonville
on 1-10. Campus-like facility, all shifts
available no rotation, every other
Weekend off, leave accrual forfull time
8 hours every 2 weeks, excellent
benefits low cost no waiting period,
deferred comp available, free CEUs
on campus, salary based on years
of experience, 100% vested in state
retirement after 6 years. Applications
must be submitted online at https://
peoplefirst.myflorida.com or call Gale
Wilkerson at 904-259-6211 ext. 1756
for further information. EEO/AA.

-s Friday & Saturday 9:00 am-noon,
Hwy 90. lot across from Country Boys, ;j
Glen. Namebrand children's clothes, nursing uniforms, household
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 8629 US Hwy 90 W. Glen. just
before Forestry Station. Miscellaneous baby items, children sizes
NB-4T, girls jr. sizes, various adult sizes, miscellaneous furniture.
Kelly Holman & Lisa Milton.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-noon, 9020 Cary Barber Rd. off
Barber Rd. follow signs. Girl's & ladies clothes, furniture. etc. Rain
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 1 block off US 90 at 107 Brandy .
Branch Rd.. Baldwin. 7 ft. air hockey table, lawn tractors, furniture,
home decor, household goods, toys. clothes.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 665 W. Ohio Ave., Office furni-
ture. manufacturer's samples, craft supplies, clothes, tons more.
Huge. Multi family.
Friday 7:00 am-noon, Saturday 8:00 am-noon, 679 Fox Ridge
Circle off North Blvd. Lots of good school clothes, baby clothes for
boys & girls, wrecked '96 Corolla good for parts. Multiple fami- v
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 7349 W. Madison St.,
Friday & Saturday 9:00 am-4;00 pm, 8478 Claude Harvey Rd
off 139B, Glen. LoveseaL, kitchen items, clothes 504-$1.00, mis-
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?. Hwy 121 S. right on Southern ,
States Nursery Rd., 3rd house on right. Clothes, household ,i
items, pig collectibles. Multi-families.
Friday & Saturday 8:30 am-?, Shortputt Dr. Appliances, large ';
furniture, bedroom suite, TV, stereos, home decor, etc. 2 families.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday 8:00 am-6:00 pm, 6446 Earnie Mae
Griffis Lane off Mudlake Rd, just past Jim Starling Rd. Everything
. goes. inside & outside! Moving.sale. ..
Saturday 9:00 am-?, 7900 Stewart Rd. Macclenny. Woodlawn
to Fastway Store, left, follow signs. Everything from A-Z. china cabi-
net, 2 freezers. Cash only. ,
Saturday 9:00 am-noon, Behind Richards Meat Market off Mil-
tondale, follow signs. 2 highchairs, 1 ride. 2 pedal toys, 1 trike,
dishes, craft items, movies, books, pictures, clothes ladies 10- -,
24, girls Newborn 1 year, boys 3-5 years, mens size 34 & etc.
5 families backyard sale.
Saturday 8:00 10:00 am, 4104 Hickory St., Macclenny II.
Baby stuff, swings, toys, clothes boy 1-12 months, maternity
clothes small, miscellaneous.

Saturday 9:00 am-noon, 6367 Woodlawn Rd. Furniture.'lamps.,
clothes, miscellaneous.


Local $575 $675 Home Every Night

OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends

Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation

401K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus

DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus

CALL 1-800-808-3052



THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. July 6. 2006 Page Five-B

Bartender & DJ needed, Mac's
Liquors. Call 259-2055 for interview
between 9:00 am-3:00 pmr -
Looking for energetic individuals to
work with children in a Christian envi-
ronment. Experience in a childcare
setting preferred. 40 hours DCF certi-
fication willFbe given preference. Apply
in person at Special Blessings, 590
N. 7th St. 7/6c
Adult Mental Health Professionals &
Caregivers. Weekend houseparents,
respite Workers, and full-time house-
parents for a female residential brain
injury program in Baker county. Full-
time case manager and therapist for
local outpatient clinic. Fax resume to
259-5187. 7/6c'
Avon helpers needed. I do the paper-
work, you earn the $$$! Call Kaycee
at 275-3215, ISR. 7/6-13p
Expanding company needs auto
mechanics, must have tools & trans-
portation, certification required. We
offer health insurance, 401(k), paid
holidays. 259-3513 or 259-1768.
Pier 6 Seafood now accepting applica-
tions for all positions. 259-6123.
Auto body technicians needed at
Autocrafters Collision, experienced &
I-car certified, full benefit package.
Apply in person at 180 S. Lowder St.
or call Duwayne Higgs at 259-3001.
Call about our drivers that make $70-
$99K per year! Home most nights &
weekends. CDL-A, 2 years experience
required. 800-889-8139. 6/29-7/6p
Preschool teachers wanted, must
have experience with 3-5 year old chil-
dren, minimum of 40 hour early child-
hood training. Send resume & refer-
ences to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL
32063. ; 6/29-7/6c
Drivers: Owner/operators, 77.5%
of revenue plus fuel surcharge. No
charge backs. TBenefits available.i
Centurion Auto Transport. 800-889-
8139. 6/29-7/6p
EL-Wood Concrete, Inc. is looking
for concrete laborers & experienced
finishers. Must have transportation.
Positions are now available. To apply
call Woodrow at 955-4880.

Notice to Readers
All real estate advertising in this newspa-
per is subject to the Fair Housing Act which
makes it illegal to advertise "any prefer-
ence, limitation or discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar
status or national origin, or an intention, to
make any such preference, limitation or
discrimination." Familial status includes
children under the age of 18livingwithpar-
ents or legal custodians, pregnant women
and people securing custody of children
under 18
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is in
violation of the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings advertised in
this newspaper are available on an equal
opportunity basis. To complain of discrimi-
nation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-
9777. The toll free telephone number for
the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Brick home. 3 BR, 1 BA, large living,
room & kitchen on 1/2 acre lot, new
roof, new floors, fenced yard with
shed, new central A/C. Must see'
904-588-3636. 7/6-13p'
1207 Pine Circle off Wolfe Dr., 1998
brick, 1434 SF living space, 3 :BR,
2 BA, 2 car garage, .29 acre lot,
$189,000. 472-3327. 7/6p
Nice 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide mobile
home, large kitchen, living room, din-
ing room & bonus room in Macclenny.
Recently remodeled on .25 acre,
$79,000. 904-477-8995.6/29-7/6p

FSBO. 3 BR, 1 BA frame house on
;31 acre lot in Macclenny, 1300 SF,
fully fenced, enclosed front porch,
storage shed, CH/A, laundry room,
refrigerator, stove & dishwasher
included. Depending on sale price will
also include a Rain Soft water treat-
ment system, $115,000. Call Clayton
at 904-483-6409. 6/8tfc
3 BR, 2 BA house with 2 rental mobile
homes on 13.2+- acres in the Georgia
Bend area, big workshop & 2nd kitch-
en, $195;000. 904-629-1779.
10 acres, restricted to homes, nice
property, good location, bring your
horses, seller pays closing, $139,900.
259-3878. 6/22-7/13c
Jack Lee Construction spec home in
Copper Creek, 3 BR, 21/2 full baths.
Call 781-5117 or 904-751-6053
Just reduced FSBO. 3 BR, 1 BA home
in Sanderson, $130,000. Seller moti-
vated to sell. 859-3026. 6/8tfc
3 BR, 1 BA brick completely remod-
eled, woodfloors,.tile, new bathroom,.
$146,000, 706 Long Dr., Macclenny.
Call 904-838-3734. 6/29-7/6p
Large desirable lot in Copper Creek,
one of the largest & last in Phase II,'
: $77,500.,259-6199. 6/29tfc
4 BR, 21/, BA, corner city lot, garage
converted into extra living space,
1450+ SF, vinyl siding, front porch,
back patio, new paint & carpet,
$175,000. For appointment, call 259-
6085 or 904-612-9585. You must see
to believe! 6/29-7/6p

FSBO. Totally remodeled home in
Baldwin, 3 BR, 1 BA, 1100 SF,.
$110,000. Call Rick at 904-962-'
4223. 7/6-13p
.. ,-- -

New 3 BR, 2 BA home in Glen, locat-
ed on Madison St., carpet & tile,,
$900/month, $900 & last month's
rent &$500 security deposit & lease .
required, no pets allowed! Call 259-
3550 for info. 6/29-7/6p
Macclenny, 1 BR house, $450/
month, $100 deposit, no pets. 386-
719-4571. 7/6p
2 BR, 1.BA apartment in quiet nreigh-
borhood, no smoking, no pets, $550/
month plus deposit & lasts month's "
rent. 859-3026. 6/29tfc
Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no
pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-
860-4604. 3/17tfc
3 BR & 2 BR mobile homes, no pets,
garbage, water & mowing provided,
$450-$600/month. 912-843-8118.
2 BR,1 BA mobile home on Mudlake
Rd,CH/A, water&yardworkfurnished,
$500/month, 1st & last month's rent
& $300 deposit. Call 259-4884 if no
':answer, leave message. 7/6p
3 BR, 1 BA, brick house, large yard in
Sanderson, $725/month plus depos-
it and last months rent, no pets, no
smoking. 859-3026. 6/22tfc



Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need
of qualified people'to work at our Lake Butler Facility.

Good benefits. Pay based on experience.

Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler

or call 1-800-486-7504

New home for rent, 3 BR, 1 BA, tile
flooring throughout on 1/2 acre lot
in Macclenny, all electric appliances.
$875 security deposit, $875/month.
please call 259-3343 weekdays
between 9am-5pm 6/22tfc
3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, .carpet
& vinyl flooring, living room, kitch-
;en, dining room on .50 acre lot in
Sanderson. All electric appliances,
$756 security deposit, $750/month.
Please call between the hours of 9:00
am-5:00 pm,: weekdays ONLY. 259-
3343 or 626-8424. 6/ltfc
Country 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide,
Georgia Bend, $550/month plus
$300 deposit. Call 912-843-2093 or
777-8880. 6/29-7/6p

-2 Rog er

Well Drilling

2" & 4" Wells
Water & Iron Conditioners

Call Roger or Roger Dale

SFamlly Owned & Operated
"Licensed insureded 1

* Experienced Utility Track Hoe Operator
* Pipe Layers
* Finish Dozer & Track Hoe Operator
* Truck Mechanic
* Dump Truck Driver

3 Years Exp., Benefits, Insurance

Call 904-289-7000

"For all your stucco needs"
Free estimates
Commerical & Residential
Kevin Wilson
Gene Polk
Locally owned & operated in Baker
Water softeners Iron filters
Sales Rentals Service
Total water softener supplies
Salt delivery
~ Financing available -
797 S., 6th Street, Macclenny

New roofs Roof repairs
Roof replacement
Free estimates
Professional painting
Pressure washing
Interior exterior
Residential commercial
Fully insured Locally owned
25 years experience
Bull dozer & backhoe
C.E White

Tree removal Light hauling
Stump removal
We haul or buy junk cars and trucks
We sell horses.
Licensed Insured
Free estimates
24 hour service
Call Danny
Jesus is the Only Way

Since 1963
Residential and Commercial
Pest control
Lawn and Shrub care
Termite protection
Damage repair guarantees
Free estimates Call today!
Sentricon Colony
Elimination System

2" wells
Fill dirt ~ Millings ~ Slag,
Concrete washout
Land clearing ~ Fish ponds
Road built
Houses/buildings demo ~ Inground
pools demo
904-445-8836 days
904-653-2493 evenings

Design / Build
Your plans or our plans
Bentley Rhoden -
CBC060014 3/14tfc
Home repairs Remodeling,
Mark Stevens
Lic#RR0067433 6/29-12/28p

Structure Drying Mold Prevention
Water Damage Solutions
*24 hour emergency response
*Emergency water removal
*Mold prevention *Dehumidification
Hardwood floor drying
*Sewage cleanup
904-686-4133 cell
Locally owned & operated
Chris Eddins, Owner
IICRC certified


Shallow wells ~ Irrigation
Pump service

Macclenny, FL.
Free estimates Free towing
on all repairs

Culverts Installed
Tim Johnson

NHC, FHIA & NACHI Certified
Serving North Florida and
South Georgia
259-5416 fax
Free estimates
SCCCO46197 5/27tfc
Garbage pickup for Baker County
Roll off Dumpsters
Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator
4/-. 1 0I/n

All types of pest control
Call Eston, Shannon, Bry
Bill or Philip
Beverly Monds Owne

Tlnr&A X 4A %O

Homes Mobile horn
Concrete Asphalt


We build in-ground pools
We sell and install
DOUGHBOY above-ground pools
Service Renovations Cleaning
Repairs Chemicals Parts
698-E West Macclenny Ave.
(next to Raynor's Pharmacy)
Spring & Summer hours:
Monday Friday
10:00 am-6:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am 5:00 pm
(PC 053903) 9/2tfc
Build on your lot or ours
Your plans or ours
Model home in Copper Creek

Lawn mowing ~ Tractor work
SClean-up ~ Hauling

l Heating* Air Electrical service
an, Licensed and Insured
,r Lic. #ET11000707
11/16tfc Lic. #RA13067193,
iT I #RA13f067194 4/21ti


[es Engineered trusses for your new
Home Barn Shed Etc.
Free estimates
6/29-7/6p Lic.#RC0067003 12/23



No job too large or too small
Free estimates'

Commercial Residential
New construction Service
CAC18137Q1 4/6-9/28p
Tires Rims Exhaust
Buckshot Goodyear Michelin
Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR
Custom exhaust Flowmaster
Turbo, Glaspaks
.Call today for the best price!
1 0/i'tf

Air conditioners Heat pumps *
Major appliances *
24 hour, 7 day emergency service!
Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator
c 7/1 tfc

Complete site & underground
utility contractor
Land clearing
We sell dirt & slag
Hourly rate available on:
grader, dozer & trackhoe work
Mitch Canaday, Jr.
CU-C057126 3/16-9/7p

Well drilling
Water conditioning purification
New septic systems
Drain field repairs.
We're your water experts
Celebrating our 29th year in business
Credit cards gladly accepted
Fully licensed & insured
Florida & Georgia

Screen rooms ~ Patio covers
Room additions

"Bsoi '11o2

1,1 /7/6n

2" and 4" wells
Roger Raulerson

So many options!
See our catalogs at
The Office Mart
110 South 5th Street
Custom house plans
to your specifications
Qualified Good references

Ll ft7r

I IC itAA1.1U0/E;l'+ +ILIIIC




THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, July 6. 2006 Page Six-B
2 BA, 1 BA mobile home, $550
deposit, $550/month. 334-1902 or
874-6100. 7/6p
2 BR, 2 BA mobile home in country,
CH/A, $750/month, $600 deposit,
no pets. 275-2865. 7/6c
.,o.oll 4

2 BR, 2 BA condo, ground floor,
poolside, incredible ocean view, St.
Augustine Beach. Call 476-8907 or
505-0083. 7/6-27c

Large commercial office space avail-
able for lease. 859-3026. 3/2tfc'
Driver-Jacksonville Terminal

Dedicated Shorthaul
Average $683 $907/wk
85% Preloaded/Pretarped
CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627

w l:Fger ^
Well ~riLLing

2" & 4" Wells
Water & Iron Conditioners
Call Roger or Roger Dale
Family Owned & Operated
" Licensed & Insured A

----- -----
Call Locally 259-2313 or
,y/. Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb
^ T I i f R I n[ M Our shonToom is con enienily located a the intlrseciion
of H.&ey 121 and Li S 90 in dotunlo~u taccniny
Tbh E Fii. ,e e i ,ic e B C, ro V C..it 1 a,b,, t. l ar ndruck cnct,

While Butler8 building systems are pre-engineered their final design
is noi predetermined Using Butlers exclusive technology, we can help
you design a building from the ground up Even special design
elements like skylights, fascias and entrance systems
can be incorporated to produce not just any
building, but your building
For systems lhat
meet your building
needs, choose Butler
For the experience
and expertise to get
Ihe job done, choose
us your local Butler


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Order Pullers
Production Workers
Data Entry

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Manpower office

5 Pc. Ashley
Washed Pine
Bedroom Group
Includes dresser, mirror,
queen headboard, footboard
and rails.


2 dishes: Light Oak 3 9or Dark Espso
2 Finishes: Light Oak or Dark Espresso

Extra PIush

. TWIN 2-PC SET s499
FULL 2-PC SET '579
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5 Pc. Louis Phillipe
Includes dresser, mirror, queen headboard,
footboard and rails.




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GE Washer

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Monday at 5:00 pm