The Baker County press
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00024160/00067
 Material Information
Title: The Baker County press
Uniform Title: Baker County press (Macclenny, Fla. 1929)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: Tate Powell
Place of Publication: Macclenny Fla
Creation Date: April 13, 2006
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Macclenny (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Baker County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Baker -- Macclenny
Coordinates: 30.283333 x -82.116667 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began Apr. 12, 1929.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 39 (Jan. 2, 1931).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000579533
oclc - 33284409
notis - ADA7379
lccn - sn 95047186
System ID: UF00024160:00067

Full Text

Paid circulation leader * Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005

PO BOX 117007 - UNIV. FLA.


76th Year, Vol. 51 Thursday April 13, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 50




new tax

Press Staff
Members of an interagencN
committee formed to prepare for
the county's growth kicked around
a few ideas on how to pay for the
services that will be needed - in-
cluding a half-cent sales tax. higher
property taxes and a temporary
moratorium on new\ construction.
Eight representatives from the
county, citN of Macclenny, town of
Glen St. Mary. the school board,
the county property appraiser and
the Northeast Florida Regional
Planning Council met April 7 at
City Hall.
Based on residential projects al-
ready approved, Cathy Rhoden,
county planning director, laid out
some of the projected needs in ba-
sic categories such as police,
fire/rescue, recreation and trans-
She said the count, 'will need
four to eight additional deputies; a
new library: a fire station in
Sanderson and another one in Mac-
clennm, each with two rescue units
and four personnel: four more soft-
ball fields 'with concession facili-
ties: parks: and improvements to
roads, such as building shoulders
and turn lanes.
Despite ith enactmen ti f imp:i.a
f tees last year by the city and count\
- and by extension the school
board - the additional revenue %will
not cover the costs for additional
sern ices needed to accommodate
The committee, first proposed
earlier this year by Nlacclenny ciht
commissioner Phil Rhoden, was
formed to foster integrated plan-
ning for grow' th.
At last- Thursday 's meeting.
school superintendent Paula Barton
asked whether the county can
legally enact a moratorium to stop
grow th.
The school district, already
strained by a high number of stu-
dents, will be especially hard hit b,
grow th. Ms. Barton and facilities
director Denn) Wells said the dis-
trict will be anywhere from 122
percent to 127 percent of its level
of ser' ice. meaning it will need
more buildings and buses.
Ed Lehman, director of planning
and development for the Northeast
Florida Regional Planning Council,
said, "You can't even start planning
until you hit 120 percent, then
you're already behind the eight
He also answered Ms. Barton's
question about a moratorium, say-
ing the county cannot enact one
simply to "catch tip," but must
have specific plans in place.
Ms. Rhoden said she didn't
think the county commission
would have a problem with a mora-
(Page two please)


ontrack for



II I I 11111 I
6 "89076 48819 8

Drutmmuin. food, authentic crafts and traditional dancing anr iCtst 'mne of the
,i/ li.hilts of the Cherokee of Geor.a .-nniiiuil nSpiin Po;wo that took place inl
St. Georgc. Ca.. lnst weekend A powa'po' ,Les NaitLVe A-'ericLas an topopi tutn-
tyl to reconnect with their cultural ,and spiritual root. . Accordin-g to tribal i'nmem-
ber and elder Ralph Crews, the/ powwow is also a homecominiiig cathcrig hld to
foster friendsluip and good relations among all peoples regardless ot race or creed.
Above: Ladies lead their partnet:s in a liWely inter-tribal couple's dance. Left: .4
dancer known as Lightfoot is resplendent in a bobcat headdress. Below: Under
the trees on a private section ot the compound, Tribal elder Rcveiend Ralph
Crews visits with Chief Gilte, MaIrtin and lhts wifr \ernice tribal mother to their
Cherokee of Georgta organization. The organization owns the propertil in St.
George where the poww'ou' is held twice a 0eat and has plans to build a tradi-
tional cedar pole conference hiousC and nIezI board walks to accommodate larger.
crot'ds of visitors r.Phor�, b:boe, Lar~mgan

Ex-county manager ws signing contest in Texas

Press Publisher
People around Baker Counts,
know w' ho Josie Davis is for a num-
ber of reasons.
He's a former counts property
He's a former county manager.
He's a former policeman.
He's a former truck driver.
He's a realtor.
Add this to your list. Josie Davis
'of Glen St. Mary is the reigning
winner of the Jim Reeves Sound
Alike competition.
And that means, in the opinion of
the judges on hand March 18 at the
annual competition in the country
legend's hometown of Carthage,
Texas,' amateur singer Josie Davis.
sounds more like Gentleman Jim
Reeves than the four other finalists.
So, how did this happen?
"I've always liked Jim Reeves
and Marty Robbins, and people al-
ways told me I sounded like Gen-
'tleman Jim," said Mr. Davis.
"One of Jim Reeves' nephews,
John Rex Reeves, does a sound-
alike show in Branson, Mo. and I
learned about the contest on his
Josie, his wife Pam and fellow
amateur singer Jimmy Barton and
wife Annette of Macclenny drove
out to east Texas for the contest. It
was held in the auditorium of the

, high school in Carthage that mor-
, ing.
"I didn't think I'd win it so I
guess you could say it was a lark,"
the 63-year-old Glen St. Mary na-
tive said in a recent interview.
He sang just one Reeves hit,
Adios Amigo, in the brief perfor-
, ance, and that was enough to con-
vince the judges
he deserved the
title - until next
March 'when
they do it all
As the win-
ner, he took the
stage that
evening for the
finale and an en-
core. He brought
home a plaque
the honor.
Country mu-
sic purists know
all about Jim
Reeves. They,
called him
Jim" because of
his smooth de-
liery that
brought a coun-
try flavor to the
popular crooning
singing style of

that era.
He was one of the first "cross-
over" artists topping the country
and pop charts in the 1950s and
1960s. He first smash hit was Mexi-
can Joe and it remained a top seller
53 weeks.
Josie Davis was a big country
and rock fan back in the 1950s and

his love for music remained more
on the listening side.
"I was too bashful to ever sing in
public, and the first time I did was
in church," he recalls.
He's played and sang in a num-
ber of local bands through the
years, and more recently produced
a CD of his favorites, all with

kareoke background music.
It's titled "Gentleman Josie."
He owns sound equipment and
performs at public functions with
his kareoke review - events like
birthday .parties and wedding recep-
.Like many kareoke artists, he
gets other people in the act, party-
goers with widely
varying musical
Josie Davis
plans to be there
for the 2007
Reeves sound-
alike competition,
but he won't enter
as the reigning
Will the Jim
Reeves title in-
crease his local
He doesn't
much think so, and
it doesn't much
matter. He sings
because he likes it,
and it brings back
the sounds of 40-
45 years ago -
back in the days of
' the transistor radio
S and the Top 40.

Josie Davis with Jim Reeves' only surviving sister.


county will

split costs to

update 23A

Press Staff
The simmering issue of who will
foot the bill for improvements to
County Road 23A nearly boiled
over Tuesday night, but the respec-
tihe leaders of Baker County and
the city of Macclenny backed off
before it became overheated.
As a result, representatives from
the two governing bodies will get
together to decide what needs to be
done and how the costs %%ill be ap-
County commission chairman
Alex. Robinson was Tuesday's
meeting of the Macclenny city
commission to discuss an interlocal
agreement for impro% ing the coun-
ty road that is becoming increas-
ingly overburdened by new devel-
opments located within the city.
At an earlier meeting, there'd
been confusion over whether there
%%as an agreement already in place,
but as it turned out it was simple. a
"gentlemen's agreement" under
which the two agencies general)
agreed to work together, according
to Macclenny mayor GarN Dopson.
"It's a county road but 'we real-
ize we hale responsibility there,
too." he said. "And we'll take care
of our responsibility.
"I don't think we're going to be
hard-nosed about it."
Mr. Robinson talked about
whether the developers could be
made to contribute. He was refer-
ring to Sands Pointe, Rolling
Meadows. Broken Oak and Barber
Plantation (planned for the former
golf course property).
"Between four developers, they
should be able to resurface 23A to
23B," he said.
The mayor had pointed to the
turn lanes promised b\ the Barber
Plantation developers. Mr. Dopson
sold the property to them last year.
Mr. Robinson. ho weer, said.
"those turn lanes aren't helping the
pitiful shape of 23A."
The mayor then pointed out that
traffic from increased development
in the north count\ area will also
burden the road.
He then appeared to become de-
(Page two please)

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Two


7-Day Forecast

U.S. Traveler Cities


Partly sunny



Statistics are for Jacksonville Monday.
High ..................................... 700
Low .................................... ... 480
Normal High ....................... 78�
Normal Low ......................... 530
Monday ............................. 0.00"
Month to date .................. 1.11"
Normal month to date ... 1.12"
Year to date ....................... 8.00"
Normal Year to date .......... 11.89"


Partly sunny



-: ..-.

Mostly sunny


Sun and Moon

Sunrise Thursday ........ 7:04 a.m.
Sunset Thursday .......... 7:55 p.m.
Moonrise Thursday ...... 8:10 p.m.
Moonset Thursday ...... 6:54 a.m.
Full Last New First

Apr 13 Apr 20 Apr 27 May 5
All forecasts and maps provided by
AccuWeather, Inc. @2006

AccuW weather UV IndexT Values are the highs tor the day
0 2. Low. 3.5. Mooeraie: 6-7. High; 8-10, Very High. 11.-. Extreme


Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



Mostly sunny



Partly sunny



Mostly cloudy with
spotty showers



Clouds and some



* Cedar Key
First high
First low
Second high
Second low

Apr. 13
2:43 a.m.
8:33 a.m.
2:20 p.m.
9:04 p m.

Jacksonville Beach Apr. 13

First high
First low
Second high
Second low

First high
First low
Second high
Second low

St. Augustine
First high
First low
Second nigh
Second low

8:41 a.m.
2:53 a.m.
9:03 p.m.
2:52 p.m

Apr. 13
9:15 a.m.
3:01 a.m.
9.36 p.m.
2-54 p.m.

Apr. 13
8:47 a.m.
2:55 a.m.
9-09 p.m.
2.54 p.m.

Apr. 14
3:19 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
2:42 p.m.
9-36 p.m.

Apr. 14
9:18 a.m.
3:30 a.m.
9.40 p m.
3:25 p.m.

Apr. 14
9:51 a.m.
3:35 a.m.
10.10 p.m.
3-22 p.m.

Apr. 14
9:24 a.m.
3:32 a.m.
9:46 p.m.
3:27 p.m.

Apr. 15
,3:56 a.m.
9-28 a.m.
3:07 p.m.
10:09 p m.

Apr. 15
9:56 a.m.
4:07 a.m.
10!17 p.m.
3.59 p.m.

Apr. 15
10:29 a.m.'
4:08 a.m.
10.46 p.m
3:54 p m.

Apr. 15
10:02 a.m.
4:09 a m.
10:23 p.m.
4:01 p m.

Apr. 16
4:35 a.m.
9:57 a.m.
3:34 p.m.
10:46 p.m.

Apr. 16
10-35 a.m.
4:45 a.m.
10:56 p.m.
4:35 p.m.

Apr. 16
11:08 a.m.
4:44 a.m.
11:25 p.m.
4:30 p.m.

Apr. 16
10:41 a.m.
4:47 a.m.
11:02 p.m.
4:37 p m.

Apr. 17
5:19 a.rm.
10:28 a.m.
4:07 p.m.
11.30 p.m.

11:15 a.m.
5:26 a.m.
11:39 p.m.
5:16 p.m.

Apr. 17
11:49 a.m.
5:24 a.m.
5-12 p.m.:

Apr. 17
11:21 a.m.
5:28 a.m.
11:45 p.m.
5:18 p.m

City Hi/Lo/W
Albany 82/59/pc
Asheville 74/47/pc
Athens 78/55/pc
Atlanta 76/57/pc
Augusta 82/54/pc
Charleston, SC 80/58/pc
Charlotte 78/54/pc
Chattanooga 79/56/pc
Columbus 70/51/pc
Dayton 71/54/pc
Durham 77/53/pc
Fayetteville 80/54/pc
Fort Myers 85/63/pc
Gainesville 79/53/pc
Gatlinburg 75/55/pc
Greensboro 76/54/pc
Greenville 76/53/pc
Hilton Head 80/58/pc
Key West 80/71/pc
Knoxville 76/55/pc
Macon 80/54/pc
Memphis 83/64/pc
Miami ' 82/71/pc
Myrtle Beach 74/59/po
Nashville 77/58/pc
Orlando 82/60/pc
Pensacola 79/62/pc
Raleigh 78/54/pc
Savannah 80/55/pc
Spartanburg 76/52/pc
St. Petersburg 82/64/pc
Tallahassee 82/54/pc
Tampa 82/64/pc
Valdosta 83/56/pc
W Palm Beach 80/70tpc



86/71 is

Weather (W): s-sunny. pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy. sh-showers,
t-tiunderstorms, r-rain. sf-snow Hurries, sn-snow, i-ice.



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Split 23A upda

(From Page one) ' nif," Mr. Stone said. "I'ni odly
fensive, saying he wouldn't accept here to make it better... as pleasing
Mr. Robinson putting the onus on as I possibly can."
the city. He wants to build office or
"I didn't say it was a city warehouse facilities and was con-
thing," the commissioner respond- sidering asking for the property to
ed. be designated light industrial.
The mayor responded, "I'm not "The neighbors might feel more
willing to sit here and do all the comfortable that n's not industri-
county roads in the city." al," said city manager Gerald Dop-
Mr. Robinson said "there must son.
be a misunderstanding... I only Mr. Stone, who said he worked
mentioned four developments that for the company 30 years and has
have been incorporated into the owned it for about two, said he
city." will make it more "community-
Mr. Dobson, admitting he may oriented," including landscaping
have been "over sensitive," said, and a barrier hedgerow. "
"I'm not fussin' with you." * Had second readings for re-
In a final exchange, he said, "I zonings of the old county health
must have misunderstood." department property (for a Wal-
To which Mr. Robinson replied greens drugstore) and the former
tersely, "You must have." golf course (the Barber Plantation
. The mayor suggested the city development). '
and county engineers might be * Had the first reading of a re-
able to develop a formula for how zoning ordinance that will allow
much each should pay. American Enterprise Bank to build
In other action at Tuesday's an office building on about a third
meeting, commissioners: , of an acre on south Fifth Street just
* Approved $20,000 for im- south of Macclenny Nursing and
provements to Railroad Avenue as Rehab.
part of the downtown revitaliza- The rezoning - from residential
tion project. to commercial - brings the parcel
Area business owners, who are in line with adjacent property, ac-
spearheading the effort, would like cording to the city manager..
to see it converted to a two-way * Changed the city's port-o-let
street with angled parking on the vendor from Farmer Johns to Pit
south side. Plans also call for land- Stop, contingent upon the compa-
scaping and lighting. ny agreeing to provide handi-
"I'm very willing to us.e capped-accessible units if the need
$20,000 to start ... to show our arises.
commitment to revitalization," Pit Stop actually charges a high-
Mayor Dopson said. er monthly rate - $57 versus
* Advised Les Stone of LV Hi- Farmer Johns' $55 - but it's close
ers that he should seek special ex- enough that the city may choose
ceptions rather than a blanket -re- the higher bid because the compa-
zoning to make improvements to ny is owned and operated in Baker
his property between Florida Av- County..
enue and Mclver Street. Farmer is based in Callahan.
"It's an eyesore to the commu- * Heard from Sharon Boyett,

First Baptist Church
of Macdclenny
i - "It Feels Like Home"
/' . 372 S. Sixth Street at W. Minnesota Ave.

Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:45 am
& 6:00 pm

Prayer & Bible Study 6:45 pm
Awana for Children 6:45 pm
Youth Group 6:45 pm

Dr. Edsel M. Bone Directions from 1-10: Take Exit 48 N. Go1.3 miles
Senior Pastor North on Hwy. 121 - See steeple on left
Broadcast Live on WJXR 92.1 FM each Sunda Morning @ 11:00 am

te costs

who proposed the city build'a
walking trail. Commissioners ex-
pressed general support for the
idea. Ms. Boyett will be part of a
committee, along with Commis-
sioner Richard Johnson, city man-
ager-Dopson and the city's engi-
neer and/or planner to investigate
potential locations, the cost and
possible grants to allay those costs.
SAccepted a $10,000 bid from
Mitch Canaday to remove homes
and debris from three properties
condemned by the city - 683.
Lewis Street ($3600), 522 Joan
Street ($4200) and 531 Nihth
Street ($2200),

Don't go it alone
The Baker County
Cancer Support Group
First Tuesday of month
7:00 pm
Baker County Health Department

(From Page one)
Mr. Rhoden",aid. '"1 don't think
anyone wants to be the one who
cries wolf, but what we're hearing
at this table is that we may be at.
that point."
He said the city is "kind of
maxed out with sewer," and won't
* be approving more connections
until it gets permitting to increase
He asked property appraiser
Tim Sweat for a projection of tax
revenue based on approved con-
Ms. Barton then told the group
that the school board has told her
to begin .looking into a half-cent
sales tax for school construction.
She said the proposal would be
subject to a voter referendum',
probably in 2008, if the board de-
cides to move ahead with the idea.
"The crisis is here with the
kids," she said.
Macclenny. city manager Gerald
Dopson raised the issue of increas-
ing the ad valorem tax rate.
He noted that it's not just new
residents driving growth.



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",, Nat've families are having
kids, grandkids... do we wantcr'
try to make it up on new county
residents, then exempt our native
"New growth shouldn't foot the
bill for everything."
Mr. Lehman replied, "Good
After Tuesday's Macclenny city
commission meeting, Mr. Dopson
explained that he's not necessarily
advocating increased taxes, but
thinks that everything should be
on the table.
The growth committee has no
statutory authority, so it cannot en-
act taxes or a moratorium, but
members can brief their colleagues
on their various boards, who could
then take action.

Get the better news experience with
The Baker County Press

For sale. 16 ft. camper with kitchen,
bathroom, shower, sleeps 4-5 people,
perfect for any occasion, $1200 OBO.
Call Shelley 259-2499 or 449-1825
For sale. Chipper/shredder, Yard Ma-
chine, 5.5 HP, like new, $350. 275-
Real estate. 4 BR, 2 BA brick house
with 2 car garage & in-ground pool,
huge master suite & den with large
wood burning stove. Approximately
2200 SF located in downtown Macc
lenny, $235,000.859-3026.


H-71 -I


Leaders discuss new tax


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---~-------'-- --~


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS. Thursday April 13. 2006 Page Three

- .. recycled paper.

NEWS/SPORTS - Michael Rinker
NEWS, FEATURES Kelley Lannigan
COMMENT - Cheryl R. Pingel
Jessica Prevatt & Laura Briner
CLASSIFIEDS - Barbara Biackshear

USPS 040-280 ",. .

Post Office Box 598 ** 104 South 5" St.
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1904) 259-2400
The Baker county Press is puolisrec eacr, Truri.]ay tiy
Baker Counrt Press. Irc Periodicais poiiage paid urer
permit i ssued Apri 12. 1929 al Me D..tt oi.e rin
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120 00 a year inside Baker Cournry 12500 a ,ear coul.
siae Ba'er County. adeuct 1i c lot Oersoris 65 years
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Cc.unr, POSTMASTEP send address crarngeis The
Baler, Courly Press. P.O Box:. 598 Ma'.clennr FL

The good, the bad

and the ugly in

political nicknames



"What's in a name? A rose by
any other name would smell as
That's what Will Shakespeare
claimed at any rate. I'm not so sure
that the Bard of Avon was right.
Romeo and Ethel just doesn't have
the same effect as Romeo and Juli-
I was listening to the ne\\s the
other day and it was describing
how Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice
President Dick "Deadeye" Che-
ney's former Chief of Staff. had fin-
gered President Bush for giN ing the
;okay to leak the name of a CIA
agent to the press.
The Democrats claim a "culture
of corruption" in the \Vhile House.
I claim that the problem is a "cul-
ture of bad nicknames." Scooter?
A guy named Scooter is Chief of
Staff to the next in line to the head
of the free \Norld?
Scooter is the guy who flips your
burgers not the guy who is giving
ad\ ice about putting troops in the
Congo. Scooter would fit in with
Fonzie and Potsie on reruns of
Happy Days, not brow beating
Conr 4men tou.-ei4 .dgalinsi an en-
ergy ax..
If that's not bad enough, we've
got a president %ith a nickname.
W. What kind of nickname is that?
It isn't really even a nickname. No
wonder his approval rating is dip-
ping toward the single digits. He's
got a single digit nickname.
The only other single digit nick-
name I can think of was Q from
James Bond. President Bush's nick-
name is even farther down the al-
phabet. Q at least had cool gadgets.
W has Donald Rumsfeld.
The Secretary of Defense has his
own nickname. It's nothing quite as
cool as, W, but it is pretty descrip-
tive. The head of our armed forces,
the man in charge of defending this
country and our way of life is
called "Rummy."
That inspires confidence. When
I was growing up, the term rummy
was used to describe two things. If
you were a red nosed uncle who sat
around all day watching wrestling
and drinking a suitcase of beer, you
were called a rummy.
Rummy was also a term of deri-
sion similar to nerd or' dork. If
someone looked at you and shook
his head and said, "What a rum-
my," you knew that you weren't be-
ing complimented.
The Governor of California,
Arnold Schwartzenegggggggger-
rrrrr is nicknamed "The Termina-
tor." Some papers have started call-
ing him "The Govinator" when

Dear Editor:
I am extremely disappointed in
the County Commissioners after
the statement made by Alex
Robinson and Gordon Crews in the
paper last week. I believe before
Mr. Robinson made the statement
that he remembers $500,000 or
$600,000 was to go toward a new
building for seniors he should have
researched the information. The
seniors of this county (of which I
am one) have been continually put
on the backburner when it comes to
deciding which projects should get
funding. Mr. Robinson you are
senior and shame on you for not
pushing to provide an up-to-date

theyaren't calling h
The Terminator is
cal nickname. Rumm
think of your Uncle
and snoring on the coi
ing room. The Terr
things done.
Granted, I don't kn0
tive a nickname like
tor is in inspiring a b
promise and working
was going into a mee
management \ ith a r
ripped a guy's arm off
been Conan the Barb
I'd be scoping out all t
instead of arguing for
Of course, from Arr
point of view, that's a g
Disgraced Speaker,
Tom Delay had a sin
nickname. Delay, who
nounced that he would
election, had the nick
Hammer," as Speaker
That's because he woi
hammer down on anyb
in his way.
- Unfortunately for I
into a much bigger
sledge- hammer called
who is looking into in
for illegal campaign
and other miscues. Oop
Democrats don't si
good nicknames. Ma\
problem i '.it h the De m
We can't get excited e
these guys to give then
because they don't see
personality. They are
and non-descript that t
spire nicknames.
I imagine that the
have a few undercove
for Hillary Clinton thai
able in this family new
matter of fact, I bet 1
Bill Clinton has one
might match up with
the Republicans call he
John Kerry didn't h
name, but I can think
him. Kerry, like Al (
him, was so bland an
that even his support
think of a really goo
vote for him.
I think he should be
"Mayonnaise" Kerry.
humorist Martin Mull s
could tell a white pec
mayonnaise they eat on
wiches. Mull claimed
could always tell some
white to the core becau
kitchen cabinet full of
Kerry and Gore are ful
naise. In fact, besides Je
I can't think of another
who is quite as full of
as Mayo 1 and Mayo 2.
I'll sign off for now w
come up with a nickna

facility for your peers.
apparently does not feel
should receive any mon
county if the state a
grants come through. I
live in this county and
supported by this county
of the grants that com
Election time is comi
both of you should be di
can to ensure the senior
Baker County get a new
ter that will not only b
but will provide shel
emergency situations.

im other bad

a good politi-
iy makes you
Elmo, drunk
.uch in the liv-
minaior gets

b%% how effec-
The Termina-
)elief in com-
together. If I
ting on water
nan \\ho had
in a movie or
arian, I think
he exit routes
my position.
good :hing. '
of the House
milar macho
recently an-
d not seek re-,
kname, "The
of the House.
uld slam that
body who got

Delay, he ran
hammer, a
a grand jury
ndicting him
fund raising
eem to have
be th.t's the
ocratic pariy;
enough about
m nicknames

Submission Deadlines
All news and advertising must be
submitted to the newspaper office
prior to 4:30 p.m. on the Monday
prior to publication, unless other-
wise noted or arranged. Material
received after this time will not be
guaranteed for publication. It is
requested that all news items be
typed to insure accuracy in print.


II e^ [L1mri lajI

-m to have a My cats Isabell and Jemima trav-
all so bland eled with me when I moved to
hey don't in- Macclenny last December. They
behaved horribly 'during the six
Republicans hour drive from South Carolina,
r nicknames even though I had given them a vet-
I aren't print- approved tranquilizer to make trav-
'spaper. As a eling less stressful.
her husband Boy, oh boy, \ asi that ever a mis-
or two that take. Isabell had a terrible reaction
some things and lay in a half-crazed, half-drunk
r. stupor for the entire trip. She alter-
have a nick- nately tried to reach through the
k of one for carrier and rip my arm to pieces or
Gore before lapsed into unconsciousness for
id milktoast bried periods.
ers couldn't Her sister Jemima spent most of
d reason to the trip sprawled on her back, yowl-
'ing steadily until I thought I would
called John go mad and hurl' both of them into
Years ago, the marshes along highway 95 as I
said that you passed through Georgia.:
ople by the After such a rocky start, I am
n thqir sand- happy to report that both felines
,d that you have made the transition smoothly
ne who was and are in love with their new
ise he had a home. As cats go, these two are
mayonnaise. pretty lucky.
1 of mayon- I was worried about their ability
jerry Falwell, to adapt to being indoor/outdoor
-r American cats since all of their previous life
mayonnaise had been spent inside.
Not a single problem in that area,
vhile I try to however. My landlady has a won-
.me for my- derful enclosed backyard and these
two spend their time snoozing on
soft chair cushions under the porch,
in lounging in the sun beside the
}Ilng swimming pool and exploring the
hedges and fences around the
s house.
They chase buttlerflies and birds
Mr. Crews. and leave me presents of dead
that seniors lizards on the doorstep. Inside, they
ey from the sleep on the bed, have their own
nd federal shelf in a closet where they like to
The seniors nap, or sit between the floor-length
I should be curtain and the glass of the back
y regardless door watching whatever might be
ie through. happening in the backyard.
ing up and They have bowls of food and
going all you water inside and outside.
residents of Life is rough.
senior cen- One pleasant evening, I opened
benefit them the back doors for the fresh air as I
ter during prepared dinner. I kept hearing an
uncharacteristic thump noise and a
crunching sound. I finally went out
Macclenny to investigate.
There on the backporch, stuffing
it's face full of catfood, was a opos-
onday sum. And it wasn't shy. Even as I

Letters to the editor are welcome, but must contain
the signature of the writer, a telephone number
where the writer may be contacted and city of resi-
dence. Letters must reflect opinions and state-
ments on issues of current interest to the general
public. The newspaper reserves the right to reject
any material which in the newspaper's judgement
does not meet standards of publication.

stepped out onto the porch, it hesi-
tated eating, but didn't run off. The
cats just sat on their chair, staring
I had plenty of opossums arid
racoons eating my cat's food when
I lived in the country, but I wasn't
expecting it in the city.
I wouldn't back down and nei-
ther would the opossum. It hissed at
me and I hissed back. That did it. I
don't know what I said in opossum
language but I got my point across.
The opossum stalked off in disgust
and disappeared into the shadows
of the shrubbery.
I'm kind to animals and will feed
anything, but cat food is expensive
and this guy was scarfing it down

like it was water. I haven't seen it
since but that doesn't mean it isn't
around because the, food keeps dis-
appearing fast. ,-
But that could also be due to the
fact that every other cat in the
neighborhood seems to be in the
habit of stopping by and helping
themselves, too. And periodically,
when she escapes from the house
across the street at night, my neigh-
bors' dog Sophie darts across the
road, eats all the catfood as fast as
she possibly can without choking to
death, rattles the bowls all over the
steps and then runs off again.
Guess I should just hang a sign'
on the door that says "a real sucker
lives here."

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need to share

the highway

Dear Editor:
Let me say that I am a realist
and a reasonably logical person. I
understand that according to the
National Agenda for Motorcycle
Safety report, published in 2000,
the most comprehensi\ e motorcy-
cle accident analysis study ever
conducted in the U.S., that most
motorcycle riders kill themselves.
The largest majority by traveling
faster than their skills or conditions
However, \ihen considering
responsible motorcycle riders, like
my fallen brothers White) Green,
Gene Pollard and Elick Driggers
III, most of us are killed by "a %ehi-
'cle turning left into the path of the
motorcycle, while failing to yield
the ultimate right of way."
The media's favorite dig at my
two-wheeled brothers and sisters -
Helmet, no helmet - is honestly a
complete. dodge of the serious, real
issue at hand. Ask anyone who
rides a motorcycle - your father,
your mother, your brother, your
city council person, your dentist,
your clerk of courts, your county
attorney, your preacher - how many
times they have heard " I didn't see
Since 1979, all motorcycles
sold in the U.S. have, by federal
law, a headlight that comes on any
time the motorcycle key is turned.
Most of us ha% e even added more
lights on our own because we are
tired of burying our brothers and
sisters for the rest of America's
right to drive like idiots.
In this day and age of cell
phones, eating on the run in the car,
applying makeup on the way to
work, riding with your pet in the
front seat with you, and always
being in too big of a hurry to get
where you are going, it is time for
America to stop breaking the law.
Stop and think about the fact that
you are in control of a 2000-3000
pound weapon that is killing hon-
est, hard working, loving, affec-
tionate, devout Christian men like
Whitey Green.
This is not an issue about one
person who made a bad decision, it
is about literally thousands of peo-
ple who are making bad decisions
day in and day out. Most impor-
tantly, it is about Whitey and Anne
and Misty and Robert and Tracey
and Marvin and Paul and Clark and
Gene and Kathy and Michael and
Amanda and Elick III and Elick II
and Wayne and Anna and Jennifer
and Elick IV.
This issue's solution does start
with one person, and that person is
you, America. A friend of mine
favors "murdercycle" to "motorcy-
cle." This friend, I am sure, would,
if he rode a motorcycle, more accu-
rately prefer "murdercars" to
"motorcars" when referring to
those of us who are responsible
motorcycle riders. Ride safely my
brothers and sisters, because as far
as we are concerned, America's car
drivers have a license to kill.

Glen St. Mary

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Four


Bikers lead funeral procession for one of their own
Ds ight Green, who died in a traffic accident April 3. is taken from the First Baptist Church of Glen St. Alary, escorted by' a line of rid-
ers April d. Mr. Green, 65 was killed when a car pulled into the path of his Hlarlev Davidson as he traveled south on SR 121. accord-
ing to the Florida Highway Patrol. He nas taken to Shands Jacksonville. where lie died of niasi'e head iniluries several hours later
He was not wearing a helmet. Mr Green was a nursing supervisor ti the Northeast Florida State Hospital He was the second Baker
Couniian to die in a motorcycle accident tins year

Truck driver sentenced

to 3 years for trafficking

BY MICHAEL RINKER ed with the requirement that he un-
Press Staff dergo mental health and drug'alco-
Jdge David GIan on hol evaluation and treatment.
Circuit Judge David Glant on Hissecond violation came in
April 10 sentenced a 63-year-old October 2005, violathen he ailed to
Jacksonville truck drier to three st athome pending arrival of his
years in prison for trafficking in stay at home pending arrival of his
methamphetamineson trafficking in probation officer. For that, he w\'as
meDhamphelamines e sentenced to two dals in jail. with
Donald Ballard had been found cedit for t~o days already\ served.
credit for two days alreadN served.
guilty bN a Baker County jury Feb- The most recent violation was
ruarv 21. last month when he refused to sub-
According to court documents. mit to drug and alcohol tests re-
Mr. Ballard wkas at the weigh sta- quired b the terms of his proba-
tion on SR 121 north December tion. the term of hi prob-
29. 2004, when his tractor-trailer In another case April 10, Judge
was found to be overweight. Glant sentenced Da\ id Norman to
He consented to a safety inspec- seen days in jail. , ith credit for
lion inside the cab. . seen days already served, for vio-
The officer found 20 plastic rating probation.
packets, each containing about one Mr. Norman ' as gi en four
gram of meth. In all, it came to years probation in December 2004
23.5 grams. . after pleading no contest to bur-
The packets had been hidden in glary of a structure and grand
an eyeglass case. " -
Also i n co.urtp.nil 10, Jaames .....He violated 1.fiv"
Bullard. w\ho received fi'e Nears ion faiin o ie
probation for his part in Operation his community service and make
Blackberry two Nears ago. was courl-ordercd payments.
sentenced to 180 days in jail after
he w'as found guilty of violating
that probation. * Rebuild Engines
He will get credit for 35 days * General
already served. Maintenance
Bullard, 26, of Macclenny, was * Rearend Ring &
one of 14 charged in Februar\ Pinion Setup
2004 in connection w ith Blackber- * Rebuild & Service Generail
ry. a Florida Fish and Wildlife Transmission
Conservation Commission under-
cover investigation into illegal 959 W. Macclenny Ave.
hunting and fishing in Baker Macclennv
County. 2
He was charged with 14 counts
of illegal possession or sale of alli-
gators and deer.
Prosecutors dropped 13 counts
in exchange for Bullard's plea to
sale of illegal. taken deer meat. a Wo
third-degree felony. Quality,
In addition to the file years of
probation, he %as banned from PIC
hunting and fishing and ordered to PICK-UP
perform 50 hours of community
service. S ' at * Spacious * Ir
He has violated probation three
times since he was sentenced Sep- Complete Bath, De-flea & (
member 13, 2004. . ath a .
The first time vwas two months Bafth, De-flea & Nail Clip
after his sentencing, when he was Oarding (per actua 'day) .
arrested for battery and aggravated
assault. His probation was reinstat-

Driver Ed class
-. to be offered

A second non-credit summer
Driver Education /Traffic Safety
course is being offered by the Bak-
er County School District.
The class will be taught by cer-
tified instructors and will cover the
rules, regulations and necessary
skills of driving and traffic safety.
D.A.T.E. training (drug, alcohol
and traffic education) will be in-
cluded as well as a test for a learn-
er's' permit or operator's license.
You must be age 15 or older to
The dates of the class are Mon-
day, July 10 through Thursday, Ju-
ly 13 and will take place 7:30 am -
12:45 pm.
Space is limited and will be first
come, first served. Parents must
complete the registration form for
their children and submit a non-re-
fundable fee of $80.
Registration and fee deadline is
Thursday, May 18, at 4:00 pm.
Class registration will take place at
the Baker County Vocational and
Adult Education Office. 270 S.
Boulevard. East in Macclenny.
For Further information contact
Nancy Cain at 259-0403.

Unable to pass sobriety test

A Glen St. Mary man was ar-
rested April 6 for DUI after he was
stopped for careless driving.
Matthevw Floyd, 20, was driving
on Macclenny Avenue around
10:22 pm when Deputy Mark Hall
saw him accelerate to a high speed
then slam on his brakes to narrow.-
ly avoid hittlling a car stopped in
front of him.
The officer approached the sil-
\er Mustang and noticed the odor
of alcohol and that Mr. Floyd had
difficulty getting his license out of
his wallet.
*He became belligerent when
asked for his registration and proot
of insurance.
Dep. Hall told him he was giv-
ing him a ticket for careless dri-
ving and that Mr. Floyd needed to

attention for only


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call someone to pick up him and
his car.
"No one will come and get me:
they \\ill say, 'Take him to jail,'"
he said.
The officer said if he was un-
willing to call someone, he would
conduct a DUI investigation to de-
termine Mr. Floyd's ability to dri-
ve the car.
If he \'as unable to pass it. he
would be taken to jail.
Mr. Floyd continued to be bel-
ligerent and uncooperative, so the
officer asked him to take roadside
sobriety tests.
"I'm not doing any [freaking]
exercises." he replied.
The officer arrested him and
cuffed him, then asked if he'd
changed his mind about doing the
"Get these [freaking] handcuffs
off me right now." was Mr.
Floyd's response.
He was taken to jail where a
breath test measured his blood al-
,cohol at .196 and .205.

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Entry Fee is $50.00 per player and includes green fees, cart, lunch, prizes, drawings and free gifts.
Corporate Sponsorship is $300.00
2 complimentary players, business name on putting green and in newspaper.
Hole Sponsorship is $100.00


Deadline for entry is Tuesday, April 18

awn Kennels
y Professional Care


ndoor/Outdoor Runs
Groom . ... . .$14-$20
. . ... . . . . ..$1 -$15

Baker County Rotary Club
2nd Annual Golf Tournament

Friday, April 21

Bent Creek Golf Club of Jacksonville

Tee off at 11:00 am (Check-in by 10:30 am)
Players not pre-registered will not be assigned on teams until each team has a
minimum of 3 players .
City: ___________ State: Zip: Phone:
] 7-

Business name at the tee and in newspaper.
Door Prize
Business will receive recognition at the tournament and in the newspaper.
Please complete the entry form and mail with check to:
Baker County Rotary Club
Attention: Joel Barber
1468 South 6th Street
Macclenny, FL 32063
Limited to first 72 players
For further information call 904.259.5655 4-e,



1 7 14,

V 'a-, "A Bryceville man who failed
.- ' - " roadside sobriety tests was arrest-
S,-. -" - ed April 7 on suspicion of DUIJI
P_."" but his blood alcohol content
..,. -turned out to be below the level at
which the state considers a driver
to be impaired.
Police obtained a urine sample
from Timothy Taylor to determine
"'" if he may have been under the in-
fluence of other drugs.
Deput, John Warren Hardin
\\as on routine patrol when he was
:. ' . stopped by a motorist who said a
silver Ford F150 pickup almost
ran into him in the parking lot of
the S&S convenience store on
,4"South Sixth Street near the inter-
. . state.
" .The officer saw the truck about
to pull out of the lot, so he drove
up behind it and activated his
lights and siren.
Mr. Taylor hesitated then
' wheeled onto Sixth Street headed
YMCA observes official groundbreaking for new pool north, nearI hitting another car.
.uSam Kuchang speaks ai ccremntoni'es.4pril S mark constructon .. the new Baker CBounr AIi I.C.- communtintn pool ttt, acutall' parking lot at Woodi's.
began lasit nionth .i twe 51 nllion ilciittlav, twucht %- ill include tan eillt-lane. 25-meter pool. oa 200?-square-foot bathhouse contatngH1ea parking lot at Woody's.
showers, chan.tmn rooms. a punp house. concession area, office and storage space. YAICA o ficials' woutin t .ge an lle2ac complenion He failed sobriety tests, but at
date, but iiu ' Ihke. s to be finisheldd hi carl/ snminr lMr. Kuchinng is director o1 voluhtteer services fort t-t .Vorithcast Fl.,rida State the jail a breath test measured his
Hospital and a mnd'mb r ri'he YIlC.4 b,..,trd of drecturs. Seated behind him aire )AICA tecitite director Shaw Easinan. Alacclenniv blood alcohol content at .023, be-
cmn commissioner lernon Benneui. Sheriff Je. DuDbson anid KerrY Dutleavv. of the BalAer Cowini Health Department low the threshold of .08.

Woman steals Swishers

A woman who stole three packs
of Swisher Sweets from a dow n-
town Macclenny convenience
store April 3 agreed a few days lat-
er to pay for the cigars prompting
the store owner to drop charges.
Debra Bradley, a clerk at the
Amoco at Macclenny Avenue. and
Sixth Street, told police she saw
the woman, later determined to be
Grace Church, of Macclenn.,
place the cigars in her purse.
Ms. Church then approached
the counter with a cup of ice and
asked for a pack of Newport ciga-

ITakes jewely
Police arrested two boys and a
20-year-old woman April 3 for the
* burglary of a Glen St. Mary home.
The homeo% ner. Thomas Fras-
Serf. IT-policeTei noticed somie
items missing, and while dis-
cussing it with his wife she re-
called that a few% weeks ago she
noticed the curtain on the bath-
room w indow had been draped
over the toilet.
Later, one of the boys stopped
by the house on a Sunday when
she w\as usually in church.
Miscellaneous pieces of jewelry
and a Playstation console were re-
ported missing. The stuff was val-
ued at $1220.
Mr. Fraser suspected the box\,so
he put word out that if the items
were returned to him he wouldn't
get the boy in trouble.
The boy and his friend returned
some of the things, but the, said
the %\oman, Christy Nixon,
wouldn't give back whai she had.
The boys said it was Ms.,
Nixon's idea to break into the Mr.
Fraser's house because "he has
When contacted by Deputy
David Morgan, she denied being
involved, but the officer found Mr.
Fraser's watch in her car.
The gang has been charged with
burglary of dwelling and grand
theft, both felonies.

Ms. Bradley told her she also
must pay for the cigars, but Ms.
Church threw $3.70 on the
counter. called to a male who ac-
companied her to the store, "Come
on Bubba. w\e got to go. Hurry!"
They got into a car driven by a
third person and took off south on
Sixth Street.
Deputy Garrett Bennett later
identified Ms. Church from the
store's surveillance tape.
He contacted her with the store
owner's proposition that she pay
for the cigars - valued at $5.96 -
and sta\ awa\ from the store.

Asks to finish smoking

crack before going to jail
A Glen St. MNar\ man caught "Sheriff's office!"
getting high in the woods April 8 When he heard what sounded
implored the deputy to "please let like the click of a lighter, then
me finish smoking." heard someone cough, he saw Mr.
Troy Hesters,. 37, w as arrested Hesters sitting on the ground hold-
for possession of cocaine and nar- ing a glass tube stuffed with a
cotic equipment. brown wire mesh - commonlN
Deputy Erik Deloach met with called a "crack pipe - up to his
an unidentified woman who told lips.' He appeared to be lighting
him she saw, a man acting suspi- something in the pipe.
ciously enter the woods near Ninth When Dep. Deloach ordered
Street just south of South Boule- him to drop it, a puff of smoke
vard. It was about 10:43 am. came from Mr. Hesters' mouth.
The officer walked into the "Please let me finish smoking,"
woods and trw ice called out loudly, he said.
"Finish smoking what? Crack?"
"Yes. Please." .
, The officer arrested him and
& Septc~ ank asked where the pieces of crack
% %ere.
f"eners & Purifition : 've already smoked it all. I've
been here awhile."



Sheila Gordon

, tor all v)'ur lending
and- financial needs.,.

100 South Lima St.,
Office 266-1041

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Five

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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Six

_ 1I 1 -

.Als. Sinart i/d Mr Epperson
Wed April 14
James and Valerie Swartz of
Glen St. Marn are happy to an-
nounce the marriage of their
daughter Sarah Sw.artz to Steven
Epperson. son of John and Debo-
rah Epperson of Fairfield, Va. The
couple \,ill %\ ed in the Orlando
Temple Friday morning., April 14,
20u6. Friends and family\ are invit-
ed to a ring ceremony and recep-
tion the same evening at 7 pm at
the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
ter-day Saints in Macclenny, Fla.
The bride is a graduate of Baker
County High School and Florida
Community, College of Jack-
son\ ille. She will graduate Ma, 19
from St. Leo Uninkersity with a
B.A. in Elementary Education.
She teaches first grade at Westside
The groom is employed at Ze-
rorez in Jackson\ ille and is a stu-
dent at Florida Communit\ Col-
lege at Jackson% ille

,'Is [T cc ,,d Ailr. Benneut
Wed April 1st
Lauren Elizabeth Treece of
Glen St. Mary and Jonathan Brett
Bennett, Sanderson. %were united in
marriage April 1. 2006 at the
Christian Fellowship Temple. The
bride is the daughter of Kurt and
Cindy Treece of Glen St. Mary,
Terry Bennett of Sanderson and
Michele Hansberger of Lawey.
Lauren is pursuing a nursing
degree and currently works at St.
SVincent's Hospital in Jacksonville.
Brett is employed at Wiremill in

Als. Canadav and Mr. Yoemans
March wedding
Pee Wee and Darlene Canada\
along with Vicki Combs. all of
NlacclennN and Mr. and Mrs.
James Yoemans are pleased to an-
nouce the marriage of their chil-
dren, Cerissa Canaday and James
Robert Yoemans.
The ceremony took place Satur-
day, March 25th. 2006 at the
Mathis House. The couple %\ill
live in Glen St. Mary.

Woman's Club
wins awards
Cheryl Lunn of the GF\\C
Woman's Club \\as named District
4 Volunteer of the \ear at the Dis-
trict 4 President's Council Meeting
at the Village improvement Asso-
ciation of Green Cove Springs,

Conner Bea'rden
Brother born
Raygen Kinsey Bearden would
like to announce the birth of her
brother. Conner Gage who was
born March 15th. Conner weighed
7 lbs.. 13 oz.
The proud parents are Jered and
Kristy Bearden of Macclenny.
Grandparents include Marty and
Cindy Conner of Sanderson, Fla.,
and Ken and Jane Beardon of
Seneca, SC. Great grandparents
are Floyd and Jeanette Connor of
Glen St. Mary and Do\le and Pat
Gordon of Holiday. Fla.

�-: **, ;-cS ,
, . . .,


ToCner\ Laiiramn.,or Ili
Born March 27

Members Lane Altom. Olea
Carr, Earnestine Hicks. Marv Fin- Tristan and Tayleigh Lauramore
le. Claudine Rhoden. Mlabel iould like to announce the arrival
Brazil. Louise Whitt Frances of their brother, TommN Lau-
Frost and Nlaril'n Hodges oere in ramore I ar.
attendance. Tommn \\as born March 2-7.
The Macclenny \Woman's club 2006. weighed 7 Ibs, 4 oz. and \ as
also \\on numerous daards for its 21 inches long
community and volunteerr work. Proud parents are Tomm\ Jr.
The club's ne\t local ier.ilr. and Teresa Laurainore.. Grandpar-
ren the annual pra b ndest luDimhNre
on Thursday, April 2( at 10 am at and Tonmm and Janet Lauramore.
its clubhouse on Fifth Street. all of MNacclenn \.

. 33 * , .. . li. . -.


, *April 29 *
- A t , "" Where ,
. Five-Star * at 83-0 am . Excellence
STeam at the Aboundsh..
* 4 * Noble Knights Chiamber. * 4
Located by Food Lion on Sixth St.
Clinic Dates: Minis K-2nd April 24 & 42 5-6:00 pm
Pee-Wees & Youth April 24 & 27 6-7:30 pm,
Junior & Senior April 26 & 28 5-6:30 pm
CallJill Baker at 259-2266

Daughter born
Austin is proud to announce the
arrival of his new� baby sister,
Camdvn Mckenzey Jowers.
She was born on March 16.
2006 at St. Vincent's Hospital.
.weighed 6 lbs.. 7 oz. and %'as 18
3,4 inches long.
The parents are Christopher
Jowers and Brands Hartley of

Family reunion
The Annual Decendants of Ellis
and Sadie Richardson Family Re-
union will be held Saturday. April
22, 2006 at Franklin and Drulene
Richardson's farm on Richardson
Road in Sanderson. Fla., begin-
ning at 11:00 am.
Please bring a covered dish.
Call Franklin Richardson at 904-
275-2001 for more information.

Don't go it alone
The Baker County
Cancer Support Group
First Tuesday of month
7:00 pm
Baker Counrt Health Department

Happy 3 Birthday
S Reighnah Collins
4/9/06 * AKA Kasper

I ,

S We love you, Mama & Robert,
Granny & Papa, Thumper & Richard

.One Week Ph c"grapher v.ill be .a.olable theec do,a: or.i,
-. .. . Thursday, April 13 through Tuesday, Arit 18 -
l photographer not available Sunday; prl'.
Photographer Hours: 10am-7pm

South 6th Street

- .- - - - .- .- -.- -U-I
.. --.-.... -.-.......... ....................... .... .. . . ...................... . ..... .. ..................

Mason Batten
* Congratulations on your 1� place win!
We are so
* proud of
Love aI.va'?s,,
Mama, Daddy,
Major & Nana

Let your graduate know

how proud you are

Time is running out to
place your ad in The Press'

2006 Graduation Section

For prices & information
call 259-2400
Monday - Friday 9 - 5



Final deadline is May 1st.

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Circulation leader since 1929

American Enterprise
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Contact Jamev Hodges
for all your lending needs

Loan Production Office
692 W. Macclennv Ave.

Macclenny, Florida

259-6003 (^


Fire ride seeks bikers,

donations for stations

The Baker County Volunteer
Fire Department is working hard
getting ready for their Third An-
nual "'Ride with Fire" motorcycle
benefit. The ride is to take place
on Saturday, May 6th. It will start
at Celebration Park in Glen St.
Mary and travel oer 75 miles,
passing by all the fire stations
throughout the count\. The cost is
$25.00 per motorcycle with rider;
passengers are an additional
$15.00. Fees include a ride i-shirt
and smoked beef dinner with live
music at the ride's finish. The ride
is fully police escorted %with
blocked intersections for the safe-
ty of the riders. For pre-registra-
tion to guarantee t-shirt size, con-
tact The Hawg Rider Store at
8161 West US 90 in Glen St
The ride committee is looking
for donations of door prizes and
cash from local businesses. If

your donation is over $7
your business name will be
ed on the i-shirt. For a donat
any size, your name or bus
will be printed on our don
board posted at Celebration
for all the participants to see.
Riders are encouraged to
port those businesses that sp
this benefit. Please make c
payable to BCVFD. men
"Ride w ith Fire" and send t
Box 958, Macclenny. FL 3
To donate merchandise for a
prize please call 259-(
Arrangements may be ma
pick up or drop off donation
the Emergency Operations C
on US 90.
.All the profits from this
will be used to purchase fire
ing equipment. For anm addi
information call 259-8024 or

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ion of
no to
o PO

Concerned about his dog

A Jacksonville man armed with
a .45 caliber handgun %'as arrested
April 10 for disorderly intoxica-
tion after he continuously and
loudly accused police of planning
to kill his dog.
John Garrett, 32, also was
charged with having an alcoholic
beverage in his vehicle.
Police him asleep in his 2004
Ford pickup on SR 228 and E.M.
Spence Road around 5:44 am.
He smelled strongly of alcohol

Cocaine relapse

i door A Macclenny woman who told
6111. police she had "relapsed on co-
de to 'caine" was arrested April 4 for
Sns at cashing stolen checks.
"enter Dlorah Raulerson, 46, was
charged w ith forgerN. a felony.
e\ent A representative from the local
fight- \' inn Dixie reported that the cor-
tional porate office had returned three
S59- checks totalling $114.76.'
The checks matched those re-
ported stolen by Johnny Sanders
of MNlcclenn\.
S I he arrest report does not sa\
ho\\ police identified Ms. Rauler-
e, son as a suspect, but they went to
her home to question her.
AI first she said everything had
been taken care of at the bank, but
she spilled the beans during the
ride to the sheriff's office.

" ;" -"
_ . 2} ' r

305 East Florida Ave.
Macclenny, Florida 32063
Amif.ca Besl Slorag3e ,',1 Maccll-rin, mill
CO .'du'.: a publi.- .ale IL'. Inh n.Q.he. l r.iddc er lI-
*.asr, O rnly on IhrE. prr.iT. S aT 305 E -Floida
Ave Mlacci.en-rv FL 320,3 on Salurcid.y aril
15 ? '00F. 'il 1 00 c am ..ri, r. i.Illownr.Q urn.il
The :crmpnripry r-se ve ine ri il I .:, i ar, o t
m. I nIr..ljraw ar.y ile T, l, i:.n- me ,,ale
Unitl 31. Jeremy King

PO BOX 1120. US 90 WEST
GLEN ST MARY, FL 32040-1120
Phone '9041 259-4375 * FAX (904) 259-6146
Thi, lI:.llov-.niQ .mrf.il~ i 'l.o I , "- , 3 1 a ij h,"
aucl,orj o,:, Ae.[,[ A 6 2ii ,31 1.' , C an', al H|..-,,',
,-,irh T, , T,..:=.i.-,, , I .:-,. r,3 .j; 'V wz'j _:i Gler,
'Si lMar, FL 3 ,JC,'
2001 Nissan Maxima
VinhJN I CA31 DJ.1 T826303
-4 'I . . , . - . _ ,- ,
Registration of Fictitious Names
r , jr :r .:.air., ~l II. r T . l ll
Trir. r Paj , 1. '-1r.,.- l I T ,. .'. ni', .'l:-r ':I
. ar, FL , :0 ".1 ll' .l.- .:. in-.Iili.l i
l'.I F TEtrT ,.f irFTERE_- T
v ,,T, l-.1-h . u: :
I ,n, F Mi. r,,:,

.,a , ,A , ", ,

,,,T.- , n-,-u'', F-nr.ij
~.- I ,1 . "1. rE
i..:l .. r ] : C :: . T. . l:r -, ]i2 n r

and was slurring his words.
When asked if he knew where
he was, he replied, "Georgia."
He admitted to having been
drinking "a little."
He gave Deput) Michael Lagle
permission to search tie truck, but
when the officer asked him to re-
move his dog from inside, Mr.
Garrett went off.
"Y'all are going to kill my
[freaking] dog as soon as I get her
out of there. I know hovw this
Deputy Lagle found a plastic
cup in the center console. It w as a
mixed drink. Mr. Garrett said.
He continued to sell about the
officers killing his dog and refused
to calm dow n.

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Seven

Saturday, April 15 at
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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Eight

Louise Beverlin

dies April 4
Louise Ruth Beverlin. 77. of
Macclenny. passed avay April 4,
2006 at Baptist Medical Center.
Born January 21, 1929 in Elmira,
New, York, she was the daughter of
the late Meredith and Irene Marlatt
Speakes. She was predeceased by
her husband of 40 years. James
Be'erlin and her daughter Bonnie
She "was a member of the First
Baptist Church of Nlacclenn\ and
the XYZ Senior Citizen Club. She
\worked many years as a reception-
ist for Drs. Frank Kilgo and Jose
Jimenez and enjoyed watching
football and horse racing.
Mrs. Beverlin is sur\ixed bs
daughter Arlene Raulerson (Tom-
my) of Sanderson. Fla.; grandsons
Dr. Thomas Raulerson (Deborah)
of Gainsville, Fla., Matthew'
Raulerson of Jacksonville, Fla..
Adam Raulerson of Sanderson,
Fla.. Robert Aberl\ of Glen St.
Mar'. Fla., and two great grand-
Schildren. Thomas Ja. Raulerson
and Alexa Lee Raulerson.
Funeral Services were held Fri-
day. April 7, 201016 at the First Bap-
tist Church of MNacclenn with
Pastors Edsel Bone and John
Raulerson officiating. Interment
w\as at Woodlawn Cemeter\. V.
Todd Ferreira Funeral Services
" as in charge of arrangements.

Betty Clay, 71,

Manuel Deal,

of Middleburg
Funeral ser\ ices for Manuel Ja-
cob Deal, 34, of lMiddleburg, Fla.,
were held Tuesday, April 11. 2006
at Prestm ood Funeral Home
Chapel in Baldwin, Fla.
Mr. Deal was born May 2, 1972
in Jackson\ille, Fla.. and %\as the
son of Bennie Travis Deal and the
former Brendy Rub\ Collins-Deal.
He passed away April 6. 2006 at
his home in Middleburg.
He is survived by. his parents,
his wife Meredith Anne 'Meri'"
Walker-Deal; children Autumn
Faith Walker and Harle\ Deal:
brother Julian Travis Deal; sister
Janie Leanne Deal; nieces Maran-
da Padgett and Page Deal and
nephew Mason Deal.
Arrangements were handled by
Prestwood Funeral Home in Bald-

Vida Lanier,

Baldwin native
Ser ices for Vida Louise Lanier
of Baldwin, Fla., were held Satur-
da\, April 8, 2006 at Grace Bap-
tist Church of Bald\% in. Pastor De-
Wa\ ne Jo%%ers officiated. Ms.
Lanier died April 5. 2006 follow-
ing a brief illness.
She w~as born December 8,
1922 in Baldw in and %kas the
daughter of the late Hassie
Renolds and former Agnes Har-

of Bryceviile Sur' iors include two sons.
SJry cJames (Elise) and Larry (Gerry)
BettN Jean Cla' of Brice\ille. Lanier: grandchildren Julie Mac-
Fla., passed away April 6. 2t(i0 at Donald. Ste\en (Katrina) Roten.
her home. Ms. Clay was 71 Jamc.s (Shr\) I Lanier. Eric (Lorie)
She ,\as born Januar 11. 1935 Lanier, Nick Roten. Tra\is (Feli-
in Jefferson\ ille, In., and ,as the cia) Lanter. Jennifer Lanier and
daughter of the late Kenneth Mon- nineteen great grandchildren.
e\ and the former E\el\nrl Lucille Palbearers ,\ere Preston John-
Martin. She was pre-deceased b\ son, Jr. Coleman. Danny Fouraker.
brothers Charles and Homer Mon- Bucky Green. Larr\ Altman, Ro\
e\ Coleman. and Chuck Weber. Hon-
She is survived by husband orary pallbearers were Leroy Eli-
Quentin K:.-:layv:s'ort -E.dFW,' -,6T'.- and Cecil O'Ber.e4-.--"
Kelly) Riggle; daughter Deborah In lieu ot flowers, donations
(Bill) ManniN; four brothers. Jack. may be made to Grace Baptist
Ralph. Bill, and Joe Mone.; thir- Church of Bald. in, Fla. Funeral
teen grandchildren and two great arrangements w,\ere handled b\
grandchildren Prestwood FunLral Home in Bald-
Mrs. Cla\ was a member of the % in. Fla.
Ladies Au\iliar\ to the \ FV in
New Albany. In. and the Executi'e
Committee Republican Part\ of PRESS CLASSIFIEDS
Nassau County. Fla. She attended PRESS CLASSIFIEDS
First Baptist Church of Brce \ ille. $4.50 for 15 words
Funeral services were held at - - - -
First Baptist Church of Bryceville . 1 First United
April 9, 2006. Donations to her i
mnemonr may be made.to the First - Methodist
Baptist Church of Br)ce\ illc.
Arrangements were handled b\ ' I Church
Prestw ood Funeral Home in Bald- 93 N. 5 St., Macclenny 259-3551
win, Fla. 93 N . 5th St.Mc .,,enn - 259-3551
* ~i~rioay ~ -riI.'t: uMu inIi

Sunday Scrhocl: -l0.UU am
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm
Wednesday Worship: 6:15 pm
(JOpen Hear is Open Miniss, Oper doors
John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor

Exer ll Monday at 8:00 pm
at the Nlacclenny Church of Christ
5th SSt & ,Nline:,oa.
)pen to all friends and family
member' of alcoholic.

.) ,'. '- , \
Holiness Church
CR 127 N.. Sandersoon, FL
Sunday School 10.00 am
Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm
Pastor: Oral E. Lyons (

Durward Lott,

dies March 31
Durward Barnes Lott died at
Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensaco-
la, Florida on March 31 following
a brief illness. He was born No-
v ember 19, 1914 in Jacksonville,
Georgia and moved to Baker
Countyas a child with his family
where he lived until .2001. Mr.
Lott worked as a boy in the Tur-
pentine Camp run by his father
Willie near Sanderson. Later, he
participated in the Depression era
Civilian Conservation Camps to
help support his family. Durward
w"as a WWII veteran and as an
Army Infantr, officer, he was in-
terned as a POW in the European
theater. Following the war, he was
employed in a variety of occupa-
tions including a stint in 1940's
Alaska with a group of local men,
building the state's infrastructure.
In the 1950's. he worked as a
salesman for Glen Nursery and
eventually retired as the propri-
etor of a local aulo parts business
in 1977.
He is predeceased by his wife,
Gloria and sister, Theresa. Sur-
vivors include his sister, Claire
Sue.Coole. of Edgew\ ater. FL;
son William Loll of Shalimar, FL:
grandchildren Chauntell and
Crystal Lon of Ohio.
A pri ate memorial service
will be held in Baker ( county at a
later date.

Spring revival
-Brother Da'id Terrell will
preach a'Holy Ghost Deliverance
Revival at the Northeast Florida
Fairground located one mile north
of Callahan on Hwy N1.
The dates and times of the re-
i\ al are April 11 at 7 pm; April 12
-15 at 10:30 am and 7:30 pm daily.

First Baptist Church
Sunday School 9:45 AM * Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM
Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM
___ Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM

Senior Pastor
David Thomas

W . "A Beacc
to Baker
I County"

Perry Hays, Associate Pastor
Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor



Independent Pentecostal Church
Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny

Sunday School
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Evening Worship
Wednesday Night Service
Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday

Youth Proarams

Sunday School
Common Ground - Sunday
Common Ground - Wed. (Teens)
God Kids - Sunday
God Kids - Wednesday

Associate Pa
'Tim Thomn




10:00 am
11:00 am
7:00 pm
11:00 am
7:00 pm � Youth Pastor
Gary Crummey


Lori W7Mitten, 38,

dies Wednesday
Lori Lynn Whitten, 38, of Jack-
sonville, Fla., passed away on
Wednesday, April 5, 2006.
Ms. Whitten was born in Jack-
- sonville in 1967 and lived there all
her life. She lo\ed to fish, read her
Bible and attended Highlands
Baptist Church.
She is survived by her parents
Freddie Douglas and Linda Kaye
Bowen of St. George, Ga; children
Timothy Ray Belote, Jr. and
Kristin Cara Whitten of St.
George, Ga; brothers Doug Bowen
of Yulee, Fla., Matt Bowen of Fer-
nandina Beach, Fla.; sister NMarci
Dean-Warren of St. George. Ga.
Funeral services were held Sat-
urday, April 8 at 11:00 am in the
Ferreira Chapel in Macclenny.
Fla.. with the Pastor Randy Wilson
officiating. Interment followed at
Macedonia Cemetery in Macclen-
ny. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Ser-
vices were in charge of arrange-

573 S. 5th St. 259-6059
Sunday Bible Study 9:I5 -ini
Fellow ship l 0:30 am - I11.) 'na
Worship Services
11 :00 an
S ''. ' \\ed. Bible Stud\
z 7li, - .' 4,inister
, . � Sam . Kitching

Revival Center
"Experitnce Pen'tecost'
Sunday\ Morning \Vorship
11:00 amn
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening "(:00 pm
Pastor DuWyne & lordaina Bridges.
" L',ul, CR "21-, 1 '..ir --i1

First Baptist Church
of Sanderson
CRQ 2- 5.. Sanrdersoon rL
Sunday School 10 am
Sun. Morning Worship 11 am
Sun. Evening Worship 6 pm
Wed. Eve. Bible Study 7 pm
Pastor Bob Christmas

New Hope for the Community
Five Churches Road
Hwy. 127 * Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Every 4" Sunday Night Service 7:00 p.m.
V Videll if: Williams -Pastor ,/
T H,; BIBL______ S^^^^^^^


Exceptional Praise & Worship April 30, 200
I Farewell 6
warm, Friendly Folks Godspe,,d
SPasur &
A Sunday School Your Children will love! DiAnna S',i
Sundavs id 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. / Wednesdays ,i 7:00 p.m.

I Hy0We C GenS. ar I9425.62

Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life
Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M.
Sunday\ Momrning W\\orship 11:00 A.M. Wed. E\e. Worship 7:30 P.M.
Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner
North 6th Street - Macclenny * 259-3500

Come and magnify, the Lord and worship with us
Glen Friendship Tabernacle
Clinton Ave. * Glen St. Mary
WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am
Morning Worship Service 10:30 am
Children's Church 11:30 am
Evangelistic 6:00 pm
Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm
Rev Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 * Church: 259-6521

SFif/t .S.. & 259-6931
' Stin erll
li: . Pastor:
. I.F, --PT A.3F. NI.B ', C. N 0 F G0
1, lnrctr.,n I J - A .Ac N r , 1Paul Hale

Sunday hi'l rU1d am Wdnesda, Bible Study 7:00 pm
Sunday E rniin Wuorship 6:1):1 pm Thursday voulh 7:00 pm
SundaY Eeninmg \urhip 6:1010 pm
Nui,;. r ,. i..'d Io,:,r Al ser i,:',:,
; "I Loring Church trith a-Crotring vision of Excellence"
- ',p.. ia.l Bl. -ing S..h,:l R.-..Jiner- Center * 251.8406

B".- .&"* FEa).mLs

Offering services in a quiet,
thoughtful and professional

Guerry Funeral Home
...a tradition of excellence continues.

aK e
Bryan Guerry - L.FD.

Mt. Zion N.C.

Methodist Church
121 North 259-4461
Pastor Bobby Griffin

Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship 11-00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Service 7 00 pm

St. Peters Anglican Fellowship
Minnesota Ave. - Macclenny, Fla.
Sunday School - 9:00 am
Sunday Service - 10:00 am



420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East)

For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only Degotten Son, that
whosoever Oelieveth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life
John 3:16





Y---~-------~3~--~-~~ "1




years and

love is still going strong

Press staff
John and Mae Chesser of
Macclenny celebrated their 75th
wedding anniversary last Saturday
during a party given at their home
by friends and family. A catered
meal under outdoor tents featured
chicken, beef, potatoes, baked
beans and a special anniversary
cake. Another celebration for the
long time couple was .hosted by
their church on Sunday.
In a recent interview, Chesser,
96, said that the hardest job he e\ er
had to do was asking Mae's father
for her hand in marriage.
"I was afraid he'd say no and he
did," Chesser said. "He said she
%was too young. But eventually I
did marry her in Lake Butler in
Chesser first seriously noticed
the girl who would become his
wife when she would walk past his

house on the way to church.
Mrs. Chesser fondly looks at her
husband with her large, blue eyes
and smiles.
"He's been so good to me," she
says. "He has treated me the best
anyone ever has. And he has such a
good mind, even at his age. I
admire that."
The Chessers both agree that
marriage and life have been about
taking things one day at a time.
"I developed a philosophy long
ago." says Chesser. "-1 decided that
if I got married, I'd stay married. If
I joined the church, I stay w ith the
church and so on. I've approached
most things that way through my
The Chessers hase seen many
changes in the area o\er the years.
Mr. Chesser has fond memories of
swimming at Vonn's Washhole on
the Little St. Mary's River.
"I think all the new growth
around Macclenny is exciting,"

Phtroet', Kue,, Lar nnan



Seniors will be enjoying an
Easter celebration this Wednesday
with d the Macclenny United
* Methodist Church. E\ernone will
mee t'htrie 'h-urch'at 9:00 a.m. on
Wednesday. April 12. for the annu-
al Easier Egg Hunt The Senior
Center will be closed on Friday.
April 14, 2006.
COA staff are sponsoring an
.. Easter coloring contest. Seniors
have been working on entries for
the contest, which will be judged
Thursday, April 13. The best of the
bunch will receive a special Easter
basket prepared by COA staff.
Interior painting is now in
progress in the upstairs offices, so
watch out for wvet paint. Everything
is looking great!
The Council on Aging is in dire
need of a Baker County representa-
tive for the SHINE program. This is
a national program charged %with
"Serving the . Health Insurance
Needs of the Elderly." Excellent
training will be provided for a qual-
ified volunteer, with out of town
travel and overnight lodging paid
by the program. Interested parties
should call 259-2223, extension
222 for more information.

Ge te ete nw


for the week of April 17-21
NIONDAY: Country Fried Steak
w.lgra\\N mashed potatoes. carrots, mined
fruit, garlic bread and milk.
TUESDAY: S%.eei & sour chicken.
rice. Californij blend, squash, piniepple.
roll dnd milk.
WEDNESDAY: Beef & mac casserole.
scalloped potatoes, mi.ed vegetables,
mixed fruit w/gelatin, hiie bread and
-THUIRSDAY: Roasi turkey '.* gra"'. .
augratin potatoes, cabbage. cranberry
sauce. \ heat bread and milk
FRIDAY: Beef tips '. 'gri'. . rice. broc.
coli. steed tomatoes, pejrs. w hiit bread
and milk.

says Mrs. Chesser. "I'm looking
forward to all the changes."
The Chessers look forward, as
always, to spending time with their
two sons. grandchildren and great
"I just like being home," Mrs.
Chesser said.

Board meeting
The Baker Soil and Water Con-
servation District Board will meet
on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at
Taylor'd Barbeque from 12:00 un-
til 1:00 p.m. The public is invited
to attend.
For individuals with disabili-
ties requiring special accommoda-
tions, please contact the Baker
Soil and Water Conservation Of-
fice at 259-2716 at least 5 work-
ing days prior to the program in
order for proper consideration to
be given to the request. For TDD
service, call the Florida Relay
Service Center at: 711.


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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Nine

Students plant donated tree, learn conservation skills
During the nionth ofA arch htdent;at the Bnaler Cchtnii PreK Kn dierartenr Center h'nteen lemnuming ani1 cOLt're1tzi- and Ikml tom cart'e I. the
enimin rnent. 1T7k ,hiediacb -Taalit, Ekluis A ,L.. ccunu-ts fi monal dchrr cducatam ie. ns to reinforce Scc.~til, etihica,-I7d aut .&1ii - a7lls A .-; lar4t-
iting t-ichiit atito lelp ithititin stitdentlrti'tit tt the c nl oitnmt'wnt Da~vtt WIVdlaMs, Ben Butler inuld t rgin iha lotsLion rom the Lk'Uoiimi, Ior Lite
pm.vrami dOniated ao FkTotm itgI DotZVrd hree. Ltani u .forL L ih- a xrt fre -.m Ligi to eiiin e it pr to InIWce a stIr the o.'e cuicrEuII c E ,pti'toal
Education shtiilits frtin Lauti w Le v soin anid Cat vl Stoips cLi :; mte� pictured. Pholo,:.unes of tt-h Pr. e r k node1r-mn C.,r,.r






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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. April 13. 2003 Page Ten


but notdy
SIcompelhl' g

"Look at that,. Kelley. Is that
not gorgeous?" I said to my wife
as I pointed at the television set.
"Of course it is. It's Augusta,"
she replied, walking out of the
room with absolutely no interest
in what was happening on the
television screen.
It was, of course, the Augusta
National Golf Club, home of the
Masters, the only golf tournament
that I actually sit down and watch.
I'm not a golf fan on most oc-
casions. I enjoy walking the TPC
course at Sawgrass. I was there
for a practice round before the
Players Championship and had a
great time. Golf is one of thGse
sports where you can actually get
uip close to the athletes. On some
of the early holes you can stand
ten feet away and listen to them
talking and joking with each other
and their caddies.
Watching golf on television,
however, has all the appeal of
watching grass grow. Even a
close, exciting match is inter-
minable. It's worse than profes-
sional football in its delays.

I can't really put my
finger on why I enjoy,
watching the Masters.
Even when I'm busy-
Ill try to block off a
few hours on Sunday
afternoon to watch
the final round.

A player hits a ball and then
has to walk 200 yards to hit it
again. In the mean time, they
switch to other golfers I've never
heard of before I get to see my
guy hit again five or ten minutes
I cai't really put my finger on
why I enjoy watching the Mas-
ters. Even when I'm busy like I
was this weekend, I'll try to block
off a few hours on Sunday after-
noon to watch the final round.,
It wasn't particularly exciting
this year. Phil Mickelson led the
whole afternoon, and only when.
playing partner Fred Couples had
a birdie attempt on the 14th to cut
it to a one-stroke lead was there
any drama. But Couples missed
the putt and the drama was gone.
Tiger Woods made a surge late
in the day and you can never
count him out. But Tiger unchar-
acteristically bogeyed the 17th to
put him out of contention.
I still watched. The course is
just so gorgeous and subtly.
treacherous. It looks like a lot of
other layouts and its final holes
are par 4s but they are very de-
ceptive. At Sawgrass, a golfer
knows he has the island green on
the 17th and the 18th with its fair-
way as slim as a fashion model.
Augusta is more elegant in its
difficulty. Its earlier holes are
more challenging and so when
you approach the final two a
golfer might just relax and his ap-
proach shot will roll forever.
One of the ironies of Mickel-
son's second green jacket is that
he missed a gimme putt on 18 to
remove a lot of the celebratory air
of his win. But even that didn't
diminish Tiger Woods helping
him into that green sport coat.
There are more expensive and
beautiful trophies, but only the
World Cup trophy, the Super
Bowl trophy and Lord Stanley's
Cup are more recognizable.
I'm a sucker for tradition.
Maybe that's why I watch.
It beats watching my grass

in the wins against the Broncos
and Panthers.,
He pitched a four-hit shutout
against Ridgeview in Orange



. . .

, -'. .. ,
- ' ..,o,, - "'..' - ,,
-* ?..!.,: ,'-.., 1 "* .- ' :-.'.

-.;tc . -

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Park, striking out nine and not al-
lowing a walk in going the dis-
Wilson also drove in the only


Shortstop Jessi Nunn waits for the throw as a Columbia Coinny runner seals second. Briuany Hansen ii thesecond baseman

Wildcats have one last chance

this season for a home victory

Press Sports
The Lady Wildcats lost 9-0 at
West Nassau Tuesday night, man-
aging just one hit against one of
the state's best pitchers.
The loss drops their record to
3-17 with one regular season
game remaining - at home April
13 against Fernandina Beach. .
The team's seniors - Kassie
Crews, Brittany Hall and Shannon
Nickles - will be recognized in a
ceremony prior to the game,
which starts at 6 pm.
It will be the Cats' last opportu-
nity to win at home this season,
where they are 0-10.
They are. 2-8 in district play,
entering the playoffs as a sixth
seed and scheduled to play

Suwannee County April 1S in
Starke at 5 pm. They beat the
Bulldogs in Li'e Oak on March 3.
The Cats were overmatched in.
Tuesday's game against West Nas-
sau and its star pitcher Katie
Lawrence. a two-time all-state se-'
lection who has a scholarship to .
Stetson Universit.
The only blemishes on her per-
formance came in the fourth in-
ning when she gave up a leadoff
single to Brittany Hinson and a
one-out \\alk to Kassie Crews.
She closed out the inning, how-.
ever, striking out Tiffany Smith
and Nickles, two of her 11 strike-,
outs in the game.
Lawrence also went two for
three at the plate, including a
home run and two runs batted in.
The Warriors jumped out to a

five-run lead in the first, inning
thanks to fiv'e Cats' error-..
The only earned runs West
Nassau scored were on
Lao rence's two-run blast in the
In the Cats previous game, they
lost 5-3 to visiting Columbia
County April 6 despite a two-run
homer b\ Kassie Crews and a sol-
id pitching performance by
Tiffan' Smith.
The Tigers scored a pair of runs
in the fifth inning to break open a
tie game.
The Cats had a chance to close
the gap in the sixth, but Nickles
was thrown out at home and
Crews was cut down trying to
steal third.
Smith gave up just one earned
run in six innings.

Several Wildcats heading for regionals
,The Baker High track team did well at us district meet Aprl 10 at Fort White High
School. The 4 x 800 meter relav team shown above (Blake Rowan, Wll Fletcher, Kyle
Wray, coach Ron Lee, and Luke Kennedy) won the district championship. Kennedy also
advances to regionals on the strength of his second place finish in the 1600 meters, while :-
Fletcher also moves on with a third place in the 800 meters. Also heading for regionals,
which will be held April 21 at The Bolles School in Jacksonville, are the girls' 4 x 100
meter relay team of Ciera Thompson, Mary Dugger. Kendra Jones and Andrea Jackson.
Thompson also advances in the long jump. "Coach Lee and I really want to thank our
kids - and their parents for their support," head coach Charles Ruise said Tuesday.
"The kids continued to work hard to become better student-athletes, stepping it up each
year. We really appreciate them."

Cats lose to Santa Fe after pair of wins

Press Sports
The Wildcats baseball team
pulled itself out of a late-season
tailspin with two victories last
week, but fell at Santa Fe Tuesday
Details weren't available at
press time, but according to the
Gainesville Sun sports depart-
ment, the Cats lost 3-2.
I Between the Tuesday night's
game and March 17, when Santa
Fe beat the Cats at the Baker High
field, the Raiders won just two of
11 games.
With the loss, the Cats' record
dropped to 14-9 with four games
remaining in the regular season. ,
The district tournament begins
April 24.
In the week leading up to the
Santa Fe game, the Cats racked up
wins against Middleburg on: April
6 and Ridgeview April 10.
Prior to that, however, they'd
lost six of eight.
Matt Wilson played, key roles



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run of the game on. a bunt and run,
with J.D. Milton scoring in the top
of the first.
The Cats beat the Panthers both
times they played them this sea-,
Against Middleburg at home,
the Cats fell behind 3-0 in the first
inning, but came back to tie the
game 5-5.
Wilson again came through
with a two-out bunt that scored
the go-ahead run as the Cats went
on to win 8-5.
Pitcher Jarrell Rodgers recov-
ered from the shaky start to pick
up the win.
The Cats' next game is April 12
at home against Hawthorne. It is
Senior Night, with the team's
eight seniors being honored prior
to the 7 pmi game.
After that, they host Columbia
County April 17 with game time
at 6 pm.
The Cats then close out their
regular season at Hamilton Coun-
ty April 20.


A Middleburg runner slides under the tag of third baseman Matt Wilson.

Coming up at the

of Florida's First Coast

We encourage all members to
come by the YMCA April 14. We
\\ ill provide all members with
refreshments in the lobby. Stop in,
work out, have some refreshments,

New Group Excercise
Can't make some of the classes
you would like? The YMCA has
added some classes for members
just like you. A new Kickboxing
class will be taught on Mondays
from 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm. This is a
fun-filled, energetic class that will
whip you into shape. Kickboxing
is also offered Fridays from 10:00
am - 10:45 am. Killer Calisthenics
is being offered Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays from
6:30 am - 7:15 am for all early-
bird members.

YMCA Boot Camp
Registration has begun for the
next session of Boot Camp. Fees
apply if you are a graduate of The
Baker County YMCA Boot Camp
you will receive $5 off. The next
session begins April 24.

YMCA Focus Group
Want to get in on the new growth
and expansion of your YMCA?
Join our Focus Group and let your
opinions be heard. Please contact
Membership Director Anna Lewis.
"Share the Y"
Scholarships Available
The YMCA offers financial aid
scholarships for families, adults,
teens, and youth to be able to
enjoy membership, sports, day
camp, programs, and much more!
Come by today to apply at the
YMCA front desk.
For more information,
caU the YMNICA at 259-0898.

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Macclenny's Billy J. Gaines Sr. has been named one of the top 60 golf
teaching professionals by the World Golf Teachers. Federation, which has
17,000 members in 35 nations.
He was one of 26 in the United States.
Gaines is the only one in the group who teaches "natural golf," an instruc-
tional style.
He currently teaches at five Florida courses: Cecil Field Golf Course, St.
Augustine Shores Golf Club, QuincY Golf& Country Club, in Quincy, Harbor
Hills Golf & Country Club in Lady Lake, and Cross Creek Driving Range &
Par 3 in Tallahassee.

The Baker County Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual golf tourna-
ment May 5 at Panther Creek in Jacksonville.
The 555 entry fee covers greens fees, cart, buffet lunch; gifts and prizes.
The Chamber is also. selling corporate'and hold sponsorships. Call 259.6433
for derails.
The field ill be limited to the first 72 to register. The rain date is May 19.

April 12
Bov s baseball hosts Hawthome on Senior Night, 7 pm
(It's also Little League Night; all those in uniform and accompanied by
their parents will be admitted free.)
April 1
Softball hosts Femandina Beach on Senior Night, 6 pm
Boys baseball at Union County, 7 pm
Boys and girls tennis hosts Bradford County, 3 pm
April 17
Boys baseball hosts Columbia County, 6 pm
Tennis districts begin at The Bolles School
April 18
Softball %ersus Su%%annee County at districts in Starke, 5 pm




,' ... . -.
............. ............,._ . .

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Page Eleven

Lady Wildcats v. Columbia County i

Baker County High School

April 6, 2006

Clock-i tsic from right:
Cats' star Kassie Crews signs a scholarship
offer from FCCJ as her parents Gordon and
Marcheta, and the school's coach, Jami
Friedman-Lind, look on.
The night before, Crews is congratulated by
BCHS coach Cheryl Nunn after a two-run
homer against the Tigers.
Brittany Gray wails for the throw as second
baseman Brittany Hansen backs her up. The
ball would nick the runner's shoulder and
carom into foul territory.
Catcher Heather High reaches for the ball as
the Tiger's runner bears down on her. The
collision knocked the ball loose and High out
of the game.

A The following activities are
i scheduled in Baker County
schools for the week of April
C 17-21. This listing may be in-
complete and subject to change
without notice.

- *April 17: BCHS- Baseball
vs. Lake City (H). 6:00 pm
SDistrict tennis. TBA.
*April 18: BCHS-District
tennis. TBA. Fast pitch district
A tournament @ Starke.
- April 19: BCHS- LCCC
C registration begins. Fast pitch
district tournament @' Starke.
4 *April 20: BCHS- Baseball
1a @ Hamilton Counts. 5:00 pm.
2 *April 21: Fast pitch district
tournament @' Starke.
*April 22: BCHS- Weigh-
W lifting state meet (@ Gainesville.

Check out the news at-


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Classified Adver

The Baker County Press i'ii



Creek to




and more
By Jared Wilkerson
I have some exciting news for
those of us who just love to
spend hours upon hours reading
mountains of development ap-
plications, building permits, and
environmental impact estima-
tions! And for the rest of you.
I've got a good little heads up
on a new oes
. project

ing its ..
: rounds th .
our local
d e p ar t -
- ments and
will most
likely be
hitting the Jaired L-lAerson. Reator
streets in
Sa couple of years...
Adrian Development Group
hailing from Coral Gables. Flori-
da along with Prosser Hallock.
Inc. of Jacksonville has chosen
Baker County as the site of a
new planned DRI.
W hat's a DRI? DRI stands
for Development of Regional Im-
pact and more or less means
that if all goes well with the ap-
plication process and no one
finds a nest -of-spotted owls
along U.S. Highway 90 just west
of Glen St Mary in the next year
or so, then there's going to be a
lot of construction going on dur-
ing the next fifteen years in that
Anthony Robbins, a senior
planner for Prosser Hallock,
spent last Wednesday morning
meeting with members of local
planning departments and vari-
ous interest groups to explain
the size, scope and purpose of
the new DRI which is currently
slated to be called Cedar Creek.
According to the pre-applica-
tion documents for the develop-
ment, the land mass involved is
projected to contain approxi-
mately 3,012 acres (shown on
maple and will provide for nearly
5,500 nev. residences com-
,posed of single family homes,
town homes, condominiums.
and workshop style apartments.
The concept of adding anoth-

planned for west of Glen

er string of newly built homes residents of Baker County. Most of the subdivisions and
and planned communities to the However, this new development neighborhoods being built right
area is an idea that is quicl.l\ will be unlike anything our citi- now in our area are simple in
becoming nothing new to the zens have seen up to date. comparison to a DRI. The

Tony Robbins explains Cedar Creek to various groups and departments. Photo by Kelley Lannigan

The above map shows the size and location of Cedar Creek.

builders come in, get a few hun-
dred permits for homes worked
out, pave the roads, build the
homes, add in an amenities
center here and there in the
nicer subdivisions, dedicate the
roads back to the county and
off they go to the next area.
Cedar Creek is much more in-
volved than that.
Adrian Development Group's
plan will be a bit more like a
whole other city along the north-
ern edge of Highway 90. Cedar
Creelk will not only be full of
houses, it will also include
recreational parks, nature trails.
bike paths, convenience stores,
and over half a million square
feet of retail shopping outlets,
office spaces, and industrial
centers: even two new schools
are projected to be built on the
site - one elementary and one
"This project is being sought
in order to provide Baker County
residents a complete lifestyle
that affords the quality of life we
all strive to live - - the ability to
live and work in the same neigh-

borhood, easy access to parks
and educational facilities and
commercial services within
walking distance," according to
Prosser Hallock, Inc.
The application documents
stress the importance of the
Cedar Creek development in
terms of the employment oppor
tunities it will bring to Bakei
County over the coming years.
Obviously, 500,000 square feel
of retail centers and offices will
require a lot of warm bodies to
man them, in addition to a one-
million square-foot business
Also, Prosser Hallock's plans
for the development point out
the added benefit of having
many of the facilities for which
Baker residents currently must
drive to either Jacksonville or
Lake City located right here in
our own backyard.
The plans are projected to be-
gin construction in 2008 if all
goes well with the approval
process, which will include in
puts from various agencies
(See Page 2)

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 9, 2006 Section B - Page Two

DRI planned for Glen

(From Page 1)
such as the Florida Department
of Transportation, Division of
Forestry, The. Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commis-
sion, The Baker County Fire De-
partment, local law enforce-
ment and the Baker CoLunty
Chamber of Commerce.
The current plans call for
three distinct phases of devel-
opment, each spanning a five
year period adding almost
2,000 homes and 150,000
square feet of retail space dur-
ing each phase. .
In 2023, we should all be
able to enjoy the total benefits
.of our community's first full-on
planned development.
Having looked over all of the
available plans in minute detail,
Cedar Creek looks like it will be
a great addition to the Baker
County landscape.
Don't call up the moving com-
pany just yet, though...Cedar
Creek is still in the very early

portion of the application
process. Environmental studies
still have to be completed. Traf-
fic impact assessments cover-
ing a five-mile radius from the

entrances of the development
are planned, but not yet begun.
And each department listed
above will no doubt have their
own suggestions and possible

Objections that will alter Adrian.
Development Group's plans
somewhat over the coming

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HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc.

1.59 acres, perfect for your garden with a
16x20 workshop, just 5 minutes from town

2+ acres on corner lot in excellent neighbor-
hood. Floors are tile & hardwood. Glass doors
open to porch & large fenced backyard. Two car
garage finished with carpet. Planted maple,
grapefruit, flowering pear & cherry trees. Home
has many extras, is open, sunny & inviting.

Anne Kitching
962-8064 cell.
Wendy Smith
710-0528 cell.
Tina Melvin
233-2743 cell.

New Home Under Construction!
Many ei lTrasl' 3 BR/2 BA on I acie Has c iverrci poi(h & pjo.
2 car garage & 295 sl Donus loom Floor ,ill be laminale
wood, carpel tile. gas fp. central vacuum seKuri ysytem,
pre-mired lor home theatre. Country iiqng al t" best,

Well established business in the fastest
.. growing area of Macclenny.
Excellent corner lot location!
Beverage License is Available!
Richard's Grocery
& Meat Market
386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny
r.M er A ly U .I L- j[rl yOiu l<'Ir r M'lul

with all stock/ J m
Also, a 4 BR house and mobile hor
Call [or pnic i."
Seventy Acres- $2,500 per acre. Moccasin
Creek. Like to hunt and fish, call us about this
land in the country $175,000
Commer "9n St. Mary.
Excellen access to
2 lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with build-
ing. Excellent business opportunity. Has waler
& sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month.
Well & Septic Tank on 1.90 acres. Lot just
right for your mobile home. Convenient loca-
tion. REDUCED! $32,000
Vacant " ; - . location,
close to '
Excellent commercial corner lot. East
Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000.

3 bedroom, 2 bath home,
bonus ro IJ I]I
Macclenny city limits. $199,900

,3 BR/2 BA,
orn. Master
ate shower.

back & side
om, large
d, slove &
eciate. In

.98 Acre i 21 South.
$89,900Km m=,,
Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acre Wiith
320 feet highway frontage on busy 121 North.
Zoned Commercial neighborhood. S419,000
Got hors2 bedroom,
2 bath dI w electric
range arlller carpel,
cabinets and countertops! $104,900
Ultimate .ie on 9.25
acres wil 'J ] I [rti rch. Other
home cai


fC^� 6e"MtW , Licensed Real Esiale Brokrir

259-7709 * 338-4528 cell
We can show and sell all listings!


I L �I a

IL� ~- - , �,- II - - a -- - I~ ~Jll - -3~ - -' �~

* , o." . i
"�.,.. , . ..[.' , r +p ) ., - r +r , t, .r , ,.I + ,: - u i, . . o : r , % , "L iI:

i � � - -~_ 1-__

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, April 13, 2006 Section B - Page Three

March land sales recorded

The following land transac-
tions were recorded in the Bak-
er County courthouse the
month of March. Values are de-
rived from documentary
stamps. Many descriptions are
by S(ection) T(ownship)
R(ange). If acreage or price are
not listed, none were indicated
in the documents.

Michael Dehart to Daniel
Fountain in 20-15S-21E, $10.
Sherman R. Yonn to Raymond
-. Guy in 31-2S-22E, $42,404.
Catherine Miriam Yonn to
Sherman Ray Yonn, 31-25-
22E, $10.
Arnold J. Johns to Turkey
Creek Farms LLC, 1-4S-20E,
Wilbur E. Tyre to James' R.
Norman, Town of Glen St. Mary,
Lots 5 & 6 Bk 28, $43,000.
Barbara Wiseman to Dawn
Wiseman, Town of Macclenny,
Lot 17 Bk 8, $10.
Ray Morgan to Dawn Wise-
man, E.R. Rhoden Add. Lot 17
Bk 8, $10.
Dawn Wiseman to Donald I.
Rountree, E.R. Rhoden Add.
Lot 17 Bk 8, $145,000.
R.H. Davis to Terry Moshier,
Country Estates Lot 16 & 17,
Carol J. Finley to Matthew
Adolphus Finley, Country Club
Est. Lot 6 Bk 2, $10.
Patrick J. Shannon to Elene
Barber Caldwell, 4-35-22E,
Elene Barber Caldwell to
Elene Barber Caldwell, 4-35-
22E, $10.
Weir Stewart Barton, Jr. to
Eli Padgett, 03-15-20, $10.
Jeffrey S. Bowen to Thurman
C. Davis, Tobacco Patch Lot 8,
Donald Charles Brantley to
Benjamin Lee Fish Revocable
Trust, 7-3S-22E, $14,400.
Patricia Ann Brantley to Ben-
jamin Lee Fish Revocable Trust,
7-35-22E, $14,400.
George R Nowlen to Wesley
R. Nowlen, Turkey Creek Re-
treat Inc. Unit 2 Lot 10 Bk 5,
Edward A. Houstoun to Lee
& Baker Properties Inc., Town
of Macclenny Lot 8 Bk 27,
$135,000. - -
Baker Development Group
Inc. to Shawn P. Martin, Subur-
ban Heights Lot 2 Bk 11, $10.
Mary Jo Parmer to Mary Jo
Thomas, Macclenny II Lot 13
Bk 4, $10.
: Homes by Gray Inc to David
P. Thomas, Copper Creek Hills
Unit 3 Lot 49, $238,000.
Thomas L. Barton to Lee &
Baker Properties Inc, Osteen
Sub #2 Lot 8 and E.R. Rhoden
Add. Lot 2 Bk 1, $80,100.
The Charlton Mobley Revoca-
ble Trust to Matthew R. Weasel,
21-3S-21, $300,000.
Vanessa Taylor Harrell to Tay-
lor Cemetery Inc., 3-1S-20E,
Shirley Barton to Tonya Faye
Barton, 19-25-22E, $10.
Jerrell W. Mobley to Jamie
Lee Oakes, Town of Glen St.
Mary Lots 5 A 6 Bk 49,
David Shirley to First Coast
Land & Timber Inc., 11-3S-
20E, $10.
First Coast Land & Timber
Inc. to Roberts Land & Timber
Investment Corp., 11 &14 &
15-3S-20E, $1,522,000.
Hugh D. Fish, Jr. to Judge
Ray Gatlin, Macclenny II Lot 9
Bk7, $189,500.
Kenneth L. Davis to Brett H.
Dopson, 36-2S-21E, $0.
Howard W. Hunt to Josh A.
Hunt, 4-35-22E, $200,000.
Fred W. Munson, Jr. to Mun-
son and Munson Builders Inc.,
Hunters Ridge at Glen Planta-
tion Lots 11,23,31,32,
William E. Woodington to
John R. Crayon, 30-2S-21E,
Mary Byrd to Gallion Con-
tracting Inc., Macclenny II Unit
II Lot 14, Bk C, $51,500.
Richard A. Glidewell to
Stephanie Vaughn, Seminole



Well Drilling

2" & 4" Wells

Call Roger or Roger Dale

Family Owned & Operated
i Licensed & Insured

Ridge Unitt II Lot 2, Bk 11,
Washington Mutual Bank to
Secretary of Housing & Urban
Development, Circle G Est. Unit
1 Lot 4, $10.
Vanice Nathan Keene to Ed-
win Joseph Dash, Jr., 20-3S-
21E, $133,550.
Presiding Bishop of the Cor-
poration of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints to
Turkey Creek Branch LLC, 5-
3S-22E, $52,400.
Morris Shelton Carter to
John A. Shadd, 8-3S-22E,
Glen Plantation LTD to
Boyette Lewyn Farms, Glen
Plantation Lot 9, $177,125.
Trek McCullough to Richard
Staggs, Town of Macclenny,
Lots 5&6, Bk 4, $125,000.
Janice Waltdh Schmitz to
Amanda Hooker, 29-15-
21E, $0.
Jerry D. Hursey to Dorothy
Cope Poss, Macclenny South
Lot 14&15 Bk 1, $125,000.
William H. Williams to
Richard Clark, 8-2S-22E, $
Maronda Homes Inc of Flori-
da to Teddy L. Hammock, Cy-
press Pointe Unit 1, Lot 84,
Maronda Homes Inc of Flori-
da to Manolote L. Cruz, Forest
Park Sub. Lot 19, $144,300.
Maronda Homes Inc of Flori-
da to Derek K. Emerson, Cy-
press Pointe Unit 1, Lot 62
Richard J. Jenkins to Turkey
Creek Farms LLC, 1-4S-20E,
Cindy L. Muncy to Harrison
Muncy, 6-25-22E, $10.
Harrison Muncy to James M.
Yarborough, 6-2S-22E,
Terry Barnett to Harold
Baine, 18-4S-20E, $30,000.
Terry Barnett to Gary L.
Cooper, 18-45-20E, $30,000.
Donna E. Crews to Christo-
pherW. Rhoden, 12-2S-
21E, $100,000.
Charles H. Alexander to
Pamela Denise Hamilton,
13-25-21E, $0.
Sara O'Neal to Bobby Robin-

son, 28-3S-19, $10.
Rock Contractors Inc. to
Stephen B. Page, Hunter's
Ridge at Glen Plantation Lot 28,
Woodlawn Cemetery to Cal-
vary Baptist Church, $10.
Ronald W. Atkinson to Cathy
A. Atkinson, 8-1S-21E, $10.
Richard Gaskins to Lumark
Gaskins, 2-3S-20E, $10.
Richard Gaskins to Lonnie
Gaskmns, 2-3S-20E, $10.
Richard Gaskins to Sirenthia
S. Jefferson, 2-36S-20E, $10.
Richard Gaskins to Mozell
Gaskins, 2-35-20E, $10.
Rolling Meadows of Macclen-
ny LLC to Richmomnd American
Homes of Florida LP, Rolling
Meadows Lots 7-129,
Billy E. Brannen to Vineyard
of Love Ministry Inc., E Dobson
Lots 11,12,13,14,15,16 Bk 3,
Hemant P. Pattani to Hugh
Bentley Rhoden, 31-25-
22E, $57,500.
Joseph E. Magnone to Dou-
glas E. Klotz, $0.
Dixie E. Creel to Jerome C.
Bowlds, Larson Florida Acres
Lot 25, $145,000.
Daniel Gallo to Tamela Samp-

Serving ALL your real estate needs! 0





Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker
Josie Davis, Sales Associate
Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate
Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate
Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate


799 S. 6th St., Macclenny

259-6555 M|


5.79 acres zoned RCMH-.5 can be subdivided into one unit per 1/2 acre
with well and septic with approved plat and installation of paved road into
subdivision. Owner financing with 20% down. $230,000,
Murray Hill/Lakeshore
Commercial building with 3004 SF that could be rented to 3 tenants.
$450,000. Commercial 2 story, 3153 SF building that can accommodate
3 tenants. $350,000.
A little piece of heaven on the St. Mary's River
Don't miss this opportunity. A pristine river lot with a 2/2 all Cypress
home sitting from the woods
of the earth. oring, redwood
counter tops. , walk-in pantry,
too many features to st inrus a Home nee oeished and buyer
will pay $3000 towards finishing 2nd BR and BA. Price a bargain at

3 BR/2 BA, u
ground pool
storage shed

cir i!eflu


oor plan, above
fenced, outside
en installed yet.

ley Gallo, Town of Macclenny
Lot 2 Bk 9, $40,500.
Dolphys E. Barton to Dolphus
E. Barton, 31-25-22E, $10.
Mitch Canaday to Ray F.
Rudd, Fox Ridge Est. Phase
Three Lot 49, $147,900.
Debbie Chace Bone to David
L. Chace, $10.
Jimmie R. Thornton to Mar-
cus W. Johns, 35-2S-21E,
Richard W. Ferry to Tracy
Franks, $0.
Jonathan Hugh Fish to Hugh
D. Fish, Jr. , 31-2S-22E, $10.
Hugh D. Fish, Jr. to Hugh D.
Fish< Jr. , 31-2S-22E, $10.
Paul T. Harvey to Georgia
ann Bell, 2-1S-20E, $10.
Anthony Teagqe,to Bradley
W. Weeks, Cannon Heights
Phase II Lot 55, $10.
Knabb Lands Inc. to Wilford
K. Wilkerson, Macclenny II Unit
II Lot 19 Bk C, $9,000.
Joseph W. Betros, Jr. to
Joseph Jeffrey Betros, 29-35-
19E, $0.
Shelby K. Cochran to Walter
Brown, 6-3S-22E, $55,832.
John Tinsley Shepard to Joey
Wold Smith, Nursery Plantation

(See Page 6)

Fabulous Country Setting,
J 2003 4 BR/2 BA corner lot.
full walk-in closets in every
- --.--.-- -- -room, 7.5 acres. 2330SF,

.' Great Investment PropertI
on Lowder St., 3 duplexes.
6 units, all units rented, 12
BR/ 8 BA, 4700 SF,

Call me fior homes with/ no $$ dottn and no closing costs!

I will pay you

$1,000 towards your
closing costs-
if I can't sell your home within 30
days of listing with me.

, \iatson Re:dti Corp. kRL 'dloRS'

MA S ....


" 2365 SF, full, bricked & enclosed Florida Room w/double doors
to backyard. The lot backs to protected lands deeded to buyer
at closing. Home has cathedral ceiLings, double front entry,
office & dining room. Master has French doors leading to
Florida room & oversized master bath has double sinks, ,anity
space, spa tub, separate ful\ tiled shower, ,.alk in closet &
ample storage. Kitchen has walk in pantry and all kitchen appli-
ances stay. Security system (owned), central vacuum & updated
sprinkler system w/ extra heads, all on separate meter. Home is
fully landscaped & has tiled front & back porches. Wired for
surround sound in all rooms. Home has gas fireplace w/beauti-
ful mantle & entryway is died w/ massie chandelier. All custom
window treatments stay-home has " distinctive ceiling fans
throughout-Master is large w/ tray ceilings. $3-49,000

Call 259-5764 or 334-3037
for more information

I'er' Clean 3BR/2BA on .77 acre.
This 1995 14x66 singlewide mobile
home has been cleaned & freshly
painted. Located on a paved road and
ready to mo\e in. Nice area on
Nludlake Rd. Affordable at $64,900.

Commercial Property on East Macclenn.
Ave. Older home (1496 SF) miy be reno-
vated f racial use.
Lot siz . 12. Near
ne\w Cypres, Pointe Subdi' isiun. Build
your business here. $150,000.


A Little Bit of History! This 2.4-45 sf house was built circa 1910 and also has
a separate commercial building on the lot (right). The home may be renovated
for offices, retail, restaurant or any other use allowed in a Commercial General
Zone. Lot size is 99' \ 215' with lots of potential for two separate businesses.
99' frontage on US Hwy. 90 and 215' frontage on First Street. $495,000

.icer] -acrte lot ii .Keaten Bekich. Fie
minutes to Gulf of Mexico. This lot can
be used for mobile homes or site built
homes. Priced for quick sale $69,900.
Bring the kids and their horses. 14.88
nice acres. Part ha \ field and part wood-
ed w ith small creek and catfish pond. 3
BR/.12 BA doublewvide NIH with extra
hookup for a second MNIH and two extra
Sells. Cont enient to Jacksonville.
Located on NNW 216th Street in La\w te.
Priced at $179,000.
Commercial Lot - 14.000 sq. ft. 1011 ft.
frontage on SR 121. Located between
Waffle House and Da\','s Inn. adjacent to
1-10. $125,.000.
Building Lot. conveniently located
between Glen St. Mar\ and Macclennm.
This heavily wooded lot is restricted to
site built homes onl\. "/ acre + priced at
Nice 3 BR/1 BA frame home with new
vinyl sidingand CH/A. Recently remod-
eled and ready to move into. Located on
TonV Gi ens Road in Sanderson on 1
acre. $4M.6.0-Reduced to $125.000.

12078 S12 Noh Macclenny * 259-4828 0,:",---: "

Bring on the Investors!
.43 acre comer lot, zoned commercial, entry from East Blvd. and road
frontage on SR 90. Pre-determined, pre-approved for a 5400 sq ft build-
ing plus 1086 sq ft for paved area. No Wedands! Permit determination in
hand for a mini-storage. Incredible investment potential in the City of
Macclenny. Only $165,000. Seller il do owner financing with 20%
doun or bring a cash ofler and we can negotiated.
8.35 acres with 1400 SF brick home that was not completed. Some fram-
ing and electric have been done. Septic and well on property but are not
guaranteed to work. There is a pond on the property and is zoned for
livestock. Has chain link fencing. Reduced! $524;,9000
Interlachen Lake Access
.22 acre lot in Interlachen with access to beautiful Lake Grandin. Very few
of these lots are left. Most have been purchased by investors. $15,000
Cozy, Comfy & Affordable
Don't miss this 4/2, 2052 sq ft, DWMH on 1.18 of serene, scenic acres.
This home is in immaculate condition, wwc, linoleum wood floors, huge
open floor pl P � ' � 4 m, wide open
kitchen wth 1 i j I�L- piece is the back
covered'patio backyard com-
plete with a fully stocked pond, nice trees and even more space to grow.
Only $106,900. Priced to sell fast and easy! This piece also has some
commercial prospect to it, but you have to see it to appreciate.

WOWI Can't beat this beauty!
Brand new home, 1400 SF, 3/2 on large city lot in St. George, GA. Just
completed with new everything! Nice high vaulted ceilings, beautiful light'
fixtures, brand new stainless steel kitchen appliances, wood cabinets,
inside laundry, huge open living room with vinyl wood floors. WWC
throughout, close to schools and Florida border. This home is immacu-
late and is priced to show once and sell! $137,400 Don't sit and think
you're reading wrong...you're not...it just won't be here next week when
you do call. Call today for your showing!! ONILY $137,4000

St. Mary's River Bluff
Gorgeous 4BR/2BA Fleetwood on 2.56 acres of beautifully landscaped
property. Large open floor
plan with vaulted cathedral
ceilings, formal DR & LR plus
a great room. Jacuzzi tub with
separate shower in enormous .
master bath. New privacy fenc-
ing in a home that looks & feels brand new. Just north of the FL/GA line
in walking distance of the St. Mary's River. Don't miss all this value for
only $129,900.

Seawig (owi CUt witk a itte it4 C y ad a M te ita Re. ck-Ra atftu
Re Matta iwktyai -etatc heed... We uif& get it de!

�I I I I--1�

..- -.- - .. ... ........
Tim Paige,
Mobile: 904.881.1319
Direct: 904.899.6941
limpaige((i watsonreaRycoquoin

IV - ...
., -, t � . - o . ,: - - - ; ,

__ --


Line Ads:

15 words for $4.50

25� each add'l word

Service Ads:

15 words for $6.00

25� each add'l word

Classified ads and notices must be
paid in advance, and be in our office
no later than 4:00 pm the Monday
preceding publication, unless other-
wise arranged in advance. Ads can
be mailed provided they are accom-
panied by payment and instructions.
They should be mailed to: Classified
Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O.
Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We
cannot assume responsibility for ac-
curacy of ads or notices given over
the telephone. Liability for errors in
all advertising will be limited to the
first publication only. If after that
time, the ad continues to run without
notification of error by the person or
agency for whom it was published,
then that party assumes full pay-
ment responsibility. The Baker
County Press reserves the right to
refuse advertising or any other mate-
rial which in the opinion of the pub-
lisher does not meet standards of

Sofa, like new, $175: rocker recliner,
$125: theater surround sound sys-
tem. $50. Call after 4:00 pm 259-
6794. 4/6-13p
Race car: open wheel modified 283
stroker. $12,000; 2x4 Polaris 4
wheeler, shed kept, $3000. Both ne.
gotiable. 259-4889. 3.'30-4 '16p
King plllowtop, new with warranty.
$259, can deliver. 904-391-0015.
4 '13-5,.'4pp
J.uxury queen pillowtop, in plastic,
-.must sell, $199. 904-398.5200.
4 13-5, 4p
Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece,
excellent condition. Southern Charm
259-4140. 12/9tfc
Good used appliances, 90 day mon-
ey back guarantee. 266-4717..
S 2/9-5/4p
Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs,
very ornate, fluted legs, rare: half
round foyer console. All pieces are
mahogany wood. Southern Charm.
259-4140. 2 3tfc
Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with
mattress& boxsprings, retail $950,
sacrifice for $395, can deliver. 9Q4-
858-9350. 4/13-5/4p
Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront
china cabinet, buffet, all mahogany,
can be seen at Southern Charm.
259-4140. 12/'9tfc
Solid wood coffee table, light col-
ored with glass ihserts, $75. 275-
3007. 3/16tfc
Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors,
canvases, drawing pads and much
morel The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth
Street, 259-3737. tfc
Couch & love seat, contemporary.
$200 for both; black leather-like
couch, $150; Whirlpool dryer, $125;
youth bed $30; daybed, white, $70; .
corner coffee table, new, pops up,
$195. 259-3794. 4,13p
2000 Xpress tournament model�
bass boat, 175 Yamaha motor, lots,
of extras; $13,000. 904-591-4241.


Glass top -iron rod table, pu
at Rhodes for $700, only
, $300. 318-4993 or 259-349

Bed, beautiful temp-pedic memory
foam mattress & box springs,new in
plastic, with warranty, retail $950,
must sell $379. Can deliver. 904-
858-9350. 4/13-5/4o

Car hauler, 8 ft. wide, 22 ft.long, very
heavy duty, worth $3000, asking
$1000. Call Wayne at 259-0759.
Snapper rear engine lawn mower,
30" cut, Briggs & Stratton engine,
electric start, like new, $800; 5x8
trailer with gate, $600. 259-8168 or
904-616-3847. 4/13p
2000 Honda 750 Ace Shadow,
$3500 OBO. 208-1929. - 4/13-20p


1995 30ft. Nomad travel trailer, self
contained, very good condition,
$7000. 904-334-8435. 4/13p

2002 Fleetwood Mallard tra
er, .20 ft., includes towing p
very clean, used approxim
times, sleeps 4-6 comfortat
air, $8500. 259-4676.
25" Zenith console TV. 20 ye
good picture, $25. 259-431
5:00 pm.
14 ft. heavy duty aluminum
9.9 Mercury & trailer, $150(
2000 Keystone Toyhapler, 28
ly self contained, Krg,",Dome
system, $8000 OB0. 259-548

2000 Honda Accord, 2 door coupe,
automatic, A.'C, power windows, pow-
er locks, sunroof, tinted windows.
17" chrorle rims, $8500 OBO. Call
Ricl at 904-962-4223. 4,,6-13p
1993 Toyota Corolla, AXC, automat-
Ic, $1500:; 1993 Ford Taurus,
loaded. 904-591-2916 cell or 653-
1656 home.
2002 Ford F350 4x4 crew cab,
diesel, excellent condition, full
loaded, maintenance records, make
offer. 259-8101. 4,13-20p
1998 Escort' Sport, 5 speed,
98.000 miles. 30+ mpg, great de-
pendable car., $4000 OBO. 259-
9684. 4.13p
1994 Cavalier 2 door, V6, automatic,
air & heat. new paint. 4 new tires.
$2500 or trade for a SUV. 571-0913.

1991 Chrysler LeBaron convertible,
white with red interior, looks & runs
good, great gas mileage, $1950.
226.4110 or 275-209S-3fter 6:00
pm. 4,' 13p

Do you have a junk carr truck you
want nauleo off or. to sell? 259.
7968. 4. 22tfc
:.. Tree trimming removal and clean up.
Licensed and insured. 259 7968.
Now accepting antique furniture on
consignment. Pieces have to be in
good condition. Call Karin at South.
ernm-Chair 259-4140. 2 "1 3tfc
Housecleaning. Dependable, has ref.
erences. Call Alice at 259-5500.
" 4 '6-13p
Local retired man will mow your
grass reasonable. 304-0130.

Shiz Tzu puppies, born February
19th, 4 females, 1 male, $250 each.
259-9438. 4/6-13p
Dogs: all types from puppies to
adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding
fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc
Need good home, possibly senior citi-
zen, for 2 healthy quiet adult cats,
spay, neutered, front de-clawed, will
.provide food & litter, Please call 318-
4993 or 259-3498. 4/13p

)8. " Pugs, 1 year old male, 3 year old fe-
4/13p male, both registered, $275-$300
h-r, r,, li OAA *i 7;/I 0 C i7Q A /C 14

eaci . l a i1:P/-. t ;-ju t v _. _ / .Ljp
Red-Nosed Pit puppies, 8 weeks old,
$250 each. 653-1224. 4/13p

IDriver - Dedicated Rgoa

I Gurnte **

Avg. $825 - $1025/wk.
65% preloaded/pretarped
Jacksonville, FL Terminal
CDL-A req'd


Go through Home several times most weeks.
Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching
that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at
our location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety
Bonus up to $1,200 per ye3r. Driver of the Year
; bonus, and driver recruitment bonuses. Blue
Cross Blue Shield medical and dental Insurance.
.1 Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving
j ' " record.
- -.. 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898

el trail-


ately 4 Notice to readers:
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B9. Trade Commission at 1577-FTC.HELP to
4/13p find out how to spot fraudulent solicita.
S tions. Remember. ii it sounds too good to
be true. it probably is - The Baker County

Custom Woodwork now hiring" Fin-
ish carpenters $10-$16 per hour.
must have tools & occupational li-
cense. Call 904-449 5504.
3-.23-4. 13p
Retail sales, full-time, no experience
necessary, honest & dependable,
friendly work environment, westside
area. Call Family Carpets at 786-
2000. 3 9tfc
Company specializing in erosion con.
trol now hiring the following posi-
tions: crew leaders, equipment oper-
ators. laborers, class A CDL dr.ners.
Valid driver's license is a must. Fax
resume to 904-275-3292 or cali
275-4960. EOE.'drug free workplace.
A/C and duct Installers, must be ex-
perienced and dependable. 259-
8038. 2 '23.4 13p
Experienced painters needed. Must
have tools. 259-5877. 12 30tfc
Local home health care agency seek-
ing full time Physical Therapist for lo-
cal and surrounding areas. Call 259-
3111 for details. 2. 24tfc
Ray's Nursery, Inc. - Annie Jo has
tv.o openings..forbothth re Cutting &
tbgging dtew%. i Apply in person at the
office between 8.30 & 9:00 am,
Monday- Friday. 3. 23tfc

Needed experienced steel erection
foreman & iron workers, top paY.
904-707-8262. 3 30-4. 20p
Part time with full lime potential
Looking for motivated, qualified per.
son in Baker and surrounding coun.
ties. Experience in sales helpful. Pe.
ply with resume and references to
P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063.
- 6 2rfc
Ray's Nursery, Inc. - Earnie has
openings for two tractor mowers &
two weedeaters. Apply in person at
the office between 8:30 & 9:00 am,
Monday- Friday. 3, 23tfc



Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 125 S.
in Glen. just past the railroad tracks,
on right.
Friday 8:00 am-3:00 pm, 121 N. about
5 miles on left. Lots of nice things.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm,
US 90 & Wildcat Dr. Plant sale only.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 7349 W.
Madison St., Glen.
Friday & Saturday 7:30 am-12:30 pm,
Hwy 90, Dixie Mini Storage behind Ace
Hardware. Plus size clothes, small

ladies clothes, infant to 18 months girl clothes, new Bath & Body
Works products, some Premier Design Jewelry, much more.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 525 North Blvd. E. Baby stuff ga-
lore! Including baby swing, bouncy seat, stroller with infant carrier,
men & women's clothing.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 726 Miltondale. Infants, children &
adult clothing, small appliances, collectibles, nearly new 3 piece
entertainment center, books, toys, outdoor play set/swing set,
furniture, Elliptical, house goods. New stuff on Saturday. Don't
miss this one! 4 families
Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 1128 Copperfield Circle, in Copper
Creek subdivision. Many items must go! Moving sale.
Saturday 9:0,0 am-?, 121 S., right on Buck Rowe Rd., first left on '
Feirra Rd., fi-rst right on Seaward Way, first doublewide on right.'

A Touch of Grass Lawn Service
needs experienced full time licensed
ri,.er 259-7335 3 23tf.:
Reliable person witrh transportation
needed for light delivery route. 4.6
hours per week, must be insured &
have valid Florida driver's license.
bondable witr' a clean wurl-' record.
Send resume & references c o Box
598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 3 23tfc
Ray's Nursery, Inc. has opening for
irrigation personnel. Apply in person
at the office between 8:30-9:00 am,
Monday -Frida,. 3 30itfc
Ray's Nursery, Inc. has openings for
-... truck dri',ers Muzi lhaie Class A
.CDL. Apply in pers:.on at the office
between 8:309:00 am, Monday-Fri-
day. 3 30tfc

Excellent opportunity in the graphic
arts field right here in Macclenny at
Baker County's award winning, pre-
mier newspaper; must nia'e above
average verbal. writing & people
skills. Mac experience helpful & per-
sonal references a must. Send re-
sume to The Baker County Press,
P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, Fl 32063.
, * " 4/6-13c
Trailer mechanics wanted. Experi-
ence preferred, must have tools, Call
259 2901 asr for Ed Richerson or
Steve Berard or fax resume to 259-
3303. 4/6-13p

Pier 6 Seafood now accepting appli-
cations for all positions. 259-6123.
3 .23-4,27c
Calendar's Dell, Pizzeria & Coffee
House looking for waitresses. Set
schedules, $6.40 per hour plus tips.
employee discounts on food & the
best work. atmosphere in Macclenny.
Apply in person or call 940-5040.
Travelodge accepting applications
for front desk clerk. Applicants must
be available to work full-time all 3
shifts. Please apply in person be-
tween 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Monday -
Fridal at 1651 $. _6th St. No pipne
calis please' 4,4/'613c
Concrete workers, form, prep &
pour, must have ride, 904-229-1055
ask for Sean. 4 6-13p
Truss builders needed. A&R Truss.
259-3300. 4/6tfc
Party chief/layout, 2 years experi-
ence, benefits, clean MVR, insur-
ance. Maxville. DFWP. 289-7000.
4 . 6-27c
Dump truck driver needed, must
have clean driving record, CDL Class
B. Call 334-9329 leave message.
Equipment operators with land clear-
ing experience. Allbright Contracting
259 0792. 4'13-20p

I .

Baker County, FL

County Manager

Count) Manager, Baker County, FL (population 24,000). "Preparing Our Future - Preserning Our Past" are the words
on the County's seal and truly describe the challenges facing this historically rural and anractive north Florida county.
Covering almost 600 square miles and located 30 minutes west of lacksoimlle on Interstate 10, the area's population
is poised to increase dramatically. Communities nearer the metropolitan Jacksonville areas are largely built-out, so
development is moving West. In fact, the Board of County Commissioners recently considered a developer's petition to
build 5,500 homes on 3,000 acres. The challenge for many years to come will be preserving the hometown pride and
character of this friendly community in the face of development.

Wiih growth will come change, and to remain a self-sustaining community, the County must ensure the optimum mix
of residential/commercial/industrial land uses so its residents can live, work and play within its boundaries. With over
500 miles of dirt roads, improving the transportation infrastructure will be critical. Water and sewer services are lim-
ited and provided by the city of Macclenny. They will need to be supplemented to support growth. The fire depart-
ment is almost exclusively volunteers and the county's current staff of 85 and budget of $21 million will have to
increase to support the additional services growth will demand.

The County Commission has been stable. It is composed of five members who must reside in their districts, but who
are elected at-large and serves staggered four-year terms. The group is forward thinking and recognizes the need to
prepare for growth, to be ready to deal with developers and to ensure that the county's growth serves the long-term
interests of all residents. While the Commissioners do not agree on everything and frequently express strong opinions,
meetings are conducted in a collegial, professional, and respectful manner.

The ideal candidate will have a track record of achievement and at least five years of progressively more responsible
public sector experience in a high growth area. He/she will be personable, people oriented, friendly and open to the
public, and will be someone with a common-sense approach to government. However, he/she will also be a "tough as
nails" negotiator, fair and reasonable, and someone who will effectively represent the county's interests when dealing
with developers and other parties. Financial management skills are also critical because the county's millage rate is
already at 8.96. He/she will be creative, honest, a strong communicator, and have strong ethical standards. A
Bachelor's degree is preferred, but applicable experience will be considered and may be substituted, Expertise and
experience in utilities will be a significant plus. Salary DOQ, but the range is approximately $60,000 to $100,000.
Forward resume to Recruit23@cb-asso.com before April 28, 2006. Mailed and faxed resumes will not be accepted.
Questions should be addressed to Colin Baenziger of Colin Baenziger & Associates at (561) 793-2624. Under the
Florida Public Records Act, all resumes are subject to public disclosure. The County is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and minorities are encouraged to apply Veteran's preference will be awarded under applicable Florida law,
and the submission of a DD-214 is required. Residency in the County is required.

ImII I_ mmFm




I - - - .. . . - . I



The Baker County Press April 13, 2006 Section B - Page Five

Admissions coordinator. Great op-
portunity for a well organized, de-
tailed oriented, people person. Long
term care experience is preferred.
Census & insurance knowledge help-
ful.' Please apply in person at Mac-
clenny Nursing & Rehab or fax re-
sume to 259-5381. 4/13c,
Mechanics. Great pay & benefits
package @ Centurion Auto Transport.
Full-time evenings or 3rd shift. Expe-
rience in truck, trailer & minor weld-
ing. Apply Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-
4:00 pm, 5912 New Kings Rd.,Jack-
sohville. 800-889-8139. 4,,'13-30p

Notice to Readers
All real estate advertising in this newspa-
per is subject to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to advertise "any
.reference. limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handi-
cap, familiar status or national origin, or
an intention, to make any such prefer-
ence, limitation or discrimination " Famil
ial status includes cnhidren under the age
of 18 Ining with parents or legal custoO,-
ans, pregnant women and people secur
ing customd of children under 18
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
anr advertising for real estate wicn is in
violation of me law. Our readers are here.
by informed inal all dwellings advertised
in tins newspaper are available on an
eQual opportunity oasis. To complain of01
discnminaiiori, call HuD toii free at 1-800.
669-9777. The toll free telephone number
for the hearing impaired is 1.800 927.
2003 doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1680
SF on 1 acre, all new appliances,
$89,500. 904-408-9515 or 904-626.
2612. 3,.2tfc
City Lot. South Boulevard. Macclen-
ny. Appraised at $19,000; asking
$17,900. Financing available. 759-
5734. 3. 2tfc
Choice empty lot in Copper Creek
subdivision, approximately .70 acre,
backs to protected lands, $67K.
259-5764 or cell 334-3037.4,'6.13p
3 BR, 2 BA brick home on large city
lot. house is 5 years old & mainte
nance free, large garage & privacy
fence, $160,000. Call after 4:00 pm
2596794. 4.6-13p
Land & mobile home, 3 BR, 2 BA,
1',, acres. 904-591-2916 cell or
653-1656 home. ask for Terry.4,'13p

Beautiful, wooded 4+ acre lot in qui-
et area north of Glen 'St. Mary, zoned
for home or mobile home, $95,000.
259-1732. 4/6tfc
Copper Creek home. Built 2003, all
brick, 2365 SF, .4 BR, 2 BA, split
floor plan, approximately .70 acre,
backs to protected lands, massive
landscaping, awesome interior. Se-
curity system, sprinkler system, cen-
tral vac, enclosed patio, tiled porch-
es, $349K. 259-5764 or cell 334-
3037. 4,.'6-13p
New on market. FSBO. 6135 Wells
Rd, Whispering Pines subdivision in
Macclenny. 2960 SF, 4 BR, 2.5 BA
plus huge bonus room, 2 story, all
brick home with front porch &
screened back porch, wood floors &
lots of crown molding throughout.
Asking $315,000. Qualified buyers
call 626-4044 for a showing. 4,'13p
Baker County. 10 acres on St.
Mary's River, 700 ft. on river with
small white sandy beach, secluded,
high & dry, fenced, large oak & pine
trees, picture perfect, beautiful prop-
erty. Only $200,000. 259-7574.
Lot on Hwy 90 with old structure.
close to SR 121, $149,900. 318-
FSBO In Welaka, FL. 3 BR. 1' . BA
mobile home, sunroom. carport, new
appliances, new A,'C & heating,
deeded boat slip in marina on canal
into St. Johns, $65,000. 259-3457.
3 BR, 2 BA home with 2 car garage
in Macclenny, attic storage, side-by-
side refrigerator, dishwasher, smooth
top sto.e, 10x16 snhed on ' . acre.
good neighborhood, close to 1-10 &
shopping. $159,900. 259-9151.
4 13.20p
3 BR, 2 BA, 1703 SF on large city
lot. privacy fence, screened patio,
$168,000. 259-1317 leave mes-
FSBO. 3 acres, well & septic on Or.
brey Rhoden Road, $69,000. 259.
3457. 4. 13p

Cash buyer looking for 3 BR. 2 BA or
land in goocl location to build in Bak.
er County. geovii'7@yahoo.com or
call 384-2023. 4 6-13p

Want results? We give them to'you! - THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS

New 3 BR, 2 BA brick home with
bonus room, 2 car garage on beauti-
ful 5 acres in south Sanderson, po
smoking or pets, $1500/month plus
deposit and last month's rent. 859-
3026. 3/2tfc
3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets,
garbage pickup and water provided,
$600 per month, $600 deposit. 912-
843-8118. "12/22tfc .
1 acre lot for mobile home in Mace-
donia area off Odis Yarborough. Call
Brian at 759-5734 or 259-6735.
Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR. A, C, no
pets, $50.0-$550 plus deposit. 904-
860-4604 or 259-6156. 3,'17tfc
Brand new 3 BR, 2 BA house in Mac-
cienny, screened porch overlooks
large pond, no rear neighbors, no
pets, $1250,'month. 407-252-4387.
: 4 '6-13p
3 BR, 2 BA brick home in city limits,
utility shed, privacy fence.
$950 month plus deposit. 259-
New home. 3 BR, 1 BA, tile flooring.
living room, kitchen. dining room
combo, on .50 acre lot in Sanderson.
All electric appliances, $700 security
deposit. $700 month. Please call
259 3343 or 626-8424. 4 13tfc
3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on private lot
located at 715 Eagle Dr.,
$650 nmoritn, 1st & last month's
rent plus $650 security deposit re-
Quired to move in. No pets allowed'
259-7903 for information. 4 13p
3 BR, 2 BA doublewide, references
required, no pets. no smoking, city
water & sewer, $800,, month. $500
deposit. 259-2686 or 631-8831.
4 13c
3 BR, 2 BA brick home with garage.
shed on 4 beautiful acres in quiet
neighborhood, $1000 1st month,
$500 deposit plus last month's rent
of $1000. 259-8875. 4 13p
Apartment in Glen, 2 BR, 1 BA. tile
throughout. $575 month, $575 de-
posit. Available 4 21. 259-2645 or
904-403-0060 4 13c



I I; _____________________________

INC. PRESSURE WASHING CONTROL, INC. Sand - Field dirt ~ Slag hauled
Professional painting We will make you a 259-3808 904-445-8836 days
Pressure washing satisfied customer . All types of pest control 904-653-2493 evenings
Interior * exterior 378-1369 Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, 3/30tfc
Residential * commercial '4 13-.ip Bill or Philip FISH'S WELDING &
Full insured * Locally owned STEPHEN'S TREE B. rl M'nds - Ownerl6tfc EXHAUST

25 years experience
Tree removal * Light hauling
Stump removal
We haul or buy junk cars and trucks
We sell horses
Licensed * Insured
Free estimates
24 hour service
Call Danny
Jesus is the Only Way

Since 1963
Residential and Commercial
Pest control;
Lawn and Shrub care
Termite protection
Damage repair guarantees
Free estimates - Call today!
Sentricon Colony
Elimination System
Light tractor work * Brush clean-up
Bush hog mowing
Construction site clean-up
Licensed & Insured


Design / Build
Your plans or our plans
- Bentley Rhoden -
CBC060014 3/14tfc
Home repairs * Remodeling
Mark Stevens
Lic#RR0067433 12/29-6/29p

Licensed. & Insured
Free estimates
Call Stephen at

259-4227 home
904-302-2025 ce

Free estimates
Din ' Slag
622-7489 or 259-74


,c IN C .
Garbage pickup for Baker County
Roll off Dumpsters
Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator

Septic tank repairs
275-2683 office
219-8906 mobile

Build on your lot or ours
Your plans or ours
Model home in Copper Creek


Free estimates
Mowing - Edging - Trimming
4 I.3. P Bush hogging
RE Privacy - Chain link - Board fence
334-3659 cell

e sneciL #06-00841


Tires * Rims * Exhaust
Buckshot * Goodyear * Michelin
Nitti5d * BOSS * Eagle * MSR
Custom justt - Flowmaster
Turbo, Glaspaks
Call today for the best price!


Residential Electric
Sccunti * Home The
Sales * Service * Insta
FI Lic.#EG 13000236
FI Lic.#ET1 1000732
Free estimates
Pressure washing
15 years experience * L
866-7998 or 259-

Solid wood cabinet
Modulars -Custom
Leroy Johannes,

Mowing * Trimming
Edging * Hedging
Free estimates
Jason Knabb

Have home inspected before you buy
Lloyd Pierce
Area Inspector/Representative


N We build in-ground pools
We sell and install
DOUGHBOY above-ground pools
Service * Renovations * Cleaning,
5/27tfc Repairs * Chemicals * Parts
ES 698-E West Macclenny Ave.
(next to Raynor's Pharmacy).
Spring & Summer hours:
Monday - Friday
452 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
30-4 16p
E Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

L.T 259-5222

(C PC u53903)


Heating* Air * Electrical service
Licensed and Insured
Lie. #ET11000707
Lic. #RA13067193,

Commercial * Residential
New construction * Service
CAC1813701 4/6-9/28p
Commercial - residential
Many references on request
30 years experience

Complete site & underground
utility contractor
Land clearing
We sell dirt & slag
Hourly rate available on:
grader, dozer & trackhoe work
Mitch Canaday, Jr.
CU-C i'i32 6 3 16.- '"p

NHC and NHIA Certified
[C. Serving Nonnh Florida and
cal South Georgia.
eater 259-5342.
llation 259-5416 fax
3/23-4/16p WELL DRILLING
' Well drilling
g Water conditioning purification
licensed New septic systems
-8013 Drain field repairs
3/30-4/20p -259-6934
wotry We're your water experts
Celebrating our 29th year in business
Credit cards gladly accepted
ATHS Fully licensed & insured
Florida & Georgia


Engineered trusses for your new
2/2-4/27p Home - Barn - Shed - Etc.

Free estimates
I ic.#RC0067003


DirecTV & Dish Network
Starting at $19.99/month

* Air conditioners * Heat pumps *
* Major appliances *
24 hour, 7 day emergency service!
Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator

New construction * Re models
Licensed & Lisured
FI Lic #RR2'2.5 114'9 3 23-4.16p

Tim Sweat

Licensed * Insured * Bonded
Transport *Set-up ' MH Pads ,

Screen rooms Patio cc
Room additions
Bush hog * Dirt wor
Land clearing * Tree se
Free estimates
Contact Mike

2" and 4" wells
Roger Raulerson

Lawn mowing - Tractor work
Clean-up ~ Hauling

Bull dozer & backhoe
C.F. White
Full lawn service at
affordable prices
Free estimates
Call Billy



Ne% roofs ' Root repairs
Roof replacement
Free estimates
So many options!,
See our catalogs at
The Office Mart
110 South 5th Street
� , 259-3737


Water softeners - Iron filters
Sales - Rentals - Service
1/19-7/6p Total water softener supplies
)RK Salt delivery ,
rk - Financing available ~
797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny

Hauled & Spread
Tractor work
Custom house plans
to your specifications
Qualified - Good references
Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases,
drawing pads and much more!
110 South Fifth Street

Culverts Installed
Tim Johnson
After-hours computer repair
Networking, training,
graphic design and writing
Call Cheryl

V f





Local $575 - $675 - Home Every Night

OTR $650-$800+ - Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends
. Health/Life Insurance Available * Paid Vacation

401K * Weekly Bonus * $500,Quarte'rly Safety/Performance Bonus
DOT Inspection Bonus * Driver Referral Bonus

CALL 1-800-808-3052


.................. � -- -' "V

_ ~� -1 � ~





The Baker County Press April 13, 2006 Section B - Page Six

2 BR, 2 BA condo, ground floor, pool-
side, incredible ocean view, St. Au-
gustine Beach. Call 476-8907 or
505-0083. 4/6-27p
Smoky Mountain cabin, trout stream,
near Cherokee, Gatlinburg & Dolly-
wood, $325 per week. 386-752-
0013. 3/16-6/lp

Office space in downtown Macclenny,
2 rooms, kitchen & bath. 259-9590.
Large commercial office space avail-
able for lease. 859-3026. 3/2tfc

Monday at 5:00 pm


Needed tor
Baldw in, Nonrhside Jackson ille
& Westside area y
Class D license needed
PT & FT Positions

Please apply at

EOE D\ F Lic.#AB9100008

Drivers . .

Transport System, Inc.

Limited Openings

Home Every Weekend
1 Yr. TT Experience &
Class A CDL Req'd

Call Doug today at:
epestransport.com ,


Connect with a

Driving Career...

CTL's three week


Driver Training Academy!
Experienced Company Drivers
- Up to $2,000 Sign-on Bonus
5310 New Kings Road
Jacksonville, FL


*Restrictions and limitations apply.

March land sales

(From Page 3)
Lot 84, $176,000.
Thomas O'Neal to Christo-
pher Le Fraze, 33-1S-21E,
Morris L. Foster to Robert E.
McMullen, Cuyler Field Lots
7,8,9, Bk 1, $420,000.
lona Fish to Thomas O'Neal,
33-1S-21E, $10.
Cloritice Rhoden to Ronald
Lee Rhoden, 7-3S-21E, $10.
Cloritice Rhoden to Arnold
Lewis Rhoden, Jr. , 7-3S-21E,
Cloritice Rhoden to Belinda
Raulerson, 7-3S-21E, $10.
Douglas W. Stombock to
Mary Anne Stombock, Copper
Creek Hills Unit Three Lot 64,
Scott A. Gadsby to Nestor
Arteaga, Old Nursery Plantation
Lot 123, $369,000.
Philip D. Langeberg to Dou-
glas A. Kirkendall, Seminole
Ridge Unit II Lot 3 Bk 1,
Kevin M. Parsons to Joe L.
Ward, Macclenny South Lot 17
Bk 1, $135,000.
Craig L. Clevenger to Craig L.
Clevenger, Macclenny II Unit II
Lot 24 Bk B, $10.
Rolling Meadows of Macclen-
ny LLC to Drees Homes of Flori-
da Inc., Rolling Meadows Lots
18,113,114, $116,291.
Terrell Register to Carroll
Dyal, 18-2S-21E, $10.
Matthew S. Booze to Christ-
ian N. Hay, 36-2S-21E, $
Candice A. Hay to Mitchell
Rhoden, 36-2S-21E, $10.
Laura A. Hodges to Anthony
R. Kight, Macclenny Acres Lot
22, $210,000.
Browns Pecan Circle Trust to
Robet E. Reynolds, 14-4S-20E,
David A. Bowen to John H.
Steinmeyer III, Old Nursery
Plantation Lot 86, $10.
Inez R. Burnsed to James A.
, 30-2S-22E, $10.
Carroll Dyal to Carroll Jay
Dyal, 18-2S-21E, $0.
Carroll Dyal to Derek Lamont
Watson, 18-2S-21E, $0.
Wilford K. Wilkerson to Jared
F. Satterwhite, Macclenny II
' Unit II Lot 19 Bk C, $52,500.
Susan Y. rioks to Arnold J.
Johns, 27-1N-20E, $642,000.
Christopher R..Wheaton to
Christopher R. Wheaton, Deer-
field Lot s 28 & 29 Bk 1, $0.
Azie Lee Allart to Kelvin D.
Manning, Lot 31 Deerwood Es-
tates, $9,000.
Wanell S. Crawford to Elmer
H. Davis, Deerfield Sub. Lots
12 & 13 Bk 3, $5,200.
Larry L. Westfall to Destiny
People Worship Center Inc.,
Gadsen Heights Lot 4,
Lisa D. Carter to James E.
Taylor, 17-1S-21E, $10.
John Wilkinson to Bixie
Wilkinson, 29-2S-22E, $10.

Maronda Homes Inc of Flori-
da to Nubia N. Clark, Cypress
Pointe Unit 1 Lot 7, $208,400.
Hugh Bentley Rhoden to Ja-
son Kittrell, Timberland Subdi-
visin Unit Four Lot 46,
Cypress Pointe of Macclenny
LLC to Maronda Homes Inc of
Florida, Cypress Pointe Lot 26
27 28 & 48, $126,000.
Michelle Renae Peacock to
Brian C. Pepperd, 12-2S-21E,
Thomas A. Fraser to Emory
T. Fraser, 24-2S-21E, $0.
Andrew J. Gadberry to Terry
Wayne Gayle, Fox Ridge Estates
Phase three Lot 71, $149,900.
Michelle Renae Peacock to
William J. Pepperd, 12-2S-21E,
Maronda Homes Inc of Flori-
da to Victor F. Ravelo, Cypress
Pointe Unit 1 Lot 67,
Joyce Ann Sweat to Joyce
Ann Sweat, Copper Creek Hills
Lot 38, $10.
Clarence V. Caldwell, Jr. to
Tommy A. Brown, $10.
Cynthia Bridger to Tommy A.
Brown, $10.
Nancy Jones to Tommy A.
Brown, $10.
Tommy A. Brown to Brian
Harrington, 16-2S-21E,
Phyllis Danforth to Davika
Renee Puls, 26-2S-20, $10.
Andrew Jackson Crews III to
Richard P. Hodges, 11-4S-20,
William G. Kirkland to Karon
P. Hardegree, Kirkland Acres
Lot 3, $10.
Jonathan S. McGlew to
Joseph D. Stronko, Phesant Run
at Glen Plantation Lot 3,
Louis C. Quiett to Louis C.
Quiett, Town of Macclenny Lot
3 Bk 17, $36,000.
Joseph E. Browder to George
William Lyons, 8-3S-22E,
JSWHD Corporation Inc to
Mary Lou Bonner, 21-1S-21E,
Rock Contractors Inc to Paul
V. Seguin, Jr., Forest Park Sub
Lot 24, $185,000.
Thomas A. Hodges to Dale
Gene Hodges, Sr., 17 & 18-3S-
21E. $0.
Michael Nathan King to Scott
A. Gadsby, 30-2S-22E,
David J. Carver to Michael
Nathan King, Owen's Acres Unit
II Lot 10 Bk 5, $158,000.
Benjamin James Blue to
George L. Bennett, 2-3S-20E,
Eugene B. Blount, Jr. to
George R. Nowlen, Turkey
Creek Ret Inc Unit 2 Lot 10 Bk
4, $47,000.
Malinda Lee Raver to Cecily
Joy Cox, Milton Add to the
Town of Macclenny Lot 4 Bk 3,
Paul W. Callen to Michael

Paul Callen, 7-3S-22E, $10.
Minnie Z. Hargroves to Glenn
J. Griffis, $40,000,
Southern States Nurseries
Inc to Osceola Forest LLC, 18.-
3S-22E, $1,341,949.
William E. Woodington to
Christopher M. Lee, 30-2S-
21E, $0.
Maronda Homes Inc of Flori-
da to Rachel 0. Dada, 28-2S-
22E, $164,300.
Maronda Homes Inc of Flori-
da to Donald A. King, 28-2S-
22E, $179,250.
Gary 0. Williams to Mattie
Lee Givens, 2-3S-20E, $0.
Gary 0. Williams to James F.
Williams, 2-3S-20E, $0.
Robert L. Gatlin to Kathryn L.
Smyth, 25-2S-20E, $28,000.
Rock Contractors Inc to Paul
A. Scammacca, Lot 22 Hunter's
Ridge at Glen Plantation,
Wilma Rowe JLEA to Martin
Cole, 19-2S-22E, $18,000.
Jerry Warren Crews to Henry
J. Crews, Green Ridge Estates
Lot 4, $10.
James A. Griffis to ALLENCO,
30-2S-22E, $10.
Ira D. Burnsed to Jimmy
Griffis, 30-2-22E, $0.
Robert L. Steele to Country
times Construction Inc, Mac-
clenny Woods PB-2 PG-62
Attract 4 Block A, $53,000.
Stephen F. Roberts to Cathy
Ann Roberts, Lot 19 River View
Acres, $0.
Eddie Mae Lee to Eddie Mae
Lee, 32-2S.22E, $10.
Buddy Mobley to Lottie Mob-
ley, 17-1S-21E, $10.
Michelle Renae Peacock to
William J. Pepperd, 12-2S-21E,

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