Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Social
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main continued
 Section B: Real Estate
 Section B: Classifieds


The Baker County press
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00024160/00065
 Material Information
Title: The Baker County press
Uniform Title: Baker County press (Macclenny, Fla. 1929)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: Tate Powell
Place of Publication: Macclenny Fla
Creation Date: March 30, 2006
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Macclenny (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Baker County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Baker -- Macclenny
Coordinates: 30.283333 x -82.116667 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began Apr. 12, 1929.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 39 (Jan. 2, 1931).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000579533
oclc - 33284409
notis - ADA7379
lccn - sn 95047186
System ID: UF00024160:00065

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
        page A 4
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Social
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 7
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 8
        page A 9
        page A 10
        page A 11
        page A 12
    Section B: Real Estate
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Classifieds
        page B 4
        page B 5
        page B 6
Full Text

Paid circulation leader Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005


PO BOX 117007- UNIV. FLA.



Deli, pizzeria owner
wants to convert
decaying building
into six condos.
PAGE 1-B (Real Estate)

Wes ts ide


patient is

home from

the hospital

Press Publisher
A local health official says a
meningitis scare at Westside Ele-
mentar\ two weeks ago has passed
with the release from the hospital
of a second-grade girl who hps re-
covered from a probable cas-e.
Both school and health officials
credited quick reaction by the
child's mother and a prompt re-
sponse inoculating fellow students
and adults w ith preventing a spread
of the potentially contagious and
sometimes deadly disease.
The school was first notified of
the girl's illness March 14 after the
mother took her to Fraser Hospital
and she was transferred to Wolfson
Children's Hospital in Jacksonville.
The child had been avay from
the class for five days because of
the teacher planning day on the
pre% ious Friday. according to Vi-
\ian Crew s, the Baker Count)
Health Department's manager for
"We were able to get ahead of
the situation because the incubation
period is normally 2-,10 days with a
mean (average) of 3-4," said Ms.
Cre s.
The health office arranged to
vaccinate 17 classmates and eight
adults the next day. March 15, and
arrangements were made to have
others not in school that day take
the shots at the health department.
The school also sent letters
home to parents of all students ad-
vising them of the situation, and
health officials here kept a close
eye on the progress of the 8-year-
old at Wolfson.
"It's critical to get the vaccine
working in 'a 24-hour period and
we were able to do that," stated
Ms. Crews.
The child was discharged from
Wolfson last week with the proba-
ble diagnosis. Ms. Crews said a
certain determination was not pos-
sible because the girl had already
been given medication to combat
the disease. She is from the San-
derson area.
Meningitis causes swelling in
the -lining of the brain and spinal
cord, and its close relative septi-
caemia is the blood-poisoning form
of the disease. Both can kill within
hours untreated.
Parents were advised of com-
mon symptoms like high fever,
severe headache and nausea and
Marcheta Crews, the school dis-
(Page two please)

11II 11111 I III1
6 89076 48819 8

Fear, Vol. 49 Thursday March 30, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500

Turkey hunting;

that is; a passion

unabated for

Paul Rhoden, 91
Press Staff
Paul Rhoden loves turkey season in Florida
Although he looks forward to the annual hunting of
gobblers, he is a conservative hunter by choice and usu-
ally claims only two of the magnificent birds during the
season, which in North Florida runs from March 19 to
April 24.
Hunting turkey is not unusual. The fact that Paul
Rhoden, a former pharmacist and drug store owner who
has lived all his life in NMacclenny and is still hunting at
age 91. most certain\ is.
"1l'e belonged to different hunt clubs over the
Nears." sa\s Mr. Rhoden. "I used to hunt quail. Then
the quail population fell into decline in this part of the
state. I took up hunting turkey after that."
The lifelong hunter has a lot of respect for the w% ild
game birds and considers them one of the most chal-
lenging birds to hunt.
"Here in Florida \e have two of the five %wild turkey
species found in the United States the Osceola and the
Eastern. In the northern part of the state there is mostly
Eastern Turkey. They are secretive, really smart and
have amazing hearing and eyesight." NMr. Rhoden says.
"Put that together with this region's dense, shadowy
vegetation and you've got quite a challenge on your
When Paul Rhoden hunts turke., he's out in the
voods by 5:00 a.m. To lure the big gobblers down from
the trees, he uses a diaphram caller that simulates the
call of a female turkey.
"I don't believe in hunting to excess. Two turkeys
per season more than fulfills our needs," says Mr.
His family\ alw ays enjoys a turkey dinner when he
has a successful hunt. Wife Violet has often helped pre-
pare the turkeN for cooking.
Scalding water is poured over the bird to loosen the
feathers, making the job of plucking easier Wild turkey
has a distinctly different taste from birds raised on com-
mercial farms due to a natural diet and freedom to
The Rhodens enjoy the taste of the wild game and
frying the turkey breast is a favorite way to cook the
Many people have not seen a \\ild turkey up close.
Though they appear
uncolorful at first glance,
the males ha'e red and Turkey F
blue folds of skin on their The American Indians h
neck and head. The feath- meat as early as 1000 A.D.
ers are subtle shades of lize arrows and adorn cerer
copper, red, gold, dark legs of wild tom turkeys were
amber, 'ellow and have
an irridescent sheen. Their *Wild turkeys can fly for short
strong wings are loaded and can run 20 miles per hou
with large black, and white
primary feathers. 'Gobbling turkeys can be heo


Paul Rhoden with ont of his trophy 'beautfil creatures.' Note colorfidl feather shades
PHt.-.:. \ k F. v L LNN. N
"They are truly beautiful creatures," says Mr. Rhoden.
He once had an unusual experience that could easily be included in a book on
turkey hunting lore.
"I shot a big gobbler in midflight, but he didn't drop. He spread his wings and
sort of floated down. I waited for him to die, but he just sat there, hunched and not
moe ing. I could see he was definitely alive. I
cts thought, well. I might have to knock this one in
the head to finish him.
ed wild turkey for its sweet, juicy "When I got to him he suddenly charged right
key feathers were used to stabi- in my direction and tried to spur me. That gob-
iia dress, and the spurs on the bier was not going down w without a fight! Before
ed as projectiles on arrowheads. I could get him w ith the gun, he took off and dis-
appeared into the woods. I tried to track him, but
taces up o 55 miles per hour I lost him. That had never happened to me
before, nor has it happened to anyone I've talked
a mile away on a quiet day (Page two please)

Don't forget...

to set your

clocks ahead i


night! ,

Springtime fun at Heritage Park opening Saturday
Karlie Marin Jessyn Sands andellen Marini enjoyed old-fashioned hot dogs and cokes in front of the replicated Blue Haven Restaurant at the grand
opening ofDarbyville at Heritage Park last Saturday. The project funded largely by the city of Macclenny, consists of buildings meant to re-create the fla-
vor of the city, both during and after it was known as Darbyville. Saturday's program featured dedication ceremonies and demonstrations of old-time cook-
ing and crafts. The Blue Haven, owned by William and Susie Barber, operated on the southeast corner of Fourth Street in Macclenny from 1947-1967.
Photo by Kelley Lannigan

6 more


for roles

in local

methi ring

Press Staff
A federal judge has sentenced
six more defendants in Operation
Sawmill, the investigation into a
large, locally-based methampheta-<
mine ring busted in February of last
Ten of the 14 people arrested
have now been sentenced. The rest
including the local ringleader and
the California supplier also hae .
pled guilty to conspiracy to distrib-
ute methamphetamine and are
scheduled for sentencing.
Judge Harve3 Schlesinger on
Tuesday sentenced Charity Merrett,
of St. George, Ga. to 35 months in
prison and Robbie Burnsed, of
Sanderson to 27 months.
Carrie Morrison of Mlacclenny,
the only defendant to aloid prison,
received five years' probation with
four months of home detention and
four months of community correc-
Earlier this month, John Merrett,
one of two brothers at the center of
the ring. was sentenced to 92
months in prison, followed by 60
months of probation. He is from St.
In addition to the four a3ntn,.edl
this month, there were five other
locals arrested. Three have been
sentenced. They are:
Kenneth Wilkes and Michael
Ferris, both from Glen St. Mary.;
were each given 70 months in'
prison for conspiracy to distribute
marijuana. The) also must serve
five years of probation.,
Wesley Lewis of Macclenny
%was sentenced to 37 months fol-
lowed by four years' probation.
Yet to be sentenced are ring-,i
leader James Merrett John's,
brother and Charit\'s husband -
and Timothy Burnsed. Both had
been on the docket this month, but
were postponed to a later date.
Of the remaining five defendants
- none of whom are from this area
- three have been sentenced:
Thomas Floyd received 77
months in prison and 60 months'-
Donnie Strickland got 51
months and 48 months.
Archie Crook was sentenced to
92 months in prison and five years'
That leaves Aaron Long, who is
scheduled for sentencing March 29,
and Carlos Ibarra, the primary sup-
plier to the ring, who is set for
March 30.
Operation Sawmill so named
because James Merrett ran a
sawmill on his property in Charlton
County -- was conducted by a task
force made up of federal and local
officers, including Randy Crews
from the Baker County Sheriff's
They arrested 11 suspects in-
- eluding the nine locals last Febru-
ary 28. Two others were arrested
soon afterward, but Mr. Ibarra, of
Los Angeles, was arrested more
than six months later after being set
up by an unnamed co-conspirator.
Court documents say he distrib-
uted at least 560 grams of meth to
the ring between late 2002 and ear-
ly 2005.
Basically, James Merrett used
truck drivers to fetch the drug and
bring it to the east coast where it
was sold.
Mr. Long, of Lake Wales, Fla.,
was a second source of meth, but
Mr. Ibarra supplied a higher quality
meth, called "ice."
Federal prosecutors said James
Merrett even conducted his drug
business while locked up in Baker
County jail.

(Page two please)

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Two

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mor sentenBriefcase, contents taken
0 mfrom disabled van other

(From page one)_
Incarcerated on a DUI charge,
he passed instructions for running
the operation to his brother, Ms.
Morrison and Mr. Lewis.
He directed them to steer less
trusted members of the ring away
from Mr. Ibarra to Mr. Long.
Among those on the outs was
Robbie Burnsed.
Operation Sawmill began in
late 2003 when a witness tipped
off investigators to the drug ring,
fingering Mr. Merrett as the leader.
The unidentified source also
named Mr. Ferris, and provided
Mr. Ibarra's name and phone num-
In an unrelated federal case,
former-Baker County High School
baseball star Marcus Hodges was
sentenced to 30 months in prison
for conspiracy to distribute drugs,
The Florida Times-Union reported
last week.
Hodges was part the ongoing
investigation of the Florida State
Department of Corrections, which
is focusing on the prison softball
team on which he played when he
worked as a guard.
Originally, he was arrested in
Palm Beach County, then was hit
with additional charges in Baker
County when police found a box
full of drugs he kept at his sister's
home in Macclenny. The drugs in-
cluded painkillers, anti-anxiety

medication and Viagra.
The state charges were dropped
in connection with his federal pro-.


(From page one)
to. No one I know ever heard of
being charged by a turkey."
Although Mr. Rhoden has never
given one of his birds to a taxider-
mist for preservation, he has over
the years collected the beards from
the turkeys he's bagged.
An impressive collection dis-
played in a shadowbox frame
hangs on the wall of his home. A
turkey "beard" is a bundle of
tough filaments that grow from the
male turkey's breast and average
nine inches in length.
Some male turkeys will have
multiple beards and occasionally a
female grows one, but typically
it's a male trait. Mr. Rhoden 'has
dozens of beards in his collection.
When asked if he plans to retire
from hunting in the near future,
Paul Rhoden laughs a bit. "I don't
plan to quit anytime soon." he
says. "I love being up and out in
the early morning during turkey
season. I really love the chal-

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property crimes reported

A number of property crimes
involving vehicles were reported.
to the sheriff's department recent-
ly, including burglary of a disabled
vehicle the morning of March 19.
Shawn Conner of Jacksonville
said he abandoned a locked 2003
Ford van on Deerfield Road after
it became stuck in a ditch about
4:45 am that day.
He returned more than five hours
later to find a briefcase and contents
had been removed. Mr. Conner sug-
gested entry was gained by tripping
a rear lock behind a license plate
The case contained business
papers, supplies, a pager and pre-
scription medication. Value of the
loss was just under $500.
Medication and three fishing
rods valued at $105 were taken
from a parked vehicle off CR 127
overnight on March 20.
Owner Daryl Norman said he
left the vehicle unlocked.
The Car Quest repair garage off
South 6th in Macclenny was en-
tered overnight March 24 and a
2000 Chevrolet truck parked in-

side was started up and backed
into a locked garage door.
The collision heavily damaged
the $1200 door and slightly dam-
aged a 1994 Ford pickup parked
just outside the door.
Police also found evidence of
entry an.d exit from the fenced
Jhony Lopez of Jacksonville
reported before dawn on March 25
that his 2003 Ford pickup had not
been returned after it was driven
from the parking lot of the S&S
store on South 6th in Macclenny
earlier that morning.
He identified the driver as an
acquaintance, 39-year-old Letha
,Jarvis of St. George, Ga.
The truck was recovered in
Nassau County later that day.
A purse and contents belonging
to Michele Leggett were taken just
after midnight from a friend's car
parked in front of her residence on
E. Ohio in Macclenny.
The theft occurred March 25
and the property had been stowed
in a trunk. It included identifica-
tion documents, a cell phone val-
ued. at $250 and $20 in cash.



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(From page one)Cat_-- ,e mua

trict's chief nurse, credited the
health department with doing a
"phenomenal job" dealing with the
"They did a fantastic job and
their hard work prevented this
from getting potential worse,"
said Ms. Crews.
Her sentiment was echoed by
School Superintendent Paula Bar-'
"Because it was an isolated
case, we wanted to be very proac-
tive and advise parents of the signs
and symptoms while at the same
time treating the children exposed
to it," said Ms. Barton.
"They-(the health department)
handled it in a very timely man-

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Calendar's Coffee House, Deli &
Pizzeria is, looking for kitchen &
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Yard Sale Saturday, 8-?; Estate St. to
Poplar, turn left. Boys' clothes size 12,
women's clothes, girls clothes, baby
items; football & air hockey table, as-
sorted household items. 3/30p
Yard Sale Saturday, 8-?, 8694 Pine
Street in Macclenny II, Namebrand
clothes and everything else. 3/30c
Christian band looking for the best
bass and lead guitar players. Hard
work for best sound. Call 591-4241.
Guided trail ride, April 8, 5-6 hours,
our horse $50, your horse $20,
lunch included. For reservations call
Aaron Fish at 259-2229. 3/30-4/6p
For Rent, 2BR/1BA home in Glen St.
Mary. $650/month and $500/deposit.
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591-7851celn. 259-1252


aw -


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday March 30, 2006 Page Three

Publisher/Editor Post Office Box 598 **L 104 South 5" St.
Macclenny, FL 32063
4 NEWS/SPORTS Michael Rinker (904) 259-2400
NEWS/FEATURES Kelley Lannigan The Baker County Press is uDblisned eacn Thursday by
COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel Baker County Press. inc. Penooicais postage pa a under
permit issued April 12. 1929 at ne post off ice ,n
a Jessica Prevatt & Laura Briner SUBSCRIPTION RATES
S Jess20.0ica Preva0l a year inside Baker County: $25. a year Out
SFEATURES/COMMENT Robert Gerard side Baker County: deduct s$1 00 for persons 65 years
of age or older, military personnel or active duty outside
BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas Baker County, aria college students living outside Baler
Si County. POSTMASTER: send address changes tu Tne
CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear Baker County Press. P.O. Box 598. Maccdenrn. FL.
9 L32063.

Hall cartoon hit

lack of oversight

Press Cartoonist
First off, let me state unequivo-
cally that this is in no way an apol-
ogy for last week's cartoon. I'm
also not going to get into the habit
of having to explain or defend each
and every cartoon I do.
But since I have a deep affection
for teachers and what they do, I
did want to make a statement about
what the cartoon "wasn't."
The cartoon was not a "slap in
the face" to all Baker County Mid-
dle School teachers. If anything it
was more a reaction to what I per-
ceived as a lack of oversight by ad-
How did this guy get hired in the
first place? And who was watching
When I do a cartoon on a sensi-
tive subject like this, my first
thought is always "who's getting
hurt?" WVell, this time it would be
our students.
What would have happened if
this guy had not just happened to
have been caught that day? I'll tell
you what he'd be teaching your
middle school student today!
Perhaps instead of attacking the
messenger, the school district


I fiimped the gun a bit last week
with an opinion column on lack of
attendance at an organization
meeting of The Joint City-County'
Service Providers on MAfarch 17.
It turns out most of the agencies
initially included on the growth-
planning committee were not invit-
ed to the meeting.
I attended the meeting and left
before it ended to keep another,
appointment. and thus did not
express my sentiments to any of the
-participants. Had I done that, they)
likely would have told me the plans
changed and the first meeting was
to include only representatives of
the school system, Macclenny,
Baker County and Glen St. Mary.

night be advised to take a look at
its hiring practices, or drop into a
few classes unannounced every
once in a while.
As a former teacher, I know that
they are some of the most under-
paid, underrated, and under appre-
ciated workers in America. I've
also seen what falls through the
cracks and passes for "teacher."
We cannot allow students to be
taught by any but the best educa-
tors. If we really care about our
children we'll make sure of that.
Editorial cartoons engage and
enlighten. They are not always
funny. Humor is used as a vehicle
to get to the truth, and as we all
know, the truth can hurt.
But I would think that clean,
innocent, hardworking teachers
would have nothing to worry
about, and in fact be glad that
someone who was dragging down
their profession is now gone.

This newspaper
Sis printed on
Recycled paper.

Submission Deadlines
All news and advertising must be
submitted to the newspaper office
prior to 4:30 p.m. on the Monday
prior to publication, unless other-
wise noted or arranged. Material
received after this time will not be
guaranteed for publication. It is
requested that all news items be
typed to insure accuracy in print.

Letters to the editor are welcome, but must contain
the signature of the writer, a telephone number
where the writer may be contacted and city of resi-
dence. Letters must reflect opinions and state-
ments on issues of current interest to the general
public. The newspaper reserves the right to reject
any material which in the newspaper's judgement
does not meet standards of publication.

t .
... ~........ .. ..*,*.t,* ,. ~ ~, ~ .,.:,t!'.'4..W X

Cartoon stung all teacher

Dear Editor:
As president of the Baker County Educa-
tion Association and a teacher for 21 years, I
feel the need to address you concerning the
cartoon in The Baker County Press last week.
LIam concerned the cartoon reflects
negatively on all our teachers in Baker 01
The community knows us; we are
your parents, your aunts, uncles, cousins,
grandparents, friends, Sunday School
teachers and your children.
We have taught you, your children.
your parents, aunts, uncles, ministers and
even your grandparents.
Do not let the impression of one car-
toon scare you into believing you do not
know us, and that we are not doing our
jobs. I will put all the teachers up against
any group of people in this country, and
know they are above reproach.
However, you must also know we are hu-
man, and one teacher's problems should not
reflect teachers as a whole.
Teaching is one profession where you
have to be perfect the day you %walk into a
classroom, and e\erN day for the next 30

We have no learning curve. A doctor does
not operate on a heart patient his first day, and
a new lawyer does not handle a murder trial
her first day on the job. .

* I


iCnopyrighted Materi
SSyndicated Content

ailable from Commercialews

Please come to our
schools, meet your children's teachers, their
principals and your superintendent. In my 21

rs unfairly

years of teaching in three different school sys-
tems, these are the greatest people I have ever
worked with.
--- Like many other families in this
community, mine has devoted it-
self to this school system. My fa-
ther put in 47 years, my brother 30
years, one of my sisters 28 years
\ and another 16 years, and my
stepmother 20 years.
The cartoon was an insult to.
them and every teacher in this
system. We are a family at Bak-
,, er County Middle School, and
providers \ 75 percent of teachers here have
, spent 16 or more years teaching
your children. Half of our
teachers graduated from Baker
County schools.
*Please let this newspaper
know how you feel. Every
one of you has had a teacher
in this county, who has made
a difference in Nyour life.
Stand up and be counted!
S.N-DI IL.AREI, President
Baker County Education .Association

-BCMS faculty


"Copyrighted Material

6 4Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"
j& i

How to breathelife back intoNASA



I read this interesting tidbit in'
the news the other day.
Despite successes with the
Mars Rover, the Saturn and
Jupiter probe and the launch of
the Pluto explorer, NASA is still
in trouble. People don't seem to
think that the space agency is
really doing anything useful.
What's wrong with these peo-
ple? Haven't they heard of Tang.
and WD 40? What about Teflon
and Super Glue? All of these
things are a direct result of the
space program.
I'm not fanatical about the pro-
gram, mind you, but I'm con-
vinced the government spends
money on a lot of programs of
less use than NASA.
The Haliburton Corporation
wastes a whole lot more money
theoretically rebuilding Iraq than
NASA theoretically going where
no man has gone before.
NASA just needs a revamped
image. All these guys in short
sleeve white shirts with pocket
protectors and calculators send
the wrong image. We need a more

exciting image for the space pro-
Get rid of the pocket protectors
and strap on blasters and light
sabers. The head of NASA should
dress like Obi Wan Kenobi.
The ipso facto head of the
space agency is Vice President
Cheney, who with a little makeup
could easily resemble Jaba the
Hutt. Of course, Jaba never han-
dled a pump shotgun like the
Throw some donuts on the side
of Laura Bush's head and she
looks like a classier version of
Princess Leia. And I'm sure
there's nothing President Bush
would like more than dressing up
like Han Solo. He acts like him
half the time anyway.
. Of course the hallmark of my
revamping of the space agency is
one sentence loaning out the
space shuttle. A lottery that
allows average Joes like, well, me
to keep the shuttle for a weekend
is just what the agency needs.
I might actually go to my high
school class reunion if I could
pull up in the space shuttle. Of
course, don't expect me to valet
park it. I'm not turning the keys
to this baby over to anyone.
"So, Bob, what have you been
doing with yourself lately?"
"Oh, nothing much. I'm just a
shuttle jockey."

I don't intend to fly it, I don't
fly. I just think it would be cool to
pull through the drive-thru at a
fast food restaurant in the shuttle.
"Do you want to upsize that?"
"Yeah and make it fast. I'm
due in earth orbit in a few hours."
When my time is up and I pass
the Discovery off to the, next
lucky jerk, I get a bumper sticker
that reads "My other vehicle is
the space shuttle."
Right there and then the space
agency is suddenly more trendy
than American Idol and Deal or
No Deal combined.
This same technique would
work for other troubled agencies.
All we have to do is put a little
Hollywood "slap and dash" on
Having trouble finding people
to run the American ports? Think
we need some Arabs from Dubai
to run them? Don't be silly. All
we need is Jack Bauer. Put Keifer
Sutherland and his CTU team
from 24 to work.
I'm not guaranteeing life in the
American ports will be normal.
At least 24 hours every year some
crisis striking at the heart of
America will unfold at some port
around the country. Bauer and his
team will whisper their way
through it and in the end we will
all feel safer for it.
Have trouble with FEMA, the

Federal Emergency Management
Agency? Not to worry, I've got
the solution. The gecko that sells
car insurance is the perfect head
of FEMA. With his sly smile and
British accent, he's a natural at
convincing people that they are
safer and getting a good deal to
Who could say no to the
gecko? People in government
dragging their heels? The gecko
Will get all those other lizards to
whisper in people's ears and get
folks moving in the right direc-
As for Congress, well, that's
gonna take some thought.
' I've got it! Those monkeys
from CareerBuilder.com who are
always advertising their website
on television.
You've seen the commercial.
The monkeys are all partying
because a graph shows productiv-
ity going through the roof. The
lone human walks over and turns
the graph over to show that the
company is in the toilet. The
monkeys look serious for a
moment then flip the graph back
over. If that isn't a metaphor for
Congress, I don't know what is.
See, this stuff works for every
facet of life. No need to thank me,
just leave me the keys to the shut-

great effect

Dear Editor:
' I am writing in regard to the car-
toon you published in the edition
of March 22. .. :., ,.,n
In that cartoon, you asked a sim-
ple question: "Do you know who is
teaching your middle schoolers?"
As a graduate of Baker County
Middle School and a graduating
honor student at Baker County
High School, I would lIke to an-
swer that question for you.
Some of the most influential
people in my life teach at the mid-
dle school. In sixth grade, By-
ronelle Williams and Kevin Mies-
ter were the first to introduce my-
self and my classmates to a world
where there was no recess and
playtime. They both did their best
to help students cope with the
change from elementary to middle
Seventh grade was a breeze
thanks to Glenda Sue Scallan,.Jane
Rhoden, Brita Hobbs and Beverly
McCray. They helped shape my
education and showed me that
teachers are not just educators, but
adults you can confide in.
The most memorable year in
middle school was eighth grade.
Ms. Svhira (now Ms. Tanner) op-

eried my eyes to the %world around
me, figuratively and literally. She
actually helped me enjoy science!
I cannot put into words the im-
pact Gail Griffis had on me and my
life. Not only did she prepare me
educationally for the next most
challenging four years of my life,
but she also became mN mentor.
"There is no stupid question,"
she would say. She went beyond
teaching and was always there if
someone needed her.
Shame on you!
Because of one teacher's mis-
take, you have questioned what
kind of people work at Baker
County Middle School. The staff
should not be categorized in such a
demeaning way.
Baker County is growing rapid-
ly and with all the new people ar-
riving, how are they to know that
the middle school staff is not what
you portrayed them to be at all?
How dare you put that kind of
shame on so many good people!
If one of your employees was
caught stealing, does that mean
you are a thief, too?
Glen St. Mary

Teacher 'exceptional,

says former student

Dear Editor:
This letter is coming to you
from an 8th grade student at Bak-
er County Middle School.
I am a former student of
Stephen Crews, and two weeks
ago I read the sad and shocking
story of his arrest and resignation
from BCMS.
He was an exceptional math
teacher. He had a way of explain-
ing very difficult material in a
way that made it interesting and
easier to understanding.
Mr. Crews always told us not
to use drugs that it would ruin
our lives. I can see now this is
He has lost his job and we
have lost a great teacher. The
worst part is this is his fault and
no one else's. Through this Mr.
Crews has taught me a new les-
son: if you do drugs you'll not
only hurt yourself but the ones

who care about you.
I want the people of Baker
County to know what Mr. Crews
was really like in the classroom.
He cared whether or not you un-
derstood. This was evidenced by
my FCAT score going up a whole
point in a subject I struggle to
make a "C" in.
I hope he is able to recover
from this problem and will be
able to share his unique gift of
teacher with other struggling
math students like myself.
I could only hope this county
can separate the person from the
problem. We are a kind and lov-
ing community. I hope we can
show compassion to a teacher
who means a lot to us here at
Submitted with permission of her parents

Social Notice Deadlines
Birth announcements, wedding notices
and social events must be submitted with
in four weeks of the event. It is your
responsibility to ensure photographers,
etc. are aware of this policy.

Contact Us-
Phone 904/259-2400
Fax- 904,259-6502
Email bcpress@nefcom.net
Mall PO Box 598
104 South 5th St (
Macclenny, FL 32063
www.bakercountypress.com ?

4wlw qft

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Four

New YMCA pool foundation is in the ground
James Thomas of the Baker Family YMCA (left) and foreman Joe Pafford ofAuld and White Constructors o Jacksonville survey a week's
worth of work on the $1 million olympic swimming pool now under construction on a tract just west of the YMCA headquarters on Lowder
in south Macclenn'. The long-delayed project got underway recently and completion date is set for sometime in early summer The pool
project was first proposed three years ago, and is funded via contributions from local government agencies, the Wal-Mart Distribution
Center and a bond issue floated by the First Coast YMCAs for several projects. The pool will be a competition 25 meters in length with
eight lanes, plus a 2000 square foot detatched bathhouse.

FBI still mum one year after man

complained of beating by deputies

Press Staff
One year ago this week, a Mac-
clenny.man complained to the FBI
that a pair of Baker County sher-
iff's deputies violated his civil
rights when they used excessive
force while arresting him.
To date, the federal agency has
not notified the Sheriff's Office
whether it has completed its inves-
tigation of the claim.
Meanwhile, the sheriff's inter-
nal investigation has been com-
pleted and the trial of the deputies'
.accuser, Michael Harvey, has
come and gone.
A Baker County jury in October
found him guilty of resisting an of-
ficer with violence, but acquitted
him on two counts of battery on ai
law enforcement officer.
The results of the internal in-
vestigation were not released
pending the feds' findings.
FBI spokesman Jeff Westcott
has, failed to return calls over the
past several months, including one
on Tuesday.
Chief Chuck Brannan said he is
not aware of any word from the
agency, but added that when FBI
investigations turn up nothing in-
criminatingmthey are often dropped
without fanfare.
Mr. Westcott, in an interview
last year, said as much.
Mr. Harvey, who was wanted
on two felony arrest warrants, was
drinking at Mac's Liquors on
March 19 last year when deputies
Charles Ross and Darrin Whitaker
were told he was in the bar.
Deputy Ross went inside while
Deputy Whitaker waited outside
the door.
Mr. Harvey complied as he was
arrested and the officer led him out
of the bar.,
When they stepped through the
door, however, Mr. Harvey hit

Jewelry, gun

said stolen
Police are looking into the theft
of an estimated $3000 in jewelry
and a .38 caliber pistol from, the
residence of George Rhoden off
St. Mary's Circle in west Mac-
clenny on March 23.
Molly O'Neill reported the theft
that took place between 7:00 am-
9:45 pm. She returned to the home
and noted a garage door and front
door open. She said the house was
locked when she left. /
The jewelry belonged to Ms.
O'Neill and was stored in a box in
a bedroom. The pistol belonged to
Mr. Rhoden and was in a bath-
In another home burglary with
no sign of forced entry, someone
took a laptop computer valued at
$850 from the residence of Kath-
arine Rhoden on E. Ohio in Mac-
The theft was also reported on
March 23 and was between 3:30-
4:00 that afternoon.,
$4.5 for15g w rds

Deputy Whitak-r in the chcsi and
tried to run, according to the offi-
Deputy Ross, who was holding
Mr. Harvey's wrist with one hand
and carrying a flashlight in the
other, said he instinctively swung
at Mr. Harvey as he lunged toward
DepuLi\ Whitaker.
Deputy Ross hit him on the
back of the head with the depart-
ment-issue "mag" flashlight,
which measures about 10 inches.
He then grabbed Mr. Harvey
from behind in a bear hug, lifting
him slightly off the ground.
Mr. Harvey was swinging his
elbows back, hitting the officer nu-
merous times in the head.
At that point, Deputy Whitaker
regained his balance and rushed
.Mr. Harvey. .
Hie tried to hit him with a dis-
abling blow to the neck that would
have rendered his arm momentari-
ly useless.
Deputy Whitaker also was car-
rying a flashlight, a somewhat
smaller one.
Due to Mr. Harvey thrashing
around trying to get free, the offi-
cer said he accidentally hit him on
the head instead the neck.
Eventually the officers were
able to subdue him.
When Mr. Harvey took the wit-
ness stand at his trial, however, he
testified he didn't hit anyone, but
that he was the victim of an unpro-
voked attack by the police.
After being found guilty, he was
sentenced to ten years in prison by
Circuit Judge David Giant.

Had pot

in vehicles
Two traffic stops resulted in
arrests for misdemeanor posses-
sion of marijuana the pastweek.
The evening of March 24, De-
puty William Hilliard stopped a
1993 Oldsmobile driven by Jessica
King, 20, of Jacksonville for fail-
ing to yield ,the fight-of-way at 6th
St. and Ohio.in north Macclenny.
Ms. King had a small plastic
baggie of pot on the seat next to
her and was also ticketed for the
traffic offense.
Passenger Mark Crews, 24, of
Glen kvas arrested on a Baker
County warrant for violating pro-
John Barber, 18, of Macclenny
was booked on a possession charge
the morning of March 21 after his
speeding 1994 Chevrolet was
stopped on Woodlawn Road near
Mt. Herman Cemetery Road.
Deputy Adam Faircloth search-
ed the vehicle, which he said
smelled of marijuana smoke, and
found a cigarette roller and two
stubs of marijuana cigarettes.
A tip from a student to a teacher
led to the arrest of a 15-year-old
male student at Baker County
High School the same morning.
The student told campus deputy
Traci Benton he purchased a bag
of pot from another student for
$40 and named a suspect.
The officer found a snhall atnlount
Lof nl.riju.,na in a school bathroom

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:. ..ME .--.


L L,

City affirms moratorium


Press Publisher
"I guess I was blindsided by the
groe th \ e all were.:"
Those were the words of Mac-
clenny engineer Frank Darabi dur-
ing a city commission workshop
the evening of March 28 when the
subject was how to deal with the
demands explosive growth will
put on the city's existing \ asie
water (sewage) treatment plant.
"I guess we are were (blind--
sided). I had no idea we'd have
this many come this quick," added
the engineer later in the meeting.
Mr. Darabi, of Gainesville, and
City Manager Gerald Dopson
summoned the city board and
developers with expansion plans in
and near Macclenny to the meet-
ing to take a reading of both
groups on the city's commitments
so far on utility management.
Perhaps the most pressing of
the growth-related costs as they
apply to Macclenny, the issue
revolves around how many
promises the city can make to ac-
commodate developers vying for
utility) ser\ ice.
."I think in the end we'll be
okay. We'll get a permit (to ex-
pand the city's existing sewer
,plant), but you can't make com-
mitments until you get that,"
stressed Mr. Darabi during the
hour-plus session.
Earlier in his presentation, the
engineer noted that six different
developments seek approval for
1989 additional sewer and water
customers. Of those, the city,has
already committed to taking on
53And therein lies the rub.:
The Macclenny Commission
earlier voted to accept develop-
ments outside city limits, but only
on an increased fee- basis with the
likelihood that. eventually they will
be annexed into Macclenny.
Developments inside the cur-
rent limits have been accepted on a
priority basis.
The board this week also agreed
it already accepted by inference
one of those "outside" develop-
pments, some 88 homes on j tract
currently owned b\ Ray Gatlin of
Macclenny and located in north-
east Glen St. Mary.
Mr. Darabi initially rejected the
contention by Mr. Gatlin's attor-
ney Hugh Fish of Macclenny that
the development could proceed
with the assumption of city utili-
. "We don't have any paperwork
or a check (for the impact fees) so.
we can't include it," the engineer
However, at the urging of May-
or Gary Dopson, the commission
agreed it accepted the Gatlin parcel
earlier. The engineer backed off his
position and agreed the develop-
ment, which does not have a name,
be included under the umbrella
covered by existing sewer and
water treatment.
Two proposed developments,
the Blair Nursery project and
Greystone near the Gatlin tract, al-
ready have agreed to pay up front
$4950 impact fees for each new
parcel. The presumption after
Tuesday was the Gatlin property
will do likewise.
Mr. Darabi earlier urged strong-
ly the city collect up-front fees to
offset the cost of a conceivable
doubling of the present sewer

Classified Advertising
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plant permit
plant capacity to 2.6 million gal- Darabi advis
lons daily. Mayor D
Crucial to that project, the engi- old golf cou
neer stressed several times Tues- the 400-plu
day, is obtaining a permit from the station will b
Department of Environmental ed a trade-c
Regulation. homes could
The city has already initiated tect capacity
that process, and Mr. Darabi said City Mar
the state has requested a water said Maccle
quality study of Turkey Creek, in its dealii
into which the present treated ef- and suggest
fluent flows. member be
How much additional capacity future negc
the state allows will hang on how utilities and
pure the creek water is down- Noting pe
stream of the south Macclenny ing the Knab
plant at present, and how much Yarborough,
more treated water the state Dopson said
believes can be absorbed., he suggested
The sewer plant currently is outside com
running just over half of its capaci- does locally-
ty, according to the engineer, and Large track
could handle the additional load the Knabbs
from proposed subdivisions. will very lik
He advised the city to reject any their own se
further burden on the system until but Macclen:
an addition to the existing plant is ly be sought
permitted. A project t
"You probably have a 5-7 year tract will tri
build-out on what's already o~ut opmentofRe
there, so we're not, nearing capaci- the state ape
ty but v.e have to be careful," Mr. cludes are as


'opson, who sold the
rse property on which
s home Barber Plan-
be developed, suggest-
off of Mr. Gatlin's 88
d be arranged to pro-
nager Gerald Dopson-
nny wants to be open
ngs with developers,
ted one commission
assigned to sit in on
otiation meetings on
other matters.
ending projects in\ ol\ -
bb family and Jimmy
all of whom Manager
i are. "close friends,"
i the city has to treat
panics' the same as it
based landowners.
:ts like that owned by
'southeast of the city'
:ely have to construct
wer and water plants,
ny utilities could like-
in initial stages.
he scope of the Knabb
bigger a DRI (Devel-
egional Impact) before
iro\ e,.it, and thai in-
like utilities.

* Ceramic & ,
Porcelain Tile
* Hardwood
* Area Rugs

20% 0FF
I Excludes previously quoted estimates. Expires 4/30/06

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Five

Check out the news at-


Firearm, theft
charges against
Macclenny man
A Macclenny man faces multi-
ple charges including possession
of a firearm b\ a conv icted felon,
following his arrest the morning of
March 26.
Deputy James Stalnaker initial-
1l questioned Gravlin McKellum.
19, about the disappearance of a
four-% heel ATV belonging to Tara
W'ashington of Macclenny.
She told police the suspect had
been renting the \ vehicle from her
for $25-S30 a da\ and had not
returned it. Mr. Grailin allegedl\
told her he sold it.
When the suspect v.as initiallN
questioned on Quail Lane. Deput\
Stalnaker said he found a .25 cal-
iber pistol in a pants pocket.
He is also charged \% ith carry-
ing a concealed weaponn grand
theft of the ATV and possession of
a small amount of marijuana %\hen
he \\as booked at counts jail.

100 South Lima St.,
Office 266-1041


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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Six

Kelsey Johnson

Little sister aili Ses
Will Johnson is proud to an-
nounce the birth of little sister,
Kelsey Jane Johnson. She was.
born March 9 and weighed five
pounds, 11 ounces and was 19
inches long.
Proud parents are Jud and Rob-
in Johnson of Glen St. Mary.
Grandparents. are Billy and Judie
Johnson of Taylor, Dolores Yokom
of St. George, Ga. Great grandpar-
ents are Daisy John-.on of Glen St.
Mary and Florence Grimes of St.
George. .

S, ii 1 Ii 1

A son arrives
Charlie and Colleen Harvey of.
Sanderson are proud to announce
the birth of son Seth Charles Har-
vey on March 15 at St. Vincent's
Mediclj Center. He weighed six
pound-., two ounces and was 19'/2
He was welcomed home,by sib-
lings Kyle Barron and Brandon
Harvey. Grandparents are Gerald
and Geraldine Scharphorn of
Chelsea, Mich., Fred and the late
Rosie Harvey of Sanderson.2


Kelton Kaeck

Gives birth to son
Caleb Kaeck and Wendy Dan-
iels of Glen St. Mary are proud to
announce the birth of son Kelton
Scott Kaeck. He was born March 7
and weighed six pounds, two
ounces and was 19'/2 inches long.

Happy Birthday,
God Bless

Love, Uan & Mom

l ),. .' \.ll .// 5

Couple engaged
Mr. and MNr's. Rand\ Crews of
Macclenny are pleased to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Hannah Louann, to Rick,
Diggs Jr., son of Mr. and Mr_,.
Rick Diggs of Jackson\ ille.
A wedding is being planned for
September 9 at Raiford Road

Local cruise-in
Callinu all cu.tinm. hot rod, col-
leclible and antique cars and car
lovers to the monthly cruise-in this
April 8. at 4:0()0 pm in parking lot
ne\t I Sarah". Coffee mi US 911.
For more infirmrnlion, call 259-

Pesticide license

clasSes, exa ms
C/ in n Extension Director
An area private applicator pes-
ticide school l %ill be held on April.
10 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at the
Bradford County Extension Office
for individuals wishing to oh bin
the pri'. ate pc'ticid& applicator li-
cense from the Florida Depart-
ment of Agriculture and Consumer

for the week of
April 3-7 -
MONDAY: Breakfast pizza with milk and
TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit with milk and
\ I:IINL .,I)\: Ccrcal and toas with milk
and juice.
THIkiRD i'A)- Pancakes and apples with
milk and juice.
FRIDAY: Oatmeal and lOast with milk and
MONDAY: Sloppy joe or grilled chicken
sandwich. choice of two: corn. condiments, rosy
pears and milk.
TUESDAY: flot dog or mcatloaf and corn-'
bread, choice of two: potatoes and gravy, slaw.
fruit with apple crisp and milk.
WEDNESDAY: Lasagna with roll or rib
'sandwich, choice of two: fries. salad. fruit with
cookiecand milk.
THURSDAY: Hot pocket or cheeschurger,
choice of two: potato rounds, condiments, fruit
and milk.
FRIDAY: Chicken pol pie with biscuit or
pizza. choice of two: greens. veggies, fruit and



Scott &'{Ji(T

SLove, "

A The following activities are
scheduled in Baker County
schools for the week of April 1-
8. This listing may be incomplete
and subject to change without
S *-April 1: BCHS- SAT in the
auditorium. FFA State Poultry
Contest at .VF. State mock trial
competition in Orlando.
*April 3: District Wide-
SShool board meeting at Taylor
Church at 6:30 pm. BCHS- FC-
CLA to Emeril's restaurant in
Orlando. ME- Bunny grams.
PK."K- DiMlels testing for all
I kiriderganen students.
2. *April 4: BCHS- Ag career
exploration at LCCC. Carpentir
fieldtrip to Palencia. ME- Bun-
ny grams-.. PK/K- Dibels testing
A -for all kingerginen students.
i *April 5: BCHS- Teen%%orks
to Wal-Mart DC: LCCC summer
., regi-ration begins. FBLA bowl-
ing trip at 2 pm. DCT career
awareness in Jacksonville. W\E-
Group pictures. ME- Bunny
S, grams. PK.'K- Fild trip to zoon.
3 Dibels ieiing for all kinder--
A /1 g.irrt1 _qudenit..
r *-April 6: B('HS- Big Ape
AbstinCnce prminoiion during,
lunch ME- Bunn\ ram.,
P 'K- Dih,.cl letring htr all'
1: ,l ind njria.r n lud.ir, s
,' *-April 7: BCHS- I lerit Joninc
| r. dl) Ii,.Cr 2radu'Jl ii'n anrnOunce-
Snicnis during lunch BCMS-
End Il the \.ar fiiid irip, 6 7
4 ,r.i'de \WE- FiL.Id da\ (2/3
rd. rJ NI ME- Biir in\ gram, Field
LI. d 2\ `21 gr:idti.i
*BC'HS- Prum at thif MOrOc-
o, Shrine l-cmplc ACT .it 7 3.
111n in Ihlk .Ludilt-Iriium


Saturday at

9:00 am

B(HS courts


FILE NO.: 02-2005-CP-46
The administration of the estate of Angela
Moore a/k/a Angela Helm, deceased, File Num-
ber 02-2005-CP-46, is pending in the Circuit
Court for Baker County, Florida, Probate Division,
the address of which is 339 East Macclenny Av-
enue, Macclenny, Florida 32063. The names and
addresses of the personal representative and the
personal representative's attorney are set forth
below. '
All creditors of the decedent and other per-
sons having claims or demands against dece-
dent's estate including unmatured, contingent or,
unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this no-
tice is served must file their claim with this court
within the later' of 3 months after the date of the
.first publication of this notice or 30 days after the
date of service of a copy of this notice on them.
All other creditors of the decedent and other
persons having claims or demands against the
decedent's estate including unmatured, contin-
gent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims
with this court within 3 months after the date of
the first publication of this notice.
The date of the first publication of this notice
is March 30, 2006.
Attorney for personal representative:
Florida Bar No.: 173491
3300 University Drive
Suite 706
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Telephone: (954) 755-5350
Fax: (954) 255-6080
Personal Representative:
Lee B. Gartner, P.A.
3300 University Drive
Suite 706
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Telephone: (954) 755;5350

GED registration
Registration for the April GED
tests will be April 4 at 6:30 pm at
the middle school cafeteria in
Maeclenny. Individuals must bring
a Florida picture ID, social securi-
ty verification and any wai-
vers/fees. The tests will be April
For more information call 259-

FILENO.: 02-2005-CP-0008
The administration of the estate of Charles
M`Achae McCioud deceased, whose date of
dear. .as FecruarV 5 2006, is pending in the
Ci,:uil Cour lor Baker County. Florida. Probate
Dise.n File njumrer 02.2606C'.CPF 004, the ad-
oress o1 ahich is 339 East Macclenny Avenue,
Macclenny, Florida 32063. The names and ad-
dress of the personal representative and the per-
sonal represenialves anorrey are sel I:,nr, e-.
All credil'ors 01 mIe decdern arna oirr per
sons wno nave clam- or demands an3sain-I dcc.
deni s csiaie ,r.,cluding urmrraiure,] conirn -.ri,
unlqudated claims. arnd wno araje .en :er.e,'.
copy ot Irna note music lIle lheir claims wiirin lhe
ai31r OI inree i3i m nirns are,- ir.e dale c. inre i.r
publication Ol iinis rloice or iiny dayv atnr irne
ds le 0o er.Ice uol a ,opy e irsn rlic,- or, irem
All uiler .:rvdiCrs .l i re ecIeocrl a,.: 9Cr.
:rns wr o h3ve claims or derrianad aga :n,:r. Ire
. -le,:.s nli E2lit e iri.:luda ,g uriiaurt1 ] Coi-lir,
r.4nt or uriliquidaie1e ,:1a3m, mu1i Ie Vir n ciainrT,
win in'a rourl within Ihree 13i morihs aher Ihe
,31 r,: ir u uril ou I'iC haOri ui irt, r,.-iiie
Tr.e a i of ir. r:i pur, :aii, ,,-r ,i ir.i r ,oi,.:e
,z Mar.n 2-3 ;006
APorier IOr erson,,- i re.,r -enr, i,,c
HUGH 0 Fi'`.H JH
Fi.:.rda Bar NI O12428'.t
P,:, e,4<
ta,..li'n-1 FL 32'"03
Tilpr.n,:,n (90-) H 6:Fe O. ,or r e.7:15
P F' ,",:'.-.5 Reprei er,-all.e
Pi anc' J:arn McCl,,ud

FILE NO.: 02-2005-CP-46

Trie admnisiraiin oi the estate of Angela
Moore ', a r,,e-ia Heim deceased, File Num-
ber 02-2005-CP-46, is "s-n'ri'g in the Circuit
Court for Baker County, Florida, Probate Division,
the address of which is 339 East Macclenny Av-
enue, Macclenny, Florida 32063. The names and
addresses .':. irr.e :r,...r.ni represeniaii.e a5-d th6
o rr .,l ri' -r 'ii-a l.C .. anLrre s:re I. i.i'r,
ALL persons on whom this notice is served
who have objections that criaiing'- ir-1 .,ai,r, of
the will, the qualifications .:-I ire p-,' rai .epre-
l,. .' rue r ir di .:rI, I. 1 ,:curl are
i*-:Iua .ir I i re. ; *:''|,'- iorn ,.oir, e I : ,:.ui1 '.ir,
irl u hiaier : 1 ir T,,r m rniri, alier ir, oar e e in
Ir rpuri io- .:i r. i-.:. :. r ,, a, a ll,,-
lh .3 al -*I --? .. .1. 'L 0 1 : d O 1 ir" ci 1: c *:"-1
All :.ei :,ri .i ihe decedent and other per-
sons r,,n.rq' ,lai .Ti '.-CMr-d'.d. a1arnrI d ,-ce-
dent's e- le ,i ,r or, ,-,ri, a cc.: i nt r,, --r, r-'', .
served ..ilr..-. rr.-e rT,,-ir.. ariTr ir :. c .A.I: ir.
first pubi-.:ai,-n r, -I l' i ,'i.:,:e u il hi e i rien r claim ;.
with,this Court within the later 0c ir,,'- ,Tr ir, '_ af-i
t.- ir, jal, ,-,i ir,.- ih i u i. a ,wI ir. ,-,|I,: ,',,
tr.rry ay' -sai er Irne daie cu of er...:-e ,- a copy of
this notice on'them. ,
All other creditors of the decedent and other
persons having claims or demands a3.arni \,he
decedent's estate on whom a copy ci rni- ,r.:ju,:
is served within'three months after the date of the
first publication of this notice must file their claims
with this Court within 3 months after the date of
the first publication of this notice.
The date of the.first publication of this notice
is March 30, 2006.
Attorney for personal representative:
Florida Bar No.: 173491
3300 University Drive
Suite 706
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Telephone: (954) 755-5350
Fax: (954) 255-6080
Personal Representative:
3Lee B. Gartner, PA.
3300 University Drive
Suite 706
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Telephone: (954) 755-5350


Summer 2006




..' -", "SUMMER

i 1 I'I APR5-M




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Betty June Dukes,

ex-board member
Betti June Raulerson Dukes,
73, of Worthington Springs died
March 25, 2006 at St. Vincent's
Medical Center. Mrs. Dukes was
born in Baker County on August
19, 1932. She lived in Baker
County all her life prior to moving
to Union County in 1994. Mrs.
Dukes graduated from St. George
High School in 1953. She attended
Little Springs Primitive Baptist
Church. She was a member the
Baker County School Boaid for 16
years and retired from Independent
Life Insurance ,Company. Mrs.
Dukes.loved to cook, bake, cro-
chet and garden.
She was predeceased by chil-
dren Laveice and Byron Raul-
erson. Survivors include her hus-
band of 11 years, J.R. Dukes; chil-
dren Deborah Gay (Dicky) of
Macclenny, Janice Raulerson
(Earl) of Callahan. and Dwyane
Raulerson (Cindy) of Glen St.
Mary; brother Albrey McCormick
(Christine) of Sanderson; sisters
Muriel Roberts of Lake City and
Laverne Altman (Albert) of Glen
St. Mary; grandchildren Bridget
Moore, Kristy Miller, Christopher.
Gay, Heather Sands, Lauralee
Clifton and Byron Raulerson: 10
A service was held March 29 at
11:00 at First Baptist Church of
Glen St. Mary with Elders Roger
Pinkston and Albert Altman offici-
ating. Interment followed at North
Prong Cemetery. Fraser-Ferreira
Funeral Services of Macclenny
was in charge of arrangements.

Recda Green

of Tallahassee
Reccia C. Green, 87, of Talla-
hassee died Wednesday. March 22,
Ms. Green was a homemaker
and loved creating shell art, draw-
ing' ,and co in
collecting. She
also enjoyed
working in her
Syard and- wit "
ing poetrr. She
was known as
Ms. Green
is survived b\
James A. .*
Green, her hus- -
band of 51 -; '""I' -
years; sons Troy M'- Greni'
Brewer (Linda) of Tallahassee and
James Jr. of Alabama; daughters.
Pencie Bell and Lee Beckman
(Dennis) of Tallahassee, and Edith
Cahoon (Nathan) of Panama City;
sisters Alice Mame Cook, Janie
Kent and Josie Hall; brothers
Alex, Jerry and Jimmy Hughes;
granddaughter Glenda Thomas
and great-grandson Michael, both
of Macclenny; also 10 other grand-
children and 12 other great-grand-
The funeral service was March
24 at Abbey-Riposta Funeral
Home and burial at Tallahassee
Memory Gardens.

$4.50 for 15 words

St. Peters Anglican Fellowship
Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla.
Sunday School 9:00 am I
Sunday Service 10:00 am

Mt. Zion N.C.
Methodist Church
121 North 259-4461
Pastor Bobby Griffin

Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm


For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Mr. Godwin
dies March 24
William "Willie" Homer God-
win, ,66, of Maxville died March
24, 2006 following a lengthy ill-
ness. He was born September 20,
1939 in Maxville.
He was predeceased by parents
Samuel Everett and Viola Myrtle
Harris Godwin; brother Bobby
Godwin and sister Joyce Padgett.
Survivors include his wife of 48
years Floria Earlene Cannon-
Godwin; children Bill Godwin
(Betty), Jeanne Parks (Kenneth),
Keith Godwin (Renee) and Bryan
Godwin; brother Billy Godwin
(Marlene); grandchildren Teri,
Kristy, Jason, Exie, Brandon,
Dagan, Ashley, Jamee, \inny and
Amanda; great grandchildren
Naudia, Ethan and Nyia.
A service was held March 28' at
Prestwood Funeral Home of
Baldwin. Interment was at Long
Branch Cemetery in Maxville.

Dorothy Hall
March 25 rites
Dorothy Lee Raulerson-Hall,
'85, of Jackson-: ilk died March 21,
2006 in Jackson ille. Mrs. Hall
was born Nlaich 22, 1920 in
Douglas, Ga.
She .i as predeceased by parents
Joseph Allen and Leettie Meeks
Raulerson, husband Robert Hall
and son Jerry Miller Sr. Survivors
include dJughter Pamela Miller;
sister La erne Kirkland, grand-
children Jerry, Samantha and
Sha%\n Miller
A service was held March 25 at
IE ergreen Cemetery jith Rev.
Robert K. Davis officiating. Prest-
wood Funeral Home of Bald\ inn
was in charge of arrangements.

CR 127 N. of Sanderson
Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am
Ved Night Service 7:'0 pm
Where Everyone is Somebody and
Jesus is the Leader
Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell

Holiness Church
CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 10:00 am
Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm
SPastor: Oral E. Lyons E

ng Church" I

'Shang Moore

of Brooklyn, NY
Frank. "Shang" Moore Sr., died
March 25, 2006. He was born
.March 21, 1939. Mr. Moore attended
school at Keller Elementary, Rich-
ardson High
and graduated
from Keller
1! High School in
1959. As a
child, Mr.
Moore enjoyed
Religious ser-
vices at Allen
Chapel African
S- M et hod is t
h i Church. He
Mr. Moore was employed
at the state hospital for many )ears
and moved to Brookli n, N.Y.,
where he lived until his death.
Mr. Moore was predeceased by
parents Lewis and Jessie Mae
Mitchell Moore Sr. Survivors
include wife Sarah ,"Margie"
Smith 'Moore; children Willie
James Bannen. Annette Moore,
Frank Moore Jr., Harold Moore,
Yolanda Weekes and Leon Smith:
sisters Geraldine Harris, Alene
Roks, La Francis Walker, Dora
Widemond and Gwendolyn
Moore; brothers Elder Benjamin
Moore, Napoleon Moore (Helen),.
La\%.rence Henry M oore (Doris),
Alphunsa Moore and Leonard
Moore i W\illie NMac.
A serx ice \%as held March 31 at
11:00t am in Brookl\n. Arrange-
nments were made b\ .Frjnk R. Bell
Funeral Home of Brooklyn.

Youth concert
Impact Ministries is hosting a
Christian )outh concert at the fair-
grounds on April 7 at 7:00 pm.
Enjo\ food and entertainment for
$1. .

Florence Sinclair

dies at age of 92
Florence Sinclair died March
23, 2006 at the age of 92. She was
a native of Avonmore, Pa. Ms.
Sinclair was a wife and homemak-
er, a Girl Scout leader and a mem-
ber of Lutheran Church in Avon-
Survivors include daugther
Yvonne F. Johns of Macclenny;
grandson Rocky Tressler (Betty)
of Macclenny; four great grand-
children and four great-great
A service was held at Kelly L.
Corridoni Funeral Home in Avon-
more. Local arrangements were
made by Fraser Ferreira Funeral
Services of Macclenny.

573 S. 5th St. 259-6059
SunIid., Bi "le Study 9.4, am,
Fello-', hip I .3.0 .ni i 11.X0 .' in
\\orslhp Senrices
':. 11 0()0 m
I... .\ Wed. Bible Stud,J
ri'- ., Minister
~Sa.. m F. KilchinRi


NeL'w Hope for the Co,wn uni.tv
Five Churches Road
Hwv. 127 Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 9.45 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 11-00a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Every4' Sunday Nighi Ser ice 7:00 p.m
VidellI. Willianms -Pastor

First United '
93 h. 5th St., Macclenny ~ 259-3551
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm
'Wednesday Worship: 6:15"pin
K John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor

.I .,t,",',:,'/'/l;dsc & \'worship
.\n' (l t/sf/ldin l'Sund SCc(ol & A\dulH Bible 'tid
S\arm. I 'rietud/y FI oiks...
(Children's Revival with Wilbur & Grace Thrush coming in Julyl)
Sundays@, 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m./Wednesdays i 7:00 p.m.
-%- *cm us 9 W i 9.



Senior Pastor Independent Pentecostal Chiurch Associate Pastor
David Thomas Tim Thomas !
259-4940 Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny 259-4575

Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Service 7:00 pm
Radio WJXR 92.1,Sunday 9:15 am

Youth Programs
Sunday School 10:00 am
Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am
Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm
God Kids Sunday 11:00 am
God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm Youth Pastor
Gary Crummey

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Seven

Get the better news experience with
The Baker County Press .

at Cedar Creek Church CR 124, Sanderson

April 1 at7 pm '
C"eaturirig rIJ

6 New Gatherinng
Pastor Billy V'.'illiams welcomes Everyone!

Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us
Glen Friendhip Tabernacle
Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary
WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am
Morning Worship Service 10:30 am
Children's Church 11:30 am
Evangelistic 6:00 pm
Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm
Rev. Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521

Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life
Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M.
Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner
North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500

.- .A 10 Ljuraniure Rd F jiirounds F;Rj
Sunday School 9:45 am
Sunday AM Worship 11:00 am
Sunday PM Services 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
Pastor J.C. Lauramore Welcomes All

* Sunlith, wii li \',I

IP.- F A ,3F.KI..I.O F ,C.

0'ip ':311I ani Wm'lni~dav Biltir 'tu6
HI: 1 -1 an Thurtda ')i"nih

:1111 pni
Pll~ h

"'1 loring .Church rith a Groiring vision of Ecellence'"
1 '. .., li l ,--I I;- 1. l I,, I 1 -.. litn -- I ,,.r1 2"',.;. n w.

First Baptist Church
Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM
Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM
.Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM

"A Beac(
to Bakei

Perry Hays, Associate Pastor
Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor


Bill Guerry Owner, LED.

Offering services in a quiet,
thoughtful and professional.

Guerry Funeral Home
...a tradition of excellence continues.

Bryan Guey- J.D.


420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East)
259-2211 I

First Baptist Church
of Sanderson
CR 229 5.. Sanderson rL
Sunday School 10 am
Sun. Morning Worship 11 am
Sun. Evening Worship 6 pm
Wed. Eve. Bible Study 7,,pin
Pastor Bob Christmas,

Gospel Sing on Sunday night, April 2 at 6:00 pm featuring

The Carolina Crossmen
at Mt. Zion Church on 121 N., Macclenny
Pastor Bobby Griffin invites all

The Tradition



THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Eight

In Memory
Brantley Johns
The Final Tear
We all have walked rose-strewn
paths and wept tears of joy through the
Then suddenly the dark clouds gath-
er, and we cry, "Dear Lord, dry our
When days are dark and filled with
pain, and we can't find joy in the little
things. Tears of joy become tiar's of.
sorrow; we become as birds ilh bi o-
ken wings.
The soul that once soared wiih; hap-
piness no longer, hears life's jubilant
psalm. God can gentle i ipc lear-
dimmed eyes and fill our hearts with
blessed calm.
"Joy cometh in the morning," we
know. Yet we must face the sorrow of
today. But we have the assurance in the
end, God wil wipe our final tear aiwn.
-Revelation 7:1 7& Psahlms 30:5
We will always love and 'renemnber
In Memory
Infant Peyton
Michael Carter
A dream we had of holding near,
our little Peyton, who we loved so dear.
We had prayed and in faith believed
all was well, but God's ways are much
higher than our minds can tell'
Little did we know that-the dream
-.ih/t fade, and God in His wisdom,
inotheih t'lioi ce was made.
The journey i'a brief but God had
a plan, and he took our baby to a far
"away land.
As we held him closely to our breast,
we knew that our Savior always knows
Peyton will never know any sorrow
or pain, and one day we'll see him once
Our eyes are set on an eternal goal.
Sweet hait7n l ot, c ito'i 1,Ur uIr ti soul.
Thi. p, 4.,.s hatib\. ie' it/ll Iorget,
no never, and one day we will be with
him forever.
In Memory
Elgin Fish
We feel your presence in a soft
breeze blowing gently through the
trees. We feel your presence in the sun-
rise and watching the sun set in the
Precious memories will forever be,
here, reminding us of our loved one so
dear. For eleven'years you have been
gone, but memories of you will live on
and on.
Cemetery workday
There will be a workday at
Manntown Cemetery on April 1 at
8:00 am. A business meeting will






In Memory
Bernice Crawford
1/28/1921 3/31/2005
March 31 was a very sad day. That
was the day that you went away.
You left us so quickly, no chance for
goodbye, before you ascended to your
new home on high.
We still miss you everyday, each of
us in our own special way.
We miss you in your flower garden,
Ahd in the old-home place we see
you everywhere we look, in each nook
and cranny we see your face.
We love you as much today as be-
fore, and when we meet on that golden
We'll never again have to say good-
. bye, but be together forei cr more.

Deep appreciation
Our familN would like to extend
its gratitude to all those who have*
supported us during Elaine's ill-
ness. It's nice to know we have'
such wofiderful family and friends
that we can rely on:. Your prayers
and actions mean more to us than
we could ever express. Thank you
to all who called, visited and sent
-items after our mother's passing.
'.. We are .ery grateful for the
efforts of Welcome Homecare and
Ra'ynor's Pharmacy, who have
went above and beyond to help us
over the last few years. Special
thanks to Brian Guerry and his
staff at Guerry Funeral Home.
Your compassion and understand-
ing during this difficult time, ,
means more than we can sa3 and
it's nice to kn6% there are still
places where a man's handshake
and word stand for-,omething. "
S KENNN. A N,'I \NI A Nl- 'l

In Memory
.. of "
Billy Mattox
7/7/1970- 3,27, 2005
It has been a year since you have
gone, but you will never be forgotten.
We love and miss you so much, but
we know that 1 ou a, e happy in Heaven
with Nana, Papa and Scotty.

Prws Siaf

The Garden Club of Jackson-
ville t a, th1. site of Orchid Fiesta,
an orchid exhibition and sale spon-
sored by the Jacksonville Orchid'
Society March 18-19.
The flower show was dedicated
to the memory of the late Gene
Barber. a life-long resident of
M;Ncclenni\ ho was a past prei-

LCCC hosts CSILake City
This year's Governor's Summer ence within 'the field of criminal
Program at Lake City Community investigation. Friday will be
College is a special six week rvcrcd for field trips, which will
"minimester" titled Crime Scene include a variety of local and state
Investigation: The Science of crime labs. as well .s regional .icj-
Forensic Inquiry. Referred to by demic research facilities.
the program creators as "CSI: Participants will learn how to,
Lake City," this program will fo- video and photo-document crime
cus on criminal investigation and scenes, interpret ballistics evi-
the mysteries of death and decep- dence, analyze trace evidence for
tion. The program is specifically DNA, and interpret tool mark evi-
for "risin-" juniors and seniors. dence. They will utilize sophisti-
cated scientific equipment; visit
irtiual crime scenes," online and
Building on the television show, in actual crime labs.
the CSI: Lake City program, is de- Students will be allowed the
signed to submerse students in the time to explore and manipulate
academic skills of scientific in- ideas and concepts within peer
quiry and criticalanalysis. groups and on their own, exploring
the "real world" implications of
CSI: Lake City will be deliv- biological, physical, and social sci-
'ered in cooperation with the Baker ences.
County school district and serve The CSI: Lake City participants
approximately\ 10 students. It will will earn seven college-level cred-
run' from June 12-July 26, with its in General Biology I with Lab
classes scheduled each morning and Criminal Investigation and
from 10 am-ll:55 am and each Crime Lab Techniques. There will
afternoon from 1 pm to 3:55 pm, be no cost to the student, aside
Monday-Thursday. from the expense of lunches. The
Students will work in teams, grant funds will supply transporta-
exploring the applications of tion for students from Baker
advanced biology and forensic sci- County and purchase necessary
books and supplies for all'partici-
pants. Lake City Community
College program facilitators will
Footers visit the high school to discuss the
program with school representa-
Foundations tives, students, and parents in the
near future. For more information,
Sidewalks call (386) 754-4251 or e-mail at
Inc. Driveways

Sent and educational chair of the
Jackson\ ille Orchid Society.
Mr. Barber, who first began col-
lecting orchids in 114 l after acci-
dentally discovering the plants
growing wild during a walk in the
woods, became an avid horticul-
turalist and orchid ehthusiast. Over
the years, his personal collection of
orchids grew to include 800 differ-
ent species from around the world..
Because of his expertise with
orchids, he was in demand as a lec-
turer. and often gave presentations
on the exotic flowering plants.
Several orchids now contain the
n.imc B.irbcr aj part of the .:,,mpli .
cated orchiJ name classification
system. In 1995. a green and white
cattaleya orchid 'hybrid known as
the L. C. Gene Barber was devel-
ipLd" It was featured on this year's
Orchid Fiesta Show poster.
* Mr. Barber was well-known as
an, accomplished artist and often
used orchids as subjects for his
beautiful, brightly colored paint-
* He died in April, 2005.

( intact t

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A It.il'I ,irtIl dadi C IO t'i ul .. KI L4,,u.: r

Jacksonville GardenClub holds

orchid show in honor of Barber

A tip from a passing motorist
led deputies to the arrest of a Glen
St. Mary woman for drunk driving
shortly after 1:00 am on March 26.-
She had two children in the vehi-
cle with her at the time.
Deputy Brad Dougherty said he
followed a 1994 van driven by
Amelia Ingram, 40, and watched it.
leave the road twice attempting to
stop at intersections.
He stopped the van at 5th St.
.and Noith Blvd. in Nlacclenn) and.
noted Ms. Ingram failed several
field sobriety tests, Breathal' zer
tests administered at county jail
measured her blood-alcohol level
at .190, more than twice what the
state considers drunk.
The officer also noted the van
nearly ran an oncoming vehicle off
the road before it stopped.
Two girls, ages 7 and 4, were in
the van at the time. They were

Meets Bush at Urban Land meeting...
Macclenny resident Chuck Prachar, here with Governor Jeb Bush, was among the atten-
dees at 'the Urban Land Institute lh nida S\ ,,ip'..imn on Regional Cooperation held in
Aliarm oln .1arclh 'dih A/ Piachli ias appoiiacd tu thei. ULI Northeast Florida Regional
Council by'C.. ra'r Bushi E peci'ih mnipi,'iit ti,.o Flo ida, tie fa itest growing of the.
United States, ULI and fi afiiihaied council- stiuh aid pro'iote regional cooperation and
soluli,:'si lor lb' ni/ch i t'ia a -,.f s. 1 i cri i id n u iiiiiCs 16_ win and Iranispuoritalhoi
Fi Pr. h..:.u]..d.l nu. Ft"

Ex-trooper had

four suspensions-
A former Florida Highia\% Pa- times.
trol trooper w ith multiple license Sharon Soper, 42, of Macclenny
suspensions for offenses including faces multiple charges after her
drunk driving as arrested again 2-104 Pontiac was pulled over on!
on March 21, this time following a CR 127 in north 'Sanderson the
two-vehicle. accident on' Lowder evening of March 26.
St. in vxest MNacclennv.. Deputy. Garrett Bennett said he
Enoch Fraser, 60, of Macclenny stopped the vehicle about 9:00
was noi charged in the accident after learning its license tag be-
but arrested for dri ing \ ith a li- longed on another car.
cense suspended four times. Ms. Soper initially gave the,
He told Deputy Brad Dougherty deputy a false name before he found
the person who was supposed to her driver's license under a floor.,
be driving him that evening had mat. It had been suspended three
not shown up. times for DUI-related offenses.
Mr. Fraser told the officer he She is charged with a suspend-"
momentarily lpst control of his ed license violation, resisting ar-,
1992 Caditlac and-swqrved as it rest by giving the false name and
struck an oncoming southbound:- improper tag placement. ,
vehicle. No one was injured in the Deputy Dougherty determined.,
-accident that occurred about 9:30. the license of Tonya Jones, 36, has
Three other arrests were made been suspended five times when
recently for the same offense, in- he stopped her slow-moving and
cluding Tina Homitz, 36, of Glen weaving Oldsmobile after mid-
St. Mary. night on March 21.
Deputy\ Dougherrt stopped her The officer got behind her south-
199-1- Che% role pickup just after bound vehicle on CR 229 south of
1:00 am on March 27. ninuies Sanderson and, though she smell-
after finding it parked in the road- ed ofalcohol, Ms. Jones passed a
wa on US 90 %ith a passenger field sobriety test.
asleep and waiting for Ms. Homitz She was charged with having
to return the wrong tag on her car, in addi-
A computer check, revealed her tion to driving with a suspended
license has been u-;pevnded six and expired license.


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released into the custody of a fam-
ily friend.
Their relationship to Ms. In-
gram was not specified, though
they live at the same address on
Lewis Anderson Road.
In another case, April Heathcock,
29, of Anniston, Ala. was charged
with resisting arrest without vio-
lence for twice giving a false name
to Deputy Garrett Bennett after he
stopped her about 10:00 pm on
March 20.
The officer stopped her near.
.South 6th and Lowder for ha\ ing a
faulty tail light on her 1981 Hon-
da. She was staying at a local
motel, and a male passenger from
west Florida with her at the time,
was released.
Ms. Heathcock told Deputy
Bennett she w as seeking to buy
crack cocaine when he stopped


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Nine

Pushed, struck his fiancee

Children riding in van of

woman charged with D UI

released. '
In other incidents, Deputy Ben
Anderson arrested a 17-year-old
male the afternoon of March 21
after finding him blocking the
road \ %ith a bicycle on CR 139
near Margaretta.
The 3outh %as unresponsive to
the officer's inquiries, according to
Deputy Anderson's report, and at
one point continued to talk on a
cell phone \\hen asked questions.
He was charged with resisting
arrest w without \ violence.

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Citizens of Macclenny
Please take notice at the regular meeting of the
City Council on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at
6:00 o'clock pm at City Hall, 118 East
Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, the
City of Macclenny will consider the below
Ordinance for first reading:

A bill to be entitled an ordinance
relating to rezoning; providing for
the rezoning of certain lands in the
city of Macclenny; providing for
acceptance of a voluntary rezoning
request from Turkey Creek

Branch, LLC.;
effective date.

A complete
bounds and

providing for an

legal description by metes and
the Ordinance can be obtained

from the office of the City Clerk.

Anyone having an interest in the first reading
of this Ordinance is invited to attend the meet-

A Macclenny man faces a
charge of domestic battery after he
allegedly pushed his fiancee to the
ground following an argument at
his residence, then.kicked her sev-,
eral times.
Shannon Reynolds, 35, told
police she walked away from the
residence of Jerame Barber, 30, on
west US 90 in.Macclenny the,
evening of March 21. Mr, Barber
followed her and pushed her from
behind before the attack.
Ms. Reynolds was treated at
Fraser Hospital for abrasions and

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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Tfiursday, March 30, 2006 Page Ten

Girls' tennis exceeding expectations, coach says

11 0m Tin p I

I 11r I T 'I


to Indy two

wins from

Press Sports
At midpoint in the season, ten-
nis coach Karla Amburge) says
-that the girls' team is performing
better than she thought it Would.
"I' thought the boyswould be
* the ones with the winning
record," she said. "The are going
Sto have to dig down deep to finish
this, season with a '\inning
record. "
After both teams lost to Paxon
March 27. the girls' record stands
'at 7-3, while the bo\ s are 3-4.
"Tennis is so much mental,"
Amburgey said. "WVe are still ter)
young in that department. We
need to realize that just because
h\e are behind doesn't mean \\e
have to lose the match."

Both teams were shut out 7-0
by the Eagles.
. For the girls, Bethany Belle-
ville won the most games, falling
8-5. Alex Gotay was the only oth-
er girl to win a game, losing 8-2.
Nicole No\ aton, Shae Raulerson
and Jessica Crews all lost 8-0. In
doubles. Whiitnev Johnson and
Belleville. and Gotay and Rauler-
son both lost 8-0.
The boys' best numbers of the
day were put up by Dylan Gerard,
w'ho lost S-4. Daniel Wilbanks
lost S-3 while'Randall \onk, Mic-
ah Cranford and Brison Johnson
each lost 8-0. The team of Gerard
and Spencer Norman-Gerard lost
8-2, and Vonk and Wilbanks 8-0.
Amburge\ noted ho\w impor-
tant it is to %work hard, say ing the

team worked during the week of
March 20-24 when the other
schools were on spring break
As to the w'ay the season has
progressed so far, she said. "I am

very happy with the way the girls
are doing and I can't wait to see
the guys pick it up."
She remains upbeat whilee look-
ing at the rest of the season.

"I think we will see a differ-
ence for the last half of the sea-
Next up is a boys match at
Union County March 30.

Amburgey to step down from coaching

Press Sports
Saying she is "really ready to retire after 30 years
of coaching," Karla Amburgey confirmed Tuesday
that she is stepping down as the Baker County High
School volleyball and tennis coach.
For now she will continue to teach, but plans to
move to Palm Coast, Fla.
She said she intends to pursue her national certifica-
tion as a teacher. "It takes a solid year of devotion."
The certification will allow her to teach in any state

in the country without having to recertify in each state.
It also would boost her into a higher pay bracket
Chris Armoreda will succeed Amburgey as head
coach for both teams. He was the junior varsity vol-
leyball coach this past season. His wife, Tiffany, will
help him with the teams, but will not be an "official"
assistant coach, he said.
In her three decades of coaching. Amburgey has
worked at schools in West Virginia, Kentucky and
Tennessee, and has "coached just about every sport."
The past season was her third as head coach of vol-
leyball; she has coached tennis for five years.

The final pieces in the NC.AA
basketball puzzle are in place and
if anyone had marked his or her
bracket with this set of Final Four
.teams and put down $20 in Las
Vegas they would be very wealthy
at this point. Who'd have figured?
LSU and UCLA will meet in
one regional final. George Mason
and Florida will meet in the early
Not a single number one seed
made it to the Final Four.
Early on in tournament. Duke,
the overall top seed looked beat-
able and LSU handled them.
LSU looks very strong. They
are a good outside shooting team
and terrific in the paint. The\ beat
Texas A&MN in a last-second
squeaker, lona in a walkaway, and
Texas in an overtime thriller.
They out-rebounded the top re-
bounding team in the nation.
Their opponent. UCLA, has
won more championships than
any other school, but 'as %were
not expected to do much this year.
This is a team that has stumbled
and bumbled its waN into the Fi-.
nal Four. Those are teams that are
ver\ hard to predict because they
seem to ha'e destiny on their
side. :. '
UCLA beat Belmont in easy
fashion and then had a nip and
tuck game w' ith Alabama.The
Bruins managed to get past West
Coast ri'al Gonzaga on a last sec-
ond basket. Then the. faced the
team that I thought might ''in it
all, the might'. Memphis Tigers,
but managed to squeak through
again. They match up pretty well
with the Tigers, though I really
think LSU should handle them.
Connecticut, %which %was most
people's fa%\orite, w.as on schedule
for the Final Four, then met the
surprising George Mason Patriots
of the Colonial League. George -
Mason, a number 11 seed, has
whipped every top team ihe\',e
faced. In a four-game period, the

The Gators have
had the easiest time
of any of their oppo-
nents. Whether that is
a good thing or a bad
is hard to say.

Pats have defeated Michigan
State, North Carolina, Wichita ,
State and Connecticut. .
When you', e beaten teams of
that pedigree, teams that have na-
tional championship banners
hanging from their gym rafters, it
is clear that you are more than a
fluke. George Mason was widely,
scorned and pundits claimed that.
Hofstra, the regular season cham- ;
pion of the Colonial League
should have .gotten the berth in-
stead. Nobody, but nobody, can
scorn the Pats any longer.
They will take on the Florida
Gators, who won their way into
the Final Four with easy victories
over South Alabama, Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, Georgetown and Vil-
lanova. In reality, the Gators have
had the easiest time of any of their
opponents. Whether that is a good,
thing or a bad is hard to say.
The Gators have a team that
could go all the way. They have
excellent outside shooters and a
strong inside game. Al Horford
hasn't gotten the press that
Joakim Noah has generated, but
he is a force on the inside. Noah
has looked every bit the All-
America that he should have been
this season, and NBA scouts are
probably drooling. Add three,
point ace Lee Humphreys and it
would be hard to go against them.

Cats take out frustrations on Union County, 16-0

Press Sports
Coming off an U-.
in the Diamond Clas'
in Fernandina Beach
Wildcats rebounding
with a 16-0I \ icior\
Union County.
The game %\as
called after file hi
innings under the
merc\ rule.
Further details
were not immedi- ti
ately available at
press time.
The Diamond
Classic wasn't all
bad news. The
competition was
high-level the
combined record of

INKER week, but we didn't hale the con-
centration le'el at times that is ex-
3 performance pected and required to be %%inning
Sic tournament these tipe of games," he said in a
last .Aeck, the written statement.
rebounding "The competition should ha'e
resounding gotten us read for a big district
o% r \ siting run. so we'll
"Otr starting pitching see Our start-
ing pitching
as got tO 'eg'iOp and do has got to re-
Smucl better group and do
Ilcl/1 beter JOb ttall a much better
/le poor perform ance wie job than the
poor perlfor-
had at the Fernandina mance we had
,n at the Fernan-
tOliileV., dina ourne\."
John Staples [lhe Union
County game

Baker High'-,

three opponents w',\as 35-13 and
the Cats played them even. losing
the three games by a total of four
Coaches, how ever. tend to be
"the glass is half empti" I'lpes. so.
John Staples %wasn't in the mood to
dwell on the upside of lo),sin
"We did some good things last

Nunn looks for

right combo to,

salvage season

Press Spot ts
As the losses continue to pile
up for the Lady Wildcats, head
coach Cher) I Nunn remains hope-
ful she can cut and paste a team
that can make a mo' e in districts.,
"The pieces are there.. it's just
a matter of putting them togeth-
er," she said before Tuesday 's
matchup against powerhous-e San-
ta Fe, a game the Cats went on to
lose 10-1.
It %was a relatietch good shove. -
ing considering the undefeated
Raiders had stomped the Cats 17-

and the tournameni the Cats are 11 -
6 on the sea.son.
The\ opened the tournament
March 22 b\ losing --2 to Fleming
I land. ho came in with a record
of 13-3.
The usuallI\ reliable Dustin
Combs had control problems, vwalk-
ing fi\e in one and tw.'-thirds in-
nings, allo.. ing the Golden Eagles

Ira,. 'I,,hb .cani ,'; i I ic 1 he napIc,:A-

to .lump to a 2-0 lead.
Jarred Carter relieved him in the
second and surrendered two runs.
one of which %'as unearned, over
three and a third.
Ridge Sweat finished 'with itwo
innings of shutout ball.
Mahlon Oglesby, who Staples
said is becoming a -huge factor at
the plate.' had a couple of base hits.
He had seven in the three games.
Tw'.o da\s later, the Cats lost to
Gaines' ile -7' In 11 innings.
The Hurricanes came into the
game wv ith 12-4 record.
The Cats' starting pitcher again

4' 4
VA /


4 "Os

ft/a A.'r~pa~u5i~J ni ilui nu arip!,: a' dic Ihr.-,'. 4Audt bu ..a:uC/iite r%1,%

1 a couple of weeks ago in Santa
Fe and considering Niinn's crew
hung tough until the last inning.
The visitors scored five runs,
including a three-run homer, in
the top of the seventh to salt the


The Baker County Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual golf tournament
'iay iat Panthr Creek in Jacksonville.
]-he Si55 cntr : I.L c,'.Irs greens fees, cart, b'tiff.t h I,i gifts and prizes. The
Chamber is .ilsoi sdling ..:,rporate and hold sponsorships. Call 259.6433 for de-
tails. .
'The icid i,/ll ', lini,,dt to the first 72 to register. The rain date is May 19.
' ', .

The Baker High track team was rained out of its meet last week, but was
scheduled to run March 28. Details were not available at press time.
The Wildcats will host an invitational meet April 4, and are expecting four or
five other schools to send teams.

,. Attention all runners, joggers and walkers. If you're tired of training alone,
then join the newly forming Baker County Running Club. Training is more pro-
ductive and fun with a group. Please contact Susan Miller at 653.2583.


March 30
Varsity and junior varsity baseball at Bradford County, 4 pm and 7 pm
Softball at Fernandina Beach, 6 pm
Boys tennis at Union County, 3:30 pm

March 31
Junior varsity baseball at West Nassau, 5 pm

April 4
Varsity and junior varsity baseball hosts Suwannee County, 4 pm
Softball at Ridgeview, 5 pm

game 'away. All the runs scored
after two were out.
Despite the 10 runs four
earned pitcher Tiffany Smith
pitched solidly.,
The Cats defense which is of-

failed to get out of the second in-
ning. This time it was Bobby
Jacob Duncan pitched nine in-
nings in relief, giving way to Matt
\\ilson, who surrendered the win-
ning run in the ele\ enth.
Oglesby and Adam Lewis each
had a pair of hits.
In their final game March 25,
the\ lost 5-4 to host Fernandina

ten a liability) -,also played well
other than a couple of balls that
dropped in when fielders failed to
communicate. There 'were even a
few outstanding plaNs, including
centerfielder Kassie Cre'ws' leap-
ine catch of a fly ball at !"e warn-
ing track.
The Cats couldn't do much on
offense, however, musteringjust
two hits.
Tiffanv Norman stroked a
third-inning triple then scored
when Heather High was thrown
out trying to steal second.
Smith picked up the other hit, a
two-out'single in the seventh.
The Cats played well in their
only other game last week, a
March 24 loss at Bradford Coun-
ty. They led 1-0 into the sixth,
when-the Tornadoes scored three,
which turned out to be the final.
The losses drop the Cats to 2-
13 (1-7 in district).
Their next game is March 30 at
Fernandina Beach. The, then host
Ridgeview April 4.

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Beach, who entered the game with
a 10-6 record.
Jarrell Rodgers got the Cats off
on the right foot before a leadoff
walk and an error paved the way for
a four-run fourth.
Oglesby had three hits and J.D.
Milton t%%o.
The Cats next play March 30 at
Bradford County, then April 4 at
home against Suvannee County.

Coming up at the

YNICA Boot Camp

Registration has started
for the next session of
Boot Camp. If you have a
hard time keeping your-
self motivated to workout,
all you need to do is sign
up and we will motivate
you. The fee is $20 for
members and $40 for
non-members. If you are a
graduate of Boot Camp
you will receive 55 off.
The first day of the next
session is April 24.

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programs, and much

For more information,
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at 259-0898.
Actii\it\ scholarships a ailable
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,~ -~ .' ..-

kx,abtb Mis th ih~Te r ,i 'tanr auieh' an erraznt g/Iroitpalled hun ofj 1the bog.


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Page Eleven

Local teens hit the decks

Skateboarding is premium pastime
By Kelley Lannigan
Press Staff .___

A group. of young men in Mac-
clenny take the recreational sport of
skateboarding pretty seriously.
Most afternoons after school
these guys can be found practicing.
skateboarding tricks and trying to
improve their technique; Over and
over they attempt to master moves
with names such as ollie,, 50-50
grind, kickflip, pop-shove it, front
slide, nose slid and fakie. There are
dozens of tricks and it's soon.appar-
ent that the world of skateboarding
has its own language.,
Skateboarders often pick a name
to distinguish their group from oth-
ers and will'give each other individ-
ual nicknames, too. The Macclenny
-group calls itself Artificial.
"We wanted something differ-
ent," one of the skateboarders said.
"So one of us saw this word written
somewhere and thought 'Hey", this
would be a good name.' That's how'v
we became Artificial." .
Other skateboard groups around
town sport such handles as White-
out, Lowlife and,.Hat. Obviously,
some thought' ahd creative ity go into
finding just the right name the group
identifies with.
Skateboarding teams often com-
pete. If a skateboarder is exception-
ally gifted, it's possible to become
part of a profes-
sional team, trav-
eling to perform
in skateboarding
exhibitions and ..- .. ;
being signed to en-
dorse products. ,
which can be very -
lucrative. -
According to the
guys in Artificial.
Gremmie's Board
Shop on SR 121 in
Macclenny will be
sponsoring a compe-
tition among local
skateboarding groups
sometime this sum-
mer. Artificial wants
to be ready to com-
Paul Demko, father
to skateboarders Mike '"-
and Dan Demko, is
very supportive of
Artificial. When com-
pared to the many neg- ..
ative influences that can
attract unsupervised .-
teens these days, he sees
skateboarding as a much
better alternative. '
"It gives them a way :
to channel their energy and learn
some skills. It teaches them to focus
and work toward a goal useful
traits ift this competitive world,"
says the elder Demko.
"These guys have rules, too," he
continues. "They are not supposed
to take their boards into the streets
and they've been instructed to be
mindful of pedestrians. If someone
comes along on the sidewalk, they
are supposed to stop and get out of
the way."
Dakota Carpenter, whose father
was also an avid skateboarder at one
time, built a stationary quarter pipe
ramp and several other smaller
ramps for the guys to practice their
moves, especially their boardslides.
One at a time they glide toward
the ramp, roll upward, turn the
board at a 90 degree angle, slide

with these Macclenny youths

(Alxve) 'The?.A kleun u s tl.adu~ ~'pcf-A rtiiii~l 1% i-,it ,vw frtvnz lI. Dan iimD'kQ L UmIN' etoz and Da~Aa G7rk'l 1,7BacA Rea. NU
C-ad4't,. A td~x Doaik-,-, Robert AALrtin, kI,'-4e A Lil,.' and DaiMPIi V\fB10 510 L-0 to ri,,4it Dakota i aita Jc t~k it'rornn rioi, -- katdviardiq tr,..ks
for the camera. PhcdcL- b% Krflev Lanntgan

the top of the ramp, then
head into a downward
descent. Depending on
the individual's skill lev-
el, board and skater make it smooth-
ly through the maneuver. or they
loose it and have to start over. The
ramp is only a few feet tall so there
is little danger of getting seriously
injured in a fall.
The skateboarders figure if they
get hurt, they're being careless or
not paying attention.
When the guys are together they
are always attempting moves, even
when they aren't' rolling freely
along. As they wait for a turn to do a
boardslide on the ramp, they prac-
tice kick flips or ollies.
A basic ollie is the workhorse.
skateboard move. A skateboarder
needs to master the ollie before
moving on to attempting more diffi-

(904) 445-8836 cell.



cult tricks. And the tricks are impor-
"Yep, says Mike Demko, with a
grin. "Do the tricks and get the
The 50-50 grind is another fav-
orite move. The skateboarder
attempts to slide his board along a
surface edge on the trucks of the
board instead of the wheels. The
trick's name comes from having the
wheels half on one side and half on
the other as you "grind" along on
the surface edge. This is the move so
often seen being performed along
the coping (top edge) of an empty
cement pool pit at a skating park.
Skateboarding can present the
challenge of maintaining one's dig-
nity at times.
Carpenter remembers when he
botched the transition between two
moves and unexpectantly twisted
his ankle. Mostly unhurt except for
the ankle, he tucked his board under
his arm and began limping home. A
deputy came along about that time,
slowed and rolled down his car wid-
"What happened, son?" asked the
deputy. "You bust your tail?"'
When asked how they got into
skateboarding, Artificial's members
have some definite reasons.
"It's great being part of a group,"
says Robert Martin, originally from
Michigan but now residing in Mac-
clenny. "I skateboarded in Michi-
gan, but I didn't do any tricks. Then
I saw (fellow skater) Jessie Mays
doing all these cool moves and I
said, 'Hey, IT ant to learn that.,'
.-. ing ,and
3,t'. 9be:in:g

involved with Artificial has person-
ally challenged me to go to the next
level. I've come a long way in just a
"You form great friendships,"
says Carpenter. "Everybody helps
each other. You learn by doing in
skateboarding and in a group you
have lots of people instructing and
encouraging each other. You learn
fast that way. And it's great exer-
When asked about the board
itself, the skateboarders are full of
A skateboard has three main
components: the deck (board, usual-
ly made of laminated wood) the
trucks (supports 'which hold the
wheels) and the wheels. Wheels on
the first skateboards in the early
1960's were made from baked clay.
Urethane is the material used today.
A board can be bought already
assembled or custom created by the
skateboarder. Grip tape is put on the
surface of the deck to help with trac-
tion .and shoes designed especially
for gripping the deck are now on the
Regular tennis .shoes just aren't
really made for skateboarding.
SSome of the decks most highly
desired by Artificial bear the name
of the companies that manufacture
them such as Element, Birdhouse,
Golden Darkstar and ZooYork.
Birdhouse is a company started
Sby skating phenomenon Tony
Hawk, who at the age of thirteen
was :a professional skateboarder,
going on to become the greatest
skateboarder in the world.
Hawk invented many of the
tricks now associated with the sport.
He broke the world record for the
900 degree turn, which is an air-
borne two and a half board rotation.
That's probably the hardest move
there is, agree all the members, of
Artificial wants the town of Mac-
clenny to consider building a skate-
boarding, park or at least an area
where they could freely go about
their preferred pastime. The closest
park is Kona Skate Park in Jack-
sonville, the first of its kind built in
the United States. '
Kona features a .variety of cours-
es with ramps of differing degrees
of difficulty, plus the empty pool
pits so beloved by skateboarders.
A designated place to skateboard
would d be so awesome, the '~tys
agree. They say they have heard that
the local YMCA has given some
consideration to building a skate
park, but all focus seems to be on
the new swimming pool at the
In the meanwhile, the enthusiasm
of Artificial can't be dampened,
even if the group doesn't have ac-
cess to a specially designed skate
park. That won't stop them from
pursuing the sport they love. Or
from being optimistic about a skate
park in Macclenny. They know if
you want something bad enough, it
might just happen.

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Classified Adve

The Baker County Press March




By Jared Wilkerson

Pete Osgard is going to build
condos in downtown Macc-
Read that last line again if
you need to.
When I first heard the idea,
the realtor in me said some-
thing that fell roughly along the
lines of "hot diggity-dog!" The
lifelong Baker County resident
in me, however, responded
with something more akin to an
articulated and clearly skepti-
cal "whaaaaaaaaat?"
Pete Osgard, the owner of
Calendar's Deli and Pizzeria at
the corner of US 90 and
College, said in a recent inter-
view he's all for updating down-
town Macclenny in accordance
with the current needs of a
growing population. He also
wants to keep it stylish.
The planned condo-s, in the
two-story J.C. Yarborough and
Sons Building at the corner of
College and Railroad, are part
of his master plan.
There was no pressing on
past it. My split feelings had to
be reconciled. So, I found
myself listening intently to Iete
as he went over the. plaris and-
explained now and why Mac-
clenny was in fact ready for
condominiums right smack in
the middle of downtown.
Initially, I heard through the
pipeline there was a project in
the works that sounded pretty
interesting and i. wanted to
-know more about it. When I got
to Calendar's, I walked up to
the register and asked where I
might find the owner, expecting
to then be, led back to a plush
office down the hall.
instead, a girl working be-
hind the counter led me out-
side to the backyard behind the
pizzeria's dining area and sim-
ply pointed. My eyes instinc-
tively followed the direction of
her fingertip until 1 saw a man
in worn-out jeans and a sweat-
soaked T-shirt. He was walking
across the yard, carrying a
somewhat Hefty bag full of
sand over to a little work area
along the wall.
I immediately guessed that
the sandbag was not the first
of them since he was pretty
well covered with the stuff. He
was the only guy out there
working, so I figured this must
be the man I was looking for.
"Pete?" I asked with a rising
tone at the end, still not sure
this was the right guy. In my
business clothes, complete
with a pretty snazzy tie, I

offered my hand to him and
introduced myself.
He mentioned the obvious
dirt and sweat on his hands
and respectfully declined the
handshake until he could wash'
up, which I admit made us both
pretty happy at the time.,
This was not at all the vision
I had in mind when I had first
walked in expecting to meet a
man I knew had started 37
successful franchises in vari-
ous cities all across the coun-
Peter Qsgard is an entrepre-
neur in the truest sense of the
word. He knows the value of
some good, honest work. He
expanded his operation to
Baker County because some
time back he had forecasted
the enormous potential here.
"The growth for this area is
coming," Pete predicts. "Just
look at what's happening to
Jacksonville. It has to spread
out to somewhere and it can't
go 'any farther north into
Georgia or toward.the southern
coastal cities. They're already
"Thanks to the coastline,
that just leaves growth to the
west. Take a look along the 1-10
corridor and you won't find
another city quite like Mac-
clenny. Macclenny is simply
unique. And as far as growth
potential goes, it has the infra-
structure in place, the water
and sewer utilities, the fire
department, you name it."
Pete says that he first came
out here for financial purposes
and over time got to know the

people and subsequently fell in
love with the town.
Throughout the course of
operating the deli and the
pizzeria, Pete's initial interest
in the historic section of
Downtown Macclenny has
evolved into somewhat of a
passion. Just to talk to the man
about his vision for what the
downtown. area could be
restored to is inspiring. He
expounded about ideas for
making the main drag into a

prospering town center, yet still
retaining that quaint small town
feeling when 'one walks the
Pete Osgard has lived many
of the country's major cities. At
first, when he started listing
them, I tried to take notes.
Somewhere about halfway
through the list, I decided to
just scribble "etc" on my
"Basically, I've lived in a lot
of major bustling cities, so I

Pete Osgard
(above) in front of
the old J.C. Yarbor-
ough & Sons build-
ing, soon to be
converted to con-
dos. Below, an
architect's drawing.


know why it is that people
come here. Macclenny is a
beautiful place, although some
people don't seem to want to
admit that... sometimes I just
want to yell out, 'you're beauti-
ful, Macclenny, admit it!'" he
added with a chuckle.
When I asked Pete to tell me
more about his thoughts on the
various directions the historic
area could take in the near
future, he said, "Well, the
change is coming one way or
the other... The people here
have to decide to either stand
up and direct that change and
make the downtown area
something to be proud to pass
on to the next generation, or
leave it up to the outside
investors," whom he implies
would likely want to come here
and turn Macclenny into anoth-
er metro area.
Pete also noted the reluc-
tance of some downtown prop-
erty owners to move forward
with the idea of doing some-
thing productive with their
He implied they would be the
ones outside investors would
eventually use leverage on in
order to snap up the property
without regard to the preserve"
tion of the town.
On the other hand, he did
credit other members of the
Downtown Revitalization Com-
mittee such as Danny Lamb,
(See Page 2)





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. ;" .


'^ .'




THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Section B Page Two

Upscaling downtown Macclenny

(From Page 1)
whose building is remarkably
stylish for a local car dealer-
ship, and Jim McGauley, who
has just completed extensive
work in restoring The Baker
County Press building. Several
others like Ed Barber are doing
their part to ensure the small
town look lives on.
According to Pete, who
knows something about doing
research before making busi-
ness decisions, the condos will
appeal to people in several dif-
ferent walks of life.
For example, elderly folks
who have lived in Baker County.
for a long time and have all
their family and friends here,
find themselves in a tough sit-
uation when they reach a point
in their lives where it is no
longer feasible for them to
maintain a large yard or even
to drive into town for the things
they need.
They can either move into a
retirement home, or pick up
their lives and find a nice
worry-free condo in Jackson-
ville. Not really much of a
choice if your life is here.,
Young professionals who are
at a point in their lives where
their chief concerns away from
work include a more relaxed,
convenient and carefree life-
style would also feel the draw.
of a downtown condominium.
Pete also stressed the all-
too-familiar trend among many
of the young people who go off
to college, get degrees and
then realize that they have no
real options pulling them back
toward Macclenny.
Most of them are not at a
point at which they can afford
to buy a home here and the
opportunities for decent local
rentals are not yet abundant.
Many of them end up settling
,Jrn one of the larger cities and
don t ever quite make it back
Pete's plans on pricing time-
lines should also appeal to
local investors.
Just like most other condo
developments, purchasing one
prior to the completion of reno-
vations to the Yarborough

Building will run into the mid
$150's. By the time the con-
dos are finished' that price will
be closer to the $170's for the,
remaining units.
But what about the culture
shock associated with the fact
that there will still be CONDOS
in downtown Macclenny? I
wouldn't worry too much about
Pete described in great
detail what he will be doing
with the building. The exterior
is to be restored to exactly the
way it looked when Mr.
Yarborough ran his gas supply
and appliance store there
decades ago. That includes
restoration of the old sign still
visible through the newer coats
of paint currently on the south
There will be six units fitted
into the roughly 7400 square
foot building each of which
will be about 1100 square
feet, depending on the unit's
location. Second-story units
will even have an upstairs loft.
All plans are currently slated to
have two bedrooms, but Pete
says that those who buy before

ll--L 51


construction have the option of
requesting a one bedroom unit
with the extra space distrib-
uted by way of larger rooms.
Each condo will come with
two reserved parking spaces
inside a gated lot adjacent to
the building. Plans are already
in the works for establishing
more parking areas along
Railroad Avenue, just across
the street.
Pete pointed out that the
building is next door to his
places of business and he has
no intentions of putting any-
thing in that will detract from
the appeal of his own shops.:
"You have to give people a
good product. It's as simple as
that. I don't build cheap. I
wouldn't try to sell a place that
I wouldn't want to live in my-
Sandra Rhoden, with Wat-
son Realty Corp and a Macc-
lenny native all of her life, will
be handling all of the details
regarding selling the units to
prospective buyers, and had
this to say about the project:
"I am excited- about the
restoration of downtown Macc-

lenny and very proud to be a
part of this project. Personally,
I think the young professionals
and retired couples in our com-
munity will be looking forward
to this."
After seeing the plans, tak-
ing a look around the building,
and spending a good amount
of time throwing a few clever
"what ifs" at Pete, the Baker
County resident in me felt pret-

ty good about the move.
After all, it's pretty much like
he said: "Big town, small
town...people all over are basi-
cally the same. They all need
food, shelter, and clothing."
For the time being, I guess
Pete is content sticking to help-
ing our local folks out with just
the first two basic needs. Good
thing, too...I don't think that
"sand-covered sweaty T-shirt"

look is gonna take off anytime

For more information on Mr.
Osgard's plan for the develop-
ment of these condominiums
and their availability, please
direct all questions to Sandra
Rhoden of Watson Realty Corp
at (904) 588-4200 or srho-

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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Section B Page Three

Interest rate effects on the market

By Jared Wilkerson
Most people are aware inter-
est rates carry drastic conse-
quences for buyers in the hous-
ing market. What many people
fail to realize is that often times
these rates have an even
greater impact on a seller's bot-
tom line. The following is a gen-
eralized illustration of how inter-
est rates affect a seller's ability,
to proceed with their moving,
- Monthly payments with any
lender are'based either entirely
or in part on a system called
amortization: basically, the pay-,
ment is composed of at least
two parts the principle portion,
based on the amount of the

AN rs1P

loan, plus interest. The interest
portion is,.of course, based on
the interest rate. The lower the
interest rate, the higher the dol-
lar amount of the payment that
actually goes toward paying
down the principle of the loan,
and vice versa.
As interest rates rise, so
does the monthly payment as-,
soqiated with the, loan. In sim-
' ple terms,it costs moreO rmioney
to borrow money.
Here's where it gets a bit
more complicated. Let's as-
sume that a buyer in the hous-
ing market can afford a monthly
-mortgage payment of $1200
and nothing more. At a prime
rate (implying good credit)

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based on current figures, that
.payment amount will secure a
loan of roughly $185,000,
which could vary slightly from
'lender to lender and program to
program. Add in the buyer's,
available monies for a down
payment and that is the
"amount of house"' the buyer
can afford to purchase..
If interest rates rise by one
percent, that means that less of
the $1200'will be going toward
paying off the principle portion
and more of the payment will go
toward paying off the interest.
In order to avoid going above
the $1200 payment limit, the
buyer will have to start out at a
lower principle loan balance. In

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- ,

serving AL your real estate needs! o


Crown e





Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker
Josie Davis, Sales Associate
Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate
Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate
Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate
799 S. 6th St, Macclenny
a ww-f ww

other words, purchase a cheap-
er home.
Here's where the sellers
come in: Buyers don't want a
cheaper home. They want the
home that suits their needs
and, more importantly to buy-
ers, they want the home that
they want. That's human na-
ture. Since rising interest rates
equally affect all buyers requir-
ing financing, and worker's
salaries don't immediately rise
alongside the interest rates, all
buyers are now able to afford
slightly lower priced homes. The
sellers still need to sell their
homes in order to complete,
their own moves.
Now, however, the buyers can
only afford to offer $170,000
for the same house that would
have gone for $185,000 just
one percent ago at the $1200
payment. It's either that or no
one moves until rates go back
Anyone who, remembers rates
20 years ago can attest that
this last option is not what hap-
pens even during periods of in-
credibly' high interest rates.
What happens is that in time,
sellers must accept lower sales
prices for their homes in order
to move. Even sellers who are
in no hurry to sell and could af-
ford to wait for a more well-off
' buyer will still be brought down

by their neighbors' home prices.
This is basically one of the.
major causes for that horrible,
dare I even mention it, 'bubble
burst" that is being talked about.
in the news today.
The lesson to be learned
from this illustration is that re-

gardless of whether the market
is deemed to be a "seller's mar-
ket" or a "buyer's market," any-
time that is good for the buyer
is most likely great for the seller
if it accompanies a stretch of
low interest rates.


Administrative position responsible for all facets of enrollment process and
critical functions of Registrar's Office.' Minimum of Bachelor degree in
related area with at least 5 years experience in student records and computer
processing. Must have knowledge of theory and applications of computer
programs used for registration and student records; knowledge of academic
record keeping, and state and federal regulations.
Salary: $45,000.00 annually, plus benefits
Application and materials must arrive by April 26, 2006
for guaranteed consideration.

Teach turf equipment and Shop management classes including mechanics,
diagnostics, welding and maintenance. AA/AS with five years full-time
mechanic experience. Bachelor's degree preferred.Teaching experience
and/or turf equipment technician experience desired.
Salary: .Based on degree and experience plus benefits
Application and materials must arrive by April 26, 2006
for guaranteed consideration.

College :tpplicaiion required. Position details and application available on
the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu

Inquiries: Human Resource Development
Lake City Community College
149 SE College Place
Lake Ci13, FL 32025
Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594
E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitgcc.edu

I CCC is accredited h, tile Southern A,-ciation of Colleges and Schools
VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Educatidon & Employment
........... -AS-

WYAssss!NO~s. M-ARA L^^^~i^isSs^^^^

Wzlson RVal qCorp, Ik.iti-TorN'

We will pay you $1,000

towards your closing cost-
if you can't sell your home
within 30 days of listing with us.
Just ask to .see our 30 dJu. marketing plan.

Very Clean 3BR/2BA on .77 acre.
This 1995 14x66 singlewide mobile
home has been cleaned & freshly
painted. Located on a paved road and
ready to move in. Nice area on
Mudlake Rd. Affordable at $64,900.

Commercial Property on East Macclenny
Ave. Older home (1496 SF) may be reno-
vated frcial use.
Lot siz 12. Near
new Cypress Pointe Subdivision. Build
your business here. $150,000,

A Little Bit of History! This 2,445 sf house was built circa 1910 and also has
a separate commercial building on the lot (right). The home may be'renovated
for offices, retail, restaurant or any other use allowed in a Commercial General
Zone. Lot size is 99' x 215' with lots of potential for two separate businesses.
99' frontage on US Hwy. 90 and 215' frontage on First Street. $495,000

Bring the 14s and their hores.
14.88 nice acres. Part hay field and
part wooded with small creek and
catfish pond. 3 BR/2 BA doublewide
MH with extra hookup for a second
MH and two extra wells. Convenient
to Jacksonville. Located on NW
216th Street in Lawtey. Priced at
Commercial Lot 14,000 sq. ft. 100
ft. frontage on SR 121. Located
between Waffle House and Day's
Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $125,000.
Building Lot, conveniently located
between Glen St. Mary and
Macclenny. This heavily wooded lot
is restricted to site built homes only.
4% acre + priced at $34,900,
Nice 3 BR/1 BA frame home with
new vinyl siding and CH/A. Recently
remodeled and ready to move into.
Located on Tony Givens Road in
Sandeison on 1 acre. $1365S00
Reduced to $125,000.

HOMES AND LAND of North Flodda, Inc.

1. '

U4 s e cd Licensed Real Estate Broker

259-7709 338-4528 cell
We can show and sell all listUngs!


Delightful lile-new brick, home, 2+ acres
on comer lot in excellent neighborhood.
Floors are tile & haidwood. Glass doors
open-to porch & large fenced backyard.
Two car garage finished with carpet,
- great for exercise or play room. Has
planted maple, grapefruit, flowering
. pear & cherry trees. Home has many
extras, is open, sunny & inviting.

Ultimate Countail.
Elegant brick home on
crystal clear pool of
back porch. This home
Also, another hon
be built on this property

Anne Kitching
962-8064 cell.
Wendy Smith
710-0528 cell.
Tina Melvin
233-2743 cell.

New Home Under Cotruction!
Many extras! 3 BR/2 B on 1 acre. Has coed porch &
patao, 2 car a i.. m !" -u. r.. .'i i'-.i /ll ,,-
laminate wood, carpet & tile, gas fp, central vacuum,
semtitysystan, pra-wired for home theatre.
Country living at t s best

Well established business in the
fastest growing area of Macclenny.
Excellent corner lot location!
Beverage License is Available!
Richard s Grocery
& Meat Market
3 8 6 ]i .' c -,,,.,r S t :t.cI l /
ownse wffl s5a? or- 1) nam yomtor a mans,

4 BR house & four rental mobile home
lnto rtrntear t at O enaoh

3 0 11

ues o Mar:. 4 isrroomn,2
5 acres.-.,. tbe horses or
'rage cinit retrigerator,
i1 csbAcsssc & Cczolrnt2Srpi!

wain an STOCK & equipment
Also, a 4 BR house and mobile home lots (4) can be sold sepately.
Call for pice & details!

Seventy Acres
&e to huant and iish
$r; 8175.000

.i-t<~L~07~f~ '~';ciA.

2 Lots on US 90
.xceJH"e,' l:+ sin:es oc'' [LyE ;: i ,as ,:watel *& s tew r.
- I*' SI a. 'Xc... $30%000 o
Well & Septic Tank
vo. m .om ; 'iin ia ;l'? n. REDUCED!

2006 Freevwojd DiW Aor 5 a i. B '2 BA.
.,pern faw'il,.y m'::i rnd .a1inj nr.l rn Master
bar a gs aiA den ii. t l, !. i.Ie htI.liowel
Vacant close,
Excellent commercial corner lot. E a

.. $199,900
98 Ac
Excellent Business Location! 12:, aes w,,'v 3',
C ,mme:rcal neigi.htAh:. .$419,000

.. . . . .I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11U I I I I I I I I I I I. .. . .. .



Classified ads and notices must be
paid in advance, and be in our
office no later than 4:00 pm the
Monday preceding, publication,
unless otherwise arranged 'in
advance. Ads can be mailed provid-
ed they are accompanied ,by pa$-
;ment and instructions. They should
be mailed to: Classified Ads, The
Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598,
Mcclenny, FL 32063. We cannot
assume responsibility, for accuracy
of ads, or notices given over the
telephone. Liability for errors in all
advertising will be limited to the
first publication only. If after that
time, the ad continues to run with-
out notification of error by the per-
son or agency for whom it was puLb-
lished, then that party assumes full
payment responsibility. The Baker
. County Press reserves the right to
. refuse advertising or any other
Material which in the opinion of the
publisher does not meet standards
of publication.

Solid wood coffee table, light col-
ored with glass inserts, $50. 275-
3007. 3/30tfc
Luxury queen pillowtop. in plastic,
must sell. $199. 904-398-5200.
Computer. 17" monitor. CDRW, Win-
dows XP, MS Office, HP Deskjet
printer, speakers, games & software,
desk, $250 OBO 904-813-9765.
27 ft. travel trailer, $3000 OBO: 20"
I llat-?green TV, 3 raonths old, $75.
student desk, $30; microwave oven,
$25; washer, $75; dining room table
with 4 chairs, $100; 2 dressers one
with mirror. $75.266-0263. 3/30p
Baker County School Board Sur-
plus Sale will be March 30th from
6:30 am-noon at 270 Jonathan
Street. 259-5420. 3/23-30c
-Mahogany secretary, beautiful
piece, excellent condition. Southern
Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc
Good used appliances, 90 day
money back guarantee. 266-4717.
Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs,
very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half
round foyer console. All pieces are
mahogany wood. Southern Charm.
259-4140. 2/3tfc
Queen orthopedic set, $129, new,
in plastic, can deliver. 904-398-5200.
Azaleas & bridal wreath. 275-3221.
Golden oak entertainment center,
paid $800, asking $400, still new.
259-9066. 3/30p
Side-by-side refrigerator, works
great, looks good, $100. 912-266-
1641. 3/30c
King pillowtop, new with warranty,
$259, can deliver. 904-391-0015.
Race car: open wheel modified 383
stroker, $12,000; 2x4 Polaris 4
wheeler, shed kept, $3000. Both ne-
gotiable. 259-4889. 3/30-4/16p
Selling dirt & slag. Truck for hire.
622-7489 or 259-7452. 3/30-4/6p
Queen sleeper sofa, wine, gray &
blue; small Lazy Boy wine rocker Te-
cliner; new lazy susan for kitchen
cabinet. Good deals. 259-6505.3/30p
Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors,
canvases, drawing pads and much
more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth
Street, 259-3737. tfc
Antique breakfront buffet, break-
front china cabinet, buffet, all ma-
hogany, can be seen at Southern
Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc

Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with Do you have a junk car or truck you ..' ,4-.,. *-.:
mattress& boxsprings, retail $950, want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968. ; '
sacrifice for $395, can deliver. 904 4/22tfc Friday 7:00 am-3:00 pm, Saturday 7:00
858-9350. 3/16-4/6p Housecleaning. Dependable, has ... am-:00 pm, 16959 Crews Rd. Glen.
", has ,.. o : c am-2:00 pm, 16959 Crews Rd., Glen.
references. Call Alice at 259-5500. Friday & Saturday 9:00 am-?, 540 Lin-
3/23-30fp 'l, -- ...-.11 F9
Tree trimming removal and clean L da St. All clothing, toys, glasses, etc. -
Tree trimming remove and cean just 25c. furniture items. Last sale mov-
up. Licensed and insured 259-7968 ing
Big Field _U Friday & Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm,
Big Fied.. .. .IIU4---.-.-...Hy2 ... to.. e..Havey .,tnu

Auction, April 1st,
10:00 am, Hwy 90 W by Sanderson.
Post Office. Selling RVs, trucks, farm.
tractors & equipment' trailers stock:
& enclosed, furniture & miscella-
neous items. 10% buyer's premium
or 5% discount for cash. To consign,
call 275-2022 or 259-8453. AU3386.

Harley Davidson Sportster 1200,
100th Anniversary Edition, 5K miles,
many extras $8500 259-4148.3,'30p
1996 Kawasaki Volcan cruiser,
1500cc, yellow, $4000 OBO. 259-
5821 ask for Paul- 3'30p

Dogs: all types irom puppies to
adults. Animal Conlrol, $50 boarding
fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc

Happy Jack mange riedc
motes healing & hair gto\
mange, bare spot, on dogs
without steriods. Glen C
259-2381 www.e-stitch.cor

Pomeranian puppies. 3
male, $300 904-588-560

Will pickup. foi free, unw
over yard sale items. Call 6

1992 Kenworth dump truck, 16K
front, 44K rear, M11 Cummins, 8
speed, .16 yard dump, A/C, excellent
condition, $24,000. 259-3519. 3/23p

2004 Cadillac Deville, Ic
Norihstar. VS, 4 door. leatl
car under warranty. everytl
tric, color gray. Call 259-23
home, leave message & phI
1990 Ford 150 XLT Lariat
AC, engine completely iet
great, body needs work, 5
Call 275-2678 after 5 00 pm

1999.Volvo Autocar Tr A
truck. 20K front. 46K rear,
ing lift axle, rebuilt N14 435
mins, A/C, 13 speed tran
$58.000 negonable 259-35

1986 Ford Ranger XL pickup. 4x4,
A/C, PS, great condition $1700
OBO. 612-0615. 3/30p
1998 New Holland: TC18 tractor. 3
speed, hi & low range, turt tires, 730
hours, diesel, with 1998 Bush Hog
finish mower, like new, $6500. 259-
3468. 3/30p
1994 Cougar XR7, 1 owner, garage
kept, good condition, $2500. 259-
1789. 3/30p
1997 Ford F150 XL sport pickup,
FM/AM/cassette, A/C, bedliner, tow-
ing hitch, good condition, $4000.
275-3138 or 259-0970. 3130p
1995 Saturn 2 door sports coupe,
new paint, new tires, CD player,
$3000 OBO. 631-0399. 3/30c,
1998 Chevy 4WD, 35" tires, like
new, A/C, power steering, brakes &
windows, $12,500 OBO. Must see!
1981 Chevy long wheel base, good
work truck, needs some work, $900
OBO. 275-2708. 3/30p

A'Donna Jackson's Income Tax
Service. Save money with me on fil-
ing your taxes. Electronic filing avail-
able. Located in Glen St. Mary 759-
0884. 3/2-30p
Affordable & dependable. Let me
take care of your cleaning needs. Al-
so available evenings & weekends.
Call 259-8310. 3/30p
Now accepting antique furniture on
consignment. Pieces have-to be in
good condition. Call Karin at South-
ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc
Lawn care. Residential lawn care,
pressure washing & odd jobs. Call
259-6531 or 904-208-1929 cell.

ow miles, Notice to reade
her seats, The newspaper often publish'
thing elec- advertising on subjects lik
354, if not home weight loss products.
hone num- ucls. While the newspaper u
3."23-30p able discretion in deciding or
A of such ads, it takes no resp
, 302. AT to the truthfulness of claim
built, runs dents should use caution a
1500 firm. sense before sending any mo
n ing olher commitments base
3/,23-3Qp. ,_enis.,A dor p.mises demr
xWe domp .'4 1r'1wg You &nasar\,o calI
13K sterp Trade Commission at 1-877
13K steer- to find out how to spol frautc
HP Cum- tions. Remember: it it sounds
mission, be true, it probably is. '-The
19 3,30p tv Press

v-*^-i- ;: 'A ~Hwy 229 S. to Clet Harvey Rd, 1st house
on right. Men, women, jr., boy & girl's
S-' shoes & clothes, all sizes, car seals,
dishes, pots, furniture. 3 families.
. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, US 90 & Wildcat Dr. Plant
,. Sale. Annuals, vegetables, day lilies, irises, hanging baskets, a lot

hcine pro- Saturday 8:00 -11:00 am, 464 Ivey St. Clothes, toys, books, .
S& horses household items, shoes.
ash Store Saturday, Midtown Day Flea Market, all invited. FL-GA Blood Al-
n lance will be with us. Call Kathleen for booth rental or to donate
3/16-4/6p to the alliance. 904-994-5595.
females, 1 Saturday 8:00 am-?, Woodlawn Rd to Willie Wilkerson, 1st
6 orp588- house on left. A little bit of everything.
'30p ; Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 570 Pine Crest Court, Timberlane
Subdivision. Clothes. tools, furniture, etc. Multi family. No early
Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, Hwy 121 S. to Mudlake Rd. across
from A-Z Store, turn right, go 1 mile to 4-way stop, 1 mile on right
wanted. left to Earnie Mae Grffis Lane, turn right, last mobile home on left.
353-1558. Household items, kitchen items, some furniture, clothes, etc. Lots
.,. of everything. Don't miss out! Rain cancels.
Saturday 9:00 am-noon, 23A north to Lauramore/Fairgrounds
Rd. New Hope Church.
Saturday 8:00 am-?, 121 N. to 23C, Odis Yarbrough to Ever-
rs: Saturday only 9:00 am-?, Corner of East Blvd. & Mclver St.
es classified Toys, clothes, electronic items, household items.
ke work-at- :. Saturday 7:00 am-?, Whispering Pines off of Miltondale Rd.
health prod- Prom dresses, summer shorts, designer jeans, career wear,
publication movies, DVDs, etc.
ionsibilily as. Friday 8:00 am-?, 10746 Morningside Lane, 125 N., right on -
is. Respon- .' Madison, right on Morningside Lane.
nd common '
ney or mak- Saturday 9:00 am-?, Hills of Glen, 11643 Confederate, cedar
ed on siale- house. Lots of antiques, nice baby clothes. At Merline's.
ind spedi cs ', Saturday 7:00 am-?,"6.87-Wts Rd.4 Whispering Pines Subdivi- '--
-FTC-HELP ,.. sion. Moving sale! .
ileni solicla- Friday 8:00 am-?, 73 Ohio Ave. Lots of everything. 3 families.
. too good to -
Baker Coun- Friday 8:00 am-3:00 pm, 121 N. 5 miles on left. More good stuff.

Custom Woodwork now hiring! Fin-
ish carpenters $10-$16 per hour,
must have tools & occupational li-
cense Call 904-449-5504.
Trim carpenter helper, no experi-
ence necessary, must have valid dri-
ve's license. Call Owen Deese at
259-7941. 3/23-30c
Retail sales, full-time, no experience
necessary, honest & dependable,
friendly work environment, westside
area. Call Family Carpets at 786-
2000. 3/9tfc
Class "A" Mechanic for 3rd shift
maintenance crew. Must have 5
years experience. Pay $16.96 plus
.26 shift diff.. We are an EECC, drug
free workplace. 401(k), health/dental,
paid holidays/vacations. Apply at
Gilman Building Products, CR 218,
Maxville, FL. 289-7261 or fax resume
to 289-7736. 3/16-4/6c
Sitelutility company needs PM/Est,
superintendent, pipe foreman, opera-
tors, pipe layers, heelman, tailmen.
Top pay, benefits. Apply at 6507 W
Beaver St. @ Lane Ave., Jack-
sonville. 3/16-4/6p
Company specializing in erosion
control now hiring the following posi-
tions: crew leaders, equipment oper-
ators, laborers, class A CDL drivers.
Valid driver's license is a must. Fax
resume to 904-275-3292 or call 275-
4960. EOE/drug free workplace.
A/C and duct installers, must be
experienced and dependable. 259-
8038. 2/23-4/13p
Experienced painters needed. Must
have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc
Local home health care agency
seeking full time Physical Therapist
for local and surrounding areas. Call
259-3111 for details. 2/24tfc



Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need
of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility.

Good benefits. Pay based on experience.

Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler

or call 1-800-486-7504

Specialized heavy hauler is seek-
ing qualified drivers to work on a re-
gional basis. Applicants must have a
minimum of 1 year verifiable Class A
driving experience. Heavy haul or
flatbed experience is preferred; loan
securement training is available for
drivers with limited experience. Com-
pany drivers can expect to earn
$35K to $55K annually on our com-
mission pay system. Average time
away from home is 3 nights per week
& 1 weekend per month. Other bene-
fits include health insurance, 401(k),
semi annual bonus up t6 $1000 &
paid vacation. Contact Gary Ayers at
904-378-3686 or fax resume to 904-
744-6969, e-mail to gary@arlington-

Ray's Nursery, Inc. An
two openings for both the
tagging crew. Apply in pe
office between 8:30 & 9:0(
day Friday.

Needed experienced steel erection
foreman & iron workers, top pay
904-707-8262. 3.'30-4/20p
Position available at Northeast
Florida State Hospital for Nutrition
Educator pay grade 86. Minimum
qualifications: Bachelor's degree
from an accredited college or univer-
sity with a major in Dietetics or Food
& Nutrition or Food Service. Work is
no substitute for a Bachelor's degree.
The salary range for this position is
$952.81 $1905.32 bi-weekly. Ac-
cess application through
MyFlorida.com. EE/AA/Bilingual ap-
plicants encouraged to apply.
Part time with full time potential.

3/16-4/6p Looking for motivated, qualified per-
nie Jo has son in Baker and surrounding coun-
e cutting & ties. Experience in sales helpful. Re-
rson at the ply with resume and references to
0 am, Mon- P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063.
3/23tfc 6/2ffc

4' 1'


Now Hirin'S

Now Hiring

Experienced Cooks

Apply in person at

Located in Winn-Dixie Shopping Center, Macclenny

The Baker County Press March 30, 2006 Section B Page Five

Wi. ;=~dW2~

Ray's Nursery, Inc. Earnie has
openings for two tractor mowers &
two weedeaters. Apply in person at
the office between 8:30 & 9.00 am,
A Monday Friday. 3/23tfc
A Touch of Grass Lawn Service
needs experienced full time licensed
driver. 259-7335. 3/23tfc
Michael & Jonathan's Landscap-
ing has positions open for experi-
enced lawn service person & experl-
enced landscape irrigation person.
Paid vacations & 5 paid holidays, in-
surance benefits available. Pay
based on experience. 259-7388.
SWelder or welder helper, will train.
Call 940-910-1934. 3,23-30p
Reliable person with transportation
needed for light delivery route, 4-6
^ hours per week, must be insured &
have valid Florida driver's license,
bondable with a clean work record.
Send resume & references c/o Box
598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 3/23tfc
Pier 6 Seafood now accepting appli-
\ cations for all positions. 259-6123.
Ray's Nursery, Inc. has opening for
irrigation personnel. Apply in person
at the office between 8:30-9:00 am,
Monday -Friday. 3,'30tfc
NEFSH is seeking a Groundskeeper
#09559. Applicant must have one
year experience in groundskeeping
or landscaping, documented on job
application. Salary not to exceed
$19,315 annually. Apply on-line with
peoplefirst.myFlorida.com. Closing
date 4/10/06. 3/30-4/6c
Ray's Nursery, Inc. has openings for
truck drivers. Must have Class A
CDL. Apply in person at the office
between 8:30-9:00 am, Monday-Fri-
day. 3.'30tic
Full time office help needed. Must
have lots of computer experience, in-
cluding Excel. Adobe. e-mail & inter-
net. Must be dependable & orga-
nized and be able !o run a small of-
fice. 259-8633. 3/30p
Drivers. CDL-A. Excellent home
time. Great payibenefits. O/Os wel-
come. 2 years OTR, good MVR.
Centurion Auto Transport 800-889-

Office manager, FT/PT available.
Apply in person at 787 S. 6th St.
across from Wachovia. 3/30-4/6p
Licensed/experienced JW to run
service truck. Must have good driving
record & good attitude. Leave mes-
sage at 259-4571. 3/30-4/6p
Need responsible, loving person to
care for children. Must be 18 & will-
ing to take child care courses.
Please apply at Special Blessings,
590 N. 7th St. No phone calls. 3/30c
Dump truck driver needed with as-
phalt experience. 334-8739.

Mac's Liquors. Bartende


1992 Fleetwood SW on 'A acre +,
needs a little TLC, $65,900. 904-497-
2481 or 497-2482. 3/9-30p
2003 doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1680
SF on 1 acre, all new appliances,
$89,500. 904-408-9515 or 904-626-
2612. 3/2tfc
FSBO. 7.5 acres with 2003 DW,
2130 SF, 4 BR, 2 BA, located on par-
tially, fenced, mostly wooded corner
lot in Glen St. Mary. Front & back
porch with utility building, $185,000.
Call 259-8766 for appointment. 3/23-

3/30-4/op 4 BR, 2 BA two story stucco on
.r needed. 6.62 acres, large carport & screen
room, built-in BBQ, many extras -
3/30-4/6p 48x56 barn ready for your horses, 2
stocked ponds, 2 concrete dog ken-
n, nels, 2 wells. 15 minutes from 1-10 on
CR 122 north of Glen St. Mary in
Taylor, $269,500. 259-3487 or 923-
2776. 3/30D

tice tNo-
tice to

All real estate advertising in this newspa-
per is subiecl to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to advertise "any
preference limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handi-
cap, familiar status or national origin, or
an intention, to make any such prefer-
ence limitation or discrimination.' Familial
status includes children under the age of
18 living with parents or legal custodians,
pregnant women and people securing
custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is in
violation of the law Our readers are here-
by informed that all dwellings advertised
in this newspaper are available on an
equal opportunity basis To complain ol
discrimination, call HUD toll free at 1 -800-
669-9777. The toll free telephone number
for the hearing impaired is 1-300-927-
Baker County. St. Mary's River, 10
acres, 700 ft. on river with small
while sandy beach, secluded, high &
dry, fenced, large oak & pine trees,
picture perfect, beautiful property.
Only $200,000. 259-7574. 3/23-30c
Sanderson. 1 acre plus 2 mobile
homes, each MH has own septic
system. 1999, 3 BR, 2 BA SW, very
nice and 2 BR, 1 BA SW. Earn
$1000 per month rent. Recently ap-
praised at $75,000. Will sell for
same. Call 259-9151. 3/23-30p
City Lot, South Boulevard, Macclen-
ny. Appraised at $19,000; asking
$17.900 Financing available. 759-
5734. 3/2tfc

8139. 3/30-4/6p 3 BR, 2 BA double wide on 1 acre,
ASE certified mechanic with tools, fenced, dead end road, close to In-
local company, up to $25/hour based terstate 10 & schools, $75.000, in
on certificates & experience. 259- Glen St. Mary. Call Tom at 338-7154
3513. 3/30p or 338-7153. 3/16-4/6p


New 3 BR, 2 BA brick home'with
bonus room, 2 car garage on beauti-
ful 5 acres in south Sanderson, no
smoking or pets, $1500/month plus
deposit and last month's rent. 859-
3026. 3/2tfc
3 BR, 2 BA MH on 1 acre on 125 S.
Pool, pole barn, fenced. $850/monlh,
1st month & $1200 deposit required.
259-9066. 3/30p

Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no
pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-
860-4604 or 259-6156. 3/17rfc
2 BR, 1 BA MH, Glen St. Mary area,
$150/week, no deposit. 910-5434 or
Nexiel DC#160"132311"2. 3/30p
3 BR, 2 BA singlewide on big lot in
country. $500 deposit, $575/month.
259-6505 3/30p

Cypress Pointe. 3 BR, 2 BA brand
new house with screen porch. For
rent or lease with one year contract
$1250/month, $500 deposit 407-
880-9330 ask for Rachel. 3/16-4/6p




I. ~ri.





Since 1963
Re- demtial and Commercial CONTROL, INC. Sand Field dinrt Slag hauled
Pest contolI 259-3808 904-445-8836 day.vs
Lawn and Shrub cute All r)pes of pest control 904-653-2493 e enings
lermite prritectin Call E.. ion. Shannon. Bryan. ,It t C
Damage rcpaii guarantee Bill o Philip F H WE DING &
Free esutmaes Call toda! Be lerl Nii" SH S WELDING &e
Seinaicon Colon' l.t't,,l EXHAUST
Elimination Sstein KONNIE S KLEAR Tires Rims Exhaust
259-8759 POOLS Buckshot Goodyear* Michelin
2/17tfc We build in-giound pools, Niro* BOSS E.agle N1 MSR
ACGLEN BUILDERS We sll nd install Custom exhaust Flowmaster
INC. DOLiGHBO) abome-giotnd pools Call today for the best price!
iesLn .' Build 'Service Renovations* Cleaning 259-1393
.'aiur phan. ,ir our plans Repairs Chemicals, Partns 10/6tfc
Bent9le Rhoden 698-E Wes Macclennyv .ve. B&R SECURITY
904-259-2255 (nextto RaI nor sPharmacy) -SYSTEMSINC.
C34 t/i4fe I SYSTEMS, INC.
RELIABLE Spring &Summer hour.. Residential Electrical
Monday -Friday i
RESIDENTIAL Friday Security Home Theater
10:00 am- 6-00 pin .
ONTRACTIN iNC. Saturday lo' am 5" p Sales Service*Installation
IONTRACTING. INC. Saturday 1(i- i ant5-00 6 7pm
Home repairs:'! Reinodeling 653-2727
Mark S-'.. n 59-52 22 Fi iL t. ,iUr4,ir,2
S('t i1153 913I .11 ... ..... ... ..

., I 6.,iUhi-4 1 ."9,2 n

rc e esmiimaies '
crr' .I 4< 5 '"tLc'
For hire
Dirt* Slag
622-7489 or 259-7452

Garbage pickup for Baker County
Roll off Dumpsters
Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator
Culverts Installed,
Tim Johnson

Free estimates
No job too sinall or too big

Remove dangerous trees
near ,oiir home
Licensed & Insured
Locally owned & operated
"In memory of Al"

Heating" Air Elecrical service
Licensed and Insured

Lie. I//ET 1000707
Lie. #RA13067193,
Li, "R .1 11l 71'<-4 4 2Il
Complete lawn care Tractor work
Bush hog Box blade
Culverts installed Food plots


Free estimates
Pressure washing
15 years experience Licensed
866-7998 or 259-8013
Solid wood cabinetry
Modulars -Custom work
Leroy Johannes
Professional painting
Pressure washing .
Interior exterior
Residential commercial
Fully insured Locally owned
25 years experience

Fill din Septic .,and Cl(" High quality work Screen rooms -- Patio o ers So m& i ,ptiIOns
Duzcr & ewcavaior for cleann h r sill Roo addition Sec ou clogs at
Diegig & Grading New construiion & emiodel work. Insured The O( ce Mlaot
Site work Sam 904-338-6101 962-3396 I 110 South 5ih Street
259-0506 or 591-5540 Da,,d 259-8786 CR'B(.;1.,120 A 1,l9-".6p 259-3737
Major credit cards a cepted I 6-VIep TRACTOR S WORK tfc
.'il.-4'6p A & R TRUSS Bush hog Din work ANGEL AQUA. INC.
MOM & POP S Engineered trisses toii vur ie O .Land cle.irin Tree service water sot reiier- Iron filters
TRACTOR SERVICE Home Barn Shed E.c. Free estimates Sales Rentals -,Service
Wemow fields Culverts installed Freee..inues Ciictlike .\TER TESTING
Driveway smoothing 259-3300 334-9843 Total ,w;er softener siipplie,
Reasonable rates I 121-xp Salt delivery
Licensed & InsuredEL L R( DRILLING ~ Fnnin.223available
Locally owned & operated APPLIANCE DOCTOR WELL DRILLING, Fn availabBSe
904-710-1294 *Air conditioners Heat pups* Ro Raule 797 S: 6thStreet, X acclenn
3/23-30p Major .pplianice.. Rog Raulerson 259-6672 ,
RONNIE SAPP 24 hour,7 day emergency 'el.ie 259-7531 ,i
r rllrIIIlkI1 1 T I lC'l Vince Fa isi Ow n _er-O orator' ;IL n r ri 'iki r l.Ti fTrCV

Well drilling
Water conditioning liurificaiioni

New scpri '.-trLiii'
Drain field repairs
We re your water experts
Celebrating our 29th year in business
Credit cards gladly accepted
Fully licensed & insured
Florida & Georgia

Tractor work Flexible
Distance no probl
Free estimates Insi

Full lawn services
affordable prices
Free estimates
Call Billy



New construction Remodels
Licensed & Insured
I-I I ILt RR282 14"'u 3:2"1-4.l hp
Tim Sweat
Licensed Insured Bonded
Transport Set-up MH Pads


DGE Complete site & underground
CE utility contractor
at Land clearing
We sell dirt & slag
Hourly rate available on:
grader, dozer & trackhoe work
Mitch Canaday, Jr.
1 904-219-8094
. 3/16-4/6p CU-C057126 3/16-9/7p

Land clearing ~ Culverts
Our pe-iialit .
"vler drain age pr'hbl.mS'"
\\ e dig ponds, ditches, etc.
We landscape small gold fish ponds
Locally owned & operated

Lawn mowing Tractor work
Clean-up ~ Hauling
Commercial residential
Many references on request
30 years experience

New roofs Roof
Roof replacement
Free estimate

Custom house plans
to your specifications
Qualified Good references
Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases,
drawing pads and much more!
110 South Fifth Street

Tree removal Light hauling
Stump removal
We haul or buy junk cars and trucks
SWe sell horses
Licensed Insured
Free estimates
24 hour service
Call Danny
Jesus is the Only Way
1 1.1,- 1 1 l ,

11/24-5/8/06p GOD S BUSINESS
G, INC. After-hours computer repair
repairs Networking, training,
ent graphic design and writing
s Call Cheryl





Local $575 $675 Home Every Night

OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends
Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation
401 K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus
DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus

CALL 1-800-808-3052




-. -1.1 1-1 1 ILd' F I I I N It 1-3 1 312.' -4,


How about that money pit you
have? I will pay cash or take over
payments of your house or mobile
home, with land, that needs fixing
up' 912-266-1641. 3/30-4/6c
3 lots on Jefferson Street in Glen. 1
lot ready to move on, $50,000; other
two lots $35,000 each. 259-9066.

3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets,
garbage pickup and water provided,
$600 per month, $600 deposit. 912-
843-8118. 12/22tfc
1 acre lot for mobile home in Mace-
donia area off Odis Yarborough. Call
Brian at 759-5734 or 259-6735.

Saturday, April 1
2:00 4:00 pm
at 6561 SR 121 S.,
Come see a home that
wVill meet our needs-
along \, ith
1.77 acres of land.
For information call
Margie Walker
-- 772-9800
\^ .-a

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 30, 2006 Section B Page Six

Smoky Mountain cabin, trout
stream, near Cherokee, Gatlinburg
& Dollywood, $325 per week. 386-
752-0013. 3/16-6/1 p

Coming soon to Glen St. Mary, of-
fice space for lease. Call 275-2944
for details. 3/23-30p
Large commercial office space
available for lease. 859-3026. 3/2tfc
3 office spaces, Pitman Profession-
al Building, 288 SF, $550,month in-
cluding utilities. 219-4225 or 591-
2840. 3/2-30C

Doublewide home. Must move, 4
BR, 3 BA, appliances, A/C, fireplace,
office, family room & more. $35,000.
904-626-5354. 3/23-30p
1993 Fleetwood doublewide, 24x40,
3 BR, 2 BA, appliances, central air,
gas stove/heat, good shape, great
starter home, $12,500. Must be
moved. 446-5425..



Well Drilling

2" & 4" Wells
Water & Iron
Conditioners Installed
Call Roger or Roger Dale

Family Owned & Operaied
I Licensed & Insurea

' 2004 Fleetwood. Building a house,
must sell our beautiful mobile home,
4 BR, 3 BA, large closets, over 2400
SF, many upgrades. Asking $56,000.
Make an offer, seller motivated. Must
be moved. 904-509-1558.3/23-4/13p
1999 Skyline doublewide, excellent
condition, 1500 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA,
large kitchen, large family room with
corner fireplace, front porch, garden
tub, walk-in closets, Assume mort-
gage with payments of $371. Must
be moved. 228-1931, 3/30p

Classified ads must be in by
Monday at 4:30 pm
attention : Drivers
Tuition PAID CDL Training
No Money, No Credit,
No Problem!

Join CTL and enjoy. .

-$1200 Performance Bonus-~
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E 'D' drivers andi re:enil crihoil qracds are
a310 very elcnrie F inrorrm3uon stop by y
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Jac,',-ri ville. FL
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1-888- JOIN-CTL

SPeople pay
for what
they want!
Baker County's
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SLeader Since 1929



Over 1800 Sq.Ft.
Full Stucco Large Lot

$ 10,430* in savings

plus up to $8,000 in closing costs

Total savings $18 430
JacisonwtieWP aVgeWt
oca4y Cumned J.tmne .aui&de.

SEDA 904-259-0922
Construction Company

Directions:- 1-10 West, to first Macclenny exit (Exit 336 Hwy 228
right.) Go approximately 2.5 miles to Sands Pointe straight ahead.
Subject to change without notice 'Free options package valued at $10,430. Applies to new construction contracts
only and does not apply to spec homes. SEDA pireerred lender must be used. Expires Match 31 2006.
CG0C020880 Corp. (904) 724-7800

ElNMII1Y t| ltl
LCCC is seeking qualified nurses to fill the following positions. All positions
require a minimum of a Master's degree in Nursing (consideration will be
given to applicants with masters in progress) with at least 18 credit hours in
the field and have FL RN license, or be FL license eligible. Must be computer
literate. Previous teaching experience desirable:
Associate Professor, Nursing
Fast Track LPN to RN Bridge Program
(228 day Grant Funded position)
Experience in acute care/adult health nursing. Distance learning and/or inter-
net coursework experience preferred.

Associate Professor, Registered Nursing Program
198 duty day Tenure Track position
Must have 2 years experience in acute care, adult health nursing.

Associate Professor, Associate in Science Nursing Program
198 duty day Tenure Track position
Must have 2 years experience in acute care pediatric and/or maternal and
infant nursing or adult health nursing.

Salary: Based on degree and experience, plus benefits
Review of applications to begin immediately and continue until positions are filled.
College application required, include resume and copy of transcripts.
Complete position details and application are available on our web site at:
Inquiries: Human Resource Development
Lake City Community College
149 SE College Place
Lake City, FL 32025

Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594
E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu
LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment

,y (INMIII|. (mi t
Responsible for operation and curriculum development of'
occupational/vocational education programs that enhance economic
development of five-county area. Duties include preparation and admin-
istration of budgets. Master's degree in appropriate area, plus 3 years
experience with vocational educational programs.
Salary: $85,000 annually, plus benefits. Application and materials must
arrive by April 30, 2006 for guaranteed consideration.
Complete position details and application available on the web at:
College application required. Also provide photocopies of transcripts.
All foreign transcripts/degrees must be submitted
with an official translation and evaluation:

Inquiries: Human Resource Development
Lake City Community College
149 SE College Place
Lake City, FL 32025

Phone: 13861754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594
E-mail: boettcherg@'lakeciticc.edu

LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employ ment

I Driver Dedicated Hegional

Avg. $825 $1025/wk.
65% preloaded/pretarped
Jacksonville, FL Terminal
CDL-A req'd

Don't miss out on the growth of Baker County-
Promote your business in The Baker County Press,
The best way to get your name outl


168 Duty Days Tenured Track to Commence August 2006

Master's Degree with at least 18 ,graduate hours in discipline: Medical
Doctorate; or Masters with 18 graduate hours in work centered on Anatomy &
Physiology. Ability to also teach BiOblgy, physical Science or other science
related course desired.
Master's Degree in Humanities or Master's with at least 18 graduate hours in
Humanities or related disciplines. Ability to teach in 3 disciplines (Art, Music
and History or Literature) preferred.
Master's Degree with at least 18 graduate hours in Mathematics prefix cours-
es. Ability to use graphing calculators and computers.

Application deadline : Application and materials must arrive by
April 14, 2006 to guarantee consideration.
Persons interested should provide college application, vita and photocopies of
transcripts. All foreign transcripts must be submitted with official translation
and evaluation. Salary based on education and experience.
Position details and application available on the web at: ww w.lakeciiycc.edu
Human Resource Development
Like City Community College
149 SE College Place
Lake Cirty, FL 32025
Phone: (386) 754-4314 ;Fax: (386) 754-4594
E-mail: boetichergj'ilakecitycc.edu
LCCC is accrediand hb\ the Cmmis. ion on Colleges of the Souheern As oiation ol Colklges and Schools
\P.'ADA EAEO Colkegc in Educanon & Emplumeni




