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Paid circulation leader Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005 BAR OTYPRESS 13840 YONGE LIBRARY FLA HISTORY PO BOX 117007- IJIV FLA GAINESVILLE, FL 32611 Vol. 48 Thursday March 23, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500 Dolan is hired as full-time fire chief BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff After nearly 12 years, Richard Dolan is no longer the part-time Baker County fire chief. He's now the full-time chief in charge of the county's 71 volunteer firefighters working in eight sta- tions. The Baker County Commission voted unanimously at Monday's board meeting to upgrade his sta- tus. The county budget allots a $40,000 salary for the position. Chief Dolan, who has held the position since June 1994, found himself in the middle of some con- troversy a couple months ago. There was confusion over new state training and certification re- quirements that led to a number of volunteers being dropped. Referring to the "trials and tribu- lations of the last couple of months," Chief Dolan asked the commission this week for a "clear confirmation" of his status. "I was in an unknown state." he said Tuesday. "I didn't know how they felt." Immediately before the vote, Commissioner Gordon Crews spoke in support of Chief Dolan "I've thought long and hard re- garding this. I think Richard is do- -ing a good job. My hope is that he can devote undivided attention to this department, which will be so vital in the next ten years with the growth that we're already experi- encing." After the vote, Chief Dolan thanked the commissioners and said, "I look forward to the chal- lenge of taking this department to the next level." Prior to signing on as the part- time chief, he'd worked two years as a volunteer for the Macclenny Fire Department. Before that he worked in the Arlington area of Jacksonville. where he was vice- president of the city's volunteer firefighters' association. Chief Dolan said he plans no major changes in how he runs things. "We'll stay on the course we've been following to improve the de- partment. "I'll be looking at our infrastruc- ture and the possibility of future staffing." Chief Dolan's full-time job until this week was an officer with the Department of Corrections. In other action at Monday's meeting, the commission rejected a land-use and zoning change re- quested by Susan Bennett. who wants to build a fence manufactur- ing and storage building on one acre of her property on Mudlake Road and Sunshine Lane. County staff recommended the request be denied because it would not be consistent with surrounding zoning, which is residential and agricultural. Ms. Bennett wanted her property rezoned to light industrial. Several neighbors spoke against the proposed business, citing con- cerns about noise and traffic. Commissioner Julie Combs warned against "sporadic rezoning" with no guidelines for industrial de- velopment. HONOR RO Macclenny, Ke and Westside 6 "89076 488 ILLS :ller PAGE 9 III 19 8 Loves dairy 'lifestyle' BY JIM McGAULEY Press Publisher The cows don't know when it's Christmas morning, or your wife's birthday and your child's birthday. So goes a time-honored saying among dairymen a saying they be- lieve sums up what it takes to be in the business. Once a staple of the ... .... family farm that has ' been slowly disappear- ing from the American landscape the past cen- tury, dairy farms are go- ing the way of corporate America. There's fewer of them around, and the ones that are tend to be bigger and, with the aid of sophisticated veteri- nary science, more pro- ductive per animal. In northeast Florida where 50 or so family- run dairies once flour- q ished, there's but five dairies still in existence. One of them is the 168-acre D&D Dairy, owned by Darryl and Daneitte Register of Glen St. Mary. Located off Smokey Road near Interstate 10, the operation milks 500 or so cows twice a day, every day even Christmas and Easter. Even on birthdays and anniversaries. Even when the remnants of hurricanes howl through Baker County, the cows are out there seemingly oblivious to what's going on Foster chosen for Glen Council BY MN1ICtAEL RINKER Press Staff The owner of a Glen St. Mary plumbing company was sworn in Tuesday night as the town's newest council member. Morris (Dickie) Foster was one of three candidates for the vacancy created when former councilman Larry Payne resigned February 14. Others seeking the seat were Roger Harvey, a long-time school district employee, and Steve Rhynehardt, who has worked for the Department of Corrections and the US Navy. Mayor Juanice Padgett provided councilmen with copies of the three letters of application prior to the meeting, then 'opened the floor for around them. There's but a few things milk cows care about, and feeding and milking times are right up there on the top. "Cows are creatures of habit. Don't mess with their milking times," advises Mr. Register. "Anything you do to mess up their routine affects milk production. I'd say the easier they have it, the nicer they are to you." .. So it's a two-way street. The dairy workers make sure "the girls" are happy and out comes the milk. And there's a lot of it. 4"Tw! The output at D&D now averages about 28,000 pounds of milk daily (the dairy industry deals in pounds, not gal- lons). Since a gallon of milk weighs 8.6 pounds. translate that into 3256 gallons. The price early this week was steady) at $17.50 per 100 pounds, which Dairyl Register feels is a fair return, par- .. ticularly in light of the dips taken in market prices in 2002-03. "That was an extremely ugly time for milk prices," he recalls. "Af- ter 9/11, people quit traveling, and since about 60% of the cheese con- sumed in this country is through food services like restaurants, prices took a dive." (Page two please) County Judge Joey Williams congratulates newly sworn Glen Councilman Dickie Foster Tuesday as his wife Debbie looks on. question of the candidates. so "make sure there are, no more Councilmen Crews and Charles Councilman Lewis Crews re- minded the hopefuls of the time they'd have to put in for not only meetings but workshops, most if not all of which are at night. Councilman Perry Hays then asked them to briefly talk about why they wanted the job. Mr. Foster said he wanted to continue the town's growth, but al- scrap yards in the middle of town." . He also talked about a glitch in the water/sewer system, which us- es higher pressure than some of the older homes' pipes can handle. He suggested setting aside revenue or finding grants to help the town's elderly residents pay for re-piping their homes or installing pressure- - reduction valves. Reneau, along with the mayor, vot- ed to appoint Mr. Foster. ' Councilman Hays went cast his ballot for Mr. Rhynehardt. By ordinance, Mr. Foster will serve until the end of the former councilman's term or the next gen- eral election, whichever comes (Page two please) $18,500 to search for new manager Finn will limit quest to Florida BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff Baker County commissioners voted 4-1 to pay a Wellington, Fla. firm $18,500 to conduct a search for the next county manager. In dissent, Commissioner Fred Raulerson argued that a statewide search would send a message that there are no worthy local candi- dates. Other commissioners noted that a statewide search would by defini- tion include Baker County., but everyone agreed to direct the firm to advertise locally. The county has been without a manager since the board fired Ja- son Griffis December 15 for a se- ries of transgressions capped by his use of a county phone to make hun- dreds of personal calls. At a workshop Monday after- noon, Colin Baenziger made a pfe- sentation to the board, outlining his company's meticulous process for collecting and culling candidates. He said all but one of the clients of his nine-year-old firm, Colin Baenziger & Associates. have been in Florida, but the fihm recruits na- tionally. Since last May, it has con- tracted with 18 cities or counties in the state, including Clay and Nas- sau counties. Commissioner Julie Combs. however, rejected a national search, suggesting it be limited to the state in order to save money on advertis- ing and moving expenses. She also said a Floridian would be familiar with growth issues specific to the state. Her colleagues agreed, so the job will be advertised only in Flor- ida Mr. Baenziger, who will do the search personally, said his compa- ny has conducted a survey of coun- ty managers in Florida and will ad- vise commissioners on the salary and benefits necessary to attract good candidates. "I'll meet with you and any oth- ers you want us to in order to get to know Baker County, what makes it tick, the issues, what kind of person is best and how much you want to pay," he said. The firm will seek applicants, narrow the field and conduct sever- al types of background checks, ihn- cluding Internet research and, pulling credit reports. Mr. Baenziger estimated the ap- plication process would take about- 45 days. He will choose about eight qual- ified candidates, then sit down indi- vidually with the commissioners to discuss each one. He'll provide them with a "notebook on inter- viewing" that will be two or three inches thick, including resumes, his notes from interviews with the can- didates and a schedule for the com- missioners to meet with them. Board members will then have a week to review the material and vote for five finalists. He then suggests an "interview weekend," where the board and the finalists meet. "In this business, sometimes you don't really know what you want until you see it," he said. The weekend would kick off with a reception that would include community leaders. "It's important to see them in a social setting," he said, noting that a large part of a manager's job is representing the county at similar functions, for instance, Chamber of Commerce mixers and Rotary Club meetings. The following morning, the (Page two please) THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Two "IAt~t t,~W1Pint#(%%tI pip %km 4 IN%11 C C. - ~ * hE,.c I 'C -- S - Available fro mo m m m Ipy ync m' C e- q -- 40 * - I - I "b C 0 O dob 40- 4w ~- -~ -- - - CoUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 Up to 100% Financing Rates as low as 6.25APRR Receive a FREE Folding Chair when you finance with Country Federal Credit Union LENDER Dairyin '(From page one) D&D and most other dairies in Florida except for the far Panhan- dle sell their product to Southeast Milk, Inc., a co-op whose regional processing plant is at Gustafson near Green Cove Springs. The bulk of locally produced milk ends up on the grocery shelves under the Gustafson, Safe- way or Harvey Supermarket la- bels. Mr. Register, who grew up working on dairies north of San- derson owned by his father Sonny and grandfather Hamp, stays act tive both in the co-op management and other industry boards. He's a board member of both the Southeast co-op and Dairy Farmers Association, and one of five management directors of the. Gustafson operation., "Thanks mostly to the good help I've been able to keep at the dairy, I like to stay involved at oth- er levels of the business," he stat- ed. Many also know Darryl Regis- ter as current chairman of the Bak- er County Development Commis- sion, a position he says he enjoys since his appointment several years ago. The board is a key component for industrial development in Bak- er County, purchasing and devel- oping tracts for sale to Wal-Mart Distribution several years ago and, most recently, the Hanson roof tile plant now under construction at Enterprise West near Sanderson. "I'm interested in that sort of thing, and it's been an excellent way to give something back to the community." Oddly, this 42-year-old Baker County native didn't start out crav- , Happy 1st Birthday, Mason B. Rhoden .- -v .: ..!. , March 21 Love, Daddy a lifesty] ing.,to become a d.iir man. His" family was in the business, and he was around it during his formative years but took a different direction when he graduated from Baker. High and enrolled in Lake City Community College. 2 He married and left school, first to work as a jailer and dispatcher at the sheriff's office, then to Bak- er Correctional as an officer when it was still a youthful offender prison. He moved on when his uncle Terrell Register took over Live Oak Stockyard auction in late 1983 and stayed there two years. A family connection got him start- ed as a debit insurance agent in, Columbia, Baker and Union coun- ties and that lasted until late 1986. Then it was back to dairying. The temperature was 30 de- grees and the rain fell on that Sun- day in early 1987 when Darryl and his father began a partnership that would last 15 years. They repaired the old dairy buildings north of Sanderson and set up shop on family land. There le and he he-stayed until January, ;2001 when he bought out Tom Adams on the present site of D&D. "I brought about 250 cows into that operation, and right away we were the third largest dairy in the Florida Crown. Mr. Register laid back a while before making any major changes to the Adams operation, studying how the former owner did things and adding some of his own ideas. He kept 10 employees and set- tled in % ith about 500 cows, the same number as Mr. Adams kept. Other than adapting to advanc- ing technology) and production methods, he's s.am ed at the same lex el since. "It's a lifestyle and I love it," Mr. Register declares. "I love the cows and I enjoy being around the people who work for me. I would- n't trade it for anything." How long will he stay with a job that sometimes keeps a man up way past when he should be sleep- ing, and gets him up long before he should? Will he be able to resist the LOGS AND PULPWOOD 1 ACRE OR LARGER Metal Roofing Homes and Mobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installers Many Styles and Colors to Choose From Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.com (904)779-5786 L )SA 1-800-662-8897 BBB Toll Free V loves it' temptation to sell out his 168 acres for a residential development? Count the cash instead of the cows? "I don't know just what the fu- ture will bring," he confesses. "If I should get out of this, I won't be hunting me a rocking chair to sit down. I'll find something to do. Foster is new Gle (From page one) first. In this case, they both occur at the same time September 2007. After Mr, Payne's resignation, the town placed a newspaper ad to solicit resumes from Glen resi- dents who are registered voters. Town officials declined the al- ternative of holding a special elec-, -tion within 60 days. 'Macclenn Doral $19.99 ctn 305s $12.99 ctn Marlboros $2.89/pk: Newport Med./Lights Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Camels Turkish Gold/Camel Lights Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Milk $2.99/ganon Search for new manager (Frompage one) ... They'll also do a six-month fel- r o. low-up to help iron out any small board will meet individually with wrinkles that may pop up. the candidates, then as a board. The firm also guarantees that if On Monday, they make their the new manager leaves in the first choice. year, they'll repeat the search for Baenziger said his firm also free. If the manager leaves in the will help or fully negotiate the second year, the firm will repeat it, contract. and charge just for expenses. The guarantee is void if the m council an commission chooses a candidate not among the eight recommended Although Mr. Payne's letter of by the firm. resignation did not give a reason, Commission chairman Alex he later cited his. other interests Robinson said Baker County has and his frustration over the slow received word about the firm from pace of expanding the town's other counties. boundaries. "Apparently a lot of others are Mr..Payne also was the town's satisfied with your process," he vce-mayor, a position now filled said. by Councilman Crews who was nominated by the mayor and ap- proved unanimously last month. OIl I ,y Amoco BOOST FLIP PHONES $99.99 CARTON MARLBORO $ 199 Blend 27 & Menthols KAYAK SNUFF 99, At the corner of US 90 & SRI 21 Sunday 7 am 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm a Butch's Paint & Body Shop 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR a S* Foreign & Domestic Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint R *- ^Computer Estimating SInsurance Claim Work S Computerized SColor Matching ., K 2 Fully Insured 9 P Stop in for your free estimate L'-"' 959 -ca3785 DROP-OFF 259-3785 For Sale: Small metal desk with wood top $15; machine stand $10; large metal desk with wood top and desk top organizer $50; 2 mobile com- puter work stations, oak finish, $40 & $60; 2 metal worksta- tion tables with oak top $40 & $50. Can be seen at The Baker County Press, 104 South Fifth St., 259-2400. LOST: Last seen on River Circle in Macclenny. Black toy poodle. REWARD! No questions asked. 259-2124, Pamela. For Rent: Georgia Bend area, 3BR/2BA doublewide, $550 a month, $350 deposit. 904- 777-8880. For Rent: 2/1 MH, Glen St. Mary area, $150/week, no deposit. 910-5434 or Nextel DC#160*132311*2. For Sale By Owner: 4 BR, 2 BA two story home, 6.62 acres, carport, screen room, large patio area, barn with separate electric service, 2 stocked fish ponds, 2 dog kennels, 12x20 out building, rustic log cabin on property, 2 wells, nicely land- scaped, paved road, in Taylor. $269,500 seller will pay clos- ing. 259-3487 or cell 904-923- 2776. Concrete workers, form, prep & pour, must have ride. Call Sean at 904-229-1055. or 4 I 40 4OW400 qmmw 4b-4810 i* * _ oes ders" -.4w U4o * righted Material licated Content ent commerciall News Provi o w C 4 O- O -O m 0 e A * 4- 44m- do --* - ** 0 MO * THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday March 23, 2006 Page Three ,,L'^^ '.^.- I,.^ THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS This newspaper .. rrSvcliedInaer.n JAMES C. MCGAU Publisher/Editi NEWS/SPORTS Micha NEWS/FEATURES Kelle' COMMENT Cheryl R ADVERTISING/GRAP Jessica Prevatt & Laur FEATURES/COMMENT Ro BUSINESS MANAGER Ka CLASSIFIED Barbara B LEY USPS 040-280 or Post Office Box 598 *. 104 South 5" St. Macclenny, FL 32063 3el Rinker (904) 259-2400 y Lannigan The Baker Ccunty Press is published each Thursday by Pinge aer county Press, Inc Periodicals postage paid unaer * Pingel permit issued April 12. 1929 at me post office in 'HICS Macclenny. Flonda. ra Briner SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20 00 a year inside Baker County. $25.00 a year out- )bert Gerard siae Baker County: deduct $1.00 for persons 65 years 1 of age or older. miinary personnel on active auty outside irin Thomas Baker County, and college students Iiving outside Baser County. POSTMASTER. send address changes to Trie llackshear Baker County Press. P.O. Box 598, Maccieriny, FL. 32063. Aft niber Submission Deadlines All news and advertising m submitted to the newspaper prior to 4:30 p.m. on the I prior to publication, unless wise noted or arranged. M received after this time will guaranteed for publication requested that all news ite typed to insure accuracy in pi nust be r office Monday s other- laterial Letters to the editor are welcome, but must contain the signature of the writer, a telephone number where the writer may be contacted and city of resi- dence. Letters must reflect opinions and state- ments on issues of current interest to the general public. The newspaper reserves the right to reject Social Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notices and social events must be submitted with- in four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure photographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Contact Us- Phone 904/259-2400 Fax 904/259-6502 Emall. h-nPress@nefconmnet not be any material which in the newspaper's judgement Mall PO Box 598 n. It is s f bl t104 South 5th St ems be does not meet standards of publication. Macenny, FL 32063 rint. www.bakercountypress.com | More participants, if you don't mind IMPRESSIONS The Joint City County Commit- tee of Service Providers is the ten dollar name for a collection of local government agencies attempting to figure out how we're going, to pay for the demands on the public purse caused by growth. An excellent cause, the brain- child of Macclenny Commissioner Phil Rhoden, and the first gathering took place last week with less than impressive attendance. Of the 15 agencies invited to the organizational session 11 were no- shows. Granted, there's some cross- over responsibility areas, but the poor turnout portended a rocky start for what could at the very least serve as a think tank. , The Baker County school dis- trict was over-represented. Sup- erintendent Paula Barton brought her finance and facilities chiefs. Since schools have so much at stake when it comes to meeting growth needs; perhaps that was ap- propriate.- a ,3 ,, 0 o":, The City of Macclenny was rep- resented by its manager and, of course, Mr. Rhoden. No other com- mission members showed up, nor did members of the Baker County Commission. The fire and rescue departments were AWOL, as were the hospital authority, the road department, property appraiser, health depart-. ment and the Chamber of Com- merce. Grant specialists for both the city and county were absent.. Rounding out the list of those present was the mayor of Glen St. Mary. So there )ou have it. Regardless of \ ho attended, the same topics likely would have been discussed, centered all of them on the high cost of infrastructure and the now-stringent requirements set by the state of Florida. So many agencies have their fin- gers in the growth pie that it's impossible to do anything of sub- stance without a myriad of permits. The state is also requiring vol- umes of information from counties dealing with growth plans and land use regulations, putting huge bur- dens on building departments. The business of growth will be closing in on us in the next few years, perhaps not on as great a scale as our neighbors irt Duval, Clay, St. Johns and Nassau counties. The effusion of government- owned land in Baker County limits the available space, but the imme- diacy of the crush resulting from sparsity of land in neighboring counties, relatively lower land prices and other dynamics suggest we have to be ahead of events to do this right. It'd help if other agencies invit- ed to participate in the committee had a presence at its next meeting. I , S "Copyrighted Material "i Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Uncontrolled behavior curbs rentals. {fU~fLL co'-L/ trolled, THE BACK PORCH The Macclenny Women's Club building is located on the same block as The Baker County Press office, and just across the street from the Emily Taber Library on Mclver. I have attended the club meet- ings twice in the capacity of pho- tographer for the paper, usually when a member is receiving a sig- nificant award or recognition. The ladies always invite me to eat lunch which I can never refuse because the food is so wonderful. Women's clubs do a tremendous service to their communities and to the nation by supporting many worthwhile programs ranging from education and the arts to conserva- tion of the environment and inter- national affairs. The work they do is significant and invaluable. Fees from rental of the Mac- clenny club building help maintain their meeting place, which is cru- cial to the work they perform. It also provides a convenient service for local organizations and individ- uals who need a site to hold meet- ings and receptions. It is highly unfortunate that as of last week, rental of the building to In the news 75 years ago... Two Convicts Attack Guard A. E. Green, Division Inspector and General Supt. of Surfacing Equip- ment for 15 counties, for the State Road Dept., was in town Saturday and paid the Press office a pleasant call. Mr. Green had just returned from Spuds where he had been called on account of two prisoners attacking a guard with a spade and knocking him down and making an effort to take his gun and pistol. They were frustrated however, by two other convicts who took the guard's part and with the help of another guard, captured one of them. The other made his escape. Mr. Green says the two men making the attack were desperate criminals and it was their intention, if they secured the weapons, to kill the guards and make a general delivery from the road camp. It was only by the efforts and quick action of the two other convicts, that they did not succeed. Mr. Green says that these two men will be recommended for pardon and they deserve it. Mr. Green is a native son of Baker County, son of the late A. J. Green of Sanderson and has made a wonderful advancement with the Road Dept. during the ears since he has been in their employ. We congratulate him and the State, for he has the best interests of the Road Dept. at heart. the public sector is temporarily suspended. When I attended the meeting last Thursday, it was with dismay and disbelief that I person- ally witnessed the resulting physi- cal damage done to the building by people attending a j can't help private rental ider Whythis function. r y thk The ladies disturbance showed me holes punched in the allowed to c walls and the dam- unchecked. age to a locked cupboard forced doesn't loc open to gain access. enforcement I was upset, but not entirely sur- care of this prised.ver and shut th On several occa- sions since I have ruptive and lived in downtown Macclenny, I have tive events been kept awake ' at night by the horrific noise from out-of-control parties taking place in the building. I have gotten out of bed, walked over and stood on the sidewalk across the street, watching in dis- belief the chaos taking place. I've been dumbfounded and of- fended at the vulgar music blasting across the entire neighborhood by heavy-duty rental sound systems. These wild parties don't stay con- tained within the building, either. People constantly tromp in and out and even loiter in the street, posing a danger to passing motorists, as well as to themselves. They gather 'outside on the porch and hang around among the cars parked all but won-, s type of 3'.is continue Why al law 7t take matter ese dis- destruc- down? over the streets and the nearby parking lots. 'The lack'.6f restraint at these events is alarming. I have put up with people screaming, shouting, cursing - behavior that is undignified and shameful. At mid- night, after hours of pounding music and being kept awake because my walls are vibrating, I've called the sheriff's depart- ment and asked for help. I've gotten no results. I've talked to other people who also called to complain; they say they don't get results either. A dis- patcher I spoke with once told me that the department had already received five phone calls that night from upset citizens. "If this party is disturbing peo- ple that much." I ask, "why don't you shut it down?" The dispatcher didn't know. I can't help but wonder why In the news 50 years ago... Vandalism at Boy Scout Camp During the past 60 days there has been much van- dalism at the Boy Scout camp on the river. Troop 159 has been camping on two occasions during the past six- ty days, prior to their first camping trip this year, the door to the cabin was torn from its hinges, broken whiskey bottles found on the floor and in the ice box and the boys mattresses were cut up and otherwise de- stroyed. Between that trip and the last, the cabin had again been entered and the door again torn down, and the vandals proceeded to shoot 16 window panes out as well as riddle the roof with 45 shots. We are reasonably sure of the names of two parties who are responsible for this disgrace, unfortunately we lack witnesses, and it is deplorable to have to say that people from Macclenny who saw certain parties being held in the cabin, have neither the interest or which is more to the point, the decency and "intestinal forti- tude" to come out and make this public. The sooner the citizens of this county start to take pride and interest in her youth, the sooner we will have a town and county where vandals and crooks cannot exist. W. A. Kirsopp, Chairman Scout Committee In the news 25 years ago... Wind-fed forest fire here Monday said 'almost cer- tain' arson this type of disturbance is allowed to continue unchecked. Why doesn't local law enforcement take care of this matter and shut these disruptive and destructive events down? I wish I knew." And why would people behave in this manner in the first place? Are' that maiiny' pdle in the cdrrm-" munity so indifferent to others and possess such a fundamental lack of respect? I suppose that is the real mys- tery. I realize that many of Mac- clenny's citizens probably are un- aware this goes on. I hope it would concern them. It's a reflection on the entire town and with the new growth and pros- perity projected for Macclenny, in the near future, I hardly think this is the way people want their down- town portrayed. Of course, many groups that rent the building hold their event successfully because they follow the rules, respect the property and never causesuch problems. But now the current rash of noise and destruction has made the members of the Women's Club wary of rent- ing their building, and that hurts legitimate clients who genuinely need the use of the property for personal and civic events. In the past, the club rented the building in good faith. What a shame that faith has been now been compromised. Fed.by gusting 40 mile per hour winds, the most de- structive forest fire here in recent memory swept along a two mile path west and northwest of Glen St. Mary Monday afternoon scorching 650 acres of young pine trees. On Tuesday, the Florida Division of Forestry sent an investigator into the area since authorities are virtually certain the fire was deliberately set. Preliminary esti- mates are that 60 percent of the young trees are now unharvestable at a loss of at least $200,000. The land belongs to Southern Resin 'and Chemical of Glen. Manager Ed Doss said the majority of trees were on nine and ten year old plantations. No struc- tures were destroyed, although some farms northwest of Glen would have been in extreme danger had it not been for an area that had been control burned last month, thus creating a halting point near CR 139B. The, weather service reported gusts between 30-40 miles per hour in many parts of the Southeast Monday, a contributing factor in heavy woodland fire losses in several states, including Alabama, Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas. Southern Resin was first alerted here about 11:30 am. It appears the fire was set at several places along Hamp Register Road, and fanned by gusts. It was al- ready engulfing a large area when equipment arrived. The owners were assisted by DOF and three other large timberland owners. It took five hours to control the fire, and DOF declared it out at 7:00 that evening. DOF was still allowing control and yard burning at mid-week but urging extreme caution. Permission to burn can be obtained by calling 259-2661. Country is weakmin controlling impulses PENSEE The new "Good News" paper in town carried a tidbit a couple of weeks ago: "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn loud- er." We laugh because we know how utterly ridiculous that would be. None of us would accept that trade off with our cars. We would be looking for a new mechanic, pronto. Yet we are often willing to accept a similar reality in our lives without thinking twice. We have no brakes so we make our horn louder. I'm referring to those of us who don't control our impulses. We are an indebted nation for a variety of reasons, but one big one is the combined credit card debt of so many Americans. We don't ; have the money, but it doesn't matter, we want it, sometimes we :, need it, and we have plastic. When :people from other nations are able to buy our land, companies, and debt because they know how to sacrifice, resist the desire to:live greater than their means, and save until they have cash to pay for something income producing, we complain loudly. We blow our horn rather than apply our brakes. We are an overweight nation. Again there are a variety of rea- sons, but mostly we are unwilling to curb our appetites. It isn't just the unhealthy foods we consume in mass quantities; it is the unhealthy decisions we make on a dailybasis. We refuse to brake our orders for Biggie Fries, Biggie Drinks, Biggie Burgers, Biggie Pizzas; we don't brake our sitting habits in front of TVs, computers, and video games; we don't brake our work hours and stress levels; we don't brake the desire to park close and walk less. Instead we com- plain and make excuses; we blow our horn loudly, but do nothing about repairing our brakes. There are so many areas in which we have inadequate brakes. We are a consuming nation. So many have voracious appetites for possessions, sex, and highs, and rather than teaching people to apply the brakes, society's answer tells, "Take this pill and eat all you want." "Buy this product and we will finance." "Why wait? You can have it all now if you just fill out this loan application." We blow our horn loudly because individuals from other nations have gained so much power in our country, but the truth is if we would stop blowing, and fix our brakes we would be in a position to reclaim the power. One further note: Do you know someone who complains a lot, who is always blowing their horn? Then steer clear, they have no brakes, and we all know how dan- gerous that can be! Your opinion counts... Send us a letter -and sign it THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Four Arrest of ex-wife for attack and burglary An ex-wife was arrested for battery of a Glen St. Mary woman the morning of March 18 after she went to the residence of the victim on US 90 downtown, barged through the door and attacked her. When Amanda Roberts, 24, went to the front door of the resi- dence of Tara McDuffie, 23, on US 90 about 9:00 the accused's ex-hus- band Anthony, 35, was there.. When Mr. Roberts told his ex- wife to leave, Ms. McDuffie came to the door and ordered her off the property. Ms. Roberts, according to the others, became enraged and rushed past her ex-husband to attack Ms. McDuffie, who suffered numerous scratches on the upper body. Ms. Roberts was charged with both battery and burglary for en- tering the trailer. A criminal complaint for battery resulted following an alleged attack on Bettie Smith, 21, of Jacksonville by her estranged boyfriend after she exited a vehicle on US 90 near Commerce Drive east of Macclen- ny. The girlfriend told police she and Bernard Cook, 42, of the same address, argued over a break-up about 2:35 and he threatened her with a baseball bat. She began walking away on the road shoulder, and Mr. Cook al- legedly followed, then got out of the car and struck her to the ground. He also smashed her cell phone. In another complaint, Charelle Burroughs, 21, of Macclenny is alleged to have cursed., and threat- ened her grandmother during an argument at the latter's residence off King Dr. late in the morning of March 18. Ms. Burroughs, who was unco- operative with Deputy John Har- din during a subsequent interroga- tion at the scene, will also be charged with resisting arrest while he attempted to handcuff her. Burstingazaleas in Yardof the Month Robert Griffis, shown here with his dog Max, and wife Vivian were honored this month for this beautiful spring garden and yard at their residence off Birch St. in Macclenny II. Last week, the azalea colors were at their peak, highlighting attractive arrangements of garde- nias, ginger, day lilies and hydrangeas all coming into season. Robert is particularly proud of the shade grade St. Augustine grass he has painstakingly plugged in the lawn areas. If you have a garden that is not professionally tended and merits consideration for the April Yard of the Month, contact the Baker County Garden Clun, -a-t 2'-I..i,.4 PHOTO COURTESY OF PAT COLLIER 2 wanted in Kentucky Atip from the Columbia Coun- ty sheriff's department led to the arrest of two women wanted by authorities in Kentucky on a num- ber of felonies, including child abuse. Deputy James Marker said he' spotted Penny Crump, 42, and Deborah Hall, 41, both of Paris, Ky. walking near, the Econolodge in south Macclenn\. The earlier lead.indicated the\ \ere staying there. The officer said he sounded his horn to get their attention in the parking lot of nearby Burger King, and the women, along with Brian Hatcher, 22, of Cynthiana, Ky.,ap- peared to be walking faster to get, away from him. The women halted outside the restaurant door and the male sus- pect went inside. Deputy Marker confronted him as he attempted to exit a south door and he was ar- rested for obstructing justice., Kentucky authorities advised Serious injury as tick ffipsat.. 23D intersection A Sanderson man was seriously injured in a one-vehicle rollover accident in the early morning hours of March 19. Rescue workers and volunteer firefighters had to extricate Gor- don S. Taylor, 37, from the wreck- age of his 1991 Chevrolet pickup after it struck a second tree at the intersection of CR 23-D and Webb Haven Road. Trooper M.D. Childress of the Florida Highway Patrol said the pickup was westbound on CR 23- C shortly after 3:00 am when it failed to stop at the intersection with CR 23-D. The truck hit a tree after veering off into the south ditch of Webb, Haven, then overturned after cross- ing the unpaved road and running into a dirt embankment. It struck the second tree with its top, ac- cording to the trooper. Mr. Taylor was flown via heli- copter to Shands Jacksonville, and could be charged in the accident. PRESS CLASSIFIED $4.50 for 15 words A 17-year-old found passed out at the wheel of 2004 Ford pickup parked in the middle of Madison Ave. in Glen St. Mary during the. early morning hours of March 19 is charged with DUI and underage possession of alcohol. Deputy James Marker said he found the truck while answering a suspicious vehicle call just before 3:00. The youth had trouble open- ing the door, the officer observed, and was unsteady on his feet after he exited the truck. He failed field sobriety,tests and Deputy Marker said he admin- istered pepper spray when the youth initially resisted handcuff- ing. Later at county jail, the youth took a breathalyzer test that mea- sured his blood-alcohol content at five times that allowed by law, In another arrest later that morning in pre-dawn hours result- ing from a suspicious vehicle re- port, Kiame Tunsil, 34, of Lake City is charged with disorderly intoxication. Deputy Bill Starling said the suspect was outside his 1998 Toyota when first approached near Cuyler off CR 125 about 4:45. The officer, noted Mr. Tunsil appeared to have been drinking and learned via a computer check his license expired last month. Carol Chitty, 40, of Macclenny was charged with driving on a license that had been suspended four times after she was stopped after 7:00 am on March 18. Deputy John Harden said Ms. Chitt\'s 1991 Chevrolet truck ran a stop sign at South Boulevard and. Joan St. in south Macclenny. Teacher struck, student flees . A teacher in the "therapeutic day" class at Baker County Middle School told the campus deputy she was attacked by an unruly 14-year- old male just before noon on March 13. Patsy Vinzant told Deputy Al- ison Smith the student, who has a Sanderson address, became in- creasingly aggressive when she tried to calm him, and jumped a perimeter fence after striking her. The youth returned to the segrer gated class compound shoril) after and waited for Deputy'Smith. The class is reserved for disrup- tive and emotionally disturbed stu- dents, and Ms. Vinzant has been the victim of similar physical as- saults in recent weeks, two of them by the same student. In the latest incident, the stu- dent was charged with battery of a teacher. A middle school student was ar- rested at the same school the morning of March 20 after an at- tack on another student before the first bell. According to witnesses and De-' puty Smith, the 15-year-old male student from Glen St. Mary punch- ed a 14-year-old male in the face. Glen gives initial nod to a 'barn' convenience store BY MICHAEL RINKER. Press Staff Glen St. Mary officials gave pre- liminary approval to a drive-through convenience store at the comer of Jefferson Street and US 90. Tentatively called the "Tea Barn," it would sell typical conve- nience store fare, including beer, said Tommy Driskell, who along with Larry Robinson, was seeking the town's approval of the concept. As proposed, the building would not have complied with the town's Envision Glen plan, but Mr. Driskell agreed to put wood siding on the front of the metal structure, which is shaped like a barn. He also agreed to build the store's parking lot so that it slopes toward a ditch on the property in order to drain rainwater runoff. The property is currently an empty lot. I Current plans call for a 45-foot by 75-foot building, although the the sheriff's department to hold the M ASON women for extradition. FtASON! Ms. Crump and Ms. Hall are both wanted forpossession of co- 'caine and piarphernalia Ms. Hall is also sought for criminal abuse on a child under 12 and possession A ' of prescription medication. The arrest took place about 2:00 -- that afternoon. In another warrant-related arrest. Ricky Griffin, 47, of Jack- sonville was picked up at a resi- dence off North Second St. in Macclenny the evening of March 16. He was wanted in Duval I I' o. bl, . County for aggravated battery. Lo\. '\.nm\ ATTORNEY David P. Dearing former Baker County Prosecutor 4 ,,I Rahaimn Watson Dearing Berry & Moore, PA. Attorneys with over 100 years combined experience in the areas of AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS WORKERS' COMPENSATION EMPLOYMENT LAW CRIMINAL DEFENSE WRONGFUL DEATH & PERSONAL INJURY NURSING HOME NEGLECT Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are absolutely, five. T ; i:, ', .; .t :, ,v1 1 :. '. ': ",,, l.,r':,: !-W I : ,'.,i ,',1 : .'., u .',' ,l l. : n.';l, ,' length may, be reduced to 70 feet because of problems with setback requirements. The parking area will be no more than 4,000 square feet. Vehicles would enter the store via a one-way driveway, then exit onto US 90. Mr. Driskell said he'd prefer to serve only motorists, but would allow pedestrians to use the store as well. He said the store probably would be open from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm, although in the summer he may keep it open until around 8:00 pm. When it's closed, both the entry and exit will be covered by a large garage-style door. Mr. Driskell still must submit a survey and site plan to Glen offi- cials, who would then issue a letter to the county saying the store com- plies with the town's code. Youth hit with DUI count, found passed out at wheel IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 02,2005-CP-0008 IN RE: ESTATE OF CHARLES MICHAEL MCCLOUD Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Charles Michael McCloud, deceased, whose date of death was February 5, 2006, is pending in the Circuit Court for Baker County, Florida, Probate Division, File Number 02-2006-CP-0004, the ad- dress of which is 339 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063. The names and ad- dress of the personal representative and the per- sonal representative's attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the decedent and other per- sons who have claims or demands against dece- dent's estate including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, and who have been served a copy of this notice must file their claims within the later of three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or thirty days after the date of service of a copy of this notice on them. All other creditors of the decedent and per- sons who have claims or demands against the decedent's estate including unmatured, contin- gent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR- EVER BARREDED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECE- DENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this notice is March 23, 2006. Attorney for personal representative: HUGH D. FISH JR. Florida Bar No.: 0242861 PO Box 531 Macclenny, FL 32063 Telephone: (904) 259-6606 or.6705 Personal Representative: - Nancy Joan McCloud 3/23-30c BAKER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD INVITATION TO BID The Baker County School District solicits writ- ten proposals to all insurance companies autho- rized to offer group employer paid life and health insurance plans. Proposals are expected from on- ly financially sound insurers, authorized to do business-in Florida. All organizations are to provide a written re- quest for.information and complete a Vendor Re- quest Form as provided by our consultant. Written requests are to be submitted to: O&A Insurance Services via email or fax: Wendy@Owen- services.com or 904-287-5625. Formal written proposals will be accepted through April 7 2006. 3/16-4/6c NOTICE ,OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA Notice is hereby given that the proposed ordi- nance whose title hereinafter appears will be brought up for possible adoption on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 at the Baker County Commission Meeting commencing at 5:00 pm, in the Baker County An- nex Building, 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida 32063. A copy of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of the public at the of- fice of Al Fraser, Clerk of Court, 339 E. Macclen-, ny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063. On the above-mentioned date, all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to this pro- posed ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BAK- ER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO REGULATION .OF WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES WITHIN BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVID- ING A TITLE AND AUTHORITY; PRO- VIDING DEFINITIONS; ESTABLISHING AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY, POWERS AND DUTIES; PROVIDING UTILITY RELATED REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF HEARING OFFICERS; PROVIDING FOR THE FIXING OF RATES; PROVID- ING FOR THE ISSUANCE, EXTENSION, SALE, ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER, OR AMENDMENT OF FRANCHISES, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF FEES AND CHARGES; PRO- VIDING FOR THE CONDUCT OF HEARINGS; PROVIDING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES, NOTICES AND CON- DUCT OF HEARINGS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTY PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR AP- PELLATE REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL PROVISION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Terence M. Brown 486 North Temple Avenue PO Box 40 Starke, Florida 32091 (904) 964-8272 Fax: 964-3796 3/23c HIGGINBOTHAM'S TOWING & RECOVERY P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120 Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146 The following vehicle will be sold at public auction April 7, 2006 at 10:00 am, at Higginboth- am's Towing & Recovery, US 90 West, Glen St. Mary, FL. 32040. 1992 Oldsmobile four door VIN# 1G3NF54N6NM462408 3/23c I j, I 'I Rain Fue UowAvilbl 11, 1 &11 ctn * Slag Fill Dirt Sand Milling Clay * Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built Is your water misbehaving? If so, call us... , We will bring the Water Wagon to your house &f fix it! For more information about products and services see our ad in the '05-06 Macclenny phone book on page 0OO. Our Water Conditioning Units Will Bring Quality Water Into Your Horne! 904.608.5669 or 904.613.1898 A MACCLENNY BASED'COMPANY Woman of Year, Lifetime awards... Peggy Arend, right, was selected Macclenny Woman's Club Woman of the Year 2006 on March 16, and was presented a plaque by Cheryl Lunn, who had the honor last year. Ms. Arend was recognized for her involvements in numerous club projects such as promoting conservation efforts and serving as head of the fine arts committee. In the photo below, Louise Whitt of Macclenny (center) received a L i.irine A. :hiei cinct Award from the club for decades of service. Pictured with Flo Hollowan i lt h and clt it' pie sidcnt Frances Frost, Ms. Whitt, a retired nurse, was praised both for ai 'lib acri utes and as a longtime volun- teer. She turned 90 earlier this ,. 'a PhotosbyKelleylamigan' PJ *ce academy classes Q i .. 801. 11 C..SS Lake City Community College will offer a basic law enforcement officer academy in curriculum maintenance system (CMS) format April 17-September 7. It will be held at the Olustee Campus. The class will be 6:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday-Thutsday, with a few weekend training dates required. This course will qualify an indi- vidual to take the Florida Law Enforcement Certification Exam. for the week of March 27-31 BREAKFAST MONDAY: Breakfast pizza with milk and juice. TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit with milk and juice. :WEDNESDAY: Cereal and toast with milk and juice. THURSDAY: Doughnut and apples with milk and juice. FRIDAY: Pancake and sausage on a stick with milk and juice. LUNCH MONDAY: Ham with macaroni and cheese. and roll or hamburger, choice of'two: potato wedges, green peas, condiments with jello and .milk. TUESDAY: Burrito or ham and cheese sandwich, choice of two: fries, slaw, fruit and milk. WEDNESDAY: Hot dog or cheeseburger, choice of two: slaw, condiments, fruit with peanuts and milk. THURSDAY: Chef's choice. FRIDAY: Vegetable soup and a peanut but- ter and jelly sandwich or turkey sandwich, choice of two: fries, veggies and dip, fruit and milk. * Carpet * Laminate * Wallpaper * Vinyl Tile Applicants must meet state mini- mum requirements for law en- forcement service to include pass- ing the basic abilities test for law enforcement and a criminal history fingerprint check. Academy stu- dents must be 19 years of age before July 24, 2006, have a high school diploma or GED, and pass a physical exam. All application forms and docu- mentation must be submitted to the Law Enforcement Department before the date' of the orientation meeting. The-application deadline is Monday, April 3. For application materials and additional information call (386) 754-4383 or email brownd@lake- citycc.edu. Two passengers in a vehicle ticketed for parking in a handi- capped space outside the Amoco station at US 90 and SR 121 were arrested for felony drug possession the afternoon of March 18. Deputy Bill Starling said he obtained permission to search the vehicle from the 17-year-old fe- -male driver from Macclenny. The deputy said she smelled of alcohol when he questioned her, and the vehicle smelled of marijuana smoke. Passenger Justin Grey, 23, of Baldwin is charged with purchas- ing alcohol for the underage driver and misdemeanor marijuana pos- session. The other passenger, Kirk Baumgardner, 19, is charged with having 29 prescription pills in a rear pocket and misdemeanor mar- ijuana possession. The evening of March 16, Stev- en Behm, 34, of Glen St. Mary was arrested for misdemeanor marijuana possession after he was stopped by a sheriff's investigator on SR 229 south. Investigator David Bryant said he stopped the maroon Honda dri- buy portables BY KELLEN LANNIGAN Press Staff The Baker County School Board approved funding for the final purchase of five portables leased to the school system two Years ago and currently located at Baker County High School. The funding is being allocated through the district's participation in the 2005-2006 Classrooms for Kids Project. The five new portables were leased and initially set up at West- side Elementary School. Accord- ing to Baker County School Dir- ector of Facilities Denny Wells,' the present condition of the build- ings is good. The present lease amount is $3,575 per month for the five por- tables. The balance for purchase of The portables will be $188.382. In other business, the board ap- proved a contract with Crews Sheet Metal, Inc., in the' amount of $14,750 for a' new dust collection system at Baker County High School. Funding source for the collection system will be the sale of residential construction site land in Glen St. Mary. An amendment to a Secondary Vocational and Technical Edu- cation Grant Proposal to acquire replacement computer equipment for the Commercial Art Technol- ogy Program was approved. The new amount requested is $4,392. PRESS CLASSIFIED $4.50 for 15 words Fill Dirt Top Soil Septic Tank Sand EP INC. (904) 289-7000 am ~ 4:30 pm * Ceramic & Porcelain Tile * Hardwood * Area Rugs r--------------------------- ' 20% OFF SIN STOCK OR SPECIAL ORDER AREA RUGS I Excludes previously quoted estimates. Expires 4/23/06 L ----____---------------------_J Over 1000 patterns of wallpaper! ven by Mr. Behm for drifting in and out of the single traffic lane. Police found two plastic bag- gies of pot and several smoked butts in the vehicle. Hit-run arrest A Macclenny motorist was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident just after midnight on March 18. Several witnesses told respond- ing Deputy Mark Hall a white Chevrolet pickup driven by Mich- ael Callen, 25, drove off after it struck a 1996 Ford pickup belong- ing to Laurie Maynard, no age or address indicated. The accident took place outside the Econolodge motel off Wood- lawn Road, and acting on informa- tion from the witnesses, Deputy Hall found both Mr. Callen and his vehicle off the road further west. The suspect was treated for minor injuries and released from Fraser Hospital shortly after, and may face an additional charge of DUI pending results of a blood test ordered by the Florida Highway Patrol. now leased In other board matters, money to pay for two consultants request- ed by the Adult Education Depart- ment was approved. A fee of $50 will be paid to Lori Hodges for a vocal perfo- mance during the April 7, 2006 GED graduation ceremony. Participanting students in the same GED ceremony will have graduation photographs made by Clint Shivers. Mr. Shivers' fee for shooting the photographs will be $75. A The following aciik ie are scheduled iii'Baker County a schools for the week of Marci C 27-31. This listing may be in- complete and subject to change without notice. I 2 *March 27-31: KIS- Book fair. WE- Scholastic book fair. 3 March 28: BCHS- ESE ca- reer fair at 4 pm. ME- Just Say No meeting'at 8 am. A -March 29: District Wide- B Early dismissal. C -March 30: BCHS- Mock DUI at 9 am. DCT fieldtrip to GE Supply. PK/K- Zoo field I trip. 2 *March 31: BCHS- Air Force Junior ROTC Military Ball at Hilltop Tavern in Orange ("%V Park at 6 pm. BCMS- Parent A visitation day. KIS- Fifth grade field trip to Wild Adventures. 2 passengers arrested on felony drug charges I U $ 99 PER MONTH 2 ROOMS EVERYDAY Y! Get a FREE HD (High Definition) Reciever * Get a Satellite System with FREE Equipment for up to 4 TV's plus FREE Basic Professional Installation * Get Programming for the Whok Family (up to 4 TVs for Under 525 per month) iww Nf t-* Cav- :.Ma Oray SGet Local HO Channels FREE * Gel a FREE DVR Digital Recorder * High-. Speed Broadband-Wireless Internet Serice for Under 52 5 per month FREE Lifetime Warranty on Equipment FREE Movers Program (Anywvhere in the USA) S AT 5 E L L IT Est1980o V Serving all of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee. Locally Owned and Operated-Licensed, Bonded, Insured Because of the Custo.mei, We Exist! 904-879-4231 L 7 School district agrees to THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Five RENTALS oR SALES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? -" Iron Filters and Conditioners Water Treatment Free Water Tests Well & Pump Supplies C 0 S 5- 0 0 = MAKE IT EASY. MAKE IT MEMORABLE. Woody's Bar-B-Q Catering 4 ( offers a complete planning and catering : service. No matter what the size of the event, Woody's can cater it. Ask our store manager for details and together we'll work with you to customize the perfect menu for the perfect party. Swo 259-5800 S" Macclenny z e a .A TAepIlace to &ee on Satadtday 44hts t 7: 00-10:O0 pm FEATURING: . Mr. Waverly Ray A guitarist & vocalist with over 30 years of experience. Bring the family and sing-a-long at the hottest place in town! 259-1212 259-5040 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Six OBITUARIES Doris Burnham dies March 18 Doris Elizabeth Burnham, 70, of Macclenny died at home on March 18, 2006. She was born July 10, 1935 in Nlacclenny. Mrs. Burnham lived in Baker County all her life. She was a member of Glen Friendship Tabernacle and enjoyed fishing, traveling to the mountains, gardening and family dinners. She was predeceased by parents Joe and Effie Harey Starling and her husband of 45 years, Johnny ..--Burnham. Survivors include chil- dren Leo Lauramore (Pete) of Macclenny, John Lauramore (Dar- lene) of Sanderson, Frankie Burn- ham (Lynn) of Tifton, Ga., Joseph "Jody" Burnham (NMary) of Mac- clenny, Patty Brantley (Donald) of Taylor, Rita Hodges (Eugene) oft Sanderson; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; brother De\wey Starling (Betty) of Olustee; sister-in-la\w Ethel Starling of Taylor and brother-in-lax\ Charlie Burnham (Betty) of Callahan. A service wxas held at her churchurch March 21 \ith'Pastor Albert Starling officiating. Burial followed at Macedonia Cemetery. Pallbearers \\ere Donald Brantley, Chris and Brandon Brantley. Kevin and Joel Lauramore and Don Weddle. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny was in charge of arrangements. Clarence Bennett March 23 rites Clarence Bennett, Jr.. 54. of Sanderson died March 20. 2006 at i Memorial Medical Center in Jack- sonville. He was born December 27. 1951 in Taylor. Mr. Bennett \xas a life-long res- ident of Baker Counti and a mem- ber of Baxter Church of God. He loved to read his Bible, enjoyed Fishingg, spending time x ith his grandchildren an.d gardening. .Mr,... Ta)lor lox ed his dog Rosco. He was an, encourager, a humorist and& w as the life of the party. Mr. Ta\lor x\xas predeceased b\ parents Clarence and Geneva Johns Bennett, Sr., and brother Curtis Gene Bennett, Sr. Surnixors include daughter Lashalle Gross (Timoih).: grandchildren Ra\ and SJacob Wheeler and MNaeghen Gross: sisters Mar\ Lou Da\ is and Helen Ta\ lor. A sern ice will be held March 23 at 11:00 am his church \with Bro. Charles Anderson officiating. Bur- ial will follow at North Prong Cemeter\. The family\ recei ed visitors on March 22 from 6-%i pm at V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Ser- \ices of Macclenny. Al.u lnda i I M SundaW Morni ng %Wirship SuniW bEening W%(,rs h ip Infant Carter rites March 25 .Infant Peyton Michael Carter died March 16, 2006. Survivors include parents Billy and Donna Carter; brothers Jacob and Noah Carter; grandmothers Juanita Carter of Macclenny and Carolyn Raper of Lake City; grandfather Joe How ell of Live Oak. - A graveside service will be held March 25 at 11:00 am at TaNlor Church Cemetery. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of NMacclenn, is in charge of arrangements. Infant Crews dies March 19 Infant Jasmine "Jec" Elizabeth Crews of Tallahassee died March 19, 2006 at Tallahassee Memorial Medical Center. Survivors include parents John R. and Roselyn G. Crexws of Tal- lahassee; paternal grandparents Johnnie K. and Fave Crews of Jacksonville: maternal grandpar- ents Petromilo and Rosalia Guira of the Phillippines. A graveside service was held March 25 at 2:00 pm at Taylor Church Cemetery wx ith Rev. Mark Woods officiating. Guerry Funeral Home of NMacclenn\ was in charge of arrangements. Louise Gullette, was homemaker Louise Gullette, 84. of Mac- clenn\ died March 19, 2006 at NMacclenn\ Health and .Rehab Center. Mrs. Gullette was a resi- dent of Macclenn\ for most of her life. She x\as a homemaker. She was predeceased b\ parents Joseph Jefferson and E\a Millie Harnage Downing. Sur\ivors include husband -Alsar Gullette of MNax\ville, daughters Denise .-.Fartmer"(Mikei o"f-Tiius'ile Fla:-- and June Anderson of Panama City, Fla. sisters Bett\ Jo Tilley of Titus\ ille, Bobbie Nlickler of Jacksonx ille and Grace Jones of Panama City: grandson Derek Farmer and one great-grandchild, lMya Farmer. A gra\ side service for Mrs. Gullette \\as held March 22 at Wayfare Cemetery in Statenx ille. Ga. Guerr\ Funeral Home of Mac- clenn\ \\as in charge-of arrange- ments. Ite publish obilituaries and photos o' loved ones/orI free The Baker County Press First United Methodist Church 93 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship:6:15 pm SJohn L. Hay, Jr., Pastor2 R>T ASSENBi V OFi G(r*"D I A c C I E N N ~... Q:'3 0 a m Werlneslam Biblp StAd i 1: V)11 am Thursda oulh 5-i69.1 Pastor: Paul Hale 1:01 pni i:l0) pm Nujr;.f-, F vr..--J ,r alli -.-ricj., "4 loring Church rith a Crowing vision of Excellence" p.'-,.. l Ble.- -ngs .ho:l F.adirne -s writer 25'- -I L-<. .............L.... 3K.JaB~~~si^la^^E|^ First Baptist Church A GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA ll Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM S Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM A Beac to Bake. County' Bird E Gentry Oregon native Bird F. Gentry, 68, of Mac- clenny died at her home on March 10, 2006. She was born in Haines, Ore., on June. 18, 1937. She was predeceased by parents Gilbert' and Lillie Moble\ Austin, husband Marshall Gentry and step-son Marshall Gentry Jr. Survivors include children and step-children Tammy Dixon (Robert) of Macclenny, Dennis Carl GentrN of Baltimore, Md.. Sharman Hollins and Jonie Jaines of Arizona; brother Bill Austin of Portland, Ore., six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. A memorial servn ice will be held at Glen Friendship Park on March 23 at 11:00 am. In lieu of flowers, donations to help w ith her final expenses ma\y be sent to the funer- al home. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of NMacclenn% \%as in charge of arrangements. Louise Sapp, 85, dies March 16th Louise Edgar \W"ells Sapp. 85, of Callahan died March 16. 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville of an extended ill- ness. She was born in AboN, Ga., and lived most of her life in Alma. Ga. Mirs. Sapp mo\ed to Jack- sonville in 19"I and after two years, moved to Sanderson. She resided there for 26 ywars before moving to Callahan fi\e \ears ago. Mrs. Sapp \%as a self-employed beautician before retiring and a member of Highlands First United Methodist Church in Jacksonville. She w\as predeceased b\ hus- bands Donald Walls and Elpaso Sapp. Survivors include step-sons Jerry\ Sapp (Barbara) of Pensacola and Ronald Sapp (Nanc\) of Middleburg: sisters E\el\n Da\ is and Yvonne Tanner of Callahan: brothers Jack Edgar of Douglas, Ga., and Bill Edgar (Linda) of Alma, Ga., fixe grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. A service \xas held March 19 at Archer Funeral Home of Lake Butler with Rev. Michael Norman officiating. Interment was at Pine Law\ n Memorial CemeterN in Alma. ,District wide sing The Church of God in Christ Jackson ille District \will ha\e its annual musical on MNarch 25 at 7:00 pm at Emmanuel Church of God in Christ in Nlacclenn'. Get the better ne os experience s\tli The Baker County Press Mary Lou Stokes dies March 16th Mary Lou Stokes, 64, of Mac- clenny died March 16, 2006 at her residence. She, was born December 14, 1941 in, Glen St. Mary. Mrs. Stokes lived in Baker County all her life. She worked as a caregiver for 16 years and \vas a member of Raiford Road Church. Mrs. Stokes will be remembered as one who enjoyed taking care of people. She was predeceased by parents Estelle S. and Gladys Hodges Pierce. Survivors include children Brenda Bennett (Dennis) of Or- ange Park, Carol Starling of Mac- clenny and Alice Cushman (Dar- ren) of Glen St. Mary; sister Lois Bambry of Macclenny: brother-in- law Ray Bambry of Alachua County: four great-grandchildren and three great grandchildren. A senrice was held March 19 at V Todd Ferreira Funeral Services with Pastors Eddie Griffis and Johnny Raulerson officiating. Burial followed at Mt. Pisgah CemeterN in Suwannee Counts. Thanks for help Our sincere appreciation to everyone \who made our building fund fish fry a success. To our members, families and friends w\ho helped with tickets, cooking, serving and all prepara- tions Thank You! To everyone who purchased and shared our din- ner, and for the manv donations received Thank You! For \'our love and fellowship, priceless. All proceeds \\ent to our building fund. NlaN God bless you all! NM.iNI ;C B \iTJST CliilRC MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunda.o Bible StuJdy 9:45 am F-,ll,,' hslp l: .1: :im 11 I.' amn worship p Services 11.00 am ;' '* \\ed Bible Stiud\ S* ._ 30 pm iMinister Sam F. Kitching D[NKIN5 NEW CONGREGATIONAL ,ETHODIST CHURCH CR 127 N. of Sanderson Sunday school 10:00 am Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am Sunday Night Service 6:00 pm Wed. Night Service 7:50 pm Where Everyone Is Somebody and Jesus is the Leader LVlk) ONE ELCO?.f Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell 4 Baxter Church of God Hv 12 TP7lBtortc- 259-6020 Good Ole' Fashion HOLY GHOST REVIVAL fettirIin TheI I'Pentecotal Expressions arcli 30,31 8- Apil1 1 L 1 tl ,.' 1 I I 1ll l i, '1 I i I1 n Ltl b.' \ (i ult'1 til |i i .1t h %lll1. : llk l OllltLii 0 Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am Morning Worship Service 10:30 am Children's Church 11:30 am Evangelistic 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm Rev Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 Senior Pastor ' David Thomas 259-4940 -1 on r 259-6977 Perry Hays, Associate Pastor Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor Cale Sunday School Sunday AM Worship Sunday PM Services Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting In Memory\ S.of Richard Lee Allen 9/22/1946 3/22/2003 God saw that he was getting tired and a cure was noito be, so He put His arms around him and whispered, "Conme \iti me." it itt tearfuld eyes we watched him ' suffer a ind ade a.av. Although we loved lhin dearly, we would not ask him to qav. A golden heart stopped beaung. hard working hands to rest God broke our heats to prove to uts. He only takes the best. Lco.E. RICH RD ,', HEA'rnER First Baptist Church of Sanderson C R 290 5.. rSander>on IfL Sunday School 10 am Sun. Morning Worship 11 am Sun. Evening Worship 6 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study 7 pm Pastor Bob Christmas CHRISTIAN FELLOWSIHP TEMPLE Independent Pentecostal Church Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Night Service Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday Youth Programs AT RAifORd RoAd ChURCh WE'RE loCATEd ONE MilE SOUT- of 1-10 ON STATE RoAd 121. ChuRch OffiCE 259-6015 JOiN US FOR A qREAT TiME Of pREAchiNq ANd WORship! ' 9:45 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Pastor J.C. Lauramore Welcomes All Vineyard of Love Ministry in Olustee Renzejit ^MIS44~ny for Johnny Burnham with Associate Pastor Tim Thomas 259-4575 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:15 am Sunday School 10:00 am Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm God Kids Sunday 11:00 am God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm www.christianfellowshiptemple.com St. Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL. Sunday School 10-00 am Morning Worship 1 1:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed Evening Prayer Serv. 7.30 pm , Pastor: Oral E. Lyons ,, 4AITH BIBLE" CHURCH New Hope for the Community Five Churches Road Hwy. 127 Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Everv4 *Sunday Night Service 7:00 p.m. Videll Iif Williams -Pastor / Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 S23A o LUur]morl Rd Fargrounds Rd B 2,".A to Laurjnicre Rd & Fiarqr,runds. RI Momma's Angels & other Singers Sat., March 25 at 5:00 pm at the Sanderson Community Center, **Chicken & Rice Dinners For Sale** \\ ith corn. seasoned green beans, rolls & sxeet tea Come en'io' some good home cooking while e you listen to some good anointed singing. Bro. Johnny was diagnosed v. ili cancer several mionihS. ago All proceeds go to him and his family for medical nei:ds and other expenses. For more information contact Pastor Troy Alexander at 259-5567. ,;J -Z TAMOM Mmvbk Mr. Stewart, 68, Arvie Tyson, was a mechanic NEFSH retiree Samuel Perry Stewart, 68, of Macclenny died March 20, 2006 at University of Florida Shands Med- ical Center of Gainesville follow- ing a long ill- ness. He was born August 30,. 1937 in Baker County ad and lived here 'all of his life. / Mr. Stew- art retired af- ter 27 years from North- east Florida State Hospital Mr Stewart where he worked as a maintenance mechan- ic. He was a loving husband and father and loved to fish and work with his hands. Mr. Stewart could fix or build anything and was very creative. He was predeceased by parents James and Bertha Griffis Stewart and son Samuel L. Stewart Jr. Sur- vivors include his wife of 47 years, Mary Jenkins Stewart; sons- Wade and Robert Stewart; daugh- ters Lesia McKinnon, Brenda Kinghom, Ellen Stewart and Lynn Curry; grandchildren Charity, Joey and Timmy McKinnon, Sam and Rachel Stewart, Crystal Lampp,. Erica Kinghorn, Ethan and Gab- rielle Stewart, Jamie, Timothy. Casey. and McKenzie Curr;' sis- ters Ora "Tinkey" Starling and Polly Barton: brothers James "Buckshot" Stewart and William "Billy" Stewart. A funeral service will be held at 3:00 pm on March 24 at the Glen Friendship Tabernacle Church with Pastor Albert Starling offici- ating. Interment \will follow at S Manntown CemeterN. The family will receive friends on Thursday, March 23, 2006 from 6 to S pm at the church. V. Todd Ferreira Fu' neral Services of Macclenny was in charge of arrangements. Toni Taylor, 51 dies March 14 Toni Ka\ Ta\ lor, 51. of Mac- clenny died March 14, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center. She was born in Indiana, Pa., on May 21, 1o5-. Mrs. Ta,\lor lived in Penn- s1lvariia before moving to Florida. She w\as a medical technician at NEFSH. Mrs. Ta\lor also worked for Renaissance Behavorial Health Systems, Inc. of Jacksonville. Mrs. Taylor was predeceased by parents Eugene B. Bricillo and Joann Canale Straub. Survi\ ors include Vernon Eugene "Gene" Taylor of NMacclenny; siblings Elizabeth Merkle (Gus) of Le- vittown, Pa., Dominic Bricillo' (Ruth) of West Palm Beach. Mary. Lynn Bricillo of Campbell, Ohio and Joanna Frieberg (Bob) of S Youngsto\ n, Ohio; nephews Gus and Kurt Merkle, Gino and Car- men Bricillo. A service was held March 18 at V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny. Services in Ohio will be held ata later date: Arvie Elaine Raulerson Tyson, 56, of Glen St. Mary, died March 17, 2006 at North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville, Fla., after an extended illness. She was a native and lifelong resident of Baker County. Mrs. Tyson was a graduate of Baker High School, class of 1968, and retired in 1993 from the NEFSH. She was a mem- ber of New River Congregational Methodist Church in Raiford. Survivors include husband Ken- ny Tyson of Glen St. Mary; par- ents Johnny and Gracie Lee Raul- erson of Macclenny; daughters Amy and Ashley Tyson of Glen St. Mary; sister Catherine "Frosty"' Mathis of Lake Butler. A service for Mrs. Tyson wvas held March 20 at her church with. Revs. Neal Griffis and Jimm\ Scott officiating. Burial follow wed at South Prong Cemetery. GuerrN Funeral Home of Macclenn', \as in charge of arrangements. Justin Walker I of Old Town Judson '"Justin" Wayne Walker. of Old Town, Fla.,'died March 11, 2006 as a result of an auto acci- dent. He was 17 } ears old and was a lifetime resident of Dixie County. Mr. Walker played foot- ball for one \ear and was a mem- ber of the Beta Club at Dixie- County High School. He was predeceased by mother Debbie Johns Walker. Survivors include, father Wayne Walker of Old To\ n; sisters Tammy Martin (Shane) of Macclenn\. Tan\a Shadd (Allen) of NMacclenny; maternal grandparents Kellon and Eilene Johns of Chiefland: pater- nal grandparents Jim and Juanita Millican of Old Town: nephew Wesley Crawford of Macclenny: nieces Alyssa Crawford, Kara Dupree. Cassie Martin. Julie Ann Martin arnd Blair Shadd of Mac- clenn). A service was held March 16 at Rick Gooding Funeral Home of Cross Cit\ % ith Rev. Jake Crav\ e\ officiating. Burial followed at Joppa CemeterN in Fanning Springs. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be m..de to the Di\ie Educ.atilion Foundation for the class of 2007, Judson WaN ne Walker Scholar- ship. In Memory of Brantley Johns 7/7/1964 3/25/2005 People say you left so soon, but our God koit i more than ie. The things in litf thai happen to us, no one can ex- plain but He. lo01 a da, goes by that we don 't think of you. JAist some simple little thoughl of days gone by, you ahd me and the kids. Memories that can't be bouglN. ( ' God has blessed us in so many: ways,i',n sure it would make you snile. The kids and I are doing fine, ive'll see \Oi Ill na lihnle Ihilc. it c knoi all tltings work iogellier Sfor 'od, to those iita lovet while Lord, thati Rotmans n and 2. I quote that Sctipiuri e all the nite. O 0111 hie it fils li si3g1eat. Lo E HEliLl-.. SL .-,' AMANDA Deep appreciation The family\ of Mildred Cra%\ - ford Brinkley \would like to extend a heartful thank wou to the Baker County Sheriff's Office, Guerr\ Funeral Home and Elder Arnold Johns of Glen Hill Primiti e Baptist Church during our time of loss. A special thank 'ou goes to Arlene Raulersun. the ladies of the Baker Count\ School Board and Cal'ary Baptist Church for the abundance of food. We are grateful for the prayers, Sisits, flowers, cards and other gestures of sympathy. Words can- not express hov. much \our thoughtfulness and acts o'fcom- passion % ill al\aJ) s be appreciat- ed. God bless \ ou all with Bro. Keith & Sis. Margie Nix March 26-28 at United Christian Church & Academy 28 W. Macclenny Ave. Midtowne Center on Railroad Ave. Sunday Morning at 10:30 am Sunday Night at 6:00 pm Monday & Tuesday Night at 7:00 pm For more information call Pastor Mitch 259-1199 ii.LI Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 259-4461 Pastor Bobby Griffin r Sunday Scrhool 10 0u arn Sunday Mrnring Wori.hip 11 i0of arm Sunday Evening Wr:.r ip 6 00 pm Welrielildav Prayi'r ,er erv:e 7 u0 prn L L For i cn ,: Iovejm the vvi,,rio, t3i[ he ,.ave I r, i only tiiortenri Son.i [htat w oeri: i:ver ,eli'venir i n hi ,h ul not peri:h, ui hr i .i. d etfverla : rting, l rle Jirin 3. 16 In Memory of Brantley Johns 7/7/1964 3/25/2005 The Final Tear We all have walked rose-strewn paths and wept tears of joy through the years. Then suddenly the dark clouds gath- er, and we cry, "Dear Lord, dry our tears." When days are dark and filled with pain, and we can't find joy in the little things. Tears of joy become tears of sorrow; we become as birds with bro- ken wings. The soul that once soared with hap- piness no longer hears life's jubilant psalm. God can gently wipe tear- dimmed eves and fill our hearts with blessed calm. "Joy conmeth in the morning," we know. Yet we must face the sorrow of today. But we have the assurance in the'; end, God will wipe our final tear away. REVELATION 7. 17 PSALMS 30:5 In Memory of our daughter Gracey Faith Crews 2/17/2005 3/20/2005 ff tears could build a stairniav and memories a lane, I'd walk ightli up to Heat en and bring votu home again. The on/' thing that gi\ es us hope is knouting iite will see you again somne- thy. Not a da\ goes by tlat Youi are not thought ol and missed! LO rE, DDo'L & MOMMY iToinm ', NE, TKR\c:E CREV.)'. * ! * S * S * ,1. - Happy Birthday! Fruin mama & Daddy THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Seven Something for everyone. VyStar Money Market Account Everyone gets a great rate at VyStar. Call us today or stop by one of our 20 convenient branches throughout Northeast Florida VyoStar Credit Union, We never forget that it's your money. (904) 777-6000 www vystarcu.org Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. ..ln r ,:r,., r. ,(.. .. rit U., '. ,i .1 r i -. - P 6 ITj, m e-f 4Init r,-. Z.- Y I) ~'l ii HOME EQUITY SCredit Union DA" PAY TO THE ORDER OF --. ARS-- >/t -t .[^ LOANS FOR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. You don't have to put off the things that are important to you. An affordable Loan check is waiting for you at VyStar so you can live life on your own terms. We never forget that it's your money. Call us today. LOW PAYMENTS NO HIDDEN FEES (904) 777-6000 www.vystarcu.org "- Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. NCUA Alt loans subject to credit approval. -....- Restrictions may apply. VyStar e Credit Union We never forget that it's your money. .J. ,. ZOO6 EIGHTEEN J c, f/ /4C4 I sA eW Ia J ^ Poo/ S1233,. j1n Ap~rIe, wedoiWWI ,A sa'- r THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Eight SR The Rocking Chair Comer The Raulersons 62 years of marriage T.J. and Lyma Raulerson of Macclenny are celebrating their 62nd wedding anniversary. They were married March 17, 1944 in Jackson\ ille. She is the former Ly- ma Fish. Their children are Gale Rhoden (Marcus), Wanda Walker (Mich- ael), Johnny Raulerson (Wanda Sue), Jan Betros (Joe) of Macclen- ny and Tommy Raulerson (Arlene) of Sanderson. The Raulersons have 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. S Mr ..Wl,.hiv ai,ii ,l Surrencv Fall wedding -\ngela Rilce of Macclenny, 1Urr, Surrency of Blackshear, Ga., along with Christa and Alvin Mobley Sr., are pleased to an- nounce the upcoming wedding of their children Kasonya Surrency and Alvin "Luke" Mobley Jr., of Macclenny. The \wedding will be September, 9. 21 (l, at the Agriculture Center. Sing and fish fry Nev. Riter NC Methodist, Church on County Road 125 in.i Union Count', will have a gospel sing and fish fry on April 1. The meal will be se r% ed at 5:30 prq and the singing will begin at 7:00 pm. Carolina Crossmen, a southern gospel singing group, will be fea- tured alone with local singers from the church. . Everyone is invited. For more information call 386-431-1536.; Floyd reunion The Floyd family reunion will be at 7544 South Glern Boulevard oni March 26 at noon. Happy 1st Birthday I e love )ou, Little Man! Love, Nana & Papa (' HAPPY BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY, MIKE & DIANE CRAIG I I Love, Linda ) Member drive at the Chamber The Baker County Chamber of Commerce is starting its member drive on March 30. Shawn East- man and his Buffed Beauties will compete. \with Joel Barber and his Brain Gang to meet the goal of 30 new members. & Ginger Barber,, executive direc- tor and the board of directors invite area businesses and individ- uals to join the Chamber. They are working year-round to make Baker County the best place in Florida in which to live, visit and conduct business. The Chamber is the "-front door" for.the Baker County busi- ness community. Promotional opportunities and networking abil, cities are among the best marketing tools for Chamber members. GOP meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Baker County Republican Par- ty will begin at 7:00 pm on Thurs- day. March 23 at the new% Republi-. can headquarters, 24 South College St. in Macclenny. .All local Republicans are inlit- ed to attend. The meeting w\ ill be followed by a social hour. For more information, call Don Mar- shall at 259-96S. Benefit yard sale The Northeast Florida State Hospital Relay for Life team will hae a fund raiser yard sale this Saturday, at 232 North Seventh, Street in Macclenny from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Come out and support the American Cancer Society and the Relay for Life. ** SA -^ Five-Star * Team * The roof is fixed and the plastic and buckets are stored away. Our sincere thanks go out to our County Commissioners and board of direc- tors, firemen, newspapers, everyone who helped get the roof repaired, and especially to the maintenance crew who actually did the work. The building has also been pressure washed and is now being painted, with a promise of dry insulation and new carpet. Any Medicare recipient who has not signed up for a prescription drug plan needs to do so right away to avoid a penalty. The premium will be higher for anyone who isn't exemp- ted and fails to enroll in a plan by May 15. Those exempt because ihe\ are covered by other insurance need to keep the letter they received from their provider. It is the docu- mentation that will be needed to avoid a late entry penalty if they need to enroll. Anyone who has questions or needs help choosing a plan, call the 259-2" 3 x. 222. Our chair aerobics are at the Senior Center every Tuesday and Thursday, at 11:30 am. Health De- partment trainer. Janika Anderson, is doing a great job and the seniors. lo\ e this activity. Veta Muhr has graciously %olun- teered as coordinator fo: Telephone Reassurance and has tmo at-home recruits. Jewel Lew\is and Betil Woodard making calls. This pro- 'ides daily\ contact with home bound elders to check on their safe- CANCER? Don't go it alone The Baker County Cancer Support Group First Tuesda3 of month Sa7:00 pm Baker Count Health Department Baby Contest & Beauty Pageant nn C n # II, Prize 7 l-.r c'. c r\ on'i Girls-O1i to 24 \ears old Guys-0 to 6 ,Nears old No experience necessary!! DIAAIOND USA 1850)893-5423 call for entr form or email request to dianiondpag(ii'aol.com Come in and see our Bride and Groom Celebration album of fine wedding stationery Elegant stationery in every price range. Trained Consultants to help with any questions, plus a large selection of accessories. THE OFFICE MART 110 South Fifth St., Macclenny 259-3737 BRIDE8eGROOM THE NOBLE KNIGHTS CHAMBER Q LL-S~iTAR TRYOUTS April 29 at 8:30 am 3rd 6th grade 6-7:00 pm 7th & up 7-8:oo pm Call Jill Baker at 4 259-2266 * Where * K Excellence Abounds... ty and deliver needed information. The new program is geared to recruiting older volunteers who are now "at home" a lot themselves but still have a desire to help others. They will call fewer people but on a more frequent basis. Long-time volunteers, Diane Williams and daughter Melanie. Long are coping with family illness. They are greatly missed and in all our thoughts. Linda Bumsed and Gloria Crews are our new food service team in the kitchen. Thanks Archie Crews for all your help and good job on your first meals-on-wheels run. Another new driver, Bill Hughs, is driving one .of the MacclennN routes. Della Nyman and her. crew from Mac- clenny Nursing and Rehab are dri- ving. and delivering a route every day of the week. SENIORS' MENU for the week of March 27-31 MONDAY: Pepper steak, creamed corn. peas. peaches, bread and milk. TUESDAY: Turkey a la kine; scalloped potatoes. beans, applesauce, roll and milk. WEDNESDAY: Beef stew, veggies. apples, cornbread and milk. THUiRSDAY: Grilled chicken and gra\f baked beans, broccoli, cranberr,, sauce,. bread and milk. FRIDAY: Countr\ fried steak v. ith gra%), mashed poitajue,. green beans, pineapple idbiis. cake. bread and mill.. -apiy 1st 5 .ifa-.y, 'zislan 7fendteteon Happy 1st Birthday H yDylan. Love, Grannie Frannie [) Dylan! &PapaMacky / * Table Linens & Chair Covers * Column Sets & Candelabras * Tables & Chairs S* Floral Arrangements SChocolate Fountain S *Much More 259-8397 ,o57 1-6620 p Florida Concrete Services, Inc. * Footers * Foundations * Sidewalks * Driveways eggs A 20B0lc8 [Sji3 -- -------------------- ------------------------------- ---- -- Maggie Rhoden is at Styles by Susie US 90, Glen St* Mary Accepting walk-ins, early & late appointments. Wednesday Friday Call 773-3745 TODAY for an appointment. ** GET $3 OFF WITH THIS AD ** , 0---------------- I----------------- 3/18/06 Matt and Shellie Barber would like to thank their family and friends for sharing their special day. A sincere thank you to Carol and Chuck Alsobrook, Pearl Bradley and most importantly, Eleanor Barber for making it all happen. It was a day we will cher- ish always. We love you, Mom. Help prevent damage from bark beetles, diseases, and wildfire through practices that promote healthy pines. * Thin dense pine stands. * Control understory plant competition. * Minimize tree wounds during harvests. EfWHEMESSS PREVENT S17B 7-7 JPM M r * Use prescribed fire. * Harvest low-vigor stands and replant. * Plant species right for the soil and site. A message from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, the University of Florida/IFAS, and the USDA Forest Service. RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 904-403-4781 cell. 5-611 La iramniore Rd.. MN dcclnn., FL 321163 RR License No 25'.114T ] Parent Meetings March 28th: K 2nd grade 5-6:00 pm " Located by Food Lion on Sixth St. * mm ,( Tk Honor Rolls... WESTSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Principal's List Third Nine Weeks 1st Grade: Boatright- Bryce Donker, Chase Griffis, Brianna McElfresh. Drummond Benjamin Ellis, Tiffany Kenny, Brie Milenchick. Hart- Brooke Bumsed, Chad Collins, Caleb Crews, Collin Crews, Hunter Groves, Jacob Harrell. NMac\ Jackson, Noah Schatz, Owen Taylor. Hilton- Zachary Bingham, Christina Blanks, Grdce Fl), Johnn) Hodges, Logan Monds. Mason- Brianna Chandler,. Shawn Danese, Cameron Jones, Kelly Lawler, Kasandra McCook, Stephanie Stoutenborough, Christ- ian Watkins, Jessica Westerwelle! Murphy- Olivia Bogardus, Amber Denmark, Gannon Godwin, Michelle Malloy, Alexx St.John, Cody Thatcher. Roach- Charlie Anderson, Mia Fish, B.J. Hagan, Maegen Miller, Taylor Miller, Christian Pritchard. Sands- Mackenzie Arial, Mallory Cain, Kaytlin Crews, Miranda Dehart, Mallory Godwin, Erica Hartley, Dusty Langeberg, Mallory Mobley, Mason Mosley, Landon Peterson, Heather Pietrowski, Gavin Register, Karly Richardson, Meara Lynn Tarte, Kate Walker. Sheridan- Jenna Ellis, Dametra Gibson, Mason Harvey, Amelia'Loubani, Jordan Norton. smith- Sierra Ahrens, April Crews, Matthew Crews, Payton Goodman, Roderick Haygood, Christopher Touchton. Starling- Desiree Bingham, Bailey Cook, Savannah Crews, Lani Foster, Michael Tolbert, Saige Wilson. Thomas- Ashton Carter, Christy Crews, Hope Fly, Kel ev Sirkiklri.n. Amber Taylor, Jesslyn Williams. 2nd Grade: Crews- Ashly McMahan, .Oh1 ia Spr. Katlynn Schlarbaum. Duval- Kristyn Carter, Ashley Thompson, Sheldon Griffis. Elledge/Jacobs- Hunter Bumsed, Brook Chambers, Ben Crawford, Kaylan Davis, Tyler Groves, Tucker Hart, Dalton Jones, Rhett McKendree. J,,rdan Par.ke. Corley Sweat, Melanie Sweat, Rose Thompson. Gonzalez- Brach Duk. main. L,-gan Campbeli Greet. Taylor Brown, Shelby Crews, Callie Elledge, Grace Jones, Alexis V.endel Hannah \\ ikir..on HHand- Jarrett Barton, Jessie Cox, John Anthony Crawford, Andrew Dehart, Kellen Dobson. Mlari Elizabeih Elledge. Katelynn Flandreau, Marcus Godbold, Dylan Irish, Mondrell Jefferson, Shilbie Mlnin, NMacl MN-I Duffie, Larry Morris, Cody Ratliff, Owen Register, Bethany Richardson, Blake Rnberns J..an Robin-. son, Ashley Suggs, Bailee Tumer. Hurst- Brandon Harris, Robi.ie Mdlrin .lamcv- Jusyin Hardee. Bnran Hoffman, Zachary Johnson. Lancaster- Andrea Pearl, Shyanne Shumate, Sydney W'illiams. Rhoden- Deanna Maxwell. Stafford- Rachel Hairison, James Nelson, Elizabeth Stiers. 3rd Grade: Adams/Hite- Jackie Anderson, Jessica Harrell, Emily Martin, Allison Monds, Karlie Payne, Jesslyn Sands, Bradley Sellers. Milton- Sadie Sibley, Tyler Trail. Payne- Cltlaonr Buireu. Gra- son Cain, Matthew Chisholm, Haley Crews, Lexis Fortner, Mason Loadhol:. Summer NIcCav. Alexandra Paulk, Alee Pringle, Gracemarie Rhoden, Jacob Stalvey, Callie Wheeler, Videll Williams. Wendel- Karrigan Benton, Jared Stafford. Williams- Maegan Gerac, .k- .ic., Pilkingron. Aaron White. Honor Roll Third Nine Weeks 1st Grade: Boatright- Sierra Aldy, Casey Curry, Katelyn Johnson, Shanoa Murch, Dean Murray, Kayilin Robinson, Trad Seymour, Brianna Williams. Drummond- Dusrti. H;gg inbolhramn. Kaiiln ILi. Koby Williams. Hart- Corey Adams, Jacob Anderson, Lily-Anne -D.r, d Blaur Fnle%. M lc) Pa.ne.. Kelsey Wilcox. Hilton- Courtney Baldwyn, Clay Brassart, Kasyn Givens, Tristan Jewell, Jamie-Lynne Raulerson, Alexus Reed. Mason- Jacob Bender, Dylan Lewis, Bailey Pisani, James Smith, Ridge Stew- art, Dalton Thomas, Bryar Zimmerman. Murphy- Mi,.r.n Fi.:.i. DaDir.orij Hud-on Owin Maanrhews.' Dakota McLarty, Braxton Moore, Jesslynn Myers, i-,le.. P.nerfield R..,.i D% Ian Herring, Kelsey Nash, Christina Perez, Jared Raulerson, Jacob Wallstedt. Sands- Avery Norman, Breah Pelfrey, Nate Taylor. Sheridan- Amber Comb.,. Timuorh,. Cu,-r Thum,a Er. in. E,'cV Flku,'l;ic. Priker Holman,. Johnathan Kincheloe, T.,Je Long, C(ailhn Pmrnh,. Charll. Pcjc.,k, 1,,t, 'Perri ifan -snth. Amanda Craig, Brianna Davis. Eugerne Farmer Kajl,.n Golden. Drth' \\eaieii, e rlhnc- Diilon Bileau\, Sarah Hicks, Zachary Kork.-- .nki Thari.-,. DI .Adm,.. Njh.iri F..her. Cii.ii n Parker H lrni.,n Prc_-ia. Shailey Rhoden. 2nd Grade: Crews- Keith Conner. Duval- Xshr..in Allord. JI.c Rcrnir Etk.d,;I: .,ich,.- Ahbgal Carpenter, Taylor Carrington, Madison Combs. CuJlir, Cr'..1'rd H-,leih CiJi.fid Rachel D1i,. Hannah Harvey, Samantha Hinson, Colby HoJgdc.. ITnian Luram ore P.,i',on Parke Gram Fc'Pci.ro. Austin Rhoden, Deandre Ruise. Gonzalez- CGa- t Srjrling K, le Srdma cr.n.' B;O1 Cr--..- Zichars Dehart, Jeremiah Iverson, Megan Lauramoic Chri.i n P'dcen. I.c T, Il,'.i HaidJ Peu.n iHo.Aell. Garrett Stavely, Kate Whitehead. Hurst- Ale\is Co. nrt. I..m-,,c Denm ,ak B',le\ Ed..-.rd Jjiffm, Midyette, Dalerha Page. Jordan Sommise; TI\lef To.-. n.%nid .iau-..- Bo ndle C'illa.a'.. Samaniha Pearl, Micahl Ruise, Jacob Schmeh), Hunter Ri-c. Tl Io \\ali:.n Lauti,.r.- Brn in Clak. Gd,,on" Fernandez, Ty ria Ha.g,.d. Rik.ii Lajr, .n Dali-,n Norman. Er.' Rge, Kay,.e Sands, Shawn Sapp. Rhoden- Greg Ell,.. Rachd- Sch..n.arz Sti;..-.t- Sh:annr:r, D,.,linm Bridgcii Gillman .onaTiihn HiJdges Jamie Oakes, Wesley Siemering. I \ ., " 3rd Grade: Adams/Hite- Jarrett Bro.'. Morgan Burner, e. Ic. Crews, Kaitlin Hance, Brandon Har. e,. Bo Hodges, Jordan Kennedy, Molly Kerce, Jacob Milton, Hannri N-.., k-n. Mfdi .-. Roberts,, Kayla Sampley, Julia Schatz, Jay Westerwelle, Donelle Williams C r,-l, Yar,)wt1-o h Bran- James Baldenegro, Frank Crain, Katherine DeWoiKc Maka,la kicfer.,:r,. leer. Mclnt;.c.h. Elijz.chel, Moslc,, KimrnStoutenborough, Elena Tomas Linr Emil, G(-..n- G,nrclt MeNlei; R'.an :iak.3,-,. TairierOrberg. Milton- Desirea Barton, Austin Bumsed, Danielle De.-..lfc \lme-h:, Doniad-un. Ku\lvn D)al, Daion Higginboiham. T'ler Rauler.'n Kala Smilh. Lg-,r T'iL ,'.i F -a Mallr.,n Chi.aunce AprI Ha r'c, C,:.l\ Hatho:,\. Djamnd Kru-e Jj..e Smith (O.il. lei arim'jr, sop.e. T"ne ll -ellern,. Courine, Comi.. Dream\ Sic.., n. Chase \ right. ilcnl.i- Tnrien Ba n.n, Ryan Bumsed, Baylee Croft, Steven Edwards, Kalyn Ingram, Ma, i l-Jri..,nir Sitier, \\alir..,r White- S\dn-, C..re[i Richel Edgy, Tara Pickett. Williams- Dillan Cullen, Reggie Givens, Mitchell Hartley, Amanda Jagondriik, Chris Mattox, Hale Reed. Da,,mni Sneud. WyattWorley. L MACCLENNY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -Principal's List Third Nine Weeks Ist Grade: Bre-der, Bjker. 'ian. B.:,,en, Hunter Brittain, Hannah Cain, Avery Canaday, Delaine Combs, Logan Combs, Dalton Crews, Tannis Crews, Julia Doiron, Meagan Dugger, Peyton Eastman, Sidnie Fauble, Michael Fisher, Carley Gray, Jordan Griffis, Alyssa Guidash, Austin Hartley, Rosie Helms, Rena Howie, Shelby King, Kelsey Kitchens, Will Livingston, Lindsey Love, Hunter Meadows, Dominique Nixon, Elizabeth Pinkston, Samantha Rabon, Sydney Raulerson, Will Rhoden, Tiffany Samaroo, Evan Scott, Blair Shadd, Hunter Shannon, Josie Shay, Boaz Simmons, Austin Starling, Dakota Stitsinger, Chaise Taylor, Jesse Taylor, Emily Tedesco, Jacob Waltman, Errol Whitfield, Daw- spn Williams, Johnnie Sue Williams, Jadyn Yarborough. 2nd Grade: Angel Allaire, Tyler Brown, Brianna Bryant, kr-r lin Bsi,. Zackary Carr, Dominic Combs, Hunter Davis, Kyle Dji s Sieph-en Eldridg Ian Finn, Dawson Fraser, Caleb Griffin, Emily Harris, Ty Hartley, Alyssa Johnson, Jack Koburger, Jake K...bu ice ri, flK ., LaPointe, Jordan Lau- ramore, Khalil Lee, Layne McClellan, Ricki Mitchell, Matthew Morgan, Angelica Paulson, Savana Rhoden, Shea Robinson, Annih..ni Simmons, Brea Smith, April Stitsinger, Kaylee Thick, Alyssa' Thompson, Zachary Truluck, Bailey Tyson, Grai ,,n \ :igr laf Sydnee Watson, Brittany Webb, Kasey ,er-er. Andie., \k ilki,r,.:ri,Colton Yeager. " 3rd Grade: Xngel ellaire, Kristin Bussey, Matthew Butcher, Jaime Carroll, Jacob Carter, Keith Conibs, Ashton Goethe, Carolyn Hatcher, Ridge-Home, Eib 1, Tuhn ir,. A- ,ii. Michitsch, Lailan Pad- gett, Angelica Paulson, Ruger Raulerson, Hannah Rodgers, Brea Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Anna Stallings, Kaylee Thick, Forrest Waldron, Dannielle Wilkerson, Cameron Wilson. Honor Roll Third Nine Weeks 1st Grade: James Barton, Asha Blue, Hayleigh Boatright, Morgan Bowman, Jonathan Carter, Heather Case, Elizabeth Clark, Elizabeth Crews, Zachary Crockett, Amber Dash, Alyssa Davis, Kait- lyn Davis, CaitlynFish, Emily Gray, Cassandra Guajardo, Marcus Harper, Ashlyn Hodges, Jada Jack- son, Shantenay Jackson, Ashlynn Johnson, Emily Johnson, Hannah Johnson, Katelyn Johnson, Austin Keene, Madison Kennedy, Daryl, Klotz, Cheyenne Krauss, Christian Lee, Trevor Leftwich, Nicole Lowery, David McCauley, Taylor McNeil, David Meyers, Cam'ron Mobley, Jayla Moody, Landen Nevill, Seth Paige, Eric Parker, Nick Phagan, James Phillips, Hunter Retcho, Courtney Sapp, Hunter Smallwood, Alexis Stewart, Matthew Stewart, Steven Tanner, MaKayla Tennison, Jacob Thrift, Dalton Vonk, Trestany Wilkerson, Paxton Wilson. 2nd Grade: Israel Alexander, Na'eem Battles, Ashley Bezares, Donavon Bryant, Dylan Burnham, Zachary Cannon, Travion Clayton, Steven Collinigwood, Kolton Conner, Kelsea Crain, Brooklyn Cirews, Brittani Crockett, Johnnie Davis, Kristine Finkle, Destiny Gainey, Dillon Gill, Collyn Green, Luke Hage, Jesse Hall, Kenny Hall, Shania Hill, Jillian Hodges, Shawn Holland, Melody Holt, Por- shua Jefferson, Matthew Johns, Shelby Johns, Angel Johnson, Taylor Knapp, Morgan Eagle, Morgan Lee, Cody Martin, Danny Mathis, Duncan McClellan, Keith McLemore, Kate Meadows, Ricki Mitchell, Cheyenne Monfort, Alex Neidermeier, Jackson Neri, Crews Orender, Kelsey Owens, Rachel Price, Ashton Ray, Dawson Robbins, J.D. Roberts, Caitlan Rose, Kendall Sealey, John Stewart, Jonathan Welch, Daelyn Young. 3rd Grade: Samantha Baxter, Jacob Bennett, Kyle Berg, Landon Boyette, Dylan Clark, John Collingwood, Isaiah Danielowicz, Keltni Daivis, Sydney Dopson, Chase Drury, Megan Durham, Megan Farmer, Kasey Graves, Travis Hall, Louis Handte, Austin Hile, Eric Howard, David Johnson, Savannah Karnes, Katie Keen, Mandy Keene, Tyler Kreutz, Laura Lee-Hayden, Rachel Long, Rebekdh Long, Cody Mathis, Daniel Midyette, Jonathan Mobley, Amber Nettles, Natalie Nettles, Cody Nipper, Brandon Parker, Zachary Rafuse, Jarett Raulerson, Corey Rife, Thomas Rollins, Siearra Sanders, Vic- toria Sapp, Elizabeth Shuman, Deanna Summey, Joseph Thomas, Mikeya Washington, Brandon Wheeler, Brianna Whiting, Reed Williams, Autumn Wingate, Garrett Yarborough. 7- N>__- American Enterprise Bank Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. KELLER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Principal's List Third Nine Weeks 4th Grade Sydney Albino, Kasey Alford, Dalaney Arabie, Laura Armstrong, Melissa Baker, By- ron Barton, Kelsey Berry, Amy Bradley, Hunter Chambers, Tyler Cole, Emily Collins, Michael Dana, Kirsty Dewit, Taylor Dopson, Forrest Elledge, Hawke Forbes, Grant Gregory, Anthony Griffis, Bran- den Harden, Reginald Hayes, Abigail Hinson, Brittany Rose Hodges, Brittni Taylor Hodges, James Johns, Randall Johns, Lexy Knabb, Tyffany Krausse, Shelby Kuhr, Michael Kuster, Shelby Mechum, Mason Mobley, Lauren Myklebost, Joshua Nichols, Kaden Orender, Malory Osteen, Kiala Pigott, Chelsea Rhoden, Tommy Rollins, Kimberley Samaroo, Kirsten Starling, Kevin Thomas, Wylie Utke, Tyler Wendel, Hunter Williams, Mackenzie Wingard. 5th Grade Casey Billings, Sarah Brookens, James Brookins, Kristian -Bumham, Rachel Cham- bers, Victoria Chisholm, William Clarkson, Corey Craig, Megan Crawford, Bethanie Crews, Charlotte Crews, Dillon Crews, Korie Crummey, Bronson Davis, Jessica Davis, Haley Dopson, Lacey England, Mariah Givens, Dustin Haller, Mary Hart, Bridget Higginbotham, Samantha Johnson, William John- son, Ashley Lafaso, Johnathan Lamb, Falon Lee, Daniel Lilly, Karlie Manning, Daulton McKelvey, Regan McKendree, Emily Meadows, Lilly Neal, Devin Norman, Shanice Paige, Megan Powell, Jordan Railey, Amber Richardson, Benny Richardson, Christopher Richardson, Brooke Roberts, Levi Sapp, Autumn Smith, Kaylan Stafford, Dimitri Standberry, Madison Stephens, Erick Stoutamire, Brooke Taylor, Morrissa Taylor, Allison W\agiaff. Ashley Wheeler, Nathan Whisman, Jaden Williams, Stephanie Yaccarino. 6th grade- Brianna Gray. Honor Roll Third Nine Weeks 4th Grade John Adams, Lawrence Albritton, Joshua Allen, Shelley Allen, Lewis Alligood, Mlegan A-derr., '.an Biren, K.,unr,. Berinen Candi:- Blank;. Da.D d B.Id.,. I,. Mic,.,l Boone, Tyler Br idd\. Siephcn Brrnile, KasIla Br.s n. TeI arra BrirAi.- Ar.,an Bumd C:, rntr,, Cams, Timothy Chance Ti, lor Cla in,. rh,,ma Coker. Saiah Collins Rot.en C.,oo. Ma-arc C.:.oper, Kaitlyn Corder. S aanha Co, Jared Cri'e, Kiie Daca. Mnranda Da ... Ar;ana E-...a- Sjarh Fjai.-ci. Kee- &an Freu--,ni. Palmer Ferguson. M,.kl Floa.;e. Sha3la Gi.en_.. K.icen Gr.si. .sara Gr.,n. Denisha Grif-- fin. Stephanie GCiner, Reba Gu.n. Ra!.hodd Had.le,. TalIor Hirc,ck. Mlel.enzi, Hand Emmie Harris, Brandi Harrison, Clara Har e,..-.\mber Harin. KimberlI Hille NlMercr HI-i.. K\irC Holton, Jordyn Hunter, Branda Jar. is Nici J.,lrdan. NMadic n Knabb, ..Athl Kn app Ju i-ce La Brjndle Lee, Colton Lee, Arrica Lightsey, Tyquand Major. u-.inn Mallard, Malnsh,. MaNnuc,. C Aiir, Ma.,n. (, Chik, Mead- ows, Brandon Miller. Cody Miller, Shirm Miller. Kdeley Murrph,. Morgan Riles. DJiiclk Rjulerson, D,lanr, Rauleri,-n. Ka,la Rhoden, L.a-Tera Robinion. Dillan Ro,,c. -lIh1ah Ruisr. Chrinioprier Rush- irg Checl a, Sanderson. Breianna Supp,. Mikala Schaefter Rachel Sibles. Ca-e\ Siger.. Cudy Sim- mons, Matthew Smith, Sarah St. John. Brookel\n Stail.ng. K Ic Stepihenior Smaniril. Sic--.an. Sarah Sirohmrez, Mason Sweat, Miranda Tanner. Cody.:v TLI. Genie Ta il.. Sieen T.nlar. Jlulu Tedesco, Icioria TIhare. Shana T'h,:man. Kaihrn Thompson Madi',on Thl,-,mip:'on i uarell Turner tephjine Tr ardos Austin Wi\rnr. Jolonda \\ai, A\mber 'eliamrn. Sarah \\ lker-.:.n Jotn illiam. Brandon \ din,. Desun\ vaih,"oui'l ,, 51h Grade DolDen Ackelr-ar,. Bclhun., .\ddi-_or.. Ta', .lor Adki.rn Nlichacla Ainil D.,,.,d Baker, T\lir Bald n. A-hieigh Behm-i. Hunkir Bell Paurick Berr. IDanll.e Bl..'.. Cha.i Birannn. Amanda Brunilc%. Britanna Bridenbikr. De.ank Bro,:,n Joshalr., Br,:.-.no S,-on Biuikhaill C,.dvy ialvert, NM.iahic-.. Caner, ChelcJ Cai.,. Jiohniarlhn Caulci. Garre l Clrd,J. Z.jcr, CI.llin. Dllor. Conger, Is,_ Cxpei Je.,ica CJbiree, (:.d\ Cr,..--.. Cr srijl Cr.,th MNrk l-. D_ .A. -.drci: DcmTipf:, Casey Dinikm.. Aril D .oin. Richard D b,.lib. Brni.u, Dgger.. I.u.r,n Edd,.i- Brianr.r F.mand,'J Bitin., Greer Hunfer Hank. Sjuia Harrell Colt., Hirrin:, Tlhom HJ.ie:. I.;.-hu, Hill ( I,.- lilj Hih ,r. K 'j,la Holland. la)ne ie.ne H.:Hllinig. Shahn t Irniiri- ., Jorden hI.ne.. Sktphanr,,. Keri em s,.lh:ni Kirrri-:,rn Re- hbec, kni.hreloe Elzahe Kir., LSk'.ler Lane. Mle\l.I Luane. ladlk LcC. nert[r, LeL- D... ;.-' L.onr Jacqueliine Long. Cl.Ia l,n L\on.. D\ian lManiin tDan,:, McDo. Cell ,Ch,,.opi,:r.: MiMaai:,,-. Heather MIcNuu. Blake Mill.. Lc.lec MNoormin Siephanic Nill. Britianm, N..,Tr .I.. .. M:.rh.... Ne.dFr-mertef Baleigh Nipper. lirhnth.in N..inh. M.md., iO ke-. Th.oma, Oi 'cr, I ,., in, PA derh c Mljrq, P-jig L.oin Paige Ann.a P.i... T lrr Ph e.:n. Eri.ca Pl.l.cher. C-l.i. R.mi r ..,,i R.-c a RJulerr,,.' Tr or., Ralhumr. Metrcd:A Rhid:..Jcn. Shioh Rirh id,,..n Lauren R.h,-bR .r .h.c., R...I-.I,-,. -c. r R,..dj ,e-,hrr, C.let R...,i.ger Bru., Supp. M.,thr.,'. Scoe Co hr Iophir S llkr-. Smmi'.I -r Spa-S k k iler Sr. Ie .,- ., Sile ,cn. ra.. T t S10c.an,-. .lame.r S-. i. C hiar, r.ine B ,riti, Rjc. Ta,,I..r i-ha i'j-. l..r hii, .irj u ,.,r Ha-i jir T il.-i Tin r., Fi,,.-philc Cuoi. Tli.mp-.-n t..,N r, TI;...nri..- Br-.ol.c \ in.:crl Brii ,,i \<. I -', rn,. D\lE r. 1 r, iteLre Chl ,,an,.ie \\ Il,,,-.. Elrhjn \\ ilki -.:.n. C ,, ,lr ,i i ,,m-. D r, u. \\ i l-' .n Conservation district poster, speech contest held April 6 The Baker Soil and \Water Conseration District will host a Speech and Poster Contest '.ith the theme How Can Florulians Be Water .Wise. The contest '.\ill be held on April 6 at 6 pm at the Baker Count\ Aricultural Center. The contest is designed' to develop leadership through partici- pation in public speaking activities and .lirnul.tte intcre-t in conser'-- Sin our natural resources. The speech contest is open tb students in 6th through 12th erade In honors group Allison Denise Mixon of Mac- clenny, a freshman student at Mer- cer University in Macon, Ga., was recently inducted into the Phi Eta Sigma national honor society., \Ms. Mixon is a graduate of Baker County High School and the daughter of Grey and Robin Mix- on. She is enrolled in the Stetson School of Business atl Mercer. The poster contest is open to stu- dents in kindergarten through 12th grade. First place winners will participate in the Area III As- sociation of Florida Conservation Districts Speech and Poster Con- test on May 9 in Macclenny. Registration forms, rules and guidelines are available at the, Baker Soil and \\;iter Conserva- tion Office which is located at the, Baker County, Agricultural Ccnit r or by calling 259-271,6. All regis- trations are due by March 31. SIGN.SHARKS Complete Electrical Sign Company Manufacturing, Repair Face Replacement & Custom Graphics Call UsForAll iYour Sigriag Needs 904-766-6222 wwx.si!,nsharks.com Country Club Lounge's WEEKLY EVENT SCHEDULE Monday Night DJ Request - Thursday Karaoke with Jimmy Barton Pool Toutirnament Tuesday DJ Request Karaoke Contest $50 Prize Friday 6-8 pm Dance Lessons with Justin $10/hr. 9-2 pm Live Band Wednesday Pool Tournament $10 entry fee Ladies' Night Saturday 6-8 pm Dance Lessons with Justin $10/hr. DJ Request * acce 29-03 - ~ -- Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 2r LENDEVr THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Nine R.K. Muse Construction, Inc. CUSTOM HOMES Residential & Commercial New Construction Framing Remodeling Additions 259-2006 545-8316 cell. .Keith Muse, Owner CBC#1250391 " Call Locally 259-2313 or YToll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb Our h. r,,,m i. conm enien I I.ocaied at the inlre.ecLion ,:,f H%, I 121 andUS Li S i ndov..nLo n Macclenn :, ,, ,, 3 ]," i 'nt d ntl indlratcl..m, 2006 Election Dates Primary Election September 5, 2006 General Election November 7, 2006 Voter Registration Book Closing Dates Primary Election Augusr 7, 2006 General Election October 10, 2006 LOCAL OFFICES UP FOR RE-ELECTION Count' Commissioner District 2 County Commissioner District 4 County Judge School Board Mlember District 2 School Board Member District 3 ARE: I * I School Board Member District 4 QCl..Iri in-, d-iat' f...r all [udical, Fderld, Stre Attorney & Public Defender candidates: Begins at noon, T\ Inia ,S 2006 and ends at noon, May 12, 2006. 1 Qualifying date for all statewide, multicounty, counr, ard district candi- dates: Begins at noon, July 17, 2006 and ends at noon.riJuly 12, 2006. I Nita D. Crawford, Supervisor of Elections 1 I WE'RE BACK IN OUR OFFICE! THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 104 South Fifth St., AMnIccle1nn Hours: 9:00 am 5:00 pm We would like to thank everyone for their patience during the renovation. Bakci County 'S Circulation Leader Since 1929! 'k- I I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Page Ten 'Read that!' said the Cat in the Hat BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff The birthday of Dr. Seuss, world renowned author and illus- trator of children's books, was March 2nd. Bonnie Jones, reading coach and tutor at the PreK-Kindergarten Center, was inspired to use the anniversary of the author's birth- day as. a focus for classroom in- struction. Ms. Jones, who is also The 2006 Baker County District Teacher of the Year, arrived for class that day dressed as The Cat in the Hat, prob- ably Seuss's most famous character. Her costume included whiskers, tall red and white hat and long feline tail. The "Cat" was accompanied by other Seuss characters, Thing One (teaching assistant Lettie Crews) and Thing Two (teaching assistant Tammy Brownlee) who delighted the children in their matching bright orange suits and bright blue wigs. Thing One and Thing Two used grease pencils to decorate the stu- dent's faces with. cat noses and whiskers. The students participated as well in dressing the part as they donned the floppy cloth cat hats. Paper cat hats were also made by many of the children. The day's reading lessons fo- cused on learning word families, which are groups of words that rhyme. Rhyme is a simple but', powerful tool in the teaching of language instruction, and is enjoy-. able for children. An. example of a word family: hat, cat, at, bat, sat, that, gnat, rat. Rhyme, similarity of spelling and repetition make it easy for children to learn to recognize words and assimilate them into sentences: An example of a word family used in sentences would be: a cat wore a hat. and a rat swung a bat then they both sat and that was that Dr. Seuss (real name Theodor Geisel), who utilized word fami- lies constantly in his work, began his writing career for children after reading an article in a 1954 issue of Life Magazine concerned with the illiteracy levels of children in the United States. The number one reason for children's low reading levels, according to.the article, was that reading was not fun. Seuss's publisher challenged him to write a fun children's book, using only 220 words. The Cat in the Hat was the re- sult. Seuss' extensive collection of books remains one of the most uti- lized sources of children's reading material in the world, Tlie Cot in the IHat LErrowiided w her little cats. From ILAhftBlcake Dicks~. Dlon/Gu.', Gwr,,, .1huz iKroft,- TCLOIC' I~,i on.~ a Kites in the sky over Westside BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff It's a breezy March morning at Westside Elementary. The sky is blue and filled with fast moving clouds what Winnie The .Pooh would have called a "blustery day." And just as Winnie The Pooh knew, the students at Westside also know that this is perfect weather for fl) ing kites. Kite Day is an annual event at the Glen St. Mary school and was started more then ten years ago by Michele Yaracs, the head of the., physical education department. Yaracs and her assistant Katie Rhoden plan and coordinate the day for flying kites and hold the event with the help of the school's resource teachers. "Parents are a big part of Kite Day," said Ms. Yaracs as she looks around the busy field while grown ups help children hoist kites into the breeze and assist with untan- gling knotted string. Yaracs herself has a pocket filled with colorful, plastic streamers which she doles. out if a kite looses its tail. She attaches a handful of the streamers to a tail-less kite as a child excitedly waits. "O.K.!" she says. "You're ready to launch! A delighted child takes off, squealing with excitement as the kite climbs. Students bring their own kites for the event, but teachers have some extra ones on hand just in case someone forgets. As many as five classes file onto the field east of the school at once. Kites of every shape, color and description fill the air. A huge kite, Runs off with beer Deputies searched a neighbor- hood off West Boulevard in Mac- clenny early on March 14 shortly after a suspect ran off with two 12- packs of beer from the BP station and convenience store on US 90. The store clerk said a white male entered the store about 3:25 and went to the beer cooler, then hurriedly exited while a female companion held the front door open for him. Moments earlier the clerk un- locked the door from her protected area to let the two suspects in. She had locked it while cleaning the floor, a policy at the all-night store. She told the police the two ran north on Boulevard. In other thefts reported to the sheriff's department the past week, a boat and trailer valued at $500 were taken from a barn outside the residence of Don White off Bob Kirkland Road overnight on March 16. Guardians get certified by the national group The Guardian ad Litem pro- gram in the Eighth Judicial Circuit that includes Baker County was recently certified by a national child advocate organization. The National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Asso- ciation said the circuit complied with "rigorous' qualt, assurance standards." "This certification says we have demonstrated a strong capacity to provide excellent services to the 950 children we are currently rep- resenting, said Clarkson Cantrell, director of the Gainesville-based program. The program trains and places volunteers to represent abused and neglected children who have come under the jurisdiction of the courts. Seven-year-old Charlie Anderson gets a hand with his Ninja Turtle kite from resource teacher Sue Matthews at the annual Westside Elementary Kite Day event last Friday. Photo by Kelley Lannigan looking like a stained-glass butter- fly, spirals upward and nearly lifts the tiny girl attempting to control it off the ground. Two other girls with matching kites in 'the shape of bright pink dolphins run in unison, shouting encouragement to each other. Charlie Anderson, who is dres- sed for the occasion in a green Hawaiian shirt with black palm tree patterns, gets a little help from resource teacher Sue Matthews when the string of his green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle kite gets tangled. S"I love kite flying," says Charlie, his face serene. 'I like to see it go so high up in the sky where I can't go." Participating in Kite Day is especially meaningful for Charlie, who at age 7, has survived multi- ple, extensive heart surgeries. The kids enjoy this so much," says Yaracs. "They love doing something during the school day with their parents. For many of the children, this is the first time they have ever flown a kite." COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN GLEN ST. MA\LRY Contact Myrtle Taylor 0 653-4402 ()tr all \'OLI I ending and financial needs. US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary Office 653-4401 Well Drilling \\atuer Sfrteners & Purification Septic Tanks Drain Fields ~ Culverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS Licensed in Florida & Georgia VISA MasterCard American Express, Discover / Woodlawn Kennels Quality Professional Care S PICK-P 59-4757 DELIVERY Private Spacious *Indoor/Outdoor Runs .Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom .... .$14-$20 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip ..,. ... .$10-$15 Boarding (per actual day) . . .... .$5-$7 Perry Sheet Metal Inc. Commercial/Res idenntial Roofing Contractor Metal Roofing Sales & Installation ** 12 Colors 26 & 29 gauge panels Classic rib or standing seam pan , 25 to 30 .ear warranty Architectural Shingles ** Roof & Gutter Maintenance & Inspection ** Vinyl Siding. Soffit & Fascia '. ** Sheet Metal Fabrication ** Darrel G. Perry Jr 7061 Fred Perry Rd., Glen St Mary 591-7851cell. 259-1252 CRIME DOESN'T PAY BUT WE DO! Rewards up to $1,000 for your tips Remain anonymous Call Toll Free P E R S ca, -o, Iroo 1-866-845-TIPS (8477) Congratulations Graduates! SLet us provide you z iti m Announcements, Name.Cards, open House Cards, Tzankyou Notes, Naplns, and more f1otCar sonFCraft ! THE OFFICE MART 110 South Fifth St., Macclenny 259-3737 I 4 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 NCAA Toumey lives up to 'March Madness billing Gators head north after wins in Jax I've been glued to the televi- sion set this weekend watching the NCAA basketball champi- onship tournament. I love March Madness because it so easily fits that trite: label. It really is. quite unlike any other sporting event across the world. The Super Bowl and the World Cup have bigger audiences, but nothing quite matches the fervor of NCAA playoffs. It's estimated that across the US, $3 billion in productivity will be lost over the three weeks of the tournament due to workers checking brackets and e-mailing co-workers.and fid- dling with pools. I'm not doing any of that, but I am pretty rabid about watching the playoffs, and my wife, who is a tremendous basketball fan is even more so. She was particular- ly vocal when her beloved Gators were playing. "Look at those empty seats," she yelled, scowling. "I could have been there. I can't believe there are empty seats. Why aren't I there?" There were indeed empty seats in the Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville for both the games in which the Gators took,part. I find that hard to believe. I'd have been there if I my drama production wasn't running at the high school. The Gators won a tight one against South Alabama and a much easier game against Wis- consin-Milwaukee. They domi- By Bob Gerard Sports Columnist nated the paint in both games and' Joakim Noah was outstanding in all aspects of the game rebound- ing, scoring, blocking shots and passing. He was the most domi- nant player on the court. The rest of the Gators were no slouches, either. They will travel to Minneapolis this week to face Georgetown. 1I am a fan of the and the SEC in the number of schools still in contention. Who'd have figured that? Well, the guys who made the selection of the 65 teams' and got so much heat for it. They must. have been smugly smiling as the games played out in the early rounds. It's clear that they knew a lot more about what they were do- ing than I did. So, who will advance to the Elite Eight'? I'd go with LSU in a squeaker over Duke. They have the size and Duke hasn't been that domi- The Super Bowl and the World Cup have bigger audiences, but nothing quite matches the fervor of NCAA playoffs. Hoyas, but I will, of course, root for the Gators. I have had to eat my words this week. I was one of those people that scorned the pick of so many Missouri Valley and Colonial Conference schools. But Bradley %walloped mighty Pittsburgh to ad- vance to the Sweet 16 against Memphis. Lowly George Mason triviaa time: George Mason, the man, '\as a signer of the Declara- tion .of Independence) whacked defending champion.North Car- olina 65-60 to face Wichita State. In Bradley and Wichita State the Missouri Valley. Conference matches the Big East, the ACC nating. Florida over Georgetown on the strength of their inside game. Wi"chita State over George Mason, and Memplhis over Bradley. Gonzaga should beat UCLA. Villano\a \ill defeat for- mer Big East foe Boston College. Connecticut, arguably the most powerful team left in the tourney should defeat Washington. I'm hoping West Virginia beats Texas for the sake of Press pub- lisher Jim McGauley, whose brother-in-law, is the Mountaineer coach. But think the Horns will pull it out. But who really knows? That's what's so much fun about all this. Noah's reputation is on upward arc I'm such an expert on college basketball that I've been able to avoid winning any NCAA tourna- MIcham ment pool since 1986. It hasn't been easy; you'd think by random Spor chance one of the several pools I' play each year would fall my way. Nonetheless, I'm crazy about the game and spent four days last week in a hoop stupor watching the nation's best sports event unfold in all its bracket-busting glory. I didn't see every single game'- I missed a few. while at the Gators' game Thursday -: but w watched at least parts of most. So from that perspecti ke, here are some random obser' nations from the Big Dance. Best player Florida's Joakim Noah. Nobody can match hisJ combination of height, agility,. court sense, defense,. shooting. rebounding, passing, ball handling and ,es, despite his brittle appearance, his toughness. Nation- all., people are taking notice. Most impressive team Te\as. The Longhorns' first si\ are pla ing out- standing ball. Only UConn can match them player for 7pla.er, but the. Huskies can go deeper. You can also throw LUCLA into the mi\. but the few times I saw% the Bruins this \ear they showed some inconsistency. Best announcer .As a former college player and coach. Bill Rafters knows the game and is fun to listen to. He's been a fa- 'orite of mine for years, so I'll stick with him al- though he sometimes o\erplays his signature lines. Jay Bilas and Len Elmore are also at the top. Worst announcer Billy Packer's Mr. Kno%%-It-All'attitude rubs me the %wrong wa\. That's %h. it w\as such a pleasure to see him 'fall flat on his face \with his pre-tournament criticism of the selection committee for in% iting too many mid-majors, such as George Mason, Witchita State and Bradley, all of which made the Sweet Six- teen. At least one will advance to the next round and E rt By be one win away from the Final Four. el Rinker Best use of'a telestrator Editor Rafterv, when he was doing the ,s Editor game between Bradley University and the University of Pittsburgh game. Without a word, he circled the schools' abbre- viated names on CBS's game scoreboard in the lower right-hand .corner of the screen to reveal: Brad Pitt Current trendy pick Memphis, but check back in an hour, it might be the Gators. Easiest path to the championship game UConn. They need only beat Washington, then ei- ther George Mason or Wichita State to get into the Fi- nal Four, where they'll play Villanova or George- town, both of whom they've beaten, or a still-too- young Florida team, or Boston College. Toughest path to the championship game Villanova, who plays Boston College, then either Georgetown or Florida. then probably Connecticut. Most forgotten team Vest Virginia. Last year's Cinderella is this year's plain Jane. Coolest team to watch Villanota. Throughout the,season, I kept waiting for that four-guard offense to flame out. It's an ex- hausting, exciting, push-it-to-the-limit game plan. I still don't understand how% it works, especially against big front lines, but %when the Wildcats beat Connecti- cut last month, I became a believer. A couple of weeks later, however, the Huskies stomped the Cats. That's \ hat makes Nova a trip to watch zero to six- ty in three seconds, but there might be'a concrete wall up ahead in the darkness. Free membership to the Flat Earth Society To college football's Bowl Championship Series and all the uni\ ersity presidents and athletic directors who continue to resist instituting a football playoff. Cats' tennis defeats Indians and Vikings BYVLAURA BETH BRINER Press Sports The Wildcats tennis teams have taken it east the past two weeks Sixth good results. - Baker took on the Raines Vik- ingsion March 8"to collect a de- cided win for both boys and girls teams. Nicole Novaton won her sin- gles match 8-1, Shae Raulerson won 8-3 as did Bethany Belleville. Alex Gotay and Jessica Crews each won b3 forfeit. In doubles action, Novaton and Lisa Austill won 8-6 while Gotay and Raulerson won by forfeit. .For the boys, Randall Vonk won a close match 9-7, while Dy- lan Gerard and Bryson Johnson each shut out their opponents, winning 8-0. Lew Boyette won by forfeit. Micah Cranford lost 8-9, Boys ready for baseball tourney in Fernllandina BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports The Wildcats baseball team split a pair of games last week, losing at home to Santa Fe March 17 three days after finishing a long string of road games with a victory at Hilliard.. The Cats' record is 10-2, in- cluding two wins in a preseason tournament. They are 2-2 in their district. Coach Johns Staples was not happy with his team's perfor- mance against the Raiders. "We have a Friday night dis- trict game at home after eight straight road games and come out flat,"' he said in a written state- ment. "...Maybe they are getting complacent with winning and are forgetting how they got to this point, but I can guarantee people who pay good money to come to these games that they will never witness a lackluster performance like that again...." The Cats had just two hits an RBI triple by Mahlon Oglesby and a single by Travis Tyson. It was a different story against Hilliard, however, as Jarrell Rodgers dominated the Flashes, Vonk and Gerard won their doubles match 8-1, as did the team of Daniel Wilbanks and Boyette. The girls team then took on Baldwin March 13, shutting out the Indians 7-0:. Novaton won 8-7, Raulerson won 8-6, Belleville, Gotay and Crews all won their matches 8-3. Belleville and.Johnson won their doubles match 7-5 and the team of Gotay and Raulerson won 8-4. A March 14 match with Bishop Kenny was rained out. The team will take this week off before a March 27 match at Paxon High School against the Golden Eagles at 4:00 pm. With the victories, the girls im- proved their record to 6-2. The boys are 3-3. Adam Lewis is batting .353. tossing a three-hit, complete- game shutout while striking out eight and giving up just one walk. Staples said Rodgers' pitches were topping out at 85 miles per hour. Alan Tanner had three hits, and J.D. Milton stroked a double and drove in a pair of runs. Cats' baserunners stole an in- credible seven bases. Next up for the Wildcats is the 21st annual Diamond Classic be- ginning March 22 in Fernandina Beach. It runs through March 25. Baker County is among six teams in the tournament, most with similar records to the Cats. They are scheduled to play, Fleming Island at 4:00. After the tournament, the Cats will play Union County at home on March 28 at 7:00 pm. Coming up at the Commissioner throws first pitch for Little League opener Baker County Conunissia' Clhriiman.uAl, R.;'liis.:.n', a (.ru' r .'n, rcl i ,Lah < L ak .s, c :l i, 'u-' O ',ini D in' c onone.uis heltd Aarch 18. (The conmlissioner is it, ,i, t-lu I a bIut 1i h. al', a !,li ir.' t r.'i Lii f '' La.i tL.a,-, r,_ i,. lbu/;'hur, T\ s.,n 1aid 4-m2' ha s lll plav ball dus spring on 3-4 tcan in T-Ball, Pee Wee Minor, Major.miJ S-,wor lcan.-. ie SuI..,r le' a ." .f:n' .alrinl I ,'and rwL dn,iilh the first teek'oftihne.. The other leagues finish in late May.Also on hand for Uth. rl'-n Sn. iiis C. 'Ivtu 'I*'r ,'llark Hartle. tku hh.iai oiiuoreid tbr hiLs IS 'ears of coach- iig, T-Balla. ,Vu ar-ldJ Lca' Fpa.ilhhr m, a ic aiink i \'i.u, n in ti pufo'rmancu T li, h datriLdals r, hirkNl Losses are piling up for lady Cats BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports After a 6-3 loss to visiting Suwannee County Tuesday night, the Wildcats girls softball team has fallen to 2-11 on the season. Details were not available at press time. The Lady Cats have lost five straight and seven of their last eight.. They also remain winless in eight home games this season. In fact, their five-game losing streak, is'all h6me games. It seems the Cats are coming up a little short in just about every area of the game. Against the Bulldogs, they were unable to generate any runs through five innings, falling be- hind 6-0. The last couple of runs came in the top of the sixth thanks to some indifferent de- fense. In the bottom of the inning, however, their bats came alive as they scored three runs with two outs. With two runners on and the tying run at the plate, a timely hit would have put them right back in the game, but it didn't happen. In the top of the seventh, pitch- er Tiffany Smith loaded the bases with two outs. The next Bulldog batter smacked a line drive to center that looked like trouble un- til Kassie Crews made a diving catch to end the inning. In the bottom of the seventh, Brittany Hansen got a two-out single, but the Cats were unable to rally. The game serves as a micro- cosm of the team's season. When they get good pitching, they don't hit. When they score runs, their defense lets them down. And when their defense makes plays, sometimes the pitching falters. Sophomore shortstop Jessi Nunn is having a solid year at the plate. Occasionally, the baserunning hurts them. In a recent game, two runners were picked off third, killing rallies. Last week, the Cats lost to Middleburg 8-2. Smith gave up eight hits and .five walks, but thanks to five er- rors behind her only three of the Broncos runs were earned. On offense, the Wildcats banged out 11 hits and also reached base on an error and two walks. Yet they scored just two runs, leaving at least one runner on base in every inning. In the sixth, they got three hits and a walk, but failed to score. Crews, the Cats' leading hitter for the season, had three hits in the game, including a double. She scored once. Through the Middleburg game, she is batting .387 with four dou- bles. As a team the Cats have just eight extra base hits, all doubles. Brittany Hinson is also hitting well, batting .286 and tied with Brittany Gray for second on the team. Jessi Nunn is at .250.. Smith, the pitcher, leads the team with five runs batted in, Despite her record, the fresh- man has pitched well, with an earned run average of 1.97. She has 52 strikeouts in 78 innings, but has walked 33. As a team, the Cats are averag- ing nearly five errors per game. Their next game is March 24 at Bradford County. They then host Santa Fe March 28. The junior varsity game begins at 4:00 pm, the varsity at 6:00 pm. After those two games, they have just five more until the dis- trict tournament. YMCA Boot Camp Registration has started for the next session of Boot Camp. If you have a hard time keeping yourself motivated to workout, all vou need to do is sign up and we will motivate you. The fee is 520 for members and $40 for nion-members. If 'you are a graduate of Boot Camp you will receive $5 off. The first dav of the next session is April 24. Nutrition 101 Don't miss out on this class of Nutrition 101! The topic iill be "Good Fa 'vs. Bad Fat. Sign up at the front desk, it is onil $5 to participate and 'ou get a 'free health. meal. The class takes place MIonday, March 27, at the Baker Counr' Health Department from 5 pm-- pmt. YMCA Focus Group I\'ant to get in on the new growth and expansion of yotw YMC.A? Join our Focus Group and let your opinions be heard. "Share the Y" Scholarships No one is turned away from the YMCA for the inability' to pay. The YMCA4 offers financial aid scholarships for families, adults, teens, and youth to be able to enjov membership, sports, day camp, programs. and much more! For more information, call the YMCA at 259-089S. Activity[ scholarships available Hours 5:00 am-9:30 pm NMonday -Thursday 5:00 am-S:00 pm Friday S:00 am-3:00 pin Saturday Seventh .. ... -1 SA -kNew Truck for .#6200 ,Less Than $15,000! 2006 Chevy Silverado Reg. Cab, 2WD $14,500* *Offer expires -. 4.06. Price includes all appcable- rebties. Tax, tag and title not included. .__ Don'tMiss Out On This INCREDIBLE Deal! #6002 2006 Chevy Trailblazer LS $22,995* 'Of/ir e..&re5 44 06. Price ludes all applcable [ebai-s. Ta.', laIg 3na [ile ri., i tliudc'l Towing Package!! lA Stock #6210 2006 Chevy Silverado 4WD Crew Cab, V8, Auto, Power Locks, Power Windows, Towing Pkg. $25, 900 *Offer expires 4 0'. Price includes all appi:able rebates. Ta,., tag and title not included . n- ""'XM Radio !! : S2006 Ch Tahoe $36. 900* A ile. p 4r4. r i 4 inclucl4P all 3pphiacal reb '.j Ta ta a LI noi ino[ iuded. nr]' " 9. afl, i~ *** '. s If :' , . . ..:........ ....... :,.b ... :., f I-fr ------- ........... .4- -Hf.. -~ j^ S c~&2bjIIi *1' .9 ~'*.9 9,. 959 *. .S 119 S. Sixth St. Macclenny 259-5796 -Pre-Owned 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New www. PineviewChevrolet.com AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION fCHEVROL Lance Griffis Marvin Nelson Clayton Blackshear Morris Silas Roger Parker Mike D Sales Manager Used Car Mgr. Finance Manager Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Asso ET )ees Kyle Craig ociate Sales Associate I' MIR: D( 30 Classified Advertisin - March 23, 2006 , By Jared Wilkerson When planning to sell a home, sellers sometimes be- gin to look around the property in search of repairs or upgrades that need to be made in order to make the home more appealing to buyers. While the idea is a good one in terms of selling points, often times the repairs cost more money than the sellers will recoup when selling the prop- erty. Also, making cost- ly upgrades just prior to ; selling a Aft home is one of the roads that leads to overpricing in a seller's at- tempt to get back upon closing what they've just put into the property. Some repairs and upgrades are worthwhile, however. For instance, if all of the other homes in the neighborhood that are currently on the mar- ket have recently remodeled kitchens and bathrooms, it would be a pretty tough; sell to market a home with all original fixtures and cabinetry at the same pricing levels as the rest. Here's a handy list of do's and don't regarding home repairs: Do: Repaint all interior 150 140 130 - 120 110 100 ' 90 80 70 - 60 - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 - 0 - rooms with neutral colors. Not only will it make the home look nicer and less lived in, but neu- tral colors are sure not to of- fend the design tastes of prospective buyers. Light c ors also make a room look b ger verses a darker color paint. Do: Consider re-shinglir the roof if it is over 20 yea old. Most real estate agen (and even homeowners) dor agree with this one, but a cording to a 2005 statistic survey on home repair homes in Northeast Floric with new roofs average ju Cost Effective Repairs, Northeast Florida Area Survey COST LINE Roof Paint L-.^^.- .- r : ., :'.,. "* . *\' '" *,:: .". i ";; " k- -- :.. * 'V:, ..-, I .' I Bathrooms Kitchen Windows Interior Carpet Design Remodeling ol- ig- ed ng irs its n't c-r ,al Is, da over 100% return on repair costs upon the resale of the. home. This study included only homes that were stripped to the bare wood and before& then re-shingled. If there is - wood damage already pre- sent in the roof, it may be a better idea to simply lower the price and disclose this infor- mation to the buyers. Among buyers who like a home and are considering purchasing it, one of the major turnoffs that will change their minds is knowing that the roof will need to be replaced soon. Guess, what one of the major turn-ONs is... - Do: Update bathrooms if they are becoming unsightly. This especially applies to any bathrooms that are adjacent to major living areas (these are the ones the new owners will let guests use). These repairs can be .extensive and still pay- off. Replace all fixtures to in- clude sinks, tubs, shower- heads, and even the toilet. New solid surface countertops are a great selling feature here. A remodeled bathroom fetches nearly 110% of the costs upon resale. Do: Consider doing some minor remodeling of the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the most influential areas of the house. If it looks a little outdated, the buyers will never forget that. All-new cabinets simply cost too much to re- place to ever recoup that mon- ey at closing. However, older cabinet doors can be easily re- placed with newer fashions at a fraction of the cost of replac- ing box frames and all. Linoleum is a floor covering whose time has passed in today's housing market. If it can be re- placed with a : moderately .,- ^'. priced alter- native, it will ,,... be well worth the effort. Finding a good deal on more energy efficient appliances is not a bad idea either, de- pending on how old the existing ones are. Don't: Bother replac- ing windows. Everyone 'f- loves the idea of dou- ble-paned thermal win- dows, but the price and time involved will cost an average of about a 20% loss at re- sale. ;, Don't: Remodel any ao- rooms to include adding customized shelving or built-in stor- age spaces. Not only will it cut out roughly 25% of the cost of upgrading, but the newly built- in entertainment center may leave buyers wondering where the big-screen TV is supposed to go. Also, the new shelving inlay in the third bedroom may knock out just enough space to preclude junior from upgrad- ing to a queen sized bed this year. Don't put in new carpet if the old carpet has any life left in it at all. Worst-case sce- nario: if the carpet is really that bad, offer a carpet al- lowance for the buyers at clos- ing. Now they can select their own carpet, which will make them happier anyway, or at least make them feel better about living with ragged carpet while using the allowance to go out and get that big screen TV that they still have room for. If you have a topic that you would like fqr Jared to address in a col- umn,, n send any questions or sugges- tions to jmwilker- - son@wat- sonrealty- corp.com. Area wilKerson, ,fealtor Cost effective repairs that actually work KL\I -\- Maronda Homes 7A 4s i2!W-i JfeOA9 io4a/ Please visit our finished model in Cypress Pointe Cypress Pointe: -140 west, north of SR 228. (904) 653-1741 3.00- sq. t bedroom. -.5 bath. flat-top range microwave, coach lighs. arid 10' x> 30' aluminuLll screened porch. A,4 alable April 242.,950 L-LCo L.iLLaE L\ Sunbury H Lot 60 2,223 sq. f1 3 bedroom. 2.5 bath, dual sinks in master bath, coach lights and 10' x 18' aluminum screened porch. Available April S203.200 LiV 7LFLLLL&I - .. .. .. - Baywood E Lot 9 2,743 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 3 baths. dual sinks in maslei bath, garage door opener, coach lights and 10 x 18 aluminum screened porch. Avaiatale April. $220,150 Sunbury I Lot 5 2,223 sq. fl., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. coach lights., irrigation s stem wood rail and spindles 10' C'16 aluminum screened porch $209.?50 Some front elevations may differ slightly. Prices subject to change without notification. -I HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF IN THE REAL ESTATE MARKETPLACE .. By Cindy Oglesby CindyOglesoy, Realtor HOME BUYERS- MAKE SURE THAT YOUR CREDIT REPORT IS ACCURATE Very often your credit report can contain inaccurate or miss- ing information which could not only affect whether or not you get financing, but also the rate at which you are approved for. I suggest that before you begin looking for a home you visit http://www.annualcreditreport.com to request a free report from each of the three nationwide credit reporting agencies. This. report is provided free to all consumers once every 12 months. EXERCISE SAFETY WHEN USING THE INTERNET .The National Association of Realtors reports that 77% of all . recent homebuyers used the Internet-to search for homes. I am sure that most prospective buyers have visited sites that have requested personal information from them in order to "refer them to a local realtor who can assist them with their real estate needs. These websites are usually selling the Information that you provide them with to third parties. I know that I get solicited by at least three companies a day wanting .me to pay for buyer leads. These leads are coming from sources like the one I described. I recommend that if you are SIokihg for a realtor you go to www.realtor.com. Not only will you be able to find a local one who can assist you in your search, but you will also be able to search the most compre- hensive listings database in the country. "Be careful when searching for a lender on the Internet. It is always a good idea to be extra cautious about sharing your financial or personal information over the internet. There are people out there who make a living stealing other people's identity. As a rule of thumb, I always recommend that you use a, lender you are familiar with. If you don't already have a . lender that yoi do business with then ask your realtor. Most have several reliable and reputable lenders that they can refer. you. EMPLOY A PROFESSIONAL REALTOR FOR THE JOB Buying a home should be exciting and fun. When you first start out It usually is, but if you are not being represented by a professional it can also become very scary. A Realtor can help you not only find the right home in the area that you wanting, but they also make sure that all the items neces- sary for closing are taken care of. Would you know what to do if your termite inspection failed or if there were issues on the home inspection that needed to be taken care of? There are many issues that can come up and throw a wrench in the closing if they are not acted upon quickly and professionally. Realtors know the market they are working in and have expe- rience in dealing with all types of problems that may arise. HOME SELLERS- DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME? The first step in selling your home is to know the market value of it. There are a couple of ways that you can obtain this information. If you have the money you can hire an appraiser to give you an appraisal. This fee is typically between $300 and $500 on a residential property. You can find a list of appraisers in your area by calling the Chamber of Commerce or by looking in the phone book. The second option is to have a local realtor who knows the market to per- form a comparable market analysis (commonly referred to as a CMA). A CMA is very similar to an appraisal but cannot be used for lending purposes. This service is usually provided free of charge and will compare your home to other similar properties that have sold within the past year giving you a good idea of the fair market value. (See Page 2) 112 CBC OHM8G W--P QB645.9 I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Section B Page Two Protecting yourself in I the real estate market (From Page 2) PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY Never allow people to view your home without scheduling an appointment. Most serious buyers are escorted by a real estate professional and will call ahead of time to make an appointment. When a prospec- tive buyer calls to schedule an appointment it is always a good idea to write down their contact information and call them back at the number they provided prior to their appoint- ment to assure that they are legitimate. UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING When presented with an offer on your home make sure that you thoroughly understand all parts of the contract before you sign it. Most important are the contingencies and time frames that are going to affect the transaction. If you have any questions, or are unsure, it is my recommendation that you seek the advise of a real estate attorney before signing anything. LET A PROFESSIONAL HELP YOU Your home is usually the largest financial investment that you have. When you con- sider that the majority of. homes sold using a realtor sold for 16% more than those being sold by owner, it only makes good financial sense to hire one to help you sell yours. When choosing a realtor don't be afraid to shop around; ask your friends and relatives for referrals and interview several agents before you make your decision. You should feel com- fortable and confident in the professional that you hire. If you have a topic that you would like for Cindy to address, please send to cindy@south- eastrealtygroup.com. Choose from' over 40 floor plans We build in Duval, Clay, St Johns, Nassau & Baker Counties View our floor plans at www.sedaconstruction.com HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. 'b 14^ #Cf (? ~ift2 Licensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell We can show and sell all listings! OPEN HOUSE! Anne Kitching Realtor 962-8064 cell. Wendy Smith Realtor 710-0528 cell. Tina Melvin Realtor 233-2743 cell. 4 BR house and four rental mobile home lots, rented at $160 each. $185,000 3 BR, 1 BA home with wood floors, CH/A in.the city. Currently rented for $700/month. $109,000 Delightful like-new brick home, 2+ acres on comer lot in excellent neighborhood. Floors are tile & hardwood. Glass doors open to porch & large fenced backyard. Wo .car garage finished with carpet, great for exercise or play room. Has planted maple, grapefruit, flowering pear & cherry trees. Home has many extras, is open, sunny & inviting. Ultimate Count j ' Elegant brick home on crystal clear pool of Also, another horn be built on this property CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent corner lot location! Beverage License is Available! Richard's Grocery & Meat Market 386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny $389,000 owner wa# stay onto tain you for 6 months. Seventy Acres- e '," i per acre. Moccasin Well & Septic Tank on 1.90 acres. Lot just I .to i r ii. L r ri L andn the country $175000 ........... EDUCED! $32000 Commu en St Mary. Exea I eI [ s to water and s y-ew-,.-I,,, 2 Lots onUS 90- in Glen St.T r :. -ir: .u;, ing. Excellent business opportunity.-I .- sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305000ooo Vacant, "=,W y od location, cloe to Excellent commercial corner lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side bonusr I stove& refrigeraciate. In Macclenny city limits. $199,900 .98 Acre 21 South. Excellent Business Location! 1.25 acres with 320 f,--i f -1 ,T frontage on busy 121, North. Zoned Commercial neighborhood. $419,000 "J .- .............. ...... jc I se"Gib", v: 64161 ,: Hdfly- fln 1-6399 s e gent D6140 Wbe n' 237-7046 se Re IEstata Agent -Angi 1-4724 lkkj 651 Liceh8e He I lEttate Agent R sffz, S ket .50i-120 Agent itumrtun ottmuw_, Showcasing a Home for Sale By Jared Wilkerson There are many particulars that need to be sorted out when staging a home to sell in today's market. Putting the "FOR SALE" sign in the yard and taking numerous appoint- ments is only a small portion of, the job, and not necessarily a *: largely important one. A home must be in a condition to appeal to the largest number of buyers possible before the first potential purchaser walks in the door. One of the first things to con- sider in preparing a home to sell should be an obvious one - curb appeal. -.No matter how great the inside looks, the out- side appearance of the home is what makes a buyer want to see more. There are many pro- fessional landscapers available that specialize in making homes look more inviting by adding small shrubs and creat- ing walkways that connect dif- ferent areas of the yard to one another. However, some of these services can be quite expensive and often sellers will not recoup the money spent to spruce up the outward appear- ance of their homes. Of course, if the yard is just in ter- rible shape, it may actually be worth the cost to hire such a company- in order to obtain a sale on the property. On the, other hand, there are several cost effective methods of adding curb appeal thai require little more than a bit of sweat equity from the owners. Such improvements include adding new mulch to the perimeter of the home and around large trees, applying preformatted flowering arrangements along walkways, and pressure wash- ing the unavoidable dirt and grime that attaches itself to the exterior walls of a home over the course of time. It should go. without saying that any clut- tered materials that have found a-home for themselves, in. th . yard -should be removed from sight and placed in storage or gotten rid of completely. Next, the front door of the home should look as inviting as possible. A fresh coat of paint goes a long way for making the front porch look more welcom- ing. Scuff marks from when everyone pushed the door open with their feet while carry- ing packages and groceries will give a bad impression, and they're easily fixed. " Once inside, sellers should strive to create: an atmosphere where buyers can see them- selves coming home to this place every night. One of the most important ways of doing this is to remove any personal items from the main living areas of the house. It is a psy- chological oddity, yet true, that when prospective buyers walk through a home and see, for example, family photos of the current owners, they. invariably feel as though they are merely temporary guests in the home...the home of someone else. Sellers sometimes have a problem with this concept due to the fact that they have history in the home and these personal items chronicle that history. Try to focus on the fact that a move is taking place and the only way to accomplish it is to sell the house. That's all it is at this point, anyway. It's just a house. Your new home is down the road somewhere. There are two easy ways to make a house look more spa- cious: Painting and de-clutter- ing. Paint is probably the most' cost effective method of improving the selling quality of a home. "Twenty dollars in the 'can, two-thousand on the wall" is an adage that almost every- one is familiar with. To create an open feeling, use brighter colors. Deeper colors tend to make a room feel more cramped. Also, non-neutral col- ors may clash with a buyer's own sense of style. Believe it or not, the first thoughts through their mind will not be " that they can just repaint the place. They'll immediately think about how ugly the place looks and then probably make fun of the .owners, just for kicks. De-cluttering: Remove all items that are not necessary for the remaining time to be spent living in the home. Not only does this create space, but statistically, buyers are three times" as likely to pur- chase a home that is vacant than an almost identical fur- nished home. The supposed reason being, they can more easily mentally arrange their own furniture in a room that is already near empty. Remember, the keys to a successful sale are making the home as inviting and as mal- leable to the next owner as possible.' Over 1800 Sq.Ft. Full Stucco Large Lot $10,430*in savings plus up to $8 000 in closing costs Total savings$ 18,430 ACa4wy awned SJme Iw uid t S Etruction Company Construction Company 904-259-0922 Directions:- 1-10 West, to first Macclenny exit (Exit 336 Hwy 228 right.) Go approximately 2.5 miles to Sands Pointe straight ahead. Subject to change without notice. ^Free options package valued at $10 & V ,,.i; ,it it., ,i .l. 1 Siony ana does not apply to speititfiWSEDA prolerred lenld must t ,-d E-.t-. r.4 %. 1 . , G, 2, O...-^,,rt, "1.I'4 t;ECi - Serving ALL your real estate needs! o Florida Crown Realty WE SELL PROPERTY FAST!! LET US SELL YOURS... www.floridacrownrealty.com Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Josie Davis, Sales Associate Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate Andrew P. Smith, Sales Associate 799 S. 6th St., Macclenny M 259-6555 L FLORIDA LISTINGS- M a c c l e n n i y l n e s q l ) R V R V o l a h w liii tic ftl rim i n U 5 ,'aar ~o i-t~vy fe'.v (irc ei~ -, ofmt wo ,fl iing fr.s Murray Hill/Lakeshore (j.iw(J fi Ii Ctrriiingi wiu-2 ~ 415 i F tria Cru 'i k Li ,, tt zld t ,:, ---" lerIT im tti itwais $QW0~i~r A little piece of heaven on the St. Mary's River 0flui 0i 1s tills hE Cti1ii lV~ Jl rri1 vuI-it I A t' l ~21,-I, C11 yrx 0 sil nrq.:i -n2acr q-A..' Tie eitt '.i ISat EA W Rweaica 'rlnym31M$&j-)0J~it Bring on the Investorsi 43t [asunuonIgZikpicr IM, E~tjiI,flhj. ki~ln -F:ld1d aid raidlii m SRP 90 P- iSfilow na',nci, it- p t o* i a 1,h I 417',0 i ,L1111ifl m r4 ~'1; li106 s i-RIN1t~ tlaaaiil'V~ piilY F -,~ I dt~i rruwyitn~s rt rdiurd r a Tnn iq ag-. lliolt. (ib*l& ii~t-e-Ct104 vttci h 1i RIt hte r:11 On -I-it ,Cr- S1 ~IC,,Clil '6(I oill tIidr, CW'9tpr i10flldiJ Mu w '',WEI'an aii L atcam Aa m 1w Dtii itllti THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Section B Page Three Got Questions about Real Estate? Ask Your Local Exuert! .m If you are planning to sell your home, let me show you how I can save you a lot of time, money and aggravation using my proven 35 point system. Visit www.jaredsellshouses.edm for everything you need when buying and selling real estate in Baker County. 3BR2B.A brick sinter home on 1.32 3 Duplexes 6 Tol Units: 2 acres of land w/rceek in back of prop- units hauie 2BR'2BA: 4 unit bajiri arty. Large detached 2-car garage and 2BR ,B.L L.,uled 'a 4641 C('3nary additional baran.Woodburning fireplac., Ln. .Ml unil, currently rented. family room, li ing room and fuimal great investment opportunity in dining room. the groi,%.ing area of Baker sz$23,0o County Matclenny aret. $495,00o Jared W ilkerson, RLAL IO. Direct: (904) 899-6957 Mobile: (9014) 923-2017 imrfm lkci's ,'ll ,i-,onreahl. i ip comn RealAnswers. Real Results. WMawn Really Corp. kL4ALTORSO Fair Housing... It's the Law! Were you asked to pay a higher security deposit simply because you have kids? Did you request a wheelchair ramp and were denied even though you offered to pay for it? Were you sexually harassed by your landlord? Were you denied housing because of your race or color? These are examples of Fair Housing discrimination. You cannot be discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin, handicap, religion, sex or familial status. If you believe that you are a victim of housing discrimination, please contact your local Fair Housing Center. Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. 'Fair Housing Advocacy Center .126 W. Adams Street. EQUAL HOUSING Jacksonville, FL 32202 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY3617 OPPORTUNITY (904) 356-8371* Outside 904 1-800-411-3617* TTY 1-800-955-8260 Very Clean 3BR/2BA on .77 acre. This 1995 14x66 singlewide mobile home has been cleaned & freshly painted. Located on a paved road and ready to move in. Nice area on Mudlake Rd.Affordable at $64,900. --- "1-T&- N -- - Commercial Property on East Macclenny Ave. Older home (1496 SF) may be reno- vated fgR5rdial use. Lot .1iz. 12. Near new Cypress Pointe Subdivision. Build your business here. $150,000. ..-, --.--- ',- .- ... . A Little Bit of History! This 2,445 sf house was built circa 1910 and also has a separate commercial building on the lot (right). The home may be renovated for offices, retail, restaurant or any other use allowed in a Commercial General Zone. Lot size is 99' x 215' with lots of potential for two separate businesses. 99' frontage on US Hwy. 90 and 215' frontage on First Street.. $495,000 West Jacksonville ":' .iWr ,.-,t0 llt,.'--, anrid E Irln' ri-A'i-ci i ) Ittil ti '.IuVE'll htf. IS . i t -:1111 l 'll.v l V 111.1111 R iVu; Bring the kids and their horses. 14.88 nice acres. Part hay field and part wooded with small creek and catfish pond. 3 BR/2 BA doublewide MH with extra hookup for a second MH and two extra wells. Convenient to Jacksonville, Located on NW 216th Street in Lawtey. Priced at $179,000. Commercial Lot 14,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. frontage on SR 121. Located between Waffle House and Day's Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $1257000. Building Lot, conveniently located between Glen St. Mary and Macclenny. This heavily wooded lot is restricted to site built homes only. 3/4 acre + priced at $34,000. Nice 3 BR/1 'BA frame home with new vinyl siding and CH/A. Recently remodeled and ready to move into. Located on Tony Givens Road in Sanderson on 1 acre. $136,500 Reduced to $125,000. Fort1 NI-uce n e259-4828.- a .-~rceie GEORGIA USTINGS- ,lp .tji:-PN D111U [W H; n MonfacdSt. George 3 r~~ ~~-'l -grid Fril'C Iilt ulaib Ili Nic ..LH'2FA itcrrtd q'ih split .- W hWid intlf oit' .r vll tli-'T part Ldi ie ,ati in n td-iorilarge I-o 'u 1hl a,'itiM 114-flil~alipd i tIM lIi dt at l m (I D L a rle i ii~p ' IFL~ i Iii t I iimi- iQf 3 1Auded bFaa1.6 S tX -f h Tptod -~ --- -'-- ditl 4kel iiin e roiim ..l it 4 z Jl. lt A nlh tnq.j 5[ tF'i~ -I C ti t'F --l- UAl c.[i'*t'n!Nt tla [ tti 1. ilEv- :'Ir attn 'ttw i t t y 1 rom .icl t r awt Lv i Inleirachen Lake Access W' [i- k4 In .!rJI tf l, il, l '.!lh *i ,'t- : 1,, 1. l .r'; ,| i ti-'' iri. -tt1if= '.- ;'f y i ^,,,i 'i i ,.rM l r1 I,. 11 N,':c '- 1. Ir,11 ',1 t. '-1,, 'i .ll$ ;i, Jl*J ri iil'A gh-r, $15,1X 11") Cozy, Comfy & Atfoidable :S lit l .1,T '- (1 [.'',.' H 1 1 .. l-ll t ior at [lltlM : itcJt 1IN S h' riH ,. I', i1-1 11,n11jtljlei -0'c l-i! .'VIC IIIJule!i ,.,,.1 H4 floors, hug e open tly lor ,.3i n T h,? l y ^ U ^ tlo u.u [:r i,.O 'tlnt T !i,,. 1n ul e ,li i p- [ ii.i t, ,ire,,,I)r '. ll i)f h- l PrTcd l,) y ll l U s i.n,1 eij R, T1 I-" .[;I ', ', 11" 1 i ,',h'l i ff ij1 [ lO1pi ':i t,'i it Il ',,'uu r 3 '. 1 c ,ip 1 I-* ilrfqV"'!r. St. Mary's River Bluff Grqiaii.&Ujs .?3AFleerwIxd ijin1:112561 ty I -irtr ip~n Th)r pl vahvaiftil aiid cailniwi 31 SI. ihns.lorm.fl'r141 ". ~IRTipli,'3 ,q IjreA -unI itut i djzzi Otul' lvi r,4,piatel :%-~-- ii .~f~uflri~l 1'.iiaerIti pr*t, tird' acylrid at i fT 3hom n 'IetflVtk-"''.3 ftel. lirari nfea I,.Mb qnrci ltMe. i&FL',GA linri i un 'akr) dissairce of IN, St f iq; imir Dont riiT ; uISall timL; \liir it lr ,ANI $1 N [~ Waycross oile~ U.- -"~tt~ in tiyt as ite -t e G- *3' Ear oid q.icfEih ridh in-ii nda mIk -dueA(3--'-- ,PEN D IcpNGrtSi~'ip-rnr r Sm'ing mWLcutewu wttk a W&ttWe b t4COUP-hy alla M~&t(e bWt 4 Rok-a-Rva aUtu& o Ri~~te 't wkat gm wa ~eawa m e&d... We wuftget it domI MUST SEE! New price leader at Yarborough Mobile Homes Good until 3/31/06 Call Larry 259-8028 male m--mm-m.mm-j One flagpole; lots of fishing tackle; Dogs: all types from puppies to some tools. 266-2042. 3/23p adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding 17 ft S ortscraft bass boat 225 fees will apply.259-6786. 11/20tfc Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, .unless otherwise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed provid- ed they are accompanied by pay- ment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We cannot. assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the telephone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run with- out notification of error by the per- son or agency for whom it was pub- lished, then that party assunies full payment responsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the publisher does not meet standards of publication. -- -- -- .. . 2003 Harley Davidson Fatboy, 2000 miles, garage .kept, $18,500. 259- 8589. 3/23p Just arrived at The Franklin Mer- cantile windchimes, retro gliders, silk palms, FENTON, yard acces- sories. Friday Saturday 10:00 am- 5:00 pm at the Railroad Crossing in Glen. 259-6040. 3/23c Dining table & six chairs with Bak- er's rack. $300: sofa & loveseat, :$300; entertainmentcenter. $100; 55 gal. aquarium & stahd, $50; 10 gun cabinet, $25. 759-5898. 3/16-23p Luxury queen pillowtop, in plastic, must sell, $199. 904-398-5200. 3/16-4/6p Fish ponds dug for the dirt for free or at reduced rate if close enough to Macclenny. Sands Land Develop- ment, Inc. 653-2493 or 904-445- 8836. 3/9-23c Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Good used appliances, 90 day money back guarantee. 266-4717. 2/9-5/4p Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are mahogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-4140. 2/3tfc Solid wood cherry sleigh bed with mattress& boxsprings, retail $950, sacrifice for $395,'can deliver. 904- 858-9350. 3/16-4/6p Antique breakfront buffet, break- front china cabinet, buffet, all ma- hogany, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-4140. 12/9tfc Solid wood coffee table, light col- ored with glass inserts, $75. 275- 3007. 3/16tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Queen orthopedic set, $129, new, in plastic, can deliver. 904-398-5200. 3/16-4/6p Baker County School Board Sur- plus Sale will be March 30th from 6:30 am-noon at 270 Jonathan Street. 259-5420. 3/23-30c King pillowtop, new with warranty, $259, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 3/9-4/6p Glass top table & 4 chairs, $75; electric scooter, needs battery, $500. 259-9567. 3/23p 52" big screen TV. Hitachi Ultravi- sion Projection TV, perfect condition, must sell. 275-2285 or 259-2105. 3/16-23p Jacuzzi. 1990 Hot Springs classic spa, needs new lid, buyer must move, $600. 259-6865 or 904-759- 7355. 3/23p New appliances. Never used, Whirlpool electric range, range wire, Whirlpool hood, $400. 259-6865 or 904-759-7355. 3/23p Piano. Older upright with bench, ex- cellent condition, $800.259-0320. 3/23c I I I &* U| WVI kW W LW ER, 440 Mercury motor, floor pedal, alu- minum trailer, $2800. 259-6865 or 904-759-7355. 3/23p Hustler Mini Z Zero turn commercial mower, less than 100 hours, $5500 OBO. 904-613-9233.- 3/23p Huskavarna 48" riding mower, 22 HP Kohler engine, bought last year for $1900, will sell for $1000, excel- lent condition. 476-5244. 3/23p Big Field Auction, April 1st, 10:00 am, Hwy 90 W by Sanderson Post Office. Selling RVs, trucks, farm trac- tors & equipment trailers stock & enclosed, furniture & miscellaneous items. 10% buyer's premium or 5% discount for cash. To consign, call 275-2022 or 259-8453. AU3386. 3/16-30p 1996 Ford Explorer, 4 WD, new front hubs, 120K, engine strong, need paint job, $4500 OBO. 259- 9182 or 923-1789. 3/23p 1996 Caprice Classic, 67,000 miles, $5295, very very clean, 1 owner, Joe Rhoden. 259-3216. 3/23c 1993 Buick Roadmaster, $3000. Call after 4:00 pm 259-6794. 3/16p 1991 Ford Taurus, $700.259-3181. 3/23p 1999 Volvo Autocar Tri Axle dump truck, 20K front, 46K rear, 13K steer- ing lift axle, rebuilt N14 435 HP Cum- mins, A/C, 13 speed transmission, $58.000 negotiable. 259-3519.3/23p 1992 Kenworth dumrrp truck, 16K front, 44K rear, M11 Cummins, 8 speed, 16 yard dump, A/C, excellent condition, $24,000.259-3519. 3/23p 2004 Cadillac Deville, low miles, Northstar, V8, 4 door, leather seats, car under warranty, everything elec- tric, color gray. Call 259-2354, if not home, leave message & phone num- ber. 3/23-30p 1990 Ford 150 XLT Lariat AC, engine completely rel great, body needs work, $ Call 275-2678 after 5:00 pn 2000 Cadillac Deville sed diamond, fully loaded, n brakes & service, lady dri 54K, miles. Call 707-864! 3800. 1994 Camaro Z28, new paint, great condition! $5200 OBO. 259-3692. 3/23p Affordable & dependable. Let me take care of your cleaning needs. Al- so available evenings & weekends. Call 259-8310. 3/23c Lawn care. Residential lawn care, pressure washing & odd jobs. Call 259-6531 or 904-208-1929 cell. 3/16-4/6p Housecleaning. Dependable, has references. Call Alice at 259-5500. 3/23-30p A'Donna Jackson's Income Tax Service. Save money with me on fil- ing your taxes. Electronic filing avail- able. Located in Glen St. Mary 759- 0884. 3/2-30p Tree trimming removal and clean up. Licensed and insured. 259-7968. 10/21tfc Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at South- ern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968. 4/22tfc Happy Jack mange medicine pro- motes healing & hair growth to any mange, bare spot, on dogs & horses without steriods. Glen Cash Store 259-2381 www.e-stitch.com 3/16-4/6p Two chihuahuas, male & female, can't be separated, not related,,$400 for both, no papers, up to date with shots, 6 months old. 259-3334 or 904-477-9446. 3/23p Registered Dachshund puppies, only 3 left, 2 females & 1 male, $400 each, MOP. 259-3938 leave mes- sage. 3/23p Sitter for family cats (2 adults) for a nine month period while building home. Non-smoking house, cats are declawed & spayed. We will provide food. 653-1230 or 318-4993. 3/16- 23p Bill Eckert, Maintenance Journey- man seeking permanent employ- ment. Available immediately, own truck & tools, 20 years experience, excellent references. 235-7705.3/23p Lost: Reward! 5 puppies, corner of Ray Phillips & Webb Rd. Seen picked up by black Dodge Durango. 259- 6553 or ,259-7388. 3/23c Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classified advertising on subjects like work-at- home, weight loss products, health prod- ucts. While the newspaper uses reason- able discretion in deciding on publication ,of such ads. it takes no responsibility as to tre trutriuluess 01o claims. Respon- dents should Use caution and common sense before sending any money or mak- ing other commitments based on state- ments and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent solicita- tions. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. -The Baker County Press t, 302, AT, Retail sales, full-time, no experience built, runs necessary, honest & dependable, 1500 firm. friendly work environment, westside n. area. Call Family Carpets at 786- 3/23-30p 2000. 3/9tfc lan, white Local home health care agency iew tires, seeking full time Physical Therapist iven, only for local and surrounding areas. Call 9 or 962- 259-3111 for details. 2/24tfc r\ iorq CAI CARAGESAIJ6E r4SALE- Friday 8:00 am-3:00 pm, 121 N, 5 miles on , left. "Cooler sale". Furniture, clothes, lots of p goodies. Friday & Saturday 8:00 ai oi everything. Big family. Friday & Saturday 9:00 a set, clothes, toys. miscellany Saturday 7:00 am-?, 9151 off Hwy 90. Baby items and Saturday 8:00 am-?. Wood Saturday 7:00 am-3:00 pi some furniture. miscellanec Saturday, April 1st. Midlo Alliance will be with us. Ca alliance. 904-994-5595. Friday & Saturday 8:00 ar Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, George Hodges Rd., across from Wendys. All items in home for sale. pots & pans, furniture, clothes, decor, books, toys. etc. Nice quality items. Some scrapbook supplies. 2 off-shore boats. Huge inside moving sale. 318-4993 or 653-1230. No early birds. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 7935 Madi- son St., Glen St. vary m-?, 7349 W. Madison St., Glen St. Mary. Lots am-?. 540 Linda St. Dinnette set, living room ^ neous. Moving sale. I Smokey Rd. (CR 123), 3 miles west of Glen I a whole lot of great stuff. Big sale. lawn Rd. beside Fastway Food Store. . m, 16959 Crews Rd., Glen St. Mary. Clothes, ous. Moving sale. )wn Day Flea Market. all invited. FL-GA Blood ill Kathleen for booth rental or to donate to the m-noon, Hillside Drive off River Circle. Saturday 7:00 -11:00 am. Corner of Mclver & South 2nd St. Everything from A-Z, furniture, appliances. TV. kids' clothes, toys. tires, tools, etc. Specialized heavy hauler is seek- Sitelutility company needs PM/E ing qualified drivers to work on a re- superintendent, pipe foreman, ope gional basis. Applicants must have a tors, pipe layers, heelman, tailm< minimum of 1 year verifiable Class A Top pay, benefits. Apply at 6507 driving experience. Heavy haul or Beaver St. @ Lane Ave., Jac flatbed experience is preferred; loan sonville. 3/16-4/( securement training is available for Class "A" Mechanic for 3rd 'st drivers with limited experience. Comn- maintenance crew. Must have pany drivers can expect to earn years experience. Pay $16.96 pl $35K to $55K annually on our. com- years experience. Pay $1696 p mission pay system. Average time .26 shift diff.. We are an EECC, dr away from home is 3, nights per week free workplace. 401 (k), health/dent & 1 weekend per month. Other ben- paid holidays/vacations. Apply efits include health insurance, Gilman Building Products, CR 21 401(k), semi annual bonus up to Maxville, FL.289-7261 or fax resur $1000 .& paid vacation. Contact to 289-7736. 3/16-4 Gary Ayers at 904-378-3686 or fax resume to 904-744-.6969. e-mail to Dump truck driver with Class gary'a'arlingtonheavyhauling.com. CDL;. Haul dirt,- limerock, mo. 3/16-4/6p equipment with trailer. Local a Experienced painters needed. Must have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc Est, ra- en, ;k- 6p hifi e 5 us rug tal, at 18, me /c A neo nO some Jax area. Contact Buddy Franks at 591-5540. 3/16-23p SPRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.bom A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! . A: V -~ ~ .A A A I Ii, Ii' Get EVERYBODY'S attention for only DEADLINE FOR $4.50 PLACING ADS PRESS CLASSIFIED 4:30 Monday A I WHITEHEAD BROS., INCJLAKE CITY LOGISTICS, INC. OTR DRIVERS NEEDED Go through Home several times most weeks. Home most weekends. Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at our location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety Bonus up to $1,200 per year. Driver of the Year bonus, and driver recruitment bonuses. Blue Cross Blue Shield medical and dental Insurance. Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving . record. CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE AT 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898 2/23C The Baker County Press March 23, 2006 Section B Page Five Company specializing in erosion control now hiring the following posi- tions: crew leaders, equipment oper- ators, laborers, class A CDL drivers. Valid driver's license is a must. Fax resume to 904-275-3292 or call 275- 4960. EOE/drug free workplace. 3/23p A/C and duct installers, must be experienced and dependable. 259- 8038. 2/23-4/13p Job opening at Nature & Heritage Tourism Center. Receive visitors, give directions & provide special as- sistance to visitors at the center in White Springs. Must be 55 or older & meet low income guidelines. Please contact Doris Cedar or Louise Griffin at the Osceola National Forest at 386-752-2577. 3/16-23c Part time with full time potential. Looking for motivated, qualified per- son in Baker and surrounding coun- ties. Experience in sales helpful. Re- ply with resume and references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc Travel photography studio seeks sales rep for in-store coupon sales for upcoming photography events in the north Florida area; limited travel. 386-752-8553. 3/2-23p Pest Control lawn tedh needed, $26K, will train, good benefits, valid Florida driver's license. Call 726- 9334. 3/16-23p Log scaler/ainalyst position avail- able. Prefer 2-year degree with Forestry or Business Management. We are an EECC, drug free work- place. 401 (k), health/dental/life insur- ance, paid holidays/vacations. Apply at Gilman Building Products, 6640 CR 218, Maxville, FL; or fax resume to 904-289-7736. 3/16-23c Ray's Nursery, Inc. Earnie has openings for two tractor mowers & two weedeaters. Apply in person at the office between 8:30 & 9:00 am, Monday Friday. 3/23tfc A Touch of Grass Lawn Service needs experienced full time licensed driver. 259-7335. 3/23tfc Ray's Nursery, Inc. Annie Jo has two openings for both the'cutting & tagging crew. Apply in person at the office between 8:30 & 9:00 am, Mon- day Friday. 3/23tfc Custom Woodwork now hiring!! Fin- ish carpenters $10-$16 per hour, must have tool*sr& occupational li- cense. Call 904-449-5504.3/23-4/13p Position available at Northeast Florida. State Hospital for Nutrition Educator pay grade 86. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or univer- sity with a major in Dietetics or Food & Nutrition or Food Service. Work is no substitute for a Bachelor's degree. The salary range for this position is $952.81 $1905.32 bi-weekly. Ac- cess application through MyFlorida.com. EE/AA/Bilingual ap- plicants encouraged to apply. 3/23-30c Michael & Jonathan's Landscap- ing has positions open for experi- enced lawn service person & experi- enced landscape irrigation person. Paid vacations & 5 paid holidays, in- surance benefits available. Pay based on experience. 259-7388. 3/23-30c Welder or welder helper, will train. Call 940-910-1934. 3/23-30p Now hiring at Little Playmates Childcare. Apply at 9730 S. Glen Ave., Glen St. Mary. 3/23p Reliable person with transportation needed for light delivery route, 4-6 hours per week, must beinsured & have valid Florida driver's license, bondable with a clean work record. Send resume & references c/o Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 3/23tfc Pier 6 Seafood now accepting appli- cations for all positions. 259-6123. 3/23-4/27c Trim carpenter helper, no experi- ence neccesary, must have valid dri- ve's license. Call Owen Deese at 259-7941. 3/23-30c Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this newspa- per is -subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or dis- crimination." Familial sta- tus includes children un- der the age of 18 living r with parents or legal cus- todians, pregnant women U OI and people securing cus- EQUAL HOUSING tody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of tre law. Our readers are rhere- by informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at,1-800- 669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927- 9275., 1992 Fleetwood SW on 1/2 acre +, needs a little TLC, $65,900. 904-497- 2481 or 497-2482. 3/9-300p 2 BR, 1 BA home on large city lot in Macclenny. Carport & additional bonus room or extra bedroom, $105,000. Owner financing. 334- 1902 or 874-6100. 3/23p FSBO. 3 BR, .2 BA on two city lots in Macclenny. Call 259-4354 or 338- 4026. 3/16-23p 2003 doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1680 SF on 1 acre, all new appliances, $89,500. 904-408-9515 or 904-626- 2612. 3/2tfc FSBO. 2 BR, 2 BA on 3 acres in Tay- lor with access to river. Call 259- 4354 or 338-4026. 3/16-23p City Lot, South Boulevard, Macclen- ny. Appraised at $19,000; asking $17,900. Financing available. 759- 5734. 3/2tfc FSBO. 3 BR, 1 BA-on 2 city lots in Glen. 259-4354 or 338-4026. 3/16- 23p For sale by owner. 2 BR, 1 BA house in Glen. Owner financing, $85,000. 874-6100. 3/23p Baker County. St. Mary's River, 10 acres, 700 ft. on river with small white sandy beach, secluded, high & dry, fenced, large oak & pine trees, picture perfect, beautiful property. Only $200,000.259-7574. 3/23-30c Sanderson. 1 acre plus 2 mobile homes, each MH has own septic system. 1999, 3 BR, 2 BA SW, very nice and 2 BR, 1 BA SW. Earn $1000 per month rent. Recently ap- praised at $75,000. Will sell for same. Call 259-9151. 3/23-30p 3 BR, 2 BA double wide on 1 acre, fenced, dead end road, close to In- terstate 10 & schools, Glen St. Mary. Call Tom at 338-7154 or 338-7153. 3/16-4/6p FSBO. 7.5 acres with 2003 DW, 2130 SF, 4 BR, 2 BA, located on par- tially, fenced, mostly wooded corner lot in Glen St. Mary. Front & back porch with utility building, $185,000. Call 259-8766 for appointment. 3/23-30p Large 2 BR apartment, $600/- month, $500 deposit. 259-2851 or 259-2016. 2/23c 247 N. 1st St. Recently constructed 3 BR, 2 BA home with garage, avail- able April 1st. Appliances included, great neighborhood, no pets or smokers please, $900/month. Call Shaun at 904-233-0980 for info or to reserve. 3/23p Avg. $818 $1018/wk. 65% preloaded/pretarped Jacksonville, FL Terminal CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627 www.ctdrivers.com 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets, garbage pickup and water provided, $600 per.month, .$600 deposit. 912- 843-8118. 12/22tfc 1 acre lot for mobile home in Mace- 'donia area off Odis Yarborough. Call Brian at 759-5734 or 259-6735. 3/24tfc New 3 BR, 2BA brick home with bonus room, 2 car garage on beauti- ful 5 acres in south Sanderson, no smoking or pets, $1500/month plus deposit and last month's rent. 859- 3026. 3/2tfc Cypress Pointe. 3 BR, 2 BA brand new house with screen porch. For rent or lease with one year contract, $1450/month, '$500 deposit. 407- 810-8363 or 407-9330 ask for Michael. 3/16-30p Y Roger Raulerson Well Drilling 2" & 4" Wells Call Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated ' Licensed & Insured L.AKIE CITY -. -ai m tntt 168 Duto Dais Tenured Track to Commence August 2006 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Master's Degree with at least 18 graduate hours in discipline; Medical Doctorate; or Masters with 18 graduate hours in work centered on Anatomy & Physiology. Ability to also teach Biology, physical Science or other science related course desired. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, HUMANITIES Master's Degree in Humanities or Master's with at least 18 graduate hours in Humanities or related disciplines. Ability to teach in 3 disciplines (Art, Music and History or Literature) preferred. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, MATHEMATICS Master's Degree with at least 18 graduate hours in Mathematics prefix cours- es. Ability to use graphing calculators and computers. Application deadline : Application and materials must arrive by April 14, 2006 to guarantee consideration. Persons interested should provide college application, vita and photocopies of transcripts. All foreign transcripts must be submitted with official translation and evaluation. Salary based on education and experience. Position details and application available on the web at: wwwlakecitycc.edu Human Resource Development Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake Cit, FL 320125 Phone: 1386 1754-4314 ; Fax: (386) 754-4594 ; E-niail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southem A ,, iAri,..n of Colleges and Schools \'P ADA. EA EO Colege mi Educauon & Empl.o, ment 3"7. '* W410 C (ii (4111 W"J.'.S -- \ \ "^f i ) " ..... t .i-1 "... iJ- ![ .lJ" I'); l [ p l. lJ :" flI"" j-j" '/_)'I .a ;;~ I-TT MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design/Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259-2255 CBC060014. 3/14tfc f RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling y; Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 L LPRRi" -1,43? 311 .t')6 9p LARRY WESTFA, CORPORATION Roofing Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL INC. Residential/Commercial Garbage pickup for Baker C( Roll off Dumpsters 259-5692 Kent Kirkland, Owner/Oper '10/ LL 4 PRESSURE WASHING Or any other jobs Call John 904-302-2025 cell 259-4227 home 3/16-23p ALAN'S TREE SERVICE Free estimates No job too small or too big Remove dangerous trees near your home Licensed & Insured Locally owned & operated "In memory of Al" 904-710-5011 3/23-30p HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. 5/27tfc Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured 259-0893 , ,L, Lic. #ET11000707 Lic. #RA13067193, Lic. #RA13067194 4/211 county rator /13-4/6p GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan, Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owner 11/16tfc KONNIE'S KLEAR POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. .(next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Spring & Summer hours: Monday Friday 10:00 am 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am 5:00 pm 259-5222 (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust Buckshot Goodyear Michelin Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR Custom exhaust Flowmaster Turbo, Glaspaks Call today for the best price! 259-1393 10/6tfc B&R SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. Residential Electrical Security Home Theater Sales Service Installation 653-2727 F1 Lic.#EG13000236 Fl Lic.#ET11000732 3/23-4, Solid wood cabinetry Modulars -Custom work Installations QUALITY KITCHENS & BATHS 259-6223 424-5641 Leroy Johannes Glen SANDS TRUCKING Sand ~ Field dirt ~ Slag hauled 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 3/17/05-3/16/06p CANADAY CONSTRUCTION/ CANADAY TRUCKING Complete site & underground utility contractor Land clearing We sell dirt & slag Hourly rate available on: grader, dozer & trackhoe work Mitch Canaday, Jr. 259-1242 904-219-8094 CU-C057126 3/16-9/7p MOM & POP'S TRACTOR SERVICE We mow fields Culverts installed Driveway smoothing Reasonable rates Licensed & Insured Locally owned & operated 904-710-1294 3/23,30p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc 6p ALL'S LAWN SERVICE & CLEAN-UP Tractor work Flexible prices Distance no problem Free estimates Insured 904-710-5011 FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 3/9-30p A & R TRUSS Engineered trusses for your new Home Barn -Shed Etc. Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps * Major appliances * 24 hour, 7 day emergency service! Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator 259-2124 7/ltfc B&R HOME BUILDERS, INC. New construction Remodels Licensed & Insured 904-838-9427 FI Lic.#RR282811479 3/23-4/16p TIM'S MOBILE HOME SERVICE Tim Sweat Licensed Insured Bonded Transport Set-up MH Pads 904-509-2276 904-275-2767 2/9-4/27p LEAF IT TO US LAWN CARE Free estimates Scotty Rhoden 259-6615 Jerrod Rhoden 534-4341 3/ 16- BRYANT CONSTRUCTION Screen rooms ~ Patio covers Room additions Insured 962-3396 CBC#051298 1/19-7/6p A CUTTING EDGE LAWN SERVICE Full lawn service at affordable prices Free estimates Call Billy 259-5954 904-705-3981 3/16-4/6p 6/ltfc TRACTOR'S WORK Bush hog Dirt work Land clearing Tree service Free estimates Contact Mike 334-9843 1/12-6/6p K&K GRASS MASTERS Complete lawn care *.Tractor work Bush hog Box blade Culverts installed Food plots 275-2069 U904-58-t4198 BUDDY FRANK CONSTRUCTION, Fill dirt Septic sand C Dozer & excavator for clear Digging & Grading Site work 259-0506 or 591-55 Major credit cards accept 3 WELL DRILLING 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 .4/3tfc FRED'S BACKHOE SERVICE Land clearing Culverts Our speciality "water drainage problems" We dig ponds, ditches, etc. We landscape small gold fish ponds 23p Locally owned & operated 904-710-5011 3/23-30p KIRKLAND'S LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING Lawn mowing Tractor work Clean-up ~ Hauling 259-3352 3/9-30p PERSONAL TOUCH CLEANING SERVICE Commercial residential Many references on request 30 years experience 259-5782 699-2904, 11/24-5/8/06p A&R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc STEPHEN'S TREE SERVICE Licensed & Insured Free estimates Call Stephen at 653-1314 3/16-2 3/9-30p ANGEL AQUA, INC. S WWater softeners Iron filters INC. Sales Rentals Service lay WATER TESTING ring Total water softener supplies Salt delivery ~ Financing available ~ 540 JOHN HOBBS ted 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 3/16-4/6p 259-6672 7/15tfc DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications Qualified Good references 4/30tfc WADE'S TRACTOR WORKS, INC. Finish grading ~ Dirt leveling Mowing ~ Culverts Slag driveways 259-3691 Licensed and Insured 9/1-3/9/06p THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 tfc GOD'S BUSINESS After-hours computer repair Networking, training, graphic design and writing Call Cheryl 904-885-1237 PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tfc SAM BAKER 3p TILE & MARBLE High quality work No job too big or small New construction & remodel work Sam 904-338-6101 David 259-8786 1/26-3/30p WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS So many options! See our catalogs at The Office Mart 110 South 5th Street 259-3737 tfc WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 259-7046 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 9/16tfc 2/17tfc NOW HIRING FULL-TIME DRIVERS Class A or B CDL Required * Haz-Mat/Tanker Endorsement a Plus * Competitive Salary Excellent Benefits * Apply in person at: LV.Hiers, Inc. 253 East Florida Ave., Macclenny, FL 32063 or call Les at 904.259.2314 ~kmE d,-'- T -AR. /1( THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, March 23, 2006 Section B Page Six Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904- 860-4604 or 259-6156. 3/17tfc Macclenny. Beautiful brand new 4 BR, 2'/2 BA, family, formal dining room, living rom, $1600/month, 1st month & security deposit. 904-714- 2377. 3/16-23p Smoky Mountain cabin, trout stream, near Cherokee, Gatlinburg & Dollywood, $325 per week. 386- 752-0013. 3/16-6/1 p Coming soon to Glen St. Mary, of- fice space for lease. Call 275-2944 for details. 3/23-30p Large commercial office space available for lease. 859-3026.3/2tfc 3 office spaces, Pitman Profes- sional Building, 288 SF, $550/month including utilities. 219-4225 or 591- OAn 3 -/9-n3r 1999 doublewide, 3 BR, 2 BA, ex- cellent condition, new appliances, some furniture will stay, $35,000. Ready to be moved to your land. For more information, call 259-1461. 3/23p 2004 Fleetwood. Building a house, must sell our beautiful mobile home, 4 BR, 3 BA, large closets, over 2400 SF, many upgrades. Asking $56,000. Make an offer, seller moti- vated. Must be moved. 904-509- 1558. 3/23-4/13p Doublewide home. Must move, 4 BR, 3 BA, appliances, A/C, fire- place, office, family room & more. $47,900. 904-626-5354. 3/23-30p n GPeople pay for \- what they want! \ ( 9 Baker County's \J / Paid Circulation Leader ' Since 1929 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS FNEW HOME. j on 1/2 acre i $72,900 " Call Larry I 259-8028 * Building permits pulled in Macclenny The-following building per- mits were recorded at the City of Macclenny Building and Permit Office during the month of February. These per- mits are for new dwellings on- ly. Watson Custom Home Builders serving as their own contractor, at Leaning Oaks #9, $3554.58. Maronda Homes serving as their own contractor, at 465 Islamorada, $3825.42. Maronda Homes serving as their own contractor, at 464 Islamorada, $362.86. Maronda Homes serving as their own -contractor, at 461 Islamorada, $3855.18. Watson Custom Home Builders serving as their own contractor, at Leaning Oaks #18, $3578.40. Watson. Custom Home Builders serving as their own contractor, at Leaning Oaks #27, $3558.88. Maronda Homes serving as their own contractor, at 460 Islamorada, $3855.18. Maronda Homes serving as their own contractor, at 456 Islamorada, $3656.58. Maronda Homes serving as their own contractor, at 420 Islamorada, $3859.08. Maronda Homes serving as their . own contractor, at 424 Islamorada, $3680.38. Dialysis Clinic with contractor Af fordable Structures, at 244 North 3rd Street, $7394.28. TRUCK AND TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED 0 PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 NEIGHBORHOOD around town with the newspaper that has it all. Take a few moments to read the paper each week, and you'll stay on top of local news and develop- ments that affect you and your family. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Paid circulation leader since 1929 904-259-2400 bcpress@nefcom.net 104 South Fifth St., Macclenny www.bakercountypress.com Ri- R.. AIOTIO ICE DET. dpE 'SM TO SPM 2006 CHEVY SILVERADO EXT. CAB 2006 CHEVY TAHOE --un- "as w^WJ' W ~ 2006 CHE W SILVER INCLUDES: AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, TILT, CRUISE. STK#CG207067 $111 mli STARTING FROM CD/MP3 PLAYER. STK#CB559935 STARTING FROM V-8, CD PLAYER, LOADED. STK#CZ151312 STARTING FROM LOADED, 3RD ROW SEATING. STKNCR132086 STARTING FROM CHEVRO LET HIGHWAY 90 WEST 1/2 MILE PAST 1-75 IN LAkE CITY 386-752-69033 SALES HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-9PM, SATURDAY 8:30AM-5PM. JII J]2]M t DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES INCLUDING $1000 CERTIFICATE FROM GM (LIMITED TIME ONLY). ** LIMITED TERM CONTRACT ON SELECT MODELS WITH APPROVED CREDIT IN LIEU OF REBATES. PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY, MAY NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL MODEL !a '03 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 5.7L V8 HEMI, 2WD, Under Factory Wty. $16,995 Call 259-5796. ^. |