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Paid circulation leader Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005 THE BAIER COUNnYPRESS 13840 YC L:'- 'ARY PO BOX t117007 - i'- V.-, ,_ FL FLA. :- .i. 3. FLA. 326 I I. 44 Thursday February 23, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500 Hopefuls can apply for seat on Council Glen decides against having special election BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff The Town of Glen St. Mary will advertise for candidates to replace recently resigned Councilman Lar- ry Payne. The remaining council members voted Tuesday night to have Mayor Juanice Padgett-place a newspaper ad to solicit resumes from Glen res- idents who are registered voters. The ad also will ask applicants to explain in writing why they want the position. Mayor Padgett will review po- tential candidates, then recommend one or more to the council, which will vote at its March 21 meeting. Town officials declined the alter- native of holding a special election within 60 days. By ordinance, an appointee would serve until the end of the former councilman's term or the next general election, whichever comes first. In this case, they both occur at the same time September 2007. Mr. Payne stepped down Febru- ary 14. Although his letter of resigna- tion did not give a reason, he later cited his. other interests and. his frustration over the slow pace of expanding the town's boundaries. NMr. Payne also was the town's vice-mayor, a position now filled by Councilman Woody Crews, who was nominated by the mayor and approved unanimously. Also at Tuesday's meeting, the council set the deadline by which all residents must be hooked up to the town's sewer system., State law requires users to be connected within 365 days after the sewer line becomes available. Glen's lines were completed and the first person connected by March 28, but problems with part of the system weren't fixed until- August 17. The council decided the latter date would toll the 365-day con- nection requirement. ,Officials also were to have de- cided what to do if individuals can't or won't hook up, but tabled a vote pending a survey by the mayor of other municipalities. Mayor Padgett said that only six (Page two please) Stutterers talking... Baker County man heads up group in Jacksonville - PAGE 6 Hit-N-Run Next generation of musicians with local roots looking to make a mark PAGE 14 il 11i IMl I111 ii iii1 III 11111 I 68907648819 8 AW. UL mweA - OPEN WIDE! Local dentist 'brushes up' youngsters on hygiene BY KELLEN L\NNIGAN Press Staff Against a cheerful backdrop of painted blue sky, white clouds, Nellow sun, trees, flow- ers and butterflies, Dr. George Weeks talked to students at the PreK Center about the impor- tance of good oral hygiene. Prior to the program held last Friday morning. Dr. Weeks could be seen in the hallway jok- ing and laughing with the chil- dren as they moved from one. classroom to another. In front of an enthusiastic group of preK and kindergarten students, he demonstrated the correct way to brush using a giant toothbrush and huge pair of plastic teeth. "Always move from the top --F I I - A F, Following a program about the benefits of good dental hygiene, six year oldJaice Williams shares the loss of her first baby tooth with den- tist George Weeks. Photo by Kelley Lannigan of your teeth to the bottom and back up again," Dr. Weeks told his young audience. "Never just scrub side to side. Don't forget to brush your tongue, too. Don't share your toothbrush with anyone. Brush at least two minutes. Three is best." "And if you don't brush," Dr Weeks cautioned, "this can happen!" He whacked himself a few times on the backside with the giant toothbrush. "Ow!" he cried, causing the kids to break into squeals of laughter. But the good doctor's message is also serious. "You must brush," he told the children, "especially after a sugary snack. And never, never, never go to blied with- out brushing those teeth. That's when tooth decay real- ly does its dirty work." Dr. Weeks and his staff have been presenting dental health programs to young school children for 28 years: Seeks plan to predict levels of services The newest member of the Mac- clenny Commission is pushing for a coalition of other local govern- ment agencies to stay ahead of ser- vices that will be demanded with explosive growth expected to hit Baker County the next decade. During last week's city board meeting, Commissioner Phil Rho- den managed to overcome skepti- cism of some fellow members and get support for what he is calling the Joint City/County Committee of Service Providers. "Based on the number of build- ing permits and what's on the drawing board for new subdivi- sions, I believe we are approaching capacity for many of our services," said Commissioner Rhoden this week. "We can't afford to ignore the ripple effect that growth has from one agency to the next, and if we can we should stay ahead of the demand." Mr. Rhoden plans later this week to draft a letter from the city invit- ing the County Commission, Glen Town Council, School Board, the Sheriff's Office, Chamber of Com- merce and other entities to get on board. The first order of business will be a general meeting to set goals and methods of collecting informa- - tion, he says. "We have to get an accurate idea of where we are now as far as cap- acity. For instance, how much more growth will it take for the police or rescue to reach a saturation point on services?" The commissioner is a ware- house and inventory manager at Northeast Florida State Hospital and among the youngest of local officials. He will urge the group to take an approach similar to that used by the hospital several years ago when it went after, and got, the Governor's Sterling Award for Ex- cellence. "When we did that, we set a baseline: are we at an acceptable range? At what levels? And we (Page two please) The program arose from his concern for the amount of tooth deca) he saw when he began his dental practice in Macclenn\ in the 70's. "So many of the older folks had lost all their teeth and used dentures," he said. "When you have dentures, the ability to chew food adequately is only about 15"- that of real teeth. So you end up eating mostly pureed food. That's not ver. enjoyable. "And I saw so man\ \oung children with terrible tooth decay, I felt I had to take dental education out into the public arena. I thought what better %ka\ than in the school system so the\ could get the message w hen the\ are young." A puppet show\ features com- mon-sense characters such as Harry Health\tooth and Apple Annie \\ho try to caution the careless Suz\ Seettooth from falling pre\ to the cavity encour- aging influence of Lollipop Pete. An animated video called Geena's Tremendous Tooth Ad- venture, featuring talking giraffes, hippos and an evil ape also reinforced the benefits of tooth brushing, good choices of healthy snacks and frequent checkups at the dentist's office. Afterwards, teachers were given toothbrushes and sugar- free lollipops to pass out to their (Page two please) THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Two I % 0 -4 0Iso -1 '- -- J-Co pyrighted Material a-Syndicated Content . gap 0 loubdo Available from-Commercial News Providers" 40- , I I I 'I * * * p -0 * , a. 0 p 0 U0 . 40, q q U = a -a..- S. - U * me 0. awa COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US H\\. 90 West, Glen St. Mary 653-4401 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 Put your equity to work for you with a Home Equity Loan from Country Federal Credit Union ( < VARIABLE Hopefuls can applySeeking group to assess S' (From page one) mediately known how the\ arrived . .. t l n, i. ..lnii. at the estim ate. ,h ,, n , (From page one)'- : ,th~p it's not an et gregiious. vio.la,- W ptfjgm there",,- ,,~,, r -,. i .,,,,.There's.so many. others onrthe tion. Commissioner Rhoden said he drawing board or in the beginning or seven residents have yet to con- nect. Currently, seven residential units and 21 non-residential are on line, she said. For the water system, 68 resi- dential and 23 non-residential are tied in, which is all of the potential connections at this point. In other business Tuesday, the council: Retained the services of Pross- er Hallock as the town's planning consultant under a state grant that allows Glen officials to formulate an "Urban Services Boundary," which is basically a blueprint of how they want the town to expand over the next ten years. Restricted one of the town's certificates of deposit to be used for a "rainy day" fund required by USDA Rural Development. The town must designate funds equal to one-tenth of its annual debt ser- vice for each of the next ten years. Prior to Tuesday's regular month- ly meeting, town officials held two workshops. At one, Tony Robbins of Pross- er Hallock briefed them on "De- velopments of Regional Impact," or DRI, which are mega-develop- ments that affect not only their im- mediate area, but neighboring towns or counties. He- explained each step of the lengthy approval process and what role the town would play. The second workshop was a re- do of one held February 7. It was repeated because Glen failed to give proper notice to the public as required by law. Although it was a technical vio- lation of the state's Sunshine Law, Glen officials likely have little to worry about. Precedent has gener- ally held that if there is no pattern of malicious intent meaning that own officials aren't trying to pull the wool over the public's eyes - In this case, the workshop was another of several discussions of possible expansion of the town through annexation. Open Wide! (From page one) students before they went home for the day. Dr.'Weeks' winning manner, clear instructions and creative pro- gram got the message across. Teachers reported that after the program, some children were wait- ing before eating their morning snacks. "Are these OK for our teeth?" they wanted to know. The American Dental Ass- ociation recommends the follow- ing for good oral hugiene: Brush your teeth twice a day with an ADA-accepted flouride toothpaste. Clean between teeth daily with floss or an interdental cleaner. Decay-causing bacteria still linger between teeth where toothbrush bristles can't reach. Flossing re- moves plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line. Eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks. Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleaning and oral exams. Replace toothbrushes every three months or sooner if the bris- tles become frayed. A worn tooth- brush will not do a good job of cleaning teeth. Replace children's toothbrushes more frequently as they wear out sooner. contacted School Superintendent Paula Barton several weeks ago,. and learned the school district had been up to an assessment of its own. If the Blair Nurseries develop- ment of 577 homes builds out as proposed, for instance, the school district would be operating at 113 percent capacity. The calculation was made by- district personnel and it ish.'t im- Butch's Paint & B 5573 Harley Thrift YOUR ONE STOP COLLI! ALL MAJOR &. MINOR * Dupon A r-. L rent-a-carl DROP-OFF stages like Cypress Point and Broken Oak and we don't have any idea what the impact will be of just the ones starting iup now," .explained Mr. Rhoden. He says County. Commission Chairman Alex Robinson was enthusiastic .about the group. Impact fees will help somewhat alleviating the-cost of expanding government services, but there can be delays of up to two years before. ody Shop Rd. SION CENTER REPAIR BaB Foreign & Domestic t Lifetime Warranty Paint * Computer Estimating * Insurance Claim Work Computerized Color Matching Fully Insured )r your free estimate 9-3785. Stop in fo 25 Call J.G. Wentworth's Annuity Purchase Program 866-FUND-549. J.G.WENTWORTH. ANNUITY PURCHASE PROGRAM . level of public services local government actually sees Mr. Bennett said he is leery of cash from a newly constructed joint efforts b\ ithe ro boards but home. ...... ..... .. .;' made the motion to endorse the The goal is to offset growth proposal nonetheless. costs without overburdening cornm- "Our worst case scenario would mercial and private landowners be to limit building permits be- already on the tax rolls. cause we can't keep up with the When Commissioner Rhoden cost of added services," explained proposed the study ,group last Commissioner Rhoden. week, he initially drew a negative Some Florida counties have had response from Commissioner Ver- to do just that, and he doesn't want non Bennett. Baker to be another one. Call Locally 259-2313 or Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb .A & rckCn tr Our showroom is conveniently located at the intersection of Hwy. 121 and U.S& 90 in downtown Macclenny " The Easiest Place in the World to Buy a Car or Truck" www.lambsautoandtruck.com Slag Fill Dirt Sand Milling Clay * Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, Culverts & Roads Built q a. a. 0 0 - earn S * - - * 40 48" m *oil SAM em* U U U U . t a0m - 4doo. U a RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811470 YD 14 Certicate 0 Special 5..025APR $1,000 Mi.nimum --.a a--- ^ Liv". I 11 -^-- zn --- ---- -- 2= I %4 1 1 01.041"Im pilot#( %%I Io* Rklm 4 414 %11 a- U 0 U * * * - a. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday February 23, 2006 Page Three THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS seprintepaperdo recycled paper. JAESCMC.AMMULEy USPS040-280 1' Itb, . Publisher/Editor NEWS SPORTS Michael Rinker NEWS. FEATURES- Kelley Lannigan COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel ADVERTISING... GRAPHICS Jessica Prevatt & Laura Briner FEATURES COMMENT Robert Gerard BUSINESS MANAGER Karn Thomas CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear Post Office Bo\ 598 ** 104 Soutn 5" St. Macclenny, FL 32063 (9041 259-2400 Trie Baier County Press i publshe'c. each Thursjaa t awer Cou'rv PresS.Inc. Periijdi:al Disrage pia under rperiTi, issued A[pri 12. 1929 a 9i e post r.rice in ,c.-:lenr)n. Floriad SUBSCRIPTION RATES 120 C0 a )ear ,insae Baler Cuunr, $25 W a year Oui- iae Baker LCunry. aucii rO fo110r persons 65 years ,r age or Oldtr. miliar, personnel on active dulu, OutSie Bavei Courr,, and college Studens living outside Baker Co.urn) FOSTMASTER: send adoaress changes Tio ne Baier Couriv Pres,. P 0 Bo% 598 Ma:cilenr., FL. 320,,63 Submission Deadlines All news and advertising must be submitted to the newspaper office prior to 4:30 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication, unless other- wise noted or arranged. Material received after this time will not be guaranteed for publication. It is requested that all news items be typed to insure accuracy in print. ---. -- - ' Letters to the editor are welcome, but must contain the signature of the writer, a telephone number where the writer may be contacted and city of resi- dence. Letters must reflect opinions and state- ments on issues of current interest to the general public. The newspaper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet standards of publication. -" 'N Ex-VP Quayle is "Copyrighted Material so o k Syndicated Content bt kedby Available from Commercial News Providers", Cheney's accident w ftpd Getting ahead of growth is key to a sound government IMPRESSIONS Macclenny Commissioner Phil Rhoden is on to something. As noted in a page one article in this edition, Mr. Rhoden proposes bringing together local tax-support- ed agencies and others to figure out how we're going to beat this "growth" thing. He rightly foresees greatly in- creased demand for government services, and has a sneaking suspi- cion we're e about to get ambushed if some serious coordination and planning don't begin soon. It's a multi-faceted dilemma, one faced by other communities suc- cessfully,. and a disaster in others. It depends on who's in charge. There are encouraging signs many officials feel we need to stop short of a hostile attitude toward big money developers out to cash in on the demand for land and housing a half-hour from Jack- sonville. We can be friends and partners, but, we need to learn all we can about how they operate, and make sure when they pull up their tent stakes we aren't left standing in our underwear. Mr. Rhoden's proposal for'a joint "think tank" on growth and its corresponding challenges are a great supplement to this. By his admission, Phil Rhoden said he began thinking hard about assessing the present situation and developing a vision about the future when, as a manager at NEFSH, he became involved in the tedious quest for the Governor's Sterling Award for management of a public agency. The hospital finally won it, and it couldn't have come at a better time since many in the Florida Leg- islature wanted (and probably still do)' to privatize the state hospital or move it south toward Florida's pop- ulation belly. This effort, is different, and it's the same.' Instead of an award, the' * county has its eye on successfully coping with the very complicated process we know as growth. The state is heavily involved in growth management and all those laws must be mastered. The devel- opers have their own rules, and they have to be anticipated Local services have to be proper- ly managed and funded to antici- pate what they'll need as popula- tion expands. The concept brings to mind sev- eral things: First, Baker County needs younger minds and fresher ideas as- cending into public office. We are governed in 2006 by the "old guard," people who have been there for decades in many cases. Mr. Rhoden is one of the young- er officials to hold public office, and his call for serious planning is indicative both of his training as a manager and of a person who will be long-affected by how we handle the next decade of growth. What he is saying in essence is this: Baker County needs to consol- idate governments (and services) wherever possible. My guess is an efficiency expert would conclude we don't need either a Macclenny or' a Glen St. Mary, ex- cept as geographical names., Consolidation is a long process that must take place in an orderly manner, and 2006 isn't too early to begin thinking about it. If we're truly interested in effici- ency .in local government, we'll find a way to do it. MY SIDE OF THE MATTER I found some very interesting, stuff happening in the news over the past week or so. Naturally, we celebrated investigative journalists have an inside knowledge of events that the general public does not possess. So, I have dug deep and pulled out the real story for you. V As everyone who hasn't been on Mars for the past week knows, Vice President Dick Cheney shot his good friend while hunting for quail in Texas. Almost a week later, in his first public response to the incident, he took full responsibility for the shooting. This was a bit surprising since an early planned statement claimed that his friend, lawyer Harry Whit- tingdon, who is a real prankster, had snuck up behind the Vde Pres'. ident wearing an Osama costume. The vice president shouldered all the blame, although in a related story, USA Today reported a covey of Texas quail had been moved in secret to the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for interro- gation. Indiana officials reported Wed- nesday former Vice President Dan Quayle has been missing since the shooting. His publicist says he be- lieves that Quayle is in hiding after hearing that Cheney and his friends were shooting quail. The publicist went on to say that the former vice president is easily confused and cited such public quotes as "I love California. I prac- tically grew up in Phoenix." It's time for the human race to enter the solar system," and "The future will be better tomorrow," as proof of his assumption. V Olympic downhill skier Bode Miller, who admitted to skiing in a World Cup race while drunk, was disqualified from the Olympic combined event after one of his skis went on the wrong side of the ski gate.. Miller stated that "I was not skiing drunk. I was skiing stu- pid." V Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoffresponded to crit- ics Thursday by saying that Presi- dent Bush had made "unprecedent- ed" efforts in, planning for Hurri- cane Katrina. Chertoff said the President declared a state of emer- gency in Ciawford, Texas, days in advance of the hurricane striking landfall. Chertoff also said that as the killer hurricane bore down on the Gulf Coast the President declared a "really high state of publicity emer- gency the red alert kind," and clamped down on all the "naysay- ers" in government, threatening to send them to the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, like they had all those dissident Texas quail. The president also said that he is taking "forywr.-dooking-type ac- tion" by striking the name Katrina frmrni'futtire' opies of 10,000 Baby Names. "That should show terrorists and other people who want to use nat- ural disasters to their advantage that we mean business," said Presi- dent Bush. V In Haiti, Rene Preval was an- nounced the winner in the contro- versial presidential election. Preval received less than 40 % of the vote. However, his percentage slipped upwards a little after 65,000 blank ballots were removed from the count. In other news from the embat- tled island, Mr. Blank Ballot ran a close second to Rene Preval in the Haitian presidential elections. V Gay Episcopalian Bishop Gene Robinson shocked the com- munity of faith on Tuesday by an- nouncing that he is an alcoholic. Robinson, who was controver- sially elected bishop of New Hamp- INION COMMENT In the news 75 years ago Road Dept. Hard After Thievery The State is making every effort possible to protect the road and the State's property while Road No. 1 is in course of construction, says Supt. J.P. O'Brien, in charge of construction. "We have been bothered a great deal recently by people destroying and removing barricades and lanterns," said Mr. O'Brien. Claud Lovett, A.C. Williams and Claude Hodges were caught molesting lanterns by Travis Clarke and turned over to Special Officer J.C. Mackey who put them in the county jail in Macclenny. They were later taken to Nassau County where the crime was committed. The men admitted taking the lanterns and were giv- en 30 to 60 day sentences. When they have served this time they will be turned over to Du- val County on a similar charge, as a number of articles taken from the dragline were found in their car later. In the news 50 Years ago L. Thrift Buys Blair's Hardware A large and interest- ing business deal was V closed here Wednesday when Lonnie Thrift ac- PAST quired the Blair Hard- ware store, one of Mac- clenny's leading busi- ness enterprises. Mr. Thrift, in a statement to'The Press Wednesday said the business would be known as the Thrift Hardware, dealers in hardware, furniture and builders supplies, and that he would take charge of the business Thursday, March 1st. This business was founded by Richard Blair 15 years ago, and from a small beginning has developed into one of Baker County's leading business enterprises. Mr. Blair stated Wednes- .day that he would devote his time to the devel- opment of his other business interests here and do a little fishing and hunting on the side. Mr. Thrift states that he will devote his entire time to this business and that he has sold his in- terest in the Thrift Bros. Grocery and Market, North Macclenny, to his brother Paul Thrift, who will operate it in the future. The Thrift Brothers came to Macclenny from Charlton County, Ga., about 10 years ago and established the Thrift Bros. Grocery which has been very successful. They are both enterprising young business men and we are glad to note that their business are expanding. In the news 25 years ago Hospital treatment for Dressier Carl Dressler, whose insanity defense three weeks ago got him an acquittal on charges of killing his parents last fall (Press, February 12), has been declared presently competent by a Jacksonville psychiatrist. However, he now faces an indefinite hospital stay in a Miami institution as doctors there try to bring back his memory of the night he shot his father and stepmother to death. Although the stay at Jackson Memorial Hos- pital is voluntary and may last no longer than mid year, Circuit Judge R.A. Green said during a hearing Monday that he will withhold final disposition until the teenager's doctor say she is ready for release. Even then, Judge Green said, he expects psy- chaitrist (Dr. Thomas Kelley to recommend con- tinuing outpatient treatment, perhaps for years, to counteract the emotional trauma as Dressier remembers the slaying and the events leading up to the October 21 shooting in Glen St. Mary. Defense Attorney Joseph Bergen of Savan- nah indicated he anticipated the ruling as he said arrangements have been made for Dressier to enter the hospital March 9. Until that time, Judge Green ordered that he be released from the County Jail in the custody of his attorney and family members, noting that a trip to his mother's home in Savannah might be helpful. Your opinion counts... Send us a letter -and sign it Social Notice Deadlines Birth annrouncemenrit wedding nori ies and social events must be subrmi ed with. in four weeks of tre even It is our respornsibiil, tco ensure phCort.,grapher., etc. are aware of this poiic, Contact Us- Phone -904 2592400 Fax- 904 259-6502 Email bcpressl@neforn rnet Mall PO Bo '598 104 Soutn 5th St r,lac-lenrin,, FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com shire, shocked parishioners by his announcement. I have also discovered that the bishop has yet to announce that as well as being gay and an alcoholic that he is dyslexic, has a fear of wa- ter and the color yellow and won't get on elevators. He also is agora- phobic, allergic to cat hair and is left-handed. In my never ending vigilance I search stories to help protect you from the tentacles of international terrorism and came across this one proving just how far international madmen will go to disrupt our lives. V" Scientists in Australia an- nounced Wednesday the Australian cane toad, one of the world's most poisonous creatures, has evolved (or "intelligent designed" what- ever side of that issue you fall on) longer legs. They have grown the longer legs to allow them to "in- vade more territory." There you have it. It can only be the hand of those Al Qaeda madmen. If you look at the picture of the Australian cane toad, it bares a remarkable resem- blance to Osama's number two man Mohammed Al Zawhari. Kermit, the world's most famous frog, could not be reached for com- ment. His publicist did say that Kermit is concerned that this could cast all frogs in a bad light and added, "It just goes to prove once again that it's not easy being green." I think that Vice President Dick Cheney should stop hunting quail in Texas and start hunting Aus- tralian cane toads. got suggeston story ideas As simple as an e-mail..... If you have any information you think we need to know, send it to: jamesmcgauley@nefcoi.net THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 104 South Fifth St 904-259-241.10 u THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Four Baggie, c found in; The passenger in a pickup stop- ped north of Sanderson the eve- ning of February 16 is charged with possession of cocaine and the driver with obstructing police after he accused them of planting drugs in the vehicle. Deputy Erik Deloach stopped a 1990 Chevrolet pickup driven by Josh Collins, 21, of Glen after it left the Club 229 with a burnt-out tail light about 8:40. Mr. Collins consented to a search of the truck, and the coun- ty's drug-sniffing dog alerted near the passenger side door where De- puty Ben Anderson found a plastic bag with powdered cocaine resi- due. James Davis, the 24-year-old passenger, was charged with drug possession. During the search, the driver ig- nored several requests by the offi- cers to calm, himself, and instead complained loudly that ,Deputy Anderson planted the bag inside the truck. In other drug-related arrests, a 17-year-old male is charged with possession of crack cocaine with the intent to sell just before day- light on February 18. Deputy Curtis Ruise said he spotted the youth in the rear seat of a vehicle driven by Lane Ruise and parked in front of Bill's Grocery in Sanderson just after 6:00 am. Deputy Ruise said the youth. was acting suspiciously and he asked him to exit the vehicle. During a pat-down search he felt a plastic tube in a pants pocket. The officer said it resembled others used to conceal crack rocks, and he found several inside when he opened it. The teen is listed in the report as a student attending Baker Coun- ty Middle School. Donald Morris, 46, of Macclen- ny is charged with having drug paraphernalia in his 2006 Toyota SUV in the pre-dawn hours of Feb- ruary 18 when he returned to his home off Winder Road. Kim Hughes, 44, his live-in oke trace a pickup girlfriend,'called police just before 6:00 am when Mr. Morris returned home and banged on doors and windows attempting to enter. She accused the boyfriend of being out all night smoking crack, and Deputy James Marker said Mr. Morris admitted to that and consented to a vehicle search. The officer found a broken glass pipe with drug residue and some steel wool on the console. Paraphernalia possession is a misdemeanor. Says girlfriend took his cash A man who was accused Feb- ruary 17 of domestic violence on, his girlfriend during an altercation at their east Macclenny residence accused her the following day of stealing from him: Timothy Burnsed, 35, said es- tranged girlfriend Darlene Dice, 19, is the likely person who took $500 cash and a money order for $183.50 from his South 3rd St. residence while he was in the shower in the early afternoon. Mr. Burnsed, one of 14 persons indicted last year for the Operation Sawmill methamphetamine con- spiracy, said the girlfriend also left a dog on his front porch. He had given it to her for Valentine's Day. The previous day, Mr. Burnsed was accused in. a criminal com- plaint of punching Ms. Dice in the face after she drove up to the same residence late in the afternoon. The boyfriend said she spent the day away with friends riding ATVs and "snorting pills." He also threw her belongings out the front door. Mr. Burnsed denied the allega- tion and. Deputy Michael Lagle said he did not see any visible signs of the attack on Ms. Dice. The accused is due to be sen- tenced for his role in the meth con- spiracy later next month.. He and .' all. other defendants have enicred pleas in the federal case. Fraud charge for using debit card A Macclenny man is charged with fraud after he allegedly stole a debit card and used it twice dur- ing the early morning hours of February 15 at a local convenience store. Terry Shunk, 46, told Deputy Garrett Bennett he found the card belonging to Jose Barrios of Mac- clenny. The cardholder reported it stolen to Mercantile Bank on Feb- ruary 15. Mr. Shunk is accused of using it to purchase $45 in merchandise in two transactions that morning at the Kangaroo store in east Mac- clenny. A computer at the bank record- ed the transactions and Deputy Bennett later questioned the clerk, Who identified Mr. Shunk. In other fraud or.suspected fraud cases, two cards belonging to Bryan Johnson of Macclenny may have been used to run up $6800 in purchases. The report was made by the victim's girlfriend, who told police a handyman who worked at his house may be responsible. One of the card companies said the suspect is using Mr. Johnson's bank account and routing number to issue checks to the accounts that later bounce, .but not before credit card bills accumulate. Lettie Whitener of Macclenny reported February 15 her bank statement from January showed a RENTALS OR SALES Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water?' ~-"- Iron Filters and Conditioners '* Water Treatment .-. " S Free Water Tests Well & Pump Supplies, Metal Roofing Homes and Mobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installers Many Styles and Colors to Choose From Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.com (904)779-5786 S-1-800-662-8897 BBBB l/ f Toll Free $399 check clearing that she did not write or authorize. The check was paid to Priority Savings Group. Ms. Whitener's daughter, whose name is also on the account, said she did not auth- orize it. Important notice on wedding, social notes Brides and otner persons who plan to submit articles in the future should be aware that, while The Press is pleased to publish your information, it must be submit- ted no later than four weeks after the event. It is your responsibility to ensure that pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. COUNTRYFEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN GLEN ST. ALRY Contact Myrtle Taylor 653-4402 for all \'()ur lending, and financial needs. US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary Office 653-4401 U- CAEDECARD ..A YOU AYA L1LAND9YU*EA Children's ope INTERN AT I ON A L You are invited to learn more about adopting from China, Vietnam, Russia, Colombia and Kazakhstan at a free infor- mational meeting on international adoption help by a family who adopted through Children's Hope International, a non- profit adoption and humanitarian agency. Wwww. -hil ensldp.n et wwW.ChildtensHope.net THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Five No license A 17-year-old female driver --. who struck an 11-year-old boy rid- ing a bicycle on King Drive the afternoon of February 17 did not have a license. The youngster, who a witness said rode into the path of the 1990 Mercury, was treated and released from Fraser Hospital that same afternoon. The accident happened just after 3:00 and the boy told police he was evading a ball thrown at him and did not see the car. The driver was arrested for not having both a license and proof of insurance. She was later released to a parent after juvenile authori- ties told Deputy Mark Hall they do not handle traffic-related offenses. Laterthat evening Bobb\ Barnes. Jr., 25, of Sanderson was charged with fleeing from Deputy Tony Norman and dri\ ing without a li- '.. cense. fr%! 'rThe officer as responding to a .: report of careless driving near Le- .on Dopson Road and CR 124 north of Sanderson when he spot- ted Mr. Barnes at the wheel *of a 1 o dg 1989 OldsmObile. Fnewelllundeonforudge SandesThe driver abruptly turned left- Retiring Circuit Judge Elzie Sanders of Starke greeted well-wishers during a luncheon onto Earlis Harvey Road after run- sendoff on February 21 in the ceremonial courtroom ol ithe Bakcr County Courthouse. The ning a stop sign, and the deputy judge, who has been on both the civil and criminal bench ant Baker Cout .n s oft and said he increased speed on the un- on, will leave office at the end of the month. After a vacation respite, wi assi s aved surface i f status and take cases on an appointment basis. A formal retirement party was held in paved surface while refusing to Starke the evening of February 19. The local program included remarks by County Judge stop. Joev 7Wllianm, presentation of a congliaudatruy resolution and plaque by the Baker C.,nir "l\r. Barnes pulled into a drive- Commission and other remarks. Got eraor Jeb Buish t apected to announce a replacement way off Jack Dugger Road, telling by March 6. Attorney Phi lls Rosic, of Starke. iLho has a private law practice in Macclenny, andAssistant .Siateworne Ar lei Bosingr are montg candidates .ekiat_ the the officer he wanted to return the, judgeship. Judge Sanders as tiryt a Bradford cmnry judge fo.m lY.V-., then moved up vehiclee to his mother-in-la%%. to the circuit judgeship in 198X Forest road death a likely suicide The death of a Lake City man whose body was found in the dri- ver's seat of a car on Forest Road 208 north of Olustee is being ruled a suicide. Mark Charney, 37, was found near a rear gate into the Olustee Battlefield park by Ranger Frank Loughran at 4:25 on February 13. The ranger said he found Mr. Charney, a former corrections offi- cer, lying back in the seat of a 1989 Ford sedan. After several attempts to get his attention, Mr. Loughran opened the car door and determined the driver was not breathing. A black hose had been attached to the exhaust pipe and. ran to the left rear door window of the Taur- us, and newspaper was stuffed into the top of the window to block ventilation. The car's engine was running \\hen the ranger found it, and the stereo was turned to high volume, according to Deput "Mike Lagle. A rescue crew pronounced Mr. Charney dead at the scene. Get EVERYBODY'S' attention for only $40.50' PRESS CLASSIFIED Investigator Scotty Rhoden of the sheriff's department said auth- orities in Columbia County told him the dead man had attempted suicide two times in the past and had been despondent. No note was found at the scene, and it appeared Mr. Charney had packed personal possessions and clothing in the trunk. Investigator Rhoden estimates he had been dead several hours when the ranger came on the scene. Florida Concrete Services, Inc. * Footers * Foundations * Sidewalks * Driveways r Macclenny Amoco"' Best Prices in Town!!! Doral $19.99 ctn 305s $12.99 ctn Narlboros $2.89 /pk. Newport Med./Lights Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Ca nmel Ttuki;h Gold/Camel Lights Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Milk $2.99/galln BOOST FLIP PHONES $99.99 CARTON MARLBORO $1 99 Blend 27 & Menthols J$9 At the corner of US 90 & SRI21 Sunday 7 am 9 pm e Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm Jewelry materials are taken in area burglaries Se% eral residential burglaries were reported to the sheriff's de- partment the past week, including one at the residence of Sara York off Brown Road in Macclenny. Ms. York reported the loss-of $1645 in property about noon of February 14 and had last been at the residence three days earlier. She told police she is in the pro- cess of moving out. Among the missing items are a ring valued at $1400 and various body rings and necklaces. All were in a bedroom dresser. The only sign of forced entry was a cut screen on the front door. Boards and windows valued at .$300 were taken from a construc- tion site off Camelot Place near Macclenny overnight on February 11. They were the property of Bushman Builders. . John Carey told police someone took an engine supercharger val- ued at $3000 from a shelf in his, garage off Tall Pine Road north of Macclenny. A piece of siding was pried op- en to gain entry on February 18 or 19. Various items including a boat trailer and car parts were reported stolen from the property of Danny Thrift near Macedonia on Febru- ary 15. The owner said the property disappeared over several weeks, and he suspects an ex-employee. A bicycle valued at $200 was taken from the residence of Telisha Norman on Minnesota Ave. in Macclenny the evening of Febru- ary 16, DUIrepeater A Bald\\ in woman with a histo- ry of drunk driving \\as arrested in north NMacclennN the afternoon of February. 13 for the same offense.. Deputy Curtis Ruise said a 1996 Suzuki SUV driven by Pat- ricia Chandler. 50, ran a stop sign at North Boule\ ard and 5th St. just before 5:00. Ms. Chandler staggered when she exited the vehicle and refused to submit to a field sobriety test. She was driving with a valid license, but a check on her driving record turned up the prior offens- es. Ms. Chandler also refused to take further tests- after she was taken to county jail. In the early mominL of February 16, Wesley Belford, 22, of Mac- clenny was confronted by Deputy Erik Deloach after the officer spot- ted him driving a 2006 Ford truck near South Boulevard and Gris- sholm in south Macclenn\. The deputy had arrested Mr. Belford previously and was aware his license was suspended eight times. . The suspect turned into a drive- way on Grissholm and attempted to jump from the driver seat into a rear seat as the deputy approached. 2 pre-selected homes 1 over 2100 sq. ft., 1 at 2300 sq. ft. fireplace, full security, microwave, upgraded carpet $10,430 in savings plus $5,F000 in closing costs Total savings$ 15,430 S EoJa/ ClOwnemd c5ui/dcr Construction Company 904-259-0922 Directions:- 1-10 West, to first Macclenny exit (Exit 336 Hwy 228 right.) Go approximately 2.5 miles to Sands Pointe straight ahead. Subject io change without notice. 'Frea options package valued at $10,430. Applies to new construction contract only and does not apply to spec homes SEDA preferred lender must be used. Expires February 28. 2006. CGC020880 Corp (904) 724-7800 [1[[1[I II [1[11 IIII I I m l.n*f ' 'IV THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Six Speech pathologist Amy Wiley, center, shares a newspaper article with support group leader Robert Demers and member Cilla Ramia. Photo by Kelley Lanngain LET'S TALK... Macclenny man heads stutterers'support group BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff Anyone acquainted with Robert Demers knows he's a guy who doesn't give up easily. A lifelong struggle with a speech impediment has made him just that much more determined to accomplish anything he .sets his mind to. Several years ago, Demers, a resident of Macclenny and a super- visor in the office of the state attor- ney in Jacksonville, began consid- ering using technology being de- veloped specifically to help lessen the effects of stuttering, a difficulty he has had since birth. After weighing the merits of dif- ferent speech therapy aids, he set- tled on SpeechEasy, a device he saw featured on an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show. After an extensive evaluation, part of which included trying the SpeechEasy in a real-world setting outside of the clinic, Demers was determined to be a good candidate for the device. He visited an audi- ologist so a physical impression of his ear canal could be cast. The SpeechEasy unit, which is no larg- er than a normal hearing aid, was then custom-fitted for his ear. "The difference was immediate- ly noticeable," says Demers' wife Gayvone, who was with him dur- ing his evaluation process. "One of the things he was required to do was read out loud, something that can be very problematic for people with stuttering difficulties. Using the prosthesis, he barely faltered at all. I was amazed." Ironically, people who suffer from stuttering often can recite in unison with other people or sing while listening to music and dis- play no stuttering at all. That's be- cause of a phenomenon known as the "choral effect" The SpeechEasy uses an altered auditory feedback system. It digi- tally replicates the choral effect and plays a person's own voice back into their ear with a very slight delay and modulation of frequency as they speak. The result is more natural sounding speech with stuttering greatly reduced in about 85% of the people who use it. The device was designed by Joe Kolanowski, a professor of speech therapy at East Carolina University and who himself suffers with a speech impediment. He got the idea for the device from his personal experiences in church with the chor- al effect phenomenon. Since implementing the Speech- Easy into his daily routine back in, 2004, Demers has made even more strides forward in a society where having a speech handicap tradition- ally has greatly impeded a person from achieving positions of re- sponsibility and leadership. Long a familiar face at the Speech and Hearing Center where he attended a support group, De- mers now heads Jacksonville's on- ly adult stuttering support group, an organization called Let's Talk that currently has about 40 mem- bers. Demers also became the editor and publisher of the group's news- letter which he uses to highlight member profiles and personal ex- periences. He fills the newsletter with .en- couraging, humorous and inspira- tional quotes. For instance: "I can live for a whole year on one good compliment" (Mark Twain) and "Season your speech with grace. Then you will speak life words that bring encouragement." (Colossians" 4:6) Members attending the support group sessions use the meetings to talk about their challenges. Pro- fessional personnel, like Amy Wil- ey, a speech-language pathologist, 259-2006 545-8316cel. Muse, Owner CBC#1250391 Country Club Lounge's WEEKLY EVENT SCHEDULE Monday Night DJ Request Thursday ; Karaoke with il Tlm Barton Ptl ToLirnam ent k. ' Tuesday DJ Request Karaoke Contest $50 Prize Friday 6-8 pm Dance Lessons with Justin $10/hr. 9-2 pm Live Band Wednesday Pool Tournament $10 entry fee Ladies'Night Saturday 6-8 pm Dance Lessonrs with Justin $10/hr. DJ Request S~.#Ul CW L0N S S S E attend also Hearing about the chal- lenging situations facing those who stutter gives her a firsthand per- spective and is helping her deepen and enhance her ability to counsel and empower her clients. Related resource materials are made avail- able to attendees at the meetings. Cilla Ramia, a member of the support group, is an attractive, vi- vacious mother of three grown children who works as a licensed practical nurse. Having successfully completed her course work while pursuing her degree, Cilia was told by a profes- sor that her certification would not be granted, regardless of passing final exam scores, until she learned to speak more clearly. Luckily, that didn't happen. Doctors and other hospital staff have many times told her in exas- peration to "Just spit it out!" when they become impatient at having to wait a few extra moments while she explains important details of a patient's file or medical treatment. Also fitted for a SpeechEasy, Cilla did not experience the level of improvement that most recipi- ents do. She was disappointed but .not undaunted. The experience has not dampened her ardor for attend- ing the support group or facing other challenges. Required Divorce Class Court approved parenting class & certificate same morning. Last :. t.ii i: of each month starting 1/28/06 in Macclenny. 800-767-8193 (Alsp offered in Gainesville) "I understand now that I can do so many things that people don't expect. I got interested in skydiv- ing because of some nurses I work with who did it. To the amazement of my family, I went down to Pal- atka, tethered myself to a profes- sional skydiver and jumped out of a plane! And on my 50th birthday, which will be in a couple years, I'm going to do it again this time without the tether. Demers hopes to increase aware- ness of the support group in the community and encourage partici- pation of more persons struggling with speech challenges who are embarrassed and isolated by their difficulty. "Stuttering hasn't stopped me and it shouldn't stop anyone from striving to reach personal and pro- fessional goals," he says. "People just have to believe they can do it." According to a recent article in The Florida Times-Union, some surprisingly successful people have struggled with and overcome a stuttering problem: Cinema stars Julia Roberts, Marilyn Monroe and James Earl Jones; country music star Mel Tillis; 2004 NBA All Star team member Kenyon Martin; Winston Churchill and John Stos- sel, One of the most successful re- porters working in broadcast jour- nalism today. For more information about the Let's Talk stuttering support group contact the Speech and Hearing Cen- ter at 1128 Laura Street in Jack- sonville by calling 904-259-2423 or email Robert Demers at rdemers- @coj.net..More general information. about stuttering can be found at the website of the National Stuttering Association at www.WeStutter.org. I A The following activities are scheduled in. Baker County schools for the week of February C 27-March 3. This listing may be incomplete and subject to change, without notice. I *February 27-March 3: Dis- trict Wide- FCAT week. 3 *February 28: ME- SAT 10 / Testing for 1-2 grades. grds Woodlawn Kennels Quality Professional Care PICK-UP 259-4.757 DELIVERY Private Spacious Indoor/Outdoor Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ....... $14-$20 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip ... .. .$10-$15 Boarding (per actual day) ........... ........ $5-$7 ATTORNEY David P. Dearing former Baker County Prosecutor -i- Rahaim Watson Dearing Berry & Moore, PA. 4Artornrw s ,with over 100 te'r." co rin ncti'pe'riencc ,n :i a ,; ' AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS WORKERS' COMPENSATION EMPLOYMENT LAW CRIMINAL DEFENSE WRONGFUL DEATH & PERSONAL INJURY NURSING HOME NEGLECT Jacksonville (904) 399-8989* Macclennm 259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are absolutely fiee. T^,- In :,.- i ,;fa .' "-,yer :i an imN javr ta ',,' :-? ,t ',.: a s '.\ o n :L,:a.'^'C-:a ,If: ?t'.' .:, a'~., :: send ea e w ri.,-m tz .'. ao ., LJi. .t1.'"' e, or, American Enterprise Bank 'Contact Jamey Hodges for all your lending needs r ui~A 'iii "7". Loan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 Help prevent damage from bark beetles, diseases, and wildfire through practices that promote healthy pines. * Thin dense pine stands. * Control understory plant competition. * Minimize tree wounds during harvests. PREVENT PUBLIC NOTICE The quarterly meeting of the Baker County Local Mitigation Strategy Committee will take place at 10:00 am on Tuesday, March 10, 2006, at the Baker County Administration Building, 55 North 3rd Street, Macclenny, Florida. All interest- ed persons are invited to attend. 2/26c NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Baker County District School Board will hold the following public hearing on Monday, March 20, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the Olustee Volun-. teer Fire Department, Highway 90, Olustee, Flori- da. APPROVAL TO OPERATE THE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THIRTY- THREE (33) DAYS VERSUS THIRTY-FOUR (34) DAYS AS REQUIRED IN POLICY. The public is invited and encouraged to at- tend. The documents are available for preview at the Baker County School Board Office located at 392 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida. (8:30 am 3:00 pm) Monday through Friday. Paula T: Barton Superintendent of Schools 2/16-3/9c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.: 02-2005-CA-0195 LARRY D. HUTCHINS and PHYLLIS Z. HUTCHINS, his wife, 'Plaintiffs, vs. TAMMY LAMAR WATERS, individually and as the natural guardian of ALLEN DREW VIGIL and KELLY NICOLE WATERS; LEONARD DANIEL HUTCHINS, individually, and LEONARD DANIEL HUTCHINS and CATHERINE L. HUTCHINS, as the natural guardians of LARRY CALTON KYLER HUTCHINS, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: TAMMY LAMAR WATERS YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a complaint for Re- formation of Deed has been filed against you on the following described property: A parcel of land lying and being in Section 4, Township 3 South, Range 21 East, Baker County, Florida and described as follows: Be- " gin at the NW corner of that parcel described at OR Book 52, Page 464; thence S 8959'53" W, 70.00 feet and to the West linebf Section 4, thence S 0216'27" W, 208.80 feet; thence N 89Q59'53" E, 70.00 feet; thence S 89258'00" E, 138.8 feet; thence N 018'00" E, 208.8 feet; thence N 89Q58'00" W, 138.8 feet and to the point of beginning. And A parcel of land lying and being in Section 4, Township 3 South, Range 21 East, Baker County, Florida and described as follows: Be- gin at the NE corner of that parcel described at OR Book 52, page 464, thence S 0018' W, 200.00 feet; thence N 89Q58' W 218.00 feet; thence N 0018' E, 200.00 feet; thence S 89%58' E, 218.00 feet and back to the Point of Begin- ning. and you are re quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Frank E. Mal- oney, Jr., P.A., attorney, whose address is 445 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida, 32063; (904) 259-3155 within thirty (30) days af- ter the first publication of the notice and on or be- fore the 9th day of March, 2006, and to file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on this 2nd day of February, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk of Courts by Bonnie Palleschi as Deputy Clerk 2/9-3/2c A message from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, the University of Florida/IFAS, and the USDA Forest Service. FR.K. Muse Construction, Inc. CUSTOM HOMES Residential & Commercial New Construction Remodeling Additions Keith * Use prescribed fire. * Harvest low-vigor stands and replant. * Plant species right for the soil and site. I .......-................. ...... I Sidewalk, drainage project on CR 127 in Sanderson... Luciano Lopez, Alvaro Aganon and Sadul Morales. all employees ofLJ Contracuing ol Polk Cni. Fla fhuimh oft a second of ii,. ,,w tit ,-t sidewalks that will run north from the railroad to Tony Gnvens Road, about tilree-quai crr tr oa nile Te 523 ', "55 pr,,icL' _l.' nujiiiir and is expected to be complete by ind-Alarch, weather pernuitima The Departnent ,'f Tri spo'tan.on pl r.',:1 als .' tiihul/ds J iiil improvements on the stretch leading owt of Sanderson Sidewalks shuiddl ercatl, lessca thei dain' p..-sed to p,:J. iruans all nLiM i/lOli, row 12"', particularly at night. The stretch has been the scete of io 0i atal pedestrian a.-itdct,- Iklp ist 1nit1 6 d co.Iks Board wants 'professionaY search F *r'a .1: * I & 'St 'I "3 lip for new manager this time around Baker County Commissioners their ideas, we'll workshop it and Road. have set a workshop to discuss advertise it." Two indi\ iduals spoke against what they want in a county man- According to the document in- the change, one of t'hom reported- ager. eluded in the commission's agenda 1, told count\ officials he \will ap- It will be held March 7 prior to for Monday's meeting, an appli- peal the decision. the board's regularly scheduled cant "must demonstrate the ability Mr. Crews runs a business meeting, according.to Commis- to manage and coordinate the op- called "Erosion Stoppers," which sioner Julie Combs. eration of all county departments. is not allotted under the agricul- In a preliminary two-page job offices and agencies under the ad- tural zoning. . description, the position called ministration jurisdiction of the .' He'd had a poultry\ business "county. coordinator/manager" Board of Count\ Commissioners." there, which \ as permitted. requires a bachelor's degree, a re- Mr. Griffis did not have that The complaints centered on, quirement that was waitedd for ex- kind of experience on his resume, day-long truck traffic onto the manager Jason Griffis. and reportedly bristled at Mr. proper. . The position's been empty since Robinson's "administration juris- Also Monda.i. the commission he was fired December 15. for a se- diction." voted to raise the speed limit on' ries of transgressions capped by In other business at Monday's CR 127 north of Jones% ille Park in his use of a county, phone to make meeting, commissioners approved Sanderson. hundreds of personal calls. a zoning chance from agricultur- Hedding south, the limit drops Mr. Griffis was hired despite al to light industrial requested b\ from 55 miles per hour to 35. It not having all the qualifications Randy and Lou Ann Crews on will be changed to 45 miles per necessary for the job. about nine acres off Reid Stafford hour. Pat rtf 0t nm rJhltmb "iha "" "t a aoi L nLe pro, 'iL w as it e small pool of candidates who ap- plied for the job after former man- ager Josie Davis resigned in May 2003. Commissioners said they would prefer to conduct a more compre- hensive and professional search this time around. As a starting point, Commission Chairman Alex Robinson distrib- uted to his fellow commissioners a package of information he solicit- ed from Walton, Bradford and Nassau counties. "It's basically job descriptions and requirements," Mr. Robinson said a few weeks ago. "[The other commissioners] will come up with Church is burglarized Someone made off with $3680 in sound equipment from the Cedar Creek Cemetery Church off CR 124 north of Sanderson ov- ernight on February 13. Church member Janet Williams told police she and others discov- ered the burglary when they went to the building about 6:00 that afternoon for Bible study. There was no sign of forced entry, and all windows and doors were secured when members left a business meeting the previous evening. The list of stolen. property in- cludes speakers, tape players, a control panel, microphones- and other equipment. A church official told police all the.building locks were changed several months ago. I ' I I * I Arrest after Valentine altercation Deputies arrested a live-in boy- friend and charged him with do-, mestic violence following.a late night altercation at a residence off Clarence Dobbs Road the evening. of Valentine's Day.- Nancy. Taylor, 32, told police Donn Worley, 40, threw% a vase full of roses at her and she took her daughter and fled the premises. onlh to return later and find that her boyfriend had packed his clothes and placed them on the front porch. Mr. Worley, who the girlfriend said was highly intoxicated, later returned and began another %erbal, assault, beating on windowss and doors attempting to enter the house. He fled on foot when De- puty Darrin \Vhitaker arrived, and was arrested when he later return- ed. The officer said Mr. Worley appeared to be drunk, swaying and slurring his speech. In other cases, a criminal com- plaint charging batter \\as filed February 18 b Micha Morrison, 23, of N acclennv. He accused a father-son duo ot beating him in the parking lot of the Exxon Store at South 6th and Hodges in south Macclenn\ that evening about 8:00. He named Robert Sanders, 20. and his 43-\ear-old father Rex as his attackers. The \ictim said he was struck repeatedly about the head and face, and his attackers had to be restrained b\ a relative. Adult ed test The test of adult base education \will be given on March 3 at 9:00 am at the Famill Sert ice Center next to the Keller School. The test .follo00s registration and end at 2:00 pm. - Apicture ID and the $15 fee are required Please bring the exact amount. Review booklets are available at the enter. Call 259- 0403 for anN questions. i THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Seven LYI CreditUlnn io[n 60 month CERTIFICATE 4.90%APY. 51, hO OUU m r uimum 4.75% .PY $500 minimum 9 month CERTIFICATE 4.65% APY* $100,000 minimum 4.50% APY* $500 minimum E5;Vy Star Credit Union We never foi cel that it's your money. Annual Percentage Yi ,Id. i 'IJ I 1..'r. ire eiie..ni .j of February 1, 2006, and are csubiect to change. There is .ul-.rriul f.fiil .i early iiii.Jrarj,.iI ir.ii .ni l .it. I .'. j i i.'l. u all i O Ti. i h I e a ii (. l n .lir n . Now ser\inc anl residents of Nonleai loinda. NCLA~ i9t.14) 777-6000 "\ .\ starcu.org Perry Sheet Metal Inc. Commercial/Residential Roofing Contractor M** etal Roofing Sales & Installation ** 12 Colors , 26 & 29 gauge panels Classic rib or standing seam panels .25 to 30 year warranty ** Architectural Shingles ** ** Roof& Gutter Maintenance & Inspection ** ** Vinyl Siding, Soffit & Fascia ** S** Sheet Metal Fabrication** a Darrel G. Perry, Jr 7061 Fred Periy Rd., Glen St. Mary 591-7851ce. 259-1252 Star HOME EQUITY Credit Union It' PAY TO THE ORDER OF - LOANS FOR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. You don't have to put off the things that are important to you. An affordable loan check is waiting for you at VyStar so you can live life on your own terms. We never forget that it's your money. Call us today. LOW PAYMENTS NO HIDDEN FEES (904) 777-6000 www.vystarcu.org - *," O Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. AUA loans subject to credit approval. -- ma Restrictions may apply. .DA -ARS- EIGHTEEN 4/,ea e-ooee /dew cr ..LMt4 ieS'ed' IT'S OUR JOB! Before you snap that photo you think we'll want to put in the newspaper, check with us! If at all possible, we'll arrange. to have someone there to take it for you. It's our job! The more notice you give, the bet- ter chance you have. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 259-2400 Vy taro Credit Union We never forget that it's your money. ;Biiitft'"W(-"Mt3uM(aBiS *^=mi:-ro^:^^iataaai^aw-;jM|^^ I U Ilijlii RONIE 5s F OD a 2,006 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Eight OBITUARIES Gus Barton, 80, drove gas truck Gus Junior Barton, 80, of Mac- clenny died February 14, 2006. He was born in Baker County on Dec- ember 10, 1925 and lived here all his life. Mr. Barton was a member of Glen Friend- ship, Tabernacle and worked for L.V. Hiers Oil Company as a truck driver for 45 years. He enjoyed fish- Mr. Barton ing,working in his yard, loved the mountains and attending church. He was predeceased by parents Foster and Marie Barton and son Thomas Wayne Barton. Survivors include wife Polly Stewart Barton; son James Harold Barton (Sharon) of Macclenny; sister Mildred Carlson of Seattle, Wash.; sister- in-law Tinkey Starling of Mac- clenny; grandchildren Christy Taylor (Hunter), Kevin Barton and David Barton; great-grandchildren James Ray Barton and Cole Hunt- er Taylor. A service was held February 17 at his church with Rev. Albert Starling officiating. Burial fol- lowed at Macedonia Cemetery. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of Macclenny was in charge of arrangements. Deep appreciation We would like to take this time to thank each and every one of you during the time of our loss. A spe- cial thank you to Prestwood Fun- eral Home for a job well done. Also, a thank you to the Baldwin Police Department and a big thank you to the Baker County sheriff's department for their help. May God bless all of you. THE FAMILY OF ELBERT LEE "E.L." HARVEY History service On February 26 at 7:00 pm, Faith Bible Church will host a ser- vice for Black History Month. The church is located on Five Church- es Rqad in Sanderson. FAITH BIBLE CHURCH Ne.w Hope for the Community Five Churches Road Hwy. 127 Sanderson, FL Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11-00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Every 4' Sunday Night Service 7:00 p.m Videll W. Williams -Pastor / 'E.L 'Harvey dies February 15 Elbert Lee "E.L" Harvey, 62, of Jacksonville died February 15, 2006 following a brief illness. He was born November 10, 1943 in Glen St. Mary. He was prede- ceased by parents Lev and Geneva Fish Harvey. Survivors include wife Mary Harvey; children Laura -Harris (Dave), Patrick Harvey, Mike Harvey, Bridget Harvey, Becky Butts (Kevin); brother Lamar Harvey (Judy); sisters Joyce Carter and Lancy Batchelor (Tony); grandchildren Kristen, Nicklaus, Conor, Madison, Ava Sand Seth." A service was held February 18 at Prestwood Funeral Home of Baldwin with Rev. Richard Fish officiating. Interment followed at Cedar Creek Cemetery in San- derson. Pallbearers were Da\ e Har- ris, Kevin Harvey, Tony Batchelor, Mike Harvey, Patrick Harvey and Kevin Butts. St Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am DINKINS NIEW' CONGIREGATIONAL JlWTHODIST CHULICH CR 127 N. of Sanderson Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am Sunday Night Service 6:00 pm Wed. Night Service 7:00 pm Where Everyone is Somebody and Jesus is the Leader Pastor Rev. Ernie TerreUl 3- - | '' - iFirst Baptist Church of Sanderson SCl 229 S.. Sanderson FL SSunday School 10 am Sun. Morning Worship 11 am Sun. Evening Worship 6 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study 7 pm . Pastor Bob Christmas i A- "C.L.' Williams dies at residence Coran Luther "C.L." Williams, Jr., 69, of Bryceyille died at his home on February 19, 2006 fol- lowing a lengthy illness. Mr. Wil- liams retired from CSX after 36 years as a yard conductor. He was born June 22, 1936 in Jacksonville. He was predeceased by parents Coran Luther and Anna Louise Smith Williams, Sr. Survivors in- clude his wife of 20 years, Betty Williams; sons Coran Williams, III (Mary), David Langford, Tim Lang- ford (Misty) and David Williams; daughters Patty Carr (Tom), Beth Dortch (Ron) ad Amy Sapanero (Leo); sister D6rena Hunkele (Leo); grandchildren Dana, Thomas, Jon- athan, Brandon, Danielle, Catlyn, Heather, Leo, Tony, Caila, zachary, Jasmine and Alyssa. A memorial service will be held on Monday, February 27 at 2:00 pm at Prestwood Funeral Home of Bald\win with Rev. Louis J. Berry officiating. Full military honors were presented by the 125th Fight- er Wing of the FloridaAir National Guard. Obituaries I "The Spirit Filling Church" I ily siage 4 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday AM Worship 11:00 am Sunday PM Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J.C. Lauramore Welcomes All Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 259-4461 Pastor Bobby Griffin Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Very grateful With so many special acts of kindness and comfort expressed by so many during our time of sor- row and bereavement, it is impos- sible to recognize each individual act. Whatever you did to console our hearts, we thank you so much. L May the God of peace ever bless vo 1 Ip'M ritr nroTvr yu Uis oiur p yL. DAVID WALLS AND FAMILY In Memory of my husband, Dwight D. Parker Sr. 2/25/1949 -12/30/2004 In loving memory of my husband and my, children's father, grandfather. Gone but truly not forgotten. Resting in God's hands and forever in our memories. Little did we know that God was going to call your name dha emaI Thursday morning. In life we love you so much, and in dedah 1t e do the same.. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didri't go alone. A part of us went with you, that day God called you home., You left us with many memories, your love still guides us. Although we can't see you, we know that you are alha7/ at our side. Our family chain was bi oken and nothing is ihe same. Bin as God calls our ilnt otnbY one by Ot. ihe chain itill be ai.geiher again. Hlpp B!iR T-11DA '.,l.,l Ft. Ph'l LLIS MM .RIE 'HILL'REN .-di .' .,.NDC:MILDfREN Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N.. Sanderson, FL MSunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11.00 am Eel Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm SWed Evening Prayer SerV. 7.30 pm Pastor: Oral E. Lyons1 H AR B .] p-L.t OR ReceiWv ..or/'if, ... / f'ii ifor ed:, .,..' Pn,',c,'f-o i/Me Lao.d! . Sunday at 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. and Wedncsdiay, :, 7:00 p.m. i .-,, q ..., li; ,,,: ,,, I ,,, ,, W e i F" .. .' .. I,,,,,,, vwwwSouid h 'l/bol m o l '., 90 1es/ ,Gen ', \1. .. I ... ,'o.)_ ..o,_. Otis Church of God * I presents our quarterly ,{ Ii *Friday, March 3rd 7:00 pm Otis Church of God E 801 Otis Rd., Jacksonville church Otis Rd. For more information call 266-4911 N 5 Love Offering Come Early Baldwin Refreshments I i I * I i I * I * I * .I * SFirst United Methodist Church 93 h. 5th St., Macclenny 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship:6:15 pm SJohn L. Hay, Jr., Pastor . Get the better news experience with The Baker County Press Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendship Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary SWJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am Morning Worship Service 10:30 am Children's Church 11:30 am Evangelistic 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm Rev. Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 I, -'ii Fifth Sit. &. 259.6931 S (ansei ll .. e.. "^T T.Pa sptor:M '| Bacclenn F A ,C C Paul Hale '. Sunday Si,,,i :30 am Wednesday Bible Stud& :flll pm '6 Sunday Morning Worship IIJ0:15 am I. a Thursday Youlh 7:00 pm "-k Sunda\. .Evning Worship 6:IJ0 pm ,~irNurerr pr,,d;,td kf r aU A ,:rrne_- -4 "L toring Church with a Growing ision of Excellence" . S e,:al Ble--sir S:h. l R.eadinr-.es Ienterr 25,9-84t,(, First Baptist Church. GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM Beo Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM "A Beacon . to Baker County" 259-6977 Perry Hays, Associate Pastor Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE Inellepenllent Pentecostal Church , ., Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Mfacclenny 25:'--5- Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Service 7:00 pm Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday 9:15 am Youth Programs Sunday School 10:00 am Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm God Kids Sunday 11:00 am God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm Youth Pastor Gary Crummey www.christianfellowshiptemple.com w 4 Winning your case isn't a matter of luck! Have you been denied Social Security Disability benefits? Have you been, or will you be out of work for 12 or more months due to an injury or illness? If your answer is yes to either of these questions, I may be able to help you get a favorable decision! Free consultation and there are no fees unless you are awarded benefits i ... C tti Rbs a979 S 0 U L S lwnastit: W Bdiere Gospel Music Sing featuring Holy Ground Quartet River City Trio [):I/. C'- - I I i Rocking Chair Comer The Medicare/Medicaid. health insurance and prescription drug. benefits assistance scheduled at the Center last week will be resched- uled as individual telephone assis- tance or by in-home visits as neces- sary. We apologize for any inconve-. nience to anyone for the' Friday mix-up. Council staff are setting up appointments for those who called in or came into the Center. Assistance will be provided by, SHINE representatives from the Northeast Florida Area Agency on Aging and the Department of Elder Affairs. Anyone. with questions should call the. Council at 259- S2223, extension 221. Senior Center roof repairs are now. in progress. Thanks go out to, County Commissioners, Joe Star- ling, and Shannon Wh field of the County Maintenance Department and all their crew. Center participants will be enter- tained by Josie Davis's countrN music- group this Wednesday morning. That afternoon will see the first in a series of line dancing classes. start- ing at 1:15 pm. The seniors loaded up the bus for a trip to Olustee. They visited the battle site with all the costumes and battle dress. From there, they went to Lake' City to take in the arts and crafts going on in conjunction with the celebration. After lunch and some shopping they 'headed. back home with stops for fresh produce and to visit the old train station as the\' passed back through Olustee. Every- one had a great timeand we hope to do it again next year. February 25, is the Health Depart- ment's .'Step Up Florida" event. The Center %till be open as a rest station with water, bathrooms and hospitality for walkers and visitors.: Seniors ma\ join the walk at the Senior Center with other seniors and staff and go on to the court- house. Those interested are asked to be at the Center no later than 9:00 am. The Council is in need of Meals on Wheels riders and drivers. One .of our most dedicated family team is now experiencing a hardship. The\ need jhe communitA..'rajer.; as weHl as support to step in and help with the meal route. A reminder that free tax help is still being offered; from 10 am to 2 pm, on February 25, March 4 and 11 at the WorkSource office. Everyone should also keep cal- endars marked for the long-term care planning workshop scheduled with Merrill and Associates, for March 21. SENIORS' NIENU for the week of February 27-28 MONDAY: Meatballs and gravy,, squash, rice, plums, roll and milk. TUESDAY: Grilled chicken and gravy, collards, cream corn, banana, garlic bread and milk. Seeks nominees for the best garden Now that spring is around the corner, do you know of an espe- cially beautiful yard or garden that deserves recognition, including your own? The Garden Club of Baker Count\ would like to recog- nize that garden w ith a special: plaque for the front yard. Please submit your entries to Garden Club, 5949 Shelly Lane, Mac- clenny 32063, or call 259-6064. Sorry, no professionally de- signed or kept gardens will be con- sidered. PRESS ADVERTISING DEADLINE 4 PM MONDAY MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am 11:00 am ,. Worship Services 11:00 am ,; Wed. Bible StudJ, U -p ''- 30 ip ,Minister *-""*'--' .Sani F. Kitching OVER 50 TENNIS Saturday at 9:00am B(IHS courts 535-8399 Nine attend the district meeting Nine members of the Mac- clenny Women's Club attended the District 4 President's Council meeting at Jacksonville Beach on February 17. They were Mary. Finley, Olga Carr, Trilby Crews, Marilyn Hodges, Earnestine Hicks, Mabel Brazil, Cheryl Lunn, Frances Frost and Lane Altom. The club won the highest atten- dance award. This meeting also featured the annual district arts and crafts show. The club entered 15 items and won four blue, four red, three yellow and one white ribbons. The blue ribbon winners will compete in May at the state arts and crafts show in Orlando. Earning a blue ribbon 'were Linda Green, Peggy Arend arid Trilby Crew s with twmo. Past district presidents NMary Finley, Olga Carr, Lane Altom and Frances Frost %were all honored with a rose by district director Mar\,Powell . Benefit auction A live auction will be held the' evening of February 25 to raise money for the American Cancer Society. The doors of the Women's Club in Macclenn. will open at 6:30 to preview merchandise that will be put on the auction block. Bidders are asked to sign in and get a num- ber. The auction begins an hour later. Refreshments will be served and Cherill NMobley is the auction- eer. Press Advertising Deadline 4 prn Monday THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Nine How to avoid sleep death in infants In Northeast Florida, the num- ber of babies who die of sleep re- lated deaths increased from 10 in 2002 to 21 .in 2004. In the first half of 2005, there were 11 sleep-relat- ed deaths in the area. Sadly enough there were two deaths in the same weekend in November of 2005. Both were in. Baker County. The American Academy of Ped- iatrics (AAP) has updated and addressed many related risk fac- tors that have been linked to sleep- related deaths and new policy rec- ommendations have been made. In Baker County,.the health department is the lead agency. for the local Healthy Start program, which is committed to improving the health of mothers and babies. First infants should be placed on their backs to sleep. Side sleep- ing is no longer a good choice be- cause of the increased chances to roll on the baby's stomach. A firm sleep surface should al- ways be used, like a crib mattress covered by a sheet. Soft objects such as stuffed animals and loose bedding including comforters. bumper pads and pillows should be kept out of the crib. Babies have limited head con- trol and can only breathe through their noses. Therefore, bed sharing or sleeping with an infant on a couch, recliner or cushioned chair is also not recommended. A sepa- rate crib or bassinet kept near the parent's bed is a good idea. If a family\ does not hate a crib or bassinet, they can create a safe sleeping arrangement with a dress- er drawer or firmly made container that is placed in a safe place close Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. E\e. \Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500 1WSetcme ack!l! , Leina's Hair Mechanics is glad to welcome back Kellee Snipes Known for the best pedicure in town. 259-8945 Wed. & Thurs. to the parent's bed. The Baker County Healthy Start Program is forming a part- nership to provide needy families with homemade bassinets. Lastly, pregnant women are cautioned not to smoke and infants GOP meeting The Baker Counts Republican Party will hold its meeting on Thursday evening, February 23 at the new county headquarters at 24 College Street in downtown n Mac- clenny. The meeting of the executive committee will begin at 7:00 pm, with a social hour afterwards and a chance to talk to the candidates. For additional information, please call Don Marshall at 259-9672. I. I I I I U I Happy 1st Birthday, Justin & Jerrod! S*I Love, Momm\ & Daddy * Februar', 2 Happy 1st Birthday, KYRA! should not be exposed to people smoking. For more information call (904) 259-8267 x. 2255. Rhoden reunion The Hardy and Carrie Rhoden family reunion will be March 11 at Taylor Church from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more information call 266-4064. Sunday, February 26 at 10:30 a.m. Dinner ont the grounds No Sunday evening services Glen Friendship Tabernacle 10042 N. Clinton Ave, Glen St. Mary Bro Albert Starling BRING A FRIEND OR FAMILY AND COME JOIN US. pa,,.I' Styles By Susie 712.S E. Ah. I'rnon St i US 900) GCI, S:. L.-. 2 25,'-69 Opin Il'e,/',' dai FrdJaY welcomes Maggie Rhoden, Hair Stnlist Ms. Rhoden will join Patsy' lcIntosh, Stylist in offering the same great service you've come to expect from us. Dear friends and customers, I would like to thank my clients and NA residents who have supported me for the past 25 years. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as I retire. Thank you, Susie Taylor Love, Mama Vineyard of Love Ministry PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST Located at the corner of US 90 and Lulu Rd. in Olustep -REVIVLAL 4 k COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN BALDWIN ;: Contact Sheila Gordon 653-4451 tor all your lending and financial needs. 100 South Lima St., Baldwin ..Office 266-1041 February 23-25 at 7:30 pm nightly Come experience an end time A movement of the Holy Spirit Anointed preaching and singing iL ote 259-5567 LNEW HOMES NOW SELLING! THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2006 Page Ten Work set to begin on YMCA pool; director plans to add staff BY LAURA BETH BRINER Press Sports With funding in place and contractors lined up, construction of the Baker County YMCA pool is scheduled to begin next week, according to executive director Shawn Eastman. He said the Y has already hired an aquatics director - Dana Earskine-Pandow and plans to employ 16 to 20 lifeguards. The organization will do a study to de- termine the county's need for swimming instructors. The additional hirings will nearly double the Y's current staff, which includes 22 employees. Eastman wouldn't predict when construction of the pool will be complete. Originally, it was scheduled to be open by last summer, but problems with the soil delayed "Members tha it. Groundbreaking was then throughout thi set for January 1, but was not seen atn pushed back to next week. Eastman said that when construction commences he'll B be given a time line for com- pletion. The $1 million facility, located directly west of the Y, will include an eight-lane pool that is 25 meters long, and a 2000-square-foot bathhouse containing showers, changing rooms, a pump house, concession area, office and storage space. Capacity for the deck and pool combined is 230. at supported us The Y's parent, YMCA of S Florida's First Coast, borrowed s process have $750,000 for construction. P increase." The Baker County Commis- sion earlier this month endorsed Shawn Eastman the organization's application for 9aker County YMCA $5 million in revenue bonds is- sued by the Jacksonville Eco- nomic Development Commission. The money will be used for several Y projects in Northeast Florida, including the Baker County pool. The local share will be paid back as money comes in from funds pledged by the county and Glen St. Mary, as well as anonymous donors and a $200,000 state recreational grant. The difference between the $1 million cost and the $750,000 loan will be in-kind donations for in- stance, the county will donate dirt for the project, sav- ing $30,000, Eastman said. The pool, first proposed in 2003, received financial support from the county, Glen and the Wal-Mart Dis- tribution Center. The city of Macclenny donated the land on which the pool is being built. Once the pool is finished, operating expenses such as maintenance, electricity and insurance will be off- set by increases in membership costs for new mem- bers. Current members will not be asked to pay more. (continued on page 11) Until the Fat Lady Sings OBSERVATIONS BY BOB GERARD I was watching the Olympic ice dancing competition the other night, but I'm a little hesitant to mention that because as much as I love the Olympics, ice dancing is one of those sports that to me doesn't really rank as sport. Ice dancing is the winter equiv- alent of synchronized swimming. It just doesn't make a lot of sense how they got in the Olympics in the first place. That aside, they ran a video of British pair Torvill and Dean from the 1980s. Jane Torvill and Christopher Dean galvanized viewers and the sport of ice danc- ing by receiving perfect scores from every judge on their way to the gold medal. It was the only time in Olympic history that it had happened and because of the new scoring system, it will never happen again. Watching the pair skate on the video, I was again amazed at their grace and artistry. It's clear that if they were skating in this Olympics they would win gold. No one on the ice can touch them. That is strange to think. You would think that 20 years down the line that the sport and athletes J in.general would have progressed to the. extent that they would easi- ly outpace competitors from the 1980s. Not so. That caused me to think of oth- er athletes ,ffon the Olympics who have sto.d the test of time. Girls Nadia Comenici of Rumania scored perfect tens in gymnastics and looking at old \ ideos of her, it is clear that she too could have won a gold at the last Olympics. Mark Spitz, who won more swimming gold medals at a single Olympics than any other athlete, could probably hold up well in Olympic competition. Same too of diver Greg Loughanis. Muhammad Ali (then Cassius Clay) won gold at the Olympics and later that year defeated heavy- weight champion Sonny Liston, Clay/Ali would ha e been the ter- ror of the Olympic games. . I wish that I could sa\ the same, of other.gold medal winners. I don't know% that Carl Le% is would have been a match for Michael Johnson. With USA's NHL hockey stars struggling against Finland and the Czech Republic, I don't know that the-1980 Miracle on Ice team would stand much of a chance. As great as Scott Hamilton was I don't know that he could have done a quad jump. But that doesn't really matter, does it ? The inevitable passage of time in no way.takes away from feats of Peggy Fleming, Paavo Nurmi, Dan Jansen or Jesse Owens. That's the good thing - about the Olympics. Records come and go, but theOly tmpics live in history as fre-s.h asi i it Wvere )escterda,. see progress; seek more next year BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports As befits a team whose strength is its youth, the Lady: Wildcats' Most Valuable Player is freshman Brittany Ruise. Ruise led the Cats in assists and steals, was second in scoring, third in blocked shots and fourth in rebounds. She also was named Rookie of the Year and Most Improved Play-, er at the team's banquet held Feb. 11 at the Glen Church of Christ. Brittany Hinson, a junior, is the Offensive Player of the Year, lead- ing the team with 12.9 points per game. She also led in three-point shooting she hit 52 of 169, or nearly 31 percent, each of which was tops on the team. Hinson also led in foul shoot- ing and was second in assists. Defensive Player of the Year is sophomore Caitlin Griffis, who led in rebounding with seven per game, and in blocked shots with two per game. She also tied for third with 27 steals. The common thread among the award winners and most of the team is their youth. The roster included just two se- niors Shannon Nickels who was second in rebounds, third in scor- ing; and Ophellia Belford, third in rebounds, fourth in scoring and one junior, Hinson. "The younger players stepped up in the second half of the sea- son," said coach Franklin Griffis. "I knew coming in that we would still be young and we played that way in'the beginning of the year and at times during some of the games, but I saw some things that excite me for next year." A group of sophomores Kara ~. .~, Coach John Staples has his team off to a hot start despite his displeasure with a call against West Nassau. Cats stng out of the gate BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports After last week's win over West Nassau, Wildcats' baseball coach John Staples told his team that they "punched in, did your job and punched out... you earned your pay, but no bonuses." You know a team is going well when the. coach isn't impressed by its wins. Even though the Cats have won all five games they've played this season, Staples said "we have a long way to go." "Some of the guys who are playing well, can still get better," he said Tuesday in his office at the Baker County Alternative School where he is the principal. He did, however, give props to his young pitching staff, which he said has been "phenomenal." He credited assistant coach Adamn Home for his work with them. One of those young guns, freshman Bobby Dugard, shut down Hilliard, 6-0, at the Baker High field February 17. Dugard threw five shutout in- nings, gi. ing up just two hits while striking out nine., Adam Lewis and J.D. Milton accounted for five of the Cats' six hits. Lewis also drove in three runs., The night before, the Cats de- feated visiting West Nassau in the "punched in/punched out" game. After being staked to a 5-0 first-inning lead, sophomore Ja- cob Duncan pitched two strong innings before the Warriors broke through for four in the third. However, one of the "old- timers" senior Dustin Combs - stepped to the mound and shut down West Nassau the rest of the game to preserve the victory. Ryan Powell had a double arid triple in two at bats, driving in a run. Lewis also had a pair of hits. The Cats played Columbia County Tuesday but details weren't available at press time. Next up are two district foes - Bradford County February 23 and Ridgeview the following day. Both are at home at 6:00 pm. Lady Cats' softball gets first win Freshman Brittany Ruise was selected the Lady Cats' most valuable player Dupree, Sarah Trawick and Michelle Lopez got extensive playing time and should be able to make up for the loss of the se- niors' rebounding and scoring.. In addition, the team will be getting some help coming in from the middle school, Griffis said. Although the Cats finished 4- 16 record, it was a giant step for-, ward from the 2004-05 season when they failed to win a game. "I thought there were a couple of games that we should have won, but there was continued im- provement from the beginning to the end of the season, which is a good indicator of a successful sea- son," Griffis said. He added that conditioning was sometimes a problem, so he'll have team members working out and playing during the summer. They will attend basketball camp at the University of Florida and play in a summer league at Ridgeview and Orange Park. "The majority of our team will be juniors next year and I've told them that the excuse of being young will not apply," he said. "They have learned some valu- able lessons and gained great ex- perience being thrown in the fire as freshmen and sophomores that should pay off for us next year." BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports After suffering a no-hit loss at home to Hilliard, the Lady Wild- cats rebounded with their first win of the season, a 9-6 victory at Baldwin Tuesday night. Details of the game were not immediately available. The Cats' record stands at 1-4., In their 5-0 loss to Hilliard February 17, they had just three runners, drawing walks in the first, second and seventh innings. At one point, the Flashes pitch- er retired 17 consecutive batters. About a week earlier, the Cats played the Flashes tough in Hilliard, out-hitting them 6-3, but losing 3-2. It was a different story Friday, however, as the visitors scored single runs in the first and fifth, then put the game out of reach with three in the seventh. Meanwhile, the Cats failed to advance a runner to second base. They also had four errors, lead- ing to three unearned runs. Baker High pitcher Tiffany Smith gave up four hits and three walks, while striking out seven. Despite losing each of the first four games, the freshman didn't pitch badly. Her earned run aver- age for those games was 2.42. The day before the Hilliard game, the Wildcats lost 8-2 at Co- Brittany Hall has the ball and the plate, but the Flashes' runner was called safe. lumbia County. After the Tigers jumped to a 2- 0 first-inning lead, the Cats came back with two in the third to tie the game. They scored the runs without getting a hit. With one out, Brittany Gray was hit by a pitch and Brittany Hansen drew a walk. Jessi Nunn reached on an error, which scored Gray and sent Hansen to third. She then stole home. The Tigers, however, broke the game open with four runs in the fourth and two more in the fifth. The Cats, who mustered five hits, had base runners in every in- ning except the second. A couple of times, they had runners at third, but couldn't score them. Hansen had two of the five hits, Kristen Wilkinson had a dou- ble, Smith and Shannon Nickels each had a hit. The girls next play February 23 at Middleburg and February 24 at home against Bradford County, their first two district games. Both tennis teams win matches at Raines HS BY LAURA BETH BRINER Press Sports After three straight days of competition, the girls tennis team got a break with the President's Day holiday this week. Before the break, both the boys and girls teams beat the Raines Vikings February 15. With the \ in, the girls are 2-1 and the boys are at 1-1. "The kids looked great against Raines, they play with so much heart and are fun to watch," said coach Karla Amburgey. The.bo\s won 6-1, with their only loss coming from a close match. Micah Cranford won 8-4, Lew and Dylan Gerayd each won by scores of 8-2 and Randall Vonk shut out his opponent 8-0. Daniel Wilbanks lost 9-7. The doubles team of Gerard and Vonk won their match 8-2 as did the team of Wilbanks and Boyette. The girls %%on decidedly with an 8-0 shut out. Nicole Novaton won 8-1, Shae Raulerson 9-7, Bethany Belleville 8-1 and Sariah Swartz 8-0. Jessica Crews,won by forfeit. ,' ; ' In doubles, Nov0aton and Raulerson teamed up for-an 8-6 win, while Jessica Mayo and Crews won 8-2. The girls will travel to Bolles on February 23 for their next con- test. Bolles is known for having pros give their tennis teams lessons, but that is not an issue go- ing into the game. "We have a lot of heart and we believe that even the best players can be beat on any given day," Amburgey said. "We are going to Bolles with our heads held high and going to give it everything we have." Sports Week On February 25, the Baker County Health Department will sponsor a day- long, couhtywide, healthly-living cele- bration that includes: A Bike Club Ride from Olustee to BCHS to Raynor's will begin at 8 am. A run from BCHS to the courthouse will start at 9:00 am. . From Raynor's parking lot, people will walk to the courthouse starting at 9:30 am. Sanderson will host a walk at Jonesville Park at 11 am, then wrap up with a health fair/field day from noon to 3:00pm. All registration times are thirty min- utes before start time. SCHEDULE February 23 Baseball hosts Bradford County, 6 pm BCHS softball doubleheader at Middleburg, 4/6 pm Girls tennis at Bolles, 4 pm February 24 BCMS softball at Suwannee, 4 pm BCHS softball hosts Bradford County, 4/6 pm Baseball hosts Ridgeview, 6 pm February 25 JV baseball hosts Bradford County in a doubleheader starting at noon. February 27 Tennis hosts W.Nassau, 2:30 pm. February 28 Tennis hosts Bishop Kenny, 4 pm YMCA pool (continued from page 10) The family fee was increased from $52 a month to $67 a month. Adults will pay $45, up from $42, and student memberships will go from $25 to $30. "Members that supported us throughout this process have not seen an increase," said Eastman. Construction of the pool will begin with Parry Paddock Pool In- corporated actually building up the site, then digging out the footprint of the pool. After that, Auld and White Constructors of Jacksonville will start work oni the bathhouse. Gravel will be laid down for parking nearby 'and other site prep work, including a detention pond, will be done Competition swimm ing will be ,offered through the Y, as will swimming lessons for children as young as. second grade. Children under 18 whose families aren't Y members will pay a $1 entrance. Children 12 and older will be admitted without an adult, but younger children will need super-., vision. Coming up at the YMNICA Spring Soccer Don't wait until the last miut1 e and get a late fee for this program. Registration will end on March 4. Program fees for members are S25 and non-members are 565. Nutrition 101 Do vou have qutesotns about nutrition.? Come to Nutrition 101 for your answers.from a registered dietician. The class is located at the Baker Country' Healht Department from 5 pin pm and is on/l S5. This covers the meal that we prepare for you. YMCA Focus Group llaa tigci hI [toa I tt e\ tt growth and expansion of your YMCA- ? Join our Focus Group and let your opinions be heard. "Share the Y" Scholarships No one is turned away from the YMICA for the inability to pa\: The IAICA offers finan- cial aid scholarships for fai~m- ilies, adults, teens, and youth to be able to enjio member- s/p,. sports, day camp, pro- granms, and much more! For more information. call the YMCA at 259-1S898. Activity scholarships available Hours 5:(10 am-9:30 pm M.R 5:00 am-S:00 pm Frida\ 8:00 am-3:00 pm Saturday Important notice on wedding, social notes Brides and other persons who plan to submit articles in the future should be aware that, while The Press is pleased to publish your information, it must be submit- ted no later than four weeks after the event It is your responsibility to ensure that pho- tographers, etc. are aware of this policy. 'We will give you personal attention." M E rr- -i l r.i -r i -i lu I r Ir- ,, l r--, -,t- r I, l MERCANTILE BANK o f," rr r. r r',-r. t District to implement wellness policies BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press Staff The Baker County School Board at its meeting February 21 voted to make revisions to a wellness policy promoting healthy lifestyles among staff and students. The policy will focus on nutri- tion, physical fitness, safe school environment and safety education as well as foster family and com- munity involvement. A steering committee will be appointed to conduct a baseline as- sessment of current nutrition guide- lines and activities, nutrition edu- cation, physical activity, invol- vement of students, families and staff in wellness activities, student attendance, staff absences and oth- er wellness-related topics. The wellness steering commit- tee will monitor the program and do annual assessments. Results will be reported to the superinten- dent and the school board. Recommendations for modifi- cations to the illnessss;. policy pro- gram will be made accordingly based on anal\ isi of available data. Also approved during the meet- ing was a grant proposal to continue Succeed Florida! Advancing Car- eers in Education (WACE) Teacher Cadet Program. The program helps increase the quantity of highly qualified 'teach- ers in small rural districts in. Florida by steering interested students to- Baker County's top spelling students Matthew Cantrell, a sixth grader at Baker County Middle School, won first place in the an- nual Baker County spelling bee on February 8and will represent the county at the Region- al Spelling Bee Championship at the Florida Times-Union on February 25th. Shanice Paige (right), a fifth grader at Keller was 1st runner-up. The students were awarded $150 and $50 savings bonds from the Mercantile Bank. Matthew won the contest by correctly spelling "facial." PHOTOS BY KELLEY LANNIGAN ward careers in education. Students benefit from highly structured, standards-based class- room curriculum, apprenticeship and effective work habit instruc- tion. Baker Countk. with the assis- tan'ce of the North East Florida Educational Consortium (NEFEC), will use the grant funds to realign a South Carolina curriculum model to fit Florida educationI require- ments. ' Adult Basic Education and GED preparation classes will be offered at the Baker County jail following appro\ al of an agreement between the school board and the Baker County Sheriff's Department. The school board will fund an adult basic education and a GED preparation instructor, materials and Other oversight. ,- ... North Florida All-Star Alinis Team Takes First Place The ECE)D\ Regional conmpettion %.a; held at the Orange Park High .-. School ,,n Februaan 4. PicrurCd-d Coch Bre., Heaps, -,, lladisonr Bitrton,1. .'ran Lee, Jordan ._Laurarnore, ickenzie Cret% Seleria Gor zaJez, EnLdv Lee &.Jaider Heap. 7. I 7 c .' ... i t ' !11 L 1" : L I'".,- r[ '" I: " J -5 r ~ The agreement stipulates that one-half of teacher costs and the full cost of GED testing fees will be furnished by the sheriff's office. In other business, the board learned that impact fee funds col- lected by Baker County will be remitted to the district on a quarter- ly basis, after deducting an admin- istrative fee for the services of Baker County (2% of quarterly col- lected fees). Baker County will maintain and produce a report to the school board at the time of each remittance. Robin Moble), executive direc- tor of teaching and learning for the Distance Learning Lab on South Blvd in lMacclenn), got approval to enter into a service agreement with the Schultz Center for Teaching and Leadership in Jacksonville.. The cost of the agreement fund- ed by federal money from a Title II Grant is $1,000 and will cover technical support for video confer- encing equipment used in the Distance Learning Lab. The agree- ment covers the period from Au- gust 1, .2005 through May 31, 2006. A second agreement with Schultz will cost. $3,250.00 and covers installation of T-1 circuits by Bell South to allow connection between the Schultz Center and the local lab. Contact Regina Starling 653-4437 tor all your lending and financial needs. 602 South Sixth St. Macclenny Office 259-6702 Get the better news experience with The Baker County Press Higtedh CB S4p CR 228 & US 301. S. (6 miles S. of 1-10) Exit 343 Maxville Shell Station CB Sales Repair and Installation (904) 289-7900 Professional' i I QUICK Traddc 4J Equipment l NOW AVAILABLE at Agou THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Eleven COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN MACCLENNY A A ., . :, U I, Dai V, c-, - - - - T. * i t I ii THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. February 23. 2006 PAGE TWELVE THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS To place, correct or cancel an ad by phone, call 904-259-2400 DEADLINE: Placement, correction or cancellation of ads may be phoned in anytime before Monday at 4 p.m. for publication on Thursday. RATES: Line Ads: 15 words for $4.50 25c each add'I word Service Ads: 25c each add'I word 8 piece drum set, Zildjian & Sabian, Clothes dryer $75. 259-1369. 2/23p 1998 Jeep, 4 cylinder, new rag top, $250 OBO. 259-9085. 2/23p Floral print loveseat, $125, excellent never off road, $5000 firm; 1998 Thun- Q th di t $129 i condition 259-5518 2/23p derbird, $1500. 259-9943. 2/23p Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed pro- vided they are accompanied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Mac- clenny, FL-32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the tele- phone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run without notification of error by the person or agency for whom it was pub- lished, then that party assumes full payment re- sponsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the odblis'ier does not meet standards of publication. Couch & loveseat, plush, neutral toned colors, reclining on both ends of sofa, $150. 275-3007 leave message. 2/23-3/2c Whirlpool washer, $50. 259-2183. 2/23c 18 ft. Pontoon Sweetwater, 40 HP motor, on trailer. Sell or trade for older motor home in good condition. $8000 OBO. 259-9395 or 923-1966. 2/23c King pillowtop, new with warranty, $259, can deliver. 904-391-0015. 2/9-3/2p Yessir! The Franklin Mercantile is open Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 ,pm. At the railroad crossing in Glen. 259-6040. 126tfc Cochrane solid oak dinette set oval table with extra leaf, 4 chairs, corner hutch with glass upper cabinet doors, $600. 259-2313. 2/9tfc Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12/9tfc Luxury Queen pillowtop, in plastic, -nusi sell, 199 904-398-5200 -. 2/9-3/2p Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console. All pieces are ma- hogany wood. Southern Charm. 259- 4140. 2/3tfc Bunk beds, red, $35; headboard, queen size with lights, $20. 259-3294. 2/23p Xueen orUIUIp UI Oc L, s pl b i-, Vnew, III plastic, can deliver. 904-398-5200. 2/9-3/2p Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet, buffet, all mahogany, can be seen at Southern Charm. 259- 4140. 12/9tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics,. water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Farm-all cub tractor with cultivators & fertilize spreader, $2800. 259-7703. 2/23tfc Used appliances, 90 day warranty. 266-4717. 2/9-5/4p Poker table/bumper pool table; white Jenny'Lind crib, like new; 55 gal. salt- water aquarium, complete with 4 fish & oak cabinet. 259-4911 after 3:00 pm. 2/23p Firewood $60 standard size truckload, you haul, or I haul locally $75. 653- 1149. 2/23p 2002 Honda XR80R dirtbike, comes with some riding gear, easy start, ex- cellent condition, $1400 firm. 259- 9085. 2/23p Broyhill oak entertainment armoire, $200; cherry executive desk, $100. 259-7075. 2/23p Get ready for spring! Azaleas, 1 gal., $1.50; 3 gal., $4.00. 275-3221. 2/23p 2002 Kawasaki Mean Streak 1500, cruises, garage kept, custom paint job, corbin seat, very low miles, beautiful bike, $7500. 259-0722. 2/23-3/2p Honda 450 motorcycle with windshield & saddle bag, runs good, $1500; pin- ball machine, $200.'259-6902. 2/23p 14 ft. Shanoon, 5 HP Suzuki trolling motor I-fe jackets, paddles, galvanized trailer, $1400. 259- 1303 2/23p 2001 18ft.BJaveline, 150 HPJohnson, $12,000 OBO. 904-237-5101. 2/23p New Whirlpool electric stove, $150; king size Beautyrest mattress, used, $100; walker & canes; rocking chair $50. 275-2185. 2/23p Firewood. Great deals on oak. Call 485-0797 or 588-6687. 2/23-3/16p co,, 1UII ..JO .I 0 1 e_14 .. King bedroom suite includes head- board, foot board, rails, box spring, mattress, 2 bedside tables, light pine corner posts with metal scrollwork, ta- bles are glass topped, $650; computer, armoire, medium finish, $75. 259- 9546. 2/23p Band equipment speakers, guilars amp, refrigerator $75. 259-1747.2/23p, 4 person hot tub, good condition, $325 OBO. 259-1715. 2/23p The English Collection sofa & loveseat, paid over $1000 from Circle K, will sell for $300. 860-2095. 2/23p Table w/6 chairs, 2 piece.china cabi- net, dark pine, $300. 259-2691. 2/23p --- -- ---- --- - Quality consignments, large & small,' being taken for big field auction, Sanderson, Saturday, April 1st. Con- tact Bill @ 275-2022, Larry @259- 8453 or Tom @ 783-2904. AU#3386. 2/23-3/2p 1993 Camaro, excellent condition, black, $3500. 371-0261. 2/23c 2000 Chevy Blazer, 4x4, 85,000 miles, $7800. 259-4552. 2/23p 1995 Buick Roadmaster, 1 owner car, leather, loaded, power package, V8, immaculate condition, only 55,000 miles, retail value over $6900, sell for $5400 OBO. 386-867-2023. 2/23c 2005 Chevrolet Silverado Z71 Sportsside, regular cab, 1 owner, only 15,000 miles, satellite radio, power package, including power seat, 6" sus- pension lift, tires & wheels. Iol'ineau cco.-er pa'nred lo mal,.:h .. Chr.-.re.1 ,utC'-, Orgina1l lisi price o ilh :pli': -. ... ' $36,500 have company car & need to sell, will sacrifice for $26,500 OBO. 386-867-2023. 2/23c 1995 Toyota Corolla, burgundy, 4 door, automatic, air, power windows & locks, runs very good, $2995 cash. 6367 Woodlawn Rd., Macclenny or call 259-2253. 2/23p 1996 Dodge Ram, 3/4 ton conversion van, loaded, leather, TV, VCR, all power, $4000. 259-4584. 2/23-3/2p 1996 Dodge Dakota pickup, 5 speed, good gas mileage; new battery, S belt,, radiator & fan; rubber mat in bed, good Perrelli tires, aluminum toolbox & dog box frame, clean interior, needs water pump, $600 OBO. 259-9266. 2/23p 1987 Toyota pickup, 22R engine, needs work, $400 OBO. 904-226- 5260. 2/23p 1999 Daewoo Nubira, station wagon, silver, air, power windows & locks, 123K miles, power sunroof, needs some work, $1995 cash. 6367 Wood- lawn Rd., Macclenny or call 259-2253. 2/23c 1995 Honda Civic, 2 door, hatchback with low profile tires, excellent running condition, must see, $2500 OBO. 860- 2095. 2/23p Affordable & dependable. Let me take care of your cleaning needs, Also available evenings & weekends. Call 259-8310. 2/23p Tree trimming removal and clean up. Licensed and insured. 259-7968. 10/21tfc Don't have time to clean your home office, let me do it. Weekly or biweekly cleaning. Good rates, free estimates. 259-3682 or 497-2797. 2/23p Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at Southern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? .259-7968. MS 4/22tfc Blockhead Pit bull puppies, only 2 left - 1 male, 1 female, $100: Hurry on by! 259-4898. 2/23p Ferrett, 3 months old, neutered, de- scented male, large cage included, $150 OBO. 566-2428. 2/23-3/2p Midtown Day Flea Market, Saturday, March 4th, Railroad Ave., between 5th & GARA 6th Streets. $5.00 fee to reserve a vlt booth. Call Kathleen 904-994-5595. TAG Come join the fun! Friday & Saturday, T 6080 Chestnut Rd., George Hodges Rd to Aspen, follow signs. Kenmore drop-in electric stove, refrigerator, weights & bench set, much more. Family moving must sell everything. 653-1832. Saturday 8:00 am-?, 8870 W. Ben Rowe Circle off Woodlawn, Macclenny. Saturday 8:00 am-3:00 pm, 10190 Glen Ave., Glen. Lab Pups. AKC, shots & wormed, all colors, available April 5th, POP, $400 each. Call 259-9763 or 904-424-4752. 2/23-3/2p Shihtzu, female, has papers, $400. 259-3132 or 591-5368. 2/23p Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control, $50 boarding fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc American Bulldogs pups, NKC regis- tered, $500. 904-741-2090 or 904-318- 1082. 2/23-3/2p ~Uu x1 IGE SALE SALE I Lost: Large brown Brindel dog, spade male, blind in one eye. Resembles , cross between lab & pit. Spanish Lab needs his medicine! Lost last Friday during thunderstorm. Reward. 259- 6905. 2/23p Lost: Male boxer puppy, fawn colored, last seen near baseball field, kids miss family pet. Reward. 259-6216 or 334- 1806. 2/23p Friday 8:00 am-?, Hwy 125 N., turn right on Pine Acres, follow green signs. Furniture, computer, new baby stroller with car seat/carrier, clothes, Sunday school items, house- hold & much more. Rain or shine. Saturday 8:00 am- ?, 1279 Copper Creek Dr. Rain or shine. Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, North 121, 5 miles on left. Clothes, furniture, knick-knacks, lots of nice things. Saturday 7:00 am-1:00 pm, 610 Quail Lane. Boy clothes sizes 4- 12, girl clothes sizes 2-10, plus sizes 16-22, prom dresses, shoes, lots more very cheap! Need a Job? Check us out - PRESS CLASSIFIED bath, eat-in kitc SIcar det. garage w/ .. .. .. .. . 69W.MccenyAe .25 9 3 Mclen I L326 TM!l'll - PENIN Prime locati- Momes er acre. $259.000. cabinets, inside lamd iwa ..7m mrfs wired and ond. Thished garage 2car detached Pcar finished garage, 2 car detached w ly Gorgeous! Located in Glen St. Mar, t Pa c~ arcpol sis of a beautiful garden area, 3 cleared lanted pines. $175,000 ing! 1997 3/2 w/ over 1500 sf. This hoi oom tct dc s, Adatck room, 4 horse stalls and lots of ro country Home Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 ba reltrees at the end of a dead end street. re trees at the end of a dead end street. ge master ro t-Om CIGe rIV,10 VCOFlr LAD " Cindy'.O: g: 10- S-hY7 226-7161 License&Real 15,tte Broker :,HOIIYMOM-63110399 Licensk'Rea! Es'tate Aaent Dm, W'eman-: 237-7046 Opens 'Real Estate Agent Ahgie* :'aIkerr'.;-!,Q5.1 -47214 Licensed 'Real Estate Agent Rose, Stdkos-- 5 02-1520 Lic6nsedfleaif ent, stateA4 e Location - his is true country living. $235,000 NOW HIRING All Positions Full & Part Time Medical & dental, 2 weeks paid vacation Baldwin & Macclenny locations. Apply within or call 259-3727 266-9617 02006 WH Capital, LL.C. G All trademarks are owned by WH Capital, L.L.C. and licensed to Waffle House, Inc. I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. February 23. 2006 PAGE THIRTEEN w CLASIFIDS ONTNUE I FROM PAGE 1 "Dachshund mix. `Name is "Bogie". Small 7/8 lbs., solid color reddish brown, male. Last 'seen 12663 Mudlake Rd., south of Sanderson. Reward for any information leading to return. Please call 275-3262 or 662- 6401. 2/23p Notice to readers: The newspaper often publishes classified advertising on subjects like work-at-home, weight loss products, health products. While the newspaper uses reasonable discretion in deciding on publication of such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truthfulness of claims. Respondents should use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other commitments based on statements and/or promises; demand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC- HELP to find out how to spot fraudulent so- licitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.- The Baker County Press Night Auditor needed part-time. Call 259-5100. 2/23c Framers/carpenters needed. Top pay plus benefits for work on westside of Jacksonville, transportation provided Monday-Friday. 386-266-0179 or 386- 266-0236. 2/9-3/2p Florida Times Union carrier requires part.time help on Sundays only, must have dependable car. 259-5246. S2/9-23p Exterior & interior construction debris clean up person, full time. Call 259- 2255 or 259-3343. 1/12tfc Experienced painters needed. Must have tools 259-5877. 12/30tfc Pier 6 Seafood now accepting applica- tions for all positions. 259-6123. 2/2-3/2c Wall Timber Products is in need of company drivers & owner operators, must have one year experience, bene- fitipackages available.'Call Frank at 904-237-3904. 1/26-2/23p Pipe layers, pipe foreman & operators. Allbright Contracting 259-0792. 2/23p Local home health care agency seek - ing full lime Physical Therapist for local and surrounding areas. Call 259-3111 for details: 2/24tfc Full-time trim/punch out carpenter for local construction company Bene- fits & paid vacation included. Please call 259-3343. 2/23tfc Person needed to deliver magazines to stores once a month. 386-684-9726. S"- "" .. 2/23p Part time with full time potential. Look- ing for mothiated, 'qualified person in Baker and surrounding counties. Expe- rience'in sales helpful: Reply with re- sume and references to P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc (?^- ,P,,P iicii in Regisiti 's Oflk.c regislering .uJtrent. processing transcripts, etc. Must Sbe able to work tnder pressure and meet deadlines. Must have high school diploma or equivalent with 2 years clerical experience. Additional education may substitute for experience. Must be proficient in Word and Excel. College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitvcc.cdu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone; (386) 754-4314 S Fax: (386) 7544594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools :VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment Recycling Technician II. The New River Solid Waste Association is seek- ing to hire a full time employee for the position of Recycling Technician II. The duties will include collection & process- ing of recyclable materials, supervising inmate labor & other duties as needed. Applicants must have a high school or GED diploma, a Class B or higher CDL, & the physical dexterity necessary to complete the required duties. Starting salary is $9.50 per hour, salary com- mensurate with experience. Applica- tions may be obtained at the office of New River Solid Waste Association on SR 121, 3 miles north of Raiford, FL,, Monday-Friday, between 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Deadline for applications is Tues- day, February 21, 2006. 2/9-23p Part-time scale operator. The New River Solid Waste Association is seek- ing qualified applicants for a perma- nent, part-time position of Scale Opera- tor. Will be responsible for operating computerized scale system, collecting fees & keeping accurate records of all transactions. Must be a high school graduate with two years of experience in similar work. Must be willing to work a flexible schedule with some week- ends & holidays. Starting salary will be $9 per hour for 20-30 hours per week. Salary commensurate with experience. Applications can be picked up at The New River Regional Landfill on SR 121, just north of Raiford, FL. Deadline for applications will be February 24, 2006 at 5:00 pm. For further informa- tion, call 386-431-1000. New River Solid Waste is a drug free workplace, drug testing will be required. EOE. 2/23c Baby sitter needed in my home, 1-2 nights per week, must be very respon- sible & have references. 904-537- 8542. 2/23-3/2p. Serving ALL your real estate needs! o Florida ' Crown ,., Realty WE SELL PROPERTY FAST!! LET US SELL YOURS... www.floridacrownrealty.com Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Josie Davis, Sales Associate Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate 799 S. 6th St., Maclenny Q 259-6555 . M.9t= CNAs. All shifts, licensed only, must pass background/reference screening. Apply in person to Macclenny Nursing & Rehab, 755 S. 5th St./Hwy 228. Ask for Sharon or Melves. 2/23-3/2p Construction personnel immediate openings. Pipe layers, trackhoe opera- tors, front-end loader operators, tail- man & hillman. Drug screen required. Jensen Civil Construction, 9100 Philips Hwy. EOE/m/f/d/v 2/23-3/2c I- GEORGIA LISTINGS- St Mary's River Bluff Gorgeous 4BR'2BA Fleatwood on 2.56 acres o beaulifullyi land.- scaped property. Large open tlior plan with vaulted calthedral ceil ings, formal DR & LR plus a great room Jac.uzi lut, with separate shower in enormous rnasler bath New privacy fencing in a home that looks & feels brand new Just north of the FL'GA line in walking distance o0 the St. Mary L River. Don't miss all this value lor only Waycross 10 acres on soutn side of Highway 64, z2roed residential. 285 acres on north si plrndtis planted in 27 year o, oJ ,ri IP i Very Llo to cwri and .t for re-derilial development 000 per acre prior to cutting. '2600 after ruling FLORIDA USTINGS- Interlachen Lake Access 22 acre lot in Inlerlachen with access to beautiful Lake Grandin. Very few of Ihese lots are left Most have been purchased by investors. $15,000 00 Macclenny 7.90 acres close to intersecion of CR 125 & CR 127 Zoned for home or mobile home not older than 5 years One ol very few large parcels lell with zoning for mobile home Reduced $94,500 00 Murray Hill/Lakeshore Corirmercial building with 3004 SF that could be rerinted o 3 tenants $450,000 Commercial 2 story. 3153 SF buidling that can acrorrinro- Commercial Lot 14,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. frontage on SR 121. Located between Waffle House and Day's Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $125,000. Lot on Little St. Mary's River, con- veniently located between Glen St. Mary and Macclenny. This heavily wooded lot is restricted' to site built homes only. '/4 acre + priced at $34,000. Nice 3 BR/1 BA frame home with new vinyl siding and CH/A. Re- cently remodeled and ready to move into. Located on Tony Givens Road in Sanderson on 1 acre. Affordably priced at $136,500. Burnham Construction, Inc. is look- ing for qualified skilled workers. Pipe foreman, pipe layers, tailman, hillman, operators & laborers. Excellent bene- fits. Medical, dental, life, paid holidays, paid vacation. Experience preferred. Dependable transportation a must. Ap- ply in person at 151 S. 7th St., or call 259-5360.'EEO. Drug Free Workplace. CUC#1224176. 2/23-3/16p Experienced sales person wanted for growing tractor dealership: Knowledge of farm & construction equipment help- ful. 259-4277 or fax resume to 259- 8025. 2/23tfc Alexander Family Gospel Group is looking for musicians. Need piano/key- board player & guitar player. For more information, call David Woody @ 904- 591-4241. 2/23-3/2p Licensed Florida & Georgia Macclenny 259-4828 ,- date 3 tenants $350,000 A little piece of heaven on the St. Mary's Rive Don't mlis this opportunity. A pristine river lot Cypress hc from the Ic floonng re Mkithen, walk-in pantry, too many features to list in needs to be tinirihed arid buyer will pay $3000 lo, 2nd BR and BA Price a bargain - al $189,900. Bryceville 3 BR.2 BA, updaleJ 1983 DW 'MH - on 2 acres with split floor plan, eS , above ground pool, new green meal roof, fenced and cross fenced, outSide storage shed and owner will leave not uD thal has n nT hbpen in _ii-0 ..... 1-6 " I,,. L' L- ... .I .... North Jacl Garden C ' on branch I on property. $30,000 00 West Jacksonville 8 35 acres with 1400 SF brick home that was not co framing arid electric have been done Septic and well are not guaranteed to work. There Is a pond on the oried for livrestoc. Has chain link tencing $650,Ci00 RENTAL USTINGS- Home for Rent Z,2 1400 sq feet, all brick home, wall to wall ,:ar open kitchen, fireplace, back deck covered fror yatrd, all new intenor paint, large Tamily room All a be screened and must .agree to a Oackground cm and pre-paids will be discussed upon approved apr $90i.0 per month Commercial Property for Rent 2'1 bath single wide mobile home: pient :,i r)oom office space Perfect for a commercial orife of n Rents will be negotiated upon submittance of rental Broker r with a 2,2 all /'s River rrade art pine wood lace, spacious this ad HOITI wards tirn thing IR 149 900 00 Nice large lot n ol' housH still impleted S~mne on property but properly and is rpel, lanoleum, ni patio. large applications ,,ill neck Deposit3 plicatioris onl% for additional early \an sort appleaticon Bring the kids and their horses. 14.88 nice acres. Part hay field and part wooded with small creek and catfish pond. 3 BR/2 BA doublewide MH with extra hookup for a second MH and two extra wells. Convenient to Jacksonville. Located on NW 216th Street in Lawtey. Priced at $179,000. Very Clean 3BR/2BA on .77 acre. This 1995 14x66 singlewide mobile home has been cleaned & freshly painted. Located on a paved road and ready to move in. Nice area on Mudlake Rd. Affordable at $64,900. Comme acclenny Ave. 01 be reno- vated for office or other commercial use. Lot size is approximately 152x112. Near new Cypress Pointe Subdivision. Build your business here. $150,000. HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. 1 ---.. W t# '( Licensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell We can show and sell all listings! S FEATURED LISTING! G t Horse, .:. : v.,,.: / s .t'.-. I $104 900 carpet, new cabinets & countertops!! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side screened porches, large family room, large bonus room, large fenced back yard, stove & refrigerator. Must see to appreciate. In Macclenny city limits. $199,900 710-0528 cell. Tina Melvin Sales Associate 233-2743 cell. E-Z STOP CONVENIENCE STORE with all stock & equipment CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent corner lot location! Beverage License is Available! Richard's Grocery & Meat Market 386 N.'Lowder St., Macclenny $389,000 Owner will stay on to train you for 6 months Also, a 4 BR house and mobile home lots (4) can be sold separately. Call for price & details! 3 BR, 1 BA home with wood , floors, CH/A in the city. " Currently rented for $700/month. . $109,000 Seventy Acres- $2,500 per acre. Moccasin Creek. Like to hunt and fish, call us about this land in the country $175,000 Commercial- 2 lots on US 90 in Glen St. Mary. Excellent commer- cial use. Has access to water and sewer. $195,000 Vacant city lot .83 acres in good 1I $44,900 schools. 2 Lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with building. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305,000 Excellent commercial corner lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000. Well & Septic Tank on 1.90 acres. Lot just right for your mobile home. Convenient location,' $35,000 DRII'ERS **" ^ :'J,*' X., ::J .... $2,000 Sign-On Bonus For a limited time only!! With one year OTR experience. STAY IN THE "SWEET PART" OFTHESOUTH FL, GA, SC, NC, TN, AL. Top pay-up to .40 cpm w/5 vrs. Guaranteed Hometime Health & Disability Ins. Available Life & Dental Ins. Provided 401 K available Saferv Bonus 800-874-4270 #6 HVY. 301 S., Starke, Fla. xW'v.daC is,-express.com HOTp Li ~j\.0 .iY ~fi" 521 South Sixth Street, Ste. C, Macclenn . 121 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Fourteen Dump truck drivers, Class A or B li- cense. Sands Development, Inc. 904- 445-8836. 2/23-3/2c Experienced part-time salesperson. Monday, Tuesday, Saturday. Salary plus commission. Bring resume Mon- day-Friday, 10:00 am-noon to Badcock Furniture. 2/23-3/2c Cleaning lady, 1-2 times per week, needs references. 962-0769. 2/23p Substance abuse counselors & CEO positions available in a Baker County agency. Master's level preferred but a BA with relevant experience can substi- tute. Send resume to Baker Community Counseling Center, c/o CEO, 213 E. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny,FL. 32063 or fax to 259-0265. 2/23p Earthworks of Northeast Florida, Inc. seeks a Project Estimator. We are a site & underground utility contac- tor working for private developers. This position will be responsible for estimat- ing, soliciting bids, assembling pricing for proposals & preparing budgets.& schedules. Compensation package is competitive & is based on experience in the industry. Please fax resume to 904-653-2801 or e-mail to EARTH- WORKS@setel.net. Or you may apply in person at 11932 N. SR 121, Mac- clenny, FL. 32063. 904-653-2800. EOE/DFWP. 2/23-3/16c Log scaler/analyst position available. 'Prefer 2 year degree with Forestry or Business Management. We are an EECC, drug free workplace. 401 (k), health/dental/life insurance, paid holi-. days/vacations. Apply at Gilman Build- ing Products, 6640 CR 218, Maxville, FL, or fax resume to 904-289-7736. 2/23-3/2c St. Vincent's Health System, Jack- sonville, FL., Paramedics (new rates of pay), EMTs & Drivers needed. Ad- vanced Patient Transportation (APT), a division of St. Vincenl's in Jacksonville. FL., is seeking Paramedics full-time or PRN, EMTs full-time & drivers full- time. We offer excellent benefits which include tuition reimbursement, paid uni- forms & 401 (k) plan offered for full-time positions; medical benefits offered for full-time on the 1st day after 30 days of employment. Go to our website www.jaxhealth.com today for specific job information & apply on-line. 2/23c A/C & duct installers, must be experi- enced & dependable. 259-8038. 2/23-4/13p Company specializing in erosion con- trol now hiring the following positions: crew leaders, equipment operators,la- borers. class A CDL drivers. A valid driver's license a must. Fax resume to 275-3292 or call 275-4960. EOE. 2i23tdc Calendar's Coffee House, Deli & Pizzeria is looking for kitchen & counter help & waitstaff. Dependability & friend- liness a must Apply in person or call 885-1692. 2/23c Local construction-company ,s s ee- ing experienced pipelayers. loader & dozer operators, hillman & tailman. Benefits include: competitive wages, 401(k) & health insurance. Please con- tact Southern Development Corp. @ 904-727-7483. 2/23-3/16p Seeking class A drivers for North Florida to Central Florida area. Home nights. Minimum five years experience & clean record required. Established. rebar fabricator offering excellent bene- fit package including 401 (k) & profit sharing. Fax resume to 695-4844 or call 695-4843 for appointment. 2/23p Established company has immediate opening for an entry level position as a Detailing Assistant. All candidates should have excellent communication & organizational skills, be good with' math & have experience in Excel & Word. CAD experience would be a plus. Excellent benefit package & room for career advancement. Fax re- sume to 695-4844 or call 695-4843 for appointment. 2/23p Part-time car mechanic needed, ex- perience & tools, dependable. 259- 2253. 2/23p Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimi- nation." Familial status in- cludes children under the age of 18 living with par- ents or legal custodians, E r pregnant women and peo- ple securing custody of children under l1. EQUAL HOUSING children under 18. OPPORTUNITY This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real es- tate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. 2 homes for price of 1! 1.77 acres & 2 mobile homes, live in one, rent the other. This is a real buy you have a home & some land. Call Margie Walker, Realtor, 613-8438 for your pri- vate showing. 2/9-3/9p Baker County. St. Mary's River, 10 acres, 700 ft. on river with small white sandy beach, secluded, high & dry, fenced, large oak & pine trees, picture perfect, beautiful property. Only $200,000. 259-7574. 2/23-3/16c 1 acre in Glen with or without doublewide home. With $75,000 without $45,000. Nice location, dead end road, convenient to 1-10, near schools. 338-,7153.2/2-3/2p New 2006 doublewide,'3 BR, 2 BA lo- cated on '/2 acre i'ti fenced yard, $105,000, owner fi anc'ing available. ,259-7925or476-7136 2/23c 3 BR. 1'h BA brick home, 1380 SF liv- ing, garage & carport, fenced back yard, brand new A/C & carpet, corner city lot, $148,000. 259-2618 or 904- 349-053. 2/9-3/2p 10 acres of beautiful land in South Sanderson, $15,000 per acre. Serious inquires only. Call 371-0261. 2/23c 3BR, 2 BA home on 1 acre in Mac- clenny II, 1805 SF, $249,000. 553- 2718. ." 1/26-2/23p 10 acres. Ideal location for large gas station, 125 N. at blinking light. 434- 3582. 2/23-3/9c 3.18 acres located ',': mile north of Glen in close proximity to schools. In- terested? Call Tommy at 901-373- 5979: 2/23-3/2p 1994 doublewide, 2 BR. 2 BA, 1'/2 acres, new carpet & linoleum, new. heating & air, all electric, new 12x24 shop & utility shed, totally fenced, 3 miles north of Macclenny $92,500. Call 566-1295 or 234-2507. 2/23-3/2p 2 acres, cleared with well septic & power pole in city limits of St. George, GA.. private property close to schools, $26,000 912-843-8196. 2,'23-3.2p 3 BR. 2 BA home built 2002 on 2 acres off Odis Yarborough Rd.. siding with brick accent, 2 car garage $249,900. Call 237-2336 2/23-3/2p .*'. -' , -A I l-1 r - - ..- --,. 3 * '-:. B i Rent to Own or Purchase. 1997, 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on beautiful 2.5 acre with large pond near Taylor; 904- 477-8995. 2/9-23p 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets, garbage pickup & water provided, $600 per month, $600 deposit. 912-843- 8118. 12/22tfc Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-860- 4604 or 259-6156. 3/17tfc 1 acre lot for mobile home in Macedo- nia area off Odis Yarborough. Call Brian at 759-5734 or 259-6735. 3/24tfc Cypress Pointe. 3 BR, 2 BA brand new house with screen porch, available February 20. For rent or lease with one year contract, $1350/month, $500 de- posit. 407-810-8363 or 407-9330 ask for Michael. 2/9-23p i 2 BR mobile home, $500/month, $250 deposit, CH/A, new paint & carpet, Georgia Bend. 259-5317. 2/23p 2 BR, fenced yard, new paint in & out, CH/A, Georgia Bend, $550/month, $250 deposit, $500 deposit with pets. 259-5317. 2/23p Mobile home. $500/month, 1st& last in advance; $200 damage deposit, no. pets. 259-6391. 2/23p 1 BR, 1 BA apartment off River Circle Rd Glen. $400/month, $400 deposit, $150 electric deposit. 259-7923.2/23p Mobile homes, Hwy 185, Georgia 259-3372. 2/23p Baldwin area. 2 houses available, no smoking 266-9622. 2/23p 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, new. appli- ances stove, refrigerator,,washer & dryer, A/C & heat, no pets, $500/month, $300 deposit, in city limits. 386-431-1728. 2/23p 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, covered deck, close to 1-10 must have good ref- erences. $550/month, 1st, last & secu- rity deposit. 259-7797 before 8:00 pm. 2/23c MobileHomIes 1999 Skyline doublewide. very nice, 1500 SF, 3 BR, 2 BA, large kitchen,' large family room with fireplace, front" porch Asking payoff or assume mort- gage with low payments & low interest rate, Must be moved. 275-2493 or 228- 1931. 2/23p PRESS CLASSIFIED' Found in 80% of the homes in Baker County WHITEHEAD BROS., INC LAKE CITY LOGISTICS, INC. OTR DRIVERS NEEDED Go through Home several times most weeks. Home most weekends Personalized dispatching that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at our location here in Starke. Vacation pay, Safety Bonus up to $1,200 per year. Driver of the Year bonus, and driver recruitment bonuses. Blue Cross Blue Shield medical and dental insurance. Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving :- record CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE AT 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898 TRUCK AND TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED G PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 Hi -,'-Ruin in fr:,nt of their band 's ligo From iei-l Jrii,,ne r B...'b seclek. t iuairii Sai Brig, s. per(i._it.-,'l t h rri K.iiprp, viitiar tL Icad vocalist Ben Brtes, bar player i nvh Briei s an, 'hi'arist Dave Bates.- PhotobyKeleyLannigan READYTO. ROCK! For local band, music is a family affair BY KELLEY LMNMIG.AN Press Staff As a second generation musi- cian who has roots in the Mac- clenny area, music for Ben Briggs is definitely a family' affair. Lead vocalistt and guitarist for his band Hit-N-Run, Briggs was born in Macclenny and lived here as a small child. "I remember riding my 'bike all over the town," he recalls. Briggs is the son of musician parents who performed with the Macclenny-based Bonnie Gringo Band during the 70s. When she was expecting, his mother was performing with .the band as the drummer, exposing Briggs to the influencee of rhythm even before he was born. Some of his earliest memories are of his parents 'si iging-ifthairmonny around ihe house. After leaving Bonnie Gringo, Ben's father Tim pursued other interests, earning a library science degree and becoming a teacher, but he never abandoned music. After a chance meeting with Teddy Gentry, bass player with the leg- endary country music group Alabama, he became a writer fdr the band's publishing company, then joined and toured with Ala- bama for seven years. Tim Briggs also had his own group, The Tim Briggs Band. Young Ben and his brother Jamie performed with their father, open- ing for such big industry names as Eddie Money and The Dixie' Chicks. Exposed to such a music- enriched environment, and armed With first-hand experience, it %\as ine table that Briegs follow in his father's footsteps and eventually form his own band. "By the time I was 12," says Briggs, "I was already playing pi- ano, guitar and drums. After a while, I concentrated on guitar. I met Wind), the girl I would even- tually marry, in high school when she was only 15. 1 showed her how to phlay bass guitar so she could help me practice." Windy Briggs, whose only' -musical involvement had been as a vocalist at her church, .became -interested, enough to.,want to per- form with her husband and pursued the bass guitar seriously. Briggs also taught Bob; Seeley, a school friend from south Florida who is the band's percussionist, how to play drums. Briggs then began working vith his 16-year-old sister Sam, teach- ing her to play acoustic guitar. She plays on a Black Guild, a guitar her father used during his tenure with Alabama. Sam performs w ith the group as her school schedule al- lows. Dave Bates, an accomplished guitarist from Pennsylvania, relo- cated to-, the' Macclenny area to work with the band. Bates brings with him the added benefits of being trained in live sound produc- tion and sound engineering. "We have another member, Kerri Knapp. 1 also worked w ith her and now she enhances many of the songs with additional percus- sion such as tambourine and mara- cas," says Briggs. After this core of committed musicians became established, they decided to call themselves Hit-N- Run, a name that's catchy and easy toremember.t' . Everything in the li\ es ofHit-N- Run revolves around music. Art- (Next page please) Rger & Raulersoni |Well.Drilling 2" & 4" Wells -all Roger or Roger Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured A7 ~\ i - NOW HIRING Cooks Servers Cashiers Dishwashers & Manager Trainees Full Time & Part Time. Apply in person at WOOS' Located in Winn-Dixie Shopping Center, Macclenny 259-5800 4 PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1-800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! 'iriT Hit-N-Run (From page 14) work featuring vw:ell-known musi- cians and musical instruments dec- orates the. walls of the band's .com- fortable living room practice space. They rehearse in a semi-circle formation, making eye,-contact and communication between all mem- bers a sure thing. Everyone is allowed input. Their practice ses- sions are focused and disciplined. tempered with-humor and fun. Through hard work and an un- usual bit of luck, Hit-N-Run has already had a lot of local success. "I negotiate all the booking for the band and I didn't feel a need for an agent," says Briggs. His wife felt differently. She began leaving long lists of agent's names by his computer. Finally, a little more than aggravated, Briggs grabbed a list, ran his finger down the names and arbitrarily stopped on one called The J. Bird Agency. He called the number. "What can you do for us that 1 can't do myself?" he demanded of" the agent. Since the agent didn't represent local bands, the conversation near- ly ended at that point. "We're not just any local band," Briggs insisted. "My dad used to play with Alabama and when I played with my dad's band we opened for the Dixie Chicks, Lori Morgan ..." "Alabama?" asked the agent. "What'd you say your name was?" When Briggs told him, he was surprised to learn the agent not only knew of his father Tim, but had once booked gigs for The Bonnie Gringo Band. The next thing Hit-N-Run knew, they were opening for well estab- lished bands such as Cheap Trick, Black Foot and most recently. Bad Company. Hit-N-Run prides itself on deliv- ering a solid performance of cover tunes culled from southern, classic. alternative and hard rock influ- ences. In many instances, their ele- gant vocal harmonies on renditions of songs like "Sweet Home Alabama" give such southern rock standards a whole new listening dimension. Briggs use and technical mas- tery of a device called a Talk Box (made famous by Peter Frampton) " , which manipulates sound and makes the band's performance of the tune "Do You Feel Like We . Do?" reverberate with high energy. -, :'They also play tunes written by father Tim Briggs such as '"Re- \ival" the chorus of, which again .features beautiful four-part harmo- . ny, a trait that is the band's forte: "Father, mother, sister, brother Everybody squeezing in the pew The preacher shouted, you never doubled, 'Cause in your heart you knew" Hit-N-Run's blend of technical skill, attention to detail and profes- sional work ethic is garnering, the band respect among clients and professionals in the music industry. "We've developed our musical skills to the point where we want to take things to the next le\el," says Briggs, "not just simply play other Sartist's music. We want to write and play our own material. We want that hit song that all musicians dream of. And we're willing to work for it." Hit-N-Run is planning to take a six month break from performing :and head into the studio to work on material for their own CD. Perhaps that long dreamed of hit song is just around the corner for this dedicated band with a home-town connection. Unlike the Eagles song thev.cover, however, this band won't "take it easy" anytime soon. Hit-N- Run is ready to rock and roll all the way to the top. After school help Students at the Baker Counts Middle School are now eligible for free after-school help from North Florida Community Action Agen- cy. These classes are available to children w\ho displaN at risk. behavior such as using tobacco. alcohol, drugs or hanging out with the wrong crowd. For more infor- Smation call 259-4481. PRESS CLASSIFIED $4.50 for 15 words for the week of February 27-March 3 BREAKFAST MONDAY: Breakfast pizza with milk and juice. TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit with milk and juice. WEDNESDAY: Cheese toast with milk and juice. THURSDAY: Eggs and griis .iih milk andd juice. FRIDAY: Cereajl and loas i ,ih milk 'rd' juice. . LUNCH MONDAY: Ham '.iCh macarc.ni and lchleee and roll or hamburger, cthoicc of io poai0:' aedgcs. pcas.condimcnrii,a iiragcliin and milk TUESDAY: Buriro or ham and chI ; sand\ ich, chice o l O l n.o Frcrh til., jI" fruii arid milk W'EDNESDAY: Chicken and dumplings ,ith roll or pizza, choice of r,..o e) gis. salad. fiuil and milk THURSDAY: Tacos and cinnam3in bun -or fih .anid 'ich..: ch'ice o oo com ico.ndamrni'. finit and mirlk FRIDAY: \Vgi.itble soup and peanut buner and Ill saindwich or Furkev and'.aich. choice.of ito French triet, egglci and dip. fuil .ind milk . THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 23, 2005 Page Fifteen qual-i-ty- adj. Having a high degree of excellence THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Since 1929 Fill Dirt Top Soil Septic Tank Sand EP INC. (904) 289-7000 ;-Open 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm P-. Well Drilling -~ ater Softeners & Purification Septic Tanks ~ Drain Fields ~ Culverts 259-6934 AVE'RE YOUR \VATER EXPERTS* Licensed in Flordaa Geor.ta S 1SA Masie'rCard American Express Discover Is your water misbehaving? If so, call us... We will bring the Water Wagon to your house & fix it! For more Information about products and services see our ad in the '05-06 Macclenny phone book on page 100. Our Water Conditioning Units Will Bring Quality Water Into Your Home! 904.608.5669 or 904.613.1898 A MACCLENNY BASED COMPANY mmmmommomd MMUMMMMOMM09 rear parking assist MSRP $29,730 :$25,970* *Includes all applicable rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees. FREE. Portable DVD Player c with screen : With the purchase of a NEW or USED vehicle February 22-28, 2006. Offer good on purchase dated 2/22/06-2/28/06 U U ZQ8 Sport suspension, 2" drop suspension from the factory. . MSRP $19,865 awn, * Includes all applicable rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees. 2006 Monte CarloSS< #61'37 Be a part of TEAM CHEVY!! Drive an SS with a 303 HP V8 with Active Fuel Management. The Chevy Monte C o gets an impressive 28 miles per gallon. 119 S. Sixth St. Maccenny 259-5796 -Pre-Owned 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New www.PineviewChevrolet.com AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION '~- CHEVROLET Lance riffiis iviarvin ielson uClayton BlacKsnear Morris ~las KOger rarKer iviKe jees Kyie Crag Sales Manager Used Car Mgr. Finance Manager Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate F |