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Paid circulation leader Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS /c~ /7" I FLA Uncaerage selling of beer nets nine more Six of the stores same as last month There they go again. The Baker County Sheriff's Of- fice hit the streets again last week, busting nine-more store clerks for selling beer to a 19-year-old male working undercover. Six of the stores were among 13 cited less than a month ago in a similar sting. The recent cases, all made the evening of February 8, will not be the last, a sign that the department is serious about cracking down on stores that sell to teenagers. "Some of them just don't get it," said Chief Gerald Gonzalez, who helped coordinate both efforts. "We even told some of these people we'd be back, and they're still sell- ing." The department launched a crack- down in January amid a growing number of traffic stops and some accidents involving intoxicated underage persons. Lt. Gonzalez said some readily admitted they purchased beer local- ly and named the store. Most, how- ever, declined to do so. "That's one of the reasons we just didn't-target one or two stores. We know they're getting it from a lot of them," said the chief. In fact, the majority of stores visited by the sting team sold beer to Rodney Driggers, who works for the sheriff's department. In Jan- uary, a 20-year-old female employ- ee was used. Sheriff Joey Dobson said this week he is sending a letter to all stores and restaurants in the area licensed to sell beer, wine and liquor. "We're going to tell them we want this to be a partnership be- tween us and them and we want this to stop," he said. "Our children are important to us and they need to join us in the effort." The sheriff added he will follow up the letter with personal visits. The next sting will likely in- clude agents from the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, a state regulatory agency. Chronic offenders risk the loss of licenses to sell beer and wine. So far, violators have been is- sued notices to appear in court. The next time they will be arrested, according to the sheriff. Cited last week were: V Amber Norris, 19, Glen St. Mary, at the Exxon Store, Lowder and US 90 in Macclenny. V Ketra Holder, 39, Macclenny, at Quick N Handy, Lowder St. in Macclenny. V Alda Hill, 43, Glen St. Mary, at the Citgo, 121 and Hodges Rd. in Macclenny. /V Gregory Harris, 28, Mac- clenny, at the S&S Store, South 6th in Macclenny. V" Sharon Thummel, 48, Mac- clenny, at the Exxon Store, South 6th in Macclenny. V Shitel Patel, 27, Macclenny, at the Raceway store, Woodlawn Road in Macclenny. V Rubina Ali, 32, Middleburg, at Fastway Foods, Woodlawn Road in Macclenny. V Alicia Crow, 18, Macclenny, at the Exxon Store, SR 125 south, Glen St. Mary. V James Holmes, 39, Glen St. Mary, at Country Boy's Exxon, Glen. It was the second offense in less than one month for Quick N Han- dy, 121 Citgo, S&S, 121 Exxon, Raceway and Fastway Foods. I 9076 IIl48819 8 6 89076 48819 8 Traffic, parking 'a mess' Neighbors upset over disruption near new Pre-Ksite BY JIM McGAULEY Press Publisher "It's the biggest mistake ever made in Baker County. And ,there's no solution to the prob- lem it created." That claim by south Mac- clenny resident Yvonne Hart may smack a bit of hyperbole, but it doesn't diminish the frus- tration and anger felt by her and neighbors along South Boule- vard and nearby residential streets. The mistake? Location of the recently com- pleted PreK and Kindergarten school in the neatly groomed, once relatively quiet and well- zoned section of Macclenny. The problem? Twice daily traffic snarls caused by hundreds of parents dropping off and picking up children. Into that mix go sever.- al. dozen school buses and regu- lar traffic. In the afternoons starting about 1:15, the cars start lining up facing west on the north shoulder of Boulevard. The line snakes east around the 90 de- gree corner onto East Boul- " .-- ~ms~ ~-~' 7 .'. : . '^ ^:; .. I~L - Stakes and ,1!','..,n have served so far as a barrier off private property, and neighbors say an ineffective one at that. evard. Cars have been parking on the lawns of sever- al homes, on rights-of-way where sidewalks exist. Ruts appear in the soft ground after rains and sprin- kler heads have been smashed at ground level. "I came out one morning after school opened and I thought someone was having a party at my-house," recalls Danny Lamb, who lives across from Mrs. Hart facing First St. "School employees and mothers parked their cars on my lawn and when I told them to move, some said they parked on the city right-of-way. I bought that right-of-way from the city."' Several neighbors interviewed earlier this week said the makeshift stakes and tape strung along the roadside are ineffective. Vehicles simply mow them down. The school administration has made an effort to solve the dilemma, and recently teamed up with the City of Macclenny to share the cost of low-lying fencing on both sides of Boulevard and joining streets where school-related traffic often parks (see related article). Glenn McKendree, the associate superintendent, says the situation eased somewhat after completion of a cul-de-sac west of the new school where vehi- cles are allowed in shifts to pick up the 4-5 year olds who attend there. Buses use a different turnaround, then exit via Se- cond St. north to Minnesota, then west to other main roads. "That helped a lot with traffic flow but it hasn't solved the problems in the neighborhood. Our first priority has to be the safety of these children, and I think we've made several improvements in that area," asserts Mr. McKendree. No serious accidents have been reported during the peak morning and mid-afternoon periods, and (Page two please) DON'T FORGET! Re-enactment of Olustee Battle this Saturday-Sunday Mr. Schmidt addresses courthouse audience during Prelude to Olustee lecture last week PHOTO BY KELLEY LANNIGAN In their own words... Author recounts Florida Civil War experience through soldier's diaries and letters BY KELLEY LANNIGAN Press staff Lewis Schmidt has devoted much of his life to researching and writing about military history. Among the fruits of Schmidt's labor is a comprehensive history of Civil War events that unfolded in the state of Florida. An entire vol- ume of his massive work The Civil War In Florida: A Military History, is devoted specifically to the 1864 Battle of Olustee where more than 10,000 cavalry, infantry and artillery troops fought in a five-hour confrontation that would prove to be the bloodiest of Florida's Civil War battles. For Schmidt, a native of Penn- sylvania, research has taken him on a remarkable journey. Through the actual words of Confederate and Union soldiers, based on their letters, diaries and memoirs, as well as newspapers and official military documents, Schmidt has been able to figuratively put on the soldier's own boots and walk where they walked, see, hear, taste and feel what they did in the 1860s. "I realized," says the soft-spo- ken Schmidt, "after reading literal- ly thousands of books, that much of what was available on the Civil War was, in my opinion, fiction posing as fact. I wanted to publish works based on the first-hand ac- counts of the soldiers themselves, taken directly from their own rec- ollections." Schmidt sees his literary jour- ney as a natural outgrowth of sev- eral strong influences. The first seeds of a future passion took root from his own experiences as a mil- itary intelligence analyst during the Korean War. After he was discharged, he read H.G. Wells' Outline of History, which triggered his early fascination with history. Later sto- ries told to him by his grandmother about her own grandmother, a native American, lead him into the field of genealogy. In 1982, what proved a compli- cated and challenging search for the grave of a soldier who perished in Key West ultimately culminated in Schmidts' writing A Civil War History of the 47th Regiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers. "My wife had a Civil War an- cestor, Private George Smith, who at 18 joined Company B of the 47th Pennsylvania Regiment sta- tioned at Fort Taylor, Key West. (Page two please) Fees to connect toCty utilities double BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff Faced with the need to upgrade . Macclenny's water and sewer sys- tems, city commissioners on Tues- day raised the fees charged to new construction. Similar to impact fees al- though the city's consultant Frank Darabi called them "user fees" - they will be used to increase capac- ity to meet expected growth. Effective immediately, new resi- dential, units within the city must pay $950 for water and $2000 for sewer. The fees had been $598 and $1029, respectively. For those in the county or Glen St. Mary who receive utilities from Macclenny, each of the fees is 50 percent higher. "Outside the city limits, you're making money," Mr. Darabi said.., "I don't see what's wrong with that." Mayor Gary Dopson had previ- ously expressed concern about the amount of the fee. "If I did what was politically correct, I wouldn't be in favor of this, but we have no choice, literal- ly," he said Tuesday during a* lengthy evening regular session. Commercial construction will be charged according to a formula based on the residential figures. Mr. Darabi told the commission last month that it would cost nearly $20 million for Macclenny to up- date, upgrade and expand its util- ities system to meet future growth. The total cost includes funds al- ready earmarked for utilities work. The improvements recommend- ed in a study by his firm, Darabi & Associates of Gainesville, are fo- cused on state roads 121 and 228 south of the interstate, US 90 west, and the city's water treatment plant. Mr. Darabi said it would cost $10 million to double the capacity of the plant. The plant cost just $3.5 million when it was built (Page two please) Councilman Payne calls it quits as of February 14 Second-term Councilman Larry Payne submitted his resignation from the Glen St. Mary Town Council, effective on February 14. Mayor Juanice Padgett reacted to the news with disappointment, and said the board will make a decision at its March meeting whether to adver- tise for a replacement or simply appoint - one within the allotted 60 days. The new member will serve out Mr. . Payne's term that. expires in the fall of -. 2007. "I told myself when I took the job that if I started waking up at night thinking about .. it I'd give it up. That's happened," indicat- ' ed the former Blue Cross-Blue Shield ex- ecutive, who lives on the town's westside. :; The former executive vice-president of ' the health care giant said he's leaving op- tions open for another run at public office, perhaps county commissioner. a Mr. Payne is the second elected official in Baker County in two weeks to opt out of office voluntarily. Last week, County Commissioner Fred Raulerson of Taylor said he would not seek a fourth term this L P fall. Larry Payne Mr. Payne said he's been frustrated in his desire to extend the town lim- its to areas like the Glenwood Subdivision west of Nursery Blvd., where potential for both added utility revenue and "human capital" exist. "We need to get more intellectual capital into government, more people to deal with the complex issues we're dealing with," stated the outgoing councilman. "And what we really need are more young people getting interested in local government." The 59-year-old has been retired two years, and said he has other inter- ests that are taking his time, among them land investments elsewhere. "It (the announcement) caught me by surprise," admitted Mayor Padgett. "Things don't move as fast as Larry is used to around here, so I guess it's been building up for him. I hate to see him go." 31. 43 Thursday February 16, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500 ARAMR1 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Two %441 "1.%1H,"InI I "to 41 toImmPa %i at4E%14W . to0 54e %P .80-oo o I1 %l 9evl, as*'-- -b. --464- I-- -7. 7 ---_ .i ;- Copyrighted Material ms J fwf dw 1 a 4 Syndicated Content m q a 0* S S* qb0 S a a a - I II I Ii * ~ a Q a U* q* a 0 4b - a Available'from'Commercial News Provide - ep -- qw 4- qa 0- n1j COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St.. Mary 653-4401 * 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041 Put your equity to work for you with a Home Equity Loan from Country Federal Credit Union VARIABLE LENDER I. their own words (From page one). "Pvt Smiih dicd of typhoid fever without ever seeing action on the battlefield. Even so, his sacrifice was significant and we wanted to locate his burial site. We had no idea of the wealth of information we would uncover-at the time." Schmidts' efforts to locate and identify Pvt. Smith led to the iden- tification of nearly 200 previously unknown soldiers. During this time, among other documentation, Schmidt would read at least 1,000 letters written by members of the 47th regiment. "\Vhcn I a-lczed that no defini- tive work had ever been written about this particular pori ioin of Civ- il War history, I made a commit- ment to write one," says 'ichniilit. Schmidt was the featured speak- er at the Prelude to Ob .ticc held last Saturday e' ,rni at the Baker County Courthouse. He and his wife Jan traveled from Pennsyl- vania to Macclenny in their motor home especially for the event. With a replica of one of the flags that grace his many books in the background, Schmidt lectured and showed accompanying slides on The War Between the States in Florida to an audience which con- tained costumed participants who will be taking part in this week- end's Battle of Olustee Reen- actment. He spoke of how intimately one can get to know a person through their handwritten letters. "I got to the point, where I could tell when the soldier was about to die. The content of the letter and the handwriting would change, sometimes drastically. You know you are reading someone's last thoughts, before they leave this earth," Schmidt told the audience. Afterwards,.enthusiastic and res- pectful patrons chatted with the author and many purchased his books. "This lecture is significant," said Kevin Shell, a member of the Baker County Historical Society and an Olustee reenactor, who is hosting the Schmidts during their stay in Macclenny. "Lewis is planning to retire from the demands of lecturing and we are lucky to have had him here for The Prelude to Olustee," he said. Lewis Schmidt will be present at the Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park for the 2006 Battle of Olustee Reenactment February 17- 18 and 19. Editions of many of. his literary works are sold out, but a limited number of books will be for sale. City utility connection (From page one) about 10 years ago. Forte Macauley, developer of the Greystone subdivision going in just east of Baker County High School, will be the first to shell out money for the increased fees. Offi- cials from the firm attended this week's meeting. They also will join with attorney Hugh Fish and property owner Ray Gatlin to pay for a new water Traffic, parking 'a mess'... mess ,.. (From page one) with a guard directing traffic in and out of the school driveways the flow moves relatively smoothly, though slow. Exiting private vehicles are directed east along Boulevard from the school. "It's a big foul-up by the school district when somebody doesn't think about parking and traffic near . a school," offers Harold Milton, whose well-tended front yard is often used as a parking area. "They rushed in these five big buildings (the PreK school) in an area that can't fit them. It's like putting 20 pounds of potatoes in a 10 pound sack." Mr. Finley favored during a meeting of the neighborhood arid school officials several weeks ago a short, attractive chain fence extend- ing from posts 2-3 feet high. Fences of varying heights have been discussed as a way to keep vehicles off private property, but most owners reject anything ob- scuring their view of the street, or a view of their residence from the street. That's why Mrs. Hart, who has lived in the neighborhood for de- cades, says it's a problem without a solution. "No matter what they do, it's not going to look right," she predicts. Now it's looking like a ghetto with all those stakes and ribbons out there." " When you. make a mistake as large as putting another school in a neighborhood, she reasons, there's little that can' be done about the accompanying traffic woes. "I even feel sorry for the people sitting out there (in vehicles). It doesn't ease off until about 3:30. I don't think fences are going to solve anything." FIND THE HERO T.-,: Your dedication to the road is why millions of Americans have food on their tables and clothes on their backs. You deserve the best company and the finest compensation the industry has to offer, " Experience rewarded but not required * Company-provided CDL training for qualified candidates * $34,500-$57,500 (depending on experience) * Immediate benefits for experienced drivers " Sign-on bonus may apply With Schneider's benefits and your dedication, the sky is the limit. Apply online @ schneiderjobs.com Or call 1-800-44-PRIDE (1-800-447-7433) o .. '";.. -.::-',' m ... COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN GL E N ST. A L RY Contact MN'rtle Taylor 653-4402 tor all \'iLr lcndiig anid fillancial needs. US Hwy. 90 West, Glen St. Mary Office 653-4401 fees pipeline -too.skerve. the area.':M'r.- Gatlin is attempting to bring a shopping center to his property to the west of Greystone. The agreement between the par- ties and the city is patterned on one designed by Mr. Darabi and the developers of Blair Nurseries. Blair is a long-delayed develop- ment to be located along SR 121, north of CR 130. The state told its developers they couldn't use septic tanks, so they've been desperate to get water and sewer service there. Under its agreement with the city, Blair Nurseries will pay to in- stall the additional lines and equip- ment upgrades to run water and sewer lines to the development. Because the lines will deliver more capacity than needed, the city will collect connection fees from subsequent developers, then reim- burse Blair Nurseries 80 percent of .what it collects until it's reimbursed its costs. That way, the city doesn't have to go into debt to expand its sys- tem. The strategy, however, ad- dresses only the front end, Mr. Darabi said. To insure capacity, the water treatment plant will need to be up- graded substantially, he advises. It is currently operating at 61 percent capacity (71 percent at peak flow). The $10 million to double ca- pacity will be funded by the higher impact fees. In a related matter, Macclenny City Manager Gerald Dopson said the city has rejected a request by Glen St. Mary-to purchase addi- tional sewage capacity for its sys- tem. Under an interlocal agreement, Glen purchases 25,000 gallons per day from Macclenny, and had an option to buy the same amount. Mr. Dopson said a check for the additional capacity was dropped off to double... at city hall, hbut he: dcline.dt, sell the capacity in light of Mr. Darabi's findings that the city's capacity is dwindling. Mr. Dopson said he checked the agreement and found that it wasn't, mandatory that the city sell the ad- dition capacity. . In other business at Tuesday's meeting, the commission directed its attorney Frank Maloney to rewrite an ordinance 'to clear the way for a deal with George Knabb Jr., the developer of Cypress Pointe. He said the development will soon have all but one of the neces- sary permits to proceed with the next phase, which involves build- ing multi-family units. The Department of Transporta- tion sign-off, however, is likely to be six to eight months away. In fact, Cypress Pointe has yet to submit the application to DOT. That means the widening of US 90 to accommodate a mandated second entrance to the develop- ment cannot begin. He asked the city to allow him to move forward with a limited number of multi-family buildings, and offered a secure letter of credit for $200,000 to cover the improve- ments to US 90. Maloney will amend the ordi- nance that required the road work to be complete prior to building the new units. The board agreed to share the costs of putting up fences for sev- eral residents whose yards are be- ing damaged by parents parking there while taking or picking up their children at .the Pre-K/Kinder- garten Center. Gerald Dopson esti- nated it would cost the city and the school board $3000 each. Laviece Smallwood said that Heritage Park will have a grand opening March 24 for civic lead-, ers, and March 25 for the public. 'First Baptist Church of Macclenny "It Feels Like Home" S 372 S. Sixth Street at W. Minnesota Ave. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am & 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY SERVICES Prayer & Bible Study 6:45 pm Awana for Children 6:45 pm Youth Group 6:45 pm Dr. Edsel M. Bone Directions from 1-10: Take Exit 48 N. Go 1.3 miles Senior Pastor North on Hwy. 121 See steeple on left I Broadcast Live on WJXR 92.1 FM each Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am 400 . *am ~'sq~ I ~ Well Drilling ~ Water Softeners & Purification Septic T.i-l ~ Drain Fields ~ Culverts 259-6934 WE'RE YOUR WATER EXPERTS Licensed in Florida & Georgia VISA I.,. a.i C;ard American Express Discover --- I i M - Cot SNcial 81,000 mlnlim'zum THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday February 16, 2006 Page Three THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 4 JAMES C. MCGAULEY USPS 040-280 Publisher/Editor Post Office Box 598 ** 104 South 51" St. SI NEWS/SPORTS Michael Rinler Macenny, FL 32063 All n NEWS/FEATURES Kelley Lannigan The Baker County Press is published each Thursday by subr COMMENT- Cheryl R. Pingel Baker County Press, Inc. Periodicals postage paid under prior t permit ,SSued ApOi 12 ,^2, 3,1 the ro,, office inr ADVERTISING/GRAPHICS Mai:celinn 1 F 1oa3 prior Jessica Prevatt & Laura Briner SUBSCRIPTION RATES wise Jessica & Laura Briner $2000 a year sde Baer Counry. 25.00 a year out ree FEATURES/COMMENT Robert Gerard sWde Baier Cc.urnr deducT $1 0 for Iersons 65 )ears otf age oi oiaer. niary persc ner on, a'n e ac ut~e O ,uise guar BUSINESS MANAGER Karin Thomas Baier Counp. arn ojieg.e 5suder,, living oulsiae Baper Country POSTMASTER send address cr anges to rr e requ CLASSIRFIEDS Barbara Blackshear Baier cuniv Press. P 0. Bo% s.98. Macciennv. FL. typed S..... ....... 32063. SThis newspaper , is printed on i y recycled paper. _ Member ubmission Deadlines lews and advertising must be fitted to the newspaper office r to 4:30 p.m. on the Monday r to publication, unless other- r noted or arranged. Material lived after this time will not be ranteed for publication. It is tested that all news items be d to insure accuracy in print. Letters to the editor are welcome, but must contain the signature of the writer, a telephone number where the writer may be contacted and city of resi- dence. Letters must reflect opinions and state- ments on issues of current interest to the general public. The newspaper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper's judgement does not meet standards of publication. Social Notice Deadlines Birth announcements, wedding notices and social events must be submitted with- in four weeks of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure photographers, etc. are aware of this policy. Contact Us- Phone 904/259-2400 Fax 904,'259-6502 Emaill- bcpress@nefcom.net Mail PO Box 598 104 South 5th St Macclenny, FL 32063 www.bakercountypress.com If you're sick of auto-answering devices, press 1! IMPRESSIONS One is not supposed to use col- umn space as a soapbox for petty, personal griping. But what the heck, my name's on it and Andy Rooney made a career of it. Please, please get rid of auto- mated answering services! There's a great commercial run- ning on television these days de- picting a poor soul who catches a kitchen on fire attempting to stay on the line through the endless stages of automated messages and lengthy holds before an actual per- son comes on the line asking for a password. Just as he connects to someone whose voice isn't on tape, the train he is riding on goes into a tunnel and, presumably, he loses a signal on his cell phone. 'Everybody, and Imean elery- body, can relate to his dilemma, We need to start ridding our- selves of this irritating techno- garbage right here in our own back- yards., All public agencies need to get rid of automated calling, and that includes the schools. Automated calling came about as a time and money saver, cou- pling phone technology with the "downsizing" movement that swept corporate America in the 1990s. In many large offices, it virtually eliminated the need for a central switchboard operator. The actual person, with his or her moods, highs and lows, friendliness or grouchiness, was replaced by the automated voice usually female. The voice is always the same, and equally unhelpful. I don't want to hear the list of extension numbers. I don't want to give the first three letters of the last name of the person I am reaching. I don't want to know your office hours, particularly during regular working hours when I know some- one is there. In the Press 75 years ago... Women Launch Drive for Club Home As per announcement made in the last issue of The Press, the Macclenny Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. T.J. Knabb last Thursday afternoon and proceeded with the work of election of officers and the reorganization into a purely local institution, to deal with and meet local re- quirements. Officers were chosen as follows: Mrs. T.J. Knabb, president. Mrs. C.L. Hodges, vice-president, I don't,want to hear your compa- ny slogan and especially I don't. want to hear that personal service and dedication to quality are your corporate goals. If that were true; I wouldn't be listening to an automated or taped voice. I don't want to hear a message from the principal about how dedi- cated ) our school is to turning out productive students. The reason I picked on public offices first is because many of them were among the first to intro- duce this "time-saving" technology, often ahead of private businesses who.tend to be, shall we say, busier. I can go into a government of- fice well equipped with the latest in automated answering and, trust me, I'll find someone quickly who isn't doing much of anything, someone well equipped to be .answering the telephone promptly and efficiently. It's gotten to the point of affect- ing my judgement: I just assume a;, q public office has lazy employees if a live person doesn't answer the phone or in the case of some offi- cials who'll go unnamed people who are out of the office so much they don't want others to know. Keep it simple: can the technol- ogy and tell your employees to get off their butts and answer the phone. got, suggestions story ideas As simple as an e-mail..... If you have any information you think we need to know, send It to: jamesmcgauley@nefcom.net THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 1 14 'i iu l h F mn h t I 0-I4-259-240 I'., -^ Mrs. C.R. Stevens secre- tary, Mrs. T. M. Dorman, treasurer. The president appointed the following building committee: Mrs. T.J. Kn- abb, Mrs. T.M. Dorman, Mrs. L.B. Williams, Messrs T.J. Knabb, T.M. Dorman, A.D. Powers and Tate Powell. The club launched the movement for the early building of a club home on the lot donated for this pur- pose by Sheriff Joe Jones, Jr. Several substantial cash contributions are available for this purpose and a can- vass of the town will be Copyrighted- Material I Available frSynd icated News Providerstent Available from Commercial News Providers" Just do it, but do it rightt, THE BACK PORCH Years ago, I knew of a young man named Charlie, who was born with multiple birth defects, the result of a drug prescribed in good faith to his mother during her preg- nancy by her doctor to treat a med- ical problem. The drug had devastating effects on the developing baby and Charlie was born with profound birth 'defects. The most evident of all, his lack of legs. Charlie's feet, only one of which resembled a normal foot, protruded directly from his trunk. His arms were affected, too, directly impact- ing the development of his mobility and rendering him pretty much helpless in his early years. But the baby's mind 'was nor- mal. Loved and adored by his sup- portive family, Charlie's intelli- gence and remarkable personality began to develop and take form. As he grew, a specially adapted motorized wheelchair was his taxi and whatever the family did, Char- lie was right in the middle of it. He went to school and participated in extracurricular activities just like any other child. I read about Charlie in the local made to meet the necessary < amount for - this purpose. We are pleased to l see the good ladies take this step. It is something that we need badly-some kind of building and they should be given every en- couragement. In the Press 50 years ago... Polio Dance Is Success- ful The Macclenny Club Home was the scene of the "Dance that others may walk" Saturday night, Jan- uary 28, 1956. Master of Ceremonies, Gene Barber, presented local majorettes in a precision drill and "Mervyn's School of Dance" pupils from Jack- sonville, gave us their time and talents to help make our dance and stage show a success. Miss Nettie Ruth Black of Lake City present- ed several accordian selec- tions and danced for us. Local business men gave us numerous services to help make our Polio Dance the biggest and best ever.! We thank each and everyone for his and her contribution toward our drive and special thanks to our city police for their co- operation, Kathryn Jones School of Dance for all the scenery and spot lights used for the stage show, to our local musicians for their dance music, to Mor- ris Dowling for his vocal aid in calling the dances. Thanks to everyone! Mrs. Marie Smith, Polio Mothers March Chairman In the Press 25 years ago... Dresser trial to start Wednesday One of the most sensa- r and was amazed by this re- :able young man. A photo with article showed him sitting on counter at MacDoriald's where nily member had perched him e could personallN gi.e his or- o ihe starf.,Jlis smile,.\ as in- cous. the article, Charlie expressed heart's desire. What he wanted, ,e all things, was a pair of Nike is shoes. hoes, of course, were an issue, n his physical deformities. ilar shoes would not work. But dreamed of them anyway. ot long after the article on rlie was featured in the paper, I ally saw him, attending a par- with his family. Then I found that an acquaintance who it theatre classes in the public ol system had Charlie as one s students. He spoke fondly of boy's enthusiasm and spirit and e of humor. )h, he's a trip," my friend told "I gave -the kids a creative as- ment in which they had to me a prop for a stage setting we had to guess what each per- was according to their actions gestures. rhen it was Charlie's turn, he ;red out of his chair and rolled ss the floor into the corner. He r said a word and he just lay e, not moving. Finally, after t a hundred guesses, we gave tional murder trials here in recent memory was expect- ed to begin Wednesday af- ternoon with opening state- ment in the case of Carl John Dressler, 17, accused in the shooting death of his parents last October. Both prosecution and defense exhausted nearly all their ten challenges Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning before a jury of nine women and three men was seated to hear what is expected to be several days of testimony, including detailed reports by psychiatric experts. Circuit Judge R.A. Green, who on Monday re- fused to accept a plea bar- gain plan which would have allowed the Baker High senior to plead to sec- ond degree murder, dis- missed the jury until Wed- nesday. up. 'O.K. Charlie,' we shouted 'What ARE you?' "He rolled over, faced us and with a look of triumph said, 'Well, I'm the refrigerator, of course.'" That story did it for me. I want- ... ed to help grant.Charlie's N ish..I I fell he desert ed it. I wanted to'get this child his heart's desire that elusive pair of Nike shoes. I wrote to the president of the Nike Corporation and enclosed a copy of the news article. I asked them to make this special child a pair of shoes. I honestly believed that request would be granted. It seemed like such a small thing to ask of a cor- porate giant like Nike. I was wrong. My letter and newspaper clip- ping were turned over to the public relations director who wrote back to me. Her polite and very short reply stated that because Nike did not have a single manufacturing facility in the United States, it would be impossible to make a pair of shoes for Charlie. What I read between the lines was that they simply could not be bothered. I felt hurt and puzzled by their reaction. A few years later, I saw a Nike commercial that featured, of all things, handicapped athletes. Was this a public relations ploy on the part of the corporation to appear sensitive and all-inclusive? It seemed a bitter irony. And further ad campaigns over the ensu- ing years would advocate meeting challenges head on. You know the really famous one: Just Do It. Today, if you go online to Nikebiz.com you see a rather bold headline statement: "If you have a body, you're an athlete." Charlie had a body too, just not a conventional one. Why couldn't Nike, a company that in 2005 gen- erated $13.7 billion in revenue "Just Do It" and make one special pair of shoes for a special little boy? American speed skater Joey Cheek just grabbed the gold in the 2006 Winter Olympics underway in Turin, Italy. The young athlete announced he would be donating his $25,000 Olympic committee bonus to a humanitarian relief orga- nization to aid war-torn Africa. Shortly after Cheek's annouce- ment, Nike made its own an- nouncement. The corporation was making an additional $10,000 do- nation to the same relief organiza- tion in honor of Cheek's gesture. How noble. All I can say is Joey Cheek good for you. Nike kiss my foot. Penalty is greater for daughter Dear Editor: When is enough enough? My child is in the eighth grade. She has never been a straight A student, but she makes good grades and tries really hard. Since she was in the third grade seven girls have picked at her and taunted her. The last five 'years, she has tried hard to deal withth the situation. She is now on medica- tion for nerves. This year, she had all she could take with the taunting and being made fun of, and she ended up in a fight with one of the girls. I do not condone fighting, but after this one, my child has not had any more problems with this girl or any of the others. She made a bad choice and I thought she re- ceived her punishment for it. I did not know that my daughter would continue the rest of the year being punished. She tried to avoid fighting by going through peer mediation. The other child refused to go, so at least in my eyes, my daughter made an effort to stop the situation before it got out of hand. When there is a fight at school, it is my understanding that both parties get referrals. My daughter was the only one to receive one. She was suspended for five Sdavs, missed tryouts for the flag corps, \bas not able to attend school functions while suspended, and not allowed to attend the school dance while the other child continued all her activities. Now I am being told my daugh- ter can't go on the eighth grade grad night trip because of the referral. I understand rules are in force for a reason, but this is a bit ridicu- lous. From pre-K until now, she has received one referral one in ten years and that should speak for itself, plus the fact that she has not been in any more trouble since this episode. How much punishment should a child like this continue to re- ceive? We love our children and want to protect them, but when they are wrong, they are wrong. My daugh- ter should not have been involved in the fight, but the punishment should have stopped at the five- day suspension. CHRISTINA SELF Glen St. Mary We offer you MORE... * More News * More Advertising * More Classifieds Baker County's Circulation Leader Since 1929 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS More is what you want. More is what we have! 104 S. Fifth St., Macclenny 259-2400 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Four DUI moto A St. George, Ga. woman is charged with leaving the scene of an accident and DUI after she struck a power pole in north Mac- clenny during the early morning hours of February 8. Sheila Zajkowski, 41, was found behind the wrheel of her 1998 Ford parked and disabled on Ohio St. Deputy Adam Faircloth said Ms. Zajkowski appeared disoriented and was unaware of the accident minutes before. The air bags in her vehicle had deployed and she was attempting rist hit poa to re-start it when officers arrived. Deputies followed a trail of engine coolant dripping from the radiator from the accident scene on North 5th at Ohio about 3:00 am. Two nearby residents heard the crash and one of them called police from her mother's home. The witnesses said the Ford backed up after striking the power pole and continued north on 5th St., turned back south, then west on Stansel to 6th St. and back north to Ohio where it was found. Ms. Zajkowski failed field so- DUI charge filed after drive in the wrong lane Body of elderly man found in ditch Tuesday morning The Florida Department of Law Enforcement's forensics unit was summoned to. the scene on Southern States Nursery Road just west of Stewart Road the morning of February 14 after the body of 80-year-old Gus Barton was found in the south ditch, Here officers surround the scene as photos of the body are taken and several areas around the body that appeared to be blood-stained are sampled. The body bore some signs of possible foul play, including being struck by a vehicle on the unpaved road during the night or freezing early morning hours. Mr Barton, who reportedly had Alzheimer's Disease, likely wandered from his home nearby and was last seen by his son Harold about 8:00 the previous evening. His wife Polly was at the residence as well, but also suffers from dementia and was unable to aid in the investi- gation. Mr Barton was a longtime employee of Hiers Oil in Macclenny. Shoe print ties youths to Arrested for $13,000 vandalism case choking wife, .. I.- rAmnichinwr7alls A shoe print at the scene led neighborhood ott Ivy Hodges la officers to question two youths and that day and came upon the tee later charge them with destroying after they got off a school bi $13,000 worth of windows at a They initially denied knowledge construction site off Woodlawn the vandalism. Road east of CR 125. They matched the descripti The male suspects, ages.12 and given by a laborer who had se 13, admitted involvement in the them at the site and said they to vandalism overnight February 8 ed clay balls at workers on t after the shoes one of them was roof of the home under constrt wearing matched the footprint. tion. The shoe of the 13-year-c Contractor James Combs re- matched the print at the scene a ported the'destruction that morn- each suspect admitted to break ing when a crew reported for only one window, blaming the work. A canine search team was mainder on the other.. summoned from Baker Correc- The case will be turned over tional but failed to find a trail lead- juvenile authorities. Both a ing from the scene. charged with felony mischief. T' Sgt. Thomas Dyal and Deputy hoses were also found at the hol Curtis Ruise were canvassing a of one of the suspects. Two had coke, pot in car Two rear seat passengers in a car stopped early on February 8 for not having a tag light were ar- rested after a drug-sniffing dog found powder cocaine, crack co- caine and marijuana concealed under a front seat. Police charged Eddie Fields, 32, of Macclenny with hiding powder cocaine in a folded dollar bill and a plastic baggie of pot under the seat. -Aeneas Hollings, also, 32 and from Macclenny, is charged with concealing powder coke in a dollar bill and a rock of crack. The pair and two others in the front seat who were not charged were stopped by Deputy James Parham near King Dr. and Lowder about 1:30 am. The driver consented to a search, and the county's K-9 unit respond- Disturbed arrestedfor third attack on teacher A 10-year old emotionally dis- turbed student was arrested for the third time in ten days on February 9 for the same offense of attacking a teacher. The male student, enrolled in the therapeutic day program at Baker County Middle School, this time became disruptive and cursed loudly in the sixth grade cafeteria. Teacher Patsy Vinzant, the vic- tim in the two earlier cases, sus- tained a laceration to the knee when pushed by the student as she and another teacher struggled to return him to a classroom. Ms. Vinzant told campus officer Alison Smith the youth nearly pushed her through a cafeteria window during the struggle. The student was arrested for battery and disrupting a school function. School officials say they cannot discuss particulars of cases, but one acknowledged that students with severe emotional problems are kept in special classes and nor- mally not expelled or suspended for incidents like this. The therapeutic classes are designed both to treat the students and keep them out of the main- stream. ;ns uS. of on ;en ss- he ic- old nd ing re- to are wo mne ed. The dog alerted to the presence of drugs near the rear seat. In another drug possession case, Amanda Foucart, 19, of Macclen- ny was charged with a misde- meanor when Deputy Ben Ander- son found marijuana in her purse during a consent search. The officer questioned the sus- pect after spotting her with a beer bottle inside the 1999 Chevrolet truck she was driving in the park- ing lot of the Kangaroo conveni- ence store on US 90 in Macclenny. Ms. Foucart said the pot be- longed to one of her friends. She was also charged with underage, possession of alcohol.' A Glen St. Mary husband was jailed February 12 for domestic violence after he allegedly held down his wife by the throat and punched holes in the wall of their residence off Evergreen Circle. Deputy Garrett Bennett found Selena Holland, 29, on a driveway outside the residence when he re- sponded to the disturbance call about 1:30 that afternoon. He not- ed a redness on her neck. The woman said husband Stan- ley Holland, 25, became violent after she awakened him to accom- pany her on-a visit to her ill father. He became verbally abusive then held- her down by the throat on a bed before vandalizing the room. He also refused to let Ms. -lh'llonJ take ll ihii u.n g daugthtcr with. her. .... Mr. Holland gave a conflicting version of events, but was arrested because of the marks on his wife's throat and the holes in the wall. Ms. Holland said her husband had been out late the previous eve- ning and was using drugs. In an unrelated case, a criminal complaint for battery was filed against Tracy Rhoden, 32, of Mac- clenny for alleged attacks on Ron- da Mercer, 32, of Bryceville and Ronnie Miller, 63, of Macclenny. The incident happened at Pop's Place in the east city late on Feb- ruary 10. Deputy Erik Stalnaker said both alleged victims were intoxicated, Mr. Miller to the point he could not fill out a complaint. ' I I 'I EacingFe No Aalal Perry Sheet Metal Inc. Commercial/Residential Roofing Contractor ** Metal Roofing Sales & Installation ** 12 Colors 26 & 29 gauge panels Classic rib or standing seam panels 25 to 30 year warranty ** Architectural Shingles ** ** Roof & Gutter Maintenance & Inspection ** ** Vinyl Siding, Soffit & Fascia ** ** Sheet Metal Fabrication ** Darrel G. Perry, Jr 7061 Fred Perry Rd., Glen St. Mary 591-7851cel1. 259-1252 A Lake City wpman was arrest- ed for DUI and careless driving after she drove in the wrong lane of Lowder south of US 90 in the early morning hours of February 12 and sideswiped an oncoming vehicle. Julia Crews, 36, was waiting with the other driver, Derek Halle, 25, of Nlacclenn -% hen officers arrived at a car wash at the corner of US 90 Lo\ der in the \vesl cit\. Mr. Halle said Ms. Crews' Hon- da was going north in the south- bound lane south of the railroad about 2:00 am and he swerved to avoid a head-on collision. Deputy James Stalnaker said Ms. Crews was still in her vehicle when he questioned her, and min- utes later Sgt. Adam Faircloth said she failed field sobriety tests. Ms. Crews refused to submit to a breath test. In another 'drunk driving case, David Wright of Macclenny, an off-duty FHP trooper, followed a 1996 Buick westbound on Inter- state 10 until it was intercepted by Deputy Ben Anderson about 10:00 pm on February 11. -Trooper Wright first observed the vehicle driven by Charles Park- er, 76, of Lake. City on CR 125 south of Glen St. Mary and fol- lowed it as he drove onto 1-10. Deputy Anderson stopped the vehicle at the CR 229 interchange near Sanderson, and Mr. Parker failed field sobriety tests after nearly striking the deputy's car when he failed to put his vehicle in .park. Violation of a court order Christopher McMahan, 32, of Glen St. Mary faces a charge of contempt of court for allegedly vi- olating a court order to stay away from Avery Crawford, 27, of Glen St. Mary. Mr. Crawford and Jessica Reich- enback, 32, of St. George, Ga. said Mr. McMahan addressed them using an obscenity while they were in the Waffle House the morning of February 12. The injunction was issued by Circuit Judge David-Giant. He was arrested after police were called to the restaurant in south Macclenny. I - American Enterprise Bank Ra Contact Jamey Hodges I for all your lending needs 1 p fLoan Production Office 692 W. Macclenny Ave. '^p' Macclenny, Florida 259-6003 i2 OF ATTORNEY David P. Dearing former Baker County Prosecutor ... A. i ... * Rahaim Watson Dearing Berry & Moore, PA. Attorneys with over 100 years combined experience in the areas of AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS WORKERS' COMPENSATION EMPLOYMENT LAW CRIMINAL DEFENSE WRONGFUL DEATH & PERSONAL INJURY NURSING HOME NEGLECT Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny259-1352 Toll Free (888) 211-9451 All initial consultations are absolutely free. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send y,:.., ac ': ',tn t ivr,.,, ,'.:. iut io, r...' h.ur "'., aj',le i rLt'ence wver pole briety tests and her readings on a breathalyzer were three times the .08 content the state considers to be driving drunk. She was also booked for care- less driving and having an open container of alcohol inside the vehicle. The following day shortly after noon, John Zajkowski, 46, of the same address, was arrested by Sgt. Thomas Dyal for driving with a license suspended nine times, twice for DUI. He is also wanted on a warrant from Columbia County for viola- tion of probation for driving with- out a license. Sgt. Dyal stopped Mr. Zajkow- ski for speeding on Owens Acres Drive. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Baker County District School Board will hold the following public hearing on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 21, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the District School Board Meeting Room, 270 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida 32063: ,APPROVAL OF REVISED SCHOOL BOARD POLICY 4.260 (WELLNESS PROGRAM) The documents are available for preview at the Baker County School Board Office located at 392 South Boulevard East, between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The public is invited and encouraged to at- tend. Paula T. Barton Superintendent of Schools 1/26-2/16c NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Baker County District School Board will hold the following public hearing on Monday, March 20, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the Olustee Volun- teer Fire Department, Highway 90, Olustee, Flori- da. APPROVAL TO OPERATE THE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THIRTY- THREE (33) DAYS VERSUS THIRTY-FOUR (34) DAYS AS REQUIRED IN POLICY. The public is invited and encouraged to at- tend. The documents are available for preview at the Baker County School Board Office located at 392 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida. (8:30 am 3:00 pm) Monday through Friday. Paula T. Barton Superintendent of Schools 2/16-3/9c NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant tc. - a Writ of Execution issued in the County Court of Baker County, Florida, on the 9th day of Novem- ber, 2005, in the cause wherein Barnett Recovery Corporation was plaintiff and Gregory Gainey was defendant, being Case No. 91-106CC, in said Court, I, Joey B. Dobson, as Sheriff of Baker County, Florida, have levied upon all the right, ti- tle, and interest-of the defendant, Gregory Gainey rI rr. 1 :) rri.- 1IIaarl., ,] -:,-:ri,'d p.r-'S,-' ,i proper-: 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser VIN# 3C4FY58B42T313354 (Note: Anyone interested in viewing the vehicle being sold should do so prior to the time of the sale at Moran's Motor and Wrecker Service located at 59 N. 7th Street, Macclenny, FL) SI shall offer this property for sale, at the front entrance of the Baker County Courthouse, 339 E. Macclenny Avenue in Macclenny, .County of Bak- er, State of Florida, on Februar8 28006 at the hour of 11:00 am, or as soon thereafter as possi- ble. I will offer for sale all the said defendant's, Gregory Gainey, right, title and interest in the aforesaid personal property at public auction and will sell the same, subject to taxes, all prior liens, encumbrances and judgements, if any, to the highest bidder and best bidder for CASH IN HAND. The proceeds to be applied as far as may be to the payment of costs and the satisfaction of the above described execution. (Note: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this pro- ceeding should contact the Baker County Sher- iff's Office at (904) 259-0245, prior to the date of the sale.) Joey B. Dobson, Sheriff Baker County, Florida By: Pamela L. Davis Civil Process Deputy 1/26-2/16c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.: 02-2005-CA-0195 LARRY D. HUTCHINS and PHYLLIS Z. HUTCHINS, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. TAMMY LAMAR WATERS, individually and as the natural guardian of ALLEN DREW VIGIL and KELLY NICOLE WATERS; LEONARD DANIEL HUTCHINS, individually, and LEONARD DANIEL HUTCHINS and CATHERINE L. HUTCHINS, as the natural guardians of LARRY CALTON KYLER HUTCHINS, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: TAMMY LAMAR WATERS YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a complaint for Re- formation of Deed has been filed against you on the following described property: A parcel of land lying and being in Section 4, Township 3 South, Range 21 East, Baker County, Florida and described as follows: Be- gin at the NW corner of that parcel described at OR Book 52, Page 464; thence S 8925953" W, 70.00 feet and to the West line of Section 4, thence S 016'27" W, 208.80 feet; thence N 89259'53" E, 70.00 feet; thence S 8958'00" E, 138.8 feet; thence N 018'00" E, 208.8 feet; thence N 8958'00" W, 138.8 feet and to the point of beginning. And A parcel of land lying and being In Section 4, Township 3 South, Range 21 East, Baker County, Florida and described as follows: Be- gin at the NE corner of that parcel described at OR Book 52, page 464, thence S 0018' W, 200.00 feet; thence N 8958' W 218.00 feet; thence N 00'18' E, 200.00 feet; thence S 8958' E, 218.00 feet and back to the Point of Begin- ning. and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Frank E. Mal- oney, Jr., P.A., attorney, whose address is 445 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063; (904) 259-3155 within thirty (30) days af- ter the first publication of the notice and on or be- fore the 9th day of March, 2006, and to file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on this 2nd day of February, 2006. Al Fraser Clerk of Courts by Bonnie Palleschi as Deputy Clerk 2/9-3/2c ater rg/&" -"&" 6 A Ms. America Pageant-o-phile BCHS teacher has been a fan since childhood BY BOB GERARD Press Staff "There she is.... " No, not Miss America, but Taf- fie Mosley, who knows as much about the beauty pageant as any- one in the county. She is quick to correct me about the pageant, spouting the party line. "It isn't a beauty pageant, it's a scholarship pageant," she says. "There's a lot of money involved." An English teacher at Baker County High School, Taffie had a lifelong dream come true this year when she flew to Las Vegas to attend the pageant. It was the first year the pageant was not in At- - lantic City after more than 80 years on the Boardwalk. "I knew that it had to be this year or next, because after that the future of the pageant is really up in the air." The Miss America Pageant has suffered with tumbling television viewership the past few years. The organization reaches the end of its current television contract after next year's pageant, and to date none of the four networks have picked it up. Taffie is hopeful, but also knew that if she didn't act soon, Miss America as she knew and loved it might be a thing of the past. It could be relegated to a quaint piece of Americana rather than the American icon it is today. Organizers are trying to find a way to make it more appealing. The girls have gone back to wear- ing two-piece bathing suits, and there's even talk of adding a reali- ty television component to the competition. Taffie's love for the Miss Amer- ica pageant has a long history. She first caught the Miss America bug when she was seven years old after her mom, Pam Bagley, also a BCHS English teacher; gave 'her -a Miss America party with a roller' skating birthday cake. , That was back in days when Miss America talent included fire batons and dance routines on roller skates. Her birthday usually falls on the same weekend as the pageant, and so it was always a part of her birthday celebrations. "My daddy would let me stay up late to watch the pageant, and since I usually had all my friends over for my birthday party we would all stay up late and watch. There weren't a lot of TV stations back then, so there wasn't a lot on to watch. It got to be a real treat to stay up that late." Taffie's affinity for the beauty pageant was a little out of charac- ter for a South Georgia country girl. "I hated bows and fluff," she recalls. But on some subconscious level, she and the pageant matched and it went from a yearly party to a yearly tradition. Even at an early age, Taffie had an uncanny ability to pick the win- ners. "I can only remember one time . . -- - Taffie Mosely with this year's Miss America program and her 'queenly' wave. PItoro BY BOB GERARD that I didn't pick at least three of the top five winners. My daughter Elizabeth does the same thing." Taffie can usually pick the top girls within the first five minutes of thepageant," said Pam Bagley. "All I have to do is listen to how they introduce themselves. Some of them just stand out. They have .poise and self-confidence that just comes across. Those are the ones that usually, make the top ten. They don't even have to be the prettiest ones." Not only beauty and poise plays into the decision of who makes it to the top ten; Taffie thinks there is a degree of politics that figures into the making the first cut. "Miss Georgia was part oriental and that gavetif an edge." An edge of some sort is vitally important toward moving on in the competition. It is important to have something that stands out to the judges.. "It helps to have, a nose that has a bump on it or a mouth that is slightly crooked." Miss Oklahoma, who won this year, had a long neck that made her look elegant, according to Taffie. A silhouette made her stand out from the other pretty girls. Like any true devotee, Taffie has her favorite Miss Americas. "My two favorites are Vanessa Williams and Kaye Lani Rae Rafko. Mosely and her husband Scott took the long flight to Las Vegas. She was very excited for'weeks in advance. "I about drove everybody I kinc. "razy," Seeing the pageant in person was an eye opener. "I had great seats. I was actually in front of Some 'Miss America' trivia... Here's a short Miss America trivia contest. Test your knowledge of the world's most famous pageant: Which Miss America was legally deaf? Heather Whitestone Who is best known for singing the famous "There she is..." theme song? Bert Parks Which Miss America had her crown revoked because of nude pho- tographs? Vanessa Williams Which Miss America later became a spokeswoman for Minute Maid Orange Juice? Anita Bryant Which Miss America was -a famous television spokesperson in the 1950's? Bess Myerson Name at least three Miss Americas who went on to fame in televi- sion and movies? Mary Anne Mobley, Bess Myerson, Anita Bryant, Vanessa Williams, Phyllis George and Lee Meriweather Which Miss America was from Jacksonville? Leanza Cornett When was the first Miss America pageant? 1921. For two years it was called the Golden Mermaid Pageant Why did the Miss USA/Universe pageant start? In 1951, Miss America, Yolanda Betbeze, refused to pose for swimsuit pictures and the pageant sponsor Catalina split off to form a new pageant. Which state has had the most winners? Ohio and California are tied with six each Vt..-, Bud's Neptune Motors 1128 W. MacclennyAve., Macclenny IN HOUSE FINANCING Good Credit, Bad Credit, We'll Get YOU Financed!! Call Today 259-9032 Open 6 days a week! Monday- Friday 9:00 am 6:00 pm. Scatu rday 10.00 am 4:00 pm Miss Florida's family." The pageant moved along at a much faster pace than she expect- ed. "It was a lot more hurried than on TV. For one thing; the audience was a lot louder in person and I was surprised by how many peo- ple wandered in late, right before the show started." There was a warm-up act - Miss Teen America with a ventril- oquist routine. One of the things Taffie liked the best about the .crowd was how the little girls in the audience dressed up for the event. "All the little girls who had won pageants were dressed in their crowns and sashes." There are a lot of activities prior to the actual pageant. The girls have a very busy schedule and Taffie was surprised to see them all over town. She tried to make it to the auto- graph session the day before, arriving an hour early, but hun- dreds were in line ahead of her. The pageant was a great experi- ence for her, and despite being in Las Vegas instead of Atlantic City, it definitely lived up to her expec- tations. Clerk steals, from store The amount of cash she may have taken is in dispute, but a store clerk was arrested February 8 for grand theft from the Macclenny Amoco downtown. Owner Nazir Ali first reported his cash came up $3000 short and a surveillance video showed Bren- da Eckert, 37, of Macclenny tak- ing cash out of the drawer. Deputy Bill Starling said he went to Ms. Eckert's residence off Charlie Rowe Dr. in the west city, and the suspect initially admitted to taking $500, then $900, then $1100. She gave him $737 while at the residence, then withdrew $300 cash from an ATM at Mercantile Bank. When questioned later by'I I vestigator Steve Harvey, is Eck- ert confessed she "dipped into the -register twice," taking money out and concealing it under her arm until she placed it in her purse. The accused placed the amount stolen"at $900-$1000. The sheriff's department said $1037 was recov- ered. 60 month CERTIFICATE 4.90% APY $100,000 minimum 4750 /% APY* $500 minimum 9 month CERTIFICATE 4.65%APY* $100,000 minimum $4.50%AP Y $500 minimum EBVyStar Credit Union We never forget that it's your money. *Annual Percentage Yields (APYs),shown are effective as of February 1, 2006, and are subject to change. There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal fiom certificates. VyStar is insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. L~uAI~ (904) 777-6000 www.vystarcu.org CR 228 & US 301. S. (6 miles S. of 1-10) Exit 343 Maxville Shell Station CB Sales Repair and Installation your Do It ight Shop (904) 289-7900 ProfessionaJ QUICK Tradking TC Equipment NOW AVAILABLE I;. * L~i r~ at S1tec4 CBSh p, Help prevent damage from bark beetles, diseases, and wildfire through practices that promote healthy pines. * Thin dense pine stands. * Control understory plant competition. * Minimize tree wounds during harvests. PREVENT Ip,T;rv-l~vY, )r: - A message from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, the University of Florida/IFAS, and the USDA Forest Service. * Use prescribed fire. * Harvest low-vigor stands and replant. * Plant species right for the soil and site. Vy'star'Credit Union THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Six Drunk at motel office A trio of arrests were made dur- ing the past. week for disorderly intoxication, including a guest at the Day's Inn in Macclenny early on February 9. A clerk summoned police when James' Miller, 42, of Norfolk, Va. refused to go back to his room and cursed loudly at her. Deputies said he appeared dis- oriented and several times refused several requests that he leave the office. Brandon Wilkerson, 28, was booked on a similar charge follow- ing an argument with his wife Feb- ruary 10 at their Ivy St. residence Stu dentsjump for heart research Students from Macclenny Elementary S jumped for the American Heart Assoc- iation on February 10 as part of an .....annual fundraiser for the organization. SThese students were just few of the kids from 13 different classes that participat- S ed in the event. Instead of jumping rope, the children rotated through different jump stations consisting of single ropes, long ropes, sack races, mini tramps, hur- 4 dles, chinese jump ropes, hopscotch and Skip-Its. Above, Tasha Highland and Carolyn Hatcher swing the rope while Katalyn Johnson times her jumps (all from Debbie Dorman's third grade class.) At left, this student from Joanna Chisholm's third grade class jumps dou- ble time. PE teacher Pam Robinson co- o ordinated the event. PHOTOS BY LAURA BETH BRINER Makes phone threats A criminal complaint for assault was filed February 12 against Wil- liam Clayton Davis, 36, of San- derson for repeated telephone threats to his estranged wife., Mandy Davis,'35, summoned police that evening to make the complaint and Deputy James Stal- naker said Mr. Davis called while he was at the address of Mallie Davis Rd., making several threats of violence over the phone. The couple separated last Sep- tember and the sheriff's depart- Thefts from three trucks Police think they may have a suspect in a trio of overnight bur- glaries in the parking lot of the Econlodge in south Macclenny on February 12. Michael Long of Monroe, N.C. reported tools and a water cooler with a total value of $600 were taken from a tool box in the rear of his truck. The equipment included an acetylene torch valued at $350 and a box and tools at $300. A truck belonging to Joseph Finkle of Macclenny was ransack- ed and a tool box and contents worth $60 taken. Police surveying the parking lot that morning found the lid of a tool box up, and owner Heath Reeves of Bryceville, Ohio con- firmed tools worth $165 had been taken. Police think the burglaries oc- curred between 1:00 am and day- light. History event On February 22, at 9:30 am, NEFSH will host a tribute to black fraternal, social and civic institu- tions in the John J. Crews Gym. Special guest speaker will be Cheryl Y. Brantley, AIS for admin- istration at NEFSH. The theme will be brothers and sisters. Board meeting The Baker Soil and Water Conservation District Board will meet on February 21 at Taylor'd Barbeque from noon to 1:00 pm. The public is invited to attend. IT'S OUR JOB! Before you snap that photo you think we'll want to put in the newspaper, check with us! If at all possible, we'll arrange to have someone there to take it for you. It's our job! The more notice you give, the bet- ter chance you have. THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS 259-2400 ment has received several similar complaints since then. Deputy Ben Anderson arrested Mr. Davis for driving v. without a licertse early the.morning of Feb- ruary 8 following one of those complaints. The officer said he was parked near the residence and.Mr. Davis drove up in his 1993 Chevrolet truck just after 4:00 am. Two other arrests for driving on a suspended license took place the past week, including Michael Thomas, 26, no address indicated. He was stopped on South 6th St. in Macclenny the morning of February,11 by Deputy Garrett 'Bennett for having a license tag obscured by muad. A computer check revealed his license has been suspended six times for failure to pay fines. He was also ticketed for an expired license tag. Marcus Wilcox, 22, of Mac- clenny was arrested in the late eve- ning of the same day after Deputy James Stalnaker found his license had four suspensions. He was stopped on 9th St. for having no license tag light. in Macclenny. Deputy James Stalnaker said Mr. Wilkerson was disruptive and made threats against the wife. Deputy John Hardin said Tim- my Gay, 25, of St. George, Ga. was kicking the front door of the Country Club Lounge when he passed on routine patrol about 1:00 am on February 7. Mr.. Gay was arrested for disor- derly intoxication after ignoring the several requests by the officer that he not urinate in the parking lot. He said he was attempting to re- enter the bar to get a pool stick. Recants: wife didn't stab him A Macclenny husband who first told police he was stabbed in the hand by his wife during an argu- ment recanted his story several hours after she was arrested the morning February 10. Eugene Farmer, 37, contacted arresting officer Greg Burnsed at county jail around noon and said he was upset at his wife Gail, 38, because of an affair and wanted her to go to jail. He told Deputy Burnsed the knife cut on his hand was self- inflicted when he picked it up. Initially, Ms. Farmer told offi- cers her husband came home from work with the cut on his hand, and denied involvement. That contra- dicted his version of events, and police charged the wife with ag- gravated battery and domestic vio- lence. A witness who works with Mr. Farmer said he did not have the 'wound when he arrived at the cou- ple's.Grissholm St. residence from work. The charge against Ms. Farmer is expected to be dropped. Deputy uses Taser A Macclenny man had to be subdued with a Taser gunshot to. the back when he resisted arrest by swinging at two county deputies the evening pf February 10. Police were called to the scene of a domestic disturbance on North 6th St. about 9:30 and de- cided to arrest Bryan Tylk, 26, af- ter interviewing both'him and his 25-year-old wife Donna, The suspect, 6'3" and 210 pounds, swung at both Greg Burn- sed and Garrett Bennett when they attempted to handcuff him and ig- nored several warnings before Deputy Butrnsed administered the Taser dose. He was charged with domestic violence and resisting police with violence. A RUSTIC COMMUNITY IN ELLIJAY, GA SL. -.L COMMUNITY (60 HOMES MAX.) ... )E com.MONS AREA ON TROUT STREAM '" STR"IFUT a MOUNT.ITN V IEWS .-. P IEC\VE COV'. i & RESTRICTIONS .J .. .I .',].1 .1 LOTS PRICES START at $29,000 '. 1. -.. FINANCING AVAILABLE - CALL (706)636-2040 for more info. *WINTER PRICE NEGOTIATIONS. ,.'" ," -. Sount r Club / S Wednesday, February 22 ' 1'^ 8Special Appearance by S185 Band Robert Curtis, Rhythm Guitar 7 .Anthony Hoffman, Lead Guitar Mike Perry, Bass Guitar Mr. Roy, Drums '- -- Exi 48 off 1-10, Hwy. 16l - / THE NOBLE KNIGHTS CHAMBER 0 * A _ - Five-Star * Team - * Congratulations, Traci for making the President's List at LCCC with a 4.0 GPA. We are very proud of you. We love you! George & Janice Rhoden Factor Participation Dicounts w,-rr .... -- Value Packed 0: ~Manufacturing SrD lDealer Discounts Call For Deals 1-800-964-8335 S A DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas in Florida a Advertisement Homeowners with money worries may qualify for low-interest loans Haxey.,u I een li ned .-,,vi f'ora 1.:'.u- bills? IRS liens?It doesn't matter! Do you need more tlui iih 10,000 r r' If )ou are a homeowner wifisufficient ieason?Are you '.. ing;mnre thji 7 '.. equity, there's an excellent chance you interestonanyotherloans orcreditcaids? willqualifyforaloan-/usuallywithin/24 If you are a homeowner and answer- hours. ed 'yes" aan,, i.t'l i'..lelln: they You can find out over the phone-and can tell you over the phone and without free of charge-if you qualify. Honey obligation if 3ou quali. Mae Home Loans is licensed by the the FL Dept. of Financial l.igliamditcatddet?Less-than-perfect Services. Open7 days a week for credit? Self employed?Late housepay- your conv en ie nce. ments? Financial problems? Medical 1-800-700-1242 ext. 278 Seaman Everet (G. Rhoades, Jr. has his salute returned by his father Lieutenant Commander Everett G. Rhoades, Sr. at the completion of Navy Boot Camp, Great Lakes, 111. on Friday, February 3, 2006. Everett Sr. is a Baker County High School graduate of Class 1981. Country Club Lounge's WEEKLY EVENT SCHEDULE Monday Night DJ Request Thursday Karaoke with Jimmy Barton Pool Tournament m - Tuesday DJ Request Karaoke Contest $50 Prize Friday 6-8 pm Dance Lessons with Justin $10/hr. 9-2 pm Live Band Wednesday Pool Tournament $10 entry fee Ladies' Night Saturday 6-8 pm Dance Lessons with Justin $10/hr. DJ Request M3ccey- 25-536 Cheerleading Twirling Tumbling Aerobics Dance All ages, male & female Call 259-2266 to register Located by Food Lion on Sixth St. Where - 4( Excellence Abounds... * *4^* RICH LAURAMORE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes Additions Remodels 259-4893 ** 904-403-4781 cell. 5960 Lauramore Rd., Macclenny, FL 32063 RR License No. 282811470 ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~--- Mimi~~ .. ...... . .. .... ..... . Will seek one-way traffic on two streets BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Staff The coalition of business own- ers pushing for downtown revital- ization agreed February 13 to ask Macclenny officials to convert two streets to one-way. Members of The Core Down- town Macclenny Group will pre- sent their request at March meet- ing of the city commission. They will be Fourth Street and College Street in the one block north of the railroad, but the group hasn't finalized which one will go which direction. Converting them to one-way will allow angled parking on the street, which means more spaces available for customers. Also at Monday's meeting, the' city's grant consultant, Dick Ed- wards, told the Core Group that the Macclenny could apply for Community Development Block Grants to help fund some of the public improvements they are seeking. They would be eligible to re- ceive $700,000 for community re- vitalization, but said the process is competitive. The application would likely be due by June or July, he said. Later in the meeting which, was attended by about 15-20 peo- ple, including City Manager Ger- ald Dopson a representative from the Florida Department of Transportation spoke to the group. James Bennett said it would d he up to the city to decide v. whether to make its streets one way, but not ,state roads such as Fifth and Sixth streets. He also advised the, group on what types of things are allowed along US 90, where the state's right-of-way stretches up to the storefronts. In a resolution approved last month by the commission, the Core Group said the jrea between Si \th aridFourth streets and two- blocks on either side of Nlacclenn\ 'Avenue "can once again be made a viable commercial district." The key, they say, is increased parking, landscaping and lighting in publicly owned space. The resolution urged the com- mission to "plan for and appropri- ate funds... as soon as practically possible." The business owners are trying {to establish the core downtown area before the Wal-Mart Super Center is built at CR 228 and In- terstate 10. They are concerned the accom- panying commercial development would pull customer traffic away from downtown. The Core Group is working with planning consultant Marvin Hill to create their vision and pre-. sent it to the city. The group has held several meetings at city hall, usually on the second Monday of the month from 11 am to noon. The meetings are open to the public. K Happy 1st Birthday,- Kelsey Claire Walker January The following land transactions were recorded in the Baker County courthouse during January 16-31. Values are derived from documen- tary stamps. Many descriptions are by S(ection) T(ownship) R(ange). If acreage or price are not listed, none were indicated in the docu- ments. Morris & Deborah Foster to Mark & Melissa Taylor, in 13-2S-21E, $10. Davis & Martha Raver to Bruce & Amanda Stieger, in Macclenny II, $225,000. Timothy & Melody Combs to Michael Terry, in 20-2S-22E, $171,000. Richard & Gena Davis to Denise Young, in Copper Creek Hills, $50,000. Wesley & Amanda Nowlen to B&R Homebuilders, Inc., in Hunter's Ridge, $44,000. Clerk of Court to Elliott Ettinger, Larry Dean, Hughes Homes, James Blasco, in 26-2S-20E, $65,000.. Martha Oglesby to Wyatt Haynes, in, 29 & 30-2S-21E, $4,000. Bobby Olgesby to Martha Oglesby, in 29 & 30-2S-21E. Randolph Rhoden to Charles-Cissell, in 1-1S-20E, $37,500. Joann & Delmas Butcher to Delmas & Joann Butcher, in 4-3S-21E, $10. Glen Plantation LTD to Alicia Ful- gham & Jason McIntosh, at the Farms at Glen Plantation, $175,350. William & Wanda Thorn to Wanda Thorn, in 28-2S-22E. Broken Oak Development Group Inc., to Retus Group LLC, in 30-2S- 22E, $400,000. Joseph & Anna Williams to Larry & Michelle Rice, in 30-2S-22E, $50,000. Phyllis Lovett to John & Gloria Clark, in Copper Creek Hills, $273,400. Michael & Connie Deese to William Greene, in Turkes Creek Retreat, $149,900. Helen Starkovich to LaBeuna Farms, Inc., in Mt. Holly, $10. S Earl & Melisha Gaskins to Lee Abel, in 5-1S-21E. $100,000. Rolling leados t of Macclenny LLC to Drees Home's of Florida, Inc., in Rolling Meadows of Macclenny, $1,292,000. Guy & Sue Taylor to Frederick Lloyd, in Copper Creek Hills, $199,900. Stanley Wilson to Brian Tuten, in 6- 3S-22E, $92,000. Vertie & Belmont Smith Sr., to 16-31 land sales Paula Smith, in 14-4S-20E, $10. Richard Burnsed to Paul Burnsed, in 21-1N-21E. Tammy & Ray Granger to Dana Blanton, in 36-2S-21E, $85,000. John Curtis to John & Mary Till- man, in 25-2S-21E, $10. Nanette & Stephen Parsons to Stephen Parsons, in 07-3S-22, $10.. Lavon & L.E. Wilkerson to Lavon Wilkerson & Susan Smart, in 2-2S-22E. Joseph McCann to Jack & Karen Strickland, in 19-2S-22E, $30,000. Harold Keinath & Matthew Weasel to Seth & Patricia Cales, in 2-3S-21E, $49,000. Christopher Rhoden to Mitchell & Jerri Canaday, in 18-2S-22E, $100,000. Joey Smith to Corey Griffis, in 1-2S- 21E, $99,900. David & Joelle Bowen to Robin & John Steinmeyer III, in Old Nursery Plantation, $350,000. David & Mary Byrd to Max & Karen Tillman, in Macclenny II, $300,000. Deloris & Lewis Crews to Tammy Phillips, in 8-2S-22E. Deloris & Lewis Crews to Tina Rogers, in 8-2S-22E. Deloris, & Lewis Crews to Ella Crews, in 8-2S-22E. Deloris & Lewis Crews to Lewis Crews Jr., in 8-2S-22E. Frances & Brantley Russell to Robert Webb, in Macclenny II, $265,000. Peggy Carpenter to Karen Dolan, Deborah Cavannaugh & David Car- penter, in 19-2S-22E, $10. Paul, Georgia & David Harvey to Paul & Sandra Harvey, in 2-1S-20E, $10. Larry & Stacy Nettles to Mark & Tryce Cabaj, in 21E, $75,000. M&K Properties of Macclenny Inc, to James & Carla Jones, in 7th Street Subdivision. Issac & Glory Daniels to Glory Daniels, $10. Get EVERYBODY'S attention for only $4.50 PRESS CLASSIFIED ::- I-- Group Classes Beginning February 15 Tuesday Thursday at 6:30 pm at Art in Motion Dance Studio 105 S. 5th St., Macclenny $10 per person, group.class For monthly membership or other information call 904-537-6530 , K Love, Mama, Daddy & Kate) 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BAYLEE! WE LOVE YOU, MOM, CLAUDE, EASTON, DAvID, NANA & PAPA J. Ray & Gerra Gatlin to FM Flori- da Land Company LLC, in 25-2S-21E, $1,736,772. Florida Green Land & Timber Company Inc., to FM Florida Land Company LLC, in 25-2S-21E, $10. Paul Thrift to David & Beatrice Anne, in 29-2S-22E. R. Burnsed, Irma Green, Minnie Brown & David Burnsed to Minnie Brown, in 24-2S-21E, $10. R. Burnsed, Irma Green, Minnie Brown & David Burnsed to. David Burnsed, in 24-2S-21E, $10. R. Burnsed, Irma Green, Minnie Brown & David Burnsed to Irma Green, in 24-2S-21E, $10. R. Burnsed, Irma Green, Minnie Brown & David Burnsed to R. Burnsed, in 24-2S-21E, $51,000. Florida Green Land & Timber Company, Inc. to FM Florida Land Company LLC, in 30-2S-22E, $10. Minnie Hargroves & Talmage Man- ning to Minnie Hargroves, in 2-4S-21E, $10. Betty Wiggins to Clayton & Linda Blackshear, in Macclenny, $60,496. Shirley Burroughs & James Ruise to Shirley Burroughs & James Ruise, in William Knabb Addition, $31,000. OVER 50 TENNIS Saturday at 9:00 am B(HS courts . .BS8399 !~; c ;~~ f I i-I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Seven qual.i.ty- adj. Having a high degree of excellence THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Circulation leader since 1929 www.3StepDivorce.com DIVORCE Provided by 3StepDivorce.com Learn more at our website or call us at 1-800-680-9052 Complete & ready for filing only $299 only $ 2 9 9 , 100% guaranteed or your money back! (flat fee) Growing Kids Need Clothes and More Clothes The cost really adds up. Now you can or- der direct over the Internet at BIG savings. Why pay store prices when you can buy 50'', belo_ i store prices? That's right, you pay HALF price. We specialize in finding quality kidswear at low, low close-out prices and pass the savings on to you. No more searching through crowded stores and waiting for busy salespeople. ww Li. Just log on to our website and choose for your kids the finest designer kidswear at a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere. Log on today You Must Mention Discount Code to our website: www.magickidsusa.com For HUGE Savings! on famous designer kidswear like these... :GAP OSHKOSH'* PQLO *TOMMY HILFIGERT *ADIDASM *GUESS I1l guaranteed to be in showroom factor-seal'hd I(oniti'n, /' a I ii ) -J I A-~iJ Hudson Marine & Columbia County Bank Come see us next to Office Max in Lake City February 16-18 Thursday 9 am 6 pm Friday 9 am 8 pm Saturday 9 am 6 pm "to K fd- Coast Guard Kits with iu'C lrihaSe of any boat. -4 -, __ .= Mod I I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Eight 5 t January 31 rites for Mr. Barber Vernon Barber, 71, of Baldwin died January 27, 2006 following a brief illness. . He was predeceased by father Leonard Barber and son Matt Barber. Survivors include mother Sadie Kight Barber; daughters Sue Hodges, Carolyn Gatlin and Shar- ron Gillikin; son John Gillikin; sis- ters Sally Crews, Dot Barton (Charles), Linda Mobley and Peggy Rau; brother John Barber (Cindi); grandchildren Brooke, Belle, Dustin, Daryll and Tyler. Pallbearers were Tim Sweat, Marcus Harvey, Troy Luedtke, Larry O'NcLal, John Darryl Roberts and John Combs. A funeral was held January 31 at Prestwood Fun- eral Home of Baldwin. Betty Moring dies February 12 Mrs. Betty Jean Moring, of Macclenny, died February 12,2006. Survivors include husband Ed- gar Morinig, Jr.; children Cynthia (Charles) Scales, Francis (Marcus) Jackson, Edgar Moring, III, Debbie Moring, James Moring, Harry Graves, Jr., Laverne Moring and' Michael Moring; step-children Linda, Bonnie, Darrell, and Mar- ice Moring; brother Ledn Johnson; sisters Catherine Highland and Jean Larry; best friend Agnes Manly. Visitation will be at Brown, Green and Fralin Funeral Home of Macclenny on February 17 from, 5:00-7:00 pm und at the Emmanuel Church of God in Christ from 11:30 am until the hour of the ser- vice. The funeral will be at 1:00 pm. Ir.crmcrnt will be in the Mt. Herman Cemetery. The funeral cor-- tege will assemble at 610 Martin I.uthcr 1-ring Drive at noon. In Memory .... of Gracey Faith Crews 2,17, 2005- 3/20/2005 God r i', a tiny rosebud, to brighten His bouquet. Our hearts were sadly broken, when Gracey went away. Please watch our little angel, she's special, as you know. So tiny and so fragile, it was hard to let her go. Our arms are very lonely, our hearts forever changed; but we would never call her back, if this could be arranged. She's in the arms of Jesus, looking down from up above. Just remember little Gracey, BY AUNT LEnTIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE MAMA & DADDY 'FAITH BIBLE CHURCH A-. :c lye ...' :be CHt!,n,,yi Fi'.' Chur.che. Ro.i Hw". 12- Sanderson, FL Sund.i School 9:45 a.rm. SSunday Morning Worship 11-00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Ever'4" Sunday Night.S~ernice 7:00 p.m. I I ".. ';dl, Williams -Pastor / 'Buddy 'O'Steen dies of longillness Wendell "Buddy" F. O'Steen, 65, of Keystone Heights died Feb- ruary 13, 2006 at Shands Medical Center in Gainesville following a long illness. Mr. O'Steen was born in Jacksonville on November 3, 1940 and was a long time resident of Keystone Heights. He was a Baptist and a retired carpenter and a Mason. Survivors include his wife of 35 years, Sue Barton O'Steen; daugh- ters Marie Pritchard of Macclenny, Vicki Vallance of Keystone Heights, Mary Stallings of Virgin- ia, Vedra 'Harrellson of Georgia, Rebecca O'Steen of Ke\ stone Heights; sons Wendell O'Steen, Jr., of Keystone Heights, James and Joey O'Steen of Jacksonville, Charles O'Steen of Macclenny: sister Evelyn O'Steen of Macc-, lenny; mother Francis Elaine Lun- dy of Starke; 18 grandchildren and one great-grandson. A service will be held February 16 at 3:00 pm at DeWitt C. Jones Funeral Home of Keystone Hei- ghts. A viewing will precede the service for one hour. In lieu of flo- wers, please donate to the Amer- ican Heart A sociation. 3801 NW 40th Terr., Gainesville, FL 32606. 'Buddy' Thrift dies February 13 George D. "Buddy" Thrift, 66, of Sanderson died February 13, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville following a long illness. He was born in Mac- clenny and resided in Sanderson for the past three years. Mr. Thrift Worked for Blair Nursery in Mac- clenny for over 30 years and re- tired as a supervisor. He loved to hunt and fish. He was predeceased by parents Clyde and Hettie Hodges Thrift. Survivors include sisters Sara Mann (Donald) of Sandersonm; iiece .Lisa Simmons (Donnie) of Jacksonville; nephew Donald Mann (Robin) of Sanderson; great-nieces Jennifer Jasonek, Lacey Green and Ashley Green; great-nephews Christopher and Richard Mann. A service will be held February 16 at 11:00 am at Christian Fellow- ship Temple with Revs. David and Timmy Thomas officiating. Burial will be at Oak Grove Cemeter-y. The family received visitors on February 15 from 5-9 pm at Guerry Funeral Home of Macclenny. St. Peters Anglican Fellowship Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla. 259-6256 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Service 10:00 am First Baptist Church I of Sanderson CQ C 229 5.. Sanderson FL Sunday School 10 am Sun. Morning Worship 11 am Sun. Evening Worship 6 pm Wed. Eve. Bible Study 7 pm Pastor Bob Christmas Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M. Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner North 6th Street Macclenny. 259-3500 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd. Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday AM Worship 11:00 am Sunday PM Services 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Pastor J.C. Lauramore Welcomes All Marion Walls dies February 11 Marion Mizell Walls of Sander- son died February 11, 2006 at Trinity Community Hospital in Jasper, Fla. She was a longtime resident of Jasper in Hamilton County prior to relocating to Sanderson in 2005. Mrs. Walls' was a former member of Mt. Mo- riah Missionary Baptist Church, but her membership was recently transferred to, St. Johns Baptist Church in Sanderson. She was predeceased by parents Jessie and Johnnfie Lee Mizell and brother Ralph Mizell. Survivors include husband David Walls; son David Jr.. (Evangeline); daughters Shirrell Faye Walls of Jackson- ville, Cynthia Mitchell (Franklin) of Hinesville, Ga., Debra Watson (John) of Lawrenceville, N.J., and Marion Walls of Jacksonville;- eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren; sisters Mertis Shep- herd of Lake City, Catherine Ante (Eddie) of Houston, Tex.; brothers Mack Mizell (Susie) and Rudolph Mizell (Rona) of Lake City. A service is planned for Febru- ary 18 at 2:00 pm in her church. Mizell's Funeral Home in Lake City was in charge of arrange- ments. ma Wilkinson dies February 12 Ina Mae Sarrells Wilkinson, 78, of Macclenny died February 12, 2006. She was a native of Gadsden County, Florida and mo' cd to Jacksonville at an early age. Mrs. Wilkinson retired from Columbia County Public Schools and moved to MtLL-clIni) five years ago. She will be remembered as a lo% ing and caring person and as the great- est mother in the world. Mrs. Wilkinson was prede- ceased by husband Robert V. Wilkinson in 1987 and son Jake "Ronnie" Lyons earlier this month. Survivors include, daughters Martha Minton and Shirley Yates; sons George H. Lyons and William Gary Cook; sister Ina Lee Steph- ens; brothers J.C. Sarrells and Earl G. Sarrells; seven grandchildren and one great grand child. A r'."ri,': washed Fehriury. 15 at Corey-Kerlin Funeral Home of Jacksonville with Pastor Paul Hale officiating. Interment followed at Restlawn Memorial Park. Marzell Williams dies February 12 Marzell Moore Williams, 59, of Macclenny died February 12, 2006 at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville after a brief illness. Mrs. Williams was born in Len- nox, Ga., and lived most of her life in Baker County. She was an LPN at Macclenny Nursing and Reha- bilitation Center. She was predeceased by parents John L. 'and Rhoda Mae Moore, brother.Braxton "Bud" Moore. Survivors include daughters Trena Rhoden, Michelle Mobley, Miran- da Williams of Macclenny and Stacy Almanza of Jesup, Ga.; son Gaylen Williams of Sanderson; sisters Christine Riggins of Palat- ka, Mattie Conner of Lake City and Anita Wilkerson of Raiford; 11 grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. A service will be held February 16 at 1:00 pm at Archer Funeral Home of Lake Butler with Revs. Shannon Conner and Darrell Wil- kinson officiating. Burial will fol- low at Dekle Cemetery in Lake Butler. In Memory of our Mother Dorothy Solomons 7/17/1928-2/18/2005 God looked around His garden and He found an empty place. He then looked down upon this earth and saw your tired face. He put His arms around and lifted you to rest. God's garden must be bItaiiful. He always takes the best. He knew that you would never get well again on this old earth. H ,mI the road was 'cluj in ,.ih and th& hl, L were hard to climb. So He closed your weaiy eyes and whispered, "Peace be thine. It broke our hearts to l,0.a'- but you didn't go alone. For part of us went with yoi when God called our sweet mother home. LOVE ALWAYS, BUDDY, ELLEN, CAROLYN, SOLLIE AND FAMILY PRESS ADVERTISING DEADLINE 4 PM MONDAY Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North 259-4461 Pastor Bobb\' Griffin ':und ,,v '-i h:Il 1) 1.1{ .: rm .undav Mornirnq W r..r.hiri 1 1 00 nam 'Sunrdy Eveningi Wor hip t. 0u0 upr W'dn :In .'Jd,; Prra,,,er .r,. e O prn1 -lL F ij i l i';'.e'? i 'ri,'? L irimr.i ,\ .":. rn: n .ri bl,,' 1 te S ,n i-i.:i t whosoever Db iev, ?iri in ll .,liould iiiit ri:, ri,. Liji. I"' ''u[h I J-* ':l '. rlj i- hl, i 2 1 . Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us Glen Friendhip Tabernacle Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am Morning Worship Service 10:30 am Children's Church 11:30 am Evangelistic 6:00 pm Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm Rev. Albert Starling Home: 259-3982 Church: 259-6521 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TEMPLE Senior Pastor Independent Pentecostal Church Associate Pastor David Thomas Tim Thomas 259-4940 Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny 259-4575 Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Service 7:00 pm Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday 9:15 am Youth Programs Sunday School 10:00 am Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm God Kids Sunday 11:00 am God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm Youth Pastor rGary Cnrmmey www.christianfellowshiptemple.com MACCLENNY CHURCH OF CHRIST 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am 11:00 am Worship Services 1 11:00 am .'. ",c.d Ei .'!, .rd '. '" n y Evnin... . DLNKIN5 NEW CONCGREQATIONALL CUETHODIST CHLlRCIH CR 127 N. of Sanderson Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday looming Service 11:00 am Sunday Night Service 600 pm Wed. Night Semce 7:30 pm Where Everyone Is Somebody and Jesus is the Leader Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell REVIVAL Dinkins Congregational Methodist Church CR 127 N., Sanderson February 16-18 7:30 pm nightly with Pentecostal Expressions Special singing & prayer nightly. Pastor Ernie Terrell Welcomes All. OU.'L-S hue Blievze;' HA R B OR Yow rif. transformied i he Presence of the Lord! Sunday at 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Interpretation for the hearing-impaired provided ev cr Sundav Morning w'.,' /l lkar/win I;"*. ." 90 ( ei' ls. Mar,), 1'a ida 904.259.6026 FbI ''I III 'I ii I. .l!lI,( I' liii 'Ii rlild~ Suiila~ Sun'ld~ M ..I 3 E7Ir ~~c 7(: F7NM- PaumlfUleaijq i.. iriiin'~ \\i-hip 1):I.J11)Tpin r'~ ~l'ih711 m Iforing Ch'lurcha ,rilh a Growring ision of EireItence- *~~~ Ya ". -~ if h'.I,~- S'4r First Baptist Church A GLEN ST. MARY, FLORIDA I Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM A B o Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM -- A Beacon to Baker 259-6977 County 259-6977 CountyM Perry Hays, Associate Pastor Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor ,a^_____________ Bill Guerry Offering services in a quiet, thoughtful and professional manner. Guerry Funeral Home ...a tradition of excellence continues. -Bryan Guerry LED. G GUERRY FUNERAL HOME 420 E. Macclenny Ave. (U.S. 90 East) Macclenny 259-2211 Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm Pastor: Oral E. Lyons ^ First United Methodist Church 93 5th St., Macclenny ~ 259-3551 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm Wednesday Worship:6:15 pm John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor The Tradition of Excellence kNZ! " s. ,ec't Receiw Life not meant to be a driven trip on highway of isolation PENSEE CHERYL PINGEL I recently drove to Louisiana and back in the space of two and one-half days. It was a quick trip, six hours driving on Friday, four on Saturday and 11 on Sunday, with a brief interlude of family time from 11:00 am-8:00 pm on Saturday. Somewhere during the return trip the reality of my drive hit me. I was speeding along the interstate at 70 miles per hour, conscious only of the vehicles speeding by around ri. and occasionally an unusual scenic image. My thought focus wasn't on the present but the future, desiring only to be where I wasn't yet. Suddenly it occurred to me this trip was symbolic of my life and perhaps of yours. We always seem to be speeding somewhere with lit- tle awareness of what is going on around us. We travel on the Interstate of Life isolated in our individual vehicles of identity barely con- scious of other individuals passing by in the same isolated state. Oc- casionally something beautiful or unique grabs our attention for.a fleeting moment and periodic.ll> necessity demands we pause long enough for a hurried meal or bath- room break. We relegate family, friends and perhaps other things considered important to a few brief hours be- fore we step back into isolation mode and hurry, once again through- our day. I couldn't help but think of all the modern conveniences designed to make life simpler and connec- tions easier. Things like automo- biles, e-mail, telephones, television, radio, the Internet, cell phones, pagers, and computer programs fill our lives. We get immediate coverage of -cTrint'J rounif tl- world. We are the mdnit informed geriea'ofin" thatt has ever lived, with the capability to connect with family and loved Fundraiser dinners Vineyard of Love Ministry will serve dinners on February 18 start- ing at 10:00 am at the church located in Olustee on US 90 and Lulu Road. All dinners will be for donations and can be picked up or eaten on the premises.' All proceeds go toward the pur- chase of church and property. For larger orders, call ahead and we will deliver at 497-0252. Required Divorce Class Court approved parenting class & certificate same morning. Last Saturday of each month starting 1/28/06 in Macclenny. 800-767-8193 (Also offered in Gainesville) -ones no matter where they are. Yet rather than bringing us closer, all this contributes to even more dri- ven lives with the ability to cram the time with more frenetic activi- ty. I couldn't help but think of fam- ilies making trips together in wag- ons pulled by horses,, taking days to get wherever they were going. Nothing frantic or rushed about it,, just the methodical clopping of the horses' hooves with time to enjoy, scenery, talk with family, and play games that demanded interaction rather than the single person, all- absorbing portable video games.. With unprecedented ability to connect with each other we have instead connected with our elec- tronics and moved further away from meaningful human interac- tion, Is the purpose of life really what we have made it a driven trip of isolation punctuated with occasional meaningful human con- nection? We all know it isn't. It is about nurturing what is good and pure and right. It is about nurturing relationships that calm the mind and soothe the soul. It is about growing'in wisdom, grace and relationship with the Lord. It.is about tending the little sprigs of life wherever we find them and enabling them to grow into strong and fruitful plants, but this isn't done with a hurried splash of water and a rapidly tossed handful of fertilizer. The good news is: while there is life within us there is still time to accomplish life's true purpose, but we willhave to give up the driven- ness... and/perhaps some of the electronics that make that driven-, ness possible. In Memory of Roland Starling 11/1/1949 2/20/2000 They say memories are golden. Well, maybe that is true. I never wanted memories, I only wanted you. A million times I needed you, a mil- lion times I cried. If love alone could have saved you, you never'would have died. In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still. In my heart you hold a piece no one could ever fill. But now I know you want me to mourn for you no more; to remember the happy times, life still has much in store. Since you'll never be forgotten, I pledge to you today; a hallowed place within my heart is where you'll always stay. If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane; I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you back again. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same; but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. WE LOVE AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH, ALANA, STEPHANIE, BRANDI CHRIS & KERSTIN CoA assistance The Council on Aging will hold an enrollment event for medicare prescription drug plans on Feb- ruary 17 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. One-on-one assistance will be available for seniors or disabled with incomes less than $1197 per month ($1604 for couples). Those eligible may have premiums, deductibles and/or co-payments waived or reduced. Please stop by to see if you are, covered by this assistance. The WorkSource office in. Macclenny is offering free tax help for seniors. Walk-in appointments will be offered on a' first-come, first-served basis from 10:00 am to, 2:00 pm on February 18 and 25, March 4 and 11. For more infor- mation on these programs and oth- ers call 259-2223. Woodlawn Kennels Quality Professional Care I l PICK-UP 2594 757 sRY --Private-* Spacious lndoor/Out Runs Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom .....$14-$20 Bath, De-flea & Nails Clip . . .$10-$15 Boarding (per actual day) ...... ..... .$5-$7 Butch's Paint & Body Shop 5573 Harley Thrift Rd. YOUR ONE STOP COLLISION CENTER ALL MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR BB T' Foreign & Domestic .. .Dupont Lifetime Warranty Paint Sf v a Computer Estimating * Insurance Claim Work Computerized Color Matching Fully Insured Stop in for your free estimate 259-3785 I DROP-OFF Coming up at the YMCA Karate YMCA Karate classes will teach you Tang Soo Do and a mixture of freestyle karate which includes Aikido and Judo. Classes are ever Tuesday night starting at 7 pil. YMCA Spring Soccer Registration will end on March 4. Program feces for members are $25 and non- members are $65. Cosmic Cardio Are you tired of that same old cardio workout? Come on Thursday nights frornm (:30 pm 7:30 pm. Get an awe- some cardiovascular workout like never before. We turn off the lights; turn on the disco ball and, strobe lights, and play up-tempo music itha will help you burn calories like never before. If you're not a member, all you have to do is come in and get a free guest pass and join in on this awe- some hour of fun. "Share the Y" Scholarships No one is turned away from the YMCA for the inability to pay. The YMCA offers finan- cial aid scholarships for .limn- ilies, adults, teens, and youth to be able to enjoy member- ship, sports, day camp, pro- grams, and much more! For more information, call the YMCA at 259-0898. Activity scholarships available Hours.5:00 am-9:30 pm M/R 5:00 am-8:00 pm Friday 8:00 am-3:00 pm Saturday PRESS ADVERTISING DEADLINE 4 PM MONDAY THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Nine Get the better news experience with The Baker County Press, Macclenny Church of God 165 N. 6th St., Macclenny 2 blocks North of US 90 with Evangelist Curtis Teague February 19-24 Sunday 11:00 am & 6.00 pm Services begin 7:30 pm weeknights '\( E~'y~trHOME EQUITY Credit Union DA' PAY TO ORDER Wb* EIGHTEEN 0-00QOOO | \J Pool 61 tewCa I: 123 U- polo/' I 123- I 1- Ali' LOANS FOR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. You don't have to put off the things that are important to you. An affordable loan check is waiting for you at VyStar so you can Live life on your own terms. We never forget that it's your money. Call us today. LOW PAYMENTS NO HIDDEN FEES (904) 777-6000 Www.vystarcu.org E@ VYS 1-,-..'i --i... Now serving all residents of Northeast Florida. C red I NCUA IS All loans subject to credit approval. ----- i Restrictions may apply. We never forget that it's y 00, ~ "- ARS-- MOMENTUM Moentum Healthcare, Inc. ADVCA ENDWu MA1P B To 019425 HEALTHCARE , .. Jacksonville, FL 32245 (0 9 9945, tar it Union your money. I THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Ten SOCIAL Mr. Skelton un. AIl. Hanamnet r August wedding Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamner, Sr., of Jacksonville and Joann M. Skel- ton of Macclenny are pleased to announce the engagement of their children Janice Katherine of Jack- sonville and James Mark of Mac- clenny. James is also the son of the late James Skelton. Ms. Hamner is currently em- ployed at Baptist Medical Center and plans on furthering her educa- tion in the fall. Mr. Skelton is a ra- diographer and is employed-at Baptist Medical Center. An August wedding is planned. Mr. Weichman and Ms. Savage Upcoming vows Barry and Debbie Brown of Glen St. Mary are pleased to an- nounce the upcoming marriage of their son Matthew Weichman to Lisa Savage on February 18 at 4:00 pm at Celebration Park in Glen St. Mary. Matthew is also the son of the late Bruce Robert Weichman. Ms. Savage is the daughter of Lisa and Trooy Haines of Glen St. Mary, Clyde and Kathy Savage of Ft. Payne, Ala. Garrett Guernsey A son arrives Garrett Oland Guernsey was born to Charles and Joanna Guer- nsey of Macclenny on January 20 at Baptist Medical Center. He wei- ghed eight pounds, three ounces and was 20'/ inches long. qual-i-ty- adj. Having a high degree of excellence THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Since 1929 1 Ms. Walker and Mr. Crump Couple engaged Kevin and Brenda Walker of Macclenny are pleased to ann- ounce the engagement of their daughter Kari Marie Walker.to Travis Michael. Crump. He is the son of Nancy Crump and Mack and Beverly Peebles of Bryceville. A September wedding is planned. Saturday vows Michelle Knapp and J.W. "Skip" Nipper, of Macclenny are pleased to announce their upcoming wed- ding on February 18 at 4:00 pm at Christian Fellowship Temple. A re- ception will be held at the Mac- clenny Women's Club. Pageant photos' Still photos and video tapes from the recent Miss Baker Coun- ty, Macclenny and Glen St. Mary pageants can be purchased from Ty Productions at the Baker High auditorium on February 16. A company representative will be there 6:00-8:00 pm. F--_ w Rocking Democrats meet Macdiennv Amoco min ww mw -- - Chair I Comer Repairs to the Senior Center roof are scheduled to begin. As a result, parking on either side of the center will be alternately restricted by the dumpster and equipment. Tax free income assistance is being offered, from 10 am 2 pm, on February 18 and 25 and March 4 and 11 at the Macclenny Work- Source office. The Singing Evangelists, Ber- nard and Frankie Hurd, will be at the Center on February 15 from 10:30 to noon. The Hurds now bring their music on the third Wednesday of every month. On February 25, all Seniors are urged to take part in the Health Department's "Step up Florida" healthy living campaign. The Center will be open as a "watering" station for this event. Center partic- ipants will join in the walk at the Center and walk as much of the distance to the Courthouse as they choose. Interested seniors, should call .259-2223, ext 222 'for more, information. Good planning is the best step anyone can take to promote a healthy, secure and happy aging experience. To this ,end, the Council on Aging has partnered with Merrill & Associates out of Jacksonville to conduct a workshop for seniors and caregivers for a par- ent, grandparent, husband, wife or other related loved one. The work- shop is tentatively scheduled for the evening of March 21. SENIORS' MENU for the week of February 20-24 SMONDAY: Salisbury steak, scalloped potatoes, green beans, apple sauce, roll and milk. TUESDAY: Sweet and sour chicken, rice, broccoli, pineapple tidbits, bread and milk. WEDNESDAY: Pepper steak, corn, cabbage, apricots, bread and milk. THURSDAY: Turkey ala king, noo- dles, carrots, peas, fruit, bread and milk. FRIDAY: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies, peaches, bread and milk. Daughter born December 20 Todd & Jennifer Barber are proud to ,announce the birth ;of their daughter,., Gracec ; Ryann. Grace was born December 20, 2005 and weighed 5 pounds and 13 ounces. Delighted maternal grandparents are Linda Bettermann, Fort Myers and Dr. Larry Bettermann, Denver, Colorado. Paternal grandparents arc Gary & Kathy Barber. X RENTALS OR SALES " Hard Water? Rusty Water? Smelly Water? "'"* Iron Filters and Conditioners Water Treatment . Free Water Tests _^ Well & Pump Supplies : ' The Easiest Place in the World Io Buy a Car or Tud"c Call Locally 259-2313 or Toll Free 1-888-Dan Lamb Our showroom is conveniently located at the intersection of Hwy. 121 and U.S. 90 in downtown Macclenny www. lambsautoandtruck com UJ A The' activities tare schedule" ,W laker County schools for the week of February C 20-25. This listirig may be in- complete and subject to change, without notice. 1 z .February 20: District Wide- President's Day holiday. BCHS- New York Trip. Drama ' auditions from 2-4 pm. *February 21: District A Wide- School board meeting at B 6:30 pm. BCHS- Tuxedo rental C during both lunches. KIS- Fami- ly reading night at 4 pm. ME- Just Say No Club meeting at 8 I am. PK/K- Kindergarten Circus 2 at 6:30 pm. (Nafe, Hand, Betros, Wilkerson, Thrift and Combs' classes). -February 22: BCHS- First period semester exams. *February 23: BCHS- 2nd and 4th period semester exams. BCMS- Williamsburg trip meet- ing in the cafeteria at 7 pm. ME- I Step Up Florida walk-a-thon.' *February 24: BCHS- Gift- ed and Fine Arts field trip to 3 King Tut Treasures. BCMS- I Parent day. ..*February 25: BCHS- Miss A BCHS Calendar pageant at 7 B pm. F Doral $19.99 ctn 305s $12.99 ctn Marlboros $2.89/pk. Newport Med./Lights Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Camels Ultra Turkish Gold/Jade Buy 1 Get 1 FREE NOW AVAILABLE BOOST FLIP PHONES The Democratic Party of Baker County will hold its next meeting on February 23 at 7:00 pm in the County Commissioner's Cham- bers at 55 N. 3rd Street in Mac- clenny. Anyone interested in work- ing is encouraged to attend. The executive officers for 2006 are Chairman Andy Bailes and Vice-chairman Peggy Conner. Blood drive The Florida/Georgia Blood Al- liance will have a mobile unit at Taylor Church on February 19 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. This is for those who want to donate but cannot get to Jacksonville. For more information call 259- 7324 or (904) 353-8263. Benefit dinners The Macclenny Moose Lodge will sell dinners on February 18 at noon for donations to benefit the Union County accident victims' funeral expenses. Dinners will be sold at the Moose Lodge. For more information call 259-6305. for the week of February 20-24 BREAKFAST SMONDAY: President's Day. TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit with milk and juice. WEDNESDAY: Cheese toast with milk and juice. THURSDAY: Waffles with milk and juice. FRIDAY: Eggs and grits with milk and juice. LUNCH MONDAY: President's Day. TUESDAY: Spaghetti and sauce or beef nuggets, choice of two: green beans, carrots, fruit with roll and milk. WEDNESDAY: Corndog or turkey and roll, choice of two: whipped potatoes and gravy, sal- ad, fruit and milk. THURSDAY: Chicken and dumplings and roll or pizza, choice of two: mixed veggies, sal- ad, fruit and milk. FRIDAY: Tacos and cinnamon bun or fish sandwich, choice of two: corn, condiments, fruit and milk. Fill Dirt e Top Soil Septic Tank Sand EP INC. :(904) 289-7000 Open 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm y^Hiec akmn.a Metal Roofing Homes and Mobile Homes Factory Certified Professional Installer. Many Styles and Colors to Choose From Manufacturer's Warranties up to a LIFETIME! State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC057887! 'Visit us on the web at: www.lifetimemetalroofing.com (904)779-5786 w(0S 1-800-662-8897 rBB 0 Toll Free 2 pre-selected homes 1 over 2100 sq. ft., 1 at 2300 sq. ft. fireplace, full security, microwave, upgraded carpet $ 10'430*in savings plus $15, 000 in closing costs Total savings$ 15,430 W'4c,-ir (),Kmd c.-&iuicdr Construction Company 904-259-0922 Directions:- 1-10 West, to first Macclenny exit (Exit 336 Hwy.) Go approximately 2.5 miles to Sands Pointe straight ahead. Subject In change without notice. 'Free options package valued at $10,430. Applies 0to new construction contracts only and does no t apply to spec homes SEDA preferited leipleri musl be used. Expires February 28. 2006. CCO?20880 Coil), (904) 724-7800 Is your water misbehaving? If so, call us... '. ,\ . We will bring the Water Wagon to your house & fix it! or more information about products and services see our ad in the '05-06 Macclenny phone book on page 100. Our Water Conditioning Units Will Bring Quality Water Into Your Home. 904.608.5669 or 904.613.1898. A MACCLENNY BASED COMPANY I"'--, - *- -sSm M ilk'2.99/ganlon Blenda27t'ventols At the corner of US 90 & SR121 Sunday 7 am 9 pm Mon.-Sat. 6 am 10 pm \ THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2006 Page Eleven Wildcats lose to Santa Fe in district semifinal game BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports Reverting to a problem that hurt them in some early season losses, the Wildcats boys basket- ball team got off slow in its dis- trict game against Santa Fe and was unable to fully erase the Raiders' 9-0 opening run. Ironically, Baker was impres- sive immediately out of the gate. Santa Fe got the opening tip - their big man was a force through- out the game on both ends of the court but the Cats blocked two shots and forced a turnover on that initial possession. After that. the, had trouble' with the Raiders' press and weren't getting good shots. Santa Fe,,the tournament's sec-. ond seed, also was able to pres- sure the perimeter in the half- court game. The guards could overplay and gamble because; their big men had their backs. The third-seeded Cats would fall behind by 13 with about two and a half minutes left the second quarter, but finished with a 5-0 run and trailed 26-18 heading into the locker room. Because of Santa Fe's inside presence the Cats got few second shots. Justin Gaskins, Baker's leading. scorer this year,, got into early foul trouble and left the game with 3:40 to go in the first quarter. He returned with 3:36 to go the sec- ond. Gaskins' three-pointer, together with a Carlos Holton layup, ac- counted for the Cats' end-of-half run. They looked as if they were go- ing to get a quick start in the third quarter. Gaskins hit another three, then the defense got another block. The Cats had possession with a chance to pull within two or three. The sizable Baker County con- . tingent ma\be 12 or 13.times the number of Santa Fe fans be- came energized and for a while it seemed like a home game. After the blocked shot, howev- er, the Cats turned the ball over and the Raiders converted. Then on the ensuing posses- sion, the Cats again turned it over, leading to a three pointer and a 31-21 Santa Fe lead. Baker closed to within six by the end of the third quarter. Neither team generated much offense in the fourth, as the Raiders outscored the Cats 7-6. They had a couple of chances to get close. "With 5:32 left, they were down five and got a steal but threw the ball away on the fastbreak. A couple of times, the Cats nearly stole the ball only to have a Raider get his hands on it and quickly call time out before the Baker defender could force a held ball. A couple of questionable calls with under a minute left also cost the Cats. Including tournament results - Baker beat Middleburg in the first round the Cats closed the season winning 15 of 17. Their final reg- ular season record was 16-9. Carlos Holion goes baseline against Santa Fe Wrestling season is now a show of Hand's r-- '* ,* ,',: .. .i'.* "..>j '** *f :' ' .. .* ,.' *- .. -. -. .1 .., k g' ." ,B.. ,^ -- ....... -f ,. .. ... . ,g.1 7, BY LAURA BETH BRINER Press Sports The boys' and girls' tennis teams traveled to Stanton Tuesday where they both were shut out by the Blue Devils. The loss dropped the Lady Cats' record to 1-1. They defeated Baldwin in their season opener. For the guys, the Stanton match was their first. Micah Cranford and Randall Vonk each lost 8-2, while Daniel Wilbanks, Lew Boyette and Dylan Gerard lost 8-0. In doubles, Gerard and Vonk lost 8-2; Wilbanks and Boyette went 8-1. For the girls, Nicole Novaton had the best showing but still lost 8-3. Shae Raulerson lost 8-1, while Bethany Belleville, Lisa Austill and Sariah Swartz all with 8-0. The doubles teams of Novaton- Raulerson and Belleville-Austill each fell 8-0. It was a different story, howev- er, February 13 when the girls hosted Baldwin. Because the Indians didn't field a full squad, the teams played on- ly four singles matches and two doubles matches, so not all Cats saw playing time. Novaton won her match 8-5, Raulerson won 8-1, Belleville 8-4 and Austill 8-2. Johnson lost 8-5. . In doubles, Johnson and Nova- ton teamed up for an 8-2 win while Jessica Mayo and Jessica Crews lost 8-3. Upcoming matches for the combined teams are February 15 at Raines and February 23 at Bolles. BY BOB GERARD Press Sports Baker County's winningest '. restler ever, Jarrett Hand, was the lone Wildcat to advance to the state tournament this week in Lakeland. Hand placed third in a very tough regional meet at The Bolles School and in the process broke the Wildcat record for the most victories, in a season. Hand's 44 wins bested Ernie Young's 39 wins set two years ago. , "I've had'several other coaches remark that this was the toughest regional that they've ever attend- ed," said coach Joe Van Vactor. "We had state qualifiers from last year not make it-through:" Blake Yarborough narrowly missed advancing to states on j controversial judge's call. He was slapped with a stalling charge late in overtime of his "I've ha" ,match. The stalling charge eventually coach, led to his loss. this wa, Timmy Mason also came close to region advancing. In his ever first year of wrestling, he also broke the 30-win Coac plateau. Eleven \\ ildc.it wrestlers advanced to the regional tournament Bolles last weekend. It was an outstanding result for ,the young Baker County team.. -. Van Vactor's team entered the dis s r s t 'l t att h J district tournament at Suwannee High School with a team filled with under- classmen. The severall oth er Wildcats don't everahave a single mark that senior on the he toughest team, but it hasn't held hat they've them back. tended. "We're real young," said Van Vactor oe Van Vactor said. "But they've come a long way this year." The Cats went up against a very experienced team in Suwan- .. neeCounty High. -. , The Live Oak squad has' a BCHS takes Diamond Classic in Lake Butler Alan Tanner crosses the bag as the throw skips past the Santa Fe first baseman in the Wildcats nine-inning, 10-9 victory over the Raiders February 9 in the Union County Diamond Classic. Led by Adam Lewis'.three-run homer, the Cats came back from a five- run deficit to take the lead in the fifth inning before Santa Fe tied the game and sent it into extra innings. Pitcher Ridge Sweat got the win for coach John Staples' team, which defeated Union County 5-4 in the first day of the preseason tournament. On February 14, the Wildcats defeated Middleburg in their season opener. Coach John Staples called it a "big district win." strong wrestling tradition and captured 12 first place and-four second place medals. The Wildcats took a lot'of thirds, whichVan Vactor thinks c. ill change.- "I ,aj-,n't real happy with all the thirds because I think some of our wrestlers didn't wrestle up to their potential," said Van Vactor., "But ,e1'll take t\o ,eeks off and then hit the weight room. and the mat." Yarborough and Josh Hodges took second place in their weight classes. Justin Moreland, Timmy and Robert Mason, Colby Combs, Mike Willey, Stephen Hicks, Davi.d C,_ro'nj and .4nd .'.,ere the other regional qualifiers. ISpotsWeek Record-setting wrestler Jarrett Hand got his share of television time on Fox 30's coverage of the regional wrestling tournament at Bolles last weekend. Hand was among those featured in their cover- age in which he was beating a kid from Wakulla High School. Cami Craig pitched a no-hitter in leading the Baker County Middle School softball team to a season opening 9-0 win over Fernandina Beach. Craig, who struck out 10, also was hot at the plate, along with Jordan Hand and Ashley Tracy. SCHEDULE February 16 Baseball hosts W.Nassau 6 pm BCHS softball at Columbia County, 6 pm BCMS softball at Hilliard, 4:15 pm February 21 BCHS softball at Baldwin, 4:30 pm Baseball at Columbia County, 4:00/7:00 pm BCMS softball hosts Richardson, 4:15 pm. Softball team off to slow start, losing to Flashes, Blue Devils. BY MICHAEL RINKER Press Sports The Lady Wildcats softball team lost its second game in as many starts this season, falling 3-2 at Hilliard February 9. The following day, their game at Union County was cancelled. Against the Flashes, the Cats outhit their hosts 6-3, but couldn't muster a key hit when they had runners in scoring position in the final inning. Trailing 3-1 entering the sev- enth, Baker got consecutive one- out singles from Brittany Hinson, Brittany Dale and Bridget Williams. Dale's hit drove home Hinson, who'd advanced to sec- ond on a passed ball. But with Dale at third and Williams at second, Brittany Hansen grounded out and Jessi Nunn struck out swinging to end the game. Hinson had two hits in the game, as did Kassie Crews, who drove in the Cats' first run with a fourth-inning double. She was at third with one out when the Cats squandered another scoring opportunity as clean-up hitter Shannon Nickles and desig- nated hitter Caitlin Griffis each struck out. Until Crews' double, the Cats had been held hitless. Hansen, however, led off the inning with a walk and was sacri- ficed to-sccond by Nunn, before Crews drove her home. Freshman pitcher Tiffany Smith was the tough-luck loser, surrendering just three hits and no earned runs although she balked home the Flashes second run. Smith walked three and struck out four. She didn't get a lot of support from her defense as the Cats' committed seven errors. Smith was able to bounce back from a dismal 10-1 loss to Clay County in the Cats' home opener February 7. She gave up nine hits, but only three of the runs against her were earned. The Cats had four errors against the Blue Devils. Hansen drove in the only run with a sixth-inning single. Crews, Griffis, Nunn and Mindy Roberts also had singles. Clay had two big innings a five-run first and four-run sixth. The Cats are next scheduled to play February 16 at Columbia County, then the following day at home against Hilliard. After that, they travel to Baldwin February 21. For the next two weeks I am going to be glued to the television screen watching the Winter Olympics from Torino (al- so known as Turin), Italy. :,- ,- I've been Olympics mad since I . was a kid. One of the memories "" : from my dim kidhood was watch- ing the 1960 Tokyo Olympics on my folks' black and white televi- .. sion. I don't remember anything m'.-, about it or who I was watching, ,- but I was hooked. ...o-,,. i Ever since I then I get emotion- ,.-. al when I watch a medals ceremo- t :'" ny. I don't even care who wins. I "I.. get emotional when some guy is on the medals stand and they're playing the Latvian national anthem. I do have a knock on this year's medals, however. Have you seen them? They look exactly like CDs suspended from a ribbon. That kind of diminishes the impact when I can buy something that looks like an Olympic gold medal at Wal-Mart. Even so, I still am psyched about the Winter Olympics. I have a little harder time linking up with the win- ter sports because I don't know a lot about them. But it doesn't take long for me to start caring about them. Right now I'm watching the 90 meter ski jump. Ski jumpers have to be slightly insane. After all, they are jumping off a perfectly good platform that is almost as tall as a football field. Then, they lean way over their skis and soar.through the air for about 300 feet and touch down light as a feather. 41 r..1. Most of the time. Remember the guy on the open- ing credits of ABC's Wide World of Sports who went through the wall on the platform and dropped like a rock? Obviously these guys haven't seen that old video or else they might consider a different sport. The guy who's in the lead is from Finland. I don't really know his name except that it has 12 vowels in it. It's something like Maatii Euko- maatiiaaian. His closest competitor is another Finn named Soooomoouiii Martaaiansaaayaaan, or something like that. Watch- ing these Finn's names scroll across the screen, I am convinced of one thing. Finland is one of the few countries in the world without Wheel of Fortune. They could never make any money on that show. Every time they had to buy a vowel they'd go bank- rupt. My dad ski jumped when he was young. He also speed-skated. My mom claimed that he could skate faster backwards that most people could forwards. He lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where you get about 3 weeks of summer all year anyway so you'd better learn to ski and skate. (continued on page 12) * \it htI \ .Ini.' id i 'wii' tihe Jorehand return against Baldwin. Tennis: girls split two matches, boys lose one THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Twelve (continued from page 11) Earlier this afternoon I watched luge. Luge is cool. Basically it's sledding down a hill on caffeine. Lugers lay back on a piece of fiber- glass with blades and hurtle down an icy surface at nearly 90 mph. I kept expecting a highway patrol- man on a luge to blue light these guys for breaking the speed limit. The best part of luge was that one of the athletes was 52 years old. He was a college professor at Boise State who was luging for Venezuela. He wasn't expected to be a contender. There aren't exactly a lot of great South American lugers. But the fact that he was there was tremendous. Hmm. I wouldn't mind doing that. If this guy do it, so can I. After all, I've got four years to practice. There are drawbacks. We don't have a lot of luge tracks in Florida. In fact, we don't have a luge track at all. I don't even know where to get a luge. But I'm stubborn, as my wife would be happy to tell you. I'm also creative, so I've come up with a way to train while I'm look- ing around for a sponsor. All I need is a garbage can -lid and a dirt road. I've got a garbage can. lid and there are plenty of dirt roads around Baker County. I think that I can convince my son to drag me along behind the car. I don't think I'm willing to hit 1-10 quite yet though. There's a big German guy named Georg Hackl who they call the "big white sausage" (no kid- ding) because he's a big beefy guy and always wears a white track suit when he slides down the track. I could be the red, white and blue burrito. Works for me. If I can't manage to work up the courage to try the luge, I might try curling. Curling is the most bizarre sport of all. If you haven't seen it, you've missed something very strange. Spencer and I are hooked on curling. Think shuffleboard on ice. You slide a big, heavy stone down the ice. Your partners skate down ahead of the stone with brooms and scrapers, cleaning the ice so the stone will slide into a big bullseye. Other teams try to knock it out of the circle. I could do that. As a matter of fact it would be easy to practice. I've got a couple of brooms and one of those "Swifter" things we use to clean the wood floors. Now all I need is a big stone, and I prob- ably have one of those in the back yard. I think Spencer and I could prac- tice really hard and make the next Olympics. I think that just to keep our enthusiasm up we're going to wear those gold Maxell CDs around our neck for the next four years. Look for us. PRESSCLASSFIED $4.50fo 15wods COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN BALDWIN Contact Sheila Gordon 653-4451 Said r alll \ u i c tl dick . San finanLcial needS. 100 South Lima St., Baldwin Office 266-1041 * Slag Fill Dirt Sand Milling Clay Fish Ponds, Land Clearing, [,NEW'HOMES NOW SELLIN THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. February 16, 2006 PAGE THIRTEEN To place, correct or cancel an ad by phone, call 904-259-2400 DEADLINE: Placement, correction or cancellation of ads may be phoned in anytime before Monday at 4 p.m. for publication on Thursday. RATES: ,-Line Ads: i 15 words for $4.50 25c each add'I word 7. Service Ads: /15 words for $6.00 25c each add'I word Classified ads and notices must be paid in advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm the Monday preceding publication, unless other- wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed pro- vided they are accompanied by payment and instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Mac- clenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility for accuracy of ads or notices given over the tele- phone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be limited to the first publication only. If after that time, the ad continues to run without notification of error by the person or agency for whom It was pub- lished, then that party assumes full payment re- sponsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the right to refuse advertising or any other material which in the opinion of the oiblis'er does not meet standards of publication. ' ~minur- Auto audio amplifier MTX, Thunder 275X with two 10" Kicker Competition speakers in enclosure, 200 watts, $125; 742-9399. 2/9p, King pillowtop, new Nith warranty, $259, can deliver. 904-391 -.001'5. 2/9-3/2p Firewood. Great deals on oak Call 485-0797 or 588-6687. 1/19-2/9p Free Canon printer Bubble Jet series with color ink cartridge, software tor printing projects and manuals, hasn't been used in a whie, may not work. Computer keyboard, $5 or free with printer. Call 259-2650, lea'.'e message 2/9p Yessir! The Franklin Mercantile is open Friday and Saturday 10-00 am-, 5:00 pm. At the railroad crossing in Glen. 259-6040. 126tfc Mahogany secretary,'beautiful piece, excellent condition. Southern Charm 259-4140. 12!/9tfc Luxury Queen pillowtop, in plastic, must sell, $199. 904-398-5200. 2/9-3/2p Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs, very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half round foyer console All pieces are ma- hogany wood. Southern Charm. 259- 4140. 2/3tfc Queen orthopedic set, $129, nrew, in plastic, can deliver. 904-398-5200. 2/9-3/2p Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront china cabinet; buffet, all mahogany, can be seen at Soulnern Charm. 259- 4140. 12/9tfc Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors, canvases, drawing pads and much morel The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street. 259-3737. tic 6 piece Bassett bedroom suite with 4 poster bed, looks new, $1500 nego- tiable. 653-2084 or 904-566-2428.2/9p Queen size Craftmatic bed, with mas- sage, good condition, $400. 259-2174. 2/9p LAKE CITY Staff Assistant I Position in Registrar's Office registering students, processing transcripts, etc. Must be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Must have high school diploma or equivalent with 2 years clerical experience. Additional education may substitute for experience. Must be proficient in Word and Excel. College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: yww.lakecitvcc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 7544314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecityco.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment Yamaha 450 Kodiak 4 wheeler, 4x4, 1999 Dodge Ram 1500, quad cab, V8, low hours, garage kept, excellent con- black, 2 WD, 52,000 miles, extended edition, $4500; Ludwig 7 piece drum set, warranty, new tires, $11,500 OBO. $350. 259-3810. 2/9p 259-3837. 2/9p Used appliances, 90 day warranty. 266-4717. 2/9-4/27p Garden compost. Will load your pick up for $20. 259-3547. 2/9-3/2p Get ready for spring! Azaleas, 1 gal., $1.50; 3 gal., $4.00. .2/9p Slide-in camper $350; Ab-doer exer- ciser $20; Oak side board cabinet, 1930, $250. 912-843-8140 St. George. 2/9p . Woodlawn Cemetery. 3 plots, lot 17, east section of cemetery, 2 adjoining, 1 single, $600 each. 850-894-4952.2/9p Lift kit, fits Ford F250, 5.5" with 6 shocks, four 35" ProComp radials, everything new, $1000 OBO. 813- 4215. 2/9p Galaxy Pluto CB, loaded, $150; Icon V8000, $200; 300 wan Gray; 300 watt Lineaer. $160 686-4697 2 9p 1997 Four Winds Infinity, 30 ft. Class A motor home, 2 A/Cs, Onan genera- tor; 57K, many extras, NADA $22,500, sell for $20,995 OBO. 904-612-0615. _. '2/9p 1999 Stratos Vindicator 273, 150 HP Johnson, valued at $13,200, asking $10,000. 904-838-1230. 2/9p 3 piece leather living room set sofa, loveseat & recliner, maroon, excellent condition, purchased from Rooms to Go in May '05, $1200 firm. 259-9649 or 591-0958. 2/9-16p Cochra.ne solid oak dinette set oval table with extra leaf, 4 chairs, corner hutch with glass upper cabinet doors', $600. 259-2313. 2/9tfc 1996 Chrysler LHS, leather interior, all electric, CD changer, Miite with gold trim, runs great. 275-2099 after 6:00 pm. 2,'9p 1997 Chevrolet Z-71, 4x4, 8000 lb. Warn winch, $6500. 904-838-1230. 2/9p Now accepting antique furniture on consignment. Pieces have to be in good condition. Call Karin at Southern Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc Do you have a junk car or truck you want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968. 4,.22rfc Tree trimming removal and clean up. Licensed and insured. 259-7968. 10'21 fc Babysitting 1-5 years, limited space, private home care, 121 N. Macclenny. 259-3323. 2/9p *-5 --^K _- --------5^-l~E -- ,a*-^ r.L-^ Big beautiful blockhead Pitbull pup- pies, 8 weeks old, all shots & wormed, $100. Come & lake a lool'1 259-4898 2.'9p Dogs: all lypes Irom puppies to adulls Animal Control, $50 boarding lees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc Notice to readers: The newspaper often putliisres clas-.ified advertising or, c.ucileci s I, *A r a. r,.:.rr, weight loss products, nealir products While the ne.'.' upperr uses rea-,r aole dis- cretion decidinrg cor, pich.sl,-,r-' ol such ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truth- fulness of claims. Respondents should use caution and common sense before sending any money or making other commitments based on statements and/or promises; de- mand specifics in writing. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877- . FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudu- lent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. -The Baker County Press TRUCK AND TRAILER MECHANICS NEEDED Q PRITCHETT TRUCKING Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility. Good benefits. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler or call 1-800-486-7504 Recycling Technician II. The New River Solid Waste Association is seek- ing to hire a full time employee for the position of Recycling Technician I1. The duties will include collection & pro- cessing of recyclable materials. super- vising inmate labor & other duties as needed. Applicants must have a high school or GED diploma, a Class B or higher CDL, & the physical dexterity necessary to complete the required duties Starting salary is $9 50 per" hour, salary commensurate wiin expe- rience. Applications may be obtained at .the office of Ne.',j River Soid Waste Association on SR 121, 3 miles north of Raiford, FL, Monday-Friday, be-, tween 8:0,0 am-5:00 pm. Deadline for, applications is Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9-156p Now hiring for housekeeper Apply in person eeiweer, 9 00 amr 300 prr at Travelodge. 1651 S 6thi St No Phrone Calls' 2,2-9: Pier 6 Seafood now accepting appli ' calions for all positions. 259-6123.2/2- 23c Florida Times Union carrier requires part time help on Sundays only, must .have dependable car; 259-5246, 2/9-16p Children's outreach assistant. Reli- able person to present programs to preschool & elementary age children. High school graduate with valid Florida, driver's license, basic computer skills, use of internet & e-mail knowledge re-. quired. Knowledge of children's litera- ture, working with children & children's ,programming desirable. $8/hour, 25 hours/week, Monday-Friday Apply in person at Emily Taber Public Library, 14 W Mclver St., Macclenny, FL. Appli- cation period closes Tuesday, Febru- ary 28, 2006, at 5:00 pm. Emily Taber Public Library is a drug free workplace. EOE. 2/2-9c. Exterior & Interior construction debris clean up person, full time. Call 259- 2255 or 259-3343. 1/12tfc 1 11 II 4x5 Roud Bale Cosa emd a Saturday 8:00 am- 2:00 pm, Corner of Mudlake Rd. :& Richar.dson Rd. Lots of very nice infant & toddler boy's cloth- ing & shoes, also girl's size 3-4T, boys, men & women s clothing, we-dding dress with veil & .3 prom dresses size 12, complete crib set, ' walker, car seat, Qraco Pack -n-Go 0 649GE 5SA ON Agg SALE I. play pen. Nintendo game cube with 'games, toys, dining table/chairs, bookcase & other misc. items. 4 fami- lies Saturday 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 545 Cardinal Lane, 121 N. near ballfields. Girls cl:itr,,. board games, toys, din- ing room table comforter sets.. Inside moving sale. Saturday 7:30 am-?, 12354 W. Con- federate Dr., Hills of Glen. Boys & girl's clothing, bikes, toys, adult cloth- Sing, etc. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-3:00 pm, 11749 Faye Rd, 121 N. to 23 B, left on 1st road before school, 2nd house on right. Wednesday Sunday 9:00 am-?, Olustee across from store. Extra Wall Timber Products is in need of company drivers & owner operators, must have one year experience, bene- fit packages available. Call Frank at 904-237-3904. 1/26-2/16p Dump truck driver, must have Class B:CDL & good driving record. 259- 6172. 2/9p large women's clothes - up to 4X, men's clothes - to 3X, teen clothes to size 18, children's clothes - ILE preemie to 6X, pots & pans, misc. items; washer '& dryer, stove, 1988 Ford truck, antique dishes & glassware, children's toys, homemade pumpkin rolls. More. every day. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-41:00 pm, 6080 Chest- nut Rd., off George Hodges Rd across from Wendy's. Follow signs. Sofa bed, small TV, weights & bench, coffee table, golf clubs, microwave, small glass table, small entertainment 'center, prom dresses & much much more. Large sale family moving. Rain or shine. 653-1832. Saturday 7:00 am-1:00 pm, Buck Rowe Rd., '/2 mile south of 1-10 on 121. Follow signs. Lots of stuff -'every- thing must go. Rain or shine. 631- 6581. Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?, 121 N: past weight station. Follow signs. Tools, hardware, hunting & fish equip- ment, household goods, clothing & shoes. Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 7754 CR 139B, Glen. Go to 125 N., turn left at EZ Stop..Follow signs. Local home health care agency seek - ing full time Physical Therapist for local and surrounding areas. Call 259-3111 for details. 2/24tfc Experienced cooks & cashiers needed. Apply in person at Ronie's Food, US 90, Glen St. Mary., 2/9c PRITCHETT TRUCKING Local $575 $675 Home Every Night OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation 401K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus CALL 1 -800-808-3052 www.pritchetttrucking.com A GOOD COMPANY FOR GOOD DRIVERS!! WHITEHEAD BROS., INCJLAKE CITY LOGISTICS, INC. OTR DRIVERS NEEDED Go through Home several times most weeks Home most weekends Personalized dispatching that comes ftom only dispatching 25 trucks at our location here in Starle Vacation pay. Safety Bonus up to $1.200 per year Driver of the Year bonus and driver recruitment bonuses Blue Cross Blue Shield medical and dental insurance Need 2 years of experience arid a decent during record CALL JIM OR DEBBIE LAWRENCE AT 904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898 DRIVERS $2,000 Sign-On Bonus For a limited time only!! With one year OTR experience. STAY IN THE "SWEET PART" OF THE SOUTH FL, GA, SC, NC, TN, AL. Top pay-up to .40 cpm w/5 yrs. Guaranteed Hometime Health & Disability Ins. Available Life & Dental Ins. Provided 401 K available Safety Bonus 800-874-4270 #6 HWY. 301 S., Starke, Fla. www.davis-express.com ^j^-fc:_ tu _A-l e.(.l ..W_ U 2 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. February 16. 2006 PAGE FOURTEEN Driver needed. Class A or B, Hazmat, clean driving record. Apply in person or call Les at L.V. Hiers, Inc. 259-2314. 12/15tfc Eighth Judicial Circuit Court Adminis- tration, Digital court,reporter #.7725, starting salary $31,043 annually, clos- ing date: Friday, February 10, 2006. For detailed information, visit our web- site at http://www.circuit8.org. EOE. 2/2-9c Part time with full time potential. Look- ing for motivated, qualified person in Baker and surrounding counties. Expe- rience in sales helpful. Reply with re- sume and references to P.O. Box 598, ,.lacclenny. FL 32063 r- 6/2tfc Pipe foreman & operators. AlIbright Contracting 259-0792. 1 2/9p Experienced painters needed. Must have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc Framers/carpenters needed. Top pay plus benefits for work on westside of Jacksonville, transportation provided Monday-Friday. 386-266-0179 or 386- 266-0236. 2/9-23p Found: Small dog on Crews Rd. Call to idrientify 259-2229 2/9 Notice to Readers ., ,- ;. ,: 1 ; a ,:.'. ,.', -. : r : -, -, .: J.j .-: I I0. the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national ori- gin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination," Familial status includes children, under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, preg- nant women and people securing custody of children under This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real es- tate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are nereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To corn- EQUAL HOUSING plain of discrimination, call HUD toll OPPORTUNITY free at 1-803-689-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 1 acre in Glen with or without dou- blewide home. With $75,000 without $45,000. Nice location, dead end road, convenient to 1-10, near schools. 338- 7153. 2/2-23p 3 BR, 1 BA, completely remodeled, .24 acres, 233 MLK Drive, $69,500. 742- 1843. 2/9p 3 BR, 1 ; BA rick mn-,e 1'280 SF iv-. ing, garage & carport, fenced back yard, brand new A/C & carpet, corner city lot, $148,000. 259-2618 or 904- 349-0525. 2/9-16p 2 homes for price of 1! 1.77 acres & 2 mobile homes, live in one, rent the' other. This is a real buy you have a, home & some land; Call 'Margie Walker, Realtor, 613-8438 for your pri- v ,;n.ri,:.,Mr) 2'9.3'2p 3 3R, 2 BA home or, 1 ,.:re in t7Mac, clenny II, 1805 SF, $249,000. 553- 2718. 1/26-2/16p 8.18 acres, zoned agricultural, planted in pinto palm trees, with well, septic tank & light pole, ready to move on. Off Mallie Davis Road. Great investment, $120,000. Call 259-3763, leave mes- sage. 1/19-2/9p Individual looking for one acre or less for mobile home or modular home. 259-6811. 2/9 Roger Raulerson Well Drilling 2" & 4" Wells Call Roger or Roger. Dale 259-7531 Family Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured Brand new waterfront home, Mac- clenny Cypress Pointe, 2000 SF,'4 BR,; 2 BA-, $149r/month 904-860-5564, 904-288-6497 or 904-287-6709.2/2-9p,, Furnished, 2 BR, 2 BA, $300/deposit, $550/month, 2 referenhqes. 259-4460. 2/2-9p Cypress Pointe. 3'BR, 2 BA brand new house with screen porch, available February 20. For rent or lease with one year contract, $1250/month, $500 de- posit. 407-810-8363 :or 407-9330 ask for Michael. 2/9-16p. New home for rent, 3 BR 1 BA tie flooring, living room kiicnen dLiing room corrnio on ] acre in Macclenny All electric appliances, $800 security deposit, $800/month: Please call 259- 2255. 2/9tfc Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-860- 4604 or 259-6156. 3/17tfc I sos get'u ltv Rent to Own or Purchase. 1997, 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on beautiful 2.5 acre with large pond near Taylor. 904- 477-8995. 2/9-16p 3 BR, 2 BA on 2 acres with 2 ponds, $650/month, $650 deposit. Call John at 259-1356 or Dean at 396-5611.2/9-16p 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home, River Heights MH Park, $400/month, $200 deposit, no pets. 259-3148 or 904-891- 4053. 2/9-16p 4 BR, 1 BA brick home in-city limits, new carpet, tile, appliances, $850/month, $850 deposit, no pets or smoking. 813-5558. 2/9p 3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets, garbage pickup & water provided, $600 per month, $600 deposit. 912-843- 8118. 12/22tfc 1 acre lot for mobile home in Macedo- nia area off Odis Yarborough. Call Brian at 759-5734 or 259-6735. 3/24tfc S600 SF office & storage, A/C, heating, phone lines, separate meter, $400 per month, $400 deposit. Call David at 259-2602. 1/26-2/9p 1996 Homes of Merit, 28x68, 3 BR, 2 BA, fireplace; large country kitchen, lots of cabinets & counterspace; large MBR & bath with garden tub, double sinks, separate shower; lots of extras, must see! $46,000, You move. 259- 5895 after 3-00 pm. GEORGIA LISNGS- St Mary's River Bluff Gorgeous 4BR/2BA Fleetwood on 2.56 acres of beautifully land- scaped rry. Large open hoor plan with vaulted cathedral ceil- ings formal DR & LR plus a great room: Jacuzzl tub with separate shower in enormous master bath. New privacy fencing in a home that looks & feels brand new. Just north of the FLGA line in walking dis- lance of the St Mary's River. Don't miss all this value for only $129,900. Monlarc/SL George Lovely starter 2000 28x48 Pioneer mobti e home. 3BR.2BA home with A .split floor plan Large eat-In kitchen, large master bath with garden tubl and separate shower. Added bonus- fish pond stocked with bream & catfish, 2 utility sheds and rear deck. Sits on a corner lot on Highway 185. $99,900.00 Waycross 10 acres on south side of Highway 84, oned residential, 285 acres on north side pi ted in 27 year old s j 4 P E N D I r [C r y dose to town and surr ~ -l entlaJ drvop- ment $4,000 per acre pnor to cutting, 2600 after cutting FLORIMDA USIGS- Interlachen Lake Access .22 acre lot in Inteirlachen with access to beautiful Lake Grandln. Very few of these lots are left. Most have been purchased by investors. $15,000.00 Macclnmy 7.90 acres close to intersection of CR 125 & CR 127. Zoned for home or mobile home not older than 5 years. One of very few large parcels left with zoning for mobile home. Reduced $94,500.00 qual-i-ty- adj. Having a high degree of excellence THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS | Since 1929 t U-' Licensed Florida & Georgia Broker 1 A 0t0le piece of heaven on the St Mary's River Don't miss this opportunity. A pristine river lot with a 2/2 all rw3 Cypress home sitting on 2.5 acres on the St. Mary's River made from the woods of the earth. Cypress siding, 3" heart pine wood flooring, redwood counter tops. Wood burning fire- place, spacious kitchen, walk-in pantry, too many features to list in this ad. Hornet needs to be finished and buyer wil pay $3000 West Jacksonvlfle 8.35 acres with 1400 SF brick home that was not competed. Some framing and electric have been done. Septic and well on property but are nm guaranteed to work There Is a pond on the property and Is zoned for livestock. Has chain link fencing $650,000. Murray Hil/Lakeshore Commercial building wih 3004 SF that could be rented to 3 tenants. $450,000. CommercIal 2 story, 3153 SF bulldling that can accommo- Serving ALL your real estate needs! o . Florida ,l" T P.,.RTI, Crown J/ A A A A Realty WE SELL PROPERTY FAST!! LET US SELL YOURS... www.floridacrownrealty.com Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker Josie Davis, Sales Associate Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate 799 S. 6th St., Macclenny 259-6555 L1J Commercial Lot 14,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. frontage on SR 121. Located between Waffle House and Day's Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $125,000. Lot on Little St. Mary's River, con- veniently located between Glen St. Mary and Macclenny. This heavily wooded lot is restricted to site built homes only. /4 acre + priced at $34,000. Nice 3 BR/1 BA frame home with new vinyl siding and CH/A. Re- cently remodeled and ready to move into. Located on Tony Givens Road in Sanderson on 1 acre. Affordably mj priced at $136,500. Bring the kids and their horses. 14.88 nice acres. Part hay field and part wooded with small creek and catfish pond. 3 BR/2 BA doublewide MH with extra hookup for a second MH and two extra wells. Convenient to Jacksonville. Located on NW 216th Street in Lawtey. Priced at $179,000. ._. :,- --.- Very Clean 3BR/2BA on .77 acre. This 1995 14x66 singlewide mobile home has been cleaned & freshly painted. Located on a paved road and ready to move in. Nice area on Mudlake Rd. Affordable at $64,900. Comme acclenny Ave. 01l jbe reno- vated for office or other commercial use. Lot size is approximately 152x112. Near new Cypress Pointe Subdivision. Build your business here. $150,000. HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc. ... /- '..-te- .~W "C" td4 Ucensed Real Estate Broker 259-7709 338-4528 cell --- -We can show and sell all listings CONVENIENCE STORE/ MEAT MARKET Well established business in the fastest growing area of Macclenny. Excellent corner lot location! Beverage License is Available! Richard's Grocery & Meat Market 386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny $389,000 Owner will stay on to train you for 6 months Anne Kitching Sales Associate 962-8064 cell. Wendy Smith Sales Associate 710-0528 cell. Tina Melvin Sales Associate 233-2743 cell. E-Z STOP CONVENIENCE STORE with all stock & equipment FEATURED LISTING! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, back & side screened porches, large family room, large bonus room, large fenced back yard, stove & refrigerator. Must see to appreciate. In Macclenny city limits. REDUCED! $199,900 Also, a 4 BR house and mobile home lots (4) can be sold separately. Call for price & details! 4 BR house and four rental mobile home lots, rented at $140 each $185,000 3 BR, 1 BA home with wood floors, CH/A in the city. . Currently rented for $700/month.. $109,000 1997 Homes of Merit 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath doublewide on 2.90 acres: Bring the horses or 4 wheeler. New electric range and refrigerator, new Berber carpet, new cabinets & coun- tertops!! $104,900 Seventy Acres- $2,500 per acre. Moccasin Creek. Like to hunt and fish, call us about this land in the country $175,000 Commercial- 2 lots on US 90 in Glen St. Mary. Excellent commercial use. Has access to water and sewer. $195,000 Vacant city lot .83 acres in good location, close to schools. $44,900 2 Lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary with building. Excellent business opportunity. Has water & sewer. Currently rented at $1100/month. $305,000 Excellent commercial corner lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92 acres. $200,000. Well & Septic Tank on 1.90 acres. Lot just right for your mobile home. Convenient location. $35,000 Cooks Servers Cashiers Dishwashers & Manager Trainees Full Time & Part Time. Apply in person at Located in Winn-Dixie Shopping Center, Macclenny 259-5800 OiO 4n i03j gei. eel^ -1 MMEW bath'eat-in kitc ~ car det. garagew, 69W.Maceny v 9 4- 5 -93 3 Inn, L326 2 car finished garage, 2 car detached w ances, water softener. A MUST SEEU $29 upletion Brand nevv 31?, nearly 140 Ait floorplan, wwc, ceramic tile,.stai n. m ae o- vq7 a~edor om w/ stone fp. vault roJ |ti WiB norse stalls and lots of I L icenedRel stteAgen Daw Wiemn- 37-04 Ros Soks-5.. -52 IEIicense ialEsatmAen dbl pane windowJfR s Seller ofierino MO2 atclosing snles. Seller offenna $2000 at closina on 2 separate levels. Ma a SIa Iegantfoyer, formal SCall todaiw and schedule ia weekly appearance in Yiour iaillbox of tihe best local news and advertising Yearl/ subscription rates start at $20 in county and $25 out of county The Press 259-2400 L GATEWAY PEST CONTROL, INC. 259-3808 All types of pest control Call Eston, Shannon, Bry Bill or Philip Beverly Monds Owne KONNIE'S KLEA POOLS We build in-ground pools We sell and install DOUGHBOY above-ground pools Service Renovations Cleaning Repairs Chemicals Parts 698-E West Macclenny Ave. (next to Raynor's Pharmacy) Fall and Winter hours: Closed on Monday and Tuesday Open Wednesday Friday 10 am 6 pm Saturday 10 am 2 pinm 259-5222 (CPC 053903) 9/2tfc SANDS TRUCKING Sand Field dirt Slag hauled 904-445-8836 days 904-653-2493 evenings 3/17/05-3/17/06p FISH'S WELDING & EXHAUST Tires Rims Exhaust Buckshot Goodyear Michelin Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR Custom exhaust Flowmasier Turbo, Glaspaks Call today for the best price! 259-1393 10/6tfc GLEASON'S NEW CONSTRUCTION CLEANING SERVICE New construction & residential Experienced & dependable Reasonable rates Licensed & insured 904-653-1108 386-299-8800 References available 7. .~. .-*;. '4' BUDDY FRANKS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Fill dirt ~ Septic sand ~ Clay an Dozier & excavator for clearing Digging & Grading r Site work /1/l6tfc 259-0506 or 591-5540 S2/16-3/2p JEREMY HODGES TRUCKING For hire Dirt Slag 622-7489 259-7452 2/9-16p HIGGINBOTHAM BROS. Heating* Air Electrical service Licensed and Insured 259-0893 Lic. #ET1 1000707 Lic. #RA13067193, - Lic. #RA13067194 4/21tfc y ork kTHS Solid wood cabinet Modulars -Custom w Installations QUALITY KITCHENS & BA 259-6223 424-5641 Leroy Johannes Glen CUSTOM HOM: Tack T Lee Cnntrnu Inc. Award winning design department Design/build your dream home on your lot or ours 904-259-7359 904-783-9039 CBC#058222 1/26-2/23c CAMPBELL'S PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting Pressure washing Punch-outs Free estimates Licensed 15 years exp. 904-866-7998 Ask for David 2/9-16p ,B yj C 5 ,.. r.Mr TRACTOR SERVICE Bush hogging Dirt moving Leveling Harrowing Row bedding Light clearing Free estimates. 259-7487 2/16-3/9p RONNIE SAPP WELL DRILLING SEPTIC TANKS Well drilling Water conditioning purification New septic systems Drain field repairs 259-6934 We're your water experts Celebrating our 29th year in business Credit cards gladly accepted Fully licensed & insured Florida & Georgia tfc A & R TRUSS Engineered trusses for your new Home Barn Shed Etc. Free estimates 259-3300 Lic.#RC0067003 12/23tfc APPLIANCE DOCTOR Air conditioners Heat pumps * Major appliances . 24 hour, 7 day emergency service! 2/2-4/27p Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator ES 259-2124 otinn. 7/ltfc S&W LANDCLEARING Ask for Wayne or Spanky 904-627-6933 Licensed & Insured thompson7973@comcast.net 2/16-23p LW DUMP TRUCKING 259-2409 Fill dirt White sand Excavating Debris removal Backhoe work & Land clearing Lee Waddell, owner 1/26-2/16p TIM'S MOBILE HOME SERVICE Tim Sweat Licensed Insured Bonded Transport Set-up MH Pads 904-509-2276. 904-275-2767 2/9-4/27p CONNIE F. WHITE 275-2474 Septic Tanks, Tractor Work, New Systems, Repairs, Sump Pumps, Culverts, Slag Hauled and Spread 2/5tfc BRYANT CONSTRUCT( Screen rooms~ Patio co Room additions Insured 962-3396 CBC#051298 TRACTOR'S WO Bush hog Dirt wor Land clearing Tree se Free estimates Contact Mike 334-9843 * 1/12-6/6p WELL DRILLING 2" and 4" wells Roger Raulerson 259-7531 R.K. MUSE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Custom Homes -Residential Commercial- -New construction- -Remodeling-Additions- 275-2826 545-8316 cell Keith Muse, Owner CBC#1250391 1/12-3/9p THE OFFICE MART Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases, drawing pads and much more! 110 South Fifth Street 259-3737 PERSONAL TOUCH CLEANING SERVICE Commercial residential Many references on request 30 years experience 259-5782 699-2904 1 l/24-5/8/06p A&R ROOFING, INC. New roofs Roof repairs Roof replacement Free' estimates 259-7892 9/9tfc BJ. FENCING Wood chainlink vinyl Pool decks 653-1442 1/26-2/23p IT? PEACOCK PAINTING, INC. Professional painting Pressure washing Interior exterior Residential commercial Fully insured Locally owned 25 years experience 259-5877 7/28tf SAM BAKE] TILE & MARB High qualii % .or No job too big or sm New construction & remo Sam 904-338-6101 David 259-8786 3LE nall del work 1 1/26-3/30p WOODS TREE SERVICE Tree removal Light hauling Stump removal We haul or buy junk cars and trucks We sell horses Licensed Insured Free estimates 24 hour service Call Danny 259-7046 Jesus is the Only Way 11/4-11/4/06p BUG OUT SERVICE Since 1963 Residential and Commercial Pest control Lawn and Shrub care Termite protection Damage repair guarantees Free estimates Call today! Sentricon Colony Elimination System 259-8759 2/17tfc MACGLEN BUILDERS, INC. Design / Build Your plans or our plans Bentley Rhoden - 904-259-2255 * 3/14tfc LEGGETT'S APPLIANCE SERVICE, INC. Locally owned and operated We service: refrigerators, washers, dryers ranges, microwaves, dishwashers and window A/Cs c All work guaranteed Independent Authorized Service 259-1882 9/8tfc RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING, INC. Home repairs Remodeling Mark Stevens 904-509-2397 Lic#RR0067433 12/29-6/29p LARRY WESTFALL CORPORATION Roofing Free estimates 259-8700 CCC046197 5/27tfc COUNTYWIDE WASTE DISPOSAL, INC. Residential/Commercial Garbage pickup for Baker County Roll off Dumpsters 259-5692 Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator 10/13-4/6/06p WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS & INVITATIONS So many options! See our catalogs at The Office Mart 110 South 5th Street 259-3737 FILL DIRT Culverts Installed 259-2536 Tim Johnson 6/1 tfc ON e overs ANGEL AQUA, INC. Water softeners Iron filters 1/19-7/6p Sales Rentals Service - )RK WATER TESTING k Total water softener supplies rvice Salt delivery ~ Financing available ~ JOHN HOBBS 797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny 259-6672 7/15tfc DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 260-8153 Custom house plans to your specifications 4/3tfc Qualified Good references 4/30tftc WADE'S TRACTOR WORKS, INC. Finish grading Dirt leveling Mowing ~ Culverts Slag driveways 259-3691 Licensed and Insured 9/1-3/2/06p GOD'S BUSINESS After-hours computer repair Networking, training, graphic design and writing Call Cheryl 904-885-1237 9/16tfc CBC060014 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday. February 16. 2006 PAGE FIFTEEN Town of Bald - (4' ........ -------- l1 L l DO THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 16, 2005 Page Sixteen January 1-15 land transactions The following land transactions were recorded in the Baker County courthouse during January 1-15. Values are derived from documen- tary stamps. Many descriptions are by S(ection) T(ownship) R(ange). If acreage or price are not listed, none were indicated in the docu- ments. ,Robert Roberts to Selena Roberts, in Jerry Thomas Subdivision. William & Alison English to Gary & Joy Phillips, in Whispering Pines, $30.0,000. Robert Horne to Robert, Peggy and Kenneth Home, in Turkey Creek Re- treat. Nicholas & Susan Karayanakis to Celia Tomlinson, $60,000. Richard & Iva Griffis to Richard & Debra Griffis, in 4-3S-22E ,$10. Kim Howell to Oridale Cox, in Mac- clenny. Thomas Hayes to Kristi Aston, in 18-2S-22E, $10. , Sands Pointe MLC, Inc. to Seda Construction Company, in Sands Pointe, $84,000. Sands Pointe MLC, Inc. to Seda Construction Company, in Sands Pointe, $224,000. Sands Pointe MLC, Inc. to Seda Construction Company, in Sands Pointe, $966,000. Sands Pointe MLC, Inc. to Seda Construction Company, in Sands Pointe, $1,176,000. John & Hazel Tyson to Kelly & Randall Godbold, in 29-1S-21E, $8,000. Barbara Johnson to Julie Johnson, in 7-3S-22E, $35,000. Timothy & Patricia Thomas to James Barber, in 25-2S-21E, $110,000. Glen Forest LLC to Kenneth Howard Jr., in 29-2S-21E, 30-2S-21E, $10. Juana Vonk to David Chace, in Turkey Creek Retreat, $10. Stanley & Linda Monds to Taryn Dugger, in Glen St. Mary. Regions Bank & Wachovia Bank NA, to ICI Villages LLC, in 13-3S-22E, $1,896,378. David & Gina Combs to Shawn Miller, in 7-2S-22E, $75,000. Timothy & Deneese Mixon to Roy & Carrie Hinson, in Jerry W. Thomas Subdivision, $10. Cynthia Stevens to V. Todd & Am- ber Ferreira, in 33-2S-22E. Loren Stevens to V. Todd & Amber Ferreira, in 33-2S-22E. Alan Stevens to V. Todd & Amber Ferreira, in 33-2S-22E. Richard Stevens to V. Todd & Am- ber Ferreira, in 33-2S-22E. Sylvia Slaight, in V. Todd & Amber Ferreira, in 33-2S-22E. . Sharon Wyman to V. Todd & Am- ber Ferreira, in 33-2S-22E, $25,000. JSWHD Corporation Inc.,'to James & Rose Harrell, in 21-1S-21E, $100,000. Betty Petersen & Eldred Claborn to Betty Petersen, in Yarboroughs Sports- man Park, $10. Russell & Tina Highsmith to Jerry Padgett, in Ridge Estates, $10. Stanley & Linda Monds to Taryn Dugger, in 36-2S-21E. Albert Halsema to Wayne & Daffney Limbaugh, in 29-2S-22E, $138,900. June & J.W. Lyons Jr. to Eston & Beverly Monds, in 26-2S-21E. I John Barber III to David Barber, in Macclenny, $70;000. James & Lori Bain to John & Sue Norris, in Deer Run Estates, $32,454. Robert Ross to Thomas & Christina Jones, in 30-2S-21E, $80,000. William Woodington, Daniel Dukes, CUB Land Trust to Robert Ross, $10. Jane & James Kemp to Jane Kemp, in 33-2S-21E. Geraldine & Charlie Altman to Joann Powell, in 28-1S-21E. Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to Curt Jackson & Shakila Tolu, in Forest Park, $160,950. Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to Travis & Amelia Hunter, in Cypress Pointe, $213,720. Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to Deborah Norman, in Forest Park, $162,700. Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to Gary Fleming, in Forest Park Subdivi- sion, $150,850. SWe offer more ways to get in touch with us: Phone * 259-2400 Fax * 259-6502 Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to Ryan Sodek, in Cypress Pointe, $234,550. Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to Catherine Collingwood, in Forest Park, $158,150. Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to George Boston, in Cypress Pointe, $221,675. Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida, to Thai Nguyen, in Forest Park, $163,600. JSWHD Corporation to Richard & Linda Kincade & Jean Kelley, in 21-1S- 21E, $64,250. Lanco Baker County Limited Part- nership LLP to Jeffrey Bower & Tony Stivers, in Lancaster Glen, $62,000. SSteven Addington to John Beatty, in Cedar Creek, $50,000. William Woodington, Daniel Dukes, :CUB Land Trust to Steven Addington, .in Cedar Creek, $37,000. Zed Ramse) to John &. Hather Decker, in Ri er-s ies Esiates. $110,000. Fa William Farrell Jr. to John & Gloria Farrell, in 8-1S-21E. T.J. & L3 ma Raulerson to Joseph J., Jan & Joseph Betros Jr., in 29-3S-19E, $39,000. Robert King to Frank Erickson & Richard Chapple. in 17-2S-21E, :$60,000. Felton & Brenda Thrift to G&L De- velopers LLC & Rock Contractors Inc., in 32-2S-22E, $440,000. Adar Amram to Allen & Amy Dunn, in Cannon Heights, $225,000. John & Gail Curtis to Pairick & NancI T rac'. in Cannon Heiglis. $10. John Mann to Funston Mann. in 15- 4S-20E. John Mann to Mary Waters, in 15- 4S-20E. John Mann to John Mann Jr., in 15- 4S-20E. John Mann to Mary Waters, in 15- 4S-20E. ' David Valentine to Higginbotham Brothers Heating & Air, Inc., in Mac- clenny, $52,000. Virgil Walker to David Valentine, in Macclenny, $10. Jean Brazell to David Valentine, in Macclenny, $10. Vernon Walker Jr. to David Valen- tine, in Macclenny, $10. Claudell Walker, EMR Land Trust U/A, Bernice Green, William Walker, Edwin Walker, Penny Katsacos & Ver- non Walker to David Valentine, in Mac- clenny. Elizabeth Burling to Keith & Leann Rigdon, in Daugherty Branch, $120,000. Ralph & Pamela Blume to Jimmie Stephens, in 12-2S-21E, $215,000. Robert Miller CPA LLC to Cherry & Charles Barber Jr., in Macclenny, $10. Robert Miller CPA LLC to Cherry & Charles Barber Jr., in Macclenny, $10. Leon & Cynthia Hart to Monica Be- rardo, in Country Estates, $40,000. Darrell Moble] to David Mobley, in 32-2S-22E, $10. COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN MACCLENNY wB Contact Regina Starling 653-4437 1o all o'()ur lending anli tinrancial needs. 602 South Sixth St. Macclenny Office 259-6702 SAVE O 2005 Chevy SSR #5300 Super Sport Roadster SMSRP $48,420 ..... .. Includes all applicable rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees. 2006 Chevy Equinox LT Automatic, #6050 MSRP $23,735 SAVE OVER .7 5 ..... *Includes all applicable rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees. 2006 Cobalt LS Sporty 2 DoorCoupe .. , MSRP $15,890 4 Sideg *tpi hrewecpd it :. ; #6135-.i < SAVE OVER $1 onnf +Includes all applicable rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees. 2006 Chevy Trailblazer LS 2WD, #6029 MSRP $28,305 3 l SAVE OVER *Includes all applicable 4 ,0 rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees. PH VI WCHEVROLET 119 S. Sixth St. Macclenny 259-5796 -Pre-Owned ** 273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New AN AMERICAN FE VOLUTION www.PineviewChevrolet.com o, KINDERGARTEN READINESS For all incoming '06-'07 Kindergartners and their parent- Mondays at 6:00 pm ' February 13 March 13 April 10 at the Baker County Pre-K/K Center There will be 4 hour lonc.iins.l with activ'fies planned to help you and your chid mak' a ,ionith, tr.inition into Kindergarten. Please register for each session by calling I ;li/nda at 259-0405. -- (_- - Email * bcpress@nefcom.net Snail Mail * P.O. Box 598 Macclenny, FL 32063 The Baker County Press Since 1929 re. I |