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The Baker County press
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00024160/00058
 Material Information
Title: The Baker County press
Uniform Title: Baker County press (Macclenny, Fla. 1929)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: Tate Powell
Place of Publication: Macclenny Fla
Creation Date: February 9, 2006
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Macclenny (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Baker County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Baker -- Macclenny
Coordinates: 30.283333 x -82.116667 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began Apr. 12, 1929.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 39 (Jan. 2, 1931).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000579533
oclc - 33284409
notis - ADA7379
lccn - sn 95047186
System ID: UF00024160:00058

Table of Contents
        page 1
        page 2
    Main: Opinion & Comment
        page 3
    Main continued
        page 4
        page 5
        page 6
    Main: Social
        page 7
    Main: Obituaries
        page 8
    Main continued
        page 9
        page 10
        page 11
        page 12
        page 13
        page 14
    Main continued
        page 15
    Main continued
        page 16
Full Text

No suspicious links found i

Press Publisher
A sheriff's investigator said this week he was unable
to find evidence linking anyone else to the deadly
home invasion early on December 29 of last year in
which one of two intruders was shot dead by the home-
Initially, police suspected the dead man, 23-year-old
Richard Munoz of Macclenny, may have had a motive
other than burglary when he entered the home of Jody
Paul and Sabrina Thrift off Sawmill Lane about 1:30
that morning. The location is about two miles north of
Macclenny off SR 121.
Mr. Munoz died of a gunshot wound to the head the
last day of 2005 at Shands Jacksonville, where he had
been taken following the shooting. His younger brother
Robert, 17, has been in the Baker County jail under
$500,000 bond since January 12.

He was transferred that day from a juvenile lock-up
in Gainesville after a circuit judge remanded him over
to be tried as an adult for second degree murder and
burglary while armed. He is being represented at public
expense by Jacksonville attorney George Nelson.
Mr. Nelson has so far kept investigators from speak-
ing to his client, who only spoke briefly to responding
deputies the morning of the shooting. He indicated he
and his older brother were 'riding around" that mornm-
ing and drove partially up the driveway to Mr. Thrift's
home after Richard Munoz said "he wanted to break
into somebody's house."
That, according to Investigator Steve Harvey, is
about as close to a motive as police have after inter-
viewing 27 people, including the 19-year-old daughter
of School Superintendent Paula Barton, who is Mr.
Thrift's aunt and lives next door.
Nancy Paulette Barton, who was recently released
from jail after leaving a Jacksonville drug treatment

n home invasion shooting

facility, told Investigator Harvey she had no 7, ing the Thrift couple in their bedroom.
link to the Munoz brothers and no involve- "That's just not'true, as far as we've been
ment in the burglary. able to determine, and we've talked to
Though police in late December said they everybody we can think of that would have
had no reason to suspect Ms. Barton's in- any knowledge of a plan like that," said the
volvement, she is estranged from her mother" investigator.
and the school superintendent was caring for .. A more plausible explanation may be
her young daughter. .. that the older brother, who told friends he
Ms. Barton was in drug treatment at the needed Christmas money for his children,
time her cousin Jody shot Richard Munoz to had seen the Thrift homesteads from 121
death in a hallway next to his bedroom. She I and decided they'd be good burglary tar-
was arrested December 18 for disorderly gets.
conduct when she resisted attempts by rela- -. "We know he and his wife had rented a
tives to admit her into treatment. Richard Munoz trailer in the Georgia Bend (north of the
One theory was that Ms. Barton urged a breaking at state line) and that would have taken him by the house
her mother's house, and Mr. Munoz bungled the mis- back and forth," theorized Mr. Harvey. "He could
sion and instead cut both telephone and power lines to have easily noticed those big houses back in the trees
the wrong house before entering through a glass door. (Page two please)
He tossed a boat anchor into the glass to break it, alert-

Paid circulation leader Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005


76th Year, Vol. 42 Thursday February 9, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500

Three are




Ten more follow
in coming weeks

Three of the 14'people arrested
in Operation Sawmill, the inter-
agency investigation into a large,
locally based methamphetamine
ring, were sentenced February 2 in
Jacksonville federal court.
Another man was sentenced in
November, and the remaining 10
have pleaded guilty and are sched-
uled to be sentenced late this month
and in March.-
Kenneth Wilkes and Michael
Ferris, both from Glen St. Mary
when arrested, were each given 70
months in federal prison for con-
spiracy to distribute marijuana.
They also must serve five years of
Wesley Lewis was sentenced to
37 months in prison followed by
four years' probation.
On November 7, Archie Crook
was sentenced to 92 months in
prison and five years' probation.
Ringleader James Merrett is
scheduled to be sentenced March
29, as is Aaron Long.
His brother, John Merrett, will
be sentenced March 2.
The next round of sentencing
are scheduled for February 27 and
include Robbie Burnsed, Donnie
Strickland and Thomas Floyd.
On March 28, Tim Burnsed,
Charity Merrett and Carrie Morri-
son will be sentenced.
Operation Sawmill so named
because James Merrett ran a
sawmill on his property in Charlton
County, Georgia -was conducted
by the High Intensity Drug Traf-
ficking Area task force made up of
federal and local officers, including
Randy Crews from the Baker
County -Sheriff's Office.
Nine locals were among 11 ar-
rested February 28 of last year -
the Merrett brothers and Ms. Mer-
rett, wife of James, from St.
George, Ga.; Mr. Wilkes and Mr.
Ferris of Glen St. Mary; Ms. Morri-
son and Mr. Lewis from Macclen-
ny; and the Burnsed brothers, Tim-
bo from Baxter and Robbie from
Two others were arrested soon
afterward, but Carlos Ibarra, the.
primary supplier to the ring, was
arrested more than six months later
after being set up by an unnamed
Mr. Ibarra, who lives in Los An-
geles, is scheduled to be sentenced
on March 30.
Court documents say he distrib-
uted at least 560 grams of meth to
the ring between late 2002 and ear-
ly 2005.
(Page two please)

III 11111 II 111
6 8907648819 8

Sale of land for Walgreens

nears; COA

Walgreen Drug Store officials
are apparently satisfied with the
corner lot at South 6th ahd Low-
der in Macclenny and pending a
zoning change, it appears county
coffers will be $1.5 million richer
after the sale of the former health
department property.'
The news comes the same
week the Baker County Com-
mission was urged to put replace-
ment of the leaking Council on
Aging headquar-
ters in downtown CommiS,
Macclenny at the didn't apl
top of its priority enth sia.
list for the new enthusia
year. .rCpOS
The pending sell off th
property sale is cent prog
significant toward where th
that goal since the
county long ago Maccleni
promised to use office Sits
the proceeds to County hc
construct a new yearleas
COA building on failing.
property it already building.
has off Lowder
near the present health depart-
Jacksonville-based Sleiman
Enterprises is handling the land
transaction for the Walgreen
store, the second large drug chain
to move into Macclenny the past
A Sleiman representative ap-
proached the commission this
week about selling the adjacent
tract where the Macclenny post
office sits. It is owned by the
county and leased to the Postal
Service for 20 years.
Commissioners didn't appear

enthusiastic a
property w]
brought up a
ning meeting
There was
sion, howev
repairs to the
Aging buil
College in d
The roof is
and leaking
ployees fashi

stic about
al to also
e adja-
ny post
s. The
olds a 20-
se on the

lators were s(
during meetir
lier this wee
for the new b
able via a $5(
cane prepared
A new Co
quarters could
an emergency
ly evacuated
area and else\
A similar
used to secu
new Maccleni
years ago.
"We'll hav



Just for sailors and

bikers? Think again

Press Staff
They're not just the domain of sailors and bik-
ers anymore.
Tattoos have officially moved into the main-
stream and everyone from teenagers to bankers,
doctors and grandmothers are sporting one or
more pieces of body art.
Jim Curtis, owner of Jim Curtis Tattoo on
South Sixth St. in Macclenny, is a 17-year veteran
of the technique of tattooing. The walls of his stu-
dio are covered with what is known in the industry
as "flash," a term referring to the collection of
commercially produced tattoo designs available to
Flash portfolios contain thousands of designs,
from simple, one color geometric patterns to

nowa priority

about letting go of the see what's available," said the
hen the subject was chairman. "This is something the
at the February 7 eve- commission has .been working on
of the board. for a long time."
s considerable discus- "I accept your challenge," Mr.
er, about emergency Robinson said to Mary Baxla,
two-story Council on director of the Council on Aging,
ding on US 90 at in response to her request that the
downtown Macclenny. new quarters be placed at or near
structurally unsound the top of the county's legislative
to the point that em- priority list this spring.
oned makeshift plastic The project is already on a list
funnels to catch prepared for the Northeast Florida
water into trash Regional Planning Council,
cans. which is putting together a pack-
The board voted age of requests for area legislators
to have the county before next month's annual ses-
,m a-iitc.harhK depait-. sion.
ment make emer- Chairman Robinson says the
agency repairs at an county will push for grant funds
estimated $2000. The for a new agricultural center, em-.
sole bid from Pres- ergency operations center and
tige Construction added space for the state attor-
Systems of Jack- ney's office.
sonville was $36,- In other business this week, the
899. board amended its impact fee
Commission ordinance to eliminate the $1800
Chairman Alex per 1000 square feet on industrial
Robinson said legis- buildings.
somewhat encouraging Ginger Barber, director of both
ngs in Tallahassee ear- the Chamber of Commerce and
k, suggesting money Development Commission, earlier
buildingg may be avail- argued for the change because she
65 million state hurri- feared it will hamper future com-
ness fund. mercial growth.
uncil on Aging head- Other than Ms. Barber, no one
Id also be designated spoke during a hearing on the
Shelter for the elder- change, and it passed without dis-
from the Jacksonville sent. Commissioner Julie Combs
where. was absent from the meeting.
dual-use scheme was The commission also passed
re state money for a unanimously a resolution support-
ny Elementary several ing $5 million in bonds to be

e to fine-tune this and

(Page two please)

Fred Raulerson will

bow out after three

commission terms
Fred Raulerson, a three-term county commission representing the
north Baker County district, announced this week he won't seek re-elec-
tion in the upcoming fall primary.
"When I first ran back in 1994, I said I had a vision for the future,
and I think we've realized a lot since then," said Commissioner Raul-
erson before Tuesday evening's
meeting. "Much preparation (for
growth) needs to be done now, and ,
hopefully some younger person will
have a vision for the future."
The commissioner, 63, first en- "
tered the public arena as county ..
building inspector in 1979, a time -
when many in Baker County ques- '
tioned the need for an official to sup- ; .
ervise construction, and the need for -
the county to have property use con-
trols and zoning.
"It was very challenging getting '
people used to things like permitting .'
and building regulations. About a
year after I took that job the county
adopted its first zoning code," he
Two years after he took the job, the Commissioner Raulerson
City of Macclenny contracted with the county for inspection and
enforcement, and Mr. Raulerson took on that added responsibility. He
kept the city inspector job for a period after he was elected to the com-
mission. He has been opposed in every election since.
A number of potential candidates have already been testing the polit-
ical climate to run as replacements. They will qualify in July.
The county's population has nearly doubled during his term in office,
and Commissioner Raulerson predicts the challenges of the job will
grow accordingly in coming years.
As for accomplishments, he is'proud of the board's involvement with
the Chamber of Commerce and Development Commission bringing
industrial growth to broaden the tax base, the greatly expanded Baker
County Fair, and the CDBG and SHIP housing grants for low-income
The former building contractor plans to continue as pastor of the Pine
Level Church near Taylor and dabble in farming.
"After 27 years in public service, I feel it's about time. I came into it
kind of gracefully and maybe I'll go out gracefully."

Tattoo artist Jim Curtis puts the finishing touches on Deborah Starling's 'snake and rose' design.

photo-realistic images with astonishingly
intricate detail.
"Tattoos have really become much more
accepted by society than in the past," says
Curtis. "Kids really love them. I see little kids
who aren't old enough to get a real tattoo beg-
ging their parents for the stick-on version."
Curtis got his start in the industry by

"I was a printer by trade and had been laid
off. I was building a deck for Eric Inksmith,
owner of Inksmith and Rogers in Jackson-
ville, a large, very successful chain of tattoo-
ing shops. When I expressed an interest he
took me on as an apprentice. Soon, I was run-
ning the shop and within the first year, my tat-

toos were featured in a maga-
Curtis considers himself
lucky to have briefly known
Paul Rogers, a partner at Ink-
smith and Rogers. Rogers is a
legend in the industry, famous
for his designs and his im-
provements to tattoo equip-
Curtis has a Paul Rogers tat-
too machine on view in the
shop's front display case.
Rogers' influence and philoso-
phy are evident in the way
Curtis runs his business.
"How it used to be in this
industry was that a client just
walked in, got tattooed, paid
for it and left," says Curtis.
"It's probably still that way in
some shops. I do things a little
differently. Everyone must sign
a release form. For young peo-
ple under the age of 18, a per-
mission form must be filled out
and signed by the parents.
Then it must be legally nota-
rized. I also ask the parent to
come in with the child and pre-
sent their driver's license."'
Curtis learned from experi-
ence that young clients often
regret their choice of tattoo
(Page four please)

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Two

No suspicious links in burglary...

(From page one)
during the day when he drove by.
If it was a random burglary
police have concluded, could
Richard Munoz been high on
drugs when he make the sponta-'
neous and fatal decision to enter
an occupied house in the middle of
the night?

Land sale

near; COA


(From page one)
issued by the Jacksonville Eco-
nomic Development Commission
for several projects of the First
Coast YMCA.
Baker County Family YMCA is
due to receive $750,000 of the
money for construction of its out-
door swimming pool, which has
been delayed over a year.
According to Penelope Zuber,
chief financial officer of the First
Coast group of Y's, Baker County
shares no obligation on the bond
payback and the resolution serves
only as a support document for
underwriters of the bonds.
The county also accepted rec-
ommendations of its consultant
Jordan and Associates for low bids
on SHIP winterizing and housing
rehab grants. Four projects total
about $40,000 and the winning
contractors are Joe Gaskins and
Whitney Construction, both of
Baker County.
In remaining items, the board:
V Hired Tonya Walker as a cus-
V Decided to have the county
road department make a temporary
sign at St. Marys Shoals Park
instead of calling for bids.
V Honored commission secretary
Ann Yarborough as employee of the
month, and recognized Mattie
Yarborough, the recently-chosen
Miss Baker County. She also got
$250 minscholarship mcnc,,. '.....
.,_V Agreed to .a state-funded tim-n
ber and wildlife management plan
for the St. Marys Shoals tract off
Yarbrough Road.
V Recognized March as Na-
tional Mental Retardation Month.
V Agreed to knock $3000 off
the $54,000 purchase price for the
old Head Start center north of
Sanderson. Faith Bible Church
was recently awarded the purchase
bid for the property, and the coun-
ty 'removed a chain link fence that
was part of the original package.
V Scheduled six public hearings,
for later this month on several land
use change rezonings, a large
scale amendment for the Blair
Nurseries subdivision and variance
for Creekside Oaks, a planned sub-
division off CR 23A.



(From page one)
Basically, James Merrett used
truck drivers to fetch the drug and
bring it to the east coast where it
was sold.
Mr. Long, of Lake Wales, Fla.,
was a second source of meth, but
Mr. Ibarra supplied a higher quali-
ty meth, called "ice."
Federal prosecutors said he
even conducted his drug business 4
while locked up in Baker County
Incarcerated on a DUI charge,
he passed instructions for running
the operation to his brother, Ms.
Morrison and Mr. Lewis, both of
He directed them to steer less
trusted members of the ring away
from Mr. Ibarra to Mr. Long.
Among those on the outs was
Robbie Burnsed.
Operation Sawmill began in
late 2003 when a witness tipped

off investigators to the drug ring,
and fingered Mr. Merrett as the
The unidentified source also
named Mr. Ferris, and provided
Mr. Ibarra's name and phone num-

D eadlin

That's something that will have
to await a toxicology report from
the medical examiner's office in
"That's something we'd like to
know," said the investigator. "We
pretty well know he was a pot
smoker,. but pot smokers don't-
ordinarily decide to go into a
house like that."
The report should be complete
in about three weeks.
The older brother had no crimi-
nal record; Robert was arrested
once in Ohio for misdemeanor
marijuana possession.
Most of Richard Munoz's
acquaintances interviewed in recent
weeks live outside Baker County
and knew him socially or worked
with him as an apprentice electri-
Police also obtained his tele-
phone records and found nothing
to indicate he was in touch with
someone plotting the breaking.
An autopsy showed four bullets
entered Richard Munoz, all from
two pistols fired at close range by
Mr. Thrift, who told police he had
called out just before the older
brother opened the bedroom door.
The intruder got off one shot
from the 22 revolver he was carry-

ing. It is not known how many.
shots Jody Thrift fired from his 22
and 357 caliber pistols.
Those weren't the only firearms
connected to the case.
Robert Munoz was also carry-
ing a 22 caliber pistol, and
dropped it when he scaled a wire
fence fleeing the house after the
A 25 caliber pistol was found in
Richard's pants pocket, and a 9
mm pistol in a hidden console
compartment of the 1995
Chevrolet Blazer the brothers
parked about several hundred
yards from the house.
They entered the property via a
driveway normally blocked by an
electric gate. It was malfunction-
ing that night.
That gun was missed by FDLE
agents who processed the Blazer
for evidence, and found by family
members after the vehicle was
released. A relative said Richard
Munoz often used the compart-
ment to hide pot.
Investigator Harvey said three
of the pistols were stolen from a
storage room about 10 days before
the incident, and belonged to the
suspects' father, who lives in




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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday February 9, 2006 Page Three

NEWS. SPORTS- Micnael Rinker
NEWS 'FEATURES Kelley Lannigan
COMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel
Jessica Prevart & Laura Briner
CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear

COUNTYY PRESS Ts newspaper
I D flAf..' recycled paper. _
IncP n I I 2.9 0.,...

Vo~f ufit~Eo
Post Ohfice Box 598 9 @ 10.4 South 5", St.
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Tne aa,e 'c,,jrjy Prscis utbiitedEajn, Triursdja by
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side BEIEr Count), adiulcr $1 CiCi i.r pe~s-ns 5 jr
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Baker County. aria coiiege siudy~n 3i; iryng cuiside Babir
Cc'urty POS5TMASTER ien-nd ad1'ei, :raqr-5 1i,:Tre-
Baper Courr'y Press P.0 8. %C. 9i. M3ccienr,*,. L

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Hashbrowns and chocolate pie

Here's some facts

previously unknown

about Super Bowls



I'm a big football fan (or as my
hero. Groucho Marx once said, "If'
it gets ,any hotter I'll need a big
fan), so,of course I watched the
Super Bow I. Don't worrn, I'm not
going to inundate \ou with useless
sports trivia.
Not your intrepid investigate
journalist! My job is to challenge
and benlighten. In the spirit of Ed-
ward R. Murrow and great re-
porters of the past, I am here to
challenge your petspectite. So af-
ter a little digging, I have found all
the stuff they don't tell you about
the Super Bowl. The NFL keeps
information tightly controlled, but
I have dug around and unco\cred
lots of little known info.
V Super Bowl I Packers vs.
Chiefs. A near riot broke out in the
stands after Packer fans pelted
Chief fans with limburger cheese.
The stinky cheese started flying
soon after Ban Starr and company
had sealed the. win.
/ Super Bowl II Packers vs.
Raiders Enthusiastic Packers
fans tried to recreate the cheese
debacle of the previous year, but
Raider fans aren't Chiefs fans.
Many of the Raider fans, paint-
ed black and silver from head to
toe and draped in chain mail and
wearing garbage cans as armor, re-
taliated by smearing themselves
with the stinky cheese then ripping
out seats and throwing them back.
They also tossed a few innocent
bystanders across the stadium,
which would later be the inspira-
tion for punk rocker audience surf-
V Super Bowl 3 Jets vs. Colts -
The Colts came into this game a
huge favorite. The game was ex-
pected to be a blowout, with the
Jet's.a heavy underdog. But Joe
Namath and the Jets dominated
the Colts and left Colts fans shak-
ing their heads in dismay at how
the most powerful team in the
NFL could have lost.
This defeat started a trend, that
carries on even today. The best
team in the league consistently
can't make it through the early
rounds of the playoffs and Peyton
Manning is hounded by the curse
of Joe Namath.,
V Super Bowl IV Chiefs vs.
Vikings Buoyed by their experi-
ence from Super Bowl I, the
Chiefs' fans were prepared. Even
though the much better behaved
Viking fans threw nothing. at the
Chiefs fans, the Chiefs retaliated
with a hail arrows and rubber tom-
V Super Bowl X Steelers vs.
Cowboys. Considered by most in-

siders as the mo.t disastrous Super
SBo\\I of all. Not because it %\as a
bad game far from it. What
made it so terrible was that it
launched the career of Terry Brad-
shaw. He was a great football
player, but he turned in his cleats
for a microphone and became one,
of the most irritating commenta-
tors of all (only his evil twin, Dick
Vitale, is more caustic).
V Super Bowl XVI San Ftan-.
cisco vs.' Cincinnati. The Super
Bo% 1 was still in its .infancy and
didn't ha\ e the elaborate halftime
shows it does today. High school.
bands performed or the host city
provided, cnteritinment. The high-.
light of the halftime show were the
San Francisco cross-dressine'
cheerleaders high kicking to New-
York, New York.
/ Super Bowl XX Chicago
vs. New England. In a precursor to
the recent story where skier Bode
Miller competed while drunk,
Chicago quarterback Jim McMa-
bon competed while legally in-
sane. McMahon confused his op-
ponents as well as his own team
by singing H-ar'i/ Th.',sh c .h
Grapet ine v. hil under center. On-:
ly giant lineman/running back'
William "Refrigerator" Perry-sang
V Super Bowl XXV -'New
York Giants vs. Buffalo Bills. In a
Colts-like display of underachiev-
ing, the Bills made their first of
four Super Bowl appearances.
They lost every Super Bowl game
they played. Quarterback Jim Kel-
ly commented, "It could be worse,
we could be in Buffalo in January.
V Super Bowl XXXIV St.
Louis vs. Tennessee. In probably
the most exciting Super Bowl ever
that saw Titan quarterback Steve
McNair come up one yard short of
scoring the winning touchdown on
the last play of the game, the NFL
shocked everyone by naming At-
lanta high school Latin teacher
Roderick Chisholm the game's
In post-game comments, NFL
Commissioner Paul Tagliabue an-
nounced that Chisholm won the
award, the first ever to a non-play-
er, because he was the only person
left alive who knew how to write
34 in Roman numerals.
V Super Bowl XL Pittsburgh
vs. Seattle. The halftime extrava-
ganza featuring the Rolling Stones
completely overshadowed the
game when Stones front man
Mick Jagger announced prior to
the game that guitarist Keith
Richards had been legally dead the
past 15 years.
Richards, showing signs of de-
composition during the show,
shrugged off Jagger's comments
about his demise by telling the
press, "What's the big deal, I'm
playing guitar better now than
when I was alive."

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My father used to take me to
breakfast and lunch at the Toddle
S-louse when I [w as a very small girl.
Toddle House was the predeces-
*sor of The Waffle House restau-
rants, whose co-founder Tom Rog-
ers, Sr., once worked as a Toddle
House short-order cook. These
small diners with their distinctive
turquoise roofs and floors of tiny,
light blue and white tile, were an
American mainstfa of good, fast,
cheap food in the 4()s, 50s and 60s,
especially\ for travelers, late night
shift worker-: .ind college students.
Placards ( n the wall above the
grill area pri noted color illustra-
tions of the diner s specialities at
bargain price- which kept poor,

broke college students like my fath-
er from starving While he-worked
two jobs and earned a degree.
Toddle House hash browns, sea-
soned with paprika, were famous,
along with the bacon-wrapped fillet
and the chocolate creme pie, which
my father referred to as ice box pie.
I remember sitting on a stool at
the counter and thinking I was a
"big girl" as I ate my ice box pie
and listened to my dad and the'
other grownups exchange gossip as
they downed plates of bacon and,
eggs-over-easy and drank thick,
strong coffee with cream and sugar.
Toddle Houses were small, inti-,
mate places. The only seating was
at the counter and there was only
about six feet between the counter
and the front of the restaurant.
Customers were up-close and
personal with the waitperson and
the cook, and got a birds-eye view
of the grill as food sizzled and

In my mind's eye, I can envision
that huge piece of pie as if it. were
before me now with its generous
layer of chocolate filling covered in
whipped topping piped on in a pat-
tern of little white stars.
I truly miss it. Today, just about
everyone, including me, eats at the
Waffle House, but it isn't the same.
At the Toddle House, it was easy to
strike up conversations with perfect
strangers, speaking as if you'd
known them forever.
I wandered into the Baker Grill
last Saturday morning after inter-
viewing some folks out at the tennis
courts behind Baker High School.
It was my first visit and I sat at
the counter. As I studied the menu,
a pleasant looking lady in a pretty
orange sweater rushed over and
began apologizing.
"I'm so sorry," she said, "but the
biscuits aren't quite ready yet.
They 're still in the oven."
I wasn't in a hurry and told her

"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content ,

Available from Commercial News Providers"

____*-o W


Awaits re-open of Thrifty Store
Dear Editor:
I am a senior citizen living on a limited income, and I depend on thrift
stores for a lot of my needs.,
Ms. Frances and Ms. Marlene (managers of the Thrifty Store on
College St. in Macclenny that recently closed) operated a very necessary
business. In addition, they are two of the' warmest, most generous women I
I miss visiting with them while shopping for my grandchildren. They
were always interested in the lives of their customers.
I hope they find a place to re-open their business soon. I miss them and
the great bargains I always found in their store

Your opinion counts...

Send us a letter -and sign it
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so. I placed my order and got my-
self a cup of coffee. It was wonder-
ful, in part because after hanging
out on the windy courts to get my
story, I was cold and needed to
warm up. Also, it was just plain
good coffee.
I hesitate to get coffee in restau-
rants because it's usually so strong
I have to use a ton of creamer to cut
the sting. That always cools it down
too much and leaves me with a
constant struggle to balance flavor
and temperature.
After some communication with
the grill cook, who looked sporty in
a clean white apron and turned out
to be the hubby of the lady in the
orange sweater, I got my bacon
cooked exactly the way I like it,
which hardly ever happens.
Then out came the hot biscuits
and you all know what eating a bis-
cuit right out of the oven with but-
ter and jelly is like.
So there I was, sitting at the
counter having a good meal, ex-
changing pleasantries with strang-
ers, talking to Ms. orange sweater
and Mr. white apron who turned
out to be owners Tony and Sissy
Bennett, joking with other restau-
rant staff when suddenly I got a
familiar feeling I couldn't place.
Why the sudden de ja vu? I'd
never been here before. Why did it
feel so familiar?
Then it hit me Toddle House.
I'd not felt anything even close that
that particular dining experience
anywhere else. And suddenly, un-
expectedly, it drops'into my lap. I
carried a bit of that glowing feeling
with me for the rest of the day.
According to the Internet,. there
are still a few Toddle Houses out
there in far-flung locations across
the U.S arid I was touched to read
recollections on the sites from peo-
ple that patronized the diners for
decades and remember them with
great fondness. I even found a re-
cipe for the famous Toddle House
chocolate pie.
Maybe I can talk Sissy and Tony
Bennett into recreating this treat
and putting it on their menu.
This time I would truly be a "big
girl," sitting at the counter, enjoy-
ing my pie.

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Four

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Tattoo you...

.(From.page .one) .
image lajer in life when r[h. arc
pursuing professional career paths.
"I ask them to carefully consid-
er the choice of certain symbols
such as a marijuana leaf or swasti-
ka," he says. "And especially the
name of a girlfriend or boyfriend.
Names are the number one reason
people have tattoos removed or
Scrollwork tattoos featuring
flowers and butterflies across the
lower back are what ung \ omen
most often request.
"We've got a lot of hunters in
this area," said Curtis. "So deer
head tattoos are really popular
with the guys. Rebel flags, too."
The cross section of clients is
interesting and diverse. Curtis
once applied a tattoo to a clergy-
man who wanted the image of a
cross on his arm. (King George V
of Enigland got himself inked with
the Cross of Jerusalem when he
traveled to the Holy Land.),
"Anybody and everybody
comes in," said Curtis. "You never
know who might want a tattoo. It's
not like in the past when you
mostly saw tattoos on sailors or
people in the circus."
The tattoo procedure is fairly
simple. The designated area is
shaved of body hair, then alcohol
is used to sanitize the spot and re-
move any residue from lotions or
other topical substances.
A stencil is applied leaving an
outline of the design on the skin.
An electric tattooing needle con-
taining a small ink reservoir is
then used to trace over the outline
in black ink.
The needles move in a rapid up
and down motion, slightly punc-
turing the surface of the skin and
imbedding the ink. They puncture
the skin up to 3,000 times per
minute at a depth of 1/8th an'inch.
When the outline is complete,
colors and shading are applied
until the entire image is filled in.
A medium-sized tattoo of about
four inches in length usually takes
about an hour to an hour and a half
to complete.
Extremely large images are
done in stages, often requiring nu-
merous visits.
Deborah Starling, a client from
Macclenny, comes into the shop
for a tattoo on her lower leg. She
lays back in the comfortable studio
chair while Curtis fills in the vivid
colors of a snake entwined around
a red rose.

When the .inag.- is c,.,n-mpicc. he
surveys the work with satisfaction.
He reaches for a camera and docu-
ments the design in a photograph
for his scrapbook.
Curtis smiles. "I drew this a
long time ago," he said, "But this
is the first time I've actually
tatooed this particular design."
At this stage an astringent (Cur-
tis prefers Witch Hazel) is applied
which helps close the pores of the
skin. The tattoo is then covered
with clear plastic wrap that is
securely taped in place.
After a tattoo is complete, the
plastic covering needs to stay in
place for about four hours. The
covering is then removed, the tat-
too washed in soapy water and a
lotion such as Lubriderm is ap-
Lotions and salves containing
petroleum products should not be
used. A new tattoo should be kept
out of direct sunlight and prolong-
ed emersion in water should be
Tattoos take about ten days to
three weeks to heal, depending on
the individual and the design.
After healing, long term exposure

A taste of tattoo trivia
Tattooing is an ancient practice.
Examples found on mummies date back five thousand years or more.
V/ In 1891, Thomas 0 'Reilly made modifications to a pcrtor,.in9
stencil pen invented by Thomas Edison and produced the first electric
tattooing machine.
V During his explorations of the South Seas in'the late 1700s,
Captain James Cook and his crew encountered the Maori of New Zea-
land, who believed their elaborate Moko facial tattoos embodied.the
spirit and protection of their lizard god. Cook brought tatooed Maori
natives back to Britain and presented them to the English Royal Court.
V Among interesting figures in history to sport a tattoo is Lady Ran-
dolph Churchill, mother of Winston Churchill, who had a tattoo of a
snake on her wrist which she covered when need arose, with a diamond
bracelet crafted especially for the purpose.
V Some thoroughbred horses have their noses tattooed to help pre-
vent sunburn.
V A 1944 Coca Cola advertisement in Life magazine shows
American soldiers and a South Pacific native sharing a Coke and com-
paring tattoos. .

to the sun should be j'.oided, as
sunlight will eventually fade the
tattoo. Curtis recommends always
using a good sunscreen product to
protect a tattooed image, if you
have to be exposed.
"The sun fades the paint on
your house. It fades the paint on
your car. Think about it," he says.
He points to his own forearm,
covered with the bright, intricate
images. "Here's one that's 17 years
old and it still looks new because I

took care of it."
Another factor in the recent
surge of tattoo popularity is the
removal of fears associated with
the practice in the past. The use of
modern sterilization techniques
makes the incidence of'infection
rare. Curtis uses an autoclave, a
sterilization device commonly
used in dentistry that heats instru-
ments to very high temperatures.
When asked if there are any
restrictions as to who should or

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I.------------------------- ma--J

should not ~ci a t3tloo, Curtis has,
some advice.
"Some folks should definitely
not get a tattoo. People with

Inmates had
other warrants

immune s\srtem problems and seri- Two male prisoners at county
ous medical .c1CqJioiini..,.4, ,not ,-pi -erereId mov.idlati elk'%hen
good candidates. For I. Impy. i a,, lined thi re.'ated on
someone with diabetes is at .risk warrants.from other counties.,
for problems because their ability .: Charles Johnson, 29, of Bald-
to heal properly is impaired. The win will be turned over to the
chance of infection is much higher Jajksunv ile Sheriff's Office on a
for someone like that." previous S arrant for DUI O ;
As for the future of the in.dus- Andrew. Arnett, 4. of Pomona
try Curtis is optimistic. .Park, Fla, is :wanted in Volusia
"Business is great, he declares. County for violating probation for
"I think tattooing is here to stay. dri\ ing widihou a license.

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Woman fends off a scam

caller offering $7500 grant

for prompt payment of taxes
By now most people are aware of the Number One Rule to prevent
becoming a victim or electronic fraud: never, never give out your credit
card or bank account number over the telephone.
Alma Roy of the Finleyville community near Olustee in west Baker
County wisely adhered to that rule when she answered the phone late
the morning of February 4, a Saturday.
The person on the other end she described as an Hispanic female.
"She said she represented the United States government," recalls
Ms. Roy, a retiree on fixed income. "She said 'We have a grant of
$7500 for you but we need a credit card number and your bank ac-
"I stopped her right there and asked 'What's your'name?' and all of
the sudden she came back, 'I don't understand what you're saying. I
can't hear you.'"
The woman began the call by inferring Ms. Roy was eligible to
receive the grant because she paid her taxes on time,
"I suppose they think older people will hear only the $7500 part and
think they have money coming to them, and that it has something to do
with taxes,' surmised Ms. Roy, a former employee of the Jacksonville
Sheriff's Office.
She recalled the woman feigned loss of hearing when Ms. Roy
asked her what department of the government she represented.
"After that, she just hung up."
The Baker County Sheriff's Office said this week it had no other
reports of similar calls in the area. There have been, however, a num-
ber of recent scams over e-mail targeting customers of the Vystar
Credit Union.
Typically, the e-mails advise that several attempts have been made
to gain access to an account and requesting key information like
account numbers and PINs as a verification technique. Vystar has
issued notices warning customers to beware of the scam.
As for Ms. Roy, a 13-year veteran of JSO who worked in the jail
and later as commissary manager at the northside prison farm, she
wants to get the. word out that the $7500 grant scam may be circulating
in the Baker County area.
"I don't want anyone to be so gullible as to fall for something like
this. If it sounds too good to be true, it is," she stated.

Woman sentenced to 2 years

after plea to burglary and theft

Circuit Judge .David Glant on
February 6 sentenced Theresa
Burns to two years in prison.
Ms. Burns pleaded no contest to
burglary ofa dadelling and grand
theft. She will receive credit for 91
days already served.
In other cases:
David Holton pleaded no con-
test to possession of cocaine and
drug paraphernalia and was sen-
tenced to 366 days with 88 credit
for time served.
I Raycheal Harris received 366
day s with credit' for 95'already
served. She pleaded no contest to
possession of cocaine and drug
Justin Harvey was sentenced
to 180 days in jail with credit for
two served, and two years' proba-
tion after pleading no contest to
felony driving with a suspended li-
cense. Prosecutors dropped a
charge of grand theft auto.

Accused of

fraud for failing

to ship supplies

A criminal complaint for fraud
was filed February 3 accusing a
company of failing to ship medical
supplies to Opal Brown of Mac-
Her son-in-law Don Jackson
-said Ms. Brown sent a firm named
Priority Assistance Group a check
for $398 and never received mer-
Mr. Jackson said he contacted
the company and was instructed
on return policies, and several
weeks passed without any sign of
the products.
In another suspected fraud, a
$492 check cashed at Winn-Dixie
in early January came back as
bogus. It was written on Fleming
and Bonder Mideastern Contrac-
tors of Jacksonville, which the
store determined does not exist.
It is not known if the payee,
Adrian M. Edwards of Jackson-
ville, was the person who cashed it
last month.

Attacked dad

over video game
A teenage son was arrested for
domestic violence against his
father following an incident at
their residence on Ivy St. in north
The afternoon of January 30,
police were called to the house
after the 40-year-old father said his
son, 16, bit him on the thigh and
struck him on the shoulder.
Deputy Jeff Dawson said the
father bore evidence of the attack
and arrested the son. The boy ad-
mitted to the offense and said he
did it because his dad had "no
right" to take a video game from

Kevin Wilkerson must serve
57 days in jail after pleading no.
contest to introducing contraband
into the county jail.
Ste\e \Visneski was sentenced:
.to 10 days in jail and three years of
drug-offender probation for aggra-
vated fleeing or attempting to
elude police' and driving with a
suspended license.
Andrew Johnson drw a two
year-probation sentence after
pleading no contest to burglary of
a structure, grand theft and crimi-
nal mischief.
In violation-of-probation cases:
Delaney Crawford was found
guilty by the court and sentenced
to 48 months in prison with 358
days credit time served.
Jason Eddins received 13
months in prison with credit for 72

Required Divorce Class
Court approved
parenting class & certificate
same morning.

Last Saturday of each month
starting 1/28/06 in Macclenny.

(Also offered in Gainesville)

Foster parent

abuse alleged

A foster parent from Glen St.
Mary may be charged with child
,abuse based on a complaint filed
on February 1.
Christine Lee, 57, initially told
an investigator from the Depart-
ment of Children and Families the
4-year-old female child fell at day
care. A subsequent investigation
by the Child Protection Team in
Jacksonville determined the girl
was the victim of abuse.
The case was first reported to
DCF in mid-January when the.
investigator noted bruised ears and
injuries to the back of the girl's
The state attorney's office will
make a determination whether Ms.
Lee will be charged with the first
degree misdemeanor.
Foster parents are approved to
care for children who have been
displaced from their homes for
various reasons including abuse by
their parents or other guardians.

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Five

Same student battered ESE teacher Press Advertising

The same special ed student at
Baker County Middle School was
charged with battery on the same
teacher two days in a row last week.
The morning of January 31,
teacher Patsy Vinzant reported the
10-year-old male from Macclenny
became disruptive, when given an
assignment, throwing chairs and
beating the walls with his fist.
When she intervened, the stu-
dent struck her and butted her with
his head. Deputy Jeff Dawson ar-
rived on campus to find Ms. Vin-
zant on top of the student to re-
strain him.
He will be charged in juvenile
court with battery and disrupting
The following morning the
youth was back in class, hurling
racial slurs and invectives at Ms.
Vinzant's aide and again striking
the teacher in the arm when she
intervened. He was charged a sec-
ond time. .
The student is enrolled in ESE

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(exceptional student education),
which used to be called special
education and takes in students
with emotional and other problems
that prevent them from main-
streaming with other children in
regular classroom settings.

P.O. BOX 1120, US 90 WEST
GLEN ST. MARY, FL. 32040-1120
Phone (904) 259-4375 FAX (904) 259-6146
The following vehicles will be sold at public,
auction February 24, 2006 at 10:00 am, at Higgin-
botham's Towing & Recovery, US 90 West, Glen
St. Mary, FL. 32040.
1986 Ford
VIN# 1FABP4633GH167192
1996 Saturn
VIN# 1G8ZH5285TZ293548
Public Notice
The quarterly meeting of the Baker County
Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating
Board will take place at 10 am, Thursday, Febru-
ary 16, 2006, at the Baker County Family Health
Department, 480 West Lowder Street, Macclen-
ny, Florida. All interested persons are invited to
attend. The Northeast Florida Regional Council
adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act
and will make reasonable modifications for ac-
cess to this meeting upon request. Requests
should be received at least 72 hours in advance
of the meeting in order to allow time to provide
the requested service. For more information, con-
tact the Northeast Florida Regional Council at
(904) 279-0880 between the hours of 8 am-5 pm,
Monday through Friday.,

Phone (904) 259-2850
The following vehicles will be.sold at public auc-.
tion at Moran's Mci:r' ar, v'jrk'r- Service, Inc.,
59 North Seventh Sirei Maccr.ny, FL., 32063.
March 7
1989 Ford Ranger .,
1990 Ponlhac Sunbira
VIN# 1G2JB54K2L7519638
March 14
1998 Honda Civic
VIN# 2HGEJ6629WH565612
March 29
2002 Suzuki XL-7
VIN# JS3TY92VX24100588

The Baker County District School Board will
hold the following public hearing on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 21, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the District School
Board Meeting Room, 270 South Boulevard East,
Macclenny, Florida 32063:
The documents are available for preview at
the Baker County School Board Office located at
392 South Boulevard East, between the hours of
8:30 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
The public is invited ant encouraged to at-
tend. ; ,"
Paula T. Barton
Superintendent of Schools

I the undersigned, being duly sworn, do here-
by declare under oath that the names of all per-
sons interested in the business or profession car-
ried on under the name of Campbell's Painting
whose principle place of business is 11348 Deer-
wood Circle, Lot 9, Macclenny, FL 32063 and
the extent of the interest of each is as follows:
David A. Campbell 100%
David A. Campbell
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd
day of February, 2006.
Al Fraser
Clerk of Courts
Baker County, Florida
By Bonnie M. Palleschi
As Deputy Clerk

I the undersigned, being duly sworn, do here-
by declare under oath that the names of all per-
sons interested in the business.or profession car-
ried on under the name of Thrift Shoppe whose.
principle place of business is: 9889 S. Glen Ave.,
Glen St. Mary,. Florida, 32040 and the extent of
the interest of each is as follows:
Daniel Collingwood 100%
Daniel Collingwood
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th
day of February, 2006.
Al Fraser
Clerk of Courts
Baker County, Florida
By Christopher P. Thomas
As Deputy Clerk

CASE NO.: 02-2005-CA-0169
TINA M. RHODEN, his wife,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to
a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the
above styled cause, in the Circuit Court of Baker
County, Florida, I will sell the property situate in
Baker County, Florida, described as follows:
TATES, as recorded in Plat Book 3,
pages 3 & 4 of the public records of
Baker County, Florida.
Parcel ID# 28-1 S-21-0143-0002-0050
at public sale, to the highest and best bidder,
for cash, at the front door of the Baker County
Courthouse, Macclenny, Florida, at 11:00 am on
Tuesday, February 14, 2006.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court
on this 12th day of January, 2006.
Al Fraser
Clerk of Courts
By: Bonnie Palleschi
As Deputy Clerk
445 East Macclenny Avenue
Macclenny, FL 32063

4 pm Monday

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant tc.
a Writ of Execution issued in the County Court of
Baker County, Florida, on the 9th day of Novem-
ber, 2005, in the cause wherein Barnett Recovery
Corporation was plaintiff and Gregory Gainey was
defendant, being Case No. 91-106CC, in said
Court, I, Joey B. Dobson, as Sheriff of Baker
County, Florida, have levied upon all the right, ti-
tle, and interest of the defendant, Gregory Gainey
in and to the following described personal proper-
ty, to wit:
2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser
VIN# 3C4FY58B42T313354
(Note: Anyone interested in viewing the
vehicle being sold should do so prior to
the time of the sale at Moran's Motor and
Wrecker Service located at 59 N. 7th
Street, Macclenny, FL)
I shall offer this property for sale, at the front
entrance of the Baker County Courthouse, 339 E.
Macclenny Avenue in Macclenny, County of Bak-
er, State of Florida, on February 28, 2006 at the
hour of 11:00 am, or as soon thereafter as possi-
ble. I will offer for sale all the said defendant's,
Gregory Gainey, right, title and interest in the
aforesaid personal property at public auction and
will sell the same, subject to taxes, all prior liens,
encumbrances and judgements, if any, to the
highest bidder and best bidder for CASH IN
HAND. The proceeds to be applied as far as may
be to the payment of costs and the satisfaction of
the above described execution.
(Note: In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing
special accommodation to participate in this pro-
ceeding should contact the Baker County Sher-
iff's Office at (904) 259-0245, prior to the date of
the sale.)
Joey B. Dobson Sheriff
Baker County, Florida
By: Pamela L. Davis
Civil Process Deputy
CASE NO.: 02-2005-CA-0195
HUTCHINS, his wife,
vs.., '
TAMMY LAMAR'.ATERS ,r,,d,.i..du.ii, and
as ir.e .ailurai uar.a3,n or -LLEJ iDREW 'I ,GIL
DatIIIEL HUTCHINS individually, and LEONARD
.Di. IIEL HUT.. HiJl ., and CATHERINE L.
HIJT,-,ii 5.: i, n a ,-hrurai.jardian"r of LARRY
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a complaint for Re-
formation of Deed has been filed against you on
the following described property:
A parcel of land lying and being in Section
4, Township 3 South, Range 21 East, Baker
County, Florida and described as follows: Be-
gin at the NW corner of that parcel described
at OR Book 52, Page 464; thence S 89259'53"
W, 70.00 feet and to the West line of Section 4,
thence S 0116'27" W, 208.80 feet; thence N
89959'53" E, 70.00 feet; thence S 89958'00" E,
138.8 feet; thence N 0918'00" E, 208.8 feet;
thence N 89e58'00"' W, 138.8 feet and to the
point of beginning.
A parcel of land lying and being in Section
4, Township 3 South, Range 21 East, Baker
County, Florida and described as follows: Be-
gin at the NE corner of that parcel described
at OR Book,52, page 464, thence S 00218' W,
200.00 feet;,' thenceN 8'9,86'-W 218.00 feet;
thence N 0018' E, 200.00 feet; thence S 89258'
t,' 218.d' feet" and back to the Point of Begin-
and you are required to serve a copy of your
written defenses, if any, to it on Frank.E. Mal-
oney, Jr., P.A., attorney, whose address is 445
East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida
32063; (904) 259-3155 within thirty (30) days af-
ter the first publication of the notice and on.or be-
fore the 9th day of March, 2006, and to file the
original with the clerk of this court either before
service on Frank E. Maloney, Jr., P.A., attorney or
immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be
entered against you for the .relief demanded in the
WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on
this 2nd day of February, 2006.
AlI Fraser
Clerk of Courts
by Bonnie Palleschi
as Deputy Clerk

,The District gives notice of its intent to issue a
permit to the following applicants) on March 7,
Maxville Borrow Pit Company, 6501 Green-
land Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258. Application #:
4-003-18169-4. The project is located in Baker
and Duval counties, Sections 13, 24 & 30, Town-
ship 03 South, Ranges 22 & 23 East. The ERP
application is for modification to the surface water
management system serving the Maxville Borrow
Pit located on the Duval County and Baker Coun-
ty lines near the intersection of Paul Coleman
Road and Macclenny Road, consisting of 67.2
acres. The receiving waterbody is off-site wet-
The file(s) containing each of the above-listed
applications) are available for inspection Monday
through Friday except for legal holidays, 8:00 am
to 5:00 pm at the St. Johns River Water Manage-
ment District Headquarters or the appropriate
Service Center. The District will take action on
each permit application listed above unless a peti-
tion for an administrative proceeding (hearing) is
filed pursuant to the provisions of Sections
120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes Chapter 28-
106 and 40C-1.1007, Florida Administrative Code
A person whose substantial interests are af-
fected by any of the District's proposed permitting
decisions identified above may petition for an ad-
ministrative hearing in accordance with sections
120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or all parties may
reach a written agreement on mediation as an al-
ternative remedy under section 120.573, F.S.
Choosing mediation will not adversely affect the
right to a hearing if mediation does not result in a
settlement. The procedures for pursuing media-
tion are set forth in section 120.573, F.S., and
Rules 28-106.111 and 28-106.401-405 F.A.C.
Petitions must comply with the requirements of
Florida Administrative code Chapter 28-106 and
be filed with (received by) the District Clerk locat-
ed at District Headquarters, 4049 Reid Street,
Palatka, FL32177.
Petitions for administrative hearing on the
above applications) must be filed within twenty-
one (21) days of publication of this notice or with-
in twenty-six (26) days of the District depositing
notice of this intent in the mail for those persons
to whom the District mails actual notice. Failure to
file a petition within this time period shall consti-
tute a waiver of any right such person may have
to request an administrative determination (hear-
ing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S.,
concerning the subject permit applications. Peti-
tions which are not filed in accordance with the

above provisions are subject to dismissal.
Because the administrative hearing process
is designed to formulate final agency action, the
filing of a petition means that the District's final
action may be different from the position taken by
it in this notice of intent. Persons whose substan-
tial interests will be affected by any such final de-
cision of the District on the applicant have the
right to petition to become a party to the proceed-
ing, in accordance with the requirements set forth
Gloria Lewis, Director
Division of Permit Data Services
St. Johns River Water Management District

A message from the Florida Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services,
Division of Forestry, the University of
Florida/IFAS, and the USDA Forest Service.

Help prevent damage from bark beetles,

diseases, and wildfire through practices

that promote healthy pines.

* Thin dense pine stands.
* Control understory
plant competition.

* Minimize tree wounds
during harvests.

* Use prescribed fire.

* Harvest low-vigor
stands and replant.

* Plant species right
for the soil and site.


F- 7; IT I M, 47, W. m- n

I''' , --.1-- ---

1-1 ... 1

I ;

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Six

UDC gives military campaign i i dals
Retired Army Master Sergeant Berry Rhoden of Macclenny received the Cross of Military
Service medals for both Vietnam and Korea during a ceremony the e;eniim, ofjJanuary 6 at
Ferreira Chapel in Macclenny. Pictured with Mr. Rhoden, a POW ", ',h, Korean Wa,; are
(from left) Chaplain Linda Rosenblatt of the Andrew Jackson hi.li,',, ,"' the United
Daughters of the C, .,!,, ... the honoree' wife Dean Rhoden. i,q ii. ii.i ,-,
ih,..,'. ., of Hilliard and Meta Parkinson of Macclenny, the past president, ,/!i _r'li -
', i ii, i.'i, Il i. UDC chapter is headquartered in Baker County.

Driver had crack pipe

A 24-year-old Niccl ,liny wo-
man at the wheel of a Dodge pick-
up stopped north of Sanderson the
.,.ini of February 1 was ar-
rested for 'i ,. ;n a crack pipe and
not h.i in;', an infant passenger in a
properly secured car seat.
'Deputy Erik Deloach said he
stopped the vehicle at CR 229 and
Gaskins Circle just I 'riN.c 3:00
because it had a cracked wind-
He saw driver Lori Smith place
something under the seat, and a
subsequent search turned up a
crack .iml. i'h pipe ,.il, traces of
the di ,j.-
Oil,,r than the :nr' i. the truck
contained two other passengers
believed to be relatives. They were

not charged.
Ms. Smith was cli,:ied with
having drug paraphernalia, driving
without a li:crin,, li:, iinu the de-
fective windshield and a child
safety violation.
The arrest took place in a neigh-
borhood with a high incidence of
drug activity.

Car cruise-mn
11', iinic for a car cruise-in.
All antique, classic and custom
cars, as well as the public, are
welcome on February 11 at 4:00
pm. We will be at the parking lot
next to Sara's Coil .... in down-
town Macclenny. Any questions,
contact 259-6064.

Lock cut on storage garage

Someone removed a lock with
bolt. cutters to enter a storage
garage at the Dixie Mini-Storage
on 8th St. in Macclenny recently
and removed over $1700 in prop-
erty bcl',ngii, to Cami Johns of
Ms. Johns notified the sheriff's
department on January 30 after
discovering the burglary. Missing
items include two televisions,
clothing, a j ,.li., exercise equip-
ment and a computer.
Police lifted tingrprinti at the
scene and a check with local pawn
shops turned up nothing.

More arrests
for no license
Three more persons, two of
them involved in accidents, were
arrested the past week for driving
on suspended licenses.
Police decided that Brandy N.
iPIiirich. 22, of Macclenny was at
fault when her 1998 Honda left the
roadway and crashed into a ditch
off Stoddard Ave. in Glen St.
M.aL the morning of February 1.
H4er license has been suspended
twice, the latest in mid-January
when she failed to appear in court.
Deputy James Marker q,,n.. a
P'"m Mitsubishi driven k.i-
neth Bl 4.Iin. -I ', of Macicliii', the
.: curing of January 30 because it
didn't have tail lights:
He learned that Mr. Blawn's
license was .i',.p, ind five times.
He was also icl.cil for the faulty
equipment and having an expired
license tag.
Steven Parker, 29, of Lake City
was stopped on US 90 near Olustee.
after Lt. Billy Miller clod cld him at
79 mph the ,iiien..'n of January
30. A computer check revealed a
suspended license.

Teens flee on foot after attempting to steal purse

Two male suspects who ap-
peared to be in their ier, fled on
foot after they tried to steal the
purse of a Glen St. Mary Woman
outside the Di),iar General store at,
Baker. Square ._li,.,ppi ric C r. ci in
The woman told. police she had
just exited the store the afternoon
of February 3 and was loading

bags into her vehicle when one of
the suspects distracted her.
The other began punching her
in the face and attempted to take
her purse. The two fled when the
woman began screaming.
She said they ran south from the
area, and described them as white
males 15-17 years old.

In another report involving a
purse, employee Frances Perry
told police someone removed
$100 from hers while she was
working in Building 57 at North-
east Florida State Hospital.
The theft occurred before 10,:00,
mr ri F, iri, ry 3.1":- '

In other thefts, someone took
prescription medicine frqm a purse
belonging to Kimberly Manning
off Stoddard St. in Glen St. Mary
overnight on February 1.
Ms. Manning said the house
was unlocked and the empty pill
bottles were left at the scene. Her
checkbook was also taken.
A criminal complaint was filed
by the City of Macclenny accusing
.Leo Jefferson, 38, of stealing city
water at his residence on Grissholm
Roger Yarborough, the city's
code enforcement officer, told
police this is the third time Mr.
Jefferson has been caught divert-
ing water off-meter. The city earli-
er attempted to settle with him
without involving authorities.
Graduates basic
Coast Guard Seaman Daniel L.
Masterson, son of Nancy and Dan
Masterson of Macclenny, recently
graduated from the U.S. Coast
Guard Recruit Training Center in
Cape May, N. J. Masterson is a.
2004 ,riJuJ.ilk of Baker County
High khIoln.,I

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Y 8:30AM-5PM.

Kellyn Andrews
New daughter
Greg Andrews and Jennifer
Fraser are pleased to announce the,
birth of their daughter Kellyn
Leigh Andrews. She was born on
January 15 at Memorial Medical
Center. She weighed seven
pounds, four ounces and was 201/4
inches long.
Grandparents are E.N. Fraser
Jr., and Diane Fraser of Mac-
clenny; Todd Baldwin and Sherry
Andrews of Swanton, Ohio. Great-
grandparents are William and Ag-
nes Hicks of Glen St. Mary, Ron-
ald and Dixie Valerius of Wolf
Creek, Mont.

Seven attend
district meeting
Seven members of the Mac-
clenny Women's Club attended the
District 4 President's Council at
Orange Park. They were Olga
Carr, Frances Frost, Cheryl Lunn,
Mary Finley, Marilyn Hodges,
JoAnn Huk, Mabel Brazil, Earn-
estine Hicks and guest Edna
Brown. Mrs. Finley gave an up-
date on district and state reporting.
San Beckum and Mrs. Finley
represented the club at the Lunch
and Learn meeting at the Chamber
of Commerce. Two successful
indoor yard sales were held to sup-
port the scholarship fund and other
The next meeting will be Febru-
ary 16 at 11:00 am at the club-

Congratulations on
Little Miss Baker County
and Most Beautiful Eyes
Love, Mama, Daddy & Gavan Foster

Brother arrives
Zachary Allen Korkowski is
pleased to announce the birth of
brother Nathaniel Dean Altom. He
was born January 27' at Shands
Medical Center. He weighed six
pounds, eight ounces and was 20
inches long..
Proud parents are Andrew Al-
tom and Melissa Wiesemeyer of
Grandparents are Lucinda Kor-
kowski of Sanderson, Russell Wies-
emeyer of Macclenny and Lane
Altom of Macclenny.

Valentine vows
George Michael Schlarbaum
,and April Sheree Brogdon of
Macclenny will be married on
February 14. The couple will
reside in Macclenny.

a e r' erna2/o; 4s my
wY eA7 4;


Thanks a lot
I would like to thank the people
who -came forward to be a witness
to the accident on 121 and Willis
Hodges Road on the afternoon of
February 2. That tells me there are
good people everywhere. Thanks
so very much,

Dawson Norman
Son is born
Dawson Andrew Norman was
born on January 1, weighing seven
pounds, 11 ounces. He was 20
inches long.
Proud parents are Drew and
Tiffany Norman of Macclenny.
Grandparents are Jesse and Lisa
Stewart of Macclenny, Gene Man-
ning and Tina Norman of Mac-

Malorie Jaden
February 6
Happy 1st Birthday
to our "Little Angel"
We love you, Mimi, Poppy & Bubba Sirk


Ms. RhodenI
80th birthday
,Ms. Nettie Ruth Rhoden of
Macclenny celebrated her 80th
birthday on January 28 with 75
friends and family members from
near and far. They attended a sur-
prise birthday party given by her
daughters. There was a buffet style
dinner followed by a video of her
past 80 years.


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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Seven
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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Eight


David Albritton

February 11 rites
David Albritton of Raiford,
Fla,., died February 3, 2006. He
was born in New River, Fla.
Mr. Albritton was predeceased by
parents Oscar
and Pearl Al-
britton. Sur-
vivors include
children Fannie

(Larry) of At-
lanta, Ga., Mel-
vina Douglas
and Norma
Chestnut (Er-
nest) of Raiford,
David Albrit-
Mr. Albritton ton Jr. (Tina)
and Joseph Albritton (Elizabeth
Ann) of Ocala, Catherine Albritton
of Macclenny and Frank Albritton
of Lake Butler; 11 grandchildren
and 25 great-grandchildren and
one great-great-grandchild.
A funeral will be February 11 at
11:00 am at Magnolia Baptist
Church of Raiford. Haile Funeral
Home of Starke was in charge of

Lois E. Goethe,

St. George native
Lois Elodie Goethe, 7GS. of
Macclenny died February 4, 2006.
She was born in St. George, Ga.,
on September 10, 1927. Ms.
Goethe moved to Macclenny from
Jacksonville in 1975. She retired
from St. Vincent's Hospital in
1986 where she worked as a secre-
tary for 20 years. She was a member
of the First
N ethhodist
N-6 Goethe

ceased by par-
S 1 ents Walter
Coachman and
/khrie Thomas
Sugs, husband
George \V.Goe-
the, son-in-law
Mr. Goethe Gary Southard
and grandsons Trace and Clayton.
Survivors include children Eliz-
abeth Annette Blount (Gene) and
Frances N. Southard; -sisters
Marcetta Mills and Jackie Starling;
grandchildren Martin Goethe
(April), Matthew Southard
(Rhonda), Alan Southard (Mich-
elle), Angie Southard and Jason
Blount; great grandchildren Shay-
la, Ashton, Caleb, Deseree, Andrea
and Gunner.
A service was held February 7
at V. Todd Ferreira Services of
Macclenny with Pastor Mae White
officiating. Burial followed at St.
George Cemetery.


New Hoble for the Communily
Five Churches Road
Hw%. 127 Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Evtery 4 Sunday Night Ser-ice 7:00 p.m.
Videll IW Williams -Pastor 7

Mt. Zion N.C.

Methodist Church
121 North 259-4461
Pastor Bobby Griffin

Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pmr

For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Nancy Mosley

dies in Louisiana
Nancy Mae Simmons Mosley,
52, died January 31, 2006 at Op-
elousas General Hospital in Op-
elousas, La. Mrs. Mosley was a
native of Florida and a resident of
Sunset. She was a teacher for 27
years at Opelousas Senior High,
and for the past 12 years she
taught computer science. Mrs.
Mosely was an FBLA member,
volleyball coach and Venture
Scout Troop Leader.
Mrs. Mosely was predeceased
by father Jack Simmons. Survivors
include husband Robert Mosely of
Sunset; son Harold Robert Mosely
II (Amanda) of Denver, Colo.;,
daughters Robin Amanda Jeffers
(Nicholas) of Carencro, La., and
Amber LeAnne Carriere (Derrick)
of Conroe, Tex.; mother Gerty
McClane Simmons of Sanderson;
brothers Willie Simmons (Ther-
esa), Leslie Simmons (Dorothy),
Mack Simmons (Carol), Johnnie
and Donnie Simmons of San-
derson; sister Pitricia Ann Godwin
(Terrell) of Taylor.
Pallbearers were ROTC stu-
dents from Opelousas High. A ser-
vice was held February 2 at Mel-
ancon Funeral Home in Opel-
ousas. Interment was at Bellevue
. Memorial Park with Rev. Roy,
Baker officiating.

Thanks so much
Joanna Blank and fanmil\ want
to thank everyone for their cards,
calls and beautiful floral arrange-
ments and prayers after the loss of
their dear husband, father, grand-
and great-grandfather. May God
bless you everyone.

'Love Day' Sunday
Church of God by Faith in
Sanderson will celebrate a "Love
Day" on Sundaj, Fehrujar 12' Ji
12:30 pm.

St. Peters Anglican Fellowship
Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla.
Sunday School 9:00 am
Sunday Service 10:00 am

Charles McCloud

dies February 5th
Charles Michael McCloud, 63,
of Macclenny died February 5,
2006 at St. Vincent's Medical
Center. He was born in Paintsville,
Ky. on March 1, 1942, Mr. Mc-
Cloud moved to Macclenny in
1991. He was a US Army veteran
and a member of the Masonic
Lodge. Mr. McCloud loved horses
and enjoyed fishing.
He was, predeceased by parents
Charles and Reta Moore McCloud.
Survivors include his wife of 23
years, Nancy Joan Freeman Mc-
Cloud; children Gary, Jennifer and
Cindy McCloud, Kevin and Terry
Wolfe; sisters Lynn Schmidt and
Judy Delong; grandsons Zachary
Wolfe and Corey McCloud; grand-
daughters Heather and Hannah
Wolfe and Aubrey McCloud.
V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Ser-
vices of Macclenny was in charge
of arrangements,

In Memory
Michael Travis Rhoden

We little knew five years ago, God
was going to call your name. In life we
loved you dearly, in death we do the
same. It broke our hearts to. lose' you;
you did not go alone, for part of us,
went with you the day (God called you
home. You left us :, Indc' fid i imit,'i 's.
your love is aill our ,gule. \nd illouigh
we cannot see you, you iL always at
our side.
KATHY ST i,_ll. R, C.LK)

attention for only



First United .

S Church
931 5th St., Macclenny = 259-3551'
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm
Wednesday Worship:6:15 pm
" John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor J

9, ^ -_ .
Come and magnify the Lord and worship with us
Glen Friendship Tabernacle
Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary
WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am
Morning Worship Service 10:30 amn
Children's Church 11:30 am
Evangelistic 6:00 pm
Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm
Rev Albert Starling Home: 259-3982' Church: 259-6521
r .- .

Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life
Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 P.M.
Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner
North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500

Senior Pastor
David Thomas

Sunday School
Sunday Morning Worship'
Sunday Evening Worship
Wednesday Night Service
Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday

Youth Programs

Sunday School
Common Ground Sunday
Common Ground Wed. (Teens)
God Kids Sunday
God Kids Wednesday

Associate Pastor
Tim Thomas

10:00 am
11:00 am
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
9:15 am

10:00 am
11:00 am
7:00 pm
11:00 am
7:00 pm

CR 127 N. of Sanderson
Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday 11oming Service 11:00 am
Sunday Night Semce 6:00 pm
Wed. Night Service 7:30 pm
Where Everyone is Somebody and
Jesus is the Leader
Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell

First Baptist Church
of Sanderson
CR 229 5., Sanderson FL

In Memory
Shaina Dee Buffington,
daughter of Vince & Lorrine
Crawford Buffington
1981,- 2002
February 13 would be your 25th
birthday. Your birth made our lives
complete. We are grateful for the 21
years we had you with us. God knew
best for you. May you celebrate with
Him, many angels and loved ones in
heaven! You remain in our hearts and
soul, loved by all that knew you. We
nii '_ii adit l,\ cyou.

Special service
MeCray's Chapel Church in'
Olustee will have a special service
featuring Baker County speaker.
and will present a message titled
The Seven Churches of Rev'elation.

573 S. 5th St. 259-6059
Sunday Bible Study 9:45, an
Fe lowship '10:30 am 1-1:00 am
Worship Services
11:00 am
-. Wed. Bible Study
', : 7:30 pm,
-" ~Sam F. Kitchine

10 am
11 am
6 pm
7 pm

Holiness Church
CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 10:00 am
Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm
% Pastor: Oral E. Lyons r

Pastor Bob Christmas I -

I ...:',.', Bedlie' i ."P '- t! Receiv

Your e win Ie transformed t, Presence of the Lord!

Sunday at 9:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
. .. 1 1, ,. I .I .': < 1 I .. .. \ I I ","i ; ',.' ..

I -T A"S F MNB 1'.

u N ba iiiriml, W'r~hip 111AS a mm 1h ul ih
~ uid Eni~\~~tp1:1111 Tupm)Ul

-" Loring, Church with a Groirins I ision of c'ellenrce"
.. .. ... -." t... .. -- .' r". I .I -" -.-. -'". -

First Baptist Church
Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM
S..Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM
S 'Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM
"A Reacon I '- .. e co. "

to Baker

Pastor Tim Patterson
Perry Hays, Associate Pastor
Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor


Tommy Mattox, Jr.
10/5/63 1/30/03
lie is gone, but not forgotten
lHis memory lives on.
Tommy, you were a blessing
Who fulfilled our lives for so long.
Now our eves are filled with sorrow,
For without you is how we face tomorrow.
laughter is how I remember you best,
Full of faith, sunshine and happiness.
Friends, family, golf and cheer,
Just a few of the things that you held dear.
I holidays and birthdays will never be the same,
Without you there to argue about who's gonna win the Gator game.
What will the Gators do without their biggest fan?
They'll probably still hear you yelling as we all know you can.
God is smiling down as you watch us from above.
Now he has our brother, uncle & son with that perfect golden love.
Save a game for me because I'll be seeing you one day,
Reunited in Heaven for eternity we will stay.
Our good times are now a memory as you are laid to rest.
Know that you are in our hearts,
We love you, Bubba and God Bless.

Jeanine L. Harvey
3/10/42 2/3/04
We lost you just two years ago, a sorrow that still sings.
Of all the tears and emptiness, the loss of a loved one brings.
Raising me as a, child and the day of your burial,
turned out by chance just the same,
so. each year it comes around, we felt both joy and pain..
Our sadness comes from missing you,
because you showed so much love.
And all the love that was in you, we became a part of.
Your love is still alive in us, we feel it ever new.
Our mourning is filled with happiness,
from the sweetest memories of you.
It was just last year I dreamed of you. You told me in that loving
voice, 'Honey I was only gone for a short while."
The morning came and I rejoiced.
Mama, you are everything I would like to be someday.
You never turned your back on anyone,
the respect and integrity you held no one can take away.
Jake talks about you so often,
remembering the way you made grits and other things.
Sometimes when I look at him, I see you in a glimpse.
Keep watching over us down here, for it is nothing like Heaven.
God has one good angel, and Mom, that is you!

I ~-

Sunday School
Sun. Morning Worship
Sun. Evening Worship
Wed. Eve. Bible Study

A:IiII pm





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Work is in progress to get the
Center's roof repaired sufficiently
for the time the COA will be pro-
jected to remain in the current
On February 16, the Council will
host an, "Enrollment Event" for the
Extra Help or Low Income Subsidy
component of the new Medicare
Prescription Drug Program. This pro-
gram is for those people with in-
come less than $1,197 per month
($1,604 for a couple).
People who qualify will be eligi-
ble to pay no monthly premiums or
deductibles nor any co-payments
over five dollars for any medica-
tion. Those with higher incomes with-
in the eligibility limits, monthly
premiums and annual deductibles
will be reduced. Anyone with both
Medicare/Medicaid or Medicare/
SSI are eligible for the program.
Representatives from the NE
Florida Area Agency on Aging and
Department of Elder Affairs will be
on hand from 9:00 am until 4:00
pm, to assist with enrollment. These
representatives will be able to assist
those in selecting the most benefi-
cial prescription drug plan for their
personal needs.
Many have noticed a brand new
white bus taking seniors around
town. Although there is no COA
sign on it yet, this is the new bus.
The 18 passenger vehicle will be
used for transporting seniors to and
from the Senior Center and activi-
The seniors took a trip last
Saturday. Tom Hudson picked up
seniors at their homes and at the
Center and drove them to the his-
toric Florida Theater in Jacksonville
where they were entertained by the
Air Force Reserve Band and sever-
al vocalists.
Most COA activities are sched-
uled and announced in advance and
are open to 'all Baker County
seniors on a first call basis until all
seats on the bus are reser' ed. The
next outing will be to the Battle of
Olustee festivities on Friday, Febru-
ary 17. Interested seniors should
:call 259-2223, x. 221.
Work Source has scheduled free
income tax return preparation, on a
walk-in b. ai.s, ,on the last two
Saturday in Februar) and the tirst
two Saturdays in March from 10:00
am to 2:00 pm.

for the week of February 13-17
MONDAY: Beef tips and gravy,
mashed potatoes, veggies, peaches and
TUESDAY: Turkey, au gratin potatoes,
veggies, plums and roll.
WEDNESDAY: Country fried steak
with gravy, squash, green beans, pears and
garlic bread.
THURSDAY: Chicken and dumplings,
broccoli, carrots, fruit and bread.
FRIDAY: Beef stew, stewed veggies,
rice, stewed apples, roll.

GAL volunteer
If you would like to.make a dif-
ference in a child's life and don't
have time to be a Guardian adc
Litem volunteer, the Guardian
Angel Program is for you! A
guardian angel sponsors a child
financially to help provide the
extras that will brighten their life:
There is no requirement for
spending. For more information
call 374-3656.

January marriages

The following marriages were
recorded at the Baker County court-
house during January:
James Bice Jr. & Tina Gause, both
of Jacksonville, 1/28.
John Clark III of Glen St. Mary &
Clarissa McClean of Macclenny, 1/28.
Timothy Hance of Glen St. Mary &
Cherie Lariscy of Sanderson, 1/27.
Adam Starling and Carrie Morri-
son, both of Macclenny, 1/28.
- Steven Wilkerson & Terry Davis,
both of Macclenny, 1/27.
Jimmie Stephens & Diana Everett,
both of Las Vegas, Nev., 1/26.
Clayton McCormick & Dannah
Staier, both of Glen St. Mary, 1/21.
Jacob Satterwhite of Macclenny &
Rebecca Thompson of Glen St. Mary,
Justin White & Daphne Shafer, both
of Baldwin, 1/21.

23-A to LaurLinore Rd .. Fairgrounds Rd
Sunday School 9:45 am
Sunday AM Worship 11:00 am
Sunday PM Services 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
Pastor J.C. Lauramore Welcomes All

Che Lcord1I Chiurch
L'A 250.( A' /25, '.
.1. 10r,;/71d.

We are 25 and still alive for Jesus Christ!
You're invited to celebrate the 25th anniversary of
The Lord's Church
February 11 & 12
Saturday starting at 1:00 pm-
Rushing Wind The Coral Ridge Praise Group
and 10 local groups & individuals
r Brother John Yarbrough to preach at 2:30 pm
Pastor J.W. Binion preaching at 6:00 pm i
We -will conclude when the Spirit leads us.

Sunday, February 12
10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship
Covered dish luncheon follow ing services.
For transportation call 259-8353.
Please come join us- Pastor J. W. Binion
= .,- - -^ .- z

or Learning about Jesus through the ministry of-






7:00 8:30 pm F

J Preschool 8th Grade

Travel furnished to those who need it. -
Please contact Brother Jamey Norman at (90) 251-4362
for more information on travel arrangements.

E l,= d=~

Devin Thompson & Reineida Navar-
ro, both of Macclenny, 1/23.
Jeffrey Spivey & Tracey Barton,
both of Macclenny, 1/23.
Justin Rourke & Sandy Sheffield,
both of Macclenny, 1/11.
Franklin Bentley of Macclenny &
Tina Hayward of Jacksonville, 1/9.
George Maddox III of Wake For-
rest, N.C., & Kara Johnson of Macclen-
ny, 1/7.
Albert Sweat & Judy Davis, both of
Macclenny, 1/4.
John Starling of Macclenny &
Stephanie McClung of Glen St. Mary,
Christopher Johnson of Bella Vist a,
Ark., & Lauren Hays of Glen St. Mary,
John Fisher & Tracey Trevino, both
of Macclenny, 12/22.
George Church & Dorothy Johnson,
both of Maeclenny, 1/25.

The following divorce final de-
crees were recorded at the Baker
County courthouse during Janu-
Andrew & Jessica Gadberry, 1/5.
James & Alison Tomlinson III, 1/5.
Douglas & Kathy Lay, 1/5.
Joshua & Christina Satterwhite, 1/5.
Herman & Beulah Liddell, 1/5.
Donald Ohlenschlager & Mary
Crosby, 1/5.
Russell & Yvonne Davis, 1/12.
Adam Starling & Shellie Medecke,
Tommy & Rhonda Allbright, 1/17.
Antonio & Marie Mitchell, 1/19.
Joseph & Trishia Tedesco Jr., 1/19.
Gary & Kristie Miller, 1/19.
James & Stephanie Moultrie, 1/26.
Roy & Martha Walton, 1/26.

Custom Printing
Business Cards
Wedding Invitations
Professional Service

110. South Fifth St. 259-3737

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Nine

Check out the news at-


Baxter Church of God
Hwy 127, Baxter.* 259-6020



February 11 2-5:00 pm
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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Ten

PreK/K students' 'hearts go out' to Armed Forces
Over 600 hand-made Valentine cards will be mailed out to members of the.Armed Forces serving overseas, courtesy of students at the
PreK/Kindergarten Center in Macclenny. A group of kindergarten students posed with Vice-principal Sue Giles and Principal Sherrie
Raulerson (background left and right) and a banner earlier this week. During the month ofFl.i. o,, ,ii, school will focus on caring about
others with various lessons and programs. PHOTO COURTESY OF SHERRIE RAULERSON

District approves a truancy pact

The Baker County school dis-
trict this week approved an agree-
ment to establish written proce-
dures for the enforcement of com-
pulsory attendance, (truancy) law.
The agreement will be between
the district, the Department of
Juvenile Justice in the Eighth Cir-
cuit, Youth Crisis Center, Baker
County Sheriff's Office, Eighth Ju-
dicial Circuit, the State Attorney's
office and the Department of Child-
ren and Families.
The state requires regular atten-
dance of all students between the
ages of 6 and 16.
If students are found to be truant
ufder state law, they will become
subject to the new Habitual Truant
Interagency Agreement.
Through the collaboration and
sharing of resources the agencies
will identify habitual truants, grant,
exemptions in authorized case,
identify parental involvement in
the truant behavior -of students,
appoint case managers and identify
and enforce court custody place-
ment of children as necessary and
enact punishment for contempt of
The Florida Legislature enacted
requirements that schools report to
the Department of Highway and
Motor Vehicles the names, birth
dates and other information of stu-
dents who have reached the age of
14 and have 15 'consecutive, tn .-
cused absences in a period of 90
calendar days.
Students who fail to satisfy
attendance requirements ,will be
ineligible to maintain or obtain dri-
ving privileges.
In other business on Monday,
the board voted to approve a 48-
month lease agreement for new
copiers for five of the county's

The contract is with McCrim-
on's Office Systems, and it will
expire in November, 2009. The
monthly lease amount is $2,161.10
and falls within the existing bud-
In other areas, the school board
approved three contracts with pri-
vate consultants. They include


A The following activities are
scheduled in Baker County
schools for the week of February
6-11. This listing may be incom-
plete and subject to change with-
out notice.
*February 6-10: ME- Valen-
tine candy-grams for sale.
*February 6: District Wide-
School board meeting at 6:30
pm. BCHS- Drama auditions at
A 2-4 pm.
B -February 7: BCHIS- 10th
C grade writing review in the cafe-
teria. Drama auditions at 2-4
pm. KIS- FCAT writing test (4th
I grade). ME- Just Say No club
2 meeting at 8 am.
*February 8: BCHS-' Dama
auditions at 2-4 par. KIS- FCAT
writing test (4th 0 1..k, \\ E-
A School advisory council meet-
February 9: BCHS- Drama
auditions at 2-4 pnm.
*February 10: BCHS- Dra-
1 ma auditions at 2-4 pm. BCMS-
Valentine's Day dance in the
gym from 7-9:30 pm. ME-
3 Jump Rope for Heart. PK/K-
Dr. Weeks to visit kindergarten


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Heather Rothman, six hours per
week for the choreography and
teaching of the winterguard flag

for the week of
February 6-10
MONDAY: Breakfast pizza with milk and
TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit with milk and
WEDNESDAY: Cereal and toast with milk
and juice.
THURSDAY: Pancakes and apple slices
with milk and juice.
FRIDAY; Eggs and grits with milk and
MONDAY: Chicken sandwich or beef and
macaroni casserole, choice of two: peas, lettuce
and tomato slices, fruit and milk.
TUESDAY: Burrito or ham and cheese
sandwich, choice of two: potato wedges, slaw,
fruit and milk.
WEDNESDAY: Chicken nuggets or tuna
salad on lettuce, choice of two: potato rounds,
green beans, fruit with roll and milk.
THURSDAY: Turkey with cranberry sauce
or beef nuggets, choice of two: sweet potatoes,
salad, fruit with roll and milk.
FRIDAY: Vegetable soup and peanut butter
and jelly sandwich or turkey sandwich, choice of
two: French fries, veggies and dip, fruit and milk.
corp show for the 2006 season at
$500; Athena Brown for one full
day of substitute teacher training at
$500; Amy Steinbech for revision
of district ESE.

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THE BAKER. COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2006 Page Eleven

Wildcats stomp Broncos to take win

in first mund of district touament

Press Sports

The Wildcats boys basketball
team began the post-season the
same way it ended the regular sea-
son victorious.
They defeated Middleburg 55-
42 in the first round of their dis-
trict tournament. which is being
held at Bradford County High
The Cjts, who.are the third
seed, face second-seeded Santa Fe
.I'n February 10, beginning at 6:00

pm. The teams split their two
' games this season, with each win-
ning on its home court.
Against Middleburg, the Cats
jumped out early, getting a steal
and forcing a turnover on the
Broncos' first two possessions of
the game, then scoring off both
defense e pla\s.
At the end of the first quarter
they led 14-8. The lead would
have been much higher, but sever-
al good shots rimmed out..
The Cats were quick and deci-
sive on defense, holding Middle-
burg under double figures until
there was two minutes left in the'
first half.
In addition, the Broncos did not
shoot well when they had open
looks and failed to get second
shots becatUe the Cats .'. ned the
defensive board-.
But despite the dominatiori.
they led b\ just 22-13 at the half.

However, in a span of about
one minute and 40 seconds in the
third quarter, the Cats took control
of the game.
With the score 26-15, Dustin
Combs hit a three-pointer with,
3:47 on the clock.
Fifteen secorfds.later, he hit an-
other three..
Thirty-two seconds later, an-"
Just call him DC3.
The Broncos were able to
squeeze in a basket, but Justin
Gaskins also dialed 'long distance
to ring up a 3 -17 lead.
At the end of the third quarter,
the Cats were up 40-21.
If there %%ere any chance that
Middleburg would make a run, it
was extinLuihed v'..ith about sev-
en mininte, to go when the Bron-
cos' coach was hit with a techni-
cal foul.
The Cjat, converted the two

free throws, then added another
three-pointer to seal the deal.
The Broncos made it seem
closer by picking up some points
in an extended garbage time.
Coach Charles Ruise played
everyone, and most got significant
Nine different Cats scored,
with only Gaskins hitting double
figures at 16. Combs added nine
and Kyle Kennedy eight.
Gaskins also led the team with
six assists, while he and Andire\
Bowman each had' five rebounds.
. The Cats closed out their regu-
lar season last x' weekend with
home victories over West Nassau
February 3 and Union County the
next night.
The pair of wins raised their
record to 16-9 (6-4 in dikrrict).
The Cats finished the season on
a remarkable run, winning 14 out
of 16 games.

Left, Ca,.'r,ni Shouppe get, t:'.,ul't i a ldJJtl,t .,, defender.

Below, ,,ai:Lii H s Nassau, Justin Gaskins takes it to the,rack.

Apart from the hype, Super Bowl, ads fun to watch

The Pittsburgh Steelers' win oer the
Seatile Seaha,. ks in Sunday's Super Bowl is
a clear indication that the old sports cliche
"it ain't over till it's o'. Vr," is ali e and v. ell
The Steelers came back from a miserable
first-half performance to win the game and,
notch their fifth ring, tying them with Dallas
and San Francisco.
The Steelers couldn't do much of any-
thing right in the first half. Big Ben
Roethlisberger was very tight and not con-
necting with receivers. The running game
wasn't clicking and the usually reliable
defense was giving up a lot of yardage.
But to the Steelers' benefit, Seattle could-
n't put them away. They got into the red
zone and couldn't score. The onhl thing that
they had to show for it was a field goal.
Near the end of the half, the Steelers
scored in what soccer commentators call

Lifters get

ready for

'06 season

Press Sports

The Baker County High
School boys' weightlifting team
met officially February 6 for its
first practice.
"We currently have about 36
lifters that will be lifting for
points," said coach Scott McDon-
ald. He is assisted this year by

Johns' coaching
experience includes
two state titles.

new football head coach Bobby
Johns' coaching experience in-
cludes two state weightlifting ti-
tles. With all three of last year's
state contenders Kevin Stone,

."against the run of play." In other words, the
Seahawks were -dominating the game only
to have Pittsburgh score on a dipuied .ill
Was Roethlisberger: over
for the goal line or wasn't -.
he? It was a very close call. : '
Big Ben's helmet certainly .
broke ihe plane of the goal
line, but it was far from .' .
clear the ball did.. ..
If it could go wrong for
the Seahawks, it went
wrong. A field goal went
wide right. A field goal -.; ... -:
squirted wide left. Poor '..:. ...
clock management, the ... .. '.
last thing you'd expect
from a Mike Holmgren coached team, cost
the Hawks at the end'of the.first half.
Matt Hasselback's receivers had a case of

the dropsies., Jerramy Stevens, who caught
the only Seahawk touchdown, dropped three
easy passes that could have set up scores or

'.J. 4

prol,'ngcd drives. Darrell,
Jackson, who shone in the
first quarter, became the
invisible man for the other
For the Steelers, big
plays and gadget plays
were the order of the
night. Receiver Antwaan
Randle El, a former quar-
terback at Indiana, threw a
perfect spiral to Super
Bowl. MVP Hines Ward
for a touchdown. Willie

Parker broke through the line and raced 75
yards for the longest rushing play in Super,
Bowl history.

From a viewing standpoint, it was a fun
game to watch. There was the "will he or
won't he'.' question of Jerome Bettis' retire-
ment. He did.
There was' the spectacular halftime show
featuring Mick Jagger and the Rolling
Stones. They sang live, unlike some half-
time shows where it was all on tape.
And there were the great commercials.
Though they weren't quite as memorable as
in some previous years, we had good ones.
The Clydesdale pony trying to pull the
Budweiser wagon, the caveman who didn't
use Fed-Ex, the revolving refrigerator and
the CareerBuilder monkeys were-all good.
' I skipped all of the hype. I didn't watch
any of the pre-game shows and only turned
on the game a little after kickoff. I'm con-
vinced that's the way to do it. I missed all the
heartwarming features and historical per-
spective. Too bad.

Turnout high for boys,

girls track team tryouts

Lucious Lee spots Josh Trippett during boys weightlifting team practice.

Matthew Craig and Christopher
Miller graduated, none of the
current lifters has state competi-
tion experience.
This year's schedule includes

opponents such as Bolles, Suwan-
nee and Union, which are all good
teams according to McDonald.
The team's first match will be
at home on March 1 against
Suwannee County at 4:00 pm.

Press Sports
The Baker County Middle
School is holding tryouts this
week for its track team, but those
who tried out last year will see a
big difference in the team.
"We had around 80 kids on the
boys' and girls' team combined
and only two coaches, myself and
Anne Cassidy," said boys coach
Jon Mobley.
This year the team will have 15
spots on each team and with near-
ly 40 kids showing up for the first
day of tryouts and more predicted
later in the week, the competition
will be stiff.
Tryouts began after group
stretches and included timed
sprints and mile runs. Later in the
week, throwing events will be
Coaches Mobley and Cassidy
will be assisted by Jennifer
Richardson this year.


The Wildcats baseball team started
its preseason action with a 5-4 win.
against the Union County Tigers in the
Diamond Classic.
The winning pitcher was Jarrell
Rogers. Kelly Davis went deep for the
"We're right where we want them to
be at this point, we've got a long way to
go, said head coach John Staples,
"We're pleased with their progress and
work ethic."
The team will travel to Union County
February 9, to face an opponent deter-
mined by tournament action February 8.

Unfortunately, the Lady Cats didn't
fare as well, dropping their season open-
er 10-1 to the Clay Blue Devils.
In addition,' their Preseason Classic
scheduled for February 4 was rained
I The girls' next game is at Hilliard
February 9. Their next home game is
February 17 also against the Flashes.

1 ')




Coach Jon Mobley times
Cassie Register at track tryouts.
Track team members will be
announced Friday and the first
meet will be February 28.


Lady Cat pitcher Tiffany Smith

February 9
Baseball at Union County
Softball at Hilliard, 6 pm.
February 10
Softball at Lake Butler, 7 pm.
Boys' basketball district tourna-
ment at Bradford County, 6 pm.
February 11
Boys' basketball- district tourna-
ment at Bradford County.
February 14
Baseball at Middleburg, 4/6:30

7. I- ',k -,.- -"IW k
L.--,: L.1n.f. thr.-wigh fh li:ari

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Twelve

Reckless ATV driving

An ATV rider was charged with
reckless driving the morning of
February 4 and ran into the home
of his parents after he was con-
fronted by a county deputy.
Marice Ruise, 27, was at the
wheel of the ATV speeding and
swerving on Oscar Ruise Road
when Deputy Curtis Ruise saw
him that morning.
Earlier, the officer fielded a
complaint by another county de-
puty, James Stalnaker, that the
ATV was doing the same thing
near his residence off Cow Pen
Road near Fred Harvey Rd.
The previous day, Deputy Stal-
naker issued a warning to Mr'.
Ruise because his driver's license
has been suspended four times.
As Deputy Ruise confronted the
driver that morning, he said Mr.

Disabled van

stolen, found

When the owner of a 1992 Chev-
rolet van that had been left at'the
Exxon Store west of Sanderson
returned to retrieve it on January
30, he found it had been stolen.
Short ly after Lawrence Presnell
of Pensacola reported the tlieft, the
van was recovered in Jacksonville.
His wife left the van parked at
the location near Interstate 10
three days before tiier it devel-
oped mechanical trouble. She left
the keys on a tire, and they were
later found by a third party and
given to the store clerk.
In other cases, Bobbie L.ind
reported a 1995 Mercury, stolen
from her residence off Jack Dow-
ling Circle in north Baker County.
The theft occurred on February
3 and the owner named a 24-year-
old daughter who lives with her as
a suspect.
On January 25, a 1997 Toyota
truck stolen from a Jacksonville
man was recovered near Olustee.
Deputy Curtis Ruise found the
vehicle parked in a dit.-h :irff I S 90
five days earlier.



~-' ~



Ruise turned and walked into his
parents' home, refusing to come
out until Sgt. Thomas Dyal arrived
at the scene.
He was charged with driving on
the suspended license and resisting
Deputy Ruise.

Before you snap that photo you'
think we'll want to put in the
newspaper, check with us!
If at all possible, we'll arrange
to have someone there
to take it for you.
It's our job!
The more notice you give, the bet-
ter chance you have.

Olustee Prelude
The 4th Annual Prelude to
Olustee will take place Saturday,
February 11, 2006 at the Baker
County Courthouse from 4:00 un-
til 6:00pm.
The event is sponsored by the
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Capt. Winston Stephens Camp
2041 and the Baker County His-
torical Society. Historical artifacts
will be on display and the event is
free. Donations are encouraged.
Writer Lewis Schmidt, Korean
War veteran and author of The
Battle of Olustee and other works
of military history, will present a
lecture and color slide presenta-
tion entitled "The War Between
the States in Florida."
'This special event is in honor
of the late Gene Barber, a Mac-
clenny native, accomplished artist
and originator of The Prelude To:
Olustee event.
He was a charter member of
Stephens Camp and a past presi-
dent of the Baker County Histori-
cal Society. Further information
may be obtained by contacting
Alvin Kyle III at 912-843-8205.


Avery special thank you from Shannon Citner, Pasior of,
Macclenny Church of God.
In our recent Sharing the "Y" fundi:isecr (fihfir)) we
raised over $30001 It was our privilege to give back to our
community and support such a worthy cause. We %wou ld like
to express a special 'Thank You' to all of those who helped
us by purchasing tickets and dropping by. Also, I would like
to extend a special appreciation to the Macclenny Church of
God, our sheriff, Joey Dobson and the Baker County
Sheriff's Dcpartmcni, Pastors David & Timmy Thomas and
Christian Fellowship Temple, Asst. Pastor Jim Cox of Taylor
Church, YMCA staff and a special thanks to Dad (Toppy
It was because of your help this endeavor was a huge suc-
cess !!

Reaching 80% of the households in Baker County.
Baker County's Paid Circulation Leader Since 1929. Member



It's time for Softball Sign-ups!

Ages 5-18

at Girls Softball Complex

Saturday, Feb. 1110:00 2:00

I .* $45.00 1st child, $25.00 2nd child, in family

Bring birth certificate and insurance information.

If you are interested in coaching,

there will be a meeting February 7 --

at 6:30 pm at the Girls Softball

Complex. Call 259-7050 for more

S information.

.', ',' '

ii C

We build in-ground pools
We sell and install
DOUGHBOY above-ground pools
Service Renovations,* Cleaning
Repairs Chemicals Parts
698-E West Macclenny Ave.
(next to Raynor's Pharmacy)
Fall and Winter hours:
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Open Wednesday Friday
10 am-6pm
Saturday 10 am 2 pm

(CPC 053903)


Sand ~ Field dirt ~ Slag hauled
904-445-8836 days
904-653-2493 evenings
Tires Rims Exhaust
Buckshot Goodyear Michelin
Nitto BOSS Eagle MSR
Custom exhaust Flowmaster
Turbo, Glaspaks
Call today for the best price!
For hire
Dirt 'l IL
2/9 1 6p

I.H- iirh' Air Electrical service
Licensed and Insured
Lic. #ETI 1000707
Lic. #RA13067193,
Lic. #RA13067194 4/21 t

lidL .*. ,,R d c.ih i"e i,
Modulars -Lustom w yrk

Lcroy Johannes


Jack Lee Construction,
Award winning design department
Design/build your dream home on
your lot or ours
CBC#058222 1/26-2/23c

Interior & Exterior Painting
Pressure washing ~ Punch-outs
Free estimates
Licensed 15 years exp.
Ask for David
Well drilling
Water conditioning purification
New septic systems
Drain field repairs
We're your water experts
kr,. b. uli our 29th year in business
Credit cards gladly accepted
Fully licensed & insured
Florida & Georgia


Engineered trusses f. ',,inr u..'
Home Barn Shed Etc.
Free estimates

t I Lic,liRC006700t3


* Air conditioners Heat pump's
Major appliances -
24 hour, 7 day emergency service!
Call Vince Farnesi, Owner-Operator
7/ lie
Tim Sweat
Licensed Insured Bonded
Transport Set-up MH Pads


New construction & residential
Experienced & dependable
Reasonable rates
Licensed & insured
References available


Specializing in all types of
Stucco and Stone
Local and Out-of-Town
\. 7L y- e rust, I 1. b l. l ine .
17 years in business

Septic Tanks, Tractor Work,
New Systems, I': iit..
Sump Pumps, Culverts,
Slag Hauled and Spread
Professional painting
Pressure washing
Interior exterior
Residential commercial
Fully insured Locally owned
25 years experience


Screen rooms Patio c
Room additions

Bush hog Dirt work
Land clearing Tree service
Free estimates
Contact Mike

2" and 4" wells
Roger Raulerson
Fill dirt White sand
Excavating Debris removal
1)p Backhoc work & Land clearing
Lee Waddell, owner

Custom I lomes
-Residential Commercial-
-New construction-

545-8316 cell
Keith Muse, Owner
CBC#1 250391
Water softeners Iron fi
Sales Rentals Servi
Total water softener sup]
Salt delivery

Financing ,i I'.. -
797 S. 6th Street, Macclenny



Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases,
drawing pads and much more!
110 South Fifth Street

Culverts Installed
Tim Johnson

High quality work
No job too big or sm
New construction & remoi


del work


/24-5//6p Tree removal Light hauling
G, INC. Stump removal
repairs We haul or buy junk cars and trucks
ient We sell horses
es Licensed Insured
Free estimates
9/9tfc 24 hour service
ING Call Danny
* vinyl 259-7046
Jesus is the Only Way
2 11/4-11/4/06p
1/26-2/23p BUG OUT SERVICE
NATIVES Since 1963
Residential and Commercial
3 Pest control
)lans Lawn and Shrub care
nations Termite protection
ferences Damage repair guarantees
4/30tfc Free estimates Call today!
CTOR Sentricon Colony
NC. Elimination System
t leveling 259-8759
verts 2/17tfc

So many options!
See our catalogs at
The Office Mart
110 South 5th Street

Design / Build
Your plans or our plans
Bentley Rhoden -



Locally owned and operated
We service: refrigerators, washers,
dryers ranges, microwaves,
dishwashers and window A/Cs
All work guaranteed
Independent Authorized Service
Home repairs Remodeling
Mark Stevens
Lic#RR0067433 12/29-6/29p
Free estimates



All types of pest control
Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan,
Bill or Philip
Beverly Monds Owner
11 /16tfc
After-hours computer repair
Networking, training,
graphic design and writing
Call Cheryl

a 9ViW!TU 'I:.4 7r014,f7.% tt1


-.r ..y (S -"r r DJf Gj ) ,;d-l"|

overs INC.
Garbage pickup for Baker County
Roll off Dumpsters
i/o9-2/1tp 259-5692
ORK Kent Kirkland, Owncr/Operator

Commercial residential
Many references on request
30 years experience
Ica cfl flQ


New roofs '" Roof
Roof replace
Free estimate

Wood chainlink
Pool decks

Custom house p
to your specific
Qualified Good re

1/12-3/9p WORKS, IT
INC. Finish grading Dir
Mowing Cubv
lters Slag driveway
ce 259-3691

plies Licensed and Ins





N" -1 4 ORM
'-IkJ k- ge



-17% -i.W-N'AFMAW,


Wim- m "



To place, correct or cancel an ad by phone,
call 904-259-2400
DEADLINE: Placement, correction or cancellation of ads may be phoned
in anytime before Monday at 4 p.m. for publication on Thursday.


Line Ads:
15 words for $4.50
25c each add'I word

Service Ads:
15 words for $6.00
: 25c each add'I word

Classified ads and notices must be paid in
advance, and be in our office no later than 4:00 pm
the Monday preceding publication, unless other-
wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed pro-
vided they are accompanied by payment and
instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified
Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Mac-
clenny, FL 32063. We cannot assume responsibility
for accuracy of ads or notices given over the tele-
phone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be
limited to the first publication only. If after that
time, the ad continues to run without notification of
error by the person or agency for whom it was pub-
lished, then that party assumes full payment re-
sponsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the
right to refuse advertising or any other material
which in the opinion of the odblisier does not meet
standards of publication.

Auto audio amplifier MTX, Thunder
275X with two 10" Kicker Competition
speakers in enclosure,, 200 watts,
$125; 742-9399.. 2/9p
King pillowtop, new with warranty,
$259, can deliver. 904-391-0015.,
Firewood. Great deals on oak. Call
485-0797 or 588-6687. 1/19-2/9p
Free Canon printer, Bubble Jet series
with color ink cartridge, software for
.printing projects and manuals, hasn't
been used in a whie, may not, work.
Computer keyboard, $5 or free with
printer. Call 259-2650, leave message.
Yessir! The Franklin Mercantile is
open Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:00
pm. At the railroad crossing in Glen.
259-6040. 126tfc
Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece,
excellent condition. Southern Charm
259-4140. 12/9tfc
Luxury Queen pillowtop, in plaslic:
: nh. .6.--$193 dL90-J-3c l00 -
Butterfly 'ining table iran c6-airs,
very ornate. tluiecl legs, rare, half:
round foyer console. All pieces are ma-
hogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-,
4140. 2/3tfc
Queen orthopedic set, $129, new, in
plastic, can deliver. 904-398-5200.
Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront
china cabinet, buffet, all mahogany,
can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-
4140. 12/9tfc
Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors,
canvases, drawing pads and much
more! The Office, Mart, 110 S. Fifth
Street, 259-3737. tfc
6 piece Bassett bedroom suite with 4
poster bed, looks new, $1500 nego-
tiable. 653-2084 or 904-566-2428.2/9p
Yamaha 450 Kodiak 4 wheeler, 4x4,
low hours, garage kept, excellent con-
dition, $4500; Ludwig 7 piece drum
set, $350. 259-3810. 2/9p
Used appliances, 90 day warranty.
266-4717. 2/9-4/27p
Queen size Craftmatic bed, with mas-
sage, good condition, $400. 259-2174.
Garden compost. Will load your pick
up for $20. 259-3547. 2/9-3/2p
Get ready for spring! Azaleas, 1 gal.,
$1.50; 3 gal., $4.00. 2/9p
Slide-in camper $350; Ab-doer exer-
ciser $20; Oak side board cabinet,
1930, $250: 912-843-8140 St. George.


Costl erud H y'

Woodlawn Cemetery. 3 plots, lot 17,
east section of cemetery, 2 adjoining, 1
single, $600 each. 850-894-4952.2/9p
Lift kit, fits Ford F250, 5.5" with 6
shocks, four 35" ProComp radials,
everything new, $1000 OBO. 813-
4215. 2/9p
Galaxy Pluto CB, loaded, $150; Icon
V8000, $200; 300 watt Gray; 300 watt
Lineaer, $160. 68&-4697, 2/9p
1997 Four Winds infinity, 30 ft. Class
A motor home, 2 A/Cs,'Onan genera-
tor, 57K, many extras, NADA $22,500,
sell for $20,995 OBO. 904-612-0615.
1999 Stratos Vindicator 273, 150 HP
Johnson, valued at $13,200, asking
$10,000. 904-838-1230. 2/9p
3 piece leather living room set sofa,
loveseat & recliner, maroon, excellent
condition, purchased from Rooms to
Go in May '05, $1200 firm. 259-9649 or
591-0958. 2/9-16p
Cochrane solid oak dinette set oval
table with extra leaf, 4 chairs, corner
hutch with glass upper cabinet doors,
$600. 259-2313. 2/9tfc
L --...Lfa. l_ QM.

1,996 Chrysler LHS, leather interior, all
electric, CD changer, white with gold
trim, runs great. 275-2099 after 6:00
pm. 2/9p
1999 Dodge Ram 1500, quad cab, V8,
black, 2 WD, 52,000 miles, extended
warranty, new tires, $11,500 OBO.
259-3837. 2/9p
1997 Chevrolet Z-71, 4x4, 8000 lb.
Warn winch, $6500. 904-838-1230.

In... 8D~%_,J .th.eJ.useh1Qlds,.
in Baker County


Now accepting antique furniture on
consignment. Pieces have to be in
good condition. Call Karin at Southern
Charm 259-4140., 2/13tfc
Do you have a junk car or truck you
want hauled off or.to sell? 259-7968.
Tree trimming removal and clean up.
Licensed and insured. 259-7968.
10/21 tfc
Babysitting 1-5 years, limited space,
private home care, 121 N. Macclenny.
259-3323. 2/9p

Bit beautiful blockhead Pitbull pup-
pies, 8 weeks old, all shots & wormed,
$100. Come & take a look! 259-4898.
Dogs: all types from puppies to adults.
Animal Control, $50 boarding fees will
apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc

Found: Small dog on Crews Rd. Call
to identify. 259-2229. 2/9

-Il^ ^T??

Notice to readers:
The newspaper often publishes classified
advertising on subjects like work-at-home,
weight loss products, health products.
While the newspaper uses reasonable dis-
cretion in deciding on publication of such
ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truth-
fulness of claims. Respondents should use
caution and common sense before sending
any money or making other commitments
based on statements and/or promises; de-
mand specifics in writing. You can also call
the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-
FT--FFG-HELP-to find out how to spot fraudu-
lent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds
too good to, be true, it probably is.
-The Baker County Press
Exterior & interior construction debris
clean up person, full time. Call 259-
2255 or 259-3343. 1/12tfc



Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is In need
of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility.

Good benefits. Pay based on experience.

Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler

or call 1-800-486-7504

Wall Timber Products is in need of
company drivers & owner operators,
must have one year experience, bene-
fit packages available. Call Frank at
904-237-3904. 1/26-2/16p
Local home health care agency seek -
ing full time Physical Therapist for local
and surrounding areas. Call 259-3111
for details. 2/24tfc
Driver needed. Class A or B, Hazmat,
clean driving record. Apply in person or
call Les at L.V. Hiers, Inc. 259-2314.
Recycling Technician II. The New
River Solid Waste Association is seek-
ing to hire a full time employee for the
position of Recycling Technician II.
The duties will include collection & pro-
cessing of recyclable materials, super-
vising inmate labor & other duties as
needed. Applicants must have a high
school or GED diploma, a Class B or
higher CDL, & the physical dexterity
necessary to complete the required
duties. Starting salary is $9.50 per
hour, salary commensurate with expe-
rience. Applications may be obtained
at the office of New River Solid Waste
Association on SR 121, 3 miles north
of Raiford, FL, Monday-Friday, be-
tween 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Deadline for
applications is Tuesday, February 21,
2006. 2/9-16p
Now hiring for housekeeper. Apply in
person between 9:00 am-3:00 pm at
Travelodge, 1651 S. 6th St. No. Phone
Calls! 2/2-9c
Pier 6 Seafood now accepting appli-
cations for all positions. 259-6123.2/2-
Florida Times Union carrier requires
part time help on Sundays only, must
have dependable car. 259-5246.



Well Drilling

2" & 4" Wells

Call Roger or Roger Dale

Family Owned & Operated
hifc Licensed & Insured /



- i

Friday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 5 miles on 121
on left. Furniture, dishes, etc.
Friday only 8:00 am-2:00 pm, Hwy 90 to
Glen to 139B, turn on Klein Rd, last house
on right. Kids' clothes boy's 8-10, girl's 8-
10, toddler 18 months-2T & more.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm,
Madison St.. Glen.
Saturday 8:00 am-?. 150 W. Ohio Ave.
Saturday 8:30 am-?, 545 Cardinal Lane.
121 N. near ballfields. Clothing, toys,
household items. Inside moving sale.

Saturday 7:00 am-noon, 808 Fox Run
Circle. Furniture, clothes & household items.
Saturday 8:00 am-?, 715 Short Putt Drive. Dining room table with
chairs & hutch, 2 swivel rockers in good shape, baby boy clothes,
baby carrier, other household items & clothes, handmade beaded jew-
elry by Dazzle Jewelry.

Saturday 8:00 am-?, 125 N, Glen, about 3 miles to Bob Burnsed Rd.
Huge moving sale. Multi family. Cancel if rains.

Children's outreach assistant. Reli-
able person to present programs to
preschool & elementary age children.
High school graduate with valid Florida
driver's license, basic computer skills,
use of internet & e-mail knowledge re-
quired. Knowledge of children's litera-
ture, working with children & children's
programming desirable. $8/hour, 25
hours/week, Monday-Friday. Apply in
person at Emily Taber Public Library,
14 W Mclver St., Macclenny, FL. Appli-
cation period closes Tuesday, Febru-
ary 28, 2006, at 5:00 pm. Emily Taber
Public Library is a drug free workplace.
EOE. 2/2-9c

Eighth Judicial Circuit Court Admin-
istration, Digital court reporter #7725,
starting salary $31,043 annually, clos-
ing date: Friday, February 10, 2006.
For detailed information, visit our web-
site at http://www.circuit8.org. EOE.
Part time with full time potential. Look-
ing for motivated, qualified person in
Baker and surrounding counties. Expe-
rience in sales helpful. Reply with re-
sume and references to P.O. Box 598,
Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc
Pipe foreman & operators. Allbright
Contracting 259-0792. 2/9p


Local $575 $675 Home Every Night

OTR $650-$800+ Home 1-2 Nights Plus Weekends
Health/Life Insurance Available Paid Vacation
401K Weekly Bonus $500 Quarterly Safety/Performance Bonus
DOT Inspection Bonus Driver Referral Bonus

CALL 1-800-808-3052


Manager Trainees

& Cooks
Full Time & Part Time.
Apply in person at

WOOd3'S r38 Q
Located in Winn-Dixie Shopping Center, Macclenny


$2,000 Sign-On Bonus

For a limited time only!!,
With one year OTR experience.


Top pay-up to .40 cpm w/5 yrs.

Guaranteed Hometime

Health & Disability Ins. Available

Life & Dental Ins. Provided

401 K available

Safety Bonus

800-874-4270 #6
HWY. 301 S., Starke, Fla.



FR3N AG 13

Experienced painters needed. Must
, have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc
Dump truck driver, must have Class B
CDL & good driving record. 259-6172.
Framers/carpenters needed. Top pay
plus benefits for work on westside of
Jacksonville, transportation provided
Monday-Friday. 386-266-0179 or 386-
266-0236. 2/9-23p
Experienced cooks & cashiers
needed. Apply in person at Ronie's
Food, US 90, Glen St. Mary. 2/9c

Notice to Readers
All real estate advertising in this newspaper
is subject to the Fair Housing Act which
makes it illegal to advertise "any preference,
limitation or discrimination based on race,
color, religion,'sex, handicap, familiar status
or national origin, or an intention, to make
any such preference, limitation or discrimi-
nation." Familial status includes children un-
O der the age of 18 living
with parents or legal cus-
todians, pregnant women
and people securing cus-
tody of children under 18.
EQUAL HOUSING This newspaper will not
OPPORTUNITY knowingly accept any ad-
vertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. Our readers
are hereby informed that all dwellings adver-
tised in this newspaper are' available on an
equal opportunity basis. To complain of dis-
crimination, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-
9777. The toll free telephone number for the
hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
1 acre in Glen with or without dou-
blewide home. With $75,000 without
$45,000. Nice location, dead end road,
convenient to 1-10, near schools. 338-
7153. 2/2-23p
3 BR, 1 BA, completely remodeled, .24
acres, 233 MLK Drive, $69,500. 742-
1843. 2/9p
3 BR, 1'/2 BA brick home, 1380 SF liv-
ing, garage & carport, fenced back
yard, brand new A/C & carpet, corner
city lot, $148,000. 259-2618 or 904-
349-0525. 2/9-16p
2 homes for price of 1! 1.77 acres & 2
mobile homes, live in one, rent the
other. This is a real buy you have a
home & some land. Call Margie
Walker, Realtor, 613-8438 for your pri-
vate showing. 2/9-3/2p
3BR, 2 BA home on 1 acre in Mac-
clenny II, 1805 SF, $249,000. 553-
2718. 1/26-2/16p
8.18 acres, zoned agricultural, planted
in pinto .palm trees, with well, septic
tank & light pole, ready to move on. Off
Mallie Davis Road. Great investment,
$120,000. Call 259-3763, leave mes-
sage. 1/19-2/9p.

D ri'.,r:,
Home Every Weekend
Company Drivers
Up to 41 /mile
1 ,ear T/TF vperience &
MVR ,F qui ,d
Owner Operators
880/mile ALL MILES
Excellent Fuel Surcharge Program
No NYC or Canada Paid Fuel
Taxes, ia.e Plte,: Permits
Medical & Disability Ben. Available
SE Regional Runs Now Available!!
Lease Purchase Program
2004 Model Trucks
Low Payments & Miles
Excellent Warranty

Transport System, Inc.

Call Doug todayat:

Individual looking for one acre or less
for mobile home or modular home.
259-6811. 2/9

Brand new waterfront home, Mac-'
clenny Cypress Pointe, 2000 SF, 4 BR,
2 BA, $1495/month: 904-860-5564,
904-288-6497 or 904-ibi7-6709.2/2-9p
Furnished, 2 BR, 2 BA,' $300/deposit,
$550/month, 2 references. 259-4460.
Cypress Pointe. 3, BR, 2 BA brand
new house with screen porch, available
February 20. For rent or lease with one
year contract, $1250/month, $500 de-
posit. 407-810-8363 or.407-9330 ask
for Michael. 2/9-16p
New home for rent, 3,BR, 1 BA, tile
flooring, living room, kitchen/dining
room combo, on 1 acre'in Macclenny.
All electric appliances, $800 security
deposit, $800/month. Please call 259-
2255. 2/9tfc
Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C, no
pets, $500-$550 plus deposit. 904-860-
4604 or 259-6156. 3/17tfc
Rent to Own or Purchase. 1997, 3
BR, 2 BA doublewide on beautiful 2.5
acre with large pond near Taylor. 904-
477-8995. 2/9-16p
3 BR, 2 BA on 2 acres with 2 ponds,
$650/month, $650 deposit. Call John at
259-1356 or Dean at 396-5611.2/9-16p
2 BR, 2 BA mobile home, River
Heights MH Park, $400/month, $200
deposit, no pets. 259-3148 or 904-891-
4053. 2/9-16p
4 BR, 1 BA brick home in city limits,
new carpet, tile, appliances,
$850/month, $850 deposit, no pets or
smoking. 813-5558. 2/9p
3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets,
garbage pickup' & water pr.:.idd $600
per month, $600 deposit. 912-843-
8118.. 12/22tfc

1 acre lot for mobile home in Macedo-
'nia area off Odis Yarborough. Call
Brian at 759-5734 or 259-6735. 3/24tfc


Find out what's going on
around town with the newspa-
per that has it all.
Take a few moments to read
the paper each week, and
you'll stay on top of local news
and developments'that affect
you and your family.

Circulation leader since 1929
904-259-2400 *bcpress@nefcom.net
104 South Fifth St., Macclenny

Serving ALL your real estate needs! o






www.floridacrownrealty corn
Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker
Josle Davis, Sales Associate
Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate
Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate

799 S. 6th St., Macclenny

..-. 259-6555
Sf, X, ,----


600 SF office & storage, A/C, heating,
phone lines, separate meter, $400 per
month, $400 deposit. Call David at
259-2602. 1/26-2/9p

1996 Homes of Merit, 28x68, 3 BR, 2
BA, fireplace; large country kitchen,
lots of cabinets & counterspace; large
MBR & bath with garden tub, double
sinks, separate shower; lots of extras,

must see! $46,000, You move. 259-
5895 after 3:00 pm.

Need a Job? Check us out -

Licensed Florida & Georgia Broker

A lw-

4 A

-..IA i St Mary's River Bluff
Gorgeous 48RB2BA Fleetwood on
2 56 acres of beautifully land-
scaped property Large open iloor
-c .., .. plan with vaulted cathedral ceil-
ings, formal DR & LR plus a great
room. Jacuzzl tuD with separate shower in enormous master bath.
New privacy fencing in a home that looks & feels brand new. Just
north of the FL/GA line In walking distance ot the St Mary's River.
Don't miss all this value for onlt $129,900
Monlac/St George
Lovely starter 2000 28x48 Ploneer
mobile rome 3BR/2BA home with
split floor plan. Large eat-in
SKitchen, large master bair with
garden tub and separate shower.
Added bonus- fish, pond stocked with bream & catfish. 2 unlity sheds
and rear deck Sits on a corner lot on Highway 185. S.99,900 00
10 acres on south side of Highway 84. zoned residential, 285 acres on
north side zoned AG-295 acre total Currently all uplands planted in
27 year.old ,lash pine. Timber scheduled to be cut soon Very close to
town and surrounds.school making this an ideal tract fo, residential
development $4.000 per acre prior to cutting, $2600 after cutinq.
Interlachen Lake Access
22 acre lot In Inteilachen with access to beautiful Lake Grandin.
Very few of these lots are left. Most have been purchased by
investors $15,000 00
7.90 acres close to intersection of CR 125 & CR 127. Zoned for
home or mobile home not older than 5 years. One of very few large
parcels left with zoning tot mobile home. Reduced $94,500 00


A little piece of heaven on the St. Mary's River
Don't miss this opportunity. A
pristine river lot with a 2/2 all
Cypress home silting on 2.5
acres on the St Mrary's River
made from thrie woods of the
earth Cypress siding, 3" heart -
pine wood flooring, redwood
counter tops. Wood burning fire-
place, spacious kitchen, walk-in
pantry, too many features to lqst
in this ad. Home needs to be ttnlshed and buyer will pay $3000
towards finishing 2nd BR and BA Price a bargain at $189.900.

Bryceville -
3 BR'2 BA, updated 1983 DW/'MH .
on 2 acres with split floor plan, -
above ground pool, new green .
metal roof, fenced arind cross s ., ,
fenced, outside storage shed and '
owner will leave hot tub that ha's -.
not been installed yet.
$149.900 00
Hilliard / ] 11
7.67 acrew i
maintained .. .

OR, on county

Nice large lot on
d house still on

west jacnsunvmlle
8 35 acres with 1400 SF brock home that was not completed. Some
framing and electric have been done. Septc and wen on property but
are nWt guaranteed to work There is a p:nd on the property and is
zoned for hlvestrjck Has chain link fencing. $650,lX0.
Murray HIll/Lakeshore
Commercial bulldrig with 3004 SF that could be rented to 3 tenants.
$450.000 Commercial 2 story, 3153 SF building that can acrcommo-

Vi .o 1. .NT,
"y~ V NA .v if .',", 'i ,. /% o '

Commercial Lot 4.14 IM, q. ft. 1111
ti. frontagc on SR 121. Located
hctmeen \Vattle House and D.iN \
Inn. aidj,.cent to I-1il. $125.000.
Lot on Little St. ,larv's River, con-
\cnientil located b-tv. ecn Glen St.
MlaJr\ and MIKacclenn\ Tils lcht il\
1.(od,,.J liot[ is ret-.rickled to sit builI
homes onl\. cre + priced al
Aict 3 BR I BA frame home \~ith
nc\\ \nml sidline nd CH .-\. Rc-

centl\ remodeled and read\ tO mo\e
into. Located on Tonm Gi\ens Road
in Sanderson on 1 jcrc. AlTordabl)
Wis. priced al $136,500.

Bring the kids and their horses. 14..SS nice acres. Part ha, field and part
wooded \ ith small creek and catfish pond. 3 BR 2 BA double ide MH
wvitth e\trj hookup for a second NIH and two e\tra vells. Convenient to
.lackon% ille. Located on N\\ 2loth Street in Lav, te\. Priced at $179,000.

I cr Clean 3BR 2B.A on .7 acre.
This 1L-),5 1-l\hn single ide mobile
liome has been cle.ined & fresh)
painted. Locatied on a pajed road
ind reA.d\ to moe in. Nice area on
NludLke Rd. Affoidable at $64,900.



be reno-

\jaid tfr office or other commercial use
Lol size i- appruximacly l52\112 Neur
ne,, C.pre.;s Pointe Suhdim', n. Build
',our business hcre $150.000.



IES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc.

6 k4 Licensed Real Estate Broker

259-7709 338-4528 cell
We can show and sell all listings!


Well established business in the fastest
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Excellent corner lot location!
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Richard's Grocery
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386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny
Owner will stay on to train you for 6 months.



3 bedroom, 2 bath
home, back & side
screened porches,
.large family room,
large bonus room,
large fenced back
yard, stove &
refrigerator. Must
see to appreciate.
In Macclenny city

Anne Kitching
Sales Associate
962-8064 cell.

Wendy Smith
Sales Associate
710-0528 cell.

Tina Melvin
Sales Associate
233-2743 cell.

with all stock & equipment

325,, 00
Also, a 4 BR house and mobile
home lots (4) can be sold
Call for price & details!

4 BR house and
four rental mobile home
lots, rented at $140 each


3 BR, I BA home with wood '7
floors, CH/A in the city. ,.
Currently rented for
$109 ,000

Excellent commercial corner
lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92
acres. $200,000.
1997 Homes of Merit 4 Bedroom,
2 Bath doublewide on 2.90 acres.
Bring the horses or 4 wheeler. New
electric range and refrigerator, new
Berber carpet, new cabinets & coun-
tertops!! $104900
Well & Septic Tank on 1.90 acres.
Lot just right for your mobile home.
Convenient location. $35,000
Vacant city lot .83 acres in good
location, close to schools. $44,900

Seventy Acres- $2,500 per acre.
Moccasin Creek. Like to hunt and
fish, call us about this land in the
country $175,000
Commercial- 2 lots on US 90 in
Glen St. Mary. Excellent commercial
use. Has access to water and sewer.
2 Lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary
with building. Excellent business
opportunity. Has water & sewer.
Currently rented at $1100/month.

Go through Home several times most weeks
Home most w.eelerds Personalized dispatching
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Bonus up to.: 1 200 per year Driver of the fear
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Cross Blue Shield medical and dental insurance
Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving
904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898

521 South SixtkStreet, Ste. C, Macclenny

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Fifteen

Cousin is accused of stealing jewelry

A cousin from the White Springs,
Florida area was named as a sus-
pect in the theft of $2218 in jewel-
ry from Seanetta Robinson and her
daughter of Sanderson.
The victim said the items, most-
ly rings, bracelets and necklaces,
had been missing since Thanks-
giving and she.suspected:the cou-
She did not report the crime un-
til the early morning hours of Feb-
ruary 3 after she saw a 15-year,-old,
girl whoq lives in her neighborhood
off Leonard. Ford Road wearing
one of her necklaces, earrings and
a charm:- .
. The teen then confirmed that
the cousin, identified as Quame
Russ, had given the items to- her
about the same' time they went -

Ms. Robinson said she did not
report the theft earlier because she
did not see the cousin take the
jewelry from a purse, but made

several attempts to contact her by
telephone since Thanksgiving.
The case was referred to a sher-
iff's investigator.

We're On-line F www.bakercouritypress.com

Celebrating 75 Years as Baker County's Circulation leader

Battery at the Alternative School

A 16-year-old male student
from Macclenny was arrested the
.afternoon of January 31 for rough-
. ing up a fellow student at the Al-
ternative School and attempting to
take money from him.
Principal John Staples said the
accused confronted a 12-year-old
male on his way to the bathroom,
and shoved him against a wall,
pushing against his chest.

Campus officer Tracey Benton
also found two small bags of mari-
juana in the boy's pants pocket. He
told the officer both the pants and
pot belonged to his uncle.
He was charged with battery
and misdemeanor possession of
The Alternative School is for
public school students with disci-
plinary problems that prevent them
from attending regular classes.


Every person who has legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains it as his permanent
residence as of January 1, 2006 may be entitled to $25,000 Homestead Exemption.

To Apply 1 If you are a new homeowner, you must apply to the property appraiser in person
2 'ou must have a deed or agreement for deed to the property.
It you have a mobile home, you must have a title or registration to the mobile home in your name

Automatic Renewal If your homestead status has not changed, renewal is automatic effective January 1.

Agricultural Classification Returns must be filed with the Property Appraiser between January 1 and March
1 of the current Ita' year. Only lands which are used for bona fide purposes shall be classified agricultural.

Tangible Personal Property Returns must be tiled prior to April 1 to avoid penalties

"* '<**
- ''1. "'-'



Other Exemptions Widow/Widower Disability Senior Citizens Additional exemption of
up to $25,000 tor persons 65 years or older with income not to exceed $23,463 must contact the
property appraiser Also senior e'.emption (65 years of age) may apply for special assessment discount.
Honorably discharged disabled veterans are entitled to an additional $5,000 exemption with proof of
disability. Unmarried spouses, of a deceased honorably discharged veteran, of at least 5 years, who in-
curred a service connected disability, of 10o. or more, are entitled to an additional exemption in as-
sessed value of i:_.(,1)l

For your convenience, the Property Appraiser's Office will extend office hours starting Thursi
" February 23 thru Wednesday, March 1 from 8:30 am until 6:00 pm and Saturday, February
from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.
For assistance, please contact the Property Appraiser's Oflice at 32 .N Fifth St in Macclenny or call 259-319

Tim Sweat, CFA, Property Apprai
:::- :' ': ::V



bath, eat-cin it t r

a. car det. garage w/

Qfld hr'r"

Prime local -

iomesper acre. $259!000.

on 2 separate levels. Mastg r

k, uiegant foyer, forma

Glenwood. Completion in late Decemb
US 301 F Ba ~
5 acres itw
er $220,

en a 1: Estate B ro r

23777 46.,
s- stle Age
I sed Est eAge'"nt
Rose Stok6s-,r 5 2-l 520,




Town ofalwi i tfr-
: ,IIroIRWM1 0 --

tNk69 MA Maccienny, FL 32063

ery PlantationjGmm 3!

t wLUjl- I U. $90,000

Tennis, eveyne?

Age no barrier for trio of regulars

attempting to start over 50' league

Press Staff
It's a quarter to nine in the
morning on Saturday and three
men, armed .with mops, brooms
and squeegees descend onto the
Baker High School tennis courts.
In minutes the standing water
left from the night's heavy rain is
scrubbed and cleared away. It's a
testimony of how devoted these
guys are.to the game of tennis and
how badly they want to play.
John Dedmon, Max Flanders
and Ronnie Jacobs, all of Mac-
clenny, can be found at the tennis
courts behind the BCHS campus
nearly every Saturday, weather
permitting. For this vital group of
senior guys, a brisk game of tennis
is just the thing to exercise their
bodies and energize their spirits.
"Tennis is just about the best
exercise around," says Flanders.
"I agree," says Dedmon, "You
don't see many obese tennis play-
At age 77, Max Flanders is also
a well-known presence on the
courts at Boone Park in the Riv-
erside area of Jacksonville.
Dedmon laughs. "Everybody
down there knows Max."
Each man has one thing in com-
mon. None started playing tennis
until well into their 40s. Dedmon,
who is is now 72, was 49 before he
took up the game.
They've all played in their share
of open and senior leagues. They
love playing team tennis because it
allows an opportunity to meet and
play competitively with people all
across the state.
Ronnie Jacobs, who at age 67
refers to himself as the "youngster"
in the group, loves this aspect of
"You form lasting friendships
with many of the players. Some-
times a year or two passes before
you see them again at a team com-
petition. At my age," laughs Jac- a
obs, "'it's really good to see 'em
again, if you know what I mean."
This enthusiastic group of tennis
lovers advocate the sport for other
reasons. A game'o" tennis is easier
to organize and play than many
group sports, such as baseball or
football, because it only takes two
people to play. Equipment is mini-
mal, lightweight and affordable.
The health and psychological ben-

Coming up at the

efits are'numerous.
There are three key elements to
ihsical fitness: stamina, strength
and flexibility., Tennis conditions
players in all three areas at the
same time. Players improve their
range of motion, raise their metab-
olism while strengthening their
hearts and maximize muscle and
tendon extension which helps pre-
%ent injury. Tennis can help pre-
\ent osteoporosis, a weakening of
the bones. It improves mood and
mental alertness.
"I lobe the competitiveness of
the sport." adds Dedmon. He
points to Flanders and laughs.
'And so doe' this fella. He likes to
slam the ball into m\ leg!"
Dedmon. Flanders and Jacobs
want to encourage tennis locallI
"We'd love to ha\e anyone \\ho
is interested, of \ ar ing skill le\ els,
to come out on Saturday mornings
at nine o'clock and play," in\ies
"We'd love to see the teenagers
\\ho pla\ in their high school P. E.
class coming out and playing I
think the\ just don't know anyone
is out here doing this on vweek-
Players should already exhibit
some skill \with the eame. In-

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 9, 2005 Page Sixteen

Club program on antique roses

The Garden Club of Baker
County will hold its monthly
meeting on February 9 at 10:00
am, at the Mathis House on the
Glen St. Mary Nursery. This
month's agenda includes a presen-
tation by Linda Hertz on antique
roses, who will also have roses
for sale. This is a great opportuni-
ty to..learn more about antiques
and adding to gardens.
Now that spring is around the

From ,,ft. Tetu, pla%--r fa F l1,0 Rcumaic ac.'h fe-vJ im ellm..w u ii

oIaria -cln adU I.,.' ( ,Cin H ioh .a'-...4

terested beginners would need to
bring in experienced partner % ill-
ing to instruct then as no one is
available to teach, at least for now%.
Players arc- responsible for pro%.id-
ing their own equipment.
"If we get a stead\ group show-
ing up. people wIill easilN find
someone of their skill leael and
pair up. Finding a p.irtncr won t be
hard. But it takes folks participat-
ing to make it happen. And social-
ly. it's a ereat %\a% to meet ne%,
people." sa\ the UU\S.
Dedmon. Flanders and Jacobs
hope to gc ni.'ratc enout h interest
and participation to ementuall\
form a local tennis league.

Am one interested in pla ing
tennis or %wanting further informna-
tion should call John Dedmon at

Custom Printing
Business Cards
Wedding Invitations
ProfEssioina SCervicv

I | [.:.,,h F h -h '.t '

- IL -

".- "," : *

4-; :2-,~~

rebates, p

corner, do you know of an espe-
cially beautiful yard or garden
that deserves recognition (includ-
ing your own)?
The Garden Club of Baker
County would like to recognize
that garden with a special placque
for the front yard. Please submit
your entries to Garden Club, 5949
Shelly Lane, Macclenny 32063,
or call 259-6064. No profession-
ally designed or cared for gardens
will be considered.

S, M


.. U- _

ing Pond building

Ins-9.1.W- 3 ,. -. .3 1 5 0

41 dV' '"" V

-f __________________________________

q; .
*- I ;* o ..: ; .. .,. -^ .-^. S A V O V E R

includes all applicable Irncludes all applicable
puIs tax, tag and title fees. rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees.

YMCA Karate
YMCA Karate classes will
teach you Tang Soo Do and a
mixture of freestyle karate
which includes Aikido and
Judo. Classes are every
Tuesday night starting at 7pm.
YMCA Spring Soccer
Registration will end on
March 4. Program fees for
members are $25 and non-
members are $65.
Teen Sisterhood
Jewelry Sale
On February 13, stop. by the
YMCA to purchase beautiful
handcrafted .925 sterling
jewelry. All pieces are sam-
ples and will be deeply dis-
counted. All profits will go to
the Teen Sisterhood program.
Jewelry will be available for
sale from of 9 am to 1 pm
and from 5 7 pm. Cash or
checks accepted.
"Share the Y"
No one is turned away from
the YMCA for the inability to
pay. The YMCA offers finan-
cial aid scholarships for fam-
ilies, adults, teens, and youth
to be able to enjoy member-
'ship, sports, day camp, pro-
grams, and much more!

For more information,
call the YMCA
at 259-0898.
Activity scholarships available
Hours 5:00 am-9:30 pm M/R
5:00 am-8:00 pm Friday
8:00 am-3:00 pm Saturday

', ..-' .,
i^ :.:- ,;r:,,".,,' .:.;.1" ,- ....:: :-
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,4 ,,pg ', ., .2: ** 'T -" '

r'l Ak

ASA V. f,

M Nam,

*Includes all applicable *Includes all applicable
iebates, plus tax, tag and title fees. rebates, plus tax, tag and title fees.
, PP X-7



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