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 Main: Obituaries
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 Main: Social
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 Main: Classifieds


The Baker County press
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00024160/00057
 Material Information
Title: The Baker County press
Uniform Title: Baker County press (Macclenny, Fla. 1929)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: Tate Powell
Place of Publication: Macclenny Fla
Creation Date: February 2, 2006
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Macclenny (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Baker County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Baker -- Macclenny
Coordinates: 30.283333 x -82.116667 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began Apr. 12, 1929.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 39 (Jan. 2, 1931).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000579533
oclc - 33284409
notis - ADA7379
lccn - sn 95047186
System ID: UF00024160:00057

Table of Contents
        page 1
        page 2
    Main: Opinion & Comment
        page 3
    Main continued
        page 4
        page 5
        page 6
        page 7
    Main: Obituaries
        page 8
    Main continued
        page 9
    Main: Social
        page 10
    Main continued
        page 11
        page 12
    Main: Classifieds
        page 13
        page 14
        page 15
        page 16
Full Text

Agencies pore

over wreckage

looking for clues

Truck, bus,
car involved
in Lake Butler
accident are
analyzed by
Glen St. Mary

Press Publisher
As the community of Lake Butler and
Union County to the south emerged from the
shock of losing seven children in a fiery
collision the afternoon of January 25, two
investigative teams were wrapping up their
somber task in west Glen St. Mary combing
through the wreckage of the three vehicles
There in the vacant lot adjacent to the for-

Homicide investigators from the Florida Highway Patrol began sorting through the wreckage the morning after last week's horrific accident south of Lake Butler. Higginbotham
Wrecking brought the semi, school bus and what little remained of the Pontiac to a field at the west Glen St. Mary town limits, where it remains this week.

mer ice plant off US 90 sat a semi-trailer still
laden with bottled water, a Union County school
bus with a heavily damaged rear end and, most
touching, the scant remains of a 1993 Pontiac
Bonneville in which all seven members of the
same family were riding.
The oldest two, including the driver Nikki
Mann, were 15; the youngest, due to become an

adopted brother the next day, was but 20 months.
The vehicles were towed and carted on
flatbed trucks .by Higginbotham's Towing and
Recovery, located across US 90 from the ice
plant property.
Owner Randy Higginbotham, who holds a
contract with both Bakeri and Union counties for
heavy towing, was dispatched to the scene four

miles south of Lake Butler on SR 121 late on
Wednesday afternoon. Both the Florida Highway
Patrol and NTSB (National Transportation Safe-
ty Board) needed a place to lay out the wreckage
for analysis.
The Glen St. Mary site fit the bill.
"We didn't get everything back up here until
(Page six please)

Paid circulation leader Winner of 21 state and national awards for journalism excellence in 2005


PO 30 117007- ULi 1;V. FLA.
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on repair

of the roof

Press Staff
The county commission is ex-
pected to approve short-term roof
repairs to the dilapidated and leaky
building that houses the Council on
Commission Chairman Alex
Robinson said he should have at least
two estimates before the board's next
meeting on February 7.
The county did not advertise for
bids because of the immediate need
for action is an "emergency" situa-
tion, he said.
COA employees have rigged
plastic sheeting to divert leaking,
rainwater to large garbage cans.
(See accompanying article.)
Mr. Robinson said he solicited
estimates from two local roofing
companies and Prestige Construc-
tion of Jacksonville.
Workers from Prestige were
scheduled to take a "core" sample
of the roof early this week to deter-
mine the condition of the sub-roof.
Their report was likely to be
completed by the end of the week,
according to the commissioner,
who said the structure under the
roof appears to be in good shape.
Larry Westfall Corporation of
Macclenny also has visited the site
and has indicated it will submit an
estimate. The commissioner said he
hasn't heard from the second local,
"I think the best way to go is a
patch job, a five-year roof that
would last until we get a new build-
ing," Mr. Robinson said. "We don't
need a 20-year roof when what we
want to to get rid of the building."
The county has for several years
intended to build a new COA build-
ing to replace the current decrepit
one on East Macclenny Avenue.
Although the building is located in
the city of Macclenny, the county
owns it and is responsible for main-
taining it.
"The city lets us use our inspec-
tor," Mr. Robinson said.
(page two please)

41 Thursday February 2, 2006 Macclenny, Florida 500

It's leaky and aging...

Pourous roof at COA- a sign of safety perils?

Press Staff
Kacie Kennedy walks around the second
floor offices of the Baker County Council on
Aging where employees lately have been work-
ing in less than desirable conditions.
"This poor old building has seen better days,"
Ms. Kennedy said. "There are gaping holes in
the roof and rain leaks through to the ceiling of
many of the offices."
She points to the ceiling of an office that can
no longer be used because of the free-pouring
leaks and badly water-damaged ceiling tiles
stained dark brown.
For some time now, employees have placed
buckets on floors and desks to catch the water,
but the prob- -. I
.em has 6[eadil.
gotten Norse
and now entire
ceiling tiles are
being replaced.
But this is only
a stop-gap mea-
"There is s
only so much
you can do and
then there's
nothing left but
to repair the
roof once and
for all," Ms.
Kennedy said.
SSome of the
leaks are so Council onAgingfacade's relatively
bad that fun-
nels of plastic have been rigged from the ceiling
to siphon water into large trash bins. They func-
tion the same as shower curtains by containing
the falling water within the trash bins and pre-
venting floors and surrounding areas from get-
ting wet.
Ms. Kennedy points to one of the plastic fun-
nels. Inside, large.chunks of pink insulation
hang from the hole in the ceiling and the dan-
gling wires of a light fixture are exposed.
"This one is of particular concern to us when
water is leaking through the roof," she said, ges-
turing toward the large gap in the ceiling. "We
don't even allow this light switch to be turned
on anymore."
In some offices, filing cabinets, books and
supplies are covered with heavy plastic sheets.
"One employee routinely covers her desk and
filing cabinet with a plastic sheet when she
leaves for the day," Ms. Kennedy continues,
"especially if she hears of the possibility of rain
in the weather report.
"We're concerned about the carpeting too, at

this point. The dampness is causing the carpets
to become moldy, It's hard to sa, for sure if the
moldy carpeting is causing employees to come
down with sinus infections or just aggravating
.people's conditions when they do get. sick.
Either way it's a potential problem and not good
for people's health."
Ms. Kennedy points out another concern
from the constant dampness caused by the leaks.
"In the long run, the structural integrity of the
floor may be affected from exposure to water.
There's that to be concerned about, too" she
For the time being, the structural problems
seem to be contained on the second floor. The
leaks and water damage have not yet had a dis-
cemable impact
on the environ-
"hent of the
-'cc ,. b building's first
floor used by
senior citizens
for a multitude
of purposes.
"Even with
these ongoing
problems, the
employees have
kept a good atti-
tude," Ms.
quick to point
I out. "The staff
L14 here are very,
Dedicated. We
ceappearance belies.istructural woes just have to
that our roof problem can be solved."
Case manager Julia Wurst keeps a large blue
and white striped umbrella in her office. She
and Ms. Kennedy light-heartedly kid each other
about having to use it inside the office when it's
"It is an old building," Ms. Kennedy con-
cedes. "We recognize that it has deteriorated
pretty badly and that the county may be reluc-
tant to put large sums of money into fixing it .up.
That's certainly understandable. The COA
board of directors is now working to get the ball
rolling toward constructing a new building."
Although repair of the roof is the most imme-
diate concern of the COA, the agency faces
other challenges in its current location.
The council is a single agency with different
departments under one roof that provide many
services for senior citizens. Keeping those
departments cohesive in a central location is the
best way to effectively serve senior clients and
ensure proper oversight of the agency by the
(page two please)


County in no hurry to replace its manager

Press Staff
Nature may abhor a vacuum, but county
commission Chairman Alex Robinson seems
comfortable with the one facing him.
There's been a decided lack of urgency in re-'
gard to replacing county manager Jason Griffis,
who was fired seven weeks ago.
"It's OK right now, things are going good,
but in the very near future we will need to move

11 11111 I II
6 89076 48819 8

forward," said Commissioner Robinson.
He credits the efforts of Ann Yarborough, the
manager's exectuvie secretary, for picking up
the slack.'He also said he's been spending a
good chunk of time in the offices and away
from his electrical contracting business.
Commissioner Julie Combs speculated things
have been going smoothly because it's a slow
time of the year, or because "the department
heads do an outstanding job."
Nonetheless, Ms. Combs is eager to get the
replacement process started.
"I called Ann (Yarborough) and said that if
it's not on the agenda, I'd like Alex to put it on,"
she said, explaining that the chairman sets the
commission's agenda.

The commissioner is concerned that the com-
munity may think the board is being passive.
She also said keeping in touch with a county
manager is her way of staying updated and in-
formed of the county's business.
Mr. Griffis was fired December 15 for a series
of transgressions capped by his use of a county
phone to make hundreds of personal calls.
He was hired in 2003 despite nothaving all
the qualifications necessary for the job.
Part of the problem was the small pool of
candidates who applied for the job after former
manager Josie Davis resigned in May of that
(page two please)

Year's worth ofbeauty queens chosen
These young ladies will reign as queens for the coming year at various events both in and
outside Baker County. Chosen at a combined pageant last Sunday afternoon ere from
left) Miss Glen St. Mary (first ever!.) Emily Dawn Coggin, Miss Baker Count Mattit Lucillc
Yarborough, and Miss Macclenny Ashley Renee Davis. The teen divsion of the same ,aie-
gory includedAmanda Finley, Miss Teen Glen, Cassandra Regisier. liss Teen Macclenny
and Lindsey Brook Eiserman, Miss Teen Baker County. Titles were also awarded in lower
age divisions for the same crowns, In Tiny, Makenzie Rhoden, Jaclyn Adkinson and Bailey
Hanks; Little Miss, Jordan Griffis, Amanda Dennison and Lani Foster; Junior Miss, Lilly
Brooke Griffis, Hannah Jo Trippett and Ashley Burns. Tami Yarborough coordinated the
event held at the Baker High auditorium. PHOTO COURTESY OFTY PRODUCTION

1-10 rollover results

M third fatality of '06
,' .f. ,.a t

The death of a west" Florida teen
the evening of January 27 on In-
terstate 10 put Baker County on a
record-breaking pace for 2006 for
road fatalities if the trend continues.
Walter D. Sanborn, 16, of Milton
died after he was flown from the
scene to Shands Jacksonville fol-
lowing the accident in the east-
bound lanes of 1-10 just before
10:00 prm. The location was in the
west county just east of the CR
250A overpass.
Trooper D.R. Bazinet of the
Florida Highway Patrol said young
Sanborn's 2005 Mazda overcorrect-
ed after veering into the median,
returned to the roadway for a brief
distance, then back into the median
where it overturned twice, coming

to rest on the roof.
*The victim was thrown from the
vehicle and it is not known if he
was wearing a seat belt.
Passenger Guido L. Senerchia,
age unknown but of the same ad-
dress as the driver, was taken to
Fraser Hospital. He was not wear-
ing a seat belt but remained inside
the vehicle.
It was the third fatality this year,
following by ten days the death of a
20-year-old Macclenny man in a
two-vehicle head-on crash on CR
The first road death occurred
January 5 and involved a Georgia
woman whose vehicle went out of
control on the interstate east of

Einsteinsat -
Five-steps of
science touted
at fair.. -page 7

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Two


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Ms. Kennedy in front of plastic funnel directing water into a trash can.

Building 'leaky and aging'

(From page one)
executive director.
But because the agency's de-
partments have separate funding
sources, those sources hold the
right to govern the departments
The source that funds the trans-
portation service found the build-
ing to be non-compliant with ADA
(American's With Disabilities Act)
requirements and moved the divi-
sion to the rear of the county's
building department office.
Examples of the building's
ADA noncompliance status in-
clude such things as a ledge in
front of the main entrance that pre-

vents wheelchair accessibility and
an outside ramp that doesn't meet
ADA code requirements.
Also, there is no chairlift or ele-
vator which prevents easy access
of disabled persons to the second
floor offices.
"If we can just see our way
through another year or so and get
into a new building these problems
will go away," says Ms. Kennedy.
"The ideal is to have all our
COA departments in a centralized
location in a building that ade-
quately serves the needs of staff
and seniors. A new roof on our
current location would certainly
help us get through another year
and closer to that goal."

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'Rush-job' on roof... No hurry to
....... n .. re-lace m r.

j. (Froni page,.one. ..,.
If there ',ere jan3 cindcern that
the structure was potentially dan-
gerous, either COA or couni\ offi-
cials could request an inspection,
said Bob Hathcox, of the county's
building and zoning department.
To fund a new building, county
officials have been trying to sell
the old health department proper
at South Sixth Streel and Lo\%der
Walgreens is a potential buyer.
but the last word on that deal is
that the company's real' estate
committee has yet to make a:deter-
Meanwhile, county officials are
looking to the state for potential
Mr. Robinson said the county is
lobbying its legislative delegation
to pursue funding from Governor
Jeb Bush's proposal to spend $565
million of state and federal money

Butch's Paint
5573 Harle

tor IIurII'ricine IL1.4eiEU1A) re-
'oimse and recovers -

IfI his proposal is passed, there
would be fund's available for
building hurricane shelters.
Mr. Robinson said he hopes to
tap those potential funds to con-
struct a new COA building that al-
so would serve as a shelter.

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rroum page une)
Commissioners said they would
prefer to conduct a more compre-
hensive and professional search
this time around.
As a starting point, Mr. Robin-
son distributed to his fellow com-
missioners a package of informa-
tion he solicited from Walton,
Bradford and Nassau counties.
"It's basically job descriptions
and requirements," Mr. Robinson
said. "[The other commissioners]
will come up with their ideas,
we'll workshop it and advertise
Ms. Combs said, "I have in
mind what I want in a county man-
A key question is whether the

commission will conduct the
search or.hiring a consultant,
which Chairman Robinson said
would cost in the neighborhood of
$18,000 based on a recent esti-
Both 'Mr. Robinson and Ms.
Combs said they favor having a
professional firm handle it.

Hospice training
The Haven Hospice of Suwan-
nee Valley will offer volunteer
training to those who would like to
help people facing terminal illness.
Haven Hospice offers a variety of
rewarding volunteer opportunities.
If you are interested in making a
difference, please join us for this
12-hour volunteer training series.
The training will be at Suwan-
nee River Regional Library in
Live Oak on February 20-22 and
24 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
To register call (386) 752-9191.


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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS, Thursday January 26, 2006 Page Three

-- recycled paper.
Publisher/Editor Post Office Box 598 104 South 51" St. Submission Deadlines
NEWS/SPORTS(- Michael Rinker c904) 25932400 All news and advertising must be
NEWS/FEATURES Kelley Lannigan Tne Baker Coun Press s puDhsrished each Thursday ny submitted to the newspaper office
COMMENT Cheryl R. Pngel Baer Cun Press, Inc Perlcals osage paid under prior to 4:30 p.m. on the Monday
ICOMMENT Cheryl R. Pingel permit issued April 12. 1929 ai mte pos i office on piatin o hr
ADVERTISINGGRAPHICS rn. prior to publication, unless other-
Jessica Prevatt & Laura Brner SUBSCRIPTION RATES wise noted or arranged. Material
$20J a year inside Ba er Counrty: 25.00 a year ou- .a.nr .... h,. i ; ... c .i l ..

CLASSIFIEDS Barbara Blackshear


From time to time, that fickle
and often cruel demon we know as
"reality" reaches down and smacks
us silly..
Such was the case last week
when news of the Lake Butler
school bus accident spread quicklyB
around neighboring Baker County.
It was more accurately an acci-
dent involving a school bus. but
everyone's first fear when it came
over the police scanner was some-
thing terrible happened to a bunch
of kids on the bus.
That wasn't exactly true, though
some who were on the bus are still
not out of the woods. But what's
the difference? Seven children died
in the car behind that bus all from
the same family though not .alkrr
blood-4elatednonmidcJ5 M aHo.
The memories left to buin holes
in the psyches of the kids on that
bus, their driver and the truck dri-
ver whp plowed into them are in-.
jurie-of another kind. For some,
they will, never heal.
One, of my vivid memories from
grade school dates back to Dec-
ember of 1958 (I Googled it to get
the date right) when Our Lady of
the Angels Catholic school in Chi-
cago caught fire.
It' spread in minutes and killed
92 children and three nuns. I was in.
the.fifth grade at a parochial school
just like it, and the reaction of my
teacher (a nun, of course) and my
parents scared me more than the
fire. The horror was magnified be-
cause there were children involv-
ed-.just like last week.
We had fire drills about three

i,-le BaIe County. deauci $100 for persons 65 years
of age or olde. rr. mnlar, perscrniel on acrlve duty outside
Baker Counr', and college students living outside Baker
Country POSTMASTER. send address changes to The
Beier County Press P 0 BoA 598. Macclenny. FL

times a week that year; all the stairs
(the school was three stories) were
re-done and everything was made
fireproof, or so it seemed.
" Our parents were several de-
grees nicer to us for a while, and
many were the admonishments not
to play with matches, etc.
Parents in Union County and
across the nation reacted the same
way: horror at what happened and a
sense of appreciation for their own
And it also prompted realization.
albeit forced upon us, of another
aspect of our existence we don't
like to dwell upon: how quickly life
can be taken from us.
Many were the sermons last
Sunday about that very thing. We
all know our life on Earth is a fleet-
ing thing, insignificant in some
ways but remarkable because of
our uniqueness one from another.
Save for poor souls suffering
from depression, most of us don't
give it much., thought vunpi events
like last week. That's human na-
ture, a bit of a safeguard against
walking around gloomy all the
time. We have to be shocked back
to reality from time to time.
The lessons are many, if one is
paying attention. Among them:
cherish the people you love and
those who love you; remember
that your life could end tomorrow
so what you do today is important;
be considerate of others, especially.
on the road where the slightest lack
of attention can turn into tragedy;
remind yourself that people you
may not care for have families who
love them and they hopefully
love their families; what you dwell
on day-to-day and think is so
important isn't important at all.
We were smacked back to reali-
ty for a reason. Benefit from it.

reieivea aiter i ti tlle will IIUL e
guaranteed for publication. It is
requested that all news items be
typed to insure accuracy in print.
mp-^^^'^, toFi?*-s XK' dv'ttr3 v"sw^ .Tfl.l'BAr




Last Friday I paid a visit to
Westside Elementary School.
Outside the school's entrance a
sign bore the unmistakable image
of Albert Einstein and the greeting:

Letters to the editor am welcome, but must contain
the signature of the writer, a telephone number
wherethe writer may be contacted and city of resi-

dence. Letters must reflect opir
ments on issues of current intere
public. The newspaper reserves t
any material which in the newspc
does not meet standards of public
.?alia *^ii~ls* l'la^* S a*':*^3^


onions and state-
st to the general
he right to reject
iper's judgement

t g..*S,7- ^"a .' rlma^l^. ^n*r

'spirit' alive at science fair

"Welcome to the Westside Elemen-
tary Science Fair."
Laden with notepad and camera,
I signed in at the school office and
got my "approved visitor" sticker
to go on my sweater, identifying
me as someone who had business
on the campus that morning.
I was treated'to cookies and punch
in the lobby, which was great as I'd
not had a chance to get breakfast

before my arrival. Then I was in-
troduced to Scott Wendel, science
teacher and co-chair of Westside's
science committee, who briefed me
on the background of the fair and
what I could expect to see.
At ten o'clock the doors opened
to the public and the student's fam-
ilies began pouring in.
I was impressed by the support
and interest shown. It was apparent


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- .doom ..-

The 'blank blue screen' and other techno woes



I wouldn't say I am a complete
buffoon-when it comes to technolo-
gy, but then again, I am convinced
that there are elementary school
kids with a clearer picture of how to
operate my cell phone than I pos-
I like technology for the most
part, and don't really subscribe to
my sister's maxim "To err is
human, to really mess up takes a
I also like my computer most
of the time. I like my cell phone -
except when I have to call some-
one. I co-exist with most of the
other electronic doo-dads of life.
But that doesn't mean that I under-
stand them. It also doesn't mean
that they aren't irritating.
I firmly believe that when you
get a piece of technology it should
come with a license to gripe. As a
matter of fact, it may already.
When you load technology onto
your computer, it comes with a
mile-long license agreement that no
one reads. Bill Gates could slip in
ownership to your first born male
son, your house and car, and we'd

still click on the "I Accept" button.
So for all I know a gripe or even
an anti-gripe license could be on
What brought all this on is a
fancy set of speakers for my Mac.
Yes, it's true', I am firmly in the
Apple camp when it comes to com-
puters. That could well be why I'm
having these problems..
My fancy new speakers use
some animal called a digital audio
cable. Naturally, you can't find
them anywhere except exotic tech-
nology stores. Equally infuriating,
they come with a variety of differ-
ent shaped ends none of which
seem to fit in my computer. I'm
almost to the point where I'll take
out my pocket knife and start whit-
tling on the plastic ends until I can
shove them into the back of my
My frustration level is at the
point where I laughed at an e-mail
my sister sent me this week about
her frustration level. I don't know
where it originated, but it sure is
funny. I've included a lot of my
own solutions as well..
I was working on my Windows
computer the other day and hit a
key and suddenly, without warning
what I was working on disappeared
and I got the dreaded "blue screen
of death."
Any Windows user can appreci-
ate my situation. We've all experi-

enced the blue screen 'at one point
or another. My sister believes the
computer itself should share our
pain and frustration and there
should be a special button the key-
board sending a high frequency
electronic signal to make the CPU
start squealing like a pig in agony
every time we receive a blue
My computer warranty should
include a clause that when I'm
compiling a home movie on my
editing software and all of a sudden
my daughter's tenth birthday party
explodes into a million pixels that
the software company should
immediately send actors to my
home to reshoot the deleted scenes.
I would be happy with Dakota
Fanning playing my daughter and
Ben Affleck as me. That only
seems fair.
I want my modem to sense when
my PC has committed an illegal
function and issue an arrest warrant
for Bill Gates. The computer SWAT
team will burst into his home,
throw him against the wall and strip
search him for the computer codes
to release niy machine..
A "program not responding"
alert gets a pat down. The blue
screen of death warrants a body
cavity search.
I recently tried to upgrade the
software for my video camera. I
went to the camera's web site and

successfully downloaded the soft-
ware. Did it automatically upgrade
my camera?
Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha
ha. Silly rabbit. Of course not.
I called the company. After I was
asked if I spoke Spanish, Italian,
Swahili, or Serbo-Croatian, I was
given a list of 82 options. When I
finally reached a real live human
somewhere in Bangalor, India, I
was told that my video camera
didn't come with any software to
begin with, so shouldn't need
"Then why is there an update on
your website?"
"Oh, we like to keep current."
Which makes about as much
sense as the owner's manual that
came with'the camera.
Speaking of owners manuals, I
recently loaded a very elegant video
editing software on my computer. It
took about three days to load and
when I sat down to use it, I discov-
ered that it had a manual larger than
the Bible, Koran and Talmud com-
bined. I think it should be an "ille-
gal function" for any manual to be
larger than the books that have
shaped Western thought the past
2000 years.
My computer informed me the
other day that it doesn't recognize
my CD drive. I find that baffling.
My CD drive lives in my computer.
I recognize my next-door neighbor

when I see him. I recognize most of
the people on my street. What's the
matter with my hard drive?
Has it suddenly become a How-
ard Hughes-like recluse and refuses
to leave its tiny portion of the com-
puter tower? Will I now have to
buy software that imitates Prozac
to get my agoraphobic computer
applications to talk to each other?
I recently tried to search for the
digital audio cable that I need for
my Mac on an internet search
engine. I received 245,314 matches
to my search for "digital audio
cable for Mac." They included a
barbecue joint in Fargo, North Da-
kota, an escort service in Hack-
ensack, New Jersey, and tractor
sales company in Minsk, Belarus.
It's good to know computers
have made my life so much easier.
I probably wouldn't know how to
put on my shoes without them.

Your opinion
Send us a letter
-and sign it

Some tragedies

have the effect of

stopping us cold

that many of these moms and dads
took time off from work to come
see the handiwork of their children.
Regardless of the level of soph-
istication of each project, from the
simplest handwritten presentation
with no illustration materials to
those typeset with sophisticated
graphics or photos, each was given
its proper due and displayed promi-
The message was loud and clear:
Each student is important and the
work of each child is worthy of
merit and recognition.
I'm a sucker for this sort of thing
and stayed longer than was neces-
sary for me to get my story infor-
mation. Besides, I was having a
good time.
I never got to enter a science
fair. To the best of my memory, the
schools I attended did not have
such things. I wasn't particularly
gifted in science, but the idea of
doing a project and entering a fair
always intrigued me.
That's surely the reason
"October Sky" is one of my
favorite movies. It focuses on four
young men in a coal-mining town
in West Virginia who had the perse-
verance to prepare for and enter a
science fair in the face of harsh
chiding and ridicule from family
and other people in their communi-
The movie is based on the actual
experience of Homer Hickam,' who
refused to give up his dream of
building a rocket that flies. Not
only did the rocket fly, but the
"rocket boy's" project won the
local science fair and went on to be
the grand prize winner of The
National Science Fair.
Homer's dream became the
hope of his entire town and finally
won the support and belief of his
biggest critic of all his father.
Homer went on to become an engi-
neer for NASA and spent his career
training astronauts at Cape Can-
And all because of a science fair
and a teacher who told him he
could do it if he believed and tried.
All the warm and fuzzy feelings
I get when I watch the movie were
with me as I. toured the Westside
Science Fair and looked at the kids'
projects. The bubbling of baking
soda when it reacts with vinegar
and runs down a home-made
model of a volcano may seem a far
cry from an actual eruption of hot
magma from the earth's core, but
the idea is the same.
Baking soda and vinegar are
hardly mysterious when they are
sitting on the kitchen shelf, but put
them together and BOOM! look
what happens.
Watch the look of awe on
young student's faces when the
volcano erupts. You can almost feel
the energy as their minds grapple
with the questions of "how and
why" as they strive to understand
the physical world around them.
There were many people who
didn't consider the young Einstein
to be very bright and often discour-
aged him from trying to the point
of being outright cruel about it.
Still, he kept thinking and asking
"why" and "how."
The result was the most famous
equation in physics: E=mc2.
This "unexceptional" student,
who quietly changed the world
view of physics in the 20th century,
would later look out into the uni-
verse, reflect on his work and sum
it up this way:
"People should never grow old
no matter how long we live. We
should never cease to stand like
curious children before the great
mystery into which we were born."
Einstein himself many not have
been at the Westside science fair
last Friday, but his spirit surely

Social Notice Deadlines
Birth announcements, wedding notices
and social events must be submitted with- .
in four weeks of the event. It is your |
responsibility to ensure photographers, :
etc. are aware of this policy.

Contact Us-
Phone 904/259-2400
Fax 904/259-6502
Email bcpress@nefcom.net t
Mall PO Box 598
104 South 5th St
Macclenny, FL 32063
www.bakercountypress.com I

To the rest of the world, they
may have looked like regular
But to Arthur Joe Covington of
Sanderson, the four birds taken
from his backyard coop the morn-
ing of January 23 are a bit more
than that.
The birds are fighting roosters
and he valued them at $500 each.
Mr. Covington reported some-
one cut a hole in the coop fence
behind his Beech St. residence,
and took the roosters between,

DVD, movies
are said stolen
There was no sign of forced en-
try other than damage from prior
burglaries at the residence of
Amber Ward off Deerwood Circle
in Macclenny, where someone
took a DVD player and movies
valued at $150.
The burglary was reported on
January 24, and the owner told
police the house was locked at the
In other thefts, Willard's BBQ
restaurant on South 6th was en-
tered through a rear door overnight
on January 26. A cash register
drawer was looted of $17.
Police said the door was forced

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after he spotted it heading west-
bound on US 90 east of 6,'iin
The driver activated the incor-
rect signal before 1,1niw. 611',iii 01o
CR 125 and nearly lost control of
the vehicle as it crossed the .il
road tracks nearby.
Mr. NcgrLL also refused to .-,wn
the DUI citation, lcadinii. to an au

6:15-11:30 am.
The victim's wife Donna named
a suspect who lives nearby off
Clayton Ave., and the person de-
nied involvement when questioned
by police.
Cock fighting is illegal in all
but two states, but Florida law
does not prohibit breeding and
raising them. In fact, there are
dozens of Baker County residents
involved in the industry.
Authorities are also aware that
cock fighting, where birds battle to
the death with razor-sharp spurs on
their legs, is a common under-
ground activity in many Florida
counties including Baker.
Several years ago, more than a
dozen Baker COuiiin residents
were arrested when police raided a
cock fighting operation housed in
a large barn off Normandy Blvd.
on Jacksonville's westside.

A Glen St. Mary man whose
vehicle weaved in and out of lanes'
and traffic late on January 27 was
arrested for DUI when he failed
field sobriety tests and refused to
submit to a breathalyzer test.
Deputy Brad Dougherty said he
followed the 1993 Plymouth van
driven by Valentine Negrete, 33,

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ATV, tools taken from residence near Glen

Driver of van is charged with DUI

morada Dr. in Macclenny. He told
police a house guest may be re-
sponsible. The theft occurred
sometime after January 20.
A lock was cut to gain entry to
a semi-trailer parked behind the
Macclenny Wendy's restaurant be-

tween January 21-23, and driver
Jerry Norman of Sanderson report-
ed 25 cases of Clorox products
were removed.
They were valued at $25 each.
The truck is owned by Super Ser-
vice of Kentucky.


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S\ 1

* Thin dense pine stands.
* Control understory
plant competition.
* Minimize tree wounds
during harvests.

* Use prescribed fire.
* Harvest low-vigor
stands and replant.
* Plant species right
for the soil and site.



A message from the Florida Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services,
Division of Forestry, the University of
Florida/IFAS, and the USDA Forest Service.

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Four

lh ,, .,ti ,;' l u c ",u : i l, ,
In ,. ~Hcases, a motorist who
sped : ..i h iriJ on 90 1li, ,u1,l,
downtown M.N..Lki-i wias, h.i..
ed with recldess -.rilnciL
William ,AtLi ,.. of( ,n, was
spotted by Dq,,-ii) Curtis Ruise in
the late nii nini, of January 25,
ld ii .i his truck was
located near Fraser ii ,'.lil:
He told the ,illci, he and his
wife were cli.iliig up on their
,In, .ni l the v, ifL had been .hii\ u.
He recanted and admitted he
was driving ,it, i the wife parked
another vehicle and walked to
where he and the officer were
Roman Solina, 26, of Mont-
,'omeirv, Ala. was charged with
reckless driving when his speeding
2005 Toyota van was stopped on
Interstate 10 near Macclenny the
S-.ilinig of January 29.
Deputy Ben Anderson said he
clocked the eastbound Toyota near
Glen at 98 mph, and that it swerv-
ed in traffic as he gave chase.
The deputy's report also noted
Mr. Solina's statement that he was
in the US illegally.
Late the previous c n\ lin!, anoth-
er iincistatelc pLcdei f was arrested on
a Columbia County warrant for fail-
ure to appear in court.
Deputy Randy Davis said he
- clocked a \ chicle driven by Adam
Papka, 25, of Like Ci(\ ai 86 mph
near the Smokey Road overpass.

A west Glen St. Mary resident
reported the theft of an $8000
ATV and several other items dur-
ing a brief absence from his home
off Smokey Road last week.
Charlie Davis said he and his
wife were gone January 27-28
when a family friend who went to
the residence to feed livestock
noticed the ATV missing from a
Upon the owner's return, he al-
so determined a water pump, pow-
er wrench, saw and other equip-
ment valued at $550 had beep
In other thefts involving vehi-
cles, a disabled 1993 Chevrolet
Camaro that had been parked on
Florida Ave. in east,Macclenny
since January 2 was reported bur-
glarized 22 days later.
Owner Jack Baker said a stereo
and CDs valued at $300 were
taken from the vehicle, and he had
checked on it periodically during
the month.
There was evidence someone
attempted to hotwire the vehicle,
and an unidentified man told
police he saw a white male trying
to jump start the Camaro earlier
this month. The suspect appeared
to have driven a red Jeep Cherokee
to the scene.
Thomas McKay reported Janu-
ary 29 a red 1989 Acura Integra
taken from his residence on Isla-

Emergency funds
The local Board of Emergency
Food and Shelter announces the
availability of $8,727 to Baker
County -residents for rent/mortgage
or utility assistance.
Any organization interested in
administering these funds, call
Chairwoman Pansy Ruise of the
local board at 259-9377 by Febru-
ary 6.

Fighting roosters stolen from
coop said to be worth $500 each

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DCT students bring home top honors from districts
The Diversified Career Training students at Baker County High School participated in the Career Education Clubs of Florida District 4
contest at North Jacksonville Baptist Church on January 26. All but one of 11 DCT students placed in the top four of their contests. Pictured
above (in no particular order) are Kindall Crummey, Matt Rhoden and Jennifer Finley, all with first places. Second place winners were
Kristyn Whitehead, Adra Gibson, Brittany Crews and Carley Davis. Jason Walker, Randall Crawford and Evelyn Whelan all took home a
third place, and Evelyn Whelan and Kristyn Whitehead also took home a fourth. Feleshea Anderson entered the contest as a junior partic-
ipant, but did not place.

Women attacked drive-thru

employee, complaint says

A criminal complaint alleging
battery was filed against two
women following an incident at
the drive-through window of Wen-
dy's restaurant the evening of Jan-
uary 29.
Amber Paxton, 20, and Kelli
Hodges, 18, both of Macclenny,
allegedly kicked and struck restau-
rant employee Lisa Meister, 29,
after she walked out of the build-
ing and confronted them in a vehi-
:The accused were passengers in
a red Dodge pickup that was in the
drive-through lane. Ms. Meister
told police she had several previ-
ous confrontations with Ms. Pax-
ton, one of three persons in the
pickup, and exchanged words with
them as she took money for their
order moments earlier.
Arson at NEFSH
A patient- at Nprtheast Florida
State Hospital could be charged
with a first degree felony for light-
ing a fire in a closet of a residential
building the morning of January 24.
Kevin Wiggins, a security em-
ployee, told the sheriff's depart-
ment Marcus O'Dell, 24, was dis-
covered setting fire to a pile of
papers and photos in the closet. He
was using a cigarette, lighter.
The fire was quickly extin-
guished and damage limited to
$400 to the closet doors.
A. criminal complaint was for-
warded to the state attorney's
office, which will make the deci-
sion on prosecution.

Battery atBCMS
A 16-year-old Macclenny stu-
dent was arrested and charged
with battery of another student at
Baker County Middle School the
morning of January 26.
Campus deputy Alison Tom-
linson said several witnesses saw
the youth punch a 15-year-old
from Glen St. Mary during a con-
frontation at the start of the school
The younger boy sustained a
facial laceration and dislodged
teeth as a result.

Witnesses inside the restaurant
said Ms. Meister left her station at
the pay window' and went outside
to confront the women.
Ms. Paxton tossed a beer bottle
at her and missed, then Ms. Hodg-
es allegedly held the employee
while Ms. Paxton kicked her sev-
eral times in the left upper body
and head. The pickup driven by
Chad Nipper, 21, then drove off.
Deputy Garrett Bennett said
Ms. Meister was cut above the eye
and had bruises in her neck area.
In an unrelated incident at the
same location, George Church, 43,
of Macclenny was arrested for dis-
orderly intoxication after he walk-
ed up to the drive-through window
and refused to leave.
A Wendy's employee called
police after telling Mr. Church the
restaurant does not serve pedestri-
ans at the drive-through. He then
cursed and threatened Deputy
Brad Dougherty when ordered to
leave the premises.

Left the scene
The sheriff's department arrest-
ed a 27-year-old Glen St. Mary
woman .the morning of January 28
and charged her with leaving the
scene of an accident in south Mac-
clenny minutes before.
Danielle Combs, also known as
Danielle Jean Blackburn, was
stopped about 11:30 on US 90
near the St. Marys River bridge by
Deputy Erik Deloach.
She is charged with being at the
wheel of a 2001 Chevrolet pickup
when it rear-ended a similar vehi-
cle stopped to make a left turn
from Sixth St. onto Lowder.
The driver of the second vehi-
cle, Sheila Burnsed of Raiford,
said Ms. Combs sped off north on
121 after the two exited their vehi-
cles to survey the damage.
Before she drove off, Ms. Burn-
sed said the Combs truck slammed
into her vehicle a second time.
Deputy Deloach stopped the
vehicle based on a description
given by Deputy James Parham III
at the accident scene. He spotted
the truck as it headed west on 90
from past the intersection with

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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Five


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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2. 2005 Page Six

Agencies pour over

wreckage at Glen lot..

(From page one)

about 3:00 that morning and they
(FHP homicide investigators.) were
at work shortly after it got light,"
said Mr. Higginbotham.
He's been to hundreds of wrecks
on Interstate 10 and elsewhere
and, like others who found them-
selves at the grisly scene that after-
noon, he's never seen anything
quite like it.
"It was horrible, that's the best
way to describe it."
Nine students and the driver of
the school bus escaped with their
lives when the semi plowed into
the rear of the Pontiac that had
stopped as the northbound bus let
off riders.
It appears from the scene that
truck driver Alvin Wilkerson, 31,
of Jacksonville, failed to see the
stopped bus and flashing red
lights. One report said he attempt-
ed to apply brakes; others at the
scene noted the absence of skid
In any case, the semi weighing
about 75,000 pounds sandwiched
the Pontiac into the bus rear, push-
ing both vehicles 150 feet before
stopping. The Pontiac burst into
All but one of the young occu-
pants remained in the car and were
consumed by flames. Police said
they likely died from the crushing
impact, however.
Sheriff Joey Dobson said he
and Lt. Billy Miller raced to the
scene as soon as. they heard about
it over a police frequency.
"We offered to bring more of
our people but they had enough
down there by the time we got
there," said the sheriff, adding he
went partly to help out Union
County Sheriff Jerry Whitehead, a
close friend.
"'.lcrr jit'i had a deputy serious-
ly hurt chasing two men who
burned to death three weeks before
that, and I knew this was going to
be hard on him."
Sheriff Dobson was ill-prepared
for what awaited him along that
rural stretch of 121.
"It was just awful. When you
see they're all children and one of
them a little baby, it's too much to
take in all at once," he stated.
'Fr-erybod\ just wanted to help
but there wasn't much you could
None of Baker County's fire or
rescue units were summoned fol-
lowing the 3:40 pm accident.
,NI-.c than 100 units from police,
fire and rescue agencies in Union,
B,-adord, Alachua and Columbia
coranlnie. raced to the scene.
Local funeral director Todd
Ferreira was among counterparts
from several counties who stepped
in to help with the funerals that
bit gn this week.
"I called immediately (to Lake
Butler funeral director Doyle
Archer) to see if we could help
him," said Mr. Ferreira. "He had
L. CI thille under control but told
us he'd need our funeral coaches
and help at the funerals.
The young fatalities, five mem-
bers of the Mann f.in il) and two
of their cousins who had just com-
pleted their first day of school
'll'..-'i In1o% in, to Union County,
were not the only deaths that day.
William Scott, the Mann chil-
dren's .r.indlf.hilfr, died later that
evening. Crushed by the immensi-
ty of Ihl f.[mili "' loss, he sullcrcd
a fatal heart attack.
Mr. Ferreira was present for the
service at Lake Butler's First
Christian I 'Iiulth on Monday
morning for four of the children.
"It was just overwhelming, see-
ing -In,,.,. white caskets and realiz-
ing just how terrible this was," he

Dog maiuls


A ,',utn, n,,rh B.:kr County
i .\ was li.'.%\ n to ShanrJs Jack-
sonville for treatment of serious
lacerations to the head, and left
hand .ifl,, he was mauled by a
in-i'.lili, 's Jdog the afternoon of
january '"*.

David Nul, r. 3, was 'Jl', in in
his .,il when attacked 3v. the ani-
mal about ; 0l The 1.:,'S owner
Joseph I lit iioi'n told p.,olice the
animal has turned on him and his
Il III I, | id. I .' [, 1 i
The 1, was taken to the coun-
ty shelter north of NI l I ,nm
where it was ,iimilI ,ii;-c..lN iih Mi,
Therrien's 'oncurrenice,

recalled. "We have to remain dig-
nified and professional but you
can't stop thinking about the fami-
ly N\ hiat tlc\ are going ilniiighi -
and how you'd react if it was your
Sheriff Dobson also attended
the service, estimating the over-
flow crowd at about 1500.
Mr. Scott's funeral was the next
day, to be followed by ;iniiher on
Wednesday for the two cousins,
and finally, for 20-month-old
Anthony Lamb on Thursday.
So far, authorities are, saying
there is no immediate evidence of
impairment on the part of truck
driver Mr. Wilkerson, who worked
for Nebraska-based Crete Carriers.
During daylight hours after the
vehicles were moved to the lot in
Glen, motorists frequently pulled
off onto the shoulder of US 90,
mostly staring silently and occa-
sionally photographing the scene
from outside a perilmetler fence.
Investigators restricted access to'
the area to preserve evidence asso-
ciated with the vehicles.
Lying on the ground just to the
east of the Crete trailer was the
pitifully small and twisted mass of
metal that was once a Pontiac
Bonneville loaded with seven
human bheingis, all seemingly with
the bulk of their lives well ahead
of them.

Master food,

nutrition dass

being offered

County Extension Agent
A master food and nutrition ed-
ucation program is being offered
by the cooperative extension ser-
vice, University of Florida, Insti-
tute of Food and Agricultural Sci-
ences. The program is designed to
provide food and nutrition training
for selected individuals in North-
east Florid.
Master food and nutrition edu-
cator, is a title given to individuals
who receive in-depth food and nu-
trition training from county exten-
sion family and consumer sciences
agents and agree in return to give
50 hours of volunteer service to
help their local county extension
Master food and nutrition edu-
cation training will be held at the
Duval County Cooperative exten-
sion service office in Jacksonville
on Wednesday beginning Febru-
ary 15 and ending April 12. Train-
ing sessions begin at 9:30 am and
last until 4:00 pm.
It will include topics such as
nutrition and health, herbal cook-
ery, food safety and the latest food
preservation updates in dehydra-
tion, canning, pickling, jelly mak-
ing and freezing techniques.
There will be a charge of $75 to
cover lab supplies for the course.
Applications for a limited number
of openings in the class are now
being taken in county extension
offices. The deadline is February
8, Baker County residents should
come by the County Extension of-
fice to pick up an application or
call 259-3521) for more informa-

Land transactions from late December

The ihllw .'. in: land transactions
were recorded in il, Baker County
courthouse during December 12-
31, Values are derived from docu-
mentary stamps. M,nl\ descrip-
tions are by S',(tion) T(ownship)
R(.ini ,6). If acinc.:i,, or price are not
listed, none were indicated in the

S1vller Adams & Amanda Morris to
Jason & Cassandra Amerson, in 2-3S-
21E, $43,500.
Thomas & Bobble Adams to Walter
Adams & Amanda Morris, in 2-35-211 ,
Brenda iRhneliardli to Brenda &
Stephen Rh) nde.hIrdt, in Glen St.
Mary, $10.
Justin & Liza Webb to Jerry &
Courtney Cir-a in Fox Ridge Estates,
$1.l 50,011..
C ilinlancial Services Inc., Associ-
ates Financial Services Company of
America Inc., to Jeanie Hodges, in Mac-
clenny, $35,000.
Paul & Diana Chance to Anderson
& RI.ulersoni Construction Inc., Paul &
Diana Chance, in Seminole Ridge, $10.
Maronda Homes Inc., of Florida,
Umoshankar & Seeta Samaroo, in For-
est Park, $155,650.
Maronda Homes Inc of Florida to
Christopher & Jennifer Theus, in For-
erI Park, $164.200.-
Maronda Homes Inc., of Florida in1

Lesley & Phyllis Fulfer, in Forest Park,
$S .-;ii,S, n.
Maronda Homes Inc., of Florida to
Tanya Raulerson, in Forest Park,
Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida to
Andrea Handte, in Forest Park,
James & Latrelle Taylor to Joseph
& kimuberly L reus, in 7th Street Subdi-
vision, $168,000.
Leonard & Donna Waldron to Keith
& Sue Morabeto, in S19-2S-22E,
Maronda Homes Inc., of Florida in
Calvin Smith, in Cypress Pointe,,
$18 7.500.).
Jacob Satterwhite to Joshua Satter-
white, in 14 2S-21E.
Joshua Satterwhite to Jacob Satter-
hilii. in 14 2S-21E.
Glen Plantation LTD to Joshua &
Jacob Sattcr%hile, in 14-2S-21E,
Lester & Patricia Davis to Robert &
Nellie Newman, in 5-3S-21E, $120,000.
MacGlen Builders Inc., to Warren &
Janelle Behr, in Glenlield Oaks,
Maronda Homes Inc., of Florida, to
Trudy Allen, in Forest Park. $169,000.
Raymond Tems to Ildefonso &
Maria Rito, in 4-3S-22E, $345,0010.
Sirva Relocation LLC to Edward
Emond, in Whispering Pines, $10.
Anthony Grogan & Barbara

Woodlawn Kennels
Quality Proicisional Care

p, .PICK-uP 259-4757 DELIVERY

Private Spacious Indoor/Outdoor Runs

Complete Bath, De-flea & Groom ....... $14-$20

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** Sheet Metal Fabrication **

Darrel G. Perry, Jr
7061 Fred Perry Rd., Glen St. Mary

591-7851cell. 259-1252

Langston to Warren & Leigh IJD is, in
35-2S-21E, $85,000.
Elene Caldwell to Patrick & Cheryl
Shannon, in S4-3S-22E, $1,
Patrick & Cheryl Shannon to Elene
Caldwell, in S4-3S-22E, $1.
Jewell Gray to James Gray, in Mac-

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local news since 1929!

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The following vehicles will be sold at public
auction February 17 at 10:00 am. at Higginboth-
am's Towing &'Recovery, US 90 West, Glen St.
Mary, FL. 32040,
1997 Ford Explorer
1993 Freightliner

The Baker County District School Board will
hold the following public hearing on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 21, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the District School
Board Meeting Room, 270 South Boulevard East,
'.lI,-.:lI :r,rv FIlri.3, 3'-"063,
The documents are available for preview at
the Baker County School Board Office located at
392 South Boulevard East, between the hours of
8:30 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
The public is invited and encouraged to at-
Paula T. Barton
Superintendent of Schools
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant tc
a Writ of Execution issued in the County Court of
Baker County, Florida, on the 9th day of Novem-
ber, 2005, in the cause wherein Barnett Recovery
Corporation was plaintiff and Gregory Gainey was
defendant, being Case No. 91-106CC, in said
Court, I, Joey B. Dobson, as Sheriff of Baker
County, Florida, have levied upon all the right, ti-
tle, and interest of the defendant, Gregory Gainey
in and to the following described personal proper-
ty, to wit:
2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser
VIN# 3C4FY58B42T313354
(Note: Anyone interested in viewing the
vehicle being sold should do so prior to
the time of the sale at Moran's Motor and
Wrecker Service located at 59 N. 7th
Street, Macclenny, FL)
I shall offer this property for sale, at the front
entrance of the Baker County Courthouse, 339 E.
Macclenny Avenue in Macclenny, County of Bak-
er, State of Florida, on February 28, 2006 at the
hour of 11:00 am, or as soon thereafter as possi-
ble. I will offer for sale all the said defendant's,
Gregory Gainey, right, title and interest in the
aforesaid personal property at public auction and
will sell the same, subject to taxes, all prior liens,
encumbrances and judgements, if any, to the
highest bidder and best bidder for CASH IN
HAND. The proceeds to be applied as far as may
be to the payment of costs and the satisfaction of
the above described execution.
(Note: In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing
special accommodation to participate in this pro-
ceeding should contact the Baker County Sher-
iff's Office at (904) 259-0245, prior to the date of
the sale.)

Joey B. Dobson, Sheriff
Baker County, Florida
By: Pamela L. Davis
Civil Process Deputy


Chris Rewis 237-5211 Mark Crews 838-5196
Bryan McDulfie 259-2022 Brian Yarborough 759-5734

' ,Olbl1 ,.: r^ ,12F! ,l^i^~i,

CASE NO.: 02-2005-CA-0169
TINA M. RHODEN, his wife,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to
a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the
above styled cause, in the Circuit Court of Baker
County, Florida, I will sell the property situate in
Baker County, Florida, described as follows:
TATES, as recorded in Plat Book 3,
pages 3 & 4 of the public records of
Baker County, Florida.
Parcel ID# 28-1 S-21-0143-0002-0050
at public sale, to the highest and best bidder,
for cash, at the front door of the Baker County
Courthouse, Macclenny, Florida, at 11:00 am on
Tuesday, February 14, 2006.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court
on this 12th day of January, 2006.
Al Fraser
Clerk of Courts
By: Bonnie Palleschi
As Deputy Clerk
445 East Macclenny Avenue
Macclenny, FL 32063

We, the undersigned, being duly sworn, do
hereby declare under oath that the names of all
persons interested in the business or profession
carried on under the name of Cutting Edge
Lawn Service whose principle place of business
is: 13667 Leon Dopson Rd., Sanderson, FL
32087 and the extent of the interest of each is as
Scotty Rhoden 50%
Jerrod Rhoden 50%
Scotty Rhoden
Jerrod Rhoden
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th
day of January, 2006.
Al Fraser
Clerk of Courts
Baker County; Florida
By Katie Kennedy
As Deputy Clerk

The Department of Environmental Protection
gives notice of its intent to issue a permit,
FL0435490 for DuPont North Maxville Expansion
to Mr. Kenneth Klein, E.. Dupont De Nemours,
Post Office Box 753, Starke, FL 32091 to con-
struct and operate a 5 million gallon per day
(MGD) maximum daily flow heavy mineral mining
wastewater treatment system. Process water
from the dredge mining operation will be collected
in humate settling ponds that will be constructed
as the mining progresses. Stormwater from min-
ing areas and overflow from the humate settling
ponds will be collected re and treated in a set of pol-
ishing ponds iri series to meet water quality stan-
dards prior to discharge through the outfall. There
will be a total of 8 sets of polishing ponds with
eight outfalls due to the progressive nature of the
mining operation, Each set of ponds will be con-.
structed as needed as the footprint of the mine
progresses. Ponds that are no longer in use will
be properly decommissioned and 'closed. Five of
the ei3ri ourii.;. will discharge effluent into wet-
land areas that eventually discharge into Turkey
Creek, Class III Fresh water. The other three out-
fails will discharge effluent into wetland areas that
eventually discharge into Deep Creek, Class Ill
Fresh water. The facility is located at latitude
3014'16'" N, longitude 823'56" W on US 301
near Macclenny, Florida, in Baker County.
The intent to issue and application file are
available for public inspection during normal busi-
ness hours, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through
Friday, except legal holidays, at Northeast District
Office, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite 200B,,
Jacksonville, FL 32256-7590.
The Department will issue the permit with the
attached conditions unless a timely petition for an
administrative hearing, is filed under Sections
120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, within four-
teen days of receipt of this notice. The proce-
dures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth be-
A person.whose substantial interests are af-
fected by the Department's proposed permitting
decision may petition for an administrative pro-
ceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and
120.57, Florida Statutes. The petition must con-
tain the information set forth below and must be
filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of Gener-
al Counsel of the Department at 3900 Common-
wealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee,
Florida 32399-3000.
-Under Rule 62-110.106(4), Florida Adminis-
trative Code, a person may request enlargement
of the t,,rm ,r ,l.rng a peion for an administrative
hearing. Trie requesi nrut be filed (received by
the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel before
the end of the time period for filing a petition for
an administrative hearing.
Petitions filed by any persons other than
those entitled to written notice under Section
120.60(3),, Florida Statutes r, u r _" .. ,I h;r,
'.,,un cri ,. ,',I pu ilJh,'-:a-j, iT r,,:.|,,:e ,.r ainir
fourteen days of receipt of the written notice,
whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3),
Florida Statutes, however, any person who has
asked the Department for notice of agency action
may file a petition within fourteen days of receipt
of such notice, regardless of the date of publica-
The oe[itecner shall mail s .:'cpy of the petition
3 rMne appl,.:ant a In,? addie[.; mindi'aled above at
ir, me .I filirg The ia,iure C1 arny person to file a
rant,.in or request for enlargement of time within
fourteen da\5 or fic-n;p: of notice shall constitute
a waiver oi thr pia,,sjr s right to request an ad-
ministrative determination (hearing) under Sec-
tions 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Any
subsequent intervention (in a proceeding initiated
by another party) will be only at the discretion of
the presiding orticer upon the filing of a motion in
compliance with Rule 28-106.205, Florida Admin-
istrative Code.
A petition that disputes the materials facts on
which the Department's action is based must con-
tain the following information:
(a) The name, address, and telephone num-
ber of each petitioner; the name, address, and
telephone number of the petitioner's representa-
tive, if any; the Department permit identification
number and the county in which the subject mat-
ter or activity is located;
(b)' A statement of how and when each peti-
tioner received notice of the Department action;
(c) A statement of how each petitioner's sub-
stantial interests are affected by the Department's
(d) A statement of all disputed issues of mate-
rial fact. If there are none, the petition must so in-
(e) A statement of facts that the petitioner
contends warrant reversal or modifications of the
Department action;
(f) A concise statement of the ultimate facts
alleged, as well as the rules and statues which
entitle the petitioner to relief; and
(g) A statement of the relief sought by the pe-
titioner, stating precisely the action that the peti-
tioner wants the Department to take.
Because the administrative hearing process
is designed to formulate final agency action, the
filing of a petition means that the Department's fi-
nal action may be different from the position taken
by it in this notice. Persons whose substantial in-
terests will be affected by any such final decision
of the Department have the right to petition to be-
come a party to the proceeding, in accordance
with the requirements set forth above.
In addition to requesting an administrative
hearing, any petitioner may elect to pursue medi-
ation. The election may be accomplished by filing
with the Department a mediation agreement with
all parties to the proceeding (i.e., the applicant,
the Department, and any person who has filed a
timely and sufficient petition for a hearing.) The
agreement must contain all the information re-
quired by Rule 28-106.4040, Florida Administra-
tive Code. The agreement must be received by
the clerk in the Office of General Counsel of the
Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard,
Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000,
within ten days after the deadline for filing a peti-
tion, as set forth above. Choosing mediation will
not adversely affect the right to a hearing if medi-
ation does not result in a settlement.

As provided in Section 120.573, Florida
Statutes, the timely agreement of all parties to
mediate will toll the time limitations imposed by
Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes,
for holding an administrative hearing and issuing
a final order. Unless otherwise agreed by the par-
ties, the mediation must be concluded within sixty
days of the execution of the agreement. If media-
tion results in settlement of the administrative dis-
pute, the Department must enter a final order in-
corporating the agreement of the parties. Persons
seeking to protect their substantial interests that
would be affected by such a modified final deci-
sion must file their petitions within fourteen days
of receipt of this notice, or they shall be deemed
to have waived their right to a proceeding under
Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. If
mediation terminates without settlement of the
dispute, the Department shall notify all parties in
writing that the administrative hearing processes
under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida
Statutes, remain available for disposition of the
dispute, and the notice will specify the deadlines
that then will apply for challenging the agency ac-
tion and electing remedies under those two

Videll Williams (left) and Colby Hathcox explain one of the 375 science projects displayed during the open house of the 2006 Westside
Elementary Science Fair held Jaunary 27th. PHOTO BY KELLEY LANNIGAN

Press Staff
The 2006 science fair opened to
parents and the public last Friday.
at Westside Elementary School.
Tri-fold display project boards.
featuring the science experiments
of 375 participating students from
grades one through three stood on'
tables and lined the walls of school
Teachers guided their classes
through the displays and foot traf-
fic. from visiting friends' and fami-
ly was at 'times heavy. Admiration
for the student's hard work wa's
evident in the interested expres-
sions of visitors as they viewed the
contents of such projects as "How
Magnetism Works," "Why Acid
Cleans "Metal" and "What
Happens to Water after
The fair is overseen by the co-
chairs of Westside's science com-
mittee, Scott Wendel and Mary Jo
Thomas. Wendel, also a science
teacher, enthusiastically explained
the main purpose of encouraging
students to produce a project for
the fair.
"We want to promote a curiosi-
ty and excitement about experi-
mertanaon,-" 'elndel <_tated.-"The
projects teach the students about
the five-step scientific method. For
each project the student must pose
a question, make a guess or*
hypothesis about the outcome and
explain what they do. Then they
must document the results and
state clearly what they learned
from the experiment."
Students are encouraged to act
independently, but are free to seek
help from teachers, family and
other sources such as books or the
Internet to determine a subject for
their experiment, find information
and construct their displays.
The science department pro-
vides guidelines and example
sheets in racks for students to pick
up-and study if they need to. The
school also makes the sturdy tri-
fold display panels available, but
readily accepts displays made
independently by the students.
The projects are presented in
the classroom before the fair opens
so that students can get an in-depth
understanding of all the experi-
ments. This gives an opportunity
to see the experiment in progress
and ask questions.
"The students learn to apply
these methods to anything else
they do academically and I'm con-
vinced it helps them approach
such things as the -CAT testing
even better prepared," says
Colby Hathcox and Videll Wil-

IOnce he was nifty,
now he's 50! I

liams, both Westside thirdgraders
from Mr. Wendel's science class,
acted as fair hosts, guiding people
through the maze-like corridors
and helping to explain the science
"This is one of my favorites,
said young Hathcox," pointing to a
displaN of paper airplanes folded
into distinctly different shapes and
a chart showing numbers. "This
shows that the design makes a dif-
ference in how high an airplane
w will fly. And how far it v. ill fly,
S."And I liked this one, said the
soft-spoken, but confident Videll.
"This girl guessed that the juice of
a lemon would clean metal better
than orange or apple and she was
right, because lemon juice has the
strongest acid. See how shiney
these pennies are?"
Just before the fair opened, sev-
eral projects were being discussed
in Mr. Wendel's science class-
Tristan Barton presented "Learn-
ing What Dissolves," assisted by

Ms. Davis
UCF graduate
Melanie Davis graduated from
othe University of Central Florida
in Orlando on December 12. She
received a bachelor's degree in
forensic science. Ms. Davis is a
2000 graduate of Baker County
High School.
She is the daughter of Judy and
LeRoy Johannes of Glen St. Mary,
and is employed at JCPenny in
: Altamonte Springs.

students Luz Garcia and Brendan
Gibson. Barton's project demon-
strated which household items
would and would not dissolve in
"I know one thing for certain
now," Barton stated after the
experiment, as he cleaned plastic
containers in a nearby sink. "Black
pepper and cooking oil are two
things that don't mix very well
with water at all."
Students Jean-Yves Ortiz and
Steven Walker lent a hand to Stev-
en Edwards as he presented his
project entitled "Ballons With A
"Watch what happens," Ed-
wards told the class as he pulled a
limp green ballon over the opening
of a bottle he had just filled with a
mixture of vinegar and baking
soda. The mixture made the air
inside the bottle .expand and the
empty balloon quickly inflated.

-- sdwic lundui nun

for the week of
February 6-10
MONDAY: Breakfast pizza with milk and
TUESDAY: Sausage biscuit with milk and
WEDNESDAY: Cereal and toast with milk
and juice.
THURSDAY: Pancakes and apple slices
with milk and juice.
FRIDAY: Eggs and grits with milk and
MONDAY: Chicken sandwich or beef and
macaroni casserole, choice of two: peas, lettuce
and tomato slices, fruit and milk.
TUESDAY: Burrito or ham and cheese
sandwich, choice of two: potato wedges, slaw,
fruit and milk.
WEDNESDAY: Chicken nuggets or tuna
salad on lettuce, choice of two: potato rounds,
green beans, fruit with roll and milk.
THURSDAY: Turkey with cranberry sauce
or beef nuggets, choice of two: sweet potatoes,
salad, fruit with roll and milk.
FRIDAY: Vegetable soup and peanut butter
and jelly sandwich or turkey sandwich, choice of
two: French fries, veggies and dip, fruit and milk.

The Westside Science Fair is
not a juried event with prizes.
Instead each student that com-
pletes a finished project and accu-
rately demonstrates the five-step
scientific method is given a blue
ribbon of participation. The rib-
bons are displayed during the
public viewing.
"The emphasis is on participa-
tion and learning through the ex-
perimentation process, said
Wendel. "We strive to make partic-
ipation a positive experience for
each student."

attention for only


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THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Seven

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Macclenny, Florida,
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www. lambsautoandtruck.corn

Kin *deratehee vecoel

For all incoming '06-'07 Kindergartners
and their parents
Monday at 6:00 pm

February 13

March 13 April 10
at the Baker County Pre-K/K Center
There will be 4 hour long sessions with activities planned to help you
andyour chid make a smooth transition into Kindergarten.
Please register for each session by calling Velinda at 259-0405.

-gga -gga mgag -ag
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amm e- -mmm mm

Want to quit


Now is the time!

Smoking Cessation Classes
Classes are open to everyone.
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Working Toward Wellne.V s
Baker County Health Departlment
480 West LIowdcr Street
Macclenny, FL 32063

375 students in Westside science fair
Everyone recognized for entering, following 5-step investigative method

Happy Birthday!
Love, Your Family

re I


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Eight

nI ili^TB

Infant Graham

dies January22
Marion Amonte Graham was
born and died on January 22,2006.
Survivors include parents Cha-
sity Givens and Maurice Graham;
brothers Maurice and Marius Gra-
ham; sisters Mariyah and Amesha;
maternal grandparents Lucy and
Tommie Lee Givens Jr.; paternal
grandparents Mary Crosby (Hen-
ry) and Willie Edward Graham
(Zelda); maternal great-grand-
mother Alma Blue and Edna
Givens; paternal great-grandmoth-
er Betty Jean Carter.-
A graveside service was held
January 28 at Quitman Cemetery
in Sanderson. Combs Funeral
Home of Lake City was in charge
of arrangements.

William Grnffis

dies of long illness
William Franklin Griffis, 81, of
Homerville, Ga., died January 29,
2006 at the VA Medical Center in
Lake City after a lengthy illness.
He was born October 30, 1924 in
Clinch County, Ga. Mr. Griffis
served his country in the US
Army. He worked'in the woods as
a logger.
Mr. Griffis was predeceased by
parents Rob and Emma Alice
Griffis and wife Minnie Rozier
Griffis. Survivors include daughter
Evelyn Carter of Alma, Ga.; sons
Bobby Griffis of Townsen, Mass.,
Eddie, Stanley and Tiny Griffis of
Homerville, Ray and Donald Con-
ner of Sylvania; companion Melva
Griffis of Homerville; 23 grand-
children and 31 great grandchil-
dren; step-children Lorine Dou-
glas, Rebecca Waters and Edward
Rozier of Macclenny, Ann Bennett
of Atlanta, James and Pete Rozier
of Macclenny.
A graveside service was held at
11:00 am on February 1 at Oak
Grove Cemetery in Macclenn\
Sympathy may-eb expres-.ed on-
line at www.musicfuneralser-
vices.com. Music Funeral Services
of Lakeland, Fla., was in charge of

Wealthy Harris

dies at age 96
Wealthy Ann Harris, 96, of
Glen St. Mary died at her resi-
dence on January 31, 2006. She
was born January 16, 1910 in
Macclenny. Mrs. Harris was a life-
long resident of Baker County. She
was a member of Glen Friendship
Tabernacle and enjoyed cooking,
gardening and shopping. Mrs.
Harris raised birds and loved ani-
She was predeceased by parents
John Jefferson and Hester Mae
Griffis, her husband of 69 years
Lacy Harris Sr., sons Lacy Jr., Ray,
Riley, Bobby and Lonnie and three
grandchildren. Survivors include
children Retha May Harris of Lake
Butler, Cecil Harris, Earl Harris
and L.C. Harris (Ida) of Macclen-
ny; 16 grandchildren; 32 great-
grandchildren and six great-great-
A service will be held at 3:00
pm on February 2 at her church
with Pastors Albert Starling and
Troy Alexander officiating. In-
terment will follow at.South Prong
The family received visitors on
February 1 from 6-8 pm at V. Todd
Ferreira Funeral Services of
Macclenny. Active pallbearers are
Michael Harris, Alvin Hodges,
Raymond Harris, Robert Bell,
Lonnie Hodges, Jamie Lee Barton,
Dwight Harris and Gregory Harris.
Honorary pallbearers are Kyle
Newmans, Bryan Patterson, Brad
Patterson, Michael Pringle, Wade
Hodges and Scott Hodges.


Ne.u-w Hope. fr rh Commuiniz'
Five Churches Road
Hwy. 127 Sandcrson. FL

Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Every 46- Sunday Night Service 7:00 p.m.
Videll W. I'illiams -Pastor /

Infant Nowlen

rites January 30
Madisyn Lanell Nowlen, infant,
of Glen St. Mary died January 26,
Survivors include parents Billy
Jack Nowlen and Christy Lanell
Burnsed; maternal grandparents
Larry and Gerri Burnsed of Glen
St. Mary; paternal grandparents
Dickie and Susan Nowlen of Mac-
clenny; maternal great grandmoth-
er Linda Mae Burnsed; paternal
great grandparents Billy and Gail
Childs; brothers Mason Slader
Beccerra and Kyle Nowlen; sister
Anna Belle Nowlen; uncle Wesley
Nowlen (Amanda) and cousins
Hannah and Lucy Nowlen.
A graveside service was held
January 30 at Mt. Zion Cemetery
with Dr. Edsel Bone officiating. V.
Todd Ferreira Funeral Services of
Macclenny was in charge of ar-

Dorothy Williams
dies anuary27
Dorothy Louise Fraser Williams
died January 27, 2006 in Lindon,
Utah from complications due to
age. Mrs. Williams was born July 26,
1925 in Bald-
win. She was
the second of
., three children.
'" Mrs. Williams

1Mrs. Williams 1952. The
couple were
sealed as a fam-
l1 in the LDS
London Tem-
ple. She and her
Mrs. Williams many opportuni-
ties for worldwide travel and lived all
over the US and Europe. Mrs.
Williams was a talented home-
maker and was known for her
cooking and sewing abilities. She
served in many leadership capaci-
lies' ';. within 'her churchl'rnd the
Mrs. Williams was predeceased
by parents Clem and Gladys Fras-
er and husband Dottis McCoy
Williams; son James Melton and
brother Warren Fraser. Survivors
include daughter Rebecca Clark
(Justin); son Ronald Milton (Su-
san); daughter-in-law Linda Mel-
ton;- eight grandchildren and three
great grandchildren; brother Berk-
ley Fraser (Judy).
A graveside service will be held
at Manntown Cemetery on Febru-
ary 3 at 11:00 am. The family will
receive visitors one hour prior to
the service at the cemetery. Please
email condolences to the family at
Fraser-Ferreira Funeral Services of
Macclenny will be in charge of

Deep appreciation
Words cannot express enough
thanks for everyone who took a
hand in helping take care of the
Mann children (the young victims
in the Lake Butler accident). I was
overwhelmed at all the people who
wanted to help us. It was so very
much appreciated. Without their
help we could not have carried out
the beautiful service for the family,
which they deeply appreciated.
There was so much love for
people they had never met. Bro.
Scott Fisher and Dr.. Harold Hud-
son made the service a touching.
and sincere event.
We have personally, thanked the
funeral homes who helped us, but
we would like the whole commu-
nity to know who they were. Dees
Family Funeral Home of Lake
City and Guerry Funeral Home of
Lake City and Macclenny, Corey-
Kerlin Funeral Home of Jack-
sonville, V. Todd Ferreira Funeral.
Services of Macclenny and Mor-
ing Funeral Home of Melrose, Fla.
I thank my staff who went all
out to help the family and myself
get through this difficult task.
These people took their time, used
their hearses or flower vans. There
were many more funeral homes
that called and.wanted to help. I
want to thank our community for
coming together and showing their
love and support for the family. A
special thanks to Terry's employ-
ers, Marvin and Jon Pritchett, for
all their help, love and support of
the family. We give thanks to God
for bringing us all together.

St. Peters Anglican Fellowship
Minnesota Ave. Macclenny, Fla.
Sunday School 9:00 am
Sunday Service 10:00 am

./ / I.

First Baptist Church
of Sanderson
CCR 229 5.. Sanderson FL,
Sunday School 10 am
Sun. Morning Worship 11 am
Sun. Evening Worship 6 pm
Wed. Eve. Bible Study 7 pm
Pastor Bob Christmas
>--- --- --

First United
h Church
93 h. 5th St., Macclenny ~ 259-3551
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Youth: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Dinner: 5:45 pm
Wednesday Worship:6:15 pm
John L. Hay, Jr., Pastor

23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd.

Sunday School
Sunday AM Worship
Sunday PM Services
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

9:45 am
11:00 am
6:00 pm
7:00 pm

Pastor J.C. Lauramore Welcomes All

r-. .


enior Pastor
avid Thomas

Sunday School
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Evening Worship
Wednesday Night Service
Radio WJXR 92.1 Sunday

Youth Programs
Sunday School 10:00 am
Common Ground Sunday 11:00 am
Common Ground Wed. (Teens) 7:00 pm
God Kids Sunday 11:00 am
God Kids Wednesday 7:00 pm

Associate Pastor
Tim Thomas



Youth Pastor
Gary Crummey

Happy Birthday
Evelyn Taylor

February 1, 1941
This will always be a special day in
our hearts. We love and miss you very

" -L ss


Happy Birthday
2/2/1990 5/4/2003
We can't believe that you would be
16. You truly are "sweet sixteen." We
know we can't celebrate your day with
you but we're sure that you are cele-
brating with Jesus, the angels and other
family members in Heaven.
Not a moment goes by that we don't
think of you and your smiling face.
We love you,
Job. 1:21- And said, Naked came I
out of my mother's womb, and naedl
shall return thither; the Lord gave, and
the Lord lhth taken away; blessed be
the name of the Lord.

Special singers
Pastor Paul Hale would like -to
invite everyone to. hear the
Rushing Wind Quartet at First
Assembly of God, 206 N. Fifth
Street, Macclenny on Sunday,
February 12 at 10:15 am. Dinner,
on the grounds \il fol fllow the ser-
vice. Call 259-6931 for more

"Te Sprit Filling Church"

Mr. Zion N.C.

Methodist Church
121 North 259-4-4hl
Paitor Bobby Grifl-in

-,uij a; lrnilng:l W ,r:r ,i 1i Il),

Fr ,i.1 ,ij .'v l i'm ,rldi. I h
,_n.e r an., brio-n :.,n ihC l
,,th,, o d'6_ "- la,.';r in hI ulrhd nOt
P' l I- i to r ol e-l'"- v n"' "r i,
.lLII ii 'i j
:'r~d' nrii]Wr'i 0 in
:.rnd -.ri'n o ihp 11 0 p

^ Hil'ii-'-.il:!, ~ ~ ~ :'~'- 1^~ -- 7 0 fi

attention for only



Get the better news experience with
The Baker County Press

Holiness Church
CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL
Sunday School 10:00 am
Morning Worship 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm
Pastor: Oral E. Lyons F.

,NETHODIST CHLlICH 573 S. 5th St. 259-6059

SundayCR 127 N. of Sanderson:00 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am
Sunday horning Serice 1 1:00 am Fellowship 10:30 am 11:00 am
Sunday Night Service 6:00 pm a Worship Services
Wed. Night Service 7:)0 pm SI 1.00 am
Where Everyone is Somebody and d\ i Bibl-e Sludi'v
Jesus is the Leader ., pill
E 'ER O. 'ELCO.- f "r:.. .Minister
Pastor Rev. Ernie Terrell .. am F. Kitching

a c ldn' Ch66h of ad

Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life
Sunday School 10:00A.M., Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wed. Eve. Worship 7:30 PM.
Pastor Rev. Shannon Conner
North 6th Street Macclenny 259-3500

Come and magni4' the Lord and iorship with us
Glen Friends8hip Tabernacle
Clinton Ave. Glen St. Mary
WJXR Radio Service Sunday 8:30 am
Morning Worship Service 10:30 am
Children's Church 11:30 am
Evangelistic 6:00 pm
Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 pm
Ret Albert StarlIno Home 259-3982' Church: 259-6527

.. .b-hl : pni: t
s ,indd MS l iiif n-i l m i j ni I, F,,' p5 -
Sun'lh Urmn., ,r :hp :111.1 m n Thursday ,,tih 1:1)1 pm '
SunjJI hiinI:. I Irhip r: r p I ,. .

S "1 Loring Church irilh a ,rotring vision of Excellence"
l,- I I.i :.- i S h,:..:.l F -,.lr.. i nt .r ; '. r:..r,

First Baptist Church
Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11 AM
HSunday Evening Worship 6 PM
"* "A Beacon Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM
to Baker Pastor Tim Patterson
County" 259-6977
Perry Hays, Associate Pastor
Michael D. Schatz, Associate Pastor
.p ^ g ^_________



Independent Pentecostal Church
Seventh St. & Ohio Ave., Macclenny


HMvouMeT II Momentum Healthcare, Inc.

m~ffl~lll~m |0 BoBX 19425
isa l Jacksonville, FL 32245
He b uf wrk'for12orormo
dueto n ijur orilless






Eleven sign on as teacher Cadets

Press Staff
There's a huge shortage of
teachers in the state of Florida and
it's getting larger every day. Baker
County High School is trying todob
something to help fill the gap by
instituting a pilot program called
ACE Teacher Cadets.
The program identifies top level
high school students who are inter-

SRebuild Engines
* Rearend Ring &
Pinion Setup
Rebuild & Service
959 W.,Macclei


ested in becoming teachers and
introduces them to the profession
with Introduction to Education and,
Introduction to Educational Tech-
nology classes. They can receive
up to six hours of college credit by
taking the program.
The Northeast Florida Educa-
tional Consortium (NEFEC) pair-
ed with the Center for Educator
Recruitment, Retention and Ad-
vancement (CERRA) in South

General Car & Truck Repairs

ny Ave. r


!25L'7 0 LW/25 V.

"V e re 25 an( Mstill al Ir .loJ'esus Uh-islt
You're in\ ited to celebrate the :Sth anniversary of
The Lord's Church
February 11 & 12
S SifatLir;i\ startliii, at 1:00 pDm-
Rti~in' \\ ind The Coral Ridge Praise CGrup
and 10 local groups A. ndii idujil.
mi,,ilh i John Y-NInLgi to preach at 2:30 pm &AA
',. .rr J.W. Binion preaching at 6:00 pm
We will coindkidc when the Spirit leads us.

Sunday, February 12
10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Ni,-rning Worship
Covered dish luncheon folh.o inu, services.
For transportation call l ,I ."-.
I'l.d, come join us- Pastor J. W. Binion

the program in the fall and BCHS
initiated it at the beginning of
January. NEFEC has plans to
expand the program into other
school districts next year.
Currently, there are 11 students
in the Cadet class at the high
school. They have identified visu-
al, auditory and kinesthetic learn-
ing styles, written their own chil-
dren's books and read them in the
elementary schools. They also met
with Principal David Crawford
and Superintendent Paula Barton.
Later on in the semester, Baker
County Education Association
president Sandi Harvey will speak
to them about the teacher's union
and professional organizations.

Carolina to implement the pro-
gram. An estimated 30,000 high
school students have gone through
a similar program in South Car-
olina and the state has retained
over 8,000 certified teachers as a
I attended a training session
over the summer in preparation for
teaching the Cadet program at
BCHS. It has been very successful
so far, with students taking presen-
tations, into both elementary
schools and the Pre-K center. Later
they will observe and teach at
Keller, BCMS and the high school
The class accepts juniors and
.eniors with a 3.0 average, no dis-
ciplinary referrals and an interest
in becoming teachers. They have
to get five teacher recommenda-
tions and write an essay on their
career goals.
Students learn about the funda-
mentals of teaching and spend a
lot of time observing in class-
rooms in .the school district. They
create mock lessons and then go
into the schools to teach them.
Near the end of the semester the
they pair with teachers and spend
six weeks interning.
They can then take further
courses with the program's college
partners Lake City Community
College and St. Leo University, or
move into other education pro-
grams on graduation.
Presently, only one other Flor-
ida school district is. piloting the
program'. Gilchrist County began

A The follo' ing activities are
scheduled in Baker County
schools for the week of February
C 6-11. This listing may be incom-
plete and subject to change with-
out notice.,
2 .February 6-10: ME-Valen-
tine cand\ -grani, for sle
3 'February 6: District Wide-
School hoard meeting at 6:30
pm. BCHS- Drama auditions at
A 2-4 pm.
B *February 7: BCHS- 10th
c trade writing re% ie,,\ i li t c.ile _-.
teria. Dr.jtii d1 dili il, at ,2--I
pm. KIS- FC AT writing test (4th
1 ,i:ii ,. MIF- Just Say No club
2 meeting at 8 am.
3 *February 8: B111S- Drama
.1litin,-ii.1 2-4 pm. KIS- FCAT
liIini, test (4th grade). \ F'-
A School advisory council mieet-
B ing.
S *Ielbruary 9: BRl'IIS- Drama
:tldlluml at 2-4pm.
*Febru:iry 10! BCHS- Dra-
ma auditions at 2-4 pm. IVS. MS-
\-.V nlir- .. Day dance in the
2 niii from 7-9:30 pm. ME-
3 Jump Rope for IIL.rt. PK/K-
Dr. Weeks to visit kindergarten


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Nine
Get the better news experience with
The Baker County Press

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9-6702. PRIZES.

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Normandy Mobile lHomes

Super Bowl Extravaganza Sale

Gospel Concert



G oreI


Fellowship Temple
7th Street & Ohio Ave., Macclenny

February 5, 2006
at 11:00 am
For more information contact the church one of our pastors.
David Thomas 259-4940 Gary Crummey )259 t49 *1 im Tliomnas 259-4595

3BB12BA $54,976.00

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All Prices Include Setup A/C, Skirting and Steps.

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Country Federal


is holding its

Annual Membership




0 Ag Center -1 C
US 90

Dinner will be sE

If you have any que,
please call any of our men
representatives at 25i

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Ten


Mr. Gray and Ms. Linn
July wedding
Timothy Linn of Highland, Ind.,
is proud to announce the engage-
ment of daughter, Janet Marie of
Macclenny, to Jimmy Andrew
Gray, son of Jimmy and Claudette
Gray of Macclenny, Miss Linn is
the daughter of the late Judy Linn.
Miss Linn is a third grade
teacher at Westside Elementary
and Mr. Gray is a full time super-
visor at UPS in Jacksonville. A
July wedding is planned.

Volunteers needed
Macclenny Nursing and Rehab
Center is looking for volunteers to
help with its resident activity de-
partment. Volunteers are needed to
call 'linr-'o games, give manicures,
visit shut-ins and help with the
horticulture therapy indoor garden
Any church groups, youth
,Yrnp-, p and entertainers are wel-
come. If interested, call 'i orreic
Type, activity director at 25p-

qual-i-ty- adj.
Having a high degree




S L _2


1Wrt~ st Plrt'hcay

We Cmveyou, mommrl'urq Daddjy

Cancer support
The Baker County Cancer Sup-
port Group will meet on Tuesday,
lelur, ily 7th, at the Health De-
partment. The meeting will begin
promptly at 6:45 pm, and a repre-
sentative of the American Cancer
Society will be present to diio.Ci-.s
the services ofl-'rcl for Baker
County cancer patients, and to ans-
wer questions.
Anyone interested in learning
more about the ACS services is
welcome to atnemi. For more infor-
mation please contact Mag Mc-
Gatile at _'5Q- ;476.

RhModen reunion
The ILards and Carrie Rhoden
family reunion will be March 11 at
T,\lor church h from 10:110 am to
2:00 pm. For more information
call 266-4064.

iHappy 27th Birthday>
to my big sis'
Sandra Crawford
February 1

Lots of love,
K Your little sis' Jen .

I. ~


Rocking Chair


Officers for the Council on
Aging Board of Directors were offi-
cially installed last week by former
president Anita Gerson. Officers for
2006 include Barbara Yarbrough as
president. Sam Kitching, Tonnie
'Blakely and Bob Lambright are
vice-president, secretary and treasu-
rer respectively.
This should be an exciting year
as plans are underway for a new
facility. Follo'a ing some difficult
years, the Council is hnow operating
in the black and has accepted deliv-
ery of an 18 prs.cnecr bus for
which the Countl did not have to
cover the purchase,
The Board of Directors has
implemented a corporate member-
ship to ensure adequate community
input and experti. for the exciting
', eCts in come. Dues are $10.00 a
year and members are not required,
to attend mnlnhly meetings.
Even thiioigh thing, air loi oking,
good in other areas, the Council is.
t, ill very mnich in need of volun-
,.el,. paiiicularl'i lor ihe home
dc-li,rerrdi i.m l a. 1 lie CO \'Vs kNl!,
." \V'hce's po0,.gint aii liis ,nnie terrif-
it hclpeis buit the\ are badly in need
rl l'. lp %\\ ilihut .Idd iikin.il drivers
'lle tof tlt O1lle in.rll'.' hl.ive to be
clin nljrled.
(C _).-\ slalfi hl c tiriani ed hir lircc
Sincome tax .r..tti assistance for
L-. '., ,', I'rIil.r,n, Fliru;ir\ ', and
Fclrr,,,. 10W p\ idiin. there is suf-
liciti inRlliercsi ito bl m Workers
from Ja.ck '' ',on Ii,. .\pl'intirntmiib,
.te Ici,'_.', rn,.ijr li Kacie. Call her at

- - - - - --- ---

"lut-A'i 9rl .ir.trln- ot in .r _t-. 10.0led1 anr, I11- Pll
Gift -eirtificatesa...ailable

*----->----------------_ _------------------------

Women of the Moose

& Naf W W6ar Red Day

Friday, February 3, 2006
Bingo, Bake Sale & Spaghetti Dinner
starting at 6:00 pm
at the Macclenny Moose Lodge
-: Entertainment 185 Band
MNmnber- encouraged to come and bring a guest.
All proceeds go to the American Heart Association
For more information call (904) 735-4254 or 259-6305
Friday, February 3, 2006 is National Wear Red Day-
a day when Americans nationwide will take women's health to heart by wearing
red to show their support for women's heart disease awareness. Join the national
awareness movement by wearing red on February 3, and encourage your fatirily,
friends and coworkers to do the same.
The Heart Truth is a national awareness campaign for women about heart disease
sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The campaign and
partner organizations launched the Red Dress as the national symbol for women
and heart disease awareness in February 2003. National Wear Red Day promotes
the Red Dress symbol and the .1,. ,u1 that it carries: "Heart Disease Doesn't -
Care What You Wear-It's the #1 Killer of Women."

"'" .f rWomen &
heart ,.),-.

259-2223, x. 226.
At 11:00 am on February 1, Total
Home Care Solutions, a local health
services agency, will be doing a pre-
sentation on respiratory wellness.
On Thursday at 11:00 am, a repre-
sentative from Humana insurance
will answer questions on the
Medicare Part D, prescription drug
The Singing Evangelists, Ber-
nard and Frankie Hurd, will be at
the Center on February 15.
The Hippodrome State Theater
in Gainesville and the Institute for
Learning in Retirement are plan-
ning the Florida Senior Playwright
Festival. This is for those over 50
to submit original short plays to be
judged. They will also solicit
actors and crew members in the
Spring and will offer playwriting
and other theater related classes for
for the 'eek of February 6-10
MONDAY: BBQ ribettes, baked beans,
broccoli, apricots and bread with milk.
TUESDAY: Chicken and rice, black-
eyed peas, veggies, banana, bread and
WEDNESD.-A: Sausage, yams, lima
beans, fruit, bread and milk.
THURSDAY: Ham, potatoes, cabbage,
pineapple, roll and milk.'
FR IDAY: Cheeseburger macaroni,
green beans, carrots, applesauce, bread and
milk ..

4p Im IIIIa I

Required Divorce Class
Court approved
parenting class & certificate
same morning.
Last Saturday of each month
starting, 1/28/06 in Macclenny.
(Also offered in Gainesville)


David P. Dealing
former Baker County Prosecutor

Rahaim Watson Dearing

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Jacksonville (904) 399-8989 Macclenny 259-1352
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Ulasses ar~~~etreaipodl

Classes are free and produce

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f! 'a..

;t samples, door prizes, c

blood sugar test are provi


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accennr,. FL 32' 63
,'\vw bakt.lercol cntyhealth

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The power to control diabetes is in your hands.
We'll show you how to take control

and live well with diabetes.

Diabetes self-management classes will be held at the

Baker County Health Department on Thursdays from

February 9 to March 2 from 5:00 7:00 pm.

Topics will include diet, cooking demonstrations, what to do

about high and low blood pressure, medications, exercise,


THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2006 Page Eleven

Wildcats girls softball team begins season young and inexperienced

Press Sports
At a recent Lady Wildcats varsity softball practice,
about a dozen players walked off the field caked with
Throughout the late afternoon, coach Cheryl Nunn
had drilled her team repeatedly on the details of in-
field defense covering bunts and fake bunts with
runners at each base, conducting rundowns, and so
on. *
At the end, however, it was base running. Specifi-
cally, sliding. On a field well soaked by a steady rain
the night before. ;
And so they went, one by one, over and over, run-
ning from first and sliding into second, with Nunn
there analyzing each detail.
With each trip down the baseline, another layer of
mud on the legs and backside.

Then it was everyone over to first to practice div-
ing back into the base.
The parts that weren't muddied from the previous
drill didn't escape this one.
It was difficult for some and painful (remember,
they play in shorts), but the girls were giggling as
they by turns encouraged and needled each other.
And it was in that moment that Nunn hopes to
build her season.
"We're young and we don't have a lot of experi-
ence. They're still learning. We have girls playing out
of position or playing two positions," she said.
"But they,have talent and heart. They're dedicated
and determined to work to get there."
She also said they've begun to come together as a
team, an important factor in success.
Nunn recently put the girls through some bonding .
exercises, including one at the team's progressive din-

ner last weekend.
"We tried to show them not to pre-judge others,"
she said. "It all begins with respect for each other."
Nunn has seven players returning from last year's
team, which finished the season 12-11 and had a first-
round win in the district tournament.
Of those returning, just four were starters Cassie
Crews, Shannon Nickels, Brittany Gray apd Jessi
However, Nickels led last year's squad in hitting at
.369, on-baseaverage and slugging percentage, while
Crews was tops in runs driven in, runs scored, dou-
bles and triples.
Nunn said she expects those two, along with start-
ing pitcher Tiffany Smith and Kristen Wilkinson to
spearhead the offense.
Crews, Nickels and Brittany Hall are the only se-
niors on the team.

One big loss from last year's team was talented
pitcher Ashley Norman. To fill her spikes, Nunn will
hand the ball to Smith, a freshman.
"She's got good stuff, hits her spots and has decent
speed," the coach said, adding that the youngster
"plays a lot of travel ball."
Nunn, along with assistant Franklin Griffis, will
coach the defense and Chris Armoreda the offense.
Denny Wells, however, will not be in the dugout
this year as he is retiring, Nunn said.
"I greatly appreciate the many years of volunteer
work he did," she said. "The girls loved him, he'll
very much be missed."
The Cats are scheduled to host the Preseason Clas-
sic February 4. They play Hilliard at 9:00 am, then
Fernandina Beach at 3:00 pm.
Their regular, season begins at home February 7
against Clay County. The game starts at 4:00.



for tennis


Press Sports
The Baker County High
School tennis courts were busy
earlier this week with the start of
the tennis season.
Wildcat tryouts were held Jan-
uary 31 and February 1.
"We have over 30 kids tr. ing
out," said tennis coach Karla Am-
Some of the tennis hopefuls
have been working out as a group,
doing conditioning work after
Senior Randall Vonk has been
leading the workouts for the past
few weeks as FHSAA policy pro-
hibits coaches from being present.
"They ran two laps around the
track then ran the courts'doing





Justin Gaskins takes it to the hole against Suwannee County.

Cats win two of three;

district tourney looms

Press Sports
Through in-depth, exhaustive
and sometimes frustrating report-
ing, we've identified the secret
strategy that boys basketball
coach Charles Ruise has used to
turn around his team's season.
"We.'re just working hard and
letting the chips fall where they
may," he revealed.
Other teams will no doubt rush
to copy that blueprint for success.
Despite Tuesday's down-to-
the-wire 61-58 loss to Columbia
County at home, the Wildcats'
record is" 14-9 with two games left
in the regular season.'
Nate Strachan led the Cats with
18 points, followed by Justin
Gaskins with 12.
The Cats have rebounded from
a 2-7 start to the season.
"They're buying into what
we've always told them... the con-
sistent work they've been putting
in is finally making itself evi-
'dent," Ruise said.

He also credited his staff for
the turnaround.
"I think I've got some of the
best assistant coaches in the
Prior to their loss to the visiting
Tigers, the Cats won two games
last week, both at home.
On Saturday, Strachan and
Gaskins each hit a pair of free
throws in the final forty seconds
to hold off Suwannee County 66-
The Cats were up six through
most of the second half, but the
Bulldogs closed to within two
with 1:32 to go in the game.
It was the final district game
for the Cats, who finished 6-4.
The district tournament is sched-
uled for February 7, 10 and 11 at
Bradford County.
On January 26, the Cats beat
Fernandina Beach 56-50.
Their final two regular season
games are at home February 3
and 4 against West Nassau and
Union County.

"We have over 30
kids trying out...We'll

pick ten each for the
boys and girls, and
two alternates."

Karla Amburgey
BCHS tennis coach

suicides," said senior Lisa Austill.
Amburgey is working with a
young team again. Last year the
squad was mostly freshmen and
"We've got a ton of sopho-
pores trying out," Amburgey
Among the hopefuls at tryouts
on Monday afternoon, seven are
returning from last year's team.
Although returning, they are
not guaranteed a spot on the team
and must tryout as well.
"We'll pick ten each for the
boys and girls, and two alter-
nates," Amburgey said.
Not only were this year's can-
didates and the coaching staff out
in force on the blustery first day
of tryouts, but so were a handful
of past tennis players including
Paul Talbert and Hannah Cran-
Amburgey and her two assis-
tant coaches made a cut after the
first day of tryouts which included
the basics like the backhand, fore-
hand, playing the net and lobbing
the ball.
"We'll bring back around 15
boys and 15 girls," said Am-
The second day of tryouts fea-
tured the athletes in competition.
The first match for the girls
will be against Baldwin on Febru-
ary 13.
After that, the boys and girls
will travel to Stanton Prep on
February 14 for the boys' first

rp Bt e
S ourowncop
01 d o 5

LadyCatsose in first round of disict tournament

Press Sports
The Wildcat girls basketball
team lost in the first round of
their district tournament, ending'
a season of marked improvement
and leaving the young team with
a bright future.
The Cats had a five-point lead
in the fourth quarter Tuesday
night, but turnovers and fouls
cost them down the stretch as
they lost 53-44 to tournament
host Ridgeview.
The Cats overcame a seven-
point halftime deficit to take a
41-36 lead with 7:00 left in the
After a pair of turnovers and a
foul by Baker, the Panthers hit a

three-point shot to close the gap.
Another Cat turnover led to
another Ridgeview three-pointer
as the Panthers took the lead for
good with 3:51 to go.
The Cats had two opportuni-
ties down the stretch.
With about two minutes to go
and down 47-44, Brittany Hinson
got a. steal, but her pass to
Michelle Lopez was a little too
hot to handle.
Their last best chance came
with 1:15 to go.
Ridgeview, up 49-44, turned
the ball over. Brittany Ruise
drove the lane and got a decent
look, but the shot wouldn't drop.
The Panthers rebounded,
pushed the ball upcourt for a
layup and a 51-44 lead.

In the final minute, the Cats
fouled to get the ball back, but
failed to capitalize on several
Panther misses.
Throughout most of the game,
the Cats were plagued by
turnovers and poor defensive re-
During the third quarter, how-
ever, when they outscored
Ridgeview 16-8, they were re-
bounding and getting loose balls,
The Cats, who'were winless
last year, finished the regular sea-
son 4-16 after losing their finale
56-44 at Fernandina Beach. '
"We accomplished our goal of
winning games during the sea-
son," said coach Franklin Griffis.
"Our next goal is to win games in
the tournament."

.. ... .




Coach Franklin Griffis talks to his team at halftime of their district tournament loss.

Wrestling team wins

regular season finale;

Combs third in state

Press Sports
The Baker County High School wrestling team finished the regular
season on a high note as the wrestlers look forward to the district tourna-
The Wildcats bounced back from a loss to Middleburg by running the
table at the Wildcat Duals January 27 in the Baker High gym. The Cats
defeated'Paxon, Flagler Matanzas and Ocala Forrest to take the champi-
onship. They beat Forrest in the finals.
Several Wildcats wrestled extremely well, with Blake Yarborough,
Jarrett Hand, Josh Hodges and Timmy Mason all going undefeated in
four matches.
Now that the regular season is over for the Cats, they will travel to
Suwannee County High School in Live Oak for the district tournament
next week.
The day after the team took the Wildcat Duals, two of its girls compet-
ed in the state championships.
Sarah Combs wrestled her way to a third place finish at the champi-
onships, which were held at Osceola High School in Kissimmee on Janu-
ary 28.
Combs was 2-1 at the tournament; the other BCHS qualifier, Kristin
Smith, was 1-2.
"I'm pleased, to say the least," said coach Joe Van Vactor.
Combs is only a sophomore and Van' Vactor said he is eager to see
how she'll progress as she gets older.
Van Vactor has a small girls team because it is difficult to get girls to
try out for wrestling.
"If we had a full team of girls we'd be just as tough as the state cham-
pions, Osceola High."
He said that he faces two obstacles in girls wrestling.
"Not only do you have to convince the girl, you have to convince her
mom and dad."

Sports Week

The Lady Wildcat bowling team has
held two practices on its home lanes in
Lake City, but due to scheduling prob-
lems has no opponents.
In the past, the Cats bowled against
Columbia County, Fort White, Suwannee
County and Madison County. However,
they all switched to a fall league.
Coach Carl West said the 20-25 girls
on the team will bowl against each other
in intrasquad scrimmages.
The top five bowlers in the two prac-
tices are Chelsea English with an aver-
age of 105, Trisha Maclaughlin with 99,
Cheryl Hetzer 94.5, Page Moore and
Tasha Battles 93.5 and Kierra Brown

February 3
Boys basketball hosts West Nas-
sau, 6:00/7:30
February 4
BCHS Softball Pre-Season Clas-
sic, 9:00 am and 3:00 pm
Boys basketball hosts Union
County, 6:00/7:30
February 6
BCHS track team tryouts
February 7
Softball hosts Clay County, 4:00
Baseball at Union County
February 7,10,11
Boys basketball district playoffs

Dustin Brown looks for an opening in a match January 27.

THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Twelve

Baker County Middle School Science Fair Winners
From left: Robert Mowmy, Robert 5.,h,. iidJc. Taylor Hartley, Haley Taylor, Haley Kirkland, Jeremy Pietrowski, Ernily Ann Gibbs, Ashley
Brownlee. Winners not pictured are Dylan Kent, Philip 'Sasse, Savannah Knabb, Willis Hurst, Crystal Case, Ryan Guilk." v. Taytum
McCullough, Scott Staggers, Melissa Rambo, Elijah Knight and Anthony .Shuman. The fi fa,.ir,/ 'i,.. /,.;iis in botany, chemistry, earth sci-
ences, engineering, medicine, microbiology, physics and zoology. Robert Schielding's *.i,-'i-L r"i,', / hi,. h measured the physical effects of
exercise on hamsters was i ., ddi. 1 ,t overall project of this year's science fair Shielding won a trophy in addition to his blue ribbon.

'5..-'. a '5


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Sand- Field dirt -~ Slag hauled
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References available
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110 South 5th Street

Bush hog Dirt work
Land clearing Tree service
Free estimates
Contact Mike


Fill dirt White san
Excavating Debris rec
Backhoe work & Land c
Lee Waddell; owner


2" and 4" wells
Roger Raulerson

KING Custom Homes
-Residential ~ Commercial-
nd -New construction-
noval -Remodeling-Additions-
learing 275-2826
or 545-8316 cell
1/26-2/16p Keith Muse, Owner
TIVES CBC#1250391 1/12-3/9p

Custom house plans
to your specifications
Qualified Good references
Bush hog work Field mowing
Hauling Limb Trimming
Site clean up

Septic Tanks, Tractor Work
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Many references on request
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Bush hog


Tractor work Lawn maintenance
1/19-2/16p 1i, i, i1 ',i. in. washing
TOR ree tcestliates

Wood chailink vinyl
Pool decks



Oils, acrylics, watercolors, canvases,
drawing pads and much more!
110 South Fifth Street
Water softeners Iron filters
Sales Rentals Service
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Financing available ~
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Professional painting
Pressure washing
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25 years experience

High quality work
No job too big or small
New construction & remodel work
Garbage pickup for Baker County
Roll off Dumpsters
Kent Kirkland, Owner/Operator

Tree removal Light hauling
Stump removal
We haul or buy junk cars and trucks
We sell horses
Licensed Insured
Free estimates
24 hour service
Call Danny
Jesus is the Only Way
Since 1963
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Damage repair guarantees
Free estimates Call today!
'Sentricon Colony
Elimination System

Design / Build
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We service: refrigerators, washers,
dryers ranges, microwaves,
dishwashers and window A/Cs
All work guaranteed
Independent Authorized Service

Culverts Installed
Tim Johnson


Home repairs Remodeling
Mark Stevens
Lic#RR0067433 12/29-6/29p
Free estimates



All types of pest control
Call Eston, Shannon, Bryan,
Bill or Philip
Beverly Monds Owner

We build in-ground pools
We sell and install
DOUGHBOY above-ground pools
Service Renovations Cleaning
Repairs Chemicals Parts
698-E West Macclenny Ave.
(next to Raynor's Pharmacy)
Fall and Winter hours:
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Open Wednesday Friday
10am -6 pm
Saturday 10 am 2 pm

(CPC 053903)

c After-hours computer repair
Networking, training,
graphic design and writing
Call Cheryl




February 1, 2006

Lots $600



Baker County Little League

- -.at the Knabb Sports Complex

AGES 7-12
Thursday, Feb. 2 6:30 pm
Saturday, Feb. 4 10:00 am
Monday, Feb. 6 6:30 pm
Thursday, Feb. 9 6:30 pm
Saturday, Feb. 11 10:00 am

Late sign-ups will be taken at tryouts.
For more information call 259-5329.




,*. I I ", 7 iAW




.'d j

L-t, irr -.., 4-iL


ril "




To place, correct or cancel an ad by phone,
call 904-259-2400
DEADLINE: Placement, correction or cancellation of ads may be phoned
in anytime before Monday at 4 p.m. for publication on Thursday.

Classified ads and notices must be paid in
advance, and be In our office no later than 4:00 pm
the Monday preceding publication, unless other-
wise arranged in advance. Ads can be mailed pro-
vided they are accompanied by payment and
instructions. They should be mailed to: Classified
Ads, The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Mac-
clenriy, FL32063. We cannot assume responsibility
for accuracy of ads or notices given over the tele-
phone. Liability for errors in all advertising will be
limited to the first publication only. If after that
time, the ad continues to run without notification of
error by the person or agency for whom it was pub-
lished, then that party assumes full payment re-
sponsibility. The Baker County Press reserves the
right to refuse advertising or any other material
which In the opinion of the odblis'wer does not meet
standards of publication.

Firewood. Great deals on oak. CallI
485-0797 or 588-6687. 1/19-2/9p
Canon printer, Bubble Jet series with
color ink cartridge, software for printing
projects and manuals, hasn't been
.used in a while, may not work, $10.
Computer keyboard, $5 or free with
printer. Cali 259-2650, leave message.
: 2/2p
Bag your own fruit mix navels, tan-
gerines & grapefruit $5 for '/4 bushel
bag; #1 Honey Bells, tangerine & red
grapefruit $6 for '/4 bushel bag. Lo-
cated between Taco Bell & McDonalds
on SR 121 12/15-2/2p
Kubota tractor L3710 with LA680
front-end loader & box blade, asking
$14,000 OBO. 259-3519. 2/2p
2003 Outback travel trailer, like new,
28 ft. with slide out, queen size bed
plus bunk beds, sleeps 6-8, kept under
shelter, $16,000, hitch included.259-
6162. 1/26-2/2p

Motor home. 2002 Trail-Lite, 22 ft.,
vection oven, TV, awning, 5.71.
Chevrolet, cruise control, power win-
dows & door locks, 13,500 miles, very
good condition, $29,500. 259-3071.
2000 Kawasaki 300 ATV, fully auto-
matic, 4x4, green, low mileage, $3200.
786-5870. 1/26-2/2p
Yes-sir! The Franklin Mercantile is
open Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:00
pm. At the railroad crossing in Glen.
259-6040. 126tfc
Mahogany secretary, beautiful piece,
excellent condition. Southern Charm
259-4140. 12/9tfc
King pillowtop, new with warranty,
$259, can deliver. 904-391-0015.
Butterfly dining table with 6 chairs,
very ornate, fluted legs, rare; half
round foyer console. All pieces are ma-
hogany wood. Southern Charm. 259-
4140. 2/3tfc
Queen orthopedic set, $129, new, in
plastic, can deliver. 904-398-5200.
Antique breakfront buffet, breakfront
china cabinet, buffet, all mahogany,
can be seen at Southern Charm. 259-
4140. 12/9tfc
Magic Chef refrigerator $75; 1988
Chevrolet Astro van, new tires, runs
goods, cold a/c, $1200; band equip-
ment guitars, speakers, amp. Call af-
ter 6:00 pm 259-1747. 2/2p
6 piece Bassett bedroom suite with 4
poster bed, looks new, $2500 nego-
tiable. 653-2084 or 904-566-2428.2/2p


4x EunEIls


Artists! Oils, acrylics, water colors,
canvases, drawing pads and much
more! The Office Mart, 110 S. Fifth
Street, 259-3737. tfc
Luxury Queen pillowtop, in plastic,
must sell, $199. 904-398-5200.
24 ft. round pool includes deck, you
move, $500 OBO. 259-7892. 1/25tfc
450 Honda, good condition, $1700;
pinball machine, $400 OBO. 259-6902.
Auto audio amplifier MTX, Thunder
275X with two 10" Kicker Competition
speakers in enclosure, 200 watts,
$200; 26" girl's Huffy 10 speed bicycle,
no seat, $25. 259-6868 or 742-9399.
Four new Chevrolet Tahoe wheels, 4
P265/70R16 Firestone LE tires, lugs &
all centers'& accessories, $600. 259-
4721. 2/2p
Hot Springs jacuzzi, 4 person, teak-
wood sides,,new cover, 110 volt, works
perfect, $600 OBO. 259-3272. 2/2-9p
Honda 4 wheeler 350, Honda 4
wheeler 250, trailer that hauls both,
$6000 for all three. Call 1-386-752-
0011 after 5:00 pm. 2/2p
2004 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic,
black, stage 1, leds, driver back rest,
chrome wheels & many more extras,
$19,500. 259-3427 or 509-6833. 2/2p
All kinds of greens, $2 a bunch. 259-,
3294 anytime. 2/2p
Couch & loveseat, excellent condi-
tion, large pillowback, deep copper
color, very comfy, $250. 259-4126.
14 ft. open fishing boat, 6 HP motor,
32 lb. Truss trolling motor, new battery,
all extras, $1200. 266-9080 or 904-
497-3412. 2/2c

$1200 OBO. 259-3594. 2/2c

Sell your house and land -

1992 Chevy Astro van EXT, front/rear
a/c, 8 passengers, power steering,
brakes, windows & locks, $2200
OBO.259-3594. 2/2p
2001 Mazda pickup, B3000 series, all
power, high miles, great condition,
$6000. 266-9080 or 904-497-3412.
1999 Dodge Stratos, 4 cylinder, a/c,
cruise, power windows, automatic,
new top, end mag wheels, $3000
OBO. 259-3427 or 509-6833. 2/2p

1997 Dodge Dakota Sport Club Cab,
black with red trim, V6, tint, new
AM/FM stereo with CD player, new 10"
speakers, 95,000 miles,'VGC, $5500.
266-2331. 2/2p
1995 Buick LeSabre, V6, automatic,
cold air & heat, couple owned car &
had mechanic keep it up, very nice,
$2600. 259-2287. 2/2p.
1993 Plymouth Voyager, V6 engine,
seats 7, automatic, air & heat, lady
owned it & her mechanic kept it up &
serviced it, $2500. 571-0913. 2/2p

Need money fast? I buy land, homes,
mortgages, stop foreclosures. Call
Terry at 904-591-2916. 2/2p
Concealed weapons class. Tuesday,
February 7th at Hole in the Wall, $45,
photography available. 259-6568.
Childcare in my home, all ages. 259-
9097. 2/2p
Tree trimming removal and clean up.
Licensed and insured. 259-7968.
10/21 tfc
Now accepting antique furniture on
c-onsa3nnre-n--P-jces na e io.be in
good condition. Call Karin at Southern
Charm 259-4140. 2/13tfc

Do you have a junk car or truck you
want hauled off or to sell? 259-7968.



Pritchett Trucking is continuing to grow and is in need
of qualified people to work at our Lake Butler Facility.

Good benefits. Pay based on experience.

Apply in person at 1050 SE 6th St. in Lake Butler

or call 1-800-486-7504

8 year old .quarter horse, mare, $1200.
259-2419 or 591-2588. 2/2p
Pit Bull, 10 months old, Mrale, full
brown in coloring, $100. 259-7982.
One black Angus heifer, $500; one
Holstein bull, $400. 259-9132. 2/2p
Bulldog puppies, 3 male, 3 female, all
shots & wormed, 7 weeks old, $150.
259-4898 leave message. 2/2p
Horses boarded. Georgia Bend area,
feed twice da;ly, barn & turnout,
$275/month. 912-843-2098.1/26-2/2p
Dogs: all types from puppies to adults.
Animal Control, $50 boarding fees will
apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc

Found: Dachshund, in Miltondale
area. Call to identify 259-1159, 2/2

Notice to readers:
The newspaper often publishes Classified
advertising on subjects like work-at-home,
weight loss products, health products.
While the newspaper uses reasonable dis-
cretion in deciding on publication of such
ads, it takes no responsibility as to the truth-
fulness of claims. Respondents should use
caution and common sense before sending
any money or making other commitments
based on statements and/or promises; de-
mand specifics in writing. You can also call-
the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-
FTC-HELP to find out how to spot fraudu-
lent solicitations. Remember: if it sounds
too good to be true, it probably is
-The Baker County Press





Line Ads:
15 words for $4.50
25c each add'I word

Service Ads:
15 words for $6.00
25c each add'l word

Come join us for Midtown Day Flea Mar-
ket, Saturday 8:00 am at Midtown Mall. $5
goes towards advertising. Call Kathleen at
904-994-5595 to reserve your spot.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-?,
14425 Wilbanks Lane off Odis Yarborough
Friday 7:00 am-2:00 pm, 1/2 mile south of
1-10 on 121, to Buck Rowe Rd., follow
Friday & Saturday, 6126 George Hodges
Rd., Macclenny. 259-6865.
Friday 9:00 am-2:00 pm, Saturday 8:00
am-3:00 pm, on 23D.

Saturday 8:00 am-?, on CR 127, 3 miles north of CR 125.
Saturday 8:00 am-noon, located indoors at 540 N. Lowder St. Many
items including couch, coffee table, curtains, etc. Moving sale.
Saturday 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 4107 Dogwood St., Macclenny. Books,
toys, tools, tires, computer desk, knick knacks.
Saturday 7:30 am-?, 517 Fox Run, Fox Run Subdivision. Multiple
families. Rain or shine.
Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 pm, 17205 CR 125 N, Glen, 7 miles north of
Hwy 90 on the right.
Saturday 8:00 am-5:00 pm, 746 N. Lowder St. Couch, bar stools, pa-
tio furniture, exercise equipment, TV & much more. Huge moving sale.
Saturday only 8:00 am-3:00 pm, 6790 Miltondale Rd. Formal living
room & dining room, much more. Moving sale.
Saturday 8:00 am-?, 715 Shortputt Dr. Dining room table with chairs,
hutch, 2 swivel rockers in good condition, baby boy clothes, baby car-
rier,other household items & clothing. 259-5782.
Friday & Saturday 8:00 am-noon, North on 125 to Pine Acres Rd,
follow signs.

Experienced plumber needed. Mike
Green Plumbing 904-219-8906.

Retail/cell phone salesperson, expe- 12/15tfc
rienced only apply, great pay & great Part time with full time potential. Look-
work environment. Call Bill.at 259- ing for motivated, qualified person in
8883. 2/2c Baker and surrounding counties. Expe-
A/C & duct installers, must be experi- rnence in sales helpful. Reply with re-
enced & dependable. 259-8038. sume and references to P.O. Box 598,
1/12-2/2p Macclenny, FL 32063. 6/2tfc

Exterior & interior construction debris
clean up person, full time. Call 259-
2255 or 259-3343. 1/12tfc
Drivers or 0/0, home weekends, S/E,
2 years experience, drivers average
$700/week, 0/0 average $1/mile. 259-
6574. 2/2p
Wall Timber Products is in need of
company drivers & owner operators,
must have one year experience, bene-
fit packages available. Call Frank at
904-237-3904. 1/26-2/16p
Experienced painters needed. Must
have tools. 259-5877. 12/30tfc

Driver needed. Class A or B, Hazmat,
clean driving record. Apply in person
or call Les at L.V. Hiers, Inc. 259-2314.
Local home health care agency seek -
ing full time Physical Therapist for lo-
cal and surrounding areas. Call 259-
3111 for details. 2/24tfc

t. k COOKS

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5.m gu '

Dump truck driver needed, CDL
Class B.required. Call 259-4774. 2/2p
Eighth Judicial Circuit Court Adminis-
tration, Digital court reporter #7725,
starting salary $31,043 annually, clos-
ing date: Friday, February 10, 2006.
For detailed information, visit our web-
site at http://www.circuit8.org. EOE.
The following applications are now
being accepted by the Baker County
Council on Aging, an Equal Opportu-
nity Employer. All positions require pa-
tient; pleasant & caring individuals
committed to serving senior & disabled
customers; background & drug screen-
ing & a valid driver's license required
for all positions; team attitude a must
Mail or hand deliver resumes to COA
Director, 101 E. Macclenny Ave., Mac-
clenny, FL 32063, or fax to 904-259-
6394: Activities aide, part-time,
pleasant, energetic, organizer/leader
with good verbal & written communica-
tion, skills, musical talent a plus! Cleri-
cal support staff, part-time, good
spelling & legible handwriting, includes
tiling.word processing, record process-
ing & assisting case worker & adminis-
trative staff. Driver, part-time/full-time.
safe driving record, aged 21 or over, fa-
miliar with Baker County area, experi-
enced driver willing to transport pas-
sengers to & from Jacksonville & other
surrounding areas, CDL a plus. Home
health aide, part-time/full-time. good
'health & personal hygiene, good verbal
skills, ability to adapt & to take & follow
instructions, including light & heavy.
cleaning, errands & respite, CNA for
personal care & qualified respite a plus.
Relief food service help, part-time,
experienced in commercial food ser-
vice, good nealthn, excellent hygiene &
ability to lift 25 lbs a must. food handler
-card or food manager certilicato a plus.
Social worker, full-time. BS/BA in so-
cial services or related health field, may
substitute experience on a 1.1 basis,
includes client needs assessments,
care plans, documentation, monitoring
of in-home services, maintenance of
client records, good oral & written com-
munication & public relations skills, ex-
perience with elderly or disabled a'plus.
Need mature adult to care for children
al Special Blessings experience a
must, CDA preferred, must lo'e criii-
dren AppIl in person at 590 N 7th St
No phone calls please 2.2c
Now hiring for housekeeper. Apply in
person between 9 00 am-3 00 pm at
Travelodge, 1651 S 6th St No phone
calls, 2,2-9c
Pier 6 Seafood now accepting apphca-
tions for all positions 259-6123

Flatbed, Tanker & Reefer
Start your new career with one
of the fastest growing carriers in
the industry!

^-Job Fair-
Thurs., Feb. 2 10am-5pm
Ham-ipton Inn Gainesville
4225 SW 40th Blvd.
G 'incGille, FL 32o(S"

Guaranteed $400-$500/wk
Training Pay after CDL is acquired.
100 hrs. on the road training
S* Get your permit in 4 days
1st year potential earnings up to
Let Prime give you the knowl-
edge, skills & support you need
to succeed.


ABC Childcare & Learning Center. is
now hiring. Experience & training pre-
ferred Please apply in person 672.S:
5th St, Macclenny. 2/2p

Children's outreach assistant. Reli-
able person to present programs to,
preschool.& elementary age children.
High school graduate with valid Florida,
driver's license, basic computer skills,
use of internet & e-mail knowledge re-
quired. Knowledge of children's litera-
ture, working with' children &.children's
programming desirable. $8/hour, 25
'hours/week, Monday-Friday Apply in
person at Emily Taber Public Library,
14 W Mclver St, Macclenny, FL Appli-
cation period closes Tuesday, Febru.
ary 28, 2006, at 5 00 pm Emily Taber
Public Library is a drug free workplace
EOE, 2 2-9c

Licensed PCTCNA, CPR certifed
available to care lor your loved one in
your home. For more information, call

259-0535 or 860-9905. .26-2.2o
------ ----

Notice to Readers
All real estate a.dertising in
this newspaper is sui-ect to
tle Fair Housing At wrh:h r
makes n illegal to ad.erlse
'any preference lmrrtail.n ,:- r _
diSCrirnina Or n based or. race L'AL :"u.
,:.:,lor. religion se,\ hana.cap
familiar status or national origin .:r an in, n.
hton t: maean'e r, such preteren.:e hiiTm t ,r
or discrimnaiin Farniliial StaIu incilu-,de
chl-ldren under tme age t-i 1 ii. irrg ..'..i par.
ents or legal u.-u ol,; arns prre nari ..,:,-iTleri
and people securing cuilC'.d,' ,r children un-
der 18
Tns nnwSpaperl rwti no ..ingI ,: ,-epl
any- advertising icr reai ezlale ,*.h',r i ir i .,
olaLcon *;, tna e lawe Our readers are ho ere.,
informed i that all .3aelnigs. ad.enised in irs
newspaperr are a.aiiabie c.n ar elual .oppoi.
tuniT'y basi.. T, .:cmpia.n r, 1 discrifnmmaltin
cal HUD T.:Ii tree at 1 .S:0669.9777 Tne
I.n repa e ir epis :.ne num-. er 9 .:.r e hearing
inrpaire,1.-3 s *CO-927-9275



3 BR, 2 BA home on 1 acre in Mac-
clenny II, 1805 SF, $249,000. 553-
2718. 1/26-2/16p
3 BR, 1V/2 BA, 1200 SF, recently re-
*modeled, /4 acre, fenced yard, city lim-
its, $125,000. 838-9116. 1/26-2/2p
'Land. 3+ acres, cleared, fenced, well,
septic & power, small barn, Georgia.
Bend area, $70,000. 912-843-2098.

Beautiful 5 acre lot, rolling hills, prime
location, $200,000. 259-8794. 2/2p
8.18 acres, zoned agricultural, planted
.in pinto palm trees, with well, septic
tank & light pole, ready to move on. Off
Mallie Davis Road; Great investment,
$120.000. Call 259-3763, leave mes-
sage. 1/19-2/9p
By Owner. Brick home on shaded
couni.y acre, 4 BR, 2 BA, many extras,'
5 miles to 1-10. $191,500. 653-1411.
1 acre in Glen with or without dou-
blewide home With $75,000 without
$45,000 Nice location, dead end road.
convenient to 1-10, near schools. 338-
7153. 2/2-23p

5 ^r'5fiw

3 BR, 2 BA mobile home, no pets,
garbage pickup & water provided, $600
per month, $600 deposit. 912-843-
.8118. 12/22tfc
Mobile homes, 2 and 3 BR, A/C. no
pets, $500-$550 plus deposit 904-860-
4604 or 259-6156 3,17tic
1 acre lot for mobile home in Macedo-
nia area ofi Odis Yarborough. Call
Brian at 759-5734 -.r 259-6735 3,24tfc
2 BR, 1 BA, CH'A, $510 per month 1st
& last & $300 deposiT, we supply water,
household rash p u & lawn service
259-7335 12 'lfc
2 BR. 1 BA house. 249 N 7th St 259-
7766 2'2c
Brand new waterfront home, Mac
clenny, Cypress Pointe. 2000 SF, 4 BR,
2 BA $1395 month 904.860-5564,
904 288-6497 or 904-287-6709.2/2-9p
Brick apartment, 2 BR, 1 BA, 12
mcnith lease, $500 security deposit,
$625 montn. 351 N Lowder St 259-
9797 2.'2c

Go through Homrre several times most weeks
Home most weekends Personalized dispatching
that comes from only dispatching 25 trucks at
our location here in Starke Vacation pay, Safety
Bonus up to S1200 per year Dnriver of the fear
bonus and driver recruitment bonuses Blue
Cross Blue Shield medical and dental insurance.
Need 2 years of experience and a decent driving
904-368-0777 or 1-888-919-8898

Furnished, 2 BR, 2 BA, $300/deposit,
$550/month, 2 references. 259-4460.

600 SF office & storage, A/C, heating,
phone lines, separate meter, $400 per
month, $400 deposit. Call David at
259-2602. 1/26-2/9p

1986 Champion Piedmont dou-
blewide,.66x28 vaulted ceilings, 3 BR,
3 full baths, new green metal roof, very
spacious, $12,000. 904-339-1303 or
904-653-1832 2'2.23p
1996 Homes of Merit, 28x68, 3 BR. 2
BA, fireplace; large country kitchen,
lots of cabinets & counterspace; large
MBR & bath with garden tub. double
sinks, separate shower: lot's of extras,
must see! $46,000, You move. 259-
5895 after 3:00 pm



Well Drilling

2" & 4, Wells

Call Roger or Roger Dale,

Family Owned & Operated
1 Licensed & Insured ,
*jl lA

Need a Job?
Check us out -



Senior Staff Assistant needed
within Information Technology
Department. Proficiency in Word,
E xcel, and Microsoft Outlook.
Ability to \ork % ith minimal super-..
vision. Requires high school diplo-
ma, or equi jalen, plus four ears
secrelaral or clerical experience
Salary $22,692.00 annual,
plus benefits.
Deadline for recei' ing applications:
February 10, 2006
College application required.
Full position details and application
available on the web at:
Human Resource De el.:.pmeni
S149 SE Collge-Place
Lake Ci\,. FL 321025
Phone: (386) 754-4314
Fa i\. l3861 754-4504
E-mail bceitcherg, lakeciltcc.edu
LCL-'C i: j. rcrdl':Jt t', ir. S,:uhriTi .ui, ,o.]:.n
\ P .DA E E. ,:lcgi: io Ejducinri
E iF l e r


/ ( ii Aj^l (1 -.1
,. S

Commercial Lot 14,000 sq. ft. 100
ft. frontage on SR 121., Located
between Waffle House and Day's
Inn, adjacent to 1-10. $125.000.
Lot on Little St. Alarv's River, con-
\eniently located between Glen St.
Mary and NMacclenn\ This heavily
wooded lot is restricted to site built
homes onl\. ',' a cre + priced at

Nice 3 BR/I B.4 frame home with
ne\ \vin\l siding and CH/A. Re-
cently remodeled and ready to move
into. Located on Ton, Givens Road
in Sanderson on I acre. Affordably
wSi priced at $136.500.

Bring the kids and their horses. 14.88 nice acres. Part hay field and part
wooded -'.ith small creek and catfish pond. 3 BR/2 BA doublewide MH
with extra hookup for a second MH and two extra wells. Convenient to
Jacksonville. Located on NW 216th Street in La\% ley. Priced at $179,000.

Very Clean 3BR/2BA on .77 acre.
This 1995 14x66 singlewide mobile
home has been cleaned & freshly
painted. Located on a paved road
and ready to move in. Nice area on
Mudlake Rd. Affordable at $64,900.

Ave. 1


be reno-

vated for" office or other commercial use.
Lot size is approximately 152x112. Near
new Cypress Pointe Subdivision. Build
your business here. $150,000 ..

HOMES AND LAND of North Florida, Inc.

'11if tW 6-C y%, Licensed Real Estate Broker

259-7709 338-4528 cell
- We can show and sell all listings!

Well established business in the fastest
growing area of Macclenny.
Excellent corner lot location!
Beverage License is Available!
Richard's Grocery
& Meat Market
386 N. Lowder St., Macclenny
Owner will stay on to train you lot 6 months



3 bedroom, 2 bath
home, back & side
screened porches,
large family room,
large bonus room,
large fenced back
yard, stove &
refrigerator. Must
see to appreciate.
In Macclenny city

Anne Kitching
Sales Associate.
962-8064 cell.

Wendy Smith
Sales Associate
710-0528 cell.

Tina Melvin
Sales Associate

with all stock & equipment
**-A---wi .. j m i

,. l All l.,ri: BF: 1 BA r,"th e

$99 '9 00
- $99900

: 4 BR house arid
four rental mobile home
lots, rented at $140 each

3 BR, 1 BA home with wood
floors, CH/A in the city. ,
Currently rented for
$109,000 __

Excellent commercial corner
lot. East Macclenny Avenue, .92
acres. $200,000.
1997 Homes of Merit 4 Bedroom,
2 Bath doublewide on 2.90 acres.
Bring the horses or 4 wheeler. New
electric range and refrigerator, new
Berber carpet, new cabinets & coun-
tertops!! $104900
Well & Septic Tank on 1.90 acres.
Lot just right for your mobile home.
Convenient location. $35,000
Vacant city lot .83 acres in good
location, close to schools. $44,900

Seventy Acres- $2,500 per acre.
Moccasin Creek. Like to hunt and
fish, call us about this land in the
country $175,000 ,
Commercial- 2 lots on US 90 in
Glefn St. Mary., Excellent commercial
use. Has access to water and sewer.
2 Lots on US 90- in Glen St. Mary
with building. Excellent business'
opportunity. Has water & sewer.
Currently rented at $1100/month.



_______________________________ U

Serving ALL your real estate needs!

I Florida





Jim Smith, Real Estate Broker
Josie Davis, Sales Associate

Mark Lancaster, Sales Associate
Juanice Padgett, Sales Associate

799 S. 6th St., Macclenny


I ti



------ -------



THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS Thursday, February 2, 2005 Page Fifteen


Saturday at

9:00 am

BCHS courts


Tim Nolan's 'Complete' Tree Service

Grinding Trimming Removal

Free Estimates
Licensed & Insured

CALL 904/388-0157
Emergency Service (904) 838-5267

Jacuzzi tub with
cy fencing in a 0
FL/GA line in wa
this value for onl

bream & catfish,
Highway 185. $9
10 acres on sour
north side zoned
year old slash p
town and surrou
development $4
Interlachen La
.22 acre lot in I
Very few of the
investors. $15,0

SL Mary's River Bluff
Gorgeous 4BR/2BA Fleetwood on
2.56 acres of beautifully land
escaped property Large open floor
plan with vaulted cathedral ceiling:
formal DR & LR plus a great room
separate shower in enonnrmous master tot flew pnv.a-
home that looks & feels brand new Just north of the
lling distance of the St. Mary s River Don't miss all
Moniac/SL George
Lovely starter 2000 28.48 Pioneer
mobile home. 3BR/2BA home with
spin floor plan Large eat-in kitchen.
large master bath with garden tub
and separate shower Added
bonus- fish pond stocked with
2 utility sheds and rear deck. Sits on a corner lot on

h side of Highway 84, zoned residential, 285 jares on
AG-295 acre total Currentty all uplands planted in 27
ine Timber scheduled to be cut soon Very close to
inds school making this an ideal nact for residential
,000 per acre pnor to cutting, $2600 after cutting
ke Access
Interlachen with access to beautiful Lake Grandin.
ise lots are left. Most have been purchased by

A little piece of heaven on the SL Mary's River
Don't miss this opportunity A
pristine river lot with a 2/2 all
Cvpress home sitting on 2.5 acres
on the St Mary's River made
from the woods of the earth
Cypress siding, 3" heart pine
wood flooring, redwood counter D
lops Wood burning fireplace, i
sbacious kitchen, walk.-n panlrv, J'" -
too many features to list in tthis ad
Home needs to be finished and buytr will r-y 'f300)O
fishing 2nd BR and BA Price a bargain at $189.900.
7 90 acres ,lose to inlersecton of CR 125 & CR 12
home or mobile rome riot older than S years One ovt
parcels left witnh :ring for mobile home. Reduced $941
Bryceville -
3 BP.'- BA, updated 19-'3; DW,'MH
on 2 acres with pill fIloor plan. -1 i.
above ground pool. new green ,
metal root, learned anj i ross ,
ftnced oulsioe storagee ..her arid .
owner will leave hot tub h11i has noI -
betn installed yet 1.1599000 -- im0
7 67 aciew hi gh and dry with large -at. irees. zoried I
maintained drt road. Bring your n rio':" $115,000 00
North Jacksonville
Garden City I
branch fliow I
property $3

1 towards tin-

?7. Zoned lor
iery lew large
1,500 r00

OR, or county

ce large 101 on
ou'ise stll on



TA Er rU N T Pr Baker County's paid circulation leader since 1929

69W acen v 9 0 51 9 -333FL326

homesite restricted
1new orrie.

~3p' ~*l z- u

floorplan, wwc, ceramic tile, stainle


y Plantation Acreag BuL i


Ciny Oebk-26 ,6
Liese ea stt.Boe
Holl Man-, 31-39

Licnse Rel Etat. Agen
RoeSoks 0212
Liese el sae gn


'95 Dodge Ram 1500
Reg. Cb, t8

.j '9.W. f.t.

'99 Ford Explor'e XLT


,1i v -..ti' rf '4: .

'98 Ford Mustang GT
VS, Automatic

r ,, ..,I -,

'99 Pontiac Sunfire SE

00 Chevy Cavalier Z24
ConveWrtibile, AuQ
$4,0 ja.lt~g

u, tmoevy botp
Aul., kp-A t
$6i) B**',9%

uwiu Lierra A- ,aD
AWO, Luather Loaded

... .. ,.. -- y- L..
04 CheOvy SlIverado
404, X-Cab, Auto, VO-

1 Coloradoro X -Cab '02 Chevy VentuLre LS '9 Pontiac Grand Prix
AiiJdwlltic, CO Piayr 7 Passenuqor, VG, Aulo, CU Rear Spuiler, Storeo
$I3,995 $9,995 $4,995

Ibg a.1800Mites
$1 %995


Ii .i~* ~ Id
%4~?~4~d ,i

V2 Slvci adi'Crow CAb If

Ito 11 .o % .


119 S. Sixth St. Macclenny 259-5796 -Pre-Owned

273 E. Macclenny Ave. 259-6117 -New

Lance Griffis Marvin Nelson
Sales Manager Used Car Mgr.

Clayton Blackshear Morris Silas Roger Parker Mike Dees
Finance Manager Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate
