Project Profile
 LSTA Application
 Approval Form
 LSTA Outcomes Plan
 Project Revision

Title: Bibliographic enhancement of the Rare Book Collection
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00017507/00001
 Material Information
Title: Bibliographic enhancement of the Rare Book Collection
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: Barr, Jeffrey
Publisher: University of Florida
Publication Date: 2002
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00017507
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Project Profile
        Page 1
    LSTA Application
        Page 2
    Approval Form
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
    LSTA Outcomes Plan
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
        Page 22
    Project Revision
        Page 23
        Page 24
        Page 25
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
        Page 29
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
Full Text

Project Profile

Project Number: 5501487-16,5501488-16 PI: Barr,J
Sponsor: Division of Library & Info Services
Contract #

Title: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

Start Date: 09/30/01 End Date: 09/30/03

Award Amount: $46,914.00

Cost Share:

Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services

Application Due: March 15, 2002

LIBRARY / ORGANIZATION NAME George A. Smathers Libraries. University of Florida
MAILING ADDRESS Gainesville, FL 32611
PHONE # (352) 392-9075 x 309 SUNCOM # FAX # (352) 846-2746
CONTACT PERSON Jeffrey Barr E-MAIL ADDRESS jefbarr(,ufl.edu
FEID OR SAMAS AND EO # 59-6002052
TYPE (check one):


CATEGORY (check one)
Library Technology Connectivity and Services

PROJECT NAME Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

PROJECT Continuing If continuing, specify year: 2





TARGETED USER GROUP (Check all that apply)

Dale Canelas /C oLryOgio 3Dr
Typed Name and Signature of Library / Organization Director Dafe

LSTA Application
DLIS/LSTA01, Effective 11/20/2001

The Universit
Office of Research an
PO Box 115500 /
Gainesville, FL
Phone: (352
Fax: (352



j postmark receipt

Submitted to Sponsor: Florida State Library, Library Services and Technology Act Grants

Sponsor Code: I I

UNIVERSITY ENDORSEMENTS: The attached proposal has been examined by the officials whose signatures appear below. The
principal academic review of the proposal is the responsibility of the Department/Center and College. If additional space is needed for
signatures, please provide them on a separate sheet of paper.

Princi estigator: (Project Director)

UL3 V5 zo=Lo 2

NAME: Jeffrey Ba DATE
TITLE: Curator of Rare Books
CAMPUS ADDRESS: 200 Smathers Library
DEPARTMENT: George A. Smathers Libraries

Co-Principal Investigator: (If Applicable)




Department Head:

I r ll/)f


NAME: John Ingram DATE
TITLE: Associate Director, Collection Management Div.
DEPARTMENT: George A. Smathers Libraries

Department Head: (If more than one)


Dean or Director:


DSR-I (5/00)

Dean or Director: (If more than one)



NAME: Dale Canelas DATE
TITLE: Director, George A. Smathers Libraries

Other Endorsement (If Needed):


Vice-President for Agricultural Affairs
(For all projects involving IFAS Personnel)


Vice-President for Health Affairs
(For all projects involving JHMHC Personnel)


Vice President for Research

Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs

University Project #

Title of Proposal:

y of Florida
d Graduate Programs SPONSORED PROJECTS
219 Grinter Hall APPROVAL FORM
)392-9605 .

Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

(Do Not Complete Shaded Boxes)

Last Name (Print or Type)
George A. Smathers Libraries
Department or Unit to Administer Account

Last Name (Print or Type)




Social Security Number



Social Security Number
Social Security Number


Title of Project:

Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

(A) PI and Home Department, College
EIES AND IFAS r (B) PI, CO-PI and their Home Departments, and Colleges (equal split)
FACULTY OMIT 7 (C) PI, Center, Home Department, and College.
THIS SECTION. M J (D) PI and Center Only (No Department or College IDC return)
[7 (E) OTHER (provide explanation)

Exp Date Number YES |3 NO E Jeffrey Barr
Human Subjects F (name)
Animal Subjects O PROVIDED BY: 392-9075 x 309
Clinical Trials Q Smathers Librarie (number)
Recombinant DNA/RNA ] CRIS # (IFAS Only) If DSRhasany
Biohazards ( (If none, please check here): ___ questions about this
New O Research Mail Original and 18 Copies to: (Check One)
Renewal 3 Training [j State and Federal Grants OfficeM] First Class
Continuation E Extension E Division of Library and l: i M Federal Express
Supplemental E Other (Includes: Fellowships, O Information Services FedEx Acc't. #
Revised [ Conferences, patient services, etc) R.A. Gray Building
500 S. Bronough Street SAMAS Acc't. # 550100104
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 E Other

i- i i i I "

DSR-1 (.'94)

w -


l l l

I I I" I -- I I



George A. Smathers Libraries 204 Library West
Director of University Libraries PO Box 117001
Gainesville, FL 32611-7001
(352) 392-0342
Fax: (352) 392-7251

13 March 2002

Research and Graduate Programs
Proposal Processing
219 Grinter Hall

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter indicates my approval of the cost sharing included in the grant proposal: Bibliographic
Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection, that is being submitted to the State Library of Florida by the
Rate Book Collection of the George A. Smathers Libraries. The cost sharing as proposed totals $15,764.00
and represents 25% of the salary and benefits of Jeffrey Barr, 5% of the salary and benefits of Stephen
Fuquay, OCLC costs, and scanning costs.

Please note that grant funds may not be used for indirect/overhead cost (see page 6 of attached LSTA

Sincerely yours,

Dale B. Canelas
Director of University Libraries

Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution

Grant Award Amounts. There is no minimum or maximum amount of grant funds that may be
awarded. The amount of grant awards will be determined each year based on the availability
of funds, and the evaluation of applications according to established program priorities and
criteria for evaluation of applications.

No specific dollar amounts have been set aside to fund grants in certain categories. Available
grant funds will be awarded to projects that are the most competitive and most appropriately
help the state meet the goals and objectives outlined in Access for All.

If a project requests less than $10,000 ($0-$9,999) in grant funds, no matching funds are
required. All other projects must provide local matching funds that equal a minimum of 1/3 of
the amount of federal funds requested or awarded.

Local matching funds may be in-kind or cash contributions. Expenditure of funds by partners
on project-related activities may be used as match. The expenditures must be documented and

Local matching funds may not be used on more than one project.

Matching funds must be related specifically to the project being proposed.

The following may not be used as match for grants:

Other federal grants.
Indirect/overhead or administrative costs. When libraries commit cash or in-kind
contributions as match, there is a greater likelihood that they will be able to support the
grant-funded program once grant funds end.
Volunteer time. Volunteer time may only be used to show support for the project as a
part of the Inputs section of the application. It may be shown as number of full time
equivalents or hours spent in support of a project.

LSTA Guidelines
Effective 11/20/2001


Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

Library: University of Florida

Project Summary / Program Purpose:
The Rare Book Collection at the University of Florida, the largest in the state, will enhance the cataloging records in certain subject and chronological areas through 1800 to
provide full access to this primary source collection. Selected images will be digitized and mounted on a web site. An exhibition of the results will be planned and the possibility of
creating a traveling exhibition will be explored.


Selected rare books Select records to enhance # of records reviewed Public uses technology to Increase in information Project records
get information available to public # of records reviewed
Rare book cataloging Develop project manual # of records enhanced # of records enhanced
records in the SUS on- Increase and expansion of # of hits on web site
line system Purchase and install # of record holdings information available to
computer hardware and added to OCLC public OCLC records
OCLC cataloging records software # of new records
# of new records added to Increase in ability to added to OCLC
RLIN cataloging records Train grant-funded OCLC locate needed resource # of holdings added to
cataloger material OCLC
NAF records # of records replaced or # of OCLC master
Enhance bibliographic enhancing OCLC master Increase awareness of records enhanced or replaced
Grant-funded Rare Book records record unique resource
Create new records # of hits on web site
Curator of Rare Books
Create new NAF records
Library staff Rare Book
Cataloger Upload enhanced and
new records to OCLC
Director of the Digital
Library Center Publicize project

Grant funds Scan images and create
web site
In-kind match
Plan exhibit

LSTA Application
DLISILSTA01, Effective 12/18/2000

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection


Action Plan

I. Status of Project
II. Selection Sequence
III. Methodology
IV. Digitization
V. Creation of Web Site
VI. Exhibit Planning
VII. Timeline
VIII. Project Staff
IX. Continuation of Project Activities
X. Publicity

I. Status of Project

The start of the project was greatly delayed. Official confirmation of the award was dated
November 13, 2001, six weeks after the beginning of the fiscal year of the grant. The
University of Florida moved quickly to assign a project number by the Division of
Sponsored Research and establish accounts in Contracts and Grants. The Libraries also
quickly moved to establish a search committee for the Project Cataloger, establish ajob
line number, and advertise the position with a closing date of December 10. A total of
seven applications were received of which three were deemed to meet the criteria. Over
the holiday season, the three applicants and their references (three each) were interviewed
by telephone. One applicant was judged outstanding and was subsequently interviewed in
person. On the recommendation of the search committee, Christopher Smith was offered
the position which he accepted and began work on March 1, 2002.

Christopher Smith is finishing his Master of Library and Information Science degree at
the University of South Florida, taking online courses in his final semesters. He expects
to complete his degree in December 2002. He has specialized in cataloging, was working
with the Rare Book Collection at USF, and intends to make special collections
librarianship his chosen profession. He is already familiar with OCLC and the State
University System cataloging procedures and software. He will require some training in
specific procedures at the University of Florida, but these are relatively minimal. He has
shown every indication of hitting the ground running.

The Project Cataloger's computer equipment has been purchased and installed along with
the necessary software. A variety of reference books and cataloging tools have been
ordered, including all of the Association of College and Research Libraries publications
on rare book cataloging. The reference collections of the Main Library, the Architecture
and Fine Arts Library, and the Special Collections Library have been analyzed and orders
placed to cover significant deficiencies. In particular, the out of print bibliography of the
16th century Plantin Press, one of the major European publishing houses and of which the
Action I

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

Rare Book Collection has substantial holdings, has been ordered. Various websites
relevant to rare book cataloging are being transmitted to the Project Cataloger.

The Curator of the Rare Book Collection and the Rare Book Cataloger have consulted on
the cataloging procedures to be followed during the project and developed statistical
record keeping forms and written procedures. The head of the Special Collections,
Architecture and Fine Arts, and Humanities cataloging unit was also consulted in
arranging the contacts with the cataloging unit.

It is obvious that we are at the beginning of the project, not halfway through it. However,
as Christopher requires only a minimal amount of training and the Curator of the Rare
Book Collection will be devoting more of his time to the project, we are confident that we
will make excellent progress in the remaining months. A discovery made by Christopher
in his first week in the first group of records to review was that about half were not listed
by OCLC as being held by the University of Florida. This is far above the original
estimates and will greatly increase the number of records indicating the University as a
holding institution.

II. Selection Sequence

The selected areas of the cataloging records to be enhanced have been altered slightly
from those identified in the Need section. It was decided to drop the Library of Congress
classified titles as these are very likely to already have Library of Congress Subject
Headings access. Additionally, it was decided to not make the records grouped by
chronology (15th-16th century) a separate category. Instead, the project will complete the
Dewey classified History materials, move to the Applied Sciences, turn to Philosophy,
then Religion for the 15th and 16th centuries, and finish with General. This will continue
to benefit the efficiency of the project. The subject headings, based upon the Dewey
classification, will be either the same or closely related, which will make it easier for the
Project Cataloger to assign subject headings and it will lay the groundwork for
contributions to the National Authority File; the same 17th century printer responsible for
a book on voyages of discovery may well have also printed a book on chemistry. The
name, once entered into the authority file, will be there for the future use of other
institutions. The History collection was selected for completion as it is very extensive,
particularly for the history of England. It reflects a number of interests at the University:
social sciences, English literature, and religious studies among others. Applied Sciences
encompasses a variety of fields as diverse as medicine, engineering, agriculture,
accounting, and printing. Philosophy during the time period between the Renaissance and
1800 includes the development of humanism, the scientific method, and the
Enlightenment: the structure upon which modem culture is founded. Religion in the 15th
and 16th centuries saw the birth of Protestantism, the conflicts arising from the differing
theologies resulting in wars, and the alteration of the political landscape. The General
category in Dewey, includes such areas related to general learning, scholarship, and the
organization of knowledge.

Action 2

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

III. Methodology

The project cataloger will print out the local on-line cataloging record and retrieve the
book from the stacks. The cataloger will be working in a secure space within the
Department of Special Collections.

If the cataloger needs assistance with the language of the book, the Rare Book Cataloger
or the Curator of Rare Books will help.

The book will be evaluated, in consultation with the curator, for the need and type of
additional access points, if the names associated with the book are in the National
Authority File, and if the book contains material that should be considered for

Then, the cataloger will search OCLC.

1. If the OCLC record is superior to the local record, the OCLC record will be
downloaded and used to replace the local record before continuing.
2. If there is no OCLC record, that fact will be noted on the printout of the local
record and it will be uploaded to OCLC as a new record following the completion of the
bibliographic enhancement.
3. If the OCLC record does not indicate UF as a holding library, UF will be added
after determining if the locally produced record should replace the OCLC master record
or if enhancements should be added to the master record.
4. If the OCLC record does indicate UF as a holding library, it will be determined
if the locally produced record should replace the OCLC master record or if enhancements
should be added to the master record.

Statistics will be maintained on:

1. The number of records examined
2. The number of OCLC searches performed
3. The number and type of bibliographic enhancements added
4. The number of records which will be new to OCLC
5. The number of records for which holdings are added to OCLC
6. The number of authority records created

The access points will be in the form of the following:

A. Library of Congress Subject Headings

The most obvious is if the record lacks any subject headings; less obvious is if the present
subject headings are inadequate. The objective is to be as complete and accurate as
possible. For example, one of the 17th century series of natural history books by
Aldrovandi simply has "Insects" as a subject heading. This can be immediately improved
Action 3

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

upon by the addition of "Early works to 1800" to "Insects." To save time and add subject
headings as efficiently as possible, the cataloger will also search RLIN for cataloging
records. The records do not have to be exact matches as to edition or imprint for the
subject headings as long as it is the same title. The cataloger will cut and paste
appropriate subject headings from the RLIN record to the LUIS record. Several records
should be examined as not all institutions will add the same subject headings. Decisions
in the addition of subject headings should favor inclusiveness. As each RLIN institution
has its own record and OCLC has only one record for all institutions, greater variety will
be found in the RLIN records.

If no useable record can be found from which to copy subject headings, the cataloger will
use the LCSH to create appropriate subject headings. This is available on-line through the
Catalogers' Desktop software available at UF.

B. Genre and Format Terms

Genre and format terms state what the thing is rather than what it is about. The LC
subject heading Poetry will refer to a book about poetry, not that it is a book of poetry
and the heading Engravings will refer to a book about engravings, not that it contains
engravings. Genre and format terms are a method to include this valuable information in
the cataloging record and thus make it accessible to the researcher. A selected list of the
terms to be used in the project will be compiled from each of the following titles,
published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, the Library of Congress,
and the Getty Museum.

The usefulness of these thesauri should not be underestimated.

Genre terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing.

Printing and publishing evidence : thesauri for use in rare book and special collections

Binding terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing.

Provenance evidence : thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections

LC thesaurus for graphic materials : topical terms for subject access. This is available
on-line through the Cataloger's Desktop.

Art & architecture thesaurus. This reference source prepared by the Getty Museum is
available on-line through the Cataloger's Desktop available in the UF libraries.

Action 4

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

C. National Authority File Additions

The curator of the Rare Book Collection shall be responsible for creating NAF records as
needed. There are abundant sources for researching names in the main and branch
libraries, as well as numerous on-line sources. When the curator decides on the proper
form of the name, he will give this information to the cataloger for inclusion in the
cataloging record. Following the National Authority File rules for creating a new
authority record, the curator will then place it the local authority file and submit it to the
Resource Services Department for eventual addition to the National Authority File.

IV. Digitization

As the books are examined, important illustrations or images will be selected for
digitization. They will be taken to the Digital Library Center (in the same building) for
scanning as color TIF files at 600 dpi and the image put on a local server accessed by the
Curator of Rare Books, who will convert the image to a JPG file suitable for placing in a
web site. It is anticipated that 80 will be normal scans and that 20 will be oversized scans.

V. Creation of Web Site

The Curator of Rare Books will select the images to be scanned, write the accompanying
text for each image, provide the introduction and context of the project, write the HTML
code for the web site, and post it on the Internet. As the scanning will be in four groups,
each group can be mounted as soon as it is completed. The HTML code will be designed
to be as simple as possible so that it will work on older computers with older browser
software in order to make it accessible to the widest number of people and institutions.
The web site will also be evaluated by the Bobby software, a program that analyzes web
sites for ADA compliance. Effectiveness of the web site will be evaluated by monitoring
the number of hits it receives monthly after it is mounted on the Internet.

VI. Exhibit Planning

Based upon the work of the first part of the project, an outline of a possible exhibit will
be prepared for this part.. Depending on what is discovered during the project, it may
cover all aspects or just certain chronological or subject areas. It will be based upon the
web site, so the majority of the preliminary research will have been completed. Possible
venues for the exhibit other than the University of Florida will be investigated.

Action 5

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

VII. Timeline



Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description

70 Biography
13 History: Asia
6 History: Africa
2 History: Oceania
19 General History: Europe
7 History: Germany

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description

98 History: Scotland and Ireland

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Description

3 History: Russia
8 History: Scandinavia
11 History: Other Europe
111 History: France

Compile monthly hits on web site.
Action 6

Classification #


Classification #




Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.



Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description

26 History: Italy
30 History: Spain and Portugal
75 History: England

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description

125 History: England

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description

135 History: England

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare midyear report.
Action 7







Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description Classification

142 History: England 942

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare History digitized images for website and mount website on Internet.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description Classification

146 Applied Sciences 6xx


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description Classification

16 Applied Sciences 6xx
130 Philosophy lxx

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare Applied Sciences digitized images for website and mount website on Internet.

Action 8

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description Classification

130 Philosophy Ixx

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description Classification

80 Philosophy lxx
60 Religion 15th-16th centuries 2xx

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare Philosophy digitized images for website and mount website on Internet.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles General Description Classification

40 Religion 15th-16th centuries 2xx
100 General Works Oxx

Total of titles for the year: 1,583.

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare Religion 15th-16th centuries digitized images for website and mount website on

Action 9

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

Prepare outline for possible exhibit.

Prepare annual report.

VIII. Project Staff

1. Project Manager

The Project Manager will be responsible for all aspects of and reports on the project. The
manager will work with the Cataloging Procedures Consultant in the development of the
project manual, train the Project Cataloger in rare book cataloging procedures, the
identification and addition of special access points, the identification of types of
illustrative processes, and the selection of materials to be digitally scanned for the web
site. The manager will be involved with the cataloger on a daily basis, review all
cataloging records, and creates the name authority records. The manager will be
additionally responsible for working with the Digital Scanning Consultant, the creation of
the project web site, and outlining the exhibit.

The Project Manager will be the curator of the Rare Book Collection. The curator, Jeffrey
Barr, received his MLS from Columbia University in 1986, majoring in the Rare Book
Program. He has been employed as a Mellon Grant Rare Book and Americana Cataloger
at the New-York Historical Society, the Librarian for North Pacific Studies at the North
Pacific Studies Center of the Oregon Historical Society, and the Library Director of the
California Historical Society. He has created dozens of web sites and is the web manager
for the Department of Special Collections and Area Studies in the George A. Smathers
Libraries. He has also curated numerous exhibits.

2. Project Cataloger

The cataloger shall be the person with primary responsibility for assessing the cataloging
records for needed bibliographic enhancement, adding additional access points to the
record, noting possible candidates for digital scanning, uploading the records or holdings
to OCLC, and keep statistics on all cataloging aspects of the project. The cataloger will
receive instruction in local cataloging procedures from the Cataloging Procedures
Consultant and will be advised by the Project Manager on the types of access points

Christopher Smith, the Project Cataloger, possess the two major qualifications for the
position: familiarity with MARC and an appreciation of rare books. He received his B.A.
from the University of South Florida in 1995 and has worked in the USF libraries since
1999, most recently as a senior technical assistant with rare books. He will be completing
his library science degree in December 2002.

Action 10

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

3. Cataloging Procedures Consultant

The Cataloging Procedures Consultant, Steve Fuquay, will assist the Project Cataloger in
local and OCLC cataloging procedures, assist the cataloger throughout the course of the
project in working with the cataloging software, and provide help with languages,
particularly Latin and Greek.

Steve Fuquay (M.A. in Classics, University of Wisconsin, 1971; MLS, Florida State
University, 1972), who has been with the University of Florida Libraries from 1972 to the
present, and who has served as the Rare Book Cataloger for the Libraries during that

4. Digital Scanning Consultant

The Digital Scanning Consultant will be responsible for consulting with the Project
Manager concerning the images selected for scanning, overseeing the scanning of the
selected images and providing them to the Project Manager for the creation of the web

Erich J. Kesse currently serves as the Director of the Digital Library Center, with the
George A. Smathers Libraries of the University of Florida, a position he has held since
founding the Center in July 1999. He has previously served as the Libraries Preservation
Officer for over ten years and earlier as the Rare Book Cataloger. His Master of Science
in Library Science degree is from the University of Kentucky, where he specialized in
Manuscript and Rare Book Cataloging.

IX. Continuation of Project Activities

The project goes to the core of making the Rare Book Collection widely accessible to all
researchers and the general public. Educating the public as to this treasure of cultural
artifacts held by the state of Florida is necessary for both the library's and the public's
benefit. This has long been a concern of the curator as demonstrated by past actions and
plans for the future. While the project will substantially accelerate achieving this goal, the
core concern remains. The procedures adapted for the project will be applied to other
areas of the collection on a selective basis, in addition to continuing the general rare book
cataloging workflow at the highest standards. Expansion of the web site will be explored
and the possibility of staging the designed exhibit, particularly as a traveling exhibit, will
be actively pursued. The funds provided are not to be considered seed money for a project
that will wither once the outside funding is no longer there. The seedling has already
sprouted and has been and will be actively cultivated.

X. Publicity

Upon receiving word of the approval of continuing the project, an announcement will be
placed in the national ACRL News the Florida chapter of the ACRL Newsletter. It will
Action 11

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

also be announced in the George A. Smathers Libraries periodical Chapter One. To reach
to community of local faculty, it will be announced in CLAS, the newsletter of the faculty
of the College of Arts and Sciences. The best publicity, however, will be the existence of
the web site. As seen above in the first part of the Need section, the Internet has been the
most effective way to alert the public to the activities of the Rare Book Collection. The
creation of the project web site will make the project known throughout a very wide
populace, within and without Florida. In addition, the word of mouth by faculty, now
done largely through email, will provide a growing awareness of the project and its
implications. The Chairs of affected academic departments in the SUS will also be
notified of the project through email as the related segment of the project is completed.

Action 12

Library Name George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

BUDGET (Round all amounts to nearest dollar. Add additional lines if needed to include all information in a section.)
Grant Local/State
Funds Match

SALARIES & BENEFITS (Position Title) F.T.E.
Project Cataloger 1
Curator of Rare Books ..25
Rare Book Cataloger .05

$ 46.914

TOTAL SALARIES ........................................ $ __ 46,914


TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ................................ $

LIBRARY MATERIALS (Include type and numbers of materials to be purchased)

2 506

$ 4-560-

TOTAL LIBRARY MATERIALS.....................................

SUPPLIES (Include a brief description of supplies needed)

TOTAL SUPPLIES ................................................. ...

TRAVEL (List traveler's name or position and purpose of travel)

TOTAL TRAVEL .......................... .......................

EQUIPMENT (Include equipment and furniture with a useful
life of at least one year and a unit cost of $1,000 or more)

TOTAL EQUIPMENT................................................

OTHER (Specify)
OCLC charges
Digital scanning costs

TOTAL OTHER ...........................................................



$ ______








$ 46.914

$ 1.034

$ 20

$ i=2o4L

+ $ 15.764 = $ L62


Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection


Budget Plan

Salaries and Benefits

The Project Cataloger was hired at $33,000 per annum with a 3% possible raise on July 1,
2002, bringing the salary to $33,990 and an additional 3% raise in July 2003. University
of Florida procedure requires adding 28% benefits and allowance for the pay out of
annual leave as if none will be taken during the course of the project.

Project Cataloger

$33, 990 per annum = $1,307.31 per pay period = $130.73 per day = $16.34 per hour

October 2002 June 2003

195 workdays = $25,492.35
28% benefits = $7,137.86

Total pay and benefits = $32,630.21

Annual leave at .6769 hours per day.
131.9955 x $16.34 = $2,156.81

Total pay, benefits, annual leave
October 2002 June 2003 = $34,787.02

July 1 September 30

Add 3% salary increase:
$35,010 per annum = $1,346.54 per pay period = $134.65 per day = $16.83 per hour

66 workdays = $8,886.90
28% benefits = $2,488.33

Total pay and benefits = $11,375.23

Annual leave at .6769 hours per day.
44.6754 x $16.83 per hour = $ 751.89

Total pay, benefits, annual leave = $12,127.12

Total pay, benefits, annual leave
October 1, 2002 September 30, 2003 = $46,914.14 (LSTA)
Budget -

Library Name: George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

Project Manager

The Curator of the Rare Book Collection will be giving 25% of his time to the project.
The figures below do not account for possible raises or annual leave allowance. As this is
a local match, to include these figures would only increase the local match which has
already been met without them.

Salary per annum = $37,667
28% benefits = $10,547
Total salary and benefits = $48,214
25% for project = $12,054 (local match)

Cataloging Procedures Consultant

The Rare Book Cataloger will be giving 5% of his time to the project. The figures below
do not account for possible raises or annual leave allowance. As this is a local match, to
include these figures would only increase the local match which has already been met
without them.

Salary per annum = $39,163
28% benefits = $10,966
Total salary and benefits = $50,129
5% for project = $2,506 (local match)


OCLC costs based upon two searches per title:

3,166 searches at $.4118 = $1,303.76
175 holdings upgrades at $.29 = $50.75
175 export costs at $.174 = $30.45
88 new additions at $3.99 CREDIT = $351.12
(OCLC gives a credit for each new record added)
OCLC total = $1,034 (local match)

Digital Scanning Costs

It is estimated that of the 100 images selected for scanning, 20% will be oversize and will
require special handling.

80 scanned regular images at $1.00 each $80
20 scanned oversize images at $4.50 each $90
$170 (local match)

Budget 2

Department Of State
Division of Library and Information Services
State Library of Florida


Grant Program (check one)
X Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Library Cooperative
Florida Library Literacy

Project Number: 01-LSTA-F-33
Library/Organization: _George A. Smathers Libraries. University of Florida
Project: Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection
Grant Amount Requested $ 41.20_ Amount Received $ _4120____
I. Reason For Request (Check applicable item)
Change in funding level.
X Transfer among budget categories; cumulative totals exceed 10% of grant award.
X_ Change in equipment to be purchased.
Transfer of funds for training allowances to other expense categories.
X Revision to scope or service outcomes of project.
Change in key personnel.
Contracting out, subgranting or otherwise obtaining services of a third party to perform
central project activities.

II. Expenditures. Indicate projected expenditures for this grant in the appropriate categories on the attached
page. Amounts should reflect grant and local funding. Round all amounts to the nearest dollar.
Salaries and Benefits. List all positions funded by this project, from both grant and local funding
Contractual Services. Describe all services to be performed by outside agencies or firms, from both
grant and local funding sources.
Equipment. List all equipment and/or furniture (tangible personal property with a useful life of at least
one-year and an acquisition cost of more than $1,000) to be purchased, from both grant and local
funding sources.
II. Narrative. Attach a revised narrative reflecting changes to scope, activities and outcomes.

Signature of Library Director Date

Dale B. Canelas
Typed name of Library Director

The following section will be completed by the State and Federal Grants Office:

Revision Approved Revision Not Approved


Mail to: State and Federal Grants Office, R.A. Gray Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 or fax 850-488-2746
Questions? Call the State and Federal Grants Office at 850-245-6600.


The problem is the very late start, five months, of the project. Although the fiscal year of the
project is from October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002, official verification of the award was
not dated until November 13, 2001. Unofficial notice was received in October. Trying to hire the
Project Cataloger in the midst of the holiday season compounded this problem. Nonetheless, I
retain full confidence in the success, relevance, and impact of the project.

This revision replaces the previous revision prepared on October 17, 2001 when the Libraries
received unofficial notice of award earlier in that month. Most of the elements of the first revision
remain intact. It was based upon the Project Cataloger being in place by December 3, 2001 and the
Curator of Rare Books and the Rare Book Cataloger cost share salary percentages adjusted
accordingly. The Project Cataloger will instead begin on March 1, 2002. The cost share
contributions of the Curator and Rare Book Cataloger are here adjusted to reflect the current
situation. The revised projections for the number of cataloging records examined for enhancement
and the selection criteria require adjustment. The timeline has been substantially readjusted.

NOTE: All revised project figures are based upon the granting of a two month extension to
November 30, 2002.

Need p. 9-10

The LC classified books will not be reviewed. As these rarely lack subject headings, the need for
enhancement is not as strong as for the Dewey classified books.

To be removed from the search list:

Qx Science 201
Nx Fine Arts 67
Gx General Geography 33
GA Geography 1

The category of 15th-16th century books not covered in the classified areas has been replaced with
classified areas.

Action Plan

I. Preparation for Project

This section still applies, although the first paragraph detailing the hiring process is now irrelevant
as the Project Cataloger has been hired. The second paragraph relating to the preparation of the
project manual is still in place.

II. Selection Sequence

The Sequence has been altered in two ways:

1. The cataloging records for the LC classified books will not be examined.
2. The separate category for books printed in the 15th-16th centuries that are not included in the
Dewey classified books has been dropped. Additional Dewey classified areas, 15th century through
1800, have been added.

The revised sequence is:

Arts and Recreation
Pure Sciences
General History
History: Ancient World
History: South America
History: North America
History: Asia
History: Africa
History: Oceania
General History: Europe
History: Germany
History: Scotland and Ireland

A detailed listing is provided below.

VII. Timeline




Official notification of award received dated: November 13, 2002.

Upon notification of the successful application, begin advertising for the project cataloger.

Begin work on cataloging procedures manual and statistical forms.


Review applicants for cataloging position.

Continue work on cataloging procedures manual and statistical forms.



Review applicants for cataloging position and recommend a candidate for the position.

Continue work on cataloging procedures manual and statistical forms.

Purchase and install computer and software in upper mezzanine office area of Special Collections


Hire a candidate for cataloging position.

Continue work on cataloging procedures manual and statistical forms.


Train cataloger in local on-line cataloging procedures, OCLC procedures, and types of
bibliographic enhancements to be done to the cataloging records. General university and library
staff orientation.

Begin work on enhancing Science records, uploading records and holdings to OCLC, selection and
digitizing images for web site, and adding to authority file.

# of Titles Classification Description Classification #

100 Arts and Recreation 7xx

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare and submit mid-year report.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description Classification #

102 Arts and Recreation 7xx
34 Pure Sciences 5xx

Prepare Arts and Recreation digitized images for website and mount website on Internet.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description Classification #

135 Pure Sciences 5xx

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description Classification #

100 Pure Sciences 5xx
44 General History 90x

Prepare Pure Sciences digitized images for website and mount website on Internet.

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description Classification #

130 Geography 91x

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description

70 Geography
37 History: Ancient World
33 History: South American

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description

100 History: North America

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare annual report if denied extension.



Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description

70 Biography
13 History: Asia
6 History: Africa
2 History: Oceania
19 General History: Europe
7 History: Germany

Classification #


Classification #


Classification #


Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.


Continue work on enhancing records, etc.

# of Titles Classification Description Classification #

98 History: Scotland and Ireland 941

Compile monthly hits on web site.

Compile monthly cataloging and NAF statistics.

Prepare annual report if granted extension.

Action X. Publicity


At the completion of the project, there will be plans for a traveling exhibition and a web site on the
Internet devoted to the project. In reaching the public, the traveling exhibition will have the impact
that only actually seeing the object can. The power of a web site cannot be too strongly
emphasized. Currently, the curator of the Rare Book Collection receives email inquiries from all
over the world based upon already existing web sites. These have been questions concerning the
location of statues by Eric Gill, evaluating fore-edge paintings, information about the early 18th
century book illustrator Francis Hoffman (one English correspondent referred to him as "barking
mad"), and research on the noted 20th century artist John Buckland Wright. If one were to enter
into the Google search engine (http://www.google.com/) the phrase Cuala Press or Eric Gill or
Francis Hoffman or Fore-edge Paintings, one would find the Rare Book Collection either at or near
the top.

In addition to these efforts, there is the strong possibility of an article submitted to a professional
library journal, as projects such as this one are very unusual and there would be great interest in it.
Publicity for a rare book collection is always difficult and one must rely upon the good offices of
fellow rare book librarians. They are the people who will steer their patrons to places of interest and
notifying them has an immediate and powerful ripple effect. The beginning, progress, and
completion of the project will be noted in private communications and, most particularly, on
listserves such as Exlibris, serving the rare book community as a whole, not just librarians.

Budget Narrative

This is where most of the changes have been made. The delay in the approval of the grant and its
implementation required a thorough review of the budget.

Salary and Benefits

The primary cost for the project remains the Project Cataloger. Originally, the projected cost was
for $32,000 per annum based on an October 1, 2001 September 30, 2002 year. With the delays,
that has become March 1, 2002 November 30, 2002 with the assumption that a two month
extension will be granted. The figures were originally compiled with a 28% benefits addition. It has
since been learned that accumulated annual leave must also be figured into the equation. This
allows for the possibility that the Project cataloger may take no annual leave during the course of
the project and cash it out at the end. This follows the procedures of the George A. Smathers
Libraries Budget Office and applies to all employees. Additionally, allowances have been made for
a 3% salary increase at the beginning of each state fiscal year, July 1.

Project Cataloger

March 1 June 30 = 86 workdays

$33,000 per annum = $1,269.23 per pay period = $126.92 per day = $15.865 per hour


28% benefits = $3,056.23

Total pay and benefits = $13,971.35

Annual leave at .6769 hours per day

58.2134 hours x $15.865 per hour = $923.56

Total pay, benefits, annual leave = $14,894.91

July 1 September 30 = 66 workdays

Add 3% salary increase:
$33, 990 per annum = $1,307.31 per pay period = $130.73 per day = $16.34 per hour


28% benefits = $2,415.89

Total pay and benefits = $11,044.07

Annual leave at .6769 hours per day

44.6754 hours x $16.34 per hour = $730.00

Total pay, benefits, annual leave = $11,774.07


October 1 November 30 = 44 workdays


28% benefits = $1,610.59

Total pay and benefits = $7,362.71

Annual leave at .6769 hours per day.

29.7836 hours x $16.34 per hour = $486.66

Total pay, benefits, annual leave = $7,849.37

Total pay, benefits, annual leave March 1 -November 30 = $34,518.35

Curator of the Rare Book Collection

In November and December, the curator spent 10% of his time on grant work; in January and
February the amount was 20%. Thereafter, it will be 25%. No allowances for a salary increase were
factored in, as that would only increase the cost share and are not necessary.

November December 2001 = 43 workdays

$36,850 per annum = $1,417.30 per pay period = $141.73 per day = $17.72 per hour

10% cost share = 4.3 days


28% benefits = $170.64

Total pay and benefits = $780.08

January February = 43 workdays

20% cost share = 8.6 workdays


28% benefits = $341.29

Total pay and benefits = $1,560.17

March September = 152 workdays

25% cost share = 38 workdays


28% benefits = $1,508.01

Total pay and benefits = $6,893.75

October November = 44 workdays

25% cost share = 11 workdays


28% benefits = $436.53

Total pay and benefits = $1995.56

Total pay and benefits November 2001 November 2002 = $11, 229.56

Rare Book Cataloger

The Rare Book Cataloger began contributing time to the project in January. The percentage of his
contribution remains at 5%. No allowances for a salary increase were factored in, as that would
only increase the cost share and are not necessary.

January September = 195 workdays

$38,060 per annum = $1,463.85 per pay period = $146.39 per day = $18.30 per hour

5% cost share = 9.75 days


28% benefits = $399.64

Total pay and benefits = $1,826.94

October November = 44 workdays

5% cost share = 2.2 days


28% benefits = $90.18

Total pay and benefits = $412.24

Total pay and benefits January November = $2,239.18

Library Materials

This is a category that does not appear in the original application. There are a number of reference
books that will be needed for this project and reference books are expensive. A good example is
Borsa's small two volume set of variations on 16th century Italian printers' names acquired in the
last fiscal year. It was out of print and required for the correct form of the printers' names. It cost
$250. A modest estimate is that we will spend $2,000 on reference works for the project.


The Project Cataloger needs some additional training in aspects of rare books. The most useful will
be the identification of the types of book illustrations. The Rare Book School associated with the
University of Virginia offers a course Book Illustration Processes in the first week of June. Tuition
costs are listed below under Other.

Travel expenses are:

$320 Round trip airline from Gainesville, Florida to Charlotte, Virginia
60 Ground transportation in Gainesville and Charlotte
120 Meals, based upon the state rate of $3 for breakfast, $8 for lunch, and $12 for dinner.
Sunday dinner, Monday-Friday, Saturday breakfast.
240 Housing at $40 a night.


The equipment costs have been adjusted to $3,197. This covers the cost of the Project Cataloger's
computer and the curator's computer. This machine had to be recently replaced with older used
equipment and is not considered to be sufficient for many tasks.



OCLC costs will be less due to the reduction in the number of anticipated searches. This is part of
the local match.

2,890 searches at $.4118 = $1,190.10
145 holdings upgrades at $.29 = $42.05
145 export costs at $.174 = $25.43
73 new additions at $3.99 CREDIT = $291.27
OCLC total $966


Digital scanning costs remain the same at $170 and remain part of the local match.

Duplication of Reference Material

As many of the reference books that will be consulted are either in the main library Library West or
the Architecture and Fine Arts Library, it will be necessary to make copies to bring back to
Smathers Library, the location of the Rare Book Collection. The copies will be used either for
cataloging purposes or for establishing names for the Name Authority File. This will be a local
match: $50.


Costs for a five day course at the Rare Book School: $745.

Prepared February 26, 2002
Jeffrey A. Barr
Curator of Rare Books

Library Name George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Project Name Bibliographic Enhancement of the Rare Book Collection

BUDGET (Round all amounts to nearest dollar. Add additional lines if needed to include all information in a section.)

SALARIES & BENEFITS (Position Title) F.T.E.
_Project Cataloger 1
Curator of Rare Books .10-.25
Rare Book Cataloger .05

TOTAL SALARIES ......................... ....................... $


TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ..........................

LIBRARY MATERIALS (Include type and numbers of materials
Reference books

TOTAL LIBRARY MATERIALS.....................................

SUPPLIES (Include a brief description of supplies needed)

TOTAL SUPPLIES ................................................. ...

TRAVEL (List traveler's name or position and purpose of travel)
Project Cataloger
Travel, room and board for Rare Book School

TOTAL TRAVEL .......................... .. ................

EQUIPMENT (Include equipment and furniture with a useful
life of at least one year and a unit cost of $1,000 or more)
Computer hardware and software

TOTAL EQUIPMENT.............................................

OTHER (Specify)
OCLC charges
Digital scanning costs
Duplication of references
Tuition Rare Book School

TOTAL OTHER ......................................... ...............



$ 34,_18

to be purchased)
$ 2.000

$ il____

$ _.


$ 0

$ 3.197


$ ~

$ -__--


$ 42

$ 745

$ 41.200


2 239

$ 13A69




$ 966
$ 50


$ 1.186

+ $ 14655 = $5555

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