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Libraries welcome new dean
Page 1 In memoriam Page 2 Page 3 Friends of the libraries Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Help the libraries preserve this rare book set Page 7 Library West dedication Page 8 |
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..9. '6q. '-' ... I. ,C 41..~ I For Fried of te Gee A. L s Uy of F Sp 2 0 Libraries welcome new dean, Judith Russell by John Ingram Deputy Director and Directorfor Collection Services As many of our readers will have already learned, Judith Russell has assumed the position of Dean of University Libraries, her appointment starting on May 1,2007. Judy as she prefers to be called has had a long and distinguished career, and while having earned a master's degree in librarianship from Catholic University, she has devoted much of her career to endeavors that are not strictly encompassed within the traditional ladder of professional library administration. Most recently the Superintendent of Government Documents at the United States Government Printing Office (GPO), Russell brought her abilities as an information manager and service provider to the fore as she re-imagined the paper-based output of the US bureaucracy into an electronic counterpart. With the shift of the preponderance of government publications into the digital world, our government information will become much more easily and more widely accessible not only to our own citizens and legislators, but also to others around the world who look to the United States for models in the democratic process. Russell's position was elevated from director to dean to reflect the increasing importance of library and information services to the academic and research missions of the university, said Provost Janie Fouke."The new dean of libraries will help us to integrate information resources across the university and, most importantly, help us identify the campus library needs for the next decade," Fouke said."I fully expect Ms.Russell to play a substantial role in helping to secure the resources necessary to support the campus needs." As superintendent of documents, Russell led a staff of 220 staff and managed a $70 million annual department income. Russell said she decided to pursue a position in academia after working with academic and research libraries during her time with the U.S. government. Russell has extensive experience with print and electronic resources, and she said she plans to expand and improve UF library services and facilities for both media."I was attracted by the challenge of leading the libraries of a major university into the future,' Russell said."I look forward to serving such a large and diverse population." Russell's e-mail address is: jcrussell@ufl.edu. Judith Russell Dean of University Libraries What's Inside c' Page 2 In memorial: George A. Smathers, Barbara Fearney c' Page 3 In memorial: Marilyn S. Fregly, Cecilia Johnson; UAA donation c' Page 4 2006 Honor Roll of Donors c' Pages 7 Preserve this rare book set c' Pages 8 Library West dedication U In memorial: by John Nemmers Descriptive and technical services archivist Department of Special and Area Studies Collections G eorge A. Smathers, the primary benefactor for the libraries, and the man for whom both the library system and the Smathers Library building are named, died at the age of 93 in January. Over the last seventeen years of his life, the UF alumnus and former U.S. Senator pledged more than $20 million to support the libraries. Smathers was born in New Jersey in 1913, and moved to Miami when he was six years old.A standout student while at UF, he served as president of the student body and captain of both the basketball and debate teams. He was awarded his A.B. and his LL.B degrees in 1938, and he began practicing law in Miami that same year. During World War II, Smathers served in the Marine Corps, including 18 months in the South Pacific. He served as a Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives for two terms from 1946 to 1950, and he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1950 and served three terms. He was a close friend of President John F Kennedy, and was acclaimed for his tireless efforts to improve U.S. relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. Senator Smathers retired from politics in 1969. His giving in support of the libraries began in 1989 when Smathers donated almost two million dollars to renovate Library East, the oldest library building on campus. In recognition of the gift, the name of the building was changed to Smathers Library. It is quite appropriate that today the building that bears his name is home to the Department of Special and Area Studies Collections, which includes both the Latin American Collection and Smathers' Senatorial papers, an archival collection that is used by scholars and students around the world. His generous giving continued in 1991 when Smathers pledged $20 million in the form of a bequest.About the gift, he stated: "The library, of course, is the core resource of a great university. It keeps the traditions of the scholarship and learning alive as it also seeks to capture the constantly growing sum of human knowledge. To be able to help the University of Florida meet this challenge for its libraries' mission represented an opportunity of a lifetime"' In recognition of the unprecedented donation, the libraries were named in his honor that same year. In 2001, Smathers once again demonstrated his support of the libraries by providing a one million dollar endowment. The funds from the endowment can be used to purchase books and other resources during times when the library budget is tight. And, to our benefit, his son, Bruce Smathers, also shares his father's commitment to the libraries and currently serves on the library leadership board. John Ingram, the Smathers Libraries' deputy director and director for collection services, said, "It was obvious from the remarks made at his funeral that Senator Smathers continued to have a deep and persistent love for the state of Florida and its flagship university of which he was twice an alumnus. His commitment to the UF Libraries was just as profound and as far-reaching. Over more than a decade he reinforced this love by his support of the UF libraries, for he obviously knew that without such support UF could not fulfill its many educational missions"' His long-term support of the libraries, and his dedication in helping the libraries fulfill our mission, is an important part of the legacy of George A. Smathers. 2 c- Chapter One Barbara Fearney by Ann Lindell Head, Architecture & Fine Arts Library t is with sadness that we note the passing of Barbara Wyatt Fearney, at age 81. Born and raised in Virginia, Barbara graduated with a bachelor's degree in English from the University of North Carolina in 1946. In 1949 she married Edward "Ted" Fearney, who taught architecture at the University of Florida for 35 years. Barbara shared her husband's interests in history and architecture, and her many contributions to the local community reflect this passion. She was a member of the original board of the Matheson Museum in Gainesville, and provided service and leadership to other organizations including the First Presbyterian Church of Gainesville, the Micanopy Historical Society Museum, the Micanopy Preservation Trust, the Micanopy Cemetery Association and the organizing committee of the Micanopy Fall Festival. Fearney was a great supporter of the UF Libraries.After her husband's death in 2000, she donated books and periodicals from his personal library, and supplemented that gift with funds to support the processing and cataloging of those materials. Then in 2003, she established the "Ted Fearney Book Endowment in Architectural Studies," which complements the "Ted Fearney Endowed Professorship in Architecture Fund," established by Ted's former students in 1997. These gifts provide a legacy that reflects the Fearney's deep commitment to architectural education and love of learning. Marilyn S. Fregly 1928-2006 by ohn Nemmers Descriptive and technical services archivist Department of Special and and Area Studies Collections D r. Marilyn S. Fregly passed away unexpectedly on October 30, 2006, in Gainesville. A longtime educator at UF and a dedicated supporter of the libraries, she will be missed by those who knew her. Dr. Fregly moved to Gainesville in 1956 when her husband, Melvin J. Fregly, accepted a position with the department of physiology. She earned a Ph.D. in English and linguistics from UF in 1967, and she later joined the UF faculty in 1973 as an assistant professor in behavioral studies. In 1980 she accepted a position with the College of Journalism and Communications and remained with the college for many years before retiring as professor emeritus of public relations. Following her retirement, she established the Fregly Foundation to support educational initiatives, and worked closely with the UF Center of International Economic and Business Studies, as well as with the Smathers Libraries. In 2000 Dr. Fregly established the $100,000 Melvin J. and Marilyn S. Fregly Endowment for Biomedical Sciences and Humanities Collections to support new library acquisitions and to provide funds for the processing of the Melvin J. Fregly Papers, which are held by the Department of Special and Area Studies Collections. She recognized that the papers are an important legacy of her husband and his contributions both to UF and to the field of physiology. Because of her support the department was able to provide, in a short period of time, a high level of access to this invaluable resource for faculty, students, and scholars. In future years, income from the Fregly Endowment will continue to fund important acquisitions, and also will be used to support a variety of library programs, lectures, exhibitions and publicity. In memorial: Cecilia L. Johnson byJames Cusick eK. Yonge Library of Florida History The UF Libraries in e lost a good friend r and long-time supporter with the passing of Cecilia (Cela) Cecilia (Cela) L. L. Johnson in December, 2006. Mrs. Johnson, the granddaughter of Joshua Coffin Chase, a patriarch and co-developer of the Chase Citrus Company in Sanford, Florida, was the unofficial historian for her family. The rise of her family's business enterprises paralleled the rise of modern Florida between 1870 and 1940 and their records are an invaluable glimpse into the people and forces that shaped the state. The Chase story in Florida began with the arrival of Mrs. Johnsons grand-uncle, Sidney Octavius Chase, in the late 1870s. Sidney Chase quickly associated himself with Henry Sanford (founder of the town Sanford) and his agent James E. Ingraham (later a close affiliate of Henry Flagler and a noted explorer of the Everglades). In 1884 Sidney and his brother Joshua founded Chase & Co., a company destined to dominate Florida citrus culture for many years. The Chases were great experimenters and great entrepreneurs, pioneering in the field of citrus through the dangerous freezes of the 1890s, and making Florida competitive with the emerging orange production of California. Subsequently they branched into banking, phosphate, tung oil, and other farming endeavors. Their photographic records are significant not only to Florida (e.g., photos of their expedition into the'Glades in 1892) but also to citrus and farming ventures in California and Hawaii. In 1981, the extensive personal files of the two brothers were donated to the University of Florida Libraries, followed later by the business files of Chase & Co. Taken as a whole, the collection is a treasure-trove of information on Florida in the late 1800s and early 1900s, as well as a record of the problems that affected the state's emerging agribusiness. Cecilia Johnson inherited the Chase family energy and business sense. With success in citrus cultivation becoming more of a financial stretch over time, she advised the family to tap into the real estate value of some of their groves. The family eventually sold their Isleworth (Windermere) grove, setting the stage for the development of one of Florida's most prestigious golf communities. From her home in Maine, Mrs. Johnson avidly transcribed her family's letters from the 19th century and was especially interested in the life of her grandfather. She was a frequent visitor to the library in the years immediately after the first donation of papers and also helped to support one of the libraries' research endowments, the Florida Agricultural History Fund. Mrs. Johnson is survived by her sons Daniel and Joshua and her daughter Neall. Donations made in memorial are being used to set up a new Chase Family Papers Web site that will highlight contents of the collection. In addition, Mrs. Johnson's three children have provided funds to establish a "Cecilia L. Johnson Travel Grant in Florida History" to be awarded by competition in 2008 and 2009 for scholars who wish to come to the University of Florida to work in the P.K.Yonge Library of Florida History. UAA donates to libraries The University of Florida Athletic Association recently donated $50,000 to the George A. Smathers Libraries from proceeds of last season's pay-per-view televised football games. The gift has been added to a growing UAA Endowment, which now totals more than $500,000. The libraries' partnership with the Athletic Association has lasted for almost two decades. Their invaluable assistance over the years has repeatedly enabled the libraries to provide special support to students and faculty that was beyond the capacity of state funding Chapter One C- 3 Thankyoufor your support! of the Libraries Name Address* Home Phone Business Phone Yes. I/we wish to support the George A. Smathers Libraries with a gift of $ Please make checks payable to the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. and mail to Lane Jimison, director of development, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, PO Box 117001, Gainesville, FL 32611-7001. To pay by credit card please fill out the following: U MasterCard O Visa U Discover *NOTE: If using a credit card, the address you use above must match the credit card billing address. Credit Card No. Exp. Date Cardholder's Name Cardholder's Signature Employees of the University of Florida may wish to take advantage of the payroll deduction process to provide their level of support. Check here for payroll deduction. F For more information contact Lane Jimison, director of development, at (352) 273-2505 or ljimison@ufl.edu UNIVERSITY of UFI FLORIDA WCAG HELP THE LIBRARIES PRESERVE THIS RARE BOOK SET RI i ill .I.l..i lii.4 Oirchids illustrated and described by F. S..iiidi ilI ust .inris by H.G. Moon and others. 1888-1892. t:,ui ',:,lIh! s \ I \- 2 and SecondSeries V. 1 &2. 2 I : ii icI,:! L't !iid in 3/4 leather. TIc ,:uL t :lu!t S 'r:' r liis amous work contain over 200 life size col,,B l Iliu:.ri ill ,;n t ': liads Complete volumes are rather rare since a111Ini. ci\.I diL,:,u!id Ir:, sIl 1rII plates separately.The UF set contains loose St -l-jnd p..1 is ..1!id .:id,: p.per. Each volume has case and spine Sdia nR.e k, I:, ,.' i. l I, ds thie attention of a book conservator to I Vt, r,:,Iu r is I .j i ds,:!, ic set i, : .ii appearancee and functionality that matches u it's i .ii c ,:.\ i .: ii it i ,c.irtment would include repairing the cases, c: sctii. ., i l:":'S p[l.t.s c.,i[d p,.:e-, s.deacidifying the volumes and C O':l[istiu tiii .i [p ir i .Ii sh idic 11 L:':. for each of the four volumes. Our c': scr\ at'r ~stiiiili.i s l.i1 tic .iniin. z iIll, cost $7,000.If you are interested in in: kii di:,1 ti':!!,l i, p!.,Sc i.,i L,.ij i hi! is':'ii ,,director of development, at ,5-2-3-250 Chapter One Ct 7 Please use my gift for I. i .. ... Smathers Libraries Purchase Fund _ Special & Area Studies Collections _Latin American Collection Price Library of Judaica African Studies Collection _Asian Studies Collection SP.K.Yonge Library of Florida History Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature _Belknap Performing Arts Collection Rare Books _Manuscripts _University Archives SArchitecture & Fine Arts Library SEducation Library _ Journalism & Communications Library _ Map & Imagery Library SMusic Library SMarston Science Library _ Digital Library Center Other Please send information about making a planned gift/bequest Your gift may be eligible for a charitable contribution deduction. GEORGE A. SMATHERS LIBRARIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Library West Smathers Library Music Library Marston Science Library Education Library Architecture & Fine Arts Library Allen H. Neuharth Journalism and Communications Library Judith Russell Dean of University Libraries John Ingram Deputy Director and Director for Collection Services Michele Crump Interim Director forTechnical Services Bill Covey Interim Director for Support Services Carol Turner Director for Public Services Lane Jimison Director of Development Chapter One is published two times annually and distributed to friends of the libraries and selected institutions. A web version is available at http:// www.uflib.ufl.eduladmin/giving/chapterone. htm. Questions and comments should be addressed to the editor, Barbara Hood, (352) 273-2505, or bhood@uflib.ufl.edu. http://www.uflib.ufl.edu UNIVERSITY of UF FLORIDA Chapter One George A. Smathers Libraries PO Box 117001 Gainesville FL 32611-7001 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID GAINESVILLE FL PERMIT NO 94 |