George A. Smathers Libraries
Popular Culture and Comics Exhibition
in Special Collections
From "a galaxy far, far away" and "high
on a mountain top in Tennessee" to
neighborhood comic book racks and toy
stores comes National Obsessions -
Twentieth Century Pop Culture, Comics
and Cross-promotional Merchandizing
- the latest exhibit showcasing materials
from The Suzy Covey Comic Book
('. '/, i,,: and other related treasures from
the Department of Special and Area Studies
Collections. The Suzy Covey Comic Book
('. ,/, i:, : was recently named in memory
of Covey, university librarian emerita, and
a respected George A. Smathers Libraries
colleague who contributed much to the
archival creation and upkeep of this new
area of academic study.
This colorful presentation, organized
by Department Chair Jim Cusick and
Curator of Popular Culture Collections
Jim Liversidge, will illustrate how cultural
icons make their way into the comics and
how characters from the comics became
"national obsessions'" The exhibition
will feature promotional tie-ins from
the world of Walt Disney Productions
(including vintage items from the Davy
Crockett marketing phenomenon of the
mid 1950s), Peanuts (featuring a display
of material spanning the transition from
comic strips to theatre and animation
to books and toys), Star Wars (when
mass marketing became an art form),
and the enduring and timeless appeal of
Superman and Batman.
I li C'.14L,,1,:,,, h..ls L'1: ,, N !,cdK i k-d I,:, hI
coincide with UF's sixth annual comics
conference on March 21 and 22 and will
officially open on Friday, March 21 and
run through May 31, 9:00 a.m 5:00 p.m., _
Monday through Friday.
A special sweepstakes competition,
featuring exhibit-related prizes, will take
place in conjunction with the "National
Obsessions" display. Details will be
available in the exhibit gallery. The
deadline for the sweepstakes entries will
be April 11.
A reception willbe held Thursday, April
17 at 2:30 p.m. in the gallery to dedicate
The Suzy Covey Comic Book Collection.
Sweepstakes winners will be announced at
the reception.
Jim Liversidge
Popular Culture Collections
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The University of Florida Libraries highly recommended that users watch a EASI Profile Variables
continues to expand its collection of six-minute training video to get the most Ancestry Tabulations
databases. out of SimplyMap.
A complete list of new databases and
other electronic resources can be found
at http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/whatnew.
Four new databases of interest are:
Access to Nature Backfiles obtained:
The libraries have now licensed access to
all of the backfiles of Nature (International
!;, IZ1 Journal of Science); 1869 to date.
SimplyMap: An Internet-based mapping
application that enables users to develop
interactive thematic maps and reports
using thousands of demographic,
business, and marketing data variables.
SimplyMap has been designed to be user-
friendly most users are up and running
with less than ten minutes of training.
Users will be asked to create a personal
workspace the first time they log-in. It is
SimplyMap provides access to the
following Easy Analytic Software, Inc.
(EASI) Basic Package which includes
data from year 2000,2006 Estimates
and 2011 Projections. The Basic Package
incorporates the following data:
* Demographic Variables
* Retail Sales, Store Groups, and Food
Service Variables
* EASI Sales and Other Potential
* EASI Quality of Life Variables
* Consumer Price Index Variables
* General Employment (by Place of Work)
* General Establishment (by Place of
* Detailed Employment (by Place of Work)
* Detailed Establishments (by Place of
* Detailed Consumer Expenditure
Proquest Historical Newspapers
* Atlanta Constitution (1868-1939)
* (i,:, ,g,, Tribune (1849-1986)
* Search Seven Historical Newspapers
Together New York Times (1851-2001);
Wall StreetJournal (1889-1986);
!l;i i,:,,.,Post (1877-1988); Atlanta
Constitution (1868 1939); ('; ,i:,
Tribune (1849 1986); (.' ,:.,i,: Science
Monitor (1908-1991); and The (; L,,;-.,
Defender (1905 1975)
J.-P. Migne, Patrologiae Graecae: The
electronic version of Migne's Patrologiae
Graecae. PG contains more than 160
volumes of Greek material (with Latin
translations) relevant to the study of the
history of the Christian Church from
its beginnings through the Council of
Florence in 1439.
Barbara Gundersen
('ll/ccrti' Management
Now is the time to request Course Reserves
The Spring semester is drawing to a close.
While we know you're busy wrapping up
the current semester, we ask that you take
some time now to think about your Course
Reserves needs for Summer and Fall.
You can enter your requests online
anytime, even during intersession, but the
sooner you can get your requests in the
better. Requests are processed in the order
received, so it is advantageous to enter
those items needed for the first few weeks
of classes well before the start of
the semester.
If you will be teaching a class that already
had a course reserves page, you can log in
to your Course Reserves (Ares) account
and roll over the course yourself. This link
will take you to the 30-second video
tutorials for help on how to do this:
Page 2 -- Library News
When processing reserves requests we
check for copyright compliance. Selections
limited to 10% or one chapter of a book,
whichever is less, can usually be scanned
right away as fair use. But if you require
more for your course we will seek
copyright permission for you. It can take
some time to get copyright permission, so
please place these requests as soon as
possible. For more information on
copyright you can check these links:
UF Libraries Copyright policies: http://
UF General Counsel's Copyright
policies: http://www.generalcounsel.
If you have not used Ares or if you would
like a refresher course, we have training
sessions scheduled throughout April every
Tuesday from 10:00-11:00 a.m.and every
Thursday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Please
check the Ares web site for session
locations: https://ares.uflib.ufl.edu No
sign-up is necessary. The training sessions
are all hands-on in which you will create
your account, view the features of Ares,
and learn how to submit your materials
and check their status online.
Thirty-second training video tutorials are
also available online at https://ares.uflib.
If you have questions, please contact the
Course Reserves Office Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at 352-273-2520 or
Angela Mott
Academic Support Services
Retrospective dissertation
scanning project
An effort is underway at the UF Libraries
to make available the vast wealth of
institutional knowledge contained in
dissertations by UF Ph.D. candidates
originally submitted in print format.
The Preservation Department in close
conjunction with the Digital Library
Center (DLC) has initiated the daunting
task of contacting authors for permission
and scanning the print dissertations for
worldwide access through the UF Digital
Collection (UFDC) at http://www.uflib.
According to Cathleen Martyniak,
preservation department chair, "We are
trying to make the intellectual heritage of
the University of Florida available on the
Currently in the early stages of the
project, Preservation Department staff
have created a database to track the
progress of the dissertations during their
transformation from print to digital. Due
to copyright restrictions, a release form
must be signed by the author granting
permission to scan the dissertation
and post the content online. Once
permission is received from the author, the
dissertation is retrieved from the stacks,
removed from the binding, and sent to the
Digital Library Center to be scanned using
high-speed scanners.
Erich Kesse, head of the Digital Library
Center, said of the project:"UFDC's
original task was to revitalize collections,
bringing them online, making them text-
searchable.Another was to help preserve
[access to] the university's intellectual
product. The retrospective dissertations
project brings the two together nicely":
The project is entering a proactive
stage where permissions are requested
from authors via e-mail or U.S. mail as
resources allow.An announcement for
the project requesting authors to contact
the Preservation Department appeared
in Florida Magazine, while an article
discussing the project appeared in a
September edition of Inside UF: http://
When asked for a comment about the
project, Laurie Taylor, digital projects
librarian, said, "New research could come
out of having these available data mining
them for different methodologies and
results, for important but hard-to-find
references that have been lost to the
archives, for the importance of research
to public interest, the development of new
research fields, and more'"
The UF Libraries are excited about
the potential of this project and would
welcome participation from alumni. If
you are a dissertation author and would
like to see your intellectual content made
available online please visit http://www.
Robert Parkert
Preservation Department
UF's East Asian
cataloger receives
grant to sponsor
Japanese lecturer
Hikaru Nakano, East Asian cataloger
at George A. Smathers Libraries, has
been selected as a recipient of the
Distinguished Speaker on Japan grant
from the Association for Asian Studies
Northeast Asia Council. Her project is
to invite Ms. Beate S. Gordon, author of
The Only Women in the Room, to give
a lecture at the University of Florida
on March 24,2008, and at Florida
International University on March 26.
Gordon lived in Japan in the 1930s
and returned to Japan after WWII to
work in General Douglas MacArthur's
office and to help draft the women's
rights section of Japan's constitution.
She wrote the section of the human
rights as explicitly as possible so that
the constitutional intent could not be
eviscerated by the male-dominated
society. There was even a provision
guaranteeing the human rights of
foreign residents in the country.
Her lecture will provide a more in-
depth look at that particular phase of
Japanese history and women's studies.
She will discuss Japanese women's
achievements throughout history
and how this was obtained especially
after World War II, the global context
for equal rights, and views on the
role of women based on the speaker's
personal experience with the drafting
of the Japanese Constitution.
For more information about the event,
please contact Nakano at hiknaka@
uflib.ufl.edu or 352-273-2727.
Hikaru Nakano
EastAsian Cataloger
Library News '~-' Page 3
Visit the
Smathers Library Bookstore
Quality used books, cds, record albums, USGS topos at low prices
Smathers Library (East)
Open Tues-Fri 10:00-3:00
Join the libraries'sixth annual
In conjunction with National Library
Week, the Smathers' Libraries will hold
its sixth annual celebration of reading
April 14-17, 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. under
a canopy on the Plaza of the Americas.
UF faculty, students and staff, along with
community leaders will read ten-minute
excerpts from a favorite book.
The daily themes will be as follows:
Monday, April 14 Humor
Tuesday, April 15 Children's and young
adult literature
Wednesday,April 16 Southern Living
Thursday, April 17 Open topic including
open mic poetry
from 1:00-2:00 p.m.
For more information and to sign up to
read, see www.uflib.ufl.edu/readathon
On Wednesday, April 16, will be the second
annual Edible Book Contest. Click on
the link on the Read-A-Thon home page
for details.
1911 It*I
The UF LibX Toolbar is a Firefox add-on
that successfully allows users to perform
searches within our Online Public Catalog
from the comfort of their own browser.
This feature empowers the user to link
into the libraries' catalog from a variety
of citation sources, including embedded
linking from sites such as Amazon.com.
In addition, the toolbar enables the user
to search within the digital collection, our
federated search engine Research Gateway,
as well as the commercial site Google
Extra features can be "switched on"
independently by patrons that will allow
them to right-click highlighted terms to
search selected resources from any web
page they happen to be looking at.
The installation files are at http://www.
help.html The UF LibX Toolbar was
created as part of a joint effort of the
Toolbar Team, a subgroup of the Library
2.0 Working Group and is comprised
of Jason Fleming, Marilyn Ochoa,
Laurie Brennan,Amy Buhler and Nancy
Jason it Hea
Technical Support Unit Head
Marston Science Library
fifth floor renovations
The Physical Plant Division performed
major renovations to the fifth floor of the
Marston Science Library over the spring
break holiday, including replacing more
than 10,000 square feet of carpet. The
carpet was more than 20 years old, dating
from the building's construction. The new
carpet contains recycled material. PPD
Facilities also stripped the old wallpaper,
re-painted the interior walls and ceiling
with low-VOC latex paint and re-sealed all
windows on the fifth floor.
PPD Project Manager Rod Clements
said, "The new, recycled carpet and
environmentally-friendly paint reinforce
UF and Physical Plant's commitment
to sustainability, and are well-suited
aesthetically for a respected student
resource such as the Marston Library.
"The window sealing will prevent
moisture leaks into the building, which
have been a problem in the past," said
Maintenance Specialist Chris Arters.
"Removing the wallpaper and re-painting
the walls and ceiling removed the mold
generated from the old, leaky windows,
eliminated airborne contaminants, and
will generally provide a fresher, healthier
appearance to the area."
For more information, or to learn more
about PPD's organization and services,
please visit www.ppd.ufl.edu
Jeremiah Mclnnis
PPD Human Resources
Page 4 Library News
Libraries on Facebook
As youve noticed, many students spend more time on Facebook than at any other
site nowadays. To help solicit feedback and facilitate outreach, a George A. Smathers
Libraries Facebook page has been created to allow students the opportunity to add the
libraries as a friend, to stay abreast of the latest library-related news and to promote
campus-wide library events. Similarly, the info Commons @ West Facebook page will
highlight all the exciting events held at Library West. This is a continuation of research
into integrating library services into new and emerging web technologies. Log on, and
make us your friend. Matthew Daley
Circulation Technology Coordinator, Access Services
Ia 1i W 0 = 1 a A&VA R
The Women and Social Movements
digital collection, (http://www.uflib.
ufl.edu/UFDC/?g=wsmg) with its
emphasis on women and social change,
continues to add major content as
scholars and activists provide material.
Women in Development, one of two
current subcollections, draws on research
materials including field notes from
scholars like Dr. Helen Safa, the 2007
recipient of the Silvert Award by the
Latin American Studies Association.A
second subcollection, Radical Women in
Galit's vill;, the work of recent University
of Florida graduate Leila Adams, is
currently featured in an online exhibit as
part of the celebration of Women's History
month in March.
Leila Adams, a McNair Scholar and a
University Scholar, worked with faculty
advisor Dr. Trysh Travis from the Center
for Women's Studies and Gender Research
while investigating Gainesville women's
history from 1968 into the 1970s.
Gainesville was one of only five cities,
during the "Second Wave" of feminism,
to develop a women's liberation group.
It is also the site where two women
wrote the first theoretical paper for the
movement, "Towards a Female Liberation
Movement"' In the 1970s participants
in the women's movement understood
that their history would not be preserved
unless they recorded it and maintained
it themselves. Records dating back to
the 1960s, preserved by women active
in the movement, are now becoming
available for research and review due to
the efforts of Adams and the generosity
of the Gainesville feminist community.
Photos, videos, oral histories, protest signs,
correspondence, newsprints, newsletters,
annual reports, meeting minutes and
other materials comprise the rich
resources which are being added to the
digital collection.
Although Gainesville has been the
southern base for women's liberation
activism for the past forty years, only
one scholar has historicized Gainesville
as such because materials from the
movement were not readily available. The
Radical Women in Gaitc's illt collection
will make materials available for both
scholars and activists for research and
empowerment. The scholarship and
tenacity of Adams, who located the
women, now ranging in age from 50
to 80, who had these records stored
in their homes, and her ability to gain
their cooperation by emphasizing
the importance of a more permanent
preservation method for the materials
and their potential impact on the new
generation of feminists and scholars, has
resulted in a developing collection and
exhibit site which memorializes the work
of local radical feminists. One woman who
donated materials to the project wrote
"What amazing, accurate, important
work! You truly captured the spirit of the
movement as I experienced it. Thank
you, Leila, for your superb work, and so
importantly, for preserving ours!"
Adams expects to pursue a graduate
degree beginning fall 2008 in a Library/
Information Science program at Simmons
College, the University of North Carolina
or the University of Kentucky with a
specialization in digital library collections.
Carol Ritzen Ken
Collection Management
Steve Fuquay retires as rare books cataloger
Steve Fuquay, rare books
cataloger, retired at the
end of December, 2007,
after 35 years of service ,
to the University of
Florida Libraries. Steve
is an alumnus of UF,
earning a bachelor's
degree in Latin with honors. He earned
master's degrees in classics and in library
science from the University of Wisconsin.
After serving in the military, he returned
to UF in 1972 as a humanities cataloger,
specializing in rare books. He then went
on to become a cataloging supervisor and
senior cataloger.
Along with his colleagues, Fuquay was
instrumental in moving the cataloging
department through the tremendous
changes in the field since 1972. Machine-
readable cataloging through the Online
Cataloging Library Center began in 1975,
followed closely by a shift to Library
of Congress classification and in 1982,
the migration from a card catalog to an
integrated library system.
Fuquay always had the interests of the
patrons who need access to rare materials
firmly in sight, looking for uncommon
items in the collection so that access would
be improved. For example, he discovered
that the John D. MacDonald pulp fiction
collection and the David L. Kent letterpress
and calligraphy collection had not been
cataloged and were therefore overlooked
by researchers. He made sure that over five
hundred items in these two collections
were described in detail for researchers
who now have access to these resources.
Nancy Poehlmann
Head, Humanities & Special
(,cllc//,turi Cataloging Unit
Library News '- Page 5
Meet Samuel Huang, the libraries' new associate
dean for advancement and development
S amuel T. (Sam) Huang joined the
Smathers Libraries on February 20 as
the new associate dean for advancement
and development. He brings a wide range
of experience from library fund-raising to
librarian and teaching practices.
Most recently he served as associate dean for
external relations at the University of Arizona .
Libraries, Tucson, Arizona, since 2000. He
was responsible for planning, directing and
managing fund-raising activities and creating
new fund-raising programs for the libraries.
He participated with the dean, library
functional teams and the strategic long-range
planning group in the strategic planning of
new projects and initiatives.
Samuel Huang, associate dean for
Prior to his position at Arizona, Huang advancement and development
held multiple positions at Northern Illinois
University, including curator of rare books
and special collections, library services for students with special needs, coordinator of
computer reference services and assistant director of the undergraduate library.
At UF, Huang will plan and direct the major fund-raising activities and manage the
development, public information and grant components of the libraries. Working
collaboratively with the library directors, chairs and librarians, he has primary
responsibility for directing library efforts that encompass major gifts, donor stewardship,
development of public support groups, fund-raising event coordination and relations
between the libraries, its development council, the University of Florida and the UF
Foundation, Inc.
Huang believes that libraries, like few other campus units, touch almost every individual
student and faculty member, and directly enhance the learning and teaching experience.
"Without a doubt, the library is the center of any university;' said Huang.
His first order of businesses will be to learn what our students' and libraries' needs are.
Armed with that information, he will match our library donors' needs and values. Then,
we can create a plan to help donors meet those needs and support their values.
Huang says, "The UF Libraries is an excellent library system with friendly and
knowledgeable faculty and staff. I look forward to working with library faculty and staff to
achieve the university's mission and advance the UF Libraries to the next level as one of the
top research libraries in the nation:'
Huang earned a master of science degree in special education and a master of arts degree
in library and information studies from Northern Illinois University. His bachelor's degree
in English language and literature is from Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Barbara Hood
Public Information ,, 51
Library News Page 6
Staff development
officer Trudi Di Trolio
T rudi DiTrolio,
staff development
officer for Smathers
Libraries, retired
January 22,2008.
She expects to return
to campus in the
late spring as a Library West reference
librarian as part of her phased retirement.
Di Trolio began the libraries' training
and development programs utilizing
the local expertise of campus faculty
and library staff.The nearly ten years
that Trudi was the staff development
officer were a time of intense change for
libraries as electronic resources began
to replace traditional print. The training
opportunities that Trudi provided helped
staff to develop new skills to meet the
increasing expectations of library users.
The renovation of Library West and the
relocation of collections and services
created major upheavals for staff. Trudi
worked with former Director Dale Canelas
to create a communication and problem-
solving group called the Transition Team.
Ohio State University Libraries liked the
Transition Team idea and hired Di Trolio
as a consultant to assist with the library
move on that campus.
Long before the university established
a formal mentoring program, Di Trolio
created tenure support meetings for
library faculty to demystify the complex
process of tenure and promotion. When
the University did establish the mentoring
program she was named the library
coordinator for the effort.
Di Trolio was previously a reference
librarian for humanities and worked at the
Health Science Center Library.
Pam Cenzer
Interim Chair, Marston
Science Library
Library News Survey
Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to help the libraries provide you with the information you need.
Fill out and send by May 2,2008, to Barbara Hood, Smathers Libraries, Box 117001
or e-mail your comments to bhood@uflib.ufl.edu
1. Do you receive this newsletter in your mailbox? O Yes O No
2. Would you prefer to read this newsletter J In Print J Online
If available only online and you received an e-mail notifying you when a new issue is available, would you
go online to read the issue? O Yes O No
3. What kinds of articles do you find useful? (check all that apply)
O Descriptions of new databases and other information resources
O Descriptions of new services offered by the libraries
O Highlights of different areas of the libraries
O List of orientations and classes offered by the libraries
O Information about libraries' faculty and staff
L Library space and facilities
O New technologies used in the libraries
O Upcoming events
L Other (list)
4. Suggestions for additions or improvements to Library News
5. How do you get news and information about the libraries?
O Library News
O Libraries web pages
O Subject Specialist librarians
O Reference librarians
O Colleagues
L Other (list)
6. Your department or administrative unit
7. Additional comments
8. If you have written a question or comment above to which you would like a response, please give your name and e-mail or phone
number below and you will be contacted by the appropriate person.
Name e-mail/phone
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Library News '- Page 7
Library budget officer Barbara Oliver retires
B arbara Oliver, library r*~
budget officer and
head, library business
services office, retired on
January 31,2008 after
33 /2 years of service to
the Smathers Libraries
and UF.A celebration of her career on
January 30th included tributes from
several current library colleagues as well
as former Library Director Dale Canelas,
Vice Provost Emeritus Gene Hemp and
Director of the University Budget Office
Sheri Austin.
Oliver began her UF career in the libraries'
data processing unit. The world was a
very different place in the mid-1970s in
terms of computing resources, access and
functionality. She had worked in the UCLA
Medical Library on some pioneering,
computer-based, medical information
projects during the time her husband
(UF emeritus Astronomy Professor John
Oliver) was a graduate student there. This
background made her a valuable addition
to the UF Libraries' staff at a time when
automation was beginning to play an
increasing role in library services. Other
long time UF employees will remember
that one of the early applications of
computer technology in the libraries was
a book checkout system that used IBM
keypunch cards to keep track of items
borrowed; the Data Processing unit
played an integral role in the success of
this system.
After several years of her exceptional
performance in data processing and work
on various special projects, Gus Harrer
(library director, 1968-1984) asked Oliver
to take on additional responsibilities as
assistant to the director. This included
overseeing the bookkeeping office, the
supplies office, facilities, and the auxiliary
services enterprise. In addition, she was
to do whatever was needed to help the
libraries comply with state and UF legal
and administrative requirements, and,
generally, to do whatever else was needed
for the good of the libraries.
Over the years, Oliver became an expert
on the Florida Statutes, the Florida
Administrative Code and the UF Business
Regulations. She made invaluable contacts
for the libraries in the UF Administration,
Business Services and Physical Plant
services units. In addition to watching
over critical day-to-day business functions
of accounting, payroll and purchasing,
on several occasions she found herself
heavily involved in the planning for and
oversight of various library construction
and renovation projects.
Oliver's retirement leaves a large gap in
"institutional memory" that only comes
with long service and experience. We
say good bye reluctantly, but with great
gratitude for her well-spent career on
behalf of the UF Libraries.
Rich Bennett
Electronic Access Services
University of Florida
George A. Smathers Libraries
P.O. Box 117001
Gainesville, FL 32611-7001
(352) 273-2505; Fax: (352) 392-7251
Is there another person in your department
who would like a copy of Library News? If so,
please notify us at: bhood@uflib.ufl.edu
Library News Editorial Board
Shelley Arlen
Joe Baca
Barbara Gundersen
Carol Ritzen Kem
Angela Mott
Marilyn Ochoa
John Nemmers
Robert Parker
Nancy Poehlmann
Barbara Hood, editor/designer
An equal opportunity institution
Coverphoto: Library West
UF George A. Smathers
P.O. Box 117001
Gainesville, FL 32611-7001
Library News '- Page 8