Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 1991 report by the dean for...
 1991 selected research accompl...
 Changes in faculty
 Institute of Food and Agricultural...
 Agricultural and extension...
 Agricultural engineering
 Animal science
 Dairy science
 Entomology and nematology
 Environmental horticulture
 Food and resource economics
 Food science and human nutriti...
 4-H and other youth programs
 Fruit crops
 Home economics
 Microbiology and cell science
 Plant pathology
 Poultry science
 Soil science
 Vegetable crops
 School of forest resources and...
 Fisheries and aquaculture
 Wildlife and range sciences
 College of Veterinary Medicine,...
 AREC - Ft. Pierce
 AREC - Hastings
 AREC - Jay
 AREC - Ona
 Brooksville subtropical agricultural...
 Central Florida REC - Apopka, Leesburg,...
 Citrus REC - Lake Alfred
 Everglades REC - Belle Glade
 Florida medical entomology lab...
 Ft. Lauderdale REC - Ft. Laude...
 Gulf coast REC - Bradenton,...
 North Florida REC - Quincy, Marianna,...
 Southwest Florida REC - Immoka...
 Tropical REC - Homestead
 Director's financial report
 Back Cover


Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00008296/00007
 Material Information
Title: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report
Alternate title: Annual research report of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Research report
Physical Description: v. : ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- Agricultural Experiment Station
Publisher: University of Florida
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Creation Date: 1991
Frequency: annual
Subjects / Keywords: Food -- Research -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Agriculture -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Agriculture -- Research -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
serial   ( sobekcm )
Numbering Peculiarities: Fiscal year ends June 30.
General Note: Description based on: 1987; title from cover.
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 20304921
lccn - sn 92011064
System ID: UF00008296:00007
 Related Items
Preceded by: Annual research report of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
    Table of Contents
        Page i
        Page ii
    1991 report by the dean for research
        Page 1
        Page 2
    1991 selected research accomplishments
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
    Changes in faculty
        Page 21
        Page 22
    Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
        Page 23
        Page 24
    Agricultural and extension education
        Page 25
    Agricultural engineering
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
        Page 29
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
    Animal science
        Page 34
        Page 35
        Page 36
        Page 37
    Dairy science
        Page 38
        Page 39
        Page 40
    Entomology and nematology
        Page 41
        Page 42
        Page 43
        Page 44
        Page 45
        Page 46
    Environmental horticulture
        Page 47
        Page 48
        Page 49
        Page 50
    Food and resource economics
        Page 51
        Page 52
        Page 53
        Page 54
    Food science and human nutrition
        Page 55
        Page 56
        Page 57
        Page 58
        Page 59
    4-H and other youth programs
        Page 60
    Fruit crops
        Page 61
        Page 62
        Page 63
    Home economics
        Page 64
    Microbiology and cell science
        Page 65
        Page 66
        Page 67
        Page 68
    Plant pathology
        Page 69
        Page 70
        Page 71
        Page 72
    Poultry science
        Page 73
        Page 74
    Soil science
        Page 75
        Page 76
        Page 77
        Page 78
        Page 79
        Page 80
    Vegetable crops
        Page 81
        Page 82
        Page 83
        Page 84
        Page 85
    School of forest resources and conservation
        Page 86
        Page 87
        Page 88
        Page 89
    Fisheries and aquaculture
        Page 90
        Page 91
    Wildlife and range sciences
        Page 92
        Page 93
    College of Veterinary Medicine, components of
        Page 94
        Page 95
        Page 96
        Page 97
        Page 98
    AREC - Ft. Pierce
        Page 99
        Page 100
    AREC - Hastings
        Page 101
    AREC - Jay
        Page 102
    AREC - Ona
        Page 103
        Page 104
        Page 105
    Brooksville subtropical agricultural research station
        Page 106
    Central Florida REC - Apopka, Leesburg, Sanford
        Page 107
        Page 108
        Page 109
        Page 110
        Page 111
    Citrus REC - Lake Alfred
        Page 112
        Page 113
        Page 114
        Page 115
        Page 116
        Page 117
        Page 118
        Page 119
        Page 120
    Everglades REC - Belle Glade
        Page 121
        Page 122
        Page 123
    Florida medical entomology lab - Vero Beach
        Page 124
        Page 125
        Page 126
    Ft. Lauderdale REC - Ft. Lauderdale
        Page 127
        Page 128
        Page 129
        Page 130
        Page 131
    Gulf coast REC - Bradenton, Dover
        Page 132
        Page 133
        Page 134
        Page 135
        Page 136
    North Florida REC - Quincy, Marianna, Monticello
        Page 137
        Page 138
        Page 139
        Page 140
    Southwest Florida REC - Immokalee
        Page 141
        Page 142
    Tropical REC - Homestead
        Page 143
        Page 144
        Page 145
        Page 146
    Director's financial report
        Page 147
    Back Cover
        Back Cover
Full Text

.. nnual
' .fR each Report
for the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station

Contents i


REPORT BY THE DEAN FOR RESEARCH ............................................................................................................................ 1
SELECTED RESEARCH ACCOM PLISHM ENTS .......................................................................................................... ......... 3
CHANGES IN FACULTY .............................................................................. .......................................................................... 21
RESEARCH ADM INISTRATION .................................................................................................................. ............ ...........23
CAM PUS RESEARCH PROGRAM S ............................................................................................................. ............ ........... 23
Center for Cooperative Agricultural Programs FAM U ............................................................................................ 23
Center for Aquatic Plant Research................................................................................................................................... 23
Biomass Energy Systems......................................................................................................................................... .......... 23
Agricultural and Extension Education .............................................................................................................................25
Agricultural Engineering .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Agronomy ............................................................................ .......................................................................................30
Animal Science ....................................................................................................................................... .......................... 34
Dairy Science .......................................................................................................................................................38
Entomology and Nematology ............ ........................................................................................................ .....................41
Environmental Horticulture ............ ........................................................... ......................... .............. ............. 47
Food and Resource Economics .................. .......... .................................................................................. ............ 51
Food Science and Human Nutrition ...................................................................................................................... ..........55
4-H and Other Youth Programs ............................................................... .................. .......................................... .. 60
Fruit Crops ...................................................................... ...................... .................................. . ... 61
Home Economics ............... ......................... ........................................................................................ 64
M icrobiology and Cell Science................................. ................................................................................................... 65
Plant Pathology .................................................................................................................................................................69
Poultry Science ................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Soil Science ..................................... ........................................................................................................................... 75
Statistics ..................................... ................................................................................................................................ 80
Vegetable Crops ................................................................................................................................................. 81
School of Forest Resources and Conservation ....................................................... ..................................................86
Forestry ............................. .......................................................................................................................... .... ... 87
Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences ..... .................................................................................................. ........... 90
W wildlife and Range Sciences .................................... ............... ..... ....................................... 92
College of Veterinary M medicine, Components of...................................................................................................... 94
AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTERS ....................................................................................99
AREC Ft. Pierce ..................................................................................................................... .......................................99
AREC Hastings. ....................... ta .. ce........................................................................ 101

DEC 1 1991
EDITOR, loh T.Ne.n University of Fior d3

ii Contents

AREC -Jay..................................................................................................................................................................... 102
AREC Ona ................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Brooksville Subtropical Agricultural Research Station ............................................................................................ 106
Central Florida REC Apopka, Leesburg, Sanford ..................................................................................................... 107
Citrus REC Lake Alfred .................................... .. ....................... 112
Everglades REC Belle Glade ........................................................................................................................................ 121
Florida M medical Entomology Lab Vero Beach ............................................................................................................. 124
Ft. Lauderdale REC ............................................................................................................................ ...................... 127
Gulf Coast REC-Bradenton, Dover......................................................................................................................... 132
North Florida REC-Quincy, M arianna and M onticello ....................................................................... .................... 137
Southwest Florida REC-mmokalee ........................................................................................................................ 141
Tropical REC Homestead.............................................................................. ........................................................ 143

DIRECTOR'S FINANCIAL REPORT .... ........................................................................................................................ 147

1991 Report by the Dean for Research 1

The decade of the '90s arrived with more challenges and
opportunities than anticipated. The impact of the national
economic recession began to be felt in Florida, including
the University of Florida and the Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences. The Florida Agricultural Experi-
ment Station had to return 18 faculty positions and
numerous support positions as a result of budget reductions
during fiscal year 1990-91. In addition to the economic
problems, several new and serious diseases began plaguing
the Florida vegetable and citrus industry. These problems,
in addition to the need for Florida agriculture to meet more
stringent environmental standards and better management
of limited resources, while competing for national and
international markets, has provided a set of exciting
opportunities for the administration and faculty in the
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Several changes in chairs and directors have occurred
during 1990 in the Florida Agricultural Experiment
Station. Dr. George O'Connor from New Mexico State
University was appointed Chair of the Soil Science
Department, Dr. Glen Hembry from Louisiana State
University was appointed Chair of the Animal Science
Department, Dr. Roger Natzke assumed Interim Chair
responsibilities for the Poultry Science Department in
addition to his duties as Chair of the Dairy Science
Department, Dr. Terril Nell was appointed Interim Chair
of the Department of Environmental Horticulture,
Dr. Jesse Gregory was appointed Interim Chair of the
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, and
Dr. Pat Reid was appointed Interim Director of the School
of Forest Resources and Conservation.
During the past fiscal year, the Department of Entomology
and Nematology moved into new facilities which will be
dedicated October 11, 1991. Construction was completed
for the new laboratory facilities at the Everglades Research
and Education Center, Belle Glade. The Florida Turfgrass
Growers Association contributed $350,000 which was
matched by the State of Florida for a total of $700,000 for
the construction of an Envirotron to be built behind Fifield
Hall during fiscal year 1991-92. The Strawberry Growers
Association contributed $50,000 which was matched with
$50,000 from the State of Florida for construction of a new
research facility at the Research and Education Center in
Environmental quality and water conservation continue to
be of major concern to not only the general public, but the
farming community as well. As a result, sustainable
agriculture procedures are losing their "alternative"
implications and becoming permanent everyday practices
for Florida growers. For example, greater emphasis is being
placed on strategies for controlling pests through cultural
management and biological control than through pesticides
alone. Also, greater emphasis is being placed on disease
free transplant material and cleaning old plant material
from the field at the completion of harvest. Applications
of pesticides, water, fertilizer, etc., are being integrated into

total management strategies for crop production rather
than management through single variables.
As we move into fiscal year 1991-92, the Florida Agricul-
tural Experiment Station will continue to meet the specific
research needs of the people of Florida. Whether in
integrated pest management, forage production and
utilization, waste management, wildlife and natural
resource protection and management, forestry or the many
other areas the Experiment Station is involved in, the
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station will fulfill its
mission to discover information which will benefit the
agricultural industry and the urban population of Florida.
Research completed by the Florida Agricultural Experi-
ment Station, University of Florida/IFAS, is published in
scientific journals, bulletins, circulars, books and confer-
ence proceedings. Scientists at the Experiment Station
also participate in field days, short courses, conferences and
other public information programs to acquaint producers
and consumers with recent research findings as well as new
research directions. This Annual Report includes a brief
summary of selected research programs, a list of faculty,
publications, title of current research projects and a brief
financial report. The Annual Report is not intended to be
a detailed description of all research underway in the
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, but rather to
summarize selected areas and to identify those faculty
conducting that research.

James M. Davidson
Dean for Research and
Director, Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Florida

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 3


Maternal-embryo communication
A direct line between the maternal uterus and the devel-
oping concepts may be established with the help of
growth factors, proteins produced during early pregnancy
by the maternal uterus. Recent work with pregnant sheep
and pigs has demonstrated that a family of these proteins,
termed "insulin-like growth factors," may initiate and
amplify the production of biochemical signals by the
concepts, alerting the mother that she is carrying a viable
concepts. These biochemical signals trigger the produc-
tion by the pregnant uterus of other proteins that nourish
the concepts and allow it to grow and develop normally.
Failure of the early pregnant uterus to synthesize these
growth factors may be the cause of high incidence of
embryo mortality in food-producing animals.
Department of Animal Science
R. C. M. Simmen, Associate Professor

Improved Artificial Insemination through
Ovarian Control of the Cow
Major strides can be made in producing genetically
superior calves through artificial insemination. However,
artificial insemination is a labor intensive endeavor. A
team of researchers with the Animal Science Department
developed a new method of synchronizing behavioral
estrus and ovulation in a herd of cattle, using two injec-
tions of the hormone prostaglandin F2a at a 24-hour
interval. When tested statewide, this method resulted in a
10% increase in cows pregnant to insemination at this
synchronized estrus.
The Animal Science team has found the corpus luteum of
the ovary synthesizes and packages the hormone oxytocin
in secretary granules that are released into the blood
stream at a critical time in the cycle, leading to ovulation.
Importantly, the scientists have now discovered two cell
types of the corpus luteum that respond differently to the
hormone prostaglandin F2a. This new information will aid
in the development of new strategies for regulating
ovulation, so that cows can be inseminated at a precise,
pre-determined time.
With an increase in conception rate to AI, more ranchers
will utilize this tool to improve the genetics of their herd,
positioning themselves to take advantage of new biotech-
nology advances that will be offered to the cattle industry.
Department of Animal Science
Michael J. Fields, Professor

Feeding Dairy Cattle More Effectively and
The Florida dairy industry uses more by-product feedstuffs
than any other state. The major sources of protein now are
soybean and cottonseed meal, yet dairymen are rapidly
becoming interested in animal protein feedstuffs for
balancing the level of amino acids reaching the small
Feathermeal is one such animal protein by-product
feedstuff that contains 80% protein. Because a large
portion of the hydrolyzed feather meal(HFM) is produced
in the South, it seems only reasonable that it would be
competitively priced with other alternative feedstuffs.
In an experiment at the Dairy Research Unit, three levels
of HFM(0, 3, and 6%) were used in the dry matter of total
mixed rations to study the effect of HFM on palatability
and milk production. Thirty-six Holsteins were used in
three, 28-day feeding periods to evaluate the value of the
protein in feather meal. Feather meal was found to have no
effect on dry matter intake and milk fat percent but had a
slight negative effect on milk protein percent. Because of
its high bypass protein content, feather meal may be used
to partially replace other more expensive bypass protein
Department of Dairy Science
B. Harris, Jr., Professor

Benefits of Feeding Colostrum to Newborn
Calves and Piglets
Colostrum, the first milk of lactation, has long been known
to provide a source of immunity from disease to newly born
calves, piglets, sheep, goats and horses. Recent work from
IFAS Dairy Science researchers suggests an additional and
important role for colostrum: specifically promoting growth
and maturation of gastrointestinal tissues in the newborn
calf and piglet.
Defined proteins which stimulate cellular and tissue
growth have been identified to occur at very high levels i,
bovine and porcine colostrum, but at much lower levels in
the corresponding milk at later lactation. In addition,
feeding colostrum, as opposed to feeding mature milk
during the first few days after birth, has a preferential
stimulatory effect on neonatal gastrointestinal grow'h and
This work suggests avenues to augment growth ut calves
and piglets via the supplementation of colostrum and milk
with growth-promoting proteins produced by biotechno-
logical means. This may be particularly beneficial to
growth-retarded neonates, more commonly known as
Department of Dairy Science
F. A. Simmen, Associate Professor

4 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

Amount of Feed Intake and Heat Stress Affect
Physiology of Lactating Dairy Cattle
A series of experiments in climatic chambers was done to
quantify the effects of amount of feed intake and environ-
mental heat stress on blood flow to different organ systems
in lactating dairy cattle. Treatments were: heat stress
(simulating a typical summer day in Florida), thermal
comfort environment with feeding rate equal to the heat
stress treatment and thermal comfort environment with ad
libitwn feeding.
It was found that heat stress and restricted feed intake
resulted in reductions in milk yield, blood flow from the
digestive tract and to the mammary gland compared with
ad libitum feeding in the thermal comfort environment.
The primary effects on productive and physiological
responses were due directly to amount of feed intake and
not heat stress, per se. The results emphasized the tremen-
dous importance of protecting Florida cows from the heat-
stressing environment by modifying the environment to
increase feed intake, blood flow to the different organ
systems and lactational performance.
Department of Dairy Science
D. K. Beede, Associate Professor

Aquacultural Effluents
The aquaculture industry is expanding rapidly in Florida;
however, aquacultural effluents are currently regulated as
industrial wastes that might deter industry development. A
study was conducted to provide data for a basis for general
aquacultural permits. Water quality data were collected
from channel catfish, tilapia, crawfish, largemouth bass,
bluegill-redear sunfish, and alligator ponds. The data
collected are being used to develop general aquaculture
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
J. V. Shireman, Professor

Nutrition and the Immune Response in Poultry
Cooperative research between the Poultry Science Depart-
ment and the Veterinary College is studying the interrela-
tionship between nutrition and the immune response in
poultry. In one study, the influence of salt (NaCI) defi-
ciency during the 7-week starter and growing phases in the
broiler was investigated. Salt was omitted from the diet
during weeks 1, 2,3 and 4. Antibody titers against a killed
infectious bronchitis virus were lower in the salt- deficient
groups. The decrease in body weight in the salt-deficient
groups was a result of decreased feed intake. Broilers par-
fed a salt-adequate diet had increased antibody titers. A
salt deficiency was more detrimental in younger birds than
in older birds.
Department of Poultry Science
R. D. Miles, Professor

Development of a New Model for Evaluating
Nutrient Requirements for Commercial Laying
The environmental temperature has been varied to obtain
the desired daily intake of a corn-soybean meal diet. This
allows the nutrient intake to be decreased until the desired
nutrient is limiting. The nutrient requirement is then
established at the amount required to produce one-gram of
egg content.
The requirement is established by multiplying this by the
daily output of egg content. This method has been found
to be as accurate as the broken line regression technique.
Also the diet does not need to be deficient as in previous
experiments since it is not essential to have a response to
graded levels of the nutrient. The technique has been
effective in studying the requirement for amino acids and is
more similar to commercial conditions than previous
Department of Poultry Science
Robert H. Harms, Graduate Research Professor

Improving Reproduction in Pigs
Pig sperm, in contrast to that of many other mammals,
deposited into the female pig do not surround the egg at
fertilization. Instead, researchers have found that sperm are
held back in a reservoir in the lower reaches of the
Fallopian tubes. Only a small trickle is released to meet the
egg. If scientists can learn how the gates of the sperm
reservoir are controlled, they may be able to improve
fertility of livestock.
A system has been developed in culture dishes for growing
pieces of the Fallopian tubes of pigs. Researchers have
found that when boar sperm is added to these cultures, the
sperm immediately stick to the inner wall of the tubes.
They have also found that the cultures produce a mat of
mucus that traps sperm as well. If these roadblocks to
fertilization could be artificially controlled, semen from
valuable males could be used to impregnate many more
Department of Physiological Sciences
S. S. Suarez, Assistant Professor

Pheromones and "Tick Decoys"
Ticks and tick-borne diseases are major constraints on
livestock production in much of the world. The males of
some species of Amblyomma ticks emit an aggregation-
attachment pheromone, or odor, after a period of attach-
ment and feeding on the host IFAS researchers in the
Department of Infectious Diseases of the College of
Veterinary Medicine have found that this pheromone is
used in host selection and host location and can attract
ticks from distances of up to 25' meters. The chemical

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 5

composition of this pheromone has been determined, and
synthetic pheromones prepared.
These synthetic pheromones have been used to attract
Amblyomma ticks to "tick decoys" also containing a small
amount of acaricide (tick killer). Compared to current tick
control methods, this tick decoy is much less expensive
and has substantially less environmental impact. This is a
novel, environmentally sound and cost-effective means of
tick control.
Department of Infectious Diseases
R. A. Norval, Scientist

Molasses for Cows and Calves
Summer supplementation of cows and their calves with a
molasses-urea (30% crude protein) mixture for 60 to 80
days before weaning in September improved both calf
weaning weight and cow condition. Cows and their calves
consumed 3.6 and 4.0 lbs of molasses-urea/cow-calf pair/
day in two separate trials. At weaning, calves offered
molasses-urea supplement were 18 and 39 lbs. heavier, and
cows were 11 and 37 lbs. heavier than calves and cows
receiving no supplement in trials 1 and 2, respectively.
With the current calf market ($90/cwt average for heifers
and steers), net returns above supplement cost would be
about $6 and $18 per calf weaned.
Agricultural Research and Education Center Ona
F. M. Pate, Professor

Second Crop Planting with a Spade Planter
A revolving spade planter developed at the University of
Florida can place seeds through previously used plastic
mulch, re-using the plastic and more completely utilizing
fertilizer left over from the previous crop. The revolving
spade planter with a vacuum seed metering device has
been extensively used by a Dade County, Florida vegetable
grower to plant a second crop of beans after his tomato
crop was destroyed by a freeze.
This planter was able to plant through the plastic mulch
and place the seeds within 8 inches of the row of tomato
stakes, so the beans would climb on the same stakes and
strings. The grower estimated that he was able to save
nearly $100 per acre in planting costs with this machine.
The grower's use of the machine provided design engineers
data on machine refinements needed before the design can
be released for manufacture.
Department of Agricultural Engineering
L. N. Shaw, Professor

Microirrigation Evaluation
Ten models of microirrigation spinners and spray emitters
were evaluated over a 3.5-year period to determine the
long-term maintenance characteristics of various designs.
Emitters were located in a block of mature orange trees on
single beds with a 9.1 meters between-row x 7.0 meters
within-row spacing. The irrigation system used a surface
water supply source with 50 mesh screen filtration.
Emitters were all on the same irrigation zone and received
water of the same quality at the same time and for the same
duration. Fifty emitters of each model were arranged in
groups of 10 in a randomized complete block design with 5
replications. All emitters were thoroughly examined twice
per year. At the time of examination, the condition of all
emitters was recorded, and any that were malfunctioning
were replaced. Clogging was normally caused by algae,
spiders, or ants. The clogging rate per inspection period
averaged 19% and ranged from 2% to 38%, depending on
emitter model. Designs which used enclosed caps to
disperse water had the highest clogging rates. Emitters
which had relatively large orifices and which provided a
mechanism to plug the orifice when not in use had the
lowest clogging rate.
Agricultural Research and Education Center Fort Pierce
B. J. Boman, Assistant Professor

Pesticide Application Technology
Four commonly used spray methods were evaluated as part
of an on-going research project on pesticide application
technology. These included 1) a low-volume ground
sprayer (70 gpa); 2) a high-volume ground sprayer (550
gpa); 3) a helicopter (17 gpa); and 4) a fixed-wing aircraft
(13 gpa). Off-target drift from these typical citrus spray
applications was quantified. Drift deposits on the ground,
as well as airborne drift were monitored at several locations
downwind of spray application.
All four types of spray equipment produced substantial
amount of drift-prone droplets that could be detected as far
as 640 ft. from the edge of the test grove. Drift deposit on
the ground was maximum with the fixed-wing aircraft and
was 2.4 times that of the low-volume ground sprayer. On
the other hand, the low-volume ground sprayer produced
maximum airborne drift which was 2.6 times that of the
high-volume ground sprayer. As much as 22% of applied
material was airborne at 50 ft. from the grove and de-
creased to 2% at the 640 ft. location. However, maximum
ground deposit at 50 feet was about 6% and sharply
decreased at farther locations. More than 70% of drift
originated from spraying the last two rows of the trees.
Results revealed that of these types, there is probably no
driftless spray equipment. Not spraying the last rows
downwind may have the greatest impact on drift reduction.
Drift control is of major importance in reducing quantity of
pesticides, to improve efficiency of pest control, eliminate

6 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

contamination, and reduce costs and energy. In the future,
improved design of pesticide delivery systems will be
Citrus Research and Education Center Lake Alfred
M. Salyani, Assistant Professor

Cooking Procedures for Lean Beef
Recently, the amount of fat in beef is being reduced either
by the removal of all outside fat or the use of grades with
low fat such as U.S. Select. Since fat in meat aids tender-
ness, juiciness and flavor, many consumers have asked if
lean beef should be cooked with different procedures than
the fatter Choice beef. Using typical cooking procedures
including broiling, pan frying, roasting and braising, the
tenderness, juiciness and flavor was compared among
various cuts from both Choice and Select beef, with and
without all outside fat removed.
Except for the steak cuts, the taste of beef was not different
between grades when cooked by similar methods. Steaks
from Choice carcasses were more tender than those from
Select carcasses. Thus, leaner beef (Select) can be cooked
in a similar fashion as fatter beef (Choice). Additionally, it
was found that marination prior to pan broiling or braising
increased taste attributes, and that braising (moist cookery)
reduced juiciness of the meat. As expected, the more well
done the meat, the less tender and juicy it will be regard-
less if it is lean or fat.
Department of Animal Science
R. L. West, Professor and D. D. Johnson, Associate

High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Applied to Food
Killing microorganisms that cause spoilage and illness and
inactivating undesirable enzymes are first priorities in
maintaining a safe and high quality food supply. Tradi-
tionally, this has been accomplished by heating. However,
high temperatures cause undesirable flavor, color and
texture changes in some foods. Carbon dioxide was used as
an alternative to heat.
Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC C02) was applied to
orange juice (OJ) to inactivate pectinesterase (an enzyme
causing cloud loss) and to reduce the number of microor-
ganisms by 99.9%. This was accomplished without
changing the flavor of fresh squeezed OJ and without
adding or removing anything from the juice. SC C02 can
also be used in citrus processing in citrus oil fractionation,
lemon oil extraction, and orange juice debittering. SC
C02 was also applied to other foods important to Florida.
With shrimp, for example, SC C02 was used to retard or
eliminate the formation of black spots.

The work demonstrated that many other foods such as
mushrooms, apples, grapes, lobster, etc., could be processed
to increase shelf-life and decrease quality deterioration by
inactivating another enzyme, polyphenoloxidase. Cur-
rendy, work is progressing towards removing saturated fats
and cholesterol from ground beef by SC C02.
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
M. O. Balaban, Associate Professor

Cholesterol Levels in Older Americans
Blood lipid values were determined on 3 separate occasion
values over a 3-month period in healthy 60- to 79-year-old
subjects. Total cholesterol values and high density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were significantly higher in
females (n=24) than in the males (n=23). Low density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) was also higher in the
females, but the difference did not reach statistical signifi-
cance in this study.
The average total cholesterol was 224 41 mg/dl in
females and 200 40 in males. It was found that the
blood lipid values in many individuals showed large
variations (mean = 7% for total cholesterol and 12% for
HDL cholesterol) from one observation period to the next.
For instance, the total cholesterol value in one individual
differed by 25% during the study, without a change in diet
or exercise. In some individuals, however, the values were
essentially identical at each sampling period.
The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP)
suggests that the total cholesterol value of 200 mg/dl be
considered the "cut-point" for the upper limit of normal for
adult Americans. It was concluded first that since the
individuals in this study were all healthy with no history of
heart disease, it seems likely that the NCEP guideline may
not be applicable to older people. The stress and worry
elderly people suffer when they learn that their "choles-
terol number" is greater than 200 could be alleviated
somewhat if the general public and scientific community
realized that cholesterol levels normally do increase with
Secondly, individual variation in values may be large;,
therefore a single determination of blood cholesterol
should not be used for classification into "normal" or
"abnormal" levels. Two or more determinations over a
period of several weeks or months should be used to
determine the mean blood lipid values.
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
R. M. Shireman, Professor

Concentration of Orange Juice
Membranes (reverse osmosis) are being evaluated for (1)
improving citrus processing technology and (2) recovery
and concentration of orange juice aroma constituents. A

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 7

scheme to utilize the cold pasteurization capability of the
membrane separation technology has been developed,
combining water removal capability of the existing citrus
evaporator technology. This combined technology enables
the production of a less heated juice concentrate, which
when reconstituted yields a chilled juice without the
undesirable "cooked" flavor.
Aroma constituents are conserved by this technology
because the process, unlike the present distillation process,
requires no heat which could degrade sensitive flavor
components. The method studied works as follows:
Aromas are stripped from the juice in the evaporator and
sent to the essence unit in the normal manner. Then,
instead of being rectified and concentrated by distillation,
the dilute, condensed stream is driven through a mem-
brane under pressure. The membrane selectively prevents
the passage of desirable flavor constituents, while allowing
passage of water, the major component of the process
The product can be concentrated approximately 100-fold
and is at least as good as the product made by distillation.
Since no heat is required, the process also has the potential
to use about 1/3 the amount of energy of distillation.
Citrus Research and Education Center Lake Alfred
R. J. Braddock and C. S. Chen, Professors

Beta Carotene Levels in Citrus
It has recently been found that new varieties of red
grapefruit such as Star Ruby, Ray Ruby and Flame contain
elevated amounts of beta carotene. Studies show that the
color-producing compounds of these varieties contain more
than twice the beta carotene of other varieties. Medical
reports indicate that people consuming foods rich in beta
carotene have a lower risk of developing certain types of
cancer and heart disease. Red grapefruit are comparable
dietary sources for this compound with green leafy veg-
etables, the richest known sources.
Citrus Research and Education Center Lake Alfred
R. L. Rouseff, Professor

A Partnership with Industry for Basic
Research on Forest Productivity
Department of Forestry, USDA-Forest Service and forest
industry scientists have become partners at the University
of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences in a
search for fundamental biological mechanisms and
processes which could significantly enhance the growth of
trees and the productivity of Southern pine forests. Over
the past 30 years, forest managers and scientists have
significantly improved the productivity of Southern
pinelands through applied research on silvicultural

practices, genetic improvement and pest management.
Increased forest productivity has reached a plateau, and
new knowledge on fundamental biological mechanisms
and processes is required to make additional gains.
The partnership has initiated research in three integrated
working groups: soil water and nutrient relations, carbon
assimilation and allocation, and disease resistance. Re-
search projects bridge aspects of biotechnology, physiology,
mycorrhizae, genetics, disease resistance, soils and silvicul-
ture. Laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments employ
common genetic material showing good or poor perfor-
mance for growth-related traits.
Studies include: the role of mycorrhizae in genotypic
growth responses; mechanisms controlling root initiation
and exudates; the effects of nutrient levels on basic
physiological processes; role of cytokinins in carbon
partitioning, disease defense mechanisms their elicitors,
associated genes and effects of changing environment; gene
expression as related to tree age; and the role of canopy
structure and dynamics on light use efficiency and biomass
Given the projected demands for wood (and non-timber
values) on the Southern pine forests during the next
decade, the productivity of these woodlands must be
Department of Forestry
R. A. Schmidt, Professor

Changes in Rain Acidity Appear Unlikely in
Florida Pine Forests
Rain acidity has increased 13% from pH 4.87 in 1978 to
pH 4.73 in 1989 in north-central Florida. The annual rate
of change was not statistically significant. Runoff from a
pine-cypress flatwoods watershed remained unchanged at
pH 3.88, suggesting no effect of the change in rain acidity.
These findings have been highlighted in the 1990 annual
report of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program.
The pine-cypress flatwoods watershed with sandy soils
initially showed a slight gain of all nutrients coming in
with rain and leaving with runoff, uncommon to water-
sheds elsewhere because of the poor sandy soils. In later
years the bases showed a net loss, probably because of aging
of the forest. Operational annual fertilization of young
pine plantations with protective buffer zones showed a
delay of three years before some nutrient increases were
detectable in stormflow. This suggested a very slow
movement in shallow ground water rather than in surface
Department of Forestry
J. D. Johnson, Associate Professor

8 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

Effects of Global Change Evaluated for Pine
We have developed a slash pine simulation model that has
been used to evaluate potential effects of climate change
and increased atmospheric CO2. Simulations indicate that
pine growth would decrease significantly with increased
temperatures. Increased growth under elevated CO2 could
balance the decline, however. The extreme nutrient
limitation on typical slash pine sites could limit the
response to CO2.
Climate scenarios based on three different general circula-
tion models (NCAR Community Climate Model,
Goddard Institute of Space Studies, and United Kingdom
Meteorological Office) have been developed in collabora-
tion with scientists at Penn State University. An entirely
new approach to simulating climate change, based on an
analysis of synoptic climatology, is being investigated and
applied to this problem.
Department of Forestry
H. L. Gholz, Professor

Management of the Sweetpotato Whitefly and
Associated Disorders and Diseases on
The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.), remains
the most important pest of Florida's tomato industry.
Plastic soil mulch sprayed with aluminum, yellow or orange
paint resulted in fewer alighting adults of the sweetpotato
whitefly, delayed increase in densities of whitefly
immatures and delayed infection with geminivirus on
tomato relative to white plastic mulch. Resistance to the
sweetpotato whitefly in selected germplasm of wild tomato
species appeared related to density and stickiness of
glandular trichomes on leaf surfaces.
Weeds and crops were surveyed for the second year for the
sweetpotato whitefly and its hymenopterous parasitoids in
west-central, southwest and south Florida. Whitefly
immatures were sampled on 18 weed species and 12 crop
species. The most abundant parasitoid species include
Encasia nigricephala, E.tabacivora and Eretmocerous sp. A
species of hymenopterous parasitoid from Puerto Rico was
released at sites in Hillsborough, Manatee, Collier and
Dade Counties. At least ten predator species were ob-
served attacking the sweetpotato whitefly in tomato.
Chrysoperla rufilabris, a lacewing, readily fed upon the
immature lifestages in the laboratory and did not demon-
strate a preference for aphids over the sweetpotato white-
At least 20 insecticides or insecticide combinations,
including registered and experimental products, were
evaluated in field trials on tomato for control of the

sweetpotato whitefly. Certain petroleum oil products were
evaluated in the field on tomato and found to delay the
geminivirus transmitted by the sweetpotato whitefly.
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center Bradenton
D. J. Schuster, Professor and J. F. Price, Associate Professor

Pasteuria penetrans Isolates
Six different isolates of the Pasteuria penetrans group of
obligate nematode- parasitic bacteria were isolated from
five different species of phytoparasitic nematodes in
bermudagrass fairways in southern Florida. One year
greenhouse study suggests that one isolate from the sting
nematode, Belonolaimus ongicaudatus, can suppress sting
nematode densities. Several of the other isolates of this
bacteria may also have promise for the management of
phytoparasitic nematodes in perennial ecosystems such as
lawns, golf courses, and landscapes.
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
R. M. Giblin-Davis, Assistant Professor

Control of Termites Affecting Structures
A non-chemical control alternative was developed to
prevent invasion by subterranean termites to structures.
Laboratory and field tests indicated that soil barriers
composed of particles in the 1.18-2.36 mm size effectively
shielded penetration by both the native subterranean
termites Reticuitermes spp. The results suggested that
placement of such uniform size particle barriers prior to the
construction of a house may provide a sufficient protection
from soilborne subterranean termites.
A slow-acting toxicant bait was applied in three field
colonies of the Formosan subterranean termite located at
the urban southeastern Florida. One year after bait
application, foraging populations of three colonies that
received baits were reduced 65-98%. The results demon-
strated that a toxicant bait can be used to suppress foraging
populations of subterranean termite colonies and hence
reduce their damage potential.
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Nan-Yao Su, Associate Professor

Control of Termites Attacking Live Citrus
With the expansion of citrus in Southwest Florida has
come problems of tree-girdling subterranean termites,
Reticulitemes flavipes (Kollar). The problem occurs
primarily in areas recently cleared of pine trees and
palmettos to prepare for planting new citrus groves.
Scientists at the Southwest Florida Research and Educa-
tion Center have also found a fungus rot, Phyophthora sp.,
in the soil, roots, and/or bark of the damaged trees.

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 9

Results of a field trial in a commercial grove showed
significant protection to young trees when the insecticide
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 4E or 15G) and the fungicide
metalaxyl (Ridomil 2E) were used either alone or in
combination in the irrigation water applied around the
trees at the time of planting. Some tree toxicity was
observed on Lorsban 4E treated trees while 15G appeared
safe to the trees. The association of reduced termite
activity around trees treated with Ridomil 2E only suggests
an interesting relationship between the occurrence of
Phytophthora and termite selection of living trees.
Southwest Florida Research and Education Center -
R. E. Rouse, Associate Professor, P. A. Stansly and R. J.
McGovern, Assistant Professors

Malaria in South America
Malaria in South America, which afflicts approximately 15
million persons annually, is transmitted by Anopheles from
no less than five species complexes. Frequently, vector
species can not be differentiated morphologically from
non-vector species. Now, scientists from the University of
Florida, in collaboration with USDA/ARS, have pin-
pointed DNA fragments that serve as species-specific
markers. Molecular taxonomy coupled with behavioral
and ecological investigations should lead to refinements in
Anopheles and, hence, malaria control.
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory Vero Beach
L. P. Lounibos, Associate Professor

St. Louis Encephalitis Outbreak
The largest epidemic of St. Louis encephalitis virus ever
recorded in Florida occurred during the summer and
autumn of 1990. The 1990 epidemic was anticipated
because of an ongoing field surveillance program developed
and run by researchers at the Florida Medical Entomology
Laboratory in Vero Beach.
The FMEL surveillance program began in 1983, and
through baseline data collected in Indian River County
and other Florida counties since then, the epidemic threat
of 1990 was recognized four weeks before the appearance of
the first human case. This allowed us important time to
meet with personnel from mosquito control, public health
and the media and to alert the public of the threat of
encephalitis transmission. The resulting publicity undoubt-
edly reduced the number of human infections of SLE virus
in Indian River County.
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory Veto Beach
J. F. Day, Assistant Professor

Increasing the Antiviral Activity of Interferon
Diseases such as cancer are regulated in part by biological
response modifiers. The interferons (IFN) are biological
response modifiers crucial to the body's defense. IFNs can
turn on immune cells so that they make antibodies and
fight foreign organisms. IFNs can also inhibit division of
tumors or make cells resistant to viruses.
A product of the bacterium Staphylococus aureus, staphy-
lococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), is one of the most common
causes of food poisoning. A significant number of patients
suffer from malaise, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The
immune system may play a role in these gastric effects of
Our current effort is directed toward examination of the
structural basis for the potent IFN-inducing properties of
SEA. One approach to determining the structure of the
SEA IFN-inducing site, is the use of synthetic peptides that
correspond to various amino acid sequences of SEA located
on the surface of the molecule. Such peptides could
compete with SEA for its receptor on the cells and thus
modulate its activity.
We have identified two regions on the SEA molecule
which allow it to bind to cells of the immune system.
Synthetic peptides corresponding to a broad region in the
N-terminus and a second region, amino acids 121-149,
further in the molecule can block SEA binding. Since
SEA needs to bind to have an effect, a peptide which
blocks binding may block SEA's toxic effects. Conversely,
alterations in amino acid sequence may facilitate binding
of an SEA synthetic peptide, leading to increased produc-
tion of IFN. This increased IFN could then help fight
tumors or viruses.
Since IFN has many functions, we also asked the question,
what portion of the IFN molecule is responsible for its
different cellular effects? We have found that the first 39
amino acids of the IFN molecule are involved in its
antiviral activity. In fact, we can increase the ability of
IFN to bind to its receptor, which is necessary for function,
by substitution of particular amino acids; for example,
substitution of phenylalanine for tyrosine at position 14
enhances binding 30-fold.
At the same time, we are expressing the gene for IFN in a
unique insect system that closely resembles human gene
expression and allows for production of large quantities of
our modified IFN molecules. Large amounts of IFN,
possessing greater activity, may allow for better treatment
of virally-induced cancers, and especially viral diseases
such as AIDS.
Department of Microbiology and Cell Science
H. M. Johnson, Graduate Research Professor

10 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

Turning Trash into a Resource for a Cleaner
Environmentally safe methods for the disposal of garbage,
growing dependence on petroleum, and a sagging economy
continue to pose major dilemmas for Florida. Over 16
million tons of municipal solid waste are generated
annually in Florida. Three-fourths of this material is
delivered to landfills and consists of a combination of
paper, yard trash, wood, and food residues all collectively
called biomass. Biomass is composed of approximately 50%
cellulose, 25% hemicellulose and 25% lignin.
Much of the technology to convert cellulose to ethanol
using enzymes and microorganisms has been available for
over 20 years although the costs of such conversion has
prohibited development. L. O. Ingram and his co-workers
in the Department of Microbiology and Cell Science have
genetically engineered a new bacterium which can now
convert the sugars found in hemicellulose to ethanol
increasing the overall yield of the process and eliminate a
major waste stream. Residual lignin can be burned to
provide all the energy needed for plant operation and
ethanol purification.
The new U.F. invention was assigned landmark patent
number 5,000,000 by the Department of Commerce.
Exclusive license to this U.F. technology has been
purchased by BioEnergy International (Gainesville) for
development and sublicense.
Ethanol produced by this process from landfill waste is
estimated to have a sales price well below a dollar per
gallon. This recently patented invention utilizes landfill
materials, pulp and paper waste, and agricultural residues to
provide over 10% of Florida's automotive fuel needs as
In the Midwest, over 1 billion gallons of ethanol are
produced annually from corn and blended with gasoline to
provide cleaner fuels with reduced automotive emissions.
This represents only 1% of the gasoline burned in the U.S.
each year. Ethanol production from Florida waste materi-
als could exceed the total current production from corn
while cleaning the environment. Three-fold this amount
of ethanol or other oxygenated fuel additives will be
required to meet the 1992 goals set by the 1990 Clean Air
Act. Over 20 million gallons of ethanol are blended to
produce premium gasoline in Florida each year, and the
ethanol is purchased from major Midwestern producers.
The manufacturing of this ethanol and further expansion
of ethanol production in Florida should provide a strong
economic stimulus, retaining dollars in-state which would
otherwise be lost to other states or countries and creating a
new, model industry. Successful demonstration and
implementation of this new technology should also reduce
current pressure for oil exploration along our coasts.
Virtually every state in the country could produce a

portion of its automotive fuel needs from agricultural
wastes and landfill materials.
Department of Microbiology and Cell Science
L. O. Ingram, Professor

New Gene of Plant Pathogenesis
Bacteria pathogenic for plants (e.g., Erwinia herbicola,
Pseudomonas cepacia, and Xanthomonas capestris) possess
two pathways for phenylalanine biosynthesis. The key
enzyme of one pathway, prephenate dehydratase, is located
in the cytoplasm where virtually all enzymes of biosynthe-
sis are located. The key enzyme of the second pathway,
cyclohexadienyl dehydratase, is located in the periplasm
and is readily released by aromatic shock.
The gene has been cloned, and sequencing revealed a
signal sequence encoding a 25-residue peptide which
directs transport of the newly synthesized enzyme to the
periplasm. Phenylalanine produced in the periplasm may
be dedicated to a role in fimbriae formation. Such fimbriae
are essential for adhesion and pathogenesis.
Department of Microbiology and Cell Science
R. A. Jensen, Professor

Bacterial Spot of Tomato
This is one of the major disease problems in Florida.
Detection of the pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pv.
vesicatoria, when present in low populations, is essential for
maintaining disease- free plant material. Serological assays
are one method to test for the presence of the bacterium.
The development of monoclonal antibodies had made
serological assays more accurate. Several monoclonal
antibodies have been developed which react with strains of
the pathogen but not with several other strains of
Xanthomonas. Two monoclonal antibodies which have
reaction profiles that correlate with the major geographical
and physiological subdivisions of X. c. vesicatoria are
currently being used for characterization of bacterial spot
strains from around the world.
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Bradenton
J. B. Jones, Professor and G. C. Somodi, Assistant Scientist

Forecasting Regional Groundwater Levels
using Geostatistical and Time Series Modeling
As a part of their responsibility to evaluate and manage
water resources, regional water management agencies must
develop models capable of forecasting groundwater levels
in space and time. Conventional models of regional
groundwater movement require detailed and accurate

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 11

measurements of aquifer parameters to produce reliable
results. Unfortunately, regional estimates of aquifer
parameters are often quite uncertain due to the sparseness,
spatial variability, and unknown reliability of available
As a result, groundwater flow models can also produce
highly uncertain results. Stochastic modeling techniques,
on the other hand, can be utilized to provide short-term
forecasts of groundwater levels on a regional basis. The
reliability of these forecasts may be assessed directly by
examining model prediction variances. Model forecasts,
together with forecast confidence intervals, can then be
used to make more informed water resource management
In this research project, classical time series modeling and
geostatistical techniques were combined to develop a
regional stochastic model capable of providing short-term
forecasts of groundwater level (with forecast confidence
intervals) throughout the St. Johns River Water Manage-
ment District in Florida. Analysis of model predictions
showed that 1- to 6-month lead forecasts could be pre-
dicted within approximately 0.5 to 1.0 feet.
In the next phase of this project we will use the regional
stochastic model to develop a prototype optimal
feedforward/feedback control algorithm designed to
maintain target groundwater levels by manipulating local
permitted groundwater pumpage during periods of rainfall
Department of Agricultural Engineering
W. D. Graham, Assistant Professor

Hundreds of volunteers venture out on their lakes every
month to participate in the Florida LAKEWATCH
Program. Trained volunteers get water samples, take
measurements and collect data in order to establish a long-
term data base on Florida's lakes. Without volunteer
involvement, gathering these data would be much too
Florida has over 7,700 lakes greater than 10 acres in size
and probably over 100,000 smaller water bodies. Detailed
scientific information exists for fewer than 10% of them.
Once obtained, data can be used to preserve and protect
lakes, furnishing an early warning system for potentially
harmful situations while still in the beginning stages. The
Florida LAKEWATCH Program also provides citizens with
educational materials to foster a better understanding of
their lakes and provides a vehicle by which concerned
citizens can work directly with professionals to develop
scientifically sound management programs.
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
D. E. Canfield, Jr., Professor

Ecology of Lake Okeechobee, Florida
Recurrent media coverage of blue-green algal blooms and
eutrophication in Lake Okeechobee manifests the intense
public concern over the ecological well-being of this
critical water resource. There is a clear need to better
understand the effects that man-induced changes in the
environment are having on the lake's biota (including
plants, fish and birds) and water quality.
With this knowledge effective management strategies can
be developed and implemented. This concern precipitated
a five-year grant award to the University of Florida to
examine the ecology of the lake.
Our laboratory's role in this project is to examine the
impact of critical environmental factors, anthropogenic
and natural, on the community of submerged algae and
plants. These communities are the base of the food chain,
and to a large extent dictate the overall environmental
quality of this lake.
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
E. J. Phlips, Assistant Professor

Genetic Conservation of Queen Conch
The queen conch is a large, marine shellfish gastropodd)
that has significant economic and cultural value in the
Florida Keys and the Caribbean Sea area. A genetic study
of queen conch (Strombus gigas) populations in the Florida
Keys has revealed a dynamic yet relatively homogeneous
population structure. IFAS researchers, with the support of
the Florida Department of Natural Resources, used
biochemical methods to estimate, over a four-year period,
genetic variation among natural populations of queen
conch throughout the Florida Keys.
Populations throughout the Keys were found to be very
similar genetically with random fluctuations in gene
frequencies among years approximately equal to the
variation among localities. Biologists and resource
managers for the Florida Department of Natural Resources
are using these genetic results to help rehabilitate the
queen conch populations in the Florida Keys through
development of nursery hatcheries and artificial
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
D. E. Campton, Assistant Professor

Wildlife Diversity in Urban Landscapes
Preserving native wildlife diversity in rapidly urbanizing
areas is an extremely difficult challenge since urban
development sprawling across the landscape modifies
ecological functions of ecosystems. Alteration of natural
habitats is the major threat to the continued existence of
endangered species. The extinction process is complete
when no more areas are suitable in size or quality to
support self-sustaining populations.

12 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

Although some measures are available to protect remain-
ing habitats for endangered species, mechanisms that
ensure recovery of species are lacking. The best approach
to preventing extinctions of species and providing the
needs of growing human populations is to integrate wildlife
needs into comprehensive land use plans.
A research project conducted by the Department of
Wildlife and Range Sciences is determining the most
critical wildlife requirements in hardwood hammock
forests. Preliminary data have shown that larger urban
forest patches generally support more species. Tree density
and the width of long, linear forests also are directly related
to wildlife species diversity. Some species are less tolerant
to development than others and can be used an indicators
of habitat quality in urban forests.
Specific data from these studies have provided the basis for
land use decisions made by planners, developers, regulatory
agencies, and property owners.
Department of Wildlife and Range Sciences
J. M. Schaefer, Assistant Professor

To Feed or not Feed White-tailed Deer in
The white-tailed deer is the country's No. 1 wildlife game
species, accounting for more than a third of the total
recreational hunting effort in the U.S. This effort trans-
lates to over 100 million hunter-days for deer and an
expenditure of $5 billion annually.
Florida sportsmen are among the most avid of deer hunters,
as they spend 70% of their total hunting effort, or about
2.5 million hunter-days in pursuit of the white-tailed deer
each year. Accordingly, there has been an accelerated
trend by Florida sportsmen to lease tracts of private land
for deer hunting and to manage these tracts for either
greater abundance or larger trophy animals. To this end,
millions of dollars are spent in providing supplemental
foods, usually corn or pelleted rations, to free-ranging deer.
But are such supplemental feeding programs effective for
these purposes? Research on a herd of radio-instrumented
deer that were supplied high-protein pellets at rates of 1.5
and 3 tons per square mile per year ($20 and $40 cost per
herd deer, respectively) in pine flatwoods habitat of north
Florida revealed that supplemental feeding is not an
effective management technique. Why?
Despite the availability of the supplemental ration, the
deer utilized the extra groceries very sparingly. Thus,
managing a herd by the provision of supplemental feeding
in Florida appears both biologically ineffective and cost-
Department of Wildlife and Range Sciences
R. F. Labisky, Professor

Reducing Phosphorus Losses from Dairies in
the Lake Okeechobee Watershed
Lake Okeechobee is the 4th largest lake in the United
States with a surface area of 1890 km2. Aquatic weed and
algae problems are threatening the value of the lake for
recreational uses such as fishing and hunting. Recent
studies point to phosphorus as the nutrient responsible for
degradation of water quality in the lake.
Additional studies indicated that tributary watersheds with
large numbers of dairy cattle are primary contributors to
the phosphorus loading of the lake. The State of Florida
has passed a "DAIRY RULE" which mandates dairy
farmers in the watershed to reduce and eliminate, where
possible, phosphate runoff from their farms.
Over the years, considerable amounts of phosphorus from
animal manures have accumulated in the soils around the
dairies. High amounts of water-soluble phosphorus were
found in the soils immediately surrounding the milking
barns. Leaching of this phosphorus may be a significant
source of phosphorus loss from the dairies. Perimeter
ditches installed around the milking parlor/feeding area
intercept this phosphorus. The runoff collected from the
perimeter ditches, and the phosphorus it contains, is now
being applied to crops via center pivot irrigation systems
on many dairy farms. The crops are being feed to the cattle
so the phosphorus is being recycled on the farm and losses
from the farm are being reduced.
Department of Soil Science
D. A. Graetz, Professor

Soil Reactions of Complex Pollutant Mixtures
Properties of organic pollutants, such as solubility, soil
retention and transport, are usually characterized in
aqueous solutions and with a single organic pollutant.
However, environmental contamination problems com-
monly involve complex mixtures of chemicals, including
organic solvents. The need to understand the environ-
mental consequences associated with complex mixtures
and to deal with these consequences involves developing
theoretical approaches and laboratory data characterizing
the soil reactions of complex mixtures.
This work has application in the definition, prediction and
remediation of soil and groundwater contamination
problems. High concentrations of organic cosolvents
decrease soil retention of organic pollutants at waste
disposal/spill sites and transport the pollutants further than
predicted from aqueous-based transport data.
While this effect can magnify environmental problems,
wise application of the principles involved can also assist
in alleviating existing problems. For example, removal of
contaminated soils from a disposal/spill site and extraction
with solvent mixtures (so-called "solvent washing") is one
remediation technique that is receiving considerable

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 13

attention. The results of this work should be of direct use
in selection of the appropriate solvent mixtures to extract
organic contaminants of interest and in predicting mobility
of contaminants from waste disposal or spill sites.
Department of Soil Science
P. S. C. Rao, Professor

BMPs for Phosphorus Loading Reductions in
the Everglades Agricultural Area
Results of a University of Florida, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Science study showed there are farming
practices that could help to reduce phosphorus (P) loads
and concentrations in agricultural drainage water. How-
ever, it became apparent that the baseline P loading and
concentration levels in the Everglades Agricultural Area
(EAA) are naturally high due to the drainage of the
organic soils. Nutrient balances showed that, in spite of
high fertilization levels, P loads to the study sites in
irrigation water and rainfall were generally higher than P
loads leaving a farm in drainage water during 1989. In
fact, the EAA could be a net assimilator of P. However,
phosphorus concentrations and loads were extremely high
during individual events for particular farming conditions,
indicating the potential for reductions.
It is apparent that controlling these major P loading
periods will lead to enhanced water quality in the EAA.
Potential BMPs focus on enhanced water and nutrient
management. Some of the BMPs deal with short-term
impacts while others focus more on the long-term.
Generally, it is agreed that it will take some time for the
effects of BMP implementation to be fully represented by
drainage water P reductions.
Everglades Research and Education Center, Belle Glade
F. T. Izuno, Associate Professor

Developing a Grass for Florida Range
There are about 3.9 million acres of range in the 26
counties south of Ocala where two-thirds of Florida's beef
cattle are found. Like range in western U.S., Florida range
is important for cattle production. Because Florida is a
peninsula with unique conditions, however, our range
grasses are unique also.
This means that Florida cattlemen could not introduce a
new, more nutritious grass from some other region because
that grass would not be adapted to our hot-wet summers,
cool-dry winters or acid-infertile sandy soils. So, how can
improvements be made in range grass quality? Try to
improve some of Florida's own grasses.
Creeping bluestem (called creeping because it spreads by
underground stems or rhizomes) is a relative of little
bluestem, a valuable range grass found elsewhere in the
U.S. We collected about 200 types of creeping bluestem

from the Georgia/Florida state line to the Everglades and
evaluated them for digestibility and seed production at the
Ona Research Center in Hardee County.
Big differences were found in digestibility, which can be
roughly thought of as the percentage of nutrients that
cattle retain after eating the grass. For example, our plants
ranged from 38 to 64% total digestible nutrients (TDN).
In earlier research, we found that common creeping
bluestem was about 45% TDN at a similar stage of matu-
rity. Out of 200 plants, 37 were considered good seed
producers with about 20 lb/A of seed.
Although this doesn't sound like much, at 1.6 million seed/
lb, 1 lb/A of seed results in 38 seed/sq. ft. Since this
original collection, we have taken our best seed-producing
and highest quality plants and allowed them to cross
pollinate. Seed of those crosses have been collected,
planted, and new plants evaluated. After repeating this
process we hope a new type can be developed which should
have the combined good characteristics of the parents.
Agricultural Research and Education Center Ona
R. S. Kalmbacher, Professor

Reclamation of Waste Lands from Phosphate
Clay railings, one of the waste products from Florida
phosphate mining, occupy about 100,000 acres. Clays
contain no phytotoxic materials, are high in plant nutri-
ents, and average about 50% solids. Until recently these

clays had little known value.
Studies conducted over a 5-year period with grain, biomass,
and forage crops indicated dry matter yields, forage and
grain quality, and plant nutrient concentrations were equal
or higher than most of the same crops grown on unmined
soils. Alfalfa dry yields averaged over 7 tons/A on the clay
tailings, and they generally do not grow on unmined
central Florida soils because of periodic excessive moisture.
Crops analyzed for radium 226 revealed that concentra-
tions varied between crops and cultivars of the same crop.
However, radium 226 was generally low in all crops.
Studies indicate these waste lands are a fertile resource that
can be used for grain, biomass, and forage production.
Agricultural Research and Education Center Ona
P. Mislevy, Professor

Predicting Peanut Growth and Yield
Computer prediction of peanut growth and yield may
become a management tool for peanut producers. A
computer model named PNUTGRO has been developed
by agronomists and agricultural engineers and is presently

14 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

being tested in producer fields in Florida to determine its
utility for producers.
Information, such as daily weather recorded by portable
weather stations in grower fields, soils information, varietal
traits, and grower management practices, are fed into the
PNUTGRO model. The model then predicts the daily
growth of the crop until final yield is predicted at maturity.
Growers could benefit from model outputs: canopy cover,
pod number, crop developmental stage, and pod maturity,
in order to help manage the crop and schedule harvest
timing. The predicted soil water balance could be used to
help evaluate the short-term scheduling of irrigation or the
long term risks and benefits from irrigation (over 20 to 50
years of historical weather).
User-friendly hooks into the model are presently being
developed to allow input of up-to-date scouting informa-
tion on diseases, insects, and other pests, as well as proce-
dures to estimate the amount of yield loss from those pest
problems. Past experience indicates that peanut growers
are attaining the yield potential predicted by PNUTGRO
only when they follow good crop rotations. On-farm
testing of PNUTGRO will continue for another year so
researchers and extension specialists can evaluate how well
the model works in producer fields and what improvements
may be necessary.
Department of Agronomy
K. J. Boote, Professor and J. M. Bennet, Associate Professor

Postproduction Longevity of Flowering Potted
The consumer often judges quality in flowering potted
plants by how well the plant performs indoors. Varieties of
poinsettia and chrysanthemum with increased interior
longevity and less leaf and bud drop have now been
identified. In addition, reducing the fertilizer level
throughout the crop or stopping fertilizer during the final 2
- 3 weeks of production for chrysanthemum and poinsettia
increased longevity by 7 14 days.
Improved longevity in these crops has been related to
flower respiration and, to a limited extent, with carbohy-
drate levels. Cultural modification developed in the
postproduction program at the University of Florida which
lead to improvement in flowering potted plant longevity
are being incorporated into production systems in the
United States and Europe and used by retail buyers and
interiorscapers to increase interior performance.
Department of Environmental Horticulture
T. A. Nell and J. E. Barrett, Professors

Micropropagation Systems for Native Wetland
and Water Garden Plant Production
This research addresses the need to develop efficient
micropropagation (tissue culture propagation) procedures

to help Florida's aquatic plant nursery industry meet
increased demand for quality disease-free native wetland
and water garden plants. A complete micropropagation
procedure has been developed for production of the native
wetland plant Pontederia cordata.
In 1990, 4,000 micropropagated Pontederia were
outplanted in five urban pond sites in central Florida. In
comparison to field-collected Pontederia, micropropagated
plants exhibited better establishment and growth and were
more highly branched. Several hardy and tropical water
lily hybrids have been successfully established in sterile
For one tropical hybrid, Nymphaea 'Daubeniana', plantlet
regeneration has also been achieved. This study represents
the first report of the successful establishment of water
lilies in sterile culture. These results indicate that
micropropagation can be used to help Florida's aquatic
plant growers meet increased market demand for native
wetland and water garden plant species.
Department of Environmental Horticulture
M. E. Kane, Assistant Professor

Summer Weed Control in Turf
Previous postemergence control of the worst summer
annual broadleaf weed, prostrate spurge (Euphorbia spp.), in
fine textured bermudagrass required multiple application of
the phenoxy herbicides which resulted in unacceptable turf
injury and inconsistent control. Metsulfuronmethyl (Trade
Names: DMC Weed Control or Escort) has demonstrated,
through UF research, to provide complete control with one
application without any significant turf injury. Further-
more, the use rate of metsulfuron is less than 1 ounce/acre
while the normal use-rate of the phenoxy herbicides is 2 to
4 gallons per acre. This provides bermudagrass managers
with complete spurge control without multiple applications
of higher use-rate herbicides.
Department of Environmental Horticulture
L. B. McCarty, Assistant Professor

Improving Fertilization Efficiency of Container
Woody Plants
Increased concerns for ground and surface water contami-
nation have resulted in the evaluation of current fertiliza-
tion practices used in commercial nurseries. Efficient
fertilization practices should result in maximum growth
and utilization of applied fertilizer without sacrificing plant
One approach to improving fertilizer utilization is to ensure
that optimal rates and application frequencies are used A
series of studies were conducted in which container-grown
Yaupon holly plants were fertilized once with a commonly
used slow-release fertilizer or fertilized one, two, or four

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 15

times weekly with minimal amounts of a solution fertilizer
delivered to each container.
At the end of the 26-week growing period, 2.5 grams of
nitrogen had been applied per container for the slow-
release and one solution fertilizer treatment; some plants
received less nitrogen from solution fertilizer than applied
with the slow-release fertilizer. Plants that received 1.5 or
2.5 grams of solution nitrogen per container had compa-
rable growth to plants that received 2.5 grams of nitrogen
per container from the slow release fertilizer.
The number of applications per week did not make a
difference but, the amount of fertilizer applied can be
reduced 40% with out sacrificing growth. Approximately
30% of the applied nitrogen was either utilized by the
plant or remained in the container medium for these
Department of Environmental Horticulture
T. H. Yeager, Associate Professor

Making Sweeter Citrus
Recent efforts have focused on plant genes that are
modulated by tissue sugar status. Such responses were
previously known only in bacteria and yeast, where they
were considered an essential mechanism for adjusting
metabolism relative to available substrates. In higher
plants, this gene expression also has the potential to affect
distribution of C resources among the many diverse cells
and tissues.
We have discovered two genes that are modulated by sugar
levels. These encode an enzyme considered by many to be
critical to import and utilization of sucrose. Sucrose
synthase (despite its name) generally degrades sucrose in
vivo and has long been associated with sucrose entry into
developing structures.
In citrus, we have found high activities in young fruit, and
especially in vascular bundles adjacent to rapidly expand-
ing juice sacs. We have recently characterized responses of
sucrose synthase gene expression to sugars. Our current
goals are to determine the physiological consequences of
this up- and down-regulation, and to expand on associated
aspects of sugar-modulated gene expression.
Department of Fruit Crops
K. E. Koch, Professor

Breeding Peaches for Tree Ripe Flavor
Traditional fresh market peaches are harvested immature
in order to have extended shelf life for long distance
shipping and marketing. A slow ripening gene exists in
the processing peach which gives firmness to be harvested
mature ripe while retaining firmness through the canning
process. The processed peach varieties lack red skin color
and flesh flavor, ripen in late summer, and are adapted to
temperate climatic zones.

We have initiated peach breeding to combine the slow
ripening gene into the dessert-type peaches for fresh
market. We have obtained selections having the slow
ripening gene combined with outstanding flavor, attractive
external color, early ripening and subtropical adaptation.
Fruit size in these selections has been medium, but pros-
pects are excellent for realizing the breeding goals. No
major obstacles have been encountered and the first
varieties are expected to be released in about 5 years.
Department of Fruit Crops
W. B. Sherman, Professor

Gene Technology to Control Citrus Canker
A pathogenicity gene, pthA, of Xanthomonas citri is
required to elicit symptoms of Asiatic citrus canker disease.
This gene has been cloned by genetic engineering, and
when the canker gene is introduced into other
Xanthomonas strains that are opportunistic on nursery-
grown citrus, these recipient strains become able to induce
Asiatic canker disease. Further characterization of canker
gene pthA revealed that it also causes recipient
Xanthomonas strains to be destroyed by cotton resistance
A genetic analysis of cotton resistance genes revealed that
one of these genes is particularly able to destroy
Xanthomonas strains carrying the canker gene pthA.
Strains normally able to attack cotton are no longer able, if
they carry pthA. This means that the cotton resistance
gene, if cloned and placed in citrus, could provide long-
lasting resistance to Asiatic citrus canker.
Plant breeders have long searched for strong, "broad
spectrum" resistance genes, but with little success. Never-
theless, cotton breeders have been successful in developing
"immune" cotton lines that have been effective against all
races of Xanthomonas that attack cotton in North America.
The molecular basis for this breeding success is now
becoming clear by the use of genetic engineering.
This provides a strong justification for the effort to clone
the cotton resistance gene for purposes of transfer to citrus.
Such cotton resistance genes, provided they are expressed
properly in citrus, could provide the first non-chemical
control for citrus canker disease. Applications of such
broad-spectrum resistance genes in other plants against
other Xanthomonas diseases seems likely.
Department of Plant Pathology
D. W. Gabriel, Associate Professor

Taking the Shock Out of Vegetable Handling
By Analyzing Packing Lines Electronically
Vegetables and fruits experience a number of transfers
during typical harvest, handling and packing operations,
and each of these transfer points has potential to reduce
quality by inflicting mechanical injury such as bruises, cuts,

16 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

punctures and abrasions. Although Florida produce
packers and packing line equipment manufacturers are
concerned about minimizing injury during handling,
identifying transfer points which can cause these injuries
has been difficult.
Many types of packing lines can now be accurately
analyzed to identify shocks which may cause mechanical
injury. A new data logger, called the Instrumented Sphere,
measures impacts experienced during handling operations.
The "IS" is 3.5 inches in diameter and travels freely over
the packing line with produce of similar size, recording
shocks from each of the impacts that the produce
The IS was originally developed for analyzing apple
handling systems at the USDA/ARS laboratory at Michi-
gan State University. As part of a collaborative research
project, we have used the IS to document impacts incurred
during handling and packing in five pepper packinghouses,
two mobile field pack units, and five tomato packing-
At several packinghouses, transfer points with potential to
cause mechanical injury were modified resulting in over
50% reduction in impact levels. We have also found that a
drop of only 2 inches is sufficient to bruise a pepper or
Department of Vegetable Crops
S. A. Sargent, Assistant Professor and J. K. Brecht,
Associate Professor

Male Sterility in Common Bean
Cytoplasmically inherited male sterility is the basis of Fl
hybrid seed production in many self-pollinating crops.
Sterility is reversed in the Fl hybrids by appropriate
nuclear fertility restoration genes. Using techniques of
molecular genetics, we have verified three different
mechanisms of fertility restoration in cytoplasmically male
sterile Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean). One source is
highly efficient and may have commercial applications.
Cytoplasmically inherited male sterility and nuclear
restoration of fertility is also an excellent model system for
the study of interactions between nuclear and cytoplasmic
genomes in higher plants. We have isolated and character-
ized the gene responsible for cytoplasmic male sterility in
the common bean and can now examine the effects of
nuclear restoration genes on the cytoplasmic gene.
Department of Vegetable Crops
C. D. Chase, Assistant Professor

Vegetable Fertilizer Management
Increasing production costs and growing concerns over
environmental pollution have led research into tools that
enable vegetable producers to increase their fertilizer
management skills. Plant analysis for nutrients such as

nitrogen can provide the grower with information on
which to base fertilizer application decisions.
With the increase in use of drip irrigation for vegetables,
growers now have a tool for effectively applying fertilizer to
vegetable crops. Our research shows that analyzing plant
petiole fresh sap for nitrate-nitrogen content can help
guide growers in scheduling nitrogen fertilizer additions to
vegetables. Work with several hand-held in-field testing
kits has provided a nutrient response curve with critical
levels of plant sap nitrate-nitrogen values. The plant sap
test kits enable growers to use the plant as its own indica-
tor of the need for additional nitrogen fertilizer.
The tests can be conducted in the field in a matter of
minutes, allowing growers to make timely adjustments in
nitrogen additions to the crop. Growers using this tool
have found that nitrogen applications can be reduced
significantly compared to their traditional practices, yet
obtain equal or better vegetable production. Making
nitrogen applications more efficient is healthy for the
profit margin and better for the environment.
Department of Vegetable Crops
G. J. Hochmuth, Associate Professor

Commercial Development of an Insect
Pathogenic Fungus
The University of Florida and W. R. Grace have been
actively pursuing the commercial development of the
insect pathogenic fungus, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus
'Apopka'. The initial target pests include whiteflies, thrips
and mites. W. R. Grace has developed a unique and very
promising formulation. Because of the quality of this
formulation, studies have progressed to small scale field
trials in commercial greenhouses. All greenhouse studies
to date have been successful in that high quality market-
able plants were obtained.
Although the results of some studies have been very good,
it is difficult to attribute the success to the fungus. It
appears that we have, in most of the Apopka area, a very
active natural population of parasitic wasps that kill
whiteflies. These parasites moved into our experimental
plots and killed significant numbers of immature whiteflies.
The combination of these wasps and the pathogenic fungus
resulted in plants that were equal in quality or better than
those to which pesticides were applied once or twice a
Our last and most successful experiment was conducted in
a commercial crop of hibiscus. These plants were grown
for several weeks and then cut back to promote branching.
These cuttings generally rooted and were used to start the
next crop. Our fungal applications began shortly after
rooted cuttings were placed in an open sided greenhouse.
We applied fungus weekly for four weeks to half the plants,
and the other half was treated 12 times with the standard
pesticides used for the control of whiteflies.

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 17

After the experiment, the only plants that could be sold
were those treated with fungus. These results were carried
over into the next crop. When these plants were cut back
to promote branching, the cuttings from the pesticide
treated plants were thrown away and only the fungus
treated cuttings were used to start the next crop. Very high
mortality of the remaining whiteflies on these cuttings was
obtained during the rooting process in an environment
with high relative humidity.
Central Florida Research and Education Center Apopka
L. S. Osborne, Associate Professor

Tomato Breeding and Genetics
Rough blossom scars (RBS) of fresh market tomatoes cause
postharvest breakdown and are one of the main reasons for
rejection of fruit in packinghouses. Yet until recent studies
were carried out by Ph.D. student Jan Bartent, little was
known about genetic and environmental factors affecting
Genetic studies indicated scar size is controlled primarily
by additive gene action. Both additive and specific
combining ability were significant, although the former
was more important than the latter. The best method to
reduce RBS is to incorporate nipple-like blossom-end
morphology genes. Allelism tests revealed 3 new genes
which can be used in breeding work. Short term low
temperature treatments induced RBS in developing flowers
about 21 days before anthesis.
This induction treatment should allow for further studies
on the cause of RBS and provide a screening tool for
breeding. Together these results provide a foundation of
information which will allow more efficient breeding of
smooth blossom scars as well as methodology to further
study this phenomenon.
Gulf Coast Research & Education Center Bradenton
J. W. Scott, Professor

Retractable Shade
Retractable shade supports faster growth of schefflera
(Brassaia actinophyla 'Amate') compared to growth under
stationary shade or without shade. Without shade, growth
is inhibited during the midday hours by excessively high
light intensities (photoinhibition). Under stationary shade,
growth is slower during the early morning and late after-
noon hours by low light intensities.
Retractable shade provides higher light intensities during
the early morning and late afternoon hours, and provides
shade, when needed, during midday hours. Plants grown
under retractable shade were 89% taller after five months
growth compared to plants grown without shade. Without
shade, plants required 9 months to reach a stem height of
60 centimeters, and plants grown under stationary shade
required 6 months. Using retractable shade, plants were 60

centimeters tall in only 5 months. A more uniform growth
habit was produced using retractable shade compared to
stationary shade or no shade.
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
S. E. Svenson, Assistant Professor

Lethal Yellowing
Lethal yellowing (LY), is a fast moving, highly destructive
disease of coconut palms known in the Northern Carib-
bean region. The disease thought to be caused by
mycoplasmalike organisms (MLOs) has killed millions of
the native Tall ("Jamaica Tall") coconut palm, and as a
result has virtually eliminated this variety from many
localities including Southeast Florida.
LY continues to spread into new areas, most recently the
Yucatan peninsula of Mexico from where it has the
potential to escape into the Pacific region. African LY-like
diseases are also active in Ghana, Togo, Cameroon,
Tanzania, Kenya and Mozambique. Collectively, these
diseases pose the most important threat to global coconut
MLOs implicated as the pathogens causing Caribbean and
African LY have proved to be both elusive and
unculturable. Thus, progress in the equally important areas
of disease detection and diagnosis has been beyond the
reach of available technology. This is now no longer true.
DNA probes recently developed by scientists at the
University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale Research and
Education Center have demonstrated considerable
potential for reliable, sensitive and specific detection of the
Caribbean LY agent. Probes are currently being used to
produce genetic fingerprints of the pathogen for identifica-
tion purposes. Also, cooperative research is under way
with scientists at Rothamstead Experimental Station,
Harpenden, Herts, England to test the capability of probes
to detect the African LY agent, with positive results.
These findings represent a significant first step toward
establishing the identity and relationships between these
pathogens, and in doing so provide information of
fundamental importance to epidemiologists, coconut
breeders and those concerned with plant health and the
international transfer of coconut genetic resources.
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
N. A. Harrison, Assistant Professor and J. H. Tsai,

Summer Forage Legumes
Cattlemen have begun to appreciate the productivity and
persistence of 'Florida' Capon desmodium, a summer-
growing, perennial grazing legume released several years
ago for use in south Florida. Approximately 6,000 acres
have been planted in the last two seasons with demand
higher than seed supplies for this year. It has been shown

18 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

that, on a commercial scale, this legume in mixture with
bahiagrass can be grazed severely or moderately without
affecting individual plant persistence.
Perennial, nut producing, forage peanuts are being evalu-
ated in small field plots and under grazing. Of the 13
accessions presently under evaluation, most have persisted
through the first winter and have produced voluntary
plants. A significant step in their use is a new method
developed for harvesting seeds. Highest seed yields have
been estimated to be 800 to 900 pounds per acre.
Agricultural Research and Education Center Fort Pierce
A. E. Kretschmer, Jr., Professor

Oxamyl Controls Corky Ringspot Disease of
Applications of high rates of the systemic insecticide
oxamyl to potato foliage reduced incidence of corky
ringspot disease. Corky ringspot is a destructive disease of
potato tubers and can cause significant losses in North
Florida's potato crop. It has been controlled with aldicarb
which presently can not be used on this crop.
The disease is caused by tobacco rattle virus transmitted to
potato tubers by stubby root nematodes. Oxamyl appar-
ently controls the disease by preventing transmission of the
virus following translocation of the chemical to the roots.
Observations made in 1991 substantiate similar findings
from experiments completed in 1979-80.
Agricultural Research and Education Center Hastings
D. P. Weingarmer, Associate Professor

Slow-release Fertilizer Reduces Potential for
Ground Water Contamination
Fertilizer blends containing controlled-release nitrogen
appear to have the potential to become a routine
component of citrus fertilizer programs. These materials
dissolve very slowly, releasing nitrogen over several
months' time. Their use can decrease application costs,
increase nitrogen fertilizer efficiency, and decrease the
potential for ground water contamination.
A 2-year study with young 'Hamlin' orange trees showed
that as few as four applications of a complete fertilizer
containing a portion of its N in controlled-release form
effected as much tree growth as 11 applications of a
fertilizer containing all water-soluble N. The two-year-old
trees grew large enough to set a significant amount of fruit
for harvest during the third year after planting. In light of
potential regulation of N fertilizer use, controlled-release
sources appear to have a bright future.
Southwest Florida Research & Education Center -
T. A. Obreza, Assistant Professor

Chronic Diseases of Citrus
The chronic diseases, citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and citrus
blight, are the two most devastating diseases attacking
citrus trees. CREC places these two problems at a high
priority and devotes a major effort in solving them.
Important achievements toward that goal were made in the
past year.
For example, a greenhouse procedure has been developed
to enable testing of mild strains of citrus tristeza virus
(CTV) for cross protection against decline induction
strains on Sour orange rootstock within a period of less
than a year, as compared to 3-5 years needed for current
field evaluations. From evaluation of field plots, some mild
isolates of CTV appear to be able to cross- protect against
decline on Sour orange rootstock induced by severe strains
of CTV.
A significant research contribution was made in the past
year with the development of gold labeled antibody
technology to detect citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in
ultrathin sections. This is the first time such methodology
has been used successfully with CTV and will allow us to
determine if mild and severe strains of CTV are able to
infect the same phloem cells. This answer will have
implications about the success or failure of mild strain
CTV cross protection.
A serological diagnostic test has been developed for citrus
blight, enabling detection in presymptomatic, producing
trees. A serological diagnostic test has been developed for
the detection of the bacterium causing the "new" citrus
decline disease in Brazil, citrus variegated chlorosis. A
diagnostic test for citrus greening has been developed
which is based on the chromatographic detection of a
fluorescent compound present in greening infected plants.
Citrus Research and Education Center Lake Alfred
R. H. Brlansky, K. S. Derrick and R. F. Lee, Professors

Revolutionary Seedless Watermelons
Florida is the nation's largest producer of watermelon. Of
all watermelon varieties, those that are seedless bring the
highest prices and are most desired by consumers. How-
ever, development of improved seedless watermelon
varieties has been stifled due to difficulties associated with
increasing the parental breeding lines, which can take ten
years for a single new line. This problem has resulted in
extremely high seed costs that reach $1,200/pound
compared to $10-120/pound for seeded varieties. The net
effect of this has been low production of seedless water-
melon and irregular availability to consumers.
A patented process developed by researchers at the Central
Florida Research and Education Center Leesburg now
allows such parental lines to be increased in six months.
This allows improved varieties to be developed within a
commercially feasible time frame, resulting in both lower
seed costs and greater availability.

1991 Selected Research Accomplishments 19

Beyond their obvious quality attributes, seedless watermel-
ons also have several other characteristics not shared by
seeded varieties. Due to lack of seeds which produce
hormones that cause breakdown, seedless watermelons
have a better shelf life. Furthermore, lack of seeds cause
the seedless vines to have a longer life-cycle, resulting in
up to three times as much melon production when com-
pared to seeded varieties, if common watermelon diseases
are controlled. All diseases except virus, can be controlled
with conventional methods. Virus is endemic in Florida
and usually limits production.
Although all methods of control have been ineffectual, a
new genetic engineering technique shows promise for
adding virus resistance genes to watermelon. Thus far,
IFAS researchers have isolated genes for the three major
viruses that affect production and have developed neces-
sary cell culture-plant regeneration systems to place these
genes into watermelon. Research under way is attempting
to package the genes in a form suitable for insertion into
watermelon cells.
If this approach is successful, rapid integration of high-
level virus resistance into new, improved seedless varieties
via the patented process will revolutionize the watermelon
industry since lower seed costs and higher fruit yields per
acre will be possible. Seedless watermelons then will be
less expensive to produce and will supplant seeded varieties
at the marketplace.
Central Florida Research and Education Center Leesburg
D. J. Gray, Associate Professor

Release of Marc I Variety Peanut
'Marc I' variety peanut was released in December 1990.
This is the newest early-maturing peanut variety to be
released for production. It matures 2 weeks earlier than
'Florunner', and studies have shown that it produces 12%
higher pod yields than 'Florunner'.
North Florida Research and Education Center Marianna
D. W. Gorbet, Professor

Phosphorus Fertilizer Efficiency
On a phosphorus deficient acid soil in North Florida, lime
application 2 months before applying diammonium
phosphate increased yield of snap beans about 50% above
that obtained where phosphorus was applied 2 months
before lime. This suggests that lime should be applied
before applying phosphorus in order to obtain maximum
efficiency from diammonium phosphate. Monocalcium
phosphate efficiency was not influenced by lime-phospho-
rus application sequence. The lime-phosphorus applica-
tion sequence is a "no cost" management practice that can
improve phosphorus fertilizer efficiency without harming
the environment.
North Florida Research and Education Center Quincy
F. M. Rhoads, Professor

Exploring Transplant Shock
Frequently after transplanting, trees shed a portion of their
leaves and small branches die, leaving the trees with a
sickly appearance for several years thereafter. These
symptoms have typically been termed "transplant shock"
but have rarely been investigated. In severe cases, the trees
In an effort to improve the health, vitality and survival of
transplanted trees, researchers at the CFREC-Sanford and
the Department of Environmental Horticulture
(Gainesville) are collaborating to diagnose the cause of
transplant shock, with the goal of devising recommenda-
tions to prevent or lessen its toll. This involves coordinat-
ing studies of development and growth of roots and shoots
with physiological aspects, such as short and long term
water stress and seasonal changes in tree food reserves after
Early studies have linked transplant shock symptoms to
limited fine root mass and insufficient irrigation frequen-
cies. From these studies, a recommendation for irrigation
frequencies and volumes has been formulated for sandy
soils that prevents transplant shock. Further studies should
extend this recommendation to other soil types and
determine minimum water requirements.
Central Florida Research and Education Center Sanford
R. E. Beeson, Assistant Professor

Agricultural Labor: Some Effects of
Government Rules and Regulations
Passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act
(IRCA) of 1986 brought forth a new set of rules and
regulations regarding the employment of farm laborers,
particularly alien workers. In contrast with minimum wage
and unemployment insurance laws, IRCA applies to both
small and large agricultural employees.
A 1990 study of Prevailing Wages and Practices provided
information to analyze the influence of IRCA on the
Florida citrus industry. As expected, agricultural entrepre-
neurs innovate their individual businesses to deal with the
risk of sanctions imposed by laws and regulations. The net
effect has been a shift in the management of routine
seasonal labor jobs from growers to independent labor
contractors. Moreover, these changes in rules and regula-
tions have created entrepreneurial opportunities in labor
Department of Food and Resource Economics
R. D. Emerson and L. Polopolus, Professors

20 1991 Selected Research Accomplishments

Economic Effectiveness of Commodity
Specific analyses of consumer response to commodity
promotion efforts in several sectors have been conducted.
Results for the dairy and beef promotion efforts are
reported here. The Beef Promotion and Research Act of
1985 authorized the U.S. beef industry to develop and
implement national programs for enhancing consumer
demand for beef. The programs are underwritten through
an assessment of $1 per head of livestock each time a
bovine live animal, regardless of age, is sold. Live weight
prices are estimated to be 2.73 cents per pound greater as a
direct result of the programs for the quarters 87:1-90:1.
This gain represents a 4.5 percent increase in live weight
prices. When comparing the price gains against the
assumption that some programs would have existed
without the national checkoff, the live weight beef
revenue gains net of by-products are estimated to be either
$3.612 billion or $1.493 billion, depending on the base
from which the revenue gains are estimated.
For the 69 month pre-Act period, December 1978-August
1984, fluid milk advertising expenditures of $90.4 million
increased sales by 3.2 percent over what they (sales) would
have been with no advertising. This represents an average
increase of 43.3 pounds per advertising dollar for the
period. For the 37-month post-Act period, September
1984-September 1987, additional national and regional
fluid milk advertising expenditures of $19.5 million,
generated as a result of the national program, increased
sales by 2.5 percent over what they would have been
without the added advertising expenditures.
An analysis of the marginal effects of fluid milk advertising
shows decreasing returns to advertising expenditures. At
current advertising levels the marginal impact of another
dollar of advertising is over 42 pounds of milk. If advertis-
ing were increased by 25 percent over current levels then
this rate of return would drop to about 35 pounds per
Department of Food and Resource Economics
R. W. Ward, Professor

Changes in Faculty 21

We regret to report the death of the following faculty
Douglas M. Janky, Poultry Science 01/17/91

Esam M. Ahmed, Food Science & Human Nutrition
Albert F. Cribbett, Office of the Vice President 06/30/91
Richard E. Bradley, Sr., Infectious Diseases 09/28/90
John F. Gerber, Fruit Crops 06/30/91
Monroe C. Lutrick, Jay Research and Education Center
John A. Mortensen, Central Florida Research and
Education Center 02/28/91
Norman C. Schenck, Plant Pathology 12/31/90
Thomas J. Sheehan, Environmental Horticulture
Paul H. Smith, Microbiology and Cell Science 07/30/90
Jack O. Whiteside, Citrus Research and Education Center
Emil A. Wolf, Everglades Research and Education Center

Robert C. Abt, Forestry 12/31/90
Steven A. Ford, Food and Resource Economics 01/04/91
Arnett C. Mace, School of Forest Resources and
Conservation 06/28/91
Donald J. Pitts, Southwest Research and Education Center
J. Walter Prevatt, Gulf Coast Research and Education
Center 05/31/91
Charles A. Sanchez, Everglades Research and Education
Center 06/28/91
Jimmy J. Street, Soil Science 08/17/90

New Appointments
Ashok K. Alva, Assistant Professor, Citrus Research and
Education Center 07/06/90
Lyn C. Branch, Assistant Professor, Wildlife and Range
Sciences 10/26/90
Daniel O. Chellemi, Assistant Professor, North Florida
Research and Education Center 02/15/91
Michael R. Evans, Assistant Professor, Gulf Coast
Research and Education Center 07/01/90

F. Glenn Hembry, Chairperson and Professor, Animal
Science 07/01/90
Heather J. McAuslane, Assistant Professor, Entomology
and Nematology 09/01/90
George A. O'Connor, Chairperson and Professor, Soil
Science 09/24/90
Sean F. O'Keefe, Assistant Professor, Food Science and
Human Nutrition 07/01/90
Jane E. Polston, Assistant Professor, Gulf Coast Research
and Education Center 04/01/90
Laura M. Rutter, Ona Research and Education Center
Brian T. Scully, Assistant Professor, Everglades Research
and Education Center 02/15/91
Mark L. Tamplin, Associate Professor, Home Economics
Uma Lele, Graduate Research Professor, Food and
Resource Economics 01/02/91

Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences 23


1 JOHN V. LOMBARDI President & Prof
1,2,3 GERALD L. ZACHARIAH Vice Pres for Agr &
Nat Resources & Prof


Office of the Dean for Research
1022 McCarty Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1784
Fax: 904-392-4965
4 JAMES M. DAVIDSON Dean For Research &
1,23 CAROL J. COOK Asst. Dir., IFAS Sponsored
2 EVERETT R. EMINO Asst. Dean & Prof.
2,3 THOMAS E. FREEMAN Act. Asst. Dean & Prof.
4 JUDY F. KITE Coord., Admin. Services
2 JOHN T. NEILSON Asst. Dean & Prof.
2 ANDREW J. OSWALD Assoc. In, Mgr. Fla.
Foundation Seed Producers Inc.
2 PAUL E. STERN Asst. In Law
2 NEAL P. THOMPSON Assoc. Dean & Prof.
2 ALAN J. WILKENING Coord., Computer

1,2 LAWRENCE CARTER Asst Dean & Assoc Prof,
1890 FAMU Programs

7922 NW 71 Street / Gainesville, FL 32606-0300
Telephone: 904-392-9613
Fax: 904-392-3462
1,2,3 JOSEPH C. JOYCE Dir. & Prof.

2 WAYNE H. SMITH Dir & Prof

Research Grants:
Cato J. C. Saltwater Recreational Fishing Research &
Extension Service Master Contract R/FDNR-3. Dept
of Natural Resources. 08/15/90-06/15/92. $90,000
Cato J. C. Florida Sea Grant College Management
(M/PM-10). U S Dept of Commerce. 04/01/89-
03/31/92. $147,090
Cato J. C. Publication of Scientific Diving: A General
Code of Practice. United Nations. 10/01/90-
09/30/91. $11,490
Cato J. C. Saltwater Recreational Fishing Research &
Extension Service Master Contract. Dept of Natural
Resources. 08/15/90-06/15/92. $40,000
Clarke M. L. Short Term Aquaculture Consulting. U S
Dept of Commerce. 01/31/91-04/30/91. $3,000
Davidson J. M. Cooperative Support Agreement. US
Dept of Agriculture. 01/17/90-01/16/91. $93,154
Davidson J. M. Program for Implementation of Research
Guidelines & Related Materials for ABRAC. U S
Dept of Agriculture. 04/03/89-03/31/91. $60,000
Davidson J. M. Support of Agricultural Research of
Mutual Interest. U S Dept of Agriculture. 10/01/86-
09/30/91. $629,442
Davidson J. M. Efforts to Provide Legal, Social,
Environmental & Ethical Information for the Land-
Grant. U S Dept of Agriculture. 10/01/88-09/30/92.
Davis D. F. CBAG Management Grant for Tropical &
Subtropical Agriculture. U S Dept of Agriculture.
02/01/88-01/31/92. $57,500
Emino E. R. Florida Tomato Committee Research
Projects. Fl Tomato Committee. 11/01/90-10/31/91.
Joyce J. C. To Assess Hydrilla Management
Methodologies. Water Management Districts.
12/05/90-12/04/91. $50,312
Joyce J. C. New & Improved Methods for the Control of
Aquatic Weeds. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. 10/01/88-
09/30/93. $160,522
Langeland K. A. Hydrilla Public Education Circular.
Water Management Districts. 07/01/90-09/30/90.
Nair P. K. Technical Support for Agroforestry Promotion
in Jamaica. Int Development Coop Agency.
12/01/90-10/24/93. $47,829
Popenoe H. L. Technical Support Program for Forage
Research. Jamaica Agricultural Dev Found.
09/01/90-08/31/93. $151,943

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

24 Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Popenoe H. L. Zaire RAV II Design Phase. S. E.
Consortium for Int Devel. 03/11/90-09/15/90. $4,940
Popenoe H. L. Memorandum of Understanding Program
Support Grant USAID/UF. Int Development Coop
Agency. 07/01/89-06/30/94. $150,401
Popenoe H. L. Design of the Phase II of the Agriculture
Education Project. Int Development Coop Agency.
11/29/90-05/29/91. $135,000
Popenoe H. L. Technical Support Program for Forage
Research. Jamaica Agricultural Dev Found.
09/01/90-08/31/93. $120,938
Popenoe H. L. Zaire/SECID Project Subcontract. S. E.
Consortium for Int Devel. 01/15/91-01/31/94.
Popenoe H. L. Technical Support Program for Forage
Research. Jamaica Agricultural Dev Found.
09/01/90-08/31/93. $50,765
Popenoe H. L. Zaire/SECID Project Subcontract. S. E.
Consortium for Int Devel. 01/15/91-01/31/94.
Popenoe H. L. Contract with the Escuela Agricola
Panamericana (Honduras). Escuela Agricola
Panamericana. 06/01/80-06/30/92. $52,646
Popenoe H. L. Technical Support Programme of Forage
Research. Jamaica Agricultural Dev Found.
11/01/89-10/31/93. $206,642
Seaman W. Environmental & Fishery Performance of
Florida Artificial Reef Habitats: Statewide. Dept of
Natural Resources. 04/12/91-09/30/92. $304,520
Smith W. H. Yard Trash Composting Process & Product
Evaluation. Environmental Protection Agency.
10/01/90-01/01/92. $50,000
Smith W. H. Fundamental Bioprocess Research Program.
Gas Research Institute. 07/01/86-06/30/91.
Smith W. H. Yard Trash Composting Demonstration
Project in Alachua County. Dept of Environmental
Regulation. 06/24/91-02/01/92. $50,000
Stevely J. M. Keys Sponge Survey Project. Miscellaneous
Donors. 04/22/91-04/21/92. $3,200
Thompson N. P. Various Departments & Centers. Fl
Foundation Seed Producers. 07/01/90-06/30/91.
Thompson N. P. Research in Support of Plant Variety
Development. Fl Foundation Seed Producers.
03/01/91-06/30/92. $116,618

Thompson N. P. Help Make Available to the Farmers of
Florida New & Improved Varieties of Crop. Fl
Foundation Seed Producers. 07/01/88-06/30/92.
Woeste J. T. Royalty Refund for Control of Flowering of
Tropical Ornamentals by Dr. Benny Tija. UF
Research Foundation, Inc. 02/14/91-02/13/92.

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Agricultural and Extension Education 25

305 Rolfs Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-0502
Fax: 904-392-9633
1 CARL E. BEEMAN Chair & Prof.
1 LARRY R. ARRINGTON Assoc. Prof., & Acting
Dist. Dir.
1 JIMMY G. CHEEK Prof., Teaching
1 MAXIE B. MCGHEE Prof., Teaching

CRIS Projects:
AEE02496 Strategies for Improving Supervised Occupa-
tional Experience Programs (SOEP) in
J. G. Cheek C. E. Beeman
M. B. McGhee L. R. Arrington
AEE02610 Assessment of Vocational Agriculture
Programs in Florida
J. G. Cheek C. E. Beeman
M. B. McGhee L. R. Arrington

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

26 Agricultural Engineering

9 Frazier Rogers Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1864
Fax: 904-392-4092
1,2,3 GERALD W. ISAACS Chair & Prof.
1,2 LARRY O. BAGNALL Prof., Ag. Proc. & Aquatic
1,2 CARL D. BAIRD Prof., Engery & Ag. Proc.
3 HOWARD W. BECK Asst. Prof., Computer Base
Support Systems
2,3 WILLIAM J. BECKER Prof., Safety Spec.
1,2,3 ADELBERT B. BOTTCHER Prof., Water Res. &
Non-point Pollution
1,2,3 RAY A. BUCKLIN Assoc. Prof., Farm Structures
& Waste Magt.
1,2 KENNETH L. CAMPBELL Prof., Water
1,2 KHE V. CHAU Prof., Energy & Proc.
2 DAVID P. CHYNOWETH Assoc. Prof., Anaero-
bic Digestion
2,3 RICHARD P. CROMWELL Assoc. Prof., Age.
1,2,3 JONATHAN F. EARLE Asst. Prof., Bioprocess
1,2 RICHARD C. FLUCK Prof., Energy & Systems,
Resource Utilization
1 BYRON T. FRENCH Asst. Prof., Mech. Ag.
2,3 WENDY D. GRAHAM Asst. Prof., Groundwater
1,2,3 DOROTA Z. HAMAN Assoc. Prof., Water Mgt.
1,2 ROY C. HARRELL Assoc. Prof., Robotics
1,2 JAMES W. JONES Prof. Agr. Engin., Plant
Modeling & Systems Analysis
1,2,3 PIERCE H. JONES Prof., Environmental
1,2 EDWARD P. LINCOLN Assoc. Prof., Algae Prod.
1,2 JOHN W. MISHOE Prof., Crop Modeling
Instrumention Systems
1,2,3 ROGER A. NORDSTEDT Assoc. Prof., Waste
1,2 ALLEN R. OVERMAN Prof., Water Mgt. &
Pollution Control
1,2 ROBERT M. PEART Grad. Res. Prof., Systems
1,2 LAWRANCE N. SHAW Prof., Ag. Mach.
2 SUN-FU SHIH Prof., Hydrology
1,2,3 ALLEN G. SMAJSTRLA Prof., Water

1,2 GLEN H. SMERAGE Asso. Prof., Biological &
Ecological Systems
2,3 MICHAEL T. TALBOT Asst. Prof., Grain Drying
& Energy
1,2 ARTHUR A. TEIXEIRA Prof., Food Engr.
2,3 DENNIS G. WATSON Asst. Prof., Software
Development & Utilization
1,2,3 FEDRO S. ZAZUETA Assoc. Prof., Water Mgt.

CRIS Projects:
AGE02508 Improvement of Thermal Processes for Foods
A. A. Teixeira
AGE02522 Multiple Sensing and Algorithm Develop-
ment for Automatic Grading of Fresh Citrus
R. C. Harrell
AGE02607 Automatic Control of Field Machine Func-
tions for Increased Efficiency and Energy
R. C. Harrell
AGE02615 Hydrologic/Water Quality Modeling of
Sediment and Chemical Movement
K. L. Campbell A. B. Bottcher
AGE02619 The Effects of On-farm Agricultural Practices
in the Organic Soils of the EAA on Phospho-
rus and Nitrogen Transport
A. B. Bottcher F. T. Izuno
AGE02643 Energy Analysis and Measurement of Agri-
cultural Systems
R. C. Fluck C. D. Baird
AGE02646 Bioconversion of Organic Materials to
Methane and Other Useful Products
D. P. Chynoweth
AGE02672 Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Ensiled
R. P. Cromwell

AGE02688 Application of Integrated Agrotechnology for
Crop Production and Environmental Quality
J. W. Jones R. W. Peart
A. G. Smajstrla
AGE02703 Simulation Models for Forage Production
A. R. Overman

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Agricultural Engineering 27

AGE02723 Phosphorus Balances of Lake Okeechobee
Drainage Basins
R. C. Fluck C. M. Fonyo
AGE02836 Computer Systems for Enhancing Agricul-
tural Decision Making in the Caribbean
J. W. Jones
AGE02837 Effect of Land Treatment of Municipal
Wastewater on Water Quality and Crop
A. R. Overman
AGE02845 Use of Controlled Eutrophication in Aquac-
ulture and Animal Production
E. P. Lincoln J. F. Earle

AGE02855 Design of Structures for Optimum Agricul-
tural Production
R. A. Bucklin
AGE02859 Yield Potential in Common Bean Phaseolus
Vulgaris L. Genotypes as Related to Seed Size
Response to Temperature
J. W.Jones
AGE02882 Remote Sensing Application to Abandoned
Well Assessment in Florida
S. F. Shih
AGE02995 Systems for Providing and Controlling
Interior Environments for Poultry and

R. A. Bucklin

P. H. Jones

AGE03007 Meteorological Research and Agricultural
Management Modeling for Southern
J. W. Mishoe S. F. Shih
R. M. Peart J. W. Jones
P. H. Jones
AGE03045 Management of Animal Waste in Support of
Sustainable Agriculture and Quality Water

R. A. Nordstedt
J. F. Earle

E. P. Lincoln

AGE03076 Improvement of Thermal Processes for Foods
A. A. Teixeira
AGE03086 Microirrigation of Horticultural Crops in
Humid Regions
A. G. Smajstrla D. Z. Haman
F. S. Zazueta

AGE03087 Processing, Handling, Packaging and Storage
of Fruits and Vegetables
K. V. Chau C. D. Baird
M. T. Talbot
AGE03096 Lower St. Johns and Lake George Agriculture
S. F. Shih

Refereed Publications:
R-00168 Bucklin, R. A.; Thompson, S. A. and Ross, I. J.
Bin Wall Failure Caused by Eccentric Discharge
of Free Flowing Grain.
Journal of Structural Engineering
116:3175-3190. 1990
R-00690 Bucklin, R. A.; Thompson, S. A. and Ross, I. J.
Flow Patterns in Model Grain Bins.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
34:577-585. 1991
R-00756 Bucklin, R. A.; Turner, L. W.; Beede, D. K.;
Bray, D. R. and Hemken, R. W. Methods to
Relieve Heat Stress for Dairy Cows in Hot,
Humid Climates.
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 7:241-247.
R-00142 Curry, R. B.; Peart, R. M.; Jones, J. W.; Boote,
K. J. and Allen, Jr., L. H. Response of Crop
Yield to Predicted Changes in Climate and
Atmospheric CO2 Using Simulation.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
33:1383-1390. 1990
R-00982 Gaffney, J. J. and Baird, C. D. Analysis of
Various Factors Affecting the Costs of Forced-
Air Cooling of Fruit and Vegetables.
ASHRAE Journal 33:40-47. 1991
R-00708 Graham, W. D. and McLaughlin, D. B.
A Stochastic Model of Solute Transport in
Groundwater Application to the Borden,
Ontario Tracer Test.
Water Resources Research 27:1345-1359. 1991
R-00796 Harell, R. C.; Adsit, P. D.; Pool, T. A. and
Hoffman, R. The Florida Robotic Grove-Lab.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
33:391-399. 1990
R-00840 Harrell, R. C.; Adsit, P. D.; Munilla, R. D. and
Slaughter, D. C. Robotic Picking of Citrus.
Robotica 8:269-278. 1990
R-00240 Hodges, A. W. and Shoup, W. D. Simulation of
Gum Naval Stores Production Systems.
Agricultural Systems 34:15-36. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

28 Agricultural Engineering

R-01308 Jones, J. W.; Dayan, E.; Allen, L. H.; Van
Keulen, H. and Challa, H. A Dynamic Tomato
Growth and Yield Model (TOMGRO).
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
34:663-672. 1991
R-00676 Jones, P.; Jones, J. W. and Hwang, Y.
Simulation for Determining Greenhouse
Temperature Setpoints.
American Society of Agricultural Engineering
33:1722-1728. 1990
R-01467 Jordan, J. D. and Shih, S. F. Satellite and Aerial
Photographic Techniques for Use in Artesian
Well Assessment.
International Conference on Computer
Applications in Water Resources 2:891-998.
R-00645 Lal, H.; Peart, R. M.; Jones, J. W. and Shoup,
W. D. An Intelligent Information Manager for
Knowledge-Based Systems.
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 6:525-531.
R-01436 Myhre, B. E. and Shih, S. F. Integration of
Satellite Data with Geographic Information
System in Water Resource Management.
International Conference on Computer
Applications in Water Resources 2:611-618.
R-00470 Myhre, B. E. and Shih, S. F. Using Infrared
Thermometry to Estimate Soil Water Content
for a Sandy Soil.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
33:1479-1486. 1990
R-00793 Overman, A. R. and Wilkinson, S. R. A Model
of Vertical and Seasonal Distribution of Coastal
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
34:423-428. 1991
R-00326 Peck, M. W. and Chynoweth, D. P. On-Line
Monitoring of the Methanogenic Fermentation
by Measurement of Culture Fluorescence.
Biotechnology Letters 12:17-22. 1990
R-00350 Petrell, R. J. and Bagnall, L. O. Some Physical
Description of Mats of Waterhyacinths Needed
for Harvester Design.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 29:45-50.
R-01132 Pool, T. A. and Harrell, R. C. An End-Effector
for Robotic Removal of Citrus from the Tree.
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 34:373-378.

R-00283 Shih, S. F. Satellite Data and Geographic
Information System for Rainfall Estimation.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
116:319-331. 1990
R-00148 Shih, S. F. and Jordan, J. D. Remote Sensing
Application in Well Monitoring.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
116:497-507. 1990
R-01471 Still, D. A. and Shih, S. D. Satellite Data and
Geographic Information System in Runoff
Curve Numbers.
International Conference on Computer
Applications in Water Resources 2:1014-1021.
R-01466 Tan, C. H. and Shih, S. F. The Potential for
Application of Lightning Data Rainfall
International Conference on Computer
Applications in Water Resources 2:999-1005.
R-01465 Tan, Y. R. and Shih, S. F. Geographical Errors
Involved in Data Entry of Geographic
Information Systems.
International Conference on Computer
Applications in Water Resources 2:627-634.
R-00403 Tan, Y. R. and Shih, S. F. GIG in Agricultural
Landuse Study and Abandoned Well
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
33:1147-1152. 1990
R-00445 Vellidis, 0.; Smajstrla, A. G. and Zazueta, F. S.
Soil Water Infiltration, Redistribution, and
Extraction Patterns of Drip-Irrigated Tomatoes
Above a Shallow Water Table.
American Society of Agricultural Engineering
33:1525- 153. 1990
R-00112 Vellidis, G.; Smajstrla, A. G. and Zazueta, F. S.
Continuous Soil Water Potential Measurement
with a Microcomputer-Based Data Acquisition
Applied Engineering 6:733-738. 1991
R-00588 Vellidis, G.; Smajstrla, A. G. and Zazueta, F. S.
Continuous Soil Water Potential Measurement
with a Microcomputer-Based Data Aquisition
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 6:733-738.
R-01021 Xin, J.N. and Shih, S. F. NOAA Polar-
Orbiting Satellite APT Data in Lake
Evaporation Estimation.

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Agricultural Engineering 29

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
117:547-557. 1991
R-01449 Xin, J. N. and Shih, S. F. Potential Application
of NOAA Polar-Orbiting Satellite APT Data in
Water Resources.
International Conference on Computer
Application in Water Resources 2:1006-1013.
R-00436 Yang, J. C.; Chynoweth, D. P.; Williams, D. S.
and Li, A. Isolation and Characterization of a
Cellulolytic Bacterium, Clostridium aldrichii sp.
nov. Inhabiting a Mesophilic Woody-
Fermenting Anaerobic Digester.
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
40:268-272. 1990

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00388 Beck, H. W.; Cilley, M. L. and Watson, D. G.
A Document Analyzer and Database for
Extracting and Storing Information from Tagged
Proc. of the 38th International Technical
Communication Conference 38:112-115. 1991
N-00311 Smajstrla, A. G. and Locascio, S. J. Irrigation
Scheduling of Drip-Irrigated Tomato Using
Tensiometers and Pan Evaporation.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:88-91.
N-00338 Talbot, M. T. and Baird, C. D. Evaluating
Commercial Forced-Air Precoolers.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:218-221.

Research Grants:
Campbell K. L. Biogeochemical Behavior & Transport of
Phosphorus in the Lake Ockeechobee Basin. Water
Management Districts. 08/14/87-04/30/92. $612,000
Chau K. V. Development of Time-Temperature-Humidity
Relations for Fresh Fruit & Vegetable. Amer Soc of
Heat Refrig & Air. 07/01/91-06/30/92. $42,030
Chynoweth D. P. Fluorescence Monitoring & Control of
Methanogenic Fermentations. State University
System. 12/27/90-12/26/91. $21,685
Earle J. F. Pilot Hotel/Motel Recycling Project. Central Fl
Hotel/Motel Assoc. 07/01/90-04/30/91. $3,500
Graham W. D. Jackson County Karst Cropland. U. S.
Dept of Agriculture. 03/15/91-06/30/92. $50,000
Haman D. Z. Water Use & Irrigation Scheduling of
Blueberries. Water Management Districts. 10/12/90-
12/31/93. $26,125

Haman D. Z. Soil Amendments for Florida State of the
Art Assessment. Water Management Districts.
06/14/91-09/30/91. $6,125
Isaacs G. W. Analysis of Insect Acoustical
Communication & Insect Detection. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 09/28/90-09/30/92. $40,000
Jones J. W. Computer Systems for Enhancing Agricultural
Decision Making in the Caribbean. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 07/01/89-06/30/91. $30,000
Jones J. W. Development & Testing of Soybean Peanut &
Phaseolus Crop Models. University of Hawaii.
09/01/89-08/31/91. $110,433
Nordstedt R. A. Yard Trash Composting Demonstration
Project. Browning-Ferris Indus of Fl. 03/15/91-
06/30/91. $15,000
Overman A. R. Wastewater Irrigation at Tallahassee. City
of Tallahassee. 10/01/90-09/30/91. $30,000
Peart R. M. Knowledge-Based Expert Management of
Citrus Production. United Nations. 01/01/91-
12/31/91. $31,200
Peart R. M. Climate Change & CO2 Increase on
Irrigation Needs of Soybean Maize & Peanut in the
Southeast. S. E. Regional Climate Center. 08/30/90-
07/31/91. $20,400
Shih S. F. Lower St. Johns & Lake George Agriculture
Inventory. Water Management Districts. 12/28/90-
12/27/91. $50,000
Teixeira A. A. On-Line Evaluation of Process Deviation
for Continuous Retorts. FMC Corporation. 10/01/90-
12/31/91. $19,200

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

30 Agronomy

304 Newell Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1811
Fax: 904-392-1840
1,2,3 CHARLES E. DEAN Chair & Pi
23 JERRY M. BENNETT Prof., Wat
1,2 KENNETH J. BOOTE Prof., Plate
1,2 KENNETH L. BUHR Asst. Prof.

:er Management
nt Physiol.
,Plant Brdg.
)c. Prof., Ext.

Spec. Forage
2,3 DANIEL L. COLVIN Asst. Prof., Ext. Weed Sci.
1,2 JOHN R. EDWARDSON Prof., Cytogenet
1,2 EDWIN C. FRENCH III Assoc. Prof., Farming
1,2 RAYMOND N. GALLAHER Prof. Multiple
1,2 WILLIAM T. HALLER Joint Prof., Aquatic
1,2 CLIFTON K. HIEBSCH Assoc. Prof., Sustainable
4 KUELL HINSON Adj. Prof., Soybean Genet. &
1,2 DAVID A. KNAUFT Prof., Plant Breeding
2,3 KENNETH A. LANGELAND Joint Assoc. Prof.,
Aquatic Weeds & Plant Mgr.
1,2 FERDINAND LEGRAND Assoc. Prof., Biomass
1,2 GALE F. LORENS Asst. Prof., Molecular-cellular
1,2 PAUL L. PFAHLER Prof., Genet.
1,2 GORDON M. PRINE Prof., Field Crop Ecol.
Genet. & Brdg.
1,2 STANLEY C. SCHANK Prof., Forage Genet &
1,2 DONN G. SHILLING Assoc. Prof., Weed Science
1,2 REX L. SMITH Prof., Forage Genet. & Brdg.
1,2 LYNN E. SOLLENBERGER Assoc. Prof., Tropical
Forage Mgt.
2 SHERLIE H. WEST Adj. Prof., Seed Tech &
2,3 ELMO B. WHITTY Prof., Ext. Spec. Peanuts,
Crop Mgt. Tobacco
1,2 MERRILL WILCOX Prof., Herbicide Biochem.
1,2 DAVID S. WOFFORD Asst. Prof., Gentics &
Plant Breeding

1,2 E T. YORK JR Distinguished Serv. Prof., Plant

CRIS Projects:
AGR02459 Forage Plant Improvement from New
Germplasm Under Varied Management
O. C. Ruelke
AGR02476 Breeding Improved Germplasm of Temperate
Pasture and Forage Legumes
K. H. Quesenberry D. S. Wofford
AGR02507 Investigations of Inclusions Induced by Plant

J. R. Edwardson

R. G. Christie

AGR02545 Genetic Improvement of Peanut (Arachis
hypogaea L.)
D. A. Knauft
AGR02546 Genetic Improvement of Small Grains
P. L. Pfahler
AGR02547 Corn and Small Grain Genetics
P. L. Pfahler
AGR02563 Efficient Management of Multiple-Cropping,
Minimum-Tillage Systems
R. N. Gallaher
AGR02568 Improvement of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)
and Other Pulses
K. L. Buhr
AGR02613 Molecular Manipulation of Genes
R. L. Smith
AGR02642 Recovery of Carotenoids and Electric Power
from Leucaena Grown on Phosphate Ponds
F. leGrand
AGR02670 Evaluation, Selection and Management of
Forage Grasses for Livestock Production in
L. E. Sollenberger
AGR02672 Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Ensiled
C. G. Chambliss
AGR02685 Growth Regulators to Improve Production
Efficiency of Crops
M. Wilcox

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Agronomy 31

AGR02688 Application of Integrated Agrotechnology for
Crop Production and Environmental Quality
J. M. Bennett K. J. Boote
C. K. Hiebsch
AGR02696 Development of Perennial Tropical Pasture
Legumes for Use in the Flatwoods of
Peninsular Florida
C. G. Chambliss
AGR02703 Simulation Models for Forage Production
C. G. Chambliss
AGR02712 Forage Grass Cytogenetics and Breeding
S. C. Schank D. S. Wofford
AGR02725 Development of Methods for the Selection of
Weed-Resistance Characteristics in Peanut
D. G. Shilling D. A. Knauft
AGR02761 Improved Production of Herbs and Spices
E. C. French D. L. Colvin
F. leGrand
AGR02771 Soybean Breeding
K. Hinson
AGR02776 Plant Germplasm Introduction, Increase,
Evaluation, Maintenance and Distribution
G. M. Prine
AGR02794 Forage Legume Viruses: Identification and
Genetic Resistance for Improved Productivity
D. S. Wofford J. R. Edwardson
AGR02812 Ecological Responses of Crop Plants to the
Environment in a Systems Management
C. K. Hiebsch
AGR02824 Defoliation Responses and Quality-Related
Characteristics of Pennisetum Forages
L. E. Sollenberger
AGR02840 Aquatic Herbicide Dissipation in Flowing
W. T. Haller K. A. Langeland
D. G. Shilling
AGR02859 Yield Potential in Common Bean Phaseolus
Vulgaris L. Genotypes as Related to Seed Size
Response to Temperature
K. J. Boote J. M. Bennett

AGR02866 Carbon Dioxide and Climate Effects on
Photosynthesis, Growth, and Yield of Rice
and Other Crops
K. J. Boote
AGR02868 Field Crop Cultivar Testing

D. A. Knauft

E. B. Whitty

AGR02873 Genetic Characterization and Improvement
of Pennisetum for Biomass Production using
Molecular and Classical Methods

S. C. Schank

R. L. Smith

AGR03004 Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Effects on
Development, Growth and Yield of Rice and
Other Crops
K. J. Boote
AGR03005 Adapting the SOYGRO Crop Growth Model
to Predict Oil and Protein Composition of
K. J. Boote
AGR03042 Weed Management in Commercial Turfgrass
D. L. Colvin
AGR03048 Establishment and Persistence of Perennial
Arachis in Florida and Puerto Rico
K. H. Quesenberry L. E. Sollenberger
AGR03075 Environmental and Genotypic Control of
Assimilate Allocation in Grain Crops
K. J. Boote J. M. Bennett

Refereed Publications:
R-00058 Baker, J. T.; Allen, Jr., L. H.; Boote, K. J.; Jones,
P. and Jones, J. W. Rice Photosynthesis and
Evapotranspiration in Subambient, Ambient,
and Superambient Carbon Dioxide
Agronomy Journal 82:834-840. 1990
R-00813 Baltensperger, D. D.; Wofford, D. S. and
Anderson, W. H. Registration of FL-ML White
Clover Germplasm.
Crop Science 31:853. 1991
R-00338 Bennett, J. M.; Sexton, P. J. and Boote, K. J. A
Root Tube-Pegging Pan Technique for
Determining the Effects of Soil Water in the
Pegging and Rooting Zone on Peanut Pod
Peanut Science 17:68-72. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

32 Agronomy

R-00031 Campbell, W. J.; Allen, Jr., L. H. and Bowes, G.
Response of Soybean Canopy Photosynthesis to
CO2 Concentration, Light and Temperature.
Journal of Experimental Botany 41:427-433.
R-00370 Chaparro, C. J.; Sollenberger, L. E. and Linda,
S. B. Grazing Management Effects on
Aeschynomene Seed Production.
Crop Science 31:197-201. 1991
R-00472 Fox, A. M.; Haller, W. T. and Shilling, D. G.
Correlation of Fluridone and Dye
Concentrations in Water Following Concurrent
Pesticide Science 31:25-36. 1991
R-00495 Homer, E. S. Registration of Maize Germplasms
FS8A(S), FS8A(T), FS8B(S), and FS8B(T).
Crop Science 30:964. 1990
R-00036 Kisakye, J. and Gardner, F. P. Productivity of
Bean/Maize Intercrops as Influenced by Bean
Type and Planting Date and Maize Density.
Soil & Crop Science Society 49:139-146. 1990
R-00550 Knauft, D. A. and Gorbet, D. W. Agronomic
Performance and Genetic Shifts of Seed
Mixtures in Peanut.
Euphytica 52:85-90. 1990
R-00593 Knauft, D. A.; Branch, W. D. and Gorbet, D. W.
Genetic Studies with White Peanut Testa Color.
Journal of Heredity 82:73-74. 1991
R-00785 Knauft, D. A.; Colvin, D. L. and Gorbet, D. W.
Effect of Paraquat on Yield and Market Grade of
Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea) Genotypes.
Weed Technology 4:866-870. 1990
R-00705 McKellar, M. A.; Deren, C. W. and
Quesenberry, K. H. Outcrossing in
Aeschynomene americana.
Crop Science 31:476-478. 1991
R-00805 McKently, A. H.; Moore, G. A. and Gardner,
F. P. Regeneration of Peanut and Perennial
Peanut from Cultured Leaf Tissue.
Crop Science 31:833-837. 1991
R-00481 Miller, I. L.; Norden, A. J.; Knauft, D. A. and
Gorbet, D. W. Susceptibility of Peanut to
Leafspot Diseases as Influenced by Maturity and
Fruit Yields.
Peanut Science 17:52-58. 1990
R-00311 Rowland, L. J. and Chourey, P. S. In Situ
Hybridization Analysis of Sucrose Synthase
Expression in Developing Kernels of Maize.
Maydica 35:373-382. 1990

R-00666 Rowland-Bamford, A. J.; Allen, Jr., L. H.; Baker,
J. T. and Boote, K. J. Carbon Dioxide Effects on
Carbohydrate Status and Partitioning in Rice.
Journal of Experimental Botany 41:1601-1608.
R-00434 Schank, S. C.; Boyd, F. T.; Smith, R. L.; Hodges,
E. M.; West, S. H.; Kretschmer Jr., A. E.;
Brolmann, J. B. and Moore, J. E. Registration of
Transvala Digitgrass.
Crop Science 30:1368-1369. 1990
R-00435 Schank, S. C.; Ruelke, O. C.; Ocumpaugh,
W. R.; Moore, J. E. and Hall, D. W.
Registration of Survenola Digitgrass.
Crop Science 30:1369-1370. 1990
R-00473 Shilling, D. G.; Haller, W. T. and Mossier,
M. A. Influence of Diluent Ions on Glyphsosate
Activity on Torpedograss (Panicum repens L.).
European Weed Research Society. p. 187-192.
R-00093 Sinclair, T. R.; Bennett, J. M. and Muchow,
R. C. Relative Sensitivity of Grain Yield and
Biomass Accumulation to Drought in Field-
Grown Maize.
Crop Science 30:690-693. 1990
R-00035 Smith, R. L. and Chowdhury, M. K.
Characterization of Pearl Millet Mitochondrial
DNA Fragments Rearranged by Reversion from
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility.
Plant Molecular Biology 81:793-799. 1991
R-01370 Taylor,J. B. and Wilcox, M. Premier-A
Promising and Environmentally Desirable
Herbicide for Use in Ornamental Plantings.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:206-209.
R-01350 Wilcox, M.; Raulerson, C.; Waas, II, W. T. and
Pfahler, P. L. Practical Methods for
Hybridization in the Syagrus Alliance.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:385-386.
R-00604 Woodard, K. R. and Prine, G. M. Forage Yield
and Nutritive Value of Elephantgrass as Affected
by Harvest Frequency and Genotype.
Agronomy Journal 83:541-546. 1991
R-00603 Woodard, K. R.; Prine, G. M. and Bates, D. B.
Silage Characteristics of Elephantgrass as
Affected by Harvest Frequency and Genotype.
Agronomy Journal 83:547-551. 1991
R-00343 Woodard, K. R.; Prine, G. M.; Bates, D. B. and
Chynoweth, D. P. Preserving Elephantgrass and
Energycane Biomass as Silage for Energy.
Biomass 36:253-259. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Agronomy 33

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00375 LeGrand, F. Process for the Manufacture of
Pectin from Sugarbeet Pulp.
Sugary Azucar. p. 24-28. 1991
N-00193 Ortega-S, J. A.; Sollenberger, L. E. and
Quesenberry, K. H. Grazing Managemenmt for
Optimum Rhizoma Peanut Production.
International Conference on Livestock in the
Tropics. p. A1-A4. 1990
N-00194 Ortega-S, J. A.; Sollenberger, L. E. and
Quesenberry, K. H. Persistence, Productivity,
and Nutritive Value of Rhizoma Peanut under
Different Grazing Managements.
American Forage and Grassland Conference.
p. 344-348. 1990

Research Grants:
Boote K. J. Temperature & Carbon Dioxide Effects on
Development Growth & Yield of Rice & Other
Crops. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. 09/30/89-09/30/92.
Boote K. J. Carbon Dioxide & Climate Effects on
Photosynthesis Growth & Yield of Rice & Other
Crops. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. 12/01/88-09/30/91.
Dean C. E. Agronomy Royalty Returns. UF Div of
Sponsored Research. 08/28/85-12/31/99. $28,160
Dean C. E. Research Projects in Florida Tobacco
Production. Dept of Agricul & Consumer Ser.
03/22/90-06/30/92. $24,156
Dean C. E. Research Projects in Florida Peanut
Production. Dept of Agricul & Consumer Ser.
04/08/86-06/30/92. $100,000
Dean C. E. Research Projects in Florida Soybean
Production. Dept of Agricul & Consumer Ser.
05/13/82-06/30/92. $17,790
French E. C. Improved Field Production of Herbs &
Spices. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/88-06/30/91.
Haller W. T. Aquatic Plant Management Strategies in
Flowing Waters. U. S. Army. 03/05/90-09/28/94.
Lorens G. F. Miscellaneous Donors Account.
Miscellaneous Donors. 11/14/90-11/13/93. $27,000
Prine G. M. Miscellaneous Donors Account Ryegrass
Variety Trials. Miscellaneous Donors. 09/01/90-
08/31/95. $500

Quesenberry K. H. Establishment & Persistence of
Perennial Arachis in Florida & Puerto Rico. U. S.
Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/90-06/30/91. $51,628
Quesenberry K. H. Exploration for Trifolium Germplasm
in Bulgaria. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. 06/01/90-
09/30/90. $5,010
Shilling D. G. Management of Hydrilla Reproduction &
Growth in Flowing Water Systems. Dept of Natural
Resources. 06/29/90-12/01/90. $80,115
Smith R. L. A Molecular Study of Temperature
Adaptation in Pasture Grasses. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 05/24/91-05/12/92. $49,964
Sollenberger L. E. Defoliation Responses & Quality-
Related Characteristics of Pennisetum Forages. U. S.
Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/91-06/30/92. $33,000
Wilcox M. Gatorade Allocation to the Dept of Agronomy
for Matching Funds for the Support. UF Div of
Sponsored Research. 09/18/89-. $5,000
Wofford D. S. Evaluation of Trifolium Supp. Response to
Cylindrocladium Root Rot. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 01/16/91-09/30/91. $10,000

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

34 Animal Science

Animal Science Building 459 / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1911
Fax: 904-392-7652
1,2,3 F. GLENN HEMBRY Chm. & Prof., Nutrition
1,2 CLARENCE B. AMMERMAN Prof., Animal
1,2,3 RICHARD L. ASQUITH Assoc. Prof., Equine
1,2 DOUGLAS B. BATES Assoc. Prof., Anim. Nutr.
1,2 FULLER W. BAZER Grad. Res. Prof., Anim.
1,2 JOEL H. BRENDEMUHL Assoc. Prof., Swine
1,2 GEORGE E. COMBS JR Prof., Anim. Nutr. Swine
1,2 JOSEPH H. CONRAD Prof., Anim. Nutr.
Tropical Animal Science
1,2 MAURICIO A. ELZO Asst. Prof., Animal
Breeding & Genetics
1,2 MICHAEL J. FIELDS Prof., Anim. Physiol.
1,2 DONALD D. HARGROVE Prof., Anim. Breeding
1,2 DWAIN D. JOHNSON Assoc. Prof., Meat Sci.
3 EDWARD L. JOHNSON Assoc. Prof., Ext.
Equine Spec.
2,3 WILLIAM E. KUNKLE Assoc. Prof., Extension
Beef Specialist
1,3 FRED W. LEAK Assoc. Prof., Extension Meats
1,3 SANDI LIEB Assoc. Prof., Anim. Nutr. Horse
1,2 TIMOTHY T. MARSHALL Asst. Prof., Beef
1,2 LEE R. MCDOWELL Prof. Animal Nutr., Tropi-
cal Animal Science
1,2 JOHN E. MOORE Prof., Animal Nutr., Forage
1,2 TIMOTHY A. OLSON Assoc. Prof., Animal
1,2,3 EDGAR A. OTT Prof., Anim. Nutr., Horses


ROBERT S. SAND Assoc. Prof., Anim. Sci., Ext.
Beef Spec.

1,2 DANIEL C. SHARP III Prof., Animal Physiology,
1,2 ROSALIA C. SIMMEN Assoc. Prof., Biochemis-
try & Molecular Biology
1,3 SAUNDRA H. TENBROECK Assoc. Prof., Ext.
Livestock Spec.
1,2 DONALD L. WAKEMAN Prof., Anim. Sci.


WILLIAM R. WALKER Assoc. Prof., Extension
Swine Specialist

1,2 ROGER L. WEST Prof., Meat Sci.
2 CALVIN E. WHITE Assoc. Prof., Swine Nutrition

CRIS Projects:
ANS02343 Relationship Between Frame Size and Level
of Upgrading with Production Efficiency in
Brahman Cattle
T. A. Olson D. D. Hargrove
ANS02344 Evaluation of Reproductive Characteristics in
Brahman Bulls and their Relationship to
Production Traits in Brahman Cattle
T. A. Olson D. D. Hargrove
ANS02558 Conceptus-Endometrial Interactions in Early
F. W. Bazer
ANS02560 Proteolytic Activity of Bacteroides
Ruminicola GA33
D. B. Bates
ANS02596 Porcine Conceptus-Endometrial Interactions
Affecting Embryonic Survival
F. W. Bazer
ANS02620 Alternative Crossbreeding Systems to
Produce Cattle Adapted to Florida
T. A. Olson D. D. Hargrove
M. A. Elzo
ANS02621 Improvement of Beef Cattle in Multibreed
M. A. Elzo T. A. Olson
D. D. Hargrove
ANS02645 Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
Analysis of Florida Feeds
J. E. Moore
ANS02646 Bioconversion of Organic Materials to
Methane and Other Useful Products

J. E. Moore

S. L. Russo

ANS02672 Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Ensiled
W. E. Kunkle D. B. Bates
ANS02749 Managing the Plant-Animal Interface in
Tropical Legume-Grass Pastures
J. E. Moore
ANS02767 Determination of Protein Interactions
Responsible for Processed Meat Quality
D. D. Johnson R. L. West

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Animal Science 35

ANS02777 Nutrition and Management of Swine for
Increased Reproductive Efficiency
G. E. Combs
ANS02780 Bovine Relaxin: A Placental Source and
Effects of Prostaglandin and Steriod
M. J. Fields
ANS02805 The Genetics of Body Composition in Beef
T. A. Olson D. D. Hargrove
D. D. Johnson R. L. West
ANS02811 The Influences of Nutrition and Exercise on
Skeletal Development of Growing Horses
E. A. Ott R. L. Asquith
ANS02815 Use of Sugarcane Molasses Mixtures in Cow-
Calf Production Systems
W. E. Kunkle
ANS02824 Defoliation Responses and Quality-Related
Characteristics of Pennisetum Forages
J. E. Moore
ANS02826 Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition for Tropical
Grazing Ruminants
L. R. McDowell
ANS02865 Porcine Conceptus-endometrial Interactions
Affecting Embryonic Survival
F. W. Bazer
ANS02991 Porcine IgG Receptors in Developing and
Lactating Mammary Gland
R. C. Simmen
ANS02999 Evaluation of and Maximizing the Use of
Alternative Energy Feed Sources for Swine
G. E. Combs C. E. White
J. H. Brendemuhl W. R. Walker
ANS03014 Reproductive and Growth Parameters of Bos
indicus Cattle
T. A. Olson
ANS03040 Reproductive Performance and Preweaning
Survival in Swine by Improved Nutrition and
G. E. Combs J. H. Brendemuhl
C. E. White

ANS03052 Background and Finishing Florida Feeder

W. E. Kunkle

D. D. Johnson

ANS03078 Physiological and Ecological Relationships
Affecting Biting Flies and Ticks on Pastured
R. S. Sand
ANS03090 Vernal Transition as a Model for
Folliculogenesis and Ovulation
D. C. Sharp

Refereed Publications:
R-00134 Ashworth, C. J.; Fliss, M. F. and Bazer, F. W.
Evidence for Steroid Control of a Putative
Angiogenic Factor in the Porcine Uterus.
Journal of Endocrinology 125:15-19. 1990
R-00760 Bazer, F. W.; Simmen, R. C. and Simmen, F. A.
Comparative Aspects of Conceptus Signals for
Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy.
Proceedings of the New York Academy of
Sciences 622:202-211. 1991
R-00279 Bazer, F. W.; Thatcher, W. W.; Martinat-Botte,
F.; Terqui, M. and Lacroix, M. C. Conceptus-
Endometrial Interactions Affecting Composition
of Uterine Flushings from Large White and
Prolific Chinese Meishan Gilts.
Journal of Reproduction, Fertility and
Development 2:51-60. 1990
R-01197 Dubois, D. H. and Bazer, F. W. Effect of Porcine
Conceptus Secretory Proteins on In Vitro
Secretion of Prostaglandins F2a and -E2 from
Luminal and Myometrial Surfaces of
Endometrium ....Endometrium from Cyclic and
Psedopregnant Gilts.
Prostaglandins 41:283-301. 1991
R-01103 Espinoza, J. E.; McDowell, L. R.; Wilkinson,
N. S.; Conrad, J. H. and Martin, F. G. Effect of
Dietary Phosphorus Level on Performance and
Mineral Status of Grazing Cattle in a Warm
Climate Region of Central Florida.
Livestock Research for Rural Development
3:28-40. 1991
R-01101 Espinoza, J. E.; McDowell, L. R.; Wilkinson,
N. S.; Conrad, J. H. and Martin, F. G. Forage
and Soil Mineral Concentrations Over a Three-
Year Period in a Warm Climate Region of
Central Florida. I. Macrominerals.
Livestock Research for Rural Development
3:11-19. 1991

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

- --

1 Resident Instruction

36 Animal Science

R-01100 Espinoza, J. E.; McDowell, L. R.; Wilkinson,
N. S.; Conrad, J. H. and Martin, F. G. Forage
and Soil Mineral Concentrations Over a Three-
Year Period in a Warm Climate Region of
Central Florida. II. Trace Minerals.
Livestock Research for Rural Development
3:20-27. 1991
R-00750 Fuchs, A. R.; Behrens, O.; Helmer, H.; Lin, L.;
Barros, C. M. and Fields, M. J. Oxytocin and
Vasopressin Binding to Cow Endometrium and
Myometrium During the Estrous Cycle and Early
Endocrinology 127:629-636. 1990
R-01093 Fuchs, A. R.; Behrens, O.; Helmer, H.;
Vangsted, A.; Ivanisevic, M.; Grifo, J.; Barros,
C. and Fields, M. J. Oxytocin and Vasopressin
Binding Sites in Human and Bovine Ovaries.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
163:1961-1967. 1990
R-00267 Harney, J. P. and Bazer, F. W. Effects of
Conceptus and Conceptus Secretory Products
on Uterine Development in the Pig.
Journal of Reproduction, Fertility and
Development 2:179-187. 1990
R-00192 Hamey, J. P.; Mirando, M. A.; Smith, L. C. and
Bazer, F. W. Retinol-Binding Protein: A Major
Secretory Product of the Pig Conceptus.
Biology of Reproduction 42:523-532. 1990
R-00090 Huffman, R. D.; Williams, S. E.; Hargrove,
D. D.; Johnson, D. D. and Marshall, T. T.
Effects of Percentage Brahman and Angus
Breeding, Age-Season of Feeding and Slaughter
End Point on Feedlot Performance and Carcass
Journal of Animal Science 68:2243-2252. 1990
R-00468 Lamkey, J. W.; Leak, F. W.; Tuley, W. B.;
Johnson, D. D. and West, R. L. Assessment of
Sodium Lactate in Fresh Pork Sausage.
Journal of Food Science 56:220-223. 1991
R-00249 Merkel, R. C.; McDowell, L. R.; Popenoe, H. L.
and Wilkinson, N. S. Mineral Status
Comparisons between Water Buffalo and
Charolais Cattle in Florida.
Buffalo Journal 1:33-41. 1990
R-00214 Mirando, M. A.; Leen, T.; Beers, S.; Hamey,
J. P. and Bazer, F. W. Endometrial Inositol
Phosphate Turnover in Pigs is Reduced During
Pregnancy and Oestradiol-Induced
Journal of Animal Science 68:4285-4291. 1990

R-00735 Mirando, M. A.; Ott, T. L.; Harey, J. P. and
Bazer, F. W. Ovine Trophoblast Protein-One
Inhibits Development of Endometrial
Responsiveness to Oxytocin in Ewes.
Biology of Reproduction 43:1070-1078. 1990
R-00111 Mtimuni, J. P. and McDowell, L. R.
Performance of Beef Cattle Fed Dwarf (Mott)
and Tall Napiergrasses (Pennisetum purpureum)
Supplemented with Maize Bran.
International Journal of Animal Sciences
5:191-196. 1990
R-01485 Paccamonti, D. L.; Chang, S. T.; Dubois, W.;
Barros, C. M.; Drost, M.; Wilcox, C. J. and
Fields, M. J. Circulating Concentrations of
Porcine Relaxin in Cows: Evaluation of
Vehicles and Routes of Administration.
Theriogenology 35:1131-1146. 1991
R-00295 Pastrana, R.; McDowell, L. R. and Conrad, J. H.
Mineral Concentrations in Leaves and Stems of
Various Forages of the Colombian Paramo.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant
Analysis 20:2345-2360. 1990
R-00462 Prabowo, A.; McDowell, L. R.; Wilkinson,
N. S.; Wilcox, C. J. and Conrad, J. H. Mineral
Status Comparisons between Grazing Cattle and
Water Buffalo in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
BuffaloJournal 1:17-32. 1990
R-01421 Sharp, D. C.; Grubaugh, W. R.; Weithenauer, J.;
Davis, S. D. and Wilcox, C. J. Effects of Steroid
Administration on Pituitary Luteinzing
Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormones in
Ovariectomized Pony Mares in the Early Spring.
Biology of Reproduction 44:983-990. 1991
R-01036 Simmen, R. C.; Simmen, F. A. and Bazer, F. W.
Regulation of Synthesis of Uterine Secretory
Proteins: Evidence for Differential Induction of
Porcine Uteroferria and Antilenkoproteinose
Gene Expression.
Biology of Reproduction 44:191-200. 1990
R-00879 Simmen, R. C.; Simmen, F. A.; Hofig, A.;
Farmer, S. J. and Bazer, F. W. Hormonal
Regulation of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Gene
Expression in Pig Uterus.
Endocrinology 127:2166-2174. 1990
R-01010 Thatcher, M. J.; Shille, V. M.; Fiss, M. F.; Bazer,
F. W.; Sisum, W. and Randal, S.
Characterization of Feline Conceptus Proteins
during Pregnancy.
Biology of Reproduction 44:108-120. 1991
R-00077 Williams, S. N.; Lawrence, L. A.; McDowell,
L. R.; Wilkinson, N. S. and Wamick, A. C.
Bone Parameters to Evaluate Cattle Phosphorus

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Animal Science 37

Status. I. Chemical, Physical and Mechanical
Journal of Animal Science 69:1231-1242. 1991
R-00078 Williams, S. N.; McDowell, L. R.; Lawrence,
L. A.; Wilkinson, N. S. and Warnick, A. C.
Bone Parameters to Evaluate Cattle Phosphorus
Status. II. Noninvasive Techniques.
Journal of Animal Science 69:1243-1254. 1991
R-00113 Young, K. H.; Buhi, W. C.; Davis, J.; Horseman,
N. D.; Kraeling, R. R.; Linzer, D.; Bazer, F. W.
and 0,. Biological Activities of Glycosylated
and Nonglycosylated Porcine Prolactin.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
71:155-162. 1990

Kunkle W. E. Effect of Feeding Varying Dosages of
Bambermycins (Flavomycin-R) on Body Weight.
Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Co. 11/01/90-09/30/91.
McDowell L. R. Mineral & Vitamin Nutrition for
Tropical Ruminants. U. S. Dept of Agriculture.
07/01/89-06/30/91. $70,472
Olson T. A. Evaluation of Reproductive Performance of
Beef Cattle in a Subtropical Environment. U. S.
Dept of Agriculture. 07/24/90-06/30/95. $69,000
Sharp D. C. Vernal Transition as a Model for
Folliculogenesis & Ovulation. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 09/01/90-08/31/92. $142,000

R-00106 Young, K. J.; Kraeling, R. R. and Bazer, F. W.
Effect of Pregnancy and Exogenous Ovarian
Steroids on Endometrial Prolactin Receptor
Ontogeny and Uterine Secretory Response in
Biology of Reproduction 43:592-599. 1990
R-00412 Zanetti, M. A.; Ammerman, C. B.; Henry, P. R.
and Miles, R. D. Bioavailability of Copper
Acetate and Copper Carbonate in Chicks as
Measured by Tissue Uptake of Copper from
Conventional Dietary Levels.
Poultry Science 32:583. 1991

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00402 Eastridge, J. S. and Johnson, D. D. The Effect of
Sex Class on Nutrient Composition of Goat
International Goat Production Symposium.
p. 143-146. 1991

Research Grants:
Bates D. B. Nutritional Characterization of the Cell Wall
Protein of Tropical Grasses. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 07/01/91-06/30/92. $18,500
Bazer F. W. Successful Maternal Recognition of
Pregnancy: Signalling Between the Conceptus.
National Science Foundation. 04/15/91-03/31/92.
Bazer F. W. Endometrial Responses to Conceptus
Secretary Proteins. National Institutes of Health.
07/01/87-12/31/90. $33,959
Bazer F. W. Editorial Office Society for the Study of
Reproduction. Society for the Study of Repro.
06/15/89-12/31/91. $38,726
Johnson D. D. Influence of Muscling & Fatness on the
Value of Various Carcass Components of Cows. Fl
Beef Council. 10/01/90-09/30/91. $17309

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

38 Dairy Science

Dairy Science Bldg. 499, Shealy Drive
Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1981
Fax: 904-392-5595
1,2,3 ROGER P. NATZKE Chm. & Prof., Mastitis &
Milking Mgmt.
1,2 KERMIT C. BACHMAN Assoc. Prof., Biochem.,
1,2 DAVID K. BEEDE Assoc. Prof., Animal Nutrition
1,2 MICHAEL A. DE LORENZO Assoc. Prof.,
1,2 PETER J. HANSEN Assoc. Prof., Environmental
1,23 BARNEY HARRIS JR Prof., Nutr.
1,2 HENRY H. HEAD Prof., Animal Phys. Lac.
1,2 FRANK A. SIMMEN Assoc. Prof., Biochemistry
& Molecular Biology
2,3 CHARLES R. STAPLES Assoc. Prof., Forages
1,2 WILLIAM W. THATCHER Grad. Res. Prof.,
Anim. Physiol. Reproduction
2 HAROLD H. VAN HORN JR Prof., Animal
3 DANIEL W. WEBB Prof., Dairy Mgmt.
1,2 CHARLES J. WILCOX Prof., Genetics

CRIS Projects:
DAS02501 Systems Analysis of Dairy Cattle Production
M. A. DeLorenzo C. J. Wilcox
DAS02578 Genetic Methods of Improving Dairy Cattle
for the South
C. J. Wilcox M. A. DeLorenzo
D. K. Beede H. H. Head

W. W. Thatcher

K. C. Bachman

DAS02621 Improvement of Beef Cattle in Multibreed
M. A. DeLorenzo
DAS02760 Optimum Production and Utilization of
Forages for Dairy Cattle in the Subtropics
C. R. Staples
DAS02858 Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) in
Neonatal Growth and Development
F. A. Simmen
DAS02861 Function of Bovine Trophoblast Protein-1
Secreted by the Conceptus
W. W. Thatcher P.J. Hansen

DAS02886 Long-term Evaluation of Bovine Soma-
totropin (bSTH) on Performance of Lactat-
ing Dairy Cows
H. H. Head C. J. Wilcox
C. R. Staples
DAS02991 Porcine IgG Receptors in Developing and
Lactating Mammary Gland
F. A. Simmen
DAS02995 Systems for Providing and Controlling
Interior Environments for Poultry and
D. K. Beede D. R. Bray
M. A. DeLorenzo
DAS03009 Byproduct Feedstuffs for Lactating Cows:
Evaluation of Rumen Degradability of Protein
and Energy Availability
H. H. Van Horn B. Harris
DAS03045 Management of Animal Waste in Support of
Sustainable Agriculture and Quality Water
H. H. Van Horn

Refereed Publications:
R-00340 Bachman, K. C. and Wilcox, C. J. Effect of
Blood and High-Density Lipoprotein
Preparations upon Lipase Distribution and
Spontaneous Lipolysis in Bovine Milk.
Journal of Dairy Science 733393-3401. 1990
R-00004 Bachman, K. C. and Wilcox, C. J. Effect of
Time of Onset of Rapid Cooling on Bovine Milk
Fat Hydrolysis.
Journal of Dairy Science 73:617-620. 1990
R-00870 Badinga, L.; Collier, R. J.; Thatcher, W. W.;
Wilcox, C. J.; Head, H. H. and Bazer, F. W.
Ontogeny of Hepatic Bovine Growth Hormone
Receptors in Cattle.
Journal of Animal Science 69:1925-1934. 1991
R-01190 Driancourt, M. A.; Thatcher, W. W.; Terqui, M.
and Andrieu, D. Dynamics of Ovarian Follicular
Development in Cattle During the Estrous
Cycle, Early Pregnancy and in Response to
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 8:209-221.
R-01127 Elvinger, F.; Hansen, P. J.; Head, H. H. and
Natzke, R. P. Actions of Bovine Somatrotropin
In Vitro and In Vivo on Polymorphonuclear
Leukocytes and Lymphocytes in Cattle.
Journal of Dairy Science 74:2145-2152. 1991

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Dairy Science 39

R-00491 Emanuel, S. M.; Staples, C. R. and Wilcox, C. J.
Extent and Site of Mineral Release From Six
Forage Species Incubated in Mobile Dacron
Journal of Animal Science 69:801-810. 1991
R-00365 Gross, T. S.; Thatcher, W. W.; O'Neill, C. and
Danet-Desnoyers, G. Platelet-Activating Factor
Altes the Dynamics of Prostaglandin and
Protein Synthesis by Endometrial Explants from
Pregnant and Cyclic Cows at Day 17 Following
Theriogenology 34:205-218. 1990
R-00520 Hansen, P. J. Coat Colour in Holstein Cows
Modifies Physiological and Milk Production
Responses to Solar Radiation.
Veterinary Record 127:333-334. 1990
R-01398 Ko, Y.; Lee, C. Y.; Ott, T. L.; Davis, M. A.;
Simmen, R. C.; Bazer, F. W. and Simmen, F. A.
Insulin-Like Growth Factors in Sheep Uterine
Fluids: Concentrations and Relationship to
Ovine Trophoblast Protein-1 Production During
Early Pregnancy.
Biology of Reproduction 45:135-142. 1991
R-00746 Lander, M. F.; Hansen, P. J. and Drost, M.
Effects of Stage of the Estrous Cycle and Steroid
Treatment on Uterine Immunologlobulin
Content and Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes in
Theriogenology 34:1169-1184. 1990
R-00337 Lander, M. L.; Hansen, P. J. and Drost, M.
Antisperm Antibodies in Cows after
Subcutaneous and Intrauterine Immunization.
Veterinary Record 126:461-462. 1990
R-01253 Lee, C. Y.; Bazer, F. W.; Etherton, T. D. and
Simmen, F. A. Ontogeny of Insulin-Like
Growth Factors (IGF-I, IGF-II) and IGF-
Binding Proteins in Porcine Serum During Fetal
and Postnatal Development.
Endocrinology 128:2336-2344. 1991
R-00363 Leslie, M. V.; Hansen, P. J. and Newton, G. R.
Uterine Secretions of the Cow Contain Proteins
that are Immunochemically Related to the
Major Progesterone-Induced Proteins of the
Sheep Uterus.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 7:517-526.
R-00803 Low, B. G.; Hansen, P. J. and Drost, M.
Inhibition of Lymphocyte Proliferation by Ovine
Placenta Conditioned Culture Medium.
Journal of Reproductive Immunology 19:25-41.

R-00518 Lucy, M. C.; Staples, C. R.; Michel, F. M. and
Thatcher, W. W. Effect of Feeding Calcium
Soaps to Early Postpartum Dairy Cows on
Plasma Prostaglandin F2a, Leutinizing Hormone,
and Follicular GrowthMetabolite, and Follicular
Journal of Dairy Science 74:483-489. 1991
R-00517 Lucy, M. C.; Staples, C. R.; Michel, F. M. and
Thatcher, W. W. Energy Balance and Size and
Number of Ovarian Follicles Detected by
Ultrasonography in Early Postpartum Dairy
Journal of Dairy Science 74:473-482. 1991
R-00394 Lucy, M. C.; Thatcher, W. W. and MacMillan,
K. L. Ultrasonic Identification of Follicular
Populations and Return to Estrus in Early
Postpartum Dairy Cows Given Intravaginal
Progesteronefor 15 Days.
Theriogenology 34:325-340. 1990
R-00393 Lucy, M. L.; MacMillan, K. L.; Thatcher,
W. W.; Tan, H. S. and Drost, M. Effect of
Timing of Prostaglandin PGF2o Injection
Subsequent to Embryo Collection on
Resumption of Normal Follicular Development
Following Superovulatory Treatment in Cattle
Theriogenology 34:7-19. 1990
R-00316 Malayer,J. R. and Hansen, P. J. Effect of In
Vitro Heat Shock Upon Synthesis and Secretion
of Prostaglandins and Protein by Uterine and
Placental Tissues of the Sheep.
Theriogenology 34:231-250. 1990
R-00317 Malayer, J. R.; Hansen, P. J.; Gross, T. S. and
Thatcher, W. W. Regulation of Heat Shock-
Induced Alterations in Release of Prostaglandins
by Uterine Endometrium of Cows.
Theriogenology 34:219-230. 1990
R-00341 Newton, G. R.; Martinod, S.; Hansen, P. J.;
Thatcher, W. W.; Siegenthaler, B.; Gerber, C.
and Voirol, M. J. Bovine Interferon Alpha
Causes Acute Changes in Body Temperature
and Serum Progesterone Concentrations in
Journal of Dairy Science 73:3439-3448. 1990
R-00508 Plante, C.; Hansen, P. J.; Mirando, M. A.;
Thatcher, W. W. and Bazer, F. W.
Development of Antibodies for Studying
Conceptus Interferons in the Cow.
Journal of Reproductive Immunology
18:205-223. 1990
R-00658 Plante, C.; Hansen, P. J.; Thatcher, W. W.;
Johnson, J. W.; Polard, J. W.; Mirando, M. A.

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

40 Dairy Science

and Bazer, F. W. Purification of Bovine
Trophoblast Protein-1 Complex and
Quantification of its Microheterogeneous
Variants as Affected by Culture Condition
Journal of Reproductive Immunology
18:271-291. 1990
R-01183 Savio, J. D.; Bongers, H.; Drost, M.; Lucy, M. C.
and Thatcher, W. W. Follicular Dynamics and
Superovulatory Response in Holstein Cows
Rated with FSH-P in Different Endocrine States.
Theriogenology 35:915-929. 1991
R-01394 Simmen, F. A. Expression of the Insulin-Like
Growth Factor-I Gene and its Products:
Complex Regulation by Tissue Specific and
Hormonal Factors.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 8:165-178.
R-00779 Simmen, F. A. Strategies for Identifying,
Isolating and Sequencing Genes of Importance
in Growth Biology.
Journal of Animal Science 69:24-37. 1991
R-01007 Simmen, F. A. and Simmen, R. C. Peptide
Growth Factors and Proto-Oncogenes in
Mammalian Conceptus Development.
Biology of Reproduction 44:1-5. 1991
R-00185 Stephenson, D. C. and Hansen, P. J. Induction
by Progesterone of Immunosuppressive Activity
in Uterine Secretions of Ovariectomized Ewes.
Endocrinology 126:3168-3178. 1990
R-01191 Thatcher, W. W.; Driancourt, M. A.; Terqui, M.
and Badinga, L. Dynamics of Ovarian Follicular
Development in Cattle following Hysterectomy
and During Early Pregnancy.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 8:223-234.
R-00861 Thatcher, W. W.; Hansen, P. J.; Plante, C.;
Badinga, L.; Van Cleeff, J.; Danet-Desnoyers, G.;
Savio, J. D.; Mirando, M. A. and Bazer, F. W.
Understanding and Exploiting the Physiology
and Endocrinology of Reproduction to Enhance
Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of
Animal Reproduction 50:109-121. 1990

Popular Articles:
T-00039 Staples, C. R. Don't Be Fooled by a Forage's
Crude Protein.
Southeast Dairy Outlook 29:10-11. 1990

Research Grants:
Beede D. K. Lactational Performance Responses to
Supplemental Magnesium Oxide Sources. Premier
Refractories & Chem. 10/01/90-03/01/92. $13,720
Beede D. K. Lactational Performance Responses to
Supplemental Magnesium Oxide Sources. Baymag.
10/01/90-03/31/92. $13,720
Beede D. K. Lactational Performance Responses to
Supplemental Magnesium Oxide Sources.
Magnesitas De Rubian, S. A. 10/01/90-03/31/92.
Bray D. R. Pirlimycin Field Milk Residue Study. Upjohn
Company. 02/12/91-12/31/91. $5,800
Delorenzo M. A. Development of Expert Systems with
Hypertext for Teaching Management Decision
Making. University of Illinois. 12/17/90-12/16/91.
Delorenzo M. A. Dairy Management Project.
Miscellaneous Donors. 04/12/91-04/11/92. $4,000
Hansen P. J. Progesterone-Induced Uterine
Immunoregulatory Proteins. National Institutes of
Health. 08/01/90-07/31/92. $92,641
Natzke R. P. Increasing Efficiency of Milk Production in
Florida. Fl Dairy Farmers Association. 04/15/88-
04/15/91. $55,455
Thatcher W. W. Utero-Ovarian-Conceptus Response to
Heat Stress in the Dairy Cow & Its Involvement.
Bard. 08/21/89-08/20/92. $53,120
Thatcher W. W. Allocation for Salary Support. UF
Research Foundation, Inc. 09/26/90-12/31/91.
Van Horn H. H. Effect of Probos (R) on Dry Matter
Intake & Milk Yield of Lactating Cows. Pioneer
Hi-bred International. 08/21/90-06/30/91. $18,000
Van Horn H. H. Effects of Varying Undegradable Protein
& Fat on Lactation & Nitrogen Excretion. Church
& Dwight Company. 09/20/90-09/19/91. $5,000
Van Horn H. H. Utilization of Distillers' Dried Grains By
Lactating Cows. Jack Daniel Distillery. 05/01/91-
12/31/92. $25,000

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Entomology and Nematology 41

Building 970, Hull Road / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1901
Fax: 904-392-0190
1,23 JOHN L. CAPINERA Chair & Prof.
1,2 JON C. ALLEN Assoc. Prof., Population Dynam-
ics & Systems Anal.
1,2 CARL S. BARFIELD Prof., Pest. Mgt.,
1,2 FREDERICK D. BENNETT Grad. Res. Prof.,
Biological Control of Ag. Pests
1,2 DRION G. BOUCIAS Assoc. Prof., Insect
1,2 JERRY F. BUTLER Prof., Vet. Ent.
1,2,3 HARVEY L. CROMROY Prof., Radiation Biology
1,2 DONALD W. DICKSON Prof., Nematology
2,3 ROBERT A. DUNN Prof., Ext. Nematology
1,2 JOHN L. FOLTZ Assoc. Prof., Forestry
1,2 JOHN H. FRANK Prof., Biological Control
2 VIRENDRA K. GUPTA Prof., Systematics
1,2 DALE H. HABECK Prof., Immatures
1,2 DONALD W. HALL Prof., Med. Ent.
2 HARLAN G. HALL Asst. Prof., Honey Bee
23 FREDDIE A. JOHNSON Prof., Extension
23 PHILIP G. KOEHLER Prof., Extension
1,2 JAMES E. LLOYD Prof., Systematics
2 JAMES E. MARUNIAK Assoc. Prof., Genetic
1,2 ELLIS L. MATHENY JR Prof., Econ. Ent.
1,2 HEATHER J. MCAUSLANE Asst. Prof., Pest
Resistance of Crop Plants
1,2 ROBERT T. MCSORLEY Prof., Nematology
1,2 JAMES L. NATION Prof., Physiology
i JIMMY R. RICH Prof., Nematology
,3 MALCOLM T. SANFORD Prof., Apiculture
J3 DONALD E. SHORT Prof., Extension
1,2 FRANK SLANSKY JR Assoc. Prof., Nutritional
1,2 GROVER C. SMART JR Prof., Nematology
1,2 JERRY L. STIMAC Prof., Population Econolgist
1 JOHN R. STRAYER Prof., Econ. Ent.
1,2 THOMAS J. WALKER Prof., Ecology
1,2 SIMON S. YU Prof., Insect Toxicology

CRIS Projects:
ENY02505 Taxonomy of the Ichneumonidae (Parasitic
Hymenoptera) of the World
V. K. Gupta
ENY02527 Biological Control and Dynamical Models of
Species Interactions
J. C. Allen J. H. Frank
J. L. Stimac
ENY02552 Physiology and Biochemistry of Insect
J. L. Nation
ENY02594 Identification of Honeybee Races through
DNA Restriction Fragment Polymorphism
H. G. Hall
ENY02624 Biology of Genetically Changing Root-Knot
and Cyst Nematodes of Soybean
D. W. Dickson
ENY02630 Taxonomy and Systematics of Nematodes
G. C. Smart
ENY02636 Biological Control of Pest Mole Crickets
J. H. Frank T.J. Walker
D. G. Boucias G. C. Smart
F. D. Bennett
ENY02664 Development of a Monitoring System for
Sweetpotato Weevil Management
R. T. McSorley
ENY02682 Chemical Ecology of Host Colonization by
the Black Turpentine Beetle, Dendroctonus

J. L. Nation

J. L. Foltz

ENY02688 Application of Integrated Agrotechnology for
Crop Production and Environmental Quality
J. C. Allen
ENY02700 Application of Population Ecology in the
Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
R. T. McSorley
ENY02708 Host-parasite Relationships of Nematodes on
Landscape Ornamentals

R. T. McSorley

R. A. Dunn

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

- ---

1 Resident Instruction

42 Entomology and Nematology

ENY02713 Interactions among Bark Beetles, Pathogens,
and Conifers in North American Forests
J. L. Foltz J.L. Nation
ENY02735 Development and Testing of Multi-Lingual
Programmed Instructional Materials in Pest
Management and Plant Protection
C. S. Barfield J. R. Strayer

K. L. Andrews

E. L. Matheny

ENY02747 Biological Control of Whiteflies Damaging
Citrus in Florida and the Caribbean
F. D. Bennett J. H. Frank
ENY02750 Development of a Monitoring System for
Sweetpotato Weevil Management
R. T. McSorley
ENY02755 Pathology and Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana
Against Lesser Cornstalk Borer
D. G. Boucias
ENY02756 Biological Control of the Sweetpotato
Weevil: Pathogenicity and Efficacy of
Entomopathogenic Nematodes
G. C. Smart
ENY02791 Identification, Behavioral Ecology, Genetics
and Management of African Honeybees
H. G. Hall
ENY02823 Biological Factors Affecting the Abundance
of the Sweetpotato Whitefly in the Carib-
bean, Including Florida
F. D. Bennett
ENY02828 Biocontrol of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes with
Pasteuria spp.
D. W. Dickson
ENY02846 Systematics, Ecology, and Behavior of Insects
T. J. Walker
ENY02860 African Honeybee Migration Followed with
DNA Markers
H. G. Hall
ENY02862 Toxicology of Agriculturally Important Insect
Pests of Florida
S. S. Yu
ENY02872 Systematics and Behavioral Ecology of
Lampyridae (Coleoptera)
J. E. Lloyd

ENY03006 Biological Control of Selected Arthropods,
Pests and Weeds through Introduction of
Natural Enemies
F. D. Bennett J. H. Frank
D. H. Habeck
ENY03012 Balance between the Intake of Beneficial
Nutrients and Deleterious Allelochemicals in

F. Slansky

S.J. Yu

ENY03021 Biology and Management of Nematodes
Affecting Agronomic Crops
D. W. Dickson J. R. Rich
R. A. Dunn
ENY03044 Development of Entomopathogens as
Control Agents for Insect Pests
D. G. Boucias J. L. Capinera
J. E. Maruniak G. C. Smart

J. L. Stimac

D. W. Hall

ENY03050 Alternative Management of Pickleworm and
Melonworm in Cucurbit Vegetable Crops
J. L. Capinera
ENY03078 Physiological and Ecological Relationships
Affecting Biting Flies and Ticks on Pastured
J. F. Butler

Refereed Publications:
R-00526 Adeeye, O. A. and Butler, J. F. Field Evaluation
of Carbon Dioxice Baits for Sampling
Omithodoros turicata (Acari:Argasidae) in
Gopher Tortoise Burrows.
Journal of Medical Entomology 28:45-48. 1991
R-01277 Allen, J. C. Chaos and Coevolution:
Evolutionary Warfare in a Chaotic Predator-
Prey System.
Florida Entomologist 74:50-59. 1991
R-00424 Allen, J. C. Chaos and Phase-Locking in
Predator-Prey Models in Relation to the
Functional Response.
Florida Entomologist 73:100-110. 1990
R-00356 Atkinson, T. H.; Koehler, P. G. and Patterson,
R. S. Checklist of the Cockroaches of Florida
(Dictyoptera:Blattaria:Polyphagidae, Blattidae,
Blattellidae, Blaberidae).
Florida Entomologist 73:303-327. 1990
R-00101 Beard, C. B.; Butler, J. F. and Becnel, J. J.
Nolleria pulicis n. gen., n. sp. (Microsporida:

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Entomology and Nematology 43

Chytridiopsidae), a Microsporidian Parasite of
the Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis
(Siphonaptera: Pulicidae).
Journal of Protozoology 37:90-99. 1990
R-00608 Bennett, C. A. and Buckingham, G. R.,
Laboratory Biologies of Two Indian Weevils,
Bagous affinis and Bagous laevigatus
(Coleoptera:Curculionidae) that Attack Tubers
of Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae).
Entomological Society of America 84:420-428.
R-00152 Bennett, F. D. Potential for Biological Control
of the Stink Bug Nezura viridula, a Pest of
Acta Horticultura 275:679-684. 1990
R-01278 Brewster, C. C. and Allen, J. C. Simulation of
Plant Resistance in a Celery-Leafminer-
Parasitoid Model.
The Florida Entomologist 74:24-41. 1991
R-00157 Cassani, J. R.; Habeck, D. H. and Matthews,
D. L. Life History and Immature Stages of a
Plume Moth Sphenarches caffer (Zeller)
(Lepidoptera:Pterophoridae) in Florida.
Florida Entomologist 73:257-266. 1990
R-00299 Choate, P. M. A Checklist of the Ground
Beetles of Florida (Coleoptera:Carabidae).
The Florida Entomologist 73:476-492. 1990
R-00551 Dickson, D. W. and McSorley, R. T.
Interaction of Three Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
on Corn and Soybean.
Journal of Nematology 22:783-791. 1990
R-00483 Frank, J. H. and McCoy, E. D. Endemics and
Epidemics of Shibboleths and Other Things
Causing Chaos.
Florida Entomologist 73-1:1-9. 1990
R-01292 Frank, J. H. and McCoy, E. D. Medieval Insect
Behavioral Ecology, and Chaos.
Florida Entomologist 74:1-9. 1991
R-00048 Goodell, G.; Andrews, K. L. and Lopez, J. I. The
Contributions of Agronomy-Anthropologists to
On-Farm Research and Extension in Integrated
Pest Management.
Agricultural Systems Journal 32:321-340. 1990
R-01239 Haag, K. H. and Habeck, D. H. Enhanced
Biological Control of Waterhyacinth Following
Limited Herbicide Application.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 29:24-28.
R-00357 Hall, D. W. The Environmental Hazard of
Ethyleneglycol in Insect Pit-Fall Traps.
The Coleopterists 45:193-194. 1991

R-00961 Hall, H. G. Genetic Characterization of Honey
Bees through DNA Analysis.
The African Honey Bee. p. 45-73. 1990
R-00960 Hall, H. G. and Smith, D. R. Distinguishing
African and European Honey Bee Matrilines
Using Amplified Mitochondrial DNA.
Science 88:4548-4552. 1990
R-00727 Hinkle, N. C.; Koehler, P. G. and Patterson,
R. S. Egg Production, Larval Development and
Adult Longevity of Cat Fleas
(Siphonaptera:Pulicidae) Exposed to
Journal of Economic Entomology 83.306-2309.
R-00083 Horton, D. R. and Capinera, J. L. Host
Utilization by Colorado Potato Beetle
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in a Potato/Weed
(Solanum Sarrachoides Sendt.) System.
Canadian Entomologist 122:113-121. 1990
R-00809 Koehler, P. G. and Patterson, R. S. Residual
Efficacy of Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon for
German Cockroaches (Orthoptera:Blattellidae)
in Commercial Food Preparation Areas.
Journal of Agricultural Entomology 26:59-63.
R-00061 Koehler, P. G.; Leppla, N. C. and Patterson,
R. S. Circadian Rhythm in the Cat Flea,
Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera:Pulicidae).
The Clinical Applications of Chronobiology.
p. 661-665. 1990
R-00410 Lloyd, J. E. Firefly Semiosystematics and
Florida Entomologist 73:51-66. 1990
R-00155 Maruniak, J. E.; Fiesler, S. E. and McGuire,
P. M. Susceptibility of Insect Cells and
Ribosomes to Ricin.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 96:543-548.
R-00822 Matthews, D. L.; Habeck, D. H. and Hall, D. W.
Annotated Checklist of the Pterophoridae
(Lepidoptera) of Florida Including Larval Food
Plant Records.
Florida Entomologist 73:613-621. 1990
R-00601 McSorley, R. T. and Dickson, D. W. Spatial
Dispersion of Nematodes in Small Plots.
Journal of Nematology 23:65-72. 1991
R-01276 McSorley, R. T. and Gallaher, R. N. Cropping
Systems for Management of Plant-Parasitic
Proceedings of the Environmentally Sound
Agriculture Conference. p. 38-45. 1991

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

44 Entomology and Nematology

R-00256 McSorley, R. T. and Walter, D. E. Comparison
of Soil Extraction Methods for Nematodes and
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
34:201-207. 1990
R-00764 Moser, B. A.; Koehler, P. G. and Patterson, R. S.
Separation of Cat Flea (Siphonaptera:Pulicidae)
Instars by Individual Rearing and Head Width
Journal of Economic Entomology 84:922-926.
R-00959 Muralidharan, K. and Hall, H. G. Prevalence of
African DNA RFLP Alleles in Neotropical
African Honeybees.
Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology
15:229-236. 1990
R-00416 Need, J. T. and Butler, J. F. Possible
Applications of the Immune Response of
Laboratory Mice to the Feeding of Argasid
Journal of Medical Entomology 28:250-253.
R-00208 Need, J. T. and Butler, J. F. Sequential Feedings
by Two Species of Argasid Tick on Laboratory
Mice; Effects on Tick Survival, Weight Gain,
and Attachment Time.
Journal of Medical Entomology 28:37-40. 1991
R-00212 Need, J. T.; Butler, J. F.; Zam, S. G. and
Wozniak, E. J. Antibody Responses of
Laboratory Mice to Sequential Feedings by Two
Species of Argasid Tick.
Journal of Medical Entomology 28:105-110.
R-00726 Nguyen, K. B. and Smart, Jr., G. C. Mode of
Entry and Sites of Reproduction of Steinernema
scapterisci in Mole Crickets.
Journal of Nematology 23:267-268. 1991
R-00355 Nguyen, K. B. and Smart, Jr., G. C. Vertical
Migration of Steinernema scapterisci in Soil.
Journal of Nematology 22:574-578. 1990
R-00219 Oostendorp, M.; Dickson, D. W. and Mitchell,
D. J. Host Range and Ecology of Isolates of
Pasteuria spp. from the Southeastern United
Journal of Nematology 22:525-531. 1990
R-00560 Oostendorp, M.; Dickson, D. W. and Mitchell,
D. J. Population Development of Pasteuria
penetrans on Meloidogyne arenaria.
Journal of Nematology 23:58-64. 1991

R-00797 Pendland, J. C. and Boucias, D. G.
Physiochemical Properties of Cell Surfaces from
the Different Developmental Stages of the
Entomogenous Hyphomycete Nomuraea riley.
Mycologia 83:264-272. 1991
R-00210 Phillips, T. W. Attraction of Hylobius pales
(Herbst) (Coleoptera:Curcululionidae) to
Pheromones of Bark Beetles
The Canadian Entomologist 122:423-427. 1990
R-00282 Phillips, T. W. Responses of Hylastes salebrosus
to Turpentine, Ethanol, and Pheromones of
Dendroctonus (Coleoptera:Scolytidae).
Florida Entomologist 73:286-291. 1990
R-00440 Powers, L. E.; Dunn, R. A. and McSorley, R. T.
Size Differences Among Root-Knot Nematodes
on Resistant and Susceptible Alyceclover
Journal of Nematology 23:243-248. 1991
R-00572 Rich, J. R. and Hodge, C. H. Efficacy of
Selected Fumigant Nematicides and Fenamiphos
to Control Meloidogyne javanica in Florida
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.).
Nematropica 20:121-127. 1990
R-01156 Sanford, M. T. and Johnson, W. B. A Florida
Honey Bee Feeding Study Using the Beltsville
Bee Diet (R).
BeeScience 1:72-76. 1990
R-01175 Skelley, P. E.; Goodrich, M. A. and Leschen,
R. A. Fungal Host Records for Erotylidae
(Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) of America North of
Entomological News 102:57-72. 1991
R-00040 Slansky, F. and Wheeler, G. S. Food
Consumption and Utilization Responses to
Dietary Dilution with Cellulose and Water by
Velvetbean Caterpillars, Anticarsia gemmatalis.
Physiological Entomology 16:99-116. 1990
R-00420 Slansky, Jr., F. Insect Nutritional Ecology as a
Basis for Studying Host Plant Resistance.
Florida Entomologist 73:359-378. 1990
R-01233 Tarjan, A. C. Tests with Three Ubiquitous
Materials for Biocontrol of Meloidogyne
Incognita Infecting Tomato Plants.
Nematologia Mediterranea 18:231-232. 1990
R-00323 Walker, T.J. Butterfly Migration through
North Peninsular Florida.
Animal Behavior 16:241-252. 1991
R-00014 Walker, T. J. and Figg, D. E. Song and Acoustic
Burrrow of the Prairie Mole Cricket, Gryllotalpa
Major (Orthoptera:Gryllidae).

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Entomology and Nematology 45

Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
63:237-242. 1990
R-00812 Wheeler, G. S. and Slansky, Jr., F. Impact of
Constitutive and Herbivore-Induced
Extractables from Susceptible and Resistant
Soybean Foliage on Non-Pest Noctuid
Journal of Economic Entomology 84:1968-1079.
R-00041 Wing, S. R. Timing of Photinus collustrans
Reproductive Activity: Finding a Mate in Time
The Coleopterists Bulletin 45:57-74. 1991
R-00706 Yu, S. J. Insecticide Resistance in the Fall
Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith).
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 39:84-91.
R-00154 Yu, S.J. Liquid Chromatographic
Determination of Permethrin Esterase Actviity
in Six Phytophagous and Entomophagous
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
36:237-241. 1990

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00197 Frank, J. H. and Bennett, F. D. Conclusion on
Classical Biological Control.
Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin
355:175-179. 1990
N-00083 Gupta, V. K. The Taxonomy of the
Kristotomus-Complex of Genera and a Revision
of Kristotomus-Complex of Genera Kristotomus-
Complex of Genera and a Revision of
American Entomological Institute 25:1-88.
N-00407 Smart, Jr., G. C. and Nguyen, K. B. Sting and
Awl Nematodes: Belonolaimus spp. and
Dolichodorus spp..
Manual of Agricultural Nematology.
p. 627-667. 1991

Popular Articles:
T-00080 Atkinson, T. H.; Koehler, P. G. and Patterson,
R. S. The Nicaraguan Cockroach-Our Newest
Cockroach Immigrant.
Pest Management 9:12-13. 1990
Research Grants:
Bennett F. D. Survey of Black Parlatoria Scale. U. S. Dept
of Agriculture. 09/10/90-09/30/90. $5,000

Boucias D. G. Chemical Ecology & Biochemistry of Pest
Lepidoptera. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/90-
06/30/95. $177,000
Boucias D. G. Analysis of Insect Mycopathogen Host
Cellular Recognition Interactions. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 07/01/91-06/30/93. $100,000
Butler J. F. Formulations for Control of Otodectes cynotis
& Rhipicephalus sanguineus on Dogs. Merck &
Company. 08/01/90-07/31/91. $30,000
Butler J. F. Evaluation of Lilly Research Laboratories
Formulations of L-537 Against Biting Diptera. Lilly
Research Laboratories. 01/01/91-01/01/92. $1,200
Butler J. F. To Compare the In-Vitro Activity of Lilly
Compounds Against Tick Species Omithodoros. Eli
Lilly & Company. 04/01/91-03/31/92. $6,000
Capinera J. L. Alternative Management of Pickle Worm
& Melonworm in Cucurbit Vegetable Crops. U. S.
Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/90-06/30/93. $33,400
Cromroy H. L. 1990 Apistan Trials/Varroa Mite Control.
Zoecon Corporation. 07/06/90-07/05/91. $6,000
Dickson D. W. Benefits Associated with Use of
Dichloropropene Aldicarb & Fenamiphos on Peanut.
University of Georgia. 06/01/90-05/31/91. $12,500
Dickson D. W. Biocontrol of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
with Pasteuria Spp.. U. S. Dept of Agriculture.
07/01/89-06/30/91. $42,653
Dickson D. W. Integrated Pest-Management in Selected
Egyptian & USA Cropping Systems. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 10/01/90-09/30/93. $7,975
Dickson D. W. Integrated Pest-Nematode Management in
Selected Egyptian & USA Cropping Systems. U. S.
Dept of Agriculture. 10/01/90-09/30/93. $15,950
Dickson D. W. Biocontrol of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
with Pasteuria Supp. U. S. Dept of Agriculture.
07/01/89-06/30/92. $45,242
Frank J. H. Evaluation of Fenoxycarb in the Laboratory for
Potential to Control Mole Crickets. Maag
Agrochemicals. 08/01/90-07/31/91. $4,620
Frank J. H. Experimental Dispersal of Parasitic Nematodes
by Mole Crickets. Fl Turf-grass Association.
10/01/89-12/31/92. $3,000
Koehler P. G. Foraging Behavior & Diet Composition of
the Florida Woods Cockroach Eurycotis Floridana.
Johnson, S. C. & Son. 08/07/90-08/06/91. $10,000
Koehler P. G. Evaluation of Insecticides for Control of
Cat Fleas. Amer Cyanamid Company. 05/15/90-
09/01/90. $4,320

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

46 Entomology and Nematology

Koehler P. G. Evaluation of Pyriproxyfen for Control of
German Cockroaches. McLaughlin Gormley King
Co. 07/01/90-07/01/91. $19,300
Koehler P. G. Evaluation of Bait Trays for Control of
German Cockroaches in Apartments. Johnson, S. C.
& Son. 05/01/90-12/31/91. $24,000
Koehler P. G. Evaluation of Aerosols for German
Cockroach Control. Johnson, S. C. & Son.
08/13/90-10/01/90. $4,800
Koehler P. G. Fire Ant Field Trials. Amer Cyanamid
Company. 09/10/90-11/01/90. $3,000
Koehler P. G. Pharah Ant Studies with Large Colonies.
McLaughlin Gormley King Co. 11/14/90-06/01/91.
Koehler P. G. Evaluation of Attractants to Pest Species.
Whitmire Laboratories. 03/01/91-09/01/91. $3,600
Koehler P. G. Evaluation of Insecticides for Control of
Cat Fleas. Amer Cyanamid Company. 02/01/91-
10/31/91. $8,640
Koehler P. G. Efficacy of Borates for Control of Cat Fleas.
U. S. Borax Chemical Corp. 09/01/90-07/01/91.
Maruniak J. E. US-Brazil Workshop of Cooperation in
Biological Control. U. S. Dept of Agriculture.
10/01/90-12/31/90. $10,000
Rich J. R. Leaching of Selected Chemical Constituents
From Soil Amended with Crab Scrap Compost. Dept
of Environmental Regulation. 10/10/90-12/01/90.
Stimac J. L. Biological Control of Fire Ants. Dept of
Agricul & Consumer Ser. 07/01/90-06/30/91.
Yu S. S. Detection & Characterization of Insecticide
Resistance in the Fall Armyworm Spodoptera.
University of Georgia. 06/01/90-12/31/91. $17,000

1 Resident Instruction 2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

2 Research 3 Extension

4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Environmental Horticulture 47

1545 Fifield Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1829
Fax: 904-392-3870
1,2,3 THOMAS J.SHEEHAN Chair & Prof.
1,2 JAMES E. BARRETT Prof., Woody Omam. &
1,2 BIJAN DEHGAN Prof., Woody Ornamentals
1,2 ALBERT E. DUDECK Prof., Turf
2 EVERETT R. EMINO Asst. Dean & Prof
23 EDWARD F. GILMAN Asst. Prof., Plant
1,2 CHARLES L. GUY Assoc. Prof., Plant Physiology
& Biochemistry


MICHAEL E. KANE Asst. Prof., Tissue Culture
LAMBERT B. MCCARTY Asst. Prof., Turfgrass
Production And Maintenance
TERRILL A. NELL Prof., Floriculture
THOMAS YEAGER Assoc. Prof., Woody Omam.

CRIS Projects:
ORH02518 Altered Gene Expression and Protein
Synthesis in Spinach Acclimation
C. L. Guy
ORH02519 Environmental Factors Affecting Ornamental
T. A. Nell J. E. Barrett

C. L. Guy
D. B. McConnell
A. E. Dudeck

D. L. Ingram
T. J. Sheehan

ORH02695 Technical and Economical Efficiencies of
Producing and Marketing Landscape Plants
D. B. McConnell
ORH02778 Freeze Damage and Protection of Fruit and
Nut Crops
C. L. Guy
ORH02803 Low Temperature Regulated Genes Associ-
ated with Freezing Tolerance in Spinach
C. L. Guy
ORH03017 Micropropagation Systems Development for
Native Wetland, Aquarium and Water
Garden Plant Production
M. E. Kane

ORH03018 Seed Dormancy and Germination of Orna-
mental Plants

W. J. Carpenter

B. Dehgan

ORH03023 Introduction and Evaluation of Ornamental

B. Dehgan
T. J. Sheehan

A. E. Dudeck

ORH03039 Effects of Production System and Environ-
mental Factors on Tree Root Growth
Following Planting
E. F. Gilman M. E. Kane
ORH03042 Weed Management in Commercial Turfgrass
L. B. McCarty
ORH03054 Integrated Delivery of Nutrients and Water
to Ornamental Plants
T. H. Yeager
ORH03069 Low Temperature Regulated Genes Associ-
ated with Freezing Tolerance in Spinach
C. L. Guy

Refereed Publications:
R-00235 Black, L. A.; Nell, T. A. and Barrett, J. E.
Development and Postharvest Longevity of
'Gloria' Azalea as Affected by Dormancy
Breaking Method.
HortScience 25:810. 1990
R-01002 Gilman, E. F. and Kane, M. E. Growth
Dynamics following Planting of Junipers
chinensis Cultivars.
American Society of Horticultural Science
116:637-641. 1991
R-01275 Gilman, E. F. and Yeager, T. H. Fertilizer Type
and Nitrogen Rate Affects Field Grown Laurel
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:370-372.
R-00091 Guy, C. Freezing Stress Tolerance: Role of
Protein Metabolism in Cold Acclimation.
Annual Review of Plant Physiology and
Molecular Biology 41:187-223. 1990
R-00886 Harris, J. R. and Gilman, E. F. Production
Method Affects Growth and Root Regeneration
of Leyland Cypress, Laurel Oak and Slash Pine.
Journal of Arboriculture 17:64-69. 1991
R-00651 Jenks, M.; Kane, M. E.; Marousky, F. J.;
McConnell, D. B. and Sheehan, T. J. In Vitro
Nymphaea 'Daubeniana'.
HortScience 25:1664. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

48 Environmental Horticulture

R-00669 Kane, M. E. and Gilman, E. F. In Vitro
Propagation and Bioassay Systems for Evaluation
Growth Regulator Effects on Aquatic Plants.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 29:29-32.
R-00573 Maekawa, S. and Carpenter, W. J. Verbena
Seed Hilum Morphology Contributes to
Irregular Germination.
HortScience 26:129-132. 1991
R-00582 Martin, C. A. and Ingram, D. L. Evaluation of
Thermal Properties in Container Media and
Effect of Irrigation on Temperature Dynamic in
Container Media.
Journal of Environmental Horticulture 9:24-28.
R-00202 Nell, T. A. and Noordegraaf, C. V. Effect of
Shipping Temperature and Duration and
Interior Irradiance Level on Postproduction
Longevity of Potted Rose.
HortScience 25:25. 1990
R-00203 Roude, N.; Nell, T. A. and Barrett, J. E. Effects
of N Source, N Concentration, Medium and
Cultivar on Growth and Longevity of Potted
HortScience 26:49-52. 1991
R-00204 Roude, N.; Nell, T. A. and Barrett, J. E.
Nitrogen Source and Concentration, Growing
Medium, and Cultivar Affect Longevity of
Potted Chrysanthemums.
HortScience 26:49-52. 1990
R-00612 Ruter, J. M. and Ingram, D. L. Seed
Germination of Sophora Secundiflora: Effect of
Scarification Treatments.
HortScience 26:256-257. 1991
R-00291 Ruter, J. M. and Ingram, D. L. The Effect of
Supraoptimal Temperatures on Root Respiratory
Characteristics of'Rotundifolia' Holly.
American Society for Horticultural Science
116:560-564. 1991
R-00118 Ruter, J. M. and Ingram, D. L. The Influence of
Supraoptimal Root-Zone Temperatures on 14C-
Photosynthate Partitioning in Ilex crenata
Thunb. 'Rotundifolia'.
American Society for Horticultural Science
115:1008-1013. 1990
R-00547 Yeager, T. H.; Johnson, C. R. and Schenck,
N. C. Growth Response of Podocarpus and
Ligustrum to VA Mycorrhizae and Fertilizer
Journal of Environmental Horticulture
8:128-132. 1990

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00259 Carpenter, W. J. and Ostmark, E. R. Handling,
Storage, and Germination of Formosan Lily
Florida State Horticultural Society Proceedings
103:209-212. 1990
N-00292 Colon, W.; Kane, M. E. and Ingram, D. L.
Effects of Abscisic Acid on Photosynthesis,
Growth and Development of Stage III Aronia
arbutifolia (Rosaceae).
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:178-182.
N-00302 Dehgan, B.; Sheehan, T. J.; Kane, M. E. and
Almira, F. C. Vegetative Propagation of Florida
Native Plants: V. Prunus serotina and P.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:172-174.
N-00304 Dudeck, A. E. Influence of Planting Method,
Fertility Program, Cultivar, and Soil Type on
St. Augustinegrass.
Florida State Horticultural Science 103:355-360.
N-00120 Kane, M. E.; Jenks, M. and Sheehan, T. J. In
Vitro Propagation Studies in the
Nymphaeaceae: American Lotus.
Water Garden Journal 6:31-33. 1990
N-00284 Kane, M. E.; Philman, N. L. and Lee, T. M.
Evaluation of the Cultusak In Vitro Plant
Culture System.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:182-186.
N-00308 McConnell, D. B. Growth Rate of Boston Fern
Affected by Irrigation Frequency.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:159-162.
N-00349 McConnell, D. B.; Kane, M. E. and Shiralipour,
A. Growth of Pickerelweed in Municipal Solid
Waste Compost and Yard Trash Compost.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:165-167.
N-00343 Stinson, J. M.; Brinen, G. H.; McConnell, D. B.
and Black, R. J. Evaluation of Landscape
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:372-377.

Popular Articles:
00052 Barrett, J. E. and Nell, T. A. How do the New
Developments with Growth Retardants Affect

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Environmental Horticulture 49

Florida Ornamental Growers Association
Newsletter 13:1-3. 1990
T-00032 Gilman, E. F. Juniper Root Growth into
Landscape Soil One Year After Planting.
Florida Nurseryman 37:54-56. 1990 *
T-00068 Gilman, E. F. and Beeson, Jr., R. C. Producing
and Transplanting Trees in Fabric Containers.
Florida Nurseryman 37:50. 1990
T-00023 Gilman, E. F. and Kane, M. E. Effect of Root
Pruning at Different Shoot Growth Stages on
Growth and Transplantability of Southern
Nurseryman's Digest 24:46-47. 1990
T-00044 Nell, T. A. Commercial Transport of Flowering
Potted Plants: Keeping Quality Beyond the
Grower Talks 53:24-39. 1990
T-00134 Nell, T. A. Floriculture Worldwide Issues for
the 1990's.
Floriculture International 1:25-27. 1991
T-00133 Nell, T. A. How to Make Long Lasting, Top
Performers Out of Your Pot Mums.
Grower Talks 54:67-80. 1991
T-00045 Nell, T. A. and Barrett, J. E. A Review of
Florida Poinsettia Production 1989.
Florida Ornamental Growers Association
Newsletter 13:7-8. 1990

Research Grants:
Barrett J. E. Hydretain Research Floriculture Crops.
Ecologel USA. 06/01/91-05/31/93. $25,000
Carpenter W. J. Terminating Seed Dormancy of Bedding
Plants with Growth Regulating Chemicals. Bedding
Plants Foundation. 09/01/90-08/31/91. $3,000
Dehgan B. Superabsorbent Amended Media for Container
Grown Orn. Crops. Stochausen Incorporated.
10/01/90-09/30/91. $29,934
Dehgan B. Vegetative Propagation of Oaks. Horticultural
Research Inst. 01/02/91-01/01/92. $1,500
Dudeck A. E. Evaluation of Composted Solid Wastes for
St. Augustine Grass Sod Production. Fl Board of
Regents. 07/01/90-12/31/92. $17350
Dudeck A. E. Evaluation of Micrea as a Nitrogen Source
for Turfgrass Fertilization. Agriventures. 05/15/91-
12/31/92. $6,000
Gilman E. F. Transplantability of Root Pruned &
Unpruned Large Trees. Int Society of Arboriculture.
05/30/90-05/30/91. $4,000

Gilman E. F. Comparing Development of Transplanted
Container Field & Fabric Container-Grown Trees.
Horticultural Research Inst. 01/01/91-12/31/92.
Gilman E. F. Irrigation Requirements of Trees
Transplanted From Containers Grobags & from the
field Int Society of Arboriculture. 05/31/91-
05/30/92. $2,000
Guy C. L. Low Temperature Genes Associated with
Freezing Tolerance in Spinach. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 09/01/90-08/31/93. $200,000
Guy C. L. Characterization of a HSP70 Cognate
Upregulated During Cold Acclimation. National
Science Foundation. 02/15/91-01/31/94. $60,000
Guy C. L. Application of Low Temperature & Drought
Responsive Genes in Agriculture. State University
System. 12/27/90-12/26/91. $50,000
Kane M. E. Tissue Culture Propagation of Ornamental
Water Lilies. Dept of Agricul & Consumer Ser.
03/06/91-12/06/91. $13,270
McConnell D. B. Evaluation of H&H Products as Growth
Substrates. H. & H. Lsd Inc. 08/15/90-08/01/91.
McConnell D. B. Replacing Peat & Pine Bark in
Container Media with Composted Yard Waste.
Horticultural Research Inst. 01/02/91-01/01/92.
McConnell D. B. Evaluation of Incinerator Residue. Fl
Mining & Materials. 03/21/91-08/30/91. $1,000
Nell T. A. Development & Horticultural Evaluation of
New Floral Crops. U S Dept of Agriculture.
05/01/90-04/30/91. $9,000
Nell T. A. Factor Affecting Postproduction Longevity of
Flowering Plants Grown in Peatwool. Partek North
America. 06/15/90-06/14/92. $22,800
Nell T. A. Production & Postproduction Longevity of
Flowering Potted Plants with Fibersorb. Arco
Chemical Company. 10/15/90-04/15/91. $3,600
Nell T. A. Heat Delay of Flowering Potted Plants.
Manatee Fruit Co. 09/01/90-08/30/91. $10,000
Nell T. A. Increasing Post Production Quality &
Longevity of Flowering Potted Plants with Wetting
Agents. Aquatrols Corp of America. 01/01/91-
12/31/92. $24,000
Nell T. A. Increasing Postharvest Longevity of Jamaican
Grown Cut Flowers. Jamaica Agricultural Dev
Found. 01/02/91-12/31/92. $47,096

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

50 Environmental Horticulture

Nell T. A. Post-Greenhouse Evaluations of Forced
Bulbous Plants. Amer Floral Endowment. 01/01/91-
12/31/91. $8,000
Nell T. A. Physiological & Hormonal Factors Related to
Longevity of Flowering Potted Plants. Amer Floral
Endowment. 01/01/91-12/31/91. $14,500
Sheehan T. J. Royalty Returns. UF Research Foundation,
Inc. 10/10/90-06/30/91. $482
Yeager T. H. Bibliography of Water Research on Nursery
Crops. Horticultural Research Inst. 06/21/90-
06/20/91. $6,500
Yeager T. H. Nitrogen Release From RLCU Fertilizer
RD451. Pursell Industries. 11/01/89-12/31/90. $1,920
Yeager T. H. Monitoring Nutrient Runoff From Container
Nurseries. Sierra Chemical Company. 02/01/88-
12/31/89. $1,000
Yeager T. H. Response of Selected Ornamentals to Slow-
Release Fertilizer. Grace-Sierra. 05/01/90-05/01/91.
Yeager T. H. Slow-Release Fertilizer Evaluations. Pursell
Industries. 04/25/91-07/01/92. $3,500

1 Resident Instruction 2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

Food and Resource Economics 51

1157 McCarty Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1826
Fax: 904-392-8634
1,23 LAWRENCE W. LIBBY Chmn. & Prof., Public
Policy & Resource Econ
1,2,3 CHRIS 0. ANDREW Prof., Trade, Dvelopment
& Marketing
1,2,3 EMERSON M. BABB Eminent Scholar,
1,2 RICHARD P. BEILOCK Assoc. Prof., Mktg.
1,2 WILLIAM G. BOGGESS Prof., Farm Mgt., Prod.
1,2 ROBERT J. BURKHARDT Assoc. Prof., Philoso-
phy Agric.
3 ROY R. CARRIKER Prof., Public Policy, Nat.
Resources Econ.
2,3 RODNEY L. CLOUSER Assoc. Prof., Public
1,2 DOROTHY A. COMER Assoc. Prof., Natural
Resource Econ.
1,2 CARLTON G. DAVIS Distinguished Serv. Prof.,
Food & Nutrition Econ.
2,3 ROBERT L. DEGNER Prof. & Dir., Market Res.
2,3 JOSE K. DOW Prof. & Chief of Party Usaid
1,2 ROBERT D. EMERSON Prof., Prod. Econ.
Economitric Labor
3 GARY F. FAIRCHILD Prof., Ext. Ag. Mkgt. Spec.
23 STEVEN A. FORD Asst. Prof., Farm Management
1,2,3 CHRISTINA H. GLADWIN Assoc. Prof., Small
Farm Management
1,23 JOHN R. GORDON Assoc. Dept. Chmn. And
Prof., Rural Econ. Devlp. Ag. Public Policy
1,2 PETER E. HILDEBRAND Prof., Int'l Devel.
Farming Systems/small Farms
1,3 JOHN HOLT Prof., Farm Mgt. Spec., Prod. Econ.
13 KARL W. KEPNER Distinguished Serv. Prof.,
Food Mktg & Distribution
1,2 CLYDE F. KIKER Prof., Nat. Resources Env. Econ.
1,2 RICHARD L. KILMER Prof., Ag. Marketing
1,2 MAX R. LANGHAM Prof., Econ. Devel. &
1,2 UMA LELE Grad. Res. Prof., International
Economic Development
1,2 BURL F. LONG Prof., Undergraduate Coord. Nat.
Resource Econ.

1,2 GARY D. LYNNE Prof., Nat. Res. Econ. Prod.
1,2 JOSEPH W. MILON Prof., Env. & Nat. Resource
1,2 CHARLES B. MOSS Asst. Prof., Agri. And
Agribusiness Finance
1,2,3 WILLIAM D. MULKEY Prof., Res. & Env.
Regional Econ. Comm. Devel.
33 MICHAEL T. OLEXA Assoc. Prof., Agri. Law
1,2 LEONIDAS POLOPOLUS Prof., Mktg. & Policy
1,2 JOHN E. REYNOLDS Prof., Natural Resources
1,2 JAMES L. SEALE, JR. Assoc. Prof., Int'l Ag.
Trade, Finance & Policy
1,2 JOHN S. SHONKWILER Prof., Price Analysis
2,3 JAMES R. SIMPSON Prof., Livestock Mktg.
1,2 THOMAS H. SPREEN Prof., Quantitative
1,2 TIMOTHY G. TAYLOR Assoc. Prof., Prod. Econ.
& Econometrics
13 PETER J. VAN BLOKLAND Prof., Finance,
Futures Mkts., Mgmt.
2,3 JOHN J. VANSICKLE Prof., Ag. Marketing
1,2 RONALD W. WARD Prof., Mktg. And Industrial
1,2 RICHARD N. WELDON Asst. Prof., Agribusiness

CRIS Projects:
FRE02260 Technology Generation for Enterprises on
Small Farms in North Florida
P. E. Hildebrand
FRE02500 Market Performance, Structural Change and
Marketing Alternatives for Agricultural and
Food Industries
R. W. Ward R. L. Kilmer

T. H. Spreen
L. Polopolus

E. M. Babb
R. L. Degner

FRE02501 Systems Analysis of Dairy Cattle Production
T. H. Spreen
FRE02541 National and Regional Analysis, Evaluation,
Planning and Financing of Agricultural
M. R. Langham J. S. Shonkwiler

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

52 Food and Resource Economics

FRE02677 Changing Patterns of Food Demand and
Consumption Behavior

M. G. Brown

C. G. Davis

J. Lee
FRE02688 ,Application of Integrated Agrotechnology for
Crop Production and Environmental Quality
W. G. Boggess
FRE02694 Economic and Technical Forces Shaping the
Southern Dairy Industry
R. L. Kilmer
FRE02695 Technical and Economical Efficiencies of
Producing and Marketing Landscape Plants
J. J. Haydu
FRE02701 Competition and Change in the Fruit and
Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems
T. G. Taylor J. J. VanSickle

G. F. Fairchild

D. J. Zimet

FRE02719 Financing Agriculture in a Changing Envi-
ronment: Macro, Market, Policy, and
Management Issues
C. B. Moss R. N. Weldon
FRE02726 Rural Entrepreneurship
B. F. Long E.M. Babb
C. H. Gladwin W. D. Mulkey
D. J. Zimet R. L. Clouser
FRE02738 Intra-Caribbean and U.S. Caribbean
Agricultural Trade: Implications for
J. L. Seale C. G. Davis
M. R. Langham W. D. Mulkey
FRE02782 International Trade Research on Commodi-
ties Important to the Southern Region
J. L. Seale G. F. Fairchild

C. B. Moss
M. G. Brown

J. Y. Lee
J. R. Simpson

FRE02790 The Organization and Performance of World
Food Systems: Implications for U.S. Policies

R.W. Ward

J. L. Seale

FRE02793 Economic Analysis of Southern Regional
Adjustments to a Dynamic Livestock-Meat
T. H. Spreen J. R. Simpson

FRE02796 Quantifying Long Run Agricultural Risks and
Evaluating Farmer Responses to Risk
W. G. Boggess
FRE02802 Specification, Estimation and Evaluation of
Economic Models of the Food Sector
J. S. Shonkwiler
FRE02804 Enterprise Budgets for Selected Florida

T. G. Taylor

S. A. Ford

FRE02995 Systems for Providing and Controlling
Interior Environments for Poultry and
J. Holt
FRE03052 Background and Finishing Florida Feeder
T. H. Spreen
FRE03093 Organization and Structural Changes in the
Dairy Industry
C. H. Gladwin J. Burkhardt
FRE03094 Transportation of Perishables
R. P. Beilock D. A. Comer

Refereed Publications:
R-01068 Beilock, R. P.; Patterson, J. and Shell, T. The
National and Regional Importance of Wholesale
Produce Markets.
Journal of the Food Distribution Research
Society 90:1-20. 1990
R-01184 Fairchild, G. F. and Lee, J. Y. Citrus Export
Market Development and Maintenance.
Journal of Food Distribution Research 90:87-95.
R-00704 Featherstone, A. M. and Moss, C. B.
Quantifying Gains to Risk Diversification Using
Certainty Equivalence in a Mean Variance
Model: An Application to Florida Citrus.
Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics
22:191-198. 1990
R-01114 Haydu, J. J. and Meerow, A. W. Buyer
Perceptions of Foliage Trade Shows:
Implications for Marketing.
Journal of Environmental Horticulture 9:75-79.
R-00596 Hildebrand, P. E. Agronomy's Role in
Sustainable Agriculture: Integrated Farming

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Food and Resource Economics 53

Journal of Production Agriculture 3:285-288.
R-00811 Kalaitzandonakes, N. and Taylor, T. G.
Competitive Pressure and Productivity Growth:
The Case of the Florida Vegetable Industry.
Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics.
p. 13-21. 1990
R-00026 Libby, L. W. and Boggess, W. G. Chapter 1.
Agriculture and Water Quality Where Are We
and Why?.
Agriculture and Water Quality: International
Persectives. p. 9-37. 1990
R-00522 Lynne, G. D. and Burkhardt, J. The Evolution
of Water Institutions in Florida: A
Neoinstitutionalist Perspective.
Journal of Economic Issues 24:1059-1077. 1990
R-00898 Lynne, G. D.; Milon, J. W. and Wilson, M. E.
Identifying and Measuring Potential Conflict in
Water Institutions.
Water Resources Bulletin 26:669-676. 1990
R-01188 Milon, J. W. Measuring the Economic Value of
Anglers' Kept and Released Catch.
North American Journal of Fisheries
Management 11:185-189. 1991
R-00510 Moss, C. B.; Shonkwiler, J. S. and Ford, S. A.
A Risk Endogenous Model of Aggregate
Agricultural Debt.
Agricultural Finance Review 50:73-79. 1990
R-01406 Moss, C. B.; Weldon, R. N. and Featherstone,
A. M. A Simple Approach to Evaluating Risk
Diversification Opportunities.
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural
Appraisers 55:20-24. 1991
R-01073 Moss, C. B.; Weldon, R. N. and Muraro, R. P.
The Impact of Risk on the Discount Rate for
Different Citrus Varieties.
Agribusiness: An International Journal
7:327-328. 1991
R-00500 Polopolus, L. C. Current Status and Future
Directions of Agricultural Economics Programs
at 1890 Institutions: Discussion.
Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics
22:57-60. 1990
R-00618 Reynolds, A. Analyzing Fresh Vegetable
Consumption from Household Survey Data.
Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics.
p. 31-38. 1990
R-00619 Shonkwiler, J. S. Consumer's Surplus Revisited.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
MAY:410-414. 1991

R-01374 VanSickle, J. J. and Castejon, M. Economic
Implications of a Change in the Size of Tomato
Carton from 25 to 20 Pounds.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:226-229.

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00026 Alvarez, J. and Polopolus, L. C. Sugar and Sugar
Substitutes in the United States in the 1990's.
Inter-American Sugar Cane Seminars
Proceedings 10:50-55. 1991
N-00005 Libby, L. W. Public Recreation on Private
Land: Research Needs and Considerations.
Income Opportunities for the Private
Landowner. p. 60-72. 1990
N-00022 Mahan, R. and Beilock, R. P. Unloading
Practices for Produce Revisited.
Journal of Transportation on Research Forum
30:239-246. 1990

Research Grants:
Babb E. M. Procedures to Facilitate Development of
Agribusiness Programs. U. S. Dept of Agriculture.
06/01/90-05/31/93. $15,000
Beilock R. P. Availability of Trucking Services for
Marketing Fresh Produce. U. S. Dept of Agriculture.
09/12/90-04/15/91. $6,500
Beilock R. P. Brokerage & Electronic Marketing of
Trucking Services. University of North Carolina.
08/01/89-10/01/91. $25,014
Boggess W. G. Agriculture & Water Quality: An Area
Study of a Multicounty Site in Florida/Georgia. U. S.
Dept of Agriculture. 10/01/90-09/30/91. $17,000
Burkhardt R. J. Ethics in Agriculture: Holistic &
Experiential Approaches to Undergraduate
Education. Texas A&M University. 09/15/90-
09/30/91. $18,145
Degner R. L. 1991 Observational Survey of Child
Restraint Device Usage in Florida. Dept of
Community Affairs. 04/02/91-09/30/91. $35,000
Degner R. L. Long-Range Strategic Plans for the Florida
Farmers' Market System. Dept of Agricul &
Consumer Ser. 09/28/90-12/31/91. $75,000
Degner R. L. Evolving Changes in Consumer Demand for
Fresh Florida Tomatoes. Fl Tomato Committee.
03/15/91-09/30/91. $16,700
Gordon J. R. Graduate Student Support. Fl Sugar Cane
League. 08/01/90-07/31/91. $7,500

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

54 Food and Resource Economics

Kiker C. F. Systems Analysis of Options for Waste
Reduction & Recycling in Small Communities. Fl
Board of Regents. 07/01/90-06/30/92. $19,900
Lynne G. D. Agricultural Water Needs & Sources. Water
Management Districts. 10/25/90-07/15/91. $100,000
Lynne G. D. Water Shortage Economic Impact Model.
Apogee Research. 09/01/90-12/01/90. $23,000
Milon J. W. A Regional Analysis of Marine Recreational
Fisheries Participation & Attitudes. Dept of Natural
Resources. 05/01/91-06/01/92. $60,865
Milon J. W. The Effect of Catch Regulation on Anglers'
Species Preferences in Florida Bay. Dept of Natural
Resources. 05/01/91-06/01/92. $9,181
Mulkey W. D. The Status of Education in the Rural
South. Mississippi State University. 07/01/90-
12/31/91. $13,500
Polopolus L. C. Agricultural Prevailing Wage Surveys for
Florida: Survey Design Interviewer Guidelines. Dept
of Labor & Employment Sec. 05/09/89-09/30/92.
Reynolds J. E. Urbanization & the Loss of Agricultural
Land & Wetlands in the Southeast. U. S. Dept of
Agriculture. 08/01/90-07/31/92. $40,000
Simpson J. R. Global Assessment of Animal Agriculture
Africa Study. Winrock Enterprises. 10/01/90-
12/31/90. $18,243
Spreen T. H. A Model of the World Market for Fresh &
Processed Grapefruit. Dept of Citrus. 08/01/90-
12/31/91. $15,000
Spreen T. H. Marketing of Florida Citrus Products. Dept
of Citrus. 08/01/90-06/30/91. $20,200
Taylor T. G. Economic Analysis of Export Specialty Crop
Production & Marketing in Puerto Rico. U. S. Dept
of Agriculture. 07/01/91-06/30/92. $28,625
Thunberg E. M. Economic Analysis of Hard Clam
Aquaculture Systems Under Price & Yield Risk.
U. S. Dept of Commerce. 04/01/91-03/31/92.
Vansickle J. J. Agents Cooperative Exchange Agent
Interest Survey. Agents Cooperative Exchange.
03/15/91-06/15/91. $2,500
Ward R. W. Proposal for Continued Evaluation of the
Beef Checkoff Programs. National Cattlemen's
Association. 04/01/91-12/01/92. $45,000

4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

2 Research 3 Extension

Food Science and Human Nutrition 55

359 Food Science Building / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1991
Fax: 904-392-8594
1,2,3 JESSE F. GREGORY III Acting Chm. & Prof.,
Food Chemistry
1,2 ESAM M. AHMED Prof., Food Science
1,2 LYNN B. BAILEY Prof., Human Nutr.
1,2 MURAT BALABAN Asst. Prof., Food Engineer-
ing & Processing
1,2,3 ROBERT P. BATES Prof., Food Proc.
1,2 PEGGY L. BORUM Assoc. Prof., Human Nutr.
1,2 ROSS D. BROWN JR Assoc. Prof., Biochem
1,2 MICHAEL D. CORBETT Prof., Biochemical
1,2 ROBERT J. COUSINS Eminent Scholar Nutri-
tional Biochemistry
1,2 LAURA K. GUYER Asst. Prof., Dietetics &
1,2 JAMES A. LINDSAY Assoc. Prof., Food
1,2 MAURICE R. MARSHALL JR Prof., Seafood
Chemistry Biochemistry
2,3 RICHARD F. MATTHEWS Prof., Food Science
1,2 HUGH A. MOYE Prof., Anal. Chem Prof. Anal.
3 OLAF N. NESHEIM Prof., Pesticide Information
1,2 SEAN F. OKEEFE Asst. Prof., Food Chemistry
3 W. STEVEN OTWELL Prof., Extension Seafood
1,2 SUSAN S. PERCIVAL Asst. Prof., Nutrition And
2 RALPH C. ROBBINS Assoc. Prof., Human Nutr.
1,2 GARY E. RODRICK Assoc. Prof., Food
23 RONALD H. SCHMIDT Prof., Dairy
1,2 RACHEL M. SHIREMAN Prof., Biochemistry
1,2 CHARLES A. SIMS Asst. Prof., Enology
1,2 HARRY S. SITREN Assoc. Prof., Nutritional
2 NEAL P. THOMPSON Assoc. Dean & Prof.
1,2 CHENG-I WEI Prof., Food Toxicol.
1,23 WILLIS B. WHEELER Prof., Toxicology

CRIS Projects:
FOS02151 Enzyme Treatment for Conversion of
Polysaccharides in Biomass to Methane

R. D. Brown

M. Gritzali

FOS02265 Mycotoxins of Corn and Other Feed Grains
C. Wei
FOS02287 Zinc Metabolism and Function in Animal
R. J. Cousins
FOS02354 Southern Region Leader Laboratory Coopera-
tive Research for Minor or Specialty Use
Animal Drugs
W. B. Wheeler H. A. Moye
FOS02440 Improving Efficiency and Product Quality
During Citrus Processing
R. F. Matthews
FOS02544 Biochemical Mechanisms for the Conversion
of Arylamine-Type Chemicals into
Genotoxic Metabolites

M. D. Corbett

B. R. Corbett

FOS02577 Biochemical and Residual Properties of

H. A. Moye

W. B. Wheeler

FOS02644 Improving Grape Processing and Utilization
C. A. Sims
FOS02687 Quality and Safety of Seafood Products
M. R. Marshall C. I. Wei
FOS02698 Nutritional Properties of Pyridoxine-Beta-
J. F. Gregory J. P. Toth
L. B. Bailey

FOS02724 Southern Region Program to Clear Pest
Control Agents for Minor Uses
W. B. Wheeler C. W. Meister
FOS02765 Pesticide Information Activities in Florida in
Support of NAPIAP
O. N. Nesheim
FOS02773 Stable-Isotopic and Radioisotopic Investiga-
tion of Folate Bioavailability
J. F. Gregory L. B. Bailey

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

56 Food Science and Human Nutrition

FOS02799 Optimization of Peel Dewatering Processes in
Citrus By-product Manufacture
M. O. Balaban
FOS02841 Pathogenicity of Estuarine and Marine
Vibrio vulnificus in Mice

H. S. Sitren

G. E. Rodrick

FOS02857 Improving Nutritional Adequacy of Total
Parenteral Nutrition Formulas
H. S. Sitren C. I. Wei
FOS02876 Folate Utilization and Nutrient Interaction in
Human Subjects
L. B. Bailey
FOS03036 Fatty Acid Effects on Lipoprotein Metabolism
in Cultured Human Hepatoma Cells
R. M. Shireman
FOS03081 Zinc Requirement as Estimated by Erythro-
cyte Metallothionein
L. B. Bailey R. J. Cousins
FOS03107 Activation of Bacterial Toxins in Sudden
Infant Death
J. A. Lindsay

Refereed Publications:
R-00977 Ahmed, E. M.; Chang, F. C.; Balaban, M. O.
and Arreola, A. G. Extrusion Cooking of Sweet
Potato Roots.
Journal of Food Quality 14:229-239. 1991
R-00120 An, H.; Klein, P. A.; Kao, K. J.; Marshall, M. R.;
Otwell, W. S. and Wei, C. I. Development of
Monoclonal Antibody for Rock Shrimp
Identification using Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent Assay.
Agricultural and Food Chemistry 38:2094-2100.
R-01481 Balaban, M. O.; Arreola, A. G.; Marshall, M. R.;
Peplow, A.; Wei, C. I. and Comell, J. A.
Inactivation of Pectinesterase in Orange Juice by
Supercritical C02.
Journal of Food Science 56:743-747. 1991
R-00894 Banks, M. A. and Gregory, J. F. Intestinal B-
Glucosidase Activity is not Induced by Chronic
Ingestion of Pyridoxine-B-D-Glucoside in Rats.
Nutritional Research 11:169-175. 1991
R-00069 Bhandari, S. D.; Gregory, J. F.; Renuart, D. R.
and Merritt, A. M. Properties of
Pteroylpolyglutamate Hydrolase in Pancreatic
Juice of the Pig.
Journal of Nutrition. p. 467-475. 1990

R-00336 Chen, J. S.; Rolle, R. S.; Marshall, M. R. and
Wei, C. I. Comparison of Phenoloxidase
Activity from Florida Spiny Lobster and
Western Australian Lobster.
Journal of Food Science 56:154-157. 1991
R-00073 Corbett, M. D.; Corbett, B. R.; Quintana, S. I.;
Hannothiaux, M. H.; Wei, C. I.; Owusu-Yaw, J.
D. and Lim, L. O. Microsomal N-Hydroxylation
of the Glycolamide 2-(Glycolylamino) Fluorene
to Give the Glycolylhydroxamic Acid 2-
Chemical Research in Toxicology 3:296-300.
R-00791 Corbett, M. D.; Hannothiaux, M. H.; Corbett,
B. R. and Quintana, S. J. A Comparison of the
HL-60 Cell Line and Human Granulocytes to
Effect the Bioactivation of Arylamines and
Related Xenobiotics. The Binding of 2-
Aminofluorene to Nucleic Acids as Result of the
Respiratory Burst.
Chemico-Biological Interactions 78:33-54.
R-00089 Gregory, J. F. Improved Synthesis of [3', 5'-2H2]
Folic Acid: Extent and Specifity of Deuterium
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
38:1073-1076. 1990
R-00071 Gregory, J. F. and Leatham, K. Vitamin B6
Activity of 6-Hydroxpyridoxine.
Journal of Food Science 55:1143-1146. 1990
R-01004 Gregory, J. F. and Sartain, D. B. Improved
Chromatographic Determination of Free and
Glycosylated Forms of Vitamin B6 in Foods.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
39:899-905. 1991
R-00070 Gregory, J. F.; Bailey, L. B.; Toth, J. P. and
Cerda, J. J. Stable Isotopic Methods for
Assessment of Folate Bioavailability.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
51:212-215. 1990
R-00897 Gregory, J. F.; Bhandari, S. D.; Bailey, L. B.;
Toth, J. P.; Baumgartner, T. B. and Cerda, J. J.
Relative Bioavailability of Deuterium-Labeled
Monoglutamyl and Hexaglutamyl Folates in
Human Subjects.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
53:736-740. 1991
R-00896 Gregory, J. F.; Engelhardt, R.; Bhandari, S. D.;
Sartain, D. B. and Gustafson, S. K. Adequacy of
Extraction Techniques for Determination of
Folate in Foods and other Biological Materials.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
3:134-144. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Food Science and Human Nutrition 57

R-00552 Gregory, J. F.; Trumbo, P. R.; Bailey, L. B.;
Toth, J. P.; Baumgartner, T. G. and Cerda, J. J.
Bioavailability of Pyridoxine-5'-B-D-Glucoside
Determined in Humans by Stable-Isotopic
Journal of Nutrition 121:177-186. 199'1
R-00938 Guizani, N.; Rolle, R. S.; Marshall, M. R. and
Wei, C. I. Isolation, Purification and
Characterization of a Trypsin from the Pyloric
Ceca of Mullet (Mugil cephalus).
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
98B:517-521. 1991
R-00774 Henney, L.; Ahmed, E. M.; George, D. E.; Kao,
K. J. and Sitren, H. S. Tolerance to Long-Term
Feeding of Isolated Peanut Lectin in the Rat:
Evidence for a Trophic Effect on the Small
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology
36:599-607. 1990
R-00211 Huang, T. S.; Chen, J. S.; Marshall, M. R. and
Wei, C. I. Quantification of Shrimp in Shrimp-
Surimi Mixtures Using Urea Gel Isoelectric
Focusing Technique.
Journal of Food Science 55:1206-1209. 1990
R-00952 Koffi, E. K.; Sims, C. A. and Bates, R. P.
Viscosity Reduction and Prevention of
Browning in the Preparation of Clarified Banana
Journal of Food Quality 14:209-218. 1991
R-01123 Krohn, B. M. and Lindsay, J. A. Purification
and Characterization of a Thermostable-
Glucosidase (endo-oligo-1,4-glucosidase) from a
Bacillus subtilis High Temperature Growth
Current Microbiology 22:273-278. 1991
R-00874 Lim, L. O. and Meister, C. W. Deposition of
Esfenvalerate on Brassica Vegetables.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 46:810-814. 1991
R-00043 Lim, L. 0.; Scherer, S. J.; Shuler, K. D. and
Toth, J. P. Photodegradation of Cyromazine and
Melamine Under Environmental Conditions.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
38:860-864. 1990
R-00312 Lindsay, J. A.; Barton, L. E.; Leinart, A. S. and
Pankratz, H. S. The Effect of Sporulation
Temperature on Sporal Characteristics of
Bacillus Subtilis A.
Current Microbiology 21:75-79. 1990
R-00245 Owusu-Yaw, J.; Toth, J.; Wheeler, W. B. and
Wei, C. I. Mutagenicity and Identification of

the Reaction Products of Aqueous Chlorine or
Chlorine Dioxide with L-Tryptophan.
Journal of Food Science 55:1210-1216. 1990
R-00754 Owusu-Yaw, J.; Wheeler, W. B. and Wei, C. I.
Genotoxicity Studies of the Reaction of
Chlorine or Chlorine Dioxide with L-
Toxicology Letters 56:213-227. 1991
R-00694 Rolle, R. S.; Guizani, N.; Chen, J. S.; Marshall,
M. R.; Young, J. S. and Wei, C. I. Isolation,
Purification and Characterization of
Phenoloxidase Isoforms from Taiwanese Tiger
Shrimp (Penaeus monodon).
Journal of Food Biochemistry 15:17-32. 1991
R-00691 Rolle, R. S.; Marshall, M. R.; Wei, C. I. and
Chen, J. S. Phenoloxidase Forms of the Florida
Spiny Lobster: Immunological and
Spectropolarimetric Characterization.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
97:483-489. 1990
R-00487 Samarajeewa, U.; Sen, A. C.; Fernando, S. Y.;
Ahmed, E. M. and Wei, C. I. Inactivation of
Aflatoxin B1 in Cor Meal, Copra Meal and
Peanuts by Chlorine Gas Treatment.
Food and Chemical Toxicology 29:41-45. 1991
R-00759 Samarajeewa, U.; Wei, C. I.; Huang, T. S. and
Marshall, M. R. Application of Immunoassay in
the Food Industry.
Critical Review in Food Science 29:403-434.
R-00913 Seymour, T. A.; Preston, J. F.; Wicker, L.;
Lindsay, J. A. and Marshall, M. R. Purification
and Properties of Pectinesterases of Marsh
White Grapefruit Pulp.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
39:1080-1085. 1991
R-00912 Seymour, T. A.; Preston, J. F.; Wicker, L.;
Lindsay, J. A. and Marshall, M. R. Stability of
Pectinesterases of Marsh White Grapefruit Pulp.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
39:1075-1079. 1991
R-00130 Sims, C. A.; Bates, R. P. and Johnson, R. P.
Comparison of Pre- and Post-Fermentation
Ultrafiltration on the Characteristics of Sulfited
and Non-Sulfited White Wines.
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
41:182-185. 1990
R-00776 Sims, C. A.; Bates, R. P. and Mortensen, J. A.
Effects of Most Polyphenoloxidase Activity and
Timing of Sulfite Addition on the Color and
Quality of White Wines.

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

-- I

1 Resident Instruction

58 Food Science and Human Nutrition

American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
42:128-132. 1991
R-00661 Sims, C. A.; Johnson, R. P. and Bates, R. P.
Effects of Mechanical Pruning on the Yield and
Quality of Muscadine Grapes.
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
41:273-276. 1991
R-00110 Trumbo, P. R. and Gregory, J. F. Hydrolysis of
Pyridoxine-5' -B-D-glucoside by a Broad
Specificity B-Glucosidase.
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental
Biology 195:240-246. 1990
R-00911 Vaddi, G. K. and Wei, C. I. Effect of
Ammonium Metavanadate on the Peritoneal
Macrophage Lysosomal Enzymes.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental
Health 33:65-78. 1991
R-00838 Van Der Kelen, D. and Lindsay, J. A. Isolation,
Purification and Partial Characterization of a
New Extracellular Cytotoxin from a Clinical
Strain of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b,
and an Avirulent, Non Hemolytic Variant
ATCC 15313 Serotype.
Journal of Food Safety 11:81-98. 1990
R-00895 Wei, C. I.; Balaban, M. O.; Femando, S. Y. and
Peplow, A. J. Bacterial Effect of High Pressure
C02 Treatment on Foods Spiked with Listeria
or Salmonella.
Journal of Food Protection 54:189-193. 1991
R-01119 Wei, C. I.; Huang, T. S.; Chen, J. S. and
Marshall, M. R. Production of Kojic Acid by
Aspergillus Candidus in Three Culture Media.
Journal of Food Protection 54:546-548. 1990

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00332 Bates, R. P.; Sims, C. A.; Gray, D. J.; Mortensen,
J. A. and Andersen, P. C. The Florida Grape
Industry: What's Ahead in the 90's.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:302-306.
N-00306 Ericson, A. P.; Matthews, R. F.; Teixeira, A. A.
and Moye, H. A. Recovery of Grapefruit Oil
from Processing Waste Water Using SDVB
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:280-282.

Research Grants:
Bailey L. B. Zinc Requirements as Estimated By
Erythrocyte Metallothionein. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 09/01/90-08/31/92. $50,493

Balaban M. O. Canning of Florida Gizzard Shed. Dept of
Natural Resources. 07/23/90-07/24/90. $1,250
Bates R. P. Quality & Processing Characteristics of Chufa-
Based Horchata. Killian, Samuel T. & Phyllis Z.
10/01/90-09/30/91. $3,000
Borum P. R. Camitine Studies. Miscellaneous Donors.
05/16/86-05/15/94. $1088
Borum P. R. Procysteine Piglet Program. Clintec
Nutrition Company. 03/14/90-07/31/91. $120,000
Borum P. R. Evaluation of Formula Containing Black
Currant Seed Oil in Colostrum Deprived Piglets.
Carnation Company. 04/01/91-03/31/92. $67,106
Brown R. D. Viscosity Measurements for Cellulase
Compositions. Burns Doane Swecker & Mathis.
02/22/91-05/13/91. $1,110
Corbett M. D. Metabolic Activation of Arylamines in
Leukocytes. National Institutes of Health. 06/01/88-
06/30/92. $95,410
Gregory J. F. The Nutritional Properties of Pyridoxine-
Beta-Glucoside. National Institutes of Health.
08/01/88-07/31/91. $72,448
Lim L. O. Analysis of Chlorothalonil in Tropical Fruits.
Fermenta Assoc. 08/02/89-08/03/90. $5,250
Lindsay J. A. Activation of Bacterial Toxins in Sudden
Infant Death. National Institutes of Health.
08/01/89-07/31/92. $35,873
Lindsay J. A. Bacillus subtilis Spore Production. Pure-Pak.
06/14/90-09/14/90. $4,500
Lindsay J. A. Activation of Bacterial Toxins in Sudden
Infant Death. National Institutes of Health.
08/01/89-07/31/92. $20,010
Marshall M. R. Proteases on the Inactivation of
Pectinesterase in Single Strength Orange Juice.
Tropicana Products. 07/01/90-05/31/91. $54,000
Moye H. A. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Pesticides
from Chicken Fat. Campbell Inst for Res & Tech.
08/01/90-07/31/91. $34,248
Otwell W. S. Seafood Quality Codes & Imports.
Southeastern Fisheries Associ. 08/01/90-06/30/91.
Otwell W. S. Use & Monitoring of Seafood Processing
Aids Which Influence Water Content Yield. Gulf &
S. Atlantic Fish Dev Fdnt. 08/01/90-04/30/92.
Percival S. S. Functional Biochemistry of Copper: A
Molecular Approach to Assessing Copper Status. Int
Life Sciences Institute. 01/01/91-12/31/92. $30,000

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Food Science and Human Nutrition 59

Rodrick G. E. Evaluation of Lactic Acid Treatment
Cryogenic Freezing & Depuration. U S Dept of
Commerce. 04/01/91-03/31/92. $24,012
Sims C. A. Optimization of Carrot Juice Production.
Natural Carotene Products. 09/17/90-11/30/90.
Wheeler W. B. Southern Region Program to Clear Pest
Control Agents for Minor Uses. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 03/01/88-09/30/92. $560,800
Wheeler W. B. Title IV of the Intergovernmental
Personnel Act Reassignment. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 06/14/91-05/31/92. $54,402

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

60 4-H and Other Youth Programs

111 Rolfs Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1744
Fax: 904-392-5184
3 SUSANNE G. FISHER Asst. Dean & Chmn., 4-H
& Other Youth Prog.
2,3 LIONEL J. BEAULIEU Prof., Ext. Rural
2,3 MYRLA J. CANTRELL Asst. Prof., Ext. 4-H
Youth Spec.
2 ANN K. MULLIS Asst. In Rural Development

CRIS Projects:
4-H02795 The Changing Structure of Labor Markets in
Nonmetropolitan Areas
L. J. Beaulieu M. J. Cantrell
4-H03046 Community Change and Persistence: A
Restudy of the Rural Life Study Series
L. J. Beaulieu

Research Grants:
Fisher S. G. 4-H Camp Ocala Kitchen Supervisor. Fl 4-H
Foundation. 07/01/91-06/30/92. $20,611

1 Resident Instruction 2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

2 Research 3 Extension

Fruit Crops 61

1137 Fifield Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-4711
Fax: 904-392-5653
1,23 LARRY K. JACKSON Chair & Prof., Citrus Spec.
1,2 ROBERT H. BIGGS Prof., Biochem.
1,2 KENNETH C. CLINE Assoc. Prof., Biochem. &
Molec. Biol.
3 TIMOTHY E. CROCKER Prof., Decid. Fruit Spec.
1,2 REBECCA L. DARNELL Asst. Prof., Decid. Fruits
1,2 FREDERICK S. DAVIES Prof., Env. Phys.
2 JOHN F. GERBER Prof., Fruit Crops
1,2 KAREN E. KOCH Assoc. Prof., Plant Phys.
1,2 PAUL M. LYRENE Prof., Decid. Fruit Brdg. And
1,23 J D. MARTSOLFJR Prof., Climatology
1,2 GLORIA A. MOORE Assoc. Prof., Fruit Brdg. &
1,2 WAYNE B. SHERMAN Prof., Decid. Fruit Brdg.
2,3 JEFFREY G. WILLIAMSON Asst. Prof., Citrus

CRIS Projects:

FRC02529 Environmental and Biological Stresses of
Rootstock in Peach Tree Longevity

W. B. Sherman
P. C. Anderson

P. M. Lyrene

FRC02542 The Role of Glycoproteins in Regulating
Stress in Plants
R. H. Biggs
FRC02571 In Vitro Derived Genetic Variability in
G. A. Moore
FRC02603 Low Energy Management Systems for Young
Citrus Tree Care
F. S. Davies J. J. Ferguson
FRC02661 Regulation of Photosynthetic Processes
K. E. Koch
FRC02669 Breeding, Cytogenetics, and Evolution of
Florida Blueberries
P. M. Lyrene

FRC02688 Application of Integrated Agrotechnology for
Crop Production and Environmental Quality
J. D. Martsolf
FRC02778 Freeze Damage and Protection of Fruit and
Nut Crops
L. R. Parsons
FRC02783 Chilling and Photoperiod Effects on Carbo-
hydrate Allocation and Crop Yield in
R. L. Damell
FRC02816 Deciduous Fruit and Nut Crops Cultivar

W. B. Sherman
G. A. Moore

P. M. Lyrene

FRC02834 Selection, Anatomy, and Physiology of
Flood-Tolerant Mango Cultivars for Florida
and the Caribbean Basin
F. S. Davies
FRC03011 Efficient Citrus Nursery Propagation Practices
J. G. Williamson
FRC03024 Cellular and Molecular Genetics of Citrus
and Other Perennial Fruit Crops
G. A. Moore K. C. Cline
FRC03091 Research on Exotic Citrus Diseases (Citrus
Bacterial Spot, Citrus Canker and Citrus
Tristeza Virus)
K. C. Cline G. A. Moore
E. Hiebert

Refereed Publications:
R-00387 Anderson, C. M.; Castle, W. S. and Moore,
G. A. Isozymic Identification of Zygotic
Seedlings in Swingle Citrumelo Nursery and
Field Populations.
American Society for Horticultural Science
116:322-326. 1991
R-00007 Damell, R. L. and Davies, F. S. Chilling
Accumulation, Budbreak, and Fruit Set of
Young Rabbiteye Blueberry.
HortScience 25-6:635-638. 1990
R-00722 Koch, K. E. and Avigne, W. T. Post-Phloem,
Non-Vascular Transfer in Citrus: Kinetics,
Metabolism, and Sugar Gradients.
Plant Physiology 93:1405-1416. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

62 Fruit Crops

R-01099 Payan, L. A. and Cline, K. C. A Stromal Factor
Maintains the Solubility and Insertion
Competence of an Imported Thylakoid
Membrane Protein.
Journal of Cell Biology 112:603-613. 1991
R-01107 Sekiya, M. E.; Lawrence, S. D.; McCaffery, M.
and Cline, K. C. Molecular Cloning and
Nucleotide Sequencing of the Coat Protein
Gene of Citrus Tristeza Virus.
Journal of General Virology 72:1013-1020.
R-00966 Sherman, W. B. and Lyrene, P. M. Deciduous
Fruit Cultivar Development in Florida.
HortScience 26:2-91. 1991
R-00924 Sherman, W. B.; Lyrene, P. M. and Gmitter,
F. G. Sunblaze Nectarine.
HortScience 26:428-429. 1991
R-00923 Sherman, W. B.; Lyrene, P. M. and Sharpe,
R. H. Flordaguard Peach Rootstock.
HortScience 26:427-428. 1991
R-00057 Topp, B. and Sherman, W. B. Sources of
Bacterial Spot Resistance in Japanese-Type
Plum Cultivars.
Fruit Varieties Journal 44-1:32-35. 1990
R-00537 Willis, L.; Davies, F. S. and Graetz, D. A.
Fertigation and Growth of Young 'Hamlin'
Orange Trees in Florida.
HortScience 26:106-109. 1991
R-00794 Yen, C. R. and Koch, K. E. Developmental
Changes in Translocation and Localization of
14C-Assimilates in Grapefruit: Photosynthesis
and Dark C02 Fixation by Leaves and Fruit.
Journal of the American Society for
Horticultural Science 115:67. 1990
R-01034 Yuan, J.; Cline, K. C. and Theg, S. M.
Cryopreservation of Chloroplasts and
Thylakoids for Studies of Protein Import and
Plant Physiology 95:1259-1264. 1991

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00280 Davies, F. S. and Maurer, M. A. Fertilization of
Freeze-Damaged 'Hamlin' Orange Trees.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:9-12.
N-00337 Ferguson, J. J.; Davies, F. S. and Bulger, J. M.
Fertigation and Growth of Young 'Sunburst'
Tangerine Trees.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:8-9.

N-00339 Lyrene, P. M. Percent Fruit Set in Blueberry.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:313-316.
N-00374 Martsolf, J. D. Cold Protection Strategies.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:72-78.
N-00341 Norden, D. E. Non-Woven Polypropylene
Fabric Row Cover for Freeze Protection in
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:316-317.
N-00262 Sherman, W. B.; Topp, B. L. and Lyrene, P. M.
Non-melting Flesh for Fresh Market Peaches.
Florida State Horticultural Society Proceedings
103:293-294. 1990
N-00301 Topp, B. L. and Sherman, W. B. Potential for
Low-Chill Japanese Plums in Florida.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:294-298.
N-00325 Williamson, J. G.; Castle, W. S. and Koch, K. E.
Bud Forcing Method Affects Early Scion
Development of Container-Grown 'Hamlin'
Nursery Trees.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:321-323.
N-00281 Willis, L. E.; Davies, F. S. and Graetz, D. A.
Fertilization, Nitrogen Leaching and Growth of
Young 'Hamlin' Orange Trees on Two
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:30-37.

Research Grants:
Damell R. L. Fruit Sugars & Bird Predation the Basis for
Genetic Variability in Blueberry Sugars. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 06/03/91-09/30/91. $6,000
Ferguson J. J. Controlled-release Fertilizers & the Growth
of Young Citrus Trees. Exxon Chemical Canada.
03/21/91-12/31/92. $7,560
Koch K. E. Immunohistochemical Localization of Sucrose
Synthase in Rapidly Expanding Cells. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 03/18/91-06/17/91. $6,500
Koch K. E. Physiological Role of Sugar Modulated Gene
Expression in Higher Plants. National Science
Foundation. 06/01/89-05/31/92. $70,000
Lyrene P. M. Evaluation of Native Rabbiteye &
Tetraploid High Bush Blueberry Selections Form
Florida. U S Dept of Agriculture. 06/01/90-05/31/94.

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Fruit Crops 63

MartsolfJ. D. Satellite Images Document Florida Freezes
of Recent Decade. Nasa. 05/01/91-04/30/92. $1,418
MartsolfJ. D. Linking the FSU & UF Goes Satelite Earth
Stations Initiation of a Cooperative. NASA.
04/05/91-04/04/92. $4,149
MartsolfJ. D. FSGC/ISRP 1991-92 Matching Funds for
Dr. Martsolf. UF Div of Sponsored Research.
04/05/91-04/04/92. $4,925

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


I Resident Instruction

64 Home Economics

3001 McCarty Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1778
Fax: 904-392-3226
3 DORIS A. TICHENOR Dir. & Prof.
23 SUZANNA D. SMITH Asst. Prof., Human
2,3 MARK L. TAMPLIN Assoc. Prof., Food Safety

CRIS Projects:
HEC02583 Residential Environmental Management and
Mildew Problems
M. V. Peart
HEC02584 Interrelationships Among Financial Situa-
tion, Stress, and Food Intake of Farm Families
in Florida
N. I. Torres L. B. Bobroff
HEC02731 A Survey of Female Labor Force Activities in
Selected Industries
S. D. Smith M. E. Swisher

Refereed Publications:
R-00352 Bailie, S. T. and Peart, M. V. Determinants of
Women's Roles in Home Maintenance.
Home Economics Research Journal 19:120-131.
R-01365 Cook, G. and Peart, M. V. The Moisture/Sick
Building Connection: Issues, Relationships and
Nineth Annual International Energy Efficiency
Building Conference. p. C9-C23. 1991
R-00507 Peart, V. and Cook, G. Sick Buildings:
Moisture and Mildew, Correlation and
Annual Meeting Associated Schools of
Construction. p. 203-212. 1990
R-00506 Peart, V. and Johannsen, R. Critical HVAC
Concern: The Dehumidification Gap.
1990 International Appliance Technical
Conference 41:51-61. 1990
R-00493 Smith, S.; Swisher, M. E. and Shehan, C.
Women in Agribusiness: Using Research to
Identify Extension Audiences.
Journal of Extension 28:24-26. 1990

Popular Articles:
T-00024 Peart, M. V. and Baillie, S. Women and DIY:
A Neglected Market.
DIY Retailing 158:83-86. 1990

Research Grants:
Bobroff L. B. Evaluation of a Low-Cost Worksite Cancer
Risk Reduction Program. Amer Dietetic Association.
10/01/90-05/30/92. $4,968
Bolton E. B. Family Community Leadership. Fl Extension
Homemakers Coun. 09/22/90-08/31/91. $1,200
Smith S. D. Coping Strategies of Fishing Families in
Response Perceived Impacts. U S Dept of
Commerce. 04/01/91-03/31/92. $25,535

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Microbiology and Cell Science 65

3103 McCarty Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1906
Fax: 904-392-8479
1,2 EDWARD M. HOFFMANN Chmn. & Prof.,
Immunology & Complement
1,2 PHILLIP M. ACHEY Prof., Radiation Biology
1,2 HENRY C. ALDRICH Prof., Biological
1,2 FRANCIS C. DAVIS JR Assoc. Prof., Biochem. of
1,2 DENNIS E. DUGGAN Assoc. Prof., Microbial
1,2 SAMUEL R. FARRAH Assoc. Prof., Environmen-
tal Microbiology
1,2 JOHN E. GANDER Prof., Biochemistry of Fungal
1,2 WILLIAM B. GURLEY Assoc. Prof., Plant
Molecular Biology
1,2 LONNIE O. INGRAM Prof., Microbial & Cellular
1,2 ROY A. JENSEN Prof., Biochemical Genetics In
Microorganisms & Plants
2 HOWARD M. JOHNSON Grad. Res. Prof.,
Immunology, Lyphokines & Interferon
1,2 JAMES R. MILAM Asst. Chmn. & Assoc. In,
Microbial Ecology
1,2 JAMES F. PRESTON III Prof., Structure Function
of Plant Protein Toxins
1,2 EDWARD P. PREVIC Assoc. Prof., Microbial
Pathogens of Plant Pests
2 ROBERT R. SCHMIDT Grad. Res. Prof., Gene-
enzyme Regulation, Metabolic Control
Bacterial Physiology
1,2 PAUL H. SMITH Prof., Microbiology,
1,2 STEVEN G. ZAM III Assoc. Prof., Parasitology
And Protozoology

CRIS Projects:
MCS02150 Cell Walls of Acetate-fermenting
Methanogenic Organisms

J. E. Gander

L. O. Ingram

J. F. Preston
MCS02152 Improved Anaerobic Digestion of Biomass to
Form Methane
P. H. Smith

MCS02171 Ultrastructural Analyses of Methanogenic
and Plant Biomass Species
H. C. Aldrich
MCS02434 Fungal Glycopeptide Biosynthesis
J. E. Gander
MCS02488 Host-Independent Endospore Production
from a Bacterial Pathogen of Root-Knot
E. P. Previc
MCS02530 Translational Regulation of mRNAs Synthe-
sized During Oogenesis
F. C. Davis
MCS02556 Irradiated DNA Expression in Mammalian
and Insect Cells
P. M. Achey
MCS02614 Molecular Biology of Hydrogen Metabolism
in Fermentative Bacteria
K. T. Shanmugam
MCS02653 Gene Amplification to Improve Nitrogen
Assimilation and Biomass Yield of
R. R. Schmidt
MCS02714 Transcriptional Regulation of Plant Heat
Shock Genes
W. B. Gurley
MCS02715 Cis- and Trans-acting Components of
T-DNA Promoter Function
W. B. Gurley
MCS02746 The Role of Complement in the
Brucellocidal Activity of Bovine Serum
E. M. Hoffmann
MCS02769 Removal and Recovery of Human Enteric
Viruses from Water using Modified Solids
S. R. Farrah
MCS02770 Increasing Microbial Production of Alcohol
by Genetic Engineering
L. O. Ingram
MCS02786 Genetic Engineering of Alcohol Production
in E. Coli
L. O. Ingram
MCS02789 Degradation of Structural Polymers: Depoly-
merization of Plant Cell Wall Polyuronides
J. F. Preston

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

66 Microbiology and Cell Science

MCS02792 Enhancing Beneficial Microorganisms in the
J. R. Milam S. L. Albrecht
MCS02852 Gene-enzyme Relationships in Somatic Cells
and their Organismal Derivatives
R. A. Jensen
MCS02879 Nuclear Gene Encoding Two NH3-Inducible
Chloroplastic Isoenzymes
R. R. Schmidt
MCS02881 Production of Monoclonal Antibodies to
Viral, Bacterial and Protozoan Antigens
S. G. Zam
MCS03013 Synthetic Peptide Technology for Structure/
Function Studies of Hormones and Cytokines
H. M. Johnson
MCS03060 Genetic Engineering of Bacteria for Ethanol
L. O. Ingram

Refereed Publications:
R-00325 Ahmad, S.; Weisborg, W. G. and Jensen, R. A.
Evolution of Aromatic Amino Acid Biosynthesis
and its Application to the Fine-Tuned
Phylogenetic Positioning of Enteric Bacteria.
Journal of Bacteriology 172:1051-1061. 1990
R-01082 Beall, D. S.; Ohta, K. and Ingram, L. O.
Parametric Studies of Ethanol Production from
Xylose and Other Sugars by Recombinant
Escherichia coli.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 38:296-303.
R-00880 Bonner, C. A.; Fisher, R. S.; Ahmad, S. and
Jensen, R. A. Remnants of an Ancient Pathway
to L-Phenylalanine and L-Tryosine in Enteric
Bacteria Evolutionary Implications and
Biotechnological Impact.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
56:3741-3747. 1990
R-01049 Brown, B. J. and Preston, III, J. F. L-Guluronan-
Specific Alginate Lyase from a Marine
Bacterium Associated with Sargassum.
Carbohydrate Research 211:91-102. 1991
R-00954 Brown, B. J.; Preston, J. F. and Ingram, L. O.
Cloning of Alginate Lyase Gene (alxM) and
Expression in Escherichia coli.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
57:1870-1872. 1991

R-00184 Cock, J. M.; Roof, L. L.; Bascomb, N. F.;
Gehrket, C. W.; Kuo, K. C. and Schmidt, R. R.
Restriction Enzyme Analysis and Cloning of
High Molecular Weight Genomic-DNA Isolated
from Chlorella sorokiniana (Chlorophyta).
Journal of Phycology 26:361-367. 1990
R-01000 Czarnecka, E.; Fox, P. C. and Gurley, W. B. In
Vitro Interaction of Nuclear Proteins with the
Promoter of Soybean Heat Shock Gene
Plant Physiology 94:935-943. 1990
R-00755 Francis, K.; Patel, P.; Wendt, J. C. and
Shanmugam, K. T. Purification and
Characterization of Two Forms of Hydrogenase
Isoenzume 1 from Escherichia coli.
Journal of Bacteriology 172:5750-5757. 1990
R-00272 Hendry, A. T.; Bhatnager, R. K.; Shanmugam,
K. T. and Jensen, R. A. Exploitation of the
Broad Specificity of the Membrane-Bound
Isozyme of Lactate Dehydrogenase for Direct
Selection of Null Mutants in Neisseria
General Microbiology 136:45-50. 1990
R-00143 Ingram, L. O.; Alterthum, F.; Ohta, K. and
Beall, D. S. Genetic Engineering of Escherichia
colia and Other Enterobacteria for Ethanol
Developments in Industrial Microbiology
31:21-30. 1990
R-00469 Jarpe, M. A. and Johnson, H. M. Structure of an
Epitope in an Immunodominant Region of the
Interferon-Y Molecule that is Involved in
Receptor Interaction.
Journal of Interferon Research 10:243-252.
R-01037 Jarpe, M. A. and Johnson, H. M. Topology of
Receptor Binding Domains of Mouse IFN
The Journal of Immunology 145:3304-3309.
R-00398 Jensen, R. A. and Ahmad, S. Nested Gene
Fusions are Markers of a Hierarchical Series of
Phylogenetic Branchpoints.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5:219-224.
R-00177 Keshave, K. F.; Yomano, L.; An, H. and Ingram,
L. O. Cloning of the Zymomonas mobilis
Structural Gene Encoding Alcohol
Dehydrogenase I (adhA): Sequence
Comparison and Expression in Escherichia coli.
Journal of Bacteriology 172:2491-2497. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Microbiology and Cell Science 67

R-00386 Lee, J. H.; Wendt, J. C. and Shanmugam, K. T.
Identification of a New Gene, molR, Essential
for Utilization of Molybdate by Escherichia coli.
Journal of Bacteriology 172:2079-2087. 1990
R-01566 Magazine, H. I. and Johnson, H. M.
Characterization of a Synthetic Peptide
Corresponding to a Receptor Binding Domain of
Mouse Interferon Gamma.
Biochemistry 30:5784-5789. 1991
R-00442 Maupin, J. A. and Shanmugam, K. T. Genetic
Regulation of Formate Hydrogenlyase of
Escherichia coli: Role offhlA Gene Product as
a Transcriptional Activator for a new Regulatory
Gene, fhlB.
Journal of Bacteriology 172:4798-4806. 1990
R-00955 Ohta, K.; Beall, D. S.; Mejia, J. P.; Shanmugam,
K. T. and Ingram, L. O. Genetic Improvement
of Escherichia coli for Ethanol Production:
Chromosomal Integration of Zymomonas
mobilis Genes Encoding Pyruvate Decarboxylase
and Alcohol Dehydrogenase II.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
57:893-900. 1991
R-00823 Pontzer, C. H.; Ott, T. L.; Bazer, F. W. and
Johnson, H. M. Localization of an Antiviral Site
on the Pregnancy Recognition Hormone, Ovine
Trophoblast Protein-One.
National Academy of Sciences 87:5945-5949.
R-01172 Pontzer, C. H.; Russell, J. K. and Johnson, H. M.
Structural Basis for Differential Binding of
Staphyloccal Enterotoxin A and Toxic Shock
Syndrome Toxin 1 to Class II Major
Histocompatibility Molecules.
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, USA 88:125-128. 1991
R-00268 Preston, D. R.; Bitton, G. and Farrah, S. R.
Enhancing the Infectivity of Enteroviruses In
Vitro by Pretreating Host Cell Monolayers with
the Cationic Polymer Polyethylenimine.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
56,1:295-297. 1990
R-00942 Preston, III, J. F.; Rice, J. D.; Chow, M. C. and
Brown, B. J. Microbial Strategies for the
Depolymerization of Plant and Algal
Enzymes in Biomass Conversion 199:450-466.
R-01336 Shields, P. A.; Farrah, S. R. and Shah, D. 0.
The Correlation of Hydrophile-Lipophile
Balance of Filters with Virus Desorption.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health
A26:711-719. 1991

R-01081 Utt, E. A.; Eddy, C. K.; Keshav, K. F. and
Ingram, L. O. Sequencing and Expression of the
Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens xylB Gene Encoding a
Novel Bifunctional Protein with B-D-Xylosidase
and a-L-Arabinofuranqsidase Activities.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
57:1227-1234. 1991
R-00882 Xia, T. and Jensen, R. A. A Single
Cyclohexadienyl Dehydrogenase Specifies the
Prephenate Dehydrogenase and Arogenate
Dehydrogenase Components of the Dual
Pathways to L Tyrosine in Pseudomonas
Journal of Biological Chemistry 15:20033-36.
R-01341 Xiasen, T.; Ahmad, S.; Zhao, G. and Jensen,
R. A. A Single Cyclohexadienyl Dehydratase
Specifies the Prephenate Dehydratase and
Arogenate Dehyratase Components of One of
Two Independent Pathways to L-Phenylalanine
in Erwinia herbicola.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
286:461-465. 1991

Research Grants:
Farrah S. R. Virus Monitoring of Chlorinated Effluents &
Well Water at the Kanapaha Wastewater. City of
Gainesville. 11/19/90-11/18/93. $20,160
Farrah S. R. Collaborative Test Comparing Positively &
Negatively Charged Filters. University of North
Carolina. 01/01/91-12/31/91. $3,000
Gurley W. B. Transcriptional Regulation of Plant Heat
Shock Genes. National Institutes of Health.
08/29/88-07/31/93. $97,211
Gurley W. B. Characterization of the Dual Promoters of
the Maize Gene Encoding Alcohol Dehydrogenas.
Lubrizol Genetics Inc. 07/01/90-05/31/91. $37,500
Gurley W. B. Cis & Trans-Acting Components of
T-DNA Promoter Function. National Institutes of
Health. 04/01/88-03/31/93. $116,797
Hoffmann E. M. Enzyme Targeted Antimicrobials for
Plant Disease Control. UF Research Foundation, Inc.
07/02/90-07/02/93. $3960
Ingram L. O. Development of Ethanologenic E. coli
Expressing the Complete Ethanol Pathway From
Z. mobili. U S Dept of Energy. 09/01/90-09/30/91.
Ingram L. 0. Genetic Engineering of Bacteria for Ethanol
Production. U S Dept of Agriculture. 09/01/90-
08/31/93. $120,000

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

68 Microbiology and Cell Science

Ingram L. O. Ethanologenic Enzymes of Zymomonas
mobilis. U S Dept of Energy. 07/01/88-06/30/91.
Ingram L. O. Ethanol Production. UF Research
Foundation, Inc. 08/03/90-08/03/99. $93,750
Jensen R. A. Biosynthesis & Regulation of Aromatics in
Pseudomonas. National Institutes of Health.
07/01/86-06/30/93. $126,784
Jensen R. A. Gene-Enzyme Relationships in Somatic Cells
& Their Organismal Derivatives in Higher. U S
Dept of Energy. 08/01/86-07/31/91. $99,586
Jensen R. A. Biochemical-Pathway Diversity in
Archaebacteria. U S Navy. 02/01/88-06/30/90.
Johnson H. M. Regulatory & Antitumor Effects of
Gamma Interferon. National Institutes of Health.
07/01/88-05/31/93. $173,648
Johnson H. M. Structure/Function Studies of Pregnancy
Recognition Hormone. National Institutes of
Health. 09/30/89-11/30/94. $195,261
Johnson H. M. Staphylococcal Enterotoxins: Potent
Inducers of BRMS. National Institutes of Health.
03/01/88-02/28/93. $161,012
Johnson H. M. Regulatory & Antitumor Effects of
Gamma Interferon. National Institutes of Health.
07/01/88-05/31/93. $192,165
Schmidt R. R Gap Funding for the Department of
Microbiology & Cell Science. UF Div of Sponsored
Research. 12/14/90-09/30/91. $10,000
Wilkie A. C. Performance/Emissions Characteristics of
Biogas in GMC Trucks. Fl Inst of Technology.
01/02/91-12/31/91. $15,000
Establishment and Epiphyllous Plantlet Regeneration of T-

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Plant Pathology 69

1453 Fifleld Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-3631
Fax: 904-392-6532
1,23 GEORGE N. AGRIOS Chair & Prof.
1,2 JERRY A. BARTZ Assoc. Prof., Post Harvest
2 RICHARD D. BERGER Prof., Plant Disease
cal Control of Weeds
1,2 DEAN W. GABRIEL Assoc. Prof., Bacterial/plant
2 ERNEST HIEBERT Prof., Virology
2,3 THOMAS E. FREEMAN Prof., Turf Diseases
2 JAMES W. KIMBROUGH Prof., Mycology
1,2 HAROLD C. KISTLER Asst. Prof., Physiology of
Host-parasite Interactions
2,3 THOMAS A. KUCHAREK Prof., Field Crop &
Vegetable Diseases
1,2 DAVID J. MITCHELL Prof., Bio. of Soil-borne
23 CHARLES L. NIBLETT Prof., Biochemistry
2 DAN E. PURCIFULL Prof., Virology
2 LAURENCE H. PURDY JR Prof., Diseases of
Sugarcane & Cacao
1,2 DANIEL A. ROBERTS Prof., Alfalfa Diseases,
23 GARY W. SIMONE Assoc. Prof., Extension
Ornamental & Veg. Crops Diseases
1,2 ROBERT E. STALL Prof., Bac. Plant Pathogens
1,2 FRANCIS W. ZETTLER Prof., Virology

CRIS Projects:
PLP02472 Nitrogen Fixation in Acid Soils by Forage
Legumes: Enhanced by VA Mycorrhizae
N. C. Schenck
PLP02481 Biological Control of Fusarium Wilt of
F. N. Martin
PLP02527 Biological Control and Dynamical Models of
Species Interactions
R. D. Berger
PLP02546 Genetic Improvement of Small Grains
H. H. Luke

PLP02609 Avirulence Gene Expression, Localization
and Molecular Specificity
D. W. Gabriel
PLP02637 Etiology, Epidemoilogy, and Control of
Disease of Alfalfa
D. A. Roberts
PLP02652 Citrus Canker Research on the Detection,
Characterization, Biology and Control of the
Disease and its Agent

R. E. Stall

D. W. Gabriel

PLP02663 Characterization, Etiology, Epidemiology,
and Control of Virus and Virus-Like Diseases
of Citrus
C. L. Niblett
PLP02674 Control of Postharvest Decay of Fruits and
J. A. Bartz
PLP02706 Soilbome Disease in Agroecosystems of
South Florida
D. J. Mitchell
PLP02709 Genetics of Pathogenicity of Xanthomonas
campestris pv. vesicatoria
R. E. Stall
PLP02711 Diseases of Turfgrasses
T. E. Freeman G. W. Simone
R. D. Berger
PLP02758 Relationships of Xanthomonas Species
R. E. Stall
PLP02771 Soybean Breeding
R. D. Berger
PLP02798 Phylogenetic Relationships of Pezizales (cup-
fungi) and Tuberales (truffles)
J. W. Kimbrough
PLP02806 Curation of the Mycological Herbarium of
the University of Florida
J. W. Kimbrough
PLP02832 Controlling Virus Diseases of Tropical Fruits
and Edible Aroids

C. L. Niblett

J. Bird

PLP02833 Development of Potyviral-Resistant Cucurb-
its for the Caribbean Region
E. Hiebert D. E. Purcifull

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

70 Plant Pathology

PLP02844 Management of Diseases of Field Crops in
North Florida
T. A. Kucharek F. M. Shokes
PLP02851 Identification, Epidemiology and Control of
Viruses InfectingOmamentals, Root Crops
and Legumes
F. W. Zettler
PLP02871 Developmental Regulation of Sucrose
Synthase Genes in Maize
P. S. Chourey
PLP02992 Discovery and Development of Plant Patho-
gens for Biological Control of Weeds
R. Charudattan T. E. Freeman

PLP03000 Molecular Approaches for Characterization
and Control of Cucurbit Potyviruses
E. Heibert D. E. Purcifull
PLP03006 Biological Control of Selected Arthropods,
Pests and Weeds through Introduction of
Natural Enemies
R. Charudattan
PLP03008 Heritability of Resistance to Witches' Broom
in Theobroma cacao
L. H. Purdy R. J. Schnell
PLP03053 Management of Rhizosphere Dynamics to
Control Soilborne Pathogens
F. N. Martin

PLP03057 Control Measures for Viruses and Other
Pathogens of Taro, Cocoyam, and Other
Field-grown Aroids
F. W. Zettler E. Hiebert
D. E. Purcifull
PLP03062 Detection and Characterization of Strains of
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
R. E. Stall
PLP03065 Genetic Exchange in the Genus Pythium
F. N. Martin

PLP03071 Chromosome Structure of Plant Pathogenic
H. C. Kistler
PLP03073 Characterization of Waves of Plant Disease in
the Early Stages of Epidemics
R. D. Berger D. A. Roberts

PLP03091 Research on Exotic Citrus Diseases (Citrus
Bacterial Spot, Citrus Canker and Citrus
Tristeza Virus)
D. W. Gabriel C. L. Niblett
R. E. Stall

Refereed Publications:
R-00391 Almeida, R. T. and Schenck, N. C. A Revision
of the Genus Sclerocystis (Glomaceae,
Mycologia 82:703-714. 1990
R-00807 Baker, C. A.; Lecoq, H. and Purcifull, D. E.
Serological and Biological Variability among
Papaya Ringpost Virus Type-W Isolates in
Phytopathology 81:722-728. 1991
R-00637 Bartz, J. A. Relation between Resistance of
Tomato Fruit to Infiltrating Water by Suspended
Postharvest Pathogens.
Plant Disease 75:152-155. 1991
R-00644 Benny, G. L. Gilbertellaceae, A New Family of
the Mucorales (Zygomycetes).
Mycologia 83:150-157. 1991
R-00463 Bowers, J. H. and Mitchell, D. J. The Effect of
Soil-Water Matric Potential and Periodic
Flooding on Mortality of Pepper Caused by
\ Phytophthora capsici.
Phytopathology 80:1447-1450. 1990
R-00538 Bowers, J. H. and Mitchell, D. J. The
Relationship Between the Level of Inoculum of
Phytophthora capsici and Mortality of Pepper.
Phytopathology 81:178-184. 1991
R-00689 Chourey, P. S.; Chen, Y. C. and Miller, M. E.
Early Cell Degeneration of Developing
Endosperm is Unique to the Shrunken Mutation
in Maize.
Maydica 36:141-146. 1991
R-01383 Chourey, P. S.; Taliercio, E. W. and Kane, E. J.
Tissue-Specific Expression and Anaerobically
Induced Post Transcriptional Modulation of
Sucrose in Sorghum Bicolor M. Synthase Genes.
Plant Physiology 96:485-490. 1991
R-00837 Frias, G. A.; Purdy, L. H. and Schmidt, R. A.
Infection Biology of Crinipellis pemiciosa on
Vegetative Flushes of Cacao.
Plant Disease 75:552- 556. 1991
R-00401 Kimbrough, J.W. Ultrastructural Observations
on Helvellaceae (Pezizales:Ascomycetes).
V. Septal Structures in Gyromitra.
Mycological Research 95:421-426. 1991

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Plant Pathology 71

R-00166 Larkin, R. P.; Hopkins, D. L. and Martin, F. N.
Vegetative Compatibility within Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. niveum and its Relationship to
Virulence, Aggressiveness, and Race.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 36:352-358.
R-00654 Li, R. H.; Zettler, F. W.; Elliot, M. S.; Petersen,
M. A.; Still, P. A. and Baker, C. A. A Strain of
Peanut Mottle Seed-Borne in Bambarra
Plant Disease 74:130-133. 1990
R-00909 Martin, F. N. Selection of DNA Probes Specific
for Isolate Identification of Two Pythium spp..
Phytopathology 81:742-746. 1991
R-00199 Minsavage, G. V.; Canteros, R. I. and Stall,
R. E. Plasmid-Mediated Resistance to
Stretptomycinn in Xanthomonas campestris pv.
Phytopathology 80:719-723. 1990
R-01074 Niblett, C. L.; Zagula, K. R.; Calvert, L. A.;
Kendall, T. L.; Stark, D. M.; Smith, C. E.;
Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of the Wheat
Streak Mosaic Virus Capsid Protein Gene.
General Virology 72:499-504. 1991
R-00092 Perez, Y. and Schenck, N. C. Occurrence of
Branched Sporophores in Scutellospora
Mycologia 82:256-260. 1990
R-00095 Smith, C. and Bartz, J. A. Variation in the
Pathogenicity and Aggressiveness of Strains of
Erwinia Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora Isolated
from Different Hosts.
Plant Disease 74:505-5-0. 1990
R-01224 Swamp, S.; DeFeyter, R.; Brlansky, R. H. and
Gabriel, D. W. A Host-Specific Virulence
Locus from Xanthomonas citris Enables Strains
from Several Pathovars ofX. campestris to
Induce Canker-Like Lesions on Citrus.
Phytopathology 81:802-809. 1991
R-00543 Zettler, F. W.; Ko, N. J.; Wisler, G. C.; Elliot,
M. S. and Wong, S. M. Viruses of Orchids.
Plant Disease 74:621-626. 1990
R-00814 Zhoa, G. S.; Baltensperger, D. D.; Hiebert, E.;
Purcifull, D. E. and Edwardson, J. R.
Purification, Serology and In Vitro Translation
of an Alyceclover Isolate of Blackeye Cowpea
Mosaic Virus.
Plant Disease 75:254-257. 1991
R-00815 Zhoa, G. S.; Baltensperger, D. D.; Purcifull,
D. E.; Christie, R. C. and Hiebert, E. Host
Range, Cytology and Transmission of an

Alyceclover Isolate of Blackeye Cowpea Mosaic
Plant Disease 75:251-253. 1991

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00201 Gabriel, D. W. and Rolfe, B. G. Working
Models of Specific Recognition in Plant-
Microbe Interactions.
Annual Review of Phytopathology 28365-391.

Popular Articles:
T-00043 Freeman, T. E. and Simone, G. W. Turfgrass
Disease Identification and Control.
Southern Turf Management 1:22. 1990

Research Grants:
Berger R. D. Characterization of Waves of Plant Disease
in the Early Stages of Epidemics. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 08/01/90-07/31/92. $80,000
Charudattan R. Evaluation of Pathogens Attacking
Groundsel Bush Baccharis Halimifolia L., in Florida.
Queensland Department of Lands. 04/01/90-
06/30/91. $26,567
Gabriel D. W. Hybridization Probes for Diagnosis of
Xanthomonads Pathogenic on Citrus Common
Bean. Bard. 08/01/90-07/31/93. $51,250
Gabriel D. W. Evaluating Brassicas as a Cloning Source
for Resistance Genes Against Xanthomonas. U S
Dept of Agriculture. 09/29/89-09/28/91. $19,000
Hiebert E. Development of Monoclonal Antibodies for
Serological Differentiation of Bean Golden. Int
Development Coop Agency. 08/21/90-08/20/94.
Hiebert E. Molecular Approaches for Characterizations &
Control of Cucurbit Pocyviruses. Bard. 02/14/89-
02/14/92. $27,100
Hiebert E. Development of Potyviral-Resistant Cucurbits
for the Caribbean Region. U S Dept of Agriculture.
07/01/89-06/30/92. $42,744
Kistler H. C. Chromosome Structure of Plant Pathogenic
Fungi. U S Dept of Agriculture. 09/01/90-08/31/92.
Martin F. N. Genetic Exchange in the Fungal Genus
Pythium. U S Dept of Agriculture. 08/01/90-
07/31/92. $80,000
Niblett C. L. Controlling Virus Diseases of Tropical Fruits
& Edible Aroids. U S Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/89-
06/30/91. $116300

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

72 Plant Pathology

Purcifull D. E. Utilization of Antisera for Diagnosis &
Detection of Plant Viruses. UF Research Foundation,
Inc. 02/11/91-02/11/93. $2,000
Stall R. E. Identification of Bacteria by Fatty Acid
Profiles. UF Research Foundation, Inc. 06/28/91-
06/28/99. $1,310
Zettler F. W. Development of Control Measures for
Viruses & Other Pathogens of Taro Cocoyam &. U S
Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/90-06/30/91. $87,200

4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

2 Research 3 Extension

Poultry Science 73

Mehrhof Building / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1931
Fax: 904-392-3047
1,23 ROGER P. NATZKE Acting Chair & Prof.
2,3 ROBERT B. CHRISTMAS Prof., Supervisor, Fla
Poultry Eval Ctr, Chipley
1,2,3 BOBBY L. DAMRON Prof., Poultry Nutrition
2,3 CARROLL R. DOUGLAS Prof., Ext. Poultryman
1,2 ROBERT H. HARMS Grad. Res. Prof., Poultry
1,2 DOUGLAS M. JANKY Prof., Poultry Prod. Tech.
1,2,3 F. B. MATHER Assoc. Prof., Poutry Physiol.
1,2 RICHARD D. MILES JR Prof., Poultry Nutrition
And Mgt.
1,2,3 MICHAEL D. OUART Assoc. Prof., Extension
1,2,3 DON R. SLOAN Assoc. Prof.
1,2,3 HENRY R. WILSON Prof., Poultry Physiol.

CRIS Projects:
PSE02419 Factors Affecting Reproductive Efficiency in
Poultry Breeder Flocks

H. R. Wilson
R. H. Harms

F. B. Mather

PSE02491 Nutritional Programs for Turkeys

R. H. Harms
H. R. Wilson

R. D. Miles

PSE02579 Development of New Processes and Tech-
nologies for the Processing of Poultry
D. M. Janky
PSE02595 Quality and Functional Properties of Eggs and
Further Processed Egg Products
D. M. Janky
PSE02784 Production, Hatchability and Product Quality
of Bobwhite
H. R. Wilson R. D. Miles
D. M. Janky
PSE02995 Systems for Providing and Controlling
Interior Environments for Poultry and
D. R. Sloan F. B. Mather

PSE02998 Influence of Water Quality, Feed and Water
Additives upon Poultry Performance
B. L. Damron
PSE03020 Evaluation of the Amino Acid Requirement
of Commercial Laying Hens and Broiler
Breeder Hens

R. H. Harms

D. R. Sloan

Refereed Publications:
R-00221 Bootwala, S. M. and Harms, R. H. Reassessment
of Riboflavin Requirement for Single Comb
White Leghorn Pullets from 0 to 6 Weeks of
Age Fed Corn-Soybean Meal Diets and its
Subsequent Effect on Sexual Maturity and Egg
British Poultry Science 31:779-784. 1990
R-00574 Bootwalla, S. M. and Harms, R. H.
Reassessment of Pantothenic Acid Requirement
for Single Comb White Leghorn Pullets from 0
to 6 Weeks of Age and its Subsequent Effect on
Sexual Maturity.
Poultry Science. p. 80-84. 1990
R-00824 Bootwalla, S. M. and Miles, R. D. Nutrient
Requirement of Breeder Males: A Review.
Feedstuffs 62:16-18,194. 1991
R-00407 Damron, B. L. and Flunker, L. K.
Supplementation of Broiler Drinking Water
with Liquid Ammonium Polyphosphate.
Poultry Science 32.377-386. 1991
R-00516 Damron, B. L. and Sloan, D. R. Research Note:
Energy Supplementation of Laying Hen Feed
and Drinking Water.
Poultry Science 69:1806-1808. 1990
R-01138 Damron, B. L.; Wilson, H. R. and Fell, R. V.
Growth and Performance of Broiler Breeders Fed
Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate and Zinc
Poultry Science 70:1487-1492. 1991
R-00513 Fattori, T. R.; Hildebrand, P. E. and Wilson,
H. R. Response of Broiler Breeder Females to
Feed Restriction Below Recommended Levels. 2.
Economics Analysis.
Poultry Science Journal 70:489-498. 1991
R-00514 Fattori, T. R.; Wilson, H. R.; Harms, R. H. and
Miles, R. D. Response of Broiler Breeder Females
to Feed Restriction Below Recommended
Levels. I. Growth and Reproductive
Poultry Science Journal 70:26-36. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

74 Poultry Science

R-00086 Fethiere, R.; Miles, R. D. and Harms, R. H.
Influence of Ethacal Feed Component on Laying
Hens Fed Different Phosphorus Levels.
Poultry Science 69:2195-2198. 1990
R-00557 Flunker, L. K.; Damron, B. L. and Wilson, H. R.
Research Note: Feeding Various Levels of
Ground Sesbania macrocarpa Seed to Bobwhite
Poultry Science 70:658-660. 1991
R-00778 Harms, R. H. Specific Gravity of Eggs and Egg
Shell Weight from Commercial Laying and
Broiler Breeders in Relation to Time of
Poultry Science 70:1099-1104. 1991
R-00630 Harms, R. H. The Influence of Removing Salt,
Sodium or Chloride from Diet of Commercial
Poultry Science 70333-336. 1991
R-00615 Nelson, D. S.; Janky, D. M. and Harms, R. H.
Research Note: A Lack of Fluctuation in
Xanthophyll Blood Level in Laying Hens at
Night and Absence of Pigmentation Rings in
the Yolk.
Poultry Science 69:2235-2236. 1990
R-00614 Nelson, D. S.; Janky, D. M. and Harms, R. H.
Research Note: A Short Assay for Use in
Pigmentation Evaluation of Egg Yolks.
Poultry Science 69:1610-1613. 1990
R-00371 Ouart, M. D. and Wilson, H. R. Comparison of
Infra-Red Lamp vs Quartz Bar Radiant Brooders
for Bobwhite Quail.
Poultry Science 69:2082-2085. 1990
R-00474 Ruiz, N. and Harms, R. H. Research Note: The
Lack of Response of Broiler Chickens to
Supplemental Niacin When Fed a Corn-
Soybean Meal Diet from 3 to 7 Weeks of Age.
Poultry Science 69:2231-2234. 1990
R-00274 Sabri, H. M.; Wilcox, C. J.; Wilson, H. R. and
Harms, R. H. Measuring Genetic Variation in
Metabolizable Energy Intake of Laying Hens.
Poultry Science 70:222-228. 1991
R-00275 Sabri, H. M.; Wilson, H. R.; Wilcox, C. J. and
Harms, R. H. Comparison of Energy Utilization
Among Six Lines of White Leghorns.
Poultry Science 70:229-233. 1991
R-00771 Sams, A. R. and Janky, D. M. Characterization
of Rigor Mortis Development in Four Broiler
Poultry Science 70:1003-1009. 1991

R-00515 Wilson, H.R. Interrelationships Among Egg
Size, Chick Size, Posthatching Growth and
World's Poultry Science Journal 47:5-20. 1991
R-00444 Wilson, H. R. and Keeling, L. Effect of Time of
Feeding on Oviposition Time and Production
Parameters in Broiler Breeders.
Poultry Science 70:254-259. 1991

Popular Articles:
T-00113 Harms, R. H. "Primary Feather Drop Syndrome"
A Serious Problem in Broiler Hens.
Feedstuffs 62:12, 15. 1990
T-00060 Ouart, M. D.; Damron, B. L.; Mather, F. B. and
Marion, J. E. Another Approach: Fasting Diet
Stressed Broilers.
Poultry Digest JUNE.32-36. 1990
T-00064 Wilson, H. R. Temperature, Egg Orientation
and Egg Turning Effects on the Avian Embryo.
Poultry Digest 49:12, 14. 1990

Research Grants:
Miles R. D. An Evaluation of the Probiotic Pelletmate in
Commercial Laying Hen Diets. Chr. Hansen's
Biosystems. 09/24/90-02/24/91. $8,000
Miles R. D. An Evaluation of the Probiotics Yea-Sacc &
Lacto-Sacc in Commercial Laying Hen Diets.
Alltech Biotechnology Center. 09/24/90-02/24/91.
Sloan D. R. Evaluation of MIJI CCP for Improvement of
Eggshell Quality. Coors Biotech Products Company.
12/19/90-01/16/91. $7,000

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Soil Science 75

106 Newell Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1803
Fax: 904-392-3902
1,23 GEORGE A. O'CONNOR Chair & Prof.
1,3 RANDALL B. BROWN Prof., Ext. Soils Spec.
Land Use
1,2 MARY E. COLLINS Assoc. Prof., Pedology
Genesis & Classification & Grad. Coord.
1,2 NICHOLAS B. COMERFORD Assoc. Prof., Soil
Fertility Forest Soils
2 JAMES M. DAVISDON Dean & Prof.
1,2 DONALD A. GRAETZ Prof., Environmental
2 LUTHER C. HAMMOND Prof., Soil Physics
Water Relations
2,3 EDWARD A. HANLON Assoc. Prof., Soil
Fertility & Mgt.
1,2 WILLIE G. HARRIS Assoc. Prof., Soil Genesis &
2,3 ARTHUR G. HORNSBY Prof., Soil Physics, Soil
Water Mgt.
1,2 DAVID H. HUBBELL Prof., Soil Microbiology
1,2 CLIFFORD T. JOHNSTON Assoc. Prof., Soil
Physical Chemistry
3 GERALD KIDDER Prof., Soil Test Interpretations
1,2 ROBERT S. MANSELL Prof., Soil Physics Water
And Nutrient Movement
1,2,3 BRIAN L. MCNEAL Prof., Soil Chemistry
1,2 DONALD L. MYHRE Prof., Soil Chemistry Soil
Plant Water Relations
1,2 PETER NKEDI-KIZZA Asst. Prof., Soil Physics/
2 LI TSE OU Assoc. Res. Scientist, Microbiology
1,2 SURESH RAO Prof., Soil Physics Soil Water
1,2 KONDA R. REDDY Prof., Soil Biochemistry
1,2 ROY D. RHUE Assoc. Prof., Soil Physical
1,2,3 JERRY B. SARTAIN Prof., Soil Fertility Turf &
1,2 JIMMY J. STREET Assoc. Prof., Soil Chemistry
1,2 DAVID M. SYLVIA Assoc. Prof., Soil Microbiol-
ogy Mycorrhizae

CRIS Projects:
SOS02502 Biochemical Transformations in Oxic and
Anoxic Soils and Sediments
D. A. Graetz K. R. Reddy
P. S. Rao
SOS02503 Fertilization and Nutrition of Southern Pine
N. B. Comerford E. L. Stone
SOS02524 The Differential Response of Citrus
Rootstocks to Reactive Aluminum Levels
D. L. Myhre
SOS02539 Environmental and Genotypic Control of
Assimilate Allocation in Crops
L. C. Hammond
SOS02548 Soil Test Methodology and Crop Response
E. A. Hanlon J. B. Sartain
R. D. Rhue G. J. Hochmuth
R. D. Sartain
SOS02555 Influence of Soil Fertility on the Growth and
Quality of Turfgrasses
J. B. Sartain
SOS02557 Mineralogy of Selected Soils in the Southern
W. G. Harris M. E. Collins
R. D. Rhue

SOS02651 Characterization, Classification, and Map-
ping of Florida Soils
M. E. Collins R. B. Brown

W. G. Harris

L. C. Hammond

SOS02688 Application of Integrated Agrotechnology for
Crop Production and Environmental Quality
G. Kidder P.S. Rao

B. L. McNeal
P. Nkedi-Kizza

A. G. Hornsby
L. C. Hammond

SOS02718 Crop, Soil and Water Management and
Economics of Rice Grown on Organic Soils
of South Florida
K. R. Reddy
SOS02781 Variability of Soil Properties and its Effect on
Water Quality and Soil Management
P. Nkedi-Kizza A. G. Hornsby
L. C. Hammond

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

76 Soil Sciences

SOS02792 Enhancing Beneficial Microorganisms in the
D. H. Hubbell D. M. Sylvia
SOS02848 Pesticides and Other Organics in Soils and
Their Potential for Groundwater
P. S. Rao A. G. Hornsby

C. T. Johnston
P. Nkedi-Kizza

L.T. Ou

SOS02867 Transport of Multiple Cations During Water
Flow in Acid Mineral Soils
R. S. Mansell R. D. Rhue
P. Nkedi-Kizza
SOS02997 Chemistry and Bioavailability of Waste
Constituents in Soils
B. L. McNeal

SOS03037 Degradation of Telone II and Fenamiphos in
Subsoils and Groundwater, and by Microor-
L.T. Ou
SOS03075 Environmental and Genotypic Control of
Assimilate Allocation in Grain Crops
L. C. Hammond
SOS03080 Restoration of Altered Lands
E. A. Hanlon

SOS03092 Chemical Mechanisms of Toxic Organic
Solute Interactions with Soil Constituents
C. T. Johnston

SOS03097 Mycorrhizal Root Competition in Forest Soils
D. M. Sylvia N. B. Comerford

Refereed Publications:
R-00060 Anamosa, P. R.; Nkedi-Kizza, P.; Blue, W. G.
and Sartain, J. B. Water Movement Through an
Aggregated, Gravelly Oxisol from Cameroon.
Geoderma 46:263-281. 1990
R-00102 Brusseau, M. L. and Rao, P. S. Modeling Solute
Transport in Structured Soils: A Review.
Geoderma 46:169-192. 1990
R-00979 Brusseau, M. L. and Rao, P. S. The Influence of
Sorbate Molecular Structure on Nonequilibrium
Sorption of Organic Chemicals.
Environmental Science and Technology
25:1501-1506. 1991

R-00834 Brusseau, M. L.; Jessup, R. E. and Rao, P. S.
Nonequilibrium Sorption of Organic Chemicals:
Elucidation of Rate-Limiting Mechanisms.
Environmental Science and Technology
25:134-142. 1990
R-00353 Brusseau, M. L.; Jessup, R. E. and Rao, P. S.
Sorption Kinetics of Organic Chemicals:
Evaluation of Gas-Purge and Miscible-
Displacement Techniques.
Environmental Science and Technology
24:727-735. 1990
R-00821 Brusseau, M. L.; Wood, A. L. and Rao, P. S.
The Influence of Organic Cosolvents on the
Sorption Kinetics of Hydrophobic Organic
Environmental Science and Technology
25:903-910. 1991
R-01180 Burgoon, P. S.; DeBusk, T. A.; Reddy, K. R. and
Koopman, B. Vegetated Submerged Beds with
Artificial Substrates I: BOD Removal.
Journal of Environmental Engineering
117:394-407. 1991
R-01182 Burgoon, P. S.; DeBusk, T. A.; Reddy, K. R. and
Koopman, B. Vegetated Submerged Beds with
Artificial Substrates. II. N and P. Removal.
Journal of Environmental Engineering
117:408-424. 1991
R-00986 Cline, P. V.; Delfino, J. J. and Rao, P. S.
Partitioning of Aromatic Constituents into
Water from Gasoline and Other Complex
Solvent Mixtures.
Environmental Science and Technology
25:914-920. 1991
R-00288 Comerford, N. B.; Harris, W. G. and Lucas, D.
Release of Non-Exchangeable Potassium from a
Highly-Weathered, Forested Quartzipsamment.
Soil Science Society of America 54:1421-1426.
R-00599 Easterwood, G. W. and Sartain, J. B. Organic
Coatings on P Fertilizers: Influence on Plant
Growth on a Florida Ultisol.
Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida 49:1-5.
R-00044 Fisher, H. M. and Stone, E. L. Active Potassium
Uptake by Slash Pine Roots from 02 Depleted
Forest Science 36:582-596. 1990
R-00059 Fisher, H. M. and Stone, E. L. Air-Conducting
Porosity in Slash Pine Roots from Saturated
Forest Science 36:18-33. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Soil Science 77

R-00381 Fox, T. R.; Comerford, N. B. and McFee, W. W.
Phosphorus and Aluminum Release Caused by
Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids.
Soil Science Society of America 54:1763-1767.
R-00289 Fox, T. R.; Comerford, N. B. and McFee, W. W.
The Kinetics of Phosphorus Release as
Influenced by Oxalate and Formate.
Soil Science Society of America 54:1441-1447.
R-00484 Hung, L. L.; O'Keefe, D. M. and Sylvia, D. M.
Use of Hydrogel as a Sticking Agent and Carrier
for Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.
Mycological Research 95:427-429. 1991
R-00710 Johnston, C. T.; Agnew, S. F. and Bish, D. I.
Polarized Single-Crystal Fourier Transform
Infrared Microscopy Study of Ouray Dickite and
Keokuk Kaolinite.
Clays and Clay Minerals 38:573-583. 1990
R-01243 Johnston, C. T.; Tipton, T.; Stone, D. A.;
Erickson, C. and Trabue, S. L. Chemisorption
of p-Dimethoxybenzene on Copper-
Langmuir, Journal of Colloids and Surfaces
7:289-296. 1991
R-00744 Lee, L. S.; Rao, P. S. and Brusseau, M. L.
Nonequilibrium Sorption and Transport of
Neutral and Ionized Chlorophenols.
Environmental Science and Technology
25:722-729. 1991
R-00250 Lee, L. S.; Rao, P. S.; Nkedi-Kizza, P. and
Delfino, J. J. Influence of Solvent and Sorbent
Characteristics on Distribution of
Pentachlorophenol in Octanol-Water and Soil-
Water Systems.
Environmental Science and Technology
24:654-661. 1990
R-00471 Lin, Z. and Myhre, D. L. Supernatant Solutions
Containing Various Levels of Aluminum
Phytotoxicity and Similar Concentrations of
Phosphorus for Aluminum Studies Studies.
Juomal of Plant Nutrition 14:75-91. 1991
R-00828 Liu, K. H.; Mansell, R. S. and Rhue, R. D.
Cation Removal During Constant-Flux
Infiltration of Acid Solutions into Columns of
Air-Dry Soil.
Soil Science Society of America 54:1747-1783.
R-00571 Mansell, R. S.; Bloom, S. A. and Aylmore, L. A.
Simulating Cation Transport During Unsteady,
Water-Unsaturated Flow in a Sandy Soil.

Soil Science 150.730-744. 1990
R-00524 Million, J. B.; Sartain, J. B.; Gonzalez, R. X. and
Carrier, III, W. D. Radium-226 and CA in
Selected Crops Grown on Mixtures of Sand
Tailings and Waste Phosphatic Clays.
Proc. Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in
Agricultural Products. p. 78-79. 1991
R-00347 Moorhead, K. K. and Reddy, K. R. Carbon and
Nitrogen Transformation in Wastewater During
Treatment with Hydrocotyle umbellata.
Aquatic Botany 37:153-161. 1990
R-00751 Moorhead, K. K.; Graetz, D. A. and Reddy, K. R.
Treatment of Anaerobic Digester Effluents
Using Water Hyacinth.
Journal of Biological Wastes 34:91-99. 1990
R-01474 Myhre, D. L. and Shih, S. F. Aerial Color
Infrared Photography for Assessment of Water
Stress in Citrus.
International Conference on Computer
Applications in Water Resources 2:983-990.
R-01366 Myhre, D. L.; Martin, H. W. and Nemes, S.
Yield 226 Ra Concentration, and Juice Quality
of Oranges in Groves Treated with
Physophogypsum and Mined Gypsum.
Third International Symposium on
Physophogypsum 3:11-40. 1990
R-00802 Ou, L. T. Interactives of Microorganisms and
Soil During Fenamiphos Degradation.
Soil Science Society of America 55:716-722.
R-00695 Pennell, K. D.; Hornsby, A. G.; Jessup, R. E. and
Rao, P. S. Evaluation of Five Simulation Models
for Predicting Aldicarb and Bromide Behavior
under Field Conditions.
Water Resources Research 26:2679-2693. 1990
R-01220 Pennell, K. D.; Rhue, R. D. and Harris, W. G.
The Effect of Heat Treatments on the Total
Charge and Exchangeable Cations of Ca-, Na-,
and Li- Saturated Kaolin.
Clays and Clay Minerals 39:306-315. 1991
R-01595 Pinal, R.; Lee, L. S. and Rao, P. S. Prediction of
the Solubility of Hydrophobic Compounds in
Nonideal Solvent Mixtures.
Chemosphere 22:939-951. 1991
R-00246 Pinal, R.; Rao, P. S.; Lee, L. S.; Cline, P. V. and
Yalkowsky, S. H. Cosolvency of Partially-
Miscible Organic Solvents on the Solubility of
Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals.
Environmental Science and Technology
24-5:639-647. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

78 Soil Science

R-00583 Poole, B. C. and Sylvia, D. M. Companion
Plants Affect VAM Fungus Colonization of
Myrica cerifera L. by Vesicular-Arbuscular
Mycorrhizal Fungi.
Canadian Journal of Botany 68:2703-2707.
R-00198 Rao, P. S. Sorption of Organic Contaminants.
Water Science and Technology 22-6:1-6. 1990
R-00247 Rao, P. S.; Lee, L. S. and Pinal, R. Cosolvency
and Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic
Environmental Science and Technology
24:647-654. 1990
R-00348 Reddy, K. R. and Debusk, W. F. Decomposition
of Water Hyacinth Detritus in Eutrophic Lake
Hydrobiologia 211:101-109. 1990
R-00084 Reddy, K. R.; D'Angelo, E. M. and DeBusk,
T. A. Oxygen Transport Through Aquatic
Macrophytes: The Role in Wastewater
Journal of Environmental Quality 19:261-267.
R-00501 Reddy, K. R.; D'Angelo, E.; Lindau, C. and
Patrick, Jr., W. H. Urea Losses in Flooded Soils
with Established Oxidized and Reduced Soil
Biology and Fertility Soils 9:283-287. 1990
R-00390 Reddy, K. R.; Rao, P. S. and Jessup, R. E.
Transformations and Transport of Ammonium
Nitrogen in a Flooded Organic Soil.
Ecological Modeling 51:205-216. 1990
R-00709 Rhue, R. E. and Rao, P. S. Application of Gas
Chromatographic Techniques for Characterizing
Vapor Sorption on Soils: A Review.
Chemosphere 21:537-556. 1990
R-00074 Stone, E. L. Boron Deficiency and Excess in
Forest Trees: A Review.
Forest Ecology and Management 37:49-75. 1990
R-00179 Sylvia, D. M. and Neal, L. H. Nitrogen Affects
the Phosphorus Response of VA-Mycorrhiza.
New Phytologist 115303-309. 1990
R-00001 Van Rees, K. C.; Comerford, N. B. and McFee,
W. W. Modeling Potassium Uptake by Slash
Pine Seedlings from Low Potassium-Supplyng
Soils of the Southeastern Coastal Plain.
Soil Science Society of America 54:1413-1421.
R-00002 Van Rees, K. C.; Comerford, N. B. and Rao,
P. S. Defining Soil Buffer Power: Implications

for Ion Diffusion and Nutrient Uptake
Soil Science Society of America 54:1505-1507.
R-00215 VanRees, K. C. and Comerford, N. B. The Role
of Woody Roots of Slash Pine in Water and
Potassium Absorption.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
20:1183-1191. 1990
R-00804 Wang, H. D.; Harris, W. G. and Yuan, T. L.
Presence of Noncrystalline Phosphates in Florida
Phosphatic Soils.
Soil Science Society 55:665-669. 1991
R-00851 Wang, H. D.; Harris, W. G. and Yuan, T. L.
Relation between Phosphorus and Iron in
Florida Phosphatic Soils.
Soil Science Society of America 55:554-560.
R-00835 Wood, A. L.; Bouchard, D. C.; Brusseau, M. L.
and Rao, P. S. Cosolvent Effects on Sorption
and Mobility of Organic Contaminants in Soils.
Chemosphere 21:575-587. 1990

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00176 Sylvia, D. M. Beneficial Root-Associated Fungi
Improve Establishment of Sea Oats on Beach
Nourishment Sand.
Beaches: Lessons of Hurricane Hugo, Fla. Shore
and Beach Preservation. p. 100-112. 1990

Research Grants:
Brown R. B. Soils Assessment of Crystal River/Kings Bay
for OSDS Use. Owen Ayers & Associates. 11/15/90-
03/01/91. $5,000
Brown R. B. Soils Assessment for Septic Systems in the
Suwannee River Basin. Owen Ayers & Associates.
01/22/91-06/01/91. $6,500
Collins M. E. Doline Stratigraphy & Landscape Stability
on Karst Topography at the Oak Ridge Lab. Martin
Marietta Corporation. 11/01/90-09/30/91. $7,250
Collins M. E. Acceleration of Soil Surveys in Florida Basic
Agreement. Dept of Agricul & Consumer Ser.
07/01/90-06/30/91. $116,000
Collins M. E. Determination of Selected Soil Properties.
Agricultural Management Ser Co. 05/01/90-
04/30/91. $2,000
Collins M. E. Tebuthiuron Study. Water Management
Districts. 09/28/90-09/27/91. $3,645

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Soil Science 79

Collins M. E. Soil Chemical & Associated Properties. Sartain J. B. Studies Involving the Use of Nitroform on
Environmental Science & Eng. 09/01/90-08/31/91. Turfgrass. Nor-Am Agricultural Products. 05/01/91-
$2,909 04/30/92. $2,400
Collins M. E. Soil Investigations of the Upper Agwan Sylvia D. M. Mycorrhizal Root Competition for Nutrients
Valley Honduras. Standard Fruit Company. in Infertile Forest Soils. National Science
03/01/91-02/28/92. $9,954 Foundation. 01/01/91-12/31/93. $118,853
Graetz D. A. Research Water-Column Sediment Nutrient
Interactions as a Function of Hydrology. Water
Management Districts. 12/22/88-03/31/92. $25,500
Graetz D. A. Orange County Eastern Service Area
WWTF Phase III Wetlands Research Program.
Camp Dresser & Mckee. 01/01/88-03/31/91. $50,720
Graetz D. A. Fate of Fertilizer Nitrogen in Maize &
Groundnut Crop Rotation Systems in Zambia. North
Carolina A&T University. 11/14/90-11/13/91.
Hammond L. C. Allied Signal Coke Plant. Int
Technology Corporation. 04/01/91-06/30/91. $450
Johnston C. T. Chemical Mechanisms of Interaction of
Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Clary Minerals in Soil.
U S Air Force. 12/09/88-12/31/91. $15,000
Mansell R. S. Fate & Transport of Tetraethylene &
Associated Weathering Products in Subsurface.
Battelle Laboratories. 11/08/90-01/04/91. $10,882
Rao P. S. Multi-Solute Sorption Chemistry of Phenolic
Compounds in Soils & Groundwater. Battelle
Laboratories. 05/15/89-09/30/92. $50,000
Rao P. S. Environment Partitioning & Release of
Organics from Utility Waste Disposal Sites.
University of Texas. 04/01/89-12/31/91. $72345
Reddy K. R. Lake Okeechobee Phosphorus Dynamics
Study. Water Management Districts. 02/12/88-
02/12/91. $46,312
Reddy K. R. Nutrient Storage & Movement in the Lake
Apopka March Project. Water Management
Districts. 04/10/91-07/09/94. $98,750
Sartain J. B. Effects of Ringer Based Products on Warm &
Cool Season Turfgrasses. Ringer Corporation.
05/15/90-05/15/91. $9,600
Sartain J. B. Effects of Types & Rates of N & K Sources on
Turfgrasses. Fl Turf-Grass Association. 10/01/88-
09/30/91. $5,000
Sartain J. B. Studies with Fe-Humate on Turfgrass.
Kemiron. 02/15/91-02/14/92. $10,500
Sartain J. B. Establishing Vegetative Cover on
Phosphogypsum. FI Inst of Phosphate Research.
04/27/90-08/26/93. $6,058

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

80 Statistics

489 Littel Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1941
Fax: 904-392-5175
1,2 RONALD H. RANDLES Chair & Prof.
2 JOHN A. CORNELL Prof., Design of Experi-
ments, Experiments With Mixtures
2 RAMON C. LITTELL Prof., Theory of Inference,
Statistical Computings
2 F. G. MARTIN, Prof., Design & Analysis of
Experiments, Statistical Genetics
2,3 KENNETH M. PORTIER Assoc. Prof., Environ-
mental Statistics

CRIS Projects:
STA02820 Experimental Designs and Models for use in
Agricultural Mixture Experiments
J. A. Cornell
STA02990 Statistical Models and Analyses for Repeated
Measures Data
R. C. Littell

Refereed Publications:
R-00970 Comell, J. A. Embedding Mixture Experiments
Inside Factorial Experiments.
Journal of Quality Technology 22:265-276.
R-01238 Littell, R. C. Analysis of Repeated Measures
1990 Kansas State Univ. Confeence on Applied
Statistics in Agriculture. p. 1-12. 1990

Research Grants:
Randles R. H. Statistical Support for USDA. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 03/01/90-09/30/90. $19,700

4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

2 Research 3 Extension

Vegetable Crops 81

1251 Fifield Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1928
Fax: 904-392-6479
1,2,3 DANIEL J. CANTLIFFE Chair & Prof., Seed
1,2 MARK J. BASSETT Prof., Hort., Plant Breeding
1,2 THOMAS A. BEWICK Asst. Prof., Vegetable
1,2 JEFFREY K. BRECHT Assoc. Prof., Postharvest
1,2 CHRISTINE D. CHASE Asst. Prof., Molecular
1,2 ROBERT J. FERL Prof., Biological Sciences
2 CHESLEY B. HALL Prof., Physiology
1,2 LARKIN C. HANNAH Prof., Hort., Biochemical
2,3 GEORGE J. HOCHMUTH Assoc. Prof., Ext. Veg.
Spec. Nutrition
1,2 DONALD J. HUBER Prof., Postharvest Physiology
1,2 THOMAS E. HUMPHREYS Prof., Hort.,
1,2 STEPHEN R. KOSTEWICZ Assoc. Prof., Crop
1,2 SALVADOREJ. LOCASCIO Prof., Herbicides
And Nutrition
1,2 DONALD R. MCCARTY Asst. Prof., Seed
2,3 STEVEN A. SARGENT Asst. Prof., Postharvest
2,3 WILLIAM M. STALL Prof., Extension Vegetable
Specialist, Weed Control
1,2 CARLOS E. VALLEJOS Asst. Prof., Physiological
1,2 INDRA K. VASIL Grad. Res. Prof., Tissue Culture
& Genetic Modification

CRIS Projects:
VEC02345 Rapid Propagation, Genetic Manipulation
and Improvement of Napiergrass and Giant
D. D. Gull J. K. Brecht
S. A. Sargent I. K. Vasil
VEC02487 Trickle Irrigation in Humid Regions
S. J. Locascio S. M. Olson
VEC02532 Postharvest Physiology and Biochemistry of
J. K. Brecht D. J. Huber

VEC02548 Soil Test Methodology and Crop Response
G. J. Hochmuth
VEC02549 The Genetic and Physiological Bases of Low
Temperature Tolerance in Plants
C. E. Vallejos
VEC02582 Chromatin Structure and Gene Expression in
R. J. Ferl
VEC02588 Molecular Characterization of the Sucrose
Synthetase-2 Gene of Maize
L. C. Hannah
VEC02612 Weed Control in Vegetable Crop Production

S. J. Locascio
W.M. Stall

S. R. Kostewicz
T. A. Bewick

VEC02640 Development of Cultivars and Specialized
Genetic Stocks for Basic Research in
Common Bean
M. J. Bassett
VEC02688 Application of Integrated Agrotechnology for
Crop Production and Environmental Quality
G. J. Hochmuth
VEC02690 Postharvest Technology and Quarantine
Treatments for Insect Control in Horticul-
tural Crops
J. K. Brecht
VEC02724 Southern Region Program to Clear Pest
Control Agents for Minor Uses
W.M. Stall
VEC02757 Vegetable Crops Physiology and Biochemistry
C. B. Hall T. E. Humphreys
D. J. Cantliffe
VEC02772 Dissociation Mutagenesis of the Shrunken-2
Locus of Maize
L. C. Hannah
VEC02775 Biological Weed Control in Vegetable Crops
T. A. Bewick

VEC02801 Development of Improved Carrot Cultivars
for Florida
M. J. Bassett

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

82 Vegetable Crops

VEC02831 Biological Control of Nutsedge with Fungal
T. A. Bewick
VEC02843 Efficient Fertilization and Irrigation Practices
for Vegetables

S. J. Locascio

G. J. Hochmuth

VEC02853 Molecular Analysis of Regulatory Gene
Interaction in Maize
D. R. McCarty
VEC02877 Molecular and Genetic Analysis of Low
Temperature Tolerance in Tomato
C. E. Vallejos
VEC02878 Molecular Genetics of Cytoplasmic Male
Sterility in Phaseolus vulgaris
C. D. Chase
VEC02883 Cellular and Whole Plant Complexation and
Transport of Zinc and Copper
C. D. Chase
VEC02889 Postharvest Systems for Quality Maintenance
of Vegetables
S. A. Sargent J. K. Brecht
VEC02992 Discovery and Development of Plant Patho-
gens for Biological Control of Weeds
T. A. Bewick
VEC02994 Gentics and Physiology of Sweet Corn
Quality, Pest Resistance and Yield
L. C. Hannah D. J. Cantliffe
VEC03031 Genetic Improvement of Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.) for Yield, Pest Resistance and
Food Value

M. J. Bassett
C. E. Vallejos

C. D. Chase

VEC03070 Cellular and Whole Plant Complexation and
Transport of Zinc and Copper
C. D. Chase
VEC03072 Molecular Characterization of Sucrose
Synthase Genes of Maize
L. C. Hannah
VEC03082 Genetic Improvement of Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.) for Yield, Pest Resistance and
Food Value

M. J. Bassett
C. D. Chase

C. E. Vallejos

VEC03086 Microirrigation of Horticultural Crops in
Humid Regions
S. J. Locascio

Refereed Publications:
R-00098 Ahrens, M. J. and Huber, D. J. Physiology and
Firmness of Ripening Tomato Fruit.
Physiologica Plantarum 78:8-14. 1990
R-00486 Bae, J. M. and Hannah, L. C. Cloning and
Characterization of the Brittle-2 Gene of Maize.
Maydica 35:313-316. 1990
R-00432 Bassett, M. J. A Pleiotropic Mutant for Male
Sterility and Spindly Branching at the sb Locus
in Common Bean.
American Society for Horticultural Science
116:346-348. 1991
R-00342 Bassett, M. J. and Blom, A. A New Genotype
for White Seed Coat Discovered in 'Early Wax'
Snap Bean.
American Society for Horticultural Science
116:131-136. 1991
R-00023 Bassett, M. J. and Lin-Bao, X. Flower Colors in
Common Bean by Interactions of the Sal and
V. lock and a Gametophyte Factor Ga Linked to
Saland a Gametophyte Factor Ga Linked to Sal.
American Society for Horticultural Science
115:1029-1033. 1990
R-00190 Bewick, T. A.; Kostewicz, S. R. and Stall, W. M.
Influlence ofFungicides/Bactericides on Control
of American Black Nightshade (Solanun
americanum, Mill.) with Paraquat.
HortScience 25:1407-1408. 1990
R-00768 Bewick, T. A.; Stall, W. M.; Kostewicz, S. R.
and Smith, K. Alternatives for Control of
Paraquat Tolerant American Black Nightshade
(Solanum americanum).
Weed Technology 5:61-65. 1991
R-00477 Bhave, J. R.; Lawrence, S.; Barton, C. and
Hannah, L. C. Identification and Molecular
Characterization of Shrunken-2 cDNA Clones
of Maize.
The Plant Cell 2:581-588. 1990
R-00946 Bikomo-Mbonomo, R. and Brecht, J. K. Curing,
Wash Water Chlorination and Packaging to
Improve the Postharvest Quality of Xanthosoma
Scientia Horticulturae 47:1-13. 1991
R-00635 Bournival, B. L. and Vallejos, C. E. New
Sources of Genetic Resistance to Race Three of
Fusarium Wilt of Tomato.
Plant Disease 75:281-284. 1991

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Vegetable Crops 83

R-00205 Boumival, B. L.; Vallejos, C. E. and Scott, J. W.
Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Races 1 and 2
of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici from the
Wild Tomato Lycopersicon pennellii.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 79:641-645.
R-00278 Braverman, M. P.; Duskky, J. A.; Locascio, S. J.
and Homsby, A. G. Sorption and Degradation
of Thiobencarb.
Weed Science Society 38:583-588. 1990
R-00277 Braverman, M. P.; Locascio, S. J.; Dusky, J. A.
and Hornsby, A. G. Mobility and Bioactivity of
Weed Science Society of America 38:607-614.
R-00945 Brecht, J. K.; Shewfelt, R. L.; Garner, J. C. and
Tollner, E. W. Using X-Ray Computed
Tomography (X-Ray CT) to Nondestructively
Determine Maturity of Green Tomatoes.
HortScience 26:45-47. 1990
R-00853 Chase, C. D.; Ortega, V. M. and Vallejos, C. E.
DNA Restriction Fragment Length
Polymorphisms Parallel Isozyme Diversity in
Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 81:806-811.
R-00433 Clough, G. H.; Locascio, S. J. and Olson, S. M.
Yield of Successively-Cropped Polyethylene-
Mulched Vegetables as Affected by Irrigation
Method and Rate and Time of N and K
American Society of Horticultural Science
115:884-887. 1990
R-00396 DeLisle, A. J. and Ferl, R. J. Characterization of
the Arabidopsis Adh G-Bos Binding Factor.
The Plant Cell 2:547-557. 1990
R-00183 DeVetten, N. C. and Huber, D. J. Cell Wall
Changes During the Expansion and Senescence
of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Petals.
Physiologia Plantarum 78-3:447-454. 1990
R-01142 DeVetten, N. C.; Huber, D. J. and Gross, K. C.
Enzymic Degradation of Hemicelluloses During
Development of Carnation (Dianthus
caryophyllus L.) Petals.
Plant Physiology 95:853-860. 1991
R-00512 Ferl, R. J. ARF-B2: A Protein Complex that
Specifically Binds to Part of the Anaerobic
Response Element of Maize Adhl.
Plant Physiology 93:1094-1101. 1990

R-01176 Huber, D. J. and Lee, J. H. Acidified Phenol
Alters Tomato Cell Wall Pectin Solubility and
Calcium Content.
Phytochemistry 40:2523-2527. 1991
R-01569 Leskovar, D. I. and Cantliffe, D. J. Growth and
Yield of Pepper Transplants and Direct-Seeded
Journal of the American Society of Horticultural
Science 116:416-420. 1991
R-00798 Leskovar, D. I. and Cantliffe, D. J. Tomato
Transplant Growth Morphology affected by
Handling and Storage.
HortScience 81:806-811. 1991
R-00872 Leskovar, D. I.; Cantliffe, D. J. and Stoffella,
P. J. Growth after Establishment as Influenced
by Transplant Age in Tomatoes.
American Society for Horticultural Science
116:416-420. 1991
R-00259 Leskovar, D. I.; Cantliffe, D. J. and Stoffella,
P. J. Spatial Root Growth and Root-Shoot
Interaction in Transplants and Direct Seeded
Plants of Pepper.
Environmental and Experimental Botany
30349-354. 1990
R-00175 McKendree, W. L.; Paul, A. L.; DeLisle, A. J.
and Ferl, R. J. In Vivo and In Vitro
Characterization of Protein Interactions with
the Dyad G-Box of the Arabidopsis Adh Gene.
The Plant Cell 2:207-214. 1990
R-00671 Morrish, F. M.; Hanna, W. W. and Vasil, I. K.
The Expression and Perpetuation of Inherent
Somatic Variation in Regenerants from
Embryogenic Cultures of Pennisetum glaucum
(L.) R.BR. (Pearl Millet).
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 80:409-416.
R-01236 Parera, C. A. and Cantliffe, D. J. Improved
Stand Establishment of Shrunken-2 Sweet Corn
by Seed Treatments.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:153-157.
R-00665 Paul, A. L. and Ferl, R.J. Adhl and Adh2
Transcriptional Regulation.
Maydica 36:129-134. 1991
R-00688 Paul, A. L. and Ferl, R. J. In Vivo Footprinting
Reveals Unique CIS Elements and Different
Modes of Hypoxic Stress Induction in Maize
adhl and Adh2.
Plant Physiology 3:159-168. 1991

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

84 Vegetable Crops

R-00227 Redway, F. A. and Vasil, I. K. Selection of S-(2-
Aminoethyl)-Cysteine Tolerance in
Embryogenic Calli and Regenerated Plants of
Pennisetum purpureum Schum.
Plant Science 67:203-209. 1990
R-00535 Redway, F. A.; Vasil, V. and Vasil, I. K.
Characterization and Regeneration of Wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) Embryogenic Cell
Suspension Cultures.
Plant Cell Reports 8:714-717. 1990
R-00494 Redway, F. A.; Vasil, V.; Lu, D. and Vasil, I. K.
Identification of Callus Types for Long-Term
Maintenance and Regeneration from
Commercial Cultivars of Wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.).
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 79:609-617.
R-00253 Schultheis, J. R.; Cantliffe, D. J. and Chee, R. P.
Optimizing Sweet Potato (Ipomoe batatas (L.)
Lam.) Root and Plant Formation by Selection of
Proper Embryo Developmental Stage and Size,
and Gel Type for Fluidized Sowing.
Plant Cell Culture 9:356-359. 1990
R-01502 Taylor, M. G. and Vasil, I. K. Effect of Physical
Factors, and the Histology of Transient GUS
Expression in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum
(L.) R.Br.) Embryos following Microprojectile
Plant Cell Reports 10:120-125. 1991
R-00255 Vallejos, C. E. Low Night Temperatures have a
Differential Effect on the Diurnal Cycling of
Gene Expression in Cold Sensitive and Tolerant
Plant Cell and Environment 14:105-112. 1991
R-00696 Vallejos, C. E. and Chase, C. D. Linkage
between Isozyme Markers and a Locus Affecting
Seed Size in Phaseolus vulgaris L..
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 81:413-419.
R.00527 Vasil, V.; Redway, F. and Vasil, I. K.
Regeneration of Plants from Embryogenic
Suspension Culture Protoplasts of Wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.).
Bio/Technology 8:429-434. 1990

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00395 Brecht, J. K.; Sargent, S. A.; Hochmuth, R. C.
and Tervola, R. S. Postharvest Quality of
Supersweet (sh2) Sweet Corn Cultivars.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:283-288.

N-00285 Hall, C. B. Relation of Light Intensity to Radish
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:100-101.
N-00354 Hochmuth, G. J.; Cantiffe, D. J. and Meline, C.
Effects of Mulching and Planting Methods on
Performance of Sweet Corn in Florida.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:91-93.
N-00362 Hochmuth, R. C.; Olson, S. M. and Hochmuth,
G. J. Short Day Onion Cultivars for North
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:96-98.
N-00011 Lamberts, M. L. and Crane, J. H. Tropical
1st National Symposium New Crops, Research,
Development, Economics 42:157. 1990
N-00276 Leskovar, D. I. and Cantiffe, D. J. Does the
Initial Condition of the Transplants affect
Tomato Growth and Development?.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:148-153.
N-00348 Locascio, S. J. and Hensel, D. R. Potato Yield as
Influenced by Gelling a Liquid Fertilizer.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:108-110.
N-00360 Sargent, S. A.; Brecht, J. K. and Zoellner, J. J.
Some Physical Characteristics of Bell Peppers in
Relation to Capacities of Standard and Potential
Shipping Containers.
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:222-225.
N-00351 Stall, W. M. and Hochmuth, R. C. Control of
Weed Species and Cucumber Tolerance with
Selected Herbicide and Herbicide
Florida State Horticultural Society 103:126-130.

Research Grants:
Bassett M. J. Labeling the Marker Genes in Lamprecht's
Bean Collection & Development of a Marker. U S
Dept of Agriculture. 05/15/90-09/30/90. $6,000
Bewick T. A. Profitability of Controlling Yellow Nutsedge
with Chemical and/or Biological Herbicides.
University of Georgia. 06/01/90-05/31/93. $13,500
Bewick T. A. Potential Biological Control of Sedge
Weeds. Oregon Cranberry Growers Assoc. 06/25/90-
06/24/91. $1,500

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Vegetable Crops 85

Bewick T. A. Biological Control of Nutsedge with Fungal
Pathogens. U S Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/89-
06/30/91. $81300
Cantliffe D. J. Lettuce Trials in Florida. Asgrow Seed
Company. 08/01/90-07/31/91. $2,500
Cantliffe D. J. Vigor Tests for Shrunken Corn. Asgrow
Seed Company. 12/01/90-11/30/92. $8,350
Cantliffe D. J. Biological Protectants for Sweet Corn.
Eastman Kodak Company. 03/12/91-03/11/92.
Ferl R. J. Trans-Acting Factors Regulating Gene
Expression. National Institutes of Health. 01/01/89-
12/31/93. $108,440
Hannah L. C. Molecular Characterization of Sucrose
Synthase Genes of Maize. U S Dept of Agriculture.
09/01/90-08/31/93. $180,000
Hannah L. C. Maize Endosperm Development. Pillsbury
Company Inc. 04/01/90-03/31/93. $48,455
Hochmuth G. J. Production of Antitumor Agents by
Plants Grown Under Hydroponic Conditions.
National Institutes of Health. 12/07/90-12/06/91.
Locascio S. J. N Sources & N Rates for Drip-Irrigated
Pepper. Exxon. 03/22/91-12/31/91. $4,000
McCarty D. R. Molecular Analysis of Regulatory Gene
Interaction in Maize. McKnight Foundation.
07/01/89-06/30/91. $35,000
Sargent S. A. Options for Standard Shipping Containers
for Bell Peppers. Fl Bell Pepper Growers Exch.
04/15/91-09/15/91. $1,500
Stall W. M. Dinoseb Alternatives for Horticulture &
Agronomic Crops in the Pacific Northwest. Oregon
State University. 05/01/90-04/30/92. $4,500
Vallejos C. E. Tagging Disease Resistances of Ecomomic
Importance in the Caribbean Region. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 07/01/91-06/30/92. $41,604
Vasil I. K. UNESCO Biotechnology Advisory Committee.
United Nations. 11/14/90-11/13/91. $2,500

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

- -

1 Resident Instruction

86 School of Forest Resources & Conservation

118 Newins-Ziegler Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1792
Fax: 904-392-1707
1,2,3 ARNETT C. MACE JR. Director & Prof.

Research Grants:
Huffman J. B. Extension Agreement Preservation Treated
Wood Test Plots. Michigan Technological Univ.
11/18/85-08/31/90. $750
Kitchens W. M. Graduate Research in Fish & Game
Commission. Game & Fresh Water Fish Commis.
07/01/79-12/31/99. $59,365
Mace A. C. Impact of Forest Practices on Multiple Forest
Values. U S Dept of Agriculture. 10/01/89-12/31/90.
Mace A. C. Polk County Mined Lands Agriculture
Research/Demonstration Project. Polk County.
03/01/90-02/29/92. $92,500
Mace A. C. Osmose-Wood Treatment Test Plots. Osmose
Wood Preserving. 08/01/87-07/31/91. $375

1 Resident Instruction 2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

2 Research 3 Extension

Forestry 87

118 Newins-Ziegler Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-1850
Fax: 904-392-1707
1,2,3 C. PATRICK REID Chmn. & Prof., Ecology,
2 ROBERT C. ABT Assoc. Prof., Forest Ecnomics
1,2 LOUKAS G. ARVANITIS Prof., Mensuration
1,2 GEORGE M. BLAKESLEE JR Assoc. Prof., For
2,3 MARY L. DURYEA Assoc. Prof., Tree Physiol./
1,2 KATHERINE C. EWEL Prof., Ecology
1,3 DAVID M. FLINCHUM Prof., Forestry Mgt. Ext.
1,2 HENRY L. GHOLZ Prof., Forestry Ecol.
1,2 JON D. JOHNSON Assoc. Prof., Tree Physiology
1,2 ERIC J. JOKELA Assoc. Prof., Silviculture
2 MARK S. LESNEY Asst. Prof., Forest
1,2 ALAN J. LONG Assoc. Prof., Forest Operations
2 PUTHEN K R. NAIR Prof., Agroforestry,
23 HANS RIEKERK Assoc. Prof., For. Hydrology
1,2 DONALD L. ROCKWOOD Prof., Forest Genet.
1,2 ROBERT A. SCHMIDT Prof., For. Path.
23 ROGER S. WEBB Assoc. Prof., Forest Path.
1,2 TIMOTHY L. WHITE Assoc. Prof., Forest

CRIS Projects:
FOR01827 Impact of Forest Management Practices on
Multiple Forest Values
W. H. Smith W. L. Pritchett
D. L. Rockwood J. D. Johnson
W. R. Marion A. C. Mace
L. D. Harris H. L. Gholz
E. J. Jokela G. M. Blakeslee
FOR02360 Environmental Limits on the Structure and
Primary Productivity of Florida Forests
H. L. Gholz K. C. Ewel
W. P. Cropper
FOR02416 Genetic Improvement of Four Southern Pine
D. L. Rockwood T. L. White

FOR02443 Relationships and Interactions between
Pathogens, their Hosts, and Attack by Bark
R. S. Webb
FOR02503 Fertilization and Nutrition of Southern Pine
E. J. Jokela
FOR02515 Mineralization and Recycling of Composted
Garbage and Sewage Sludge through Forests
H. Riekerk
FOR02554 Carbon Use in Mycorrhizae Symbiosis:
Carbon Allocation/Phosphorus Nutrition in
C. P. Reid
FOR02606 Stress Acclimation of Photosynthesis in Pine
J. D. Johnson M. S. Lesney
FOR02638 Modeling Slash Pine Growth from Individual
Tree Measurements
L. G. Arvanitis
FOR02655 Market Structure and Performance of the
Forest Products Industry in Florida and the
R. C. Abt
FOR02658 Operational Alternatives for Establishing
Southern Pine Stands in Florida
A. J. Long
FOR02659 Nitrogen Efficiency as an Adaptive Mecha-
nism in Slash Pine
M. L. Duryea T. L. White
FOR02660 Pitch Canker Disease of Southern Pines:
Genetic Resistance and Epidemiology
G. M. Blakeslee
FOR02702 Chemistry of Atmospheric Deposition-
Effects on Agriculture, Forestry, Surface
Waters, and Materials
H. Riekerk
FOR02713 Interactions among Bark Beetles, Pathogens,
and Conifers in North American Forests
R. S. Webb J.D. Johnson
FOR02835 Response of Slash Pine Families to Acidic
Precipitation and Ozone Stress in North
J. D. Johnson T. J. Dean
L. G. Arvanitis

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

-- --

1 Resident Instruction

88 Forestry

FOR02864 Ethylene's Role in the Induced Host Resis-
tance to Bark Beetles and Vectored Fungi
J. D. Johnson
FOR03064 Epidemiology and Management of Fusiform
Rust on Southern Pine
R. A. Schmidt

Refereed Publications:
R-00400 Colbert, S. R.; Jokela, E. J. and Neary, D. G.
Effects of Annual Fertilization and Sustained
Weed Control on Dry Matter Partitioning, Leaf
Area, and Growth Efficiency of Juvenile
Loblolly and Slash Pine.
Forest Science 36:995-1014. 1990
R-00476 de Souza, S. M.; White, T. L.; Young, C. H.;
Schmidt, R. A. and Anderson, R. L. Evaluation
of Fusiform Rust Symptoms on Greenhouse-
Grown Slash Pine Seedlings for the Prediction
of Field Resistance: Trait Stability.
Plant Disease 74:969-974. 1990
R-00901 Dean, T. J. and Johnson, J. D. Proportional-
Plus-Integral Control of Experimental Ozone
Concentrations in a Large Open-Top Chamber.
Atmospheric Environment 25:1123-1126. 1991
R-00224 Duryea, M. L. Nursery Fertilization and Top
Pruning of Slash Pine Seedlings.
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 14:73-76.
R-00721 Gholz, H. L.; Vogel, S. A.; Cropper, Jr., W. P.;
McKelvey, K.; Ewel, K. C. and Curran, P. J.
Dynamics of Canopy Structure and Light
Interception in Pinus elliottii Stands of North
Ecology/Ecological Monographs 61:33-51. 1991
R-01039 Johnson, J. D. and Stelzer, H. E. Loblolly Pine
Photosynthesis is Enhanced by Sublethal
Hexazinone Concentrations.
Tree Physiology 8:371-379. 1991
R-00930 Jokela, E. J.; McFee, W. W. and Stone, E. L.
Micronutrient Deficiency in Slash Pine:
Response and Persistence of Added Manganese.
Soil Science Society of America 55:492-496.
R-00965 Kainer, K. A. and Duryea, M. L. Root
Wrenching and Lifting Date of Slash Pine:
Effects on Morphology, Survival and Growth.
New Forests 4:207-221. 1990
R-00827 Rosseau, J. V. and Reid, C. P. Effects of
Phosphorus Fertilization and Mycorrhizal

Development on Phosphorus Nutrition and
Carbon Balance of Loblolly Pine Over Time.
New Phytologist 117:319-326. 1991
R-01407 Sequeira, W. and Gholz, H. L. Canopy
Structure, Light Penetration and Tree Growth
in a Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) Silvo-Pastoral
System at Different Stand Configurations in
The Forestry Chronicle: April 1991 67:263-267.
R-00903 Wullschleger, S. D. and Reid, C. P. Implication
of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in the Cytokinin
Relations of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.).
New Phytologist 116:681-688. 1990

Research Grants:
Cropper W. P. Modelling Carbon Dynamics of Slash Pine
Plantations in Response to Climate Change.
Environmental Protection Agency. 10/01/90-
09/30/92. $28,579
Duryea M. L. Physiological & Genetic Mechanisms
Controlling Growth Rates in Slash Pine Early. State
of Georgia. 08/01/89-07/30/91. $8,206
Ewel K. C. Ecological Society of America Program Chair
Coordinating Activities. Ecological Society of
America. 01/01/91-08/31/92. $8,000
Gholz H. L. The Development of a North Florida
Location as an Intensive Forest Study Site. U S Dept
of Agriculture. 01/01/90-06/30/91. $9,136
Gholz H. L. Interaction of Climate & Nutrition on Forest
Production Comparison of Controlling. National
Science Foundation. 03/01/90-. $75,528
Johnson J. D. Response of Slash Pine Families to Acidic
Precipitation & Ozone in North Florida. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 05/01/91-10/31/92. $60,000
Jokela E. J. Cooperative Research in Forest Fertilization. Fl
Forestry Association. 01/01/91-12/31/91. $111,130
Nair P. K. Soil Fertility & Productivity Aspects of Alley
Cropping Under Semi-Arid Conditions. Rockefeller
Foundation. 12/01/90-01/31/92. $25,062
Schmidt R. A. A Partnership for Fundamental Research
on Pine Productivity. Union Camp Corporation.
01/01/90-12/31/91. $50,000
Schmidt R. A. A Partnership for Fundamental Research
on Pine Productivity. Champion International Corp.
01/01/90-12/31/91. $50,000
Schmidt R. A. A Partnership for Fundamental Research
on Pine Productivity. Container Corp of America.
01/01/90-12/31/91. $50,000

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

Forestry 89

Schmidt R. A. A Partnership for Fundamental Research
on Pine Productivity. Westvaco Corporation.
01/01/90-12/31/91. $50,000
Schmidt R. A. Integrated Forest Pest Management
Cooperative. Fl Forestry Association. 07/01/91-
06/30/92. $58,000
Webb R. S. Evaluating the Biocontrol Potential of
Pathogenic Fungi from Melaleuca Populations. U S
Dept of Agriculture. 09/28/90-09/14/95. $20,000
Webb R. S. Liquid Fertilizer Triazole Injection Trials for
Remission of Foliar Chlorosis & Pine. Fl Turf-grass
Association. 03/20/91-03/19/92. $26,000
White T. L. Cooperative Forest Genetics Research
Program. FI Forestry Association. 07/01/90-12/31/91.

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

90 Fisheries and Aquaculture

118 Newins-Ziegler Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-9617
Fax: 904-392-3462
2 JEROME V. SHIREMAN Chair & Prof.
2 DONALD E. CAMPTON, JR. Asst. Prof., Fish
2 DANIEL E. CANFIELD JR Prof., Limnology
23 FRANK A. CHAPMAN Asst. Prof., Fishwater-
estuarine Habitats
2,3 CHARLES E. CICHRA Asst. Prof., Fish Ecology
And Population Dynamics
3 ANDREW M. LAZUR Asst. Prof., Aquaculture
1,2 WILLIAM J. LINDBERG Asst. Prof., Marine
Crustacean Biology
2 EDWARD J. PHLIPS Asst. Prof., Marine Biomass
& Microbial Physiology & Biochemistry
1,2 CLAIRE L. SCHELSKE Eminent Scholar, Water

CRIS Projects:
FAS03019 Ecologic Studies of the Littoral and Pelagic
Systems of Lake Okeechobee
J. V. Shireman D. E. Canfield

E. J. Phlips
C. E. Cichra

R. Francis-Floyd

FAS03027 Variation of Reef Dispersion to Manage
Targeted Fishery Assemblages
W. J. Lindberg
FAS03028 Toward Forecasting Stone Crab Recruitment
and Environmentally Induced Year-Class
W. J. Lindberg T. M. Bert
C. E. Cichra
FAS03030 Agreement to Study Phytoplankton-Nutrient
Interactions in Lake Apopka
C. L. Schelske
FAS03033 Population and Quantitative Genetics of Fish
and Shellfish in Florida
D. E. Campton

Refereed Publications:
R-01070 Agusti, S.; Duarte, C. M. and Canfield, Jr., D. E.
Biomass Partitioning in Florida Phytoplankton
Journal of Plankton Research 13:239-245. 1991

R-00087 Campton, D. E. Application of Biochemical
and Molecular Genetic Markers to Analysis of
Applications/Electrophoresis & Isoelectric
Focusing/Fisheries Mgmt.. p. 241-263. 1990
R-00037 Campton, D. E. and Mahmoudi, B. Genetic
Variation and Population Structure of Striped
Mullet (Mugil cephalus) in Florida.
Copeia 2:485-492. 1991
R-00346 Canfield, D. E.; Hoyer, M. V. and Duarte, C. M.
An Empirical Method for Characterizing
Standing Crops of Aquatic Vegetation.
Plant Management 28:64-69. 1990
R-00917 Duarte, C. M.; Agusti, S. and Canfield, Jr., D. E.
Size Plasticity of Freshwater Phytoplankton:
Implications for Community Structure.
Limnology and Oceanography 35:1846-1851.
R-00723 Frazer, T. K.; Lindberg, W. J. and Stanton, C. R.
Predation on Sand Dollars by Gray Triggerfish,
Balistes capriscus, in the Northeastern Gulf of
Bulletin of Marine Science 48:159-164. 1990
R-00985 Lindberg, W. J. and McElroy, D. A. Limitations
in Nearest Neighbor Tests of Dispersion and
Florida Scientist 54:106-111. 1991
R-01011 Lockhart, F. D.; Lindberg, W. J.; Blake, N. J.;
Erdman, R. B.; Perry, H. M. and Waller, R. S.
Distributional Difference and Population
Similarities for Two Deep-Sea Crabs (Family
Geryonidae) in the Northeastern Gulf of
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences 47:2112-2122. 1990
R-00453 Phlips, E. J. and Zeman, C. Photosynthesis,
Growth and Nitrogen Fixation by Epiphytic
Forms of Filamentous Cyanobacteria from
Pelagic Sargassum.
Bulletin of Marine Science 47:613-621. 1990
R-00452 Phlips, E. J.; Monegue, R. and Aldridge, F.
Cyanophages which Impact Bloom-Forming
Aquatic Plant Management Society 28:92-97.

Research Grants:
Campton D. E. Biochemical Population Genetics of
Spartina Alterniflora in Florida. Dept of Natural
Resources. 07/01/90-10/31/91. $39,792

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Fisheries and Aquaculture 91

Canfield D. E. Relations Between Aquatic Macrophytes &
the Limnology & Fisheries of Florida Lakes. Dept of
Natural Resources. 05/05/86-11/30/90. $90,000
Canfield D. E. Florida "Lakewatch". Dept of
Environmental Regulation. 12/24/90-04/15/92.
Canfield D. E. Lake Parker Fishery Assessment. Water
Management Districts. 01/07/91-03/15/92. $30,000
Canfield D. E. Weeki Wachee Recreational Survey.
Water Management Districts. 01/02/91-01/15/92.
Canfield D. E. Relations Between Aquatic Macrophytes &
the Limnology & Fisheries of Florida Lakes. Dept of
Natural Resources. 05/05/86-06/01/91. $5,000
Chapman F. A. Use of the Lampricide TFM (3-
Trifluoromethyl-4-Mitrophenol) to Control Frog
Larvae. Dept of Agricul & Consumer Ser. 03/06/91-
12/06/91. $15,825
Lindberg W. J. Fundamental Design Parameters for
Artificial Reefs: Interaction of Patch Reef Spacing.
Dept of Natural Resources. 10/18/90-10/17/92.
Lindberg W. J. Suwannee Regional Reef Program Phase II
Construction. Levy County. 05/07/91-07/31/92.
Mclvor C. C. Coupling of Primary & Secondary
Productivity in a Mangrove Dominated Estuary.
U. S. Dept of Commerce. 04/01/90-09/30/91.
Schelske C. L. Lake Seminole Sediment Mapping &
Analysis. Water Management Districts. 05/07/90-
05/20/91. $24,813
Schelske C. L. Lake Parker Sediments & Historical
Ecology. Water Management Districts. 01/02/91-
03/15/92. $20,000
Schelske C. L. Collection & Analysis of a Sediment Core
Taken From Lake Lucerne. U. S. Dept of Interior.
05/01/91-04/30/92. $5,000
Shireman J. V. Factors Affecting Abundance of Spotted
Seatrout Year-Class Strength. U. S. Dept of Interior.
08/30/90-06/30/93. $69,085
Shireman J. V. Ecological Studies of the Littoral & Pelagic
Systems of Lake Okeechobee. Water Management
Districts. 04/15/88-09/30/91. $548,488
Shireman J. V. Early Life History & Relative Abundance
of Sturgeon in the Lower Suwannee River Florida.
U. S. Dept of Interior. 09/29/87-10/31/93. $39,094

Shireman J. V. Innovative Technology Grant Proposal
Gainesville Raceway Aquatic Plant Aquaculture.
Dept of Natural Resources. 12/05/90-12/31/92.
Shireman J. V. Aquatic Animal Medicine Study on Lake
Weir, Lake Holly & Newnans Lake. Game & Fresh
Water Fish Commis. 10/18/90-10/17/91. $6,970

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

92 Wildlife and Range Sciences

118 Newins-Ziegler Hall / Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 904-392-4851
Fax: 904-392-1707
1,2 MICHAEL W. COLLOPY Chmn. & Prof., Raptor
& Wading Bird Ecology
1,2 LYN C. BRANCH Asst. Prof., Wildlife Ecology
2 JOHN F. EISENBERG Ordway Prof., Ecosystem
1,2 LAWRENCE D. HARRIS Prof., Wildlife Land-
scape Design
1,2 RONALD F. LABISKY Prof., Wildlife Ecology &
2,3 WAYNE R. MARION Assoc. Prof., Avian
2,3 JOSEPH M. SCHAEFER Asst. Prof., Urban
Wildlife Management
1,2 MELVIN E. SUNQUIST Assoc. Sci., Wildlife
2,3 GEORGE W. TANNER Assoc. Prof., Range
Ecology & Mgt.

CRIS Projects:
WRS02817 Wildlife and Growth Management in Florida

C. N. Huegel
J. M. Schaefer

F. J. Mazzotti

WRS02830 Nesting Ecology, Movements, and Habitat
Requirements of Southern Bald Eagles
M. W. Collopy
WRS02856 Relationships Between Human Population
Growth and Wildlife Species Diversity in
Hardwood Hammocks
J. M. Schaefer

Refereed Publications:
R-00439 Frederick, P. C.; Dwyer, N.; Fitzgerald, S. and
Bennetts, R. E. Relative Abundance and Habitat
Preferences of Least Bitterns (Ixobrychus exilis)
in the Everglades.
Florida Field Naturalist 18-1:1-9. 1990
R-00741 Hall, P. M. Dangerous to Man? A Record of an
Attack by a Black Caiman (Melanosuchus
niger) in Guyana.
Herpetologica Review 22:9-11. 1991
R-00372 Jacobson, S.K. Evaluation Model for
Developing, Implementing, and Assessing
Conservation Education Programs: Examples
from Costa Rica and Belize.
Environmental Management 15:143-150. 1990

R-01080 Jacobson, S. K. and Vanderberg, J. J.
Reproductive Biology of the Endangered Golden
Toad (Bufo periglenes).
Herpetology 25:321-327. 1991
R-00303 Kantola, A. T. and Humphrey, S. R. Habitat
Use by Sherman's Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger
shermani) in Florida.
Journal of Mammology 71:411-419. 1990
R-00285 Kinnaird, M. F. Pregnancy, Gestation and
Parturition in Free-Ranging Tana River Crested
Magabeys (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus).
Primates 22:285-289. 1990
R-00335 Kinnaird, M. F. and O'Brien, T. G. Viable
Populations for an Endangered Forest Primate,
the Tana River Crested Mangabey (Cerocebus
galeritus galeritus).
Conservation Biology 5:203-213. 1991
R-00850 Wood, J. M. and Tanner, G. W. Graminoid
Community Composition and Structure within
Four Everglades Management Areas.
Wetlands 10:127-149. 1990

Popular Articles:
T-00061 Brown, M. T.; Schaefer, J. M. and Brant, K.
Buffer Zones for Water, Wetlands, and Wildlife
in the East Central Florida Region.
Report to the East Central Florida Regional
Planning Council 177:71.1990

Research Grants:
Bolten A. B. Distribution Population Structure &
Exploitation of Sea Turtles in the Bahamas. U S
Dept of Interior. 09/01/88-08/31/93. $2,930
Bolten A. B. Sea Turtle Investigations in the Cape
Canaveral Entrance Channel. U S Army. 12/04/90-
12/31/91. $30,620
Bolten A. B. Distribution Population Structure &
Exploitation of Sea Turtles in the Bahamas. U S
Dept of Interior. 09/01/88-08/31/93. $3,059
Bolten A. B. Abundance & Habitat Use of Nesting
Loggerhead Sea Turtles on the Brenton Nat.
Wildlife. U S Dept of Interior. 04/10/91-12/31/92.
Branch L. C. Assessment of the Feasibility of Using
Satellite Imagery as a Tool for Monitoring. NASA.
05/10/91-05/09/92. $1,660
Collopy M. W. Social Behavior & Demographics of the
American Swallowtailed Kite in Florida. Sierra Club-
Fl. 07/01/90-06/30/91. $500

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

Wildlife and Range Sciences 93

Collopy M. W. Population Dynamics of Southern Bald
Eagles in Florida Dispersal Patterns Habitat US.
Game & Fresh Water Fish Commis. 08/28/87-
06/30/91. $19,490
Collopy M. W. A Cooperative Urban Wildlife ,
Management Program: A Component of the Florida
Nongame. Game & Fresh Water Fish Commis.
01/06/86-12/31/91. $100,000
Harris L. D. An Administrative Study of Wildlife Habitat
Fragmentation in the Ocala National Forest. U S
Dept of Agriculture. 07/01/90-06/30/91. $6,500
Jacobson S. K. Regional Wildlands Management in
Central America: Conservation Education in the
Bay. Wildlife Conservation Int. 06/28/91-09/30/91.
Kitchens W. M. An Evaluation of Refuge Habitats &
Relationships to Water Quality Quantity &
Hydroperiod. U S Dept of Interior. 09/30/85-
10/30/91. $16,000
Labisky R. F. Population Dynamics of White-Tailed Deer
in the Big Cypress National Preserve Phase III. U S
Dept of Interior. 09/28/88-03/01/92. $98,000
Labisky R. F. Population Ecology & Management of
White-Tailed Deer in the Osceola National Forest.
Game & Fresh Water Fish Commis. 07/01/89-
06/30/91. $33,000
Mazzotti F. J. Monitoring American Crocodiles at the
Turkey Point & Fort Lauderdale Power Plant Sites.
Fl Power & Light Company. 01/01/90-12/31/91.
McIvor C. C. Coral Reef Monitoring in Support of
Management Saba Marine Park Netherlands
Antilles. U S Dept of Interior. 09/01/90-03/30/93.
Mclvor C. C. Ecology of Fish & Macroinvertebrate
Populations in Mangrove Habitat in South Florida.
Nat. Audubon Society. 08/11/89-08/31/91. $12,000
Percival H. F. Habitat Resources Availability & Use by
Migratory Shorebirds at Cabo Rojo Salt Flats P. R.
U S Dept of Interior. 08/01/89-05/15/92. $19,000
Percival H. F. Land Management Practices in the
Montanue Region of Puerto Rico: Impact &
Implications. U S Dept of Interior. 08/01/88-
12/31/93. $36,000
Percival H. F. Determination of the Causes of Low
Response Rates with the Waterfowl Hunter
Questionnaire. U S Dept of Interior. 05/01/89-
11/16/90. $5,000

Percival H. F. Modeling Reported Waterfowl Harvest &
the Effects of Questionnaire on Harvest Estimate.
U S Dept of Interior. 11/15/90-05/31/92. $25,378
Percival H. F. Habitat Resources Availability & Use by
Migratory Shorebirds at Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico.
U S Dept of Interior. 08/01/89-08/30/92. $8,000
Percival H. F. Modeling Reported Waterfowl Harvest &
the Effects of Questionnaire Nonresponse. U S Dept
of Interior. 11/15/90-05/31/92. $25,381
Percival H. F. Status Monitoring & Experimental
Reintroduction of the Endangered Schaus
Swallowtail. U S Dept of Interior. 04/29/91-
09/30/92. $626
Schaefer M. Harwood Hammock Fragments:
Relationships Between Human Population Growth
& Wildlife. Game & Fresh Water Fish Commis.
07/18/89-06/30/93. $48,223
Townsend W. R. Determining Land Requirements of
Native Amazonians: the Siriono of Bolivia. L. B. S.
Leakey Foundation. 11/09/90-11/08/91. $4,500

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency


1 Resident Instruction

94 College of Veterinary Medicine, Components of

J-125 JHMHC / Gainesville, FL 32610-0125
Telephone: 904-392-2381
Fax: 904-392-8351
1,2,3 RICHARD E. DIERKS Dean & Prof., Virology

J-145 JHMHC / Gainesville, FL 32610-0145
Telephone: 904-392-1221
Fax: 904-392-5426
1,2 CLAUS D. BUERGELT Acting Chair & Assoc.
Prof., Bovine Paratuber & Tuberculosis

J-137 JHMHC / Gainesville, FL 32610-0137
Telephone: 904-392-1841
Fax: 904-392-9704
1,2 MICHAEL J. BURRIDGE Chair & Prof., Epide-
miology, Tropical Diseases
1,2 DAVID R. ALLRED Asst. Prof., Infectious Disease
of Animals
1,2 RICHARD E. BRADLEY SR. Prof., Bovine &
Equine Parasitology
1,2 MARY B. BROWN Asst. Prof., Mycoplasmal
1,2,4 CHARLES H. COURTNEY III Assoc. Prof.,
Parasitology, Canine Heartworm
2 JOHN B. DAME Asst. Prof., Molecular Biology
1,2 DONALD J. FORRESTER Prof., Wildlife
1,2 JACK M. GASKIN Assoc., Prof., Veterinary
2 EDWARD P. GIBBS Prof., Virology
2 ELLIS C. GREINER Assoc, Prof., Parasitology
2 JOHN T. NEILSON Asst. Dean & Prof
1,2 PAUL L. NICOLETTI Prof., Brucellosis
2 EDWARD B. STEPHENS Asst. Prof., Molecular

J-136 JHMHC / Gainesville, FL 32610-0136
Telephone: 904-392-8266
Fax: 904-392-8289
1,23 R. KENNETH BRAUN Chair & Prof., Diseases of
2,3 GARY D. BUTCHER Asst. Prof., Aff. Asst. Prof.,
Avian Disease

2 GERALD A. DONOVAN Assoc. Prof., Bovine
Neonatology & Dairy Herd
2,3 RUTH FRANCIS-FLOYD Asst. Prof., Aquacul-
23 THOMAS J. LANE Assoc. Prof., Ext. Vet. Equine
& Companion Animal
2 DARRELL 0. RAE Asst. Prof., Food Animal Beef
Reprod. & Herd Health
2,3 EDDIE J. RICHEY Assoc. Prof., Beef Cattle
2,3 JAN K. SHEARER Assoc. Prof., Dairy Science

J-144 JHMHC / Gainesville, FL 32610-0144
Telephone: 904-392-0921
Fax: 904-392-5145
1 DARYL D. BUSS Chair & Prof., Coronary &
Neonatal Physiology
2 RAYMOND D. HARBISON Prof., Toxicology
1,2 PHILIP C. KOSCH Assoc. Dean & Prof., Respira-
tory & Neonatal Physiology
1,2 STEPHEN M. ROBERTS Asst. Prof., Toxicology
2,3 STEPHEN F. SUNDLOF Assoc. Prof., Toxicology

J-126 JHMHC / Gainesville, FL 32610-0126
Telephone: 904-392-8219
2 PAUL T. CARDEILHAC Prof., Alligator

CRIS Projects:
VME02551 Epidemiology and Control of Heartwater
M. J. Burridge A. L. DeGee*
A. F. Barbet C. E. Yunker

G. H. Palmer

H. R. Andrew

VME02562 Enteric Infections of Cattle
R. K. Braun
VME02608 Genes of Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus
Coding for Protective Immunogens
L. M. Hutt-Fletcher
VME02611 Cooperative Research for Minor and Spe-
cialty Use Animal Drugs
S. F. Sundlof
VME02662 Resistance to Mastitis in Dairy Cattle
M. B. Brown

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

College of Veterinary Medicine, Components of 95

VME02720 Southern Region Leader Laboratory Coopera-
tive Research for Minor and Specialty Use
Animal Drugs
S. F. Sundlof W. B. Wheeler
VME02768 Range of Hypobiotic Strains of Ostertagia
ostertagi Assessed Using DNA Markers
J. B. Dame C. H. Courtney
VME02788 Integrated Methods of Parasite Control for
Improved Livestock Production

J. T. Neilson
J. B. Dame

A. F. Barbet
T. F. McElwain

VME02863 Epizootiology and Significance of Diseases
and Parasites of Selected Species of Wildlife
in Florida
D. J. Forrester
VME02884 Interaction of Passive Immunoglobulin
Transfer, Neonatal Health and Early
D. O. Rae
VME02885 Mycoplasma Gaisepticum: Prevalence,
Pathogenesis, and Subunit Vaccine

G. D. Butcher

M. B. Brown

VME02887 Development of a Swinepox-Pseudorabies
Recombinant Virus for Oral Vaccination

E. P. Gibbs

R. W. Moyer

VME03014 Reproductive and Growth Parameters of Bos
indicus Cattle
R. E. Larsen
VME03066 Identification, Cloning and Immunogenicity
of Anaplasma marginale Invasins
D. R. Allred

Refereed Publications:
R-00053 Altman, D. H.; Harvey, J. W.; Asquith, R. L.
and Kivipelto, J. Hematologicl Development in
Foals Receiving Intravenous Iron
Equine Veterinary Journal 11:103-107. 1991
R-00541 Bauer, J. E. Increased Serum and Liver Lipid
Mass and Hepatic 3-Hydroxy-3-Methyl CoA
Reductase Activities in Rabbits Fed Soy Protein
Saturated Fat Diets.
Artery 17:176-188. 1990

R-00935 Bauer, J. E. Serum Lipoprotein Alterations of
Rabbits Fed High Fat Soy Protein Dextrose
Nutrition Research 11:771-789. 1991
R-01361 Brown, M. B. and Reyes, L. Immunoglobulin
Class- and Subclass-Specific Responses to
Mycoplasma pulmonis in Serum and Secretions
of Naturally-Infected Sprague Dawley Female
Infection and Immunity 59:2181-2185. 1992
R-00280 Brown, M. B. and Scasserra, A. E. Antibiotic
Resistance in Streptococcal Species Isolated
from the Bovinen Mammary Gland.
American Journal of Veterinary Research
51:2015-2018. 1990
R-00733 Brown, M. B.; Gionet, P. and Senior, D. F.
Identification of Mycoplasma felis and
Mycoplasma gateae by an Immunobinding
Journal of Clinical Microbiology. p. 1870-1873.
R-01372 Brown, M. B.; Stroll, M.; Maxwell, J. and
Senior, D. F. Survival of Feline Mycoplasmas in
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 29:1078-1080.
R-01151 Butcher, G. D. and Brown, M. B. Efficacy of a
Respiratory Inhalant in Reducing Morbidity in
Budgerigars Infected with Mycoplasma
Journal of the Association of Avian
Veterinarians 4:227-230. 1990
R-00559 Butcher, G. D.; Reed, W. M. and Winterfield,
R. W. Mycobacterium Infection in a Gray-
Cheeked Parakeet.
Avian Diseases 34:916-921. 1990
R-00540 Butcher, G. D.; Winterfield, R. W. and Shipiro,
D. p. Pathogenesis of H13 Nephropathogenic
Infectious Bronchitis Virus.
Avian Diseases 34:1023-1026. 1990
R-00320 Caligiuri, R.; Kollias, G. V.; Jacobson, E.;
McNab, B.; Clark, C. H. and Wilson, R. C. The
Effects of Ambient Temperature on Amikacin.
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and
Therapeutics 13-3:287-291. 1990
R-00263 Caligiuri, R.; Norton, T.; Jacobson, E.; Hart,
O. J.; Locke, R.; Ackerman, N. and Spencer, C.
Urethral Obstruction and Abscessation in a
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
21:206-214. 1990

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instruction

96 College of Veterinary Medicine, Components of

R-01165 Chen, C. L.; Simmen, R. C. and Chou, J. Y.
Characterization of Endocrine Cell Lines
Immortalized by a Temperature-Sensitive
Mutant SV40.
Chinese Journal of Physiology 34:65-80. 1991
R-01062 Dame, J. B.; Yowell, C. A.; Courtney, C. H. and
Lindgren, W. G. Cloning and Characterization
of the Ribosomal RNA Gene Repeat from
Osteritagia ostertagi.
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
45:275-280. 1991
R-00010 Ferenc, S. A.; Stopinski, V. and Courtney, C. H.
The Development of an Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent Assay for Trypanosoma vivax.
International Journal for Parasitology 20:51-56.
R-00374 Forrester, D. J. and Rausch, R. L. Cysticerci
(Cestoda:Taeniidae) from White-Tailed Deer,
Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann), in
Southern Florida.
Journal of Parasitology 76:583-585. 1990
R-00927 Francis-Floyd, R.; White, J. R.; Chen, C. L.;
Cardeilhac, P. T. and Cichra, C. E. Serum
Progesterone and Estradiol Concentrations in
Captive Manatees, Trichechus manatus.
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 3:70-73.
R-01202 Garber, J. L. and Madison, J. B. Signs of
Abdominal Pain Caused by Disruption of the
Small Intestinal Mesentery in Three Post
Parturient Cows.
American Veterinary Medical Association
198:864-866. 1991
R-01455 Gaskin, J. M.; Homer, B. L. and Eskelund, K. H.
Preliminary Findings in Avian Viral Serositis: A
Newly Recognized Syndrome of Psittacine Birds.
Journal of the Association of Avian
Veterinarians 5:27-34. 1991
R-00075 Greiner, E. C.; Alexander, F. C.; Roach, J.; St.
John, V. S.; King, T. H.; Taylor, W. P. and
Gibbs, E. P. Bluetongue Epidemiology in the
Caribbean Region: Serological and
Entomological Evidence from a Pilot Study in
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 4:289-295.
R-00852 Greiner, E. C.; Calderwood-Mays, M. B.; Smart,
Jr., G. C. and Weisbrode, S. E. Verminous
Mastitis in a Mare Caused by a Free-Living
Journal of Parasitology 77:320-322. 1991

R-00196 Greiner, E. C.; Fadok, V. A. and Rabin, E. B.
Equine Culicoides Hypersensitivity in Florida:
Biting Midges Aspirated from Horses.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 4:375-381.
R-00330 Heard, D.; Kollias, G.; Buss, D.; Caligiuri, R. and
Coniglario, J. Comparative Cardiovascular
Effects of Intravenous Etorphine and Carfentanil
in Domestic Goats (Capra capra).
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
21:166-170. 1990
R-00475 Isaza, R.; Courtney, C. H. and Kollias, G. V.
Parasite Control Programs Used in Collections
of Wild Ruminants.
Zoo Biology 9:385-392. 1990
R-00801 Jacobson, E. R. Chronic Upper Respiratory
Tract Disease of Free-Ranging Tortoises,
Xerobates agassizii.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27:296-316. 1991
R-01083 Jacobson, E. R.; Homer, B. and Adams, W.
Endocarditis and Congestive Heart Failure in a
Burmese Python.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
22:245-248. 1991
R-00934 Larsen, R. E.; Littell, R.; Rooks, E.; Adams,
E. L.; Falcon, C. and Warnick, A. C. Bull
Influence on Conception Percentage and
Calving Date in Angus, Hereford, Brahman and
Senepol Single Sire Herds.
Theriogenology 34:549-568. 1990
R-01204 Madison, J. B.; Dreyfuss, D. J. and Charlton, C.
Illeal Diverticulum as a Cause of Chronic Colic
in a Horse.
Journal of American Veterinary Medical
Association 198:453-454. 1991
R-01206 Madison, J. B.; Summer, M. and Spencer, P. A.
Relationship Among Synovial Membrane
Histopathologic Findings, Synovial Fluid
Cytologic Findings, & Bacterial Culture Results
in Cases of Equine Infectious Arthritis Cases of
Equine Infectious Arthrit
Journal of American Veterinary Medical
Association 198:1655-1661. 1991
R-01205 Madison, J. B.; Young, D. and Richardson, D.
Repair of Shoulder Luxation in a Horse.
Journal of American Veterinary Medical
Association 198:455-456. 1991
R-00011 Miller, T. R.; Gaskin, J.; Whitley, R. D. and
Wittcoff, M. L. Herpetic Keratitis in a Horse.
Equine Veterinary Journal 10:15-18. 1991

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

I Resident Instruction

College of Veterinary Medicine, Components of 97

R-01451 Nixon, A. J.; Krook, L. P.; Roth, J. E. and King,
J. M. Pulsed Carbon Dioxide Laser for Cartilage
Vaporization and Subchondral Bone Drilling in
Horses II. Morphologic and Histochemical
Veterinary Surgery 20:200-208. 1991 '
R-01429 Reddy, G. R.; Chakrabarti, D.; Yowell, C. A.
and Dame, J. B. Sequence Microheterogenity of
the Three Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA
Genes of Babesia bigemina: Expression in
Erythrocyte Culture.
Nucleic Acids Research 19:3641-3645. 1991
R-00523 Reep, R. L. and O'Shea, T. J. Regional Brain
Morphometry and Lissencephaly in the Sirenia.
Brain, Behavior and Evolution 35:185-194.
R-00217 Reep, R. L.; Johnson, J. I.; Switzer, R. C. and
Welker, W. I. Manatee Cerebral Cortex:
Cytoarchitecture of the Frontal Region in
Trichechus manatus latirestris.
Brain, Behavior and Evolution 34:365-386.
R-01450 Roth, J. E.; Nixon, A. J.; Gantz, V. A.; Meyer,
D. and Mohammed, H. Pulsed Carbon Dioxide
Laser for Cartilage Vaporization and
Subchondral Bone Perforation in Horses: I.
Technique and Clinical Results.
Veterinary Surgery 20:190-199. 1991
R-00229 Sherman, K.; Turner, T. A.; Calderwood-Mays,
M. B. and Asbury, A. C. Maligant Seminoma in
a Horse.
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
10:271-274. 1990
R-00314 Spalding, M. G. Antemortem Diagnosis of
Eustrongylidosis in Wading Birds
Journal of the Colonial Waterbird Society
13:75-77. 1990
R-00270 Spalding, M. G.; Greiner, E. C. and Green, S. L.
Haliciephalobus (Micronema) Deletrix Infection
in Two Half-Sibling Foals.
American Veterinary Medical Association
196:1127-1129. 1990
R-00995 Suarez, S. S.; Redfem, K.; Raynor, P.; Martin, F.
and Phillips, D. M. Attachment of Boar Sperm
to Mucosal Explants of Oviduct In Vitro:
Possible Role in Formation of Sperm Resevoir.
Biology of Reproduction 44:998-1004. 1991
R-01237 Telford, Jr., S. R. and Forrester, D. J.
Hemoparasites of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27:486-490. 1991

R-00928 Telford, Jr., S. R. and Forrester, D. J. Piroplasms
of White-Tailed Deer (Odoeoileus virginianus)
in Florida.
Florida Field Naturalist 19:49-51. 1991
R-00464 Telford, S. R.; Forrester, D. J.; Wright, S. D.;
Roelke, M. E.; Ferenc, S. A. and McCown, J. W.
The Identify and Prevalence of Trypanosomes in
White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
from Southern Florida.
Helminthological Society of Washington
58:19-23. 1991
R-01016 Wilson, N. A.; Telford, Jr., S. R. and Forrester,
D. J. Ectoparasites of a Population of Urban
Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin) in
Northern Florida.
Journal of Medical Entomology 28:461-464.

Non-Refereed Publications:
N-00013 Bolon, B. and Buergelt, C. D. A Simple Field
Necropsy Technique for Examination of the
Equine Practice 12:26-29. 1990

Research Grants:
Allred D. R. Identification Cloning & Immunogenicity of
Anaplasma Marginale Invasins. U S Dept of
Agriculture. 09/01/90-08/31/93. $138,150
Brown M. B. Respiratory Mycoplasmosis in Pet Birds:
Potential for Vaccine Development. Morris Animal
Foundation. 09/01/90-08/31/92. $5,000
Brown M. B. IGA FC Receptors on Mycoplasmas &
Impact on Disease. National Institutes of Health.
02/01/90-01/31/95. $78,979
Burridge M. J. Improved Animal Vaccines Through
Biotechnology Phase II Anaplasmosis & Babesiosis.
Int Development Coop Agency. 09/30/87-09/30/92.
Butcher G. D. Nutrition & Health Interrelationships. UF
Research Foundation, Inc. 08/01/90-08/01/93.
Butcher G. D. Evaluation of Chicken Feed Diets
Supplemented with Probiotic Pelletmate. UF
Research Foundation, Inc. 10/26/90-10/26/93.
Butcher G. D. Evaluation of Cell Mediated & Humoral
Immune Systems of Chicken Feed Diets. UF
Research Foundation, Inc. 01/15/91-01/15/93.
Butcher G. D. General Research. UF Research
Foundation, Inc. 04/30/91-04/30/93. $500

2 Research 3 Extension 4 Other UF or Cooperating Agency

1 Resident Instuction