Leon B. Thrasher

Material Information

Leon B. Thrasher
Leon B. Thrasher

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Aggregation Information

Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP)
University of Florida History
University of Florida


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University of Florida

In view of the historical value of this oral history interview,

I, Leon B. Thrasher knowingly and
(interviewee, full name, please print)
voluntarily permit the University of Florida's Oral History Project

the full use of this information for whatever purposes it may have,

in return for which I will receive a typed copy of the interview.

interviewee (signature) date

UF 97A

October 8, 1979

Mr. Leon B. Thrasher
1425 S. E.llth Avenue
Ocala, Florida 32600~

Dear Mr. Thrasher:

For the last several year the Universlty of Florida's oral history program
has been attempting to interview lqdivi.duals who,have had;a longtime,
connection with the University of Flotrda. We would very much like to do
a taped interview with add to pur collection. We are anxious to
talk to you bbout you? ehariyTjyars oh the campus.

My associate on the project is De. Stephen Rrber, and if you are willing
to do the Interview, I,will. have hJm,callyou and. set up an appointment.
Dr. Kerber will explain t6 you how the oral interview procedure works,
the kind of material that we are interested Jn getting on tape, our
methods of transcri6 ing, etc.

I think that you will fi'nd tie's an interesting experience, and it will
add substantially to our understanding of the.davelopmsnt;ofthe University
in its earlier years.

Thank you very much for'r yoUr Cperation.


Samuel Proctor