University of Florida
In view of the historical value of this oral history interview,
I, Charles A. Black, son of Alvin P. Black knowingly and
(interviewee, full name, please print)
voluntarily permit the University of Florida's Oral History Project
the full use of this information for whatever purposes it may have,
eieturn for which I will receive a typed copy of the interview.
c_ a _._.,_______ J v, ..
interviewee (signature) date
Charles A. Black for Alvin P. Black
Alvin~Pr Tck was born August 30, 1894, at Blossom, Texas,
the son of Pere and Rena Estelle (Eades) Black. He was married to
Lillian Barnes of Paris, Texas, September 6, 1917. To this wedlock
was born a son, Charles Alvin Black and a daughter, Virginia Ruth
(Mrs. Reif) Black. Percy was educated in the public schools of Texas
and graduated from Paris High School in 1913. He received his college
and-University education in several schools at Georgetown, Southwestern
'University, Texas, where he received a Bachelor's Degree with highest
honors, cum laude. He did advanced graduate work at Harvard University,
Iowa State University and received a Doctor of Philosophy Degree at the
University of Iowa, 1933. His doctoral dissertation was in the field
of water chemistry in which he has -gained worldwide reputation fame as
a water chemist.
Percy, as he is known by his colleagues and associates and Dr. Black
as he is known by his students and others, has a reputation as being a
very inspiring and effective teacher. In his later years, he became
famous as a research specialist in his field, chemistry. He has had
wide experience as a teacher having been on the faculty and a member of
a number of research organizations in different parts of the country.
1917-18 Wesley College (Texas) Professor and Head
of Department of Chemistry
1918 U. S. Army, Chemical Warfare Service
1918-19 U. S. Bureau of Standards, Assistant Chemist
1919-23 U. of Fla., Asst. Prof. Chem. Engineering
1923-41 U. of Fla., Prof. of Ag. Chem.-
1941 U. of Fla., Professor
1942 Registered Engineer, State of Florida
1947 Black and Associates, Inc., Engineers, Presi-
dent and Chairman of the Board. Now Black,
Crow and Eidsness, Inc., Engineers.
1949-56 U. of Fla., Head, Dept. of Chemistry
1956-66 U. of Fla., Research Professor
1966- Residents Professor Emeritus
In addition to classroom teaching and research, Dr. Black has been and
is in great demand in Florida and in all parts of the country as an
authority and consultant on matters pertaining to water, designing and
erecting water systems. He acts as a consultant to numerous municipal-
ities and industries on problems of water, supply and treatment. This
demand is indicated by his wide field of interest and training as a
*scientist dealing with water chemistry and treatment. His fields of
interest are:
Water Chemistry and Treatment. Basic Mechanisms of
Water Coagulation. Applications of Microelectro-
phoretic Techniques to Coagulation Studies. Studies
of Effectiveness of Polyelectrolyte Coagulant Aids.
Studies on Mutual Coagulation. Activity of Silica
Sols. Nature of Organic Color in Water. Methods
for Removal of Fluorides from Water. Effectiveness
of Polyelectrolyte Coagulant Aids for the Removal of
Radioactive Isotopes by Water Treatment Processes.'
Effectiveness of Iodine for Water Disinfection.
Analytical Methods for the Determination of Several
Ions in Water.
As a member of the staff and administration, Dr. Black has had many
assignments on committees and boards having to do with campus life and
the university community. The following is a partial service record at
the University level.
1. Dean of Men during two summer sessions immediately following
World War I. With Mrs. Elizabeth Skinner Jackson, then Dean
of Women, established the loan fund which became the Elizabeth
S. Jackson Loan Fund.
2. Chairman, for several years following World War I, of the
University Committee on Military Affairs. Back in those early
days, compulsory military training was not popular with the
students and the enforcement of military regulations was a
problem. The chairmanship of this Committee was considered to
be an unusually difficult assignment, corresponding most closely
now to the University Discipline Committee.
3. Member, for several years, and part of the time Chairman of the
Committee on Fraternities, Societies and Clubs. Assisted in
planning and writing its first important Manual of Procedure.
4. In 1930, organized one of the earliest short courses, the Short
Course in Water Treatment, which has been given continuously
since that time and is now one of the oldest and largest such
courses in the country.
5. President for two terms of Phi Kappa Phi, University honorary
society. Under his administration, initiations were public and
widely attended and all officers recited the ritual from memory.
Outstanding speakers were brought to the campus for these. occa-
sions, one being the Hon. Henry Woodin, prominent Wall Street
Banker of World War I days and financial advisor to President
6. Chairman of the Committee on Honorary Degrees.since 1936. Was
instrumental in formulating the Statement of Policy and Proced-
ure with respect to the conferring of honorary degrees, which
has guided University Policy since 1937.
I7. One of the three men selected by President Tigert to relinquish
normal duties for one year and organize the University College,
the other two being Dean W. J. Matherly and Dean W. W. Little.
8. Became a member of the Committee on Planning and Policy organized
by the President at the close of World War II to plan the growth
and development of the University in the critical post war period.
(a) Chairman of its Subcommittee on Faculty Housing.
(b) Chairman of its Subcommittee on Land Acquisition.
Was instrumental in arranging for the purchase for
$20Q000 of the 90 acres of land which completed the
present campus.
(c) Chairman of its Subcommittee on Naming University
Buildings. This Committee recommended the names
of most of the University buildings as used at the
present time.
9. Chairman of the Committee which prepared the University of Florida
brochure, FACULTY.
10. Chairman, since 1945, of the University Salary Committee, a Committee
which came into being as a result of his individual activities.
11. In 1949, selected by the faculty of the University for TIME Magazine
as one of the two outstanding teachers of the University Faculty,
the other being W. G. Carleton of the University College.
12. Chairman, for many years, of the State Trustees of Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity and Chairman during the time its new fraternity home, the
largest in the South at the time, was built.
13. National President, for four years, of Gamma Sigma Epsilon, honorary
chemical fraternity. Installed four of its chapters in various parts
of the country.
14. Charter Member of the University of Florida Chapter of Sigma Xi.
15. Established and installed at the University of Florida a chapter of
Alpha Chi Sigma, national.professional chemical fraternity.
16. In 1951, elected to honorary membership in Florida Blue Key, national
leadership fraternity.
17. Chairman, Patent Subcommittee.
18. Chairman of a Faculty Committee to Select a New President following
Dr. J. Hillis Miller's passing.
19. Member of the Research Council.
20. In 1959 awarded the Faculty certificate of appreciation by Florida
Blue Key. He is believed to be the only individual who has received
both this recognition and Honorary Membership in Blue Key.
21. As a member of a presidential committee appointed to prepare a state-
ment of university policy concerning outside work by faculty members,
he wrote the text of the statement which has been used for some years
as a guide in this area.
22. Chairman of one of four senate committees to report upon a plan for
the reorganization of the University of Florida.
23. Faculty Lecturer, 1966.
Dr. Black's training and wide interests in chemistry and his recognized
authority in water chemistry has given him membership in many regional
and national professional societies and organizations. Among others the
following are listed:
American Chemical Society. Chairman, Div. of Water, Sewage
and San. Chem., 1937-38. Chairman, Councilor and Secretary,
Fla. Section, 1938-39.
American Water Works Association. National ,Director, 1936-39.
National Vice President, 1948-49, National President, 1949-50.
Southern Association of Science and Industry. Vice President,
1953. President, 1954.
Southern Regional Education Board. Chairman, Study
Commission of Chem. and Chem. Eng., 1954-56.
Journal of Chemical Education. Associate Editor, 1924-40.
Water Works Engineering. Member of Editorial Board, 1950-
The Municipal South. Member of Editorial Board, 1953 -
Editor of monthly column, 1957 -.
The Sanitarian. Member of Editorial Board, 1953 -.
College of Electors of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans,
New York University. Member, 1955 -.
National Advisory Dental Research Council, USPHS. Member,
Office of Saline Water, U. S. Dept. of Interior. Consultant,
Florida Public Health Association. President, 1944.
Florida Academy of Sciences, Florida Engineering Society,
National Society of Professional Engineers, Consulting
Engineers Council, Newcomen Society of North America, Soil
Science Society of Florida.
'The field of science, Chemistry and Engineering has awarded honorary
membership to Dr. Black in recognition of his achievement as a scien-
tist, scholar and leader. They are as follows:
Chemistry, Alpha Sigma Chi; Pre. Med., Alpha Epsilon
Delta; Agriculture, Alpha Zeta; Engineering, Sigma
Tau; Scientific research, Sigma Xi; Chemistry, Gamma
Sigma Epsilon; Engineering, Tau Beta Pi; Scholarship,
Phi Kappa Phi; Leadership, Florida Blue Key.
Perhaps the best indication of ones achievement is the spontaneous
and voluntary recognition given by those who are the beneficiary of
the services rendered. The entire nation, present and future genera-
tions are beneficiaries of Dr. Black's research and training. The list
of national awards and citations given to him is impressive. They are
as follows:
Fuller Award, American Water Works Assn., 1939.
Goodell Prize, American Water Works Assn.,.1949.
Diven Medal, American Water Works Assn., 1954.
Honorary Membership, American Water Works Assn., 1956.
Ralph Lloyd Jones Award, National Assn.,of Soft Water
Service Operators, 1956.
Water Purification Division Award, American Water Works
Assn., 1959.
The following is an excerpt from the minutes of the 1966 Board meeting
of the American Water Works Association Conference at Bal Harbour.
It was noted that Dr. Black is a former President of AWWA,
an Honorary Member and recipient of many other Association
awards; that he is known throughout the world for his
contributions to research on water, that he is Research
Professor of Chemistry in the University of Florida and
has reached the age of mandatory retirement.
The proposal is that an Association award be established
to honor Dr. Black for his work in the field of research.
The recommendation of the GP Committee was that the pro-
posal be referred to the Committee on-Research for study
and report. The Board endorsed the recommendation and the
referral was made in time for consideration by the Research
Committee at its meeting in Bal Harbour on May 23.
The following is quoted from Dr. Larson's report for the
Research Committee to the Board of Directors on the morning
of May 27:
"The request for an award to be instituted commemorating
Dr. A. P. Black for his work in the field of research
(and education), and for his work for the Association,
met with unanimous favor. The committee voted to
recommend that a 'Percy Black Research Award' be
established for outstanding service to the industry
through research.
It was the consensus of the committee that:
(1) This award be made only to individuals (not
to Organizations).
(2) It be based on service record of an appreciable
period of time.
(3) It not necessarily be an annual award.
Confirming the declaration at the Bal Harbour meeting, the following
telegram was received by Dr. Black, January 1967..
At its January meeting, the Board of Directors of AWWA
authorized the creation of two new awards.
The first, originally suggested by the Committee on Research,
will be known as the AWWA Alvin Percy Black Research Award. It
will be given in recognition of outstanding service by an indivi-
dual for research work over an appreciable period of time resulting
in notable contributions to water science and water works practice.
The award may not be given more than once each year, but it need
not be an annual award. Nominations may be made by any member
and are to be transmitted through the Research Committee to the
General Policy Committee for consideration.
The award is named in honor of Dr. Black and his contributions
through research in water quality and treatment at the University
of Florida during a career which has spanned more than 50 years.
Dr. Black, who is a past-president of AWWA, will be the first
recipient of the award.
Friendship Award
The second award was first proposed at the Annual Conference
in Bal Harbour, Fla., by Leonard Brown, past president of Great
Britain's Institution of Water Engineers. The award, a silver
medallion donated by IWE, will be known as the "Friendship Award"
to recognize and advance friendly relations between the water
engineers of the United States and Canada and Great Britain.
At the suggestion of IWE, AWWA established the following
criteria for recipients of the Friendship Award:
1. Candidates must be individuals who are members
of AWWA.
2. The award is to be conferred on such occasion as
a qualified candidate is proposed and accepted.
Preferably, it should not be an annual award, but
the period between presentations should not be so
unduly long that interest in the award is not
3. Candidates for the award shall be proposed by the
AWWA Committee on International Relations, reviewed
and approved by IWE, and submitted to AWWA Board
of Directors for final approval.
4. The award will be presented at the annual banquet
of AWWA.
On his retirement from the University of Florida in 1966, Dr.
Black's friends, colleagues and associates gave him a surprise re-
tirement party. The September 1966 issue of the Municipal South, a
southern municipal trade journal, published a st6ry of the party.
The story is written by Dr. J. E. Singley, Associate Professor of
Chemistry, Georgia State College, Savannah. It is as follows.
Dr. Black's Retirement Marks
Start of Even Busier Career
On Wednesday evening, the 29th of June, more than 100
students, friends, and associates of Dr. Alvin Percy Black
surprised him with a testimonial dinner at the Gainesville
Golf and Country Club, Gainesville, Fla. The occasion was
his retirement the next day from the faculties of the De-
partment of Chemistry and Bioenvironmental Engineering of
the University of Florida after 47 years of distinguished
Those in attendance came from as far away as Massachu-
setts, New York, and Pennsylvania to pay honor to Dr. Black
and share with him the pleasures of the occasion. Many who
could not be present in person sent telegrams and letters
which were bound and presented to him at the dinner.
One of the highlights of the evening was the presenta-
tion to Dr. Black of a copy of most of his published tech-
nical papers bound in a single volume of almost 900 pages.
Another 99 copies of the limited edition were unveiled at the
same time for Dr. Black's autograph. They were then given to
those who had contributed to the project. The excess funds
were designated as a scholarship fund and presented to Dr.
Black at the dinner for his decision as to its use.
The formal speeches were kept to a minimum, since the
dinner was preceded by a cocktail hour during which everyone
had a chance to express their feelings to Dr. Black person-
It would be impossible to list all of the accomplish-
ments of Dr. Black or the honors bestowed on him by many
organizations, but a brief biographical sketch would include
the following:
Dr. Black was born in Blossom, Texas, on Aug. 30, 1895.
He was graduated from Paris High School in 1913, received a
bachelor's degree with highest honors from Southwestern
University (Texas) in 1917, served in the Chemical Warefare
Service during World War I, did graduate work at Harvard
University, and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
from the University of Iowa in 1933. His doctoral disserta-
tion was in the field of water chemistry, a field in which
he since has gained world-wide recognition.
The topics covered by his research studies and publica-
tions include water chemistry and treatment, basic mechanisms
of water coagulation, applications of microelectrophoretic
techniques to coagulation studies, studies of effectiveness
of polyelectrolyte coagulant aids, studies on mutual coagu-
lation, activity of silica sol, nature of organic color in
water, methods for removal of fluorides from water, effect-
iveness of polyelectrolyte coagulant aids for the removal of
radioactive isotopes from water, effectiveness of iodine for
water disinfection, recalcination of water softening sludges,
and analytical methods for the determination of several ions
in water.
Dr. Black has been a member of the American Water Works
Association since 1929 and was national director from 1936-39,
national vice president in 1948-49, and national president in
1949-50. He is the recipient of the Fuller Award, the Goodell
Prize, the Water Purification Division Award, the Diven Medal,
and holds honorary membership in the Association. He was the
president of the Florida Public Health Association in 1944.
He is a member of the American Chemical Society and served
two terms as chairman of the Water and Wastes Division. In
1956, he received the Ralph Lloyd Jones Award from the National
Association of Soft Water Service Operators.
From 1951 to 1955, he served as a member of the National
Advisory Dental Research Council of the U. S. Public Health
Service. He was appointed by the Surgeon General as one of
the original members of the Advisory Committee on Coagulant
Aids in Water Treatment. He has served from its inception
as a consultant to the Office of Saline Water of the U. S.
Department of Interior.
In 1953, he was elected vice president of the Southern
Association of Science and Industry and the next year elected
president. He has been elected by the Faculty Senate of New
York University to a third term as a member of the College of
Electors of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans.
Dr. Black is a member of the editorial Boards of several
water works publications and edits a monthly column on water
treatment problems in the MUNICIPAL SOUTH. He was selected
to represent the United States as Rapporteur on Coagulation
at the meeting of the International Water Supply Association
at Stockholm, Sweden, in 1964.
He is president of Black, Crow, and Eidsness, Consulting
Engineers, and consultant to many municipalities and indus-
tries throughout the country. His biography is listed in
many reference sources, including Who's Who in America,
American Men of Science, and Who's Who in Engineering.
He has been elected to membership in many honorary
s-ocieties and served as an officer in a number of them. Among
them at Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha Zeta, Phi
Kappa Phi, Sigma Tau, Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Tau Beta
Pi, and Florida Blue Key. His social fraternity is Alpha Tau
In 1919, Dr. Black came to the University of Florida as
. assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and has held many
academic positions including head professor of the Department
of Chemistry in the ensuing years. In 1950, he was cited by
the University faculty as one of its two most outstanding
teachers, in a national survey conducted by Time magazine.
Dr. Black points with pardonable pride to the fact that
a brother and a sister have made significant contributions to
education. His younger brother, Hal, a graduate of the Univ-
ersity of Florida, has been for several years principal of
Florida's largest high school, Miami High; is a past president
of the Florida Secondary Principals Association, and active
in the affairs of the Florida Educational Association.
His sister, Louise, who holds bachelor's and master's
degrees from the University of Texas, was selected in 1961
by the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs as "South Texas
Teacher of the Year." The following year she was chosen
"First Lady of Weslaco, Texas" where she taught for 43 years,
and on the year of her retirement a beautiful new high school
building was dedicated as the "Louise Black High School."
When asked what he planned on doing now that he is
Research Professor Emeritus and "retired" from the University,
Dr. Black soon convinced everyone that he does not understand
the meaning of the word "retired". His "retirement" will
include continuing as consultant to several municipalities
and industries on water treatment; directing the research
efforts of several graduate students at the University;
serving on the graduate advisory committee of many more
graduate students; writing three books, one of which will
be published in the near future, entitled "The Chemistry of
-Water Treatment"; and continuing for another three years
the study of the use of iodine for water disinfection under
a Federal Water Pollution Control Administration grant. In
addition, he has said that he may accept new consultantships
-provided they involve problems of a challenging nature. He
S -also hopes to spend more time in his rose garden, already
* one of the finest in Gainesville. He was president of the
- Gainesville Rose Society in 1965.
All of Dr. Black's many friends offer their best wishes
for his continued success in the cultivation of his roses
S- and friends, and his research program designed to provide
improved methods for water treatment. The End
One only has to visit the plant of Black, Crow, Eidsness, Inc., where
Dr. Black is President to understand the extent of his research in
Chemistry and Engineering. The large plant, equipped with modern lab-
oratory and scientific equipment of all kinds, set up for extensive
research and where some 40 to 50 people are employed, indicated that
SDr. Black has merely changed location for continuing the work he has
been doing for many years. The laboratory and program of study and
17. Water Conservation in Florida. Part I. Economic Leaflets, Vol. 5, No. 2,
Jan. 1946 (U. of Fla. publication).
18. Water Conservation in Florida. Part II. Economic Leaflets, Vol. 5, No. 3,
Feb. 1946 (U. of Fla. publication).
19. Basic Concepts in Ground Water Law. Jour. A.W.W.A., 39, 989-1002 (1947).
20. Soil and Water Conservation in Pinellas County. Economic Leaflets, Vol. 6,
No. 2, Jan. 1947.
21. The Chemistry of Water Treatment. (Condensed from lectures given at short
school for Water & Sewage Works Operators at Ga. Tech. Sept. 1947, and
printed as bound booklet by Water & Sewage Works.)
22. Scope and Value of Water Works Schools. Jour. A.W.W.A., 40, 1005-1027 (1948).
23. The Chemistry of Water Treatment. Part I. Coagulation. Wtr. & Sewage Works,
95, 142 (1948).
24. The Chemistry of Water Treatment. Part II. Softening. Wtr. & Sewage Works,
95, 211 (1948).
25. The Chemistry of Water Treatment. Part III. Stabilization. Wtr. & Sewage
Works, 95, 369 (1948).
26. Disposal of Softening Plant Wastes. Jour. A.W.W.A. 41, 819-836 (1949).
27. Relation Between Surface Pollution and Public Water Supplies. Engineering
# Publications. Vol. III, No. 2, Series No. 26, April, 1949 (U. of Fla.).
28. The Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Statement of Recommended Policy
and Procedure AWWA. Presented at annual conference, Chicago, Junel, 1949.
Published Jour. A.W.W.A. July (1949).
29. The Chemistry of Water Treatment. Part IV. Determination of pH Values. Wtr.
& Sewage Wks., 96, 133 (1949).
30. The Chemistry of Water Treatment. Part V. Some Unusual Water Treatment Pro-
blems. Wtr. & Sewage Wks., 96, 325, July (1949).
31. Water Conservation in Florida. Jour. of Fla. Eng. Soc., 1, 4 (1949).
32. Developments in the Water Works Field in 1949. Wtr. & Sewage Wks., 97, 1 (1950).
33. Water Quality and Treatment. A.W.W.A. Manual, 2nd Ed., 1950.
34. Development of Adequate Water Resources for Fringe Areas. Eng. Progress at
the U. of Fla., 5, 35 (1951).
35. Fluoridation of Municipal Waters A Chemist's Evaluation. Public Health
Reports, Vol. 67, No. 1, 36, Jan. 1952.
36. Problems of Water Supply and Treatment at Miami, Florida. Wtr. Wks. Eng.,
April 11, 1951.
R-37. Recalcining Softening Sludge at Miami, Florida. Wtr. Wks. Eng., March, 1951.
38. The Chemist Looks at Fluoridation. Jour. Am. Dent. Assn., 44, 137 (1952).
39. The Philosophy of Supplementary Treatment of Public Water Supplies in the
Interest of Group Health. Jour. A.W.W.A., 43, No. 1, 11 (1951).
40. Chemical Character of Florida's Waters 1951. Published as Water Survey
and Research Paper No. 6, November, 1951. State Board of Conservation,
Tallahassee, Fla. (A book).
41. Industrial Water Supply in Florida. Economic Leaflets, Vol. II, No. 2, Jan.1952.
42. The Oxidation of Sulfides by Chlorine in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Jour.
A.W.W.A., 44, 309-316 (1952).
43. Industrial Water Supply: Unexcelled. The Florida Handbook, 1904192 (1953).
44. Salt Water Intrusion in Florida 1953. Published as Bureau of Water Survey
and Research Paper No. 9, May 1953, State Board of Conservation, Tallahassee,
Fla. (A book).
45. Status of Training Courses and Certifications in the United States. (Committee
Report a report of Committee G-16, Uniformity of Grading, Registration
and Short Courses. Presented on May 13, 1953, at the annual conference,
Grand Rapids, Mich. Published.
46. The Water Resources of the South. Editor and Publisher of the SNPA, Golden
Anniversary Edition, October 31, 1953.
47. Stay South, Young Man. FLAGS. Guest Editorial, March 1954.
48. Some Facts Concerning Fluoridation. Published by Ga. & S.C. State Boards of
Health, each in several thousand copies. (A monograph).
49. A Rational Approach to the South's Pollution Problem.Southern Chemical
Industry. 24-27, May-June, 1954.
50. The Water Superintendent and Fluoridation. The Municipal South, 15-17, May
51. A Survey of the South. Southern Issue, American Dyestuff Reporter, Sec. 11,
August 30, 1954.
52. The Water Superintendent and Fluoridation. (Reprinted). Mueller Record,
4-8, Aug. 1954.
53. Special Report on Florida's Water Resources in "Florida on Parade" section
of Sept.-Oct. 1954 issue of Industrial Development, pages 22-23.
54. A Rational View on the South's Pollution Problem. Southern Industrial
Wastes Conference. Southern Assn. of Science and Industry. Manufacturing
Chemists Assn. and Texas Chemical Council. PROCEEDINGS, M.C.A. 1-7 (1954).
55. Water Requirements in Florida. Eng. Progress at the U. of Fla. Bulletin No.
72., 14, April, 1955.
56. Facts in Refutation of Claims by Opponents of Fluoridation. Jour. Am. Dental
Assn., Vol. 50, 655-664, June, 1955.
57. The Strange Case of Fluorine The Blessed Impurity. World Health
Organization Newsletter. Vol. VIII, No. 2-3,back page, Feb.-March, 1955.
58. The Water Resources of the South. Bulletin of Souther Research
Institute. Birmingham, Ala., Vol. VIII, No. 2, 12-24 (1955).
59. Salt Water Encroachment. A Water Resource Problem. Wtr. Wks. Eng.,
Vol. 109, No. 4, 338-342, April, 1956.
60. Water Resources of Florida. Higher Education and Florida's Future.
Vol. 2, Chap. 2, 39-44, U. of Fla. Press (1956).
61. The Water Resources of the South. La. State Univ. Eng. Exp. Station
Bulletin No. 55, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Water Symposium, 48-66
Feb. 21-22, 1956.
62. The Water Source. Proceedings Univ. of Fla. Turf Management Conf.,
Vol. 14, 74-78 (1956).
63. Quality of Florida's Surface and Ground Water Resources. Proceedings of
the Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida, Vol. 16, 67-79 (1956).
64. Review of the "Fight for Fluoridation" by Donald R. McNeil. The
Scientific Monthly, Vol. 85, No. 4, 208-9, (Oct. 1957).
65. Carbonation of Water Softening Plant Sludge. Jour. AWWTA, 49, 1342-50,
October 1957.
66. Review of the Jar Test. Jour. AWWA, 49, 1414-1424 (1957).
67. Experience in Applying Fluorides Panel Discussion. Jour. AWWA, 49,
1239-1278 (1957).
68. Defluoridation of Water with Activated Alumina. Jour. AWWA, 50, 33-44 (1958).
69. The Chemistry of Water Softening by the Lime-Soda Process. Part I.
Wtr. Wks. Eng., 111, No. 3, 231 (1958).
,70. The Chemistry of Water Softening by the Lime-Soda Process. Part II.
Wtr. Wks. Eng., 111, No. 5, 484 (1958).
71. Our Natonal Water Resources. Jour. Chem. Ed., 35, 227 (1958).
72. The Chemistry of Water Coagulation. Wtr. Wks. Eng., 111, No. 7, 678 (1958).
73. Electrophoretic Studies of Water Coagulation. Jour. AWWA, 50, No. 11,
1467-1482 (1958).
74. Effectiveness of Polyelectrolyte Coagulant Aids in Turbidity Removal.
Jour. AWWA, 51, 247-263 (1959).
75. Effectiveness of Iodine for the Disinfection of Swimming Pool Water.
Amer. Jour. Pub. Health, 49, No. 8, 1060-1068 (1959).
76. Will We Run Out of Water? The Florida Realtor, 34, No. 10, 30-31 (1959).
77. Florida A Water Paradise. Proceedings, Conference on Florida's
Water Resources, U. of Fla., Feb. 12-13, 1959.
78. Current Research on Coagulation. Jour. AWWA, 51, 1545-1550 (Dec. 1959).
79. Basic Mechanisms of Water Coagulation. Jour. AWWA., 52, No. 4, 492-501
80. Polymers and Polyelectrolytes. Wtr. Wks. Eng., 113, No. 11, 982 (Nov. 1960).
81. The Chemistry of Colloids. Wtr. Wks. Eng., 113, No. 12, 1068 (Dec. 1960).
82. The Use of Coagulant Aids in Water Coagulation. Part I. Wtr. Wks. Eng.,
114, No. 1, 45 (Jan. 1961).
83. The Use of Coagulant Aids in Water Coagulation. Part II. Wtr. Wks. Eng.,
114, No. 2, 132 (Feb. 1961).
84. Some Applications of the Principles of Colloidal Behavior to Water Treat-
ment. Proceedings Rudolfs Research Conference, Rutgers Univ., New
Brunswick, N. J. (June 1960).
85. Electrophoretic Studies of Turbidity Removal by Coagulation with Aluminum
Sulfate. Jour. AWWA, 53, No. 4, 438-452 (April, 1961).
86. Electrophoretic Studies of Coagulation for Removal of Organic Color.
Jour. AWWA, 53, No. 5, 589-604 (May 1961).
87. Electrophoretic Studies of Sludge Particles Produced in Lime-Soda Softening.
Jour. AWWA, 53, No. 6, 737-747 (June 1961).
88. Swimming Pool Disinfection with Iodine. Wtr. and Sew. Wks., (July 1961).
89. Theory of Coagulation. Proceedings of the University of Michigan Confer-
ence on Coagulation of Water for Filtration, Feb. 1961, and Ann Arbor, Mich.
90. Determination of the Mobility of Colloidal Particles by Microelectrophoresis.
Jour. AWWA, 54, No. 8, 926 (1962).
91. Chemical Aspects of Coagulation. Jour. AWWA, 54, No. 8, 971 (1962).
92. Mechanisms of Coagulation in Water Treatment. Jour. San. Eng., Div. Am.
Soc. of Civ. Eng., Vol. 89, Part I, pp. 75-80 (Jan. 1963).
93. The Nature of Organic Color in Water. Part I. Characteristics of Raw
Colored Waters. Jour. AWWA, 55, No. 6, 753 (1963).
94. The Nature of Organic Color in Water. Part II. Chemical Characteristics
of Fulvic Acids. Jour. AWWA, 55, No. 7, 897 (1963).
95. Feasibility of Water Fluoridation. Jour. Am..Dental Assoc., 65, 588
(Nov. 1962).
96. Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies. Jour. AWWA, 55, No. 6, 677 (June 1963).
97. Better Coagulation Processes for Better Water. Wtr. Wks. Eng., 116, 375
98. Stoichiometry of the Coagulation of Color-Causing Organic Compounds with
Ferric Sulfate. Jour. AWWA, 55, 1347 (Oct. 1963).
99. Electrophoretic Studies of Turbidity Removal with Ferric Sulfate. Jour.
AWWA, 56, 99 (Jan. 1964).
100. Research Needs for Drinking Water. Jour. AWWA, 57, 3 (Jan. 1965) Dis-
cussion of a paper by Harry P. Kramer.
101. Challenges of Quality Water. Jour. AWWA, 56, 1279 (Oct. 1964).
102. Economical Design of Water Coagulation and Softening Processes. Transac-
tions of the Fifteenth Annual Conference on Sanitary Engineering. Jan. 1965,
at the Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. The Bull. of Eng. and Arch.,
No. 54, page 26.
103. Electrophoretic Studies of Coagulation and Flocculation of River Sediment
Suspensions with Aluminum Sulfate. Jour. AWWA, 57, 345 (Mar. 1965).
104. Improvements in Instrumentation and Techniques for Microelectrophoresis.
Jour. AWWA, 57, 485 (Apr. 1965).
105. Water in Florida. Proceedings of the Univ. of Fla. Turf-Grass Management
Conference, Vol. XIII, 1965.
106. Measurement of Low Turbidiities, Jour. AWWA, 57, 901 (July 1965).
107. Use of Iodine for Disinfection. Jour. AWWA, 57, 1401 (Nov. 1965).
108. Destabilization of Dilute Clay Suspensions with Labeled Polymers.
Jour. AWWA, 57, 1547 (Dec. 1965).
109. Split-Treatment Water Softening at Dayton. Jour. AWWA, 58, 97 (Jan. 1966).
110. A Study in Iodine's Use for Pool Disinfection. Swimming Pool Age, Vol. 39,
No. 13, p. 74-78 (Jan. 1966).
111. Better Tools for Better Treatment. Jour. AWWA, 58, 137 (Feb. 1966).
112. Suggested Method for Calibration of Briggs Microelectrophoresis Cells,
Jour. AWWA, 58, 445 (April 1966).
113. The Effect of Polymer Adsorption of the Electrokinetic Stability of Dilute
Clay Suspensions. Jour. Colloid & Interface Science, 21, 626 (June 1966).
114. Effect of Iodine Water Supply on Thyroid Function. Jour. Clinical
Endocrinology and Thyroid Metabolism, 26, 619 (June 1966).
115. Swimming Pool Disinfection with Chlorine, Chloriamine and Iodine.
Swimming Pool Age, 41, 37 (Jan. 1967). Published under the title of:
Breakthrough Near for Wide Use of Iodine?
116. Electrokinetic Characteristics of Hydrous Oxides of Aluminum and Iron.
Presented at Fourth Rudolfs Research Conference, Rutgers Univ., New
Brunswick, N. J., and to be published in a textbook by John Wiley & Sons.
117. New Methods for Determining Iodine and Free Chlorine Residuals in
Swimming Pool Water. To be published in Swimming Pool Age.
118. New Methods for the Colorimetric Determination of Halogen Residuals.
Part I. Iodine, Iodide and lodate. To be published in Jour. AWWA.
119. The Electrokinetic Behavior of Aluminum Species in Dilute Dispersed
Kaolinite Systems. To be published in Jour. AWWA.
120. New Methods for the Colorimetric Determination of Halogen Residuals.
Part II. Free and Total Chlorine. To be published in Jour. AWWA.
In addition to being listed in Who's Who in America, he is also listed in:
American Men of Science, Who's Who in Engineering, Who
Knows and What, Who's Who in American Education, Chemical
Who's Who, Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Who's
Who in Florida Blue Key.
BLACK, Alvin Percy, educator, chem. engr.; b. Blossom,
Tex., Aug. 30, 1895; s. Alexander Pere and Rena Estelle
(Eades) B.; A. B. cum laude, Southwestern U., Georgetown,
Tex., 1917; student la. State Coll., Ames, 1922-23,
Harvard, 1925-26; Ph. D., U. of la., 1933; m. Lillian
Virginia Barnes, Sept. 6, 1917; children Charles Alvin,
SVirginia Ruth (Mrs. R. E. Reif). Prof. and head dept.
of chemistry, Wesley Coll., Tex., 1917-18; asst. chemist
U. S. Bur. of Standards, 1918-19; asst. prof. chem. eng-
ring, U. of Fla., 1919-23; prof. agrl. chemistry, 1923-
41, prof. since 1941, head dept. since 1949. Chmn. bd.
Black Labs, Inc., Mem. Nat. Adv. Council Dental Research
(v.p. 1952-53, pres. 1953-54). Served with chem. warfare
service, U. S. Army, 1918, Mem. Am. Waterworks Assn.,
(received Fuller Award, 1939; nat. dir., 1936-39, pres.
1949-50; Goodell prize 1949), Am. Geophys. Union, Am.
Chem. Soc. (chmn. div. water sewage and sanitation, 1937-
39), Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Brit. Soc. Chem. Industry,
Am. Pub. Health Assn., Asociacion Interamericana de
Ingenieria Sanitaria, Fla. Engring. Soc., Soil Sci. Soc.
of Fla., Fla. Water Works Operators Assn., Fla. Acad.
Sci., Fla. Pub. Health Assn., (pres, 1944). kGamma Sigma
Epsilon, Sigma Xi, Sigma Tau, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Kappa
Phi, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha Tau Omega;
Episcopalian. Clubs, Executives (Gainesville). Contbg.
editor, Jour. Chem. Edn., 1924-40. Author of articles
profl. jours.; editorial bd. Water Works Engring., The
Sanitarian. Registered cons. engr. Home. 544 N. E. 10th
Av., Gainesville, Fla.
BLACK, Prof. A(lvin) (Percy), Dept. of Agricultural Chem-
istry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. AGRICULTURAL
CHEMISTRY. Blossom, Texas, Aug. 30, 1895; m. 17; c. 2.
A. B., Southwestern (Texas), 17; Iowa State Col., 23; Har-
vard, 25-26; Ph. D. (sanit. chem), Iowa, 33. Prof.;chem.
Wesley Col, 17-18; asst. chemist, Bur. Standards, 18-19;
asst. prof. chem. eng, Florida, 19-24, prof. agr. chem.,
24-41, chem, 41 -. Austin teaching fellow, Harvard, 24-
25; director water research project, div. water survs. and
research, State Board Conservation, Fla. Nat. Advisory
Dental Research Council. With Office Sci. Research &
Develop; U.S.A.; U.S.N., 44. Capt. C. W. Res. 17-19. Chem.
Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; Pub. Health Assn.; fel. Inst. Chem.
Eng; Water Works Assn. (Fuller Award, 39, v. pres., 48;
pres, 49); Geophys. Union; Newcomen Soc; South. Asn. Sci. &
Indust.(pres. 53); Fla. Pub. Health Asn. (past pres.); Fla.
Acad; Asn. Interam. de Ing. Sanit. Chemistry of water treat-
ment; water conservation and treatment; basic concepts in
ground water law.
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