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S Vacation Pleasures
Pack your guns and fishing tackle
along with your golf clubs when you
head for Jacksonville . and
bring your tennis rackets, too. The
ideal climate and sea-spiced, invigo-
rating air create a new zest for liv-
ing that will tempt you to enjoy
glorious outdoor sports every day of
your vacation.
17a^ / .~ You'll play golf in Jacksonville on
your choice of several sporty 18-hole
courses.. Complete clubhouse,
restaurant and beverage ser-
vice. Grass greens and fair- .
ways are kept in perfect ''.- ,,-
condition during summer and
winter. '/ I
Fighting gamesters of both
fresh and salt-water varie-
ties abound in the lakes,
streams and coastal waters
around Jacksonville. Tar-
pon, sailfish, crevalle, amber-
jack, dolphin, barracuda and
other thunderbolts of the
deep furnish thrilling sport
Record breaking bass lurk in
during the summer months.
the St. Johns River and near-
by lakes. Boats,
guides and tac-
kle are available
at r e a sonable
Deer, wild
/ r turkey, quail,
/r doves,ducks and
/ ing i n season
around Jackson-
ville. Two ex-
cellent skeet and
trap- shooting
layouts welcome
You'll enjoy water sports every day of the year-surf-
bathing, sun-tanning and motoring on the beach, motor-
boating and sailing on the picturesque St. Johns River and
swimming in fresh and
salt-water pools in Jack-
sonville and at the .
beaches. --/ .."
Municipal and country\
club tennis courts, several
flood-lighted f o r night
play, are available for
visitors who enjoy such
active sport. Good mounts
are obtainable at conveni-
ently located riding '
stables. Bridle paths wind
through a scenic country-
side unmatched for trop- -
ical beauty.
a& I*
Here's a gay Florida playground
where vacation dollars buy more
fun .. where a friendly sun and a
stimulating climate heighten the
colorful pleasures of a cosmopolitan
city ... here you'll find a rich oppor-
tunity for an unforgettable yet inex-
pensive holiday. Jacksonville is sun-
blessed in winter; seabreeze-cooled in
summer-and endowed with a matchless
beach, 600 feet wide at low tide, a thrilling
surfside bathing and motoring strand 30 miles
long. Here you can play outdoors every day of
the year. You can golf on your choice of several
sporty golf courses, including one that ranks among
the six best in America. You can revel in excellent salt
water and fresh water fishing .. good hunting in season
S. water sports and boating on the picturesque St. Johns
River ... park games such as shuffleboard and quoits ...
tennis... .horseback-riding on jungle trails .sight-see-
ing trips through a scenic country-side of amazing his-
toric interest. And, of course, you'll never tire of motor-
ing, bathing and romping on the world's finest beach.
Brilliant after-dark entertainment is offered by ho-
tels, restaurants, theaters and gay night-spots. Grey-
hound racing is popular during the winter season.
Jacksonville is Florida's largest city, the commercial,
financial and industrial capital of the state; a city of
S attractive homes and churches, fine schools, beautiful
tropical parks, and a cordial citizetnty.
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Once a sleepy river village named Cowford, Jack-
sonville was re-christened in 1822 in honor of Andrew
Jackson, first territorial governor of Florida. Following
the War between the States, the news of Jacksonville's
balmy, year-round climate spread to the North and this
area became the first great Florida resort for New York
and Washington society.
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Here's a gay Florida playground
where vacation dollars buy more
'fun. .. where a friendly sun and a
stimulating climate heighten the
colorful pleasures of a cosmopolitan
city ... here you'll find a rich oppor-
tunity for an unforgettable yet inex-
pensive holiday. Jacksonville is sun-
blessed in winter; seabreeze-cooled in
summer-and endowed with a matchless
beach, 600, feet wide at low tide, a thrilling
surfside bathing and motoring strand 30 miles
long. Here you can play outdoors every day of .
the year. You can golf on your choice of several j"-
sporty golf courses, including one that ranks among
the six best in America. You can revel in excellent salt
water and fresh water fishing ... good hunting in season |
... water sports and boating on the picturesque St. Johns
River... park games such as shuffleboard and quoits ...
tennis.. .horseback-riding on jungle trails .. .sight-see-
ing trips through a scenic country-side of amazing his-
toric interest. And, of course, you'll never tire of motor-
ing, bathing and romping on the world's finest beach.
Brilliant after-dark entertainment is offered by ho-
tels, restaurants, theaters and gay night.spots. Grey-
hound racing is popular during the winter season.
Jacksonville is Florida's largest city, the commercial,
financial and industrial capital of the state; a city of
attractive homes and churches, fine schools, beautiful
tropical parks, and a cordial citizeiry. .
Once a sleepy river village named Cowford, Jack-
sonville was re-christened in 1822 in honor of Andrew*
S Jackson, first territorial governor of Florida. Following
the War between the States, the news of Jacksonville's
balmy, year-round climate spread to the North and this
area became the first great Florida resort for New York
and Washington society. :
sonville was re-christened in 1822 in honor of Andrew
Jackson, first territorial governor of Florida. Following
ithe War between the States, the news of Jacksonville's
balmy, year-round climate spread to the North and this
area became the first great Florida resort for New York
and Washington society.
Whatever your tastes in pleasure, you'll find that
you can have more fun for your money in this year-
round vacationland where living and pleasure costs are
lower than in "short-season" resorts. Pack
and come to Jacksonville for a grand
Jacksonville lies about 400 miles south of Los An-
geles. Rarely do summer temperatures exceed 90
degrees or winter temperatures drop below 32 degrees.
The average daily temperature of 69.3 degrees is ideal
for glorious living.
Wherever you live you can reach this resort play-
ground quickly cut tedious travel hours short
and save travel dollars for vacation pleasures. Jack-
sonville is only 20 hours from New York by rail,
slightly longer by bus or your own car and. only six
hours by plane. Comfortable ocean steamers main-
tain fast, regular schedules from North Atlantic ports.
Jacksonville is a great railroad center.
For detailed information about hotels, restaurants,
shops, places to go and things to do, write the Tourist
& Convention Bureau, Hemming Park, Jacksonville.
unce a sleepy river vilage name towrora, jacK-
sonville was re-christened in 1822 in honor of Andrew
Jackson, first territorial governor of Florida. Following
the War between the States, the news of Jacksonville's
balmy, year-round climate spread to the North and this
area became the first great Florida resort for New York
and Washington society.
Whatever your tastes in pleasure, you'll find that
- you can have more fun for your money in this year-
round vacationland where living and pleasure costs are
lower than in "short-season" resorts. Pack
and come to Jacksonville for a grand
Jacksonville lies about 400 miles south of Los An-
geles. Rarely do summer temperatures exceed 90
degrees or winter temperatures drop below 32 degrees.
The average daily temperature of 69.3 degrees is ideal
for glorious living.
Wherever you live you can reach this resort play-
ground quickly cut tedious travel hours short
and save travel dollars for vacation pleasures. Jack-
sonville is only 20 hours from New York by rail,
slightly longer by bus or your own car and only six
hours by plane. Comfortable ocean steamers main-
tain fast, regular schedules from North Atlantic ports.
Jacksonville is a great railroad center.
For detailed information about hotels, restaurants,
shops, places to go and things to do, write the Tourist
& Convention Bureau, Hemming Park, Jacksonville.
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