The Little savage

Material Information

The Little savage
Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848 ( Author, Primary )
Gilbert, John, 1817-1897 ( Illustrator )
Dalziel Brothers ( Engraver )
G. Routledge & Co ( Publisher )
Cox Bros. & Wyman ( printer )
Leighton Son & Hodge ( Binder )
Place of Publication:
George Routledge & Co.
Cox (Brothers and Wyman
Publication Date:
New ed., in one v.
Physical Description:
412 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 17 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Adventure and adventurers -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Leighton Son & Hodge -- Pictorial cloth bindings (Binding) -- 1852 ( rbbin )
Leighton Son & Hodge -- Binders' tickets (Binding) -- 1852 ( rbbin )
Robinsonades -- 1852 ( rbgenr )
Baldwin -- 1852
Pictorial cloth bindings (Binding) ( rbbin )
Binders' tickets (Binding) ( rbbin )
Robinsonades ( rbgenr )
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
England -- London
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Illustrations engraved by Dalziel.
Brittle Books Program
Statement of Responsibility:
by Captain Marryat ; with illustrations by John Gilbert.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
026863779 ( ALEPH )
45805600 ( OCLC )
ALH4198 ( NOTIS )

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Full Text

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I am about to write a very curious history, as
the reader will agree with me when he has read
this book. We have more than one narrative of
. people being cast away upon desolate islands, and
being left to their own resources, and no works
are perhaps read with more interest ; but I believe |
I am the first instance of a boy being left alone
upon an uninhabited island. Such was, however,
the case ; and now I shall tell my own story.

My first recollections are, that I was in company
with a man upon this island, and that we walked
often along the sea-shore. It was rocky and
difficult to climb in many parts, and the man
used to drag or pull me over the dangerous places,
He was very unkind to me, which may appear
strange, as I was the only companion that he had ;
but he was of a morose and gloomy disposition. He
would ‘sit down squatted in the corner of our



cabin, and sometimes not speak for hours,—or he
would remain the whole day looking out at the
sea, as if watching for something, but what I never
could tell ; for if I spoke, he would not reply ; and
if near to him, I was sure to receive a cuff or a
heavy blow. I should imagine that I was about
five years old at the time that I first recollect
clearly what passed. [ may have been younger.
I may as well here state what I gathered from him
at different times, relative to our being left upon
this desolate spot. It was with difficulty that I
did so; for, generally speaking, he would throw a
stone at me if I asked questions, that is, if I re-
peatedly asked them after he had refused to
answer. It was on one occasion, when he was
lying sick, that I gained the information, and that
only by refusing to attend him or bring him food
and water. He would be very angry, and say,
that when he got well again, he would make me
smart for it; but I cared not, for I was then
getting strong, whilst he was getting weaker every
day, and I had no love for him, for he had never
shown any to me, but always treated me with great

He told me, that about twelve years before
(not that I knew what he meant by a year, for I
had never heard the term used by him), an
English ship (I did not know what a ship was) had
been swamped near the island in a heavy gale, and
that seven men and one woman had been saved,


and all the other people lost. That the ship had
been broken into pieces, and that they had saved
nothing—that they had picked up among the
rocks pieces of the wood with which it had been
made, and had built the cabin in which we lived.
That one had died after another, and had been
buried (what death or burial meant, I had no
idea at the time) ; and that I had been born on
the island—(how was I born? thought I) ; that
most of them had died before I was two years old;
and that then, he and my mother were the only
two left besides me. My mother had died a few
months afterwards. I was obliged to ask him
many questions to understand all this ; indeed, I
did not understand it till long afterwards, although
I had an idea of what he would say. Had I been
left with any other person, I should, of course, by
conversation, have learned much ; but he never
would converse, still less explain. He called me,
Boy, and I called him, Master. His inveterate
silence was the occasion of my language being
composed of very few words ; for, except to order
me to do this or that, to procure what was required,
he never would converse. He did, however, mutter
to himself, and talk in his sleep, and I used to
he awake and listen, that I might gain informa-
tion; not at first, but when I grew older. He
used to cry out in his sleep constantly ; “A judg-
ment, a judgment on me for my sins, my heavy
sins ! God be merciful!” But what judgment,
B 2


or what sin was, or what was God, I did not then
know, although I mused on words repeated so

I will now describe the island, and the way in
which we lived. The island was very small,
perhaps not three miles round ; it was of rock,
and there was no beach nor landing-place, the
sea washing its sides with deep water. It was, as
I afterwards discovered, one of the group of
islands, to which the Peruvians despatch vessels
every year to collect the guano, or refuse of the
sea birds which resort to the islands ; but the
one on which’ we were was small, and detached
some distance from the others, on which the
guano was found in great profusion ; so that
hitherto it had been neglected, and no vessel
had ever come near it. Indeed, the other islands
were not to be seen from it except on a very clear
day, when they appeared like a cloud or mist on
the horizon. The shores of the island were,
moreover, so precipitous, that there was no landing-
place, and the eternal wash of the ocean would
have made it almost impossible for a vessel to
have taken off a cargo. Such was the island upon
which I found myself in company with this man.
Our cabin was built of ship-plank and timber,
under the shelter of a cliff, about fifty yards from
the water; there was a flat of about thirty yards
square in front of it, and from the cliff there
trickled down a rill of water, which fell into a


hole dug out to collect it, and then found its way
over the flat to the rocks beneath. The cabin
itself was large, and capable of holding many
more people than had ever lived in it ; but it
was not too large, as we had to secure in it our
provisions for many months. There were several
bed-places level with the floor, which were ren-
dered soft enough to lie on, by being filled with
the feathers of birds. Furniture there was none,
except two or three old axes, blunted with long
use, a tin pannikin, a mess kid, and some rude
vessels to hold water, cut out of wood. On the
summit of the island, there was a forest of under-
wood, and the bushes extended some distance
down the ravines which led from the summit to
the shore. One of my most arduous tasks was
to climb these ravines and collect wood, but for-
tunately a fire was not often required. The cli-
mate was warm all the year round, and there
seldom was a fall of rain ; when it did fall, it was
generally expended on the summit of the island,
and did not reach us. At a certain period of the
year, the birds came to the island in numberless
quantities to breed, and their chief resort was
some tolerably level ground—indeed, in many’
places, it was quite level with the accumulation
of guano—which ground was divided from the
spot where our cabin was built by a deep ravine.
On this spot, which might perhaps contain about
twenty acres or more, the sea birds would sit


upon their eggs, not four inches apart from each
other, and the whole surface of this twenty acres
would be completely covered with them. There
they would remain, from the time of the laying
of the eggs, until the young ones were able to
leave the nests and fly away with them. At the
Season when the birds were on the island, all was
gaiety, bustle, and noise, but after their departure
it was quiet and solitude. I used to long for
their arrival, and was delighted with the anima-
tion which gladdened the island, the male birds
diving in every direction after fish, wheeling and
soaring in the air, and uttering loud cries, which
were responded to by their mates on the nests.
But it was also our harvest time; we seldom
touched the old birds, as they were not in flesh,
but as soon as the young ones were within a few
days of leaving the nests, we were then busy
enough. In spite of the screaming and the flap-
ping of their wings in our faces, and the darting
their beaks at our eyes, of the old birds, as we
robbed them of their progeny, we collected hun-
dreds every day, and bore as heavy a load as we
could carry across the ravine to the platform in
front of our cabin, where we busied ourselves in
skinning them, splitting them, and hanging them
out to dry in the sun. The air of the island was
so pure that no putrefaction ever took place, and
during the last fortnight of the birds coming on
the island, we had collected a sufficiency for our


support until their return on the following year.
As soon as they were quite dry they were
packed up in a corner of the cabin for use.
These birds were, it may be said, the only pro-
duce of the island, with the exception of fish, and
the eggs taken at the time of their first making
their nests. Fish were to be taken in large quan-
tities. It was sufficient to put a line over the
rocks, and it had hardly time to go down a fathom
before anything at the end of it was seized. In-
deed, our means of taking them were as simple as
their voracity was great. Our lines were com-
posed of the sinews of the legs of the man-of-war
birds, as I afterwards heard them named ; and, as
these were only about a foot long, it required a
great many of them knotted together to make a
line. At the end of the line was a bait fixed over
a strong fish-bone, which was fastened to the line
by the middle ; a half-hitch of the line round one
end kept the bone on a parallel with the line
until the bait was seized, when the line being
taughtened, the half-hitch slipped off and the
bone remained crossways in the gullet of the fish,
which was drawn up by it. Simple as this con-
trivance was, it answered as well as the best hook,
of which I had never seen one at that time. The
fish were so strong and large, that, when I was
young, the man would not allow me to attempt to
catch them, lest they should pull me into the
water ; but, as I grew bigger, I could master them.


Such was our food from one year’s end to the
other ; we had no variety, except when occasionally
we broiled the dried birds or the fish upon the
embers, instead of eating them dried by the sun.
Our raiment, such as it was, we were also indebted
to the feathered tribe for. The birds were skinned
with the feathers on, and their skins sewn together
with sinews, and a fish-bone by way of a needle.
These garments were not very durable, but the
climate was so fine that we did not suffer from
the cold at any season of the year. I used to
make myself a new dress every year when the
birds came ; but by the time that they returned, I
had little left of my last year’s suit, the fragments
of which might be found among the rocky and
steep parts of the ravine where we used to collect

Living such a life, with so few wants, and those
periodically and easily supplied, hardly varied
from one year’s end to another, it may easily be
imagined that I had but few ideas. I might have
had more, if my companion had not been of such
a taciturn and morose habit 3 as it was, I looked
at the wide ocean, and the sky, and the sun,
moon, and stars, wondering, puzzled, afraid to ask
questions, and ending all by sleeping away a large
portion of my existence. We had no tools except
the old ones, which were useless—no employment
of any kind. There was a book, and I asked
what it was for and what it was, but I got no


answer. It remained upon the shelf, for if I
looked at it I was ordered away, and at last I
regarded it with a sort of fear, as if it were a kind
of incomprehensible animal. The day was passed
in idleness and almost silence; perhaps not a
dozen sentences were exchanged in the twenty-
four hours,—my companion always the same,
brooding over something which appeared ever to
occupy his thoughts, and angry if roused up from
his reverie.



Tue reader must understand that the foregoing
remarks are to be considered as referring to my
position and amount of knowledge when I was
seven or eight years old. My master, as I called
him, was a short Square-built man, about sixty
years of age, as I afterwards estimated from recol-
lection and comparison. His hair fell down his
back in thick clusters and was still of a dark
colour, and his beard was full two feet long and
very bushy; indeed, he was covered with -hair,
wherever his person was exposed. He was, I
should say, very powerful had he had occasion to
exert his strength, but with the exception of the
time at which we collected the birds, and occa-
sionally going up the ravine to bring down faggots
of wood, he seldom moved out of the cabin, unless
it was to bathe. There was a pool of salt water of
about twenty yards Square, near the sea, but
separated from it by a low ridge of rocks, over
which the waves only beat when the sea was
rough and the wind on that side of the island.
Every morning almost we went down to bathe
in that pool, as it was secure from the sharks,


which were very numerous. I could swim like a
fish as early as I can recollect, but whether I was
taught, or learned myself, I cannot tell. Thus was
my life passed away; my duties were trifling ; I
had little or nothing to employ myself about, for
I had no means of employment. I seldom heard
the human voice, and became as taciturn as my
companion. My amusements were equally con-
fined—looking down into the depths of the ocean,
as I lay over the rocky wall which girted the
major portion of the island, and watching the
motions of the finny tribes below, wondering at
the stars during the night season, eating, and
sleeping. Thus did I pass away an existence
without pleasure and without pain. As for what
my thoughts were I can hardly say, my knowledge
and my ideas were too confined for me to have
any food for thought. I was little better than a
beast of the field, who lies down on the pasture
after he is filled. There was one great source of
interest, however, which was, to listen to the sleep-
ing talk of my companion, and I always looked
forward to the time when the night fell and we
repaired to our beds. I would lie awake for hours,
listening to his ejaculations and murmured speech,
trying in vain to find out some meaning in what
he would say—but I gained little ; he talked of
that woman”’—appearing to be constantly with
other men, and muttering about something he had
hidden away. One night, when the moon was


shining bright, he sat up in his bed, which, as I
have before said, was on the floor of the cabin,
and throwing aside the feathers upon which he
had been lying, scratched the mould away below
them and lifted up a piece of board. After a
minute he replaced everything, and lay down
again. He evidently was sleeping during the
whole time. Here, at last, was something to feed
my thoughts with. I had heard him say in his sleep
that he had hidden something—this must be the
hiding-place. What was it? Perhaps I ought
here to observe that my feelings towards this man
were those of positive dislike, if not hatred pa
never had received one kind word or deed from
him, that I could recollect. Harsh and unfeeling
towards me, evidently looking upon me with ill-
will, and only suffering me because I saved him
some trouble, and perhaps because he wished to
have a living thing for his companion,—his feel-
ings towards me were reciprocated by mine
towards him. What age I was at the time my
mother died, I know not, but I had some faint
recollection of one who treated me with kindness
and caresses, and these recollections became more
forcible in my dreams, when I saw a figure very
different from that of my companion (a female
figure) hanging over me or leading me by the
hand. How I used to try to continue those
dreams, by closing my eyes again after I had woke
up! And yet I knew not that they had been


brought about by the dim recollection of my
infancy ; I knew not that the figure that appeared
to me was the shadow of my mother ; but I loved
the dreams because I was treated kindly in them.

But a change took place by the hand of Pro-
vidence. One day, after we had just laid in our
yearly provision of sea birds, I was busy arrang-
ing the skins of the old birds, on the flat rock, for
my annual garment, which was joined together
something like a sack, with holes for the head and
arms to pass through; when, as I looked to sea-
ward, I saw a large white object on the water.

“Look, master,” said I, pointing towards it.

“A ship, a ship!” cried my companion.

“Oh,” thought I, “that is a ship; I recollect
that he said they came here in a ship.” I kept
my eyes on her, and she rounded to.

“Ts she alive ?” inquired I.

“You’re a fool,” said the man ; “come and
help me to pile up this wood, that we may make a
signal to her. Go and fetch some water and
throw on it, that there may be plenty of smoke.
Thank God, I may leave this cursed hole at
last !”

I hardly understood him, but I went for the
water and brought it in the mess kid.

“T want more wood yet,” said he. “ Her head
is this way, and she will come nearer.”

“Then she is alive,” said I.

“ Away, fool!” said he, giving me a cuff on the


head ; “get some more water and throw on the

He then went into the cabin to strike a light,
which he obtained by a piece of iron and flint,
with some fine dry moss for tinder. While he
was so employed, my eyes were fixed on the
vessel, wondering what it could be. It moved
through the water, turned this way and that.
“It must be alive,” thought I; “is it a fish or a
bird?” As I watched the vessel, the sun was
going down, and there was not more than an
hour’s daylight. The wind was very light and
variable, which accounted for the vessel so often
altering her course. My companion came out
with his hands full of smoking tinder, and putting
it under the wood, was busy blowing it into a
flame. The wood was soon set fire to, and the
smoke ascended several feet into the air.

“‘They’ll see that,”’ said he.

“What then, it has eyes? it must be alive.
Does it mind the wind?” inquired I, having no
answer to my first remark, “for look there, the
little clouds are coming up fast,” and I pointed
to the horizon, where some small clouds were
rising up, and which were, as I knew from experi-
ence and constantly watching the sky, a sign of a
short but violent gale, or tornado, of which we
usually had one, if not two, at this season of the

“Yes; confound it,” replied my companion,


grinding his teeth, “ it will blow her off! That’s
my luck.”

In the meantime, the smoke ascended in the air
and the vessel approached nearer and nearer, until
she was within, I suppose, two miles of the island,
and then it fell quite calm. My companion threw
more water on to increase the smoke, and the
vessel now hauling up her courses, I perceived
that there were people on board, and while I was
arranging my ideas as to what the vessel might
be, my companion cried out—‘ They see us, they
see us! there’s hope now. Confound it, I’ve
been here long enough. Hurrah for old Eng-
land !” and he commenced dancing and capering
about like a madman. At last he said,

“Look out, and see if she sends a boat, while I
go into the cabin.”

“What’s a boat?” said I.

“Out, you fool! tell me if you see anything.”

“Yes, I do see something,” replied I. “Look
at the squall coming along the water, it will be
here very soon; and see how thick the clouds are
getting up: we shall have as much wind and rain
as we had the time before last, when the birds
“Confound it,” replied he, “I wish they’d
lower a boat, at all events ;” and so saying, he
went into the cabin, and I perceived that he was
busy at his bed-place.

My eyes were still fixed upon the squall, as


I watched it advancing at a furious speed on the
surface of the water; at first it was a deep black
line on the horizon, but as it approached the
vessel, changed to white; the surface of the
water was still smooth. The clouds were not
more than ten degrees above the horizon, although
they were thick and opaque—but at this season
of the year, these tornados, as I may call them,
visited us; sometimes we had one, sometimes
more, and it was only when these gusts came
on that we had any rain below. On board of the
vessel—I speak now from my after knowledge—
they did not appear to be aware of the danger ;
the sails were all set and flapping against the
masts. At last, I perceived a small object close
to the vessel; this I presumed was the boat which
my companion looked for. It was like a young
vessel close to the old one, but I said nothing, as
I was watching and wondering what effect the
rising wind would have upon her ; for the observa-
tions of my companion had made me feel that
it was important. After a time, I perceived that
the white sails were disappearing, and that the
forms of men were very busy, and moving on board,
and the boat went back to the side of the vessel.
The fact is, they had not perceived the squall
until it was too late, for in another moment
almost, I saw that the vessel bowed down to the
fury of the gale, and after that, the mist was so
great that I couldn’t see her any more.


“Is she sending a boat, boy?” cried my com-

“Tcan’t see her,” replied I; “for she is hidden
by the wind.”

As I said this, the tornado reached to where
we stood, and threw me off my legs to the
entrance of the cabin; and with the wind came
down a torrent of rain, which drenched us, and
the clouds covered the whole of the firmament,
which became dark; the lightning darted in
every direction, with peals of thunder which were
deafening. I crawled into the cabin, into which
the rain beat in great fury and flowed out again
in a small river.

My companion sat near me, lowering and silent.
For two hours, the tornado lasted without inter-
ruption; the sun had set, and the darkness was
opaque. It was impossible to move against the
force of the wind and the deluge of water which
descended. Speak we did not, but shut our eyes
against the lightning, and held our fingers to our
ears to deaden the noise of the thunder, which
burst upon us in the most awful manner. My
companion groaned at intervals, whether from
fear, I know not; I had no fear, for I did not
know the danger, or that there was a God to
judge the earth.

Gradually the fury of the gale abated, the rain
was only heavy at intervals, and we could now
hear the beating of the waves, as they dashed

: C


against the rocks beneath us. The sky also
cleared up a little, and we could dimly discern the
white foam of the breakers. I crawled out of the
cabin, and stood upon the platform in front,
straining my eyes to see the vessel. A flash of
lightning for a second revealed her to me ; she
was dismasted, rolling in the awful breakers,
which bore her down upon the high rocks not a
quarter of a mile from her.

“There it is,” exclaimed I, as the disappearance
of the lightning left me in darkness, more opaque
than ever. |

“She’s done for,” growled my companion,
who, I was not till then aware, stood by my
side. “No hopes this time, confound it!”
Then he continued for some time to curse and
swear awfully, as I afterwards discovered, for I
did not then know what was cursing and
swearing, |

“There she is again,” said I, as another
flash of lightning revealed the position of the

“Yes, and she won’t be there long; in five
minutes she’ll be dashed to atoms, and every
soul perish.”

“ What are souls?” inquired I.

My companion gave me no reply.

“T will go down to the rocks,” said I, “and
see what goes on.”

“Go,” said he, “ and share their fate.”



I tert him, and commenced a careful descent
of the precipices by which we were surrounded,
but, before I had gone fifty paces, another flash of
lightning was followed up by a loud shriek, which
arrested my steps. Where the noise came from
I could not tell, but I heard my companion call-
ing to me to come back. I obeyed him, and
found him standing where I had left him,

“ You called me, master ?”

“Yes, I did; take my hand and lead me to the

I obeyed him, wondering why he asked me go
todo. He gained his bed-place, and threw him-
self down on it.

“Bring the kid full of water,” said he—<« quick !??

I brought it, and he bathed his head and face.
After a time, he threw himself back upon the bed-
place, and groaned heavily.

“O God! it’s all over with me,” said he at last,
“T shall live and die in this cursed hole,”

“ What’s the matter, master?” said I.

He gave me no answer, but lay groaning and
occasionally cursing. After a time, he was still,




and then I went out again. The tornado was now
over, and the stars were to be seen here and there,
but still the wind was strong and the wild clouds
flew fast. The shores of the island were one mass
of foam, which was dashed high in the air and
fell upon the black rocks. I looked for the vessel,
and could see nothing—the day was evidently
dawning, and I sat down and waited its coming.
My companion was apparently asleep, for he lay
without motion or noise. That some misfortune
had happened, I was convinced, but what I knew
not, and I passed a long time in conjecture, di-
viding my thoughts between him and the vessel.
At last the daylight appeared—the weather was
moderating fast, although the waves still beat
furiously against the rocky shore. I could see
nothing of the vessel, and I descended the path,
now slippery and insecure from the heavy fall of
rain, and went as near to the edge of the rocks as
the breaking billows would permit. I walked
along, occasionally drenched by the spray, until I
arrived where I had last seen the vessel. The
waves were dashing and tossing about, as if in
sport, fragments of timber, casks, and spars ; but
that was all I could see, except a mast and rig-
ging, which lay alongside of the rocks, sometimes
appearing above them on the summit of the waves,
then descending far out of my sight, for I dared
not venture near enough to the edge to look over.
“ Then the vessel is dashed to pieces, as my com-


panion said,” thought I. “I wonder how she
was made.” I remained about an hour on the
rocks, and then turned back to the cabin. I
found my companion awake, and groaning heavily.

“ There is no ship,” said I, “ nothing but pieces
of wood floating about.”

“I know that,” replied he; “but what do I
care now ?”’

“T thought by your making a smoke, that you
did care.”

“Yes, I did then, but now I am blind, I shall
never see a ship or anything else again. God
help me! I shall die and rot on this cursed

“ Blind, what is blind ?” inquired I.

“The lightning has burned out my eyes, and I
can see nothing—I cannot help myself—I cannot
walk about—I cannot do anything, and I suppose
you will leave me here to die like a dog.”

“ Can’t you see me???

“No, all is dark, dark as night, and will be as
long as I live.’ And he turned on his bed-place
and groaned. “TJ had hope, I lived in hope—it
has kept me alive for many weary years, but now
hope is gone, and I care not if I die to-morrow.”

And then he started up and turned his face
towards me, and I saw that there was no light in
his eyes.

“ Bring me some more water, do you hear?”
said he angrily. “ Be quick, or I’l] make you.”


But I now fully comprehended his condition, and
how powerless he was. My feelings, as I have
before said, were anything but cordial towards
him, and this renewed violence and threatening
manner had its effect. I was now, I suppose, —
about twelve or thirteen years old—strong and
active. I had more than once felt inclined to
rebel, and measure my strength against his.
Irritated, therefore, at his angry language, I re-

“ Go for the water yourself.”

“ Ah!” sighed he, after a pause of some seeonds,
“ that I might have expected. But let. me once

get you into my hands, I’ll make you remem-
ber it.”

“T care not if I were in your hands,’’ replied
I; “T am as strong as you.” For I had thought
so many a day, and meant to prove it.

“Indeed ! well, come here, and let us try.”

“No, no,” replied I, “ I’m not sucha fool as you
say I am—not that I’m afraid of you; for I shall
have an axe in my hand always ready, and you
will not find another.”

“TI wish that I had tossed you over the cliffs
when you were a child,” said he, bitterly, “instead
of nursing you and bringing you up.”

“Then why have you not been kind to me ?
As far back as I can remember you have always
treated me ill; you have made me work for you;


and yet never even spoken kindly to me. I have
wanted to know things, and you have never
answered my questions, but called me a fool, and
told me to hold my tongue. You have made me
hate you, and you have often told me how you
hated me—you know you have.”

“It’s true, quite true,” replied he, asif talking
to himself. “T have done all that he says, and I
have hated him. But I have had cause. Come
here, boy.”

“No;” replied I, “do you come here. You have
been master, and I have been boy, long enough.
Now I am master and you are boy, and you shall
find it so.”

Having said this, I walked out of the cabin and
left him. He cried out, “ Don’t leave me x" but: I
heeded him not, and sat down at the edge of the
flat ledge of the rock before the cabin. Looking
at the white dancing waves, and deep in my own
thoughts, I considered a long while how I should
behave towards him. I did not wish him to die,
as I knew he must if I left him. He could not
obtain water from the rill without a great chance
of falling over the cliff. In fact, I was now fully
aware of his helpless state ; to prove it to myself,
I rose and shut my own eyes ; tried if I could
venture to move on such dangerous ground, and
I felt sure that I could not. He was then in my
power; he could do nothing; he must trust to


me for almost everything. I had said, let what
would follow, I would be master and he boy;
but that could not be, as I must still attend upon
him, or he would die. At last the thought came
suddenly upon me—lI will be master, nevertheless,
for now he shall answer me all my questions, tell
me all he knows, or he shall starve. He is in
my power. He shall now do what I have ever
tried to make him do, and he has ever refused.
Having thus arranged my plans, I returned to the
cabin, and said to him:

“ Hear what I say—lI will be kind toyou, and
not leave you to starve, if you will do what I ask.”

« And what is that?” replied he.

“For a long while I have asked you many
questions, and you have refused to answer them.
Instead of telling me what I would know, you
have beaten or thrown stones at me, called me
names, and threatened me. I now give you your
choice—either you shall promise to answer every
question that I put to you, or you may live how
you can, for I shall leave you to help yourself.
If you do as I wish, I will do all I can to help
you, but if you will not, thank yourself for what
may happen. Recollect, I am master now; so
take your choice.”

“ Well,” replied he, slowly, “ it’s a judgment
upon me, and I must agree to it. I will do what
you wish.”


« Well, then, to begin,” said I, “I have often
asked you what your name was, and what was
mine. I must call you something, and Master I
will not, for I am master now. What is your

He groaned, ground his teeth, and then said,
“Edward Jackson.”

“ Edward Jackson ! very well ; and my name?”

“No, I cannot bear the name. I cannot say
it,” replied he angrily.

“ Be it so,” replied I. ‘ Then I leave you.”

“ Will you bring me some water for my eyes?
they burn,” said he.

“No, I will not, nor anything else, unless you
tell me my name.”

“Frank Henniker—and curses on it

“Frank Henniker. Well, now you shall have
the water.” .

I went out, filled a kid, and put it by his

“There is the water, Jackson; if you want
anything, call me. I shall be outside.”

“T have gained the mastery,” thought I,—“it
will be my turn now. He don’t like to answer,
but he shall, or he shall starve. Why does he feel
so angry at my name? MHenniker! what is the
meaning of Henniker, I wonder? I will make
him tell me. Yes, he shall tell me everything.”
I may here observe, that as for pity and compas-


sion, I did not know such feelings. I had been
so ill treated, that I only felt that might was
right ; and this right I determined upon exer-
cising to the utmost. I felt an inconceivable
pleasure at the idea of my being the master, and he
the boy. I felt the love of power, the pride of
superiority. I then revolved in my mind the
daily task which I would set him, before he should
receive his daily sustenance. He should talk now
as much as I pleased, for I was the master. I
had been treated as a slave, and I was now fully
prepared to play the tyrant. Mercy and com-
passion I knew not. I had never seen them
called forth, and I felt them not. I sat down on
the flat rock for some time, and then it occurred
to me that I would turn the course of the water
which fell into the hole at the edge of the cliff;
so that if he crawled there, he would not be able
to obtain any. I did so, and emptied the hole.
The water was now only to be obtained by climb-
ing up, and it was out of his power to obtain a
drop. Food, of course, he could obtain, as the dried
birds were all piled up at the farther end of the
cabin, and I could not well remove them; but
what was food without water? I was turning in
my mind what should be the first question put to
him ; and I had decided that I would have a full
and particular account of how the vessel had
been wrecked on the island, and who were my


father and mother, and why I was named Hen-
niker—when I was roused by hearing Jackson
(as I shall in future call him) crying out, “ Boy,
boy!” “Boy, indeed,” thought I—* no longer
boy,” and I gave no reply. Again he called,
and at last he cried out “ Henniker,” but I had
been ruffled by his calling me boy, and I would
not answer him. At last he fairly screamed my
name, and then was silent. After a moment, I
perceived that he crawled out of his bed-place,
and feeling by the sides of the cabin, contrived on
his hands and knees to crawl in the direction of
the hole into which the water had previously been
received; and I smiled at what I knew would be
his disappointment when he arrived there. He
did so at last: put his hand to feel the edge of
the hole, and then down into it to feel for the
water; and when he found that there was none,
he cursed bitterly, and I laughed at his vexation.
He then felt all the way down where the water
had fallen, and found that the course of it had
been stopped, and he dared not attempt anything
further. He dashed his clenched hand against
the rock. “Oh! that I had him in this grasp—
if it were but for one moment. I would not care
if I died the next.”

“TI do not doubt you,” replied I to him, above ;
“but you have not got me in your hands, and
you will not. Go in to bed directly—quick,” cried


I, throwing a piece of rock at him, which hit him
on the head. “Crawl back as fast as you can, you
fool, or I’ll send another at your head directly.
T’ll tame you, as you used to say to me.”

The blow on the head appeared to have con-
fused him; but after a time he crawled back to
his bed-place, and threw himself down with a
heavy groan.



The opening of the seaman’s chest.—P. 29.



I rHEw went down to the water’s edge to see if
I could find anything from the wreck, for the
water was smooth, and no longer washed over the
rocks of the island. Except fragments of wood, I
perceived nothing until I arrived at the pool
where we were accustomed to bathe; and I found
that the sea had thrown into it two articles of
large dimensions—one was a cask of the size of a
puncheon, which lay in about a foot of water
farthest from the seaward ; and the other was a
seaman’s chest. What these things were I did
not then know, and I wish the reader to recol-
lect that a great portion of this narrative is com-
puled from after knowledge. The cask was firm
in the sand, and I could not move it. The chest
was floating; I hauled it on the rocks without
difficulty, and then proceeded to openit. It was
some time before I could discover how, for I had
never seen a lock or a hinge in my life; but at
last, finding that the lid was the only portion of
the chest which yielded, I contrived, with a piece
of rock, to break it open. I found in it a quan-
tity of seamen’s clothes, upon which I put no


value; but some of the articles I immediately
comprehended the use of, and they filled me with
delight. There were two new tin pannikins, and
those would hold water. There were three empty
wine bottles, a hammer, a chisel, gimlet, and some
other tools, also three or four fishing-lmes many
fathoms long. But what pleased me most ‘were
two knives, one shutting up, with a lanyard
sheath to wear round the waist; and the other
an American long knife, in a sheath, which is
usually worn by them in the belt. Now, three or
four years back, Jackson had the remains of a
clasp knife—that is, there was about an inch of
the blade remaining—and this, as may be sup-
posed, he valued very much; indeed, miserable
as the article was, in our destitute state it was

This knife he had laid on the rock when fishing,
and it had been dragged into the sea as his line
ran out; and he was for many days inconsolable
for its loss. We had used it for cutting open the
birds when we skinned them, and, indeed, this re-
mains of a knife had been always in request.
Since the loss of it, we had had hard work to get
the skins off the birds; I therefore well knew the
value of these knives, which I immediately se-
cured. The remainder of the articles in the chest,
which was quite full, I laid upon the rocks, with
the clothes, to dry; of most of them I did not
know the use, and consequently did not prize


them at the time. It was not until afterwards,
when I had taken them to my companion, that I
learned their value. I may as well here observe,
that amongst these articles were two books, and
from the positive commands of my companion,
not to touch the book in the cabin, I looked upon
them with a degree of awe, and hesitated upon
taking them in my hand ; but, at last, I put them
out to dry on the rocks, with the rest of the con-
tents of the chest,

I felt the knives, the blades were sharp; I put
the lanyard of the clasp knife round my neck ;
_ the sheath knife, which was a formidable weapon,
I made fast round my waist, with a piece of the
fishing-lines, which I cut off ; and I then turned
my steps towards the cabin, as night was coming
on, though the moon was high in the heavens,
and shining brightly. On my return, I found
Jackson in his bed-place ; he heard me come in,
and asked me in a quiet tone, whether I would
bring him some water. I answered,—

“No, that I would not, for what he had said
about me, and what he would do if he got me
into his power. [J tame you,” cried I, “Pm
master now, as you shall find.”

“You may be,” replied he, quickly, “ but stil]
that is no reason why you should not let me have
some water. Did I ever prevent you from having
water ?”?

“ You never had to fetch it for me,” I rejoined,


“or you would not have taken the trouble. What
trouble would you take for me, if I were blind
now and not you? I should become of no use
to you, and you would leave me to die. You only
let me live that you might make me work for you,
and beat me cruelly. It’s my turn now—you're
the boy, and I’m the master.”

The reader must remember that I did not know
the meaning of the word “boy ;” my idea of it
was, that it was in opposition to ‘master,’ and
boy, with me, had the same idea as the word

“Be it so,” replied he, calmly. “I shall not
want water long.”

There was a quietness about Jackson which
made me suspect him, and the consequence was,
that, although I turned into my bed-place, which
was on the ground at the side of the cabin
opposite to his, I did not feel inclined to go to
sleep, but remained awake, thinking of what had
passed. It was towards morning when I heard
him move ; my face being turned that way, I had
no occasion to stir to watch his motions. He
crept very softly out of his bed-place towards me,
listening, and advancing on his knees, not more
than a foot every ten seconds. “ You want me in
your grasp,” thought I; “come along,” and I
drew my American knife from its sheath, without
noise, and awaited his approach, smiling at the
surprise he would meet with. I allowed him to


come right up to me; he felt the side of my bed,
and then passed his right hand over to seize me.
I caught his right hand with my left, and passing
the knife across his wrist, more than half divided
it from his arm. He gave a shriek of surprise
and pain, and fell back.

“ He has a knife,” exclaimed he, with surprise,
holding his severed wrist with the other hand.

“Yes, he has a knife, and more than one,” re-
plied I; “and you see that he knows how to use
it. Will you come again? or will you believe
that I am master ?”

“If you have any charity or mercy, kill me at
once,” said he, as he sat up in the moonlight, in
the centre of the floor of the cabin.

“ Charity and mercy,” said I, “ what are they ?
I never heard of them.”

“Alas! no,” replied he, “I have showed none—
it’s a judgment on me—a judgment on me
for my many sins; Lord, forgive me! First my
eyes, now my right hand useless. What next, O
Lord of Heaven ?”

“Why, your other hand next,” replied I, “if
you try it again.”

Jackson made no reply. He attempted to
crawl back to his bed, but, faint with loss of blood,
he dropped senseless on the floor of the cabin. I
looked at him, and, satisfied that he would make |
no more attempts upon me, I turned away, and
fell fast asleep. In about two hours I awoke,



and looking round, perceived him lying on the
floor, where he had fallen the night before. I
went to him and examined him—was he asleep,
or was he dead? He lay in a pool of blood. I
felt him, and he was quite warm. It wasa ghastly
cut on his wrist, and I thought, if he is dead, he
will never tell me what I want to know. I knew
that he bound up cuts to stop the blood. I took
some feathers from the bed, and put a handful on
the wound. After I had done it, I bound his
wrist up with a piece of fishing-line I had taken
to secure the sheath knife round my waist, and
then I went for some water. I poured some down
his throat; this revived him, and he opened his
eyes. |

« Where am I?” said he, faintly.

«Where are you?—why, in the cabin,” said I.

«Give me some more water.” |

I did so, for I did not wish to kill him. I
wanted him to live, and to be mm my power.
After drinking the water, he roused himself, and
crawled back to his bed-place. I left him then,
and went down to bathe.

The reader may exclaim—W hat a horrid tyrant
this boy is—why, he is as bad as his companion.
Exactly—I was so; but let the reader reflect
that I was made so by education.. From the time
that I could first remember, I had been tyran-
nized over ; cuffed, kicked, abused, and ill-treated.


I had never known kindness. Most truly was


the question put by me, “ Charity and mercy—
what are they?” I never heard of them. An
American Indian has kind feelings—he is hospi-
table and generous—yet, educated to inflict, and
receive, the severest tortures to, and from, his
enemies, he does the first with the most savage
_ and vindictive feelings, and submits to the latter
_ with indifference and stoicism. He has, indeed,
~ the kindlier feelings of his nature exercised ; still,
this changes him not. He has been from earliest
infancy brought up to cruelty, and he cannot feel
that it is wrong, Now, my position was worse.
I had never seen the softer feelings of our nature
called into play; I knew nothing but tyranny
and oppression, hatred and vengeance. It was
_ therefore, not surprising that when my turn came,
“I did to others as I had been done by. Jackson
} had no excuse for his treatment of me, whereas I
had every excuse for retaliation. He did know
better, I did not. I followed the ways of the
world in the petty microcosm in which I had been
placed. I knew not of mercy, of forgiveness,
charity, or goodwill. I knew not that there was

a God; I only knew that might was right, and
he most pleasurable sensation which I felt, was
‘that of anxiety for vengeance, combined with the
onsciousness of power.

After I had bathed, I again examined the chest
and its contents. I looked at the books without
ouching them. “TI must know what these mean,”


thought I, “and I will know.” My thirst for
knowledge was certainly most remarkable, in a
boy of my age; I presume for the simple reason,
that we want most what we cannot obtain; and
Jackson having invariably refused to enlighten
me on any subject, I became most anxious and
impatient to satisfy the longing which increased
with my growth.



For three days did Jackson lie on his bed ;
I supplied him with water, but he did not eat
anything. He groaned heavily at times, and
talked much to himself, and I heard him ask for-
giveness of God, and pardon for his sins. I noted
this down for an explanation. On the third day,
he said to me,

“ Henniker, I am very ill. I have a fever
coming on, from the wound you have given me.
I do not say that I did not deserve it, for I did,
and I know that I have treated you ill, and that
you must hate me; but the question is, do you.
wish me to die ?”

“No,” replied I, “I want you to live, and
answer all my questions, and you shall do so.”

“T will do so,” replied he. “TI have done
wrong, and I will make amends. Do you under-
stand me? I mean to say, that I have been
very cruel to you, and now I will do all you wish,
and answer every question you may put to me, as
well as I can.”

“That is what I want,” replied I.

“TI know it is, but my wound is festering, and


must be washed and dressed. The feathers make
it worse. Will you do this for me?”

I thought a little, and recollected that he was
still in my power, as he could not obtain water.
I replied, “ Yes, I will.”

« The cord hurts it, you must take it off.”

I fetched the kid of water, and untied the cord,
and took away the feathers, which had matted
together with the flow of blood, and then I washed
the wound carefully. Looking into the wound,
my desire of information induced me to say,
« What are these little white cords which are cut
through ?”

“ They are the sinews and tendons,” replied he,
“by which we are enabled to move our hands and
fingers; now these are cut through, I shall not
have the use of my hand again.” |

“ Stop a moment,” said I, rising up, “I have
just thought of something.” I ran down to the
point where the chest lay, took a shirt from the
rock, and brought it back with me, and tearing it
into strips, I bandaged the wound.

“ Where did you ~~ that linen ?” said Jackson.
I told him.

“And you got the knife there, too,” said he, ~
with a sigh. I replied in the affirmative.

As soon as I had finished, he told me he was —
much easier, and said, ]

“T thank you.”

« What is, I thank you?” replied I.


“It means that I am grateful for what you
have done.” .

“And what is grateful?” inquired I again.
“ You never said those words to me before.”

“ Alas, no,” replied he, “ it had been better if I
had. I mean that I feel kindly towards you, for
having bound up my wound, and would do any-
thing for you if I had the power. It means, that
if I had my eyesight, as I had a week ago, and
was master, as I then was, that I would not kick
nor beat you, but be kind to you. Do you un-
derstand me?” |

“Yes,” replied I, “I think I do ; and if you
tell me all I want to know, I shall believe you.”
“That I will as soon as I am well enough ; but
now I am too ill—you must wait a day or two,
till the fever has left me.”

Satisfied with Jackson’s promise, I tended him
carefully, and washed and dressed his wound for
the two following days. He said that he felt him-
self much better, and his language to me was so
kind and conciliatory, that I hardly knew what to
make of it; but this is certain, that it had a good
effect upon me, and gradually the hatred and ill.
will that I bore to him wore off, and I found
myself handling him tenderly, and anxious not to
give him more pain than was necessary, yet with-
out being aware that I was prompted by better

feelings. It was on the third morning that he


“T can talk to you now; what do you want to
know ?”

“T want to know the whole story of how we
came to this island, who my father and mother
were, and why you said that you hated me and
my name?”

“That,”’ said Jackson, after a silence of a few
minutes, “ will take some time. I could soon tell
it you, if it were not for the last question,—why I
hated your name? But the history of your father
is so mixed up with mine, that I cannot well tell
one without the other. I may as well begin with
my own history, and that will be telling you

“ Then tell it me,” replied I, “ and do not tell
me what is not true.”

“ No; I will tell you exactly what it was,”
replied Jackson ; “ you may as well know it as not.
—Your father and I were both born in England,
which you know is your country by birth, and
you also know that the language we talk is Eng-

“T did not know it. Tell me something about
England before you say any more.”

I will not trouble the reader with Jackson’s —
description of England, or the many questions —

which I put to him. It was night-fall before he

had finished answering, and before I was satisfied —

with the information imparted. I believe that he

was very glad to hold his tongue, for he com-



plained of being tired, and I dressed his wound
and wetted the bandage with cold water for him
before he went to sleep.

I can hardly describe to the reader the effect
which this uninterrupted flow of language had
upon me; I was excited in a very strange way,
and for many nights after could not sleep for
hours. I may say here, I did not understand a
great proportion of the meaning of the words
used by Jackson; but I gathered it from the con-
text, as I could not always be interrupting him.

It is astonishing how fast ideas breed ideas,
and how a word, the meaning of which I did not
understand when it was first used, became by
_ repetition clear and intelligible ; not that I always
_ put the right construction on it ; but if I did not
find it answer when used at another time to my
_ former interpretation of it, I would then ask and
obtain an explanation. This did not, however,
_ occur very often. As for this first night, I was
positively almost drunk with words, and remained
nearly the whole of it arranging and fixing the
new ideas that I had acquired. My feelings
towards Jackson also were changed—that is, I no
longer felt hatred or ill-will against him. These
were swallowed up in the pleasure which he had

towards him returned at intervals, for they were
not so easily disposed of ; but stil] I would not for


the world have lost him until I had obtained
from him all possible knowledge ; and if his wound
did not look well when I removed the bandage,
I was much more distressed than he was. Indeed,
there was every prospect of our ultimately being
friends, from our mutual dependence on each
other. It was useless on his part, in his present
destitute condition, to nourish feelings of ani-
mosity against one on whose good offices he was
now so wholly dependent, or on my part, against
one who was creating for me, I may say, new
worlds for imagination and thought to dwell on.
On the following morning, Jackson narrated in
substance (as near as I can recollect) as follows :—

“ T was not intended for a sailor. I was taught
at a good school, and when I was ten years old,
I was put into a house of business as a clerk,
where I remained at the desk all day long, copy-
ing into ledgers and day-books, in fact, writing
what was required of me. This. house was con-
nected with the South American trade.”

“Where is South America? ” said I.

“You had better let me tell my story,” re-
plied Jackson, “and after I have done, you can
ask any questions you like; but if you stop me, it
will take a week to finish it; yesterday we lost
the whole day.” ,

“That’s very true,” replied I, “then I will do

“There were two other clerks in the counting-


house—the head clerk, whose name was Manvers,
and your father, who was in the counting-house
but a few months before me. Our master, whose
name was Evelyn, was very particular with both
your father and myself, scanning our work daily,
and finding fault when we deserved it. This
occasioned a rivalry between us, Which made us
both very active, and I received praise quite as
often as he did. On Sunday, Mr. Evelyn used
to ask your father and me to spend the day. We
went to church in the forenoon and dined with
him. He had a daughter a little younger than
we were. She was your mother. Both of us, as
we grew up, were very ‘attentive to her, and
anxious to be in her good graces. I cannot say
which was preferred at first, but I rather think
that if anything, I was the favourite during the

and thoughtful. We had been about four years
in the counting-house, when my mother’ died—
my father had been dead some time before I
went into it—and at her death I found my share
of her property to amount to about £2,500. But
I was not yet twenty-one years of age. I could
not receive it for another year. Mr. Evelyn, who
had till then cvery reason to be satisfied with my
conduct, used to joke with me, and Say that as
soon as I was of age, he would allow me, if I chose


it, to put the money in the business, and thus
obtain a small share in it—and such was my in-
tention, and I looked forward to bright prospects
and the hope of one day being married to your
mother; and I have no doubt but such would
have been the case, had I still conducted myself
properly. But, before I was of age, I made some
very bad acquaintances, and soon ran into ex-
penses which I could not afford, and the worst
was, that I contracted a habit of sitting up late
at night, and drinking to excess, which I never
have since got over, which proved my ruin then,
and has proved my ruin through life. This little
fortune of mine not only gave me consequence,
but was the cause of my thinking very highly of
myself. I now was more particular in my atten-
tions to Miss Evelyn, and was graciously received
by her father; neither had I any reason to com-
plain of my treatment from the young lady. As
for your father, he was quite thrown into the
back-ground. He had no property nor hope of
any, except what he might hereafter secure by
his diligence and good conduct; and the atten-
tion I received from Mr. Evelyn, and also the
head clerk, who had an idea that I was-to bea
partner and consequently would become his supe-
rior, made him very melancholy and unhappy, for |
I believe that then he was quite as much in love ©
with Miss Evelyn as I was myself; and I must —
tell you, that my love for her was unbounded, —


and she well deserved it. But all these happy
prospects were overthrown by my own folly. As
Soon as it was known that I had property left
to me, I was surrounded by many others who
requested to be introduced to me, and my evenings
were passed in what I considered very good
company, but which proved the very reverse. By
degrees I took to gambling, and after a time,
lost more money than I could afford to pay. This
caused me to have recourse to a Jew, who
advanced me loans at a large interest to he repaid
at my coming of age. Trying to win back my
money, I at last found myself indebted to the
Jew for the sum of nearly £1,000. The more


went to bed but in a state of intoxication. Scheme
after scheme did I propose to enable me to conceal
my fault ; but I could hit upon nothing. The time
approached ; I was within a few days of coming of
age, when Mr. Evelyn sent for me and then spoke
to me seriously, saying, that out of regard to the
memory of my father, with whom he had been
very intimate, he was willing to allow me to

embark my little capital in the business, and that _

he hoped that by my good conduct and application
I might soon become a useful partner. I stam-
mered some reply, which surprised him; and he
asked me to be more explicit. I stated that I
considered my capital too. small to be of much
use in such a business as his, and that I pre-
ferred trying some quick method of doubling it ;
that as soon as I had so done I would accept his
offer with gratitude. ‘ As you please,’ replied he
coolly ; ‘ but take care, that in risking all, you do
not lose all. Of course, you are your own master,’
and so saying, he left me, apparently much dis-
pleased and mortified. But circumstances occurred,
which exposed the whole affair. When in com-
pany with my evening companions, I stated my
intentions of trymg my fortune in the East
Indies, not seriously, but talking at random.
This came to the ears of the Jew of whom I had
borrowed the money; he thought that I intended
to leave the kingdom, without taking up my
bonds, and immediately repaired to Mr. Evelyn’s

a ep


counting-house, to communicate with the head
clerk, and ascertain if the report was correct,
stating also the sums I was indebted to him. The
head clerk informed Mr. Evelyn, and on the day
upon which I became twenty-one years of age, he
sent for me into his private room, and, after some
remonstrances, to which I replied very haughtily,
it ended in my being dismissed. The fact was,
that Mr. Evelyn had, since his last interview
=. ae ;

with me, made inquiries, and finding out I had
heen living a very riotous life, he had determined
upon my leaving his service. Ag soon as my
first burst of indignation was over, I felt what I
had lost; my attachment to Miss Evelyn was
stronger than ever, and I bitterly deplored my
folly ; but after a time, as usual, I had recourse to
' the bottle, and to drowning my cares in in-
_ temperance. I tried very hard to obtain an in-
_ terview with Miss Evelyn previous to my quitting
_ the house, but this Mr. Evelyn would not permit,
and a few days after, sent his daughter away, to
_ reside, for atime, with a relation in the country,
I embarked my capital in the wine-trade, and,
could I have restrained myself from drinking,
should have been successful, and in a short time
might have doubled my property, as I stated to
Mr. Evelyn; but now, I had become an irre-
claimable drunkard ; and when that is the case, al]
hope is over, My affairs soon became deranged,
and, at the request of my partner, they were


wound up, and I found myself with my capital
of £1,500 reduced to £1,000. With this I resolved
to try my fortune in shipping; I procured a share
in a brig, and sailed in her myself. After a time,
I was sufficiently expert to take the command of
her, and_might have succeeded, had not my habit
of drinking been so confirmed. When at Ceylon,
I fell sick, and was left behind. The brig was
lost, and as I had forgotten to insure my portion
of her, I was ruined. I struggled long, but in
vain-—intemperance was my curse, my bane, the
millstone at my neck, which dragged me down:
I had education, talents, and energy, and at one
time, capital; but all were useless ; and thus did I
sink down, from captain of a vessel to mate, from
mate to second mate, until I at last found myself
a drunken sailor before the mast. Such is my
general history ; to-morrow I will let you know
how, and in what way, your father and I met again,
arid what occurred, up to this present time.”

But I was too much bewildered and confused
with what he had told me, to allow him to pro-
ceed, as he proposed.

“No, no,” replied I. “I now recollect all you
have said, although I do not understand. You
must first answer my questions, as to the mean-
ing of words I never heard of before. I cannot
understand what money is, what gaming is, and
a great many more things you have talked about, |


ut I recollect, and can repeat every word that
ou have said. To-morrow, I will recal] it all
ver, and you shall tell me what I cannot make
t; after that you can go on again.”

“ Very well,” replied he, “I don’t care how
ng it takes me to answer your questions, for I

not very anxious to tell all about your father
d myself,”



T can hardly describe to the reader the effect
which these conversations with Jackson had upon
me at first. If a prisoner were removed from a
dark cell, and all at once introduced into a garden
full of fruit and flowers, which he never before
had an idea were in existence, he could not have
been more filled with wonder, surprise, and plea-
sure. All was novelty and excitement, but at
the same time, to a great degree, above my com-
prehension. I had neither language nor ideas to
meet it, and yet I did, toa certain degree, compre-
hend. Isaw not clearly, but sometimes as through
a mist, at others through a dark fog, and I could
discern little. Every day, however, my increased
knowledge of language and terms gave me an
sncreased knowledge of ideas. I gained more by
context than I did by any other means, and as I
was by degrees enlightened, so my thirst for in-
formation and knowledge became every day more

That much that I considered I understood was
erroneous, is certain, for mine was a knowledge, as


yet,of theoryonly. I could imagine to myself, as far
as the explanation I received, what such an object
might be, and, having made up my ideas on the
matter, I was content ; further knowledge would,
however, incline me to think, and occasionally to
decide, that the idea I had formed was incorrect,
and I would alter it. Thus did I flounder about
in a sea of uncertainty, but still of exciting in-
) If any one who has been educated, and has
used his eyes in a civilized country, reads an
, account of people and things hitherto unknown to
Thim, he can, from the description and from his
wn general knowledge, form a very correct idea
f what the country contains. But then he has
Wased his eyes—he has seen those objects between
Which the parallel or the difference has been
ointed out. Now I had not that advantage. I
ad seen nothing but the sea, rocks, and sea-birds,
nd had but one companion. Here was my great
fficulty, which, I may say, was never surmounted,
“Gntil I had visited and mixed with civilization and
Men. The difficulty, however, only increased my
@dour. I was naturally of an ingenious mind, I
ad a remarkable memory, and every increase of
howledge was to me a source of delight. In fact,
fhad now something to live for—before I had not ;
and I verily believe, that if J ackson had been by
ay chance removed from me at this particular
me, I should soon have become a lunatic, from


the sudden drying up of the well which supplied
my inordinate thirst for knowledge. |

Some days passed before I asked Jackson to
continue his narrative, during which we lived in
great harmony. Whether it was that he was de-
ceiving me, and commanding his temper till he
had an opportunity of revenge, or whether it was
that his forlorn and helpless condition had soft-
ened him down, I could not say; but he appeared
gradually to be forming an attachment to me; I
was, however, on my guard at all times. His
wounded wrist had now healed up, but his hand
was quite useless, as all the tendons had been
severed. I had therefore less to fear from him
than before. At my request that he would con-
tinue his history, Jackson related as follows :—

“ After sailing in vessel after vessel, and gene-
rally dismissed after the voyage for my failing of
intemperance, I embarked on board a ship bound
to Chili, and after having been on the coast for
nearly a year, we were about to proceed home
with a cargo, when we anchored at Valdivia, pre-
vious to our homeward voyage, as we had some
few articles to ship at that port. We were again
ready for sea, when we heard from the captain,
that he had agreed to take two passengers, a gen-
tleman and his wife, who wished to proceed to
England. The cabin was cleared out, and every ~
preparation made to receive them on board, and ~
in the evening the boat was sent on shore for the |


luggage. I went in the boat, as I thought it
likely that the gentleman would give the boat’s
crew something to drink; nor was I wrong—he
gave us four dollars, which we spent immediately
in one of the ventas, and were al] more or less
intoxicated. It had been arranged that the lug-
gage should first be carried on board, and after
that, we were to return for the passengers, as we
were to sail early in the morning. We pulled off
with the luggage, but on our arrival on board, I
was so drunk, that the captain would not allow me

had passed until I was roused up the next morning
to assist in getting the ship under weigh. We had

ser came on deck ; I was then coiling down a rope
on the quarter-déck, and as he passed by me, I
looked at him, and I recognised him immediately as

had grown a man ; but his face was not to be mis-
taken. There he was, apparently a gentleman of
property and consideration ; and I, what was I? a
drunken sailor. AJ] J hoped was, that he would
hot recognise me. Shortly afterwards he went
down again, and returned escorting his wife on
deck. Again I took a furtive curious glance, and

Whom I had once gs loved, and by my folly had
lost. This was madness, As they stood on the


deck, enjoying the cool sea breeze, for the weather
was delightfully fine, the captain came up and
joined them. I was so confused at my dis-
covery, that I knew not what I was about, and
I presume was doing something very awkwardly ;
for the captain said to me—‘ Jackson, what are
you about, you drunken hound? I suppose you
are not sober yet.’ At the mention of my name,
your father and mother looked at me, and as I
lifted up my head to reply to the captain, they
eyed me earnestly, and then spoke to each other
in a low tone; after which they interrogated the
captain. I could not hear what they said, but I
was certain they were talking about me, and that
they had suspected, if they had not recognised me,
I was ready to sink to the deck, and, at the same
time, I felt a hatred of your father enter my heart,
of which, during his life, I never could divest
myself. It was as I supposed; your father had
recognised me, and the following morning he came
up to me as I was leaning over the gunwale amid-
ships, and addressed me,—‘ Jackson,’ said he, ‘ I
am sorry to find you in this situation, You must
have been very unfortunate to have become so
reduced. If you will confide your history to me,
perhaps I may, when we arrive in England, be
able to assist you, and it really will give me great
pleasure.’ I cannot say that I replied very cor-
dially. ‘Mr. Henniker,’ said I, ‘ you have been
fortunate, by all appearances, and can there-


fore afford compassion to those who have not
been so ; but, sir, in our positions, I feel as if pity
was in reality a sort of triumph, and an offer of
assistance an insult. I am content with my pre-
sent position, and will at all events not change it
by your interference. I earn my bread honestly.
You can do no more. Times may change yet.
It’s a long road that has no turning toit. I wish
you a good morning.’ So saying, I turned from
him, and walked away forward, with my heart full
of bitterness and anger. From that hour he never
spoke to me or noticed me again ; but the captain
was more severe upon me, and I ascribed his
severity most unjustly to your father, We were
about to go round Cape Horn, when the gale
from the S.E. came on, which ended in the loss of
the vessel. For several days we strove up against
it, but at last the vessel, which was old, leaked so
much from straining, that we were obliged to bear
up and run before it, which we did for several
days, the wind and sea continuing without inter.
mission. At last we found ourselves among these
islands, and were compelled occasionally to haul
to the wind to clear them. This made her leak
more and more, until at last she became water-
logged, and we were forced to abandon her in
haste, during the night, having no time to take
anything with us; we left three men on board,
who were down below. By the mercy of Heaven
we ran the boat into the opening below, which


was the only spot where we could have landed. I
think I had better stop now, as I have a good
deal to tell you yet.”

“Do then,” replied I; “ and now I think of it,
I will bring up the chest and all the things which
were in it, and you shall tell me what they are.”

I went down and returned with the clothes and
linen. There were eight pair of trousers, nine
shirts, besides the one I had torn up to bandage
his wounds with, two pair of blue trousers, and
two jackets, four white duck frocks, some shoes,
and stockings. Jackson felt them one by one
with his hands, and told me what they were, and
how worn.

“Why don’t you wear some of them?” in-
quired I.

“If you will give me leave, I will,” replied
he. “Let me have a duck frock and a pair of

I handed the articles to him, and then went
back for the rest, which I had left on the rocks.

When I returned, with my arms full, I found
that he had put them on, and his other clothes
were beside him. “TI feel more like a Christian
now,” said he.

“A Christian,” said I, “ what is that?”

“TY will tell you by-and-by. It is what I
have not been for a long, long while,” replied he.
“Now, what have you brought this time?”

“ Here,” said I, “ what is this?”


“This is a roll of duck, to make into frocks
and trousers,” replied he. “That is bees’-wax.”’
He then explained to me all the tools, sailing-
needles, fish-hooks, and fishing-lines, some sheets
of writing-paper, and two pens, I had brought up
with me. “ All these are very valuable,” said he,
after a pause, “and would have added much to
our comfort, if I had not been blind.”

“There are more things yet,” said I; “TI will
go and fetch them.” :

This time I replaced the remaining articles, and
brought up the chest. It was a heavy load to
carry up the rocks, and I was out of breath when
I arrived and set it down on the cabin floor.

“Now I have the whole of them,” said I.
“ Now, what is this ?”

“ That is a spy-glass—but, alas! I am blind—
but I will show you how to use it, at all events.”

“ Here are two books,” said I,

“Give them to me,” said he, “and let me feel
them. This one is a Bible, I am quite sure by its
shape, and the other is, I think, a Prayer-book.”’

“ What is a Bible, and what js a Prayer-book ?”
replied I,

“The Bible is the word of God, and the
Prayer-book teaches us how to pray to him.”

“But who is God? [ have often heard you
say, ‘O God!’ and ‘God damn’—but who is he?”

“T will tell you to-night, before we go to sleep,”

replied Jackson, gravely,


“Very well, I shall remind you. I have found
a little box inside the chest, and it is full of all
manner of little things—strings and sinews.”

* Let me feel them.”

I put a bundle into his hand.
_ “These are needles and thread for making and
mending clothes—they will be useful by-and-by.”

At last the whole contents of the chest were
overhauled and explained. I could not well com-
prehend the glass bottles, or how they were made,
but I put them, with the pannikins, and every-
thing else, very carefully into the chest again,
and hauled the chest to the further end of the
cabin, out of the way. Before we went to bed
that night, Jackson had to explain to me who
God was, but as it was only the commencement
of several conversations on the subject, I shall
not at present trouble the reader with what
passed between us, Jackson appeared to be very
melancholy after the conversation we had had on
religious matters, and was frequently agitated and
muttering to himself.



I pip not on the following day ask him to re-
sume his narrative relative to my father and
mother, as I perceived that he avoided it, and I
already had so far changed, as to have consideration
for his feelings. Another point had now taken
possession of my mind, which was, whether it
were possible to learn to read those books which I
had found in the chest, and this was the first
question that I put to Jackson when we arose on
that morning,

“ How is it possible ?” replied he. “Am TI not
blind—how can I teach you?” 3

“Is there no way ?” replied I, mournfully,

“ Let me think.—Yes, perhaps there is a way—
at all events we will try. You know which book
I told you was the Prayer-book ?” |

“Oh yes! the small, thin one.”

“Yes—fetch it here. Now,” said he, when
I put it into his hand, “tell me; is there a
straight line down the middle of the page of the
book, so that the words and letters are on both
sides of it?”

“ Yes, there is,” replied I; “in every page, as


~ you call it, there is a black line down the middle,
and words and letters (I suppose they are) on
both sides.”

«“ And among the letters there are some larger
than orem, especially at the side nearest to the

“T don’t know what margin is.’

“T mean here,” replied he, see to the
margin of the page.

“ Yes, there are.”

“Well then, I will open the book as near as I
can guess at the Morning Service, and you tell
me if you can find any part of the writing which
appears to begin with a large round letter, ike—
what shall I say ?—the bottom of a pannikin.”

“ There is one on this leaf, quite round.”

“Very well—now get me a small piece of stick,
and make a point to it.”

I did so, and Jackson swept away a small ~~
on the floor of the cabin.

“Now,” said he, “there are many other prayers
which begin with a round O, as the letter is
called; so I must first ascertain if this one is the
one I require. If it is, I know it by heart, and
by that shall be able to teach you all the letters
of the alphabet.”

« What’s an alphabet ?”

“The alphabet is the number of letters in-
vented to enable us to read and write. There are
twenty-six of them. Now look, Frank; is the


next letter to O the shape of this?” and he drew
with the pointed stick the letter U on the ground.

“Yes, it is,” replied I,

“And the next is like this,” continued he,
drawing the letter R, after he had smoothed the
ground and effaced the U.

“Yes,” replied I.

“Well then, to make sure, I had better go on.
OUR is one word, and then there isa little space
between ; and next you come to an F.”

“Yes,” replied I, looking at what he had drawn,
and comparing it with the letter in the book.

“Then I believe that we are all right, but to
make sure, we will go on for a little longer.”

Jackson then completed the word « Father,”
and “which art,” that followed it, and then he
was satisfi@d.

“Now,” said he, “out of that prayer I can
teach you all the letters, and if you pay atten-
tion, you will learn to read.”

The whole morning was passed in my telling
him the different letters, and I very soon knew
them all. During the day, the Lord’s Prayer
was gone through, and as ] learnt the words as
well as the letters, I could repeat it before night ;
I read it over to him twenty or thirty times,
spelling every word, letter by letter, until J was
perfect. This was my first lesson.

“Why is it called the Lord’s Prayer?” said I.

“ Because, when our Lord Jesus Christ was


asked by his followers in what way they ought
to address God, he gave them this prayer to repeat,
as being the most proper that they could use.”

“But who was Jesus Christ ?”

“ He was the Son of God, as I told you yester-
day, and at the same time equal with God.”

“How could he be equal with God, if, as you
said yesterday, God sent him down to be killed ?”

“Tt was with his own consent that he suffered
death : but all this is a mystery which you can-
not understand at present.”

« What’s a mystery ?”

“That which you cannot understand,”

“ Do you understand it yourself ?”

“No, I do not; I only know that such is the
fact; but it is above not only mine, but all men’s
comprehension. But I tell you honestly, that on
these points, I am but a bad teacher; I have paid
little attention to them during my life, and as far
as religion is concerned, I can only give you the
outlines, for I know no more.”

“But I thought you said, that people were to
be punished or rewarded when they died, ac-
cording as they had lived a bad or good life ; and
that to live a good life, people must be religious,
and obey God’s commands.”

«TJ did tell you so, and I told you the truth ;
but I did not tell you that I had led a bad life, as I
have done, and that I have neglected to pay
obedience to God’s word and command.”


“Then you will be punished when you die, will
you not ?”

“Alas! I fear so, child,” replied Jackson, put-
ting his hands up to his forehead and hiding his
face. “But there is stil] time,” continued he,
after a pause; and “O God of mercy!” ex.
claimed he, “how shall I escape ?””

I was about to continue the conversation, but
Jackson requested that I would leave him alone
for a time. I went out and sat on the rock,
watching the stars,

“And those,” he Says, “were all made by
God ;”—“ and God made everything,” thought I,
“and God lives up beyond those stars.” | thought
for a long while, and was much perplexed. I had
never heard anything of God till the night be-
fore, and what Jackson had told me was just
enough to make me more anxious and curious ;
but he evidently did not like to talk on the sub-
ject. I tried, after a time, if I could repeat the

Lord’s Prayer, and I found that I could, so I
knelt down on the rock, and looking up to a
bright star, as if I would imagine it was God,

I repeated the Lord’s Prayer to it, and then I
rose up and went to bed.

This was the first time that I had ever prayed.

I had learnt s0 much from Jackson, latterly,
that I could hardly retain what I had learnt ;
at all events, I had a very confused recollection
in my brain, and my thoughts turned from one


subject to another, till there was, for a time, a
perfect chaos; by degrees things unravelled them-
selves, and my ideas became more clear ; but still
T laboured under that half-comprehension of things
which, in my position, was unavoidable.

But now my mind was occupied with one lead-
ing object and wish, which was to learn to read.
I thought no more of J ackson’s history and the
account he might give me of my father and mother,
and was as willing as he was that it should be
deferred for a time. What I required now was
to be able to read the books, and to this object
my whole mind and attention were given. Three
or four hours in the earlier portion of the day,
and the same time in the latter, were dedicated
to this pursuit, and my attention never tired or
flagged. In the course of, I think, about six
weeks, I could read, without hesitation, almost
any portion of the Bible or Prayer-book. I required
no more teaching from Jackson, who now became
an attentive hearer, as I read to him every morn-
ing and evening a portion of the Gospel or
Liturgy. But I cannot say that I understood
many portions which I read, and the questions
which I put to Jackson puzzled him not a little,
and very often he acknowledged that he could
not answer them. As I afterwards discovered,
this arose from his own imperfect knowledge of
the nature of the Christian religion, which, ac-
cording to his statement to me, might be con-


sidered to have been comprised in the following
sentence: “Tf you do good on earth, you will go
to heaven and be happy ; if you do ill, you will
go to hell and be tormented. Christ came down
from heaven to teach us what to do, and how to
follow his example; and all that we read in the
Bible we must believe.” This may be considered
as the creed imparted to me at that time. I
believe that J ackson, like many others, knew no
_ better, and candidly told me what he himself had |
been taught to believe.

â„¢ But the season for the return of the birds
4 arrived, and our stock of provender was getting
3 low. I was therefore soon obliged to leave my
books, and work hard for Jackson and myself.
_ As soon as the young birds were old enough, I
set to my task. And now I found how valuable
“were the knives which I had obtained from the
" seaman’s chest ; indeed, in many points I could
“work much faster. By tying the neck and sleeves

of a duck frock, I made a bag, which enabled me
Yo carry the birds more conveniently, and in
“Breater quantities at a time ; and with the knives

4 could skin and prepare a bird in one quarter
“of the time. With my fishing-lines also, I could
Bang up more to dry at one time, so that, though
Without assistance, I had more birds cured in the
ame time than when Jackson and I were both .
mployed in the labour. The whole affair, how-


more than three weeks, by which time the major
portion of my provender was piled up at the
back of the cabin. I did not, however, lose what
I had gained in reading, as Jackson would not
let me go away in the morning, or retire to my
bed in the evening, without my reading to him
a portion of the Bible: indeed he appeared to
be quite uncomfortable if I did not do so.

At last, the work was ended, and then I felt a
strong desire return to hear that portion of
Jackson’s history connected with my father and
mother, and I told him so. He did not appear
to be pleased with my communication, or at all
willing to proceed; but as I pressed him hard
and showed some symptoms of resolution and
rebellion, he reluctantly resumed his narrative.



replied I ; “and why he injured you by marrying
my mother, I cannot see,”

“Why, I loved her.”

“ Well, Suppose you did, I don’t know what
love is, and therefore cannot understand it, so
tell me the story.”

“ Well then, when J left off, I told you that
we had ventured to land upon this island, by
Tunning the boat into the bathing-pond 3; but in
So doing, the boat was beaten to Pieces, and was

F 2


of no use afterwards. We landed, eight persons
in all; that is, the captain, your father, the car-
penter, mate, and three seamen, besides your
mother. We had literally nothing in the boat
except three axes, two kids, and the two pannikins,
which we have indeed now ; but as for provisions,
or even water, we had none of either. Our first
object, therefore, was to search the island to
obtain water, and this we soon found at the rill
which now runs down by the side of the cabin. It
was very fortunate for us that we arrived exactly
at the time that the birds had come on the island
and had just laid their eggs; if not, we must
have perished with hunger, for we had not a fish-
hook with us, or even a fathom of line.

“We collected a quantity of eggs, and made a
good meal, although we devoured them raw.
While we were running about, or rather climbing
about, over the rocks; to find out what chance of
subsistence we might have on the island, the cap-
tain and your father remained with your mother,
who sat down in a sheltered spot near to the

bathing-pool. On our return in the evening, the —
captain called us all together, that he might speak —
to us; and he said, that if we would do well, we —

must all act in concert; that it also would be
necessary that one should have the command and

control of the others; that without such was the —

case, nothing would go on well ;—and he asked
us if we did not consider that what he said was



true. We all agreed, although I, for one, felt
little inclination to do so ; but as all the rest said
so, I raised no objections. The captain then told
us that, as we were all of one opinion, the next
point was to decide as to who should have the com-
mand ; he said, that if it had been on ship-board,
he of course would have taken it himself, but now
we were on shore, he thought that Mr. Henniker
was a much more competent person than he was,
and he therefore proposed that the command
Should be given to him, and he, for one, would
willingly be under his orders. To this proposal,
the carpenter and mate immediately agreed, and
at last two of the seamen. I was left alone, but I
resisted, saying, that I was not going to be ordered
about by a landsman, and that if I were to obey
orders, it must be from a thorough-bred seaman.
The other two sailors were of my way of thinking,
I was sure, although they had given their consent,
and I hoped that they would join me, which they
appeared very much inclined to do. Your father
spoke very coolly, modestly, and prudently. He
pointed out that he had no wish to take the
command, and that he would cheerfully serve
under the captain of the vessel, if it would be more
satisfactory to all parties that such should be the
case. But the captain and the others were positive

puted by such a drunken vagabond as I was, and
that if I did not like to remain with them, I might


go to any part of the island that I chose. This
conference ended by my getting in a passion, and
saying that I would not be under your father’s
orders ; and I was seizing one of the axes to go
off with it, when the captain caught my arm and
wrested it from me, stating that the axe was his
property, and then telling me that I was welcome
to go where I pleased.

“T left them, therefore, and went away by my-
self to where the birds were hatching, as I
wished to secure a supply of eggs. When the
night closed in, I lay down upon the guano, and
felt no cold; for the gale was now over, and the
weather was very mild.

“The next morning, when I awoke, I found
that the sun had been up some time. I looked
for the rest of my companions whom I had quit-
ted, and perceived that they were all busily at
work. The sea was quite calm; and, when the
vessel went down after we left, many articles had
floated, and had been washed to the island. Some
of the men were busy collecting spars and planks,
which were near the rocks, and pushing them along
with the boat-hooks to the direction of the bathing-
pond, where they hauled them over the ridge,
and secured them. Your father and mother, with
the carpenter, were on this ledge where we now
are, having selected it as a proper place for build-
ing a shelter, and were apparently very busy. The
captain and one of the seamen were carrying up


what spars and timber could be collected to where
your father was standing with the carpenter. All
appeared to be active, and working into each other’s
hands ; and I confess that, as I looked on, I envied
them, and wished that I had been along with
them ; but I could not bear the idea of obeying
any orders given by your father; and this alone
prevented my joining them, and making my ex-
cuses for what I had done and said the previous
night. I therefore swallowed some more bird’s
eggs raw, and sat down in the sun, looking at
them as they worked.

“T soon perceived that the carpenter had com-
menced operations. The frame of this cabin was,
with the assistance of your father, before it was
noon, quite complete and put up ; and then they
all went down to the bathing-place, where the boat
was lying with her bottom beaten out. They com-
menced taking her to pieces and saving all the
nails; the other men carried up the portions of
the boat as they were ripped off, to where the frame
of the cabin had been raised. T saw your mother
80 up with a load in her hand, which I believed
to be the nails taken from the boat. Ina couple
of hours the boat was in pieces and carried up,
and then your father and most of the men went
up to assist the carpenter. I hardly need tell
what they did, as you have the cabin before you.
The roof, you see, is mostly built out of the timbers
of the boat; and the lower part out of heavier wood;


and a very good job they made of it. Before the
morning closed in, one of the sides of the cabin
was finished ; and I saw them light a fire with the
chips that had been cut off with the axes, and they
then dressed the eggs and birds which they had
collected the first day.

“There was one thing which I had quite for-
gotten when I mutinied and left my companions,
which was, the necessity of water to drink ; and
I now perceived that they had taken possession
of the spot where the only water had as yet been
found. I was suffering very much from thirst
towards the close of the day, and I set off up the
ravine to ascertain if there was none to be found
in that direction. Before night I succeeded in
finding some, as you know, for you have often
drunk from the spring when you have gone up
for firewood. This gave me great encouragement,
for I was afraid that the want of water would
have driven me to submission. By way of bravado,
I tore off, and cut with my knife, as many boughs
of the underwood on the ravine as I well could
carry, and the next morning I built a sort of wig-
wam for myself on the guano, to show them that
I had a house over my head as well as they
had ; but I built it further up to the edge of the
cliff, above the guano plain, so that I need not
have any communication with those who I knew
would come for eggs and birds for their daily
sustenance. "


“ Before the night of the following day set in,
the cabin was quite finished.

“The weather became warmer every day, and I
found it very fatiguing to have to climb the ravine
two or three times a day to procure a drink of
water, for I had nothing to hold water in, and I
thought that it would be better that I should
take up my quarters in the ravine, and build
myself a wigwam among the brushwood close to
the water, instead of having to make so many
journeys for so necessary an article. I knew that
I could carry eggs in my hat and pocket-handker-
chief sufficient for two or three days at one trip ;
so I determined that I would do so; and the next
morning I went up the ravine, loaded with eggs,
to take up my residence there. In a day or two
I had built my hut of boughs, and made it very ,
comfortable. I returned for a fresh supply of
eggs on the third day, with a basket I had con-
structed out of young boughs, and which enabled
me to carry a whole week’s sustenance. Then I
felt quite satisfied, and made up my mind that I
would live as a hermit during my sojourn on the
island, however long it might be; for I preferred
anything to obeying the orders of one whom I
detested as I did your father.

“It soon was evident, however, how well they

They had fancied that the birds would remain on
the island, and that thus they would always be


able to procure a supply. Your father, who had
lived so long in Chili, knew better, and that in a
few weeks they would quit their nesting-place.
He pointed this out to them, showing them what
a mercy it was that they had been cast away just
at this time, and how necessary it was to make a
provision for the year. But this they could not
imagine that it was possible to do without salt to
cure the birds with; but he knew how beef was
preserved without salt on the continent, and
showed them how to dry the birds in the sun.
While therefore I was up in the ravine, they were
busy collecting and drying them in large quan-
tities, and before the time of the birds leaving
they had laid up a sufficient supply. It was he
also that invented the fishing-lines out of the
sinews of the legs of the birds, and your mother
who knotted them together. At first, they caught
fish with some hooks made of nails, but your
father showed them the way to take them without
a hook, as you have learnt from me, and which
he had been shown by some of the Indians on the

Owing to your father, they were well pre-
pared when the birds flew away with their young
ones, while I was destitute. Previous to the
flight, I had fared but badly, for the eggs con-
tained the young birds half formed, and latterly
so completely formed that I could not eat them ;
and as I had no fire, and did not understand dry-

i MT ir


ing them, I had no alternative but eating the
young birds raw, which was anything but plea-
sant. I consoled myself, however, with the idea
that your father and mother and the rest were
faring just as badly as myself, and I looked for-
ward to the time when the birds would begin to
lay eggs again, when I resolved to hoard up a
much larger supply while they were fresh. But
my schemes were all put an end to, for in two
days, after a great deal of noise and flying about
In circles, all the birds, young and old, took wing,
and left me without any means of future sub-

“This was a horrid discovery, and I was put to
my wits’ ends. I wandered over the guano place,
and, after the third day of their departure, was
glad to pick up even a dead bird with which to
appease my hunger. At the same time, I won-
dered how my former companions got on, for I
considered that they must be as badly off as I was.
I watched them from behind the rocks, but I could
perceive no signs of uneasiness. There was your
mother sitting quietly on the level by the cabin,
and your father or the captain talking with her.
I perceived, however, that two of the party were
employed fishing off the rocks, and I wondered
where they got their fishing-lines ; and at last I
concluded that it was by catching fish that they
Supported themselves. This, however, did not
help me—I was starving, and starvation will


bring down the pride of any man. On the fifth
day, I walked down to the rocks, to where one of
the seamen was fishing, and having greeted him,
I told him that I was starving, and asked for
something to eat. |

“¢T cannot help you,’ replied he; ‘I have no
power to give anything away; it is more than I
dare do. You must apply to Mr. Henniker, who
is the governor now. What a foolish fellow you
were to mutiny, as you did; see what it has
brought you to.’

“Why, replied I, ‘if it were not for fishing,
you would not be better off than I am.’

“Oh yes we should be; but we have to thank
him for that—without him, I grant, we should
not have been. We have plenty of provisions,
although we fish to help them out.’

“This puzzled me amazingly, but there was no
help for it. I could starve no longer, so up I
went to the level where your father was standing
with the captain, and in aswaggering sort of tone,
said that I had come back, and wanted to join my
comrades. The captain looked at me and referred
me to your father, who said that he would consult
with the rest when they came to dinner, as with-
out their permission he could do nothing ; and then
they both turned away. In the mean time I was
ravenous with hunger, and was made more so by
perceiving that two large fish were slowly baking
on the embers of the fire, and that your mother

ek yeaa


was watching them. However, there was no help
for it, and I sat down at some little distance,
anxiously waiting for the return of the rest of the
party, when my fate would be decided. My pride
was now brought down so low, that I could have
submitted to any terms which might have been
dictated. In about two hours they were all as-
sembled to dinner, and I remained envying every
morsel that they ate, until the repast was finished ;
when, after some consultation, I was ordered to
approach—which I did—and your father addressed
me: ‘Jackson, you deserted us, when youmight have
been very useful, and when our labour was severe ;
now that we have worked hard, and made ourselves
tolerably comfortable, you request to join us, and
partake with us of the fruits of our labour and
foresight. You have provided nothing, we have—
the consequence is, that we are in comparative
plenty, while you are starving. Now I have
taken the opinion of my companions, and they
are all agreed, that as you have not assisted when
you were wanted, should we now allow you to
join us, you will have to work more than the _
others to make up an equivalent. It is therefore
proposed that you shall joi us on one condition,
which is, that during the year, till the birds again
visit the island, it will be your task to go up to
the ravine every day, and procure the firewood
which is required. Tf you choose to accept these
terms, you are permitted to join, always supposing


that to all the other rules and regulations which
we have laid down for our guidance, you will be
subject as well as we are. These are our terms,
and you may decide as you think proper. I
hardly need say, that I gladly accepted them, and
was still more glad when the remnants of the
dinner were placed before me: I was nearly
choked, I devoured with such haste until my
appetite was appeased.

«When this was done, I thought over the con-
ditions which I had accepted, and my blood boiled
at the idea that I was to be in a manner the slave
to the rest, as I should have to work hard every
day. I forgot that it was but justice, and that 1
was only earning my share of the year’s pro-
visions, which I had not assisted to collect. My
heart was still more bitter against your father,
and I vowed vengeance if ever I had an opportu-
nity; but there was no help for it. Every day I
went up with a piece of cord and an axe, cut a
large fagot of wood, and brought it down to the
cabin. It was hard work, and occupied me from
breakfast to dinner-time, and I had no time to
lose if I wanted to be back for dimner. The
captain always examined the fagot, and ascer-
tained that I had brought down a sufficient
supply for the day’s consumption.”



“A YEAR passed away, during which I was
thus employed. At last, the birds made their
appearance, and after we had laid up our annual
provision, I was freed from my task, and had only
to share the labour with others. It was now a
great source of speculation how long we were
likely to remain on the island ; every day did we
anxiously look out for a vessel, but we could see
none, or if seen, they were too far off from the

most of our faces, I believe that others would
have now mutinied as well as myself, if they had
known what to mutiny about. Your father and
mother were the life and soul of the party, in-
venting amusements, or harrating a touching
story in the evenings, so as to beguile the weary


the others, I was as insolent to him as I dared to
be, without incurring the penalty attached to in-
subordination, and I opposed him as much as I
could in every proposal that he brought forward
—but your father kept his temper, although I
lost mine but too often. The first incident which
occurred of any consequence, was the loss of two
of the men, who had, with your father’s permis-
sion, taken a week’s provisions, with the intention
of making a tour round the island, and ascertain-
ing whether any valuable information could be
brought back : they were the carpenter and one of
the seamen. It appears, that during their return,
as they were crossing the highest ridge, they,
feeling very thirsty, and not finding water, at-
tempted to refresh themselves by eating some
berries which they found on a plant. These ber-
ries proved to be strong poison, and they returned
very ill. After languishing a few days, they both

«This was an event which roused us up, and
broke the monotony of our life; but it was one
which was not very agreeable to dwell upon, and
yet, at the same time, I felt rather pleasure than
annoyance at it—I felt that I was of more conse-
quence, and many other thoughts entered my
mind which I shall not now dwell upon. We
buried them in the guano, under the first high
rock, where, indeed, the others were all subse-
quently buried. Three more months passed away,


when the other seaman was missing. After a
search, his trousers were found at the edge of the
rock. He had evidently been bathing in the sea,
for the day on which he was missed, the water
was as smooth as glass. Whether he had seen
something floating, which he wished to bring to
land, or whether he had ventured for his own
amusement, for he was an excellent swimmer,
could never be ascertained—any more than whe-
ther he had sunk with the cramp, or had been
taken down by ashark. He never appeared again,
and his real fate is a mystery to this day, and
must ever remain so. Thus were we reduced
to four men—your father, the captain, the mate,
and me. But you must be tired—I will stop now,
and tell you the remainder some other time.”

Although I was not tired, yet, as Jackson
appeared to be so, I made no objections to his
proposal, and we both went to sleep.

While I had read the Bible to J ackson, I had
often been puzzled by numbers being mentioned, ©
and never could understand what was meant ; that
is, I could form no idea of the quantity represented
by seventy or sixty, or whatever it might be.
Jackson’s answer was, “Oh! it means a great
many; Ill explain to you by-and-by, but we
have nothing to count with, and as I am blind, I
must have something in my hand to teach you.”
I recollected that at the bathing-pool there were
@ great many small shells on the rocks, about



the size of a pea; there were live fish in them, and
they appeared to crawl on the rocks. I collected
a great quantity of these, and brought them up to
the cabin, and requested Jackson would teach me
to count. This he did, until he came to a thousand,
which he said was sufficient. For many days I
continued to count up to a hundred, until I was
quite perfect, and then Jackson taught me addition
and subtraction to a certain degree, by making
me add and take away from the shells, and count
the accumulation, or the remainder. At last, I
could remember what I had gained by manipula-
tion, if I may use the term; but further I could
not go, although addition had, to a degree, made
me master of multiplication, and subtraction gave
me a good idea of division.

This was a new delight to me, and occupied me
for three or four weeks. At last I had, as L
thought, learned all that he could teach me in his
blind state, and I threw away the shells, and
sighed for something more.

Of a sudden it occurred to me, that I had never
looked into the book which still lay upon the
shelf in the cabin, and I saw no reason now that
I should not; so I mentioned it to Jackson,
and asked him why I might not bave that
book ?

«To be sure you may,” replied he; “ but you
never asked for it, and I quite forgot it.”

“ But when I asked you before, you were 80


particular that I should not open it. What was
your reason then ?”

Jackson replied—“ TI had no reason except that
I then disliked you, and I thought that looking
into the book would give you pleasure, It belonged
to that poor fellow that was drowned ; he had left
it in the stern-sheets of the boat when we were at
Valdivia, and had forgotten it, and we found it
there when we landed on the island. Take it
down, it will amuse you.”

I took down the book, and opened it. Tt was,
if I recollect right, called “ Mavor’s Natural His-
tory.” At all events, it was a Natural History of
Beasts and Birds, with a plate representing each,
and a description annexed. It would be impos-
sible for me to convey to the reader my astonish-
ment and delight. I had never seen a picture or
drawing in my life. I did not know that such
things existed. I was in an ecstasy of delight as
I turned over the pages, hardly taking sufficient
time to see one object before I hastened on to
another. For two or three hours did I thus turn
over leaves, without settling upon any one animal ;
at last my pulse beat more regularly, and I com-

amusement, and what a multitude of questions

had to be answered by my companion. He had

to tell me all about the countries in which the

animals were found ; and the description of the

animals, with the anecdotes, were a source of
G 2


much conversation ; and, what was more, the fore-
grounds and back-grounds of the landscapes with
which the animals were surrounded produced new
sdeas. There was a palm-tree, which I explained
to Jackson, and inquired about it. This led to
more inquiries. The lion himself occupied him and
me for a whole afternoon, and it was getting dark
when I lay down, with my new treasure by my
side. Thad read of the lion in the Scriptures, and
now I recalled all the passages; and before 1
slept I thought of the bear which destroyed the
children who had mocked Elisha the prophet, and
I determined that the first animal I would read
about the next morning should be the bear.

I think that this book lasted me nearly two
months, during which time, except reading a
portion every night and morning to Jackson, the
Bible and Prayer-book were neglected. Some-
times I thought that the book could not be true ;
but when I came to the birds, I found those which
frequented the island so correctly described, that
I had no longer any doubt on the subject. Per-
haps what interested me most were the plates in
which the barn-door: fowls and the peacock were
described, as in the back-ground of the first were
a cottage and figures, representing the rural
scenery of England, my own country ; and in the
second there was a splendid mansion, and a carriage
and four horses driving up to the door. In short,
it is impossible to convey to the reader the new


ideas which I received from these slight efforts of
the draftsman to give effect to his drawing. The
engraving was also a matter of much wonder, and
required a great deal of explanation from Jackson.
This book became my treasure, and it was not
till I had read it through and through, so as
almost to know it by heart, that at length I
returned to my Bible. All this time I had never
asked Jackson to go on with his narrative ; but
now that my curiosity was appeased, I made the -
request. He appeared, as before, very unwilling ;
but I was pertinacious, and he was worried
into it.

“There were but four of us left and your
mother, and the mate was in a very bad state of
health ; he fretted very much, poor fellow, for he
had left a young wife in England, and what he
appeared to fear most was, that she would be
married again before he could get home. It
ended in a confirmed liver complaint, which car-
ried him off nine months afterwards ; and thus was
one more of our companions disposed of. He died
very quietly, and gave me his sleeve-buttons and
watch to deliver to his wife, if ever I should
escape from the island. I fear there is little
chance of her ever receiving them,”

“Where are they ?” said I, recollecting how I
had seen him lift up the board under his bed-place.

“T have them safe,” replied J ackson, “and if
necessary, will tell you where to find them.”


This reply satisfied me, and I allowed him to

“We buried him in the guano, by the side of
the two others, and now we were but three. It
was at this time that your mother was confined
and you were born; that is, about three months
after the death of the mate. We had just finished
laying in our stock of birds for the year when she
was taken ill, sooner than was expected, and it
was supposed that it was occasioned by over-exer-
tion at the time. However, she got up very well
without any medical assistance, and your father
was much pleased at having a son, for he had
been married five years without any prospect of
a family. I ought to observe, that the loss of our
companions, one after another, had had the effect
of bringing those that remained much closer to-
_gether ; I was treated with more kindness by both
your father and mother, and the captain, and I
returned it as well as my feelings would permit
me, for I could not altogether get rid of my
animosity to your father. However, we became
much more confidential, that is certain, and I was
now treated as an equal.

“ Six months passed away and you had become
a thriving child, when a melancholy occurrence ”—
here Jackson covered up his face with his hands
and remained for some time silent.

“ Go on,” said I, “ Jackson; I know that they
all died somehow or another.”


“Very true,” replied he, recovering himself.
“Well, your father disappeared. He had gone to
the rocks to fish, and when I was sent to bring
him home to dinner, he was nowhere to be found.
It was supposed that a larger fish than usual had
been fast to his line, and that he had been jerked
off the rocks into the water, and the sharks had
taken him. It was a dreadful affair,” continued
Jackson, again covering his face.

“I think,” replied I, “that any man in his
Senses would have allowed the fish to have taken
the line rather than have been dragged into the
water. I don’t think that the supposed manner
of his death is at all satisfactory.”

“ Perhaps not,” replied Jackson ; “ his foot may
have slipped, who knows? we only could guess ;
the line was gone as well as he, which made us
think what I said. Still we searched everywhere,
but without hope; and our search—that is, the
captain’s and mine, for your poor mother remained
with you in her arms distracted—was the cause of
another disaster—no less than the death of the
captain. They say misfortunes never come single,
and surely this was an instance of the truth of
the proverb.”

“How did he die? ” replied I, gravely ; for
somehow or other I felt doubts as to the truth of
what he was saying. Jackson did not reply till
after a pause, when he said—

“ He was out with me up the ravine collecting


firewood, and he fell over the high cliff. He was
so injured that he died in half an hour.”

“ What did you do?”

“ What did I do—what could I do but go back
and break the news to your mother, who was dis-
tracted when she heard it; for the captain was her
friend, and she could not bear me.”

“ Well, go on, pray,” said I.

“T did all that I could to make your mother
comfortable, as there now were but her, you, and
I, left on the island. You were then about three
years old; but your mother always hated me, and
appeared now to hate me more and more. She
never recovered the loss of your father, to whom
she was devotedly attached; she pined away, and
after six months she died, leaving you and me
only on the island. Now you know the whole
history, and pray do not ask me any more
about it.”



JAacKson threw himself back in his bed-place
and was silent. So was I, for I was recalling all
that he had told me, and my doubts were raised
as to the truth of it. I did not like his hurrying
over the latter portion of his narrative in the way
which he had done. What he had said about my
mother was not satisfactory. I had for some time
been gradually drawing towards him, not only
showing, but feeling, for him a great increase of
good-will ; but suspicion had entered my mind,
and I now began to feel my former animosity
towards him renewed. A night’s sleep, however,
and more reflection, induced me to think that
possibly I was judging him too harshly, and as I
could not afford to quarrel with him, our inter-
course remained as amicable as before, particularly
as he become more and more amiable towards me,
and did everything in his power to interest and
amuse me,

I was one day reading to him the account of a
monkey, given in the book of Natural History, in
which it is said that that animal is fond of spirits
and will intoxicate itself, and Jackson was telling


me many anecdotes of monkeys on board of the
vessel he had sailed in, when it occurred to me
that I had never thought of mentioning to him,
or of ascertaining the contents of the cask which
had been thrown into the bathing-poo! with the
seaman’s chest, and I did so then to Jackson,
wondering at its contents and how they were to
be got at.

Jackson entered into the question warmly, ex-
plaining to me how and where to bore holes with
a gimlet, and making two spiles for me to stop
the holes with. As soon as he had done so,
curiosity induced me to go down to the pool where
the cask had been lying so long in about a foot
and half water. By Jackson’s directions I took a
pannikin with me, that I might bring him a spe-
cimen of the contents of the cask, if they should
prove not to be water. I soon bored the holeabove
and below, following Jackson’s directions, and
the liquor, which poured out in a small stream
into the pannikin, was of a brown colour and very
strong in odour, so strong, indeed, as to make me
reel as I walked back to the rocks with the panni-
kin full of it. I then sat down, and after a time
tasted it. I thought I had swallowed fire, for I
had taken a good mouthful of it. “This cannot
be what Jackson called spirits,” said I. “Noone
can drink this—what can it be?” Although I
had not swallowed more than a table-spoonful of
it, yet, combined with the fumes of the liquor


which I had inhaled when drawing it off into the
pannikin, the effect was to make my head swim,
and I lay down on the rock and shut my eyes to
recover myself. It ended in my falling asleep for
many hours, for it was not much after noon when
I went to the cask, and it was near sunset when I
awoke, with an intense pain in my head. It was
some time before I could recollect where I was,
or what had passed, but the pannikin full of liquor
by my side first reminded me ; and then perceiving
how late it was, and how long I must have slept,
I rose up, and taking the pannikin in my hand,
I hastened to return to the cabin.

As I approached, I heard the voice of J ackson,
whose hearing, since his blindness, I had observed,
had become peculiarly acute.

“Is that you, Frank ? ”

“Yes,” replied I,

“And what has kept you so long ?—how you
have frightened me. God forgive me, but I
thought that I was to be left and abandoned to

“ Why should you have thought that?” re.
plied I.

“ Because I thought that some way or another
you must have been killed, and then I must have
died, of course. I never was so frightened in my
life, the idea of dying here all alone—it was

It occurred to me at the time, that the alarm

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I am about to write a very curious history, as
the reader will agree with me when he has read
this book. We have more than one narrative of
. people being cast away upon desolate islands, and
being left to their own resources, and no works
are perhaps read with more interest ; but I believe |
I am the first instance of a boy being left alone
upon an uninhabited island. Such was, however,
the case ; and now I shall tell my own story.

My first recollections are, that I was in company
with a man upon this island, and that we walked
often along the sea-shore. It was rocky and
difficult to climb in many parts, and the man
used to drag or pull me over the dangerous places,
He was very unkind to me, which may appear
strange, as I was the only companion that he had ;
but he was of a morose and gloomy disposition. He
would ‘sit down squatted in the corner of our


cabin, and sometimes not speak for hours,—or he
would remain the whole day looking out at the
sea, as if watching for something, but what I never
could tell ; for if I spoke, he would not reply ; and
if near to him, I was sure to receive a cuff or a
heavy blow. I should imagine that I was about
five years old at the time that I first recollect
clearly what passed. [ may have been younger.
I may as well here state what I gathered from him
at different times, relative to our being left upon
this desolate spot. It was with difficulty that I
did so; for, generally speaking, he would throw a
stone at me if I asked questions, that is, if I re-
peatedly asked them after he had refused to
answer. It was on one occasion, when he was
lying sick, that I gained the information, and that
only by refusing to attend him or bring him food
and water. He would be very angry, and say,
that when he got well again, he would make me
smart for it; but I cared not, for I was then
getting strong, whilst he was getting weaker every
day, and I had no love for him, for he had never
shown any to me, but always treated me with great

He told me, that about twelve years before
(not that I knew what he meant by a year, for I
had never heard the term used by him), an
English ship (I did not know what a ship was) had
been swamped near the island in a heavy gale, and
that seven men and one woman had been saved,

and all the other people lost. That the ship had
been broken into pieces, and that they had saved
nothing—that they had picked up among the
rocks pieces of the wood with which it had been
made, and had built the cabin in which we lived.
That one had died after another, and had been
buried (what death or burial meant, I had no
idea at the time) ; and that I had been born on
the island—(how was I born? thought I) ; that
most of them had died before I was two years old;
and that then, he and my mother were the only
two left besides me. My mother had died a few
months afterwards. I was obliged to ask him
many questions to understand all this ; indeed, I
did not understand it till long afterwards, although
I had an idea of what he would say. Had I been
left with any other person, I should, of course, by
conversation, have learned much ; but he never
would converse, still less explain. He called me,
Boy, and I called him, Master. His inveterate
silence was the occasion of my language being
composed of very few words ; for, except to order
me to do this or that, to procure what was required,
he never would converse. He did, however, mutter
to himself, and talk in his sleep, and I used to
he awake and listen, that I might gain informa-
tion; not at first, but when I grew older. He
used to cry out in his sleep constantly ; “A judg-
ment, a judgment on me for my sins, my heavy
sins ! God be merciful!” But what judgment,
B 2

or what sin was, or what was God, I did not then
know, although I mused on words repeated so

I will now describe the island, and the way in
which we lived. The island was very small,
perhaps not three miles round ; it was of rock,
and there was no beach nor landing-place, the
sea washing its sides with deep water. It was, as
I afterwards discovered, one of the group of
islands, to which the Peruvians despatch vessels
every year to collect the guano, or refuse of the
sea birds which resort to the islands ; but the
one on which’ we were was small, and detached
some distance from the others, on which the
guano was found in great profusion ; so that
hitherto it had been neglected, and no vessel
had ever come near it. Indeed, the other islands
were not to be seen from it except on a very clear
day, when they appeared like a cloud or mist on
the horizon. The shores of the island were,
moreover, so precipitous, that there was no landing-
place, and the eternal wash of the ocean would
have made it almost impossible for a vessel to
have taken off a cargo. Such was the island upon
which I found myself in company with this man.
Our cabin was built of ship-plank and timber,
under the shelter of a cliff, about fifty yards from
the water; there was a flat of about thirty yards
square in front of it, and from the cliff there
trickled down a rill of water, which fell into a

hole dug out to collect it, and then found its way
over the flat to the rocks beneath. The cabin
itself was large, and capable of holding many
more people than had ever lived in it ; but it
was not too large, as we had to secure in it our
provisions for many months. There were several
bed-places level with the floor, which were ren-
dered soft enough to lie on, by being filled with
the feathers of birds. Furniture there was none,
except two or three old axes, blunted with long
use, a tin pannikin, a mess kid, and some rude
vessels to hold water, cut out of wood. On the
summit of the island, there was a forest of under-
wood, and the bushes extended some distance
down the ravines which led from the summit to
the shore. One of my most arduous tasks was
to climb these ravines and collect wood, but for-
tunately a fire was not often required. The cli-
mate was warm all the year round, and there
seldom was a fall of rain ; when it did fall, it was
generally expended on the summit of the island,
and did not reach us. At a certain period of the
year, the birds came to the island in numberless
quantities to breed, and their chief resort was
some tolerably level ground—indeed, in many’
places, it was quite level with the accumulation
of guano—which ground was divided from the
spot where our cabin was built by a deep ravine.
On this spot, which might perhaps contain about
twenty acres or more, the sea birds would sit

upon their eggs, not four inches apart from each
other, and the whole surface of this twenty acres
would be completely covered with them. There
they would remain, from the time of the laying
of the eggs, until the young ones were able to
leave the nests and fly away with them. At the
Season when the birds were on the island, all was
gaiety, bustle, and noise, but after their departure
it was quiet and solitude. I used to long for
their arrival, and was delighted with the anima-
tion which gladdened the island, the male birds
diving in every direction after fish, wheeling and
soaring in the air, and uttering loud cries, which
were responded to by their mates on the nests.
But it was also our harvest time; we seldom
touched the old birds, as they were not in flesh,
but as soon as the young ones were within a few
days of leaving the nests, we were then busy
enough. In spite of the screaming and the flap-
ping of their wings in our faces, and the darting
their beaks at our eyes, of the old birds, as we
robbed them of their progeny, we collected hun-
dreds every day, and bore as heavy a load as we
could carry across the ravine to the platform in
front of our cabin, where we busied ourselves in
skinning them, splitting them, and hanging them
out to dry in the sun. The air of the island was
so pure that no putrefaction ever took place, and
during the last fortnight of the birds coming on
the island, we had collected a sufficiency for our

support until their return on the following year.
As soon as they were quite dry they were
packed up in a corner of the cabin for use.
These birds were, it may be said, the only pro-
duce of the island, with the exception of fish, and
the eggs taken at the time of their first making
their nests. Fish were to be taken in large quan-
tities. It was sufficient to put a line over the
rocks, and it had hardly time to go down a fathom
before anything at the end of it was seized. In-
deed, our means of taking them were as simple as
their voracity was great. Our lines were com-
posed of the sinews of the legs of the man-of-war
birds, as I afterwards heard them named ; and, as
these were only about a foot long, it required a
great many of them knotted together to make a
line. At the end of the line was a bait fixed over
a strong fish-bone, which was fastened to the line
by the middle ; a half-hitch of the line round one
end kept the bone on a parallel with the line
until the bait was seized, when the line being
taughtened, the half-hitch slipped off and the
bone remained crossways in the gullet of the fish,
which was drawn up by it. Simple as this con-
trivance was, it answered as well as the best hook,
of which I had never seen one at that time. The
fish were so strong and large, that, when I was
young, the man would not allow me to attempt to
catch them, lest they should pull me into the
water ; but, as I grew bigger, I could master them.

Such was our food from one year’s end to the
other ; we had no variety, except when occasionally
we broiled the dried birds or the fish upon the
embers, instead of eating them dried by the sun.
Our raiment, such as it was, we were also indebted
to the feathered tribe for. The birds were skinned
with the feathers on, and their skins sewn together
with sinews, and a fish-bone by way of a needle.
These garments were not very durable, but the
climate was so fine that we did not suffer from
the cold at any season of the year. I used to
make myself a new dress every year when the
birds came ; but by the time that they returned, I
had little left of my last year’s suit, the fragments
of which might be found among the rocky and
steep parts of the ravine where we used to collect

Living such a life, with so few wants, and those
periodically and easily supplied, hardly varied
from one year’s end to another, it may easily be
imagined that I had but few ideas. I might have
had more, if my companion had not been of such
a taciturn and morose habit 3 as it was, I looked
at the wide ocean, and the sky, and the sun,
moon, and stars, wondering, puzzled, afraid to ask
questions, and ending all by sleeping away a large
portion of my existence. We had no tools except
the old ones, which were useless—no employment
of any kind. There was a book, and I asked
what it was for and what it was, but I got no

answer. It remained upon the shelf, for if I
looked at it I was ordered away, and at last I
regarded it with a sort of fear, as if it were a kind
of incomprehensible animal. The day was passed
in idleness and almost silence; perhaps not a
dozen sentences were exchanged in the twenty-
four hours,—my companion always the same,
brooding over something which appeared ever to
occupy his thoughts, and angry if roused up from
his reverie.


Tue reader must understand that the foregoing
remarks are to be considered as referring to my
position and amount of knowledge when I was
seven or eight years old. My master, as I called
him, was a short Square-built man, about sixty
years of age, as I afterwards estimated from recol-
lection and comparison. His hair fell down his
back in thick clusters and was still of a dark
colour, and his beard was full two feet long and
very bushy; indeed, he was covered with -hair,
wherever his person was exposed. He was, I
should say, very powerful had he had occasion to
exert his strength, but with the exception of the
time at which we collected the birds, and occa-
sionally going up the ravine to bring down faggots
of wood, he seldom moved out of the cabin, unless
it was to bathe. There was a pool of salt water of
about twenty yards Square, near the sea, but
separated from it by a low ridge of rocks, over
which the waves only beat when the sea was
rough and the wind on that side of the island.
Every morning almost we went down to bathe
in that pool, as it was secure from the sharks,

which were very numerous. I could swim like a
fish as early as I can recollect, but whether I was
taught, or learned myself, I cannot tell. Thus was
my life passed away; my duties were trifling ; I
had little or nothing to employ myself about, for
I had no means of employment. I seldom heard
the human voice, and became as taciturn as my
companion. My amusements were equally con-
fined—looking down into the depths of the ocean,
as I lay over the rocky wall which girted the
major portion of the island, and watching the
motions of the finny tribes below, wondering at
the stars during the night season, eating, and
sleeping. Thus did I pass away an existence
without pleasure and without pain. As for what
my thoughts were I can hardly say, my knowledge
and my ideas were too confined for me to have
any food for thought. I was little better than a
beast of the field, who lies down on the pasture
after he is filled. There was one great source of
interest, however, which was, to listen to the sleep-
ing talk of my companion, and I always looked
forward to the time when the night fell and we
repaired to our beds. I would lie awake for hours,
listening to his ejaculations and murmured speech,
trying in vain to find out some meaning in what
he would say—but I gained little ; he talked of
that woman”’—appearing to be constantly with
other men, and muttering about something he had
hidden away. One night, when the moon was

shining bright, he sat up in his bed, which, as I
have before said, was on the floor of the cabin,
and throwing aside the feathers upon which he
had been lying, scratched the mould away below
them and lifted up a piece of board. After a
minute he replaced everything, and lay down
again. He evidently was sleeping during the
whole time. Here, at last, was something to feed
my thoughts with. I had heard him say in his sleep
that he had hidden something—this must be the
hiding-place. What was it? Perhaps I ought
here to observe that my feelings towards this man
were those of positive dislike, if not hatred pa
never had received one kind word or deed from
him, that I could recollect. Harsh and unfeeling
towards me, evidently looking upon me with ill-
will, and only suffering me because I saved him
some trouble, and perhaps because he wished to
have a living thing for his companion,—his feel-
ings towards me were reciprocated by mine
towards him. What age I was at the time my
mother died, I know not, but I had some faint
recollection of one who treated me with kindness
and caresses, and these recollections became more
forcible in my dreams, when I saw a figure very
different from that of my companion (a female
figure) hanging over me or leading me by the
hand. How I used to try to continue those
dreams, by closing my eyes again after I had woke
up! And yet I knew not that they had been

brought about by the dim recollection of my
infancy ; I knew not that the figure that appeared
to me was the shadow of my mother ; but I loved
the dreams because I was treated kindly in them.

But a change took place by the hand of Pro-
vidence. One day, after we had just laid in our
yearly provision of sea birds, I was busy arrang-
ing the skins of the old birds, on the flat rock, for
my annual garment, which was joined together
something like a sack, with holes for the head and
arms to pass through; when, as I looked to sea-
ward, I saw a large white object on the water.

“Look, master,” said I, pointing towards it.

“A ship, a ship!” cried my companion.

“Oh,” thought I, “that is a ship; I recollect
that he said they came here in a ship.” I kept
my eyes on her, and she rounded to.

“Ts she alive ?” inquired I.

“You’re a fool,” said the man ; “come and
help me to pile up this wood, that we may make a
signal to her. Go and fetch some water and
throw on it, that there may be plenty of smoke.
Thank God, I may leave this cursed hole at
last !”

I hardly understood him, but I went for the
water and brought it in the mess kid.

“T want more wood yet,” said he. “ Her head
is this way, and she will come nearer.”

“Then she is alive,” said I.

“ Away, fool!” said he, giving me a cuff on the

head ; “get some more water and throw on the

He then went into the cabin to strike a light,
which he obtained by a piece of iron and flint,
with some fine dry moss for tinder. While he
was so employed, my eyes were fixed on the
vessel, wondering what it could be. It moved
through the water, turned this way and that.
“It must be alive,” thought I; “is it a fish or a
bird?” As I watched the vessel, the sun was
going down, and there was not more than an
hour’s daylight. The wind was very light and
variable, which accounted for the vessel so often
altering her course. My companion came out
with his hands full of smoking tinder, and putting
it under the wood, was busy blowing it into a
flame. The wood was soon set fire to, and the
smoke ascended several feet into the air.

“‘They’ll see that,”’ said he.

“What then, it has eyes? it must be alive.
Does it mind the wind?” inquired I, having no
answer to my first remark, “for look there, the
little clouds are coming up fast,” and I pointed
to the horizon, where some small clouds were
rising up, and which were, as I knew from experi-
ence and constantly watching the sky, a sign of a
short but violent gale, or tornado, of which we
usually had one, if not two, at this season of the

“Yes; confound it,” replied my companion,

grinding his teeth, “ it will blow her off! That’s
my luck.”

In the meantime, the smoke ascended in the air
and the vessel approached nearer and nearer, until
she was within, I suppose, two miles of the island,
and then it fell quite calm. My companion threw
more water on to increase the smoke, and the
vessel now hauling up her courses, I perceived
that there were people on board, and while I was
arranging my ideas as to what the vessel might
be, my companion cried out—‘ They see us, they
see us! there’s hope now. Confound it, I’ve
been here long enough. Hurrah for old Eng-
land !” and he commenced dancing and capering
about like a madman. At last he said,

“Look out, and see if she sends a boat, while I
go into the cabin.”

“What’s a boat?” said I.

“Out, you fool! tell me if you see anything.”

“Yes, I do see something,” replied I. “Look
at the squall coming along the water, it will be
here very soon; and see how thick the clouds are
getting up: we shall have as much wind and rain
as we had the time before last, when the birds
“Confound it,” replied he, “I wish they’d
lower a boat, at all events ;” and so saying, he
went into the cabin, and I perceived that he was
busy at his bed-place.

My eyes were still fixed upon the squall, as

I watched it advancing at a furious speed on the
surface of the water; at first it was a deep black
line on the horizon, but as it approached the
vessel, changed to white; the surface of the
water was still smooth. The clouds were not
more than ten degrees above the horizon, although
they were thick and opaque—but at this season
of the year, these tornados, as I may call them,
visited us; sometimes we had one, sometimes
more, and it was only when these gusts came
on that we had any rain below. On board of the
vessel—I speak now from my after knowledge—
they did not appear to be aware of the danger ;
the sails were all set and flapping against the
masts. At last, I perceived a small object close
to the vessel; this I presumed was the boat which
my companion looked for. It was like a young
vessel close to the old one, but I said nothing, as
I was watching and wondering what effect the
rising wind would have upon her ; for the observa-
tions of my companion had made me feel that
it was important. After a time, I perceived that
the white sails were disappearing, and that the
forms of men were very busy, and moving on board,
and the boat went back to the side of the vessel.
The fact is, they had not perceived the squall
until it was too late, for in another moment
almost, I saw that the vessel bowed down to the
fury of the gale, and after that, the mist was so
great that I couldn’t see her any more.

“Is she sending a boat, boy?” cried my com-

“Tcan’t see her,” replied I; “for she is hidden
by the wind.”

As I said this, the tornado reached to where
we stood, and threw me off my legs to the
entrance of the cabin; and with the wind came
down a torrent of rain, which drenched us, and
the clouds covered the whole of the firmament,
which became dark; the lightning darted in
every direction, with peals of thunder which were
deafening. I crawled into the cabin, into which
the rain beat in great fury and flowed out again
in a small river.

My companion sat near me, lowering and silent.
For two hours, the tornado lasted without inter-
ruption; the sun had set, and the darkness was
opaque. It was impossible to move against the
force of the wind and the deluge of water which
descended. Speak we did not, but shut our eyes
against the lightning, and held our fingers to our
ears to deaden the noise of the thunder, which
burst upon us in the most awful manner. My
companion groaned at intervals, whether from
fear, I know not; I had no fear, for I did not
know the danger, or that there was a God to
judge the earth.

Gradually the fury of the gale abated, the rain
was only heavy at intervals, and we could now
hear the beating of the waves, as they dashed

: C

against the rocks beneath us. The sky also
cleared up a little, and we could dimly discern the
white foam of the breakers. I crawled out of the
cabin, and stood upon the platform in front,
straining my eyes to see the vessel. A flash of
lightning for a second revealed her to me ; she
was dismasted, rolling in the awful breakers,
which bore her down upon the high rocks not a
quarter of a mile from her.

“There it is,” exclaimed I, as the disappearance
of the lightning left me in darkness, more opaque
than ever. |

“She’s done for,” growled my companion,
who, I was not till then aware, stood by my
side. “No hopes this time, confound it!”
Then he continued for some time to curse and
swear awfully, as I afterwards discovered, for I
did not then know what was cursing and
swearing, |

“There she is again,” said I, as another
flash of lightning revealed the position of the

“Yes, and she won’t be there long; in five
minutes she’ll be dashed to atoms, and every
soul perish.”

“ What are souls?” inquired I.

My companion gave me no reply.

“T will go down to the rocks,” said I, “and
see what goes on.”

“Go,” said he, “ and share their fate.”


I tert him, and commenced a careful descent
of the precipices by which we were surrounded,
but, before I had gone fifty paces, another flash of
lightning was followed up by a loud shriek, which
arrested my steps. Where the noise came from
I could not tell, but I heard my companion call-
ing to me to come back. I obeyed him, and
found him standing where I had left him,

“ You called me, master ?”

“Yes, I did; take my hand and lead me to the

I obeyed him, wondering why he asked me go
todo. He gained his bed-place, and threw him-
self down on it.

“Bring the kid full of water,” said he—<« quick !??

I brought it, and he bathed his head and face.
After a time, he threw himself back upon the bed-
place, and groaned heavily.

“O God! it’s all over with me,” said he at last,
“T shall live and die in this cursed hole,”

“ What’s the matter, master?” said I.

He gave me no answer, but lay groaning and
occasionally cursing. After a time, he was still,



and then I went out again. The tornado was now
over, and the stars were to be seen here and there,
but still the wind was strong and the wild clouds
flew fast. The shores of the island were one mass
of foam, which was dashed high in the air and
fell upon the black rocks. I looked for the vessel,
and could see nothing—the day was evidently
dawning, and I sat down and waited its coming.
My companion was apparently asleep, for he lay
without motion or noise. That some misfortune
had happened, I was convinced, but what I knew
not, and I passed a long time in conjecture, di-
viding my thoughts between him and the vessel.
At last the daylight appeared—the weather was
moderating fast, although the waves still beat
furiously against the rocky shore. I could see
nothing of the vessel, and I descended the path,
now slippery and insecure from the heavy fall of
rain, and went as near to the edge of the rocks as
the breaking billows would permit. I walked
along, occasionally drenched by the spray, until I
arrived where I had last seen the vessel. The
waves were dashing and tossing about, as if in
sport, fragments of timber, casks, and spars ; but
that was all I could see, except a mast and rig-
ging, which lay alongside of the rocks, sometimes
appearing above them on the summit of the waves,
then descending far out of my sight, for I dared
not venture near enough to the edge to look over.
“ Then the vessel is dashed to pieces, as my com-

panion said,” thought I. “I wonder how she
was made.” I remained about an hour on the
rocks, and then turned back to the cabin. I
found my companion awake, and groaning heavily.

“ There is no ship,” said I, “ nothing but pieces
of wood floating about.”

“I know that,” replied he; “but what do I
care now ?”’

“T thought by your making a smoke, that you
did care.”

“Yes, I did then, but now I am blind, I shall
never see a ship or anything else again. God
help me! I shall die and rot on this cursed

“ Blind, what is blind ?” inquired I.

“The lightning has burned out my eyes, and I
can see nothing—I cannot help myself—I cannot
walk about—I cannot do anything, and I suppose
you will leave me here to die like a dog.”

“ Can’t you see me???

“No, all is dark, dark as night, and will be as
long as I live.’ And he turned on his bed-place
and groaned. “TJ had hope, I lived in hope—it
has kept me alive for many weary years, but now
hope is gone, and I care not if I die to-morrow.”

And then he started up and turned his face
towards me, and I saw that there was no light in
his eyes.

“ Bring me some more water, do you hear?”
said he angrily. “ Be quick, or I’l] make you.”

But I now fully comprehended his condition, and
how powerless he was. My feelings, as I have
before said, were anything but cordial towards
him, and this renewed violence and threatening
manner had its effect. I was now, I suppose, —
about twelve or thirteen years old—strong and
active. I had more than once felt inclined to
rebel, and measure my strength against his.
Irritated, therefore, at his angry language, I re-

“ Go for the water yourself.”

“ Ah!” sighed he, after a pause of some seeonds,
“ that I might have expected. But let. me once

get you into my hands, I’ll make you remem-
ber it.”

“T care not if I were in your hands,’’ replied
I; “T am as strong as you.” For I had thought
so many a day, and meant to prove it.

“Indeed ! well, come here, and let us try.”

“No, no,” replied I, “ I’m not sucha fool as you
say I am—not that I’m afraid of you; for I shall
have an axe in my hand always ready, and you
will not find another.”

“TI wish that I had tossed you over the cliffs
when you were a child,” said he, bitterly, “instead
of nursing you and bringing you up.”

“Then why have you not been kind to me ?
As far back as I can remember you have always
treated me ill; you have made me work for you;

and yet never even spoken kindly to me. I have
wanted to know things, and you have never
answered my questions, but called me a fool, and
told me to hold my tongue. You have made me
hate you, and you have often told me how you
hated me—you know you have.”

“It’s true, quite true,” replied he, asif talking
to himself. “T have done all that he says, and I
have hated him. But I have had cause. Come
here, boy.”

“No;” replied I, “do you come here. You have
been master, and I have been boy, long enough.
Now I am master and you are boy, and you shall
find it so.”

Having said this, I walked out of the cabin and
left him. He cried out, “ Don’t leave me x" but: I
heeded him not, and sat down at the edge of the
flat ledge of the rock before the cabin. Looking
at the white dancing waves, and deep in my own
thoughts, I considered a long while how I should
behave towards him. I did not wish him to die,
as I knew he must if I left him. He could not
obtain water from the rill without a great chance
of falling over the cliff. In fact, I was now fully
aware of his helpless state ; to prove it to myself,
I rose and shut my own eyes ; tried if I could
venture to move on such dangerous ground, and
I felt sure that I could not. He was then in my
power; he could do nothing; he must trust to

me for almost everything. I had said, let what
would follow, I would be master and he boy;
but that could not be, as I must still attend upon
him, or he would die. At last the thought came
suddenly upon me—lI will be master, nevertheless,
for now he shall answer me all my questions, tell
me all he knows, or he shall starve. He is in
my power. He shall now do what I have ever
tried to make him do, and he has ever refused.
Having thus arranged my plans, I returned to the
cabin, and said to him:

“ Hear what I say—lI will be kind toyou, and
not leave you to starve, if you will do what I ask.”

« And what is that?” replied he.

“For a long while I have asked you many
questions, and you have refused to answer them.
Instead of telling me what I would know, you
have beaten or thrown stones at me, called me
names, and threatened me. I now give you your
choice—either you shall promise to answer every
question that I put to you, or you may live how
you can, for I shall leave you to help yourself.
If you do as I wish, I will do all I can to help
you, but if you will not, thank yourself for what
may happen. Recollect, I am master now; so
take your choice.”

“ Well,” replied he, slowly, “ it’s a judgment
upon me, and I must agree to it. I will do what
you wish.”

« Well, then, to begin,” said I, “I have often
asked you what your name was, and what was
mine. I must call you something, and Master I
will not, for I am master now. What is your

He groaned, ground his teeth, and then said,
“Edward Jackson.”

“ Edward Jackson ! very well ; and my name?”

“No, I cannot bear the name. I cannot say
it,” replied he angrily.

“ Be it so,” replied I. ‘ Then I leave you.”

“ Will you bring me some water for my eyes?
they burn,” said he.

“No, I will not, nor anything else, unless you
tell me my name.”

“Frank Henniker—and curses on it

“Frank Henniker. Well, now you shall have
the water.” .

I went out, filled a kid, and put it by his

“There is the water, Jackson; if you want
anything, call me. I shall be outside.”

“T have gained the mastery,” thought I,—“it
will be my turn now. He don’t like to answer,
but he shall, or he shall starve. Why does he feel
so angry at my name? MHenniker! what is the
meaning of Henniker, I wonder? I will make
him tell me. Yes, he shall tell me everything.”
I may here observe, that as for pity and compas-

sion, I did not know such feelings. I had been
so ill treated, that I only felt that might was
right ; and this right I determined upon exer-
cising to the utmost. I felt an inconceivable
pleasure at the idea of my being the master, and he
the boy. I felt the love of power, the pride of
superiority. I then revolved in my mind the
daily task which I would set him, before he should
receive his daily sustenance. He should talk now
as much as I pleased, for I was the master. I
had been treated as a slave, and I was now fully
prepared to play the tyrant. Mercy and com-
passion I knew not. I had never seen them
called forth, and I felt them not. I sat down on
the flat rock for some time, and then it occurred
to me that I would turn the course of the water
which fell into the hole at the edge of the cliff;
so that if he crawled there, he would not be able
to obtain any. I did so, and emptied the hole.
The water was now only to be obtained by climb-
ing up, and it was out of his power to obtain a
drop. Food, of course, he could obtain, as the dried
birds were all piled up at the farther end of the
cabin, and I could not well remove them; but
what was food without water? I was turning in
my mind what should be the first question put to
him ; and I had decided that I would have a full
and particular account of how the vessel had
been wrecked on the island, and who were my

father and mother, and why I was named Hen-
niker—when I was roused by hearing Jackson
(as I shall in future call him) crying out, “ Boy,
boy!” “Boy, indeed,” thought I—* no longer
boy,” and I gave no reply. Again he called,
and at last he cried out “ Henniker,” but I had
been ruffled by his calling me boy, and I would
not answer him. At last he fairly screamed my
name, and then was silent. After a moment, I
perceived that he crawled out of his bed-place,
and feeling by the sides of the cabin, contrived on
his hands and knees to crawl in the direction of
the hole into which the water had previously been
received; and I smiled at what I knew would be
his disappointment when he arrived there. He
did so at last: put his hand to feel the edge of
the hole, and then down into it to feel for the
water; and when he found that there was none,
he cursed bitterly, and I laughed at his vexation.
He then felt all the way down where the water
had fallen, and found that the course of it had
been stopped, and he dared not attempt anything
further. He dashed his clenched hand against
the rock. “Oh! that I had him in this grasp—
if it were but for one moment. I would not care
if I died the next.”

“TI do not doubt you,” replied I to him, above ;
“but you have not got me in your hands, and
you will not. Go in to bed directly—quick,” cried

I, throwing a piece of rock at him, which hit him
on the head. “Crawl back as fast as you can, you
fool, or I’ll send another at your head directly.
T’ll tame you, as you used to say to me.”

The blow on the head appeared to have con-
fused him; but after a time he crawled back to
his bed-place, and threw himself down with a
heavy groan.


The opening of the seaman’s chest.—P. 29.


I rHEw went down to the water’s edge to see if
I could find anything from the wreck, for the
water was smooth, and no longer washed over the
rocks of the island. Except fragments of wood, I
perceived nothing until I arrived at the pool
where we were accustomed to bathe; and I found
that the sea had thrown into it two articles of
large dimensions—one was a cask of the size of a
puncheon, which lay in about a foot of water
farthest from the seaward ; and the other was a
seaman’s chest. What these things were I did
not then know, and I wish the reader to recol-
lect that a great portion of this narrative is com-
puled from after knowledge. The cask was firm
in the sand, and I could not move it. The chest
was floating; I hauled it on the rocks without
difficulty, and then proceeded to openit. It was
some time before I could discover how, for I had
never seen a lock or a hinge in my life; but at
last, finding that the lid was the only portion of
the chest which yielded, I contrived, with a piece
of rock, to break it open. I found in it a quan-
tity of seamen’s clothes, upon which I put no

value; but some of the articles I immediately
comprehended the use of, and they filled me with
delight. There were two new tin pannikins, and
those would hold water. There were three empty
wine bottles, a hammer, a chisel, gimlet, and some
other tools, also three or four fishing-lmes many
fathoms long. But what pleased me most ‘were
two knives, one shutting up, with a lanyard
sheath to wear round the waist; and the other
an American long knife, in a sheath, which is
usually worn by them in the belt. Now, three or
four years back, Jackson had the remains of a
clasp knife—that is, there was about an inch of
the blade remaining—and this, as may be sup-
posed, he valued very much; indeed, miserable
as the article was, in our destitute state it was

This knife he had laid on the rock when fishing,
and it had been dragged into the sea as his line
ran out; and he was for many days inconsolable
for its loss. We had used it for cutting open the
birds when we skinned them, and, indeed, this re-
mains of a knife had been always in request.
Since the loss of it, we had had hard work to get
the skins off the birds; I therefore well knew the
value of these knives, which I immediately se-
cured. The remainder of the articles in the chest,
which was quite full, I laid upon the rocks, with
the clothes, to dry; of most of them I did not
know the use, and consequently did not prize

them at the time. It was not until afterwards,
when I had taken them to my companion, that I
learned their value. I may as well here observe,
that amongst these articles were two books, and
from the positive commands of my companion,
not to touch the book in the cabin, I looked upon
them with a degree of awe, and hesitated upon
taking them in my hand ; but, at last, I put them
out to dry on the rocks, with the rest of the con-
tents of the chest,

I felt the knives, the blades were sharp; I put
the lanyard of the clasp knife round my neck ;
_ the sheath knife, which was a formidable weapon,
I made fast round my waist, with a piece of the
fishing-lines, which I cut off ; and I then turned
my steps towards the cabin, as night was coming
on, though the moon was high in the heavens,
and shining brightly. On my return, I found
Jackson in his bed-place ; he heard me come in,
and asked me in a quiet tone, whether I would
bring him some water. I answered,—

“No, that I would not, for what he had said
about me, and what he would do if he got me
into his power. [J tame you,” cried I, “Pm
master now, as you shall find.”

“You may be,” replied he, quickly, “ but stil]
that is no reason why you should not let me have
some water. Did I ever prevent you from having
water ?”?

“ You never had to fetch it for me,” I rejoined,

“or you would not have taken the trouble. What
trouble would you take for me, if I were blind
now and not you? I should become of no use
to you, and you would leave me to die. You only
let me live that you might make me work for you,
and beat me cruelly. It’s my turn now—you're
the boy, and I’m the master.”

The reader must remember that I did not know
the meaning of the word “boy ;” my idea of it
was, that it was in opposition to ‘master,’ and
boy, with me, had the same idea as the word

“Be it so,” replied he, calmly. “I shall not
want water long.”

There was a quietness about Jackson which
made me suspect him, and the consequence was,
that, although I turned into my bed-place, which
was on the ground at the side of the cabin
opposite to his, I did not feel inclined to go to
sleep, but remained awake, thinking of what had
passed. It was towards morning when I heard
him move ; my face being turned that way, I had
no occasion to stir to watch his motions. He
crept very softly out of his bed-place towards me,
listening, and advancing on his knees, not more
than a foot every ten seconds. “ You want me in
your grasp,” thought I; “come along,” and I
drew my American knife from its sheath, without
noise, and awaited his approach, smiling at the
surprise he would meet with. I allowed him to

come right up to me; he felt the side of my bed,
and then passed his right hand over to seize me.
I caught his right hand with my left, and passing
the knife across his wrist, more than half divided
it from his arm. He gave a shriek of surprise
and pain, and fell back.

“ He has a knife,” exclaimed he, with surprise,
holding his severed wrist with the other hand.

“Yes, he has a knife, and more than one,” re-
plied I; “and you see that he knows how to use
it. Will you come again? or will you believe
that I am master ?”

“If you have any charity or mercy, kill me at
once,” said he, as he sat up in the moonlight, in
the centre of the floor of the cabin.

“ Charity and mercy,” said I, “ what are they ?
I never heard of them.”

“Alas! no,” replied he, “I have showed none—
it’s a judgment on me—a judgment on me
for my many sins; Lord, forgive me! First my
eyes, now my right hand useless. What next, O
Lord of Heaven ?”

“Why, your other hand next,” replied I, “if
you try it again.”

Jackson made no reply. He attempted to
crawl back to his bed, but, faint with loss of blood,
he dropped senseless on the floor of the cabin. I
looked at him, and, satisfied that he would make |
no more attempts upon me, I turned away, and
fell fast asleep. In about two hours I awoke,


and looking round, perceived him lying on the
floor, where he had fallen the night before. I
went to him and examined him—was he asleep,
or was he dead? He lay in a pool of blood. I
felt him, and he was quite warm. It wasa ghastly
cut on his wrist, and I thought, if he is dead, he
will never tell me what I want to know. I knew
that he bound up cuts to stop the blood. I took
some feathers from the bed, and put a handful on
the wound. After I had done it, I bound his
wrist up with a piece of fishing-line I had taken
to secure the sheath knife round my waist, and
then I went for some water. I poured some down
his throat; this revived him, and he opened his
eyes. |

« Where am I?” said he, faintly.

«Where are you?—why, in the cabin,” said I.

«Give me some more water.” |

I did so, for I did not wish to kill him. I
wanted him to live, and to be mm my power.
After drinking the water, he roused himself, and
crawled back to his bed-place. I left him then,
and went down to bathe.

The reader may exclaim—W hat a horrid tyrant
this boy is—why, he is as bad as his companion.
Exactly—I was so; but let the reader reflect
that I was made so by education.. From the time
that I could first remember, I had been tyran-
nized over ; cuffed, kicked, abused, and ill-treated.


I had never known kindness. Most truly was

the question put by me, “ Charity and mercy—
what are they?” I never heard of them. An
American Indian has kind feelings—he is hospi-
table and generous—yet, educated to inflict, and
receive, the severest tortures to, and from, his
enemies, he does the first with the most savage
_ and vindictive feelings, and submits to the latter
_ with indifference and stoicism. He has, indeed,
~ the kindlier feelings of his nature exercised ; still,
this changes him not. He has been from earliest
infancy brought up to cruelty, and he cannot feel
that it is wrong, Now, my position was worse.
I had never seen the softer feelings of our nature
called into play; I knew nothing but tyranny
and oppression, hatred and vengeance. It was
_ therefore, not surprising that when my turn came,
“I did to others as I had been done by. Jackson
} had no excuse for his treatment of me, whereas I
had every excuse for retaliation. He did know
better, I did not. I followed the ways of the
world in the petty microcosm in which I had been
placed. I knew not of mercy, of forgiveness,
charity, or goodwill. I knew not that there was

a God; I only knew that might was right, and
he most pleasurable sensation which I felt, was
‘that of anxiety for vengeance, combined with the
onsciousness of power.

After I had bathed, I again examined the chest
and its contents. I looked at the books without
ouching them. “TI must know what these mean,”


thought I, “and I will know.” My thirst for
knowledge was certainly most remarkable, in a
boy of my age; I presume for the simple reason,
that we want most what we cannot obtain; and
Jackson having invariably refused to enlighten
me on any subject, I became most anxious and
impatient to satisfy the longing which increased
with my growth.


For three days did Jackson lie on his bed ;
I supplied him with water, but he did not eat
anything. He groaned heavily at times, and
talked much to himself, and I heard him ask for-
giveness of God, and pardon for his sins. I noted
this down for an explanation. On the third day,
he said to me,

“ Henniker, I am very ill. I have a fever
coming on, from the wound you have given me.
I do not say that I did not deserve it, for I did,
and I know that I have treated you ill, and that
you must hate me; but the question is, do you.
wish me to die ?”

“No,” replied I, “I want you to live, and
answer all my questions, and you shall do so.”

“T will do so,” replied he. “TI have done
wrong, and I will make amends. Do you under-
stand me? I mean to say, that I have been
very cruel to you, and now I will do all you wish,
and answer every question you may put to me, as
well as I can.”

“That is what I want,” replied I.

“TI know it is, but my wound is festering, and

must be washed and dressed. The feathers make
it worse. Will you do this for me?”

I thought a little, and recollected that he was
still in my power, as he could not obtain water.
I replied, “ Yes, I will.”

« The cord hurts it, you must take it off.”

I fetched the kid of water, and untied the cord,
and took away the feathers, which had matted
together with the flow of blood, and then I washed
the wound carefully. Looking into the wound,
my desire of information induced me to say,
« What are these little white cords which are cut
through ?”

“ They are the sinews and tendons,” replied he,
“by which we are enabled to move our hands and
fingers; now these are cut through, I shall not
have the use of my hand again.” |

“ Stop a moment,” said I, rising up, “I have
just thought of something.” I ran down to the
point where the chest lay, took a shirt from the
rock, and brought it back with me, and tearing it
into strips, I bandaged the wound.

“ Where did you ~~ that linen ?” said Jackson.
I told him.

“And you got the knife there, too,” said he, ~
with a sigh. I replied in the affirmative.

As soon as I had finished, he told me he was —
much easier, and said, ]

“T thank you.”

« What is, I thank you?” replied I.


“It means that I am grateful for what you
have done.” .

“And what is grateful?” inquired I again.
“ You never said those words to me before.”

“ Alas, no,” replied he, “ it had been better if I
had. I mean that I feel kindly towards you, for
having bound up my wound, and would do any-
thing for you if I had the power. It means, that
if I had my eyesight, as I had a week ago, and
was master, as I then was, that I would not kick
nor beat you, but be kind to you. Do you un-
derstand me?” |

“Yes,” replied I, “I think I do ; and if you
tell me all I want to know, I shall believe you.”
“That I will as soon as I am well enough ; but
now I am too ill—you must wait a day or two,
till the fever has left me.”

Satisfied with Jackson’s promise, I tended him
carefully, and washed and dressed his wound for
the two following days. He said that he felt him-
self much better, and his language to me was so
kind and conciliatory, that I hardly knew what to
make of it; but this is certain, that it had a good
effect upon me, and gradually the hatred and ill.
will that I bore to him wore off, and I found
myself handling him tenderly, and anxious not to
give him more pain than was necessary, yet with-
out being aware that I was prompted by better

feelings. It was on the third morning that he

“T can talk to you now; what do you want to
know ?”

“T want to know the whole story of how we
came to this island, who my father and mother
were, and why you said that you hated me and
my name?”

“That,”’ said Jackson, after a silence of a few
minutes, “ will take some time. I could soon tell
it you, if it were not for the last question,—why I
hated your name? But the history of your father
is so mixed up with mine, that I cannot well tell
one without the other. I may as well begin with
my own history, and that will be telling you

“ Then tell it me,” replied I, “ and do not tell
me what is not true.”

“ No; I will tell you exactly what it was,”
replied Jackson ; “ you may as well know it as not.
—Your father and I were both born in England,
which you know is your country by birth, and
you also know that the language we talk is Eng-

“T did not know it. Tell me something about
England before you say any more.”

I will not trouble the reader with Jackson’s —
description of England, or the many questions —

which I put to him. It was night-fall before he

had finished answering, and before I was satisfied —

with the information imparted. I believe that he

was very glad to hold his tongue, for he com-



plained of being tired, and I dressed his wound
and wetted the bandage with cold water for him
before he went to sleep.

I can hardly describe to the reader the effect
which this uninterrupted flow of language had
upon me; I was excited in a very strange way,
and for many nights after could not sleep for
hours. I may say here, I did not understand a
great proportion of the meaning of the words
used by Jackson; but I gathered it from the con-
text, as I could not always be interrupting him.

It is astonishing how fast ideas breed ideas,
and how a word, the meaning of which I did not
understand when it was first used, became by
_ repetition clear and intelligible ; not that I always
_ put the right construction on it ; but if I did not
find it answer when used at another time to my
_ former interpretation of it, I would then ask and
obtain an explanation. This did not, however,
_ occur very often. As for this first night, I was
positively almost drunk with words, and remained
nearly the whole of it arranging and fixing the
new ideas that I had acquired. My feelings
towards Jackson also were changed—that is, I no
longer felt hatred or ill-will against him. These
were swallowed up in the pleasure which he had

towards him returned at intervals, for they were
not so easily disposed of ; but stil] I would not for

the world have lost him until I had obtained
from him all possible knowledge ; and if his wound
did not look well when I removed the bandage,
I was much more distressed than he was. Indeed,
there was every prospect of our ultimately being
friends, from our mutual dependence on each
other. It was useless on his part, in his present
destitute condition, to nourish feelings of ani-
mosity against one on whose good offices he was
now so wholly dependent, or on my part, against
one who was creating for me, I may say, new
worlds for imagination and thought to dwell on.
On the following morning, Jackson narrated in
substance (as near as I can recollect) as follows :—

“ T was not intended for a sailor. I was taught
at a good school, and when I was ten years old,
I was put into a house of business as a clerk,
where I remained at the desk all day long, copy-
ing into ledgers and day-books, in fact, writing
what was required of me. This. house was con-
nected with the South American trade.”

“Where is South America? ” said I.

“You had better let me tell my story,” re-
plied Jackson, “and after I have done, you can
ask any questions you like; but if you stop me, it
will take a week to finish it; yesterday we lost
the whole day.” ,

“That’s very true,” replied I, “then I will do

“There were two other clerks in the counting-


house—the head clerk, whose name was Manvers,
and your father, who was in the counting-house
but a few months before me. Our master, whose
name was Evelyn, was very particular with both
your father and myself, scanning our work daily,
and finding fault when we deserved it. This
occasioned a rivalry between us, Which made us
both very active, and I received praise quite as
often as he did. On Sunday, Mr. Evelyn used
to ask your father and me to spend the day. We
went to church in the forenoon and dined with
him. He had a daughter a little younger than
we were. She was your mother. Both of us, as
we grew up, were very ‘attentive to her, and
anxious to be in her good graces. I cannot say
which was preferred at first, but I rather think
that if anything, I was the favourite during the

and thoughtful. We had been about four years
in the counting-house, when my mother’ died—
my father had been dead some time before I
went into it—and at her death I found my share
of her property to amount to about £2,500. But
I was not yet twenty-one years of age. I could
not receive it for another year. Mr. Evelyn, who
had till then cvery reason to be satisfied with my
conduct, used to joke with me, and Say that as
soon as I was of age, he would allow me, if I chose


it, to put the money in the business, and thus
obtain a small share in it—and such was my in-
tention, and I looked forward to bright prospects
and the hope of one day being married to your
mother; and I have no doubt but such would
have been the case, had I still conducted myself
properly. But, before I was of age, I made some
very bad acquaintances, and soon ran into ex-
penses which I could not afford, and the worst
was, that I contracted a habit of sitting up late
at night, and drinking to excess, which I never
have since got over, which proved my ruin then,
and has proved my ruin through life. This little
fortune of mine not only gave me consequence,
but was the cause of my thinking very highly of
myself. I now was more particular in my atten-
tions to Miss Evelyn, and was graciously received
by her father; neither had I any reason to com-
plain of my treatment from the young lady. As
for your father, he was quite thrown into the
back-ground. He had no property nor hope of
any, except what he might hereafter secure by
his diligence and good conduct; and the atten-
tion I received from Mr. Evelyn, and also the
head clerk, who had an idea that I was-to bea
partner and consequently would become his supe-
rior, made him very melancholy and unhappy, for |
I believe that then he was quite as much in love ©
with Miss Evelyn as I was myself; and I must —
tell you, that my love for her was unbounded, —


and she well deserved it. But all these happy
prospects were overthrown by my own folly. As
Soon as it was known that I had property left
to me, I was surrounded by many others who
requested to be introduced to me, and my evenings
were passed in what I considered very good
company, but which proved the very reverse. By
degrees I took to gambling, and after a time,
lost more money than I could afford to pay. This
caused me to have recourse to a Jew, who
advanced me loans at a large interest to he repaid
at my coming of age. Trying to win back my
money, I at last found myself indebted to the
Jew for the sum of nearly £1,000. The more

went to bed but in a state of intoxication. Scheme
after scheme did I propose to enable me to conceal
my fault ; but I could hit upon nothing. The time
approached ; I was within a few days of coming of
age, when Mr. Evelyn sent for me and then spoke
to me seriously, saying, that out of regard to the
memory of my father, with whom he had been
very intimate, he was willing to allow me to

embark my little capital in the business, and that _

he hoped that by my good conduct and application
I might soon become a useful partner. I stam-
mered some reply, which surprised him; and he
asked me to be more explicit. I stated that I
considered my capital too. small to be of much
use in such a business as his, and that I pre-
ferred trying some quick method of doubling it ;
that as soon as I had so done I would accept his
offer with gratitude. ‘ As you please,’ replied he
coolly ; ‘ but take care, that in risking all, you do
not lose all. Of course, you are your own master,’
and so saying, he left me, apparently much dis-
pleased and mortified. But circumstances occurred,
which exposed the whole affair. When in com-
pany with my evening companions, I stated my
intentions of trymg my fortune in the East
Indies, not seriously, but talking at random.
This came to the ears of the Jew of whom I had
borrowed the money; he thought that I intended
to leave the kingdom, without taking up my
bonds, and immediately repaired to Mr. Evelyn’s

a ep

counting-house, to communicate with the head
clerk, and ascertain if the report was correct,
stating also the sums I was indebted to him. The
head clerk informed Mr. Evelyn, and on the day
upon which I became twenty-one years of age, he
sent for me into his private room, and, after some
remonstrances, to which I replied very haughtily,
it ended in my being dismissed. The fact was,
that Mr. Evelyn had, since his last interview
=. ae ;

with me, made inquiries, and finding out I had
heen living a very riotous life, he had determined
upon my leaving his service. Ag soon as my
first burst of indignation was over, I felt what I
had lost; my attachment to Miss Evelyn was
stronger than ever, and I bitterly deplored my
folly ; but after a time, as usual, I had recourse to
' the bottle, and to drowning my cares in in-
_ temperance. I tried very hard to obtain an in-
_ terview with Miss Evelyn previous to my quitting
_ the house, but this Mr. Evelyn would not permit,
and a few days after, sent his daughter away, to
_ reside, for atime, with a relation in the country,
I embarked my capital in the wine-trade, and,
could I have restrained myself from drinking,
should have been successful, and in a short time
might have doubled my property, as I stated to
Mr. Evelyn; but now, I had become an irre-
claimable drunkard ; and when that is the case, al]
hope is over, My affairs soon became deranged,
and, at the request of my partner, they were


wound up, and I found myself with my capital
of £1,500 reduced to £1,000. With this I resolved
to try my fortune in shipping; I procured a share
in a brig, and sailed in her myself. After a time,
I was sufficiently expert to take the command of
her, and_might have succeeded, had not my habit
of drinking been so confirmed. When at Ceylon,
I fell sick, and was left behind. The brig was
lost, and as I had forgotten to insure my portion
of her, I was ruined. I struggled long, but in
vain-—intemperance was my curse, my bane, the
millstone at my neck, which dragged me down:
I had education, talents, and energy, and at one
time, capital; but all were useless ; and thus did I
sink down, from captain of a vessel to mate, from
mate to second mate, until I at last found myself
a drunken sailor before the mast. Such is my
general history ; to-morrow I will let you know
how, and in what way, your father and I met again,
arid what occurred, up to this present time.”

But I was too much bewildered and confused
with what he had told me, to allow him to pro-
ceed, as he proposed.

“No, no,” replied I. “I now recollect all you
have said, although I do not understand. You
must first answer my questions, as to the mean-
ing of words I never heard of before. I cannot
understand what money is, what gaming is, and
a great many more things you have talked about, |


ut I recollect, and can repeat every word that
ou have said. To-morrow, I will recal] it all
ver, and you shall tell me what I cannot make
t; after that you can go on again.”

“ Very well,” replied he, “I don’t care how
ng it takes me to answer your questions, for I

not very anxious to tell all about your father
d myself,”


T can hardly describe to the reader the effect
which these conversations with Jackson had upon
me at first. If a prisoner were removed from a
dark cell, and all at once introduced into a garden
full of fruit and flowers, which he never before
had an idea were in existence, he could not have
been more filled with wonder, surprise, and plea-
sure. All was novelty and excitement, but at
the same time, to a great degree, above my com-
prehension. I had neither language nor ideas to
meet it, and yet I did, toa certain degree, compre-
hend. Isaw not clearly, but sometimes as through
a mist, at others through a dark fog, and I could
discern little. Every day, however, my increased
knowledge of language and terms gave me an
sncreased knowledge of ideas. I gained more by
context than I did by any other means, and as I
was by degrees enlightened, so my thirst for in-
formation and knowledge became every day more

That much that I considered I understood was
erroneous, is certain, for mine was a knowledge, as

yet,of theoryonly. I could imagine to myself, as far
as the explanation I received, what such an object
might be, and, having made up my ideas on the
matter, I was content ; further knowledge would,
however, incline me to think, and occasionally to
decide, that the idea I had formed was incorrect,
and I would alter it. Thus did I flounder about
in a sea of uncertainty, but still of exciting in-
) If any one who has been educated, and has
used his eyes in a civilized country, reads an
, account of people and things hitherto unknown to
Thim, he can, from the description and from his
wn general knowledge, form a very correct idea
f what the country contains. But then he has
Wased his eyes—he has seen those objects between
Which the parallel or the difference has been
ointed out. Now I had not that advantage. I
ad seen nothing but the sea, rocks, and sea-birds,
nd had but one companion. Here was my great
fficulty, which, I may say, was never surmounted,
“Gntil I had visited and mixed with civilization and
Men. The difficulty, however, only increased my
@dour. I was naturally of an ingenious mind, I
ad a remarkable memory, and every increase of
howledge was to me a source of delight. In fact,
fhad now something to live for—before I had not ;
and I verily believe, that if J ackson had been by
ay chance removed from me at this particular
me, I should soon have become a lunatic, from

the sudden drying up of the well which supplied
my inordinate thirst for knowledge. |

Some days passed before I asked Jackson to
continue his narrative, during which we lived in
great harmony. Whether it was that he was de-
ceiving me, and commanding his temper till he
had an opportunity of revenge, or whether it was
that his forlorn and helpless condition had soft-
ened him down, I could not say; but he appeared
gradually to be forming an attachment to me; I
was, however, on my guard at all times. His
wounded wrist had now healed up, but his hand
was quite useless, as all the tendons had been
severed. I had therefore less to fear from him
than before. At my request that he would con-
tinue his history, Jackson related as follows :—

“ After sailing in vessel after vessel, and gene-
rally dismissed after the voyage for my failing of
intemperance, I embarked on board a ship bound
to Chili, and after having been on the coast for
nearly a year, we were about to proceed home
with a cargo, when we anchored at Valdivia, pre-
vious to our homeward voyage, as we had some
few articles to ship at that port. We were again
ready for sea, when we heard from the captain,
that he had agreed to take two passengers, a gen-
tleman and his wife, who wished to proceed to
England. The cabin was cleared out, and every ~
preparation made to receive them on board, and ~
in the evening the boat was sent on shore for the |


luggage. I went in the boat, as I thought it
likely that the gentleman would give the boat’s
crew something to drink; nor was I wrong—he
gave us four dollars, which we spent immediately
in one of the ventas, and were al] more or less
intoxicated. It had been arranged that the lug-
gage should first be carried on board, and after
that, we were to return for the passengers, as we
were to sail early in the morning. We pulled off
with the luggage, but on our arrival on board, I
was so drunk, that the captain would not allow me

had passed until I was roused up the next morning
to assist in getting the ship under weigh. We had

ser came on deck ; I was then coiling down a rope
on the quarter-déck, and as he passed by me, I
looked at him, and I recognised him immediately as

had grown a man ; but his face was not to be mis-
taken. There he was, apparently a gentleman of
property and consideration ; and I, what was I? a
drunken sailor. AJ] J hoped was, that he would
hot recognise me. Shortly afterwards he went
down again, and returned escorting his wife on
deck. Again I took a furtive curious glance, and

Whom I had once gs loved, and by my folly had
lost. This was madness, As they stood on the

deck, enjoying the cool sea breeze, for the weather
was delightfully fine, the captain came up and
joined them. I was so confused at my dis-
covery, that I knew not what I was about, and
I presume was doing something very awkwardly ;
for the captain said to me—‘ Jackson, what are
you about, you drunken hound? I suppose you
are not sober yet.’ At the mention of my name,
your father and mother looked at me, and as I
lifted up my head to reply to the captain, they
eyed me earnestly, and then spoke to each other
in a low tone; after which they interrogated the
captain. I could not hear what they said, but I
was certain they were talking about me, and that
they had suspected, if they had not recognised me,
I was ready to sink to the deck, and, at the same
time, I felt a hatred of your father enter my heart,
of which, during his life, I never could divest
myself. It was as I supposed; your father had
recognised me, and the following morning he came
up to me as I was leaning over the gunwale amid-
ships, and addressed me,—‘ Jackson,’ said he, ‘ I
am sorry to find you in this situation, You must
have been very unfortunate to have become so
reduced. If you will confide your history to me,
perhaps I may, when we arrive in England, be
able to assist you, and it really will give me great
pleasure.’ I cannot say that I replied very cor-
dially. ‘Mr. Henniker,’ said I, ‘ you have been
fortunate, by all appearances, and can there-


fore afford compassion to those who have not
been so ; but, sir, in our positions, I feel as if pity
was in reality a sort of triumph, and an offer of
assistance an insult. I am content with my pre-
sent position, and will at all events not change it
by your interference. I earn my bread honestly.
You can do no more. Times may change yet.
It’s a long road that has no turning toit. I wish
you a good morning.’ So saying, I turned from
him, and walked away forward, with my heart full
of bitterness and anger. From that hour he never
spoke to me or noticed me again ; but the captain
was more severe upon me, and I ascribed his
severity most unjustly to your father, We were
about to go round Cape Horn, when the gale
from the S.E. came on, which ended in the loss of
the vessel. For several days we strove up against
it, but at last the vessel, which was old, leaked so
much from straining, that we were obliged to bear
up and run before it, which we did for several
days, the wind and sea continuing without inter.
mission. At last we found ourselves among these
islands, and were compelled occasionally to haul
to the wind to clear them. This made her leak
more and more, until at last she became water-
logged, and we were forced to abandon her in
haste, during the night, having no time to take
anything with us; we left three men on board,
who were down below. By the mercy of Heaven
we ran the boat into the opening below, which

was the only spot where we could have landed. I
think I had better stop now, as I have a good
deal to tell you yet.”

“Do then,” replied I; “ and now I think of it,
I will bring up the chest and all the things which
were in it, and you shall tell me what they are.”

I went down and returned with the clothes and
linen. There were eight pair of trousers, nine
shirts, besides the one I had torn up to bandage
his wounds with, two pair of blue trousers, and
two jackets, four white duck frocks, some shoes,
and stockings. Jackson felt them one by one
with his hands, and told me what they were, and
how worn.

“Why don’t you wear some of them?” in-
quired I.

“If you will give me leave, I will,” replied
he. “Let me have a duck frock and a pair of

I handed the articles to him, and then went
back for the rest, which I had left on the rocks.

When I returned, with my arms full, I found
that he had put them on, and his other clothes
were beside him. “TI feel more like a Christian
now,” said he.

“A Christian,” said I, “ what is that?”

“TY will tell you by-and-by. It is what I
have not been for a long, long while,” replied he.
“Now, what have you brought this time?”

“ Here,” said I, “ what is this?”

“This is a roll of duck, to make into frocks
and trousers,” replied he. “That is bees’-wax.”’
He then explained to me all the tools, sailing-
needles, fish-hooks, and fishing-lines, some sheets
of writing-paper, and two pens, I had brought up
with me. “ All these are very valuable,” said he,
after a pause, “and would have added much to
our comfort, if I had not been blind.”

“There are more things yet,” said I; “TI will
go and fetch them.” :

This time I replaced the remaining articles, and
brought up the chest. It was a heavy load to
carry up the rocks, and I was out of breath when
I arrived and set it down on the cabin floor.

“Now I have the whole of them,” said I.
“ Now, what is this ?”

“ That is a spy-glass—but, alas! I am blind—
but I will show you how to use it, at all events.”

“ Here are two books,” said I,

“Give them to me,” said he, “and let me feel
them. This one is a Bible, I am quite sure by its
shape, and the other is, I think, a Prayer-book.”’

“ What is a Bible, and what js a Prayer-book ?”
replied I,

“The Bible is the word of God, and the
Prayer-book teaches us how to pray to him.”

“But who is God? [ have often heard you
say, ‘O God!’ and ‘God damn’—but who is he?”

“T will tell you to-night, before we go to sleep,”

replied Jackson, gravely,

“Very well, I shall remind you. I have found
a little box inside the chest, and it is full of all
manner of little things—strings and sinews.”

* Let me feel them.”

I put a bundle into his hand.
_ “These are needles and thread for making and
mending clothes—they will be useful by-and-by.”

At last the whole contents of the chest were
overhauled and explained. I could not well com-
prehend the glass bottles, or how they were made,
but I put them, with the pannikins, and every-
thing else, very carefully into the chest again,
and hauled the chest to the further end of the
cabin, out of the way. Before we went to bed
that night, Jackson had to explain to me who
God was, but as it was only the commencement
of several conversations on the subject, I shall
not at present trouble the reader with what
passed between us, Jackson appeared to be very
melancholy after the conversation we had had on
religious matters, and was frequently agitated and
muttering to himself.


I pip not on the following day ask him to re-
sume his narrative relative to my father and
mother, as I perceived that he avoided it, and I
already had so far changed, as to have consideration
for his feelings. Another point had now taken
possession of my mind, which was, whether it
were possible to learn to read those books which I
had found in the chest, and this was the first
question that I put to Jackson when we arose on
that morning,

“ How is it possible ?” replied he. “Am TI not
blind—how can I teach you?” 3

“Is there no way ?” replied I, mournfully,

“ Let me think.—Yes, perhaps there is a way—
at all events we will try. You know which book
I told you was the Prayer-book ?” |

“Oh yes! the small, thin one.”

“Yes—fetch it here. Now,” said he, when
I put it into his hand, “tell me; is there a
straight line down the middle of the page of the
book, so that the words and letters are on both
sides of it?”

“ Yes, there is,” replied I; “in every page, as

~ you call it, there is a black line down the middle,
and words and letters (I suppose they are) on
both sides.”

«“ And among the letters there are some larger
than orem, especially at the side nearest to the

“T don’t know what margin is.’

“T mean here,” replied he, see to the
margin of the page.

“ Yes, there are.”

“Well then, I will open the book as near as I
can guess at the Morning Service, and you tell
me if you can find any part of the writing which
appears to begin with a large round letter, ike—
what shall I say ?—the bottom of a pannikin.”

“ There is one on this leaf, quite round.”

“Very well—now get me a small piece of stick,
and make a point to it.”

I did so, and Jackson swept away a small ~~
on the floor of the cabin.

“Now,” said he, “there are many other prayers
which begin with a round O, as the letter is
called; so I must first ascertain if this one is the
one I require. If it is, I know it by heart, and
by that shall be able to teach you all the letters
of the alphabet.”

« What’s an alphabet ?”

“The alphabet is the number of letters in-
vented to enable us to read and write. There are
twenty-six of them. Now look, Frank; is the

next letter to O the shape of this?” and he drew
with the pointed stick the letter U on the ground.

“Yes, it is,” replied I,

“And the next is like this,” continued he,
drawing the letter R, after he had smoothed the
ground and effaced the U.

“Yes,” replied I.

“Well then, to make sure, I had better go on.
OUR is one word, and then there isa little space
between ; and next you come to an F.”

“Yes,” replied I, looking at what he had drawn,
and comparing it with the letter in the book.

“Then I believe that we are all right, but to
make sure, we will go on for a little longer.”

Jackson then completed the word « Father,”
and “which art,” that followed it, and then he
was satisfi@d.

“Now,” said he, “out of that prayer I can
teach you all the letters, and if you pay atten-
tion, you will learn to read.”

The whole morning was passed in my telling
him the different letters, and I very soon knew
them all. During the day, the Lord’s Prayer
was gone through, and as ] learnt the words as
well as the letters, I could repeat it before night ;
I read it over to him twenty or thirty times,
spelling every word, letter by letter, until J was
perfect. This was my first lesson.

“Why is it called the Lord’s Prayer?” said I.

“ Because, when our Lord Jesus Christ was

asked by his followers in what way they ought
to address God, he gave them this prayer to repeat,
as being the most proper that they could use.”

“But who was Jesus Christ ?”

“ He was the Son of God, as I told you yester-
day, and at the same time equal with God.”

“How could he be equal with God, if, as you
said yesterday, God sent him down to be killed ?”

“Tt was with his own consent that he suffered
death : but all this is a mystery which you can-
not understand at present.”

« What’s a mystery ?”

“That which you cannot understand,”

“ Do you understand it yourself ?”

“No, I do not; I only know that such is the
fact; but it is above not only mine, but all men’s
comprehension. But I tell you honestly, that on
these points, I am but a bad teacher; I have paid
little attention to them during my life, and as far
as religion is concerned, I can only give you the
outlines, for I know no more.”

“But I thought you said, that people were to
be punished or rewarded when they died, ac-
cording as they had lived a bad or good life ; and
that to live a good life, people must be religious,
and obey God’s commands.”

«TJ did tell you so, and I told you the truth ;
but I did not tell you that I had led a bad life, as I
have done, and that I have neglected to pay
obedience to God’s word and command.”

“Then you will be punished when you die, will
you not ?”

“Alas! I fear so, child,” replied Jackson, put-
ting his hands up to his forehead and hiding his
face. “But there is stil] time,” continued he,
after a pause; and “O God of mercy!” ex.
claimed he, “how shall I escape ?””

I was about to continue the conversation, but
Jackson requested that I would leave him alone
for a time. I went out and sat on the rock,
watching the stars,

“And those,” he Says, “were all made by
God ;”—“ and God made everything,” thought I,
“and God lives up beyond those stars.” | thought
for a long while, and was much perplexed. I had
never heard anything of God till the night be-
fore, and what Jackson had told me was just
enough to make me more anxious and curious ;
but he evidently did not like to talk on the sub-
ject. I tried, after a time, if I could repeat the

Lord’s Prayer, and I found that I could, so I
knelt down on the rock, and looking up to a
bright star, as if I would imagine it was God,

I repeated the Lord’s Prayer to it, and then I
rose up and went to bed.

This was the first time that I had ever prayed.

I had learnt s0 much from Jackson, latterly,
that I could hardly retain what I had learnt ;
at all events, I had a very confused recollection
in my brain, and my thoughts turned from one

subject to another, till there was, for a time, a
perfect chaos; by degrees things unravelled them-
selves, and my ideas became more clear ; but still
T laboured under that half-comprehension of things
which, in my position, was unavoidable.

But now my mind was occupied with one lead-
ing object and wish, which was to learn to read.
I thought no more of J ackson’s history and the
account he might give me of my father and mother,
and was as willing as he was that it should be
deferred for a time. What I required now was
to be able to read the books, and to this object
my whole mind and attention were given. Three
or four hours in the earlier portion of the day,
and the same time in the latter, were dedicated
to this pursuit, and my attention never tired or
flagged. In the course of, I think, about six
weeks, I could read, without hesitation, almost
any portion of the Bible or Prayer-book. I required
no more teaching from Jackson, who now became
an attentive hearer, as I read to him every morn-
ing and evening a portion of the Gospel or
Liturgy. But I cannot say that I understood
many portions which I read, and the questions
which I put to Jackson puzzled him not a little,
and very often he acknowledged that he could
not answer them. As I afterwards discovered,
this arose from his own imperfect knowledge of
the nature of the Christian religion, which, ac-
cording to his statement to me, might be con-

sidered to have been comprised in the following
sentence: “Tf you do good on earth, you will go
to heaven and be happy ; if you do ill, you will
go to hell and be tormented. Christ came down
from heaven to teach us what to do, and how to
follow his example; and all that we read in the
Bible we must believe.” This may be considered
as the creed imparted to me at that time. I
believe that J ackson, like many others, knew no
_ better, and candidly told me what he himself had |
been taught to believe.

â„¢ But the season for the return of the birds
4 arrived, and our stock of provender was getting
3 low. I was therefore soon obliged to leave my
books, and work hard for Jackson and myself.
_ As soon as the young birds were old enough, I
set to my task. And now I found how valuable
“were the knives which I had obtained from the
" seaman’s chest ; indeed, in many points I could
“work much faster. By tying the neck and sleeves

of a duck frock, I made a bag, which enabled me
Yo carry the birds more conveniently, and in
“Breater quantities at a time ; and with the knives

4 could skin and prepare a bird in one quarter
“of the time. With my fishing-lines also, I could
Bang up more to dry at one time, so that, though
Without assistance, I had more birds cured in the
ame time than when Jackson and I were both .
mployed in the labour. The whole affair, how-


more than three weeks, by which time the major
portion of my provender was piled up at the
back of the cabin. I did not, however, lose what
I had gained in reading, as Jackson would not
let me go away in the morning, or retire to my
bed in the evening, without my reading to him
a portion of the Bible: indeed he appeared to
be quite uncomfortable if I did not do so.

At last, the work was ended, and then I felt a
strong desire return to hear that portion of
Jackson’s history connected with my father and
mother, and I told him so. He did not appear
to be pleased with my communication, or at all
willing to proceed; but as I pressed him hard
and showed some symptoms of resolution and
rebellion, he reluctantly resumed his narrative.



replied I ; “and why he injured you by marrying
my mother, I cannot see,”

“Why, I loved her.”

“ Well, Suppose you did, I don’t know what
love is, and therefore cannot understand it, so
tell me the story.”

“ Well then, when J left off, I told you that
we had ventured to land upon this island, by
Tunning the boat into the bathing-pond 3; but in
So doing, the boat was beaten to Pieces, and was

F 2

of no use afterwards. We landed, eight persons
in all; that is, the captain, your father, the car-
penter, mate, and three seamen, besides your
mother. We had literally nothing in the boat
except three axes, two kids, and the two pannikins,
which we have indeed now ; but as for provisions,
or even water, we had none of either. Our first
object, therefore, was to search the island to
obtain water, and this we soon found at the rill
which now runs down by the side of the cabin. It
was very fortunate for us that we arrived exactly
at the time that the birds had come on the island
and had just laid their eggs; if not, we must
have perished with hunger, for we had not a fish-
hook with us, or even a fathom of line.

“We collected a quantity of eggs, and made a
good meal, although we devoured them raw.
While we were running about, or rather climbing
about, over the rocks; to find out what chance of
subsistence we might have on the island, the cap-
tain and your father remained with your mother,
who sat down in a sheltered spot near to the

bathing-pool. On our return in the evening, the —
captain called us all together, that he might speak —
to us; and he said, that if we would do well, we —

must all act in concert; that it also would be
necessary that one should have the command and

control of the others; that without such was the —

case, nothing would go on well ;—and he asked
us if we did not consider that what he said was


true. We all agreed, although I, for one, felt
little inclination to do so ; but as all the rest said
so, I raised no objections. The captain then told
us that, as we were all of one opinion, the next
point was to decide as to who should have the com-
mand ; he said, that if it had been on ship-board,
he of course would have taken it himself, but now
we were on shore, he thought that Mr. Henniker
was a much more competent person than he was,
and he therefore proposed that the command
Should be given to him, and he, for one, would
willingly be under his orders. To this proposal,
the carpenter and mate immediately agreed, and
at last two of the seamen. I was left alone, but I
resisted, saying, that I was not going to be ordered
about by a landsman, and that if I were to obey
orders, it must be from a thorough-bred seaman.
The other two sailors were of my way of thinking,
I was sure, although they had given their consent,
and I hoped that they would join me, which they
appeared very much inclined to do. Your father
spoke very coolly, modestly, and prudently. He
pointed out that he had no wish to take the
command, and that he would cheerfully serve
under the captain of the vessel, if it would be more
satisfactory to all parties that such should be the
case. But the captain and the others were positive

puted by such a drunken vagabond as I was, and
that if I did not like to remain with them, I might

go to any part of the island that I chose. This
conference ended by my getting in a passion, and
saying that I would not be under your father’s
orders ; and I was seizing one of the axes to go
off with it, when the captain caught my arm and
wrested it from me, stating that the axe was his
property, and then telling me that I was welcome
to go where I pleased.

“T left them, therefore, and went away by my-
self to where the birds were hatching, as I
wished to secure a supply of eggs. When the
night closed in, I lay down upon the guano, and
felt no cold; for the gale was now over, and the
weather was very mild.

“The next morning, when I awoke, I found
that the sun had been up some time. I looked
for the rest of my companions whom I had quit-
ted, and perceived that they were all busily at
work. The sea was quite calm; and, when the
vessel went down after we left, many articles had
floated, and had been washed to the island. Some
of the men were busy collecting spars and planks,
which were near the rocks, and pushing them along
with the boat-hooks to the direction of the bathing-
pond, where they hauled them over the ridge,
and secured them. Your father and mother, with
the carpenter, were on this ledge where we now
are, having selected it as a proper place for build-
ing a shelter, and were apparently very busy. The
captain and one of the seamen were carrying up

what spars and timber could be collected to where
your father was standing with the carpenter. All
appeared to be active, and working into each other’s
hands ; and I confess that, as I looked on, I envied
them, and wished that I had been along with
them ; but I could not bear the idea of obeying
any orders given by your father; and this alone
prevented my joining them, and making my ex-
cuses for what I had done and said the previous
night. I therefore swallowed some more bird’s
eggs raw, and sat down in the sun, looking at
them as they worked.

“T soon perceived that the carpenter had com-
menced operations. The frame of this cabin was,
with the assistance of your father, before it was
noon, quite complete and put up ; and then they
all went down to the bathing-place, where the boat
was lying with her bottom beaten out. They com-
menced taking her to pieces and saving all the
nails; the other men carried up the portions of
the boat as they were ripped off, to where the frame
of the cabin had been raised. T saw your mother
80 up with a load in her hand, which I believed
to be the nails taken from the boat. Ina couple
of hours the boat was in pieces and carried up,
and then your father and most of the men went
up to assist the carpenter. I hardly need tell
what they did, as you have the cabin before you.
The roof, you see, is mostly built out of the timbers
of the boat; and the lower part out of heavier wood;

and a very good job they made of it. Before the
morning closed in, one of the sides of the cabin
was finished ; and I saw them light a fire with the
chips that had been cut off with the axes, and they
then dressed the eggs and birds which they had
collected the first day.

“There was one thing which I had quite for-
gotten when I mutinied and left my companions,
which was, the necessity of water to drink ; and
I now perceived that they had taken possession
of the spot where the only water had as yet been
found. I was suffering very much from thirst
towards the close of the day, and I set off up the
ravine to ascertain if there was none to be found
in that direction. Before night I succeeded in
finding some, as you know, for you have often
drunk from the spring when you have gone up
for firewood. This gave me great encouragement,
for I was afraid that the want of water would
have driven me to submission. By way of bravado,
I tore off, and cut with my knife, as many boughs
of the underwood on the ravine as I well could
carry, and the next morning I built a sort of wig-
wam for myself on the guano, to show them that
I had a house over my head as well as they
had ; but I built it further up to the edge of the
cliff, above the guano plain, so that I need not
have any communication with those who I knew
would come for eggs and birds for their daily
sustenance. "


“ Before the night of the following day set in,
the cabin was quite finished.

“The weather became warmer every day, and I
found it very fatiguing to have to climb the ravine
two or three times a day to procure a drink of
water, for I had nothing to hold water in, and I
thought that it would be better that I should
take up my quarters in the ravine, and build
myself a wigwam among the brushwood close to
the water, instead of having to make so many
journeys for so necessary an article. I knew that
I could carry eggs in my hat and pocket-handker-
chief sufficient for two or three days at one trip ;
so I determined that I would do so; and the next
morning I went up the ravine, loaded with eggs,
to take up my residence there. In a day or two
I had built my hut of boughs, and made it very ,
comfortable. I returned for a fresh supply of
eggs on the third day, with a basket I had con-
structed out of young boughs, and which enabled
me to carry a whole week’s sustenance. Then I
felt quite satisfied, and made up my mind that I
would live as a hermit during my sojourn on the
island, however long it might be; for I preferred
anything to obeying the orders of one whom I
detested as I did your father.

“It soon was evident, however, how well they

They had fancied that the birds would remain on
the island, and that thus they would always be

able to procure a supply. Your father, who had
lived so long in Chili, knew better, and that in a
few weeks they would quit their nesting-place.
He pointed this out to them, showing them what
a mercy it was that they had been cast away just
at this time, and how necessary it was to make a
provision for the year. But this they could not
imagine that it was possible to do without salt to
cure the birds with; but he knew how beef was
preserved without salt on the continent, and
showed them how to dry the birds in the sun.
While therefore I was up in the ravine, they were
busy collecting and drying them in large quan-
tities, and before the time of the birds leaving
they had laid up a sufficient supply. It was he
also that invented the fishing-lines out of the
sinews of the legs of the birds, and your mother
who knotted them together. At first, they caught
fish with some hooks made of nails, but your
father showed them the way to take them without
a hook, as you have learnt from me, and which
he had been shown by some of the Indians on the

Owing to your father, they were well pre-
pared when the birds flew away with their young
ones, while I was destitute. Previous to the
flight, I had fared but badly, for the eggs con-
tained the young birds half formed, and latterly
so completely formed that I could not eat them ;
and as I had no fire, and did not understand dry-

i MT ir

ing them, I had no alternative but eating the
young birds raw, which was anything but plea-
sant. I consoled myself, however, with the idea
that your father and mother and the rest were
faring just as badly as myself, and I looked for-
ward to the time when the birds would begin to
lay eggs again, when I resolved to hoard up a
much larger supply while they were fresh. But
my schemes were all put an end to, for in two
days, after a great deal of noise and flying about
In circles, all the birds, young and old, took wing,
and left me without any means of future sub-

“This was a horrid discovery, and I was put to
my wits’ ends. I wandered over the guano place,
and, after the third day of their departure, was
glad to pick up even a dead bird with which to
appease my hunger. At the same time, I won-
dered how my former companions got on, for I
considered that they must be as badly off as I was.
I watched them from behind the rocks, but I could
perceive no signs of uneasiness. There was your
mother sitting quietly on the level by the cabin,
and your father or the captain talking with her.
I perceived, however, that two of the party were
employed fishing off the rocks, and I wondered
where they got their fishing-lines ; and at last I
concluded that it was by catching fish that they
Supported themselves. This, however, did not
help me—I was starving, and starvation will

bring down the pride of any man. On the fifth
day, I walked down to the rocks, to where one of
the seamen was fishing, and having greeted him,
I told him that I was starving, and asked for
something to eat. |

“¢T cannot help you,’ replied he; ‘I have no
power to give anything away; it is more than I
dare do. You must apply to Mr. Henniker, who
is the governor now. What a foolish fellow you
were to mutiny, as you did; see what it has
brought you to.’

“Why, replied I, ‘if it were not for fishing,
you would not be better off than I am.’

“Oh yes we should be; but we have to thank
him for that—without him, I grant, we should
not have been. We have plenty of provisions,
although we fish to help them out.’

“This puzzled me amazingly, but there was no
help for it. I could starve no longer, so up I
went to the level where your father was standing
with the captain, and in aswaggering sort of tone,
said that I had come back, and wanted to join my
comrades. The captain looked at me and referred
me to your father, who said that he would consult
with the rest when they came to dinner, as with-
out their permission he could do nothing ; and then
they both turned away. In the mean time I was
ravenous with hunger, and was made more so by
perceiving that two large fish were slowly baking
on the embers of the fire, and that your mother

ek yeaa

was watching them. However, there was no help
for it, and I sat down at some little distance,
anxiously waiting for the return of the rest of the
party, when my fate would be decided. My pride
was now brought down so low, that I could have
submitted to any terms which might have been
dictated. In about two hours they were all as-
sembled to dinner, and I remained envying every
morsel that they ate, until the repast was finished ;
when, after some consultation, I was ordered to
approach—which I did—and your father addressed
me: ‘Jackson, you deserted us, when youmight have
been very useful, and when our labour was severe ;
now that we have worked hard, and made ourselves
tolerably comfortable, you request to join us, and
partake with us of the fruits of our labour and
foresight. You have provided nothing, we have—
the consequence is, that we are in comparative
plenty, while you are starving. Now I have
taken the opinion of my companions, and they
are all agreed, that as you have not assisted when
you were wanted, should we now allow you to
join us, you will have to work more than the _
others to make up an equivalent. It is therefore
proposed that you shall joi us on one condition,
which is, that during the year, till the birds again
visit the island, it will be your task to go up to
the ravine every day, and procure the firewood
which is required. Tf you choose to accept these
terms, you are permitted to join, always supposing

that to all the other rules and regulations which
we have laid down for our guidance, you will be
subject as well as we are. These are our terms,
and you may decide as you think proper. I
hardly need say, that I gladly accepted them, and
was still more glad when the remnants of the
dinner were placed before me: I was nearly
choked, I devoured with such haste until my
appetite was appeased.

«When this was done, I thought over the con-
ditions which I had accepted, and my blood boiled
at the idea that I was to be in a manner the slave
to the rest, as I should have to work hard every
day. I forgot that it was but justice, and that 1
was only earning my share of the year’s pro-
visions, which I had not assisted to collect. My
heart was still more bitter against your father,
and I vowed vengeance if ever I had an opportu-
nity; but there was no help for it. Every day I
went up with a piece of cord and an axe, cut a
large fagot of wood, and brought it down to the
cabin. It was hard work, and occupied me from
breakfast to dinner-time, and I had no time to
lose if I wanted to be back for dimner. The
captain always examined the fagot, and ascer-
tained that I had brought down a sufficient
supply for the day’s consumption.”


“A YEAR passed away, during which I was
thus employed. At last, the birds made their
appearance, and after we had laid up our annual
provision, I was freed from my task, and had only
to share the labour with others. It was now a
great source of speculation how long we were
likely to remain on the island ; every day did we
anxiously look out for a vessel, but we could see
none, or if seen, they were too far off from the

most of our faces, I believe that others would
have now mutinied as well as myself, if they had
known what to mutiny about. Your father and
mother were the life and soul of the party, in-
venting amusements, or harrating a touching
story in the evenings, so as to beguile the weary

the others, I was as insolent to him as I dared to
be, without incurring the penalty attached to in-
subordination, and I opposed him as much as I
could in every proposal that he brought forward
—but your father kept his temper, although I
lost mine but too often. The first incident which
occurred of any consequence, was the loss of two
of the men, who had, with your father’s permis-
sion, taken a week’s provisions, with the intention
of making a tour round the island, and ascertain-
ing whether any valuable information could be
brought back : they were the carpenter and one of
the seamen. It appears, that during their return,
as they were crossing the highest ridge, they,
feeling very thirsty, and not finding water, at-
tempted to refresh themselves by eating some
berries which they found on a plant. These ber-
ries proved to be strong poison, and they returned
very ill. After languishing a few days, they both

«This was an event which roused us up, and
broke the monotony of our life; but it was one
which was not very agreeable to dwell upon, and
yet, at the same time, I felt rather pleasure than
annoyance at it—I felt that I was of more conse-
quence, and many other thoughts entered my
mind which I shall not now dwell upon. We
buried them in the guano, under the first high
rock, where, indeed, the others were all subse-
quently buried. Three more months passed away,

when the other seaman was missing. After a
search, his trousers were found at the edge of the
rock. He had evidently been bathing in the sea,
for the day on which he was missed, the water
was as smooth as glass. Whether he had seen
something floating, which he wished to bring to
land, or whether he had ventured for his own
amusement, for he was an excellent swimmer,
could never be ascertained—any more than whe-
ther he had sunk with the cramp, or had been
taken down by ashark. He never appeared again,
and his real fate is a mystery to this day, and
must ever remain so. Thus were we reduced
to four men—your father, the captain, the mate,
and me. But you must be tired—I will stop now,
and tell you the remainder some other time.”

Although I was not tired, yet, as Jackson
appeared to be so, I made no objections to his
proposal, and we both went to sleep.

While I had read the Bible to J ackson, I had
often been puzzled by numbers being mentioned, ©
and never could understand what was meant ; that
is, I could form no idea of the quantity represented
by seventy or sixty, or whatever it might be.
Jackson’s answer was, “Oh! it means a great
many; Ill explain to you by-and-by, but we
have nothing to count with, and as I am blind, I
must have something in my hand to teach you.”
I recollected that at the bathing-pool there were
@ great many small shells on the rocks, about


the size of a pea; there were live fish in them, and
they appeared to crawl on the rocks. I collected
a great quantity of these, and brought them up to
the cabin, and requested Jackson would teach me
to count. This he did, until he came to a thousand,
which he said was sufficient. For many days I
continued to count up to a hundred, until I was
quite perfect, and then Jackson taught me addition
and subtraction to a certain degree, by making
me add and take away from the shells, and count
the accumulation, or the remainder. At last, I
could remember what I had gained by manipula-
tion, if I may use the term; but further I could
not go, although addition had, to a degree, made
me master of multiplication, and subtraction gave
me a good idea of division.

This was a new delight to me, and occupied me
for three or four weeks. At last I had, as L
thought, learned all that he could teach me in his
blind state, and I threw away the shells, and
sighed for something more.

Of a sudden it occurred to me, that I had never
looked into the book which still lay upon the
shelf in the cabin, and I saw no reason now that
I should not; so I mentioned it to Jackson,
and asked him why I might not bave that
book ?

«To be sure you may,” replied he; “ but you
never asked for it, and I quite forgot it.”

“ But when I asked you before, you were 80

particular that I should not open it. What was
your reason then ?”

Jackson replied—“ TI had no reason except that
I then disliked you, and I thought that looking
into the book would give you pleasure, It belonged
to that poor fellow that was drowned ; he had left
it in the stern-sheets of the boat when we were at
Valdivia, and had forgotten it, and we found it
there when we landed on the island. Take it
down, it will amuse you.”

I took down the book, and opened it. Tt was,
if I recollect right, called “ Mavor’s Natural His-
tory.” At all events, it was a Natural History of
Beasts and Birds, with a plate representing each,
and a description annexed. It would be impos-
sible for me to convey to the reader my astonish-
ment and delight. I had never seen a picture or
drawing in my life. I did not know that such
things existed. I was in an ecstasy of delight as
I turned over the pages, hardly taking sufficient
time to see one object before I hastened on to
another. For two or three hours did I thus turn
over leaves, without settling upon any one animal ;
at last my pulse beat more regularly, and I com-

amusement, and what a multitude of questions

had to be answered by my companion. He had

to tell me all about the countries in which the

animals were found ; and the description of the

animals, with the anecdotes, were a source of
G 2

much conversation ; and, what was more, the fore-
grounds and back-grounds of the landscapes with
which the animals were surrounded produced new
sdeas. There was a palm-tree, which I explained
to Jackson, and inquired about it. This led to
more inquiries. The lion himself occupied him and
me for a whole afternoon, and it was getting dark
when I lay down, with my new treasure by my
side. Thad read of the lion in the Scriptures, and
now I recalled all the passages; and before 1
slept I thought of the bear which destroyed the
children who had mocked Elisha the prophet, and
I determined that the first animal I would read
about the next morning should be the bear.

I think that this book lasted me nearly two
months, during which time, except reading a
portion every night and morning to Jackson, the
Bible and Prayer-book were neglected. Some-
times I thought that the book could not be true ;
but when I came to the birds, I found those which
frequented the island so correctly described, that
I had no longer any doubt on the subject. Per-
haps what interested me most were the plates in
which the barn-door: fowls and the peacock were
described, as in the back-ground of the first were
a cottage and figures, representing the rural
scenery of England, my own country ; and in the
second there was a splendid mansion, and a carriage
and four horses driving up to the door. In short,
it is impossible to convey to the reader the new

ideas which I received from these slight efforts of
the draftsman to give effect to his drawing. The
engraving was also a matter of much wonder, and
required a great deal of explanation from Jackson.
This book became my treasure, and it was not
till I had read it through and through, so as
almost to know it by heart, that at length I
returned to my Bible. All this time I had never
asked Jackson to go on with his narrative ; but
now that my curiosity was appeased, I made the -
request. He appeared, as before, very unwilling ;
but I was pertinacious, and he was worried
into it.

“There were but four of us left and your
mother, and the mate was in a very bad state of
health ; he fretted very much, poor fellow, for he
had left a young wife in England, and what he
appeared to fear most was, that she would be
married again before he could get home. It
ended in a confirmed liver complaint, which car-
ried him off nine months afterwards ; and thus was
one more of our companions disposed of. He died
very quietly, and gave me his sleeve-buttons and
watch to deliver to his wife, if ever I should
escape from the island. I fear there is little
chance of her ever receiving them,”

“Where are they ?” said I, recollecting how I
had seen him lift up the board under his bed-place.

“T have them safe,” replied J ackson, “and if
necessary, will tell you where to find them.”


This reply satisfied me, and I allowed him to

“We buried him in the guano, by the side of
the two others, and now we were but three. It
was at this time that your mother was confined
and you were born; that is, about three months
after the death of the mate. We had just finished
laying in our stock of birds for the year when she
was taken ill, sooner than was expected, and it
was supposed that it was occasioned by over-exer-
tion at the time. However, she got up very well
without any medical assistance, and your father
was much pleased at having a son, for he had
been married five years without any prospect of
a family. I ought to observe, that the loss of our
companions, one after another, had had the effect
of bringing those that remained much closer to-
_gether ; I was treated with more kindness by both
your father and mother, and the captain, and I
returned it as well as my feelings would permit
me, for I could not altogether get rid of my
animosity to your father. However, we became
much more confidential, that is certain, and I was
now treated as an equal.

“ Six months passed away and you had become
a thriving child, when a melancholy occurrence ”—
here Jackson covered up his face with his hands
and remained for some time silent.

“ Go on,” said I, “ Jackson; I know that they
all died somehow or another.”


“Very true,” replied he, recovering himself.
“Well, your father disappeared. He had gone to
the rocks to fish, and when I was sent to bring
him home to dinner, he was nowhere to be found.
It was supposed that a larger fish than usual had
been fast to his line, and that he had been jerked
off the rocks into the water, and the sharks had
taken him. It was a dreadful affair,” continued
Jackson, again covering his face.

“I think,” replied I, “that any man in his
Senses would have allowed the fish to have taken
the line rather than have been dragged into the
water. I don’t think that the supposed manner
of his death is at all satisfactory.”

“ Perhaps not,” replied Jackson ; “ his foot may
have slipped, who knows? we only could guess ;
the line was gone as well as he, which made us
think what I said. Still we searched everywhere,
but without hope; and our search—that is, the
captain’s and mine, for your poor mother remained
with you in her arms distracted—was the cause of
another disaster—no less than the death of the
captain. They say misfortunes never come single,
and surely this was an instance of the truth of
the proverb.”

“How did he die? ” replied I, gravely ; for
somehow or other I felt doubts as to the truth of
what he was saying. Jackson did not reply till
after a pause, when he said—

“ He was out with me up the ravine collecting


firewood, and he fell over the high cliff. He was
so injured that he died in half an hour.”

“ What did you do?”

“ What did I do—what could I do but go back
and break the news to your mother, who was dis-
tracted when she heard it; for the captain was her
friend, and she could not bear me.”

“ Well, go on, pray,” said I.

“T did all that I could to make your mother
comfortable, as there now were but her, you, and
I, left on the island. You were then about three
years old; but your mother always hated me, and
appeared now to hate me more and more. She
never recovered the loss of your father, to whom
she was devotedly attached; she pined away, and
after six months she died, leaving you and me
only on the island. Now you know the whole
history, and pray do not ask me any more
about it.”


JAacKson threw himself back in his bed-place
and was silent. So was I, for I was recalling all
that he had told me, and my doubts were raised
as to the truth of it. I did not like his hurrying
over the latter portion of his narrative in the way
which he had done. What he had said about my
mother was not satisfactory. I had for some time
been gradually drawing towards him, not only
showing, but feeling, for him a great increase of
good-will ; but suspicion had entered my mind,
and I now began to feel my former animosity
towards him renewed. A night’s sleep, however,
and more reflection, induced me to think that
possibly I was judging him too harshly, and as I
could not afford to quarrel with him, our inter-
course remained as amicable as before, particularly
as he become more and more amiable towards me,
and did everything in his power to interest and
amuse me,

I was one day reading to him the account of a
monkey, given in the book of Natural History, in
which it is said that that animal is fond of spirits
and will intoxicate itself, and Jackson was telling

me many anecdotes of monkeys on board of the
vessel he had sailed in, when it occurred to me
that I had never thought of mentioning to him,
or of ascertaining the contents of the cask which
had been thrown into the bathing-poo! with the
seaman’s chest, and I did so then to Jackson,
wondering at its contents and how they were to
be got at.

Jackson entered into the question warmly, ex-
plaining to me how and where to bore holes with
a gimlet, and making two spiles for me to stop
the holes with. As soon as he had done so,
curiosity induced me to go down to the pool where
the cask had been lying so long in about a foot
and half water. By Jackson’s directions I took a
pannikin with me, that I might bring him a spe-
cimen of the contents of the cask, if they should
prove not to be water. I soon bored the holeabove
and below, following Jackson’s directions, and
the liquor, which poured out in a small stream
into the pannikin, was of a brown colour and very
strong in odour, so strong, indeed, as to make me
reel as I walked back to the rocks with the panni-
kin full of it. I then sat down, and after a time
tasted it. I thought I had swallowed fire, for I
had taken a good mouthful of it. “This cannot
be what Jackson called spirits,” said I. “Noone
can drink this—what can it be?” Although I
had not swallowed more than a table-spoonful of
it, yet, combined with the fumes of the liquor

which I had inhaled when drawing it off into the
pannikin, the effect was to make my head swim,
and I lay down on the rock and shut my eyes to
recover myself. It ended in my falling asleep for
many hours, for it was not much after noon when
I went to the cask, and it was near sunset when I
awoke, with an intense pain in my head. It was
some time before I could recollect where I was,
or what had passed, but the pannikin full of liquor
by my side first reminded me ; and then perceiving
how late it was, and how long I must have slept,
I rose up, and taking the pannikin in my hand,
I hastened to return to the cabin.

As I approached, I heard the voice of J ackson,
whose hearing, since his blindness, I had observed,
had become peculiarly acute.

“Is that you, Frank ? ”

“Yes,” replied I,

“And what has kept you so long ?—how you
have frightened me. God forgive me, but I
thought that I was to be left and abandoned to

“ Why should you have thought that?” re.
plied I.

“ Because I thought that some way or another
you must have been killed, and then I must have
died, of course. I never was so frightened in my
life, the idea of dying here all alone—it was

It occurred to me at the time, that the alarm

was all for himself, for he did not say a word
about how sorry he should have been at any
accident happening to me, but I made no re-
mark, simply stating what had occurred, and
my conviction that the contents of the cask were
not drinkable.

“Have you brought any with you?” inquired
he, sharply.

“Yes, here it is,” said I, giving him the pannikin.

He smelt it, and raised it to his lips—took
about a wine-glass full of it, and then drew his

“This is delightful,” said he; “the best of old
rum, I never tasted so good. How big did you
say that the cask was ?” |

I described it as well as I could.

“ Indeed, then it must be a whole puncheon—
that will last a long while.”

“But do you mean to say that you really like
to drink that stuff?” inquired I.

“ Do I like to drink it? yes, it is good for men,
but it’s death to little boys. It will kill you.
Don’t you get fond of it. Now promise me that
you will never drink a drop of it. You must not
get fond of it, or some sad accident will happen
to you.”

“T don’t think you need fear my drinking it,”
replied I. “TI have had one taste, as I told you,
and it nearly burnt my mouth. I shan’t touch it

“That’s right,” replied J ackson, taking another
quantity into his mouth, « You are not old
enough for it ; by-and-by, when you are as old as
T am, you may drink it, then it will do you good.
Now, I’ll go to bed, it’s time for bed. Bring the
pannikin after me and put it by my side. Take
care you don’t spill any of it.”

Jackson crawled to his bed and J followed him
with the pannikin, and put it by his side, as he
requested, and I returned to my own resting-

tion to sleep, having slept so long during the

At first Jackson was quiet, but I heard him
occasionally applying to the pannikin, which held,
I should Say, about three half-pints of liquor. At

last he commenced singing a sea-song; I was

melody, for he had a good voice and sang in good
tune. As soon as he had finished, I begged him
to go on.

“Ah !” replied he, with a gay tone I had never
heard from him before. “ You like songs, do
you? my little chap? Well, Pll give you plenty
of them. *Tis a long while since I have sung, but
it’s a poor heart that never rejoiceth The time

thing to cheer my heart. Yes, here’s another for
you. I shall rouse them all out by-and-by, as I
get the grog in—no fear of that—you find the
stuff, and I’ll find songs.”

I was surprised at first at this unusual mirth;
but recollecting what Jackson had told me about
his intemperance, I presumed that this mirth
which it produced was the cause why he indulged
so much in it; and I felt less inclined to -blame
him. At all events, I was much pleased with the
songs that he sang to me one after another for
three or four hours, when his voice became thick,
and, after some muttering and swearing, he was
quite silent, and soon afterwards snored loudly.
I remained awake some time longer, and then I
also sank into forgetfulness.

When I awoke the next morning, I found
Jackson still fast asleep. I waited for him for
our morning meal; but, as he did not wake, I took
mine by myself, and then I walked out to the
rock, where I usually sat, and looked round the
horizon to see if there was anything in sight. The
spy-glass, from having been in sea-water, was of
no use, and I did not know what to do with it;
nor could Jackson instruct me. After I had been
out about an hour I returned, and found Jackson
still snoring, and I determined to wake him up.
I pushed him for some time without success; but,
at last, he opened his eyes, and said:

“ My watch already ?”

“No;” said I; « but you have slept so long,
that I have waked you up.”

He paused, as if he did not know My voice, and
then said :

“ But I can’t see anything ; how’s this ?”?

“Why, don’t you know that you’re blind,
Jackson ?” replied I, with amazement.

“ Yes, yes; I recollect now. Is there anything
in the pannikin ?”

“Not a drop,” replied I ; « why, you must have
drunk it all.”

“ Yes, I recollect now. Get me some water
my good boy ; for I am dying with thirst.”

I went for the water 3 he drank the whole pan-
nikin, and asked for more.

“Won’t you have something to eat ?” said I.

“ Eat ? oh no; I can’t eat anything. Give me
drink ;” and he held out his hand for the pan-
nikin. I perceived how it trembled and shook,
and I observed it to him.

“ Yes ;” replied he, “ that’s always the case after
4 Carouse, and I had a good one last night—the
first for many a year. But there’s plenty more of
it. I wish you would get me a little more now,
Frank, just to steady me ; just about two or three
mouthfuls, no more ; that is, no more till night-
time. Did I make much noise last night ?”?

“You sang several songs,” replied I, « with
which I was much amused,”

“Tm glad that you liked them. I used to be

considered a good singer in my day ; indeed, if I
had not been such good company, as they term it,
T had not become so fond of drinking. Just go
and fetch me about half an inch high of the pan-
nikin, my good fellow, that’s all I want now.”

I went down to the cask, drew off the quantity
that he requested, and brought it to him. He
drank it off; and, in a few moments, appeared to
be quite himself again. He then asked for some-
thing to eat, and commenced telling me a variety
of stories relative to what he termed jolly parties
in his former days; so that the day passed very
agreeably. As the night closed in, he said:

« Now, Frank, I know you want to hear some
more songs; so go down and bring me up a full
pannikin, and I will smg you plenty.”

I complied with his request, for I was anxious
to be again amused as I was the night before.
The consequence was, that this night was, in the
early portion of it, but-a repetition of the previous
one. Jackson took the precaution to get into his
bed-place before he commenced drinking ; and, as
soon as he had taken his second dose, he asked
me what sort of songs I liked. My reply natu-
rally was, that I had never heard any one sing
but him, and therefore could not say.

« What did I sing to you last night?” said he.

I replied as well as I could.

« Ah,” said he, “ they were all sea-songs ; but
now I will give you something better.”

for he now was sober. The Consequence was,
that I was still more delighted ; and, at my re.
quest, he sang several] others; but at last his
Speech became rapid and thick, and he would not
sing any more, using some very Coarse expressions
to me when I asked him. Fora time he was silent,

“ Never mind how I got them,” said he 3 “ quite
as honestly as other people, Old Moshes, There

mine. I know that, so none of your lies, you old
Jew. Where did I come by them ? that’s no con-
cern of yours. The question is, wil] you give me
the price, or wil] you not? Well, then, I’m off.
No, I won’t come back, you old thief.” Here he
swore terribly, and then was silent,

After a while he recommenced—

“Who can ever Prove that they were Henniker’s
diamonds ?”

breathless as to what would come next.

“No, no,” continued Jackson, “he’s dead, and
food for fishes—dead men tell no tales—and she’s
dead, and the captain’s dead, all dead—yes, all ;”
and he gave a bitter groan and was silent.

The day was breaking, and I could just see
him as he lay ; but he said no more, and appeared
to breathe heavily. As the sun rose, I got out of
my bed-place ; and, now that it was broad day-
light, I looked at Jackson. He was lying on his
back; his brow was covered with large drops of
perspiration, and his hands were clenched together.
Although asleep, he appeared, by the convulsive
twitching of the muscles of his face, to be suffer-
ing and in great agony. Occasionally he groaned
deeply, and his lips appeared to move, but no
sound proceeded from them. I perceived that
the pannikin of liquor was not finished, one third
at least having been left.


could prove they were his—this implied that
Jackson had no right to them 3 Indeed how could
he have? And then I recalled to mind his having

* secret hiding-place under his bed, where [ .
Presumed the diamonds were deposited, | then ~

but how was I to get at it? There was but one
way. The liquor made him talk. I would supply
him with liquor, and by degrees, I would get the
truth out of him. At the same time I would not
allow him to suppose that he had said anything to
commit himself, or that I had any suspicions.

How naturally do we fall into treachery and
deceit, from the evil in our own hearts, without
any assistance or example from the world. How
could I have learnt deceit? Isolated as I had
been, must it not have been innate ?

I returned to the cabin, and woke J ackson
without much difficulty, since he had not drunk so
much as on the previous night.

« How are you this morning ?” said I,

«“ Not very well, I have had some bad dreams.”

“Well, you sang me some beautiful songs,”
replied I.

“Yes, Irecollect,” saidhe; “ but I fell asleep
at last.”

«Yes, you refused to sing any more, and went
off in a loud snore.”

Jackson got out of his bed-place, and I gave
him his meal. We talked during the whole day
about singing, and I hummed the air which
had pleased me most.

“ You have got the air pretty correct,” said he ;
“you must have an ear for music. Have you
ever tried to sing ?”

“ No, never; you know I have not.”
ett es. .


“You might have tried when I was not with
you. Try now. I will sing a tune, and then do
you repeat it after me.”

He did so, and I repeated it.

“Very good,” said he. “ Let’s try the compass
of your voice.”

He ran up the gamut, and I followed him.

“T think you can go higher than I can,” said
he; “however, you go quite high enough, so now
Pll give you a singing lesson.”

Thus were we occupied at intervals during the
whole day, for Jackson would not allow me to try
my voice too much at first. As the evening fell,
he again asked me to fetch some liquor, and as I
had three quart wine-bottles, as I before men-
tioned, which I had found in the chest, I took
them down to fill, as it would Save me many trips,
and be more convenient in every respect.

I brought them up full, and Jackson stopped
them up with some of the rags which I had torn
to bind round his wrist, and put them all three in
his bed-place. |

“That will be a much better arrangement,”
said he, “as now I can pour out the liquor into
the pannikin as I want it ; besides, I mean to take
a little water with it in future. It’s not quite so
good with water, but it lasts longer, and one don’t
go to sleep so soon. Well, I little thought that I
should have such a comfort sent me after al] my
sufferings, I don’t so much care now about

staying here. Go and fetch some water in the

That night was a repetition of the first. Jack-
son sang till he was intoxicated, and then fell fast
asleep, not talking or saying a word, and I was
disappointed, for I remained awake to catch any-
thing he might say. It would be tedious to
repeat what took place for about a month;—
suffice it to say, it was very rarely, during that
time, that Jackson said anything in his sleep, or
drunken state, and what he did say, I could make
nothing of. He continued in the daytime to
give me lessons in singing, and I could now sing
several songs very correctly. At night he re-
turned to his usual habit, and was more or less
intoxicated before the night was over. I per-
ceived, however, that this excess had a great
effect upon his constitution, and that he had
become very pale and haggard. Impatient as I
felt to find out the truth, I concealed my feelings
towards him (which had certainly very much
changed again since the discovery I had made and
the suspicions I had formed), and I remained on
the best of terms with him, resolving to wait
patiently. -He had spoken once, and therefore I
argued that he would speak again; nor was I
wrong in my calculations.

One night, after he had finished his usual
allowance of liquor, and had composed himself for
sleep, I observed that he was unusually restless,


changing his position in his bed-place every few
minutes, and, at last, he muttered, “Captain
James. Well, what of Captain James, eh?”

A thought struck me that he might reply to a

“ How did he die?” said I, in a low clear voice.

“Die?” replied J ackson, “he fell down the
cliff. Yes, he did. You can’t say I killed him.
No—never put my finger on him.”

After that he was silent for some time, and
then he recommenced.

“She always said that I destroyed them both,
but I did not—only one—yes, one, I grant—but
I hated him—no, not for his diamonds—no, no—
if you said his wife indeed—love and hate.”

“Then you killed him for love of his wife, and
hate of himself?”

“Yes, I did. Who are you that have guessed
that? Whoare you? Tl have your life.”

As he said this, he started up in his bed-place,
awakened by his dream, and probably by my
voice, which he had replied to.

“Who spoke?” said he. « Frank Henniker,
did you speak ?”

I made no reply, but pretended to be sound
asleep, as he still sat up, as if watching me, I
feigned a snore.

“Tt could not have been him,” muttered
Jackson, “he’s quite fast. Mercy, what a dream!”

He then sank down in his bed-place, and I


heard the gurgling noise which told me that he
had put the bottle of liquor to his mouth, and
was drinking out of it. From the time that the
gurgling lasted, he must have taken a great deal.
At last, all was quiet again.

“So I have discovered it at last,” said I, as my
blood boiled at what I had heard. “He did
murder my father. Shall I kill him while he
sleeps?” was the first thought that came into my
troubled mind. “No, I won’t do that. What
then, shall I tax him with it when he is awake,
and then kill him?” but I thought, that, as he
was blind, and unable to defend himself, it would
be cowardly, and I could not do that. What
then was I to do? and as I cooled down, I
thought of the words of the Bible, that we were
to return good for evil; for Jackson, of whom,
when I read it, I asked why we were told to do
so, had explained it to me, and afterwards when I
came to the part which said, “ Vengeance is mine,
saith the Lord,” he had told me that there was
punishment for the wicked hereafter, and that
was the reason why we were not to obey the
Jewish law of “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for
a tooth,” which I had referred to. . This portion
of the Bible he had well explained, and certain it
is that it prevented my raising my hand against
him that night. Still, I remained in a state of
great excitement; I felt that it would be im-
possible for me to be any longer on good terms

with him, and I revolved the question in my
mind, till, at last, worn out by excitement, I fell
fast asleep.

A short time before daylight, I started up at
what I thought was a faint ery, but ‘I listened,
and hearing nothing more, I again fell asleep, and
it was broad daylight when I arose ; my first
thoughts were naturally of Jackson, and I looked
at where he lay, but he was no longer there—his
bed-place was empty. I was astonished, and after
a moment’s thought, I recollected the cry I had
heard in the night, and I ran out of the cabin and
looked around me; but I could see nothing of him.
I then went to the edge of the flat rock upon
which the cabin was built and looked over it 3
it was about thirty feet from this rock to the one
below, and nearly perpendicular. I thought that
he must have gone out in the night, when intoxi-
cated with liquor, and have fallen down the preci-
pice ; but I did not see him as I peered over. “He
must have gone for water,” thought I, and I ran
to the corner of the rock, where the precipice was
much deeper, and looking over, I perceived him
lying down below without motion or apparent life.
I had, then, judged rightly. I sat down by the
side of the pool of water quite overpowered ; last
night I had been planning how I should destroy
him, and now he lay dead before me without my
being guilty of the crime. « Vengeance is mine,
saith the Lord,” were the words that first escaped

my lips; and I remained many minutes in deep
thought. At last it occurred to me that he might
not yet be dead; I ran down the cliff, and, clam-
bering over the rocks, arrived breathless at the
spot where Jackson lay. He groaned heavily as
I stood by him.

“ Jackson,” said I, kneeling down by him, “are
you much hurt?” for all my feelings of animosity
had vanished when I perceived his unhappy con-
dition. His lips moved, but he did not utter any
sound. At last he said, in a low voice, “ Water.”
I hastened back as fast as I could to the cabin,
got a pannikin half full of water, and poured a
little rum in it out of the bottle. This journey
and my return to him occupied some ten minutes.
I put it to his lips, and he seemed to revive. He
was a dreadful object to look at. The blood from
a cut on his head had poured over his face and
beard, which were clotted with gore. How to
remove him to the cabin I knew not. It would
be hardly possible for me to carry him over the
broken rocks which I had climbed to arrive at
where he lay; and there was no other way but
what was longer, and just as difficult. By degrees
he appeared to recover; I gave him more of the
contents of the pannikin, and at last he could
speak, although with great pain and difficulty.
As he did so he put his hand to his side. He was
indeed a ghastly object, with his sightless eyeballs,
= SA


At last he said, in‘a low voice, Water.” P, 106
6 . ys

his livid lips, and his face and beard matted with
blood. |

“ Do you think you could get to the cabin, if I
helped you ?” said I.

“T shall never get there—let me die where I
am,” said he.

“ But the cut on your head is not very deep,”
replied I,

“No, I don’t feel it 3—but—my side—I bleed
inwardly — J am — broken to pieces,” said he,
pausing and gasping between each word.

I looked at his side, and perceived that it was
already black and much swollen. I offered him
more drink, which he took eagerly, and I then
returned for a further supply. I filled two of the
wine-bottles with water and a small drop of spirits
as before, and went back to where he lay. I found
him more recovered, and I had hopes that he
might still do well, and I told him so.

“ No, no,” replied he; “I have but a few hours
to live—I feel that. Let me die here, and die in

He then sank into a sort of stupor, occasioned,
I presume, by what I had given him to drink, and
remained quite quiet, and breathing heavily. I
sat by him waiting till he should rouse up again ;
for more than an hour I was ina very confused
state of mind, as may well be imagined, after what -
had passed in the night.


Wuat I most thought of was obtaining from
him, now that he was dying, the full truth as to
the deaths of my father and mother.

Jackson remained so long in this state of stupor,
I feared that he would die before I could interro-
gate him ; but this, as it proved, was not to be the
case. I waited another hour, very impatiently I
must acknowledge, and then I went to him and
asked him how he felt. He replied immediately,
and without that difficulty which he appeared
before to have experienced,

“T am better now—the inward bleeding has
stopped ; but still I cannot live—my side is broken
in, I do not think there is a rib that is not frac-
tured into pieces, and my spine is injured, for I
cannot move or feel my legs ; but I may live many
hours yet, and I thank God for his mercy in
allowing me so much time—short indeed to make
reparation for so bad a life; but still nothing is
impossible with God.”

“Well, then,” replied I, “ if you can speak, I
wish you would tell me the truth relative to my
father’s death, and also about the death of others ;

as for my father, I know that you murdered him
—for you said so last night in your sleep.”

After a pause, Jackson replied—* I am glad
that I did, and that you have told me so—I wished
to make a full confession even to you; for confes-
sion is a proof of repentance. I know that you
must hate me, and will hate my memory, and I
cannot be surprised at it 3; but look at me now,
Frank, and ask your own heart whether I am not
more an object of pity than of hatred. ‘ Ven-
geance is mine, saith the Lord!’ and has not his
vengeance fallen upon me even in this world?
Look at me; here I am, separated from the world
that I loved so much, with no chance of ever join-
ing it—possessed of wealth which would but a few
months ago have made me happy—now blind,
crushed to pieces by an avenging God, in whose
presence I must shortly appear to answer for all
my wickedness—al] my expectations overthrown,
all my hopes destroyed, and all my accumulated
sins procuring me nothing, but, it may be, eternal
condemnation. I ask you again, am I not an
object of pity and commiseration ?”?

I could but assent to this, and he proceeded.

“T will now tell you the truth. I did tell the
truth up to the time of your father and mother’s
embarkation on board of the brig, up to when the
gale of wind came on which occasioned eventuall
the loss of the ship. Now give me a little drink.

“ The vessel was so tossed by the storm, and the

waves broke over her so continually, that the
between-decks were full of water, and as the
hatches were kept down, the heat was most
oppressive. When it was not my watch, I re.
mained below, and looked out for another berth
to sleep in. Before the cabin bulkheads on the
starboard side, the captain had fitted up a sort of
sail-room to contain the spare sails in case we
Should require them. It was about eight feet
Square, and the sails were piled up in it, so as to
- Feach within two feet of the deck overhead ; though
the lower ones were wetted with the water, above
they were dry, and I took this berth on the top of
the sails as my sleeping-place. Now the state-
room in which your father and mother slept was
on the other side of the cabin bulkhead, and the
straining and rolling of the vessel had opened the
chinks between the planks, so that I could see a
great deal of what was dgne in the state-room,
and could hear every word almost that was spoken
by them. I was not aware of this when I selected
this place as my berth, but I found it out on the
first night, the light of the candle shining through
the chinks into the darkness by which I was sur-
rounded outside. Of course, it is when a man is
alone with his wife that he talks on confidential
subjects ; that I knew well, and hoped by listening
to be able to make some discovery ;—what, I had
no idea of ; but, with the bad feelings which stimu-
lated me, I determined not to lose an opportunity.
THE LITTLE savaGe. Ill

It was not til] about a week after I had selected this
berth, that I made any discovery. I had had the

bed. As your father undressed, your mother
said, ‘ Does not that belt worry you a great deal,
my dear ?”

“*No, replied your father, ‘I am used to it
how ; it did when I first put it on, but nowI have
had it on four days, I do not fee] it. I shall
keep it on as long as this weather lasts; there is
no saying what may happen, and it wil] not do to
be looking for the belt at a moment’s warning.’

“Do you think then that we are in danger ??

“*No, not particularly so, but the storm is
very fierce, and the vessel is old and weak. We
may have fine weather in a day or two, or we may
not; at all events, when property of value is at
Stake, and that property not my own, I should
feel myself very culpable, if I did not take every

“ “Well—I wish we were safe home again, my
dear, and that my father had his diamonds, but
we are in the hands of God

~ € Yes, I must trust to Him,’ replied your

“ This circumstance induced me to look through
one of the chinks of the bulkhead, so that [I
could see your father, and I perceived that he was

unbuckling a belt which was round his body, and
which no doubt contained the diamonds referred
to. It was of soft leather, and about eight inches
wide, sewed lengthways and breadthways in small
squares, in which, I presumed the diamonds were
deposited. After a time your mother spoke again.

“J really think, Henniker, that I ought to
wear the belt.’

“Why so, my dear?’

“* Because it might be the means of my pre-
servation in case of accident. Suppose, now, we
were obliged to abandon the vessel and take to
the boats ; a husband, in his hurry, might forget
his wife, but he would not forget his diamonds.
If I wore the belt, you would be certain to put
me in the boat.’

“That observation of yours would have force
with some husbands, and some wives,’ retorted
your father ; ‘ but as I have a firm belief in the
Scriptures, it does not affect me. What do the
Proverbs say? ‘ The price of a virtuous woman
is far above rubies ;’ and a good ruby is worth
even more in the market than a diamond of the
same size.’

“ «Well, I must comfort myself with that idea,’
replied your mother, laughing.

“ «Supposing we be thrown upon some out-of.
the way place,’ said your father, ‘I shall then
commit the belt to your charge. It might soon
be discovered on my person, whereas, on yours, it

would stand every chance of being long concealed.
I say this because, even in a desert, it would be
dangerous to have it known by unscrupulous and
unprincipled men that any one had so much
wealth about him.’

“* Well, replied your mother, ‘ that is also
comfortable for me to hear, for you will not leave
me behind, because I shal] be necessary to con-
ceal your treasure,’

“ * Yes,’ replied your father, laughing, ‘ there is
another chance for you, you see.’

“ Your father then extinguished the light, and
the conversation was not renewed; but I had
heard enough. Your father carried a great trea-
sure about. his person—wealth, I took it for
granted, that if I once could obtain, and return
to England, would save me from my present posi-
tion. My avarice was hereby excited, and thus
another passion equally powerful, and equally
inciting to evil deeds, was added to the hate
which [ already had imbibed for your father.
But I must leave off now.”

Jackson drank a little more, and then remained
quiet, and as I had no food that day, I took the
Opportunity of returning to the cabin, with the
promise that I would be back very soon. In half
an hour I returned, bringing with me the Bible
and Prayer-book, as I thought that he would ask

me to read to him after he had made his confession,
I found him breathing heavily, and apparently

him off into the sea. He could not swim, I knew,
and after waiting a minute or two, I looked over
and saw his body, just as it sank, after his last
struggles. I then hastened away, and my guilty
conscience induced me to ascend the ravine, and
collect a faggot of firewood to bring home, that no
suspicions might be entertained ; but my so doing
was the very cause of suspicion, as you will after-
wards perceive. I returned with the wood, and
the captain observed, when I came up to the
cabin :

“< Why, it’s something new for you to collect
wood out of your turn, Jackson. Wonders will
never cease.’ |

“ replied I, hardly knowing what to say, and afraid
to look either of them in the face, for your mother,
with you on her lap, was standing close by.

“*Has my husband caught any fish, do you
know, Jackson?’ said your mother, ‘ for it is
high time that he came home.’

“ “How can I tell?’ replied I. ‘I have been
up the ravine for wood.’

“* But you were down on the rock two hours
ago,’ replied your mother, ‘ for Captain James
saw you coming away.’

“ “Had he caught any fish when you were with
him ??

“ They must have perceived my confusion when
I said, ‘ Yes, I was on the rocks, but I never went
near Henniker, that I’ll swear.’

“* You must have been near him, even when I
saw you,’ replied the captain.

“*T never looked at him, if I was,’ replied I.

“ * Well then, one of us had better go down and
see what he is about,’ said the captain. ‘ Shall I
leave Jackson with you ?”

“Yes, yes,’ replied your mother, much agi-
tated, ‘for I have my forebodings ; better leave
him here.’

“ The captain hastened down to the rocks, and
in a quarter of an hour returned very much
heated, saying, ‘ He is not there!’

“* Not there?’ replied I, getting up, for I had
seated myself in silence on the rock during the
captain’s absence : ‘ that’s very odd.’

“ “It is” replied the captain. ‘J ackson, go and
try if you see anything of him, while I attend to
Mrs. Henniker.’

“Your mother, on the captain’s return, had
bowed her head down to her knees, and covered
her face with her hands. I was glad of an excuse
to be away, for my heart smote me as I witnessed
her condition.

“I remained away half an hour, and then
returned, saying, that I could see nothing of
your father,

“ Your mother was in the cabin, and the cap-
tain went in to her, while I remained outside with
all the feelings of Cain upon my brow.

“That was a dreadful day for all parties—no
food was taken. Your mother and the captain
remained in the cabin, and I dared not, as usual,
goin to my own bed-place. I lay all night upon the
rocks—sleep I could not; every moment I saw
your father’s body sinking, as I had seen it in the
morning. The next morning, the captain came
out tome. He was very grave and stern, but he
could not accuse me, whatever his suspicions might
have been. It was a week before I saw your
mother again, for I dared not intrude into her
presence ; but, finding there was no accusation
against me, I recovered my spirits, and returned
to the cabin, and things went on as before.


One thing, however, was evident, that your
mother had an aversion—I may say a horror—of
me, which she could not conceal. She said nothing,
but she never could look at me; and to any ques-
tion I put, would seldom make reply. Strange to
say, this treatment of hers produced quite a dif-
ferent effect from what might have been antici-
pated, and I felt my former love for her revive.
Her shrinking from me made me more familiar
towards her, and increased her disgust. I assumed
a jocose air with her, and at times Captain James
considered it his duty to interfere and check me.
He was a very powerful man, and in a ‘contest
would have proved my master ; this I knew, and
this knowledge compelled me to be more respectful
to your mother in his presence, but when his back
was turned I became so disgustingly familiar, that
at last your mother requested that whether fishing
or collecting wood, instead of going out by turns
we should both go, and leave her alone. This I
could not well refuse, as Captain James would in
all probability have used force if I had not con-

sented, but my hatred to him was in consequence
most unbounded. However, an event took place
which relieved me from the subjection which I
was under, and left me alone with you and your
mother. Now I must rest a little. Wait another
hour, and you shall know the rest.”

It was now late in the evening, but there was
a bright moon which shone over head, and
the broad light and shadow made the rocks
around us appear peculiarly wild and rugged,
They towered up one above the other till they met
the dark blue of the sky, in which the stars
twinkled but faintly, while the moon sailed
through the ether, without a cloud to obscure her
radiance, And in this majestic scenery were
found but two living beings—a poor boy and a
mangled wretch—a murderer—soon to breathe
his last, and be summoned before an offended
God. As I remained motionless by his side, I
felt, as I looked up, a sensation of awe, but not
of fear; I thought to myself—* And God made
all this and all the world besides, and me and him.
The Bible said so;” and my speculation then
was as to what God must be, for although I had
read the Bible, I had but a confused idea, and
had it been asked me, as it was to the man in
the chariot by Philip, “ Understandest thou what
thou readest?”? I most certainly should have
answered, No, I remained for nearly two hours
in this reverie, and at last fell asleep with my

back against the rock. J] was, however, wakened
up by Jackson’s voice, when he asked in a low
tone for water,

“There it is,” said I, handing it to him. “Haye
you called long? ”

“No,” replied he, “I asked but once.”

“T have been asleep,” said TI.

As soon as he had drunk, he said—

“T will finish now ; my side begins to burn.”

He then proceeded—

“It was about four months after your father’s
death, that Captain James and I went together to
the ravine to collect firewood. We passed under
the wall of rock, which you know so well, and
went through the gap, as we call it, when Captain
James left the water-course and walked along the
edge of the wall. I followed him: we both of
us had our pieces of rope in our hands with
which we tied the faggots: Of a sudden his foot
slipped, and he rolled down to the edge of the
rock, but catching hold of a’ small bush which
had fixed its roots in the rocks, he saved him-
self when his body was hanging half over the

“*Give me the end of your rope,’ said he to
me, perfectly collected, although in such danger.

“*Yes,’ replied I, and I intended so to do,
as I perceived that, if I refused, he could stil]
have saved himself by the bush to which he

“But the bush began to loosen and give way,
and Captain James perceiving it cried out—

“* Quick, quick, the bush is giving way !’

“This assertion of his determined me not to
give him the rope. I pretended to be in a great
hurry to do so, but entangled it about my legs,
and then appeared occupied in clearing it, when
he cried again—

“* Quick !’—and hardly had he said the word
when the root of the bush snapped, and down he
fell below.

“TI heard the crash as he came to the rock
beneath. See the judgment of God—am I not
now precisely in his position, lying battered and
crushed as he was? After a time I went down
to where he lay, and found him expiring. He
had just strength to say ‘God forgive you,’ and
then he died. It was murder, for I could have
saved him and would not, and yet he prayed to
God to forgive me. How much happier should
I have felt if he had not said that. His God
forgive you’ rang in my ears for months afterwards.
I returned to the cabin, and with a bold air stated
to your mother what had happened, for I felt I
could say, this time, I did not do the deed. She
burst out into frantic exclamations, accusing me of
being not only his murderer but the murderer of
her hushand. I tried all I could do to appease
her, but in vain. For many weeks she was in a
state of melancholy and despondency, that made me

fear for her life; but she had you still to bestow
her affections upon, and for your sake she lived.
I soon made this discovery. She was now wholly
in my power, but I was awed by her looks even,
for atime. At last I became bolder, and spoke
to her of our becoming man and wife ; She turned
_ from me with abhorrence. [ then resorted to.
other means. I prevented her from obtaining
food ; she would have starved with pleasure, but
she could not bear to see you suffer. I will not
detail my cruelty and barbarity towards her;
suffice to say it was such that she pined away,
and about six months after the death of the
captain she died, exhorting me not to injure you,
but if ever I had an opportunity, to take you
to your grandfather. I could not refuse this
demand, made by a woman whom I as certainly
killed by slow means as I had your father by a
more sudden death. I buried her in the guano,
by the side of the others. After her death my
life was a torture to me for a long while. I dared
not kill you, but I hated you. I had only one
consolation, one hope, which occasionally gave
me satisfaction ; the consolation, if so it could be
called, was, that I had possession of the diamonds ;
the hope—that I should one day see England
again. You see me now—are they not all
avenged ? ”

I could not but feel the truth of Jackson’s
last sentence. They were indeed avenged.

After a short pause, he said to me—

“ Now, Frank, I feel that the mortification in
my side is making great progress, and, in a short
time, I shall be in too great pain to talk to you.
I have made a full confession of my crimes ; it is
all the reparation I can make to you. Now, can
you forgive me? for I shall die very miserable if
youdo not. Just look at me. Can you feel re-
sentment against one in my wretched state?
Recollect that you pray to be forgiven as you
forgive others. Give me your answer.”

“ I think—yes, I feel that I can forgive you,
Jackson,” replied I. “I shall soon be-left alone
on this island, and I am sure I should be much
more miserable than I shall be, if I do not forgive
you. I do forgive you.”

“Thanks; you are a good boy, and may God
bless you. Is it not nearly daylight ? ”

“ Yes, it is. I shall soon be able to read the
Bible or Prayer-book to you. I have them both

“The pain is too severe, and becomes worse
every minute. I shall not be able to listen to you
now; but I shall have some moments of quiet
before I die; and then ”?—

Jackson groaned heavily, and ceased speaking.

For many hours he appeared to suffer much
agony, which he vented in low groans; the per-
spiration hung on his forehead in large beads,
and his breathing became laborious. The sun

rose and had nearly set again before Jackson
spoke ; at last he asked for some drink,

“ It is over now,” said he, faintly. “The pain is
subsiding, and death is near at hand. You may
read to me now ; but, first, while I think of it,
let me tell you where you will find your father’s

“I know,” replied I; “in your bed-place
under the board. I saw you remove it when you
did not see me.”

“True. I have no more to say ; it will all be
Over soon. Read the burial service over me after
IT am dead ; and now, while still above, read me
what you think I shall like best ; for I cannot col-
lect myself sufficiently to tell you what is most
proper. Indeed I hardly know. But I can pray
at times. Read on.”

I did so, and came upon the parable of the
prodigal son.

“That suits me,” said J ackson. “Now let me
pray. Pray for me, Frank.”

“T don’t know how,” replied I; “you never
taught me.”

“ Alas, no! ”

Jackson was then silent. I saw his pale lips
move for some time. I turned away for a few
moments; when I came back to him, he was no
more! His jaw had fallen; and this being the
first time that I had ever faced death, I looked
upon the corpse with horror and dismay,

After a few minutes I left the body, and sat
down on a rock at some distance from it, for I
was somewhat afraid to be near to it. On this
rock I remained till the sun was sinking below.
the horizon; when, alarmed at the idea of being
there when it was dark, I took up my books and
hastened back to the cabin. I was giddy from
excitement, and not having tasted food for many
hours. As soon as I had eaten, I lay down in
my bed-place, intending to reflect upon what I
was to do, now that I was alone; but I was ina
few moments fast asleep, and did not wake until
the sun was high. I arose much refreshed, and,
seeing my Bible and Prayer-book close to my
bed-place, I recollected my promise to Jackson
that I would read the burial service over his body.
I found the place in the Prayer-book, for I had
read it more than once before ; and, having just
looked over it, I went with my book to where the
body lay. It presented a yet more hideous spec-
tacle than it had the night before. I read the
service and closed the book. “ What can I do?”
thought I. “TI cannot bury him in the guano.
It will be impossible to carry the body over these
rocks.” Indeed, if it had been possible, I do not
think I could have touched it. I was afraid of
it, At last I determined that. I would cover it up
with the fragments of rocks which lay about in all
directions, and I did so. This occupied me about
two hours, and then, carrying the bottles with me,

I gladly hastened away from the spot, with a
resolution never to revisit it. I felt quite a relief.
when I was once more in the cabin. I was
alone, it was true, but I was no longer in contact
with the dead. I could not collect my thoughts
or analyze my feelings during the remainder of
the day. I sat with my head resting on my hand,
in the attitude of one thinking ; but at the same
time my mind was vacant. I once more lay
down to sleep, and the following morning I found
myself invigorated, and capable of acting as well
as thinking. I had a weight upon my Spirits

without a soul to speak to or communicate with ;
my lips must now be closed till I again fell in
with some of my fellow-creatures—and was that
likely? We had seen some of them perish not
far from us, and that was all, during a period
of many years,


I was now, by Jackson’s account, nearly four-
teen years old. During fourteen years but one
vessel had been seen by us. It might be fourteen
more, or double that time might elapse, before I
should again fall in with any of my fellow-
creatures. As these thoughts saddened me, I
felt how much I would have sacrificed if Jackson
had remained alive, were it only for his com-
pany; I would have forgiven him anything. I
even then felt as if, in the murderer of my father,
I had lost a friend.

That day I was so unsettled I could not do
anything; I tried to read, but I could not; I
tried to eat, but my appetite was gone. I sat
looking at the ocean as it rolled wave after wave,
sometimes wondering whether it would ever bring
a fellow-creature to join me; at others I sat,
and for hours, in perfect vacuity of thought. The
evening closed in, it was dark, and I still re-
mained seated where I was. At last I returned
to my bed, almost broken-hearted; but fortu-
nately 1 was soon asleep, and my sorrows were

Another morning was gladdened with a bril-
ant sun, the dark blue ocean was scarcely ruffled
by the breeze that Swept over it, and I felt my
spirits much revived, and my appetite returned.
After taking a meal, I remembered what Jackson
had told me about the belt with the diamonds,
and I went up to his bed-place, and turning out
the birds’ skins and feathers, I raked up the
gravel, which was not more than two inches deep,
and came to the board. TI lifted it up, and found
underneath a hole, about a foot deep, full of
various articles. There were the watch and sleeve-
buttons of the mate, some dollars wrapped in old
rags, a tobacco-box, an old pipe, a brooch with
hair forming initials, some letters which were
signed J. Evelyn, and which I perceived were
from my grandfather, and probably taken by
Jackson after my mother’s death. I say letters,
because they were such, as I afterwards found
out, but I had not then ever seen a letter, and my
first attempt to decipher written hand was useless,
although I did manage to make out the signature.
There was in the tobacco-box a plain gold wed-
ding-ring, probably my mother’s ; and there was
also a lock of long dark hair, which I presumed
was hers also. There were three or four specimens
of what I afterwards found out to be gold and
silver ores, a silver pencil-case, and a pair of small
gold ear-rings. At the bottom of the hole was
the belt; it was of soft leather, and I could fee]


a hard substance in it sewed in every square,
which of course I presumed were the diamonds,
but I did not cut one of the divisions open to see
what was in them. It had on the upper part of
it, in very plain writing, “The property of Mr. J.
Evelyn, 33, Minories, London.” I examined all
these articles one after another, and having satis-
fied my curiosity, I replaced them in the hole for
a future survey. I covered the hole with the
board, and put back the gravel and the feathers
into the bed-place. This occupied me about two
hours, and then I again took my former position
on the rocks, and remained in a state of listless
inactivity of body and mind the remainder of
that day.

This state of prostration lasted for many days—
I may say for weeks, before it was altogether re-
moved. I could find no pleasure in my books,
which were taken up, and after a few moments
laid aside. It was now within a month of the
time that the birds should come to the island. I
was in no want of them for sustenance; there
were plenty left, but I almost loathed the sight of
food. The reader may inquire how it was ‘that I
knew the exact time of the arrival of the birds?
I reply that the only reckoning ever kept by
Jackson and me was the arrival of the full moons,
and we also made a mark on the rock every time
that the moon was at the full. Thirteen moons
were the quantity which we reckoned from the

time of the birds appearing on the island one
year, until their re-appearance the next ; and
twelve moons had now passed. At length, tired
with everything, tired of myself, and I may say,
almost tired of life, I one day took it into my
head that I would take some provisions with me
and a bottle to hold water, and go up the ravine,
and cut firewood which should last me a long
while; and that I would remain up there for
several days, for I hated the sight of the cabin and
of all that was near to it. The next day I acted
upon this resolution, and slinging my dry pro-
visions on my shoulder, I set off for the ravine.
In an hour I had gained it; but not being in a
hurry to cut wood, I resolved upon climbing
higher up, to see if I could reach the opposite
side of the island ; that is, at least, get over the
brow of the hill, to have a good view of it. I
continued to climb until I had gained a smooth
grassy spot, which was clear of brushwood ; and
as I sat down to rest myself, I observed some blue
flowers which I had never seen before ; indeed I
did not know that there was a flower on the island.
As I afterwards discovered, they were one of the
varieties of Gentianellas. I looked at them, ad-
mired them, and felt quite an affection for them ;
they were very pretty, and they were, as well as
myself, alone. Jackson, when I was pointing out
the English cottages in the landscapes of Mavor’s
Natural History, had told me a great deal about
K 2

gardening in England, and how wild flowers and
trees were transplanted and improved by culture ;
how roses and other plants were nailed up the
walls as I had observed in the engraving, and how
they were watered and kept; and as I sat down
looking at the flower, the thought occurred to me,
Why should I not take it with me, and keep it
for myself? I can water it and take care of it.
I resolved that I would do so, for I already looked
upon the plant as a treasure. I took it up care-
fully with my American knife, leaving sufficient
mould about the roots, and then I proceeded to
ascend the hill; but before I had gone another
hundred yards, I found at least a dozen more of
these plants in flower, all finer than the one I had
dug up, and three or four others very different
from these, which were also quite new tome. I
was puzzled what to do; I put down the plants
I had dug up and continued my ascent, not
having made up my mind. After half an hour’s
climbing, I gained the summit, and could perceive
the ocean on the other side, and the other half of
the island lying beneath me. It was very grand
from the height I stood on, but I observed little
difference between one side of the island and the
other; all was rugged barren rock as on my side,
with the exception of the portion close to me;
this had brushwood in the ravine, which appeared
to be a sort of cleft through the island. All was
silent and solitary ; not a bird was to be seen,

and nothing that had life could I discover. was
about to return, when I thought I might as well
go down the ravine facing me for a little way, and
see what there was in it. I did so, and discovered
some other plants that I had not seen on my side
of the island. There were also some fern trees,
and some twining plants running up them, and
I thought to myself, Why, these plants are what
I saw in the picture of the English cottages, or
very like them. I wonder if they would run
up my cabin? and then all at once the idea came
to me that I would plant some of them round the
cabin, and that I would make a garden of flowers,
and have plants of my own. The reader can
hardly imagine the pleasure that this idea gave
me; I sat down to ruminate upon it, and felt
quite happy for the time. I now recollected,
however, that the cabin was built on the rock,
and that plants would only grow in the earth.
At first this idea chilled me, as it seemed to de-
stroy all my schemes, but I resolved that I would
bring some earth to the rock, and make my gar-
den in that way. I at first thought of the guano,
but Jackson had told me that it was only used in
small proportions to enrich the soil, and would
kill plants if used by itself. After an hour’s con-
sideration, during which I called to mind all that
Jackson had told me on the subject, I made up
my mind I would return to the cabin, and on my
return ascertain how low down the ravine I could

obtain earth for my garden ; I would then carry
the earth to the cabin, make a soil ready for the
plants and flowers, and then, when all was ready,
I would go up the ravine, collect what I could,
and make my garden. I did so. I found that I
could get soil about one-third of the way up the
ravine, a quarter of a mile below where the brush-
wood grew; and having ascertained that, I re-
turned to the cabin, threw down my provisions
which were to have lasted me a week, and as it
was late, I decided that I would not commence
operations until the following day.

I took out of the chest a duck frock, and tying
up the sleeves and collar, so as to form a bag of
the body of the frock, I set off the next morning
to begin my task. That day I contrived to carry
to the cabin ten or twelve bags of mould, which I
put round it in a border about four feet wide and
about a foot deep. It occupied me a whole week
to obtain the quantity of earth necessary to make
the bed on each side of the cabin; it was hard
work, but it made me cheerful and happy to what
I had been before. I found that the best cure for
melancholy and solitude, was employment, so I
thus obtained valuable knowledge as well as the
making of my garden. When I had finished
carrying the mould, I started off for the ravine
with two bags to hold the plants which I might
collect, and after a day’s toil, I returned with my
bags full of small shrubs, besides a bundle of

creepers to plant against the sides of the cabin.
The following day was occupied in planting every-
thing I had procured. I was sorry to see that
the leaves and flowers hung down, but I watered
them all before I went to bed. The next morning
I was delighted to perceive that they had all
recovered and were looking quite fresh. But my
garden was not full enough to please me, and I
once more went up the ravine, selecting other
plants which had no flowers on them, and one or
two other shrubs, which I had not before observed.
When these were planted and watered, my garden
looked very gay and full of plants, and then I dis-
covered the mould came down for want of support
at the edges; I therefore went and picked up
pieces of rock of sufficient size to make a border
and hold up the mould, and now all was complete,
and I had nothing to do but to go on watering
them daily. This I did, and recollecting what
Jackson had said about the guano, I got a bag of
it, and put some to each plant. The good effect
of this was soon observable, and before the birds
came,my garden was in avery flourishing condition.

I cannot express to the reader the pleasure I
derived from this little garden. I knew every
plant and every shrub, talked to them as if they
were companions, while I watered and tended
them, which I did every night and morning, and
their rapid growth was my delight. I no longer
felt my solitude so irksome as I had done. I had

something to look after, to interest me, and to
love; they were alive as well as I was ; they grew,
and threw out leaves and flowers; they were
grateful for the care I bestowed upon them, and
became my companions and friends,

I before mentioned that during the latter por-
tion of the time I was with Jackson, he had
taught me to sing several songs. Feeling tired,
in my solitude, of not hearing the human voice, I
found myself at first humming over, and after-
wards singing aloud, the various airs I had col-
lected from him. This afforded me much pleasure,
and I used to sing half the day. I had no one to |
listen to me, it is true ; but as my fondness for my
garden increased, I used to sit down and sing to
the flowers and shrubs, and fancy that they
listened to me. But my stock of songs was not
very large, and at last I had repeated them so
often that I became tired of the words. It
occurred to me that the Prayer-book had the
Psalms of David at the end of it, set to music. IT
got the book, and as far as the airs that I knew
would suit, I sang them all; never were Psalms,
probably, sung to such tunes before, but it amused
me, and there was no want of variety of language,

Every three or four days I would go up the
ravine, and search carefully for any new flower or
shrub which I had not yet planted in my garden,
and when I found one, as I often did, it was a
source of great delight.


Ar last the birds came, and I procured some of
their eggs, which were a very agreeable change,
after living so long upon dried meat. My want
of occupation occasioned me also to employ some
of my time in fishing, which I seldom had done
while Jackson was alive ; and this created a variety
in my food, to which, for a long while, I had been
astranger. Jackson did not care for fish, as to
cook it we were obliged to go up the ravine for
wood, and he did not like the trouble. When the
birds came, I had recourse to my book on Natural
History, to read over again the accounts of the
Man-of-War birds, Gannets, and other birds men-
tioned in it; and there was a vignette of a China-
man with tame cormorants on a pole, and in the
letter-press an account of how they were trained
and employed to catch fish for their masters.
This gave me the idea that I would have some
birds tame, as companions, and, if possible, teach
them to catch fish for me; but I knew that I
must wait till the young birds were fit to be taken
from the nest.

I now resolved that during the time the birds

were mating, I would go to the ravine and remain
there several days, to collect bundles of firewood. »
The firewood was chiefly cut from a sort of low
bush, like the sallow or willow, fit for making
baskets, indeed fit for anything better than fire-
wood ; however, there were some bushes which
were of a harder texture, and which burnt well.
It was Jackson who told me that the former were
called Willow and used for making baskets, and
he also showed me how to tie the faggots up by
twisting the sallows together. They were not,
however, what Jackson said they were —from
after knowledge, I should say that they were a
species of Oleander, or something of the kind.
Having roasted several dozen of eggs quite hard,
by way of provision, I set off one morning, and
went to the ravine. As Jackson had said before, you
had to walk under a wall of rock thirty feet high,
and then pass through a water-course to get up to
the ravine, which increased the distance to where
the shrubs grew, at least half a mile. It was over
this wall that the captain fell and was killed,
because Jackson would not assist him. I gained
the thicket where the bushes grew, and for three
days I worked very hard,and had cut down and tied
about fifty large faggots, when I thought that I
had collected enough to last me for a long while ;
but I had still to carry them down, and this was
a heavy task, as I could not carry more than one
at atime. It occurred to me that if I threw my

faggots over the wall opposite to where they had
been cut down, I should save myself nearly a
mile of carriage, as otherwise I had to walk all
the way to the water-course which divided the
wall of rock, and then walk back again. Indeed,
where I cut down the wood was not more than a
quarter of a mile from the bathing-pool, and all
down hill. I was delighted at this idea, which I
wondered: had never occurred to J ackson, and I
commenced putting it into execution. The top of
the wall of rock was slippery from the constant
trickling of the water over the surface, but this
was only in some places. I carried my faggots
down one by one, and threw them over, being
careful not to lose my footing in so doing. I had
carried all but three or four, and had become
careless, when, on heaving one over, my heels
were thrown up, and before I could recover my-
self I slid down the remainder of the ledge and was
precipitated down below, a distance of more than
thirty feet. I must have remained there many
hours insensible, but at last I recovered and found
myself lying on the faggots which I had thrown
down. It was my falling on the faggots, instead
of the hard rock, which had saved my life. I rose
as soon as I could collect my scattered senses. I
felt very sore and very much shaken, and the blood
was running out of my mouth, but there were no
bones broken. I was, however, too ill to attempt
anything more that day. I walked home at a

very slow pace and went to bed. A sound sleep
restored me, and in a day or two I was quite
recovered. I watered my plants, which I found
drooping, as if they had grieved at my being so
long away from them, and then I returned to
where my faggots had been left; and to lighten
my labour I resolved to carry them down to the
bathing-pool and stack them up there on the rocks
near to it. I mention this for reasons that the
reader will comprehend by-and-by. This occu-
pied me two days, for I was not inclined, after my
fall, to work hard; and very glad was I when the
labour was over.

The young birds were now hatched, but I had
to wait four or five weeks before they were fit to
be taken. I began again to find solitude tedious.
The flowers in my garden had all bloomed and
withered, and there was not so much to interest
me. I recommenced reading the Bible, and the
narratives in the Old and New Testaments again
afforded me pleasure. I hardly need say to the
reader that I read the Bible as I would have read
any other book—for amusement, and not for in-
struction. I had learnt little from Jackson—
indeed, as regards the true nature of the Christian
religion, I may say, nothing at all. I do not
believe that he knew anything about it himself. |
It is true that the precepts in the New Testament
struck me, and that I was more interested about
Our Saviour than anybody else ; but I could not

comprehend him, or his mission. In short, I read
in darkness ; and I may say that I almost knew the
Bible by heart without understanding it.—How
could I? How many thousands are there who do
the same, without having an excuse to offer for
their blindness !

At last the time for taking the birds arrived,
and I had then sufficient employment to keep me
from being melancholy. I collected quite as many
as we had done when Jackson and I had to be

provided for ; and with my new knives my labour
was comparatively easy. As soon as I had com-
pleted my provision, I went back to take the
young birds which already I had selected and left
for that purpose. It was high time, for I found
that when I went to take them they were ready to
fly. However, after a good battle with the old
birds (for I had taken six young ones—two from
each nest, which arrayed a force of six old
ones against me, who fought very valiantly in
defence of their offspring), I succeeded in carry-
ing them off, but followed by the old birds, who
now screamed and darted close to me as they
came pursuing me to the cabin. As soon as
I got safe back, I took the young birds into
the cabin, tying each of them by the leg with
a piece of fishing line, and the other end of the
line I fastened to some pieces of rock which I had
collected ready on the platform outside of the
cabin. The old birds continued to persecute me

till it was dark, and then they went away, and I,
tired with my day’s labour, was not sorry to go to

When I woke up the next morning, I found the
old birds on the platform, in company with the
young ones, I presume trying to persuade them
to fly away with them; but the lines on their
legs prevented that. They did not leave at my
approach for some little while; at last they
all took wing, and went off to sea; but in the
course of a few minutes they returned with some
small fish in their mouths, with which they fed
their young ones. They continued to do this for
the two following days, when there was a general
break up, announcing the departure of the main
body, which, after much soaring and wheeling in
in the air, flew off in a northerly direction. The
six parent birds, who were with their young ones
at the cabin, appeared for some time very uneasy,
flying round and round and screaming wildly ; at
last they soared in the air with loud shrieks, and
flew away after the main body, which was still in
sight—their love for their young overpowered by
their instinctive habits. I was not sorry when
they were gone, as I wanted to have my new
family all to myself. I went down to the rocks and
caught a fish, which was large enough to supply
them for three or four days. I fed them with the
inside of the fish, and they ate it very heartily.
For several days they appeared very uneasy ; but

gradually they settled, and not only appeared to
know me, but to welcome my coming, which was
to me a source of great pleasure,

I now neglected my flowers for the birds, which
were the more animated of the two ; and I sat
down for hours on the platform with my six com-
panions, who I must own were not over-lively and
intelligent, but they were alive, and had eyes,
They seldom roused up, unless I brought them
fish, of which they had a supply four times a-day,
and then they would stand on their legs and open
their beaks far apart, each waiting for its share,
They were a great happiness to me, and I watched
their gradual increase of plumage and of size,
which was very rapid. I gave them all names
out of my natural history book. One was Lion,
then Tiger, Panther, Bear, Horse, and Jackass (at .
the time that I named them, the last would have
been very appropriate to them all); and as I
always called them by their names as I fed them,
I soon found, to my great joy, that they knew
them well enough. This delighted me. I read
my books to them by way of amusement ; I sang
my songs to them; I talked to them ; I would
even narrate the various histories out of the Bible
to them, such as that of J oseph and his brethren,
&e.; and the stolid air with which the commu-
nications were received made me almost imagine
they were listened to.

After a time, I took the line off the legs of two

of them, with the precaution of first cutting their
wings, and these two became much more lively,
following me into the cabin, and generally staying
there during the night. As I found that no
attempt was made to escape, I let them all loose,
after having cut their wings, and they all behaved
equally well with the two first to which I had
given their liberty.

The perfect obedience and good behaviour of
my new companions again gave me leisure that
was not altogether desirable, as it left a vacuum to
fillup. But I returned to my garden. I could
do no more at present but water my plants and
look at the increased daily growth of the climbers,
as they now boldly ascended the sides of the
cabin; but I thought it was high time to go up
into the ravine and about the island, to see if I
could not add to my collection.

One morning I set off up the ravine. I was
not successful, so I contented myself with carry-
ing, by the long road, those faggots which I had
left behind me on the day when I fell over the
precipice. This labour I finished, and then re-
turned to the cabin, where I was met by my birds
with half-extended wings and open mouths, as if
they were very glad to see me, and very hungry
into the bargain. I ought to observe that my
birds appeared now to Separate into pairs, male
and female, as their difference of plumage denoted.
Lion and Horse were always side by side, as were

Jackass and Bear, and Tiger and Panther. I now
fed them one by one, calling them by name, to
which they immediately responded, and if any
one came who was not called, it was switched for
its trouble.

The next morning I set off on another voyage
of discovery after plants, and this time I resolved
upon trying what I could find among the crevices
of the rocks, for I had seen at a distance what
appeared to me to be a very pretty flower on the
ledge of one of the clefts. I did not go up the
ravine this time, but commenced climbing the
rocks behind where the cabin was built. It was
hard work, but I was not easily discouraged,
and after a couple of hours, I arrived at a level
which I had in view when I commenced my
labour, and here I was amply rewarded; for I
found several plants quite new to me, and a variety
of ferns, which I thought very beautiful, although
they had no flowers. The scene, from where I
stood, was awful and beautiful. I looked down upon
the rocks below, and the cabin, which appeared
very. small, and I thought that I could see my
birds like dots upon the platform. It was a
bright day and smooth water, and I could clearly
distinguish the other islands in the distance, and
I thought that I saw something like a white
speck close to them—perhaps it was a vessel.
This made me melancholy, and I could not help
asking myself whether I was to remain all my


life upon the island, alone, or if there were any
chance of my ever being taken off it. As I
looked down upon the cabin, I was surprised at
the steepness of the rocks which I had climbed,
and felt alarmed, as if I never should be able to
get back again. But these thoughts were soon
chased away. I turned from the seaward,and looked
inland, I found that on one side of me there was
a chasm between the rocks, the bottom of which
was so far down that I could not see it ; and on
the other side the rock rose up as straight as a
wall. My attention was soon diverted by dis-
covering another plant, and I now commenced my
task of digging them all up. I obtained, with the
ferns, about twenty new varieties, which I made up
in a bundle ready for carrying down slung round
my neck ; for I knew that I should require both
hands to descend with. Then I sat down to rest
myself a little before I commenced my return,
and after I had been seated a few minutes, I
thought I would sing a song by way of amuse-


I nave before said that, tired of repeating the
words of the songs which Jackson had taught
me, I had taken those of Psalms in metre, at the
end of the Prayer-book, by way of variety; and,
as far as metre went, they answered very well,
although people would have been surprised to
have heard Psalms sung to such quick and varied
measure. ‘T'he Psalm I chose this time was the
first—‘ How blest is he who ne’er consents ;’ and
I began accordingly ; but when I came to the
end of the line, to my astonishment I heard a
plaintive voice, at a distance, repeat after me
“con-sents.” I looked round. I thought I must
have been deceived, so I continued—“ By ill
advice to walk.” This time I could not be mis-
taken—“to walk,” was repeated by the same
voice as plainly as possible. I stopped singing,
lost in wonder. “ There must be somebody on the
island as well as myself,” thought I; for I never
had heard an echo before, except when it thun-
dered, and such echoes I had put down as a
portion of the thunder. ‘“ Who’s there?” cried
I, “Who's there?” replied the voice, “It’s

L 2

me!” “Tt’s me!” was the answer. I did not
know what to make of it. I cried out again and
again, and again and again I heard what I said
repeated, but no answer to my questions. I thought
I was insulted by somebody, and yet, when I list-
ened, the voice that spoke came from the face of
the rock on the other side of the chasm, and no one
could be there without my seeing them. This made
me think that I was mistaken, and that there
could not be anybody, but still I could not solve
the mystery. At last I became frightened, and
as the sun was now setting, I determined to get
back to the cabin. I did so, and went down
much faster than I had gone up, for as it grew
dark I became the more alarmed. The only thing
that reassured me was the softness and plain-
tiveness of the voice—not like Jackson’s, but as
of some one who would not think of injuring

Although I was, generally speaking, quiet and
content with my isolated position, yet it was only
when I was employed or amused with my fayou-
rites. At times, I could not find anything to do,
and was overcome by weariness. I would then
throw away my books, and remain for hours
thinking upon the probability of my ever again
seeing a fellow-creature ; and a fit of melancholy
would come over me, which would last many
days. I was in one of these moods, when it
occurred to me, that although I had seen the

other side of the island from the summit, I
had not gone down to the beach to explore
it; and I resolved that I would do so, making
a trip of three or four days. When my knives
had become blunt, Jackson had told me how to
sharpen them by rubbing the blades upon a hard
flat piece of rock wetted with water. This I had
found to answer very well, and I now deter-
mined I would try and sharpen one of the old
axes in the same way, so as to make it service-
able, for I was very much afraid of breaking my
knives in cutting down the brushwood, and I
knew how much more rapidly it could be done
with an axe. I picked out a large stone, suitable
for the purpose, and with a kid of water at hand,
I set-to to sharpen the axe. It was a long job,
but in a day or two I had succeeded admirably, and
the axe was in good order. I then thought how
I could leave my birds for so many days, as they
would require food. At last I considered that if I
caught two large fish and cut them up, they
would be sufficient for their sustenance. I did
so, and, provided with a packet of dried birds for
food, tied up in a duck frock, with my Natural
History book for amusement, a pannikin to get
‘water Im, my axe on my shoulder, and my knives
by my side—I first kissed all the birds, and told
them to remain quiet and good till I came back
—I set off on a bright clear morning on my tour
of examination.

In a couple of hours I had gained the summit
of the island, and prepared for my descent, by
sitting down and eating my dinner. I observed
that, as before, the water on the other side of the
island was quite smooth, compared to what it was
on the side where I resided. It was, in fact, from
the prevailing winds during the year, the lee side
of the island. Having rested myself sufficiently, I
commenced my descent, which I accomplished in
little less time than it took me to ascend from the
other side. As I neared the rocks by the shore,
I thought I perceived something occasionally
moving about on them. I was not mistaken, for
as I came closer, I found that there were several
large animals lying on the rocks, and occasionally
dropping into the sea close to them.

The sight of anything living was to me of great
interest. I determined to get nearer, and ascer-
tain what animals they were. At last, by creep-
ing along from rock to rock, I arrived to within
forty yards of them. I recollected some animals
of the same shape in my book of Natural History,
which, fortunately, I had with me in the duck
frock, and sitting down behind the rock, I pulled
it out, and turned over the pages until I came to
a print which exactly answered to their appearance,
It was the Seal. Having satisfied myself on that
point, I read the history of the animal, and found
that it was easily tamed, and very affectionate
when taken young, and also might be easily killed

by a blow on the nose. These, at least, were for
me the two most important pieces of information.
It occurred to me that it would be very pleasant
to have a young seal for a playmate (for the
gannets, after all, were not very intelligent), and
I resolved to obtain one if I could. I put down my
duck frock with my provisions behind the rock,
and taking my axe in my hand, I cautiously
advanced to where the animals lay. There were
about twenty of them all together on one rock,
but they were all large, and seemed to be about
five or six feet long. I could not see a small one
anywhere, so I walked in behind the rocks further
to the right, towards another rock, where I saw
another batch of them lying. As I neared them,
I saw by herself, a seal with a young one by her
side, not more than two feet long. This was what
I wanted. They lay at some distance from the
water, upon a low rock. I watched them for
some time, and was much amused at the prat-
tling which passed between the old and: the
young one. I thought that to obtain the young
one, I must of course kill the old one, for I per-
ceived that it had large teeth. I considered it
advisable to get between them and the water,
that they might not escape me, and I contrived
so to do, before I made my appearance. As soon
as the old one perceived me running to them,
it gave a shrill cry, and then floundered towards
the water; as we came close together, it showed

its teeth, and rose upon its flappers to defend
itself and its young one, which kept close to its
side ; but a blow on its nose with the axe rendered
it motionless, and apparently dead. Delighted
with my success, I seized hold of the young one
and took it in my arms, and was carrying it
away, when I found myself ‘confronted with the
male seal, which, alarmed by the cry of the
female, had come to her assistance. It was much
larger than’ the female, with more shaggy hair
about the neck and shoulders, and apparently
very fierce. I could not pass it, as it was in-shore
of me, and I had just time to drop the young
seal, and leap behind a rock on one side, with
my axe allready. The animal reared itself on the
rock to pass over to me, when I saluted it with a
blow on the head, which staggered it. I had lost
my presence of mind by the creature coming
upon me so unexpectedly, and my blow was not
well aimed ; but before it could recover the first
blow, another on its nose tumbled it over, to all
appearance lifeless. I then hastened to gain the
other side of the rock, where I had left the young
seal, and found that it had crept to its mother’s
body, and was fondling it. I took it in my
arms, and retreated to where I had left my duck
frock, and throwing everything else out, I put
the animal in, and tied up the end, so that it could
not escape. I then sat down to recover myself
from the excitement occasioned by this first en-

gagement I had ever been in, quite delighted
with my newly-acquired treasure.

I then thought what I should do. It was now
within an hour of dark, and was too late to return
to the other side of the island, or I would have
done so, as I was anxious to get my seal home.
At last I decided that I would go farther from the
beach, and take up my quarters for the night. I
collected my provision, and with my seal under
my arm, I walked away about one hundred yards
from the water’s edge, and took up a position
under a large rock ; here I ate my supper, and
then untied the line which closed up the frock,
and had a parting look at my little friend before I
went to sleep. He had struggled a good deal at
first, but was now quiet, although he occasionally
made attempts to bite me. I coaxed him and
fondled him a good. deal, and then put him into
his bag again, and made him secure, which ap-
peared to annoy him very much, as he was not half
as quiet in a bag as he was when I held him in my
lap. I then took my book to read over again the
history of the seal, and I found that their skins
were valuable, and also that they gave a great
deal of oil; but I had no use for oil, though I
thought that their skins might be very comfortable
in my bed-place. I shut my book and lay down to
sleep, but I could not obtain any till near day-
light, I had been so excited, and was so anxious
about my treasure. The sun shining in my eyes

woke me up; I found my seal was lying very
quiet, I touched him to see that he was not dead,
and the cry that he gave assured me to the con-
trary. I then walked back to where I had left
the bodies of the parents. I found on examina-
tion that they were both dead, and also that their
furs were very beautiful, and I resolved that I
would have their skins. But here was a difficulty.
If I took off the skins, I could not carry them
with me, and I was anxious to get the young one
home, lest it should die of hunger; so I decided
that I would first take home the young one, give
it food and warm it, and then return and skin the
old ones.

I therefore made my breakfast, and leaving the
remainder of my provision in a cleft in the rock,
that I might not have the trouble of bringing it
again, I set off on my return, and used such dili-
gence that I was back at the cabin by noon. I
found my birds all well, and apparently quite
satisfied with the provision that I had left them,
for they were most of them asleep, and those that
were awake did not notice my arrival.

“ Ah,” thought I, “you only like me for what
I give you; next time I go away I will leave you
hungry, and then, when you see me come back,
you will all flutter your wings with gladness.”

I was puzzled where to put my seal so as to
keep him safe: at last I decided upon opening the
seaman’s chest and putting him in that. I did

so, and gave him a piece of fish which the birds
had not eaten. The little creature devoured it
eagerly, and I took my lines and went down to
catch some fish for a further supply. In half an
hour I returned with two large fish, and I then
took the seal out of the chest and fed him again.
He ate very heartily ; and I was glad to perceive
that he appeared much tamer already. I threw
some of the insides of the fish to the birds, who
were now become of very inferior interest to me.
Having fed my animals, I then thought of myself,
and, as I took my meal, I arranged that the next
morning I would go over to the other side of the
island, skin the two seals, and spread out the
skins on the rocks to dry, and would leave them
there till I had a better opportunity of bringing
them to the cabin; at present I could not be
away from my new acquaintance, which I wished
to make tame and fond of me. Having fed him
again in the morning, I put down the lid of the
chest, and then started for the lee side of the


I arrivep early, skinned both the seals, and
dragged the skins up from the water side, though
with difficulty, especially that of the large one, to
the rock where I had taken up my quarters the
night before. Here I spread them out to dry,
putting large pieces of rock upon the edges, that
they might not be blown away. It was nearly
dusk when I had finished, but I set off, and an.
hour after dark arrived at the cabin ; for now that
I knew my way so well, I got over the ground
twice as fast as I did before. I crawled into my
bed-place in the dark, and slept soundly after my
fatigue. I awoke the next morning with the
plaintive cry of my seal in the chest, and I has-
tened to get some fish to feed him with. _I took
him out and fed him; and was astonished how
tame the little animal had become already. He
remained very quietly with me after he had been
fed, nestling close to my side, as if I had been his
mother, and even making a half attempt to follow
me when I left him.

My birds appeared very dull and stupid, and I
observed also that they were very dirty, and

always rushed to the kid when it was full of
water, trying to get into it. This made me think
that they required bathing in salt water, and I
took one down to the bathing-pool, with a long
line to its leg, and put it in. The manner in
which the poor creature floundered, and dipped
and washed itself, for several minutes, proved my
supposition correct ; so, after allowing it half an
hour for its recreation, I took it back, and went
down with the others until they had all indulged
in the luxury of a bath; and from that time, as I
took them down almost every day, it was asto-
nishing how much brighter and sleeker their’
plumage became.

I remained a week in the cabin, taming my
seal, who now was quite fond of me; and one
night, as I was going to bed, he crawled into my
bed-place, and from that time he was my bed-
fellow. At the end of a week I went over to the
other side of the island, and contrived to carry up
the two skins to the summit. It was a hard day’s
work. The day afterwards I conveyed them to
the cabin, and, as they were quite dry, I put them
into my bed-place to lie down upon, as I did not
like the smell of the bird’s feathers, although I
had so long been accustomed to them.

And now, what with my seal, my birds, and my
garden, and the occupation they gave me, the
time passed quickly away, until, by my reckoning,
it was nearly the period for the birds to come

again. I observed, as the time drew near, that
my birds were uneasy. They had paired, as I
mentioned before, and when their plumage was
complete, it was evident that they had paired .
male and female, as I had supposed. They had
not been tethered for a long while, and appeared
to me now very much inclined to fly, especially
the male birds. At first I thought that I would
cut all their wings, as I was fearful that they
would join the other birds on their arrival, but
observing that they were so fond of their mates, I
resolved to cut the wing of the females only, as I
did not think that the male birds would leave
them. I did so, and took my chance ; for, since I
had the seal for a companion, I did not care so
much for the birds as before. At last the birds
came, and took possession of the guano-ground as
usual, and I went for fresh eggs ; at the same time
I found that my females were scratching, as if
they would make their nests, and a few days
afterwards they began to lay. I then thought that
as soon as they had young ones they would wish
to go away, so I took the eggs that were laid, to
prevent them; but I found that as fast as I took
away the eggs they laid more, and this they did for
nearly two months, supplying me with fresh eggs
long after the wild birds had hatched, and left the
island, The male birds, at the time that the
females first laid their eggs, tried their wings in
short flights in circles, and then flew away out to

sea, I thought that they were gone; but I was
deceived, for they returned in about a quarter of
an hour, each with a fish in its beak, which they
laid down before their mates. I was much pleased.
at this, and I resolved that in future they should
supply their own food, which they did; and not
their own food only, but enough for the seal and
me also, when the weather was fine; but when it
was rough, they could not obtain any, and then I
was obliged to feed them. The way I obtained
from them the extra supply of fish was, that when
they first went out, I seized, on their return the fish
which they brought ; and as often as I did this, they
would go for more, until the females were fed.
But I had one difficulty to contend with, which
was, that at the time the birds could not obtain
fish, which was when the weather was rough, I
could not neither, as they would not take the
bait. After some cogitation, I decided that I
would divide a portion of the bathing-pool farthest
from the shore, by a wall of loose rock which the
water could flow through, but which the fish
could not get out of, and that I would catch fish
in the fine weather to feed the seal and the birds
when the weather was rough and bad, As soon
as I had finished curing my stock of provisions
and got it safely housed in the cabin, I set to
work to make this wall, which did not take mea
very long while, as the water was not more than
two feet deep, and the pool about ten yards across,

As soon as it was finished, I went out every day,
when it was fine, and caught as many fish as |
thought I might require, and put them into this
portion of the bathing-pool. I found the plan
answer well, as the fish lived; but I had great
difficulty in getting them out when I wanted
them; for they would not take the bait.

As my birds were no longer a trouble to me,
but rather, on the contrary, a profit, I devoted my
whole time to my seal. I required a name for
him, and reading in the book of Natural History
that a certain lion was called Nero, I thought it a
very good name for a seal, and bestowed it on
him accordingly, although what Nero meant I had
no idea of. The animal was now so tame that he
would cry if ever I left him, and would follow me
as far as he could down the rocks; but there was
one part of the path leading to the bathing-pool,
which was too difficult for him, and there he
would remain crying till I came back. I had
more than once taken him down to the bathing-
pool to wash him, and he was much pleased when
I did. I now resolved that I would clear the
path of the rocks, that he might be able to follow
me down the whole way, for he had grown so
much that I found him too heavy to carry. It
occupied me a week before I could roll away and
remove the smaller rocks, and knock off others
with the axe; but I finished it at last, and was
pleased to find that the animal followed me right

down and plunged into the water. He had not
been down since I had made the wall of rock to
keep the fish in, and as soon as he was in, he
dived and came out with one of the fish, which he
brought to land. “So now,”, thought I, “I shall
know how to get the fish when I want them—I
shall bring you down, Nero.” I may as well here
observe that Nero very soon obeyed orders as
faithfully as a dog. I had a little switch, and
when he did wrong, I would give him a slight tap
on the nose. He would shake his head, show his
teeth, and growl, and then come fondly to me.
As he used to follow me every day down to the
pool, I had to break him of going after the fish
when I did not want them taken, and this I
accomplished. No one who had not witnessed it,
could imagine the affection and docility of this
animal, and the love I had for him. He was my
companion and playmate during the day, and my
bedfellow at night. We were inseparable.

It was at the latter portion of the second year
of my solitude that a circumstance occurred, that
I must now relate. Nero had gone down to the
pool with me, and I was standing fishing off the
rocks, when he came out of the pool and plunged
into the sea, playing all sorts of gambols, and
whistling with delight. I did not think anything
about it. He plunged and disappeared for a few
minutes, and then would come up again close to
where my line was ; but he disturbed the fish, and


I could not catch any. To drive him further off,
I pelted him with pieces of rock, one of which hit
him very hard, and he dived down. After a time
I pulled up my line, and whistling to him to re-
turn, although I did not see him, I went away to
the cabin, fully expecting that he would soon
follow me, for now he could walk (after his
fashion) from the cabin to the pool as he pleased.
This was early in the morning, and I busied my-
self with my garden, which was now in great
luxuriance, for I had dressed it with guano; but
observing about noon that he had not returned, I
became uneasy, and went down to the pool to
look for him. He was not there, and I looked
on the sea, but could not perceive him anywhere.
I called and whistled, but it was of no use, and I
grew very much alarmed at the idea that my
treasure had deserted me. “It could not be
because I threw the pieces of rock at him,”
thought I; ‘he would not leave me for that.” I
remained for two or three hours, watching for
him, but it was allin vain; there was no seal—no
Nero. My heart sank at the idea of the animal
having deserted me, and for the first time in my
life, as far as I can recollect, I burst into a flood of
tears. For the first time in my life, I may say, I
felt truly miserable—my whole heart and affec-
tions were set upon this animal, the companion
and friend of my solitude, and I felt as if
existence were a burden without him. After a

while, I retraced my steps to the cabin; but I was
miserable, more so than I can express. I could
not rest quiet. ‘Two hours before sunset, I went
down again to the rocks, and called till I was
hoarse. It was all in vain; night closed in, and
again I returned to the cabin, and threw myself
down in my bed-place in utter despair.

“I thought he loved me,” said I to myself,
“loved me as I loved him; I would not have
left him in that way.” And my tears burst out
anew at the idea that I never should see my poor
Nero again.

The reader may think that my grief was inor-
dinate and unwarrantable ; but let him put himself
in my position—a lad of sixteen, alone on a
desolate island, with only one companion—true,
he was an animal, and could not speak, but he
was affectionate ; he replied to all my caresses;
he was my only companion and friend, the only
object that I loved or cared about. He was in-
telligent, and I thought loved me as much as I
loved him; and now he had deserted me, and I
had nothing else that I cared about or that cared
forme. My tears flowed for more than an hour,
till at last I was wearied and fell asleep.


Ir was early in the morning, and yet dark,
when I felt something touch me. I started up—
a low cry of pleasure told me at once it was Nero,
who was by my side. Yes, it was Nero, who had
come back, having climbed up again the steep path
to the cabin, to return to his master. Need I say
that I was overjoyed, that I hugged him as if he
had been a human being, that I wept over him,
and that in a few minutes afterwards we were
asleep together in the same bed-place? Such was
the fact, and never was there in my after-life so
great a transition from grief to joy.

“Oh! now, if you had left me,”’—said I to
him, the next morning, when I got up; “you
naughty seal, to frighten me and make me so
unhappy as you did!” Nero appeared quite as
happy as I was at our re-union, and was more
affectionate than ever.

I must now pass over many months in very
few words, just stating to the reader what my
position was at the end of three years, during
which I was alone upon the island. I had now
arrived at the age of near seventeen, and was

tall and strong for my years. I had left off
wearing my dress of the skins of birds, having
substituted one of the seaman’s shirts, which I
had found in the chest. This, however, was the
whole of my costume, and although, had it been
longer it would have been more correct, still, as
I had no other companion but Nero, it was not
necessary to be so very particular, as if I had
been in society. During these three years, I
think I had read the Bible and Prayer-book,
and my Natural History book, at least five or
six times quite through, and possessing a retentive
memory, could almost repeat them by heart ; but
still I read the Bible as a sealed book, for I did
not understand it, having had no one to instruct
me, nor any grace bestowed upon me. I read
for amusement, and nothing more.

My garden was now in a most flourishing con-
dition, the climbing plants had overrun the cabin,
so as to completely cover the whole of the roof and
every portion of it, and they hung in festoons on
each side of the doorway. Many of the plants
which I had taken up small, when I moved them,
had proved to be trees, and were now waving to
the breeze, high above the cabin roof; and every-
thing that I had planted, from continual water-
ing and guano, had grown most luxuriantly. In
fact, my cabin was so covered and sheltered, that
its original form had totally disappeared ; it now
looked like an arbour in a clump of trees, and

from the rocks by the bathing-pool it had a very
picturesque appearance.

I had, of course, several times gone up the
ravine, and now that my axe had become useful,
I had gradually accumulated a large stock of
wood down by the bathing-pool, more than I
could use for a long while, as I seldom lighted
a fire; but the cutting it was employment, and
employment was to me a great source of happiness.
I had been several times to the other side of the
island, and had had more encounters with the seals,
of which I killed many, for I found their skinsvery
comfortable and useful in the cabin. I had collected
about three dozen of the finest skins, which were
more than I required, but I had taken them for
the same reason that I had collected the fire-wood,
for the sake of employment ; and in this instance,
I may add, for the sake of the excitement which
the combats with the seals afforded me.

I have not narrated any of these conflicts, as I
thought that they might weary the reader ; I must,
however, state what occurred on one occasion, as
although ludicrous, it nearly cost me my life. I
had attacked a large male seal, with a splendid
fur, for I always looked out for the best-skinned
animals. He was lying on a rock close to the

water, and I had gone into the water to cut him
off and prevent his escape by plunging in as he

would otherwise have done ; but as I aimed the
usual blow at his nose, my foot slipped on the

wet rock? and I missed the animal, and at the
same time fell down on the rock with the axe in
my hand. The animal, which was a male of the
+ largest size, seized hold of my shirt (which I then
wore) with his teeth, and plunging with me into
the sea, dived down into the deep water. It was
fortunate that he had seized my shirt instead of
my body, and also that I could swim well. He
carried me along with him—the shirt, for a few
seconds,drawn over my head, when, disembarrass-
ing myself of the garment, by slipping my head
and arms out, I left it in his possession, and re-
gained the surface of the water, almost suffocated.
It was fortunate that I did not wear sleeve-buttons ;
had I had them, I could not have disengaged
myself, and must have perished. I climbed the
rock again, and turning round, I perceived the
seal on the surface, shaking the shirt in great
wrath. This was a sad discomfiture, as I lost
not only my shirt but my axe, which I dropped
when I was dragged into the water; nothing was
saved except my knife, which I carried by a lan-
yard round my neck. Why I mention this cir-
cumstance particularly, is, that having felt great
inconvenience for want of sleeve-buttons ‘to hold
the wristbands of my shirt together, I had
thought of making use of those of the mate,
which the reader may recollect had been given
with his watch into Jackson’s care, to take home
to his wife ; but on second consideration I thought

it very possible I might lose them, and decided
that the property was in trust, and that I had no
right to risk it. This correct feeling on my part,
therefore, was probably the saving of my life.

I have only now to mention my birds, and of
them I can merely say that they went on as
before ; they bathed constantly, at the right season
they laid eggs, the male birds caught fish and
brought them to the cabin, and they were just as
stupid and uninteresting as they were at first;
however, they never left me, nor indeed showed
any intention to leave me, after the first season of
the birds returning to the island. They were
useful but not very ornamental, and not at all
interesting to one who had such an intelligent
companion as Nero.

Having now brought up my history, in a few
words, until the time referred to, I come to the
narrative of what occurred to produce a change in
my condition. I have said that in the chest there
was a spy-glass, but it had been wetted with
salt-water, and was useless. Jackson had tried to
show me how to use it, and had shown me cor-
rectly, but the glasses were dimmed by the wet and
subsequent evaporation from heat. I had taken
out all the glasses and cleaned them, except the
field-glass, as it is called ; but that being composed
of two glasses, the water had penetrated between
them, and it still remained so dull that nothing
could be distinguished through it, at the time

that Jackson was showing me how to use the
imstrument ; it was therefore put on one side as
useless. A year afterwards I took it out, from
curiosity, and then I discovered that the moisture
between the two glasses had been quite dried up,
and that I could see very clearly through it, and
after a little practice I could use it as well as any-
body else. Still I seldom did use it, as my eye-
sight was particularly keen, and I did not require
it; and as for any vessel coming off the island, I
had gradually given up all thoughts of it. It was
one evening when the weather was very rough and
the sea much agitated, that I thought I saw
something unusual on the water, about four miles
distant. I supposed at first it might bea sperma-
ceti whale, for numbers used to play round the
island at certain seasons, and I used to watch
their blowing and their gambols, if I may use the
term, and Jackson often told me long stories
about the whale-fisheries ; but a ray of the setting
sun made the object appear white, and I ran for
the glass, and made out that it was a boat ora
very small vessel, with a sail out, and running
before the gale right down to the island. I watched
it till it was dark with much interest, and with
thoughts of various kinds chasing each other ;
and then I began to consider what was best to do.
I knew that in an hour the moon would rise, and
as the sky was not cloudy, although the wind and
sea were high, I should probably be able to see

it again. ‘“ But they never can get on shore on
this side of the island,’ thought I, “with so
much sea. Yes they might, if they ran for the
bathing-pool.” After thinking awhile, I decided
that I would go down to the bathing-pool, and
place lighted fagots on the rocks on each side
of the entrance, as this would show them where
to run for, and how to get in. I waited a
little longer, and then taking my spy-glass and
some tinder with me, I went down to the pool,
carried two fagots to the rocks on each side, and
having set them on fire and taken up others to
replace them as soon as they were burnt out, I sat
down with my spy-glass to see if I could make out
where the boat might be.

As the moon rose, I descried her now within a

mile of the island, and her head directed towards
_ the beacon lights made by the burning fagots. I
threw another fagot on each, and went down for a
further supply. The gale had increased, and the
spray now dashed over the rocks to where the
fagots were burning, and threatened to extinguish
them, but I put on more wood and kept up a
fierce blaze. In a quarter of an hour I could dis-
tinguish the boat; it was now close to the island,
perhaps three hundred yards distant, steering not
directly for the lights, but more along shore.
The fact was that they had hauled up, not
knowing how they could land until they had
observed the two lights clear of each other, and

then they understood why they had been made;
and a moment afterwards they bore up right for
the entrance to the bathing-pool, and came rush-
ing on before the rolling seas. I still trembled
for them, as I knew that if the sea receded at the
time that they came to the ledge of rocks at the
entrance, the boat would be dashed to pieces,
although their lives might be saved; but fortu-
nately for them, it was not so—on the contrary,
they came in borne up on a huge wave which carried
them clear over the ledge, right up to the wall of
rock which I had made across the pool, and then
the boat grounded.

“ Hurrah ! well done, that,” said a voice from
the boat. ‘ Lower away the sail, my lads; all’s

The sail was lowered down, and then, by the
light of the fire, I discovered that there were
several people in the boat. I had been too much
excited to say anything, indeed, I did not know
what to say. I only felt that I was no more
alone, and the reader may imagine my joy and


As soon as the sail was lowered, the men leaped
over the sides of the boat into the water, and
waded to the rocks.

“Who are you?” said one of the men, ad-
dressing me, “and how many of you are there
here ?”

“There is no one on the island but myself,”
replied I; “but Vm so glad that you have

“Are you? Then perhaps you’ll tell us how
to get something to eat, my hearty?” replied he.

“Oh yes, wait a little, and I’ll bring you
plenty,” replied I.

“ Well, then, look smart, that’s a beauty, for
we are hungry enough to eat you, if you can find
us nothing better.”

I was about to go up to the cabin for some
birds, when another man called out—

“T say—can you get us any water?”

“Qh yes, plenty,” replied I.

“Well then, I say, Jim, hand us the pail out of
the boat.”

The one addressed did so, and the man put it

f,” replied I; ‘* but I am so glad

“There is no one on the island but myse]

that you have come.’ ”"—P, 172,

into my hands, saying, “ Bring us that pail, boy,
will you?” I hastened up to the cabin, filled the
pail full of water, and then went for a quantity of
dried birds, with which I hastened down again to
the bathing-pool. I found the men had not been
idle; they had taken some fagots off the stack and
made a large fire under the rocks, and were then
busy making a sort of tent with the boat’s sails.

“ Here’s the water, and here’s some birds,” said
I, as I came up to them.

“ Birds! what birds?” said the man who had
first spoken to me, and appeared to have control
over the rest. He took one up and examined it
by the light of the fire, exclaiming, “Queer eating,
I expect.”

“ Why, you didn’t expect a regular hotel when
you landed, did you, mate?” said one of the

“No, if I had, I would have called for a glass
of grog,” replied he. “I suspect I might calla
long while before I get any one to bring me one

As I knew that Jackson called the rum by
the name of grog, I said, “ There’s plenty of grog,
if you want any.”

“Ts there, my hearty,—where ?”’

“ Why, in that cask that’s in the water on the
other side of your little ship,” replied I. “I can
draw you some directly.”

“What! in that cask? Grog floating about in

salt-water, that’s too bad. Come here all of you—
You’re in earnest, boy—no joking I hope, or you
may repent it.”

“T’m not joking,” said _ I—“ there it is.”

The man, followed by all the rest excepting one
of the party, waded into the water, and went to
the cask of rum.

“Take care,” said I, “ the spiles are in.”

“So I see—never fear, my hearty—come now
all of us.” So saying, the whole of them laid
hold of the cask by the chains, and lifting it up,
they carried it clean out of the water, and placed
it on the rocks by the side of the pool.

“ Hand us the little kid out of the boat, Jim,”
said the man; “ we’ll soon see if it’s the right

He took out the spiles, drew off some of the
liquor, and tasting it, swore it was excellent. It
was then handed round, and all the men took

“ We’re in luck to-night ; we’re fallen upon our
legs,” said the first man. “I say, Jim, put them
dried chickens into the pitch-kettle along with
some taters out of the bag—they’ll make a good
mess; and then with this cask of grog to go to,
we shan’t do badly.”

“T say, old fellow,” said he, turning to me,
“you're a regular trump. Who left you on shore
to get all ready for us?”

“1 was born here,” replied I.

* Born here! well, we'll hear all about that to-
morrow—just now, we'll make up for lost time,
for we’ve had nothing to eat or drink since Wed-
nesday morning. Look alive, my lads! get up
the hurricane-house. Jim, put the pail of water
into the kettle, and send the islander here for
another pailful, for grog.”

The pail was handed to me, and I soon returned
with it full; and, as I did not see that they had a
pannikin, I brought one down and gave it to

“You're a fine boy,” said the mate (as I after-
wards found out that he was). “ And now, I say,
where do you hold out? Have you a hut or a
cave to live in?”

“Yes,” replied I; “I have a cabin, but it is
not large enough for all of you.”

“No, no! we don’t want to go there—we are
very well where we are, alongside of the cask of
rum; but you see, my lad, we have a woman

“A woman!” said I; “I never saw a woman.
Where is she?”

“There she is, sitting by the fire.”

I looked round, and perceived that there was
one of the party wrapped up in a blanket, and
with a wide straw hat on the head, which com-
pletely concealed the form from me. The fact is,
that the woman looked like a bundle, and re-
mained by the fire quite as inanimate. At my

saying that I never saw a woman, the man burst
into a loud laugh.

“Why, did you not say that you were born on
this island, boy ?” said the mate at last. «“ Were
you born without a mother?”

“T cannot recollect my mother—she died when
I was very young; and therefore I said that I
had never seen a woman.”

“Well, that’s explained; but you see, my lad—
this is not only a woman, but a very particular
sort of a woman; and it will not do for her to
remain here after we have had our supper—for
after supper, the men may take a drop too much,
and not behave themselves; so I asked you about
your cabin, that you might take her there to
sleep. Can you do that ?”

“Yes,” replied I; “I will take her there if she
wishes to go.”

“That’s all right then; she’ll be better there
than here, at all events. I say, boy, where did
you leave your trousers?”

“T never wear any.”

“Well then, if you have any, I advise you to
put them on, for you are quite old enough to be

I remained with them while the supper was
cooking, asking all manner of questions, which
caused great mirth. The pitch-kettle, which was a
large iron pot on three short legs, surprised me a
good deal; I had never seen such a thing before,

or anything put on the fire. I asked what it was,
and what it was made of. The potatoes also
astonished me, as I had never yet seen an edible

“Why, where have you been all your life?”
said one of the men.

“On this island,” replied I, very naively.

I waded into the water to examine the boat as
well as I could by the light of the fire, but I
could see little, and was obliged to defer my ex-
amination till the next day. Before the supper
was cooked and eaten, I did, however, gain the
following information.

That they were a portion of the crew of a
whaler, which had struck on a reef of rocks about
seventy miles off, and that they had been obliged
to leave her immediately, as she fell on her broad-
side a few minutes afterwards; that they had left
in two boats, but did not know what had become
of the other boat, which parted company during
the night. The captain and six men were in the
other boat, and the mate with six men in the one
which had just landed—besides the lady.

“ What’s a lady ?” said I.

“I mean the woman who sits there; her hus-
band was killed by some of the people of the
Sandwich Isles, and she was going home to
England. We have a consort, another whaler,
who was to have taken our cargo of oil on board,
and to have gone to England with that and her


own cargo, and the missionary’s wife was to have
been sent home in her.” !

« What’s a missionary ?” inquired I.

«Well, I don’t exactly know; but he is a
preacher who goes out to teach the savages.”

By this time the supper was cooked, and the
odour from the pitch-kettle was more savoury than
anything that I had ever yet smelt. The kettle
was lifted off the fire, the contents of it poured
into a kid, and after they had given a portion in
the small kid to the woman, who still remained
huddled up in the blanket by the fire, they all sat
round the large kid, and commenced their supper.

“Come, boy, and join us,” said the mate, “ you
can’t have had your supper; and as you’ve
found one for us, it’s hard but you should share it
with us.”

I was not sorry to do as he told me, and I must
say that I never enjoyed a repast so much in my life.

“T say, boy, have you a good stock of them
dried chickens of yours?” said the mate.

“ Yes, I have a great many, but not enough to
last long for so many people.”’

“ Well, but we can get more, can’t we ?”

“No!” replied I, “not until the birds come
again, and that will not be for these next five

“Five moons! what do you mean ?”

“T mean, five full moons must come, one after

“Oh, I understand; why then we must not
remain on the island.”

“No,” replied I, “we must all go, or we shall
starve ; I am so glad that you are come, and the
sooner you go the better. Will you take Nero
with you ?”

“Who is Nero ?”

“‘ Nero—my seal—he’s very tame.”

“Well, we’ll see about it; at all events,” said
he, turning to the other men, “we must decide
upon something, and that quickly, for we shall
starve if we remain here any time.”

It appeared, that they had left the whaler in
such a hurry, that they had only had time to throw
into the boat two breakers of water, four empty
breakers to fill with salt-water for ballast to the
boat, and the iron pitch-kettle, with a large sack
of potatoes.

As soon as supper was finished, they went to
the cask for the rum, and then the mate said to

“Now I'll go and speak to the woman, and
you shall take her to sleep in your cabin.”

During the whole of this time, the woman, as
the mate called her, had never spoken a word.
She had taken her supper, and eaten it in silence,
still remaining by the fire, huddled up in the
blanket. On the mate speaking to her, she rose
up, and I then perceived that she was much
_ taller than I thought she could have been; but
N 2

her Panama hat still concealed her face alto-

“ Now then, my lad,” said the mate, “ show the
lady where she is to sleep, and then you can join
us again if you like.”

“ Will you come with me?” said I, walking away.

The woman followed me up the path. When
we arrived at the platform opposite the cabin, I
recollected Nero, whom I had ordered to stay
there till my return.

“You won’t be afraid of the seal,” said I,
“will you? he is very good-natured. Nero, come

It was rather dark as Nero came shuffling up,
and I went forward to coax him, for he snarled a
little at seeing a stranger.

“Have you no light at hand?” said my com-
panion, speaking for the first time, in a very soft
yet clear voice.

“No, I have not, but I will get some tinder,
and make a fire with one of the fagots, and then
you will be able to see.”

“ Do so, then, my good lad,”’ replied she.

I thought her voice very pleasing.

I soon lighted the fagot and enabled her to see
Nero (who was now quite quiet), and also the
interior of the cabin. |

She examined the cabin and the bed-places,
and then said,

“Where do you sleep ?”

I replied by showing her my _bed-place.
“ And this,” said I, pointing to the one opposite,
“was Jackson’s, and you can sleep in that. Nero
sleeps with me. Here are plenty of seal-skins to
keep you warm, if you are cold. Are your clothes
wet ?”

“No, they are quite dry now,” replied she ;
“if you will get me some seal-skins, I will lie
down on them, for I am very tired.”

I spread five or six skins one on the other,
in Jackson’s bed-place, and then I went out and
threw another fagot on the fire, that we might
have more light.

“ Do you want anything else?” said I.

“ Nothing, I thank you. Are you going to
bed now?”

“I was meaning to go down again to the men,
but now I think of it, I do not like to leave you
alone with Nero, as he might bite you. Are you
afraid of him ?”

“No, I’m not much afraid, but still I have no
wish to be bitten, and I am not used to sleep with
such animals, as you are.”

“Well then, T’ll tell you how we'll manage
it. I will take some skins outside, and sleep
there. Nero will not leave me, and then you won’t
be afraid. The weather is clearing up fast, and
there’s very little wind to what there was—
besides, it will be daylight in three or four

“ As you please,” was the reply.

Accordingly, I took some seal-skins out on the
platform, and spreading them, I lay down upon
them, wishing her good night, and Nero soon
joined me, and we were both fast asleep in a few


Nero, who was an early riser, woke me up at
daybreak, or I should have slept much longer ; for
I had been tired out with the fatigue and excite-
ment of the night before. As soon as I was up, I
looked into the cabin, and found the woman was
fast asleep; her straw hat was off, but she had
lain down in her clothes. Her black hair was
hanging about her shoulders. Having only seen
Jackson with his bushy beard, I had been some-
what surprised when I first saw the men on their
landing so comparatively clear of hair on their
face ; my astonishment at the clear white skin of
a woman—and in this instance, it was peculiarly
white and pallid—was very great. I also per-
ceived how much more delicate her features were
than those of the men; her teeth, too, were very
white, and Jackson’s were discoloured and bad; I
longed to see her eyes, but they were closed.

Any other difference I could not perceive, as she
had drawn the blanket close up to her chin.

“This is then a woman,” said I to myself:
“yes, and it’s very like what I used to see in my
dreams.” I looked a little longer, and then,

hearing Nero coming into the cabin behind me,
and afraid that she would awake, I made a hasty

I remained at this part of the cabin considering
what I should do. I thought I would light a fire,
and go down for a fish to broil on the embers for
her breakfast, so I called Nero to come down with
me. On arriving at the pool, I found all the sea-
men fast asleep under the tent they had made with
the boat’s sails ; and they appeared to be much the
same as Jackson used to be after he had got
drunk the night before; I presumed, therefore,
that such was their state, and was not far wrong.
Nero went into the pool and brought out a fish,
as I ordered him, and I then walked to the boat
to examine it. This took me half an hour, and I
was sorry that none of the men were awake, that
so I might ask any questions I wished. I examined
the pitch-kettle, and the boat’s sails, and the
breakers. Breakers are small casks, holding
about six to seven gallons of water, and are very
handy for boats. I remained about an hour, and
then went back to the cabin, carrying a fagot on
my shoulder, Nero following with the fish in his
mouth. We were met by the woman, who came
out of the cabin; she no longer had the blanket
round her, for it was a beautiful bright morning,
and very warm.

“ Nero is bringing you your breakfast,” said A;
“so you ought to like him.”

“T dare say I shall, if we are to be companions
in future,” replied she.

“ Do you want anything ?” said I.

“ Yes, a little water, if you can get me some.”

I filled the kid from the spring, put it down by
her, and then took out the inside of the fish,
and fed the birds, who were crowding round me.

The woman washed her face and hands, braided
up her hair, and then sat down on the rock. In
the mean time, I had lighted my fagot, cleaned
the fish, and waited till the wood was burnt to
ashes before I put the fish on the fire. Having
then nothing to do, I thought that reading would
amuse the woman, and I went in for the Bible.

“Shall I read to you?” said I.

“ Yes,” replied she, with some astonishment in
her looks.

I read to her the history of J oseph and his
brethren, which was my favourite story in the

“Who taught you to read?” said she, as I
shut the book, and put the fish on the embers.

“ Jackson,” said I,

“He was a good man, was he not?” replied

I shook my head. “No, not very good,” said
I, at last. “If you knew all about him, you
would say the same; but he taught me to read.”

“ How long have you been on this island?”
said she.

“ T was born on it, but my father and mother
are both dead, and Jackson died three years ago
—since that I have been quite alone, only Nero
with me.”

She then asked me a great many more ques-
tions, and I gave her a short narration of what
had passed, and what Jackson had told me; I also
informed her how it was I procured food, and how
we must soon leave the island, now that we were
so many, or the food would not last out till the
birds came again.

By this time the fish was cooked, and I took it
off the fire and put it into the kid, and we sat
down to breakfast; in an hour or so we had
become very sociable.

I must, however, now stop a little to describe
her. What the men had told me was quite true.
She had lost her husband, and was intending to
proceed to England. Her name was Reichardt,
for her husband was a German, or of German
family. She was, as I have since ascertained,
about thirty-seven years old, and very tall and
elegant ; she must have been very handsome when
she was younger, but she had suffered much hard-
ship in following her husband as she had done,
through all the vicissitudes of his travels.

Her face was oval ; eyes black and large ; and her
hair black as the raven’s wing; her features were
small and regular ;. her teeth white and good ; but
her complexion was very pallid, and not a vestige

of colour on her cheeks. As I have since thought,
it was more like a marble statue than anything
I can compare her to. There was a degree of
severity in her countenance when she did not
smile, and it was seldom that she did. I certainly
looked upon her with more awe than regard, for
some time after I became acquainted with her;
and yet her voice was soft and pleasant, and her
manners very amiable; but it must be remembered
I had never before seen a woman. After break-
fast was over, I proposed going down to where the
seamen lay, to see if they were awake; but I told
her I thought that they would not be.

“J will go with you, as I left a basket with
some things of mine in the boat, and it will be as
well to bring them up at once.”

We therefore set off together, I having ordered
Nero to stay in the cabin. On our arrival at the
pool, we found the men still fast asleep; and
by her directions I went into the water to the
boat, and brought out a basket anda small bundle
which she pointed out..

“Shall I wake them ?” said I.

“No, no,” replied she; “so long as they sleep,
they will be doing no harm. But,” said she,
“we may as well take some potatoes up with us;
fill both these handkerchiefs,” continued she,
taking two out of the bundle. I did so, and she
took one and I the other, and we returned to the

“ Are these all the birds that you have for
food ?” said she, looking at the pile in the cabin.

“Yes,” replied I. “ But what are we to do
with the potatoes ?”

“ We can roast them by the fire if we like,”
said she; “ but at present we had better take
them into the cabin. Did you plant all these
flowers and creepers which grow over the cabin?”

“ Yes,” replied I. “I was alone and had
nothing to do, so I thought I would make a

“They are very pretty. Now that I am back,
you can go down to the men if you please, and
tell them, when they wake up, that I wish to
have the smallest of the boat’s sails, to make a
screen of. Tell the mate—he is the most civil.”

“Twill,” said I. “ Is there anything else?”

“ Yes, bring up a few more potatoes ; they will
let you take them if you say that I told you.”

“ Shall I take Nero with me?”

“ Yes, I do not want his company, for I am a
little afraid of him.”

I called Nero, who came after me, and went
down to the pool, when I found that the men had
all woke up, and were very busy, some lighting a
fire, some washing potatoes, and some trying to
catch the fish in the pool.

“ Oh, here he is. Come, boy, what have you
got for our breakfast? We've been trying to

catch some of these fish, but they’re as quick as

“Nero will soon catch you what you want,”
replied I. ‘ Here, Nero, in.”

Nero plunged in, and soon brought out a fish,
and I then sent him in for another.

“Thanks, lad,” said the mate, “ that will be
enough for our breakfast. That seal of yours is a
handy fellow, and well trained.” ,

While the other men were getting breakfast,
one of them went up to Nero, I believe with the
intention of making friends with him, but Nero
rejected his advances, and showed his sharp teeth,
snapping at him several times. The man became
angry, and caught up a piece of rock to throw at
the seal. He aimed at the animal’s nose, and
narrowly missed hitting it. Had he done so,
he would probably have killed it. This made me
very angry, and I told the man not to do so again ;
upon this, he caught up another, and was about to
throw it, when I seized him by the collar with my
left hand, and with my right drawing my American .
knife, I threatened to stab him with it, if he
attacked the beast. The man started back, and
in so doing, fell over a piece of rock, on his back.
This quarrel brought the mate to us, along with
two or three of the men. My knife was still
lifted up, when the mate said,

“Come, my hearty, no knives, we don’t allow

them. That’s not English. Put it up; no one
shall hurt the beast, I promise you. Bob, you
fool, why couldn’t you leave the animal alone?
You forget you are among savages here.”

At this, the other men burst out into a laugh.

“ Yes,” observed one; “I can swear, when I
get back, that the natives of this island are
savages, who eat raw flesh, have seals for play-
mates, and don’t wear clothes enough for common

This made them laugh more, and the man who
had attacked Nero, and who had got upon his
legs again, joined with the others ; so all was again
good humour. The men sat down to their break-
fast, while I examined the boat again, and after-
wards asked many questions, with which they
were much amused, every now and then observ-
ing, “ Well, he is a savage !”

After they had breakfasted, I made Nero catch
another fish, and sent him up to the cabin with
it, as I was afraid that the man might do him an
injury, and then told the mate that the woman
had desired me to bring up some potatoes.

“Take them,” said he; “ but you have nothing
to carry them up with. Here, fill the pail, and I
will go to the cabin with you.”

“ She told me that I was to ask you for a small
boat’s sail, to hang up as a screen.”

“ Well, she shall have the boat’s mizen. We
don’t want it. Ill carry it up.”


The mate threw the sail and yard over his
shoulder, and followed me up to the cabin. On
our arrival, we found the missionary’s wife sitting
on the platform, Nero lying not far from her, with
the fish beside him. The mate took off his hat,
and saluted my new companion, saying, that he
hoped she was comfortable last night.

“ Yes,” replied she, “as much so as I could
expect; but I turned this good lad out of his
cabin, which I do not wish to do again, and there-
fore. I requested the sail for a screen. Now,
John Gough, what do you intend to do?” con-
tinued she.

The mate replied, “ I came up here to see what
quantity of provision the lad might have. By his
account, it will not last more than a month, and
it will take some time before we can reach where
we are likely to fall in with any vessel. Stay here
we cannot, for we shall only eat the provision and
lose time; therefore the sooner we are off the

“If you take all the provision, of course you
will take the lad with you?” replied she.

“* Of course we will.”

“And my chest, and my seal?” inquired I.

“Yes, your chest, certainly; but as for your
seal, I do not know what to say to that—he will
be starved in the boat, and if you give him his
liberty, he will do well enough.”

“What you say is very true,” replied the

woman. “ I am afraid, boy, that you will have
to part with your friend. It will be better for
both of you.”

I made no reply; for it cut me to the heart to
think of parting with Nero; but still I had
sense enough to perceive that what they said was

The mate then went into the cabin, and exa-
mined the heap of dried birds which I had collected,
and having made his calculation, said that there
were sufficient for three weeks, but not more.

“ And when do you think of leaving this island?”
inquired the woman.

“The day after to-morrow, if I can persuade
the men, madam,” replied he; “ but you know
they are not very easy to manage, and very
thoughtless, especially now that they have so
unexpectedly fallen in with liquor,”

“That I admit,” replied she ; “ but as they will
probably take the liquor in the boat, that will not
make so great a difference,”

“T shall go down and speak to them, now
they’re all sober,” replied the mate, “and will let
you know in the evening ; or to-morrow morning,
perhaps, will be better.” The mate then saluted
her, by touching his hat, and left us,


Ture was one thing which had made a great
impression on me in the conversation with the
men in the morning. They called me a savage,
and said that I had not sufficient clothes on ;
and as I observed that they were all dressed in
jackets and trousers, which covered them from
head to foot, I took it for granted that my shirt,
which was all that I wore, was not a sufficient
clothing. This had never occurred to me before,
nor can the reader be surprised at it. I had been
like our first parents in Eden—naked but not
ashamed ; but now that I had suddenly come in
contact with my fellow-men, I felt as if something
were amiss. The consequence was, that I went
to the chest and got out a pair of white trousers,
and put them on. I thought them very uncom-
fortable and very unnecessary articles ; but others
wore them, and I felt that I must do so also. They
were rather long for me, but I rolled up the
bottoms of the legs, as I observed that the seamen
did, and then came out on the platform, where the
missionary’s wife was still seated, looking out
upon the waves as they lashed the rocks. She


immediately observed the addition that I had
made to my dress, and said—

“That is a great improvement. Now you look
like other people. What is your name? you have
not told me.”

When I had answered the question, I said
to her—

«“T have brought up more of the potatoes, as
you call them ; what am I to do with them?”

“Pirst tell me, have you any spot that you
know about the island where there is mould—
that is, earth, like you have in your garden—
where we can plant them ?”

“Yes,” replied I, “ there is some up there ;” and
I pointed to one-third up the ravine. “I brought
all this earth from there, and there is plenty of
it; but what is the good of planting them?”

“Because,” said she, “one of the potatoes
planted will, in a very short time, grow, and then
it will produce perhaps thirty or forty potatoes at
its roots as large as these; they are excellent
things for food, and where there is nothing else to
be had, may be the means of preserving life.”

“Well, that may be,” replied I, “ and if we
were going to remain on the island, it would be
well to plant them ; but as we are going away the
day after to-morrow, what’s the use of it? I
know that they are very nice, for I had some for
supper last night.”

« But are we only to think of ourselves in this

world, and not of others ? ” replied she. “Suppose,
two or three years hence, another boat were to be
cast away on this island, and not find, as we have,
you here, with provisions ready for them, they
would starve miserably ; whereas, if we plant these
potatoes, they may find plenty of food and be
saved. Only think how glad your father and
mother would have been to have found potatoes
on the island when they were thrown on it. We
must not live only for ourselves, but we must
think and try to do good to others—that is the
duty of a Christian.”

“T think you are very right,” replied I, “and
a very kind person too. If you wish it, I will go
and plant the potatoes this day. How am I to
plant them ? ”

“They have a shovel in the boat,” said she,
“for I saw them throwing the water out with it.
Go down and get it, and then I will go with you
and show you.”

I went down and the mate gave me the shovel,
which I carried up to her. I found her cutting
the potatoes into pieces, and she showed me how
she cut them, leaving an eye in each piece, and
explained the reason for it. I was soon very busy
cutting away alongside of her, and before long the
pail of potatoes was all ready to be planted.

We then walked to the ravine, and she showed
me how to use the shovel, and I made the holes,
Before noon we had planted all that we had cut,

0 2

but we had still the two handkerchiefs full that
we had at first brought up with us. We returned
to the cabin, and I prepared the fish for dinner.
After it was on the embers, she wished to have the
screen put up beside her bed-place.

“Go down to the mate,” said she, “ and ask
him for the hammer and three or four nails. I
know they have them in the boat.”

“T may as well take them down some birds for
their dinner,” replied I, “for they will want

“Yes, do so; and then come back to me as
soon as you can.”

The mate gave me the hammer, an article I
had never seen before, and five or six nails, with
which I returned to the cabin, and nailed up the
sail as a screen.

“Now you will be able to sleep in your own
bed-place to night,” said she.

I made no reply ; but I could not imagine why
I could not have done so the night before, for I
had only gone out of the cabin that she might
not be frightened by Nero being so close to her.

After we had eaten our dinner, she said to

« How could you contrive to live on this island,
if you had no dried birds ? ” ’

“How?” replied I; “why very badly. I
might catch fish; but there are times in the year
when you can catch no fish, they won’t take bait,

neither will they when the weather is rough.
Besides, I have only two lines, and I might
lose them both—then what would become of
me? I should starve.”

“ Well, then, you see under all circumstances,
it was just as well to plant the potatoes, for
other people may come here and be in your
position.” |

“Yes, that is true, but we shall not be here long
now, and you don’t know how glad I am to go.
I want to see all the things that I have read
about in my books. I want to go to England and
look for somebody ; but you don’t know all that I
know ; some day I will tell you all—everything.
I am so tired of living here by myself—nothing to
say—no one to talk to—no one to care for, except
Nero, and he can’t speak. I can’t bear the idea
of parting with him, though.”

“Would you rather stay on the island with
Nero, than go away without him ? ”

“No,” replied I; “go I must, but still I do
not like to part with him. He is the only friend
that I ever had, that I can remember.”

“When you have lived longer, and mixed more
with the world, my poor boy, you will then find
how many sacrifices you will be obliged to make,
much more serious than parting with an animal
that you are attached to. I suppose you expect
to be very happy if ever you get back to
England ?”

“Of course I do; why should I not be?” re-
plied I; “1 shall be always happy.”

The missionary’s wife shook her head. “I fear
not. Indeed, I think if you live long enough, you
will acknowledge that the happiest of your days
were passed on this barren rock.”

“ Jackson said otherwise,” replied I. “ He was
always grieving at being on the island, and not
able to get back to England; and he told me so
many stories about England, and what is done
there, and what a beautiful place it is, that ’m
sure I shall like it better than being here, even if
I had somebody with me.”

« Well, you are in the hands of God, and you
must put your trust in him. He will do with you
as he thinks best for you—that you know, as you
read your Bible.”

“No, I didn’t know that,” replied I. “God
lives beyond the stars, a long way off.”

“Ts that all you have gained by reading your
Bible?” inquired she, looking me in the face.

“No, not all,” replied I; “but I do not under-
stand a great deal that I read ; I want some one
to tellme. I amso glad you came with the men in
the boat, for I never saw a woman before. T used
- to see somebody in my dreams, and now I know
it was a woman. It was my mother; but I have
not seen her for a long while now, and I have
nobody but Nero.”

“ My poor boy, you have a father in heaven.”

“Yes,” replied I; “I know he is in heaven, and
so is my mother ; for Jackson said that they were
both very good.”

“‘T mean your Heavenly Father, God. Do you
not say inthe Lord’s Prayer, ‘Our Father which
art in heaven?’ You must love him.”

I was about to reply, when John Gough, the
mate, came up, and told my companion, that he
had been speaking to the men, and they had
agreed that the day after the next they would, if
the weather permitted, leave the island ; that they
had examined the boat, and found it required
very little repair, and that all would be ready the
next day.

“T hope that they will not overload the boat,”
said she.

“T fear that they will, but I must do all I
can to prevent it. The cask of rum was rather an
unfortunate discovery, and we had been better
without it. Leave it they will not, so we must
put out of the boat all that we can possibly do
without, for we shall be nine of us, and that will
be plenty of weight with the addition of the

“ You promised to take my ome, you remem-
ber,” said I.

“Yes, I will do so if I possibly can; but recol-
lect, I may not be able to keep my promise; for
now that they have the liquor, the men do not
obey me as they did before, ma’am,” said the mate.

“Perhaps he had better take the best of his
clothes in a bundle, in case they should refuse to
take in the chest; and I must say, that, loaded
as the boat will be, they will be much to blame if
they do not refuse, for the boat is but small for
stowage, and there’s all the provisions to put
in her, which will take up a deal of room.”

“That is very true,” replied the woman. “ It
will be better to leave the chest here, for I do
not think that the boat will hold it. You must
not mind your chest, my good boy, it is of no
great value.”

“They take my rum and all my birds, and they
ought to take both me and my chest.”

“Not if it takes up too much room,” re-
plied the woman. “You cannot expect it. The
wishes of one person must give way to the wishes
of many.”

“Why, they would have starved if it had not
been for me,” replied I, angrily.

“That’s very true, boy,” replied the mate; ;
“but you have to learn yet, that might is right ;
and recollect that what you did this morning
has not made you any great favourite with them.”

“ What was that?” inquired my companion.

“Only that he nearly drove his knife through
one of the men, that’s all,” replied the mate ;
« English sailors ar’n’t fond of knives,”

He then touched his hat, and went down again
to the pool, desiring me to follow him with akid

for our share of the supper. I did so, and on
my return she asked me why I had drawn my
knife upon the seaman, and I narrated how it
occurred. She pointed out to me the impropriety
of what I had done, asking me whether the Bible
did not tell us we were to forgive injuries.

“Yes,” replied I; “but is it not injuries to
ourselves? I did housive Jackson ; but this v was
to prevent his hurting another.”

“Another! why you talk of Nero as if the
animal was a rational being, and his life of as
much consequence as that of a fellow-creature.
I do not mean to say but that the man was
very wrong, and that you must have felt angry if
an animal you were so fond of had been killed ;
but there is a great difference between the life of
an animal and that of a fellow-creature. The
animal dies, and there is an end of it; but a man
has an immortal soul, which never perishes, and
nothing can excuse your taking the life of a man,
except in self-defence. Does not the command-
ment say, ‘Thou shalt not kill?’ ”

She then talked to mea long while upon the
subject, and fully made me understand that I
had been very wrong, and I confessed that I had
been so.


I now resolved to speak to her relative to the
belt which contained the diamonds; and I was
first obliged to narrate to her in a few words what
Jackson had told me, She heard me with great
interest, now and then asking a question. When
I had told her all, I said—

“Now, as they talk of not taking my chest,
what shall I do? Shall I wear the belt myself,
or shall I put it in the bundle? or will you wear
it for me, as my mother would have done, if she
had been alive?”

She did not reply for some time, at last she said,
as if talking to herself, and not to me—

‘“‘How unsearchable are thy ways, O God!”

Indeed, although I did not feel it at the time,
I have afterwards thought, and she told me
herself, how great her surprise was at finding in
the unshorn little savage, thus living alone upon
a desolate rock, a lad of good birth, and although
he did not know it, with a fortune in his charge,
which would, in all probability, be ultimately
his own. This is certain, that the interest she

felt towards me increased every hour, as by de-
grees I disclosed my history.

“Well,” replied she, “if you will trust me, I
will take charge of your belt. To-morrow we will
select out of the chest what will be best to take
with you, and then we will arrange as you wish.”

After about an hour’s more conversation, she
went into the cabin, and retired behind the screen
which had been fixed up, telling me that she did
not mind Nero, and that I might go to bed when I
pleased. As I was not much inclined to go down:
to the seamen, I followed her advice and went
to bed; but I could not sleep for a long time
from the noise which the men made, who were
carousing at the bathing-pool. The idea of part-
ing with Nero also lay heavy upon my heart,
though the woman had almost satisfied me that
as soon as I was gone, the animal would resume
its natural habits, and care nothing for me.

I was up the next morning early, and went
down with Nero to obtain the fish which we re-
quired. I left some on the rocks for the seamen’s
breakfast (for they were all sound asleep), and then
returned to the cabin, and prepared for our own.
Mrs. Reichardt, as I shall now call her, soon came
out to me, and when breakfast was over, proposed
that we should plant the remainder of the pota-
toes, before we packed up the things in the chest.
As soon as they were all cut, we set off to the
ravine, and had finished our task before noon, at

which time there were but few of the seamen
stirring, they had remained up so long the night
before, drinking. The mate was one of those who
were on their legs, and he asked me ifI thought
we should have smooth water to launch the boat
on the following day. I replied in the affirmative,
and went with Mrs. Reichardt to the cabin, and
putting down the shovel, I hauled my chest out on
the platform to select what articles I should take.

While we were thus employed, and talking at
times, the men came up for the dried birds to
take down ready for putting them in the boat on
the following day, and in two trips they had
cleared out the whole of them.

“Have you used all the potatoes you brought
up?” said one of the men; “ for we shall be short
of provisions.”

Mrs. Reichardt replied that we had none left.

“Well then,” said the man, “the mate says
you had better bring down that brute of yours to
catch the rest of the fish in the pond, that we
may cook them before we start, as they will make
two days’ meals at least.’ |

“Very well,” replied I; “I will come down
directly.” I did so, and Nero, in a quarter of an
hour, had landed all the fish, and I then returned
with him to the cabin. Mrs. R. had selected the
best of the clothes, and made them up in a tight
bundle, which she sewed up with strong thread,
My books shé had left out, as well as the spy-

glass, and the tools I had, as they might be useful.
I asked her whether I should carry them down to
the bathing-pool, but she replied that on the
morning when we embarked would be quite time
enough. I then went to the hole under Jackson’s
bed-place, and brought out the belt and the few
articles that were with it. Mrs. R., after having
examined them, said that she would take care of
them all; the watch and other trinkets she put
in her basket ; the belt she took to the bed-place,
and secreted it.

She appeared very silent and thoughtful, and
on my asking her whether I should not take down
the shovel, and the pail, and hammer, she replied,
“No, leave all till we are ready to go to the boat,
It will be time enough.”

Shortly afterwards, the mate brought us up some
of the fish which they had cooked for supper, and
when we had eaten it we went to bed.

“This is the last night we shall sleep together,
Nero,” said I, kissing my favourite, and the
thought brought tears into my eyes. “But it
can’t be helped.” I was, however, soon. fast
asleep, with my arm round the animal.

When I went out the next morning, I found
that the weather was beautifully fine, the water
smooth, and only rippled by a light breeze. As
Mrs. R. had not yet made her appearance, I went
down to the bathing-pool, where I found all the
men up and in full activity. The boat had been

emptied out, the oars, masts, and sails, were on
the rocks; and the men were turning the bows to
the seaward in readiness for launching her over
the ledge of rocks. The dried birds lay in a
heap by the side of the cask of rum, and the fish
which had been baked were in the large kid.
The six breakers were also piled up together, and
the mate and some of the men were disputing as
to how many of them should be filled with water.
The mate wanted them all filled; the men said
that three would be sufficient, as the boat would
be so loaded. At last the mate gained his point,
and the men each took a breaker, and went up to
the cabin for the water. I went with them to fill
the breakers, and also to see that they did no
mischief, for they appeared very unruly and out
of temper ; and I was afraid that they would hurt
Nero, who was at the cabin, if I was not there to
prevent them; but with the exception of ex-
amining the cabin, and forcing themselves in upon
Mrs. Reichardt, they did nothing. When the
breakers were full, which took at least half an
hour, they did indeed try to catch the birds, and
would have wrung their necks, but the males flew
away, and the females I put into the bed-place
that was screened off in the cabin, and near which
Mrs. Reichardt was sitting. They all appeared
to have a great awe and respect for this woman,
and a look from her was more effectual than were
any words of the mate.

“We don’t want you,” said one of the men, as
they went down to the bathing-pool with the
breakers on their shoulders. “Why don’t you
keep up with the lady? You're quite a lady’s
man, now you’ve white trousers on.”

The others who followed him laughed at this
latter remark.

“Tm of no use up there, at present,” said I;
“and I may be down below.”

The men set down the breakers on the rocks
by the pool, and then, under the directions of the
mate, prepared to launch the boat orer the ledge.
The masts of the boat were placed athwartships,
under her keel, for her to run upon, and being
now quite empty, she was very light. She was
what they call a whale-boat, fitted for the whale-
fishery, pointed at both ends, and steered by an
oar; she was not very large, but people
comfortably, and she was remarkably well fitted
with sails and masts, having two lugsand a mizen.
As soon as they were all ready, the men went to
the side of the boat, and in a minute she was
launched into the sea without injury. The mate
said to me, as they brought her broadside to the

“Now, my lad, we don’t want you any more ;
you may go up to the cabin till we are ready, and
then we will send for you and the lady.”

“Oh! but I can be of use here,” replied I;
“and I am of none up there.”

The mate did not reply, and the men then went
to the rum-cask, and rolled it towards the boat;
and when they had it on the ledge, they par-
buckled it, as they term it, into the boat with a
whale-line that they happened to have, and which
was of great length. After the cask of rum was
got in amidships (and it took up a great deal of
space, reaching from one gunwale to the other, and
standing high above the thwarts), they went for
the breakers of water, which they put in, three
before and three behind the cask, upon the floor
of the boat.

“She will be too heavy,” said one of the men,
“with so much water.”

“We can easily get rid of it,” replied the mate.
“Tf you had said she would be too heavy with so
much liquor on board, you had better explained
the matter; however, you must have your own
ways, I suppose.”

The next articles that they brought to stow
away were the provisions. The kid of fish was put
amidships on the breakers, and the dried birds,
which they carried down in their arms, were
packed up neatly in the stern-sheets. They were
soon up to the gunwale, and the mate said,

“You had better stow away forward now—
there will be little room for the lady as it is.”

“No, no, stow them all aft,” replied one of the
men, in a surly tone; “the lady must sit where
she can. She’s no better than we.”

“Shall this go in?” said I, pointing to the
coil of whale-line, and addressing the mate.

“No, no; we must leave that,” replied one of
the men in the boat; “we shall be wedged enough
as it is; and I say, Jim, throw that old saw and
the bag of nails out of the boat—we can have no
use for them.”

The masts were then stepped, and the rigging
set up to the gunnel of the boat, the yards and
sails handed in, and hooked on the halyards ready,
for hoisting. In fact the boat was now all ready
for starting; they had only the iron kettle and
two or three other articles to put in.

“Shall we have the mizen?” inquired one of
the men, pointing to the mast, which lay on the

“No, she steers quite as well without it,” re-
plied the mate. “We'll leave it. And now, lads,
hand the oars in.”

They were brought to the boat, but owing to
the puncheon of rum in the centre, they could
not lie flat, and after a good deal of arguing
and disputing, four oars and a boat-hook were
lashed to the gunnel outside, and the rest were
left on the rocks.

At this time there was some consultation be-
tween the mate and some of the men—the mate
being evidently opposed by the others. I could
not hear what it was about, but the mate appeared
very angry and very much annoyed. At last he


dashed his hat down on the rocks in a great
passion, saying,

“ No good will come of it. Mark my words.
No good ever did or ever will. Be it so, you are
too many for me; but I tell you again, no good
will come of it.”

The mate then sat down on the rocks by him-
self, and put his head down on his knees, covering
it with his hands.

The man with whom he had been disputing
went to the others in the boat, and spoke to them
in a low tone, looking round at me, to ascertain if
I was within hearing.

After a minute or two they all separated, and
then one of them said to me—

« Now, my lad, we’re all ready. Go up to the
cabin and bring down your bundle and her basket,
and tell the lady we are waiting for her.”

« There’s the shovel,” said I, “ and the boat’s
sail—must I bring them down?” .
© Oh, yes, bring them down, and also two or
three seal-skins for the lady to sit upon.”

Off I went on my errand, for I was delighted with
the idea of leaving the island, and my patience had
been almost exhausted at the time they had taken
in the stowage of the boat. As | hastened up the
path, I heard loud contention, and the mate’s
voice speaking very angrily, and I stopped for a
short time to listen, but the noise ceased, and I
went on again. I found Nero on the platform,

and I stopped a minute to caress him. “ Good-
bye, my poor Nero, we shall never see one another
again,” said I. “ You must go back to the sea,
and catch fish for yourself ;” and the tears started
in my eyes as I gave the animal a farewell

I then went into the cabin, where I found
Mrs. Reichardt sitting very quietly.

“ They are all ready,” said I, “ and have sent
me up for you; but I am to bring down the boat’s
sail and some seal-skins for you to sit upon. I[
can carry both if you can carry my bundle. Have
you put the belt on ?”

“ Yes,” replied she, “ I am quite ready. I will
carry the bundle, and the books and spy-glass, as
well as my basket ; but we must pack them close,”
added she, “ and roll the sail up round the yard,
or you will not be able to carry it.”

We took the sail down, and got it ready for
carrying, and I rolled up the two best seal-skins,
and tied them with a piece of fishing-line, and
then we were all ready. I shouldered my burden,
and Mrs, Reichardt took the other articles, as pro-
posed, and we left the cabin to go down the path
to the bathing-pool.

“ Good-bye, Nero—good-bye, birds—good-bye,
cabin—and good-bye, garden,” said I, as I went
along the platform; and having so done, and
ordered Nero back with a tremulous voice, I
turned my head in the direction of the bathing.

P 2

pool. I stared and then screamed, dropping my
burden, as I lifted up my hands in amazement—

“ Look !” cried I to my companion. “ Look !”
repeated I, breathless.

She did look, and saw as I did—the boat under
all sail, half a mile from the pool, staggering under
a fresh breeze, which carried her away at the rate
of seven or eight miles an hour.

They had left us—they had deserted us. I
cried out, like a madman, “Stop! stop! stop!”
and then, seeing how useless it was, I dashed
myself on the rock, and for a minute or two was

“Oh!” groaned I, at last, as I came to my

“ Frank Henniker,” said a sweet firm voice.

I opened my eyes, and saw Mrs. Reichardt
standing by me.

“ Tt is the will of Heaven, and you must submit
to it patiently,” continued she.

“ But so cruel, so treacherous!” replied I,
looking at the fast-receding boat.

“T grant, most cruel, and most treacherous;
but we must leave them to the judgment of God.
What can they expect from Him in the way of
mercy when they have shown none? I tell you
candidly, that I think we are better in our present
forlorn state upon this rock, than if in that boat.
They have taken with them the seeds of discord,
of recklessness, and intemperance, in an attempt

which requires the greatest prudence, calmness,
and unanimity, and I fear there is little chance of
their ever being rescued from their dangerous
position. It is my opinion, and I thought so when
I first knew they had found the cask, that liquor
would prove their ruin, and I say again, that boat
will never arrive at its destination, and they will
all perish miserably. It has pleased God that they
should leave us here, and depend upon it, it has
been so decided for the best.”

“ But,” replied I, looking again at the boat,
“I was tired of being here—I was so anxious to get
off—and now to be left! And they have taken
all our provisions, everything, even the fish in the
pool. We shall starve.”

“T hope not,” replied she, “ and I think not ;
but we must exert ourselves, and trust to Heaven.”

But I could not heed her—my heart was burst-
ing. I sobbed, as I sat with my hands covering
up my face.

“All gone;” cried I. “ No one left but you
and I,”

“ Yes,” replied she, “ one more.”

“ Who ?” cried I, looking up.

“ God !—who is with us always.”


I HEARD what she said, but my head was too
confused to weigh the words. I remained silent,
where ‘I was. A few seconds elapsed, and she
spoke again :

“ Frank Henniker, rise, and listen to me.”

‘¢ We shall starve,”’ muttered I.

As I said this, one of the male birds returned
from the sea with a large fish, of which Mrs.
Reichardt took possession, as she had seen me do,
and the gannet flew away again to obtain more.
Immediately afterwards, the other two birds re-
turned with fish, which were in the like way
secured by my companion.

“See how unjust and ungrateful you are,”
observed she. ‘“ Here are the birds feeding us, as *
the ravens did Elijah in the wilderness, at the
very time that you are doubting the goodness and
mercy of God. There is a meal for us provided

“ My head! my head!” exclaimed I, “ it is
bursting, and there is a heavy weight rolling in it
—I cannot see anything.”

And such was the fact: the excitement had

brought on a determination of blood to the head,
and my senses were rapidly departing. Mrs.
Reichardt knelt by my side, and perceiving that
what I had said was the case, went into the cabin
and brought out a cloth, which she wetted with
water from the spring, and laid across my forehead
and temples. I remained motionless and nearly
senseless for half an hour, during which, she con-
tinued to apply fresh cold water to the cloth, and
by degrees I recovered from my stupor. In the
mean time, the weather being so fine and the
water smooth, the gannets continued to return
with the fish they caught, almost all of which
were taken from them by my companion, until
she had collected more than a dozen fish, from
half a pound to a pound weight, which she put
away, so that the birds and seal might not devour

I was still in a half-dozing state, when the
breathing and cold nose of Nero touched my
cheek, and the murmurings of my favourite roused
me up, and I opened my eyes.

“ T am better now,” said I, to Mrs. Reichardt.
“ How kind you have been.”

“Yes, you are better ; but still, you must remain
quiet. Do you think that you could walk to your
bed-place ?”

“Pll try,” replied I, and with her assistance
rose up ; but, when I afterwards gained my feet, I
should have fallen if she had not supported me;

but, assisted by her, I gained my bed and sank
down again.

She raised my head higher, and then applied
the linen cloth and cold water as before.

“Try now,” said she, “if you cannot go to
sleep. When you awake again, I will have some
dinner ready for you.”

I thanked her and shut my eyes. Nero crawled
to my bed-place, and with my hand upon his
head, I fell asleep, and remained so till near sun-
set, when I awoke with very little pam in my
head, and much refreshed. I found Mrs. Reichardt
by my side.

“ You are better now,” said she. “Can you
eat any dinner? I must make friends with Nero,
for he has been disputing my right to come near
your bedside, and his teeth are rather formidable.
However, I gave him the inside of the fish when I
cleaned them, and we are better friends already.
There is your dinner.”

Mrs. Reichardt placed before me some of
the fish, broiled on the embers, and I ate very

“ It is very kind of you,” said I, “ to be work-
ing for me, when I ought to = TO for you
—but you must not do it again.”

“Only my share of the work when you are
well,” replied she ; “ but my share I always shall
do. I cannot be idle, and I am strong enough
to do a great deal; but we will talk about that

to-morrow morning. You will be quite well by
that time, I hope.” |

“Oh! I feel well now,” replied I, “ only I am
very weak.”

“ You must put your trust in God, my poor
boy. Do you ever pray to Him ?”

“Yes, I try a little sometimes—but I don’t
know how. Jackson never taught me that.”

“Then I will. Shall I pray now for both of
us ?”

“Will God hear you? What was it that
you said just before I forgot everything this
morning ?”

“I told you that there was another here besides
ourselves, a good and gracious God, who is always
with us and always ready to come to our assistance
if we call upon Him.”

“You told me God lived beyond the stars.”

“ My poor boy, as if He were a God who was
afar off and did not attend to our prayers! Such
is not the case. He is with us always in spirit,
listening to all our prayers, and reading every secret
thought of our hearts.”

I was silent for some time, thinking upon what
she had told me; at last I said—

“Then pray to Him.”

Mrs. Reichardt knelt down and prayed in aclear
and fervent voice, without hesitation or stop. She
prayed for protection and support in our desolate
condition, that we might be supplied with all things

needful for our sustenance, and have a happy de-
liverance from our present position. She prayed
that we might be contented and resigned until it
should please Him to rescue us—that we might
put our whole trust and confidence in Him, and
submit without murmuring to whatever might be
His will. She prayed for health and strength,
for an increase of faith and gratitude towards Him
for all His mercies. She thanked him for our
having been preserved by being left on the deso-
late rock, instead of having left it in the boat with
the seamen. (This surprised me.) And then she
prayed for me, entreating that she might be the
humble instrument of leading me to my Heavenly
Father, and that He would be pleased to pour
down upon me His Holy Spirit, so that I might
by faith in Christ, be accepted, and become a
child of God and an inheritor of eternal bliss.

There was something so novel to me and so
beautiful in her fervency of prayer, that the tears
came into my eyes, and about a minute after she
had finished, I said—

“T now recollect, at least, I think I do—for the
memory of it is very confused—that my mother
used to kneel down by me and pray just as you
have done. Oh, how I wish I had a mother !”

‘My child,” replied she, “ promise me that you
will be a good and obedient son, and I will be a
mother to you.”

« Will you? Oh! how kind of you. Yes, I

will be all you wish ; I will work for you day and
night if it is necessary. I will do everything, if
you will but be my mother.”

“I will do my duty to you as a mother most
strictly,” replied she; “so that is agreed upon.
Now, you had better go to sleep, if you can.”’

“But I must first ask you a question. Why
did you thank God for the seamen having left us
here, instead of taking us with them?”

“ Because the boat was overloaded as it was :
because the men, having liquor, would become
careless and desperate, and submit to no control ;
and therefore I think -there is little or no chance
of their ever arriving anywhere safe, but that they
will perish miserably in some way or another,
This, I consider, is the probability, unless the
Almighty in His mercy, should be pleased to
come to their assistance, and allow them to fall in
with some vessel soon after their departure.”

“Do you think, then, that God prevented our
going with them on purpose that we might not
share their fate? ”

“T do! God regulates everything. Had it been
better for us that we should have gone, He would
have permitted it; but He willed it otherwise,
and we must bow to His will witha full faith, that
He orders everything for the best.”

“And you say that God will give us all that we
ask for in our prayers ?”

“ Yes, if we pray fervently and in faith, and ask

it in the name of Jesus Christ; that is, He will
grant all we pray for that is good for us, but not
what is not good for us ; but when we ask anything,
we do not know that we are asking what is proper
or not—but He does. We may ask what would
be hurtful to us, and then, in His love for us, He
denies it. For instance, suppose you had been
accustomed to pray, you must have prayed God
that He would permit you to leave this island in
the boat, as you are so anxious to go away; but
supposing that boat is lost, as I imagine it will be,
surely it would have been a kindness in God, who
knew that it would be lost, not to grant your
prayer. Is it not so?”

“ Yes, I see now, thank you; now I will go to
sleep—good night.”’


T awoke the next morning quite recovered from
my illness of the day before, and was out of the
cabin before Mrs. Reichardt, who still remained
behind the screen which she had put up after I
had gone to sleep. It was a beautiful morning,
the water was smooth, and merely rippled with a
light breeze, and the sun shone bright. I felt
well and happy. I lighted a fire to broil the fish
for breakfast, as there was a sufficiency left, and
then got my fishing-lines ready to catch some
larger fish to re-inhabit my pond at the bathing-
pool. Mrs. Reichardt came out of the cabin and
found me playing with Nero.

“Good morning, dear mother,” said I, for I felt
most kindly towards. her.

“Good morning, my dear boy,” replied she.
“ Are you quite well? ”

“Quite well; and I have got my lines all
ready ; for I have been thinking that until the
birds come, we must live on fish altogether, and
we can only take them in fine weather like this ;
so we must not lose such a day.”

“Certainly not. As soon as we have break.

fasted, we will go down and fish. I can fish very
well, I am used to it. We must both work now ;
but first go for your Bible, that we may read a

I did so, and after she had read a chapter, she
prayed, and I knelt by her side; then we break-
fasted, and as soon as we had breakfasted, we set
off to the bathing-pool.

“Do you know if they left any thing behind
them, Frank? ”

“ Yes,” replied I, “ they left some oars, T believe,
and a long line, and we have the shovel and the
hammer, and the boat’s small sail, up at the

«Well, we shall see very soon,” replied she, as
we went down the path.

When we arrived at the bathing-pool, the first
thing that met my eyes made me leap with joy.
“ Oh! mother ! mother! they’ve left the iron pot ;
I did so long for it; and as I lay awake this
morning, I thought that if I prayed for anything,
st would be for the iron pot. I was tired of dried
birds, and they ate so different when they were
boiled up in the pot with potatoes.”

“Tam equally glad, Frank, for I do not like
victuals uncooked ; but now let us first see what
else they have thrown out of the boat.”

«Why, they have put on shore three of the
little casks of water,” said 1; “they took them
all on board.”

“They have so, I suppose, because the boat was
too heavy, and they would not part with the
liquor. Foolish men, they will now not have
more than six days’ water, and will suffer dread-

We then looked round the rocks and found
that they had left the iron kettle, three breakers,
five oars, and a harpoon and staffs ; a gang-board,
a whale-line of 200 fathoms, anold saw, a bag of
broad-headed nails, and two large pieces of sheet-

“That saw may be very useful to us,” said Mrs.
Reichardt, “ especially as you have files in your
chests. Indeed, if we want them, we may convert
one half of the saw into knives.”

“Into knives! How?”

“Twill show you; and these pieces of sheet-
iron I could use again. You see the sheet-iron
was put on to repair any hole which might be
made in the boat, and they have thrown it out, as
well asthe hammer and nails. I wonder at John
Gough permitting it.”

“T heard them quarrelling with him as I came
out yesterday to fetch you down ; they would not
mind what he said.”

“No, or we should not have been left here,”
replied she ; “ John Gough was too good a man to
have allowed it, if he could have prevented it.
That sheet-iron will be very useful. Do you
know what for? to broil fish on, or anything else.

We must turn up the corners with the hammer.
But now we must lose no more time, but fish all
day long, and not think of eating till supper-time.”

Accordingly we threw out our lines, and the
fish taking the bait freely, we soon hauled in more ~
than a dozen large fish, which I put into the

“What use can we make of that long line
which they have left ?”

“A good many; but the best use we can make
of it, is to turn it into fishing-lines, when we re-
quire new ones.”

« But how can we do that, it is so thick and
heavy ?”

“ Yes, but I will show you how to unlay it, and
then make it up again. Recollect, Frank, that I
have been the wife of a Missionary, and have fol-
lowed my husband wherever he went ; sometimes
we have been well off, sometimes as badly off as
you and I are now—for a Missionary has to go
through great dangers, and great hardships, as
you would acknowledge if you ever heard my life,
or rather that of my husband.”

“ Won’t you tell it to me?”

“Yes, perhaps I will, some day or another;
but what I wish to point out to you now is, that
being his wife, and sharing his danger and priva-
tion, I have been often obliged to work hard and
to obtain my living as I could. In England,
women do little except in the house, but .a Mis-

sionary’s wife is obliged to work with the men,
and as a man very often, and therefore learns to
do many things of which women in general are
ignorant. You understand now?”

“Oh yes. I have thought already that you
appear to know more than Jackson did.”

“T should think not; but J ackson was not fond
of work I expect, and I am. And now, Frank,
you little thought that when you so tardily went
to work the other day to plant potatoes for the
benefit of any one that might hereafter come to
the island, that you were planting for yourself,
and would reap the benefit of your own kind act;
for if you had not assisted, of course I could
not have done it by myself: so true it is, that
even in this world you are very often rewarded
for a good action.” |

“ But are not you always?”

“No, my child, you must not expect that; but
if not rewarded in this world, you will be rewarded
in the next.”

“T don’t understand that.”

“T suppose that you hardly can, but I will
explain all that to you, if God spare my life ; but
it must be at a more seasonable time.”

We continued fishing till late in the afternoon,
by which time we had taken twenty-eight large
fish, about seven to nine pounds weight; Mrs,
Reichardt then proposed that we should leave off,
as we had already provision for a fortnight.


T hauled out one more fish, which she took with
her to cook for our supper, and having coiled up my
lines, I then commenced, as she had told me to do,
carrying up the articles left by the boat’s crew at
the bathing-pool. The first thing I seized upon
was the coveted iron kettle ; I was quite overjoyed
at the possession of this article, and I had good
reason to be. In my other hand I carried the
saw and the bag of nails. As soon as I had
deposited them at the cabin, I went down again,
and before supper was ready I had brought up
everything except the three breakers of water,
which I left where they were, as we did not want
them for present use, whatever we might here-
after. We were both rather tired, and were glad
to go to bed after we had taken our supper.



WuEN we met the following morning, my
mother, as I shall in future cal] her, said to me,
“This will be a busy day, Frank, for we have a
great many arrangements to make in the cabin, so
that we may be comfortable. In future the cabin
must be kept much more clean and tidy than it
is ; but that is my business more than yours. Let
us get our breakfasts, and then we will] begin.”

“TI don’t know what you want me to do,”
replied I; “but I will do it if I call, as soon as
you tell me.”

“ My dear boy, a woman requires a portion of
the cabin to herself, as it is not the custom for
women to live altogether with men. Now, what
I wish is, that the hinder part of the cabin, where
_ you used to stow away your dried birds, should be

_ made over to me. We have oars with which
we can make a division, and then nail up seal-
skins, so that I may have that part of the cabin
to myself. Now, do you understand what I
want ?”

“Yes, but the oars are longer than the cabin

Q 2

is wide,” observed I. “ How shall we manage

“ We have the old saw, and that will do well
enough to cut them off, without its bemg sharp-

“JT never saw one used,” “ replied I, “ and 1
don’t understand it.”

«J will soon show you. First, we must measure
the width of the cabin. I shall not take away
more than one-third of “.”

My mother went into the cabin, and I followed
her. With a piece of fishing-line, she took the
width of the cabin, and then the height up to the
rafters for the door-posts. We then went out,
and with the saw, which she showed me how to
use, and which astonished me very much, when I
perceived its effects, the oars were cut up to the
proper length. Gimlets I had already from the
sea-chest, and nails and hammer we had just
obtained from the boat; so that before the fore-
noon was over, the framework was all ready for
nailing on the seal-skins. The bag of broad-
headed short nails, which had been thrown on the
rocks, were excellent for this purpose, and as I
had plenty of skins, the cabin was soon divided
off, with a skin between the door-jambs hanging
down loose, so that any one might enter. I went
inside after it was complete. « But,” said I,
«you have no light to see what you are about.”

“Not yet, but I soon will have,” replied my
mother. “ Bring the saw here, Frank. Observe,

you must cut through the side of the cabin here,
a square hole of this size ; three of the planks cut
through will be sufficient. Begin here.”

I did as she directed me, and in the course of
half an hour, I had cut out of the south side of
the cabin a window about two feet square, which
admitted plenty of light.

“ But won’t it make it cold at night ?” said I.

“We will prevent that,’ replied she, and she
took out a piece of white linen, and with some
broad-headed nails, she nailed it up, so as to pre-
vent the air from coming in, although there was
still plenty of light. “There,” said she, “ that is
but a coarse job, which I will mend by-and-by ;
but it will do for the present.”

“ Well, it is very nice and comfortable now,” said
I, looking round it. “ Now what shall I bring in?”

“ Nothing for the bed but seal-skins,” said she.
“TI do not like the feathers. The seal-skins are
stiff at present, but I think we may be able to
soften them by-and-by. Now, Frank, your chest
had better come in here, as it is of no use where
it is, and we will make a storeroom of it, to hold
all our valuables.”

“ What, the diamonds ?” replied I:

“ My dear boy, we have articles to put into the
chest, which, in our present position, are more
valuable to us than all-the diamonds in the
world. Tell me now, yourself, what do you prefer
and set most value upon, your belt of diamonds,
or the iron kettle?’

« The iron kettle, to be sure,” replied I.

« Exactly so; and there are many things in our
possession as valuable as the iron kettle, as you
will hereafter acknowledge. Now do you go and
get ready some fire for us, and I will finish here
by myself. Nero keep out, sir—you are never to
come into this cabin.”

I went with Nero for a fish, and when I returned,
I determined that I would use the iron kettle. I
put it on with water and boiled the fish, and I
thought that it ate better than broiled on the
embers, which made it too dry.

As we sat at our meal, I said, “ Dear mother,
what are we to do next ?”

« To-morrow morning we will put the cabin
into better order, and put away all our things,
instead of leaving them about the platform in this
way. Then I will carefully look over all that we
have got, and put them away in the chest. I
have not yet seen the contents of the chest.”

The next day it was very cloudy and rough
weather, blowing fresh. After breakfast we set
to work. We cleared out the floor of the cabin,
which was strewed with all manner of things, for
Jackson and I had not been very particular. The
whale-line was coiled up and put into one corner,
and everything else was brought in and a place
found for it.

“We must contrive some shelves,” said my
mother, “that we may put things on them, or

else we never can be tidy; and we have not one
except that which holds the books. I think we
can manage it. We have two oars left besides
the boat’s yard ; we will nail them along the side
of the cabin, about a foot or more from it, and
then we will cut some of the boat’s sail, and nail
the canvass from the side of the cabin to the oars,
and that will make a sort of shelf which will hold
our things.”

I brought in the oars ; they were measured and
cut off and nailed up. The canvass was then
stretched from the side of the cabin to the oar,
and nailed with the broad-headed nails, and made
two capital shelves on each side of the cabin,
running from one end to the other.

“There,” said my mother, “that is a good job.
Now we will examine the chest and put every-
thing away and in its place.”

My mother took out all the clothes, and folded
them up. When she found the roll of duck
which was at the bottom, she said—

“T am glad to find this, as I can make a dress
for myself much better for this island than this
black stuff dress which I now wear, and which I
will put by to wear, in case we should be taken off
the island some of these days; for I must dress
like other people when I am again among them.
The clothes are sufficient to last you for a long
while ; but I shall only alter two shirts and two
pair of trousers to your present size, as you will

grow, very fast. How old do you think you are
now ?”

I replied, “ About sixteen years old, or perhaps

“T{ should think that was about your age.”

Having examined and folded up every article of
clothing in the chest, the tools, spy-glass, &c.,
were put by me on the shelves, and then we ex-
amined the box containing the thread, needles,
fish-hooks, and other articles, such as buttons, &c.

«hese are valuable,” said she; “ I have some
of my own to put along with them. Go and
fetch my basket ; I have not yet had time to look
into it since I left the ship.”

« What is there in it ?”

“ Except brushes and combs, I can hardly say.
When I travelled about,..I always carried my
basket, containing those things most requisite for
daily use, and in the basket I put everything that
I wished to preserve, till I had an opportunity to
put it away. When I embarked on board of the
whaler, I brought my basket on my arm as
usual; but except opening it for my brushes and
combs or scissors, I have not examined it for

“What are brushes and combs and scissors ?”

“That I will show you,” replied she, opening
the lid of the basket. ‘These are the brushes
and combs for cleaning the hair, and these are
scissors. Now we will take everything out.”

The basket did indeed appear to contain a

wonderful quantity of things, almost all new to
me. There were two brushes, twelve combs, three
pair of scissors, a penknife, a little bottle of ink,
some pens, a woman’s thimble, a piece of wax, a
case of needles, thread and silk, a piece of India
ink, and a camel’s hair brush, sealing-wax, stick-
ing plaster, a box of pills,, some tape and bobbin,
paper of pins, a magnifying-glass, silver pencil-
case, some money in a purse, black shoe-ribbon,
and many other articles which I have forgotten.
All I know is, that I never was so much interested
ever after at any show as I was with the contents
of this basket, all of which were explained to me
by my mother, as to their uses, and how they
were made. There were several little papers at
the bottom of the basket, which she said were
seeds of plants, which she had collected to take to
England with her, and that we would plant them
here. As she shook the dust out of the basket
after it was empty, two or three white things
tumbled out, which she asked me to pick up and
give to her.

“T don’t know how they came here,” said she,
“but three of them are orange-pips, which we will
sow to-morrow, and the other is a pea, but of
what kind I know not ; we will sow that also—but
I fear it will not come up, as it appears to me to
be one of the peas served out to the sailors on
board ship, and will be too old to grow. We can
but try. Now we will put into the chest, with
the other things that you have, what we do not

want for present use, and then I can drive a nail
into the side of my bedroom and hang my basket
on it.”

“ But,” said I, “this round glass—what is that
for ?”

“ Put it on one side,” replied she, “ and to-mor-
row, if it is fine, I will show you the use of it;
but there are some things we have forgotten,
which are your belt and the other articles you
gave me to take for you when you thought we
were to leave the island. They are in the bed-
place opposite to yours.”

I brought them, and she put away the mate’s
watch and sleeve-buttons, and the other trinkets,
&c., saying that she would examine the letters
and papers at another time. The belt was ex-
amined, counting how many of the squares had
stones in them, and then, with her scissors, she
cut open @he of the squares, and took out a white
glittering thing like glass, as it appeared to me,
and looked at it carefully.

“T am no great judge of these things,” said she,
“ but still I have picked up some little knowledge.
This belt, if it contain all stones like this, must be
of considerable value; now I must get out my
needle and thread and sew it up again.” She did,
and put the belt away with the other articles in
the chest. ‘ And now,” said she, “we have done

a good day’s work, and it is time to have some- _

thing to eat.”


I must say that I was much better pleased with
the appearance of the cabin, it was so neat and
clean to what it had been, and everything was
out of the way. The next day was a calm and
clear day, and we went down to fish. We were
fortunate, and procured almost as many as we had
done at the previous fishing—they were all put in
the bathing-pool as before. When we went up to
the cabin, as soon as the fish was put on the fire,
under the direction of my mother, I turned up
the sides of one of the pieces of sheet-iron, so as
to make asort of dish. The other piece I did the
same to, only not so high at the sides, as one
piece was kept for baking the fish on. and the
other as a dish to put our dinner upon when
cooked. That day we had been too busy with
fishing to think of anything else, but on the fol-
lowing I recollected the magnifying-glass, and
brought it to her. She first showed me the
power it had to magnify, with which I was much
amused for a time, and she explained as well as
she could to me the cause of its having that
power; but I could not well understand her: I

was more pleased with the effect than cognizant
of the cause. Afterwards she sent me to the
cabin for some of the dried moss which I used for
tinder, and placing the glass so as to concentrate
the rays of the sun, to my astonishment I saw the
tinder caught fire. It was amazement more than
astonishment, and I looked up to see where the
fire came from. My mother explained to me,
and I, to a certain degree, comprehended; but I
was too anxious to have the glass in my own
hands and try experiments. I lighted the tin-
der again—then I burnt my hand—then I singed
one of the gannet’s heads, and lastly, perceiving
that Nero was fast asleep in the sun, I obtained
the focus on his cold nose. He started up with a
growl, which made me retreat, and I was per-
fectly satisfied with the result of my experiments.
From that time, the fire was, when the sun
shone, invariably lighted by the burning-glass, and
very useful did I find it. As it was so portable, I
always carried it with me, and when I had
nothing to do, I magnified, or set fire, according
to the humour of the moment.

Although I have not mentioned it, not a morn-
ing rose, but before breakfast, I read the Scriptures
to my mother. ‘

“There’s so much in that book which I cannot
understand,” said I, one morning.

“T suspect that, living as you have, alone on
this island, and having seen nothing of the world,”

replied my mother, “ that there are not many
books that you would understand.”

“But I understand all that is said in the Beast
and Bird Book,” replied I.

“Perhaps you may, or think you do; but,
Frank, you must not class the Bible with other
books. The other books are the works of man ;
but the Bible is the word of God. There are
many portions of that book which the cleverest
men, who have devoted their lives to its study,
cannot understand, and which never will be un-
derstood as long as this world endures. In many
parts the Bible is a sealed book.”

“ But will it never be understood then by any-
body ?”

“There is quite as much of the Bible as is
necessary for men to follow its precepts, and this
is so clear that anybody may understand it—it
contains all that is necessary for salvation ; but
there are passages, the true meaning of which we
cannot explain, and which God, for His own pur-
poses, will not permit us to do. But if we do not
know them now, we shall probably hereafter,
when we have left this world, and our intellects
more nearly approach God’s.”?

“Well, I don’t understand why we should not
understand it.”

“ Frank,” replied she, “look at that flower just
in bloom. Do you understand how it is that that
plant keeps alive—grows every year—every year

throws out a large blue flower? Why should it
do so? why should the flower always be blue? and
whence comes that beautiful colour? Can you
tell me? You see, you know that it does do 80 ;
But can you tell me what makes it do so?”

ce No.”

“Took at that bird. You know it is hatched
from an egg. How is it that the inside of an egg 1s
changed into a bird? How is that the bird is covered
with feathers, and has the power to fly? Can you
explain to me yourself? You can walk about just
as you please—you have the power of reasoning,
and thinking, and of acting ; but by what means
is it that you possess that power? Can you tell ?
You know that is 80, but you know no more.
You can’t tell why, or how, or what causes produce
these effects—can you?”

ce No.”

«“ Well, then, if you are surrounded by all
manner of things, living and dead, and see every
day things which you cannot explain, or under-
stand, why should you be surprised that, as God
has not let you know by what means these effects
are produced, that ‘1 His written word He should
also keep from you that which for good purposes
you are not permitted to know. Everything here
is by God’s will, and that must be sufficient for
us. Now do you understand ta

“ Yes, I see now what you mean, but I never
thought about these things before. Tell me some
more about the Bible.”

“ Not now. Some day I will give you a history
of the Bible, and then you will understand the
nature of the book, and why it was written ; but
not at present. Suppose, as we have nothing
particular to do, you tell me all you know about
yourself from Jackson, and all that happened
while you lived with him. I have heard only part,
and I should like to know all.”

“ Very well,” replied I. “TI will tell you every-
thing, but it will take a long while.”

“We shall have plenty of time to spare, my
dear boy, I fear, before we leave this place ; so,
never mind time—tell me everything.”

I commenced my narrative, but I was inter-

“ Have you never been able to call your own

mother to your memory ?” said she.
}- “T think I can now, since I have seen you; but
I could not before. I now can recollect a person
dressed like you, kneeling down and praying by
my side ; and I said before, the figure has appeared
in my dreams, and much oftener since you have
been here.”

“ And your father ?”

“T have not the slightest remembrance of him,
or anybody else except my mother.”

I then proceeded, and continued my narrative
until it was time to go to bed ; but as I was very
circumstantial, and was often interrupted by

questions, I had not told a quarter of what I had
O say.


Mrs. Reicnarpt had promised to give me a
history of the Bible; and one day, when the
weather kept us both at home, she thus commenced
her narrative :—

“ The Bible is a history of God’s doings for the
salvation of man. It commences with the fall of
man by disobedience, and ends with the sacrifice
made for his reinstatement. As by one man,
Adam, sin came into the world, so by one man,
Jesus Christ, was sin and death overcome. If
you will refer to the third chapter of Genesis, at
the very commencement of the Bible, you will
find that at the same time that Adam receives his
punishment, a promise is made by the Lord, that
the head of the serpent shall hereafter be bruised.
The whole of the Bible, from the very commence-
ment, is an announcement of the coming of Christ ;
so that as soon as the fault had been committed,
the Almighty, in His mercy, had provided a
remedy. Nothing is unknown or unforeseen. by

“ Recollect, Frank, that the Bible contains the
history of God’s doings, but it does not often tell

us why such things were done. It must be suffi-
cient for us to know that such was the wil] of
God; when He thinks proper, He allows us to
understand His ways ; but to our limited capa-
cities, most of His doings are inscrutable. But
are we to suppose that, because we, in our fool-
ishness, cannot comprehend His reasons, that
therefore they must be cavilled at. Do you un-
derstand me, Frank ?”

“ Yes,” replied I 3 “I do pretty well,”

“ As I pointed out to you the other day, you
see the blade of Btass grow, and you see it flower ;
but how it does so you know not. If then you
are surrounded all your life with innumerable
things which you see but cannot comprehend—
when all nature is a mystery to you—even your-
self— how can you expect to understand the
dealings of God in other things, When, there-
fore, you read the Bible, you must read it with

“What is faith? [| don’t quite understand,

“ Frank, I have often told you of many things
that are in England, where you one day hope to
g0. Now, if when you arrive in England, you
find that everything that I have told you is quite
true, you will be satisfied that I am worthy of

ce Yes.”?

“ Well, Suppose some one were to tell you


something relative to any other country, which
you could not understand, and you came to me
‘and asked me if such were the case, would you,
having found that I told you truth with regard to
England, believe that what you had been told of
this other country was true, if I positively asserted
that it was so?”

« Of course I should, mother.”

« Well, then, Frank, that would be faith; a
belief in things not only not seen, but which you
cannot understand. But, to go on, IT mention
this because some people are so presumptuous as
to ask the why and the wherefore of God’s doings,
and attempt to argue upon their justice, forgetting
that the little reason they have is the gift of God,
and that they must be endowed with intellect
equal to the Almighty, to enable them to know
and perceive that which He decides upon. But
if God has not permitted us to understand all —
his ways, still, wherever we can trace the finger A
of God, we can always perceive that everything
is directed by an all-wise and beneficent hand ;
and that, although the causes appear simple, the
effects produced are extraordinary and wonderful. —
We shall observe this as we talk over the history
of the Jews, in the Bible. But, I repeat, that we
must study the whole of the Bible with faith, and) ;
not be continually asking ourselves, ‘ Why wa 4

+. this done?’ If you will turn to the ninth chaptel

Rape. ties Tae RT esac. a


of the Epistle to the Romans, you will see what
the Apostle Paul says on the subject : ‘ Nay but,
O man, who art thou that rephest against God ??
Shall the thing formed say to him that formed
it, ‘Why hast thou made me thus?” Do you now
understand in what spirit the Bible should be
read ?”

“ Yes, Ido. We must read it as the Word of
God, and believe all that we read in it.”

“Exactly. Now we will proceed. After Adam’s
fall, the earth became so wicked that God de-
stroyed it, leaving but Noah and his family to
re-people it; and as soon as this was done, the
Almighty prepared for his original intention for
the future salvation of men, He selected Abraham,
who was a good man, and who had faith, to be
the father of a nation chosen for His own people
—that was the Jewish nation. He told him that
his seed should multiply as the stars in the heavens,
and that all the nations of the earth should be
blessed in him ; that is, that from his descendants
should Christ be born, who should be the salvation
of men. Abraham’s great grandchildren were
brought into Egypt, to live apart in the land of
Goshen. You have read the history of J oseph
and his brethren ?”

“ Oh yes; I know that well,”

“ Well, the Almighty wished the J ews should
be a nation apart from others, and for that pur-

R 2

pose he brought them into Egypt. But observe,
Frank, by what simple and natural causes this
was effected. It was by a dream of Joseph’s,
which, when he told them of it, irritated his
brothers against him ; they sold him as a slave,
and he was sent into Egypt. There, having ex-
plained the dream of Pharaoh, he was made a
ruler over Egypt, and saved that country from the
famine which was in every other land. His
brothers come down to buy corn, and he recog-
nises them. He sends for his father and all the
family, and establishes them in the land of Goshen,
as shepherds, apart from the Egyptians. Here
they multiplied fast ; but after Joseph’s elevation
they were cruelly treated by the Egyptians, who
became afraid of their rapid increase, and eventu-
ally the kings of Egypt gave orders that all the
male children of the Jews should be destroyed.
It was at this time, when they were so oppressed
and cruelly treated by the Egyptians, that God
interfered and sent for Moses. Moses, like all the
rest of the Jews, knew nothing of the true God,
and was difficult to persuade ; and it was only by
miracles that he was convinced.”

«“ Why did God keep the Jews apart from the
Egyptians, and have them thrown in bondage

«“ Because he wished to prepare them to become
his own peculiar people. By their being descended
from Abraham, and having never intermarried with
other nations, they had become a pure race ; by

being in bondage and severely treated, they had
suffered and become united as a people. They
knew no gods, but those worshipped by the Egyp-
tians, and these gods it was now the intention of
the Almighty to confound, and prove to the Jews
as worthless. At the same time he worked with his
own nation in mystery, for when Moses asked him
what God he was to tell his people that He was,
the Almighty only replied by these words—‘ I am?
having no name like all the false gods worshipped
by the Egyptians. He was now about to prove,
by his wonderful miracles, the difference between
himself and the false gods.”

“ What are miracles ?”

“A miracle is doing that which man has no
power of doing, proving that the party who does
it is superior to man; for instance—to restore a
dead man to life is a miracle, as none but God,
or those empowered by God, could do so. Miracles
were necessary, therefore, to prove to the Jews
that the Almighty was the true God, and were
resorted to by Him in this instance, as well as in
the coming of Our Saviour, when it was also neces-
sary to prove that he was the Son of God. When
the Almighty sent Moses to Pharaoh to demand
that the Israelites should have permission to sacri-
fice in the desert, He purposely hardened the heart
of Pharaoh that he might refuse the request.”

“ But why did he so?”

“ Because he wanted to prove to the Israelites

that He was the only true God ; and had Pharaoh
consented to their going away, there would have
been no opportunity of performing those miracles
by which the Israelites were to be delivered, and
by which they were to acknowledge Him as their

Mrs. Reichardt often renewed this conversation,
till I became acquainted with Scriptural History.


Tue following morning, I went with Nero to
take a couple of fish out of the pool. As soon
as Nero had caught them, he went into the other
part of the bathing-pool to amuse himself, while
I cleaned the fish, which I generally did before I
went up to the cabin, giving him the heads and
insides for his share, if I did not require any
portion for the birds. Nero was full of play that
morning, and when I threw the heads to him, as
he frolicked in the water, he brought them out to
the rocks; but instead of eating them, as usual,
he laid them at my feet. I threw them in several
times, and he continued to bring them out, and
my mother, coming down to me, was watching

“J think,” said she, “ you must teach Nero to
fetch and carry like a dog—try. Instead of the
heads, throw in this piece of wood ;”’ which she now
broke off the boathook staff.

I did so, and Nero brought it out, as he had
done the heads of the fish. I patted and coaxed
the animal, and tried him again several times with

“Now,” said my mother, “ you must accustom
him to certain words when you send him for any-
thing. Always say, ‘ Fetch it, Nero!’ and point
with your finger.”

« Why am I to do that, mother ?” I asked.

“ Because the object to be gained is, not that
the animal should fetch out what you throw in,
but what you send it to bring out which you have
not thrown in. Do you understand? ”

“Yes,” replied I. “You mean, if there were
anything floating near on the sea, I should send
him for it.”

“ Exactly. Then Nero would be of some use.”

‘T will soon teach him,” replied I ; “ to-morrow
I will send him into the sea after the piece of spar.
I’ve no fear that he will go away now.”

“JT was thinking last night, Frank, whether
they had taken the pail with them in the boat.”

“The pail,” said 1; “I know where it is, but I
quite forgot it. We left it up the ravine the last
day we planted the potatoes.”

“We did so, now I recollect. Iwill go for it
while you get the breakfast ready.”

We had now been for many weeks on a fish
diet, and I must confess that I was tired of it,
which was not the case when I lived upon the dried
birds during the whole of the year. Why so I
cannot tell ; but I was soon to learn to relish fish,
if I could obtain them.

It was not often that the wind blew direct on the

shore, but coming from the northward and east-
ward, it was in a slanting direction; but occasion-
ally, and chiefly about the time of the equinoxes,
the gales came on very heavy from the eastward,
and then the wash of the seas upon the rocky
coast was tremendous. Such was the case about
this time. A fierce gale of wind from the eastward
raised a sea which threw the surf and spray high
over the loftiest of the rocks, and the violence of
the wind bore the spray far inland. The gale had
come on in the evening, and my mother and I,
when we rose in the morning, were standing on
the platform before the cabin, admiring the
grandeur of the scene, but without the least idea
that it was to be productive of so much misery to
ourselves. My mother pointed out to me some
passages in the Psalms and Old Testament bear-
ing strongly upon the scene before us ; after a
time I called Nero, and went down with him to
take fish out of the pool for our day’s consump-
tion. At that time we had a large supply in the
pool—more than ever, I should say. When I
arrived at the pool, I found the waves several feet
in height rolling in over the ledges, and the pool
one mass of foam, the water in it being at least two
or three feet higher than usual ; still it never
occurred to me that there was any mischief done,
until I had sent Nero in for the fish, and found
that, after floundering and diving for some time,
he did not bring out one. My mind misgave me,

and I ordered him in again. He remained some
time and then returned without a fish, and I was
then satisfied that from the rolling in of the waves,
and the unusual quantity of the water in the pool,
the whole of the fish had escaped, and that we
were now without any provisions or means of
subsistence, until the weather should settle, and
enable us to catch some more.

Aghast at the discovery, I ran up to the cabin,
and called to my mother, who was in her bed-

“Oh, mother, all the fish have got out of the
pool, and we have nothing to eat. I told you we
should be starved.”

“Take time, Frank, and take breath,” replied
she, “and then tell me what has happened to
cause this alarm and dismay, that you appear to
be in.”

I explained to her what had happened, and that
Nero could not find one fish.

“TJ fear that what you say must be correct,”
replied she; “but we must put our trust in God.
It is His will, and whatever He wills must be

I cannot say I was Christian enough at the
time to acknowledge the truth of her reply, and I
answered, “If God is as good and as gracious as
you say, will He allow us tostarve? Does he know
that we are starving?” continued I.

“Does He know, Frank?” replied my mother.

“ What does the Bible say—that not a sparrow
falls to the ground without His knowledge ; and
of how much more worth are you than many
sparrows? Shame upon you, Frank ! ”

I was abashed, but not satisfied ; I therefore
replied quietly, “We have nothing to eat,

“Granted that we have lost all our fish, Frank,
still we are not yet starving; the weather may
moderate to-morrow, and we may catch some
more, or even if it should not till the day after-
wards, we can bear to be two days without food.
Let us hope for thie best and put our trust in God
—let us pray to Him and ask him for his assist-
ance. He can rebuke these stormy waters—He can
always find means of helping those who put con-
fidence in Him, and will send us aid when all hope
appears gone. Pray, Frank, as I will do fervently,
and believing that your prayer is heard—pray
with faith, and your prayer will be answered.”

“Tt is not always so,” replied I ; “ you have told
me of many people who have died of starvation.”

“T grant it, and for all-wise purposes they were
permitted so to do; but the Almighty had reasons
for permitting it, unknown to us, but which you
may depend upon it, were good. We cannot
fathom His decrees. He may even now decide
that such is to be our fate; but if so, depend upon
it, Frank, all is right, and what appears to you
now as cruel and neglectful of you, would, if the

future could be looked into by us, prove to have
been an act of mercy.”

“Do you think, then, that we shall starve ? ”

“Tdo not—I have too much faith in God’s
mercy, and I do not think that He would have
preserved our lives by preventing the men from
taking us into the boat, if we were now to starve.
God is not inconsistent ; and I feel assured that,
forlorn as our present position appears to be, and
tried as our faith in Him may be, we shall still be
preserved, and live to be monuments of his gra-
cious love and kindness.”

These words of my mother and the implicit con-
fidence which she appeared to have, much revived
me. ‘“ Well,” said I, “I hope you are right, my
dear mother ; and now I think of it,’ continued I,
brightening up at the idea, “if the worst come to
the worst, we can eat the birds; I don’t care
much for them now, and if I did, you should not
starve, mother.”

“ T believe you would not hesitate to sacrifice
the birds, Frank; buta greater sacrifice may be
demanded of you.”

“What?” inquired 1; and then after a little
thought I said, “ You don’t mean Nero, mother ?”

«To tell the truth, I did mean Nero, Frank ;
for the birds will not be a support for more than
a day or two.”

“T never could kill Nero, mother,” replied L,
gloomily ; and walking away into the cabin, I sat

down very melancholy at the idea of my favourite
being sacrificed ; to me it appeared quite horrible,
and my mother having referred to it, made her
fall very much in my good opinion. Alas! I was
indeed young and foolish, and little thought what
a change would take place in my feelings. As for
the birds, as I really did not care for them, I re-
solved to kill two of them for our day’s meal, and
returning to the platform I had laid hold of the
two that were there and had seized both by the
neck, when my mother asked me what I was going
to do.

“Kall them, and put them in the pot for our
dinner,”’ replied I.

“Nay, Frank! you are too hasty. Let us
make some little sacrifice, even for the poor birds.
We surely can fast one day without very great
suffering. To-morrow will be time enough.”

I dropped the birds from my hand, tacitly con-
senting to her proposal. It was not, however, for
the sake of the birds that I did so, but because
one day’s respite for the birds would be a day’s
respite for Nero.

“Come,” said my mother, “let us go into the
cabin and get some work. I will alter some of
the clothes for you. What will you do?”

“T don’t know,” replied I, “ but I will do what-
ever you tell me.”

“Well, then, I perceive that the two fishing-
lines are much worn, and they may break very

soon, and then we shall be without the means of
taking fish, even if the weather is fine ; so now we
will cut off some of the whale-line, and when it
is unravelled, I will show you how to lay it up
again into fishing-line ; and, perhaps, instead of
altering the clothes, I had better help you, as
fishing-lines are now of more consequence to us
than anything else.”

This was an arrangement which I gladly con-
sented to. In a short time the whale-line was
unravelled, and my mother showed me how to lay
it up in three yarns, so as to make a stout fishing-
line. She assisted, and the time passed away
more rapidly than I had expected it would.

“You are very clever, mother,” said I.

“No, my child, I am not, but I certainly do
know many things which women in general are
not acquainted with; but the reason of this is, 1
have lived a life of wandering, and occasional
hardships. Often left to our own resources, when
my husband and I were among strangers, we
found the necessity of learning to do many things
for ourselves, which those who have money usually
employ others to do for them ; but I have been
in situations where even money was of no use,
and had to trust entirely to myself. I have,
therefore, always made it a rule to learn every-
thing that I could; and as I have passed much of
my life in sailing over the deep waters, I obtained
much useful knowledge from the seamen, and this

of laying up fishing-lines is one of the arts which
they communicated to me. Now, you see, I reap
the advantage of it.”

“Yes,” replied I; “and so do I. How lucky
it was that you came to this island.”

“ Lucky for me, do you mean, Frank ?”

“No, mother! I mean how lucky for me.”

“T trust that I have been sent here to be
useful, Frank, and with that feeling I cheerfully
submit to the will of God. He has sent me that
I may be useful to you, I do not doubt ; and if by
my means you are drawn towards Him, and,
eventually, become one of His children, I shall
have fulfilled my mission.”

“T do not understand you quite, mother.”

“No, you cannot as yet; but everything in
season,” replied she, slowly musing: “ ¢ First the
blade, then the ear, and then the full corn in the
ear.’ 3)

“Mother,” said I, “I should hike to hear the
whole story of your life. You know I have told
you all that I know about myself. Now, suppose
you tell me your history, and that of your
husband. You did say that perhaps one day you
would. Do you recollect ?”

“Yes, I do recollect that I did make a sort of
promise, Frank, and I promise you now that some
day I will fulfil it; but I am not sure that you
will understand or profit by the history now, so
much as you may by-and-by.”

“Well, but mother, you can tell me the story
twice, and I shall be glad to hear it again; so tell
it to me now, to amuse me, and by-and-by, that I
may profit by it.”

My mother smiled, which she very seldom did ;
and said—

“Well, Frank, as I know you would at any
time give up your dinner to listen to a story, and
as you will have no dinner to-day, I think it is but
fair that I should consent to your wish. Who
shall I begin with—with my husband or with

“Pray begin with your own history,” replied I.


“T am the daughter of a parish clerk in a smal]
market-town near the southern coast of England,
within a few miles of a large seaport.”

“What is a parish clerk ?” I asked, inter-
rupting my mother at the commencement of her
promised narrative,

“A parish clerk,” she replied, “is a man who is
employed in the parish or place to which he be-
longs, to fulfil certain humble duties in connection
with the church or place of worship where the
people meet together to worship God.”

“What does he do there ?” I inquired.

“ He gives out the psalms that are to be sung,
leads the congregation in making their responses
to the minister appointed to perform the Services

births, deaths, and burials of the inhabitants, and
the care of the church monuments, and of other
property belonging to the building. In some
places he also fulfils the duties of bell-ringer and
grave-digger; that is to say, by ringing a large
bell at the top of the church, he summons the
people to their devotions, during their lives, and

digs a hole in consecrated ground, surrounding
the sacred building, to receive their bodies when

I mused on this strange combination of offices,
and entertained a notion of the importance of
such a functionary, which I afterwards found was
completely at variance with the real state of the

“ My father,” she resumed, “ not only fulfilled.
all these duties, but contrived to perform the
functions of schoolmaster to the parish children.”

“What are parish children?” I asked eagerly.
“T know what children are, as Jackson repre-
sented to me that I was the child of my father
and mother—but what makes children parish
children ?”

“They are the children of the poor,’ Mrs.
Reichardt replied, “who, not being able to afford
them instruction, willingly allow them to be
taught at the expense of the people of the parish

I thought this a praiseworthy arrangement. I
knew nothing of poor’s-rates, and the system of
giving relief to the poor of the parish, so long
used in England, afterwards explained to me; but
the kindness and wisdom of this -:plan of instruc-
tion became evident to my understanding. I was
proceeding to ask other questions, when my
mother stopped them by saying, that if I expected
her to get through her story, I must let her

proceed without further interruption ; for many
things would be mentioned by her, which de.
manded explanation, for one so completely un-
aware of their existence as myself, and that it

time ; the proper explanations she promised should
follow. She then proceeded,

“ My father, it may be thought, had enough
on his hands; but in an obscure country town, it
is not unusual for one man to unite the occupa-
tions of several, and this was particularly the case
with my father, who, in addition to the offices I
have Cnumerated, was the best cattle-doctor and
bone-setter within ten miles, and often earned his
bread at different kinds of farmer’s work ; such as
thatching, hedging, ditching, and the like. Never.
theless, he found time to read his Bible, and bring
up his only daughter religiously. This daughter
was myself.”

“ What had become of your mother ?” J asked,
as I thought it strange Mrs. Reichardt should
only mention one parent,

“ She had died very soon after my birth,” she
answered, “ and I was left at first to the care of a
poor woman, who nursed me; as soon, however,

teaching me what he knew ; and though the extent
of his acquirements was by no means great, it was
sufficient to lay a good foundation, and establish a
desire for more comprehensive information, which
I sought every available means to obtain.

“I remember that at a very early age, I ex-
hibited an extraordinary curiosity for a child,
constantly asking questions, not only of my father,
but of all his friends and visitors ; and, as they
seemed to consider me a quick and lively child,
they took pleasure in satisfying my inquisitive spirit.
In this way I gained a great deal of knowledge,
and, by observation of what passed around me, a
great deal more.

“It soon became a source of pride and gratifi-
cation with my father, to ask me to read the
Bible to him. This naturally led to a good many
inquiries on my part, and numerous explanations
on his. In course of time, I became familiar with
all the sacred writings, and knew their spirit and
meaning much better than many persons who
were more than double my age,

“My fondness for such studies, and conse-
quent reputation, attracted the attention of Dr.
Brightwell, the clergyman of our parish, who had
the kindness to let me share the instructions of
his children, and stil] further advanced my educa-
tion, and still more increased my natural predi-
lection for religious information. By the time I
was thirteen, I became quite a prodigy in Chris.

tian learning, and was often sent for to the
parsonage, to astonish the great people of the
neighbourhood, by the facility with which I
answered the most puzzling questions that were

put to me, respecting the great mysteries of


“Ir was about this time that I first became
acquainted with an orphan boy, an inmate of the
workhouse, who had been left to the care of the
parish, by the sudden death of his parents, a Ger-
man clockmaker and his wife, from a malignant
fever which had visited the neighbourhood, and
taken off a considerable portion of the labouring
population. TI had been sent on errands from my
father to the master of the workhouse, a severe,
sullen man, of whom I had a great dread, and I
noticed this child, in consequence of his pale and
melancholy countenance, and apparently miserable
condition. I observed that no one took any
notice of him ; and that he was allowed to wander
about the great straggling workhouse, among the
insane, the idiotic, and the imbecile, without the
slightest attention being paid to his going and
coming ; in short, he lived the wretched life of a
workhouse boy.

“T see that you are eager to ask what js a
workhouse boy,” said my mother, “so I will anti-
cipate your question. There is, in the various
parishes of the country to which we both belong, a

building expressly set apart for the accommoda-
tion and Support of the destitute and disabled

grave. They are all known to be in a state of
helpless poverty, and quite unable to earn a sub-
sistence for themselves, In this building they are
clothed and fed 3 the younger provided with in-
struction necessary to put them in the way of
earning a livelihood ; the elders of the community
enjoying the consolations of religion, accorded to
them by the regular visits of the chaplain.”

“I suppose,” I here observed, “ that the people
who lived there were deeply impressed with their
good fortune in finding such an asylum ?”

“As far as I could ever ascertain,” Mrs. Reich-
ardt replied, « it was exactly the reverse. It
was always thought so degrading to enter a
workhouse, that the industrious labourer would
endure any and every privation rather than live
there. An honest hard-working man must be
sorely driven indeed, to seek such a shelter in his

“That seems strange,” I observed. « Why
Should he object to receive what he so much
stands in need of ?”

“ When he thus comes upon the funds of the
parish,” answered my mother, “ he becomes what

santry of the better sort, there is the greatest
possible aversion to be ranked with this degraded
class. Consequently, the inmates of the work-
houses are either those whose infirmities prevent
their earning a subsistence, or the idle and the
dissolute, who feel none of the honest prejudices
of self-dependence, and care only to live from day
to day on the coarse and meagre fare afforded
them by the charity of their wealthier and more
industrious fellow-creatures,

“The case of this poor boy I thought very
pitiable. I found out that his name was Heinrich
Reichardt. He could speak no language but his
own, and therefore his wants remained unknown,
and his feelings unregarded. He had been brought
up with a certain sense of comfort and decency,
which was cruelly outraged by the position in
which he found himself placed by the sudden
death of his parents, | observed that he was
often in tears; and his fajr features and light hair
contrasted remarkably with the squalid faces and
matted locks of his companions. His wretched-
ness never failed to make a deep impression on
me. 7
“T brought him little presents, and strove to
express my sympathy for his sufferings. He
seemed, at first, more surprised than grateful ; but
I shortly discovered that my attentions gave him
unusual pleasure, and he looked upon my visits as
his only solace and gratification,


“Even at this period, I exercised considerable
influence over my father, and I managed to in-
terest him in the case of the poor foreign boy to
such an extent, that he was induced to take him
out of the workhouse, and find him a home under
his own roof. He was at first reluctant to burthen
himself with the bringing up of a child, who, from
his foreign language and habits, could be of little
use to him in his avocations ; but I promised to
teach him English, and all other learning of which
he stood most in need, and assured my father,
that in a prodigious short time I would make him
a much abler assistant than he was likely to find
among the boys of the town.

“ My father’s desire to please me, rather than
any faith he reposed in my assertions, led him to
allow me to do as I pleased in this affair. I lost no
time, therefore, in beginning my course of instruc-
tion, and in a few weeks ascertained that I had an
apt pupil, who was determined to proceed with
his education as fast as circumstances would
admit. We were soon able to. express our ideas
to each other, and in a few months read together
the book out of which I had received so many in-
valuable lessons,

“In a short time I became not less proud. of,
than partial to, my pupil. I took him through the
same studies which I had pursued under the
auspices of our clergyman, and was secretly pleased
to find, not only that he was singularly quick in

imbibing my instructions, but displayed a strong
natural taste for those investigations towards
which I had shown so marked a bias,

“ Day after day have we sat together discours-
ing of the great events recorded in Holy Writ :
going over every chapter of its marvellous records,
page by page, till the whole were so firmly fixed
upon our minds, that we had no necessity during
Our Conversations for referring to the Sacred
Book. We found examples we held up to ourselves

“My father seemed as much pleased with my suc-
cessful teaching, as he had been with my successful
learning ; and when young Reichardt turned out a
remarkably handy and intelligent lad, to whose
assistance in some of his avocations he could have
recourse with perfect confidence in his cleverness
and discretion, he srew extremely partial to him.
Dr. Brightwell also proved his friend, and in a few
years, the condition of the friendless workhouse
boy was so changed, he could not have been taken
for the same person,

“He was a boy of a very grateful spirit, and
always regarded me with the devotion of & most

thankful heart. Often would he contrast the
wretchedness of his previous condition with the
happiness he now enjoyed, and express in the
warmest terms his obligations to me for the im-
portant service I had rendered him in rescuing
him from the abject misery of the workhouse.
Under these circumstances, it is not extraordinary
that we should learn to regard each other with the
liveliest feelings of affection, and while we were
still children, endured all the transports and tor-
ments which make up the existence of more
experienced lovers,”

“TI do not like interrupting you,” I here ob-
served, “but J certainly should like to know
what is meant by the word lovers?”

“T can scarcely explain it to you satisfactorily
at present,” said Mrs. Reichardt, with a smile ;
“but I have no doubt, before many years have
passed over your head—always provided that you
escape from this island—you will understand it
without requiring any explanation. But I must
now leave my story, as many things of much con-
sequence to our future welfare now demand my
careful attention.”

I could not then ascertain from her what was
meant by the word whose meaning I had asked.
It had very much excited my curiosity ; but she
left me to attend to her domestic duties, of which
she was extremely regardful, and I had no Oppor-
tunity at that time of eliciting from her the expla-
nation I desired,


Ir is impossible for me to overrate the value of
Mrs. Reichardt’s assistance. Indeed had it not
been for her, cireumstanced as I was at this par-
ticular period, I should in all probability have
perished. Her exhortations saved me from despair,
when our position seemed to have grown quite
desperate. But example did more, even, than
precept. Her ingenuity in devising expedients ;
her activity in putting them in force ; her unfailing
cheerfulness under disappointment, and Christian
resignation under privation, produced the best
results. I was enabled to bear up against the ill
effects of our crippled resources, consequent upon
the ill conduct of the sailors of the whaler, and
the failure of our fish-pond.

She manufactured strong lines for deep-sea
fishing, and having discovered a shelf of rock,
little more than two feet above the sea, to which
with a good deal of difficulty I could descend, I
took my stand one day on the rock with my lines
baited with a piece of one of my feathered
favourites, whom dire necessity had at last forced
me to destroy. I waited with all the patience of
THE LITTLE savage. 269

a veteran angler. I knew the water to be very
deep, and it lay in a sheltered nook or corner of
the rocks about ten feet across ; I allowed the line
to drop some three or four yards, and not having
any float, could only tell I had a bite by feeling a
pull at the line, which was wound round my arm.
After some time having been passed in this
way, my attention was withdrawn from the line,
and given to the narrative I had so lately heard ;
that is to say, though my “yes were still fixed upon
the line, I had completely given up my thoughts
to the story of the poor German boy, who had
been snatched from poverty by the interference
of the parish clerk’s daughter; and I contrived to
speculate on what I should have done under such
circumstances, imagining all sorts of extravagances
in which I should have indulged, to testify my
gratitude to so amiable and benevolent a friend. .
A singular course of ideal scenes followed each
other in quick succession in my mind—as I fancied
myself the hero of a similar adventure, J regarded
my imaginary benefactress with feelings of such

sentiments of a like nature, the knowledge of
which awoke in our hearts the most agreeable

I was rudely disturbed out of this day-dream
by finding myself suddenly plunged into the deep
water beneath me. The Shock was so startling,

that some seconds elapsed before I could compre-
hend my situation; and then it became clear that
I must have hooked a fish, that had not only suc-
ceeded in pulling me off my balance, but the line
by which he was held being round my arm, cutting
painfully into the flesh, threatened drowning by
keeping me under water. With great difficulty I
managed to rise to the surface, and loosened the
windings of the line from my limb ; then, anxious
to retain possession of what from its force must
have been a fish well worth some trouble in
catching, I held on with both hands, and pulled
with all my strength. | |

At first, by main force I was drawn through
the water ; then, when I found the strain slacken,
I drew in the line. This manceuvre was repeated
several times, till I succeeded in obtaining a view
of what I had caught; or, more properly speak-
ing, of what had caught me. It was merely a
glimpse ; for the fish, which was a very large one,
getting a sight of me within a few yards of him,
made some desperate plunges, and again darted
_ off, dragging me along with him, sometimes under
the water, and sometimes on the surface.

His body was nearly round, and about seven or
eight feet long—rather a formidable antagonist
for close quarters ; nevertheless, I was most eager
to get at him, the more so, when I ascertained
that his resistance was evidently decreasing. I
continued to approach, and at last got near enough

to plunge my knife up to the haft in his head,
which at once put an end to the struggle,

But now another difficulty presented itself. In
the ardour of the chase I had been drawn nearly
a mile from the island, and J found it impossible

the distance. My fish therefore must be aban-
doned. Here was a bountiful supply of food, as
soon as placed within reach, rendered totally un-
available, ,

I thought of “Mrs. Reichardt. | thought how
gratified she would have been, could I haye


As soon as I could disconnect my tackle from
the dead fish, I turned my face homewards, and
struck out manfully for the shore ; luckily I did
not observe any sharks. I landed safely without
further adventure, and immediately sought my
kind friend and companion, whom I found, as
usual, industriously employed in endeavouring to
secure me additional comforts. If she were not
engaged in ordinary woman’s work,—making,
mending, cleaning, or improving, in our habitation,
she was sure to be found doing something in
the immediate neighbourhood, which, though less
feminine, showed no less forethought, prudence,
and sagacity.

Our garden had prospered wonderfully under
her hands. The ground seemed now stocked
with various kinds of vegetation, of which I neither
knew the value nor the proper mode of cultiva-
tion; and we seemed about to be surrounded
with shrubs and plants—many of very pleasing
appearance—that must in a short time entirely
change the aspect of the place.

She heard my adventure with a good deal of

interest, only remonstrating with me upon my
want of caution, and dwelling upon the fatal con-
sequences that must have ensued to herself, had
I been drowned or disabled by falling from the
rock, or devoured by the sharks,

“You may consider yourself, my dear son,”
she observed, with serious earnestness, “ to have
been under the Divine care. Nothing can be
clearer than that a wise and kind Providence is
continually watching over His creatures when
placed in unusual or perilous circumstances. He
occasionally affords them manifestations of His
favour, to encourage them when engaged in good
works. This shows the comprehensive eye of
the master of many workmen, who overlooks the
labours of his more industrious servants, and
indicates to them his regard for their welfare and
appreciation of their labours.”

“ But surely,” I interposed, “if I had been
under the superintendence of the Providence of
which you speak, I should not have been obliged
to abandon so capital a fish, when I had endured
such trouble to capture it, and when its possession
Was so necessary to our comfort, na » even to our

“The very abandonment of so unwieldy a crea-
ture,” she replied, “ ig unanswerable evidence of
a Divine interposition in your favour; for had
you persisted in your intention of carrying it to
the shore, there is but little doubt that its weight


would have overpowered you, and that you would
have been drowned; and then what would have
become of me? A woman left in this desolate
spot to her own resources, must soon be forced to
give up the struggle for existence, from want of
physical strength. Nevertheless, there are nume-
rous instances on record, of women having sur-
mounted hardships which few men could endure.
Supported by our Heavenly Father, who is so
powerful a protector of the weak, and friend of the
helpless, the weakest of our weak sex may triumph
over the most intolerable sufferings. I, however,
am not over confident of being so supported, and
therefore, I think it would be but showing a proper
consideration for your fellow exile, to act in every
emergency with as much circumspection and
prudence as possible.”

I promised that for the future I would run
no such risks, and added many professions of
regard for her safety. They had the desired
effect ; I pretended to think no more of my dis-
appointment, nevertheless, I found myself con-
stantly dwelling on the size of my lost fish, and
lamenting my being obliged to abandon him to
his more voracious brethren of the deep. These
thoughts so filled my mind, that at night I con-
tinued to dream over again the whole incident,
beginning with my patient angling from the rock,
and concluding with my disconsolate swim to
shore—and pursued my scaly antagonist quite as



determinedly in my sleep as I had done in the
deep waters.

I rose early, after having passed so disturbed a
night, and soon made my way to the usual haunt
of Nero, whom I discovered in the sea near the
rocks making all sorts of strange tumblings and
divings, apparently after some dark object that
was floating in the water. I called him away, to
examine what it was that had so attracted his at-
tention, and my surprise may be imagined when
I made out the huge form of my enemy of the
preceding day. My shouts and exclamations of
Joy soon brought Mrs, Reichardt to the scene,
and when she discovered the shape of this pro-
digious fish, her surprise seemed scarcely less
than my own.

How to land him was our first consideration ;
and after some debate on the ways and means, I
got a rope and leaped into the water with it, fast-
ened a noose round his gills, and then swimming
back and climbing the rock, we jointly tried to
pull him up on to the shore. We hauled and
tugged with all our force for a considerable time,
but to very little effect ; he was too heavy to pull
up perpendicularly. At last we managed to drag
him to a low piece of rock, and there J divided
him into several] pieces, which Mrs, Reichardt car-
ried away to dry and preserve in Some way that
she said would make the fish capital eating all
the year round,

T 2

It was very palatable when dressed by her, and
as she changed the manner of cooking several
times, I never got tired of it. By its flavour, as
far as I could judge from subsequent knowledge,
the creature was something of the sturgeon kind
of fish ; but its proper name I never could learn;
nor was I ever able to catch another, therefore,
I must presume that it was a stranger in those
seas. Nevertheless, he proved most acceptable
to us both, for we should have fared but ill for
some time, had it not been for his providential

It was one afternoon, when we had been
enjoying a capital meal at the expense of our
great friend, that I led the subject to Mrs.
Reichardt’s adventures, subsequently to where she
broke off in the story of herself and the poor
German boy; and though not without consider-
able reluctance, I induced her to proceed with her


“Our good minister Dr. Brightwell,” she
commenced, “was a man of considerable scho-
lastic attainments, and he delighted in making a
display of them. At one time he had been master
of an extensive grammar school, and now he em-
ployed a good deal of his leisure in teaching those
boys and girls of the town, who indicated the
possession of anything like talent. The overseers
used to talk jestingly to my father, of the Doctor
teaching ploughboys Greek and Latin; and
wenches, whose chief employment was stone-
picking in the fields, geography and the use of
the globes. Even the churchwardens shook their
heads, and privately thought the Rector a little
out of his seven senses, for wasting his learning
upon such unprofitable scholars. Nevertheless,
he continued his self-imposed task, without meet-
ing any reward beyond the satisfaction of his own
conscience. It was not till he added to his
pupils myself and young Reichardt, he felt he was
doing his duty with some prospect of advantage,

“The spirit of emulation roused both of us to
make extraordinary efforts to second our worthy

master’s endeavours: and this did not, as is
usually the case, proceed from rivalry—it arose
entirely from a desire of the one to stand well in
the estimation of the other. In this way we
learned the French and Latin languages, geo-
graphy, and the usual branches of a superior
education: but our bias was more particularly for
religious knowledge, and our preceptor encouraged
this, till we were almost as good theologians as

“ While this information was being carefully ar-
ranged and digested, there sprung up in our hearts
so deep a devotion for each other, that we were
miserable when absent, and enjoyed no gratifica-
tion so much as being in each other’s society.
We knew not then the full power and meaning of
this preference, but as we changed from boy
and girlhood to adult life, our feelings developed
themselves into that attachment between the sexes,
which from time immemorial has received the
name of love.”

“T think I know what that means, now,” said
I, as my day-dream, which was so rudely
disturbed by my fall into the sea, occurred to

“It would be strange if you did,” she replied,
“considering that it is quite impossible you should
have become acquainted with it.”

“Yes, I am certain I understand it very well,”
I rejoined, more confidently, and then added, not

without some embarrassment, “If I were placed
in the position of Heinrich Reichardt, I am quite
sure I should feel towards any young female who
was so kind to me, the deepest regard and affec-
tion. I should like to be constantly near her,
and should always desire that she should like me
better than any one else.”

“That is quite as good an explanation of the
matter, as I could expect from you,” she observed,
smiling. “But to return to my story. Our
mutual attachment attracted general attention,
and was the subject of much observation. But
we had no enemies: and when we were met
strollmg together in the shady lanes, gathering
wild flowers, or wandering through the woods in
search of wild strawberries, no one thought it
necessary to make any remark if we had our arms
round each other’s waist. My father, if he heard
anything about it, did not interfere. Young
Reichardt had made himself so useful to him, and
showed himself so remarkably clever in everything
he undertook, that the old man loved him as his
own son.

“Tt was a settled thing between us, that we
were to become man and wife, as soon as we
should be permitted. And many were our plans
and schemes for the future. Heinrich considered
himself to be in the position of Jacob, who served
such a long and patient apprenticeship for Rachel ;
and though he confessed he should not like to

wait so long for his wife as the patriarch had been
made to do, he acknowledged he would rather
serve my father to the full period, than give up all
hope of possessing me.

“This happy state of things was, however, sud-
denly put an end to, by Dr. Brightwell one day
sending for my father. It was a long time before
he came back, and when he did, he looked un-
usually grave and reserved. In an hour or SO,
he communicated to me the result of his long
interview with the Rector. The Doctor had re-
solved to send young Reichardt to a distant place,
where many learned men lived together in colleges,
for the purpose of further advancing his education,
and fitting him for a religious teacher, to which
vocation he had long expressed a desire to devote
himself. The idea of separation seemed very
terrible, but I at last got reconciled to it, in the
belief that it would be greatly for Heinrich’s
advantage, and we parted at last with many tears,
many protestations, some fears, but a great many
more hopes.

“ For some days after he had left me, everything
seemed so strange, every one seemed so dull,
every place seemed so desolate, that I felt as if I
had been transported into some dismal scene,
where I knew no one, and where there was no
one likely to care about me in the slightest
degree. My father went about his avocations ina -
different spirit to what he had so long been used

to exhibit ; it was evident he missed Heinrich as
much as I did, and the villagers stared whenever
I passed them, as though my ever going about
without Heinrich was something which they had
never anticipated.

“In course of time, however, to all appearance,
everything and every one went on in their daily
course, as though no Heinrich had ever been
heard of. My father would sometimes, when
overpressed by business, refer to the able assistant
he had lost, and now and then I heard a conjec-
ture hazarded by some one or other of his most
confidential friends, as to what young Reichardt
was doing with himself. My conjectures, and my
references to him, were far from being so occa-
sional ; there was scarce an hour of the day I did
not think of him; but, believing that I should
please him most by endeavouring to improve as
much as possible during his absence, I did not
give myself up to idle reflections respecting the
past, or anticipations, equally idle, respecting the

“My great delight was in hearing from him.
At first, his letters expressed only his feelings for
me; then he dwelt more largely on his own ex-
ertions for preparing himself for the profession he
desired to adopt; and after a time, his correspond-
ence was almost entirely composed of expositions
of his views of a religious life, and dissertations
on various points of doctrine. He evidently was

growing more enthusiastic in religion, and less
regardful of our attachment.

“Yet I entertained no apprehensions or mis-
givings. I did not think it necessary to consider
myself slighted because the thoughts of my future
husband were evidently raised more and more
above me; the knowledge of this only made me
more anxious to raise myself more and more
towards the elevation to which his thoughts were
so intently directed.

“Things went on in this way for two or three
years. I never saw him all this time ; I heard
from him but seldom. He excused his limited
correspondence on the plea that his studies left
him no time for writing. I never blamed him
for this apparent neglect—indeed I rather en-
couraged it, for my exhortations were always that
he should address his time and energies towards
the attainment of the object I knew him to have
so much at heart—his becoming a minister of our
Lord’s Gospel.

“One day my father came home from the
rectory with a troubled countenance. Dr. Bright-
well was very indignant because Heinrich had
joined a religious community that dissented from
the Articles of the Church of England. The
- Doctor had offered to get him employment in the
Church, if he would give up his new connections :
but the more earnest character of his new faith
exerted so much influence over his enthusiastic

nature, that he willingly abandoned his bright
prospects to become a more humble labourer in a
less productive vineyard.

“ My father, as the clerk of the parish, seemed
to think himself bound to share in the indigna-
tion of his pastor for this desertion, and Heinrich
was severely condemned by him for displaying
such ingratitude to his benefactor: I was com-
manded to think no more of him.

“This, however, was not so easy a matter,
although our correspondence appeared to have
entirely ceased. I knew not where to address a
letter to him, and was quite unaware of what his
future career was now to be.


“Time passed on. With all, except myself,
Heinrich Reichardt appeared to be forgotten; in
the opinion of all, except myself, he had forgotten
our house, and all the friends he had once made
there. Our good rector had been removed by
death from the post he had so ably filled ; and my
father being incapacitated by age and infirmity
from attending his duties in the church, had his
place filled by another, He had saved sufficient
to live upon, and had built himself a small cottage
at the end of the village, where we lived together
in perfect peace, if not in perfect happiness.

“I had long grown up to womanhood, and
having some abilities, had been employed as one of
the teachers of the girls’ school, of which I had
raised myself to be mistress, I conducted myself so
as to win the respect of the chief parochial officers,
from more than one of whom I received pro-
posals of marriage: but I never could reconcile
myself to the idea of becoming the wife of any
man but the long-absent Heinrich, and the new
clerk and the overseer were fain to be content
with my grateful rejection of their proposals,

“T determined to wait patiently till I could
learn from Heinrich’s own lips that he had aban-
doned his early friend. I could never get myself
to believe in the possibility of his unfaithfulness ;
and the remembrances of our mutual studies in
the Book of Truth seemed always to suggest the
impossibility of his acting so completely at variance
with the impressions he had thence received.

“T was aware that if I had mentioned my hopes
of his one day coming to claim me, I should be
laughed at by every one who knew anything of
our story—so I said nothing, but continued the
more devotedly in my heart to cherish that faith
which had so long afforded me support against
the overwhelming evidence of prolonged silence
and neglect.

“There was a congregation of Dissenters in the
town, and I had been once or twice prevailed on
to join their devotions. One day I heard that
proceedings of extraordinary interest would take
place at the meeting-house. A minister of great
reputation had accepted the situation of Mission-
ary to preach the Gospel to the heathen, and he
was visiting the different Congregations that lay
in his route to the Seaport whence he was to em-
bark to the Sandwich Islands. He was expected
to address a discourse to the Dissenters of our
parish, and I was induced to go and hear him.

“The meeting-house was very much crowded,
but I contrived to get a seat within a short dis-

tance of the speakers, and waited with much
interest to behold the man, who, like some of the
first preachers, had chosen the perilous task of
endeavouring to convert a nation of savage idol-
aters to the faith of the true Christ.

“ After a short delay he appeared on a raised
platform, and was introduced to this congregation
by their minister. I heard nothing of this intro.
duction, though it seemed a long one; I saw
nothing of the speaker, though his was a figure
which always attracted an attentive audience. I
saw only the stranger. In those pale, grave, and
serious features then presented to me, I recognised
Heinrich Reichardt.”

“He had come back to you at last,” I ex-
claimed; “I thought he would. After all you
had done for the poor German boy, it was impos-
sible that he should grow up to manhood and
forget you.”

“You shall hear,” she replied. “For some
time my heart beat wildly, and I thought I should
be obliged to leave the place, my sensations
became so overpowering ; but the fear of disturb-
ing the congregation, and of attracting attention
towards myself, had such influence over me, that
I managed to retain sufficient control over my
feelings to remain quiet. Nevertheless my eyes
were upon Heinrich, and my whole heart and
soul were exclusively engrossed by him while he
continued before me.


“ Presently he began to speak. As I have just
said, I paid no attention to the preliminary pro-
ceedings. I know nothing of the manner in which
he was introduced to his audience ; but when he
became the speaker, every word fell upon my ear
with a distinctness that seemed quite marvellous
to me.

“And how could it be otherwise? His tall
figure, his melancholy yet expressive features, his
earnest manner, and clear and sonorous voice,
invested him with all the power and dignity of an
Apostle, and when with these attributes were
. Joed those associations of the past with which he
was so intimately connected, it is impossible to
exaggerate the influence he exercised over me,

“ He began with a fervent blessing on all who
had sought the sanctity of that roof, and his
hearers, impressed with the thrilling earnestness
of his delivery, became at once hushed into a kind
of awe-struck attention, They knelt down, and
bowed their heads in prayer.

“TI appeared to have no power to follow the
general example, but remained the only sitter in
the entire congregation, with my eyes, nay, all
my senses, fixed, riveted upon the preacher. This,
of course, attracted his attention. I saw him
look towards me with surprise, then he started,
his voice hesitated for a moment, but he almost
immediately continued his benediction, and, asit
seemed to me, with a voice tremulous with emotion,

“Then followed a discourse on the object of
the preacher in presenting himself there. He
described the wonderful goodness of the Creator
in continually raising up the most humble instru-
ments of His will to perform the most important
offices ; in illustration of which he referred to the
numerous instances in the Old and New Testa-
ments, where God’s preference in this way is so
clearly manifested.

“He then stated that ‘a case had arisen for
Divine interposition, equal in necessity to any
which had occurred since the first commencement
of Christianity” He explained that ‘there were
nations still existing in a distant portion of the
globe in a state of the wildest barbarism. Igno-
rant savages were they, with many cruel and
idolatrous customs, who were cannibals and mur-
derers, and given up to the worst vices of the
heathen. Their abject and pitiable state, he told
us, the Lord God had witnessed with Divine com-
miseration, and had determined that the light of
Christian love should shine upon their darkness,
and that Almighty wisdom should dissipate their
besotted ignorance.

“* But who,’ he asked, ‘ was to be the ambas-
sador from so stupendous a Power to these barba-
rous states ? Who would venture to bea messenger
of peace and comfort to a cruel and savage nation ?
‘Was there no man,’ he again asked, ‘ great
enough and bold enough to undertake a mission


of such vast importance, attended by such terrible
risks ?

“ ters among the great and bold,’ he added, ‘ as it is
written, ‘He hath put down the mighty from
their seats, and hath exalted the humble and
meek.’ And it will be peculiarly so on this occa-
sion, for the exaltation is from the humblest
origin ; so humble it is scarcely possible to imagine
so miserable a beginning, in the end attaining
distinction so honourable.

“ ‘Imagine, if you can, my brethren,’ he said,
‘in the building set apart in your town for the
reception of your destitute poor, a child parentless,
friendless, and moneyless, condemned, as it seemed,
to perpetual raggedness and intolerable suffering.
A ministering angel, under the direction of the
Supreme Goodness, took that child by the hand
and led it out of the pauper walls that inclosed
it, and under its auspices the child grew and
flourished, and learned all that was excellent in
faith and admirable in practice.

“*It was ordained that he should lose sight of
his angelic teacher. A dire necessity compelled
him to withdraw from that pure and gracious
influence. He had to learn in a different school,
and prepare himself for heavier tasks. Manhood,
with all its severe responsibilities, came upon him.
He sought first to render himself competent for
some holy undertaking, before he could consider


himself worthy again to claim that notice which
had made him what he was. Earnestly he strove
for the Divine assistance and encouragement ; and
as his qualifications increased, his estimate of the
worthiness necessary for the object he had in view,
became more and more exalted.

“ * At last,’ he continued, ‘it became known to
him that a Missionary was required to explain to
the savage people to whom I have already alluded,
the principles of Christianity. He was appointed
to this sacred trust; and he then determined,
before he left this country for the distant one of
his ministry, to present himself before that bene-
ficent being who had poured out before him so
abundant a measure of Christian virtue ; that they
might be joined together in the same great voca-
tion, and support each other in the same im-
portant trust.’

“T heard enough,” continued Mrs. Reichardt.
“All was explained, and I was fully satisfied.
The discourse proceeded to identify the speaker
with the poor boy who had been preserved for
such onerous duties. Then came an appeal to the
congregation for their prayers, and such assist-
ance as they could afford, to advance so holy a
work as the conversion of the heathen.

“ I was in such a tumult of pleasant feelings,
that I retained but a confused recollection of the
subsequent events. I only remember that as I
was walking home from the meeting, I heard


footsteps quickly following ; in a few minutes more
the voice that had so lately filled my heart to
overflowing with happiness, again addressed me.
I was too much excited to remain unconcerned
on suddenly discovering that Heinrich was sO
near, and I fell fainting into his arms.

“T was carried into a neighbouring cottage, but
in a short time was enabled to proceed home. In
a week afterwards we were married: a few days
more sufficed for the preparations that were re-
quired for my destination, and then we proceeded
to the port, and embarked on board the ship that
was to take us over many thousand miles of sea,
to the wild, unknown country that was to be the
scene of our mission.”

vu 2


Mrs. Reicuarpt was obliged to break off her
narrative, where it concluded at the end of the
last chapter. As I have said, her household
duties being very numerous, and requiring a
great deal of attention, took up nearly the whole
of her time.

The garden now presented a most agreeable
appearance, possessing several different kinds of
vegetables, and various plants that had been
raised from seed. We had succeeded in raising
several young orange-trees from the pips she had
brought in her basket: and they promised to
supply us with plenty of their luscious fruit. Even
the peas we thought so dry and useless had ger-
minated, and provided us with a welcome addition
to our table. I shall never forget the first day
she added to our scanty meal of dried fish a dish
of smoking potatoes fresh out of the moist earth.
After enjoying sufficiently my wonder at their
appearance, and delight at their agreeable taste,
she informed me of their first introduction into
Europe, and their gradual diffusion over the more
civilized portions of the globe.


I speak of Europe now, because I had learned
from my companion, not only a good deal of geo-
graphy, but had obtained some insight into several
other branches of knowledge. In particular, she
had told me much interesting information about
England, much more than I had learned from
Jackson; dwelling upon its leading features, and
the most remarkable portions of its history ; and
I must acknowledge that I felt a secret pride in
belonging to so great a country.

I considered that I belonged to it, for my father
and mother were English, and though I might be
called The Little Savage, and be fixed to an
obscure island in the great ocean, I felt that my
real home was in this great country my mother
talked about so glowingly, and that my chief
object ought to be to return into the hands of my
grandfather, the belt that had in so singular a
manner come into my possession.

I often thought of this great England whose
glory had been so widely spread and so durably
established, and longed for some means of leav-
ing our present abode, and going in search of
its time-honoured shores. But I asked myself
how was this desirable object to be effected ?
We had no means of transporting ourselves from
the prison into which we had been accidentally
cast. We had nothing resembling a boat on the
island, and we had no tools for making one;
and even had we been put in possession of such

a treasure, we had no means of launching it.
The rocky character of the coast made the placing
of a boat on the water almost impossible.

The expectation of a vessel appearing off the
island appeared quite as unreasonable. We had
seen no ships for a long time, and those we had
observed, were a great deal too far off to heed our

We had no help for it, but to trust to Pro-
vidence and bear our present evil patiently.
Nevertheless, I took my glass and swept the sea
far and wide in search of a ship, but failed to
discover anything but a spermaceti whale blow-
ing in the distance, or a shoal of porpoises tum-
bling over each other nearer the shore, or a colony
of seals basking in the sun on the rocks nearest
the sea. My disappointment was shared by Nero,
who seemed to regard my vexation with a sym-
pathizing glance, and even the gannets turned
their dull stupid gaze upon me, with an expression
as if they deeply commiserated my distress.

I had for a long time employed myself in
making a shelving descent to the sea, on the
most secure part of the rock, intending that it
should be a landing-place for a boat, in case
any ship should come near enough to send one to
our rescue. It was a work of great labour, and
hatchet and spade equally suffered in my en-
deavours to effect my object ; but at last I con-
trived to take advantage of a natural fracture

in the rock, and a subsequent fall of the cliff,
to make a rude kind of inclined plane, rather
too steep and too rough for bad climbers, but
extremely convenient for my mother and me,
whenever we should be prepared to embark for
our distant home.

My thoughts were now often directed to the
possibility of making on the island some kind of
boat that would hold ourselves and sufficient
provisions for a voyage to the nearest of the
larger islands. I spoke to Mrs. Reichardt on
the subject, but she dwelt upon the impossibility,
without either proper tools, or the slightest know-
ledge of boat-building, of producing a vessel to
which we could trust ourselves with any confi-
dence, neither of us knowing anything about its
management in the open sea; and then she spoke
of the dangers a small boat would meet with,
if the water should be rough, or if we should
not be able to make the island in any reasonable

Yet I was not daunted by difficulties, nor dis-
suaded by discouraging representations. I thought
at first of fastening all the loose timber together
that had drifted against the rocks, as much in the
shape of a boat as I could get it; but on look.
ing over my stock of nails, I found they fell
very far short of the proper quantity ; conse-
quently that mode of effecting my purpose was

I then thought of felling a tree and hollowing
it out by charring the timber. As yet I had dis-
covered nothing on the island but shrubs. I
was quite certain that no tree grew near enough
to the sea to be available, and if I should succeed
in cutting down a large one and fashioning it as
I desired, I had no means of transport.

I might possibly make a boat capable of carry-
ing all I wanted to put into it, but as I could
neither move the water up to the boat, nor the
boat down to the water, for all the service I wanted
of it, even if the island contained a tree large
enough, I might just as well leave it untouched.

Still I would not altogether abandon my fa-
vourite project. I thought of the willows that grew
on the island, and fancied I could make a frame-
work by twisting them strongly together, and
stretching seal-skins over them. I laboured at
this for several weeks, exercising all my ingenuity
and no slight stock of patience, to create ar
object with which I was but imperfectly ac-

I did succeed at last in putting together some-
thing in a remote degree resembling the boat that
brought part of the whaler’s crew to the island and
had taken them away, but it was nota quarter the
size, and was so light that I could carry it with-
out much difficulty to the landing I had constructed
on the cliff. When I came to try its capabilities,
I found it terribly lopsided—it soon began to

When I came to try its capabilities,

I found it terribly lopsided.—P, 296.


leak, and in fact it exhibited so many faults, that
I was forced to drag it again on shore, and take it
to pieces.

I called in Mrs. Reichardt to my assistance,
and though at first she seemed averse to the
experiment, she gave me a great deal of infor-
mation respecting the structure of small boats,
and the method of waterproofing leather and
other fabrics. I attended carefully to all she
said, and commenced rebuilding with more pre-
tensions to art.

I now made a strong framework, tolerably
sharp at each end, and as nearly as possible re-
sembling a keel at the bottom. I covered this
on both sides with pieces of strong cloth satu-
rated with grease from the carcases of birds,
and then covered the whole with well-dried seal-
skins, which I had made impervious to wet. The
mside of the boat nearest the water I neatly
covered with pieces of dry bark, over which I
fixed some boards, which had floated to the
island from wrecked ships. Finally I putin some
benches to sit on, and then fancied I had done
everything that was necessary.

I soon got her into the fishing-pool, and was
delighted to find that she floated capitally—but
I still had a great deal to do. I had made
neither oars to propel her through the water, nor
sail to carry her through the waves, when rowing
was impossible. I remembered the whaler’s spare

oars and mizen, but they were too large ; never-
theless, they served me as models to work upon,
and in time I made a rough pair of paddles or
oars, which, though rudely fashioned, I hoped
would answer the purpose pretty well.

The next difficulty was how to use the oars, and
I made many awkward attempts before I ascer-
tained the proper method of proceeding. Again
my companion, on whom nothing which had once
passed before her eyes had passed in vain, showed
me how the boat should be managed.

In a short time I could row about the pool with
sufficient dexterity to turn the boat in any direc-
tion I required, and I then took Nero as a pas-
senger, and he seemed to enjoy the new gratifi-
cation with a praiseworthy decorum ; till, when
I was trying to turn the boat round, the movement
caused him to attempt to shift his quarters,
which he did with so little attention to the build
of our vessel, that in one moment she was cap-
sized, and in the next we were swimming about in
the pool with our vessel bottom upwards.

As she was so light, I soon righted her, and
found that she had received no injury, and ap-
peared to be perfectly water-tight.


I covtp not prevail upon Mrs. Reichardt to
embark in my craft, the fate of my first passenger,
which she had witnessed from the shore, had
deterred her from attempting a voyage under such
unpromising circumstances.

As soon as I had dried my clothes, I was for
making another experiment, and one too of a
more hazardous nature. I would not be parted
from Nero, but I made him lie at the bottom of the
boat, where I could have him under strict control.
With him I also took my little flock of gannets,
who perched themselves round me, gazing about
them with an air of such singular stupidity as
they were being propelled through the water, that
I could not help bursting out laughing.

“ Indeed,” said Mrs. Reichardt, “ such a boat’s
crew and such a boat had never been seen in those
seas before. A young Savage as captain, a tame
seal as boatswain, and a flock of gannets as
sailors, certainly made up as curious a set of
adventurers as ever floated upon the wide ocean.”

I was not the least remarkable of the strange
group, for I had nothing on but a pair of duck

trousers, patched in several places; and my hair,
which had grown very long, hung in black wavy
masses to my shoulders. My skin was tanned by
the sun to a light brown, very different from the
complexion of Mrs. Reichardt, which had ever
been remarkable for its paleness. Indeed she
told me I should find some difficulty in estab-
lishing my claim to the title of European, but
none at all to that of Little Savage, which she
often playfully called me.

Nevertheless, in this trim, and with these com-
panions, I passed out of the fishing-pool into the
sea, with the intention of rowing round the island.
Mrs. Reichardt waved her hand as I departed on
my voyage, having exhorted me to be very careful,
as long as I was in hearing; she then turned
away, as I thought, to return to the hut.

The day was remarkably fine. There was not
so much as a cloud on the horizon, and scarcely a
ripple on the water: therefore, everything seemed
to favour my project, for if there had been any-
thing of a breeze, the beating of the waves against
the rock would have been a great obstacle to my
pursuing my voyage with either comfort or safety.
The water too was so clear, that although it was
of great depth, I could distinguish the shells that
lay on the sand, and observe various kinds of fish,
some of most curious shape, that rushed rapidly
beneath the boat as it was urged along.

I was delighted with the motion, and with the

agreeable appearance of the different novelties
that met my gaze. The light boat glided almost
imperceptibly through the water at every stroke
of the oar. Nero lay as still as if his former
lesson had taught him the necessity of remaining
motionless ; and the gannets now and then ex-
pressed their satisfaction by a shrill cry or a rapid
fluttering of their wings.

In this way, we passed on without any adven-
ture, till I found it necessary for me to row some
distance out to sea, to round a projecting rock
that stood like a mighty wall before me. I pulled
accordingly, and then had a better opportunity
of seeing the island than I had ever obtained. I
recognised all the favourite places—the ravine, the
wood, the hut covered with beautiful creepers, and
the garden, full of flowers, looked very agreeable
to the eye: but every part seemed to look
pleasant, except the great Savage rocks which
inclosed the island on every side: but even these
I thought had an air of grandeur that gave
additional effect to the scene.

Much to my surprise, I recognised Mrs,
Reichardt walking rapidly towards a part of the
shore, near which I should be obliged to pass.
From this I saw that she was intent on watching
me from point to point, to know the worst, if any
accident should befall me, and be at hand should
there be a necessity for rendering assistance. JT
shouted to her, and she waved her hand in reply.

On rounding the headland, my astonishment
was extreme on finding my little bark in the midst
of a shoal of enormous sharks. If I came in
contact with one of them, I was lost, for the frail
boat would certainly be upset, and as Jackson had
assured me, if ever I allowed these monsters to
come near enough, one snap of their jaws, and
there would be an end of the Little Savage. I
thought of the warning of Mrs. Reichardt, and
was inclined to think I had better have taken her
advice, and remained in the fishing-pool ; never-
theless, I went on as quietly and deliberately as
possible, exercising all my skill to keep clear of
my unexpected enemies.

It was not till I had got into the middle of
the shoal, that the sharks seemed to be aware
there was anything unusual in their neighbour-
hood ; but as soon as they were fully aware of the
presence of an intruder, they exhibited the most
extraordinary excitement, rushing together in
‘groups, with such rapid motion, that the water
became so agitated, I was obliged to exercise all
my skill to keep the boat steady on her course.

They dived, and rushed to and fro, and jostled
each other, as I thought, in anything but an
amicable spirit; still, however, keeping at a
respectful distance from the boat, for which I was
extremely thankful. I urged her on with all my
strength, for the purpose of getting away from
such unpleasant neighbours; but they were not to


be so easily disposed of. They came swimming
after the boat, then when within a few yards dived,
and in a moment they were before it, as if to bar
any further progress,

I however pushed on, and they disappeared,
but immediately afterwards rose on all sides of
me. They were evidently getting more confi-
dence ; a fact I ascertained with no slight appre-
hension, for they began to approach nearer, and
their gambols threatened every minute to over-
whelm my poor craft, that, light as a cork,
bounced up and down the agitated waves, as if
quite as much alarmed for our safety as ourselves,

The captain was not the only one who began to
fear evil; the gannets were very restless, and it
was only by strong admonitions | could prevail
on Nero to retain his recumbent attitude at my
feet; their instinct warned them of approaching
danger, and I felt the comfortable assurance that
my own rashness had brought me into my present
critical position, and that if the menaced destruc-
tion did arrive, there was no sort of assistance at
hand on which I could rely.

Every moment the sharks became more violent
in their demonstrations, and more bold in their
approaches, and I could scarcely keep the boat
going, or prevent the water rushing over her sides,
The gannets having shown themselves for some
minutes uneasy, had at last: flown away to the
neighbouring rock, and Nero began to growl and

snap, as though meditating a forcible release from
his prostrate position, to see what mischief was

As I was coaxing him to be quiet, I felt a
tremendous blow given to the boat, evidently from
beneath, and she rose into the air several yards,
scattering Nero and myself, and the oars, in
different directions.

The noise we made in falling, appeared for the
instant to have scattered the creatures, for I had
struck out for the rock and nearly reached it
before a shark made its appearance.

Just then I saw a large monster rushing to-
wards me. I thought all was over. He turned
to open his great jaws, and in another instant I
should have been devoured.

At that critical period I saw a second object
dart in between me and the shark, and attack the
latter fiercely. It was Nero, and it was the last
I ever saw of my faithful friend. His timely in-
terposition enabled me to reach a ledge in the
cliff, where I was in perfect safety, hanging by
some strong seaweed, although my feet nearly
touched the water, and I could retain my position
only with the greatest difficulty.

The whole shoal were presently around me.
They at first paid their attentions to the boat and
the oars, which they buffeted about till they were
driven close to the rock, at a little distance from
the place where I had found temporary safety.

They left these things unharmed as soon as they
caught sight of me, and then their eagerness and
violence returned with tenfold fury. They darted
towards me in a body, and I was obliged to lift
my legs, or I should have had them snapped off
by one or other of the twenty gaping jaws that
were thrust over each other, in their eagerness to
make a mouthful of my limbs.

This game was carried on for some minutes of
horrible anxiety to me. I fancied that my strug-
gles had loosened the seaweed, and that in a few
minutes it must give way, and I should then be
fought for and torn to pieces by the ravenous crew
beneath. I shouted with all the strength of my
lungs to scare them away ; but as if they were as
well aware that I could not escape them as I was
myself, they merely left off their violent efforts
to reach my projecting legs, and forming a semi-
circle round me, watched with upturned eyes,
that seemed to possess a fiendish expression that
fascinated and bewildered me, the snapping of the
frail hold that supported me upon the rock.

In my despair I prayed heartily, but it was
rather to commend my soul to my Maker, than
with any prospect of being rescued from so immi-
nent and horrible a peril. The eyes of the ravenous
monsters below seemed to mock my devotion. I
felt the roots of the seaweed giving way: the
slightest struggle on my part would, I knew, only


hasten my dissolution, and I resigned myself to
my fate.

In this awful moment I heard a voice calling
out my name. It was Mrs. Reichardt on the
cliff high above me. I answered ‘with all the
eagerness of despair. Then there came a heavy
splash into the water, and I heard her implore me
to endeavour to make for a small shrub that grew
in a hollow of the rock, at a very short distance
from the tuft of seaweed that had become so ser-

I looked down. The sharks had all disappeared ;
I knew, however, that they would shortly return,
and lost not a moment in making an effort to better
my position in the manner I had been directed.
Mrs. Reichardt had thrown a heavy stone into the
water among the sharks, the loud splash of which
had driven them away. Before they again made
their appearance, I had caught a firm hold of the
twig, and flung myself up intoa position of perfect

“Thank God he’s safe!” I heard Mrs. Rei-
chardt exclaim.

The sharks did return; but when they found their
anticipated prey had escaped, they swam lazily out
to sea.

“Are you much hurt, Frank Henniker?” she
presently cried out to me.

“J have not a scratch,” I replied.

“Then thank God for your deliverance,” she

I did thank God, and Mrs. Reichardt joined with
me in prayer, and a more fervent thanksgiving than
was ours, it is scarcely possible to imagine.


I wap several times pressed Mrs. Reichardt
for the conclusion of her story, but she had
always seemed reluctant to resume the subject.
It was evidently full of painful incidents, and she
shrunk from dwelling upon them. At last, one
evening we were sitting together, .she working
with her needle and I employed upon a net she
had taught me how to manufacture, and I again
led the conversation to the narrative my compa-
nion had left unfinished. She sighed heavily and
looked distressed.

“Tt is but natural you should expect this of
me, my son,” she said; “ but you little know the.
suffering caused by my recalling the melancholy
events that I have to detail. However, I have
led you to expect the entire relation, and, there-
fore, I will endeavour to realize your anticipa-

I assured her I was ready to wait, whenever it
might be agreeable for her to narrate the termina-
tion of her interesting history.

“Tt will never be agreeable to me,” she re-
plied mournfully ; “indeed I would forget it, if

Savage.—P, 308.

Mrs. Reichardt and the Little

I could; but that is impossible. The struggle
may as well be made now, as at any time. I will
therefore commence by informing you, that during
our long voyage to the Sandwich Islands, I found
ample opportunity for studying the disposition of
my husband. He was much changed since he
first left me, but his was still the same grateful
nature, full of truth and purity, that had won me
towards him when achild. A holy enthusiasm
seemed now to exalt him above ordinary hu-
manity. I could scarcely ever get him to talk
upon any but religious subjects, and those he
treated in so earnest and exalted a manner, that
it was impossible to avoid being carried away
with his eloquence.

“He seemed to feel the greatness of his des-
tination, as though it had raised him to an
equality with the adventurous saints, who estab-
lished the banner of Christ among the Pagan
nations of Europe. He was fond of dilating upon
the importance of his mission, and. of dwelling
on the favour that had been vouchsafed him,
in causing him to be selected for so high and
responsible a duty.

“Jt was evident that he would rather have been
sent to associate with the barbarous people whom
he expected to make his converts, than have been
raised to the richest bishopric in England. And
yet, with this exultation, there was a spirit of deep
melancholy pervading his countenance, as well as

his discourses, that seemed to imply a sense of
danger. The nimbus of the saint in his eyes, was
associated with the crown of martyrdom. He
seemed to look forward to a fatal termination of
his ministry, as the most natural and proper con-
clusion of his labours,

“His conversation often filled me with dread.
His intimations of danger seemed at first very
shocking, but, at last, I got more familiar with
these terrible suggestions, and regarded them
as the distempered fancies of an over-worked

“In this way our long voyage passed, and we
arrived at last at our place of destination, When
we had disembarked, the scene that presented
itself to me was so strange, that I could almost
believe I had passed into a new world. The
most luxurious vegetation, of a character I had
never seen before—the curious buildings—the sin-
gular forms of the natives, and their peculiar cos-
tume—excited my wonder to an intense degree.

“My husband applied himself diligently to
learn the language of the people, whilst I as
intently studied their habits and customs. We
both made rapid progress.

“As soon as I could make myself understood,
I endeavoured to make friends with the women,
particularly with the wives of the great men, and
although I was at first the object of more curiosity
than regard, I persisted in my endeavours, and suc-

ceeded in establishing with many a good under-

“T found them ignorant of everything that in
civilized countries is considered knowledge—their
minds being enveloped in the most deplorable
darkness—the only semblance of religion in use
amongst them being a brutal and absurd idol-
atry. .

“T often tried to lead them to the consideration
of more humanizing truths, for the purpose of
preparing the way for the inculcation of the great
mysteries of our holy religion; but the greater
portion of my hearers were incompetent to un-
derstand what I seemed so desirous of teaching,
and my making them comprehend the principles
of Christianity, appeared to be a hopeless task.

“Yet I continued my pious labours, without
allowing my exertions to flag—making myself
useful to them and their families in every way I
could—attending them when sick—giving them
presents when well—and showing them every
kindness likely to make a favourable impression
on their savage natures. In this way I proceeded
doing good, till I found an opportunity of being
of service to a young girl, about twelve years of
age, who was a younger sister of one of the wives
of a great chief. She had sprained her ankle, and
was in great pain, when I applied the proper
remedies and gave her speedy relief. Hooloo, for
that was her name, from that moment became

warmly attached to me; and finding her of an
affectionate and ingenuous disposition, I became
extremely desirous of improving upon the good
impression I had made.

“ At the same time my husband sought, by his
knowledge of the mechanical arts, and some ac-
quaintance with medicine, to recommend himself
to the men. He also met with much difficulty at
first, in making his information properly appre-
ciated. He sought to increase their comforts—to
introduce agricultural implements of a more
useful description, and to lead them generally
towards the conveniences and decencies of civili-
zation. He built himself a house and planted a
garden, and cultivated some land, in which he
showed the superior advantages of what he knew,
to what they practised. They seemed to marvel
much, but continued to go on in their own way.

“ He also went amongst them as a physician,
and having acquired considerable knowledge of
medicine and simple surgery, he was enabled to
work some cures in fevers and spear-wounds, that
in course of time made for him so great a reputa-
tion, that many of the leading chiefs sent for him,
when anything ailed them or their families, and
they were so well satisfied with what he did for
them, that he began to be looked upon as one who
was to be treated with particular respect and
honour by all classes of the natives, from the
highest to the lowest.

“ On one occasion the king required his services.
He was suffering from a sort of colic, for which
the native doctors could give him no relief. My
husband administered some medicines, and stayed
with his majesty until they had the desired effect,
and the result being a complete recovery, seemed
so astonishing to all the members of his Sand.
wich majesty’s court, that the doctor was required
to administer the same medicine to every one,
from the queen to the humblest of her attendants,
though all were apparently in good health. He
managed to satisfy them with a small portion only
of the mixture, which he was quite certain could
do them no harm: and they professed to be won-
derfully the better for it.


“ His reputation had now grown so great, that
whatever he required was readily granted. He
first desired to have some children sent him, to
learn those things which had enabled him to do so
much good, and this having been readily sanc-
tioned, we opened a school for girls and boys, in
which we taught the first elements of a civilized

“ Finding we made fair progress in this way,
we commenced developing our real object,—the |
inculcation of Christian sentiments. This meet-
ing with no opposition, and Reichardt having
established a powerful influence over the entire
community, he next proceeded with the parents,
and earnestly strove to induce them to embrace
the profession of Christianity.

“ His labours were not entirely unproductive.
There began to prevail amongst the islanders, a
disposition to hear the wondrous discourses of
this stranger, and he was employed, day after
day, in explaining to large and attentive audiences,
the history of the Christian world, and the ob-
servances and doctrine of that faith which had

been cemented by the blood of the Redeemer.
The new and startling subjects of his discourse, as
well as the impressive character of his eloquence,
frequently deeply moved his hearers; and at his
revelations they would often burst forth into
piercing shouts and loud expressions of amaze-

“In truth it was a moving scene. The noble
figure of the missionary, with his fine features
lighted up with the fire of holy enthusiasm, sur-
rounded by a crowd of dusky savages, armed with
spears and war-clubs, and partly ‘clothed with
feathers, in their features showing traces of un-
usual excitement, and every now and then joining
in a wild chorus, expressive of their wonder, could
not have been witnessed by any Christian, with-
out emotion.

“ But when the ceremony of Baptism was first
performed before them, their amazement was jn-
creased a thousand-fold. The first member of
our flock was Hooloo, whom I had instructed so
far in the principles of our faith, and I had
acquired such an influence over her mind, that
she readily consented to abandon her idolatrous
customs and become a Christian.

“ After a suitable address to the natives, who
had assembled in some thousands to witness the
spectacle, in which he explained to them the
motive and object of baptism, my husband assisted
the girl down a sloping green bank which led to a

beautiful stream, and walked with her into the
water till he was up to his waist, then, after offer-
ing up a long and fervent prayer that this first
victory over the false worship of the Devil might
be the forerunner of the entire extirpation of
idolatry from the land, he, plunging her into the
water, baptized her in the name of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Ghost.

“ All the people were awed to silence while the
ceremony proceeded ; but when it was over, they
burst forth into a loud cry, and came down to
meet the new Christian and my husband as they
came out of the water, and waved over them
boughs of trees, and danced and shouted as
though in an ecstasy.

“ We however had not proceeded to this extent
without exciting considerable Opposition ; our dis-
respect towards their idols had given great offence
to those who were identified with the superstitions
of the people, and flourished according as these
were supported. Complaints were made too of
our teaching a new religion, in Opposition to the
gods they and their fathers had worshipped, and
a powerful party was got together for the purpose
of pursuing us to. destruction.

“My husband was summoned before a council
of the great chiefs, to hear the accusations that
had been brought against him: and the old idol-
aters got up and abused him, and threatened him
with the punishment of their monstrous gods, for

telling lies to the people, and deceiving them with
forged tales and strange customs.

“They sought all they could, to move the
judges against him, by painting the terrible fate
that would befal them if they failed to kill the
white stranger, who had insulted their gods; and
they predicted hosts of calamities that were to
happen, in consequence of their having allowed
the teller of lies to work so much mischief against

“My husband then being called upon for his
defence, first declared to the Judges the attributes
of the Deity he worshipped: that He created the
vast heavens, the stars, the mountains, the rivers,
and the sea; His voice spoke in the thunder, and
His eye flashed in the lightning. He then dwelt
on His goodness to man, especially to the Sand-
wich Islanders, whom He had created for the
purpose of enjoying the fine country around them
and of beholding the beauty of the heavens where
He dwelt. Then he referred to the gods they had
worshipped, and asked how they were made, and
what such senseless things could do for them ;
commenting on their inability to serve them in
any way, or dothem any harm; and went on to
speak of the benefits he had been able to confer
upon them, through the influence of the all-power-
ful God he worshipped; and asked them if he
had ever done them anything but good. Lastly, he
promised them innumerable benefits, if they

would leave their useless gods, and turn to the
only God who had the power to serve them.

“It is impossible for me to do justice to the
animated manner in which he delivered this dis-
course. It produced great effect upon the majority
of his hearers ; but there was a powerful minority
it still more strongly influenced against him ; and
they continued to interrupt him with terrible

“Most of the leading chiefs were against his
suffering any harm. They bore in mind the ad-
vantages he had conferred, by his skill in medi-
cine, and superior wisdom in various other things,
which the people would lose were he put to death.
They also remembered the hope he held out of
future benefits, which of course they could not
expect, if they offered him any violence.

“The result was, that my husband was suffered
to go harmless from the meeting, to the great
disappointment of his enemies, who could scarcely
be kept from laying violent hands upon him. The
danger he had escaped, unfortunately, did not
render him more prudent. Far from it. He be-
lieved that he was a chosen instrument of the
Most High, to win these savages from the depths
of idolatry and paganism; and continued, on
every occasion that presented itself, to endeavour
to win souls to God.

“The school increased, several of the parents
suffered themselves to be baptized, and there was

a regular observance of the Lord’s Day amongst
those who belonged to our little flock. Even many
of the islanders, although they did not become
Christians, attended our religious services, and
spoke well of us.

“We brought up the young people to be able ©
to teach their brethren and sisters ; and hoped
to be able to establish missions in other parts of
the island, to which we sometimes made excur-
sions; preaching the inestimable blessings of the
Gospel to the islanders, and exhorting them to
abandon their dark customs and heathen follies,
I was not far behind my husband in this good
work, and acquired as much influence among the
women, as he exercised over the men: indeed we
were generally looked upon as holy people, who
deserved to be treated with veneration and


“TiNnes went on in this flourishing way for
several years ; my husband, deeply impressed with
the responsibility of his position, as a chosen
servant of God, devoted himself so entirely to the
great work he had undertaken, that he often
seemed to overlook the claims upon his attention
of her he had chosen as his partner in his
struggle against the powers of darkness. Some-
times I did not see him for several days; and
often when we were together, he was so abstracted
he did not seem aware I was present. When-
ever I could get him to speak of himself, he would
dilate on the unspeakable felicity that he felt in
drawing nearer to the end of his work. I affected
not to know to what he alluded; but I always
felt that he was referring to the impression he
entertaimed of his own speedy dissolution, which
he had taken up when he first embraced this

“T tried to get rid of my misgivings, by re-
calling the dangers and difficulties we had trium- |
phantly passed, and referring to the encouraging —
state of things that existed at the present time ;

pa ait) ee sab:


nevertheless, I could not prevent a sinking of the
heart whenever I heard him venture upon the
subject ; and when he was absent from me, I often
experienced an agony of anxiety till his return,
I saw, however, no real cause of apprehension, and
endeavoured to persuade myself none existed ;
and very probably I should have succeeded, had
not my husband so frequently indulged in refer-
ences to our separation.

“Alas,” she exclaimed, mournfully, “he was
better informed than I was of the proximity of
that Celestial Home, for which he had been go
long and zealously preparing himself. He, doubt-
less, had his intimation from on high, that his
translation to the realms of bliss was no remote
consequence of his undertaking the mission he
had accepted ; and he had familiarized his mind
to it as a daily duty, and by his constant refer.
ences had sought to prepare me for the cata-
strophe he knew to be inevitable,”

Here Mrs, Reichardt became so sensibly
affected, that it was some time before she could
proceed with her narrative. She, however, did so
at last; yet I could see by the tears that traced

each other down her wan cheeks, how much her

soul was moved by the terrible details into which
she was obliged to enter.

“In the midst of our Success,” she presen tly
resumed, “when we had established a congrega.-

tion, had baptized hundreds of men, women, and



children ; had completed a regular place of worship
and an ‘extensive school-house, both of which
were fully and regularly attended, some European
vessel paid us a short visit, soon after which, that
dreadful scourge the small-pox broke out amongst
the people. Both children and adults were seized,
and as soon as one died, a dozen were attacked.

“ Soon the greatest alarm pervaded the natives ;
my husband was implored to stop the pestilence ;
which power they felt convinced he had in his
hands. He did all that was possible for him to
do, but that unfortunately was very little. His
recommendation of remedial measures was rarely
attended with the desired results. Death was
very busy. The people died in scores, and the
survivors, excited by the vindictive men who had
formerly sought his death for disparaging their gods
began not only to fall off rapidly in their regard
and reverence for my husband ; but murmurs first,
and execrations afterwards, and violent menaces
subsequently, attended him whenever he appeared.

“He preached to them resignation to the ©
Divine will; but resignation was not a savage |
virtue. He was indefatigable in his attentions to
the sick; but those of whom he was most careful
seemed the speediest to die. The popular feeling
against him increased every hour ; he appeared,
however, to defy his fate—walking unconcerned]y |
amongst crowds of infuriated savages brand ishing
heavy clubs, and threatening him with the points


of their sharp spears; but his eye never blinked,
and his cheek never blanched, and he walked on
his way inwardly praising God, careless of the
evil passions that raged around him.

“Tt was on a Sabbath morn—our service had
far advanced; we could boast of but a limited
congregation, for many had died, some had fled
from the pestilence into the interior ; others had
avoided the place in consequence of the threats
of their countrymen. A few children, and two
or three women, were all their teacher had to

“We were engaged in singing a psalm, when a
furious crowd, mad with rage, as it seemed,
screaming and yelling in the most frightful man-
ner, and brandishing their weapons as though
about to attack an enemy, burst into our little
chapel, and seized my husband in the midst of his

“T rushed forward to protect him from the
numerous weapons that were aimed at his ‘life,
but was dragged back by the hair of my head,
and with infuriate cries and gestures, that made
them look like demons broke loose from: hell, they
fell upon him with their clubs and spears.

“Reichardt made no resistance, he merely
clasped his hands the more firmly, and)looked up
to heaven the more devoutly, as he continued. the
Psalm he had commenced ' before they entered.
This did not delay his fate, |

Â¥ 2

“They beat out his brains so close to me, that
I was covered with his blood; and I believe I
should have shared the same fate, had I not
fainted with terror at the horrible scene of which
I was a forced spectator.

“TJ learned afterwards that some powerful chief
interfered, and I was carried away more dead
than alive; in which state I long remained. As
soon as I became sufficiently strong to be moved,
I took advantage of a whaler calling at the island,
homeward bound, to beg a passage. The captain
heard my lamentable story, took me on board as
soon as he could, and showed a seaman’s sympathy
for my sufferings.

“T was to have returned to England with him,
but off this place we encountered a terrible storm,
in which we were obliged to take to the boats, as
the only chance of saving our lives. What be-
came of him I know not, as the two boats parted
company soon after leaving the wreck. I trust
he managed to reach the land in safety, and is
now in his own country, enjoying all the comforts
that can make life covetable.

“What became of that part of the crew that
brought me here in the other boat, led by the
fires you had lighted, I am in doubt. But I think
on quitting the island, crowded as their boat was,
and in the state of its crew, it was scarcely
possible for them to have made the distant island
for which they steered.”



Mrs. Reicwarpr’s story made a sensible im-
pression on me. I no longer wondered at the
pallor of her countenance, or the air of melan-
choly that at first seemed so remarkable; she had
suffered most severely, and her sufferings were too
recent not to have left their effects upon her frame.

I thought a good deal about her narrative, and
wondered much that men could be got to leave
their comfortable homes, and travel thousands and
thousands of miles across the fathomless seas,
with the hope of converting a nation of treach-
erous savages, by whom they were sure to be
slaughtered at the first outbreak of ill-feeling.

I could not but admire the character of Reich-
ardt—in all his actions he had exhibited a marked
nobility of nature. He would not present him-
self before the woman who had the strongest
claims upon his gratitude, till he had obtained a
position and a reputation that should, in his opinion,
make him worthy of her; and though he had a
presentiment of the fate that would overtake him,
he fulfilled his duties as a missionary with a holy
enthusiasm that made him regard his approaching

martyrdom as the greatest of all earthly dis-
tinctions. I felt regret that I had not known
such a man. I knew how much I had lost in
having missed such an example.

My having heard this story, led me into much
private communing with myself respecting reli-
gion. I could consider myself little better than
a savage, like the brutal Sandwich Islanders; my
conduct to Jackson had been only in a degree
less inhuman than that these idolaters had shown
to their teacher when he was in their power. I
fancied at the time that I served him right, for
his villainous conduct to my father, and brutal
conduct to me: but God having punished him for
his misdeeds, I felt satisfied I had no business to
put him to greater torment as satisfaction for my
own private injuries. I fancied God might have
been angry with me, and had kept me on the
island as a punishment for my offences; and I
had some conversation with Mrs. Reichardt on
this point.

“ Nothing,” she observed, “ can excuse your ill-
feeling towards Jackson; he was a bad man,
without a doubt, and he deserved condign punish-
ment for his usage of your parents; but the
Divine founder of our religion has urged us to
return good for evil.”

“Yes,” I answered readily, “but I should have
suffered as bad as my father and mother, had I
not prevented his doing me mischief.”

“You do not know that you were to suffer,”
she replied. “ Jackson, without such terrible
punishment as he brought upon himself, might
eventually have become contrite, and haye restored
you to your friends as well as enabled you to
obtain your grandfather’s property. God fre-
quently performs marvellous things with such
humble instruments; for he hath said, ‘there is
more joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth,
than over ninety-nine just men.’ ”

“Surely, this is raising the wicked man over
the good,” I cried.

“Not at all,” she replied. “The repentant is
one gained from the ranks of the great enemy—
it is as one that was lost and is found again—it is a
soul added to the blessed. Therefore the joy in
heaven is abundant at such a conversion. The
just are the natural heirs of heaven—their rights
are acknowledged without dispute—their claim
is at once recognised and allowed, and they
receive their portion of eternal joy as a matter of
course, without there being any necessity for ex-
citing those demonstrations of satisfaction which
hail the advent of a sinner saved.”

“T don’t think such a villain as J ackson would
ever go to heaven,” I observed.

“** Judge not, lest ye be judged,’ ”’ she answered ;
“that is a text that cannot be too often impressed
npon persons anxious to condemn to eternal
torment all those they believe to be worse than

themselves. It is great presumption in us poor
creatures of clay, to anticipate the proceedings of
the Infinite Wisdom. Let us leave the high pre-
rogative of judgment to the Almighty Power, by
whom only it is exercised, and in our Opinions of
even the worst of our fellow-creatures, let us
exercise a comprehensive charity, mingled with a
prayer that even at the eleventh hour, they may
have turned from the evil of their ways, and em-
braced the prospect of salvation, which the mercy
of their Creator has held out to them.”

In this and similar conversations, Mrs. Reich-
ardt would endeavour to plant in my mind the
soundest views of religion ; and she spoke so well,
and so convincingly, that I had little trouble in
understanding her meaning, or in retaining it
after it had been uttered.

It was not, as I have before stated, to religion
only that she led my thoughts, although that cer-
tainly was the most frequent subject of our con-
versation. She sought to instruct me in the
various branches of knowledge into which she had
acquired some insight, and in this way I picked
up as much information respecting grammar,
geography, astronomy, writing, arithmetic, his-
tory, and morals, as I should have gained had I
been at a school, instead of being forced to remain
on a desolate island.

Ineed not say that I still desired to leave it, I
had long been tired of the place, notwithstanding


' that, from our united exertions, we enjoyed many
comforts which we could not have hoped for.
Our hut we had metamorphosed into something
Mrs. Reichardt styled a rustic cottage, which,
covered as it was with flowers and creepers, really
looked very pretty ; and the garden added greatly
to its pleasant appearance: for near the house we
had transplanted everything that bore a flower
that could be found in the island, and had planted
some shrubs, that, having been carefully nurtured,
made rapid growth, and screened the hut from
the wind.

I had built a sort of outhouse for storing pota-
toes and firewood, and a fowl-house for the
gannets, which were now a numerous flock ; and
had planted a fence round the garden, so that, as
Mrs. Reichardt said, we looked as if we had
selected a dwelling in our own beloved England,
in the heart of a rural district, instead of our
being circumscribed in a little island thousands of
miles across the wide seas, from the home of
which we were so fond of talking.

Although my companion always spoke warmly
of the land of her birth, and evidently would
have been glad to return to it, she never grieved
over her hard fate in being, as it were, a prisoner
on a rock, out of reach of friends and kindred ;
indeed, she used to chide me for being impatient
of my detention, and insensible of the blessings I

“What temptations are we not free from
here?” she would say. “ We see nothing of the
world ; we cannot be contaminated with its vices,
or suffer from its follies. The hideous wars—the
terrible revolutions—the dreadful visitations of
famine and pestilence—are completely unknown
to us. Robbery, and murder, and fraud, and the
thousand other phases of human wickedness, we
altogether escape. There was a time, when men,
for the purpose of leading holy lives, abandoned
the fair cities in which they had lived in the
enjoyment of every luxury, and sought a cave in
some distant desert, where, in the lair of some
wild beast, with a stone for a pillow, a handful of
herbs for a meal, and a cup of water for beverage,
they lived out the remnant of their days in a con-
stant succession of mortifications, prayers, and

“ How different,’ she added, “ is our own
state. We are as far removed from the sinfulness
of the world, as any hermit of the desert, whilst
we have the enjoyment of comforts to which they
were strangers.”

But probably,” I observed, “ these men were
penitents, and went into the desert as much to
punish their bodies for the transgressions of the
flesh, as to acquire by solitary communion, a
better knowledge of the spirit than they were
likely to obtain in their old haunts.”

“ Some were penitents, no doubt,” she answered,

“ but they, having obtained by their sanctity an
extraordinary reputation, induced others, whose
lives had been blameless, to follow their example,
and in time the desert became colonized with
recluses, who rivalled each other in the intensity
of their devotions and the extent of their priva-

“Would it not have been more commendable,”
I asked, “ if these men had remained in the com-
munity to which they belonged, withstanding
temptation, and employed in labour that was
creditable to themselves, and useful to their
country ?”

“ No doubt it would,” she replied; “ but reli-
gion has, unfortunately, too often been the result
of impulse rather than conviction; and at the
period to which we are referring, it was thought
that sinful human nature could only gain the
attributes of saintship by neglecting its social
duties, and punishing its humanity in the severest
manner. Even in more recent times, and at the
present day, in Catholic countries, it is customary
for individuals of both sexes, to abandon the
world of which they might render themselves
ornaments, and shut themselves up in buildings
constructed expressly to receive them, where they
continue to go through a course of devotions and
privations till death puts an end to their voluntary

“In this modified instance of seclusion,” she

added, “ there are features very different from our
own case. We are not forced to impoverish our
blood with insufficient diet, or mortify our flesh
with various forms of punishment. We do not
neglect the worship of God. We offer up daily
thanks for His loving care of us, and sing His
praises in continual hymns; and instead of wast-
ing the hours of the day in unmeaning penances,
we fill up our time in employments that add to
our health, comfort, and happiness; and that
enable us the better to appreciate the goodness
of that Power who is so mindful of our welfare.”

“ Have you no wish, then, to leave this island ?”
I inquired.

“ I should gladly avail myself of the first oppor-
tunity that presented itself, for getting safely
to England,” she replied. “ But I would wait
patiently the proper time. It is not only use-
less repining at our prolonged stay here, but it
looks like an ungrateful doubting of the power of
God to remove us. Be assured that He has not
preserved us so long, and through so many
dangers, to abandon us when we most require
His interposition in our favour.”

I endeavoured to gather consolation from such
representations: but perhaps young people are
not so easily reconciled to what they do not like,
as are their elders; for I cannot say I succeeded
in becoming satisfied with my position.


Tue perils of my first voyage had deterred me
from making a similar experiment ; but I recovered
my boat, and having further strengthened it, fitted
it with what could either be turned into a well or
locker: I used to row out a little distance when
the sea was free from sharks and fish,

Bat my grand effort in this direction, was the
completion of a net, which, assisted by Mrs.
Reichardt, I managed to manufacture. By this
time, she had gained sufficient confidence to
accompany me in my fishing excursions ; she
would even take the oars whilst I threw out the
net, and assisted me in dragging it into the boat.

The first time we got such a haul, that I was
afraid of the safety of our little craft. The locker
was full, and numbers of great fish, as I flung
them out of the net, were flapping and leaping
about the bottom of the boat. It began to sink
lower in the water than was agreeable to either of
us, and I found it absolutely necessary to throw
back into the sea the greater portion of our catch,
We then rowed carefully to land, rejoicing that
we had at our command the means of obtaining

an abundant supply of food whenever we desired

Mrs. Reichardt was with me also in our land
excursions. Together we had explored every part
of the island ; our chief object was plants for en-
riching our garden; and, often as we had been in
search of novelties, we invariably brought home
additions to our collection; and my companion
having acquired some knowledge of botany, would
explain to me the names, characters, and qualities
of the different species ; which made our journeys
peculiarly interesting.

Our appearance often caused considerable
amusement to each other; for our respective cos-
tumes must have been extremely curious in the
eyes of a stranger. Neither wore shoes or stockings
—these things we did not possess, and could not
procure ; we wore leggings and sandals of seal-
skin to protect us fromthe thorns and plants of
the cacti tribe, among which we were obliged to
force our way. My companion wore a conical cap
of 'seal-skin, and protected her complexion from
the sun by a rude attempt at an umbrella I had
made for her.

‘She had on, on these occasions, a pair of coarse
cloth trousers, as her own dress would ‘have been
torn to pieces before she had got ‘half a mile
through the bush; these were surmounted by a
tight spencer she had hersélf manufactured out of
a man’s waistcoat, and a dimity petticoat, which

The search after nhovelties.— Pp. 334,

buttoned up to her throat, and was fastened in the
same way at the wrists.

My head was covered with a broad-brimmed
hat, made of dry grass, which I had myself platted.
I wore a sailor’s jacket, much the worse for wear,
patched with seal-skin, over ‘a pair of duck trou-
sers, similarly repaired,

Although our expeditions were perfectly harm-
less, we did not go without weapons. At the
instigation of my companion, I had made myself
a good stout bow and plenty of arrows, and had
exercised myself so frequently at aiming at amark ,
as to have acquired very considerable skill in the
use of them. I had now several arrows of hard
wood tipped with sharp fish-bones, and some with
iron nails, in a kind of pouch behind me ; in its

Sheath before me was my American knife, which T

used for taking the plants from the ground, J
had a basket made of the long grass of the island,
slung around me, which served to contain our
treasures ; and I ‘carried my bow in my hand.
My companion, in addition to her umbrella,
bore only a long staff, and a smal] basket tied
round her waist, that usually contained a little
refreshment; ‘for she would say there was no
knowing what might occur to delay our return,
and therefore it was better to take our meal with
us. And not the ‘least agreeable portion of the
8 labour was our repast; for we would seat
ourselves in ‘some quiet corner, surrounded

by flowers, and shaded by the brushwood from
the sun, and there eat our dried fish or pick our
birds, and roast our potatoes by means of a fire
of dried sticks, and wash down our simple dinner
with a flask of pure water—the most refreshing
portion of our banquet.

I had, as I have just stated, attained a singular
degree of skill in the use of the bow and arrow,
which, as we had no firearms, was often of im-
portant service in procuring food on land.

I had made another use of my skill—an appli-
cation of it which afforded me avast deal of satis-
faction. My old enemies the sharks used stil] to
frequent a certain portion of the coast, in great
numbers, and as soon as I became master of my
weapon, I would stand as near to the edge of the
rock as was safe, and singling out my victim, aim
at his upper fin, which I often found had the
effect of ridding the place of that fellow.

I bore such an intense hatred to these creatures
for the fright they had put me into during my
memorable voyage of discovery, and for the
slaughter of my beloved Nero, that I determined
to wage incessant war against them, as long as I
could manufacture an arrow, or a single shark
remained on the coast.

As we had so often traversed the island with-
out accident, we dreamt not of danger. We had
never met with any kind of animals, except
our old friends the seals, who kept near the sea.

Of birds, the gannets were generally the sole
frequenters of the island; but we had seen, at
rare intervals, birds of a totally different character,
some of which I had shot.

Indeed, during our excursions, I was always
on the look-out for any stranger of the fea-
thered race, that [I might exercise my skill
upon him. If he proved eatable, he was sure to
be very welcome 3 and even if he could not be
cooked, he afforded me some entertainment, in
hearing from Mrs, Reichardt his name and habits.

We had discovered a natural hollow which lay
So low that it was quite hid till we came close
to it, when we had to descend a steep declivity
covered with shrubs. At the bottom was a soi] -
evidently very productive, for we found trees

spot the Happy Valley, and it became a favourite

I remember on one of these occasions, we had
made our dinner after having been several hours
employed in seeking for plants, of which we had
_ procured a good supply, and the remains of our
meal lay under a great tree, beneath the spreading
branches of which we had been resting ourselves,

It was quite on the other side of the island,
within about a quarter of a mile of the sea.
Abundance of curious plants grew about the place,


and Mrs. Reichardt had wandered to a little
distance to examine all within view.

I was peering into the trees and shrubs around
to discover a new comer. I had wandered in an
opposite direction to that taken by my companion,
and was creeping round a clump of shrubs about
twenty yards off, in which I detected a chirping
noise, when I heard a loud scream.

I turned sharply round and beheld Mrs. Reich-
ardt, evidently in an agony of terror, running
towards me with prodigious swiftness. She had
dropped her umbrella and her staff, her cap had
fallen from her head, and her long hair, disar-
ranged by her sudden flight, streamed behind her

At first I did not see anything which could
have caused this terrible alarm; but in a few
seconds I heard a crushing among a thicket of
shrubs from which she was running, as if some
heavy weight was being forced through them ;
and presently there issued a most extraordinary
monster. It came forward at a quick pace, its
head erect above ten feet, its jaws wide open,
from the midst of which there issued a forked
tongue which darted in and out with inconceiv-
able rapidity. Its body was very long, and thick
as an ordinary tree; it was covered over with
bright shining scales that seemed to have different
colours, and was propelled along the ground in ©
folds of various sizes, with a length of tail of —

several yards behind. Its eyes were very bright
and fierce. Its “ppearance certainly accounted for
my companion’s alarm.

“Fly!” she cried in accents of intense terror,
as she rushed towards me, “ fly, or you are lost! ”?

She then gave a hurried glance behind her,
and seeing the formidable monster in full chase,
she just had power to reach the spot to which
I had advanced, and sunk, overpowered with
terror, fainting at my feet.

My first movement was to step across her body
for the purpose of disputing the passage of the
monster ; and in an erect posture, with my bow
drawn tight as I could pull it, I waited a few
seconds till I could secure a good aim, for I
knew everything depended on my steadiness and

On came my prodigious antagonist, making a
terrible hissing as he approached, his eyes flash.
ing, his jaws expanded as if he intended to swallow
me at a mouthful, and the €normous folds of hig
huge body passing like wheels over the ground,
crushing the thick plants that came in their way
like grass,

I must acknowledge that in my heart I felt a
strange sinking sensation, but I remembered that
our only chance of esgape lay in giving the
monster a morta] wound, and the imminence of
the danger seemed to afford me the resolution I


He was close behind, and in a direct line with
the tree under which we had dined, and I was
about twenty yards from it. Directly his head
darted round and in front of the tree, making a
good mark, I let fly the arrow direct, as I thought,
for his eye, hoping, by penetrating his brain, to
settle him at once. But as he moved his head at
that moment, the arrow went into his open jaws,
one of which it penetrated, and going deep into
the tree behind, pinned his head close to the

As soon as the huge creature found himself
hurt, he wound his enormous body round the
trunk, and with his desperate exertions, swayed
the great tree backwards and forwards, as I would
have done one of its smallest branches. Fearful
that he would liberate himself before I could save
my senseless companion, as quick as possible I
discharged all my arrows into his body, which
took effect in various places. His exertions then
became so terrible, that I hastily snatched up
Mrs. Reichardt in my arms, and with a fright that
seemed to give me supernatural strength, I ran as
fast as 1 could the shortest way to our hut. For-
tunately, before I had gone half a mile, my com-
panion came to her senses, and was able to continue
her flight. . ;

We got home at last, half dead with fatigue —
and fright ; nevertheless the first thing we did |
was to barricade all the entrances. We left loop-


holes to reconnoitre ; and there we sat for hours
after our arrival, waiting the monster’s approach
in fear and trembling.

We did not go to sleep that night. We did
not, either of us, go out the next day. The next
night one watched while the other slept. The
second day my courage had so far returned, I
wanted to go and look after the constant subject
of our conversation. But Mrs. Reichardt dis-
suaded me.

She told me it was an enormous python, or
Serpent of the boa species, that are common in
the northern coast of America. Probably it had
been brought to the island on a drifted tree, and
being so prodigious a reptile, the wounds it had
received were not likely to do it much harm, and
it would be no doubt lurking about, ready to
pounce upon either of us directly we appeared.

On the third day, nothing having occurred to
increase our alarm, I determined to know the

eyes awake to the slightest motion, and my ears
open to the slightest sound, till I approached the
scene of my late unequal struggle,

I must own I began to draw my breath rather
rapidly, and my heart beat more quickly, as I

came near the place where I had left my terrible
enemy. ‘To my extreme surprise the python had
disappeared. There was the tree still standing,
though its foliage and branches strewed the ground,
anda great portion of its bark was ground to pow-
der. At the base of the trunk was a pool of blood,
mingled with fragments of bark, broken arrows,
leaves, and mould. The reptile had escaped.
But where was he? Not altogether without
anxiety I began to look for traces of his retreat ;
and they were easily found. With my arrow
ready for immediate flight, I followed a stream of
blood that was still visible on the grass, and led
from the tree, accompanied by unmistakeable
marks of the great serpent’s progress, in a direct
line to the sea. There it disappeared.

When I discovered this, I breathed again.
There was no doubt if the monster survived the
conflict, he was hundreds of miles away, and was
not likely to return to a place where he had
received so rough a welcome. It may readily be
believed I lost no time in taking the agreeable
news to my companion.


I nap become tired of looking out for a ship.
Though day after day, and week after week, I
made the most careful scrutiny with my glass, as
I have said, it brought no result. I sometimes
fancied I saw a vessel appearing in the line of the
horizon, and I would pile up fagots and light
them, and throw on water to make them smoke,
as Jackson had done 3 but all without avail.
Either my vision had deceived me, or my signals
had not been observed, or the ship’s course did
not lay in the direction of the island.

We had had storms, too, on several occasions,
but no wreck had been left on our coast. I began
to think we were doomed to live out our lives on
this rock, and frequently found myself striving
very manfully to be resigned to my fate, and for
a few days I would cheerfully endeavour to make
the best of it. But the increasing desire I felt to
get to England, that I might seek out my grand-
father, and put him in possession of his diamonds,
always prevented this state of things enduring
very long. I had obtained from Mrs. Reichardt
an idea of the value of these stones, and of the


importance of their restoration to my relative,
and I had often thought of the satisfaction I
should enjoy in presenting myself before him, as
the restorer of such valuable property, which, no
doubt, had long since been given up as lost.

But latterly, I thought less of these things ; the
chance of leaving the island seemed so remote,
and the prospect of ever seeing my grandfather so
very distant, that I had ceased to take any interest
in the contents of the belt. The diamonds seemed
to become as valueless as they were useless; a
handful of wheat would have been much more
desirable. It was now some time since I had
seen the belt, or inquired about it.

Thus we lived without any incident occurring
worth relating—when one day the appearance of
the atmosphere indicated a storm, and a very
violent hurricane, attended with peals of thunder
and lurid flashes of lightning, lasted during the
whole of the day and evening. The wind tore up
the trees by the roots, blew down our outhouses,
made terrible havoc in our garden, and threatened
to tumble our hut over our heads.

We could not think of going to our beds whilst
such a tempest was raging around us, so we sat
up, listening to the creaking of the boards, and
anticipating every moment that the whole fabric
would be blown to pieces. Fortunately, the bark
with which I had covered the roof, in a great
measure protected us from the rain, which came

down in torrents; but every part was not equally
impervious, and our discomfort was increased by
seeing the water drip through, and form pools on
the floor.

The thunder still continued at intervals, and was
sometimes so loud as to have a most startling
effect upon us. My companion knelt down and
said her prayers with great fervour, and I joined
in them with scarcely less devotion. Indeed it
was an awful night, and our position, though
under shelter, was not without danger. The in-
cessant flashes of lightning seemed to play round
our edifice, as if determined to set it in a blaze;
and the dreadful peals of thunder that followed,
rolled over our heads, as if about to burst upon
the creaking boards that shut us from its fury.

I fancied once or twice that I heard during the
storm, bursts of sound quite different in character
from the peals of thunder, They were not so loud,
and did not reverberate so much ; they seemed to
come nearer, and then the difference in sound
became very perceptible.

“Great God !” exclaimed Mrs, Reichardt, start-
ing up from her kneeling posture, “that is a gun
from some ship.”

The wind seemed less boisterous for a few
seconds, and the thunder ceased. We listened
breathlessly for the loud boom we had just heard,
but it was not repeated. In a moment afterwards
our ears were startled by the most terrifying com-

bination of screams, shrieks, cries, and wailings,
I had ever heard. My blood seemed chilled in
my veins.

“A ship has just struck,” whispered my com-
panion, scarcely above her breath. “The Lord
have mercy on the crew ! ”

She sunk on her knees again in prayer, as if
for the poor souls who were struggling in the
jaws of death. The wind still howled, and the
thunder still roared ; but in the fiercest war of the
elements, I fancied I could every now and then
hear the piercing shrieks sent up to heaven for
assistance. I thought once or twice of venturing
out, but I remembered the safety of my compa-
nion was so completely bound up with my own,
that I could not reconcile myself to leaving her ;
and I was also well aware, that till the terrible
fury of the tempest abated, it was impossible for
me to be of the slightest service to the people of
the wrecked ship, even could I remain unharmed
exposed to the violence of the weather.

I, however, awaited with much impatience and
intense anxiety till the storm had in some measure
spent itself; but this did not occur till sunrise
the next morning. The wind fell, the thunder
and lightning ceased, the rain was evidently
diminishing, and the brightness of the coming
day began to burst through the darkest night that
had ever visited the island.

Mrs. Reichardt would not be left behind; it

was possible she might be useful, and taking with
her asmall basket of such things as she imagined
might be required, she accompanied me to the
rocks nearest the sea.

On arriving there, the most extraordinary scene
presented itself. The sea was strewed with spars,
masts, chests, boats stove in or otherwise injured,
casks, empty hencoops, and innumerable pieces
of floating wreck, that were continually dashed
against the rocks, or were washed ashore, wherever
an opening for the sea presented itself. At a
little distance lay the remains of a fine ship, her
masts gone by the board, her decks open, in fact
a complete wreck, over which the sea had but
lately been making a clean Sweep, carrying
overboard everything that could not resist its

I could see nothing resembling a human being,
though both myself and my companion looked
carefully round, in the hope of discovering some
poor creature that might need assistance. It
appeared, however, as if the people of the ship
had taken to their boats, which had been swamped,
and most probably all who had ventured into
them had been devoured by the sharks,

Had the crew remained on board, they would
in all probability have been saved ; as the vessel]
had been thrown almost high and dry.

As soon as we had satisfied ourselyes that no
Sharks were in the neighbourhood, I launched my

little boat, and each taking an oar, we pulled
in the direction of the wreck, which we reached
in a few minutes.

She had heeled over after striking, and the
water was quite smooth under her lee. I con-
trived to climb into the main chains, and from
thence on board, and was soon afterwards dili-
gently exploring the ship. I penetrated every
place into which I could effect an entrance, mar-
velling much at the variety of things I beheld.
There seemed such an abundance of everything,
and of things, too, quite new to me, that I was
bewildered by their novelty and variety.

Having discovered a coil of new rope, I hauled
it on deck, and soon made fast my little boat to
the ship. Then I made a hasty rope ladder, which
I threw over, and Mrs. Reichardt was in a very
few minutes standing by my side. Her know-
ledge was necessary to inform me of the uses of
the several strange things I saw, and to select for
our own use what was most desirable. She being
well acquainted with the interior of a ship, and
having explained to me its numerous conveni-
ences, I could not but admire the ingenuity of
man, in creating such stupendous machines.

The ship having much water in the hold, I was
forced to dive into the armoury. It was the first
time I had seen such things, and I handled the
muskets and pistols with a vast deal of curiosity ;
as my companion explained to me how they were

loaded and fired, I at once saw their advantage
over the bow and arrow, and was selecting two or
three to carry away, when I hesitated on being
assured they would be perfectly useless with-
out ammunition. I might have remained content
with my own savage weapons, that had already
served me so well, had not Mrs. Reichardt,
in the course of our survey, discovered several tin
canisters of powder perfectly uninjured, with
abundance of shot and bullets, of which I quickly
took possession. |

From other parts of the vessel we selected bags
of grain, barrels of flour, and provisions of various
kinds; wearing apparel, boxes of tools, with
numerous bottles and jars, of the contents of
which I was perfectly unacquainted, though their
discovery gave great gratification to my com-
panion. What most excited my wonder, were
various kinds of agricultural implements that we
found in the hold, and ina short time I was made
aware of the proper employment of spades, har-
rows, ploughs, thrashing-machines, and many
other things, of the existence of which I had
never before dreamt.

We found also quantities of various kinds of
seeds and roots, and some sort of twigs growing in
pots, which Mrs. Reichardt particularly begged
me not to leave behind, as they would be of the
greatest use to us; and, she added, that from
various signs, she believed that the ship had been

an emigrant vessel going out with settlers, but to
what place she could not say.

We made no ceremony in breaking open lockers
and chests, and everywhere discovered a variety
of things, which, could we transfer to our island,
would add greatly to our comfort; but how they
were to be got ashore, was a puzzle which neither
of us seemed capable of solving. Our little boat
would only contain a few of the lighter articles ;
and as many of these as we could conveniently
put together were shortly stowed in her.

With this cargo we were about returning, when
my companion called my attention to a noise that
seemed to come from a distant corner of the
vessel, and she laughed and exhibited so much
satisfaction, that I believed we were close upon
some discovery far more important than any we
had yet hit upon.

We continued to make our way to what seemed
to me a very out of the way part of the vessel,
led in a great measure by the noises that pro-
ceeded from thence. It was so dark here, that
we were obliged to get a light, and my companion
having procured a ship’s lantern, and lighted it by
means of a tinder-box, led me to a place where I
could discern several animals, most of which were
evidently dead. She, however, ascertained that
there were two young calves, three or four sheep,
and as many young pigs, still giving very noisy
evidence of their existence. She searched about

and found some food for them, which they ate
with great avidity. The larger animals she told
me were cows and horses; but they had fallen
down, and gave no signs of life.

My companion and myself then entered into a
long debate as to how we were to remove the
living animals from the dead ; and she dwelt very
eloquently upon the great advantages that would
accrue to us, if we could succeed in transporting
to the island the survivors,

After giving them a good feed, seeing we could
not remove them at present, we descended safely
to our boat and gained the shore without any
accident. Then having housed our treasures, we
were for putting together a raft of the various
planks and barrels that were knocking against
the rocks ; but as I knew this would take a good
deal of time, I thought I would inspect the ship’s
boats, which, bottom upwards, were drifting about
within a few yards of us. |

To our great satisfaction, one I ascertained to
be but little injured, and having forced her ashore,
with our united exertions we turned her over, In
an hour we had made her water-tight, had picked
up her oars, and were pulling merrily for the


Hap the cows or horses been alive, they must
have been left behind, for we could not have re-
moved them ; but the smaller animals were with
comparatively little difficulty got on deck, and
they descended with me into the boat. We added
a few things that lay handy, and in a few minutes
were laughingly driving our four-footed treasures
on shore, to the extreme astonishment of the
gannets, which seemed as though they would
never cease to flap their wings, as their new
associates were driven by them.

In the same way we removed the most portable
of the agricultural implements, bed and bedding,
cots and hammocks, furniture, the framework
of a house, preserved provisions of all kinds,
a medicine-chest, boxes of books, crates of
china and glass, all sorts of useful tools, and
domestic utensils; in short, in the course of the
next two or three jweeks, by repeated journeys,
we filled every available place we could find with
what we had managed to rescue.

Then came another terrible storm that lasted
two days, after which the wreck having been

broken up, was scattered in every direction, I
however Managed to secure the drift wood, tubs,
spars, and chests, which were all got on shore,
and proved of the greatest service to me some
time afterwards.

Numerous as our acquisitions had been in this
way, both of us had been infinitely better pleased
had we been able to rescue some of the ill-fated
crew, to whom they had once belonged. But not
one of them could have escaped, and only one
body was cast on shore, which was that of a young
woman, who lay with her face to the ground,
and her wet clothes clinging round her. We
turned her carefully over, and I beheld a face that
seemed to me wonderfully fair and beautiful. She
had escaped the sharks, and had been dead several
hours—most probably she had been cast on shore
by the waves, soon after the ship struck, for she
had escaped also the rocks, which, had she been
dashed against, would have left fearful signs of
their contact on her delicate frame,

The sight of her corpse gave me many melan-
cholythoughts, [ thought of the delight she might
have caused both of us, had she been Saved. What
a pleasant companion she might have proved. In.
deed, as I looked on her pale cold features, I
fancied that she might have reconciled me to
ending my existence on the island—ay, even to the
abandonment of my favourite scheme of seeking
my grandfather to give him back his diamonds,


We took her up with as much pity and affec-
tion as if she were our nearest and dearest relative,
and carried her home, and placed her on Mrs.
Reichardt’s bed; and then I laid some planks
together, in the shape of what Mrs. Reichardt
called a coffin—and I dug her adeep grave in the

And all the while I found myself crying as I
had never cried before, and my heart seemed
weary and faint. In solemn silence we carried
her to her grave, and read over her the funeral
service out of the Prayer-book, kneeling and pray-
ing for this nameless creature, whom we had never
seen alive, as though she had been our compa-
nion for many years; both of us shedding tears,
for her hapless fate, as if we had lost a beloved
sister. And when we had filled up her grave and
departed, we went home, and passed the most
miserable day we had ever had to endure since we
had first been cast upon the island.

I had now numerous occupations that kept me
actively employed. Still I could not for a long
time help recalling to mind that pale face that
looked so piteously upon me when I first beheld
it; and then I would leave off my work, and
give myself up to my melancholy thoughts till my
attention was called off by some appeal from
my companion. I made a kind of monument
over the place where she was buried, and planted
there the finest flowers we had; and I never
Se a
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\ S a

Unexpected, but extremely welcome visitors.—P. 355.

passed the spot without a prayer, as if I were
approaching holy ground,

I must not forget to add, that a few days after
the wreck, we were agreeably surprised by visitors
that, though unexpected, were extremely welcome.
I had noticed strange birds wandering about in
various parts of the island. On their coming
under the notice of my companion, they were
immediately recognised as fowls and ducks, that
had no doubt escaped from the ship.

We might now, therefore, constitute ourselves
a little colony, of which Mrs. Reichardt and my-
self were the immediate sovernors, the settlers
being a mingled community of calves, sheep,
pigs, and poultry, that lived on excellent terms
with each other; the quadrupeds having permis-
sion to roam where they pleased, and the bipeds
being kept within a certain distance of the go-
vernment house.

The old hut had suffered so much from the
storm that I determined on building another in
a better position, and had recourse to the frame-
work of the house I had taken from the wreck.
I had some difficulty in putting the severa] parts
together, but at last succeeded, and a small, but
most commodious dwelling was the result. Near
it I laid out a new garden, wherein | planted
all the orange-trees we had reared, as well as
many of the seeds and roots we had brought
from the wreck, A little beyond I inclosed a


paddock, wherein I planted the twigs we had
found in pots, which proved to be fruit-trees.

When I had done this, I thought of my agri-
cultural implements, and very much desired to
make use of a handy plough that was amongst
them, when I learned the advantages that might
arise from it. At first I yoked myself to the
plough, and Mrs. Reichardt held it: this proved
such hard and awkward work, that I kept pro-
jecting all sorts of plans for lessening the labour
the best was that of yoking our calves, and
making them pull instead of myself. This was
more easily thought of than done. The animals
did not prove very apt pupils, but in course of
time, with a good deal of patience, and some
manceuvring, I succeeded in making them per-
form the work they were expected to do.

Thus, in building, gardening, planting, and
farming, the time flew by quickly, and in the
course of the next year the aspect of the place had
become quite changed. The guano that enriched
the soil made every kind of vegetation thrive with
an almost marvellous rapidity and luxuriance.
We had a comfortable house, up which a vine
was creeping in one place, and a young pear-tree
in another. We were supplied with the choicest
oranges, and had apples of several kinds. We
had abundance of furniture, and an inexhaustible
stock of provisions. We had a most gorgeous
show of flowers, of many different species ; out

new kitchen-garden was full of useful vegetables
—young fruit-trees were yielding their produce
wherever they had been planted—the poultry had
more than doubled their number—the calves
were taking upon themselves the full dignity of
the state of cow and bull—the ewes had nume-
rous lambs—and the pigs had not only grown into
excellent pork, but had already produced more
than one litter, that would be found equally
desirable when provisions ran scarce. We had
two growing crops, of different kinds of grain, and
a large pasture-field fenced round.

The Little Savage, at seventeen, had been
transformed into a farmer, and the cultivation of
the farm and the care of the live stock soon left
him no time for indulging in vain longings to
leave the island, or useless regrets for the fair
creature who, even in death, I had regarded as
its greatest ornament.

Two years later, still greater improvements, and
still greater additions became visible. We were
establishing a dairy farm on a small scale, and as
our herds and flocks, as well as the pigs and
poultry, increased rapidly, we promised in a few
years to be the most thriving farmers that had
ever lived in that part of the world by the cultiva-
tion of the land.


Aurnoven my first experimental voyage had
proved so hazardous, now that I was better pro-
vided for meeting its perils, I became anxious to
make another attempt to circumnavigate the
‘sland. The boat that had belonged to the wrecked
ship, from the frequent trips I had made in her to
and from the shore, I could manage as well as if
I had been rowing boats all my life.

With the assistance of Mrs. Reichardt, who
pulled an oar almost as well as myself, we could
get her along in very good style, even when heavily
laden, and our labours together had taken from
her all that timidity which had deterred her from
trusting herself with me, when I first ventured
from the island.

I was, however, very differently circumstanced
now, to what I was then. Instead of a frail
cockle-shell, that threatened to be capsized by
every billow that approached it, and that would
scarcely hold two persons comfortably, 1 was
master of a well-built ship’s boat, that would hold
half a dozen with ease, and except in very rough
weather, was as safe as any place ashore.

I had repaired the slight damage its timbers
had received, and had made an awning to protect
us when rowing, from the heat of the sun; I had
also raised a sail, which would relieve us of a good
deal of labour. When everything was prepared,
I urged Mrs. Reichardt to accompany me in a
voyage round the island; an excursion I hoped
would turn out equally pleasant and profitable.

I found her very averse to trusting herself farther
from shore than was absolutely necessary. She
raised all kinds of objections—prominent among
which were my want of seamanship for managing
a boat in the open sea; the danger that might
arise from a sudden squall coming on; her fear of
our getting amongst a shoal of sharks, and the
risk we ran of driving against a projecting rock ;
but I overruled them all.

I showed her, by taking little trips out to sea,
that I could manage the boat either with the sail
or the oars, and assured her that by keeping close
to the island, we could run ashore before danger
could reach us; and that nothing could be easier
than our keeping out of the reach of both rocks
and sharks.

I do not think I quite convinced her that her
fears were groundless ; but my repeated entreaties,
the fineness of the weather, and her dislike to be
again left on the island, whilst I was risking my
life at sea, prevailed, and she promised to join me
in this second experiment.

Her forethought, however, was here as fully
demonstrated as on other occasions, for she did
not suffer the boat to leave the shore till she had
provided for any accident that might prevent our
return in the anticipated time.

A finer day for such a voyage we could not
have selected. The sky was without a cloud, and
there was just.wind enough for the purpose I
wanted, without any apprehensions of this being
increased. I got up the awning, and spread the
sail, and handing Mrs. Reichardt to her appointed
seat, we bid farewell to our four-footed and two-
footed friends ashore, that were gazing at us as if
they knew they were parting from their only pro-
tectors. I then pushed the boat off, the wind
caught the sail, and she glided rapidly through
the deep water.

I let her proceed in this way about a quarter of
mile from the island, and then tacked; the boat,
obedient to the position of the sail, altered her
course, and we proceeded at about the same rate,
for a considerable distance.

Mrs. Reichardt, notwithstanding her previous
fears, could not help feeling the exhilarating effect
of this adventurous voyage. We were floating,
safely and gracefully, upon the billows, with
nothing but sea and sky in every direction but
one, where the rugged shores of our island home
gave a bold, yet menacing feature to the view.

My heart seemed to expand with the majestic.

prospect before me. Never had mariner, when
discovering some prodigious continent, felt a
greater degree of exultation than I experienced
when directing my little vessel over the immense
wilderness of waters that spread out before me,
till it joined the line of the horizon.

I sat down by the side of Mrs. Reichardt, and
allowed the boat to proceed on its course, either
as if it required no directing hand, or that its pre-
sent direction was so agreeable, I felt no inclina-
tion to alter it.

“T can easily imagine,” said I, “the enthu-
siasm of such men as Columbus, whose discovery
of America you were relating to me the other
day. The vocation of these early navigators was
a glorious one, and, when they had tracked their
way over so many thousand miles of pathless
water, and found themselves in strange seas,
expecting the appearance of land, hitherto un-
known to the civilized world, they must have felt
the importance of their mission as discoverers.”

“No doubt, Frank,” she replied ; “ and pro-
bably, it was this that supported the great man
you have just named, in the severe trials he was
obliged to endure, on the very eve of the discovery
that was to render his name famous to all genera-
tions. He had endured intolerable hardships, the
ship had been so long without sight of land, that
no one thought it worth while to look out for it,
and he expected that his crew would mutiny, and

insist on returning. At this critical period of his
existence, first one indication of land, and then
another, made itself manifest ; the curiosity of the
disheartened sailors became excited ; hope revived
in the breast of their immortal captain; a man
was now induced to ascend the main-top, and his
joyful cry of land woke up the slumbering spirit
of the crew. In this way, a new world was first
presented to the attention of the inhabitants of
the old.”

“Tt appears to me very unjust,” I observed,
“ that so important a discovery should have
become known to us, not by the name of its
original discoverer, but by that of a subsequent
visitor to its shores.”

“ Undoubtedly,” said Mrs. Reichardt, “ it is
apparently unfair that Americus Vespucius should
obtain an honour which Christopher Columbus
alone had deserved. But of the fame which is the
natural right of him whose courage and enterprise
procured this unrivalled acquisition, no one can
deprive him. His gigantic discovery may always
be known as America, but the world acknow-
ledges its obligation to Columbus, and knows
little beyond the name of his rival.”

“Were the immediate results of so large an
addition to geographical knowledge, as beneficial
to the entire human race as they ought to have
been ?”

“1 do not think they were. The vast conti-

nent then thrown open to the advance of civiliza-
tion, may be divided into two portions,—the south
and the north. The former was inhabited by a
harmless effeminate race, who enjoyed many of
the refinements of civilization ; their knowledge of
the arts, for instance, as shown to us in the ruins
of their cities, was considerable ; they possessed
extensive buildings in a bold and ornate style of
architecture ; they made a lavish use of the pre-
cious metals, of which the land was extremely
rich, and they wore dresses which showed a cer-
tain perfection in the manufacture of textile
fabrics, and no slight degree of taste and art in
their formation.

“The Spaniards, who were led to this part of
the continent by a desire to enrich themselves
with the gold which the earliest discoverers had
found in the new country in considerable quanti-
ties, invaded the territories of this peaceful people,
and, by their superior knowledge of warlike
weapons, and the ignorance of the intentions of
their invaders that prevailed amongst the natives
of all ranks, by a series of massacres, they were
enabled, though comparatively but a small force,
to obtain possession of the vast empire that had
been established there from time immemorial, and
turn it into a Spanish colony.

“ The blood of this harmless race flowed like
water ; their great Incas or Emperors were deposed
and murdered, their splendid temples plundered

of their riches, their nobles and priests tortured to
make them change their faith, and the great mass
of the people became slaves to their more warlike
conquerors. It was in this way the gold of Mexico
and Peru enriched the treasury of Spain; but
every ingot had the curse of blood upon it, and
from that time the Spanish power, then at its
height, began to decline in Europe, till it sunk in
the scale of nations among the least important.
The colonies revolted from the mother country,
and became independent states ; but the curse
that followed the infamous appropriation of the
country, seems to cling to the descendants of the
first criminals, and neither government nor people
prospers ; and it is evident that all these inde-
pendent states must in time be absorbed by a great
republic, that has sprung up by peaceable means,
as it were at their side, whilst they were content
to be colonies.”

“To what republic do you allude?”

“ You may remember that I told you that
the entire continent was divided into south and

“ Exactly.”

“The history of the southern portion I have
rapidly sketched for you, that of the northern you
will find of a totally different character.”

“ Pray let me hear it.”

“ When North America was first discovered, it
was found to be inhabited by a race of savages,
divided into several tribes. They had no manu-

factures ; they had no knowledge of art or science j
they lived in the impenetrable woods in huts,
having no pretension to architecture ; they went
almost entirely naked, were extremely warlike,
and fond of hunting, and were known to devour
the enemies they killed in battle.

“To this barbarous race came a few adventurous
men across the stormy Atlantic, from the distant
island of England—”

“Ah, England!” I exclaimed, “ that is the
country of my parents—that is the home of my
grandfather ; let me hear anything you have to
say about England.”

Mrs. Reichardt smiled at my animation, but
proceeded without making any comment upon
what I had said. ,

“England possessed at this period many ad-
venturous spirits, who were ready to dare every
danger to obtain for their country a share in the
honours which other lands had assumed through
the enterprise of their navigators. By such men
different portions of the northern continent of
America were discovered; the fame of these
new lands, their wonderful productiveness and
admirable climate, soon spread amongst their coun-
trymen, and from time to time various ships left
the English ports with small bands of adventurers,
who made what were termed settlements in the
country of these savages — not by mercilessly
massacring them as the Spaniards had done in
the south, and then plundering them of all they

possessed, but by purchasing certain districts or
pieces of land from the original occupants, which
they peacefully cultivated; as their numbers in-
creased, they multiplied their habitations, and
obtained by barter of the savages fresh accessions
of territory.”

“‘ The English showed themselves a much more
humane people than the Spaniards,” I observed.
“ But did they never come into collision with the
wild natives of the country ?”

“ Frequently,” Mrs. Reichardt replied; “ but
in some measure this was unavoidable. As new
settlers from England landed in the country, they
required more land; but the savages were now not
inclined to barter ; they had become jealous of the
strangers, and were desirous of driving them back
to their ships before they became too numerous.
Acts of hostility were committed by the savages
upon the settlers, which were often marked by
great brutality : this exasperated the latter, who
joined in a warlike association, and notwithstand-
ing their numbers and daring, drove them further
and further from their neighbourhood, till either
by conquest, treaties, or purchase, the Englishmen
or their descendants obtained the greater portion
of North America.”

“ Do they still hold possession of it?” I asked.

“Up to a recent date, the whole of this vast
acquisition was a colony in obedience to the govern-
ment of England; but a dispute having arisen

between the mother country and the colony, a
struggle took place, which ended in the latter
throwing off all subjection to the laws of England.
The extensive provinces joined together in a union
of equal privileges and powers, which has since
gone by the name of the Government of the
United States of North America. This is the
great republic to which I just now alluded, that
is gradually absorbing the minor Southern States
into its union, and threatens at no very distant date
to spread the English language and the English
race over the whole continent of America,”

“Has England then completely lost the country
she colonized ?” I inquired, feeling more and more
interested in the subject.

“No, a great portion still remains in her pos-
session,” she replied. “The people preserved their
allegiance when their neighbours thought proper
to rise in revolt, and are now in a state of great
prosperity, governed by the laws of England, and
supported by her power. The English possessions
in North America form an extensive district. It
is, however, but an inconsiderable fraction of the
vast countries still remaining under the dominion
of England. Her territories lie in every quarter
of the globe ; indeed the sun never sets upon this
immense empire—an empire with which the con-
quests of Alexander, and of Cesar, or the most for-
midable state that existed in ancient times, cannot
for a moment be compared ; and when we bear in

mind that in all these various climates, and in all
these far-distant shores, the flag of our country
affords the same protection to the colonist as he
would enjoy in his own land, we may entertain some
idea of the vast power that government possesses
which can make itself respected at so many oppo-
site points from the source whence it emanates.”

I was so much interested in this description,
that I had neglected to notice the rate at which
the boat was driving through the water. I now
rose with great alacrity to shift the sail, as we
had got several miles from the island, and if I did
not take care we might be blown out of sight of
land. I lost no time in putting her on another
tack, but we had not proceeded far in this direc-
tion when I found the wind lull, and presently
the sail drooped to the mast, and there was a dead

It became necessary now to take to our oars,
and we were presently pulling with all our
strength in the direction of land. This went on
for some time till we were both tired, and I was
surprised at the little progress we had made. We
lay on our oars and took some refreshment,
and then pulled with additional vigour ; but I
began to suspect that we were receding from the
land instead of approaching it, and called Mrs.
Reichardt’s attention to the fact of the island
diminishing in size, notwithstanding the length of
time we had been pulling towards it.

“ Ah, Frank,” she said, in a melancholy tone of
voice, “TI have for some time entertained suspi-
cions that all our strength was being expended
in vain. It is very clear that we have got into a
current that is every moment taking us further
out to sea, and if a breeze does not soon spring
up, we shall lose sight of the island, and then
heaven only knows what will become of us.”

I shook out the sail, in hopes of its catching
sufficient wind to lead us out of the current, but
not a breath of air was stirring. We did not
possess such a thing as a compass ; our provisions
were only calculated for a pleasure trip—we had
only one small jar of water, and a flask of spirit, a
few biscuits, two large cakes, a chicken, and some
dried fish. The land was rapidly receding; I
could only mark its position with respect to the
sun, that now was pouring its burning rays upon
our little bark. If it had not been for the awning,
we could not have endured it ; the heat was so
oppressive. We had been obliged to give over
rowing, as much from the fatigue it occasioned as
from the hopelessness of our labour.

We now sat with sinking hearts watching the
fast-retreating land. It had become a point—it
diminished to a speck, and as it disappeared from
our anxious sight, the sun set in all his glory, and
we were drifting at the mercy of the current we
knew not where, with nothing but sky and sea all
around us,



Varnty I stretched my eyes around the illimit-
able field of ocean, in hope of discerning some
indication of that power whose ships I had been
told traversed every sea; but nothing like a vessel
was in sight—the mighty waters stretched out like 7
an endless desert on every side. There was no
sign of man in all this vast space, except our
little boat; and in comparison with this space,
how insignificant were the two helpless human |
beings who sat silent and motionless im that boat
awaiting their destiny.

The stars came out with marvellous brilliancy.
I fancied that I had never seen them appear
so bright; but probably the gloominess of my
thoughts made them look brighter by contrast.
I seemed the centre of a glorious system of worlds
revolving above me with a calm and tranquil
beauty, that appeared to reproach me for giving
way to despair in.a scene so lovely.

The great mass of water, scarcely moved by a
ripple, now appeared lit up with countless fires,
and a purplish haze, like a low flame, was visible
in every direction. I directed the attention of

my companion to this strange app@arance. Not-
withstanding the intensity of her anxiety, she
immediately entered into an explanation of the
phenomenon, and attributed it to a peculiarly
phosphoric state of the sea, caused by myriads of
creatures which possess the quality of the glow-
worm, and rising to the surface of the water,
made the latter seem as though enveloped in

I sat a long time watching the singular appear-
ances that presented themselves whenever I dashed
down the oar. It looked as though I was beating
fire instead of water, and flame seemed to come
from the oar with the drops that fell from it into
the sea,

In this way hours passed by: we were still
floating with the current; the moon and stars
were now coldly shining over our heads; the
ocean around us was still gleaming with phosphoric
fires, when Mrs. Reichardt advised me to take
some nourishment, and then endeavour to go to
sleep, saying she would keep watch and apprize
me if anything happened of which it might be
advantageous to avail ourselves,

The only thing I desired was the appearance of
a vessel, or the setting in of a breeze, of which at
present not a sign existed. I felt disinclined
either to eat or to drink : but I proposed that my
companion should make a meal and then go to
sleep, as it was much more proper that I should


keep watch tlan herself. The fact was, we were
both anxious that the other should be the first to
diminish our little stock of food; but as neither
would be induced to do this, it was decided that
our provisions should be divided into certain por-
tions, which were only to be taken at sunrise and
sunset, and that we should during the night
relieve each other every three hours in keeping
watch, that if we saw land, or a ship, or the wind
should spring up, we might consult immediately
as to our course.

I only succeeded in inducing her to lie down
at the bottom of the boat, to obtain a little sleep,
previously to her taking my place, that I might so
rest myself. She first said her usual prayers for
the evening, in which I joined, and in a few
minutes I was glad to hear by her regular breath-
ing, that she was obtaining that repose of which I
was certain she stood greatly in need.

I was now the sole observer of the stupendous
spectacle that spread out around and above me;
the most sublime feature in this imposing scene
appeared to be the silence which reigned supreme
over all. The heavens were as mute as the sea.
It looked as if the earth had been engulfed by
asecond deluge, and all living nature had perished
utterly from the face of it.

I felt a deep feeling of melancholy stealing over
me, and could not forbear reproaching myself for
embarking in this hazardous enterprise, and risk-

ing a life that I was bound to preserve. What
could become of us both I knew not; but I was
sensible that if we were not speedily picked up, or
made some friendly shore, there existed but little
hopes of our surviving many days.

I made up my mind, that the island we should
never see again ; and though I had been so anxious
for so many years to quit it, now that fate had
separated us for ever, I could not console myself
for the loss of a home endeared to me by so many
recollections. But my great grief was the loss of
my grandfather’s diamonds. He had now no
chance of having them restored to him, If they
were found, they would become the property of
the discoverer ; and he would never know how his
daughter perished on a rock, and how his grand-
son was swallowed up by the waters of the great

And then I thought of that glorious England I
had so long hoped to see, and my heart sunk
within me as I gazed out upon the boundless
prospect. There was not a voice to murmur con-
solation, not a hand to offer me assistance. Was
I never to see those white cliffs which had been so
often described to me, that I could call them to
mind as clearly as if they stood in all their pride
and beauty before my eyes ?

How often had I dreamed of approaching the
hallowed shores of England—how often had I
heard the cheerful voices of her people welcoming

the Little Savage to his natural home—how often
had I been embraced by my aged grandfather,
and received into the happy circle of his friends,
with the respect and affection due to his heir. I
had dreamed happy dreams, and- seen blissful
visions; and the result was starvation in an open
boat on the illimitable ocean.

Mrs. Reichardt still slept, and I would not
wake her. As long as she was insensible to the
dangers of her position, she must exist im com-
parative happiness; to disturb her was to bring
her back to a sense of danger and misery, and the
recollection that my folly had brought her to this
hopeless state.

I noticed that a small cloud was making its
appearance in the horizon, and almost at the same
instant I observed it, I felt a breeze that was just
sufficient to flap the sail against the mast. Ina
few minutes the cloud had greatly increased, and
the wind filled the sail. I fancied it blew ina
direction contrary to the current; but in the
belief that it did so, I soon got the boat round,
and to my great joy she was presently scudding
before the wind at a rate that was sensibly in-

But the cloud presently began to envelop the
heavens, and a thick darkness spread itself like a
veil in every direction. The wind blew very fresh,
and strained the mast to which the sail had been
fixed; and now I began to entertain a new fear:

some sudden gust might take the sail and capsize
us, or tear it from its fastenings. I would gladly
have taken in the sail, but I considered it as rather
a hazardous experiment. Mrs. Reichardt lay ina
position that prevented my getting at it without
disturbing her, or running the risk of tipping the
boat over, when it would be sure to fill imme-
diately, and sink with us both. Though we could
both swim, I felt assured that if we were once in
the water, there would remain very little chance
of our protracting our lives beyond a few hours.

The boat, therefore, continued to run before
the wind at a rapid rate, the slight mast creaking,
and the sail stretching so tight, I expected every
minute that we should be upset. At this moment
Mrs. Reichardt awoke, and her quick eye imme-
diately took in the full extent of our danger.

“We shall be lost,” she said, hurriedly, “ if we
do not take in that sail!”

I was fully aware of this, but she had seen
more of a sailor’s perils than I had, and knew
better how to meet them. She offered to assist
me in taking in the sail, and directing me to be
very careful, we proceeded, with the assistance of
the awning, to the mast, and after a good deal of
labour, and at some risk of being blown into the
sea, we succeeded in furling the sail, and unship-
ping the mast. |

We were now in quite as much danger from
another cause—the surface of the sea, which had

been so smooth during the calm, was now s0
violently agitated by the wind, that the boat kept
ascending one great billow only to descend into
the trough of another. We often went down
almost perpendicularly, and the height seemed
every moment increasing; and every time we
went thus plunging headlong into the boiling
waters, I thought we should be engulfed never
to rise; nevertheless, the next minute, up we
ascended on the crest of some more fearful wave
than any we had hitherto encountered, and down
again we plunged in the dark unfathomable abyss
that, walled in by foaming mountains of water,
appeared yawning to close over us for ever.

It was almost entirely dark ; we could see only
the white foam of the wave over which we were
about to pass: save this, it was black below
and black above, and impenetrable darkness all

Mrs. Reichardt sat close to me with her hand in
mine—she uttered no exclamations of feminine
terror—she was more awe-struck than frightened.
I believe that she was fully satisfied her last hour
had come, for I could hear her murmuring a
prayer in which she commended her soul to her

I cannot say that I was in any great degree
alarmed—the rapid up-and-down motion of the
boat gave me a sensation of pleasure I had never
before experienced. To say the truth, I should

have greatly enjoyed being thus at the mercy of
the winds and waves, in the midst of a black and
stormy night dn the trackless ocean, had it not
been for my constant thoughts of my companion,
and my bitter self-reproaches for having led her
into so terrible a danger.

I was now, however, called from these reflec-

tions, by the necessity of active employment. The
boat I found shipped water at every plunge, and
if speedy means were not taken to keep the water
under, there was little doubt that she would soon
fill and go down. I therefore seized the iron
kettle we had brought with us to cook our dinner,
and began rapidly baling out the water, which
was already over our ankles. We continued to
ship water, sometimes more and sometimes less ;
and Mrs. Reichardt, actuated no doubt by the
same motives as myself, with a tin pan now
assisted me in getting rid of the treacherous
_ By our united exertions we kept the water
under, and hoped to be able to get rid of the
whole of it. About this time it began to rain
very heavily, and although the awning protected
our heads, so much fell into the boat, that not-
withstanding our labours, we continued to sit in a

We were, however, glad to find that as the rain
fell, the wind abated, and as the latter subsided,
the sea became less violent, and we shipped less

water. I was now able by my own exertions to
keep the boat tolerably dry, and Mrs. Reichardt,
ever provident, spread out all the empty vessels
she had brought with her to catch the rain ; for as
she said, we did not know how valuable that
water might become in a short time.

The rain continued to pour down in a perfect
torrent for several hours; at the end of which
the sky gradually cleared. The sea, though still
rough, presented none of those mountainous waves
that a short time before had threatened to anni-
hilate us at every descent, and there was just
sufficient breeze to waft us along at a brisk rate
with the assistance of our sail.

Mrs. Reichardt helped me in putting up the
mast, and directly we began to feel the breeze,
she insisted on my taking some refreshment. It
was vitally necessary to both, for our labours had
been heavy for several hours. We therefore ate
sparingly of our provisions, and washed down
our meal with a pannikin of water mingled with a
little spirit.


THE morning dawned upon a boundless expanse
of sea. The first object that presented itself to
my sight was an enormous whale spouting water,
about a quarter of a mile distant from me; then I
observed another, then a third, and subsequently,
several more: they presented a singular and
picturesque appearance, as one or other of these
vast animals was continually throwing up a column
of water that caught the rays of the sun, and
looked very beautiful in the distance.

I looked in vain for land; I looked equally
in vain for a ship; there was nothing visible but
this shoal of whales, and Mrs. Reichardt endea-
voured to cheer me by describing the importance
of the whale-fishery to England, and the perils
which the men meet with who pursue the fish for
the purpose of wounding them with an iron instru-
ment called a harpoon.

I felt much interest in these details; and my
companion went into the whole history of a
whaling expedition, describing the first discovery
of the huge fish from the ship; the pursuit in
the boats, and the harpooning of the whale; its

struggles after having been wounded; ‘its being
towed to the ship’s side ; the subsequent manufac-
ture of oil from the blubber of the animal, and
the preparation of whalebone.

In attending to this discourse, I completely
forgot that I was being tossed about in the open
sea, I knew not where ; and where I might be in
a short time it would be proved I was equally
ignorant : perhaps I should be a corpse floating
on the surface of the ocean waiting for a tomb till
a shark came that. way; perhaps I should be
suffering the torments of hunger and thirst ; per-
haps cast lifeless upon a rock, where my bleached
bones would remain the only monument which
would then declare that there once existed in these
latitudes, such a being as the Little Savage.

Where now could be the island I, though long
sO anxious to quit, now was a thousand times
more desirous of beholding? I felt that nothing
could be more agreeable to me than a glimpse of
that wild rocky coast that had so often appeared
to me the walls of an intolerable prison.

I strained my eyes in vain in every direction ;
the line of the horizon stretched out uninter-
rupted by a single break of any kind all around.
Where could we be? I often asked myself; but
except that we were on the wide ocean, neither
myself nor my companion had the slightest idea
of our geographical position. We must have been
blown a considerable distance during the storm :


much further than the current had taken us from
the island.

I calculated that we must have passed it by
many a mile, if we had continued the same course ;
but the wind had shifted several times, and it
might be that we were not so very long a sail from
it, could we gain the slightest knowledge of the
direction in which it was to be found. But this
was hopeless. I felt assured that we must aban-
don all idea of seeing it again.

In the midst of these painful reflections, my
companion directed my attention to an object ata
very considerable distance, and intimated her
impression that it was a ship. Luckily, I had
brought my glass with me, and soon was anxiously
directing it to the required point. It was a ship:
but at so great a distance that it was impossible,
as Mrs. Reichardt said, for any person on board
to distinguish our boat. I would have sailed in
that direction, but the wind was contrary : I had,
therefore, no alternative but to wait till the ship
should approach near enough to make us out ;
and I passed several hours of the deepest anxiety
in watching the course of the distant vessel.

She increased in size, so that I could observe
that she was a large ship by the unassisted eye ;
but as we were running before the wind in a
totally different direction, there seemed very
little chance of our communicating, unless she
altered her course.

Mrs. Reichardt mentioned that signals were
made by vessels at a distance to attract each
other’s attention, and described the various ways
in which they communicated the wishes of their
respective captains. The only signal I had been
in the habit of making was, burning quantities
of wood on the shore and pouring water on
it to make it smoke—this was impossible in our

My companion at last suggested that I should
tie a tablecloth to the mast; its peculiar white-
ness might attract attention. The sail was pre-
sently taken in, and the tablecloth spread in its
place ; but, unfortunately, it soon afterwards came
on a dead calm—the breeze died away, and the
cloth hung in long folds against the mast.

No notice whatever was taken of us. We now
took to our oars and pulled in the direction of the
ship ; but after several hours’ hard rowing, our
strength had so suffered from our previous fa-
tigues, that we seemed to have made very little

In a short time the sun set, and we watched
the object of all our hopes with most anxious
eyes, till night set in and hid her from our sight.
Shortly afterwards a light breeze again sprung
up; with renewed hope we gave our sail to the
wind, but it bore us in a contrary direction, and
when morning dawned we saw no more of the ship.

The wind had now again shifted, and bore us
briskly along. But where? I had fallen asleep

during the preceding night, wearied out with
labour and anxiety, and I did not wake till long
after daybreak. Mrs. Reichardt would not dis-
turb me. In sleep I was insensible to the
miseries and dangers of my position. She could
not bring herself to disturb a repose that was at
once so necessary to mind and body; and I fell
into a sweet dream of a new home in that dear
England I had prayed so often to see; and bright
faces smiled upon me, and voices welcomed me,
full of tenderness and affection.

I fancied that in one of those faces I recognised
my mother, of whose love I had so early been de-
prived, and that it was paler than all the others,
but infinitely more tender and affectionate : then
the countenance seemed to grow paler and paler,
till it took upon itself the likeness of the fair
creature I had buried in the guano, and J thought
she embraced me, and her arms were cold as stone,
and she pressed her lips to mine, and they gave a
chill to my blood that made me shake as with an

Suddenly I beheld Jackson with his sightless -
orbs groping towards me with a knife in his hand,
muttering imprecations, and he caught hold of
me, and we had a desperate struggle, and he
plunged a long knife into my chest, with a loud
laugh of derision and malice; and as I felt the
blade enter my flesh, I gave a start and jumped
up, and alarmed Mrs. Reichardt by the wild ery
with which I awoke,

How strongly was that dream impressed upon
my mind; and the features of the different per-
sons who figured in it—how distinctly they were
brought before me! My poor mother was as fresh
in my recollection as though I had seen her but
yesterday, and the sweetness of her looks as she
approached me—how I now tried to recall them,
and feasted on their memory as though it were a
lost blessing.

Then the nameless corpse that had been washed
from the wreck, how strange it seemed, that after
this lapse of time she should appear to me in a
dream, as though we had been long attached to
each other, and her affections had been through
life entirely my own. Poor girl! Perhaps even
now some devoted lover mourns her loss ; or hopes
at no distant date to be able to join her in the
new colony, to attain which a cruel destiny had
forced her from his arms. Little does he dream
of her nameless grave under the guano. Little
does he dream that the only colony in which he is
likely to join her, is that settlement in the great
desert of oblivion, over which Death has remained
governor from the birth of the world.

But the most unpleasant part of the vision was
the appearance of Jackson; and it was a long
time before I could bring myself to believe that I
had not beheld his well-known features—that I
had not been stabbed by him, and that I was not
suffering from the mortal.wound he had inflicted.

I however at last shook off the delusion, and to
Mrs. Reichardt’s anxious inquiries replied only
that I had had a disagreeable dream.

In a short time I began to doubt whether the
waking was more pleasant than the dreaming—
the vast ocean still spread itself before me like a
mighty winding-sheet, the fair sky, beautiful as it
appeared in the rays of the morning sun, I could
only regard as a pall—and our little bark was
the coffin in which two helpless human beings,
though still existing, were waiting interment.

“ Has God abandoned us?” I asked my com-
panion; “or has He forgotten that two of His
creatures are in the deepest peril of their lives,
from which He alone can save them ?”

“ Hush! Frank Henniker,” exclaimed Mrs.
Reichardt, solemnly; “ this is impious. God
never abandons those who are worthy of His pro-
tection. He will either save them at His own
appointed time—or if He think it more desirable,
will snatch them from a scene where so many
dangers surround them, and place them where
there prevails eternal tranquillity and everlasting

“We should rather rejoice,” she added, with
increasing seriousness, “ that we are thought
worthy of being so early taken from a world in
which we have met with so many troubles.”

“ But to die in this way,” I observed gloomily ;


“to be left to linger out days of terrible torture,
without a hope of relief—I cannot reconcile myself
to it.”

“We must die sooner or later,” she said, “ and
there are many diseases which are fatal after pro-
tracted suffering of the most agonizing description.
These we have been spared. The wretch who
lingers in torment, visited by some loathsome
disorder, would envy us, could he see the compa-
ratively easy manner in which we are suffered to
leave existence.

“ But I do not myself see the hopelessness of
our case,” she added. “ It is not yet impossible
that we may be picked up by a ship, or discover
some friendly shore whence we might obtain a
passage for England.”

“TI see no prospect of this,” said I; “ we are
apparently out of the track of ships, and if it
should be our chance to discover one, the people
on board are not likely to observe us. I wish I
had never left the island.”

Mrs. Reichardt never reproached me—never
so much as reminded me that it was my own
fault. She merely added, “ It was the will of

We ate and drank our small rations—my com-
panion always blessing the meal, and offering a
thanksgiving for being permitted to enjoy it. I
noticed what was left. We had been extremely

economical, yet there was barely enough for
another day. We determined still further to
reduce the trifling portion we allowed ourselves,
that we might increase our chance of escape.


Five days and nights had we been drifting at
the mercy of the winds and waves; all our small
stock of food had been devoured—though we had
hoarded every crumb, as the miser hoards his
gold. Even the rain-water, as well as the water
we had brought with us, we had drained to the
last drop.

The weather continually alternated from a dead
calm to a light breeze: the wind frequently
shifted, but I had no strength left to attend
to the sail—the boat was abandoned to its own
guidance, or rather to that of the wind. When
becalmed, we lay still ; when the breeze sprung up,
we pursued our course till the sail no longer felt
its influence.

Five long days and nights—days of intolerable
suffering, nights of mexpressible horror. From
sunrise to sunset I strained my eyes along the
line of the horizon, but nothing but sky and
wave ever met my gaze. When it became dark,
excited by the deep anxiety I had endured through-
out the day, I could not sleep. I fancied I beheld
through the darkness monstrous forms mocking

and gibbering, and high above them all was reared
the head of the enormous python I had combated
in the Happy Valley. And he opened his tre-
mendous jaws, as though to swallow me, and
displayed fold upon fold of his immense form, as
if to involve and crush the boat in its mighty

I was always glad when the day dawned, or if
the night happened to be fair and starlight ; for
the spectres vanished when the sun shone, and
the tranquil beauty of the stars calmed my soul.

I was famishing for want of food—but I suf-
fered most from want of water, for the heat
during the day was tremendous, and I became so
frantic from thirst, that nothing but the exhorta-
tions of Mrs. Reichardt would have prevented me
from dashing myself into the sea, and drinking
my fill of the salt water that looked so tempting
and refreshing.

My companion sought to encourage me to
hope, long after all hope had vanished—then she
preached resignation to the Divine will, and in
her own nature gave a practical commentary on
her text.

I perceived that her voice was getting more
and more faint—and that she was becoming
hourly more feeble. She was not able to move
from her seat, and at last asked me to assist her
to le down at the bottom of the boat. Then I
noticed that she prayed fervently, and I could

often distinguish my name in these petitions to
the throne of Grace.

I felt a strange sensation in my head, and my
tongue became in my mouth as a dry stick—from
this I was relieved by chewing the sleeve of my
shirt; but my head grew worse. My eyes too
were affected in a strange manner. I continually
fancied that I saw ships sailing about at a little
distance from me, and I strove to attract their
attention by calling to them. My voice was weak,
and I could create only a kind of half-stifled cry.
Then I thought I beheld land: fair forests and
green pastures spread before me—bright flowers
and refreshing fruits grew all around—and I
called to my companion to make haste, for we
were running ashore and should presently be pull-
ing the clustering grapes and should lay ourselves
down among the odorous flowers.

Mrs. Reichardt opened her eyes and gazed at
me with a more painful interest. She knew I
was haunted by the chimeras created by famine
and thirst ; but she seemed to have lost all power
of speech. She motioned me to join her in
prayer ; I, however, was too much occupied with
the prospect of landing, and paid no attention
to her signs.

Presently the bright landscape faded away, and
I beheld nothing but the wide expanse of water,
the circle of which appeared to expand and spread
into the sky, and the sky seemed lost and broken

up in the water, and for afew minutes they were
mixed together in the wildest and strangest con-
fusion. Subsequently to this I must have dropped
asleep, for after a while I found myself huddled
up in a corner of the boat, and must have fallen
there from my seat. I stared about me for some
time unconscious where I was. The bright syn
still shone over my head ; the everlasting sea still
rolled beneath my feet.

I looked to the bottom of the boat, and met
the upturned gaze of my fellow voyager—the
pale face had grown paler, and the expression of
the painful eye had become less intelligent. I
thought she was as I had seen her in my dream
when she changed from her own likeness to
that of the poor drowned girl we buried in the

I turned away my gaze—the sight was too
painful to look upon. I felt assured that she
was dying, and that in a very short space of
time, that faithful and affectionate nature I must
part from for ever.

I thought I would make a last effort—though
faint and trembling, burning with fever, and
feeling deadly sick, I managed by the support of
the awning to crawl to the mast, and embracing
it with one arm, I raised the glass with the other
hand, and looked carefully about. My hand was
very unsteady and my eyes seemed dim. I could
discern nothing but water.

I should have sunk in despair to the bottom
of the boat, had I not been attracted at the
moment by a singular appearance in the sky. A
cloud was approaching, of a shape and appearance
I had never observed before. I raised the glass
again, and after observing this cloud for some
tyme with great attention, I felt assured that
what I considered to be long lines of vapour was
an immense flock of birds.

This discovery interested me—I forgot the in-
tensity of my sufferings in observing the motions
of this apparently endless flock. As the first file
approached, I looked again, to see if I could make
out what they were. God of Heaven! they were

I crawled back to my companion as rapidly
as my feeble limbs would allow, to inform her of
the discovery I had made. Alas! I found that I
was unheeded. I could not believe that her fine
spirit had fled: no, she moved her hand; but
the dull spiritless gaze seemed to warn me that:
her dissolution was fast approaching. I looked
for the spirit-flask, and found a few drops were
still left there; I poured these into her mouth,
and watched the result with the deepest anxiety
I had ever known since the day of my birth.

In a few minutes I found that she breathed
more regularly and distinctly — presently her
eyes lost that fixedness which had made them
so painful to look upon. Then she recognised

me, and took hold of my hand, regarding me with
the sweet smile with which I was so familiar.

As soon as I found that consciousness had
returned, I told her of the great flock of gannets
that were evidently wending their way to their
customary resting-place, and the hope I enter-
tained that if they could be kept in sight, and
the wind remained in the same quarter, the boat
might be led by them to the place where they
laid their eggs.

She listened to me with attention, and evi-
dently understood what I said. Her lips moved,
and I thought she was returning thanks to God
—accepting the flight of the birds as a manifest
proof that he was still watching over us. Ina
few minutes she seemed so much better that
she could sit up. I noticed her for some time
watching the gannets that now approached in
one vast cloud that threatened to shut us out
from the sky—she then turned her gaze in an
opposite direction, and with a smile of exultation
that lit up her wan face as with a glory, stretched
her arm out, pointing her hand to a distant por-
tion of the sea. My gaze quickly followed hers,
and I fancied I discovered a break in the line
of the horizon; but it did not look like a ship.
I pointed the glass in that direction, and felt the
joyful assurance that we were within sight of land.

This additional discovery gave me increased
strength : or rather hope now dawning upon us,

gave me an impulse I had not felt before. I in
my turn became the consoler. I encouraged Mrs.
Reichardt, with all the arguments of which I was
master, to think that we should soon be in safety.
She smiled, and something like animation again
appeared in her pale features.

If I could save her, I felt I should be blessed be-
yond measure. Such an object was worth striving
for; and I did strive. I know not how it was
that I gained strength to do what I did on that
day ; but I felt that I was supported from on
High, and as the speck of land that she had first
discovered gradually enlarged itself as we ap-
proached it, my exertions to secure a speedy
rescue for my companion from the jaws of death,
continued to increase. .

The breeze remained fair, and we scudded along
at a spanking rate, the gannets keeping us com-
pany all the way—evidently bound to the same
shore. I kept talking to Mrs. Reichardt, and
endeavouring to raise her spirits with the most
cheering description of what we should do when
we got ashore; for God would be sure to direct
us to some place where we might without diffi-
culty recover our strength.

Hitherto she had not spoken; but as soon as
we began to distinguish the features of the shore
we were approaching, she unclosed her lips, and
again the same triumphant smile played around

“ Frank Henniker, do you know that rock ? ”

“ No !—yes !—can it be possible? O what a
gracious Providence has been watching over

It was a rock of a remarkable shape that stood
a short distance from the fishing-pool. It could
not be otherwise, the gannets had led us to their
old haunts. We were approaching our island.
I looked at my companion—she was praying. I
immediately jomed with her in thanksgiving for
the signal mercy that had been vouchsafed to us,
and in little more than an hour had the priceless
satisfaction of carrying her from the shore to the
cottage, and then we carefully nursed ourselves
till we recovered the effects of this dreadful


My numerous pursuits, as I stated in a preced-
ing chapter, obliging me to constant occupation,
kept me from useless repining about my destiny,
in being obliged to live so many years on this
far-distant corner of the earth. I had long ceased
to look for passing ships—I scarcely ever thought
about them, and had given up all speculations
about my grandfather’s reception of me. I rarely
went out to sea, except to fish, and never cared
to trouble myself about anything beyond the
limited space which had become my inheritance.

The reader, then, may judge of my surprise
when, one sultry day, I had been busily engaged
for several hours cutting down a field of wheat,
Mrs. Reichardt came running to me with the
astounding news that there was a ship off the
island, and a boat full of people had just left
her, and were rowing towards the rocks. I hastily
took the glass she had brought with her, and as
soon as I could get to a convenient position,
threw myself on the ground on the rock, and
reconnoitred through the glass the appearance of
the new comers.

I soon noticed that a part were well armed,
which was not the case with the rest, for they
were pinioned in such a manner that they could
scarcely move hand or foot. We concealed our-
selves by lying our lengths on the grass. As the
boat approached, I could discern that the un-
armed party belonged to a superior class of men,
while many of the others had countenances that
did not prepossess me at all in their favour.

We lay hid in the long grass, from which we
could command a view of our approaching

“TI think I understand this,” whispered Mrs.
Reichardt. “There is mischief here.”

“Had I not better run home and get arms ?” I

“No,” she replied, “ you had better not. If
we are able to do any good, we must do it by
stratagem. Let us watch their movements, and
act with great caution.”

My companion’s advice was, I saw, the wisest
that could be pursued ; and therefore we remained
in our hiding-places, narrowly observing our visi-
tors as they approached. They entered the fishing-
pool, and I could then distinctly not only see, but
hear them. To my extreme surprise, one of the
first men who jumped out of the boat was John
Gough, who had brought Mrs. Reichardt to the
island. He looked older, but I recognised him in
a moment, and so did my companion. Her ad-

monitory “ Hush!” kept me from betraying the
place of our concealment—so great was my aston-
ishment, having long believed him and all his
lawless associates to have been lost at sea.

He was well armed, and evidently possessed
some authority; nevertheless, 1 thought I could
detect an air of concern in his features, as he
offered to help one of the captives out of the boat.
The latter, however, regarded him with an air of
disdain, and, though his hands were tied behind
him, leaped ashore without assistance. He was a
man of commanding stature, with a well-bronzed
face, and a look of great energy of cha-
racter. He wore a band of gold lace round his
cap, and had on duck trousers, and a blue jacket
and waistcoat.

“Come, Captain!” exclaimed John Gough, “I
bear you no malice. Though you have been
rather hard upon us, we won’t leave you to

“ He’s a deuced deal better off than he desarves
to be,” cried a man from the boat, whom I at
once recognised as the fellow on whom I had
drawn my knife for hurting Nero. “If we had
made him walk the plank, as I proposed, ’m
blowed if it wouldn’t have been much more to the
purpose than putting him on this here island,
with lots o’ prog, and everything calkilated to
make him and his domineering officers comfort-
able for the rest of their days.”


“Hold your tongue, you mutineering rascal,”
exclaimed the Captain, angrily; “a rope’s end
at the yard-arm will be your deserts before long.”

“Thank ye kindly, Captain,” replied the fellow,
touching his hat in mockery. “ But you must
be pleased to remember I ain’t caught yet; and
we means to have many a jolly cruise in your
ship, and get no end o’ treasure, before I shall
think o’ my latter end; and then I means to die
like a Christian, and repent o’ my sins, and make
a much more edifying example than I should ex-
hibit dangling at the end of arope.”

The men laughed, the Captain muttered some-
thing about “ pirates and mutineers,” but the rest
of the officers wisely held their tongues.

I now noticed an elderly man of very respect-
able appearance, who was not pinioned like the
rest. His hair was quite white, his complexion
very pale, and he looked like one oppressed with
deep sorrow and anxiety. He rose from his seat
in the boat, and was assisted out by John

“Tm very sorry that we are obliged to leave
you here, Mr. Evelyn,” said Gough, “ but you see
sir, we have no alternative. We couldn’t keep you
with us, for many reasons; and therefore we have
been obliged to make you a sharer in the fate of
our officers.”

“And werry painful this is to our feelings, sir,
you may believe,” said another of the mutineers,


mockingly. “I’m quite moloncholy as I thinks
on it.”

The men again laughed ; but the person so ad-
dressed walked to the side of the Captain with-
out making any observation. The other captives
also left the boat in silence. They were eight in
all, but four of them were evidently common sea-
men by their dress—the others were officers. All
were well-made strong men.

“What a precious pretty colony you'll make,
my hearties! ” exclaimed one of the mutineers,
jeeringly, as he helped to land a cask, and some
other packages, that they had brought with them.
“Tt’s a thousand pities you ain’t got no female
associates, that you might marry, and settle, and
bring up respectable families.”

“Talking of women,” cried the one who had
first spoken, “I wonder what became of the one
we left here so cleverly when we was wrecked
at this here place six years ago.”

John Gough looked uneasy at this inquiry,
as if the recollection was not agreeable to him.

“ And the Little Savage,” continued the fel-
low, “what was agoing to send his knife into
my ribs for summat or other—I forget what.
They must have died long ago, I ain’t no doubt,
as we unfortnitely left ’em nothin’ to live

“No doubt they died hand in hand, like the
Babes in the Wood,” said another.

I still observed John Gough; he seemed dis. .
tressed at the turn the conversation had taken.

“Now, mates,” he said, hurriedly, “let us
return to the ship. We have done what we came
to do.”

“T votes as we shall go and see arter the mis-
sionary’s woman and the Little Savage,” cried
the fourth. “TI should like, Somehow, to see
whether they be living or not, and a stroll ashore
won’t do any on us any harm.”

“TI shall remain here til] you return,” said
John Gough; and he threw himself on the grass
with his back towards me, and only a few yards
from the place in which we were concealed. The
rest, after making fast the boat, started off on

an exploring expedition, in the direction of the
old hut.


Tur captives were grouped together, some
sitting, and some standing. Not one of them
looked dejected at his fate; though I could see by
their movements that they were impatient of the
bonds that tied them. My attention was most
frequently directed to the old gentleman who
had been addressed as Mr. Evelyn. Notwith-
standing the grief expressed in his countenance,
it possessed an air of benevolence and kindness
of heart that even his settled melancholy did not
conceal. I could not understand why, but I felt
a deeper interest for this person than for any
of the others—a sort of yearning towards hin,
mingled with a desire to protect him from the
malice of his enemies.

Almost as soon as they were gone, John Gough
beckoned to Mr. Evelyn to sit down by his side.
Possibly this was done to prevent his assisting his
companions to regain their liberty, as he, not
being pinioned like the rest, might easily have
done, and they might have overpowered their
guard before his companions could come to his
assistance. But Gough was well armed, and the

rest being without weapons of any kind, it was
scarcely probable that they would have risked
their lives on so desperate an attempt.

Mr. Evelyn came and quietly sat himself down
in the place indicated. I observed him with
increasing interest, and, singular to relate, the
more I gazed on his venerable face, the more
strongly I felt assured that I had seen it before.
This of course was impossible; nevertheless, the
fancy took possession of me, and I experienced
a strange sensation of pleasure as I watched the
changes his features underwent.

“John Gough, I am sorry to see you mixed up
in this miserable business,” said he, mildly ad-
dressing his companion. The other did not
answer, and as his back was turned towards me, I
could not observe the effect the observation had
upon him.

“The men who have left us, I know to be bad
men,” continued the speaker; “I expect nothing
but wickedness from them. But you, I am aware,
have been better brought up. Your responsibility
therefore becomes the greater in assisting them in
their villainy.”

“You had better not let them hear you, Mr.
Evelyn,” replied Gough, at last, in something
like a surly tone; “I would not answer for the

“Those I do not fear,” the other answered.
“The results of this transaction can make very

| 2D2

little difference to a man on the verge of the
grave, who has outlived all his relatives, and has
nothing left to fall back upon but the memory of
his misfortunes: but to one in the prime of life
like yourself, who can boast of friends and rela-
tives who feel an interest in your good name,
these results must be serious indeed. What must
be the feelings of your respectable father when he
learns that you have joined a gang of pirates ; how
intense must be the grief of your amiable mother
when she hears that you have paid the penalty that
must sooner or later overtake you for embracing
so lawless a life.” .

“Come, Mr. Evelyn,” exclaimed Gough, though
with a tremulousness in his voice that betrayed
the state of his feelings, “ you have no right to
preach to me. I have done as much as I could
for you all. The men would have made short
work with you if I had not interposed, and
pointed out to them this uninhabited island.”

“ Where it seems you left a poor woman to be
starved to death,” continued Mr. Evelyn.

“It was no fault of mine,” replied the man ;
“T did all I could to prevent it.”

“It would have been more manly if you had
remained with her on this rock, and left your
cowardly associates to take their selfish course,
But you are weak and irresolute, John Gough ;
too easily persuaded into evil, too slow to follow
the impulses of good. The murder of that poor
woman is as much your deed as if you had blown

her brains out before you abandoned her. Indeed
I do not know but what the latter would have
been the less criminal.”

John Gough made no answer. I do not think,
however, his mind was quite easy under this accu-
sation, for he seemed restless, and kept playing
with his pistols, with his eyes cast down. .

“Your complicity in this mutiny, too, John
Gough, is equally inexcusable,” continued Mr.
Evelyn. “It was your duty to have stood by
Capt. Manvers and his officers; by which you
would have earned their eternal gratitude, and a
handsome provision from the owners of the vessel.”

“ It’s no use talking of these things now, Mr.
Evelyn,” said Gough, hurriedly. ‘“ I have taken
my course. It is toolate to turn back. Would to
God,” he added, dashing his hand violently against
his brow, “I had had nothing to do with it.”

“Tt is never too late, John Gough, to do good,”
here cried out Mrs. Reichardt, as she rose from
her place of concealment, as much to my surprise
as that of all who could observe her. But nothing
could equal the astonishment of Gough when he
first caught sight of her features—he sprang to
his feet, leaving his pistols on the ground, and
clasping his hands together, exclaimed, “ Thank
God, she is safe!”

“Yes,” she replied, approaching him and taking
his hand kindly. “ By an interposition of Provi-
dence, you are saved from the guilt of one murder,
In the name of that God who has so signally pre-

served you against yourself, I command you to
abandon your present wicked designs.”

The man hesitated, but it seemed as if he could
not take his gaze from her face, and it was evident
that her presence exerted an extraordinary in-
fluence over him. In the mean time I had made
my appearance on the scene, not less to the asto-
nishment of the lookers-on ; and my first act was
to take possession of the pair of pistols that Gough
had left on the ground; my next to hurry to the
group of captives, who had been regarding us, in
a state as it were of perfect bewilderment, and
with my American knife to cut their bonds.

“T will do whatever you think proper,” said
John Gough. “Believe me, I have been reluc-
tantly led into this, and joined the mutiny know-
ing that I should have been murdered if I did not.”

“You must endeavour to make what amends
are in your power,” continued Mrs. Reichardt,
“by assisting your officers in recovering possession
of the ship.”

“I will gladly assist in whatever they may think
feasible,” said the man. « But we must first
secure the desperate fellows who have just left us;
and as we are but poorly provided with weapons,
that of itself will be a service of no slight danger.
To get possession of the ship I am afraid will be
still more hazardous ; but you shall find me in the
front of every danger.”

Here Captain Manvers and the others came up

to where John Gough and Mrs. Reichardt were
conversing ; he heard Gough’s last speech, and he
was going to say something, when I interposed by
stating that there was no time now for explana-
tions, for in a few minutes the fellows who had
gone to the hut would return, and the only way
to prepare for them was for the whole party to go
to our house, to which Mrs. Reichardt would lead
them, where they would find plenty of arms
and ammunition. In the mean time I would
keep watch, and observe their ‘motions, and by
firmg one of the pistols would signal to them if I
was in any danger. Lastly, I recommended that
the oars should be removed from the boat, to pre-
vent the mutineers making their escape to the ship.

My appearance and discourse attracted general
attention. I particularly noticed that Mr. Evelyn
started as soon as he caught sight of me, and
appeared to observe me with singular carefulness ;
but that, no doubt, arose from my unexpected
address, and the strange way in which I had pre-
sented myself before him.

The Captain approving of my proposal, the
whole party, after taking away the boat’s oars,
moved off rapidly in the direction of the house. I
again concealed myself in the grass, and waited
the return of the mutineers. They did not remain
away long. I could hear them approaching, for
they laughed and shouted as they went along,
loud enough to be heard at a considerable dis-

tance. When they began to descend the rocks,
they passed so close to me, that I could hear
every word that was spoken.

“ Well, flesh is grass, as the parson says,” said
Jack, “ they must have died sooner or later, if we
hadn’t parted company with so little ceremony.
But, hallo! my eyes and limbs! Where’s John
Gough? Where’s the Captain? Where’s all
on ’em ?” |

It is impossible to express the astonishment of
the men on reaching the spot where they had so
lately left their prisoners, and discovering that not
a trace of them was to be seen. At first they
imagined that they had escaped in the boat, but
as soon as they saw that the boat was safe, they
gave up thatidea. Then they fancied John Gough
had taken the prisoners to stroll a little distance
inland, and they began to shout as loud as their
lungs would permit them. Receiving no response,
they uttered many strange ejaculations, which I
could not then understand, but which I have
since learned were profane oaths ; and seemed at a
loss what to do, whether to wander about the
island in search of them, or return to their

Only one chanced to be for the former, and the
others overruled him, not thinking it was worth
their while to take so much trouble as to go
rambling about in a strange place. They seemed
bent on taking to the boat, when one of them
suggested they might get into a scrape if they

returned without their companion. They finally
resolved on sitting down and waiting his return.

Presently, one complained he was very sleepy,
as he had been too busy mutineering to turn into
his hammock the previous night, and the others
acknowledged they also felt an equal want of rest
from the same cause. Each began to yawn. They
laid themselves at their full length along the grass,
and in a short time I could hear by their snoring,
as Jackson used to do, that they were asleep.

I now crept stealthily towards them on my
hands and knees, and they were in such a pro-
found sleep, that I had no difficulty whatever in
removing the pistols from their belts. I had just
succeeded in this, when I beheld the Captain, and
John Gough, and Mr. Evelyn, and all the rest of
them, well armed with guns and pistols, approach.
ing the place where we were.

In a few minutes afterwards the mutineers were
made prisoners, without their having an opportu-
nity of making the slightest resistance. I was
much complimented by the Captain for the dexte-
rity with which I had disarmed them; but while
I was in conversation with him, it is impossible to
express the surprise I felt, on seeing Mr. Evelyn
suddenly rush towards me from the side of Mrs.
Reichardt, with whom he had been talking, and
embracing me with the most moving demonstra-
tions of affection, claim me as his grandson.

The mystery was soon explained. Mr. Evelyn
had met so many losses in business as a merchant,

that he took the opportunity of a son of his old
clerk—who had become a captain of a fine ship,
employed in the South American trade—being
about to proceed on a trading voyage to that part
of the world, to sail in his vessel with a consign-
ment of goods for the South American market. He
had also another object, which was to inquire after
the fate of his long-lost daughter and son-in-law,
of whom he had received no certain intelligence,
since the latter took ship with the diamonds he
had purchased to return home. The vessel in
which they sailed had never been heard of since ;
and Mr. Evelyn had long given up all hopes of
seeing either of them again, or the valuable pro-
perty with which they had been intrusted.

On their going to the house, he had asked Mrs.
Reichardt my name, stating that I so strongly
resembled a very dear friend of his he believed
had perished many years ago, that he felt quite
an interest in me. The answer he received, led
to aseries of the most earnest inquiries, and Mrs.
Reichardt satisfied him on every point, showed
him all the property that had formerly been in the
possession of Mrs. Henniker and her husband ;
related Jackson’s story, and convinced him, that
though he had lost the daughter for whom he
had mourned so long, her representative existed
in the Little Savage, who was saving him from
the fate for which he had been preserved by
the mutineers.

I have only to add, that I had the happiness

of restoring to my grandfather the diamonds I
had obtained from Jackson, which were no doubt
very welcome to him, for they not only restored
him to affluence, but made him oné of the richest
merchants upon Change.

I was also instrumental in obtaining for the
Captain the command of his ship, and of restor-
ing discipline amongst the crew. The ringleaders
of the mutiny were thrown into irons, and taken
home for trial; this resulted in one or two of
them being hanged by way of example, and these
happened to be the men who so barbarously de-
serted Mrs. Reichardt. She accompanied me to
England in Captain Manvers’ vessel ; for when
he heard of the obligations I owed her, my grand-
father decided that she should remain with us
as long as she lived. We however did not leave
the island, until we had shown my grandfather,
the captain, and his officers, what we had effected
during our stay, and every one was surprised that
we could have produced a flourishing farm upon a
barren rock. I did not fail to show the places
where I had had my fight with the python, and
where I had been pursued by the sharks, and my
narrative of both incidents seemed to astonish
my hearers exceedingly. :

I must not forget to add, that the day before
our departure, John Gough came to me privately,
and requested my good offices with the Captain,
that he might be left on the island. He had
become a very different character to what he had

previously been; and as there could be no ques-
tion that the repentance he assumed was sincere,
I said all I could for him. My recommendation
was successful, and I transferred to John Gough
all my farm, farming stock, and agricultural im. -
plements; moreover, promised to send him wh:..
ever he might further require to make his position
comfortable. He expressed great gratitude, but
desired nothing ; only that his family might know
that he was well off, and was not likely to

Perhaps John Gough did not like the risk he
ran of being tried for mutiny, or was averse to
sailing with his former comrades: but whatever
was the cause of his resolution, it is certain that
he remained behind when the ship left the island,
and may be there to this hour for all I know to
the contrary.

We made a quick voyage to England, and as
my readers will be no doubt glad to hear, the
Little Savage landed safely at Plymouth, and
was soon cordially welcomed to his grandfather’s
house in London.



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