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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00001872/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Texts for children in easy verse : with brilliant illuminations, from original designs, printed in oil colours by Hogan & Thompson
- Series Title:
- The Good child's library
- Creator:
- Hogan & Thompson
- Place of Publication:
- Philadelphia
- Publisher:
- Hogan & Thompson
- Publication Date:
- 1851
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 60 p. <4> leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 17 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Christian life -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh )
Children -- Conduct of life -- Early works to 1900 -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh ) Josiah -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh ) Children's poetry -- 1851 ( lcsh ) Pictorial cloth bindings (Binding) -- 1851 ( rbbin ) Bldn -- 1851
- Genre:
- Children's poetry ( lcsh )
Pictorial cloth bindings (Binding) ( rbbin ) poetry ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- Funding:
- Brittle Books Program
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 026789661 ( ALEPH )
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Boesereleeld : olys MippA B Anlersoes
by JOEL © Goindlere
Le Booeh fardel Atay f°1864
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Printed in Qil Colours by Hogan & Thompson.
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Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1850, by
In the Clerk’s Office ot the District Court of the United States, for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Tue object of the “Goop Curzp’s Lrprary,†is to
encourage a taste for Scripture reading, by present-
ing some of the most interesting portions of the
New Testament narrative, in the attractive form
of verse. While the children read these verses,
they will not only become acquainted with the
principal events in the lives of our Blessed Saviour
and His Apostles—their travels, their sufferings and
their death,—but they will see that the Bible is a
readable book, and a book that may be read every
day, without any fear of becoming the unhappy
being that some persons suppose ; and besides this, ~
the tone which is given to the affections, the minds,
and the morals of children by such reading, is of
almost infinite value.
In order to combine things pleasing and things
useful, to the greatest possible extent, the publishers
have gotten up at a great expense, especially for
this work, some of the most beautiful Scripture
designs that have ever been published. These
pictures are printed in Oil Colours—an expensive,
but a finished and highly artistical process, of which
the publishers are the originators in this country.
Kach history is illustrated handsomely with them.
There is in all twelve books; each book being
complete in itself, and containing a full history.
The “Goop Cuitp’s Liprary†is composed of the
following books:
Scenes in the Life of the Saviour. Scenes in the Lives of St. Philip, St.
Scenes in the Life of St. Peter. Bartholomew, and St. ‘Thomas.
Scenes in the Life of St. John. Scenes in the Lives of St. Andrew,
Scenes in the Life of St. Paul. St. James, and St. James the Less.
Scenes in the Lives of St. Matthew, | The Sermon on the Mount,
St. Jude, and St. Simon. The Parables of the Saviour.
Scenes in the Lives of St. Stephen, | The Miracles of the Savicur,
Timothy, St. Mark, and St. Luke, | Texts for Children.
The Publishers have in preparation another
series, embracing Scenes in the Lives of the Patri-
archs, Prophets, and Kings, illustrative of the Old
Testament Scriptures, to be gotten up in the same
style as the present series.
. Remember now thy Creator in the days
of thy youth, . . .... . 9
Suffer little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not,. . . . 16
From a Child thou hast known the Holy
Scriptures, .. 24
When Josiah was yet young; he began to
seek after God,. . . 29
. When my father and mother forsake me,
then the Lord will take me up, . . 34
I have walked before you from my child-
hood, unto thisday,. . . . . Al
Train up a child in the way he should
go, . . 46
Take the young child, and his mother
and gointo Egypt, . . . . 49
If sinners entice thee, consent thou not, 52
. Love one another, . . . . . . = 88
Children obey your Parents, . . . . 57
Fear God and keep His Commandments, 59
‘« Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy
Eccrxs. xx. 1.
OUR Heavenly Father calls to us,
In happy childhood’s prime;
And says to us, “Remember me,
Now in the youthful time.â€
And does our Father stoop from Heaven
To speak to children here?
OQ! yes, do you not hear his voice?
To you He now draws near.
And though He’s great, and lifted high
Upon a glorious throne,
Yet on your steps, where’er you go,
He evermore looks down.
It makes no matter where you dwell,
A palace, or a cot,
He sees your acts, He hears your words,
And knows your inmost thought.
You from His eye can nothing hide,
To Him all things are light;
And though you do in darkness dwell,
The darkness shineth bright.
Our Heavenly Father loves us much,
And wants to do us good;
And sent: His well beloved Son.
To save us by His: blood.
And though our Father is so great,
Who made us by His word;
Yet He would have us every one,
To love and serve the Lord.
He is our great Creator, God,
He to us life did give;
And from His hand from day fo day,
We every good receive.
And thus He shows to us His love,
And care from day to day;
And should we not show love to Him,
And all His words obey?
Should we not keep Him in our mind,
And think upon His love?
And turn our thoughts away from earth,
And fix them all above?
Remember in the youthful time,
The God who loves you s0;
Who gives you life and every good,
And does such mercy show.
If you remember Him in youth
He’ll give you happiness;
And in old age He’ll not forsake,
But still your spirits bless.
‘But how shall we remember Him?’
I hear some children say;
Why read His, true and sacred Word,
And night and morning pray.
I hear some other children say,
“We read His blessed Word,
And every morning, every night,
We pray unto the Lord.â€
Well, that is good; but when you read,
Do you that Word obey?
And do you always, when you kneel,
Love Him to whom you pray?
For ’tis no use for you to read,
And no use if you pray,
Unless you pray to Him in love,
And His commands obey.
You must remember that His eye
Can pierce through darkest night,
And all your secret actions are
As open as the light.
Where’er you are, whate’er you do,
Whate’er you think or say;
He hears and knows, because He sees..
Your heart from day to day.
And if you sin against His love,
Or think an evil thought,
Or speak an evil word, or do
The things that you ought not,
He hears and sees and knows it all,
And you He cannot love;
To you He will not give His joy,
Nor you with smiles approve.
But if you fall into a sin,
Through Satan’s dreadful snare,
Then come to God with lowly heart,
And offer humble prayer.
And He will hear your humble cry,
And pardon all your sin,
And fill your heart with love and peace,
And happiness Divine.
Remember therefore in your youth
Your great Creator—God,
And never wander from His grace,
But ever keep His Word.
And if you live for four score years .
He’ll guard you from above,
And show to you, e’en to the last,
His great, eternal love.
“ Suffer Little Children to come unto Me, and
forbid them not.â€
Luks xvii, 16,
WHEN Jesus came to dwell with men
Twas as a little child,
He came at first to Bethlehem;
So innocent and mild.
He came with purity and peace
Down from the Throne above;
His words were full of tenderness,
His heart was full of love.
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He came to save the world from sin
And raise us up to God;
He taught us, and to us He gave
His true and blessed word.
He came to all—the rich and poor,
The weak ones and the strong;
He came to save the high and low,
The aged and the young.
Some children think they are too young,
To love and serve the Lord;
That they cannot His grace receive,
Nor keep his blessed word.
They think that God doth not require,
That they should Him obey;
And think that He is much too great
To hear them when they pray.
I knew a little fellow once, -
His name was John; and he,
Though only eight years old, I think,
Was known for piety.
Now little John was very sick,
He knew that he would die;
And yet he never did complain,
Nor murmur once, nor cry.
His father loved him very much,
His mother loved him too,
And they to save him from the grave,
Done all that they could do.
He suffer'd very much, and long;
_ And he was full of pain,
And all he bore most patiently,
Nor did he once complain.
He told me that he soon would die,
And then he’d be in Heaven;
He said, he loved the Saviour much,
His sins were all forgiven.
He told his father not to mourn,
His mother not to cry;
That soon his sickness would be o’er,
And then he’d live on -high.
And little John would sing and pray
With heavenly delight;
And clap his little hands for joy,
And look so cheerful, bright.
OQ! what a happy sight was that,
To see that little boy;
When he was sick, and near to-die,
So full of heavenly joy.
He died at last, and he was borne
Away on angel wings,
To dwell forever with the Lord,
And now with joy he sings.
And when I saw his little form
So cold and pale in death,
I thought of what the Saviour said
When He was on the earth:
“Let little children come to me,
Forbid them not to come,
For I have now prepared for them
In heaven, a happy home.â€
How many little children die,
And leave their earthly home;
How precious then the Saviour’s words:
“Let little children come.â€
You see in all the grave-yards round
Wherever you have been,
How many graves there are that have —
The forms of children in.
Now God to little children speaks,
Do you not hear His voice? |
He asks you now to come to Him,
And make His way your choice.
See Jesus bringing children near
To bless them with his grace,
And shows to them with heavenly love
The smilings of His face.
QO! what a blessed sight it is,
So lovely, tender, sweet,
To see a little child in love
Sit down at Jesus’ feet.
To learn of Him, His words of grace,
And to Him sweetly pray,
To see him serve the Lord, and all
His gracious words obey.
Let little children therefore come;
And O! forbid them not;
O! lead them to the Throne of grace,
For Jesus has them bought.
They are the tender lambs of Christ,
And Christ the Shepherd is,
And He will guide them by His hand
To happiness and bliss.
And though they are so young and weak,
He’ll fold them in His arm,
And lay them on His breast, and there
No danger shall them harm.
And when the Lord calls them away,
In Heaven above they'll sing;
And lift their glorious anthems high,
And loud their praises ring.
“From a Child thou hast known the Holy
2 Timoray m1. 15,
YOUNG Timothy, the apostle says,
Had from his childhood known
The Holy Seriptures; for he had
Great love and wisdom shown.
The Bible is so plain a book,
That all who choose may read;
And children may unto its rules,
And precious words give heed.
"Twill even make a little child
Unto salvation wise;
"Twill save them from their sins, and lead
Them upward to the skies.
’Tis full of precious, saving truth,
And those who read therein,
However small and young they are,
Great knowledge shall attain. |
It tells how sin came in the world,
Which God had made so pure;
It tells us, God is Holiness,
And cannot sin endure.
It tells how men were doom’d to die
For disobeying God,
For yielding to the tempter’s power
And listening to his word.
It tells us how the Saviour came
To save us from our sin;
And show’d to men His grace and love,
His precious love divine.
It tells how Christ the Saviour lived
In humble poverty, ~
And though he had all power on earth,
He show’d humility.
It tells us how He suffer’d shame
And pain and grief and loss;
And how His enemies at last
Did hang Him on a cross.
And how He burst the bars of death,
And triumph’d o’er the tomb;
And came in glory from the grave,
Dispelling all its gloom.
And how He soon ascended high,
To sit upon His Throne;
To intercede for. sinners there,
And send His blessings down.
It points us all the way to Heaven,
The way the Saviour went;
And tells us if we’d be forgiven,
We must of sin repent.
It tells us Christ will come again,
To judge with truth our race,
To punish those who did refuse
To taste His Heavenly grace,
But those who did His Word obey,
And did His grace receive,
It tells us, these shall happy be,
And with Him ever live.
And we must read and love this Book
If we would live in Heaven,
No other book can tell us how
Our sins can be forgiven.
Now therefore in your youthful days
This blessed Book obey ;
OQ! read it every page, and from
Its precepts never stray.
Like Timothy, you'll then be wise,
And good and happy too,
For all are happy here on earth —
Who do the Scriptures know.
For if you know them as you ought,
You will their words obey;
And you will feel the Saviour’s love
Anew from day to day.
“When Josiah was yet young, he began to
seek: after God.â€
2 Curonicies xxxrvy, 3.
JOSIAH, when yet very young,
So says the sacred Word—
Did turn from evil ways, and he
Began to seek the Lord.
‘‘How old was he,’’ some children say,
“When He did seck the Lord?â€
He was a child, but eight years old,
So says the sacred noe
“Who was Josiah,†some will say,
“Who thus began to seek
The Lord, and follow His commands,
So young, so tender, meek ?â€
Josiah was great Israel’s King,
And sat upon a. throne, |
And wore a crown upon his head,
And costly robes had on.
He had a sceptre in his hand,
And lived in royal state,
And many people fear’d his word,
For he was very great.
I guess you never thought that one
Could be a king so young;
For children often think that kings
Are very large and strong.
And kings sometimes are very bad,
And follow their own way,
Because they have authority
They will not God obey.
Now though Josiah was a king,
And young began to reign,
Yet he did show humility,
He was not proud, nor vain.
Now vanity is very wrong,
And pride is foolishness,
A king who is both vain and proud,
Can’t reign in righteousness.
When he was young, he sought the Lord,
_ The God his father served,
He walk’d the path his father trod,
And never from it swerved.
He follow’d wisdom, and her hand
Did him from sin release;
Her ways are ways of: pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.
Now do you think Josiah young,
Too young to seek the Lord?
And do you think that he could not
Obey Jehovah’s word?
Though he was young, yet he obey’d
Jehovah’s great command;
And he pursued a rightful course,
Upheld by God’s right hand.
And you may seek the Lord and live,
Through His abounding grace;_
He will your soul forever keep,
If now you seek His face.
And though you are but eight years old,
_ And feel that you are weak,
Yet follow young Josiah’s steps,
And now the Saviour seek.
Then through the devious way of life
- God’s blessings you shall prove;
And you shall ever happy be,
’Through his abounding: love.
And should you die while you are young
Far from this world of care,
Your happy soul with joy will fly,
A Heaven of bliss to share.
34 | TEXTS
“ When my fother and mother forsake me,
then the Lord will take me up.â€
Peaum xxvir. 10.
HOW many children here on earth,
We find are orphans left ;
Their parents dead, and they are here,
Of friends and home bereft.
Do not your hearts feel very sad,
To see their great distress ?
And do you not with fervour wish
You could their spirits bless?
Two little children once were left
As orphans here below;
Their eyes ran down with tears, their hearts
Were fill’d with grief and wo.
Their parents, while they lived, were poor,
But of a pious mind;
And dying, it was all they had,
A Bible left behind.
The little boy and girl went home,
But there they could not stay;
They took the Bible in their hand,
And wander’d far away.
- And night came on, and they were cold,
And they had eat no food ;
With tearful eyes, they laid them down
To sleep in the dark wood,
And soon, o’ercome with much fatigue,
In sleep forgot their grief;
And lying in each other’s arms,
They found in sleep relief.
And when the morning came they rose
To journey on their way;
But first they from the Bible read,
And then knelt down to pray.
Was not that an affecting sight,
To see their tearful eyes,
And hear their feeble, trembling voice
Raised upward to the skies?
Our Father God from Heaven look’d down,
And bow’d His ear to hear
The broken accents they sent up,
Their feeble, earnest prayer.
They rose and journey’d on their way,
To come to London town—
And there they hoped to find some work—
A city of renown.
And as they went, they met a man,
Who kindly spake and said,
‘Whence have you come, where do you go?â€
To which the boy replied:
‘Our parents both, kind sir, are dead,
And we from home have come,
We could not stay where they had died,
To us it was no home. .
“And they were both so very poor,
They nothing left behind,
And we are journeying to the town,
Some friends perchance to find.
“And we have travell’d all the way
On foot, and nothing eat,
We have no money, and no friend
Has thus far with us met.â€
The man replied, “But what is that
You have under your arm;
Of which you seem so careful too,
As if it were a charm.â€
The boy made answer, and his tears
Bespoke a tender mind,
“This is a Bible, sir, ’tis all
Our varents left behind.â€
The man then said, “If you will give
That book to me, then I
Will give to you a half a crown,
Some food you then can buy.â€
The little girl got close beside
Her brother, and their grief
Ran down their cheeks in tears, at last
In words they found relief:
“This Bible, sir, we cannot sell,
Our parents gave it us,
And though it is quite old and torn,
We cannot sell it thus.â€
“Why not, my lad?†the man replied,
“You soon will want some food,
And for it, a whole crown I'll give,
And that will do you good.â€
“We cannot sell this Bible, sir,
Though we should starve and die;’
He clasp’d the Bible to his breast,
They started on their way.
The man call’d after them again;
Again he ask’d them why
Thy would not sell to him the book,
But rather starve and die.
The boy replied, while in his arms
His little sister lay,
His heart o’ercome with grief, and tears
Were streaming fast away,
“ Because, kind sir, this book doth give
To us such blessed hope,
‘When you, your parents do forsake,
The Lord will take you up.’
‘And therefore, sir, we'll keep this book,
Whatever may betide;
And nothing, while we have our strength,
Shall us from it divide.â€
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“ T have walked before you from my childhood,
unto this day.â€
1 Samvugn xu. 2
WHEN Samuel was a little child,
His mother did him lend
Unto the Lord, that all his days
He for the Lord might spend.
She said, ‘I lend him to the Lord
As long as he doth live,
And all his days to worship Him,
I to the Lord do give.â€
You all have heard of Samuel’s youth,
He early loved the Lord,
And in the Temple, when but young,
He heard Jehovah’s word.
Three times Jehovah call’d to Him,
He felt that God was near;
The third time that God spake, he said
“Speak Lord, for I will hear.â€
Do you not think it strange, that God,
Should speak to one so young;
And call him, in the dead of night—
That God, so great, so strong?
But Samuel, you will not forget,
Was given to the Lord;
He loved Jehovah’s sacred name,
And loved to hear His word.
So Jesus calls to you, dear child,
Yor He is always near,
And when you hear His voice, reply,
‘Speak, Lord, I wait to hear.â€
Now Samuel judged in Israel,
And was a prophet too,
He judged the people righteously,
And all his words were true.
He lived till he was very old,
Nor did from God depart,
But follow’d Him unto the last
With fervent, humble heart.
And when he was in years, he said
To Israel, ‘‘ Behold,
I’ve walk’d before you all my days,
And now I’m very old,
“Have I not walk’d before you right,
And in the ways of God?â€
They knew that he had always lived
Obedient to God’s word.
They could not say a word against
His life, e’en from his youth,
For he had walk’d in wisdom’s ways,
And served and loved the truth.
Now children, you should wisdom learn,
And follow in the ways
That Samuel loved, and fear the Lord
And serve Him all your days.
When young, he gave his heart to God,
And never went astray,
From Him he did profess to serve;
But onward kept his way.
The early flowers, how sweet they smell,
How fair their beauties show,
They scatter all their fragrance round
The places where they grow.
And children are compared to flowers,
They’re in the morning bloom;
They are not old and sorrowful,
Their hearts are free from gloom.
And Jesus loves the tender plants,
And will with joy receive
Your hearts, when early brought to Him
And to you peace will give.
And when old age comes on apace;
And dimness fills your eyes,
Your eye of faith will see above,
A home beyond the skies.
“Train up a child in the way he should go.â€
Paovenss xx1r, 6,
A CHILD must be train’d up with care,
With love and tenderness,
That when it grows to riper years,
Its heart may peace possess.
The gard’ner, see, sets forth his vine,
And trains it up with care;
And children must be nurtured too,
With wisdom, love, and prayer.
A child that is not train’d to be
A good, obedient child,
Is like a little tender vine,
That's left to grow up wild.
And children should attentive be,
To those who would them train;
Hf children disobedient are,
The parents work in vain.
In youth you form your minds for life,
‘Then never go astray,
From those kind words your parents speak,
But always them obey.
For if you thus do them obey
While in the youthful time,
You'll walk in ways of happiness
When come to manhood’s prime.
But if you in your early days,
Refuse to walk the road
Of virtue, as your parents teach—
And you reject their word,—
You'll find it hard when you are old,
To change your stubborn will,
For often those who grow in sin,
At last are wicked still.
Then be obedient while you’re young,
And walk in wisdom’s ways,
‘And unto God, with pleasure give,
Your blooming, early days.
“ Take the young Child, and his mother, and
Jlee into Egypt.â€
Matrarw 1 13,
THE blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Was born in Bethlehem ;
The wise men came from far to see,
And presents brought with them.
But Herod, that most wicked king,
He raved with fury wild;
He fear’d Christ would be king, and he
Sent forth to slay the child
E 4
But in the night an angel came,
And unto Joseph said,
“Take the young child, to Egypt go,
And there awhile abide.
“For Herod seeks the young child's life,
That. he may it destroy,
But if you into Egypt go,
He cannot you annoy.â€
O! what a crue! king was this
To want to kill this Child,
Who was the blessed Son of God,
So lovely, tender, mild.
Who would not love this Saviour dear,
Who came from Heaven above;
Who suffer’d here such wo and shame
To show to us His love!
QO! children, never do forget,
That persecuted Child;
And still remember, He grew up
To manhood—lovely, mild.
And as He first loved us, so much,
Let us love Him in turn;
And read and do His blessed Word,
And from Him wisdom learn.
Then when you die, in Heaven above,
Your Saviour you will see,
And happiness you there will know,
To all eternity.
“ Tf sinners entice thee, consent thou not.â€
THIS world is full of fairest show,
And will our hearts deceive ;
Go not into the ways of sin
Nor flattering words believe.
Life’s pleasures are but vanity,
They cannot feast the soul,
They cannot ease the broken heart,
Nor make the wounded whole.
The world and Satan both combine,
To lead us into sin;
And sin to us no pleasure gives,
But makes us sad within.
God’s Holy Word to us is given,
To teach us how to live; |
And those who follow its commands,
Will joy and peace receive.
When you are ask’d to do a thing,
Inquire if it is right;
“ Will it procure me peace or pain?
Give sorrow or delight?â€
And always think the eye of God
Is on you all the while;
And if you do forsake all sin,
You'll rest beneath His smile.
He loves young children, when they shun,
All foolish, sinful ways,
His promise is that He will bless
And lengthen all their days.
Lift up your hearts to God in prayer,
And He will give you grace,
Hejll fold you in His gracious arms,
Secure in His embrace.
“ Tove one another.â€
THE Apostle John did write, that we
Should one another love,
And so our Blessed Saviour spake,
Who came from. Heaven above.
No angry passions should arise
Within the youthful breast;
But love should reign within our hearts,
And make us ever blest.
No angry looks, no angry words,
No angry thoughts should be
In all our intercourse with those
Who form our company.
We should to all a pattern show
Of holy peace and love,
And ali our conversation here,
Our love to God should prove.
It is indeed a happy sight,
When children all agree;
Then let no discord e’er be known,
But firm, united be.
Let friendship, happiness and joy,
Dwell ever in your heart,
And then to you the Saviour will
His gracious smiles impart.
‘ Children, Obey your Parents.â€
THERE’S not on earth a sight so sweet,
As when a family,
Parents and children all unite
In peace and harmony.
Brothers and sisters all should love
And cherish one another,
And always be obedient to
Their father and their mother.
For Jesus loves on earth to see
A loving, faithful child ;
He loves to bless a tender heart,
A heart both meek and mild.
Oh! how it pains a parent’s heart
To see a child do wrong;
The child that was so kindly nursed,
And on its parents hung.
Your parents always think of you,
And through the night and day,
Their hearts are full of anxious care,
Lest you should go astray.
Obey their every word, and you
Shall dwell in peace secure ;
And you shall share the joys of love,
So sweet, so bright, so pure.
To those who do obey on earth,
Rich pleasures shall be given,
And they shall have beyond the grave,
The happy bliss of Heaven.
“ Fear God, and Keep His Commandments.â€
THE Lord looks down from Heaven above,
He knows your every way;
He sees in darkness as in light,
By night as well as day.
And if you would most happy be,
Obey His heavenly Word;
And early give your hearts to know
And love and serve the Lord.
His high commands you can obey,
His grace to you is given,
‘To guide you in the way of life,
And lead you up to Heaven.
Fear God, and love Him all your days,
Obey His great command;
Then you on earth shall safely dwell,
Upheld by His right hand.
And when the toils of life are past,
He'll bring you to His rest
In Heaven, where you shall ever dwell,
And be forever blest.
—amannen OO THE END. DOE ve rerenten
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Boesereleeld : olys MippA B Anlersoes
by JOEL © Goindlere
Le Booeh fardel Atay f°1864
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Printed in Qil Colours by Hogan & Thompson.
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Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1850, by
In the Clerk’s Office ot the District Court of the United States, for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Tue object of the “Goop Curzp’s Lrprary,†is to
encourage a taste for Scripture reading, by present-
ing some of the most interesting portions of the
New Testament narrative, in the attractive form
of verse. While the children read these verses,
they will not only become acquainted with the
principal events in the lives of our Blessed Saviour
and His Apostles—their travels, their sufferings and
their death,—but they will see that the Bible is a
readable book, and a book that may be read every
day, without any fear of becoming the unhappy
being that some persons suppose ; and besides this, ~
the tone which is given to the affections, the minds,
and the morals of children by such reading, is of
almost infinite value.
In order to combine things pleasing and things
useful, to the greatest possible extent, the publishers
have gotten up at a great expense, especially for
this work, some of the most beautiful Scripture
designs that have ever been published. These
pictures are printed in Oil Colours—an expensive,
but a finished and highly artistical process, of which
the publishers are the originators in this country.
Kach history is illustrated handsomely with them.
There is in all twelve books; each book being
complete in itself, and containing a full history.
The “Goop Cuitp’s Liprary†is composed of the
following books:
Scenes in the Life of the Saviour. Scenes in the Lives of St. Philip, St.
Scenes in the Life of St. Peter. Bartholomew, and St. ‘Thomas.
Scenes in the Life of St. John. Scenes in the Lives of St. Andrew,
Scenes in the Life of St. Paul. St. James, and St. James the Less.
Scenes in the Lives of St. Matthew, | The Sermon on the Mount,
St. Jude, and St. Simon. The Parables of the Saviour.
Scenes in the Lives of St. Stephen, | The Miracles of the Savicur,
Timothy, St. Mark, and St. Luke, | Texts for Children.
The Publishers have in preparation another
series, embracing Scenes in the Lives of the Patri-
archs, Prophets, and Kings, illustrative of the Old
Testament Scriptures, to be gotten up in the same
style as the present series.
. Remember now thy Creator in the days
of thy youth, . . .... . 9
Suffer little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not,. . . . 16
From a Child thou hast known the Holy
Scriptures, .. 24
When Josiah was yet young; he began to
seek after God,. . . 29
. When my father and mother forsake me,
then the Lord will take me up, . . 34
I have walked before you from my child-
hood, unto thisday,. . . . . Al
Train up a child in the way he should
go, . . 46
Take the young child, and his mother
and gointo Egypt, . . . . 49
If sinners entice thee, consent thou not, 52
. Love one another, . . . . . . = 88
Children obey your Parents, . . . . 57
Fear God and keep His Commandments, 59
‘« Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy
Eccrxs. xx. 1.
OUR Heavenly Father calls to us,
In happy childhood’s prime;
And says to us, “Remember me,
Now in the youthful time.â€
And does our Father stoop from Heaven
To speak to children here?
OQ! yes, do you not hear his voice?
To you He now draws near.
And though He’s great, and lifted high
Upon a glorious throne,
Yet on your steps, where’er you go,
He evermore looks down.
It makes no matter where you dwell,
A palace, or a cot,
He sees your acts, He hears your words,
And knows your inmost thought.
You from His eye can nothing hide,
To Him all things are light;
And though you do in darkness dwell,
The darkness shineth bright.
Our Heavenly Father loves us much,
And wants to do us good;
And sent: His well beloved Son.
To save us by His: blood.
And though our Father is so great,
Who made us by His word;
Yet He would have us every one,
To love and serve the Lord.
He is our great Creator, God,
He to us life did give;
And from His hand from day fo day,
We every good receive.
And thus He shows to us His love,
And care from day to day;
And should we not show love to Him,
And all His words obey?
Should we not keep Him in our mind,
And think upon His love?
And turn our thoughts away from earth,
And fix them all above?
Remember in the youthful time,
The God who loves you s0;
Who gives you life and every good,
And does such mercy show.
If you remember Him in youth
He’ll give you happiness;
And in old age He’ll not forsake,
But still your spirits bless.
‘But how shall we remember Him?’
I hear some children say;
Why read His, true and sacred Word,
And night and morning pray.
I hear some other children say,
“We read His blessed Word,
And every morning, every night,
We pray unto the Lord.â€
Well, that is good; but when you read,
Do you that Word obey?
And do you always, when you kneel,
Love Him to whom you pray?
For ’tis no use for you to read,
And no use if you pray,
Unless you pray to Him in love,
And His commands obey.
You must remember that His eye
Can pierce through darkest night,
And all your secret actions are
As open as the light.
Where’er you are, whate’er you do,
Whate’er you think or say;
He hears and knows, because He sees..
Your heart from day to day.
And if you sin against His love,
Or think an evil thought,
Or speak an evil word, or do
The things that you ought not,
He hears and sees and knows it all,
And you He cannot love;
To you He will not give His joy,
Nor you with smiles approve.
But if you fall into a sin,
Through Satan’s dreadful snare,
Then come to God with lowly heart,
And offer humble prayer.
And He will hear your humble cry,
And pardon all your sin,
And fill your heart with love and peace,
And happiness Divine.
Remember therefore in your youth
Your great Creator—God,
And never wander from His grace,
But ever keep His Word.
And if you live for four score years .
He’ll guard you from above,
And show to you, e’en to the last,
His great, eternal love.
“ Suffer Little Children to come unto Me, and
forbid them not.â€
Luks xvii, 16,
WHEN Jesus came to dwell with men
Twas as a little child,
He came at first to Bethlehem;
So innocent and mild.
He came with purity and peace
Down from the Throne above;
His words were full of tenderness,
His heart was full of love.
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He came to save the world from sin
And raise us up to God;
He taught us, and to us He gave
His true and blessed word.
He came to all—the rich and poor,
The weak ones and the strong;
He came to save the high and low,
The aged and the young.
Some children think they are too young,
To love and serve the Lord;
That they cannot His grace receive,
Nor keep his blessed word.
They think that God doth not require,
That they should Him obey;
And think that He is much too great
To hear them when they pray.
I knew a little fellow once, -
His name was John; and he,
Though only eight years old, I think,
Was known for piety.
Now little John was very sick,
He knew that he would die;
And yet he never did complain,
Nor murmur once, nor cry.
His father loved him very much,
His mother loved him too,
And they to save him from the grave,
Done all that they could do.
He suffer'd very much, and long;
_ And he was full of pain,
And all he bore most patiently,
Nor did he once complain.
He told me that he soon would die,
And then he’d be in Heaven;
He said, he loved the Saviour much,
His sins were all forgiven.
He told his father not to mourn,
His mother not to cry;
That soon his sickness would be o’er,
And then he’d live on -high.
And little John would sing and pray
With heavenly delight;
And clap his little hands for joy,
And look so cheerful, bright.
OQ! what a happy sight was that,
To see that little boy;
When he was sick, and near to-die,
So full of heavenly joy.
He died at last, and he was borne
Away on angel wings,
To dwell forever with the Lord,
And now with joy he sings.
And when I saw his little form
So cold and pale in death,
I thought of what the Saviour said
When He was on the earth:
“Let little children come to me,
Forbid them not to come,
For I have now prepared for them
In heaven, a happy home.â€
How many little children die,
And leave their earthly home;
How precious then the Saviour’s words:
“Let little children come.â€
You see in all the grave-yards round
Wherever you have been,
How many graves there are that have —
The forms of children in.
Now God to little children speaks,
Do you not hear His voice? |
He asks you now to come to Him,
And make His way your choice.
See Jesus bringing children near
To bless them with his grace,
And shows to them with heavenly love
The smilings of His face.
QO! what a blessed sight it is,
So lovely, tender, sweet,
To see a little child in love
Sit down at Jesus’ feet.
To learn of Him, His words of grace,
And to Him sweetly pray,
To see him serve the Lord, and all
His gracious words obey.
Let little children therefore come;
And O! forbid them not;
O! lead them to the Throne of grace,
For Jesus has them bought.
They are the tender lambs of Christ,
And Christ the Shepherd is,
And He will guide them by His hand
To happiness and bliss.
And though they are so young and weak,
He’ll fold them in His arm,
And lay them on His breast, and there
No danger shall them harm.
And when the Lord calls them away,
In Heaven above they'll sing;
And lift their glorious anthems high,
And loud their praises ring.
“From a Child thou hast known the Holy
2 Timoray m1. 15,
YOUNG Timothy, the apostle says,
Had from his childhood known
The Holy Seriptures; for he had
Great love and wisdom shown.
The Bible is so plain a book,
That all who choose may read;
And children may unto its rules,
And precious words give heed.
"Twill even make a little child
Unto salvation wise;
"Twill save them from their sins, and lead
Them upward to the skies.
’Tis full of precious, saving truth,
And those who read therein,
However small and young they are,
Great knowledge shall attain. |
It tells how sin came in the world,
Which God had made so pure;
It tells us, God is Holiness,
And cannot sin endure.
It tells how men were doom’d to die
For disobeying God,
For yielding to the tempter’s power
And listening to his word.
It tells us how the Saviour came
To save us from our sin;
And show’d to men His grace and love,
His precious love divine.
It tells how Christ the Saviour lived
In humble poverty, ~
And though he had all power on earth,
He show’d humility.
It tells us how He suffer’d shame
And pain and grief and loss;
And how His enemies at last
Did hang Him on a cross.
And how He burst the bars of death,
And triumph’d o’er the tomb;
And came in glory from the grave,
Dispelling all its gloom.
And how He soon ascended high,
To sit upon His Throne;
To intercede for. sinners there,
And send His blessings down.
It points us all the way to Heaven,
The way the Saviour went;
And tells us if we’d be forgiven,
We must of sin repent.
It tells us Christ will come again,
To judge with truth our race,
To punish those who did refuse
To taste His Heavenly grace,
But those who did His Word obey,
And did His grace receive,
It tells us, these shall happy be,
And with Him ever live.
And we must read and love this Book
If we would live in Heaven,
No other book can tell us how
Our sins can be forgiven.
Now therefore in your youthful days
This blessed Book obey ;
OQ! read it every page, and from
Its precepts never stray.
Like Timothy, you'll then be wise,
And good and happy too,
For all are happy here on earth —
Who do the Scriptures know.
For if you know them as you ought,
You will their words obey;
And you will feel the Saviour’s love
Anew from day to day.
“When Josiah was yet young, he began to
seek: after God.â€
2 Curonicies xxxrvy, 3.
JOSIAH, when yet very young,
So says the sacred Word—
Did turn from evil ways, and he
Began to seek the Lord.
‘‘How old was he,’’ some children say,
“When He did seck the Lord?â€
He was a child, but eight years old,
So says the sacred noe
“Who was Josiah,†some will say,
“Who thus began to seek
The Lord, and follow His commands,
So young, so tender, meek ?â€
Josiah was great Israel’s King,
And sat upon a. throne, |
And wore a crown upon his head,
And costly robes had on.
He had a sceptre in his hand,
And lived in royal state,
And many people fear’d his word,
For he was very great.
I guess you never thought that one
Could be a king so young;
For children often think that kings
Are very large and strong.
And kings sometimes are very bad,
And follow their own way,
Because they have authority
They will not God obey.
Now though Josiah was a king,
And young began to reign,
Yet he did show humility,
He was not proud, nor vain.
Now vanity is very wrong,
And pride is foolishness,
A king who is both vain and proud,
Can’t reign in righteousness.
When he was young, he sought the Lord,
_ The God his father served,
He walk’d the path his father trod,
And never from it swerved.
He follow’d wisdom, and her hand
Did him from sin release;
Her ways are ways of: pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.
Now do you think Josiah young,
Too young to seek the Lord?
And do you think that he could not
Obey Jehovah’s word?
Though he was young, yet he obey’d
Jehovah’s great command;
And he pursued a rightful course,
Upheld by God’s right hand.
And you may seek the Lord and live,
Through His abounding grace;_
He will your soul forever keep,
If now you seek His face.
And though you are but eight years old,
_ And feel that you are weak,
Yet follow young Josiah’s steps,
And now the Saviour seek.
Then through the devious way of life
- God’s blessings you shall prove;
And you shall ever happy be,
’Through his abounding: love.
And should you die while you are young
Far from this world of care,
Your happy soul with joy will fly,
A Heaven of bliss to share.
34 | TEXTS
“ When my fother and mother forsake me,
then the Lord will take me up.â€
Peaum xxvir. 10.
HOW many children here on earth,
We find are orphans left ;
Their parents dead, and they are here,
Of friends and home bereft.
Do not your hearts feel very sad,
To see their great distress ?
And do you not with fervour wish
You could their spirits bless?
Two little children once were left
As orphans here below;
Their eyes ran down with tears, their hearts
Were fill’d with grief and wo.
Their parents, while they lived, were poor,
But of a pious mind;
And dying, it was all they had,
A Bible left behind.
The little boy and girl went home,
But there they could not stay;
They took the Bible in their hand,
And wander’d far away.
- And night came on, and they were cold,
And they had eat no food ;
With tearful eyes, they laid them down
To sleep in the dark wood,
And soon, o’ercome with much fatigue,
In sleep forgot their grief;
And lying in each other’s arms,
They found in sleep relief.
And when the morning came they rose
To journey on their way;
But first they from the Bible read,
And then knelt down to pray.
Was not that an affecting sight,
To see their tearful eyes,
And hear their feeble, trembling voice
Raised upward to the skies?
Our Father God from Heaven look’d down,
And bow’d His ear to hear
The broken accents they sent up,
Their feeble, earnest prayer.
They rose and journey’d on their way,
To come to London town—
And there they hoped to find some work—
A city of renown.
And as they went, they met a man,
Who kindly spake and said,
‘Whence have you come, where do you go?â€
To which the boy replied:
‘Our parents both, kind sir, are dead,
And we from home have come,
We could not stay where they had died,
To us it was no home. .
“And they were both so very poor,
They nothing left behind,
And we are journeying to the town,
Some friends perchance to find.
“And we have travell’d all the way
On foot, and nothing eat,
We have no money, and no friend
Has thus far with us met.â€
The man replied, “But what is that
You have under your arm;
Of which you seem so careful too,
As if it were a charm.â€
The boy made answer, and his tears
Bespoke a tender mind,
“This is a Bible, sir, ’tis all
Our varents left behind.â€
The man then said, “If you will give
That book to me, then I
Will give to you a half a crown,
Some food you then can buy.â€
The little girl got close beside
Her brother, and their grief
Ran down their cheeks in tears, at last
In words they found relief:
“This Bible, sir, we cannot sell,
Our parents gave it us,
And though it is quite old and torn,
We cannot sell it thus.â€
“Why not, my lad?†the man replied,
“You soon will want some food,
And for it, a whole crown I'll give,
And that will do you good.â€
“We cannot sell this Bible, sir,
Though we should starve and die;’
He clasp’d the Bible to his breast,
They started on their way.
The man call’d after them again;
Again he ask’d them why
Thy would not sell to him the book,
But rather starve and die.
The boy replied, while in his arms
His little sister lay,
His heart o’ercome with grief, and tears
Were streaming fast away,
“ Because, kind sir, this book doth give
To us such blessed hope,
‘When you, your parents do forsake,
The Lord will take you up.’
‘And therefore, sir, we'll keep this book,
Whatever may betide;
And nothing, while we have our strength,
Shall us from it divide.â€
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“ T have walked before you from my childhood,
unto this day.â€
1 Samvugn xu. 2
WHEN Samuel was a little child,
His mother did him lend
Unto the Lord, that all his days
He for the Lord might spend.
She said, ‘I lend him to the Lord
As long as he doth live,
And all his days to worship Him,
I to the Lord do give.â€
You all have heard of Samuel’s youth,
He early loved the Lord,
And in the Temple, when but young,
He heard Jehovah’s word.
Three times Jehovah call’d to Him,
He felt that God was near;
The third time that God spake, he said
“Speak Lord, for I will hear.â€
Do you not think it strange, that God,
Should speak to one so young;
And call him, in the dead of night—
That God, so great, so strong?
But Samuel, you will not forget,
Was given to the Lord;
He loved Jehovah’s sacred name,
And loved to hear His word.
So Jesus calls to you, dear child,
Yor He is always near,
And when you hear His voice, reply,
‘Speak, Lord, I wait to hear.â€
Now Samuel judged in Israel,
And was a prophet too,
He judged the people righteously,
And all his words were true.
He lived till he was very old,
Nor did from God depart,
But follow’d Him unto the last
With fervent, humble heart.
And when he was in years, he said
To Israel, ‘‘ Behold,
I’ve walk’d before you all my days,
And now I’m very old,
“Have I not walk’d before you right,
And in the ways of God?â€
They knew that he had always lived
Obedient to God’s word.
They could not say a word against
His life, e’en from his youth,
For he had walk’d in wisdom’s ways,
And served and loved the truth.
Now children, you should wisdom learn,
And follow in the ways
That Samuel loved, and fear the Lord
And serve Him all your days.
When young, he gave his heart to God,
And never went astray,
From Him he did profess to serve;
But onward kept his way.
The early flowers, how sweet they smell,
How fair their beauties show,
They scatter all their fragrance round
The places where they grow.
And children are compared to flowers,
They’re in the morning bloom;
They are not old and sorrowful,
Their hearts are free from gloom.
And Jesus loves the tender plants,
And will with joy receive
Your hearts, when early brought to Him
And to you peace will give.
And when old age comes on apace;
And dimness fills your eyes,
Your eye of faith will see above,
A home beyond the skies.
“Train up a child in the way he should go.â€
Paovenss xx1r, 6,
A CHILD must be train’d up with care,
With love and tenderness,
That when it grows to riper years,
Its heart may peace possess.
The gard’ner, see, sets forth his vine,
And trains it up with care;
And children must be nurtured too,
With wisdom, love, and prayer.
A child that is not train’d to be
A good, obedient child,
Is like a little tender vine,
That's left to grow up wild.
And children should attentive be,
To those who would them train;
Hf children disobedient are,
The parents work in vain.
In youth you form your minds for life,
‘Then never go astray,
From those kind words your parents speak,
But always them obey.
For if you thus do them obey
While in the youthful time,
You'll walk in ways of happiness
When come to manhood’s prime.
But if you in your early days,
Refuse to walk the road
Of virtue, as your parents teach—
And you reject their word,—
You'll find it hard when you are old,
To change your stubborn will,
For often those who grow in sin,
At last are wicked still.
Then be obedient while you’re young,
And walk in wisdom’s ways,
‘And unto God, with pleasure give,
Your blooming, early days.
“ Take the young Child, and his mother, and
Jlee into Egypt.â€
Matrarw 1 13,
THE blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Was born in Bethlehem ;
The wise men came from far to see,
And presents brought with them.
But Herod, that most wicked king,
He raved with fury wild;
He fear’d Christ would be king, and he
Sent forth to slay the child
E 4
But in the night an angel came,
And unto Joseph said,
“Take the young child, to Egypt go,
And there awhile abide.
“For Herod seeks the young child's life,
That. he may it destroy,
But if you into Egypt go,
He cannot you annoy.â€
O! what a crue! king was this
To want to kill this Child,
Who was the blessed Son of God,
So lovely, tender, mild.
Who would not love this Saviour dear,
Who came from Heaven above;
Who suffer’d here such wo and shame
To show to us His love!
QO! children, never do forget,
That persecuted Child;
And still remember, He grew up
To manhood—lovely, mild.
And as He first loved us, so much,
Let us love Him in turn;
And read and do His blessed Word,
And from Him wisdom learn.
Then when you die, in Heaven above,
Your Saviour you will see,
And happiness you there will know,
To all eternity.
“ Tf sinners entice thee, consent thou not.â€
THIS world is full of fairest show,
And will our hearts deceive ;
Go not into the ways of sin
Nor flattering words believe.
Life’s pleasures are but vanity,
They cannot feast the soul,
They cannot ease the broken heart,
Nor make the wounded whole.
The world and Satan both combine,
To lead us into sin;
And sin to us no pleasure gives,
But makes us sad within.
God’s Holy Word to us is given,
To teach us how to live; |
And those who follow its commands,
Will joy and peace receive.
When you are ask’d to do a thing,
Inquire if it is right;
“ Will it procure me peace or pain?
Give sorrow or delight?â€
And always think the eye of God
Is on you all the while;
And if you do forsake all sin,
You'll rest beneath His smile.
He loves young children, when they shun,
All foolish, sinful ways,
His promise is that He will bless
And lengthen all their days.
Lift up your hearts to God in prayer,
And He will give you grace,
Hejll fold you in His gracious arms,
Secure in His embrace.
“ Tove one another.â€
THE Apostle John did write, that we
Should one another love,
And so our Blessed Saviour spake,
Who came from. Heaven above.
No angry passions should arise
Within the youthful breast;
But love should reign within our hearts,
And make us ever blest.
No angry looks, no angry words,
No angry thoughts should be
In all our intercourse with those
Who form our company.
We should to all a pattern show
Of holy peace and love,
And ali our conversation here,
Our love to God should prove.
It is indeed a happy sight,
When children all agree;
Then let no discord e’er be known,
But firm, united be.
Let friendship, happiness and joy,
Dwell ever in your heart,
And then to you the Saviour will
His gracious smiles impart.
‘ Children, Obey your Parents.â€
THERE’S not on earth a sight so sweet,
As when a family,
Parents and children all unite
In peace and harmony.
Brothers and sisters all should love
And cherish one another,
And always be obedient to
Their father and their mother.
For Jesus loves on earth to see
A loving, faithful child ;
He loves to bless a tender heart,
A heart both meek and mild.
Oh! how it pains a parent’s heart
To see a child do wrong;
The child that was so kindly nursed,
And on its parents hung.
Your parents always think of you,
And through the night and day,
Their hearts are full of anxious care,
Lest you should go astray.
Obey their every word, and you
Shall dwell in peace secure ;
And you shall share the joys of love,
So sweet, so bright, so pure.
To those who do obey on earth,
Rich pleasures shall be given,
And they shall have beyond the grave,
The happy bliss of Heaven.
“ Fear God, and Keep His Commandments.â€
THE Lord looks down from Heaven above,
He knows your every way;
He sees in darkness as in light,
By night as well as day.
And if you would most happy be,
Obey His heavenly Word;
And early give your hearts to know
And love and serve the Lord.
His high commands you can obey,
His grace to you is given,
‘To guide you in the way of life,
And lead you up to Heaven.
Fear God, and love Him all your days,
Obey His great command;
Then you on earth shall safely dwell,
Upheld by His right hand.
And when the toils of life are past,
He'll bring you to His rest
In Heaven, where you shall ever dwell,
And be forever blest.
—amannen OO THE END. DOE ve rerenten
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