Sacred history

Material Information

Sacred history Old Testament
Uniform Title:
Biblische Geschichte für Kinder
Schmid, Christoph von, 1768-1854
Steinle, Eduard von, 1810-1886 ( Artist )
Masters, Joseph, 1795-1863 ( Publisher )
Levey, Robson, and Franklyn ( Printer )
Place of Publication:
J. Masters
Levey, Robson, and Franklyn
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
219 p., <1> leaf of plates : ill. ; 14 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Bible stories, German -- O.T -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Embossed cloth bindings (Binding) -- 1851 ( rbbin )
Bldn -- 1851
Embossed cloth bindings (Binding) ( rbbin )
Spatial Coverage:
England -- London
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


"Translation, though not a literal one, of the Bible history <for children, intended for general use in the People's Schools of Bavaria> of Christopher Schmidt"--Pref.
General Note:
"Uniform with this volume, Sacred history, New Testament"--P. <8> of prelims.
General Note:
Engraving of the Good Shepherd after Steinle.
Brittle Books Program

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
026942443 ( ALEPH )
45432627 ( OCLC )
ALH7397 ( NOTIS )


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Full Text




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Turs little volume is, for the most part, a %
translation, though not a literal one, of the
Bible History of Christopher Schmid.* It §
embraces most of the chief points of Old-
Testament history, which are given in a sim-
ple, reverential manner, and in strict accord- %
ance with the sacred text, large portions of
which are introduced. The inspired words vWF


are invariably given wherever Almighty God
has spoken expressly. |
Inthe effort to be plain, the Editor may
have marred the structure of some sentences ; h,
* “Bible History for Children, intended for ge-
neral use in the People’s Schools of Bavaria. By

Christoph Schmid, Canon of Augsburg.”’ Munich,



A Sy









; useful help to mothers in the religious in- G'

but this will be readily excused by those who {
know how difficult it is to write for children
on sacred subjects, without falling into an ir-
reverent and too familiar style. It is hoped,
however, that the general tone and character |
of the book will more than compensate for ,
any minor defects; and that it will prove a

struction of their children, far superior to the

on A NR DH


ee ee

. The Creation of the World

. The First Man .

. The First Sin .

. Punishment of the First Sin
. The Death of Abel, and Penishansiae of Cain 11
. The Flood .

. Noah leaves the Ark .

. The new Earth after the Flood

. The Calling of Abraham .

. The virtuous Abraham

. Abraham offers up Isaac .

. Isaac marries Rebekah

. Esau and Jacob ‘

. Jacob leaves his Father’s a

. Jacob returns to his Father’s House
. Joseph the young Shepherd

Joseph sold to Strangers .

. Joseph sold as a Slave to ielion

. Joseph in Prison p
. Joseph made Governor over Egy pt.
. Joseph detains his Brethren


. Benjamin goes down into Egypt

. Joseph’s Silver Cup . ° :

. Joseph makes himself known .

. The Happiness of Jacob .

. The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph

. Moses exposed in an Ark of Rushes

. Moses flies from Egypt

. The Burning Bush . . : ;

. The Plagues of Egypt. ; ; ‘
. Institution of the Passover, and Depar-
ture from Egypt

. The Egyptians destroyed

. God’s Miracles in the Wilderness

. The Commandments of God, and the Un-
faithfulness of the People

. The Death of Moses ;

. Entrance into the promised Land

. History of Ruth ; ° ;
. The wicked Sons of Eli, and the good
Child of Hannah ._, : ‘

. Young David

. The Giant Goliath

. The good King David

. Solomon King of Israel

. Elijah

me a,


PAGE * 4
45. Jonah ‘ ' ‘ ; ; ; .155 pe
46. Daniel a Captive in Babylon . : . 159
47. The Temple and City of Jerusalem rebuilt 170
48. The Seven Maccabees. : ‘ . 173

49. God takes pity onthe Jews. ° » 175

Uniform with this Volume,


New Testament.

The Old Testament.

} In

the beginning God made the heavens
} ‘5 and the earth. The earth had no form,
but was covered with deep water; and (
darkness was all around; and God said, Q
“ Let there be light; and there waslight.””
God then said, Let the firmament appear; °
and it was instantly created. Then was O& F
formed the blue vault of heaven, and part

4 of the waters arose and became clouds.

God again said, Let the waters be ga- \\) \
Fx thered into one place, and be separate /,\% iv
ay 6

i in . inn, ~ e



4 from the land; and it was done. At ||
") that time the land, the sea, springs, |/

) streams, and rivers, were made, Then
God said, Let the earth bring forth herbs,
plants, and fruit-trees ; and it was done

as He commanded. The earth was co- |

4 vered with a beautiful green, just as we
see it in spring, ornamented with a great
many lovely plants, trees, and flowers.
God then said, Let the sea be filled with
fishes, and the air with birds, and the

ga earth bring forth animals of all kinds; |

and it was so. Lastly, God created man;
and the Almighty looked upon all that |
He had made, and it was very good.


Though we cannot now look upon God |

Himself, yet the heavens and the earth shew ||

us His power, His goodness, and His wis-




dom. The sight of His beautiful works ought |\ €

to fill us with love and gratitude, and make |(

yee eRe

{| us bless still more and more the great kind- \ Dy .

2B ness and bounty of our Creator.


and a beautiful dwelling for man was
prepared. God said, Let us make man \)
in our image, and he shall reign over all ‘
the earth. Then God formed man of the
dust of the ground, and put into him a
$| living soul. Thus was the first man

created. God named him Adan, that is,
pvy earth, to remind him of his origin, Man
Wy | was created in the image of God, his

{| body was of the earth, his soul was from

{| God, and it not only knew that which 3
¢: was good, but loved it, and did it.


43} We ought to be perfect, charitable, loving, I; (i) Xt

\/) active, and holy, like God Himself; and re- on Wi

Ki ree SNE)

g Tue heavens and earth were finished, *






spect in ourselves and in every body else the x

image of God; for all men, rich and poor, -
are created alike.

God placed man in a delightful garden,
full of the most beautiful trees and plea-
sant fruits; a clear bright stream flowed
through it, and at length divided itself
into four rivers. Adam was to cultivate
and take care of it. The goodness of
God is constantly shewn towards man, | “4:
in having created us for happiness as
well-as for labour; and we can only be
\ happy by doing what God commands us.

God brought all the animals to Adam,
that he might give toeacha name. Man
ought to be their master, but not their ¢
tyrant. Adam was the only one of his s
kind upon earth; however, it could not
continue so, for he was to become the
father of all mankind.
- God said, It is not good for man to ;,
~)\ be alone; I will give him a companion Sy4

wy : ey amie ik
like himself. Then God sent a deep (
sleep upon Adam; and whilst he slept, ‘3
He took one of his ribs, of which He
made the first woman, who was called ‘
Eve. When he awoke, God brought him S
his companion, and Adam was pleased ~\:
with her.

It is well there are so many men upon
earth. Let us love one another as we ought. d
Adam and Eve dwelt in this beautiful gar- 4&3 /7
den full of innocence and goodness. They ‘
loved God more than every thing beside; \/) %
and each loved the other as himself. God ,
was to them like a tender father to his (
children ; they knew no sorrow, and were to ‘
live for ever. Blessed are the pure in heart. 4
Let us always pray to God to make and °
keep us good, and try to do what He com- @,
mands, and then we shall taste upon earth ©
the happiness of heaven.



THERE were a great many different fruit-
* trees in the garden of Eden. Adam and
Eve were allowed to eat of all except one,
which was forbidden.

for in the day that thou eatest thereof |;

o) thou shalt sureiy die.” ,
S24 By this God wished to prove their obe- |\'

dience. Whatever our Saviour commands
or forbids it is our duty to obey.

One day as Eve came near the forbid-
den tree, she saw a serpent, which spake
to her, and said, ‘‘ Hath God said, Ye |



)) the trees of the garden, but of the fruit YS i

Â¥ Thus did they break the command of


Eve replied, ‘‘ We may eat of the fruit of Ve")

G cat of it, neither shall ye sinc it, lest ye \ SG)
die.” The serpent said, ‘‘ Ye shall not

surely die ; for God doth know that in the \ Pe din
day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall

be opened, and ye shall be as gods, know- /\\ nl
ing good and evil.” In listening to these \“<2 ayy
words Eve looked at the tree again; and

the more she looked, the nicer did the
fruit appear. She stretched forth her \y

.° hand, took some of the fruit, ate it, and PS a z

gave some to Adam, who also did eat. |

God; and the first sin was committed.
At the same moment they felt themselves
to be different creatures: they saw that
they were naked, and they made them-
selves aprons of fig-leaves. And being

afraid of meeting God, they hid them- Cy
selves among the trees of the garden.

It is in this way that people are led _-
sin; they long for something which is for-
bidden, and being tempted to obtain it, =o
are thus urged to sin. Unless we stedfastly
resist the temptation, and obey the com-
) mands of God, we shall be overcome by sin, *%4
the greatest of all evils; and our hearts will ~}5
be full of misery and fear. :

: we

In the evening Adam heard the voice of
God in the garden, saying, ‘“ Adam,
where art thou?” Adam replied, “I “
heard Thy voice in the garden, and I
was afraid, because I was naked; and | 4
hid myself.” God said, “‘ Who tol thee %,
‘ that thou wast naked? hast thou eaten 2S.
of the tree whereof I commanded thee /-

OWED ORS) ig i
\) sah


as said, The woman whom thou gavest to
2s be with me, she gave me of the tree, and ‘
I did eat. And the Lord God said unto °‘

a the woman, What is this that thou hast
<~Y done? And the woman said, The ser-

pent beguiled me, and I did eat.” In

this way they began to excuse themselves.

God then cursed the serpent, saying,

-/2) “ Because thou hast done this, thou art
, a cursed above all cattle, and above every
K SQ, beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt
Gi thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the
ma days of thy life: and I will put enmity
between thee and the woman, and be-
¢ tween thy seed and her seed; it shall
bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise







— BM
» 4a,

will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy ¢
7 conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring
» forth children; and thy desire shall be
to thy husband, and he shall rule over
a thee. And unto Adam He said, es

his heel. Unto the woman He said, I ‘y\

thou hast hearkened unto the voice of 1
thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of |/

A which I commanded thee, saying, Thou

f4\ turn. And Adam called his wife’s name

shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground
for thy sake ; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
) and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
~ and thou shalt eat the herb of the field ; |
in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
\ bread, till thou return unto the ground ;
, for out of it wast thou taken: for dust
4 thou art, and unto dust shalt thou re- |

Eve; because she was the mother of all
living. Unto Adam also and to his wife y
did the Lord God make coats of skins, | |

and clothed them. And the Lord God ey
/ said, Behold, the man is become as one | }
\ of us, to know good and evil: and now, | ¢
7 he put forth his hand, and take also


(4 of the tree of life, and eat, and live for

ever; therefore the Lord God sent him

| forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ;

(\(| ground from whence he was taken. So \

He drove out the man; and He placed at $

Yy the east of the garden of Eden cherubims,

<4| and a flaming sword which turned every

way, to keep the way of the tree of life.”

Here we see what a terrible thing sin is,

((Y(| avoid it, and fear more than a serpent any
person who would draw you into it.




Apa and Eve had two sons: the eldest
y, | was named Cain, and the younger Abel.

C7 | RN 38

duties. When they came to offer a sa- :
crifice to God; Cain brought the fruits 7
of the earth, and Abel offered one of the

Cain was content with only sennnaiite :
to be good. God, who reads all hearts, 6
~, was pleased with the offering of Abel, ‘
but did not accept that of Cain. From
that moment he looked upon his brother
with an angry and jealous eye. His
countenance became changed; and his ©
heart was filled with jealousy. God /
warned Cain, and spake kindly to him, 7

saying, “‘ Why art thou wroth? and why
’ is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest |
well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if /
thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.”

CS Air
eS Take notice of this paternal warning. God ,

also warns us against sin, by the voice of

“ conscience. Listen to His advice ; obey God, l
7 \\, and fly from evil. a


Yi, So

Cain despising the Divine caution, still »
cherished the evil feelings of his heart. ( 9
One day, pretending great affection for { ~
the pious Abel, and while talking with \
him in the field, where their parents (°\
could not see them, he suddenly fell upon .
his brother, and killed him.

You see how much evil jealousy and anger
produce. Abel disfigured, and without life, ,
lying in his blood. What must have been 2 (yy
the grief of his father and mother on seeing © é
him in this state, and on first looking on the | /j
image of death !

But soon the voice of the Judge was
heard, demanding of the murderer, }//,
«Where is Abel thy brother?’ The an- (
swer of Cain was insolent and untrue, and
|| such as might have been expected from a ©
man so wicked; he said, ‘‘ I know not:
am I my brother’s keeper?”” And God said,
“« What hast thou done? the voice of thy
brother’s blood crieth unto me from the

\ the earth, which hath opened her mouth | &
to receive thy brother’s blood from thy

shall not henceforth yield unto thee her
~/ strength ; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt
thou be in the earth.” Seized with terror
and despair, Cain exclaimed, ‘‘ My pun-
ishment is greater than I can bear. Be-
\ hold, Thou hast driven me out this day |

findeth me shall slay me.” iA

He fled from the presence of the Lord, ;
and his life became miserable, and he was
a prey to the most cruel torments.

Thus does sin deprive man of peace, and X
of all the pleasures of life.

1. en AN
ng Qs No oe —


By degrees the number of men increased
upon the earth, but they became wicked,

4\| iniquity, they thought only of pleasing
themselves, and they therefore acted wick- °
);; edly towards each other. As a father,
A full of kindness and pity, God was grieved
| with their impiety, and said, ‘‘ My spirit ¢¥ tb
shall not always strive with man, for that I

he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an
'| hundred and twenty years.”

In the midst of these wicked people
there lived one righteous man, whose \" (
name was Noah. God commanded him “~\

‘SI to build a large ark, three hundred cubits
long, fifty broad, and thirty in height.
And he said, ‘‘ The end of all flesh is
come before me. And, behold, I will



} & J 4 \
re ae
os <2 bring a flood upon the earth, and every |
1) Se ) thing that is in the earth shall be de- |
al... |

\ stroyed: and I will make my covenant | SS:
with you.” For a hundred years the| X
pious Noah worked at his ark, but the &


_ |) ¢ ¥ and all thy house, into the ark; for thee | |
3 * have I seen righteous before me in this |. yi
“4 generation.” He ordered him also to | ¥

\ 8

©) _ take in sevens of every clean beast and |t


| of every bird, and of every unclean beast |2\\

‘.' by pairs; for that at the end of seven ay

) y days He intended to rain upon the earth |; ,

[ 2 for forty days and forty nights, and to <¢

é ray destroy every thing upon the earth. x

\ 6 Ye d . Noah, the faithful servant of God, en- |X
\¢ i tered into the ark with his children and

/? their wives, and all the beasts; and God
2 N \ shut them in.

and the ark, like a great ship, floated on

the waters.

Imagine the terror of those men who were
not in the ark. They tried to take refuge
upon the trees and mountains; but it was


all in vain, for the water rose fifteen cubits
above the highest mountains.

It was thus all was destroyed that
lived upon the face of the earth,—from ‘
man to the beasts, from the birds of
the air down to the meanest insect that

crawls on the earth. Noah alone was
‘saved, with those who were shut up
with him in the ark.

Alas! he who is so wicked as not to love
the God of goodness, ought at least to fear
the God of justice. Behold how fearfully 2

|| He can punish ! PF \

_ For an hundred and fifty days the waters 8
| covered the earth. God then made the ie


wind blow, and the waters began to sub-
eT . side, so that by degrees the tops of the
@ mountains were seen. And the ark rested
SA SY upon Mount Ararat, in Armenia, Noah *
>< * then opened the window of the ark, and
sent forth a raven, to see if the waters were
dried up ; but it did not return to the ark.
He then sent forth a dove, which, find-
ing no place on which to rest, soon re-
* turned. And Noah put forth his hand ¢
and took it in. At the end of seven days |
he sent it out again, and it came back
bringing an olive-branch, covered with ;
green leaves. This happy sign shewed
, Noah that the waters were abated. After {(\.-4
waiting seven days longer, he sent forth 9%
‘the dove a third time, and it did not re- 6,

finding himself and his family the only f
human beings alive! Filled with grati-
tude, he built an altar, and offered a sa-
crifice. A beautiful rainbow appeared in
the clouds, and God said, “I do set my
bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a
token of a covenant between me and the
earth. I will establish my covenant with
you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any w
more by the waters of a flood; neither 8
shall there any more be a flood to destroy
‘s% the earth. While the earth remaineth,
ff seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and


y night, shall not cease.”

Whenever we see the rainbow, with its YÂ¥
C3] bright and beautiful colours, in the midst of

| by the dark and stormy clouds, let us call to


: is terrible to the wicked; but He is full of ¢
_ to them that love and fear Him.”’

was by them that the world was to be >)
peopled. Noah cultivated the earth; he 4
also planted a vineyard. He made wine ,
with the grapes; and not knowing the
strength of it, he one day took too much

‘of it: and his son Ham mocked him,
which was very wicked. His brothers,
Shem and Japheth, reproved him, and }

5 tried to conceal their father’s shame, ~\J
shewing themselves to be dutiful children. FQ’
When Noah awoke, and learnt the con- Wy
duct of Ham, he was grieved, and said, Aa
“‘ Cursed be Canaan; a servant of ser-

‘vants shall he be unto his brethren!”

6 3


. & e >
ia e : ‘\>
And he blessed Shem, saying, “‘ Blessed % + vA
be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan \¢ eT 2
| shall be his servant.” He also blessed &4 @, **
Japheth. WA f
We must acknowledge that he deserved
€3,)\| this fate. The child who can look with con- , 20%
tempt upon its father, or treat its mother \
(A with disrespect, deserves to be punished by / 4
<\| God. God loves the child who respects and Ge UD
obeys its parents, and bears their faults with e ;
| patience. x

The descendants of Noah formed by ® ee ,

ov *


'| degrees a great people, which spread over >
\| the earth. And in order that they might
not lose sight of each other, they began (*

to build a tower which should reach to CS) °
heaven ; but God put a stop to this fool-
ish and wicked design. At this time, all
men spake the same language; but God (,.
then made them speak different tongues, i &


so that they could not understand each
other. They were therefore obliged to «
give up this building, and to separate | SS
into different countries. The descend-
ants of Shem remained in Asia; those of
Ham went to Africa ; and Japheth settled
in Europe.




The vain plans of men are soon set aside, |(<\

but the work of God abides. It is He who |xxj¥

is the Lord, and who appoints the dwelling- ke

place of all men.


Very soon after the flood mankind in-
creased, and the earth was peopled with
various nations. But they also soon for-
got their God, and became sinful. They |
gave themselves up to idolatry, and wor- |3)
shipped as gods images of wood and |(}}

‘stone. In the midst of this wicked mul- |

| titude lived a wise and holy man: God

y) made him His friend. It was by him
\ and his offspring that the knowledge and
' worship of the true God was to be taught
.(, and practised through the earth. This
“~>) man was the patriarch Abraham. God

A said to him, “ Get thee out of thy coun-

try, and from thy kindred, and from thy
father’s house, unto a land that I will
shew thee: and I will make of thee a
7; great nation; and I will bless thee, and
make thy name great; and in thee shall
all families of the earth be blessed.” \\
\ Abraham obeyed God’s command, and

took with him Sarai his wife, his nephew

Lot, and all their flocks. He went to the
y land of Canaan: one of the richest and ‘
most beautiful countries in the world:
and for which reason it was called “a
land flowing with milk and honey.”
When he arrived there, God said to him,

Gomorrah. Abraham shewed his kind- (,-
ness by giving up to him the most beau- * At,
tiful part of the country ; and Lot settled
himself in Sodom. Abraham remained

in the land of Canaan, and thus shewed
how sincerely he wished for peace.

Abraham was not content only to act \( yA
as a brother towards Lot, he shewed |) /¢\' ax:
himself such towards strangers. One ) 7 o\
morning, as he was sitting by the door (>

\| of his tent, under a tree, to shade him- =
.~4 self from the heat of the sun, he saw
7 WH three strangers coming towards him, and °() J
| si| he ran to meet them, and bowed down / f
\/\\ before them, and said, ‘“ My lord, if \*Y~ y)
Ys now I have found favour in thy sight, § \¢ ‘ f
S| pass not away, I pray thee, from thy ( ~~‘

My servant: let a little water, I pray you,
Li 25 ‘


be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest
yourselves under the tree ; and I will fetch 7
, a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your
hearts; after that ye shall pass on.” *
And they said, “So do as thou hast 77‘
said.” ss
Abraham went in haste into his tent, ©
and told Sarah to make ready some cakes. 4
He then went to his flocks, and fetched
a fat and tender calf, which he gave to
his man to dress. He brought out but-
ter and milk, with the cakes, and the calf
that he had cooked, and his guests did
eat; and he stood by them under the ((°,

Here we see a man who is truly kind and |
hospitable shewing the greatest attention to {\

When the strangers had finished their
repast, and were going on their journey,

‘\ one of them said to him, “I will return

unto thee, and Sarah thy wife shal] have
a son.” This promise was fulfilled,
though they were both very aged; for
He who had made the promise was the
Lord Himself, attended by two Angels.
Abraham arose and went with the
strangers on the way towards Sodom.
The Lord then told him that he had re-
solved to destroy the guilty cities of So-
dom and Gomorrah as a punishment for
their great sins. Abraham stood before
the Lord, and prayed Him to spare them.
The Lord promised, that if He found in

spare them for their sakes. But, alas!
even this small number was not to be *
found, so wicked and guilty were this
people. The next morning God punished

these wicked people. The Angels came,
% | however, to warn Lot, and to lead him
\f/|| and his family out of the city. Soon
oe after he left, God rained fire and wie


ye 12 re we NCIS:

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oF :

these cities only ten just men, He would Y

stone from heaven on these perverse cities. |,
The place where they stood is even to this

, day a stagnant lake, where nothing grows, |
which shews the anger of an offended *
God. It is called the Dead Sea.

At the end of the year Sarah had a son,

(WS) as the Lord had promised; and Abra- "

ham gave him the name of Isaac. He {\
was a good child; and his father loved Y,
him very much. Some years after, God €
< said to Abraham, “ Take now thine only 7
son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get \!
thee into the land of Moriah; and offer

arose early in the morning, prepared ¢
, some wood for the sacrifice, laid it upon

him there for a burnt-offering, upon one $s
of the mountains which I will tell thee ‘f,
of.” Without saying a word, Abraham “=ag

his journey. On the third day they ar-
rived at the foot of the mountain; and
Abraham said to his servants, “Abide 9

ye here with the ass; and I and the lad

will go yonder and worship, and come be
again to you.” Then taking the wood,

he laid it upon Isaac; and “‘ he took the ~ -Yy
fire in his hand, and a knife; and they “467%
went both of them together.” As they
were going along, Isaac said, ‘‘ My father, -
behold the fire and the wood; but where .

eee They continued on their way, until le Sy

they came to the top of the mountain.

es «‘ And Abraham built an altar there, and Gi
laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac

4 his son, and laid him on the altar upon ) J

hy the wood.” Isaac being perfectly obe-

dient to his father, quietly permitted him \ )

% to bind him. Abraham raised his hand |;

_/ to sacrifice his son, when the Angel of ( 4

the Lord called to him from heaven, say-

Ao ~ ing, “ Lay not thine hand upon the lad,.

° x neither do thou.any thing unto him: for |) ..\
« now I know that thou fearest God, seeing |/

thou hast not withiele thy son, thine |/,
‘S ~< only son from me.” ‘By myself have |X )
"he I sworn, because thou hast done this: I
will bless thee, and I will multiply thy || 7
2 seed as the stars of heaven, and as the |
¢7 ef, sand upon the sea-shore. And in thy |\Wj

4) OP seed shall all the nations of the earth be
hy \ ‘blessed 5 because thou hast obeyed my |\
) Ay vs wee And Abraham then saw a ram

SS) Wap ates en

eae Poke

Ly @


eve Kes ! os

‘) caught in a thicket, which he took and. ( ¢, x
offered up instead of his son.

How great must Abraham’s joy have been oye i

when his only son was given to him again, ..
and he heard these great promises! In this ,
way, God proves the obedience of men, and &.
rewards it.



ABRAHAM was very old, and God had

blessed him in all things. Andhe wished ° ¢

before he died to find a pious wife for his

\ son. The people among whom he lived

} were very wicked, and did not worship

God. Therefore he sent his oldest and

) most faithful servant to his native coun-

try, to some of his relations, who still ©

lived in the fear of the Lord. And he

/ charged him to choose a wife for his

oy son Isaac, that would be pleasing to

/ God. This servant took with him ten
camels, laden with presents and things


proper for his journey. Hesoon reached
the city where Nahor, Abraham’s bro-
ther, lived. And he made the camels
kneel down by the wells on the outside
of the city. It was then evening, the
time when the young women came out

; Q § of the city to draw water. He prayed }

2, to God to enable him to choose the fittest

to him and his camels might be the one OY
God had chosen. While he was praying, \}x
‘\ Rebekah, the daughter of Milcah, came [ ¢%

) to the well, carrying a pitcher upon her rN?)
/Y } shoulders. She was very beautiful; but re
what is still better, she was good, wise, S
and innocent. Rebekah went down to X&
the well to fill her pitcher; and as she ((%

Yyeame up, Eliezer, Abraham’s servant


te \of them as his young master’s wife, by ‘ Se
Is this sign, that she who should give drink (X

went to meet her, and said, “Let me, I

.) heard this, “‘ he bowed down and wor-
shipped God.” He then gave Rebekah
gifts of gold and silver and raiment : after

{: that, they sat down to eat and drink.
Early the next morning the faithful ser-

a vant made réady to go back to his master.

}. Rebekah and her servant then mounted NX
the camels, and went with Eliezer and at \
; his men, and became the wife of Isaac. \ (43 She was happy, not because she was rich, " | mlz
but because she was virtuous, and indus- =

2 trious, and full of kindness. WAR
2 ge ~
\ God orders all our concerns: He often (Y AN

h.\/, makes use of the most trivial events to lead (, Ws
po" us to the greatest happiness. | § >)!
y Ly \
C s \ ;
Isaac and Rebekah had two sons; the 7A j
first-born was named Esau, and the (“77\\\

‘5 younger Jacob. The boys grew; and RK °
\Â¥) Esau was a hairy man, and a great hun- 4

Xi ter. Jacob was a plain man, and lived


J the quiet life of a shepherd. One day
y, Jacob made some pottage, and Esau came \

from the field very faint, and he said to

Jacob, *‘ Feed me, I pray thee, with that

plied, ‘ Sell me this day thy birthright.”
> At that time the first-born son inherited
A\, nearly all the property of his father,
Esau said, “‘ Behold, 1 am at the point {
to die, and what profit shall this birth- \,
‘ right do to me?” He then made a so- ¢ l

(, Way, withoutthinking ofthe consequences :
of his rash promise. r=

. When Isaac was very old, and almost {7 /

blind, he called his eldest son Esau, and #3

told him to take some venison and make

savoury meat for him, that he might eat

| daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee: , ,. S/W

‘1 son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor: we 4 ;

3 L $
pray thee, drink a little water of thy Q ¢ vA
pitcher.” She replied kindly, ‘* Drink, :

‘| my lord;” and she made haste to let OS :
down her pitcher, and gave him drink, e&
and said, “‘I will also draw water for ?
thy camels :” which she did until they ~ra\ Wr
were satisfied. Eliezer was astonished, 2) ’ N 4

| and looked at her, but did not speak. / s

Her kindness pleased him, and he thought CR
she must be the one he was to choose for S
his master, When the camels had done 4

drinking, he gave her a gold ear-ring and a on
two gold bracelets, and said, ‘“‘ Whose

i f

is there any room in thy father’s house ¢e&%
for us to lodge in?”’ And she said unto -
him, ‘‘ I am the daughter of Bethuel the “ Ao


have both straw and provender enough,
and room to lodge in.” The servant ¥/ WY,

God,” saying, ‘‘ Blessed be the Lord God
of my master Abraham, who hath led yy
me to the house of my master’s brethren.” |).4¥
» Rebekah ran home and told her friends \\‘
what had happened: and her brother Gy
Laban went out, and asked him to come |e
in. Eliezer followed him to the house,
but he would take nothing until-he had
told them the business about which Abra-
ham had sent him. He then told them
of the sign he had asked God to give him,
and also all that passed at the well, say- |:
ing, “ If ye will deal truly and kindly 'f¢')
with my master, tell me, that I may |>3s
know whether I am to go further in 7
\ search of a wife for my master’s son.” |
Laban and Bethuel replied, ‘‘ The thing
proceedeth of the Lord. Behold, Re- 5

“‘ bowed down his head, and worshipped ;

: i

A —/V



bekah is before thee; take her and go,
* and let her be thy master’s son’s wife, | S¥j
‘\ mL?


conduct detected, Esau, on hearing his
( |{| father’s words, cried with a great and

: : yaa
Y| bitter cry, and said, ‘‘ Bless me, even me “y h
also, O my father!” And Isaac said, #7% o

Y\,| “ Thy brother came with subtlety, and
hath taken away thy blessing.” Esau
replied, ‘‘ He hath supplanted me these
two times; he took away my birthright, ¥
Â¥/\ and, behold, now he hath taken away my
< blessing.” He then wept, and prayed
7\/| his father to bless him also; which he

/j| did, saying, ‘‘ By thy sword shalt thou
live, and shalt serve thy brother.” This

‘filled Esau’s heart with hatred against

his brother Jacob, and he resolved to kill

him as soon as his father should die.


{ =

Uy, It was wicked of Esau to sell his birth- >
right, which was a gift from God. Baptised \

ts children sell their birthright when they please y ( X
iy themselves instead of God their Saviour. =



) REBEKAH heard the threats of Esau, and |\”)|
4 she told Jacob to fly to the house of his |)
uncle Laban, in Haran, and remain there |}
until Esau’s anger should cease. Re-
% bekah then spoke to Isaac, who called ||
‘| Jacob and blessed him, and then sent

) J, him away to Padan-aram. Jacob took ||
his staff and went forth on his: journey, | /
as his mother had advised him. When |t
night came, he lay down to sleep in the
open air, and took a stone for his pillow;
and as he slept, God revealed Himself
» tohim. He saw in his dream a ladder
resting on the earth, the top of which
“ reached to heaven; and the angels of /|{
God were going up and down this myste-
rious ladder. At the top he saw the
Lord Himself, who said, “I am the Lord |\
God of Abraham thy father, and the God |

of Isaac. And, behold, I am with thee,
40 ;
CN yt «y*

=D ey
Cg Be

of it and bless him. And Esau went *?
7| out to hunt for venison. Rebekah heard S 74
Y| what Isaac had said to Esau; and she
said to Jacob, “ Go to the flocks, and .
fetch me two young kids, and I will make 4 *
savoury meat for your father.” When -
she had cooked the meat, she put the }
clothes of Esau upon Jacob, and covered &
his hands and neck with the skins of the b '
kids ; and sent him with the meat to his 4
father Isaac. Isaac, being almost blind, \
could not see him; but he asked, “‘ Who \/%
art thou, my son?” “I am Esau, thy .
first-born,” replied Jacob : ‘‘ I have done
what you bid me. Arise, I pray thee, 1
{| sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul 7
may bless me.”” Isaac said unto Jacob, »
“Come near, I pray thee, that I may

‘| feel thee, my son, whether thou be my
(\/) very son Esau or not.” And Jacob went _

© -

near to his father, and he felt him; and |
finding his hands and neck were hairy, he
said, “‘ The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the
aus hands are the hands of Esau.”’ Being thus

deceived, he ate, and then put his hands

promised Messiah should spring, to whom
; 2 all nations should owe their salvation.
O) Jacob had scarcely left his father, when
- \ Esau brought his venison, and said, “‘ Let
my father arise, and eat of his son’s veni-
*% son, that thy soul may bless me.”
““Who art thou?” asked Isaac, trem-

first-born,” replied he. Isaac asked where

iy ©) he was who had brought him venison, |
) saying, ‘‘ I have eaten of all before thou -4
camest, and have blessed him, yea, and !

he shall be blessed.”” Thus was Jacob’s

Pe upon him, and blessed him. Hethuscon-
we g. secrated him as the root from which the

, 2 \\ bling with great fear. ‘Iam Esau thy 7

a y ; Vy) ~


a Ai






. es


a» © my Sz , , - €
\ a4 f / "y “4 \ ht ] \ fy, ore : t
H 5

| cq| bekah’s son was come, he ran out to meet &

(\f| him ; tenderly embraced him, and took \#“7

wW him to his house. Jacob told his uncle £
of Laban all things about himself and his
(S| father’s house; and he lived with him
{| a long time. He took care of Laban’s



<4| flocks, and served him faithfully ; but he , \ 3
had to suffer much while he was with AAG
Laban. God, however, blessed him in all \/

x things; and he became a rich man; for
| he had many flocks of goats and sheep, * 1 R

servants, After serving his uncle for
seven years, Laban gave Jacob hisdaugh- " \ Sx! A
ter Leah for a wife; but Jacob loved ‘St

wi} Rachel the youngest so much, that he Ce) t
promised to serve seven years more for “f
her. In those days men were allowed .,, O&@

to have more than one wife. 8 ;

You see here how God helps those who ‘7

» trust in Him; for He not only took care of
young Jacob in his long journey, but He /-.*)j
also blessed him in all that he did. Learn, \ ¢

then, to love and trust God.

| HOUSE. .
Wuen Laban saw how Jacob prospered, ,Â¥
he hated him. And God said unto him,
“ Return unto the land of thy fathers, (
and to thy kindred, and I will be with \
thee.” Jacob then set his wives and &
children upon camels, and taking all his
flocks, he stole away, whilst Laban was \

K heard of it, he pursued him seven days, ;

‘\y and overtook him. And God appeared
to Laban in a dream, and said to him,
\ “Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob \

7-4 and will keep thee in all places whither
-~€ thou goest, and will bring thee again into
>) this land; for I will not leave thee until
\/4 1 have done that which I have spoken to
C=, thee of.” Jacob awoke out of his sleep
‘7 in a great fright, and said, “‘ Surely the
‘Y Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.
\{_ How dreadful is this place! this is none
‘ other but the house of God, and this is
the gate of heaven.” He then rose up

as soon as it was light; and taking the
stone which he had used as a pillow, set

AC it up as a pillar, and poured oil upon it .

i }, to consecrate it to God. And he called
ee the place Bethel. Jacob then vowed that

part of all his property to Him, if God
», would keep him in safety, and bring him
back to his father’s house.

God is with us wherever we go; therefore ¥ Y 4)

we ought to fear nothing, but always do that

bee which is right in His sight.


a Mf oh 2

= he would serve God, and give a tenth |


: iN ' p o 2 Wy a |
3) Jo VAS Bt Rend eS SY
, LYS at EL WY

7 ~~




N\ hex

Then Jacob went on his journey, and
came into the land of the east; to a place
where there was a well in the midst of
, a field, which was covered with a great
stone. Three flocks of sheep were lying
down by the well, waiting for water.
The shepherds soon came, rolled away SS
the stone, and gave them water. Jacob
>.\ then said to them, “‘ My brethren, whence
-/ be ye?” And they said, “ We come
| from Haran.” Jacob asked them if they
knew Laban. They replied, ‘‘ We know

him; and, behold, Rachel his daughter



,>\S cometh with the sheep.” As soon as (

» a Jacob saw her, he ran to the well, and ;

, rolled the stone away, and gave water to

Zi her flocks; and he then kissed her, and
27% told her that he was the son of Rebekah; Xs
and Rachel ran and told her father. 4 <
* When Laban heard that his sister Re-


» ; >) 4 v7
‘‘ Thy name shall be called no more Ja-
cob, but Israel (that is, a prince of God) ;
for as a prince hast thou power with God “
and with men.” The angel then blessed
him. And Jacob called the name of the .
place Peniel (that is, the face of God) : \ Ee
for I have seen God face to face, and
am preserved.”

Remember well this new name given to
Jacob; for it is from him that all his de- oC
scendants are called Israelites, in the sacred

After this mysterious wrestling, Jacob
}|| lifted up his eyes, and saw Esau coming / \
with four hundred men. He divided his S
children and servants into different com-
panies ; and trusting in God, he went on
| before them; and bowed himself seven |

times before his brother. And Esau ran
to meet him; and throwing his arms
around his neck, he kissed him, and
wept for joy. When he saw the women

and children, he asked, ‘‘ Who are those
with thee?”” And Jacob said, ‘They are
y, the children which God has graciously
; given unto thy servant.” They all then
came near, and bowed before Esau. He

the droves he had met; and Jacob re-
plied that they were sent as a present to

Jacob pressed it so much, that he was
obliged to accept them.

Â¥ the heart of him who is angry.

called Succoth, where he built himself a
house, and booths for his cattle. God °
then told him to go to Bethel (where he

saw the vision of the ladder), and build #

appeared again to Jacob, and blessed

asked Jacob what he meant by yom

an altar there; which he did. And God :

him. Esau refused to take them; but 5 ‘

It is thus that love and humility softens ,

Jacob continued his journey to a ‘hie (



his sons and daughters, and blessed them ; :
and left Jacob to go in peace. S

Thus God takes care of His people, and .
\{ | protects them in times of trouble.

which forms the boundary of the country « \)
{i of Canaan, he sent messengers to his
(\| brother Esau to tell him that he was ~
P< | coming with his family and flocks. The ”.
(| messengers came back, and told Jacob PE

| that Esau was coming to meet him; and
Jacob was very much afraid, And he
prayed unto God, saying, ‘“‘ O God of

yj, my father Abraham, and of my father
Isaac, which saidst unto me, Return un-
“\} to thy country, and to thy kindred, and 4
I will deal well with thee; I am not g44

Thy servant : nF with my staff I Pree? y

“TA over this Jordan, and now I am become
} two bands. Deliver me, I pray thee, from ‘
the hand of my brother, from the hand \
G) of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come |

and smite me, and the mother with the \
/4 children.”

SV Jacob then took goats, sheep, camels, | x
\ W oxen, and asses, and divided them into /4x

‘ i i sent to Esau; and his wives, and chil- | 2
| —) dren, and flocks followed. Jacob was Ys
\ ~J\ alone that night; and an angel came to
yaw=, >) him, in the form of a man, and wrestled [7

r A, )) with him until the break of day. And |-é%
\Ja~ 6 )% finding that he could not overcome Jacob, |‘>x<

he touched the hollow of his thigh, and
put it out of joint. The angel then said, |

“‘ Let me go, for the day breaketh.” And |« |
Jacob said, “‘ I will not let thee go, ex- |>y43
cept thou bless me.” The angel then |} y\
asked him, “ What is thy name?” and

he said, “‘ Jacob.” The angel = y 4


og him, saying, ‘‘ I am God Almighty: be
fruitful and multiply; a nation, and a

’)| company of nations shall be of thee, and ‘
t¢ kings shall come out of thy loins; and ©

(| the land which I gave Abraham and
Wy Isaac, to thee will I give it, and to thy

Jacob made an offering, and thanked

“| God for His goodness. And he went
from Bethel to Hebron, where Isaac his %
father lived, whom he was delighted to
see once more. After this Isaac died; —
and he was a hundred and eighty ye
old. |


Jacos had twelve sons. Joseph was the ¢# B
best of all. He was seventeen years old,
when he fed his father’s flocks with his fy
¢| brethren. One day his brethren did some-

thing very wrong, which Joseph told to Ne
his father. Jacob loved him more than

which he told to his brothers; after
which they hated him more than ever.
‘ Listen to me,” said Joseph, “‘ and I
will tell you my dream. I thought we
were in a field binding sheaves, and lo,
my sheaf arose, and also stood upright,
and your sheaves stood round about, and
bowed to my sheaf.” ‘‘ What!” said his
brothers, ‘‘ are you to reign over us? and
are you to have dominion over us?” After
this Joseph had another dream, in which
he saw the sun and moon and eleven
stars bow down to him. He told this
also to his father and brethren; and his :

\)} and thy mother and thy brethren in-
Ly deed come to bow down ourselves to
\ } thee to the earth?” Jacob saw some-
4 thing wonderful in this dream; but Jo-
\4| seph’s brothers envied him. Joseph, the
/ ‘| beloved of his father, by his innocence ‘
\ }) and goodness became the chosen servant
of the Lord.


S| One day Joseph’s brothers went to feed
their flocks a long way from home. Ja-

ey cob called Joseph, and said, ‘‘ Go, I pray
A t|)| thee, see whether your brethren and their |/ 6% h


| .\! flocks are well.” Joseph went out to find

\‘f| his brethren, and a man met him and ¥ Nt

ty tqld him where they were gone. When © SAAN

\) | his brothers saw him at a distance, they ; e Xt) -
\ \| said, ‘ Behold, this dreamer cometh.

4, Come, let us slay him, and cast him °

into some pit, and we will say. ar. = 2

he said, that he might take him out of
the pit, and carry him to his father. 4
When Joseph came to his brethren, they
6, stripped off his coat of many colours, ¢?
and let him down into a deep pit, which
/ fortunately had no water in it. When ¢
\ these cruel brothers had done this wicked fi
thing, they sat down quietly to eat; but
Reuben went away. As they were eat-
ing, they. saw a company of Ishmaelite
merchants coming towards them. Judah
then said, ‘‘ What profit is it if we slay
our brother? come, let us sell him to
the Ishmaelites ; for he is our brother.” ,

When the merchants came up, Joseph’s gQ x ww
brethren drew him out of the pit, and\e/7
sold him for twenty pieces of silver: and €
they would not listen to the cries of Jo-
seph; but let the merchants take him into
Egypt. When Reuben came back, and
found that Joseph was not in the pit, he 5 *
rent his clothes, and wept aloud. But
his other brothers killed a kid, and dip-
ped Joseph’s coat in the blood, that Ja-
/| cob might think he had been killed by VW _/2e
a wild beast: and they sent it to their ja/\
father, saying, ‘‘ This have we found ;
know now whether it be thy son’s coat ”
or no.” Jacob knew it, and said, “It “¥
is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath
devoured him.” And Jacob rent his ( Sf
clothes, and put on sackcloth, and wept .. X

4| for a long time, so that his children could

not comfort him. LM) OP vw

Do not envy one another; for here you '
see to what crimes envy led Joseph’s bre-


THE man who is good, faithful, and upright, ‘
should never be in despair, even when he is
obliged to leave his country for that of stran- 3

47 gers. God is always with him; and he will
P find some good people every where.

2 oy q
( Pe The merchants sold Joseph to an offi- [

Le : cer of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, whose

name was Potiphar. Joseph served his
master faithfully and honestly ; and the
¢ blessing of the Lord was upon him, so
that he prospered in every thing that he
He did. His master loved him very much,
se vy and made him ruler over his house. We
yz ) find wicked people in all places; and we

oY must be on our guard against them.
(per \, The wife of Potiphar tried to make Jo- ee
y WL ogg


ve ; e q

J seph commit a great sin; but Joseph
loved God and his master too much to
\) listen to her. The friendship of the
4.) wicked soon turns into hatred, when they
\ find we will not do what they wish.
When Potiphar’s wife saw that she could
not make Joseph agree to her wishes,
\ she determined to ruin him with her
» husband. As soon as Potiphar came
home she told a wicked falsehood, which
. made him so angry with Joseph, that he
sent him to prison. |

Think of this history, and follow the good @#
example which the innocent Joseph gives '
you. When the wicked try to make you
do what is wrong, think of God. Flee from 4} \
the company of those who have not the an
fear of the Lord. Value your innocence, (
as Joseph did, more than all the things SG ca
in the world; and like him, love virtue (
for its own sake, and not for the benefits \ iy
which it brings. Joseph chose rather to lose x

« 7 a



all the honours and pleasures of this life
‘, than his innocence; he preferred being shut
up in prison, rather than sin against God.
/_> Was not this a noble sacrifice? Oh! always
' a remember to follow this example of Joseph,
when any one tries to tempt you to sin.


Innocent Joseph was cast into prison
ZN among wicked men. But God, who al- %
ways protects the innocent, watched over

‘\ him even in this place, and disposed the
cf heart of the gaoler to be kind to him.
He made Joseph the ruler over all the
‘ other prisoners; and God blessed and
») prospered all that he did. Joseph soon

; < found it was an opportunity of doing

)} were kept there a long time. One morn- |
ing Joseph went into their cell, and found
them ful! of sorrow. And he asked them &\,
kindly, ‘‘ Wherefore look ye so sadly to-
day?” They replied, ‘We have had a (
dream this night, and no one can tell us
the meaning of it.” Joseph, knowing that -
the common interpretation of dreams is ‘
superstitious, said, ‘‘ Do not interpreta-
tions belong to God? But tell me your is
dreams.” The chief butler then said, ‘‘ In os

“\’ tay dream, behold, a vine was beforeme; XS
and in the vine were three branches: and
it was as though it budded, and her
blossoms shot forth; and the clusters ,
thereof brought forth wild grapes ; and i¢
Pharaoh’s cup was in my hand: and I ¢
took the grapes, and pressed them into |

} Pharaoh’s cup, and I gave the cup into |

the meaning of the dream; and he said,
“Within three days shall Pharaoh re-
store thee unto thy place ; and thou shalt
deliver Pharaoh’s cup into his hand,

on me when it shall be well with thee,
and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto
me, and make mention of me unto Pha-
raoh, and bring me out of this house:
for indeed I was stolen away out of the
land of the Hebrews; and here also

Nfy)) put me into the dungeon.”

behold, I had three white baskets on my
ty head; and in the uppermost basket there

-~o was all manner of bake-meats for Pha- ¢
af * raoh; and the birds did eat them out of §

and serve him as before. But think ,

i have I done nothing that they should 4

When the chief baker saw that the }
interpretation was good, he said unto 4
Joseph, ‘‘I also was in my dream, and, |

DS ‘\ the _beanet upon my head.” And Joseph \ :

thee, and shall hang thee on a tree; and \/ /V(
the birds shall eat thy flesh from off \/-4~
thee.” On the third day, it was the ) YY S Y
king’s birthday, and every thing came to
pass as Joseph had said. The chief baker n
- was hanged on a tree. And the chief \

aad , Na
said, “ This is the meaning: within three ,° t S$
days shall Pharaoh take thy office from YÂ¥ cow /


4 butler went back into the king’s service : }

“3 but he forgot Joseph, and his promises \ a rie
\ to him ; and thus shewed his ingratitude.

oF ‘
Learn always to be grateful to those who We >~y

) are kind to you; and repay them by your ew jy. C
')y good conduct as well as by your words. | 6 M
S . \ \



~/ Two years after Joseph had interpreted ‘(<2~ a
- the dreams of the servants of Pharaoh, /~ en
> the king himself hadadream. He thought \ ! NY :
Sc that he stood on the banks of a river, A

* y
ae) y:
< mi &

ss WER Kar RS

and saw seven fat cows come out of the {eg
» water, and they began to eat the grass ff
, on the bank. Soon after, seven other
5/- cows came, which were very lean, and
““" they ate the seven fat cows. Then the |{


ears of corn growing upon one stalk. He
Q;| also saw seven thin ears, which devoured
the full ones. And Pharaoh awoke, and
found it was a dream. In the morning,
he was in great trouble about the dreams. | if
He sent for all the wise men and magi-
cians in Egypt, and told them his dreams;
but none of them could say what they
\ foretold. The ungrateful butler then re- |(\
J *™) membered Joseph, whom he had left in |¢y
prison, and said to the king, ‘‘ When I
was in prison with the chief baker, there
was with us a young man, an Hebrew,



Pharaoh then sent for Joseph; and he {,
changed his clothes, and was brought be- ®
(<4 fore the king. Pharaoh said to him, “I
{42 have had a dream, and there is no one can ‘
tell me what it means.” Joseph modestly
replied, ‘‘ I know nothing ; but God shall =
give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” Pha-
raoh then told him his two dreams. |)
Joseph said, ‘‘ God hath shewed Pharaoh
what He is about to do. The seven fat
kine are seven years, and the seven good
\ ears are seven years; the dream is one. h
And the seven lean kine that came up
after them, and the seven thin ears, are |
' seven years of famine. Behold, there come
seven years of great plenty throughout §
» all the land of Egypt: and there shall
arise after them seven years of famine;

and the famine shall consume the land. |\%

Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a
YY man discreet and wise, and set him over
the land of Egypt. And let him gather
all the food of those good years that come,
and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh;
_/ and let them keep good food in the cities.
-= And that food shall be for store to the
4/\; land against the seven years of famine, |,
*) which shall be in the land of Egypt ; that
the land perish not through the famine.”
This interpretation pleased Pharaoh
and his servants; and he said to them,
‘* Can we find such a one as this is, aman |/s
, in whom is the Spirit of God ?”” And Pha- })J
raoh said to Joseph, “‘ Forasmuch as God |\ QU
i hath shewn thee all this, thou shalt be |:
sO Ny over my house, and rule my people: only |;
? “S\} in my throne will I be greater than you.” |(€§
a~e_4 The king then took off his ring and put |G


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f %i the most painful, to work together for the //} ,
{| good of those who love Him. As certainly ©
| as God lives, so surely do we know that the


| that which is to come. But even should he

‘| gold around his neck. He then made .

him ride in his second-best chariot ; and
his servants ran before him, and cried, y
‘‘ Tender father!’”’ Thus Pharaoh made

plainly see how God makes all things, even ¥

pious and virtuous man will in the end be
happy ; if not in this life, yet he will be in ©

'| in this world be exposed to troubles always,

because he will have a peaceful mind. And
he will not have to bear the greatest of all

which all suffer who follow sin. ‘\

a) evils, the terrors of a guilty conscience, >)



\ / gj], Tue seven years of plenty soon came, 5
( LISS) as J oseph had foretold, and he gathered

2 \\ \Â¥ corn in great abundance, and put it into '

<2 storehouses in every city. At the end of
) ~, ly this time the seven years of famine came

a in every land; but in the land of Egypt
| } —7' there was bread. The people then cried

Vitis at out for food, and Pharaoh sent them to S y
Vi x Joseph, who opened the storehouses, and |


sold them corn. The people came also )
from all the countries around to buy corn

in Egypt. The famine was also in the
land of Canaan ; and Jacob, hearing that |(- |
there was corn in Egypt, said to his sons, V
“Go down and buy food, that we may

live, and not die.”’ Joseph’s ten brothers

jamin only was left with his father: he
was very young when Joseph was sold
by his brethren, and Jacob said, “‘ Mis-
chief may befall him.” They reached ;;
Egypt in safety, and were taken before
Joseph ; but they did not know him ; and-
they bowed themselves down to the
ground before him. Joseph, on the con- \/
trary, knew them; and he remembered \
his dreams, and adored the wonderful
ways of God. He spake roughly to them,
and asked them whence they came, and
said, “Ye are spies, come to see the
nakedness of the land.’”” They replied,
‘* Nay, my lord, but to buy food are thy |
servants come. We are all one man’s .
sons; we are true men—thy servants are
no spies. We are twelve brethren, the _
sons of one man in the land of Canaan; };
and, behold, the youngest is this day with
our father, and one is not.” Joseph re-
: by




a and, behold, they are all now thrown |/"7
We _

‘ revenge: Joseph wished only to correct |) ¥


M his brethren. At the end of three days (Zr

mr and live; for I fear God: if ye be true
> ) + men, let one of your brethren be bound

; corn for the famine of your houses: but

the life of Pharaoh, ye shall not go forth |(

hither, Send one of you, and let him |) ¥
' fetch your brother, and ye shall be kept |

ey * hence except your youngest brother come |7-4
‘ in prison, that your words may be prov- || 0(

ed :” and Joseph had them put in prison. |/-y
Formerly they threw Joseph into a pit; §

into prison. @)
A noble and Christian soul never takes |fQ\

“he ordered them to be brought before
\ him. And he said to them, “ This do,

in the house of your prison; go ye, carry

bring your youngest brother unto me;
so shall your words be verified, and ye
shall not die.”’

They were obliged to submit to Joseph’s /f

commands. And they said one to ano-
ther, “‘ We are verily guilty concerning
our brother, in that we saw the anguish
of his soul when he besought us, and
we would not hear ; therefore is this dis-
tress come upon us.” And Reuben said,
«‘ Spake I not unto you, saying, Do not
sin against the child; and ye would not
hear? therefore, behold, also, his blood is
required.” Thus, sooner or later, eon-
science always awakes. They did not
know that Joseph could understand them,
because he spoke to them by an inter-
preter; but when he heard what they
said, he turned himself away from them,

and wept. The most tender affection ¢ xt

filled his heart the moment he saw the 4

least sign of repentance in his brethren. \
Yet he still wished to prove the sincerity " (ee XX
of their hearts; and turning to them | A>&
again, he ordered Simeon to be bound. |
He then privately told his servants to fill \ 7 1 uy

4 \ their sacks with corn, and to put every 4
F man’s money into his sack, and to give

“A them food for their journey. And when {f

\ they had laded their asses, they went *

)/ their way.

* On arriving at home, they told their

at ;
> father all that had happened to them in f

os the way, and what the governor of Egypt &
y had said. They then opened their sacks, Q'


and found the money in them; and ,
- Ye they were afraid, saying one to another, ;
“‘ What is this that God hath done unto
Sy as us?”? And Jacob said, “‘ Me ye have
bereaved of my children; Joseph is not,
% and Simeon is not, and ye will take Ben- |
fb \ jamin away.” And he said, ‘‘ My son
? shall not go down with you: if mischief
€ befall him by the way, then shall ye
2 bring down my gray hairs with sorrow 4

- to the grave.”
of i


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Tue famine still continued in the land.
And when they had eaten all the corn, *
G4 Jacob said, ‘“ Go again, buy us a little ro
S$») food.” But Judah said, “If thou wilt
Asx send our brother with us, we will go
cy } down and buy thee food ; but if thou wilt Y
not send him, we will not go down; for /
the man said unto us, Ye shall not see '
my face except your brother be with you.

. » Send the lad with me —I will take care
of him; and if I do not bring him back in
safety, I will bear the blame for ever.” *
And Israel said, ‘‘ If it must be so now,
do this: take of the best fruits of the
land in your vessels, and carry down the .
man a present, a little balm, and a little

Â¥ hand; and the money that was brought
again in the mouth of your sacks, carry °
it again. Take also your brother, and
arise, go again unto the man: and God
Almighty give you mercy before the man,
that he may send away your other bro- pe!
ther and Benjamin. Alas, if I lose my
children, I sha!l be sorrowful indeed.”

See how very dearly a good father, like
Jacob, loves his children. Learn to love
and obey your parents, who thus watch
over you.

Joseph’s brethren arrived safely in
Egypt with Benjamin. When Joseph
saw Benjamin with his other brethren,
. he told the ruler of his house to take
them home, and prepare dinner for them. (’

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they told the steward how it was. He (“¢
told them not to fear, for the God of
their father had given them this money.
And he brought Simeon to them.. He
then gave them water to wash their feet ;
and gave food to their asses. When they /
heard that they were to dine with his at
g master, they got out their presents. And
as soon as Joseph came home, they GEN,
bowed down before him, and: gave him Ls

the presents. Joseph asked them if they
> were well; and said, “1s your father
well, the old man of whom ye spake? is
he yet alive?”’ They replied, ‘‘ Thy ser-
vant our father is in good health, he is
yet alive.” And when he saw his brother
Benjamin, he said, “‘ Is this your younger |
brother, of whom ye spake unto me?
and he said, God be gracious unto thee,
my son.” After he had said this, he




\ turned away, for he was esti grieved.
He loved his brother so dearly, that he

He made them sit according to their age; °
which greatly surprised them; and he

. sent them messes. But Benjamin’s mess
was five times more than the others.
And they ate and drank, and were very
_ merry.


A JoszpuH wished still to try his brethren, ¢ y
y / that he might be sure they were ae

“« Fill the men’s sacks with food, as sash
as they can carry; and put every man’s
money in his sack’s mouth. And put
\ my silver cup in the sack’s mouth of the 4~
youngest.”” And he did as Joseph bade »

him. In the morning, as soon as it was /
light, they all went away with their }
asses. They had not gone far from the /
city before Joseph told his steward to go

took them.

And he said unto them, “ Wherefore ?
have ye rewarded evil for good?” And |
they said, ‘‘ Wherefore saith my lord
these words? God forbid that thy ser-
vants should do according to this thing:
behold the money, which we found in


oo |


4g out the iniquity of thy servants; we are






} servant; and as for you, get you up in

) ten to thy servant. You desired us to ce

shall we clear ourselves? God hath found z


Zé v.

then said to him, “ God forbid that I ‘+
should do so; but the man in whose #f
hand the cup is found, he shall be my ” °

peace unto your father.” Judah then
drew near to him, and said, “Oh, my ( “#&
lord, who art equal unto Pharaoh, lis- \ »4


bring our youngest brother: my — 2
permitted us to do so with sorrow, for ”

he loved him more than his life. [ have ;

become surety for the child, and I wish ,
therefore to be your slave in his stead.
Permit him to return to my father; for
how can I see my father without him?
I could not bear to witness his sorrow.”


JosEpu could not longer contain himself.
He ordered the Egyptians that were about
him to go away. When they were gone,

CF he wept aloud, and said to them, “I am

re. Joseph: doth my father yet live?”’ His °
gu brethren were so astonished when they

S | heard this, that they could not speak. All }2
their unkindness to Joseph passed across
their minds, and grieved their hearts. 7‘
But their brother spoke kindly to them, ey
and said, “I am Joseph your brother, “7
whom ye sold into Egypt. Be not
“\ grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that
ye sold me hither; for God did send me



fyxe Egypt; come down unto me; and thou,
‘y) and thy children, and flocks, shall dwell

. before you to preserve your lives during
the famine. This is the reason why God
has made me lord over the land of Egypt.
Haste ye, and go up to my father, and
4 tell him that his son Joseph thus speaks

* to you. God hath made me lord of all /

in the land of Goshen, where I will ~
nourish thee; for there are yet five years 'g
of famine. Make haste, and return soon,
and bring my father.” Joseph then
threw his arms around Benjamin’s neck,
and kissed him, and wept over him; and \
he kissed all his brethren. Y

< heart, and with eyes raised to heaven in Wx
tears, ‘‘O God, how great is Thy good-

ness, and how wonderful are the ways of
Thy providence !”’

sent his own wagons to fetch Jacob, with
the wives and children of his sons. Jo-
seph then gave them provisions for the |
Pe | way, and two changes of clothes ; but to
16 ‘ Benjamin he gave five changes of raiment,
and three hundred pieces of silver, To

his father he sent ten asses laden with
‘ the good things of Egypt, and ten laden
with corn and bread, He then sent his
Wer brothers away, and said to them, “ See ||
Sh that ye fall not out by the way.” During || §;

ow ~Y this time their aged father waited their
return with anxiety and grief. At last ||»
he saw them coming with Benjamin ; and

. ,
le! uy
j a



) (af

as soon as they came near to him, they Dre
said, “‘ Joseph is yet alive; and he is go- \ vernor over all the land of Egypt.” At Pr ”
first Jacob would not believe them; but yey /S
when he saw the wagons and presents \/
{| which Joseph had sent him, he seemed \ j) GN
as if he had awoke from a dream, and he *}4\/SX
said, “It is enough; Joseph my son is
yet alive: I will go and see him before
I die.” The good old man and all his (\\y 7°)
family then began their journey into y :
| Egypt; and he offered sacrifices to God. \)) é
And God spake to him in a dream, and yA i y
said, “ Jacob, Jacob, I am God, the God »
of thy father; fear not to go down into |}
Egypt; for I will there make of thee a ‘
great nation: I will go down with thee
into Egypt; and I will also surely bring
\2J| thee up again.” In the morning they
again set off on their journey; and he
Ji sent Judah first, to tell Joseph of their


went out to meet his father; and as soon
H & as he saw him, he fell on his neck, and
: , wept for joy. “ Now,” said Israel, “let \

eke me die, since | have seen thy face, be- rat
@” cause thou art yet alive.” Although Jo-
seph was a great man, he was not ashamed
of his father, but he himself led him to
» Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.
The king asked him how old he was; to
6, which Israel replied, ‘‘ I am one hundred
and thirty years old; few and evil have
the years of my life been.” Pharaoh
then gave him the land of Goshen to

part of the land of Egypt. And Jacob /~:
dwelt there with his sons and their fami- 2


lies, in all sixty-six persons; and Joseph a

supplied them with food in abundance.
Learn of Joseph to love your parents,
and to comfort them in their old age; and Pay
if God should raise you to a high station,

‘Q) never be ashamed of their poverty.

: :

Jacos lived in Egypt seventeen years ; f
\} and he was a hundred and forty-seven
} years old. And as the time drew nigh

when he must die, he sent for Joseph, //
| and made him promise to bury him in
Â¥ the land of Canaan. Soon after this he


{5 was taken sick, and he sent again for his.
‘gf son Joseph. Joseph made haste, and |

that he had not long to live, raised him- ©
es self in his bed, and put his right hand

hand on the head of the youngest child, ¢

+. he was grieved; but Jacob said, “ His .

younger brother shall be greater than he,

and his seed shall become a multitude of }

nations.” And he set Ephraim before

a SOK DK Ves mE

Manasseh, and blessed them, saying, |,
“In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God |
make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh.”

Jacob also blessed Joseph, and said,
. God, before whom my fathers Abra-
ham and Isaac did walk, the God which
fed me all my life long unto this day, the
Angel which redeemed me from all evil,
%) bless the lads; and let my name be
named on them, and the name of my
fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them
\) grow into a multitude in the midst of the
earth.”” He said also to Joseph, ‘“‘ Be-
hold, I die; but God shall be with you, |

and bring you again unto the land of J
. your fathers: and I have given unto thee | N

one portion above thy brethren.” j

Jacob then sent for his other sons, and

“f, he gave them each a blessing. But to |\to}
_ Judah he said, “The sceptre shall not | 7

depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from
between his feet, until Shiloh come ; and
unto Him shall the gathering of the
people be.” After blessing them, he ¢>
charged them to bury him in the double
cave, which Abraham had bought, in the ,
fx land of Canaan of Ephron the Hittite;
my and in which Abraham and Sarah, and \
SS Isaac and Rebekah were buried. Jacob
(Ny then lay back and died. XK
“\} When Joseph saw that his father was _ °
Wa! dead, he fell upon his face, and wept ff pre
¢ upon him, and kissed him. He then or- \Y-
dered the physicians to embalm Jacob, - i
and the whole land of Egypt mourned \/ Ee y
» for him. After mourning many days,
Joseph went up to the land of Canaan ,
*\ with his brethren, and all his servants, wf
to bury his father. } Y X

Good children love their parents as long , 4

as they live; and when they die, they obey

* their last wishes.

After the death of J acob, the brethren
of Joseph were afraid that he would take
revenge on them for their unkindness to

Ge, him. And they sent to him, saying,


“Forgive the trespass of thy brethren,
and their sin; for they did unto thee

/ evil.” When Joseph heard this he wept,

and said unto them, ‘‘ Fear not; for am
I in the place of God? Ye thought evil
against me; but God meant it unto good,

to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save

much people alive.”
Joseph was a hundred and ten years

, old, and he said to his brethren, “I die;

and God shall surely visit you, and ye
shall carry up my bones from hence :”
which they promised to do. Thus Jo-
seph died, full of faith in the promises of
God ; and the people wept for him.
Here, at the death of Joseph, form the

day die with the same peace, trusting in
your blessed Saviour Jesus Christ.


$:| Tux children of Jacob multiplied by de-
ss ‘| grees into a numerous people. They
‘Sl! were called Israelites, from the name of

the holy patriarch, which was given {

)} him when he wrestled with the Angel;

and they were divided into twelve tribes,

#y| each taking the name of one of the twelve
Z| sons of Jacob.


S The good old king Pharaoh was dead ; |


No thing of the services which Joseph had
rendered. He did not like this multi-

v7 tude of strange people in his country,
“ and he resolved to oppress them. He
“i made them labour hard in making bricks,
SS Yi and building cities, and treated them

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His with great rigour. Pharaoh even ordered

® all the new-born sons of the Israelites to

\ be drowned in the river. Amongst the

Px Israelites was a mother who was very
pious: she had a very beautiful son, and A

she hid him for three months. But when :

she could no longer hide him, she made \-*

the child, and then laid him beside the
“\ river. She set his sister to watch, to see /
what would become of him. God, who i
“)\ intended to save him, caused the daugh- 2
_}# ter of the king to come at this moment , it
down to the river. She saw the basket \ y
e \ in the midst of the rushes, and sent one '
5 of her maids to fetch it. When she *2
— opened it, she saw the child; and hear- \y’'
(S } ing it cry, she pitied it, and said, “‘ This


princess, went up and said, “ Shall I go ‘y
and call a nurse of the Hebrew women,
that she may nurse the child for thee?”
“Go,” replied the princess. Full of joy, ©
the young girl ran to fetch her mother, ,
who went back with her; and Pharaoh’s
daughter said to her, “ Take this child —_
away, and nurse it for me, and I will \@
give thee thy wages.”” Who can tell the }) fF PQQ

| joy with which the mother pressed in her , S\
| Z| arms the beloved child which God had ¢X\\’
& again restored to her! what words can Whi 9 \
express the gratitude which filled her » '
heart! Her son, brought up by her, } c 2

became a good child. When the child 7 % (
‘| grew, Pharaoh’s daughter adopted him, \ ‘= ))
and gave him the name of Moses, which > ¢ {
means, saved from the waters. ear

Thus God in His goodness watches “2g

infants ; and defeats the plans of the wicked, |
to bring about His own purposes. '

es ee


Ku y As soon as Moses became a man, he
saw the afflictions of his Hebrew bre- |
thren, and was deeply grieved: he loved
rather to suffer affliction with the people
* of God, than to enjoy all the riches of
Egypt. Putting all his trust in God, he
/; boldly defended his oppressed brethren. | i/
\ One day, seeing an Egyptian treating |(
an Hebrew cruelly, he was so filled with |
indignation, that he killed the Egyp-

ON tian. When Pharaoh heard of this, he

resolved to kill Moses. In order to es-

cape the death which threatened him,

Moses fled from the land of Egypt into |\%s

Midian ; but God did not leave him who |%

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12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0023.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0023.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0024.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0024.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0025.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0025.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0026.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0026.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0027.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0027.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0028.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0028.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0029.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0029.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0030.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0030.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0031.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0031.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0032.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0032.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0033.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0033.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0034.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0034.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0035.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0035.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0036.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0036.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0037.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0037.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0038.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0038.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0039.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0039.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0040.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0040.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0041.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0041.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0042.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0042.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0043.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0043.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0044.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0044.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0045.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0045.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0046.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0046.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0047.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0047.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0048.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0048.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0049.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0049.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0050.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0050.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0051.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0051.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0052.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0052.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0053.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0053.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0054.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:47 PM 0054.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0055.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0055.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0056.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0056.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0057.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0057.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0058.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0058.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0059.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0059.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0060.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0060.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0061.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0061.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0062.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0062.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0063.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0063.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0064.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0064.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0065.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0065.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0066.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0066.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0067.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0067.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0068.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0068.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0069.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0069.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0070.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0070.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0071.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0071.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0072.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0072.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0073.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0073.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0074.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0074.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0075.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0075.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0076.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0076.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0077.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0077.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0078.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0078.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0079.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0079.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0080.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0080.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0081.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0081.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0082.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0082.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0083.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0083.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0084.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0084.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0085.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0085.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0086.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0086.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0087.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0087.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0088.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0088.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0089.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0089.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0090.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0090.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0091.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0091.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0092.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0092.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0093.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:48 PM 0093.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0094.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0094.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0095.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0095.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0096.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0096.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0097.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0097.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0098.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0098.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0099.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0099.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0100.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0100.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0101.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0101.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0102.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0102.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0103.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0103.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0104.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0104.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0105.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0105.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0106.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0106.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0107.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0107.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0108.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0108.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0109.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0109.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0110.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0110.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0111.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0111.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0112.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0112.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0113.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0113.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0114.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0114.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0115.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0115.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0116.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0116.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0117.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0117.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0118.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0118.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0119.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0119.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0120.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0120.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0121.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0121.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0122.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0122.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0123.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0123.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0124.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0124.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0125.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0125.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0126.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0126.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0127.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0127.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:49 PM 0128.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0128.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0129.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0129.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0130.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0130.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0131.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0131.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0132.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0132.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0133.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0133.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0134.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0134.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0135.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0135.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0136.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0136.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0137.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0137.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0138.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0138.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0139.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0139.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0140.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0140.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0141.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0141.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0142.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0142.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0143.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0143.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0144.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0144.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0145.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0145.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0146.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0146.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0147.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0147.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0148.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0148.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0149.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0149.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0150.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0150.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0151.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0151.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0152.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0152.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0153.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0153.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0154.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0154.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0155.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0155.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0156.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0156.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0157.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0157.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0158.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0158.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:50 PM 0159.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0159.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0160.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0160.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0161.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0161.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0162.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0162.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0163.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0163.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0164.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0164.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0165.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0165.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0166.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0166.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0167.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0167.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0168.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0168.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0169.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0169.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0170.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0170.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0171.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0171.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0172.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0172.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0173.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0173.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0174.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0174.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0175.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0175.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0176.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0176.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0177.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0177.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0178.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0178.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0179.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0179.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0180.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0180.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0181.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0181.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0182.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0182.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0183.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0183.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0184.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0184.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0185.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0185.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0186.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0186.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0187.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0187.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0188.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0188.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0189.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:51 PM 0189.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0190.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0190.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0191.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0191.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0192.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0192.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0193.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0193.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0194.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0194.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0195.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0195.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0196.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0196.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0197.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0197.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0198.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0198.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0199.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0199.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0200.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0200.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0201.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0201.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0202.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0202.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0203.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0203.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0204.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0204.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0205.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0205.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0206.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0206.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0207.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0207.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0208.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0208.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0209.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0209.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0210.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0210.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0211.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0211.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0212.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0212.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0213.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0213.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0214.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0214.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0215.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0215.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0216.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0216.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0217.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0217.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0218.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0218.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0219.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0219.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0220.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0220.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0221.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0221.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0222.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0222.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0223.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0223.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0224.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:52 PM 0224.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0225.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0225.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0226.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0226.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0227.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0227.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0228.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0228.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0229.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0229.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0230.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0230.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0231.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0231.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0232.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0232.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0233.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0233.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0234.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0234.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0235.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0235.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0236.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0236.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0237.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0237.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0238.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0238.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0239.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0239.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0240.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0240.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0241.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0241.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0242.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0242.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0243.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0243.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0244.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0244.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0245.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0245.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0246.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0246.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0247.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0247.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0248.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0248.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0249.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0249.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0250.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0250.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0251.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0251.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0252.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0252.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0253.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0253.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0254.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0254.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0255.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0255.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0256.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:53 PM 0256.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0257.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0257.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0258.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0258.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0259.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0259.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0260.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0260.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0261.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0261.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0262.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0262.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0263.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0263.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0264.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0264.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0265.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0265.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0266.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0266.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0267.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0267.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0268.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0268.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0269.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0269.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0270.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0270.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0271.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0271.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0272.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0272.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0273.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0273.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0274.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0274.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0275.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0275.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0276.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0276.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0277.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0277.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0278.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0278.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0279.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0279.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0280.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0280.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0281.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0281.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0282.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0282.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0283.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0283.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0284.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0284.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0285.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0285.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0286.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0286.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0287.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0287.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0288.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0288.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0289.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0289.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0290.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0290.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0291.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0291.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0292.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0292.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0293.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0293.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0294.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0294.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0295.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0295.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0296.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:54 PM 0296.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0297.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0297.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0298.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0298.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0299.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0299.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0300.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0300.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0301.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0301.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0302.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0302.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0303.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0303.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0304.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0304.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0305.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0305.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0306.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0306.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0307.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0307.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0308.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0308.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0309.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0309.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0310.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0310.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0311.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0311.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0312.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0312.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0313.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0313.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0314.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0314.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0315.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0315.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0316.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0316.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0317.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0317.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0318.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0318.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0319.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0319.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0320.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0320.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0321.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0321.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0322.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0322.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0323.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0323.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0324.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0324.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0325.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0325.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0326.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0326.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0327.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0327.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0328.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0328.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0329.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0329.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0330.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0330.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0331.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0331.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0332.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0332.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0333.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:55 PM 0333.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0334.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0334.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0335.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0335.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0336.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0336.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0337.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0337.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0338.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0338.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0339.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0339.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0340.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0340.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0341.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0341.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0342.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0342.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0343.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0343.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0344.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0344.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0345.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0345.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0346.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0346.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0347.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0347.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0348.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0348.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0349.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0349.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0350.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0350.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0351.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0351.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0352.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0352.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0353.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0353.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0354.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0354.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0355.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0355.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0356.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0356.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0357.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0357.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0358.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0358.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0359.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0359.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0360.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0360.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0361.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0361.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0362.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0362.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0363.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0363.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0364.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0364.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0365.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0365.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0366.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0366.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0367.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0367.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0368.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0368.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0369.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:56 PM 0369.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0370.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0370.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0371.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0371.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0372.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0372.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0373.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0373.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0374.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0374.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0375.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0375.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0376.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0376.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0377.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0377.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0378.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0378.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0379.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0379.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0380.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0380.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0381.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0381.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0382.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0382.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0383.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0383.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0384.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0384.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0385.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0385.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0386.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0386.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0387.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0387.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0388.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0388.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0389.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0389.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0390.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0390.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0391.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0391.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0392.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0392.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0393.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0393.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0394.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0394.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0395.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0395.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0396.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0396.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0397.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0397.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0398.jpg is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

12/15/2014 12:05:57 PM 0398.jp2 is specified in the METS file but not included in the submission package!

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Turs little volume is, for the most part, a %
translation, though not a literal one, of the
Bible History of Christopher Schmid.* It §
embraces most of the chief points of Old-
Testament history, which are given in a sim-
ple, reverential manner, and in strict accord- %
ance with the sacred text, large portions of
which are introduced. The inspired words vWF


are invariably given wherever Almighty God
has spoken expressly. |
Inthe effort to be plain, the Editor may
have marred the structure of some sentences ; h,
* “Bible History for Children, intended for ge-
neral use in the People’s Schools of Bavaria. By

Christoph Schmid, Canon of Augsburg.”’ Munich,



A Sy









; useful help to mothers in the religious in- G'

but this will be readily excused by those who {
know how difficult it is to write for children
on sacred subjects, without falling into an ir-
reverent and too familiar style. It is hoped,
however, that the general tone and character |
of the book will more than compensate for ,
any minor defects; and that it will prove a

struction of their children, far superior to the

on A NR DH


ee ee

. The Creation of the World

. The First Man .

. The First Sin .

. Punishment of the First Sin
. The Death of Abel, and Penishansiae of Cain 11
. The Flood .

. Noah leaves the Ark .

. The new Earth after the Flood

. The Calling of Abraham .

. The virtuous Abraham

. Abraham offers up Isaac .

. Isaac marries Rebekah

. Esau and Jacob ‘

. Jacob leaves his Father’s a

. Jacob returns to his Father’s House
. Joseph the young Shepherd

Joseph sold to Strangers .

. Joseph sold as a Slave to ielion

. Joseph in Prison p
. Joseph made Governor over Egy pt.
. Joseph detains his Brethren


. Benjamin goes down into Egypt

. Joseph’s Silver Cup . ° :

. Joseph makes himself known .

. The Happiness of Jacob .

. The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph

. Moses exposed in an Ark of Rushes

. Moses flies from Egypt

. The Burning Bush . . : ;

. The Plagues of Egypt. ; ; ‘
. Institution of the Passover, and Depar-
ture from Egypt

. The Egyptians destroyed

. God’s Miracles in the Wilderness

. The Commandments of God, and the Un-
faithfulness of the People

. The Death of Moses ;

. Entrance into the promised Land

. History of Ruth ; ° ;
. The wicked Sons of Eli, and the good
Child of Hannah ._, : ‘

. Young David

. The Giant Goliath

. The good King David

. Solomon King of Israel

. Elijah

me a,


PAGE * 4
45. Jonah ‘ ' ‘ ; ; ; .155 pe
46. Daniel a Captive in Babylon . : . 159
47. The Temple and City of Jerusalem rebuilt 170
48. The Seven Maccabees. : ‘ . 173

49. God takes pity onthe Jews. ° » 175

Uniform with this Volume,


New Testament.

The Old Testament.

} In

the beginning God made the heavens
} ‘5 and the earth. The earth had no form,
but was covered with deep water; and (
darkness was all around; and God said, Q
“ Let there be light; and there waslight.””
God then said, Let the firmament appear; °
and it was instantly created. Then was O& F
formed the blue vault of heaven, and part

4 of the waters arose and became clouds.

God again said, Let the waters be ga- \\) \
Fx thered into one place, and be separate /,\% iv
ay 6

i in . inn, ~ e



4 from the land; and it was done. At ||
") that time the land, the sea, springs, |/

) streams, and rivers, were made, Then
God said, Let the earth bring forth herbs,
plants, and fruit-trees ; and it was done

as He commanded. The earth was co- |

4 vered with a beautiful green, just as we
see it in spring, ornamented with a great
many lovely plants, trees, and flowers.
God then said, Let the sea be filled with
fishes, and the air with birds, and the

ga earth bring forth animals of all kinds; |

and it was so. Lastly, God created man;
and the Almighty looked upon all that |
He had made, and it was very good.


Though we cannot now look upon God |

Himself, yet the heavens and the earth shew ||

us His power, His goodness, and His wis-




dom. The sight of His beautiful works ought |\ €

to fill us with love and gratitude, and make |(

yee eRe

{| us bless still more and more the great kind- \ Dy .

2B ness and bounty of our Creator.


and a beautiful dwelling for man was
prepared. God said, Let us make man \)
in our image, and he shall reign over all ‘
the earth. Then God formed man of the
dust of the ground, and put into him a
$| living soul. Thus was the first man

created. God named him Adan, that is,
pvy earth, to remind him of his origin, Man
Wy | was created in the image of God, his

{| body was of the earth, his soul was from

{| God, and it not only knew that which 3
¢: was good, but loved it, and did it.


43} We ought to be perfect, charitable, loving, I; (i) Xt

\/) active, and holy, like God Himself; and re- on Wi

Ki ree SNE)

g Tue heavens and earth were finished, *






spect in ourselves and in every body else the x

image of God; for all men, rich and poor, -
are created alike.

God placed man in a delightful garden,
full of the most beautiful trees and plea-
sant fruits; a clear bright stream flowed
through it, and at length divided itself
into four rivers. Adam was to cultivate
and take care of it. The goodness of
God is constantly shewn towards man, | “4:
in having created us for happiness as
well-as for labour; and we can only be
\ happy by doing what God commands us.

God brought all the animals to Adam,
that he might give toeacha name. Man
ought to be their master, but not their ¢
tyrant. Adam was the only one of his s
kind upon earth; however, it could not
continue so, for he was to become the
father of all mankind.
- God said, It is not good for man to ;,
~)\ be alone; I will give him a companion Sy4

wy : ey amie ik
like himself. Then God sent a deep (
sleep upon Adam; and whilst he slept, ‘3
He took one of his ribs, of which He
made the first woman, who was called ‘
Eve. When he awoke, God brought him S
his companion, and Adam was pleased ~\:
with her.

It is well there are so many men upon
earth. Let us love one another as we ought. d
Adam and Eve dwelt in this beautiful gar- 4&3 /7
den full of innocence and goodness. They ‘
loved God more than every thing beside; \/) %
and each loved the other as himself. God ,
was to them like a tender father to his (
children ; they knew no sorrow, and were to ‘
live for ever. Blessed are the pure in heart. 4
Let us always pray to God to make and °
keep us good, and try to do what He com- @,
mands, and then we shall taste upon earth ©
the happiness of heaven.



THERE were a great many different fruit-
* trees in the garden of Eden. Adam and
Eve were allowed to eat of all except one,
which was forbidden.

for in the day that thou eatest thereof |;

o) thou shalt sureiy die.” ,
S24 By this God wished to prove their obe- |\'

dience. Whatever our Saviour commands
or forbids it is our duty to obey.

One day as Eve came near the forbid-
den tree, she saw a serpent, which spake
to her, and said, ‘‘ Hath God said, Ye |



)) the trees of the garden, but of the fruit YS i

Â¥ Thus did they break the command of


Eve replied, ‘‘ We may eat of the fruit of Ve")

G cat of it, neither shall ye sinc it, lest ye \ SG)
die.” The serpent said, ‘‘ Ye shall not

surely die ; for God doth know that in the \ Pe din
day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall

be opened, and ye shall be as gods, know- /\\ nl
ing good and evil.” In listening to these \“<2 ayy
words Eve looked at the tree again; and

the more she looked, the nicer did the
fruit appear. She stretched forth her \y

.° hand, took some of the fruit, ate it, and PS a z

gave some to Adam, who also did eat. |

God; and the first sin was committed.
At the same moment they felt themselves
to be different creatures: they saw that
they were naked, and they made them-
selves aprons of fig-leaves. And being

afraid of meeting God, they hid them- Cy
selves among the trees of the garden.

It is in this way that people are led _-
sin; they long for something which is for-
bidden, and being tempted to obtain it, =o
are thus urged to sin. Unless we stedfastly
resist the temptation, and obey the com-
) mands of God, we shall be overcome by sin, *%4
the greatest of all evils; and our hearts will ~}5
be full of misery and fear. :

: we

In the evening Adam heard the voice of
God in the garden, saying, ‘“ Adam,
where art thou?” Adam replied, “I “
heard Thy voice in the garden, and I
was afraid, because I was naked; and | 4
hid myself.” God said, “‘ Who tol thee %,
‘ that thou wast naked? hast thou eaten 2S.
of the tree whereof I commanded thee /-

OWED ORS) ig i
\) sah


as said, The woman whom thou gavest to
2s be with me, she gave me of the tree, and ‘
I did eat. And the Lord God said unto °‘

a the woman, What is this that thou hast
<~Y done? And the woman said, The ser-

pent beguiled me, and I did eat.” In

this way they began to excuse themselves.

God then cursed the serpent, saying,

-/2) “ Because thou hast done this, thou art
, a cursed above all cattle, and above every
K SQ, beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt
Gi thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the
ma days of thy life: and I will put enmity
between thee and the woman, and be-
¢ tween thy seed and her seed; it shall
bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise







— BM
» 4a,

will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy ¢
7 conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring
» forth children; and thy desire shall be
to thy husband, and he shall rule over
a thee. And unto Adam He said, es

his heel. Unto the woman He said, I ‘y\

thou hast hearkened unto the voice of 1
thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of |/

A which I commanded thee, saying, Thou

f4\ turn. And Adam called his wife’s name

shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground
for thy sake ; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
) and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
~ and thou shalt eat the herb of the field ; |
in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
\ bread, till thou return unto the ground ;
, for out of it wast thou taken: for dust
4 thou art, and unto dust shalt thou re- |

Eve; because she was the mother of all
living. Unto Adam also and to his wife y
did the Lord God make coats of skins, | |

and clothed them. And the Lord God ey
/ said, Behold, the man is become as one | }
\ of us, to know good and evil: and now, | ¢
7 he put forth his hand, and take also


(4 of the tree of life, and eat, and live for

ever; therefore the Lord God sent him

| forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ;

(\(| ground from whence he was taken. So \

He drove out the man; and He placed at $

Yy the east of the garden of Eden cherubims,

<4| and a flaming sword which turned every

way, to keep the way of the tree of life.”

Here we see what a terrible thing sin is,

((Y(| avoid it, and fear more than a serpent any
person who would draw you into it.




Apa and Eve had two sons: the eldest
y, | was named Cain, and the younger Abel.
C7 | RN 38

duties. When they came to offer a sa- :
crifice to God; Cain brought the fruits 7
of the earth, and Abel offered one of the

Cain was content with only sennnaiite :
to be good. God, who reads all hearts, 6
~, was pleased with the offering of Abel, ‘
but did not accept that of Cain. From
that moment he looked upon his brother
with an angry and jealous eye. His
countenance became changed; and his ©
heart was filled with jealousy. God /
warned Cain, and spake kindly to him, 7

saying, “‘ Why art thou wroth? and why
’ is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest |
well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if /
thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.”

CS Air
eS Take notice of this paternal warning. God ,

also warns us against sin, by the voice of

“ conscience. Listen to His advice ; obey God, l
7 \\, and fly from evil. a


Yi, So

Cain despising the Divine caution, still »
cherished the evil feelings of his heart. ( 9
One day, pretending great affection for { ~
the pious Abel, and while talking with \
him in the field, where their parents (°\
could not see them, he suddenly fell upon .
his brother, and killed him.

You see how much evil jealousy and anger
produce. Abel disfigured, and without life, ,
lying in his blood. What must have been 2 (yy
the grief of his father and mother on seeing © é
him in this state, and on first looking on the | /j
image of death !

But soon the voice of the Judge was
heard, demanding of the murderer, }//,
«Where is Abel thy brother?’ The an- (
swer of Cain was insolent and untrue, and
|| such as might have been expected from a ©
man so wicked; he said, ‘‘ I know not:
am I my brother’s keeper?”” And God said,
“« What hast thou done? the voice of thy
brother’s blood crieth unto me from the

\ the earth, which hath opened her mouth | &
to receive thy brother’s blood from thy

shall not henceforth yield unto thee her
~/ strength ; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt
thou be in the earth.” Seized with terror
and despair, Cain exclaimed, ‘‘ My pun-
ishment is greater than I can bear. Be-
\ hold, Thou hast driven me out this day |

findeth me shall slay me.” iA

He fled from the presence of the Lord, ;
and his life became miserable, and he was
a prey to the most cruel torments.

Thus does sin deprive man of peace, and X
of all the pleasures of life.

1. en AN
ng Qs No oe —


By degrees the number of men increased
upon the earth, but they became wicked,

4\| iniquity, they thought only of pleasing
themselves, and they therefore acted wick- °
);; edly towards each other. As a father,
A full of kindness and pity, God was grieved
| with their impiety, and said, ‘‘ My spirit ¢¥ tb
shall not always strive with man, for that I

he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an
'| hundred and twenty years.”

In the midst of these wicked people
there lived one righteous man, whose \" (
name was Noah. God commanded him “~\

‘SI to build a large ark, three hundred cubits
long, fifty broad, and thirty in height.
And he said, ‘‘ The end of all flesh is
come before me. And, behold, I will



} & J 4 \
re ae
os <2 bring a flood upon the earth, and every |
1) Se ) thing that is in the earth shall be de- |
al... |

\ stroyed: and I will make my covenant | SS:
with you.” For a hundred years the| X
pious Noah worked at his ark, but the &


_ |) ¢ ¥ and all thy house, into the ark; for thee | |
3 * have I seen righteous before me in this |. yi
“4 generation.” He ordered him also to | ¥

\ 8

©) _ take in sevens of every clean beast and |t


| of every bird, and of every unclean beast |2\\

‘.' by pairs; for that at the end of seven ay

) y days He intended to rain upon the earth |; ,

[ 2 for forty days and forty nights, and to <¢

é ray destroy every thing upon the earth. x

\ 6 Ye d . Noah, the faithful servant of God, en- |X
\¢ i tered into the ark with his children and

/? their wives, and all the beasts; and God
2 N \ shut them in.

and the ark, like a great ship, floated on

the waters.

Imagine the terror of those men who were
not in the ark. They tried to take refuge
upon the trees and mountains; but it was


all in vain, for the water rose fifteen cubits
above the highest mountains.

It was thus all was destroyed that
lived upon the face of the earth,—from ‘
man to the beasts, from the birds of
the air down to the meanest insect that

crawls on the earth. Noah alone was
‘saved, with those who were shut up
with him in the ark.

Alas! he who is so wicked as not to love
the God of goodness, ought at least to fear
the God of justice. Behold how fearfully 2

|| He can punish ! PF \

_ For an hundred and fifty days the waters 8
| covered the earth. God then made the ie


wind blow, and the waters began to sub-
eT . side, so that by degrees the tops of the
@ mountains were seen. And the ark rested
SA SY upon Mount Ararat, in Armenia, Noah *
>< * then opened the window of the ark, and
sent forth a raven, to see if the waters were
dried up ; but it did not return to the ark.
He then sent forth a dove, which, find-
ing no place on which to rest, soon re-
* turned. And Noah put forth his hand ¢
and took it in. At the end of seven days |
he sent it out again, and it came back
bringing an olive-branch, covered with ;
green leaves. This happy sign shewed
, Noah that the waters were abated. After {(\.-4
waiting seven days longer, he sent forth 9%
‘the dove a third time, and it did not re- 6,

finding himself and his family the only f
human beings alive! Filled with grati-
tude, he built an altar, and offered a sa-
crifice. A beautiful rainbow appeared in
the clouds, and God said, “I do set my
bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a
token of a covenant between me and the
earth. I will establish my covenant with
you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any w
more by the waters of a flood; neither 8
shall there any more be a flood to destroy
‘s% the earth. While the earth remaineth,
ff seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and


y night, shall not cease.”

Whenever we see the rainbow, with its YÂ¥
C3] bright and beautiful colours, in the midst of

| by the dark and stormy clouds, let us call to


: is terrible to the wicked; but He is full of ¢
_ to them that love and fear Him.”’

was by them that the world was to be >)
peopled. Noah cultivated the earth; he 4
also planted a vineyard. He made wine ,
with the grapes; and not knowing the
strength of it, he one day took too much

‘of it: and his son Ham mocked him,
which was very wicked. His brothers,
Shem and Japheth, reproved him, and }

5 tried to conceal their father’s shame, ~\J
shewing themselves to be dutiful children. FQ’
When Noah awoke, and learnt the con- Wy
duct of Ham, he was grieved, and said, Aa
“‘ Cursed be Canaan; a servant of ser-

‘vants shall he be unto his brethren!”

6 3


. & e >
ia e : ‘\>
And he blessed Shem, saying, “‘ Blessed % + vA
be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan \¢ eT 2
| shall be his servant.” He also blessed &4 @, **
Japheth. WA f
We must acknowledge that he deserved
€3,)\| this fate. The child who can look with con- , 20%
tempt upon its father, or treat its mother \
(A with disrespect, deserves to be punished by / 4
<\| God. God loves the child who respects and Ge UD
obeys its parents, and bears their faults with e ;
| patience. x

The descendants of Noah formed by ® ee ,

ov *


'| degrees a great people, which spread over >
\| the earth. And in order that they might
not lose sight of each other, they began (*

to build a tower which should reach to CS) °
heaven ; but God put a stop to this fool-
ish and wicked design. At this time, all
men spake the same language; but God (,.
then made them speak different tongues, i &


so that they could not understand each
other. They were therefore obliged to «
give up this building, and to separate | SS
into different countries. The descend-
ants of Shem remained in Asia; those of
Ham went to Africa ; and Japheth settled
in Europe.




The vain plans of men are soon set aside, |(<\

but the work of God abides. It is He who |xxj¥

is the Lord, and who appoints the dwelling- ke

place of all men.


Very soon after the flood mankind in-
creased, and the earth was peopled with
various nations. But they also soon for-
got their God, and became sinful. They |
gave themselves up to idolatry, and wor- |3)
shipped as gods images of wood and |(}}

‘stone. In the midst of this wicked mul- |

| titude lived a wise and holy man: God

y) made him His friend. It was by him
\ and his offspring that the knowledge and
' worship of the true God was to be taught
.(, and practised through the earth. This
“~>) man was the patriarch Abraham. God

A said to him, “ Get thee out of thy coun-

try, and from thy kindred, and from thy
father’s house, unto a land that I will
shew thee: and I will make of thee a
7; great nation; and I will bless thee, and
make thy name great; and in thee shall
all families of the earth be blessed.” \\
\ Abraham obeyed God’s command, and

took with him Sarai his wife, his nephew

Lot, and all their flocks. He went to the
y land of Canaan: one of the richest and ‘
most beautiful countries in the world:
and for which reason it was called “a
land flowing with milk and honey.”
When he arrived there, God said to him,

Gomorrah. Abraham shewed his kind- (,-
ness by giving up to him the most beau- * At,
tiful part of the country ; and Lot settled
himself in Sodom. Abraham remained

in the land of Canaan, and thus shewed
how sincerely he wished for peace.

Abraham was not content only to act \( yA
as a brother towards Lot, he shewed |) /¢\' ax:
himself such towards strangers. One ) 7 o\
morning, as he was sitting by the door (>

\| of his tent, under a tree, to shade him- =
.~4 self from the heat of the sun, he saw
7 WH three strangers coming towards him, and °() J
| si| he ran to meet them, and bowed down / f
\/\\ before them, and said, ‘“ My lord, if \*Y~ y)
Ys now I have found favour in thy sight, § \¢ ‘ f
S| pass not away, I pray thee, from thy ( ~~‘

My servant: let a little water, I pray you,
Li 25 ‘


be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest
yourselves under the tree ; and I will fetch 7
, a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your
hearts; after that ye shall pass on.” *
And they said, “So do as thou hast 77‘
said.” ss
Abraham went in haste into his tent, ©
and told Sarah to make ready some cakes. 4
He then went to his flocks, and fetched
a fat and tender calf, which he gave to
his man to dress. He brought out but-
ter and milk, with the cakes, and the calf
that he had cooked, and his guests did
eat; and he stood by them under the ((°,

Here we see a man who is truly kind and |
hospitable shewing the greatest attention to {\

When the strangers had finished their
repast, and were going on their journey,

‘\ one of them said to him, “I will return

unto thee, and Sarah thy wife shal] have
a son.” This promise was fulfilled,
though they were both very aged; for
He who had made the promise was the
Lord Himself, attended by two Angels.
Abraham arose and went with the
strangers on the way towards Sodom.
The Lord then told him that he had re-
solved to destroy the guilty cities of So-
dom and Gomorrah as a punishment for
their great sins. Abraham stood before
the Lord, and prayed Him to spare them.
The Lord promised, that if He found in

spare them for their sakes. But, alas!
even this small number was not to be *
found, so wicked and guilty were this
people. The next morning God punished

these wicked people. The Angels came,
% | however, to warn Lot, and to lead him
\f/|| and his family out of the city. Soon
oe after he left, God rained fire and wie


ye 12 re we NCIS:

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oF :

these cities only ten just men, He would Y

stone from heaven on these perverse cities. |,
The place where they stood is even to this

, day a stagnant lake, where nothing grows, |
which shews the anger of an offended *
God. It is called the Dead Sea.

At the end of the year Sarah had a son,

(WS) as the Lord had promised; and Abra- "

ham gave him the name of Isaac. He {\
was a good child; and his father loved Y,
him very much. Some years after, God €
< said to Abraham, “ Take now thine only 7
son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get \!
thee into the land of Moriah; and offer

arose early in the morning, prepared ¢
, some wood for the sacrifice, laid it upon

him there for a burnt-offering, upon one $s
of the mountains which I will tell thee ‘f,
of.” Without saying a word, Abraham “=ag
his journey. On the third day they ar-
rived at the foot of the mountain; and
Abraham said to his servants, “Abide 9

ye here with the ass; and I and the lad

will go yonder and worship, and come be
again to you.” Then taking the wood,

he laid it upon Isaac; and “‘ he took the ~ -Yy
fire in his hand, and a knife; and they “467%
went both of them together.” As they
were going along, Isaac said, ‘‘ My father, -
behold the fire and the wood; but where .

eee They continued on their way, until le Sy

they came to the top of the mountain.

es «‘ And Abraham built an altar there, and Gi
laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac

4 his son, and laid him on the altar upon ) J

hy the wood.” Isaac being perfectly obe-

dient to his father, quietly permitted him \ )

% to bind him. Abraham raised his hand |;

_/ to sacrifice his son, when the Angel of ( 4

the Lord called to him from heaven, say-

Ao ~ ing, “ Lay not thine hand upon the lad,.

° x neither do thou.any thing unto him: for |) ..\
« now I know that thou fearest God, seeing |/

thou hast not withiele thy son, thine |/,
‘S ~< only son from me.” ‘By myself have |X )
"he I sworn, because thou hast done this: I
will bless thee, and I will multiply thy || 7
2 seed as the stars of heaven, and as the |
¢7 ef, sand upon the sea-shore. And in thy |\Wj

4) OP seed shall all the nations of the earth be
hy \ ‘blessed 5 because thou hast obeyed my |\
) Ay vs wee And Abraham then saw a ram

SS) Wap ates en

eae Poke

Ly @


eve Kes ! os

‘) caught in a thicket, which he took and. ( ¢, x
offered up instead of his son.

How great must Abraham’s joy have been oye i

when his only son was given to him again, ..
and he heard these great promises! In this ,
way, God proves the obedience of men, and &.
rewards it.



ABRAHAM was very old, and God had

blessed him in all things. Andhe wished ° ¢

before he died to find a pious wife for his

\ son. The people among whom he lived

} were very wicked, and did not worship

God. Therefore he sent his oldest and

) most faithful servant to his native coun-

try, to some of his relations, who still ©

lived in the fear of the Lord. And he

/ charged him to choose a wife for his

oy son Isaac, that would be pleasing to

/ God. This servant took with him ten
camels, laden with presents and things


proper for his journey. Hesoon reached
the city where Nahor, Abraham’s bro-
ther, lived. And he made the camels
kneel down by the wells on the outside
of the city. It was then evening, the
time when the young women came out

; Q § of the city to draw water. He prayed }

2, to God to enable him to choose the fittest

to him and his camels might be the one OY
God had chosen. While he was praying, \}x
‘\ Rebekah, the daughter of Milcah, came [ ¢%

) to the well, carrying a pitcher upon her rN?)
/Y } shoulders. She was very beautiful; but re
what is still better, she was good, wise, S
and innocent. Rebekah went down to X&
the well to fill her pitcher; and as she ((%

Yyeame up, Eliezer, Abraham’s servant


te \of them as his young master’s wife, by ‘ Se
Is this sign, that she who should give drink (X

went to meet her, and said, “Let me, I

.) heard this, “‘ he bowed down and wor-
shipped God.” He then gave Rebekah
gifts of gold and silver and raiment : after

{: that, they sat down to eat and drink.
Early the next morning the faithful ser-

a vant made réady to go back to his master.

}. Rebekah and her servant then mounted NX
the camels, and went with Eliezer and at \
; his men, and became the wife of Isaac. \ (43 She was happy, not because she was rich, " | mlz
but because she was virtuous, and indus- =

2 trious, and full of kindness. WAR
2 ge ~
\ God orders all our concerns: He often (Y AN

h.\/, makes use of the most trivial events to lead (, Ws
po" us to the greatest happiness. | § >)!
y Ly \
C s \ ;
Isaac and Rebekah had two sons; the 7A j
first-born was named Esau, and the (“77\\\

‘5 younger Jacob. The boys grew; and RK °
\Â¥) Esau was a hairy man, and a great hun- 4

Xi ter. Jacob was a plain man, and lived


J the quiet life of a shepherd. One day
y, Jacob made some pottage, and Esau came \

from the field very faint, and he said to

Jacob, *‘ Feed me, I pray thee, with that

plied, ‘ Sell me this day thy birthright.”
> At that time the first-born son inherited
A\, nearly all the property of his father,
Esau said, “‘ Behold, 1 am at the point {
to die, and what profit shall this birth- \,
‘ right do to me?” He then made a so- ¢ l

(, Way, withoutthinking ofthe consequences :
of his rash promise. r=

. When Isaac was very old, and almost {7 /

blind, he called his eldest son Esau, and #3

told him to take some venison and make

savoury meat for him, that he might eat

| daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee: , ,. S/W

‘1 son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor: we 4 ;

3 L $
pray thee, drink a little water of thy Q ¢ vA
pitcher.” She replied kindly, ‘* Drink, :

‘| my lord;” and she made haste to let OS :
down her pitcher, and gave him drink, e&
and said, “‘I will also draw water for ?
thy camels :” which she did until they ~ra\ Wr
were satisfied. Eliezer was astonished, 2) ’ N 4

| and looked at her, but did not speak. / s

Her kindness pleased him, and he thought CR
she must be the one he was to choose for S
his master, When the camels had done 4

drinking, he gave her a gold ear-ring and a on
two gold bracelets, and said, ‘“‘ Whose

i f

is there any room in thy father’s house ¢e&%
for us to lodge in?”’ And she said unto -
him, ‘‘ I am the daughter of Bethuel the “ Ao


have both straw and provender enough,
and room to lodge in.” The servant ¥/ WY,

God,” saying, ‘‘ Blessed be the Lord God
of my master Abraham, who hath led yy
me to the house of my master’s brethren.” |).4¥
» Rebekah ran home and told her friends \\‘
what had happened: and her brother Gy
Laban went out, and asked him to come |e
in. Eliezer followed him to the house,
but he would take nothing until-he had
told them the business about which Abra-
ham had sent him. He then told them
of the sign he had asked God to give him,
and also all that passed at the well, say- |:
ing, “ If ye will deal truly and kindly 'f¢')
with my master, tell me, that I may |>3s
know whether I am to go further in 7
\ search of a wife for my master’s son.” |
Laban and Bethuel replied, ‘‘ The thing
proceedeth of the Lord. Behold, Re- 5

“‘ bowed down his head, and worshipped ;

: i

A —/V



bekah is before thee; take her and go,
* and let her be thy master’s son’s wife, | S¥j
‘\ mL?


conduct detected, Esau, on hearing his
( |{| father’s words, cried with a great and

: : yaa
Y| bitter cry, and said, ‘‘ Bless me, even me “y h
also, O my father!” And Isaac said, #7% o

Y\,| “ Thy brother came with subtlety, and
hath taken away thy blessing.” Esau
replied, ‘‘ He hath supplanted me these
two times; he took away my birthright, ¥
Â¥/\ and, behold, now he hath taken away my
< blessing.” He then wept, and prayed
7\/| his father to bless him also; which he

/j| did, saying, ‘‘ By thy sword shalt thou
live, and shalt serve thy brother.” This

‘filled Esau’s heart with hatred against

his brother Jacob, and he resolved to kill

him as soon as his father should die.


{ =

Uy, It was wicked of Esau to sell his birth- >
right, which was a gift from God. Baptised \

ts children sell their birthright when they please y ( X
iy themselves instead of God their Saviour. =



) REBEKAH heard the threats of Esau, and |\”)|
4 she told Jacob to fly to the house of his |)
uncle Laban, in Haran, and remain there |}
until Esau’s anger should cease. Re-
% bekah then spoke to Isaac, who called ||
‘| Jacob and blessed him, and then sent

) J, him away to Padan-aram. Jacob took ||
his staff and went forth on his: journey, | /
as his mother had advised him. When |t
night came, he lay down to sleep in the
open air, and took a stone for his pillow;
and as he slept, God revealed Himself
» tohim. He saw in his dream a ladder
resting on the earth, the top of which
“ reached to heaven; and the angels of /|{
God were going up and down this myste-
rious ladder. At the top he saw the
Lord Himself, who said, “I am the Lord |\
God of Abraham thy father, and the God |

of Isaac. And, behold, I am with thee,
40 ;
CN yt «y*

=D ey
Cg Be

of it and bless him. And Esau went *?
7| out to hunt for venison. Rebekah heard S 74
Y| what Isaac had said to Esau; and she
said to Jacob, “ Go to the flocks, and .
fetch me two young kids, and I will make 4 *
savoury meat for your father.” When -
she had cooked the meat, she put the }
clothes of Esau upon Jacob, and covered &
his hands and neck with the skins of the b '
kids ; and sent him with the meat to his 4
father Isaac. Isaac, being almost blind, \
could not see him; but he asked, “‘ Who \/%
art thou, my son?” “I am Esau, thy .
first-born,” replied Jacob : ‘‘ I have done
what you bid me. Arise, I pray thee, 1
{| sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul 7
may bless me.”” Isaac said unto Jacob, »
“Come near, I pray thee, that I may

‘| feel thee, my son, whether thou be my
(\/) very son Esau or not.” And Jacob went _

© -
near to his father, and he felt him; and |
finding his hands and neck were hairy, he
said, “‘ The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the
aus hands are the hands of Esau.”’ Being thus

deceived, he ate, and then put his hands

promised Messiah should spring, to whom
; 2 all nations should owe their salvation.
O) Jacob had scarcely left his father, when
- \ Esau brought his venison, and said, “‘ Let
my father arise, and eat of his son’s veni-
*% son, that thy soul may bless me.”
““Who art thou?” asked Isaac, trem-

first-born,” replied he. Isaac asked where

iy ©) he was who had brought him venison, |
) saying, ‘‘ I have eaten of all before thou -4
camest, and have blessed him, yea, and !

he shall be blessed.”” Thus was Jacob’s

Pe upon him, and blessed him. Hethuscon-
we g. secrated him as the root from which the

, 2 \\ bling with great fear. ‘Iam Esau thy 7

a y ; Vy) ~


a Ai






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a» © my Sz , , - €
\ a4 f / "y “4 \ ht ] \ fy, ore : t
H 5

| cq| bekah’s son was come, he ran out to meet &

(\f| him ; tenderly embraced him, and took \#“7

wW him to his house. Jacob told his uncle £
of Laban all things about himself and his
(S| father’s house; and he lived with him
{| a long time. He took care of Laban’s



<4| flocks, and served him faithfully ; but he , \ 3
had to suffer much while he was with AAG
Laban. God, however, blessed him in all \/

x things; and he became a rich man; for
| he had many flocks of goats and sheep, * 1 R

servants, After serving his uncle for
seven years, Laban gave Jacob hisdaugh- " \ Sx! A
ter Leah for a wife; but Jacob loved ‘St

wi} Rachel the youngest so much, that he Ce) t
promised to serve seven years more for “f
her. In those days men were allowed .,, O&@

to have more than one wife. 8 ;

You see here how God helps those who ‘7

» trust in Him; for He not only took care of
young Jacob in his long journey, but He /-.*)j
also blessed him in all that he did. Learn, \ ¢

then, to love and trust God.

| HOUSE. .
Wuen Laban saw how Jacob prospered, ,Â¥
he hated him. And God said unto him,
“ Return unto the land of thy fathers, (
and to thy kindred, and I will be with \
thee.” Jacob then set his wives and &
children upon camels, and taking all his
flocks, he stole away, whilst Laban was \

K heard of it, he pursued him seven days, ;

‘\y and overtook him. And God appeared
to Laban in a dream, and said to him,
\ “Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob \
7-4 and will keep thee in all places whither
-~€ thou goest, and will bring thee again into
>) this land; for I will not leave thee until
\/4 1 have done that which I have spoken to
C=, thee of.” Jacob awoke out of his sleep
‘7 in a great fright, and said, “‘ Surely the
‘Y Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.
\{_ How dreadful is this place! this is none
‘ other but the house of God, and this is
the gate of heaven.” He then rose up

as soon as it was light; and taking the
stone which he had used as a pillow, set

AC it up as a pillar, and poured oil upon it .

i }, to consecrate it to God. And he called
ee the place Bethel. Jacob then vowed that

part of all his property to Him, if God
», would keep him in safety, and bring him
back to his father’s house.

God is with us wherever we go; therefore ¥ Y 4)

we ought to fear nothing, but always do that

bee which is right in His sight.


a Mf oh 2

= he would serve God, and give a tenth |


: iN ' p o 2 Wy a |
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, LYS at EL WY

7 ~~




N\ hex

Then Jacob went on his journey, and
came into the land of the east; to a place
where there was a well in the midst of
, a field, which was covered with a great
stone. Three flocks of sheep were lying
down by the well, waiting for water.
The shepherds soon came, rolled away SS
the stone, and gave them water. Jacob
>.\ then said to them, “‘ My brethren, whence
-/ be ye?” And they said, “ We come
| from Haran.” Jacob asked them if they
knew Laban. They replied, ‘‘ We know

him; and, behold, Rachel his daughter



,>\S cometh with the sheep.” As soon as (

» a Jacob saw her, he ran to the well, and ;

, rolled the stone away, and gave water to

Zi her flocks; and he then kissed her, and
27% told her that he was the son of Rebekah; Xs
and Rachel ran and told her father. 4 <
* When Laban heard that his sister Re-


» ; >) 4 v7
‘‘ Thy name shall be called no more Ja-
cob, but Israel (that is, a prince of God) ;
for as a prince hast thou power with God “
and with men.” The angel then blessed
him. And Jacob called the name of the .
place Peniel (that is, the face of God) : \ Ee
for I have seen God face to face, and
am preserved.”

Remember well this new name given to
Jacob; for it is from him that all his de- oC
scendants are called Israelites, in the sacred

After this mysterious wrestling, Jacob
}|| lifted up his eyes, and saw Esau coming / \
with four hundred men. He divided his S
children and servants into different com-
panies ; and trusting in God, he went on
| before them; and bowed himself seven |

times before his brother. And Esau ran
to meet him; and throwing his arms
around his neck, he kissed him, and
wept for joy. When he saw the women

and children, he asked, ‘‘ Who are those
with thee?”” And Jacob said, ‘They are
y, the children which God has graciously
; given unto thy servant.” They all then
came near, and bowed before Esau. He

the droves he had met; and Jacob re-
plied that they were sent as a present to

Jacob pressed it so much, that he was
obliged to accept them.

Â¥ the heart of him who is angry.

called Succoth, where he built himself a
house, and booths for his cattle. God °
then told him to go to Bethel (where he

saw the vision of the ladder), and build #

appeared again to Jacob, and blessed

asked Jacob what he meant by yom

an altar there; which he did. And God :

him. Esau refused to take them; but 5 ‘

It is thus that love and humility softens ,

Jacob continued his journey to a ‘hie (



his sons and daughters, and blessed them ; :
and left Jacob to go in peace. S

Thus God takes care of His people, and .
\{ | protects them in times of trouble.

which forms the boundary of the country « \)
{i of Canaan, he sent messengers to his
(\| brother Esau to tell him that he was ~
P< | coming with his family and flocks. The ”.
(| messengers came back, and told Jacob PE

| that Esau was coming to meet him; and
Jacob was very much afraid, And he
prayed unto God, saying, ‘“‘ O God of

yj, my father Abraham, and of my father
Isaac, which saidst unto me, Return un-
“\} to thy country, and to thy kindred, and 4
I will deal well with thee; I am not g44

Thy servant : nF with my staff I Pree? y

“TA over this Jordan, and now I am become
} two bands. Deliver me, I pray thee, from ‘
the hand of my brother, from the hand \
G) of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come |

and smite me, and the mother with the \
/4 children.”

SV Jacob then took goats, sheep, camels, | x
\ W oxen, and asses, and divided them into /4x

‘ i i sent to Esau; and his wives, and chil- | 2
| —) dren, and flocks followed. Jacob was Ys
\ ~J\ alone that night; and an angel came to
yaw=, >) him, in the form of a man, and wrestled [7

r A, )) with him until the break of day. And |-é%
\Ja~ 6 )% finding that he could not overcome Jacob, |‘>x<

he touched the hollow of his thigh, and
put it out of joint. The angel then said, |

“‘ Let me go, for the day breaketh.” And |« |
Jacob said, “‘ I will not let thee go, ex- |>y43
cept thou bless me.” The angel then |} y\
asked him, “ What is thy name?” and

he said, “‘ Jacob.” The angel = y 4


og him, saying, ‘‘ I am God Almighty: be
fruitful and multiply; a nation, and a

’)| company of nations shall be of thee, and ‘
t¢ kings shall come out of thy loins; and ©

(| the land which I gave Abraham and
Wy Isaac, to thee will I give it, and to thy

Jacob made an offering, and thanked

“| God for His goodness. And he went
from Bethel to Hebron, where Isaac his %
father lived, whom he was delighted to
see once more. After this Isaac died; —
and he was a hundred and eighty ye
old. |


Jacos had twelve sons. Joseph was the ¢# B
best of all. He was seventeen years old,
when he fed his father’s flocks with his fy
¢| brethren. One day his brethren did some-

thing very wrong, which Joseph told to Ne
his father. Jacob loved him more than

which he told to his brothers; after
which they hated him more than ever.
‘ Listen to me,” said Joseph, “‘ and I
will tell you my dream. I thought we
were in a field binding sheaves, and lo,
my sheaf arose, and also stood upright,
and your sheaves stood round about, and
bowed to my sheaf.” ‘‘ What!” said his
brothers, ‘‘ are you to reign over us? and
are you to have dominion over us?” After
this Joseph had another dream, in which
he saw the sun and moon and eleven
stars bow down to him. He told this
also to his father and brethren; and his :

\)} and thy mother and thy brethren in-
Ly deed come to bow down ourselves to
\ } thee to the earth?” Jacob saw some-
4 thing wonderful in this dream; but Jo-
\4| seph’s brothers envied him. Joseph, the
/ ‘| beloved of his father, by his innocence ‘
\ }) and goodness became the chosen servant
of the Lord.


S| One day Joseph’s brothers went to feed
their flocks a long way from home. Ja-

ey cob called Joseph, and said, ‘‘ Go, I pray
A t|)| thee, see whether your brethren and their |/ 6% h


| .\! flocks are well.” Joseph went out to find

\‘f| his brethren, and a man met him and ¥ Nt

ty tqld him where they were gone. When © SAAN

\) | his brothers saw him at a distance, they ; e Xt) -
\ \| said, ‘ Behold, this dreamer cometh.

4, Come, let us slay him, and cast him °

into some pit, and we will say. ar. = 2

he said, that he might take him out of
the pit, and carry him to his father. 4
When Joseph came to his brethren, they
6, stripped off his coat of many colours, ¢?
and let him down into a deep pit, which
/ fortunately had no water in it. When ¢
\ these cruel brothers had done this wicked fi
thing, they sat down quietly to eat; but
Reuben went away. As they were eat-
ing, they. saw a company of Ishmaelite
merchants coming towards them. Judah
then said, ‘‘ What profit is it if we slay
our brother? come, let us sell him to
the Ishmaelites ; for he is our brother.” ,

When the merchants came up, Joseph’s gQ x ww
brethren drew him out of the pit, and\e/7
sold him for twenty pieces of silver: and €
they would not listen to the cries of Jo-
seph; but let the merchants take him into
Egypt. When Reuben came back, and
found that Joseph was not in the pit, he 5 *
rent his clothes, and wept aloud. But
his other brothers killed a kid, and dip-
ped Joseph’s coat in the blood, that Ja-
/| cob might think he had been killed by VW _/2e
a wild beast: and they sent it to their ja/\
father, saying, ‘‘ This have we found ;
know now whether it be thy son’s coat ”
or no.” Jacob knew it, and said, “It “¥
is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath
devoured him.” And Jacob rent his ( Sf
clothes, and put on sackcloth, and wept .. X

4| for a long time, so that his children could

not comfort him. LM) OP vw

Do not envy one another; for here you '
see to what crimes envy led Joseph’s bre-


THE man who is good, faithful, and upright, ‘
should never be in despair, even when he is
obliged to leave his country for that of stran- 3

47 gers. God is always with him; and he will
P find some good people every where.

2 oy q
( Pe The merchants sold Joseph to an offi- [

Le : cer of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, whose

name was Potiphar. Joseph served his
master faithfully and honestly ; and the
¢ blessing of the Lord was upon him, so
that he prospered in every thing that he
He did. His master loved him very much,
se vy and made him ruler over his house. We
yz ) find wicked people in all places; and we

oY must be on our guard against them.
(per \, The wife of Potiphar tried to make Jo- ee
y WL ogg


ve ; e q

J seph commit a great sin; but Joseph
loved God and his master too much to
\) listen to her. The friendship of the
4.) wicked soon turns into hatred, when they
\ find we will not do what they wish.
When Potiphar’s wife saw that she could
not make Joseph agree to her wishes,
\ she determined to ruin him with her
» husband. As soon as Potiphar came
home she told a wicked falsehood, which
. made him so angry with Joseph, that he
sent him to prison. |

Think of this history, and follow the good @#
example which the innocent Joseph gives '
you. When the wicked try to make you
do what is wrong, think of God. Flee from 4} \
the company of those who have not the an
fear of the Lord. Value your innocence, (
as Joseph did, more than all the things SG ca
in the world; and like him, love virtue (
for its own sake, and not for the benefits \ iy
which it brings. Joseph chose rather to lose x

« 7 a



all the honours and pleasures of this life
‘, than his innocence; he preferred being shut
up in prison, rather than sin against God.
/_> Was not this a noble sacrifice? Oh! always
' a remember to follow this example of Joseph,
when any one tries to tempt you to sin.


Innocent Joseph was cast into prison
ZN among wicked men. But God, who al- %
ways protects the innocent, watched over

‘\ him even in this place, and disposed the
cf heart of the gaoler to be kind to him.
He made Joseph the ruler over all the
‘ other prisoners; and God blessed and
») prospered all that he did. Joseph soon

; < found it was an opportunity of doing

)} were kept there a long time. One morn- |
ing Joseph went into their cell, and found
them ful! of sorrow. And he asked them &\,
kindly, ‘‘ Wherefore look ye so sadly to-
day?” They replied, ‘We have had a (
dream this night, and no one can tell us
the meaning of it.” Joseph, knowing that -
the common interpretation of dreams is ‘
superstitious, said, ‘‘ Do not interpreta-
tions belong to God? But tell me your is
dreams.” The chief butler then said, ‘‘ In os

“\’ tay dream, behold, a vine was beforeme; XS
and in the vine were three branches: and
it was as though it budded, and her
blossoms shot forth; and the clusters ,
thereof brought forth wild grapes ; and i¢
Pharaoh’s cup was in my hand: and I ¢
took the grapes, and pressed them into |

} Pharaoh’s cup, and I gave the cup into |

the meaning of the dream; and he said,
“Within three days shall Pharaoh re-
store thee unto thy place ; and thou shalt
deliver Pharaoh’s cup into his hand,

on me when it shall be well with thee,
and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto
me, and make mention of me unto Pha-
raoh, and bring me out of this house:
for indeed I was stolen away out of the
land of the Hebrews; and here also

Nfy)) put me into the dungeon.”

behold, I had three white baskets on my
ty head; and in the uppermost basket there

-~o was all manner of bake-meats for Pha- ¢
af * raoh; and the birds did eat them out of §

and serve him as before. But think ,

i have I done nothing that they should 4

When the chief baker saw that the }
interpretation was good, he said unto 4
Joseph, ‘‘I also was in my dream, and, |

DS ‘\ the _beanet upon my head.” And Joseph \ :

thee, and shall hang thee on a tree; and \/ /V(
the birds shall eat thy flesh from off \/-4~
thee.” On the third day, it was the ) YY S Y
king’s birthday, and every thing came to
pass as Joseph had said. The chief baker n
- was hanged on a tree. And the chief \

aad , Na
said, “ This is the meaning: within three ,° t S$
days shall Pharaoh take thy office from YÂ¥ cow /


4 butler went back into the king’s service : }

“3 but he forgot Joseph, and his promises \ a rie
\ to him ; and thus shewed his ingratitude.

oF ‘
Learn always to be grateful to those who We >~y

) are kind to you; and repay them by your ew jy. C
')y good conduct as well as by your words. | 6 M
S . \ \



~/ Two years after Joseph had interpreted ‘(<2~ a
- the dreams of the servants of Pharaoh, /~ en
> the king himself hadadream. He thought \ ! NY :
Sc that he stood on the banks of a river, A

* y
ae) y:
< mi &

ss WER Kar RS

and saw seven fat cows come out of the {eg
» water, and they began to eat the grass ff
, on the bank. Soon after, seven other
5/- cows came, which were very lean, and
““" they ate the seven fat cows. Then the |{


ears of corn growing upon one stalk. He
Q;| also saw seven thin ears, which devoured
the full ones. And Pharaoh awoke, and
found it was a dream. In the morning,
he was in great trouble about the dreams. | if
He sent for all the wise men and magi-
cians in Egypt, and told them his dreams;
but none of them could say what they
\ foretold. The ungrateful butler then re- |(\
J *™) membered Joseph, whom he had left in |¢y
prison, and said to the king, ‘‘ When I
was in prison with the chief baker, there
was with us a young man, an Hebrew,



Pharaoh then sent for Joseph; and he {,
changed his clothes, and was brought be- ®
(<4 fore the king. Pharaoh said to him, “I
{42 have had a dream, and there is no one can ‘
tell me what it means.” Joseph modestly
replied, ‘‘ I know nothing ; but God shall =
give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” Pha-
raoh then told him his two dreams. |)
Joseph said, ‘‘ God hath shewed Pharaoh
what He is about to do. The seven fat
kine are seven years, and the seven good
\ ears are seven years; the dream is one. h
And the seven lean kine that came up
after them, and the seven thin ears, are |
' seven years of famine. Behold, there come
seven years of great plenty throughout §
» all the land of Egypt: and there shall
arise after them seven years of famine;

and the famine shall consume the land. |\%

Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a
YY man discreet and wise, and set him over
the land of Egypt. And let him gather
all the food of those good years that come,
and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh;
_/ and let them keep good food in the cities.
-= And that food shall be for store to the
4/\; land against the seven years of famine, |,
*) which shall be in the land of Egypt ; that
the land perish not through the famine.”
This interpretation pleased Pharaoh
and his servants; and he said to them,
‘* Can we find such a one as this is, aman |/s
, in whom is the Spirit of God ?”” And Pha- })J
raoh said to Joseph, “‘ Forasmuch as God |\ QU
i hath shewn thee all this, thou shalt be |:
sO Ny over my house, and rule my people: only |;
? “S\} in my throne will I be greater than you.” |(€§
a~e_4 The king then took off his ring and put |G


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f %i the most painful, to work together for the //} ,
{| good of those who love Him. As certainly ©
| as God lives, so surely do we know that the


| that which is to come. But even should he

‘| gold around his neck. He then made .

him ride in his second-best chariot ; and
his servants ran before him, and cried, y
‘‘ Tender father!’”’ Thus Pharaoh made

plainly see how God makes all things, even ¥

pious and virtuous man will in the end be
happy ; if not in this life, yet he will be in ©

'| in this world be exposed to troubles always,

because he will have a peaceful mind. And
he will not have to bear the greatest of all

which all suffer who follow sin. ‘\

a) evils, the terrors of a guilty conscience, >)



\ / gj], Tue seven years of plenty soon came, 5
( LISS) as J oseph had foretold, and he gathered

2 \\ \Â¥ corn in great abundance, and put it into '

<2 storehouses in every city. At the end of
) ~, ly this time the seven years of famine came

a in every land; but in the land of Egypt
| } —7' there was bread. The people then cried

Vitis at out for food, and Pharaoh sent them to S y
Vi x Joseph, who opened the storehouses, and |


sold them corn. The people came also )
from all the countries around to buy corn

in Egypt. The famine was also in the
land of Canaan ; and Jacob, hearing that |(- |
there was corn in Egypt, said to his sons, V
“Go down and buy food, that we may

live, and not die.”’ Joseph’s ten brothers

jamin only was left with his father: he
was very young when Joseph was sold
by his brethren, and Jacob said, “‘ Mis-
chief may befall him.” They reached ;;
Egypt in safety, and were taken before
Joseph ; but they did not know him ; and-
they bowed themselves down to the
ground before him. Joseph, on the con- \/
trary, knew them; and he remembered \
his dreams, and adored the wonderful
ways of God. He spake roughly to them,
and asked them whence they came, and
said, “Ye are spies, come to see the
nakedness of the land.’”” They replied,
‘* Nay, my lord, but to buy food are thy |
servants come. We are all one man’s .
sons; we are true men—thy servants are
no spies. We are twelve brethren, the _
sons of one man in the land of Canaan; };
and, behold, the youngest is this day with
our father, and one is not.” Joseph re-
: by




a and, behold, they are all now thrown |/"7
We _

‘ revenge: Joseph wished only to correct |) ¥


M his brethren. At the end of three days (Zr

mr and live; for I fear God: if ye be true
> ) + men, let one of your brethren be bound

; corn for the famine of your houses: but

the life of Pharaoh, ye shall not go forth |(

hither, Send one of you, and let him |) ¥
' fetch your brother, and ye shall be kept |

ey * hence except your youngest brother come |7-4
‘ in prison, that your words may be prov- || 0(

ed :” and Joseph had them put in prison. |/-y
Formerly they threw Joseph into a pit; §

into prison. @)
A noble and Christian soul never takes |fQ\

“he ordered them to be brought before
\ him. And he said to them, “ This do,

in the house of your prison; go ye, carry

bring your youngest brother unto me;
so shall your words be verified, and ye
shall not die.”’

They were obliged to submit to Joseph’s /f

commands. And they said one to ano-
ther, “‘ We are verily guilty concerning
our brother, in that we saw the anguish
of his soul when he besought us, and
we would not hear ; therefore is this dis-
tress come upon us.” And Reuben said,
«‘ Spake I not unto you, saying, Do not
sin against the child; and ye would not
hear? therefore, behold, also, his blood is
required.” Thus, sooner or later, eon-
science always awakes. They did not
know that Joseph could understand them,
because he spoke to them by an inter-
preter; but when he heard what they
said, he turned himself away from them,

and wept. The most tender affection ¢ xt

filled his heart the moment he saw the 4

least sign of repentance in his brethren. \
Yet he still wished to prove the sincerity " (ee XX
of their hearts; and turning to them | A>&
again, he ordered Simeon to be bound. |
He then privately told his servants to fill \ 7 1 uy

4 \ their sacks with corn, and to put every 4
F man’s money into his sack, and to give

“A them food for their journey. And when {f

\ they had laded their asses, they went *

)/ their way.

* On arriving at home, they told their

at ;
> father all that had happened to them in f

os the way, and what the governor of Egypt &
y had said. They then opened their sacks, Q'


and found the money in them; and ,
- Ye they were afraid, saying one to another, ;
“‘ What is this that God hath done unto
Sy as us?”? And Jacob said, “‘ Me ye have
bereaved of my children; Joseph is not,
% and Simeon is not, and ye will take Ben- |
fb \ jamin away.” And he said, ‘‘ My son
? shall not go down with you: if mischief
€ befall him by the way, then shall ye
2 bring down my gray hairs with sorrow 4

- to the grave.”
of i


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Tue famine still continued in the land.
And when they had eaten all the corn, *
G4 Jacob said, ‘“ Go again, buy us a little ro
S$») food.” But Judah said, “If thou wilt
Asx send our brother with us, we will go
cy } down and buy thee food ; but if thou wilt Y
not send him, we will not go down; for /
the man said unto us, Ye shall not see '
my face except your brother be with you.

. » Send the lad with me —I will take care
of him; and if I do not bring him back in
safety, I will bear the blame for ever.” *
And Israel said, ‘‘ If it must be so now,
do this: take of the best fruits of the
land in your vessels, and carry down the .
man a present, a little balm, and a little

Â¥ hand; and the money that was brought
again in the mouth of your sacks, carry °
it again. Take also your brother, and
arise, go again unto the man: and God
Almighty give you mercy before the man,
that he may send away your other bro- pe!
ther and Benjamin. Alas, if I lose my
children, I sha!l be sorrowful indeed.”

See how very dearly a good father, like
Jacob, loves his children. Learn to love
and obey your parents, who thus watch
over you.

Joseph’s brethren arrived safely in
Egypt with Benjamin. When Joseph
saw Benjamin with his other brethren,
. he told the ruler of his house to take
them home, and prepare dinner for them. (’

. IS . WI
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they told the steward how it was. He (“¢
told them not to fear, for the God of
their father had given them this money.
And he brought Simeon to them.. He
then gave them water to wash their feet ;
and gave food to their asses. When they /
heard that they were to dine with his at
g master, they got out their presents. And
as soon as Joseph came home, they GEN,
bowed down before him, and: gave him Ls

the presents. Joseph asked them if they
> were well; and said, “1s your father
well, the old man of whom ye spake? is
he yet alive?”’ They replied, ‘‘ Thy ser-
vant our father is in good health, he is
yet alive.” And when he saw his brother
Benjamin, he said, “‘ Is this your younger |
brother, of whom ye spake unto me?
and he said, God be gracious unto thee,
my son.” After he had said this, he



\ turned away, for he was esti grieved.
He loved his brother so dearly, that he

He made them sit according to their age; °
which greatly surprised them; and he

. sent them messes. But Benjamin’s mess
was five times more than the others.
And they ate and drank, and were very
_ merry.


A JoszpuH wished still to try his brethren, ¢ y
y / that he might be sure they were ae

“« Fill the men’s sacks with food, as sash
as they can carry; and put every man’s
money in his sack’s mouth. And put
\ my silver cup in the sack’s mouth of the 4~
youngest.”” And he did as Joseph bade »

him. In the morning, as soon as it was /
light, they all went away with their }
asses. They had not gone far from the /
city before Joseph told his steward to go

took them.

And he said unto them, “ Wherefore ?
have ye rewarded evil for good?” And |
they said, ‘‘ Wherefore saith my lord
these words? God forbid that thy ser-
vants should do according to this thing:
behold the money, which we found in


oo |


4g out the iniquity of thy servants; we are






} servant; and as for you, get you up in

) ten to thy servant. You desired us to ce

shall we clear ourselves? God hath found z


Zé v.

then said to him, “ God forbid that I ‘+
should do so; but the man in whose #f
hand the cup is found, he shall be my ” °

peace unto your father.” Judah then
drew near to him, and said, “Oh, my ( “#&
lord, who art equal unto Pharaoh, lis- \ »4


bring our youngest brother: my — 2
permitted us to do so with sorrow, for ”

he loved him more than his life. [ have ;

become surety for the child, and I wish ,
therefore to be your slave in his stead.
Permit him to return to my father; for
how can I see my father without him?
I could not bear to witness his sorrow.”


JosEpu could not longer contain himself.
He ordered the Egyptians that were about
him to go away. When they were gone,

CF he wept aloud, and said to them, “I am

re. Joseph: doth my father yet live?”’ His °
gu brethren were so astonished when they

S | heard this, that they could not speak. All }2
their unkindness to Joseph passed across
their minds, and grieved their hearts. 7‘
But their brother spoke kindly to them, ey
and said, “I am Joseph your brother, “7
whom ye sold into Egypt. Be not
“\ grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that
ye sold me hither; for God did send me



fyxe Egypt; come down unto me; and thou,
‘y) and thy children, and flocks, shall dwell

. before you to preserve your lives during
the famine. This is the reason why God
has made me lord over the land of Egypt.
Haste ye, and go up to my father, and
4 tell him that his son Joseph thus speaks

* to you. God hath made me lord of all /

in the land of Goshen, where I will ~
nourish thee; for there are yet five years 'g
of famine. Make haste, and return soon,
and bring my father.” Joseph then
threw his arms around Benjamin’s neck,
and kissed him, and wept over him; and \
he kissed all his brethren. Y

< heart, and with eyes raised to heaven in Wx
tears, ‘‘O God, how great is Thy good-

ness, and how wonderful are the ways of
Thy providence !”’

sent his own wagons to fetch Jacob, with
the wives and children of his sons. Jo-
seph then gave them provisions for the |
Pe | way, and two changes of clothes ; but to
16 ‘ Benjamin he gave five changes of raiment,
and three hundred pieces of silver, To

his father he sent ten asses laden with
‘ the good things of Egypt, and ten laden
with corn and bread, He then sent his
Wer brothers away, and said to them, “ See ||
Sh that ye fall not out by the way.” During || §;

ow ~Y this time their aged father waited their
return with anxiety and grief. At last ||»
he saw them coming with Benjamin ; and

. ,
le! uy
j a



) (af

as soon as they came near to him, they Dre
said, “‘ Joseph is yet alive; and he is go- \ vernor over all the land of Egypt.” At Pr ”
first Jacob would not believe them; but yey /S
when he saw the wagons and presents \/
{| which Joseph had sent him, he seemed \ j) GN
as if he had awoke from a dream, and he *}4\/SX
said, “It is enough; Joseph my son is
yet alive: I will go and see him before
I die.” The good old man and all his (\\y 7°)
family then began their journey into y :
| Egypt; and he offered sacrifices to God. \)) é
And God spake to him in a dream, and yA i y
said, “ Jacob, Jacob, I am God, the God »
of thy father; fear not to go down into |}
Egypt; for I will there make of thee a ‘
great nation: I will go down with thee
into Egypt; and I will also surely bring
\2J| thee up again.” In the morning they
again set off on their journey; and he
Ji sent Judah first, to tell Joseph of their


went out to meet his father; and as soon
H & as he saw him, he fell on his neck, and
: , wept for joy. “ Now,” said Israel, “let \

eke me die, since | have seen thy face, be- rat
@” cause thou art yet alive.” Although Jo-
seph was a great man, he was not ashamed
of his father, but he himself led him to
» Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.
The king asked him how old he was; to
6, which Israel replied, ‘‘ I am one hundred
and thirty years old; few and evil have
the years of my life been.” Pharaoh
then gave him the land of Goshen to

part of the land of Egypt. And Jacob /~:
dwelt there with his sons and their fami- 2


lies, in all sixty-six persons; and Joseph a

supplied them with food in abundance.
Learn of Joseph to love your parents,
and to comfort them in their old age; and Pay
if God should raise you to a high station,

‘Q) never be ashamed of their poverty.

: :

Jacos lived in Egypt seventeen years ; f
\} and he was a hundred and forty-seven
} years old. And as the time drew nigh

when he must die, he sent for Joseph, //
| and made him promise to bury him in
Â¥ the land of Canaan. Soon after this he


{5 was taken sick, and he sent again for his.
‘gf son Joseph. Joseph made haste, and |

that he had not long to live, raised him- ©
es self in his bed, and put his right hand

hand on the head of the youngest child, ¢

+. he was grieved; but Jacob said, “ His .

younger brother shall be greater than he,

and his seed shall become a multitude of }

nations.” And he set Ephraim before

a SOK DK Ves mE

Manasseh, and blessed them, saying, |,
“In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God |
make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh.”

Jacob also blessed Joseph, and said,
. God, before whom my fathers Abra-
ham and Isaac did walk, the God which
fed me all my life long unto this day, the
Angel which redeemed me from all evil,
%) bless the lads; and let my name be
named on them, and the name of my
fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them
\) grow into a multitude in the midst of the
earth.”” He said also to Joseph, ‘“‘ Be-
hold, I die; but God shall be with you, |

and bring you again unto the land of J
. your fathers: and I have given unto thee | N

one portion above thy brethren.” j

Jacob then sent for his other sons, and

“f, he gave them each a blessing. But to |\to}
_ Judah he said, “The sceptre shall not | 7

depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from
between his feet, until Shiloh come ; and
unto Him shall the gathering of the
people be.” After blessing them, he ¢>
charged them to bury him in the double
cave, which Abraham had bought, in the ,
fx land of Canaan of Ephron the Hittite;
my and in which Abraham and Sarah, and \
SS Isaac and Rebekah were buried. Jacob
(Ny then lay back and died. XK
“\} When Joseph saw that his father was _ °
Wa! dead, he fell upon his face, and wept ff pre
¢ upon him, and kissed him. He then or- \Y-
dered the physicians to embalm Jacob, - i
and the whole land of Egypt mourned \/ Ee y
» for him. After mourning many days,
Joseph went up to the land of Canaan ,
*\ with his brethren, and all his servants, wf
to bury his father. } Y X

Good children love their parents as long , 4

as they live; and when they die, they obey

* their last wishes.

After the death of J acob, the brethren
of Joseph were afraid that he would take
revenge on them for their unkindness to

Ge, him. And they sent to him, saying,


“Forgive the trespass of thy brethren,
and their sin; for they did unto thee

/ evil.” When Joseph heard this he wept,

and said unto them, ‘‘ Fear not; for am
I in the place of God? Ye thought evil
against me; but God meant it unto good,

to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save

much people alive.”
Joseph was a hundred and ten years

, old, and he said to his brethren, “I die;

and God shall surely visit you, and ye
shall carry up my bones from hence :”
which they promised to do. Thus Jo-
seph died, full of faith in the promises of
God ; and the people wept for him.
Here, at the death of Joseph, form the

day die with the same peace, trusting in
your blessed Saviour Jesus Christ.


$:| Tux children of Jacob multiplied by de-
ss ‘| grees into a numerous people. They
‘Sl! were called Israelites, from the name of

the holy patriarch, which was given {

)} him when he wrestled with the Angel;

and they were divided into twelve tribes,

#y| each taking the name of one of the twelve
Z| sons of Jacob.


S The good old king Pharaoh was dead ; |


No thing of the services which Joseph had
rendered. He did not like this multi-

v7 tude of strange people in his country,
“ and he resolved to oppress them. He
“i made them labour hard in making bricks,
SS Yi and building cities, and treated them

3 85

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His with great rigour. Pharaoh even ordered

® all the new-born sons of the Israelites to

\ be drowned in the river. Amongst the

Px Israelites was a mother who was very
pious: she had a very beautiful son, and A

she hid him for three months. But when :

she could no longer hide him, she made \-*

the child, and then laid him beside the
“\ river. She set his sister to watch, to see /
what would become of him. God, who i
“)\ intended to save him, caused the daugh- 2
_}# ter of the king to come at this moment , it
down to the river. She saw the basket \ y
e \ in the midst of the rushes, and sent one '
5 of her maids to fetch it. When she *2
— opened it, she saw the child; and hear- \y’'
(S } ing it cry, she pitied it, and said, “‘ This


princess, went up and said, “ Shall I go ‘y
and call a nurse of the Hebrew women,
that she may nurse the child for thee?”
“Go,” replied the princess. Full of joy, ©
the young girl ran to fetch her mother, ,
who went back with her; and Pharaoh’s
daughter said to her, “ Take this child —_
away, and nurse it for me, and I will \@
give thee thy wages.”” Who can tell the }) fF PQQ

| joy with which the mother pressed in her , S\
| Z| arms the beloved child which God had ¢X\\’
& again restored to her! what words can Whi 9 \
express the gratitude which filled her » '
heart! Her son, brought up by her, } c 2

became a good child. When the child 7 % (
‘| grew, Pharaoh’s daughter adopted him, \ ‘= ))
and gave him the name of Moses, which > ¢ {
means, saved from the waters. ear

Thus God in His goodness watches “2g

infants ; and defeats the plans of the wicked, |
to bring about His own purposes. '

es ee


Ku y As soon as Moses became a man, he
saw the afflictions of his Hebrew bre- |
thren, and was deeply grieved: he loved
rather to suffer affliction with the people
* of God, than to enjoy all the riches of
Egypt. Putting all his trust in God, he
/; boldly defended his oppressed brethren. | i/
\ One day, seeing an Egyptian treating |(
an Hebrew cruelly, he was so filled with |
indignation, that he killed the Egyp-

ON tian. When Pharaoh heard of this, he

resolved to kill Moses. In order to es-

cape the death which threatened him,

Moses fled from the land of Egypt into |\%s

Midian ; but God did not leave him who |%


\eg had acted so nobly to his afflicted bre-
Moses reached the land of Midian in
ty? safety. He was tired with his journey,
’| and sat down by a well. A pious priest,
Y named Reuel, lived in this country. He
<{| had seven daughters ; they kept the flocks }
"4 of their father, and’led them to the wells
JZ | to give them water. Moses helped them
{| to draw the water; but the shepherds
‘(| came and drove them away, and Moses ‘¥
if stood up to protect the young women,

{| and he watered their flocks.

On their return home they told this to
their father; and he said, ‘‘ Why have
you left the man? call him, that he may £
‘)| eat bread.”” Moses came to Reuel, and tp
they were great friends ; and Moses lived %
with Reuel, and he gave him his daugh-
ter Zipporah for a wife.


fs ‘ Mosgs kept the flock of Jethro (or Reuel),
his father-in-law. One day he led the

Mount Horeb. In this solitary place,
where nothing could be seen but bushes
of thorn, Moses suddenly saw a bush on |
| fire; but it was not consumed. And he |
, said, ‘‘ I will now turn aside and see this |
ut" /\) great sight, why the bush is not burnt.” || 7
aS Then from the midst of the flame he
; heard a voice, saying, ‘‘ Moses, Moses!”’
He replied, ‘“‘ Here am.J.” The voice

| A then said, ‘“‘ Draw not nigh hither: put
reSS off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the

sy \ place whereon thou standest is holy
ground. I am the God of thy father,
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,

- and the God of Jacob.”’ Moses, filled
with holy fear, hid his face. God again

* said, “ I have surely seen the affliction of


my people which are in Egypt, and have
heard their cry by reason of their task-
\j) masters ; for I know their sorrows; and
kk I am come down to deliver them out of
the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring
them out of that land unto a land flow- ‘
| ing with milk and honey ; unto the place
of the Canaanites. Come now, therefore,
“}| and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that
Â¥?| thou mayest bring forth my people the
‘| children of Israel out of Egypt.”
, Moses was afraid to go; and God pro- fpr
| mised to be with him, and to bring him, Q
“\| with the children of Israel, to the mount -
| on which he was standing. Moses then | :
}3| said, ‘When I come to the children of \!\, 7\"
1S Israel, and tell them that the God of © L
| 53)| their fathers hath sent me unto them, * wh
g 4 and they ask me what is His name, what [; D> %

\| shall I say unto them?”” And God said
unto Moses, “Thus shalt thou say unto })

— i >)
God of your fathers, the God of Abra-
ham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
Jacob, hath sent me unto you.” Moses ¢
was so humble that he still feared to go; py \
and he answered and said, “‘ But they

. will — believe me, nor hearken to my <
rr voice,’ ) = 5)
2 4 God then gave Moses three signs to é \

de \ encourage him to go, and by which he
might convince the children of Israel that f

W , ® God had sent him. God told him to
. 9 throw his rod upon the ground. He had {

no sooner done this, than the rod was ;*Â¥/

A) turned into a serpent; and Moses ran x

aK aK from it. God commanded him to take {


, it by the tail, which he did, and directly ( yh
it was changed again into a rod. “If &,

bv /* they will not believe this sign,” said God, YY
° “ thou shalt take of the water of the river & f

P and pour it upon the dry land, and it

f shall become blood.”’

YY \ YA Moses at length submitted to the com-
AP 92

-*{, his rod, he returned to the land of Egypt.
#) and he told him all that God had said to *(,
Z called together all the elders of the people jy
’. of Israel. Aaron spake all the words
A3 which the Lord had spoken to Moses, é

‘3 and performed the signs of God, to °\¢*
~ Then all the people believed them, and
» adored God.

‘«-#, them out of all their troubles. Learn, then, , ..

| . 2 —_ te € ni Wz

mand of God with obedience and humi-
lity; and leaving Jethro his father-in-
law, he took his wife, and sons, and, with

He met his brother Aaron in the desert,

him. When they arrived in Egypt, they

confirm all that his brother had seid. & (>

How great is God’s goodness! for He |
hears the cries of the afflicted, and delivers

to trust in Him, and pray for His help in \/¢/
every trial. Xt


° king and told him the command of God,
) saying, “‘ Thus saith the Lord God of
Israel, Let my people go, that they may
hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.”
Pharaoh proudly replied, “ Who is the
\s GA, & Lord, that I should obey His voice to let


Pharaoh that he was sent by God, Moses ‘


yZ (<>) his rod upon the ground, and it became
Jâ„¢ a serpent: but the king was not moved

ie : 7

people with heavier burdens.
Moses then smote the river of Egypt
\ in the sight of Pharaoh. The waters )j
were turned into blood, and all the fish 2
N } died, and no one could drink of the water.

\\; The king, however, hardened his heart.

tf i» \ Then, by the power of God, the whole
' ae




Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither /}xy
will ] let Israel go.”” Then, to convince -)4

/( oh did many miracles before him. He threw [-

by it; on the contrary, he loaded the (7

land of Egypt was filled with frogs and 3) x
loathsome insects. They entered the pa- ‘ 7

lace of the king and the houses of the \q- ;
people. A frightful disease came upon *%

all the beasts, so that they died; every

man and beast was also covered with () BY y

ulcers. A dreadful storm of thunder,
lightning, and hail, ravaged the whole
land. Every herb and plant growing in
the fields was destroyed, and men as well
iC)! as beasts perished.
| Thus six plagues came one after the
| | other, each one being more terrible than
the former. The heart of the king was
| still hardened, and he forgot the promises
which he had made in the midst of his ¢
| troubles, as soon as the prayers of Moses | a
had stopped the plagues.
Whatever God resolves to do, He will
accomplish. The king had tried in vain to

prevent Him from delivering His people.
What is man, when he dares to oppose him-
_ self to the Most High! Let us humbly
’ submit to Him, and not bring His judgments
upon us, by vainly trying to resist His hand.


Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh
for the last time, and said, ‘“‘ Thus saith |/~,|
. the Lord, About midnight will I go out |\};
pS into the midst of Egypt: and all the first- |).

i born in the land of Egypt shall die, from |;

a ‘ the first-born of Pharaoh that sitteth

62 )) upon the throne, even unto the first-born
“of the maid-servant; and all the first-
yey born of beasts. And there shall be a
: \,\Y great cry throughout all the land of |

' te Ny Egypt, such as there was none like, nor

2h shall be like it any more. But against

any of the children of Israel shall not a
Gry. \'dog move his tongue; that ye may know



between the Egyptians and Israel. And |
all these thy servants shall come, and
bow down themselves unto me, saying, ®
Get thee out, and all the people that fol-
(| low thee: and after that I will go out.”
The heart of Pharaoh was, however, stil]
hardened, so that he would not let the
people go. God, in His fatherly care, ‘

ordered each family to roast and eat a
lamb, to strengthen them for the 4
| \| journey they were about to take. Each ,'
mistress of a house was commanded to
| prepare unleavened dough, in order that ‘
they might have bread to eat on their \
} 0 journey. All the Israelites then dressed
a themselves ready for their departure; and,

yr fh

~~ eee coe

with staves in their hands, they ate the ¢
lamb. They sprinkled the blood of the ,
lamb upon their door-posts, as God com-
manded. And it came to pass, when it 4
was midnight, all the children of Israel,

old and young, were assembled each in|
a )) wis own house around the roasted lamb.
s God had forbidden any of them to go
Ve out of their houses. What God had
V/ 2 g threatened came to pass. He struck with \\

| dN sudden death all the first-born of man
Ww and beasts among the Egyptians. The
CW king and all his people rose up at mid-
- night in great terror; frightful cries of
: % 2 desolation were heat through all the
)} 4% land, for there was not a house where


Yl . there was not one Egyptian dead. Pha- .
aw _ raoh then sent for Moses and Aaron, and



said, *‘ Rise up, and get you forth from

among my people, both ye and the chil-
dren of Israel; and go, serve the Lord,
as ye have said. Also, take your flocks *
} and your herds, and be gone; and bless wy Y

y gold and silver, and pressed them to leave
the country quickly. The Israelites were

“_ leavened: and, taking the bones of Jo- * f
(si seph, they left the land of Egypt on the » ¥ i)
Y very day which God had promised Abra- 7/5

'S: ham to deliver them four hundred and “4 "

sy \ thirty years before. (=
( Thus God punished this wicked king, who |, »{/'S

) *) would not obey Him ; and He will not spare \ - ay)

Ss }

s* The escape of the Israelites from Egypt re- as
\e? presents our deliverance from the devil and j .

the world. Learn to fear God and to do ‘,- F

His commandments. eu tS ies


} \/ THus, by many great miracles, God led
the children of Israel out of Egypt. *

Ve me Mass PA ON
; a RS
x¥ Their number was six hundred thousand ~
(men, besides children, A wonderful °
cloud went before them, to point out the

way. It was dark in the daytime, but
y, gave a bright light by night: it led them
= to a valley near the Red Sea, where they


encamped between two mountains. " ¥
j Pharaoh now began to regret that he


had let them go; and he took six hun-
dred chariots of war, with a large army,
and pursued the children of Israel, and
overtook them in the valley. may
When the people saw Pharaoh and his }*
’ army they were in great fear, and cried
* unto the Lord, and were angry with Mo- * ,
#’, 8es for having brought them into such Ly
esl ‘danger. Before them was the sea, be- +
hind them the Egyptians, and on the
right and left were high mountains ; and
they were terribly afraid. But Moses


encouraged them, saying, ‘“‘ fear not;
stand still, and see the salvation of the
| Lord, which He will shew you to-day ;
for the Egyptians whom ye have seen
to-day ye shall see them again no more ;
\\ for ever. The Lord shall fight for you,
and ye shall hold your peace.”

The cloudy pillar which went before
the Israelites then moved behind, and
stood between them and the Egyptians,
so that they could not come near ; and it 3
was dark to the Egyptians, but gave light Fa
to the children of Israel. And God or- &\ =~
dered Moses to stretch out his rod over / SA
the sea; and the Lord made a strong ee
wind to blow, and divide the waters in
two, so that the children of Israel might ‘
walk through. The people then entered
this way which God had made for them,

and the waters stood like walls on both

sides of them. Pharaoh and all the

Egyptians pursued them into the midst
of the sea; but God looked out of the
cloud upon them, and they were filled

with fear. The wheels of their chariots
were broken, so that they could not get
on, All the children of Israel reached
the opposite shore in safety. God then

*Â¥ told Moses to stretch out his rod over

the sea, and the waters covered the hosts
of Pharaoh, and every man and horse *
was drowned.

It is thus that God saves His people, and >
punishes the wicked who disobey His com-
mands. As the children of Israel were de-
livered from Pharaoh by passing through ¢
the Red Sea, so are we saved by the waters


f) p.


Arter having safely passed the Red Sea, | $f \
the Israelites, with Moses at their head, * 4st
chanted a beautiful psalm (which is in ‘ ‘ a

bestows upon us. ;

When they had finished this pious 4"
duty, they went on to the wilderness of ; Ise © 7
Shur, which was a large and barren de- *%. & \Y
sert, without houses or fields. The bread Pfs ‘Ss {
which they had brought out of Egypt was \, , ), /A«#

Gx the 15th chapter of Exodus), thanking Bee
God for their deliverance from the Egyp- ie
tians. ee

Thus we ought to shew our gratitude to
God for all the benefits which He daily 2

now all gone, and the people began to feel #7» ee
‘—/ great hunger. They knew not where to J)! cS
7, find food for so many thousand men ; but e4

47e God, who had done so much for them,


«\ covered with dew, like the hoar frost.
se And they said one to another, ‘‘ What is
} 2 this?”? Moses said, “ This is the bread

gather of it every man according to his
eating.” God fed them with this bread,
which was called manna, all the time
that they were in the wilderness. It was
very sweet and nice. ,
Does not the bread we daily eat come to ©

“S goodness ?
failed them, and they were running in ;

find none. The Israelites, thinking that ,
they should all perish, murmured against

came again to help them. When they ¥
arose in the morning they saw the ground “4

us in as wonderful a manner? and do we ie '
not owe it as much to God’s providential r


In another part of the desert water iy


Pr \
> .

+g them; and He commanded Moses to
} strike the rock with his rod, which he
’ did; and streams of water gushed out,


enough to satisfy all the people and their z ae

cattle. EN 1F |
Here we see the great goodness of God: ah /
He fed and helped His people, although 7

they were so ungrateful. And so does He “7 SS
constantly take care of you, even when you Ler % i]
forget Him. ss eS
ra a Vi


Tue children of Israel continued their me NY ey
J way in the wilderness, until they came
to the foot of Mount Sinai. Moses went
.} up the mount, and when he reached the
top, God spake, and commanded, that

on the third day, when they should hear ‘
the sound of the trumpet, all the people
should come to the foot of the mount;

themselves before that day. All the peo-
ple put on their best clothes, and pre-
pared to celebrate this solemn day.

On the morning of the third day, there *
% were thunderings and lightnings and a
thick cloud upon the mount, and the \
voice of a trumpet exceeding loud; so °
* that all the people trembled. Moses
made the people come out of the camp };
to meet God. And they came to the
M8 foot of the mountain. The mount Sinai ;

~\\ trumpet became louder and louder. ;
Suddenly there was a deep silence, and
brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
out of the house of bondage. Thou 4,
shalt have no other gods before me. hi
Thou shalt not make unto thee any
graven image, or any likeness of any

) in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the earth: thou shalt not
bow down thyself to them, nor serve ¢

them: for I the Lord thy God am a jea- ies
lous God, visiting the iniquity of the fa- °

s\\ thers upon the children unto the third

iy and fourth generation of them that hate

bee me; and shewing mercy unto thousands
of them that love me, and keep my com- /
mandments.—Thou shalt not take the

-y the Lord will not hold him guiltless that
-.. taketh His name in vain.—Remember the
sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days
shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
but the seventh day is the sabbath of the
Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do
any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy box
daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maid-
servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
that is within thy gates: for in six days
the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea,
and all that in them is, and rested the
seventh day : wherefore the Lord blessed
% the sabbath day, and hallowed it.—Ho-
nour thy father and thy mother: that ~
_ thy days may be long upon the land

which the Lord thy God giveth thee.—
: Thou shalt not kill.—Thou shalt not com-
mit adultery.—Thou shalt not steal.—
, Thou shalt not bear false witness against


thy neighbour.—Thou shalt not covet thy
neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet
thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant,
nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his
ass, nor any thing that is thy neigh- ,

And when “ the people saw the thun- =
derings and lightnings, and the noise of
the trumpet, and the mountain smoking, CS
they removed, and stood afar off.”” And vs z
» they said unto Moses, “‘ Speak thou with
us, and we will hear; but let not God
? speak with us, lest we die.”’

The only way to be good and happy is to
follow the commandments of God. Pray,
2. then, to God, that He will help you faith-

"Z fully to keep them all the days of your : re

) lives. ay


Though this people had received so
many and such great benefits from God,


they often shewed their ingratitude and
disobedience to His commands, One
day, forgetting what they owed to God,
the Israelites, like the Pagans, worship-

ped a golden calf, And many times, ¢~
when things did not please them, they
rebelled against Moses, and blasphemed
the name of God,

Moses sent ten men to examine the
land that God had promised to give them. }
On their return they told many false-
hoods about the land, and tried to preju-
dice the people against it; telling them
that giants lived there, a that if they &
went, they would all be destroyed. The

said, ‘“‘ Let us make a captain, and let us
return into Egypt.”



IMA° si
| ROR a eh Sa


Thus they became guilty of great sin
before God, and, as a punishment, they
had to wander in the wilderness forty ;
years. All the six hundred thousand
men who came out of Egypt died there ;
for God declared that none of these rebels
should see the land which they despised.
Only Joshua and Caleb were left, because %
they alone, of all the spies, told the truth /
about the land,

If we disbelieve God’s promises, and de-
spise His blessings, He will take them from |

us, and leave us, as He did mene wicked ;


“| Moses was a hundred and twenty years

old; and the time of his death drew
near. He could not enter into the pro-
mised land; because he disobeyed God

in smiting the rock (Numb, xx.); and

oe 5

a? ,

SQ |
J xy }
ar RR

for this God punished him by not let- .
ting him enter the land of Canaan.

Thus, you see, even the smallest sin dis-
pleases the holy God.

I. Before his death, Moses called all the (i /

( children of Israel around him, to take ¥
» leave of them ; and he blessed them, as a G
¢ dying father ; and gave them his last ad-
. vice. ‘* You see,” said he, “ that I die in NN,

‘ but ye shall pass it, and shall possess the >) |
holy land. Remain always faithful to jy (
' that God who has shewn you so much .
. goodness, and has done such great things '|(‘\
for you. Love the Lord, listen to His }\<
‘. voice, and obey His commands.”

Moses then spake to the people these
remarkable words: “‘ The Lord thy God
Â¥y will raise up unto thee a Prophet from \~}
the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like ‘p

unto me; unto him ye shall hearken. gy*
(Or = ts oY
(CaS ests

And it shall come to pass, that whoso-
ever will not hearken unto my words,

which he shall speak in my name, I will | et
require it of him.” ne

By and by we shall see how important this i .
promise is; and we shall learn by whom it | | 5 |

was fulfilled.

Then Moses, faithful to the orders of
God, laid his hands upon Joshua, and
set him before the people, as the ruler S
whom they were to obey after his death. (A \ \ 4
He then went to the top of mount Nebo, Ay,
where God shewed him the land of pro- 1 @
mise, before his death. ‘‘ Behold,” said ) a
He, ‘‘ This is the land which I sware / / ,
unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Ja- ¢ 2 by y
cob, saying, I will give it unto thy weed: OU ¢ (j I
I have caused thee to see it with thine ‘ ¢
eyes ; but thou shalt not go over thither.” \
The beautiful appearance of this country
delighted his soul; and he shared the

\ peace, and in the hope of eternal happi-
Ry ness. |

Such is the end of a good man. It is


Tue time was now come for the people
of Israel to enter into this beautiful land,
which had been so long promised to them. |\* }
God made use of Joshua to lead them
(S) there in a triumphant manner. This
event was accompanied with miracles
and great wonders. The river Jordan, |\9}
which separated the land of Canaan from ||

q the desert, was divided at the command |f

S\ of Joshua, and the people went over with

dry feet. God then commanded Joshua
to make the priests and people walk in
procession round the city of Jericho every

y-~} day, blowing trumpets on the seventh
=? day. The walls of the city of Jericho
<7 fell down at the sound of the trumpets
/’ alone. The people of Canaan, who, by
CA their dreadful crimes, had filled up the \y
*, measure of their sins, were destroyed by ‘
y Joshua. Being master of the land, he

( 7 of Israel. It was a beautiful country;
rivers and streams ran down from the
( Wye mountains, and fertilised the lovely val-
y="Â¥ leys. Corn grew in abundance; the vine,
the fig-tree, and pomegranates, adorned /:
the whole land: oil and honey were col- ”
1) lected in large quantities; and nothing
7. was wanting to make them happy. This
is why it is called a land flowing with


milk and honey. How happy must the /,

divided it by lot among the twelve tribes —



38 Israelites have felt, after all their suffer- S7pOW '.


ig ee a
ay OS gig


ings, when they found themselves in this i

land! They built an altar to the Lord, \\
, and made an offering to Him, in grati- | 3
tude for all His goodness to them. :

To us also God has promised a king- |}
; dom far more beautiful than this earthly oy)
y> ») Canaan, even the kingdom of heaven. As }
¢_Y long as you live, remember this promise of ((<\
%) God; strive to be admitted into this happy ee
dwelling, which Jesus Christ is preparing %)
7 for all who believe in and love Him. There |t\

D t we shall have rest and happiness; for it is x
vx there that an eternal home awaits us. ae



Ir came to pass, that God sent a famine
in the land, to punish the people of Is- |
rael for their sins. God will not make a |3jj
country fruitful if He has withdrawn His j(}
q favour from the people who dwell in it. S

At this time there lived a man in the


\ , ) went, with his wife and two sons, to .
““\| dwell in the land of Moab. The name »

| to her native land. The two widows
3}; of her sons, Orpah and Ruth, fol-
lowed her. When they had travelled
/| some days, Naomi said to her daugh-
ters-in-law, “ Go, return each to her )
); mother’s house: the Lord deal kindly
with you, as ye have dealt with the dead jj *
and with me. The Lord grant you that
ye may find rest, each in the house of ¢
her husband.” Then she kissed them;
and they lifted up their voice, and wept \‘
bitterly. And they said, “ Surely we
will return with thee unto thy people.”
ed Wag YS he ye eS
A \s aS AAY wy Be » p 4 /S&
: qe P&eX AS

-& S

Orpah yielded at last to the entreaties of
Naomi, and kissing her, she returned to
\ her own country. Ruth would not leave
her ; but said, “‘ Whither thou goest, I will
. go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge:
~~ thy people shall be my people, and thy
God my God: where thou diest, I will
die, and there will I be buried.”” Naomi
¢) was obliged to yield. How true and /f
. touching is such love! Naomi and Ruth,
*-» both very poor, at length reached Bethle-
“) hem: it was the time of harvest. Ruth

# said to her mother-in-law, ‘‘ Let me now
go to the field and glean ears of corn.”
e \ “Go, my daughter,” replied Naomi.
>) Ruth set out, and God directed her
/ steps into a field which belonged to
' Boaz, who was a rich and good man.
When he came into his field he asked the

reapers, ‘‘ Whose damsel is this?”” The
. 118
J} servant answered, “It is the young wo-
=~)? man that came back with Naomi from
Ne the country of Moab; and she said, I
~. pray you, let me glean and gather after
the reapers among the sheaves: so she

‘<% came, and hath continued even from the
Ss) Morning until now.” Then Boaz said to
S Ruth, “Go not to glean in another field,
y ‘ neither go from hence, but abide here
(° ¥ fast by my maidens. Go after the reap-
(7 ¢ ers; and when you are thirsty, go to the
Z;") vessels and drink.” Ruth then bowed
3 \ herself before Boaz, and said, “ Why

have I found grace in thine eyes, that Y

» \y thou shouldest shew this kindness to me,

a stranger?”’ Boaz replied, “I have ‘

Vs heard of all that you did to your mother-


‘jy The Lord will recompense you, and a full
a reward will be given to you by the Lord




IN in-law after the death of her husband.

art come to trust.”
At meal-time Boaz called Ruth, say-
’ ing, “Come thou hither and eat of the ‘—
bread.”” And she sat down near the
reapers, and Boaz gave her parched corn ,
to eat. She then went and gleaned again &:
until the evening; and Boaz ordered his ¥
men to drop some handfuls of corn for
her. When it was evening, Ruth beat
out the corn which she had gleaned, and
took home to her mother-in-law three ,

7 measures of barley.

SP ) In this history you see two beautiful ex-

> amples of virtue: in Boaz, riches, united to *%

y xt > IR goodness and generosity; in Ruth, indus- A“
fyi nN trious poverty, joined to modesty and grati- {y ”
tude. God’s providence had brought them #4

Ds “\| together; and afterwards they were united 3

by ahappy marriage. The pious Naomi was ,

Sj, in the midst of which was the ark of the

-¢| name was Eli, took care of it. The chil-

thus made happy in her old age. God never
forsakes His own people who trust in Him.


Tue Israelites had built a temple, or
tabernacle, like that which Moses had \y
raised, by God’s command, in the desert.
This temple was a tent richly ornamented,

covenant, containing the two stone tables
on which God had written with his finger
the ten commandments. This tabernacle
was in Shiloh, and the high priest, whose

dren of Israel came there to offer sacri-
fices to God, and to worship Him. The id \
5| father of every family presented the first }) te NY

lamb of his flocks, and the sixth part of

- all that he had; and it was there that |

they kept their solemn feasts.

Eli had two sons, named Hophni and {
Phineas ; but these young men were vile, *
and very wicked, and feared neither God

nor man. When the people came to

Shiloh to offer sacrifices, they sent their

servant with a hook to take the flesh out **Y
_ of the pot in which it was boiling. In

secret they committed even greater sins.
Eli often reproved them severely, but }
they would not listen to his instructions,

and the old man was too weak to punish «


At the same time a pious couple, El- (7

kanah and Hannah, brought to the temple
the young child which God had given

them in answer to their prayers. They Vy
- presented him to Eli the high priest, for 4~

%\ they wished to consecrate him to the

Lord, that he oe serve Him, in His
an all his life. This child, named {
Samuel, was pious and obedient; he be- Y

. haved himself in the temple with great
reverence. He did not follow the bad ,
example of the wicked sons of Eli, Hophni 7 f :
\) and Phineas; and he was beloved both .â„¢*, (A
; by God and man. S :

: One night, as Samuel was sleeping in
i the temple before the ark, he heard a SN
voice calling, ‘‘ Samuel, Samuel!’ and ¥ APR

he got up, and went to Eli, who slept in 2 ia
another place, thinking that he had called , £ €
him; and he said to Eli, ‘‘ Here I am.” |
Eli replied, “‘I called not, my son; lie

down again.”” He heard the same voice up
again, and going to Eli, he received the
When he lay ~

am I, for thou didst call me.” Eli now
saw that it was the Lord who called
Samuel; and he said to him, “ Go, lie :
down; and it shall be if He call thee
thou shalt say, Speak, Lord, for Thy
servant heareth.”” Samuel went and lay |
down in his place. And the Lord called
him as before, ‘‘ Samuel, Samuel !”” Then
Samuel cried, ‘“‘ Speak, for Thy servant
Lire A heareth.” God then said, ‘ The day is
is A fey come when I will punish Eli and his

sons, because they have been wicked, and
Eli did not punish them.”
NS The next morning Eli asked Samuel
, 4 what the Lord had said to him, and
wl x Pp Samuel was obliged to tell him all, though
bo he was sorry to do it, because he knew
it would make him unhappy.

Learn from the example of Samuel to be
obedient to your parents, and to submit your-
124 [

ey? °C} G EN c ee.

selves to all your governors, teachers, spirit-
ual pastors, and masters; let their voice be
to you as the voice of God. Like Samuel, J

reverence in God’s holy house.

What God had said to Samuel soon
came to pass. The Philistines took the
ark of God; the two sons of Eli were ae
killed; and Eli himself, when he heard >» ¥
J the news, fell from his seat, brake his \’
neck, and died.

It is thus that God punishes in a severe +

manner disobedience in children and over-
indulgence in parents; for these two sins ° i

deserve, and draw down, the anger of God “
upon those who commit them.


Tue first oe who inert over ae

4 < © CP
Rs o

1 “sy . “ a | ! i ) \
i.» was Saul. At first he shewed courage
and a noble character ; but the honour to
$\\ which he was raised made him proud,
and his good fortune made him ambi- \j
_ tious. He soon despised the commands Ra
of God, and God cast him off, and chose
another in his stead.
} It was David, the youngest son of Jesse,
’ who lived in Bethlehem. When very
young he took care of his father’s sheep ;
24% /* and Samuel, led by the Holy Spirit, went
to the house of Jesse. And when he saw
the eldest son, he said, ‘‘ Surely the
7 Lord’s anointed is before me.” But the
Vii Lord said unto Samuel, “ Look not on
his countenance, or on the height of his
stature, because I have refused him: for
the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for
man looketh on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looketh on the heart.”

/ and beautiful boy. As soon as he came
in, the Lord said to Samuel, “ Arise, 1} ("24
m\\ anoint him; for this is he.”” Then Samuel ¢ as
~4/, took the horn of oil and anointed David Hy §)
in the midst of his brethren: and the
/. Spirit of the Lord came upon him.

‘ } God watches over the humble shep- 4"? 7]

¥‘S herd in the midst of his flocks, and loves 3\ | -R
, him when he is good and faithful. Such ) Re
+‘ was David. When he was alone in the ‘
(y.. fields, with his flocks, he raised his heart -
to God, and with gratitude adored Him » 4 }
for the beauty of His works. The blue , ~eX% }

heavens and the green earth, the bright Ww ry
9 ee

= 7%

sun, the pale moon, the glittering stars, s)~-
«} the lovely flowers, and refreshing fruits, 2), |
all deeply interested him, and shewed dy, ( &


him the goodness of his Creator. Join-
ing his hands, and raising his eyes to
{3 heaven, he worshipped God. He often ¢
y sang His praises in beautiful psalms, in-
\\ spired by a heart full of the Spirit and love ‘
7) of God ; and he played them on the harp.
David played so well upon his harp
that his fame reached the king’s palace,
and Saul sent for him. His psalms,
and the sweet tones of his harp, pleased \
Saul, and drove away the sadness which ‘Ay
weighed down his spirit. Saul loved “*
David very much; but Jonathan, Saul’s i y
son, loved him much more. He felt the \%
strongest affection for David, and they ;
formed a friendship which nothing could iy
alter. The love of these two young men +
was mutual, because they were virtuous, (/

form no friendship with wicked persons.

‘ “ae A J 2
Like David and Jonathan, always seek the |
society of those who are wise and pious, and


‘ One day while David, who was yet very j

young, was keeping his flocks, his father 5
sent him with some bread and cheeses to /
his brethren. He went with them to the
army, which was only separated from
the Philistines by a narrow valley. There ‘
) came out a giant named Goliath from
the army of the enemy. He was six
cubits and a span in height. His head
s° was covered with a helmet of brass, and
° Z his body with a coat of mail. And he

:} and said unto them, “ Why are ye come
out to set your battle in array? choose


t (aes My ho AGEN
Â¥ you a man for you, and let him come
down to me, If he be able to fight with

servants; but if I prevail against him,
and kill him, then shall ye be our ser-
vants.”” And he said again, ‘‘I defy the
armies of Israel this day ; fie me a man, f
that we may fight together.” When the ¢
Israelites heard these words they were 4?
very much afraid. But David, filled with
indignation at the boasting of the Philis- °
tine, said, ‘‘ Who is this uncircumcised ~
Philistine, that he should defy the armies }<
of the living God?”” When Saul heard

‘* Let no man’s heart fail because of him ;
thy servant will go and fight with this +
| Philistine.” Saul replied, « Thou art not (/

war.”” David told the king that he had
killed a lion and a bear, which had come
to seize his lambs; and that he would 7
also kill this giant. “For,” said he, “the §4 \ dol
| Lord who delivered me out of the paws of
oa) the lion and the bear, He will deliver me Hs
out of the hand of this Philistine.” Saul :
Ly then put his brass helmet upon the head 73> (%
\ | of David, clothed him with armour, and \ 7
|| girded his sword upon him. David, find- Aer
)| ing he could not walk in them, said, “I Gos
cannot go with these.” And he put them mt
q off. Seizing his staff, and choosing five w # x
di smooth stones out of the brook, he took {> ;
)S)\| his sling in his hand; and trusting in + %
4; God, he went out boldly to meet the


D’| When the Philistine saw the young Ff \
David come out against him, he despised ¢
j him, and said, ‘“‘ Am I a dog, that thou

‘ )
, comest to me with staves? Come to me,

and I will give your flesh unto the fowls ‘7 *
of the air, and the beasts of the field.’’ (¢ Vs
David answered, “ You come against me @, °
with a sword, and with a spear and 8
) shield; but I come to thee in the name \-

of the Lord of hosts, the God of the °'

armies of Israel, whom you have defied. MN

This day will the Lord deliver thee into \
< my hand ; and I will smite you, and take
your head from you, and will give the [py
a“ ( carcasses of the Philistines to the fowls ac
Wren of the air and the beasts of the field, that 7 8
' ‘ all the earth may know that there is a C
God in Israel: for the battle is the Lord’s, \»

and He will deliver you into our hands.” (,
_ The giant then came towards David, / f
. who also ran to meet him; and putting }
= his hand into his bag, he took out a t&\
| \ stone, and threw it at the Philistine with we
“his sling. The stone struck his forehead |
with such force that it sunk in, and the

~ giant fell upon his face to the earth. Da-
< vid then ran up to him, and seizing his
ff sword, he cut off his head. When the
yews army of the Philistines saw that their
‘2 champion was dead, they ran away.
ne See what God can do by the feeble arm of
( a youth! By fighting in the name of God,
“A and for His service, David made the — a

giant to fall. N .*

; After this Saul could not bear David, t
| for he envied the honour he had obtained, A, i cS
and he persecuted him in every way. “

ZX Jonathan often tried to make his father
, by love David, but he could not soften his
>} anger. He told David when Saul meant 9 ¢.
=> to do him harm; and by hiding him he &) 4
saved his life, for Saul often wished to ;
‘ kill him. At last David was obliged to $A |
\/Y, fly from Saul, and hide himself in forests. ¥
. He was threatened with death on all 3
sides. What man, in such a situation, TS
Se would not have given himself up to de- / ‘

(to a 8 - e yur a


Â¥, es | 6 JAS

oo Seva


. dangers he sung psalms to God. Con-
fidence in God makes a pious man calm
in the midst of the greatest dangers. .
David might have killed Saul, for he |

had him in his power more than once;
but he did not do so, for he reverenced
him as the king chosen and anointed by |. oh
God, whose life nobody could take with- | ¥
out committing a very great sin.
if Saul was killed, at the last, in a battle S

¢ against the Philistines, and David was /*s
elected king by all the people.

What an example does David set us! for S
though Saul had offended God, and was so ,
wicked as to try to murder David, yet David

‘y, \ dare not take revenge upon him whom God
XX had made king over the land. Learn, then,
v3 / to avoid those wicked men who rebel against |
q and murder their king; for such are God's
S37, \\ enemies.
fae 134


spair? but David remained firm, for he Sy
put his trust in God. In the midst of his \


Davin fixed his residence in Jerusalem.
| He was a good king. His heart, full of '
love and obedience towards God, chose
'that which was good; he used all his
power to make his people good and pro- |
sperous. He tried to inspire the Israel-
ites with religious feelings, and deep re-
verence towards God, He took the wisest wp
measures to establish the worship of the ©”
true God. Near the city of Jerusalem
there was a high mountain. Upon the
top of this David erected a beautiful tent ( :
to receive the ark of God. It was carried
| ee with great pomp, to the sound of Z
/’ cymbals and trumpets. All the people
| were happy, and they sang songs of ©

7; By his piety, and the uprightness of
his heart, David became the chosen ser-

after God’s own heart :”’ the Spirit of 4,
the Lord came upon him, and_ he was /
enabled to prophesy. The most distant
ages were opened before his eyes; and
to this day his prophecies fill us with
wonder. God gave him the consoling ‘
promise, that from his race an immortal
King should be born, whose kingdom
should never come to an end. It is thus \'
that David saw, in spirit, the divine ;
Saviour of the world, and spoke of His
glory in the Psalms.

We are happier than this holy king, for
we enjoy the blessings which this divine
Saviour has brought into the world; we are
made His disciples in our baptism, and He
calls us, if we are faithful to Him, to share
the glory of His kingdom in heaven. How

ought we to strive to obtain what He wishes 4
to bestow upon us!


SoLomon was the son of David. Before
his father died he blessed him, and ex-
horted him to serve the Lord, to walk in
His ways, and to keep His command-
ments. When Solomon came to the be ‘
throne, he loved God with all his heart. Ps
The Lord appeared to him in a dream,
and said, ‘‘ Ask what I shall give thee.”
Solomon then asked of God neither riches 43

he might be able to govern his people.
The Lord was pleased with this prayer,
/{ and He said to him, ‘‘ Because thou hast
asked this thing, and hast not asked for /
| thyself long life, neither hast asked riches
| for thyself, but hast asked for thyself e
understanding ; behold, I have done ac-

' thee, neither after thee shall arise any
like unto thee. I have also given thee “NN
that which thou hast not asked, both Ks
riches and honour; so that there shall
not be any among the kings like unto As

True wisdom is more precious than riches,
for it alone can make us happy. Let us, /
then, ask God for it every day in fervent /
‘| prayers. Let us beg of Him to enlighten our
minds that we may know our duties, and to
give us strength to perform them faithfully. / \

Solomon soon shewed what great wis-
dom God had given him. Two women, ‘
living in the same house, had each a little
child. But it happened that one of the

children died in the night, when it was
only three days old ; its mother then took
<< Oy eer ae 5
i ae =


she was asleep, and put her dead son in ',) “
| its place. In the morning, the mother

of the child that was alive claimed it ®
from the woman that had stolen it, but

she said it was her own child, and she a
| would not give it up.
The two women then went to King —,
| Solomon. It was very difficult to find
, out to which the living child belonged, |
_ because there were no witnesses ; but the ,
_king, guided by the wisdom which God , ;

| had given him, ordered that the living
child should be cut in two, and that each
woman should have half. The false mo- \

ther gladly agreed to this sentence, and /{
‘| consented to see the child, which she had V6
stolen, parted before her eyes. The real § ;
mother, on the contrary, could not con-.
sent to the death of her son, and agreed °

to give him up to the wicked woman
who claimed him. The king directly saw
4, who was the true mother : the child was N
then given to her, and every person ad-
mired the wisdom of the king.

The reign of Solomon was glorious. +7
In all his judgments he shewed the SS
greatest wisdom. He prospered in all ,
that he did. The kings and princes of
Cn other countries wished to be friendly with

aN him, because they knew it would increase

; their own power to be allied to so wise ,

( and greata king. The queen of Sheba,

“y)) who had heard of Solomon’s great wis-

, dom, and the wonders of his reign, left
her country and travelled to Jerusalem
to see him, and offered him the most
costly presents. The blessing of God
>. “\j rested upon him.
It was Solomon who built the great

cq| and exceedingly beautiful temple in Je-
(\7| rusalem. David, before his death, had |
y. ordered him to do it, and gave him all |
ey the treasures he had collected for it. All
S| the beams of this temple were of cedar ,
WY wood, beautifully carved in the shape of ,
( candlesticks, and all the vessels, were
yp made of the purest gold, and the whole
C4 inside of the temple was covered with
BN gold.
y It was in this temple that the Israel-
ites worshipped the one true God. This
we ought to do in our churches, for God
4 | is present there, although we cannot see
(| Him. We should, then, behave ourselves
'| as seriously when there as if we saw Him
y, with our eyes.
<| The beginning of Solomon’s reign was

\/)| as happy as the end of it was miserable.
is 141


He committed many great sins, and even
worshipped idols. God then took His
blessing and favour from him. From
this moment his grandeur declined. His %
eS ‘people rebelled in almost every place. 7”

1 Under the reign of his son Rehoboam \_*
X ten of the tribes rebelled, and formed a a
separate state, which was called the king-

\ ) \\\¢ dom of Israel. Those which obeyed him
( } _ were called the kingdom of Judah, and }2
( / Jerusalem was its capital city. Jeroboam
was made king of Israel. The two king- cy

, 8 doms of Judah and Israel were always /
‘s¢ ¥ quarrelling with each other. Almost all 7%

¢ the kings of both kingdoms were wicked
men. The people became very wicked,

)} and worshipped idols instead of God:
therefore their happiness was at an end. ‘

Sr ,
: 7 RE ~ »" %
» Himself to them in a supernatural man- $
v; ner, and has shewn us, by their prophe-

Ny cies, that He knows all things, even to
Rt the end of the world.

Amonest all the kings of Israel, there 7) _

7 was not one so wicked as Ahab: none of (
V7 them committed so many sins a a

a) God.

\ He built altars to a false aba mrs
ay Baal; and led all people into idolatry. See x
se | The prophet Elijah suddenly appeared

\~| in the presence of the king, and said, (2% |
3} “ As the Lord God of Israel liveth, be- © a ‘

fore whom I stand, there shall not be @

‘C= dew nor rain these years, but according v

to my word.” But Ahab would not Ce
listen to his words: he even sought to “ff
s) kill the prophet. God then said to Eli- eh)
Sy | jah, ‘‘ Get thee hence, and hide thyself Ww


Jordan: and it shall is that thou shalt |
\ drink of the brook; and I have com-

Elijah went and hid himself near the (
brook ; and the ravens brought him bread |
and meat every morning and evening.

And it came to pass, after some time,
( (72x that the brook dried up, because there |<
Vz ¢ had been no rain in the land. Elijah les
\ began to be in want of water; but God \Je
came again to his help, and He told him |
‘ to go to Sarepta, where a pious widow
lived. He found her at the gate of the \
city, gathering sticks ; and he said to her, |
“Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water,
that I may drink.” This good and kind
woman ran to fetch Elijah some drink;

. . =~
» “ Bring . j

! me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in

thine hand.” She replied, “‘ As the Lord
thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an
handful of meal in a barrel, and a little
oil in acruse ; and behold I am gathering
two sticks, that I may go in and dress it
for me and my son, that we may eat it
and die.’’ Her eyes filled with tears as
she said these words. Elijah said to her,

.| “‘ Fear not: go and do as thou hast said ;

but make me thereof a little cake first,

| and bring it unto me, and after make for

thee and for thy son. For thus saith the
Lord God of Israel, the barrel of meal

| shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of , (
>| oil fail, until the day that the Lord send-
}} eth rain upon the earth.

~)| then went and did as he told her: and


The widow

Elijah ate, as well as the widow and her

God. From this day the barrel of meal
did not waste, neither did the cruse - oil a

\ vf /$
vs )
/ <

wy =
fail: for what is impossible to the Al- |
mighty ?
Three years and six months passed
) a without a drop of rain. All the springs
“SJ and brooks were dried up. The whole


* country was desolate, so that there was f
\) no grass for the cattle to eat.

A YQ withdraws but one of His blessings!

AY God then commanded Elijah to go to
r a Ahab ; and He would send rain upon the ¢
* earth. The prophet appeared before the 7

king, and told him to assemble the false \\

prophets of Baal, and all the people, on
mount Carmel. When they came to the %
mount, Elijah said, ‘‘ How long halt ye te“.

' between two opinions? if the Lord be #3

God, follow Him; but if Baal, then fol-

I, even I only, remain a pro- &

sie: of the Lord; but Baal’s prophets
are four hundred and fifty men. Let ,
them therefore give us two bullocks ; and
let them choose one bullock for them-
selves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on oth aeY
wood, and put no fire under; and I will / a

Â¥, dress the other bullock, and lay it on = %,
¢ wood, and put no fire under ; and call ye 6 j)

' on the name of your gods, and I will call S)
on the name of the Lord; and the God
that answereth by fire, let him be God.” Qe


And all the people answered and said,
“* It is well spoken.”

EF 5

The prophets of Baal took a bullock 7% iu
and dressed it, and they cried from morn- 7

ing to noon, “‘O Baal, hear us.” At" °oX, %
the same time they cut themselves with A ‘
knives, and jumped upon the altar; but
no answerwas heard. Elijah then mocked
them; and they cried still louder, until

the evening, without receiving any an-

When the time came at which the
) evening sacrifice was usually offered, Eli- /
jah called the people around him, and
taking twelve stones, according to the
number of the tribes of the children of
Israel, he rebuilt the altar which was *”/%/
consecrated to God, and made a deep ra
ditch around it. He then put the wood \¢»
upon the altar, and cut the bullock in
pieces, and laid it upon the wood, and ff ra
said, “‘ Fill four barrels with water, and ~A‘
pour it upon the sacrifice and the wood.
* They did so three times, until the water
ran round about the altar, and filled the

Then Elijah went up to the altar, and
said, ‘“‘ Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and
of Israel, let it be known this day that

‘~<( know that Thou art the Lord God, and
Os that Thou hast turned their heart back.” Re)
(9 At this moment fire fell down from hea- h’'« /,
» ven, and burnt up the sacrifice, the wood,
‘ and the stones, and dried up all the water
in the ditch.
When all the people saw this, they fell \ A
on their faces, and said, ‘‘ The Lord, He \, * p isthe God; the Lord, He is the God.” 1S
Elijah then told them to kill all the pro- {
¢) phets of Baal. And he said to the king, 47 4/7 (*
f° «Get thee up, eat and drink; for there *” 5 ZY is a sound of abundance of rain.” VY, Se

And Elijah went to the top of mount /# 3
Carmel and prayed. God then shewed en .

what the prayer of a righteous man could

the heavens were covered with clouds,
and the rain fell in great quantities.

We must therefore remember that the rain
is one of God’s great blessings, by which He
maketh the plants and trees to grow, for the
use of man and beasts.



God had given him to do, he was taken
up into heaven in a chariot of fire, with
horses of fire. And as he went up, he
let fall his mantle, which Elisha, his ser-

( the prophet of the Lord; and he did
many wonderful things. He took Eli-
jah’s mantle, and struck the water of the
4 river Jordan, and it divided in two, so
4 160

WHEN Elijah had finished the work which

vant, took up. Elisha succeeded him as iy

that Elisha could walk over. As he was
going up to Bethel, some wicked children

, came two bears out of the wood, and,
devoured them all.

See how wicked it is to mock old persons,
especially if they are God’s servants.

army, a rich and powerful man, was
afflicted with a very frightful disease,
called leprosy. He had a servant, who 4» oa
was a young Israelitish girl; and she 7 *¥ ¢
said to her mistress, ‘‘ Would God my ” X

lord were with the prophet that is in Sa- x “yi
maria ! o he would recover him of his ;

leprosy.”” When Naaman heard this, %
he mounted his chariot ; and taking arich p” §
present of gold, silver, and raiment for

the king of Israel, he set out on his jour-

ney. The king of Syria likewise wrote
a letter to the king of Israel, saying
that he had sent Naaman to be cured of
his leprosy. The king, knowing that
none but God could cure this disease,
thought that the king of Syria wished to
quarrel with him; and he rent his clothes.
Elisha, hearing this, sent his servant to
beg the king to send Naaman to him,
and he would cure his leprosy. When
he came to the door of Elisha, the pro- *
phet sent out his servant to say, ‘‘ Go
and wash in Jordan seven times, and <=}
thy flesh shall come again to thee, and
thou shalt be clean.’”? Naaman was a 7‘
proud man; and he was very angry be- {%
cause the prophet did not come out to «'
him, and perform a miracle. He said,
‘«* Are not the rivers of Damascus better

3 \// than all the waters of Israel? may I not

YY. wash in them, and be clean?”’ So he
(9 turned and went away in a rage. His

B® the orders of the prophet, and to go and
}s¢ He then returned, with all his company,

‘,) to the house of Elisha, and said to him,
» “ Now I know that there is no God in ©

} fused ; for the servant of God ought not C\Y
7 ‘ to think of gain. ¢ Fs

servants, however, entreated him to obey

/ wash in Jordan. He did so, and was
s cured, according to the saying of Elisha.

); all the earth but in Israel :” and he of-
\) fered the prophet the present he had 7 ss)

¢ brought with him. But Elisha said, “‘ As i
’ the Lord liveth, before whom I stand, I * 7
\ will receive none: go in peace.”” Naaman x a

| 3 urged him to take something, but he re-

This history shews us what good may be }/ o Xt,
) done by wise and virtuous children. Naaman

owed his cure, and his conversion to God,
to the young servant girl.

Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, was not
like his master; for when Naaman was
gone, he ran after him, and said, “ My

f\ the sons of the prophets, who have just
J _©/ come to his house.” Naaman gave him
\) more than he asked for; and he went |?
and hid the things. When he returned |
». to the house, Elisha said unto him, |‘
“Whence comest thou, Gehazi?” He !
\\ answered, “‘I have not been anywhere.” |:
The prophet then said to him, “ Went
not mine heart with thee, when the man

thee? The leprosy therefore of Naaman
shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed

. for ever.”’ And Gehazi went out a leper,
Wp white as snow.

of This event serves as a warning to all those
who, like Gehazi, are liars, deceivers, and ¥
‘a yy covetous.


x 45. JONAH.
\| Some time after lived the prophet Jonah.
God ordered him to go to the great city
<{ | Nineveh, to call the people to repentance. {/@) \ SS
iC y The inhabitants of this city were guilty i x
of the greatest sins; and their crimes \\
reached to heaven, and provoked God’s 4 7
(Vj anger against them. Jonah, being afraid (}_ az
W | to reprove the wickedness of this people, Z
S\| would not obey the command of God. ¢ I~ d


He therefore went to the sea-shore, and : : 4
ime ts

entered a ship, to fly from the presence J
of the Lord. But who can escape the VHD :
eyes of God?

Jonah had not been long in the ship
before a violent tempest arose. The sailors
(4, were afraid of perishing, and they knelt
3 down to pray to their gods; but Jonah
7 was asleep. The captain went down in- A

ors then cast lots to see who had brought &
>. \\ this trouble upon them; and the lot fell

4i. you; for I know that for my sake this ,
5 great tempest is upon you.” The men ,

\\ throwing Jonah into the sea; but the sea
.§) became more tempestuous. They then

©’ prayed God not to punish them for de-
’ stroying Jonah ; and taking him up, they
cast him into the sea, and the storm
ceased immediately.

the sea: so shall the sea be calm unto (<7

God sent a large fish, which swallowed XK c

| Jonah, and descended with him to the

| bottom of the sea; but God preserved S /

his life, even in the belly of this monster. MA \ WJ \


|The prophet, raising his heart to the !
iy | Lord, prayed Him to deliver him. God 3% Pf
heard his prayer, and caused the fish to 4 BM
vomit him up the third day on the dry }ey
ground. AG
Thus can the Lord punish ; and thus can * ye.
He be appeased by the prayers and tears of (4 me r*

| God, and went to Nineveh, the capital of yf

Assyria. This city was very beautiful,

\X and was so large that it required three -( &

| y3 days to walk through it. Jonah went q At
|into the midst of the city, and cried,

&3| “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be & Ey

C oy overthrown.” The people believed God; , \—X.

* fAY I VN
ay ;
oa he 1.

a a



the penitent.
Jonah then obeyed the command of @ Sy x




subjects, put on sackcloth, fasted, and ‘7
} Tepented. Even the beasts were made i
‘to fast. And all the people prayed God

to pardon and spare them. The blessed iP
Saviour, always ready to forgive those ¢
who repent, had pity on them, and an- os
=. swered their prayer.

, ing the city was spared, he murmured
against God; and in his anger asked to /
die. The Lord reproved him tenderly for |
his fault. |

The next morning, before daybreak, |
God sent a worm to the root of the
gourd, which caused it to wither. When
the sun arose, the heat fell on the head
of Jonah, so that he fainted. He then 4:®
gave himself over to despair, and again
ie for death. God said to him,


**Doest thou well to be angry for the YA >

gourd? Thou hast had pity on the gourd, ) Soe")

for which thou hast not laboured, neither 4
<<} madest it grow. And should I not spare \)}=
Nineveh, that great city, wherein are y
more than a hundred and twenty thou- \
sand persons that cannot discern between
\| their right hand and their left; and also \
much cattle?” | 7 rN

Oh, how ought we to love this gracious ) H) 4
God, who is so willing to pardon all who re-_ ; ps
;| turn to Him! With what child-like confi- , eS
¥a| dence ought we to implore His mercy, when [y= 5, —

)| we have been so sinful as to offend Him! /, V/>_:

He is more willing to hear our prayers than |)
‘| to punish our faults; and when we fall down ~ ;

humbly and sincerely before Him, He is al- \\\SS

ways ready to receive us with love and peace. i

) \
sV7| THE kingdom of Judah, being as corrupt y

J we 159 J — }
. ~ oy y On y
; \ ° : ae D
ah eS e «Jd i { $ rey
ay s A ax ve, db ; *
rm + . 4 e oe 5: ;
; DS * Sate NN
Ae $ aes \


as that of Israel, was punished in the *
same manner. Nebuchadnezzar, king of |,
Tau Babylon, came with a large army to be-
siege Jerusalem, and he took it by assault.
The king and all his people were carried \\s<
| ( captives to Babylon. The city and its
temple were burned to the ground. 2
Among the captives were many chil-
4) dren of the royal race, and the sons of ‘¥¢
great persons. The king of Babylon or- }-\)
dered that they should choose the most
promising of them to serve in his palace. \ ,
He wished that they should be fed with [7
the meats from his table. \ |
But one of them, named Daniel, thought |
it sinful to eat of the king’s meat; for ; N
js the Jews were forbidden to eat some A\
' kinds of food. He therefore begged of the (S38
chief servant to be allowed not to eat of ,>4
* the meats which were daily offered him.



Three other young men, Hananiah,
Mishael, and Azariah, followed his ex- ;
ample, The chamberlain kindly listened
to their request; but he was afraid to

| v disobey the orders of the king. He
! | knew that the king would punish him,
| if they did not look as well as their com- \
\,' panions; he therefore feared to grant

their request. But Daniel entreated him,
| saying, “Try us for ten days only; and
| let us have pulse to eat, and water to
| drink; and if you find that we become
| thinner than the others, then we will do
as you wish.”

/{' So he consented, and proved them ten “@//,
| | days. And at the end of the time, their ;
‘countenances appeared fairer and fatter
in flesh than all the children which did Y
<4 eat the portion of the king’s meat. Their
faithfulness pleased the Lord, and drew


They became stronger and more intelli-
gent than all their companions; for God VY

gave them knowledge and skill in all |.
v learning and wisdom.

6) . The people of Babylon, among whom
oy" the Israelites were captives, were so in- |
v7 sensible as to worship idols, and even the

s \\\\¢ most frightful animals. That pious ser-
vant of God, Daniel, frequently preached | }

i against these sins. He also interpreted |}
the dreams of the king, which the wise

* down the Divine blessing upon them. e


<3 J" sent the dreams, and shewed Daniel their |,
5 « meaning.

&s) ) King Nebuchadnezzar made a golden
; ff \ image, sixty cubits high, and commanded

! all the people in his kingdom to fall down

T 4 and worship it, He declared, that who-

es \\}> soever did not do so, should be cast into |K)
a great fire. The three companions of |\\W%

AM +<\~ Daniel—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed- SV


\@¢| nego, would not worship this image. #)
\; When the king heard this, he was very ”
1S) | angry, and ordered the furnace to be
| heated seven times hotter than it was,
and the young men to be thrown into it.

| Before casting them in, the king asked {,
them if they would then do as he had
commanded them, They replied, “ Our o,
)| God, whom we serve, is able to deliver °
us from the burning fiery furnace; and |
fc) He will deliver us out of thine hand, O
king. But if not, be it known unto thee, |’,
| O king, that we will not serve thy gods,
nor worship the golden image which thou > (
hast set up.”” On hearing these words \
| the king was very angry, and he ordered |
the strongest men in his army to bind
‘7\| the young men, and throw them into the &e
fire, They did so; and the fire burned |

“ji the soldiers ta death, but the three ser- ;
vants of God fell down unhurt into the 4“)
midst of it,

Instead of being instantly destroyed,
they rose up and walked about the fire. /--)}
. The king saw this, and was astonished. tg

He arose, and asked his servants, “‘ Did .
not we cast three men, bound, into the &

midst of the fire?”” They answered, and

said, ‘“‘ Lo, I see four men loose, walking
>.\ in the midst of the fire, and they have no '
hurt; and the form of the fourth is like ,(2
the Son of God.”” Nebuchadnezzar went
Te near to the furnace, and calling them by ,
fy % their names, said, “ Ye servants of the J
2X Most High God, come forth.” Then
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came
out of the fire ; and they were not burned,

2 _/ neither were their clothes scorched, nor
4 CE a single hair of their heads singed.

© zs

Is “i, Thus did God preserve these His faithful

4a servants, even from the fire, because they

; chose rather to sacrifice their lives than to
commit sin by worshipping an idol.

After this, the king said, ‘‘ Blessed be {
the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego, who hath sent His angel, and

, delivered His servants that trusted in
Him, and yielded their bodies, that they
might not serve nor worship any god ex-


a) gp

ata / 2

cept their own God.”” He then made a ;

law, that if any one spoke against » @&
yf God, he should be cut in pieces.

Some time after this, vice.

was one day walking on the top of his

\ palace, full of proud thoughts of his own
glory, and the greatness of his king-
‘ dom, when God took away his senses.
He was driven among the beasts, and
his nails became like the claws of a bird.
God, however, restored him again » ne




4 Me




eo q

understanding; and he praised and served -
the God of Israel,

After the death of the king, his son,
? Belshazzar, reigned over Babylon. In @
his reign the city was taken captive by 7,
fo X the Medes and Persians. Darius, the -&
king of the Medes, set a hundred and *'}2
,, twenty princes over the kingdoms. God f 5
y gave Daniel favour in his eyes; and he fy
set him over these princes, and made him ‘\*2

made the princes and others envious of 6\~7
: Daniel; and they resolved to ruin him. /

the law of his God.”

What a noble example is this! So great
was the piety and uprightness of Daniel, that
the a charge his wicked enemies could

. These men, knowing that Daniel prayed
XÂ¥ to God three times every day, went to the \/=
| king, Darius, and persuaded him to make
‘\| a law, that “‘ whosoever shall ask a peti-

| tion of any god or man for thirty days,
save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into /
the den of lions.” When Daniel knew \V

that this law was made, he went into his \ a) |B
house and prayed to God, as he had al- yy Was
ji ways done. His enemies then went and Wy <

| told the king; and it grieved him that he wr LO
') had made such a law, when he found his
=| favourite Daniel was the victim, and he \
‘+ tried to save him; but his cruel enemies

would not let him escape. The king
then commanded them to throw him into (
j/ the den of lions. And he went into his
)| palace, and neither slept nor ate .that
sv) night, but mourned for Daniel. Early

| >» the next morning the king arose, and


went to the den of lions to weep for the
fate of Daniel; for he loved him much,
) and thought that he was already dead. \
But what was his astonishment, when

he found him as calm and safe as a shep-
herd among his sheep! And he called
Daniel, saying, ‘‘O Daniel, servant of (/
the living God, is thy God, whom thou
servest continually, able to deliver thee
from the lions?” Daniel replied, “‘ My
God hath sent His angel, and hath shut
AW a >y the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt

(6 O) i is found in me; and also before thee,
y O king, have I done no hurt.”

The king, full of wonder and joy, or- ¢
dered him to be taken from the den ; : and se

| lies, to be cast in. Daniel came out un-

hurt, because he believed in his God; ~
but his enemies were devoured by the 4>*
lions as soon as they were thrown in to 4
J) protect and deliver you.

them. The king then made this decree, ¢ &

“That in every dominion of my kingdom \C
men tremble and fear before the God of £
Daniel; for He is the living God, and
stedfast for ever, and His kingdom that
which shall not be destroyed, and His af
dominion shall be even unto the end. 3)

He delivereth and rescueth, and He ,

7| worketh signs and wonders in heaven
and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel
| from the power of the lions.”

Here we see how God delivers those who
serve Him, and put their trust in Him. The .
| fierce lions could not hurt Daniel, nor the , , })<*

fire burn his companions, because God sent CO*/ ~
| His Angel to protect them. Let no dangers CL) F
/\ or threats frighten you from your duty to
{| God; but always remember that He will 4 KY

The Lord revealed to His servant x.
Daniel many events which were to hap- ae \
pen, so that He ane comfort His arte )

He told him that all the captives of the 2
kingdom of Judah should soon return to 4}
, their native land, and that in four hun-
4 dred and ninety years the Divine Saviour | C
” should be born.

The prophecies of God are wonderful : let
us receive them in faith and hope.

< ; ae AS

A xine of Persia, named Cyrus, con- | |
\\ quered the kingdoms of Assyria and Ba- |
bylon, where the Jews were held captive. Ie
In the first year of his reign over these ‘
countries he published this decree through- ")
out all his dominions, ‘‘ The Lord God of {
<, heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of |{/7,
} the earth; and He hath charged me to |

the vessels of gold and silver which had ,~ ~
been taken out of their temple, and gave pe
them sufficient money to defray the ex- ** °
penses of their journey.

It was thus that the people of God re-
turned in crowds to the land of Canaan. { '
All met at Jerusalem. The priests or- »
dered the trumpets to be blown, and
cried, ‘‘ Praise the Lord, for He is good, os
and His mercy endureth for ever.” And “".
all the people shouted with great joy; 2

and they laid the foundations of the new
N Vc

temple. But after such a long capti-
vity, they were too poor to make it so
magnificent as it was at first; therefore
the old men, who had seen the teins of

Noe {' > Solomon, wept bitterly when they ‘saw

how inferior this was to it. But the ;
“6 \3_ Lord sent the prophet Haggai, who con-
soled and encouraged them, by saying /
that this temple should be more glorious
than the former; for it should be ho-
noured with the Presence of the Desire
of all nations.

When the temple was finished, the
Hebrews began to rebuild the city of Je- |
rusalem, They had, however, many ob-
* stacles to overcome. The idolatrous peo-
ple who surrounded them tried to prevent
them. The Jews were obliged to work \,
with swords in their hands, that they (
might be always ready to defend them-
selves, With the help of God, they suc-
ceeded in their work.

The Jews, made wise by their misfor-
tunes, now worshipped God in innerity.

we and lived happily and peacefully in their
/Z\ own country.


AFTER some time the Jews gave them- ‘
selves over afresh to sin; and they fell < ey
again into the hands of their enemies. },’ 3

, The most cruel of all their persecutors 7,

was Antiochus, the king of Syria. He we.
took Jerusalem by assault; pillaged the t
temple, took away all the sacred vessels, 4
and used his power to make the people *
worship idols, to abandon the religion of ©
their fathers, and to eat pork, a thing
C which was forbidden by the Divine law. ;
( % All who refused were put to death.
wy The king, Antiochus, commanded a

WN %


the laws of our fathers.” . The tyrant
being in a rage, commanded his tongue
to be cut out; and he was then roasted
alive, before his mother and brethren.
He died with fortitude.

The tyrant then sacrificed the second,
and all the other brothers,—all of whom
remained faithful to God. Amid the
most dreadful sufferings, they shewed


themselves firm, and spoke calmly of the

life to come.

At last the mother of these courageous }<
young men followed them, and, like them,
surmounting suffering, offered her life a
sacrifice to God,

Do you likewise say, ‘‘I will rather die
than commit a sin;’’ and remain firm when
any one would draw you into sin,



out of his body. The smell which came
from his body was insupportable to him-
self and those around him. Thus he
S died a miserable death.

sy The Jews, having been thus delivered
from their most cruel enemy, were go- >A
verned by kings of their own, But at c

y nation in the world, conquered Judea. ;
» They established a governor, and only

left the title of king to a stranger named
‘ Herod. The time was come when the

sceptre was to be taken from Judah, and


Sacred History.


A é








In the preparation of this volume the
Editor has taken considerable portions
of Schmid’s New Testament History.
He has endeavoured to combine sim-
plicity and reverence; and he trusts }
” it will be acceptable to Christian mo- [
<;, thers.

July 1844.


Little Lambs of Christ's flock.



In this little book you will learn
.\ some of the great and wonderful things,
which our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
said and did when He was in this world.
It will tell you that He was once a little
«\ Child, that He was very poor, that He was
~ often hungry and tired, and that He was
: treated unkindly, and put to a cruel death 77
'-7 @ \ by wicked men. When you read about these

things, you must remember that Jesus Christ /
¢/_-/ was not a common man; but that He was

> Of < Y
\\ He
Ahn. (j \

He was not obliged to bear all this misery ; S

the great, Almighty God, as well as man. 4 X

: KS 1-7
‘) from our sins, and to make us good and \/7* ) ;
ay a)
( The Church tells us Who the Lord Jesus \

? Christ is; and she teaches us in the Creed
to say —


. ‘I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

' the only-begotten Son of God, begotten
~2 of His Father before all worlds, God of
‘ God, Light of Light, very God of very
God, begotten, not made, being of one
substance with the Father; by whom all
things were made, Who for us men, and \Â¥
for our salvation, came down from hea-
ven, and was incarnate by the Holy
Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made
2 man, and was crucified also for us under
Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was
buried, and the third day He rose again
according to the Scriptures, and ascended
into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand

~H .\ of the Father. And He shall come again
‘] with glory to judge both the quick and |/
the dead: Whose kingdom shall have no

Mh ; iy end.”’

Bo 7 I hope, dear children, you will often say |
BA )x this Creed when you read this little book, |
s\ and that you will learn to love and fear this | J
1, great, good, and merciful Saviour. Imitate
c ~ ~ Him by doing every thing your dear parents
iS bid you; by loving your brothers and sis- |\~,
ters, and every body else, and being kind NS
S> US and obliging to all people. Pray often to
your Saviour, and He will give you His |:
NS 4 * Holy Spirit, to help you to do these things. |\' 5
re Yo You will then be happy; for the good Shep- Wi,
X ~ herd will love you and take care of you.



co bd

movoonr oan >




Zacharias and Elizabeth

. The Virgin Mary .

Mary visits Elizabeth

. The Birth ofJohn . ‘ ‘

. The Birth of Jesus Christ ;

. The Shepherds visit Bethlehem

. Jesus presented in the Temple

. The Worship of the Wise Men

. The Flight into Egypt

. Jesus obeys His Parents

. John the Baptist preaching in the Wil-

derness ‘ »

. The Baptism of Jesus; ana His Suiietes

tion in the Wilderness

. The first Disciples chosen °
. The Miracle at Cana ; ° :
. Jesus casts the Buyers and Sellers out

of the Temple

. Jesus at Jacob’s Well ‘ ° ‘
. Jesus preaches for the first time at Na-

zareth e

18. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes 57
19. The Sermon on the Mount 60
20. Jesus heals the Sick, and raises the
Daughter of Jairus to life 75
21, Healing the Paralytic ° . 81
22. Our Saviour chooses His Twelve Apostles 84
23. The Parables of our Blessed Saviour 91
24. The Parables continued ‘ ° - 96
25. Remarkable Sentences spoken by our
Lord ° ; ‘ : - 99
26. The Death of John Baptist . . . 105
27. The Lord Jesus biesses little Children . 108
28. The Transfiguration ° ° ‘ - ill
29. The Prodigal Son . ° . ; - 113
30. The Good Samaritan ‘ ° . . 117
31, The Rich Man and Lazarus . 119
32. Various instruciive events . 122
33. Lazarus raised from the dead - 125
34. Mary anoints the Saviour’s feet . 129
35. The solemn Entry of the Lord Jesus
Christ into Jerusalem s . 131
36, Remarkable Prophecies of our Saviour . 135
37. Prophecies continued . > ° . 141
38. The Last Supper. é ‘ 149


The Last Words of our Lord Jesus

. Our Lord’s Prayer for His Apostles and

. The Last Words of our Lord Jesus Christ

continued . 5 . : . 159

forthe Church . : . 168

. The Suffering and Betrayal of our Holy

Saviour in the Garden ‘ . 178

. St. Peter denies his Lord, and the wicked


Men mock Him . ‘ ‘ ° - 180
44. Our Lord taken before Pilate ; . 183
45. Our Lord Jesus crucified ‘ ‘ - 190
46. Our Lord rises from the dead ‘ . 195
47. Our Lord ascends to Heaven ‘ . 201
48. The Holy Ghost descends on the Apostles 204
49. Wonders wrought by the Holy Apostles. 207
50. The first Martyr slain . ‘ ‘ . 213
51. The Conversion of St. Paul . . . 215

an ne

\A i)
a ,
‘7 ye A

Uniform with this Volume, A.

Oly Testament. 23


The New Testament.
\;| In the reign of King Herod there lived in

‘| @ small town situated among the moun- Ysy-

| tains of Judea, a pious priest, named /
>| Zacharias: his wife’s name was Eliza-
beth. Although they lived among very “
“| wicked people, they were good, and

tried to please God in every thing they
Yj did. They had no children; and they
’)| prayed to God to give them a son. But
their prayers were not answered until

might see the Divine King, who was
promised to the Israelites; for the pro- °
we phets had foretold, many hundred years
~ 6) (j before, that He should be born at that N
* time.
N Ee The priests took it by turns to serve in
‘| 5) WX\S the temple at Jerusalem; and it came to §

fore the Lord in the sanctuary. He put
on his priestly garments, and holding the

*) hex the lot of Zacharias to burn incense be- ;(2 }/
\$ golden censer in his hand, he went behind

<< # the curtain which hid the altar from the .

* people. The incense began to ascend,
and all the people were praying without.
is Suddenly an angel appeared standingyon
the right side of the altar of incense.


“ Fear not, Zacharias; for thy prayer is
heard; and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear ‘a
thee a son, and thou shalt call his name V
John. And thou shalt have joy andS “NN Ss \
gladness; and many shall rejoice at his “\“

aja [/

birth. For he shall be great in the sight a

<4| of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine a oD

CV) nor strong drink ; and he shall be filled “Par wh
with the Holy Ghost, even from his mo- |A “

4|ther’s womb. And many of the children « \@ey
of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their H/P


God. And he shall go before Him in 4
mI the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the 1

hearts of the fathers to the children, and! Vy
y| the disobedient to the wisdom of the just ; ag

{| to make ready a people prepared for the \ ©


‘| prise, could scarcely believe what the
Ms angel told him, and he said, “ sae ged

< m -

A| Lord. ¥ ¢
Zacharias, seized with fear and sur- F 5

shall [ know this?” The angel replied :

. sence of God ; and am sent to speak unto
thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings.
And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and
* not able to speak, until the day that

thou believest not my words, which shall
The angel then went away, and Za-

) time before he recovered from his sur-
D peise. The people, who were on the out-
side, wondered why he stopped so long in
\\ the sanctuary. When, however, he came
5 out, they saw that nanny wonderful

unto them, but did nti speak. He made
them understand that he had seen a
vision in the temple.

‘‘T am Gabriel, that stand in the pre- £-

these things shall be performed, because {

charias became dumb. He was a long {

were at an end, he returned to his home |
full of hope and joy. P.
The time appointed by God for the fulfil- ¥
ment of the great mystery of our redemption , ~7ak ¢
had now come. The Son of God, the Sa- “NG
viour of the world, comes down from heaven,
to fulfil the hopes of all nations; but before —
He appears, He makes known His coming. \ -y
He sends His angel to tell Zacharias of the }
birth of His forerunner John, who was to ‘
prepare His way, and teach those people, who
longed for the Saviour, to welcome Him with \q,-
love and gratitude. » Cre \))
The history of our Lord and Saviour begins
with this mysterious vision of Zacharias in
S| the temple. Let us read it with a sincere
heart, and a humble desire to profit by its
divine lessons. We shall find in it a source \
of the greatest comfort, and the strongest
| BI" motives to make us give up ourselves en-

> J
) (4
xe tirely to the service of that Saviour who has

)) done so much for us.





\ / g] A At Nazareth, a little town of Galilee,
\ (Sv there lived, humble and retired, a poor A
a\\ \Y young virgin. Though she had descended ©,
@S\ from the royal race of King David, she ~/}
" ~ worked for her own living. Her name 7

4 was Mary. She was espoused to a car- A

| |Yy ~Y4\\ penter named Joseph, who was as poor
ey as herself ; but he was a good man, and \ JA
i’, full of love to the blessed Saviour. Al- -}
iV J) though Mary had none of the riches SQ)

4 of this world, she was rich in virtue and a
~«,) goodness : she was innocent, sincere, and ,y
very humble. IN


oN | ds! sini ae
F5 Mary believed the prophecies which &

Mf WY foretold the birth of the Divine Sa- “4
(\y @ \ viour, and she longed for His coming. |

~ , -x\ About six months after Zacharias had SG

: - j hy
. ’ t \
‘¢ C ‘

WW} seen the vision, the angel Gabriel was
sent from God to Mary. He appeared

that art highly favoured; the Lord is (4
with thee: blessed art thou among wo- \ ¢
men.”” When Mary saw the angel, and
\| heard his words, she was afraid, and she
could not understand what he meant. 9/%/%
i, But the angel encouraged her with these | 7 |
¥4| words: “‘ Fear not, Mary; for thou hast , @
found favour with God. And, behold, ‘> ,
thou shalt conceive, and bring forth a H/T
son, and shalt call His name Jesus. He yg }
| shall be great, and shall be called the (“3 r
S| Son of the Highest: and the Lord God \( ~ se
’ shall give unto Him the throne of His x hl
iN father David. And He shall reign over C| \ J

the house of Jacob for ever, and of His ¥
¥3| kingdom there shall be no end.” x
i) :

This was wonderful news to a person so ge <=>
Sy humble as this poor virgin, who had no " Y SA

I im \ See IAAT LY
> Vw ri gp \\ © 2 NY

y alte

i : a fs Xe .
\ f \ ’
z Ws
a J v MS ‘. ; KS ¢
tS es { 2.8 “SS "3S d ; r &

bition but quietly to serve that God, whom
she loved with all her heart.

3 the angel how these wonderful things |;
could come to pass. The angel explain-
%® ed the mystery; and told her that her |/
-\* Holy Child should “ be called the Son
of God.” He also said that her cousin
2;| Elizabeth would have a son. Mary was
-<’ comforted by the words of the angel;
* \ and humbly replied : ‘“‘ Behold the hand-
; , maid of the Lord; be it unto me accord-
% ing to thy word.” The angel then de-
SX parted from her.


Soon after this Mary arose, and went
quickly to the city in which her cousin Eli-

j , and to unite with her in praising the Lord
for His mercy.


When ae reached the city, she en-
tered into the house of Zacharias, and
(43 saluted her cousin Elizabeth. On hear-
”a‘\\ ing her speak, the pious Elizabeth was
% filled with the Holy Ghost, Who made
known to her the cause of Mary’s visit.

? Full of respect and holy joy, she ex-

*\ \ claimed, “‘ Blessed art thou among wo-
3) men, and blessed is the fruit of. thy
of womb. And whence is this to me, that
m, the mother of my Lord should come to
CY me? And blessed is she that believed ;

) for there shall be a performance of those 4

C z, things which were told her from the /
Mary rejoiced at these words. She ©
ld raised her heart towards heaven, and
\\ q poured forth this hymn of praise, which
=\» has been used ever since in the Church
°t of Christ :
2 “‘My soul doth magnify the Lord :
GX and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my

Saviour. For He hath regarded the low-
liness of His handmaiden. For, behold,
from henceforth all generations shall call
me blessed. For He that is mighty hath
magnified me; and holy is His name.
And His mercy is on them that fear
Him, throughout all generations. He
>, hath shewed strength with His arm;
He hath scattered the proud in the ima-
gination of their hearts. He hath put
down the mighty from their seat, and
hath exalted the humble and meek. He
hath filled the hungry with good things ;
and the rich He hath sent empty away.

his servant Israel ; as He promised to our }

How simple and beautiful are these words,

in which Mary celebrates the infinite good-
10 |

He, remembering His mercy, hath holpen } \)

forefathers, Abraham and his seed, for

\ CMR RY QO SKAY |: eh
ness and mercy of God! She speaks of the

/| wonders of His providence; and her soul — Ve 6)
was filled with love to Him. “ah

After remaining three months with her A ) Ne \
cousin, Mary returned home. oP

, Be


Tue time foretold by the angel had now |
4\ come, when the son of Zacharias was to ;
7 ’ be born. Zacharias and Elizabeth ane a

this child as a gift from God, and they
were filled with gratitude to Him. When 7 2 é
the relations and neighbours of Elizabeth !*
| heard of God’s ‘goodness to her, they
% came to rejoice with her. On the eighth AS Al,
day the child was to be circumcised; and (9 |. J
to have a name. The friends called him

¢ | Zacharias, after his father; but his mo- :
\/)| ther said, ‘‘ Not so; but he shall be ~—
BN (-
rol bg A AA? 5


of thy kindred that - is called by this
name.” They then made signs to Za-
charias, to know what name he would
- give his son. Zacharias could not speak, ¥,
) for he had been dumb ever since he dis-
believed the angel’s words. He then °
wrote, “‘ His name is John.” And the F
_ friends were all very much surprised.

Directly after writing this, Zacharias was
able to speak, and he praised God. He
’* not only recovered his speech, but God
| enabled him to prophesy. Inspired by
the Holy Ghost, this good man uttered 7
this beautiful hymn, which is: also my,
at church :

“* Blessed be the Lord God of Israel ;
for He hath visited and redeemed His
people, and hath raised up an horn of sal-
vation for us in the house of His servant

David; as He spake by the mouth of K



aa ey prophets, which have been since



(| the world began: that we should be
saved from our enemies, and from the

hand of all that hate us; to perform the |

mercy promised to our fathers, and to

remember His holy covenant; the oath

which He sware to our father Abraham,
that He would grant unto us, that we
being delivered out of the hands of our
enemies might serve Him without fear,

in holiness and righteousness before Him 2,

all the days of our life. And thou, child,
shalt becalled the Prophet of the Highest :

for thou shalt go before the face of the —

Lord to prepare His ways ; to give know-

ledge of salvation unto His people by “
the remission of their sins, through the

tender mercy of our God, whereby the

day-spring from on high hath visited us, ©

to give light to them that sit in darkness

‘| and in the shadow of death, to guide our ;

feet into the way of peace.”

APS 20

\ These wonderful stl were talked of (e \\ a .

heard of them felt great fear. And they [/

rr said, ‘“‘ What manner of child shall this

The hand of God was upon this child, and
He made him grow in wisdom and virtue.
God was preparing him for the great work
He had appointed him to do. John dwelt
in the solitary deserts, and lived upon locusts | f
and wild honey. At length the time came
for him to declare the coming of the Mes-
siah. He told the people that Jesus was
this Messiah ; and that He was the Lamb of
A God, who was to take away the sins of the



For some time Mary lived happily at
Nazareth. But when Joseph saw what

was likely to happen to her, he was full

(yY of trouble; for Mary had not told him Ve
YQ what the angel said to her. Joseph re- ; ae
((, solved not to live any longer with Mary. (,
}\ But whilst he was thinking of putting ¥
j her away, God sent an angel to tell him, , “2 &
| ’ in a dream, not to be afraid to take Mary ( |
iS~a a8 his wife; for that she was to be the
4; mother of the Saviour. The angel said, 7 ‘
‘Thou shalt call His name Jesus,” which
‘}), means a saviour; “ for He shall save
4 His people from their sins.”” When Jo-
seph heard this, he was comforted ; and
» he obeyed the commands of God; for
| he was a good man. Mary and Joseph
\; lived together very happily. While they
were waiting for God to fulfil His pro- |
mise, the Emperor Augustus made a law

, : person was to go to his own city to be
taxed. Joseph and Mary were both of

Bethlehem, where King David was born.
| When they reached the town, it was so
full of people that they could not find
any room in the inn; so that they were <-
obliged to lodge in a stable. :

It was there (oh, never forget, my dear
~ children, but remember always with gratitude |
and humility,)—it was there that Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, was born. It was ¢
thus He came into the world, that we might ¢ Z
learn to be humble. Let us give all praise
/S to the eternal God. .

\ The blessed Virgin Mary took her holy
Child, wrapped Him in swaddling clothes,
and laid Him in the manger.

Thus, four thousand years after the
world was made, the Son of God was
' ( \\\| born, as a man, in the greatest poverty.

yi ) His birth was in the night, when all was
still, and without any pomp.

Sh i, Here we see that Jesus, who was greater ee


than all kings, had only a poor stable for
| His palace, and a manger for His cradle.

was worshipped by the angels in heaven, was
surrounded in His birthplace by vile animals.
Such was the holy will of His Father. It was
| not what the Jews expected, but was what
God had foretold by His prophets.

The pomp and grandeur of this world are
74| nothing in the sight of God. In the king- ,\-
<;| dom which Jesus Christ came to establish on & VP.


‘| earth, nothing is precious but virtue and At "
\\j} goodness. Seek, then, these blessings from SS rS\ »
=y,| your Saviour, that you may live with Him PS he
)| in heaven. es 2 sai
6. THE SHEPHERDS VISIT BETHLEHEM. K Ir was at midnight, when the people of C | Y
wy Judea had retired to rest, that some poor \
\};| shepherds were watching their flocks in wo
\y,,| the fields. Whilst they were watching e <>
| y in the dark night, the angel of God ap- \yY FA
PAX a ,





. eT NN

Aca 2

E23 ‘ peared suddenly to them. At the same

H moment a bright light from heaven shone [,

N\ around them ; and they were afraid. The

so | Y angel then said to them, “ Fear not; for,

© behold, I bring you good tidings of great

fa joy, which shall be to all people; for

unto you is born this day, in the city of

=, David, a Saviour, who is Christ the

(" Lord. And this shall be a sign unto

| you; ye shall find the Babe wrapped {-

in swaddling clothes, lying in a man-

When the angel had done speaking, a
AA great number of angels appeared; and
they praised God in these words, ‘‘Glory
to God in the highest, and on earth ;
peace, good will towards men.” The


. oF \ angels then went away into heaven. .
HIS X The shepherds were full of joy; for

Ue, a had never before seen such a won-

derful sight, nor heard such heavenly “Nw
music. They said to each other, “ Let | \)
us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see ¥

this thing which is come to pass, which 4. & \

the Lord hath made known to us.” .

{| They then left their flocks, and went in 4 SY
great haste to the inn where Mary and 3
Joseph lodged. And they found a lovely “/709 ~
Babe lying in a manger. The shepherds \ :
looked at the young Child with wonder. =

j When they had seen Him, they told all %/ A


that the angel had said to them. All
\| the people wondered when they heard a Latte
these things ; but Mary thought seriously :

yy| about them. The shepherds then went %
an back to their flocks, praising God for all ft X ed
bs that He had shewn them. io

Let us, like Mary, fix this sacred history ?

3 43) in our hearts. Those children who love Jesus 8
, is will like to hear it, because it tells rg

about their Saviour, who loves little children
so tenderly.




2) ple. She gave, according to custom, two

young pigeons as an offering to God ; for |
) she was too poor to give a lamb. This
NY little offering was, however, pleasing to
God, because Mary gave it with a sincere |
and grateful heart. The priests and peo-
ple saw the Infant Jesus in the temple ; |,
but their evil hearts knew not that He
was the Saviour of sinners. Some of the
%) people were, however, very good; and
prayed that they might see the Saviour,
who was to come at that time. Among )) *


made known to a8 that before he died

“i he should see the Lord’s Christ.
a ’\\

‘< to the temple, the Spirit of God directed \h


an . Simeon to go there. When Simeon saw
the Infant Jesus, he knew directly that
AN He was the Saviour he had expected so
m long. He then took the Holy Child in
2.‘ his arms, and praised God in these words :
%°), « Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant de-
‘7 part in peace, according to Thy word ;
A) y for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation,

e a which Thou hast prepared before the |

\" face of all people ; a light to lighten the

p \ \ Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people
(@ Israel.”

\ Joseph and Mary were astonished when

Sy they heard these words. Simeon then

eS turned to them, and blessed them. He

p (] said to Mary, “ Behold, this Child is set

J XY” for the falling and rising again of many ©
% 21


a WW,
) \ S
iy Yo Q

( 4


\ 2


\ $3 oh in Israel; and for a sign which shall
be spoken against; (yea, a sword shall |
\q VY, ff pierce through thy own soul also,) that
the thoughts of many hearts may be re-

We shall soon see how this prophecy was
Ne fulfilled, and the tender, affectionate heart of
Mary was almost broken.

; y Whilst Simeon was speaking, a widow, |/
6 named Anna, came intothe temple. She
f73\| was very old, and had spent her life in
‘ (\ fasting, and praying to God. She joined
Lao . with Simeon in praising God; and she

Y told the people that Jesus was the Mes-
4 + siah foretold by the Prophets. ¥

Here we see that those who seek the Sa-
viour with a sincere and humble heart are
Xt, sure to find Him.



WueEn the Saviour of the world was born,

YX only a few pious people knew it. They ®
4 rejoiced at His coming. The greater
’ number of the people of Israel knew
re nothing about it. God, however, re-

that His Son was born. One day there

came to Jerusalem some great people

} from the East. Some say they were

., kings. They asked the people, “ Where

» is He that is born King of the Jews? for

'§ we have seen His star in the East, and
\ are come to worship Him.”

It was soon known all over Jerusalem |

\' that these great men had come to see

~ a new-born king. When King Herod §¢

» heard it, he was in great trouble, for he

) was afraid of losing his crown. He then

\ KS /x> called the chief priests and scribes to-

\ }; gether, and asked them ‘“‘ where Christ *
¢4 should be born.” They said, “In Beth- ¢

VRS KK lehem of Judea: for thus it is written by
We the prophet.”’ : iP
\ Ld. GN Herod then sent for the wise men, and

SS . asked them about the star which they

SN had seen. After they had told him, he (;
j 10 sent them to Bethlehem, and said to them,

\ y) pl) 2 « Go, and search diligently for the young

\/Aq Child; and when ye have found Him,
| ya bring me word again, that I may come

Py re ®\ and worship Him also.”

These words of Herod were false, and
were said only to hide his wicked cruelty.

He did not mean to worship Jesus; but he
wished to find out where He was, that he (@f

The wise men now set off for Beth- f\\\»

they went, they saw the star again, which

lehem, which was near Jerusalem. As »

ia Ah ING
(i Ih BS 2%
eee ET PF @


a Ko: ,
a had appeared to them in the East, and

they were very glad. It was shining
| brightly in the heavens; and it went .
before them, till it came and stood over
the place where Jesus was.
They then entered the house, and “\\
found the young Child with His mother. bs .
>| When they saw Jesus, they fell down &\?Â¥
and worshipped Him. The wise men /
then opened their treasures, and pre- 4%
sented gold, frankincense, and myrrh, {
unto Jesus. They offered these things,
because they knew that He was their
King and Saviour.
| The next morning they meant to go ‘/, 3
back to King Herod. But God knew /
Herod’s wicked thoughts, and He warned
them in a dream not to do so. The wise x
| men obeyed God, and returned home by
| another way.


manded them ; and set out on their journey,
trusting in Him who watches over and pro-
tects the innocent.

The murderers sent by Herod soon (
reached Bethlehem. They went all round
the country, and dragged the innocent
babes from their mothers’ arms, and
killed them without pity. The screams
of these little children were heard on all ©
sides. Their poor mothers cried aloud,
and thus fulfilled this prophecy: ‘“ In

Rachel weeping for her children, and yy
\; would not be comforted, because they
are not.”

When Herod was dead, the ela of a)
Ines f the Lord appeared again to Joseph, and SZ

Ant ‘, told him to go back to his country. As 7
aly YY soon as Joseph came to the borders of
the land of Israel, he heard that Herod’s ~
7 son, named Archelaus, was the king.
=, This frightened him, and made him turn
ZN aside into Galilee.
- Thus, after a long absence, Joseph
| and Mary returned to the village of Na-
/ zareth, which was their native place.
Here they lived in peace and happiness,
supported by their own industry, and ¢
carefully bringing up the Holy Child

Let us stop for a moment, and consider ~<
this lovely picture of the holy family. What
can be more touching than to see Jesus, the \\Y

Creator of heaven and earth, Mary, His
blessed mother, and Joseph, who was found
worthy to be the foster-father of the Infant

Jesus ;—what, I say, can be more touching .. it
‘a a

@) than to see them living in poverty and ob-

Se] scurity,—far from that world which was not
worthy to know them or to possess them! to i
see them loving each other, and practising { Jon

| all goodness, and thus glorifying their Father ( wh 2

y¥, in heaven. O that all Christian families lived Ks i

‘\| like them, and tried to imitate this holy 4 ‘\ '
,| family! The earth would then furnish us
with all the joys of paradise.



reth. He grew, and increased in strength.
j, The grace of God was seen in Him, and
‘| in all that He did. Though He was but °
a little child, He was filled with divine }

XY) Every year His parents went to Jeru- |
\e salem to keep the feast of the Passover,

e \ for God had commanded the people of
MM \ C wo ZA might never forget His goodness in saving
D\ of Egypt.
7 CA h When Jesus was twelve years old they

took Him to Jerusalem with them. It |,

Oe was the first time Jesus had been to Jeru-
Sy -Â¥*'\ salem. What must have been His de-
7 * light when He first saw the holy city,

/X and the beautiful temple rising above it! |,

At the end of the feast Joseph and

5 Mary left Jerusalem to return home with

X a’) their neighbours. But Jesus stayed be-
© \e|F J hind, and His parents did not know it.

( \,' He liked the temple better than any other |

WAN &3" | place. Joseph and Mary travelled on a

S. whole day, and thought that Jesus was |

their forefathers from Pharaoh the king |.

in the company. When they found that
He was not with their friends, they were
in great trouble. How unhappy must
\ they have felt, when they could hear no
7 tidings of Him! They could not tell
> what had become of Him; for Jesus had W :
never disobeyed them, nor left them with-
out permission. They turned back to V3

for Him, but could not find Him. After
seeking for Him in vain three days, they |
“ went into the temple. There they found (
) Jesus sitting among the doctors, asking a WR
} questions. All eyes were fixed upon Him ; eR y
and they were astonished to hear His -\\hy G %
\ wise answers. His parents were amazed , —&
»~S and delighted when they saw Him; and \
y His mother said to Him, “ Son, why te XX
Y hast Thou dealt thus with us? behold, , Av

\ ee es CB /

es eee 9 S/F 4

, - sh ©) \ or. rh . ; é

Thy father and I have sought Thee sor- %&
rowing.”’ Jesus replied, “‘ How is it that
<3 ye sought Me? wist ye not that I must
be about My Father’s business ?”

They did not understand what He
\) meant by these words, but His mother
treasured them up in her heart. Jesus .
then went back with them to Nazareth.

Jesus lived in the humble dwelling of His
parents ; and He did all that they bade Him
to do. Oh, what a lesson this is for you,
| , children! Follow His holy example. Let
oe Ye the history of His youth be your guide: it
( WA is given in these few words; ‘ Jesus in-

os A creased in wisdom and stature, and in favour

with God and man.” Try to become like
Him. Take His life as your pattern; and
x Q NX 1 pray to Him to help you to follow His steps.
Never be so wicked as to disobey your pa-
rents; but love them as Jesus did His.

fe fc




| Jesus was now a man; and the time
// was come for Him to make Himself )
known as the Saviour of men. He was ~ ¢
now to begin the work which He came
down from heaven to do. John was to ji
}| prepare the hearts of the people of Israel /
for the coming of the Saviour.

John lived in the desert to prepare

commanded him to begin preaching. He
.| then went towards the river Jordan.
| His coat was made of camel’s hair, and Q
he had a leathern girdle round his loins. ;
He lived upon locusts and wild honey, ~
which he found in the desert. The clear ©
stream, which reflected the face of heaven,
| quenched his thirst. John began to
preach to the people, saying, ‘‘ Repent
| ¢ ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at (,


many of them confessed their sins. They |f
, Were sorry for their wicked lives, and
promised to be better. John then bap-
tised them in the river Jordan. _

This preaching of John was talked
about all over the country; so that the
people came flocking from all parts of Ju- |;
A\, dea to hear him ; a great many confessed

6, their wickedness, and were baptised.
Among these crowds of people the

: Baptist saw some who did not repent.

John knew that they were hypocrites,

_ Vipers, who hath warned you to flee from
* the wrath to come? Bring forth there- |\ \
fore fruits meet for repentance: and
think not to say within yourselves, We
have Abraham to our father: for I say | @
unto you, that God is able of these stones /(

of the trees; therefore every tree which {pn
*\ bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn ®

1 down, and cast into the fire.”

A great number of persons were moved |
by his preaching, and began to turn from
their evil ways. They said unto him,
“What shall we do then?” John re-
plied, “‘ He that hath two coats, let him

) impart to him that hath none; and he
that hath meat, let him do likewise.”

The publicans, or tax-gatherers, then
came to him, and asked the same ques-

; tion. He replied, ‘‘ Exact no more than
that which is appointed you.” To the ,
soldiers he said, ‘“‘ Do violence to no
man, neither accuse any falsely; and be
content with your wages.”

The people were so aroused by the


| nA > preaching of St. John Baptist, that they i |

) thought he was the Messiah; but he * _
rr CY; confessed before all, “1 am not the /}
Wa/SG) Christ. I indeed baptise you with water @ \
<< unto repentance; but He that cometh "; S
din after me is mightier than I, whose shoes

I am not worthy to bear: He shall bap- “ Ik
) tise you with the Holy Ghost, and with ( Y
N Sad He He will throughly purge His floor, and

We. j, gather His wheat into the garner; but Pps 3
\\ Za \ He will burn up the chaff with un- m
oe ”

Pe "Ys Oh ~ quenchable fire. A\\ :
ebdinsinn FC (


tl Wuixtst the people were going in crowds S g
* to John, Jesus came from Galilee to the |S
river Jordan, to be baptised by him.

John knew who He was, and he felt that

he was not worthy to baptise his Saviour, ¥.“}


in the river Jordan.

the heavens opened, and the voice of God
the Eternal Father was heard saying,
'“ This is My beloved Son, in whom I
am well pleased.” And that all the
| people might know that it was Jesus
who was meant, the Holy Spirit came
down upon Him in the form of a dove.

Thus did God declare that Jesus Christ

this solitary place He spent forty days,

When Jesus came up out of the water, |

fasting and praying. All this time He /

{| was His Son; and that He had sent Himon /
“'| His mission.

: ie ( ’ eS
bb Sih Ne

w took nothing to eat; and at the end of | y N
os Cy the forty days He was hungry. The Y
e \.5@ X devil took this opportunity to tempt Je- SV
A) hy sus to break God’s law; and he said to oh
~ Him, “ If Thou be the Son of God, @
= Ys command that these stones be made
| 3 bread.”” Jesus knew Satan’s wicked de- |(@)s
, signs, and He answered, “ It is written, : aN
Man shall not live by bread alone, but |. v
by every word that proceedeth out of |
the mouth of God.”’ When Satan found | e
> vs * He could not succeed, he tried another x
K Re i temptation. He then took Jesus to the oe
top of one of the pinnacles of the tem-
ple, and said to Him, “If Thou be
A hy the Son of God, cast Thyself down ; for |y=
io|o|# As / it is written, He shall give His angels
P\in € charge concerning Thee; and in their |\S))
a\ 5 ' hands they shall bear Thee up, lest at es
any time Thou dash Thy foot against a ¢





7 stone.” ¢
, w } Jesus thought of nothing but doing RY

) the will of God His Father; and He
resisted the temptation, saying, “ It is
written again, Thou shalt not tempt the
Lord thy God.”

Satan was, however, so determined
to overcome Jesus, that he tried a third {
temptation. He took Him to the top
of a very high mountain, shewed Him
all the kingdoms in the world, and pro- ALN VL
43 mised to give them to Him, if He would \ a Tl
only fall down and worship him. This \
wickedness of Satan moved our blessed
Saviour; and He said, “‘ Get thee hence, 14
Satan ; for it is written, Thou shalt wor-
’ ship the Lord thy God, and Him only |
shalt thou serve.”” These words over-
awed Satan, and he went away. The
angels then came to minister unto Jesus. /

We renounced all the wicked works of AS |
the devil when we were baptised; we must () \ ~
| also overcome all the temptations of Satan I

‘¢ by the word of God. With the help of God’s "Sz |,

, oe

grace we may do it; for God never suffers
us to be tempted above our strength. Jesus
is our Saviour; we must also take Him as
7 our model. We must, like Him, resist all

the suggestions of the enemy of our souls.



: 1 2) Jusus now left the wilderness, and went ¢
Y a towards John. As soon as John saw
A Him again, he was filled with holy joy,


“. and said, “‘ Behold the Lamb of God, ('
\\ which taketh away the sin of the world.
This is He of whom I said, After me
cometh a man which is preferred before
me: for He was before me. And I knew
Him not: but that He should be made ,
manifest to Israel, therefore am I come

/\7\ record, saying, I saw the Spirit descend- ,

ing from heaven like a dove, and it abode
upon Him. And I knew Him not: but
He that sent me to baptise with water,
the same said unto me, Upon whom {|
thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and
remaining on Him, the same is He which ;
baptiseth with the Holy Ghost. And I
saw, and bare record that this is the Son
of God.”

The next day Jesus passed by again;
and John said to his disciples, ‘‘ Behold

the Lamb of God, which taketh away ,\ ‘
the sins of the world.” When his dis- \
ciples heard these words, they wished
\, very much to know more about Jesus ;
and they followed Him. Jesus looked
round, and saw them coming after Him ;
He then turned round, and said, ‘‘ What

ap gece | ot GERRI it
a Mc) seek ye?”’ They replied that they wished |.
\e to see where He lived. Jesus asked them |":
= to “come and see.” They followed Him
NA \ J joyfully, and spent that day with Jesus.
C N ' One of these disciples was named John, |
BO f/ ; a
Se the other Andrew. Some time after this |, ¥
1g Jesus made them His Apostles, and they |<

wp were among His dearest friends.
oe Andrew had a brother, Simon Peter, | f
‘ and he went to seek him, and to tell him <
the happy news. When Andrew met |\(
* his brother, he said to him, “‘ We have if
< > found the Messias.” He then led him [Q

ae Jesus.

The Saviour knew Peter’s name before Y
X ~\ He saw him. When he came, Jesus | &
ie 7 said to him, “ Thou art Simon, the son


e of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas.” Y
After this, Peter became one of His dis- | ty


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We -
\ ‘9,
ie ;

ete lt SAI

The next day Jesus was going to Gali-
lee, and met Philip. Jesus saw the hearts, t

and knew the secret thoughts, of every \ , N

\\ body who came near Him. He saw that
((.4 Philip’s heart was upright and sincere ;
: and He said to him, ‘* Follow me.”’
@ Philip was drawn by the Saviour’s love
and kindness, and followed Him. He 3%

had a friend named Nathaniel, whose )
heart was full of sincere piety, and a |
strong desire to know the Messiah. Phi-

lip made haste to find his friend. Na-

& thaniel had been sitting under the shade
FT of a fig-tree; and perhaps he had been
‘i praying to God for the promised Saviour.
rh Soon after he left the fig-tree, Philip
saw him, and said, “ We have found
Him of whom Moses in the law, and the


reth?” Philip then told him to come and Nf
\SAYS6) see; and Nathaniel went, to convince q’\
i) }< himself. When Jesus saw him coming,
yy “\ He said, ‘‘ Behold an Israelite indeed, in

I ' me '
whom is no guile.”” Nathaniel was sur-
prised to hear Jesus speak so to a man
He had never before seen; and he said |
“ z to the Saviour, ‘‘ Whence knowest Thou
ay -, me?” Jesus saw to the bottom of his
heart, and replied, “ Before that Philip &
~ called thee, when thou wast under the
fig-tree, I saw thee.”” Nathaniel now felt
sure that Jesus was God, or He could
not have seen him under the fig-tree, ,


out, “ Master, Thou art the Son of God ; ?
Thou art the King of Israel.”” Jesus then

; nN said to him, ‘‘ Because I said unto thee,
\ * .| I saw thee under the fig-tree, believest
Q > \j thou? Thou shalt see greater things than

these. Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and
\| the angels of God ascending and descend- ¢
ing upon the Son of man.”

‘¢ Son of man!’’ this is the name which
Jesus the Son of God chose to take. He S

33] did so, no doubt, to teach us to be humble,
a and to shew us how great His love for us 4/%
| xh} 788, which made Him become man, that He { z

/2| might save us. ;

2 ka ore ;


\| THERE was a marriage at Cana, a town K &
-~<| of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was \¢ ~ >
€‘|there. Jesus and His disciples were
also asked, and they went. When the GC}

guests wanted some wine, Mary said to ?

Jesus, ‘‘ They have no wine.”” She told Ne |
the servants to do every thing that Jesus



4 should bid them. ‘There were six large °

the house; each pot would hold two or S
three firkins. Jesus told the servants
, to fill them with water, which they did.
( He then said, “ Draw out now, and
bear unto the governor of the feast ;’’ \
and they did as He bade them. When y
the governor tasted it, he found it was
=, beautiful wine ; and he said to the bride-
groom, “ Thou hast kept the good wine
until now.”’

This was the first miracle our Saviour ¥
performed. All the people who saw the \


. YB . ?. AN yey S ES
re SV ea N Sp |
Jerusalem every year. A great number

of people went from all parts to worship
God in the temple. Jesus also went to

this solemn feast. The buildings of the \/=

| temple were very grand. Some of the

people had no respect for this holy place; °
but offered the beasts for sale inthe tem- ~

ple which were to be used as sacrifices.
When Jesus went into the temple, He
saw some selling animals, some doves,
and others changing money. He was
very much displeased when He saw His
Father’s temple so wickedly profaned ;
and being moved by a holy zeal for His
Father’s glory, He made a whip of small

cords and drove them all out of the tem- \‘

ple. He overturned the money-tables ;
turned out the men who sold oxen and
doves, and said to them, “ It is written,

My house shall be called the house of


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Jat prayer; but ye have made it a den of

Sy thieves.” They were all afraid of Jesus,

q\ 3 and went away without resisting Him.
1 This sacred place was soon cleared of
CH these bad men, who disturbed the wor-

a ( ship of the people. We here see what
\ power Jesus had over wicked men: they
i seemed to feel that He was more than

» © man.

Some of the Jews were angry with
a" a Jesus when they saw what He had done.
S They began to ask questions: ‘‘ What ©

1X8 sign shewest Thou unto us, seeing that
Ss Thou doest these things?” Jesus an-
° swered and said, “‘ Destroy this temple,
An) fz )\ The priests did not understand His words. ')se. z
They thought that He meant that He ‘))
» ( T} would rebuild the stone temple in three
* days; and they said in a tone of reproach, e

*“ Forty and six years was this temple in

EM ~~ ; . , he?
; ; baubding, and wilt Thou rear it up in seis

|| Very angry.

When Jesus said He would raise the tem-
ple in three days, He meant, that if the Jews
killed Him, He would rise again from the
(SV! grave in three days. How truly did He fulfil
"/| these words! We may learn from what Jesus +
did to the buyers and sellers in the temple,
that it is very wicked to trifle in God’s mo
‘house. If we spend our time in church 47 -
thinking about pleasure or business, Jesus



| Jews.




Â¥)| Jesus left Jerusalem, and returned to
Nazareth. He was obliged to go through ©&
the country of Samaria. When He came 8
near a town called Sychar He was tired ;
Jesus then sent His disciples into the
town to buy some food, whilst He sat /
had made to water his flocks from.
Whilst Jesus was sitting there, a woman
> came to draw some water; when Jesus
saw her, He said to her, ‘‘ Give me to
drink.”” The woman was surprised to
hy hear a Jew ask her for drink; for the

Jews hated the people of Samaria so
; much that they would not speak civilly
‘ to them, nor drink out of the same vessel
* with them. Jesus blamed this unkind-

X <).«\ kindly, and said, ‘‘ If thou knewest the
5 J gift of God, and Who it is that saith to
P\I _( thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest

yA, ew | have asked of Him, and He would have |

given thee living water.”” These words

pas io
WA 2 BY, = : >
Ls oS Ih Awe >> | Ze

Zo, ®
Le ;

-} there. This well was one which Jacob |f

re » s) ness. He condemns all sin and error; |
. WW)

but His loving heart pities those who |
commit it. Jesus spoke to the woman |





surprised her still more, for she did not
know what they meant, and she replied,
“ Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with,
and the well is deep; from whence, then,
4 hast Thou this living water? Art Thou
* greater than our father Jacob, which gave
us the well, and drank thereof himself,

and his children and his cattle?”” Jesus \/

said to her, ‘“‘ Whosoever drinketh of this
water shall thirst again: but whosoever
\ drinketh of the water that I shall give
him shall never thirst; but the water
# that I shall give him shall be in him a
, well of water springing up into everlast-
ing life.” The woman then said, “ Sir,
. give me this water, that I thirst not, nei-

y’ ther come hither to draw.”

As a thirsty man wishes for refreshing
drink, so does he, who is not very wicked,





these beautiful words Jesus promises to sa-
tisfy this thirst of our souls by the teaching AS

{ of the Holy Ghost. If we follow Him, He g A
will open in our hearts a fountain of truth, \
holiness, and happiness. What can we wish

1 for more than this! a

Jesus now shewed this woman that He j) , Vj
/ knew the secrets of her heart; she was A\/
very much afraid when she found that a +o
, stranger knew all her sins. Filled with (4
shame, she said, “ Sir, I perceive that +
J‘. Thou art a prophet. Our fathers wor- ) \
Vs a . shipped in this mountain; and ye say Y J

Wir ) that in Jerusalem is the place where men .X,
VP 4 ought to worship.” Jesus then said to 4.
V9 Af her, ‘ Woman, believe me, the hour &
Ves! cometh when ye shall neither in this ¢
NY j mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship

A the Father. But the hour cometh, and >

worship the Father in spirit and in truth :

for the Father seeketh such to worship
. ot

Him. God is a Spirit; and they that g 2 Oy
worship Him must worship Him in spirit \« oT,

and in truth.” 1,
What an important lesson is this for us! “y ©
The soul of man is the true temple of God. . (<=>

}\| We must worship God from the very bottom _ ve \ TR
| of our hearts, for He is present every where. | ©
We must be sincere in what we say in our
j| prayers; for God hears all we say: our >
Y3| words must come from the heart, and we We
‘, )| must try to live as we pray. All other wor-
| ship is hypocrisy. :
PN The woman told Jesus that she knew ( ae
the Messiah was to come, and that He mt

‘~e| would teach all things. i: Ye?
é'| Jesus replied, “ I that speak unto thee © & ¢
Ss am He.” Just at this moment the disci- a r
5)| ples came with the food they had bought,
}Â¥4 and they wondered to see Jesus talking
)}| with this woman.

\ The poor woman was full of joy at
Sy “i | wae Jesus had told her. She put down

ae heavenly Father. If we would be His dis-



> who had the happiness of hearing from

her water-pot, and ran as fast as she could
to the town to tell her neighbours what
' she had heard. She was the first person

the lips of Jesus Himself that He was the
Messiah. God always teaches the truth
to those who seek it sincerely.

The disciples now offered some food to

that ye know not of. My meat is to do
the will of Him that sent me, and to
, finish His work.”
) & Jesus gave up all to do the will of His

_ ciples, we must follow His example and do
* so too.

When the people of the town heard |
what the woman said, they went out and
begged the Saviour to come into the city i\

= eh with them. Our Saviour was |

_Jesus; but He said, “‘ I have meat to eat | #

. always wishing to do men good; so He
went and stayed with them two days. ,
He spent this time in teaching them di-
vine truth; and many of them believed
Him to be the Saviour.


¥¢ Tue Saviour went to Nazareth, where :
’ He had been brought up. On the Sab-
bath-day He went into the synagogue

the book of Isaiah the prophet. He
opened it and read these beautiful words:
‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, be- §
‘ cause He hath appointed me to preach \


i Y
: CP.

me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach Yz
*) deliverance to the captives, and recover- io
ing of sight to the blind, to set at liberty
them that are bruised, to preach the
acceptable year of the Lord.” When
5 He had read this, He shut the book, and

< sat down. All the people fixed their eyes
on Him. And He said, This day is this
w scripture fulfilled in your ears.”
* Think what these words of the prophet
%{ meen. They tell us how much we owe to
‘ Jesus Christ, who can and will do all that
h He has there promised. It is Jesus whom
* the prophet means ; for none but Jesus can
S© pardon our sins and deliver us from them.

> goodness ; and they said to each other,

mn “@ ! “Is not this Joseph’s son?” Jesus still

continued to teach them. At last they
became so angry that they got up and “<
\| pushed Him out of the city. They then

| Ni

x Al, « The people listened to all Jesus said. $s

C| sf J They wondered to hear such wisdom and }\.
e D ‘

\i\led Him to the edge of a high rock,
on which the city stood, and tried to
S | throw Him off ; but Jesus passed through

them all and went away. Thus the
wicked people of Nazareth rejected their
{| Saviour.

| 4 One day Jesus stood by the lake of Genne-
| ‘ sareth; and a greatnumber of people came
‘\\ii to see and hear Him. There were two

o \| to Peter and his brother Andrew, and
‘~e| the other to James and John ; they were |
"43 busy mending their nets. When Jesus ‘

much, He got into Simon’s boat, and
!Â¥4 asked him to push it away from the land.
Simon obeyed joyfully; and Jesus then
preached to the people. When He had
finished, He told Peter to go further from

ships close by the shore; one belonged ¥¥

Or" | RR

so — the land and let down his nets. Peter (

‘Ss said, ‘“‘ Master, we have toiled all night

MS , and have taken nothing ; nevertheless, at

Thy word I will let down the net.” They

then put the net into the sea, and caught

a so many fish that the net began to break. |

\ As soon as they saw this, they made

Wz signs to the other ship to come and help

# ve them.
oy The net was pulled up so full of fish,

4D that both ships were laden until they be- \,

i gan to sink. When Peter saw this he

was afraid; he threw himself at the feet

er of Jesus and said, “ Depart from me;

for I am a sinful man, O Lord.’’ James

and John were as much astonished as ?:

Peter when they saw so many fishes. \
Jesus said to Peter, “ Fear not: from {

henceforth thou shalt catch men.” The

men now rowed their boats to the land ;

| {| they then left their boats and nets, and


| His disciples, and she waited upon them

A yas. (“Ss xc lip
G7 ee PA ( PAA ey

followed Jesus.
We see the power of God in all the actions
of Jesus. How kind He shewed Himself in
all the miracles He performed! \ () if
After this Jesus went with James and ( ix ZN
John into Peter’s house. His mother was \
ill in bed of a bad fever. Jesus was very
kind to her; for He went to her bedside
and touched her hand, and cured her in
a moment. She then rose up very thank-
ful, and prepared some food for Jesus and

herself. This wonderful cure was soon |
talked of all over the town; and before \
the night came, all the sick people in
the place were brought to Peter’s house.
When Jesus saw them He laid His hands
upon them and cured them.

Jesus now began to travel to every city


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> and village to preach and heal the sick.
) He told the people to “ repent, for the 7
V4 kingdom of heaven is at hand.”




\ ~ 4

- NY { WueEn the people saw the miracles which 7“
\ the Saviour wrought, they followed Him

NT 7 tain and began to teach them. The dis-
X DH ciples stood close to Him ; but the people

\\ a were round the mountain. All eyes were
Ny we fixed on Jesus, and there was a deep
i silence. He then taught them in these
( words: “ Blessed are the poor in spirit :

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

ws Blessed are they that mourn: for they

\ 0} shall be comforted. Blessed are the

. AY meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
\ fre = \ Blessed are they which do hunger and

thirst after righteousness : for they shall
4) FZ | be filled. Blessed are the merciful : for



they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the
pure in heart: for they shall see God.
| Blessed are the peace-makers: for they .
shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted {
for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when
men shall revile you, and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil against 7

\| you falsely for my sake. Rejoice, and be 4 7
exceeding glad; for great is your reward
in heaven: for so persecuted they the
prophets which were before you.”

After this, our blessed Saviour ex-
plained the commandments of God; es- ‘//,
pecially that which teaches us to love our /
‘!| neighbour. He said, “ Think not that I y

\| am come to destroy the law, or the pro- ©
ie /\ phets : I am not come to destroy, but to
| fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till ¢
heaven and earth pass, one jot or one )
tittle shall in no wise pass from the law,


great in the kingdom of heaven. For &
I say unto you, That except your }
righteousness shall exceed the righteous-
“%, ness of the scribes and pharisees, ye
shall in no case enter into the king- }
)\ dom of heaven. Ye have heard that ¢
it was said by them of old time, Thou 7
«°\*S shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill {

J, \ shall be in danger of the judgment. But

a Vy 2s) I say unto you, That whosoever is angry
4 _— with his brother without a cause shall be
) in danger of the judgment : and whoso-

_ Zr, ever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall ,

f be in danger of the council; but whoso- £-. )

ever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in dan-
ger of hell fire. Therefore if thou bring x y)

thy gift to the altar, and there remem- |
| berest that thy brother hath ought against ~(
_ thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, ce ¢
and go thy way; first be reconciled to
thy brother, and then come and offer thy
gift. Agree with thine adversary quickly, <7
whiles thou art in the way with him ;

lest at any time the adversary deliver thee | Ts
to the judge, and the judge deliver thee } \
to the officer, and thou be cast into pri- (A 4 (
son. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt AXkay \
. by no means come out thence till thou )\" \N
hast paid the uttermost farthing. Ye yee J

(| have heard that it hath been said, An /7 &® f
\| eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: \ ee ))
but I say unto you, That ye resist not § \¢ s
fy] evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on


thy right cheek, turn to him the other \\ se

also. And if any man will sue thee at the
law and take away thy coat, let him have
thy cloke also. And whosoever shall
compel thee to go a mile, go with him
twain. Give to him that asketh thee,
and from him that would borrow of thee
turn not thou away. Ye have heard that
) it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But
I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless
them that curse you, do good to them £”
that hate you, and pray for them which
despitefully use you and persecute you; “-~“
that ye may be the children of your Fa- (/
ther which is in heaven: for He maketh
His sun to rise on the evil and on the
good, and sendeth rain on the just and '}<
' on the unjust. For if ye love them which
love you, what reward have ye? do not
even the publicans the same? And if ye
salute your brethren only, what do ye

more than others? do not even the pub-

| licans so?
\| as your Father which is in heaven is per- |
He then told them that they must not

We must avoid the great sin of taking false b
oaths. All our words are to be the truth.

“ Swear not at all: neither by heaven,
| for it is God’s throne: nor by the earth, é
Jp for it is His footstool: neither by Jeru-
i salem, for it is the city of the great King.

But let your communication be yea, yea,
nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than *
these cometh of evil.”
The Saviour also teaches us how to ~
pray, to fast, and give alms to the poor,
in these words :—‘ Take heed that ye do °
not your alms before men, to be seen of
them ; otherwise ye have no reward of
your Father oe is in heaven. There- /

sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypo- [,
\ crites do in the synagogues and in the
> streets, that they may have glory of men.
Verily I say unto you, They have their {(-
reward. But when thou doest alms, let q
| not thy left hand know what thy right
a> \ hand doeth: that thine alms may be in
secret: and thy Father which seeth in
Â¥ s secret, Himself shall reward thee openly.
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not
be as the hypocrites are: for they love to
pray standing in the synagogues and in
the corners of the streets, that they may )
be seen of men. Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward. But thou, when 77%
thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and
when thou hast shut thy door, pray to \\“


thee openly.. But when ye pray, use not
vain repetitions, as the heathen do; for
they think that they shall be heard for
their much speaking. Be not ye there- ° ;
'Y.»| fore like unto them: for your Father YY Y
2 knoweth what things ye have need of \ ie
\< before ye ask Him. After this manner 7, \XN%
therefore pray ye: Our Father, which art aN yom

in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy ;

kingdom come. Thy will be done in \ RY 2
earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this WY

d ily bread. And forgi )
ay our daily brea nd forgive us our <>

| | debts, as we forgive our debtors. And ha


/ lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, \

| and the power and the glory, forever and \\

7y)| ever. Amen. For if ye forgive men their in |
| trespasses, your heavenly Father will also & \ N
forgive you: but if ye forgive not men AQ\\
“| their trespasses, neither will your Father f




/ ye fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a

Ae Ya their reward. But thou, when thou
fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy

{ secret shall reward thee openly.”

” taught poor men to trust in God’s pro-

> break through and steal: but lay up for

forgive your trespasses. Moreover when

sad countenance : for they disfigure their
faces, that they may appear unto men to
fast. Verily I say unto you, They have

face; that thou appear not unto men to
fast, but unto thy Father which is in
secret; and thy Father which seeth in

Jesus continued His discourse. He
warned rich men not to love riches. He

vidence, saying :—‘ Lay not up for your-
selves treasures upon earth, where moth
and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves

yourselves treasures in heaven, where
neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break through and

steal: for where your treasure is, there ov

\) will your heart be also. The light of the
“| body is the eye: if therefore thine eye \
S i be single, thy whole body shall be full of \
nN light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole
| body shall be full of darkness. If there- f
\| fore the light that is in thee be darkness, IK aS
| how great is that darkness! No man “ Nt (
i/4“| can serve two masters : for either he will a
hate the one and love the other; or else \xP?/{)\
-“\ he will hold to the one and despise the \ pe
‘ other. Ye cannot serve God and mam- a 2
'mon. Therefore I say unto you, Take WAZ
no thought for your life, what ye shall yr VaR '
eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for |
~e| your body, what ye shall put on. Is not |
4/| the life more than meat, and the body °
than raiment? Behold the fowls of the
air: for they sow not, neither do they
#reap, nor gather into barns; yet your
heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye
not much better than they? Which of

age, *
eke OZR

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Ov ra
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unto his stature? And why take ye |,
thought for raiment? Consider the lilies |".
of the field how they grow ; they toil not,
neither do they spin. And yet I say unto
you, that even Solomon in all his glory |
was not arrayed like one of these. Where- |
\ fore, if God so clothe the grass of the
3%, field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is |,
_ cast into the oven, shall He not much
we clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought, saying, What

: * shall we eat? or, What shall we drink ?
\ or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? [.<)

(for after all these things do the Gentiles
¢ seek :) for your heavenly Father knoweth if
-A Al, ~ \ that ye have need of all these things. But |
Lo seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His |:
F (‘e righteousness, and all these things shall |
wy 2” ' be added unto you. Take therefore no b w
, ee ei for the morrow : for the morrow
> a> aN
9 aN LK CL / ZA
Maas DLA i 4)
ESC f, Qn
CLA "J ie
ay BANE BS Ww Bw NS |
‘‘ Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye
* shall be judged: and with what measure
ye mete, it shall be measured to you
again. And why beholdest thou the
mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but
considerest not the beam that is in thine *)
own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy
id brother, Let me pull out the mote out of \

; thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first

? cast out the beam out of thine own eye; (
and then shalt thou see clearly to cast \A
out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. =~

\ ‘Give not that which is holy unto the

* dogs, neither cast ye your pearls be-


mi their feet, and turn again and rend :
VY case /}) you.
V7 _Vi = Ask, and it shall be given you ; seck,
\}SY/S36) and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be

j Pry }5 opened unto you: for every one that F

asketh receiveth; and he that scchath ' -
of findeth; and to him that knocketh it

shall be opened. Or what man is there A
<\\\_ of you, whom if his son ask bread, will {
1 Pi he give him a stone? Or if he ask a
¥ — fish, will he give him a serpent? Ifye J
WEE I then, being evil, know how to give good 64=%
La 9 / gifts unto your children, how much more / \\

give good things to them that ask Him?
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would

=) that men should do to you, do ye even
i { 4 so to them: for this is the law and the

prophets. iS
\\ “Enter ye in at the strait gate; for
wide is the gate, and broad is the ae

that leadeth to destruction, and many '

strait is the gate, and narrow is the way
| which leadeth unto life, and few there be ~

“ Beware of false prophets, which
come to you in sheep's clothing, but in- ,
wardly they are ravening wolves. Ye bs
)| shall know them by their fruits. Do men
gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? “7 \\
Even so every good tree bringeth forth @
good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth
A |)| forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot ‘
bring forth evil fruit, neither can a cor-

rupt tree bring forth good fruit. Everytree
| that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn
down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore ;
by their fruits ye shall know them. | '

“‘ Not every one that saith unto me, e
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom
| of heaven; but he that doeth the will of ,

3 my Father which is in heaven. Many \
| will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord,

"7 > > - 5

) have we not prophesied in Thy name?
and in Thy name have cast out devils?
3} and in Thy name done many wonderful
Co} works? And then will I profess unto
\\ m them, I never knew you: depart from
< me, ye that work iniquity.
- © Therefore whosoever heareth these RX
sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will Yx
Qs) liken him unto a wise man, which built \
. his house upon a rock: and the rain de- ¢(??
scended, and the floods came, and the i :
winds blew, and beat upon that house, ¢
* and it fell not; for it was founded upona ( |

rock. And every one that heareth these
» \ sayings of mine, and doeth them not,

..) shall be likened unto a foolish man, which
built his house upon the sand: and the

’ rain descended, and the floods came, and
the winds blew, and beat upon that house ; e

and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”


. Jesus finished His discourse, and all \X
those who heard Him were astonished ; for x \ )
they had never before heard such words. al
These lessons of our Saviour are intended ¥ ~ 7

for us, as well as for those who heard them. ) ‘ t
Happy shall we be if we make them the \
A' rule of our conduct. We must not only
know the lessons which Christ teaches, but —_ ;
we must obey them, if we wish to go to S

| heaven. ‘


One day, as our Saviour was sitting in

in to Jesus. But they were so anxious
) to have him cured, and they had such
/\ faith in the Saviour, that they carried
the sick man to the top of the house,
and let him down through the roof into
the room where Jesus was sitting. When
Jesus saw the faith they had in Him, He
was pleased. He looked on the poor ¢\ y
sick man with pity, and spoke kindly to
him, saying, “‘ Son, be of good cheer; { ¥
thy sins be forgiven thee.”” The proud ,y

and envious Scribes and Pharisees were |

forgiven thee; or to say, Arise and walk ?
But that ye may know that the Son of
2 man hath power on earth to forgive sins,
* \ (then saith He to the sick of the palsy,) &
Arise, take up thy bed, and go to thine

\ i

SS eo
\ house.” Directly our Lord had said g vA
\‘y| these words, the poor man was cured; \¢ 3 +e
WY and he got up, took his bed, and carried &/ «& yy
‘Sh it home. When the people saw this, WO &
oy they were astonished ; and they glorified ,
| God, and said, “‘ We have seen strange
5 things to-day.” ‘
6 After this, Jesus went out of the house ; y 4
S\| ; oA
.o4 and as He was walking along the street, [ _ ae \
2d | He saw Matthew sitting at the receipt of
Wy; Custom ; and He said to him, ‘ Follow |
N | me ;” and Matthew rose up and followed ( ge SX
=| Jesus, and invited Him to his house. ;
Whilst Jesus was talking with His ~ \Sj/S&
~¢| disciples, one of the rulers, named Jairus, “Ae/"~
DY . : . ©
<;| came to Him, to ask Him to cure his
| little girl, who was very ill. Jairus fell (Ss
>}; down at the feet of Jesus, and prayed ,
3 Him to go and lay His hands upon
her, and heal her. Jesus listened to his
| prayer, and He arose and went with him ;
7’ a very great crowd of people follower


~4 ~

° a

them. There was a woman in the crowd,
who had been ill for many years. She
, had seen many doctors, and had spent a
‘ great deal of money in medicine, but it
was all in vain, for nothing did her any
good. As Jesus was walking along, she
went close to Him, and touched the hem
>. of His garment ; for she believed that if |
she could only touch His garment she
should be cured; and the moment she
touched it she felt quite well. She thought
4 no one observed her; but how can any
i thing be hid from Jesus? He turned
round and said, ‘‘ Who touched me?”
, The people all declared they had not done |,
it. Peter and the other disciples said,
‘‘ Master, the multitude throng Thee |
and press Thee; and sayest Thou, Who
touched me?” Jesus replied, ‘‘ Some- }
body hath touched me; for I perceive |;

Wad ae

4) the poor woman saw that Jesus knew

all, she was seized with fear; and casting aS
> C

’ that virtue is gone out of me.” When

herself at the feet of Jesus, she confessed ¥
4 what she had done. The Lord looked
kindly upon her, and said, “‘ Daughter,
z be of good comfort ; thy faith hath made
thee whole; go in peace.”

Whilst Jesus was speaking, one of the
NI servants of Jairus came to him and said,
. \} “f Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the ,
1 Master.” When Jesus heard this, He
' said, “ Fear not; believe only, and she
shall be made whole.” On reaching the

was not dead, for they did not understand \
His words. Jesus ordered all of them
to go away. He then went into the ,
chamber with the father and mother,

and with Peter, James, and John. The 4—

body of the little girl, who once flou-
rished like a rose, was now pale and
cold. The parents wept over her with |

-the greatest sorrow. The tender heart ¢°

of Jesus was full of compassion: He g.
went up to the body, took hold of the £7
hand, and in a kind gentle voice said, ©

“ Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.” As

: ine one what had been done.
noise of this great miracle soon spread
through all the country.

How good and kind it was of Jesus to
raise this child to life! He will, one day,


raise us all from our graves, as He did this \%
‘| little girl from her death-bed. Oh! let us \
love and praise Him for His goodness! Let
| us pray that we may awake in His likeness!


At the feast of the Passover Jesus went to
Jerusalem. On the outside ofthe city there G
' was a pool of water, which was surround-
ed by a building called Bethesda, which

| means, the house of the merciful. This /) Mp

building was full of blind, lame, and
other sick people, who waited for the \

angel came down from heaven, and trou- /
bled the waters. The first person who wp, Z
\| went into the pool after this, was cured U “6%
/| of whatever disease he had; so that the
sick waited in the building to see when
the water moved, that they might be

ready to jump in first. |

ee : a 3/69.
\ “ST 5 ®
=/>* ( %


Among these sick people there was

, te limbs thirty-eight years. Jesus saw him
+ lying there, and knew that he had been
sick a long time; and He kindly asked
the man, ‘“ Wilt thou be made whole?”
The poor man replied, “Sir, I have no
one, when the water is troubled, to put
A\, me into the pool; but, while | am com-
6) ing, another steppeth down before me.”’
aD Jesus then said to him, “ Rise, take up
v / thy bed, and walk.”” Although this poor
{man had been a cripple so many years,
y) he was now able to walk, and he rose up,
» I

took his bed, and walked home.
As soon as Jesus had cured him, He

His name. It was on the Sabbath-day.

bed, they said to him, “It is the Sabbath-

a poor man who had lost the use of his ff.

went away, before the man could ask |:

When the Jews saw him carrying his ;\t

bed.” The poor man told them that He ,

who had cured him said, ‘‘ Take up thy (,

bed and walk.” They then asked him

who the man was that had told him to

do so; but he could not tell them, as he

did not know Jesus. N
A short time after, Jesus saw the man & &
’ in the temple. He said to him, “ Behold,

thou art made whole: sin no more, lest

’ him, he went and told the Jews. These
wicked men hated Jesus ; and when they
» heard that He had cured a man on the
. Sabbath-day, they tried to kill Him.


The Lord’s day is sanctified by doing -
) works of mercy, and not in neglecting them.
. And the true way of keeping the Sabbath is |
to worship God, and to do good to men.




ye. }


‘ _ 6) Wuen Jesus returned to Galilee, a very ¢
es great multitude followed Him, because >
/ they had heard of His wonderful mira- \_*
: R cles. The people came from all parts: )
Lt W some were deaf and dumb; some blind, "
<*\\ and lame, and paralytic; and others had |
\ S evil spirits. They all tried to touch Jesus, 2
wy that they might be cured. Jesus pitied
\); 7-2 4\ them, and healed them all. He felt great oS
Ape * compassion for these poor people, who /
F were ignorant and wicked. They were
scattered like sheep without a shepherd.
The sight of their misery moved the ten- ¢),
der heart of the Saviour; and He said to /|
His disciples, ‘‘The harvest truly is plen- ?
teous, but the labourers are few; pray ye

F\\ cities and villages; and when He had
) ¥ }| ended His long and weary journeys, He |
i] went up into a mountain, and spent the
whole night in prayer. In the morning,
He called His disciples, and chose twelve
of them. These He called “ apostles.”
Their names were, “‘ Simon, who is called
Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and /7
\' John, Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew
and Thomas, James the son of Alpheus,
| and Simon called Zelotes, and Judas the
brother of James, and Judas Iscariot.
These twelve Jesus sent forth, and com-
manded them, saying, Go not into the ‘$
way of the Gentiles, and into any city of /
the Samaritans enter ye not: but gora- m°/
ther to the lost sheep of the house of ~ 4

‘| Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying,
| The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal
the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
cast out devils: freely ye have received,


NWi\q freely give. Provide neither gold, nor |
\ . silver, nor brass in your purses, nor |/.
: oS \ scrip for your journey, neither two coats,
\ 2s” \ neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the
2£ workman is worthy of his meat. And
SF = }into whatsoever city or town ye shall |
| x enter, inquire who in it is worthy; and
iS os there abide till ye go thence. And when

SW ’ - eo
a WZ. SAL?! One i Wyse

. ~. ye come into an house, salute it. And if
@ yp) the house be worthy, let your peace come
By De {** upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your
* peace return to you. And whosoever shall
6 Se he not receive you, nor hear your words,
eo } wh when ye depart out of that house or city,
5 shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I |x

(\ ah ev say unto you, It shall be more tolerable |
G J for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in |!
F ./e the day of judgment, than for that city.
BAA” “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in [

the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise
‘ 5 as serpents, and harmless as doves, But

beware of men: for they will deliver you
up to the councils, and they will scourge
you in their synagogues ; and ye shall be \
+4 brought before governors and kings for
> my sake, for a testimony against them
and the Gentiles. But when they deliver
you up, take no thought how or what ye
shall speak: for it shall be given you in
{py that same hour what ye shall speak. For
‘, it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of
.¢ your Father which speaketh in you. And
?» the brother shall deliver up the brother }
to death, and the father the child; and
\ the children shall rise up against their

parents, and cause them to be put to
‘death. And ye shall be hated of all men -

—\ for my name’s sake: but he that en-

dureth to the end shall be saved. But

} when they persecute you in this city, flee
ete rR BONE? x

ye into another: for verily I say unto

r oP se, Ye shall not have gone over the /X

cities of Israel till the Son of man be

“\N ts \ come. The disciple is not above his mas-

ter, nor the servant above his lord. Itis "—'

po. enough for the disciple that he be as his \e«-?

. : aS

5 master, and the servant as his lord. If ,

: they have called the master of the house 4
Beelzebub, how much more shall they
call them of his household? Fear them

not, therefore: for there is nothing co- ¢

a § vered, that shall not be revealed; and

a4 SB he hid, that shall not be known. What I 7

tell you in darkness, that speak ye in

se light: and what ye hear in the ear, that

X =).,)\ preach ye upon the house-tops. And

4 \e y, fear not them which kill the body, but

P © are not able to kill the soul: but rather

a\ &3 | fear Him which is able to destroy both

soul and body in hell. Are not two

sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of

. them shall not fall on the ground without ees

\\ your Father. But the very hairs of your
head are all numbered. Fear ye not, there-

S i] fore: ye are of more value than many
sparrows. Whosoever, therefore, shall
confess me before men, him will I con-
{| fess also before my Father which is in
| heaven. But whosoever shall deny me *
before men, him will I also deny before
my Father which is in heaven. Think


earth: I came not to send peace, but a

“\j; sword. For I am come to set a man \\jj/
/! at variance against his father, and the Pay
“) daughter against her mother, and the /
>| daughter-in-law against her mother-in- |
| law. And a man’s foes shall be they of
Â¥| his own household. He that loveth fa-

>)| ther or mother more than me is not

43, worthy of me: and he that loveth son or
»\| daughter more than me is not worthy of

; me. And he that taketh not his cross,

| YÂ¥' and followeth after me, is not worthy of

me. He that findeth his life shall lose & ))
it; and he that loseth his life for my sake (=)
\ shall find it. {

“He that receiveth you receiveth me ;

_ and he that receiveth me receiveth Him s

that sent me. He that receiveth a pro- ¢

phet in the name of a prophet shall re- &.

ceive a prophet’s reward; and he that ¥

3) receiveth a righteous man in the name of % ‘

. a righteous man shall receive a righteous

man’s reward. And whosoever shall give <7

\\ to drink unto one of these little ones a ¢

: cup of cold water only in the name of a g
s° \* disciple, verily 1 say unto you, he shall \\

» >,.\ in no wise lose his reward.” | Wy
After Jesus had finished these words, ‘2%


? : Jp —~ He sent out His apostles, by two and two, .
| ( és) into all the towns and villages, to tell -A&¢

qj, men to repent of their sins. He also , R
gave them power to heal all kinds of g> }
Q 9



multitude stood round Him. He then ,
went into a ship, whilst the people stood
‘/}on the shore. He taught His holy doc- 4 YQ

trine in the form of parables, saying, ‘‘ A | \

sower went out to sow his seed; andas (A 3 (
he sowed, some fell by the way-side, and AXA \
ul it was trodden down, and the fowls of ,\ *

the air devoured it. And some fell upon =()
a rock, and as soon as it was sprung up, |/ * /% /


) it withered away, because it lacked mois- \ ‘ye '

ture. And some fell among thorns, and 4

g| the thorns sprang up with it, and choked 4“ \/
it. And other fell on good ground, and VIEL )

* \> sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold.
\ th y= | And when He had said these things, He

hAYâ„¢ 6) hear. And His disciples asked Him, say- p
ip Ss ing, What might this parable be?” r)

\ ) Jesusthenexplainedthis parabletothem.
SS / And He said, “‘ Unto you it is given to {
wYA know the mysteries of the kingdom of

<3 God : but to others in parables ; that see-
r] 7 ing they might not see, and hearing they
= might not understand. Now the parable ,Â¥
<7‘ is this: The seed is the Word of God. ) \
ye \Y Those by the way-side are they that hear ; Ke
| We then cometh the devil, and taketh away .:

y the word out of their hearts, lest they }.-

should believe, and be saved. They on \
\' the rock are they which, when they hear, (“‘
3 receive the word with joy; and these
have no root, which for a while believe, ~\;
and in time of temptation fall away.
And that which fell among thorns, are
they which, when they have heard, go

riches, and pleasures of this life, and
bring no fruit to perfection. But that /
~s{, on the good ground, are they which, in |
SS an honest and good heart, having heard ay A
= the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit \. A
Af. with patience.” 7 x ey
In another parable He taught them i
’ about the kingdom of heaven on earth, that HAY 9
“13 is, the Church, saying: “ The kingdom °)
Ag, of heaven is likened unto a man which ‘\, is
' sowed good seed in his field. But while

~' men slept, his enemy came and sowed a)
tares among the wheat, and went his °<
way. But when the blade was sprung o 6

‘VY up, and brought forth fruit, then ap- 4 &) :

( peared the tares also. So the servants ‘Al
of the householder came, and said unto

him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed | ¥ hy

in thy field? from whence then hath it SN »

4 tares? He said unto them, An enemy a I,
hath done this. The servants said unto /4

him, Wilt thou then that we go and ga-
ther them up? But he said, Nay; lest |
while ye gather up the tares, ye root
up also the wheat with them. Let both
grow together until the harvest; and in {(
the time of harvest I will say to the
reapers, Gather ye together first the tares,
=, and bind them in bundles to burn them :
A\, but gather the wheat into my barn.” :
ZX V9 Jesus then explained this parable, say- | Ny

a ing, ‘‘ He that soweth the good seed is the

eZ Son of man; the field is the world; the

‘i good seed are the children of the king- YO
Q dom; but the tares are the children of Xi

the wicked one; the enemy that sowed

ch them is the devil; the harvest is the end }



of the world; and the reapers are the &
angels. As therefore the tares are ga- iS
thered and burned in the fire; so shall it 5

be in the end of this world. The Son of | iy

{| man shall send forth His angels, and ;
they shall gather out of His kingdom all
things that offend, and them which do
iniquity ; and shall cast them into a fur-
nace of fire; there shall be wailing and
gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righ-
teous shine forth as the sun in the king-
dom of their Father. Who hath ears to
hear, let him hear.”’

O how dreadful is the state of the wicked
in the next world! They will be separated
for ever from the society of the good. Shut
out of heaven, they will weep and be always
_unhappy! If we wish to escape this dread-
ful end, we must use all our efforts to keep
from sin. All who love Jesus, and follow “
Him, by avoiding evil, and keeping His
commandments, will be saved from this mi-
sery, and live in heaven for ever with the
Lord. God is so merciful and good, that


- te"
] Se
hy a)
A > 7
St Cag

“ i e. * help us to do what is right. Let us then
1, TC pray always for this grace, and give up all |X
our wicked thoughts, words, and works.


4 «Tue kingdom of heaven is like to a’

ae \, grain of mustard-seed, which a man took | St
° » and sowed in his field: which indeed x
WT / 42 al is the least of all seeds; but when it is


grown, it is the greatest among herbs,
and becometh a tree, so that the birds of

*\ 5a the air come and lodge in the branches
ie: yx thereof.”’

~_ (se )\e This parable is an image of the holy Church
CAS “A of Jesus Christ, which from small beginnings

has spread itself over the whole world, and
jy. has received all the kingdoms of the earth
into its bosom, by holy baptism.

“The kingdom of heaven,” said Jesus
ys again, ‘‘ is like unto leaven, which a wo-

5 rupt, and his fruit corrupt; for the tree

is known by his fruit.”
SC Pious words and good resolutions are of /

man took, and hid in three measures of
meal, till the whole was leavened.’’

We have been baptised into the kingdom
| of Jesus Christ; and our whole souls ought
to be full of the Divine Spirit of our Saviour.
All our thoughts, all our words and actions,
ought to be holy and heavenly.

“The kingdom of heaven,” continued
Jesus, “‘ is like unto treasure hid in a
field ; the which when a man hath found
he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and

, , selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that


We must not think any thing too pre-
cious to sacrifice for our salvation and sanc-

*“« Either make the tree good, and his
fruit good; or else make the tree cor-

0 BY e"
\ ~ ~
@ ye


(. 4) no use if they do not lead to good works. |
} '/ They are of no more value than a fruit-tree |f, |


which bears no fruit.

ec “And He spake this parable unto

By (7 them, saying, What man of you having |

ap JX x an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them,

an doth not leave the ninety and nine in the

/*)\< b> wilderness, and go after that which is |>/

AC ae lost, until he find it? And when he hath |}

| 47. } found it, he layeth it on his shoulders,

S PA , rejoicing. And when he cometh home, if
he calleth together his friends and neigh-

%® bours, saying unto them, Rejoice with | i

sa me, for I have found my sheep which |

an) Was lost. I say unto you, That likewise |

it S©* | joy shall be in heaven over one sinner |\“

in OF

4 that repenteth, more than over ninety

and nine just persons, which need no |
repentance. Either what woman having |, ty
> <> ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, ify



her friends and her neighbours together, \'
saying, Rejoice with me, for I have found $
the piece which I had lost. Likewise, I |
say unto you, There is joy in the pre-
sence of the angels of God over one sin- ;
ner that repenteth.”’

It is thus that the Lord Jesus seeks lost °)
sinners, and brings them back to Himself;
and it is thus that the angels in heaven re-
joice when a man turns from his wicked
; ways into the paths of goodness. Oh, how
much we ought to love our Saviour, and try
~ to do what He bids us!





pe AQP 3 LS “ae

Ki and asked Him, ‘‘ Which isthe great com-
os mandment of the law?” Jesus said unto
ae him, ‘‘ Thou shalt love the Lord thy God

e \ Ss with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. This is the first
> and great commandment. And the se- )
< cond is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy /*%

bb (i neighbour as thyself. On these two com-
YZ‘ 7” mandments hang all the law and the pro- i

Ns phets.”


> AR
S/\ Dag These are some of the most important
' words that were ever spoken to man. We

By «< must obey them, if we wish to go to heaven.

Y4 One day, when a great many people
Oe were standing by the Lord, He spoke
these words, which are of the greatest

concern to all of us:—* I thank Thee,
Xe ) O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, be-
| cause Thou hast hid these things from
—— the wise and prudent, and hast revealed on

y \\ them unto babes. Even so, Father; for am
“ ~< d 2

, i
so it seemed good in Thy sight. All
things are delivered unto me of my Fa-
ther; and no man knoweth the Son, but

yy the Father; neither knoweth any man

Qi the Father, save the Son, and he to
whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.”’
‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and *
are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of
me; for I am meek and lowly in heart ;
and ye shall find rest unto your souls ;
for my yoke is easy, and my burden is \\,
light.”” Py

A certain man thought that our Lord /

was going to found an earthly kingdom,

| and he came to Jesus, and said unto

|| Him, ‘‘ Lord, I wiil follow Thee whither- ,

soever Thou goest.’”” The Lord replied,
** Foxes have holes, and birds of the air
have nests ; but the Son of man hath not
where to lay His head.”

Another said to Him, “ Lord, I will
follow Thee ; but let me first go bid them (0
\ farewell which are at home at my house.”
x2 Jesus saw that he was not firm, but that
\\ his friends kept him back; and He said 4\<

A . be to him, ‘‘ No man, having put his hand &

. temple, he saw many rich people putting |
@ so money into the treasury. He saw \
t also a very poor widow woman put in two
‘ mites, which make a farthing. And He
“ called His disciples, and said, “ Verily I XY.
a unto you, that this poor widow hath )
5) cast more in than all — which have


done. He respects a small alms, or a little | ae ;
sacrifice, if given with a pure heart, and with 4) :
the desire of pleasing Him alone, much more
Wy than He does the greatest charity and the /) }) (
practice of the most austere virtues, when
i they come from an evil heart, or are done
|| to seek the praises of men. How cheering (
it is to know that our simple and common he
duties are holy and pleasing to God, if they 4 /Q \ SS
are done from love to Him! In all our / a"
AN | (

actions let us do all to the glory of God.


A person asked Him, “Lord, are there “7%, , \\
74, few that be saved?”’ Jesus replied, “Strive ye
2 f}



to enter in at the strait gate; for many,
“| [ say unto you, will seek to enter in, and
‘}| shall not be able. When once the Master \° Y /
“\| of the house is risen up, and hath shut- ): ¢

to the door, and ye begin to stand with-

out, and to knock at the door, saying,



) shall answer, and say unto you, ‘I know

4 you not whence ye are.’ Then shall ye

SG) | begin to say, ‘ We have eaten and drunk

, in Thy presence, and Thou hast taught \

i of a} in our streets.’ But He shall say, ‘I tell ,

aye There shall be weeping and gnashing of
’ a Pip teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and

We > Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets,

from the north, and from the south, and
shall sit down in the kingdom of God.’ ”
St. Peter came one day to Jesus, and

brother sin against me, and I forgive him?

should forgive his brother ‘‘seven times.”

you, I know you not whence ye are: de- «
part from me, all ye workers of iniquity. {

y from the east, and from the west, and ;:

} said to Him, “ Lord, how oft shall my ¢

oe till seven times?’’ Peter thought he had {
* ,\ said a great deal when he asked if he ‘$

B |





NZ in the kingdom of God, and you your- & \
1) selves thrust out. And they shall co ®
i os y shall come

N |}?


as }

Our Saviour here teaches us that we must
freely, and with a sincere heart, forgive men ©
all that they have done against us, and that
we must never ‘“‘ bear malice or hatred in
our hearts.”” This is God’s command; and
nothing is more displeasing to Him than a ;
malicious and revengeful spirit.



Heron, the son of that wicked king who }
»| had slain the infants at Bethlehem, was
governor of Galilee. He heard what a 7
wonderful man John the Baptist was, ¢F
and he sent for him. When John came,
he told Herod of his sins, especially of

very holy man ; and he was afraid of him,
and did many things that John told him; |
oy but he would not listen to what John
- said against his marrying.
From this time Herodias, the wife of
Herod’s brother Philip, hated John, and
determined to have her revenge on him.
She made Herod put this holy man into
Soon after Herod had done this, he
aN kept his birthday, and made a grand
. feast, to which he asked all his nobles.

‘ The daughter of Herodias came to the
go “y) feast, and danced before all the company.

Herod and his friends were so much }

C > pleased with her dancing, that he fool- |
D> n\ ishly promised to give her any thing she

asked for, even if it was half his kingdom.

y ee S\| The girl did not know what to ask for; ;

so she went to her mother, and said, |

. What shall I ask?” The wicked wo- a y
man replied, “The head of John the an %
Baptist.”” The young girl then made (,
P\ haste back to Herod, and said, “I will cs
that thou give me, by and by, in a

’ charger, the head of John the Baptist.” s |
=< When Herod heard this, he was very KI
‘,y sorry; but he dare not break his oath.
So he sent his guards to the prison to
} take off the head of the holy prophet,

: bleeding head in a charger to the girl ;
’ and she took it to her mother.

\ dreadful crime. He took away the life of

‘) this good man to please a wicked woman, .
* who hated him because he had reproved her {

evil ways. In dying this violent death, the

- holy forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ ' :
\\ has obtained the glorious crown of martyr- AW
{ dom. He teaches us, by his example, that A

we should rather die, than sacrifice the sa- Pp
cred interests of virtue and religion,




S iN ) ay)


Y P| 7 Tux Lord Jesus was always followed by ( di

a great crowd of people, who came to ye

Ws hear Him, and to be cured by Him. \

One day some people brought little chil- (J
WA~V) dren, that He might put His hands up- ¢¢ Ke
t on them; but His disciples would have Yy ,
\Y df sent them away. When Jesus heard >
<=) them, He was not pleased with the dis- bh. We
N ciples, for He loved little children; and .
He said, ‘ Suffer little children to come
*\\ unto me, and forbid them not; for of

such is the kingdom of heaven. Verily


| ceive the kingdom of God as a little child, ¢
‘| he shall not enter therein.” And He |

Â¥}| took the little children in His arms, put
His hands upon them, and blessed them. ‘\
One day the disciples were quarrelling f

| about which of them should be the chief.

yy! and said, ‘Verily I say unto you, except fh
ye be converted, and become as little ©
children, ye shall not enter into the
kingdom of heaven. Whosoever, there-
fore, shall humble himself as this little ( (VA
| child, the same is greatest in the king- 7

dom of heaven. And whoso shall receive
one such little child in my name, receiv- ‘wp,
eth me. But whoso shall offend one of &
these little ones which believe in me, it 7
were better for him that a millstone were
hanged about his neck, and that he were
drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe

D3 x unto the world because of offences: for
it must needs be that offences come: but /
woe to that man by whom the offence
tN) cometh. Wherefore if thy hand or thy
foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast {{,-
A 3 them from thee: it is better for thee to ‘
) enter into life halt or maimed, rather than Ny

| >, having two hands or two feet to be cast
iB i
‘9 6

into everlasting fire. And if thine eye
offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from {:
thee: it is better for thee to enter into ,° ‘
re life with one eye, rather than having two \\\,/
eyes to be cast into hell-fire. Take heed ye

rae that ye despise not one of these little
ones ; for I say unto you, that in heaven .

¢ \ their angels do always behold the face of 574,

my Father which is in heaven.”

Oh, what great love does the Lord Jesus
Christ here shew to little children! They are

NX, the special objects of His tender care. It is to
- 110

WZ - Zz —-
et , (iG

LK One

s Z J aS Ek e-

them that He shews the most touching proofs
/\ of His goodness ; and He tells His disciples
that they must be open, simple, and inno-
cent as little children. We must try, then, ‘
to preserve these precious virtues ; for Jesus
}| loves us ; and we ought so to love Him, that i “N

we would rather die a thousand times than 1) sf

offend Him, by doing what is wrong. a\\ ,
So Pe
Our blessed Saviour took the three dis-
ciples whom He loved most — Peter,
. James, and John—up a high mountain.
Wf | When they were at the top, the Lord |
| Jesus knelt down to pray; and, as He
)\ prayed, His face shone as bright as the
sun, and His raiment became as white
«| as snow, and shone like a bright light.

OY And the disciples saw two men, sur- |}


ae MS) rounded with heavenly glory, talking ,

er —* with the Lord Jesus. These men were
(7% * Moses and Elias. The disciples were
VA &Y filled with holy fear at this wonderful

—>? sight. St. Peter said, with great de- |

va WTR light, ‘‘ Master, it is good for us to be

A \ here; and let us make three tabernacles
4 —one for Thee, and one for Moses, and '
\// one for Elias.” While he was speaking,

Ve a bright cloud came over them; and a

1 R Voice came out of the cloud, saying,
a/ yr sy “This is my beloved Son, in whom I
a am well pleased: hear ye Him.” When

afraid, and fell on their faces to the

*\ sd S) the disciples heard this Voice, they were Le

fn « ground. But Jesus went to them, and |.
A touched them, saying, “‘ Arise, and be

h. they saw the Lord Jesus by Himself,
looking as He always did.
& \ As they came down from the moun-
\~ YR tain, our Lord said to them, ‘‘ Tell the


not afraid.”” And when they looked up, |


2 vision to no man until the Son of man

be risen again from the dead.” The dis-

>) ciples did not know what He meant by
» rising from the dead.

\¢ After this, Jesus spoke to them more

= SN

\ plainly about His death; for He said,
Y J “The Son of man shall be betrayed into
aN, the hands of men, and they shall kill
RZ Him, and oe third day He shall be
@j raised again.” And they were very

yA sorry.
SX Upon the mountain our blessed Saviour
WY shewed His disciples the glory which He
. had in heaven as the Son of God. Let us |
0 A pray, and strive to love and obey Him, and
© follow His steps here upon earth: then we
shall see Him thus in heaven.


gave was this:—‘‘ A certain man had |
é two sons; and the younger of them

‘ said to his father, Father, give me the
portion of goods that falleth to me.

And not many days after, the younger |
son gathered all together, and took his
journey into a far country, and there |,

/a mighty famine in that land; and he
' began to be in want. And he went and
joined himself to a citizen of that coun-
_ try; and he sent him into his fields to
feed swine. And he would fain have
filled his belly with the husks that the |
swine did eat: and no man gave unto
him. And when he came to himself, he

said, How many hired servants of my

a Sts 7

5 ry]
Ue X e J ‘
7 rr | OR /.
. Obs £2 J


. father’s have bread enough and to spare,
(\) and I perish with hunger! I will arise
\e( ,, and go to my father, and will say unto
PK him, Father, I have sinned against hea-
«J ven, and before thee, and am no more
5 worthy to be called thy son; make me

as one of thy hired servants. And he
arose, and came to his father. But when |
he was yet a great way off, his father
saw him, and had compassion, and ran,
4 and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
Wy And the son said unto him, Father, I
? have sinned against heaven, and in thy

: ( sight, and am no more worthy to be
ey; called thy son. But the father said to

} } his servants, Bring forth the best robe, |
4, and put it on him; and put a ring on
“his hand, and shoes on his feet: and

bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it;

cst ac EE.

> my son was dead, wee is alive again ;
he was lost, and is found. And they
1 began to be merry.”

What fatherly kindness! It is thus God
acts towards truly penitent sinners.

2, he called one of the servants, and oles
what these things meant. And he said
unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy |
father hath killed the fatted calf, because (
oe hath received him safe and sound. iX
43 And he was angry, and would not go 7


S 'entreated him. And he answering said |

WY 1 to his father, Lo, these many years do I “>

in: therefore came his father out, and

oN time thy commandment; and yet thou
never gavest me a kid, that I might make
) merry with my friends: but as soon as

wv . 4 P ,
re a, ; x ox

©(/ this thy son was come, which hath de-
F-A| voured thy living with harlots, thou hast
)Â¥}| killed for him the fatted calf. And he ,
| said unto him, Son, thou art ever with
(| me, and all that I have is thine. It was {°
meet that we should make merry, and \

S be glad: for this thy brother was dead, ‘

)| and is alive again; and was lost, and is
“1! found.”

We must not be unkind and envious of (°- 74
others, as this brother was; but rather be
tender and merciful, as our heavenly Father WD &


| A Lawyer one day asked our Lord what ¢&
\‘8)| he must do to be saved. The Lord told
AL him that he must love God with all his
©)| heart, and mind, and soul, and strength ;

\\| and that he must love his neighbour / |
b 117



aN!) asked who was his neighbour. Jesus

“Y . answering said, “ A certain man went

S 29\) down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and
. 5 2 "fell among thieves, which stripped him
, departed, leaving him half dead. And

7 DS we by chance there came down a certain

s \~. priest that way ; and, when he saw him,
NY op) he passed by on the other side. And

By ~ likewise a Levite, when he was at the

/% passed by on the other side. But a cer-

* Sy 4 place, came and looked on him, and)

i sh tain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came

where he was; and, when he saw him, }

A ail. ~ \ he had compassion on him, and went to
7 him, and bound up his wounds, pouring

ay ¥ ¢ in oil and wine, and set him on his own |
MA \ ' beast, and brought him to an inn, and [
took care of him. And on the morrow, !

SA) as he loved himself. The lawyer then |,

of his raiment, and wounded him, and |


. when he departed, he took out two pence, [}} 3 A
and gave them to the host, and said unto | <3
him, Take care of him; and whatsoever //\ XS
thou spendest more, when I come again, i}

I will repay thee. Which now of these >
three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto |\~ S (
him that fell among the thieves? And } G

he said, He that shewed mercy on him.” \



The true love of our neighbour is to help

\ (
him who is in need, even if he lives in *) 3
error. Our Saviour says, ‘‘ Go, and do thou 2
\ SV

? likewise.”



‘‘ THERE was a certain rich man, which ‘\/
\ was clothed in purple and fine linen, and
) fared sumptuously every day. And there
» Was a certain beggar named Lazarus,
which was laid at his gate full of sores,




D (aa 02 ,
VW. , a4
; © —

sf . © IN Ys




and desiring to be fed with the crumbs
*) which fell from the rich man’s table: 7
~ moreover, the dogs came and licked his | &
sores. And it came to pass that the 4
beggar died, and was carried by the an-
we 5 gels into Abraham’s bosom. The rich \.








.man also died, and was buried: and in
ep hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, \
2X. F” and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus #¢

CP) in his bosom. And he cried and said, .
f, RA *\ Father Abraham, have mercy on me, A
& US y and send Lazarus, that he may dip the
% Se ) tip of his finger in water, and cool my
_, tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 4

S© But Abraham said, Son, remember that ow?

)\ thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good

C| , ) J things, and likewise Lazarus evil things ;

Sie Gio | te

4 p

€ but now he is comforted, and thou art
| tormented. And besides all this, between
us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so
that they who would pass from hence to

| w 3 you cannot; neither can they pass to us, Ps


}| that would come from thence. Then he
said, I pray thee therefore, father, that
thou wouldest send him to my father’s
~Â¥ house: for I have five brethren; that he
may testify unto them, lest they also
come into this place of torment. Abra-
J‘i| ham saith unto him, They have Moses
and the prophets; let them hear them.
y re} And he said, Nay, father Abraham ; but
A \if one went unto them from the dead,
‘“y,| they will repent. And he said unto him,

\}i If they hear not Moses and the prophets, jj
ee neither will they be persuaded, though ay

)| one rose from the dead.” |

Dok GY

It is much better to be poor and pious in ,
this life, than to be rich and selfish; for,
i after suffering a few slight troubles here, the

}| pious man will be taken to Paradise, where (
ny he will enjoy the greatest happiness for ever;
is whilst the selfish, after a few vain pleasures,
4) which cannot make him happy, will be sent


’ God gives us riches, we must use them in |
doing good—in feeding the hungry, cloth- /
ing the naked, and in building churches and { {
. schools ; we shall then have God’s blessing. AY

z 4 houses, and in pleasure, we shall be pu-
nished in the next world as this rich man >



Wuen our Lord Jesus Christ was at ¢
Capernaum with His disciples, the men /
who collected the tribute-money came
ze \to St. Peter, and said, ‘‘ Doth not your
Master pay tribute?”? Peter replied,
/_-/ “Yes,” and went into the house to tell
s.\ his Master. The Lord Jesus said to him,
i, ‘Lest we should offend them, go thou ,
to the sea, and take up the fish that £»

<{| first cometh up; and when thou hast
Ms opened his mouth, thou shalt find a |
piece of money; that take, and give unto
e them for me and thee.” Peter did as
/y| Jesus told him; and he found the money
Wy in the fish’s mouth, which he took to the
<4| collector. The Lord Jesus always acted
sf justly towards the rulers of this world,
Â¥ | and obeyed their authority.
Jesus set out on His way to Jerusa- } ‘3 YN


J o>

_lem; and He sent His disciples into a }
village of the Samaritans, to prepare a A\\4
\| place for Him ; but the people would not = WAY \
_let Him stop there. When the disciples 2
St. James and St. John saw this, they \ SS
Mi| Were very angry, and said, ‘‘ Lord, wilt [7 & /7%¢
D, Thou that we command fire to come \ ‘= ) r
down from heaven, and consume them?” §FX¢ V 3
Jesus turned round to rebuke them, and



kc yy said, ““ Ye know not what manner of Te )



y Vek \
Ly Va Nal ¢
i > |

ne Y spirit ye are of. For the Son of Man is | y

rT —* not come to destroy men’s lives, but to X
lo FL save them.” They then went on to
WA SY another village.


If our zeal makes us cruel and unkind, it |S
WT displeases our Saviour; for He has told us |


that we must love and pray for those who

( are unkind to us. If we do not, we cannot |
a \~ be His disciples. ,
mm “AGA After this our Lord Jesus and His dis- |t
he ciples went on to the village of Bethany,
A fS in which lived two sisters, Martha and
x Mary. Martha received the Saviour into

her house. Her sister Mary sat down at |

. the feet of Jesus to listen to His words ;

7} but Martha was so anxious to make the
Mr house comfortable, that she was vexed |

Kg eh. Mary did not help her. And she went to | y
"Le © the Saviour, and said, ‘‘ Lord, dost Thou
not care that my sister hath left me to |

7 aN YA) serve io ene * bid her, therefore, that she \s



help me.”” Jesus answered, ‘‘ Martha,
Martha, thou art careful and troubled

needful; and Mary hath chosen that
Y good part, which shall not be taken
away from her.”

} Although it would be wicked to neglect
the duties of this life, we must never so
) attend to them as to leave no time to listen
‘3 to the Word of God, and to observe His com- ”
+ mandments. This is the ‘‘ one thing need-
ful,’ because upon it our salvation depends.
If this is neglected, nothing else can do us }
any good; for we shall be lost and unhappy KY
for ever and ever. .



Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Mar-
tha, was very ill. His sisters knew
» that the Lord Jesus could cure him; and

they sent to tell Him that Lazarus was

\ sick. Jesus loved Lazarus and his sis- YW»)

ters; and when He heard this, He said, Ki

\o VY, & “ This sickness is not unto death, but for

, ~ the glory of God, that the Son of God

; might be glorified thereby.”” The Sa-

. Fc) y viour did not go to Lazarus at once; but |

2 on the third day He said to His disciples,

~> ‘Let us go into Judea again: our friend

Lazarus sleepeth; but I go that I may

awake him out of sleep.”” Our Lord Je-

sus knew that he was dead, and that He
could bring him to life.

When He came near to the little town
of Bethany, where Mary and Martha
lived, He was told that Lazarus had been
in the grave four days. As soon as Mar- })
tha heard that the Lord was coming, she
went to meet Him; and she said, “Lord, %
if Thou hadst been here, my brother had 3
not died.”” The Lord Jesus said to her:

eq| “Thy brother shall rise again.” Mar-
tha saith to Him: ‘I know that he shall
yp rise again in the resurrection at the last
°, day.” Jesus said unto her: “I am the
AS,| Resurrection and the Life: he that be- (Od:
4 lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet \ 2
believeth in me shall never die. Believest an \
thou this?”? Martha said: “Yea, Lord; \ I believe that Thou art the Christ, the \ | |2
Son of God, which should come into the We
” } LAN
world. Wi ,
Martha then went and told her sister BY YA S
3 Mary that the Saviour was come. Mary / VW
y | rose up from her seat, to go to the Lord | :
Jesus. When she saw Him, she fell \ we \
‘44; down at His feet, weeping, and say- Ps



ing: ‘‘ Lord, if Thou hadst been here,
<4! my brother had not died.” The merciful \G“\\ \
Jesus was so full of love and goodness, |} i \ SN


that He wept when He saw Mary and
the Jews weeping. And He said: ‘“Where
, have ye laid him?” Jesus went to the
grave full of grief. The grave was a cave
in a rock, and was covered with a great |)S
* stone. The Lord then told them to take |,
¢ \* the stone away; and He looked up to |
Ay \) heaven, and said, “‘ Father, I thank Thee |
>O. that Thou hast heard me. And I knew |
-/ that Thou hearest me always: but be-
cause of the people which stand by, I | !
said it, that wd may believe that Thou |
o hast sent me.” Jesus then cried with
TX a loud voice, a “‘ Lazarus, come

the Lord Jesus Christ was the Son of God; is
and that He will some day raise all the dead \\S4
to life, as He raised Lazarus.


‘ “ |
FX CHE Ub aoe ny
RS P St2, 9s-SSQ\, A
“@ 7 x 7
y/ \ - =
‘ - Cysts ‘“ —

4\ Some of the Jews who saw Lazarus
\) raised to life believed Jesus Christ to be
’} the Messiah; but some of them were so
\°\ wicked as to go and tell the Pharisees
) J what He had done; and they sought to th
4 kill Him. The Lord Jesus knew this, /\,\\% \/
and He went to a place called Ephraim. \~ 3 ES
Mj Six days before the passover, He went ) Sy
Z,\, again to Bethany. And they made Him We
Q \ a supper at the house of a man named \\} } =
Y , Simon, who was a leper. Lazarus sat Pe eM
eX, at the table; and Martha waited upon - ip
~) them. Then Mary took a box of precious |
\ £2 ointment, and poured it over the feet of \\|
§ the holy Jesus, and wiped them with her Wes |
hair. When the wicked Judas saw what i |
Mary had done, he said: ‘“‘ Why was this
waste of the ointment made? for it might
have been sold for three hundred pence,
and have been given to the poor.” Judas

3.) was a hypocrite, and did not care for the |\%q
\es poor; but he wanted to get the money vp
“Y% )\ for his own use. The Lord Jesus said:
SA \ y\ «Let her alone; why trouble ye her?
. » she hath wrought a good work on Me. |”
at 3 // 2 For ye have the poor with you always, | Y
, and whensoever ye will, ye may do them | |
—s good; but Me ye have not always. She
hath done what she could: she is come
ee to anoint My Body to the
burying. Verily I say unto you, where- \(¢
S ps * soever this Gospel shall be preached |
> throughout the whole world, this also’ 3
i y that she hath done shall be spoken of |/
} S> for a memorial of her.” Z

(\ ab~) It was love and gratitude to the blessed |,
| (/ Saviour that made Mary do this; and the
| ¢ Lord rewarded her. He never forgets those |}
sy” ' who love Him. ve

“\)) Say aught unto you, ye shall say, The Lord
id hath need of them; and straightway he


Arrer this, Jesus went towards Jerusa- ‘\
lem. When He came to the Mount of ¢
Olives, He said to two of the disciples: |
‘‘Go unto the village over against you,
and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, ‘
and a colt with her; loose them, and
bring them unto me. And if any man °)

will send them.”’ The disciples did as }
+ the Lord told them; and they brought
\ the ass to Him. They then put their
. garments upon the ass, and set Jesus on
it. In doing this our Lord fulfilled this
prophecy, which had been spoken many
hundreds of years before: ‘‘ Tell ye the
daughter of Sion, behold, thy King com- |

had seen His miracles, went after Him. |
oh, And they were so full of joy, that some
te A them spread their garments in the way |
— others climbed into the palm-trees, and /7
_/ cut off branches, to strew along the road.
e/* The whole multitude cried out, as they
xe ~\ went along, “ Hosanna to the Son of |\\);
David! blessed is He that cometh in the
‘ 462 -« , name ofthe Lord! Hosanna in the high- |”)
50 <8) est!”
Lote Z When the Lord Jesus came near to |>
© (go). the city, He looked on it with pity, and |y<
“| wept, because He knew that it would
< soon be destroyed for its wickedness ;
and He said, “ If thou hadst known,
even thou, in this thy day, the things
* which belong unto thy peace! but now | SV
are hid from thine eyes. For the |


) days shall come upon thee, that thine (\y S\"
enemies shall cast a trench about thee, \ ¢«
and compass thee round, and keep thee } e
_ in on every side; and shall lay thee even .
with the ground, and thy children within SIG
thee; and they shall not leave in thee \. 4 (
one stone upon another; because thou NY
, knewest not the time of thy visitation.” Le

All this happened about forty years 8) ‘ 5

A3 after. 7 3
» It was thus the Saviour entered into \, eC)
Jerusalem ; and all the city was moved ; } "
.‘ and the people asked, ‘‘ Who is this ?”’ |
Those who came with Him said: ‘ This is Jesus, the Prophet of Nazareth of Ga- ( ? W’
lilee.” Aa)
Jesus then went into the temple, and q ¢ ;
drove out all the men who sold doves
and oxen in it. It was as wicked to Ni 3 vA
; buy and sell in the temple as it would
be to do so in a church. Many blind
and lame persons, knowing that the Lord ? sh

, children also came round the Saviour,

mand sang, “ Hosanna to the Son of
David !”

* When the chief priests and Scribes saw N

| they were very angry; and they said,
2 H—" “‘Hearest Thou what these say?” The

~(i-5.\) Lord said: ‘‘ Yea; have ye never read,
J a3 t Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings
/) Thou hast perfected praise ?”

Sh \s

The great God in heaven listens to the iS

( ¢

\ eat ee Le:

7 \ praises and prayers of little children. Oh,
+) how good and happy they ought to be! and

/ ~ how often ought they to sing holy hymns to

_\\) their Saviour, who loves them so much!


As Jesus left the temple, one of His dis- *\y
ciples shewed Him the buildings of the , 7
temple. And the Lord said: “‘ Verily I
say unto you, there shall not be left here
one stone upon another that shall not be -
thrown down.” The disciples did not
understand what He meant; and when ? /(\ \ VQ:
He sat down on the Mount of Olives, ) / S\
they said, ‘‘ Tell us when shall these (S ‘ ) (
things be? and what shall be the sign =\f@ \\
; of Thy coming, and of the end of the )\* NZ
world?””, And Jesus answered and said )““% )

ei] unto them, ‘‘ Take heed that no man de- {// %



ceive you. For many shall come in my \ *~ 4!


name, saying, I am Christ; and shall de- |
ceive many. And ye shall hear of wars

fi and rumours of wars: see that ye be not \ \“* =



see the abomination of desolation spoken bes
3 A

‘ betray one another, and shall hate one
= another. And many false prophets shall

troubled ; for all these things must come
;) to pass, but the end is not yet. For na-
tion shall rise against nation, and king-
dom against kingdom; and there shall
be famines, and pestilences, and earth- \
quakes, in divers places. All these are )s«
the beginning of sorrows. ‘Then shall y

shall kill you; and ye shall be hated of
all nations for my name’s sake. And (>
then shall many be offended, and shall

rise, and shall deceive many. And be-
cause iniquity shall abound, the love of \#
many shall wax cold. But he that shall 4—
endure unto the end, the same shall be |}.
saved. And this gospel of the kingdom

shall be preached in all the world for a

witness unto all nations; and then shall toy


the end come. When ye therefore shall “<&

of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the
holy place (whoso readeth, let him un-

?) derstand), then let them which be in
4 Judea flee into the mountains. Let him ‘

which is on the housetop not come down
{| to take any thing out of his house; nei-

|e! back to take his clothes. And woe unto

'them that are with child, and to them \

“| that give suck in those days! But pray
YI ye that your flight be not in the winter,
>\j, neither on the Sabbath-day; for then
shall be great tribulation, such as was
not since the beginning of the world to |
~e| this time, no, nor ever shall be. And |
-€!| except those days should be shortened,
there should no flesh be saved; but for

“j}ened. Then if any man shall say unto
2); you, Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe
<\v4) it not. For there shall arise false Christs

‘y’| and false prophe

ve QP
NS fs



great ~

ify Y,


- / . f ba
9 se 0. - ?
- o ue (ies bo () :
Rae, x . x =35, tess \
aie 4 ‘a* sees : —_

signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it
were possible, they shall deceive the very ||.
, elect. Behold, I have told you before.
' Wherefore if they shall say unto you,

Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth:
Behold, He is in the secret chambers; be-
lieve it not. For as the lightning cometh
. out of the east, and shineth even unto
_ the west, so shall also the coming of the |
Son of Man be. For wheresoever the
a) carcass is, there will the eagles be ga-
: thered together. Immediately after the
tribulation of those days shall the sun be
| 1G darkened, and the moon shall not give
< _ her light, and the stars shall fall from

C xt heaven, and the powers of the heavens
shall be shaken; and then shall appear

| Ny the sign of the Son of Man in heaven;
i (3 “\} and then shall all the tribes of the earth
mourn, and they shall see the Son of



’ Man coming in the clouds of heaven
, shall send His angels with a great sound \{
\ of a trumpet; and they shall gather to-
from one end of heaven to the other.
Now learn a parable of the fig-tree: when R |
¢. leaves, ye know that summer is nigh; so .
‘\) likewise ye, when ye shall see all these 7
) thin
doors. Verily I say unto you, this ge- / |
neration shall not pass till all these \
e\; Shall pass away, but my words shall not
7 pass away. But of that day and hour |
days of Noe were, so shall also the coming , \
Y of the Son of Man be. For as in the days ‘Oe
139 AT


with power and great glory. And He {/
gether His elect from the four winds, ,
S his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth
gs, know that it is near, even at the
things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth
% knoweth no man, no, not the angels of ‘i
heaven, but my Father only, But as the {SN


that were before the flood they were eat- |
ing and drinking, marrying and giving in
marriage, until the day that Noe entered

came, and took them all away, so shall
‘% also the coming of the Son of Man be.

—\\ Watch therefore; for ye know not what
=a hour your Lord doth come. But know |/
: ..| this, that if the goodman of the house
had known in what watch the thief
\, would come, he would have watched,
and would not have suffered his house

| ¥ to be broken up. Therefore be ye also
; ready; for in such an hour as ye think
not the Son of Man cometh. Who, then,

WI O lord hath made ruler over his household, |\
\ ws) to give them meat in due season? Bless- NG




ey ed is that servant whom his lord, when
\Q\" he cometh, shall find so doing. Verily
t\ I say unto you, that he shall make him

} ruler over all his goods. But and if that
‘Y} evil servant shall say in his heart, My
lord delayeth his coming; and shall be-
VY} gin to smite his fellow-servants, and to ‘

Ms eat and drink with the drunken; the lord

of that servant shall come in a day when
" he looketh not for him, and in an hour
that he is not aware of, and shall cut
, tion with the hypocrites: there shall be \Â¥
2 : : ” a
, weeping and gnashing of teeth.

We here see how miserable the wicked
are in the next world. What a dreadful thing

uP it is to die unprepared !


Jesus said, “Then shall the kingdom of

~Y heaven be likened unto ten virgins, oe

CAPE EN | « 4 Gee feat”

aa & ae Nes


AS s0 ..

ors \



V* = and slept. And at midnight there was a

is 0



wise, and five were foolish. They that
> were foolish took their lamps, and took
. no oil with them; but the wise took oil


took their lamps, and went forth to oun
the bridegroom. And five of them were

in their vessels with their lamps. While
the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered

cry made, Behold, the bridegroom com-
eth; go ye out to meet him. Then all
those virgins arose, and trimmed their
lamps. And the foolish said unto the
wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps
are gone out. But the wise answered,
saying, Not so, lest there be not enough |
for us and you; but go ye rather to them }
that sell, and buy for yourselves. And
while they went to buy, the bridegroom (
came; and they that were ready went in
with him to the marriage; and the door

gS VY Serr

vy; -f a SING VIZ .
Y \ 4 i, Y _ : S 2

was shut. Afterward came also the other
virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But He answered and said, Verily I say
unto you, I know you not. Watch, © Par
therefore; for ye know neither the day
nor the hour wherein the Son of Man (



Lamps are of no use without oil to put in
them: no more are our outward acts, unless }
they are done from love to God. Good re- \
solutions cannot save us: they are of no use
unless they lead to good actions.

man travelling into a far country, who |
called his own servants, and delivered |
unto them his goods. And unto one he oP \
gave five talents, to another two, and to =)
YZ | another one; to every man according to /{ N ‘
(| his several ability; and straightway took {Q“A\ \

his journey. Then he that had a \ y Re ce)

‘ \\( Ral qa FV S i ~ - =
y oe Ab




. \ : 4 CAR) Bh
the five talents went and traded with the |\\/
same, and made them other five talents. /
And likewise he that had received two,
~ he also gained other two. But he that
had received one went and digged in the |
&% earth, and hid his lord’s money. After
a long time the lord of those servants
cometh, and reckoneth with them. And |
so he that had received five talents came |

and brought other five talents, saying,
Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five ta- |


lents: behold, I have gained beside them
S five talents more. His lord said unto |Q-

| ‘x, him, Well done, thou good and faithful |
Sy) servant: thou hast been faithful over a | .
| few things, I will make thee ruler over |

yy ©, many things: enter thou into the joy of
4 a thy lord. He also that had received two |

q have gained two other talents seilite om
â„¢ lord said unto him, Well done, good

and faithful servant; thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I will make
thee ruler over many things: enter thou
into the joy of thy lord. Then he which
had received the one talent came and said,
Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard
man, reaping where thou hast not sown,
and gathering where thou hast not straw-
ed: and I was afraid, and went and hid
A3 thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou
hast that is thine, His lord answered
and said unto him, Thou wicked and
slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap
where I sowed not, and gather where I CS
have not strawed: thou oughtest there- ( ae
fore to have put my money to the ex- ; 4) :
changers, and then at my coming I should
have received mine own with usury. Take
therefore the talent from him, and give ~ mf ‘

it unto him which hath ten talents. For
unto every one that hath shall be given,
and he shall have abundance; but from AI «

y\ him that hath not shall be taken away Us !

x a the unprofitable servant into outer dark- ) 9
ra ness: there shall be weeping and gnash- WÂ¥

-V ing of teeth.
} «When the Son of Man shall come in
S His glory, and all the holy angels with }
Him, then shall He sit upon the throne ;)#
of His glory. And before Him shall be %
gathered all nations; and He shall sepa-
rate them one from another, as a shep-

é ‘@ \).) even that which he hath. And cast ye


“fj right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Fa-
ther, inherit the kingdom prepared for \\
you from the foundation of the world: ‘

~ for I was an hungred, and ye gave me
\ }) meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me

| drink ; I was a stranger, and ye took me
in; naked, and ye clothed me; I was
sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison,
and ye came unto me. Then shall the
righteous answer Him, saying, Lord,
when saw we Thee an hungred, and fed
Thee? or thirsty, and gave Thee drink? 2)
When saw we Thee a stranger, and took , ee
Thee in? or naked, and clothed Thee? * Is 0
Or when saw we Thee sick, or in prison, ' Vy
and came unto Thee? And the King _ °
shall answer and say unto them, Verily 7
I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have
done it unto one of the least of these my
‘f | brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then
“i | shall He say also unto them on the left
| | hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into \.
2 | everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and e
' 3 his angels: for I was an hungred, and | {2 X

ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and : wo}

and ye took me not i naked, and ye
clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and

‘ ye visited me not. Then shall they also |!
answer Him, saying, Lord, when saw we
x& Thee an hungred, or athirst, ora stranger,

9 BO ,\) not salnjoter unto Thee} ? Then shall He
answer them, saying, Verily I say unto |

\ the least of these, ye did it not to me,

And these shall go away into everlasting
«| punishment; but the righteous into life
x eternal.”

p= \ Every word came to pass that our Lord
| \, and Saviour foretold about Jerusalem ; and
J *©) so will all the awful _— that He here says

4 they would give him thirty pieces of
Ao silver. This wicked man did all se-
f; cretly; but the Lord Jesus knew what
~ he had done. The feast of the Pass-
over was now come; and Jesus sent two ,\\}/
4 of His disciples into the village to pre- j; 4 )
pare it, saying, “‘ Behold, when ye are
entered into the city, there shall a man
{ meet you, bearing a pitcher of water: ‘
» Ye follow him into the house where he en-
) tereth in. And ye shall say unto the ,
~ J, goodman of the house, The Master saith
/“¥ unto thee, Where is the guest-chamber,

/, where I shall eat the passover with my
disciples? And he shall shew you a



& q
Yat > SC Oe

: 4 \ large upper room furnished: there make |.
gat ready.” The two disciples went to the |!,)
i town, and found all things just as the |
MA \ 9) Lord told them. When every thing was
Sh 0 " ready, the Lord Jesus sat down to sup-
SF per with His twelve apostles. His tender
, DO heart was sad; and He said to the dis-

5 re h ciples, ‘‘ Verily I say unto you, that one

d ~ of you shall betray me.”’
% CP. g} After supper, our Lord Jesus Christ
v oe a : rose up from the table. He then took
a4 a towel, and bound it round Him; and
i SB /3 pouring some water into a basin, He be-
l gan to wash His disciples’ feet.

He did this to teach us to be humble and |y//
= kind, as He was.

Ct C St. Peter loved his Lord and Master,
Mo J
te x ;


and he could not bear to see Him wash- |
ing his feet; and he said, “Thou mer wy

<— never wash my feet.”’ The Lord Jesus |

hast no part with me.” When Peter
saw that he could not be saved if the |
Lord Jesus did not wash him, he was
4 willing that the Lord should wash him $
e from head to feet.

: After the Lord Jesus had washed the
disciples’ feet, He sat down at the table,
and said, ‘‘Ye call me Master and Lord ;
and ye say well; for so I am. If I, then, °)

‘) your Lord and Master, have washed your

feet. For I have given you an example, }

; that ye should do as I have done to you.
If ye know these things, happy are ye if
ye do them.”

Our Lord now became very sorrowful ; =
and He said, “Verily, verily I say unto
you, that one of you shall betray me.”


wf doubting of whom He spake. Now there
“]\es CY) was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His
¢ \.\ -X disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon
Se { BN \ Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he
, should ask who it should be of whom He

A WY. spake. He then, lying on Jesus’ breast,
Y > saith unto Him, “‘ Lord, who is it?”’ Je-
& KS sus answered, ‘‘ He it is to whom I shall

| 2 ‘ give a sop, when I have dipped it.” And
’ CP) when He had dipped the sop, He gave

. > e . ° ,
v4 < it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.

> * And after the sop Satan entered into him.
% Then said Jesus unto him, ‘‘ That thou @
ny $7, doest, do quickly.” Now no man at the

table knew for what intent He spake this
<{,0\ unto him. For some of them thought,
y because Judas had the bag, that Jesus \\

; had said unto him, Buy those things that

ayz | we have need of against the feast; or, |
that he should give something to the %
poor. He then, having received the sop,

Y A \,, went immediately out; and it was night. be

DZ) * 3 152




Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus

said, ‘‘ Now is the Son of Man glorified,

\/) and God is glorified in Him. If God be

Â¥j glorified in Him, God shall also glorify

() Him in Himself, and shall straightway
\{| glorify Him.” \

The Lord Jesus took bread, and blessed 3

‘| it, and brake it, and gave to His disciples,

j| and said, ‘‘ Take, eat; this is My Body,

£#| which is given for you: this do in re-

’} membrance of Me.” And He took the

cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to

them, saying, “ Drink ye all of it; for Pai
| this is My Blood of the New Testament,
>| which is shed for many for the remission
< of sins.”

It was in this way that our blessed Saviour
“}| instituted the sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
| per, for the strengthening and refreshing of
| the souls of His faithful people. The holy (( i Ni 3
Church has always kept this sacred feast, in

which all faithful Christians receive the Body fe
and Blood of Christ. “ i

\ Our blessed Lord then told His dis- i
‘+ ciples that they were to love one another
y, a8 He loved them. “ By this,” said He, 4
< “shall all men know that ye are my dis- 9%.
ciples, if ye have love one to another.” & S)


J We learn from these words that we cannot h
*/ be true Christians if we do not love each *
other ; so that all those who are spiteful and Re}
bear malice will be shut out of heaven. \ 7




believe in God, believe also in me.
my Father’s house are many mansions :

if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you. And if
I go and prepare a place for you, I will ¢
come again, and receive you unto myself;
that where I am, there ye may be also. ;
And whither I go ye know, and the way
ye know. Thomas saith unto Him, |
Lord, we know not whither Thou go-
est; and how can we know the way?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and
‘the truth, and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father but by me. If ye had
known me, ye should have known my
\| Father also: and from henceforth ye


saith unto Him, Lord, shew us the

) Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith \\

© unto him, Have I been so long time F
en with you, and yet hast thou not known
(2 me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath

WA GY seen the Father; and how sayest thou,

i then, Shew us the Father? Believest \

* <<). thou not that I am in the Father, and Gy
| Gy the Father in me? The words that I) As
4 speak unto you I speak not of myself: ‘Pi

ia \ but the Father that dwelleth in me, He

E We » doeth the works. Believe me that I am | ¥%
RS / in the Father, and the Father in me: or 1
‘a “ae Sx else believe me for the very works’ sake.
ee Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that

We he do also; and greater works than these (\~
shall he do; because I go unto my Fa- |n-2

ther. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my Mo

name, that will I do, that the Father may
J. be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask
any thing in my name, I will do it. If
> ye love me, keep my commandments. |

Sy OD) Py VW, Rue Z
give you another Comforter, that He may
S)_ abide with you for ever: even the Spirit
1 of truth, whom the world cannot receive,
\) because it seeth Him not, neither know-
’} eth Him: but ye know Him; for He
\& dwelleth with you, and shall be in you,
? «2 I will not leave you comfortless: I will ¢
c\\4 come to you. Yet a little while, and the
zx world seeth me no more; but ye see me:
, @; because I live, ye shall live also. At that (\\
t,\, day ye shall know that I am in my Fa-
d \ ther, and ye in me, and I in you. He
/ , that hath my commandments, and keep- }ij
eX, eth them, he it is that loveth me: and
7 " he that loveth me shall be loved of my |
vw Father, and I will love him, and will
manifest myself to him, Judas saith
) unto Him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is ,
it that Thou wilt manifest Thyself unto
us, and not unto the world? Jesus
answered and said unto him, If a man

love me, he will keep my words: and my
: 187


unto him, and make our abode with him. /(
f He that loveth me not keepeth not my
sayings: and the word which ye hear is
not mine, but the Father’s which sent }
me. These things have I spoken unto
you, being yet present with you. But
the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, °
whom the Father will send in my name, %
He shall teach you all things, and bring |
all things to your remembrance, whatso-
A ever I have said unto you. Peace I leave
it with you, my peace I give unto you: not
( Wi as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let
not your heart be troubled, neither let it
at be afraid. Ye have heard how I said unto }7
nN you, I go away, and come again unto \
you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice {
because I said, I go unto the Father; for ,*

my Father is greater than I. And now


I have told you before it come to pass,
that when it is come to pass, ye might
believe. Hereafter I will not talk much


with you; for the prince of this world 5)
| cometh, and hath nothing in me. But \/7 UG
that the world may know that I love the We SN
Father, and as the Father gave me com- 7) \X\
mandment, even so I do. Arise, let us \
go hence.” \N a.



/ )

Ay a )
«‘T am the true vine, and my Father is | PO

the husbandman. Every branch in me
‘i that beareth not fruit He taketh away ; \

and every branch that beareth fruit, He
A| purgeth it, that it may bring forth more
€3| fruit. Now ye are clean through the

is word which I have spoken unto you.



Abide in me, and I in you. As the
branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except
it abide in the vine, no more can ye, ex-
cept ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye
are the branches: he that abideth in me, |)
and I in him, the same bringeth forth |,
much fruit; for without me ye can do
nothing. If aman abide not in me, he
is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; |/
and men gather them, and cast them into
the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide |
in me, and my words abide in you, ye
shall ask what ye will, and it shall be
done unto you. Herein is my Father
glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so
shall ye be my disciples, As the Father
hath loved me, so have I loved you: con-

mandments, ye shall abide in my love;
even as [ have kept my Father’s com-
mandments, and abide in His love. These

Si joy might remain in you, and that your {‘

iN joy might be full. This is my command-
Q ment, That ye love one another as I have

: loved you. Greater love hath no man
= than this, that a man lay down his life 7 >
for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye \. 4

A. do whatsoever I command you. Hence- |
forth I call you not servants; for the ty )
/. servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: a 6
3 but I have called you friends; for all °) 2
things that I have heard of my Father I \
have made known unto you. Ye have ye
not chosen me, but I have chosen you, ;
and ordained you, that ye should go and
bring forth fruit, and that your fruit a ‘Ne é
should remain ; that whatsoever ye shall « A%} . 1
ask of the Father in my name, He may q , H
give it you. These things I command er
you, that ye love one another. If the H
world hate you, ye know that it hated

me before it hated you. If ye were of =
SG the world, the world would love his own: / »\,
&* it * i;

ae Se

therefore the world hateth you. Re- |,
member the word that I said unto you,
' The servant is not greater than his lord. |
| If they have persecuted me, they will also |
persecute you; if they have kept my say-
| Ae ing, they will keep yours also. But all
JASNA these things will they do unto you for

ery >’s sake, because they know not
(os i. : Him that sent me. If I had not come
i and spoken unto them, they had not had




- sin; but now they have no cloak for their
4} wh sin. He that hateth me hateth my Fa-

5 ther also. If I had not done among them |,
ai\,-’\ the works which none other man did,

‘@ f/ they had not had sin; but now have
(\. they both seen and hated both me and
e “7 my Father. But this cometh to pass,
that the word might be fulfilled that is

. written in their law, They hated me with-
“) out a cause. But when the Comforter

is come, whom I will send unto you from {{\ ¥

the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which ‘

4 proceedeth from the Father, He shall tes-
Gy tify of me; and ye also shall bear wit-
« ness, because ye have been with me from
the beginning. These things have I spoken
unto you, that ye should not be offended.

‘\ They shall put you out of the synagogues:
XX yea, the time cometh that whosoever kill-
wf eth you will think that he doeth God ser-
? vice. And these things will they do unto
you, because they have not known the
: Father, nor me. But these things have
I told you, that, when the time shall
come, ye may remember that I told you =
of them. And these things I said not
unto you at the beginning, because I was
with you. But nowI go my way to Him


4 Whither goest Thou? But because I have
said these things unto you, sorrow hath
’ filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you
) the truth: it is expedient for you that I
: go away; for if I go not away, the Com-
forter will not come unto you; but if I
) depart, I will send Him unto you.”

The Lord sent the Holy Ghost to the

7+.\\ Him unto our hearts when we are baptised
4@ and when we are confirmed, if we are sin-

)\ prove the world of sin, and of righteous-
‘~ ness, and of judgment: of sin, because
is they believe not on me; of righteous-
ZA) ness, because I go to my Father, and
ye see me no more; of judgment, be-

® OO
ein AS

CR ~) Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth,
is come, He will guide you into all
truth: for He shall not speak of Him-
, self; but whatsoever He shall hear, that '
a ¢ shall He speak: and He will shew you
°\ things to come. He shall glorify me;
'»J2 for He shall receive of mine, and shall -
shew it unto you. All things that the
Father hath are mine: therefore said
I, that He shall take of mine, and
shew it unto you. A little while, and
) ye shall not see me; and again, a little
4 while, and ye shall see me, because I go
¢ to the Father.”’ Then said some of His |
: *| disciples among themselves, ‘‘ What is
if this that He saith unto us, A little while,
and ye shall not see me; and again, a
little while, and ye shall see me: and,
Because I go to the Father?”’ They said
therefore, ‘‘ What is this that He saith,
A little while? we cannot tell what He
saith.” Now Jesus knew that they were

® desirous to ask Him, and said unto them,
Q ¥ y} “Do ye inquire among yourselves of that

(~ | 4 I said, A little while, and ye shall not
BA see me; and again, a little while, and ye

ȴ shall see me? Verily, verily, I say unto (

\ you, that ye shall weep and lament, but 4

‘+ the world shall rejoice; and ye shall be

( \ sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turn-

\o>, WZ ed into joy. A woman, when she is in

Ur SQ travail, hath sorrow, because her hour is

y \ come ; but as soon as she is delivered of \, \

3 the child, she remembereth n no more the



4 ‘we ‘eit: And ye now therefore have Ni
sorrow; but I willl see you again, and 4 e\;

gi man taketh from you. And in that day $
Bh shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily,
I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask
) the Father in my name, He will give it (




you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing
in my name: ask, and ye shall receive,
that your joy may be full. These things

the time cometh when J shall no more
speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall “(
shew you plainly of the Father. At that iM

day ye shall ask in my name: and I say Xe


not unto you, that I will pray the Father *
for you; for the Father Himself loveth
you, because ye have loved me, and have
believed that I came out from God. I fas
came forth from the Father, and am \)_
come into the world; again, I leave the
world, and go to the Father.” His dis- |
Ri} ciples said unto Him, “ Lo, now speakest 4
Thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
Now are we sure that Thou knowest all

things, and needest not that any man j}) te XX
should ask Thee: by this we believe that

9 6

» i UY Thou camest forth from God.” Jesus f°

| Ha ~* answered them, “Do ye now believe ?

1, “AC Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now

WA GY come, that ye shall be scattered, every

—>% man to his own, and shall leave me_

< alone: and yet I am not alone, because


oF es the Father is with me. These things | 5

y have spoken unto you, that in me ye 7

|./ might have peace. In the world ye shall |

We » have tribulation: but be of.good cheer ;
(hem I have overcome the world.”


ts |

2 \\c
TueEsez words spake Jesus, and lifted up

His eyes to heaven, and said, “‘ Father,
the hour is come; glorify Thy Son, that
is «Thy Son also may glorify Thee: as Thou
, hast given Him power over all flesh, that |t

He should give eternal life to as many

as Thou hast given Him. And this is
life eternal, that they might know Thee,
4 the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
\) whom Thou hast sent. I have glorified
’) Thee on the earth: I have finished the
work which Thou gavest me to do. And
now, O Father, glorify Thou me with
4 Thine own self with the glory which I
{5 had with Thee before the world was. I
+ have manifested Thy name unto the men
which Thou gavest me out of the world :
Thine they were, and Thou gavest them
*, me; and they have kept Thy word. Now ABA
, they have known that all things whatso- P
ever Thou hast given me are of Thee.
For I have given unto them the words *
which Thou gavest me; and they have
received them, and have known surely
that I came out from Thee, and they
have believed that Thou didst send me.
I pray for them: I pray not for the
yp | sy CaN at yee
given me; for they are Thine. And all
mine are Thine, and Thine are mine; ¢
and I am glorified in them. And now

I am no more in the world, but these
: are in the world, and I come to Thee.
Holy Father, keep through Thine own ,
name those whom Thou hast given me,

ey) I was with them in the world, I kept
them in Thy name: those that Thou
gavest me I have kept, and none of them
)) is lost, but the son of perdition; that
% the scripture might be fulfilled. And
““ now come I to Thee; and these things |
\ I speak in the world, that they might

have given them Thy word; and the &
\’ world hath hated them, because they are
not of the world, even as I am not of the
I pray not that Thou shouldest

that they may be one, as we are. While ¥

have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I ¢:

« take them out of the world, but that Py

Thou shouldest keep them from the evil. .
They are not of the world, even as I am | AG
not of the world. Sanctify them through ®\
Thy truth: Thy word is truth. As Thou Ni
hast sent me into the world, even so have
I also sent them into the world. And
for their sakes I sanctify myself, that <— S\
they also might be sanctified through the
truth. Neither pray I for these alone, | FRA
but for them also which shall believe on } \
me through their word; that they all may 3
\| be one; as Thou, Father, art in me, and AXyAY |)
‘' 1 in Thee, that they also may be one in } a
us : that the world may believe that Thou Ws
hast sent me. And the glory which Thou {7 *
\| gavest me I have given them; that they \\ eye
may be one, even as we are one: I in § \¢ Y
them, and Thou in me, that they may
be made perfect in one; and that the of

world may know that Thou hast sent
me, and hast loved them, as Thou hast ,
- loved me. Father, I will that they also,

Ko « slory, which Thou hast given me: for

: of the world. O righteous Father, the

Z ~ world hath not known Thee; but I have

7 Cry < known Thee, and these have known that
é 8° Thou hast sent me. And I have declared
S/' ‘unto them Thy name, and will declare
K 3 e it: that the love wherewith Thou hast
loved me may be in them, and I in


Ne © them.”

: °

rh = Let us think much about this most solemn
10 \o| 7 /) prayer; and let us pray that we may never
F _f% be so wicked as to break the unity of the

ey” | holy Church, which is Christ’s body.


whom Thou hast given me, be with me ¥~
where I am; that they may behold my ¥

Thou lovedst me before the foundation ,



WueEn our Lord had spoken these so- |
lemn words, they sang a hymn, and then
3| went out to the Mount of Olives. As |

| they were going, the Lord Jesus said to

them, “‘ All ye shall be offended because
iy’ of me this night; for it is written, I will

<3}, smite the Shepherd, and the sheep of the
"y,| flock shall be scattered abroad. But after
= I am risen again, I will go before you }
“| into Galilee.” St. Peter was angry when

)) the Lord told him that he would forsake
syx| Him; and he said, ‘Though all men |

will I never be offended.”
St. Peter would not have said so if he '

«| had known his own weakness. But our
‘| Lord knew what he would do; and He
4% warned him, saying, “ Verily I say unto 7

See °
Ss &
thee, that this night, before the cock iS
i c, ) crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.” Y
oy Peter could not believe that he should
$2 ( be so ungrateful—for he loved his Sa- WS
viour; and he replied, “‘ Though I should
die with Thee, yet will I not deny Thee.” ‘
; All the disciples said the same; but be- Se
» We, fore the next day they forsook their Lord
and Saviour.

When they came to the garden of {:
Gethsemane, the Lord Jesus said to the ;:
eleven apostles, “‘ Sit ye here, while 1 go
and pray yonder.”’ He then took Peter,
James, and John, and went into the gar-
den. His pure and loving heart was full
of sorrow; and He spoke these sad words, };
which should make all sinners weep,
saying, ‘‘ My soul is exceeding sorrow-
ful, even unto death.’’ The Lord Jesus
then went a little way from the disciples,



a, ° ,

og and fell down on His face, and prayed ,
to His heavenly Father, saying, ‘‘ O
my Father, if it be possible, let this cup
pass from me: nevertheless not as I will,

but as Thou wilt.”’
f| After this prayer He came to the three (
(~4| disciples, and found them sleeping; and

4\ He spoke in a kind and gentle manner,
saying, “‘ What, could ye not watch with }
me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye
enter not into temptation: the spirit in-
deed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
The Lord then went and prayed as be-
fore; and when He returned, the dis- |
ciples were again asleep.

With a heart full of the deepest sor-
row, because of our sins, our Saviour
prayed the third time, saying, “O my /
(| Father, if this cup may not pass away ,Qs\ !
from me, except I drink it, Thy will be ( f ~~


done.”’ The punishment which our Lord
Jesus Christ bore for our sins, and the
, agony He suffered, were so great, that
His precious Blood ran from His body
like great drops of sweat. And an angel fe)

‘Oh, how dreadful is sin! and how full of
SN love and mercy our blessed Saviour is, to
.\ suffer so much that we might go to heaven!
_/ Should we not hate sin very much when we
see what misery it caused to that Saviour, |
who loves us more than Himself? Let us
\\ think of this when we feel any naughty,
wicked tempers.


went to His disciples, and said, “Behold, |

the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man

is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Rise, let us be going: behold, he is at |\J
hand that doth betray me.”

| It was about midnight, but Judas sna
where to find our Lord; and he had pro- $
s(, mised to deliver Him to the chief priests
2 and Pharisees for thirty pieces of silver ;
for Judas loved money more than he did
that kind and gracious Lord, whose mi-
racles of love he had so often seen. Our
Lord Jesus Christ knew that these men
' A3 were come to take Him, to put Him to
\3@, death. But so ready was He to die for
us, that He went up to them, and said,
“Whom seek ye?” They answered,
} “* Jesus of Nazareth.” He said, “I am CY
He.” At these words the men went / 9
backward, and fell to the ground. Again o &a)

ss, the Lord asked the same question; and , ;
: \ after telling them that He was the per- Soa ;
/} son, He said, “ If therefore ye seek me, Ht
4X let these go their way’’—meaning the SN

Judas then went up to our Lord, and !


‘cr ESOT NO |

wc) said, “‘ Hail, Master!” and kissed Him. | ,
\ ; The loving Saviour said to him, “Friend,
* \.Y X wherefore art thou come? Betrayest
Me \{\ SJ\\ thou the Son of Man with a kiss?” ef
* These kind and gentle words were enough

ah PY to melt a heart of stone; but Judas was |
| too wicked to feel them. <4
PO The men then seized our Lord and

7 ee . Saviour, and bound His sacred Hands
a ) and Feet with cords, as if He had been a

‘thief. St. Peter could not bear to see
a S his Saviour treated thus, so he drew his

: YL, = * OE

hy sword, and cut off the right ear of the

a high priest’s servant. Our Lord, always

© ready to do good, touched the man’s ear,

X )\,-'\ and healed it. And He rebuked St. Peter,

4 Ai” saying, “ Put up again thy sword into |
F os e his place; for all they that take the \Â¥
Bh YS” ' sword shall perish with the sword. Te
=< Thinkest thou that. I cannot now a iy
. : >| <
al SN ZK) eS

gels? But how then shall the Scriptures
be fulfilled, that thus it must be?” In
that same hour said Jesus to the multi-
tudes, ‘‘ Are ye come out as against a |
thief, with swords and staves for to take
me? I sat daily with you teaching in the
temple, and ye laid no hold on me. But
all this was done that the Scriptures of *)
the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then
all the disciples forsook Him, and fled.

Our blessed Saviour could have destroyed [
His enemies in a moment; but He knew
e) that if He did not die on the cross, no man
could ever go to heaven. He therefore will-
' ingly suffered, that we might be saved.


. TE meek and holy Saviour was now led
to the house of the high priest. St. Peter

* into the hall to warm himself by the fire.
Ay \\ As he stood there, one of the servants said
.| to him, “‘ Thou wast also with Jesus of
“ Nazareth.”” But Peter said, “I know
' Him not.” A little while after, two other
servants said the same. Then Peter de-

not the Man.”’ As soon as he had de- |
nied the Lord Jesus the third time, he
heard the cock crow. He then remem-
) "*/ bered that Jesus had said, “ Before the |“
\: cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice;”
and he went out and wept bitterly.

What a lesson does this teach us! If we
would be faithful to our Saviour, we must

iN pray to God to help us, or we shall fall as
AS)" St. Peter did; and perhaps we may never

f things which He had not done. They
knew that He never did any thing wrong,
1; so they were obliged to get witnesses who
would not speak the truth. But our Lord
‘ Jesus was calm, like an innocent man;
A 4 and He made no answer to His wicked
enemies. The high priest stood up and
said to Him, ‘‘ Answerest thou nothing?
, What is it which these witness against
Thee?”? The Lord did not answer him.
The high priest then said, “ I adjure
Thee by the living God, that Thou tell
us whether Thou be the Christ the Son
of God.” Jesus replied, ‘‘ Thou hast
said: nevertheless I say unto you, Here-

RX: after shall ye see the Son of man sitting
x y) on the right hand of Power, and coming
ai in the clouds of heaven.” When the
wi ~« high priest heard this he rent his clothes,
, +’. saying, ‘‘ What further need have we of

| \ § ) witnesses? behold, now ye have heard
a His blasphemy. What think ye?” They
answered and said, “ He is guilty of

- death.”” Then these wicked men blind-
“A folded our Lord and Saviour, and struck
His holy Face, before which the angels in

, heaven bow down. And some of them
, | spat upon Him, and beat Him with their
- fists. The high priest ought to have been
the first to worship the Lord Jesus as
( his Saviour, and to teach the people to }j ;

( not angry with them; but He bore it
all with meekness and patience, that He

might save us, and teach us how to be- x x
have to our enemies.

Little children, who, in baptism, were ‘\ q
made lambs of Christ’s flock, must learn to %<\_\
follow their Saviour’s example when they are e


treated unkindly, and not give way to anger “(\ fa
or revenge.



WueEn the morning was come, all the 7
chief priests and elders plotted to put the aes
Lord Jesus to death. And when they fi
had cruelly tied His hands, they led Him ,
away to Pontius Pilate, the Roman go- |
wij vernor. Now when the wicked Judas i
saw that his Lord was condemned, he °
was sorry for what he had done. And fF \
\ G3] he took back the thirty pieces of silver , {2 Xk
OM to the chief priests and said, ‘1 have’ wy)


sinned in that I have betrayed the inno- |F))
oT pe cent blood.” These cruel men replied, f
» F “What is that to us? See thou to yj
WA cy that.” Judas then saw how very wicked |5
<><* he had been to betray his Lord. He (@Q
Te could not bear the stings of his guilty |G)

: \ 4 conscience; so he threw down the thirty |
0 b pieces of silver in the temple, and went | (eS

= " out and hanged himself. “a
C We here see the misery of a wicked man, i

W x ~)\ and the danger of loving money. Judas had MY
2 ( ; 34 been daily with our Lord Jesus Christ. He x
had heard all His holy words, and had seen ay

*\ wd A) His wonderful works, and he had received |Z%
Lge >< _/ nothing but love and kindness from the
t CX) * Lord; but the love of money put all these G);
6 7) things out of his mind, and led him to be- |(©
a), tray his Lord and only Saviour. Oh, let us |f
‘ fly from this sin; for the Scriptures tell us
that the love of money has destroyed the
souls of many. y


S)" field, called the Potter’s Field, to bury \
f A strangers in. This had been foretold by

years before. y ly \

a Our blessed Lord now stood before )\ Ld is

) YJ Pilate. And Pilate asked the Jews what ‘ WSS
4 they had to say against Jesus. (Nt y

His wicked enemies told lies, and said, \ AH
d; ‘“‘ We found this fellow perverting the \ ry) a)

> nation, and forbidding to give tribute to

p Cesar, saying that He Himself is Christ ,\) } ws

~ a king.” They also said many other aie oN

; wicked things against Him; but the >

S, Lord Jesus did not answer them. Pilate |/|j lo ;

\ (/ then asked Him if He was the king of \\{ A,

Nig, the Jews. Our Lord replied, “ Thou

') sayest. My kingdom is not of this , Ny

J, world.” Pilate again asked, ‘“* Art Thou
(A a king then?” Jesus answered, “ Thou

> \) sayest that I am a king. To this end \\

SO was I born, and for this cause came I »

ness unto the truth. Every one that is {
of the truth heareth My Voice.” Pilate

in Jesus, and he sent Him to Herod.
Now those two bad men hated each Nx
other; but they made up their quarrel, \<¢
and joined together to persecute Jesus,

“, found that the Lord Jesus had done no-
thing wrong, he sent Him back. LG
*, Every year at the feast of the passover
: 2% it was a custom to set some prisoner at 3
3 : liberty. Pilate wished to let the Lord
po Jesus go; so he went out to the Jews

5) and asked them if he should release ¢
Z) © Jesus, or Barabbas. This Barabbas was (,

in _ prison for stealing and murder; but }

into the world, that I should bear wit- |, Sy

told the Jews that he could find no fault â„¢

%) their God and Saviour. When Herod \ |

a very wicked man, and had been put al,

ther let him go, than the Lord Jesus
(| Christ.

for their sins.

Pilate was afraid to condemn Jesus,
because his wife had a dream, and she ;
sent to him, saying, ‘‘ Have thou nothing
to do with that Just Man: for I have suf- 9) “(3°
fered many things this day in a dream ) / d\

because of Him.” But Pilate was so (AN, {
| (|| afraid of offending the Jews that he dare = et \

not let Jesus go. He then asked them

what he should do with Jesus; and they $/) J

‘i | all cried out, “ Let Him be crucified.” {| *
Pilate said, “Why, what evil hath He \ y=
done?” They knew He had done no § X\¢

\ G3] evil; but they cried out, “ Let Him be rad

Wy crucified. We have a law, and by our
( 187

PR K Qe Y e
Py) Ya

law He ought to die, because He made \

A) a


tS |


! Himself the Son of God.”” When Pilate
heard this he was more afraid, and he
went back to the Lord Jesus and asked
Him who He was; but the Lord did not

xp y « answer him. He then said, ‘‘ Speakest
; Thou not unto me? Knowest Thou not

that I have power to crucify Thee, and
have power to release Thee?”’ The Lord

a said to him, ‘*‘ Thou couldest have no
va power at all against Me, except it were

‘ given thee from above.” Pilate tried
more and more to release our Lord; but
he could not pacify the Jews. At last
he gave Him up to be scourged; and
the soldiers stripped His pure Body, and

2 They also made a crown of long sharp

thorns, which they pressed down upon
His holy Head, until the precious blood
streamed down His Face. These brutal

; J cruelly tore His sacred Flesh with lashes.

: soldiers were not satisfied with this

> \\ Q oA te


YW 7 2 7PON hee

| cruelty; for they put on Him a purple

robe, and a reed in His right hand, and

\;) bowed before Him in mockery, saying,

Ry “ Hail, king of the Jews!” And beside

all this, they were so wicked as to strike

}\; Him on the head, and to spit upon

ji} Him.

\| ‘Thus did these wicked men treat the most

}' holy and tender Saviour. When we read

this most awful account, we must never for-

‘| get, that it was for the sins of all of us that

our Lord Jesus suffered such cruelty. It

was because we do not love God; but do,

“| and say, and think wicked things, and give

.| way to proud and naughty tempers, that our

Saviour was flogged, spit upon, and nailed

to the cross. Oh, let us pray to our Sa-

viour to make us sorry for our sins, and to
help us to do every thing which He tells us


No My Arter mocking our Lord, they took off
7 * the purple robe and put on His own
© clothes, and led Him away to crucify
Him. They made the Lord Jesus carry
His cross; but His sufferings had made
> Him so weak that He could not carry it
far. So they made a man named Simon
bear it after Him, unto a place called
Golgotha. As they went through the
streets of Jerusalem, a great many men
and women followed Him; for they pi-

turned to them and said, ‘“‘ Daughters of 7

for yourselves and for your children.”

' wicked treatment of Himself. So He

tied Him, and wept. But the Saviour Ne
Jerusalem, weep not for me; but weep ?7 §

Our Lord knew that Jerusalem would })\




told the women they had much more
reason to weep for themselves than for

When they came to Golgotha they
stripped the Lord Jesus, and gave Him
vinegar and gall to drink; and then laid
Him down upon the cross, and nailed
His blessed Hands and Feet to it with
long iron nails. After this the wicked
wretches lifted up the cross, so as to put
the bones out of joint. Our blessed Lord
hung thus upon the cross in the greatest
agony; but He made no complaints.

' Over His head Pilate wrote these words,
e Jesus of NazARETH, THE KING oF


Whilst our Lord Jesus was hanging
on the cross, the soldiers cast lots for
His garments, as it had been foretold

they would do. His coat was without



Ke. yy
Wao (~\4


i nN

\e Y) Jews. They felt no pity for the Lord


aseam. Our good and merciful Saviour
thought more about His cruel enemies
than He did about His own sufferings :
and He prayed to His Father, saying,
“Father, forgive them; for they know |

“% not what they do.” But nothing could |, a

Jesus; but mocked Him, saying, * ae )

two thieves; and one of them railed at
Him, and said, “ If Thou be Christ, :
save Thyself and us.” But the other
thief believed in the Lord Jesus; and he
said to this wicked man, “‘ Dost not thou
fear God, seeing thou art in the same

\ condemnation? and we indeed justly,


for we receive the due reward of our
deeds; but this Man hath done nothing


Jesus, and said, ‘‘ Lord, remember me

a when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” §


. Our Lord was full of love and mercy,
and He said to the penitent thief, “‘ Ve- 7
rily I say unto thee, To-day shalt thou \.
be with Me in paradise.” OS (0) ‘

Some who loved Jesus stood weeping LE
) by His cross. The blessed Virgin Mary, o WN
a and Mary Magdalene, and Mary the wife °) 2
* of Cleopas stood there, with the holy ‘\, ef
Saint John. It almost broke the heart \\~7_~.

of the Virgin Mary to see her dear and , W

blessed Son so cruelly treated. It was SS

then that a sword pierced through her

soul, as the good old Simeon told her, 4

when he took the infant Jesus in his

arms. Jesus looked down from the cross
and saw them. And He said to His
sorrowful mother, ‘‘ Woman, behold thy
~~» son.” He then said to St. John, “ Be-
“vt ¢ hold thy mother ;’’ and from that time



4 \ St. John took the blessed Virgin to his

s own home. Whilst our Lord Jesus hung |f
& \a upon the cross, the sun became dark, |,/
SL \ ny\ and there was an earthquake. This was
e “f° enough to convince the Jews that He
aT /’ » was the Son of God.
, > Jesus now cried with a loud voice, and
s wh said, “‘ My God, my God, why hast Thou
- forsaken me?” He then said, “ I thirst.”
|< And one of the men filled a sponge with
nN (> ¥* ‘ vinegar and gave it to Him to drink. The
S ; Ly * Lord Jesus then said, “ It is finished!’’
m and cried out, ‘‘ Father, into Thy hands
wy F I commend my spirit;’”” and He died.
As soon as Jesus was dead, the veil in
K <{\, -'\ the temple was torn in half, and many
f J graves opened, and the dead came to life
. © and went into Jerusalem.



| a


How much the Lord Jesus must love us r g
poor sinners, to suffer all this for us! Let

3 :
* In the evening the Body of our Lord was
Dy taken down from the cross; and a sol-
f dier ran a spear into His side, and there
Â¥ey came out blood and water. A rich man,
“\) named J oseph, loved the Lord Jesus, and
\ y wished to bury Him; and he went to
v& Pilate and asked him for the Body of
2 Jesus. Pilate told him he might have ¢
Ne it. Joseph took the body of his Sa-
e)° viour with great respect and care, and
7 wrapped it in a clean white cloth. An-
S other rich man, whose name was Ni- =
sy codemus, brought some very expensive
v4 spices to put on the Saviour’s precious
Y Body. They then carried it with great

a “7



care, and put it into a new tomb, which
) » was cut out of a rock in Joseph’s gar-
) a den; and they rolled a great stone over }}) '

>, the mouth of the cave.
The next day the chief priests and

grave watched, because the Lord had said
\) that He would rise again on the third
\ day. They then went and sealed up the
‘/ stone, and set men to watch it, for fear
7}. \\ the disciples should take the Body away.
“f But they could not prevent Christ rising |/
5 from the dead; for very early on Sunday
. morning there was an earthquake, and |
\ an angel came down from heaven and
~ rolled the stone away, and sat upon it.
) He was clothed in white, and his face
shone like lightning; and when the
watchmen saw him, they fell down, al-
most dead with fear.

The holy women, Mary Magdalene and



~ Pharisees went to ask Pilate to have the |sx

‘| the other Mary, went to the tomb before | G

Ce r a Tk “ot - ~

ry “i BY Say St My * Li

ay daylight, and found the stone rolled away. ,
&’ They then went in, but could not find the Y {

body of the Lord Jesus; but they saw

) two angels, who told them that the Lord \i


was risen from the dead. Mary made
haste to tell St. Peter and St. John. |
yj When they heard it, they ran to the . xt
sepulchre, and found the linen clothes
lying by themselves. The disciples then \~AY*A
went home very much astonished at what ey ie
they had seen. As Mary stood crying ay a
in the garden, the Lord appeared to her ; WZ J
but she did not know Him, until the yn ;
J Lord called her by her name. As soon a
- as she knew Him, she fell down at His |
C bl feet to worship Him; and the Lord
VP said, “‘ Touch me not; for] am not yet
Ay, ascended to my Father: but go to my g
‘YF brethren, and say unto them, I ascend
unto my Father and your Father, and
to my God and your God.” After this

s they were walking, and told them all

A but they did not know Him until He
BS took bread and blessed it; they then
yee knew that it was the Lord, and He va-
| \ § «\ {! nished out of their sight. ,
é “‘ Then the same day at evening, being 334
\ the first day of the week, when the doors iS
= were shut where the disciples were as-
_sembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus Ae
and stood in the midst, and saith unto
them, Peace be unto you. And when 4
He had so said, He shewed unto them Ft
His hands and His side. Then were the .
) disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be
unto you: as my Father hath sent me,
even so send I you. And when He had +
said this, He breathed on them, and saith
)) unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost :

\ 4 | that the Scriptures said about Himself; 1A


whose soever sins ye remit, they are re-
mitted unto them ; and whose soever sins \ ty
ye retain, they are retained. But Thomas,

one of the twelve, called Didymus, was =
not with them when Jesus came. The
other disciples therefore said unto him, ~
We have seen the Lord. But he said
unto them, Except I shall see in His \,
hands the print of the nails, and put my \
finger into the print of the nails, and ¢
thrust my hand into His side, I will vl
believe. And after eight days again His
disciples were within, and Thomas with
them: then came Jesus, the doors being
shut, and stood in the midst, and said,
Peace be unto you. Then saith He to -
Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and ,
behold my hands; and reach hither thy
hand, and thrust it into my side; and be {
not faithless, but believing. And Thomas







answered and said unto Him, My Lord /\
~ and my God. Jesus saith unto him,
* Thomas, because thou hast seen me, | ‘
thou hast believed: blessed are they that |»:
«have not seen, and yet have believed. e
And many other signs truly did Jesus in |
the presence of His disciples, which are | 4

4 N 4 not written in this book: but these are |

|/ written, that ye might believe that Jesus “
is the Christ, the Son of God; and that YE

mH believing ye might have life through His A)


2 _/ so afraid that the people would believe in =e

Name.” :
When the watchmen told the chief |%
the Lord Jesus, that they bribed the men 3
to tell lies, and to say that the disciples
had stolen His body. |
Our Lord conquered Satan and death,
and rose from the grave on the morning of


=.) Easter Sunday. This is the reason why the
YR Church has always kept that day as the


greatest festival. Ifthe Lord Jesus had not
risen from the dead, we should never rise
out of our graves; but He has said that He
) will raise us up at the last day. What a ,
A comfort it is to think of this when we lose

\( our dear friends, and to know that we shall

ciently love that Saviour who gives us this
and every other blessing !


Tue Lord Jesus Christ dwelt on the earth
J ~ forty days after He rose from the dead.
\ He told His disciples many things about |
/) the kingdom of God; and promised to \\

send them the Holy Ghost down from SC

heaven. One day He said to them, “ All
power is given unto me in heaven and in KZ
earth. Go ye, therefore, and teach all (‘~~
nations ; baptising them in the Name of Aa
the Father, and of the Son, and « he 4

wy (28)

Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded

ey Most Holy and Blessed Trinity.
At the end of the forty days He took

%, unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” ,<%
iJ / When He had spoken these words, He

And He was taken up into heaven, and \.

a cloud received Him out of their sight. x

Qs 202
t \ - 7 ’ ) ,
| : E : , c " ~ ' 4

The disciples were amazed when they r) ae,
{| saw the Lord go up into heaven. And / ¥ y)

as they stood looking up after Him, two aAAN
angels appeared, and said to them, ‘‘ Ye ® =

men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up

go into heaven.”
They then turned back to Jerusalem, ?
4 full of holy joy; and they went often
into the temple to praise and bless God.
The apostles, the blessed Virgin Mary, =
and many others, spent their time in }\
praying to God. .

Ascension or Holy Thursday has always
‘}\ been kept sacred by the Church of Christ,
<\|in remembrance of the Lord Jesus going 5
into heaven, where He now dwells, and
where He sees all we do, and hears all we \



say. He is gone to prepare a place for all
*) who love and obey Iiim. Those who follow
. Him on earth will live for ever with Him in
\ heaven.





| At the feast called Pentecost, Jerusalem
J FJ” was full of strangers from all parts of the
1 «) world. They went there to worship God.
ye) The apostles were all together in a house; 6:
Sy Da s and on a sudden they heard a loud sound,
sc’ SR (|) like a very high wind, which filled the “A
nS »/™* house. At the same moment they saw
cloven tongues like fire resting upon
X A them. And they were filled with the =)
CS i J Holy Ghost, so that they could speak ie
Pl > languages which they had never learned. u
~@ | The apostles then began to preach, and
the people from all parts of the world oe

were astonished to hear them speak in ~~
7 VA* , their different languages.


\ men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus \
of Nazareth, a Man approved of God \

midst of you. Him ye have taken, and \ Li
by wicked hands have crucified and slain. N

we all are witnesses. Therefore being by \\ 1
the right hand of God exalted, and hav- ay Tle

=V| which ye now see and hear. Therefore Pee oy
<\)| let all the house of Israel know assuredly, [,

>| that God hath made that same Jesus, yap
_43| Whom ye have crucified, both Lord and “\) \~ A, )
Vee Christ.” (Ue
| When the people heard these words, WN i

one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ,
for the remission of sins, and ye shall
‘ receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For
the promise is unto you and your child-
ren.” God the Holy Ghost so moved ‘
the hearts of these people, that three

thousand of them believed in the Lord
Jesus Christ, and were baptised that very
day. After this they went every day into
6, the temple to pray, and received the sacra-
ment, and heard the apostles preach. The ¥



Jrich sold their houses and lands, and \
gave the money to the apostles, that they fi



might give it tothe poor. They all loved }
each other, and were very happy ; and (
they praised God for His goodness.


We here learn how the first disciples loved “>
one another. And so ought we to love those
who have been baptised into the Church.
In Baptism, God the Holy Ghost enters into




Tue Lord Jesus had said that God the
Holy Ghost should guide the apostles
into all truth. This promise was now
fulfilled ; for He inspired the holy apos-
tles, so that they knew every thing that
God wished them to say. God the Holy
| Ghost also gave them power to work
miracles. One day as St. Peter and St.

| pray, they saw a poor man lying at ,
the gate begging. This man had been Q 0?

walk. When he saw the apostles, he ww ( »\

ee oe aK


a peti °
Ap asked them to give him something. St.
Peter looked at him, and said, “ Silver |/
and gold have I none; but such as I |}
> have give I thee: in the Name of Jesus |j .
aS Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” |)
: He then took hold of his hand, and the
poor man got up and walked, and went
into the temple leaping for joy, and prais-
Y ing God. When the people saw this they
{yy "/ were very much astonished. St. Peter
fi AN then told them that the same Jesus,
m\ <4 whom they had crucified, was now in
. «) heaven, and had healed this man. The |/
fA ~, chief priests and scribes were very angry, |
=) ‘\\ when they heard the apostles preach }
J about the Lord Jesus. And they put St.
Peter and St. John in prison until the

next day, when they brought them out
3 into the council, and asked them by what |'
: “power or by what name they had cured
y : q the lame man. ‘“‘ Then Peter, filled with
\ 44%) the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye

| 208

~ i
rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, ()}S Q i
if we this day be examined of the good \

2 deed done to the impotent man, by what A ‘
Si [ik

=s{, means he is made whole; be it known
unto you all, and to all the people of eG


e Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ \. é (‘A
Ay \ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom. * WN Y
/ God raised from the dead, even by Him tA

doth this man stand here before you
3 whole. This is the Stone which was set
at nought of you builders, which is be-
come the Head of the corner. Neither is

is none other name under heaven given
{ among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Y The rulers then said that they would 9

about the Lord Jesus, and sent them
/ away. St. Peter and St. John went to
tell the other apostles what had been
done to them. And they all knelt Ie

Mc epaatlon wished every body to believe in

e the Lord Jesus. They did not care for |

x. any persecution, if they could only tell

ye \ ny the people about their Saviour. Many
: thousands became Christians, and sold |f
their lands, and gave the money to the
| 1g apostles, that they might give it to poor | \4

es But there was a wicked man and y)

BO f/

; woman, who tried to deceive the apos-

‘\ tles, by telling a lie. They sold some |W
oe * land, and gave part of the money to if
og the apostles, and said that they had
i Tins all. But St. Peter said to the |

man, “ Ananias, why hath Satan filled

X ede’) thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and

o /) to keep back part of the price of the land?

P © Whiles it remained, was it not thine own?
AN =) ' and after it was sold, was it not in thine |

own power? why hast thou conceived

> VE SL *



, &S


. this thing in thine heart? thou hast not
lied unto men, but unto God. And An-
anias hearing these words fell down, and {)\ ¥
gave up the ghost: and great fear came \
on all them that heard these things.
And the young men arose, wound him
up, and carried him out and buried him.
And it was about the space of three
hours after, when his wife, not knowing
what was done, came in. And Peter an-
‘) swered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold
the land for so much? And she said,
# Yea, forso much. Then Peter said unto
A her, How is it that ye have agreed toge-
ther to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? be-
} ms hold, the feet of them which have buried
% thy husband are at the door, and shall -~
(SSN carry thee out. Then fell she down
. 2 straightway at his feet, and yielded up
the ghost: and the young men came in,



y) o& =

\ fi S<

aA; Y and found her dead, and, carrying her
S IX} 2 , forth, buried her by her husband. And
> V4, great fear came upon all the church, and

| upon as many as heard these things.”

See what a wicked thing it is to tell lies!
This man and woman were struck dead for
~ doing so. And God tells us in the Bible
that liars shall not go to heaven.

The Holy Ghost gave the apostles

W) power to do many miracles. A great
many sick people were cured by a word
from the apostles. This so vexed the

put in prison; but God sent an angel in
the night, to open the prison-doors, and :
let them out.

\} No harm can happen to those who love
and serve God, because He takes care of

of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they tried

‘Y} to put a ra to it; but the more they


people, so that many became Chris-
tians. The Jews hated Stephen, and

they took him before the judge. When fi
he was there, every body in the place ¥

face looked like an angel’s. St. Stephen

, then told them how wicked they had

been to crucify the Lord Jesus. ‘ When

y. they heard these things, they were cut to

the heart, and they gnashed on him with
their teeth. But he, being full of the
Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into


‘ .:
yi; ME \


= FP ¢ EY ) EN / \» fa SASS

‘ {7 y "| /y) S es »)
Wi Sy} P— 7 at ”
re A D\ 5 eS) S NX A \ ory

« heaven, and saw the glory of God, and |
a esus standing on the right hand of God, ¢-})
*) and said, Behold, I see the heavens open- \Â¥j
ed, and the Son of man standing on the *
right hand of God. Then they cried out A
} with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, X \
and ran upon him with one accord, and &. i
cast him out of the city, and stoned him: }x
> and the witnesses laid down their clothes
S 4 at a young man’s feet, whose name was
Saul. And they stoned Stephen, calling dN
upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, re- ,
ceive my spirit. And he kneeled down, EX
and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay {\
J not this sin to their charge. And when My
he had said this, he fell asleep.” :

St. Stephen was the first Christian who \V,¢

died for his love to the Lord Jesus. He S
must have felt very happy when he saw the «

Lord Jesus in heaven, and knew that he was ¢ }




co x

y CSEK SS a Vr \ icine) SY
y SH SO RCS by OES ba A
<4} going to be with Him for ever. St. Stephen
. did not feel angry with his murderers; but
y he prayed for them, as our Saviour did when
Ke was on the cross. How happy all good
‘Ax ,| people are, even if the world treats them
unkindly! But the wicked are not happy in
this world ; and in the next they will be very,

~~ very unhappy. Let us pray to the Lord { ng
Jesus to make us good, that no wicked men \\ We > ¥
“| may frighten us to do wrong. Ya

S ¢



stoning of St. Stephen, was one of the |

Ni| greatest enemies to the Christians. He
went into their houses, and dragged them NG \
away to prison. The poor Christians mr ooh

Ho THE young man Saul, who was at the a )

were so cruelly persecuted that ae were |


Le * destroy them all. One day he went to
ce * Damascus, with orders from the high
& priest to seize all the Christians he could
—>? find, and to bring them bound to Jeru-
Fe salem. But as he went along the road, he
mi was struck down to the ground in a mo-

than the sun, and heard a voice, saying,

» “ Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?”

WH ® Saul was very much frightened, and he

a/\ “ac Si said, “ Who art Thou, Lord?” And the
) mw —S voice said, “Iam Jesus whom thou

x A) persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick /¢

. WOR against the pricks.” At these words he
trembled with fear, and said, “ Lord,
what wilt Thou have me to do?”” The
Lord answered, “‘ Arise, and go into the
city, and it shall be told thee what thou
must do.”” The men who were with Saul
heard the voice, but they saw no man,
and they were very much afraid. When


) ~S)/ no mercy on any of them; but tried to —


ment; and he saw a great light brighter '





not see; and the men led him into Da-
f mascus. ‘ And he was three days with-
Pp out sight, and neither did eat nor drink.
’) And there was a certain disciple at Da- ip :
~. Q\ mascus, named Ananias; and to him \\ Wy is
) J said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And we
\ 4 he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. And & \f
v2xo the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go \
dj into the street which is called Straight, \ A le
-~( and inquire in the house of Judas for t/ Aa
)\) one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, \\ X24
;, he prayeth, and hath seen in a vision a ae v0
. man named Ananias coming in, and put- f

ting his hand on him, that he might re- |
ceive his sight. Then Ananias answered,
(“\, Lord, I have heard by many of this man,
how much evil he hath done to Thy saints
at Jerusalem; and here he hath autho-
rity from the chief priests to bind all
that call on Thy name. But the Lord

“ ) said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a
) @ 217

how great things he must suffer for my ‘
~ mame’s sake. And Ananias went his

>Q;\ unto thee in the way as thou camest,
, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive ¢(
thy sight, and be filled with the Holy «7
Ghost. And immediately there fell from 4

\\ was baptised. And when he had received
meat, he was strengthened. Then was
â„¢ Saul certain days with the disciples which _)
were at Damascus. And straightway he -S
preached Christ in the synagogues, that

* He is the Son of God. But all that heard 2

{| him were amazed, and said, Is not this *
he that destroyed them which called on
this name in Jerusalem, and came hither
for that intent, that he might bring them
bound unto the chief priests? But Saul
increased the more in strength, and con- |
founded the Jews which dwelt at Da-
mascus, proving that this is very Christ.” |
After this wonderful conversion Saul was
called Paul. St. Paul now became quite |
a different man; for he loved his Saviour
and all Christians with all his heart. He

/ \| gave up every thing, and wished only to
live to the glory of God, and the good of
men. He was once proud and cruel; but
| si; now he became as humble and gentle as
a child. He went into all parts of the

Ys world to preach the Gospel, even at the §
S| risk of losing his life. He was flogged,

| Y, shipwrecked, and put in prison, because
( 219

\% Xi c S
' o : Ns - AX fi Wy |
; FZ iS

he preached the Gospel; but nothing | d
could stop him—and at last he was taken
to Rome, and was killed there.

All the holy apostles and martyrs, and } yon
all the blessed saints who were treated cruelly (Cc

and put to death because they loved and ay

: 3 worshipped the Lord Jesus, are now very f ‘%


Of bo A happy and blessed; but those who hated \{

Y Z\\ 7 them, and would not do as they told them, %

__o are miserable. No people are really happy ¢
but good, religious people; but they are

; always so, because they know that their Fe


Sy ; Saviour loves them, and will take them to A
Y 6

* heaven.
\ fe


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Great New Street, Fetter Lane.

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