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THE JEWI SH UNITY Vol. 7, No. 11. 15c Eac Copy June 15, 1933 IN THIS IssUE 1 0 World's Largest Stage Designed for "Romance of a People" By Isaac Van Grove Jewish Pioneering in Medicine By Dr. George Crile * Zionist Convention for Chicago Random Thoughts By Charles H. Joseph U. The Jews In Russia Today By Louis E. Bieley FLORIDA'S LEADING JEWISH PUBLICATION 01 A/ M/^ ^^ ^^ {2)~- 6~e-4tt-'A ! I The JEWISH UNITY a -I Reciprocity THIS is a word made famous a few years ago by a great political leader who made of it almost a platform. It is a good English word and ac- cording to the dictionary means "that relation or policy under which special advantages are granted by one side in consideration of special ad- vantages granted by the other." The Jewish Unity is now, as for more than five years past, exerting every effort to advance the interests of the Jewish people. It is conservative and constructive in its policy and gives its services freely, without regard to sect, financial consideration, or social standing, to every cause which it has reason to believe will advance the interests of the Jewish people. Under the terms of reciprocity (or in the common vernacular "one good turn deserves another") the Jewish community should appreciate these efforts and reciprocate by aiding the paper which is advancing their own interests, protecting the good name and standing of the Jewish peo- ple, aiding in Jewish education and philanthropy, and in every inspirational and uplift movement which affects the Jew. The merchants who advertise in this magazine desire to show their goodwill for the Jewish people and are helping to support, advance Jewish interests in thus doing. They are deserving of reciprocity. Readers of The Jewish Unity should give preference to "Jewish Unity" advertisers and should make it a point to let those advertisers KNOW that they DO SO by telling them "I SAW IT IN THE JEWISH UNITY". Let Goodwill be met by Goodwill - I I Page Two June 15, 1913. June 15, 1983. The JEWISH UNITY PUBLISHED MONTHLY ELLARD G. KOHN by the THE JEWISH UNITY JAMES AT JEWISH UNITY PUBLISH- Circulation Manae ING COMPANY, Inc. "Florida's Leading Jewish Publication" Entered as second class mat- ter October 16, 1931, at the EXECUTIVE OFFICE Founded 1927 post office at Miami, Florida, under the act of March 3, 701 Professional Bldg. Subscription Rates, $1.00 Per Year, in Advance 1879. Volume 7 Miami, Florida, June 15, 1933. Number 11. The Jews In Russia Today By Louis E. BIELEY IT IS because the Jew is so hard pressed today in many corners of the world for a choice in his destiny, that Russia assumes an increasing import- ance-not merely for the two and a half million Jews within its borders, but for the seventeen million Jews elsewhere, for whom the problem of survival is as keen as it ever was in Jewish history. Put in its essential form, the question which must concern Jews with regard to Russia is whether the physical and po- litical safety or the spiritual identity of the Jewish people is the more important. The Jewish reaction to Soviet Russia must be compounded of antagonism and sympathy. On the other hand, we have concrete, unrefuted evidence that the un- disturbed pursuits of the Jewish religion and the development of Jewish cultural and national activities is either violently discouraged or forbidden. On the other hand, there is plentiful demonstration by the Soviet authorities that they will not permit the exhibition or the growth of any kind of anti-Semitism, social, eco- nomic or in any other form. Not only is every evidence of anti-Jewish activity suppressed, but a comprehensive educa- tional propaganda is carried on to uproot the seeds of racial animosity. That the Jews as a group have suf- fered to a greater extent proportionately than any other element of the Russian population is evident from the following statistics. In 1897, the Jews within the area now contained in the U. S. S. R. numbered 2,504,000. In 1923, the num- ber was decreased to 2,481,000. In 1930, the total stood only at 2,725,000. Taking into consideration the normal natural in- crease of the Russian population, it is obvious what vast numbers of Jews have disappeared from Soviet territory. One- half of those who are lost may be ac- counted for by emigration. The other half consists of those who were killed in the war and post-war pogroms, and also of those tens of thousands who have col- lapsed from despair, idleness and hunger under the Soviets. The "lishentzi", the disenfranchised, are a good index of the status of the Jews in Russia. About twenty-five per cent of the Jews belong to this class which is deprived of the privileges of ordinary participation in the benefits of citizenship. Teachers, rabbis, storekeep- ers, and other branches of the small bour- geosiie constitute the "lishentzi" classes, the greatest victims of hunger and dis- crimination. The proportion of the non- Jewish "lishentzi" class to the general population is only (6%) six per cent. Every possible help shall be given to every organization which is helping the Jewish "lishentzi" class. N describing the benefits derived by Jews from the Soviet regime, most frequent reference is made to the settle- ment of Jews on the land and their ab- sorption into agricultural pursuits. Em- phasis on this alleged gain by Jews is based on ignorance of the number of Jews engaged in agriculture long before the Soviets assumed power. The first Jewish colonies in the Kherson and Eka- terinoslav districts were established as far back as 1804. Even under the Czars at that time there were state loans, al- lotment of state lands and other coopera- tion on the part of the national govern- ment. Within the century there were fluctuations in the attitude of the gov- ernment. Restrictions were laid upon the Jews, taxation was made burdensome or new loans were not granted. But the census of 1897 revealed that there were 158,000 Jewish colonists in the Pale (Tcherta Osedlosti). Today, in all of Eu- ropean Russia their number is much less, probably not more than 100,000. Those who were successful in farming before the revolution and those who were train- ed agriculturally are those who have been able to derive a livelihood from farming even under present conditions. The Jewish farms that failed suffered from the same difficulties that were ex- perienced by some non-Jewish unsucess- ful collectivization projects. Mention must be made, however, of a new sort of "side-line" farmer who is appearing re- cently. This is the Ogorodnik who raises vegetables near town for his home con- sumption. Agriculture is generally being transformed into an industry on a large scale so that comparative figures on the condition of farms and farmers today and prior to the revolution, would be very much entangling, which I am trying to avoid. New Jewish Agricultural settlements are sponsored by the U. S. S. R. govern- ment primarily among foreign nationali- ties, such as among the Tatars of Crimea or in Biro Bidjan, near the Chinese bor- der. The Soviet government seems to have in mind the ability of Jews to im- plant and guard the Russian culture among foreign elements. For this rea- son it was seemingly necessary lately to discontinue the land activities of the Agrojoint in Southern Russia proper. These facts are of supreme importance to American Jews who furnished vast sums to encourage Jewish colonizing areas. The price paid by American Jew- ish relief agencies for colonization ac- tivities in Russia during the past fifteen years seems far too high. Although I was never in Palestine, I venture to say that a far greater number of people could have been settled on the soil of Palestine with the same funds, particu- larly when it is remembered that the pro- fessional Jewish farmers in Russia would have received the full-hearted coopera- tion of the government in the same man- ner as the non-Jewish peasants. (Please turn to Page 10.) Page Three Page Fou A CENTURY of Progress, authorities tell us, will usher in a new era-a renaissance of color-in American archi- tecture. The stage setting that has been de- signed for "Romance of a People", the mammoth pageant of Jewish life to be presented in Soldier Field on July third, will be equally distinguished by the rav- ish and spectacular use of color. In this case it will be color "painting" by means of light. Many another precedent has been broken in designing a setting adequate to the occasion. The stage itself, built in four levels and measuring 150 feet across by more than 200 feet in length, will be the larg- est, so far as we know, that has ever been constructed. It will occupy the open end of the horseshoe at the north slope of Soldier Field and it will be so synchronized with the surroundings of this natural amphitheater that the mar- ble facade of the Field Museum in the rear will provide an impressive and per- fectly balanced shadow background- the whole scene reminiscent of the match- less setting of the Acropolis at Athens. Construction on this site is already un- derway. President Rufus C. Dawes of A Century of Progress was so impressed with the preliminary plans when shown to him by Judge Harry M. Fisher, gen- eral chairman, and Meyer W. Weisgal, executive director of the Jewish Day Committee, that he requested us to build the stage immediately as one of the per- manent constructions of the World's Fair to be used for the ceremonies on open- ing day and on other notable occasions. Approaching the stage from the south we come first to a broad flight of steps, sixty feet wide, leading from the arena level to the first platform five feet above. Platform number two, inset di- rectly behind and four feet higher, will be forty by eighty feet. Platform num- ber three, known as the "bridge" will stand in the center and on top of number two. This stage will have five glass in- ISAAC VAN GROVE Noted conductor of the Chicago Civic Opera Company, who will di- rect the pageant, "Romance of a People", at the Jewish Day celebra- tion at A Century of Progress on July third. sets in the floor through which the shift- ing irridescence of colored light will play upon the featured dancers. BEHIND platform number two a gi- gantic horseshoe of "bleachers", seating the orchestra and the mass cho- rus of 1,500 singers, will rise thirty feet above the arena floor to the level of platform number four which forms the back of the stage. This fourth platform, shell-shaped and of modernistic design, will be backed by flat, vertical back- grounds of varying heights and angles and will be thirty feet deep by seventy feet wide. The front of the backstage portion of this platform, a huge glass curtain, thirty-five feet wide and twenty- five feet high, will be hung upon which various scenic effects in colored light will be thrown from a projection booth at the rear. When the entire surface of this stage is required by the action, this curtain will be dropped through the floor, leaving a free-standing colonade of four huge pillars supporting an entablature from the rear of which will be thrown electrical effects upon the actors massed below. Upon all of the various levels, con- nected by wide and gently sloping stair- ways, with the sky for a canopy, we will deploy our 3,000 dancers, actors and sing- ers in one of the boldest outdoor spec- tacles ever attempted. A shifting sym- phony of color harmony, careful inte- grated with the action, will play upon the moving pageantry. The powerful lights illuminating every corner of the scene will make visibility crystal clear even from the farthest seat in the dark- ened arena. Illumination will be provided in addi- tion to the sources mentioned, by four huge light towers each thirty-five feet high and seven feet square placed at the extremities of the stage and situated so as not to obstruct the view. One of the vertical faces on each light tower will be left entirely open to permit the projec- tion of light onto the stage from every height and angle desired. There will be four platform levels in each tower and an electrician on each platform handling the controls. The central control of all lighting and sound effects will be handled from a thirty by eighty foot control pit beneath the "bridge" platform housing assistant directors and technicians who will have telephone communication with every part of the stage. The conductor's platform will be located directly back of the pit facing the orchestra and chorus. Noted Chicago architects, Oman and Lilienthal, with Paul Bachelor and my- self worked closely together on the de- signing of the stage in order to produce a setting that would fit in as an organic part of our conception of the pageant as a whole. Ir The JEWISH UNITY June World's Largest Stage Designed For "Romance of a People" By ISAAC VAN GROVE (Maestro Isaac Van Grove, conductor of the Chicago Civic Opera Company and famous for his success with the spectacle type of production, has been appointed di- rector of the pageant of Jewish life entitled "Romance of a People" that is to be given as a part of the Jewish Day celebration at A Century of Progress in Chicago on July third. In this article he describes the magnificent stage setting that has been designed for the production.-Ed.) 15, 19J3. June 15, 1933. The JEWISH UNITY Jewish Pioneering In Medicine By DR. GEORGE CRILE (The following address was delivered by the eminent physician, Dr. George Crile, head of the Cleveland Clinic at a mass protest meeting in Cleveland, May 14, 1988.-Ed.) SPROPOSE in the main, to let the Jew tell his own story as to his achieve- ments in medicine. A mere catalogue is rarely inspiring, yet this is a catalogue of achievements which is more dramatic than any general essay on the contribu- tions of the Jew to medical science could possibly be made. First, it should be remarked that in the Bible and the Talmud, medicine is made an integral part of the Jewish re- ligion, and the physician was apparent- ly to be held in as high esteem as the Priest and the Rabbi. Indeed, no history of the Jews in medicine would be prop- erly begun without referring to the Laws of Moses and acknowledging our great debt to them as the creators of a system of public hygiene, the sanitary laws of which are identical with or have formed the basis of many of our present sani- tary regulations. Among the early Talmudists, human dissections and animal experiments were performed. These Talmudists attained an astonishing degree of knowledge of em- bryology, physiology and surgery. It would be fascinating to deal at length with these ancient attainments, and to tell of the achievements of such men as Cordovan Avenvoar, the first great phy- sician of post-Talmudic times, and of his pupil, Avenroes; of Moses Marmonides, who was court physician to Saladin; of the persistence of advancement of Jew- ish physicians during the dark days of the Middle Ages when as Garrison says "the lot of the Hebrew physician in Eu- rope was to be used and abused. In the tenth and eleventh centuries, he was a sort of contraband luxury resorted to by and protected by prince and prelat alike, on account of his superior scientific knowledge, but hardly countenanced for any other reason." IMITATION of time compels me to pass over most of the earlier contri- butions and to begin our catalogue with the great names of the last century. We can start appropriately with the name of Jacob Henle who was one of the great- est anatomists of all times, whose great discoveries would take a long time to re- count; Robert Remak was a pioneer his- tologist, one of the first to point out cell division, and one of the pioneers of elec- trotherapy; Ferdinand von Hebra was the founder of the histologic school of dermatology; Ludwig Traube introduced thermometers into clinical medicine and was one of the first experimental path- ologists-his lectures attracted people from all over the world; Moritz Henrich Romberg was the first clinical neurolo- gist in Germany and wrote the first for- mal treatise on nervous diseases; Julius Cohnheim was the most eminent pupil of Virchow, whose monograph on "In- flamation and Suppuration" revolution- ized pathology. Among his pupils have been numbered some of the most dis- tinguished physicians of this country. Gabriel Gustav Valentin was one of the foremost physiologists of the world; Moritz Schiff was a zoologist and physi- ologist who was a pioneer in the study of the glands of internal secretion; Carl Weigert was the first to stain bacteria; Herman Cohn, the father of Emil Lud- wig, was a pioneer ophthalmologist of Breslau who made the first statistical study of the eyes of school children ever made in the world; Munk and Moll were pioneers in work on cerebral localiza- tion; Solomon Stricker was the founder of microtomy; Nathan Zunz was another prominent physiologist; Julius Bernstein -a prominent physiologist-did much original work on the physiology of mus- cles; Edward Henoch was one of the earliest pediatricians in Germany. With the advent of the bacterial age, a number of distinguished Jewish bac- teriologists came to the fore; such as Fraenkel, who discovered the pneumo- coccus; Neisser, who discovered the gon- ococcus, one of the greatest achievements in medicine; Anton Weickselbaum, the discoverer of the meningococcus; Fried- lander, the discoverer of the bacillus named after him; Metchnikoff, the dis- coverer of phagocytosis; Widal, the first to use agglutination for the diagnosis of typhoid fever; Haffkine, of Calcutta, who prepared a preventive treatment for Bu- bonic plague; Hayem, a great French clinician, and an authority on diseases of the liver. Among the oto-laryngologists may be cited Gottstein, Schnitzler, Stoerck and Politzer-the last of whom perfected the laryngoscope. GABRIEL LIPPMAN was the inven- tor of color photography; Marmorck was a pioneer worker in tuberculosis and prepared an auto-serum for its cure; Bernheim, of Nancy, was the founder of the School of Suggestive Therapy; Max Nordau was a prominent criminologist. Of the Italian Jews, Ottolenghi was the foremost authority on fornesic medicine and Caesar Lombroso was the best known criminologist of his time. Moritz Bene- dict, of Vienna, was the foremost figure in electrotherapy. The name, Winternitz, is synonymous with hydrotherapy. Adolph Baginsky was one of the best known pediatricians and hygienists of his time. James Israel was one of the most prominent surgeons of his period in Berlin. I. Boas was one of the earliest gasro-enterologists, remembered particu- larly for his test meal. Lazar, Unna, and Joseph, were among the most famous skin specialists of Europe. Joseph Pick was a great pathologist. Magnus-Levy was known for his researches on diabetic coma and was an authority on diseases of metabolism; Minkowski is remember- ed for his classic experiment in remov- ing the pancreas in dogs and proving that pancreatic therapy of diabetes. Ehr- lich was probably the greatest immun- ologist and chemotherapist that ever lived. Oppenheim was considered to be without a peer in Germany as a neurolo- gist and has given his name to several diseases of the nervous system. Werth- eim developed the radical operation for cure of cancer of the uterus. Zucker- handle was a great anatomist as was his successor Tandler. Coming down to more modern times, we find the names of Finkelstein, who has written the best treatise on infant diseases; of Erdheim, a Viennese path- ologist, who carries on the tradition of the School of Rokitansky; of Sigmund Freud, founder of the School of Psycho- analysis, and of Adler, his disciple, who caused a tremendous disturbance in psy- chology; of Jadassohn, of Bere, who is (Continued on PagqtZ .) Page Five The JEWISH UNITY June 15, 1955. RANDOM THOUGHTS By CHARLES H. JOSEPH FROM London to the "Sentinel" of Chicago comes a letter written by Conrad Hoffman, Jr., General Secretary of the International Missionary Council, of which John R. Mott is chairman, com- menting on certain statements, appear- ing in this column. I believe Mr. Hoff- man is sincere in his desire to be of serv- ice to the Jews in this country and the prestige of the organization which he represents is so great that I am asking the editors of the papers in which RAN- DOM THOUGHTS appear to publish this open letter to "MY JEWISH FRIENDS IN AMERICA "I am rather troubled by so much noise and propaganda in the American Press, and notably in the Jewish Press which is urging Jews to be Jews. I had thought that you were Americans, first, last and always, but seemingly you want to be Jews in any circumstances, as well as Americans. Is it really possible to be both seeing that Judaism implies not only religion, but race and nation as well? Are you not in danger of creating a serious conflict of dual loyalties in the Jew, and making him, as it were, 'an island within.' "You demand complete equality in all things, and America has assured you of that, but simultaneously you are de- manding to be different, in a sense re- main apart. Is not this inconsistent? For one cannot both eat and have the loaf. "We also question the wisdom of the extensive advertising you are giving to the Jewish men and women who have become prominent in one way or another in American life. It is a displaying and peacockingg' of their achievements; no one will deny that you have many achievements, but for you to be so brazen about these tends to a certain nausea and does not help the creation of good feeling, for which we are so keen, and which we are so anxious to preserve. Fi- nally, we are rather concerned that you, as Americans should urge your com- patriots-also Americans, to cater to Jewish shops primarily. Why urge such preference, and is it really fair play? Above all, in America where we are try- ing to create and make permanent a spirit and practice of absolute impar- tiality. More than that, is it not ex- ceedingly dangerous? Sooner or later you will create by such a procedure, whether you will or not, a Jewish State within the body politic of America, and the American public will never tolerate such any more than a German, or a Brit- ish, or a Chinese State within the coun- try. "I call attention to these thoughts out of sincere friendship for you. I should hate to see the development of anything like the present anti-Semitism in Ger- many, but I fear for Jewry in America, if it persists in this propaganda to make Jews more Jewish, and thereby less American. I should like to see you fos- ter and promote the religious side of Jewry, but certainly not the racial and national self-consciousness which seems to be the case in the present definite of cultivation within Jewry. Believe me ab- solutely sincere and concerned lest dis- crimination of the Jew should develop in America." HERE is enough material in Mr. Hoffman's statement for many ser- mons from Jewish pulpits, to say noth- ing of editorials in the Jewish press. I have felt in some respects as Mr. Hoff- man does. There has been entirely too much stress placed upon the NATION- ALISM of the Jew. I say this, that there is no inconsistency between Judaism and Americanism, if the Jew interprets his Judaism religiously. Zionism may have done much for the Jewish cause but I have always wondered whether it has not rendered a grave disservice to the Jew by stressing his racial and national characteristics. I call the statements of JEWISH CALENDAR *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Sun., June 25 Fast of Tammuz __ Tues., July 11 Rosh Chodesh Ab__ Mon., July 24 Tisha B'Ab Tues., Aug. I *Rosh Chodesh EluL- W--- ed., Aug. 23 NOTE: Holidays begin in the evening preceding the days designated. *-Rosh Chodesh also observed the prev- ious day. **-Fast observed on previous Thursday. Mr. Hoffman to particular attention of men representing different schools of Jewish thought with reference to the is- sues raised in the letter. For example, such men as Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Dr. David Phillipson, Dr. Cyrus Adler, Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson, Rabbi A. H. Sil- ver, Louis Lipsky, Dr. Julius Morgen- stern, and Bernard Richards. There is only one correction I wish to make in the statement and that is, Mr. Hoffman is in error when he says that Jews are urged to patronize Jewish shops. In all my experience I cannot recall even the suggestion of such a policy in the Jewish press. Right in line with the ideas already expressed I wish to call attention of my readers to the position taken by Ludwig Lewisohn in an article in the "Nation" which is exactly what Mr. Hoffman op- poses as a menace to the welfare of Jewry. Mr. Lewisohn takes the position that the Jews in Germany became more German than Jewish. Quoting the Cen- tralverein: "With dignity and courage we shall know how to bear upon the soil of our homeland the measures inflicted by Germans upon Germans, Mr. Lewi- sohn says. "If these people had any dig- nity or courage, if they had ever per- mitted themselves to face the music of reality, there would have been Jewish gymnasiums, a Jewish university, the formation of a Jewish party, at least, as in Czecho-Slovakia THEY of the Jewish faith? They are not even that. They have not protested against the bru- tal forbidding of Schechitah everywhere. They whine they are Germans, Germans. Their ancestors went forth in other ages like men and heroes and died with the SHMAH ISRAEL on their lips." That all may be true, yet Lewisohn does exact- ly what we are in my judgment being justly criticised for, namely, pleading for a JEWISH PARTY for a JEWISH UNI- VERSITY for a further driving-us-in- upon-ourselves and separating us still further from the life and people about us. It seems to me that the time is com- ing very near, in fact it is here, the time that I predicted years ago, when we shall have to HAVE A SHOW DOWN and decide whether we are to be assim- ilationists (in the proper meaning) or separatists. Page Six June 15, 1933. The JEWISH UNITY Zionist Convention For Chicago Thirty-sixth Annual National Gathering of Zionist Organization of of America To Begin On July 1st THE thirty-sixth annual convention of the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica will be held in the city of Chicago, beginning Saturday evening, July 1st and going through to July 4th, the govern- ing council of the organization has de- cided, according to an announcement by Mr. Morris Rothenberg, president of the Organization. This will be the first time since 1919 that the Zionists will have had their annual conclave in the mid- western city. The occurrence of Jewish Day on July 3rd at the Century of Progress Exposi- tion was said to be the deciding factor in the choice of the convention city. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, former president of the World Zionist Organization and of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, is com- ing to Chicago specially for the.occasion and will be the guest of honor at a ban- quet tendered to him on July 4th at which hundreds of delegates from practically every city in the nation will be present. Usual importance is attached to this year's gathering of Zionists because of the World Zionist Congress that is to be held the following month in Carlsbad, Czechoslovakia where a more comprehen- sive scheme for the quicker rebuilding of the Jewish National Home in Pales- tine is to be acted upon. Elections for the American delegates to the Congress will be held in nation-wide balloting on July 9th. It is expected that the issues upon which American candidates will stand for election to the Congress will be formulated at the Chicago conven- tion. "W HEN the Zionists of America Meet for their thirty-sixth annual convention at Chicago on Saturday eve- ning, July 1st, they will be confronted with the most momentous problems with which the movement has to deal since its inception. We are no longer able to re- gard the rebuilding of the Jewish Na- tional Home in Palestine as a process for whose accomplishment we have ample time, and whose benefits must be re- served for future generations. "Palestine is the paramount topic in international Jewish discussion today. Whatever have been the preconceptions with regard to Palestine on the part of any element of the Jewish people, it must now be admitted that Palestine is the central hope in the solution of the com- plex and tragic problems that have arisen as a result of the recent events in Europe. The accelerated rebuilding of Palestine cannot be regarded as merely a gesture of challenge to the bigotry and proscription of the Nazi government in Germany. But we must be realistic enough to understand that a haven of security and freedom must be provided for those countless Jews who are being driven from the lands in which they have resided for centuries. "The Zionist Organization, which has been dedicated to arousing Jewish public opinion with regard to the possibilities of Palestine, now bears a greater respon- sibility than at any time since the es- tablishment of the movement. The ful- fillment of this responsibility will require the united strength and support of the Jewish people. REAL ESTATE "It is our hope that the Chicago con- vention will provide an unprecedented demonstration of Zionist strength, a sym- bol of the will of the Jewish people to- ward the reestablishment of its ances- tral homeland and center of culture, where men and women may find not merely physical safety but spiritual free- dom." Please Notify Us At Once Due to postal regulations, we are charged by the Post Office for every copy of the Jewish Unity which cannot be delivered because of change in address. We ask the cooperation of our sub- scribers, in order to avoid this heavy expense, to notify us im- mediately in case of a change of address. THE JEWISH UNITY 701 Professional Building Miami, Fla. RENTALS AMBULANCE SERVICE W. L. PHILBRICK Phoe 26 DIRECTOR OF FUNERALS-SERVING GREATER MIAMI Page Seve,* Property Management Appraisals Exchanges THE KEYE D M PANY Real Estate Management Rentals First Trust Bldg. Phone 2-7671 Branch Office: Washington at 5th St. Phone 5-1906, -- -- NEW TIRE Remarkable New Invention Makes Safest Tire Ever Built 3 Times Safer from Blow-outs NO EXTRA COST TO PUBLIC W HEN the speedometer reads 40, 50, 60--the heat inside your tires becomes terrific. A blister starts... gets bigger and bigger Until BANG! A blow-out! And you're headed for trouble. Now, to protect you from blow-outs, every Goodrich Safety Silvertown has the amazing new Life-Saver Golden Ply that resists heat. Fabric and rubber don't separate thus blisters don't form. Blow-outs are prevented by overcoming their very cause! And that isn't all. Goodrich Silver- towns have t e most skid-resisting tread. Its squeegee /ing action gives your car extra road-grp, and reduces danger of skidding to a minimum. Let us put Goodrich Safety Silvertowns on your car. Remember, they cost no more than other standard makes. SAVES LIVES GOODRICH SILVERTOWNS Size Price 4.40/4.50-21 $ 6.30 4.75-19 6.85 5.00-19 7.35 5.00-20 7.55 5.25-18 8.25 5.25-19 8.60 5.25-21 9.10 4.40-21 1.50-20 1.50-21 NEW Size 5.50-17 5.50-18 5.50-19 6.00-17 6.00-18 6.00-19 6.00-20 Price 9.00 9.20 9.50 10.10 10.20 10.50 10.80 GOODRICH COMMANDERS $ 3.65 4.75-19 4.05 5.00-19 ----5. 1 4.25 5.25-18 L5.25-21 6.05 SLiberal Trade In Allowance Goodrich Silvertown WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY If your brakes need relining, let us do it, any make lining you specify; we will positively save you money. No charge for brake inspection. * Batteries Charged-75c Free Battery Inspection-we use nothing but distilled water. EXIDE BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE I ORTO TIRE CO., nc. 500 West Flagler St., Corner 5th Ave. Phone 2-2194 L. E. PALLOT, President "Complete Car Service" Carbon Cleaned, Valves Ground and Complete Motor Repair by Expert Mechanics at Moderate Prices. Special Offer, June 15th thru July 15th Brakes Adjusted, 4 Wheels 75c AC and Champion Spark Plugs (installed) each 49c TEXACO I Gas-Oils SPECIAL * Your Car Thoroughly LUBRICATED and = =i TIGHTENED =- All Modern Equipment - - Ia 69c STOPS DRESSED WHILE U WAIT I 55c WtBTDs With the Best Top Dressing ,,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu (yr _-~--u_--~r-ul-Al-u _-~r_-- ---~---r_--~L-~--r- ------u_-----y~_----_u _~~~-~_~~~y-_-l~ -r ~-~~-y~ -_~~u---l~~~IV~~-~ ---~~--r ~-~~-u~--~~--- ---~~-u~_~~-u._AI--- _-~~~u~-~L~-u_-AL-~ -3 I - -- --------- -- ---- -CI-- -II~-r-- ~-- -1 -~rc-r---- r-Ir -r- -Crl~- --~ ---- --rr-Ir- -rrr4-,40 --rybu 0 --C ,rI.-r~ AL -A&- -& & -- -- -- -- W w ww w V. I (TC-00mly - m - s Page Ten Why not? stay at home this summer and get acquainted with Miami? It is the same town that is here in the win- ter months when thousands of peo- i pie seeking to evade Old Man SWinter come here from all over the world to enjoy the wonderful va- Scation facilities that we afford. Realize that when you spend your Money in Miami for your vacation, you get double value-you get your vacation and if you are in business, perhaps some of the people with whom you trade will in turn pa- tronize you-the more money spent in your community the better place it will be in which to live. Let's Get Acquainted With I Our Miami! SThis Space Sponsored by the Following Public Spirited SCitizens: Mary E. Parrish, Prop. Victoria Hospital 925 N. W. 3rd St. Phone 24123. Freeman's Poultry Yard 101 N. E. 79th St. Edge. 9151 Tip Top Grocery 27 N. W. 5th St. Phone 28194 Miami Plating Works 1146 N. E. 2nd Ave. Phone 25007 S Globe Exterminating Co. 1798 N. W. 20th St. Phone 23034 S Riverside Hospital 1450 S. W. 7th St. Phone 28475 The JEWISH UNITY (Continued from Page 3.) UT those responsible for Jewish re- lief work in Russia are seemingly themselves aware now of their errors, and have begun to concentrate on the industrialization of the Jew. Most ef- forts are now concentrated on teaching technical trades in all the old and new Jewish settlements and on the establish- ment of shops and factories. It is this industrial sphere that holds out the greatest hope for the integration of the Jew into the new economic life of Russia. It is to be deeply regretted of course, that the possibilities in this di- rection were not recognized earlier. Of more than $25,000,000 invested in Russia since the war by American Jewish relief organizations, half was spent on emerg- ency charity work and the other half was expended in the form of loans in the at- tempt to rehabilitate Jews on farms. However, this near-sighted distribution of funds and efforts has been to a cer- tain extent rectified by the government itself. In 1926, for example, less than 15 per cent of Russian Jews were classified as workers. The percentage rose to 19 in 1929, and the figure in 1932 was 33 per cent. The so-called white collar jobs in Soviet industries maintained 23 per cent of the Jews in 1926. Today, 31 per cent of the Jews are in this class. On the other hand, the "Kustar" class, the skilled laborers who work direct for the consumer, has been declining in recent years, because of the reversal of a for- mer policy. This class comprised 19 per cent of the Jewish population in 1931 but has decreased to 14 per cent now, and the number of "Kustars" is continually tending downward. Despite the unforseen mistakes of the Joint Distribution Committee's work in colonization, due credit must be given to those definite benefits which its activity created. The prestige of the Agrojoint in Russia is so high that it is considered the successor of the Ara (American Re- lief Administration) the United States's official agency, which saved Russia from stairation twelve years ago. A g'eat part of the Agrojoint's effort has been of a non-sectarian character. For example, 15,000 non-Jewish farmers were aided in the same way as Jewish farmers. Most of the institutions, such as dispensaries, experimental stations, trade schools, co- operative factories and shops, which were established by the Agrojoint, are being taken over by the government, after be- ing thoroughly organized and tested, and have, naturally, remained non-sectarian. The decrease of anti-Semitism among the general population may be attributed in certain degree to this factor. And we must bear in mind that Jew-bating in -I, (Please turn to Page 11.) June 15, 1933. o(Uoc=>ococ== oc=>o<=<=>o <=-=o>ooso S INVEST 0r IN AN to ELECTRIC 0 REFRIGERATOR/ f 0 t u o 0 LONG LIFE S when you buy a good d 0 Electric Refrigerator you o g are investing wisely. It S saves in food and operat- o ing cost and the Re- frigerator itself is built S for many years of trouble U o free refrigeration. Why 0 f wait; Refrigerator prices ! 0 0 ( are the lowest in history. U 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o f Buy Electrical Appliances o from members of g Electrical League g o of Greater Miami, Inc. 0 o 0 00 D0 oCO0 June 15, 1933. The JEWISH UNITY July 1,2, 3 TO ALMOST ANYWHERE YOU WANT TO GO Throughout the South, East and West. Full seven-day limit. FROM MIAMI Round-trip New York . $31.25 Chicago .34.00 Washington 23.10 Philadelphia 28.00 Proportionately low fares from all other East Coast points. Hundreds of other destinations CONSULT AGENTS PIGGLY WIGGLY "A LOCAL INSTITUTION" (Continued from Page 10.) Russia was deep rooted since the time of Steckler, the German founder of all the "modern" anti-Semitism theories. N THIS connection, reference ought to be made to the so-called "dollar in- quisition" which has been a subject of considerable heated discussion among Jews for the past twelve months. I be- lieve that the agitation in this matter has been mistaken. The Jews of Russia suffered from the government drive against the holding of gold and foreign currency, probably in a greater degree than the general population, for the same reason that they suffer generally more proportionately than the rest of the pop- ulation under the Bolshevik regime. And yet it is unfair to refer to the "dollar in- quisition" as evidence of anti-Semitic ac- tivity. Those Jews who did suffer were the victims of GP men in the Jewish settlements who are themselves Jewish. Jews, like the rest of the population, suffered from the ill-advised administra- tion and of bad interpretation of Soviet law. The "Pale" is gone and forgotten. So is vanishing the "Mestetchkos" the small towns where most of the Jews used to reside. One-half of the Jewish population is concentrated now in the six largest cities. The Jewish population is distrib- uted at present: 60 per cent in the Ukraine, 15 per cent in White Russia and 25 per cent in Central Russia and the Eastern and Southeastern provinces, It is because the Jews are not, in the main, identified with the Communist par- ty that the special restrictions and dis- criminations against non-Communists fall with greatest severity upon them. Thus, the recently-instituted passport law affects the Jews most vitally. Its aim is to drive back to the rural areas a part of the population which had concentrated (Please turn to Page 12.) ROBBINS ROOFING and Sheet Metal Co., Inc. 222 N. W. 26th St. 0 Responsible Roofers Since 1919 Phone 2-3705 * Inspections and Estimates Free VACATION WORK THE JEWISH UNITY, Florida's leading Jewish publication, has an opportunity for several young men and women in their Subscription Department. Pleasant work and good pay. Apply to J. E. Ray, Cir- culation Manager. * 701 Professional Building Miami, Fla. S. I PHONE 3-3671 IE, Page Eleven Summer Time in Miami Beach is Delightful at the Wm. Penn Hotel Corner 7th and Washington RATES BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH You'll Be Surprised How Economically You Can Live June 15, 1953. The JEWISH UNITY $52,000 GROCERY BARGAINS FIRE SALE EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED The fancy wholesale grocery stock of Hill Bros., Inc., turned over to insurance companies after the recent fire, featuring ROYAL ARMS, COLLEGE INN, LIBBY'S CANNED GOODS TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST DOBSON & CO. S. W. 8th Ave. and 4th St., German Society Bldg. RECOMMENDED SERVICE A Classified Business Directory for Readers of The Jewish Unity. ABSTRACTS FLORIDA-DADE TITLE CORPORATION-"Title plants with 48 years of service." Abstracts and Title Insurance. 24 hour service. Entire third floor Security Building. GUARANTY TITLE & ABSTRACT CORP.-Ab- stracts. Title Insurance, Escrows. Second Floor Security Bldg., Don Peabody, President. Phone 25181. AUTO PAINTING ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS-A real paint job $13 to $27.50, also top work and motor ser- vice. Day & Night Garage, 121 N. E. 9th St. Phone 27841. AUTO REPAIRS GENERAL REPAIRING-All makes of cars. Guaranteed workmanship. Also Storage, Washing, Polishing and Greasing. Very reason- able. Becks Garage. 804 1st St., Miami Beach, Fla. Phone 51422. BAKERS FRESH 4 TIMES DAILY-Vienna Rolls, genuine Jewish Rye and Pumpernickle. August Bros. Bakery, 861 S. W. 8th St. Delivery service. Phone 29435. GROCERIES 6 tm.111 1235 S. W. 8th St. HOTEL & RESTAURANT SUPPLIES WE CAN SUPPLY your every need. Geo. L. Dixon Company, 1100 N. E. 2nd Ave. Phone 26751. PIANO TUNING ALL MAKES OF PIANOS tuned and repaired. 30 years' factory work. Shop completely equipped. W. Hehr, 1759 N. W. 1st St. Phone 21837. RADIO REPAIRS RADIO REPAIR & ADJUSTMENT SERVICE- Free inspection. Best equipped shop in Flor- ida. 17 years in business in Miami. Accurate work, minimum cost. 3408 N. W. 7th Ave. Phone 25055. REFRIGERATION ELECTROLUX-The air-cooled Gas Refrigerator. No moving parts, lowest operating cost. Ut- ter permanent silence. Gas Appliances, Inc., 1601 N. E. 2nd Ave., Phone 25233. ROOFING MIAMI ROOFING AND SHEET METAL WORKS Barrett Bonded Roofs. JThns-Manville Roofs. 127-129 N. W. Fifth St. Phone 2-7141. RUBBER STAMPS J. H. MALLETT 111 W. Ashley Street Phone 5-4836. Jacksonville, Fla. TRANSFER & STORAGE JOHN E. WITHERS TRANSFER & STORAGE Co., Inc. Two fireproof constructed ware- houses. Custom bonded. 1000 N. E. 1st Ave. Phone 3-2667. (Continued from Page 11.) either highly placed in the Communist Party or in certain specialized industries or live in the worst possible abode in order to be certain that his right to live in cities like Moscow or Kharkov will not be questioned. If the popular legend that Jews occupy a disproportionate place in the leadership of Communism has been exploded long ago, it remains, true, however, that-ex- cept for the "lishentzi"-they live on a basis of complete civic and political equality. Every sphere of activity is open to the Jew, whether it be a respon- ible administrative task or a high politi- cal post. There are instances, though, when particularly difficult tasks are as- signed to Jews so that if failure results the blame rests with the Jew and not with the regime. Another interesting sidelight on the attitude to the Jew in Russia is found among those who still harbor antipathy to the Jew and who in- sist that their hatred is based on the fact that the Jew cannot be a true Commun- ist. This is said with the same ostensible sincerity as the Hitlerite insists that he hates the Jew "because he is a Com- munist." T IS interesting to note that for the purposes of determining who is a Jew in Russia the Soviet authorities still make use of the Czarist records. Re- Igiion or race is still indicated in legal documents. While Hebrew is illegal, the Yiddish language is patronized by the government. In view of the fact that the practice and teaching of religion, and even the teaching of Jewish history with- out religion in the Russian language, is prohibited, it is to be wondered whether the Yiddish language and Yiddish cul- ture alone can serve as a stimulus for the sustenance of Judaism. Although all indications point in the opposite direc- tion, time alone can supply the definite answer. An absolute answer now would seem hasty in view of the fact that Jews have survived almost as insuperable ob- stacles as those presented in Russia. It might be well to point out, however, that the general condition of life in Russia do not serve to encourage any Jewish com- munal activity, particularly in the new centers in Central and Eastern parts of the country. This absence of unified, co- operative group action for Jewish pur- poses is unparalleled, of course. The problems which confront the Jews in Russia today may be summarized as follows: (1) They must still obtain equal cit- izenship rights for those who were for- merly shopkeepers, rabbis or business- men and for their descendants. Without (Please turn to Page 18.) Page Twelve June 15, 1938. The JEWISH UNITY Page Thirteen Standing on the stairs of the world's largest stage being built for "Romance of a People" flags denoting liberty were unfurled at the dedication of this scene for the climax of Jewish Day, July 3rd, in Soldier Field, Chicago. Misses Mae Blacher, Anita Case and Sara Sha- piro (left to right) carried the banners, the center one of which bears the inscription "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof," a quotation taken from Leviticus 25:10 and in- scribed on the original Liberty Bell. Among those present at the cere- mony were Allen D. Albert, representing Rufus Dawes, president of A Century of Progress; Rabbi Felix Levy, Max Shulman, Max M. Kor- shak, Meyer W. Weisgal, executive director of Jewish Day, and Isaac Van Grove, director of the pageant. (Continued from Page 12.) such equality they will never be able to adjust themselves to Soviet economic life. (2) They must work for the lifting of the ban on Hebrew culture and for the cessation of hostility to Jewish na- tionalism, Zionism, in other words, must be legalized. (3) They must obtain permission for emigration, at any time they wish, to Palestine or any other country. (4) In order that the special difficul- ties which burden Jews may be amelio- rated, provision must be made so that all relief, in the form of food, clothing and machinery, sent by individual Amer- ican citizens to relatives and friends shall enter Russia free of all custom duties. Russia is far from being an economic paradise for Jews. They suffer from hunger, from unemployment and also from Jewish cultural repression. Ex- cept for a difference in degree, however, they share these handicaps with the rest of the population, however, unsatisfac- tory that consolation may be. The question which the Jew in Rus- sia showered upon me when I was there was: "Why doesn't America recognize us?" To this I could only respond that the Jews of America are always deeply concerned with, and recognize the prob- lems that face the Jews of Russia. Of course, normal diplomatic relations be- tween our government and the Soviets would be very helpful. In the meantime, we in America must do what we can to provide relief for those who are singled out by the special economic and political policies of the Soviets. I recommend, finally, that the Ameri- can Jewish Congress coo-perate with the Jews of Russia in bringing about the realization of the four-point program. The George Washington Jacksonville,, Vla. ROBERT KLOEPPEL, Ownfr-eManager RADIO IN EVERY ROOM The Coolest Hotel in the South Six Blade Ceiling Fans Summer Doors Cold Air-Ice Water -Tub & Shower in Every Room Rate, $2.50 Up Dining Ball Room Coffee Shoppe Music and Dancing W ome of the. COMMERCIAL MAN ATLANTIC PRINTERS THE HOME of GOOD PRINTING 655 Washington Ave. Miami Beach The JEWISH UNITY JEWISH PIONEERING IN MEDICINE (Continued from Page 5.) considered the foremost dermatologist of Europe; of Bloch, of Zurich, who is noted for his original work on the relation of skin diseases to alergy; of Zendek, who has just been expelled from Germany, who, with Aschheim, co-discovered the Aschheim-Zondek test for pregnancy, and is a brilliant original clinician; of Hyack, who is a world authority on diseases of the nazal accessory sinuses. AMONG the Jews prominent in Amer- ican medicine are Isaac Hays, an editor and founder of the American Jour- nal of Medical Science, and also a promi- nent ophthalmologist; Simon Baruch, a pioneer hydrotherapeutist, and propa- gandist for the establishment of public baths in large cities within the means of the people; Abraham Jacobi, ex-presi- dent .of the American Medical Associa- tion; Nestor, of pediatrics in America, and founder and editor of the American Journal of Obstetrics; Forcheimer who was considered one of the finest clin- icians in America in the eighteen-nine- ties; Henry Koolik, a prominent New York pediatrician; Ranachoff, a scholar- ly surgeon; Bernard Sachs who first de- scribed amaurotic family idiocy and wrote a classic monograph on Little's disease; Joseph Goldberger, of the United States Public Health Service, who did much original work on pellagra; Jacques Loeb who was one of the greatest ex- perimental biologists of all time; Samuel J. Meltzer who was a brilliant investi- gator attached to the Rockefeller Insti- tute, of whom Professor Graham Lusk said, in his obituary, that he was the most Christ-like man he had ever known; Max Einhorn, a pioneer gastro-intestinal specialists; Isaac Abt, one of the most prominent poriatricians in America; Bola Schick, discoverer of the Schick test for susceptibility to dipththeria; Loo Buorg- er, a brilliant clinician who described the disease named for himself, and was the proctor of the cystoscope; Harry Platz who was the discoverer of the organism supposedly causing typhus fever; How- ard Lilienthal, a pioneer thoracic sur- geon; Emanual Libman who is immortal- ized by his classic description of suba- cute bacterial ondocarditis which disease is known as Libman's Disease; Scham- borg, one of the leading dermatologists of America, who made salvarsan during the war when we could not get it from Germany and turned back the profits from its sale to the University of Penn- sylvania; Isaac Macht, a brilliant phar- macologist of Johns Hopkins University, whose name is written large in the lit- erature; Nathan Brill, known for his discovery of Brill's Disease, a mild form of typhus fever; Epstein who made one of the most far-reaching discoveries of recent years when he advocated the feed- ing of protein to patients with nephro- sis; Simon Flexner, director of the Rock- efeller Institute, who is one of the fore- most bacteriologists and experimental- ially known for his work on infantile ists in American medicine and is espec- paralysis; Alfred Cohn, a cardiologist of the Rockefeller Institute, who is known for his extensive contributions to the lit- erature on heart disease; Carl Landstein- er, the brilliant winner of the Nobel Prize, a pioneer in blood typing; Raphael Isaacs, a prominent homatologist, who helped perfect ventriculin; Edwin Cohn, a professor at Harvard University, who helped perfect the preparation of liver extract for the treatment of pernicious anemia; Lafayette B. Mendell, professor at Yale University, authority on bio- chemistry; Paul Klemperer, one of the foremost pathologists in America; David Riesman, an eminent clinician and medi- cal historian; Milton J. Resenow, profes- sor of Bacteriology at Harvard Univer- sity; Charles Elsberg, one of the leading neuro-surgeons of the country; Joseph B. DeLee, an obstetrician, who has writ- ten one of the best texts on this topic; Milton Winternitz, the Dean of the Med- ical Faculty, and Professor of Pathology at Yale University, who was largely re- sponsible for putting Yale Medical School on the map. Other names might well be added to this list, but from this galaxy of 91 names, it becomes obvious that America and the world owe a great debt to those physicians of the Jewish race, many of whom have been pioneers and many of them noble followers in the footsteps of the Masters of Medicine. Medical science, no branch of science, is cognizant of racial lines. The contri- butions of Jew and Gentile alike are welcomed and play their part in the ex- tension of human knowledge-in the furtherance of human welfare. DR. V. K. JINDRA Physician and Surgeon Announces Removal of His Offices to 805 West Flagler Street Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. PHONE 2-6057 ,,n mM- A New Idea--- That Men Will Welcome A Feature EXCLUSIVE With The Southern Laundry The Shirt Is Ready to Put On There are no pins or holders of any kind. You do not have to unbutton any buttons. Pick Up Shirt Shake It Out And Put It On! Phone 2-2526 for Our Service Car 559 S. W. 8th Street Page Fourteen June 15, 1933. The JEWISH UNITY El /V- --r. ~r V..~~ _~j-~u ~~1-jl~- 4* -~_~~ 4*_-_~~~--~- 4*L- 4* ~!t ~ Every Jewish Family Should Subscribe to THE JEWISH UNITY BECAUSE: It Brings to You Every Month -articles and stories by well-known authors, rabbis, educators and lay- men, representing the best in mod- ern Jewish thought. -and other features that will appeal to every member of the family who want the best to be had in a Jewish magazine. Informative Educational Dignified Slyb,-ribe Now- NOW Fill Out and Mail this Coupon Today! - - --I I THE JEWISH UNITY 701 Professional Bldg. MIAMI, FLORIDA Enter my subscription to your Magazine for One Year. I Enclosed find $1.00 (check or cash) for same. NAME ADDRESS DATE CITY STATE I mi m _-l rPj- --y-^ju<^ -- I rz^: = I t. V-y7.rwVi/y ,m June 15, 193S3. Page Fifteen -- w m w w w IL -- -- -- - - -1 _r _r _rr -- v w- II ,71 o<~o 0 0 o o O If 0 0 the roof on your home is not properly taken care of-you are liable to have 0 untold damages to your furniture 0 through leaks-not to mention that 0 the very walls of your building also 0 suffer because of the water seeping 0 through. Make arrangements 0 now for us to inspect your roof. . o it will save you money in the long run. o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 MIAMI ROOFING AND 0 o SHEET METAL WORKS o BARRETT BONDED ROOFS U 0 JOHNS MANVILLE ROOFS 0 U 127-29 N. W. Fifth St. Phone 2-7141 SABE KOHN W. E. DWARS 0 0 ZZ3OC OZ =O |