"Our Light"
Congregation Ohev Shalom, Eola Drive, Orlando, Fla.
Morris A Skop, Rabbi
Vol. 1 lyar 5698-May, 1938 No. 9
1. Closing Exercises Religious and Hebrew Schools
Sunday, May 22nd, 10 A. M.
2. B'nai B'rith Convention Southern District
Sunday, Monday, May 29th and 30th.
3. Confirmation Services-Class of 1938
Monday, June 6th, 7:45 P. M.
4. Shabuoth Services-Sunday, Monday, June 5th and 6th
Orthodox-7 A. M. Unity-10 A. M.
Memorial Service (Yizkor) 11 A. M. (Send Rabbi names of
dear ones deceased)
5. Community Picnic-Sunday, June 12th
"A Loyal Jew Makes a Better American"
"Our Light"
Published by-monthly except during July
and August by Congregation Ohev Sha-
lom, Eola Drive, Orlando, Fla. Sub-
scription price, 50c per year.
Rabbi Morris A Skop
1012 Harwell Street 4593
Synagogue Study 8637
Cantor Abraham Leshinsky
436 Anderson Court
"When the righteous are increased,
The people rejoice;
But when the wicked beareth rule,
The people sigh."
-Proverbs 29:2
As the Shabuoth holidays ap-
proach, Cong. Ohev Shalom and its
spiritual leader Rabbi Morris A.
Skop prepare to celebrate one year
of organized Jewish Community liv-
ing. Although the Synagogue is sit-
uated in Orlando, its influence has
been felt throughout Central Flori-
da. Jews living in Sanford, Winter
Park, Mt. Dora, Clermont, Lees-
burg, Lakeland, Bartow and many
Jewish students at the University
of Florida, have all felt the inner
peace of "belonging" to a growing
and active Synagogue; As the year
draws to a close many hearts sing
for joy at the accomplishments
achieved. An outstanding progres-
sive Religious School; a model, mod-
ern daily Hebrew School; young
peoples' groups; Library, Synagogue
study and office. But these "begin-
nings" are but the framework for
the production of informed, open
minded, good hearted American
Jews. Much remains to be reached.
Some Jews still avoid their commun-
al responsibilities. Some Jews let
others carry their burden. They
neglect providing Jewish education,
help and adjustment. A modern
Synagogue offers Jewish culture, a
philosophy of constructive living, a
means for cooperative service. Won't
you join us? During these critical
days every Jew counts. Lend your
helping hand to give our work added
strength and dignity.
Marriage is something more than
a biological mating; and the family
is much more than a social institu-
tion or a legal entity. Marriage at
its highest, and who would have it
less than this, is a spiritual com-
panionship sanctioned by society and
sanctified by religion. The very
spirit conjures up visions and splen-
dors that come at the call of no other
mystic invocation. It possesses a
magic that invests the man and wo-
man it touches with a garment of
golden light. It is the one miracle
that can turn the poorest heart into
an altar of holy fire and the most
shrunken soul into a sacred shrine.
The mystery of birth; the miracle
of marriage; the awful majesty of
death-these constitute the sacra-
mental trilogy of human life.-From
address by Dr. Sidney E. Goldstein
at Columbia University.
This issue of Oraynoo made pos-
sible by contribution of Mr. and
Mrs. Rauh of Newark, N. J. May
their good hearts merit for them
health, happiness and a community's
Relax--Rest Your Mind and Heart
My dear young friends: It is upon
such an occasion that we adults real-
ize the value of all our efforts to
provide for you a modern, Jewish
education. We neeA informed, proud
yet humble Jews. As you confirm
your faith in our great people, may
you be inspired to continue your
studies in Congregation Ohev Sha-
lom with God's blessings upon you.
Mr. Joseph K. Wolf,
Pres. Cong. Ohev Shalom
B'nai B'rith congratulates the
Confirmation Class of 1938.
Mr. Barney Cohen,
Pres. B'nai B'rith
Congratulations to the Boys and
Girls participating in that ceremony
which emphasizes the Glory of Is-
rael. May you always conduct your-
selves with dignity, accept and dis-
charge your responsibilities in a
creditable manner. With every good
wish for your future success, I am
Very Cordially Yours,
Mrs. Nat Berman,
Pres. B'nai B'rith Auxiliary
My heartiest thanks for having the
privilege to extend greetings through
this valuable magazine to the Con-
firmation Class of 1938. The Oray-
noo with its messages of friendship
and true Jewish feelings brings
light to every Jewish home. My
blessings upon the Class of 1938 and
may you have a most successful
Mrs. B. Salomon,
Pres. Ladies Auxiliary
Cong. Ohev Shalom
It is indeed with a great deal of
pleasure and pride, upon your con-
firmation, that the Stag Club offers
its congratulations and very best
wishes for your future.
It is our hope that you shall al-
ways be mindful of your obligations
towards your faith, and in so do-
ing you will whole-heartedly under-
take your obligations as good Ameri-
can citizens.
Martin Segal,
President, Stag Club
Sermons by Rabbi Skop:
One Act Play May 13th-"Youth Looks Ahead"
"HERRING" May 20th-"What of the Future?"
Ohev Shalom Dramatic Guild May 27th-"One Year in Orlando"
Wed. June 8th, 8 P. M. (Rabbi's Anniversary Sermon)
Unusual problem play with (Last Friday late services)
excellent cast Orthodox Services continue at
Admission: 35 cents Sundown. "Friday Nite is Syna-
gogue Nite."
Presented by loving wife and children of
Applications now being received at Synagogue office to record Yarzheits.
Have you a loved one whom you wish remembered?
Eola Drive, Orlando, Fla.
Return Postage Guaranteed
Sec. 562 P. L. & R.
Permit S 452.
"Separate Not Thyself from the Congregation or Synagogue"
* News About Our Fellow Jews *:*
Heartiest Mazel Tov to the loving
parents of our engaged new couple,
Miss Dorothy Baker to Mr. Morris
Gordon. How we all await "the"
date! Life's blessings from Oray-
,A refuah shlemah to :our sick list
including Mrs. Al Damns, Mr. Mor-
ris Wittenstein, Mr. George Harris,
Mrs. Ray Lefkowitz, and Mr. Bar-
ney Cohen.
Congratulations to the loved ones
of our graduates: University of
Florida: Mr. Meyer Segal and Mrs.
Joe Wittenstein. Orlando High
School: Mary Blattner and Jack
Mazel Tov to the new parents of
Michael Marvin Land.. May he soon
enroll his loved ones in our Syna-
gogue Family.
Heartiest thanks to our Religious
School Faculty for a year of devot-
ed service: Mary Blattner, Morris
LaBellman, Doris Heller, Bertie
Wiener, Morris Haimowitz, Ruth
Esther Rosen, Ruth Michelson, Na-
omi Berger and our School Board,
Mrs. Louis Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Best wishes for successful career
to The Stag Club. Installation Ban-
quet and Dance at Palms Hotel,
Apopka, Sunday, May 15th. Script
including eight course dinner $2.50
At tne home of Mrs. Jules Mellow
a group of about twelve young wo-
men had an informal get-together to
form a social club. Final plans of
the club will be completed at the
next meeting, which will be held at
the home of Mrs. M. H. Block.
Girls of Central Florida! Be here
for B'nai B'rith Convention. Many
eligible bachelors convening. Ban-
quet and Dance.
Just Look Around
Please return all books, yarmelkas,
chairs, textbooks. Also books taken
from Rabbi's Library. This is a
true obligation. Please.