Chemical quality of waters of Broward County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 51 )

Material Information

Chemical quality of waters of Broward County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 51 )
Series Title:
( FGS: Report of investigations 51 )
Grantham, Rodney G
Sherwood, C. B. ( joint author )
Broward County (Fla.)
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
vii, 52 p. : illus. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Water quality -- Florida -- Broward County ( lcsh )
Hydrology -- Florida -- Broward County ( lcsh )
Broward County ( flgeo )
City of Tallahassee ( flgeo )
Canals ( jstor )
Chemicals ( jstor )
Moisture content ( jstor )
bibliography ( marcgt )


Bibliography: p. 51-52.
General Note:
"Prepared by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Board of Conservation, Division of Geology, and Broward County."
Statement of Responsibility:
by Rodney G. Grantham and C. B. Sherwood.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The author dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.
Resource Identifier:
029050789 ( aleph )
AED9177 ( notis )
73625154 //r84 ( lccn )


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Robert O. Vernon, Director
Rodney G. Grantham and C. B. Sherwood
U. S. Geological Survey
Prepared by the
in cooperation with the
Tallahassee, Florida 1968

Secretary of State Attorney General
Treasurer Comptroller
Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Agriculture

June 4, 1968
Honorable Claude R. Kirk, Jr., Chairman Florida State Board of Conservation Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Governor Kirk:
The Division of Geology of the Florida Board of Conservation is publishing as it's Report of Investigations No. 51, a report on the Chemical Quality of Waters of Broward County, Florida. This report was prepared by Rodney G. Grantham and C. B. Sherwood, of the U. S. Geological Survey, as a part of the cooperative program between the Division of Geology and Broward County.
The data presented in this report indicate that the natural and man associated water problems have mushroomed in Broward County because of the rapid development of the population in this area. Most of the water for municipal and domestic supplies is obtained from the productive Biscayne Aquifer. High iron in the southern part of the county and chlorides in the coast and in the lower part of the aquifer have presented some quality of water problems.
Surface water, as it does nearly everywhere else, varies in chemical quality between rainy years and periods of drought. The use of canal systems in the County for the disposal of wastes causes considerable problems during periods of low rainfall. Pesticides, herbicides, and detergents will probably increase in their occurrence in the waters of the County, and the Water Quality Control Commission should find the data presented in this report of considerable interest.
Sincerely yours,
Robert 0. Vernon
Director and State Geologist

Completed manuscript received
June 4, 1968
Published for the Division of Geology By St. Petersburg Printing Company
St. Petersburg, Florida

Abstract .................-- -- -- .-..................................... 1
Introduction ....------------------------................. 2
Purpose and scope ........................... .. ..----------------------------------------------. 2
Previous investigations ..........................------------------------------------------- 2...2
Acknowledgments .........................................................----------------------------------------------- 3
Hydrologic setting ................ .........---------------------------------------------- 3
Collection of data ................................... ... 7
Chemical quality of waters of Broward County ........---------------------------..... ......... 8
Water in the Biscayne aquifer ........................------------------------------------...................... 28
Changes with depth and location ...............................................-------------------------------- 28
Changes with time ........................... ..............------------------------------------------ 34
Sea-water intrusion ..................-----------------------------------------..- ................ 35
Water in the Floridan aquifer ..--------------..................... -- --------------------..................... 40
Surface water ..............................................------------------------------------------------- 40
Chemical content .......................---------------------- -- -------------------..................... 41
Changes with time .................------------------------------------------...................... 43
Contamination of water resources .............-----------------------------------...................... 45
Summary and conclusions ........ .................................................... .... 48
References ----------------...........-------..............----------------------..... 51

Figure Page
I Southeastern Florida showing Broward County, and the water
conservation areas of Central and Southern Florida Flood Control
District 4------------------------2 Location of water and sewage treatment plants and generalized
agricultural and industrial areas ...................................................................... 5
3 Location of water-ampling stations ...............................................------------------------------- 7
4 Diagram illustrating the well-numbering system ..........................................--------------------- 9
5 Variation of dissolved solids in ground water of eastern Broward
County, 1964 .. ----------------------------------------------........................................................................................... 29
6 Variation of hardness of ground water of eastern Broward County,
1964 . .. .. --------------.................................................................................. 30
7 Variation of iron in the ground water of eastern Broward County,
1964 ............. ...................................................... 3---------------------------------------------------- 1
8 Variation in chemical constituents in water with depth from
selected wells .............................----------------------------------------------..................................................................... 32
9 Changes in chemical composition of water from well
261018N0800850 with depth .............................-----------------------------------......................................... 33
10 Changes in selected chemical constituents in water from a well
seven miles west of Davie during the period 1955 to 1964 ........................ 35
11 Extent of sea-water intrusion, 1964 (Modified from Sherwood and
Grantham 1966) .............................................................................................. 36
12 Progressive salt-water intrusion in the Middle River-Prospect well
field area, near Fort Lauderdale (Sherwood and Grantham, 1966) .......... 37
13 Variation of chloride content with depth in inland areas (after
Parker et al) ------------------------------.......... -------------------------------------------39
14 Fluoride content of water from Pompano Canal near Pompano
Beach .........--------- -. ----------------------------------------------------. 42
15 Discharge and chloride content of water from tidal reaches of
selected canals ...... ---------------------------------------------...................................................................................... 44
16 Mineral content of water from South New River near Davie and
rainfall, 1954 1963 -------------------------....................................-----..................................... 45

Table Page
1 Chemical analyses of water from wells and canals in Broward
County, Fla ............................................................ ................................ 10----------------------------------------------- 10
2 Analyses of minor chemical constituents in water from selected
canals, December 21, 1966 ............................................ -----------------------..................... 47
3 Analyses of pesticides in water from selected canals, December
21, 1966 48-----------------------............................................ 48

Rodney G. Grantham and C. B. Sherwood
U. S. Geological Survey
The chemical quality of the abundant surface and ground-water resources of Broward County is generally good. However, natural and man-made problems of water quality are accented by the mushrooming need for water and changes in the hydrology of the area caused by rapid urbanization.
Water of good chemical quality for municipal and domestic supplies in Broward County is obtained from the highly productive Biscayne aquifer, which is part of an interconnected ground and surface-water system. The water is calcium bicarbonate in type and ranges from hard to very hard, and from neutral to slightly alkaline. The prime objectionable constituents in the water are iron in the southern part of the county, and chloride near the coast and in the lower part of the Biscayne aquifer in the inland areas.
Large quantities of water are available in the artesian Floridan aquifer at depths below 900 feet, but the water is salty and of limited use. The Floridan aquifer is used for the disposal of sewage effluent at one location.
Surface water in the area is generally good but variable in chemical quality. During the rainy season the mineral content of the water in canals is diluted by surface runoff; however during the dry season the mineral content of the canal water increases because of the increase in the percentage of ground water in the canals and the drainage from swampy inland areas. Large quantities of surface water are used for irrigation in inland areas and for replenishment to coastal parts of the aquifer for municipal supplies and to prevent salt-water intrusion.
The water in parts of Broward County is contaminated by salt-water intrusion and by various wastes such as sewage effluent. The use of the controlled canal system for disposal of waste materials poses a potential problem during periods of little or no flow. Chemical weed killers applied on the land, as well as detergents, have been detected in the ground water indicating movement of waste through the ground. As urbanization and industrial growth continue, problems of waste disposal will become more acute and will require stricter control.

Fresh water is one of south Florida's most valuable natural resources. At present the chief factor limiting the use of water is quality rather than quantity. Broward County has a plentiful supply of water of good chemical quality; however, because of the ever increasing need for water, this resource must be protected by careful management and control. A few chemical quality problems are already present, some natural, some man made. Along the coast salt water occurs in or has entered the aquifer; in many areas iron in the water makes it objectionable; and throughout most of the county the water is hard. Other chemical quality problems involve pollution due to accidental or intentional dumping of wastes and chemicals. With the continued rapid increase in population and the industrial development of the area, the problems of pollution are likely to increase manyfold.
The purpose of this report is to make data and observations available on the chemical quality of the surface and ground waters of Broward County for use by water-supply and water-management officials, and to aid in preventing deterioration of water resources by contamination. The chemical constituents of the water are discussed in reference to seasonal changes, areal differences, variation with depth, source of certain dissolved minerals, and chemical properties.
This report was prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with Broward County and as part of the statewide program with the Division of Geology, Florida Board of Conservation. This report constitutes the results of one phase of the investigation of water resources of Broward County under the supervision of H. Klein, Chief, Miami Subdistrict, and C. S. Conover, District Chief, Water Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey, Tallahassee.
A general report on the chemical quality of surface and ground water of Florida by Collins and Howard (1928) contained a few analyses of water in Broward County. In 1939, an intensive study of the water resources of southeastern Florida was begun. As part of that investigation Parker (1955) presented considerable data on the occurrence, movement and the quality of ground water and surface water in Broward County as well as information on salt-water intrusion. Salt-water intrusion in the Fort Lauderdale area was studied in detail by Vorhis (1948) during his investigation of the geology and ground-water resources of that area.

Schroeder, Klein, and Hoy (1958) conducted a study of the hydrology of the Biscayne aquifer in which they delineated the approximate areas of the salt intrusion in Broward County. A more detailed investigation of salt-water intrusion and some work on water quality in the Oakland Park area was done by Sherwood (1959). The hydrology of Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area was studied by Tarver (1964). He included information on the chemical quality of the water and salt-water intrusion. Sherwood and Grantham (1965) prepared a leaflet on the mechanics of salt-water intrusion and its effect over a period of years on Broward County.
Appreciation is expressed to Mr. J. Stanley Weedon, Water Control Engineer, Broward County Engineering Department, for his cooperation and courtesy throughout the investigation; to Mr. George T. Lohmeyer, former Director of Sanitary Engineering, Broward County Health Department, for his cooperation and information concerning contamination and sewage disposal; to Messrs. K. A. MacKichan and L. G. Toler, U. S. Geological Survey, for help and guidance in the preparation of this report; to Mr. H. J. McCoy, U. S. Geological Survey, for collecting samples especially during the test-drilling program; and to the residents of Broward County who furnished information about their wells and permitted the collection of water samples.
Broward County borders the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern Florida, figure 1. The Atlantic Coastal Ridge occupies most of the county between the coast and the Everglades, a few miles inland, and has an average elevation of 8 to 10 feet above msl (mean sea level). Maximum elevations at isolated points range from 20 to 25 feet above msl. Most of the population is concentrated in the coastal ridge area. In Broward County the ridge is underlain chiefly by permeable sand and limestone. The Everglades, an area of organic soils, lies west of the ridge. The eastern edge of the Everglades is utilized for agriculture, figure 2. The central part is utilized for diked water conservation areas in which water can be stored for release during dry periods. The county is cut by an extensive network of canals of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District and several local water-control agencies. These water-control agencies have nearly complete control of water levels and canal flows within the coastal area.

w~U at6 50 40 ~ '' 1U0 715U
1o 1
Figure 1. Southeastern Florida showing Broward County, and the water conservation areas of Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District.
The climate in Broward County is semi-tropical. The average temperature is about 750F. Rainfall averages 60 inches per year with about 75 percent falling from May through October.
The ground and surface waters of southeastern Florida are perhaps better interconnected than in any other area in the United States. The area contains an extensive system of controlled canals and water-conservation areas. The major canals penetrate the highly permeable Biscayne aquifer, and extend eastward from the water conservation areas to the

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Figure 2.* Location of water and sewage treatment plants and generalized agricultural and industrial areas.
ocean. In most cases the flow in the canals is controlled by stage and flow control structures near the coast. During the rainy season the coastal control structures are opened and excess water is discharged to the ocean to prevent inland flooding. This fresh-water flow pushes the salt water in the uncontrolled sections of the canals seaward. During the dry season, the control structures are closed to conserve fresh water and to prevent salt water from migrating upstream beyond the structures.
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For a considerable time after the dry season begins water levels along controlled reaches of the canals remain relatively high as a result of ground-water inflow and seepage from the water conservation areas to upstream reaches of the canals. As the dry season progresses and during prolonged drought, water stored in the conservation areas may be released into the canals to maintain adequate fresh-water levels in the canals at the downstream control structures. Because of the higher water levels above a control structure and the good hydraulic continuity water can move from the canals into the aquifer and ground-water levels are thus kept high.
In operation this method of aquifer replenishment can be either beneficial, or detrimental. Beneficially, well fields developed near canals (fig. 2) can withdraw more water than otherwise would be possible, because the infiltration of water from the canals reduces water-level drawdowns caused by pumping. Also, adequate fresh-water levels prevent the intrusion of salt water into the aquifer. Detrimentally, salt water may be trapped upstream of controls during operation unless extreme care is exercised. WVhen this occurs the salty water does not remain stationary but settles and moves upstream because of density currents. During drought periods when controls are closed and canal flows are at a minimum, treated effluents, industrial wastes, and other contaminants which are normally flushed to the sea are retained and tend to be concentrated in the canals.
All municipal water supplies in Broward County are obtained from the Biscayne aquifer. Because of its more stable chemical and bacteriological characteristics ground water from this aquifer is more suitable for municipal use than is canal water. Water treatment ranges from only chlorination to iron removal and softening (zeolite or lime-soda treatment). The productivity of the aquifer and the shallow depths required for large capacity wells are shown by the following pumpage and well data. (See well field locations, fig. 2).
Range of Average Pumpage, 1965
Number depth (million gallons Wvell Field of wells (feet) per day) Dixie well field
(Ft. Lauderdale) 26 100 130 11.5 Prospect well field
(Ft- Lauderdale) 22 100 130 16.5 Hollywood well field 14 90 120 7.3 Pompano Beach well field 11 100 140 8.1 Deerfield Beach well field 9 80 120 2.6

COLLECTION OF DATA Wells and canal sites from which water samples have been collected for chemical analysis are shown in figure 3.
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Surface-water samples were collected periodically at high tide immediately upstream of control structures. Samples of ground water were pumped fom wells to obtain water representative of? the section
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during the drilling of 19 test wells. During the construction of test wells, drilling was stopped about every 21 feet (the length of a section of drill stem) and all drilling fluid was pumped out of the drill stem. Water from the aquifer was then pumped out of the drill stem for several minutes and a sample collected. Specific conductance was determined for all samples. Those that had conductance values differing appreciably from previous samples were analyzed for dissolved constituents. All water samples collected during this study were analyzed by the U. S. Geological Survey. Sampling was started in December 1961, however analyses of samples collected during earlier studies are included.
The well-numbering system used in this report is that of the Water Resources Division of the U. S. Geological Survey and is based on a one-second grid of parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude, in that order.
The well number is a composite of two numbers separated by the letter N. The first part consists of six digits; the two digits of the degrees, the two digits of the minutes, and the two digits of the seconds of latitude. The N refers to "north" latitude. The second part consists of seven digits; the three digits of the degrees, the two digits of the minutes, and the two digits of the seconds of longitude. If more than one well lies within a one-second grid, the wells are numbered consecutively and this number is placed at the end of the well number following the decimal. Therefore, the well number defines the latitude and the longitude on the south and east sides of a one-second quadrangle in which the well is located.
Figure 4 is a diagram illustrating the well-numbering system. For example, the designation 275134N0815220.1 indicates that this is the first well inventoried in the one-second grid bounded by latitude 27051'34" on the south and longitude 81052'20" on the east.
CHEMICAL QUALITY OF WATERS OF BROWARD COUNTY Chemical analyses of water from wells and canal sites in Broward County are shown in table 1. Standard chemical analyses of water samples as determined by the U. S. Geological Survey are for the cations (positively charged ions), calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium; the anions (negatively charged ions) sulfate, chloride, fluoride,, nitrate; those contributing to alkalinity (expressed as equivalent amounts of carbonate and bicarbonate), and total iron and silica. Other properties usually determined are pH, hardness, color, specific conductance, and total dissolved solids (as residue and sum of determined constituents). The chemical constituents are commonly reported in ppm (parts per million). One part per million represents 1 milligram of solute in 1 liter

07"0 weo 0 4 3 20 Wt 800 G EO0R I A 11I
Figure 4. Diagram illustrating the well-numbering system.
of solution, or expressed in English units 8.34 pounds of constituent per
o ..' 270
million gallons of water.
Dissolved mineral content of water is generally reported in one of two forms: (1) dissolved solids, the weight of residue remaining after evaporation of a known volume of clear water; (2) sum of the individual components, the total of the constituents as determined by chemical analysis. Residue and calculated dissolved solids should be approximately equal, although the residue figure usually is slightly larger. This difference may be caused by organic or inorganic substances not analyzed, or the residue may contain a small amount of water of hydration.

A.-Ground Water
(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Specific Dissolved Hardnems Date Depth conduc- Tem- Ma- Po- Car- solids Well of of tance per- Silica Cal- ne Sodium ta- Biclar- bon- Sulfate Chlo. Fluo- Ni- Iron Non. Colnumber collec- well (micro- pH alure (SI02) clum alum (Na) alum bonate ate (SO4) ride ride rate (Fe) Residue Cal.- Calcium, car- or tion (ft.) mhos (oF) (Ca) (Mg) (K) (HCO3) (CO3) (CI) (F) (NO3) at cu- magne- bonat 2SoC) I 80C lated slum ate
255829N0801120 04-06-62 116 553 7.9 77 9.1 98 7.4 IS 0.6 310 0 14 22 0.0 0.0 0.56 338 319 275 21 35 255909NO801317 04-06-62 160 S51 7.6 73 8.9 96 7.4 16 0.6 292 0 24 21 0.0 1.1 1.7 346 319 270 30 55 255742N 0o802720 09-18-41 32 398 83 61 10 5.0 214 1.0 19 - - 202 193 110
255742N0802720 09-19-41 56 426 77 70 8.3 8.2 242 1.0 19 - - 226 209 110
255742N 0802720 09-23-41 90 877 -77 5028 91 321 25 105 - - 457 240 20
255742N 0802720 09-24"41 134 1430 76 48 48 202 444 26 230 - - 763 276 20
255742N 0802720 09-25-41 173 1640 76 42 42 257 458 33 282 - - 875 249 20
255742N0802720 09-26-41 198 2130 77 33 33 378 518 39 408 - - 1150 218 20
255745N 0802722 04-20-64 45 660 7.3 72 5.8 94 8.1 40 0.8 304 0 5.2 66 0.3 0.0 1.3 371 370 268 19 60 255918N0800917 04-06-62 82 563 7.7 77 5.7 101 2.4 19 2.0 282 0 24 27 0,0 0.5 0.24 324 321 262 31 20 255948N0800909 04-13-64 80 587 7.8 76 13 66 21 35 1.3 284 0 0.4 56 0.2 0.1 1.5 314 333 252 20 20 255948N 0800909 04-20-64 215 540 8.2 8.8 97 5.4 14 0.6 286 0 29 22 0.2 0.2 3.9 338 318 264 30 20
255946N0801519 04-06-62 121 564 7.7 70 11 102 9.8 13 0.7 314 0 20 20 0.0 1.9 1.6 360 333 295 38 50 260043N 0801042 04-06-62 65 S35 7.9 77 6.3 100 2.6 16 0.8 292 0 22 19 0.0 0.1 0.54 320 311 260 20 12 260054N 0801033 04-05-64 20 562 8.0 75 5.3 82 16 18 2.2 298 0 27 28 0.3 0.0 0.68 320 326 272 28 25 260054N 0801033 04-06-64 122 544 8.0 8.2 92 0.6 23 0.7 288 0 8.4 47 0.2 0.1 2.0 322 232 0 20
260054N0801033 04-07-64 167 411 7.8 11 52 4.5 31 1.6 174 0 4.0 62 0.2 0.7 1.6 253 148 6 5
260054N0801033 04-08-64 200 1020 7.8 11 41 70 86 6.3 204 0 10 225 0.3 0.2 0.23 604 550 390 223 10
260149N 0801332 04-06-62 200 335 7.7 78 8.8 59 3.6 7.5 0.6 172 0 13 14 0.1 0.1 0.74 194 192 162 21 35 260251N0800911 04-06-62 90 603 7.9 78 7.6 110 1.3 22 1.0 300 0 24 36 0.0 0.0 0.65 374 350 280 34 25 260252N 0800914 03-19-64 75 4400 7.9 8.3 166 79 700 18 288 0 180 1320 0.5 3.0 3080 2620 740 504 20 260252N0800914 03-20-64 115 1130 8.0 6.2 123 32 76 2.5 248 0 40 230 0.3 0.0 0.82 926 632 440 237 20 260312N0801001 03-16-64 20 1320 7.9 13 61 53 180 9.2 300 0 29 285 0.3 0.2 1.2 786 779 370 124 15 260312N080100103-16-64 62 4648.1 6.6 85 7.8 s15 1.5 312 0 IS 24 0.2 0.00.70 309 244 0 30
260312N 0801001 03-17-64 200 2750 7.9 7.1 119 47 405 6.8 132 0 104 820 0.2 2.4 2.3 1940 1580 490 382 20 260336N0801157 04-06-62 67 429 7.6 73 8.0 74 6.2 13 1.2 228 0 10 20 0.0 0.9 0.80 262 245 210 23 55 260322N 0801621 04-06-62 170 610 7.7 77 9.9 110 8.6 17 0.7 326 0 27 24 0.0 1.6 2.3 410 360 310 43 55 260338N0802606 12-06-40 66 38 74 101 9.1 A12 336 5.3 25 - - 318 289 170
260338N 0802606 12-0740 118 3840 77 102 67 A618 389 206 950 - - 2130 $30 35 260338N0802606 12-07-40 159 4190 77 83 76 A693 358 243 1050 - - 2320 520 25
260338N 0802606 12-09-40 204 4110 76 74 82 A67S 371 237 1020 - - 2270 $22 25
260438N0801009 02-20-64 61 496 8.0 5.6 111 1.7 3.7 0.7 320 0 14 6.0 0.3 0.4 1.4 314 301 284 22 50
260438N O801009 02-24-64 145 471 8.1 12 66 S.7 26 0.8 204 0 0.0 52 0.1 0.1 0.11 263 188 21 S
260438N 0801009 03-03-64 197 499 7.9 14 46 12 98 3.6 172 0 19 75 0.2 0.1 3.2 303 164 23 5 260438N 0801009 03-04*64 206 751 7.8 9.4 50 33 74 5.6 250 0 14 116 0.3 0.3 4.4 408 426 260 SS 20 260437N 0801217 03-26-64 63 530 7.7 6.8 70 15 32 0.8 256 0 4.8 48 0.4 0.6 4.4 344 304 238 28 40
A Calculated Na plus K, reported as Na.

A.-Ground Water
(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Specific Dissolved Hardness Date Depth conduc- Tem- Meg Po- Car- solids Well of of tance per- Silica Cal- ne- Sodium tas- Blcar- bon- Sulfate Chlo- Fluo- Ni- Iron Non- Colnumber collec- well (micro- pH ature (SiO2) cium slum (Na) slum bonate ate (SO4) ride ride trate (Fe) Residue Cal- Calcium, car- or tion (ft.) mhos (OF) (Ca) (Mg) (K) (HCO3) (C03) (Cl) (F) (NO3) at cu- magne- bonat 250C) 1800C lated slum ate
260437N0801217 03-29-64 187 500 7.9 75 13 85 23 240 10 316 0 10 391 0.2 1.3 0.22 930 308 49 10 260437N 0801217 03-31-64 204 3480 8.0 14 78 79 567 24 376 0 54 980 0.4 2.0 4.4 2200 1980 520 212 20
260427N 0801355 04-06-62 115 438 7.7 78 9.3 78 5.0 13 0.6 240 0 10 18 0.0 0.0 2.2 272 252 215 18 55 260437N0801402 06-18-63 126 437 7.7 9.6 84 3.8 11 0.0 260 0 6.9 19 0.4 0.0 296 263 225 12 45
260519N 0801017 04-05-62 65 434 7.8 76 9.1 56 12 22 2.3 218 0 0.0 32 0.0 0.2 0.52 240 241 189 10 20 260542N0801554 04-02-62 58 559 7.5 76 7.7 86 5.0 28 0.7 244 0 17 45 0.0 3.9 1.6 376 313 235 35 80
260515N 0802021 09-30-64 28 490 8.1 78 2.2 98 3.8 7.0 2.0 320 0 0.0 10 0.4 4.3 - 286 260 0 45
260604N0801201 04-06-62 136 443 7.6 73 8.6 83 2.2 9.0 0.5 246 0 8.4 15 0,1 0.3 1.34 254 248 216 14 15S 260609N 0801205 12-0341 124 436 77 84 1.7 A9.5 252 12 13 0.0 - 245 217 5
260609N 0801205 12-05-41 147 484 77 80 22 All 250 2.0 18 0.2 - 257 209 S
260609N0801205 12-0641 171 500 76 71 2.6 A13 226 2.1 21 0.2 - 221 188 5
260609N 0801205 12-1741 228 960 77 82 19 A98 332 2.7 157 0.0 - 522 283 5
260609N 0801205 12-18-41 263 3620 77 69 57 AS72 342 2.3 970 - - 1840 407 5
260609N0801205 12-2341 314 8940 76 110139 A1650 300 333 2720 - - 5100 846 S 260653N 0801849 05-28-64 SS 780 8.0 15 89 36 44 1.7 376 0 6.4 76 0.4 0.2 0.45 494 454 368 60 50 260725N 0801155 04-05-62 100 489 7.9 73 9.5 94 2.6 12 0.5 284 0 4.8 18 0.0 0.5 3.0 304 282 245 12 45 260820N 0801410 04-05-62 155 636 7.8 75 9.7 120 5.0 18 0.6 330 0 24 31 0.0 1.0 3.0 396 372 320 50 25 260702N 0801907 07-02-63 56 520 8.0 7.1 84 5.0 26 0.7 260 0 4.4 43 0.3 0.2 1.3 339 299 230 17 50
260809N0800928 02-13-63 23 505 8.0 7.0 78 14 19 0.5 234 0 16 44 0.5 0.0 1.0 320 294 254 62 40 260809N 0800928 02-14-63 113 510 7.9 8.1 59 1.2 22 0.5 164 0 24 27 0.2 0.0 0.15 223 152 18 30
260809N 0800928 02-17-63 185 1050 8.0 13 69 9.2 132 4.4 192 0 11 240 0.2 0.7 0.41 574 210 52 15 Z 260809N 0800928 02-18-63 208 1330 7.9 13 64 57 180 5.4 300 0 12 295 0.4 0.8 0.20 774 776 395 199 3 260842N 0802629 04-22-64 45 840 7.7 77 20 98 19 66 2.2 388 0 2.8 100 0.5 0.0 1.8 501 321 3 70 260843N 0802629 10-2341 37 580 73 94 9.4 A18 325 6.6 28 0.3 - 316 273 160
260843N 0802629 10-25.41 62 594 73 96 9.4 AI8 326 5.3 31 0.3 - 321 278 120
260843N0802629 10-28-41 133 2180 75 70 34 A351 558 43 408 - - 1181 314 20
260843N 0802629 10-30-41 190 2380 76 56 45 A407 672 31 44S - - 1315 325 20
260917N 0801045 04-05-62 74 399 7.7 76 11 76 1.3 8.0 0.5 228 0 3.2 14 0.0 0.4 1.8 242 226 195 8 20 261018N 0800850 01-07-64 23 423 8.1 9.2 83 4.1 8.9 0.2 256 0 2.8 16 0.2 0.0 1.9 272 250 224 14 50
261018N 0800850 01-08-64 S6 642 7.4 78 10 83 2.2 58 1.4 282 0 25 63 0.2 0.0 1.4 382 216 0 45
261018N 0800850 01-09-64 85 459 8.3 78 8.2 75 1.7 17 0.5 204 4 13 32 0.2 0.0 0.22 252 194 27 25 261018N0800850 01-15-64 167 1120 7.7 9.4 94 2.3 116 0.8 126 0 4.8 280 0.2 1.2 1.4 571 244 140 8
261018N 0800850 01-16-64 186 4850 7.8 10 128 125 750 2.0 230 0 24 1580 0.2 1.8 3.1 3230 2730 835 646 20 261159N 0801038 04-05-62 79 384 7.7 77 7.9 72 3.8 6.4 0.7 220 0 2.8 12 0.0 1.0 0.92 228 215 195 14 S15
261018N0801217 04-06-62 80 488 8.4 7.8 98 1.3 13 0.6 278 6 3.6 19 0.0 1.1 1.1 326 287 250 12 120
261122N0800834 04-22-64 84 251 8.1 12 44 3.9 6.6 0.6 146 0 0.0 10 0.4 0.1 158 150 126 22 20
A Calculated Na plus K, reported as Na. -

A.-Ground Water
(Chemnical analyses, In parts per million, except pH and color)
Sp-iflo Dissolved Hardns Date Depth conduc- Teom. Mag- Po. Car- solids Well of of tance per- Silica Cal- ne. Sodium tu Blicar- bon- Sulfate Chlo- Fluo. Ni. Iron Non. Col.
number collec. well (micro- pH sture (1O2) clum alum (Na) slum bonate ate (504) ride ride Irate (Fe Residue Cal- Calcium, car- or lion (ft.) mhos (OF) (Ca) (Mg) (K) (HCO3) (CO3) (Cl) (F) (NO3) at cu- magne- bonat 25oC) .180oC lated slum ate
261122N 0800834 04-28-64 167 329 8.0 9.0 77 1,0 9.7 0.6 230 0 5.6 18 0.2 0.1 3.7 234 196 8 5
261122N0800834 05-04-64 204 582 7.8 7.3 93 10 19 0.8 302 0 31 32 0.5 0.0 422 343 274 26 65 261142N 0800822 01-20-64 61 642 8.1 9.2 126 1,8 16 0.5 374 0 14 30 0.3 0.0 0.16 356 352 322 16 40 I 261142N0800822 01-24.64 180 1790 7.9 76 14 125 7.8 295 6,9 250 0 22 522 0.4 1.9 0.53 120 344 139 15 261142N0800822 0147-64 186 3520 7.9 14 155 23 575 14 278 0 60 1040 0.3 1,8 0,53 2360 2020 480 252 20 261143N 0801211 01.29-64 23 129 7.7 7.1 24 1,9 2.1 0,4 66 0 7.2 5.0 0.2 0.0 0.20 98 81 66 14 60
261143N0801211 01-30-64 197 436 8.2 17 26 20 46 4.2 138 0 4.0 70 0.3 0.6 0.07 262 256 148 35 20 26121SN0800808 04-05-62 68 681 7.8 75 5.7 84 7.4 50 3.2 264 0 26 73 0.0 0.0 1.2 408 379 240 24 45 261204N0801228 04-03-62 104 697 8.0 73 13 124 7.4 23 1,2 390 0 8.0 37 0.0 0.0 2.6 436 406 340 20 35 261358N0800723 01-03-63 304 493 7.9 77 7.5 82 4.3 16 1.4 266 0 5.2 28 0.3 0.1 3.4 283 276 222 4 5 261358N 0800724 08-27-51 190 261 7.4 18 44 2.5 9.8 0.3 136 0 9.0 14 0.4 0.9 170 166 120 9 6
261459N0800639 08-10-60 158 228 8.0 77 3.5 36 1.0 8,3 0.6 113 0 3.6 13 0.2 0.1 0.44 124 122 94 2
26144SN0800750 08-10.60 220 116 9.8 78 1.7 8.4 0.2 12 0.6 11 9 2.4 18 0.2 0.1 0.30 58 58 22 0 s
2614SON 0800716 04-05-62 105 315 7.8 79 7.0 56 2.1 8.1 0.6 162 0 7.2 13 0.0 0.1 0.58 162 174 148 is 0
261436N 0800719 08-23-51 140 267 7.6 12 44 2.5 9.2 0.6 140 0 8.0 14 0.3 0.6 168 161 120 5 7
261436N0800720 09-05-.51 203 370 7.6 14 70 0.4 11 0.7 222 0 6.5 15 0.4 0.8 252 231 189 7 28
261409N0801000 04-05-62 168 513 7.8 76 14 00 3.8 11 0.8 308 0 2.8 16 0.0 0.2 0.91 320 301 265 12 15 261424N 0801244 04-05-62 117 730 7.7 75 13 32 7.4 21 0.8 420 0 0.0 35 0.0 0.0 0.07 428 416 360 16 5
261408N 0802743 05-19-53 55 1080 7.5 16 21 24 89 0.8 500 0 44 105 0.6 2.1 2.1 692 655 416 6 SS 261504N 0800602 01-24-61 176 295 8.0 78 9.5 52 2.1 7.7 0.4 162 0 2.8 12 0.3 0.1 0.57 167 167 138 51 S
261547N0800619 04-05-62 140 315 8.0 80 6.7 56 2.1 8.5 0.6 162 0 6.4 15 0.0 0.1 0.35 152 175 148 s15 0
261512N 0800841 04-06-62 150 752 7.8 76 17 26 8.6 30 1.6 412 0 0.0 46 0.0 0.0 0.16 444 432 350 12 7 261527N0801138 03-12-64 165 740 7.6 74 11 38 5.7 22 1.2 392 0 32 36 0.2 0.1 0.12 494 439 368 47 25 261652N080085404-14-64145 741 7.675 15 38 5.7 23 1.0 388 0 31 36 0.2 0.21.38 482 441 368 so50 15is
261734N 0800621 04-05-62 178 355 7.8 78 6.3 62 3.3 9.9 0.6 192 0 4.0 16 0.0 0.2 0.54 186 197 168 10 0
261704N 0801022 03-12-64 106 650 7.5 77 13 23 1.6 17 1.3 384 0 0.0 25 0.3 0.1 0.42 386 373 326 12 15 261710N0801350 03-12-64 24 615 7.5 76 4.6 12 12 12 0.7 344 0 31 18 0.1 0.1 0.14 364 360 330 48 10 261822N 0800707 04-14-64 62 485 7.7 77 7.3 98 3.8 8.4 0.4 288 0 4.4 14 0.3 0.0 1.03 336 279 260 24 90
261856N0800842 03-12-64 100 755 7.7 77 16 35 3.6 29 1.1 364 0 17 63 0.3 0.0 0.82 492 444 352 54 20 261838N 0801513 11-19-63 57 429 7.8 3.3 30 29 15 1.0 206 0 15 28 0.1 0.4 0.07 262 223 194 25 20
261838N 0801513 11-25-63 102 1520 7.6 73 14 96 20 210 7.2 310 0 32 340 0.4 0.1 0.07 872 873 320 66 20 261840N 0801633 04-14-64 104 2700 7.7 75 19 75 23 298 8.0 522 0 120 518 0.4 0.6 0.10 1458 1420 530 102 10 261908N 0800622 04-05-62 94 360 7.9 78 6.9 66 0.9 8.7 0.5 194 0 7.2 15 0.0 0.0 0.70 204 201 168 9 25
261914N 0800607 12-06-63 23 232 7.9 79 3.2 50 0.2 2.6 0.2 146 0 4.8 5.0 0.5 0.0 0.48 144 138 126 6 70
261914N080060701-06-64195 312 8.0 79 9.861 1.5 8.50.6 176 0 3.6 16 0.3 0.30.03 180 189 158 14 20
261948N 0804640 03-13-64 85 2800 7.4 75 7.8 30 42 450 7.4 488 0 64 680 0.5 0.1 0.40 1600 1620 496 96 S

(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Dissolved Hardness Specific
Mag- Po- solids (as CaCOS3) conducDate Mean Cal- nel tas- Bicar- Fuo- Ni. Phos- lm tance
of discharge Silica Iron cium slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate hate Residue Cal- Calcium, N on- (micro- pH Colcollection (cfs) (SIO2) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SO4) (CI) (F) (NO3) (PO4) at cu- magne- I carbon- mhos or 1800C ated slum ate at 250C)
Oct. 6, 1960 315 10 0.06 41 9.6 44 4.3 148 27 62 0.0 271 142 20 486 7.7 160 Dec. S 449 3.9 .04 25 4.3 23 1.4 90 7.6 32 .0 112 80 6 262 7.6 120 Jan. 3, 1961 113 1.3 .08 18 4.1 21 2.0 66 7.2 28 1.7- 116 62 8 217 7.4 110 Feb. 1 22 4.4 .05 33 9.1 38 2.0 136 11 52 .5 217 120 8 $96 7.3 110 0 Mar. I 9 2.6 .04 26 5.4 29 3.5 100 8.8 40 .7- 165 87 S5 307 6.3 100 Apr. 3 82 3.5 .04 30 7.1 25 1.8 120 7.2 36 .0- 170 104 6 309 7.5 110 ay. 8 .5 .04 56 12 S5S 4.4 216 13 69 3.8 320 189 12 600 7.7 SO June 1 243 17 .07 81 22 74 S.1 290 64 96 10 512 292 55 873 7.5 150 Aug. 2 10 17 .06 54 17 67 3.7 230 27 90 .0 389 204 16 679 7.8 110 Sept. 6 118 18 .09 81 30 122 5.6 354 60 IS3 .4 644 326 36 1095 7.6 200
Oct. 1I 17 .02 49 17 98 3.4 210 29 130 .3 453 192 10 783 8.4 100 Nov. 13 7.2 .03 56 22 104 3.5 256 38 135 .2 492 230 20 867 7.9 110 Dec. 11 6.7 .06 74 11 49 4.9 242 25 80 .0 370 230 31 664 7.6 90 Jan. 8, 1962 3.4 .05 69 23 102 4.1 316 29 134 2.6 - 266 8 920 8.2 90 Feb. 7 8.5 .01 72 37 237 7.3 370 67 340 1.7 953 332 28 1750 7.9 80 Mar. 15 9.7 .04 70 22 160 4.7 308 50 205 2.1 676 265 12 1190 7.8 60 Apr. 7 5.2 .05 78 9.1 78 3.5 248 36 113 .3 445 232 29 806 8.0 70 6r. 13 1.6 .03 60 18 134 4.0 238 52 175 .4 562 224 28 1010 8.1 70 May3 10 .02 72 17 150 4.4 290 50 190 1.4 638 250 12 1140 7.6 50 June 15 IS .03 84 27 225 5.8 380 64 270 1.4 879 320 9 1540 7.8 90
Nov. 2 17 .11 70 27 128 5.8 318 44 170 .3 619 286 25 1060 7.7 240 Dec. 4 74 11 .12 58 21 107 4.8 264 28 152 0.8 .2 610 513 231 14 900 8.0 160 July 17, 1963 9.4 .06 96 8.4 76 3.4 308 25 104 .6 .2 486 475 274 22 806 7.4 80 0 July 30 6.4 .15 29 8.6 49 1.7 118 8.8 58 .1 220 108 12 403 7.5 90 Sept. 17 10 .03 38 13 64 2.6 156 21 90 .0 I316 148 20 541 7.4 80 CA
Dec. 10 4.8 .03 50 18 90 3.4 222 32 122 .2 429 200 18 750 8.0 100 Jan. 14,1964 19 .06 110 40 145 8.0 395 89 194 34 834 437 114 1300 7.9 150 Ar. 21 6.0 .10 53 18 99 3.2 233 26 132 .4 - 205 14 785 8.1 100 p20 6.9 .06 SO 13 64 2.2 192 17 99 .1 347 178 20 629 7.8 110 June18 11 .12 72 18 67 5.6 210 65 100 20 462 250 78 770 7.8 220 July24 16 .15 61 18 87 .0 240 48 124 .7 .9 562 224 28 771 7.7 200
Oct. 28 16 72 22 117 5.0 284 54 150 .8 5.6 582 270 38 964 7.8 150 Nov.20 13 .04 64 29 106 4.6 300 so50 S5S .9 .3 601 280 34 910 7.3 140 Jan. 26, 1965 - - - - 890
Feb. 22 2.9 .05 53 17 90 3.7 220 25 24 .6 .3 425 200 20 750 7,1 100 May21 7.0 .00 57 15 76 1.5 218 13 10 .7 2.7 390 202 24 699 7.7 100

(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Sl IDissolved iardness Specific Mag* Po- solids (a$ Caoz0) conducDate Mean Cal. ne- tas- Dicr. Fluo. Ni. Phos- tance
of discharge SilW Iron cium alum Sodium aslum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride rate phat Residue Cal. Calcium, Non. (micro. pH Col.
o (ce phateII I I l .oo i ,
c( ) (Fe) (Ca) (Ma) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (804) (CI) ( at cu. magnet* carbon. mho or collctin (of) SiO2(F)(NOOP04 t600C lated slum ate at 25cC)
Oct. 7, 1959 1140 3.4 0.03 41 2.8 27 2.2 116 20 34 0.0 187 114 19 343 7.9 100 Nov.10 170 4.0 .05 25 2.3 13 1.9 74 7.2 16 .1 106 72 12 188 7.4 80 Dec. 10 28 2.7 .05 30 2.4 17 .7 94 8.0 30 .4 137 as a 265 7.4 60 Jan. 7,1960 i18 3.8 .04 44 3.0 28 .8 128 9.6 43 .2 195 122 18 366 7.5 140 Mar.9 AI0 4.5 .02 85 IS I118s 3.2 290 45 188 .5 602 274 36 1120 7.7 80 Apr. 5 A 10 .8 .03 89 20 165 5.0 366 48 220 2.3 730 304 4 1320 8.1 110 June 7 3SS5 9.1 .07 66 7.2 54 5.5 B224 22 82 .1 356 194 10 635 8.6 120 July 7 137 9.2 .13 94 3.3 55 1.8 C289 20 80 .1 415 248 10 748 8.4 85
July 17,1963 140 9.7 .06 96 8.4 71 3.2 304 24 98 .6 1.2 478 462 274 25 790 7.6 85
Feb. 22, 1965 7.6 .04 90 19 133 5 .3 292 42 225 .6 .2 667 304 64 1180 7.6 75
Apr. 7,1962 D 40 4.8 0.14 83 10 92 4.3 266 38 120 0.4 0.2 512 248 30 877 7.6 75 Aug. 23 D 160 9.3 .05 98 6.2 62 4.1 294 24 95 .6 .0 486 270 29 770 7.6 80 Dec. 4 11 .12 58 21 107 4.8 264 28 152 .8 .2 610 513 231 14 900 8.0' 160
Oct. 8, 1963 D 244 7.5 .05 83 6.1 39 3.9 251 21 60 .4 .1 348 232 26 600 7.7 60 Jan. 13,1964 D 7S2 8.2 .06 90 7.2 52 5.4 260 36 80 .5 1.3 444 254 41 700 7.5 70 Apr.21 D 72 6.3 .05 94 10 - 300 26 102 1.2 .1 476 276 30 803 7.6 80 May20 D 172 7.7 98 2.8 64 2.1 276 23 98 .5 .0 470 256 30 761 7.6 70 June 18 D 106 8.1 .09 99 2.2 47 3.1 278 22 72 .5 .0 424 256 28 670 7.6 75 Sept.2 D123 8.5 .11 80 6.0 48 6.1 232 26 76 .4 1.4 - 224 58 629 7.2 120
Oct. 28 7.1 91 4.4 42 3.3 272 10 60 .6 .1 352 245 22 622 7.5 70 Feb. 22,1965 7.1 .05S 90 10 70 2.6 300 24 102 .5 .2 454 266 20 830 7.6 75 Apr. 26 5.8 .01 76 .6 54 2.0 197 14 83 .5 .6 334 192 30 577 7.5 60 May 21 12 .04 76 6.4 45 1.2 236 18 68 .5 .0 343 216 22 609 7.1 50
A Leakage of 10 cfs, based on 4 discharge measurements and records of dam operation.
B Includes 12 ppm of carbonate (CO.)
C Includes 18 ppm of carbonate CO)
D Discharge at time of sampling.

(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Dissolved Hardness Specific
Mag- Po- solids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean Cal- ne- tas. Bcar- Fluo. Ni- Phos- -i_ tance
of discharge Silica Iron cium alum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloridoe ride trate hate Residue Cal Calcum, Non. (micro pH Colcollection (cfs) (SI2) (Fe) (Ca) (M) (Na) (K)' (HCO3) (504) (Cl) (F) (NO3) (PO4) at cu- magne carbon- mhos or 1800C lated lum ate at 250C)
July 17, 1963 140 9.7 0.06 96 8.4 71 3.2 304 24 98 0.6 1.2 478 462 274 25 790 7.6 85
Oct. 8 6.9 .06 86 4.7 40 3.9 252 21 61 .4 .2 356 234 28 600 7.8 80 Jan. 13, 1964 8.2 .06 90 6.7 So0 5.3 255 29 82 .5 .8 399 252 43 698 7.2 70 pr. 21 6.2 .04 95 7.5 74 3.2 298 28 100 .6 .0 472 268 24 788 7.5 65 y 20 8.0 .03 92 7.4 65S 2.3 268 26 102 .5 .0 492 260 40 1270 7.8 70 June 18 8.6 101 2.9 So0 3.3 284 22 72 .5 .0 424 264 32 678 7.6 85 Sept. 2 8.6 .01 82 5.0 48 5.5 240 23 74 .4 1.0 - 225 32 625 7.4 120
Oct. 28 7.2 90 3.8 41 3.2 272 8.8 62 .4 .11 351 240 171 610 7.4 60
July 16,1963 11 0.06 42 14 91 2.9 191 19 122 0.6 0.0 466 397 161 4 679 8.0 80
Oct. 9 13 .04 32 7.8 55 2.4 124 11 80 .3 .2 276 112 10 465 7.5 50 Jan. 15, 1964 11 .04 53 14 58 2.6 196 23 80 .5 .4 384 188 28 570 7.4 50 Apr. 22 3.4 .03 3'1 7.9 So0 1.7 134 4.5 61 .4 .1 226 110 0 401 7.2 50 May19 5.8 45 4.7 47 1.4 160 3.6 70 .5 .0 300 132 1 465 7.4 55 June 17 13 so50 9.5 100 2.3 176 13 154 .6 .1 468 164 20 769 7.8 90 Sept. 1 17 .06 51 16 74 4.0 203 35 108 .6 .0 - 193 26 691 7.4 100
Oct. 30 17 .04 38 s15 6 3.6 166 19 92 .4 .2 332 156 20 572 7.8 60 Mar. 9, 1965 17 .03 51 24 86 3.2 212 i18 11I .5 .1 419 180 so50 694 7.5 80 Apr. 26 1 .04 72 28 134 6.0 324 40 202 1.1 .0 658 295 30 1170 7.6 110 may 26 21 .01 70 28 155 6.3 310 36 232 .9 .5 703 288 34 1300 7.7 100 June 3 18 .03 61 28 160 5.7 300 30 240 .9 .5 692 320 21 1290 7.9 60
Apr. 5, 1962 4.3 96 9.8 S6 0.7 294 34 94 0.2 0.0 440 280 39 765 7.7 so
Apr. 4,1963 9.3 0.05 70 10 62 1.7 220 6.4 102 .3 .8 456 372 216 36 694 7.7 90 July 16 8.9 .07 71 11 75 2.6 260 17 106 .6 I.7 454 421 224 11 746 7.7 100
Oct. 9 7.9 .0S 47 6.0 40 2.0 159 7.6 57 .4 .4 248 142 12 435 7.6 70
Dec. 12,1961 7.5 0.04 89 5.4 30 0.9 292 1is 37 1.3 0.1 330 244 4 585 8.0 40 Mar. 12, 1962 13 .51 84 2.6 54 2.6 284 18 58 2.7 .1 375 220 0 600 7.4 50 Aug. 23 8.8 .03 84 3.8 29 1.5 252 iS 39 .6 .0 306 225 18 527 7.7 40
July 17, 1963 8.9 .05 86 7.7 57 2.6 276 20 81 .5 .1 442 400 246 20 712 7.5 70
Oct. 8 8.7 .54 86 1.8 20 2.1 242 I18 28 .4 .1 296 222 24 470 7.9 45 Jan. 13,1964 8.2 .03 93 1.9 22 2.2 264 20 28 .6 .1 310 240 24 523 7.8 S0 Apr. 21 10 .01 94 23 35 1.7 286 28 39 1.5 .0 353 244 10 569 7.6 30

(Chemical nIlys, iI part! per mllh, except pli md coltr)
Mil. Pu. suidl (a COC03) cuonduc. S Mean Cal- II" li, Ullcr. l Huo. NI. Phos ----- .nce li p Co
o dwac3.r. Sla u cuIn ~um Biti li wit f hsjlanl i hills lilidla Ciul Calclumi, Nun~ (nmicru.ptC3
vulheUll 6di) (813) (Vi) (01) (M) (N) (K) (lIC03) 1 04) (t) (F) (NO) IP04) Ia vu. inlaun ICabonu Im.
-. -)-- -- / / / 1100diii Iu Ito at 3O(t)
May 20, 964 3 I-92 2.3I 20 1,4 276 33 24 0.9 0.0 338 238 13 520 7.91 40 June31 93 -I 96 4.51 Il 1.4 278 39 25 .3 .3 322 255 30 538 7.7 I40 Sept, 2 7 ,7 04 83 3,2 26 2.5 242 I5 40 .3 .8 303 220 22 500 7.4 50 Oct. 28 7.4 .03 69 .0 Ia8. 2.2 400 32 26 .4 .0 235 176 32 402 7.4 35 Fob. 22, 3965 3, .02 86 1.3 31 2,2 276 6.4 33 3.9 .0 356 309 220 0 512 7.4 25 A p. 26 .5 .01 74 2.6 26 1.9 220 10 37 1.2 .5 270 196 16 457 7.6 20 Mpy23 I.6 0 55 6 33 133 264 34 36 1.5 .4 332 226 10 633 7.9 20 May 21 1 1 86 1 .5 s1 16 1 1 13, 24 1 1 6 1 15 .
Dec.12,1961 3.3 0.02 253 75s 5890 212 206 1350 10870 0.9 2.7 19800 3740 3570 27500 7.7 30 Dec. 32, 3961 -- Isg F 26 7TT- ~ 37 - Mar,2, 1962 - - 32450 Aug. 23 5.4 .02 163 326 2710 88 229 650 4880 .7 17 8940 1740 1560 13200 7.4 45
July 17, 1963 8.6 .06 86 7.7 60 2.7 276 22 83 .6 .2 448 407 246 20 702 7.5 65
Oct. 28, 1964 7.3 .03 112 119 1020 40 222 260 1790 .6 3.0 3460 770 588s 5750 7.5 45 Feb. 22, 196 3.0 .02 292 774 6570 242 201 1580 113500 1.0 2.8 21100 3910 3740 31100 7.2 25
Dec. 12, 1961 4.9 0.06 96 9.4 56 2,8 E298 30 90 0.5 0.3 437 278 34 766 8.4 5S Mar. 2,1962 2.3 .03 107 2.7 40 2.4 296 31 66 .5 .0 398 276 36 640 8.0 40 Apr. 7 16 95 9.6 46 2.4 294 34 69 .3 .0 420 284 43 802 7.8 30 Aug. 23 6.6 .05 94 5.0 35 2.5 268 24 52 .4 .0 352 255 36 605 7.8 75
July 17, 1963 6.4 .04 87 7.5 53 2.3 269 22 84 .0 464 396 248 28 679 7.6 50
Apr. 23, 1964 3.7 .03 96 6.4 48 2.9 294 27 76 .5 .0 416 274 33 712 7.6 65 May 20 4. .05 137 187 1520 56 252 382 2740 .5 .0 5620 1110 904 6420 7.7 60 June 1 9.2 91 53.1 37 2,12 256 26 54 .4 .0 376 246 3 589 7.6 60 Sept. 2 7.1 .05 80 4.7 39 3.6 232 21 58 .3 .0 328 219 29 560 7.2 70
Oct. 26 7.3 .08 82 4,7 28 2.2 240 19 43 .2 0 300 224 28 520 7. 80 Feb. 22, 1965 7.1 .03 98 7.2 50 2.5 302 26 78 .4 .1 418 274 26 718 7.8 50 Apr. 26 5.9 .01 96 7.4 58 3.1 296 25 93 .6 ,1 435 270 28 753 7.7 45 May 21 5.8 .03 85 9.0 66 2.7 286 I 26 95 .5 .1 431 249 14 782 7.4 50 2-2821.IE. CYPRESS CREEK CANAL BELOW S-37A, NEAR POMPANO BEACH
Dec. 12, 1961 3.3 0.04 315 934 7440 172 213 1390 13700 1.2 3.1 24400 4630 4450 33000 7.4 45 Mar. 2, 1962 - 14200 - - 35000
Aug. 23 5.2 .04 167 318 12500 82 237 624 4540 .7 .9 18400 1730 1530 12700 7.5 60
July 17, 1963 4.8 .05 232 523 4440 162 222 1140 7860 .8 8.2 16900 14500 2730 2550 21000 6.9 40
Apr. 21, 1964 .7 .02 320 893 7230 310 189 1780 13200 1.1 .1 26000 4470 4320 35800 7.2 45 May20 3.3 239 594 5050 183 210 1210 8950 .8 .9 17200 3040 2870 24500 7.5 40 June 18 5.1 165 284 2370 86 233 596 4370 .7 .6 8700 1580 1390 12700 7.5 65 Sept. 2 6.7 .05 100 71 595 29 229 149 1080 .3 1.3 2150 540 352 3300 7.2 70
Oct. 28 6.9 .09 88 37 278 12 236 80 490 .2 2.0 1110 370 176 1980 7.5 80 Feb. 22, 1965 3.0 .03 1740 17 72-71 29 193 11780 13400 1 1.1 1,8 24300 4410 1 4250 34100 7.4 15
E Includes 8 ppm of carbonate (C03),

(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Dissolved Hardness Specific
Mag.- Po. solids (as CaCO3) conducData Mean Cal- ne- tas Bicer. Fluo- Ni. Phos. tance
of discharge SilIca Iron clum slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate hate ResIdue Cal- Calclum, Non. (micro. pH Colcollection (Fo) (C)(MS) (No8)ocu ae[smge b mhos or2C|
collection (cfs) (8102) (F) (C) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HC03) (SO4) (Cl) (F) (NO3) (PO4) Icu m carbn. a or
______ -( () (K)_ -a- 8 I0J ated u m I e at 250C)
Apr. 7, 1962 17 F 0.41 102 2.3 17 1.8 288 19 26 0.5 0.8 344 264 28 549 7.7 60 Aug. 23 11 .03 106 2.6 18 1.4 298 18i 27 .3 .8 342 27S 31 582 7.2 35 July 17, 1963 3.4 .04 85 2.9 25 1.7 244 17 35 .3 .7 336 291 224 24 509 7.S S0 Jan. iS, 1964 6.6 .04 120 2.3 22 1.3 324 32 36 .3 .0 381 309 44 632 7.9 40 Mar. 13 9.9 .03 126 4.3 20 .4 360 18i 32 .3 .0 388 332 37 630 7.5 40 Apr. 21 4.4 .02 123 2.7 21 1.2 342 23 33 .3 .0 392 318 38 644 7.6 45 May 19 3.4 105 1.5 23 1.3 288 21 36 .2 .0 376 268 32 567 7.3 40 June18 11 113 1.9 16 1.0 314 25 22 .3 .0 368 -, 290 32 568 7.5 60 Sept. 1 9.1 .11 104 1.1 19 2.9 284 19 33 .2 1.0 329 264 32 568 7.3 50
Oct.28 7.0 104 3.0 17 1.9 288 12 26 .4 .3 314 272 36 529 7.5 80 Feb. 22, 1965 4.3 .02 124 3.5 26 2.0 352 24 41 .3 .0 448 398 324 36 699 7.7 35 May21 4.7 .01 80 4.0 25 1.7 276 21 44 .4 .1i 317 216 0 651 7.2 so50 2-2827.0E. MIDDLE RIVER CANAL BELOW 8-36, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE
Apr.7,1962 - - 3150 - - - 10400 45
Aug.23 8.6 0.04 106 2.6 19 1.4 302 16 30 0.3 0.1 372 275 28 599 7.7 55 July 17, 1963 4.9 .04 103 2.0 108 4.8 292 39 181 .4 .1 642 597 308 68 1060 7.5 45 Apr. 21, 1964 5.2S .03 152 147 1240 54 276 310 2260 .5 .1 4520 984 758 7150 7.4 50 may 9 52 121 35 262 9.6 300 80 465 .3 .0 1260 445 199 1920 7.3 45 June 18 8.3 96 11 20 1.2 308 23 32 .4 .4 386 286 34 582 7.6 60 Sept. I 8.S .05 102 2.3 19 2.4 233 22 34 .2 2.3 332 264 32 550 7.4 S0
Oct.28 7.9 .10 104 2.1 16 2.0 290 22 26 .2 .2 309 268 30 540 7.7 90 Feb. 22, 1965 9.8 S.4 02 158 177 1480 56 264 372 2600 .6 1 .8 5530 490 1120 904 7820 75 40 2-2827.SE. MIDDLE RIVER CANAL NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE
July 17, 1963 S.7 0.04 124 97 838 31 272 214 1450 0.4 2.0 3260 2900 710 487 5110 7.4 Sb
Oct. 8 6.7 09 91 2.7 12 2.1 248 24 20 .2 1 296 238 35 477 7.5 0 2-2830.1E. PLANTATION ROAD CANAL BELOW S-33, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE
Dec. 12, 1961 9.8 0.05 100 4.5 17 2.8 302 13 26 0.3 3.5 326 268 20 563 7.6 4S Mar., 1962 - - - - 32 - - - 700
Aug. 23 8.0 .04 94 3.8 23 2.0 276 17 32 .4 .0 316 250 24 538 7.1 60
Apr. 5, 1963 9.0 .03 91 1.2 24 2.4 268 10 30 .0 9.3 309 232 12 529 7.4 60
Oct. 8 7.8 .05 90 2.8 17 1.9 255 IB 25 .3 .1 296 236 27 500 7.2 70 Apr. 21, 1964 8.8 .03 92 2.1 21 2.9 250 12 32 .2 11 305 238 33 540 7.1 45 May 19 6.8 95 3.6 18 2.0 250 20 28 .3 13 358 252 47 504 7.6 60
F Total iron (Fe).

(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Dissolved Hardness Specific
Mal. Po. solids (as CaCO3) conduct. Data Mean Cal* ne. tIs. Ber. Fluo. Ni. Phos. ance
of discharge Silica Iron clum slum Sodium lum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride Irate phato Residue Cal. Calcium, Non (micro. pH Col(c,.o 0on2 (110 11 als (NO4' (K m..o. (F (N"3)004)=mm" or
collection (cts) (SIO2) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (104) (Cl) (F) (NO) (PO4) at cu- magne carbon mhos or I8000 lated slum ate at 25oC)
June 18, 1964 7.6 99 0.2 16 1.7 264 19 32 0.4 5.2 346 248 32 510 7.7 80 Sept.1 8.1 005 91 3.6 1.7 2.0 252 18 28 .2 5.3 387 242 36 500 7.3 60
Oct. 28 7.8 .06 99 1.2 I 13 1.6 266 20 20 .2 7,2 301 262 34 s0 7.7 60 Feb. 22,1961 8.6 .04 78 5.2 30 3.s 198 20 50 .4 29 323 216 54 12 7.1 10
Dec. 12,1961 o10 0.08 66 4.7 37 6.3 164 22 54 38 319 164 so50 89 7.0 70 Mar. 1, 1962 11 .04 61 3.9 s0 7.3 196 26 70 0.9 9.9 337 168 S 57 7.2 So0 Aug. 23 7.9 .04 92 5.0 23 2.4 270 17 31 .4 3.6 311 250 28 542 7.8 60
Apr. 3,1963 11 .07 59 10 52 6.2 228 26 60 .5 6.2 I343 18 1 595 7.0 70 Ar. 12 .06 48 5.8 62 8.2 138 25 68 1.2 47 345 144 31 182 7.2 90 July 17 8.8 .06 75 8.0 40 2.5 238 16 60 .4 3.5 400 331 220 25 559 7.2 SS
Oct. 8 8.1 42 90 2.8 18 2.1 244 20 26 .3 6.6 320 236 36 496 7.5 60 Jan, 15. 1964 10 .12 96 3.0 20 2.6 268 22 30 .3 .0 316 252 32 $29 7,0 S0 Apr. 21 11 .05 62 3.5 40 7.1 152 29 64 .6 1.8 294 169 12 576 6.9 100 May 19 7.2 .37 96 .1 19 2.1 244 22 28 .4 14 356 240 40 604 7.7 60 June 18 6.7 97 1.0 16 1.8 258 20 24 .4 6.8 342 246 34 $10 7.1 85 Sept. I 8.7 .05 91 2.7 18 2.2 246 20 27 .3 9.4 300 238 36 $10 7.3 5S
Oct. 26 7.5 .0S 98 2.3 13 1.5 272 20 20 .1 .9 296 254 31 507 7.4 60 Feb. 22,1965 8,7 .04 80 3.5 31 3.6 194 20 SO .3 30 323 214 6SS $36 7.2 SO Apr. 26 12 .12 54 6.2 48 6.9 127 25 71 1.0 33 295 160 56 600 7.2 60 My21 10 .02 so 8.5 62 8.0 72 33 87 1.6 62 357 160 101 620 7.0 0SO

(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) .
Dissolved Hardness Specific
Ma. Po. solids (as CaCO3) conducDo MenMug- Po- Pm
Date Mean Cal. no. tas. Bicear. Fluo- Ni- Phos- tance
of discharge Silica Iron clum slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride rate hate Residue Cas. Calcum, on- (micro- pH Col( I 4) a t c u m n e c a r b o n m h s o r
collection (cfs) (S102) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SO4) (CI) (F) (NO3) (P04) at Cu- me carn mh or
-10C lated sium ate at 250C)
July 16, 1963 15 0.03 69 A5 40 1.9 25s 21 78 0.5 1.0 436 377 235 24 603 7.4 60
Apr. 22, 1964 6.6 .03 3S 9.8 59 1.4 153 25 74 .4 .1 286 128 2 472 7.3 50 May19 10 S 11 so 1.7 220 12 74 .S .0 308 188 8 572 7.5 60 June17 12 69 12 50 1.7 246 11 72 .6 1.4 390 220 i18 603 7.8 65S Sept. 1 14 .05 72 12 so50 2.0 264 4.8 74 .4 .3 - 228 12 640 7.3 70
Oct. 30 16 62 12 56 2.6 240 4.8 80 .5 .6 352 204 8 622 7.5 70 Mar. 9,1965 12 .03 67 17 64 2.1 272 14 66 .5 .2 399 236 13 680 8.0 65 Apr. 26 12 .03 69 24 84 3.8 256 46 132 .6 .0 498 270 60 839 7.6 60 May26 8.S .00 48 17 60 2.7 182 5 3 82 .5 .2 -r1 362 212 41 650 7.6 30
Apr. 7,1962 10 0.42 77 15 48 1.8 300 60 69 0.2 1.7 402 254 8 629 7.8 55 Aug.23 10 .03 82 15 54 2.0 304 5.6 76 .4 1.6 456 266 17 684 7.9 65
July 16, 1963 13 .06 85 18 60 2.1 346 7.2 80 .5 2.8 460 439 288 4 762 7.6 80
Apr. 22, 1964 7.0 .04 48 12 51 1.5 200 7.6 76 .4 .1 312 170 6 $51 7.4 50 y 19 13 .27 96 s15 60 1.7 374 .0 82 .5 .9 453 302 0 772 7.6 70 Jne 17 14 .49 103 14 72 1.8 376 4.8 95 .5 2.9 493 314 6 839 7.8 80 ... Sept. I 23 .05 93 18 68 2.1 356 7.8 94 .4 .3 - 305 14 800 7.2 80
Oct. 30 15 .06 88 19 61 2.0 348 .0 94 .3 1.5 452 296 11 783 7.5 75 Mar. 9,1965 15 .05 102 19 78 2.1 404 5.6 110 .5 2.3 534 332 1 900 7.7 90 Apr. 26 13 .04 76 18 80 3.8 266 41 125 .7 .4 489 262 44 833 7.6 60 May 26 8.9. .01 62 18 SB 2.8 212 53 84 .5 2.0 393 228 54 710 7.4 40
,, .. .

(Clwmig l aailyse, In ar million, expt pl a d color)
[i)olved a Hdnes Speciflc
Mos Po. oli ids (ca CaCo3) condauc. Mean Cal. ue. ta. i1ar* Viuo- Nih i -ce e
loee d hqe lluIIl i0su odlal !c0Ibllt urhl hardlrd, ii 0I0 pl0 Rildll ul. (:lm/ oil. (allcl. JPH ICulcolci~on ,s 10 ()) () ()[K)" (1)|4) (Ci) F) (N03) i'o4) i cu w~gne, carbon. mnh / or ollecI aio I I _0 l (lae s a at o2nC)
Feb. 21,1961 5.9 0.94 64 6.9 47 2.7 224 9,6 67 0.3 313 ills 4 569 7.7 60 Apr. 13 4.3 .03 66 8.6 49 2.0 180 6.4 69 I.1I 2187 180 32 563 7.7 71 MyII II .45 96 6.9 40 1,4 296 23 64 .0 390 266 0 581 7.6 60 June 6 6.4 .02 80 4.0 26 .8 2156 11 43 .0 297 216 6 $23 7.5 so50 July 7 9.8 .01 83 11 46 1.2 296 13 62 1.1 374 252 6 643 8.0 80 Aug. 9 6.7 .04 59 10 48 1.7 240 4.4 67 .2 315 188 0 563 7.7 65 Sept. 11 4.0 .06 64 5.5 20 .6 HI96 12 32 .3 229 182 22 410 7.9 70
Oct. 12 8.8 .04 100 5.0 22 .8 246 7.2 68 1.0 334 270 30 580 7.7 80 Nov. 13 7.7 .04 70 9.6 52 2.8 258 7.6 75 1.1 353 214 2 627 7.6 55 Dec. 3 4.1 .03 70 9.1 41 3.1 242 12 65 .4 324 212 14 583 8.0 60 Jan. 8, 1962 8.1 .05 67 15 54 2.2 256 22 62 1.2 378 228 18 660 8.1 55 Feb. 6 7.3 .05o 74 14 58 2.3 272 12 75 .6 354 242 19 678 8.1 60 Mar. 6 4.6 .01 62 20 60 2.1 240 18 74 .2 259 237 40 634 7.9 50 Apr. 5 5.2 .02 78 9.6 61 2.5 256 18 94 1.6 396 234 24 720 8.1 60 May3 4.7 .02 78 11 56 1.7 280 10 75 .0 374 240 10 676 7.8 55 June11 7.5 .04 71 12 59 2.4 262 18 76 .5 375 226 12 696 7.5 75 Aug. 6 D 0.3 6.7 .03 48 9.7 43 1.4 176 14 60 .1 270 160 16 495 7.6 50
Oct. 10 4.6 .03 106 3.8 19 .7 294 23 28 0.2 1.4 346 332 280 39 538 7.8 65 Nov. 8 8.6 .04 75 11 46 1.9 264 12 68 .1 353 232 16 612 7.8 70 Dec. 6 7.6 .06 78 12 49 1.9 274 12 6B .5 .9 412 365 242 18 S80 8.1 so Jan. 10. 1963 7.2 .03 78 13 51I 2.1 282 10 72 4.3 373 248 17 520 7.8 70 July 30 7.9 G 1.6 85 12 53 1.4 303 8.2 76 .0 1.0 394 260 12 673 7.6 60
Oct. 16 8.0 .05 78 8.6 38 1.9 248 19 52 1.4 329 230 0 578 7.6 90 Dec, 10 8.8 .04 80 9.8 44 1.7 266 II 65 2.6 354 240 22 610 7.9 80 Jan. 13, 1964 7.9 .05 88 6.9 33 1.5 268 14 So0 .4 1.5 335 248 28 580 7.6 70 pr. 22 6.1 .02 65 10 52 1.3 246 3.6 72 .2 - 205 4 581 7.9 50 ay 19 11 82 9.6 49 1.8 284 17 66 2.6 369 244 12 619 7.9 60 June 17 9.6 .32 84 11 20 1.6 298 8.0 64 .3 346 254 10 639 7.2 60
Oct. 8,1963 D 744 7.5 0.02 82 6.7 33 1.8 250 19 47 0.4 1.1 360 232 27 S58 7.8 70 Jan. 13, 1964 D 323 9.5 .05 83 6.8 38 1.5 267 8.4 60 .4 .8 340 235 16 $80 7.5 60
Oct. 30 8.8 .06 82 7.7 29 1.5 260 16 46 .4 1.8 321 236 23 552 7.5 80 Feb. 22, 1965 7.8 .04 80 9.4 48 1.4 280 8 75 .4 1.5 362 238 8 638 7.7 65 Apr. 26 11 .03 74 22 62 3.8 268 42 130 .8 .0 498 276 S6 878 7.8 70
ay 26 5.2 .05 50 18 78 4.1 214 40 110 .5 5.0 416 199 24 1050 7.9 50
July 17, 1963 8.2 0.04 80 11 52 2.0 288 10 68 0.4 1.0 398 375 246 10 550 7.8 70
Apr. 21,1964 4.5 .04 101 107 888 32 262 202 1580 .5 9.0 3230 2930 690 476 4800 7.3 50 M 19 7.1 .02 86 9.6 44 1.4 270 13 64 .4 .2 359 254 32 606 7.5 60 June 18 7.1 89 6.3 44 1.3 284 10 64 .5 .0 394 362 248 16 633 7.7 70 Sept. 1 8.3 .05 82 8.6 39 1.7 269 11 56 .3 1.3 341 240 20 582 7.4 80
D Discharge at time of sampling.

(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Dissolved Hardness Specific
Ma- Po- solids (as CaCO3) conducData Mean Cal- ne- tas- Blcar- Fluo- Ni- Phos- tance
of discharge Silica Iron clum slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride rid trNate hate Residue Cal- Calcium, Non-. (micro pH Colcollection (cfs) (SIO2) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SO4) (Cl) (F) (NO3) (P04) at cu* magne- carbon- mhos or 1800oC lated slum ate at 250C)
Oct. 30,1964 7.2 0.07 86 7.2 29 1.5 2641 s18 42 .3 1.2 322 244 28 553 7.5 80 Feb. 22,1965 8.4 .03 82 9.6 58 1.9 274 8.0 92 .4 1.3 397 244 20 683 7.7 60 Apr. 26 5S.6 .02 132 197 i1580 60 264 392 2820 .6 3.0 $320 1140 924 8740 7.6 70 May 12 3.9 .00 177 314 2640 9.4 199 661 4630 1.4 4.3 8540 1730 1570 14100 7.4 SO 2-2851.1E. CHULA VISTA DRAINAGE CANAL 1, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE
Oct. 14,1963 i8.2 .i05 86 12 80 6.0 256 34 132 1 0.4 0.1 548 262 52 1 8601 7.6 70
Dec. 13,1961 7.0 0.03 87 8.5 30 1.0 314 6.0 42 0.4 0.9 338 252 0 598 7.8 55
Mar. 1, 1962 8.6 .30 100 2.5 30 .9 314 12 38 .3 .1 347 260 3 770 8.0 50 Aug. 23 7.0 .04 84 9.8 41 1.3 280 17 54 .4 .0 353 250 20 608 7.6 65
July 16,1963 16 .03 93 29 82 4.2 356 69 118 .7 .0 680 580 352 60 979 8.0 110
Oct. 9 D 97 9.2 .05 94 13 40 1.9 310 24 56 .5 .2 416 286 32 640 8.0 50 June 17,1964 D 105 8.4 .30 98 9.1 44 1.4 324 16 68 .5 1.4 484 282 16 700 7.7 80 Sept. I D 459 9.3 .07 86 10 33 2.1 280 14 48 .3 .7 - 256 26 570 7.5 80
Oct. 30 9.0 .05 91 5.1 31 1.7 272 18 44 .3 .1 341 248 25 595 7.5 75 Mar. 9, 1965 21 .04 52 6.4 70 2.3 216 28 102 .6 .2 389 192 0 670 7.5 85 Apr. 26 11 .02 68 18 75 2.8 252 35 117 .7 .0 452 242 36 783 7.5 60 May26 8.5 .00 72 18 64 2.2 246 40 97 .5 .2 423 252 s0o 759 7.0 SO 2-2854. SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL BELOW S-9, NEAR DAVIE
Dec. 13, 1961 9.2 0.07 78 14 42 1.7 312 7.2 57 0.3 1.3 365 252 0 657 8.0 90 Mar. 1, 1962 8.7 .36 98 2.8 47 1.9 316 1.3 56 .4 1.5 374 256 0 670 7.9 70 Ct Aug. 23 8.3 .03 90 12 44 1.7 314 19 60 .5 .7 391 274 16 673 5.1 80 P
July 16.,1963 7.9 .OS 90 14 53 1.6 334 14 67 .4 .8 426 414 282 8 713 7.5 100
Oct. 9 9.3 .04 91 13 47 2.0 308 22 68 .4 .7 456 282 30 684 7.9 60 Apr. 22,1964 11 .06 98 12 79 2.2 307 35 108 .6 .2 536 292 40 809 8.4 90 May 19 11 .02 99 14 60 1.7 346 22 89 .5 .0 467 302 20 788 7.7 65 June 17 8.9 .16 102 7.2 44 1.4 324 s15 64 .5 .9 474 284 18 697 7.9 80 Sept. 1 9.6 .07 90 6.2 32 2.0 280 14 46 .3 .4 380 250 20 583 7.4 80
Oct. 30 10 .08 88 16 47 1.8 318 12 64 .2 1.1 401 284 24 696 7.8 80 Mar. 9,1965 11 .OS 89 15s 59 1.7 346 7.2 80 .5 1.1 435 284 0 750 7.7 80 Apr.'26 13 .04 94 17 60 2.0 338 10o 97 .6 .9 461 306 29 789 7.6 90 May 26 12 .02 93 15 60 1.5 332 9.2 91 .5 .4 447 292 20 820 7.8 65
D Discharge at time of sampling. tO

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(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Dissolved Hardness Specific
Mag- Po solids (as CaCO3) canducDate Mean Cal- ne- taB- Blear Fluo- NI- Phos. tance
of discharge Silica Iron clum slum Sodium lum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate hate Residue Cal- Calcium, Non- (micro- pH Colcollection (ts) (5102) (Fe) (Ca) (ME) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (504) (CI) (F) (NO3) (P04) Iat Cu magne- carbon- mhos or (NO3)_ _4)_IS0C Ilated slum ate at 250C)
Oct. 15, 1963 24 0.06 98 8.6 21 2.4 292 28 32 2.6 361 280 40 584 7.7 80 Oct. 15 L 13 .09 98 5.7 21 1.7 292 19 32 .1 386 268 28 560 7.3 85 Dec. 10 8.3 .11 98 10 46 1.3 328 14 66 1.1 407 286 17 680 8.1 80 Jan. 13, 1964 I
(1310) K 7.8 .05 97 6.3 33s 1.4 301 12 52 0.4 .0 358 268 22 592 7.2 70 Jan. 13 (13S20) 7.6 .04 94 11 37 1.3 312 21 56 .4 .0 382 280 24 631 7.6 50so Apr. 22 8.9 .02 93 16 56 1.4 342 15 77 1.1 296 16 738 8.2 80 MAY 19 9.7 .10 102 3.8 26 1.2 296 20 36 .5 .0 345 270 28 579 7.3 60 Jue19 8.6 1 8:31 J e7 8.6 98 8.6 24 1.8 298 30 34 2.2 354 280 36 583 8.0 90
Dec. 14, 1961 7:0 0.06 104 63 530 20 288 128 942 0.3 1.3 1938 518I 282 3420 7.8 70 Mar. 1, 1962 - - - - 7800 - - -
Aug. 23 8.1 .05 92 8.6 30 1.0 288 16 42 .4 .1 340 265 29 57 17.6 45
July 17, 1963 251 8.6 .04 85 19 21 1.0 296 16 54 .4 .0 426 352 291 48 606 7.6 60
Oct. 8 D 67 12 .05 94 5.2 23 1.8 272 21 34 .4 1.9 360 256 33 548 7.8 70 Ap. 21,1964 D17 5.9 .05 92 3.5 37 1.3 275 13 52 .4 .8 384 244 18 613 7.6 80 May 19 D 288 7.7 .08 101 3.9 23 1.2 292 22 34 .4 .0 337 268 28 561 7.6 60 June 17 D 151 7.7 101 4.4 23 1.2 288 21 35 .4 .8 402 270 34 559 7.9 90 Sept. 1 D 176 9.2 .08 91 6.1 21 2.6 268 20 36 .3 .0 318 2S2 32 550 7.0 100
Oct. 30 319 6.9 .10 86 6.2 18 2.0 244 21 31 .3 2.6 294 240 40 490 7.5 110 Feb. 22, 196S 12 7.1 .04 98 2.8 25 1.0 296 14 42 .3 1.1 337 256 14 571 7.7 90 Apr. 26 8.9 .04 95 8.5 54 2.3 290 23 90 .6 .0 425 272 34 725 7.5 80 May21 7.5 .48 87 11 43 1.3 276 23 70 .5 .1 380 262 36 682 7.5 60
Dec. 14, 1961 7.0 0.06 104 63 530 20 288 128 942 0.3 1.3 2230 1940 518 282 3420 7.8 70 Aug. 23, 1962 8.1 .05 92 8.6 30 1.0 288 16 42 .4 .1 340 265 29 587 7.6 45
Oct. 10 9.1 .05 94 6.2 54 1.5 312 24 62 .7 406 260 4 679 7.9 80
Apr. 21, 1964 3.9 .04 119 88 734 29 296 182 1300 .S .3 2890 658 416 4500 7.4 70 May 19 8.3 .03 95 8.0 24 1.2 288 22 36 .4 .7 338 270 34 568 7.8 60 June 17 7.8 103 2.7 21 1.2 288 22 34 .4 1.7 380 268 32 568 7.7 95 Sept. 1 8,0 .13 93 5.8 20 2.4 264 20 34 .3 1.0 - 256 40 $22 7.3 120
Oct..30 319 7.6 .03 86 4.3 16 1.9 244 21 29 .3 3.1 289 232 32 493 7.S 110 Feb. 22, 1965 8.9 .04 99 4.1 24 1.0 2886 IS 1 42 .4 2.2 1 339 264 28 570 7.0 95
D Dlschunge at time of sampling.

(Cheniml analyses, In pts per million, ocept pH and color)
Dissolved Hardnes sSpecile
MoI P. solids (s Ca CO) condue "Mw /"4 1D' "1' IssoI Ii,.m dos Spic o,
M.en Ca I. te. Blar. Flun- NI* Plh -- laInce
S dhar Silica n Slum lurn Sodiun Slum bonate Sulfate Cidorid ri trate phlasle Reuidue CaIl Calluim, Non- (micro pit Col.
collection ( 'ts) ('203 (Fa) (Ci) (N) (K) (1lC03) (504) (Cl) () (NO3) (PO4) I Cu mune' carbn- athos o
___________I &___ j66 slu J 180 au ....l... at 250-C)_2-2861,5. HOLLYWOOD CANAL AT DANIA
July IS, 1963 7,3 0.04 164 360 2340 98 259 578 3890 0.6 9.0 8210 7470 1480 1270 12000 7.3 1
Oct.8 6.1 .06 116 58 470 21 284 132 640 .3 .8 1980 530 398 3180 7.7 60 Jan. 13,1964 7,4 .05 180 299 2470 100 270 612 4480 .6 21 8320 1680 1460 14000 7.1 30 Apr.21 2.4 .00 316 886 7380 295 592 1780 13000 1,2 .1 26000 4430 3940 315900 7.3 20 May 27 5.8 168 248 2050 78 259 1SS 3730 .5 .9 7680 1440 1330 11200 7.5 60 June 18 7.2 .02 136 48 56 16 232 148 9368 .3 .7 2220 537 393 3340 7.6 40 Sept. 1 623 .04 171 281 2340 86 267 554 4280 .5 1.1 7850 5I60 1360 13000 7.3 50
Oct. 30 7,0 .03 128 100 781 30 284 212 1400 .2 2.4 2800 730 498 4750 7.4 35 Feb. 22, 1965 3.0 .01 316 803 6710 247 213 1620 11900 1.0 2.7 21700 4090 3920 31900 7.0 20 Apr. 26 1.0 .00 1900 593 8520 372 178 2220 16600 1.3 17 30300 7180 7030 43200 7.4 10 ay 1 .8 .00 391 1090 8300 315 180 137 16500 .7 17 26800 5460 5310 46000 7.32 10
Dec. 14,1961 7.6 0.06 78 13 41 2.0 304 6.4 s58 1.1 357 248 0 637 8.1 65 Mar. 1, 1962 9.4 .04 99 5.1 43 1.8 326 4.6 64 0.4 .0 388 268 1 670 7.8 50 Aug. 23 8.0 .03 90 16 37 1.9 314 20 51 .4 1.4 381 290 33 642 7.8 70
July 16,1963 7.2 .03 92 3.0 38 1.1 329 8.8 54 .4 .0 430 377 281 12 643 7.7 50
Oct. 9 7.0 .04 62 8.1 23 1.4 205 6.6 32 .7 .1 244 188 20 418 7.8 60 Jan. 13, 1964 3.4 .04 79 8.5 34 1.4 266 5.6 46 .3 .1 340 232 12 560 7.8 60 A. 20 6.5 .03 95 S.6 44 1.3 324 6.7 63 .5 .3 420 260 0 670 7.6 60 a 19 4.9 66 6.7 34 1.2 288 6.4 46 .4 .2 358 242 6 574 7.9 60 June 17 4.0 78 3.8 30 1.2 244 .8 40 .4 .6 308 210 10 $83 7.9 70 Sept. 1 5.0 .05 71 6.3 41 1.0 242 .0 60 .3 .4 - 203 4 S60 7.4 70
Oct. 31 3.4 .04 64 7.9 36 1.0 232 .0 54 .2 .6 291 192 2 510 7.8 45 Mar. 9, 1965 5.1 .03 75 11 48 1.0 280 .4 70 .4 .1 349 232 2 628 7.8 50 Apr. 26 7.1 .02 85 17 56 1.2 300 .2 90 .5 .4 405 280 34 712 7.9 50 May 26 5.9 .00 81 14 63 .9 314 5.6 881 .5 .8 415 258 719 7.9 50
June 3, 1963 4.8 0.03 84 8.6 35 0.8 286 10 48 0.5 0.0 344 333 245 10 565 7.8 55 July 15 S.8 .04 88 7.9 33 1.2 284 16 46 .4 .1 386 338 252 20 565 7.4 70 July 16 7.1 .04 86 12 36 1.1 310 8.2 52 .4 1.5 424 357 262 8 606 7.4 45 Sept. IS 7.6 .02 88 8.4 31 1.8 288 14 43 .4 1.3 374 338 254 18 577 7.6 70
Oct. 9 7.1 .05 70 6.7 25 1.4 232 4.8 34 .4 .5 280 202 12 462 7.8 70 Jan. 13, 1964 3.9 .05 79 9.5 33 1.2 264 9.2 48 .3 1.1 332 236 20 565 7.5 60 A 20 6.4 .03 92 4.5 42 1.7 266 6.8 60 .5 .2 412 249 31 653 8.3 80 ;19 4.9 82 9.6 38 1.2 310 6.0 47 .4 .1 382 244 0 556 7.8 60 June 17 5.0 .05 77 8.3 32 1.7 258 .8 42 .4 14 386 226 14 551 7.3 70 Sept. 1 S.7 .05 74 6.7 38 1.0 248 .0 56 .3 .6 304 212 9 642 7.5 70
Oct. 30 4.1 .02 66 8.6 35 1.0 236 .0 52 .2 .0 283 200 6 510 7.8 45 Mar. 9, 1965 3.7 .03 78 11 48 1.0 280 .0 70 .3 1.5 352 240 10 628 7.5 45 Apr. 26 5.9 .06 87 11 54 1.2 299 .8 87 .5 .2 395 264 19 699 7.7 60 May 26 5.8 00 94 6.2 53 .9 296 6.0 88 .5s .2 401 260 18 710 7.7 60

_(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color)
Ma. Dissolved Hardness specific Mag. Po- solids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean Cal- ne. tas- Bicar. IFluo. NI- Phos- tance
of discharge Silica Iron clum aslum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate phate Residue Cal.- CalcIum, Non., (micro- pH Col.
collection (cf) (SI02) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SO4) (Cl) (F) (NO3) (P04) at I cu. magne. carbon. mhos or S80oC lated slum ate at 250C)
July 16,1963 6.2 0.03 84 10 33 0.9 291 11 47 0.3 0.1 382 336 251 12 571 7.8 45
Oct. 9 7.6 .12 90 7.7 31 1.1 288 19 42 .4 .5 390 256 20 580 7.5 70
Jan. 13,1964 7.7 .13 91 8.0 31 .9 288 18 44 .4 .1 345 260 24 579 7.S S0 Apr. 20 6.1 .04 85 4.9 38 .9 288 7.3 50 .4 .5 360 232 0 606 7.6 S0 June 17 6.7 .04 93 7.3 26 .9 292 20 38 .3 1.0 340 262 22 S62 7.7 70 Sept. I 6.6 .5O 90 7.7 27 1.0 ,286 19 39 .4 1.3 333 256 22 570 7.6 SS
Oct. 30 6.6 .03 83 12 27 .8 280 19 38 .3 1.2 326 256 26 566 7.8 55 Mar. 9, 196S 5.6 .04 90 7.2 33 .8 288 14 so50 .4 .5 344 254 18 582 7.6 SS Apr. 26 6.0 .02 68 17 38 .9 283 64 57 ,6 .0 333 240 8 588 7.7 50 P May 26 7.9 .03 80 s15 45 2.3 292 2.0 76 .5 .3 373 260 20 673 7.9 0SO

The ability of water to conduct an electric current is directly related to the amount and kind of minerals dissolved in the water. In general, the more minerals dissolved in water, the greater will be the electric conductance. The conductance will also vary slightly depending on the type of minerals present.
Measurement of acidity or alkalinity is recorded as pH. The pH scale is based on the concentration of hydrogen ion in solution and a pH of 7 is considered neutral. Water having pH values below 7 are acidic, and water having pH values above 7 are alkaline. Ground and surface waters in Broward County are slightly alkaline because of the predominance of carbonate and bicarbonate salts in soluble limestones in the shallow subsurface materials.
Hardness in water results when alkaline earth minerals, principally calcium and magnesium, are present in solution and it is commonly expressed as an equivalent amount of calcium carbonate. The U. S. Geological Survey classifies hardness as follows:
0 60 ppm soft
61 120 ppm moderately hard 121 180 ppm hard
over 180 ppm very hard
In Broward County the water-bearing materials are composed principally of limestone which dissolves in slightly acidic water and produces hard water. Hardness in water is objectionable because it consumes soap in laundry operations and forms incrustation in pipes and boilers. Hardness can be beneficial in water used for irrigation because it helps maintain soil structure and permeability.
Nitrogen is found in water primarily in the form of nitrate; in unpolluted water, nitrate usually does not exceed 10 ppm. Sources of nitrate include decomposition of organic materials and drainage water from soils that are heavily fertilized with nitrate-bearing fertilizer. Leached barnyard refuse can pollute streams and shallow ground water. Where both chloride and nitrate concentrations are above normal for an area the possibility of contamination by human or animal wastes should be investigated.
Color in water may be derived from animal, vegetable, or mineral sources, and is measured by comparing a water sample with standard solutions of platinum and cobalt and reported as units on the platinumcobalt scale (Hazen, 1892). The maximum color of water used for public supply suggested by the U. S. Public Health Service (1962) is 15 Hazen

units. The objection to color in water for domestic use is primarily aesthetic, although colored water may stain fixtures or laundry. Color in ground waters in Broward County occasionally is high enough to be objectionable and color in surface waters generally is both high and variable.
It is well known today that fluoride can be beneficial to the teeth; however, too much fluoride can cause dental defects such as mottled tooth enamel. People tend to drink more water when the annual temperature is high and, therefore, will take more fluoride into the body. In Broward County, the average annual temperature falls in the established 70.7 and 79.9 degree range, where to be beneficial, the fluoride content of drinking water should range between 0.7 ppm and 1.0 ppm. The average concentration of fluoride should not exceed the maximum of
1.0 ppm.
Water for public use in Broward County should conform to the Florida State Water Standards which are based on the U. S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards (1962). According to the standards, the following constituents should not exceed the concentrations shown:
Substance Concentration (ppm)
Alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) 0.5 Arsenic (As) 0.01
Chloride (Cl) 250
Iron (Fe) 0.3 Nitrate (NO3) 45.0
Sulfate (SO4) 250 Total dissolved solids 500
Fluoride (F) 1.0 Carbon chloroform extract (CCE) 0.2
Phenols 0.001
Zinc (Zn) 5.0 Copper (Cu) 1.0
Manganese (Mn) 0.05
The practical limits of some chemical constituents are based mainly on aesthetic considerations. Within the range of maximum standard concentrations some chemical constituents of water tend to produce a noticeable taste. Most people can detect a salty taste in water when the chloride reaches 200-300 ppm. Water containing a sulfate concentration

of about 250 ppm may have a laxative effect on some people. Iron concentrations of about 0.3 ppm in water will often impart a taste and may discolor laundry or stain porcelain fixtures.
The Biscayne aquifer is the principal source of fresh water for public supply in southeastern Florida. This aquifer is composed chiefly of porous permeable limestone with some sandstone and sand. In Broward County, the aquifer is thickest along the coast where it extends from the land surface to a depth about 150 feet in the south and nearly 400 feet (Tarver, 1964) in the north; it thins to a feather edge near the western boundary of Broward County. The Biscayne aquifer is underlain by clay and marl of low permeability which extend to a depth of about 900 feet.
The chemical quality of water in the Biscayne aquifer differs areally and with depth. Chemical differences with depth in existing wells are. difficult, if not impossible, to detect because wells are generally cased to one producing zone. However, multiple-depth information collected during this investigation indicates differences in the chemical quality of the water in the Biscayne aquifer throughout the county. Also, the multiple depth data were used in conjunction with other chemical quality data to prepare maps of the area showing differences in and distribution of the various chemical constituents with depth Generally the data were from wells which were not contaminated by salt water The chemical constituents mapped are dissolved solids, hardness as CaCO3, and iron. The location of the wells sampled are shown on each map.
The maps in figure 5 show the dissolved solids in water from depths ranging from 0 to greater than 200 feet. The relatively low chemical content of the water in the Fort Lauderdale area indicates the circulation of ground water that results from the combined effect of the drainage by the canal system and the local recharge by rainfall. In the rest of the county the slower movement of the ground water permits more time for the water to dissolve minerals from the materials composing the aquifer. The tendency of the calcareous sands of northern Broward County to hold the water in storage is indicated by the relatively high dissolved solids near the coast in that area.This is supported by the fact that water levels in the northern part of the county are considerably higher than those in the central and southern parts. The higher concentration of dissolved solids in the wells deeper thliah 200 feet indicates there is much less circulation of water at those depths.

I *
M PDDLE V 6,-40%
CANA k ...j.
* A 01
0-100 FEET
o 1 a 4wtt 100;150 FEET -"150-200 FEET
Figure 5. Variation of dissolved solids in ground water of eastern Broward County,
The maps showing hardness of ground water, figure 6, generally show the same pattern as the dissolved solids maps. A similarity in the illustrations would be expected because calcium and bicarbonate are the major constituents of the natural water of south Florida. The ground water of Broward County ranges from hard to very hard. The hardest water occurs in the northern section and extends nearly to the coast.
The iron content of ground water also varies areally and with depth in the Biscayne aquifer. According to Hem (1959, p. 60), iron usually will occur only in the ferrous state in water whose pH ranges from 7 to 8, the range normally found in Broward County. When water containing ferrous iron and bicarbonate comes in contact with oxygen, the iron is oxidized to the ferric state and precipitates as ferric hydroxide. The bicarbonate 'in solution is replaced with carbon dioxide which slightly lowers the pH. Aeration as commonly employed to remove iron from water, utilizes this reaction.

Se"R""T"I"T10&150 FEET*
150-20 FET
Figure 6. Variation of hardness of ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964.
The maps in figure 7 show that the iron concentration increases to the south and west. The reason for the higher iron content could be the action of certain bacteria on organic material. Sarles and- others (1951, p- 235), state that certain bacteria can bring about reactions with organic material which produce ferric hydroxide or ferrous sulfide. Soil microorganisms also can cause the formation of acids which aid in bringing iron compounds into solution. These reactions occur deep in the subsurface where there is no free oxygen.
To illustrate differences in chemical quality in an individual well a modified Stiff diagram was used. This method of presentation of data is based on the percentage of the principal cations and anions in terms of equivalents per million (reacting values of ions), and is diagrammed in figure 8. The modified Stiff diagram shows only percentage composition, not the total mineral content of a sample; therefore, the specific conductance was plotted against depth in figure 8 also, in order to show changes in total mineral content of the water with depth in the aquifer.
The analyses of water from Well 260609N0801205 (fig. 8) show the typical changes in the water of the Biscayne aquifer in the coastal area

I /*
10(0'150. ET.
150-200 FEE
Figure 7. Variation of iron in the ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964.
of Broward County. The shallow water is a calcium bicarbonate type which gradually changes with depth to a sodium chloride type. The diagram representing the 227-foot sample shows the midpoint of the transition from fresh water to saline water. The sample collected at 314 feet shows the typical diagram of sea water, although the specific conductance of sea water would be many times greater.
Analyses of water at different depths from two wells (255742NO802720 and 260843NO802629) in western Broward County showed that the aquifer contains naturally soft water with a high bicarbonate content. Natural softening is caused by a base-exchange reaction in which the calcium in solution is replaced with sodium from an exchange material (clays).
According to Foster (1950, pp. 33-48), base-exchange reaction, accompanied by high bicarbonates, requires that three materials be present: calcium carbonate, carbonaceous material, and a base-exchange material. Calcium carbonate, relatively insoluble in pure water, goes into solution as calcium bicarbonate in the presence of carbon dioxide. Carbonaceous material, such as organic matter, decomposes to produce much of the

260609-0401205 255742-0802720 260643-0802629 260054-0801033
soo -o00 0 50 10000 0 so 10000 0 so 1000 L .,'o I 0 1 1
1 101
a o
31: 200
12605 300 0
557000272 so D M ath DISLVED SOLIDS -g 4 POMPAN PARTS PER MILLION "M 26066; 1205
5S7A2060220 5 0' SMILES
Figure 8. Variation in chemical constituents with depth in water from selected wells.
carbon dioxide in the ground. Carbonaceous material abounds in the organic soil in the Everglades in western Broward County. The baseexchange material, generally clay minerals, is present in the surface marl and as part of the deeper unconsolidated material.
Water from well 255742N0802720 (fig. 8) is naturally soft with high sodium and bicarbonate and low calcium and sulfate. The deeper waters from well 260843N0802629 are the same type but the water at shallow depths is calcium bicarbonate in type. This indicates that the upper section of the aquifer in the area of well 260843N0802629 contains little or no base-exchange material. Water samples from both wells show the presence of salt water in the deeper part of the aquifer, as do all other deep samples collected in this vicinity.
In addition, the dissolved ions in water from several of the wells indicate the presence of dolomitic (CaMg(CO3) 2) material in the deeper section. The diagram of the dissolved solids in waters from the 200-foot zone in well 260054N0801033 (fig. 8) shows a high concentration of magnesium (70 ppm). In contrast, very little magnesium (4.5 ppm) occurs at a depth of 168 feet. A similar change was found in six of the wells in which multi-depth samples were collected.

Although chloride is the dominant anion in the 200-foot zone, its concentration is low (250 ppm) and the magnesium/chloride ratio is too high for the magnesium content to be caused by active saltwater intrusion. The EPM ratio of calcium to magnesium in water from the 200-foot zone is 1:3; the EPM ratio in sea water is 1:5, while the EPM ratio in waters from dolomitic rocks is approximately 1:1. It appears, therefore, that the high magnesium content of the deeper waters in these six wells is caused by a combination of solution of a dolomitic source material and the occurrence of salty water at a depth of approximately 200 feet.
The presence of dolomitic limestones at similar depths has been reported in the area around Lake Okeechobee by Mr. Bob Erwin (Oral communication).
The analyses of water from well 261018N0800850, located near the tidal reach of Middle River Canal, are shown in figure 9 by Stiff diagram,
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
0 250 DEERIE
382 261018-080 0850 A C- 13 FORT
a EL
Co100 50 50 100 O.
Na*,tKE CI
0 1000 2000 3000 4000o 5000 6000
Figure 9. Changes in chemical composition of water from well 261018N0800850
with depth.

chloride content, and specific conductance. The analysis of multiple-depth samples showed that the water from a depth of 23 feet was calcium bicarbonate type; the sample collected at 56 feet had an appreciable increase in sodium chloride concentration and the water from 85 feet was again predominately a calcium bicarbonate type. This indicates that part of the water at the 56-foot depth was salt water infiltrating from the tidal canal, and that material of relatively low permeability exists in the interval between 56 and 85 feet which retards vertical movement of water.
The chloride content increases from 280 to 1580 ppm in the 19 foot interval from 167 to 186 feet. This illustrates the tendency of the heavier salt water to move to the bottom of the aquifer, under the fresh water. It also illustrates the effect of differences in permeability within the aquifer on the extent of sea-water intrusion. The material penetrated during the drilling of the bottom 19 feet of this well ranged in composition from very sandy limestone at the top of this interval, to highly permeable pure limestone in the lower part of this interval. The permeable limestone tends to facilitate salt water intrusion in the Ft. Lauderdale area. The chemical quality conditions in this well are probably typical of many areas near the coast and adjacent to a tidal canal.
Observation well 260515N0802021 was drilled in November 1950, in an undeveloped section of Broward County about 7 miles west of Davie, to provide a record of changes in water levels and water quality caused by drainage in the area and by the storage of water in the conservation areas. The well is 29 feet in depth cased to 28 feet with 6-inch casing. A continuous water-level recorder was installed on the well and hydrologic observations have continued to date. Monitoring of the chemical quality of the water was begun in March 1955, and water samples have been collected periodically and analyzed for mineral content and chemical properties. Even though the well has not been used, changes in chemical quality have occurred during the period of observations. As shown in figure 10, the mineral content of the water decreased from about 400 ppm to less than 300 ppm. The greatest change was in sulfate concentrations which declined steadily from 95 ppm to 0.
According to Hem (1959, p. 101), most sulfides are converted sulfates in the upper oxidized layers of soils, and are leached away. In humid regions, sulfates can be thoroughly leached because the amount of water is large in proportion to the soluble salts. Extended periods of low water levels such as those shown in figure 10 during 1955-57 and increased drainage caused by the improvement of the canal system probably aided

WELL 260515-0802021 DEPTH 29 FEET
110 ,
S oo ALI (C
I 1 I 1I I
il-e w5 o D e durin te p I 195 t1964. F10. C seSULFA S
the flushing of the upper part of the aquifer by recharge from local rainfall. Most of the other constituents in the water decreased slightly during the period of record, a further indication that improved drainage accelerated the movement of ground water which removed the soluble material from the area.
Changes in the ratios of the different chemicals in the water throughout the period of record show that a base-exchange reaction has taken place. Natural softening (see page 31) occurred to a sight degree, but196
the fluwas probably limited by a lackrt of the base-exchange material. During the rainfall. Most of recordthe other constituents in the watrcalcium decreased slightlyom about 120 ppm to 90 ppm, during the sodium remained nearly constant, the bicarbon hat impncreasoved draslightly, accelerated the total mineral contvement deof ground water which removase in hardness withe soluble matno decrease in bicthe arbonate also indicates a sight base-exchange reaction.a.
CSea-water in the ratio s one of the different chemicals in the water through-al out the period of record show that a base-exchange reaction has taken Place. Natural softening (see page 31) occurred to a slight degree, but was probably limited by a lack of base-exchange material. During the
10 areas of Broward County. Sea water has moved intfrom about 120 ppm to 90 ppmthe the sodium remained nearly constant, the bicarbonate increased slightly, and the total mineral content decreased. The decrease in hardness with no decrease in bicarbonate also indicates a slight base-exchange reaction.
Sea-water intrusion is one of the prime water problems in coastal areas of Broward County. Sea water has moved into the aquifer near the coast and adjacent to uncontrolled reaches of the rivers and canals. Because the majority of salts in sea water are in the form of chlorides,

the chloride content of water is generally used as the index of sea-water encroachment. Figure 11 shows the inland extent of water containing
senE cRE 0 2
Figure 11. Extent of sea-water intrusion 1964.
1,000 ppm of chloride near the bottom of the Biscayne aquifer in Broward County in 1964. The wedge-shaped, salt-water body in the aquifer is fresh ground water at depths from 160 to 200 feet below the land surface.
The map sequence in Figure 12 shows successive adjustments of the
salt-front atter which have occurred since 1941 in response to drainage
zz'a..S l fd Conro
Figure~~ .1 E.en o. .e-ae .intrusion.19..
ounty ~ W CREE CANAL 1he Cedg -pD, Dt-j ae bod 0n U Xqie Ts
thickest~ ~ ~~~ at 2h 3os 4n 5hn inAest neg hrei nele
sA grudwtra etso 6 o20fe eo Andsrae
The~ ~ ~ ~~WL FIED, sequence OnFgrC2shw ucsie aismnso
sat-un pttrn wic hveocure snc 141inreposetodring

"MAL::: -C14-: -. --
.. ..
t ...............
Figure 12. Progressive salt-water intrusion in the Midde River-Prospect Well Field
Are, near Fort Lauderdale.
EX L.. TO .-.. .
Figure 12. Progressive salt-water intrusion in the Middle River-Prospect Well Field
Area, near Fort Lauderdale.

(canal construction), increases in municipal pumping, and salinity-control practices in the Middle River-Prospect well field area near Fort Lauderdale. In the early 1940's, when rapid growth was just beginning, there was very little ground-water pumpage and the existing streams were shallow and relatively ineffective for drainage. This resulted in overall high water levels which prevented salt-water intrusion, except for areas adjacent to the coast and along tidal channels (fig. 12A). During the mid 1950's, as urban areas were expanded, canals were dug to lower water levels to prevent flooding in inland areas. Short, tidal, finger canals were excavated in low-lying coastal areas and the excavated material used to raise land surface elevations, thereby creating water-front property. Ground-water withdrawals were increased to accommodate the growing demand. The combined effect of increased drainage and water use lowered water levels near the coast and caused a gradual inland movement of salt water (fig. 12B).
Salinity-control structures in major canals have done much to retard or even push back intruding salt water. The connection of Cypress Creek into the water-control system has aided the prevention of intrusion in the northern part of Prospect well field even though pumpage has tripled during the period 1956-63; however, the south edge of the well field is threatened with salt-water intrusion (fig. 12C), because the control structure in Canal C-13 is too far upstream to be fully effective.
The increased threat to fresh ground-water supplies resulted in the passage of the salt-intrusion control act by the State Legislature in 1963. This act gives the Broward County Water Resources Department and the Water Resources Advisory Board the power to control man-made changes in the ground and surface water flow system, subject to approval of the Board of County Commissioners.
Brackish water occurs in less permeable materials beneath the Biscayne aquifer along parts of the coastal ridge. This water of inferior quality could be connate water trapped in sediments during deposition or residual sea water remaining in the aquifer as a result of inundation by the sea during Pleistocene time. The brackish water does not appear to be a threat to the shallow fresh water in the aquifer, provided ground-water levels are not excessively lowered. An observation well in the center of the Fort Lauderdale Dixie well field yields water that contains about 700 ppm of chloride from a depth of 211 feet and has shown no appreciable change in chloride during the last 15 years. The well field is pumped at the rate of 10 mgd from an average depth of 150 feet, but the salty water 60 feet below the zone being pumped has shown no indication of upward migration.

Mineralized ground water also occurs under similar conditions in inland areas of Broward County. In an early study of ground water in southeastern Florida, information from several test wells in the Everglades, (Parker 1955, p. 820) showed that the chloride content of the water increased to the west and northwest and with depth in Broward County, figure 13.
L.-.-: 500
Figure 13. Variation of chloride content with depth in inland areas (after Parker
et al).

The Floridan aquifer underlies southeastern Florida at depths greater than 900 feet. It is composed primarily of permeable limestone which dips eastward and southward and is thought to intersect the ocean bottom several miles offshore beyond the Continental Slope. The limestone is overlain by thick impermeable marl and clay. The aquifer is artesian but yields water containing chlorides in excess of 1,500 ppm in Broward County and therefore is too salty for human consumption. In southern Florida the water having high chloride content appears to be chiefly from sea water which has not been flushed from the aquifer. Some of the sea water is connate water and some entered the aquifer during Pleistocene time (Stringfield 1966).
Although the water is too salty for most purposes, the water and the aquifer are used in several ways. In the Pompano Beach area a utility company uses an 18-inch well 1,153 feet deep for disposal of sewage effluent. About 450,000 gpd of treated sewage are pumped into this well. The effluent is discharged into the aquifer against an artesian head of about 30 feet. This same technique is being used or planned for use in other sections of the state to dispose of municipal and industrial wastes to prevent pollution of the streams and shallow fresh ground-water sources.
Because wells in the Floridan aquifer flow freely and the water temperature is constant, it is used for industrial cooling and for airconditioning units. The water is high in mineral content, contains hydrogen sulfide and therefore is corrosive to most metals. Where fresh water is in short supply, the salty water of the Floridan aquifer has been used for swimming pools, flushing waste systems, and mixing with the fresh water for irrigation of golf courses.
The Floridan aquifer represents a source of very large quantities of water of poor quality. Although it may not be feasible now to utilize this source for many purposes, it has an excellent potential for use in future years when maximum growth is attained and the fresh-water resources in the county approach maximum utilization.
The urban and agricultural sections of Broward County are dissected by a complex system of primary and secondary drainage canals. The larger primary canals convey water seaward, draining the inland areas, and in most instances are controlled near their outlets to the ocean; some control structures however, are several miles inland. The secondary canals are connected to the primary canals and are designed to cope with local

flooding. The control structures on the primary canals have two main functions: the first is to prevent the movement of sea water upstream in the canal, the second is to maintain high fresh-water levels during dry periods to prevent ocean water from seeping into the highly permeable Biscayne aquifer and contaminating the fresh-water supply of the area. Upstream of the controls, the water in the canals is basically fresh and therefore a major natural resource.
The composition of the water in canals in Broward County varies widely with fluctuations in discharge caused by seasonal rainfall. When discharge is high most of the water is surface runoff from inland areas which is highly colored but contains only a small amount of dissolved minerals. When discharge is low most of the water is derived from ground-water inflow and the amount of dissolved minerals increases.
In Broward County, water in the canals is not used directly for domestic supplies. However, during the dry seasons canals supply a major portion of the water which artificially replenishes the various municipal and private well fields. For this reason, the mineral content of the canal water is of importance. During the dry season inflow to the canals is from inland areas where ground-water levels are higher than canal levels, but in coastal areas controls are closed, canal levels are higher than ground-water levels and water generally flows from the canals into the aquifer. Thus the period when canals are the primary supplemental source of replenishment to ground-water supplies occurs when effluent wastes in the canals are most concentrated.
In general, the chemical quality of surface-waters in Broward County is within the limits established by Florida State Water Standards. However, the mineral content of a given surface-water source varies more in a short time period than the content of a given ground-water source, and therefore, surface water is more difficult to treat.
Surface waters collected during this study are primarily alkaline ranging from pH 6.3 to 8.6. When slightly acid rain water comes in contact with limestones which underlie this area, solution of the limestone causes the ground water to become slightly alkaline. Therefore, during dry periods when most of the water in canals is ground-water inflow, canal water will be alkaline. Canals which are used extensively for disposal of wastes and sewage effluent may periodically become slightly acid. The effluent from sewage treatment plants is a source of nitrate in surface water in this area. Water from Plantation Canal above control structure S-33 had the highest nitrate content found during this study. Eight of the 16 samples (fig. 3) collected showed a nitrate content

ranging from 9.4 to 62 ppm as compared with an average of about 1 ppm for surface waters in the area. The nitrate content of the canal water seems to vary with discharge. The samples that had the highest nitrate content were collected during or immediately after periods of little or no flow whereas samples collected during periods of appreciable flow generally had low nitrate content. In 1965 nearly 1.7 million gallons per day of treated effluent was discharged into the controlled reach of this canal.
Water samples from the Pompano Canal above the control at Pompano Beach contained the highest fluoride in the surface water (2.7 ppm, March 12, 1962). As shown in Figure 14, the fluoride content at this site
3.0 I i I i i
:t 20a
0 I I I I 1 I ______________1961 1962 1963 1964
Figure 14. Fluoride content of water from Pompano Canal near Pompano Beach.
fluctuates seasonally. During 1962 it ranged from 2.7 ppm in March to 0.4 ppm in October. The greatest fluoride content apparently occurs during the first heavy rains after the long winter dry season each year. The probable source of the fluoride is the inland agricultural areas drained by the Pompano Canal where fluoride is added to soils by application of fertilizer (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Yearbook, 1957). This soil fluoride could be leached from the ground by irrigation and the runoff from heavy rains.
The Hillsboro Canal which also passes through the same area had a fluoride of 1.2 ppm in April 1964. Fluoride is less likely to be detected in the Hillsboro Canal because of high flows which would cause extensive dilution of any contaminant.
The canal waters of Broward County vary in color from 30 to as high as 240 standard platinum-cobalt units and therefore are in the objection-

able range of the Florida Standards for drinking water. At present this presents little problem because the principal direct use of canal water is for crop irrigation. When canal water infiltrates the aquifer, color is removed as the water moves through the aquifer and is diminished by dilution as the canal water mixes with ground water.
The total mineral content of the water along controlled reaches of canals usually ranges from about 150 to 600 ppm. In the tidal reaches below control structures the water is predominantly sea water although the chloride content varies considerably in response to changes in the rate of discharge of fresh water through the control structures. Daily chloride values derived from continuously recorded conductivity values collected in uncontrolled reaches of North New River Canal, Middle River Canal, and Hollywood Canal during 1964 and 1965 are shown with hydrographs of available canal discharge in Figure 15.
The hydrographs show clearly the effect of discharge on the movement of the salt water in the canals and also, the effects of the lack of control and replenishment to the Hollywood Canal. The highest chloride content in water at these sites occurs during the dry season when discharge is at a minimum. During the wet season when discharge is high the salt water in both primary canals is pushed downstream to coastal reaches of the canals. The chloride content of water in Hollywood Canal is generally high because the canal drains a small urban area and discharge is low.
Major well fields are located near the sampling sites on Middle River and North New River Canals (fig. 2) and ground-water gradients indicate that water flows from the canals toward the well fields during periods of low water levels and heavy pumpage. The graphs of Middle River and North New River Canals show that when a discharge of 50 to 75 cfs occurs through the control structures, the salt front is held downstream from the sampling points. Figure 16 shows the sum of chemical constituents from periodic samples collected at South New River at S-13 and monthly rainfall at the nearby agriculture research station for the period September 1950 through December 1963. At S-13 the mineral content commonly varies inversely with rainfall. The great increase in mineral content in early 1957 is very likely the end result of the extended drought of 1954-56 which had its greatest effect on south Florida near the end of 1956 (Pride, 1962). During a period of low rainfall, mineral content increases as a result of concentration by evaporation and the inflow of more highly mineralized ground water. The extreme decrease in mineral content in late 1957 was caused by dilution due to the above normal rainfall which followed the drought.

1Iw0 1600
K -1 .-- -- ...,-.....- ..... ......- ... .-.., ....- .-..... -.--- .- .- .... ..... .. ".. .i0
1000o MIDDLE RIVER CANAL ( C3 ) 1o0
3000 400 1000 200
200 600 U
8 ..0.
a I
1964 1965
Figure 15. Discharge and chloride content of water from tidal reaches of selected canals.

z 5"
1954 1955 1956 1 1957 1958 | 1959 1 1960 1 1961 1962 1963 1
Figure 16. Mineral content of water from South New River near Davie and rainfall,
1954- 1963.
Each public water-supply system in the county is requested to furnish to the Broward County Health Department an annual chemical analysis of the raw water from each producing well and an analysis showing the amount of trace elements present. This practice has resulted in the correction of some potentially dangerous situations.
The analyses of water from several wells in southern Broward County have shown fluctuating increases in ABS (detergents) content in recent years. The wells are in an area served mainly by septic tanks which are thought to be the source of the ABS. The fact that most manufacturers now produce biodegradable detergents may cause a gradual decrease in the ABS content of the water.
In 1962 the trace element analysis of a group of wells showed an increase in arsenic over the previous years. Though not a dangerous concentration, it was enough to warrant checking. The investigation showed a sodium arsenite weed killer had been used in the vicinity which probably leached down to the water table. The arsenic decreased when the use of the weed killer was stopped. As a result of this incident the Broward County Health Department has restricted the use of arsenite weed killers in the vicinity of public supply wells in the county.
Arsenic again became a potential problem in 1965 when an increase was noted in the annual trace element analysis in two well fields. Again the arsenic did not reach a potentially harmful concentration. The arsenic evidently was transported to the well fields through the canal system of the area. The source could be either industrial or agricultural pollutants. Drought conditions limited the dilution and flushing of the arsenic from the canals. Further efforts to trace the source were negated by heavy rains which diluted the mineral content of water in the canals.

Fresh water in streams normally contains several ppm dissolved oxygen. The oxygen is consumed in oxidation of organic material and is replaced by oxygen from the atmosphere. If large quantities of organic matter are in the water, oxygen may be used faster than it is replaced.
Treated waste water, high in organic matter, can cause a problem of oxygen depletion when discharged into the waterways. Large quantities of dissolved oxygen are required to oxidize the organic material. Turbulent flow of water will aid in the oxygen uptake of water; however, the canal system in Broward County generally does not have turbulent flow. 'When the dissolved oxygen becomes very low, there are often problems of odor, floating sludge, and killing of fish and aquatic life. It is generally established that 5 ppm dissolved oxygen is necessary to support fish life. In extreme cases when the dissolved oxygen is totally depleted, there is no self purification of the water and a septic condition develops.
During the low flow period in December 1966 the U.S. Geological Survey made a study of the diurnal (24 hour) dissolved oxygen content at selected points in the canal system in Broward County. The study showed that the two sites with the lowest dissolved oxygen content, Snake Creek Canal (C-9) and Plantation Canal (C-12), were also the canals which received the greatest amount of treated sewage. Snake Creek Canal receives about 2.5 mgd of treated effluent and had a diurnal range of 0.7 to 1.8 ppm dissolved oxygen. Plantation Canal, which receives about 1.2 mgd of effluent had a range of 1.9 to 3.4 ppm dissolved oxygen. South New River Canal and North New River Canal also had very low diurnal dissolved oxygen content. During this study the dissolved oxygen ranged from 0.3 to 7.6 ppm and the average for all samples collected was 3.5 ppm. The data indicate that at times, the dissolved oxygen concentration of the canal waters is reduced to levels below those necessary to sustain many forms of aquatic life, which is a potential problem if those life forms are to be maintained.
Dissolved oxygen depletion is not the only pollution-caused degradation of canal water in Broward County. Another source of degradation is pollution from chemical contamination. Table 2 lists various minor constituents which were detected by the chemical analyses of the canal waters sampled during the dissolved oxygen study. None of the waters analyzed contained dangerous amounts of these chemicals, but several constituents are present in detectable amounts. Also the presence of ammonia compounds, nitrates, and phosphates indicates probable organic pollution. These analyses again show the same canals as potential problem areas, namely, Plantation, Snake Creek, South New River, North New River and Middle River Canals. The probable reason Middle River Canal

Chemical analyses, in parts per million
Site s z
Hillsboro Canal above control
at Deerfield Beach 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 1.4 0.02 0.33 Pompano Canal above control
at Pompano Beach 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.5 0.01 0.28 Cypress Creek Canal above
- S-37-A near Pompano Beach 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.06 2.2 0.02 0.69 Middle River Canal, above S-36
near Ft. Lauderdale 0.01 0.00 0.00 3.0 9.1 0.16 1.4 Plantation Canal, above S-33
near Ft. Lauderdale 0.03 0.00 0.00 2.3 1.8 0.50 5.4 North New River Canal above
control near Ft. Lauderdale 0.01 0.00 0.02 1.6 0.5 0.01 0.18 South New River Canal above
S-13, near Davie 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.13 2.5 0.12 0.29 Snake Creek Canal above S-29,
near Nortli Miami Beach 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.05 3.3 0.03 1.0 Snake Creek Canal at 67th Ave.,
near Hialeah 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.9 0.00 0.20 W. S. Public Health
Recommended Maximum 0.05 5.0 0.05 45
is in this group, but not in the low dissolved oxygen group, is because the sampling site is just downstream from a large treatment plant and there was not sufficient flow time for the dissolved oxygen to be lowered appreciably.
In conjunction with the current chemical sampling, special samples were taken at selected sites for pesticides analysis (Table 3). These analyses show that Plantation Canal and Snake Creek Canal contain the highest, although not dangerous, concentrations of certain pesticides. The pesticides probably come from the agricultural area in western Broward County.
These studies are only a beginning and need to be followed by more complete studies conducted at various seasons and under different waterflow conditions.
Another source of chemicals in the water is effluent from sewagetreatment plants (fig. 2). In 1965, with only 36 percent of the population served by public sewerage systems, more than 21 mgd of treated effluent were discharged into the waterways of Broward County. Included in the discharge figure was the treated effluent from approximately 900,000 gallons of septic tank sludge material which must be disposed of each month. Records for 1963 showed only about 20 percent of the septic

Analysis by U.S. Geological Survey
(parts per trillion)
. "o~
Snake Creek Canal above
S-29 near North Miami
Beach. 10 nd nd nd 10 nd nd 10 nd nd
Plantation Canal above
S-33. near Fort
Lauderdale. 10 nd nd nd 10 nd 20 10 10 40 Pompano Canal, above
control at Pompano
Beach. nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Hilsboro Canal above
control, near
Deerfield Beach. nd nd nd nd ad nd nd 10 nd nd
nd-Not detected
tank sludge was being treated in sewage-treatment plants. The Broward County Health Department required complete treatment of sewage and post-chlorination of the effluent before discharging into the receiving water. Sewage-plant effluent is generally higher in nitrates and chloride than the natural water of the area. During drought periods, when the canal control structures are closed, the increased dissolved chemical constituents in canal water caused by sewage can be further concentrated by evaporation of the canal water.
The chemical quality of the water in the interrelated surface and ground-water system of Broward County is generally good. Most of the water used in Broward County is obtained from the Biscayne aquifer which is recharged by local rainfall and by water that infiltrates from the canals. The very permeable limestone of the Biscayne aquifer permits relatively free interchange of water between the aquifer and the canals.
The mineral content of water from the Biscayne aquifer usually meets the water standards set by the State of Florida. The water is hard, and in the southeast part of the county it contains iron in objectionable concentrations. Ground water along the coast is contaminated by saltwater, and parts of the aquifer inland contain salty remnants of ancient sea floodings. The water contained in the major part of the aquifer is a

calcium bicarbonate type but near the bottom of the aquifer it is a sodium chloride type. In one area the deeper water is high in magnesium indicating the presence of dolomite. In southwestern Broward County some natural softening of the water is caused by a base exchange reaction in which the calcium in solution is replaced with sodium from an exchange material, generally clay minerals in the aquifer. Generally, the mineral content of the water increases inland and with depth in the aquifer. The water of lowest dissolved solids is in the Fort Lauderdale area-an intensively drained area where the circulation of water is rapid. Analyses of water collected for ten years from a well at the east edge of the Everglades show a decrease in the dissolved solids and most other chemical constituents; the sulfate concentration declined from 95 ppm to O.
The Floridan aquifer yields brackish water by artesian flow. Small quantities of this water are used in swimming pools, for cooling, and for mixing with fresh water for irrigation of golf courses. One sewagetreatment plant discharges treated effluent into the Floridan aquifer.
The chemical quality of the surface water of Broward County generally varies seasonally. Mineral content of canal water increases during dry seasons when the contribution to the canals from ground water is greatest, and decreases when the canal water is largely surface runoff. Generally the mineral content does not exceed about 500 ppm. Upstream from the control structures the water is generally a calcium bicarbonate type. The water downstream from the control structures is mainly seawater, with the chloride content varying in response to seasonal runoff and control-structure operations. The interchange between the aquifer and the canal system contributes to the contamination of the waters of Broward County. There has been, and will continue to be, problems of pollution and salt-water intrusion. No serious pollution situations have arisen, but instances of arsenic and detergent contaminations in well fields have occurred. Further studies are needed on the contamination problems. Specific studies are needed on: 1) the relation of treated effluent loads to the discharge in the canals; 2) the effect of the interchange of water between the ground and surface water on fresh water well fields located close to canals; and 3) the use of the Floridan aquifer for the disposal of treated effluent and industrial waste. Continued monitoring of the salt-water intrusion and effects of waste disposal are needed.
To maintain the good quality of the abundant supply of water in Broward County a firm program of planning and management is paramount. If planning and management of the water resource is defaulted,

the rapidly-expanding economy and growing water needs in the area can result in depletion of water resources, contamination of the inland waters by industrial, agricultural, and domestic practices and by intrusion of salt water.

Black, A. P.
1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters
1951: Florida State Board Cons. Div. Water Survey and Research
Paper 6.
1953 (and Brown, E., and Pearce, J. M.) Salt water intrusion in Florida:
Florida State Board Cons. Div. Water Survey and Research
Paper 9.
Brown, Eugene (see Black, A. P., 1951, 1953).
Collins, W. D.
1932 (and Lamar, W. L., and Lohr, E. W.) Industrial Utility of Public
Water Supplies in the United States: U. S. Geological Survey
Water Supply Paper 658.
Crooks, J. W. (see Pride, R. W.)
Foster, Margaret
1950 The Origin of High Sodium Bicarbonate Waters in the Atlantic
and Gulf Coastal Plains: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta,
Vol. 1, pp. 33-48.
Grantham, R. G. (see Sherwood, C. B., 1965).
Hazen, Allen
1892 A new Color Standard for Natural Waters: Amer. Chem. Soc. Jour.
Vol. 12.
Hem, John D.
1959 Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural
Water: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1473.
Hoy, Nevin D. (see Schroeder, M. C., and Klein, Howard, 1958).
Klein, Howard (see Schroeder, M. C. and Hoy, Nevin D., 1958).
Lamar, W. L. (see Collins, W. D., and Lohr, E. W., 1932).
Langbein, W. B. (see Leopold, L. B., 1960).
Leopold, L. B.
1960 (and Langbein, W. B.) A primer on Water: U. S. Dept. of Interior, Geol. Survey.
Lohr, E. W. (see Collins, W. D., and Lamar, W. L., 1932).
Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G., and Ferguson, G. E., 1955).
Parker, G. G.
1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources of southeastern Folrida, with special reference to the geology and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1255.
Pearce, J. M. (see Black, A. P., and Brown, Eugene, 1953).

Pride. R. WV.
1962 (and Crooks, J. WV.) The Drought of 1954-56, Its Effect on
Florida's Surface-Water Resources: Fla. Geol. Survey. R. I. 26.
Rainwater, F. IH.
1960 (and Thatcher, L. I.) Methods for Collection and Analysis of
Water Samples: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1454.
Sarles. WV. B. et al,
1951 Microbiology: Harper & Brothers, p. 235.
Schroeder, M. C.
1958 (Klein, Howard, and Hoy, Nevin D.) Biscayne Aquifer of Dade
and Broward Counties, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I.. 17.
Sherwood, C. B.
1959 Ground Water Resources of the Oakland Park Area of Eastern
Broward County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I. 20.
1965 (and Grantham, R. G.) Water Control vs. Sea-Water Intrusion,
Browtcard County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Leaflet No. 5.
Stringfield, V. T.
1966 Artesian Water in Tertiary Limestone in the Southeastern States:
U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 517.
Tarver, George R.
1964 Hydrology of the Biscayne Aquifer in the Pompano Beach Area,
Browtcard County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I. 36.
U. S. Public Health Department
1962 Public Health Service Publication No. 956.
Vorhis. Robert C.
1948 Geology and Groundwater of the Fort Lauderdale Area, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I. 6.

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FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF CONSERVATION CLAUDE R. KIRK, JR. Governor TOM ADAMS EARL FAIRCLOTH Secretary of State Attorney General BROWARD WILLIAMS FRED O. DICKINSON, JR. Treasurer Comptroller FLOYD T. CHRISTIAN DOYLE CONNER Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Agriculture W. RANDOLPH HODGES Director ii


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL §VLOion of ge otcy Tallahassee June 4, 1968 Honorable Claude R. Kirk, Jr., Chairman Florida State Board of Conservation Tallahassee, Florida Dear Governor Kirk: The Division of Geology of the Florida Board of Conservation is publishing as it's Report of Investigations No. 51, a report on the Chemical Quality of Waters of Broward County, Florida. This report was prepared by Rodney G. Grantham and C. B. Sherwood, of the U. S. Geological Survey, as a part of the cooperative program between the Division of Geology and Broward County. The data presented in this report indicate that the natural and man associated water problems have mushroomed in Broward County because of the rapid development of the population in this area. Most of the water for municipal and domestic supplies is obtained from the productive Biscayne Aquifer. High iron in the southern part of the county and chlorides in the coast and in the lower part of the aquifer have presented some quality of water problems. Surface water, as it does nearly everywhere else, varies in chemical quality between rainy years and periods of drought. The use of canal systems in the County for the disposal of wastes causes considerable problems during periods of low rainfall. Pesticides, herbicides, and detergents will probably increase in their occurrence in the waters of the County, and the Water Quality Control Commission should find the data presented in this report of considerable interest. Sincerely yours, Robert 0. Vernon Director and State Geologist m..


Completed manuscript received June 4, 1968 Published for the Division of Geology By St. Petersburg Printing Company St. Petersburg, Florida iv


CONTENTS Page Abstract ..... .......---....... .. .... .................................... 1 Introduction ....... ......................... ................. 2 Purpose and scope --------------.........--------............. ................--2 Previous investigations ---. -----....................... ----------............-. 2 Acknowledgments -------..............................-.........................-----3 Hydrologic setting .......-----------...................................... 3 Collection of data ................. ........ ... .......... .... 7 Chemical quality of waters of Broward County --......-------..----....-... ......... 8 Water in the Biscayne aquifer --....----..... ...--..------....................... 28 Changes with depth and location ...----......-......--.....-....................... 28 Changes with time ---...-.......-.....-..-------------........ -..............-. 34 Sea-water intrusion -----..................-----.. .............-------------------................... .35 Water in the Floridan aquifer ..--.......---.......----........ --..................... 40 Surface water .---.........-..-......---................ ....................... 40 Chemical content --..--..---.. ...-----..--....... --...................-......... 41 Changes with time ----...............--------....-. ...................-... 43 Contamination of water resources ---...........--------...... ...................... 45 Summary and conclusions ---..-.. ---... -... --.-. .-............. ............ 48 References -----------------------------------........................ ...........51


ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page I Southeastern Florida showing Broward County, and the water conservation areas of Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District _____--__ ---------------------------4 2 Location of water and sewage treatment plants and generalized agricultural and industrial areas ..---........-................-.........-............-----5 3 Location of water-ampling stations ...--..........----..............-..-------------7 4 Diagram illustrating the well-numbering system ................---..................---9 5 Variation of dissolved solids in ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964 -.. ........................................................................................... 29 6 Variation of hardness of ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964 ._ .--.._.....----...-....-......................---.............-....--....--..--....-... 30 7 Variation of iron in the ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964 .......---.....-----............................. -....-------......................... 31 8 Variation in chemical constituents in water with depth from selected wells ..-----........--...........................................--.....................-......... 32 9 Changes in chemical composition of water from well 261018N0800850 with depth .............................----...........................-.....----33 10 Changes in selected chemical constituents in water from a well seven miles west of Davie during the period 1955 to 1964 --....-....---.......-.35 11 Extent of sea-water intrusion, 1964 (Modified from Sherwood and Grantham , 1966) .............................................................................................. 36 12 Progressive salt-water intrusion in the Middle River-Prospect well field area, near Fort Lauderdale (Sherwood and Grantham, 1966) .....--... 37 13 Variation of chloride content with depth in inland areas (after Parker et al) ---------------------.......... .................................... 39 14 Fluoride content of water from Pompano Canal near Pompano Beach _ ...---..... ------................................ 42 15 Discharge and chloride content of water from tidal reaches of selected canals -----------------............................................................. 44 16 Mineral content of water from South New River near Davie and rainfall, 1954 -1963 ............------... ... ..................................-.......--45 vi


TABLES Table Page 1 Chemical analyses of water from wells and canals in Broward County, Fla. .-...--.................................................... ..........................--....... .10 2 Analyses of minor chemical constituents in water from selected canals, December 21, 1966 .................................... ..........-..................... 47 3 Analyses of pesticides in water from selected canals, December 21, 1966 ...................... ........................... ....... ......... .................... .. 48 vii


CHEMICAL QUALITY OF WATERS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA By Rodney G. Grantham and C. B. Sherwood U. S. Geological Survey ABSTRACT The chemical quality of the abundant surface and ground-water resources of Broward County is generally good. However, natural and man-made problems of water quality are accented by the mushrooming need for water and changes in the hydrology of the area caused by rapid urbanization. Water of good chemical quality for municipal and domestic supplies in Broward County is obtained from the highly productive Biscayne aquifer, which is part of an interconnected ground and surface-water system. The water is calcium bicarbonate in type and ranges from hard to very hard, and from neutral to slightly alkaline. The prime objectionable constituents in the water are iron in the southern part of the county, and chloride near the coast and in the lower part of the Biscayne aquifer in the inland areas. Large quantities of water are available in the artesian Floridan aquifer at depths below 900 feet, but the water is salty and of limited use. The Floridan aquifer is used for the disposal of sewage effluent at one location. Surface water in the area is generally good but variable in chemical quality. During the rainy season the mineral content of the water in canals is diluted by surface runoff; however during the dry season the mineral content of the canal water increases because of the increase in the percentage of ground water in the canals and the drainage from swampy inland areas. Large quantities of surface water are used for irrigation in inland areas and for replenishment to coastal parts of the aquifer for municipal supplies and to prevent salt-water intrusion. The water in parts of Broward County is contaminated by salt-water intrusion and by various wastes such as sewage effluent. The use of the controlled canal system for disposal of waste materials poses a potential problem during periods of little or no flow. Chemical weed killers applied on the land, as well as detergents, have been detected in the ground water indicating movement of waste through the ground. As urbanization and industrial growth continue, problems of waste disposal will become more acute and will require stricter control. 1


2 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY INTRODUCTION Fresh water is one of south Florida's most valuable natural resources. At present the chief factor limiting the use of water is quality rather than quantity. Broward County has a plentiful supply of water of good chemical quality; however, because of the ever increasing need for water, this resource must be protected by careful management and control. A few chemical quality problems are already present, some natural, some man made. Along the coast salt water occurs in or has entered the aquifer; in many areas iron in the water makes it objectionable; and throughout most of the county the water is hard. Other chemical quality problems involve pollution due to accidental or intentional dumping of wastes and chemicals. With the continued rapid increase in population and the industrial development of the area, the problems of pollution are likely to increase manyfold. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this report is to make data and observations available on the chemical quality of the surface and ground waters of Broward County for use by water-supply and water-management officials, and to aid in preventing deterioration of water resources by contamination. The chemical constituents of the water are discussed in reference to seasonal changes, areal differences, variation with depth, source of certain dissolved minerals, and chemical properties. This report was prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with Broward County and as part of the statewide program with the Division of Geology, Florida Board of Conservation. This report constitutes the results of one phase of the investigation of water resources of Broward County under the supervision of H. Klein, Chief, Miami Subdistrict, and C. S. Conover, District Chief, Water Resources Division, US. Geological Survey, Tallahassee. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS A general report on the chemical quality of surface and ground water of Florida by Collins and Howard (1928) contained a few analyses of water in Broward County. In 1939, an intensive study of the water resources of southeastern Florida was begun. As part of that investigation Parker (1955) presented considerable data on the occurrence, movement and the quality of ground water and surface water in Broward County as well as information on salt-water intrusion. Salt-water intrusion in the Fort Lauderdale area was studied in detail by Vorhis (1948) during his investigation of the geology and ground-water resources of that area.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 3 Schroeder, Klein, and Hoy (1958) conducted a study of the hydrology of the Biscayne aquifer in which they delineated the approximate areas of the salt intrusion in Broward County. A more detailed investigation of salt-water intrusion and some work on water quality in the Oakland Park area was done by Sherwood (1959). The hydrology of Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area was studied by Tarver (1964). He included information on the chemical quality of the water and salt-water intrusion. Sherwood and Grantham (1965) prepared a leaflet on the mechanics of salt-water intrusion and its effect over a period of years on Broward County. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Appreciation is expressed to Mr. J. Stanley Weedon, Water Control Engineer, Broward County Engineering Department, for his cooperation and courtesy throughout the investigation; to Mr. George T. Lohmeyer, former Director of Sanitary Engineering, Broward County Health Department, for his cooperation and information concerning contamination and sewage disposal; to Messrs. K. A. MacKichan and L. G. Toler, U. S. Geological Survey, for help and guidance in the preparation of this report; to Mr. H. J. McCoy, U. S. Geological Survey, for collecting samples especially during the test-drilling program; and to the residents of Broward County who furnished information about their wells and permitted the collection of water samples. HYDROLOGIC SETTING Broward County borders the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern Florida, figure 1. The Atlantic Coastal Ridge occupies most of the county between the coast and the Everglades, a few miles inland, and has an average elevation of 8 to 10 feet above msl (mean sea level). Maximum elevations at isolated points range from 20 to 25 feet above msl. Most of the population is concentrated in the coastal ridge area. In Broward County the ridge is underlain chiefly by permeable sand and limestone. The Everglades, an area of organic soils, lies west of the ridge. The eastern edge of the Everglades is utilized for agriculture, figure 2. The central part is utilized for diked water conservation areas in which water can be stored for release during dry periods. The county is cut by an extensive network of canals of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District and several local water-control agencies. These water-control agencies have nearly complete control of water levels and canal flows within the coastal area.


4 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LAK E OKEECHOBEE u WEST PALM BEACH wSS a f006 540 S o' 2' 1 715 1o BROWARD COUNT FORT LAUDERDALE MIAMI e O OEXPLANATION CANAL s S o MILES --j ----, ....... Figure L. Southeastern Florida showing Broward County, and the water conservation areas of Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District. The climate in Broward County is semi-tropical. The average temperature is about 75°F. Rainfall averages 60 inches per year with about 75 percent falling fom May through October. The ground and surface waters of southeastern Florida are perhaps better interconnected than in any other area in the United States. The area contains an extensive system of controlled canals and water-conserSation areas. The major canals penetrate the highly permeable Biscayne aquifer, and extend eastward from the water conservation areas to the


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 5 2' 2 o10' S 5. CONSERVATION AREA I _ I t j EXPLANATION -a SMAJOR SEWAGE TREATMENT SF i 20 PLANTS PALM BEACH COUNTY W. 26. * WATER TREATMENT PLANT BROWARD :OUNTY 3L, AGRIULTURAL AREA DIEL I INDUSTRIAL AREA | -. SMAJOR WELL FIELD : / --CANAL AND CONTROL NVISK | r PAI^j AL 14 tural and industrial areas. flow control structures near the coast. During the rainy season the the ocean to prevent inland flooding. This fresh-water flow pushes the salt water in the uncontrolled sections of the canals seaward. During the 534 I , I ,, to ovent salt want from miorating uhstream beyond the structures. 2606 ss the cat d6 ! "oncc Figure 2. .ocation of wter and sewa e -Camn lnt n eealzdarc


6 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For a considerable time after the dry season begins water levels along controlled reaches of the canals remain relatively high as a result of ground-water inflow and seepage from the water conservation areas to upstream reaches of the canals. As the dry season progresses and during prolonged drought, water stored in the conservation areas may be released into the canals to maintain adequate fresh-water levels in the canals at the downstream control structures. Because of the higher water levels above a control structure and the good hydraulic continuity water can move from the canals into the aquifer and ground-water levels are thus kept high. In operation this method of aquifer replenishment can be either beneficial, or detrimental. Beneficially, well fields developed near canals (fig. 2) can withdraw more water than otherwise would be possible, because the infiltration of water from the canals reduces water-level drawdowns caused by pumping. Also, adequate fresh-water levels prevent the intrusion of salt water into the aquifer. Detrimentally, salt water may be trapped upstream of controls during operation unless extreme care is exercised. When this occurs the salty water does not remain stationary but settles and moves upstream because of density currents. During drought periods when controls are closed and canal flows are at a minimum, treated effluents, industrial wastes, and other contaminants which are normally flushed to the sea are retained and tend to be concentrated in the canals. All municipal water supplies in Broward County are obtained from the Biscayne aquifer. Because of its more stable chemical and bacteriological characteristics ground water from this aquifer is more suitable for municipal use than is canal water. Water treatment ranges from only chlorination to iron removal and softening (zeolite or lime-soda treatment). The productivity of the aquifer and the shallow depths required for large capacity wells are shown by the following pumpage and well data. (See well field locations, fig. 2). Range of Average Pumpage, 1965 Number depth (million gallons Well Field of wells (feet) per day) Dixie well field (Ft Lauderdale) 26 100 -130 11.5 Prospect well field (FtLauderdale) 22 100 -130 16.5 Hollywood well field 14 90 -120 7.3 Pompano Beach well field 11 100 -140 8.1 Deerfield Beach well field 9 80 -120 2.6


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 7 COLLECTION OF DATA Wells and canal sites from which water samples have been collected for chemical analysis are shown in figure 3. ad30' 2530' is" t o s' a CONSERVATION AREA 1 EXPLANATIONk * WELLS SAMPLED -PALM BEAH COUNTY A SURFACE WATER BROWARD COUNTY 2 SAMPULING POINT -WU.L-26319<080O46 A0 -CANAL AHD CONTROL 225 MilE WES * * DEER P C 15 57 ' 2 2.CO1S PO M .0C1 -W D"COUNTY , . i i,, c u ., i -55 rn r 20ao 25' 3' r 1L 05' s5 w Figure 3. Location of water-sampling stations. Surface-water samples were collected periodically at high tide immediately upstream of control structures. Samples of ground water were pumped from wells to obtain water representative of the section were pumped from wells to obtain water representative of the section


8 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY during the drilling of 19 test wells. During the construction of test wells, drilling was stopped about every 21 feet (the length of a section of drill stem) and all drilling fluid was pumped out of the drill stem. Water from the aquifer was then pumped out of the drill stem for several minutes and a sample collected. Specific conductance was determined for all samples. Those that had conductance values differing appreciably from previous samples were analyzed for dissolved constituents. All water samples collected during this study were analyzed by the U. S. Geological Survey. Sampling was started in December 1961, however analyses of samples collected during earlier studies are included. The well-numbering system used in this report is that of the Water Resources Division of the U. S. Geological Survey and is based on a one-second grid of parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude, in that order. The well number is a composite of two numbers separated by the letter N. The first part consists of six digits; the two digits of the degrees, the two digits of the minutes, and the two digits of the seconds of latitude. The N refers to "north" latitude. The second part consists of seven digits; the three digits of the degrees, the two digits of the minutes, and the two digits of the seconds of longitude. If more than one well lies within a one-second grid, the wells are numbered consecutively and this number is placed at the end of the well number following the decimal. Therefore, the well number defines the latitude and the longitude on the south and east sides of a one-second quadrangle in which the well is located. Figure 4 is a diagram illustrating the well-numbering system. For example, the designation 275134N0815220.1 indicates that this is the first well inventoried in the one-second grid bounded by latitude 27051'34" on the south and longitude 81052'20" on the east. CHEMICAL QUALITY OF WATERS OF BROWARD COUNTY Chemical analyses of water from wells and canal sites in Broward County are shown in table 1. Standard chemical analyses of water samples as determined by the U. S. Geological Survey are for the cations (positively charged ions), calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium; the anions (negatively charged ions) sulfate, chloride, fluoride,. nitrate; those contributing to alkalinity (expressed as equivalent amounts of carbonate and bicarbonate), and total iron and silica. Other properties usually determined are pH, hardness, color, specific conductance, and total dissolved solids (as residue and sum of determined constituents). The chemical constituents are commonly reported in ppm (parts per million). One part per million represents 1 milligram of solute in 1 liter


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 9 e9V* S* " 840* 8o 820_ O* aO* G E O R I A 10 1 300 280 .27 260 Figure 4. Diagram illustrating the well-numbering system. of solution, or expressed in English units 8.34 pounds of constituent per million gallons of water. Dissolved mineral content of water is generally reported in one of two forms: (1) dissolved solids, the weight of residue remaining after evaporation of a known volume of clear water; (2) sum of the individual components, the total of the constituents as determined by chemical analysis. Residue and calculated dissolved solids should be approximately equal, although the residue figure usually is slightly larger. This difference may be caused by organic or inorganic substances not analyzed, or the residue may contain a small amount of water of hydration.


Table I, CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN uROWARD COUNTY, FLA, A.-Ground Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Specfic Diiolved Hardnes Date Depth conduc TerMaPo. Carsolids Well of of tance prSilica CalSneSodium taBlarbonSulfate ChioFluoNiIron Non. Colnumber collecwell (micropH alurs (SIC2) clum alum (Na) alum bonate ate (SO4) ride ride trate (Fe) Residue Cal. Calcium, caror tion (ft.) mhos (oF) (Ca) (Mg) (K) (HCO3) (CO3) (CI) (F) (NO3) at cumagnebonat 250C) 1_80C lated slum ate 255829N0801120 04-06-62 116 553 7.9 77 9.1 98 7.4 15 0.6 310 0 14 22 0.0 0.0 0.56 338 319 275 21 35 255909N0801317 04-06-62 160 551 7.6 73 8.9 96 7,4 16 0.6 292 0 24 21 0.0 1.1 1,7 346 319 270 30 55 255742N 0802720 09-18-41 32 398 -83 -61 10 5.0 -214 -1.0 19 ----202 193 -110 255742N0802720 09-19-41 56 426 -77 -70 8.3 8.2 -242 -1.0 19 ----226 209 -110 255742N 0802720 09-23-41 90 877 -77 -50 28 91 -321 -25 105 ----457 240 -20 255742N 0802720 09-2441 134 1430 -76 -48 48 202 -444 -26 230 ----763 276 -20 255742N 0802720 09-2541 173 1640 -76 -42 42 257 -458 -33 282 ----875 249 -20 255742N0802720 09-2641 198 2130 -77 -33 33 378 -518 -39 408 ----1150 218 -20 255745N 0802722 04-20-64 45 660 7.3 72 5.8 94 8.1 40 0.8 304 0 5.2 66 0.3 0.0 1.3 371 370 268 19 60 255918N 0800917 04-06-62 82 563 7.7 77 5.7 101 2.4 19 2.0 282 0 24 27 0,0 0.5 0.24 324 321 262 31 20 255948N0800909 04-13-64 80 587 7.8 76 13 66 21 35 1.3 284 0 0.4 56 0.2 0.1 1.5 314 333 252 20 20 255948N 0800909 04-20-64 215 540 8.2 -8.8 97 5.4 14 0,6 286 0 29 22 0.2 0.2 3.9 338 318 264 30 20 255946N0801519 04-06-62 121 564 7.7 70 11 102 9.8 13 0.7 314 0 20 20 0.0 1.9 1.6 360 333 295 38 50 260043N 0801042 04-06-62 65 535 7.9 77 6.3 100 2.6 16 0.8 292 0 22 19 0.0 0.1 0.54 320 311 260 20 12 260054N 0801033 04-05-64 20 562 8.0 75 5.3 82 16 18 2.2 298 0 27 28 0.3 0.0 0.68 320 326 272 28 25 260054N 0801033 04-0664 122 544 8.0 -8.2 92 0.6 23 0.7 288 0 8.4 47 0.2 0.1 2.0 -322 232 0 20 260054N0801033 04-07-64 167 411 7.8 -11 52 4.5 31 1.6 174 0 4.0 62 0.2 0.7 1.6 -253 148 6 5 260054N 0801033 0408-64 200 1020 7.8 -11 41 70 86 6.3 204 0 10 225 0.3 0.2 0.23 604 550 390 223 10 260149N 0801332 04-06-62 200 335 7.7 78 8.8 59 3.6 7.5 0.6 172 0 13 14 0.1 0.1 0.74 194 192 162 21 35 260251N0800911 04-06-62 90 603 7.9 78 7.6 110 1.3 22 1.0 300 0 24 36 0.0 0.0 0.65 374 350 280 34 25 260252N 0800914 03-19-64 75 4400 7.9 -8.3 166 79 700 18 288 0 180 1320 0.5 3.0 -3080 2620 740 504 20 260252N0800914 03-20-64 115 1130 8.0 -6.2 123 32 76 2.5 248 0 40 230 0.3 0.0 0.82 926 632 440 237 20 260312N 0801001 03-16-64 20 1320 7.9 -13 61 53 180 9.2 300 0 29 285 0.3 0.2 1.2 786 779 370 124 IS 260312N0801001 03-16-64 62 464 8.1 -6.6 85 7.8 15 1.5 312 0 IS 24 0.2 0.0 0.70 -309 244 0 30 260312N 0801001 03-17-64 200 2750 7.9 -7.1 119 47 405 6.8 132 0 104 820 0.2 2.4 2.3 1940 1580 490 382 20 260336N0801157 04-06-62 67 429 7.6 73 8.0 74 6.2 13 1.2 228 0 10 20 0.0 0.9 0.80 262 245 210 23 55 260322N0801621 04-06-62 170 610 7.7 77 9.9 110 8.6 17 0.7 326 0 27 24 0.0 1.6 2.3 410 360 310 43 55 260338N0802606 12-0640 66 538 -74 -101 9.1 A12 -336 -5.3 25 ----318 289 -170 260338N 0802606 12-0740 118 3840 -77 -102 67 A618 -389 -206 950 ----2130 530 -35 260338N 0802606 12-0740 159 4190 -77 -83 76 A693 -358 -243 1050 ----2320 520 -25 260338N 0802606 12-09-40 204 4110 -76 -74 82 A675 -371 -237 1020 ----2270 522 -25 260438N0801009 02-20-64 61 496 8.0 -5.6 111 1.7 3.7 0.7 320 0 14 6.0 0.3 0.4 1.4 314 301 284 22 50 260438N 0801009 02-24-64 145 471 8.1 -12 66 5.7 26 0.8 204 0 0.0 52 0.1 0.1 0.11 -263 188 21 S 260438N 0801009 03-03-64 197 499 7.9 -14 46 12 98 3.6 172 0 19 75 0.2 0.1 3.2 -303 164 23 5 260438N 0801009 03-04.64 206 751 7.8 -9.4 50 33 74 5.6 250 0 14 116 0.3 0.3 4.4 408 426 260 55 20 260437N 0801217 03-26-64 63 530 7.7 -6.8 70 15 32 0.8 256 0 4.8 48 0.4 0.6 4.4 344 304 238 28 40 A Calculated Na plus K, reported as Na.


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued A.-Ground Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Specific Dissolved Hardness Date Depth conducTenMagPoCarsolids Well of of tance perSilica CalneSodium tasBicarbonSulfate ChloFluoNiIron NonColnumber collecwell (micropH ature (SiO2) cium slum (Na) slum bonate ate (S04) ride ride trate (Fe) Residue CalCalcium, caror tion (ft.) mhos (OF) (Ca) (Mg) (K) (HCO3) (C03) (Cl) (F) (NO3) at cumagnebonat 250C) 1800C lated slum ate 260437N0801217 03-29-64 187 500 7.9 75 13 85 23 240 10 316 0 10 391 0.2 1.3 0.22 -930 308 49 10 260437N 0801217 03-31-64 204 3480 8.0 -14 78 79 567 24 376 0 54 980 0.4 2.0 4.4 2200 1980 520 212 20 260427N0801355 04-06-62 115 438 7.7 78 9.3 78 5.0 13 0.6 240 0 10 18 0.0 0.0 2.2 272 252 215 18 55 260437N0801402 06-18-63 126 437 7.7 -9.6 84 3.8 11 0.0 260 0 6.9 19 0.4 0.0 -296 263 225 12 45 260519N 0801017 04-05-62 65 434 7.8 75 9.1 56 12 22 2.3 218 0 0.0 32 0.0 0.2 0.52 240 241 189 10 20 260542N0801554 04-02-62 58 559 7.5 76 7.7 86 5.0 28 0.7 244 0 17 45 0.0 3.9 1.6 376 313 235 35 80 , 260515N 0802021 09-30-64 28 490 8.1 78 2.2 98 3.8 7.0 2.0 320 0 0.0 10 0.4 4.3 --286 260 0 45 260604N0801201 04-06-62 136 443 7.6 73 8.6 83 2.2 9.0 0.5 246 0 8.4 15 0.1 0.3 1.34 254 248 216 14 15 260609N 0801205 12-0341 124 436 -77 -84 1.7 A9.5 -252 -12 13 -0.0 --245 217 -5 260609N 0801205 12-05-41 147 484 -77 -80 22 All -250 -2.0 18 -0.2 --257 209 -5 260609N 0801205 12-0641 171 500 -76 -71 2.6 A13 -226 -2.1 21 -0.2 --221 188 -5 260609N0801205 12-1741 228 960 -77 -82 19 A98 -332 -2.7 157 -0.0 --522 283 -5 260609N 0801205 12-18-41 263 3620 -77 -69 57 A572 -342 -2.3 970 ----1840 407 -5 260609N0801205 12-2341 314 8940 -76 -110139 A1650 -300 -333 2720 ----5100 846 -5 260653N 0801849 05-28-64 58 780 8.0 -15 89 36 44 1.7 376 0 6.4 76 0.4 0.2 0.45 494 454 368 60 50 260725N 0801155 04-05-62 100 489 7.9 73 9.5 94 2.6 12 0.5 284 0 4.8 18 0.0 0.5 3.0 304 282 245 12 45 260820N 0801410 04-05-62 155 636 7.8 75 9.7 120 5.0 18 0.6 330 0 24 31 0.0 1.0 3.0 396 372 320 50 25 260702N 0801907 07-02-63 56 520 8.0 -7.1 84 5.0 26 0.7 260 0 4.4 43 0.3 0.2 1.3 339 299 230 17 50 260809N0800928 02-13-63 23 505 8.0 -7.0 78 14 19 0.5 234 0 16 44 0.5 0.0 1.0 320 294 254 62 40 260809N 0800928 02-14-63 113 510 7.9 -8.1 59 1.2 22 0.5 164 0 24 27 0.2 0.0 0.15 -223 152 18 30 260809N 0800928 02-17-63 185 1050 8.0 -13 69 9.2 132 4.4 192 0 11 240 0.2 0.7 0.41 -574 210 52 15 260809N 0800928 02-18-63 208 1330 7.9 -13 64 57 180 5.4 300 0 12 295 0.4 0.8 0.20 774 776 395 199 30 260842N 0802629 042264 45 840 7.7 77 20 98 19 66 2.2 388 0 2.8 100 0.5 0.0 1.8 501 -321 3 70 260843N 0802629 10-2341 37 580 -73 -94 9.4 A18 -325 -6.6 28 -0.3 --316 273 -160 26 N0843N0802629 10-2541 62 594 -73 -96 9.4 A18 -326 -5.3 31 -0.3 --321 278 -120 260843N0802629 10-28-41 133 2180 -75 -70 34 A351 -558 -43 408 ----1181 314 -20 260843N 0802629 10-30-41 190 2380 -76 -56 45 A407 -672 -31 44S ----1315 325 -20 260917N 0801045 04-05-62 74 399 7.7 76 11 76 1.3 8.0 0.5 228 0 3.2 14 0.0 0.4 1.8 242 226 195 8 20 261018N 0800850 01-07-64 23 423 8.1 -9.2 83 4.1 8.9 0.2 256 0 2.8 16 0.2 0.0 1.9 272 250 224 14 50 261018N 0800850 01-08-64 56 642 7.4 78 10 83 2.2 58 1.4 282 0 25 63 0.2 0.0 1.4 -382 216 0 45 261018N 0800850 01-09-64 85 459 8.3 78 8.2 75 1.7 17 0.5 204 4 13 32 0.2 0.0 0.22 -252 194 27 25 261018N0800850 01-15-64 167 1120 7.7 -9.4 94 2.3 116 0.8 126 0 4.8 280 0.2 1.2 1.4 -571 244 140 8 261018N 0800850 01-16-64 186 4850 7.8 -10 128 125 750 2.0 230 0 24 1580 0.2 1.8 3.1 3230 2730 835 646 20 261159N 0801038 04-05-62 79 384 7.7 77 7.9 72 3.8 6.4 0.7 220 0 2.8 12 0.0 1.0 0.92 228 215 195 14 15 261018N0801217 04-06-62 80 488 8.4 -7.8 98 1.3 13 0.6 278 6 3.6 19 0.0 1.1 1.1 326 287 250 12 120 261122N 0800834 04-22-64 84 251 8.1 -12 44 3.9 6.6 0.6 146 0 0.0 10 0.4 0.1 -158 150 126 22 20 A Calculated Na plus K, reported as Na. -


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued A.-Ground Water (Chemlcal analyes, In parts per million, except pH and color) Specifc Diuolved Hardnsu Date Depth conducTerm MagPo. Carsolids Well of of tance perSilica Calne. Sodium tuBlcarbonSulfate ChloFluo Ni. Ironl Non. Col. number collec. well (micropH ature (1O2 clum alum (Na) slum bonate ate (804) ride ride Irate (Fe Residue CalCalcium, caror lion (ft.) mhoa (OF) (Ca) (Mg) (K) (HCO3) (3C (Cl) (F) (NO3) at cumagnebon. at 25oC) 180C lated slum ate 261122N 0800834 04-28-64 167 329 8.0 -9.0 77 1,0 9.7 0,6 230 0 5.6 18 0.2 0.1 3.7 -234 196 8 5 261122N0800834 05-04-64 204 582 7.8 -7.3 93 10 19 0.8 302 0 31 32 0.5 0.0 -422 343 274 26 65 261142N 0800822 01-20-64 61 642 8.1 -9.2 126 1,8 16 0.5 374 0 14 30 0.3 0.0 0.16 356 382 322 16 40 261142N 0800822 01-24.64 180 1790 7.9 76 14 125 7.8 295 6,9 250 0 22 522 0.4 1.9 0.53 -120 344 139 15 261142N 0800822 01-47-64 186 3520 7.9 -14 155 23 575 14 278 0 60 1040 0.3 1,8 0.53 2360 2020 480 252 20 261143N 0801211 01-29-64 23 129 7.7 -7.1 24 1,9 2.1 0,4 66 0 7.2 5.0 0.2 0.0 0.20 98 81 68 14 60 261143N0801211 01-30-64 197 436 8.2 -17 26 20 46 4.2 138 0 4.0 70 0.3 0.6 0.07 262 256 148 35 20 261215SN 08008 0405-62 68 681 7.8 75 5.7 84 7.4 50 3.2 264 0 26 73 0.0 0.0 1.2 408 379 240 24 45 261204N0801228 04-03-62 104 697 8.0 73 13 124 7.4 23 1,2 390 0 8.0 37 0.0 0.0 2.6 436 406 340 20 35 261358N0800723 01-03-63 304 493 7.9 77 7.5 82 4.3 16 1.4 266 0 5.2 28 0.3 0.1 3.4 283 276 222 4 5 261358N 0800724 08-27-51 190 261 7.4 -18 44 2.5 9.8 0.3 136 0 9.0 14 0.4 0.9 -170 166 120 9 6 261459N0800639 08-10-60 158 228 8.0 77 3.5 36 1.0 8,3 0.6 113 0 3.6 13 0.2 0.1 0.44 124 122 94 2 5 261445N 0800750 08-10-60 220 116 9.8 78 1.7 8.4 0.2 12 0.6 11 9 2.4 18 0.2 0.1 0.30 58 58 22 0 s 261450N 0800716 04-05-62 105 315 7.8 79 7.0 56 2.1 8.1 0.8 162 0 7.2 13 0.0 0.1 0.58 162 174 148 15 0 261436N 0800719 08-23-51 140 267 7.6 -12 44 2.5 9.2 0.6 140 0 8.0 14 0.3 0.6 -168 161 120 5 7 261436N0800720 09-05511 203 370 7.6 -14 70 0.4 11 0.7 222 0 6.5 15 0.4 0.8 -252 231 189 7 28 261409N0801000 04-05-62 168 513 7.8 76 14 00 3.8 11 0.8 308 0 2.8 16 0.0 0.2 0.91 320 301 265 12 15 261424N 0801244 04-05-62 117 730 7.7 75 13 132 7.4 21 0.8 420 0 0.0 35 0.0 0.0 0.07 428 416 360 16 5 261408N 0802743 05-19-53 55 1080 7.5 -16 121 24 89 0.8 500 0 44 105 0.6 2.1 2.1 692 655 416 6 SS 261504N 0800602 01-24-61 176 295 8.0 78 9.5 52 2.1 7.7 0.4 162 0 2.8 12 0.3 0.1 0.57 167 167 138 51 S 261547N0800619 04-05-62 140 315 8.0 80 6.7 56 2.1 8.5 0.6 162 0 6.4 15 0.0 0.1 0.35 152 175 148 15 0 261512N0800841 04-06-62 150 752 7.8 76 17 126 8.6 30 1.6 412 0 0.0 46 0.0 0.0 0.16 444 432 350 12 7 261527N0801138 03-12-64 165 740 7.6 74 11 138 5.7 22 1.2 392 0 32 36 0.2 0.1 0.12 494 439 368 47 25 261652N0800854 04-14-64 145 741 7.6 75 15 38 5.7 23 1.0 388 0 31 36 0.2 0.2 1.38 482 441 368 50 15 261734N 0800621 04-05-62 178 355 7.8 78 6.3 62 3.3 9.9 0.6 192 0 4.0 16 0.0 0.2 0.54 186 197 168 10 0 261704N 0801022 03-12-64 106 650 7.5 77 13 123 1.6 17 1.3 384 0 0.0 25 0.3 0.1 0.42 386 373 326 12 15 261710N 0801350 03-12-64 24 615 7.5 76 4.6 112 12 12 0.7 344 0 31 18 0.1 0.1 0.14 364 360 330 48 10 261822N 0800707 04-14-64 62 485 7.7 77 7.3 98 3.8 8.4 0.4 288 0 4.4 14 0.3 0.0 1.03 336 279 260 24 90 261856N0800842 03-12-64 100 755 7.7 77 16 135 3.6 29 1.1 364 0 17 63 0.3 0.0 0.82 492 444 352 54 20 261838N 0801513 11-19-63 57 429 7.8 -3.3 30 29 15 1.0 206 0 15 28 0.1 0.4 0.07 262 223 194 25 20 261838N 0801513 11-25-63 102 1520 7.6 73 14 96 20 210 7.2 310 0 32 340 0.4 0.1 0.07 872 873 320 66 20 261840N0801633 04-14-64 104 2700 7.7 75 19 175 23 298 8.0 522 0 120 518 0.4 0.6 0.10 1458 1420 530 102 10 261908N 0800622 04-05-62 94 360 7.9 78 6.9 66 0.9 8.7 0.5 194 0 7.2 15 0.0 0.0 0.70 204 201 168 9 25 261914N 0800607 12-06-63 23 232 7.9 79 3.2 50 0.2 2.6 0.2 146 0 4.8 5.0 0.5 0.0 0.48 144 138 126 6 70 261914N 0800607 01-06-64 195 312 8.0 79 9.8 61 1.5 8.5 0.6 176 0 3.6 16 0.3 0.3 0.03 180 189 158 14 20 261948N 0804640 03-13-64 85 2800 7.4 75 7.8 30 42 450 7.4 488 0 64 680 0.5 0.1 0.40 1600 1620 496 96 5


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued B.-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved Hardness Specific MagPosolids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean CalneI tasBicarFluoNiPhos----tance of discharge Silica Iron cium slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate Phate Residue CaCalcium, Non(micropH Colcollection (cfs) (SiO2) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SO4) (Cl) (F) (NO3) p) at cuma gnecarbonmhos or 1800C lated slum ate at 250C) 2-2813. HILLSBORO CANAL AT S-39, NEAR DEERFIELD BEACH Oct. 6, 1960 315 10 0.06 41 9.6 44 4.3 148 27 62 -0.0 -271 142 20 486 7.7 160 Dec. S 449 3.9 .04 25 4.3 23 1.4 90 7.6 32 -.0 -112 80 6 262 7.6 120 Jan. 3, 1961 113 1.3 .08 18 4.1 21 2.0 66 7.2 28 -1.7 -116 62 8 217 7.4 110 Feb. 1 22 4.4 .05 33 9.1 38 2.0 136 11 52 -.5 -217 120 8 $96 7.3 110 Mar. I 9 2.6 .04 26 5.4 29 3.5 100 8.8 40 -.7 -165 87 5 307 6.3 100 pr. 3 82 3.5 .04 30 7.1 25 1.8 120 7.2 36 -.0 -170 104 6 309 7.5 110 May.l 8 .5 .04 56 12 55 4.4 216 13 69 -3.8 -320 189 12 600 7.7 50 June 1 243 17 .07 81 22 74 5.1 290 64 96 -10 -512 292 55 873 7.5 150 Aug. 2 10 17 .06 54 17 67 3.7 230 27 90 -.0 -389 204 16 679 7.8 110 Sept. 6 118 18 .09 81 30 122 5.6 354 60 153 -.4 -644 326 36 1095 7.6 200 Oct. 11 -17 .02 49 17 98 3.4 210 29 130 -.3 -453 192 10 783 8.4 100 Nov. 13 -7.2 .03 56 22 104 3.5 256 38 135 -.2 -492 230 20 867 7.9 110 Dec. 11 -6.7 .06 74 11 49 4.9 242 25 80 -.0 -370 230 31 664 7.6 90 Jan. 8, 1962 -3.4 .05 69 23 102 4.1 316 29 134 -2.6 --266 8 920 8.2 90 Feb. 7 -8.5 .01 72 37 237 7.3 370 67 340 -1.7 -953 332 28 1750 7.9 80 Mar. 15 -9.7 .04 70 22 160 4.7 308 50 205 -2.1 -676 265 12 1190 7.8 60 Apr. 7 -5.2 .05 78 9.1 78 3.5 248 36 113 -.3 -445 232 29 806 8.0 70 Apr. 13 -1.6 .03 60 18 134 4.0 238 52 175 -.4 -562 224 28 1010 8.1 70 May3 -10 .02 72 17 150 4.4 290 50 190 -1.4 -638 250 12 1140 7.6 50 June 15 -1S .03 84 27 225 5.8 380 64 270 -1.4 -879 320 9 1540 7.8 90 Nov. 2 -17 .11 70 27 128 5.8 318 44 170 -.3 -619 286 25 1060 7.7 240 Dec. 4 74 11 .12 58 21 107 4.8 264 28 152 0.8 .2 610 513 231 14 900 8.0 160 July 17, 1963 -9.4 .06 96 8.4 76 3.4 308 25 104 .6 .2 486 475 274 22 806 7.4 80 0 July 30 -6.4 .15 29 8.6 49 1.7 118 8.8 58 -.1 -220 108 12 403 7.5 90 Sept. 17 -10 .03 38 13 64 2.6 156 21 90 -.0 -316 148 20 541 7.4 80 CA Dec. 10 -4.8 .03 50 18 90 3.4 222 32 122 -.2 -429 200 18 750 8.0 100 Jan. 14,1964 -19 .06 110 40 145 8.0 395 89 194 -34 -834 437 114 1300 7.9 150 Ar. 21 -6.0 .10 53 18 99 3.2 233 26 132 -.4 --205 14 785 8.1 100 y20 -6.9 .06 50 13 64 2.2 192 17 99 -.1 -347 178 20 629 7.8 110 June 18 -11 .12 72 18 67 5.6 210 65 100 -20 -462 250 78 770 7.8 220 July 24 -16 .15 61 18 87 .0 240 48 124 .7 .9 562 -224 28 771 7.7 200 Oct. 28 -16 , -72 22 117 5.0 284 54 150 .8 5.6 -582 270 38 964 7.8 150 Nov. 20 -13 .04 64 29 106 4.6 300 50 55 .9 .3 -601 280 34 910 7.3 140 Jan. 26, 1965 --------890 -Feb. 22 -2.9 .05 53 17 90 3.7 220 25 24 .6 .3 -425 200 20 750 7,1 100 May21 -7.0 .00 57 15 76 1.5 218 13 10 .7 2.7 -390 202 24 699 7.7 100


Table 1, CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA,-Continued B.-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved lHardness Specific MagPololids (ai COCo3) conducDate Mean Cal. netisBicr. Fluo. N1. Phostance of discharge Sil Iron cium alum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate phte Residue Cal. Calcium, NoW. (micro. pH Colcollection (c) ( ) (Fe) (Ca) (Ma) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (804) (Cl) () (N3) (O) at cu magne* carbon. mhos or o llct. on 7195 1140 3.4F 0.03 44 28 00C lated slum a1e at 25 7C) . 2-2813.1E. HILLSBORO CANAL AT 8-39 BELOW CONTROL, NEAR DEERFIELD BEACH Oct. 7,1959 1140 3.4 0.03 41 2.8 27 2.2 116 20 34 -1 0.0 187 114 19 343 7.9 100 Nov. 10 170 4.0 .05 25 2.3 13 1.9 74 7.2 16 -.1 106 72 1 188 7.4 80 Dec. 10 28 2.7 .05 30 2.4 17 .7 94 8.0 30 -.4 137 85 8 268 7.4 60 Jan. 7,1960 18 3.8 .04 44 3.0 28 .8 128 9.6 43 -.2 195 122 18 366 7.5 140 Mar.9 A 10 4.5 .02 85 IS 118 3.2 290 45 188 -.5 602 274 36 1120 7.7 80 Apr. 5 A 10 .8 .03 89 20 165 5.0 366 48 220 -2.3 730 304 4 1320 8.1 110 June 7 355 9.1 .07 66 7.2 54 S.S B224 22 82 -.1 356 194 10 635 8.6 120 July 7 137 9.2 .13 94 3.3 55 1.8 C289 20 80 -.1 415 248 10 748 8.4 85 July 17,1963 140 9.7 .06 96 8.4 71 3.2 304 24 98 .6 1.2 478 462 274 25 790 7.6 85 Feb. 22, 1965 -7.6 .04 90 19 133 5.3 292 42 225 .6 .2 667 304 64 1180 7.6 75 2-2815. HILLSBORO CANAL ABOVE CONTROL, AT DEERFIELD BEACH Apr. 7,1962 D 40 4.8 0.14 83 10 92 4.3 266 38 120 0.4 0.2 512 -248 30 877 7.6 75 Aug. 23 D 160 9.3 .05 98 6.2 62 4.1 294 24 95 .6 .0 486 -270 29 770 7.6 80 Dec. 4 -11 .12 58 21 107 4.8 264 28 152 .8 .2 610 513 231 14 900 8.10 160 Oct. 8, 1963 D 244 7.5 .05 83 6.1 39 3.9 251 21 60 .4 .1 348 -232 26 600 7.7 60 Jan.13,1964 D752 8.2 .06 90 7.2 52 5.4 260 36 80 .5 1.3 444 -254 41 700 7.5 70 Apr. 21 D 72 6.3 .05 94 10 --300 26 102 1.2 .1 476 -276 30 803 7.6 80 May 20 D 172 7.7 -98 2.8 64 2.1 276 23 98 .5 .0 470 -256 30 761 7.6 70 June 18 D 106 8.1 .09 99 2.2 47 3.1 278 22 72 .5 .0 424 -256 28 670 7.6 75 Sept. 2 D 123 8.5 .11 80 6.0 48 6.1 232 26 76 .4 1.4 --224 58 629 7.2 120 Oct. 28 -7.1 -91 4.4 42 3.3 272 10 60 .6 .1 -352 245 22 622 7.5 70 Feb. 22, 1965 -7.1 .05 90 10 470 2.6 300 24 102 .5 .2 -454 266 20 830 7.6 75 Apr. 26 -5.8 .01 76 .6 54 2.0 197 14 83 ..6 -334 192 30 577 7.5 60 May 21 -12 .04 76 6.4 45 1.2 236 18 68 .5 .0 -343 216 22 609 7.1 50 A Leakage of 10 cfs, based on 4 discharge measurements and records of dam operation. B Includes 12 ppm of carbonate (CON). C Includes 18 ppm of carbonate (CO. D Discharge at time of sampling.


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued B.-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved Hardness Specific MagPosolids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean CalnetasBicarFluoNiPhos--tance of discharge Silica Iron cium alum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate hate Residue Cal Calcium, Non (micro pH Colcollection (cfs) (S02) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K)' (HC0) (S04) (Cl) () (N03) (PO4) at cumagne .carbonmhos or 180C lated slum ate at 25C) 2-2815.1E. HILLSBORO CANAL BELOW CONTROL, NEAR DEERFIELD BEACH July 17, 1963 140 9.7 0.06 96 8.4 71 3.2 304 24 98 0.6 1.2 478 462 274 25 790 7.6 85 Oct. 8 6.9 .06 86 4.7 40 3.9 252 21 61 .4 .2 356 -234 28 600 7.8 80 Jan. 13, 1964 8.2 .06 90 6.7 50 5.3 255 29 82 .5 .8 399 -252 43 698 7.2 70 Apr. 21 6.2 .04 95 7.5 74 3.2 298 28 100 .6 .0 472 -268 24 788 7.5 65 May 20 8.0 .03 92 7.4 65 2.3 268 26 102 .5 .0 492 -260 40 1270 7.8 70 June 18 8.6 -101 2.9 50 3.3 284 22 72 .5 .0 424 -264 32 678 7.6 85 Sept. 2 8.6 .01 82 5.0 48 5.5 240 23 74 .4 1.0 --225 32 625 7.4 120 Oct. 28 7.2 -90 3.8 41 3.2 272 8.8 62 .4 .11 -351 240 17 1 610 7.4 60 2-2817. POMPANO CANAL ABOVE CONTROL AT S-38, NEAR POMPANO BEACH July 16,1963 11 0.06 42 14 91 2.9 191 19 122 0.6 0.0 466 397 161 4 679 8.0 80 Oct. 9 13 .04 32 7.8 55 2.4 124 11 80 .3 .2 276 -112 10 465 7.5 50 Jan. 15, 1964 11 .04 ,53 14 58 2.6 196 23 80 .5 .4 384 -188 28 570 7.4 50 Apr. 22 3.4 .03 31 7.9 50 1.7 134 4.5 61 .4 .1 226 -110 0 401 7.2 50 May 19 5.8 -45 4.7 47 1.4 160 3.6 70 .5 .0 300 -132 1 465 7.4 55 June 17 13 -50 9.5 100 2.3 176 13 154 .6 .1 468 -164 20 769 7.8 90 Sept. 1 17 .06 51 16 74 4.0 203 35 108 .6 .0 --193 26 691 7.4 100 Oct. 30 17 .04 38 15 65 3.6 166 19 92 .4 .2 -332 156 20 572 7.8 60 Mar. 9, 1965 17 .03 51 24 86 3.2 212 18 115 .5 .1 -419 180 50 694 7.5 80 Apr. 26 15 .04 72 28 134 6.0 324 40 202 1.1 .0 -658 295 30 1170 7.6 110 May 26 21 .01 70 28 155 6.3 310 36 232 .9 .5 -703 288 34 1300 7.7 100 June 3 18 .03 61 28 160 5.7 300 30 240 .9 .5 -692 320 21 1290 7.9 60 2-2817.1E. POMPANO CANAL BELOW CONTROL AT S-38, NEAR POMPANO BEACH Apr. 5, 1962 4.3 -96 9.8 56 0.7 294 34 94 0.2 0.0 -440 280 39 765 7.7 50 Apr. 4, 1963 9.3 0.05 70 10 62 1.7 220 6.4 102 .3 .8 456 372 216 36 694 7.7 90 July 16 8.9 .07 71 11 75 2.6 260 17 106 .6 .7 454 421 224 11 746 7.7 100 Oct. 9 7.9 .05 47 6.0 40 2.0 159 7.6 57 .4 .4 248 -142 12 435 7.6 70 _2-2820. POMPANO CANAL ABOVE CONTROL AT POMPANO BEACH Dec. 12, 1961 7.5 0.04 89 5.4 30 0.9 292 15 37 1.3 0.1 -330 244 4 585 8.0 40 Mar. 12, 1962 13 .51 84 2.6 54 2.6 284 18 58 2.7 .1 -375 220 0 600 7.4 50 Aug. 23 8.8 .03 84 3.8 29 1.5 252 15 39 .6 .0 -306 225 18 527 7.7 40 July 17, 1963 8.9 .05 86 7.7 57 2.6 276 20 81 .5 .1 442 400 246 20 712 7.5 70 Oct. 8 8.7 .54 86 1.8 20 2.1 242 18 28 .4 .1 296 -222 24 470 7.9 45 Jan. 13, 1964 8.2 .03 93 1.9 22 2.2 264 20 28 .6 .1 310 -240 24 523 7.8 50 Apr. 21 10 .01 94 23 35 1.7 286 28 39 1.5 .0 -353 244 10 569 7.6 30


T'bkl 1. CHEMICAL ANALVSES OF WATER FROM WILIJ AND CANALJ IN HIOWARI) COUNTY, PLA,CtnUl Iuad II-Surface Wuler (Chemical iWalylMW, iI par!i per miuhlu, o!cept p!li md colir) Llisaulvd HlrdInsii v pNo lf gr Mil. Pu. sulld (m CuC(03) cinduc. l0 Mean CalnII"li, Uilcar' 'luo N1 hos ----.--.... liance d cu ii un iu b Ch l hil ridu l C lclui, Nun (nicru pH C ulluec ull (i (10) (i) (1) () (N) (K) IC3) 1 04) (t0) (F) (NOD) fP04) Ii u. il ,ausn cu1uo0 IC m .t 9 ) 00 -65 7/ / UC 100 I I 0 Itu ati at /132O 4) / 3-2820. POMPANO CANAL ABOVE CONTROL AT POMPANO UMiACII-Coullnud _ May 0, 1964 4I -I92 .1 20 1.4 276 33 24 0.9 0,0 338 -238 13 530 7.9 40 June 9.1 -96 4.5 I 1,4 278 39 23 .3 ,3 322 -258 30 518 7.7 40 Sep. 2 7,7 .04 83 3,2 26 25 42 2 40 .3 .8 -301 220 32 500 7.4 50 Oct. 28 7.4 .03 69 1.0 18. 2.2 400 13 26 .4 .0 -235 176 12 402 7.4 35 Fob, 22, 1965 I .021 86 1.3 31 2,2 276 6.4 33 1.9 .0 356 309 220 0 512 7.4 25 Fab, 22, 196811 .It I Ig Is ,0S 86 ,, g _ ·( , 4I7 ,3 30 Apr. 26 6.5 .01 74 2.5 6 26 1.9 220 10 37 1.2 .5 -270 196 16 467 7.6 20 M ,26 86 .05 81 1,6 31 13 264 14 36 1. ,.4 -3'2 226 10 633 7.9 20 2-2820.1. POMPANO CANAL BELOW CONTROL, AT POMPANO BEACH De. 12, 1961 3.3 0.021 253 755 5890 212 206 1350 10870 0.9 2.7 19800 3740 7070 27500 7.7 30 Dec. 32, 3961 --2 -.-Mar, 2, 1962 -------2450 ---Aug. 23 5.4 .02 163 326 2710 88 229 650 4880 .7 1.7 8940 1740 1560 13200 7.4 5 July 17, 1963 8.6 .06 86 7,7 60 2.7 276 22 83 .6 .2 448 407 246 20 702 7.5 65 Oct. 28, 1964 7.3 .03 112 119 1020 40 222 260 1790 .6 3.0 3460 770 588 5780 7.5 45 Feb. 22, 1965 3.0 .02 292 774 6570 242 201 1580 11500 1.0 2.8 21100 3910 3740 31100 7.2 25 2-2821. CYPRESS CREEK CANAL ABOVE S-37A, NEAR POMPANO BEACH Dec. 12, 1961 4.9 0.06 96 9.4 56 2,8 E298 30 90 0.5 0.3 -437 278 34 766 8.4 55 Mar. 2,1962 2.3 .03 107 2.7 40 2.4 296 31 66 .5 .0 -398 276 36 640 8.0 40 Apr. 7 16 -98 9.6 46 2.4 294 34 69 .3 .0 -420 284 43 802 7.8 30 Aug.23 6.6 .05 94 5.0 35 2.5 268 24 52 .4 .0 -352 255 36 605 7.8 75 July 17, 1963 6.4 .04 87 7.5 53 2.3 269 22 84 -.0 464 396 248 28 679 7.6 50 n Apr. 23, 1964 3.7 .03 96 8.4 48 2.9 294 27 76 .5 .0 416 -274 33 712 7.6 65 May 20 4.8 .05 137 187 1520 56 252 382 2740 .5 1.0 5620 -1110 904 8420 7.7 60 June 18 9.2 -91 5.1 37 2,1 256 26 54 .4 .0 376 -248 38 589 7.6 60 Sept. 2 7.1 .05 80 4.7 39 3.6 232 21 58 .3 .0 -328 219 29 560 7.2 70 Oct. 26 7.3 .08 82 4,7 28 2.2 240 19 43 .2 .0 -300 224 28 520 7.5 80 Feb. 22, 1965 7.1 .03 98 7.2 50 2.5 302 26 78 .4 .1 -418 274 26 718 7.8 50 Apr. 26 5.9 .01 96 7.4 58 3.1 296 25 93 .6 .1 -435 270 28 753 7.7 45 May 21 5.8 .03 85 9.0 66 2.7 286 26 95 .5 .1 -431 249 14 782 7.4 50 2-2821.IE. CYPRESS CREEK CANAL BELOW S-37A, NEAR POMPANO BEACH Dec. 12, 1961 3.3 0.04 315 934 7440 172 213 1390 13700 1.2 3.1 -24400 4630 4450 33000 7.4 45 Mar. 2, 1962 .--14200 -----3000 -Aug, 23 5.2 .04 167 318 12500 82 237 624 4540 .7 .9 -18400 1730 1530 12700 7.5 60 July 17, 1963 4.8 .05 232 523 4440 162 222 1140 7860 .8 8.2 16900 14500 2730 2550 21000 6.9 40 Apr, 21, 1964 .7 ,02 320 893 7230 310 189 1780 13200 1.1 .1 26000 -4470 4320 35800 7.2 45 May20 3.3 -239 594 5050 183 210 1210 8950 .8 .9 17200 -3040 2870 24500 7.5 40 June 18 5.1 -165 284 2370 86 233 596 4370 .7 .6 8700 -1580 1390 12700 7.5 65 Sept. 2 6.7 .05 100 71 595 29 229 149 1080 .3 1.3 -2150 540 352 3300 7.2 70 Oct, 28 6.9 .09 88 37 278 12 236 80 490 .2 2.0 -1110 370 176 1980 7.5 80 Feb. 22, 1965 3.0 .03 1740 17 72701 29 193 1780 13400 1.1 1,8 -24300 4410 4250 34100 7.4 IS E Includes 8 ppm of carbonate (C03).


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued B.-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved Hardness Specific MagPo. solids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean CalnetasBicarFluoNi. Phos. tance of discharge Silica Iron clum slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate phate Residue CalCalcium, Non. (micro. pH Colcollection (cfs) (802) (F) (Ca) (Mg) (N) (K) (HCO3) (804) (Cl) (F) (NO ) (P04) a Iu mcaue. carbonmhoa or I 800C lated alum at 250C) 2-2827. MIDDLE RIVER CANAL ABOVE S-36, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Apr. 7, 1962 17 F0.41 102 2.3 17 1.8 288 19 26 0.5 0.8 344 -264 28 549 7.7 60 Aug. 23 11 .03 106 2.6 18 1.4 298 18 27 .3 .8 342 -275 31 582 7.2 35 July 17, 1963 3.4 .04 85 2.9 25 1.7 244 17 35 .3 .7 336 291 224 24 509 7.5 50 Jan. 15, 1964 6.6 .04 120 2.3 22 1.3 324 32 36 .3 .0 -381 309 44 632 7.9 40 Mar. 13 9.9 .03 126 4.3 20 .4 360 18 32 .3 .0 -388' 332 37 630 7.5 40 Apr. 21 4.4 .02 123 2.7 21 1.2 342 23 33 .3 .0 392 -318 38 644 7.6 45 May 19 3.4 -105 1.5 23 1.3 288 21 36 .2 .0 376 -268 32 567 7.3 40 June 18 11 -113 1.9 16 1.0 314 25 22 .3 .0 368 -, 290 32 568 7.5 60 Sept. 1 9.1 .11 104 1.1 19 2.9 284 19 33 .2 1.0 -329 264 32 568 7.3 50 Oct. 28 7.0 -104 3.0 17 1.9 288 12 26 .4 .3 -314 272 36 529 7.5 80 Feb. 22, 1965 4.3 .02 124 3.5 26 2.0 352 24 41 .3 .0 448 398 324 36 699 7.7 35 May 21 4.7 .01 80 4.0 25 1.7 276 21 44 .4 .1 -317 216 0 651 7.2 50 2-2827.0E. MIDDLE RIVER CANAL BELOW S-36, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Apr. 7, 1962 -------3150 ------10400 -45 Aug. 23 8.6 0.04 106 2.6 19 1.4 302 16 30 0.3 0.1 372 -275 28 99 7.7 55 July 17, 1963 4.9 .04 103 2.0 108 4.8 292 39 181 .4 .1 642 597 308 68 1060 7.5 45 Apr. 21, 1964 5.5 .03 152 147 1240 54 276 310 2260 .5 .1 4520 -984 758 7150 7.4 50 May 19 5.2 -121 35 262 9.6 300 80 465 .3 .0 1260 -445 199 1920 7.3 45 June 18 8.3 -96 11 20 1.2 308 23 32 .4 .4 386 -286 34 582 7.6 60 Sept. I 8.5 .05 102 2.3 19 2.4 233 22 34 .2 2.3 -332 264 32 550 7.4 50 Oct. 28 7.9 .10 104 2.1 16 2.0 290 22 26 .2 .2 -309 268 30 540 7.7 90 Z Feb. 22, 1965 9.8 5.4 .02 158 177 1480 56 264 372 2600 .6 1.8 5530 4980 1120 904 7820 7.5 40 2-2827.5E. MIDDLE RIVER CANAL NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE July 17, 1963 5.7 0.04 124 97 838 31 272 214 1450 0.4 2.0 3260 2900 710 487 5110 7.4 5b Oct. 8 6.7 .09 91 2.7 12 2.1 248 24 20 .2 .1 296 238 35 477 7.5 80 2-2830.1E. PLANTATION ROAD CANAL BELOW S-33, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Dec. 12, 1961 9.8 0.05 100 4.5 17 2.8 302 13 26 0.3 3.5 -326 268 20 563 7.6 4S Mar, 1,962 --------32 -----700 -Aug. 23 8.0 .04 94 3.8 23 2.0 276 17 32 .4 .0 -316 250 24 538 7.1 60 Apr. 5, 1963 9.0 .03 91 1.2 24 2.4 268 10 30 .0 9.3 309 -232 12 529 7.4 60 Oct. 8 7.8 .05 90 2.8 17 1.9 255 IB 25 .3 .1 296 -236 27 500 7.2 70 Apr. 21,1964 8.8 .03 92 2.1 21 2,9 250 12 32 .2 11 -305 238 33 540 7.1 45 May 19 6.8 -95 3.6 18 2.0 250 20 28 .3 13 358 -252 47 504 7.6 60 F Total iron (Fe).


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued D,-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, In parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved Hardness Specfic Mal. Po. solids (as CaCO3) conduc. Date Mean Calne. t. BIcer. Fluo. N1Phos. tane of discharge Silica I ron lum slum Sodium uum bonale Sulfat Chloride ride Irate phat Residue Cal. Calclum, Non% (micro. pH Colcollection ) ( ) () (C) (M) (Na) (K) ( ) (04) (C) (F) (N ) ) c mane carbon mho or S1o0C lated slum ate at 2SoC) 2-2830,1E. PLANTATION ROAD CANAL BELOW 8-33, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE-Continued June 18, 1964 7.6 -99 0.2 16 1.7 264 19 32 0.4 5.2 346 -248 32 510 7.7 80 Sept. 1 8.1 005 91 3.6 1.7 2.0 252 18 28 .2 5.3 -387 242 36 500 7.3 60 Oct. 28 7.8 .06 99 1.2 13 1.6 266 20 20 .2 7,2 -301 22 34 5 10 7.7 60 Feb. 22, 1965 8.6 .04 78 5.2 30 3./ 198 20 50 .4 29 323 216 54 552 7.1 50 2-2832. PLANTATION ROAD CANAL ABOVE S-33, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Dec. 12, 1961 10 0.08 66 4.7 37 6.3 164 22 54 -38 -319 184 50 589 7.0 70 Mar. 1,1962 11 .04 61 3.9 50 7.3 196 26 70 0.9 9.9 -337 168 8 557 7.2 50 Aug. 23 7.9 .04 92 5.0 23 2.4 270 17 31 .4 3.6 -315 250 28 542 7.8 60 Apr. 3,1963 11 .07 59 10 52 6.2 228 26 60 .5 6.2 -343 188 1 595 7.0 70 Ar. 12 .06 48 5.8 62 8.2 138 25 68 1.2 47 -34 144 31 583 7.2 90 July 17 8.8 .06 75 8.0 40 2,5 238 16 60 .4 3.5 400 331 220 25 SS9 7.2 SS Oct. 8 8.1 42 90 2.8 18 2.1 244 20 26 .3 6.6 320 -236 36 496 7.5 60 Jan. 15, 1964 10 .12 96 3.0 20 2.6 268 22 30 .3 .0 -316 252 32 529 7,0 0S Apr. 21 11 .05 62 3.5 40 7.1 152 29 64 .6 1.8 -294 169 12 576 6.9 100 May 19 7.2 .37 96 .1 19 2.1 244 22 28 .4 14 356 -240 40 504 7.7 60 June 18 6.7 -97 1.0 16 1.8 258 20 24 .4 6.8 342 -246 34 510 7.5 85 Sept. I 8.7 .05 91 2.7 18 2.2 246 20 27 .3 9.4 -300 238 36 510 7.3 55 Oct. 28 7.5 .05 98 2.3 13 1.5 272 20 20 .1 .9 -296 254 31 507 7.4 60 Feb. 22,1965 8,7 .04 80 3.5 31 3.6 194 20 50 .3 30 -323 214 55 536 7.2 50 Apr. 26 12 .12 54 6.2 48 6.9 127 25 71 1.0 33 -295 160 56 600 7.2 60 May21 __ 10 .02 50 8.5 62 8.0 72 33 87 1.6 62 -357 160 101 620 7.0 50


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued B.-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) _ Dissolved Hardness .Specific MagPosolids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean Cal. no. tas. Bicar. FluoNiPhostance of discharge Silica Iron cium slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride rde trate hate Residue Cas. Calcum, on(micropH Colcollection (cfs) (S102) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (804) (CI) (F) (NO3) (P04) at cu. m ecaronmhos or 1800C lated sium ate at250C) 2-2846.9E. NORTH NEW RIVER CANAL ABOVE S-34, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE July 16, 1963 15 0.03 69 AS 40 1.9 258 21 78 0.5 1.0 436 377 235 24 603 7.4 60 Apr. 22, 1964 6.6 .03 3 9.8 59 1.4 153 25 74 .4 .1 -286 128 2 472 7.3 50 May19 10 -58 11 50 1.7 220 12 74 .S .0 308 -188 8 572 7.5 60 June 17 12 -69 12 50 1.7 246 11 72 .6 1.4 390 -220 18 603 7.8 65 Sept. 1 14 .05 72 12 50 2.0 264 4.8 74 .4 .3 --228 12 640 7.3 70 Oct. 30 16 -62 12 56 2.6 240 4.8 80 .5 .6 -352 204 8 622 7.5 70 Mar. 9,1965 12 .03 67 17 64 2.1 272 14 88 .5 .2 -399 236 13 680 8.0 65 Apr. 26 12 .03 69 24 84 3.8 256 46 132 .6 .0 -498 270 60 839 7.6 60 May 26 8.5 .00 48 17 60 2.7 182 53 82 .5 .2 -r 362 212 41 650 7.6 30 2-2847. NORTH NEW RIVER CANAL BELOW S-34, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Apr. 7,1962 10 0.42 77 15 48 1.8 300 6.0 69 0.2 1.7 402 -254 8 629 7.8 55 Aug. 23 10 .03 82 15 54 2.0 304 5.6 76 .4 1.6 456 -266 17 684 7.9 65 July 16, 1963 13 .06 85 18 60 2.1 346 7.2 80 .5 2.8 460 439 288 4 762 7.6 80 Apr. 22, 1964 7.0 .04 48 12 51 1.5 200 7.6 76 .4 .1 312 -170 6 551 7.4 50 My 19 13 .27 96 IS 60 1.7 374 .0 82 .5 .9 -453 302 0 772 7.6 70 c June 17 14 .49 103 14 72 1.8 376 4.8 95 .5 2.9 -493 314 6 839 7.8 80 . Sept. I 23 .05 93 18 68 2.1 356 7.8 94 .4 .3 --305 14 800 7.2 80 Oct. 30 15 .06 88 19 61 2.0 348 .0 94 .3 1.5 -452 296 11 783 7.5 75 Mar. 9, 1965 15 .05 102 19 78 2.1 404 5.6 110 .5 2.3 -534 332 1 900 7.7 90 Apr. 26 13 .04 76 18 80 3.8 266 41 125 .7 .4 -489 262 44 833 7.6 60 May 26 8.9. .01 62 18 58 2.8 212 53 84 .5 2.0 -393 228 54 710 7.4 40 r.O


Tublo I. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELI. AND CANALS IN IIROWARP COUNTY, FLA.-Conltinued B,-Surfac. Watr (Climical aialyu, , In million pll ad color) iooalvei Hrfidneg Speciflc MPo-. I olids (a CaCO3) coianuc. slorlei /ll:hi Blllcau Iran ciu I BudlUIn /uit bnlt Ial a l orld ll! tidr I R ue C ul lum, Nu(nim pH ICul c cto f) (SiO) (F) (Ca (MI (N ( K) ) (HCOa)(4) (CI) F) (N03) i(PO i. cuI mwn, carbon. inh / or 1°0'0 latd su II nC) II I ai 2C I _ ___ __ Clat, ""iluni "tn 'iC) 2-284. NORTH NEW RIVER CANAL AT HOLLOWAY LATERAL,. NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Feb. 21,1961 5,9 0.94 64 6.9 47 2.7 224 9.6 67 -0.3 -313 1il 4 569 7.7 60 Apr. 13 4.3 .03 16 8.6 49 2.0 180 6.4 69 -1.1 -27 180 32 563 7.7 71 Mey11 11 .45 96 6.9 40 1,4 296 23 64 -.0 -390 268 0 581 7.6 60 June 6 6.4 .02 80 4.0 26 .8 216 11 43 -.0 -297 216 6 523 7.5 50 July 7 9.8 .O0 83 11 46 1.2 296 13 62 -1.1 -374 252 8 643 8.0 80 Aug. 9 6.7 .04 59 10 48 1.7 240 4.4 67 -.2 -315 188 0 563 7.7 65 Sept. 11 4.0 .06 64 5.5 20 .6 H196 12 32 -.3 -229 182 22 410 7.9 70 Oct. 12 8.8 .04 100 5.0 22 .8 246 7.2 68 -1.0 -334 270 30 580 7.7 80 Nov. 13 7.7 .04 70 9.6 52 2.8 258 7.6 75 -1.1 -353 214 2 627 7.6 55 Dec. 3 4.1 .03 70 9.1 41 3.1 242 12 65 -.4 -324 212 14 583 8.0 60 Jan. 8, 1962 8.1 .05 67 IS 54 2.2 256 22 82 -1.2 -378 228 18 660 8.1 55 Feb. 6 7.3 .05 74 14 58 2.3 272 12 75 -.6 -354 242 19 678 8.1 60 Mar. 6 4.6 .01 62 20 60 2.1 240 18 74 -.2 -259 237 40 634 7.9 50 Apr. 5 5.2 .02 78 9.6 61 2.5 256 18 94 -1.6 -396 234 24 720 8.1 60 May3 4.7 .02 78 11 56 1.7 280 10 75 -.0 -374 240 10 678 7.8 55 June 11 7.5 .04 71 12 59 2.4 262 18 76 -.5 -375 226 12 696 7.5 75 Aug. 6 D 0.3 6.7 .03 48 9.7 43 1.4 176 14 60 -.1 -270 160 16 495 7.6 50 Oct. 10 4.6 .03 106 3.8 19 .7 294 23 28 0.2 1.4 346 332 280 39 538 7.8 65 Nov. 8 8.6 .04 75 11 46 1.9 264 12 68 -.1 -353 232 16 612 7.8 70 Dec. 6 7.6 .06 78 12 49 1.9 274 12 68 .5 .9 412 365 242 18 580 8.1 50 Jan. 10, 1963 7.2 .03 78 13 51 2.1 282 10 72 -4.3 -373 248 17 520 7.8 70 July 30 7.9 G 1.6 85 12 53 1.4 303 8.2 76 .0 1.0 -394 260 12 673 7.6 60 Dec. 10 8.8 .04 80 9.8 44 1.7 266 11 65 -2.6 -354 240 22 610 7.9 80 Jan. 13, 1964 7.9 .05 88 6.9 33 1.5 268 14 50 .4 1.5 -335 248 28 580 7.6 70 Apr. 22 6.1 .02 65 10 52 1.3 246 3.6 72 -.2 --205 4 581 7.9 50 May 19 11 -82 9.6 49 1.8 284 17 66 -2.6 -369 244 12 619 7.9 60 June 17 9.6 .32 84 11 20 1.6 298 8.0 64 -.3 -346 254 10 639 7.2 60 2-2850. NORTH NEW RIVER CANAL NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Oct. 8, 1963 D 744 7.5 0.02 82 6.7 33 1.8 250 19 47 0.4 1.1 360 -232 27 558 7.8 70 Jan. 13, 1964 D 323 9.5 .05 83 6.8 38 1.5 267 8.4 60 .4 .8 340 235 16 580 7.5 60 Oct. 30 -8.8 .06 82 7.7 29 1.5 260 16 46 .4 1.8 321 236 23 552 7.5 80 Feb. 22, 1965 -7.8 .04 80 9.4 48 1.4 280 8 75 .4 1.5 362 238 8 638 7.7 65 Apr. 26 -11 .03 74 22 82 3.8 268 42 130 .8 .0 498 276 56 878 7.8 70 ay 26 -5. .O 50 18 78 4.1 214 40 110 .5 5.0 416 199 24 1050 7.9 50 2-2851.0E. NORTH NEW RIVER CANAL AT STATE HIGHWAY 7, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE July 17, 1963 8.2 0.04 80 11 52 2.0 288 10 68 0.4 1.0 398 375 246 10 '650 7.8 70 Apr. 21,1964 4.5 .04 101 107 888 32 262 202 1580 .5 9.0 3230 2930 690 476 4800 7.3 50 My 19 7.1 .02 86 9.6 44 1.4 270 13 64 .4 .2 -359 254 32 606 7.5 60 June 18 7.1 -89 6.3 44 1.3 284 10 64 .5 .0 394 362 248 16 633 7.7 70 Sept. 1 8.3 .05 82 8.6 39 1.7 269 11 56 .3 1.3 -341 240 20 582 7.4 80 D Discharge at time of sampling.


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued B.-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved Hardness Specific MagPosolids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean CalnetasBicarFluoNiPhostance of discharge Silica Iron cium slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride rid (Ntrat phate Residue CalCalcium, Non(micro. pH Colcollection (cfs) (SiO2) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SO4) (Cl) (F) (N03) (P04) at cumagnecarbonmhos or 1800oC lated slum ate at 250C) 2-2851.0E. NORTH NEW RIVER CANAL AT STATE HIGHWAY 7, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE-Continued Oct. 30,1964 7.2 0.07 86 7.2 29 1.5 264 18 42 .3 1.2 -322 244 28 553 7.5 80 Feb. 22,1965 8.4 .03 82 9.6 58 1.9 274 8.0 92 .4 1.3 -397 244 20 683 7.7 60 Apr. 26 5.6 .02 132 197 1580 60 264 392 2820 .6 3.0 -$320 1140 924 8740 7.6 70 May 12 3.9 .00 177 314 2640 9.4 199 661 4630 1.4 4.3 -8540 1730 1570 14100 7.4 50 2-2851.1E. CHULA VISTA DRAINAGE CANAL 1, NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE Oct. 14,1963 [ 8.2 0.05 86 12 80 i 6.0 256 34 132 0.4 0.1 548 262 52 860 7.6 70 2-2853.99. SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL ABOVE S-9, NEAR DAVIE Dec. 13,1961 -7.0 0.03 87 8.5 30 1.0 314 6.0 42 0.4 0.9 -338 252 0 598 7.8 55 Mar. 1, 1962 -8.6 .30 100 2.5 30 .9 314 12 38 .3 .1 -347 260 3 770 8.0 50 Aug. 23 -7.0 .04 84 9.8 41 1.3 280 17 54 .4 .0 -353 250 20 608 7.6 65 July 16,1963 -16 .03 93 29 82 4.2 356 69 118 .7 .0 680 580 352 60 979 8.0 110 Oct. 9 D 97 9.2 .05 94 13 40 1.9 310 24 56 .5 .2 416 -286 32 640 8.0 50 June 17,1964 D 105 8.4 .30 98 9.1 44 1.4 324 16 68 .5 1.4 484 -282 16 700 7.7 80 Sept. I D 459 9.3 .07 86 10 33 2.1 280 14 48 .3 .7 --256 26 570 7.5 80 Oct. 30 -9.0 .05 91 5.1 31 1.7 272 18 44 .3 .1 -341 248 25 595 7.5 75 Mar. 9 1965 -21 .04 52 6.4 70 2.3 216 28 102 .6 .2 -389 192 0 670 7.5 85 Apr. 26 -11 .02 68 18 75 2.8 252 35 117 .7 .0 -452 242 36 783 7.5 60 May 26 -8.5 .00 72 18 64 2.2 246 40 97 .5 .2 -423 252 50 759 7.0 50 2-2854. SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL BELOW S-9, NEAR DAVIE Dec. 13, 1961 9.2 0.07 78 14 42 1.7 312 7.2 57 0.3 1.3 365 252 0 657 8.0 90 Mar. 1, 1962 8.7 .36 98 2.8 47 1.9 316 1.3 56 .4 1.5 -374 256 0 670 7.9 70 Ct Aug. 23 8.3 .03 90 12 44 1.7 314 19 60 .5 .7 -391 274 16 673 8.1 80 July 16,1963 7.9 .05 90 14 53 1.6 334 14 67 .4 .8 426 414 282 8 713 7.5 100 Oct. 9 9.3 .04 91 13 47 2.0 308 22 68 .4 .7 456 -282 30 684 7.9 60 Apr. 22,1964 11 , .06 98 12 79 2.2 307 35 108 .6 .2 536 -292 40 809 8.4 90 May 19 11 .02 99 14 60 1.7 346 22 89 .5 .0 -467 302 20 788 7.7 65 June 17 8.9 .16 102 7.2 44 1.4 324 15 64 .5 .9 474 -284 18 697 7.9 80 Sept. 1 9.6 .07 90 6.2 32 2.0 280 14 46 .3 .4 -380 250 20 583 7.4 80 Oct. 30 10 .08 88 16 47 1.8 318 12 64 .2 1.1 -401 284 24 696 7.8 80 Mar. 9, 1965 11 .05 89 15 59 1.7 346 7.2 80 .5 1.1 -435 284 0 750 7:7 80 Apr. 26 13 .04 94 17 60 2.0 338 10 97 .6 .9 -461 306 29 789 7.6 90 May 26 12 .02 93 15 60 1.5 332 9.2 91 .5 .4 -447 292 20 820 7.8 65 D Discharge at time of sampling. tO


Table I, CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELIS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Conlinued U.-Surface Water .. ...(Chemical analym, In part per million, we pt pH and color) _ PDissolved Iardness Specific Ma* Posolids (as CAC03) conducData Mean Cal. nesblasr. Fluo. Ni. Phos-tince of dischwrga Silica Ion cl alum Sodium alum bonlae Sulfate Chloride ride rate phale Residue CalCalcium, Nun(micropH Col collection (chf) (810) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SQ) (CI) (F) (NO3) (Pd4) la c Cu man -carboi mho or --40i C ued 1ja ealuA at 350C) 2-2860.5 SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL AT 83A, NEAR DAVIE Dec. 1. 1959 274 10 0.02 93 6.8 33 0.6 288 II 50 -0.1 346 260 24 612 8.0 55 Feb. 5, 1960 301 5.7 .02 94 6. 42 .7 298 8.0 62 -.6 366 360 16 654 B.1 70 Mar. 21 326 8.3 .01 91 3.2 45 .9 273 6.3 65 -.5 354 240 17 633 8.2 75 Apr. 13 265 11 .01 78 14 48 1.4 B 303 6.0 70 -.0 377 252 4 670 8.5 80 Jun 6 482 6.8 .05 62 6.2 20 5.1 196 18 35 -.4 251 180 20 449 8.1 120 June 27 340 9.5 .03 89 4.9 30 .6 272 12 45 -.9 326 242 19 579 8.1 80 July 21 282 8.4 .02 86 6.7 44 1.0 294 7.6 64 -.4 363 242 I 652 7.8 60 Au. 22 1290 10 .03 83 9.0 46 1.0 J 292 9.6 60 -.0 363 244 4 627 8.4 70 Oct. 14 -8.4 .04 86 5.2 14 2.1 260 22 20 -.5 286 236 23 496 8.0 80 Dec. 30 -8.4 .03 86 10 48 1.0 302 8.4 67 -.2 378 256 8 684 8.0 75 Jan. 31. 1961 -10 .02 86 10 44 1.4 306 8.0 64 -.1 375 256 4 669 7.6 80 Feb. 21 -7.7 .04 85 10 49 .9 306 6.0 69 -.6 379 253 2 687 8.0 65 Ma. 17 -9.1 .03 86 8.1 49 2.5 304 4.8 68 -.0 378 248 0 688 7.7 60 Apr. 13 -14 .05 88 8.4 45 2.2 308 9.6 64 -1.3 385 254 2 668 7.9 70 My 11 -8.3 .45 83 10 50 1.4 300 7.2 72 0.5 .0 381 248 2 682 7.7 70 June 6 -8.4 .04 82 9.6 41 1.1 276 18 58 -.6 -244 18 633 7.9 65 July 7 -6.6 .03 65 6.3 50 1.8 236 6.4 72 -.5 325 188 0 574 7.8 SS Aug. 9 -7.7 .03 85 14 48 1.1 316 5.6 68 -.4 386 270 10 660 8.2 80 Sept. 11 -8.6 .07 85 5.8 47 1.4 304 8.8 64 -.8 371 236 0 659 8.0 70 Oct. 12 -6.8 .02 84 12 45 .8 306 22 38 -1.2 361 259 8 665 7.9 80 Nov. 13 -8.2 .04 85 10 43 1.2 306 6.0 62 -1.0 367 253 2 651 7.7 65 Dec. 6 -7.1 .03 62 11 37 2.2 284 12 56 -.7 348 250 17 616 7.9 SS Dec. 14 -7.8 .27 88 8.9 31 1.0 292 12 48 .2 .5 342 256 16 660 7.6 75 Jan. 8, 1962 -4.8 .04 76 10 46 1.5 280 7.2 67 -1.0 352 230 1 625 8.0 55 Feb. 6 -4.3 .03 75 15 54 1.8 284 11 61 -.2 362 248 16 634 8.0 60 Mar. 1 -6.0 .05 99 .7 32 1.5 276 10 51 .4 .9 338 250 24 540 7.9 70 Mar. 6 -3.6 .01 64 15 55 2.1 E254 9.6 61 -.1 335 221 12 583 8.4 60 Apr. 5 -4.7 .02 70 12 50 1.8 270 8.8 66 -.2 347 224 2 621 7.9 60 My2 -7.1 .02 80 7.4 56 1.8 276 11 72 -.0 371 230 4 658 8.2 50 June 11 -.03 80 9.8 50 1.8 292 8.0 66 -.1 371 240 0 669 7.7 60 July 10 -7.8 .03 92 12 38 1.1 296 16 64 -.0 377 279 36 635 7.6 60 Aug. 6 -8.3 .04 88 12 36 1.0 304 13 56 -.0 364 269 20 643 7.7 60 Aug. 23 -8.0 .03 90 9.8 30 1.1 288 17 42 .4 .8 341 265 29 585 7.8 80 Sept. 12 -7.9 .01 93 8.3 29 .8 300 14 44 -.1 345 266 20 590 7.8 50 Oct. 10 -9.1 .05 94 6.2 54 1.5 312 24 62 -.7 406 260 4 679 7.9 80 Nov. 8 -9.2 .37 94 12 47 2.1 320 20 68 -2.0 413 284 22 700 7.7 85 Dec. 6 -7.4 .05 93 13 45 1.2 320 19 63 -.8 400 286 24 690 8.2 80 Jan. 10, 1963 -35 .06 96 12 45 1.8 320 17 66 -5.5 436 288 26 635 8.0 100 Mar. 9 -7.3 .04 88 14 43 1.4 318 12 58 -.9 382 276 16 580 7.9 80 July 30 -7.5 F 2.1 89 14 48 1.0 324 12 70 -1.1 403 280 15 689 7.5 80 B Includes 12 ppm of carbonate (CO3). I Discharge computed from head-discharge relation and pump rating. F Total Iron (Fe). J Includes 6 ppm of carbonate (CG3).


Table 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued B.-Surface Water (Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved Hardness Specific MagPosolids (as CaCO3) conducDate Mean Calne. taBBlear FluoNIPhos.tance of dischage Siica Iron clum slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate phate Residue CalCalcium, Non(micropH Colcollection (cts) (S102) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (804) (CI) (F) (NO3) (P04) at latu magnecarbonmhos or 2-2860.5. SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL AT S-13A, NEAR DAVIE-Continued Oct. 15, 1963 24 0.06 98 8.6 21 2.4 292 28 32 -2.6 361 280 40 584 7.7 80 Oct. 15 L 13 .09 98 5.7 21 1.7 292 19 32 -.1 386 268 28 560 7.3 85 Dec. 10 8.3 .11 98 10 46 1.3 328 14 66 -1.1 407 286 17 680 8.1 80 Jan. 13, 1964 I (1310) K 7.8 .05 97 6.3 33 1.4 301 12 52 0.4 .0 358 268 22 592 7.2 70 Jan. 13 (1320) 7.6 .04 94 11 37 1.3 312 21 56 .4 .0 382 280 24 631 7.6 50 Apr. 22 8.9 .02 93 16 56 1.4 342 15 77 -1.1 -296 16 738 8.2 80 May 19 9.7 .10 102 3.8 26 1.2 296 20 36 .5 .0 345 270 28 579 7.3 60 June17 8.6 -98 8.6 24 1.8 298 30 34 -2.2 354 280 36 583 8. 90 2-2861. SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL ABOVE S-13, NEAR DAVIE Mar. 1,1962 ---------7800 --------Aug. 23 -8.1 .05 92 8.6 30 1.0 288 16 42 .4 .1 -340 265 29 587 7.6 45 July 17, 1963 251 8.6 .04 85 19 21 1.0 296 16 54 .4 .0 426 352 291 48 606 7.6 60 Oct. 8 D 67 12 .05 94 5.2 23 1.8 272 21 34 .4 1.9 360 -256 33 548 7.8 70 Apr. 21,1964 D 17 5.9 .05 92 3.5 37 1.3 275 13 52 .4 .8 384 -244 18 613 7.6 80 May 19 D 288 7.7 .08 101 3.9 23 1.2 292 22 34 .4 .0 -337 268 28 561 7.6 60 June 17 D151 7.7 -101 4.4 23 1.2 288 21 35 .4 .8 402 -270 34 559 7.9 90 Sept. 1 D176 9.2 .08 91 6.1 21 2.6 268 20 36 .3 .0 -318 252 32 550 7.0 100 Oct. 30 319 6.9 .10 86 6.2 18 2.0 244 21 31 .3 2.6 -294 240 40 490 7.5 110 Feb. 22, 1965 12 7.1 .04 98 2.8 25 1.0 296 14 42 .3 1.1 -337 256 14 571 7.7 90 Apr. 26 -8.9 .04 95 8.5 54 2.3 290 23 90 .6 .0 -425 272 34 725 7.5 80 May 21 -7.5 .48 87 11 43 1.3 276 23 70 .5 .1 -380 262 36 682 7.5 60 2-2861.IE. SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL BELOW S-13, NEAR DAVIE . Dec. 14, 1961 7.0 0.06 104 63 530 20 288 128 942 0.3 1.3 2230 1940 518 282 3420 7.8 70 Aug. 23, 1962 8.1 .05 92 8.6 30 1.0 288 16 42 .4 .1 -340 265 29 587 7.6 45 Oct. 10 9.1 .05 94 6.2 54 1.5 312 24 62 -.7 -406 260 4 679 7.9 80 Apr. 21, 1964 3.9 .04 119 88 734 29 296 182 1300 .5 .3 2890 -658 416 4500 7.4 70 May 19 8.3 .03 95 8.0 24 1.2 288 22 36 .4 .7 -338 270 34 568 7.8 60 June 17 7.8 -103 2.7 21 1.2 288 22 34 .4 1.7 380 -268 32 560 7.7 95 Sept. 1 8,0 .13 93 5.8 20 2.4 264 20 34 .3 1.0 --256 40 522 7.3 120 Oct.30 319 7.6 .03 86 4.3 16 1.9 244 21 29 .3 3.1 -289 232 32 493 7.5 110 Feb. 22, 1965 8.9 .04 99 4.1 24 1.0 288 IS 42 .4 2.2 1 -339 264 28 570 7.0 95 D Discharge at time of sampling.


Tablu I, CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN IIROWARD COUNTY, FLA..-Conttlilsd lU.-Surfalc Witer (Chemicul analyses, In wlrt per million, xcenpt pH and color) Dissolved HUrdn"I Spcinlsl MoI Po. solids (Ws Ca CO) condueDt Menn C slI n te-. Blar. Fluno NPlil---nc of dihar Sl Iron clum lum Sodium lum bonda. Sulfate Ciorhde ridi lrue p hate RIesildue CalCilclum, Nun(micro piH Caol collection (c0s) (io0) (Ila) (C) (M) (N) (K) (1Ca03) (S04) (Ci) () (NO3) (PO4) It cu, sneu carbonmho o IB&C t616 slum I JI at 250C) 2-2861,5. HOLLYWOOD CANAL AT DANIA July IS, 1963 7,3 0.04 164 260 2340 98 259 578 3890 0.6 9.0 8210 7470 1480 1270 12000 7.3 11 Oct. 8 6.1 .06 116 58 470 21 284 132 840 .3 .8 1980 -530 398 3180 7.7 60 Jan. 13, 1964 7,4 .05 180 299 2470 100 270 612 4480 ,6 21 -8320 1680 1460 14000 7.1 30 Apr. 1 2.4 .00 316 886 7380 295 592 1780 13000 1,2 .1 26000 -4430 3940 31900 7.3 20 May 27 5.8 -168 248 2050 78 259 S15 3730 .S .9 7680 -1440 1330 11200 7.5 60 June 18 7.2 .02 136 48 556 16 232 148 938 .3 .7 2220 -537 393 3340 7.6 40 Sept. I 6.3 .04 171 381 2340 86 267 554 4280 .5 1.1 -7850 1580 1360 13000 7.3 50 Oct. 30 7,0 .03 128 100 781 30 284 212 1400 .2 2.4 -2800 730 498 4750 7.4 35 Feb. 22, 1965 3.0 .01 316 803 6710 247 213 1620 11900 1.0 2.7 -21700 4090 3920 31900 7.0 20 Apr. 36 1.0 .00 1900 593 8520 372 178 3220 16600 1.3 17 -30300 7180 7030 43200 7.4 10 ay 1 .8 .00 391 1090 8300 315 180 137 16500 .7 17 -26800 5460 5310 46000 7.2 10 2-2861.8. SNAKE CREEK CANAL ABOVE S-30, NEAR HIALEAH Dec. 14, 1961 7.6 0.06 78 13 41 2.0 304 6.4 58 -1.1 -357 248 0 637 8.1 65 Mar. 1, 1962 9.4 .04 99 5.1 43 1.8 326 4.6 64 0.4 .0 -388 268 1 670 7.8 50 Aug. 23 8.0 .03 90 16 37 1.9 314 20 51 .4 1.4 -381 290 33 642 7.8 70 July 16, 1963 7.2 .03 92 3.0 38 1.1 329 8.8 54 .4 .0 430 377 281 12 643 7.7 50 Oct. 9 7.0 .04 62 8.1 23 1.4 205 6.6 32 .7 .1 244 -188 20 418 7.8 60 Jan. 13, 1964 3.4 .04 79 8.5 34 1.4 268 5.6 48 .3 1 340 -232 12 560 7.8 60 Apr. 0 6.5 .03 95 5.6 44 1.3 324 6.7 63 .5 .3 420 -260 0 670 7.6 60 May 19 4.9 -86 6.7 34 1.2 288 6.4 46 .4 .2 358 -242 6 574 7.9 60 June 17 4.0 -78 3.8 30 1.2 244 .8 40 .4 .6 308 -210 10 583 7.9 70 Sept. 1 5.0 .05 71 6.3 41 1.0 242 .0 60 .3 .4 --203 4 560 7.4 70 Oct. 31 3.4 .04 64 7.9 36 1.0 232 .0 54 .2 .6 -291 192 2 510 7.8 45 Mar. 9, 1965 5.1 .03 75 11 48 1.0 280 .4 70 .4 .1 -349 232 2 628 7.8 50 Apr. 26 7.1 .02 85 17 56 1.2 300 .2 90 .5 .4 -405 280 34 712 7.9 50 May26 5.9 .00 81 14 63 .9 314 5.6 88 .5 .8 -415 258 -719 7.9 50 2-2861.8E. SNAKE CREEK CANAL BELOW S-30, NEAR HIALEAH June 3, 1963 4.8 0.03 84 8.6 35 0.8 286 10 48 0.5 0.0 344 333 245 10 565 7.8 55 July 15 5.8 .04 88 7.9 33 1.2 284 16 46 .4 .1 386 338 252 20 565 7.4 70 July 16 7.1 .04 86 12 36 1.1 310 8.2 52 .4 1.5 424 357 262 8 606 7.4 45 Sept. 1S 7.6 .02 88 8.4 31 1.8 288 14 43 ,4 1.3 374 338 254 18 577 7.6 70 Oct. 9 7.1 .05 70 6.7 25 1.4 232 4.8 34 .4 .5 280 -202 12 462 7.8 70 Jan. 13, 1964 3.9 .05 79 9.5 33 1.2 264 9.2 48 .3 1.1 332 -236 20 565 7.5 60 Ap 20 6.4 .03 92 4.5 42 1.7 266 6.8 60 .5 .2 412 -249 31 653 8.3 80 S19 4.9 -82 9.6 38 1.2 310 6.0 47 .4 .1 382 -244 0 556 7.8 60 June 17 5.0 .05 77 8.3 32 1.7 258 .8 42 .4 14 386 -226 14 551 7.3 70 Sept. 1 5.7 .05 74 6.7 38 1.0 248 .0 56 .3 .6 -304 212 9 542 7.5 70 Oct. 30 4.1 .02 66 8.6 35 1.0 236 .0 52 .2 .0 -283 200 6 510 7.8 45 Mar. 9, 1965 3.7 .03 78 11 48 1.0 280 .0 70 .3 1.5 -352 240 10 628 7.5 45 Apr. 26 5.9 .06 87 11 54 1.2 299 .8 87 .5 .2 -395 264 19 699 7.7 60 May 26 5.8 .,00 94 6.2 53 .9 296 6.0 88 .5 .2 -401 260 18 710 7.7 60


Table 1., CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS AND CANALS IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLA.-Continued B,-Surface Water _(Chemical analyses, in parts per million, except pH and color) Dissolved Hardness Specific Mag. Posolids (as CaCO3) conduc. Date Mean CalnetasBlcar. Fluo. NIPhostance of discharge Silica Iron clum slum Sodium slum bonate Sulfate Chloride ride trate phate Residue Cal Calcium, Non. (micropH Col. collection (cfs) (SI02) (Fe) (Ca) (Mg) (Na) (K) (HCO3) (SO4) (Cl) (F) (NO3) (P04) at cu. magne. carbon. mhos or 1 80C lated slum ate at 25SC) ______2-2862. SNAKE CREEK CANAL AT N. W. 67th AVENUE, NEAR HIALEAH July 16,1963 6.2 0.03 84 10 33 0.9 291 11 47 0.3 0.1 382 336 251 12 571 7.8 45 Oct. 9 7.6 .12 90 7.7 31 1.1 288 19 42 .4 .5 390 -256 20 580 7.5 70 Jan. 13,1964 7.7 .13 91 8.0 31 .9 288 18 44 .4 .1 -345 260 24 579 7.5 50 Apr. 20 6.1 .04 85 4.9 38 .9 288 7.3 50 .4 .5 360 -232 0 606 7.6 50 June 17 6.7 .04 93 7.3 26 .9 292 20 38 .3 1.0 340 -262 22 562 7.7 70 Sept. 1 6.6 .05 90 7.7 27 1.0 ,286 19 39 .4 1.3 -333 256 22 570 7.6 55 Oct. 30 6.6 .03 83 12 27 .8 280 19 38 .3 1.2 -326 256 26 566 7.8 55 Mar. 9, 1965 5.6 .04 90 7.2 33 .8 288 14 50 .4 .5 -344 254 18 582 7.6 55 Apr. 26 6.0 .02 68 17 38 ;9 283 64 57 6 .0 -333 240 8 588 7.7 50 P May 26 7.9 .03 80 15 45 2.3 292 2.0 76 .5 .3 -373 260 20 673 7.9 50 -------------------------------------------------------------1___ ^I


26 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The ability of water to conduct an electric current is directly related to the amount and kind of minerals dissolved in the water. In general, the more minerals dissolved in water, the greater will be the electric conductance. The conductance will also vary slightly depending on the type of minerals present. Measurement of acidity or alkalinity is recorded as pH. The pH scale is based on the concentration of hydrogen ion in solution and a pH of 7 is considered neutral. Water having pH values below 7 are acidic, and water having pH values above 7 are alkaline. Ground and surface waters in Broward County are slightly alkaline because of the predominance of carbonate and bicarbonate salts in soluble limestones in the shallow subsurface materials. Hardness in water results when alkaline earth minerals, principally calcium and magnesium, are present in solution and it is commonly expressed as an equivalent amount of calcium carbonate. The U. S. Geological Survey classifies hardness as follows: 0 -60 ppm soft 61 -120 ppm moderately hard 121 -180 ppm hard over 180 ppm very hard In Broward County the water-bearing materials are composed principally of limestone which dissolves in slightly acidic water and produces hard water. Hardness in water is objectionable because it consumes soap in laundry operations and forms incrustation in pipes and boilers. Hardness can be beneficial in water used for irrigation because it helps maintain soil structure and permeability. Nitrogen is found in water primarily in the form of nitrate; in unpolluted water, nitrate usually does not exceed 10 ppm. Sources of nitrate include decomposition of organic materials and drainage water from soils that are heavily fertilized with nitrate-bearing fertilizer. Leached barnyard refuse can pollute streams and shallow ground water. Where both chloride and nitrate concentrations are above normal for an area the possibility of contamination by human or animal wastes should be investigated. Color in water may be derived from animal, vegetable, or mineral sources, and is measured by comparing a water sample with standard solutions of platinum and cobalt and reported as units on the platinumcobalt scale (Hazen, 1892). The maximum color of water used for public supply suggested by the U. S. Public Health Service (1962) is 15 Hazen


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 27 units. The objection to color in water for domestic use is primarily aesthetic, although colored water may stain fixtures or laundry. Color in ground waters in Broward County occasionally is high enough to be objectionable and color in surface waters generally is both high and variable. It is well known today that fluoride can be beneficial to the teeth; however, too much fluoride can cause dental defects such as mottled tooth enamel. People tend to drink more water when the annual temperature is high and, therefore, will take more fluoride into the body. In Broward County, the average annual temperature falls in the established 70.7 and 79.9 degree range, where to be beneficial, the fluoride content of drinking water should range between 0.7 ppm and 1.0 ppm. The average concentration of fluoride should not exceed the maximum of 1.0 ppm. Water for public use in Broward County should conform to the Florida State Water Standards which are based on the U. S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards (1962). According to the standards, the following constituents should not exceed the concentrations shown: Substance Concentration (ppm) Alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) 0.5 Arsenic (As) 0.01 Chloride (Cl) 250 Iron (Fe) 0.3 Nitrate (NO3) 45.0 Sulfate (SO4) 250 Total dissolved solids 500 Fluoride (F) 1.0 Carbon chloroform extract (CCE) 0.2 Phenols 0.001 Zinc (Zn) 5.0 Copper (Cu) 1.0 Manganese (Mn) 0.05 The practical limits of some chemical constituents are based mainly on aesthetic considerations. Within the range of maximum standard concentrations some chemical constituents of water tend to produce a noticeable taste. Most people can detect a salty taste in water when the chloride reaches 200-300 ppm. Water containing a sulfate concentration


28 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of about 250 ppm may have a laxative effect on some people. Iron concentrations of about 0.3 ppm in water will often impart a taste and may discolor laundry or stain porcelain fixtures. WATER IN THE BISCAYNE AQUIFER The Biscayne aquifer is the principal source of fresh water for public supply in southeastern Florida. This aquifer is composed chiefly of porous permeable limestone with some sandstone and sand. In Broward County, the aquifer is thickest along the coast where it extends from the land surface to a depth about 150 feet in the south and nearly 400 feet (Tarver, 1964) in the north; it thins to a feather edge near the western boundary of Broward County. The Biscayne aquifer is underlain by clay and marl of low permeability which extend to a depth of about 900 feet. CHANGES WITH DEPTH AND LOCATION The chemical quality of water in the Biscayne aquifer differs areally and with depth. Chemical differences with depth in existing wells aredifficult, if not impossible, to detect because wells are generally cased to one producing zone. However, multiple-depth information collected during this investigation indicates differences in the chemical quality of the water in the Biscayne aquifer throughout the county. Also, the multiple depth data were used in conjunction with other chemical quality data to prepare maps of the area showing differences in and distribution of the various chemical constituents with depth. Generally the data were from wells which were not contaminated by salt water. The chemical constituents mapped are dissolved solids, hardness as CaCO3, and iron. The location of the wells sampled are shown on each map. The maps in figure 5 show the dissolved solids in water from depths ranging from 0 to greater than 200 feet. The relatively low chemical content of the water in the Fort Lauderdale area indicates the circulation of ground water that results from the combined effect of the drainage by the canal system and the local recharge by rainfall. In the rest of the county the slower movement of the ground water permits more time for the water to dissolve minerals from the materials composing the aquifer. The tendency of the calcareous sands of northern Broward County to hold the water in storage is indicated by the relatively high dissolved solids near the coast in that area.(This is supported by the fact that water levels in the northern part of the county are considerably higher than those in the central and southern parts; The higher concentration of dissolved solids in the wells deeper thlh 200 feet indicates there is much less circulation of water at those depths.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 29 S ANAL EXPLANATION * WELL SAMPLED FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSES I 0-100 FEET-SAMPLE DEPTH ZONE S--300LINE OF EQUAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS,PARTS PER MILLION Et POMLPANO CANAL I A* SMIDDLE VR6-0 ' CANA k .jr.\ JU DF O R T S ,/ 'LAUDE RD S. NEW RIVEL CANA . * L A .01 • 0-100 FEET BROWARD COUNTY DADECO NTY ~o , a " 4tt 10;150 FEET I-150-200 FEET GREATER THAN 200 FEET . Figure 5. Variation of dissolved solids in ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964. The maps showing hardness of ground water, figure 6, generally show the same pattern as the dissolved solids maps. A similarity in the illustrations would be expected because calcium and bicarbonate are the major constituents of the natural water of south Florida. The ground water of Broward County ranges from hard to very hard. The hardest water occurs in the northern section and extends nearly to the coast. The iron content of ground water also varies areally and with depth in the Biscayne aquifer. According to Hem (1959, p. 60), iron usually will occur only in the ferrous state in water whose pH ranges from 7 to 8, the range normally found in Broward County. When water containing ferrous iron and bicarbonate comes in contact with oxygen, the iron is oxidized to the ferric state and precipitates as ferric hydroxide. The bicarbonate in solution is replaced with carbon dioxide which slightly lowers the pH. Aeration as commonly employed to remove iron from water, utilizes this reaction.


30 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY , iEXPLANATION N-L * WELL SAMPLED FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSES 0-100 FEETSAMPLE DEPTH ZONE -200LINE OF EQUAL HARDNESS,AS S * C'-------CO3,IN PARTS PER MILLION COA4A CANAL -A P«_._0-100 FEET • _ 4 DADI C Ty 10&"150 FEET --150-200 FET * 0 ( GREATER THAN 200 F \ Figure 6. Variation of hardness of ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964. The maps in figure 7 show that the iron concentration increases to the south and west. The reason for the higher iron content could be the action of certain bacteria on organic material. Sarles and others (1951, p. 235), state that certain bacteria can bring about reactions with organic material which produce ferric hydroxide or ferrous sulfide. Soil microorganisms also can cause the formation of acids which aid in bringing iron compounds into solution. These reactions occur deep in the subsurface where there is no free oxygen. To illustrate differences in chemical quality in an individual well a modified Stiff diagram was used. This method of presentation of data is based on the percentage of the principal cations and anions in terms of equivalents per million (reacting values of ions), and is diagrammed in figure 8. The modified Stiff diagram shows only percentage composition, not the total mineral content of a sample; therefore, the specific conductance was plotted against depth in figure 8 also, in order to show changes in total mineral content of the water with depth in the aquifer. The analyses of water from Well 260609N0801205 (fig. 8) show the typical changes in the water of the Biscayne aquifer in the coastal area


REPORT OF INVESTGATIONS No. 51 31 Sf NA EXPLANATION * WELL SAMPLED FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSES 0-100FEETSAMPLE DEPTH ZONE -3.0LINE OF EQUAL IRON CONCENTRATION ' PARTS PER MILLION Ed POMPANO CANAL , MIDDLE RIV * * jE RIV CANA * 0-100 FEET 100-150 FET DADECONTY 150-200 FEET GREATER THAN 200 FEET Figure 7. Variation of iron in the ground water of eastern Broward County, 1964. of Broward County. The shallow water is a calcium bicarbonate type which gradually changes with depth to a sodium chloride type. The diagram representing the 227-foot sample shows the midpoint of the transition from fresh water to saline water. The sample collected at 314 feet shows the typical diagram of sea water, although the specific conductance of sea water would be many times greater. Analyses of water at different depths from two wells (255742N0802720 and 260843N0802629) in western Broward County showed that the aquifer contains naturally soft water with a high bicarbonate content. Natural softening is caused by a base-exchange reaction in which the calcium in solution is replaced with sodium from an exchange material (clays). According to Foster (1950, pp. 33-48), base-exchange reaction, accompanied by high bicarbonates, requires that three materials be present: calcium carbonate, carbonaceous material, and a base-exchange material. Calcium carbonate, relatively insoluble in pure water, goes into solution as calcium bicarbonate in the presence of carbon dioxide. Carbonaceous material, such as organic matter, decomposes to produce much of the


32 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WELL WELL WELL WELL 260609-0401205 255742-0802720 260643-0802629 260054-0801033 CONDUCTANCE. MICROMHOS PER CENTIMETER AT 25' C soo o000 0 50o00 10000 0 5 00 10000 S0 1000 ' I i -/ I I I I 0 I I I 0m0 SEXPLANATION PER CENT OF S EOUIVALENTS PER MILLION LVED SOLIDS -g PrOMA PARTS PER MILLION "MC 26o0666 1205 2600540801033 5574200272O 5 0' SMILtS Figure 8. Variation in chemical constituents with depth in water from selected wells. carbon dioxide in the ground. Carbonaceous material abounds in the organic soil in the Everglades in western Broward County. The baseexchange material, generally clay minerals, is present in the surface marl and as part of the deeper unconsolidated material. Water from well 255742N0802720 (fig. 8) is naturally soft with high sodium and bicarbonate and low calcium and sulfate. The deeper waters from well 260843N0802629 are the same type but the water at shallow depths is calcium bicarbonate in type. This indicates that the upper section of the aquifer in the area of well 260843N0802629 contains little or no base-exchange material. Water samples from both wells show the presence of salt water in the deeper part of the aquifer, as do all other deep samples collected in this vicinity. In addition, the dissolved ions in water from several of the wells indicate the presence of dolomitic (CaMg(CO3)2) material in the deeper section. The diagram of the dissolved solids in waters from the 200-foot zone in well 260054N0801033 (fig. 8) shows a high concentration of magnesium (70 ppm). In contrast, very little magnesium (4.5 ppm) occurs at a depth of 168 feet. A similar change was found in six of the wells in which multi-depth samples were collected.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 33 Although chloride is the dominant anion in the 200-foot zone, its concentration is low (250 ppm) and the magnesium/chloride ratio is too high for the magnesium content to be caused by active saltwater intrusion. The EPM ratio of calcium to magnesium in water from the 200-foot zone is 1:3; the EPM ratio in sea water is 1:5, while the EPM ratio in waters from dolomitic rocks is approximately 1:1. It appears, therefore, that the high magnesium content of the deeper waters in these six wells is caused by a combination of solution of a dolomitic source material and the occurrence of salty water at a depth of approximately 200 feet. The presence of dolomitic limestones at similar depths has been reported in the area around Lake Okeechobee by Mr. Bob Erwin (Oral communication). The analyses of water from well 261018N0800850, located near the tidal reach of Middle River Canal, are shown in figure 9 by Stiff diagram, CHLORIDE. PARTS PER MILLION 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 _ 0 250 DF--EL S3 LAUDERDALE I O HOLLYWOOD z I CONDUCTANC 7 CHLORIDE ____ __________ EXPL NATION PER (ENT OF EQUIVALEN PER MILLION C100 50 50 100 300 S04 NaPKE CI DISSOLV D SOLIDS PARTS PER MILLION 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 CONDUCTANE, MICROMHOS PER CENTIMETER AT 25 C Figure 9. Changes in chemical composition of water from well 261018N0800850 with depth.


34 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY chloride content, and specific conductance. The analysis of multiple-depth samples showed that the water from a depth of 23 feet was calcium bicarbonate type; the sample collected at 56 feet had an appreciable increase in sodium chloride concentration and the water from 85 feet was again predominately a calcium bicarbonate type. This indicates that part of the water at the 56-foot depth was salt water infiltrating from the tidal canal, and that material of relatively low permeability exists in the interval between 56 and 85 feet which retards vertical movement of water. The chloride content increases from 280 to 1580 ppm in the 19 foot interval from 167 to 186 feet. This illustrates the tendency of the heavier salt water to move to the bottom of the aquifer, under the fresh water. It also illustrates the effect of differences in permeability within the aquifer on the extent of sea-water intrusion. The material penetrated during the drilling of the bottom 19 feet of this well ranged in composition from very sandy limestone at the top of this interval, to highly permeable pure limestone in the lower part of this interval. The permeable limestone tends to facilitate salt water intrusion in the Ft. Lauderdale area. The chemical quality conditions in this well are probably typical of many areas near the coast and adjacent to a tidal canal. CHANGES WITH TIME Observation well 260515N0802021 was drilled in November 1950, in an undeveloped section of Broward County about 7 miles west of Davie, to provide a record of changes in water levels and water quality caused by drainage in the area and by the storage of water in the conservation areas. The well is 29 feet in depth cased to 28 feet with 6-inch casing. A continuous water-level recorder was installed on the well and hydrologic observations have continued to date. Monitoring of the chemical quality of the water was begun in March 1955, and water samples have been collected periodically and analyzed for mineral content and chemical properties. Even though the well has not been used, changes in chemical quality have occurred during the period of observations. As shown in figure 10, the mineral content of the water decreased from about 400 ppm to less than 300 ppm. The greatest change was in sulfate concentrations which declined steadily from 95 ppm to 0. According to Hem (1959, p. 101), most sulfides are converted sulfates in the upper oxidized layers of soils, and are leached away. In humid regions, sulfates can be thoroughly leached because the amount of water is large in proportion to the soluble salts. Extended periods of low water levels such as those shown in figure 10 during 1955-57 and increased drainage caused by the improvement of the canal system probably aided


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 35 WELL 260515-0802021 DEPTH 29 FEET 110 , 20 _ ----1 -------------------S2 loo L I (Cc |-I--v >-0 I" CAR6ON, E -/HCO3i --10 sS S (a ---------0-1 1955 I 195 I 1957 I 1958 I 1959 I 1960 I 1961 1 1962 I 1963 I 194 I Figure 10. Changes in selected chemical constituents in water from a well seven miles west of Davie, during the period 1955 to 1964. the flushing of the upper part of the aquifer by recharge from local rainfall. Most of the other constituents in the water decreased slightly during the period of record, a further indication that improved drainage accelerated the movement of ground water which removed the soluble material from the area. Changes in the ratios of the different chemicals in the water throughout the period of record show that a base-exchange reaction has taken place. Natural softening (see page 31) occurred to a slight degree, but was probably limited by a lack of base-exchange material. During the 10 years of record the calcium decreased from about 120 ppm to 90 ppm, the sodium remained nearly constant, the bicarbonate increased slightly, and the total mineral content decreased. The decrease in hardness with no decrease in bicarbonate also indicates a slight base-exchange reaction. SEA-WATER INTRUSION Sea-water intrusion is one of the prime water problems in coastal areas of Broward County. Sea water has moved into the aquifer near the coast and adjacent to uncontrolled reaches of the rivers and canals. Because the majority of salts in sea water are in the form of chlorides, I/U F1J


36 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY the chloride content of water is generally used as the index of sea-water encroachment. Figure 11 shows the inland extent of water containing EX DL ATOI P A L BEACH SARD CCOUNTY WELL FIELAD ATLANTIC OCEA.N 6ENERALIZED I CROSS SECTION 1 fresh ground water at depths from 160 to 200 feet below the land surface. F r14 11.Exn CAtNu The map sequence in Figure 12 shows successive adjustments of the salt-front pattern, which have occurred since 1941 in response to drainage CANT C 13 -40 FiurH NEW EtER CANAL Csw " it 1,000 ppm of chloride near the bottom of the Biscayne aquifer in Broward County in 1964. The wedge-shaped, salt-water body in the aquifer is thickest at the coast and thins inland to an edge where it underlies the fresh ground water at depths from 160 to 200 feet below the land surface. The map sequence in Figure 12 shows successive adjustments of the salt-front pattern, which have occurred since 1941 in response to drainage


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 51 37 1941 1 A 1956 BC .. .. Figure 12. Progressive salt-water intrusion in the Middle River-Prospect Well Field 1963Area, near Fort Lauderdale. c i-, 3 .4t Figure 12. Progressive salt-water intrusion in the Middle River-Prospect Well Field Area, near Fort Lauderdale.


38 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (canal construction), increases in municipal pumping, and salinity-control practices in the Middle River-Prospect well field area near Fort Lauderdale. In the early 1940's, when rapid growth was just beginning, there was very little ground-water pumpage and the existing streams were shallow and relatively ineffective for drainage. This resulted in overall high water levels which prevented salt-water intrusion, except for areas adjacent to the coast and along tidal channels (fig. 12A). During the mid 1950's, as urban areas were expanded, canals were dug to lower water levels to prevent flooding in inland areas. Short, tidal, finger canals were excavated in low-lying coastal areas and the excavated material used to raise land surface elevations, thereby creating water-front property. Ground-water withdrawals were increased to accommodate the growing demand. The combined effect of increased drainage and water use lowered water levels near the coast and caused a gradual inland movement of salt water (fig. 12B). Salinity-control structures in major canals have done much to retard or even push back intruding salt water. The connection of Cypress Creek into the water-control system has aided the prevention of intrusion in the northern part of Prospect well field even though pumpage has tripled during the period 1956-63; however, the south edge of the well field is threatened with salt-water intrusion (fig. 12C), because the control structure in Canal C-13 is too far upstream to be fully effective. The increased threat to fresh ground-water supplies resulted in the passage of the salt-intrusion control act by the State Legislature in 1963. This act gives the Broward County Water Resources Department and the Water Resources Advisory Board the power to control man-made changes in the ground and surface water flow system, subject to approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Brackish water occurs in less permeable materials beneath the Biscayne aquifer along parts of the coastal ridge. This water of inferior quality could be connate water trapped in sediments during deposition or residual sea water remaining in the aquifer as a result of inundation by the sea during Pleistocene time. The brackish water does not appear to be a threat to the shallow fresh water in the aquifer, provided ground-water levels are not excessively lowered. An observation well in the center of the Fort Lauderdale Dixie well field yields water that contains about 700 ppm of chloride from a depth of 211 feet and has shown no appreciable change in chloride during the last 15 years. The well field is pumped at the rate of 10 mgd from an average depth of 150 feet, but the salty water 60 feet below the zone being pumped has shown no indication of upward migration.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 39 Mineralized ground water also occurs under similar conditions in inland areas of Broward County. In an early study of ground water in southeastern Florida, information from several test wells in the Everglades, (Parker 1955, p. 820) showed that the chloride content of the water increased to the west and northwest and with depth in Broward County, figure 13. SSOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL ** CHLORIDE IN WELLS LESS THAN 20 FEET DEEP EXPLANATION EXPLANATION SOUTH NEW RIVER CANAL CHLORIDE PARTS PER MILLION F LESS THAN 30-50 CHLORIDE IN WELLS 20-50 FEET DEEP 50-100 :: :::::: .. 1 100-200 M MORE THAN 0--j 500 *WELLS CHLORIDE IN WELLS 50-100 FEET DEEP 0 5 10 MILES Figure 13. Variation of chloride content with depth in inland areas (after Parker et al).


40 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER IN THE FLORIDAN AQUIFER The Floridan aquifer underlies southeastern Florida at depths greater than 900 feet. It is composed primarily of permeable limestone which dips eastward and southward and is thought to intersect the ocean bottom several miles offshore beyond the Continental Slope. The limestone is overlain by thick impermeable marl and clay. The aquifer is artesian but yields water containing chlorides in excess of 1,500 ppm in Broward County and therefore is too salty for human consumption. In southern Florida the water having high chloride content appears to be chiefly from sea water which has not been flushed from the aquifer. Some of the sea water is connate water and some entered the aquifer during Pleistocene time (Stringfield 1966). Although the water is too salty for most purposes, the water and the aquifer are used in several ways. In the Pompano Beach area a utility company uses an 18-inch well 1,153 feet deep for disposal of sewage effluent. About 450,000 gpd of treated sewage are pumped into this well. The effluent is discharged into the aquifer against an artesian head of about 30 feet. This same technique is being used or planned for use in other sections of the state to dispose of municipal and industrial wastes to prevent pollution of the streams and shallow fresh ground-water sources. Because wells in the Floridan aquifer flow freely and the water temperature is constant, it is used for industrial cooling and for airconditioning units. The water is high in mineral content, contains hydrogen sulfide and therefore is corrosive to most metals. Where fresh water is in short supply, the salty water of the Floridan aquifer has been used for swimming pools, flushing waste systems, and mixing with the fresh water for irrigation of golf courses. The Floridan aquifer represents a source of very large quantities of water of poor quality. Although it may not be feasible now to utilize this source for many purposes, it has an excellent potential for use in future years when maximum growth is attained and the fresh-water resources in the county approach maximum utilization. SURFACE WATER The urban and agricultural sections of Broward County are dissected by a complex system of primary and secondary drainage canals. The larger primary canals convey water seaward, draining the inland areas, and in most instances are controlled near their outlets to the ocean; some control structures however, are several miles inland. The secondary canals are connected to the primary canals and are designed to cope with local


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 41 flooding. The control structures on the primary canals have two main functions: the first is to prevent the movement of sea water upstream in the canal, the second is to maintain high fresh-water levels during dry periods to prevent ocean water from seeping into the highly permeable Biscayne aquifer and contaminating the fresh-water supply of the area. Upstream of the controls, the water in the canals is basically fresh and therefore a major natural resource. The composition of the water in canals in Broward County varies widely with fluctuations in discharge caused by seasonal rainfall. When discharge is high most of the water is surface runoff from inland areas which is highly colored but contains only a small amount of dissolved minerals. When discharge is low most of the water is derived from ground-water inflow and the amount of dissolved minerals increases. In Broward County, water in the canals is not used directly for domestic supplies. However, during the dry seasons canals supply a major portion of the water which artificially replenishes the various municipal and private well fields. For this reason, the mineral content of the canal water is of importance. During the dry season inflow to the canals is from inland areas where ground-water levels are higher than canal levels, but in coastal areas controls are closed, canal levels are higher than ground-water levels and water generally flows from the canals into the aquifer. Thus the period when canals are the primary supplemental source of replenishment to ground-water supplies occurs when effluent wastes in the canals are most concentrated. In general, the chemical quality of surface-waters in Broward County is within the limits established by Florida State Water Standards. However, the mineral content of a given surface-water source varies more in a short time period than the content of a given ground-water source, and therefore, surface water is more difficult to treat. CHEMICAL CONTENT Surface waters collected during this study are primarily alkaline ranging from pH 6.3 to 8.6. When slightly acid rain water comes in contact with limestones which underlie this area, solution of the limestone causes the ground water to become slightly alkaline. Therefore, during dry periods when most of the water in canals is ground-water inflow, canal water will be alkaline. Canals which are used extensively for disposal of wastes and sewage effluent may periodically become slightly acid. The effluent from sewage treatment plants is a source of nitrate in surface water in this area. Water from Plantation Canal above control structure S-33 had the highest nitrate content found during this study. Eight of the 16 samples (fig. 3) collected showed a nitrate content


42 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ranging from 9.4 to 62 ppm as compared with an average of about 1 ppm for surface waters in the area. The nitrate content of the canal water seems to vary with discharge. The samples that had the highest nitrate content were collected during or immediately after periods of little or no flow whereas samples collected during periods of appreciable flow generally had low nitrate content. In 1965 nearly 1.7 million gallons per day of treated effluent was discharged into the controlled reach of this canal. Water samples from the Pompano Canal above the control at Pompano Beach contained the highest fluoride in the surface water (2.7 ppm, March 12, 1962). As shown in Figure 14, the fluoride content at this site 3.0 -I -i i i \ i i 1961 1962 1963 1964 1961 1962 1963 1964 Figure 14. Fluoride content of water from Pompano Canal near Pompano Beach. fluctuates seasonally. During 1962 it ranged from 2.7 ppm in March to 0.4 ppm in October. The greatest fluoride content apparently occurs during the first heavy rains after the long winter dry season each year. The probable source of the fluoride is the inland agricultural areas drained by the Pompano Canal where fluoride is added to soils by application of fertilizer (U. S. Dept. of Agric. Yearbook, 1957). This soil fluoride could be leached from the ground by irrigation and the runoff from heavy rains. The Hillsboro Canal which also passes through the same area had a fluoride of 1.2 ppm in April 1964. Fluoride is less likely to be detected in the Hillsboro Canal because of high flows which would cause extensive dilution of any contaminant. The canal waters of Broward County vary in color from 30 to as high as 240 standard platinum-cobalt units and therefore are in the objection-


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 43 able range of the Florida Standards for drinking water. At present this presents little problem because the principal direct use of canal water is for crop irrigation. When canal water infiltrates the aquifer, color is removed as the water moves through the aquifer and is diminished by dilution as the canal water mixes with ground water. CHANGES WITH TIME The total mineral content of the water along controlled reaches of canals usually ranges from about 150 to 600 ppm. In the tidal reaches below control structures the water is predominantly sea water although the chloride content varies considerably in response to changes in the rate of discharge of fresh water through the control structures. Daily chloride values derived from continuously recorded conductivity values collected in uncontrolled reaches of North New River Canal, Middle River Canal, and Hollywood Canal during 1964 and 1965 are shown with hydrographs of available canal discharge in Figure 15. The hydrographs show clearly the effect of discharge on the movement of the salt water in the canals and also, the effects of the lack of control and replenishment to the Hollywood Canal. The highest chloride content in water at these sites occurs during the dry season when discharge is at a minimum. During the wet season when discharge is high the salt water in both primary canals is pushed downstream to coastal reaches of the canals. The chloride content of water in Hollywood Canal is generally high because the canal drains a small urban area and discharge is low. Major well fields are located near the sampling sites on Middle River and North New River Canals (fig. 2) and ground-water gradients indicate that water flows from the canals toward the well fields during periods of low water levels and heavy pumpage. The graphs of Middle River and North New River Canals show that when a discharge of 50 to 75 cfs occurs through the control structures, the salt front is held downstream from the sampling points. Figure 16 shows the sum of chemical constituents from periodic samples collected at South New River at S-13 and monthly rainfall at the nearby agriculture research station for the period September 1950 through December 1963. At S-13 the mineral content commonly varies inversely with rainfall. The great increase in mineral content in early 1957 is very likely the end result of the extended drought of 1954-56 which had its greatest effect on south Florida near the end of 1956 (Pride, 1962). During a period of low rainfall, mineral content increases as a result of concentration by evaporation and the inflow of more highly mineralized ground water. The extreme decrease in mineral content in late 1957 was caused by dilution due to the above normal rainfall which followed the drought.


1H --'----.....--. r -. ,---r -,.. ...., .. -..-.-. -.--.-. --, ..--.. ,--.-.-. ---. .--..--....... ..... 11000 10000 MIDDLE RIVER CANAL (C-13 ) oo 9000 Ar OAKLAND PAlK LVD. 7000 000 CCHLORIDE 0 4000 DISCHAGE 60 \ o000 400 1000 200 E NORTH NEW RIVER CANAL 1400 SAT FLA, HIGHWAY'T S000 DISCHARGE"-l CHLOIID0 2000 600 U a . 3 0 HOLLYWOOD CANAL (C-10) AT TIGER TAIL ROAD 14O00 CHLORIDE OCT. NOV, DEC. JAN.' FE. MA. APr. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC JAN FEB. MAR. APE. MAY 'JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. 1964 1965 Figure 15. Discharge and chloride content of water from tidal reaches of selected canals.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 45 2 00 A 125• z 5" F"&-----~----------.--I I----1954 1955 1 1956 1 1957 1958 I 1959 I 1960 I 1961 I 1962 I 1963 I Figure 16. Mineral content of water from South New River near Davie and rainfall, 19541963. CONTAMINATION OF WATER RESOURCES Each public water-supply system in the county is requested to furnish to the Broward County Health Department an annual chemical analysis of the raw water from each producing well and an analysis showing the amount of trace elements present. This practice has resulted in the correction of some potentially dangerous situations. The analyses of water from several wells in southern Broward County have shown fluctuating increases in ABS (detergents) content in recent years. The wells are in an area served mainly by septic tanks which are thought to be the source of the ABS. The fact that most manufacturers now produce biodegradable detergents may cause a gradual decrease in the ABS content of the water. In 1962 the trace element analysis of a group of wells showed an increase in arsenic over the previous years. Though not a dangerous concentration, it was enough to warrant checking. The investigation showed a sodium arsenite weed killer had been used in the vicinity which probably leached down to the water table. The arsenic decreased when the use of the weed killer was stopped. As a result of this incident the Broward County Health Department has restricted the use of arsenite weed killers in the vicinity of public supply wells in the county. Arsenic again became a potential problem in 1965 when an increase was noted in the annual trace element analysis in two well fields. Again the arsenic did not reach a potentially harmful concentration. The arsenic evidently was transported to the well fields through the canal system of the area. The source could be either industrial or agricultural pollutants. Drought conditions limited the dilution and flushing of the arsenic from the canals. Further efforts to trace the source were negated by heavy rains which diluted the mineral content of water in the canals.


46 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Fresh water in streams normally contains several ppm dissolved oxygen. The oxygen is consumed in oxidation of organic material and is replaced by oxygen from the atmosphere. If large quantities of organic matter are in the water, oxygen may be used faster than it is replaced. Treated waste water, high in organic matter, can cause a problem of oxygen depletion when discharged into the waterways. Large quantities of dissolved oxygen are required to oxidize the organic material. Turbulent flow of water will aid in the oxygen uptake of water; however, the canal system in Broward County generally does not have turbulent flow. When the dissolved oxygen becomes very low, there are often problems of odor, floating sludge, and killing of fish and aquatic life. It is generally established that 5 ppm dissolved oxygen is necessary to support fish life. In extreme cases when the dissolved oxygen is totally depleted, there is no self purification of the water and a septic condition develops. During the low flow period in December 1966 the U.S. Geological Survey made a study of the diurnal (24 hour) dissolved oxygen content at selected points in the canal system in Broward County. The study showed that the two sites with the lowest dissolved oxygen content, Snake Creek Canal (C-9) and Plantation Canal (C-12), were also the canals which received the greatest amount of treated sewage. Snake Creek Canal receives about 2.5 mgd of treated effluent and had a diurnal range of 0.7 to 1.8 ppm dissolved oxygen. Plantation Canal, which receives about 1.2 mgd of effluent had a range of 1.9 to 3.4 ppm dissolved oxygen. South New River Canal and North New River Canal also had very low diurnal dissolved oxygen content. During this study the dissolved oxygen ranged from 0.3 to 7.6 ppm and the average for all samples collected was 3.5 ppm. The data indicate that at times, the dissolved oxygen concentration of the canal waters is reduced to levels below those necessary to sustain many forms of aquatic life, which is a potential problem if those life forms are to be maintained. Dissolved oxygen depletion is not the only pollution-caused degradation of canal water in Broward County. Another source of degradation is pollution from chemical contamination. Table 2 lists various minor constituents which were detected by the chemical analyses of the canal waters sampled during the dissolved oxygen study. None of the waters analyzed contained dangerous amounts of these chemicals, but several constituents are present in detectable amounts. Also the presence of ammonia compounds, nitrates, and phosphates indicates probable organic pollution. These analyses again show the same canals as potential problem areas, namely, Plantation, Snake Creek, South New River, North New River and Middle River Canals. The probable reason Middle River Canal


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 47 Table 2. ANALYSES OF MINOR CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS IN WATER FROM SELECTED CANALS, DECEMBER 21,1966. Chemical analyses, in parts per million Site _ N z Site U, ,Z Z oO Hillsboro Canal above control at Deerfield Beach 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 1.4 0.02 0.33 Pompano Canal above control at Pompano Beach 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.5 0.01 0.28 Cypress Creek Canal above S-37-A near Pompano Beach 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.06 2.2 0.02 0.69 Middle River Canal, above S-36 near Ft. Lauderdale 0.01 0.00 0.00 3.0 9.1 0.16 1.4 Plantation Canal, above S-33 near Ft. Lauderdale 0.03 0.00 0.00 2.3 1.8 0.50 5.4 North New River Canal above control near Ft. Lauderdale 0.01 0.00 0.02 1.6 0.5 0.01 0.18 South New River Canal above S-13, near Davie 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.13 2.5 0.12 0.29 Snake Creek Canal above S-29, near Nortli Miami Beach 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.05 3.3 0.03 1.0 Snake Creek Canal at 67th Ave., near Hialeah 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.9 0.00 0.20 W. S. Public Health Recommended Maximum 0.05 5.0 0.05 45 is in this group, but not in the low dissolved oxygen group, is because the sampling site is just downstream from a large treatment plant and there was not sufficient flow time for the dissolved oxygen to be lowered appreciably. In conjunction with the current chemical sampling, special samples were taken at selected sites for pesticides analysis (Table 3). These analyses show that Plantation Canal and Snake Creek Canal contain the highest, although not dangerous, concentrations of certain pesticides. The pesticides probably come from the agricultural area in western Broward County. These studies are only a beginning and need to be followed by more complete studies conducted at various seasons and under different waterflow conditions. Another source of chemicals in the water is effluent from sewagetreatment plants (fig. 2). In 1965, with only 36 percent of the population served by public sewerage systems, more than 21 mgd of treated effluent were discharged into the waterways of Broward County. Included in the discharge figure was the treated effluent from approximately 900,000 gallons of septic tank sludge material which must be disposed of each month. Records for 1963 showed only about 20 percent of the septic


48 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. ANALYSES OF PESTICIDES IN WATER FROM SELECTED CANALS, DECEMBER 21,1966. Analysis by U.S. Geological Survey (parts per trillion) Snake Creek Canal above S-29 near North Miami Beach. 10 nd nd nd 10 nd nd I0 nd nd SamplingSite j a | Plantatione Cree Canal above S-29 near North Miami Beach. 10 nd nd nd 10 nd nd 10 nd nd Plantation Canal above S-33, near Fort Landerdale. 10 nd nd nd 10 nd 20 10 10 40 Pompano Canal, above control at Pompano Beachnd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Hillsboro Canal above control, near Deerfield Beach. nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 10 nd nd nd-Not detected tank sludge was being treated in sewage-treatment plants. The Broward County Health Department required complete treatment of sewage and post-chlorination of the effluent before discharging into the receiving water. Sewage-plant effluent is generally higher in nitrates and chloride than the natural water of the area. During drought periods, when the canal control structures are closed, the increased dissolved chemical constituents in canal water caused by sewage can be further concentrated by evaporation of the canal water. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The chemical quality of the water in the interrelated surface and ground-water system of Broward County is generally good. Most of the water used in Broward County is obtained from the Biscayne aquifer which is recharged by local rainfall and by water that infiltrates from the canals. The very permeable limestone of the Biscayne aquifer permits relatively free interchange of water between the aquifer and the canals. The mineral content of water from the Biscayne aquifer usually meets the water standards set by the State of Florida. The water is hard, and in the southeast part of the county it contains iron in objectionable concentrations. Ground water along the coast is contaminated by saltwater, and parts of the aquifer inland contain salty remnants of ancient sea floodings. The water contained in the major part of the aquifer is a


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 49 calcium bicarbonate type but near the bottom of the aquifer it is a sodium chloride type. In one area the deeper water is high in magnesium indicating the presence of dolomite. In southwestern Broward County some natural softening of the water is caused by a base exchange reaction in which the calcium in solution is replaced with sodium from an exchange material, generally clay minerals in the aquifer. Generally, the mineral content of the water increases inland and with depth in the aquifer. The water of lowest dissolved solids is in the Fort Lauderdale area-an intensively drained area where the circulation of water is rapid. Analyses of water collected for ten years from a well at the east edge of the Everglades show a decrease in the dissolved solids and most other chemical constituents; the sulfate concentration declined from 95 ppm to O. The Floridan aquifer yields brackish water by artesian flow. Small quantities of this water are used in swimming pools, for cooling, and for mixing with fresh water for irrigation of golf courses. One sewagetreatment plant discharges treated effluent into the Floridan aquifer. The chemical quality of the surface water of Broward County generally varies seasonally. Mineral content of canal water increases during dry seasons when the contribution to the canals from ground water is greatest, and decreases when the canal water is largely surface runoff. Generally the mineral content does not exceed about 500 ppm. Upstream from the control structures the water is generally a calcium bicarbonate type. The water downstream from the control structures is mainly seawater, with the chloride content varying in response to seasonal runoff and control-structure operations. The interchange between the aquifer and the canal system contributes to the contamination of the waters of Broward County. There has been, and will continue to be, problems of pollution and salt-water intrusion. No serious pollution situations have arisen, but instances of arsenic and detergent contaminations in well fields have occurred. Further studies are needed on the contamination problems. Specific studies are needed on: 1) the relation of treated effluent loads to the discharge in the canals; 2) the effect of the interchange of water between the ground and surface water on fresh water well fields located close to canals; and 3) the use of the Floridan aquifer for the disposal of treated effluent and industrial waste. Continued monitoring of the salt-water intrusion and effects of waste disposal are needed. To maintain the good quality of the abundant supply of water in Broward County a firm program of planning and management is paramount. If planning and management of the water resource is defaulted,


50 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY the rapidly-expanding economy and growing water needs in the area can result in depletion of water resources, contamination of the inland waters by industrial, agricultural, and domestic practices and by intrusion of salt water.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 51 51 REFERENCES Black, A. P. 1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters 1951: Florida State Board Cons. Div. Water Survey and Research Paper 6. 1953 (and Brown, E., and Pearce, J. M.) Salt water intrusion in Florida: Florida State Board Cons. Div. Water Survey and Research Paper 9. Brown, Eugene (see Black, A. P., 1951, 1953). Collins, W. D. 1932 (and Lamar, W. L., and Lohr, E. W.) Industrial Utility of Public Water Supplies in the United States: U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 658. Crooks, J. W. (see Pride, R. W.) Foster, Margaret 1950 The Origin of High Sodium Bicarbonate Waters in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 1, pp. 33-48. Grantham, R. G. (see Sherwood, C. B., 1965). Hazen, Allen 1892 A new Color Standard for Natural Waters: Amer. Chem. Soc. Jour. Vol. 12. Hem, John D. 1959 Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1473. Hoy, Nevin D. (see Schroeder, M. C., and Klein, Howard, 1958). Klein, Howard (see Schroeder, M. C. and Hoy, Nevin D., 1958). Lamar, W. L. (see Collins, W. D., and Lohr, E. W., 1932). Langbein, W. B. (see Leopold, L. B., 1960). Leopold, L. B. 1960 (and Langbein, W. B.) A primer on Water: U. S. Dept. of Interior, Geol. Survey. Lohr, E. W. (see Collins, W. D., and Lamar, W. L., 1932). Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G., and Ferguson, G. E., 1955). Parker, G. G. 1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources of southeastern Folrida, with special reference to the geology and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1255. Pearce, J. M. (see Black, A. P., and Brown, Eugene, 1953).


52 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Pride. R. W. 1962 (and Crooks, J. W.) The Drought of 1954-56, Its Effect on Florida's Surface-Water Resources: Fla. Geol. Survey. R. I. 26. Rainwater, F. H. 1960 (and Thatcher, L. I.) Methods for Collection and Analysis of Water Samples: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 1454. Sarles, W. B. et al, 1951 Microbiology: Harper & Brothers, p. 235. Schroeder, M. C. 1958 (Klein, Howard, and Hoy, Nevin D.) Biscayne Aquifer of Dade and Broward Counties, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I.. 17. Sherwood, C. B. 1959 Ground Water Resources of the Oakland Park Area of Eastern Broward County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I. 20. 1965 (and Grantham, R. G.) Water Control vs. Sea-Water Intrusion, Brotcard County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Leaflet No. 5. Stringfield, V. T. 1966 Artesian Water in Tertiary Limestone in the Southeastern States: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 517. Tarver, George R. 1964 Hydrology of the Biscayne Aquifer in the Pompano Beach Area, Brotcard County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I. 36. U. S. Public Health Department 1962 Public Health Service Publication No. 956. Vorhis. Robert C. 1948 Geology and Groundwater of the Fort Lauderdale Area, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey, R. I. 6.