Ground water in Duval and Nassau Counties, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 43 )

Material Information

Ground water in Duval and Nassau Counties, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 43 )
Series Title:
( FGS: Report of investigations 43 )
Leve, Gilbert W ( Gilbert Warren ), 1928-
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
91 p. : illus. (in pocket) maps (1 col. in pocket) ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Groundwater -- Florida -- Duval County ( lcsh )
Groundwater -- Florida -- Nassau County ( lcsh )
Water-supply -- Florida -- Duval County ( lcsh )
Water-supply -- Florida -- Nassau County ( lcsh )
City of Fernandina Beach ( flgeo )
City of Ocala ( flgeo )
Water wells ( jstor )
Limestones ( jstor )
Beach ( jstor )


Bibliography: p. 71-79.
General Note:
"Prepared by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Division of Geology, and Duval County, and the City of Jacksonville."
Statement of Responsibility:
by Gilbert W. Leve.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The author dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.
Resource Identifier:
030429623 ( aleph )
01726783 ( oclc )
AES0061 ( notis )
a 67007462 ( lccn )


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Most of the recharge of water to the aquifer is outside of Duvil and Nassau counties where the overlying confining beds are thiii or missing. Discharge is by seepage into the ocean and by numer. OLus wells throughout Duval and Nassau counties. Between 150 and 200 mgd (million gallons per day) is discharged by wells in the vicinity of Jacksonville, and between 50 and 70 mgd is discharged by wells at Fernandina Beach, causing depressions in the piezoimetric surface in these areas. 'rThe piezometric surface has been depressed from less than 30 feet above sea level to more than 15 feet below sea level, and artesian pressures in wells declined between 50 and 60 feet at Fernandina Beach during the perio(l 1939 to 1963 and between 12 to 22 feet at Jacksonville during the period 1946 to 1963.
Water from both the shallow and Floridan aquifer systems is suitable for most uses. The chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system ranges from less than 10 ppin (parts per million) to more than 40 ppm in wells less than 1,250 feet deep. and it exceeds 1,100 ppm in wells more than 1,250 feet: deep at Fernandina Beach. The chloride content of water from most wells increased only 2 to 14 ppm during the period 1940 to 1962 except in some deep wells at Fernandina Bench, where it increased from 20 to 1,350 ppm during' the period 1955 to 1962.
At present serious salt-water contamination is limited to a few deep wells at Fernandina Beach, where salt water is migrating laterally from a highly mineralized zone within the fresh-water zone and vertically from highly mineralized zones below the freshwater zones. Proper well construction and spacing controlled discharge, and careful development of the deeper water-bearing zones may retard. and prevent further, salt-water contamination.
Future studies will include investigations of the shallow aquifer system, (quantitative studies of the Floridan aquifer system, and detailed analysis of the spread of salt-water contamination in northeast Florida.


Ground water is the principal supply of fresh water in north. east Florida. Practically all water for municipal, industrial, ane agricultural use is obtained from wells. In recent years, expanding industry and increasing population in the area have considerably increased the use of ground water. To supply the increased need for water many new wells have been drilled, many existing wells have been deepened, and large-capacity pumps have been installed


oi wells that previously produced an adequate supply by natural

Correlated with the increase in water use is the continued de,line in artesian pressures. Records of water levels in northeast Florida show that since 1880 pressures have declined more than t;o feet in some parts of the area. In many parts of Florida and (eorgia, similar declines in artesian pressures have resulted in salt-water intrusion into the fresh-water supply. The constant decline in water pressure and the possibility of salt-water contamination of the aquifers pose a threat to the future development of the fresh water in northeast Florida. A shortage of fresh ground water could inhibit the area's economic growth and result in hardship for the population.
Recognizing the need for a comprehensive appraisal of the ground(-water resources of northeast Florida, an investigation was hegun in 1959 by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey. The purpose of this investigation was to provide the basic information necessary for the safe and effllicient development of ground water, one of the most important natural resources of northeast Florida.
This report presents and interprets the information concerning the location and availability of ground water collected by the U.S. (Geological Survey previous to and during this study. The report is a convenient reference for those persons charged with the resp)onsibility of developing and protecting water supplies and for those who use or control water in significant quantities in Duval and Nassau counties.
The investigation was begun under the immediate supervision of M. I. Rorabaugh, the previous District Engineer, Ground Water Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey, and completed under C. S. (Ionover, the present District Engineer.
The occurrence and quantity of ground water in northeast lorida are briefly mentioned in reports by Matson and Sanford 1913) and Sellards and Gunter (1913) as part of generalized inestigations of ground water in Florida. A report by Stringfield 1936) includes maps of the Florida Peninsula showing the area f artesian flow, areas in which the artesian water contains more han 100 ppm of chloride, and the first published map of the piez,metric surface of the Floridan aquifer. Reports on ground-water sources In southeastern Georgia by Stewart and Counts (1958)


and Stewart and Croft (1960) include information on groundwater discharge and maps of the piezometric surface in the Fernandina Beach area. Ground-water resources in northeast Florida are described in generalized reports by Stringfield, Warren and Cooper (1941), and by Cooper, Kenner, and Brown (1953).
Chemical analyses of water from wells in northeast Florida are included in reports by Collins and Howard (1928), Black and Brown (1951) and the Florida State Board of Health (1960). A report by Black, Brown, and Pearce (1953) includes a brief discussion on the possibility of salt-water intrusion in northeast Florida. The surface-water resources of Baker County are described in a comprehensive report by Pride (1958).
Geologic information on northeast Florida is included in reports by Cooke (1945), Vernon (1951), and Puri (1957). The reports by Vernon and Puri both contain generalized cross sections that include northeast Florida, and the report by Vernon also contains a generalized subsurface structural map of northern Florida. Stratigraphic and paleontological studies of an oil-test well in Nassau County are described in a report by Cole (1944).
Detailed studies of the ground-water resources and geology of northeast Florida were made by Pirnie (1927) and Cooper (1944). Eugene Derragon of the U.S. Geological Survey made a reconnaissance of the area in 1955. Many of the data collected by Cooper and Derragon were used in preparing this report.
During this study preliminary reports of the ground-water resources of northeast Florida (Leve, 1961a) and the Fernandina Beach area (Leve, 1961b) were prepared to determine the extent of declines of water levels and salt-water intrusion in the area. Most of the data presented in these preliminary reports are included in this report.


The author wishes to express his appreciation to Mr. D. M. French, Duval Drilling Co., who supplied drilling information and assisted in sampling and conducting tests on wells; to Mr. T. Oliver, power superintendent, Container Corp. of America; to Mr. H. G. Taylor, chief chemist, Rayonier Inc.; and to Mr. C. Washburn, chief engineer, and Mr. D. C. Hendrickson, associate engineer, Jacksonville Department of Electric and Water Utilities, all of whom provided valuable data and either permitted or assisted in conducting tests, sampling, and measuring of wells.


Appreciation is expressed to the many consultants, well drillers
-nd members of the Florida State Board of Health who made ,vailable many valuable data included in this report.
Special thanks are extended also to the many residents in the area who permitted access to their properties.


Wells inventoried during this investigation were each assigned an identifying number. Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating the wellnumbering system. As shown in the diagram, the first two segments of the well number identify the 1-minute quadrangle of latitude and longitude in which the well is located. Thus, well 021-139 shown in the figure is located in a quadrangle bounded by latitude 30021'N on the south and longitude 81039'W on the east.
The third segment of the well-location number is based upon dividing the 1-minute quadrangles into quarters, sixteenths, and sixty-fourths, which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 in the following order: northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast. The first digit in the third segment of the well number locates the well within the quarter, the second digit locates the well within the quarterquarter tract, and the third digit locates the quarter-quarterquarter tract. If a well could not be located accurately within the smallest tract, then a zero is used for the third digit of the third segment of the well number. Similarly, a zero is used for the second and first digits of the third segment if the well could not be located more accurately within the 1-minute quadrangle. With this system, a well referred to by number in the text can be located on figure 2.



This report describes an area of about 2,000 square miles in
he northeastern part of Florida and includes the bordering southastern part of Georgia (fig. 1). The area extends from 30'05' ,arallel north latitude northward into southern Georgia and from :2010' meridian of west longitude eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. t includes all of Duval and Nassau counties, eastern Baker, and :orthern Clay and St. Johns counties, Florida, and the extreme
outhern portions of Camden and Charlton counties, Georgia.


840 830 820 810 800




30 20 '

81 40' 81035'

81040' AREA A 81039
300 22!


I 2 25 0 25 50 75 100 miles



Well 021-139-443 Figure 1. Map of peninsular Florida showing the location of Duval and
Nassau counties and illustrations of well-location numbering system.


The climate of the area is humid subtropical. According to records of the U.S. Weather Bureau, the mean temperature i: 69F near the coast and about 680F inland. The lowest meal monthly temperature at Jacksonville is 55.90F, in January; the


6 AS
- 5o



Figure 2. Map of Duval and Nassau counties showing the location of wells
for which information was obtained.
' ighest mean monthly temperature is 82.60F, in July. The aver,ge annual precipitation in the area is about 52 inches, of which
0 to 70' percent falls between June 1 and October 31.

Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, and Fernandina Beach are he three largest cities in the area. Most of the population is along he St. Johns River in and near Jacksonville and along the coast :'i Duval CObunty. Table 1 shows the population of Jacksonville and


Duval County and of Fernandina Beach and Nassau County in 1940, 1950, 1960, and 1962 based on records of the U.S. Censtus Bureau. The table also shows the percentage increase in popula. tion between 1940 and 1962.
The economy of Fernandina Beach and Nassau County is based upon the production of wood pulp and paper. Two large processing plants, Rayonier Inc. and Container Corp. of America, are located in Fernandina Beach, and their expansion has been a major reason for the population increase in Nassau County.
Greater Jacksonville in Duval County is one of the major metropolitan areas in the southeastern United States. A natural harbor near the mouth of the St. Johns River and a vast network of transportation facilities make Jacksonville the distribution center for northern Florida and southeastern Georgia. A wide range of products are manufactured and processed in Jacksonville. Some of the major industries are paper manufacturing, shipbuilding and repair, processing and packaging of food products, manufacturing of cigars, chemicals and paint, building products, truck bodies, steel castings, and furniture. In addition, there are 18 home and regional offices of insurance companies and 3 major naval facilities in the area.
An index of industrial growth of the Jacksonville area is the total nonagricultural wages and employment of salaried workers in the area as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. These figures are given in table 2 for every
2 years since 1950.

The topography of northeast Florida is controlled by a series of ancient marine terraces (Cooke, 1945) which were formed -It times in the Pleistocene when the sea was relatively stationary at various higher levels than the present sea level. When the sea dropped to a lower level, the sea floor emerged as a level plain cr terrace and the landward edge of each terrace became an abandoed shoreline, which is generally marked by a low scarp.
Seven terraces are recognized in northeast Florida; in level they are the Coharie, Sunderland, Wicomico, Penholoway, Talbot, Pamlico and Silver Bluff terraces. The original shorelines and the level plains of the terraces have been modified and deLtroyed by stream erosion and only remnants of the original teiraces can be seen. The general configuration of these terrace. shown on figure 3 was mapped from topographic maps primaril"


'i nLE 1. Population of Jacksonville, Duval County, Fernandina Beach, and Nassau County, 1940-62

Population increase
unit 1940 1950 1960 1962 1940-62

.1ncksonville 178,065 204,517 201,030 Ihlval County 210,143 304,029 455,411 482,600 130

Flrnandina Beach 3,492 4,974 7.276 NaRsau County 10,826 12,811 17,189 18,300 69

by their elevation above present msl (mean sea level) and from aerial photographs.
The highest and oldest terraces, the Coharie, Sunderland and Wicomico, are in the western part of the area. They form an upland that ranges in elevation from 70 to more than 200 feet above msl. The highest and most prominent surface feature is a high sandy ridge, called "Trail Ridge," that extends northward through eastern Baker County into Georgia. The ridge, a remnant of the Coharie terrace, ranges in altitude from 170 to more than 200 feet. The Sunderland terrace in eastern Baker County and extreme southwestern Duval County is poorly developed and is modified by erosion. Remnants of this terrace consist of rolling, eroded hills that range in altitude from 100 to 170 feet. The most extensive occurrence of the uplands in the western part of the area consists of �an irregular flat plain from 70 to 100 feet above msl which is the

TA'rBLE 2. Nonagricultural wages and salaried employment in the Jacksonville area.

Total salaried
workers employed in
Year nonagricultural work

1950 18,600 1952 110,800 1954 116,400 1956 127,800 1958 134,000 1960 144,103 1962 148,100

Percent increase
: 1950-1962 50.2


remnant of the Wicomico terrace. The outer boundary of this terrace extends northwestward through south-central Duval County and western Nassau County into Georgia.
The Penholoway and Talbot terraces in the area are not clearly defined in northeast Florida because they have been severely modified by the numerous streams that drain the higher and older terraces. Scattered remnants of these terraces occur in a belt that extends through central Nassau County, north-central Duval County and southeastern Duval County east of the St. Johns River. They form a coastal ridge at altitudes from about 25 to 70 feet which is particularly well defined east of the St. Johns River in ,southeastern Duval County. Ancient dunes on the coastal ridge form a series of narrow sandy ridges and low intervening swampy areas which are elongate parallel to the coastline.
The Pamlico and Silver Bluff terraces form a low coastal plain throughout most of the central and eastern part of northeast Florida. The altitude of the plain ranges from slightly above sea level to 25 feet; however, some dunes along the present coastline are more than 50 feet above msl. In Nassau County and in northern Duval County, the plain slopes irregularly eastward toward the ocean. In central and southern Duval County, the plain slopes toward the St. Johns River west of the coastal ridge and toward the ocean east of the ridge.
Adjacent and parallel to the present coastline, remnants of the Pamlico terrace form a series of offshore bars or islands. These bars range in width from less than a few hundred feet to about 2 miles and are separated from the mainland by a series of tidal lagoons and streams. Many of these tidal streams comprise the Intracoastal Waterway.
Surface drainage in the western and central parts of the area is through the St. Johns, Nassau, and St. Marys rivers and their tributaries. East of the coastal ridge, drainage is primarily by numerous small brackish-water streams that empty either into the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway or directly into the oceali. Much of the relatively flat Pamlico, Silver Bluff, and Wicomico terraces is marshland because drainage is poor.
Rainfall on the land surface may be returned directly to the atmosphere by transpiration and evaporation, drained off into suiface bodies of water, or absorbed by the soil and rocks. Some (f


the water that is drained into lakes and streams or is absorbed by the soil and rocks eventually moves downward through the gr ound to the zone in which the interstices of the rocks are completely saturated with water, where it becomes a part of the ground-water body. Ground water moves laterally from zones of higher hydrostatic head, such as recharge areas where the water is replenished, to areas of lower hydrostatic head, such as discharging wells and springs.
Ground water occurs under either nonartesian or artesian con(litions. Nonartesian water is unconfined, so that its upper surface is free to rise and fall; artesian water is confined under pressure, so that its upper surface is not free to rise and fall. The height to which artesian water will rise above its confined surface in a tightly cased well is called the artesian pressure head. The imaginary surface coinciding with the altitude of such artesian pressure heads in wells is called the piezometric surface.
Ground water occurs in rocks in the zone of saturation; however, only aquifers transmit usable quantities of water to wells. An aquifer may be a formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that is porous and relatively permeable. Relatively impermeable rocks that restrict the movement of water are called aquicludes. Thin, discontinuous, relatively impermeable zones that locally separate permeable zones are called confining beds. A series of similar aquifers or permeable zones together with associated confining beds and aquicludes constitute an aquifer system.
In northeast Florida, ground water occurs in two separate aquifer systems: the shallow aquifer system and the Floridan aquifer ,~.stem. Although both aquifer systems were studies during this investigation, the Floridan aquifer system is described in greater Detail in this report because it is the principal source of ground v'ater in the area.


Fresh-water supplies in Duval and Nassau counties are obtained i itirely from wells drilled into the rock formations that compose 1 e aquifer systems. Therefore, an essential part of this study

'The stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report conforms to the usage 1 Cooke (1945) with revisions by Vernon (1951) except that the Ocala Smestone is referred to as the Ocala Group. The Ocala Group, and its bdivisions as described by Puri (1953), has been adopted by the Florida ological Survey. The Federal Geological Survey regards the Ocala as a
rmation, the Ocala Limestone.


was to differentiate the formations and to determine their water. bearing properties. This was done by collecting rock cutting from a number of water wells drilled in the area and examining these cuttings to determine the texture, mineral composition, and fauna of the different formations. Additional geologic information was obtained from drillers' logs, and from lithologic and electric logs on file with the Florida Geological Survey. Current-meter traverses were made in a number of wells to locate the water-bearing zones and to determine the relative yield of water from the different formations.
The rock formations that are tapped by water wells in the area include, in ascending order, the Oldsmar Limestone, the Lake City Limestone, the Avon Park Limestone, and the Inglis, Williston, and Crystal River Formations of the Ocala Group--all of Eocene age; the Hawthorn Formation, of middle Miocene age; deposits of late Miocene or Pliocene age; and, exposed at the surface, undifferentiated deposits of Pleistocene and Recent age. These rocks are listed in table 3 and their lithologic character and waterbearing properties are described briefly.
Rock formations older than the Oldsmar Limestone have not been tapped by water wells in northeast Florida because sufficient water can be obtained from the overlying formations and the water from the deeper rocks is more highly mineralized. One deep oil-test well in northwestern Nassau County penetrated rocks deeper than the Oldsmar Limestone. In this well, marine dolomite and limestone beds of Eocene age are 2,235 feet thick and extend to a depth of 2,640 feet below msl. A sample of water collected between the depths of 2,100 and 2,130 feet below msl and analyzed for mineral content was found to contain 33,600 ppm of chloride which is about 11 times the chloride content of sea water.
The following discussion of the formations include only rocks penetrated by water wells in Duval and Nassau counties. The cross sections in figure 4 show these geologic formations.


The Oldsmar Limestone of early Eocene age (Applin an. Applin, 1944, p. 1699) is the deepest and oldest formation utilize, as a source of water in northeast Florida.
The only well in the area that completely penetrates the Oldsmar Limestone is a deep oil-test well, 044-156-110, in northwestern Nassau County (Cole, 1944). The top of the Oldsmar



400- -0 00 i n Duval Fa Nassa c s

so o- ORTrK -800

1o0o - C ITy "' " 0 0

40D- et bl ms an p r mr t-400

t I o forat

o 5 Vmths
in Duval and Nassau counties, Fla Without rechin older formations.

' thout re"' hing older formations.


In wells in northeast Florida, the Oldsmar Limestone consisi;s of a cream to brown, soft, massive to chalky granular limestone, and cherty, glauconitic, massive to finely crystalline, sugartextured dolomite. The formation is lithologically similar to the overlying Lake City Limestone and is differentiated from the Lake City by its fossil content. The top of the Oldsmar Limestone is picked by the first occurrence of the foraminifer species Helicostegina gyralis Barker and Grimsdale.


Lake City Limestone is the name applied by Applin and Applin (1944) to limestone of early middle Eocene age that conformably overlies the Oldsmar Limestone in peninsular Florida.
Depths to the top of the Lake City Limestone in northeast Florida range from about 580 feet below msl in south-central Duval County to about 1,260 feet below msl at Fernandina Beach. Only a few wells in northeast Florida completely penetrate the Lake City Limestone. The Lake City is 486 feet thick in a well (044-156110) in northwestern Nassau County and 475 feet thick in a well (038-127-324) at Fernandina Beach. A well in southwestern Duval County (014-153-420) penetrates more than 490 feet of Lake City Limestone without reaching older formations.
Lithologically, the Lake City Limestone consists of alternating beds of white to brown, purple tinted lignitic, chalky to granular limestone and gray to 'tan massive to finely crystalline, sugartextured dolomite. It contains beds consisting entirely of coneshaped (Valvulinidae) foraminifers and locally contains thin beds of lignite.
The Lake City Limestone contains abundant fossil foraminifei s that are different from those in the underlying Oldsmar Limestore and overlying Avon Park Limestone. The most distinctive fossil of the Lake City Limestone is Dictyoconus americanus which wv s selected by Applin and Applin (1944) as a guide fossil for the formation. The fossils most often found in well cuttings from th3 Lake City Limestone include Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman), Fabularia vaughani Cole and Ponton, Discorbis inornatus Colk, Fabiania cubensis Cushman and Bermudes, Archaias columbiensH Applin and Jordan.



Deposits of late middle Eocene age penetrated by wells in Polk ('ounty were named Avon Park Limestone by Applin and Applin (1944). Outcrops of the formation in Citrus and Levy counties were later recognized and described in detail by Vernon (1951, p. 95).
The Avon Park Limestone ranges in thickness from 150 feet to more than 700 feet in central and southern Florida; however, it has been considerably thinned by erosion in northeast Florida. The geologic cross sections in figure 4 show that the formation averages only about 50 feet in thickness throughout the western and central parts of northeast Florida. It thickens toward the coast and is about 190 feet thick in a well (019-124-210) at Atlantic Beach and more than 250 feet thick in a well (038-127-324) at Fernandina Beach.
The Avon Park Limestone unconformably overlies the Lake City Limestone and unconformably underlies the Ocala Group. Contours constructed on the irregular upper surface of the Avon Park Limestone in northeast Florida are shown on figure 5. As shown, the top of the formation is less than 500 feet below msl in south-central Duval County and more than 950 feet below msl in northeastern Nassau County.
The lithology of the Avon Park Limestone varies both laterally and vertically throughout northeast Florida. In the western and central parts of the area where the formation has been considerably thinned by erosion, it consists predominantly of tan to brown, hard, massive dolomite beds containing thin zones of tan granular, fossiliferous limestone. In the eastern part of the area where the I'ormation is thickest, it consists of alternating beds of tan hard, massive dolomite; brown to cream granular, calcitic limestone; and irown, finely crystalline, sugar-textured dolomite.
The top of the formation usually can be detected during the drilling of wells because the hard dolomite beds in the upper part f the formation retard the drilling rate. In addition, the Avon ark Limestone can be identified and differentiated from the other -rmations of Eocene age by its fossil content. The following !agnostic foraminifers were identified in the Avon Park imestone from well cuttings in the area:Coskinolina floridana ole, Dictyoconus cookei (Mobert), Dictyoconus gunteri Cole,
ituonella floridana Cole, Spirolina coryensis Cole.



Cooke (1915, p. 117; 1945, p. 53) defined all deposits of late Eocene age in Florida as one formation; the Ocala Limestone. These deposits were later redefined by Vernon (1951, p. 111-171.) as two formations; the Moodys Branch Formation and the Ocala Limestone. More recently Puri (1953, p. 130; 1957, p. 22-24) divided the late Eocene limestone into three separate formations. These are, in ascending order, the Inglis, the Williston, and the Crystal River Formations. These three formations are now referred to collectively as the Ocala Group by the Florida Geological Survey.
All three formations of the Ocala Group are fragmental marine limestones and were differentiated in cuttings from wells in northeast Florida by slight changes in lithology and on the basis of fossil content. However, in some wells from which cuttings were collected and examined, it was not possible to differentiate each of these formations because of lithological similarities and the absence of diagnostic fossils in the cuttings.


The Inglis Formation lies unconformably on the Avon Park Limestone and ranges in thickness from about 40 feet to about 120 feet in northeast Florida. As shown on the geologic cross section in figure 4, it is thickest west of the St. Johns River in western and central Duval County.
Lithologically, the Inglis Formation is a tan to buff granular, calcitic, marine limestone. It contains beds consisting entirely of a coquina of Miliolidae foraminifers. These coquina beds are loosely cemented and porous and have a mealy texture. Thin, discontinuous zones of gray to brown, hard, crystalline dolomite are prevalent near the base of the formation.
The lithologies of the Inglis and the overlying Williston Formations are similar and in many sets of cuttings from wells in the area the upper contact of the Inglis is not clearly defined. However, in most cases it was possible to differentiate the formations on the basis of changes in fossil content. The following diagnostic fossils were used as guide fossils (Puri, 1957, p. 48) t) identify the Inglis Formation in cuttings from wells in the area: Fabiana cubensis Cushman and Bermudez, Periarchus lyelli (Conrad), Spirolocidina seminolensis Applin and Jordan, Spirolinu co yensis Cole.



The Williston Formation lies conformably between the underlying Inglis and the overlying Crystal River Formations. It ranges in thickness from about 20 feet to 100 feet and has an average thickness of about 50 feet throughout northeast Florida.
The lithology of the Williston Formation is similar to that of the underlying Inglis Formation, consisting of a tan to buff granular, marine limestone. However, the Williston is generally more indurated and does not contain the mealy-textured coquina beds that are found in the Inglis Formation.
The Williston Formation can further be differentiated from the other formations in the Ocala Group by a distinct fossil assemblage. The following fossils were identified in well cuttings: Amiphistegina pinarensis cosdeni Applin and Jordan, Operculiitoides moodybcranchensis (Gravell and Hanna), Operculinoides 'willcoxi (Heilprin), Operculinoides jacksonensis (Gravell and Hanna), Nummulites vanderstoki Rutten and Vermunt, Heterostegina ocalana Cushman.
Several of these species of fossils occur in the other formations of the Ocala Group but not as frequently nor in as great numbers as in the Williston Formation. The top of the formation was determined by the first appearance in well cuttings of Amphistegina pinarensis cosdeni, which is the most diagnostic fossil of the Williston Formation in northeast Florida.


The Crystal River Formation is the youngest Eocene formalion generally penetrated by wells in northeast Florida. It :onformably overlies the Williston Formation and unconformably minderlies the Hawthorn Formation of middle Miocene age. The .hickness of the formation varies considerably throughout the rea and, as shown by the geologic cross sections in figure 4, anges from less than 100 feet in central and western Duval ounty to 300 feet in well 038-127-324 at Fernandina Beach.
Lithologically, the Crystal River Formation is a white to cream, halky massive fossiliferous, marine limestone. It is lighter in Alor, less granular, and more friable than the underlying Williston .'ormation, and contains abundant Molluscan shells and relatively
-rge foraminifers that are not common in the underlying formaions of the Ocala Group. The fossils identified in well cuttings rom the Crystal River Formation include: Lepidocyclina ocalana


Cushman, Lepidocyclina ocalana pseudomarginata Cushman, Ope,eCulinoides ocalana Cushman, Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Sphaerogypsina globula (Ruess), Nummulites vanderstoki Rutten and Vermunt, Heterostegina ocalana Cushman.


Rocks of middle Miocene age in peninsular Florida were first named the Hawthorn Formation by Dall and Harris (1892, p. 107). The Hawthorn Formation lies unconformably on the eroded surface of the Ocala Group throughout all of northeast Florida.
As shown in the geologic cross sections in figure 4, the thickness of the Hawthorn Formation ranges from about 250 feet in southern Duval County to about 500 feet in north-central Duval and central Nassau counties. Locally, the formation may vary in thickness by as much as 50 feet where it fills depressions in the irregular surface of the Crystal River Formation.
The Hawthorn Formation consists of gray to blue-green calcareous, phosphatic sandy clays and clayey sands, interbedded with thin, discontinuous lenses of fine to medium phosphatic sand, phosphatic sandy limestone, and gray hard dolomite. The limestone and dolomite lenses are thicker and more prevalent near the base of the formation than in the higher parts. They occasionally contain some poorly preserved mollusk casts and molds. The only other fossils in the formation are sharks' teeth, which are most often found in the clay beds.


Deposits overlying the Hawthorn Formation in peninsular Florida were described by Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 152) andi Cooke (1945) as being Pliocene in age. They have been more recently described by Vernon (1951, figs. 13,33) as late Mioceno in age. Because their age has not been determined exactly, they are referred to in this report as Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits.
Pliocene and upper Miocene deposits are the oldest rocks exposed at the surface in northeast Florida. They are exposed in roan cuts, excavations, and the banks and beds of many streams in the area. As shown in the geologic cross sections (fig. 4), these deposit.: are about 100 feet thick adjacent to the St. Johns River in centra Duval County and in central and eastern Nassau County, and les: than 20 feet thick in western Duval and eastern Baker counties.


The Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits consist of interbedded �p ay-green calcareous silty clay and clayey sand; fine-to mediumgtrained, well-sorted sand; shell; and cream to brown soft, friable limestone. They differ from the underlying Hawthorn Formation in that they contain little or no phosphate. The limestone is most prevalent at the base of the deposits and together with sand and shell form a laterally extensive, continuous, relatively permeable zone which locally is as much as 40 feet thick.
The contact between the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits and the Hawthorn Formation is an unconformity generally marked by a course phosphatic sand and gravel bed. However, the contact between the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits and the overlying Pleistocene and Recent deposits is not clearly defined. In some wells, particularly in the eastern and northern parts of the area, the contact appears to be gradational.


Undifferentiated sediments of Pleistocene and Recent age blanket most of northeast Florida, except where they have been completely eroded by streams. As shown in the geologic cross sections (fig. 4), the deposits are more than 150 feet thick in eastern Baker County and average about 20 feet in thickness in central and eastern Duval and Nassau counties.
The Pleistocene and Recent deposits in the western part of the area consist primarily of fine- to medium-grained, poorly sorted sand and clayey sand, locally stained yellow or orange by iron oxide. In the central and eastern parts of the area, the deposits are predominantly loose sand and gray to green clayey sand, containing some shell beds near the coast.


The structural contour lines in figure 5 reflect the eroded
-urface of the Avon Park Limestone and Crystal River Formation. At the contour interval shown in the figure, the small irregularities n the surface of the formations are not apparent and the configurtion of the lines reflects the approximate subsurface structure
-f the formations. As shown, the surface of the Avon Park .imestone strikes approximately northwest-southeast and dips northeast at about 9 feet per mile in the western part of the area, nd strikes northeast-southwest and irregularly dips northwest
bout 16 to 20 feet per mile in the eastern part.


Although the surface of the Crystal River Formation has been modified by erosion more than the surface of the Avon Park Limestone, the contour lines on the top of the Crystal River Formation in figure 5 generally reflect the configuration of the underlying Avon Park Limestone. The top of the Crystal River Formation ranges from less than 300 feet below msl in southern most Duval County to more than 550 feet below msl in northcentral Duval County. The Crystal River Formation is the initial limestone of Eocene age penetrated by wells in the area, and in most areas it is also the top of the Floridan aquifer system. Therefore, these contour lines also show the top of the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties.
The limestone formations of Eocene age in the western part of the area, sloping northeastward, and in the eastern part of the area. sloping northwestward, form an irregular trough or basin extending from south-central Duval County northeastward into northeastern Nassau County. A fault extends generally along the axis of this basin, the upthrown side to the west. In southern Duval County, the vertical displacement of the top of both the Ocala Group and the Avon Park Limestone by the fault is about 125 feet. The vertical displacement decreasess northward and the fault probably does not extend farther north than northern Duval County.
The irregularities in the surface of the Eocene limestone formations were filled and blanketed by the thick series of postEocene sediments (fig. 4), and there is no surface reflection of the subsurface structural features in the area.


The shallow aquifer system consists of the limestone and sand aquifers in the clayey sand and sandy clay confining beds in the tipper part of the Hawthorn Formation, the shell, limestone, and sand aquifers in the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits and the sand and shell aquifers in the Pleistocene and Recent deposit:; (table 3).
The lithology of these deposits changes laterally as well as vertically and the aquifers and confining beds are discontinuous. II some part of northeast Florida, particularly in western Duval. Nassau, and eastern Baker counties, the shallow aquifer systen may consist of a single, relatively thick aquifer extending down ward from the water table to the aquiclude in the Hawthorl


I formation. In other parts of the area, particularly in central and c stern Duval and Nassau counties, the shallow aquifer system imay consist of a series of relatively thin permeable zones separated l,,cally by a number of relatively thin confining beds.
The most laterally extensive aquifer in the shallow aquifer system occurs as either a limestone, a shell, or a sand bed near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. It is about 10 to 40 feet thick and is 50 to 150 feet below the surface throughout most of Duval and Nassau counties.


Although ground water in the shallow aquifer system is generally under nonartesian conditions, some shallow wells located in low areas immediately adjacent to the St. Johns River and its tributaries yield artesian water. These local artesian conditions are caused by confining beds that confine water under pressure in an underlying aquifer, particularly in shell and limestone beds near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits.
The shallow aquifer system is recharged chiefly by local rainfall. Discharge from this system occurs by evaporation, transpiration by plants, seepage into surface bodies of water, leakage downward into the underlying rocks, and discharging wells.
The fluctuations and seasonal trends of water levels in wells in the shallow aquifer system indicate the gain' and loss of water to and from the system. The hydrographs in figure 6 show the fluctuations and seasonal trends of water levels in two wells in the shallow aquifer system in northeast Florida. Part A of the figure shows a hydrograph of the semi-daily water levels in well 040-127211A, at Fernandina Beach, and a bar graph of the daily rainfall at Fernandina Beach in April 1961. The graphs show the effect 4f local rainfall on the water level in the well. For example, the :ise in water of more than 1 foot on April 15 reflects recharge a the aquifer from a rain of 2.70 inches the same day. The overall 'ecline in the.water level between April 20 and 30 reflects depletion f water in the aquifer system by the pumping from other shallow 'ells in the area and by the lack of rainfall after April 16.
Part B of. figure 6 shows a hydrograph of the water levels in :-ell 017-136-241B and a bar graph of the monthly rainfall at acksonville between February 1961 and December 1962. As iown graphically, the water level in the well generally declined


WELL 040-127-211A,
Fernondao Beach
(Shd1low uqwler)

Dally rainfall or Fernondino Beach

S 5 8 9 10 11 2 1314 15 16 1 8 19 2021 221 2425 26 228293 APRIL 1961

WELL 017-136-2418, Imile east
of Jacksonville
(Shallow a utter)

7 ,
Monthly rainfollt Jocksonville

EBA APR MAYR aM JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC 1961 1962 Figure 6. Graphs showing rainfall at Fernandina Beach and Jacksonvill,! and the water levels in well 040-127-211A at Fernandina Beach and wel!
017-136-241B near Jacksonville.

even during periods when the rainfall increased. For example rainfall during June and July 1962 was almost 7 inches greatest than during the same period in 1961; however, the water leveh in the well were about 2 feet lower in June and July 1962 thar during the same period in 1961. The decline in water level was irregular and generally months of greater rainfall resulted irn


,lightly higher water levels. This general decline in water levels was partly a result of a deficiency in total rainfall during 1961 atnd 1962 compared to rainfall in 1960. However, as indicated by the lower water levels during periods of increased rainfall, the decline was caused partly also by increased pumping from more shallow wells in the area.

Water in the shallow aquifer system is generally obtained from two separate aquifers: (1) from surficial sand beds and (2) from a limestone, sand, and shell zone near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits.
Some water for lawn irrigation, stock and domestic use is obtained from the surficial sand deposits by using "surface" sandpoint wells constructed of galvanized casing from 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter. The casing is either driven or jetted 10 to 30 feet below the surface to put the well screen below the water table. The yields of the surface wells differ in different parts of the area, primarily because of lateral changes in the water-transmitting character of the aquifer. In most of northeast Florida, typical surface wells 11/4 inches in diameter yield between 10 and 15 gpm (gallons per minute). However, some wells in relatively thick and permeable beach sands along the coast yield as much as 25 gpm.
Most of the water from the shallow aquifer system is obtained near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. Water is obtained from this aquifer by "rock" wells, generally 2 inches in diameter and 50 to 150 feet deep. The casing is either driven or jetted to the top of the aquifer and the bottom of the casing is left open. An open hole is then drilled into the aquifer below the casing and water enters the well throughout the entire length of the open hole. Typical 2-inch "rock" wells throughout most of northeast Florida yield 15 to 20 gpm. Locally, where the aquifer !s i'elatively thick and composed of permeable limestone or shell, : 2-inch well may yield as much as 80 gpm. A few 4-inch rock wells n Jacksonville and a few 5-inch wells in Fernandina Beach yield
0 to 80 gpm.
Water from the surficial sands generally contains iron (Fe), ,rhich gives it a pronounced taste and stains plumbing fixtures. ;urface wells .near brackish water are in danger of contamination ,y lateral encroachment of such water. Water from the "rock" vells is generally of good quality and suitable for most domestic, crigation, and industrial uses.


The shallow aquifer system presently supplies only small tlo moderate amounts of water to small-diameter wells. However, properly constructed large-diameter gravel-packed wells in the shallow sand aquifers may be capable of supplying large amounts of water. The shallow aquifer in northeast Florida could become an important source of water to supplement the supplies that are presently obtained from the Floridan aquifer system. Although the areal extent of the relatively thick aquifer at the base of the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits was not determined by this study, it appears to underlie most of the area. It is possible that this shallow aquifer could be artificially recharged locally with surface water. When the aquifer is not completely saturated, rainfall stored in shallow surface reservoirs could percolate downward into the aquifer to replace the water discharged from shallow wells.


The Floridan aquifer system is the principal source of fresh water in northeast Florida; therefore, most of the information collected and studied during this investigation was concerned with this aquifer system. It includes part or all of the Oldsmar, Lake City, and Avon Park Limestones, the Ocala Group, and a few discontinuous, thin aquifers in the Hawthorn Formation that are hydraulically connected to the rest of the aquifer system. The Floridan aquifer system is separated from the shallow aquifer system by the extensive aquiclude in the Hawthorn Formation and in the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. Wat e in the Floridan aquifer system is artesian.


The water-bearing zones within the Floridan aquifer systenl consist of soft, porous limestone and porous dolomite beds. Thte hard, massive dolomite and limestone are relatively impermeable and act as confining beds that restrict the vertical movement o-' water. Where the confining beds are continuous for a considerable distance, they isolate these water-bearing zones.
The Ocala Group is one homogeneous sequence of permeable hydraulically connected marine limestone beds that contain fevw hard dolomite or limestone beds to restrict vertical movement o.f water. The Avon Park Limestone consists almost entirely o2


h,trd, relatively impermeable dolomite beds that restrict the vertical movement of water between the overlying and underlying permeable zones. The Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones each contain alternating hard, relatively impermeable dolomite confining beds and soft, permeable limestone and dolomite water-bearing zones.
The separation of the permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system in the vicinity of Jacksonville is indicated by the difference in artesian pressure at different depths in the aquifer system. Figure 7 shows hydrographs of three wells located within 40 feet of each other and drilled and cased to different depths within the Floridan aquifer system. The lowest artesian pressures were recorded in well 026-135-342C which is open to the top 250 feet of the Ocala Group. The highest artesian pressures were recorded in well 026-135-342B which is open to about 175 feet of the Avon Park and the Lake City Limestones. The water pressure in this well was between 0.5 and 1.5 feet higher than that in well 026-135342C between January 1960 and February 1963. This difference in pressure suggests that the zones supplying water to these wells are isolated from each other.
Well 026-135-342A, drilled to 1,390 feet and cased to 584 feet below the surface, is open to permeable zones in both the Ocala Group and the Lake City Limestone. The artesian pressure

1-1 ts than 40 11A B C

1400 -o
T~- 1s Ihe u
D 00
- 026-335-342B 1
1400 on

/ 026-135-342 A WLO L "ISIRI0UII3AY

1960 1961" 1962 1963
'.igure 7. Iydrographs and geologic data from wells 026-135-342 A, B, and C, about 4 miles northeast of Jacksonville.


measured at the well head reflects the pressure in the permeable zones in the Lake City Limestone modified by internal dissipation into the Ocala Group, where the pressure is lower.
This internal dissipation of water within wells that penetrate more than one aquifer in the Florida aquifer system was indicated by current-meter traverses in wells 019-124-210, 021-141-423, 026135-342A, and 038-127-324, as shown in figures 8 and 9. Water moved from permeable zones of higher artesian head to those of lower head when the flow was shut off at the well head. In all wells the water moved upward, and, except in well 021-141-423, the water moved from lower formations into the Ocala Group. These zones

.,1 ..Mi . . . A C.".. 0

i ' ; ' -- ," . ... . ...

i :I. 9 Z
15 '

.00. CA' .4 C.....

Figure 8. Diagrams showing geologic and current-meter data from wells in Duval County.


Arll019-124 210 RevoluAims per mre of current meter 4000 00

oo4001 - -U&I _ .

rergllos per minute

00, , "0O M euA ohICOIA

t velo
V .
430 0ilon perminu

. Fra BLarar, 1 4 ,0 200 300 400 0---.----400
,cy , , , , ,.1 l a
C x, E tX ,Ul.t I " 1 I I
* mal 500on 0L0 i o , gopem


Figure 9. Diagrams showing geologic and current-meter data from wells in
al and Nassau counties.

000 lo0 r0 21 fo."n gel i, r et.

.Duval and Nassau counties.


containing water under different artesian pressure are separated by hard, relatively impermeable limestone and dolomite beds within the aquifer system.


In order to determine the depth, thickness, and relative yield of the different water-bearing zones or separate aquifers within the Floridan aquifer system, current-meter traverses of several wells in the area were analyzed by flow-distribution curves. The relative velocity of the water at different depths in a well was determined from current-meter traverses. The actual rate of flow of water at different depths is calculated by the formula q = av, in which q is the quantity of water per unit time, a is the crosssectional area of the well at a given depth, and v is the mean velocity of water at that depth as indicated by the current meter. Because the cross-sectional area of a well bore is not the same at all depths below the casing, relative velocity graphs are insufficient to determine q. The flow-distribution curve is constructed from the velocity graph by connecting the points of maximum velocity on the graph. The velocity is a maximum where the diameter is a minimum, which is generally where the resistant hard limestones and dolomites occur. Inasmuch as the minimum diameter of the well is about the diameter of the bit used in drilling the well, the diameter of these zones can only be equal to or greater than the diameter of the bit. The flows calculated at these hard zones using the bit diameter will be equal to or less than actual flow. Therefore, these zones, which are all assumed to have the same diameter, are utilized as markers in constructing flow-distribution curves. The configuration of the curves also depends on the geologic characteristics of the formations penetrated by the well.
Figures 8 and 9 show the geologic data, relative velocities, flow distribution, and relative yield or loss of water between regular intervals of the Floridan aquifer system for six wells in Duval and Nassau counties. The flow-distribution graphs were drawn by determining the rate of flow from the flow-distribution curves for each well at approximately 100-foot intervals below the casing. The increase or decrease in the rate of flow over each interval indicates the quantity of water that entered or left the well bore within that interval. The current meter was calibrated in each well to convert relative velocity to rate of flow by recording


he revolutions per minute of the meter while water flowed or was pumped at different rates, or by recording the revolutions per minute of the current meter in two casings of different diameters in each well while the rate of flow was kept constant.
The flow-distribution curves and bar graphs for wells 021-139222, 021-141-423, 025-143-220, and 026-135-342A indicate at least two separate permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system. One zone is in the Ocala Group at depths between the bottom of the casing in each well and about 800 feet below land surface. The other zone is in the Lake City Limestone at depths between about 950 feet and 1,200 feet below land surface. These two zones are separated by about 100 to 200 feet of hard limestone and dolomite, mostly in the Avon Park Limestone but also at the base of the Ocala Group and at the top of the Lake City Limestone. Within this impermeable zone little or no water enters the wells. A third permeable zone occurs within the Lake City Limestone between about 1,250 feet below the surface and the bottom of wells 021-141423 and 026-135-342A. This third permeable zone is separated from the overlying permeable zone by about 100 feet of impermeable hard limestone and dolomite in the Lake City Limestone.
As shown by the flow-distribution curves and the bar graphs in figures 8 and 9, the yield of water from the permeable zones in the Ocala Group is considerably less than that from the other, deeper zones. Generally, less than 30 percent of the total water produced from each well comes from the Ocala Group. In well 025-143-220, less than 200 gpm of the 4,800 gpm produced by natural flow is from the Ocala Group. The major water-bearing zone in the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville is in the Lake City Limestone at depths between about 950 feet and 1,200 feet below land surface. As shown by the flow-distribution curves and the bar graphs in the figure, this zone yields 50 to 98 percent of the water produced by each well. In wells 021-141-423 and 026135-342A, the flow-distribution curves and bar graphs show that about 15 to 20 percent of the water from each of these wells comes from the aquifer in the Lake City Limestone at depths of more than 1,250 feet below land surface.
In well 019-124-210 at Atlantic Beach, the water-producing zone between 1,100 feet and 1,290 feet below land surface in the Lake City Limestone can be correlated with the major waterproducing zone in the Lake City Limestone in the vicinity of Jacksonville. In well 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, the waterbearing zone between 1,300 feet and 1,700 feet below land surface


in the Lake City Limestone can be correlated with the two aquifer; in the Lake City Limestone penetrated by the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville. The confining beds separating the two zones in the Lake City Limestone in the vicinity of Jacksonville are absent in Fernandina Beach.
The flow-distribution curves and bar graphs of well 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, show that there is another permeable zone in the Floridan aquifer system below the Lake City Limestone, in the Oldsmar Limestone. This zone, which is separated from the overlying zone in the Lake City Limestone by relatively impermeable dolomite beds in the Oldsmar Limestone, yields about one-third of the water produced in the well. It has not been penetrated by any of the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville.
Information obtained while wells 019-124-210, at Atlantic Beach, and 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, were being drilled indicates that in both wells the Ocala Group yielded water before the deeper water-bearing zones were reached. However, currentmeter traverses made in both wells after they were drilled indicate that the Ocala Group does not yield any water to the wells, but instead, much water from zones of higher artesian pressure in the Lake City Limestone and Oldsmar Limestone flows through the well bore into zones of lower artesian pressure in the Ocala Group. As shown by the flow-distribution curves and bar graphs in well 019-124-210 when there was no flow of water at the surface, about 1,600 gpm entered the Ocala Group through the well bore from the zone in the Lake City Limestone; and when flow was 5,000 gpm at the surface, about 500 gpm entered the Ocala Group. In well 038-127-324, when there was no flow of water at the surface, about 700 gpm entered the Ocala Group through the well bore from the deeper zones; but when the well flow was 623 gpm at the surface, 650 gpm entered the Ocala Group; and when the well flow was 1,900 gpm at the surface, only about 350 gpm entered the Ocala Group.
The great difference in artesian pressures within the Floridan aquifer system in well 019-124-210, at Atlantic Beach, and well 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, and to a lesser extent in wells in the vicinity of Jacksonville, indicate that in these areas the confining beds are extensive and the zones are separated and somewhat isolated from each other. Presently, the deeper zones yield more water, under higher pressure, than the zones in the Ocala Group. However, as additional wells are drilled or deepened into the deeper zones, internal leakage within the well bores and


withdrawal of water from the lower aquifers will probably equalize ihe pressures in the upper and lower zones.


Wells in the Floridan aquifer are generally cased to the top of the aquifer, which in most areas is the top of the Crystal River Formation. The wells are then completed without casing into the 'loridan aquifer system so that water may enter the open hole from the various water-bearing zones penetrated. The diameter of the casings ranges from 2 inches in small domestic wells to as large as 20 inches in some industrial wells.
The approximate depth to the top of the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties is shown in figure 5. The figure also shows contours on the top of both the Crystal River Formation and the Avon Park Limestone. Exact depths to the top of the Floridan aquifer system can be computed for any specific locations in the area by using the contours on the top of the Crystal River Formation in figure 5 in conjunction with the land-surface altitude.
The Ocala Group is the first permeable zone in the Floridan aquifer and its thickness may be determined at any specific location in the area by comparing the contours on the top of the Crystal River Formation and on the top of the Avon Park Limestone. This thickness added to the depth below land surface to the top of the Floridan aquifer system and the approximate thickness of the Avon Park Limestone, taken from the geologic cross sections (fig. 4), is the approximate depth to the major water-producing zone in the Lake City Limestone.
The yield of wells in northeast Florida depends greatly on the depth of the wells. Wells drilled into the deeper zones in the Floridan aquifer system generally yield more water than those drilled only into the shallower zones. Table 4 shows the artesian flow and pressure in five Jacksonville municipal wells recorded before and after each well was deepened to penetrate the major water-producing zone in the Lake City Limestone. In each well there was a considerable increase in yield by natural flow and in artesian pressure after the wells were deepened. Wells 020-139-413 and 020-139-322, in central Jacksonville, originally penetrated about 520 feet of the Floridan aquifer system, which includes the permeable zones in the Ocala Group and the top of the permeable zone in the Lake City Limestone. After these wells were deepened

TABLE 4. Artesian flow and pressure in five Jacksonville municipal wells
before and after each well was deepened.

Depth of well Flow Pressure (feet) (thousand gpd) (ib/ft2)
Well number Before After deepened .
and location deepened deepened (feet) Before After Increase Before After Increase

018-189-281 1,048 1,307 259 1,985 3,420 1,435 15 18 1 Cedar St. between
Flagler and
Naldo Sts.
018-142-211 1,040 1,248 206 1,914 4,338 2,424 15 17%1, 2 Corner of Plum and Shearer Sts.
020-189-822 1,009 1,249 240 468 1.000 1,432 5 14 9 CC Corner of Fourth
and Pearl Sts.
020-189-413 1,039 1,244 205 647 1,988 1,341 8 15 7 Corner of Third
and Silver Sts.
021-141;423 1,050 1,356 306 1,732 2,707 975 10 11%/ 1 Corner of Fairfax
and 20th Sts.


1o penetrate about 750 feet of the aquifer system to include most 4f the second permeable zone in the Lake City Limestone, the 'Irtesian flow increased about 300 and 400 percent, respectively, a:nd the artesian pressure virtually doubled.
The yield of wells in the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties depends upon well construction, the artesian pressure head, and the water-transmitting capacity of the zones penetrated by the well. The average yield by natural flow of typical small domestic wells between 2 and 6 inches in diameter is generally less than 500 gpm. However, some 6-inch wells yield as much as 1,000 gpm. The average natural flow of wells between 8 and 12 inches in diameter is generally less than 2,000 gpm. In some 10- and 12-inch-diameter wells in the deeper zones the natural flow may be as much as 5,000 or 6,000 gpm. Some industrial wells between 14 and 20 inches in diameter in Fernandina Beach and in the vicinity of Jacksonville are equipped with deep turbine pumps and continually yield 4,000 to 5,000 gpm.


The general areas of recharge and discharge and the direction of ground-water movement were determined by constructing a contour map on the piezometric surface. A piezometric surface is an imaginary surface to which water from an artesian aquifer will rise in tightly cased wells that penetrate the aquifer. The ground water moves from recharge areas, where the piezometric surface is relatively high, to discharge areas, where the piezometric surface is relatively low, in a direction approximately perpendicular to the contour lines.
Figure 10 shows a generalized map of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer in Florida. The principal recharge area of the aquifer system in northeast Florida is the area marked by a piezometric high in western Putnam and Clay counties and eastern Alachua and Bradford counties. Within this recharge area water enters the Floridan aquifer through breaches in the aquiclude caused by sinkholes, by downward leakage where the aquiclude is thin or absent, and directly into the aquifer where it is exposed at the surface. From this recharge area, the piezometric surface slopes toward discharge areas. In Duval and Nassau counties, water is discharged from the Floridan aquifer system primarily by numerous wells that penetrate the aquifer system. There is


87 s86 85' 84* 83*

\. 31*"'4-'N

27 9

2 ' 27

26 + '-
m 26

Figure 0. Map of Florida showing the generalized piezometric surac of the Florida aquifer.
2 i ' L!

Figur 10. t ap. of F lor ho wing tP t surf
e Floridn owor. the Flori, 1aq1.uie

of the Florida aquifer.


probably natural discharge from the aquifer system into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of northeastern Florida.
Artesian pressures rise in response to recharge and decline in response to discharge. Water levels in wells close to recharge areas show more response to rainfall than those further away. The reduction of artesian pressure induced by a discharging well decreases with distance from the well.
The effect of variations in discharge on artesian pressure head in wells in Duval and Nassau counties is shown in figure 11. Well 019-140-421 is near the center of the discharge area at Jacksonville. The monthly municipal pumpage at Jacksonville compared with the hydrograph for well 019-140-421 shows that as the pumpage increases the artesian pressure in well 019-140-421 declines, and vice versa. Seasonal fluctuations of more than 10 feet are common, particularly during the late spring and summer when municipal pumpage is greatest. Well 033-150-242 is at Callahan, more than 20 miles from the heavily pumped areas at Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. At this distance from the center of the discharge area, the seasonal fluctuations due to pumping are small and do not mask the fluctuations in response to recharge by rainfall. A comparison of the average monthly and annual rainfall at three stations in the recharge area with the hydrograph of well 033-150-242 shows that periods of relatively high and low artesian pressure in well 033-150-242 generally occur about 6 months after corresponding periods of high and low rainfall. This lag probably indicates the time necessary for the rainwater to leak into the Floridan aquifer system. The greatest declines in artesian head in well 033-150-242 occurred during the years of least rainfall and the greatest increases in head occurred during years of highest rainfall. It is possible that pumpage at Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach, both more than 20 miles from this well, also affect the rise and decline of artesian head to some extent.
The effects of discharge in northeast Florida on the piezometric surface of the artesian aquifer system are shown in detail in figure 12. As artesian pressures are continually changing, the altitude and configuration of the piezometric surface in 1962 shown in this figure are only an approximate representation of the surface.
The closed contour lines at Fernandina Beach and in the vicinity of Jacksonville (fig. 12) indicate depressions in the piezometric surface. These depressions, termed "cones of depression," are a result of well discharge which lowers the artesian

36 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WELL 019-140-421, near cener of l a- pumping oa Jacksonville


8- - ------40

ELLL 16 80. l
. - , i i n E PLAN AIO o Colln, mo on ml

SI romn 19 1Comp

ad 00- -in50-24t u atr
!o , t" " o

- "---" -*-0 L0 030 40 0 man
Figure 11. Graphs952 1953 954 955 956 1957 1958 1959 9in0 1 961 1962 -140-4963 2

and 033-150-242, to pumping and precipitation, Jacksnville areas Fla.
and 033-150-242, to pumping and precipitation, Jaksonville area, Fla.-


head, thus creating a hydraulic gradient toward the points of discharge. In Jacksonville, the altitude of the piezometric surface within the center of the cone of depression is less than 20 feet above sea level and the hydraulic gradient toward the center of the cone is irregular. The slightly steeper gradient on the west side of the cone indicates recharge to the aquifer system from the west. The north-south elongation of the cone of depression may indicate that recharge from the west is partially blocked in the aquifer by the geologic fault. (See figs. 4 and 5). The cone of depression is partly prevented from expanding to the west of the fault and, therefore, expands to the north and south of the center of discharge.
About 3 miles northeast of Jacksonville, at Eastport, withdrawals by industrial wells have created a relatively small cone of depression. In this area, the altitude of the piezometric surface has been depressed to about 30 feet above sea level. Along the coast, east of Jacksonville, discharge from municipal and private wells has lowered the piezometric surface to less than 40 feet above sea level.
The most pronounced depression in the piezometric surface shown on figure 12 is at Fernandina Beach, where it is below mean sea level over an area of about 15 square miles and is more than 15 feet below sea level over about 3 square miles of the area. As shown by the configuration of the 40-foot contour line in central Nassau and north-central Duval counties, the piezometric surface has been depressed as far as 20 miles southwest of the center of the cone of depression by discharge from wells at Fernandina Beach. The steeper hydraulic gradient on the east side of the cone may indicate either recharge to the aquifer system from that direction or rocks with better water-transmitting properties east of the center of the depression.


Figure 12 also shows the approximate areas of artesian flow .n northeast Florida in May 1962. Artesian wells flow where the piezometric surface stands higher than the land surface. As shown )n the figure, -artesian flow occurs principally .on the low coastal plain in eastern and central Duval and Nassau counties. Areas on the coastal plain in which the wells will not flow are on high sand ridges east of Jacksonville, where the land surface is .higher than the piezometric surface, and in the vicinity of Jacksonville


and Fernandina Beach, where the piezornetric surface has been depressed below land surface by discharging wells. In the hilly uplands in western Duval and Nassau counties and in Baker County, artesian flow occurs only in wells along some stream valleys.
Because the altitude of the piezometric surface is continuously changing, the area of flow shown on figure 12 is only an approximation of the area of flow at other times. The greatest changes in the areas of flow occur in the vicinity of Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach, where the piezometric surface is about the same as the land surface. A slight decrease or increase in the altitude of the piezometric surface considerably reduces or increases the area of flow in these areas.


All the public water and most of the industrial and private water supplies in Duval and Nassau counties are obtained from wells developed in the Floridan aquifer system.


Jacksonville is one of the largest cities in the world to obtain its entire water supply from deep artesian wells. The city uses water from 46 wells whose depths range from about 1,000 to 1,500 feet. Water from seven well fields in the city is pumped into seven elevated reservoirs. In 1962 they produced an average of 38 mgd as compared to 27 mgd in 1950.
In addition to municipal wells, there are about 100 privately owned water utilities in the vicinity of Jacksonville, each of which has at least one artesian well. Their combined yield is estimated to average 15 to 20 mgd.
Jacksonville Beach uses an average of about 2 mgd of water that is obtained from seven wells ranging in depth from 600 to 1,000 feet.
Each naval facility in the area has its own water system. U.S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, uses water from 12 wells between 400 and 1,096 feet deep, which produce an average of about 31/ mgd. Cecil Field Naval Air Station in western Duval County uses an average of about 700,000 gpd obtained from five wells that range in depth between 800 and 1,350 feet. U.S. Naval Station, Mayport, uses an average of 11/ mgd from two wells about 1,000 feet deep.


Fernandina Beach uses about 1 mgd of water that is supplied I y six wells ranging in depth between 700 and 1,200 feet.
Other small towns in the area, such as Hilliard, Callahan, 1;,aldwin, Atlantic Beach, and Neptune Beach, each use water from at least one well drilled into the Floridan aquifer system.


The greatest industrial use of ground water in Duval and Nassau counties is for the processing of wood pulp. In Fernandina Beach, Rayonier Pulp and Paper Inc. uses an average of 32 mgd from 11 wells that range in depth from 1,050 to 1,400 feet. Container Corp. of America uses an average of 21 mgd from six wells between 930 and 1,865 feet deep. In the vicinity of Jacksonville, St. Regis Paper Co. uses an average of 18 mgd from eight wells between 1,350 and 1,400 feet deep.
Other industries in the area that have their own water-supply system from the Florida aquifer system include chemical and paint manufacturing, dairies, laundries, icemaking, shipbuilding and food processing. Many of the larger industries use 5 to 10 mgd.


Many of the larger commercial buildings and stores have their own wells, which produce water for drinking, heating and cooling, kitchen and toilet, lawn irrigation, and washing. For example, May-Cohens Department Store and the Prudential Life Insurance Building in Jacksonville each uses an average of 60,000 to 80,000 gpd from wells about 750 feet deep.
Numerous private wells, generally 6 inches or less in diameter and less than 750 feet in depth, are scattered throughout Duval and Nassau counties, particularly near Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. These wells provide water for drinking, lawn irrigation, and swimming pools.
The amount of water produced by all the wells in the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties was estimated on the basis of a general survey of the water used by municipal and private water utilities, major industries, large commerical buildings, and individual well owners. It is estimated that an average of 150 to 200 mgd is discharged from wells in the vicinity of Jacksonville and 50 to 70 mgd from wells at Fernandina Beach.



Artesian pressure has been measured periodically in northeast Florida in 7 wells since before 1934, in 18 wells since 1938, and in 4 wells since 1951. Hydrographs of a few selected wells in Duval and Nassau counties, shown in figures 13 and 14, show the seasonal fluctuations and the long-term trends of the artesian pressure head. All the hydrographs show an irregular but continual decline in artesian head.
The greatest declines in artesian pressure are in wells closest to the center of the cones of depression in Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. In wells 038-127-344 and 040-126-332 at Fernandina Beach, artesian pressure declined 50 to 60 feet between 1939 and 1963. In wells 018-143-234 and 018-140-123 at Jacksonville, artesian pressure declined about 12 to 22 feet between 1946 and 1963.
Long-term changes in artesian pressure throughout northeast Florida from 1940 to 1962 and short-term changes from July 1961 to May 1962 are shown by contours and cross sections in figure 15. As shown by the contours in the figure, there has been a general decline in the piezometric surface throughout northeast Florida of about 10 feet to more than 25 feet between 1940 and 1962 and from less than 2 to more than 10 feet between July 1961 and May 1962. The cross section of the piezometric surfaces in the figure show that the general slope of the piezometric surface has remained approximately the same except in the vicinity of Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. In these areas the cones of depression in the piezometric surface have been deepened and considerably enlarged.
The general decline in the artesian pressures in Duval and Nassau counties is attributed primarily to a great increase in the use of artesian ground water in the area and to a lesser extent to relatively long-term declines of rainfall on the recharge areas in northcentral Florida.
Figure 16 shows the average annual rainfall at three stations in the recharge area and the annual discharge of artesian water by municipal wells in Jacksonville from 1940 to 1962. The annual discharge by the city wells is only a fraction of the total amount of artesian ground water discharged by all wells in the Jacksonville area. However, it serves as an index to determine the trend of ground-water discharge. As shown by. the bar graphs in the


0 T
WELL 013-135-230,.


25 - I--

z ,
4 -mes le p , Jc

-2 -. --.
43 WELL 018143234 in Jonrtl sonale


1940 1945 190 1955 1960
3 of s e WELL 01-13-234,
4 -i- - in wt lefn pio of Jacksonville

----_ V


124 94 99

Figure 13. Hydrographs of selected wells in Duval County.


WELL 037-130-330
36 3 miles southwest of32 i l--- ---- --i- - !' mFernandina Beoch -20 ~ IlL-j oa Yuke

4 - -L

40 iWELL 0376-42-443

36 : -. . L in central Nossou county
4 , ... . ..- - - . ..-- '* . ...t ..*....F- " . . . .. - -+1I


2 fWELL 038127 344

.. . . 1.5 . ... ...- i . iI i miles south of

" o. Fernondina Beach

20-. ..........-- . ........-+ -a Fernandia Beach



1940 1945 1950 955 1960 196
Figure 14. Hydrographs of selected wells in Nassau County.


I r7

A s c A
i - . . . . .. .. . T .r . . ? , - 1-. Y ,

, oo S Ioc. sowmuc
'A,, 9I5

Figure 15. Map and cross sections of 1Duval and Nassau counties showing the change in artesian pressure from July 1961 to May 1962 and from 1940 to May 1962.



54.29 INCHES 0
60 1940-1962)
90 601

12 8

5 billion gallons in 1940 to almost 14 billion gallons in 1962.
A comparison of the rainfall and discharge shown in figure 16 between 1940 and 1957 artesian pressures declined even during

Figuto the 16. progressive showincrease in the uscharge of groundtesian water by municipal wells nation cksonville and below-average annual rainfall and greatly incthree weather stationsrge
during 1954, 1955, and 1956the recharglted in the rapid decline of artesian

figpressure, pumpage from city wellyears progand the low artesian pressively increased from about 15 billion gallons in 1940 to almost 1960, above-average rainfall and1962.
nearly comparison of the rainfall and discharge shownresulted in a slight rise of artesia ith watpressure. Howeverls in wells shown in rainfallgures 13 and stea14 indicates that's between discharge duringand 19761 artesiand 1962 caused a rapid declined even durin
to artesian poressivure increase 1962, toin the lowest of reornd inwater. A ombi-st well ntin northeast Ff below-average rainfall and greatly increased discharge
Thpressures during those years and the low artesian pressure in northeast Florida

vnaryies in theant dischafferent zonesul withed in thea slight rise of artesian aquifer system. Tressure wells near Jacksonville, 026-135-342A, B,in rainfall and stC, are withinncreas

40 feet of each other but product from three different zones. Well


C was developed in a shallow zone, well B was developed in a middle zone, and well A was developed in both of these zones plus a third, (Iep-lying zone (fig. 7). In these wells the trend of artesian pressures is the same, because the different zones are interconnected through well A, but the artesian pressure in well C, which is developed in the Ocala Group, is always considerably less than the pressure in the other two wells, which tap the deeper zones.
In areas where there is little or no interconnection by wells between the zones in the artesian aquifer system, the difference in decline of artesian pressure in the different zones is even more pronounced. Figure 17 shows hydrographs of wells 038-127-324 and 038-127-142 at Fernandina Beach which are located about 2,000 feet from each other near the center of the cone of depression. The artesian pressures in both wells are drawn down by the many discharging industrial wells in the area Well 038-127-142 taps only the permeable zone in the Ocala Group and well 038-127-324 taps that zone and the deeper zones in the artesian aquifer system. As shown by the figure, between November 1960 and October 1961 the artesian pressure in well 038-127-142 ranged from only 11 feet above ms1 to 3 feet below msl,

w 40
Well 038-127-324,tapping permeable zones from the
Ocolo Group to the Oldsmor Limestone

W 30
0 Total dept=l,826' W Delow land surfce; M cased to 560


i Well 038-127-142, topping permeable zones only in the Fe i calo acroup,
z LEVEL Total depthlpO00 Z below Land surface; U)o cased to 560

1960 1961
Figure 17. Graphs showing the artesian pressure in two wells at Fernandina Beach.


while during the same period the artesian pressure in well 038-127324 ranged from 40 to 22 feet above msl. In addition, water in well 038-127-324 remained higher than the land-surface datum while water in the surrounding shallower artesian wells was drawn down below the land surface.
The use of artesian water can be expected to increase and the artesian pressure will continue to decline; however, the amount of decline within a specified period is beyond the scope of this report. The rate of decline will be faster during years of belowaverage rainfall than during years of normal or above-normal rainfall, and the pressure may even increase during years of above-average rainfall. However, if the rate of discharge in northeast Florida continues to increase, eventually the artesian pressure will probably decline even during cycles of above-average rainfall.
The decline in artesian pressure in Duval and Nassau counties alone is not a serious threat to the availability of water in the area. At the present rate of decline, approximately 0.5 to 2.0 feet per year, it would take 100 to 400 years to lower the water 200 feet in most wells in the Floridan aquifer. This does not mean that the wells would then cease to yield water but merely that they would not flow at the surface, and that they would require pumping to yield water at the surface. A much greater danger than lowered pressure is that highly mineralized water would enter the zone of reduced pressure, either vertically from deeper highly mineralized zones in the aquifer system or laterally from the ocean, and contaminate the existing fresh-water supplies in the aquifers.


The chemical character of ground water depends largely upon the type of material with which the water comes in contact and upon mixing with other water. Rainfall is only slightly-mineralized when it first enters the ground; but as it moves through the ground, it dissolves mineral matter from the rocks it contacts.
Table 5 shows analyses of water from wells that do not penetrate the Floridan aquifer system in the area and table 6 shows analyses of water from wells that do penetrate the Floridan aquifer. The dissolved chemical constituents are expressed in parts per million; 1 ppm is equivalent to a pound of dissolved matter in a million pounds of water; specific conductance is expressed in reciprocal ohms (mhos); hydrogen-ion concentration is expressed

TABLE 5. Analyses of water from aquifers overlying the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau couitiws.
Source of analysis: (1) Container Corp. of America; (2) Florida State Board of Health; (4) Southern Analytical Laboratory, Jacksonville.
(Chemical analyses in parts per million except pH and color.) Hardness
4 i as CaCO,

021-142-100 6- 8-58 80 ..... 8.0 ... 68 12 .... ........ 224 17 19 280 216 7.8 100 (2)
W ell 11- 1- ...... . 6 ......... . .. .... 0 188 (1)
number i 5 2 0 e .. g S Q 0 DUVAL COUNTY

016-187-100 10.-8058 70.100 .5 1.52 6 .... .... - 808 0 19 ..-- 387 254 7.1 5 (2) 0.4

021-142-100 6- 6.58 s0 8,0 - 68 12. .... .... ....224 17 19 .25 280 216 7.8 100 (2) 9

040-127-211 11- 1-66 9 ...... .3 26 ...... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... ...... 20 188 7.9 ...... 9 .(1) 26


in standard pH units; and color is in units defined by the standard platinum cobalt scale. In all analyses determined by the Florida State Board of Health, the total dissolved-solids content was found by weighing the residue after the water had evaporated at 1030 to 1050 C and in all other analyses the total dissolved-solids content was found from the residue after evaporation of the water at 1800C.


Water in the shallow aquifer system is generally not as hard and contains less dissolved mineral matter than water from the Floridan aquifer system in the same area. The sulfate content is generally negligible and the amount of magnesium is considerably smaller than the calcium content. The iron content of water from the shallow aquifers is generally greater than that from the Floridan aquifer system in the same area.
In some parts of northeast Florida, the chemical composition of the water from both the shallow aquifer system and the underlying Floridan aquifer system is similar. For example, the water in both the shallow and Floridan aquifers is similar in western Nassau County, where the Floridan aquifer is closer to the recharge area and the water is not as highly mineralized as in the central or eastern part of the area. The water in both aquifer systems is similar in sections of eastern Duval and Nassau counties, where water from the shallower aquifers has been mineralized by mixing with bodies of brackish surface water or sea water.
Water from the shallow aquifers is generally suitable for domestic use and for most industrial uses. Because it contains relatively few impurities, it does not generally require treatment though it occasionally contains enough iron to impart a bad taste and to stain household equipment, clothes, and buildings. Iron can be removed from water by aeration or chlorination followed by filtration.


The chemical analyses of water from 50 selected wells that penetrate the Floridan aquifer system in the area (table 6) show that the quality of the water varies according to location, depth of the aquifer sampled, and date of sampling.

TABLE 6. Analyses of water from the Floridan aquifer in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties.
Source of analysis: (1) U.S. Geological Survey; (2) Florida State Board of Health; (3) Black Laboratories Inc.; (4) Commercial Chemists, Inc.;
(5) Southern Analytical Laboratory, Inc.; (6) St. Regis Paper and Pulp Co.; (7) Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory; (8) Rayonier Inc.;
(9) Permuit Co.
Dissolved solids: Residue at 1030C State Board of Health analyses. Residue at 1800C for all other analyses.
(Chemical analyses in parts per million except pH and color.) Hardness
as CaCOU g


.008-180 .810 6-1625. 85 o .. .19 ..... . ........ ...... ...... 172 187 1 8
8185 8 610 .10 o87 ...... 162188 21 41 (2)

1942 00 .0217 20 12 ... 124 27 6.5 163 122 20 . ... NA + K = 7.6 ppm
1-18-54 .02 14 27 12 8.1 ... .00 124 22 0 .5 . 14 117 15 258 7.
015-188-280 .10-10-4 1,1:8 757 ... ..... o08 0 ........ ....... ...... 158o, 165 1 ... ,450 28 ...... ....... 7.0 85) sta Rive Fm.o
86-16-621,187 757 .0021 75 31 14 2. .0 1 1876 10 .8 0 477 8314 186 5 :.- 1) cased of
1-17-68 1,187 757 .00 ....6 82 ................00 161 184 8 . .. 447 14 184 .. 7. 5 2)
_._ _ ,, - _ _ _ _

TABLS 6. (Continued)


10-856 400 I93

017188-142 61342 1,264 4 .00 21 75 80 18 1.9 .00 164 18 15 . .0. 448 310 182 634 7.7 5 (1)0 460.1 .5 1 1573 19 . .. . (2

017-168-40 10-29-42 750 433 - J 19 31 12 ....- 1387 22 8 . 170 127 15 - - - (3) Na + K = 9.0 ppm
11- -0 750 488 -26 40 20 .4 205 18 38 263 182 - - 7.1 (8) Na + K =27 ppm 017-168-110 168 680 ... .1 34 14 129 12 26 .45 282 144 88 7.0 5 (2) 018-124-222 9-2441 622 882 .12 28 72 85 12 8.4 .00 160 100 14 .7 .30 455 324 -- (1) 018-186-241 1-10-42 85 508 0.55 . 2 - 166 46 1 ... ...... 79 272 . 7.35 (2)
018-188-343 5-20-50 1,3481 604 . 21 75 31 12 ... 167 1 . ..... - 438 81 . 7.5 (1)
01 3 1-2 3 41 4- 75 80 12 0.00 164 - 11 . 462 320 180 681 7.8 (1)
017-12B4108- 742 1,80 437 .4 55 26 3 -.--18110 27 598 7.6 10 (2) 9-81-o0 6 3 - -... .00 71 8 12 - - 100 47 0 19. 7.0 (1)
02013.9-448 90.2741 1,250 . ... 27 61 283 3 . 00 178 90 16 .25 246 -- . (1)
5.20-50 1,50 ..... - 60 22 1... 2.2 190 83 14 34 240 7.6 (1)
8-81 0 1,250 - 18 ..0 5 Is 349 244 00 519 7.6 20 (1) 8-29061 1,250 ......1520 0' 22 14 1 . .00 187 87 17 . .0 373 240 7 50417.9 . (1
22-180-112 12442 1.000 462 .2 .... j64 26 ......6 .. 190 63 19 .05 .10 412 270 114 1 .2 ... 7.6 10 (2)
11 .6 1 ! 42 7114 7. 0 2

02.-126-281 9-26-41 840 450 .o0 31 78 36 47 3.4 .00 86 142 04 . .05 574 330 ... . ... .... ... 4 1)
025.138-210 6- 41 992 660 .02 .-. 56 24 I ...... .00 18o 64 20 ...... .0 262 238 . 151) Na + K = 5.2 ppm
1- 9-43 992 660 .10 26 76 24 197 72 4 .08 289 .. ... (1)
5-20-50 992 660 .08127 65 24 ..... 204 98 22 317 236 . . 7.4 - (1) Na+K = 6.4 ppm
-10-58 992 660 .07 55 22 16 68 26 .45 892 282 98 .. 7.8 5 (2)
2-136-342A 10-20-55 1,398 584 - 20 66 28 .. . .00 166 67 . ... 318 2581 -. I .- 7.9 (6)
6-.13-62 1,398 584 0.25 20 80 22 17 2.00 .00 140 48 22 .6 .0 - 254 166 51 885 8.0 5 (1)
26-18-842B 10-20-55 700 450 .0 27 0 25 - - 162 69 --- .. . - 322 252 7.7 (6)
618-62 700 450 .01 18 58 22 17 1.2 .00 200 48 21 .7 .0 - 810 222 58 438 8.0 5 (1
26-185-342C 10-20-55 1,025 860 .5 28 61 24 . - .00 164 67 - - . - 20 252 - . 7. - (6) Crystal River Fm.
6-18-62 1,02 850 .00 1.6 11 4.8 .. .00 54 0 .. - .. - 90 45 0 166 8.0 5 (1) cased of
028-146-420 9.10-42 658 -- .5 81 57 25 - 200 84 28 - -- - 8351 245 -- 7.26 - (3) Na + K=l 18 ppm
028-187-.84 11. 8-52 500+ .1 30 58 9 18 2 18 - 212 136 7.8 - (7)


028-056-40 9-20-50 650 -. 33 8 12 ........ 842 1.83 22 -- . - 348 258 -.. . . (8) Na + K = 25 ppm
088149-140 9. 4-59 600 0.11 - 61 -- 192 583 25 0.55 503 290 132 7.8 10 (2)

0837-186-122 910-42 1,000 450 .60 85 68 37 - . 200 148 28 -- 456 809 - 7.3 - (2) N + K = 22 ppm 0
088-126-820 6-25-837 1,208 572 .40 64 87 - 198177 33 88 - .... .. 312 7.2 . (2) Na + K = 7 ppm
80-50 ,20 572 .... 34 68 38 I 1 108 30 . 78 26 .. . 7.5 (2) Na + K = 25 ppm
4-17-56 1,203 572 ... 7. '9 .35 158 -- 34 .. .. 504 343 ....
12. 6-561,208 572 64 88 141 23 . 504 317 (21 8- 7-57 1,203 572 ... . 67 371 145 24 679319 (2 8-20-57 1,203 572 .0 . 638 4 197 153 27 .5 . 471 300 138 7.4 5 (2)
4-1-59 1,208 572 .0 69 34 ... 192 134 29 .65 464 316 158 7.3 5 (2)
08-127-24 41746 1,826 67 - 178 86 ..... 644 - 1,955 790 - - - (8)
12-6-61,826 567.. . 166 96 8...... 75 687 2,475808....
771 667 16 85 ... .. '355 770 .. 2,805 758 .....
3-7-68 1,826 567 .... 170 94 364 790 . 2,375 812 - (8)
12- 1-58 1,826 567. .168 104 379 865 . 2,365 849 .... 8
3-10-59 1,826 5671 - 170 101-.. 372 860 _ . 2,748 841 . 8)
6-18-59 1,826 567 ... 172 105 382 960 3. 3,0951 864 .. -(8)
. 8-59 1,826 567 ....170 101 .403 864 .050 41 (8
6-13-62 1,100 5671 .02 30 212 100 68 10. 180 400 1,150 .7 0.0 . 3,020 940 793 4,4901 7. 5(1) Plugged back, but
plug leaking.

- . - .A _ - ' to to to

! i 111111 Iii!IIl "I ci tio D eth of eo
AMt tIn st*I ! M ! a
111 ~It 1 PjI 1I 1 !ihra(S lo

1i 5 j I i ! 1 "a ! I ! liI ! ! rFlorde

-sDmmlv olis

---- , I ! I s-Tpeine n e 11 1, -A1 lilicali! GU ! o'!! *

III Iilli I I II I I..I l l( I coor
010 ososao'a 0000.4.4.400.400 01' 00001 D

S000000 00MCes as 0 00 0 aas 00 0 0 00000000 urceo na
-4"w '-hOc K- eeOc cc 00 aMMM0105 a W 00 bc Magnesium (Mg)


AtAcS o ooO VIroT So i
U 4n

k0AU fl0 Ga0Got cwo W SrefnDIO'si

8- 7-5 1,054 54 68 6 157 37 .....520 18 ... )
12- 1-58 1,054 549 -- 68 49 .161 41 500 72
3-10-69 1,054 5491 -- s6 3S8 41 . 518 318 .. -)
6-18-69 1,054 549 __/_J 66 40 165 38 562 82 9-.-59 1,054 549 .., 65 8- - -.182 88 6583 20
040-127-482A 9-28-37 1,100 -- .32 22 60 44 ... 195 159 ..... ... . 380 7.8 2) Na + K = 19 ppm
9-27-491,100 - .0 - 82 835 -..205 162 o30 - 570 350 7.4 2) Na, + = p pm
4-2-50 1,100 .0134 66 9 -- 204 160 36 -467 326 8- - (2) Na+X = 27ppm
5-15-59 1,100 .04 -61 84 .. ... 192 224 29 524 296 7.4 -(2)
040-127-482B 9-27-49 1,025 500 0.10 -- 80 85 205 161 30 - - 520 334 .. - 7.4 - (2) Na + K = 16 ppm
4- 2-50 1,025 500 .0 34 69 41 204 18 4 468 38 7.3 - (2) Na + K = 28 ppm
.4-1-6 1,025 500.0 72 42 ...190 158 883 . 520 56 7.3 (2)
040127-482C 9-28-37 781 540 .31 22 60 44 195 19 . - 380 Total - 7.8 - (9) Na + K = 19 ppm
4- 2-50 731 540 .01 33 71 39 200 166 - 480 384 170 (

040-127-482D 4- 1-59 1,205 550 .09 - 77 40 192 157 88 .55 570 860 202 7.3 5 (2) 041-126-388 6-13-62 1,961 1,828 .04 82 88 42 48 2.7 0.0 186 198 76 .7 0.0 715 892 240 928 7.7 5 (1) Ocala Group cased off 041-15-421 4- 2-59 857 - .17 69 34 185 138 82 .55 467 814 162 7.4 5 (2) 042-125-888 5-15-9 800 500 .06 7 192 228 6 .55 58 344 186 7.5 5 (2) 042-127-844 5-15-59 800 550 .0 --72 32 19 88 .65 .. 535 316 160 -- 7.5 5 (2)
042-127448 6-15-59 800 520 .06 - 12 4 18 82 .... . - 552 320 -- I.. -i.8 . (2)
044-141-480 4-. 2-59 -- -- .17 - 75 37 -- - . . 202 155 82 .50 501 840 174 1 7.4 10 (2)1


P014-208-400 4-16-59 650 600 -. 40 28 1- 11 65 14 0.45 .. 20 196 72 7.7 5 (2)
'016-207-120 1-31-68 700 460 86 17 148 less 25 .5 821 16 8 _ 7.6 (2)



Generally, water from wells closer to the recharge area is not as hard, and contains less mineral matter than water from wells farther away. As shown in table 6, except in the vicinity ot Fernandina Beach, the total hardness as CaCOQ of water from the Floridan aquifer system in the area ranges from 117 ppm in well 013-153-240, in southwestern Duval County to 336 ppm in well 008-130-310, at Bayard. The dissolved-solids content ranges from 90 ppm in well 026-135-342C near Jacksonville to 574 ppm in well 025-125-231 in eastern Duval County.
In the vicinity of Fernandina Beach, in eastern Nassau County, the quality of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system varies considerably with depth or with the aquifer sampled (Leve, 1961b). Water from the deeper wells is more mineralized than water from the shallower wells. In well 040-127-432C at Fernandina Beach, which is 731 feet deep, the water contained 300 ppm hardness as CaCO, and 509 ppm dissolved solids on April 1, 1959. In well 040-127-432D, which is 1,205 feet deep and about 100 yards away from well 040-127-432C, the water contained 360 ppm hardness as CaCO:, and 570 ppm dissolved solids on the same date.
The date of sampling generally makes only a slight difference in the quality of the water, except in the deeper wells in the vicinity of Fernandina Beach where changes in the quality of water are caused by large variations in the piezometric head. As shown in table 6, water from well 038-127-324 at Fernandina Beach. 1.826 feet deep, ranged in hardness (as CaCO,) from 790 to 864 ppm and in dissolved-solids content from 1,960 to 3,100 ppm between April 17, 1956, and June 18, 1959. This well was plugged back to 1,100 feet in depth in 1962 and as shown in table 6, the hardness of the water increased to 940 ppm and the dissolved-solids content was 3,020 ppm.
An indication of the quality of water below the Eocene formations is given by the analysis of samples of water- from oil-test well 044-156-100 in western Nassau County. The well was drilled to 4,800 feet and samples of water were taken from 2,205 to 2,230 feet within the Cedar Keys Formation, of Paleocene Age. The hardness of the water was 9,660 ppm and the dissolved-solids content ranged from 64,300 to 100,900 ppm. The chloride content ranged from 33,600 to 60,200 ppm, which is 11 times to more than twice the chloride content of sea water.
Except in a few deep wells in Fernandina Beach, water from the Floridan aquifer system in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties


is suitable for domestic use and for most industrial uses. However, locally, one or more of the chemical characteristics of the water exceed the maximum limit of concentration recommended by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1962). Some of the more important of these chemical characteristics are discussed below.


Most of the water tested in the area contained less than 30 ppm of chloride, which is well below the maximum limit of concentration suggested by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for public supplies. However, water from well 038-127324, in Fernandina Beach, contained between 644 and 1,150 ppm of chloride (table 6). Such large quantities of chloride in ground water in areas where the content is generally much lower indicate contamination by saline water, which will be discussed in detail in the section "Salt-Water Contamination."


The dissolved-solids content of water shown in tables 5 and 6 is the residue of mineral matter left after evaporation of the water and is an indication of the degree of mineralization of the water. Water that contains less than 500 ppm of dissolved solids is usually satisfactory for domestic use. In the wells sampled in Duval County, only well 025-125-231 contained water with more than 500 ppm of dissolved solids. Many wells in Nassau County contain water with more than 500 ppm of dissolved solids. However, only the deeper wells in Fernandina Beach contained water with extremely large amounts of dissolved solids.


There are two types of hardness in water: (1) carbonate harness caused mainly by calcium and magnesium bicarbonates and (2) non-carbonate hardness caused primarily by sulfates, chlorides, and nitrates of calcium and magnesium. Water with a hardness of more than 100 ppm as CaCO., which is present in all wells tested in the area, may be classed as hard to very hard. Hardness of water retards the cleaning action of soaps and forms a precipitate or scale on plumbing fixtures, boiler pipes, and


utensils when the water is heated. Carbonate hardness can easily be removed from the water by heating or by common soda-ash or lime-soda softening processes. Noncarbonate hardness is more difficult to remove, but it can be reduced by certain commercial softening processes.


Although the water samples shown in table 6 were not analyzed to determine the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas present, most of the water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in the area has the sulfur odor indicative of this gas. Hydrogen sulfide has a corrosive effect on plumbing and it is undesirable in drinking water. It can be removed easily from the water by simple aeration or by natural dissipation to the atmosphere from an open tank or pool.


Most of the water used in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties is from the Floridan aquifer system, and hence the following discussion will include salt-water contamination of only that system.
In northeast Florida as well as other parts of Florida, salt water is present within the Floridan aquifer system. In most areas this salt water entered the aquifer system during past geologic time when the sea stood above its present level, or the salt water was trapped within the rocks when they were deposited. Subsequently, fresh water entered the aquifer system and diluted or flushed out most of the salt water. The salt water that remains where the flushing was not completed is a source of contamination of the fresh ground water.
About 91 percent of the dissolved-solids content- of sea water consists of chloride salts. The chloride content of ground water, therefore, is generally a reliable indication of the extent to which normally fresh ground water has become contaminated with sea water. Water samples were collected from most of the wells that were inventoried and were analyzed for chloride content. From many wells, water was sampled periodically to determine if the chloride content had changed.
The maps of figures 18 and 19 shown the chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in northeast'


Florida in 1940 and in May 1962, As may be seen, the chloride content of the water is lowest close to the recharge area in southern Duval County and in Baker County, and progressively higher away from the recharge area toward the north. A comparison of both maps shows that the chloride content of the water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system has increased since 1940. In 1940, wells throughout all of southwestern Duval County and eastern Baker County contained water with a chloride content of less than 10 ppm, and the chloride content of water from wells sampled in Duval County did not exceed 20-29 ppm. In 1962, only one well in south-central Duval County contained water with a chloride content of less than 10 ppm, and wells near the mouth of the St. Johns River and near the center of the cones of depression at Jacksonville and Eastport contained water whose chloride content was over 30 ppm. In 1940, the chloride content of water from wells sampled in Nassau County did not exceed 30-39 ppm, except possibly in wells north of Hilliard. In 1962, the chloride content of water from wells north of Hilliard and near the center of the cone of depression at Fernandina Beach was 40 ppm or more. Water in the deep wells at Fernandina Beach had the highest chloride content shown in figure 20, ranging from 53 to 1,180 ppm in May 1962 in wells more than 1,250 feet deep.
A comparison of the maps in figures 18 and 19 with the map of change in artesian pressure in figure 15 shows that the increase in chloride content of water from the Floridan aquifer system in northeast Florida can generally be correlated with the decline of artesian pressure in the area. In most parts of eastern Baker County and western Duval and Nassau counties, where the artesian pressure has declined less than 15 feet since 1940, the increase in chloride content has been small. However, in the cones of depression at Jacksonville, Eastport, and Fernandina Beach where the piezometric surface has declined more than 15 feet since 1940, the increase is greater, particularly in the deep wells near the center of the cone of depression at Fernandina Beach.
Table 7 shows the chloride content of water from wells that penetrate the Ocala Group and from wells that penetrate formations deeper than the Ocala Group in Duval and Nassau counties between the years 1940 and 1962. In Duval County and in most of Nassau County, the chloride content of water from wells that penetrate the Ocala Group and from wells in deeper formations has increased only slightly, 2 to 14 ppm. However, in the vicinity of Fernandina Beach, the chloride content of water from wells


SA 00' 1 A s .

* Well
165 Chloride contonl (pprn ), 40
Oqpt 401h oat wIll 0



0 miles

Figure 20. Map showing the chloride content of water from deep wells at Fernandina Beach, May 1962.

that penetrate formations deeper than the Ocala Group has increased at a faster rate. Between 1952 and 1962 the chloride content of water in wells 039-127-821 and 039-127-114 at Fernandina Beach approximately doubled, and that in well 038127-324 at Fernandina Beach increased to more than four times the amount measured in 1952.
Figure 21 shows graphically the increase in chloride content of water from four wells at Fernandina Beach that penetrate formations deeper than the Ocala Group. The increase was only slight between 1955 and 1962 in well 039-128-241, which is 1,054 feet deep and penetrates the Ocala Group and the top of the Avon Park Limestone, and in well 039-127-114, which is 1,700 feet deep and penetrates the Ocala Group, the Avon Park Limestone, anci the Lake City Limestone. The chloride content of the water increased much more rapidly in well 038-127-324, which is 1,826 feet deep and penetrates the Ocala Group, the Avon Park Limestone, the Lake City Limestone, and a part of the Oldsmar Limestone, and in well 041-126-333A, which is 1,961 feet deep and open to the Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones. In well 038-127-324 it increased 1,820 ppm, from 550 to 1,800 ppm. '

TABLE '7. Chloride content of water, in parts per million, from we2ls in the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties.

Well d ased
number (feet) 1940 1948 1950 1952 1988 1954 1955 1956 1957 195s 1959 1960 1961 1962

Dural County

011-141-141 408 252 1 . . -. . - . . . 12 .11 . 12
01-135-230 625 441 14 15-18 --. ... 15-20 17-22 17-21
015141-111 600 470 t10I 10 - - 11 14-18 15 017-126-282 550 480 -22 2 018-12-1 585 857 - 14-20 ...... .. 20 .4 .... .2.41
019-132411 762 509 15 17-18 ... .. .... .. 1;8 .... I 16
019-140421 785 14 .4-25 24-37 21 020-186454 690 560 - .......... . 14 . 21 ---.--. 22 20
020-144430 680 500 211 - - 021-.1281. .575 - 15 --- 1 - J 22 ........ 29
025-125-142 510 - 18--- -- --- ----.- --- 22 23 --- C
024-136-134 800 -- 18 18 ----- ----- - - - . 21
024-144820 625 500 i- 18 19...... . .. . . 20
025-141-300 726 500 1 -- --I.- ...- ...-11- ..... 1 24
026-126428 455 191 -- ---- 19.20 ------ . 24 -- --- 25
.024-14520 658 - 21 - ---------.- -(1 . .~. 2 . 27
027-143-14 610 446 23 ..---...--... --.. 26 . . SO 28
02-17 . ......... ..
28-157-341 I- ,, 2 ... .. ..... . . . 22 5 -*9 .17 1-18 19.24

TAsLE 7. (Continued)

Well depth
number (eet (tet) 1040 19481 1950 1952 1953 1954 1055 1956 1957 1958 1950 1980 1961 19862

Nassau County

08-16-142 680 - 23~ - - 28 28 . 08350-242 580 - 28 28-20 9 30-32 29-32 81-2 0351927-310 580 350 25 26-31 so 80 26-31 0813&.27 540 - - :. . -I 27 560
087-128-214 - -- 28 28 - - -- 29 3--)- - 86 39 - ..
037-120242 878 27 ......... 27 ~8 30 81 037-180-380 540 540 504 27 28 . - - - 33 29-82 29-32 30.31 037-142-430 569 - 24 24.26 - 24-27 26-30 28.30 089-127-120 750 - 26 . -32-33 834 089-11281B - - - ---.. 29 30 a33 '04 127-211B 900 530 - .... - 54-58 52-56 - - 82 36
040-138410 600 - 29 - .......- 5 . 883
042-1256888 800 550 2 . . 3640 40 S042-127-443 800 584 28 ........ 0 333 834

Duval County

0-189.20 650 15 22 013-141441 1,015 318 9 _.. 2g _ ,

991-09L 19 91 0Bpia 810-MI 8'.1-P0..999 Oa 1 -1t Lo-6 69L 9291 196'I V.96 88931"
99 98-8 t8 09o 009 9zo'1 s-L 0-o~o0 63-93 99 65 - 001. 1 v59p-zz'L0O 99-88 Le-98 88-9 O-99 i93 39853 99- 09 08 O9 P90'1 U38-931680 V as LE--Zs 0t-p s Ls-sc P0-9 9 38-09 a5-08 09 - 09 990'! 191-91Z-690 99 899- 09-99 9909 z9-Lt Lp a1-9 9 S e,-Ot 9t s9- -- . . 9s9 ooL'1 MT-LZ680,
S01,t 691-931 551-81 091-601 911-Z01 66 06-68 96-58 98LL LL-OL 89"99 199 01'' 139-L31-690
; 991 991-9P 9t1-s81 OPT-1Z1 L311 a1 Lo0-66 - L- 90 L o . .01 to 9p9 059'1 9.L3-680 008'1-'[ 08L'-LS'1 089'1-099'1 090'1-098 998-06L OLL LS9-19 089099 089-08, 09-O3 p - . L99 939'! ,Ze-LZ5s0
I 09-63 . ... - 312,9 803'1 038 931-880
so-o 09 9s - 09 09t 000'! 3U1-91 "L0,

Alunoo nemmt

S, 6-z 5-1pa 93-1P P89 868'I Vo18-939iO'
6 - 91 089 990'1 1 T,1T-19P0", 15 9 9 9 090'! 15 '!991p0
___ z LT - z-L o93'! 91 -805o

I I, iPl .O(
15 55 1W 91 - - 9o I15-O16T0'

5961 1961 0961 681 8961 L961 9981 9961 P96 9961 0961 0961 961 0161 (1n) Zqwnu IIa

(panuquoC) L R'XEV



50 cred 5'


90 Total 'psh '.,
80- - ----------

195 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 19G61 1962
Figure 21. Graphs of the chloride content from selected wells at Fernandina
Beach that penetrate formations below the Ocala Group.

The increase in chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system and the decline in artesian pressure indicate that salt water is gradually moving into the zones of reduced pressure and contaminating the existing fresh-water supply. However, the relatively low chloride content of water samples from most wells in the area indicates that serious contamination is restricted at present to a few *deep wells at Fernandina Beach. The rapid increase in these deep wells shows that the contamination is proceeding at a faster rate in the deeper aquifers in the Floridan aquifer system in this area.
Water samples collected at depths between 2,205 and 2,230 feet in well 044-156-100 near Hilliard (p. 77), show that highly saline water is present in the deeper aquifers in Nassau County. The fresh water has a lower density than the saline water and will remain above the saline water if it is undisturbed. When thp fresh water is withdrawn from the aquifer system, the salt water


will cone up and enter the zone of reduced pressure by vertical migration. However, analysis of water samples taken at different depths in wells at Fernandina Beach gives evidence that all or some of the contamination of water in deep wells is by lateral migration from a salt-water zone or zones within the upper part of the Floridan aquifer system.
Figure 22 shows graphically the chloride content of water samples collected at various depths during the construction of wells 038-127-324 and 041-126-333A at Fernandina Beach. Water enters well 038-127-324 from the Ocala Group, and the Avon Park, Lake City, and Oldsmar Limestones, but in well 041-126-333A the Ocala Group, Avon Park Limestone, and part of the Lake City Limestone are cased off and water enters the well only from part of the Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones. The chloride content of water found in both wells in a zone at the bottom of the Avon Park Limestone and the top of the Lake City Limestone ranged from about 100 ppm to about 430 ppm. The water was considerably fresher immediately above and immediately below this zone, which indicates that water in this zone is isolated from water in the rest of the aquifer system. Although the maximum chloride content of the water in this zone was about 150 ppm in well 038-127-324 and 430 ppm in well 041-126-333A when the wells were constructed, the rapid increase with pumping (fig. 21) suggests that salt water is entering the zone. Therefore, this zone is probably a source of salt-water contamination of the .fresh water in wells at Fernandina Beach. Discharging wells that are drilled into the Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones and are open to this zone may induce lateral migration of relatively saline water into the wells. Uncontaminated fresh water can be obtained from below if salt water is prevented from entering the well bore by casing off this zone.
The graphs in figure 22 also show that the chloride content of water from both wells gradually increased below about 2,000 feet. This indicates that salty water is present below this depth also and wells drilled deeper than 2,000 feet in Fernandina Beach will probably encounter highly saline water.
Except at Fernandina Beach, no wells in the area have been drilled sufficiently deep to encounter salt water, and none of the wells drilled into the Lake City Limestone have encountered the salt-water zone at the base of the Avon Park Limestone and the top of the Lake City Limestone.: However, as more fresh water is withdrawn from the aquifer system and the artesian pressure

0 Wlo 038.27.314 well 041. 26-333 A






4ell 038-127-324 senm les taken Itrugh drill stem durhg drilling Weil 041-126.3SA sorrnles token with badir during dinaI

Figure 22. Graphs of the chloride content of water at different depths in wells in the Floridan aquifer system at Fernandina Beach.


continues to decline, more salt water may migrate either vertically or laterally, or both vertically and laterally, into the fresh-water zones in the upper part of the aquifer system. Then the fresh water will become progressively saltier until, eventually, it may become unsuitable for domestic and most industrial uses.
It is possible to retard or even to prevent vertical and lateral encroachment of salt water by properly spacing wells and controlling discharge rates to avoid excessive drawdowns. The confining beds in the Avon Park, Lake City, and Oldsmar Limestones will retard or even prevent vertical movement of water in the aquifer system in most of the area. However, if these relatively impermeable beds are penetrated by a well, any salt water present will move upward at a faster rate. Therefore, caution should be taken in developing the deeper water-producing zones in the aquifer. More detailed information on the geologic and hydrologic characteristics of these deeper zones and the depth to salt water needs to be obtained before there is any extensive development of these zones. Such information will insure proper development of the deeper zones in the aquifer and lessen the possibility of salt-water contamination.


Water supplies in northeast Florida are obtained almost entirely from ground-water sources. The rocks usually penetrated by water wells are thick limestone and dolomite beds of Eocene age which underlie the surface at depths ranging from 300 to 550 feet below msl. These rocks, in ascending order, are the Oldsmar Limestone; the Lake City Limestone; the Avon Park Limestone; and the Inglis, Williston, and Crystal River Formations which compose the Ocala Group. The limestones of Eocene age are o)verlain by the Hawthorn Formation, which is composed of beds 'f clay, phosphatic clay, sandy clay, phosphatic sand, limestone, :Ind dolomite of early and middle Miocene age. The Hawthorn :"ormation is overlain by beds of calcareous silty clay, limestone, hell, and sand of late Miocene or Pliocene age and of Pleistocene :tnd Recent age.
A fault extending along the St. Johns River in Duval County lisplaces the top of the limestones of Eocene age a maximum of ,bout 125 feet. West of the fault the top of the Avon Park limestone dips northeastward about 16 to 20 feet per mile.


The shallow aquifer system, which is 300 to 550 feet thick in the area, extends from the surface into the Hawthorn Formation. The aquifers within the system consist of relatively discontinuous, porous limestone, shell, and sand lenses within the Hawthorn Formation, the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits, and the Pleistocene to Recent deposits. The aquifers are recharged directly by local rainfall and by downward infiltration of water from shallower aquifers in the system.
The aquifers in the shallow aquifer system most utilized by wells in the area are the surficial sand beds and a relatively continuous limestone, shell, and sand zone at the base of the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits. As the thickness and lithology of these aquifers vary both vertically and laterally, the amount of water available from them depends on the location and depth of the well. Generally, the surficial sand beds yield about 10 to 25 gpm, and the aquifer at the base of the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits yields between 15 and 20 gpm to small-diameter wells.
As more information is obtained on these aquifers, it may be possible to determine the proper location and construction of wells to obtain more water. It may also be possible to recharge artificially one or more of the aquifers so that more water is available to wells. These aquifers may become a major source of ground water, particularly if the water in the underlying Floridan aquifer system becomes contaminated by salt water.
The Floridan aquifer system, which is composed primarily of limestones of Eocene age, is the principal source of fresh water in northeast Florida. The top of the Floridan aquifer system, which ranges from 300 to 550 feet below msl, is overlain by an aquiclude of relatively impermeable clay, sandy clay, and dolomite beds in the Hawthorn Formation and in the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits that separate it from the shallow aquifer system.
Current-meter studies and information obtained while wells were being constructed indicate that there are at least three separate permeable zones within the Floridan aquifer system in northeast Florida. The first zone includes all the formations of the Ocala Group and, locally, limestone at the base of the Hawthorn Formation and at the top of the Avon Park Limestone. In the vicinity of Jacksonville, the second zone is in the top part of tie Lake City Limestone, and the third zone is within the Lake City Limestone, below a depth of about 1,200 feet. However, in Fernandina Beach, the Lake City Limestone contains only ore permeable zone, and a third zone is present below the Lake City


Limestone in the Oldsmar Limestone. These zones are separated by hard, relatively impermeable dolomitic limestone and dolomite beds.
Water is generally under higher artesian pressure in the lower zones than in the Ocala Group. The deeper zones yielded 50 to 98 percent of the total amount of water from the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville, and water was lost into the zone. in the Ocala Group from the deeper zones in the well tested at Fernandina Beach.
The yield of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in the area depends largely upon the depth, the well construction, the artesian pressure, and the transmitting properties of the permeable zones. The natural flow of wells 2 to 6 inches in diameter is generally less than 500 gpm, and that of wells 8 to 12 inches in diameter is generally less than 2,000 gpm. As much as 4,000 or 5,000 gpm may be pumped from some wells larger than 12 inches in diameter that penetrate to the second or third permeable zones.
Water enters the Floridan aquifer system in north-central Florida through breaches in the aquiclude by sinkholes, by downward leakage from surface bodies of water or from shallower aquifers where the aquiclude is thin or absent, and directly into the aquifers where they are exposed at the surface. The water moves generally northeastward through the aquifer system into northeast Florida, where some of it is discharged artificially through. numerous wells, and some is probably discharged naturally into the ocean off the coast. Cones of depression have formed in the piezometric surface in northeast Florida as a result of discharging wells which lower the artesian head and create a hydraulic gradient toward the discharging wells. Major cones of depression have developed in Duval County at Jacksonville and Eastport and in Nassau County at Fernandina Beach. The piezometric surface has been depressed to less than 30 feet above msl at Jacksonville and to niore than 15 feet below msl at Fernandina Beach.
In parts of Duval and Nassau counties where the piezometric si:rface is higher than the land surface, the wells that penetrate t ie Floridan aquifer system will flow. The size of the area in Ihich artesian flow will occur varies greatly with only slight c anges in the elevation of the piezometric surface.
Public water supplies in the vicinity of Jacksonville are c tained from 46 municipal wells and more than 100 private utility wells that are drilled into the Floridan aquifer system. The smaller


towns in the area and the three large Navy facilities also obtain water from the Floridan aquifer system. The three major paper manufacturers in the area, many other industries, and a number of the larger commercial buildings have wells in the Floridan aquifer system. Many private residences also obtain water from wells in this aquifer system. The total amount of water discharged by artesian wells is estimated to average from 150 to 200 mgd in the vicinity of Jacksonville and from 50 to 70 mgd at Fernandina Beach.
Water-level records show an irregular but continual decline in artesian pressure in the area. The greatest decline is in wells in the shallower permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system near the centers of the cones of depression. At Fernandina Beach, artesian pressure declined 50 to 60 feet during the period from 1939 to 1963, and at Jacksonville, artesian pressure declined 12 to 22 feet during the period 1946 to 1963. The piezometric surface declined 10 to 25 feet in all of northeast Florida during the period 1940 to 1962. During the period July 1961 to May 1962, the piezometric surface fell 1 to 10 feet because of below-normal rainfall and increased withdrawals of artesian water. Artesian pressure in the area will continue to decline if withdrawals of water continue to increase. However, the decline of artesian pressure does not pose an immediate threat to the availability of water in the area. A much greater danger is that highly mineralized water will enter the zone of reduced pressure and contaminate the existing fresh water in the aquifers.
Water from most wells in the shallow aquifer system and in the Floridan aquifer system is suitable for domestic use and for most industrial uses. Water from wells in the shallow aquifer system is generally softer, contains less dissolved mineral matter and more iron than water from wells in the deeper Floridan aquifer system. Wells in the Floridan aquifer system closest to the recharge area in southwestern Duval County generally coritain softer water with less dissolved mineral matter than wells in the central and northern parts of the area. In the vicinity of Fernandina Beach, there is considerable variation in the quality of water from wel s of different depths in the Floridan aquifer system. Water frol the deeper wells is harder and contains a higher dissolved-solics content than water from the shallower wells.
The chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system ranges from less than 10 ppm in the southwestern part of the area, where the piezometric surface is highest, to more


than 40 ppm in wells less than 1,250 feet deep, and to more than 1,180 ppm in some wells more than 1,250 feet deep at Fernandina Beach, where the piezometric surface is the lowest. Except in some of the deeper weels at Fernandina Beach, the increase in chloride content of water from most wells in the area ranged from 2 to 14 ppm during the period 1940 to 1962. In many of the deeper wells at Fernandina Beach, the chloride content of water increased about 20 to 1,320 ppm between 1955 and 1962.
The increase in chloride content of the water from artesian wells correlated with the decline of artesian pressure indicates that salt water is gradually moving into the zones of reduced pressure and contaminating the fresh-water supplies. At present, serious contamination is limited to a few deep wells at Fernandina Beach, where salt water is migrating laterally into the aquifer from a highly mineralized zone at the base of the Avon Park Limestone, and vertically from highly mineralized zones more than 2,000 feet below land surface.
Contamination of the fresh water will increase in northeast Florida if the artesian pressure continues to decline. Further contamination can be retarded and even prevented if, in the future, wells are propertly spaced and their discharges controlled in a manner that prevents excessive lowering of the artesian pressure. The impermeable beds and the higher water pressure zones in the Avon Park Limestone, Lake City Limestone, and Oldsmar Limestone presently prevent upward coning of salt water from the lower part of the Floridan aquifer system. Careful well construction and proper development of these aquifers should be employed to keep these natural barriers effective. Contamination in some of the deep wells in Fernandina Beach may be retarded by casing off the highly mineralized zone at the base of the Avon Park Limestone.


Many topics essential to completing the study of the groundeater resources of northeast Florida are beyond the scope of this vestigation. The findings from the following investigations to omplete this study will be reported in the future.
1. A detailed investigation of the shallow aquifer system, >articularly the aquifer at the base of the upper Miocene or :'liocene deposits, to determine its potential as a primary or upplemental source of water. This investigation will include test


drilling to determine the areal extent and thickness of the aquifer and pumping tests to determine their water-bearing properties.
2. Quantitative permeability investigations of each of the separate permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system to predict the results of using water from the deeper zones and to determine the best method of developing these zones without causing saltwater intrusion. This investigation will include pumping tests to determine the water-transmitting and water-storing capacities of each of these zones and mathematical and graphic analyses of the aquifer system.
3. An investigation to determine the relation of water-level declines to the amount of water being discharged from the Floridan aquifer system in order to predict future declines. This investigation will include continued measurement of water levels and a detailed inventory of wells in the area to determine more exactly the amount of water being used.
4. An investigation to detect any increase or spread of saltwater contamination in the area. This will include continued sampling and chloride analysis of water from wells throughout the area. If possible, a deep well will be drilled near the center of the cone of depression at Jacksonville to locate the exact depth to salt water. This well will be sampled periodically at various depths to detect any vertical movement of salt water into the fresh-water zones in the upper part of the Floridan aquifer system.



,\pplin, E. R. (See Applin, P. L) Applin, P. L.
1944 (and Applin, E. R.) Regional subsurface stratigraphy and
structure of Florida and southern Georgia: Am. Assoc.
Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 28, no. 12, p. 1673-1753. Black, A. P.
1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters,
1951: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and
Research Paper 6, 119 p.
1953 (Brown, Eugene, and Pearce, J. M.) Salt-water intrusion in
Florida, 1953: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey
and Research Paper 9, 38 p.
Brown, Eugene (See Black, A. P., 1951, 1953, and Cooper, H. H., Jr., 1953) Cole, W.
1944 Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of 'wells in FloridaNo. 3: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 26, 168 p. Collins, W. D.
1928 (and Howard, C. S.) Chemical character of waters of Florida:
U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-G, p. 177-233. Cooke, C. W.
1915 The age of the Ocala. Limestone: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper
95-1, p. 107-117.
1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29, 339 p.
1929 (and Mossom, D.) Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey
20th Ann. Rept., 1927-28, p. 29-227. Cooper, H. H., Jr. (See Stringfield, V. T.)
1944 Ground-water investigations in Florida (with special reference
to Duval and Nassau Counties) : Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour.,
v. 36, no. 2, p. 169-185.
1953 (and Kenner, W. E., and Brown, Eugene) Ground water in
central and northern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv.
10, 37 p.
Counts, H. B. (See Stewart, J. W.) Croft, M. G. (See Stewart, J. W.) 1)all, W. H.
1892 (and Harris, G. D.) Correlation paper: Neocene: U.S. Geol.
Survey Bull. 84, 349 p. 4)erragon, Eugene
1955 Basic data of the 1955 study of ground-water resources of Duval
and Nassau counties, Florida: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report. Florida State Board of Health 1960 Some physical and chemical characteristics of selected Florida
waters: Florida State Board of Health, Bur. Sanitary Eng.,
Div. Water Supply, 108 p.
unter, Herman (See Sellards, E. H.) 1'arris, G. D. (See Dall, W. H.)
-oward, C. S. (See Collins, W. D.)


Leve, G. W.
1961a Preliminary investigation of the ground-water resources of
northeast Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 27, 28 p.
1961b Reconnaissance of the ground-water resources of the Fernandina
area, Nassau County, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Cire.
28, 24 p.
Matson, G. C.
1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and ground waters of Floride:
U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319, 445 p. Mossom, D. (See Cooke, C. W.) Pirnie, Malcolm
1927 Investigation to determine the source and sufficiency of the
supply of water in the Ocala limestone as a municipal supply
for Jacksonville: Hazen and Whipple, New York. Pride, R. W.
1958 Interine report on surface-water resources of Baker County,
Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 20, 32 p. Purl, H. S.
1953 Z~nation of the Ocala group in peninsular Florida [abs.]: Jour.
Sed. Petrology, v. 23, no. 2, p. 130.
1957 Stratigraphy and zonation of the Ocala group: Florida Geol.
Survey Bull. 28, 248 p.
Sanford, Samuel (See Matson, G. C.) Sellards, E. H.
1913 (and Gunter, Herman) The artesian water supply of eastern
and southern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 5th Ann. Rept.,
p. 103-290.
Stewart, J. W.
1958 (and Counts, H. B.) Decline of artesian pressures in the Coastal
Plain of Georgia, northeastern Florida, and southeastern South Carolina: Georgia Geol. Survey Mineral Newsletter, v. 11, no. 1,
p. 25-31.
1960 (and Croft, M. G.) Ground-water withdrawals and decline of
artesian pressures in the coastal counties of Georgia: Georgia
Mineral Newsletter, v. 13, no. 2, p. 84-93. Stringfield, V. T.
1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U.S. Geol. Survey
Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 115-195.
1941 (Warren, M. A. and Cooper, H. H., Jr.) Artesian water in the
coastal area of Georgia and northeastern Florida: Econ. Geolog,,
v. 36, no. 7, p. 698-711.
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare
1962 Manual of individual water supply systems: Public Health
Service Pub. 6, no. 24
Vernon, R. O.
1951 Geology and Citrts and Levy counties, Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey Bull. 33, 256 p.
Warren, M. A. (See Stringfield, V. T.)

I '

TASLE 8, Recoid of wells in Duval and Nassau counties,
,Well number: See figure 1 for explanation of well-numbering system, Altitude of land surface: To tenth of a foot if determined by precision Owner: C, county; I, industry; M, municipality; 0, church; P, pri. leveling; otherwise, to nearest foot.
vate; S, State; U, U.S. Government. Water level: To tenth of a foot if measured by wet-tape method or Depth of well: Reported unless otherwise noted by M, measured by' if taken from recorder chart. To nearest foot, if measured by
U.S. Geological Survey. pressure gage or air line. P, periodic measurement; R, recorder Well finish: 0, cased to aquifer, open hole in aquifer; S, sand point, on well. Date of measurement applies also to temperature, chlorMethod of drilling: C, cable tool; J, jetted; R, rotary; X, other or ide, specific conductance, and hardness, unless otherwise noted in
unknown. Remarks column.
Type of pump: C, centrifugal; J, jet; N, none; T, turbine. Chloride: P, periodic determination. Use of water: A, air conditioning; D, domestic; F, fire protection; Chemical analyses available: C, complete; D, complete and radioI, Industrial; M, mining; N, none; P, public supply or municipal; chemical; M, multiple-complete and partial; P, partial.
i irrigation; s, stock; T, test or, observation. Yield and drawdown: Reported unless noted by M, measured by U.S. 'ifer(s) : D, Floridan aquifer (deeper than Ocala only); F, Flor- Geological Survey; F, yield by natural flow; P, yield by pumping.
idan aquifer (Ocala Group); FD, Floridan aquifer (Ocala Group Remarks: W- or Wgi-, Florida Geological Survey well number. Logs i
and deeper than Ocala); Sr, shallow aquifer, rock well; Ss, available: A, chloride or conductivity; C, caliper; D, drilling time; shallow aquifer, surface well. Dr, driller's log; E, resistivity and/or spontaneous potential; L, geologists's log and/or samples; V, current meter.
Water level
Casing a 0

.9 a . . ..

C; ,
~Y~di .7~ ; :~':e
Un.,~r:: ~. C

IABLE S8. (Continued)

008-80-181- P - 545 4 O X N D F 23.6 31.3 9-23-40 -.
S18.5 1- 4-60
008-180-810 P 4 0 X N D F 23.5 28.0 9-2740 20.5 1- 4-60 22
17.2 T-11-61
17.7 5-14-62
05-1864120 P 1960 500 200 3 0 C N D F 26 18.5 1- 5-60 31 16.8 7-11-61
12.0 5-14-62
008-18540 P 1961 487 - O X N D F 22 25.5 11- 1-61 2320.5 5-14-62
0-18&244 0 - 600 - 6 0 R N D F 21.7 1- 8-61 21... 7009-187120 P 1955 900 337 6 O R - P FD 388 - - W-64, L " 009-189-280 P - - 3 0 X N DR F 16.5 85.8 9-28-40 ,
2.7 1- 7-60
20.3 7-11-61
13.1 5-14-62

0-10-20 P 1986 650 500 8 0 X C DR F 2.1 50.0 9-28-40 10 .... 01,11-4-5 6
41.8 1- 7-60 15
10~ -244A P 1958 555 457 8 O X C DR F 25 20.0 3- 1-61 24 12.0 5-14-62
00-18824413 P 100 1 0 x N N SR - 8.8 3- 1-61 21..1,-88-211 P 1946 651 425 6 0 R C DR F 20 21.0 1- 5-61 15...
10.0 5-14-62 011-144 U 1940 403 252 6 O R N DF F 16.1 28.0 8- 7-40 - 71 S20FM 16.4 10-18-65 12
17.5 1- 4-60 12
15.8 5- 7-62
C12-187-221 P 1956 650 3 0 J N D F 10 31.5 1- 5-61 13 18.6 5-14-62

lOnly the earliest and latest measurements and chloride values are shown on table.

TAslt 8, (Continued)

Water level

7.4 5 92 8

7,2 -2-1 IS

W7.4 5-1 72 1

6258461 4014 U 14 988 400 1 R N FD I--20 - - . -. - -.1L 0158-14041A U 1940 1,00 380 1 0 R cP PD 9.2 37.2 5-1-401 .- 3-000W.51, L'018-141-441 U 1940 1,015 31s 12 0 R C PP FD 20.9 IV 74 4,50FM - W-514. L; CI.

014-141-220 P 1922 69 286 a 0 x - DR F 16 1.500 - W.2r, L ,04-13410 P - 185 - O X P SR . - C - -- -
-20.12 7-14- 1 1
-29.54 5.1742 1

08-11 2 U 1942 T9 439 10 0 R N F 80 - -- - - W-7L 014-1 0 U 1P 5 185 485 20 0 R T PF FD - 78 1,000P 24 W11, L

1.18421, P 1957 1,246 520 is o R T MI FD so - 3.35 -. . 2,000P ;i~i ' , i:," ' . .. . . . . . ... .

R1883-448 P 1957 I1254 520 1 O0 T mIlX D - -0.a3 - -e z 2,600f
-19.6 5.14-62 25
415-188814 P 1954 1,264 470 6 0 R N DR FD 22 19 2-24-1 20 C 960 11.9 5-14.2 20
05-138.410 - P 1949 1,187 757 12 0 R T P D 14 23 522-2 19 C 2,T00FM Ocala GrouP ...: . ,ued oi
-141-111 P 198 600 470 4 0 X N DN F 8. 41 P 7- 5-40 10 T4.5 450 16.4 5- 9-42 15
514.-24 0 P 1961 1,000M 460 18 O R T P FD 33 7.36 5-17-62 13 z2,500FM L 01F145880 P 1928 1,920 Pl ed at 1924 1.690 800-1,000 12 0 X N T FD 64.9 -3.6 R 4.1-41 1,920 feet
-17.16 52-2 ecorder 016-125-481 P 1959 615 832 6 O R C P F 4 38 2-27-61 is 950 29.4 5.-15-62 20
016137-100 P 70-100 2 O J DN SR - - C
4 18744 P 1953 73388 531 6 0 R C DA F 11.7 2-241 IT 400F

10 P - 99 - 2 O X J D SR C
i42-414 M 1923 729 476 8 0 X C N F 16.2 40 P S-22-30
9.2 5. 9-62 s
, l0T'X26-282 P 1989 550 480 3 O x N D F 11.6 40.6 9-6-40 17 S7 CL 10-T-85 32.3 1- T-60 22
22.3 5-15-62 20
017-126-440 P - 400 0 x P F - . _C - --
01710-44 P 4 O X N DN f 40 1.6 1-19-1 --
-1.34 5-15-62
.017-134-210 P 1960 1,004M 487 15 0 R P FD 13 21 - 2,000FM L; CI, 122-60 '017-14-831 P 1939 675 -- 7 R N DR F 24.1 29.5 - 7-39 15 71.5 475F - - C, 10-13-55
s18 1-5-60 24
4.9 -14-62 22
i-185-413 C 1989 785 524 10 R P F 26.7 26. 6- 5-39 15 C -- - . Dr: C
- -,,, I 11-15-40 ;17-186-124 P - 56 1- O N SK 23 -14.76P 2-23-61 13 '-19.25 514-62
I 1 F I

Q -4

it :o

' 8Dn Dl Year completed

S' C at Q Depthof pump a&

Z Tye at pump Z Use of water d Aquiferts) so Altitude of land* oS o surfa e above mean sea level feet eAbove or ow t at tw 'es land surface
_(frtDate of a
oa eneh t ta to 1s

Chloride ( 1I hi I I I I i ,aI - - . ,>
C hemical aftalyS I " Ill I I Temratur V7)

ClI- I Yield

SI I I I I I I I I Drawdown Period of discharge hourr)

A l ' I

PV r

011385-111 P . 0 3 O X C D F 16.2 27.9 2-22-39 17 75 CI, 10-6-5 14 1- 5-60 18
1 5-15-62 31
018-138-8438 1989 1,071 505 10 0 R T P FD 20.5 30 3-23-39 12 -8 2,- L; CI, 1949 1,348 17 1-12-640 20 11-7-40 16.9 7-1861
&s-139-280 M 1985 583 500 10 0 X T P P - W-as06, L 1948 1,307 - FD 7
1i-189-2883 1989 1,037 508 10 0 R T P FD 5.1 43.9 3-23-39 12 I, Dr; C, 1959 1,280 39.1 1-12-60 16 11-T-40 I 35.3 7-13-60 19 CI, 5-21-41
018-140-128 P - - - 10 0 I N D F 4.5 43 2P 11-2648 18.2 5- 9-62 20
01-14210 1931 36 479 10 0 X C P F 14 . 1,700F W-169, L 1948 1,247 FD
018-14-234 900 - 6 O X N PN FD 24.6 30.T P 11-28-40 10.1 5- 9-62 IT
8114 341 P - 80 - 2 0 X J DA SR C -19-28-.111 P 1937 650 - 8i O X N R F 12.6 41.5 2-2-359 20 71- - CI, 10-6-55 s
32.6 1- 7-60 19
20 5-15-621 22
01123-180 P 1938 - 3 0 1 N R F 10 42.9 2-2539 22 34.8 1- 7-60 22
019-124-210 i 1962 1,300M 407 18 0 R N P FD 12 '30 44-2 28 CM 5,00OFM A, C, .
V, packer C
19-182411 P 1929 762 509 5 O X N R F 3.4 17.7 6- 7-39 15 C, 11-19-40 s1 Cl, 4-?-48 18 CL, 10-7-55
7.3 11-18-60 16
i19-18-433 P 1929 875 400 6 0 X C DR F 53.04 1.8 P -1039
-21.94 5- 9-62
019-134.310 P 1938 635. 520 8 O 0 N DN F 24.1 31.5 - S-39 1 76. C, 10-14-55 20.2 1- 6.-60
I ' 9.5 5-1662
0S-.185-430 P - 200 16 P SR -~ C
- . i-

TAIL 8. (Continued)

Cuin Water level

09,,8-820 P 1942 1,074 508 10 O X . I FD 4 42 7*20-.42 .. 2,000F - W449. L 9-489424 P 1961 758M 518 16 O C C DA F 22.1 -- 0.1 -17-42 22 - --- 150FM - - L, D
0 P 1989 65 491 6 O X C DR F 8.5 30.3 8- 8-39 C 73 -. . . L, Dr 9-189.884 P 1954 70 510 8 O R C PRA F 4 19.5 -1562 10 L, Dr
1401 P - 8 --- 6 O X N T F 8.3 82.1 PR 11-25.38 IS - 73 - -- CI, 10-15,30
18.3 6- 9-62 21
19-.1411 1911 1,075 10 O X N PN FD 22.8 392 P 8-13-80 -73

0-1-11 P ... 4 O X C I F 21.9 86.8 7-16.4 18 _ 72.5 _ CI, 10-12-6 ,

019-148-840 P 1938 012 501 2%. O X C DR F 44.1 15.1 7-28-40 12 - . ..... CI, 1012-5 i
4.45er1- 3-60 12
1.88 7-14-61 ' . 010147-10 P 19429 1,00 583 6 . O X D FD 4 42 72042- ?-29 2, - W.149. L 019-140421 P 1936 785 - O X N R F 30.3 30.8 6- 8-3 18 - 76.5 - - - CI, 10-14-50
1011 1070 0 N N 3910.7 1- 6.13-30 - 73 ,B 13.2 5942 16

14-11 P 4 0 X C I F 2 1.9 361.8 7-12641 72.5 C 10125.7 5 -16-62 16
0191846440 P 1938 612 501 2 0 X N DR 34. 2.5 -1123409 12 C 10

42.8 1. 3-60 12

, 2.1 5-152 21
.. .. .. . . - , , + +., +

:00 ! 13- T191 "!' CE 09-ZIt- 3L1
" -" i-TT' - - Sr L ST 6-L - 9"69 L'9I (g H D X 0 OI 99 090't 886t a i 3"8-Igo

- . 0 - - I s WE r - - 06 oo,-P95-3

1z 39-9T-9 8l2
- - -- 0 0981-6 .e St a act . 0 9 1 g 09 29961 " OzT' i

23 0"- -1 SITE
-PT-OIto o O LLS O'IT a H 0 X 0 o 8J 9 L a , o-'stv~~qI 31 5-9-9 9'91
" ".o6 - o' 1 - .1 A - H 0 s 969 tSOL 1961 a :t STI-9 I

9 "- -,1 1 0, Z 61 199t9 291
St 0"-1- t
0 9. ,T 9-.o '10 -- o1 . .
0 LI 19-SP-9 6tt I
St 09-,-, 9S, ,i. 91
TS , ,t 0'Z-L 612 t, Hl K x 0 c 009 099 a 0o81 4tr9 s

:~~~BI ,, 'I "I3',, -- .. .... oE ... :;Oi i
S1 39-Li-9 t
oSr-11-1 EV
l '10 .AOO00 0 S Li 6-93 ll A I x 0 9 - 9- Tsi' - a 9o6so]0 ''

go-n2-9 ;o
1'3 19-21-L 2198
33 2 09-al-1 9192
pi-99 10 Li 0931' 616i
0 oI-,', - - S Li 6-t-S o, t oA a o x 0 o - ON LO6t1 N OtWN65t-,0

, 108-M - - t - 9--6 298 2*9 GA 0 01 16V 90'1 9861 i 92.610
tz Z.Cl-f% s-s
1a 09-i- cl0
l[iP19 '1 91
01-t 'ID - - LL - St 6"-St-9 592 62 (1A 1 Kd K X 0 01 991 set TO't 1t6. N -886siO

51 Ot-11-L 918
91-'10 - -- 00 L'Pi A I I 0 - - a O-Lt'0

03 3"-t-s 8* IM-L Z'6
i 11 09-S -i '9
99-1-11 'ID - L' O'' 7-.t-s 9O2 ; t .,A 7 M 1 x x 9 ui 01 T P rr tP9 "OC

TArle 8, (Continued)

031-1-0 P 1939 730 473 8 O X N N F 21.3 31.2 7- 1-40 16 -.- CI, 10.555 24 1-12-60 21
14.4 5.21-62
0 .2_ p 1962 1,303M 550 16 O R R.. R FD 20 23.0 2- 8-62 . . I,900FM .- L, V 021-89-424 M ........ 8 O X N N F 19.0 35.2 7-1-40 .. 78 - C, 10.527.7 1-11.60 18
18.9 5.2162 19

021441-414 M 1939 1,053 530 10 O X T P FD 16.4 40.8 -14-39 16 80 C, 5-2141; S24 1.12-60 i W-830, L 20.11 5.24-62 19
26 1-1260 20
15.1 5.21-62 19
"021-141428 M 1939 1,055 513 16 0 R T P FD 24.4 32.9 6-14-39 -- 78 1,500FM - - U V
S1941 1.356
l02-142-10 p 8- 0 X T DR SR. C
0 10.11 P 1959 1,000 462 16 0 R T P FD 89 7.2 9-25-60 go900F
, 2.oooP 21 a L. Dr
o2-18 8oo P 1928 1,076 - 8 0 C C R FD 19.2 37.7 2- P-39 18 76 -CI.10-6-w 26.8 1-12-60 20
iI i15.3 G-21-62
40,-19-44 p 1915 700 510 6 0 - N D F 16.4 37.3 2-11-39 18 c, -- 10-525.9 1-12-60 18
' 22.5 7.1261
15.7 5.21-62 21
i4 10 M 1951 1,303 .... 12 0 R C P FD 22.4 26 1-12-60 22 19 6-24-62 23
02P-148-320 p 1940 690 469 6 O X R F 10.5 1,0207- W-32, L : -

i 022-147-240 P 1958 630 a 3 0 x N S F 23 24.5 10-19-40 15 :-
.0 1 18.6 5-17-62 18
,'028-124-20 U 1962 1,001 435 18 O R N PF FD 6.7 30.3 5-16-62 31 - 2,500F - - W4828 t028-125-142 U 1939 510 6 0 X N N F 8.0 41.3 6- 9-39 18 73- Flowing wad; C, 11-19-40
36.4 1- 7-60 23 CI, 10-7-55
0.8-129-880 U 200 2 X J DRF SR ... - . - C ..C
!:028-186-810 P 1980 - - 4 O X N R F 3.12 53.2 P 6-12-39 -.- -
32.2 5- 9-62 21 . 1028-138-844 M 1925 905 570 8 O X N N FD 14.9 47.0 PR 6-22-30 16 CD Presre eco er in-:
62, removed
8-26-2; CI,
5-20-41- '

23.7 5-10-62 16 CI, 1-T-60 818isae.220 P 1940 700 560 3 O X N N F 6.0 43.8 P 7-2T.40 15 - 73.5 - I 28.8 5-10-62
-288 S - - -- 3 o X N N F 4 25 5-21-62 - - -w- - - lowdw :
86-180 P 1929 800 - 6 0 X N R F 29.2 28.0 P 6-25-40 18 - 75 - -
3.4 5-18-62
4141. 40 P 70 2 X DR SR ...-- - C - - '-144420 P 1939 625 500 3 0 X N D F 20.7 35.3 T-24-40 18 - -- -, 10-12-5
23.3 1-18-60 19
17.0 5-15-62 20
025-12 -281 P 1980 840 450 8 0 X C DR FD 15.7 45.2 P 8-19-80 90 - so -- 01, 11-21-40
19325.8 5-10-62 122 - .. - - , 9-19-60

zs2s.44u4 P 4 0 x N DR F 4.2 42.3 1-21-60 35 - --- - -36.2 5-21-62 25
025-186.220 P 1910 556 - 8 O X - IN F 8.8 44.5 P 3-22-51 25 - - - Cl, -8-60
18.3 5-10-62
'25-138-210 M 1942 942 660 8 0 X C PRI FD 19.9 21.7 1-20-60 28 -23.6 7-13-61
18.6 5-18-62 25 s j0

TAsLI B. (Continued)

Casing Water level

S141 1019 44 10 0 X C PRI FD 14.5 31.15 120-0 25 . , 29.5 7-1W51
24.5 .18-62 24
1.300 P 1982 725 600 6 o x N R F 17.7 39.2 6-12-40 11 - 74 _- Cl, 11.14-40 ...26.8 1-18-60 24 4-2210 P 1962 1,280M 005 18 0 R C P FD 25 . 4,800FM L, V
. I - .g ..0

0.15,4 S 1921 455 8 O X C D F 12.2 42.1 0.1240 19 .. R .- - CI, 11-21-40
19 C, 6-20-41 120 CI, 1025.5 36.5 1-19-60 24
30.0 5.21-62 25
18-842A P 1951 1,8923 5 6 O R N T FD 17.3 37.0 P 6-12-51 24 11 930F W-, V,0

22.5 6-10-62 27 1--60 813584B P _ 1,025 850 4 0 R N T D 16.96 38.1 P 1-13-54 25 C 14 Dr;Oca : I Group eased
23.2 6-10-82 off: 01I,

8~142C0 P - 100 450 4 O R N T F 16.87 32.9 P 1-1-54 25 L, Dr; C, 22.2 5-10-62 12-902136-482 P 1956 1,878 612 20 0 R T I FD 16.2 28.8 5-81-56 - . W-974, L 6-1.36-484 P 195 1,390 605 26 0 R T I FD 14.1 27.72 4-20-66 6,700 - W-869 26.141.10 C 1952 700 601 S O R C P F 25.2 17.8 5-24-62 24 455F - W-2410,' I

02145-100 P 1954 750 480 6 0 R N S F 25 27.2 1-11-56 - - 530F W4345 27.8 1-18-60 s0
2145420 P 1917 658 6 O X N S F 23.6 84.8 7-2440 21 73 -- CI, 11-1440 25 CI' 10-12-55
21.1 1-18-62 29
15.0 5-18-82 27
84-220 P 1936 642 3 0 X - DS F 20.8 35.0 P 6-26-40 24 - C, 8-8-0
18.4 5-10-62 25 Cl, 9-19-60, , 027-14 14 P 610 446 4 0 X N DS F 21.8 35.1 6-24-40 28 - CI. 11-14-40 26 CI, 10-12-55
2: . 16.2 1-18-60 80 28 01, 5-18-62
2-18 84 C 2 O X PN F 34.8 22.2 P 7-24-40 22 74 - "CI 11-1440
5.58 5-10-62 20 0 8448 P ... - - 8 O X N SN F 22 18 4-25-62 28 - --
9142-240 P 8 O X N DS F 24 12.7 4-25-60 29 75.5
4 i2-187410 P 1935 485 -- 8 0 X N N F 26.4 22.8 1-16-40 22 - 71 - - Flowing wild; 16.4 10-25-55 CI, 11-14-40 11 1-18-60 28

028-166-100& P 996 96 1 S D SS 66 1 4- 9-34 - 0 70- 02i-15.100B P 1928 201 100 2 O X D SR 68 2.5 4- 9-34 - C 70 166480 P 1000 650 - 6 X J D F 69 0.0 3- 1-51. C - I1148-120 P - 500 -- 8 0 X N D F 20 22.7 5- 9-62 - -.
082-126-142 P 1937 680 -- 4 O X N D F 13.70 41.75P 3-24-39 23 . 72 C01, 11-23-40
18.8 5-10-62 26 CI, -8-60 28 CI, 9-19-0
82-150-00 P - 600 3 0 X N DS F 20 27.7 1-12-61 31 08-149-140 M 600-800 - - 0 X P F 20 -- -- - C
150-242 P 1938 580 - 2 0 X - D F 18.8 40.2 P 1-18-40 26 ... 72 - - - C1, 11-22-40
25.2 5-10-62 31

TABLE 8. (Continued)

Water level

084-186 8 P 192 480 O X N D R 6 10. 8-62 29 be or

, ONO 1dan softer using

083-127-810 P 1982 580 350 8 O X N R F 9.9 41.1 P 3-23-39 25 - 72.6 CI, 11-2840 19.8 5-10-62 31 CL 12-9-40 085.127.4830 P 540-640 -- 8 O X N D F 14.7 89.7 83-22-89 26 ... ... Cl, 09-5.55
27 CI, 11.40-69 085-127.410 P 1982 580 850 8 O X N R F 15.4 38.5 3-23-39 27 -- - - C 9--55
21.8 1-25-60
08 -185-811 P 1958 905 480 16 0 R - I F 25 .. ... - . 865F - - W-2964,.L
087-126-214 P 1989 - - 8 O X N DR F 16.9 86.8 8-25-89 28 - 73 - - - CIL 11-28-40
4.0 9- 8-55 29
2.5 11- 4.59 86
3.77 1-26-60 39
- 0.67 5-21-62
087-129-242 5 1927 578 - 2 0 X N DRS F 6.0 46.8 83-28.39 27 - 72.5 - - - Cl, 11-2983-40
4.9 9-15-55 27 �
8.8 11- 5-59 28
7.4 1-25-60 80..
4.55 5-21-62 31
87-180-0 P 1940 540 504 2 X N D F 12.6 26.7 P 6-26-40 27 .. 71.5 - -- CI, 11-28-40
,087+ 1088 P9.3 5-10-62 30

U0b'-1Y-2 z .- . --.1,( I00i 460 4 O X C I FD 34.8 19.2 P 1-16-40 28 .. 74.5 . - Cl, 9-10-42
- 2.34 5-10-62 s3 Cl, 1.3-62
87-142-430 P 1988 569 2 O X N DR - 17.8 40.3 P 1-18-40 24 71.5 -- - C, 11-23-40
20.9 5-10-62 81
,088-126-20 ,. M 1,203 572 12 O R T P FD 15 .... 27 - 1,284P 38 8 W-4810, ii i Dr;' Cl, 8-20-57
29 Cl, 4-1-59 80 CI, 1028-59
088-127-142A I 1940 2,130 567 10 0 R T I FD 19.1 8.22 P 11- 1-60 1,680 C -- 1,900F - - W-890, L, A,
. packer. iteei ,

chemial anab.,
artesian. head and
sureuients made at different depths while the well was being
drilled in . 1940. Pa ki" er'tats and' current- ' ' '
meter traVenes made la 1945. 1946 1,826 B.72 10- 5-61 1,180 3!C Plugged at
,1,826 ft, C01, :

1962 1,100 P Puggsed at , 1,100 ft
.088-127-142B I 1940 1,100 26 0 R N IN F 19 -22.2 P 11-10-59 20 - - - - C, 11-29-40
-24.66 5-10-62 27 MC CI, 10-552 29 Cl, 12-27-60 29 CI, 9-662 ~~~~frC~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~o ,:i112 I1001102 RNI .1 -2. 11-9 6C,1-94

TABLE 8, (Continued)

- 2.64 9. 8-55eI

�n-- 5.05 11- 450
- 1.46 1-25-60
0 4- 5.46 5-10-62 088 -244 P 198 40 0 D P 13.0 40.9 TO 325-39 30

D84.80 12 - 4 2 0 X N DS F 15 3 2.4 5- 9-62 38

'080-127-111 I 9os 1,100 545 26 O R T I FD 6.8 43.5 8-15-89 88P MC
1946 1,700 -5 MC 1.,671-255
556 CI, 61-2; 09-127-120 PM 1938 0 - R T I F 15 84.0 11-30-40 26 MC - 1,792F 8
3 CI, 4-t89 62 CI, 10-2849 8- - D 2 82N D F3 494 CI, 5-31-62 91781 1988 1,072 551 26 0 R T I FD 13.7 37.4 3-15-39 33 P MC - W-10

Dr, C,
1946 1,840 1;0
Cl, -5.-62;
I "9-127-8 P 1987 1 75 - 2 -deepened 33

9-12 I 1938 107 5 26 R T I FD 18.1 34. -15-39 33P MC W-12, L,

Dr; CI,
168 CI ' 31-02; 1946 1.820 18
_1_____.eepened I 'I I_________________ _____. - _-4

"089-128-181 I 1942 1,065 650 26 0 R T 1 F 11 . .. 30P MC W-690, L; CI, 32 5-80.50 CI, 541-62
089-128-241 I 1938 1.054 549 0 R T F 8.8 42.6 3-1 9 34P MC - ,158F - - Wgi-9, L,Dr; CI, 1-19-88
�3 CI, 10-12-61 09'81-281A P 1988 3 0 X N DR F 9.8 25.4 1-17-40 . - 72 I ,5.58 9- ?-65 10.4 7-17-61
3.46 5-21-62 33
a31481B P - -- 8 0 X C DR F 10 5.05 11- 2-59 30 6.95 1-25-60 33
206-8"2 P 1989 ..... - 3 0 X N DN F 20.4 29.5 P 3-28-89 33 72 -- - - CI, 4-748
-24.58 5-10-62
0 127.211A I - 98 - 10 0 X N IN SR 5 -18.00R 3-10-61 - MP -- - Pressure re-11.4 5-28-62 corder instaled

. 2-211D I 1937 900 580 24 0 R T I F 15 33P MP - - W391, L, Dr; CI, 11-12-56
45 CI, 5-1762 040-17-212 I - 100 80 5 O R C I SR 5 -10.86 3- 7-61 -- MP . ---.
00 -818 P 1926 - --. 8 0 R N N F 5.87 43.0 6-19-39 -. - 73
-26.51 9-14-55
-16.98 11- 5-59
-18.52 1-25-60
-14.01 7-17-01
-23.67 5-21-62
040-127.-482A PM -. 1,100 .. 8 O R T p FD 27.9 17 8-28-3 29P MC 72.5 - CI, 18-24
26 CI, 10-28-59 40-127-4821 PM 1,025 600 8 O R T P FD -- .... 39P MC - -- , 9-28-37
85 CI, &81-62 A40-127-4820 PM 781 0 8 R T P F -- - .. - C 40-127-482D PM 1958 1,205 550 12 0 R T P FD 24.9 -- --- .. O C - -- - - W-2918, L. Dr

TAawi 8, (Continued)

Casing Water level

w= -Rea

04M0-188410 I 1986 500 2 O N DR 20.2 23.4 9-14.5 20 72 CI, 11-22-40 33 1-20-6

15.4 5-22-62 33
.. .. g f j iOala G"oup 041426-888A I 1959 2,100 1.450 30 0 R T I D 15 .-. --- 80P MP OealaGrozp
aed off:
Cl, 2-1-61;,
A (5-ft.
19 1,961 1,28 Interval)
9 ,961 1328 7 C C, -17-62 .041-128-833 I 1965 1,408 550 20 0 R T I FD 15 ...... ........... 142P C, 11-12165 Cl, 5-17-62 041-127-142 I 1930 500 3 0 R C I F ? 7.8 41.3 6-21-39 36 - 76 - This well may
9.36 9-14-55 not be om3.01 11- 5-5 plted in
1.24 1-25-60 pethe Florn dan aquifer. W
" ' 22 "CI, 5-21-62 041-127-322 753M 510 4 0 R N IN F 6 -11.25R 11-18-60 36 - Float rcorder Installed 11-22.43 5-21-62 18-60; E; Cl, 5-21-62
041-127-40 I 1955 1,410 550 - O R T I FD 202 - - CI, 10--61
195 Cl, 2-18-62 220 CI, 5-17-62 41-17-220 P 450 - 0 N N F 19 30.9 10- 9-58 34 75.5 90F 26.1 5-. 9-62 33
. Th'

'. . " .... 3 0 R N DN F 80.7 -21.54 6-19-44 - .. recorder installed 619-44, removed be-' tween 19581956
-26.24 1-20-60
1-165.421 M 1955 821 448 10 0 R T P F 80 . -- -- W -- - 856, t8L; chemical analyiese041155424 M 1961 788M 520 16 O R T P F 80 -.. - - - -- 850P 10 2 L

042-425-8038 S 1988 800 550 4 O R N PN F 7.8 48.1 P 8-27-89 82 - 72 270 - - W-891, L;: Ci, 8.64 5.21-62 40 11-23-40
204--127-884 S - 800 584 4 O X C PF F 7.5 44.3 8-27-49 28 72 270FM - L, Dr; Cl,' 1-25-40 .
388 CI, 5-15-59 82 Cl, 11-59 84 CI, 5-21-62
042-127-48 S 1988 800 520 4 0 X C PF F 6 42.7 3-27-39 80 72 245FM - - L, Dr; CI,
28.2 1-16-40 32 ClI, 5-15-59 . j 82 Cl, 11-4-59
042-154-480 U 1960 700 405 8 O R T PFA F 52 8.82 10-21-60 32 . ......
- 6.07 7-18-61
-8.06 5.22-62 34
43-187-441 I - - -- O X N D F 14 17.2 5-8-62 87 .. .
.044-141-430 S - - - 8 o0 X C P F ? 15 - 32 C - - not be completed in Floridan '6 aquifer; CI, 4-10-59
044-156-100 P 1940 4,824 4,645 6% - R N T FD 99.2 38,600 C W-8336, L.
Analysis of water sam-, ple taken at 2205-2230 ft below landsurface
datum. Cl, 8-24-37 c
046-158-800 P 450 -- 3 0 X C D F 60 - 5.7 5- 9-62 46 - - -

TABLE 3. Stratigraphic units and aquifer systems in Duval, Nassau, and
and Baker counties.

Geologic Stratigraphic thickness Lithologic character Aquifer Water-bearing properties
age unit (feet) systems

Recent and Recent and 0-150 Soil, muck, coarse to fine sand, Surficial sand yields small Pleistocene Pleistocene shell, and some clayey sand amounts of water. Sand and deposits 0 shell bed along coast yields
_ _ moderate quantities.

Pliocene? Pliocene or 20-110 Gray-green calcareous, silty o Limestone, sand, and shell bed Upper Miocene clay and clayey sand; con- - near base of deposits yield tains shell beds and white ] moderate to (locally) large soft, friable limestone beds a amounts.

Hawthorn 260-490 Gray to blue-green calcareous Relatively impermeable clays Formation phosphatic, sandy clays and and marls in both the late clayey sands; contains fine to Miocene or Pliocene deposMiocene medium phosphatic sand len- a its and the Hawthorn Forses and limestone and dolo- mation confines the artesian mite beds, particularly near * water in the Eocene limethe base of the formation a stone and in the limestone and shell beds above the
Eocene limestone. Yields
small to moderate supplies.

Crystal 50-300 White to cream chalk, massive Marine limestone foamrtions River fossiliferous marine lime- utilized as the primary Formation stone. source of water in the area.

Williston 20-100 Tan to buff granular, marine Formation limestone

Inglis 40-120 Tan to buff granular, calcitic, Formation marine limestone; contains thin dolomite lenses and
zones of Miliolidae foraminiferal coquina

Avon Park 50-250 Alternating beds of brown to o Massive dolomite beds restrict
Eocene Limestone tan hard, massive dolomite, " vertical movement of water.
brown finely crystalline dolo- a .2 mite, and granular calcitic

-Lake City 425-500+ White to brown, purple-tinted E Limestone and porous dolomite Limestone lignitic, granular limestone beds yield large to very large and gray hard, massive dolo- quantities of water. Hard mite; contains lignite beds dolomite and limestone beds and zones of Valvulinidae restrict vertical movement of foraminiferal coquina water within certain zones.
Potentially the greatest
source of water in the area.
Oldsmar 846 Cream to brown massive to Limestone chalky, granular limestone and tan to brown massive
to finely crystalline dolomite

o 1 r I I I 1 r I . 1 i M 6i90 Ii I i

ut a qdoo L e .O

P49N 10 feet ard s No.
.1.2 :" ' 0 ..D ,'"';" 11 "" 0" 1;.

45'- A "" ' " ' ". 4,
liver IFr il lluen

s io II00 feet ll 7 0
m 4*0.00 " .

U o07oo ** HILLIARD

40BEACH 40

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30 06-30

25 O

20' C) 20' nAoWoNK 0 2 IL L E MACCLENNY BEACH 5- 6 o

to the top of the Crystsl Rivan To'nation, Tuvsl d nasu.. c.unties 1l10 d- C T "N C
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Figue 6,Mapshoig l otpo h C'wa t w ouaii t8dte o Pr d'o tn n h apoint d ehbow l, uae toteto fth zyta iez io'l'~firD vtl ndN sa cuiieFa

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G59 J59 274ed19b308fc4a151af0accd4e8140b 74354
G60 J60 a7fd2156821f634e9e2260546910c6c2 70278
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G96 J96 526ef1832e5a080b60e5c8e392189a78 43892
G97 J97 f344b1334eda24f2405c20f84ea52f1b 52073
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E2 4082cca51070d5e08daaa2a491a5060d 43126
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E5 a6a418bdbbd0fd15933e713604b8431d 13275
E6 4ac19c2d3d6dc4ecad3a7bb8f75dbece 135215
E7 da225d4783cf2f0ff46eb5b468495702 174745
E8 2687377312aabbf370c78767d0d227ae 68719
E9 53a20729a71ae6be9c5b4ef24bff7152 3186
E10 c6ce631288e17fa4265bab07cb78a6e9 166238
E11 e85d1091711bd8497ec868a0177035d2 182931
E12 cd06b93bd716242475905352166b393f 191317
E13 addb50c1c2402b8d7c8873e0520a91ca 188433
E14 14ce70e95a02fde687a98da408efe1e8 170241
E15 74d524c61872f3f530f94b7e0ad9d8b0 77971
E16 80899c10b84dead843e1f2e1a8be2e50 136926
E17 7639a68acd16748b89aaf004e2174d6c 188224
E18 c24974246b97bcbb43dc51d735301053 124470
E19 980bf5648d8367330932825bac8fad6c 187967
E20 d19b0cda5d5aaa49b476974372ebf7ea 190597
E21 c39d35382c654a953838f8c08cac492e 189240
E22 02e1c074902dac920ff5e8248c4b76db 117935
E23 509cf001a4369c65474f1f589adfe5c7 170963
E24 0f4fccd8fd6b1f2bbf8bfd0e106c2fe5 186015
E25 dc7b49047755f3c328e5f9c840cf98c1 177727
E26 037d1a432925e3c3389a05432eb3351b 189251
E27 51232156b6313caceb56ee7bd850cf45 183998
E28 39f1ccc09129b8b5bd36546061048e0e 183215
E29 7a1c33e67065dc9c17eeaf8259842f3b 184247
E30 4538af5c8e89daf2ef058355e17838e3 189360
E31 87e18adb6c2579799d607d1cd09e377e 121544
E32 0b9cac9eb7efc32a89125b1179c35f03 190652
E33 fccacfc0899b3f745b1512dc65f3a502 177156
E34 ab7080f12c3ef5a3ac183dbf524fdb07 168244
E35 7bde71a008713fb9f076d038cf64845f 131849
E36 2f7fe75b728295ada3b69852b1f9dd06 103548
E37 1e828ba1b4ea353edf34414142b51c97 188303
E38 ff204e2f6970ef8c6edca79018d52bf5 206319
E39 f631334b52fbe2be738f27e6f0fd10eb 200444
E40 57e4dd2b6eced692704c4f5580315491 189038
E41 b98c2b82479743cdfef7bc391323df8c 60320
E42 409b70df4b127e6de102b1c2f9ff4993 189949
E43 9bb572b2793061b1e37038732589d743 838314
E44 ca8806f5b434f09e672919f0f1c8bd74 205329
E45 ee1e49bf781603bd369aba75fc1a05e1 855228
E46 e25982ee54db60afdcde1cf739465d0f 194009
E47 63bee20409ef5a6cce56e6c17d4d503f 170430
E48 21186c49f5250a3ad5f5f01f7be8486b 177592
E49 ce739110739763070e472b2c84f29e8a 188611
E50 ba5fe55703fd3bb9655d9a929587bff6 134296
E51 4ce52843c71006eee918638bc8ef0eac 147591
E52 a39a2262009ee27401d48a7c17d701a8 118881
E53 9a4b94c821c00d2e4a1a5fe587db72f5 160304
E54 2c15425eac5cf2196448df69e6f91d5a 147553
E55 e01c1510afbcb5b9d06eef8d703cf19b 192256
E56 6f95bc7ec21972d3fb338af681235f56 119354
E57 2bd08f99bab8d758ccdc339c495cd432 180138
E58 2a26f0e650802276c787423b922fe731 122525
E59 185b874bae2d9109879b9ffe6e0820da 883033
E60 6ddca1b9374363bd51ef8166f8d27433 161946
E61 12c5fbc35cf7cb8efff8bb34279f7972 154465
E62 d8f08ae90b5f1b60739fb75921b925fb 132807
E63 c50206f740359a7684f06a3e32245c39 203958
E64 4874838e6bee7087c7fd151c9cd7048f 175150
E65 8f90e7f4a92af36a66f7a984c39b24f1 181447
E66 b3b7b28e2675c29079bb35fa4bd894ec 228638
E67 4dcc9911a7a5d342954a22c2ea71aa34 159166
E68 b45b940c9c4ce7c45ff448dbf600fe97 124419
E69 371dd5576246f4baea6441b3f70c136a 114464
E70 7e477305c0483bc8f6df6317e355de42 111671
E71 cae8cc8f289a6c6077a42dc766e3866b 147363
E72 a3a980ec3a3853ae125cb9793be32f9d 204740
E73 93cb3f29cbf450fcdf11eb6f5b8612b6 69400
E74 2b8f7102ba9bfb3fe1da016e82dcd51f 186178
E75 cee46f9a8ed95862c00f6e3cf4df5697 203905
E76 ca753015af765e78ad45799c473c6e07 196602
E77 c2b92a61da7ef2182359b9d4e6f7c490 201105
E78 62eae828ba6191dcda8026d4ed2bff4e 187890
E79 0c1ac982fca88202116f732f8424bdfc 114269
E80 6201c4bca61d023a547e685ac21198b7 136485
E81 5cc424f67256d1e3b58b6ce8de19467d 140951
E82 cffd4634c9edbaa5bf80c4228b611b19 7941
E83 8eec78081e184ba4105fbbae14fb01d2 162231
E84 3b65d07e78e248a8c9f20acdc969b300 107929
E85 0c1a3e2fc977451a94727e14ae60fc11 130076
E86 c25ffca90683e2a42d049a9fe0c30396 132735
E87 d31a553d6ffa4e583ce841e5e0d196f7 121500
E88 3220d6c6e30b02ed7e797d224f25f915 126398
E89 363529896e550baa302710a56c820096 115073
E90 7794d24d5cc3386b60656ad2c13cc6dd 114750
E91 b4591f12fb380a4a3c61aa9f3e911023 121561
E92 08f2b663881fc302f7a4269cc580c492 121989
E93 f9ff474949a2d8ad3754995d78864e03 125319
E94 d5186d987e4752508c8e4e75cb805784 132655
E95 67706cb6fe79857444b89bc636464653 114280
E96 e271996757e1848630d72ee764f28e6f 97557
E97 698abe9352fb2e87c8f55d7457406ce5 111306
E98 517745d9c7f853f674bc30a032fa0a93 120830
E99 3bc4d2e8fde3963d4746ed1043c6c650 105141
E100 cae726ccd70900e911d25f5e01f9471c 109120
E101 9d8fb1b44b348db531b68c3872939a8c 143320
E102 8cea483031d31ea03133f2549e3a8235 317566
E103 d562ae5cce4c2c95e3a9c794da3453ef 323611
E104 b422e099a74058150f7c0ded6d04ab29 598997
E105 b4880a807a3ae112ed2fc96c457f0c6e 383287
F1 imagetiff 6.0 dc7a303c0ef54d181da20811f7ab1247 1069796
F2 4dd4193dbcf44904a1cdfacd34b34622 847548
F3 291794f52d3f1a5ccaffee246738ed72 846748
F4 7e4d49ecd347b8528db33ef7d8381e78 850760
F5 08f23d7d529b31528e2f1967032a1f30 844884
F6 d225a5a011d9662a778d7b5e12c413b6 852372
F7 e1b3fa3a7b41e4973b74c0bc1170ffd5 853164
F8 624bb88c29dcb74249fd13917e13a60b 831560
F9 236c3d5b6b0ede8076a1aeeb6fde4111 830500
F10 d0c05d17a93851f8b64cbcab1bb1a2d6 852656
F11 bb9bd9b02b29d0943220feddabf6e626 854180
F12 b02162c2558529e2f72a5e9787bf5fa6 834944
F13 7ff1afb0ae87ba15b186336e05b65fb4 854088
F14 43b3097faeaa07e6a3bff9a4c333dd37 853608
F15 f2a58e5bd7e4757b37bcb5c0920542f5 851752
F16 d38ed44e8eb49663aeeef2bf1bae3cf1 852948
F17 7a9f4b92b79f9acf879451d5a37a7767 854340
F18 7c425c24c5db259ce373749de2ed4ace 852132
F19 a71f95f6c1760fc5d920d3481b965428 854216
F20 7d418a0b6972076e0f205a9b19b3c396 853780
F21 f4efb4a413506a12b6275081f54547bc 853924
F22 e4ee55b7bd3156efb1aea18d97f0b3e9 852668
F23 2f0cefdf078de571755167b18f7827a4 853144
F24 04b4879614827167dd076186d961d5be 853864
F25 8b44957bd339174c6c38cf1704a7b233 853852
F26 f6e9bec853d1c978caf03533133b5b88 853816
F27 2a77a76ae923c6e49da1b39b5ddd2786 853848
F28 87627edef53d5b933e868f24de7cb62d 853560
F29 c869df65ac573f8d0cafa9b5a52603da 854016
F30 3ec1df782ea34081e2a26ac6d7a0904e 853820
F31 00a994f7a5a81492f58faff2878408d6 852328
F32 812b858832a894500bf5d27496c760d8 854116
F33 c0d17fbaa46ac830911bd95cef082fc0 853716
F34 e0cc3b514f9cc27b02a4d448775a7772 853892
F35 5f44b39c567200b420de7e40b6c035ea 852244
F36 8979326f04509f2641fb4736f0b61677 851052
F37 6a535bf5e472dc8aadbf2dba47d0dcf1 853836
F38 c74883812e695fabbd009094adb93ba7 854376
F39 14e2cf2653d97d8f3c939be17b99f95a 854556
F40 035d91ed7d7f19ab59ffe09c290b1c95 853920
F41 c281b05b37e5c511a04af526743be2ab 818900
F42 a4f7e450263f66c7434ebbc42d4268ca 826412
F43 3a6d28182193325863aa6f5439cdfe1e 6729612
F44 46f0688e9a4e270e43bb0f6af8c0d410 840736
F45 f6cfa564eca4a895b307537067923483 6865136
F46 9adc1cc229ac9b0b6dfbdb132cec538e 827404
F47 3ae66176ef3a3569cb0fb80628da1bb0 894384
F48 c574d9cb7ccc7e3160e9b556d1d290dc 814564
F49 a346a11af1d9c8be9242c056059a0a81 893584
F50 eae19df3740df10667ebadb4e83f5eb1 824036
F51 7cb7519b049240d650863956cc423bfe 898492
F52 19aec9deacdfb34414ad37d4390fc050 831152
F53 a578339a6eb39b745188c36d495c3410 914688
F54 c2f5cc77de036abc42dfef6866906461 850276
F55 2011817874e430883b27ca887f7e6e0a 900684
F56 420450dc18ab21d9c5472017cbe53447 856284
F57 f18650de66138295054e8abb05646ca9 921832
F58 89c86148ddd57c6bc8f609ccd0a25a38 854524
F59 77a0c2ef654e63c4743f95070510369b 7087904
F60 cb34875abd7748beab18fc08f2684557 866288
F61 045550458fc337a304414bb37a0ca0d6 882708
F62 e3f8994161d5ee88250b23bb07337e88 869084
F63 16b804cd6b401879c252d460595f2cc7 894000
F64 bc2812cfda7bf21fc60a696fb8e2c662 858496
F65 6299b6862e43a0986d04ad704bca6181 893540
F66 248c15375c7dc9f4bae6d25ac5b2a787 841444
F67 7d426adaa30bea0b29bf2a67d70056f9 934692
F68 4e78b0f7bd30b23d301769e97da2b8d6 835376
F69 03bef1bfc4da6226c0625dfe988f7316 928960
F70 4c1a5ec0bc8aa568e53338b72b2bf5c0 846756
F71 36fcf03fdf04b2883ec526a3cb9fca83 859172
F72 bad628fd3ffa8a2e55b7e933e4799fcb 815792
F73 f3ff96891906afeb88bf6d379fbe3150 854388
F74 565d5cdc95f1548d15b81d4ba7eb4798 821644
F75 06d6ed5d8608541d9b33f1789be3b64d 885300
F76 3bab02377d8efaffadb6bb20e5bdedb0 850708
F77 598f2f23e1fe7638383ba7a289d98621 868280
F78 7dfc3ed94212932a1f51ae880c887d2d 833884
F79 e20fae863453007739ae211e0d64e4f7 859640
F80 eb1ad6fce75533172c4bfb82800fa3e8 852188
F81 d14a32f9fc653e1885b44295e8d8f0d3 884360
F82 5f5029a1e60fb42e61e88e6bd112d912 811408
F83 4217d8494b81f0d57970ea19a6e1fd97 920492
F84 5a525dfca4d9266af5dee98c35dd790b 869348
F85 632fbde08135308f77413c7c5efa3059 929632
F86 272d0ef631337bf3d5b0fe8a9478459c 848396
F87 12c978ed8c08368d697bd493fd562b7c 921048
F88 512d69332f783391686e4c28a119cdce 848708
F89 2452030f2742836119fcf6567b5d09d7 878832
F90 2c515a7cabde3b974272c48c5373535d 852100
F91 664d6ae30cc52635f952cff2bb5246b8 876076
F92 f5cfe647988a7bf90caa363b9c3cfb4a 848220
F93 ab492d16d76db100e9716fdd86587880 907692
F94 888e70394f34f13bcc1646dc9e600d21 856532
F95 97f08ca617c7a1a606f88eb0256c04c5 879128
F96 d7117a936b914e2746be74449d1a4c75 869548
F97 6d04dffb6050791e624836fbee613eae 899220
F98 bae7f9acb13eb7f259ccb95bf4d65dca 883012
F99 f2bb2207461941070466bd57b486db98 895860
F100 10d6446b1bab436c5216422d175b08e4 848652
F101 ab7d1930fda817d6d93eb7296f9be6de 1225840
F102 9f1fa8c0bd8381e20677d25c7d8bd740 2658544
F103 9582efa593fb08f5b205ab4f474d7734 2613132
F104 ba663ab2c0087770f74b8f5fc86a3a13 2658048
F105 87fcec8c670fb63e4abca853f5ee5e7b 2612796
R1 textx-pro 29835457dcbf4c03dba21b0a9f490e75 35663
R2 3fb742a5b6ef1f6552752d85322ce299 9955
R3 782f7764d85d31a55a5b2e9395bd4c4c 9309
R4 f7b5f07220010c06ab420595e296529d 34496
R5 8c8a8df7f20e0ea1ae4370172f0b849d 3964
R6 1e336f907aee7ecc3b945f28e7edef5b 98594
R7 836b5f232f731143846a82368c42643b 82849
R8 dc4546ae08e943acc7a495fe2988cd65 31061
R9 9c750e22fc492f6f1356a0fb50584e02 207
R10 ae555271885256e5eb6b0e83ea911adb 53183
R11 f0a795c41940b4a85a0ea99fb58dbd76 65509
R12 88a2b762e5f387a54d349faa7e8b44f1 63395
R13 4b247061d7964e4cb3b9f30d37acdaff 63007
R14 6c5d775dc3ec86412bc7150d697d06fa 57150
R15 aebd50576c5fc0365cb06a940e70c491 14822
R16 3c56587851d033f49d530f985aef7e0d 15844
R17 f8d56d8081c0a872c8bdf26ea97b62bd 64038
R18 5675f8136d48239219fe1d7c29480d29 43660
R19 4c0b58e970c53e408de2143d3c3d0e20 63819
R20 a9ccec8fae7592a4dd6a94d0ed0e2439 65989
R21 c9c6f5cf5e4325f39e88dc7301adde2c 63266
R22 cfae4a25149df5c00509d467af045ec7 22527
R23 19477a597a6022930180323b66bfd6fb 57320
R24 83d2ae2f550ec31220e7bfee24971250 61834
R25 f5665a4239c62964f04bcbd808576d1e 60451
R26 908df5df3aa1f270f0ebbd47bd32c7b6 62075
R27 6032013619049296627c3820c3323ce3 60135
R28 d4bfa06c4c0ee7d0f6ae0324ac852da2 60888
R29 7b7a635edfb52d5213b6823a19daad1a 61817
R30 30aff6b203c17621205909e2cc44d94d 63796
R31 a62a611b0ef7b93875eaf7bbc504eb05 25499
R32 09e1cd25921cbb9bd71df0a0bbdf0a45 64551
R33 7f806880f0b8d1c17515361ce1f2acfe 58666
R34 e9aeabf274116186108b59ad6f24049b 51209
R35 196f28515d551a4211d193be280e98c3 39540
R36 1a58dd75c2e5ed69f2e9f4fc77179291 27598
R37 1500f65f73b69f3024c59abca2a2bc75 64491
R38 0d6772d6994a0e84e7c00549811ac9ba 69865
R39 2e9fd48bc530fad0820371cb976bed84 68485
R40 902a2b7e2a5d6bf53f9d938ad43935aa 63004
R41 b2fe81898071ab4deca157d5566af087 22349
R42 9dd8ca976564a4bdbfa29184eb5cbcb9 62452
R43 d52f0732a42d859339c5029ad4b4a704 20583
R44 8558fc3b72bd373704da48cbdea8c546 67899
R45 a24d897a11d5542736b7d03ac411a223 9685
R46 1d4b54807711c056ff419589f48906e0 63170
R47 f078488cde0017314497a69b666365ca 55893
R48 ea7d10ed5d321d193041f68bc5eb3b3f 57144
R49 701850a7a0601f87c669f8a9ef99fb53 62123
R50 98e4b1ac55bf49dfbbbf0bcfdd2cec53 14655
R51 125dc70d66b69e1644064c321ec109b3 24770
R52 08849cc5b6c92e391bbc6947885f01e8 9864
R53 048c8b8762e9f98adff77533c633474f 44240
R54 800c8c1d81412683d2a109d8010c7e19 43954
R55 d5133e97cbdfebafc94d6482a54c8d2f 64342
R56 6c22fd4da142ef35357ebb5901482a5b 59861
R57 41b69cfe0704401521547bdd555ec81a 58009
R58 2fa8a4ebb26396abf9e8b80bcfc0032e 39179
R59 78d61a384e8ae5ac5e5e5a71e804bbe4 44347
R60 5aefa7118978cbd312c0be5f33b9d0ca 50426
R61 3d6df984146bd3594dcb48ee96a13dea 26952
R62 b97409582754751a0b08ba7a2d438eed 48552
R63 6fbb0f2db326daea8f938fd5ff378dea 66566
R64 7166899408995a745f8ced4d441749a0 54077
R65 eb56b8733e06de6cb23a5cb910c32ca4 55829
R66 fc438d091276dad07196faacdf576e0e 69529
R67 d2f3feb8f74521f7bd0546e586797cae 38264
R68 bfba1044e23bd64ab3cd4c2360d618e9 27439
R69 fba1d2e16868938bb2510ffd6ace9e0f 26619
R70 82af9b97a184808b99304fbc579cb9c8 58699
R71 b9c07204ebabd75b1e8c525b2385172c 41090
R72 e65089bd7318e24755316e31f7c8e4e2 67201
R73 f1147746e00e1d16710e4469b64ab3b9 15221
R74 e2b5e8a2f2ea80d04d3fb970bd6ffd92 61207
R75 d2ce783c391491d2247111c804c6d69b 69415
R76 a1bb259c79ed92ecd075f793100c5750 65825
R77 bbe4435a5725fadead7ac26e3bebeebb 68880
R78 c71be42704145378e1c696fe8ef0f9bd 62848
R79 d22f17ba06dde0b2e98e526e2ebd467e 39219
R80 36044967bef0f0c09f3a5b36ab9454c4 53771
R81 b29e43fabc09071e344a2cb4b0a6029d 54371
R82 f64c4cd7b0f5c78ebc366dde717c5312 312
R83 9e1e1f2d509d5a6d25c6dcdb399ab8f0 52060
R84 de283616bea929f3f62f634e5fac9da7 31716
R85 9e0d286fe6883ffcd188503bdd67ace3 34390
R86 2529d82465419c1479b3fb0a458c1cab 41373
R87 6e950d2fb7c1c68cad1a31ceba37c705 26971
R88 7eda46132736d9112a985f63b6707a76 32881
R89 019d312e9b57a6ca46f35d56827967cb 33275
R90 1860f9a79d81aa9ce48e82ac964b5824 36706
R91 c083dc8f73c39e5f5098b271a1b1a256 29142
R92 6595acbc5d61a81fc100dc97c7e89392 37651
R93 baa84a838c7d5af255e4f4b0dd010506 26610
R94 ca7fda717b091f44402576a8eea41c8e 42684
R95 c0cb432e5bee463c423a940a77051659 29443
R96 c363b04449b862a95fbf942aaef01210 26214
R97 224194b226bcda16191bc16114b3859e 29744
R98 15fdf251034fd04022062e7e63ba1ad5 34339
R99 e7150b1c77c3c0d6f86049cec0093bef 32745
R100 e6097a76eb58c7b8a754747332ab1bb9 55712
R101 67e9ae37ac73f1181f33ff9952dde5a5 71121
R102 13e7a10be2c552ca52fb1888f93bc572 22089
R103 42be26e178a4222d6897bf6a9dba4365 15769
R104 b8f16b3e998f04f212f3b9e4b267b9a7 13053
R105 3e722d001557940b650a2959d40dba48 20139
T1 textplain 15f2bbd34b776d39b92ffb1c4f760b27 1329
T2 c8cdee23ced3d287ba938140172bfa01 713
T3 df5e18a505f3af4ce7a2802575ed5157 556
T4 f760003971d89b75298a2a997ab5de55 1525
T5 9faa43c68a7604d254151295c3a4120d 309
T6 c43fbed61b49585dcbcb2d9b0fcb9551 4267
T7 9f2527237176229421abc4fb4912666a 3582
T8 87e8b0744f16ce9775785aef26459012 1377
T9 bc949ea893a9384070c31f083ccefd26 3
T10 8063740d1cec71b1f1edc59333e43a2b 2209
T11 092983a40983dde6de4517846e14b043 2631
T12 8d4bc778a846c3c6a672ac2e4e3bd27d 2559
T13 5b1a84e293bb9102fd7aa598a479ad80 2528
T14 67ceeecaf4746087d8c04b196e649cb9 2358
T15 eb242badebf0ee23e0beab55f7b3889f 765
T16 b646fa99b05bb62e39c974ff8d5b3317 669
T17 3a91e66d480cac8d310df6dc025c691e 2565
T18 b4bd79d28c8cf302f65b152b08930b97 1931
T19 d867c1b470e13234798310e943a4c5db 2566
T20 dc926314341ded6c6529dcaecba0e91b 2649
T21 4650fa8559142a10e7d0135e4c2afc1e 2531
T22 4334000c7a3c09cb8cbae7f12ebb16a5 1157
T23 6ffc0ca2b8c7692db736040c743a697c 2287
T24 6dcd5f2223ea65a7d43a4e71b0f089d2 2500
T25 b2f0ebea3e2933f140fd5600660ece5c 2437
T26 3a1402e6c6e5cb52b3839912e8243406 2529
T27 91f045bda87abb76e718e92156169597 2433
T28 74bca8b6b9354433efaddd70217f5d3b 2487
T29 e264b3c6385f1283113fcb9bda0e5c92 2475
T30 b60cb580ac85900edea425ba4d006c01
T31 f3d8b251cd42b824bcdb41e43e183450 1346
T32 f0b728c1c6f8c04fa3ec58f8412ac581 2581
T33 4d0b871d0dd7b3c306c243eda593a370 2370
T34 5cbaeca3c055690372c39bcae44c6966 2247
T35 6825e8546136e5f70065d090ba9faefe 2155
T36 134ec468f205bb58941e02a8e1c5ec79 1573
T37 ae639c2fca4cf5d443f1a6cae4422eee 2571
T38 455f88890ed534b1db0b259c791b57c1 2765
T39 5e3deb54da21ba1e3606998cfdcb1d30 2693
T40 2a388aef5b7617b1a36138f00447633a 2511
T41 c368a5df1431f125ff5a079874ad97a6 1226
T42 6b4411570626de92a49c780be0f78909 2492
T43 071f69425f10228b423b7b8586708748 1007
T44 fa87d9ce2239ec8a8e2129f3bfba7b6c 2685
T45 fd7b8588717d1049baa26c5026861481 576
T46 f0969d3c95063066280649e52fe59db8
T47 66c014540bd964a9bc953f6cafb5c7da 2283
T48 fea5a3fd5d069a1b9bc72341d37f63e3 2313
T49 7ad30ae7beaaf6a10c44b95a30d77a2f 2468
T50 a0e9addbc301f50b8c50c236961232bc 880
T51 936aee72dca91473f1be14a4e3371a5b 1338
T52 1a424eb538ca77303da9281c789ebbb3 702
T53 2f8aa94238b14e6398b2fa41c32e7d56 1883
T54 ac2c7fdd96a38106b7a9f852dab55de0 1904
T55 213c98a60de10843f44fc6366cee0210 2562
T56 41eade8e07f2ab7da5d1e51aa104f87c 2969
T57 b13d5da84988190941773aeea39dab5f 2297
T58 75167b09c65e75d00240c4ea211cbf7d 2069
T59 c3d7640684522e752756f33dcac764e9 2229
T60 7e62f85fca2c692cdca8ffdc52c7c273 2632
T61 7ce142ce8af7cff2641f92991372b1b6 1390
T62 fc6b707c618fe5224c33c6d68b35daa1 2760
T63 70f40c83e37633a5a2246cb9a69a9732 2629
T64 8770c5319592e5bba132d24d41031082 2243
T65 cb94c5be8ea05f84fa306480fa6afe6a
T66 a9cc4d2aede956ac32f0209c646853c3 2750
T67 25b780ad1b3026cb31fb43e8864713ec 1667
T68 dc5174d2dbeb571e49c322339720d96a 1557
T69 6ef28eb19f0407a8274912f5583860c5 1664
T70 a13d22c5f5ed68383ba8dabf1b90e499 3074
T71 81b69c0028d9d888f28121833b7f50fa 1818
T72 c6807ff1f7e4267c8fb847b94f5a5be3 2667
T73 a3198a7ef25523b2260d864274bd27cb 1002
T74 ad1210aa6099e6da4a6e159539c62728 2453
T75 ff20f2e31fb4effa14ad538cedbd6a3b 2758
T76 640ddf5022d8656a92b3217f0c5f79d6 2615
T77 f5ae3e5f2a9b4101d8e81ed8e9a4c97c 2712
T78 b3f9ad9f9255ccea5dc478d3c639dde7
T79 838ca7d674dcb0cba5bed799851d9981 1551
T80 d270bc3dcfaa6028de255b4d21c896e0 2542
T81 54a9f47ef98adfaf0576d458630a32f7
T82 a4f6d86252f56724f6c83ecef4fe20b3 184
T83 ee9fe11defbf3effc5940ca389aa05f9 2246
T84 0f27170dcd233bcf6dc5f2a106385677 1798
T85 c343958b59d6ca09d3be1c85d56cc311 2048
T86 721d2cda0396e199925e4a314d1ed9ca 2360
T87 c2683577b2d5417367c8420c4901f94e 1619
T88 1ca809916181053f5173f9797805f91e 2011
T89 bbb63d0aac27119d7f2a2e1c390714e9 1747
T90 36140e14e85264264b5c9cde9b3ad5e0 2018
T91 04c177473e6153ced50ea95e9771ec94 1647
T92 e354e9b29f39b33d5b4cdc30ab6edb2a 2201
T93 5e249c276b3fc08fd97eafc0f5ee9f59 1509
T94 ce0cdd0db0773b7a4e1b64da1539c0a7 2534
T95 f4928f5f8e92fc7b66127fa0a6324f71 1677
T96 361bb2197dd777efcca83da6567f00dc 1751
T97 bed876e2866ebb7091218dd202ca2c61 1720
T98 d76cfce7e97a5b1c3ebd31d12db76f59 1359
T99 ac95566ce026b0bb60f3328e50ba378f 1991
T100 f6df43c4bc34433f75700917ca741a4d 7297
T101 f732b781dd704a3661051b1760499d7a 4008
T102 cb5ede710520f5a485e8b83b414e6242 1032
T103 0c4ecaaf3cb696c109c4a64788b72bd3 770
T104 5a95ea466a572984bc91dd7598ca6528 688
T105 2d2f8c9e4795fc098fc5cd5ffbb14ad2 941
AR1 applicationpdf b307db48dfa5d6263c767e0cce704172 17314
AR2 cd574d052f6ded7aea35386db06de39c 15073
AR4 149e9f5c8d0b519b3a8ae083ab6571fd 4762
AR5 b35b0dd4d478c9a4464ac7963c5c915a 13643
AR6 36779998763a43083f13634932d32325 13195
AR8 4ac2fb63f1c883d0e4f14bfcc037b36e 4251
AR9 eea4f05890bc3de9256d3810e962b0f9 47101
AR10 ed413dc12eda86ca9383825ef07c35c8 35681
AR12 550343c0484fce19650e5b46b3dcc9dc 9409
AR13 263ce9f303f416a64c0e73a840618726 7433
AR14 8a3736c2e53b7a8687c760aada75c876 6221
AR16 4ec07c8e7be347d1675c9447ce56b112 1940
AR17 ae26d96a6188cbc2430435c6f1e4a831 54331
AR18 db46a8518fdc32b74082a6966c0aa91f 41498
AR20 4e691d377bd4329f8052bd53a12e2169 9672
AR21 f9bf862437542918f621d56ad05ca584 73161
AR22 931434839da97d48dcd4fac4d070050c 51197
AR24 a63a66afcea44452dc2fb8171bca2525 12904
AR25 98caacfffc09cb1614137f33781e344e 29001
AR26 43f3e92333bfb17d6d3b53336d8fc270 21623
AR28 badd23703bb37a628bdd8f9a11b73419 5684
AR29 b1d611e9673c8c361fd36a7d79b28bfb 3651
AR30 f0045badfbcce881fffab53c00908219 3297
AR32 6cec7bcad3945d8a49f871cc260e510b 1341
AR33 90b0ea3ad915474ea3c390d9a761bee4 68473
AR34 4f8e122f158fd9553784314b8d26f82f 51507
AR36 03884a10282ea361cf34a88f9eee4fd0 12348
AR37 9c3d613410421f6fe078d1200607c582 75863
AR38 d9d07cf4856e130b55127131ea20230a 58903
AR40 dc82db8d56ee94afc218b7f61197463f 14082
AR41 b4b02db2e033971accf256ee26894c63 80176
AR42 0532c1e1580be3764dd1fa89d66b4ab1 57609
AR44 0b4bdad1ecf15888e93f983eeed1732d 13907
AR45 285333b7109814b4b1692e65141a959c 77970
AR46 dfaee488fbf654be5cb29a017ff59eef 59880
AR48 b2626014bf07530503c7bb5fac239743 14138
AR49 00e3a56d9a98d16ed7c18b08a791bf6c 70311
AR50 19c1b35512924849e328481ecdff8774 53057
AR52 fd0694170fc729176e1e11f62a53ea1d 12940
AR53 e37e460eb35719d6b4437939707daafd 31613
AR54 201256a52c439d66d4826c2271b88637 29324
AR56 a76cd82e8171e9bd4394caad5d710f80 8974
AR57 bd07c4b9ae779b0184b278cad2746999 55680
AR58 eac6f45f90b05c963a63e60eb25ae1b8 40532
AR60 4fcceba22995e45f985c2b275bcffb29 11351
AR61 b89bea6696ca3e235f9f9381ebcaae1f 77116
AR62 25a04880fa6fce898ce13285ae2e41d4 60174
AR64 c326ffbda5aebc9a7fbb7fb7f0586e4c 14718
AR65 f322fcba354e038b19defd28a084da9a 50195
AR66 4702eccbea7d3fce63bf90dfc23fae27 38679
AR68 47b28c1d93e7ef2d7b5fadba095a8415 10570
AR69 44aad38776d88b803d61680241c66cdb 76749
AR70 99f85db75e9a1b4e8c47ea1c459bb8ff 59143
AR72 f48370768fa8e66f9621619116586ef6 14281
AR73 d4aaa80f94f0e1cead00a028d287ad7d 77580
AR74 7176131649eb7232e4504f0742f33ba1 56926
AR76 8a128ba713705ceb4d29c1cec2d4adb2 13441
AR77 14039e87ea894d622720a62ded674809 77274
AR78 72c22ca5d151ba909ef2aab54eedc428 58968
AR80 d4748ebdea681716368e60f8dad7a09e 14298
AR81 cbb018b73b3e723025d1630873d96b7e 51736
AR82 5146a9785f7c6ae41e0c305005abc08f 36572
AR84 efb60c4699da4eb276e8a0c28d090962 10581
AR85 3963e71267295b2f81cb4b89c6c752f1 69748
AR86 12ad3696727f636fec463d062f6676af 53906
AR88 f5cf639a181af1821b6ce6e0a1bbc2c2 13071
AR89 f5eb581d1bab41708854a584650af372 75577
AR90 fe633ec2b82087fdf5dd2e03eef10a3a 57349
AR92 60dd282194ef4b7dc5c380914fac1310 13839
AR93 d99f0b08c174635c0813c3638ff89efd 72054
AR94 575a2c3e82b5e6562571e78b56c172e9 55685
AR96 a70c16a2eeb4d4d893f4374c7578d1fd 13416
AR97 7b7abd5ead20545d258c0bfd0d6ba2a3 76737
AR98 aa5f47d8365c550585b791ceb1661c00 57116
AR100 0baed9546ec4083f54e484987a413adc 13919
AR101 cbc65650f8203fb8c9d941e06282dd26 75699
AR102 5ab0d9ebbddd00e14d7505f87e09437e 56582
AR104 7dd2693805c01b73aa5e820c5c80688d 13924
AR105 6c7c0b3e3a5b47346014c6259745e8df 75072
AR106 332369aebf1cbd62cdc856654cb26c9f 56555
AR108 8daa6d257304efdc69b39d9f798b86ca 13679
AR109 3c9b72f3f5a65953b32fa1b4804f83cb 75327
AR110 c25c4fa87df9ec32c9100669fcc13a2f 58167
AR112 76f6a1aa89c26991e61c4e2038239748 14095
AR113 817fcc92fc0a2a9267cf0f251f0fa45c 77056
AR114 413ce3c95fd116ca16e34ba3c70c2d56 58930
AR116 7c89bb70425a0e7ab070f560a0e3a8f6 14191
AR117 3e215c5387a0ae2de50a85d85f62ab39 51878
AR118 3105d71d9bb64155e82ed61a78670712 37441
AR120 de29303f265a759e18ef78c0fbb1c1a2 10038
AR121 62f08a157cf915e6ed9fad7276958ce7 77696
AR122 900a19b7567e6f47fff15cabb4f23cd0 58874
AR124 45d6a796dc6b2c00eb65dddd8ba5ebf6 14361
AR125 5cf6debf9f613d777153caf256a8ade7 72224
AR126 cd4d8e27247936fbc2633203096383c9 55707
AR128 ab3401c0a4842ab756258fa457e80671 13746
AR129 f55f8737b51c2bf87fc8bed53841ca79 68952
AR130 00500ebc3e382ceaaa149eb855f1872b 49774
AR132 9508878d60f7c945bfde4a802af6ecda 12912
AR133 e74d601f9f15be601ce26b88d93e8e1b 54581
AR134 6e989604b9217cb2ed7b1975761951fc 40103
AR136 4ee20ee45c9fa4fa9f30d9fa8d6db133 10772
AR137 aa0dafd726bdd32d66c9c3404bde1fc2 46422
AR138 1788b7504c6600beeb296dcc5d0061f5 30005
AR140 3b9e974f430bd3a59ceecd9bd01ed704 8872
AR141 f7841b602610c1bdbc893831a87ea297 76452
AR142 670dce807d9c22aa283330a7bc93b6f8 58429
AR144 f6030e2001f853721c6fe6d78def641f 13963
AR145 957109973fa8f647c9a63bcd135bc181 84114
AR146 c4dc0c7457c6e3ef842a3574f85d838b 63691
AR148 99c221bd6d21802ffd1d774c62ada6ed 14626
AR149 91e54c36e21dafad4d7738f2c12923c5 81417
AR150 4d8a7073bbb91359ba958144bbe8921f 63735
AR152 feed0a9e18cdfa85b5e00f29bff78ab8 15270
AR153 8ad175fe1fc2fa4e0da75fbfe4c62ff1 77123
AR154 2ce8e1b10477306ff6f17478d54293f3 58976
AR156 b9b6edddf09143722d40b2b9077b5c22 14150
AR157 0e6fc1ce8f3dcee3d9a9d40558cabcf8 24728
AR158 addace36a44accf83401b5906e347bd1 11374
AR160 d2df0dbc87d43e1f23798f464a548422 3778
AR161 0852a2512362957be9a918c3effda837 77441
AR162 77940d00cf3a4ed6883d50fb7352994c 60020
AR164 b15fac9ae8bbe2dcd4815f6a6ad9a5d7 14507
AR165 eb2aebbd65d5791508d847b6b7dffda0 546195
AR166 794db32a7355b5efb329cfaa008f54c5 36892
AR168 64b3218ad01e7dc489c55159480077a5 10791
AR169 3570e5643e41812778501f81b7b0e120 84184
AR170 397f8ca5593c1c86c28615b2581a4c54 64426
AR172 89cc9728550849285a6929cc740cd399 14961
AR173 1e04680aeaf0aacdcc1667e1ae72183b 613455
AR174 698269cf4119428b9d447a246cdae3a2 39660
AR176 7a163307af14fc8ce4d3b8a35672999e 11142
AR177 7348bdf57d2dcef664ddef656a275924 80528
AR178 388e37f8fab75ebf5c4d1832c8058dc8 61314
AR180 8fa8b05b064d8c88a6f8411fa92a3c68 14919
AR181 c0fa3b8adfbd07e4d560403610b7b4ed 69582
AR182 895541ef67de77bbc540cf7df6b3e21d 50073
AR184 342b9a41aa822250259764d70b818965 12613
AR185 24b7fe6122bba62ef46285dd1798a42c 72432
AR186 cd9bdf2fddfdd823595d70d2375eb3fb 56528
AR188 7c6ed48add763aa2bdb5249205f1f3cc 14353
AR189 7103f4cd3bacef97ae5fdc89db9a4b1b 77620
AR190 140e7b65b1d74fb694a70e45bfb5df42 55602
AR192 fbd48e3a309e9e9cf9cb2a4dede0e52a 13772
AR193 c8e6a640edc14bb4cca95b10094038c1 60495
AR194 a462716dd27e1a202b98590642704354 36709
AR196 233ed1826245ca46805a04a0034295cf 9229
AR197 ec8807eb7e253a6e50f1b57b59b07569 62591
AR198 4ee4d74c9306b978251c5f4c029a06d8 40458
AR200 4e717453910ac267f02de172dba5a7d1 10164
AR201 b892b224199e618f055168b9f70a6f78 49200
AR202 8ded73d5928a291548bf415e4790952b 35373
AR204 ba31289055a2f98bd955e2adb4482270 10386
AR205 836a9cff51878d89bd3d0bd88ab90e96 68383
AR206 86b74532f56cbb0f374bb76db147338f 45685
AR208 2bbb9d889b711972c46cfb330f5a6283 11033
AR209 7e8653c144affab4a93fe29ad2973b14 61116
AR210 acd94a8491ddaf716341d6a2504c9a66 48394
AR212 fcc233b5e4d734cf0e62fe87b66193e7 12621
AR213 eec94a0bf34c8e0ad37eedd32471c57c 79197
AR214 6a575bb7c55f7997c0574c84321ea4d6 56733
AR216 7a5d38eb87f59134449420edf96b315c 13455
AR217 368c72a45800937065c5a1af84c87d0e 50267
AR218 c9a9174097a3db592e08d838da8f8eed 18226
AR220 06f4bbffebb32318db4491a12666c520 5029
AR221 4ad7dd62270f8ab087ba55dea086a5d0 73600
AR222 a8386a3bd28ddae54a4278a00a442e6a 53551
AR224 41ffc5e1b3e5004d345d60036ced027f 13243
AR225 19895bc4d28ac50ca5eeb2e23d942f7d 50388
AR226 5c35726ebd25bbfd560071b024b910aa 17618
AR228 1b50dcd421c04b13b6e60254c8c27b50 4894
AR229 6e635b68894fb8f0e22c0c702217ed86 636596
AR230 91e9d50796a0ea43b058d057f27a648b 21310
AR232 09470fbb4fd36e081b671076b7d6eb7a 5901
AR233 a1b2dec5dacf1d3b592bbfb85558844d 73125
AR234 2fe3932cbfb5cff84eed0e97cd0d1872 19665
AR236 1d9a4eac24db2c5ae7f23283415fdcdd 5218
AR237 88711395f30c4d1d7299d448d0be4b05 67323
AR238 b644255193bc1fca6c7e0e96336ac57f 18491
AR240 94a7243e56e87366d16aa7e9ce24c7d6 4772
AR241 d126c4a15790b7d7158ad9ec990c6af4 57872
AR242 c9b529ebcbf1c0af2fe9a733c4a60a55 17222
AR244 45b007dd52b5ec32e615a276bc6efc7d 4633
AR245 391e8170cefc4a2d77973f6cc5b5f835 83833
AR246 49905e7f1fb7bd968f2c5eefcba95dc8 60738
AR248 c0435489296aad3f1d6b2bc2b539e277 14968
AR249 61f56cd1a3c4f157dc07efc3c8c182df 73031
AR250 84e11304bff2e72c46e5a69809fbcf13 50413
AR252 92d5e2cf2a4bed64c0a2fb4f6eeb4ef1 13399
AR253 3fac8edae395deaa218bc4036424812d 75492
AR254 c67f28b4af95384a08e322ff615f5bbb 51129
AR256 f8c9f7a3cfefee07dce7dcbc5cac584c 13402
AR257 1158cab822073d0c7d230bec5d5c8daa 96895
AR258 77c8c6c6392d184d330704a1e9006b4f 62932
AR260 1cd2e00e4e7c078f20749d9d3145b1d8 15600
AR261 19d7bd4b745c7f5fc8c2477d5879e7f2 68916
AR262 5cdf3f35823ba899e3358d5d9caf6404 42099
AR264 05b48ebbb066f93266bd7f53ab06f808 10954
AR265 309ec9c74ae9d26ee58dda75b1a51ec6 59262
AR266 45d79be3319bc7b200104d4bbbe438af 17405
AR268 77ffea8649dc03023f7e34bdcb28c712 4523
AR269 f0c6a10e92b2e6685baa17f69c5e8d92 48541
AR270 a293d1570a5f63c06fbc7099112b3c48 16539
AR272 37545e3f5ca68489b34f3fb70ba7082c 4611
AR273 383cfd685b03e8e5f87f3a4752438515 46389
AR274 4162e306eb18b19a9d26533528bee45b 17869
AR276 75e796b835ff841d5eafabcf396ed5d8 4767
AR277 2d7773ca42fc67d14280c2b7b4626688 61818
AR278 db28158760cff24a79c25a35bcd1ce5d 50739
AR280 16069e61adc1fd60407f870169213434 12827
AR281 1c54ce8426ec81291af3f2bcf650232e 83743
AR282 260779578c590e2aad42c99dd5d1215e 66132
AR284 8d307b1b5ee1eadbf7193e222e85e682 16481
AR285 a9164baaa15ff08e0d64e6a9de12a589 28976
AR286 9ddc374c57f674309c0a72c8f9157042 12013
AR288 7ec33e4065456759b301d71f2de80e13 3780
AR289 d9ce415c3a80c860ee8942b5a4d20174 75820
AR290 fd8dde8b35d2ddb8c8dedfc84305b6cf 57796
AR292 d82b2d81482a44cd4822a2ab92393f5a 16239
AR293 c2341d976e63a70e8bc7a112e886cf44 83443
AR294 737e0cb86653d56d72fea8836cf0ca04 62541
AR296 ac85edcd61c604d9ee71c593d354928b 14394
AR297 f3ba110dde894f9d8faed1794d1636d4 80242
AR298 2ce74f8fe70a335f4e5def208720819e 60809
AR300 8d3a7dba1abd9849fbc8422803e73e77 15001
AR301 90e20b9d2a440a1f0720caed0fc203c8 82064
AR302 60b3c46d6f41110aadb73335632ee9ad 61166
AR304 55e93f01f932c95b4a60aa99bd228946 14620
AR305 bc5c6552c3dc848c8e42291881ea9906 76233
AR306 a73fde8ee616e2f82f3e37af29d65f31 57309
AR308 eaec5bf1108d30dd77bfe85cafcbe81f 14088
AR309 9fb99e942283f62684b9b7acab00c535 46906
AR310 c574c586fc8bfa58b5f2a933811eb424
AR312 e4947840168d3e92753962355276ac7e 9088
AR313 14727c040fc6993a6bd7deaf7995ed95 54609
AR314 07e522e76348bfcd716038a155b94bcc 40266
AR316 3f203c0319bd21f8816a0edc2c338ef6 11480
AR317 658ff19ddf695cbf3f146a0b074ce735 57334
AR318 bd100a3dec20831b94b45e687dea738b 42464
AR320 899e3c4698d3069cf53f857961c125cc 12134
AR321 9cefe56304c9623d3cc9ef6837d73227 4861
AR322 b326ad36dd57e959fb0bf7bea896cec9 4376
AR324 07053a270912dd5e2e1df3f707b21e28 1762
AR325 2c95d18e77ed043e7d9226c10dcb7a22 67163
AR326 389b5d8f7435a51bf7238eaf7f9d4d99 19548
AR328 1459c696cf131e0be132b6210265ef39 5366
AR329 b49866071a0a3eecdf0979b58c762537 46042
AR330 37298e3ac7d8c306c132efc89cdb10b6 16394
AR332 91b49133b228b7eef9211b87be511ffa 4745
AR333 dcad461eef1336d9b3dbb3d7536012f4 54491
AR334 5ae9cb63a973369270191b8388def275 17996
AR336 3b8288c5cfc5b920b27fb2b54b53668d 5265
AR337 0eb80b4bbe7a8807c0790959a1ea4951 58680
AR338 185823637250c2982b9dfb651ecfadfd 19066
AR340 49885afc9ae3839c495880d65dc3e78f 5338
AR341 4e7e3a102e1d3e5d37a93c901599a45e 50366
AR342 e2dbb66c28f4c20b6eb4caca4077bb27 17616
AR344 59d568edb9e0fd4af3a61a676ac9dceb 5064
AR345 ff15ffd82f94f33e72b601b0ca4d7b99 55016
AR346 477e9d00b3ba50bf4249879f0cb07d42 18811
AR348 c8bd1f2a17ae1bb2dfe067b93a0731fb 5321
AR349 599d4d9fd3896e091d326f43c9bc59af 47885
AR350 0d0dd8a1fad50926905c43836e46adbf 18374
AR352 b269b6ca15616ac54545a1eb3ace1ee9 5256
AR353 18fea501cb8a84fa39deb9efa74764fd 50348
AR354 b1230f772bb47d28c119a7904bd590ae 18116
AR356 082b680a7b1c7c81ad06d1242649cb6f 5352
AR357 64fb94d83f7b0a81d32daeb2ea5126c7 50327
AR358 e5591aade67f2d419b8034e44fdd9f95 19233
AR360 3886273d17bfa72625f7511589bc8d17 5471
AR361 db72e76acc17aa3363f6e00fd71a0678 51378
AR362 0867b7a1cecf30344ef30d658db2f1a6 18573
AR364 c05961dbdeb870bfbaf63e80ce8b52f1 5250
AR365 890f96477a87736b364f6aedb4c13c57 53472
AR366 e40590396fb3bc5bd77641d307f46eb1 18344
AR368 46e8dd52782ca379d5e67a5797ab832b 5398
AR369 5060ab9ceb5f2e5dc12b5219080ab98d 55122
AR370 87b50d8178bceb7ba3ea1a74c0589380 18849
AR372 32fd8511ee895fbd1ab8cfe4e18665fe 5111
AR373 ee9eb521120fb90637ff05e77fc35d97 47822
AR374 c891a1091356f4f419eff3e397bb5bd4 18109
AR376 3a535ba26f2d526ca752c9f6ebf41c13 5200
AR377 5fea4767483e86eeaea9e5fd4f03731f 44888
AR378 262aa2c6b9bba303dc5f8489bc2c7008 14552
AR380 0682f5d03bbf529a0a5837baffbcd570 4432
AR381 f1398d09b3625d1af5c7ba8693933536 46909
AR382 5b8799f5726f3f8a37127f3c1319f712 16918
AR384 27e72c9dfbf481c262a627455081a9bc 5181
AR385 174c9e98bd269c54ff6d8394a6c4ce75 50855
AR386 5201a711f27bb363add55aed971bedc7 39351
AR388 4b73d45f6da697785730929f421454c6 13481
AR389 78c5b0313db9f2199bfa0fc7a19d883e 44994
AR390 999177a2098bde9c046669382a35dc70 16469
AR392 eae1e72dc6efe8abbf3f34474d54b3de 4872
AR393 bc9ed55f415ce3aaa7b1925276d9021f 46350
AR394 d1e3882ee5e46ed92883f8ee33b6a1ab 17153
AR396 99b2ab7226ab3da7fd36315bc1931056 5109
AR397 d04491761e75aa23db26dd15541abc63 58845
AR398 7dd8b2056a4dc6637dba009da5436bec 17218
AR400 74255836d618630f07c24606d1bf554d 5212
AR401 2a005b665109eba9d7c09b64f759d479 138235
AR402 987503a7aba05b54578e53282cb48c8e 32126
AR404 1916d2c7d81d703a4391092eea7c5782 9579
AR405 38f0a70d8b38e4b9ae6c3802189de41f 157534
AR406 a64d537b87eaf5bd65065b6307ab48b1 31230
AR408 bec2172b20af9887b465826dc98f72e9 9634
AR409 97e581d10892c3158b506bbf53b6214e 343578
AR410 57b72dd8d45232042ecd62443d23e6c3 29283
AR412 8f3516c0dc038e4cea20fb81fe85c589 8260
AR413 8ceb09e36c17029b61a78c64b248cb47 231846
AR414 305ced344e0b4153987d568699878ded 25327
AR416 3425e221a61f472d619d7a2ac7cd7fd2 7897
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FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF CONSERVATION HAYDON BURNS Governor TOM ADAMS EARL FAIRCLOTH Secretary of State Attorney General BROWARD WILLIAMS FRED O. DICKINSON, JR. Treasurer Comptroller FLOYD T. CHRISTIAN DOYLE CONNOR Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Agriculture W. RANDOLPH HODGES Director ii


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Jlorida geolog ical Survey 'allakassee May 19, 1966 Honorable Haydon Burns, Chairman State Board of Conservation Tallahassee, Florida Dear Governor Burns: The Division of Geology, of the State Board of Conservation, will publish as Report of Investigations No. 43, a detailed report on "Ground Water in Duval and Nassau counties, Florida." This report was prepared by Gilbert W. Leve, Geologist with the U. S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with this Division, Duval County, and the City of Jacksonville. It has been discovered that there are at least three aquifers in the area, a shallow ground-water aquifer and two distinctive aquifers in the Floridan aquifer system. Water under high pressure, but of less satisfactory quality, is available throughout the area, even though the pressures of the upper artesian aquifer have been reduced as much as 100 feet. About 200 million gallons of water per day is used from these aquifers in the vicinity of Jacksonville. Some concern was felt that salt-water intrusion had be:un, but the study shows that there is little danger of contaminaion of these supplies and that Duval and Nassau counties have idequate water for the future, if properly managed and utilized. Respectfully yours, Robert O. Vernon Director and State Geologist iii


Completed manuscript received January 31, 1966 Printed for the Florida Geological Survey By the E. O. Painter Printing Company DeLand, Florida iv


CONTENTS Abstract -----------------------.. -..--.. -................ --........ 1 Itroduction .----------..---............................... ........ ..... 2 Previous investigations ..--------------------....................... ...... 3 Acknowledgments ----------. -.-----.....-..-......-----------............ 4 Well-numbering system --------..---.--------------------............ ........ 5 (;eography .------------------.--------........................ 5 Location and area ---..---------................. ................ 5 Climate ---.......-.. ..-.................................-------------------6 Population and industry ----------................-------------------.....------7 Physiography .. ....-----------....-------------------------------------------....... .......--......... 8 Occurrence of aquifer systems ---......... --~~...--...-..-...-----------... ---.... 10 General principles _.... ........... .-------------------.. ..... ................. 10 Geologic setting --....-... --------------------------------..... .-------------. 11 Oldsmar Limestone ...-------...................................... 12 Lake City Limestone ....---------.. ...-....-....----------.......-.. 14 Avon Park Limestone -.-----------....-.--..--........---------------.... 15 Ocala Group ---------..--------------.. ..............---------------.. 16 Inglis Formation ---..........-----....... ---------------------........ 16 Williston Formation ....--.-------........ ---. --.......---------.......17 Crystal River Formation ....... --------------------...........---........... 17 Hawthorn Formation .---... ---------------------........... .......... ........................ 18 Upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits ------...--.-----------------.... 18 Pleistocene and Recent deposits -----..------.------------19 Structure ---------................------------------------................................. ............ 19 Shallow aquifer system -----------...........--------------------....................................... 20 Aquifer characteristics ............-------------------------------------------............................................ 21 Water supplies -----------------.......--....---------------...................... 23 Floridan aquifer system ---------..--...............--.....---------------------................................. 24 Permeable zones -----------------------------------.................................................. --------------24 Current-meter studies ------------------------.........-------.................. 28 Water supplies ---. --..-..........--------------------..................................... 31 Recharge and discharge ------....-.. ------------------..........----------.......................... 33 Area of flow ........... ----------------------.--------------------................................ 37 Water use ------------------------------..... .... 38 Public water use ..........--------...--...........---------------............ 38 Industrial water use ---------------------...........---........ .... 39 Commercial and private water use ----------------------.............. 39 Decline in artesian pressure ----------................------------------............... 40 uality of water -------.............................-..........................-----------------------......................... 46 Quality of water in the shallow aquifer system -------------------48 Quality of water in the Floridan aquifer system ..----------------.48 Chloride --------------..----------------------------------------------.. ............................... ........... 55 Dissolved solids ---------------------------........ .....-.............--------------. 55 Hardness -----------------------.. ---------------------......--.................... 55 Hydrogen sulfide gas ...........----------------.-. -...-.... 56 Salt-water contamination --..--------..... ..... -----------------56 ummary .................-----------------........... ........ ........ 6.................. 6 uture studies .........-........------------....... ............................ 69 eferences -------------------.--------.... --.---......--.. ........-.....-...... .. .......... 71 -V


ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Map of peninsular Florida showing the location of Duval and Nassau counties and illustrations of well-location numbering system _ -.._. -----____-_ -................ ..-----_ -----------.. -------------.. 6 2 Map of Duval and Nassau counties showing the location of wells for which information was obtained -----.....--------....____---____ _7 3 Map of Duval and Nassau counties, Fla., showing the Pleistocene marine terraces ___ -----... In pocket 4 Geologic cross sections showing the formations penetrated by wells in Duval and Nassau counties, Fla. -------.....-----...........--.... 13 5 Map showing the altitude of the top of the Crystal River Formation and the Avon Park Limestone and the approximate depth below land surface to the top of the Crystal River Formation, Duval and Nassau counties, Fla __. _ -.._ _---_---------_ -.... In pocket 6 Graphs showing rainfall at Fernandina Beach and Jacksonville and the water levels in well 040-127-211A, at Fernandina Beach, and 017-136-241B, near Jacksonville ___ __. 22 7 Hydrographs and geologic data from wells 026-135-342A, B, and C, about 4 miles northeast of Jacksonville ____25 8 Diagrams showing geologic and current-meter data from wells in Duval County ____26 9 Diagrams showing geologic and current-meter data from wells in Duval and Nassau counties .--------------..........-.............. ...... ..... 27 10 Map of Florida showing the generalized piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer _____ __-------------...--.....-... ......... -.. 34 11 Graphs showing relation of water levels in wells 019-140-421 and 033-150-242, to pumping and precipitation, Jacksonville area, Fla. _.... 36 12 Map of Duval and Nassau counties showing piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer system and the area of artesian flow in May 1962 ____-____________________ In pocket 13 Hydrographs of selected wells in Duval County -----..--------.............. 41 14 Hydrographs of selected wells in Nassau County ..........-..----.......--... 42 15 Map and cross sections of Duval and Nassau counties showing the change in artesian pressure during the periods July 1961 to May 1962 and 1940 to May 1962 ..-____ _...___........_-......--... ... 43 16 Graph showing annual discharge of artesian water by municipal wells in Jacksonville and average annual rainfall at three weather stations in the recharge area ___ _........ ______ .__ .. 44 17 Graphs showing the artesian pressure in two wells at Fernandina Beach ------____ -------............................. __ ______...._-....... 45 18 Map of Duval and Nassau counties showing the approximate chloride content of water from artesian wells in 1940 ......-----.. In pocket 19 Map of Duval and Nassau counties showing the approximate chloride content of water from artesian wells in May 1962 .-..... In pocket 20 Map showing the chloride content of water from deep wells at Fernandina Beach _ --..--------_--.....-_--_ __ .____. -.._ 53 21 Graphs of the chloride content of water from selected wells at Fernandina Beach that penetrate formations below the Ocala Group --------------------------.. ---_ -.... 62 vi


32 Graphs of the chloride content of water at different depths in wells in the Floridan aquifer system at Fernandina Beach -----64 TABLES Table Page 1 Population of Jacksonville, Duval County, Fernandina Beach, and Nassau County, 1940-62 _....-.....____ .... __ ____ ___........ 9 2 Nonagricultural wages and salaried employment in the Jacksonville area ---...---..---....................... ...-----9 3 Stratigraphic units and aquifer systems in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties ------------.---------------...... -... ............ _.....k.. ..... In pocket 4 Artesian flow and pressure in five Jacksonville municipal wells before and after each well was deepened _-----_._ ---------------. 32 5 Analyses of water from aquifers overlying the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties __ _ ---_----. ___ 47 6 Analyses of water from the Floridan aquifer system in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties --................ ... .... -.......... 49 7 Chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties -------------------------... ........ 59 8 Record of wells in Duval and Nassau counties .--------_----_. .. 74 vii


GROUND WATER IN DUVAL AND NASSAU COUNTIES, FLORIDA By Gilbert W. Leve ABSTRACT This report describes an area of about 2,000 square miles in northeast Florida and extreme southeast Georgia. The topography is controlled by a series of ancient marine terraces, and surface drainage is through the St. Johns, Nassau, and St. Marys Rivers and through brackish-water streams that empty either into the intracoastal waterway or directly into the ocean. Practically all the water used in the area is supplied from the rock formations that underlie the surface. These formations, in ascending order, are the Oldsmar Limestone, the Lake City Limestone, the Avon Park Limestone, and the Inglis, Williston, and Crystal River Formations of the Ocala Group, all of Eocene Age; the Hawthorn Formation of Middle Miocene Age; deposits of late Miocene or Pliocene Age; and undifferentiated deposits of Pleistocene and Recent Age. The formations of Eocene Age and the limestone at the base of the Hawthorn Formation compose the Floridan aquifer system. Surficial sand beds and a zone of limestone, shell, and sand at the base of the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits are the most extensive aquifers in the shallow aquifer system. Increased pumpage from numerous wells in the shallow aquifers has caused a steady decline of water levels in these aquifers. However, additional water may be obtained from shallow aquifers by proper well construction and by artificial recharge. The principal source of fresh water in northeast Florida is the Floridan aquifer system. The top of this aquifer is between 300 and 550 feet below sea level and water is confined under artesian pressure in the aquifer by impermeable beds in the Miocene to Recent deposits. At least three permeable zones separated by lard, relatively impermeable zones, occur within the Floridan iquifer system. More water, possibly of less satisfactory quality mut under higher artesian pressure, can usually be obtained from he deeper zones than from the shallower zones in the aquifer. 1


2 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Most of the recharge of water to the aquifer is outside of Duvrl and Nassau counties where the overlying confining beds are thini or missing. Discharge is by seepage into the ocean and by numer. OLus wells throughout Duval and Nassau counties. Between 150 and 200 mgd (million gallons per day) is discharged by wells in the vicinity of Jacksonville, and between 50 and 70 mgd is discharged by wells at Fernandina Beach, causing depressions in the piezoimetric surface in these areas. The piezometric surface has been depressed from less than 30 feet above sea level to more than 15 feet below sea level, and artesian pressures in wells declined between 50 and 60 feet at Fernandina Beach during the period 1939 to 1963 and between 12 to 22 feet at Jacksonville during the period 1916 to 1963. Water from both the shallow and Floridan aquifer systems is suitable for most uses. The chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system ranges from less than 10 ppin (parts per million) to more than 40 ppm in wells less than 1,250 feet deep. and it exceeds 1,100 ppm in wells more than 1,250 feet deep at Fernandina Beach. The chloride content of water from most wells increased only 2 to 14 ppm during the period 1940 to 1962 except in some deep wells at Fernandina Beach, where it increased from 20 to 1,350 ppm during the period 1955 to 1962. At present serious salt-water contamination is limited to a few deep wells at Fernandina Beach, where salt water is migrating laterally from a highly mineralized zone within the fresh-water zone and vertically from highly mineralized zones below the freshwater zones. Proper well construction and spacing controlled discharge, and careful development of the deeper water-bearing zones may retard. and prevent further, salt-water contamination. Future studies will include investigations of the shallow aquifer system, quantitative studies of the Floridan aquifer system, and detailed analysis of the spread of salt-water contamination in northeast Florida. INTRODUCTION Ground water is the principal supply of fresh water in northeast Florida. Practically all water for municipal, industrial, ane agricultural use is obtained from wells. In recent years, expanding industry and increasing population in the area have considerably increased the use of ground water. To supply the increased need for water many new wells have been drilled, many existing wells have been deepened, and large-capacity pumps have been installed


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 3 o wells that previously produced an adequate supply by natural Correlated with the increase in water use is the continued decline in artesian pressures. Records of water levels in northeast Florida show that since 1880 pressures have declined more than t;o feet in some parts of the area. In many parts of Florida and (eorgia, similar declines in artesian pressures have resulted in nalt-water intrusion into the fresh-water supply. The constant decline in water pressure and the possibility of salt-water contamination of the aquifers pose a threat to the future development of the fresh water in northeast Florida. A shortage of fresh ground water could inhibit the area's economic growth and result in hardship for the population. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive appraisal of the ground-water resources of northeast Florida, an investigation was begun in 1959 by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey. The purpose of this investigation was to provide the basic information necessary for the safe and eflicient development of ground water, one of the most important natural resources of northeast Florida. This report presents and interprets the information concerning the location and availability of ground water collected by the U.S. Geological Survey previous to and during this study. The report is a convenient reference for those persons charged with the responsibility of developing and protecting water supplies and for those who use or control water in significant quantities in Duval and Nassau counties. The investigation was begun under the immediate supervision of M. I. Rorabaugh, the previous District Engineer, Ground Water Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey, and completed under C. S. ('onover, the present District Engineer. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS The occurrence and quantity of ground water in northeast lorida are briefly mentioned in reports by Matson and Sanford 1913) and Sellards and Gunter (1913) as part of generalized in•estigations of ground water in Florida. A report by Stringfield 1936) includes maps of the Florida Peninsula showing the area 1f artesian flow, areas in which the artesian water contains more han 100 ppm of chloride, and the first published map of the piez,metric surface of the Floridan aquifer. Reports on ground-water esources In southeastern Georgia by Stewart and Counts (1958)


4 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY and Stewart and Croft (1960) include information on groundwater discharge and maps of the piezometric surface in the Fernandina Beach area. Ground-water resources in northeast Florida are described in generalized reports by Stringfield, Warren and Cooper (1941), and by Cooper, Kenner, and Brown (1953). Chemical analyses of water from wells in northeast Florida are included in reports by Collins and Howard (1928), Black and Brown (1951) and the Florida State Board of Health (1960). A report by Black, Brown, and Pearce (1953) includes a brief discussion on the possibility of salt-water intrusion in northeast Florida. The surface-water resources of Baker County are described in a comprehensive report by Pride (1958). Geologic information on northeast Florida is included in reports by Cooke (1945), Vernon (1951), and Puri (1957). The reports by Vernon and Puri both contain generalized cross sections that include northeast Florida, and the report by Vernon also contains a generalized subsurface structural map of northern Florida. Stratigraphic and paleontological studies of an oil-test well in Nassau County are described in a report by Cole (1944). Detailed studies of the ground-water resources and geology of northeast Florida were made by Pirnie (1927) and Cooper (1944). Eugene Derragon of the U.S. Geological Survey made a reconnaissance of the area in 1955. Many of the data collected by Cooper and Derragon were used in preparing this report. During this study preliminary reports of the ground-water resources of northeast Florida (Leve, 1961a) and the Fernandina Beach area (Leve, 1961b) were prepared to determine the extent of declines of water levels and salt-water intrusion in the area. Most of the data presented in these preliminary reports are included in this report. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to Mr. D. M. French, Duval Drilling Co., who supplied drilling information and assisted in sampling and conducting tests on wells; to Mr. T. Oliver, power superintendent, Container Corp. of America; to Mr. H. G. Taylor, chief chemist, Rayonier Inc.; and to Mr. C. Washburn, chief engineer, and Mr. D. C. Hendrickson, associate engineer, Jacksonville Department of Electric and Water Utilities, all of whom provided valuable data and either permitted or assisted in conducting tests, sampling, and measuring of wells.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 5 Appreciation is expressed to the many consultants, well drillers a-nd members of the Florida State Board of Health who made available many valuable data included in this report. Special thanks are extended also to the many residents in the area who permitted access to their properties. WELL-NUMBERING SYSTEM Wells inventoried during this investigation were each assigned an identifying number. Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating the wellnumbering system. As shown in the diagram, the first two segments of the well number identify the 1-minute quadrangle of latitude and longitude in which the well is located. Thus, well 021-139 shown in the figure is located in a quadrangle bounded by latitude 30021'N on the south and longitude 81039'W on the east. The third segment of the well-location number is based upon dividing the 1-minute quadrangles into quarters, sixteenths, and sixty-fourths, which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 in the following order: northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast. The first digit in the third segment of the well number locates the well within the quarter, the second digit locates the well within the quarterquarter tract, and the third digit locates the quarter-quarterquarter tract. If a well could not be located accurately within the smallest tract, then a zero is used for the third digit of the third segment of the well number. Similarly, a zero is used for the second and first digits of the third segment if the well could not be located more accurately within the 1-minute quadrangle. With this system, a well referred to by number in the text can be located on figure 2. GEOGRAPHY LOCATION AND AREA This report describes an area of about 2,000 square miles in he northeastern part of Florida and includes the bordering south*astern part of Georgia (fig. 1). The area extends from 30°05' ,arallel north latitude northward into southern Georgia and from :2010' meridian of west longitude eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. t includes all of Duval and Nassau counties, eastern Baker, and :orthern Clay and St. Johns counties, Florida, and the extreme outhern portions of Camden and Charlton counties, Georgia.


6 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 840 830 820 10 800 --------------------31° ARERA A " 81 40' 81035' / I 2 25 0 25 50 75 100 miles Si _ Approximate scale 34 i 2 530°27215 100-m i3 2 The climate of the area is humid subtropical. According to records of the U.S. Weather Bureau, the mean temperature i: 69"F near the coast and about 682F inland. The lowest mean monthly temperature at Jacksonville is 55.90F, in January; the


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 7 S LAY C O U N T Y %IL SI ST JOHNS GOUNTY Figure 2. Map of Duval and Nassau counties showing the location of wells for which information was obtained. lighest mean monthly temperature is 82.6°F, in July. The averge annual precipitation in the area is about 52 inches, of which 0 to 70 percent falls between June 1 and October 31. POPULATION AND INDUSTRY Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, and Fernandina Beach are he three largest cities in the area. Most of the population is along he St. Johns River in and near Jacksonville and along the coast :i Duval Obunty. Table 1 shows the population of Jacksonville and -'iDuval Codunty. Table 1 shows the population of Jack~onville and


8 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Duval County and of Fernandina Beach and Nassau County in 1940, 1950, 1960, and 1962 based on records of the U.S. Census Bureau. The table also shows the percentage increase in population between 1940 and 1962. The economy of Fernandina Beach and Nassau County is based upon the production of wood pulp and paper. Two large processing plants. Rayonier Inc. and Container Corp. of America, are located in Fernandina Beach, and their expansion has been a major reason for the population increase in Nassau County. Greater Jacksonville in Duval County is one of the major metropolitan areas in the southeastern United States. A natural harbor near the mouth of the St. Johns River and a vast network of transportation facilities make Jacksonville the distribution center for northern Florida and southeastern Georgia. A wide range of products are manufactured and processed in Jacksonville. Some of the major industries are paper manufacturing, shipbuilding and repair, processing and packaging of food products, manufacturing of cigars, chemicals and paint, building products, truck bodies, steel castings, and furniture. In addition, there are 18 home and regional offices of insurance companies and 3 major naval facilities in the area. An index of industrial growth of the Jacksonville area is the total nonagricultural wages and employment of salaried workers in the area as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. These figures are given in table 2 for every 2 years since 1950. PHYSIOGRAPHY The topography of northeast Florida is controlled by a series of ancient marine terraces (Cooke, 1945) which were formed -t times in the Pleistocene when the sea was relatively stationary at various higher levels than the present sea level. When the sea dropped to a lower level, the sea floor emerged as a level plain cr terrace and the landward edge of each terrace became an abandoled shoreline, which is generally marked by a low scarp. Seven terraces are recognized in northeast Florida; in level they are the Coharie, Sunderland, Wicomico, Penholoway, Talbot, Pamlico and Silver Bluff terraces. The original shorelines and the level plains of the terraces have been modified and destroyed by stream erosion and only remnants of the original terraces can be seen. The general configuration of these terrace. shown on figure 3 was mapped from topographic maps primaril."


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 9 ' LBLE 1. Population of Jacksonville, Duval County, Fernandina Beach, and Nassau County, 1940-62 Percent Population increase unit 1940 1950 1960 1962 1940-62 .nrcksonville 178,065 204,517 201,030 Ilval County 210,143 304,029 455,411 482,600 130 Flrnandina Bench 3,492 4,074 7.276 NIIsau County 10,826 12,811 17,189 18,300 60 by their elevation above present msl (mean sea level) and from aerial photographs. The highest and oldest terraces, the Coharie, Sunderland and Wicomico, are in the western part of the area. They form an upland that ranges in elevation from 70 to more than 200 feet above msl. The highest and most prominent surface feature is a high sandy ridge, called "Trail Ridge," that extends northward through eastern Baker County into Georgia. The ridge, a remnant of the Coharie terrace, ranges in altitude from 170 to more than 200 feet. The Sunderland terrace in eastern Baker County and extreme southwestern Duval County is poorly developed and is modified by erosion. Remnants of this terrace consist of rolling, eroded hills that range in altitude from 100 to 170 feet. The most extensive occurrence of the uplands in the western part of the area consists of an irregular flat plain from 70 to 100 feet above msl which is the TABLE 2. Nonagricultural wages and salaried employment in the Jacksonville area. Total salaried workers employed in Year nonagricultural work 1950 08,600 1052 110,800 1054 116,400 1956 127,800 1958 134,000 1960 144,103 1962 148,100 Percent increase r 1950-1962 50.2


10 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY remnant of the Wicomico terrace. The outer boundary of this terrace extends northwestward through south-central Duval County and western Nassau County into Georgia. The Penholoway and Talbot terraces in the area are not clearly defined in northeast Florida because they have been severely modified by the numerous streams that drain the higher and older terraces. Scattered remnants of these terraces occur in a belt that extends through central Nassau County, north-central Duval County and southeastern Duval County east of the St. Johns River. They form a coastal ridge at altitudes from about 25 to 70 feet which is particularly well defined east of the St. Johns River in southeastern Duval County. Ancient dunes on the coastal ridge form a series of narrow sandy ridges and low intervening swampy areas which are elongate parallel to the coastline. The Pamlico and Silver Bluff terraces form a low coastal plain throughout most of the central and eastern part of northeast Florida. The altitude of the plain ranges from slightly above sea level to 25 feet; however, some dunes along the present coastline are more than 50 feet above msl. In Nassau County and in northern Duval County, the plain slopes irregularly eastward toward the ocean. In central and southern Duval County, the plain slopes toward the St. Johns River west of the coastal ridge and toward the ocean east of the ridge. Adjacent and parallel to the present coastline, remnants of the Pamlico terrace form a series of offshore bars or islands. These bars range in width from less than a few hundred feet to about 2 miles and are separated from the mainland by a series of tidal lagoons and streams. Many of these tidal streams comprise the Intracoastal Waterway. Surface drainage in the western and central parts of the area is through the St. Johns, Nassau, and St. Marys rivers and their tributaries. East of the coastal ridge, drainage is primarily by numerous small brackish-water streams that empty either into the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway or directly into the oceain. Much of the relatively flat Pamlico, Silver Bluff, and Wicomico terraces is marshland because drainage is poor. OCCURRENCE OF AQUIFER SYSTEMS GENERAL PRINCIPLES Rainfall on the land surface may be returned directly to the atmosphere by transpiration and evaporation, drained off into surface bodies of water, or absorbed by the soil and rocks. Some (f


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 11 the water that is drained into lakes and streams or is absorbed lb the soil and rocks eventually moves downward through the ground to the zone in which the interstices of the rocks are completely saturated with water, where it becomes a part of the ground-water body. Ground water moves laterally from zones of higher hydrostatic head, such as recharge areas where the water is replenished, to areas of lower hydrostatic head, such as discharging wells and springs. Ground water occurs under either nonartesian or artesian conditions. Nonartesian water is unconfined, so that its upper surface is free to rise and fall; artesian water is confined under pressure, so that its upper surface is not free to rise and fall. The height to which artesian water will rise above its confined surface in a tightly cased well is called the artesian pressure head. The imaginary surface coinciding with the altitude of such artesian pressure heads in wells is called the piezometric surface. Ground water occurs in rocks in the zone of saturation; however, only aquifers transmit usable quantities of water to wells. An aquifer may be a formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that is porous and relatively permeable. Relatively impermeable rocks that restrict the movement of water are called aquicludes. Thin, discontinuous, relatively impermeable zones that locally separate permeable zones are called confining beds. A series of similar aquifers or permeable zones together with associated confining beds and aquicludes constitute an aquifer system. In northeast Florida, ground water occurs in two separate aquifer systems: the shallow aquifer system and the Floridan aquifer system. Although both aquifer systems were studies during this investigation, the Floridan aquifer system is described in greater Oetail in this report because it is the principal source of ground v'ater in the area. GEOLOGIC SETTING' Fresh-water supplies in Duval and Nassau counties are obtained , itirely from wells drilled into the rock formations that compose 1 e aquifer systems. Therefore, an essential part of this study 'The stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report conforms to the usage SCooke (1945) with revisions by Vernon (1951) except that the Ocala Smestone is referred to as the Ocala Group. The Ocala Group, and its bdivisions as described by Puri (1953), has been adopted by the Florida ological Survey. The Federal Geological Survey regards the Ocala as a Srmation, the Ocala Limestone.


12 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY was to differentiate the formations and to determine their waterbearing properties. This was done by collecting rock cutting from a number of water wells drilled in the area and examining these cuttings to determine the texture, mineral composition, and fauna of the different formations. Additional geologic information was obtained from drillers' logs, and from lithologic and electric logs on file with the Florida Geological Survey. Current-meter traverses were made in a number of wells to locate the water-bearing zones and to determine the relative yield of water from the different formations. The rock formations that are tapped by water wells in the area include, in ascending order, the Oldsmar Limestone, the Lake City Limestone, the Avon Park Limestone, and the Inglis, Williston, and Crystal River Formations of the Ocala Group-all of Eocene age; the Hawthorn Formation, of middle Miocene age; deposits of late Miocene or Pliocene age; and, exposed at the surface, undifferentiated deposits of Pleistocene and Recent age. These rocks are listed in table 3 and their lithologic character and waterbearing properties are described briefly. Rock formations older than the Oldsmar Limestone have not been tapped by water wells in northeast Florida because sufficient water can be obtained from the overlying formations and the water from the deeper rocks is more highly mineralized. One deep oil-test well in northwestern Nassau County penetrated rocks deeper than the Oldsmar Limestone. In this well, marine dolomite and limestone beds of Eocene age are 2,235 feet thick and extend to a depth of 2,640 feet below msl. A sample of water collected between the depths of 2,100 and 2,130 feet below msl and analyzed for mineral content was found to contain 33,600 ppm of chloride which is about 11/ times the chloride content of sea water. The following discussion of the formations include only rocks penetrated by water wells in Duval and Nassau counties. The cross sections in figure 4 show these geologic formations. OLDSMAR LIMESTONE The Oldsmar Limestone of early Eocene age (Applin an. Applin, 1944, p. 1699) is the deepest and oldest formation utilize as a source of water in northeast Florida. The only well in the area that completely penetrates the Oldsmar Limestone is a deep oil-test well, 044-156-110, in northwestern Nassau County (Cole, 1944). The top of the Oldsmar



14 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY In wells in northeast Florida, the Oldsmar Limestone consists of a cream to brown, soft, massive to chalky granular limestone, and cherty, glauconitic, massive to finely crystalline, sugartextured dolomite. The formation is lithologically similar to the overlying Lake City Limestone and is differentiated from the Lake City by its fossil content. The top of the Oldsmar Limestone is picked by the first occurrence of the foraminifer species Helicostegina gyralis Barker and Grimsdale. LAKE CITY LIMESTONE Lake City Limestone is the name applied by Applin and Applin (1944) to limestone of early middle Eocene age that conformably overlies the Oldsmar Limestone in peninsular Florida. Depths to the top of the Lake City Limestone in northeast Florida range from about 580 feet below msl in south-central Duval County to about 1,260 feet below msl at Fernandina Beach. Only a few wells in northeast Florida completely penetrate the Lake City Limestone. The Lake City is 486 feet thick in a well (044-156110) in northwestern Nassau County and 475 feet thick in a well (038-127-324) at Fernandina Beach. A well in southwestern Duval County (014-153-420) penetrates more than 490 feet of Lake City Limestone without reaching older formations. Lithologically, the Lake City Limestone consists of alternating beds of white to brown, purple tinted lignitic, chalky to granular limestone and gray to 'tan massive to finely crystalline, sugartextured dolomite. It contains beds consisting entirely of coneshaped (Valvulinidae) foraminifers and locally contains thin beds of lignite. The Lake City Limestone contains abundant fossil foraminifei s that are different from those in the underlying Oldsmar Limestore and overlying Avon Park Limestone. The most distinctive fossil of the Lake City Limestone is Dictyoconus americanus which w s selected by Applin and Applin (1944) as a guide fossil for the formation. The fossils most often found in well cuttings from th3 Lake City Limestone include Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman), Fabularia vaughani Cole and Ponton, Discorbis inornatus Colk, Fabiania cubensis Cushman and Bermudes, Archaias columbiensH Applin and Jordan.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 15 AVON PARK LIMESTONE Deposits of late middle Eocene age penetrated by wells in Polk ( ounty were named Avon Park Limestone by Applin and Applin (1944). Outcrops of the formation in Citrus and Levy counties were later recognized and described in detail by Vernon (1951, p. 95). The Avon Park Limestone ranges in thickness from 150 feet to more than 700 feet in central and southern Florida; however, it has been considerably thinned by erosion in northeast Florida. The geologic cross sections in figure 4 show that the formation averages only about 50 feet in thickness throughout the western and central parts of northeast Florida. It thickens toward the coast and is about 190 feet thick in a well (019-124-210) at Atlantic Beach and more than 250 feet thick in a well (038-127-324) at Fernandina Beach. The Avon Park Limestone unconformably overlies the Lake City Limestone and unconformably underlies the Ocala Group. Contours constructed on the irregular upper surface of the Avon Park Limestone in northeast Florida are shown on figure 5. As shown, the top of the formation is less than 500 feet below msl in south-central Duval County and more than 950 feet below msl in northeastern Nassau County. The lithology of the Avon Park Limestone varies both laterally and vertically throughout northeast Florida. In the western and central parts of the area where the formation has been considerably thinned by erosion, it consists predominantly of tan to brown, hard, massive dolomite beds containing thin zones of tan granular, fossiliferous limestone. In the eastern part of the area where the I'ormation is thickest, it consists of alternating beds of tan hard, massive dolomite; brown to cream granular, calcitic limestone; and irown, finely crystalline, sugar-textured dolomite. The top of the formation usually can be detected during the STilling of wells because the hard dolomite beds in the upper part f the formation retard the drilling rate. In addition, the Avon ark Limestone can be identified and differentiated from the other -rmations of Eocene age by its fossil content. The following !agnostic foraminifers were identified in the Avon Park imestone from well cuttings in the area:Coskinolina, floridana ole, Dictyoconus cookei (Mobert), Dictyoconus gunteri Cole, ituonella floridana Cole, Spirolina coryensis Cole.


16 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OCALA GROUP Cooke (1915, p. 117; 1945, p. 53) defined all deposits of late Eocene age in Florida as one formation; the Ocala Limestone. These deposits were later redefined by Vernon (1951, p. 111-171) as two formations; the Moodys Branch Formation and the Ocala Limestone. More recently Puri (1953, p. 130; 1957, p. 22-24) divided the late Eocene limestone into three separate formations. These are, in ascending order, the Inglis, the Williston, and the Crystal River Formations. These three formations are now referred to collectively as the Ocala Group by the Florida Geological Survey. All three formations of the Ocala Group are fragmental marine limestones and were differentiated in cuttings from wells in northeast Florida by slight changes in lithology and on the basis of fossil content. However, in some wells from which cuttings were collected and examined, it was not possible to differentiate each of these formations because of lithological similarities and the absence of diagnostic fossils in the cuttings. INGLIS FORMATION The Inglis Formation lies unconformably on the Avon Park Limestone and ranges in thickness from about 40 feet to about 120 feet in northeast Florida. As shown on the geologic cross section in figure 4, it is thickest west of the St. Johns River in western and central Duval County. Lithologically, the Inglis Formation is a tan to buff granular, calcitic, marine limestone. It contains beds consisting entirely of a coquina of Miliolidae foraminifers. These coquina beds are loosely cemented and porous and have a mealy texture. Thin, discontinuous zones of gray to brown, hard, crystalline dolomite are prevalent near the base of the formation. The lithologies of the Inglis and the overlying Williston Formations are similar and in many sets of cuttings from wells in the area the upper contact of the Inglis is not clearly defined. However, in most cases it was possible to differentiate the formations on the basis of changes in fossil content. The following diagnostic fossils were used as guide fossils (Puri, 1957, p. 48) t) identify the Inglis Formation in cuttings from wells in the area: Fabiana cubensis Cushman and Bermudez, Periarchus lyelli (Conrad), Spirolocidina seminolensis Applin and Jordan, Spirolinu coJyensis Cole.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 17 WILLISTON FORMATION The Williston Formation lies conformably between the underlying Inglis and the overlying Crystal River Formations. It ranges in thickness from about 20 feet to 100 feet and has an average thickness of about 50 feet throughout northeast Florida. The lithology of the Williston Formation is similar to that of the underlying Inglis Formation, consisting of a tan to buff granular, marine limestone. However, the Williston is generally more indurated and does not contain the mealy-textured coquina beds that are found in the Inglis Formation. The Williston Formation can further be differentiated from the other formations in the Ocala Group by a distinct fossil assemblage. The following fossils were identified in well cuttings: Amphistegina pinarensis cosdeni Applin and Jordan, Operculinoides moodybcranchensis (Gravell and Hanna), Operculinoides willcoxi (Heilprin), Operculinoides jacksonensis (Gravell and Hanna), Nummulites vanderstoki Rutten and Vermunt, Heterostegina ocalana Cushman. Several of these species of fossils occur in the other formations of the Ocala Group but not as frequently nor in as great numbers as in the Williston Formation. The top of the formation was determined by the first appearance in well cuttings of Amphistegina pinarensis cosdeni, which is the most diagnostic fossil of the Williston Formation in northeast Florida. CRYSTAL RIVER FORMATION The Crystal River Formation is the youngest Eocene formation generally penetrated by wells in northeast Florida. It conformably overlies the Williston Formation and unconformably inderlies the Hawthorn Formation of middle Miocene age. The rhickness of the formation varies considerably throughout the rea and, as shown by the geologic cross sections in figure 4, anges from less than 100 feet in central and western Duval ounty to 300 feet in well 038-127-324 at Fernandina Beach. Lithologically, the Crystal River Formation is a white to cream, halky massive fossiliferous, marine limestone. It is lighter in olor, less granular, and more friable than the underlying Williston 'ormation, and contains abundant Molluscan shells and relatively irge foraminifers that are not common in the underlying formaions of the Ocala Group. The fossils identified in well cuttings rom the Crystal River Formation include: Lepidocyclina ocalana


18 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Cushman, Lepidocyclina ocalana pseudomarginata Cushman, Operculinoides ocalana Cushman, Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Sphaerogypsina globula (Ruess), Nummulites vanderstoki Rutten and Vermunt, Heterostegina ocalana Cushman. HAWTHORN FORMATION Rocks of middle Miocene age in peninsular Florida were first named the Hawthorn Formation by Dall and Harris (1892, p. 107). The Hawthorn Formation lies unconformably on the eroded surface of the Ocala Group throughout all of northeast Florida. As shown in the geologic cross sections in figure 4, the thickness of the Hawthorn Formation ranges from about 250 feet in southern Duval County to about 500 feet in north-central Duval and central Nassau counties. Locally, the formation may vary in thickness by as much as 50 feet where it fills depressions in the irregular surface of the Crystal River Formation. The Hawthorn Formation consists of gray to blue-green calcareous, phosphatic sandy clays and clayey sands, interbedded with thin, discontinuous lenses of fine to medium phosphatic sand, phosphatic sandy limestone, and gray hard dolomite. The limestone and dolomite lenses are thicker and more prevalent near the base of the formation than in the higher parts. They occasionally contain some poorly preserved mollusk casts and molds. The only other fossils in the formation are sharks' teeth, which are most often found in the clay beds. UPPER MIOCENE OR PLIOCENE DEPOSITS Deposits overlying the Hawthorn Formation in peninsular Florida were described by Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 152) andi Cooke (1945) as being Pliocene in age. They have been more recently described by Vernon (1951, figs. 13,33) as late Miocene in age. Because their age has not been determined exactly, they are referred to in this report as Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. Pliocene and upper Miocene deposits are the oldest rocks exposed at the surface in northeast Florida. They are exposed in roac cuts, excavations, and the banks and beds of many streams in the area. As shown in the geologic cross sections (fig. 4), these deposits are about 100 feet thick adjacent to the St. Johns River in centra Duval County and in central and eastern Nassau County, and lesS than 20 feet thick in western Duval and eastern Baker counties.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 19 The Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits consist of interbedded £t ay-green calcareous silty clay and clayey sand; fine-to mediumgrained, well-sorted sand; shell; and cream to brown soft, friable limestone. They differ from the underlying Hawthorn Formation in that they contain little or no phosphate. The limestone is most prevalent at the base of the deposits and together with sand and shell form a laterally extensive, continuous, relatively permeable zone which locally is as much as 40 feet thick. The contact between the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits and the Hawthorn Formation is an unconformity generally marked by a course phosphatic sand and gravel bed. However, the contact between the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits and the overlying Pleistocene and Recent deposits is not clearly defined. In some wells, particularly in the eastern and northern parts of the area, the contact appears to be gradational. PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT DEPOSITS Undifferentiated sediments of Pleistocene and Recent age blanket most of northeast Florida, except where they have been completely eroded by streams. As shown in the geologic cross sections (fig. 4), the deposits are more than 150 feet thick in eastern Baker County and average about 20 feet in thickness in central and eastern Duval and Nassau counties. The Pleistocene and Recent deposits in the western part of the area consist primarily of fineto medium-grained, poorly sorted sand and clayey sand, locally stained yellow or orange by iron oxide. In the central and eastern parts of the area, the deposits are predominantly loose sand and gray to green clayey sand, containing some shell beds near the coast. STRUCTURE The structural contour lines in figure 5 reflect the eroded urface of the Avon Park Limestone and Crystal River Formation. At the contour interval shown in the figure, the small irregularities n the surface of the formations are not apparent and the configurtion of the lines reflects the approximate subsurface structure -f the formations. As shown, the surface of the Avon Park .imestone strikes approximately northwest-southeast and dips ortheast at about 9 feet per mile in the western part of the area, nd strikes northeast-southwest and irregularly dips northwest bout 16 to 20 feet per mile in the eastern part.


20 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Although the surface of the Crystal River Formation has been modified by erosion more than the surface of the Avon Park Limestone, the contour lines on the top of the Crystal River Formation in figure 5 generally reflect the configuration of the underlying Avon Park Limestone. The top of the Crystal River Formation ranges from less than 300 feet below msl in southern most Duval County to more than 550 feet below msl in northcentral Duval County. The Crystal River Formation is the initial limestone of Eocene age penetrated by wells in the area, and in most areas it is also the top of the Floridan aquifer system. Therefore, these contour lines also show the top of the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties. The limestone formations of Eocene age in the western part of the area, sloping northeastward, and in the eastern part of the area. sloping northwestward, form an irregular trough or basin extending from south-central Duval County northeastward into northeastern Nassau County. A fault extends generally along the axis of this basin, the upthrown side to the west. In southern Duval County, the vertical displacement of the top of both the Ocala Group and the Avon Park Limestone by the fault is about 125 feet. The vertical displacement decreasess northward and the fault probably does not extend farther north than northern Duval County. The irregularities in the surface of the Eocene limestone formations were filled and blanketed by the thick series of postEocene sediments (fig. 4), and there is no surface reflection of the subsurface structural features in the area. SHALLOW AQUIFER SYSTEM The shallow aquifer system consists of the limestone and sand aquifers in the clayey sand and sandy clay confining beds in the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation, the shell, limestone, and sand aquifers in the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits and the sand and shell aquifers in the Pleistocene and Recent deposit; (table 3). The lithology of these deposits changes laterally as well as vertically and the aquifers and confining beds are discontinuous. II some part of northeast Florida, particularly in western Duval. Nassau, and eastern Baker counties, the shallow aquifer systen may consist of a single, relatively thick aquifer extending down ward from the water table to the aquiclude in the Hawthorl


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 21 F ormation. In other parts of the area, particularly in central and e istern Duval and Nassau counties, the shallow aquifer system may consist of a series of relatively thin permeable zones separated locally by a number of relatively thin confining beds. The most laterally extensive aquifer in the shallow aquifer system occurs as either a limestone, a shell, or a sand bed near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. It is about 10 to 40 feet thick and is 50 to 150 feet below the surface throughout most of Duval and Nassau counties. AQUIFER CHARACTERISTICS Although ground water in the shallow aquifer system is generally under nonartesian conditions, some shallow wells located in low areas immediately adjacent to the St. Johns River and its tributaries yield artesian water. These local artesian conditions are caused by confining beds that confine water under pressure in an underlying aquifer, particularly in shell and limestone beds near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. The shallow aquifer system is recharged chiefly by local rainfall. Discharge from this system occurs by evaporation, transpiration by plants, seepage into surface bodies of water, leakage downward into the underlying rocks, and discharging wells. The fluctuations and seasonal trends of water levels in wells in the shallow aquifer system indicate the gain and loss of water to and from the system. The hydrographs in figure 6 show the fluctuations and seasonal trends of water levels in two wells in the shallow aquifer system in northeast Florida. Part A of the figure shows a hydrograph of the semi-daily water levels in well 040-127211A, at Fernandina Beach, and a bar graph of the daily rainfall at Fernandina Beach in April 1961. The graphs show the effect 4o local rainfall on the water level in the well. For example, the :ise in water of more than 1 foot on April 15 reflects recharge o the aquifer from a rain of 2.70 inches the same day. The overall ecline in the.water level between April 20 and 30 reflects depletion f water in the aquifer system by the pumping from other shallow 'ells in the area and by the lack of rainfall after April 16. Part B of figure 6 shows a hydrograph of the water levels in ,-ell 017-136-241B and a bar graph of the monthly rainfall at acksonville between February 1961 and December 1962. As iown graphically, the water level in the well generally declined


22 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WELL 040-127-211A, Fernandno Beach S(Shdio aquawer) Dally rainfall at Fernondino Beach S 5 a ;8 9 10 I 12 1314 15 16 1l8 19 2021 2332425 26?7 2829 APRIL 1961 WELL 017-136-2418, Imile eas of Jacksonville (Shallow aou1ler) 3BMAR APR MAY J JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC r , 1961 1962 Figure 6. Graphs showing rainfall at Fernandina Beach and Jacksonvill,! and the water levels in well 040-127-211A at Fernandina Beach and wel! 017-136-241B near Jacksonville. even during periods when the rainfall increased. For example rainfall during June and July 1962 was almost 7 inches greatei than during the same period in 1961; however, the water leveh in the well were about 2 feet lower in June and July 1962 thar during the same period in 1961. The decline in water level wa irregular and generally months of greater rainfall resulted ir


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 23 slightly higher water levels. This general decline in water levels was partly a result of a deficiency in total rainfall during 1961 ltnd 1962 compared to rainfall in 1960. However, as indicated by the lower water levels during periods of increased rainfall, the decline was caused partly also by increased pumping from more shallow wells in the area. WATER SUPPLIES Water in the shallow aquifer system is generally obtained from two separate aquifers: (1) from surficial sand beds and (2) from a limestone, sand, and shell zone near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. Some water for lawn irrigation, stock and domestic use is obtained from the surficial sand deposits by using "surface" sandpoint wells constructed of galvanized casing from 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter. The casing is either driven or jetted 10 to 30 feet below the surface to put the well screen below the water table. The yields of the surface wells differ in different parts of the area, primarily because of lateral changes in the water-transmitting character of the aquifer. In most of northeast Florida, typical surface wells 11/4 inches in diameter yield between 10 and 15 gpm (gallons per minute). However, some wells in relatively thick and permeable beach sands along the coast yield as much as 25 gpm. Most of the water from the shallow aquifer system is obtained near the base of the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. Water is obtained from this aquifer by "rock" wells, generally 2 inches in diameter and 50 to 150 feet deep. The casing is either driven or jetted to the top of the aquifer and the bottom of the casing is left open. An open hole is then drilled into the aquifer below the casing and water enters the well throughout the entire length of the open hole. Typical 2-inch "rock" wells throughout most of northeast Florida yield 15 to 20 gpm. Locally, where the aquifer !s ielatively thick and composed of permeable limestone or shell, : 2-inch well may yield as much as 80 gpm. A few 4-inch rock wells n Jacksonville and a few 5-inch wells in Fernandina Beach yield 0 to 80 gpm. Water from the surficial sands generally contains iron (Fe), ,hich gives it a pronounced taste and stains plumbing fixtures. ;urface wells .near brackish water are in danger of contamination 'y lateral encroachment of such water. Water from the "rock" vells is generally of good quality and suitable for most domestic, crigation,' and industrial uses.


24 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The shallow aquifer system presently supplies only small to moderate amounts of water to small-diameter wells. However, properly constructed large-diameter gravel-packed wells in the shallow sand aquifers may be capable of supplying large amounts of water. The shallow aquifer in northeast Florida could become an important source of water to supplement the supplies that are presently obtained from the Floridan aquifer system. Although the areal extent of the relatively thick aquifer at the base of the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits was not determined by this study, it appears to underlie most of the area. It is possible that this shallow aquifer could be artificially recharged locally with surface water. When the aquifer is not completely saturated, rainfall stored in shallow surface reservoirs could percolate downward into the aquifer to replace the water discharged from shallow wells. FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM The Floridan aquifer system is the principal source of fresh water in northeast Florida; therefore, most of the information collected and studied during this investigation was concerned with this aquifer system. It includes part or all of the Oldsmar, Lake City, and Avon Park Limestones, the Ocala Group, and a few discontinuous, thin aquifers in the Hawthorn Formation that are hydraulically connected to the rest of the aquifer system. The Floridan aquifer system is separated from the shallow aquifer system by the extensive aquiclude in the Hawthorn Formation and in the Pliocene or upper Miocene deposits. Water in the Floridan aquifer system is artesian. PERMEABLE ZONES The water-bearing zones within the Floridan aquifer systen consist of soft, porous limestone and porous dolomite beds. Thte hard, massive dolomite and limestone are relatively impermeable and act as confining beds that restrict the vertical movement o'! water. Where the confining beds are continuous for a considerabl( distance, they isolate these water-bearing zones. The Ocala Group is one homogeneous sequence of permeable hydraulically connected marine limestone beds that contain fev hard dolomite or limestone beds to restrict vertical movement of' water. The Avon Park Limestone consists almost entirely o2


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 25 h,trd, relatively impermeable dolomite beds that restrict the vertical movement of water between the overlying and underlying permeable zones. The Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones each contain alternating hard, relatively impermeable dolomite confining beds and soft, permeable limestone and dolomite water-bearing zones. The separation of the permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system in the vicinity of Jacksonville is indicated by the difference in artesian pressure at different depths in the aquifer system. Figure 7 shows hydrographs of three wells located within 40 feet of each other and drilled and cased to different depths within the Floridan aquifer system. The lowest artesian pressures were recorded in well 026-135-342C which is open to the top 250 feet of the Ocala Group. The highest artesian pressures were recorded in well 026-135-342B which is open to about 175 feet of the Avon Park and the Lake City Limestones. The water pressure in this well was between 0.5 and 1.5 feet higher than that in well 026-135342C between January 1960 and February 1963. This difference in pressure suggests that the zones supplying water to these wells are isolated from each other. Well 026-135-342A, drilled to 1,390 feet and cased to 584 feet below the surface, is open to permeable zones in both the Ocala Group and the Lake City Limestone. The artesian pressure 1-1 ts than 40 11S__B__ C -1400 I-I D 800 .17 --------------------S 000wf^i------------------1200 _I 026-135-3426 B J F MA U J J AS ON DJ F MAM JJ A 5 ON 0 J F AM J I A S 0 N 0 J F MAM JI 1960 1961 1962 1963 ,igure 7. Iydrographs and geologic data from wells 026-135-342 A, B, and C, about 4 miles northeast of Jacksonville. and C, about 4 miles northeast of Jacksonville.


26 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY measured at the well head reflects the pressure in the permeable zones in the Lake City Limestone modified by internal dissipation into the Ocala Group, where the pressure is lower. This internal dissipation of water within wells that penetrate more than one aquifer in the Florida aquifer system was indicated by current-meter traverses in wells 019-124-210, 021-141-423, 026135-342A, and 038-127-324, as shown in figures 8 and 9. Water moved from permeable zones of higher artesian head to those of lower head when the flow was shut off at the well head. In all wells the water moved upward, and, except in well 021-141-423, the water moved from lower formations into the Ocala Group. These zones ..... ..D-s o i el i a, nd ........ d t r-1 l .---D u-4l -.n. ..1 -... ..' I I, o ,, ,,I , 9 . Figure 8. Diagrams showing geologic and current-meter data from wells in Duval County.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 27 Arll019-124 210 RevoluAimoE per meue of currenl meter w " " OOluJd nlouty 1 g400 00 ' m Tm If'kw , / "--'r inter\ol5 400|__o \-I_ Se4 I rm <-D V ' * 03 2 C4 T&A g Ollons per minute r 100 ," _ I 0L a ,top m vlulo o V . l o Larl x03(m 40, 200 0(m) 4000 002___ 0-: := ..-.--0 1 00pn -14 ge .I 1 I 03 e1 4 S I 1 0 1.i | --" : T; Fbwn i p a u 0 w n s 3 0 0'o oilnspoor ml , l 1200 u 00 -->0 ----raw on p 620am' A al and Nassau counties. Slln.4a'(e"Ioco .fl 623 9p.) (2000oc. „r al arr t r rno il 0 00 100 000 2pI0 6200 Z= 00 0 5000o 100OOO aarm 400. CALIBRATION PWH piý, in .mi e, nm1e Moximum flnow between inlervals, in 400 '0 gollons per minute " 30 0 , t00I a l rpn aeolmi Sapin S000 lo OO f1 %."n gel.,I Pir meet.1 Pigure 9. Diagrams showing geologic and current-meter data from wells in IDuval and Nassau counties.


28 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY containing water under different artesian pressure are separated by hard, relatively impermeable limestone and dolomite beds within the aquifer system. CURRENT-METER STUDIES In order to determine the depth, thickness, and relative yield of the different water-bearing zones or separate aquifers within the Floridan aquifer system, current-meter traverses of several wells in the area were analyzed by flow-distribution curves. The relative velocity of the water at different depths in a well was determined from current-meter traverses. The actual rate of flow of water at different depths is calculated by the formula q = av, in which q is the quantity of water per unit time, a is the crosssectional area of the well at a given depth, and v is the mean velocity of water at that depth as indicated by the current meter. Because the cross-sectional area of a well bore is not the same at all depths below the casing, relative velocity graphs are insufficient to determine q. The flow-distribution curve is constructed from the velocity graph by connecting the points of maximum velocity on the graph. The velocity is a maximum where the diameter is a minimum, which is generally where the resistant hard limestones and dolomites occur. Inasmuch as the minimum diameter of the well is about the diameter of the bit used in drilling the well, the diameter of these zones can only be equal to or greater than the diameter of the bit. The flows calculated at these hard zones using the bit diameter will be equal to or less than actual flow. Therefore, these zones, which are all assumed to have the same diameter, are utilized as markers in constructing flow-distribution curves. The configuration of the curves also depends on the geologic characteristics of the formations penetrated by the well. Figures 8 and 9 show the geologic data, relative velocities, flow distribution, and relative yield or loss of water between regular intervals of the Floridan aquifer system for six wells in Duval and Nassau counties. The flow-distribution graphs were drawn by determining the rate of flow from the flow-distribution curves for each well at approximately 100-foot intervals below the casing. The increase or decrease in the rate of flow over each interval indicates the quantity of water that entered or left the well bore within that interval. The current meter was calibrated in each well to convert relative velocity to rate of flow by recording


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 29 he revolutions per minute of the meter while water flowed or was pumped at different rates, or by recording the revolutions per minute of the current meter in two casings of different diameters in each well while the rate of flow was kept constant. The flow-distribution curves and bar graphs for wells 021-139222, 021-141-423, 025-143-220, and 026-135-342A indicate at least two separate permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system. One zone is in the Ocala Group at depths between the bottom of the casing in each well and about 800 feet below land surface. The other zone is in the Lake City Limestone at depths between about 950 feet and 1,200 feet below land surface. These two zones are separated by about 100 to 200 feet of hard limestone and dolomite, mostly in the Avon Park Limestone but also at the base of the Ocala Group and at the top of the Lake City Limestone. Within this impermeable zone little or no water enters the wells. A third permeable zone occurs within the Lake City Limestone between about 1,250 feet below the surface and the bottom of wells 021-141423 and 026-135-342A. This third permeable zone is separated from the overlying permeable zone by about 100 feet of impermeable hard limestone and dolomite in the Lake City Limestone. As shown by the flow-distribution curves and the bar graphs in figures 8 and 9, the yield of water from the permeable zones in the Ocala Group is considerably less than that from the other, deeper zones. Generally, less than 30 percent of the total water produced from each well comes from the Ocala Group. In well 025-143-220, less than 200 gpm of the 4,800 gpm produced by natural flow is from the Ocala Group. The major water-bearing zone in the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville is in the Lake City Limestone at depths between about 950 feet and 1,200 feet below land surface. As shown by the flow-distribution curves and the bar graphs in the figure, this zone yields 50 to 98 percent of the water produced by each well. In wells 021-141-423 and 026135-342A, the flow-distribution curves and bar graphs show that about 15 to 20 percent of the water from each of these wells comes from the aquifer in the Lake City Limestone at depths of more than 1,250 feet below land surface. In well 019-124-210 at Atlantic Beach, the water-producing zone between 1,100 feet and 1,290 feet below land surface in the Lake City Limestone can be correlated with the major waterproducing zone in the Lake City Limestone in the vicinity of Jacksonville. In well 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, the waterbearing zone between 1,300 feet and 1,700 feet below land surface


30 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in the Lake City Limestone can be correlated with the two aquifer;: in the Lake City Limestone penetrated by the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville. The confining beds separating the two zones in the Lake City Limestone in the vicinity of Jacksonville are absent in Fernandina Beach. The flow-distribution curves and bar graphs of well 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, show that there is another permeable zone in the Floridan aquifer system below the Lake City Limestone, in the Oldsmar Limestone. This zone, which is separated from the overlying zone in the Lake City Limestone by relatively impermeable dolomite beds in the Oldsmar Limestone, yields about one-third of the water produced in the well. It has not been penetrated by any of the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville. Information obtained while wells 019-124-210, at Atlantic Beach, and 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, were being drilled indicates that in both wells the Ocala Group yielded water before the deeper water-bearing zones were reached. However, currentmeter traverses made in both wells after they were drilled indicate that the Ocala Group does not yield any water to the wells, but instead, much water from zones of higher artesian pressure in the Lake City Limestone and Oldsmar Limestone flows through the well bore into zones of lower artesian pressure in the Ocala Group. As shown by the flow-distribution curves and bar graphs in well 019-124-210 when there was no flow of water at the surface, about 1,600 gpm entered the Ocala Group through the well bore from the zone in the Lake City Limestone; and when flow was 5,000 gpm at the surface, about 500 gpm entered the Ocala Group. In well 038-127-324, when there was no flow of water at the surface, about 700 gpm entered the Ocala Group through the well bore from the deeper zones; but when the well flow was 623 gpm at the surface, 650 gpm entered the Ocala Group; and when the well flow was 1,900 gpm at the surface, only about 350 gpm entered the Ocala Group. The great difference in artesian pressures within the Floridan aquifer system in well 019-124-210, at Atlantic Beach, and well 038-127-324, at Fernandina Beach, and to a lesser extent in wells in the vicinity of Jacksonville, indicate that in these areas the confining beds are extensive and the zones are separated and somewhat isolated from each other. Presently, the deeper zones yield more water, under higher pressure, than the zones in the Ocala Group. However, as additional wells are drilled or deepened into the deeper zones, internal leakage within the well bores and


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 31 vithdrawal of water from the lower aquifers will probably equalize ihe pressures in the upper and lower zones. WATER SUPPLIES Wells in the Floridan aquifer are generally cased to the top of the aquifer, which in most areas is the top of the Crystal River Formation. The wells are then completed without casing into the Floridan aquifer system so that water may enter the open hole from the various water-bearing zones penetrated. The diameter of the casings ranges from 2 inches in small domestic wells to as large as 20 inches in some industrial wells. The approximate depth to the top of the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties is shown in figure 5. The figure also shows contours on the top of both the Crystal River Formation and the Avon Park Limestone. Exact depths to the top of the Floridan aquifer system can be computed for any specific locations in the area by using the contours on the top of the Crystal River Formation in figure 5 in conjunction with the land-surface altitude. The Ocala Group is the first permeable zone in the Floridan aquifer and its thickness may be determined at any specific location in the area by comparing the contours on the top of the Crystal River Formation and on the top of the Avon Park Limestone. This thickness added to the depth below land surface to the top of the Floridan aquifer system and the approximate thickness of the Avon Park Limestone, taken from the geologic cross sections (fig. 4), is the approximate depth to the major water-producing zone in the Lake City Limestone. The yield of wells in northeast Florida depends greatly on the depth of the wells. Wells drilled into the deeper zones in the Floridan aquifer system generally yield more water than those drilled only into the shallower zones. Table 4 shows the artesian flow and pressure in five Jacksonville municipal wells recorded before and after each well was deepened to penetrate the major water-producing zone in the Lake City Limestone. In each well there was a considerable increase in yield by natural flow and in artesian pressure after the wells were deepened. Wells 020-139-413 and 020-139-322, in central Jacksonville, originally penetrated about 520 feet of the Floridan aquifer system, which includes the permeable zones in the Ocala Group and the top of the permeable zone in the Lake City Limestone. After these wells were deepened


TABLE 4. Artesian flow and pressure in five Jacksonville municipal wells before and after each well was deepened. Depth of well Flow Pressure (feet) (thousand gpd) (lb/ft2) Amount Well number Before After deepened . and location deepened deepened (feet) Before After Incr Inrease Before After Increase 018-189-281 1,048 1.307 259 1,985 3,420 1,435 15 18 1 Cedar St. between Flagler and Naldo Sts. 018-142-211 1,040 1,246 206 1,914 4,338 2,424 15 1/ 17I., 2 Corner of Plum and Shearer Sts. 020-189-822 1,009 1,249 240 468 1.000 1,432 6 14 9 C1 Corner of Fourth and Pearl Sts. 020-189-413 1,039 1,244 205 647 1,988 1,341 8 15 7 Corner of Third and Silver Sts. 021-141;423 1,050 1,356 306 1,732 2,707 975 10 11% 1% Corner of Fairfax and 20th Sts.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 33 lo penetrate about 750 feet of the aquifer system to include most ;f the second permeable zone in the Lake City Limestone, the ;irtesian flow increased about 300 and 400 percent, respectively, a:nd the artesian pressure virtually doubled. The yield of wells in the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties depends upon well construction, the artesian pressure head, and the water-transmitting capacity of the zones penetrated by the well. The average yield by natural flow of typical small domestic wells between 2 and 6 inches in diameter is generally less than 500 gpm. However, some 6-inch wells yield as much as 1,000 gpm. The average natural flow of wells between 8 and 12 inches in diameter is generally less than 2,000 gpm. In some 10and 12-inch-diameter wells in the deeper zones the natural flow may be as much as 5,000 or 6,000 gpm. Some industrial wells between 14 and 20 inches in diameter in Fernandina Beach and in the vicinity of Jacksonville are equipped with deep turbine pumps and continually yield 4,000 to 5,000 gpm. RECHARGE AND DISCHARGE The general areas of recharge and discharge and the direction of ground-water movement were determined by constructing a contour map on the piezometric surface. A piezometric surface is an imaginary surface to which water from an artesian aquifer will rise in tightly cased wells that penetrate the aquifer. The ground water moves from recharge areas, where the piezometric surface is relatively high, to discharge areas, where the piezometric surface is relatively low, in a direction approximately perpendicular to the contour lines. Figure 10 shows a generalized map of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer in Florida. The principal recharge area of the aquifer system in northeast Florida is the area marked by a piezometric high in western Putnam and Clay counties and eastern Alachua and Bradford counties. Within this recharge area water enters the Floridan aquifer through breaches in the aquiclude caused by sinkholes, by downward leakage where the aquiclude is thin or absent, and directly into the aquifer where it is exposed at the surface. From this recharge area, the piezometric surface slopes toward discharge areas. In Duval and Nassau counties, water is discharged from the Floridan aquifer system primarily by numerous wells that penetrate the aquifer, system. There is


34 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY87* 8as 85' 84" 83*. 444 , EXPLANATIONZ71\ X. \-,n /1e Flordon equif' July 6,.17, '9 . of wh p**ameis a ece, penlswltu ly In w s of heavyt Io Ilv* . to 62iti w r wou l" 80is tly sd'Figure I0. Map of Florida showing the generaltzed piezometrii surfacA..of the Florida alu 17. 9.if-er.I Olw p o ic sw c, particeularly in ara of ay vicukdd ilat1ly an j a0 cntaed pcha lting ht nma se Is .Figure 10. Map of Florida showing the generalized piezometric surfaceof the Florida aquifer.~~icc ~_200i5Osc / / .t2 Talsan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Issa 3 c~ y 10 'ayia~eab.Q ,ac'SYa,' 82 ~SIFigure 10.Map of Flrida showig thegenralize pizmti ufcof~! th lrdaaufr


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 35 probably natural discharge from the aquifer system into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of northeastern Florida. Artesian pressures rise in response to recharge and decline in response to discharge. Water levels in wells close to recharge areas show more response to rainfall than those further away. The reduction of artesian pressure induced by a discharging well decreases with distance from the well. The effect of variations in discharge on artesian pressure head in wells in Duval and Nassau counties is shown in figure 11. Well 019-140-421 is near the center of the discharge area at Jacksonville. The monthly municipal pumpage at Jacksonville compared with the hydrograph for well 019-140-421 shows that as the pumpage increases the artesian pressure in well 019-140-421 declines, and vice versa. Seasonal fluctuations of more than 10 feet are common, particularly during the late spring and summer when municipal pumpage is greatest. Well 033-150-242 is at Callahan, more than 20 miles from the heavily pumped areas at Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. At this distance from the center of the discharge area, the seasonal fluctuations due to pumping are small and do not mask the fluctuations in response to recharge by rainfall. A comparison of the average monthly and annual rainfall at three stations in the recharge area with the hydrograph of well 033-150-242 shows that periods of relatively high and low artesian pressure in well 033-150-242 generally occur about 6 months after corresponding periods of high and low rainfall. This lag probably indicates the time necessary for the rainwater to leak into the Floridan aquifer system. The greatest declines in artesian head in well 033-150-242 occurred during the years of least rainfall and the greatest increases in head occurred during years of highest rainfall. It is possible that pumpage at Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach, both more than 20 miles from this well, also affect the rise and decline of artesian head to some extent. The effects of discharge in northeast Florida on the piezometric surface of the artesian aquifer system are shown in detail in figure 12. As artesian pressures are continually changing, the altitude and configuration of the piezometric surface in 1962 shown in this figure are only an approximate representation of the surface. The closed contour lines at Fernandina Beach and in the vicinity of Jacksonville (fig. 12) indicate depressions in the piezometric surface. These depressions, termed "cones of depression," are a result of well discharge which lowers the artesian


36 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEYWELL 019-140-421, near center of30 -pumping oa Jocksonvllle at Collahon, more lhon 2Om:cscc------------r-------20SMunicipl pum e JckXPLAonvill ON WELL 033-150-242,of Collan, more Ion on 20mils_ . used a tom Ctne r 1 ot mpin SBl~ding diol continu l 1.-r-k, -d t_,0 is 20 30 40 00 ..44 2056 ' 19581 5 " '0and 033-150-242, to pumping and precpitation, Jacksonvlle area Fla... .Blonding dis-ontinudFigtue 11. Graphs showing relation of water levelsin wells 019-140-421land 033-15i0-242, to pumping and precipitation, Jacksonville area, Fla.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 37 head, thus creating a hydraulic gradient toward the points of discharge. In Jacksonville, the altitude of the piezometric surface within the center of the cone of depression is less than 20 feet above sea level and the hydraulic gradient toward the center of the cone is irregular. The slightly steeper gradient on the west side of the cone indicates recharge to the aquifer system from the west. The north-south elongation of the cone of depression may indicate that recharge from the west is partially blocked in the aquifer by the geologic fault. (See figs. 4 and 5). The cone of depression is partly prevented from expanding to the west of the fault and, therefore, expands to the north and south of the center of discharge. About 3 miles northeast of Jacksonville, at Eastport, withdrawals by industrial wells have created a relatively small cone of depression. In this area, the altitude of the piezometric surface has been depressed to about 30 feet above sea level. Along the coast, east of Jacksonville, discharge from municipal and private wells has lowered the piezometric surface to less than 40 feet above sea level. The most pronounced depression in the piezometric surface shown on figure 12 is at Fernandina Beach, where it is below mean sea level over an area of about 15 square miles and is more than 15 feet below sea level over about 3 square miles of the area. As shown by the configuration of the 40-foot contour line in central Nassau and north-central Duval counties, the piezometric surface has been depressed as far as 20 miles southwest of the center of the cone of depression by discharge from wells at Fernandina Beach. The steeper hydraulic gradient on the east side of the cone may indicate either recharge to the aquifer system from that direction or rocks with better water-transmitting properties east of the center of the depression. AREA OF FLOW Figure 12 also shows the approximate areas of artesian flow .n northeast Florida in May 1962. Artesian wells flow where the piezometric surface stands higher than the land surface. As shown )n the figure, artesian flow occurs principally .on the low coastal plain in eastern and central Duval and Nassau counties. Areas on the coastal plain in which the wells will not flow are on high sand ridges east of Jacksonville, where the land surface is higher than the piezometric surface, and in the vicinity of Jacksonville


38 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY and Fernandina Beach, where the piezometric surface has been depressed below land surface by discharging wells. In the hilly uplands in western Duval and Nassau counties and in Baker County, artesian flow occurs only in wells along some stream valleys. Because the altitude of the piezometric surface is continuously changing, the area of flow shown on figure 12 is only an approximation of the area of flow at other times. The greatest changes in the areas of flow occur in the vicinity of Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach, where the piezometric surface is about the same as the land surface. A slight decrease or increase in the altitude of the piezometric surface considerably reduces or increases the area of flow in these areas. WATER USE All the public water and most of the industrial and private water supplies in Duval and Nassau counties are obtained from wells developed in the Floridan aquifer system. PUBLIC WATER USE Jacksonville is one of the largest cities in the world to obtain its entire water supply from deep artesian wells. The city uses water from 46 wells whose depths range from about 1,000 to 1,500 feet. Water from seven well fields in the city is pumped into seven elevated reservoirs. In 1962 they produced an average of 38 mgd as compared to 27 mgd in 1950. In addition to municipal wells, there are about 100 privately owned water utilities in the vicinity of Jacksonville, each of which has at least one artesian well. Their combined yield is estimated to average 15 to 20 mgd. Jacksonville Beach uses an average of about 2 mgd of water that is obtained from seven wells ranging in depth from 600 to 1,000 feet. Each naval facility in the area has its own water system. U.S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, uses water from 12 wells between 400 and 1,096 feet deep, which produce an average of about 31/½ mgd. Cecil Field Naval Air Station in western Duval County uses an average of about 700,000 gpd obtained from five wells that range in depth between 800 and 1,350 feet. U.S. Naval Station, Mayport, uses an average of 11/½ mgd from two wells about 1,000 feet deep.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 39 Fernandina Beach uses about 1 mgd of water that is supplied I y six wells ranging in depth between 700 and 1,200 feet. Other small towns in the area, such as Hilliard, Callahan, 1;,aldwin, Atlantic Beach, and Neptune Beach, each use water from at least one well drilled into the Floridan aquifer system. INDUSTRIAL WATER USE The greatest industrial use of ground water in Duval and Nassau counties is for the processing of wood pulp. In Fernandina Beach, Rayonier Pulp and Paper Inc. uses an average of 32 mgd from 11 wells that range in depth from 1,050 to 1,400 feet. Container Corp. of America uses an average of 21 mgd from six wells between 930 and 1,865 feet deep. In the vicinity of Jacksonville, St. Regis Paper Co. uses an average of 18 mgd from eight wells between 1,350 and 1,400 feet deep. Other industries in the area that have their own water-supply system from the Florida aquifer system include chemical and paint manufacturing, dairies, laundries, icemaking, shipbuilding and food processing. Many of the larger industries use 5 to 10 mgd. COMMERCIAL AND PRIVATE WATER USE Many of the larger commercial buildings and stores have their own wells, which produce water for drinking, heating and cooling, kitchen and toilet, lawn irrigation, and washing. For example, May-Cohens Department Store and the Prudential Life Insurance Building in Jacksonville each uses an average of 60,000 to 80,000 gpd from wells about 750 feet deep. Numerous private wells, generally 6 inches or less in diameter and less than 750 feet in depth, are scattered throughout Duval and Nassau counties, particularly near Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. These wells provide water for drinking, lawn irrigation, and swimming pools. The amount of water produced by all the wells in the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties was estimated on the basis of a general survey of the water used by municipal and private water utilities, major industries, large commerical buildings, and individual well owners. It is estimated that an average of 150 to 200 mgd is discharged from wells in the vicinity of Jacksonville and 50 to 70 mgd from wells at Fernandina Beach.


40 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DECLINE IN ARTESIAN PRESSURE Artesian pressure has been measured periodically in northeast Florida in 7 wells since before 1934, in 18 wells since 1938, and in 4 wells since 1951. Hydrographs of a few selected wells in Duval and Nassau counties, shown in figures 13 and 14, show the seasonal fluctuations and the long-term trends of the artesian pressure head. All the hydrographs show an irregular but continual decline in artesian head. The greatest declines in artesian pressure are in wells closest to the center of the cones of depression in Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. In wells 038-127-344 and 040-126-332 at Fernandina Beach, artesian pressure declined 50 to 60 feet between 1939 and 1963. In wells 018-143-234 and 018-140-123 at Jacksonville, artesian pressure declined about 12 to 22 feet between 1946 and 1963. Long-term changes in artesian pressure throughout northeast Florida from 1940 to 1962 and short-term changes from July 1961 to May 1962 are shown by contours and cross sections in figure 15. As shown by the contours in the figure, there has been a general decline in the piezometric surface throughout northeast Florida of about 10 feet to more than 25 feet between 1940 and 1962 and from less than 2 to more than 10 feet between July 1961 and May 1962. The cross section of the piezometric surfaces in the figure show that the general slope of the piezometric surface has remained approximately the same except in the vicinity of Jacksonville and Fernandina Beach. In these areas the cones of depression in the piezometric surface have been deepened and considerably enlarged. The general decline in the artesian pressures in Duval and Nassau counties is attributed primarily to a great increase in the use of artesian ground water in the area and to a lesser extent to relatively long-term declines of rainfall on the recharge areas in northcentral Florida. Figure 16 shows the average annual rainfall at three stations in the recharge area and the annual discharge of artesian water by municipal wells in Jacksonville from 1940 to 1962. The annual discharge by the city wells is only a fraction of the total amount of artesian ground water discharged by all wells in the Jacksonville area. However, it serves as an index to determine the trend of ground-water discharge. As shown by. the bar graphs in the


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 41 2 -_. -._---S mi i ulhes of Jocmom ile 28-------.. ,3 P',.t I | ! I/ \I ! I T! I I I W I ' ''ELL SM533 24 20 r4--.-.. 12 0-t 1 -I 1 WELL 015-145-330 , 5 m lesnoh of l os onf lle S 1 940 1945 10 15 1 96 _96 ----. -.--e--cj _ -1 zj:i43:l WELL 01-0-3, in Joc{onville 3 -----i 1 31 I 45 ------3 Gi -WELL 028-137-334, 4 -i-in wOt lefn pio of Jacksonville ----_ V -II 281-----i· 20 1940 194 1950 955 960 96 Figure 13. Hydrographs of selected wells in Duval County.


42 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY I WELL 037-130-330 36 3 miles southwest of 32 ! i ! ' 3milessouh Fernandino Beach 16I 4 L24 40 ' I WELL 0376-42-443 12 4!---· --L. CL -1. ..-i~-:---^-^--^4 -,o o ----t---~--------4-.-.{-.jI----s 2 -4l ____ -_____ I !i-i J i -i I _-S36 .. -I .--j. .-... _ --in central Nossou county g~ .28 '--·----1-;--i---~^;-)----·--4--j -^^ -L; SI I WELL 038-127-344, -32 1.5 miles south of SFernondino Beach 2 .... .... .__ of Fernandino Beach Jt -4-28 S94045 1950 5 1960 196 Figure 14. Hydrographs of selected wells in Nassau County.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 43 A-A w"' I r AsIlk B U N vA.U COUNT y B S »o --Ij --sowu -ct * I 50 _ --I I-to May 1962.


44 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 54.29 INCHES 0 60 1940-1962) ZZ 60O 1 z 1 ln 5 ES I ° 40 -to _940-962) Figure 16. Graph showing annual discharge of artesian water by municipal wells in Jacksonville and average annual rainfall at three weather stations in the recharge area. figure, pumpage from city wells progressively increased from about 5 billion gallons in 1940 to almost 14 billion gallons in 1962. A comparison of the rainfall and discharge shown in figure 16 with water levels in wells shown in figures 13 and 14 indicates that between 1940 and 1957 artesian pressures declined even during years of above-average rainfall. This decline was probably due to the progressive increase in the use of ground water. A combination of below-average rainfall and greatly increased discharge during 1954, 1955, and 1956 resulted in the rapid decline of artesian pressures during those years and the low artesian pressures ia l 1956 and 1957. From 1957 to 1960, above-average rainfall and nearly constant discharge resulted in a slight rise of artesiar, pressure. However, a decrease in rainfall and steady increase in discharge during 1961 and 1962 caused a rapid decline of artesian pressure in 1962, to the lowest of record in most wellc in northeast Florida. The amount of decline in artesian pressure in northeast Florida varies in the different zones within the artesian aquifer system. Three wells near Jacksonville, 026-135-342A, B, and C, are within 40 feet of each other but product from three different zones. Well -he elJerJcsnil,06-3-4A B n ,aewti 40 eto ahohrbtpoutfo he ifrn oe.Wl


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 43 45 C was developed in a shallow zone, well B was developed in a middle zyne, and well A was developed in both of these zones plus a third, (deep-lying zone (fig. 7). In these wells the trend of artesian pressures is the same, because the different zones are interconnected through well A, but the artesian pressure in well C, which is developed in the Ocala Group, is always considerably less than the pressure in the other two wells, which tap the deeper zones. In areas where there is little or no interconnection by wells between the zones in the artesian aquifer system, the difference in decline of artesian pressure in the different zones is even more pronounced. Figure 17 shows hydrographs of wells 038-127-324 and 038-127-142 at Fernandina Beach which are located about 2,000 feet from each other near the center of the cone of depression. The artesian pressures in both wells are drawn down by the many discharging industrial wells in the area, Well 038-127-142 taps only the permeable zone in the Ocala Group and well 038-127-324 taps that zone and the deeper zones in the artesian aquifer system. As shown by the figure, between November 1960 and October 1961 the artesian pressure in well 038-127-142 ranged from only 11 feet above msl to 3 feet below msl, -j 1j40 SWell 038-127-324,tapping permeable zones from the Ocala Group to the Oldsmor Limestone S30 0 Total depth=l,826 W -Delow land surfcZe; M cased to 567 0 9 20 LAND SURFAC i Well 038-127-142, topping permeable zones only in the -e nd 1 cola Group, SSEA / z LEVEL / Total deptlhlpO' < / below land surface; L) ' cosed to 560 NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT 1960 1961 Figure 17. Graphs showing the artesian pressure in two wells at Fernandina Beach.


46 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY while during the same period the artesian pressure in well 038-127324 ranged from 40 to 22 feet above msl. In addition, water in well 038-127-324 remained higher than the land-surface datum while water in the surrounding shallower artesian wells was drawn down below the land surface. The use of artesian water can be expected to increase and the artesian pressure will continue to decline; however, the amount of decline within a specified period is beyond the scope of this report. The rate of decline will be faster during years of belowaverage rainfall than during years of normal or above-normal rainfall, and the pressure may even increase during years of above-average rainfall. However, if the rate of discharge in northeast Florida continues to increase, eventually the artesian pressure will probably decline even during cycles of above-average rainfall. The decline in artesian pressure in Duval and Nassau counties alone is not a serious threat to the availability of water in the area. At the present rate of decline, approximately 0.5 to 2.0 feet per year, it would take 100 to 400 years to lower the water 200 feet in most wells in the Floridan aquifer. This does not mean that the wells would then cease to yield water but merely that they would not flow at the surface, and that they would require pumping to yield water at the surface. A much greater danger than lowered pressure is that highly mineralized water would enter the zone of reduced pressure, either vertically from deeper highly mineralized zones in the aquifer system or laterally from the ocean, and contaminate the existing fresh-water supplies in the aquifers. QUALITY OF WATER The chemical character of ground water depends largely upon the type of material with which the water comes in contact and upon mixing with other water. Rainfall is only slightly-mineralized when it first enters the ground; but as it moves through the ground, it dissolves mineral matter from the rocks it contacts. Table 5 shows analyses of water from wells that do not penetrate the Floridan aquifer system in the area and table 6 shows analyses of water from wells that do penetrate the Floridan aquifer. The dissolved chemical constituents are expressed in parts per million; 1 ppm is equivalent to a pound of dissolved matter in a million pounds of water; specific conductance is expressed in reciprocal ohms (mhos); hydrogen-ion concentration is expressed


TABLE 5. Analyses of water from aquifers overlying the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau countiis. Source of analysis: (1) Container Corp. of America; (2) Florida State Board of Health; (4) Southern Analytical Laboratory, Jacksonville. (Chemical analyses in parts per million except pH and color.) Hardness Si as CaCO, S(total) a a 0 | DUVAL COUNTY 6-28-58 185 .. .1 46 10 .. -188 0 6 .7 210 158 7.5 5 (2) 01 ell-8-100 10-0-58 0100 .1. ... 5 .... .. 0 0 1 .154 .1 () 11--number ...... .. .. .... .. 151 10 11 .19 1 7.1 5 () DUVAL COUNTY 28018-5818540 180 ..... 2.1 ... 46 11 ....-... .240 .10 6 .20 202 7. 5 (2) 016-17-100 10-0-58 2000 .... ... ........ 132808 0 19 .... 18 .1 200 124 7.1 5 (2) 0 021-186-400 8-14-50 90 ...... 0.2 -o89 11 .... ... ...176 0 11 .1 195 142 7.6 5 (2) z 021-142-100 66-58 80 ..... 8.0 ... 68 12 .... .... .... 224 17 19 .25 280 216 7.8 100 (2) 028-129-880 48-57 200 ...... 0.07 .... 86 5 .... .... .. 146 6 16 .15 146 112 7.5 5 (2) 2-20-59 200 ...... .06 .... 42 8 ... .... .... 189 2 15 .15 1652 138 7.4 10 (2) 024-141-840 6-27-49 70 ...... ...... .. 46 12 .. .... -.... 156 0 8 ...... 265 165 8.1 ..... (2) NASSAU COUNTY 028-150-100 18-87 201 100 0.0 26 4 8 .. ... .... 0 0 17 ...... 840 270 .. .... (4) Na + K + CO, 17 ppm 028-156-100 6-28-87 06 96 .20 22 104 15 .... .... .... 0 96 10 ...... 444 823 ... ...... (4) Na + K + CO, = 29 ppm 040.127-211 111-56 93 ...... .3 26 ...... ...... .... .... .... ...... 66 .... ...... 290 188 7.0 ...... (1) „ _____ ___ J. ___ ___ ___ ,_ _ __ ^. _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ ___ _____ _ __ .__ ._ _......... ____ _ .__ .-


48 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in standard pH units; and color is in units defined by the standard platinum cobalt scale. In all analyses determined by the Florida State Board of Health, the total dissolved-solids content was found by weighing the residue after the water had evaporated at 1030 to 1050 C and in all other analyses the total dissolved-solids content was found from the residue after evaporation of the water at 1800C. QUALITY OF WATER IN THE SHALLOW AQUIFER SYSTEM Water in the shallow aquifer system is generally not as hard and contains less dissolved mineral matter than water from the Floridan aquifer system in the same area. The sulfate content is generally negligible and the amount of magnesium is considerably smaller than the calcium content. The iron content of water from the shallow aquifers is generally greater than that from the Floridan aquifer system in the same area. In some parts of northeast Florida, the chemical composition of the water from both the shallow aquifer system and the underlying Floridan aquifer system is similar. For example, the water in both the shallow and Floridan aquifers is similar in western Nassau County, where the Floridan aquifer is closer to the recharge area and the water is not as highly mineralized as in the central or eastern part of the area. The water in both aquifer systems is similar in sections of eastern Duval and Nassau counties, where water from the shallower aquifers has been mineralized by mixing with bodies of brackish surface water or sea water. Water from the shallow aquifers is generally suitable for domestic use and for most industrial uses. Because it contains relatively few impurities, it does not generally require treatment though it occasionally contains enough iron to impart a bad taste and to stain household equipment, clothes, and buildings. Iron can be removed from water by aeration or chlorination followed by filtration. QUALITY OF WATER IN THE FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM The chemical analyses of water from 50 selected wells that penetrate the Floridan aquifer system in the area (table 6) show that the quality of the water varies according to location, depth of the aquifer sampled, and date of sampling.


TABLE 6. Analyses of water from the Floridan aquifer in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties. Source of analysis: (1) U.S. Geological Survey; (2) Florida State Board of Health; (3) Black Laboratories Inc.; (4) Commercial Chemists, Inc.; (5) Southern Analytical Laboratory, Inc.; (6) St. Regis Paper and Pulp Co.; (7) Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory; (8) Rayonier Inc.; (9) Permuit Co. Dissolved solids: Residue at 1030C State Board of Health analyses. Residue at 1800C for all other analyses. (Chemical analyses in parts per million except pH and color.) .-._________-___ .-.-----------------------------------------0 Hardness SasCaCOU g DUVAL COU a TY OS.008-180 .810 .6162 858 .. o2 ...... ........ ................ 12, 187 1 8 ,8185400 ) 8610 .10 o87 .188 21 00 61 1 (2 1942 900 ..0217 20 .... .124 27 6.5 163 122 20 .... NA + K = 7.6 ppm 1-18-54 .02 14 27 12 8.1 .00 124 22 .5 .14 117 15 258 7. : 00815-188-280 10 6-10-4251,18758 .,. .. .. 8 o ........ .2...... ..... 172 1587 o .1 -. 47850 -.... ....... -0 -(1)F 6-18.62 1,187 757 .00 21 75 81 14 2.3 .00 166 176 16 .8 .0 .... 477 314 186 684 7.6 5 1) cased off 1-17-68 87 757 .00 8 ...... ........ ...... 00 161 184 8 ...... 447 14 184 .7.6 2)


TABLU 0, (Continued) cnlrdnelsSI as CaCO,IJ~ 2 1 8 ) 13 S ) jI z r I of016-188-814 8-1362 1,284 470 .00 22 74 21 14 2.0 .00 16 154 15 .7 .0 442 300 165 065 7.7 5 (1)016-145-280 2-2261 1,000 400 .5 1 85.7 15.7 .. 384.6 14.2 .6 -228 154 83 .... 7.7 (4) Na + K = 7 ppm017-12-440 108.56 400 .938 .... 76... 1 193 20 5 -. 548 8 7.3 (2)4-11-58 400 -.1 -77 4 -... 19 19 .7 .572 884 7. 5 (2)017-138413 6-28-39 785 524 .008 19.4175 1 .-.00 1C3 210 10 .45 .. 490 812 178 8.2 1 (5) Na + K = 25 ppm017o88-142 8-1842 1,500 -.00 21 75 80 18 1.9 .00 156 168 16 .8 .0 448 310 182 684 7.7 5 (1)017.168480 10-29-42 70 483 -19 31 12 _--137 22 8 -. .170 127 15 -(8) Na + K = 9.0 ppm11. -50 760 488 -26 40 20. -20 18 38 -. .. . 263 182 _ 7.1 -(8) Na + K = 27 ppm017-158-110 1-16-63 680 -.1 -34 14 -129 12 25 .45 .. 232 144 88 7.0 (2)018.124.222 9-24.41 622 882 .12 23 72 36 12 8.4 .00 190 14 .7 .30 455 824 ..(1) , 08186-241 1-1042 685 508 0,55 -.. 66 28 -.16 146 15 -... .8 79 272 -.7.5 5 (2)1 3-3160 1,848 504 --. -12 0.00 164 11 --42 820 186 61 7.8 (11019.124.210 872 1,800 407 .4 -55 26 -188 158 27 0.65 .450 248 98 _ 7.6 10 (2)019.189.280 927-41 655 491 1.9 21 79 88 11 8.2 .00 151 209 14 .7 0.00 468 82 . (1)9-810 666 491 --1 --.00 71 -12 100 47 0 169 7.0 (1)020.139.448 9-27-41 1.250 -. ... 27 61 238 -178 96 16 .... .8325 246 -... . (1)5-20-50 1,250 .. .. 60 22 -190 3 14 3.. -348 240 7.6 (1f8140120 ..... .... .00 188 .... I8 ..... .349 244 90 519 7.6 20 (1)S8.2941 1,20 .... .1 6 20 0 22 14 1.0 0 187 87 17 .7 .0 873 240 87 504 7.9 5 (1022-180-112 12 462 1.000 462 .2 .... 64 26 .... ... .190 19 . .412 270 114 ... 7.6 10 (219 1 -66 41 .I014 7. 1,()


025-126-281 9-26-41 840 450 .0 78 36 47 .00 86 42 4 ..05 574 330 .... ... .... ... 025.138-210 6341 92 660 .02 .. 56 24 ....... .00 189 64 20 ...... .0 262 238 15 (1) Na + K = 5.2 ppm 19-43 992 660 .10 26 76 24 197 72 4 ..-308 289 .7.2 ..(1) 5-20-50 992 660 .08 27 65 24 ..... 204 98 22 .317 236 -.7.4 -(1) Na + K = 6.4 ppm 6-10-58 992 660 .07 -65 22 -..16 63 26 .45 .-8392 232 98 ..7.8 5(2) 26-136-342A 10-20-55 1,398 584 -20 66 28 ..._ .00 166 67 -. .... _. 318 258 -. -7.9 (6) 6-13-62 1,3983 84 0.25 20 80 22 17 2.00 .00 140 48 22 .6 .0 -254 166 51 385 8.0 6 (1) 26-185-842B 10-20-5 700 450 .0 27 60 25 ---162 69 --.. -322 252 -7.7 (6) 6-18-62 700 450 .01 18 63 22 17 1.2 .00 200 48 21 .7 .0 -310 222 5 38 8.0 5 (1) 26-185-342C 10-20-55 1,025 860 .5 28 61 24 ..00 164 67 ---.320 22 .7. -(6) Crystal River Fi. 6-1862 1,026 850 .00 1.6 11 4. -.00 54 0 .90 45 0 166 8.0 5 (1) cased of 026-146-420 9.10-42 658 -.6 31 57 25 -200 84 23 --1 245 --7.25 -(3) Na + K = 18 ppm 028-187-334 11. 8-52 500+ .1 30 58 .9 .-188 2 18 .-212 136 7.8 -(7) NASSAU COUNTY 028-056-480 9-20-50 650 -. -83 83 12 -... .42 1.3 22 ---348 258 -.. .. (3) Na + K = 25 ppm 038149-140 94-59 600 0.11 -61 33 -192 53 25 0.55 .-503 290 132 7.8 10 (2) 800 0 037-186-122 9.10-42 1,000 450 .60 85 68 37 -200 148 28 -46 309 7.3 -(2) Na + K = 22 ppm 2 038-126-820 6-25-87 1,208 572 .40 -64 37 ._ 198 177 88 -.. ... 312 7.2 ... (2) Na + K = 37 ppm S.80-0 1,2083 72 -34 68 38 I 1 168 30 .478 326 .. .7.5 2) Na + K = 25 ppm 4-17-56 1,203 572 .... .79 35 I 158 -34 ..-504 343 -.... (2 126-56 1,208 6 _5 _ 64 88 141 23 .-504 317 ( (21 87-67 1,203 572 -.... -67 37 .145 24 679 319 (2 8-20-57 1,203 572 .0 .68 4 ... .. 197 153 27 .5 471 300 138 7.4 5 (2 4-1-59 1,203 572 .0 69 34 .-.. ... .. 192 134 29 .65 464 316 158 7.3 5 (2) 038-127-324 4-17-46 1,826 667 -178 86 30 644 1,955 790 ---(8) 126-56 1,826 567... 166 96 8._ .... 375 687. .-. 2,475 808 _ 87571,826 67 163 ... '355 770 -.-2,805 58 .... 38-7-68 1,826 567 ... 170 94 364 790 _. 2,375 812 -.. -(8) 121-58 1,826 567 .. .168 104 379 865 _ -2,365 849 .... -8 3-10-59 1,826 5617 -170 101.. 372 860 _ 2,748 841 .(8) 6-18.59 1,826 567 .-.. 172 105 382 960 .. 3.0951 864 .. --(8) 9. -59 1,826 567 170 101 403 864 .... 3.050 841 (8 6-13-62 1,100 567 .02 30 212 100 688 10. .. 180 400 1,150 .7 0.0 .3,020, 940 793 4,490 7. 5 (1) Plugged back, but ._ plug leaking. Y 0186-121l C


TABLE 0, (Continued) SHardnessu SaCacO, 87-5 1,700 45 2 85 1 4 ... 6 ...... . 54

87-58 1,054 549 -.68 36 157 87 520 318. -8) 121-58 1,054 5491 -68 49 ........161 41 500 72 8-10-69 1,054 5491 --65 88 -... 1 41 __ 518 318. __ 6-18-69 1,054 549 _ __ 66 40 165 38 -562 382 93-59 1,054 549 _ .. 65 38--.182 88 .. -653 820 040-127-482A 9-28-37 1,100 -.32 22 60 44 .... 195 159 ..... ... 380 7.83 2) Na + K = 19 ppm 9-27-49 1100 -.0 -82 5 205 162 0 -570 50 -7.4 -(2) Na + K = .14 ppm 4-2-0 1,100 .01 4 66 39 204 160 36 --467 326 -7.3 -(2) Na + = 27 ppm 5-15-59 1,100 -.04 61 34 .. ... 192 224 29 524 296 7.4 -(2) 040-127-482B 9-27-49 1,025 500 0.10 -80 85 205 161 80 -520 334 __ _ 7.4 -(2) Na + K = 16 ppm 42501,025 500 .0 34 69 41 204 168 84 .46 338 7.3 -(2) Na + K = 28 ppm 41-69 1,025 500 .0 .72 42 .. .190 158 83 -. 520 356 7.3 (2) 040127-4320 9-28-37 781 540 .31 22 60 44 -195 19 33 .380 Total -7.8 -(9) Na + K = 19 ppm S4-2-50 781 640 .01 833 71 39 -200 166 -480 334 170 -(3' 41-59 731 540 .06 72 28 .202 144 29 0.656 09 300 184 -7.4 5 (2 040-127-432D 41-59 1,205 550 .09 -77 40 192 157 88 .655 6570 360 202 -7.3 5 (2) 041-126-388 6-13-62 1,961 1,828 .04 382 88 42 43 2.7 0.0 186 198 76 .7 0.0 -715 392 240 928 7.7 5 (1) Ocala Group cased off 041-165-421 42-59 857 -.17 69 34 -_ 185 188 82 .56 467 314 162 7.4 5 (2) W 042-125-888 5-15-59 800 500 .06 6 7 --192 228 86 .55 -. 688 344 186 -7.5 5 (2) 042-127-844 6-15-59 800 650 .0 -72 32 190 198 3 .66 .. 535 316 160 -7.5 5 (2) 042-127448 6-15-59 800 520 .06 -72 34 .. 180 193 82 .. _ 552 320 --i. 7.8 -, (2) S044-141-480 42-59 --.17 -75 37 --.202 155 82 .50 -501 340 174 1. 7.4 10 (2) 1 BAKER COUNTY 014-208-400 4-16-59 650 600 -. 40 23 .. 11 65 14 0.45 202 19 72 7.7 (2) '016-207-120 1-31.68 700 460 .. .86 17 .... 148 less 25 .5 217 16 8 _ 7.6 (2) than,


54 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Generally, water from wells closer to the recharge area is not as hard, and contains less mineral matter than water from wells farther away. As shown in table 6, except in the vicinity of Fernandina Beach, the total hardness as CaCOQ of water from the Floridan aquifer system in the area ranges from 117 ppm in well 013-153-240, in southwestern Duval County to 336 ppm in well 008-130-310, at Bayard. The dissolved-solids content ranges from 90 ppm in well 026-135-342C near Jacksonville to 574 ppm in well 025-125-231 in eastern Duval County. In the vicinity of Fernandina Beach, in eastern Nassau County, the quality of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system varies considerably with depth or with the aquifer sampled (Leve, 1961b). Water from the deeper wells is more mineralized than water from the shallower wells. In well 040-127-432C at Fernandina Beach, which is 731 feet deep, the water contained 300 ppm hardness as CaCO, and 509 ppm dissolved solids on April 1, 1959. In well 040-127-432D, which is 1,205 feet deep and about 100 yards away from well 040-127-432C, the water contained 360 ppm hardness as CaCO:, and 570 ppm dissolved solids on the same date. The date of sampling generally makes only a slight difference in the quality of the water, except in the deeper wells in the vicinity of Fernandina Beach where changes in the quality of water are caused by large variations in the piezometric head. As shown in table 6, water from well 038-127-324 at Fernandina Beach. 1.826 feet deep, ranged in hardness (as CaCO,) from 790 to 864 ppm and in dissolved-solids content from 1,960 to 3,100 ppm between April 17, 1956, and June 18, 1959. This well was plugged back to 1,100 feet in depth in 1962 and as shown in table 6, the hardness of the water increased to 940 ppm and the dissolved-solids content was 3,020 ppm. An indication of the quality of water below the Eocene formations is given by the analysis of samples of water' from oil-test well 044-156-100 in western Nassau County. The well was drilled to 4,800 feet and samples of water were taken from 2,205 to 2,230 feet within the Cedar Keys Formation, of Paleocene Age. The hardness of the water was 9,660 ppm and the dissolved-solids content ranged from 64,300 to 100,900 ppm. The chloride content ranged from 33,600 to 60,200 ppm, which is 11 times to more than twice the chloride content of sea water. Except in a few deep wells in Fernandina Beach, water from the Floridan aquifer system in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 55 is suitable for domestic use and for most industrial uses. However, locally, one or more of the chemical characteristics of the water exceed the maximum limit of concentration recommended by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1962). Some of the more important of these chemical characteristics are discussed below. CHLORIDE Most of the water tested in the area contained less than 30 ppm of chloride, which is well below the maximum limit of concentration suggested by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for public supplies. However, water from well 038-127324, in Fernandina Beach, contained between 644 and 1,150 ppm of chloride (table 6). Such large quantities of chloride in ground water in areas where the content is generally much lower indicate contamination by saline water, which will be discussed in detail in the section "Salt-Water Contamination." DISSOLVED SOLIDS The dissolved-solids content of water shown in tables 5 and 6 is the residue of mineral matter left after evaporation of the water and is an indication of the degree of mineralization of the water. Water that contains less than 500 ppm of dissolved solids is usually satisfactory for domestic use. In the wells sampled in Duval County, only well 025-125-231 contained water with more than 500 ppm of dissolved solids. Many wells in Nassau County contain water with more than 500 ppm of dissolved solids. However, only the deeper wells in Fernandina Beach contained water with extremely large amounts of dissolved solids. HARDNESS There are two types of hardness in water: (1) carbonate harness caused mainly by calcium and magnesium bicarbonates and (2) non-carbonate hardness caused primarily by sulfates, chlorides, and nitrates of calcium and magnesium. Water with a hardness of more than 100 ppm as CaCO., which is present in all wells tested in the area, may be classed as hard to very hard. Hardness of water retards the cleaning action of soaps and forms a precipitate or scale on plumbing fixtures, boiler pipes, and


56 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY utensils when the water is heated. Carbonate hardness can easily be removed from the water by heating or by common soda-ash or lime-soda softening processes. Noncarbonate hardness is more difficult to remove, but it can be reduced by certain commercial softening processes. HYDROGEN SULFIDE GAS Although the water samples shown in table 6 were not analyzed to determine the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas present, most of the water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in the area has the sulfur odor indicative of this gas. Hydrogen sulfide has a corrosive effect on plumbing and it is undesirable in drinking water. It can be removed easily from the water by simple aeration or by natural dissipation to the atmosphere from an open tank or pool. SALT-WATER CONTAMINATION Most of the water used in Duval, Nassau, and Baker counties is from the Floridan aquifer system, and hence the following discussion will include salt-water contamination of only that system. In northeast Florida as well as other parts of Florida, salt water is present within the Floridan aquifer system. In most areas this salt water entered the aquifer system during past geologic time when the sea stood above its present level, or the salt water was trapped within the rocks when they were deposited. Subsequently, fresh water entered the aquifer system and diluted or flushed out most of the salt water. The salt water that remains where the flushing was not completed is a source of contamination of the fresh ground water. About 91 percent of the dissolved-solids contentof sea water consists of chloride salts. The chloride content of ground water, therefore, is generally a reliable indication of the extent to which normally fresh ground water has become contaminated with sea water. Water samples were collected from most of the wells that were inventoried and were analyzed for chloride content. From many wells, water was sampled periodically to determine if the chloride content had changed. The maps of figures 18 and 19 shown the chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in northeast


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 57 Florida in 1940 and in May 1962. As may be seen, the chloride content of the water is lowest close to the recharge area in southern Duval County and in Baker County, and progressively higher away from the recharge area toward the north. A comparison of both maps shows that the chloride content of the water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system has increased since 1940. In 1940, wells throughout all of southwestern Duval County and eastern Baker County contained water with a chloride content of less than 10 ppm, and the chloride content of water from wells sampled in Duval County did not exceed 20-29 ppm. In 1962, only one well in south-central Duval County contained water with a chloride content of less than 10 ppm, and wells near the mouth of the St. Johns River and near the center of the cones of depression at Jacksonville and Eastport contained water whose chloride content was over 30 ppm. In 1940, the chloride content of water from wells sampled in Nassau County did not exceed 30-39 ppm, except possibly in wells north of Hilliard. In 1962, the chloride content of water from wells north of Hilliard and near the center of the cone of depression at Fernandina Beach was 40 ppm or more. Water in the deep wells at Fernandina Beach had the highest chloride content shown in figure 20, ranging from 53 to 1,180 ppm in May 1962 in wells more than 1,250 feet deep. A comparison of the maps in figures 18 and 19 with the map of change in artesian pressure in figure 15 shows that the increase in chloride content of water from the Floridan aquifer system in northeast Florida can generally be correlated with the decline of artesian pressure in the area. In most parts of eastern Baker County and western Duval and Nassau counties, where the artesian pressure has declined less than 15 feet since 1940, the increase in chloride content has been small. However, in the cones of depression at Jacksonville, Eastport, and Fernandina Beach where the piezometric surface has declined more than 15 feet since 1940, the increase is greater, particularly in the deep wells near the center of the cone of depression at Fernandina Beach. Table 7 shows the chloride content of water from wells that penetrate the Ocala Group and from wells that penetrate formations deeper than the Ocala Group in Duval and Nassau counties between the years 1940 and 1962. In Duval County and in most of Nassau County, the chloride content of water from wells that penetrate the Ocala Group and from wells in deeper formations has increased only slightly, 2 to 14 ppm. However, in the vicinity of Fernandina Beach, the chloride content of water from wells


58 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SA 00' 1 A s . EXPLANATION ' * Well 165 Chloride contoen(ppr) m4, 40 404i 0pth at wIll 0 A& UFERNANDIA A 1040 1490 0 2 miles Figure 20. Map showing the chloride content of water from deep wells at Fernandina Beach, May 1962. that penetrate formations deeper than the Ocala Group has increased at a faster rate. Between 1952 and 1962 the chloride content of water in wells 039-127-821 and 089-127-114 at Fernandina Beach approximately doubled, and that in well 038127-324 at Fernandina Beach increased to more than four times the amount measured in 1952. Figure 21 shows graphically the increase in chloride content of water from four wells at Fernandina Beach that penetrate formations deeper than the Ocala Group. The increase was only slight between 1955 and 1962 in well 089-128-241, which is 1,054 feet deep and penetrates the Ocala Group and the top of the Avon Park Limestone, and in well 039-127-114, which is 1,700 feet deep and penetrates the Ocala Group, the Avon Park Limestone, anc the Lake City Limestone. The chloride content of the water increased much more rapidly in well 038-127-324, which is 1,826 feet deep and penetrates the Ocala Group, the Avon Park Limestone, the Lake City Limestone, and a part of the Oldsmar Limestone, and in well 041-126-333A, which is 1,961 feet deep and open to the Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones. In well 038-127-324 it increased 1,820 ppm, from 550 to 1,800 ppm. '


TABLE 7. Chloride content of water, in parts per million, from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in Duval and Nassau counties. ' Well SWell depth Cased p number ( (feet) 1940 1948 1950 1952 1958 1954 1955 1956 195 95 1959 1960 1961 1962 WELLS IN THE OCALA GROUP Duval County 011-141-141 408 252 1 --------... -.12 ----. ---12 ---018-135-230 625 461 14 15-18 -----..------------.-_ .15-20 17-22 17-21 015-141-111 600 470 10 1011 14-18 15 017-126-232 550 480 ----17 22 20 018-123-123 585 57 -14-20 .. _ 20 ..... 24 019-182411 762 509 15 17-18 -..... .... .-.-1;8 _14S -1... I.. 019-140421 785 14---14-2 2-7 217 020-186484 690 560 --;__ -__-.14 1 21 ---20 020-144430 630 500 11It---------14 ..-. ..----1'-17' v ~ 021-123-13 75 .----------18 -22 2, ---29 023-125-142 510 13---------22-23 --024-136-138 800 -18 18 ----------.21 --024-144-820 625 500 -i 18 ----.. .----. ---19 ---20 025-141300 725 500 11 _---1-*i_-9_____19 __-_ 24 026-126423 455 -19 19---------20-.----4 ----------25 026-134540 658 21 ----------------.29 .-1 2.;. -27 028-13722 24.. 17-19 16-12 .. .... 11-2 ICA


TAIsL 7. (Continued) Well Well depth Ced number (teet) (feet) 1040 1948 1950 1952 1953 1954 1055 1956 1967 1958 1095 1960 1961 1962 Nassau County 082-12f-142 680 -2 -.-23 ..-.._ _ 23 28 ., _ 0838150-242 580 -2 28-20 .---.-830-32 29.32 81-32 S035.127-310 580 350 25 26.31 so-....___ ____ 3_ 0 26-31 0 5-127.830 540-.----26 7 -27____ ___ 560 037.126-214 --28 28 ------29 ---3-86 39 -.-. 037-129.242 678 -27 .... .--. .27 -28 30 __ -31 0 087180-380 540 504 27 28 -.---.33 29-32 29-82 30.31 087-142-430 569 -24 24.26 -------. .24-27 26-30 28.30 089-127-120 750 -26 -. ----_______ __ _ 3233 34 089-1-81.B -----------29 30 33 040-127-211 900 580 -. .... ---____ 54-58 2-56 -32 36 S040-138410 600 -29 ........ ......__________________ 35 33 88 042-126-333 300 650 32 _____ _____ __________________ -________ 640_______ 40 042-127-448 800 55340 282 ...., 30so... 32-33____ __ 34 0 2-12 4 8 8 0 0 5 81 l 2 .-I I -.8 0 ....... 8 2. 8 .. WELLS IN FORMATIONS DEEPER THAN THE OCALA GROUP Si Duval County S09-189.230 650 .15 ..22 '013-14141 1,015 318 9 6----..-_ ,_ __ 10 __ .14


TABLE 7. (Continued) Well Well depth Cased number (feet) (feet) 1940 1948 1950 1952 1958 1954 195 196 197 1951 8 1959 1960 1961 1962 ,019-140-241 785 --14-16 -----__________14-22 26-37 21 020-189-448 1,250 -17 ------------. --._____ _____ _____ _____ -22 24 2 021-188-121 1,060 548 18 ---. ..-------.. ----28 21 021-141-414 1,058 580 16 .is-. ._____ -18 -19 026-185-842A 1,898 584 -------. _____ ----24-26 24-27 24-29 Nassau County 037-186-122 1,000 450 -30 28 ... .0 30-32 33 088 -126-820 1,208 572 -------27 290 -088-127-824 1,826 567 -_ .... .420-450 480-580 560-630 644-687 770 790-866 860-1,060 1,550-1,690 1,870-1,780 1,180-1,800 089-127-844 1,820 545 --104 106-127 -99-107 112 112-127 121-140 128-181 143-166 168 Z 089-127-821 1,840 561 ------656-68 70-77 77-85 82-96 89-90 99 102-116 109-130 113-122 125-139 140 089-127-114 1,700 546 ----82-88 36-43 40-43 37-43 38-44 47 47-52 50.55 66-60 51-58 56 " 089-128-181 1,065 550 -30 30-32 30-32 35 32-40 33-37 34-40 32-37 82 089-128-241 1,054 549 30 ----30-35 29-.32 26 38-40 35-38 36-37 83-36 )40-127-482A 1,100 -29 -__ 36 ... .. -26-290 040-127-482B 1,025 500 30 84 -. _______ 33-35 ____ -.35 41.126-388A 1,961 1,3281 -.--. .-74-89 91-97 41-126-88338B 1,404 560 -.----------* .142-148 112-118 ... .120 152-161 150-165 I-,


62 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 039-128-241 2S_____________ I ________-________-______-_-________-________-__----_ 25 _________ ---____, ____ 0O3-127-114 50 crsed ?45' 40O 300 I5 ----0--0---^--------. ----041-127-33 24 90 To=tal I' pl61e S80----------_-1 S.^o -------------,---_ J 60 _______ *p_____ Cosd I28' IOU 195 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 Figure 21. Graphs of the chloride content from selected wells at Fernandina Beach that penetrate formations below the Ocala Group. The increase in chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system and the decline in artesian pressure indicate that salt water is gradually moving into the zones of reduced pressure and contaminating the existing fresh-water supply. However, the relatively low chloride content of water samples from most wells in the area indicates that serious contamination is restricted at present to a few *deep wells at Fernandina Beach. The rapid increase in these deep wells shows that the contamination is proceeding at a faster rate in the deeper aquifers in the Floridan aquifer system in this area. Water samples collected at depths between 2,205 and 2,230 feet in well 044-156-100 near Hilliard (p. 77), show that highly saline water is present in the deeper aquifers in Nassau County. The fresh water has a lower density than the saline water and will remain above the saline water if it is undisturbed. When thp fresh water is withdrawn from the aquifer system, the salt water


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 63 will cone up and enter the zone of reduced pressure by vertical migration. However, analysis of water samples taken at different depths in wells at Fernandina Beach gives evidence that all or some of the contamination of water in deep wells is by lateral migration from a salt-water zone or zones within the upper part of the Floridan aquifer system. Figure 22 shows graphically the chloride content of water samples collected at various depths during the construction of wells 038-127-324 and 041-126-333A at Fernandina Beach. Water enters well 038-127-324 from the Ocala Group, and the Avon Park, Lake City, and Oldsmar Limestones, but in well 041-126-333A the Ocala Group, Avon Park Limestone, and part of the Lake City Limestone are cased off and water enters the well only from part of the Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones. The chloride content of water found in both wells in a zone at the bottom of the Avon Park Limestone and the top of the Lake City Limestone ranged from about 100 ppm to about 430 ppm. The water was considerably fresher immediately above and immediately below this zone, which indicates that water in this zone is isolated from water in the rest of the aquifer system. Although the maximum chloride content of the water in this zone was about 150 ppm in well 038-127-324 and 430 ppm in well 041-126-333A when the wells were constructed, the rapid increase with pumping (fig. 21) suggests that salt water is entering the zone. Therefore, this zone is probably a source of salt-water contamination of the .fresh water in wells at Fernandina Beach. Discharging wells that are drilled into the Lake City and Oldsmar Limestones and are open to this zone may induce lateral migration of relatively saline water into the wells. Uncontaminated fresh water can be obtained from below if salt water is prevented from entering the well bore by casing off this zone. The graphs in figure 22 also show that the chloride content of water from both wells gradually increased below about 2,000 feet. This indicates that salty water is present below this depth also and wells drilled deeper than 2,000 feet in Fernandina Beach will probably encounter highly saline water. Except at Fernandina Beach, no wells in the area have been drilled sufficiently deep to encounter salt water, and none of the wells drilled into the Lake City Limestone have encountered the salt-water zone at the base of the Avon Park Limestone and the top of the Lake City Limestone. However, as more fresh water is withdrawn from the aquifer system and the artesian pressure


0 Woll 038.i27.314 well 041. 26-333 A CRYSTAL RIVER FORMATION e900_ WILLISTON FORMATION _ INGLIS FORMATION o1200 AVON PARK LIMESTONE LAKE CITY LIMESTONE z 1800OLDSMAR LIMESTONE ! 2100, j 0_ -o -2100 0 0 ile 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 SCHLOI CONTENT, score CHLORIDE CONTENT, IN IN PARTS PER MILLION PARTS PER MLLION 2400 Well 038-127324 semwles token ItrugJh dill stem durhi drilling Well 041-126.533 sorrnles oken wikth bader during dnar g Figure 22. Graphs of the chloride content of water at different depths in wells in the Floridan aquifer system at Fernandina Beach.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 65 continues to decline, more salt water may migrate either vertically or laterally, or both vertically and laterally, into the fresh-water zones in the upper part of the aquifer system. Then the fresh water will become progressively saltier until, eventually, it may become unsuitable for domestic and most industrial uses. It is possible to retard or even to prevent vertical and lateral encroachment of salt water by properly spacing wells and controlling discharge rates to avoid excessive drawdowns. The confining beds in the Avon Park, Lake City, and Oldsmar Limestones will retard or even prevent vertical movement of water in the aquifer system in most of the area. However, if these relatively impermeable beds are penetrated by a well, any salt water present will move upward at a faster rate. Therefore, caution should be taken in developing the deeper water-producing zones in the aquifer. More detailed information on the geologic and hydrologic characteristics of these deeper zones and the depth to salt water needs to be obtained before there is any extensive development of these zones. Such information will insure proper development of the deeper zones in the aquifer and lessen the possibility of salt-water contamination. SUMMARY Water supplies in northeast Florida are obtained almost entirely from ground-water sources. The rocks usually penetrated by water wells are thick limestone and dolomite beds of Eocene age which underlie the surface at depths ranging from 300 to 550 feet below msl. These rocks, in ascending order, are the Oldsmar Limestone; the Lake City Limestone; the Avon Park Limestone; and the Inglis, Williston, and Crystal River Formations which compose the Ocala Group. The limestones of Eocene age are )verlain by the Hawthorn Formation, which is composed of beds 'f clay, phosphatic clay, sandy clay, phosphatic sand, limestone, :nd dolomite of early and middle Miocene age. The Hawthorn :ormation is overlain by beds of calcareous silty clay, limestone, .hell, and sand of late Miocene or Pliocene age and of Pleistocene :tnd Recent age. A fault extending along the St. Johns River in Duval County lisplaces the top of the limestones of Eocene age a maximum of .bout 125 feet. West of the fault the top of the Avon Park :imestone dips northeastward about 16 to 20 feet per mile.


66 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The shallow aquifer system, which is 300 to 550 feet thick in the area, extends from the surface into the Hawthorn Formation. The aquifers within the system consist of relatively discontinuous, porous limestone, shell, and sand lenses within the Hawthorn Formation, the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits, and the Pleistocene to Recent deposits. The aquifers are recharged directly by local rainfall and by downward infiltration of water from shallower aquifers in the system. The aquifers in the shallow aquifer system most utilized by wells in the area are the surficial sand beds and a relatively continuous limestone, shell, and sand zone at the base of the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits. As the thickness and lithology of these aquifers vary both vertically and laterally, the amount of water available from them depends on the location and depth of the well. Generally, the surficial sand beds yield about 10 to 25 gpm, and the aquifer at the base of the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits yields between 15 and 20 gpm to small-diameter wells. As more information is obtained on these aquifers, it may be possible to determine the proper location and construction of wells to obtain more water. It may also be possible to recharge artificially one or more of the aquifers so that more water is available to wells. These aquifers may become a major source of ground water, particularly if the water in the underlying Floridan aquifer system becomes contaminated by salt water. The Floridan aquifer system, which is composed primarily of limestones of Eocene age, is the principal source of fresh water in northeast Florida. The top of the Floridan aquifer system, which ranges from 300 to 550 feet below msl, is overlain by an aquiclude of relatively impermeable clay, sandy clay, and dolomite beds in the Hawthorn Formation and in the upper Miocene or Pliocene deposits that separate it from the shallow aquifer system. Current-meter studies and information obtained while wells were being constructed indicate that there are at least three separate permeable zones within the Floridan aquifer system in northeast Florida. The first zone includes all the formations of the Ocala Group and, locally, limestone at the base of the Hawthorn Formation and at the top of the Avon Park Limestone. In the vicinity of Jacksonville, the second zone is in the top part of tie Lake City Limestone, and the third zone is within the Lake City Limestone, below a depth of about 1,200 feet. However, in Fernandina Beach, the Lake City Limestone contains only ore permeable zone, and a third zone is present below the Lake City


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 67 Limestone in the Oldsmar Limestone. These zones are separated by hard, relatively impermeable dolomitic limestone and dolomite beds. Water is generally under higher artesian pressure in the lower zones than in the Ocala Group. The deeper zones yielded 50 to 98 percent of the total amount of water from the wells tested in the vicinity of Jacksonville, and water was lost into the zone. in the Ocala Group from the deeper zones in the well tested at Fernandina Beach. The yield of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system in the area depends largely upon the depth, the well construction, the artesian pressure, and the transmitting properties of the permeable zones. The natural flow of wells 2 to 6 inches in diameter is generally less than 500 gpm, and that of wells 8 to 12 inches in diameter is generally less than 2,000 gpm. As much as 4,000 or 5,000 gpm may be pumped from some wells larger than 12 inches in diameter that penetrate to the second or third permeable zones. Water enters the Floridan aquifer system in north-central Florida through breaches in the aquiclude by sinkholes, by downward leakage from surface bodies of water or from shallower aquifers where the aquiclude is thin or absent, and directly into the aquifers where they are exposed at the surface. The water moves generally northeastward through the aquifer system into northeast Florida, where some of it is discharged artificially through numerous wells, and some is probably discharged naturally into the ocean off the coast. Cones of depression have formed in the piezometric surface in northeast Florida as a result of discharging wells which lower the artesian head and create a hydraulic gradient toward the discharging wells. Major cones of depression have developed in Duval County at Jacksonville and Eastport and in Nassau County at Fernandina Beach. The piezometric surface has been depressed to less than 30 feet above msl at Jacksonville and to nrore than 15 feet below msl at Fernandina Beach. In parts of Duval and Nassau counties where the piezometric surface is higher than the land surface, the wells that penetrate t ie Floridan aquifer system will flow. The size of the area in Shich artesian flow will occur varies greatly with only slight c ianges in the elevation of the piezometric surface. Public water supplies in the vicinity of Jacksonville are c -tained from 46 municipal wells and more than 100 private utility vwells that are drilled into the Floridan aquifer system. The smaller


68 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY towns in the area and the three large Navy facilities also obtain water from the Floridan aquifer system. The three major paper manufacturers in the area, many other industries, and a number of the larger commercial buildings have wells in the Floridan aquifer system. Many private residences also obtain water from wells in this aquifer system. The total amount of water discharged by artesian wells is estimated to average from 150 to 200 mgd in the vicinity of Jacksonville and from 50 to 70 mgd at Fernandina Beach. Water-level records show an irregular but continual decline in artesian pressure in the area. The greatest decline is in wells in the shallower permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system near the centers of the cones of depression. At Fernandina Beach, artesian pressure declined 50 to 60 feet during the period from 1939 to 1963, and at Jacksonville, artesian pressure declined 12 to 22 feet during the period 1946 to 1963. The piezometric surface declined 10 to 25 feet in all of northeast Florida during the period 1940 to 1962. During the period July 1961 to May 1962, the piezometric surface fell 1 to 10 feet because of below-normal rainfall and increased withdrawals of artesian water. Artesian pressure in the area will continue to decline if withdrawals of water continue to increase. However, the decline of artesian pressure does not pose an immediate threat to the availability of water in the area. A much greater danger is that highly mineralized water will enter the zone of reduced pressure and contaminate the existing fresh water in the aquifers. Water from most wells in the shallow aquifer system and in the Floridan aquifer system is suitable for domestic use and for most industrial uses. Water from wells in the shallow aquifer system is generally softer, contains less dissolved mineral matter and more iron than water from wells in the deeper Floridan aquifer system. Wells in the Floridan aquifer system closest to the recharge area in southwestern Duval County generally coritain softer water with less dissolved mineral matter than wells in the central and northern parts of the area. In the vicinity of Fernandina Beach, there is considerable variation in the quality of water from wel s of different depths in the Floridan aquifer system. Water from the deeper wells is harder and contains a higher dissolved-solics content than water from the shallower wells. The chloride content of water from wells in the Floridan aquifer system ranges from less than 10 ppm in the southwestern part of the area, where the piezometric surface is highest, to more


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 69 than 40 ppm in wells less than 1,250 feet deep, and to more than 1,180 ppm in some wells more than 1,250 feet deep at Fernandina Beach, where the piezometric surface is the lowest. Except in some of the deeper weels at Fernandina Beach, the increase in chloride content of water from most wells in the area ranged from 2 to 14 ppm during the period 1940 to 1962. In many of the deeper wells at Fernandina Beach, the chloride content of water increased about 20 to 1,320 ppm between 1955 and 1962. The increase in chloride content of the water from artesian wells correlated with the decline of artesian pressure indicates that salt water is gradually moving into the zones of reduced pressure and contaminating the fresh-water supplies. At present, serious contamination is limited to a few deep wells at Fernandina Beach, where salt water is migrating laterally into the aquifer from a highly mineralized zone at the base of the Avon Park Limestone, and vertically from highly mineralized zones more than 2,000 feet below land surface. Contamination of the fresh water will increase in northeast Florida if the artesian pressure continues to decline. Further contamination can be retarded and even prevented if, in the future, wells are propertly spaced and their discharges controlled in a manner that prevents excessive lowering of the artesian pressure. The impermeable beds and the higher water pressure zones in the Avon Park Limestone, Lake City Limestone, and Oldsmar Limestone presently prevent upward coning of salt water from the lower part of the Floridan aquifer system. Careful well construction and proper development of these aquifers should be employed to keep these natural barriers effective. Contamination in some of the deep wells in Fernandina Beach may be retarded by casing off the highly mineralized zone at the base of the Avon Park Limestone. FUTURE STUDIES Many topics essential to completing the study of the groundeater resources of northeast Florida are beyond the scope of this ivestigation. The findings from the following investigations to omplete this study will be reported in the future. 1. A detailed investigation of the shallow aquifer system, )articularly the aquifer at the base of the upper Miocene or 'liocene deposits, to determine its potential as a primary or upplemental source of water. This investigation will include test


70 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY drilling to determine the areal extent and thickness of the aquifers and pumping tests to determine their water-bearing properties. 2. Quantitative permeability investigations of each of the separate permeable zones in the Floridan aquifer system to predict the results of using water from the deeper zones and to determine the best method of developing these zones without causing saltwater intrusion. This investigation will include pumping tests to determine the water-transmitting and water-storing capacities of each of these zones and mathematical and graphic analyses of the aquifer system. 3. An investigation to determine the relation of water-level declines to the amount of water being discharged from the Floridan aquifer system in order to predict future declines. This investigation will include continued measurement of water levels and a detailed inventory of wells in the area to determine more exactly the amount of water being used. 4. An investigation to detect any increase or spread of saltwater contamination in the area. This will include continued sampling and chloride analysis of water from wells throughout the area. If possible, a deep well will be drilled near the center of the cone of depression at Jacksonville to locate the exact depth to salt water. This well will be sampled periodically at various depths to detect any vertical movement of salt water into the fresh-water zones in the upper part of the Floridan aquifer system.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 43 71 REFERENCES Applin, E. R. (See Applin, P. L) Applin, P. L. 1944 (and Applin, E. R.) Regional subsurface stratigraphy and structure of Florida and southern Georgia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 28, no. 12, p. 1673-1753. Black, A. P. 1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters, 1951: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research Paper 6, 119 p. 1953 (Brown, Eugene, and Pearce, J. M.) Salt-water intrusion in Florida, 1953: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research Paper 9, 38 p. Brown, Eugene (See Black, A. P., 1951, 1953, and Cooper, H. H., Jr., 1953) Cole, W. 1944 Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in FloridaNo. 3: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 26, 168 p. Collins, W. D. 1928 (and Howard, C. S.) Chemical character of waters of Florida: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-G, p. 177-233. Cooke, C. W. 1915 The age of the Ocala. Limestone: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 95-1, p. 107-117. 1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29, 339 p. 1929 (and Mossom, D.) Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 20th Ann. Rept., 1927-28, p. 29-227. Cooper, H. H., Jr. (See Stringfield, V. T.) 1944 Ground-water invcstigations in Florida (with special reference to Duval and Nassau Counties) : Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 36, no. 2, p. 169-185. 1953 (and Kenner, W. E., and Brown, Eugene) Ground water in central and northern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 10, 37 p. Counts, H. B. (See Stewart, J. W.) Croft, M. G. (See Stewart, J. W.) D)all, W. H. 1892 (and Harris, G. D.) Correlation paper: Neocene: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 84, 349 p. )erragon, Eugene 1955 Basic data of the 1955 study of ground-water resources of Duval and Nassau counties, Florida: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report. Florida State Board of Health 1960 Some physical and chemical characteristics of selected Florida waters: Florida State Board of Health, Bur. Sanitary Eng., Div. Water Supply, 108 p. unter, Herman (See Sellards, E. H.) 'arris, G. D. (See Dall, W. H.) 'oward, C. S. (See Collins, W. D.)


72 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Leve, G. W. 1961a Preliminary investigation of the ground-water resources of northeast Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 27, 28 p. 1961b Reconnaissance of the ground-water resources of the Fernandina area, Nassau County, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Cire. 28, 24 p. Matson, G. C. 1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and ground waters of Florida: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319, 445 p. Mossom, D. (See Cooke, C. W.) Pirnie, Malcolm 1927 Investigation to determine the source and sufficiency of the supply of water in the Ocala limestone as a municipal supply for Jacksonville: Hazen and Whipple, New York. Pride, R. W. 1958 Interim report on surface-water resources of Baker County, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 20, 32 p. Puri, H. S. 1953 Z~nation of the Ocala group in peninsular Florida [abs.]: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 23, no. 2, p. 130. 1957 Stratigraphy and zonation of the Ocala group: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 28, 248 p. Sanford, Samuel (See Matson, G. C.) Sellards, E. H. 1913 (and Gunter, Herman) The artesian water supply of eastern and southern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 5th Ann. Rept., p. 103-290. Stewart, J. W. 1958 (and Counts, H. B.) Decline of artesian pressures in the Coastal Plain of Georgia, northeastern Florida, and southeastern South Carolina: Georgia Geol. Survey Mineral Newsletter, v. 11, no. 1, p. 25-31. 1960 (and Croft, M. G.) Ground-water withdrawals and decline of artesian pressures in the coastal counties of Georgia: Georgia Mineral Newsletter, v. 13, no. 2, p. 84-93. Stringfield, V. T. 1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 115-195. 1941 (Warren, M. A. and Cooper, H. H., Jr.) Artesian water in the coastal area of Georgia and northeastern Florida: Econ. Geology, v. 36, no. 7, p. 698-711. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1962 Manual of individual water supply systems: Public Health Service Pub. 6, no. 24 Vernon, R. O. 1951 Geology and Citrus and Levy counties, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 33, 256 p. Warren, M. A. (See Stringfield, V. T.)


I '


TABLE 8, Recoid of wells in Duval and Nassau counties. Well number: See figure 1 for explanation of well-numbering system. Altitude of land surface: To tenth of a foot if determined by precision Owner: C, county; I, industry; M, municipality; 0, church; P, prileveling; otherwise, to nearest foot. vate; S, State; U, U.S. Government. Water level: To tenth of a foot if measured by wet-tape method or Depth of well: Reported unless otherwise noted by M, measured by if taken from recorder chart. To nearest foot, if measured by U.S. Geological Survey, pressure gage or air line. P, periodic measurement; R, recorder Well finish: 0, cased to aquifer, open hole in aquifer; S, sand point, on well. Date of measurement applies also to temperature, chlorMethod of drilling: C, cable tool; J, jetted; R, rotary; X, other or ide, specific conductance, and hardness, unless otherwise noted in unknown. Remarks column. Type of pump: C, centrifigal; J, jet; N, none; T, turbine. Chloride: P, periodic determination. Use of water: A, air conditioning; D, domestic; F, fire protection; Chemical analyses available: C, complete; D, complete and radioI· ,Iindustrial; M, mining; N, none; P, public supply or municipal; chemical; M, multiple-complete and partial; P, partial. , irrigation; S, stock; T, test or, observation. Yield and drawdown: Reported unless noted by M, measured by U.S. 'quifer(s): D, Floridan aquifer (deeper than Ocala only); F, FlorGeological Survey; F, yield by natural flow; P, yield by pumping. j idan aquifer (Ocala Group); FD, Floridan aquifer (Ocala Group Remarks: Wor Wgi-, Florida Geological Survey well number. Logs I:and deeper than Ocala); Sr, shallow aquifer, rock well; Ss, available: A, chloride or conductivity; C, caliper; D, drilling time; shallow aquifer, surface well. Dr, driller's log; E, resistivity and/or spontaneous potential; S: L, geologists's log and/or samples; V, current meter. S' Water level Casing a .8 a ,a -a, o S , a. .5 ___S u a 2i 8. i I 'Well .o Remarks A~ 00zaaric 0 Q____


irABLE 8. (Continued) B08-80-181P -545 I 4 0 X N D F 23.6 31.3 9-23-40 -18.5 14-60 )08-180-810 P --4 0 X N D F 23.5 28.0 9-27-40 . , , 20.5 14-60 22 ) 17.2 7-1161 17.7 5-14-62 08-1ý-ii20 P 1960 500 200 3 0 C N D F 26 18.5 1-60 31 16.3 7-11-61 0 12.0 5-1462 108-185-40 P 1961 487 -0 X N D F 22 25.5 111-61 2 ' ' 20.5 5-14-62 109-186-244 O -600 -6 0 R N D F 21.7 18-61 21 9-187-120 p 1955 900 337 6 0 R -P FD 88 -___ ---W-464, L 09-189-280 --3 0 X N DR F 16.5 35.8 9-28-40_ _ . 23.7 17-60 20.3 T-11-61 13.1 5-14-62 69-140-240 P 1936 650 500 3 0 X C DR F 2.1 50.0 9-28-40 10 .... 01, 11-4-65 41.8 17-60 15 1io-18-244A P 1958 555 457 8 O X C DR F 25 20.0 31-61 24 12.0 5-14-62 O-18-244B P -100 1 O X N N SR -8.8 31-61 21 11-188-211 P 1946 651 425 6 O R C DR F 20 21.0 15-61 15 10.0 5-14-62 cc -1-1411 U 1940 403 252 6 O R N DF F 16.1 28.0 87-40 71 320FM 16.4 10-13-55 12 ,, 17.5 14-60 12 15.8 57-62 12-137-221 P 1956 660 3 0 J N D F 10 31.5 15-61 13 i .18.6 5-14-62 OIOnly the earliest and latest measurements and chloride values are shown on table. ,


TAsLI 8, (Continued) Casg Water level S7.4 A592 18 (18-18,400 P 19B7 610 510 4 o R C AFRI F .. -.... -C ..--.-* ,18140-414A V 1940 1,005 380 12 O R C PF FD 9.2 45.2 85-40 1o -76 3,000'M -CI, 11-1l-d0 0 ,3 -2-14 Iv Welle be: S03 7-I2 i I Oi-l140-414B U -708 --_ 10 0 R C PF FD ---C ---. -018-141-441 U 1940 1.015 318 12 0 R C PF FD 20.9 .--74 4,50FM .-W-514. L; CL. 114 5-1742 14 0I142.214 U 1942 988 400 12 O R -N FD I-20 ---------W41,L g 018153-240 U 1941 990 10 0 P D 79.2 -1.23 5-19-41 -.--W81,L 014-141-220 P 1922 69 286 8 0 X -. DR F 16 1.500F --W-2, L 014-148-180 P -185 _-0 X -P SR -----C ---014-1S4-11.A U 1944 1,005 467 20 0 R N N FD 79.8 -25.72 14-1401 -3-00P 21 6 L -2.12 7-14--2 014-15420 U 1956 1,305 485 20 0 R T PF FD 85 --28 I? --78 1o000P 35 24 W-411. L 01-18.421 P 1957 1,246 520 s8 Ro T MI FD so -3.35 3-1. 2.000P .--29.54 &.17-62 1942 90 43 10 0 R w i F soW-73 01IN135 48 0 0 R F F 5 2 81,0P 3 4 11aa L 3342, 157124 50 s R T MI FDso -AS S 161,00


0l-183-448 P 1957 1,254 520 18 0 T MI L D 5 -1.a -0.3 3 -l z 2,600 -19.6 5.14-62 25 0165-188-14 P 1954 1,264 470 6 0 R N DR FD 22 19 2-24-1 20 C 960 11.9 5-14-2 20 015-138.410 P 1949 1,187 757 12 0 R T P D 14 23 5-22-2 19 C -2,T00FM -Ocala Gro j':; ., ,cued of ~1B-141-111 P 1938 600 470 4 0 N DN F 8. 41 P 75-40 10 T 4.5 450 16.4 59-2 15 615-14-280 P 1961 1,000M 460 18 0 R T P FD 33 7.36 5-17i62 13 z 2,00FM L 016-145-830 P 192$ 1,920 PlUgeC d at 1924 1.690 800-1,000 12 0 X N T FD 64.9 -3.6 R 41-41 1,920 feet i -17.16 5.2-2 ecorder .016-125-41 P 1959 615 332 6 0 R C P F 4 38 2-27-61 s 950 29.4 5-15-62 20 016-137-100 P _ 70-100 2 0 X J DN SR ----C -0-187444 P 1953 733 531 6 0 R C DA F 11.7 2-24-1 T -400F 168-310 P -99 -2 O X J D SR ---C i42-414 M 1923 729 476 8 0 X C PN F 16.2 40 P S-22-30 9.2 5 9-62 is ,017-26-282 P 1989 550 480 3 0 X N D F 11.6 40.8 9-6-40 17 7S CL 10-T-55 32.3 1T-60 22 S22.3 5-15-62 20 i017-126-440 P _ 400 _ C P F ----C --01710-44 P 4 0 X N D F 40 1. 12-19-61 --1.34 5-15-2 -.017-134-210 P 1960 1,004M 487 15 0 R P FD 13 21 --2,000M -L; CL, 122-60 '017-184-31 P 1939 675 -7 R N DR F 24.1 29.5 67-39 1 -71.5 475F -CCI10-13-55 s18 15-60 24 4.9 5-14-62 22 :i7-135-413 C 1989 785 524 10 0 R J P F 26.7 26. 65-9 15 C ---LDr; C , , I , 11-15-40 ;17-136-124 P -56 1% 0 N N SR 23 -14.76P 2-23-61 13 --'-19.25 514-62_ I \. "I


TABLU 8, (Continued) Water level Casing IB I BY 3 S, removed 017-13W241A 11 1957 1.34 616 18 0 R N PN FD 23 30.3 R 9.2760 --3,060FM -PrMuf reS19. 5-14-62 corder in60. removed 2.3-62 017-18-241B P 1957 246 200 1% 0 X N N SR 23 -6.29P 2-16-61-13.18 5-14-2 017-137-214 P 1962 1,210M 530 8 0 R C R FD 26 --L 017-138-142 M 1955 1,500 500 12 0 C P FD 20 ---C V (incom.;*plee) t 017-158-110 M 1957 715 465 12 O R T P F 85 -35 3-5-W-4202 017-158-430 P 1942 750 433 10 0 X T I F 85 -25.05 1-11-61 3 -29.4 5-17-62 018-123-128 M 1934 585 357 8 O X N PN F 11.1 42.4 P 10-14-39 ----21.6 5-19-62 24, 018-124-222 M 1938 622 382 10 0 X C P F 10 40.3 12-12-38 --72. 2.I30FM W-392, L 018-11-240 P 1959 1,002 427 16. 0 R T P FD 42 -__ -.. .. L, -Dr. 018-135-433 M -600-650 .6 0 X C PN F 17 19.2 R 9-27-60 -Pressure e-. .corder in stalled 927460, re-moved 10i 31-61 08-136-241 0 -5 508 4 0 X -P F ----C -7-7-( b1-~


01b8-15-411 P ..630 -O X C D F 16.2 27.9 222-39 17 75 -CI, 10-6' ' 14 15-60 18 1 5-15-62 31 018-138-3438 1989 1,071 505 10 0 R T P FD 20.5 30 3-23-39 12 W-3 L;22, CI. 1949 1,348 17 1-12-60 20 11-7-40 16.9 7-18-61 18s-139-280 M 1935 583 500 10 0 X T P P __ -W-306, L 1943 1,307 -FD 7 !oi-139-283 M 1989 1,037 508 10 0 R T P FD 5.1 43.9 3-23-39 12 _ LDr; C, 1959 1,280 39.1 1-12-60 16 11-T-40 35.3 7-13-60 19 CI 5-21-41 018-140-123 P ---10 0 X N D F 4.5 432 P 11-2648 -18.2 59-62 20 018-14210 M 1931 36 479 10 0 C P F 14 1,700F -W-169, L S1948 1,247 FD 018-14-234 M -900 -6 0 X N PN FD 24.6 30.7 P 11-28-40 10.1 59-62 17T 018-145340 P -80 -2 0 X J DA SR -C -o19-128-111 P 1987 650 -3l 0 X N R F 12.6 41.5 2-25-39 20 -71 __ _ CI, 10--55 ' 32.6 17-60 19 S20 5-15-62 22 ' 09-123-130 P 1938 --3 0 x N R F 10 42.9 2-2539 22 S34.8 17-60 22 ,19-124-210 M 1962 1,300M 407 18 0 R N P FD 12 30 44-62 28 CM 5,00FM AC, E, ,I V, paeker C test~ 19-182-411 P 1929 762 509 5 0 X N R F 3S.4 17.7 6-7-39 15 -CI, 11.19-40 18 CI, 4-?-48 18 Cl, 10-7-55 7.3 11-18-60 16 019-183-433 P 1929 875 400 6 0 X C DR F 53.04 1.8 P -109-39 -21.94 59-62 019-134-310 1938 635 .520 0 C N DN F 24.1 31.5 -S-39 1 -76 C,10-14-5 S20. 16-60. I" ' 9.5 5-1662 019-.15-430 P -200 -16 ; P SR -__ C ---Ii -


TABIII 8. (Continued), Casing Water levelS I01.}68.320 P 1942 1.074 508 16 0 X -I FD 4 42 7.20-42 -_ 2.000F -W-649, L,-.30. 3 83P C DA P 22.1 --0.1 5.17-42 2 _ .1oF _ _ ,.D! 819.184 P 1954 760 510 8 0 R C PRA F 4 19.5 515-42 19 --.. -L. Dr21i40.41 P -785 -6 O X N T F 8.3 82.1 PR 11.26.& 13 73 .. --C, 1015.30S13.3 59-62 21" X ' 13.2 59-62 1619.143-181 P .1061 7 4 01 C I F 21.9 36.8 7-16-40 13 72.5 .C --I,1012-5525.5 1-18-60 1i019-146-40 P 1938 612 501 2 X C DR F 44.1 1.1 7.23-40 12 --,10-12S7 0 4.45 13-60 12' ; 3.97 12-22-40S1.88 7-14-61019-147-210 P 1929 1,060 583 6 0 X D FD 59 3.1 7?-29 --W-116. L00-134-4 P 1936 76 4 O X N DR F 30.3 30.8 68-39 18 76.5 . --CI, 10-14-11.3 7-12-615.67 6-16-62 19)20186-240 P 1932 760 -8 0 J N DR F 34.2 23.5 6-11-39 1 -0 12.8 16-60 19i:. '1. .2.1 6-15-12 21 _ _ .bhft'lfo,


00-136-484 P1 1940 tiu 50 3 0 X N It F 29.4 23.5 8-23-40 14 76 l-.. -C. 11-4-55 16.5 16-60 21 9.2 7-12-61 6.8 5-15-62 20 2187340 P ---4 O X C I F 14.7 40.0 2-16-34 CI 11-3-55 34.5 7440 18 18.0 5-21-62 23 020-139-182 '1911 1,015 488 10 0 X N PN FD 5.9 36.8 6-16-9 13 77 --CI 11-740 1; CI, 5-21-41 0.3 1-12-60 21-21-4 i 18.3 5-24-62 24 020-189-22 M 1936 1,035 494 10 0 X C P FD 5.5 35.5 9-236 1,135 --W-304, L -189-d448 1907 980 -10 0 X C P FD 4 49.0 6-1839 17 83 ---C 11-7.40 r S1928 1,260 17 5-4-44 36.8 1-12-60 22 CL 5-483.5 7-18-61 34.2 5-24-2 24 20-14, '30 P -1,150 -6 0 X N I FD 24.1 27.3 20-9 17 83 200-o00F --CI,10-.T-. 25.2 1-11-60 14.6 5-1762 18 20-144-430 P ... 630 500 3 0 X N DR F 24.7 25.9 7-23-40 11 .. 81 16 CI, 10-1256 18.6 1-18 s0 18 S11.9 5-1-62 2 1284s-1 P 1937 575 -X N R F 9.1 43.6 2-25-9 15 72 11-19-40 18 Cl, 10-7-65 '0 W 34.4 17-60 22 26.3 5-15-62 29 )-125-421 P 1961 703M 396 8 0 R _ P F 7.0 32.3 5-19-61 22 -930FM -LD 26.5 5-16-62 22 i)21182410 P 1987 540 475 3 0 X N R F 17.0 87.7 8-24-40 20 , 10-14-55 , 1. 621.8 16-60 22 I21-183-220 P 1953 610 522 4 O J N DR F 15 31.4 9-28-60 20 23.8 5-16-62 24 21-186-400 P -90 ---J DR SR c___. --21-18-121 P 1938 1,060 543 10 0 X C R FD 16.7 39.5 27-39 1 -78 2.160F --CI, 11-13-40 27.2 1-12-60 23 16.1 5-21-62 21 **· !1


TARia 8, (Continued) Cain8 Water I vel I ._ C. .i ._. _ ._. .. . number _ Remarks a ^aI I I i i I 4j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 021-139-120 P 1939 780 473 8 O X N N F 21.8 31.2 71-40 16 ... ---CI, 10-55 24 1-12-60 21 14.4 -521-62 ,021480.22 P 1962 1,803M 550 16 0 R .. R FD 20 23.0 28-62 --1.9,00FM .-L, V :021-18-424 M ... ...... 8 O X N N F 19.0 35.2 7-1-40 17 .. 78 ---CI 10-5 27.7 1-11-60 18 18.9 5.21-62 19 02141-414 M 1939 1,053 530 10 O X T P FD 16.4 40.8 &-14-39 16 -80 1--5-2141; ;1 26 1.12-60 s1 W-830, L 20.11 5-24-62 19 "021-141423 M 1939 1,055 513 16 0 R T P FD 24.4 32.9 6-14-39 -78 1,500FM -L, V 1 1941 1.356 I021-142-100 p 80 ..X J DR SR -C -S02180112 P 1959 1,000 462 16 0 R T P FD 89 7.2 9-25-60 .. 900F *i 2.oooP 21 3 L. Dr 22-188-400 P 1928 1,076 -8 0 C C R FD 19.2 37.7 2-39 18 76 ---CI, 10-26.8 1-12-60 20 Si ; 15.3 6-21-62 02219-244 p 1915 700 510 6 0 -N D F 16.4 37.3 2-11-39 18 ----C,10--6 25.9 1-12.60 18 S22.5 7.18-61 15.7 5.21-62 21 i 412 0 M 1951 1,303 .12 0 R C P FD 22.4 26 1-12-60 22 --:19 5-24-62 23 02148-320 p 1940 690 469 6 O X -R F 10.5 1. -1,020F -W32, L .: -.'. --g'


i 022-147-240 P 1958 630 -3 O0 X N S F 23 24.5 10-19-40 15 --.I0 I /, 18.6 5-17-62 18 ,028-1244-20 U 1962 1,001 435 18 R N PF FD 6.7 30.3 5-16-62 31 -2,500F --W482 U028-12S-142 U 1939 610 6 0 X N N F 8.0 41.3 69-39 18 -73 Flowing wfd; SC, 11-19-40 22 .i 36.4 17-60 23 CI, 10-7-55 02.-129-880 U __ 200 _ 2 X J DRF SR -. ----C .:0lZ8-186-810 P 1930 --4 O X N R F 3.12 53.2 P 6-12-39 --S32.2 59-62 21 . |028-138-344 M 1925 905 570 8 O X N N FD 14.9 47.0 PR 6-22-30 16 CD Pres re' ;| n , conder ht.-: stalled 1-3. 62, removedl S8-26-62; C I, i^.5'6-20-41'; ' 2. 51Triti2m , : 23.7 5-10-62 16 CI, 1-T-60 b-13a-220 P 1940 700 560 3 O X N N F 6.0 43.8 P 7-27-40 15 -73.5 ---:I 28.8 5-10-62 ;12il'r .i 4 -2 Fo win d 4-12-238 S --3% 0 X N N F 4 25 5-21-62 ------lowin 816-180 P 1929 800 6 0 X N R F 29.2 28.0 P 6-25-40 18 -7 --3.4 5-18-62 241-84. 0 P .70 -2 X -DR SR _ ---C --,b24-144-20 P 1939 625 500 3 0 X N D F 20.7 35.3 7-24-40 18 -----C, 10-12-55 23.3 1-18-60 19 S' 17.0 5-18-62 20 02&12-281 P 1930 840 450 8 0 X C DR FD 15.7 45.2 P 8-19-30 9 0 ----, 11-21-40 i ' 25.8 5-10-62 122 ----, 9-19-60 ' 2 82.444 P __ __ 4 0 X N DR F 4.2 42.3 1-21-60 35 ---S : 36.2 5-21-62 25 025-186.220 P 1910 556 -8 0 X -IN F 8.8 44.5 P 3-22-51 25 -----CI, 2-8-60 S18.3 5-10-62 025-138-210 M 1942 942 660 8 0 X C PRI FD 19.9 21.7 1-20-60 28 ---23.6 7-13-61 ' 18.6 5-18-62 25 00 03


TAPLI 8. (Continued) Casing Water level Snumber g mr l02.88-38U M 1941 1,019 434 10 0 X C PRI FD 14.5 31.15 1.20-60 25 _ 1,830F W 4 L 29.5 7-.18W1 24.5 &.18-62 24 5-41o00 P 1982 725 600 6 0 X N R F 17.7 39.2 6-12-40 11 -74 --.C, 11.140 10' 19 CI, 10-36 5 26.8 1-18-60 24 1402 43-220 P 1962 1,280M 605 18 0 R C P FD 25 .... ___ --.-. 4,800FM --L, V 26-126.28 S 1921 455 8 0 X C D F 12.2 42.1 0.12-40 19 -.. --CI, 11-21-40 19 Ci. 6-20-41 I, ,. ., , 020 CI, 10.25-55 p, 36.5 1-19-60 24 30.0 5-21-62 25 1826-1-842A P 1951 1,893 584 6 0 R N T FD 17.3 37.0 P 6-12-51 24 C _ 930F W-806 L, V, 22.5 6-10-62 27 1-.-60 138542B P _ 1,025 850 4 0 R N T D 16.96 33.1 P 1-13-54 25 C 14Dr; Oeala 23.2 5-10-62 off: 01I J+'' '. " ", , ' _,_ -4 '1 0.94 0 : ", 'l; i082 .420 P -00 450 4 0 R N T F 16.87 32.9 P 1-134 25 ----L,Dr; , 22.2 5-10-62 12-940, 26-136-482 P 1956 1,878 612 20 0 R T I FD 16.2 28.8 5-81-56 -W4-974, L 026-136-484 P 1956 1,390 605 26 0 R T I FD 14.1 27.72 4-20-66 6,700 --W-3869 026-141-10 C 1952 700 601 S O R C P F 25.2 17.8 5-24-62 24 455F --W-2410,L' wte'Kl~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ i *'*1'*1_ _ __ __ * ____ _ _ _ _ ________ __ __ _____________*.. -


026145-100 P 1954 750 430 6 0 R N S F 25 27.2 1-11-56 -580F W-3345 27.8 1-1860 o0 1026-145-420 P 1917 658 , 6 0 X N S F 23.6 84.8 7-24-40 21 -73 ---CI, 11-14-40 25 CI 10-12-55 S21.1 1-18-62 29 15.0 5-18-62 27 -220 P 1936 642 _ 3 0 X DS F 20.8 35.0 P 6-26-40 24 -C, 3-8-60 18.4 5-10-62 25 Cl, 9-19-60, 1 0.i-814 P .610 446 4 0 X N DS F 21.8 35.1 6-24-40 28 __ Cl, 11-14-40i i26 CI, 10-12-56 16.2 1-18-60 80 o, .' 28 01, 5-18-62 817-s 4 C .--2 0 X PN F 34.8 22.2 P 7-2440 22 74 -C1, 11-140 S. .;5.58 5-10-62 20 0 .8141-888 P .. --8 0 X N SN F 22 18 4-25-62 28 ---9-14240 P ---8 O X N DS F 24 12.7 4-25-60 29 -75.5,-.0382-187-410 P 1935 485 -8 O X N N F 26.4 22.8 1-16-40 22 -71 -Flowing wild; 16.4 10-25-55 CI, 11-14-40 11 1-18-60 28 028166-10A P 0Ap 96 96 1 S X D SS 66 1 49-34 0 70 --.' :, ....S 6 614 02.-156-100B P 1928 201 100 2 0 X D SR 68 2.5 49-34 _ C 70 --023-156480 P 100 650 -6 0 X J D F 69 0.0 3-1-51 -C ---ý01-48-120 P _ 5.00 _8 0 X N D F 20 22.7 59-62 ---032-126-142 P 1937 680 4 0 X N D F 13.70 41.75P 3-24-39 23 -72 01, 11-23-40 18.8 5-10-62 26 C1, 3-8.60 28 CI, 9-19-60 0832-150-800 P -500 S 3 0 X N DS F 20 27.7 1-12-61 31 -038-149-140 M -600-800_ -0 X P F 20 ---..C -C -088-150-242 P 1938 580 -2 0 X -D F 18.8 40.2 P 1-18-40 26 ..72 ---C1, 11-22-40 25.2 5-10-62 31 lt":


TABLU 8. (Continued) Water level Ca-in ink "08512.-810 P 1982 580 850 8 O X N R F 9.9 4..1 P 2,-2-9 25 -72.5 CI, 11-, 8..10 ... 19.8 -10-6 1 C 12-9-0 1. 8 S f § s 1 & 1 0 g 31CL196 084 65-811 P 1952 905 480 0 X N D SR 10.5 .. ...62 29 -R 7.4 --WMaybe24,ori.leakl I ek i 087-12-714 P 1982 580 50 8 0 X N DR F 16.9 6.81 P -229 25 -72.5 ---C. 11-28340 4.0 9 8-5 27 C , 2.5 11. 4-59 a6 085-127.410 P 1982 580 850 3 0 X N R F 15.4 38.5 8-28-89 27 -----Cl. 9-7-55 O 3.77 1-25-60 39 Il -0.67 5-21-62 087-129-214 P 1927 578 -0 X N DRS F 6.0 46.8 3-28-39 27 -72.53 --CI, 11-28-40 , 14.9 91-55 27 S.8 114-59 28 S-3.4 1-26-60 3809 4.55 5-21-62 31 87-180-330 P 1940 540 504 2 X N D F 12.6 26.7 P 6-26-40 27 .. 71.5 --. -Cl, 11-23-40 -,t:. 1: 9.3 5-10-62 30


U, Sb'-1Yb-l42 i l --li.,(UO 450 4 O X C I FD 34.8 19.2 P 1-16-40 28 .... 74.5 .... --C, 910-42 -2.34 5-10-62 33 Cl, 1.3-62 087-142-430 P 1988 669 -2 0 X N DR _ 17.8 40.3 P 1-1840 24 71.5 ---CI, 11-23-40 |' , 20.9 5-10-62 81 |088-126-320 , .M -1,203 572 12 O R T P FD 15 ._ 27 _ 1,284P 38 8 W-4810, L, Dr;' Cl,. 8-20-57 29 CIl 4-1-59 30 CI, 10428-69 088-127-142A I 1940 2,130 567 10 0 R T I FD 19.1 8.22 P 111-60 1,680 C -1,900F --W-890, L, A, EV; 'OI .packer teets ",, : I rrchemd a ' ',i v"" '. 19. Panalcs-, 1'; Cartesian, head and s flow mensureients . made at different '' depths while the well was being ;.': .1,1 b s CI,^ . drilled in I1,. 1940. Pack. '' 'er tetatsand' currentmeter travenes made , In 1945. ' 1946 1,826 3.72 105-61 1,180 BMC Plugged at IO 1962 1,100 P Plugged at 1.100 ft 038-127-142B I 1940 1,100 -26 0 R N IN F 19 -22.2 P 11-10-59 20 ----C, 11-29-40 •i -24.66 5-10-62 27 MC C1, 105-52 29 CI, 12-27-60 i' 29 CI, 9-6-62 ~frC~x ,' 21-----------------------------------------:S|


TABLE 8, (Continued) Caaini i I I Wter level -2. 4 9. -5 S148 1-2 5-60 -5.46 5-10-62 wu 62 C, 11 10-5 8D1452740 P 12-2 0 X N DS F .15 2.4 51 9-62 -. -17111 1,00 545 26 R T I FD 6.8 43.5 3-15-39 P MC 75CI, -5.05 114-59 H * -41.46 1-26560 S 2 -5CI, 5811-62 08-127.144 P 19838 640 -2 0 R T I F 13.0 40.9P 11-30-40 26 MC -1,792F 4-48 3312.64 51062 CI, 4-26 CI, 10-2849 1480 D 192 480 2 0 X N DS 15 32.4 5-9-62 3C, 5-1-2 389-127-81 I 1988 1,2 551 26 0 R T I FD 6.8 43.5 3.15-39 33P MC 075 1 --cWi 2-15, L, 1 1 9 0Dr,. C , 9127-120 ,PM 197 750 -0 R T I F 15 84.9 1100 26 MC -1.792F W I 1946 C1,. -10-9 CI 10-28 -59 4 C.I, 5-81-62; 2-15-88 1946 140140C 7. 6; 56 * " .' '. °deepened 89-127-844 I 1938 1.073 545 26 R T I FD 18.1 34.5 3-15-39 33P MC -1,880F Wg-12 L, Dr;Cl,, 6-25-37 S19486 1820. .____"__________ _ .. deepened : I. I 1 ___,________,____.,__,._____,'._____


389-128-131 I 1942 1,065 650 26 0 R T I F 11 -SOP MC --W-690,;C,;32 1580-60; C1, 5.41-62)89-128-241 I 1938 1,054 549 30 0 R T I F 8.8 42.6 3-15-39 34P MC -8,158F --Wai-9, L, Dr;CI, 1-19-883.'. ' s33 CI, 10-12-61 ')89.181-281A P 1938 .-3 0 X N DR F 9.8 25.4 1-17-40 -.. 72 --5.88 9?-5510.4 7-17-61, 3.46 5-21-62 33i8-131-281B P 3--3 0 X C DR F 10 5.05 112-59 306.95 1-25-60 3.12682 P 1989 --3 0 X N DN F 20.4 29.5 P 3-28-89 33 72 ---CI, 4-T48, ' -24.68 6-10-6227-211A I -93 10 0 X N IN SR 5 -13.00R 3-10-61 MP --Pressure re--11.4 5-28-62 corder in-i taUed8-9.611417. 211B I 1987 900 580 24 0 R T I F 15 --. 33P MP W -W 91, L, Dr;SC, 11-12-56 ".i.': ' *' 45 CI, 5-17-6240-127-12 I _ 100 80 6 O R C I SR 5 -10.86 37-61 -MP --i0-127-418 P 1925 -. 3 0 R N N F 5.87 43.0 6-19-39 -73 -.:" --26.51 9-14-55-16.93 115-59 -18.52 1-25-60-14.01 7-17-61-23.67 5-21-62o40127-482A PM __ 1,100 .8 O R T P FD 27.9 17 8-28-30 29P MC 72.5 -Cl, 18.-2426 CI, 10.28-594O-127-482 PM -1,025 600 8 0 R T P FD I.39P MC -_ , 9-28-37S36 CI, 5.81-6240-127-4820CPM -781 -8 0 R T P F ---Ci40-17.-482D PM 1958 1,205 650 12 0 R T P FD 24.9 --. -. . .. C .. .-W-2918, L, Dr,"-_-_____0-0J


TAawi 8, (Continued) Casing Water level w -R k" i 040.M-188.410 I 1986 500 2 O X N DR F 20.2 23.4 9-14.85 20 -72 -CI, 11-22-40 233 1-20-60 85 15.4 5-22-62 33 041.126-888A I 1959 2,100 1.450 80 0 R T I D 15 .. 80 SOP MP -Oeala Group cued off; Cl, 2-1-61; gr A (5-ft. B 199 1 1 18 Interval) 159 0,961 1328 7 C CI, 5-17-62 041.128-8883B I 1965 1,408 550 20 0 R T T FD 15 ...... ............. 142P ----CI, 11-12-60 165 Cl, 617-62 041-17-142 I 1930 500 3 0 R C I F? 7.8 41.3 6-21-39 36 76 -This well may 9 .3 ' 96 9-14-55 not be conm1.24 1-25-60 35the Flor dan aquifer. W "' " CI, 5.21.62 ,,, 041-127-3822 I -753M 510 4 0 R N IN F 6 -11.25R 11-18-60 36 -..--Float e* r,' , , co rd e r in -. -22.43 5-21-62 18-0 CI, 5-21-42 041-127-480 I 1955 ,410 550 -0 R T I FD -..202 -OP -CI, 10-7-61 195 Cl 2-18-62 220 CI, 5-17-62 041-127-220 P 450 -3 0 -N N F 19 30.9 10-9-58 34 -75.5 90F 26.1 .9-62 33 , ~·Th'


'.'.. .....-. O R N DN F 80.7 -21.54 6-19-44, -...... ... ioat recorder installed 619-44, removed between 19531956 -26.24 1-20-60 041-165421 M 1955 821 448 10 0 R T P F 80 .--C -W-86, tL; chemical analyses4-2-59 041-155424 M 1961 738M 520 16 0 R T P F 80 ------350P 10 2 LI 042-125-838 S 1988 800 550 4 0 R N PN F 7.8 48.1 P 8-27-39 82 _ 72 270 --W-891, L:; , C, 8.64 5-21-62 40 11-23-40 . 204--127-884 S -800 584 4 0 X C PF F 7.5 44.3 8-27-49 28 72 270FM -L, Dr; Cl, ' 1-25-40 . 88 CI, 5-15-59 82 Cl, 11-4-59 84 Cl, 5-21-62 042-127-44 S 1938 800 520 4 0 X C PF F 6 42.7 3-27-39 30 _ 72 245FM -L, Dr;C, C 238.2 1-16-40 32 Cl, 5-15-59 .... .j 32 Cl, 11-4-59 ., 042-154-430 U 1960 700 405 8 0 R T PFA F 52 -8.82 10-21-60 32 ..---; -6.07 7-18-61 -8.06 5.22-62 34 43-187-441 I ---3 0 X N D F 14 17.2 58-62 37 .0b44-141-430 S ---8 0 X C P F 15 -32 C ----May not be completed in Floridan i aquifer; CI,. 4-10-59 ,044-156-100 P 1940 4,824 4,645 6% -R N T FD 99.2 -33,600 C -W-336, L. Analysis of water sam-, ', pie taken at 2205-2230 ft below landsurface datum. Cl, 8-24-37 tc 046-158-800 P -450 -3 0 X C D F 60 -5.7 59-62 46 ----

PAGE 100

TABLE 3. Stratigraphic units and aquifer systems in Duval, Nassau, and and Baker counties. Approximate Geologic Stratigraphic thickness Lithologic character Aquifer Water-bearing properties age unit (feet) systems Recent and Recent and 0-150 Soil, muck, coarse to fine sand, Surficial sand yields small Pleistocene Pleistocene shell, and some clayey sand amounts of water. Sand and deposits 0 shell bed along coast yields S_ moderate quantities. Pliocene? Pliocene or 20-110 Gray-green calcareous, silty o Limestone, sand, and shell bed Upper Miocene clay and clayey sand; conm near base of deposits yield deposits tains shell beds and white , moderate to (locally) large soft, friable limestone beds t amounts. Hawthorn 260-490 Gray to blue-green calcareous Relatively impermeable clays Formation phosphatic, sandy clays and and marls in both the late clayey sands; contains fine to Miocene or Pliocene deposMiocene medium phosphatic sand len' its and the Hawthorn Forses and limestone and dolomation confines the artesian mite beds, particularly near -water in the Eocene limethe base of the formation 9 stone and in the limestone and shell beds above the Eocene limestone. Yields small to moderate supplies. Crystal 50-300 White to cream chalk, massive Marine limestone foamrtions River fossiliferous marine limeutilized as the primary Formation stone, source of water in the area. Williston 20-100 Tan to buff granular, marine S Formation limestone 0 Inglis 40-120 Tan to buff granular, calcitic, Formation marine limestone; contains thin dolomite lenses and zones of Miliolidae foraminiferal coquina Avon Park 50-250 Alternating beds of brown to o Massive dolomite beds restrict Eocene Limestone tan hard, massive dolomite, vertical movement of water. brown finely crystalline doloa .* mite, and granular calcitie limestone -Lake City 425-500+ White to brown, purple-tinted E Limestone and porous dolomite Limestone lignitic, granular limestone beds yield large to very large and gray hard, massive doloquantities of water. Hard mite; contains lignite beds dolomite and limestone beds and zones of Valvulinidae restrict vertical movement of foraminiferal coquina water within certain zones. Potentially the greatest source of water in the area. Oldsmar 846 Cream to brown massive to Limestone chalky, granular limestone and tan to brown massive to finely crystalline dolomite