Geology and ground-water resources of Glades and Hendry Counties, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 37 )

Material Information

Geology and ground-water resources of Glades and Hendry Counties, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 37 )
Series Title:
( FGS: Report of investigations 37 )
Klein, Howard
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District (Fla.)
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
viii, 101, [31] p. : maps, diagrs., tables. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Groundwater -- Florida -- Glades County ( lcsh )
Groundwater -- Florida -- Hendry County ( lcsh )
Water-supply -- Florida -- Glades County ( lcsh )
Water-supply -- Florida -- Hendry County ( lcsh )
Geology -- Florida -- Glades County ( lcsh )
Geology -- Florida -- Hendry County ( lcsh )
Hendry County ( flgeo )
Glades County ( flgeo )
Limestones ( jstor )
Glades ( jstor )
Marl ( jstor )


General Note:
"Prepared by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey and the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District."
General Note:
"References": p. 85-87.
Statement of Responsibility:
by Howard Klein, M. C. Schroeder, and W. F. Lichtler.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The author dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.
Resource Identifier:
022566758 ( aleph )
02717576 ( oclc )
AES1356 ( notis )
a 64007470 ( lccn )


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Robert O. Vernon, Director



Howard Klein, M. C. Schroeder, and W. F. Lichtler
U. S. Geological Survey

Prepared by the
in cooperation with the
and the





Secretary of State


Superintendent of Public Instruction

Attorney General


Commissioner of Agriculture



florida C eological Survey


October 10, 1964

Honorable Farris Bryant, Chairman
Florida State Board of Conservation
Tallahassee, Florida

Dear Governor Bryant:

The Division of Geology is publishing, as Florida Geological
Survey Report of Investigations No. 37, a report on the "Geology
and Ground-Water Resources of Glades and Hendry Counties,
Florida," which was prepared by Howard Klein, M. C. Schroeder,
and W. F. Lichtler, as a part of a cooperative program between
the U. S. Geological Survey and the Florida Geological Survey.
Both Glades and Hendry counties obtain water from the Flori-
dan aquifer, generally by artesian flow, and from several shallow
aquifers. Recharge of the artesian aquifer occurs over these
counties and in Polk County. The report is a continuation of a
series, which is designed ultimately to present the geologic and
hydrologic facts of all of the State. Only in this way, can the State
be guaranteed a conservative and adequate development of its
water and associated resources.

Respectfully yours,
Robert O. Vernon
Director and State Geologist

Completed manuscript received
August 7, 1963
Published for the Florida Geological Survey
By E. O. Painter Printing Company
DeLand, Florida



Abstract _.._ -- -____.--------......... -------------- ----.. --. --- 1
Introduction ---___. -._-----.__...................___..___--_..---- 2
Purpose and scope of investigation _------------ 2
Acknowledgments 3------------- ---_--------- 3
Previous investigations---- -_--------.__ ---------3.------ 3
Geography __--___ ._...__ --- ----------- ___ ----.-----.-----_ --- 5
Location of area 5~
General land features and drainage ....__.__...--- -------- ----- 5
Everglades _---.-----_--------------_------_------------- 5
Sandy Flatlands -_---------------.---------------------.---- -----. 7
Big Cypress Swamp .......-----------.-_ _-------.---------- 7
Drainage ..---~_....- ...- ------------------_.------ ------ 9
Climate ---..------_ ......__. .....---- --- ------------- 10
Development and growth of area ------.-- ------------ ------ 11
Geologic formations and water-bearing characteristics -------12
Eocene Series ---_------------------------------ ------ 12
Lake City Limestone ----------__--------------------------- 14
Avon Park Limestone .-----------_.--.__---- ----- ------- 16
Ocala Group .---_-------_ ---------------- -.. -----. .--------- ---------- 18
Oligocene Series -__----- --------__-------- 20
Suwannee Limestone .....----------_.-----_------ ---20
Miocene Series .-------.----- ---- __-- -_ ----- ----- 21
Tampa Formation _----____----_-___ ---- ---. -----21
Hawthorn Formation -.___-- __-------- 22
Tamiami Formation ---_- ...-- __.....-- ------- 24
Pliocene Series __---..-. -_---_--------------------- 25
Caloosahatchee Marl ___ __-_ __ ----. 25
Pleistocene Series -------------------------------26
Anastasia Formation 26
Fort Thompson Formation ___--- --27
Terrace deposits ---.-- -_-------- 29
Recent Series ____-_- --- 30
Lake Flirt Marl -.------.------- ._------------ ----30
Organic soils -- ------------------ 30
Ground water ..------....----.. --. _---- --__-- --. -- ----------- ----- ------ 31
Occurrence and movement __-_____ _31
Floridan aquifer -32
Piezometric surface ---- --------- ----- 39
Recharge 39
Discharge ___- --------------------------------------41
Discharge 41
Water-level fluctuations ----------------------------- 41
Shallow aquifers --------------- ----____---------- 43
Water-level fluctuations -----------------45
Recharge and discharge --- ----------- 47
Hydraulic characteristics ----------------------------------- ----49
Quality of water ---...... --....---.----- -----------58
Hardness __---------------------------- 62

Total dissolved solids _- 62
Specific conductance -__ -__ 67
Hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) 68
Iron (Fe) 68
Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) ____ 69
Sodium (Na) and potassium (K) 69
Bicarbonate (HCO3) 70
Sulfate (SO4) 70
Chloride (Cl) 70
Fluoride (F) 74
Silica (SiO,) 74
Nitrate (NO3) --------------------- 75
Hydrogen sulfide (H1S) -- ----- ----75
Salt-water contamination ____ 76
Direct encroachment _______- 76
Upward leakage ___--_-----76
Incomplete flushing ___80
Utilization of ground water _______ 81
Irrigation _81
Municipal supplies 82
Other uses __ 83
Summary 83
References __-_______ 85
Well logs -----___ 88


Figure Page

1 Location of Glades and Hendry counties 4
2 Glades and Hendry counties showing physiographic regions
and the directions of surface drainage __ __--_- 6
3 Approximate extent of Pleistocene terraces in Glades and
Hendry counties ______ 8
4 Glades and Hendry counties showing the locations of geo-
logic sections and included wells _____ 15
5 South-north geologic section A-A' through Glades and
Hendry counties ________ 16
6 South-north geologic section B-B' through Glades and Hendry
counties 17
7 West-east geologic section C-C' through Hendry County 18
8 South-north geologic section D-D' along the western shore
of Lake Okeechobee __ ____ 19
9 Glades County showing the locations of wells 33
10 Hendry County showing the locations of wells __34
11 LaBelle and vicinity showing the locations of wells 35
12 Clewiston and vicinity showing the locations of wells 36
13 Graphs showing distribution of flow in selected wells in
Glades and Hendry counties _____--___ __ 38
14 Glades and Hendry counties showing the configuration of the

piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1958 ----- __--------__- 40
15 Profiles of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer
in Glades and Hendry counties, 1958 ___43
16 Hydrographs of wells 3 and 5 in Hendry County and well
131 in Collier County ________ 46
17 Hydrographs of well 234 and the Caloosahatchee River at
LaBelle compared with rainfall for the period 1953-54 48
18 Coefficients of transmissibility and storage determined at
test sites in Glades, Hendry, and Collier counties in shallow
aquifers ___________ _~_ ______.___. 50
19 Composite of semilogarithmic distance-drawdown graphs of
five aquifer tests _51
20 Time-drawdown graphs of water levels in observation wells,
and sketches showing locations of wells used in aquifer tests 52
21 Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of four observation
wells in test area E __-_ .... --__ __ -------------.-.._.....__. 56
22 Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of observation wells
in test areas B and D _--- --____----_-- _--_- __----_.___ 57
23 Graphs showing drawdowns expected at different distances
from a well pumped at selected rates in each of six test areas 59
24 Graph showing the relation between specific conductance
and total dissolved solids in water samples from Glades and
Hendry counties ____ 68
25 Graph showing the suitability of ground water for irriga-
tion (after Wilcox 1948, p. 25-26) 71
26 Glades and Hendry counties showing the chloride content of
water samples from wells tapping the Floridan aquifer,
1952-53, 1958 ____ ___ 72
27 Glades County showing the chloride content of water samples
from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53 73
28 Part of eastern Glades County showing the chloride content
of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers,
1952-53, 1959 74
29 Hendry county showing the chloride content of water samples
from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958 75
30 Clewiston area showing the chloride content of water samples
from wells tapping the shallow aquifer, 1952-53 ---....-. -__-- 76
31 Part of northwestern Hendry County showing the chloride
content of water samples from wells tapping deep and shal-
low aquifers, 1952-53, 1958 _77
32 LaBelle showing the chloride content of water samples
from wells tapping the shallow aquifer, 1952-53 ___ 79
33 LaBelle showing (by isochlor lines) areas of equal chloride
content of water from the shallow aquifer, 1952-53 -- ____ 80


Table Page

1 Average temperature (oF) at Moore Haven and LaBelle,
1935-56 _____ ---------_______ 10
2 Rainfall in inches at Moore Haven and LaBelle, 1935-56 __ 11

3 Geologic formations in Glades and Hendry counties 13
4 Water-level and flow measurements made during drilling of
well 22, Glades County 36
5 Coefficients of transmissibility, storage and leakage in Glades,
Hendry and eastern Collier counties 54
6 Analyses of water from wells in Glades and Hendry counties 60
7 Partial analyses of water from wells in Glades and Hendry
counties -- ~--_______ 63
8 Records of wells in Glades and Hendry counties 102


Howard Klein, M. C. Schroeder, and W. F. Lichtler


Ground water in Glades and Hendry counties is obtained from
the Floridan aquifer, which yields water by artesian flow in most
areas of the two counties, and from several shallow aquifers.
Highly permeable parts of the Floridan aquifer are limestones
of the Tampa Formation' (early Miocene) and of the Ocala Group
and the Avon Park Limestone (Eocene). The yields of wells pene-
trating the Floridan aquifer usually exceed 200 gpm (gallons per
minute). Except in the central and northwestern parts of Glades
County, wells deeper than 800 feet yield highly mineralized water.
The upper part of the Floridan aquifer (Tampa and Hawthorn
Formations) yields relatively fresh water in the vicinity of LaBelle,
Hendry County, and in all of Glades County except in the area
adjacent to Lake Okeechobee. In the remainder of Hendry County,
the artesian water contains more than 700 ppm (parts per million)
of chloride.
The artesian aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties is recharged
primarily from the piezometric high in Polk County in central
Florida. The piezometric surface of the aquifer is highest in north-
western Glades County and southeastern Hendry County. The
high-pressure area in southeastern Hendry County may be a
residual mound resulting from a large number of uncontrolled
flowing wells to the northwest. This uncontrolled discharge over
a long period has resulted in an overall decline in artesian pressure
in the counties. Discharge from the aquifer is mainly through
flowing wells.

'The nomenclature of the rock units conform to the usages of the Florida
Geological Survey and also, except for the Tampa Formation and the Ocala
Group and its subdivisions, with those of the U. S. Geological Survey which
regards the Tampa as the Tampa Limestone and the Ocala Group as two
formations-the Ocala Limestone and the Inglis Limestone.
The Ocala Group as used by the Florida Geological Survey includes the
Crystal River, Williston, and Inglis Formations.


Shallow ground water is obtained from wells ranging in depth
from 20 to 300 feet, which penetrate limestone and shell beds in
the Tamiami Formation (upper Miocene) and limestone and pebble
beds in the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation. The quality
of the water from these aquifers generally is superior to that from
the Floridan aquifer. Yields of 6-inch wells tapping shallow aquifers
range from about 200 to 1,400 gpm. The most prolific shallow
aquifer is a highly permeable limestone section of the Tamiami
Formation which underlies central and southern Hendry County.
Recharge to shallow aquifers is by local rainfall, by downward seep-
age from overlying sediments, and by southward underflow from
Highlands County, where pebble beds and limestone of the
Hawthorn Formation occur at shallow depth. Discharge from the
shallow aquifers is chiefly by evapotranspiration and by pumping
for irrigation of truck crops.
Quantitative tests on wells penetrating the shallow aquifers
show that the coefficient of transmissibility ranges from 70,000
gpd ft (gallons per day per foot) to 1,070,000 gpd/ft, and that the
coefficient of storage ranges from 0.00015 to 0.0014. A method for
forecasting the results of continued pumping during an extensive
drought is illustrated in the report.



The extensive and expanding utilization of ground water for
domestic, municipal, and irrigation supplies in Glades and Hendry
counties, Florida, has created the problem of locating and preserving
satisfactory water supplies. The expansion of agriculture increases
the demand for irrigation water, a large part of which must come
from ground-water reservoirs. The development and growth of
communities are in part dependent upon the availability of adequate
supplies of potable water. This report describes the geology and
appraises the ground-water resources of Glades and Hendry
counties. It contains information on the location, availability, and
quality of the ground-water resources in the two counties, and
furnishes basic data that can be used in flood control and water
Fieldwork for the investigation was begun late in 1952 by the
U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological
Survey and the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District,


but was suspended between 1953 and 1958 because of more urgent
commitments. Work was resumed in June 1958 and was completed
by September 1958.
The investigation was under the supervision of N. D. Hoy,
district geologist, and M. I. Rorabaugh, district engineer, of the
U. S. Geological Survey.


The investigation was aided by data contributed by local resi-
dents, property owners, farmers, and ranchers. These data in-
cluded the locations of wells, their total depth, casing depth, and
yield, and in a few cases information on the quality of the water.
The generosity of local residents in permitting the sampling of wells
and measuring of water levels is greatly appreciated. The writers
are especially indebted to the following well drillers and concerns:
Roy Messer, LaBelle; Chester Beeles and James Drawdy, Arcadia;
C. D. Cannon, Palmetto; the B. & D. Drilling Co., and James
Whatley of Immokalee; and Miller Bros., Fort Myers. They granted
permission to collect rock cuttings and water samples, take flow
readings, and measure water levels during the drilling of wells
and, in addition, they furnished geologic and hydrologic informa-
tion. Flow-velocity measurements in flowing artesian wells were
made through the cooperation of C. C. Carlton, Arcadia, and M. K.
Wheeler, LaBelle.
The Florida Geological Survey furnished logs of a few shallow
and deep wells in the area. The Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army,
Jacksonville District, furnished charts of water stages of the
Caloosahatchee River.
Mollusks listed in the well logs were identified by Julia Gardner
and F. S. MacNeil of the Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch,
U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, and by personnel of the
Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee.


References to the geology and ground-water resources of Glades
and Hendry counties have been made in several reports published
by the Florida Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey.
Brief descriptions of surface and subsurface geology and water-
well data in the Glades-Hendry area were presented by Matson and
Clapp (1909), Sellards (1912, 1919), Matson and Sanford (1913),
and Cooke and Mossom (1929). Stringfield (1936) discussed the


geology and hydrology of the principal artesian aquifer in Florida.
Cooke (1945) and Parker and Cooke (1944) discussed the surface
and shallow subsurface geology in the Caloosahatchee River and
Lake Okeechobee areas. Water-quality and water-level data were
given by Stringfield (1936), and the chemical analyses of 17
ground-water samples were published by Black and Brown (1951).
Schroeder and Klein (1954) described and interpreted the shallow
geology of eastern Hendry County from a series of core borings.
Parker and others (1955) gave generalized information on the
geology of Glades and Hendry counties and presented a few specific
data concerning the quality of the water from the Floridan aquifer
and the shallow aquifers. DuBar (1958) described in detail the
geology along the Caloosahatchee River and discussed the strati-
graphic relationship of the Caloosahatchee Marl and the Fort

Figure 1. Location of Glades and Hendry counties.


Thompson Formation. The following U. S. Geological Survey Water-
Supply Papers contain records of ground-water levels in Hendry
County: 987, 1017, 1024, 1072, 1097, 1127, 1157, 1166, 1192, 1222,
1266, 1322, and 1405.



Glades and Hendry counties are in the central part of southern
Florida and constitute an area of approximately 2,000 square miles.
Glades County, the smaller, lies north of Hendry County and
borders the western shore of Lake Okeechobee (fig. 1).


Three general physiographic units are included in Glades and
Hendry counties and are classified with respect to land-surface
altitude, surface-mantling material, and types of vegetation. The
general units listed by Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 38-53) are the
Everglades, the Sandy Flatlands, and the Big Cypress Swamp (fig.
2). Davis (1943, p. 40-50) subdivided the Sandy Flatlands and
used the designation Western Flatlands for the area west of Lake
Okeechobee. Also, he specifically designated the area in north-
eastern Glades County as the Istokpoga-Indian Prairie Basin. This
unit extends northwestward into Highlands County.


The Everglades covers an area along the eastern boundary of
Hendry County and reaches a maximum width of about 6 miles in
the northeastern part of the county (fig. 2). In Glades County the
Everglades borders part of the southwestern shore of Lake
Okeechobee and extends to Lake Hicpochee. The boundary between
the Everglades and other physiographic units is indefinite, but may
be placed where sedges and sawgrass give way to true grasses,
pinelands, and cypress trees. Places of slightly higher altitude
support the growth of trees and shrubs because of better aeration
of the soil.
The soil of the Everglades is predominantly organic, but it
contains some fine sand. The .organic soil is composed almost en-
tirely of peat in eastern Hendry County, where the maximum thick-
|ness is 8 feet. Farther north, in southeastern Glades County, the











2 0 2 4 6 8 10


Figure 2. Glades and Hendry counties showing physiographic regions and
the directions of surface drainage.


sand content gradually increases until the soil loses its organic
character. In eastern Hendry County the Everglades peat and muck
overlies marl or an eroded marly limestone surface (Parker and
Cooke, 1944, p. 48) at an altitude of about 8 feet above msl (mean
sea level). The surface altitude of the Everglades is everywhere
less than 25 feet above msl.


The Sandy Flatlands is the largest physiographic unit in Glades
and Hendry counties. In Glades County it includes all but the area
east of Lake Hicpochee, and in Hendry County all but the eastern
and southern edges (fig. 2). The Sandy Flatlands extends north-
ward into Highlands County, westward to the Gulf of Mexico and
southward into Collier County. A minor subdivision in northeastern
Glades County is the southward extension of the Istokpoga-Indian
Prairie Basin.
The sands were deposited as marine terraces during late
Pleistocene time, when sea level fluctuated from more than 70 feet
to less than 25 feet above sea level.
The surface altitude in the Sandy Flatlands ranges from about
10 feet to more than 70 feet above msl. The highest sandy surfaces,
which are in western Glades County and north of Fisheating Creek,
were deposited by the Penholoway sea of Pleistocene time, which
stood 42 feet to more than 70 feet above present sea level. The
wide reentrant in the Penholoway terrace in the northwestern part
of Glades County (fig. 3) resulted from erosion by Fisheating Creek
after the recession of the Penholoway sea. Figure 3 (from Parker
and others, 1955, pl. 10) shows the approximate extent of Pleisto-
cene terrace surfaces in Glades and Hendry counties.
The Talbot terrace slopes gently toward the Caloosahatchee
River and Lake Okeechobee and surface altitudes range from about
42 to 30 feet above msl (fig. 3). An area in western Hendry County,
where altitudes are comparable to the Talbot terrace, was referred
to by Parker (1955, p. 139) as Immokalee Island. The Pamlico
terrace, where altitudes do not exceed 30 feet above msl, is the
area between the Talbot terrace and the Everglades.


The Big Cypress Swamp includes a large part of southern
Hendry County. The land-surface altitude in this area is lower
than that of the Sandy Flatlands, but is usually slightly higher than



Figure 3. Approximate extent of Pleistocene terraces in Glades and Hendry






the Everglades. Except in small areas of southwestern Hendry
County, altitudes are less than 25 feet above msl.
The soil of the Big Cypress Swamp in Hendry County is chiefly
sand grading to loam near the northern boundary of Collier
County. At the edges of the Big Cypress Swamp the soils merge
with the sand of the higher Sandy Flatlands and the peat and
muck of the Everglades.
The surface of the Big Cypress Swamp is flat and marked by
many small, high hammock areas. The hammocks support bunch
grass, palmettos, and pines, and stand out from the swampy region
where low cypress, sedges, and marsh plants predominate.


Most of Glades and Hendry counties lie within the Fisheating
Creek and the Caloosahatchee River watersheds. These and other
drainage features are shown in figure 2. Drainage of the northern
part of Glades County is by Fisheating Creek, which flows south-
ward from the high sandy ridge areas of Highlands County into
Glades County and eastward into Lake Okeechobee. Because of the
low gradient in the eastern reaches of Fisheating Creek, drainage
is sluggish and much of this area in eastern Glades County is
flooded during rainy seasons. The northeastern part of the county
is drained chiefly by the Kissimmee River, the Harney Pond Canal,
and the Indian Prairie Canal. Drainage in the remainder of Glades
County and the western part of Hendry County is by the Caloosa-
hatchee River. The divide that separates the Caloosahatchee River
and the Fisheating Creek drainage basins trends east-southeast
across south-central Glades County. The Devil's Garden marshy
area in central and southern Hendry County drains sluggishly to
the west into the Okaloacoochee Slough, which in turn normally
drains northward into the lower Sandy Flatlands, and southward
into the Big Cypress Swamp. During high-water periods, drainage
from Devil's Garden may occur in all directions.
The discharge of the Caloosahatchee River depends upon the
water stage of Lake Okeechobee. During low lake stages the
spillways and gates at Ortona Lock are closed and flow in the
river is greatly reduced. However, during wet periods the gates
are opened and the discharge of the river is increased many times.
The stage of the Caloosahatchee River is affected by the Gulf of
Mexico tides as far upstream as the Ortona Lock.
Before drainage and water control were in effect in the Ever-
glades and Lake Okeechobee areas, the Lake Flirt basin and Lake


Hicpochee were fed by overflow from Lake Okeechobee. Much of
the Everglades and the areas adjacent to Lake Okeechobee and the
Caloosahatchee River were flooded during rainy seasons and for a
considerable period afterward. The construction of the levee along
the southern rim of Lake Okeechobee and the improvement of the
channel of the Caloosahatchee River after the floods of 1928 resulted
in a decrease in the overall area affected by periodic flooding.
The Devil's Garden and the Okaloacoochee Slough in central
and western Hendry County are the largest remaining marshy
areas (fig. 2). Surface runoff throughout most of the 2-county
area is sluggish because of the flatness of the region. Rainfall
soaks into the sandy mantle of the flatlands, and when the ground
becomes saturated, wide shallow ponds and marshes form in large


The climate of Glades and Hendry counties is subtropical and
the temperature rarely falls below freezing. Table 1 shows the
average monthly and yearly temperatures at Moore Haven and
La Belle. Table 2 shows the maximum, minimum, and average
monthly and yearly rainfall at the same stations. The average
annual rainfall for the period 1935-56, from U. S. Weather Bureau
records, is 49.83 inches at Moore Haven and 51.81 inches at LaBelle.
The maximum monthly rainfall at Moore Haven was 21.55 inches in
September 1948. The minimum of record occurred in 1956 when
only 30.94 inches of rain fell at Moore Haven. Rainfall is heaviest
during June through October and lightest during November through
February. The average monthly rainfall at the Moore Haven and
LaBelle stations is similar.

TABLE 1. Average Temperature (oF) at Moore Haven and LaBelle, 1935-56

Moore Haven LaBelle
January 64.00 64.2
February 64.5 64.4
March 67.5 68.0
April 72.0 72.5
May 75.9 76.5
June 79.5 79.9
July 80.9 81.3
August 81.4 81.7
September 80.3 80.6
October 75.9 75.6
November 68.9 68.5
December 67.4 65.1
Year 73.2 73.2


TABLE 2. Rainfall, in Inches, at Moore Haven and LaBelle, 1935-56

Moore Haven LaBelle
Max. Min. Average Max. Min. Average
January 5.73 0.05 1.45 4.07 0.00 1.48
February 5.02 .03 1.68 5.46 .03 1.84
March 8.73 .03 2.17 8.84 .01 2.35
April 5.64 .21 3.03 7.71 .65 3.05
May 11.96 1.13 4.39 9.24 .71 3.12
June 15.02 3.61 7.25 19.32 3.33 9.20
July 16.13 2.99 8.27 15.14 5.11 8.46
August 12.51 2.39 6.61 13.90 2.21 7.66
September 21.55 2.23 8.08 18.51 2.92 7.87
October 11.11 .03 4.17 13.46 .31 4.21
November 5.47 .03 1.31 2.21 .18 1.26
December 6.46 .11 1.42 4.63 .08 1.31
Year 71.20 30.94 49.83 73.83 36.83 51.81


In 1950 the populations of Glades and Hendry counties were
2,199 and 6,051, respectively. Between 1940 and 1950 the popula-
tion of Glades County declined about 20 percent and that of Hendry
County increased more than 10 percent. The estimated populations
as of July 1958 were 3,100 for Glades County and 7,200 for Hendry
County. Most of the population is concentrated near Lake
Okeechobee. In 1950, Moore Haven, the Glades County seat, LaBelle,
the Hendry County seat, and Clewiston, had populations of 636,
945, and 2,499, respectively. The population of the area increases
in winter when migrant farmworkers move into the area for the
growing season. Only a small number of tourists visit these two
counties, mainly for fishing in Lake Okeechobee and hunting.
Agriculture is the predominant economic activity in both
counties, and the chief products are winter vegetables, sugarcane,
beef cattle, and dairy products. Green beans, lettuce, and sugarcane
are grown on the Everglades mucklands adjacent to Lake
Okeechobee; peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and watermelons are
the main crops raised on the sandy soils. A crop is grown every
year on the mucklands, but on the sandy soils the land is farmed
for only one or two seasons, owing to the spread of plant disease
and the rapid growth of Bermuda grass on the cultivated soil. The
land then usually is converted to improved pasture with a forage
cover of pangolia, carib, or other grass. Citrus is grown along the
Caloosahatchee River downstream from LaBelle. Dairy farms are
located near Clewiston, LaBelle, Moore Haven, and Lakeport. One
of the largest single-unit cane factories for producing raw sugar is
located south of Clewiston.



The main water-bearing rocks underlying Glades and Hendry
counties include consolidated and unconsolidated strata ranging in
age from Eocene to Recent. Rocks of middle Miocene age and
older yield water by natural flow, but the shallower, younger sedi-
ments yield water to wells in which the water levels normally are
below the land surface. The sediments form part of the southern
flank of the regional Ocala uplift (Vernon, 1951, p. 54-65), the
crest of which is in northern and north-central Florida. The beds
conform to the regional uplift in a subdued manner and dip gently
to the south. The general sequence of geologic formations under-
lying Glades and Hendry counties is shown in table 3. Rocks
deposited before the middle Miocene Epoch are composed almost
entirely of limestone, formed by the accumulation and cementation
of shell fragments and by chemical precipitation of calcium
carbonate in a marine environment. Younger materials are chiefly
plastics, deposited as an aggregate of sand, silt, and clay, with
shelly material scattered throughout.
The surface sediments in Glades and Hendry counties are of
Pleistocene and Recent age. Subsurface beds composed of im-
permeable clay and marl form a major part of the middle Miocene.
A limestone section occurs at the top of the Tampa Formation and
continues downward through Oligocene, Eocene, and Paleocene
rocks. According to Applin (1951, p. 6-7) the top of the Upper
Cretaceous rocks in Glades and Hendry counties occurs at depths
ranging from 4,500 to 6,000 feet. Oil is recovered from Lower
Cretaceous rocks at the Sunniland field (Collier County), near the
southwest corner of Hendry County, from a depth of about 11,500
The recognition and differentiation of the Tertiary formations
are of variable accuracy. In most samples macrofossils are not
present in sufficient quantities to make accurate determination of
the formation. In many cases no diagnostic fossils were present in
the drill cuttings, and lithologic differences were used to identify
the formations.


Rocks of the Eocene Series in Glades and Hendry counties are
chiefly limestones of different textures and permeability, and are
represented in ascending order by the Oldsmar Limestone, the Lake

TABLE 3. Geologic Formations in Glades and Hendry Counties

Estimated range
of thickness
Series Group Formationi (feet) Lithology and water-bearing properties

Recent Organic soils 0- 8 Peat and muck; water has high color.
Lake Flirt Marl 0- 8 Fresh-water marl, sandy muck, carbonaceous sand; of low permeability.
Terrace deposits 0- 15 Quartz sand; yields small quantities of water to sandpoint wells; water
is colored and high in iron content.
Pleistocene Fort Thompson Formation 0- 15 Alternating marine shell beds and fresh-water marl; generally of low
(contemporaneous with permeability except locally where it is solution riddled.
Anastasia Formation 0- 15 Sand, marl, and shell beds; yields colored water to standpoint wells.
Pliocene Caloosahatchee Marl 0- 60 Shell, sand, and silt; shell beds yield water that in some areas is highly
Tamiami Formation 30-110 Sand, marl, shell beds, and limestone; limestone is fairly widespread and
yields large quantities of water for irrigation.
Hawthorn Formation 300-500 Clay marl, sand, gravel, and limestone; clay marl forms confining beds
Miocene for the Floridan aquifer; limestone at base forms upper part of the
Floridan aquifer; sand and gravel and limestone beds in upper part
yield water to wells.
Tampa Formation 15-100 Sandy limestone: yields water under artesian pressure; is part of the
Floridan aquifer.
Oligocene Suwannee Limestone 0-570
Ocala 150-800 Limestone and dolomite; yields water under artesian pressure, in many
areas highly mineralized; is part of the Floridan aquifer.
Eocene Avon Park Limestone 200-390 Limestone and dolomite; yields water under artesian pressure, highly
mineralized in much of the area; is part of the Floridan aquifer.
Lake City Limestone 800+ Crystalline dolomite, dolomitic limestone and chalky limestone; porous and
highly permeable; yields large quantities of highly mineralized water
in much of the area; is part of the Floridan aquifer.

1U. S. Geological Survey lists formations as follows: Luke Flirt Marl as Pleistocene and Recent; Ocala Group as Ocala Limestone and Inglis Lime-

stone; Tampa Formation as Tampa Limestone.



---- --I- -- I--~-- -- -----I~---- -- L- __ __-II 1 1___11 _--____--------_-


City Limestone, the Avon Park Limestone, and limestones of the
Ocala Group. The Oldsmar Limestone, the oldest formation of the
series, has not been penetrated by water wells in the two counties.
Cooke (1945, p. 40) states that the formation unconformably over-
lies rocks of Paleocene age. In most places in Florida the formations
of the Eocene Series can be differentiated only by a study of micro-
fossils. Figure 4 shows the locations of wells for which detailed
logs are available and also the locations of the geologic sections
shown in figures 5-8.


The Lake City Limestone is the name applied by Applin and
Applin (1944, p. 1693) to the dark-brown chalky limestone of early
middle Eocene age penetrated between depths of 497 to 1,010 feet
in a well at Lake City, Columbia County. They give a thickness of
200 to 250 feet for the formation in peninsular Florida, and Cooke
(1945, p. 46) also estimates that the formation in southern Florida
ranges in thickness from 200 to 250 feet. The Lake City Limestone
beneath southern Florida is composed of brown, hard, crystalline
dolomite and dolomitic limestone, and cream-colored permeable
limestone. The general absence of appreciable plastic material and
the subsurface extent of the limestone indicates that Glades and
Hendry counties were located a considerable distance offshore at
the time of its deposition.
A large part of the fossil content of the Lake City Limestone
is Foraminifera. Applin and Jordan (1945, p. 131) list species that
they consider diagnostic of the formation. Vernon (1951, p. 92)
indicates that the Lake City Limestone may rest unconformably on
the Oldsmar Limestone and is unconformable with the overlying
Avon Park Limestone.
Bishop (1956, p. 113) estimates that 80 feet of the Lake City
Limestone was penetrated in well 22, in northeastern Glades County
(fig. 5). The only other known penetrations of this formation were
by deep oil-test wells. The geologic section A-A' shown in figure 5
indicates that the regional dip of the formation is southward.
The Lake City Limestone has good porosity, is highly permeable,
and is part of the Floridan aquifer. Bishop (1956, p. 18) states that
the Lake City Limestone, because of its high permeability, is a
highly productive part of the Floridan aquifer beneath Highlands
County. However, it yields highly mineralized water in most of
Glades and Hendry counties.


Figure 4. Glades and Hendry counties showing locations of geologic sections
and included wells.


Figure 5. South-north geologic section A-A' through Glades and Hendry


Applin and Applin (1944, p. 1686-1687) gave the name Avon
Park Limestone to the highly microfossiliferous limestone in the
upper part of the late middle Eocene rocks which occur between
depths of 600 and 930 feet in a well drilled at Avon Park in Polk
County. Vernon (1951, p. 95-96) identified the Avon Park Lime-
stone at the surface in Citrus and Levy counties. The formation
underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties, increasing in thickness
to the southeast; it ranges from 200 feet in southern Highlands
County (Bishop, 1956, p. 14) to 390 feet in southern Hendry
County. The Avon Park Limestone is mainly a tan-to-white,
slightly porous, chalky limestone containing many microfossils;
part of the formation, however, is composed of brown, hard,
granular limestone and dolomitic limestone. The microfossils have
been described by Applin and Applin (1944), Applin and Jordan
(1945), and Cole (1942, 1944). Vernon (1951, p. 99) indicates
that the Avon Park Limestone is separated from older and younger
formations by erosional unconformities.
Cooke (1945, p. 51-52) states, "The Avon Park limestone was
deposited in an open ocean that received little sand or clay. The


D o(- t B-
B a 200 M M W 200
aj _j J



.400 TA--PA--.F -400

-600 -600

--8oo00 -8oo

-1000 -I00&
-1200 -1200


-1600 -- -1600
2 0 2 4 6 a
Figure 6. South-north geologic section B-B' through Glades and Hendry
entire Floridan Plateau was probably submerged, but the location
of the shore line is unknown." Vernon (1951, p. 97) states, "The
fauna of the Avon Park limestone ranges from a shallow-water
marine beach to only slightly deeper marine facies. The environ-
ments favorable for such deposits are shallow coastal bays,
beaches, and marine shelves where almost no plastic material was
being deposited." Vernon found in Polk County that the Avin
Park Limestone resembled a beach-type deposit, and in -the:-:
encircling area the limestone is a shallow-water marine deposit. It
seems likely that in Glades and Hendry counties the Avon Park
Limestone is mainly a shallow-water marine-shelf deposit.
The formation is an important component of the Floridan
aquifer and will yield water to flowing wells in most areas. In much
of Glades and Hendry counties the water is highly mineralized.


200 <










-600 -600


















U 468


Figure 7. West-east geologic section C-C' through Hendry County.


Cooke (1915, p. 117; 1945, p. 53) defined the Ocala as limestone
of Jackson age. Applin and Applin (1944, p. 1683-1685) and Applin
and Jordan (1945, p. 130) determined that the Ocala could be
differentiated into a lower and an upper unit. Vernon (1951, p. 115)
correlated the basal 80 feet of the Ocala Limestone of Cooke (1945,
p. 53-73) at the outcrop area in Citrus and Levy counties with
the Moodys Branch Formation of early Jackson age in Alabama.
By separating this basal part, to which he applied the name Moodys
Branch Formation, Vernon (1951, p. 156) restricted the Ocala
Limestone to beds of late Jackson age. He described the Moodys
Branch Formation in Florida as a marine, fossiliferous limestone


Figure 8. South-north geologic section D-D' along the western shore of Lake

composed of the camerinid-rich Williston Member at the top, and
the echinoid-rich Inglis Member at the base. The Ocala Limestone
of Cooke was raised to group rank by Puri (1953, p. 130), who
subdivided it into three formations as follows: the Crystal River
Formation, equivalent to Vernon's Ocala Limestone (restricted);
the Williston Formation, equivalent to the upper part of the Moodys
Branch Formation; and the Inglis Formation, equivalent to the
lower part of the Moodys Branch Formation.
Limestones of the Ocala Group range in thickness from about
150 feet to 390 feet and appear to thicken in a southwesterly
direction within Glades and Hendry counties. In general they are
cream-colored, soft and chalky, and in many places are composed
of a foraminiferal coquina. The lowermost part of the Ocala Group
is unconformable with the Avon Park Limestone. The top of the
Ocala is an eroded surface and, according to Cooke (1945, p:' 56)4,
the oldest outcropping rocks overlying it are those of the Mariannai
Limestone of middle Oligocene age in northwestern Florida. Cooke
(1945, p. 57) suggests that during the deposition of the Ocala
Group the shoreline was in Alabama and Georgia and that the
sea was open and fairly shallow. Vernon (1951, p. 57) seems to
agree with this concept, as he found some detrital, crossbedded
limestone in his Inglis Member.


Bishop (1956, p. 23) states that the limestones of the Ocala
Group are not important units in the Floridan aquifer beneath
the ridge area of Highlands County. In Glades and Hendry
counties, however, they are fairly permeable and yield appreciable
amounts of water to wells penetrating the aquifer. These lime-
stones contain relatively salty water in most parts of the two

Cooke (1945, p. 75) states, "The Oligocene series, as interpreted
by the United States Geological Survey, is divided into three parts.
The lowest, which includes the Red Bluff clay and the Forest Hill
sand of Mississippi, is not known to be represented in Florida. The
Marianna limestone and the overlying Byram limestone together
comprise the middle part to which the name Vicksburg group is
now restricted. The Suwannee limestone and its littoral equivalent,
the Flint River formation, are of late Oligocene age." The
Suwannee Limestone apparently is the only formation of Oligocene
age in Glades and Hendry counties.

The name Suwannee Limestone was proposed by Cooke and
Mansfield (1936, p. 71) for the yellowish limestone exposed along
the Suwannee River in Hamilton and Suwannee counties, in
northern Florida. The formation includes all the beds lying below
the Tampa Formation and above the Byram Formation or older
beds. The definition is the same as that used by MacNeil (1944,
p. 1313-1318).
The Suwannee Limestone underlies all of Glades and Hendry
counties except an area in the northeastern part of Glades County.
The formation thickens from north to south and apparently from
east to west, and reaches a maximum thickness of about 570 feet
(fig. 5-7).
The distribution of Oligocene rocks in Florida indicates that
erosion prevailed over large areas during the Oligocene Epoch. The
sea that transgressed during the middle Oligocene Epoch deposited
the Marianna and Byram Formations in western Florida, but Glades
and Hendry counties probably were above sea level during early
and middle Oligocene time and limestone of the Ocala Group was
undergoing considerable erosion. It appears that the only time
Glades and Hendry counties were covered by Oligocene seas was
during deposition of the Suwannee Limestone.


The Suwannee Limestone is a white, finely porous limestone,
somewhat crystalline and partly dolomitized. It is moderately
permeable and yields artesian water to deep wells that penetrate
the Floridan aquifer; however, the water contained in the Suwannee
Limestone is brackish in most of Glades and Hendry counties.

Cooke (1945, p. 109-111) recognized three divisions of the
Miocene which, in the Florida Peninsula, are represented by the
Tampa Formation (lower Miocene), Hawthorn Formation (middle
Miocene), and Duplin Marl. Puri (1953, p. 38-41) recognized three
divisions of the Miocene in the Florida Panhandle: Tampa Stage
(lower Miocene), the Alum Bluff Stage (middle Miocene), and the
Choctawhatchee Stage (upper Miocene). In southern Florida the
Miocene Series is represented by the Tampa Formation, the Haw-
thorn Formation, and the Tamiami Formation in ascending order.


The Tampa Formation of this report refers to the sandy lime-
stone, of Miocene age, that lies above the Suwannee Limestone and
beneath the predominantly plastic beds of the Hawthorn Formation.
The Tampa Formation, which crops out in the vicinity of Tampa
Bay, was originally described by Johnson (1888) and Dall (1892).
The formation probably underlies all of Glades and Hendry
counties, but in northeastern Glades County it is very thin. It
gradually increases in thickness from 15 feet in northeastern Glades
County to about 190 feet in southern Hendry County. It is composed
of porous, highly permeable limestone, friable calcareous sandstone,
and a few beds of white chalky marl. Because of solution by
ground-water movement, fossils are preserved mainly as molds.
This solvent action has produced the very porous and permeable
zones within the formation.
The Tampa Formation overlies the Suwannee Limestone
unconformably. Puri (1953, p. 38) indicates that the Tampa is
unconformably overlain by the Hawthorn Formation and its
equivalents in western Florida. Some of the field studies of Cooke
(1945, p. 115) suggest that it may grade vertically upward into the
Hawthorn Formation. This gradational relationship may pertain
in Glades and Hendry counties.
The Tampa Formation is very permeable, and together with
the limestones of the lower part of the Hawthorn Formation


furnishes most of the artesian water used in Glades and Hendry
The Hawthorn Formation of this report is defined as beds
younger than the Tampa Formation and older than the upper
Miocene sediments. This is essentially the definition of Cooke
(1945, p. 44) and of Vernon (1951, p. 186-187). The Hawthorn
Formation underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties and ranges
in thickness from about 300 feet in southern Hendry County to
about 500 feet in northern Glades County.
The Hawthorn Formation is composed of light-green to greenish-
gray sandy marl, green and white plastic clay, finely crystalline
permeable limestone, silty sands, and quartz pebbles. These
sediments commonly contain small grains of phosphorite and
occasionally contain phosphate pebbles. The coarse sand and pebbles
occur in the beds near the top of the formation and the limestone
beds usually occur near the base. Sandy and clayey marls are the
predominant sediments of the Hawthorn Formation.
Puri (1953, p. 38-39) had indicated that in western Florida the
Hawthorn Formation and its equivalents overlie the Tampa Forma-
tion unconformably and underlie the upper Miocene sediments
unconformably. Cooke (1945, p. 145) also reports that the upper
Miocene beds overlie the Hawthorn plastics unconformably.
Lithologic and foraminiferal studies of cuttings from wells located
west and southeast of Glades and Hendry counties suggest that
the Tamiami Formation (upper Miocene) may overlie the Hawthorn
Formation conformably. The Hawthorn Formation probably is
early and middle Miocene in age.
The Hawthorn Formation, as examined from well cuttings in
Glades and Hendry counties, is apparently of marine origin. Bishop
(1956, p. 26) has found that the ridge area in Highlands County
is underlain by deltaic sediments containing sand, quartz pebbles,
phosphorite, mica, and kaolinite, which overlie typical marine marl
and clay of the Hawthorn Formation. The upper Miocene beds
appear to wedge out against these deltaic deposits on both flanks
of the ridge. The deposits probably are of late Hawthorn age and
apparently extend southward into Glades County in the vicinity
of U. S. Highway 27.
According to reports from well drillers, a gravelly bed occurs
in northeastern Glades County and extends southward into Hendry
County. It has been recognized in some of the wells for which
lithologic logs have been prepared. In well 4, west of Clewiston in


Hendry County, the gravel between 91 and 127 feet below the land
surface could be interpreted as the basal part of the Tamiami
Formation; however, the authors believe that it is part of the
Hawthorn Formation and is a southward extension of the ridge
deltaic deposits. Quartz pebbles also have been penetrated within
the Hawthorn Formation in a well on Marco Island, Collier County,
a well in Dade County near the Collier-Monroe County line, and a
well on Cape Sable in the Everglades National Park. Bishop (1956,
p. 27) also reports that quartz pebbles have been found in the
Hawthorn Formation- underlying the Bone Valley Formation
(Pliocene) in Polk County. Well drillers report that in Glades and
Hendry counties the gravels are usually isolated masses and are of
irregular thickness. These occurrences tend to substantiate the
fact that a delta tongue extended southward from Highlands County
during late Hawthorn time.
Glades and Hendry counties were submerged during early
Hawthorn time and the shoreline probably extended as far north
as the Ocala uplift, as suggested by Vernon (1951, p. 181-184).
Before the end of Hawthorn time a finger of a delta progressed
southward across Highlands County and the final frontal slope
formed near Venus (Highlands County). It is presumed that only
bottomset deltaic beds were deposited in Glades and Hendry
counties. The sea withdrew from most of Florida at the end of
Hawthorn time, but there is a possibility that all of southern
Florida may have been receiving continuous deposition during the
middle and late Miocene time, and the contact between the Haw-
thorn Formation and the Tamiami Formation may be conformable.
Local occurrences of gravel, thin limestone beds, and shell beds
in the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation form moderately
productive aquifers in an area about 5 miles west of Moore Haven
in Glades County, in an area north of the Devil's Garden in Hendry
County, and in the vicinity of LaBelle. Wells that penetrate
these aquifers range in depth from about 100 to 175 feet.
The limestone beds in the lower part of the Hawthorn Forma-
tion are fairly widespread and may form a hydrologic unit with
the underlying more permeable limestones of the Floridan aquifer.
The beds by themselves do not yield sufficient quantities of water
for most irrigation needs, and wells are generally drilled into one
or more of the underlying limestones. In most places, the clay
and marl of the Hawthorn Formation form the confining unit for
the Floridan aquifer; upward leakage through these materials is



The Tamiami Formation, as redefined by Parker (1951, p. 823),
includes all upper Miocene deposits in southern Florida. The
Tamiami Formation underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties.
The deposition of sediments in Glades and Hendry counties
during Tamiami time probably was controlled by the southward
extension of the Hawthorn deltaic plastic materials which formed
a topographic high. In the western half of Glades and Hendry
counties and in Lee and Charlotte counties .the Hawthorn deltaics
occur at a higher altitude than the Hawthorn plastic sediments to
the east (fig. 7). Consequently, the overlying sediments of Tamiami
age in the western parts of the counties are thinner than those in
the eastern parts of the counties and probably do not exceed 80
feet in thickness (fig. 7). They are composed chiefly of fine and
medium sand, silt, marl, and lenses or thin beds of shells. These
sediments appear to be reworked Hawthorn deltaic deposits.
In much of the eastern part of Hendry County the Tamiami
Formation contains limestone that dips to the east and southeast.
Limestone in the Tamiami Formation is continuous and widespread
over an area exceeding 400 square miles. At the Collier-Hendry
County boundary, directly east of Immokalee, limestone occurs at
a depth of 22 feet below the land surface and extends to a depth of
at least 55 feet. This limestone layer presumably dips eastward
to a depth of about 90 feet in an area 8 miles east of the county
boundary, and to a depth of 120 feet in an area about 20 miles east
of the county line. The limestone wedges out 3 to 5 miles east of
Immokalee, and no shallow limestone beds are reported in the
immediate vicinity of Immokalee.
The Tamiami Formation differs in composition from shelly
marl to soft, silty, fossiliferous limestone in different localities. The
formation crops out locally along the Caloosahatchee River in
Glades and Hendry counties where it is a greenish-gray sandy
clay. DuBar (1958, p. 34) suggests that the Tamiami Formation
along the Caloosahatchee River reaches a maximum thickness of
at least 60 feet. Throughout Glades County and northern and
western Hendry County the Tamiami Formation is composed
chiefly of sand, marl, and shells.
In most of southern and eastern Hendry County the limestone
beds of the Tamiami Formation are highly permeable and yield
large quantities of water to relatively shallow irrigation wells.
In the remainder of Hendry County and in Glades County local
shell beds and lenses will yield moderate quantities of water to


domestic wells or small irrigation wells. Some shell beds in the
vicinity of LaBelle and the area bordering Lake Okeechobee yield
water of relatively high mineral content.


The Caloosahatchee Marl is the only formation of Pliocene age
recognized in southern Florida. Although there is some uncertainty
about the age of the Caloosahatchee Marl, the authors tentatively
are retaining it in the Pliocene. DuBar (1958, p. 35) assigned the
Caloosahatchee Marl to the Pleistocene, primarily on the basis of
vertebrate fossils, and to a lesser extent on mollusks and strati-
graphic relationship.


The shell beds exposed along the upper reaches of the
Caloosahatchee River were classified by Heilprin (1887) as Pliocene
in age. Matson and Clapp (1909, p. 123) adopted the name
Caloosahatchee Marl for these beds and their definition has been
in general use since that time. The formation as used in this report
comprises the sediments that contain a molluscan fauna considered
as diagnostic of the Caloosahatchee Marl.
The distribution and areal extent of the Caloosahatchee Marl
are not well known. It is exposed along the Caloosahatchee River
and has been penetrated in wells near the river and along the
margin of Lake Okeechobee (fig. 8). Shelly material dredged from
drainage canals a few miles southeast of Lake Okeechobee closely
resembles the material along the Caloosahatchee River. DuBar
(1958, p. 85, fig. 29) indicates that the Caloosahatchee Marl ranges
in thickness from 5 to 25 feet in areas adjacent to the river and
downstream from LaBelle. Upstream from LaBelle test wells
penetrated 45 to 65 feet of the formation, but did not reach the
bottom. Generally, the Caloosahatchee Marl ranges in thickness
from 15 to 30 feet, although thicknesses of 60 feet have been noted.
The formation appears to be a discontinuous deposit, occurring as
erosional remnants filling depressions in the older eroded surface
of the Tamiami Formation.
The Caloosahatchee Marl consists predominantly of unconsoli-
dated sand and sandy marl that contain abundant marine mollusks.
In addition to the profusion of mollusks, one of the outstanding
features of the formation along the banks of the Caloosahatchee
River is a 2-foot layer of hard, solution-riddled marine limestone


which Dubar (1958, p. 58) calls the Bee Branch Member. About
21' miles upstream from LaBelle the Bee Branch Member of DuBar
dips beneath the waterline. Schroeder and Klein (1954, p. 5)
indicate that in eastern Hendry County a greenish silty sand and
sandy marl, derived from erosion of green clay marl of the Tamiami
Formation, composed a part of the Caloosahatchee Marl. These
greenish sediments appear to be restricted to the flanks of the
hills of the eroded Tamiami Formation.
In general, the Caloosahatchee Marl has low permeability and
is a relatively unimportant source of ground water. Small yields
can be obtained from shell beds and lenses, but in areas adjacent
to the Caloosahatchee River where the Bee Branch Member of
DuBar is best developed in the subsurface, the formation may
yield fairly large quantities of water by infiltration from the river.
In the area along the west shore of Lake Okeechobee the water is
usually highly mineralized.

Formations of Pleistocene age in southern Florida are the sands
of the marine terraces, the Anastasia and Fort Thompson
Formations, the Key Largo Limestone, and the Miami Oolite. The
higher terraces of early Pleistocene age, the Miami Oolite, and
Key Largo Limestone do not occur in Glades and Hendry counties.
The Anastasia Formation and the terrace sands are of marine
origin and the Fort Thompson Formation is a succession of marine
and fresh-water beds.
The different elevations of the Pleistocene shorelines and the
alternation of marine and fresh-water beds in the Fort Thompson
Formation give a record of the oscillation of sea level during the
ice age. Although the maximum advances of ice sheets were far
to the north, their advances and retreats affected Florida by
alternately lowering and raising the level of the sea as water was
being frozen or melted and consequently was being withdrawn from
or added to the ocean.
The Pleistocene deposits in Glades and Hendry counties are
chiefly quartz sands, shell beds, limestone, and marl.

The Anastasia Formation was named by Sellards (1912) for
outcrops of coquina on Anastasia Island, near St. Augustine,
Florida. Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 199) expanded this definition
to include all the marine deposits of Pleistocene age underlying the


lowest plain bordering the east coast of Florida, excluding the
Key Largo Limestone and Miami Oolite in southeastern Florida.
Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 66) defined the formation as follows:
"The Anastasia formation as here defined includes the coquina,
sand, sandy limestone, and shelly marl of pre-Pamlico Pleistocene
age that lies along both the Florida east and west coast."
The exact distribution of the Anastasia Formation is not known.
It probably is present beneath all of Glades and Hendry counties
excluding the Everglades area in eastern Hendry County, a 5-mile
strip on either side of the Caloosahatchee River, and a strip 5 to
10 miles wide along the west shore of Lake Okeechobee. The
thickness of the formation is commonly about 2 to 3 feet and
probably does not exceed 15 feet.
The coquina limestone found at the type locality of the
Anastasia Formation does not occur in Glades and Hendry counties.
Sand, shell, and marl form most of the formation in Glades and
Hendry counties. A thin marine sandstone is the most prominent
bed in the formation. The beds in eastern Hendry County that
have been assigned tentatively to the Fort Thompson Formation
by Schroeder and Klein (1954, p. 5) are apparently transitional
between the Fort Thompson and Anastasia Formations. The
formation is overlain unconformably by the Pamlico Sand and
underlain unconformably by the Caloosahatchee Marl.
A few wells for domestic supplies and numerous wells for
watering stock derive water from the Anastasia Formation. The
water is generally colored and high in iron content.
The alternating fresh-water and marine limestones exposed
along the Caloosahatchee River at Fort Thompson, about 2 miles
east of LaBelle, were initially named the Fort Thompson beds by
Sellards (1919, p. 71-72). Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 211-215)
later named this sequence the Fort Thompson Formation and
indicated that the beds lie unconformably on the Caloosahatchee
Marl and are overlain by the Lake Flirt Marl of Recent age.
The Fort Thompson Formation in Glades and Hendry counties
has its maximum thickness in the southern part of the Everglades
basin. It extends in a strip about 5 miles wide near the eastern
border of Hendry County, in a strip about 5 miles on either side of
the Caloosahatchee River upstream from LaBelle, and in a strip 5
to 10 miles wide along the west shore of Lake Okeechobee. The
formation ranges in thickness from 2 to 15 feet.
The typical development at old Fort Thompson shows alter-


nating beds of marine shells and fresh-water limestones. The
limestones apparently are case-hardened marl.
The Fort Thompson Formation lies unconformably upon the
Caloosahatchee Marl and is overlain unconformably by the Pamlico
Sand or Recent soil and marl. Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 89-96)
correlated the beds at old Fort Thompson with the inferred
fluctuations of sea level during the Pleistocene Epoch. They
considered the Pamlico Sand to be of mid-Wisconsin age, but later,
Cooke (1952, p. 51) referred it to the Sangamon Interglaciation.
The beds along the river downstream from the Ortona Lock,
in the vicinity of station 343 of Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 93),
have been studied in detail by the authors. At that locality the
Fort Thompson Formation is 6 to 7 feet thick and is described
as follows:
Description (feet)
Fort Thompson Formation:
10. Shell beds, marine (Coffee Mill Hammock Marl Member) -- 1 -2
9. Marl, sandy, containing marine shells in lower part-------- 0 -2
8. Marl, fresh-water -----..--.-.-----------------------...................... ... .
7. Shell marl, marine, silty .... ..----.--. -- --.......-.................. -1
6. Limestone, fresh-water ...--- .... ------...... ....... --........-----....---. .. 0 -
5. Shell marl, marine, silty ---- --....------................................. 1 -2
4. Limestone, fresh-water .... ...-------------...---........... .... 0 %
3. Shell marl, marine, Vermnicularia bed .---------... --.--------........... 1 -2
2. Limestone, sandy, fresh-water ....-----------.. ..............-....-. -1%
Caloosahatchee Marl:
1. Shell marl, marine
Parker and Cooke included beds 2 and 3 of the section in the
Caloosahatchee Marl. However, fresh-water gastropods were
abundant in bed 2 for 1,700 and 800 feet, respectively, on the left
and right banks of the river. Therefore, the top of the Caloosa-
hatchee Marl is placed tentatively below bed 2. Typical
Caloosahatchee shells were not found in bed 3. In this area, as
noted, the four fresh-water beds (beds 2, 4, 6, and 8) may indicate
glaciations, and the six diastems suggest short periods of lowered
sea levels and breaks in sedimentation.
The deposition of the Anastasia and Fort Thompson Formations
and the terrace deposits was the result of the oscillation of sea


level during the Pleistocene. During the interglacial stages the
high-level seas covered the area, and during the glacial stages,
when the sea levels were below present levels, most of the area
was being eroded but fresh-water marls were being deposited in
shallow depressions. The Lake Okeechobee-Everglades Basin and
a subsidiary basin in the Caloosahatchee River valley probably
were lakes or swamps during a part of each glacial period. It
appears that a drainageway from the Lake Okeechobee area toward
the Gulf of Mexico existed during the glacial periods and conditions
were somewhat similar to those prior to the dredging of the
Caloosahatchee River.
The Fort Thompson Formation generally does not yield large
quantities of water in Glades and Hendry counties because the
limestones are usually of low permeability and the shell beds
contain silt and clay. Small supplies can be obtained from shell
beds by jetting and removing the fine materials from the zone
surrounding the bottom of well casings.


The terrace deposits in Glades and Hendry counties are
composed of quartz sand referred by Parker and Cooke (1944, p.
74-77) to the Pamlico, Talbot, and Penholoway terraces. The old
shorelines of these deposits occur at about 25 feet, 42 feet, and 70
feet above sea level, respectively, and are associated with glacial
control of sea level during the Pleistocene Epoch.
Terrace sands mantle all of Glades and Hendry counties, except
the areas covered by Recent organic soils and marls in the Ever-
glades, and the Lake Flirt basin along the Caloosahatchee River.
Usually the sands are 2 to 3 feet thick, but where they overlie old
depressions they may be as much as 15 feet thick. The terrace
sands lie unconformably upon the Fort Thompson or Anastasia
Formations of Pleistocene age, the Caloosahatchee Marl of Pliocene
age, and the Tamiami Formation of late Miocene age, and are
overlain unconformably by the Lake Flirt Marl and deposits of
Recent age.
Wells developed in the terrace sands are generally driven
sandpoints. Well 237 in northwestern Glades County is a dug well
and holds its form because it penetrates iron-cemented "hardpan."
The water from this well is undesirable for domestic use because
it is high in color and has a high iron content.



The deposits of Recent age in Glades and Hendry counties
include the organic soils of the Everglades and the Lake Flirt
Marl. The marl and the parent material for most of the organic
soils accumulated in a fresh-water environment.


The Lake Flirt Marl was the name applied by Sellards (1919,
p. 73-74) to the fresh-water deposits overlying the Fort Thompson
Formation and the Pamlico Sand in the now-drained Lake Flirt
area east of LaBelle. The approximate extent of these fresh-water
deposits is shown in figure 2.
The maximum thickness of the formation along the banks of
the Caloosahatchee River is 6 to 8 feet. In addition to gray and
brown marl containing fresh-water gastropods, the formation is
composed of dark sticky muck, sandy marl, and carbonaceous sand.
The low permeability of the Lake Flirt Marl precludes its develop-
ment as an aquifer.


After the close of the Pleistocene Epoch, organic soils began
to accumulate in the Lake Okeechobee-Everglades Basin and in
shallow ponds, lakes and swamps. The maximum thickness of the
organic soils is about 8 feet in eastern Hendry County. They are
composed of brown to black peat and muck. Along the western
edge of the Everglades, quartz sand from the terrace deposits was
reworked and mixed with the organic material.
Several samples of peat, collected from the lowermost 6 inches
of organic soil that immediately overlie the rock floor of the
Everglades, have been dated by radioactive carbon determinations.
The age of the peat was determined as follows: mucky peat at the
Everglades Experiment Station near Belle Glade in Palm Beach
County, 4900 years 200 years; fibrous peat near the same loca-
tion, 3,800 years 200 years; and peat from the vicinity of U. S.
Highway 27, 10 miles south of Lake Okeechobee in Palm Beach
County, 5,050 years 200 years.
Peat is considered to be resistant to the lateral seepage of water.
This characteristic and the low permeability of the materials
underlying the organic soils make flood control and water control
feasible in the Everglades area of Glades and Hendry counties


through the use of canals, pumps, and levees. The high organic
content of the soils makes the ground water contained in the soils
undesirable for domestic use.



The basic principles that govern the occurrence and movement
of ground water have been thoroughly described by Meinzer (1923).
Following is a summary of these principles as they relate to Glades
and Hendry counties and most areas of southern Florida.
The chief source of ground-water recharge in Glades and Hendry
counties is rainfall. Part of the rainfall evaporates, a part is
absorbed by plants and transpired into the atmosphere, and a part
is lost by surface runoff. The remainder infiltrates downward
through the surface materials until it reaches the zone of satura-
tion to become part of the body of ground water. The upper
surface of the saturated zone where not confined by an impermeable
bed is the water table.
Ground water is stored in the openings, solution cavities, and
pore spaces within the consolidated and unconsolidated materials of
the earth's crust. The amount of water that can be stored in
water-bearing materials is determined by the porosity of the
materials. Porosity is controlled by such factors as the shape,
arrangement and assortment of the components, the amount of
cementing material in the interstices, and the degree of compaction
of the sediments.
The permeability of a water-bearing stratum is its ability to
transmit water under a hydraulic gradient. Clay, marl, and fine
sand, although highly porous, are of low permeability, but coarse
sand, gravel, and cavernous limestone are highly permeable because
the interstices are large and interconnected. A formation, group of
formations, or part of a formation that transmits appreciable
quantities of water to wells and springs is called an aquifer.
The water table is an undulating surface that conforms in a
general way to the topography of the land. It fluctuates seasonally
in southern Florida, rising during rainy seasons and declining
during dry periods, and responds to such forces as evaporation,
transpiration, and pumping from wells. Ground water moves down-
gradient from areas of recharge to areas of discharge.
The gradient of the water table depends upon the thickness and


permeability of the aquifer and the quantity of water moving
through the aquifer. A steeper gradient is required to move a
given amount of water through an aquifer of low permeability than
through an aquifer of high permeability.
An aquifer where the upper surface of the zone of saturation
is not confined by impermeable material contains water under
nonartesian (or water-table) conditions. The water level in a well
penetrating the saturated zone of an unconfined aquifer is a
measure of the altitude of the water table.
Where ground water has moved laterally into permeable
material that is overlain by an impermeable layer and it is under
sufficient pressure to rise above the top of the material containing
it, it is said to occur under artesian (confined) conditions. The
water level in a well penetrating an artesian aquifer will rise
above the top of the aquifer to a point that is the approximate
measurement of the pressure head. The pressure head is due to the
weight of the water in upgradient areas of the aquifer.
Glades and Hendry counties are underlain by an artesian
system that extends beneath Florida and southeastern Georgia.
The system will yield flowing water to deep wells in all Hendry
County and all but northwestern Glades County. Glades and
Hendry counties are underlain at shallow depth by less extensive
aquifers which exhibit both nonartesian and artesian character-
istics. Water levels in wells penetrating these aquifers respond
to local recharge by rainfall and to evapotranspiration, but also are
affected by changes in barometric pressure and by earthquakes.
Figures 9-12 show the locations of deep and shallow wells
inventoried in Glades and Hendry counties.


The principal artesian aquifer beneath Florida was described
by Stringfield (1936) and was named the Floridan aquifer by
Parker (1951, p. 819). The part of the Floridan aquifer penetrated
by deep artesian wells in Glades and Hendry counties consists of
water-bearing limestones that range in age from middle Miocene to
Eocene. The depth of the base of the Floridan aquifer is not
known, but rocks older than Eocene probably contain highly
mineralized water in most of Glades and Hendry counties. The
aquifer is overlain by clay, sandy clay, and marl of the Hawthorn
Formation, which form a relatively impermeable confining layer.
The clay and marl in the lower part of the Hawthorn Formation
are interbedded with water-bearing limestones. These limestones.

... A-- 34E 0.
-- 6 S5.5JNT e

c r OKEF H2O. pE
1 Ua. In ,
IN, \41 : JUU
sIONFLOWI, WELL O 3r A E" c -r
S....... .....1 1 G C T .
A NUMB ER r \ -. -
.1., VA '.,. 'a9 v

\r"\r 3


*13 z

S 76 i6Is 4

o IIW 0
4,1 ou '*'. ''U

P 70. ,L A AU. :

.,......-...-.-.-...-' COQ I.

Figure 9. Glades County showing the locations of wells
~~~~A' ~ ~ ~ 2 *:. 1 5 C1 MO GNA'U 4


~ Z [NON couNF l1"= C .

"" -i i Mi" -^ ^ ,

Figure 10. Hendry County showing the locations of wells.

which usually occur at depths ranging from 300 to 400 feet, are
not as productive as the deeper limestones; therefore, most of the
artesian wells in Glades and Hendry counties are bottomed in the
highly permeable Tampa Formation or the Suwannee Limestone.
The limestones of the Floridan aquifer in Glades and Hendry
counties are not homogenous, and in many cases, most of the yield
of a given well may be contributed by two or three thin, highly
permeable zones. One of the highly productive parts of the aquifer
is at the top of the Tampa Formation. The limestones in the lower
part of the Hawthorn Formation are included as part of the aquifer
unit; however, the artesian pressure in these layers is much lower
than it is in the Tampa Formation, which suggests that they ma3
constitute a separate aquifer.
In table 4 (Bishop, 1956, p. 113) the artesian pressure an6
the yield of well 22, Glades County, increased sharply between
depths of 573 feet and 610 feet, below the land surface as the.
well passed from the Hawthorn Formation into the Tampi
...I ,,'L :

artesian wells in Glades and Hendry counties are bottomed in the

counties are not homogenous, and in many cases, most of the yield
of a given well may be contributed by two orthe th thin, highly
permeable zones. One of the highly productive parts of the aquifer
is at the top of the Tampa Formation. The limestone in the lower
part of the Hawthorn Formation are included as part of the aquifer
unit; however, the artesian pressure in these layers is much lower
than it is in the Tampa Formation, which suggests that they rna;
constitute a separate aquifer.
In table 4 (Bishop, 1956, p. 113) the artesian pressure and
the yield of well 22, Glades County, increased sharply between
depths of 573 feet and 610 feet, below the land surface as the
well passed from the Hawthorn Formation into the TampdL


I __11_ 174 ____
Figure 11. LaBelle and vicinity showing the locations of wells.
Formation. After the first major flow (200 gpm) was obtained at
610 feet, the yield from the remainder of the hole (610 to 1,215
feet) increased at an irregular rate to 585 gpm. The data indicate
that the interval between 610 and 616 feet in the upper part of
the Tampa Formation is the zone of the highest permeability at
this site.


Nonfl oing well 1 '196
ind number I

Figure 12. Clewiston and vicinity showing the locations of wells.

Several flowing wells are used to irrigate pastures and farmland
north of the Caloosahatchee River, about 6 miles northeast of
LaBelle. Fairly good geologic and hydrologic data and accurate
well construction information are available on wells 201, 238, and
239 in this area of Glades County.
Wells 201 and 238 were cased to a depth of 203 feet, but the
original drilled depths of the wells differed by 142 feet (well 201,
642 feet; well 238, 500 feet). When the wells were completed, well
201 yielded 385 gpm and well 238 yielded 730 gpm. Well 239, 1
mile to the northeast, was cased to a depth of 254 feet, and was
completed at a depth of 716 feet; its initial yield was 310 gpm. The

TABLE 4.1 Water-level and Flow Measurements Made During Drilling of Well
22, Glades County
I Casing seated at 432 feet]

Depth of
well below Water level Average increase
land surface above land Yield by in yield per foot Geologic
Date ( feet) surface (feet) flow (gpm) of interval (gpm) formation

Feb. 24 500 __ Trace Hawthorn
Feb. 27 515 6.0 Do.
Feb. 23 573 6.0 Do.
Mar. 1 610 30.0 200 Tampa
Mar. 1 616 290 15.0 Do.
Mar. 1 632 32.0 Ocala
Mar. 1 667 310 0.4 Do.
Mar. 1 677 340 3.0 Do.
Mar. 1 670 31.0 Do.
Mar. 2 854 395 0.3 Do.
Mar. 5 1.119 420 .1 Avon Park
Mar. 5 1,134 445 1.7 Do.
Mar. 5 1,164 480 1.2 Lake City
Mar. 6 1,190 30.0 565 3.3 Do.
Mar. 6 1.215 31.0 585 .8 Do.

iTable condensed from Bishop, 1956 (p. 113).


relatively large differences in the amount of casing in the wells,
the amount of aquifer penetration needed to obtain substantial
yields, and the differences in the individual well yields indicate
that the confining beds of the Hawthorn Formation in this general
area are of nonuniform thickness and lithology, and that the
water-yielding properties of the limestones composing the aquifer
differ both laterally and vertically.
Two months after these wells were drilled additional measure-
ments of -depth and flow were made, and traverses with a deep
well current meter were made in wells 201 and 238 to measure the
velocity of flow through the well bores at different depths. The
measurements showed that the depth and yield of well 238 were
the same as originally determined, but that the open-hole part of
well 201 had filled in 38 feet and the yield had been reduced by
35 gpm. Data obtained from the current-meter traverses in these
wells are shown in figure 13. The graphs show the relative velocity
of the ground water moving upward at different depths in the
wells and presents the percentage of the total flow that enters
the well bores from different intervals. About 40 percent of the
total yield of well 201 was contributed by the limestone section
between 510-520 feet; nearly 40 percent of the total flow of well
238 was contributed by the 5-foot section at the bottom of the
well. Flow measurements made in these wells in May 1958 showed
that the yield of well 238 had declined from 730 to 650 gpm, and
that of well 239 had declined from 310 to 230 gpm.
Similar studies were made on two 8-inch flowing wells in
Hendry County (wells 278 and 279), about 9 miles southwest of
LaBelle. The yield of well 279 diminished from 500 gpm in
August 1953 to 200 gpm in March 1954. The graph of the results
of the current-meter traverse of well 279 (fig. 13) shows that 40
percent of the yield was contributed from the interval between
440 and 460 feet. Flow data obtained in May 1958 indicate that
the yield of well 279 had not changed from the 200 gpm rate of
March 1954.
Well 278, a quarter of a mile south of well 279, yielded 760
gpm when it was completed in July 1953, but by March 1954 the
discharge had diminished to 400 gpm, and by May 1958 it was
320 gpm. The well has 8-inch casing from the land surface to a
depth of 290 feet and 6-inch casing between 378 and 520 feet,
leaving an open hole between 290 and 378 feet and between 520
feet and the bottom of the well, at 790 feet. Some yield was
obtained from the zone between 290 and 378 feet, but the source
of most of the water apparently was the zone below the bottom


Figure 13. Graphs showing the distribution of flow in selected wells in Glades
and Hendry counties.

of the lower casing. Water samples collected at 340 and 377 feet
(upper open-hole part) contained 1,000 ppm of chloride, practically
the same concentration as in samples obtained from the lower
open-hole section and also from the discharge outlet. However, a
water sample taken at a depth of 400 feet in well 279, to the north,
contained 665 ppm of chloride. This suggests that the 400-foot
zone, which had been cased off in well 278, contains relatively
fresh water, and that the major part of the yield is from the deeper
saline zones.
If the open-hole part of a flowing well is of uniform diameter
and the aquifer has uniform pressure, the water velocity should
increase from the bottom of the hole upward. The flow distribution
in well 279 (fig. 13) indicates that the size of the hole is not
uniform. Where the hole is enlarged opposite sections of the
aquifer consisting of soft material, the velocity of the water
decreases because of the larger cross-sectional area. Possibly some
decrease in flow may result from loss of water into sections of the


WELL 201
DEPTH 604 Fl
CASED 203 Fl



borehole where the pressure is lower than the pressure in the
main yielding zones.


The piezometric surface is an imaginary surface representing
the pressure head of water confined in an artesian aquifer. It is
defined by the height to which water will rise in tightly cased wells
that penetrate the aquifer. Where the piezometric surface is
higher than the land surface, wells tapping the artesian aquifer
will flow.
In peninsular Florida the piezometric surface is highest in
central Polk County where the aquifer is recharged, and lowest
in coastal areas where discharge takes place. Over much of south
central Florida the piezometric surface is relatively flat and has a
general southeasterly slope.
The configuration of the piezometric surface in Glades and
Hendry counties is shown in figure 14, by contours which indicate
that artesian water in the Floridan aquifer is flowing generally
southeastward from the Highlands Ridge area into Glades County.
A mound in the piezometric surface in eastern Hendry County and
southwestern Palm Beach County (fig. 14) indicates that ground
water is flowing outward in all directions from that generally high
area. This suggests that the Floridan aquifer is being recharged
in that area; however, the height of the piezometric surface there
is 30 feet or more above the land surface, and thus there is no
possibility of local downward recharge. This piezometric high
probably is a residual mound that has resulted from the discharge
of flowing wells in the areas to the northwest.


At some places in north, central, and northwestern Florida the
Floridan aquifer is exposed at the surface, but throughout the
remainder of Florida the aquifer dips beneath the surface and is
covered by layers of sand and clay of low permeability which form
a confining unit. At the outcrop area the aquifer is recharged
directly by rainfall. Recharge to the Floridan aquifer occurs also
in the high areas of central Florida where the water table is
perennially higher than the piezometric surface of the aquifer;
replenishment occurs by downward infiltration through semi-
permeable layers of the Hawthorn Formation. According to
Stringfield (1936, p. 148) the artesian aquifer in parts of central



/ .56


0 / \

53 7
I .9 / IC

54 5 61

s COuLIER feet above0

55mean sea level in 1958;
Well and water leveling feet

Line showing approximate (fig.
altitude ofthe piezometric
surf ace, in feet above
mean sea level in 1958;
dashed where inferred ._X _. HE\aY_ COUN_ _____CJ"
*59 \ '--' -''OLL5 R COUNTY
Well and water level,in feet
Line of water-level profile(fig.15)
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 54

Figure 14. Glades and Hendry counties showing the configuration of the
piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1958.


Florida is blanketed by permeable material, thus permitting ready
recharge to the aquifer.
It is probable that replenishment to the Floridan aquifer by
downward infiltration occurs in much of the Highlands Ridge area
of central Florida. Water-level measurements by Bishop (1956, p.
46-48), during the drilling of a deep well in southern Highlands
County, substantiate the theory that recharge to the Floridan
aquifer occurs as far south as the town of Venus in southern
Highlands County. The water in the Floridan aquifer beneath
Glades and Hendry counties moves southward beneath the con-
fining layers of the Hawthorn Formation in a general direction
normal to the piezometric contours shown in figure 14.


Most of the discharge from the Floridan aquifer in Glades
and Hendry counties probably occurs through artesian wells used
to irrigate winter vegetable crops and pastureland. The total water
discharged during the seasons of heavy irrigation is about 10 mgd
(million gallons per day). Hendry (1957, p. 19) estimated that
about 50 wild, flowing wells in the two counties discharge water
at a total rate of approximately 3 mgd. Many of these wells are
west and southwest of LaBelle.
The layers and lenses of clay, sandy clay, and fine sand of low
permeability that compose the middle and upper parts of the
Hawthorn Formation in the two counties tend to prevent upward
leakage from the Floridan aquifer. However, where sand is the
chief component of the confining unit or where the Hawthorn
Formation is thin (figs. 6, 7), upward leakage may occur because
of the high pressure differential (30-40 feet) between the
piezometric surface and the water table.


The water levels in an artesian aquifer fluctuate in response to
recharge by rainfall, discharge, earthquakes, and variations of
barometric pressure. Fluctuations due to rainfall are most apparent
in the vicinity of the recharge area. However, water levels in
deep wells in Glades and Hendry counties are only slightly
affected by seasonal rainfall because the wells are a great distance
'rom the recharge area. Large fluctuations of the piezometric
surface are due to discharge from wells during periods of irrigation.


Figures 9, 10, and 11 show the locations of inventoried flowing
wells in Glades and Hendry counties, though they do not show all
the flowing wells in the area. The concentration of wells is greatest
along the Caloosahatchee River from Ortona westward to the Lee
County boundary. The cones of depression in the piezometric
surface (fig. 14) are evidence of the heavy discharge from the
Floridan aquifer in this area where many wells have been in use
for 50 years or more. It is estimated that 50 percent of them are
no longer maintained and are leaking through corroded casings or
are flowing wild. Such heavy discharge over a long period of time
is responsible for the overall decline in pressure in that area, and
this may have caused the quality of the water to deteriorate.
Probably the quality of the water derived from the Floridan aquifer
in the vicinity of LaBelle during the early days of the development
was superior to the quality in 1958.
A second area of heavy water use is in northeastern Glades
County and the adjoining part of Okeechobee County, where crops
and pastures are frequently irrigated. The lowering of the
piezometric surface caused by this discharge is shown in figure
14. The lowered pressure in this area and the lowered pressure
caused by discharging wells north of Lakeport and in the vicinity
of Palmdale have produced the northeastward-trending trough in
the piezometric surface in Glades County.
Few, if any, artesian wells have been drilled to the Floridan
aquifer in the Everglades south of Lake Okeechobee, and the
piezometric surface in this area has remained at its approximate
original level. Artesian water is moving downgradient from this
area of high pressure and as the mound is not being recharged, a
slow decline of pressure can be expected until a new gradient from
the recharge area is established. It may be many years before
this gradient adjustment is completed.
Figure 15 is a series of water-level profiles of the Floridan
aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties. These profiles show the
effect that the discharging wells have on the piezometric surface.
Profile A-A' shows that recharging water moves downgradient
from the high areas in Highlands County toward the cone of
depression in the vicinity of LaBelle. Profile B-B' crosses from the
high water level in Highlands County southeastward through the
saddle-shaped depression in the vicinity of Palmdale to the residual
high-pressure area in eastern Hendry County. Profile C-C'
shows a relatively steep gradient from Highlands County southeast-
ward to the area of heavy withdrawals near lake Okeechobee.


I B B'
M<6 I W I . .


t- 0 P See figure 14 for location of profiles

Figure 15. Profiles of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer in
Glades and Hendry counties, 1958.


The shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties range in
age from middle Miocene to Pleistocene. Permeable beds of shell,
limestone, or mixtures of sand and gravel in the Tamiami
Formation and the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation are the
principal sources of ground water for shallow wells. Wells tapping
these aquifers range in depth from about 10 feet to more than 300
feet. The shallower wells generally penetrate shell beds or lime-
stone in the Tamiami Formation. They are finished with a few feet
of open hole and yield relatively small amounts of water in Glades
County and most of northern and western Hendry County. In
1953 few irrigation wells produced water from the shallow aquifers
in Glades County because the Floridan aquifer, in most areas
yielded usable water in large quantities without the use of pumps.
In Hendry County the Floridan aquifer yields water that is
generally unsuitable for irrigation, and farmers must depend on
the shallow aquifers for fresh-water supplies. Truck-crop farmers


in the Devil's Garden, the Big Cypress Swamp, and the Everglades
areas irrigate with wells that range in depth from about 50 feet
to more than 300 feet. The deepest of these is well 194, 6 miles
northeast of Felda (fig. 10); it was drilled to a depth of 326 feet,
and was reported to tap one of the gravel beds within the Hawthorn
The principal shallow aquifer in the area is in the southern
and central parts of Hendry County, and is composed of highly
permeable limestone of the Tamiami Formation. Geologic
information obtained from well 131 in Collier County, due east of
Immokalee at the Hendry County boundary, shows the top of the
aquifer to be at a depth of 22 feet, and that permeable limestone
extends to a depth of at least 54 feet. In this area the aquifer is
overlain by 5 feet of surficial, medium-grained sand and 17 feet of
sandy, shelly clay of low permeability. The clay retards the down-
ward infiltration of water to the aquifer.
Further information indicates that the aquifer thins out 3 to
5 miles west of well 131 in Collier County. The increase in the
depth of wells eastward from well 131 suggests that the highly
permeable limestone in the aquifer dips to the east. The depth to
the top of the limestone in the Devil's Garden area (fig. 2) is about
120 feet. Eight miles north of well 131 the aquifer probably is
thinner, as indicated by the shallow depth of irrigation wells in
that area. The greatest extent of the aquifer is southward, where
it probably underlies all of southern Hendry County and most of
Collier County. Similar permeable limestone was noted in rockpits
as far south as southern Collier County.
Data from well 4, 9 miles west of Clewiston, in Hendry County,
indicate that the top of a shallow aquifer in that area occurs at
96 feet below the land surface. This aquifer extends to 127 feet
and is reported to be composed of fine to coarse gray sand mixed
with well rounded pebbles. The aquifer may be the basal part of
the Tamiami Formation or possibly one of the pebble beds of the
Hawthorn Formation. The well is finished with 5 feet of slotted
casing, is gravel packed, and is reported to yield 180 gpm. The
overlying material is composed of sandy, shelly marl of low
Wells penetrating the shallow permeable layers in LaBelle and
vicinity range in depth from about 60 to 175 feet, but most are
between 20 and 100 feet deep. A study of rock cuttings taken
during the drilling of well 277, in the southern part of Labelle,
shows that layers of clay, shelly marl, and fine sand are interbedded
with layers of limestone to a depth of 170 feet. The clay and


shelly marl are of low permeability and tend to retard ground-water
movement between the thin sections of higher permeability. The
sediments in general are poorly sorted and grade laterally as well
as vertically into material of different composition.
The shallow sediments in Glades County generally have low to
moderate permeability, and most large capacity wells penetrate the
Floridan aquifer even though the quality of the water is usually
poorer. The shallow aquifers in Glades County are composed of
sand and pebble beds or discontinuous limestone beds of the Haw-
thorn Formation. The yield from shallow aquifers in Glades County
generally is lower than that from shallow aquifers in Hendry


Water levels in wells that tap shallow aquifers in Glades and
Hendry counties normally are within a few feet of the land surface.
However, during rainy seasons the water levels in wells in many
areas rise above the land surface. Well 128, 3 miles west of LaBelle
and south of the Caloosahatchee River in Hendry County, flows
throughout most of the year. The well was reported to penetrate
a permeable shell bed at a depth of 76 feet.
Records of fluctuations of water levels in shallow observation
wells in and adjacent to Hendry County have been obtained since
1950. Automatic gages provide a continuous record of the daily
changes and the seasonal trends of the water levels. Hydrographs
of wells 3 and 5, in Hendry County south of Clewiston, and well 131,
in Collier County east of Immokalee, are shown in figure 16. They
reveal ground-water levels are usually at low stage during winter
and spring and are high during and immediately after the rainy
season in summer and early fall. The maximum range of fluctuation
is about 5 feet.
The greatest rise in water level accompanies the first heavy
rainfall of the wet season. The surface materials become saturated
nearly to the land surface and subsequent rainfall causes inter-
mittent flooding. The hydrograph for well 3, 30 miles south of
Clewiston, shows that the flooding had occurred in that area many
times during each rainy season and that the area was flooded
nearly the entire year of 1958.
Evapotranspiration is another cause of water-level fluctuations
in shallow observation wells. The decline of water levels caused
by evapotranspiration ranges from 0.05 to 0.15 foot per day. When
overland runoff stops after the rainy season, the persistent decline

N Wi

30 miles south of Clewiston

wo +SpvyF VT1 111111[m il TF

S 15 miles southwest of Clowiston 1


:1 m i iiia ii i H l I I 2ImLLIII Ii1 mileseastof I II 'oj 11. II I LI LLY* 14A I 1l It 1 1!i Jill J 11 1 JJI Kr'F41

Figure 16. Hydrographs of wells 3 and 5 in Hendry County and well 131 in
Collier County.




i lll i



of water levels throughout the area is the result of the relatively
high rate of evapotranspiration.
A water-level recording gage was installed on well 234 in
LaBelle to determine the relation between the stage of the
Caloosahatchee River and the water table adjacent to the river
during 1953-54. This relation is shown in the hydrographs of
figure 17. The daily rainfall at LaBelle is included also. The
hydrograph shows the daily-average stage of the Caloosahatchee
River at LaBelle and is probably indicative of the fluctuations as
far upstream as the Ortona Lock, one of the regulatory structures
which control the water level of Lake Okeechobee. Fluctuations of
river stage at LaBelle are caused by boat-lock operation, by
variations of discharge from Lake Okeechobee through the locks
at Ortona, and by gulf tides.
The large fluctuations in figure 17 are caused by changes in the
rate of discharge through the structure at Ortona. During the
period from early February to late May 1953 the locks were open
and the average river stage at LaBelle was between 3.0 and 3.5
feet above msl. On May 22, 1953, the locks were closed and the
river stage at LaBelle declined to 0.5 foot above msl. Figure 17
shows that the 2.5-foot drop in stage had no influence on the water
level in well 234, less than 1,000 feet from the river. Similarly
the large changes in river stage that occurred during September
and October 1954 produced no corresponding changes in water level
in well 234.
Lithologic information obtained from well 234 and from out-
crops along the riverbanks at LaBelle shows that sandy and shelly
material of moderate permeability extends from the land surface
to about 6 feet above sea level. These are underlain by about 6
feet of sandy marl of low permeability. A relatively impermeable
layer of silty clay of the Tamiami Formation forms the base of the
riverbank at an elevation of about 1 foot above sea level.
Apparently, the sediments of predominantly low permeability tend
to minimize the effect on ground-water levels produced by rapid
stage changes in the Caloosahatchee River, so that the effect
extends less than 1,000 feet from the river.


The water that replenishes the shallow aquifers in Glades and
Hendry counties is derived from local rainfall. The terrain is
essentially flat and covered by moderately permeable sand, which
permits rapid infiltration to the water table. As the water table

o 9 I 1c. a upl9 a o p 195 a

I P AI ---- --tii--- --

An -

& A~ ABU \1 --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- -------- -- --

I OJ-^i-Ll l..LL[ td.ll J L I.,I __ I. ..I I, s I h. l ,..,, l. ,1
Ro slar

Figure 17. Hydrographs of well 234 and the Caloosahatchee River at LaBelle
compared with rainfall for the period 1953-54.



throughout the area is never more than a few feet below the land
surface, the shallow sands quickly become saturated early in the
rainy season. As a result, ponding is widespread and slow overland
flow occurs. Thin layers of fine sand, marl, or clay of low
permeability that overlie shallow, aquifers tend to impede down-
ward infiltration.
Discharge of ground water occurs by outflow to the Caloosa-
hatchee River, Fisheating Creek, numerous drainage canals, and
Lake Okeechobee; by evapotranspiration; and by pumping from
wells. Ground-water losses by outflow along the uncontrolled reach
of the Caloosahatchee River probably are small because of the
general low permeability of the shallow sediments (see discussion
of water-level fluctuations). Evapotranspiration is responsible for
the largest losses of ground water from storage, because the water
table is near the surface throughout the year. The quantity of
water discharged by wells is negligible compared to natural


The ability of an aquifer to transmit water is expressed by the
coefficient of transmissibility. The coefficient. of transmissibility
is defined as the quantity of water, in gallons per day, that will
move through a vertical section of the aquifer 1 foot wide and
extending the full height of the aquifer, under a unit hydraulic
gradient at the prevailing temperature of the water (Theis, 1938,
p. 894). The coefficient of storage is a measure of the capacity of
the aquifer to store water, and is defined as the volume of water
released from or taken into storage per unit surface of the aquifer
per unit change in the component of head normal to that surface.
The leakage coefficient (Hantush, 1956, p. 702) characterizes the
ability of semiconfining layers above or below an aquifer to transmit
water. It is the quantity of water that crosses a unit area of the
interface between the permeable section and its confining layer
with a unit hydraulic gradient between the head in the permeable
section and the section supplying the leakage.
The coefficients of transmissibility, storage, and leakage that
pertain to shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties were
determined by aquifer tests at seven sites (fig. 18). During each
test, the changes in water level were measured in observation wells
located at different distances from the pumped well. Figure 19
is a semilogarithmic graph of water-level drawdowns in observation
wells versus the distance from the pumping wells at five of the





= sT=J 10.000


T= M.0001

* io
C c T= 115.000
BT=T 120,00 0 0
S=.0012 Iz



1 0 2 4 6 1 10

0 T =505.000

T= 250.000
S=: .00045


Figure 18. Coefficients of transmissibility and storage determined at test sites
in Glades, Hendry, and Collier counties in shallow aquifers.



8 08 8 8 s o 8 8 oi I- t r

LL .5/ A -

Figure 19. Composite of semilogarithhic distance-drawdown graphs of five

indicates the approximate drawdown that would be expected at a
given distance from a well pumped at the indicated rate. There-
fore the graph can be used to determine the optimum pumping
rates and proper spacing for wells.
The field data obtained during the aquifer tests .are shown in
figure 20. The time-drawdown graphs for each test area are
accompanied by a sketch showing the location of the wells used in
the tests. The natural fluctuations of the water-level were recorded
for periods of 24 hours both before and after each test to determine
the fluctuations caused by factors other than pumping, such as
changes in atmospheric pressure and evapotranspiration. These

TEST G 6400 pm

8 4

Figure 20. Time-drawdown graphs of water levels in observation wells, and
sketches showing locations of wells used in aquifer tests.

310 gpm
I.-- I.---


corrections were subtracted, and the corrected drawdowns shown
are the result of pumping only. The amount of correction in some
cases is very significant, as indicated by the graphs of well 285 in
test E (fig. 20).
The corrected water-level drawdowns, in feet, were plotted (on
logarithmic paper) against time, in minutes, since pumping started
and divided by the square of the distance, in feet, between the
pumping well and the observation well (t/r2). The resulting curve
for each observation well was matched to a family of leaky-aquifer
type curves developed by H. H. Cooper, Jr., of the U. S. Geological
Survey, from the equations developed by Hantush and Jacob
(1955). By superposition, match points were established for the
best fit of the corrected data to the type curves, and the
coefficients of transmissibility, storage, and leakage were calculated
from the match points. Table 5 gives the results of these computa-
tions for the seven aquifer tests. The coefficients of transmissibility
and storage shown on the map of figure 18 represent the average
values for each test.
The calculated values indicate that the aquifer composed of
limestone of the Tamiami Formation that underlies the area east
of Immokalee (test E) has the highest transmissibility. The
results of tests F and G show a decrease in the coefficient of
transmissibility to the east. This confirms information reported
by well drillers that limestone layers become thinner in the
vicinity of test G and much of the material is composed of fine and
medium sand. A marked decrease in the coefficient of trans-
missibility is shown also to the north in test sites B and C. In
these areas the aquifer is probably thin or the limestone section
grades to a marly, partly consolidated shell bed.
A basic assumption of the leaky-aquifer method of analysis is
that the water level in the material supplying the leakage does not
decline during the period of pumping. Under this condition, when
the cone of depression (which forms around the pumped well) has
expanded to the extent that the total rate of downward leakage is
equal to the rate of withdrawal no further appreciable drawdown
will take place in the aquifer as a result of pumping. This
condition is closely approximated when an area is flooded or where
an area is dissected by a network of canals in which water can be
maintained at a constant level.
On the other hand, where there is no source of water to maintain
downward leakage at a constant rate, the water table will begin
to decline after prolonged pumping. As the water table declines,
the rate of downward leakage is reduced because of the reduction

TABLE 5, Coefficients of Transmissibility, Storage, and Leakage in Glades, Hendry and Eastern Collier Counties

Well no.' Depth of well

.. _. n. .

A 5.20.58 HE 813 HE 312 125 125 1,850 310 70,000 6.05x10-- 2.77x10--J0 8/ .81
B 7-80-58 HE 820 HE 822 84 84 165 700 100,000 1.38x10-3 4.80x10-0 28 8.67
B 7-80-58 HE 820 HE 828 84 28 2,400 700 140,000 0.20x10-4 1.44x10-o 28 .66
C 6-20-58 HE 800 HE 299 97 72 015 840 110,000 2.78x10-4 1.08x10-6 24 8.05
C 6-20-58 HE 800 HE 801 97 98 2,800 840 120,000 2.30x10-- 1.03x10-- 24 1.12
D 8-14-58 GL 260 GL 258 80 78 3,200 340 115,000 2.95x10-1- 1.65x10-7 1111 .51
D 8-14-58 GL 260 GL 250 80 82 855 340 105,000 2.06x10-,4 1.81x10-7 11 1, 1.57
E 6-17-58 HE 286 HE 285 40 40 1,380 1,800 085,000 2.98x10-- 2.33x10-7 25 .63
E 6-17-58 HE 286 HE 287 40 51 3,220 1,300 1,070,000 1.98x10-4 5.47x10-7 25 .40
E 0-17-58 HE 280 HE 288 40 40 3,580 1,800 905,000 2.73x10-4 1.08x10-o 26 .82
E 6-17-58 HE 286 HE 806 40 41 140 1,800 085,000 4.16x10-4 2.05x10-- 25 1.28
E 6-17-58 HE 286 C 181 40 54 2,750 1,800 995,000 2.76x10-4 1.10x10-0 25 .41
E 6-17-58 E 286 C 1065 40 51 5,550 1,800 880,000 8.85x10-4 1.60x10- 25 .21
F 6-18-58 HE 289 HE 290 70 80 1,800 1,570 500,000 1.63x10-4 2.80x10-7 14 1.41
F 6-18-58 HE 289 HE 291 70 92 2,800 1,570 515,000 1.49x10-4 8.60x10-7 14 1.21
G 6- 3-58 HE 808 HE 802 120 121 600 1,400 280,000 6.00x10-4 5.00x10-7 48 8.80
G 6-. 8-58 HE 808 HE 304 120 122 1,415 1,400 265,000 2.97x10-4 1.23x10-7 43 2.68

'C-Collier County, GL-Glades County, HE-Hendry County.
"Gpd per square foot per foot of vertical head; Hantush, 1956, p. 706.


of head differential between the water table and the piezometric
(pressure) surface of the highly permeable section of the aquifer.
The cone of depression then must expand to intercept additional
water to supply the pumping well.
After a long period of pumping and no replenishment to the
shallow aquifer, the water table will lower gradually and tend to
coincide with the piezometric surface. The entire system will then
behave as an unconfined unit.
These drawdown conditions are pictured in figure 21, which
shows semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of four of the
observation wells used in test E. In addition to the corrected draw-
down information obtained during the test, the graphs show the
drawdowns that would have occurred, theoretically, if the aquifer
were (1) artesian, curve A, (2) unconfined, curve B, (3) leaky with
an unlimited source of downward leakage, curve C, (4) leaky
with a limited source of downward leakage, curve D.
Curve A was plotted by using the coefficients of transmissibility
and storage of the highly permeable section of the aquifer, as
determined by the leaky-aquifer method. For this case it was
assumed that the aquifer is infinite, is bounded above and below
by impermeable materials, and receives no recharge during the
pumping period. Curve B was constructed by using a coefficient
of transmissibility 10 per cent higher than the average coefficient of
the test area, as determined by the leaky-aquifer method, and
assigning a storage coefficient of 0.15 (a typical value for unconfined
aquifers). Curve C is a plot of the corrected drawdowns obtained
during the test (solid circles) with the plots extended (open circles)
to conform with ideal leaky-aquifer conditions, which assume that
an unlimited source of supply is available at the surface, and that
no further drawdown occurs after equilibrium is reached. Curve
D is transitional between ideal leaky-aquifer conditions and leaky-
aquifer conditions that prevail in the field, where actual unwatering
of the aquifer occurs. This curve predicts the water-level draw-
downs caused by constant prolonged pumping and no recharge by
rainfall. The graphs in figure 22 show similar drawdown
information for test areas B in Hendry County and D in Glades
County (fig. 18).
In Glades and Hendry counties ground-water levels fluctuate
seasonally, but the average yearly water levels are reasonably
constant (fig. 16). Even in agricultural areas where irrigation is
heavy, the wide cones of depression developed by pumping do not
cause large changes in water levels from year to year. This is due
to the fact that under existing rates of pumping complete

Figure 21. Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of four observation wells
in test area E.

0-0 000--,, -00. 0000 -'000000



0 --"% --o- v -

00 0 _110 00 0 00000 00 O OO 00
Theoretical drawown, arteson conditions 0 CURVE D
S(no recharge)
Theoretical draw wn, unconfined conditions CURVE A
2.0 (no recharge)
Drowdown,leoky-aqu for conditions GLA C NTY
2.5 Observed draWdown
Theoretical drawdown,constant leakage
Theoretical drawdown,leaky-aqulfer conditions
5.. (limited leakage)





Figure 22. Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of observation wells in
test areas B and D.


replenishment of the aquifers occurs during each rainy season.
Large local drawdowns do not occur, because a large amount of
surface water and shallow ground water is salvaged as a result of
reduction in runoff and evapotranspiration in the areas affected by
During dry seasons, 2 or 3 months may elapse without an
appreciable rainfall in Glades and Hendry counties. These rainless
periods may be further prolonged during severe droughts. It is
important, therefore, to estimate the combined effect that long
rainless periods and prolonged, constant pumping would have on
the water level in a given area. A 6-month period was selected as
the maximum duration of such a rainless interval.
Figure 23 shows the maximum drawdowns that would occur
at the end of 6 months, at different distances from a well pumped
at selected rates in each of six test areas. It was assumed that
nonartesian conditions prevailed in each area after 6 months of
pumping; therefore, the graphs were drawn in accordance with
the coefficients of transmissibility shown in table 5, but increased
by 10 percent to include the transmissibility of the semiconfining
beds, and as assumed coefficient of storage of 0.15. If the
coefficient of storage in a given area is less than 0.15, the predicted
drawdowns will be greater than those indicated in figure 23.
When several wells in a large tract are pumped continuously,
the composite drawdown at a particular point can be predicted by
summing the effects that each pumping well would have at that
time. Because drawdown is approximately proportional to the rate
of pumping, the effect of any selected pumping rate can be
interpolated from figure 23.


All ground water contains dissolved minerals as a result of the
solvent action of the water as it moves through the rocks. The
character and the quantity of the constituents in the water are
determined by the following: (1) the rate of ground-water flow;
(2) the composition of the materials through which the water
moves; (3) the temperature and pressure of the water; and (4)
the presence of other materials in solution or suspension.
Table 6 is a compilation of complete chemical analyses of water
samples from 23 wells in Glades and Hendry counties. Five wells
penetrate the Floridan aquifer and the rest penetrate shallow
aquifers. Also included are analyses of samples collected at


0-- --n----10.X1-..0--- i ,o -0 0 1oooo 3oOo0


Computation based on: Computation based on:
T. 130,000 gpd per foot T. 1,055,000 gpd per foot
SS-0.15 S-0.15
t 6 months of pumping t=6 months of pumping

'4--I--- -- 4--- ___ __ _

SComputation based on: Computation based on:
67 T-125,000 gpd per foot T.555000 gpd per foot
SS-0.15 S-0.15
t-6months of pumping t=6 months of pumping


Computation based on: 5 Computation based on:
T-.120,000 gpd per foot T /275,000 gpd per foot
S-0.15 / .015
St-6 months of pumping / -6 months of pumping

Figure 23. Graphs showing drawdowns expected at different distances from
a well pumped at selected rates in each of six test areas.

multiple depths in a few wells, which indicate the change in quality
of water at different depths in certain aquifers.
In Glades and Hendry counties the water from the Floridan
aquifer generally is highly mineralized, except in northwestern
Glades County. Most of the mineralization is due to chloride salts,
which suggests seawater contamination. The amount of mineraliza-
tion differs with the depth of well, the well construction, and the
location of the well. Some zones in the Floridan aquifer contain
fresher water than others, but in general the deep parts of the
aquifer yield water that is more saline than the shallow zones.

TABLE 0. Analyses Of Water From Wells In Glades And Hendry Counties
(Analymes by U. S. Geological Survey. Chemical constituent. are expressed in part per million,)

as CaCO,

22 11 667 ...... ...... ...... 118 108 265 .. 848 250 1880 7.7 ..
8-. -51 814 .. -.... ...... 115 172 258 .- -.. 846 252 1,820 7.8 -.
8- 8-51 922 ..115 1 72.25....... 610 170 241 2 UB 48 1,80 7.6 _.
8- 4-561 1,071 .. .. ..... ..... ...... 118 172 280 ... 8. 2 284 1,250 7.6
8- 5-5.61 1,190 ... 18 0.01 741 4.7 111 172 280 0.2 d: 880 832 24 1,40o 7.8 6
28 2-27-51 110 24 .40 ..... 129 18 140 5.5 890 56 218 .6 .9 884 885 66 1,880 7.2 20
27 7.-21-48 85 .......- .02 184 83 166 534 118 195 .- .2 004 470 32 1,540 7.8 80
7-22-48 75 .*... .10 108 40 241 528 129 268 ... .0 1,041 422 0 1,790 7.7 45
28 8-28-48 17 ...- .... .08 156 18 06 484 79 75 .- 8.8 681 448 46 1,090 7.4 65
8-28-48 47 .. .... .05 144 12 175 468 10 280 ..- 852 409 26 954 7.0 90
8-28-48 63 ... .1. .0156 17 88 476 88 112 ... 02 691 460 70 1,150 7.1 42
29 8-81-48 4 .06 ..... 174 1 185 464 154 *218 _- 9.6 950 562 180 1,610 7.8 00
9- 1-48 51 .... .07 78 86 201 884 98 258 ... 1 868 842 28 1,580 7.4 20
9- 1-48 75 ...... .. ...... ... ..... ........... 3874 .. 270 -- ... 1,600 7.4 -
98 12-10-58 86 76 28 .20 0.97 49 12 9.2 1.2 218 4.5 11 .1 .1 227 172 0 864 7.0 7
201 11-25-58 642 79 11 .00 .27 50 40 820 12 166 298 888 1.5 .0 1,260 290 154 2,070 7.7 4
212 10-12-58 87 .... 12 ...... 1.5 148 6.2 81 1.8 358 87 50 .4 2.8 661 895 102 812 7.2 90
227 12-10-58 45 78 88 .04 .14 89 120 514 29 802 140 1,040 .1 .8 2,800 716 468 3,890 7.4 8

TABLE 6. (Continued)


8 12-10-53 10 77 6.1 0.06 1.3 123 1.2 21 1.2 880 12 33 0.1 0.1 410 312 0 687 7.5 84
4 4-28-48 90 .... .0 144 10 62 512 17 80 .4 -_ 566 488 18 .- 7.1 22
4-28-48 107 78 .94 .94 144 23 49 540 2.8 78 .4 -- 566 454 6 .. 7.1 15
5 12-10-58 9 75 6.4 .92 1.8 45 2.4 28 1.8 162 12 28 .1 .1 297 122 0 886 6.8 460
14 4-24-48 815 .. .28 66. 88 242 860 126 282 .0 926 298 8 7.5 12
17 8-22-48 601 ... .... .0 70 51 852 122 3851 480 2.4 1.2 1,870 884 284 2,800 7.1 8
20 6-16-42 50 79 ... ... ...... 122 11 45 440 2.9 59 ..- .1 457 860 0 888 -
21 6-17-42 46 .. -- -.. ...... 126 .12 89 466 1 47 -- .1 455 864 0 828 .. -
61 11-24-68 80 77 20 .21 .40 84 80 88 1.0 406 4.0 54 .8 .0 468 888 0 761 7.6 28
156 11-24-58 90 77 14 .01 .24 62 49 880 1.8 188 292 472 1.2 .0 1,400 856 248 2,260 7.6 4
168 11-24-658 68 77 52 .84 .44 108 12 40 8.7 424 16 85 .8 .0 710 819 0 747 7.6 18
200 12-10-58 70 75 26 .07 .21 100 15 89 2.2 416 14 40 .1 .1 470 811 0 747 7.5 45
276 11-24-58 44 78 21 .04 .16 174 12 85 1.6 568 85 128 .0 .1 798 484 22 1,250 7.1 80
278 12-10-58 790 88 14 .03 .11 118 95 514 16 150 245 1,080 1.8 .2 2,800 685 562 8,820 7.5 4

solution at time of analysis.


The water in shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties
is generally of better quality than water in the Floridan aquifer,
except near Lake Okeechobee, in the vicinity of LaBelle, and in the
Devil's Garden area about 18 miles southwest of Clewiston. The
concentrations of calcium and bicarbonate in the shallow aquifers
are usually higher than in the artesian water, but the concen-
trations of sodium, magnesium, sulfate, and chloride are usually
When the inventory of wells in the counties was made during
1952-53 and 1958-59, samples of water from most of the wells were
analyzed for chloride content. Selected wells were resampled for
partial chemical analysis, which included color, specific conductance,
and total hardness. The results of the partial analyses of water
samples from 205 wells are given in table 7; the results of the
chloride-content analyses are listed in table 8.


Hardness of ground water is due chiefly to dissolved calcium and
magnesium salts. Water samples from the shallow aquifers in
Glades and Hendry counties range from 13 to 755 ppm in total
hardness. Samples from the Floridan aquifer range from 68 to
1,620 in hardness. Hardness values of more than 120 ppm denote
hard water that usually requires some softening for general use.
Most of the samples of extremely hard water also contain large
amounts of sulfates and chlorides. Tables 6 and 7 show the total
hardness as CaCO, in water samples from wells in the two counties.


The mineral matter that remains after a quantity of water
is evaporated is approximately equal to the total dissolved solids
in the water. Water from the Floridan aquifer generally contains
more dissolved solids than water from shallow aquifers. The total
dissolved-solids content in ground water in Glades and Hendry
counties ranges from 41 to 4,100 ppm in the shallow aquifers and
from 340 to 5,300 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. Total solids should
be below 500 ppm to meet U. S. Public Health Service standards
(1946). Water containing more than 1,000 ppm probably contains
enough objectionable constituents to impart a noticeable taste and
make the water unsuitable for many purposes.


TABLE 7. Partial Analyses of Water from Wells in Glades and Hendry

1 5- 6-53 120 860 430 1,4300 60

3 5- 6-53 48 1;300 255 2,240 90
S5 30 26 63

S 4-29-53 96 77 610 288 1,020 24
0 4-29-53 173 320 284 540 25
S1 5 5 1
5- -3 35 38 3 3

2 5- 8-53 804 12,400 645 4,020 9
12 5- 6-53 120 81 860 430 1,430 60
13 5- 6-53 48 80 1;,00 255 2,240 90
26 4-29-53 120 380 276 633 19
37 4-29-53 96 77 610 288 1,020 24
40 4-29-53 173 320 284 540 25
42 4-29-53 102 75 350 232 579 19
45 4-29-53 112 76 570 330 950 35
47 4-29-53 106 79 200 159 331 25
48 5- 1-53 325 77 380 236 630 22
49 5- 1-53 500 79 1,100 380 1,850 20
50' 1-53 85 76 310 186 511 30
52 5- 1-53 491 81 1,100 310 1,780 110
53 5- 1-53 495 80 1200 330 2,010 55
55 5- 1-53 62 -7 430 146 722 11
56 4-30-53 700 79 410 170 688 28
57 4-30-53 22 73 130 86 216 18
58 4-30-53 608 76 340 156 562 30
59 5- 1-53 593 400 180 670 45
60 5- 1-53 30 0 14 69 50
66 5- 1-53 25 200 134 339 65
71 4-29-53 34 75 690 300 1,150 28
73 4-29-53 22 76 450 228 754 20
76 4-29-53 410 76 430 266 722 18
77 4-29-53 21 75 45 14 78 99
79 5-13-53 70 74 80 40 136 75
s0 4-29-53 25 765 381 111 10
83 7- 8-53 618 7 350 68 580 7
85 5- 1-53 47 1 45 13 77 55
86 5- 1-53 300 76 340 210 568 25
90 5- 1-53 35 380 186 625 25
93 5- 1-53 86 2200 180 368 20
94 5- 1-53 46 75 340 308 569 14
98 5- 1-53 55 350 276 575 34
102 5- 1-53 41 380 190 636 55
106 5- 1-53 25 77 350 102 585 110
109 5- 1-53 5006 870 205 1,450 10
110 5- 1-53 508 78 1,100 160 1,800 19
112 5- 1-53 50 74 400 204 662 60
116 5- 1-53 750 -_ 1.300 545 2,250 22
118 5- 1-53 17 75 240 190 404 220
122 5- 1-53 70 380 132 634 110
123 5- 1-53 1,200 5,300 725 8,780 25
126 5- 1-53 25 75 320 228 534 180
128 5- 1-53 100 75 540 364 893 90
130 5-13-53 162 74 520 210 873 45
136 5- 6-53 85 74 1,500 240 2,510 45
139 5- 6-53 86 75 810 185 1,350 55


TABLE 7. (Continued)

5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 6-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53



o .0

s" S

E g
> E IW
0 3.,
n a a












,u 0



C .O





2 4-30-53 650 80 1.300 330 2,210 7
12 5- 8-53 105 _. 670 394 1,120 60
15 5- 8-53 130 370 214 624 45
17 4-30-53 601 81 1,300 370 2,230 14
19 5- 7-53 80 590 336 979 50


TABLE 7. (Continued)

o o

2Y u u
a fa ao 0w -
*w o? .^
w 00
_ Ei __ 0B
t~~7 S 14;
o '8 ^ iE
a Q Q i p __


5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 1-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53
5- 7-53
5- 1-53
5- 1-53



















TABLE 7. (Continued)

I~~ .2 I 6

-4 0
> E Q
2S 2. 0 0 B

0 >2 o Ei ^
0 60
S20 c |6
6. 0ca]
__ a cj Q
^~C Q Q i Q


5- 1-53
5- 7-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
















TABLE 7. (Continued)


5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 8-53
5- 7-53
5- 7-53
5- 8-53
5- 1-53
7- 7-53


.0 C:

4 -



'6) 0





Specific conductance is a measure of the ability of water to
conduct an electric current. Water containing a low mineral content
is resistant to the flow of electricity, whereas highly mineralized
water conducts an electric current with relative ease. Therefore,
the values for specific conductance can be used to estimate the
concentration of dissolved solids in water. Figure 24 shows the
relation of total dissolved solids in water samples to specific
conductance where both values have been determined in the
laboratory. The data show that the dissolved solids can be approxi-
mated by multiplying the specific conductance by 0.6. Specific
conductance is .usually higher in the deep -artesian water than in
the water from the shallow aquifers; it reaches a maximum of more
than 8,700 micromhos in well 123 in Glades County. In table 7 the
values for total dissolved solids were estimated from specific
conductance by multiplying by the 0.6 factor.


SI a I J I

4oo-i--i--i--i---- -- --- ---- -: -- -7

o 1000 .000 0-00 4.000 5,00

Figure 24. Graph showing the relation between specific conductance and total

dissolved solids in water samples from Glades and Hendry counties.
,1000,000 -0 4-000 5-000


The pH is a measure of the hydrogen-ion concentration and
indicates whether the water is acid or alkaline. On a scale of 0 to
14, pH values higher than 7.0 indicate alkalinity and values lower
than 7.0 indicate acidity. All samples analyzed, except one, had
pH values of 7.0 or greater; the sample from well 22 in Glades
County had a pH of 6.9. The measured pH values are shown in
table 6.


Water containing more than 0.3 ppm of iron will stain plumbing
fixtures, clothes, and other objects with which it comes in contact.
High concentrations of iron also cause the water to have a
disagreeable taste. Iron in a clear ground-water solution is in the
ferrous state until the water is exposed to the oxygen in the
atmosphere, then the iron is oxidized to the ferric state and
precipitates as the insoluble hydroxide or oxide of iron. The iron
precipitate may then be removed by filtration. Water samples from
the artesian aquifer contained less than 0.3 ppm of iron. The iron
content of water from the shallow aquifers differs from place to
place and at different depths within the aquifer. It ranged from
0.11 to 1.5 ppm (table 6).



Dissolved calcium and magnesium salts are responsible for
most of the hardness of water. Much of the water-bearing material
underlying Glades and Hendry counties is composed of limestone
and a lesser amount of dolomite. These carbonate rocks are the
sources of calcium and magnesium in the ground water in the area.
The concentration of calcium ranged from 42 to 136 ppm in water
samples from the Floridan aquifer and from 49 to 174 ppm in water
samples from the shallow aquifers. The concentration of magnesium
ranged from 36 to 105 ppm in the Floridan aquifer and from 1.2
to 120 ppm in the shallow aquifers.
The shallow ground water usually contains less magnesium than
the artesian water and the amount of magnesium is usually less
than the calcium. An exception is shown in the analyses of water
from well 227 in Glades County northwest of Clewiston and from
well 276 in Hendry County in Clewiston (table 6). The wells are
about 4 miles apart and about 45 feet deep. The chemical analyses
of the samples show wide differences in chloride content, total
dissolved solids, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. The ratio of
magnesium to calcium in well 227 is of interest; the content of
magnesium is considerably higher than that of calcium, unlike other
samples from the shallow aquifer. As sea water contains more
magnesium than calcium, this may indicate the presence of sea
water which was trapped in the aquifer during high stands of the
sea in Pleistocene time. No dolomitic limestones are known to
occur in the shallow materials, thus discounting the solvent action
of ground water on the shallow materials as the source of
magnesium. The high chloride content of water is further
indication of contamination by sea water.


The quantity of sodium plus potassium in ground water in
Glades and Hendry counties ranges from 10.4 to 543 ppm in the
shallow aquifers and from 145.5 to 530 ppm in the Floridan
aquifer; the concentration of sodium greatly exceeds that of
potassium. Moderate amounts of these constituents have no effect
on the palatability of drinking water, but large amounts render
the water unsuitable for most uses. The ratio of the quantity of
sodium to the total quantity of sodium, calcium, and magnesium
is important when the water is to be used for irrigation. Large


quantities of sodium tend to decrease the permeability of soils, and
water containing more than 50 percent sodium may injure the soil
and crops.
Figure 25 shows the suitability of water for irrigation, as
determined by Wilcox (1948, p. 25-26) and utilized by Visher (1952,
p. 15-17) in an arid area. Most of the water samples from the
shallow aquifers are in the range from excellent to permissible,
but many of the samples from the Floridan aquifer are in the
doubtful or unsuitable range. However, the chart assumes little or
no flushing of the soil by rainfall. In an area of plentiful rainfall,
such as south Florida, the sodium content of the soil probably
would not accumulate in quantities harmful to most crops.


The amount of bicarbonate in the ground water in Glades and
Hendry counties ranges from 138 to 563 ppm in the shallow
aquifers and from 109 to 166 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. The
bicarbonate results from the solvent action of ground water
containing carbon dioxide gas on carbonate rocks. Much of the
bicarbonate can be readily removed by relatively simple water


Concentrations of sulfate in ground water in Glades and Hendry
counties range from 1 to 292 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from
126 to 351 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. The sulfate radical is not
very important in domestic water supplies unless it exceeds 500
ppm, in which case it may have a laxative effect. The U. S. Public
Health Service recommends that public water supplies contain
not more than 250 ppm of sulfate. Some sulfate compounds in
water cause hardness that is difficult to reduce by treatment.


Water containing chloride in excess of 250 ppm is considered by
the U. S. Public Health Service to be unsuitable for public drinking
supplies, except in areas where better quality water is not available.
Water containing more than 750 ppm of chloride may damage
many plants and shrubs. Chloride concentrations in ground water
in Glades and Hendry counties range from 7 to 2,280 ppm in the
shallow aquifers and from 34 to 4,240 ppm in the Floridan aquifer.



0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
Figure 25. Graph showing the suitability of ground water for irrigation.
(after Wilcox 1948, p. 25-23)

High-chloride water is corrosive and may rust holes in the casing
through which subsurface leakage from artesian wells can occur.
Chloride cannot be removed by ordinary water treatment.
Water samples for chloride-content analysis were obtained from
most of the wells inventoried in the two counties, and the analytical
results are listed in table 8. Figure 26 shows the chloride content


I 278

8i5 *872
4 29E R 29E R0OE-
Chloride content 4
0 O (ports per million)
No. 0-100
e epth,in feet 3
251-500 s
501-1000 _

1001-2000 T I
+ TI
More than 2000 sI
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 R31E



R32E R33E

Figure 26. Glades and Hendry counties showing the chloride content of water
samples from wells tapping the Floridan aquifer, 1952-53, 1958.








of water samples from wells tapping the Floridan aquifer in these
counties. Most of the data shown were obtained during 1952-53;
additional information was obtained during 1958 in more recently
established agricultural and grazing lands.
The data in figure 26 suggest that the deeper wells generally
yield the water of poorest quality. Potable water is available from
the Floridan aquifer in central Glades County in the vicinity of
Palmdale, and good-quality water can be expected northward and
northwestward from central Glades County into Highlands County.
Also, wells reportedly ranging in depth from 390 to 450 feet
immediately north of LaBelle yield potable water. These wells
probably tap the uppermost limestone layers of the Floridan
aquifer. A group of artesian wells 8 miles east of LaBelle and
three wells near the northern boundary of Glades County yield
water that contains less than 250 ppm of chloride. It is possible,
however, that increased use of water in those areas may cause a
slow deterioration of the quality as a result of upward movement
of water of higher chloride content within the aquifer.
The data shown in figure 27 indicate that the shallow aquifers
in Glades County yield water of low chloride content except in areas
adjacent to Lake Okeechobee. Figure 28 shows chloride data for


2510-00 S "ENU. I

So L
romwels t g s w uirs, 1
501 000 .. .. ..... .. .

o......... .3. -- -

oOS COT !o sfA- 1.31
40. 1 .. ... .. .

i I o '^

,' : o. w ,*S ........

.,d~~f~b~ib~t., / f A %rA

from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53.


Figure 28. Part of eastern Glades County showing the chloride content of
water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1959.

the area north of Lakeport where there is a large concentration of
shallow wells. It is apparent that most of the shallow water in
the Lakeport area does not meet the standards for public supplies.
Figure 29 is a map of Hendry County showing the chloride
content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers.
The distribution of the chlorides suggests isolated sources of con-
tamination by salty water. Figure 30 shows the chloride content of
water from selected wells in the Clewiston area.
The fluoride concentration in ground water in Glades and Hendry
counties ranges from 0 to 1.2 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from
0.2 to 2.4 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. Minor quantities of fluoride
in drinking water are beneficial in decreasing tooth decay among
children (Black and Brown, 1951, p. 15). However, quantities in
excess of 1.5 ppm may result in a condition known as dental
fluorosis, a mottling of the tooth enamel in chlidren.
The amount of silica in ground water in Glades and Hendry
counties ranges from 6.1 to 56 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from
11 to 14 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. Silica content is of relatively



. f ,i I
Figure 29. Henry County showing the chloride content of water samples

the shallow aquifer. A concentration above 50 ppm is very

undesirable in drinking water, because it may cause cyanosis in
Hydrogen sulfide is found in much of the shallow water and all
I i4

the deep artesian water of the area. Hydrog en sulfide causes a

distinct taste and odor which has given the water the name "sulfur
water." Hydrogen sulfide is not generally analyzed because it is a
H e ulfu f e s o we

e EXPLA" TION in y
Figure 29. Hendry County showing the chloride content of water samples
from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958.

little importance except in the formation of boiler scale, and was
not determined in most analyses.


Nitrate concentrations range from o to 1.2 ppm in the water
from the artesian aquifer, and from 0 to 9.6 ppm in the water from

distinct taste and odor which has given the water the name "sulfur
water." Hydrogen sulfide is not generally analyzed because it is. a


i ---- ~ ---- 1- ^ ^, ^

e 1 -261 262 1
250 4246 244 240 l 3

2 r, s 3 22 25
) 253 5 225

Figure 30. Clewiston area showing the chloride content of water samples
from wells tapping the shallow aquifers, 1952-53.

volatile gas held in solution and much of it escapes upon exposure
to air. Most of the gas can be removed by aeration.

In southern Florida the major causes of soal-water contami-
gre Colewstn area htoewin the Grulf t of M water msamles
nation of aquifers are as follows: (1) direct encroachment from
surface salt-water bodies along coastal areas where the fresh-water
head is not sufficient to retard encroachment; (2) upward leakage
of relatively salty artesian water, under high pressure, through
open well bores or across semiconfining layers; and (3) incomplete
flushing of sea water that entered the aquifers during high-sea-level
intervals of the Pleistocene Epoch when southern Florida was
covered by the ocean.
Direct encroachment: The only possible source of direct sea-
water encroachment in Glades and Hendry counties is the
Caloosahatchee River. The Ortona Lock is closed during extended
dry periods and sea water from the Gulf of Mexico may move
inland to the downstream side of the lock. However, the banks and
the riverbed along most of the reach downstream from Ortona
are composed of relatively impermeable clay and marl, which tend
to prevent lateral or downward seepage from the channel. Also,
ground-water levels adjacent to the river usually are considerably
higher than the river stage (fig. 17), and the normal direction of
ground-water flow is toward the river. Therefore, direct sea-water
encroachment into aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties is
Upward leakage: In most of Glades and Hendry counties the
deep parts of the Floridan aquifer contain water that is saltier
than water in the shallow parts. In some places thin zones


containing fairly fresh water may underlie salty zones, but if the
open-hole section of the well is deepened, additional zones containing
salty water will be tapped (see table 4).
In most areas of the two counties the pressure in the deep zones
of the aquifer is greater than that in shallow zones. If a well is
so constructed that its open bore section penetrates upper fresh
zones and deeper salty zones, the deep salty water under high
pressure can move upward through the well bore and enter the
shallow fresh-water zone. The amount of interchange of water will
depend upon the permeability of the rock and the pressure
differential between the two zones. It appears, therefore, that well
construction is an important factor in the quality of the water
yielded by a well in the Floridan aquifer.
Contamination by upward leakage within the Floridan aquifer
probably is accelerated where the piezometric surface is
lowered as a result of heavy discharge by wells. High pressure
in deep zones will cause saline water to move upward into zones
of fresh water that are tapped by wells. The high mineralization
of the water from artesian wells in LaBelle and southwest of
LaBelle shown in figure 31 may be due, in part, to the decline of
the piezometric surface in this general area, as shown in figure
14. It is possible that the initial flowing wells drilled in this area
yielded fresher water than that shown in figure 31.


s Sijr* j/,-.


I 327
S3 t5 o na Chloride content
318 319 O s 76 (parts per million)
45115 89 292
ST Well No, 0
T Depthin feet 0o100
2 321 10 101 250
0 I 2 More than 1000

Figure 31. Part of northwestern Hendry County showing the chloride content
of water samples from wells tapping deep and shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958.


The salt-water contamination in the shallow aquifer in LaBelle
was probably caused by upward and lateral leakage in the vicinity
of wells penetrating the Floridan aquifer. Figure 32 shows the
chloride content of water from shallow wells in and adjacent to
LaBelle. Most of the shallow wells in LaBelle range in depth from
60 to 120 feet below the land surface and are developed in shelly
limestone layers.
The seven deep artesian wells within the populated area south
of the Caloosahatchee River probably were drilled before 1930
(fig. 11). It was reported that casings in most of these wells were
seated in a limestone layer at a depth of about 80 feet and that
an open bore was drilled to 600-800 feet. The piezometric surface
in these wells is at least 25 feet above the land surface, whereas
the water level in the shallow wells is below the land surface.
Therefore, direct connection probably exists between the open bore
of the deep wells and the limestones below 80 feet in the shallow
aquifer. Most of the deep wells in LaBelle are not in use or are
used sparingly, so that the discharge valves are cut off for long
periods. As a result, the pressure differential between the deep
well bores and the shallow limestones is consistently high, and
upward discharge into the shallow limestone occurs at a constant
Well 17 in LaBelle, immediately south of the Caloosahatchee
River, taps the Floridan aquifer, and for many years was used as
the central water supply for the town. Distribution lines extend
from the well probably as far south as State Highway 80. These
distribution lines are known to have developed leaks and the entire
system is a probable source of local contamination of the shallow
aquifer. The pattern of the chloride contours shown in figure 33
suggests that the five deep artesian wells (within the 400-ppm
contour line) between the Caloosahatchee River and State Highway
80 and the subsurface water-distribution system from well 17 may
be the principal sources of contamination. Further evidence to
support this is shown by a comparison of the analyses of water
samples from well 17 (602 feet deep) and well 156 (90 feet deep),
170 feet south of well 17, as shown in table 6. The analyses are
nearly identical.
The pattern of the distribution of the chloride contents and
isochlor contours in figure 33 negates the possibility that the
Caloosahatchee River is the source of contamination. The contour
pattern shows that contamination extends beneath and across the
river and further substantiates the conclusion that the river does
not appreciably affect the drainage of the shallow aquifer.


Figure 32. LaBelle showing the chloride content of water samples from wells
tapping the shallow aquifer, 1952-53.
Much of the salt-water contamination in the shallow aquifer
along the Caloosahatchee River west and southwest of LaBelle may
be caused by conditions similar to those causing the contamination
in LaBelle. The water level of well 112, a 45-foot well near the
Lee County boundary, was 7.5 feet above the land surface in May


Figure 33. LaBelle showing (by isochlor lines) areas of equal chloride content
of water from the shallow aquifer, 1952-53.
1958. This high water level is probably due to upward and lateral
leakage from immediately adjacent artesian wells which have been
capped at the surface and abandoned.
Incomplete flushing: The high mineralization of. the water
contained in the Floridan aquifer in southern Florida probably is
due to connate sea water which remained in the materials when
they were deposited, or to sea water that entered the aquifer when


much of peninsular Florida was covered by the ocean during the
Pleistocene Epoch. The shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry
counties also were filled with sea water when the area was last
covered by the ocean, but since the seas receded rainfall has been
flushing salts from the shallow aquifers. Flushing has been more
extensive in the shallow materials than in the Floridan aquifer,
but Love (Parker and others, 1955, p. 818) indicated that saline
water and the residual salts have never been completely flushed
in most of the Everglades, particularly near the borders of Lake
Okeechobee. Figures 27 and 28 show the high salinity of the
shallow ground water adjacent to Lake Okeechobee.
Flushing of salts would be most rapid where the infiltration of
rainfall is rapid and where ground-water movement is not impeded.
The rather uniformly low permeability of the shallow sediments
may be one of the chief reasons for the saline ground water along
the borders of Lake Okeechobee. Also, the low ground-water
gradient throughout the area may be an important factor in the
slow flushing process. Most of the potential aquifer recharge by
rainfall in the area probably is lost by sheet flow and evapo-
transpiration, and apparently only minor quantities can infiltrate
to the permeable sections. Differences in permeability may partly
account for the variations of chloride content in areas where
upward leakage from the Floridan aquifer is not a factor.


Ground water in Glades and Hendry counties is used for irriga-
tion, public and domestic supplies, stock watering, and, to lesser
extent, industries and air conditioning.


The quantity of ground water used for irrigation in Glades and
Hendry counties far exceeds that used for other purposes. In
addition to the huge sugar plantations that border Lake Okeechobee
near Clewiston, large areas are devoted to the production of truck
crops grown during late fall, winter, and spring. In areas near
surface-water bodies irrigation is practiced by use of shallow
ditches from the surface sources. Other areas, however, depend
on ground-water sources.
Water for irrigation is obtained from the Floridan aquifer
and the shallow aquifers. The source used depends on the crops
to be grown. Tomatoes and cucumbers will tolerate water with a


fairly high concentration of dissolved solids, whereas beans and
some other crops will not. Irrigation by use of shallow wells is a
fairly recent development in the area and will probably increase.
The largest increase in the use of irrigation water has taken place
in Hendry County, south of LaBelle, and in the Big Cypress Swamp-
Devil's Garden area.


LaBelle and Moore Haven are the only municipalities in the two
counties that used ground water for public supplies in 1959. The
supply for LaBelle was obtained from well 17, which penetrates
the Floridan aquifer. The water was piped directly from the well
through distribution lines to the consumers and received no treat-
ment. The quality of the water is poor and most of the residents
have resorted to drilling individual shallow wells. In the central
part of LaBelle the shallow aquifer does not produce water of
acceptable quality because of salt-water contamination (fig. 33).
Chemical analyses of water samples in the LaBelle area indicate
that ground water of good quality can be obtained away from the
central part of the town, where the shallow water is low in
chloride, relatively low in total dissolved solids, but high in
hardness. The hardness can be reduced by treatment, and aeration
and filtration will remove much of the iron and hydrogen sulfide
present in solution. In 1959 the residents of LaBelle authorized
a study to develop a public water supply from the shallow aquifer
south of town.
Moore Haven obtains its water supply from an 8-inch well
drilled to a depth of 87 feet. A 5-horsepower deep-well turbine
pump is capable of withdrawing 285 gpm from the well.
Approximately 85,000 to 100,000 gallons of water are used daily
by the town. This includes water for household use, industrial
use, and lawn irrigation. Water treatment consists of aeration,
reduction of hardness, and chlorination.
None of the other communities in the area are supplied by
public ground-water systems. In agricultural areas and small
population centers such as Palmdale, Lakeport, and the outskirts
of LaBelle, nearly every home has its individual water supply. A
similar situation exists in suburban areas west and southeast of
Clewiston. The city of Clewiston obtains its municipal supply from
Lake Okeechobee.



A small quantity of ground water is used for industrial and
cooling processes, and a few commercial establishments in Clewiston
operate wells for air conditioning. A shallow well is used in running
condensers at the ice plant at Moore Haven. Several packing
houses in the farming areas use a considerable quantity of ground
water in the washing, processing, and packing of truck crops.
These wells are operated for only a few weeks during the year.
Ground water is used also for stock watering.


The most productive aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties is
the Floridan aquifer, which yields water by natural flow to most
parts of the area. Wells penetrating this aquifer range in depth
from 400 feet to more than 1,200 feet and generally yield 200 gpm
or more.
The chloride concentration in water from wells tapping the
artesian aquifer at depths of 400 to 700 feet ranges from 40 ppm
to more than 2,000 ppm. The aquifer underlying Glades County
in the vicinity of Lake Okeechobee yields water with a chloride
content ranging from 700 to more than 1,200 ppm. Artesian water
containing less than 100 ppm of chloride, can be obtained in north-
western and northern Glades County. In general, the chloride
content of the water increases southward and southeastward.
Permeable zones in the aquifer occur down to more than 1,200
feet. Throughout most of the area the lower limestones yield highly
mineralized water, except in northwestern and northern Glades,
County where relatively fresh water can be obtained in the deep
part of the aquifer.
Shallow sources of ground water are being developed in both
Glades and Hendry counties, especially in those areas where the
artesian water is highly mineralized. Wells penetrating shallow
aquifers generally range in depth from 50 feet to more than 300
The permeable limestone of the Tamiami Formation in southern
Hendry County is the most productive shallow aquifer in the area.
Wells penetrating this aquifer range in depth from about 40 feet in
areas a few miles east of Immokalee to about 120 feet or more
south of the Devil's Garden. The lateral extent and the total
thickness of this aquifer cannot be determined with present data;
however, the aquifer is known to extend as far north as the Felda


area, but has not been noted in wells in the immediate Immokalee
area. The aquifer apparently dips to the east and to the south.
Six-inch wells penetrating this limestone aquifer yield good
quality water at a rate of more than 1,000 gpm with little draw-
down. Water levels are within a few feet of the land surface, and
pumping costs are relatively low.
In central and northern Hendry County and in Glades County
the shallow aquifers are composed of thin local limestones and
shell beds in the Tamiami and Hawthorn Formations. These
aquifers range in depth from 50 feet to about 175 feet and yield
moderate amounts of water. The water usually contains less than
400 ppm of chloride, except in areas adjacent to Lake Okeechobee
and along the Caloosahatchee River westward from LaBelle. In
and southwest of LaBelle the shallow aquifer is contaminated by
artesian water under high pressure leaking upward along open-well
bores and laterally into permeable beds of low pressure.
Quantitative tests show that the coefficient of transmissibility
of the shallow aquifers ranges from 70,000 gpd/ft to 1,070,000
gpd/ft, and that the coefficient of storage ranges from 0.00015 to



Applin, E. R. (also see Applin, P. L.)
1945 (and Jordan, Louise) Diagnostic Foraminifera from subsurface
formations in Florida: Jour. Paleontology, v. 19, no. 2, p. 129-148.
Applin, P. L.
1944 (and Applin, E. R.) Regional subsurface stratigraphy and struc-
ture of Florida and southern Georgia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum
Geologists Bull., v. 28, no. 12, p. 1673-1753.
1951 Preliminary report on buried pre-Mesozoic rocks in Florida and
adjacent states: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 91.

Bishop, E. W.
1956 Geology and ground-water resources of Highlands County,
Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 15.

Black, A. P.
1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters:
Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research
Paper 6.

Brown, Eugene (see Black, A. P.)

Clapp, F. G. (see Matson, G. C.)

Cole, W. S.
1942 Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida:
Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 19.
1944 Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida:
Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 20.

Cooke, C. W. (also see Parker, G. C.)
1915 The age of the Ocala limestone: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper
95-I, p. 107-117.
1929 (and Mossom, Stuart) Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey
20th Ann. Rept., p. 29-227.
1936 (and Mansfield, W. C.) Suwannee limestone of Florida (ab-
stract): Geol. Soc. America Proc. (1935), p. 71-72.
1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29.
1952 Sedimentary deposits of Prince Georges County, Maryland, and
the District of Columbia: Maryland Dept. Geology, Mines and
Water Resources Bull. 10.

Dall, W. H.
1892 Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of Florida, with special
reference to the Miocene silex beds of Tampa and the Pliocene
beds of the Caloosahatchee River: Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans.,
v. 3, pt. 2.

Davis, J. H., Jr.
1943 The natural features of southern Florida, especially the vegeta-
tion, and the Everglades: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 25.


DuBar, J. R.
1958 Stratigraphy and paleontology of the late Neogene strata of the
Caloosahatchee River area of southern Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey Bull. 40.

Ferguson, G. E. (see Parker, G. G.)

Hantush, M. C.
1955 (and Jacob, C. E.) Nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky
aquifer: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 36, no. 1, p. 95-100.
1956 Analysis of data from pumping tests in a leaky aquifer: Am.
Geophys. Union Trans., v. 37, no. 6, p. 702-714.

Heilprin, Angelo
1887 Explorations on the west coast of Florida and in the Okeechobee
wilderness: Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans., v. 1.

Hendry, C. W., Jr.
1957 (and Lavender, J. A.) Interim report on the progress of an
inventory of artesian wells in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey
Inf. Circ. 10.

Jacob, C. E. (see Hantush, M. C.)

Johnson, L. C.
1888 The structure of Florida: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 36, p. 230-236.

Jordan, Louise (see Applin, E. R.)

Klein, Howard (see Schroeder, M. C.)

Lavender, J. A. (see Hendry, C. W., Jr.)

Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G.)

MacNeil, F. S.
1944 Oligocene stratigraphy of southeastern United States: Am.
Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 28, no. 9, p. 1313-1354.

Mansfield, W. C. (see Cooke, C. W.)

Matson, G. C.
1909 (and Clapp, F. G.) A preliminary report on the geology of
Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 2d Ann. Rept., p. 25-173.
1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and ground waters of Florida:
U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319.

Meinzer, O. E.
1923 The occurrence of ground water in the United States, with a
discussion of principles: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper

Mossom, Stuart (see Cooke, C. W.)


Parker, G. G.
1944 (and Cooke, C. W.) Late Cenozoic geology of southern Florida,
with a discussion of the ground water: Florida Geol. Survey
Bull. 27.
1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the
Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 43, no. 10,
p. 817-834.
1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources
of southeastern Florida, with special reference to the geology
and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-
Supply Paper 1255.

Puri, H. S.,

Contributions to the study of the Miocene of the Florida
Panhandle: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 36.

Richards, H. G.
1945 Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Cenozoic formations; a
discussion: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., v. 56, p. 401-408.
Sanford, Samuel (see Matson, G. C.)
Schroeder, M. C.
1954 (and Klein, Howard) Geology of the western Everglades area,
southern Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 314.
Sellards, E. H.
1912 The soils and other residual material of Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey 4th Ann. Rept., p. 7-79.
1919 Geologic section across the Everglades, Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey 12th Ann. Rept., p. 67-76.
Stringfield, V. T.
1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U. S. Geol. Survey
Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 115-195.
Theis, C. V.
1938 The significance and nature of the cone of depression in ground-
water bodies: Econ. Geology, v. 33, no. 8, p. 889-902.
U. S. Public Health Service
1946 Public health reports, reprint 2697.
Vernon, R. O.
1951 Geology of Citrus and Levy counties, Florida: Florida Geol Sur-
vey Bull. 33.
Visher, F. N.
1952 Reconnaissance of the geology and ground-water resources of the
Pass Creek Flats area, Carbon County, Wyoming, with a section
on the chemical quality of the ground water by W. H. Durum:
U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 188.
Wilcox, L. V.
1948 The quality of water for irrigation use: U. S. Dept. Agriculture
Tech. Bull. 962.



Glades County

NWYNW% sec. 29, T. 38 S., R. 34 E.

Depth, in feet,-
Material below land surface

No samples _-- __--- 0- 65

Tamiami Formation
Marl, gray, sandy, phosphatic; fragments of echinoids
and Pecten ---__-__ 65 110
No samples --._--.__.__ ._-- .... ___ --_ .....- 110- 188

Hawthorn Formation
Clay, dark-green, plastic; mollusk fragments ----------- 188
Clay, dark-green, sandy (coarse), phosphatic; pelecypods
numerous, mostly Pecten and Area -_.---__ 188 -314
Clay, olive-drab, sandy, shelly, phosphatic ___.. --__... 314- 337
No samples ____ _______ 337 346
Clay, light-green, shelly, plastic; and olive-drab sandy,
phosphatic, shelly clay marl -__ .- -._...-- ... 346 418
Clay, dark-green, plastic; phosphorite pebbles and
mollusk fragments __ 418 465
Clay, gray, phosphatic; mollusk fragments ...--_- 465-480
Limestone, white, hard, dense, phosphatic; mollusk
fragments .__ _____ 480 505
Gravel; phosphorite pebbles, brown, up to 8 mm in
diameter; some limestone as above 505- 516
Clay, tan, plastic; many small particles of dark phos-
phorite _____ __516 537
Clay, tan, plastic; many small particles of phosphorite --. 537- 575
Clay, dark-green, quartz sand, phosphorite pebbles; some
gray sandy, phosphatic limestone ...__ __ _..._.. 575- 605

Tampa (?) Formation
Limestone, cream, hard, porous, granular, slightly phos-
phatic, and some sand ______ 605 620

Ocala Group
Limestone, cream, foraminiferal coquina, soft, porous,
chalky; Lepidocyclina ocalana __ 620 667
Limestone, cream, foraminiferal coquina, soft, porous,.
granular; Operculinoides _- 667-814
Limestone as above but fewer foraminifers __ 814- 854

Avon Park Limestone
Limestone, tan, hard, porous; numerous echinoids of
Peronella type 854-888


Limestone, light-tan, hard, porous, granular; Dictyoconus
cookei, Coskinolina floridana, and Peronella_ 888- 958
Limestone, tan, hard, granular, porous; some white, soft,
chalky limestone; Spirolina coryensis ..___ ---- --.-- -... 958- 1022
Limestone, tan, hard, granular; numerous Coskinolina
floridana ______. ..____...___ ----.......___.__. 1022- 1134
Lake City Limestone
Limestone, light-brown, hard, calcitic, granular,
porous; some gray dense limestone and brown porous,
finely crystalline, dolomitic limestone ...__._.__ 1134- 1215

NEYNW% sec. 25, T. 39 S., R. 33 E.

Depth, in feet,
Material below land surface
Pamlico Sand
Sand, gray, quartz _......_-- ..- _______ 0- 3
Fort Thompson Formation
Shell bed, marine ... ___------......--_ .._-- .._____ 3- 7
Sand, light-gray, marly ---.... --_. ---.__- __ 7- 18
Caloosahatchee Marl
Marl, dark-gray, very sandy, somewhat shelly 18- 30
Shell bed, dark-gray, sandy (shell marl) ._-------------- 30- 44
Tamiami Formation
Shell marl, light-gray, sandy --..-..-...-- _..._-- 44- 54
Marl, light-green, clayey, sandy _--..--_-_.._ .--- 54- 75

NW%/SE% sec. 11, T. 42 S., R. 32 E.

Depth, in feet,
Material below land surface
Recent soils
Peat __--__ --___----_____ 0 3
Pamlico Sand
Sand, gray, quartz -_- _--_ ___-__ 3- 10
Caloosahatchee Marl
Shell bed containing quartz sand and the following mol-
lusks: ___ 10- 14
Pseudomiltha anodonta (Say)
Transennella caloosana Dall
Chione cancellata (Linnaeus)
Anomalocardia caloosana (Dall)
Turritella sp.
Nassarius vibex (Say)


Olivella mutica (Say)
Marginella sp.
Sand, gray, quartz, and shells containing the following: 14- 17
Phaeoides pensylvanicus (Linnaeus)
Laevicardium serratum (Linnaeus)
Transenella caloosana Dall
Chione cancellata (Linnaeus)
Anomalocardia caloosana (Dall)
Tellina (Merisca) dinomera Dall
Corbula caloosae Dall
Fissuridea carditella Dall
Cerithium sp. cf. C. glaphyrea litharium Dall
Turritella perattenuata Heilprin
Nassarius sp. ind.
Marginella gravida Dall?
Olivella mutica (Say)
Terebra dislocata Say
Sand, white, quartz ___ __--___ --- 17- 55
Tamiami Formation
Sand, gray, coarse, quartz, shelly .... ..----.------... 55- 63

SW4 SWU sec. 22, T. 40 S., R. 32 E.
Depth, in feet,
Material below land surface
Recent sand and soils
Sand, quartz __ ----- -- ------ 0- 4
Muck, peat, black 4____-.. -----_------~--- -.. ..-- 4- 8
Fort Thompson Formation
Sand, gray, quartz, marly ___8 .......--..-------.. 8- 11
Caloosahatchee Marl
Marl, gray, sandy, with a few shells ... -- ---------------- 11 15
Marl, gray -___-__-__ ---------------------- 15- 20
Marl, gray, sandy, very shelly ____......... .....--------- 20- 27
Marl, gray, sandy, slightly shelly -----___- ... .--- --- 27- 34
Tamiami Formation
Shell marl, light-gray, very sandy _...------------- 34- 38
Shell marl, light-gray, sandy 38- 42
Sand, light-gray, quartz, slightly shelly --_-__._-- 42- 48
Marl, grayish-green, sandy, shelly -___- .... 48- 56
Marl, greenish-gray, silty, plastic _.___-_-___-- 56 62
Marl, gray, sandy, very shelly 62 75


WELL 201
NW' SW% sec. 20, T. 42 S., R. 30 E.
Depth, in feet,
Material below land surface
Lake Flirt Marl
Sand, black, quartz, carbonaceous .--.....---.. __.- __-- 0- 1
Marl, gray, fresh-water, and quartz sand --1 5
Fort Thompson Formation
Marl, tan, sandy, and hard brown fresh-water limestone 5 20
Caloosahatchee(?) Marl
Marl, tan-gray, sandy, shelly ___--_- --- 20- 38
Tamiami (?) Formation
Marl, green, sandy (medium to granule-size quartz),
slightly shelly .. .. .--......._-- ....-..__ --- __ 38- 57
Hawthorn (?) Formation
Marl, green, very sandy --..__ --..- ..- _--------__ --_ -- 57- 180
Marl, green, clayey, and some phosphorite granules and
small pebbles --... ___---- _- ..-... _-__. -- 180 220
Marl, green, sandy, phosphatic --_- -------____- ..... ____ 220- 240
Marl, white, clay, very shelly, phosphatic ------ 240- 261
Marl, white, phosphatic, interbedded with white crypto-
crystalline limestone -_ ___---___ 261 282
Marl, green, clay, phosphatic, shelly _- ____. 282- 290
Limestone, white to light-gray, finely crystalline, and
light-gray phosphatic shelly marl .-----.------ 290- 356
Marl, green, clay, shelly _--_--.----- -- -- -----356- 374
Marl, greenish-gray, and gray, finely crystalline limestone 374- 384
Limestone, finely crystalline, and some light-green marl --. 384- 400
Tampa Formation and Suwannee Limestone, undifferentiated
Limestone, white and light-tan, crystalline, porous, perme-
able, fossiliferous -____ ____-- -_.. -..._..._.. ...--400 430
Limestone, white; Robulus americanus? --__- ___-- ---. 430- 475
Limestone, white and tan, finely crystalline, and light-
gray friable fine-grained quartz sandstone --_-- -- 475 619
Limestone, tan and white, and dark-green sandy marl ---- 619- 634
Marl, olive-green, sandy ___-- ...---.---- -------- 634 642

WELL 238
NE~4SW4 sec. 19, T. 42 S., R. 30 E.
Depth, in feet,
Material below land surface
No samples ......-- __-- _-_---....- --- ---- ---- -.---- 0- 20
Caloosahatchee (?) Marl
Marl, tan-gray, very sandy .----------------- ----- .20- 30
Tamiami(?) Formation
Marl, olive-green, sandy --- -------- 30- 60


Hawthorn Formation
Marl, green, micaceous _____ 60-110
Marl, green, clay, phosphatic 110 126
Marl, dark-green, sandy, micaceous, phosphatic, with
Bulimina gracilis and B. gracilis, var spinosus 126 -185
Marl, greenish-gray, phosphatic 185- 200
No samples 200 -226
Marl, greenish-gray, phosphatic, and crystalline lime-
stone __ 226-260
Marl, white, phosphatic, and finely crystalline limestone 260 300
Marl, grayish-green, clayey, shelly, slightly phosphatic 300- 325
Limestone, white, finely crystalline 325 390
Tampa Formation
Limestone, white, finely crystalline, and light-gray friable,
fine-grained quartz sandstone -___ 390-430
Limestone, tan, finely crystalline, and light-gray friable
medium-grained quartz sandstone ___ 430 500

WELL 240
SENW4 sec. 25, T. 42 S., R. 33 E.

Depth, in feet,
Material below land surface
No sample ___ 0- 10
Fort Thompson Formation and Caloosahatchee Marl,
Sand, cream, quartz, very shelly (Chione cancellata) 10- 50
Caloosahatchee Marl and Tamiami Formation, undifferentiated
Sandstone, quartz, friable, shelly, and coarse quartz sand,
with a few small phosphate pebbles ___ 50- 90
Tamiami Formation
Marl, white, sandy, with quartz and phosphate pebbles,
and coarse friable sandstone 90- 100
Limestone, cream, sandy, silty, and coarse white shelly
sandstone 100 140
Marl, cream, silty, micaceous __ 140 160
Hawthorn Formation
Marl, sandy, silty, micaceous, and dark-green clay 160- 220
Clay, green 220 240
Marl, sandy, and green clay 240- 270
Marl, light-green, silty, and coarse quartz and phosphatic
sand; some light-green siltstone 270 350
Limestone, green, silty 350- 370
Marl, dark-green, sandy, phosphatic, shelly 370- 420
Marl, green, clayey, shelly 420- 490
Marl, light-green, phosphatic, and white phosphatic lime-
stone and green clay __ 490- 530

Full Text
xml record header identifier 2008-11-10setSpec [UFDC_OAI_SET]metadata oai_dc:dc xmlns:oai_dc http:www.openarchives.orgOAI2.0oai_dc xmlns:dc http:purl.orgdcelements1.1 xmlns:xsi http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema-instance xsi:schemaLocation http:www.openarchives.orgOAI2.0oai_dc.xsd dc:title Geology and ground-water resources of Glades and Hendry Counties, Florida (FGS: Report of Investigation 37)dc:type Bookdc:identifier (ALEPH)AAA0619 (LTQF)AES1356 (LTUF)dc:source University of Florida




AGRIFLORIDA STATE BOARD CULTURM OF LIBRARy. OF CONSERVATION FARRIS BRYANT Governor TOM ADAMS RICHARD ERVIN Secretary of State Attorney General J. EDWIN LARSON RAY E. GREEN Treasurer Comptroller THOMAS D. BAILEY DOYLE CONNER Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Agriculture W. RANDOLPH HODGES Director ii


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL florida dceological Survey Callabassee October 10, 1964 Honorable Farris Bryant, Chairman Florida State Board of Conservation Tallahassee, Florida Dear Governor Bryant: The Division of Geology is publishing, as Florida Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 37, a report on the "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Glades and Hendry Counties, Florida," which was prepared by Howard Klein, M. C. Schroeder, and W. F. Lichtler, as a part of a cooperative program between the U. S. Geological Survey and the Florida Geological Survey. Both Glades and Hendry counties obtain water from the Floridan aquifer, generally by artesian flow, and from several shallow aquifers. Recharge of the artesian aquifer occurs over these counties and in Polk County. The report is a continuation of a series, which is designed ultimately to present the geologic and hydrologic facts of all of the State. Only in this way, can the State be guaranteed a conservative and adequate development of its water and associated resources. Respectfully yours, Robert O. Vernon Director and State Geologist iii


Completed manuscript received August 7, 1963 Published for the Florida Geological Survey By E. O. Painter Printing Company DeLand, Florida 1964 iv


CONTENTS Abstract .._ .......-----_-------____-.--------.--------._---------------1 Introduction ---___. .-._-----.__................_____ ---.---2 Purpose and scope of investigation _----------2 Acknowledgments _ 3---------------_--------3 Previous investigations ------_-.------__ ---------3-----3 Geography __--___ ._...__ .-------------___ ----.-----.-----_ --5 Location of area 5_ General land features and drainage ....__.__...-------------5 Everglades _---.-----_--------------_------_------------5 Sandy Flatlands -_.....................-----------. -------------7 Big Cypress Swamp ------........---------__-----------7 Drainage ... -------.---___.... -----.. _.------------9 Climate ---.. ------_ ........__ ... ........------.------10 Development and growth of area ---------------.--------11 Geologic formations and water-bearing characteristics --------12 Eocene Series -------_------.------. -----------------12 Lake City Limestone ----------__ ------------------------14 Avon Park Limestone .---------_----.. .--__---..------16 Ocala Group .---_-------_ ----------------..-----. .--------------18 Oligocene Series -_-------..--------------_ 20 Suwannee Limestone -----------_ ---------_------20 Miocene Series _....-----._---------------. ---21 Tampa Formation _--____-___-_--_--------21 Hawthorn Formation -.___-__-------22 Tamiami Formation ----_...-__.....-„------24 Pliocene Series ---..-. ------------------25 Caloosahatchee Marl ___ __-_ __ ----. 25 Pleistocene Series ------------------------------26 Anastasia Formation 26 Fort Thompson Formation ___----27 Terrace deposits ---------------_29 Recent Series ____-_---30 Lake Flirt Marl -.---------_----------_----------30 Organic soils ------------------30 Ground water ...--.... .-----------------. --. -------.--------31 Occurrence and movement __-______31 Floridan aquifer -32 Piezometric surface --------------39 Recharge 39 Discharge _____----------------------------------------41 Discharge 41 Water-level fluctuations -.--.--------. ..-----.---41 Shallow aquifers -----------__-----____ -----------43 Water-level fluctuations -----------------45 Recharge and discharge ------------47 Hydraulic characteristics ..---------------------.---------------49 Quality of water ---...... ---....--.---------------58 Hardness -----------------------------62 v


Total dissolved solids _62 Specific conductance --__ -__ 67 Hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) 68 Iron (Fe) ___ 68 Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) ____ 69 Sodium (Na) and potassium (K) 69 Bicarbonate (HCO3) _ 70 Sulfate (SO4) 70 Chloride (Cl) 70 Fluoride (F) _ 74 Silica (SiO,) 74 Nitrate (NO3) --_ -_-------------75 Hydrogen sulfide (HS) --_ ______ ____75 Salt-water contamination ____ 76 Direct encroachment _____ -76 Upward leakage _____________--______ 76 Incomplete flushing _ ___80 Utilization of ground water _______ 81 Irrigation _81 Municipal supplies _ 82 Other uses __ 83 Summary 83 References __-_______ 85 Well logs -----___ 88 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Location of Glades and Hendry counties 4 2 Glades and Hendry counties showing physiographic regions and the directions of surface drainage __ __--_6 3 Approximate extent of Pleistocene terraces in Glades and Hendry counties ______ 8 4 Glades and Hendry counties showing the locations of geologic sections and included wells _____ 15 5 South-north geologic section A-A' through Glades and Hendry counties ________ 16 6 South-north geologic section B-B' through Glades and Hendry counties 17 7 West-east geologic section C-C' through Hendry County 18 8 South-north geologic section D-D' along the western shore of Lake Okeechobee __ ____ 19 9 Glades County showing the locations of wells _ _ 33 10 Hendry County showing the locations of wells __34 11 LaBelle and vicinity showing the locations of wells 35 12 Clewiston and vicinity showing the locations of wells 36 13 Graphs showing distribution of flow in selected wells in Glades and Hendry counties _____--___ __ 38 14 Glades and Hendry counties showing the configuration of the vi


piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1958 .-----_-----__--. 40 15 Profiles of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties, 1958 ___43 16 Hydrographs of wells 3 and 5 in Hendry County and well 131 in Collier County ________ 46 17 Hydrographs of well 234 and the Caloosahatchee River at LaBelle compared with rainfall for the period 1953-54 48 18 Coefficients of transmissibility and storage determined at test sites in Glades, Hendry, and Collier counties in shallow aquifers ___________ _~_ ______.___. 50 19 Composite of semilogarithmic distance-drawdown graphs of five aquifer tests _51 20 Time-drawdown graphs of water levels in observation wells, and sketches showing locations of wells used in aquifer tests _ 52 21 Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of four observation wells in test area E __-_ _ .... --__ __ -------------.-.._.....__. 56 22 Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of observation wells in test areas B and D _. ______ __ __... ___ 57 23 Graphs showing drawdowns expected at different distances from a well pumped at selected rates in each of six test areas 59 24 Graph showing the relation between specific conductance and total dissolved solids in water samples from Glades and Hendry counties ____ 68 25 Graph showing the suitability of ground water for irrigation (after Wilcox 1948, p. 25-26) 71 26 Glades and Hendry counties showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping the Floridan aquifer, 1952-53, 1958 -____ _ ___ 72 27 Glades County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53 73 28 Part of eastern Glades County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1959 _ 74 29 Hendry county showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958 75 30 Clewiston area showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping the shallow aquifer, 1952-53 ---....-. -__-_ 76 31 Part of northwestern Hendry County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping deep and shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958 77 32 LaBelle showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping the shallow aquifer, 1952-53 ___ _ 79 33 LaBelle showing (by isochlor lines) areas of equal chloride content of water from the shallow aquifer, 1952-53 -____ 80 TABLES Table Page 1 Average temperature (oF) at Moore Haven and LaBelle, 1935-56 _____ ----------______ 10 2 Rainfall in inches at Moore Haven and LaBelle, 1935-56 __ 11 vii


3 Geologic formations in Glades and Hendry counties 13 4 Water-level and flow measurements made during drilling of well 22, Glades County 36 5 Coefficients of transmissibility, storage and leakage in Glades, Hendry and eastern Collier counties _ 54 6 Analyses of water from wells in Glades and Hendry counties _ 60 7 Partial analyses of water from wells in Glades and Hendry counties -~--_______ 63 8 Records of wells in Glades and Hendry counties 102 viii


GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF GLADES AND HENDRY COUNTIES, FLORIDA By Howard Klein, M. C. Schroeder, and W. F. Lichtler ABSTRACT Ground water in Glades and Hendry counties is obtained from the Floridan aquifer, which yields water by artesian flow in most areas of the two counties, and from several shallow aquifers. Highly permeable parts of the Floridan aquifer are limestones of the Tampa Formation' (early Miocene) and of the Ocala Group and the Avon Park Limestone (Eocene). The yields of wells penetrating the Floridan aquifer usually exceed 200 gpm (gallons per minute). Except in the central and northwestern parts of Glades County, wells deeper than 800 feet yield highly mineralized water. The upper part of the Floridan aquifer (Tampa and Hawthorn Formations) yields relatively fresh water in the vicinity of LaBelle, Hendry County, and in all of Glades County except in the area adjacent to Lake Okeechobee. In the remainder of Hendry County, the artesian water contains more than 700 ppm (parts per million) of chloride. The artesian aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties is recharged primarily from the piezometric high in Polk County in central Florida. The piezometric surface of the aquifer is highest in northwestern Glades County and southeastern Hendry County. The high-pressure area in southeastern Hendry County may be a residual mound resulting from a large number of uncontrolled flowing wells to the northwest. This uncontrolled discharge over a long period has resulted in an overall decline in artesian pressure in the counties. Discharge from the aquifer is mainly through flowing wells. 'The nomenclature of the rock units conform to the usages of the Florida Geological Survey and also, except for the Tampa Formation and the Ocala Group and its subdivisions, with those of the U. S. Geological Survey which regards the Tampa as the Tampa Limestone and the Ocala Group as two formations-the Ocala Limestone and the Inglis Limestone. The Ocala Group as used by the Florida Geological Survey includes the Crystal River, Williston, and Inglis Formations. 1


2 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Shallow ground water is obtained from wells ranging in depth from 20 to 300 feet, which penetrate limestone and shell beds in the Tamiami Formation (upper Miocene) and limestone and pebble beds in the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation. The quality of the water from these aquifers generally is superior to that from the Floridan aquifer. Yields of 6-inch wells tapping shallow aquifers range from about 200 to 1,400 gpm. The most prolific shallow aquifer is a highly permeable limestone section of the Tamiami Formation which underlies central and southern Hendry County. Recharge to shallow aquifers is by local rainfall, by downward seepage from overlying sediments, and by southward underflow from Highlands County, where pebble beds and limestone of the Hawthorn Formation occur at shallow depth. Discharge from the shallow aquifers is chiefly by evapotranspiration and by pumping for irrigation of truck crops. Quantitative tests on wells penetrating the shallow aquifers show that the coefficient of transmissibility ranges from 70,000 gpd ft (gallons per day per foot) to 1,070,000 gpd/ft, and that the coefficient of storage ranges from 0.00015 to 0.0014. A method for forecasting the results of continued pumping during an extensive drought is illustrated in the report. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The extensive and expanding utilization of ground water for domestic, municipal, and irrigation supplies in Glades and Hendry counties, Florida, has created the problem of locating and preserving satisfactory water supplies. The expansion of agriculture increases the demand for irrigation water, a large part of which must come from ground-water reservoirs. The development and growth of communities are in part dependent upon the availability of adequate supplies of potable water. This report describes the geology and appraises the ground-water resources of Glades and Hendry counties. It contains information on the location, availability, and quality of the ground-water resources in the two counties, and furnishes basic data that can be used in flood control and water conservation. Fieldwork for the investigation was begun late in 1952 by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey and the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District,


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 3 but was suspended between 1953 and 1958 because of more urgent commitments. Work was resumed in June 1958 and was completed by September 1958. The investigation was under the supervision of N. D. Hoy, district geologist, and M. I. Rorabaugh, district engineer, of the U. S. Geological Survey. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The investigation was aided by data contributed by local residents, property owners, farmers, and ranchers. These data included the locations of wells, their total depth, casing depth, and yield, and in a few cases information on the quality of the water. The generosity of local residents in permitting the sampling of wells and measuring of water levels is greatly appreciated. The writers are especially indebted to the following well drillers and concerns: Roy Messer, LaBelle; Chester Beeles and James Drawdy, Arcadia; C. D. Cannon, Palmetto; the B. & D. Drilling Co., and James Whatley of Immokalee; and Miller Bros., Fort Myers. They granted permission to collect rock cuttings and water samples, take flow readings, and measure water levels during the drilling of wells and, in addition, they furnished geologic and hydrologic information. Flow-velocity measurements in flowing artesian wells were made through the cooperation of C. C. Carlton, Arcadia, and M. K. Wheeler, LaBelle. The Florida Geological Survey furnished logs of a few shallow and deep wells in the area. The Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Jacksonville District, furnished charts of water stages of the Caloosahatchee River. Mollusks listed in the well logs were identified by Julia Gardner and F. S. MacNeil of the Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, and by personnel of the Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATION References to the geology and ground-water resources of Glades and Hendry counties have been made in several reports published by the Florida Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey. Brief descriptions of surface and subsurface geology and waterwell data in the Glades-Hendry area were presented by Matson and Clapp (1909), Sellards (1912, 1919), Matson and Sanford (1913), and Cooke and Mossom (1929). Stringfield (1936) discussed the


4 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY geology and hydrology of the principal artesian aquifer in Florida. Cooke (1945) and Parker and Cooke (1944) discussed the surface and shallow subsurface geology in the Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee areas. Water-quality and water-level data were given by Stringfield (1936), and the chemical analyses of 17 ground-water samples were published by Black and Brown (1951). Schroeder and Klein (1954) described and interpreted the shallow geology of eastern Hendry County from a series of core borings. Parker and others (1955) gave generalized information on the geology of Glades and Hendry counties and presented a few specific data concerning the quality of the water from the Floridan aquifer and the shallow aquifers. DuBar (1958) described in detail the geology along the Caloosahatchee River and discussed the stratigraphic relationship of the Caloosahatchee Marl and the Fort OLES GEO R0 GI A L AER II A..YJ TAYLOR> '" ' -o G -b u -A LL.ER A _____ ____ ___--SE LI ----1 IJ SLE /j MAR! ION L j CI ' TR 'k "" A "A 29. Fiue-s .. I c II M l 4*d Ie I es. Figure 1. Location of Glades and Hendry counties.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 5 Thompson Formation. The following U. S. Geological Survey WaterSupply Papers contain records of ground-water levels in Hendry County: 987, 1017, 1024, 1072, 1097, 1127, 1157, 1166, 1192, 1222, 1266, 1322, and 1405. GEOGRAPHY LOCATION OF AREA Glades and Hendry counties are in the central part of southern Florida and constitute an area of approximately 2,000 square miles. Glades County, the smaller, lies north of Hendry County and borders the western shore of Lake Okeechobee (fig. 1). GENERAL LAND FEATURES AND DRAINAGE Three general physiographic units are included in Glades and Hendry counties and are classified with respect to land-surface altitude, surface-mantling material, and types of vegetation. The general units listed by Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 38-53) are the Everglades, the Sandy Flatlands, and the Big Cypress Swamp (fig. 2). Davis (1943, p. 40-50) subdivided the Sandy Flatlands and used the designation Western Flatlands for the area west of Lake Okeechobee. Also, he specifically designated the area in northeastern Glades County as the Istokpoga-Indian Prairie Basin. This unit extends northwestward into Highlands County. EVERGLADES The Everglades covers an area along the eastern boundary of Hendry County and reaches a maximum width of about 6 miles in the northeastern part of the county (fig. 2). In Glades County the Everglades borders part of the southwestern shore of Lake Okeechobee and extends to Lake Hicpochee. The boundary between the Everglades and other physiographic units is indefinite, but may be placed where sedges and sawgrass give way to true grasses, pinelands, and cypress trees. Places of slightly higher altitude support the growth of trees and shrubs because of better aeration of the soil. The soil of the Everglades is predominantly organic, but it contains some fine sand. The .organic soil is composed almost entirely of peat in eastern Hendry County, where the maximum thick|ness is 8 feet. Farther north, in southeastern Glades County, the


6 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 81'30' 81' 20' 81l10' I 00' SISTOK GA INDIAN PRAIRIE/ ' HIGHLANDS COUNTY SUNKEE CHOBEE * / / Y// /MOORE HAVEN PALMDALE L K EXPLANATION A LA 0'40 230 °COLLI COUNTY 26 hEPON OdreO .U...f sDRrN ON SS COLLIER OUNT a L .COUNTY O L R 0 T| w Z~oZe e EXPLANATION/~;~//~i/l///~ 7/~I///// F -71 -0 the directions of surface drainage.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 7 sand content gradually increases until the soil loses its organic character. In eastern Hendry County the Everglades peat and muck overlies marl or an eroded marly limestone surface (Parker and Cooke, 1944, p. 48) at an altitude of about 8 feet above msl (mean sea level). The surface altitude of the Everglades is everywhere less than 25 feet above msl. SANDY FLATLANDS The Sandy Flatlands is the largest physiographic unit in Glades and Hendry counties. In Glades County it includes all but the area east of Lake Hicpochee, and in Hendry County all but the eastern and southern edges (fig. 2). The Sandy Flatlands extends northward into Highlands County, westward to the Gulf of Mexico and southward into Collier County. A minor subdivision in northeastern Glades County is the southward extension of the Istokpoga-Indian Prairie Basin. The sands were deposited as marine terraces during late Pleistocene time, when sea level fluctuated from more than 70 feet to less than 25 feet above sea level. The surface altitude in the Sandy Flatlands ranges from about 10 feet to more than 70 feet above msl. The highest sandy surfaces, which are in western Glades County and north of Fisheating Creek, were deposited by the Penholoway sea of Pleistocene time, which stood 42 feet to more than 70 feet above present sea level. The wide reentrant in the Penholoway terrace in the northwestern part of Glades County (fig. 3) resulted from erosion by Fisheating Creek after the recession of the Penholoway sea. Figure 3 (from Parker and others, 1955, pl. 10) shows the approximate extent of Pleistocene terrace surfaces in Glades and Hendry counties. The Talbot terrace slopes gently toward the Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee and surface altitudes range from about 42 to 30 feet above msl (fig. 3). An area in western Hendry County, where altitudes are comparable to the Talbot terrace, was referred to by Parker (1955, p. 139) as Immokalee Island. The Pamlico terrace, where altitudes do not exceed 30 feet above msl, is the area between the Talbot terrace and the Everglades. BIG CYPRESS SWAMP The Big Cypress Swamp includes a large part of southern Hendry County. The land-surface altitude in this area is lower than that of the Sandy Flatlands, but is usually slightly higher than


8 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY --' a--o ' as ,l o ".' o 9 'r os o ' HIGHLANDS S,| GLADES .COU TY2 -27*00' OKEECHOBEE W 50 03 C O LLIER COUNTY > \ \ Y'IIlK/ PAMLICO TERRACE I I . a EINoIR Y idu \COUNTY COLLIER COUNTYCOUNTY a ,'o' Iar EXPLANATION PENHOLOWAY TERRACE TALBOT TERRACE PAMLICO TERRACE mo COLLIER COUNTY Figure 3. Approximate extent of Pleistocene terraces in Glades and Hendry counties.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 9 the Everglades. Except in small areas of southwestern Hendry County, altitudes are less than 25 feet above msl. The soil of the Big Cypress Swamp in Hendry County is chiefly sand grading to loam near the northern boundary of Collier County. At the edges of the Big Cypress Swamp the soils merge with the sand of the higher Sandy Flatlands and the peat and muck of the Everglades. The surface of the Big Cypress Swamp is flat and marked by many small, high hammock areas. The hammocks support bunch grass, palmettos, and pines, and stand out from the swampy region where low cypress, sedges, and marsh plants predominate. DRAINAGE Most of Glades and Hendry counties lie within the Fisheating Creek and the Caloosahatchee River watersheds. These and other drainage features are shown in figure 2. Drainage of the northern part of Glades County is by Fisheating Creek, which flows southward from the high sandy ridge areas of Highlands County into Glades County and eastward into Lake Okeechobee. Because of the low gradient in the eastern reaches of Fisheating Creek, drainage is sluggish and much of this area in eastern Glades County is flooded during rainy seasons. The northeastern part of the county is drained chiefly by the Kissimmee River, the Harney Pond Canal, and the Indian Prairie Canal. Drainage in the remainder of Glades County and the western part of Hendry County is by the Caloosahatchee River. The divide that separates the Caloosahatchee River and the Fisheating Creek drainage basins trends east-southeast across south-central Glades County. The Devil's Garden marshy area in central and southern Hendry County drains sluggishly to the west into the Okaloacoochee Slough, which in turn normally drains northward into the lower Sandy Flatlands, and southward into the Big Cypress Swamp. During high-water periods, drainage from Devil's Garden may occur in all directions. The discharge of the Caloosahatchee River depends upon the water stage of Lake Okeechobee. During low lake stages the spillways and gates at Ortona Lock are closed and flow in the river is greatly reduced. However, during wet periods the gates are opened and the discharge of the river is increased many times. The stage of the Caloosahatchee River is affected by the Gulf of Mexico tides as far upstream as the Ortona Lock. Before drainage and water control were in effect in the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee areas, the Lake Flirt basin and Lake


10 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Hicpochee were fed by overflow from Lake Okeechobee. Much of the Everglades and the areas adjacent to Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River were flooded during rainy seasons and for a considerable period afterward. The construction of the levee along the southern rim of Lake Okeechobee and the improvement of the channel of the Caloosahatchee River after the floods of 1928 resulted in a decrease in the overall area affected by periodic flooding. The Devil's Garden and the Okaloacoochee Slough in central and western Hendry County are the largest remaining marshy areas (fig. 2). Surface runoff throughout most of the 2-county area is sluggish because of the flatness of the region. Rainfall soaks into the sandy mantle of the flatlands, and when the ground becomes saturated, wide shallow ponds and marshes form in large areas. CLIMATE The climate of Glades and Hendry counties is subtropical and the temperature rarely falls below freezing. Table 1 shows the average monthly and yearly temperatures at Moore Haven and La Belle. Table 2 shows the maximum, minimum, and average monthly and yearly rainfall at the same stations. The average annual rainfall for the period 1935-56, from U. S. Weather Bureau records, is 49.83 inches at Moore Haven and 51.81 inches at LaBelle. The maximum monthly rainfall at Moore Haven was 21.55 inches in September 1948. The minimum of record occurred in 1956 when only 30.94 inches of rain fell at Moore Haven. Rainfall is heaviest during June through October and lightest during November through February. The average monthly rainfall at the Moore Haven and LaBelle stations is similar. TABLE 1. Average Temperature (oF) at Moore Haven and LaBelle, 1935-56 Moore Haven LaBelle January 64.00 64.2 February 64.5 64.4 March 67.5 68.0 April 72.0 72.5 May 75.9 76.5 June 79.5 79.9 July 80.9 81.3 August 81.4 81.7 September 80.3 80.6 October 75.9 75.6 November 68.9 68.5 December 67.4 65.1 Year 73.2 73.2


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 11 TABLE 2. Rainfall, in Inches, at Moore Haven and LaBelle, 1935-56 Moore Haven LaBelle Max. Min. Average Max. Min. Average January 5.73 0.05 1.45 4.07 0.00 1.48 February 5.02 .03 1.68 5.46 .03 1.84 March 8.73 .03 2.17 8.84 .01 2.35 April 5.64 .21 3.03 7.71 .65 3.05 May 11.96 1.13 4.39 9.24 .71 3.12 June 15.02 3.61 7.25 19.32 3.33 9.20 July 16.13 2.99 8.27 15.14 5.11 8.46 August 12.51 2.39 6.61 13.90 2.21 7.66 September 21.55 2.23 8.08 18.51 2.92 7.87 October 11.11 .03 4.17 13.46 .31 4.21 November 5.47 .03 1.31 2.21 .18 1.26 December 6.46 .11 1.42 4.63 .08 1.31 Year 71.20 30.94 49.83 73.83 36.83 51.81 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF AREA In 1950 the populations of Glades and Hendry counties were 2,199 and 6,051, respectively. Between 1940 and 1950 the population of Glades County declined about 20 percent and that of Hendry County increased more than 10 percent. The estimated populations as of July 1958 were 3,100 for Glades County and 7,200 for Hendry County. Most of the population is concentrated near Lake Okeechobee. In 1950, Moore Haven, the Glades County seat, LaBelle, the Hendry County seat, and Clewiston, had populations of 636, 945, and 2,499, respectively. The population of the area increases in winter when migrant farmworkers move into the area for the growing season. Only a small number of tourists visit these two counties, mainly for fishing in Lake Okeechobee and hunting. Agriculture is the predominant economic activity in both counties, and the chief products are winter vegetables, sugarcane, beef cattle, and dairy products. Green beans, lettuce, and sugarcane are grown on the Everglades mucklands adjacent to Lake Okeechobee; peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and watermelons are the main crops raised on the sandy soils. A crop is grown every year on the mucklands, but on the sandy soils the land is farmed for only one or two seasons, owing to the spread of plant disease and the rapid growth of Bermuda grass on the cultivated soil. The land then usually is converted to improved pasture with a forage cover of pangolia, carib, or other grass. Citrus is grown along the Caloosahatchee River downstream from LaBelle. Dairy farms are located near Clewiston, LaBelle, Moore Haven, and Lakeport. One of the largest single-unit cane factories for producing raw sugar is located south of Clewiston.


12 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS AND WATER-BEARING CHARACTERISTICS The main water-bearing rocks underlying Glades and Hendry counties include consolidated and unconsolidated strata ranging in age from Eocene to Recent. Rocks of middle Miocene age and older yield water by natural flow, but the shallower, younger sediments yield water to wells in which the water levels normally are below the land surface. The sediments form part of the southern flank of the regional Ocala uplift (Vernon, 1951, p. 54-65), the crest of which is in northern and north-central Florida. The beds conform to the regional uplift in a subdued manner and dip gently to the south. The general sequence of geologic formations underlying Glades and Hendry counties is shown in table 3. Rocks deposited before the middle Miocene Epoch are composed almost entirely of limestone, formed by the accumulation and cementation of shell fragments and by chemical precipitation of calcium carbonate in a marine environment. Younger materials are chiefly clastics, deposited as an aggregate of sand, silt, and clay, with shelly material scattered throughout. The surface sediments in Glades and Hendry counties are of Pleistocene and Recent age. Subsurface beds composed of impermeable clay and marl form a major part of the middle Miocene. A limestone section occurs at the top of the Tampa Formation and continues downward through Oligocene, Eocene, and Paleocene rocks. According to Applin (1951, p. 6-7) the top of the Upper Cretaceous rocks in Glades and Hendry counties occurs at depths ranging from 4,500 to 6,000 feet. Oil is recovered from Lower Cretaceous rocks at the Sunniland field (Collier County), near the southwest corner of Hendry County, from a depth of about 11,500 feet. The recognition and differentiation of the Tertiary formations are of variable accuracy. In most samples macrofossils are not present in sufficient quantities to make accurate determination of the formation. In many cases no diagnostic fossils were present in the drill cuttings, and lithologic differences were used to identify the formations. EOCENE SERIES Rocks of the Eocene Series in Glades and Hendry counties are chiefly limestones of different textures and permeability, and are represented in ascending order by the Oldsmar Limestone, the Lake


TABLE 3. Geologic Formations in Glades and Hendry Counties Estimated range of thickness Series Group Formationi (feet) Lithology and water-bearing properties Recent Organic soils 08 Peat and muck; water has high color. Lake Flirt Marl 08 Fresh-water marl, sandy muck, carbonaceous sand; of low permeability. Terrace deposits 015 Quartz sand; yields small quantities of water to sandpoint wells; water tM is colored and high in iron content. Pleistocene Fort Thompson Formation 015 Alternating marine shell beds and fresh-water marl; generally of low (contemporaneous with permeability except locally where it is solution riddled. Anastasia) Anastasia Formation 015 Sand, marl, and shell beds; yields colored water to sandpoint wells. . Pliocene Caloosahatchee Marl 060 Shell, sand, and silt; shell beds yield water that in some areas is highly mineralized. Tamiami Formation 30-110 Sand, marl, shell beds, and limestone; limestone is fairly widespread and 1yields large quantities of water for irrigation. Hawthorn Formation 300-500 Clay marl, sand, gravel, and limestone; clay marl forms confining beds Miocene for the Floridan aquifer; limestone at base forms upper part of the Floridan aquifer; sand and gravel and limestone beds in upper part 0 yield water to wells. Z Tampa Formation 15-100 Sandy limestone: yields water under artesian pressure; is part of the Floridan aquifer. Oligocene Suwannee Limestone 0-570 Ocala 150-800 Limestone and dolomite; yields water under artesian pressure, in many -. areas highly mineralized; is part of the Floridan aquifer. Eocene Avon Park Limestone 200-390 Limestone and dolomite; yields water under artesian pressure, highly mineralized in much of the area; is part of the Floridan aquifer. Lake City Limestone 800+ Crystalline dolomite, dolomitic limestone and chalky limestone; porous and highly permeable; yields large quantities of highly mineralized water in much of the area; is part of the Floridan aquifer. 1U. S. Geological Survey lists formations as follows: Lake Flirt Marl as Pleistocene and Recent; Ocala Group as Ocala Limestone and Inglis Limestone; Tampa Formation as Tampa Limestone.


14 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY City Limestone, the Avon Park Limestone, and limestones of the Ocala Group. The Oldsmar Limestone, the oldest formation of the series, has not been penetrated by water wells in the two counties. Cooke (1945, p. 40) states that the formation unconformably overlies rocks of Paleocene age. In most places in Florida the formations of the Eocene Series can be differentiated only by a study of microfossils. Figure 4 shows the locations of wells for which detailed logs are available and also the locations of the geologic sections shown in figures 5-8. LAKE CITY LIMESTONE The Lake City Limestone is the name applied by Applin and Applin (1944, p. 1693) to the dark-brown chalky limestone of early middle Eocene age penetrated between depths of 497 to 1,010 feet in a well at Lake City, Columbia County. They give a thickness of 200 to 250 feet for the formation in peninsular Florida, and Cooke (1945, p. 46) also estimates that the formation in southern Florida ranges in thickness from 200 to 250 feet. The Lake City Limestone beneath southern Florida is composed of brown, hard, crystalline dolomite and dolomitic limestone, and cream-colored permeable limestone. The general absence of appreciable clastic material and the subsurface extent of the limestone indicates that Glades and Hendry counties were located a considerable distance offshore at the time of its deposition. A large part of the fossil content of the Lake City Limestone is Foraminifera. Applin and Jordan (1945, p. 131) list species that they consider diagnostic of the formation. Vernon (1951, p. 92) indicates that the Lake City Limestone may rest unconformably on the Oldsmar Limestone and is unconformable with the overlying Avon Park Limestone. Bishop (1956, p. 113) estimates that 80 feet of the Lake City Limestone was penetrated in well 22, in northeastern Glades County (fig. 5). The only other known penetrations of this formation were by deep oil-test wells. The geologic section A-A' shown in figure 5 indicates that the regional dip of the formation is southward. The Lake City Limestone has good porosity, is highly permeable, and is part of the Floridan aquifer. Bishop (1956, p. 18) states that the Lake City Limestone, because of its high permeability, is a highly productive part of the Floridan aquifer beneath Highlands County. However, it yields highly mineralized water in most of Glades and Hendry counties.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 15 81'30' Sf'20 8a ' 81' 271I A' o S?22 II' HIGHLANDS COUNTY i \ 27 27'00'-\ 7. 7ro z2 29 0B GLADES6 COUNTY LA E S/ OKEECHOBEE 2412 1 0o 27 4 C T CLE ISTON I2 20 I/ SI 14 I" / ' ' ../ ..... S2630 COLLIER COUNTY 1 ./ 2"o .' 23R Bl'o 8130 81 20 I A I EXPLANATION Well ond number; log in report A-------A' i \ ., Line of cross section SCALE IN MILES 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 j SCOLLIER COUNTY 811• 81a00 Figure 4. Glades and Hendry counties showing locations of geologic sections and included wells. Il I:


16 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY A HENDRY COUNTY GLADES COUNTY A' 200 _ 200. S-t -j _j S bJ U .J 0 0 MsPOS MI OCENE MSL 0 STAMIAMI FORMATION -200 -200 HAWTHORN FORMATION -400 -400 TAMPA -600 FORMATION ONTS -.. -R -600 00O LIPMESTONE---L-S0 SUWANNEE --8 depth --of 6 a 9 e n l -100dn OCALA ( -I ----t-0 -^ -1200 01200 -1400 AVON pARK t 0 -140 -1600 ---c1600 --" hcLAKE FORMATION CONTACTS DASHED WHERE INFERRED Figure 5. South-north geologic section A-A' through Glades and Hendry counties. AVON PARK LIMESTONE Applin and Applin (1944, p. 1686-1687) gave the name Avon Park Limestone to the highly microfossiliferous limestone in the upper part of the late middle Eocene rocks which occur between depths of 600 and 930 feet in a well drilled at Avon Park in Polk County. Vernon (1951, p. 95-96) identified the Avon Park Limestone at the surface in Citrus and Levy counties. The formation underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties, increasing in thickness to the southeast; it ranges from 200 feet in southern Highlands County (Bishop, 1956, p. 14) to 390 feet in southern Hendry County. The Avon Park Limestone is mainly a tan-to-white, slightly porous, chalky limestone containing many microfossils; part of the formation, however, is composed of brown, hard, granular limestone and dolomitic limestone. The microfossils have been described by Applin and Applin (1944), Applin and Jordan (1945), and Cole (1942, 1944). Vernon (1951, p. 99) indicates that the Avon Park Limestone is separated from older and younger formations by erosional unconformities. Cooke (1945, p. 51-52) states, "The Avon Park limestone was deposited in an open ocean that received little sand or clay. The


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 17 B HENDRY COUNTY I GLADES COUNTY Boo 'o B 200 M M .200 MSLJ JMSL S TAMIAMI FORMATI -200 HAWTHORN FORMATION -200 40 TAMPA FORMATION 4 -600 -600 SUWANNEE LIMESTONE -oo 80 -800 -4 -1000 -100I OCALA GROUP -1200 -1200 -1400 AVON PARK LIMESTONE -1400 -1600 --1600 -FORMATION CONTACTS DASHED WHEREINFERRED LAKE CITY LIMESTONE SCALE IN MILES 2 0 2 4 6 8 Figure 6. South-north geologic section B-B' through Glades and Hendry counties. entire Floridan Plateau was probably submerged, but the location of the shore line is unknown." Vernon (1951, p. 97) states, "The fauna of the Avon Park limestone ranges from a shallow-water marine beach to only slightly deeper marine facies. The environments favorable for such deposits are shallow coastal bays, beaches, and marine shelves where almost no clastic material was being deposited." Vernon found in Polk County that the Avon ;I Park Limestone resembled a beach-type deposit, and in -the--encircling area the limestone is a shallow-water marine deposit. Itfi seems likely that in Glades and Hendry counties the Avon Park Limestone is mainly a shallow-water marine-shelf deposit. The formation is an important component of the Floridan aquifer and will yield water to flowing wells in most areas. In much of Glades and Hendry counties the water is highly mineralized.


18 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HENDRY COUNTY C a -C' 200 e N 200 _j _j _j _j -j .j .j SMSL------------ST TAMIAMI Q_IOCENE MSL .-_-FORMATION -200 HAWTHORN FORMATION -200 -400 TAMPA FORMATION S-600 -600 -800 SUWANNEE LIMESTONE -800 -4 1000 -1000 OCALA GROUP -1200 -1200 -1400 -1400 AVON PARK LIMESTONE -1600 FORMATION CONTACTS DASHED WHERE INFERRED SCALE IN MILES Figure 7. West-east geologic section C-C' through Hendry County. OCALA GROUP Cooke (1915, p. 117; 1945, p. 53) defined the Ocala as limestone of Jackson age. Applin and Applin (1944, p. 1683-1685) and Applin and Jordan (1945, p. 130) determined that the Ocala could be differentiated into a lower and an upper unit. Vernon (1951, p. 115) correlated the basal 80 feet of the Ocala Limestone of Cooke (1945, p. 53-73) at the outcrop area in Citrus and Levy counties with the Moodys Branch Formation of early Jackson age in Alabama. By separating this basal part, to which he applied the name Moodys Branch Formation, Vernon (1951, p. 156) restricted the Ocala Limestone to beds of late Jackson age. He described the Moodys Branch Formation in Florida as a marine, fossiliferous limestone


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 19 D 10 dS j01 2 -20 T A WON F AO -20 20 I 3: _ __ 3 PAMLICO RECENT SOIL AND SAND 1 H*0 FORp'So SAANIAD LI 10^^CO7 1 FORT THOMON A S DASHED -6 S-10 CALOOSAHATCHEE MRL -10 S-20 20 _ -30 "30 40 TAMIAMI FORMATION -40 -50 -50 -60 FORMATION CONTACTS DASHED 60 WHERE INFERRED SCALE IN MILES Figure 8. South-north geologic section D-D' along the western shore of Lake Okeechobee. composed of the camerinid-rich Williston Member at the top, and the echinoid-rich Inglis Member at the base. The Ocala Limestone of Cooke was raised to group rank by Puri (1953, p. 130), who subdivided it into three formations as follows: the Crystal River Formation, equivalent to Vernon's Ocala Limestone (restricted); the Williston Formation, equivalent to the upper part of the Moodys Branch Formation; and the Inglis Formation, equivalent to the lower part of the Moodys Branch Formation. Limestones of the Ocala Group range in thickness from about 150 feet to 390 feet and appear to thicken in a southwesterly direction within Glades and Hendry counties. In general they are cream-colored, soft and chalky, and in many places are composed of a foraminiferal coquina. The lowermost part of the Ocala Group is unconformable with the Avon Park Limestone. The top of the Ocala is an eroded surface and, according to Cooke (1945, p:' 56) ,, the oldest outcropping rocks overlying it are those of the Marianna. Limestone of middle Oligocene age in northwestern Florida. Cooke (1945, p. 57) suggests that during the deposition of the Ocala Group the shoreline was in Alabama and Georgia and that the sea was open and fairly shallow. Vernon (1951, p. 57) seems to agree with this concept, as he found some detrital, crossbedded limestone in his Inglis Member.


20 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Bishop (1956, p. 23) states that the limestones of the Ocala Group are not important units in the Floridan aquifer beneath the ridge area of Highlands County. In Glades and Hendry counties, however, they are fairly permeable and yield appreciable amounts of water to wells penetrating the aquifer. These limestones contain relatively salty water in most parts of the two counties. OLIGOCENE SERIES Cooke (1945, p. 75) states, "The Oligocene series, as interpreted by the United States Geological Survey, is divided into three parts. The lowest, which includes the Red Bluff clay and the Forest Hill sand of Mississippi, is not known to be represented in Florida. The Marianna limestone and the overlying Byram limestone together comprise the middle part to which the name Vicksburg group is now restricted. The Suwannee limestone and its littoral equivalent, the Flint River formation, are of late Oligocene age." The Suwannee Limestone apparently is the only formation of Oligocene age in Glades and Hendry counties. SUWANNEE LIMESTONE The name Suwannee Limestone was proposed by Cooke and Mansfield (1936, p. 71) for the yellowish limestone exposed along the Suwannee River in Hamilton and Suwannee counties, in northern Florida. The formation includes all the beds lying below the Tampa Formation and above the Byram Formation or older beds. The definition is the same as that used by MacNeil (1944, p. 1313-1318). The Suwannee Limestone underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties except an area in the northeastern part of Glades County. The formation thickens from north to south and apparently from east to west, and reaches a maximum thickness of about 570 feet (fig. 5-7). The distribution of Oligocene rocks in Florida indicates that erosion prevailed over large areas during the Oligocene Epoch. The sea that transgressed during the middle Oligocene Epoch deposited the Marianna and Byram Formations in western Florida, but Glades and Hendry counties probably were above sea level during early and middle Oligocene time and limestone of the Ocala Group was undergoing considerable erosion. It appears that the only time Glades and Hendry counties were covered by Oligocene seas was during deposition of the Suwannee Limestone.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 21 The Suwannee Limestone is a white, finely porous limestone, somewhat crystalline and partly dolomitized. It is moderately permeable and yields artesian water to deep wells that penetrate the Floridan aquifer; however, the water contained in the Suwannee Limestone is brackish in most of Glades and Hendry counties. MIOCENE SERIES Cooke (1945, p. 109-111) recognized three divisions of the Miocene which, in the Florida Peninsula, are represented by the Tampa Formation (lower Miocene), Hawthorn Formation (middle Miocene), and Duplin Marl. Puri (1953, p. 38-41) recognized three divisions of the Miocene in the Florida Panhandle: Tampa Stage (lower Miocene), the Alum Bluff Stage (middle Miocene), and the Choctawhatchee Stage (upper Miocene). In southern Florida the Miocene Series is represented by the Tampa Formation, the Hawthorn Formation, and the Tamiami Formation in ascending order. TAMPA FORMATION The Tampa Formation of this report refers to the sandy limestone, of Miocene age, that lies above the Suwannee Limestone and beneath the predominantly clastic beds of the Hawthorn Formation. The Tampa Formation, which crops out in the vicinity of Tampa Bay, was originally described by Johnson (1888) and Dall (1892). The formation probably underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties, but in northeastern Glades County it is very thin. It gradually increases in thickness from 15 feet in northeastern Glades County to about 190 feet in southern Hendry County. It is composed of porous, highly permeable limestone, friable calcareous sandstone, and a few beds of white chalky marl. Because of solution by ground-water movement, fossils are preserved mainly as molds. This solvent action has produced the very porous and permeable zones within the formation. The Tampa Formation overlies the Suwannee Limestone unconformably. Puri (1953, p. 38) indicates that the Tampa is unconformably overlain by the Hawthorn Formation and its equivalents in western Florida. Some of the field studies of Cooke (1945, p. 115) suggest that it may grade vertically upward into the Hawthorn Formation. This gradational relationship may pertain in Glades and Hendry counties. The Tampa Formation is very permeable, and together with the limestones of the lower part of the Hawthorn Formation


22 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY furnishes most of the artesian water used in Glades and Hendry counties. HAWTHORN FORMATION The Hawthorn Formation of this report is defined as beds younger than the Tampa Formation and older than the upper Miocene sediments. This is essentially the definition of Cooke (1945, p. 44) and of Vernon (1951, p. 186-187). The Hawthorn Formation underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties and ranges in thickness from about 300 feet in southern Hendry County to about 500 feet in northern Glades County. The Hawthorn Formation is composed of light-green to greenishgray sandy marl, green and white plastic clay, finely crystalline permeable limestone, silty sands, and quartz pebbles. These sediments commonly contain small grains of phosphorite and occasionally contain phosphate pebbles. The coarse sand and pebbles occur in the beds near the top of the formation and the limestone beds usually occur near the base. Sandy and clayey marls are the predominant sediments of the Hawthorn Formation. Puri (1953, p. 38-39) had indicated that in western Florida the Hawthorn Formation and its equivalents overlie the Tampa Formation unconformably and underlie the upper Miocene sediments unconformably. Cooke (1945, p. 145) also reports that the upper Miocene beds overlie the Hawthorn clastics unconformably. Lithologic and foraminiferal studies of cuttings from wells located west and southeast of Glades and Hendry counties suggest that the Tamiami Formation (upper Miocene) may overlie the Hawthorn Formation conformably. The Hawthorn Formation probably is early and middle Miocene in age. The Hawthorn Formation, as examined from well cuttings in Glades and Hendry counties, is apparently of marine origin. Bishop (1956, p. 26) has found that the ridge area in Highlands County is underlain by deltaic sediments containing sand, quartz pebbles, phosphorite, mica, and kaolinite, which overlie typical marine marl and clay of the Hawthorn Formation. The upper Miocene beds appear to wedge out against these deltaic deposits on both flanks of the ridge. The deposits probably are of late Hawthorn age and apparently extend southward into Glades County in the vicinity of U. S. Highway 27. According to reports from well drillers, a gravelly bed occurs in northeastern Glades County and extends southward into Hendry County. It has been recognized in some of the wells for which lithologic logs have been prepared. In well 4, west of Clewiston in


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 23 Hendry County, the gravel between 91 and 127 feet below the land surface could be interpreted as the basal part of the Tamiami Formation; however, the authors believe that it is part of the Hawthorn Formation and is a southward extension of the ridge deltaic deposits. Quartz pebbles also have been penetrated within the Hawthorn Formation in a well on Marco Island, Collier County, a well in Dade County near the Collier-Monroe County line, and a well on Cape Sable in the Everglades National Park. Bishop (1956, p. 27) also reports that quartz pebbles have been found in the Hawthorn Formationunderlying the Bone Valley Formation (Pliocene) in Polk County. Well drillers report that in Glades and Hendry counties the gravels are usually isolated masses and are of irregular thickness. These occurrences tend to substantiate the fact that a delta tongue extended southward from Highlands County during late Hawthorn time. Glades and Hendry counties were submerged during early Hawthorn time and the shoreline probably extended as far north as the Ocala uplift, as suggested by Vernon (1951, p. 181-184). Before the end of Hawthorn time a finger of a delta progressed southward across Highlands County and the final frontal slope formed near Venus (Highlands County). It is presumed that only bottomset deltaic beds were deposited in Glades and Hendry counties. The sea withdrew from most of Florida at the end of Hawthorn time, but there is a possibility that all of southern Florida may have been receiving continuous deposition during the middle and late Miocene time, and the contact between the Hawthorn Formation and the Tamiami Formation may be conformable. Local occurrences of gravel, thin limestone beds, and shell beds in the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation form moderately productive aquifers in an area about 5 miles west of Moore Haven in Glades County, in an area north of the Devil's Garden in Hendry County, and in the vicinity of LaBelle. Wells that penetrate these aquifers range in depth from about 100 to 175 feet. The limestone beds in the lower part of the Hawthorn Formation are fairly widespread and may form a hydrologic unit with the underlying more permeable limestones of the Floridan aquifer. The beds by themselves do not yield sufficient quantities of water for most irrigation needs, and wells are generally drilled into one or more of the underlying limestones. In most places, the clay and marl of the Hawthorn Formation form the confining unit for the Floridan aquifer; upward leakage through these materials is small.


24 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TAMIAMI FORMATION The Tamiami Formation, as redefined by Parker (1951, p. 823), includes all upper Miocene deposits in southern Florida. The Tamiami Formation underlies all of Glades and Hendry counties. The deposition of sediments in Glades and Hendry counties during Tamiami time probably was controlled by the southward extension of the Hawthorn deltaic clastic materials which formed a topographic high. In the western half of Glades and Hendry counties and in Lee and Charlotte counties .the Hawthorn deltaics occur at a higher altitude than the Hawthorn clastic sediments to the east (fig. 7). Consequently, the overlying sediments of Tamiami age in the western parts of the counties are thinner than those in the eastern parts of the counties and probably do not exceed 80 feet in thickness (fig. 7). They are composed chiefly of fine and medium sand, silt, marl, and lenses or thin beds of shells. These sediments appear to be reworked Hawthorn deltaic deposits. In much of the eastern part of Hendry County the Tamiami Formation contains limestone that dips to the east and southeast. Limestone in the Tamiami Formation is continuous and widespread over an area exceeding 400 square miles. At the Collier-Hendry County boundary, directly east of Immokalee, limestone occurs at a depth of 22 feet below the land surface and extends to a depth of at least 55 feet. This limestone layer presumably dips eastward to a depth of about 90 feet in an area 8 miles east of the county boundary, and to a depth of 120 feet in an area about 20 miles east of the county line. The limestone wedges out 3 to 5 miles east of Immokalee, and no shallow limestone beds are reported in the immediate vicinity of Immokalee. The Tamiami Formation differs in composition from shelly marl to soft, silty, fossiliferous limestone in different localities. The formation crops out locally along the Caloosahatchee River in Glades and Hendry counties where it is a greenish-gray sandy clay. DuBar (1958, p. 34) suggests that the Tamiami Formation along the Caloosahatchee River reaches a maximum thickness of at least 60 feet. Throughout Glades County and northern and western Hendry County the Tamiami Formation is composed chiefly of sand, marl, and shells. In most of southern and eastern Hendry County the limestone beds of the Tamiami Formation are highly permeable and yield large quantities of water to relatively shallow irrigation wells. In the remainder of Hendry County and in Glades County local shell beds and lenses will yield moderate quantities of water to


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 25 domestic wells or small irrigation wells. Some shell beds in the vicinity of LaBelle and the area bordering Lake Okeechobee yield water of relatively high mineral content. PLIOCENE SERIES The Caloosahatchee Marl is the only formation of Pliocene age recognized in southern Florida. Although there is some uncertainty about the age of the Caloosahatchee Marl, the authors tentatively are retaining it in the Pliocene. DuBar (1958, p. 35) assigned the Caloosahatchee Marl to the Pleistocene, primarily on the basis of vertebrate fossils, and to a lesser extent on mollusks and stratigraphic relationship. CALOOSAHATCHEE MARL The shell beds exposed along the upper reaches of the Caloosahatchee River were classified by Heilprin (1887) as Pliocene in age. Matson and Clapp (1909, p. 123) adopted the name Caloosahatchee Marl for these beds and their definition has been in general use since that time. The formation as used in this report comprises the sediments that contain a molluscan fauna considered as diagnostic of the Caloosahatchee Marl. The distribution and areal extent of the Caloosahatchee Marl are not well known. It is exposed along the Caloosahatchee River and has been penetrated in wells near the river and along the margin of Lake Okeechobee (fig. 8). Shelly material dredged from drainage canals a few miles southeast of Lake Okeechobee closely resembles the material along the Caloosahatchee River. DuBar (1958, p. 85, fig. 29) indicates that the Caloosahatchee Marl ranges in thickness from 5 to 25 feet in areas adjacent to the river and downstream from LaBelle. Upstream from LaBelle test wells penetrated 45 to 65 feet of the formation, but did not reach the bottom. Generally, the Caloosahatchee Marl ranges in thickness from 15 to 30 feet, although thicknesses of 60 feet have been noted. The formation appears to be a discontinuous deposit, occurring as erosional remnants filling depressions in the older eroded surface of the Tamiami Formation. The Caloosahatchee Marl consists predominantly of unconsolidated sand and sandy marl that contain abundant marine mollusks. In addition to the profusion of mollusks, one of the outstanding features of the formation along the banks of the Caloosahatchee River is a 2-foot layer of hard, solution-riddled marine limestone


26 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY which Dubar (1958, p. 58) calls the Bee Branch Member. About 21' miles upstream from LaBelle the Bee Branch Member of DuBar dips beneath the waterline. Schroeder and Klein (1954, p. 5) indicate that in eastern Hendry County a greenish silty sand and sandy marl, derived from erosion of green clay marl of the Tamiami Formation, composed a part of the Caloosahatchee Marl. These greenish sediments appear to be restricted to the flanks of the hills of the eroded Tamiami Formation. In general, the Caloosahatchee Marl has low permeability and is a relatively unimportant source of ground water. Small yields can be obtained from shell beds and lenses, but in areas adjacent to the Caloosahatchee River where the Bee Branch Member of DuBar is best developed in the subsurface, the formation may yield fairly large quantities of water by infiltration from the river. In the area along the west shore of Lake Okeechobee the water is usually highly mineralized. PLEISTOCENE SERIES Formations of Pleistocene age in southern Florida are the sands of the marine terraces, the Anastasia and Fort Thompson Formations, the Key Largo Limestone, and the Miami Oolite. The higher terraces of early Pleistocene age, the Miami Oolite, and Key Largo Limestone do not occur in Glades and Hendry counties. The Anastasia Formation and the terrace sands are of marine origin and the Fort Thompson Formation is a succession of marine and fresh-water beds. The different elevations of the Pleistocene shorelines and the alternation of marine and fresh-water beds in the Fort Thompson Formation give a record of the oscillation of sea level during the ice age. Although the maximum advances of ice sheets were far to the north, their advances and retreats affected Florida by alternately lowering and raising the level of the sea as water was being frozen or melted and consequently was being withdrawn from or added to the ocean. The Pleistocene deposits in Glades and Hendry counties are chiefly quartz sands, shell beds, limestone, and marl. ANASTASIA FORMATION The Anastasia Formation was named by Sellards (1912) for outcrops of coquina on Anastasia Island, near St. Augustine, Florida. Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 199) expanded this definition to include all the marine deposits of Pleistocene age underlying the


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 27 lowest plain bordering the east coast of Florida, excluding the Key Largo Limestone and Miami Oolite in southeastern Florida. Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 66) defined the formation as follows: "The Anastasia formation as here defined includes the coquina, sand, sandy limestone, and shelly marl of pre-Pamlico Pleistocene age that lies along both the Florida east and west coast." The exact distribution of the Anastasia Formation is not known. It probably is present beneath all of Glades and Hendry counties excluding the Everglades area in eastern Hendry County, a 5-mile strip on either side of the Caloosahatchee River, and a strip 5 to 10 miles wide along the west shore of Lake Okeechobee. The thickness of the formation is commonly about 2 to 3 feet and probably does not exceed 15 feet. The coquina limestone found at the type locality of the Anastasia Formation does not occur in Glades and Hendry counties. Sand, shell, and marl form most of the formation in Glades and Hendry counties. A thin marine sandstone is the most prominent bed in the formation. The beds in eastern Hendry County that have been assigned tentatively to the Fort Thompson Formation by Schroeder and Klein (1954, p. 5) are apparently transitional between the Fort Thompson and Anastasia Formations. The formation is overlain unconformably by the Pamlico Sand and underlain unconformably by the Caloosahatchee Marl. A few wells for domestic supplies and numerous wells for watering stock derive water from the Anastasia Formation. The water is generally colored and high in iron content. FORT THOMPSON FORMATION The alternating fresh-water and marine limestones exposed along the Caloosahatchee River at Fort Thompson, about 2 miles east of LaBelle, were initially named the Fort Thompson beds by Sellards (1919, p. 71-72). Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 211-215) later named this sequence the Fort Thompson Formation and indicated that the beds lie unconformably on the Caloosahatchee Marl and are overlain by the Lake Flirt Marl of Recent age. The Fort Thompson Formation in Glades and Hendry counties has its maximum thickness in the southern part of the Everglades basin. It extends in a strip about 5 miles wide near the eastern border of Hendry County, in a strip about 5 miles on either side of the Caloosahatchee River upstream from LaBelle, and in a strip 5 to 10 miles wide along the west shore of Lake Okeechobee. The formation ranges in thickness from 2 to 15 feet. The typical development at old Fort Thompson shows alter-


28 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY nating beds of marine shells and fresh-water limestones. The limestones apparently are case-hardened marl. The Fort Thompson Formation lies unconformably upon the Caloosahatchee Marl and is overlain unconformably by the Pamlico Sand or Recent soil and marl. Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 89-96) correlated the beds at old Fort Thompson with the inferred fluctuations of sea level during the Pleistocene Epoch. They considered the Pamlico Sand to be of mid-Wisconsin age, but later, Cooke (1952, p. 51) referred it to the Sangamon Interglaciation. The beds along the river downstream from the Ortona Lock, in the vicinity of station 343 of Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 93), have been studied in detail by the authors. At that locality the Fort Thompson Formation is 6 to 7 feet thick and is described as follows: Thickness Description (feet) Fort Thompson Formation: 10. Shell beds, marine (Coffee Mill Hammock Marl Member) -1 -2 Diastem 9. Marl, sandy, containing marine shells in lower part ------0 -2 Diastem 8. Marl, fresh-water -----..--.-.-----------------------...................... ... . 7. Shell marl, marine, silty .... ..----.--. .---.......-.................. -1 Diastem 6. Limestone, fresh-water ...--..... ------...... ....... --........-----....---. .. 0 5. Shell marl, marine, silty -----....------................................. 1 -2 Diastem 4. Limestone, fresh-water .... ...-------------...---..... ...... .... 0 -% 3. Shell marl, marine, Vermiictlaria bed .---------... --.--------........... 1 -2 Diastem 2. Limestone, sandy, fresh-water ....-----------.. ..............-....-. -1% Diastem Caloosahatchee Marl: 1. Shell marl, marine Parker and Cooke included beds 2 and 3 of the section in the Caloosahatchee Marl. However, fresh-water gastropods were abundant in bed 2 for 1,700 and 800 feet, respectively, on the left and right banks of the river. Therefore, the top of the Caloosahatchee Marl is placed tentatively below bed 2. Typical Caloosahatchee shells were not found in bed 3. In this area, as noted, the four fresh-water beds (beds 2, 4, 6, and 8) may indicate glaciations, and the six diastems suggest short periods of lowered sea levels and breaks in sedimentation. The deposition of the Anastasia and Fort Thompson Formations and the terrace deposits was the result of the oscillation of sea


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 29 level during the Pleistocene. During the interglacial stages the high-level seas covered the area, and during the glacial stages, when the sea levels were below present levels, most of the area was being eroded but fresh-water marls were being deposited in shallow depressions. The Lake Okeechobee-Everglades Basin and a subsidiary basin in the Caloosahatchee River valley probably were lakes or swamps during a part of each glacial period. It appears that a drainageway from the Lake Okeechobee area toward the Gulf of Mexico existed during the glacial periods and conditions were somewhat similar to those prior to the dredging of the Caloosahatchee River. The Fort Thompson Formation generally does not yield large quantities of water in Glades and Hendry counties because the limestones are usually of low permeability and the shell beds contain silt and clay. Small supplies can be obtained from shell beds by jetting and removing the fine materials from the zone surrounding the bottom of well casings. TERRACE DEPOSITS The terrace deposits in Glades and Hendry counties are composed of quartz sand referred by Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 74-77) to the Pamlico, Talbot, and Penholoway terraces. The old shorelines of these deposits occur at about 25 feet, 42 feet, and 70 feet above sea level, respectively, and are associated with glacial control of sea level during the Pleistocene Epoch. Terrace sands mantle all of Glades and Hendry counties, except the areas covered by Recent organic soils and marls in the Everglades, and the Lake Flirt basin along the Caloosahatchee River. Usually the sands are 2 to 3 feet thick, but where they overlie old depressions they may be as much as 15 feet thick. The terrace sands lie unconformably upon the Fort Thompson or Anastasia Formations of Pleistocene age, the Caloosahatchee Marl of Pliocene age, and the Tamiami Formation of late Miocene age, and are overlain unconformably by the Lake Flirt Marl and deposits of Recent age. Wells developed in the terrace sands are generally driven sandpoints. Well 237 in northwestern Glades County is a dug well and holds its form because it penetrates iron-cemented "hardpan." The water from this well is undesirable for domestic use because it is high in color and has a high iron content.


30 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RECENT SERIES The deposits of Recent age in Glades and Hendry counties include the organic soils of the Everglades and the Lake Flirt Marl. The marl and the parent material for most of the organic soils accumulated in a fresh-water environment. LAKE FLIRT MARL The Lake Flirt Marl was the name applied by Sellards (1919, p. 73-74) to the fresh-water deposits overlying the Fort Thompson Formation and the Pamlico Sand in the now-drained Lake Flirt area east of LaBelle. The approximate extent of these fresh-water deposits is shown in figure 2. The maximum thickness of the formation along the banks of the Caloosahatchee River is 6 to 8 feet. In addition to gray and brown marl containing fresh-water gastropods, the formation is composed of dark sticky muck, sandy marl, and carbonaceous sand. The low permeability of the Lake Flirt Marl precludes its development as an aquifer. ORGANIC SOILS After the close of the Pleistocene Epoch, organic soils began to accumulate in the Lake Okeechobee-Everglades Basin and in shallow ponds, lakes and swamps. The maximum thickness of the organic soils is about 8 feet in eastern Hendry County. They are composed of brown to black peat and muck. Along the western edge of the Everglades, quartz sand from the terrace deposits was reworked and mixed with the organic material. Several samples of peat, collected from the lowermost 6 inches of organic soil that immediately overlie the rock floor of the Everglades, have been dated by radioactive carbon determinations. The age of the peat was determined as follows: mucky peat at the Everglades Experiment Station near Belle Glade in Palm Beach County, 4900 years ± 200 years; fibrous peat near the same location, 3,800 years ± 200 years; and peat from the vicinity of U. S. Highway 27, 10 miles south of Lake Okeechobee in Palm Beach County, 5,050 years ± 200 years. Peat is considered to be resistant to the lateral seepage of water. This characteristic and the low permeability of the materials underlying the organic soils make flood control and water control feasible in the Everglades area of Glades and Hendry counties


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 " 31 through the use of canals, pumps, and levees. The high organic content of the soils makes the ground water contained in the soils undesirable for domestic use. GROUND WATER OCCURRENCE AND MOVEMENT The basic principles that govern the occurrence and movement of ground water have been thoroughly described by Meinzer (1923). Following is a summary of these principles as they relate to Glades and Hendry counties and most areas of southern Florida. The chief source of ground-water recharge in Glades and Hendry counties is rainfall. Part of the rainfall evaporates, a part is absorbed by plants and transpired into the atmosphere, and a part is lost by surface runoff. The remainder infiltrates downward through the surface materials until it reaches the zone of saturation to become part of the body of ground water. The upper surface of the saturated zone where not confined by an impermeable bed is the water table. Ground water is stored in the openings, solution cavities, and pore spaces within the consolidated and unconsolidated materials of the earth's crust. The amount of water that can be stored in water-bearing materials is determined by the porosity of the materials. Porosity is controlled by such factors as the shape, arrangement and assortment of the components, the amount of cementing material in the interstices, and the degree of compaction of the sediments. The permeability of a water-bearing stratum is its ability to transmit water under a hydraulic gradient. Clay, marl, and fine sand, although highly porous, are of low permeability, but coarse sand, gravel, and cavernous limestone are highly permeable because the interstices are large and interconnected. A formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that transmits appreciable quantities of water to wells and springs is called an aquifer. The water table is an undulating surface that conforms in a general way to the topography of the land. It fluctuates seasonally in southern Florida, rising during rainy seasons and declining during dry periods, and responds to such forces as evaporation, transpiration, and pumping from wells. Ground water moves downgradient from areas of recharge to areas of discharge. The gradient of the water table depends upon the thickness and


32 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY permeability of the aquifer and the quantity of water moving through the aquifer. A steeper gradient is required to move a given amount of water through an aquifer of low permeability than through an aquifer of high permeability. An aquifer where the upper surface of the zone of saturation is not confined by impermeable material contains water under nonartesian (or water-table) conditions. The water level in a well penetrating the saturated zone of an unconfined aquifer is a measure of the altitude of the water table. Where ground water has moved laterally into permeable material that is overlain by an impermeable layer and it is under sufficient pressure to rise above the top of the material containing it, it is said to occur under artesian (confined) conditions. The water level in a well penetrating an artesian aquifer will rise above the top of the aquifer to a point that is the approximate measurement of the pressure head. The pressure head is due to the weight of the water in upgradient areas of the aquifer. Glades and Hendry counties are underlain by an artesian system that extends beneath Florida and southeastern Georgia. The system will yield flowing water to deep wells in all Hendry County and all but northwestern Glades County. Glades and Hendry counties are underlain at shallow depth by less extensive aquifers which exhibit both nonartesian and artesian characteristics. Water levels in wells penetrating these aquifers respond to local recharge by rainfall and to evapotranspiration, but also are affected by changes in barometric pressure and by earthquakes. Figures 9-12 show the locations of deep and shallow wells inventoried in Glades and Hendry counties. FLORIDAN AQUIFER The principal artesian aquifer beneath Florida was described by Stringfield (1936) and was named the Floridan aquifer by Parker (1951, p. 819). The part of the Floridan aquifer penetrated by deep artesian wells in Glades and Hendry counties consists of water-bearing limestones that range in age from middle Miocene to Eocene. The depth of the base of the Floridan aquifer is not known, but rocks older than Eocene probably contain highly mineralized water in most of Glades and Hendry counties. The aquifer is overlain by clay, sandy clay, and marl of the Hawthorn Formation, which form a relatively impermeable confining layer. The clay and marl in the lower part of the Hawthorn Formation are interbedded with water-bearing limestones. These limestones.


S..-..-'.--.-L--i-.L±--.-'.s_'IL A Pj 2, G' OLADES COUNTY \ s , "24/i *G * ,-. 'o"* pt " ° "r rE, .r ODKECta .*noEE .U, MN ',ER .O3r ,LOWIS W ELL A. . Np? \ ' " R I H. IGHLANDS C. OUNTY O .. § USE SRE RIC"E 0 GLADES COUNTY Figure 9. Glades County showing the locations of wells 41 .3 .44 -c 4r --E Ad"ll .. OKEEOHONE 0 Fig 9. s COUNTYsf ll *0 .....:... ..----Figure 9. Glades County showing the locations of wells.


34 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ure 1. Hndr ounty t lo ll which usually occur at depths ranging from 300 to 400 feet, are not as productive as the d r lim; , m t of artesian wells in Glades and Hendry counties are bottomed in the * * J -I -«-----« I -* which usually occur at depths of 573 feet and 610 feet, below the land surface as the partwell assed fromof the Hawthorn Formation are included as part of the aquiferm than it is in the Tampa Formation, which suggests that they ra3 In table 4 (Bishop, 1956, p. 113) the artesian pressure an' the yield of well 22, Glades County, showin the locations of wells.y betweei which usually occur at depths ofnging from 300 to 40610 feet, below the land surface as the partwell passed fromof the Hawthorn Formation are included as part of the aquife


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 35 I o 70 65 09 o 0 EXPLANATION 065 o 93 o64 / NONFLOWING WELL 63, AND NUMBER 107 FLOWING WELL AND NUMBER o98 96 099 097 62 00o0 Scw WELL WITH RECORDING GAGE o99 097 0 , 1oe0 I -* SCALE o101 lo 0 0 .0 01 0.2 0.3 0.4 o5MILE 104 _ GLADES COUNTY SI 0 1j o 7714 17o134 o 084 01 C5 L 15 3 2 o 154 06 142, 1310 0 F189ig Iue1. ll a in tel .o 1o 12 1790 0158 o 6 t o 6 1 ,5 1 0 688 161 S *e9 0160 t6 18 0165 0277 176, I 17 LA BELLE .122 CITY_ LIMITS 173 oo?4 Figure 11. LaBelle and vicinity showing the locations of wells. Formation. After the first major flow (200 gpm) was obtained at 610 feet, the yield from the remainder of the hole (610 to 1,215 feet) increased at an irregular rate to 585 gpm. The data indicate that the interval between 610 and 616 feet in the upper part of the Tampa Formation is the zone of the highest permeability at this site.


36 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 20542I 2f 2 ----------"~\ '. ---o T,, cou-" ' 250 ,o4 22 4 243 239 238 5 12 S*229 232 EXPLANATION LIN __,, Nonflowing well and number 16 S 5CALE IN MILES I '230 Figure 12. Clewiston and vicinity showing the locations of wells. Several flowing wells are used to irrigate pastures and farmland north of the Caloosahatchee River, about 6 miles northeast of LaBelle. Fairly good geologic and hydrologic data and accurate well construction information are available on wells 201, 238, and 239 in this area of Glades County. Wells 201 and 238 were cased to a depth of 203 feet, but the original drilled depths of the wells differed by 142 feet (well 201, 642 feet; well 238, 500 feet). When the wells were completed, well 201 yielded 385 gpm and well 238 yielded 730 gpm. Well 239, 1 mile to the northeast, was cased to a depth of 254 feet, and was completed at a depth of 716 feet; its initial yield was 310 gpm. The TABLE 4.1 Water-level and Flow Measurements Made During Drilling of Well 22, Glades County I Casing seated at 432 feet] Depth of well below Water level Average increase land surface above land Yield by in yield per foot Geologic Date ( feet) surface (feet) flow (gpm) of interval (gpm) formation 1951 Feb. 24 500 __ Trace _ Hawthorn Feb. 27 515 6.0 -Do. Feb. 2S 573 6.0 -Do. Mar. 1 610 30.0 200 Tampa Mar. 1 616 _ 290 15.0 Do. Mar. 1 632 32.0 __ Ocala Mar. 1 667 _ 310 0.4 Do. Mar. 1 677 _ 340 3.0 Do. Mar. 1 670 31.0 -Do. Mar. 2 854 _ 395 0.3 Do. Mar. 5 1,119 -420 .1 Avon Park Mar. 5 1,134 _ 445 1.7 Do. Mar. 5 1.164 -480 1.2 Lake City Mar. 6 1,190 30.0 565 3.3 Do. Mar. 6 1.215 31.0 585 .8 Do. iTable condensed from Bishop, 1956 (p. 113).


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 37 relatively large differences in the amount of casing in the wells, the amount of aquifer penetration needed to obtain substantial yields, and the differences in the individual well yields indicate that the confining beds of the Hawthorn Formation in this general area are of nonuniform thickness and lithology, and that the water-yielding properties of the limestones composing the aquifer differ both laterally and vertically. Two months after these wells were drilled additional measurements of -depth and flow were made, and traverses with a deep well current meter were made in wells 201 and 238 to measure the velocity of flow through the well bores at different depths. The measurements showed that the depth and yield of well 238 were the same as originally determined, but that the open-hole part of well 201 had filled in 38 feet and the yield had been reduced by 35 gpm. Data obtained from the current-meter traverses in these wells are shown in figure 13. The graphs show the relative velocity of the ground water moving upward at different depths in the wells and presents the percentage of the total flow that enters the well bores from different intervals. About 40 percent of the total yield of well 201 was contributed by the limestone section between 510-520 feet; nearly 40 percent of the total flow of well 238 was contributed by the 5-foot section at the bottom of the well. Flow measurements made in these wells in May 1958 showed that the yield of well 238 had declined from 730 to 650 gpm, and that of well 239 had declined from 310 to 230 gpm. Similar studies were made on two 8-inch flowing wells in Hendry County (wells 278 and 279), about 9 miles southwest of LaBelle. The yield of well 279 diminished from 500 gpm in August 1953 to 200 gpm in March 1954. The graph of the results of the current-meter traverse of well 279 (fig. 13) shows that 40 percent of the yield was contributed from the interval between 440 and 460 feet. Flow data obtained in May 1958 indicate that the yield of well 279 had not changed from the 200 gpm rate of March 1954. Well 278, a quarter of a mile south of well 279, yielded 760 gpm when it was completed in July 1953, but by March 1954 the discharge had diminished to 400 gpm, and by May 1958 it was 320 gpm. The well has 8-inch casing from the land surface to a depth of 290 feet and 6-inch casing between 378 and 520 feet, leaving an open hole between 290 and 378 feet and between 520 feet and the bottom of the well, at 790 feet. Some yield was obtained from the zone between 290 and 378 feet, but the source of most of the water apparently was the zone below the bottom


38 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY -40 GLADES COUNTY GLADES COUNTY HENDRYCOUNTY 0 -30 WELL 201 WELL 238 WELL 279 DEPTH 604 FT. DEPTH 495 FT. DEPTH 523 FT. : CASED 203 FT. CASED 203 FT. CASED 295 FT. FLOW 200 GPM K FLOW 350 GPM FLOW 730 GPM .t -20 200 300 40 5 6 40 50 300 40 50 DEPTH.IN FEET BELOW LAND SURFACE Figure 13. Graphs showing the distribution of flow in selected wells in Glades and Hendry counties. of the lower casing. Water samples collected at 340 and 377 feet (upper open-hole part) contained 1,000 ppm of chloride, practically the same concentration as in samples obtained from the lower open-hole section and also from the discharge outlet. However, a water sample taken at a depth of 400 feet in well 279, to the north, contained 665 ppm of chloride. This suggests that the 400-foot zone, which had been cased off in well 278, contains relatively fresh water, and that the major part of the yield is from the deeper saline zones. If the open-hole part of a flowing well is of uniform diameter and the aquifer has uniform pressure, the water velocity should increase from the bottom of the hole upward. The flow distribution in well 279 (fig. 13) indicates that the size of the hole is not uniform. Where the hole is enlarged opposite sections of the aquifer consisting of soft material, the velocity of the water decreases because of the larger cross-sectional area. Possibly some decrease in flow may result from loss of water into sections of the


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 39 borehole where the pressure is lower than the pressure in the main yielding zones. PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE The piezometric surface is an imaginary surface representing the pressure head of water confined in an artesian aquifer. It is defined by the height to which water will rise in tightly cased wells that penetrate the aquifer. Where the piezometric surface is higher than the land surface, wells tapping the artesian aquifer will flow. In peninsular Florida the piezometric surface is highest in central Polk County where the aquifer is recharged, and lowest in coastal areas where discharge takes place. Over much of south central Florida the piezometric surface is relatively flat and has a general southeasterly slope. The configuration of the piezometric surface in Glades and Hendry counties is shown in figure 14, by contours which indicate that artesian water in the Floridan aquifer is flowing generally southeastward from the Highlands Ridge area into Glades County. A mound in the piezometric surface in eastern Hendry County and southwestern Palm Beach County (fig. 14) indicates that ground water is flowing outward in all directions from that generally high area. This suggests that the Floridan aquifer is being recharged in that area; however, the height of the piezometric surface there is 30 feet or more above the land surface, and thus there is no possibility of local downward recharge. This piezometric high probably is a residual mound that has resulted from the discharge of flowing wells in the areas to the northwest. RECHARGE At some places in north, central, and northwestern Florida the Floridan aquifer is exposed at the surface, but throughout the remainder of Florida the aquifer dips beneath the surface and is covered by layers of sand and clay of low permeability which form a confining unit. At the outcrop area the aquifer is recharged directly by rainfall. Recharge to the Floridan aquifer occurs also in the high areas of central Florida where the water table is perennially higher than the piezometric surface of the aquifer; replenishment occurs by downward infiltration through semipermeable layers of the Hawthorn Formation. According to Stringfield (1936, p. 148) the artesian aquifer in parts of central


40 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY / / / -/ 53, 5 ""-* / / 5 0 555 it SLAKEPORTD .PALMDALE S54 55 5 *52a 55 LAKE OKEECHOBEE .\ OORE HAVEN I50* I 5 .\ r-2 CLEWISTON U4 052 50 Line showing approximate altitude of the piezometric mean sea level in 1958; dashed where inferred i-'t o°YCO UNTYJ= S 5---S54 \ \0 5s \59 EXPLANATION j |_ Line showring approximate(fi.15) altitude 14. Glades and Hendry counties showing the configuration of the piezometric surface of the Floridan auifer 1958. mean sea level in 1958; dashed where inferred .......E\oaY_ _ C^UNU _COUNTY * 9 COLL COUNTY Well and water level, in feet \ \ \ A----A'\ \ Line of water-level profile(fig.l5)\ 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 \54 Figure 14. Glades and Hendry counties showing the configuration of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1958.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 41 Florida is blanketed by permeable material, thus permitting ready recharge to the aquifer. It is probable that replenishment to the Floridan aquifer by downward infiltration occurs in much of the Highlands Ridge area of central Florida. Water-level measurements by Bishop (1956, p. 46-48), during the drilling of a deep well in southern Highlands County, substantiate the theory that recharge to the Floridan aquifer occurs as far south as the town of Venus in southern Highlands County. The water in the Floridan aquifer beneath Glades and Hendry counties moves southward beneath the confining layers of the Hawthorn Formation in a general direction normal to the piezometric contours shown in figure 14. DISCHARGE Most of the discharge from the Floridan aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties probably occurs through artesian wells used to irrigate winter vegetable crops and pastureland. The total water discharged during the seasons of heavy irrigation is about 10 mgd (million gallons per day). Hendry (1957, p. 19) estimated that about 50 wild, flowing wells in the two counties discharge water at a total rate of approximately 3 mgd. Many of these wells are west and southwest of LaBelle. The layers and lenses of clay, sandy clay, and fine sand of low permeability that compose the middle and upper parts of the Hawthorn Formation in the two counties tend to prevent upward leakage from the Floridan aquifer. However, where sand is the chief component of the confining unit or where the Hawthorn Formation is thin (figs. 6, 7), upward leakage may occur because of the high pressure differential (30-40 feet) between the piezometric surface and the water table. WATER-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS The water levels in an artesian aquifer fluctuate in response to recharge by rainfall, discharge, earthquakes, and variations of barometric pressure. Fluctuations due to rainfall are most apparent in the vicinity of the recharge area. However, water levels in deep wells in Glades and Hendry counties are only slightly affected by seasonal rainfall because the wells are a great distance from the recharge area. Large fluctuations of the piezometric surface are due to discharge from wells during periods of irrigation.


42 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Figures 9, 10, and 11 show the locations of inventoried flowing wells in Glades and Hendry counties, though they do not show all the flowing wells in the area. The concentration of wells is greatest along the Caloosahatchee River from Ortona westward to the Lee County boundary. The cones of depression in the piezometric surface (fig. 14) are evidence of the heavy discharge from the Floridan aquifer in this area where many wells have been in use for 50 years or more. It is estimated that 50 percent of them are no longer maintained and are leaking through corroded casings or are flowing wild. Such heavy discharge over a long period of time is responsible for the overall decline in pressure in that area, and this may have caused the quality of the water to deteriorate. Probably the quality of the water derived from the Floridan aquifer in the vicinity of LaBelle during the early days of the development was superior to the quality in 1958. A second area of heavy water use is in northeastern Glades County and the adjoining part of Okeechobee County, where crops and pastures are frequently irrigated. The lowering of the piezometric surface caused by this discharge is shown in figure 14. The lowered pressure in this area and the lowered pressure caused by discharging wells north of Lakeport and in the vicinity of Palmdale have produced the northeastward-trending trough in the piezometric surface in Glades County. Few, if any, artesian wells have been drilled to the Floridan aquifer in the Everglades south of Lake Okeechobee, and the piezometric surface in this area has remained at its approximate original level. Artesian water is moving downgradient from this area of high pressure and as the mound is not being recharged, a slow decline of pressure can be expected until a new gradient from the recharge area is established. It may be many years before this gradient adjustment is completed. Figure 15 is a series of water-level profiles of the Floridan aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties. These profiles show the effect that the discharging wells have on the piezometric surface. Profile A-A' shows that recharging water moves downgradient from the high areas in Highlands County toward the cone of depression in the vicinity of LaBelle. Profile B-B' crosses from the high water level in Highlands County southeastward through the saddle-shaped depression in the vicinity of Palmdale to the residual high-pressure area in eastern Hendry County. Profile C-C' shows a relatively steep gradient from Highlands County southeastward to the area of heavy withdrawals near lake Okeechobee.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 43 A HIGHLANDS GLADES HENDRY COLLIER A 60 COUNTY COUNTY I COUNTY COUNTY .j6 ----..-. ,. < \ m LL-J n50 0 W45 w B B' o HIGHLANDS z GLADES HENDRY 0 COUNTY -, COUNTY COUNTY W55 ' .-I Iod -50 Figure 15. Profiles of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer in -I S HIGHLANDS Glades and Hendry counties, 1958. SHALLOW AQUIFERS The shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties range in age from middle Miocene to Pleistocene. Permeable beds of shell, limestone, or mixtures of sand and gravel in the Tamiami Formation and the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation are the principal sources of ground water for shallow wells. Wells tapping these aquifers range in depth from about 10 feet to more than 300 feet. The shallower wells generally penetrate shell beds or limestone in the Tamiami Formation. They are finished with a few feet of open hole and yield relatively small amounts of water in Glades County and most of northern and western Hendry County. In 1953 few irrigation wells produced water from the shallow aquifers in Glades County because the Floridan aquifer, in most areas yielded usable water in large quantities without the use of pumps. 10, See figure 14 for location of profiles Figure 15. Profiles of the pieometric surface ofn Hendry County the Floridan aquifer yields water that is Glades and Hendry counties, 1958. SHALLOW AQUIFERS generally unsuitable for irrigation, and farmers must depend on the shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties range inr age from middle Miocene to Pleistocene. Permeable beds of shell, limestone, or mixtures of sand and gravel in the Tamiami Formation and the upper part of the Hawthorn Formation are the principal sources of ground water for shallow wells. Wells tapping these aquifers range in depth from about 10 feet to more than 300 feet. The shallower wells generally penetrate shell beds or limestone in the Tamiami Formation. They are finished with a few feet of open hole and yield relatively small amounts of water in Glades County and most of northern and western Hendry County. In 1953 few irrigation wells produced water from the shallow aquifers in Glades County because the Floridan aquifer, in most areas yielded usable water in large quantities without the use of pumps. In Hendry County the Floridan aquifer yields water that is generally unsuitable for irrigation, and farmers must depend on the shallow aquifers for fresh-water supplies. Truck-crop farmers


44 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in the Devil's Garden, the Big Cypress Swamp, and the Everglades areas irrigate with wells that range in depth from about 50 feet to more than 300 feet. The deepest of these is well 194, 6 miles northeast of Felda (fig. 10); it was drilled to a depth of 326 feet, and was reported to tap one of the gravel beds within the Hawthorn Formation. The principal shallow aquifer in the area is in the southern and central parts of Hendry County, and is composed of highly permeable limestone of the Tamiami Formation. Geologic information obtained from well 131 in Collier County, due east of Immokalee at the Hendry County boundary, shows the top of the aquifer to be at a depth of 22 feet, and that permeable limestone extends to a depth of at least 54 feet. In this area the aquifer is overlain by 5 feet of surficial, medium-grained sand and 17 feet of sandy, shelly clay of low permeability. The clay retards the downward infiltration of water to the aquifer. Further information indicates that the aquifer thins out 3 to 5 miles west of well 131 in Collier County. The increase in the depth of wells eastward from well 131 suggests that the highly permeable limestone in the aquifer dips to the east. The depth to the top of the limestone in the Devil's Garden area (fig. 2) is about 120 feet. Eight miles north of well 131 the aquifer probably is thinner, as indicated by the shallow depth of irrigation wells in that area. The greatest extent of the aquifer is southward, where it probably underlies all of southern Hendry County and most of Collier County. Similar permeable limestone was noted in rockpits as far south as southern Collier County. Data from well 4, 9 miles west of Clewiston, in Hendry County, indicate that the top of a shallow aquifer in that area occurs at 96 feet below the land surface. This aquifer extends to 127 feet and is reported to be composed of fine to coarse gray sand mixed with well rounded pebbles. The aquifer may be the basal part of the Tamiami Formation or possibly one of the pebble beds of the Hawthorn Formation. The well is finished with 5 feet of slotted casing, is gravel packed, and is reported to yield 180 gpm. The overlying material is composed of sandy, shelly marl of low permeability. Wells penetrating the shallow permeable layers in LaBelle and vicinity range in depth from about 60 to 175 feet, but most are between 20 and 100 feet deep. A study of rock cuttings taken during the drilling of well 277, in the southern part of Labelle, shows that layers of clay, shelly marl, and fine sand are interbedded with layers of limestone to a depth of 170 feet. The clay and


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 45 shelly marl are of low permeability and tend to retard ground-water movement between the thin sections of higher permeability. The sediments in general are poorly sorted and grade laterally as well as vertically into material of different composition. The shallow sediments in Glades County generally have low to moderate permeability, and most large capacity wells penetrate the Floridan aquifer even though the quality of the water is usually poorer. The shallow aquifers in Glades County are composed of sand and pebble beds or discontinuous limestone beds of the Hawthorn Formation. The yield from shallow aquifers in Glades County generally is lower than that from shallow aquifers in Hendry County. WATER-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Water levels in wells that tap shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties normally are within a few feet of the land surface. However, during rainy seasons the water levels in wells in many areas rise above the land surface. Well 128, 3 miles west of LaBelle and south of the Caloosahatchee River in Hendry County, flows throughout most of the year. The well was reported to penetrate a permeable shell bed at a depth of 76 feet. Records of fluctuations of water levels in shallow observation wells in and adjacent to Hendry County have been obtained since 1950. Automatic gages provide a continuous record of the daily changes and the seasonal trends of the water levels. Hydrographs of wells 3 and 5, in Hendry County south of Clewiston, and well 131, in Collier County east of Immokalee, are shown in figure 16. They reveal ground-water levels are usually at low stage during winter and spring and are high during and immediately after the rainy season in summer and early fall. The maximum range of fluctuation is about 5 feet. The greatest rise in water level accompanies the first heavy rainfall of the wet season. The surface materials become saturated nearly to the land surface and subsequent rainfall causes intermittent flooding. The hydrograph for well 3, 30 miles south of Clewiston, shows that the flooding had occurred in that area many times during each rainy season and that the area was flooded nearly the entire year of 1958. Evapotranspiration is another cause of water-level fluctuations in shallow observation wells. The decline of water levels caused by evapotranspiration ranges from 0.05 to 0.15 foot per day. When overland runoff stops after the rainy season, the persistent decline


apS Iasi miles a of ;EWELL 3, HENDRY COUNTY _ __ 1 30 miles outh of Clewiston__.__|I| 4^ WELL 5, HENDRY'N COUNTY T S 15 miles southwest of Clwiion --" WELL 131, COLLIER COUNTY I _l i L I I 00 10 miles east of Immokalee PIP--|LL|LL|L|-----LU-_LLU Figure 16. Hydrographs of wells 3 and 5 in Hendry County and well 131 in Collier County.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 47 of water levels throughout the area is the result of the relatively high rate of evapotranspiration. A water-level recording gage was installed on well 234 in LaBelle to determine the relation between the stage of the Caloosahatchee River and the water table adjacent to the river during 1953-54. This relation is shown in the hydrographs of figure 17. The daily rainfall at LaBelle is included also. The hydrograph shows the daily-average stage of the Caloosahatchee River at LaBelle and is probably indicative of the fluctuations as far upstream as the Ortona Lock, one of the regulatory structures which control the water level of Lake Okeechobee. Fluctuations of river stage at LaBelle are caused by boat-lock operation, by variations of discharge from Lake Okeechobee through the locks at Ortona, and by gulf tides. The large fluctuations in figure 17 are caused by changes in the rate of discharge through the structure at Ortona. During the period from early February to late May 1953 the locks were open and the average river stage at LaBelle was between 3.0 and 3.5 feet above msl. On May 22, 1953, the locks were closed and the river stage at LaBelle declined to 0.5 foot above msl. Figure 17 shows that the 2.5-foot drop in stage had no influence on the water level in well 234, less than 1,000 feet from the river. Similarly the large changes in river stage that occurred during September and October 1954 produced no corresponding changes in water level in well 234. Lithologic information obtained from well 234 and from outcrops along the riverbanks at LaBelle shows that sandy and shelly material of moderate permeability extends from the land surface to about 6 feet above sea level. These are underlain by about 6 feet of sandy marl of low permeability. A relatively impermeable layer of silty clay of the Tamiami Formation forms the base of the riverbank at an elevation of about 1 foot above sea level. Apparently, the sediments of predominantly low permeability tend to minimize the effect on ground-water levels produced by rapid stage changes in the Caloosahatchee River, so that the effect extends less than 1,000 feet from the river. RECHARGE AND DISCHARGE The water that replenishes the shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties is derived from local rainfall. The terrain is essentially flat and covered by moderately permeable sand, which permits rapid infiltration to the water table. As the water table


--p----b --t|a0 .. '" "."'-" ' i -,, A LA BELLE V AILY AVERAGE no "«to« \1 3 L A BELU E -pA -"'--" --------I l , , .., l I iI .,.L , l..,l .,J I a L .I ... ., , ., .... .. .,, ... , I .,l. ,, ......... ,,.,, , Figure 17. Hydrographs of well 234 and the Caloosahatchee River at LaBelle compared with rainfall for the period 1953-54.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 49 throughout the area is never more than a few feet below the land surface, the shallow sands quickly become saturated early in the rainy season. As a result, ponding is widespread and slow overland flow occurs. Thin layers of fine sand, marl, or clay of low permeability that overlie shallow, aquifers tend to impede downward infiltration. Discharge of ground water occurs by outflow to the Caloosahatchee River, Fisheating Creek, numerous drainage canals, and Lake Okeechobee; by evapotranspiration; and by pumping from wells. Ground-water losses by outflow along the uncontrolled reach of the Caloosahatchee River probably are small because of the general low permeability of the shallow sediments (see discussion of water-level fluctuations). Evapotranspiration is responsible for the largest losses of ground water from storage, because the water table is near the surface throughout the year. The quantity of water discharged by wells is negligible compared to natural discharge. HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS The ability of an aquifer to transmit water is expressed by the coefficient of transmissibility. The coefficient. of transmissibility is defined as the quantity of water, in gallons per day, that will move through a vertical section of the aquifer 1 foot wide and extending the full height of the aquifer, under a unit hydraulic gradient at the prevailing temperature of the water (Theis, 1938, p. 894). The coefficient of storage is a measure of the capacity of the aquifer to store water, and is defined as the volume of water released from or taken into storage per unit surface of the aquifer per unit change in the component of head normal to that surface. The leakage coefficient (Hantush, 1956, p. 702) characterizes the ability of semiconfining layers above or below an aquifer to transmit water. It is the quantity of water that crosses a unit area of the interface between the permeable section and its confining layer with a unit hydraulic gradient between the head in the permeable section and the section supplying the leakage. The coefficients of transmissibility, storage, and leakage that pertain to shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties were determined by aquifer tests at seven sites (fig. 18). During each test, the changes in water level were measured in observation wells located at different distances from the pumped well. Figure 19 is a semilogarithmic graph of water-level drawdowns in observation wells versus the distance from the pumping wells at five of the


50 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY I" --LAKE q OKEECHOBEE ST=J 10o,00oo \ I-, [ °-r"-°"-LAHIGHLAN S COUNTY-.OUTY --A BELLEGLAD ES COUNTYDRY COUNTY " __I S=00.00061 z! z I0BT a 120000 TN00025 S= .0012 COLLIER COUNTY I im i I * T=96000Q 2 EXPLANATION IE s=.o0001 B=TEST AREA T= T=COEFFICIENT OF S=.00016 TRANSMISSIBILITY,GPD PER FT iG 1 T=250.000 S=COEFFICIENT OF STORAGE S=.00045 i i i i -0 o 4 6 * 10 i HENDRY COUNTY j Figure 18. Coefficients of transmissibility and storage determined at test sites in Glades, Hendry, and Collier counties in shallow aquifers.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 51 DISTANCE, IN FEET FROM PUMPING WELL 8 8 8 08 8 p a o 80 o "0. _e d -r 4 , ' -____ LL Figure 19. Composite of semilogarithmic distance-drawdown graphs of five aquifer tests. aquifer test sites. In all but test D the duration of pumping had been sufficient to permit drawdowns in observation wells to reach stabilization. The duration and rate of pumping are shown for each distance-drawdown graph. The projection of each graph indicates the a4pproximate drawdown that would be expected at a given distance from a well pumped at the indicated rate. Therefore the graph can be used to determine the optimum pumping rates and proper spacing for wells. The field data obtained during the aquifer tests are shown in figure 20. The time-drawdown graphs for each test area are accompanied by a sketch showing the location of the wells used in the tests. The natural fluctuations of the water-level were recorded for periods of 24 hours both before and after each test to determine the fluctuations caused by factors other than pumping, such as changes in atmospheric pressure and evapotranspiration. These


STIME IN HOURS, SINCE PUMPING EGAN () ---TESrT 9 --"" 05"" M V "TESTA' TEST 1400pm \570 gpm 310 gpm 4 .I. I --1.0w I ,1 n1 _ _ --1 -I I : J T , 0 -... TEST CET 840 gpm 2 so , --., , .0 1.. ..-.. S0 --oTESTRE YTEST ES1 5Oqp 1I00 g SWILL 21 MINORY COUNTY iur WIL mw n g el to TEST D 0U\700 gpmTEST D gpm -Cc) -j "L P6 1,21 S" -----IC 1.8 Figure 20. Time-drawdown graphs of water levels in observation wells, and sketches showing locations of wells used in aquifer tests.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 53 corrections were subtracted, and the corrected drawdowns shown are the result of pumping only. The amount of correction in some cases is very significant, as indicated by the graphs of well 285 in test E (fig. 20). The corrected water-level drawdowns, in feet, were plotted (on logarithmic paper) against time, in minutes, since pumping started and divided by the square of the distance, in feet, between the pumping well and the observation well (t/r2). The resulting curve for each observation well was matched to a family of leaky-aquifer type curves developed by H. H. Cooper, Jr., of the U. S. Geological Survey, from the equations developed by Hantush and Jacob (1955). By superposition, match points were established for the best fit of the corrected data to the type curves, and the coefficients of transmissibility, storage, and leakage were calculated from the match points. Table 5 gives the results of these computations for the seven aquifer tests. The coefficients of transmissibility and storage shown on the map of figure 18 represent the average values for each test. The calculated values indicate that the aquifer composed of limestone of the Tamiami Formation that underlies the area east of Immokalee (test E) has the highest transmissibility. The results of tests F and G show a decrease in the coefficient of transmissibility to the east. This confirms information reported by well drillers that limestone layers become thinner in the vicinity of test G and much of the material is composed of fine and medium sand. A marked decrease in the coefficient of transmissibility is shown also to the north in test sites B and C. In these areas the aquifer is probably thin or the limestone section grades to a marly, partly consolidated shell bed. A basic assumption of the leaky-aquifer method of analysis is that the water level in the material supplying the leakage does not decline during the period of pumping. Under this condition, when the cone of depression (which forms around the pumped well) has expanded to the extent that the total rate of downward leakage is equal to the rate of withdrawal no further appreciable drawdown will take place in the aquifer as a result of pumping. This condition is closely approximated when an area is flooded or where an area is dissected by a network of canals in which water can be maintained at a constant level. On the other hand, where there is no source of water to maintain downward leakage at a constant rate, the water table will begin to decline after prolonged pumping. As the water table declines, the rate of downward leakage is reduced because of the reduction


TABLE 5, Coefficients of Transmissibility, Storage, and Leakage in Glades, Hendry and Eastern Collier Counties Well no.' Depth of well (feet) 0i A 5.20.58 HE 813 HE 312 125 125 1,850 310 70,000 6.05x10-4 2.77x10--J0 8/ .81 0 B 7-80-58 HE 820 HE 822 34 84 165 700 100,000 1.38x10-3 4.80x10-0 28 8.67 B 7-80-58 HE 820 HE 828 84 28 2,400 700 140,000 0.20x10-4 1.44x10-o 28 .66 C 6-20-58 HE 800 HE 299 97 72 015 840 110,000 2.78x10-4 1.08x10-6 24 8.05 C 6-20-58 HE 800 HE 801 97 98 2,800 840 120,000 2.30x10-1.03x10-24 1.12 D 8-14-58 GL 260 GL 258 80 78 8,200 340 115,000 2.95x10-1.65x10-7 111 1y 51 D 8-14-58 GL 260 GL 250 80 82 855 340 105,000 2.06x10-,4 1.81x10-7 11 ,, 1.57 E 6-17-58 HE 286 HE 285 40 40 1,380 1,800 085,000 2.98x10-2.33x10-7 25 .63 E 6-17-58 HE 286 HE 287 40 51 3,220 1,300 1,070,000 1.98x10-4 5.47x10-7 25 .40 E 0-17-58 HE 280 HE 288 40 40 3,580 1,800 905,000 2.73x10-4 1.08x10-o 26 .82 E 6-17-58 HE 286 HE 806 40 41 140 1,800 085,000 4.16x10-4 2.05x10-25 1.28 E 6-17-58 HE 286 C 181 40 54 2,750 1,800 995,000 2.76x10-4 1.10x10-0 25 .41 E 6-17-58 E 286 C 1065 40 51 5,550 1,800 880,000 8.85x10-4 1.60x1025 .21 F 6-18-58 HE 289 HE 290 70 80 1,800 1,570 500,000 1.63x10-4 2.80x10-7 14 1.41 F 6-18-58 HE 289 HE 291 70 92 2,800 1,570 515,000 1.49x10-4 8.60x10-7 14 1.21 G 63-58 HE 808 HE 802 120 121 600 1,400 280,000 6.00x10-4 5.00x10-7 48 8.80 G 6-. 8-58 HE 808 HE 304 120 122 1,415 1,400 265,000 2.97x10-4 1.23x10-7 43 2.68 'C-Collier County, GL-Glades County, HE-Hendry County. "Gpd per square foot per foot of vertical head; Hantush, 1956, p. 706.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 55 of head differential between the water table and the piezometric (pressure) surface of the highly permeable section of the aquifer. The cone of depression then must expand to intercept additional water to supply the pumping well. After a long period of pumping and no replenishment to the shallow aquifer, the water table will lower gradually and tend to coincide with the piezometric surface. The entire system will then behave as an unconfined unit. These drawdown conditions are pictured in figure 21, which shows semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of four of the observation wells used in test E. In addition to the corrected drawdown information obtained during the test, the graphs show the drawdowns that would have occurred, theoretically, if the aquifer were (1) artesian, curve A, (2) unconfined, curve B, (3) leaky with an unlimited source of downward leakage, curve C, (4) leaky with a limited source of downward leakage, curve D. Curve A was plotted by using the coefficients of transmissibility and storage of the highly permeable section of the aquifer, as determined by the leaky-aquifer method. For this case it was assumed that the aquifer is infinite, is bounded above and below by impermeable materials, and receives no recharge during the pumping period. Curve B was constructed by using a coefficient of transmissibility 10 per cent higher than the average coefficient of the test area, as determined by the leaky-aquifer method, and assigning a storage coefficient of 0.15 (a typical value for unconfined aquifers). Curve C is a plot of the corrected drawdowns obtained during the test (solid circles) with the plots extended (open circles) to conform with ideal leaky-aquifer conditions, which assume that an unlimited source of supply is available at the surface, and that no further drawdown occurs after equilibrium is reached. Curve D is transitional between ideal leaky-aquifer conditions and leakyaquifer conditions that prevail in the field, where actual unwatering of the aquifer occurs. This curve predicts the water-level drawdowns caused by constant prolonged pumping and no recharge by rainfall. The graphs in figure 22 show similar drawdown information for test areas B in Hendry County and D in Glades County (fig. 18). In Glades and Hendry counties ground-water levels fluctuate seasonally, but the average yearly water levels are reasonably constant (fig. 16). Even in agricultural areas where irrigation is heavy, the wide cones of depression developed by pumping do not cause large changes in water levels from year to year. This is due to the fact that under existing rates of pumping complete


TIME N MINUTES, SINCE PUMPING BEGAN 0100 leaf) inonn I inotla im.o f 10 I 1000 10000 lot. gm I 2 mQ " Idda Imoth 6 mon he I day. I ImdhI .onths CURVE B -CU:| RVE . * * * on., , .....-C U R V E C Y 00 CURVE 0 CCURVE A WELL 306 CURVE D-10 CURVE A-ý o HENDRY COUNTY CUR CURVE A> WELL 285 .'___ ______ HENDRY COUNTY SEXPLANAN E Theoretical dra own~ uconflned conditions HENDRY COUNTY Orawdown,Ileaky-aqulfer conditions Observed drawdown Theoretical drawdownconstant leaka__ge___ HENDRY COUNTY CURVE CURVE CURVE EXPLANATION CU E Theoretical draowown, eak-aqutleer conditions l. -(no recharge) __ CURVEB 2,".0 ----(linom recharge) HENDRY COUNTY Drawdown, leo kyoqulfer conditions Observed drowdown WELL 288 3.-Theoretical drowdown,constant leakage HENDRY COUNTY CURVE D Theoretical drowdown~leoky-aquifer conditions 3,8 (limited leakage) Figure 21. Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of four observation wells in test area E.


TEST B TIME, IN MINUTES, SINCE PUMPING BEGAN TEST D 3.. N -CURVE B I CURVE B S* .* o o o o oo Ro I oot oo oo o SCURVE CURVE B E.. -C--.o0 -0-.0..0.0 0--0 I 1. --2 0 EXPLANATION , --15 (no recharge) -CO CURVE D Theoretical drawdown, unconflned conditions S ,.CURVE A ^ CURVE A Drawdown, lecky-qurfer conditions ALWLS UTY .HENDRY COUNTY GLADES COUNTY WELL 323 Observed draWdown HENDRY COUNTY_ __ _ Theoretical drawdownconstant leakage 3.0 CURVE B 1.0 EXPLANATION C URVE \L RVE B Theoretical drawown,eakyaqulfer conditions CURVE , l t. (no rechar ge) I Figure 22. Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of observad condtio wells in A test areas B and D. reche) CURVE Drowdown, leaky-oq u i tr conditions G ELAE C WELL 323 Observed drawdown HENDRY COUNTY Theoretical drcwdown,conntant leakage 3.0 CURVE D Theoretical drowdown,Ieaky-aquifer condltlons _A (limited leakage) Figure 22. Semilogarithmic time-drawdown graphs of observation wells in test areas B and D.


58 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY replenishment of the aquifers occurs during each rainy season. Large local drawdowns do not occur, because a large amount of surface water and shallow ground water is salvaged as a result of reduction in runoff and evapotranspiration in the areas affected by pumping. During dry seasons, 2 or 3 months may elapse without an appreciable rainfall in Glades and Hendry counties. These rainless periods may be further prolonged during severe droughts. It is important, therefore, to estimate the combined effect that long rainless periods and prolonged, constant pumping would have on the water level in a given area. A 6-month period was selected as the maximum duration of such a rainless interval. Figure 23 shows the maximum drawdowns that would occur at the end of 6 months, at different distances from a well pumped at selected rates in each of six test areas. It was assumed that nonartesian conditions prevailed in each area after 6 months of pumping; therefore, the graphs were drawn in accordance with the coefficients of transmissibility shown in table 5, but increased by 10 percent to include the transmissibility of the semiconfining beds, and as assumed coefficient of storage of 0.15. If the coefficient of storage in a given area is less than 0.15, the predicted drawdowns will be greater than those indicated in figure 23. When several wells in a large tract are pumped continuously, the composite drawdown at a particular point can be predicted by summing the effects that each pumping well would have at that time. Because drawdown is approximately proportional to the rate of pumping, the effect of any selected pumping rate can be interpolated from figure 23. QUALITY OF WATER All ground water contains dissolved minerals as a result of the solvent action of the water as it moves through the rocks. The character and the quantity of the constituents in the water are determined by the following: (1) the rate of ground-water flow; (2) the composition of the materials through which the water moves; (3) the temperature and pressure of the water; and (4) the presence of other materials in solution or suspension. Table 6 is a compilation of complete chemical analyses of water samples from 23 wells in Glades and Hendry counties. Five wells penetrate the Floridan aquifer and the rest penetrate shallow aquifers. Also included are analyses of samples collected at


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 59 DISTANCEIN FEETFROM DISCHARGING WELL C TEST B -, TEST E 4 ----35 _ ____ ____2Computation based on: Computation based on: T. 130,000 gpd per foot T _ _ T1,055,000 gpd per foot SS-0.157 S0.15 t6 months of pumping t=6 months of pumping '4--I----4---___ __ _ Id W TEST C TEST F Computation based on: Computation based on: _ _ T-125,000 gpd per foot T.555,000 gpd per foot S-0.15 S-0.15 S.O.0.15 t-6months of pumping t=6 months of pumping ' m. _ITEST _ I TEST G Computation baed on: 5 ; 7 Computation based on: T-120, gpd per foot T27 /% 275000 gpd per foot S-0.15 / so.15 St-6 months of pumping / I / I t-6months of pumping Figure 23. Graphs showing drawdowns expected at different distances from a well pumped at selected rates in each of six test areas. multiple depths in a few wells, which indicate the change in quality of water at different depths in certain aquifers. In Glades and Hendry counties the water from the Floridan aquifer generally is highly mineralized, except in northwestern Glades County. Most of the mineralization is due to chloride salts, which suggests seawater contamination. The amount of mineralization differs with the depth of well, the well construction, and the location of the well. Some zones in the Floridan aquifer contain fresher water than others, but in general the deep parts of the aquifer yield water that is more saline than the shallow zones.


TABLE 0. Analyses Of Water From Wells In Glades And Hendry Counties (Analymes by U. S. Geological Survey. Chemical conttituent. are expreused in parto per million,) GLADES COUNTY 1 "j --I-~--·-~---------------... .--__ ..__ __ _ ____ _ _ _ Hardnees as CaCO, 22 .11 667 " -...... .. ...... 118 108 265 ..848 250 1,880 7.7 8-. -51 9814 -" *.. .. ....... 1158 12 265 .. 846 252 1,820 7.8 88-1 922 ... .. ............. 109 170 241 8 248 1,280 7.6 846-1 1,071 ".18 172 280 820 284 1,250 7.6 85-.61 1,190 ... 18 0.01 74 4.774 111 172 280 0.2 d: 880 32ss 24 1,40o 7.8 6 28 2-27-51 110 24 .40 ..... 129 18 140 5,6 890 56 218 .6 .9 884 885 66 1,880 7.2 20 27 7-21-48 85 ....... .02 184 83 166 534 118 195 ..2 004 470 82 1,540 7.8 80 7-22-48 75 .*.. .10 108 40 241 528 129 268 ... .0 1,041 422 0 1,790 7.7 45 28 8-28-48 17 -.... .08 ... 156 18 06 484 79 75 8.8 681 448 46 1,090 7.4 65 8-28-48 47 .... .05 144 12 175 468 10 280 .. -852 409 26 954 7.0 90 8-28-48 63 .. .02 156 17 88 476 88 112 .. .02 691 460 70 1,150 7.1 42 28 8-81-48 84 .06 174 1 185 464 154 *218 9.6 950 562 180 1,610 7.8 00 91-48 51 ... .07 78 86 201 884 98 258 ... 1 858 842 28 1,580 7.4 20 91-48 75 ..... ..... .... ..... ........... 874 270 .. 1,600 7.4 98 12-10-58 86 76 28 .20 0.97 49 12 9.2 1.2 218 4.5 11 .1 .1 227 172 0 864 7.0 7 201 11-25-58 642 79 11 .00 .27 50 40 820 12 166 298 888 1.5 .0 1,260 290 154 2,070 7.7 4 212 10-12-58 87 .... 12 ...... 1.5 148 0.2 81 1.8 858 87 50 .4 2.8 661 895 102 812 7.2 90 227 12-10-58 45 78 88 .04 .14 89 120 514 29 802 140 1,040 .1 .8 2,800 716 468 3,890 7.4 8


TABLE 6. (Continued) HENDRY COUNTY 8 12-10-53 10 77 6.1 0.06 1.3 123 1.2 21 1.2 880 12 33 0.1 0.1 410 312 0 687 7.5 84 4 4-28-48 90 .... .0 144 10 62 512 17 80 .4 -_ 566 488 18 .7.1 22 4-28-48 107 78 .94 .94 144 23 49 540 2.8 78 .4 -566 454 6 -.. 7.1 15 5 12-10-58 9 75 6.4 .92 1.8 45 2.4 28 1.8 162 12 28 .1 .1 297 122 0 886 6.8 460 14 4-24-48 815 -... .28 .4 66. 88 242 860 126 282 .8 .0 926 298 8 -. 7.5 12 17 8-22-48 601 ... .... .0 -70 51 852 122 3851 480 2.4 1.2 1,870 884 284 2,800 7.1 8 20 6-16-42 50 79 ... ... ...... 122 11 45 440 2.9 59 ...1 457 860 0 888 21 6-17-42 46 .. --.. ...... 126 .12 89 466 1 47 -.1 455 864 0 828 .. 61 11-24-68 80 77 20 .21 .40 84 80 88 1.0 406 4.0 54 .8 .0 468 888 0 761 7.6 28 156 11-24-58 90 77 14 .01 .24 62 49 880 1.8 188 292 472 1.2 .0 1,400 856 248 2,260 7.6 4 168 11-24-658 68 77 52 .84 .44 108 12 40 8.7 424 16 85 .8 .0 710 819 0 747 7.6 18 200 12-10-58 70 75 26 .07 .21 100 15 89 2.2 416 14 40 .1 .1 470 811 0 747 7.5 45 276 11-24-58 44 78 21 .04 .16 174 12 85 1.6 568 85 128 .0 .1 798 484 22 1,250 7.1 80 278 12-10-58 790 88 14 .03 .11 118 95 514 16 150 245 1,080 1.8 .2 2,800 685 562 8,820 7.5 4 solution at time of analysis.


62 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The water in shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties is generally of better quality than water in the Floridan aquifer, except near Lake Okeechobee, in the vicinity of LaBelle, and in the Devil's Garden area about 18 miles southwest of Clewiston. The concentrations of calcium and bicarbonate in the shallow aquifers are usually higher than in the artesian water, but the concentrations of sodium, magnesium, sulfate, and chloride are usually lower. When the inventory of wells in the counties was made during 1952-53 and 1958-59, samples of water from most of the wells were analyzed for chloride content. Selected wells were resampled for partial chemical analysis, which included color, specific conductance, and total hardness. The results of the partial analyses of water samples from 205 wells are given in table 7; the results of the chloride-content analyses are listed in table 8. HARDNESS Hardness of ground water is due chiefly to dissolved calcium and magnesium salts. Water samples from the shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties range from 13 to 755 ppm in total hardness. Samples from the Floridan aquifer range from 68 to 1,620 in hardness. Hardness values of more than 120 ppm denote hard water that usually requires some softening for general use. Most of the samples of extremely hard water also contain large amounts of sulfates and chlorides. Tables 6 and 7 show the total hardness as CaCO, in water samples from wells in the two counties. TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS The mineral matter that remains after a quantity of water is evaporated is approximately equal to the total dissolved solids in the water. Water from the Floridan aquifer generally contains more dissolved solids than water from shallow aquifers. The total dissolved-solids content in ground water in Glades and Hendry counties ranges from 41 to 4,100 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from 340 to 5,300 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. Total solids should be below 500 ppm to meet U. S. Public Health Service standards (1946). Water containing more than 1,000 ppm probably contains enough objectionable constituents to impart a noticeable taste and make the water unsuitable for many purposes.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 63 TABLE 7. Partial Analyses of Water from Wells in Glades and Hendry Counties GLADES COUNTY 1 56-53 120 860 430 1,4300 60 0 S30 26 6 S 4-29-53 96 77 610 288 1,020 24 0 4-29-53 173 320 284 540 25 5 1 5 5 5 1 51-53 325 77 380 236 630 22c S1 8 7 1 11 0 51-53 491 81 1,100 310 1,780 110 2 58-53 804 12,400 645 4,020 9 12 56-53 120 860 430 1,430 60 13 56-53 48 41,00 255 2,240 90 26 4-29-53 120 380 276 633 19 37 4-29-53 96 77 610 288 1,020 24 40 4-29-53 173 320 284 540 25 42 4-29-53 102 75 350 232 579 19 45 4-29-53 112 76 570 330 950 35 47 4-29-53 106 79 200 159 331 25 48 51-53 325 77 380 236 630 22 49 51-53 500 79 1,100 380 1,850 20 0' 51-53 85 76 310 186 511 30 52 51-53 491 81 1,100 310 1,780 110 53 51-53 495 80 1,200 330 2,010 55 55 51-53 62 _430 146 722 11 56 4-30-53 700 79 410 170 688 28 57 4-30-53 22 73 130 86 216 18 58 4-30-53 608 76 340 156 562 30 59 51-53 593 400 180 670 45 60 51-53 30 75 40 14 69 50 66 51-53 25 -200 134 339 65 71 4-29-53 34 75 690 300 1,150 28 73 4-29-53 22 76 450 228 154 20 76 4-29-53 150 76 430 266 722 18 77 4-29-53 21 75 45 14 78 99 79 5-13-53 70 74 80 40 136 75 s0 4-29-53 25 _ 65 38 111 10 83 78-53 6182 350 68 580 7 85 51-53 47 45 13 77 55 86 51-53 300 76 340 210 568 25 90 51-53 35 4 380 186 625 25 93 51-53 86 -220 180 368 20 94 51-53 46 75 340 308 569 14 98 51-53 55 _ 350 276 575 34 102 51-53 41 _ 380 190 636 55 106 51-53 25 77 350 102 585 110 109 51-53 500 _ 870 205 1,450 10 110 51-53 508 78 1,100 160 1,800 19 112 51-53 50 74 400 204 662 60 116 51-53 750 -_ 1.300 545 2,250 22 118 51-53 17 75 240 190 404 220 122 51-53 70 _ 380 132 634 110 123 51-53 1,200 5,300 725 8,780 25 126 51-53 25 75 320 228 534 180 128 51-53 100 75 540 364 893 90 130 5-13-53 162 74 520 210 873 45 136 56-53 85 74 1,500 240 2,510 45 139 56-53 86 75 810 185 1,350 55


64 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TABLE 7. (Continued) ,I 0 161 56-53 6 620 340 1,030 75 ..1I I 165 5960 485 1,6 00 60 168 56-53 102 3,400 460 5,60 45 I3 56-53 26 640 374 1,070 40 _ __ _ _ I 4 0 140 56-53 50 -920 360 1,540 45 142 56-53 40 -1.600 245 2,640 35 144 56-53 105 80 2,500 685 4,110 19 149 56-53 32 -430 144 123 220 152 56-53 56 -4,100 550 6,770 60 158 56-53 600 79 870 305 1,450 30 159 56-53 48 -1,100 755 1,760 110 160 56-53 30 -2,200 570 3,75160 45 161 56-53 6 -620 340 1.030 75 165 56-53 20 -960 485 1,600 60 168 56-53 102 -3,400 460 5,650 45 173 56-53 26 _ 640 374 1,070 40 104 56-53 52 .1950 345 1,580 60 172 56-53 -0 -970 375 1,610 15 ISO 56-53 105 .1,100 260 1,800 50 207 56-53 110 74 790 210 1,310 40 135 56-53 101 -1,100 310 1,830 55 196 56-53 100 3,100 350 5,110 90 138 56-53 73 1,500 230 2,500 60 193 4-30-53 186 -. 430 338 716 50 194 4-30-53 68 77 440 340 726 40 195 56-53 68 -2660 226 1,100 65 200 4-29-53 850 81 1,400 470 2,390 40 201 5-13-53 642 79 1,200 290 2,000 12 203 5-13-53 65 -540 476 894 200 204 5-13-53 65 .. 1.200 450 1,960 110 205 56-53 _ -79 3,800 730 6,400 15 206 56-53 4 .0 550 380 928 65 207 5-13-53 1,500 86 4,800 1,620 7,980 20 208 -13-53 1,250 81 1,100 435 1,760 5 209 58-53 44 -470 352 776 100 213 5-13-53 20 .670 426 947 110 215 58-53 26 76 240 158 402 75 217 58-53 100 79 2,600 730 4.300 30 221 58-53 42 75 360 242 598 70 228 58-53 45 -1,000 475 1,660 45 230 58-53 53 -1,600 575 2,610 90 236 4-29-53 500 80 1,500 430 2,440 10 237 4-29-53 5 72 65 22 107 60 HENDRY COUNTY 2 4-30-53 650 80 1.300 330 2,210 7 12 58-53 105 -670 394 1,120 50 15 58-53 130 -370 214 624 45 17 4-30-53 601 81 1,300 370 2,230 14 19 57-53 80 590 336 979 50


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 65 TABLE 7. (Continued) u o oE _a -a m -3 52 57-53 68 79 290 200 477 40 Q 0 46 57-53 146 83 2300 760 3,840 7 63 4-29-53 580 82 1,000 270 1,720 65 66 4-29-53 1165 79 470 202 790 220 51 57-53 30 83 2,400 767 3,970 16 52 57-53 68 79 290 200 2 477 40 54 51-53 1,300 84 2,900 920 4,880 14 55 57-53 100 .. 920 395 1,540 27 58 57-53 50 -660 310 1,070 16 60 57-53 995 82 2,300 795 3,760 5 62 4-29-53 123 79 430 260 716 38 63 4-29-53 580 82 1,00 270 1.720 65 66 4-29-53 115 79 470 202 790 220 71 51-53 300 76 730 338 1,220 32 72 51-53 715 1,800 425 2,940 11 74 51-53 820 84 1,900 485 3,090 8 75 51-53 125 -1,100 455 1,870 28 77 51-53 1,5 84 2,200 795 3,580 6 79 51-53 85 80 640 290 1,060 19 80 4-29-53 250 76 500 262 829 18 81 4-29-53 750 79 2,400 510 4,010 27 83 4-29-53 17 783 2,400 550 4,060 18 84 51-53 -79 2,300 720 3,910 10 85 4-29-53 5 78 2,700 4565 4,500 8 87 4-30-53 90 2 1,400 370 2,250 10 88 4-29-53 700 80 1,400 390 2,250 15 89 51-53 1,536 87 2,600 995 4,320 20 90 4-29-53 30 78 520 280 871 65 92 4-29-53 390 78 490 142 823 15 97 4-29-53 69 76 340 260 562 20 103 4-29-53 117 78 1,300 235 2,200 26 105 4-29-53 95 78 1,300 365 2,200 6 106 4-29-53 664 82 1,100 255 1,870 7 107 4-29-5 800 81 1,100 245 1,790 17 108 4-29-53 208 78 470 264 789 15 111 51-53 12270 2,100 740 3,450 40 112 51-53 45 9 1,700 635 2,800 20 114 51-53 60 _7 1,600 640 2,590 10 115 51-53 800 84 2,200 890 3,740 7 116 51-53 700 86 2,800 1,030 4,600 8 119 51-53 137 76 810 355 1,350 18 120 51-53 26 _ 310 250 509 10 121 57-53 700 80 2,600 715 4,260 19 127 51-53. 46 79 500 188 837 15 128 51-53 76 78 1,300 475 2,240 18 131 4-30-53 100 75 600 226 1,000 27 136 4-30-53 100 -.1,200 345 1.960 20 140 4-30-53 81 1,400 355 2,310 7 141 4-30-53 68 -1,300 360 2,160 20 142 4-30-53 74 _ 1,100 345 1,860 13 145 4-30-53 80 76 570 232 947 110 149 4-30-53 80 -570 262 947 21


66 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TABLE 7. (Continued) S 4 16 -0 -0 2 0 150 4-30-53 30 -30 7168 508 19 151 4-30-53 28 -1,3500 296 846 0 62 152 4-20-53 22 -1,9680 220 1,130 1622 154 4-30-53 18 -1300 445 2230 16 155 4-30-53 80 -1,54300 370 2,220 15 156 4-30-53 90 -1,300 365 2,160 6 159 4-30-53 744 -1,900 330 3,100 22 161 4-30-53 84 -470 206 790 27 166 4-30-53 80 -540 242 907 21 167 4-30-53 80 -1,300 350 2,090 16 170 4-30-53 98 78 790 355 1,320 25 171 4-30-52 40 78 540 132 907 65 172 4-30-53 145 78 830 330 1,390 20 175 4-30-53 140 -570 236 941 15 176 51-53 135 -650 180 1,090 35 177 4-30-53 _-1,600 345 2.700 45 180 4-30-53 18 -360 252 596 110 181 4-30-53 20 75 290 218 485 25 182 4-30-53 92 77 740 285 1,230 27 184 4-30-53 60 -620 244 1,020 50 185 4-30-53 180 76 590 114 977 21 186 4-30-53 99 -430 290 723 27 187 4-30-53 78 -370 202 613 40 188 4-30-53 100 -520 296 873 190 3-11-53 48 -390 88 654 100 194 57-53 326 -920 165 1,540 45 197 58-53 45 74 590 276 980 45 198 58-53 47 -570 248 947 55 199 4-30-53 90 76 470 412 787 100 201 4-30-53 180 -460 224 771 70 203 57-53 15 74 430 212 711 120 204 57-53 112 75 430 152 713 55 205 57-53 90 -670 292 1,110 120 206 57-53 160 -310 248 523 60 207 57-53 100 -820 200 1,360 55 210 57-53 100 -1,000 420 1,680 65 211 57-53 26 72 1,400 530 2,390 100 212 57-53 42 77 400 208 673 30 214 5-12-53 140 -1,800 260 3,000 45 215 57-53 45 75 2,900 610 4,850 40 216 57-53 244 -1,700 250 2,750 50 220 57-53 328 _ 1.000 160 1,590 55 221 5-13-53 112 1.100 180 1,870 55 223 58-53 12 _ 590 316 987 220 224 58-53 40 _ 640 172 1,070 50 225 58-53 15 _ 470 200 775 80 227 5-13-53 36 650 156 1,090 55 236 58-53 115 _ 490 156 823 100 241 5-13-53 38 -610 148 1.020 45


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 67 TABLE 7. (Continued) 26 5-12-53 63 700 112 1,170 50 6 4-30-53 -80 1,900 380 3,170 40 57-53 40 70 520 310 860 25 5-12-53 47470 296 774 100 248 58-53 35 _7 610 196 1,010 35 250 58-53 119 -1740 230 1,230 12 252 58-53 80 -580 410 972 45 258 5-12-53 54 _ 550 120 914 45 263 5-12-53 125 1,200 180 0 990 50 265 5-12-53 63 -700 112 1,170 50 268 4-30-53 55 76 430 260 708 40 269 4-30-53 -80 1,900 380 3,170 40 270 57-53 40 76 520 310 860 25 271 5-12-53 47 __ 470 296 774 100 272 57-53 220 75 1,700 210 2,800 45 273 58-53 58 -1,700 390 2.850 40 274 5-13-53 56 -580 244 962 35 275 51-53 -1,700 350 2,850 10 278 77-53 790 82 2,200 119 3,700 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Specific conductance is a measure of the ability of water to conduct an electric current. Water containing a low mineral content is resistant to the flow of electricity, whereas highly mineralized water conducts an electric current with relative ease. Therefore, the values for specific conductance can be used to estimate the concentration of dissolved solids in water. Figure 24 shows the relation of total dissolved solids in water samples to specific conductance where both values have been determined in the laboratory. The data show that the dissolved solids can be approximated by multiplying the specific conductance by 0.6. Specific conductance is .usually higher in the deep-artesian water than in the water from the shallow aquifers; it reaches a maximum of more than 8,700 micromhos in well 123 in Glades County. In table 7 the values for total dissolved solids were estimated from specific conductance by multiplying by the 0.6 factor.


68 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY oo D-EEP ARTESIAN WELL -WELL IN SHALLOW AQUIFER 1,0 -----------------:r-O-EEPA-TES! -N--ELL 0 1,000 t.000 3000 4,000 5,000 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (MICROMHOS,AT 25C) Figure 24. Graph showing the relation between specific conductance and total dissolved solids in water samples from Glades and Hendry counties. HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION (pH) The pH is a measure of the hydrogen-ion concentration and indicates whether the water is acid or alkaline. On a scale of 0 to 14, pH values higher than 7.0 indicate alkalinity and values lower than 7.0 indicate acidity. All samples analyzed, except one, had pH values of 7.0 or greater; the sample from well 22 in Glades County had a pH of 6.9. The measured pH values are shown in table 6. IRON (Fe) Water containing more than 0.3 ppm of iron will stain plumbing fixtures, clothes, and other objects with which it comes in contact. High concentrations of iron also cause the water to have a disagreeable taste. Iron in a clear ground-water solution is in the ferrous state until the water is exposed to the oxygen in the atmosphere, then the iron is oxidized to the ferric state and precipitates as the insoluble hydroxide or oxide of iron. The iron precipitate may then be removed by filtration. Water samples from the artesian aquifer contained less than 0.3 ppm of iron. The iron content of water from the shallow aquifers differs from place to place and at different depths within the aquifer. It ranged from 0.11 to 1.5 ppm (table 6).


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 69 CALCIUM (Ca) AND MAGNESIUM (Mg) Dissolved calcium and magnesium salts are responsible for most of the hardness of water. Much of the water-bearing material underlying Glades and Hendry counties is composed of limestone and a lesser amount of dolomite. These carbonate rocks are the sources of calcium and magnesium in the ground water in the area. The concentration of calcium ranged from 42 to 136 ppm in water samples from the Floridan aquifer and from 49 to 174 ppm in water samples from the shallow aquifers. The concentration of magnesium ranged from 36 to 105 ppm in the Floridan aquifer and from 1.2 to 120 ppm in the shallow aquifers. The shallow ground water usually contains less magnesium than the artesian water and the amount of magnesium is usually less than the calcium. An exception is shown in the analyses of water from well 227 in Glades County northwest of Clewiston and from well 276 in Hendry County in Clewiston (table 6). The wells are about 4 miles apart and about 45 feet deep. The chemical: analyses of the samples show wide differences in chloride content, total dissolved solids, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. The ratio of magnesium to calcium in well 227 is of interest; the content of magnesium is considerably higher than that of calcium, unlike other samples from the shallow aquifer. As sea water contains more magnesium than calcium, this may indicate the presence of sea water which was trapped in the aquifer during high stands of the sea in Pleistocene time. No dolomitic limestones are known to occur in the shallow materials, thus discounting the solvent action of ground water on the shallow materials as the source of magnesium. The high chloride content of water is further indication of contamination by sea water. SODIUM (Na) AND POTASSIUM (K) The quantity of sodium plus potassium in ground water in Glades and Hendry counties ranges from 10.4 to 543 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from 145.5 to 530 ppm in the Floridan aquifer; the concentration of sodium greatly exceeds that of potassium. Moderate amounts of these constituents have no effect on the palatability of drinking water, but large amounts render the water unsuitable for most uses. The ratio of the quantity of sodium to the total quantity of sodium, calcium, and magnesium is important when the water is to be used for irrigation. Large


70 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY quantities of sodium tend to decrease the permeability of soils, and water containing more than 50 percent sodium may injure the soil and crops. Figure 25 shows the suitability of water for irrigation, as determined by Wilcox (1948, p. 25-26) and utilized by Visher (1952, p. 15-17) in an arid area. Most of the water samples from the shallow aquifers are in the range from excellent to permissible, but many of the samples from the Floridan aquifer are in the doubtful or unsuitable range. However, the chart assumes little or no flushing of the soil by rainfall. In an area of plentiful rainfall, such as south Florida, the sodium content of the soil probably would not accumulate in quantities harmful to most crops. BICARBONATE (HCO,) The amount of bicarbonate in the ground water in Glades and Hendry counties ranges from 138 to 563 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from 109 to 166 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. The bicarbonate results from the solvent action of ground water containing carbon dioxide gas on carbonate rocks. Much of the bicarbonate can be readily removed by relatively simple water treatment. SULFATE (SO,) Concentrations of sulfate in ground water in Glades and Hendry counties range from 1 to 292 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from 126 to 351 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. The sulfate radical is not very important in domestic water supplies unless it exceeds 500 ppm, in which case it may have a laxative effect. The U. S. Public Health Service recommends that public water supplies contain not more than 250 ppm of sulfate. Some sulfate compounds in water cause hardness that is difficult to reduce by treatment. CHLORIDE (Cl) Water containing chloride in excess of 250 ppm is considered by the U. S. Public Health Service to be unsuitable for public drinking supplies, except in areas where better quality water is not available. Water containing more than 750 ppm of chloride may damage many plants and shrubs. Chloride concentrations in ground water in Glades and Hendry counties range from 7 to 2,280 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from 34 to 4,240 ppm in the Floridan aquifer.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 71 80 SPERMI SIBLE DOUBTFUL UNSUITABLE GL 201 70 * HE 156 0 HE 17 GL227 60-HE 278°0 C s3GL 29 GL27 k 50--GLI 0 GL23 A 40 HE 5 0 GL 28 HE 276 EXPLANATION HE 163 200Q HE 20 * DEEP ARTESIAN WELL HE61 I o WELL IN SHALLOW AQUIFER HE 21 GL93 o 3 GL GLADES 10-H -HE HENDRY EXCELLENT GOOD DOUBTFUL UNSUITABLE 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (MICROMHOS, AT 25C) Figure 25. Graph showing the suitability of ground water for irrigation. (after Wilcox 1948, p. 25-23) High-chloride water is corrosive and may rust holes in the casing through which subsurface leakage from artesian wells can occur. Chloride cannot be removed by ordinary water treatment. Water samples for chloride-content analysis were obtained from most of the wells inventoried in the two counties, and the analytical results are listed in table 8. Figure 26 shows the chloride content


72 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY I oI TR31E '30 I N. r GLADE T COUNTY -20 4' +o ,i PALMDALE 9 L LAKE s, 00 OKEECHOB EE -.. ..f _MOORE HAVEN 2 850 45 -GLA DES COU TY LA BELLE HENDRY COUNTY 43 SEE FIGURE 31 j1039 CLEEWISTON *-I; i 790 90o t 9900 83 xua 872 -29E R 29E R3OE EXPLANATION Chloride content 4i 0 { (ports per million) 0 I Well No. 0-100 ________ We Depth,infeet 44 101--250 TI "oe5 S47251-500 sI 501-1000 __ * I 1001-2000 May + 48i More than 2000 S SCALE IN MILES ___. _. HENDRY COUNTY J 2 o 2 4 6 8 10 R31E R32E R33E R34E Figure 26. Glades and Hendry counties showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping the Floridan aquifer, 1952-53, 1958.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 73 of water samples from wells tapping the Floridan aquifer in these counties. Most of the data shown were obtained during 1952-53; additional information was obtained during 1958 in more recently established agricultural and grazing lands. The data in figure 26 suggest that the deeper wells generally yield the water of poorest quality. Potable water is available from the Floridan aquifer in central Glades County in the vicinity of Palmdale, and good-quality water can be expected northward and northwestward from central Glades County into Highlands County. Also, wells reportedly ranging in depth from 390 to 450 feet immediately north of LaBelle yield potable water. These wells probably tap the uppermost limestone layers of the Floridan aquifer. A group of artesian wells 8 miles east of LaBelle and three wells near the northern boundary of Glades County yield water that contains less than 250 ppm of chloride. It is possible, however, that increased use of water in those areas may cause a slow deterioration of the quality as a result of upward movement of water of higher chloride content within the aquifer. The data shown in figure 27 indicate that the shallow aquifers in Glades County yield water of low chloride content except in areas adjacent to Lake Okeechobee. Figure 28 shows chloride data for EXPLANATION f 04 Chl2. G des Co unt o me wIilh., 033 i .. ....0... \ . ........ n. .6 ---.-----' V i 251'^ 500 0A0 15 04. .1 . -o*,",. ,"0 r 3 le o ^ i OKEECHOBEE 0? i ' -' " ..... ----._GLADES COUTY ----Figure 27. Glades County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53.


74 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION 0 Q Chloride content 38 (parts per million) 281 o0 14 5 Well NO. 0 49 4 14 85 Depth,in feet 0-IO0 2 148\ 6 (SEE FIG.27) 101 250 2 49 9 0 920 251 500 77 r73 501o1000 285 59 151 4 o More than 1000 ' 6 14 56 164 284 163 10 6 18274% 170 7 LAKE T i8 29 160 16 25 OKEECHOBEE 180 jo 1,9 40 SCALE IN MILES Figure 28. Part of eastern Glades County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1959. the area north of Lakeport where there is a large concentration of shallow wells. It is apparent that most of the shallow water in the Lakeport area does not meet the standards for public supplies. Figure 29 is a map of Hendry County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers. The distribution of the chlorides suggests isolated sources of contamination by salty water. Figure 30 shows the chloride content of water from selected wells in the Clewiston area. FLUORIDE (F) The fluoride concentration in ground water in Glades and Hendry counties ranges from 0 to 1.2 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from 0.2 to 2.4 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. Minor quantities of fluoride in drinking water are beneficial in decreasing tooth decay among children (Black and Brown, 1951, p. 15). However, quantities in excess of 1.5 ppm may result in a condition known as dental fluorosis, a mottling of the tooth enamel in chlidren. SILICA (SiO,) The amount of silica in ground water in Glades and Hendry counties ranges from 6.1 to 56 ppm in the shallow aquifers and from 11 to 14 ppm in the Floridan aquifer. Silica content is of relatively


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 75 .... .... ..r -" ,, .. .... GLADES COUNTY [., o .-ENDRY COUNTY ---`1"---S / : I ," 3 ' r Figure 29. Hendry County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958. little importance except in the formation of boiler scale, and was not determined in most analyses. ENITRATE (NO. Nitrate concentrations range from 0 to 1.2 ppm in the water from the artesian aquifer, and from 0 to 9.6 ppm in the water from the shallow aquifers. A concentration above 50 ppm is very undesirable in drinking water, because it may cause cyanosis in infants. HYDROGEN SULFIDE (HS) vl t rho, 1000 4I Nitrteconcent i r e fo t COUNTY t w Figure 29. Hendry County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958. Hydrogen sulfide is found in much of the shallow water and all the deep artesian water of the area. Hydrogen sulfide causes a NITRATE (NO.) distinct taste and odor which has given the water the name "sulfur water." Hydrow en sulfide is not enerally anazed because5 it is a undesirable in drinking water, because it may cause cyanosis in infants. HYDROGEN SULFIDE (HS) Hydrogen sulfide is found in much of the shallow water and all the deep artesian water of the area. Hydrogen sulfide causes a distinct taste and odor which has given the water the name "sulfur water." Hydrogen sulfide is not generally analyzed because it is. a


76 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY S Z ! %PILES s 261 '262 EXPLANATION 2 O NTAINAIO Figure 30. Clewiston area showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping the shallow aquifers, 1952-53. volatile gas held in solution and much of it escapes upon exposure to air. Most of the gas can be removed by aeration. SALT-WATER CONTAMINATION In southern Florida the major causes of salt-water contamination of aquifers are as follows: (1) direct encroachment from surface salt-water bodies along coastal areas where the fresh-water head is not sufficient to retard encroachment; (2) upward leakage of relatively salty artesian water, under high pressure, through open well bores or across semiconfining layers; and (3) incomplete flushing of sea water that entered the aquifers during high-sea-level intervals of the Pleistocene Epoch when southern Florida was covered by the ocean. Direct encroachment: The only possible source of direct seawater encroachment in Glades and Hendry counties is the Caloosahatchee River. The Ortona Lock is closed during extended inland to the downstream side of the lock. However, the banks and the riverbed along most of the reach downstream from Ortona are composed of relatively impermeable clay and marl, which tend to prevent lateral or downward seepage from the channel. Also, tgound-water levels adjacent to the river usually are considerably higher than the river stage (fig. 17), and the normal direction of ground-water flow is toward the river. Therefore, direct sea-water encroachment into aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties is negligible. Upward leakage: In most of Glades and Hendry counties the deep parts of the Floridan aquifer contain water that is saltier than water in the shallow parts. In some places thin zones


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 77 containing fairly fresh water may underlie salty zones, but if the open-hole section of the well is deepened, additional zones containing salty water will be tapped (see table 4). In most areas of the two counties the pressure in the deep zones of the aquifer is greater than that in shallow zones. If a well is so constructed that its open bore section penetrates upper fresh zones and deeper salty zones, the deep salty water under high pressure can move upward through the well bore and enter the shallow fresh-water zone. The amount of interchange of water will depend upon the permeability of the rock and the pressure differential between the two zones. It appears, therefore, that well construction is an important factor in the quality of the water yielded by a well in the Floridan aquifer. Contamination by upward leakage within the Floridan aquifer probably is accelerated where the piezometric surface is lowered as a result of heavy discharge by wells. High pressure in deep zones will cause saline water to move upward into zones of fresh water that are tapped by wells. The high mineralization of the water from artesian wells in LaBelle and southwest of LaBelle shown in figure 31 may be due, in part, to the decline of the piezometric surface in this general area, as shown in figure 14. It is possible that the initial flowing wells drilled in this area yielded fresher water than that shown in figure 31. -------I HENDRY COUNTY IJ M -5 EXPLANATION J5128 Chloride content 318 319 O 7 (ports per million) 4515 q 18929 Well o100 Depthn infeet 0-100 i 101 250 251-500 75 EXPLANATION I , SCAL IN MILES * i 0 I 2 More thonOen00 Figure 31. Part of northwestern Hendry County showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping deep and shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958. of water samples from wells tapping deep and shallow aquifers, 1952-53, 1958.


78 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The salt-water contamination in the shallow aquifer in LaBelle was probably caused by upward and lateral leakage in the vicinity of wells penetrating the Floridan aquifer. Figure 32 shows the chloride content of water from shallow wells in and adjacent to LaBelle. Most of the shallow wells in LaBelle range in depth from 60 to 120 feet below the land surface and are developed in shelly limestone layers. The seven deep artesian wells within the populated area south of the Caloosahatchee River probably were drilled before 1930 (fig. 11). It was reported that casings in most of these wells were seated in a limestone layer at a depth of about 80 feet and that an open bore was drilled to 600-800 feet. The piezometric surface in these wells is at least 25 feet above the land surface, whereas the water level in the shallow wells is below the land surface. Therefore, direct connection probably exists between the open bore of the deep wells and the limestones below 80 feet in the shallow aquifer. Most of the deep wells in LaBelle are not in use or are used sparingly, so that the discharge valves are cut off for long periods. As a result, the pressure differential between the deep well bores and the shallow limestones is consistently high, and upward discharge into the shallow limestone occurs at a constant rate. Well 17 in LaBelle, immediately south of the Caloosahatchee River, taps the Floridan aquifer, and for many years was used as the central water supply for the town. Distribution lines extend from the well probably as far south as State Highway 80. These distribution lines are known to have developed leaks and the entire system is a probable source of local contamination of the shallow aquifer. The pattern of the chloride contours shown in figure 33 suggests that the five deep artesian wells (within the 400-ppm contour line) between the Caloosahatchee River and State Highway 80 and the subsurface water-distribution system from well 17 may be the principal sources of contamination. Further evidence to support this is shown by a comparison of the analyses of water samples from well 17 (602 feet deep) and well 156 (90 feet deep), 170 feet south of well 17, as shown in table 6. The analyses are nearly identical. The pattern of the distribution of the chloride contents and isochlor contours in figure 33 negates the possibility that the Caloosahatchee River is the source of contamination. The contour pattern shows that contamination extends beneath and across the river and further substantiates the conclusion that the river does not appreciably affect the drainage of the shallow aquifer.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 79 SIO8 EXPLANATION i108 0 150 Chloride content 65 I J 0I80 (ports per million) o7 Well No. 0-100 W, Depth,in feet S101-250 64 D :) S30 0!0 251-500 45 1 S123 i. 097 100 I.O 10 SCALE S0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5MILE SGLADES COUNTY 0A BELLE CITY LIMITS 157 70 147 1c o4 c31 ie a ' 1n 0 15 183 60 100 84 64 .I _ffau 70 jjiO '' 0165 55 68 82 -lip IIT LA BELLE CITY LIMITS Figure 32. LaBelle showing the chloride content of water samples from wells tapping the shallow aquifer, 1952-53. Much of the salt-water contamination in the shallow aquifer along the Caloosahatchee River west and southwest of LaBelle may be caused by conditions similar to those causing the contamination in LaBelle. The water level of well 112, a 45-foot well near the Lee County boundary, was 7.5 feet above the land surface in May


80 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 061 0 0 91 o88! 107 O117 Z.z EXPLANATION 039 0 000 24 .0 NONFLOWING WELL 322, C AI \ | 330 i FLOWING WELL 027 y.. -300 SISOCHLOR IN PPM 043 620o 78 278 CHLORIDE CONTENT OF WATER, IN PPM DA SHED, WHERE INFERRED 338, SCALE 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.5MILE 0 468 _ GLADES COUNTY 485. ;j47 .LABLELLE CITY LIMITS 4;0 4680 48 o465 038 398 0455 037 368 395 *400 0448 0 3 o4 1O 41% 2021 490 86 650 I / 5b 0fs 0 jo_ 0 ;17 \ 2 1-1 135 119'-0 206 0 S 1440 / o 102 / 0 29 117 o S209o 6 2 o05 042 \ 0 \\ 0.30 \ \ 680 54 41 26 31 \ \ \ 0 j LA BELLE CITY LIMITS Figure 33. LaBelle showing (by isochlor lines) areas of equal chloride content of water from the shallow aquifer, 1952-53. 1958. This high water level is probably due to upward and lateral leakage from immediately adjacent artesian wells which have been capped at the surface and abandoned. Incomplete flushing: The high mineralization of. the water contained in the Floridan aquifer in southern Florida probably is due to connate sea water which remained in the materials when they were deposited, or to sea water that entered the aquifer when


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 81 much of peninsular Florida was covered by the ocean during the Pleistocene Epoch. The shallow aquifers in Glades and Hendry counties also were filled with sea water when the area was last covered by the ocean, but since the seas receded rainfall has been flushing salts from the shallow aquifers. Flushing has been more extensive in the shallow materials than in the Floridan aquifer, but Love (Parker and others, 1955, p. 818) indicated that saline water and the residual salts have never been completely flushed in most of the Everglades, particularly near the borders of Lake Okeechobee. Figures 27 and 28 show the high salinity of the shallow ground water adjacent to Lake Okeechobee. Flushing of salts would be most rapid where the infiltration of rainfall is rapid and where ground-water movement is not impeded. The rather uniformly low permeability of the shallow sediments may be one of the chief reasons for the saline ground water along the borders of Lake Okeechobee. Also, the low ground-water gradient throughout the area may be an important factor in the slow flushing process. Most of the potential aquifer recharge by rainfall in the area probably is lost by sheet flow and evapotranspiration, and apparently only minor quantities can infiltrate to the permeable sections. Differences in permeability may partly account for the variations of chloride content in areas where upward leakage from the Floridan aquifer is not a factor. UTILIZATION OF GROUND WATER Ground water in Glades and Hendry counties is used for irrigation, public and domestic supplies, stock watering, and, to lesser extent, industries and air conditioning. IRRIGATION The quantity of ground water used for irrigation in Glades and Hendry counties far exceeds that used for other purposes. In addition to the huge sugar plantations that border Lake Okeechobee near Clewiston, large areas are devoted to the production of truck crops grown during late fall, winter, and spring. In areas near surface-water bodies irrigation is practiced by use of shallow ditches from the surface sources. Other areas, however, depend on ground-water sources. Water for irrigation is obtained from the Floridan aquifer and the shallow aquifers. The source used depends on the crops to be grown. Tomatoes and cucumbers will tolerate water with a


82 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY fairly high concentration of dissolved solids, whereas beans and some other crops will not. Irrigation by use of shallow wells is a fairly recent development in the area and will probably increase. The largest increase in the use of irrigation water has taken place in Hendry County, south of LaBelle, and in the Big Cypress SwampDevil's Garden area. MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LaBelle and Moore Haven are the only municipalities in the two counties that used ground water for public supplies in 1959. The supply for LaBelle was obtained from well 17, which penetrates the Floridan aquifer. The water was piped directly from the well through distribution lines to the consumers and received no treatment. The quality of the water is poor and most of the residents have resorted to drilling individual shallow wells. In the central part of LaBelle the shallow aquifer does not produce water of acceptable quality because of salt-water contamination (fig. 33). Chemical analyses of water samples in the LaBelle area indicate that ground water of good quality can be obtained away from the central part of the town, where the shallow water is low in chloride, relatively low in total dissolved solids, but high in hardness. The hardness can be reduced by treatment, and aeration and filtration will remove much of the iron and hydrogen sulfide present in solution. In 1959 the residents of LaBelle authorized a study to develop a public water supply from the shallow aquifer south of town. Moore Haven obtains its water supply from an 8-inch well drilled to a depth of 87 feet. A 5-horsepower deep-well turbine pump is capable of withdrawing 285 gpm from the well. Approximately 85,000 to 100,000 gallons of water are used daily by the town. This includes water for household use, industrial use, and lawn irrigation. Water treatment consists of aeration, reduction of hardness, and chlorination. None of the other communities in the area are supplied by public ground-water systems. In agricultural areas and small population centers such as Palmdale, Lakeport, and the outskirts of LaBelle, nearly every home has its individual water supply. A similar situation exists in suburban areas west and southeast of Clewiston. The city of Clewiston obtains its municipal supply from Lake Okeechobee.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 83 OTHER USES A small quantity of ground water is used for industrial and cooling processes, and a few commercial establishments in Clewiston operate wells for air conditioning. A shallow well is used in running condensers at the ice plant at Moore Haven. Several packing houses in the farming areas use a considerable quantity of ground water in the washing, processing, and packing of truck crops. These wells are operated for only a few weeks during the year. Ground water is used also for stock watering. SUMMARY The most productive aquifer in Glades and Hendry counties is the Floridan aquifer, which yields water by natural flow to most parts of the area. Wells penetrating this aquifer range in depth from 400 feet to more than 1,200 feet and generally yield 200 gpm or more. The chloride concentration in water from wells tapping the artesian aquifer at depths of 400 to 700 feet ranges from 40 ppm to more than 2,000 ppm. The aquifer underlying Glades County in the vicinity of Lake Okeechobee yields water with a chloride content ranging from 700 to more than 1,200 ppm. Artesian water containing less than 100 ppm of chloride, can be obtained in northwestern and northern Glades County. In general, the chloride content of the water increases southward and southeastward. Permeable zones in the aquifer occur down to more than 1,200 feet. Throughout most of the area the lower limestones yield highly mineralized water, except in northwestern and northern Glades, County where relatively fresh water can be obtained in the deep part of the aquifer. Shallow sources of ground water are being developed in both Glades and Hendry counties, especially in those areas where the artesian water is highly mineralized. Wells penetrating shallow aquifers generally range in depth from 50 feet to more than 300 feet. The permeable limestone of the Tamiami Formation in southern Hendry County is the most productive shallow aquifer in the area. Wells penetrating this aquifer range in depth from about 40 feet in areas a few miles east of Immokalee to about 120 feet or more south of the Devil's Garden. The lateral extent and the total thickness of this aquifer cannot be determined with present data; however, the aquifer is known to extend as far north as the Felda


84 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY area, but has not been noted in wells in the immediate Immokalee area. The aquifer apparently dips to the east and to the south. Six-inch wells penetrating this limestone aquifer yield good quality water at a rate of more than 1,000 gpm with little drawdown. Water levels are within a few feet of the land surface, and pumping costs are relatively low. In central and northern Hendry County and in Glades County the shallow aquifers are composed of thin local limestones and shell beds in the Tamiami and Hawthorn Formations. These aquifers range in depth from 50 feet to about 175 feet and yield moderate amounts of water. The water usually contains less than 400 ppm of chloride, except in areas adjacent to Lake Okeechobee and along the Caloosahatchee River westward from LaBelle. In and southwest of LaBelle the shallow aquifer is contaminated by artesian water under high pressure leaking upward along open-well bores and laterally into permeable beds of low pressure. Quantitative tests show that the coefficient of transmissibility of the shallow aquifers ranges from 70,000 gpd/ft to 1,070,000 gpd/ft, and that the coefficient of storage ranges from 0.00015 to 0.0014.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 85 REFERENCES Applin, E. R. (also see Applin, P. L.) 1945 (and Jordan, Louise) Diagnostic Foraminifera from subsurface formations in Florida: Jour. Paleontology, v. 19, no. 2, p. 129-148. Applin, P. L. 1944 (and Applin, E. R.) Regional subsurface stratigraphy and structure of Florida and southern Georgia: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 28, no. 12, p. 1673-1753. 1951 Preliminary report on buried pre-Mesozoic rocks in Florida and adjacent states: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 91. Bishop, E. W. 1956 Geology and ground-water resources of Highlands County, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 15. Black, A. P. 1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research Paper 6. Brown, Eugene (see Black, A. P.) Clapp, F. G. (see Matson, G. C.) Cole, W. S. 1942 Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 19. 1944 Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 20. Cooke, C. W. (also see Parker, G. C.) 1915 The age of the Ocala limestone: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 95-I, p. 107-117. 1929 (and Mossom, Stuart) Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 20th Ann. Rept., p. 29-227. 1936 (and Mansfield, W. C.) Suwannee limestone of Florida (abstract): Geol. Soc. America Proc. (1935), p. 71-72. 1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29. 1952 Sedimentary deposits of Prince Georges County, Maryland, and the District of Columbia: Maryland Dept. Geology, Mines and Water Resources Bull. 10. Dall, W. H. 1892 Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of Florida, with special reference to the Miocene silex beds of Tampa and the Pliocene beds of the Caloosahatchee River: Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans., v. 3, pt. 2. Davis, J. H., Jr. 1943 The natural features of southern Florida, especially the vegetation, and the Everglades: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 25.


86 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DuBar, J. R. 1958 Stratigraphy and paleontology of the late Neogene strata of the Caloosahatchee River area of southern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 40. Ferguson, G. E. (see Parker, G. G.) Hantush, M. C. 1955 (and Jacob, C. E.) Nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 36, no. 1, p. 95-100. 1956 Analysis of data from pumping tests in a leaky aquifer: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 37, no. 6, p. 702-714. Heilprin, Angelo 1887 Explorations on the west coast of Florida and in the Okeechobee wilderness: Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans., v. 1. Hendry, C. W., Jr. 1957 (and Lavender, J. A.) Interim report on the progress of an inventory of artesian wells in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 10. Jacob, C. E. (see Hantush, M. C.) Johnson, L. C. 1888 The structure of Florida: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 36, p. 230-236. Jordan, Louise (see Applin, E. R.) Klein, Howard (see Schroeder, M. C.) Lavender, J. A. (see Hendry, C. W., Jr.) Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G.) MacNeil, F. S. 1944 Oligocene stratigraphy of southeastern United States: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 28, no. 9, p. 1313-1354. Mansfield, W. C. (see Cooke, C. W.) Matson, G. C. 1909 (and Clapp, F. G.) A preliminary report on the geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 2d Ann. Rept., p. 25-173. 1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and ground waters of Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319. Meinzer, 0. E. 1923 The occurrence of ground water in the United States, with a discussion of principles: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 489. Mossom, Stuart (see Cooke, C. W.)


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 87 Parker, G. G. 1944 (and Cooke, C. W.) Late Cenozoic geology of southern Florida, with a discussion of the ground water: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 27. 1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 43, no. 10, p. 817-834. 1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources of southeastern Florida, with special reference to the geology and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 1255. Puri, H. S., 1953 Contributions to the study of the Miocene of the Florida Panhandle: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 36. Richards, H. G. 1945 Correlation of Atlantic Coastal Plain Cenozoic formations; a discussion: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., v. 56, p. 401-408. Sanford, Samuel (see Matson, G. C.) Schroeder, M. C. 1954 (and Klein, Howard) Geology of the western Everglades area, southern Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 314. Sellards, E. H. 1912 The soils and other residual material of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 4th Ann. Rept., p. 7-79. 1919 Geologic section across the Everglades, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 12th Ann. Rept., p. 67-76. Stringfield, V. T. 1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 115-195. Theis, C. V. 1938 The significance and nature of the cone of depression in groundwater bodies: Econ. Geology, v. 33, no. 8, p. 889-902. U. S. Public Health Service 1946 Public health reports, reprint 2697. Vernon, R. O. 1951 Geology of Citrus and Levy counties, Florida: Florida Geol Survey Bull. 33. Visher, F. N. 1952 Reconnaissance of the geology and ground-water resources of the Pass Creek Flats area, Carbon County, Wyoming, with a section on the chemical quality of the ground water by W. H. Durum: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 188. Wilcox, L. V. 1948 The quality of water for irrigation use: U. S. Dept. Agriculture Tech. Bull. 962.


88 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WELL LOGS Glades County WELL 22 NWYNW% sec. 29, T. 38 S., R. 34 E. Depth, in feet,Material below land surface No samples _ 065 Tamiami Formation Marl, gray, sandy, phosphatic; fragments of echinoids and Pecten ---__-__ -65 -110 No samples --._--.__.__ -._-.... ___ --_ .....110188 Hawthorn Formation Clay, dark-green, plastic; mollusk fragments --.. -188 Clay, dark-green, sandy (coarse), phosphatic; pelecypods numerous, mostly Pecten and Area -_.---__ _ _ 188 -314 Clay, olive-drab, sandy, shelly, phosphatic ___..--___.. 314337 No samples ____ _______ 337 -346 Clay, light-green, shelly, plastic; and olive-drab sandy, phosphatic, shelly clay marl -__ .-._...-... 346 -418 Clay, dark-green, plastic; phosphorite pebbles and mollusk fragments _ __ 418 -465 Clay, gray, phosphatic; mollusk fragments _ ...--_.465-480 Limestone, white, hard, dense, phosphatic; mollusk fragments _ .__ _____ 480 -505 Gravel; phosphorite pebbles, brown, up to 8 mm in diameter; some limestone as above 505516 Clay, tan, plastic; many small particles of dark phosphorite _ _____ __516 -537 Clay, tan, plastic; many small particles of phosphorite --. 537575 Clay, dark-green, quartz sand, phosphorite pebbles; some gray sandy, phosphatic limestone ...__ __ _..._.. 575605 Tampa (?) Formation Limestone, cream, hard, porous, granular, slightly phosphatic, and some sand ______ 605 -620 Ocala Group Limestone, cream, foraminiferal coquina, soft, porous, chalky; Lepidocyclina ocalana __ .620 -667 Limestone, cream, foraminiferal coquina, soft, porous,. granular; Operculinoides _667-814 Limestone as above but fewer foraminifers __ 814854 Avon Park Limestone Limestone, tan, hard, porous; numerous echinoids of Peronella type 854-888


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 89 Limestone, light-tan, hard, porous, granular; Dictyoconus cookei, Coskinolina floridana, and Peronella_ 888 -958 Limestone, tan, hard, granular, porous; some white, soft, chalky limestone; Spirolina coryensis ..___ -----.--... 9581022 Limestone, tan, hard, granular; numerous Coskinolina floridana ______. ..____...___ ----.......___.__. _ 1022 -1134 Lake City Limestone Limestone, light-brown, hard, calcitic, granular, porous; some gray dense limestone and brown porous, finely crystalline, dolomitic limestone ...__._.__ .1134 -1215 WELL 27 NEYNW% sec. 25, T. 39 S., R. 33 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Pamlico Sand Sand, gray, quartz _......_-.._______ 03 Fort Thompson Formation Shell bed, marine _ ... ___------......--_ .._-.._____ 37 Sand, light-gray, marly ---.... ..--_. ---.____ 718 Caloosahatchee Marl Marl, dark-gray, very sandy, somewhat shelly _ _ 1830 Shell bed, dark-gray, sandy (shell marl) ._-------------3044 Tamiami Formation Shell marl, light-gray, sandy --..-..-...-_..._-_ 4454 Marl, light-green, clayey, sandy _--..--_-_.._ .--5475 WELL 28 NW%1SE% sec. 11, T. 42 S., R. 32 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Recent soils Peat __--__ --__ -__---___ 0 -3 Pamlico Sand Sand, gray, quartz -__--_ ___-__ 310 Caloosahatchee Marl Shell bed containing quartz sand and the following mollusks: ___ 1014 Pseudomiltha anodonta (Say) Transennella caloosana Dall Chione cancellata (Linnaeus) Anomalocardia caloosana (Dall) Turritella sp. Nassarius vibex (Say)


90 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Olivella mutica (Say) Marginella sp. Sand, gray, quartz, and shells containing the following: 1417 Phaeoides pensylvanicus (Linnaeus) Laevicardium serratum (Linnaeus) Transenella caloosana Dall Chione cancellata (Linnaeus) Anomalocardia caloosana (Dall) Tellina (Merisca) dinomera Dall Corbula caloosae Dall Fissuridea carditella Dall Cerithium sp. cf. C. glaphyrea litharium Dall Turritella perattenuata Heilprin Nassarius sp. ind. Marginella gravida Dall? Olivella mutica (Say) Terebra dislocata Say Sand, white, quartz ___ _ __--___ --1755 Tamiami Formation Sand, gray, coarse, quartz, shelly .... -_ ..----------.... -5563 WELL 29 SW4 SWU sec. 22, T. 40 S., R. 32 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Recent sand and soils Sand, quartz ___ -----0------04 Muck, peat, black 4 -_______ --__--_. -------..---. 48 Fort Thompson Formation Sand, gray, quartz, marly ___ .-----_. --------_----.. 8 -11 Caloosahatchee Marl Marl, gray, sandy, with a few shells -.. --------------11 -15 Marl, gray --___-__-__ ---------------------1520 Marl, gray, sandy, very shelly ____......... .....--------2027 Marl, gray, sandy, slightly shelly ------___... .----2734 Tamiami Formation Shell marl, light-gray, very sandy _...------------3438 Shell marl, light-gray, sandy 3842 Sand, light-gray, quartz, slightly shelly --_-__._-4248 Marl, grayish-green, sandy, shelly ____ .... 4856 Marl, greenish-gray, silty, plastic _. .___-_-___-5662 Marl, gray, sandy, very shelly ___62 -75


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 37 91 WELL 201 NW' SW%/ sec. 20, T. 42 S., R. 30 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Lake Flirt Marl Sand, black, quartz, carbonaceous .--.....---.. __.__-01 Marl, gray, fresh-water, and quartz sand --1 -5 Fort Thompson Formation Marl, tan, sandy, and hard brown fresh-water limestone -5 -20 Caloosahatchee(?) Marl Marl, tan-gray, sandy, shelly _ ___--_--2038 Tamiami (?) Formation Marl, green, sandy (medium to granule-size quartz), slightly shelly ... .. ....--......._-.....-..__ ---__ -3857 Hawthorn (?) Formation Marl, green, very sandy --.._ _ --.. -..._ ---__ .--_.--57180 Marl, green, clayey, and some phosphorite granules and small pebbles --... ___---_..-... _-__. -180 -220 Marl, green, sandy, phosphatic --_-------____..... ____ .220240 Marl, white, clay, very shelly, phosphatic -----240261 Marl, white, phosphatic, interbedded with white cryptocrystalline limestone -_ ___---___ -261 -282 Marl, green, clay, phosphatic, shelly _____. 282290 Limestone, white to light-gray, finely crystalline, and light-gray phosphatic shelly marl .-__-__----. 290356 Marl, green, clay, shelly _--_-----__--.----_--356374 Marl, greenish-gray, and gray, finely crystalline limestone 374384 Limestone, finely crystalline, and some light-green marl --. 384400 Tampa Formation and Suwannee Limestone, undifferentiated Limestone, white and light-tan, crystalline, porous, permeable, fossiliferous ________ _.._.._ ..._ 400 -430 Limestone, white; Robulus americanus? --_____----. 430475 Limestone, white and tan, finely crystalline, and lightgray friable fine-grained quartz sandstone --_---475 -619 Limestone, tan and white, and dark-green sandy marl ---619634 Marl, olive-green, sandy ___-...---.-----------634 -642 WELL 238 NE~4SW1 sec. 19, T. 42 S., R. 30 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface No samples --...._.-_ --_-------------.--020 Caloosahatchee (?) Marl Marl, tan-gray, very sandy ---.--~--------2030 Tamiami(?) Formation Marl, olive-green, sandy --------------3060

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92 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Hawthorn Formation Marl, green, micaceous _____ 60-110 Marl, green, clay, phosphatic 110 -126 Marl, dark-green, sandy, micaceous, phosphatic, with Bulimina gracilis and B. gracilis, var spinosus _ 126 -185 Marl, greenish-gray, phosphatic 185200 No samples 200 -226 Marl, greenish-gray, phosphatic, and crystalline limestone __ 226-260 Marl, white, phosphatic, and finely crystalline limestone _ 260 -300 Marl, grayish-green, clayey, shelly, slightly phosphatic _ 300325 Limestone, white, finely crystalline 325 -390 Tampa Formation Limestone, white, finely crystalline, and light-gray friable, fine-grained quartz sandstone -_ _ 390430 Limestone, tan, finely crystalline, and light-gray friable medium-grained quartz sandstone ___ _ 430 -500 WELL 240 SENW4 sec. 25, T. 42 S., R. 33 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface No sample ___ 010 Fort Thompson Formation and Caloosahatchee Marl, undifferentiated Sand, cream, quartz, very shelly (Chione cancellata) 1050 Caloosahatchee Marl and Tamiami Formation, undifferentiated Sandstone, quartz, friable, shelly, and coarse quartz sand, with a few small phosphate pebbles __ 5090 Tamiami Formation Marl, white, sandy, with quartz and phosphate pebbles, and coarse friable sandstone 90100 Limestone, cream, sandy, silty, and coarse white shelly sandstone 100 -140 Marl, cream, silty, micaceous __ 140 -160 Hawthorn Formation Marl, sandy, silty, micaceous, and dark-green clay _ 160220 Clay, green 220 -240 Marl, sandy, and green clay 240270 Marl, light-green, silty, and coarse quartz and phosphatic sand; some light-green siltstone 270 -350 Limestone, green, silty 350370 Marl, dark-green, sandy, phosphatic, shelly 370420 Marl, green, clayey, shelly 420490 Marl, light-green, phosphatic, and white phosphatic limestone and green clay __ 490530

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 93 Marl, light-gray, phosphatic __530 -540 Marl, light-gray, phosphatic, and white limestone -----_-.. 540550 Tampa Formation Limestone, cream, shelly, porous, and light-gray phosphatic marl __ ___ __ 550 -630 Marl, green, clayey _630640 Limestone, cream, nodular, chalky, porous 640670 Suwannee (?) Limestone Limestone, cream, nodular and chalky, and tan crystalline dolomite; Dictyoconus cookei? __ 670 -700 Limestone, tan, chalky, phosphatic, and tan dolomitic limestone _______ __ --700 -740 Dolomite, tan and cream, chalky, and nodular limestone --_ 740 -800 Limestone, cream, shelly, porous, nodular, and tan dolomite 800 -840 Limestone, cream, nodular -840850 Ocala Group Limestone, cream, chalky, nodular, porous, shelly; Lepidocyclina ocalana 850 -910 Limestone, white, porous, chalky, and tan crystalline dolomite; Lepidocyclina ocalana in abundance 910 -1000 Limestone, cream, nodular, chalky, and tan crystalline dolomite; Lepidocyclina 1000 -1060 Limestone, cream, chalky, porous _----1060 -1190 Limestone, white, chalky, nodular, porous, Lepidocyclina 1190 -1220 No further samples available ___ 1220-13420 WELL 241 SWV4NW/ sec. 12, T. 42 S., R. 32 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Recent organic soils Peat, fibrous, black __ 05 Fort Thompson Formation Sand, dark-brown __ 510 Sand, brown, shelly (Chione cancellata) and tan freshwater limestone _ 1015 Caloosahatchee Marl Sand, cream, quartz,,shelly (mainly Chione cancellata) 1525 Sand, white, quartz, fine ---._ 2535 Sandstone, dark-gray, quartz, coarse-grained, very shelly, friable; in part a coquina --3565 Shell bed, dark-gray, sandy; mainly Ostrea, a few Chione cancellata _ 6575 Tamiami(?) Formation Marl, grayish-green, sandy -7580 Sand, light-gray, quartz, coarse to fine, silty 8090 Sand, white, quartz, fine to coarse -90 -116

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94 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WELL 266 SWNW1A sec. 1, T. 41 S., R. 30 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Miocene and Oligocene, undifferentiated Sandstone, gray, calcareous; sand grains medium to fine, subangular, some frosted .... .....----..._ -_...-. 125140 Clay, olive-green, sandy ______.. -..._.__ ........ 140170 Clay, green and gray, sandy _----... , _ ....---------..... 170-200 Same as above with calcareous sandstone'; some fragments of shells, corals, and phosphorite __--------200260 Clay, olive-green, and calcareous sandstone; some phosphorite ...-..---__ ... ..... ... --------.---.---.......-----.... 260 -290 Siltstone, light-gray, with specks of phosphate; occasional molds of mollusks .-_ .---290 -320 As above, with small pebbles of phosphate --. ----_ ---320350 As above, with greenish clay ..__.._.........350,r 380 Siltstone, light-gray, and clay containing specks of phosphorite -------____ .--__.... .......--------.... 380 -410 As above, with casts of mollusks .-.......... .... ..-------.410 -440 As above, and phosphatic sandstone .----.---440530 Limestone, cream, with specks of phosphorite and sand -.. 530560 As above and fragmental limestone, fossiliferous, microcoquinoid, phosphatic ..... .----...... ...... __ ....---..-----.--. .560 -620 Limestone, cream, and pebble phosphate; molds and casts of mollusks ..--.. ... ..... .----------------.. ----.. 620 -650 As above, and gray phosphatic sandstone --------650740 As above, and olive-green plastic clay .....-------._....-..........740770 Limestone, cream, fragmental, microcoquinoid in places, fossiliferous __... ..___-_ ... -------------_ -....... 770 -830 Ocala Group Limestone, cream, coquinoid, calcitic; Lepidocyclina sp. -. 830-860 Dolomite, tan, and limestone as above --.--------860889 Dolomite, tan, sugary ...---.....---........--....----. ----------889900 Dolomite, tan and cream, and fragmental limestone; Lepidocyclina sp. _.. .---........-----............... ....---900 -9010 Limestone, white, chalky; Lepidocyclina ocalana ...--....... 910930 Limestone, white, chalky, microcoquinoid; Lepidocyclina ocalana, Operculinoides ocalana _. _ -... -....--......... 930960 Limestone, white, chalky; Operculinoides moodybranchensis _. ._.._.. ..................... 960 -980 Dolomite, tan, sugary __ ...--------980-990 As above, with molds of Lituonella -_. ----------------.--. 990 -1000 As above, with foraminifers -..-__ ___ --.....-------... 10001070 Dolomite, tan, granular -....._..__ .._ ._ 1070-1090 As above, with Operculinoides moodybranchensis -...-.... 10901150 Avon Park Limestone Limestone, bluish-white, fragmental, with Lituonella floridana, and typical Avon Park fauna _.....-_..... .... 1150 -1160

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 95 Limestone, bluish-white, mostly coquina of Foraminifera 1160 -1320 Limestone, tan, fragmental, mostly coquina of Foraminifera .----.. .-............. ---.......... -----.. .-... --.. 1320 -1350 As above with Dictyoconus americanus; Lituonella floridana and miliolids .......... .....-----------------. .1350-1500 Lake City Limestone As above and brecciated limestone and calcite in clay matrix ....--............... .-----.. --------------1500 -1530 Limestone, cream; Dictyoconus americanus ..----.... .-------.. 1530 -1710 Dolomite, brownish-gray, dense and abundant crystals of calcite. Dictyoconus americanus common -----.---17101773 No further samples available ....-----.....------....-. --------177310,057 Hendry County WELL 4 NE 1NE 1 sec. 20, T. 43 S., R. 33 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Pamlico Sand Sand, light-gray, quartz ........--.... ..........-.---------04 Fort Thompson (?) Formation Limestone, dark-brown, hard ._--._---.-------46 Caloosahatchee Marl Sand, light-gray, shelly ---......-.....---.--------------615 Tamiami Formation Sand, gray, marly, very shelly .......------------1520 Shell, gray, marl, sandy .....---...--.---------. 2030 Shell, dark-gray, marl, silty, sandy; about 90 percent of shells are Ostrea ..--........ .-----------.----.... -3050 Marl, dark-gray, clayey, sandy, shelly; Ostrea ..----.------. 5084 Sand, gray, marly, shelly, and some quartz pebbles -------84 -91 Sand, light-gray, coarse, quartz, with some pebbles -----91 -127 Hawthorn Formation Marl, green, clayey _........................---------------------127-129 WELL 20 NW4 SW/4 sec. 34, T. 43 S., R. 32 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Pamlico Sand Sand, gray, silty _-.....-...--.----------------------04 Fort Thompson Formation Sand, light-gray, shelly, and some quartzite pebbles _----.--46

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96 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Sandstone, calcareous, soft, friable _ __. 6 -9 Sand, light-gray, shelly, and some white quartzite pebbles 914 Chione cancellata (Linn6) Glycymeris pectinata (Gmelin) Venericardia tridentata Say Phaeoides amiantus Dall Cardium muricatum Linn6 Phaeoides nassula (Conrad) Area transversa Say Corbula cubaniana(?) d'Orbigny Transennella stimpsoni (Dall) Pecten gibbus (Linn6) Turritella variegata Linn6 Fort Thompson Formation and Caloosahatchee Marl, undifferentiated Sand, tan, quartz -_ ...-_ ...-..-...-_.... ...... 1423 Sand, white, quartz, fine ....--.....------. ----_ ........-...-. .2350 WELL 194 NW%~SE% sec. 4, T. 45 S., R. 30 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface No samples _.....--.__-_.._. --_-......--... -..._ 020 Tamiami Formation Marl, cream, very sandy, shelly (Pecten) ................ 2040 Marl, greenish-tan, sandy, shelly (Pecten and Balanus); Bulimina gracilis ..--. _ ..-... ... -_...-_---.... ---....... 40 -80 Sand, light-green, fine quartz, micaceous ----..-.-------80-100 No sample ...--....--_--_--. ....-...----......... ..-......--. .. 0 100 -110 Hawthorn Formation Sand, green, quartz, fine ..._-.----....................-..---.-----. 110140 Marl, olive-green, sandy, slightly micaceous -_140214 Sand, light-gray, quartz, very coarse, and small pebbles of quartz and black phosphate ___ -__ 214 -240 Marl, olive-green, sandy, very shelly ..-----..----.. --. -_ .240 -250 Sand, olive-green, quartz, fine to coarse, very silty, shelly -. 250 -260 Marl, dark-green, sandy ...-------------..-----. ...--... --. -260 -270 Limestone, very sandy, silty, soft, shelly, and a few quartz pebbles __ _.... _ 270 -280 Marl, light-gray, and limestone, sandy, shelly __..-........ 280-290 Limestone, cream, soft, fossiliferous, and some coarse quartz sand , --__ _ 290 -300 Sand, light-gray, quartz, fine to coarse --_ __ 300 -310 No sample; reported as quartz pebbles and very coarse cemented quartz sand _ -----------..-__ 310326

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 97 WELL 277 SWNW%4 sec. 9, T. 43 S., R. 29 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Pamlico Sand Sand, light-gray, quartz .........-------.............._.----.-----04 Fort Thompson Formation Sand, brown, quartz, very shelly (Chione cancellata) ...... 414 Limestone, dark-brown, hard, fresh-water, interbedded with cream silty, shelly, marine sand containing an abundance of Chione cancellata ..-.......---___..._ ..... ..-----1426 Caloosahatchee Marl Limestone, dark-gray, sandy; Cerithium caloosaense heilprini Dall? .-.--.------------.--------.2627 Sand, cream, quartz, very shelly; mainly Pecten, Ostrea, and Chione cancellata ....------...--..... .......---------------. .2741 Tamiami Formation Sand, light-gray, quartz, fine, marly, silty, phosphatic, and a few interbeds of greenish marl between 68 and 84 feet .-.--..--.---.. .. ..---------------4184 Hawthorn Formation Marl, green, and interbeds of gray fine micaceous sand -. 8494 Limestone, cream, porous, fossiliferous .--_.--...--..-------94104 Marl, cream, sandy, and thin beds of white limestone -.104 -126 Marl, white, sandy, and interbeds of gray fine to very coarse quartz sand -...---.......... ...----.. .... ... 126-131 Sand, gray, quartz, fine to coarse, shelly ___...--.... ---131139 Limestone, white, shelly --......---.......-------------139170 WELL 279 NENW% sec. 19, T. 44 S., R. 28 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Pamlico Sand Sand, gray, quartz ...........----.--------------------------03 Fort Thompson Formation Sand, brown, quartz, marly ..----.....----------------------315 Limestone, brown, fresh-water, dense, hard ..-----.-..--1516 Tamiami (?) Formation No samples; reported as sand .....--------.-----------------_ 1675 Sand, light-gray, marly, silty _..----------...--.. ...._ 7584 Marl, cream, sandy, shelly, slightly phosphatic --8488

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98 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Hawthorn Formation Marl, green, sandy, slightly micaceous -----.... .._.......... .... 8895 Marl, green, very sandy _.-......-_......__.............. 95-105 Sand, dark-green, quartz, coarse, silty, and some phosphate 105 -134 Limestone, white, slightly fossiliferous, porous, permeable 134155 Sand, light-gray, quartz, very coarse, silty, and some phosphate pebbles --..----------..-------.. ....... -............. 155 -156 Limestone, cream, fossiliferous, slightly phosphatic .-......-156163 Marl, cream, clayey -....-------....---------....................----... ..... 163 -175 Marl, green, clayey, phosphatic --------.....--........-...........-....... 175185 Limestone, white, shelly, porous, permeable -.......---.......-... 185210 Marl, green, shelly, clayey, phosphatic ...-------.........-.......-. 210270 Marl, green, clayey, shelly, finely phosphatic -.................. 270285 Marl, cream, shelly, finely phosphatic .......-.................... 285320 Marl, cream, clayey, shelly, phosphatic, with beds of white limestone and white plastic clay marl --.--...._... ..... ..... 320400 Marl, clayey, shelly, finely phosphatic ..---..-..--.....--..........-... 400 -420 Marl, brown, clayey, plastic, phosphatic (granules) .... ... 420425 Marl, tan, clayey .------------. -------.................. ........... 425439 Marl, tan, clayey, and tan fossiliferous crystalline limestone -------------..-----.----...........-............... 439 -448 Tampa Formation Limestone, white and tan, crystalline, fossiliferous, porous, permeable .------------.---------..-.._......................... 448 -492 Limestone, cream, fossiliferous, permeable; Amphistegina chipolensis, Elphidium chipolensis --..----... --..------...-......... 492 -531 WELL 281 SE' SE¼ sec. 16, T. 45 S., R. 32 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface Post-Miocene Sand, brown, shelly; some white marl and dark-brown limestone ..--------. ----------------.. ............................ ............ 020 Marl, white, sandy, shelly, and white limestone ............._.. 2040 Shell bed, cream ------------------------.------....................... 4050 Sand, light-tan, quartz, fine, silty, shelly -------..-..-............... 5080 Tamiami Formation Limestone, white, fossiliferous .-------......---------.. ................. 80150 Hawthorn Formation Marl, green, silty, phosphatic, shelly -.-----------..............._..... 150 -170 Marl, dark-green, clayey; Bulmina gracilis ---.._---..-............ 170180 Marl, dark-green, silty, sandy, shelly -.-------.. ------.................-. 180270 Marl, dark-green, clayey, silty ..---......--------...................... 270290 Marl, olive-drab, sandy, with a few quartz pebbles, and some white limestone _ ............_......__....... 290 -330 Marl, green, silty, shelly ......... ....... ..._......_ .330340

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 99 Marl, dark-green, clayey ..........................-..-----------..---340380 Marl, green, sandy, clayey -....-.-............... .. .-.. 380 -410 Tampa Formation Limestone, white, fossiliferous, and some green clayey marl -_ ----....._.............._......----. ........... -....--410 -420 Limestone, white, fossiliferous, porous; some white phosphatic marl .. ....-.....-....--........ _-_-. ..-...--..----..-.. 420 -470 Limestone, cream, porous, soft, shelly ....-.--..-. .. -..... 470 -490 Limestone, cream, dense, porous .--....------.---...------....... .490530 Marl, gray, sandy, phosphatic, and white dense limestone 530600 Suwannee Limestone Limestone, cream, shelly, soft, and tan dense limestone; Dictyoconus cookei ..--......... ........... .. .-........ -. .600 -620 Limestone, white, porous, chalky, fossiliferous -----....-----620 -680 Limestone, tan, porous ......------..-----.....-------------. 680 -730 Limestone, cream, porous, nodular to chalky, phosphatic, and some brown crystalline dolomite --..........-.........-----. 730 -780 Dolomite, brown and tan, crystalline .. ...--.-.........------780840 Limestone, tan, porous -.......--.................--..........--. 840 -860 Dolomite, brown, crystalline, and tan porous limestone --. 860910 Limestone, white, porous, and white crystalline limestone 910980 Ocala Group Limestone, cream, chalky, nodular; Heterostegina ocalana, Lepidocyclina ocalana ....--.............. ----------9801045 WELL 282 NW14 SEy/ sec. 14, T. 47 S., R. 31 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface No samples ..----...-......--.. --.--.--------------------------0-110 Tamiami Formation Limestone, gray, porous, fossiliferous ....--......-...---...-----. .110 -120 Hawthorn Formation Marl, dark-green, sandy, phosphatic --...--..-..... -.. .-------120 -140 Marl, dark-green, clayey, and light-gray phosphatic marl 140 -170 Marl, olive-drab, silty, sandy, shelly, phosphatic, with quartz and black phosphate pebbles ...---.......-------170-290 Marl, green, clayey, and white limestone and sandy marl -.290 -350 Marl, white, sandy, shelly, phosphatic .....--------350380 Marl, light-gray, sandy, phosphatic, and cream soft, fossiliferous limestone -..........---------------------------380 -410 Tampa Formation Limestone, white, porous, permeable, slightly phosphatic 410 -440, Limestone, tan, porous, fossiliferous, chalky ...-------.... .---440470

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100 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Suwannee Limestone Marl, cream, chalky, phosphatic, and cream chalky limestone; Operculinoides vicksburgensis at 470-500 feet _ _ 470560 Limestone, cream, chalky, porous -...-__--...._...........--560650 Limestone, gray, hard, crystalline, porous _..-...--... 650740 Limestone, light-tan, sandy, chalky; some white dense limestone, and cream silty marl 740860 Marl, green, clayey ___._. 860980 Limestone, light-tan, sandy, chalky, with some green clayey marl __ --...___..._-------_--__......-980 -1010 No sample -___ 1010 -1040 Ocala Group Limestone, cream, silty, porous, nodular, and gray dense limestone: Lepidocyclina _ ___._ .__ 1040 -1100 Limestone, cream, porous, nodular, chalky; gray limestone; tan, crystalline limestone and dolomite; Heterostegina ocalana, Lepidocyclina ocalana _ .------.1100-1190 Limestone, tan, chalky; tan nodular crystalline limestone; Lepidocyclina, Operculinoides moodybranchensis .----1190 -1310 Avon Park Limestone Limestone, tan, chalky; Peronella dalli _---.--.--. -1310 -1340 Limestone, cream, chalky, and tan crystalline dolomite; Dictyoconus cookei, Coskinolina floridana ---------13401460 Limestone, cream, nodular, chalky, and tan dense dolomite; Dictyoconus cookei .--__ .. -.. --____-.-. _.........-........ 14601670 No sample --__ __. --_-1670 -1700 Lake City Limestone Limestone, cream, chalky, nodular, dense; Dictyoconus cookei, Coskinolina floridana, and Dictyoconus americanus .___ -------..--.....-...-..--..--.......---. 1700 -1916 No further samples available ----------------. -1916 -11,794 WELL 283 SE% SE% sec. 13, T. 45 S., R. 28 E. Depth, in feet, Material below land surface No samples -.._---_-______-... ... --.. ..-...0 -100 Hawthorn Formation Marl, green, sandy 100 -110 Sand, green, quartz, coarse to fine, silty --...._-------____ 110 -130 Sand, quartz, coarse, and small pebbles, shelly, and some phosphate .._______........ .130 -190 Limestone, cream, soft, porous; some gray hard limestone and coarse quartz sand _. _ __190250 Limestone, cream, porous, soft, and cream silty marl; some coarse quartz sand -_ -_ 250280

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 37 101 Limestone, white, soft, chalky, porous, and coarse quartz sand ______ 280300 Sand, gray, medium to coarse, shelly, phosphatic, and cream hard limestone ___ 300 -360 Marl, gray, sandy, phosphatic, shelly, and cream limestone _ -_..... --.--......-.--------. 360 -420 Tampa Formation Limestone, white, porous, fossiliferous, and gray shelly phosphatic marl __________ 420 -450 Limestone, cream, porous to chalky, fossiliferous --_---__ 450550 Suwannee Limestone Limestone, cream, porous to chalky, fossiliferous; Operculinoides vicksburgensis .___ -__ _.---_......--_------550 -640 Limestone, cream, porous, fossiliferous, phosphatic, chalky, and phosphatic marl __640690 Limestone, cream, porous, fossiliferous, chalky __-.. ---690740 Limestone, white, porous, crystalline, and tan crystalline dolomite --740 -880 Limestone, white, porous and chalky .--.-.----__..-___----880910 Limestone, cream, porous and chalky -----_ --------910970 Limestone, gray, sandy, porous -_ _970 -1020 Limestone, cream, porous, chalky to crystalline ---_-_.1020 -1050 Ocala Group Limestone, cream, porous, crystalline to chalky, and tan crystalline dolomite ______ 1050 -1080 Limestone, cream, porous, nodular to crystalline; Lepidocyclina ____ ___--------1080 -1180 As above; contains Lepidocyclina, Operculinoides ___ 1180 -1240 Limestone, cream, porous, crystalline; Lepidocyclina, Operculinoides .._.._.....-_-_-_ --._ -----------. 1240 --1450 Avon Park Limestone Limestone, cream, porous, chalky, and tan crystalline dolomite; Dictyoconus cookei?, Spirolina coryensis .---.. 1450-1550 No further samples available -__-----.. 1550 -6098

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TABLE 8. Record of Wells in Glades and liendry Counties, Use uf water: 0, domestic; In. Industrial; Ir, Irrigation; N, none; 0, observation; P, public supply; S, stock; T, esat. F;nish: OE, upen end; SC, screened; SP, sand point. Remarks: Ca, complete chemical analysis of water sample; Cp, partial chemical analysis of water sample; L, log of well included in report. GLADES COUNTY Location Casing e 3 .h S | | I c a F P t ' | I Sf Owner aB I" I s Remaks 1 NE NW 3 41 30 R. J. Brewton 525 6 ..... OE .+10.5 5-15-2 -D 75 126 12-19-52 43 6-24.59 2 NW NE 11 42 32 Coburn Chemical Co. 804 6 700 OE 1,160 +87.1 49-53 -N 75 Cp. 8 SW NW 20 42 38 U. S, Sugar Corp. 02 2 -OE ----D 74 4 SE SE 12 42 33 .. do 80 2 OE ---D 5 SW SE 24 42 33 d.3do. 185 --. -.--N 6 SW SW 22 40 32 A. Van Broeck 22 1% -.. OE ... ..-S 7 NW NW 27 40 82 A. Deyaert 18 1% OE -----D 76 8 SW NE 18 42 32 E. S. Daughtry 104 2 -OE --.--N 76 9 NW NE 19 42 33 G. Sanders 52 1% -OE ----D 76 10 SE NW 17 42 33 U. S. Sugar Corp. 85 2 OOE -----.. D 11 SE NE 31 42 84 Shawnee Farms 102 2% .. OE -.. --.--12 SE NW 1 39 82 U. S. Indian Service 120 2 -OE 208 -1-29-53 -In .. -Cp. S1 NE NE 9 40 33 C. Close 48 1% -SP 455 ... 1.28-53 -S .77 Cp.

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14 SE NE 23 40 32 L.L. Booker 35 1% 4 OE ----.. D 15 NW NE 28 40 32 J.L. Beck 25 1% .OE .. .. .D 16 NE NE 9 41 32 H.C. Otto 25 1% -OE .. ... .-D 17 NE SE 7 42 32 W.H. Goering 18 1% -SP -.-D ..18 SW SE 24 42 33 U. S. Sugar Corp. 30 2 -OE --.D 76 9 SW SE 24 42 88 .-do 30 2 _ OE ... -D .20 SW NW 12 42 32 Town of Moore Haven 28 2 28 -. .. ---N 21 NW NW 8 38 32 U.S S.ugar Corp. .13 1% -SP -3.04 8-28-50 -0 22 NW NW 29 38 34 A. Pearre 1,215 6 432 OE 270 +31.0 36-51 565 Ir 82 Ca.; L. 28' NW NW 20 38 34 __-do110 6 65 OE 218 2.34 37-61 -Ir 76 Ca. 25 SW SW 12 42 32 Glades Electric Corp. 97 2 ---... --T 26 SE SW u5 41 28 Lykes Bros. 120 2 -OE 19 -125-52 --D -Cp. 2' NE NW 25 39 33 Soil Conservation Service 75 4 ..268 -7-22-43 -T -Ca.: L. 28 NW SE 11 42 32 _do.-.. --63 6 -112 .8-28-43 -T -Ca. L. 20 SW SW 22 40 32 ....75 4 --270 -91-43 -T -Ca.: L. 30 SW SW 38 42 29 J. F. Danna 95 --OE 19 -124-53 -D 72 8' NW SW 88 42 29 B. Cross 320 ., -OE .....--S i SE SW 29 42 29 A. C. Bailey 85 1% -OE 255 -123-52 -D 88 SE SW 29 42 29 .do 35 1 ..-.. OE 21 .124-52 .. D 841 SW SE 29 42 29 Unknown 30 1% -OE -... ....... -D 85 SE SE 29 42 29 -do ........ .... 1% --. -...-.. D 86 NW SE 20 42 29 Lykes Bros. 1% .. ... 29 ..... 123-52 -.. S 76 87' SW SE 12 42 28 B. Branch Cattle Co. 96 1%/ -OE 114 ._ 124-52 _D 77 Cp. 38 NE SW 15 42 28 Fritchie -1% -..-.. 60 ...... 12. 4-62 .. D 74 89 NW SW 10 42 28 B. Branch Cattle Co. 112 1% -OE 18 ...... 124-52 .S 76 40 NE SE 9 42 28 .... do ............. 173 2 130 OE 44 .... 124.52 .D ..Cp.

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TABLE 8. (Continued) Location CasnlP % w I i 1 Remark1 Owner -a Rem arks 41 NE SE 0 42 28 B. Branch Cattle Co. 180 2 ...... OE ...... ...... ............ ... S 42 NW SW 9 42 28 102 2 .... OE 14 .4-29-58 .. S 75 Op. 43 NW NE 17 42 28 B. Austin 140 2 .... OE 36 -12. 4-52 D, 75 44 SE NE 18 42 29 W. Greer 90 2 .... OE 72 .124-52 .. D 76 45 SE NE 18 42 29 ................... 112 2 ... OE 84 -124-52 .76 Cp. 46 NW NW 6 42 29 Lykes Bros. .... 14 .... .... 5 -125-52 .S 77 47 SW SE 86 42 28 C. B. Hoyle 106 1% ..... OE 13 _.125-52 D 78 Cp. 48 NE SW 28 42 29 B. Ballard 825 14 .. OE 66 _.12-16-52 -D 77 Cp. 49 SW NW 26 42 29 Lykes Bros. 500 4 _OE 852 _12-15-52 -79 Cp. 50 NW NW 24 42 29 C. C. Carlton 85 4 ... OE 83 .1.26-58 S 7 Cp. 51 SE SW 18 42 80 Brown 15 11 .-. SP ..... 3.83 12-15-52 .N 52 NW NE 24 42 29 C. C. Carlton 491 6 351 OE 886 ..12-15-52 225 Ir 81 Cp. +14.5 8-12-58 80 395 -_ 67-68 400 58 NE NE 19 42 80 .495 4 450 OE 858 -_ 122-52 30 D, S 80 Cp. 475 +29.7 56-58 79 54 SE SE" 21 42 80 ...... do .................. 776 6 257 OE 262 +28.0 2.25-53 -Ir 80 212 +41.0 56-68 80 80 55 SW SE 16 42 80 J. H. Van Cleve 62 114 01 OE 50 _12-16-52 .. D, S -Cp. 56 NW SE 29 41 80 Lykes Bros. 700 4 -OE 59 14.30-58 10 S 79 Cp. |+5.5 16-58 78

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57 NE NE 29 41 30 J. J. Hess 22 1 % -. SP 19 12-16-52 ... D 75 Cp. 58 SW NE 28 41 80 Atlantic Coast Line RR. 608 6 -.. OE 36 +11.6 12-16-52 1 S 76 81 +12.4 57-58 59 SE NE 9 41 80 .-........ 693 3 200 OE 100 -12-16-62 -D -Cp. 60 SW NW 10 41 30 T. Gaskins 30 2 _.. SP 10 __ 12-16-52 -D -Cp. 61 SE NW 10 41 80 T. Gaskins 70 2 _ SP 12 ..... 12-16-52 .D 75 62 SW NW 4 42 31 E. W. Partridge 22 2% _SP 68 _ 12-16-52 -D 63 NE SE 5 42 81 H. Heflin 65 1% -SP 43 -12-16-52 .D 64 SE NE 5 42 31 J. B. Arnold -1 .... .... 56 ... 12-16-52 -D 75 65 NW SE 5 42 81 S. Wayman 30 1% -.SP 22 ... 12-16-52 .. D 66 NW SE 5 42 31 -.. do ............ 26 1% .. SP 32 ... 12-16-52 _ D -Cp. 67 NW SE 17 42 81 F. Snhauer 80 1 ..... SP 86 .... 12-16-52 __ D 68 .NW NW 22 42 31 F. Coyner 180 1% 176 OE 29 _.. 12-16-52 D 75 69 NW NW 22 42 31 _ do -................. 22 1% ..... SP 24 ..... 12-16-52 __ D 75 70 SW NW 21 41 29 Lykes Bros. ... 1% .... ..-28 ..... 12-17-52 _S 76 71 NE SW 6 41 209 ........ do ...................... 34 2 .. OE .... 3.06 12-17-52 N.. N 75 Cp. 65 4-29-53 72 SW NE 35 40 28 .......... do ................ .... 1% .. .... 97 -12-16-62 .S 75 78 SE SW 27 40 28 ......... do ..................... 22 1% Y .... SP 66 .... 12-16-52 .-... D 76 Cp. 74 NE SE 21 40 28 S. L. Farabee 20 ...... SP 34 .. 12-17-52 ...... D 76 75 NE SW 22 40 28 Unknown 17 1 ...... SP 15 ... 12-17-52 .... N 77 76 NW SE 22 40 28 H. A. Fenno 150 1% .. OE 35 ... 4-29-58 S 76 Cp. 77 NE SW 7 40 29 0. Ingraham 21 1V% ...... SP 26 .... 12-17-52 ..D 74 Cp. 78 NW SW 21 42 29 W.B. Whidden .. 114 ..... ...... ...... .... ............. ... D . 79 NE SE 6 41 31 S. B. Snell 70 1I ...... OE 19 ...... 12-18-62 ..... D 74 Cp. 80 NW NE 6 40 30 V. T. Oxer 25 1V ...... SP 11 ...... 12-18-52 ... D .... Cp. 81 NW NE 6 40 30 Peeples .... 1 ...... ...... 10 ...... 12-18-52 ...... Ir

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TABLE S, (Continued) Location Casing 82 SW SW 16 40 80 Peoples .1 11 B Owner R earks 82 SW SW 16 40 80 Peoples 1/4 -. 11 -22.18-.2 8 76 88 SE SE 83 40 80 Atlantic Coast Line RR. 618 6 340 OE 41 + 8.6 12-i.52 -D 74 Cp. 116 +10.0 6-24-59 84 SW NW 84 40 30 V. F. Thirsk -1% -9 .. 12-18-52 D 85 SW SW 34 40 80 Palmdale General Store 47 111 -SP 11 -12-18.52 -D -Cp. 86 NW NW 8 41 80 S. B. Snell 800 -294 .. 18 12-18-52 -D 76 Cp. 87 SW NW 8 41 80 G. E. Fleming 40 2 .SP 17 12-18-52 D 88 NE NW 8 41 80 L. Kunzo -1 --60 2.. 1219-52 .. D 75 89 NE NW 8 41 80 C. C. Arnold 40 1% SP 36 -_ 12-19-52 -. D 75 90 NE SE 84 40 80 S. B. Snell 35 1% OE 29 _ 12-19-52 -D -Cp. 91 NE NW 84 40 80 J. H. Hogan 5 1% SP 20 -12-19-52 -D 74 92 SE NW 8 41 80 R. Hendry 40 1 % SP 29 -12-19-52 .. D 98 SE NW 8 41 80 J.R. Harris 86 14 75 OE 18 -12-19-52 -D -Ca.;Cp. 94 SE NW 3 41 30 J. Crews 46 1% -OE 16 -12-19-52 -D 75 Cp. 95 SW NW 8 41 30 R. F. Haskew 25 14 -SP 12 12-19-52 -D 75 96 NE NE 4 41 0 G. E. Fleming 38 11 SP 38 12-19-52 D 97 NE NE 14 41 30 C.V. Wadlow 25 1% S SP -D 98 NE NE 14 41 30 _ do 5...5 1% -SP 28 ... 12-19-52 D -Cp.

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99 NW NE 28 41 80 Lykes Bros. -1/ -19 _ 1-26-53 -S 74 100 SW SE 21 41 30 --do ..800 2 -.. .-S 101 SW SE 21 41 31 --do--11 -... 23 -1-26-53 _ D 77 102 SW NW 21 41 31 J. H. Dilley 41 11/ -SP 29 .1-26-58 _ D -Cp. 108 SE SW 21 42 30 C. C. Carlton 40 1% -OE 24 .. 1-26-65 _ S 75 104 NE S3 20 42 80 Unknown 4! 11/ -OE 17 _. 1-26-58 -S 76 105 NW SE 24 42 29 C. C. Carlton 800 1% -_ _ 73 -1-26-53 -S 76 106 NE NW 27 42 80 L. Williams 25 1% 22 OE 22 _ 1-26-53 -D 75 Cp. 107 NE NW 27 42 30 -.. do ....... 100 2 -SP -. .-N 108 NW NE 27 42 30 ---do __ .70 114 65 OE 48 1-26-53 D 109 NW SE 27 42 30 Atlantic Coast Line RR. 500 4 314 OE 212 _1-26-53 -D -Cp. 110 SE SE 21 42 80 W. A. Stevens 608 2 _OE 171 -1-26-58 1 D 78 Cp. 111 NE SE 27 42 30 U.S. Corps of Engineers 110 4 -.. OE 205 „„ 1-26-63 _D 112 SE NE 27 42 30 J. C. Hicks 50 1% 45 OE 29 _ 1-26-53 _ D 74 Cp. 113 NE SW 14 42 30 Glades County Cemetery _ 2 -.7 _1-27-58 _. Ir 114 NW NW 22 42 30 J.C. Darby _. 1%4 ... 28 _ 1-27-53 D 74 115 NW NW 22 42 30 .. 2 .-.24 -1-27-58 _ D 116 SW SW 18 42 31 State Road Department 750 4 ._. OE 510 _ 1-27-58 _ D -Cp. 117 SE NW 20 42 31 J. H. Peeples 17 11 .-SP 14 -1-27-53 -D 118 SE NW 20 42 31 .... do ....17 11/ -. SP 13 -1-27-53 _ D 75 Cp. 119 SE SW 20 42 81 Bailey -2 _.. ._.. .. N _120 SW SW 20 42 31 -do ---13 1% .. SP 23 -.. 1-27-53 -S 121 SW NE 20 42 31 J. H. Peeples 71 1% OE 26 -1-27-58 -D 122 SW NE 20 42 31 .. do.-.. .. 70 14 -.. OE 33 1-27-53 -Ir -Cp. 123 SW SW 14 42 81 J. H. Peeples 1,200 8 400 OE 2,350 +5.1 1-27-53 S 76 Cp. +4.8 10-10-56

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TABE 8. (Continued) Location Caslng I a 8 ..i _ l -oi N b * I Owner I ReI marks 124 NE NW 2 42 81 B. Peeples 35 14 .... OE 5T ... 1-27.53 -S 76 126 NE NW 2 42 81 J. H. Peeples 100 11 -... OE 43 -1.27-53 -D 126 SW NW 7 42 31 __. do ..... 25 1 OE 27 -.. 1-27-58 S 7 O p. 127 SW NW 6 42 81 W. H. Peeples 30 1% _ OE 67 _. 1.27.53 _ 76 128 SW SE 1 42 31 ...100 1% -SP 68 _1-27-653 S 75 Cp. 129 NW SW 8 42 81 Swift & Co. 100 11 __ SP 87 -1-27-53 -D 130 NE SW 32 41 81 J. J. Wiggins 162 1 %. -SP 133 -_ 1-27.53 _ D 74 Cp. 181 NW NE 5 42 32 _.. do .1 % 30 1 OE 68 -1-27.53 -S 75 132 N NWNW 5 42 32 .do _ 30 1% -OE 66 -1-27-53 -S 76 188 SE NW 8 42 32 __ do 16 1% SP 40 _ 1.27-53 -S 72 134 NW SE 8 42 82 Swift & Co. 66 1% -OE 60 -1-27-63 D 185 NW SW 9 42 82 J. J. Wigsins 28 14 -OE 48 _ 1-29-53 S 75 136 NW NW 30 38 35 G. H. Wynn 85 1% __ OE 468 _ 1-28-53 D 74 Cp. 187 NE NE 25 38 34 C. H. Shirling 97 1% 62 OE 375 -1-2858 3 D 378 9249 188 SE NE 25 38 34 _ do100 1% _ SP 390 -1-27-63 _ D 75 398 92-59 189 NE SW 4 39 34 A. Pierce 86 1% .SP 200 -1-28-53 -D 75 Cp. 207 .92-69

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140 NE SW 35 89 88 E. P. Scarborough 50 1% -OE 104 1-28-58 -D -Cp. so80 92-59 141 NE SW 85 89 3 ---do ........ 90 1% _ OE 568 1-28-53 -76 142 SW SE 3 40 88 C. O. Godwin 40 1% _ OE 565 _ 1-28-53 D -Cp. 605 92-59 148 SW SE 3 40 883 R. Roberson 20 1%i SP 490 1-28-53 D 400 92-59 144 NE NE 9 40 33 Hat Ranch 800 4 OE 1,050 +30.3 1-28-53 125 S 80 Cp. 1,190 91-59 145 SE NW 9 40 38 ..... 90 1% OE 492 128-63 -D 508 92-59 146 NE SE 8 40 33 C. E. Webb 126 2 OE 1,830 -1-28-53 -D 75 147 NW SW 9 40 388 T. Cook 47 1 SP 482 1-28-53 -D 245 92-59 148 NE SE 8 40 38 R. F. McDuffie 72 1% 54 OE 528 -1-28-58 D 250 92-59 149 SE SW 8 40 83 0. Whidden 32 114 SP 89 -1-28-53 -D 75 Cp. 150 SE SE 7 40 38 C. L. Thompson 52 2 _ OE 875 1-28-3 -D 75 730 93-59 161 NW NE 18 40 388 C. Q. Bustle 32 1% SP 895 1-28-53 -N 152 NW NW 18 40 33 J. Vander Velde 56 2 SP 1,700 -1-28-58 D -Cp. 188 NW NW 18 40 33 R. Roberson 42 1% 30 OE 338 -1-28-53 D 154 NE NE 13 40 32 W. G. Selby 46 1% SP 625 _1-28-53 D 75 155 SE SW 2 38 32 C. Lykes 600 6 _. OE 224 +20.5 1-29-53 D 79 Cp. 240 +19.0 59-58 156 SW NE 11 88 82 Lykes Bros. 600 6 OE 227 _ 1-29-53 D 79 157 NW SE 11 88 82 600 6 OE 250 .. 129-53 D 79 158 NE NE 35 88 82 --do ........... -1% .-16 .. 1-29-53 -S 75 159 SW NE 13 40 82 W. H. McDuffie 48 1 .SP 178 ... 1-29-53 .D -Cp. 171 93-59 160 NW SE 18 40 32 J. T. Reese 30 1 ... SP 775 1-29-53 .D .Cp.

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TABLE 8, (Continued) Location Casinu w nt I I A I a 9 1 g a' v Remarks 161 NW SE 18 40 32 Unknown 6 2 .... OE 208 .. 1.-20.58 _ D Cp. 188 W SE 18 40 82 Calilsa Lodge 25 1% -SP 802 -1-20-58 .Ir 188 NE SW 14 40 82 Stem-Etheredge Camp 65 1% .... OE 242 -1-29-58 -D 145 9. 8-59 164 SE SE 14 40 82 D. S. Click 65 114 ... OE 572 -1-29.68 -8 950 98-59 165 SW NE 28 40 82 M. G. Atchley 20 11 .SP 170 -1.29.58 -D -Cp. 116 98-69 166 SE NE 28 40 82 P. Smith 40 l/j -. OE 230 -1-29-58 -D 1117 NW NW 24 40 82 J. S. Click 25 11% -OE 3888 -1.29-58 ,D 168 NW NW 24 40 82 D. S. Click 102 1 i/ 100 SP 1,420 -1-29.58 -D -Cp. 1,480 98-59 169 SE SW 18 40 82 C. B. Swanson 70 2 65 SP 805 -1-29-58 -D . 885 98-59 170 SW NE 22 40 82 W. Click 80 114 -OE 256 -2.24.58 -D 145 98-59 :171 NE SW 22 40 82 .-do ..... -88 2 -OE 208 ._ 2-24-58 _S 172 NE SW 22 40 82 H. Click 40 1% --SP 268 -2.24-58 -S 178 NE SW 22 40 82 J. N. Click 26 1% IOE 72 .2.24-58 -D 76 Cp. 174 SW SW 22 40 82 L. Compton 52 11 .... SP 282 _2-24-58 -D Cp. 272 94-59

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175 NW NW 27 40 82 N. Platt 78 14% SP 282 2-24-58 D 74 S248 94-69 176 NE "NE 28 40 32 M. Whidden --.... 182 2-25-58 D 177 NW NE 28 40 32 A. Beck 40 1% _ SP 260 _ 2-25-58 -D _ Cp. 178 SW SE 21 40 82 M. Whidden 140 _SP -.D 179 SW NE 28 40 82 T. Beck 60 1% _ SP 180 _ 2-25-58 -D 180 NE NW 28 40 82 L. N. Journigan 105 1% OE 418 -2-25-58 -D COp. 181 SE SE 20 40 82 C. Clemons 110 1/4 .OE 208 _ 2-25-58 -D 206 94-69 182 SE SE 20 40 82 C. Pollard 110 14 OE 260 „ 2-25-58 -D, S 74 Cp. 188 SW SE 21 40 82 L. Skipper 25 114% SP 848 2-25-58 -78 845 94.59 Deepened to 115 ft. 184 SW SE 21 40 82 J. Whidden 115 1% OE 840 2-26-53 D 75 842 94-69 185 NW NW 10 41 82 A. A. Beck 101 1% 2 OE 860' 2-25-58 D DCp. 515 94-59 186 SW NE 3 41 82 Lykes Bros. 100 1% .OE 1,450 -2-25-58 D -Cp. 1,470 94-59 187 SE NE 82 40 82 L. Pratt 25 11% SP 880 -2-2658 D 74 188 SE NE 82 40 82 78 1%A __ OE 570 2-25-58 D 75 Op. 595 94-59 189 SE NE 9 41 82 A. T. Uzzel 40 1% 89 OE 288 -2-25-58 -D 284 94-59 190 NE NE 4 42 82 Lykes Bros. -1/% -... -15 .2-26-58 -D 191 SE NE 9 42 82 Summerall Station 100 1 ..... OE 160 -2-258 D 192 SE SE 84 42 80 S. Scott 1/4 ... .28 ... 2-2558 -D 76 198 NE SE 84 42 80 J. B. Cattle Co. 186 2 ...... OE 32 ... .2-25-58 D -p. 194 NE SE 84 42 80 Atlantic Coast Line RR. 68 4 .... OE 38 -2-2 -D 77 Op. 195 NE SE 34 42 80 68 3 .... OE 80 .2-25-58 ... D 74 Cp.

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TAaL 8, (Continued) i..... i --Location i Cumai I .8 I. i I 196 SW NE 34 42 30 J. B. Hendry Cattle Co. 15 114 .SP 27 _ 2-2538 D 197 SBE SE 34 42 30 G. Davidson 60 1% .OE 58 -2-25-3 _ D _ 198 NW NW 34 41 82 R. D. Lyons 31 1% .. OE 62 -2-26-53 8 D 199 BE SE 28 41 32 Unknown -1% --43 -2-26-63 -D _ 200 NE SE 11 42 28 I. E. Scott 860 4 -. OE 585 -8-12-53 81 Cp. 201 NW SW 20 42 30 C. C. Carlton 642 6 203 OE 326 -47-58 -Ir 79 Ca.: OCp.; L +38.0 5 668 202 NW SW 31 41 32 J. C. Wiins 110 8 -OE 86 83.13-3 -Ir 208 NE NW 22 39 382 Brighton Indian Reservation 65 1% -OE 24 -3-18-53 S -CP. 204 NW SW 13 39 32 -_do 65 % -OE 314 -3-13853 -S -Cp. 205 NE SW 10 40 31 Lykes Bros -4 -1,980 +11.2 3.13-53 6 8 79 Cp. 2.300 +10.5 57-58 5 78 206 NW NW 3 42 82 R.D. Lyons 40 1% -OE 71 3-13-53 S -Cp. 128 9. 4-59 207 SW SE 15 39 382 Brighton Indian Reservation 1,600 4 -OE 2,600 + 6.3 46-53 30 S 86 Cp. 1,220 +14.6 59.58 5 208 NW SW 12 39 82 .-do.. ... 1,250 6 -OE 279 .46-3 50 S 81 Cp. 332 +29.0 59-58 100 80 209 SW NW 12 42 82 Glades Electric Corp. 44 10 -OE 47 47-83 _ In 82 Cp. 210 SW NW 12 42 82 44 10 --OE___ In

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211 SW NW 12 42 2 Glades Electric Corp. 44 10 ---In 212 SW NW 12 42 32 Town of Moore Haven 87 8 -SC 40 -47-58 -P 76 CLa 218 NE NE 11 42 32 Moore Haven lee Co. 20 5 -SP 69 -47-63 -In -Cp. 214 NE SE 11 42 32 P. E. Lundy Plumbing Co. 18 1% .SC 40 -4-7-58 -Ir 78 215 NE NW 24 42 32 J. Griffin 26 1% -SP 34 48-53 -D 76 Op. 210 NB NW 24 42 32 _ do .70 2 -OE -+ 1.83 48-53 -N 217 SW NW 23 42 3 J. .Frierson 100 2 40 OE 1,050 483 S 79 Cp. 1,070 94-59 218 NE NW 21 42 33 R. D. Chamberlin 25 1% -SP 112 -4 9 -D, S 80 219 NW NE 19 42 83 Ola Sanders 25 1% SP 155 44 8-D 77 3i7 94-59 220 NE NE 24 42 82 E. D. Yaun 22 1% .SP -221 NE NW 18 42 8338 do_ _ 42 4 _ OE 46 -4-8-53 -S 75 Cp. 222 NE SE 12 42 32 S.T. Smoak 45 1% OE 52 -48 -D 79 223 NE SE 13 42 32 J. R. Langdale 57 2 _ OE 288 -48-8 -) 70 224 SW NE 13 42 32 T. Dazey 90 2 _ OE 795 -4843 .-DS 74 225 NW SW 13 42 32 F. Anse 35 1% _ SP 33 -48-8 -D 70 226 SE NW 25 42 32 Strayer Packing Co. 114 2 _ OE 488 -4853 -In 75 226A SE NW 25 42 32 ___do --_ 49 2 OE --In -In mniSold 226. 227 SW SE 25 42 33 Shawnee Farms 45 6 .OE 1,010 -4-9-53 In 74 Ca. 228 SE NE 81 42 34 __ .do 45 2 _ OE 300 -4-9-53 -F -Cp. 415 94-49 229 NW SE 25 42 32 G. Maxey 50 1% -OE 645 -49-5 -D. S 78 ,670 9-., 4-59 280 NW NE 13 42 32 George Lenart 53 2 -OE 565 -49-53 -D, S Op. 281 SW NW 12 42 32 Land of Sun Dairy 30 2 .SP ..... ----.. -N -

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TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casinu ja 8 Owner e I I_ _ __I 282 NW SE 10 42 32 B. Minerleh 40 1%4 -. OE 91 4953 -D 238 SE NW 22 42 82 C. C, Stewart 80 1% _. OE 85 -49-58 -D 284 SE NE 85 42 82 B. Beardsley 638 1% -. OE 395 -4-10583 -8 283 NW SW 86 42 32 __ -do ...... -1 ... 49 -4.10-58 -S 236 NE SE 11 42 28 E. Scott 500 4 -. OE 598 -4-29-8 1 S 80 Cp. 287 NW SE 14 40 28 M. T. Farabee 5 .. .. SP 14 _ 4-29-58 -D 72 Cp. 288 NE SW 19 42 30 C. C. Carlton 500 6 207 OE 5830 -3-18-54 800 82 L. 590 +37.0 56-58 650 82 239 SW NW 21 42 30 __do 716 6 254 OE 265 -7-14-53 810 Ir 340 +41.0 57-58 230 80 240 SE NW 25 42 388 Coastal Petroleum Co. 18,420 20 883 .----T -Ol test. 241 SW NW 12 42 82 Town of Moore Haven 116 12 59 OE .. --.. -P -L. 242 NE SE 8 42 31 W. H. Peeples , 3 -OE 1,620 +10.1 56-58 1 S 78 248 NE NE 2 42 80 Lykes Bros. -8 -OE 218 +12.0 -6-68 2 Ir 76 244 SW NW 21 42 30 .C. Carlton 800 6 -OE 2838 +39.9 67-58 165 -80 245 SE SW 80 38 34 A. Pearce 1,800 6 .. OE 1,050 -58-58 100 -84 246 NE SW 20 88 34 do 1,800 5 _. OE 830 +81.0 5858 200 5, Ir 82 247 NW NE 20 88 34 -do 1,300 6 _ OE 275 +32.0 58-58 410 S, Ir 80 248 SW SW 21 38 84 do 1.800 56 .OE 852 +32.0 58-58 150 S, Ir 81

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249 NE NW 28 88 34 A. Pearce 1,300 6 -. OE 298 +31.5 58-58 220 0, Ir 82 250 SE NE 28 38 34 .do --.1,300 6 .OE 262 +34.0 5-8-58 350 S, Ir 80 261 SW NE 22 88 34 .do--1,300 6 -. OE 280 +33.0 58-8 150 S, Tr 80 252 NW NW 22 38 34 -do .---1,300 6 _. OE 322 +32.5 -8-58 210 S, Ir 80 263 NW SE 16 38 34 --do--.--1,300 6 _ OE 460 +26.6 58-58 95 S, Ir 81 254 SE NW 16 38 4 1,300 6 _. OE 555 +28.0 5-8-58 185 S, Ir 82 255 SE SE 8 38 34,300 6 .OE 585 +19.5 58-58 150 S, Ir 80 256 SE SE 82 39 33 Hat Ranch 800 5 _ OE 670 +35.5 5-9-58 86 S,lr 80 257 SE NE 26 38 83 101 Ranch 70 -OE _ + 1.87 59-8 -Ir -. 258 NE E 36 41 31 J. J. Wiggins 78 8 OE + 0.48 8-12-58 -Ir 259 SE SE 36 41 3 1 .do 82 8 OE -+ 0.51 8-12-58 -Ir 260 NE NE 1 42 81 _ -do 80 8 _ OE 260 _ 8-14-58 -Ir 77 261 NW SW 10 42 28 Bee Ranch Cattle Co. 1,800 6 175 OE 480 + 4.1 18-58 7 Ir 80 262 NW SW 3 41 80 G. E. Fleming 460 4 _ OE .. + 7.1 1-10-8 -D 75 34 + 9.0 6-24-59 263 SE NW 20 42 31 D. Peeples 500 328 OE 640 +23.8 1-10-58 1 D 74 264 SW NW 12 42 82 Town of Moore Haven 87 12 -. OE 48 -_ 1-11-58 -P 75 265 SE NW 24 89 32 Brighton Indian Reservation -. 4 .. .428 +29.5 1-14-58 14 S, Ir 82 266 SW NW 1 41 30 Amarada Oil Co. 10,057 6 ..--.-T -Oil test; L. 267 SW NW 10 41 30 Florida Forest Service 600 5 450 OE 110 +10.0 6-25-9 D 268 SE NW 17 42 28 Florida Forest Service 450 4 238 OE 34 + 7.2 6-16-59 15 D 269 SW SE 25 38 34 R. Sims 116 2 108 OE 295 -92-59 -D 77 270 NE NE 9 40 33 G. Padgett 21 2 SP 1,140 -. 92-59 -D 271 SE SW 8 40 33 O. Whidden 15 114 _ SP 665 .9. 2-59 -D 272 SW SW 8 40 33 J. Wynn 32 2 _.. SP 115 -9. 2.59 -D 278 SW SW 8 40 33 ...do_ -32 2 ... SP 110 _.9-2-509 Ir ,,'

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TABL5 8, (Continued) Location Casing -I I1 II .i _ , I I Owner R I_ J I J emark 274 8W SW 8 40 88 Vanwrlght -.. 2 .-282 --2.59 -Ir 875 SE SE 7 40 88 A. Roehr 20 ..SC 855 + 2.88 92.59 -. D 276 SE SE 7 40 88 -_ .do __ _ 20 2 -OE 285 -92-59 -D 277 SE BE 7 40 88 -do.... 85 1% OOE 1,880 + 2.40 9-8-59 -N 278 SE SE 7 40 88 --do .--59 1% 55 OE 2,150 + 2.84 9-59 _ N 279 SE SE 7 40 88 C. L. Thompson 91 2 -_ OE 2,280 + 3.20 93-59 _ N 76 280 SE SE 7 40 88 Blackwelder 49 2 42 OE 1,760 + 2.41 9. 8.59 -N 281 NE SE 8 40 33 C. E. Webb 70 2 _ OE 248 -92-59 -D 282 NW NW 18 40 88 J. Vandervelde 38 2 -OE 80 -98-59 -D _ 288 SE NE 28 40 82 P. Smith 70 2 -OE 1,020 -98-59 -Ir 284 NW NW 24 40 82 J. S. Click 70 2 -OE 1,140 -93.59 D 285 SW NE 18 40 32 W. H. McDule 28 1% -SP 892 98-59 -D HENDRY COUNTY 1 NE SW 1 48 28 Collier Corp. 600 8 -OE -+22.0 2-21-84 -. Ir 77 2 NW SW 4 43 29 Lowery Hotel 660 6 -OE .+84.0 22-84 -D 81 486 4-0-538 Cp. 8 SE SW 12 48 838 U. S. Geological Survey 10 6 -SP 0---.0 O Ca.

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4 NE NE 20 48 83 Defense Plant Corp. 129 12 83 OE 80 -4-23-43 -In -Ca.; L. S SW SW 22 44 82 U. S. Geological Survey 13 6 -OE 84 -47-53 -0 -Ca. 6 NE SE 8 483 34 Soil Conservation Service 110 4 -OE -. -N 75 7 NW NW 86 43 34 70 2 70 OE --... D 74 8 SE SE 9 43 34 U. S. Sugar Corp. 119 6 115 OE 84 -47-53 D 9 NE NE 20 48 33 Defense Plant Corp 1,039 6 949 OE 1,480 -8-26-52 D _ 10 NW SE 16 43 34 U. S. Sugar Corp. 88 2 83 OE ---. -D '77 11 NW NW 23 48 34 Nail 65 1% -OE 64 -4-10-53 D 12 NE NW 17 43 34 U. S. Sugar Corp 107 8 100 OE 112 -48-58 -S 75 Cp. 18 SE SE 12 43 83 G. H. Cox 84 2 -OE ----D 76 14 NE NE 20 43 33 Defense Plant Corp. 315 10 305 OE 282 -4-24-43 90 P -Ca. 15 NE NE 18 48 82 E. Hendry 180 2 -OE 28 -58-53 -D 77 Cp. 16 NW SE 16 43 84 U. S. Sugar Corp. 114 6 105 OE -----D 75 17 NW SW 4 48 29 A. E. Hall 601 6 -OE 488 -4-30-53 -P 81 Ca.; Op. .18 SE NE 21 43 34 U.S. Sugar Corp. 110 6 110 OE ---. -In 19 SE SW 12 48 38 U. S. Indian Service 80 2 .. OE 101 -1.30.53 -D -Cp.; L. 20 NW SW 34 43 32 Soil Conservation Service 50 4 48 OE 59 -6-16-42 -T 79 Ca. 21 NW SW 22 45 82 .do .. 46 4 26 OE 59 -6-17-42 -T 76 Ca. 44 SE SW 9 47 32 B. Roberts 750 6 366 OE 910 +86.5 5-18-58 485 S 82 Records of are in U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 814. 45 NE SE 8 48 29 J. B. Hendry 50 --OE ---.-T 46 SW SW 22 43 32 Earl Hendry Cattle Co. 1,465 6 OE 930 + 3-26-51 S -Cp; plugged 925 +84.6 10-15-52 t 1,100 ft 47 NW SW 5 47 31 W. H. Willis 60 6 50 OE 95 + 8.81 8-13-52 .Ir w 48 SW NE 6 47 31 R. Miller 72 6 65 OE ---.----

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TABLE 8. (Continued) I*lio_ _ Cin _ I Ssw 7 , W. .W , 4 _. o .. 8-.S _. r _ 61 SE SE 27 45 29 N. Weathre 4 -1,050 .S 8. .52 -N 83 Op. S NW NW 1 45 29 L Townd 6 1 --OE 24 _ ! -1-52 D T7 gp. * I I ii -0 , , 49 NE SW 6 47 31 W.S. WiShoul 4 1 6 .OE 62 + 3.0 8-13-52 -I 54 NW NE 33 45 29 IL Tayor 40 26 OE 130 .-134-2 -D 8 51 BE SE E 27 45 29 X .tedoatrbee .0 ' -2 -S-14-52 -N 8 Cp. +22.7 8-12452 NW NW 35 45 29 W.. Townsend 68 12 -OE 24 8-12-52 -D 79 Cp. 53 SE SW 22 45 29 W. .Shoulty 42 I1% OE 19 -8-14.62 -D U4 SW SW 16 44 29 Ma. .DTa .0 6 OE 1,390 +2.8 8-14-52 -S 64 Cp. 1.430 +927. 5-214a5 SE SW is 44 29 '.Ado. -1004 2 -OE 295 -&14452 -D -C. 56 SE SW 25 45 29 HL .Towend 40 1% OE 27 -8-144-2 -D 57 SE SW 6 45 29 -. do --35 -SP 51 -8-14-52 -D 52 NE NE 8 45 29 W. ATowinend 551 1 -4 OE 2 -8-12 2 -D -Cp. 59 SE SE 8 45 29 EL B. Townsend 42 1¾V -OE 31 -8-14-2 -D o60 SE SE 17 45 29 L N. Taylor 995 --OE 1.010 +19.1 8-14-52 -D -Cp. 1.000 +19.7 5-268 61 SW SW 21 45 29 L. A. Wils 90 1 & -OE 55 -8-1442 -D -Ca. 62 NE SW 132 42 29 N. Coins in I 9S OE 462 -2 1224S2 -D -Cp. 63 SE NW 32 42 29 N. Towesead 5a0 _ _ OE S22 -1222 -D £2 Cp. 4 SW NE 32 42 29 A. Womble 30 1% -SP 24 I24. 2 -D -

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65 NE NW 32 42 29 C. A. Green 72 2 62 OE $39 _ 122-52 .. D 66 NW NE 32 42 29 L. B. Tlet 115 2 -OE 107 1252 .D Cp. S132 -B1-®9 4T NW NE 32 42 29 W. A. Gerstenan o90 OE 30 12-3 -2 -D is NW NE 32 42 29 W. Haspton 75 1 OE 1 128-52 -D 75 69 NE NE 32 42 29 J. Deese 25 l a SP .... .D 70 NE NE 82 42 29 J. Suniera _1% .. ... --D _ 71 SE SW 4 43 28 C. I ktmn 350 6 -OE 224 .. 12--2 .D 76 p. 228 + 68 5-254g 30 76 72 SE SW 4 43 2 _ do....... 715 6 OE 73 12-52 20 S 77 Cp. 745 +15.5 5-2"4s 7 NW W SW 4 43 28 -.do_ _ 70 0 OBE 600 +2.7 5-2"41 -S 0 74 SW 4 43 2 .4do 2____ S 4 6 OE 535 + 2.5 5-2"-S4 -N 24 Cp. 75 NW NW 20 43 28 A.Dyess 12®5 1 _ OE 442 I12--342 -D -Cp. 76 W S 16 43 28 B. Wolf -5 -598 .12342 -N 76 '7 N 620 + 5.0 6-25A4 77 NE SW 16 43 219 -_ do .--0 905 + 6.1 1222 -N 6 Cp. 78 SE NE 8 43 28 T. Waton 2 1% _SP 247 _ 12-2 -D 70 570 5-241S 79 SW NE 9 43 28 LaBelle Dairy 85 1 E 193 .! S342 -D So Cp. S0 SE SW 3 43 28 Demaud Cemetery 250 2 .OEB 6 12-342 2 Ir 76 Cp.;B SWd 133 +0.5 5-27-69 77 81 NW NW 10 43 28 ..... 750 6 540 OE l.60 .,. 2342 1 N 79 Cp. 82 SBE SW 3 43 2 ... do 16 2 -SP -+ 7.5 12-. 32 Ir ._ 83 NE NW 10 43 28 E. C. Mills -6 .. 1,050 ,.. I1232 15 Ir 5 Cp. 1,100 +24.10 5-27-4 1O0 S8 84 NW NE 161 43 28 Davis Grove ._ 6 .12-2452 1N Ir T7B Cp. 85 NE NE 1 43 28 H. Parkerson ... ..1.00 12-$ 242 .N 78 Cp.

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TAILS 8. (Continued) Location Casing 1 lI A L J a Owner 1^ I .1 ft I B OuIk 84 NE NE 1 43 28 D. C. Townsend I ... .... 42 -123-52 .. D 79 87 NE SE 5 43 29 E.A. Brungard 90 2 OE 468 -12-15-52 _ D -. Cp. 88 NW NW 6 43 29 J. Matucak 700 6 O OE 485 ... 12. 3-2 -D 80 Cp. 89 SE NW 27 43 28 H. H. Ranch 1,536 6 OE 1,270 +34.9 124-52 250 S 85 Cp. 1,390 +35.1 5-27-58 225 88 90 NE NE 32 42 29 R. Dee3e 10 1 -SP 117 -123-2 D 78 Cp. 105 9-1-9 91 NW NE 32 42 29 P. Rennoltla .2 ---___ -D 92 NW NE 32 42 29 G.M.Watson 390 3 310 OE 91 +18.6 123-52 -D. S 78 Cp. 92 NW NE 82 42 29 B. D. Curry 65 1A -OE 200 -91-59 -D 94 NW NE 32 42 29 S. L. Farabee 65 1 4 -OE 65 .91-9 -D 95 NW NE 32 42 29 J. Orr 22 1% -SP 58 -91-69 -D '96 E NW 32 42 29 C. Barnes 45 14 45 OE 27 -123-2 -D _ 97 NW SW 32 42 29 G.R. Cason 69 1% 55 OE 43 -123-52 _ D 75 Cp. 98. SW NW 32 42 29 G. Hampton -1% ..-.. D 99 NE SE .31 42 29 C. Lantford -1% -.. -... D _ 100 NE SE 82 42 29 L.J. Nobles 82 2 -OE 278 -123-52 -D 284 93-59 101 SW SE 32 49 29 G. S. Crry 1% _ D

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102 NE SE 32 42 29 E. Curry 1-1 ..___ D 103 SE SE 32 42 29 T. M. Pollard 117 2 70 OE 207 .123-52 _D, S 78 Cp. 104 SE SE 32 42 29 G. Mims 80 2 I OE --D 105 SE SE 82 42 29 B. Cross 95 1% __ OE 468 -128-52 __ D 78 Cp. 106 SE SE 32 42 29 J. D. McLeod 664 6 OE 3888 +31.5 123-52 _ D 82 Cp. 10 SBE NE 32 42 29 W. Hampton 800 4 -OE 330 +32.1 124-52 _ S 81 Cp. 340 91-59 108 NE NE 32 42 29 S. J. RidgdUl 208 2 __ OE 38 -124-52 -D 78 Cp. 109 NE NE 81 42 29 F. Lucky -___ 110 NW SW 27 43 28 H. H. Ranch 800 6 _ OE 1,260 +29.2 124-52 -Ir 83 1,330 +33.0 6-24-58 111 NW SW 28 43 28 -~ do 122 1% -OE 905 -_ 124-52 -D -Cp. 112 SE NW 30 43 28 C. A. Murphy 45 1% __ OE 665 __ 124-52 -D, S 7S Cp. 635 + 7.5 5-27-58 20 118 SW NE 80 43 28 ---do.-__--__ 750 10 _. OE 710 +37.5 5-27-58 560 Ir 84 114 NW SE 29 43 28 R. Royer 60 1% _ OE 625 _124-52 -D -Cp. 115 NW NW 28 43 28 H. Glaser S00 6 _ OE 960 _ 124-52 -Ir 84 Cp. 1,120 +88.8 5-27-58 400 116 SE NE 29 48 28 -do-700 6 -OE 1,316 -124-52 300 N 86 Cp. 1,350 +29.8 5-27-58 117 SW NE 23 .43 28 H.E. Murray 12 6 10 OE 66 _124-52 500 Ir 79 118 NE SW 18 43 29 R. Messer 133 1% _ OE 284 -124-52 -S 76 119 SE NW 10 43 29 C. Summerall 187 1% __ OE 245 __ 124-52 -D 76 Cp. 120 NE NE 15 43 28 B. Poor 26 1% _. SP 19 _ 124-52 ._ D -Cp. 121 NE SW 1 45 29 Atlantic Coast Line RR. 700 6 _OE 1,090 _124-52 75 N 80 Cp. 1,230 +26.5 5-14-58 81 122 SE SE 8 43 29 J. Maddox 28 8 _OE .-. Ir _ 12. NE SE 5 43 29 LaBelle School 900 6 -OE -.... 400 P _ 124 NE NW 26 45 29 C. Polk 50 3 .OE 210 _8-14-52 .Ir _

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TABL 8, (Continued) Location __ Casing Ad a'C I A 1 A go 121 Owner a I Remarkss .1 1 1 A I A I1 II1 03 1 125 SE SW 7 48 29 T. Crawford 23 1 .. -SP 97 -12 -5-52 D 66 126 SW NW 18 48 29 J.C. McBeath 112 1% -OE 216 -12.52 -D 74 127 SW NE 14 48 29 C. Murray 46 1/ -OE 87 -12. -52 -D 79 Cp. 128 SW NE 14 43 29 -_ do _ 76 1 % -OE 515 -12552 -S 78 Cp.; flow. 129 NE NW 26 45 29 C. Polk -3 ------Ir 130 NW NE 26 45 29 _-do _____ -3 --.. --. -Ir 131 SE SE 5 43 29 A. L. Taylor 100 1 ' -OE 490 -12-15-52 -D 75 Cp. 132 SE SW 5 43 29 LaBelle Sugar Co. -2 .In 77 128 SE SW 5 43 29 --do _ -2 -..... --In 77 184 SW SE 5 43 29 P. Porterfield 100 1% -OE 115 -12-15-2 -D 77 125 NE SE 5 43 29 LaBelle Shool 100 14 -OE 395 -12-16-52 -In 74 136 NE SE 5 43 29 LaBelle High School 100 2 -OE 398 -12-16-52 -In 67 Cp. 187 NE SE 5 43 29 LaBelle School 82 1% -OE 440 -12-16-52 -In 69 188 NW SE 5 43 29 Felton 90 1%' -OE 385 -12-16-52 D 189 NE SE 5 43 29 W.P. Andrews 85 14 -OE 382 -12-1652 -D 140 NE SE 5 43 29 K. Thompson ---485 -12-16-2 40 Ir 81 Cp. 141 NE SE 5 43 29 J. .Spratt 68 1 -OE 450 -12-16-52 ... D -Cp. S142 NE SE 5 43 29 R. N. Miller 74 2 OE 368 12-16-52 -D -Cp.

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143 SE SE 5 43 29 P. O'Bannon -1% ..... 250 -12-162 D 144 NW SW 4 43 29 Everett Hotel 90 --_ OE __ -__ N _ 145 NW NW 9 43 29 Hendry County 80 2 -OE 119 _ 12-1662 -P 76 Cp. 146 NW NW 9 43 29 -. do _ -80 2 _ OE 102 _ 1216-52 D 147 SW SE 4 43 29 L.E. O'Neil -2 .21 _12-16-2 -D i48 SW SE 4 43 29 C. J. Easterly 75 1% __ OE 65 _ 2-152 D 149 SE SE 4 43 29 J.B. Hendry 80 1% _ OE 117 -12-162 --Cp. 150 SE SE 4 43 29 -do .I.. 30 1 _ SP 24 -12-1682 -D -Cp. 151 SW SW 4 43 29 O.L. Langford 28 1 -SP 86 -12-16-52 D -Cp. 152 SE SE 5 43 29 W. P.Andrews 22 2 _ SP 112 12-1-52 -Ir -Cp. 153 SW SW 4 43 29 B. Curtis 168 2 __ OE 152 _ 12-17-52 -D 69 154 NW SW 4 43 29 J. O. Davidson 18 1% _ SP 465 4-30-53 -D -C. 155 NW SW 4 43 29 Powell Furniture Co. SO 2 _ OE 465 -12-17-52 -D -Cp. 156 NW SW 4 43 29 L. M. Jennings 90 1% _ OE 455 -12-17-52 -D -Ca.; p. 157 NW SW 4 43 29 Hill Cbevrolet Co. 67 2 _ OE 448 -12-17-52 In 158 NW NW 9 43 29 L. Storter 31 I1 _ SP _ + 3.18 12-1742 -N 159 NW NW 9 43 29 D. G. McCormack 744 3 -OE 635 -12-17-52 -D 79 p. 160 SW NW 9 43 29 J.M. Davis 65 134 _ OE 54 -12-17-52 -D 70 161 NW NW 9 43 29 C. W. Wooten 84 1% -OE 105 -12-1742 -D -Cp. 162 NE NW 9 43 29 L. MagillU 1% -OE 29 12-17-52 D D 163 SE NW 9 43 29 S. O. Luckey 68 1%4 65 OE 41 12-17-52 _ D _ Ca. 164 SW NE 9 43 29 W. H. Crawford 98 1I OE 26 __ 12-17-52 _ D 165 SW NE 9 43 29 R. L. Bailey 82 2 -OE 31 12-17-52 D 166 NW SE 4 43 29 E.M. O'Bannon 80s 1 OE 37 12-17-52 -D -Op. 167 NW SW 4 43 39 F. & .Burchard 80 --OE 430 I .12-17-52 p -p. 168 NW NW 9 43 39 Orange State Oil Co. 80 2 -OE 206 12-17-2 In

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TABLE 8, (Continued) Location Casing ° !I SOwner Remarks 169 NW NE 8 43 39 W. T. Maddox 100 2 .... OE 209 .. 12-17-52 -D 170 NW NE 8 43 89 Jack Lewis 98 2 .OE 128 _ 12-17.52 -D -Cp. 171 NW NW 17 43 29 I. V. Burke 40 11 .... OE 102 -„ 12-18.52 -_ D -Cp. 172 NW NW 17 43 29 J. A. Cockrane 145 1% .... OE 239 12-18.52 -D 76 Cp. 178 NW NW 17 48 29 .do ....... 28 1% S P -+ 3.28 12-18-2 -N 174 NW NE 17 43 29 M. B. Rasmussen 110 1% _ OE 76 ._. 12-18.52 -D 175 BE SE 5 43 29 Waldron Hotel 140 2 „OE 109 .12-1842 -Ir -Cp. 114 3-12-53 135 4-80-53 176 NE SE 8 43 29 Atlantie Land & Improve. 135 3 -OE 188 __ 12-18-52 -D -Cp. ment Co. 195 51-63 177 SW SW 4 43 29 Waldron Hotel ...-3 _ 530 +830.4 12-18.52 -D 77 Cp. 178 SE SE 5 43 29 Davfs Trading Post 22 1% _ SP + 3.32 12-18-52 -N _ 179 NE NE 8 43 29 ... do __ 108 14 OE 113 12-18-52 ' D 180 NE NE 8 43 29 P. O'Bannon 18 1% SP 24 _ 12-18-52 -In -Cp. 181 SW NW 8 43 29 L. Thomas 20 1% SP 13 12-18-52 -D 75 Cp. 182 NE NW 8 43 29 Maddox Bros. Dairy 92 1/ ..OE 144 .12-18-52 *-S -Cp. 188 NW NE 8 43 29 G. R. Risley -14 -.254 -12-18-52 -D 184 SW SE 5 43 29 C. Moore 60 114 -OE 110 12-18-52 -D -Cp.

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185 NE NE 9 43 29 H. L. Johnson 180 11 -OE 117 -12-18-52 -D 76 Cp. 186 NW NE 9 43 29 W. A. Horn 99 1% OE 42 .12-18-52 -D -Cp. 187 SE SW 4 43 29 F. Dougherty 78 2 -OE 23 -12-18-52 -D -Cp. 188 NW NW 9 48 29 R F. Lewis 100 1% OE 101 12-19-52 .-D Cp. 189 NE NE 17 43 29 E. Yoemans 40 1% OE 28 1.2-19-52 -D 190 NE NE 17 43 29 R. L. Yoemans 48 1% -OE 29 -2-19-52 -D -Cp. 191 NE NE 17 43 29 _ do4....... 110 1% -OE -+ 2.43 12-19-52 -N 192 NW NE 24 44 29 M. Flipsa 29 6 _ SP -+2.69 12-19-52 -Ir '193 NE NE 32 44 29 M. White 168 6 OE 179 -12-18-52 500 Ir 77 194 NW SE 4 45 80 Atlanti Land & Improve826 6 318 OE 288 -57-58 500 Ir -Cp.; L. ment Co. 195 NW SE 4 45 30 .do 3o 00 4 __ OE -N N ,196g NE SE 16 43 34 J. W. Lolley 80 1% 78 OE + 8.26 1-26-52 -Ir 197 NE NE 15 48 34 J. M. Fountain 45 1% OE 97 -1-26-53 -r 74 Cp. S198 NW NW 15 48 34 C. J. Anderson 47 1% OE 76 1-26-58 -Ir 1 75 Cp. 199 NW NE 7 48 84 J.B. Hendry 90 1% OE 48 2-26-58 -P 75 Cp. 200 NW NE 7 4 82 70 1% OE_ 48 -2-26-53 -D -Ca. 201 NW NE 7 43 32 -do 180 1% __ OE 52 -2-26-58 -S -Cp. 50 91-59 202 SW SE 14 47 33 J. W. McDaniels 18 1 SP 42 2-26-58 -D 74 208 SW SE 14 47 33 __ .do ..15 1% __ SP 46 .. 2-26-53 -D 74 Cp. 204 NE NE 4 47 38 __ do. 112 1% 90 OE 46 -2-26-53 -D 75 Cp. 205 NW NW 28 46 88 Wilson Ward 90 2% 50 OE 149 -2-26-58 -S -Cp. 206 SW SW 23 46 82 V. Babrock 160 2 -OE 80 .. 2-26-53 -. D -Cp. 207 SW SW 15 46 2 .. do. ....... 100 2 -OE 186 .3-11-53 -S -Cp. 208 SW SW 27 45 82 Hull Bros. 15 1% -SP 45 .2-26-53 -D 74 209 SW SW 27 45 32 do 1 1 -SP 59 2-26-53 .. D 74

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TABE 8. (Continued) Location CaeltnI sa jI S ^ I I owner _m 1k s ..r 210 SW SE 25 45 32 Atlantic Land & Improve100 2 OE 212 _. 2-27-53 .... Ir 1 Cp. ment Co. 211 NW SW 36 45 32 -_-do. -26 1% -SP 445 -2-274-3 -Ir 72 Cp. 212 SW SW 22 45 32 -do--42 2 I .OE 40 2-27-53 -Ir 7T Cp. 213 NE NE 21 45 32 __. do __ 28 2 _ SP 43 -2-27-3 -Ir 76 214 SE NE 4 45 32 -do-140 6 90 OE 690 _5-124-3 -Ir -Cp. 665 94-59 215 NE NE 4 45 32 Florida Forest Service 45 2 -OE 1,070 .2-27-53 -Ir 75 Cp. 1.030 94-59 216 SW SW 34 44 32 F.M. Reeder 244 2 174 OE 565 _ 2-27-53 -_ Ir -Cp. 600 94-59 217 NE NE 33 44 32 J. Healey -1% __ 67 _ 2-27-53 -S 218 SW NW 15 44 32 F. Braddock 137 2 OE 165 _ 2-27-53 -D 165 94-59 219 NW NE 2 47 31 Collier Corp. 10 _ .SP 47 -3-1143 500 Ir 77 220 NW SW 4 46 30 Florida Forest Service 328 3 a .OE 232 -3-11-53 -D -Cp. 221 SW SW 10 43 34 U.S. Sugar Co. 112 6 105 OE 305 -47-53 -In Cp. 222 NE SW. 32 45 33 Atlanti Land & Improve97 8 84 OE -. -____ Ir -Flows ment Co. 223 SE SE 9 43 34 R. Christian 12 1% -SP 32 _ 47-53 Ir Cp. 224 NW SE 10 43 34 R. M. Bishop 40 2 _. OE 101 -47-53 -Ir Cp. !, ,,-------_---------------_ -------

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22 SNW SE 10 43 34 L. V. Bybe 15 is -I OE 26 -4-7-3 Ir -Cp. 226 SBE SE 10 43 34 First Bank of Clewiston 41 1/ -OE 106 -47-53 -In 227 NW NW 15 48 34 MartinsDepartment Store 36 2 -OE 86 -473 -In -Cp. 228 NW NW 15 43 34 Parknvis & aDrueStore 28 2 -OE 84 4-7-3 -In 229 NW NW 17 43 34 U.T. Cook 25 1gic -SP 13 -4-8-3 -D 230 SW SW 16 43 34 City of Clewiston 25 2 -SP 140 -4-8-53 -D 231 NW SE 16 43 34 Hendry County 15 2 -SP ---Ir .232 NW NE 16 43 34 do 15 2 -S? -----Ir 233 NE NW is 43 84 Davis & Marzuette 28 14 -SP 81 -48-53 -In 234 NW SE 4 43 29 U.S. Geological Survey 12 6 10 SP --0 235 SE SE 7 43 34 G. Nottingham 30 1% SP 53 -4-8-53 -D 236 SW SE 7 43 34 L. E. Thompson 115 2 -OE 45 -4-8-53 -D -CP. 287 SE SW 7 48 34 Shaw Bros. 30 1% S 30 48-3 -In 238 SW SW 7 43 84 G. Neil 35 11 -SP 39 -8-53 -D 239 SW SW 7 43 34 R. M. Schell 82 1 -OE 33 -48-53 -D 240 SE SE 12 43 33 N. Cox 53 2 OE 66 -4-8-53 D 241 SW SE 10 43 34 E. M. Cornett 38 2 O 9 -48-53 -In -CP 242 SE SW 10 43 34 B. Bolton 16 2 S --I 243 SW SE 12 43 33 R. Pape 90 2 OE 90 49-53 -D 244 SE SW 12 43 33 B. Lawrence 90 -OE 176 4-9-53 -D 245 SE SW 12 43 33 J. Lowe 73 1 IA OE 119 -4-93 -D 246 SE SW 12 43 33 S. Stanley 30 1 -S 102 4-3 -9 D 24T SW SW 12 43 33 H. Story 39 1 -OE 78 -4953 -D 248 SW SW 12 43 388 Kirt Golden 35 1 -. OE 91 4-9-53 D -Cp. 249 SW SW 12 43 33 L. Doby 97 O 73 4-9-53 D

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TARLI 8. (Continued) Lw»tkiun Caiinif ' a 6 d Md I , ! | s 50 SE SE 11 43 33 J. M. Dielkon 119 li -.. OE 232 .4. 9-83 -S -Cp. 251 SW SB 11 43 33 Dfecso Bre. DaIry 35 --SP 57 -493 -D -D 2S SW SW 11 43 33 W. E. RBby 80 2 -OE 102 4948 D -Co. Mu SE SE 10 43 3 __.. doa 80 2 OE --..S 254 NW NE 14 43 33 W. T. Stftt 80 I4 -OE T6 -4-1043 -D 255 NE NW 14 43 33 --do ... 95 2 .94 OE T8 + 2.30 4.10-83 _D 56 NE NE 15 43 33 .Christian 40 1% -OE 4 --I 103 -_ D 257 NE NW 15 43 I J. C. Drke to t% -. OE 88 3..... ,t-. S. D .. 25S NE NW 23 43 34 B. E. Nal 84 2 -OE 73 4-10-63 -D -Cp259 SW SW 14 43 34 LH. Stiekld 4 1% -OE 76 _.. 4-1063, -D *W NE NW T 43 34 WmEtam & Stewart 30 1% -SP ----261 NE SW 7 43 34 JC. Jackman 30 2 -SP 30 -4943 -D T4 2(2 NE SW 7 43 34 62 2 --O 34 -49-53 -D 7 26 SE NW 24 43 34 A. I. Tokeda 125 8 -OE, 398 -4.-10-3 D Cp 365 94-69 264 SE NE 23 43 34 G. B. MeDMffe 20 1 SF 135 4 .I-103 -Ir 120 94-69 265 SW NE 23 43 34 W. W. Rieks 63 1 -OE 134 .4-10-63 -D -C0 266 NE NE 24 43 34 N.J. Archer 1 -i----

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267 SE NE 24 45 34 .S.J.i 60 -g OE or 76 4-10-83e D, 268 SW NW 1 43 29 W. F. Andrson 558 1 V OE 30' 4-30-5 D 76 Cp. 269 SW NE 9 43 29 B. Madd 680 4-3043 -S so Cp. 270 SE SE 17 45 29 M. K. Taytlr 04 14 -O'E TO 5T-53 -D T C. 'an NE NE 29 46 33 W. Ward 4T --S? 40-5-12-55 --CD 272 NE NE 4 45 32 Florid.a Fbr.t Service 22W 2 OR 60W 5T-63 N 7X CV 213 NE NE 20( 45 32 toribld Ois&Reratinin Schoo 2 5045 5 5 p 2274 NW NW 15 4T 34 Varetyor .53 O 82 -1 I C 27 NE S 1 45 2 Re -e Co. 50 0 51N C. 216 SE SEB 43 349 WLaedo Manor Mote 44 4 43 O 12 2T8 SW NW 9 43 29 T. L. ier Cor. 41 1 90 5 D 278 NW SW 19 4T 28 --M do e 790 8 E 1030 8-1043 r 2 I 1.030 +25.& 546-56 320, 279 NE NW, 19, 44 2S -5d1 295 OE 68201 -44-53 500 Ir 83 L. 382 +29.0, 5-24-58 32 280 NE NE 21 43 34U. S.. Sugar Corp. 13, or. --50 281 SE SE 18 45 32 Huble__ Od & eo g C .1,045 5 1045 OS tst; 1282 NW E 14 4 31 -... do .... 94 20 S283 'SE SEB 13 45 2 ed Cattle Co. .6,098, ---284 SE SE 5 43 29 Waldron Hotel , 75 2 -SP 1og' 6-23-54 -r 235 SE NW 6 4T 31 CoIier Corp. 40 8 -Orl -1.92 4-21-59 -Ir. 2a6 NE SW 6 47T 31 --do, .40' 8 -Os 45. 1.03 7-3058 1,300 Ir T6 287 SE NE 6a 47. ______ 51 S, OE -278 4-2158 -I 238 NW SW 5 47 T 31 do 40 6 -OR 140' 4-30658 900' Ir 78 289 SE NE 31 46 32 -do_____. 70 8 -OE --_ 1,587 Ir 290 SE NW 82 4 32 --.do___ ..80 O 1.26 -18 r 291 SE NW 32 46 32 .. do--92 6 OE 1.4 -188

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TABLE 8, (Continued) E | | g 'U ' 1I z Th; SIOwner f 292 SE NE 29 43 29 T. Wells 552 -260 OE 1,190 +27.5 5-21-58 .. 82 298 NW NE 5 45 29 A. Townsend 792 6 277 OE 940 +26.0 21.68 215 Ir 82 294 NW NE 5 45 29 --. do _ _ 762 6 285 OE 1,140 +24.7 5-21.58 875 Ir 82 295 NE 8W 7 45 29 -do 1,145 --OE 1.280 -5-2158 150 Ir 84 296 SE SE 17 45 81 Atlantli Land & Improve872 6 846 OE 2,250 +25.5 5-14-8 840 Ir 82 ment Co. 297 SE NW 11 45 30 .... do ..782 6 319 OE 2,170 +26.0 5-14.58 140 Ir 81 298 SW SW 27 44 82 Joe Hilliard -----.299 NW SE 14 45 32 Atlantic Land & Improve72 6 -OE -.93 4-23-58 -Ir ment Co. 800 NE SE 14 45 82 do 97 6 ( OE 33 .256 -Ir 77 1.18 4-2358 801 NE SW 18 45 32 .do 98 6 OE -.99 6-26-58 Ir 302 NW SE 18 47 34 S. & M. Farms 121 6 -OE 66 1.48 4-24-58 Ir 78 303 NW SE 18 47 84 _-do. __ 120 6 -OE 45 -5-1-68 1,300 Ir 804 SW NE 18 47 34 _. do __ _. 122 6 -OE -1.95 4-24-58 -Ir 805 NW NE 18 47 34 -do 120 6 -OE -1.10 6--68 -Ir 806 NE SW 6 47 31 Collier Corp. 40 6 OE 75 4-0-58 800 Ir 75 1.98 6-17-58 307 NW SW 36 33 45 Atlantic Land & Improve83 3 OE -.81 5-2-58 -Ir ment Co.

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308 NE SE 35 45 33 Atlantic Land & Improve87 6 -OE --Ir 'ment Co. 309 SW SW 36 45 83 -do .... 97 6 OE -. --Ir 310 NW NW 36 45 33 __do __ 125 8 -OE -. -..Ir 311 SE SW 6 45 81 --do.950 6 -OE 1,240 +22.0 5-14-58 160 Ir 81 312 SW NE 28 43 28 R. Dafnalls 125 4 125 OE -1.18 5-19-58 -Ir 318 SE NE 28 43 28 A. Quermia 125 6 124 OE 1,100 -5-20-58 310 Ir 79 814 NW NE 31 45 29 R. Roberts 940 6 -OE 180 -5-22-58 -S 79 Caved in. 815 SE NE 25 45 28 -do 700 6 -OE 805 +20.3 5-22-58 40 S 82 816 NW NW 27 45 28 ~ -do_ 815 6 -OE 770 +19.5 5-22-58 20 S 84 317 NE SW 18 45 29 -do 6 900 6 -OE 855 -5-22-58 60 S 84 318 SE NW 30 43 28 C. A. Murphy 400 3 -OE 358 +39.9 5-27-58 100 Ir 80 819 SE NW 30 43 28 -do __ --135 2'/ -OE 795 + 8.4 5-27-58 30 Ir 80 S320 NE SW 19 45 31 Atlantic Land & Improve34 6 -OE 74 .52 7-30-58 700 Ir 76 ment Co. / 21 SW NE 29 43 28 Unknown 135 6 OE 695 -. 5-27-58 30 Ir 76 S, 822 SE NW 19 45 31 Atlantic Land & Improve34 6 -OE -.93 7-29-58 -Ir ment Co. 323 NE NE 19 45 31 -do --23 3 -. SP -.58 7-29-58 -Ir _ 324 NW NW 14 43 28 Kirkland 135 --OE 620 + 3.6 5-27-58 1 Ir 77 Flows. 325 NE NW 14 43 28 B. Stuart 137 2 -. OE 565 + 5.6 5-27-58 30 S 77 -do-_ _ i326 SW SE 14 48 81 W. Burdine -6 -OE 1,630 -5-28-58 15 80 Casing leaks In subsurface. 327 SE SW 18 43 28 John Lamb -4 --1,490 +27.7 5-28-58 200 S 86 328 SE NE 10 43 28 H. Parkenson -6 .. ... 1,020 -. 5-28-58 250 Ir 82 329 SE NW 9 48 28 Whitton -2 ... 895 + 3.33 5-28-58 20 -76 880 SE NW 9 43 28 .__ do.. -.2 .. -.. 550 + 8.66 5-28-58 20 -76 831 SE NW 9 43 28 .. do .e --.... -325 + 3.82 5-28-58 20 -76

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TABLE 8, (Continued) Location Cuinj N | Owner Ie i j 1 I jj Rmarks 888 NE SW 24 44 29 R. Dana 900 .. ...... OE 1,200 +17.5 5.86.58 60 Ir 81 888 NW SW 18 44 20 .... ............ 896 6 ..... OE 4,240 ...... 5.28-58 200 Ir 82 884 SW SW 22 46 29 Hendry County ...... 6 ..... 980 .... .26.68 80 -. 82 885 BE NE 29 45 88 Atlantic Land & Improve. 189 6 ..... OE 84 0.21 6-24-68 2 .. .Flow n wet ment Co. periods du. ring rainy season. 886 NE SW 29 45 88 ...............-.... 112 6 .... OE 186 + .76 0-25.58 -Ir 77 887 NE SW 82 45 83 ........... do ...................... 95 0 ..... OE 104 +f.68 6.28.58 .... Ir 77 -do ... 888 SE SE 11 43 88 J.M. Dickson 150 2 .... OE 448 .... 94-58 S.. S -: ·,,i