Hydrology of the Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area, Broward County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 36 )

Material Information

Hydrology of the Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area, Broward County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 36 )
Series Title:
( FGS: Report of investigations 36 )
Added title page title:
Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area
Tarver, George R
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
vi, 47, [20] p. : maps (part fold.) diagrs., tables. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Hydrology -- Florida -- Broward County ( lcsh )
Water-supply -- Florida -- Broward County ( lcsh )
Salinity -- Florida -- Broward County ( lcsh )
City of Pompano Beach ( flgeo )
Broward County ( flgeo )
Beach ( jstor )
Canals ( jstor )
Chlorides ( jstor )


General Note:
"Prepared by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the city of Pompano Beach and the Florida Geological Survey."
General Note:
"References": p. 43-44.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The author dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.
Resource Identifier:
022566826 ( aleph )
01723165 ( oclc )
AJJ7743 ( notis )
a 64007287 ( lccn )


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Robert 0. Vernon, Director



George R. Tarver

AL 2

Prepared by the
in cooperation with the6
and the
f- :







Secretary of State


Superintendent of Public Instruction

Attorney General


Commissioner of Agriculture




florioa geological Survey


December 5, 1963

Honorable Farris Bryant, Chairman
Florida State Board of Conservation
Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Governor Bryant:
The Florida Geological Survey is publishing, as Report of In-
vestigations No. 36, a study of the "Hydrology of the Biscayne
Aquifer in the Pompano Beach Area, Broward County, Florida."
This study was prepared by Mr. George R. Tarver, geologist with
the U. S. Geological Survey, and its publication is quite timely.
The Biscayne aquifer is the only source of fresh ground water
in much of the southeastern part of Florida. The aquifer is ex-
tremely permeable, and many of the large wells may yield 2,000
gallons per minute, with less than 4 feet of drawdown. The
aquifer is composed of quartz sand, calcitic sandstone and sandy
limestone that extends from the land surface to depths of as much
as 400 feet. Replenishment of the ground water is largely from
rainfall, and, because of the extreme permeability of the forma-
tion, it is anticipated that increased use of water in the area in the
future will be offset through salvage from loss to evapo-
transpiration and transpiration.
The steadily increasing population in the southeastern area of
Florida will require large amounts of additional water in the
future, and the details of this study will help to meet these needs.
Respectfully yours,
Robert 0. Vernon
Director and State Geologist

Completed manuscript received
May 15, 1963
Published for the Florida Geological Survey
By The E. O. Painter Printing Company
DeLand, Florida



Abstract --_ -- ..---...- ------------------ --_--- ---------- ----- ----- 1
Introduction -. ..---.------ ------- ._- -_--- ----............ 2
Purpose and scope -..--.. ---------------------------------...-_ ..-. -- 2
Previous investigations------__-- ---------------______-------- 2
Personnel and acknowledgments ---------------_----.. ---.---.. ----- 3
Well-numbering system ---..------------.--.--...-....-----......-. 3
Geography -------- --_- .----- ----- ----- 4
Location and general features ...------_--...- -..--...-........ 4
Population --. ... ----. -.. .. . ..------------------_..-... --- --------------. .. .. 4
Climate ..-- -- ---- -... --.. .-... --------..- ---------.................__ .. 4
Topography and drainage -------------------------------------- 4
Biscayne aquifer ------..-_------_--------------------------------- 7
Geologic formations composing the Biscayne aquifer --_------ 8
Tamiami Formation .....----.-------------------.----.---_-------- 8
Anastasia Formation ------------------------------------_----------.-._..-- 8
Miami Oolite ....---------------.------ --------.......---.. 9
Pamlico Sand ......-------.-------------- -----------9....... .___ 9
Ground water ---------- -- --------- 10
Occurrence of ground water ------ -- ---------- 10
Recharge and discharge -_ ----- .. ---.---. -.-- ... 10
Water use ....-------.. --... -- ---- --_--------- -------------.. 13
Water-level fluctuations _- ..---------------------.------- 16
Quality of water -.. .. -- -----------------.--------------.--.. .-- ---... .. 24
Salt-water contamination ..---.-----------------------...... 26
Quantitative studies .--.---------- ----------------------...... 32
Conclusions ....-...---------- --------------- ------- --- -.-- 39
References ._.---- 4--.--------------.. ----------------------------------- 43


Figure Page
1 Peninsular Florida showing location of Pompano Beach area 5
2 Parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties, showing canals
and levees of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control
District ------ ... -------..._--.- ---- ..... --- ..--...-- --. -- 6
3 Northeastern Broward County showing locations of wells and
surface-water observation stations --.---.... ------.------------ Facing 8
4 Graphs of fluctuations of chloride content of the water from
the Pompano Canal and two finger canals ._-._-___--- 11
5 Northeastern Broward County showing the chloride content of
water samples from surface-water bodies June 5-6, 1961 -------. 12


6 Graph showing monthly pumpage of municipal supplies in
northeastern Broward County ..---_______-- __------------ .. ..--------- 14
7 Monthly pumpage from the Pompano Beach well field and
monthly rainfall at Pompano Beach, 1957-60 _-------------- ---. 15
8 Hydrograph of well 614-007-11, daily municipal pumpage and
daily rainfall at Pompano Beach, Sept. 1960-Feb. 1961 ------ 17
9 Hydrographs of wells 614-007-11 and 614-008-1 at Pompano
Beach .--_. -.... .........-- --- ------- .........------- .....-- ......... ------- 18
10 Northeastern Broward County, showing contours on the water
table October 13, 1960, when water levels were high .--..-.------ ----. 19
11 Northeastern Broward County, showing contours on the water
table March 16, 1961, when water levels were about average --.---- 20
12 Northeastern Broward County, showing contours on the water
table August 15, 1961 ... --------------. --- -------- --- 21
13 Hydrographs of wells in northeastern Broward County _-- ------- 22
14 Hydrographs of Pompano Canal showing stage at several
locations during 1960-61 ...--.--------------- -------- 23
15 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from well 613-006-1
and water level in well 614-007-11 -_ ------------- ---- 28
16 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from uncontrolled
reaches of the Hillsboro and Pompano canals _-------- ...-------.----- 29
17 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells near
bodies of saline surface water ------- ---------- 30
18 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells distant
from bodies of saline surface water ..----.-- .. -------- ------. 30
19 Northeastern Broward County, showing the maximum chloride
content of water samples from wells and surface-water bodies,
1960-61 -----------_ ---------- ------- Facing 32
20 Sketch of pumping test sites in the Pompano Beach and Deer-
field Beach well fields ._ --------.---- ----- ---- --- 34
21 Logarithmic graphs of type curve and plot of s against r2/t
for observation wells 615-007-7, 615-007-8, and 615-006-2 --- ---- 35
22 Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a well discharging 1,000
gpm for selected periods of time --_ ------------------ 37
23 Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a well discharging at
selected times and rates ____ ----------------------- -- 38
24 Pompano Beach well-field area showing predicted levels after
pumping 20 mgd for 180 days without rainfall _---- --------- ----- 39


Table Page
1 Average monthly temperature and rainfall at Pompano Beach
1950-60 ._______ ---..._ ...---.. .. ....._------- 7
2 Analyses of water from wells in northeastern Broward County -.... 25
3 Lithologic logs of test holes .. .. _-- _.------............-........--------- 45
4 Records of wells in northeastern Broward County -_ ------ 48

George R. Tarver


The Biscayne aquifer is the only source of fresh ground water
in northeastern Broward County, Florida. The aquifer extends
from the land surface to a depth of about 400 feet and is composed
of quartz sand, calcareous sandstone, and sandy to nearly pure
limestone. Replenishment to the aquifer is chiefly by local rainfall.
The permeable rock zones are erratic in their occurrence within
the aquifer, but they are generally more prevalent and thicker at
greater depths. Small water supplies can be obtained from thin
permeable lenses that generally occur at depths less than 60 feet.
Large water supplies can be obtained from wells drilled to thick
permeable layers that occur at greater depths. Many of the large
wells yield 2,000 gpm (gallons per minute) with less than 4 feet of
Chemical analyses of ground-water samples show that the water
is hard and is high in iron content, but is easily treated. Periodic
analyses of the chloride content of the ground water show that
some areas near the Intracoastal Waterway and uncontrolled
reaches of major canals become increasingly salty when water
levels are lowered. Data collected from test wells indicate that
during 1960-61 salt-water encroachment was of no major signifi-
cance to the Pompano Beach well field.
Aquifer test data indicate that the coefficient of transmissibility
is about 1,500,000 gpd (gallons per day) per foot and the coefficient
of storage is about 0.30. The test data also indicate that the more
permeable rock layers act initially as an artesian system, but with
continued development change to water-table conditions, at which
time the entire aquifer reacts as a hydrologic unit.
Water-level, rainfall, salinity, and quantitative data indicate
that much larger quantities of water can be obtained from the
ridge area provided that well spacing is adequate, pumping is
regulated, and salt water in canals is controlled.



The population growth in southeastern Florida during recent
years has created numerous problems. One problem which has
plagued most of the coastal cities is supplying water to the
expanding population. The principal difficulty has been to locate
and produce water without inducing salt water into the well field
areas. Salt-water intrusion has occurred in several areas along the
lower east coast where water use has greatly increased. The
officials of Pompano Beach, cognizant of salt-water intrusion
problems in southeastern Florida and of the need for additional
data to solve their present and future problems, requested that
the U. S. Geological Survey make an investigation of the ground-
water resources of the area and furnished cooperative funds. The
Florida Geological Survey also furnished cooperative funds as part
of its program to appraise the water resources of Florida.


The purpose of the ground-water investigation was to determine,
insofar as possible, (1) the ground-water potential, (2) the quality
of the water, (3) the occurrence of saline water in the Biscayne
aquifer, (4) the hydraulic coefficients of the aquifer, and (5) the
relation of ground-water levels and salt-water movement in the
aquifer and in canals.
The study consisted of the following: (1) An inventory of wells,
(2) installation of two automatic water-level recording gages, (3)
installation of shallow wells for water-level observations, (4) drill-
ing of four deep test wells to determine the character of the
sediments and the quality of the water in the Biscayne aquifer,
(5) leveling to refer measuring points to mean sea level altitudes,
(6) periodic water-level measurements, (7) periodic determination
of the chloride content of water from wells and bodies of surface
water; and (8) pumping tests to determine the water transmitting
and storing properties of the aquifer.


No detailed investigation of the ground-water resources of the
Pompano area has been made previously. However, considerable
information on the hydrology and geology of the area has been
published by the Florida Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological
Survey. Most of the publications have been reviewed and some


of the data have been used in this report. Publications most
pertinent and frequently used are reports by Cooke (1945), Black
and Brown (1951), Parker and others (1955), Schroeder and
others (1958), and Sherwood (1959).


The investigation was under the immediate supervision of M. I.
Rorabaugh, district engineer, Tallahassee, and Howard Klein,
geologist-in-charge, Miami, Florida, of the U. S. Geological Survey.
C. B. Sherwood of the U. S. Geological Survey gave much valuable
help and advice during the study.
The investigation was greatly aided by residents of the area
who furnished information on and permitted access to their wells.
The author further appreciates the information and aid given by
personnel of the city of Pompano Beach and other municipalities
in the area. Special acknowledgment is expressed to the Maxson
Well Drilling Co.; Philpott, Ross and Saarinen, consulting engi-
neers; and S. W. Wells of the General Development Corporation.


The well-numbering system used in this report is based on
parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude which divide the
study area into 1-minute quadrangles. Each 1-minute quadrangle
is assigned a number consisting of the degree and minute of the
parallel on the south side of the quadrangle and the degree and
minute of the meridian on the east side of the quadrangle. Each
well number consists of three sets of digits separated by hyphens.
The first and second sets are the quadrangle number, abbreviated
to three digits by omitting the left digit of each latitude and
longitude value of the quadrangle number. The third set is the
number assigned consecutively to each well within the 1-minute
quadrangle as it was inventoried. For example, well 615-006-4
was the fourth well inventoried in the 1-minute quadrangle
bounded on the south by 26015' north latitude and on the east by
80006' west longitude.
The same system is used in numbering surface-water observa-
tion points, except the third set of digits is prefixed by the letters
"SW." For example, the stage of the Hillsboro Canal was measured
periodically on the upstream side of the locks and is designated by
the number 619-007-SW1. Wells and surface-water observation
points, referred to by number in the text, are located on figure 3.




The Pompano Beach area in this report includes the area of
study shown in figure 1. The area comprises about 60 square miles
and is bounded on the north by the Hillsboro Canal, on the west
by the Everglades and Conservation area 2, on the south by Canal
C14 (Pompano Canal), and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean (fig.


The area has experienced a tremendous influx of people since
1950. In 1950, Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach had a combined
population of 7,770 and the entire study area probably had less
than 10,000 people. The area has changed from a rural economy
to a tourist and retirement center with a population of 60,000 in
1960, an increase of 600 percent in 10 years. The projected popu-
lation increase has been estimated at about 12 percent per year
during the 1960's.


The climate of Pompano Beach is subtropical and generally
quite humid. The average monthly temperature ranges from
65.4F to 81.7'F. During the period 1950-60 the average tempera-
ture was 74'F, and the average monthly rainfall was 64 inches.
The highest temperature and heaviest rainfall generally occur
during May through October, and the lightest rainfall occurs
during the winter. The average temperature and rainfall data
given in table 1 were furnished by the U.S. Weather Bureau.


The study area is part of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, which is
bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the
Everglades. The land surface rises to about 22 feet above msl
(mean sea level) at the crest of the ridge, which is about 2 miles
inland and is parallel to the coast. The ridge is mantled by white
quartz sand, which is thickest at the crest and thins to less than
5 feet in the backswamp area where it is underlain by a thin
permeable limestone layer.


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gure 1. Peninsular Florida showing location oPompano Beach area
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Figure 1. Peninsular Florida showing location of Pompano Beach area.


Figure 2. Parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties showing canals and
levees of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District.

West of the divide or crest of the ridge the land surface
descends rapidly to the backswamp area, which is about half a mile
west of the divide. The backswamp area slopes gently to the west
5 miles to the Everglades, and consists of swampy sloughs and low
intraswamp ridges.
Originally, the backswamp area remained wet for long periods,
being poorly drained by sloughs toward the west and by under-
ground flow toward the ocean. Subsequently, it was developed for
farming by the construction of a series of canals, ditches, dams,
and pumping stations to control water levels. Presently, the
backswamp area is irrigated and drained through secondary canals
which connect with the Hillsboro Canal on the north and the


TABLE 1. Average Monthly Temperature and Rainfall at Pompano Beach,

Month Temperature OF Rainfall (inches)

January 65.4 2.02
February 67.6 2.34
March 69.5 3.00
April 73.7 4.25
May 76.9 5.49
June 79.8 7.19
July 81.2 5.99
August 81.7 6.90
September 80.6 10.60
October 76.6 9.10
November 72.1 3.48
December 67.1 3.40
Yearly average 74.4 63.76

Pompano Canal on the south. These major canals flow eastward to
the ocean (fig. 2).
The Hillsboro and Pompano canals drain water from the
Pompano Beach area and they are also a part of the Central and
Southern Florida Flood Control District network of canals that
drain parts of the Everglades. The flow of the Pompano Canal is
controlled by a spillway structure a short distance east of the
Florida East Coast Railroad, and a gated dam 2 miles farther up-
stream (fig. 3). During periods of heavy rainfall, these structures
are adjusted to prevent local flooding; however, during most of the
year they are operated to hold high stages in the canal. Major
floodwaters in the western area are removed by the diversion canal
south of the Pompano Canal (fig. 3), and through the Hillsboro
Canal in the northern part of the area. The Hillsboro Canal is
controlled 2 miles upstream from the Florida East Coast Railroad.
The west slope of the ridge area drains to the backswamp area;
the east slope of the ridge drains to the Intracoastal Waterway.
In recent years drainage east of the ridge divide has been highly
developed to accommodate urbanization, and the area now drains
to the Intracoastal Waterway through storm sewers, streets west
of U. S. Highway 1, and by a massive system of finger-canals east
of U. S. Highway 1 (fig. 3).


The Pompano Beach area is underlain by the Biscayne aquifer
which is composed chiefly, of permeable limestone, sandstone, and
sand that range in age from late Miocene through Pleistocene. The


Biscayne aquifer is thickest near the coast, where its base is about
400 feet below msl, and it thins to the west. Hydrologically the
aquifer is a unit, but geologically it comprises the following
formations: Tamiami Formation, upper Miocene; Anastasia
Formation, Pleistocene; Miami Oolite, Pleistocene; and Pamlico
Sand, Pleistocene. The entire section of sediments in this area
probably is of marine origin. The Biscayne aquifer is underlain
to a depth of 950 feet by a massive section of marine sediments
of middle and early Miocene age that are predominantly greenish
sandy clay and marl of low permeability. This material forms the
upper confining layers for the Floridan aquifer, a regional artesian
system which, in the Pompano Beach area, yields salty water to
flowing wells.
Detailed lithologic logs of four test wells in the Pompano Beach
are a are given in the section of well logs.



The Tamiami Formation is the oldest and lowest formation in
the Biscayne aquifer. As redefined by Parker (1951, p. 823), it
includes all the upper Miocene material in southern Florida. The
Tamiami Formation ranges in composition from pure quartz sand
to nearly pure limestone, which is generally white to gray in color.
Rock layers are formed at random depth but they cannot be corre-
lated over large areas because wedging and lensing of the sediments
is common. The percentage of carbonate material in the sediments
shows a general increase with depth.
The numerous indurated zones are quite permeable, and open-
end wells in the limestone layers are capable of yielding large
quantities of water. The formation is tapped by only a few wells
because equally good water and comparable yields can be obtained
from wells that penetrate shallower limestones in the Anastasia


The Anastasia Formation of Pleistocene age was named by
Sellards (1912, p. 18) after studying coquina pits at St. Augustine,
Florida. Since 1912, the formation has been noted along the coastal
ridge as far south as Dade County. In the Pompano Beach area


the formation overlies the Tamiami Formation and is covered by
the Pamlico Sand and the Miami Oolite. The Anastasia Formation,
as defined by Schroeder (1958, p. 21), includes all pre-Pamlico
marine deposits of Pleistocene age along the coastal areas. It
consists of heterogeneous mixtures of very fine to very coarse quartz
sand. finely broken shells, and redeposited calcium carbonate either
in the form of calcite crystals or as cryptocrystalline cementing
materials. The colors range from white to gray or tan.
The indurated zones are generally highly permeable and yield
very large quantities of water (2,000 gpm) to open-end wells. The
Anastasia Formation is the most important component of the
Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area.


Miami Oolite was named by Sanford (1909, p. 211-214) and
redefined by Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 204-207) to include all
the oolitic limestone in southern Florida. The Miami Oolite of
Pleistocene age, overlies the Anastasia Formation in the Pompano
Beach area and is covered by the Pamlico Sand. It is fairly per-
sistent west of the coastal ridge but occurs discontinuously in the
ridge area along the Pompano and Hillsboro canals. The formation
is a sandy, oolitic limestone containing many pelecypod shells. It
is a white thin-bedded to massive, very permeable limestone which
may occur locally as a solid rock to a depth of 40 feet below the
land surface.
Where the rock is appreciably thick it is an excellent aquifer,
but because it is discontinuous very little water is derived from it.
The Miami Oolite is strip mined and used extensively as road base
building material, and decorative building stone.


The Pamlico Sand is a late Pleistocene terrace deposit of marine
origin. Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 74-75) extended the term
Pamlico Sand from North Carolina to southern Florida, and defined
it to include all the marine Pleistocene deposits younger than the
Anastasia Formation. The Pamlico Sand blankets the study area
except in the north-central part, where the Miami Oolite crops
out. The sand west of the ridge is generally 2 to 5 feet thick, and
on the ridge it attains a maximum thickness of 18 feet. It is very
fine to coarse, mostly of medium size, subangular, and contains
varying amounts of iron oxide.


Numerous sand-point wells completed in this material will yield
small quantities of water (50 gpm or less), which commonly has
a high iron content.


Ground water is the subsurface water in the zone of saturation,
the zone in which all pore spaces are filled with water under greater
than atmospheric pressure. The chief source of ground-water re-
plenishment in the Pompano Beach area is local rainfall. Part of
the rainfall is evaporated, part is absorbed by plants and transpired,
and a part is lost by surface runoff; the remainder infiltrates
downward to the zone of saturation. After entering the zone of
saturation, ground water flows by gravity from areas of recharge,
where water levels are high, to areas of discharge, where water
levels are low. A formation, group of formations, or part of a
formation within the zone of saturation that is capable of
transmitting water in usable quantities is called an aquifer.


Ground water in the Pompano Beach area occurs under both
water-table (nonartesian) conditions and artesian conditions.
Where water occurs in an unconfined aquifer and its upper surface
is free to rise and fall, the aquifer is referred to as a water-table
aquifer and its upper surface is the water table. In the Pompano
Beach area all fresh ground-water supplies are derived from the
Biscayne aquifer, a water-table aquifer.
Ground water contained in an aquifer that is confined by
impermeable beds, and that is under sufficient pressure to rise
above the top of the aquifer, is defined as artesian water. The
height to which the water will rise in a tightly cased well that
penetrates an artesian aquifer is the pressure, or piezometric,
surface. Artesian ground water occurs beneath the area but the
top of the artesian (Floridan) aquifer is about 950 feet deep and
contains salty water.


The Biscayne aquifer is recharged by rainfall and by surface
water pumped into the area through canals. About 50 percent of
the rainfall (estimated by Parker and others, 1955, p. 221, for a


1960 1961

140 I

K I- I -


Figure 4. Graphs of fluctuations of chloride content of the water from the
Pompano Canal and two finger canals.


a- r .a u S Go'o9cw
Figure 5. Northeastern Broward County showing the chloride content of water
samples from surface-water bodies June 5-6, 1961.

similar area in North Miami), infiltrates to the zone of saturation
and becomes ground water. In the western part of the Pompano
Beach area great volumes of water are pumped through a system
of irrigation canals which maintain high ground-water levels during
the dry seasons. The pumping procedures are reversed during
rainy seasons to prevent flooding of croplands.
Discharge from the Biscayne aquifer occurs by evapotran-
spiration, by ground-water outflow to canals and to the ocean, and
by pumping from wells. Evapotranspiration and ground-water
outflow probably account for more than 80 percent of the total


discharge. The losses are greatest during the rainy season in late
spring to early fall when temperatures and water levels are highest.
Evidence of the discharge of ground water into canals is shown
by the periodic changes in the quality of the water in several
canals in the area. Figure 4 compares the chloride content of the
water from two observation stations (613-007-SW1 and 613-008-
SW2) along the lower controlled reach of the Pompano Canal
during 1960-61. Throughout most of the sampling period the water
at station 613-007-SW1 had a slightly lower chloride content than
the water at station 613-008-SW2. The chloride content is lowest
during the rainy seasons and highest during dry seasons. Water
|moving from the west in the Pompano Canal generally contains
more salt than does the ground water in the Pompano Beach area.
During wet periods, such as July to October 1960, a large part of
the increased flow of the Pompano Canal was the result of heavy
ground-water discharge into the canal in the Pompano Beach area
which caused dilution of the canal water as it moved to the ocean.
During the ensuing dry season of 1961, a large part of the canal
flow was contributed by areas west of Pompano Beach, as a result
the chloride content of the canal water increased.
Figure 5 shows the chloride content of the surface water at
points in major canals, irrigation laterals, and ponds or rock pits
June 5-6, 1961. The distribution shows that the chlorides are
higher in the western areas than they are near the coast. In the
Hillsboro Canal, water entering the area from the west contained
74 ppm (parts per million) of chloride and was diluted by ground-
water discharge along the lower reach to 64 ppm at the control
dam. Similarly, the water in the Pompano Canal was diluted from
80 ppm of chloride at the western edge to 30 ppm above the control
in Pompano Beach.


The greatest use of ground water in northeastern Broward
County is for public supplies. During 1960-61 the total pumpage
for public supplies in the area was 7 to 8 billion gallons (fig. 6).
In 1961 the municipalities pumped about 4.3 billion gallons, at a
rate of about 12 mgd (million gallons per day); about one-half
was used for lawn irrigation.
The maximum withdrawals normally are during the winter
season, when the population is greatest, when the rainfall is least,
and when irrigation is heaviest. The normal condition seldom
exists; therefore, during some years the largest withdrawals are


Hillsboro Beach

Deerfield Beach
Collier City
Broward Utilities
Pompano Beach

J F M A M JJ A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S



Figure 6. Graph showing monthly pumpage of municipal supplies in north-
eastern Broward County.




300 F


200 F


100 v

50 -



5 P


Figure 7. Monthly pumpage from the Pompano Beach well field and monthly
rainfall at Pompano Beach, 1957-60.


in the summer, when rainfall is deficient. Figure 7 shows the
monthly pumpage from the Pompano Beach well field and the
monthly rainfall at Pompano Beach. A relation between pumpage
and rainfall is evident. The graph also shows the large increase
in annual pumpage from 1957 to 1961. It is estimated that the
pumpage by 1970 will be twice that of 1961.
A large quantity of water is used by residents who irrigate
lawns from privately owned wells. The use of water for industry
is very small except for the seasonal use by the vegetable packing
plants in the western part of the area. Most water for crop irri-
gation in the west is obtained from surface-water sources.


Major fluctuations of ground-water level in the Pompano Beach
area are caused by recharge to and discharge from the Biscayne
aquifer. The magnitude of the fluctuations and the day-by-day
changes were determined from automatic recorders installed on
selected wells in Pompano Beach during 1960-61. Also, monthly
measurements of water level were made in wells of random depth
in the aquifer. The continuous water-level records provided informa-
tion on short term fluctuations and furnished a complete record
of the seasonal fluctuations. The periodic measurements provided
information to determine the configuration and altitude of the
water table at different times. The water-table maps were used to
determine areas of recharge and discharge, the direction of flow
in the aquifer, and changes in ground-water storage.
The most pronounced and rapid water-level fluctuations are
the result of recharge by rainfall and discharge by pumping. The
effect of recharge is shown in figure 8 by the rise of the water
table when appreciable rainfall occurs, such as on September 23
and October 22, 1960. The combined effect of discharge by evapo-
transpiration, ground-water outflow, and pumpage is indicated by
the relatively slow decline of the water table as compared to the
rapid rise caused by recharge. The effect of pumping ground water
on water levels is very pronounced near a discharging well, but
is included in and masked by the general effect of the other
discharge factors.
Figure 9 compares the hydrograph of well 614-007-11, in the
Pompano Beach well field, with that of well 614-008-1, nearly 1 mile
west of the well field. The rate of decline of the water level in well
614-007-11 is slightly more rapid than that in well 614-008-1 and
can be attributed to the effect of withdrawals in the well field. The




A Il N A AAl I I 1"
"I 1l l I 10 I n lI I
,, v


4 -- --- ----------------------------------------
3 -- -- -------------------------- | ---------



Figure 8. Hydrograph of well 614-007-11, daily municipal pumpage and daily
rainfall at Pompano Beach, Sept. 1960-Feb. 1961.



1960 1961

A I i \J-~ ^- -
Si .ELL 614-007-l 1

Figure 9. Hydrographs of wells 614-007-11 and 614-008-1 at Pompano Beach.

rate of water-level recession in well 614-008-1 suggests no reflection
from well field pumping. The relative effect of pumping also is
suggested in part by a comparison of the range of fluctuations in
the two wells. The total range in well 614-007-11 was 9 feet,
whereas that in well 614-008-1 was slightly more than 6 feet. When
water levels are high, the effect of outflow to drainage canals has
some differential effect on the rates of decline; when water levels
are low, ground-water outflow to canals is reduced and the rate
of decline of water levels is reduced accordingly.
During September and October 1960, water levels in the area
generally rose about 5 feet as a result of heavy rainfall (fig. 8).
Very little water was pumped for irrigation and withdrawals from
the Pompano Beach well field were reduced to 3.5 mgd. During the
next 6 months, deficient rainfall and increased pumping for
irrigation and municipal purposes caused water levels to fall below
the pre-September levels.
Contour maps were prepared from water-level data in the
area to represent high, average, and low-water conditions in the
Biscayne aquifer for the period of record. Figure 10 represents the
approximate configuration and altitude of the water table on
October 13, 1960, when water levels were abnormally high owing to
the extremely heavy September rainfall. The map shows steep
ground-water gradients toward the Hillsboro Canal, the Intracoastal
Waterway, and the Pompano Canal, indicating heavy discharge of
ground water throughout the area.
The large depression in the water table in the center of the
area, between Powerline Road and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad,
is caused by heavy pumping from rock pits to lower water levels
so that the pits can be mined. The trough in the Water table, south-
west of the rock pits indicates that the canal that connects the
pits with the Pompano Canal was effectively draining ground
water from storage in the aquifer. Significant recharge was


Bo tom Wom U S Geologca l I 0 -4

Figure 10. Northeastern Broward County showing contours on the water
October 13, 1960, when water levels were high.


occurring in the northwestern part of the area, as indicated by the
large ground-water mound within the 13-foot contour. The close
spacing of the contours adjacent to the Hillsboro Canal, on the
north, suggests a thinning or a decrease in permeability of the
Biscayne aquifer.

Figure 11 represents the water table on March 16, 1961, when
water-level conditions were about average. The water-table
depression at the rock pits is still evident but it is much less
pronounced than it was in October 1960; however, the canal to the
southwest of the rock pits continues to drain ground water from
storage from the adjacent area. The high ground-water mound

Is' 12' II 09 oT 059 050 0"O'M
N m n
hat b,,. .1.1 000., .n RD~r 960

C_ ~, fD mon ro n
t 6-sa
'9 /

1,, 0

1 I12


r0 /

02 08 0 7 z9 BC.
57. 10r
98; ~
-0 M? A N
CANAL C ru~cr

13- -IS E I
x O
V --
HnP~nr n i~%"'(0
8013 12 I 1 09 0' 6' CI


3ou w u G G qoiocl a iwt
Figure 11. Northeastern Broward County showing contours on the water
table March 16, 1961, when water levels were about average.

in the northwest has been dissipated and the 13-foot water-level
contour has shifted westward. The pattern of the contours indicates
that the northern reach of the canal adjacent to State Highway 7
was the main source of recharge to the Biscayne aquifer in the
Pompano Beach area. Canal C14 was completed by March 1961
and its flow was controlled by a dam a short distance downstream
from its confluence with the Pompano Canal and another located
at the Florida East Coast Railroad.
Within the Pompano Beach well field area, the water-table
contours show considerably more distortion as compared to the
contours for October 1960. The pronounced distortion is the result


A 12'* "' 0 09' O5 07' 06 05" 80C I

I' 0' 09' 08'

07' 06" OS 8 'O

1 2 0 _..

Figure 12. Northeastern Broward County showing contours on the water
table August 15, 1961.

of heavier pumping in the well field during March 1961 (about 8

mgd). The gradients toward the canals are less, indicating less

outflow than in October 1960.

Figure 12 represents the altitude and configuration of the water

table on August 15, 1961, when water levels were low as a result of

generally deficient rainfall. The general pattern of the contours is

about the same as that in March, but the distortion of the contours
in the vicinity of the Pompano Beach well field is more acute

because of the continuous heavy pumping throughout the period of

deficient rainfall. A noticeable distortion in the contours also occurs


8080103,o f2'oo~o
5o'ly0oW)T 0409
BOW 4000 hom U 5 Ge.I.Sc.:
Suy "0014proOZ crrdmng:e$

N N-.'... 1 1
Me .'e, $".I.l~l


.32 1

55 ru
i' ..,. s 52


61 *ZS 127:" :





1960 1961
*4btTif4<+t I IiH







I I I I 61 6I-0i2- I,



I r I


1 II

I 615-005-1

4 i t
E # ,

Figure 13. Hydrographs of wells in northeastern Broward County.

in the vicinity of the Deerfield Beach well field, about half a mile
west of the Florida East Coast Railroad, as a result of relatively
heavy pumping in the area.
The flat gradiert of the water table in the southeast indicates
that much of the water that normally moves toward the Intra-
coastal Waterway is being intercepted by the heavy withdrawals
in the Pompano Beach well field. Water levels in the western part
of the area remained relatively high during the period of record,
because of water-control activities in that area. Water levels are


e - ,,i--o6q-%





... ........~..--~..

: VIX. /
I _"_- o \


-4 661
0--613-08-SW 2

area are shown by the hydrographs in figure 13. Hydrographs of1960-61.

(adjintained at fairly constant altitude forest side of the area show by
controrelatively small ranges in irrigfluctuation canals and county pumpinuous high water from the
levels as a resenult of the water-vel flucntrol practieons througin the area. Con-udy
rea re s e hydrographs o e 1 614-007- i th opao ah

fieldls 618-012-1 and 616-006-1,12-1, located near the pelarge range ofal
(adjafluctuations that occur in dischargy 7) on the and downgradienthe area show
relatively small hydrograngephs in figure 14 reprsctuations and cont periodicgh water
levels as a urements ault of several locater-control practices in the Pompano Canal. CoThen-

dams are open to permit discharge of flood water. During the dry
period (1961) the controls were generally closed and water levels
were maintained relatively constant and high to furnish replenish-
ment by outflow into the aquifer. The difference between the paired
hydrographs indicates the ability to control water levels in the
Pompano Canal at desired heads. During the dry season high canal
stages are desirable but during flood period canal stages are lowered
to accommodate flood waters.
to accommodate flood waters. --l-



The chemical quality of ground water depends upon the amount
and type of constituents contained in the recharge, the composition
and solubility of the rocks through which the recharge moves, and
the presence of connate water in the aquifer. In the Pompanc
Beach area rainfall is the principal source of recharge. As the
rainfall infiltrates to the water table it acquires organic acids and
dissolves calcium carbonate from the rocks which imparts hardness
to the water. The occurrence of connate water and the encroach-
ment of sea water into the aquifer will be discussed under another
Ground-water samples were collected from wells at several
locations and from different depths in some wells in the Biscayne
aquifer. The samples were analyzed by the U. S. Geological Survey
and are presented in table 2. Included also are other analyses made
by the General Development Corporation and the Florida State
Board of Health. The analyses show that the ground water is hard,
but is suitable for most uses, without being treated, or with
relatively simple treatment.
Iron derived from iron-bearing minerals within the aquifer or
from the action of iron-fixing bacteria is the most noticeable and
objectionable constituent in the ground water of this area. Un-
treated ground water used for lawn irrigation has caused iron
staining on shrubs, trees, sidewalks, and houses. In the samples
analyzed iron was present in amounts ranging from 0.01 to 4.3
ppm. Iron in concentrations in excess of 0.3 ppm is objectionable in
water used for public supply, and in concentrations in excess of
about 0.5 ppm it imparts a noticeable taste to the water. The
amount of dissolved iron in ground water in the area is very erratic
and cannot be predicted with any accuracy even for short distances
horizontally or vertically. Iron is most easily and inexpensively
removed by aeration and filtration in the large volumes used by
municipal supplies.
Hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium dissolved from
shell material, limestone, and dolomite in the aquifer. Water having
a hardness in excess of 120 ppm is considered hard. Hardness of
the water samples ranged from 22 to 316 ppm. The hardness is
generally low in the sand ridge area at shallow depths and generally
high in the west and at greater depths in the aquifer. This is com-
patible with the character of quartz sand which is the main
component of the aquifer at shallow depths in the ridge area and

TABLE 2. Analyses of Water from Wells in Northeastern Broward County
Analyses by U. S. Geological Survey. Chemical constituents are expressed in parts per million, except pH and color.

as CaCO,

010- 2 7 80 4 24 18 4 .0 3 414 9

614-006-1 8-10-60 158 77 8.5 .44 86 1.0 8.8 .6 118 8.6 1 .,2 .1 124 228 8,0 5
614-007-1 8-10-60 220 78 1.7 .0 8.4 0.2 12 .6 11 2.4 18 2 .1 8 116 98 5
01 g g 5 I 10 I c .

618-007-1 1- 4-61 304 77 7.5 4.8 P2 4.8 16.0 1.4 266 6 .2 .428 0. O 283 222 4 498 7.9 1
618-007-2 8-27-51 190 18.0 0.18 44 2.6 9.8 0.6 140 8.0 14 .1 1708 120 9 261 7.4 6
618-010-11 2- 5-67 80 74 2.4 118 4.9 393 3.0 33 .25 .. 414 316 6 6.9 22
614-006-1 8-10.60 158 77 3.6 .44 86 1.0 8.3 .6 118 8.6 18 .2 .1 124 94 2 228 8.0 5
614-007-1 8-10.60 220 78 1.7 .80 8.4 0.2 12 .6 11 2.4 18 .2 .1 58 22 0 116 9.8 5
614-007-2 1-24-61 140 77 7.8 .72 64 2.8 8.6 .6 164 10.0 14 .2 .4 182 146 12 316 7.9 10
614-007-9 8-28-61 108 12.0 .89 44 .26 9.2 .6 140 8.0 14 .3 .6 168 120 6 267 7.6 7
9-10-56 .. .... 18.0 .01 47 1.1 9.8 .8 140 12.0 16 .1 .4 182 122 8 291 7.8 5
614-007-10 9- 6-1 208 .. 14.0 .07 70 8.5 11.0 .7 222 6. 16 .4 .8 252 189 7 870 7.6 28
614-010-12 6-18-68 147 76 ..... 1.2 94 6.8 ...... .... 822 10.0 18 820 264 0 .. 6.9 10
6-18-58 168 74 .... .1 88 4.9 305 .0 17 .8 807 240 0 7.5 10
615-006-4 1-24-61 188 78 9.5 .67 52 2.1 7.7 .4 162 2.8 12 .8 .1 167 138 5 295 8.0 5
616-006-111 8- 5-66 90 76 .86 46 .9 .... .... 19 27.0 9 .15 .. 149 118 4 ... 7.6
617-006-12 2-24-55 178 75 ...... .4 51 2.9 .. .... 168 8.0 13 .5 ... 186 188 2 7. 7
8-22-66 7 ..... .45 0 2.4 ...... 166 6.0 9 .15 .- 188 16 0 ... 7.5 10
5-11-59 77 ...... 3 55 1.4 .... ... 180 .0 16 .1 188 144 4 7.3 5
11- 8-59 77 ...... 54 2.4 .... 188 20.0 17 .25 .. 17 146 0 ... 7.8 5
617-006-22 2-24-55 180 7 ..... .4 50 2.9 .... 168 85.0 15 .5 ... 164 18 0 7.6 6
5-11-59 77 ...... .4 8 .5 ...... .... 188 .0 14 .. 180 148 6 7.8 5
11- 3-59 77 ..... .3 6 2.4 ... 188 20.0 17 .85 170 148 0 .... 7.3 5
617-006-82 4-18-58 10 76 ...... .4 62 4.0 ......210 19.0 18 .2 .... 22 172 0 7.8 8
5-11-59 78 ...... .7 66 1.4 217 .0 14 .15 209 172 6 ... 7.2
11- 8-59 78 ...... .45 65 2.0 224 10.0 18 .25 ... 210 174 .- 7.8 7
617-006-42 11- 8-69 122 77 ..... .1 50 2.9 ...... 176 30.0 17 .35 .. 186 18 0 7.8 7
617-006-2 8-27-61 189 76 ...... 60 1.4 ...... 185 .0 22 .... 142 12 0 .. 7.4 10
619-006-11 1-16-52 80 78 ...... 1. 66 .0 ..... .. 193 .0 18 .1 .. 280 18 6 ...... 7.8 25

lAnalyses by Florida State Board of Health.
2Analyses by General Development Corporation.


the shell beds and limestone which are the main components
throughout the aquifer in the western sections and at great depths
beneath the ridge.
The hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) is a measure of the acidity
or alkalinity of water. Distilled water has a pH value of 7.0 and
thus is neither acid nor alkaline; decreasing values below 7.0
denote increasing acidity and usually indicate a corrosive water;
conversely, increasing values above 7.0 denote increasing alkalinity.
The pH of the water analyzed ranged from 6.9 to 9.8 and is mostly
about 7.5, which is slightly alkaline and should be noncorrosive.
Color in water usually is derived from the decomposition of
organic matter. Peat and muck deposits are common in the
western part of the area and in buried mangrove swamps in the
east. Visible coloration of drinking water is undesirable. Water
having concentrations in excess of 20 units is considered by the
U. S. Public Health Service (1946) to be unsuitable for human
consumption. The range of concentration in this area is from 3
to 28 units. Highly colored water often retains an earthy odor
similar to the organic material from which the color was derived.
Part of the color of the water in this area is from iron. Color is
generally lower than 10 in the sand ridge area and generally high
in the west, where several large irrigation wells produce highly
colored water.
Dissolved hydrogen sulfide and methane gases were noted in
several wells. The gases are derived from the decomposition of
organic matter, and they impart undesirable odors. The odors are
easily removed by aeration.


Salt-water contamination in the Biscayne aquifer in north-
eastern Broward County could occur from two general sources:
(1) the direct encroachment of sea water into the coastal parts
of the aquifer or along uncontrolled canals; and (2) the upward
movement of saline water that may exist in beds below the
Biscayne aquifer. If saline water occurs in the underlying beds it
may be connate, trapped in the sediments when they were deposited,
or it may be sea water that infiltrated the beds during Pleistocene
interglacial stages when the ocean inundated the area several
times. During this study no certain evidence was found that
saline water exists within the aquifer beneath the sand ridge,
except for a few local areas immediately adjoining finger canals
in Pompano Beach. West of the ridge the chloride content of the


water increases slightly and is 30 to 40 ppm along State Highway
7. Farther west, the chloride content increases progressively west-
ward and with depth. Five miles west of State Highway 7 and 1.5
miles south of the Palm Beach County line a 104-foot well yielded
water containing 520 ppm of chloride. This increase of salinity
with depth is well defined by Parker and others (1955, p. 820),
who present several maps showing chloride concentrations in ground
water at different depths.
The local occurrences of saline water along the coastal finger
canals may be from downward infiltration of salt water from the
canals, or from the encroachment of sea water at depth in the
Biscayne aquifer. The system of uncontrolled finger canals has
lowered water levels along the coast to permit an inland extension
of sea water in the aquifer. Also, with the development of the
area and the increased use of water, much of the water that
normally would have discharged to the sea was intercepted
by municipal and irrigation wells, causing further lowering of water
levels and reduction of seaward flow.
The movement of salt and fresh water in a coastal aquifer is
controlled to a large degree by the relative height of the fresh
water above sea level and by the difference in the densities of fresh
and salt water. Under static conditions the relation is that of a
U-tube whose arms contain two fluids of different densities, and
it is expressed by the Ghyben-Herzberg principle (Brown, 1925,
p. 16-17) as follows:

where h = depth of fresh water below sea level
t = height of fresh water above sea level
g = specific gravity of sea water
1.0 = specific gravity of fresh water.

When the approximate value of the specific gravity of sea water
(1.025) is inserted in the equation, h=40t, or for every foot the
fresh water is above sea level, there will be 40 feet of fresh water
below sea level. This theoretical condition is modified somewhat
by the movement of the fresh water toward points of discharge,
by variations in the permeability of the aquifer materials, and by
the salinity of the sea water. The variations have only a minor
effect so the general relation is adequate for determining the
minimum depth at which salt water will occur in coastal parts of
the aquifer. One of the inconsistencies is the assumption that the
encroaching saline water has a specific gravity of 1.025. The


WELL 613-006-
S12 --- --,--p--.- --100 --

t -J

S--WELL 614-007:11 30

Figure 15. Fluctuations of chloride content of water from well 613-006-1 and
water level in well 614-007-11.

inconsistency applies particularly to some of the finger canals that
are long and shallow. These canals receive much fresh water from
ground-water inflow which causes periodic dilution as shown by
two canals in figure 4b.
Because 91 percent of the dissolved constituents in sea water
are chloride salts, analyses of the chloride content of ground-
water samples can be reliably used to determine the extent of sea-
water encroachment in an aquifer. Salt-water encroachment occurs
in Pompano Beach adjacent to the uncontrolled finger canals that
dissect most of the area east of U. S. Highway 1. This system of
canals constitutes a persistent drain of ground water from storage,
thereby causing a general lowering of the water table to near sea
level during dry seasons. Also, it provides open channels for salt
water to move inland. Encroachment is indicated by the changes
in chloride content of the water from well 613-006-1, a 70-foot well
in the southern part of Pompano Beach (fig. 15).
Figure 15 also shows a comparison of the chloride content of
water from well 613-006-1 and the water-level fluctuations in well
614-007-11, less than a mile to the northwest. Well 613-006-1 is
flanked on three sides by tidal canals and is pumped heavily during
dry periods. The changes in the salinity of the water from the well
show an excellent correlation with water levels in the well less than


Figure 16. Fluctuations of chloride content of water from uncontrolled reaches
of the Hillsboro and Pompano canals.

a mile away. The aquifer in this area probably will become
progressively more saline as pumpage from Pompano Beach well
field increases and intercepts more of the natural ground-water
flow to the southeast.
Figure 16 shows the chloride content of water samples from the
observation stations immediately downstream (tidal reach) from
the lower control dams in the Hillsboro and Pompano canals. The
low chloride contents during most of 1960 are the result of the
nearly continuous discharge of fresh water through the control
dams. The two large increases in chloride content in 1961 occurred
when drought conditions prevailed, ground-water levels were low,
and little or no water was being discharged over the control dams.
Water from several wells near the coast showed very small
increases in chloride content during 1961 when rainfall was
deficient. The changes have a general correlation with water-level
fluctuations; that is, an increase in chloride occurs with a decrease
in water levels and vice versa. The four lower graphs in figure 17
show periodic chloride changes in two municipal wells (wells 617-
006-1 and 619-006-1) that are 4,400 and 2,400 feet, respectively,
from saline canals, and two private lawn-irrigation wells (wells
616-005-1 and 613-006-2) that are 200 and 1,000 feet, respectively,


1960 1961

S-^ 615-006-5

^-- I I --7 ---- --7

3 ------ L ^-"- -

S616-oos-,-- F 6/ \


--'- -" -o-t,-1

Figure 17. Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells near bodies
of saline surface water.

Figure 18. Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells distant from
bodies of saline surface water.


from saline canals. None of these supplies had a chloride content
that was in excess of the normal chloride content of the area,
indicating that seawater encroachment was not yet a problem in
these areas.
Another chloride graph in figure 17 is for the golf course
190-foot irrigation well (well 615-006-5) 900 feet from a saline
canal. The well was pumped heavily at regular intervals during
1961. The average water level near this well was about 3.5 feet
above msl during most of the summer of 1961. Pumping lowered
water levels nearly to sca level in the immediate vicinity of the well,
but only a small increase in chloride content was noted.
Analyses of water from wells farther from the coast (fig. 18),
similarly showed little or no variation in the chloride content during
the study. An exception was well 617-010-2, which showed an
increase from 26 ppm to 38 ppm. This change can be associated
with the reactivation of a large irrigation well in the immediate
In 1948, well 613-006-3 was drilled to salt water at a reported
depth of 210 feet. An analysis of the water in 1961 showed a con-
centration of 4,650 ppm of chloride. If future samples from this
well show increases in the chloride content, the increase may be
the result of the drainage effect of the uncontrolled part of the
Pompano Canal (and connected finger canals) to the south and
the series of finger canals to the northeast and the interception
of water by the Pompano Beach well field.
SWater samples for chloride analysis were collected periodically
from selected wells in the area; water samples from 15 of these
selected wells were analyzed each month to detect changes in the
chloride content. The maximum chloride content in each well was
used in the preparation of figure 19. Water samples also were
collected during the drilling of test holes to determine the variations
of chloride with depth in the Biscayne aquifer in areas between
the Pompano Beach well field and bodies of salt water.
Test well 613-007-1, located between the south edge of the
Pompano Beach well field and the lower control dam on the Pompano
Canal, was drilled to a depth of 304 feet. The average chloride
content of water samples from this well was 29 ppm, indicating
that the proper operation of the control dam was effectively main-
taining high water levels in the southern part of the area, thereby
preventing the inland movement of salt water from the controlled
reach of the canal.
Test well 615-006-4 was drilled to 183 feet below the land surface
near the upstream end of a long finger canal east of the Pompano


Beach airport. Water from all zones sampled in this well contained
less than 25 ppm of chloride. Periodic analyses of water from this
well determine the effect that the adjacent tidal canal and the
heavy pumping at the golf course, immediately to the east, have
on the inland movement of salt water. Analyses of samples from
wells adjacent to and north of this finger canal show that salty
water occurs at relatively shallow depth in the aquifer. Also,
samples from wells in the southeastern part of Pompano Beach
indicate an inland extension of the salt front.
A potential area of salt-water encroachment could develop in
Deerfield Beach adjacent to the tidal reach of the Hillsboro Canal.
As shown in figure 19, water of high chloride content has occurred
in the canal as far upstream as the control dam. During low-water
periods, the effect of heavy pumping in the Deerfield Beach well
field, about half a mile south of the canal, could extend northward
to the canal and cause a reversal of the normal gradient and a
resultant southward migration of salt water. The distortion of the
2-foot contour in the Deerfield Beach area, in figure 12, suggests
that a gradient reversal might have been occurring in August 1961.


Knowledge of the hydraulic properties of the aquifer of the
Pompano Beach area is essential to an evaluation of its ground-
water resources. The foremost hydraulic properties of an aquifer
are its ability to transmit and to store water. These properties are
expressed as the coefficients of transmissibility and storage. The
coefficient of transmissibility is defined by Theis (1938, p. 892) as
the number of gallons of water, at the prevailing water temperature,
that will move in 1 day through a vertical strip of the aquifer
having a width of 1 foot and a height equal to the saturated
thickness of the aquifer, under a hydraulic gradient of unity. The
coefficient of storage is defined as the volume of water released
from or taken into storage per unit surface area of the aquifer per
unit change in the component of head. Water transmitted through
overlying and underlying semiconfining materials into the principal
producing zone is termed leakage. The leakage coefficient (Hantush,
1956, p. 702) indicates the ability of semiconfining beds to transmit
water into the section being tested. It is defined as the rate at
which water moves through a unit area of the semiconfining bed,
if the head between the main aquifer and the bed supplying the
leakage is unity.


The hydraulic coefficients are generally determined by pumping
water from an aquifer and observing the effect of the withdrawal
on the water levels in adjacent areas. Normally one well is pumped,
and water levels in several nearby nonpumping wells are observed
to relate the lowering of water level to distance and time. This
lowering of water level has the general shape of an inverted cone
and is referred to as the cone of depression. The shape of the
cone of depression depends upon the rate and period of pumping,
the water-storing and transmitting properties of the aquifer, and
the natural changes in storage in the aquifer.
Pumping tests were made on wells in the Pompano Beach
municipal well field during early February 1961, and at the Deer-
field Beach municipal well field at the end of August 1961. Well
615-007-4 in the Pompano Beach well field was pumped at the rate of
2,000 gpm for 100 hours and the water was discharged to the water
plant. For a period of 3 days prior to the test, no wells were
pumped within a distance of 3,700 feet of well 615-007-4. Water-
level measurements made during the 3-day period showed that
antecedent water-level conditions were nearly stable, and the
effects of other pumping in the area were small. After pumping
started, water levels were measured in observation wells shown
in figure 20 to determine the drawdown of levels at different
distances from the pumped well. In the Deerfield Beach test, well
619-006-5 was pumped for 8 hours at the rate of 450 gpm and
drawdowns were measured in the observation wells as shown in
figure 20. No other pumping occurred within 2,000 feet of the
Deerfield Beach test site during the test.
In both the Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach well field areas
the municipal wells are developed in a permeable rock zone that is
overlain by thick sections of sand, shells, or silt. In the Pompano
Beach area the overlying material is mostly clean sand, but in the
Deerfield Beach area the overlying material consists of less
permeable heterogeneous mixtures of silt and shell. Because of
the low permeability of the shallow sediments, the aquifer in Deer-
field Beach acts initially as an artesian system when pumping be-
gins, proceeds through a leaky-aquifer transitional condition, and
ultimately, with time, to a water-table system. The time required
for this transition to be completed may be a few hours or days,
depending upon the rate of pumping and the nature of the over-
lying semiconfining beds supplying the leakage.
The drawdown data obtained from the Pompano Beach test were
analyzed by the Theis graphical method as described by Wenzel
(1942, p. 87-89). This method is best applied when the following

* 33


WELL FIELD 61s-007-7






! 619-006-7
=619-006-5 to100 t ---

/690600 -8'

Figure 20. Sketch of pumping test sites in the Pompano Beach and Deerfield
Beach well fields.
ideal conditions are met: the aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic,
uniformly thick, really infinite, and receives no recharge; the well
being pumped has an infinitesimal diameter and penetrates the
entire thickness of the aquifer; the water is all discharged through
the pumped well and water taken from storage is discharged
instantaneously with the decline in head. Not all these conditions
were met in the field, but the determined coefficients provide
valuable indications of the capacities of the aquifer. The coefficients
of transmissibility and storage can be computed from a series of



drawdown measurements made at different times in one observa-
tion well, or from drawdowns measured at one time in several
observation wells, by use of the following formula:

114.6 Q
8- >


114.6 Q
du -


S 1.87 r- S
where U= --u
a = drawdown in feet
r = distance from the discharging well, in feet
Q = rate of discharge, in gallons per minute
t = time well was discharging, in days
T = coefficient of transmissibility, in gallons per day per foot
S = coefficient of storage.
The test data were plotted and matched with the type curve,
figure 21, The coefficient of transmissibility was computed to be
1,400,000 gpd per foot and the coefficient of storage was computed
to5 be 0.34. Analysis of the data by the straight line method
(Cooper and Jacob, 1946) resulted in a coefficient of transmissibility
of 1,500,000 gpd per foot land a coefficient of storage of 0.25.

Figure 21. Logarithmic graphs of type curve and plot of s against r2/t for
observation wells 615-007-7, 615-007-8, and 615-006-2.


Because of the presence of semiconfining beds within the aquifer,
the Deerfield Beach pumping test was analyzed both by the Theis
method and by the leaky-aquifer method outlined by Hantush
(1956), which is based on the theory of ground-water flow in a
leaky artesian aquifer (Hantush and Jacob, 1955). The leaky-
aquifer method involves the same assumptions as does the Theis
method, except that the aquifer is assumed to be recharged by
leakage through semiconfining beds and the leakage rate is main-
tained by a constant head. This method also involves matching the
plotted data with a set of type curves developed by Cooper (in
press). At the Deerfield Beach test the coefficient of
transmissibility was computed to be 400,000 gpd per foot, the
coefficient of storage 0.0004, and the coefficient of leakage 3.6 gpd
per square foot per foot of head differential. The small
transmissibility in the Deerfield Beach area as compared with the
Pompano Beach area could be due to a thinning of the aquifer or a
general change in permeability, or a combination of both factors;
however, sufficient geologic information is not available to determine
the reasons for the lower transmissibility.
If it is assumed that ideal hydrologic conditions prevail in
Pompano Beach, theoretical drawdowns that would occur in the
vicinity of a pumped well can be computed by the Theis nonequi-
librium formula. The graphs in figures 22 and 23 were developed
for the Pompano Beach well field on the basis of a coefficient of
transmissibility of 1,500,000 gpd per foot and a coefficient of
storage of 0.30. Figure 22 shows the theoretical drawdowns caused
by pumping a well at a rate of 1,000 gpm for different periods. This
graph can be used to determine the drawdown that would be
expected with continuous pumping from storage, no rainfall or
recharge occurring, and natural discharge from the aquifer not
being affected. Figure 23 shows the drawdowns that would result
if the well were pumped at different rates for 1 and 10 days. This
graph can be used to determine the drawdown in other wells at anj'
distance for the times indicated. For a given time and distance,
the drawdown is proportional to the pumping rate.
Because the period of heaviest pumpage normally coincides with
the dry season in southeastern Florida, computations were made to
determine the overall drawdown caused by increased pumping from
the Pompano Beach well field during a prolonged drought. A water-
table contour map was constructed to show the effects of
withdrawing 20 mgd from the well field throughout a 6-month
rainless period.




0 .......- -

0.6T------ ----- --


1.0 ______ _______________T 1,500,000 g pd per ft.
'0 1000 gpm
I.2 _______ --- -------____ -- --- ---- --
Figure 22. Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a well discharging 1,000
gpm for selected periods of time.

By use of a plotting method described by Conover and Reeder
(1962), the drawdown caused by each pumping well was plotted
on a grid system covering the area of influence, and summed to
determine the net effect of all pumpage. These net drawdowns
were superimposed on the water-level contour map for these
assumed conditions. Figure 24 shows the combined effect of
pumping 20 mgd (3 times the pumping rate for 1961) continuously
from the Pompano Beach well field for a 6-month prolonged
drought (no rainfall).
The predicted water levels may be lower than might actually
occur because the September 1961 water levels, selected to represent
the beginning of a dry season, were near record low after a 4-month
period of deficient rainfall. However, the total drawdown caused
by the 20 mgd pumping rate is in proportion to that shown at the
6.5 mgd rate in figure 12. Figure 24 shows that water levels in
the immediate vicinity of the municipal well field would be drawn
down to 2 feet below msl, and that diversion of ground water toward
the well field would result in a reduction of head along the coast and
along the lower reach of the Pompano Canal.
If this large increase in pumping were to lower water levels
permanently along the coast, a slow inland movement of salt water
could occur on a broad front in the aquifer and the well field would




500 1000








Figure 23. Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a
selected times and rates.

well discharging at

be threatened. Thus, it would not be advisable to withdraw the
20 mgd without expanding the well field facilities. Expansion could
be northward, along the sandy ridge, or westward. The northward
extension of the field would have the advantage of the availability
of water of excellent quality, but ultimately the problem of salt-
water encroachment would recur.
A westward extension of the well field would take advantage
of the perennially high water levels maintained in the vicinity of
the controlled reaches of the Pompano Canal. Replenishment to
the field would be by continuous infiltration from the. canal, under
high gradients. The resulting drawdowns would be small, thereby
reducing any threat of salt-water encroachment. A disadvantage to
westward extension of the well field is the slightly inferior quality
of the ground water.







A =,=,




1 1/2 0

I mile

Figure 24. Pompano Beach well-field area showing predicted levels after
pumping 20 mgd for 180 days without rainfall.


The Biscayne aquifer is the only source of fresh ground water
in the Pompano Beach area. The chief source of recharge to the
aquifer is rainfall on the immediate area; an additional source is
the surface water pumped through canals into the western part
of the area for irrigation. The ground water is of good quality
except for the high iron content and the hardness and color, which
increase toward the west.
The aquifer is composed of marine deposits of quartz sand,
calcareous sandstones, and sandy to nearly pure limestones, which
extend from the land surface to a depth of about 400 feet. The
distribution of the -rock zones in the aquifer is erratic, but
generally, thin rock layers that are sufficiently permeable to supply


small water systems are present within the upper 60 feet. Thicker
rock zones from which large supplies can be developed by open-end
wells commonly occur at greater depths.
The water table has a gentle gradient from the interior to the
coast. Its configuration is greatly influenced by the Hillsboro and
Pompano canals and by pumping. Relatively high water levels
are maintained by the control structures in these canals, primarily
for irrigation purposes but also to retard the inland movement of
salt water. When pumping increases in future years, a large part
of the recharge to well fields will be from the controlled reaches of
the major canals. Pumping from the Pompano Beach well field
in 1961 has not lowered the water levels significantly to cause
appreciable inland movement of salt water. Future pumping at
greater rates could lower water levels to altitudes where sea water
would encroach into the aquifer.
Salt-water encroachment could occur from numerous tidal, salt-
water canals. The uncontrolled reaches of the Hillsboro and
Pompano canals are the most likely sources of encroachment,
because they allow salt water to extend appreciable distances inland
and they are adjacent to large well fields. The water from some
wells near the Intracoastal Waterway shows an increase in chloride
content when water levels are lowered. Salt-water encroachment
from subjacent beds is unlikely as no salt water was found by
drilling test holes into the lower zones of the Biscayne aquifer in
the Pompano Beach well field. Future threats of salt-water
encroachment could be diminished by controlling water levels in
canals at locations farther seaward, and by distributing the effect
of pumping more equally along the ridge area.
Pumping tests and water-level data indicate that much larger
quantities of ground water can be obtained in the ridge area, and
that even larger amounts could be produced farther west, with
little probability of salt-water encroachment.
Some of the major water problems that will face the city of
Pompano Beach in future years will be those problems associated
with rapid urbanization. As urbanization proceeds, water needs
will accelerate; at the same time, urbanization will require
drainage and flood control in the western part of the area. It is
important, therefore, to determine the effects that lowering water
levels in the west will have on the continued movement of water
eastward and on salt-water encroachment. These effects can be
evaluated by a continuing program of data collection and data
analysis on the availability of water. The continuing studies will '


point out changes in the hydrology of the area and will aid in
establishing an orderly program of water control and water
management in the area.



Black, A. P.
1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters:
Florida State Board of Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research,
Paper 6.
Brown, Eugene (see Black. A. P.)
Brown, J. S.
1925 A study of coastal water, with special reference to Connecticut:
U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 537.
Conover, C. S.
1962 (and Reeder, H. 0.) Construction and use of special drawdown
scales for predicting water-level changes throughout heavily
pumped areas: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1545-C, p.
70-81 (in press).
Cooke, C. W. (also see Parker, G. G.)
1929 (and Mossom, Stuart) Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey
20th Ann. Rept., p. 29-227, 29 pl.
1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29.
Cooper, H. H., Jr.
1946 (and Jacob, C. E.) A generalized graphical method for evaluating
formation constants and summarizing well-field history: Am.
Geophys. Union Trans., v. 27, no. 4, p. 526-534.
1962 Type curves for nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky
artesian aquifer, in methods of aquifer tests: U. S. Geol. Survey
Water-Supply Paper 1545-C, p. 88b-88q (in press).
Ferguson, G. E. (see Parker, G. G.)
Hantush, M. C.
1955 (and Jacob, C. E.) Nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky
aquifer: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 36, no. 1, p. 95-100.
1956 Analysis of data from pumping tests in leaky aquifers: Am.
Geophys. Union Trans., v. 37, no. 6, p. 702-714.
Hoy, N. D. (see Schroeder, M. C.)
Jacob, C. E. (see Cooper, H. H.; Hantush, M. C.)
Klein, Howard (see Schroeder, M. C.)
Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G.)
Mossom, Stuart (see Cooke, C. W.)
Parker, G. G.
1944 (and Cooke, C. W.) Late Cenozoic geology of southern Florida,
with a discussion of the ground water: Florida Geol. Survey
Bull. 27.


1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the
Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 43, no. 10.
1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources
of southeastern Florida, with special reference to the geology
and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-
Supply Paper 1255.
Reeder, H. O. (see Conover, C. S.)
Sanford, Samuel
1909 The topography and geology of southern Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey 2d Ann. Rept., p. 175-231.
Schroeder, M. C.
1958 (and Klein, Howard, and Hoy, N. D.) Biscayne aquifer of Dade
and Broward counties, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 17.
Sellards, E. H.
1912 The soils and other surface residual materials of Florida, their
origin, character, and the formations from which derived: Florida
Geol. Survey 4th Ann. Rept., p. 1-79.
Sherwood, C. B.
1959 Ground-water resources of the Oakland Park area of eastern
Broward County, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 20.
Theis, C. V.
1938 The significance and nature of the cone of depression in ground-
water bodies: Econ. Geology, v. 33, no. 8.
Wenzel, L. K.
1942 Methods for determining permeability of water-bearing materials,
with special reference to discharging-well methods: U. S. Geol.
Survey Water-Supply Paper 887.


TABLE 3. Lithologic Logs of Test Holes

WELL 615-006-4
Depth in feet
Material below land surface
Sand, quartz, gray to tan, very fine to very coarse, angular
to subrounded, iron-stained _---_. ............---------------------.. -- 0- 20
Sand, quartz, as above, slightly silty; and thin layer of
limestone ---- ----- ---...----........-........... .............-.. --................. 20- 30
Sand, quartz, white, medium, and tan, shelly limestone .-- 30- 40
Sand as above; and pink, sandy, shelly, very silty limestone 40- 43
Sand, quartz, white to gray, medium to coarse, mostly
coarse, slightly phosphatic -------------- --_____--..-- 43- 48
Sand as above; and dense, hard, shelly limestone .--..-...--- 48- 54
Limestone, white to tan, dense, shelly; some fine sand -...... 54- 59
Sand, quartz, white, fine, angular to subrounded, phosphatic
and white shelly limestone .--. .--..-.--.--..--. -... -- 59- 64
Limestone, white, crystalline, sandy, phosphatic .---.------- 64- 69
Sand, quartz, tan, mostly coarse and granular, slightly
phosphatic, partly indurated to sandstone -.---------...- 69- 78
Sand, quartz, white, mostly fine, silty, phosphatic; some
sandstone ...-- ---_..-......................--- ..-.- ......_ .....__..._..... 78 83
Sandstone composed of materials above ..-. --..--.----------_ 83- 88
Limestone, very sandy, white, shelly _--- --------- 88- 94
Sand, quartz, mostly fine but some very coarse grains,
calcareous and phosphatic ...----------....-------.---.. ----..----- 94- 99
Sand, fine to coarse, very calcareous, shelly, phosphatic 9-- 99-122
Marl, fresh-water? tan and brown, shelly, sandy; contains
some heavy minerals, wood material, and peat -- -----122 -124
Limestone, very sandy, shelly, phosphatic ----------.------ 124-135
Limestone, slightly sandy, shelly; sand, mostly medium,
very hard, 140-143 ..........--- ........-.-------........--...-----. 135 155
Limestone, almost pure, very slightly sandy; contains small
shell fragments ...----....-.._----..--.. -..--. .-----------.. ....---- 155 187

WELL 614-006-1
Depth in feet
Material below land surface
Sand, quartz, cream, very fine to coarse; small amount of
iron oxide .-..........---.._.......... ..------.-- ..-.... .. .. .----- 0- 10
Sand, quartz, fine to medium, angular and subangular, shelly
near bottom ---....--.....-........................... ....---.......------- 10- 20
Sand, as above; and thin layer of yellowish limestone at
25 feet ____ .. _... --------...___ ..--.....-... ...._..-- ...... .----- 20- 25
Sand, as above, shelly; contains phosphate and heavy
minerals ______________..._ .... ...._-__---__ 25- 42
Limestone, tan and cream, sandy, very hard at top; much
recrystalized calcite ____..-----..........-_.--- ..----.---. -.... .--- 42- 45


Limestone, white and cream, fairly pure, sugary to coarsely
crystalline; few shells --_ __-.-_ 45- 83
Sand, quartz, very fine to coarse, shelly; contains thin
interbedded white sandy limestone ...........- .... ................ 83- 115
Limestone, white and cream, sandy, shelly, slightly phos-
phatic, very hard at 130 feet .----...-..--..-.-...-....-- -..-- ...-- 115 -130
Limestone, white to tan, much recrystallized calcite, sandy,
shelly _.._._..._ .. ..... ...._............... 130 150
Sand, very fine to medium, angular, phosphatic, slightly
shelly _.._ ____. ... ... .... ......._......_. ...... 150-155
Limestone, white to cream, very sandy, shell fragments -.... 155 -157

WELL 614-007-1
Depth in feet
Material below land surface
Sand, quartz, fine to medium, subrounded, clear, frosted and
and iron-stained; bottom 2 feet shelly, sandy limestone .... 0- 20
Sand, quartz, fine to coarse, angular to subrounded, silty ...- 20- 58
Limestone, white and cream, very sandy, slightly phosphatic
and iron-stained ..-_-_..--..._ _.-----....... _... _............... ........-- 58- 65
Sand, quartz, tan and white; contains specks of phosphate
and limonite -_ ...- _- ..- ...- ..............-------- ... 65- 71
Sandstone, cream, very calcareous, poorly indurated, phos-
phatic --._-.---- _----..- -- -..-._--- i71- 82
Sand, fine to medium at top, becoming very coarse near
bottom, shelly, white; bottom shows traces of peat ..... ... 82-103
Sandstone, very calcareous, shelly, phosphatic; some in-
clusions appear oolitic -....-... ...........-...-... ................ 103- 118
Sand, quartz, mostly medium to very coarse, slightly marly,
phosphatic, shelly; bottom 2 feet indurated ---- ----_.---- 118-146
Limestone, sandy, phosphatic; contains beach-worn shell
fragments (rubble bed) _.......-..... ........ -....--. 146- 151
Sand, mostly fine to medium, but some coarse grains, shell
fragments; contains few thin layers of sandstone ------- 151-203
Sandstone, very calcareous, shelly, phosphatic ..._-_.... 203- 220

WELL 613-007-1
Depth in feet
Material below land surface
Sand, quartz, tan, medium, iron-stained ..-...-....-........_.--- 0- 15
Limestone, soft, tan, oolitic; and hard, dense shelly limestone 15- 20
Sand, quartz, tan and cream, medium, subrounded, iron-
stained ___. ___ .-____ 20- 48
Limestone, hard, dense, tan to brown ...........-...... 48- 50
Sand, quartz, fine to very coarse and some shell fragments;
hard limestone layer at 61 feet ._ .--_-. 50- 76
Sand, quartz, fine to coarse, but mostly coarse; and inter-
bedded thin layers of hard shelly sandstone ...._ 76- 92


Sand, quartz, medium, subangular; and wave-worn shell
fragments, phosphatic _..._...._ ......... ....- _--.._............. 92 105
Limestone and sandstone, gray, porous, shelly, phosphatic
and containing heavy minerals .---............-..................------- 105- 135
Sand, quartz, mostly fine, silty, shelly, phosphatic, glau-
conitic; few thin sandstone layers ........--------.... ......-------. 135-188
Sandstone, very calcareous, shelly, porous -..--....................... 188 -195
Limestone, hard, dense, and shelly sandstone contains lenses
of sand ......-..-----......-- -- ..-....-.-..-...--.....----... ..-..-...--..-... 195- 213
Sand, quartz, gray, mostly fine, shelly and phosphatic con-
tains thin beds or lenses of sandstone -..--. -------------. 213-292
Limestone, hard, dense, shelly --....--...-- ....--- .--..-----........ .... 292-296
Limestone, sandy, fairly soft, shelly -.......--.................----------. 296 304

TABLE 4, Records of Wells in Northeastern Broward County
Usei A, air conditioning Da, disposal; Do, dounestl i In, indlutrial; Jr Irrlgation; LI, lawn Irruiation; N, none; 0, oblervatlon; I', publilu Iupply, B, stock; T, tewt well,
Remarkia Ca, complete aualysli; Cut, cuttings; W.l, aui.ltionul water-level duat available.

Casing Measuring point Water level Chloride content

Well T Remarks
number Location Owner P m ak
It +

618.005-1 500 ft. S. and 2,60 0 G. N. Earhart 00 .... ....................... ..... ....... ........ ........... 44 8-28-60 77 L
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 6, T. 49 S., R.
48 E.
.2 1,850 ft. S. and Donald Wilson 50 /.... I .1 .................. .... ........ .... .......... 22 3-28.60 77 LI
2,150 ft. W. of NE
cor., see. 6, T. 49
8., R. 48 E.
618-006.1 1,400 ft. S. and City of Pompano 90 .... 8 ........... .... ....... ...... ....... 118 8- 8.60 76 In
2,175 ft. E. of NW Beach
cor., see. 6, T. 49
8., R. 48 E.
.2 200 ft. S. and 900 Bernard Millman 70 -- 2 ........ ...... .... ........ ......- 80 8-28-60 76 Li
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 1, T. 49 S.,
R. 42 E.
-8 100 ft. N. and 500 J. P. Finnigan 210 .. .... ... .... .... 4,0 9.15-61 77 In
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 81,'T. 49 S.,
R. 48 E.
618-007-1 650 ft. N. and 775 U. S. Geological 804 803 8- Top of 8-inch 0.0 10.85 10.70 1- 8-61 82 1.12-61 77 T Ca, Cut
ft. W. of SE cor., Survey 2 casing collar 28 1- 8-61
sec. 85, T. 48 S., 29 4-17-61
R. 42 E. 28 9- 8-61
-2 700 ft. N. and 850 City of Pompano -190 180 12 ......... .... 18 3-14-60 77 P Ca, Pompano
ft. W. of SE cor., Beach ,20 5-24-60 No. 1
sec. 85, T. 48 S., 18 12- 2-60
R. 42 E. 20 7-25-61











8,860 ft. N. and
8,775 ft. E. of SW
cor., see. 2, T. 49
S., R. 42 E.
150 ft. N. and 1,200
ft. W. of SE cor.,
see. 85, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
100 ft. N. and 1,225
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 S., R.
42 E.
2,750 ft. S. and
2,700 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 8, T. 49
S., R. 42 E.
8,250 ft. S. and
1,800 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 8, T. 49
S., R. 42 E.
1,650 ft. S. and
1,400 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 8, T. 49
S., R. 42 E.
1,550 ft. S. and
1,000 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 8, T. 49
S., R. 42 E.
1,825 ft. S. and 400
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 4, T. 49 S., R.
42 E.
700 ft. S. and 2,400
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 5, T. 49 S., R.
42 E.
1,425 ft. S. and
1,620 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 81, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.

J. I. and M. I.

First Baptist
Church of
Pompano Beach

W. D. Green

Pompano Race-
ways, Inc.

U. S. Geological

Ready Mix Con-
crete Co.

Larry Marable

Pompano Race-
ways, Inc.

State of Florida

C. W. Hendricks

6 Top of 6-inch




















Top of 1%-
inch casing

Top of 2-inch





6- 6-60





8- 2-60




11- 9-61












Ca, Cut


TABUa 4. (Continued)

Well Locatl


1,810 ft. 8. and
8,070 ft. E. of NW
cor., see. 81, T. 48
S., R. 48 E.
1,400 ft. N. and
1,200 ft. E. of SW
cor., sec. 80, T. 48
S., R. 48 E.
1,075 ft. N. and
2,900 ft. E. of SW
cor., see. 26, T. 48
S.. R. 42 E.


H. F. Wiersch

Martin Michelson

U. S. Geological

1,405 ft. N. and 720 H. D. Thomas
ft. W. of SE cor.,
see. 86, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
725 ft. N. and 275 W. D. Bennett
ft. E. of SW cor.,
see. 81, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.

1,200 ft. N. and 950 City of Pompano
ft. of SW cor.,
sec. 25, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,640 ft. 8. and U. S. Geological
1,650 ft. E. of NW Survey
cor., see. 86, T. 48
S., R. 4 E.


- N

Measuring point

4 ,


Top of 2-inch

1%' Top of 1%.
inch casing

1% 1 ---do....

Top of 1%.
inch casing





Water level



Chloride content














Ca, Cut

W-1, partially
plugged at 12







11. 9.61

9- 8-61

6- 1-60






1,150 ft. N. and 826 Hugh Walter
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 81, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.











1,175 ft. N. and
1,816 ft. W. of SE
cor., sec. 86, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
2,550 ft. S. and 750
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 86, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
25 ft. N. and 1,200
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

425 ft. N. and 700
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
425 ft. N. and 710
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,000 ft. N. and 550
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,500 ft. N. and 425
ft. W.of SE cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,476 ft. N. and 425
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,495 ft. N. and 885
ft. W. of SE cor.,
see. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.


City of Pompano

U. S. Geological

City of Pompano

.........-do .-.......

U. S. Geological

City of Pompano _.....

U. S. Geological





















Top of 2-inch

Top of 2-inch

Top of 1%-
inch casing

Top of air-line
hole in pump

Top of 2-inch

Top of 11/-
inch casing

0.0 12.52

.6 20.70

.0 20.18

1.0 22.04

.0 20.85

1.0 20.79








6- 8-67

6- 6-61

9- 8-61






"" --







Ca, Cut

Pompano Prod.
No. 4


Pompano Prod.
No. 5

TABLE 4, (Continued)


1,800 ft. N. and 675
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 8.,
R. 42 E.
1,000 ft. S. and 725
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 8.,
R. 42 E.
1,010 ft. S. and 725
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,060 ft. S. and 975
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,150 ft. S. and 500
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,149 ft. S. and 497
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,140 ft. S. and 600
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

Owner .. ........

City of Pompano .. ...

U. S. Geological

City of Pompano

.............. do- .........

U. S. Geological

Casing Measuring point







........... do..........

Top of air-line
hole in pump

Top of 2-inch

Top of 2-inch

Top of 2-inch

Top of 11 -
inch casing


4 58? r
il 1







Water level Chloride content


-+0 B

- ".4 g f 1 I




















2 ___

Ca, Pompano
No. 8


Pompano Prod.
Well No. 2


--"'" -" --'--""'-~"


-15 25 ft. N. and 2,650
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.










2,500 ft. S. and
2,800 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 85, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,950 ft. N. and
2,400 ft. E. of SW
cor., sec. 85, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
760 ft. S. and 1,725
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,930 ft. S. and
1,680 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 85, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,160 ft. N. and
1,700 ft. W. of SE
cor., sec. 85, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,575 ft. N. and
1,100 ft. W. of SE
cor., sec. 85, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,590 ft. N. and
1,110 ft. W. of SE
cor., sec. 85, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,500 ft. S. and 825
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 86, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
75 ft. S. and 325
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 86, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

.. ......... do ...............

City of Pompano

U. S. Geological

Alice Lewis

Acme Concrete,

E. V. Jackson

J. I. and M. I.

City of Pompano

........... do ............




















Top of 2-inch

Top of 114-
inch casing

..... do .....

Top of 114-
inch casing

Top of 2-inch

Top of 16-inch

Top of 2-inch

........... do ...........




























3- 8-60




6- 2-61

Complete analysis

Originally drilled
to 180 feet

Pompano No. 8,





- :


TABLE 4. (Continued)


75 ft. S. and 250
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sc. 86, T. 48 S.,
. 42 E.
50 ft. N. and 450
ft. E. of SW cor.,
see. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
150 ft. N. and 425
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sea. 27, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
950 ft. N. and 850
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 85, T. 48 8.,
R. 42 E.
450 ft. N. and 400
ft. W. of SE cor.,
see. 27, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,900 ft. S. and
1,200 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 84, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,500 ft. S. and
1,276 ft. W. of NE
cor., see. 84, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.


...... -do ..............

E. W. Betts, et al.

English and Bscaic

George Rawls

English and Bessie

De Marco, Inc.

De Marco, Inc.








Casing I

Measuring point



Top of 16-inch

Top of 4-inch

Top of pump

High point of

Top of 1%-4
inch casing


I Water level I Chloride content










7. 2-60


5- 2-60




8- 8-60

8- 8-60









Pompano No. 10



---------------- ;.- -

I '











125 ft. S. and 1,150
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 88, T. 48 S.,
R. 42E.
500 ft. S. and 200
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 84, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,700 ft. N. and 875
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec; 88, T. 48 S.,
R.:42 E.
1,600 ft. N. and 875
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 88 T. 48 S.,
B. 42 E.
1,600 ft. N. and.
1,700 ft. W. of SE
cor., sec. 29, T. 48
S., B. 42 E.
600 t. N. and 2,850
ft.' W. of SE cor.,
sec. 29, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,700 ft. S. and
2,900 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 82, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
2,725 ft. N. and 325
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 81, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
60 ft. S. and 2,850
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 81, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
725 ft. N. and 1,550
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 80, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

Phillips Petroleum
Co., Inc.,

Broward County,
Farm Bureau

Collier City Water
Works, Inc. .........

W. H. Blount

.-.. .do. ..............

Bateman Co., Inc.

......... do.............


















1% 4














Top of pump









Top of 13%-
inch casing

Top of 8-inch

Top of 1l2-
inch nipple




8- 8-60

8- 8-60


76 0

78 Do

78 P Ca

78 N

75 Ir




74 Ir

75 Ir

TABSL 4. (Continued)

Cuasing Measuring point Water level Chloride content

Well Location Owner 8 o Rearks
numbe i l I ia 1_

____6 a & &. + A .i s & I S

1,900 ft N. and 975
ft W. of SE cor.,
see. 36. T. 48 .,
IL 41 E.
1,250 ft S. and 950
ft E. of NW cor.,
see. 36. T. 48 S.,
R. 41 E.
1,750 ft S. and
1,850 ft E. of NW
cor., see. 36, T. 48
S., RI 41 E.
300 ft S. and 1,100
ft E. of NW cor.,
see. 30, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.
2,200 ft N. and
2,190 ft E. of SW
cor., see. 30, T. 48
S., R 43 E.
2,200 ft N. and
2,100 ft.E. of SW
cor., see. 80, T. 48
S. R 43 E.
2,450 ft N. and
'2,100 ft. E of SW
or., sec. 80, T. 48
S., R. 43 E.

Margate Fire Dept

Margate Utilities

do -

U. S. Geological

C. B. Miles

E. J. Gaynor, III

Boyd Sleeth and
Pat Murray








Top of 1%
inch easing

Top of 1%-
inch easing

















8- 561



P Margate No. 1

P Margate No. 3






















2,960 ft. S. and
2,670 ft E. of NW
cor., sec. 80, T. 48
S., R 48E.
3,160 ft. and
2,720 ft. E. of NW
cor., see. 80, T. 48
S., B. 48 E.
8,060 ft. S. and
8,350 ft. of NW
cor., sec. 30, T. 48
S., I 43 E.
2,200 ft. S. and
2,760 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 30, T. 48
S., R. 43
1,400 ft. S. and
2,600 ft. E. of NW
cor., see. 30, T.48
S., R. 43 E.
1,410 ft. and
1,430 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 30, T. 48
S.,R. 42 E.
950 ft.N. and 900
ft. of SW cor.,
see. 19, T. 48 S.,
. 48 E.
2,800 ft N. and
1,275 ft E. of SW
cor., sec. 25, T. 48
S., R. 43 E.
2,110 ft N. and 10
it. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 25, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 .
1,835 ft N. and 730
ft E. of SW cor.,
sec. 30, T. 48 S.,
I. 43 E.

R. B. Moore

Frank Bennett

W. W. Bivans

Michael Doyle

Al Aiudi

W. R. Zudrell

Broward Utilities

City of Pompano

U. S. Geological


































6- 2-59


















1- 2-61

11- 9-61
9- 861

- I











Top of 12-inch

Top of 2-inch

Top of 2-inch
casing collar

Cut, Floridan

Originally drilled
to 147 feet

Ca, Cut

TABI' 4, (Continued)

number Location







2,181 ft N, and 42
ft, W. of SW cor.,
see. 2, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.
500 ft. S. and 250
ft, E. of NW cor.,
see, 80, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.
B00 ft. S. and 50
ft. E. of NW cor.,
see 80, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.
500 ft. S. and 2,700
ft. W. of NE cor.,
see, 28, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
400 ft. S. and 1,400
ft W. of NE cor.,
see. 25, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
600 ft. S. and 1,100
ft. W. of NE cor.,
seo. 28, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,290 ft. N. and
1,210 ft. W. of SE
cor., see. 24, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.


City of Pompano

B. C. Wells

E. F. Smlchdt

R, J. Corcoran

Carson Spencer

Robert Davis

Broward Utilities


Measuring point Water level

Top of pump



...... Flowed

a j

10. .60


Chloride content
















Ca, Collier
Mannor No. 1


I I ,1 ~








2 1,240 ft. N. and
1,200 ft. W. of SE
cor., sec. 24, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
8 1,240 ft. N. and
1,100 ft. W. of SE
cor, sec. 24, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
2,950 ft. N. and 100
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sea. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,940 ft. N. and 110
ft. W. of SE cor..
sec. 26, T. 48,S.,
R. 42 E.
2,941 ft. N. and 111
ft.'W. of SE cor.,
see. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,825 ft. S. and 250
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 25, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,818 ft. S. and 258
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 25, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,820 ft. S. and 258
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 25, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,125 ft. S. and 800
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 25, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
825 ft. S. and 875
ft. E. of NW car.,
sec. 26, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

..... .do._.-....

City of Pompano

...... do........

..-..... do ..........

... .do -.......

......_.... do .......... ........

........ do ........

........ .do ...... .__











Top of air-line
hole in pump

Top of 2-inch

_ .. do

Top of air-line
hole in pump

Top of l-j-inch
casing collar

Top of 2-inch

.--..... do __......
... ... .

































19 9-18-61

18 9-18-61

18 8-14-60
18 4-15-60

18 10-17-60

19 10-17-60

22 4-18-60
16 9-18-60
18 11-14-60
16 4-15-61
20 6-16-60

20 5-16-60

16 10-17-60

18 10-17-60
16 1-10-61





' 8








Collier Mannor
No. 2

Collier Mannor
No. 8

Pompano No. 6


Originally drilled
to 180 feet

Originally drilled
to 167 feet




TAp~B 4, (Continued)


1,250 ft. S. and 100
ft. E. of NW cor.,
seo. 25, T. 48 8.,
R. 42 E.
50 ft. 5. and 2,000
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 26 T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E,
450 ft. S. and 8,600
ft. E. of NW cor.,
see. 26. T. 48 S..
R. 42 E.
2,440 ft. S. and 500
ft. W. of NE cor.,
see. 27. T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,440 ft. S. and 625
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 27, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,446 ft. S. and 495
ft. W. of NE cor.,
see. 27, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,200 ft. S. and 800
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 28, T. 48 8.,
R.42 E.


U. 8. Geological

Fairlawn Ceme-
tery, Inc.

Broward Utilities

Southern Wood
Ind., Inc.

Jacob McBride

B Id


Top of 1VA-
inch casing

Top of 6-inch

Top of 6-inch

Top of pump

Point W ter level

V ..II


8.00 15.97










Chloride content


12- 2-60
9. 8.61
11- 9.61
0- 8-61








---Ill-l.ll-C----.------II---:--- __ -L-












100 ft. S. and 500
ft. E. of NW cor.,
see. 27, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,160 ft. N. and
2,860 ft. E. of SW
cor., sec. 19, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,500 ft. N. and
2,100 ft. E. of SW
cor.; sec. 19, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
2,200 ft. N. and
2,775 ft; E. of SW
cor., sec. 80, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,100 ft. N. and
1,600 ft. W., oi SE
cor., sec. 18, T. 48
S., R. 48 E.
8,600 ft. N. and
8,800 ft. E. of SW
cor., sec. 19, T. 48
S., R. 48 E.
1,600 ft. S. and
1,060 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 24, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,840 ft. S. and
1,125 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 24, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,326 ft. S. and
1,500 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 24, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
600 ft. N. and 2,850
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 18, T. 48 S.,
R.'42 E.

Southern Factories,

W. P. Brown .......--.


Pearl Dews

W. A. Arensen

W. D. McDoughald

G. H. McCall

Town of Hillsboro










Elev. equal to
lower lip of
Top of 12-inch

Top of 1%4-
inch casing

Top of 8-inch










8- 8-60








Hillsboro No. 1


TAsLa 4, (Continued)


700 ft. N. and 2,850
ft. W. of BE cor.,
see. 18, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
520 ft, N. and 2,550
ft. W. of SE cor.,
see. 18, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
8,200 ft. N. and 025
ft. E. of SW cor.,
soc. 16, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
25 ft. N. and 2,600
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 15, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,500 ft. N. and 225
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 15, T. 48 S.,
R..42 E.
750 ft. S. and 150
ft. E. of NW cor.,
see. 22, T. 48 S.,
R. 42E. *
1,000 ft. S. and
1,250 ft. E. of NW
cor., see. 20, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.


--.... do .........

R. H. Wright, Inc.

U. S. Geological

R. H. Wright, Inc.

A. A. Accardi

Mrs. H. L. Lyons

uuln Measuring point Water level Ohio

a .jjA- j11 t< j

I I -P

Top of 1%-
inch casing





' : "


; i '> '




ride content I



S. 4.60


a- 4.60

11- 9-61


Top of 1%-
inch casing


Hillsboro No. 1

Hillsboro No; 8

Two identical
wells tied to-

( ,

--- ---







, ,




2,475 ft. S. and 760
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 19, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

1,550 ft. N. and 50
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 18, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

950 ft. N. and 4,000
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 7, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.

800 ft. S. and 2,700
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 18, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.

2,150 ft. S. and
2,200 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec.. 18, T. 48
S., R. 48 E.
1,400 ft. N. and 800
ft.,W. of SE cor.,
see. 12, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E..
1,800 ft. N. and 800
ft. W. of SE cor.,
see. 12, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,400 ft. N. and 500
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 7, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.
1,400 ft. N. and
1,450 ft. W. of SE
cor., sec. 12, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
950 ft. N. and 800
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 12. T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

.............. do ...............

.............. do ...........


24 Top of 24-inch --8.00
casing flange

U. S. Geological

G. J. Jeschke

Mr. Anderson

A. J. Forand

General Develop-
ment Co., Inc.

.. ...... do ......... ...

Top of 1l4-
inch casing








SI i ril






1- -61



6- 2-60

5- 2-60




9- 8-61

9- 8-61

Top of 12-inch

Ca, Gen. Der.
No. 1

----Do .

Ca, Gen. Dev.

Ca, Gen. Dev.
No. 4

Ca, Gen. Dev.
No. 5

I ' `

TABLE 4, (Continued)


2,800 ft. N. and 175
ft.. of SW cor.,
see, 10, T. 48 S.,
R, 42 E.
850 ft. B. and 1,750
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 17, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
750 ft. B. and 1,150
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 17, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
900 ft. N. and 2,800
ft. E. of SW cor.,
see. 6, T. 48 B.,
R. 48 E.
1,400 ft. S. and
8,000 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 7, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,600 ft. S. and
1,480 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 1, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,690 ft. S. and
2,090 ft. W. of NE
cor., see. 1, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.


J. H. Doran, Inc.

P. C. Vinkemulder

........ do,...-..- .


Sel Bon, Inc.

City of Deerfield

......... do-...






- 100


CaNintr Mufiuring point Water luvel Chlorilu content

Top of 4-inch

Top of 4-inch

Top of 2-Inch

.1 '










0- 8-60













Deerfield No. 4

Deerfield No. 5






S .2



; -2


1,690 ft. S. and
2,540 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 1, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
170 ft. S. and 1,200
ft. W. of NE cor.,
see. 12, T. 48 S;.
R. 42 E.

1,650 ft. S. and
1,800 ft. E. of NW
cor., sec. 2, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
600 ft. N. and 800
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sea. 1, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
2,400 ft. S. and
1,600 ft. E. of NW
cor., see. 8, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,700 ft. S. and
2,575 ft. E. of NW
cor., see. 8, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,46'0 ft. N. and 450
ft. E. of SW cor.,
sec. 4, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,200 ft. S. and
2,050 ft. E. of NW
cor., see. 6, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
25 ft. N. and 550
ft. W. of SE cor.,
sec. 6, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
1,800 ft. N. and 500
ft. E. of SW cor.,
see. 6, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.


Henry Myers

0. W. Goolsby

American Neigh-
bors, Inc.

0. W. Goolsby

.... ........ do .........

Earl Johns

John Thompson

H. D. and T. W.


Deerfield No. 7











1% 4






Top of pump

Top of 1%.1
inch casing

Top of 1%. x
l1%-inch tee


...-.. ...............


Top of 114.
inch casing






6- 6-60




11- 9-61


6- 1-60
11- 9-61
















,, .. ~



TABLE 4. (Continued)


1,700 ft. N, and 200
ft. E, of SW cor.,
see. 6, T. 48 B.,
R. 42 E.
8,775 ft. S. and
1,100 ft. W, of NE
cor. se. 1, T. 48
S., R. 41 E.
1,000 ft. S. and
1,150 ft. W. of NE
cor., see. 6, T. 48
S., R. 48 E.
420 ft. 8. and 480
ft. W. of NE cor.,
see. 1, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
420 ft. S. and 580
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 1, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
50 ft. S. and 5
ft. E. of NW cor.,
see. 6, T. 48 S.,
R. 48 E.
1,250 ft. S. and
2,090 ft. W. of NE
or., se 1, T. 48
S.,R. 42 E.

Owner 1

'0- A .... ....

U. S. Geological

City of Deerfield

City of Deerfield

- ....... do ........






MeOuuring point Watur level

* ;0

H oi-
01 Rl" s

Top of 1'4-inch
casing nipple

Top of 114-
inch casing



"'Z' "1""~1--





Chloride content

S82 5-10-60 76 Do














Ca, Deerfeld
No. 1

Deerfield No. 2

Deerfield No. 8

Deerfeld No. 6












1,260 ft. S. and
2,640 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 1, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
50 ft. S. and 400
ft. W. of NE cor.,
sec. 1, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

1,240 ft. S. and
2,640 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 1, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
1,260 ft. S. and
2,640 ft. W. of NE
cor., sec. 1, T. 48
S., R. 42 E.
950 ft. S. and 1,600
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 1, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

980 ft. S. and 1,600
ft. E. of NW cor.,
sec. 1, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.
700 ft. S. and 8,250
ft. E. of NW cor.,
see. 2, T. 48 S.,
R. 42 E.

-- .do .-.-.

Edmond L.

0.0 -.-.

American Neigh-
bors, Inc.

do .

Deerfeld No. 8

Deerfield No. 9

Top of 1%1-
inch air-line

Top of 6-inch

___do ....

-___ do-.......-

.. do--..

Top of 1%-
inch tee






















_ I I I

I _

Full Text
xml record header identifier 2008-11-10setSpec [UFDC_OAI_SET]metadata oai_dc:dc xmlns:oai_dc http:www.openarchives.orgOAI2.0oai_dc xmlns:dc http:purl.orgdcelements1.1 xmlns:xsi http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema-instance xsi:schemaLocation http:www.openarchives.orgOAI2.0oai_dc.xsd dc:title Hydrology of the Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area. Broward County, Florida. (FGS: Report of Investigation 36)dc:type Bookdc:identifier (ALEPH)AAA0618 (LTQF)AJJ7743 (LTUF)dc:source University of Florida




CULTURA.' FLORIDA STATE BOMY' OF CONSERVATION FARRIS BRYANT Governor TOM ADAMS RICHARD ERVIN Secretary of State Attorney General J. EDWIN LARSON RAY E. GREEN Treasurer Comptroller THOMAS D. BAILEY DOYLE CONNER Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Agriculture W. RANDOLPH HODGES Director II


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL lorioa ceoloqical Survey lCallakassee December 5, 1963 Honorable Farris Bryant, Chairman Florida State Board of Conservation Tallahassee, Florida Dear Governor Bryant: The Florida Geological Survey is publishing, as Report of Investigations No. 36, a study of the "Hydrology of the Biscayne Aquifer in the Pompano Beach Area, Broward County, Florida." This study was prepared by Mr. George R. Tarver, geologist with the U. S. Geological Survey, and its publication is quite timely. The Biscayne aquifer is the only source of fresh ground water in much of the southeastern part of Florida. The aquifer is extremely permeable, and many of the large wells may yield 2,000 gallons per minute, with less than 4 feet of drawdown. The aquifer is composed of quartz sand, calcitic sandstone and sandy limestone that extends from the land surface to depths of as much as 400 feet. Replenishment of the ground water is largely from rainfall, and, because of the extreme permeability of the formation, it is anticipated that increased use of water in the area in the future will be offset through salvage from loss to evapotranspiration and transpiration. The steadily increasing population in the southeastern area of Florida will require large amounts of additional water in the future, and the details of this study will help to meet these needs. Respectfully yours, Robert 0. Vernon Director and State Geologist 111


Completed manuscript received May 15, 1963 Published for the Florida Geological Survey By The E. O. Painter Printing Company DeLand, Florida Tallahassee 1964 iv 'I.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract ---...--.---.----------.--------------_--_----_-_---_-----1 Introduction -. ..---.-----------._-_------............ 2 Purpose and scope -..--.. ----------------------------------...-_ _ -..-. -2 Previous investigations------__----------------______-------2 Personnel and acknowledgments ---------------_----.. ---.---.. ----3 Well-numbering system ---..------------.--.--...-....-----......-. 3 Geography -------_.. -----------4 Location and general features ...------_--...-..--...-........ 4 Population ..--.. .4...-----------_..--_--._--_ ..-_...-----..._............ 4 Climate ..---------... --...-...--------..----------.................__ .. 4 Topography and drainage -------------------------------------4 Biscayne aquifer ------..-_------_--------------------------------7 Geologic formations composing the Biscayne aquifer -_--_ ----_-8 Tamiami Formation .....----.-------------------.----.---_-------8 Anastasia Formation ---------------------------------------_.------.-_..-8 Miami Oolite ....---------------.-------------.......---.. 9 Pamlico Sand ......-------.------------------------9....... .___ 9 Ground water --------------------10 Occurrence of ground water ---------------10 Recharge and discharge -_----------..--..-„----.. ... 10 Water use ..--. ----.-----.... --.. ----_------_---_ -----.. 13 Water-level fluctuations _...----------------------.-----16 Quality of water -.. .. --------------------------------.-----------... .. 24 Salt-water contamination ....---.--------------------.....-.. 26 Quantitative studies .--.-------------------------------...... .32 Conclusions ....-...---------.-----------------------.-39 References ._.---4--.--------------.. -----------------------------------43 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Peninsular Florida showing location of Pompano Beach area----5 2 Parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties, showing canals and levees of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District -_.-....-----.-.._ --.---.---...---------... 6 3 Northeastern Broward County showing locations of wells and surface-water observation stations --.------. -----------.-------Facing 8 4 Graphs of fluctuations of chloride content of the water from the Pompano Canal and two finger canals --------_-------__ 11 5 Northeastern Broward County showing the chloride content of water samples from surface-water bodies June 5-6, 1961 .-------. .12 v


ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) 6 Graph showing monthly pumpage of municipal supplies in northeastern Broward County ..---_______-__-----------.. ..----------14 7 Monthly pumpage from the Pompano Beach well field and monthly rainfall at Pompano Beach, 1957-60 _-----------.-----15 8 Hydrograph of well 614-007-11, daily municipal pumpage and daily rainfall at Pompano Beach, Sept. 1960-Feb. 1961 ---17 9 Hydrographs of wells 614-007-11 and 614-008-1 at Pompano Beach .--_. -.... .........---------.........------.....-......... .------18 10 Northeastern Broward County, showing contours on the water table October 13, 1960, when water levels were high .--..-.---------. 19 11 Northeastern Broward County, showing contours on the water table March 16, 1961, when water levels were about average --.---20 12 Northeastern Broward County, showing contours on the water table August 15, 1961 -.----------.------.-------------21 13 Hydrographs of wells in northeastern Broward County _-------22 14 Hydrographs of Pompano Canal showing stage at several locations during 1960-61 -..--.------. -------------------23 15 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from well 613-006-1 and water level in well 614-007-11 -_ ---------------28 16 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from uncontrolled reaches of the Hillsboro and Pompano canals ._-------...-------.----29 17 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells near bodies of saline surface water ---------------30 18 Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells distant from bodies of saline surface water--... ..----------------.30 19 Northeastern Broward County, showing the maximum chloride content of water samples from wells and surface-water bodies, 1960-61 _ -------------------------Facing 32 20 Sketch of pumping test sites in the Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach well fields .-_ --------...------------.34 21 Logarithmic graphs of type curve and plot of s against r2/t for observation wells 615-007-7, 615-007-8, and 615-006-2 -----35 22 Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a well discharging 1,000 gpm for selected periods of time -_ -----------------37 23 Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a well discharging at selected times and rates _ ____ ----------------------38 24 Pompano Beach well-field area showing predicted levels after pumping 20 mgd for 180 days without rainfall .._ ---------------39 TABLES Table Page 1 Average monthly temperature and rainfall at Pompano Beach 1950-60 ._______ .---..._ ...---.. .. ....._------7 2 Analyses of water from wells in northeastern Broward County -.... 25 3 Lithologic logs of test holes .... --_-_.-..........--------------45 4 Records of wells in northeastern Broward County -_ ------48 vi 'I


HYDROLOGY OF THE BISCAYNE AQUIFER IN THE POMPANO BEACH AREA, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA By George R. Tarver ABSTRACT The Biscayne aquifer is the only source of fresh ground water in northeastern Broward County, Florida. The aquifer extends from the land surface to a depth of about 400 feet and is composed of quartz sand, calcareous sandstone, and sandy to nearly pure limestone. Replenishment to the aquifer is chiefly by local rainfall. The permeable rock zones are erratic in their occurrence within the aquifer, but they are generally more prevalent and thicker at greater depths. Small water supplies can be obtained from thin permeable lenses that generally occur at depths less than 60 feet. Large water supplies can be obtained from wells drilled to thick permeable layers that occur at greater depths. Many of the large wells yield 2,000 gpm (gallons per minute) with less than 4 feet of drawdown. Chemical analyses of ground-water samples show that the water is hard and is high in iron content, but is easily treated. Periodic analyses of the chloride content of the ground water show that some areas near the Intracoastal Waterway and uncontrolled reaches of major canals become increasingly salty when water levels are lowered. Data collected from test wells indicate that during 1960-61 salt-water encroachment was of no major significance to the Pompano Beach well field. Aquifer test data indicate that the coefficient of transmissibility is about 1,500,000 gpd (gallons per day) per foot and the coefficient of storage is about 0.30. The test data also indicate that the more permeable rock layers act initially as an artesian system, but with continued development change to water-table conditions, at which time the entire aquifer reacts as a hydrologic unit. Water-level, rainfall, salinity, and quantitative data indicate that much larger quantities of water can be obtained from the ridge area provided that well spacing is adequate, pumping is regulated, and salt water in canals is controlled. 1


2 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY INTRODUCTION The population growth in southeastern Florida during recent years has created numerous problems. One problem which has plagued most of the coastal cities is supplying water to the expanding population. The principal difficulty has been to locate and produce water without inducing salt water into the well field areas. Salt-water intrusion has occurred in several areas along the lower east coast where water use has greatly increased. The officials of Pompano Beach, cognizant of salt-water intrusion problems in southeastern Florida and of the need for additional data to solve their present and future problems, requested that the U. S. Geological Survey make an investigation of the groundwater resources of the area and furnished cooperative funds. The Florida Geological Survey also furnished cooperative funds as part of its program to appraise the water resources of Florida. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the ground-water investigation was to determine, insofar as possible, (1) the ground-water potential, (2) the quality of the water, (3) the occurrence of saline water in the Biscayne aquifer, (4) the hydraulic coefficients of the aquifer, and (5) the relation of ground-water levels and salt-water movement in the aquifer and in canals. The study consisted of the following: (1) An inventory of wells, (2) installation of two automatic water-level recording gages, (3) installation of shallow wells for water-level observations, (4) drilling of four deep test wells to determine the character of the sediments and the quality of the water in the Biscayne aquifer, (5) leveling to refer measuring points to mean sea level altitudes, (6) periodic water-level measurements, (7) periodic determination of the chloride content of water from wells and bodies of surface water; and (8) pumping tests to determine the water transmitting and storing properties of the aquifer. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS No detailed investigation of the ground-water resources of the Pompano area has been made previously. However, considerable information on the hydrology and geology of the area has been published by the Florida Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey. Most of the publications have been reviewed and some i


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 3 of the data have been used in this report. Publications most pertinent and frequently used are reports by Cooke (1945), Black and Brown (1951), Parker and others (1955), Schroeder and others (1958), and Sherwood (1959). PERSONNEL AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The investigation was under the immediate supervision of M. I. Rorabaugh, district engineer, Tallahassee, and Howard Klein, geologist-in-charge, Miami, Florida, of the U. S. Geological Survey. C. B. Sherwood of the U. S. Geological Survey gave much valuable help and advice during the study. The investigation was greatly aided by residents of the area who furnished information on and permitted access to their wells. The author further appreciates the information and aid given by personnel of the city of Pompano Beach and other municipalities in the area. Special acknowledgment is expressed to the Maxson Well Drilling Co.; Philpott, Ross and Saarinen, consulting engineers; and S. W. Wells of the General Development Corporation. WELL-NUMBERING SYSTEM The well-numbering system used in this report is based on parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude which divide the study area into 1-minute quadrangles. Each 1-minute quadrangle is assigned a number consisting of the degree and minute of the parallel on the south side of the quadrangle and the degree and minute of the meridian on the east side of the quadrangle. Each well number consists of three sets of digits separated by hyphens. The first and second sets are the quadrangle number, abbreviated to three digits by omitting the left digit of each latitude and longitude value of the quadrangle number. The third set is the number assigned consecutively to each well within the 1-minute quadrangle as it was inventoried. For example, well 615-006-4 was the fourth well inventoried in the 1-minute quadrangle bounded on the south by 26015' north latitude and on the east by 80006' west longitude. The same system is used in numbering surface-water observation points, except the third set of digits is prefixed by the letters "SW." For example, the stage of the Hillsboro Canal was measured periodically on the upstream side of the locks and is designated by the number 619-007-SW1. Wells and surface-water observation points, referred to by number in the text, are located on figure 3.


4 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOGRAPHY LOCATION AND GENERAL FEATURES The Pompano Beach area in this report includes the area of study shown in figure 1. The area comprises about 60 square miles and is bounded on the north by the Hillsboro Canal, on the west by the Everglades and Conservation area 2, on the south by Canal C14 (Pompano Canal), and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean (fig. 2). POPULATION The area has experienced a tremendous influx of people since 1950. In 1950, Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach had a combined population of 7,770 and the entire study area probably had less than 10,000 people. The area has changed from a rural economy to a tourist and retirement center with a population of 60,000 in 1960, an increase of 600 percent in 10 years. The projected population increase has been estimated at about 12 percent per year during the 1960's. CLIMATE The climate of Pompano Beach is subtropical and generally quite humid. The average monthly temperature ranges from 65.4°F to 81.7'F. During the period 1950-60 the average temperature was 74'F, and the average monthly rainfall was 64 inches. The highest temperature and heaviest rainfall generally occur during May through October, and the lightest rainfall occurs during the winter. The average temperature and rainfall data given in table 1 were furnished by the U.S. Weather Bureau. TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE The study area is part of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, which is bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Everglades. The land surface rises to about 22 feet above msl (mean sea level) at the crest of the ridge, which is about 2 miles inland and is parallel to the coast. The ridge is mantled by white quartz sand, which is thickest at the crest and thins to less than 5 feet in the backswamp area where it is underlain by a thin permeable limestone layer.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 36 5 878685' 84" 83* -, , , 4 4. 3130 41,> 1. 29 4r 0 0 44 it. W R 31C iN· o / \4^ * /q* o -. -.--C i t , 4 26 f.. Co '/ / ,e \9 \ > ,. S 240 ' (, C '44 8 "'* I, "/ 29 2 i u P o m p a n o B e a c h a rean7 -sh o w g/ ' 0o o -. , -' B R O W A R D C O Olt 27-, / .. -. 0 0 20 30 40 50 mill (, 84° 83* 82' 81' 80* Bose laken from 1933 edition of mop of Florido by U S Geologlcol Survey Figure 1. Peninsular Florida showing location of Pompano Beach area.


6 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CONSERVATION AREA NO.1 I CONSERVATION DEERFIELD BEACH .. POMPANO AREA NO.2n c/ ...4 BEACH OAKLAND CONSERVATION C/ ,-O PARKN FORT SLAUDERDALE AREA NO. 3 -----==4= EXPLANATION CANAL LEVEE SCALE IN MILES MIAMI Figure 2. Parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties showing canals and levees of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District. West of the divide or crest of the ridge the land surface descends rapidly to the backswamp area, which is about half a mile west of the divide. The backswamp area slopes gently to the west 5 miles to the Everglades, and consists of swampy sloughs and low intraswamp ridges. Originally, the backswamp area remained wet for long periods, being poorly drained by sloughs toward the west and by underground flow toward the ocean. Subsequently, it was developed for farming by the construction of a series of canals, ditches, dams, and pumping stations to control water levels. Presently, the backswamp area is irrigated and drained through secondary canals which connect with the Hillsboro Canal on the north and the I


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 7 TABLE 1. Average Monthly Temperature and Rainfall at Pompano Beach, 1950-60 Month Temperature OF Rainfall (inches) January 65.4 2.02 February 67.6 2.34 March 69.5 3.00 April 73.7 4.25 May 76.9 5.49 June 79.8 7.19 July 81.2 5.99 August 81.7 6.90 September 80.6 10.60 October 76.6 9.10 November 72.1 3.48 December 67.1 3.40 Yearly average 74.4 63.76 Pompano Canal on the south. These major canals flow eastward to the ocean (fig. 2). The Hillsboro and Pompano canals drain water from the Pompano Beach area and they are also a part of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District network of canals that drain parts of the Everglades. The flow of the Pompano Canal is controlled by a spillway structure a short distance east of the Florida East Coast Railroad, and a gated dam 2 miles farther upstream (fig. 3). During periods of heavy rainfall, these structures are adjusted to prevent local flooding; however, during most of the year they are operated to hold high stages in the canal. Major floodwaters in the western area are removed by the diversion canal south of the Pompano Canal (fig. 3), and through the Hillsboro Canal in the northern part of the area. The Hillsboro Canal is controlled 2 miles upstream from the Florida East Coast Railroad. The west slope of the ridge area drains to the backswamp area; the east slope of the ridge drains to the Intracoastal Waterway. In recent years drainage east of the ridge divide has been highly developed to accommodate urbanization, and the area now drains to the Intracoastal Waterway through storm sewers, streets west of U. S. Highway 1, and by a massive system of finger-canals east of U. S. Highway 1 (fig. 3). BISCAYNE AQUIFER The Pompano Beach area is underlain by the Biscayne aquifer which is composed chiefly, of permeable limestone, sandstone, and sand that range in age from late Miocene through Pleistocene. The


8 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Biscayne aquifer is thickest near the coast, where its base is about 400 feet below msl, and it thins to the west. Hydrologically the aquifer is a unit, but geologically it comprises the following formations: Tamiami Formation, upper Miocene; Anastasia Formation, Pleistocene; Miami Oolite, Pleistocene; and Pamlico Sand, Pleistocene. The entire section of sediments in this area probably is of marine origin. The Biscayne aquifer is underlain to a depth of 950 feet by a massive section of marine sediments of middle and early Miocene age that are predominantly greenish sandy clay and marl of low permeability. This material forms the upper confining layers for the Floridan aquifer, a regibnal artesian system which, in the Pompano Beach area, yields salty water to flowing wells. Detailed lithologic logs of four test wells in the Pompano Beach are a are given in the section of well logs. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS COMPOSING THE BISCAYNE AQUIFER TAMIAMI FORMATION The Tamiami Formation is the oldest and lowest formation in the Biscayne aquifer. As redefined by Parker (1951, p. 823), it includes all the upper Miocene material in southern Florida. The Tamiami Formation ranges in composition from pure quartz sand to nearly pure limestone, which is generally white to gray in color. Rock layers are formed at random depth but they cannot be correlated over large areas because wedging and lensing of the sediments is common. The percentage of carbonate material in the sediments shows a general increase with depth. The numerous indurated zones are quite permeable, and openend wells in the limestone layers are capable of yielding large quantities of water. The formation is tapped by only a few wells because equally good water and comparable yields can be obtained from wells that penetrate shallower limestones in the Anastasia Formation. ANASTASIA FORMATION The Anastasia Formation of Pleistocene age was named by Sellards (1912, p. 18) after studying coquina pits at St. Augustine, Florida. Since 1912, the formation has been noted along the coastal ridge as far south as Dade County. In the Pompano Beach area J


UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 8)13' 12' I' 0' 09' 08' 07' 06' 05' 80'04' 26 21 1 2621' [N EXPLANATION Well and well number Surface-water observation stlation and number P A L MI BEAC H COUNTY Boc H I L LLSBOR O C ANAL B R 0 WA RD COUNTY 6! 19' .* D)EERFIELD BEACH *3 2 1 0 N gN '* * ./ 2 44 .QC; Is-SAMPLE = .................. -J_._fZ .1__ .,0Ia 7' -------.-------7 -_____ m __17_ . 17'9 17' 6 ) ' . 5 , POMPANO M0 *P 4'________PAN0_2 91 7s '20 _ _ A\ MARGATE * .IO "1. r 2' ..1 .c* .1 MPANO OCANAL O PA i'/.."/" CANAL C-14 80 T 13' 12' II I0' 09 08' 07' 06' 05' 800 Bose taken from U, S. Geological I o mil CANAL C14 Survey topoa r hi quadrngl es. Figure 3. Northeastern Broward County showing locations of wells and surface-water observation stations. surface-water observation stations.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 9 the formation overlies the Tamiami Formation and is covered by the Pamlico Sand and the Miami Oolite. The Anastasia Formation, as defined by Schroeder (1958, p. 21), includes all pre-Pamlico marine deposits of Pleistocene age along the coastal areas. It consists of heterogeneous mixtures of very fine to very coarse quartz sand. finely broken shells, and redeposited calcium carbonate either in the form of calcite crystals or as cryptocrystalline cementing materials. The colors range from white to gray or tan. The indurated zones are generally highly permeable and yield very large quantities of water (2,000 gpm) to open-end wells. The Anastasia Formation is the most important component of the Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach area. MIAMI OOLITE Miami Oolite was named by Sanford (1909, p. 211-214) and redefined by Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 204-207) to include all the oolitic limestone in southern Florida. The Miami Oolite of Pleistocene age, overlies the Anastasia Formation in the Pompano Beach area and is covered by the Pamlico Sand. It is fairly persistent west of the coastal ridge but occurs discontinuously in the ridge area along the Pompano and Hillsboro canals. The formation is a sandy, oolitic limestone containing many pelecypod shells. It is a white thin-bedded to massive, very permeable limestone which may occur locally as a solid rock to a depth of 40 feet below the land surface. Where the rock is appreciably thick it is an excellent aquifer, but because it is discontinuous very little water is derived from it. The Miami Oolite is strip mined and used extensively as road base building material, and decorative building stone. PAMLICO SAND The Pamlico Sand is a late Pleistocene terrace deposit of marine origin. Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 74-75) extended the term Pamlico Sand from North Carolina to southern Florida, and defined it to include all the marine Pleistocene deposits younger than the Anastasia Formation. The Pamlico Sand blankets the study area except in the north-central part, where the Miami Oolite crops out. The sand west of the ridge is generally 2 to 5 feet thick, and on the ridge it attains a maximum thickness of 18 feet. It is very fine to coarse, mostly of medium size, subangular, and contains varying amounts of iron oxide.


10 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Numerous sand-point wells completed in this material will yield small quantities of water (50 gpm or less), which commonly has a high iron content. GROUND WATER Ground water is the subsurface water in the zone of saturation, the zone in which all pore spaces are filled with water under greater than atmospheric pressure. The chief source of ground-water replenishment in the Pompano Beach area is local rainfall. Part of the rainfall is evaporated, part is absorbed by plants and transpired, and a part is lost by surface runoff; the remainder infiltrates downward to the zone of saturation. After entering the zone of saturation, ground water flows by gravity from areas of recharge, where water levels are high, to areas of discharge, where water levels are low. A formation, group of formations, or part of a formation within the zone of saturation that is capable of transmitting water in usable quantities is called an aquifer. OCCURRENCE OF GROUND WATER Ground water in the Pompano Beach area occurs under both water-table (nonartesian) conditions and artesian conditions. Where water occurs in an unconfined aquifer and its upper surface is free to rise and fall, the aquifer is referred to as a water-table aquifer and its upper surface is the water table. In the Pompano Beach area all fresh ground-water supplies are derived from the Biscayne aquifer, a water-table aquifer. Ground water contained in an aquifer that is confined by impermeable beds, and that is under sufficient pressure to rise above the top of the aquifer, is defined as artesian water. The height to which the water will rise in a tightly cased well that penetrates an artesian aquifer is the pressure, or piezometric, surface. Artesian ground water occurs beneath the area but the top of the artesian (Floridan) aquifer is about 950 feet deep and contains salty water. RECHARGE AND DISCHARGE The Biscayne aquifer is recharged by rainfall and by surface water pumped into the area through canals. About 50 percent of the rainfall (estimated by Parker and others, 1955, p. 221, for a -f


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 11 1960 1961 I (A) 60f -i 14C 40-63-07-SW I -8100-1 40-----I ---------01! ----' \ 7 i I 613 615-0058 I_ Ic -I I 6 I -E-WI 2 o 6 7-005-W I 0 I Figure 4. Graphs of fluctuations of chloride content of the water from the Pompano Canal and two finger canals.


12 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY S2 09 08 or 0 '05 EXPLANATION 032 Samp lid n I ) m, Num i chloride content of -Iwater .in part per million. June 5-6. 1961. All rnole OCA 7 64 .BEACH COUNTY token I oot beto lr l. 0N I 4 641 ft.r ,S2 d 009Me1 BC Ro 65 672210 64 % 2 I OW^T~RA 6tD ^^'dNTY 64262 DEERFIELD BEACH so 24* t S....... .......... I i ! I ----_i-30 S 't o. a i _ I: ii ; 8EACH and L Cbecomes ground water. In the western part of the Pompano Beach area great volumes of water are pumped through a system of irrigatioS G ca w m h g -l -24.3CO Figure 5. Northeastern Broward County showing the chloride content of water samples from surface-water bodies June 5-6, 1961. similar area in North Miami), infiltrates to the zone of saturation and becomes ground water. In the western part of the Pompano Beach area great volumes of water are pumped through a system of irrigation canals which maintain high ground-water levels during the dry seasons. The pumping procedures are reversed during rainy seasons to prevent flooding of croplands. Discharge from the Biscayne aquifer occurs by evapotranspiration, by ground-water outflow to canals and to the ocean, and by pumping from wells. Evapotranspiration and ground-water outflow probably account for more than 80 percent of the total


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 36 13 discharge. The losses are greatest during the rainy season in late spring to early fall when temperatures and water levels are highest. Evidence of the discharge of ground water into canals is shown by the periodic changes in the quality of the water in several canals in the area. Figure 4 compares the chloride content of the water from two observation stations (613-007-SW1 and 613-008SW2) along the lower controlled reach of the Pompano Canal during 1960-61. Throughout most of the sampling period the water at station 613-007-SW1 had a slightly lower chloride content than Ithe water at station 613-008-SW2. The chloride content is lowest during the rainy seasons and highest during dry seasons. Water |moving from the west in the Pompano Canal generally contains more salt than does the ground water in the Pompano Beach area. During wet periods, such as July to October 1960, a large part of the increased flow of the Pompano Canal was the result of heavy ground-water discharge into the canal in the Pompano Beach area which caused dilution of the canal water as it moved to the ocean. During the ensuing dry season of 1961, a large part of the canal flow was contributed by areas west of Pompano Beach, as a result the chloride content of the canal water increased. Figure 5 shows the chloride content of the surface water at points in major canals, irrigation laterals, and ponds or rock pits June 5-6, 1961. The distribution shows that the chlorides are higher in the western areas than they are near the coast. In the Hillsboro Canal, water entering the area from the west contained 74 ppm (parts per million) of chloride and was diluted by groundwater discharge along the lower reach to 64 ppm at the control dam. Similarly, the water in the Pompano Canal was diluted from 80 ppm of chloride at the western edge to 30 ppm above the control in Pompano Beach. WATER USE The greatest use of ground water in northeastern Broward County is for public supplies. During 1960-61 the total pumpage for public supplies in the area was 7 to 8 billion gallons (fig. 6). In 1961 the municipalities pumped about 4.3 billion gallons, at a rate of about 12 mgd (million gallons per day); about one-half was used for lawn irrigation. The maximum withdrawals normally are during the winter season, when the population is greatest, when the rainfall is least, and when irrigation is heaviest. The normal condition seldom exists; therefore, during some years the largest withdrawals are


14 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Hillsboro Beach Margate 450 Deerfield Beach Collier City Broward Utilities 400 SPompano Beach 3350 z 0 200 --j 250 2 300 co -250 1 100 0 aS1960 196 Figure 6. Graph showing monthly pumpage of municipal supplies in northeastern Broward County. y^ 196 1961 et B County. '^ ' < y y < y y / y y ^ y / y <'/ y ^ y~ ~~eatr Broar y yy'/\yyy V y. /yyyy^


200I I z JF MAM J ASOND FMAMJJASOND FMAMJ ASONDIFMAMJJASOND FMAMJ JA 25 n 1001957 1958 1959 201960 1961 -I -J1 IC 0 isan


16 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in the summer, when rainfall is deficient. Figure 7 shows the monthly pumpage from the Pompano Beach well field and the monthly rainfall at Pompano Beach. A relation between pumpage and rainfall is evident. The graph also shows the large increase in annual pumpage from 1957 to 1961. It is estimated that the pumpage by 1970 will be twice that of 1961. A large quantity of water is used by residents who irrigate lawns from privately owned wells. The use of water for industry is very small except for the seasonal use by the vegetable packing plants in the western part of the area. Most water for crop irrigation in the west is obtained from surface-water sources. WATER-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Major fluctuations of ground-water level in the Pompano Beach area are caused by recharge to and discharge from the Biscayne aquifer. The magnitude of the fluctuations and the day-by-day changes were determined from automatic recorders installed on selected wells in Pompano Beach during 1960-61. Also, monthly measurements of water level were made in wells of random depth in the aquifer. The continuous water-level records provided information on short term fluctuations and furnished a complete record of the seasonal fluctuations. The periodic measurements provided information to determine the configuration and altitude of the water table at different times. The water-table maps were used to determine areas of recharge and discharge, the direction of flow in the aquifer, and changes in ground-water storage. The most pronounced and rapid water-level fluctuations are the result of recharge by rainfall and discharge by pumping. The effect of recharge is shown in figure 8 by the rise of the water table when appreciable rainfall occurs, such as on September 23 and October 22, 1960. The combined effect of discharge by evapotranspiration, ground-water outflow, and pumpage is indicated by the relatively slow decline of the water table as compared to the rapid rise caused by recharge. The effect of pumping ground water on water levels is very pronounced near a discharging well, but is included in and masked by the general effect of the other discharge factors. Figure 9 compares the hydrograph of well 614-007-11, in the Pompano Beach well field, with that of well 614-008-1, nearly 1 mile west of the well field. The rate of decline of the water level in well 614-007-11 is slightly more rapid than that in well 614-008-1 and can be attributed to the effect of withdrawals in the well field. The


2 I I I I i 1 I I I I i 1l I I I I I I l I I 1 I I I Il Il -I II I l iI I I I I I SI I I i I I I i i 1 W " "i T---------------------------SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB Figure 8. Hydrograph of well 614-007-11, daily municipal pumpage and daily rainfall at Pompano Beach, Sept. 1960-Feb. 1961.


18 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1960 1961 suggested in part by a comparison of the range of fluctuations in the two wells. The total range in well 614-007-11 was 9 feet, whereas that in well 614-008-1 was slightly more than 6 feet. When water levels are high, the effect of outflow to drainage canals has some differential effect on the rates of decline; when water levels are low, ground-water outflow to canals is reduced and the rate of decline of water levels is reduced accordingly. During September and October 1960, water levels in the area generally rose about 5 feet as a result of heavy rainfall (fig. 8). Very little water was pumped for irrigation and withdrawals from the Pompano Beach well field were reduced to 3.5 mgd. During the next 6 months, deficient rainfall and increased pumping for irrigation and municipal purposes caused water levels to fall below the pre-September levels. Contour maps were prepared from water-level data in the area to represent high, average, and low-water conditions in the Biscayne aquifer for the period of record. Figure 10 represents the approximate configuration and altitude of the water table on October 13, 1960, when water levels were abnormally high owing to the extremely heavy September rainfall. The map shows steep ground-water gradients toward the Hillsboro Canal, the Intracoastal Waterway, and the Pompano Canal, indicating heavy discharge of ground water throughout the area. The large depression in the water table in the center of the area, between Powerline Road and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, is caused by heavy pumping from rock pits to lower water levels so that the pits can be mined. The trough in the Water table, southwest of the rock pits indicates that the canal that connects the pits with the Pompano Canal was effectively draining ground water from storage in the aquifer. Significant recharge was


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 19 Is 2'0' Io 09 o o 0V 0 060 05' M800' N N-b., ...ft, h b,(1 ,. .1.1 , 00, .960 ._. .,v 65 P AL oM BEAC c aCOUNTY BoCA Figure 10. Northeastern Broward County showing contours on the water table ........ ... ... .. I -*10 223 October 13,1960, when water levels were high occurring in the northwestern part of the area, as indicated by the large ground-water mound within the 13-foot contour. The close spacing of the contours adjacent to the Hillsboro Canal, on' the north, suggests a thinning or a decrease in permeability of the Biscayne aquifer. Figure 11 represents the water table on March 16, 1961, when water-level conditions were about average. The water-table depression at the rock pits is still evident but it is much less pronounced than it was in October 1960; however, the anal to the southwest of the rock pits continues to drain ground water from storage from the adjacent area. The high ground-water mound norh, uggstsa tinnng r adeceas inperea~iit o10h Biscane aqif98 -OMPAN 7sns h atrtbl nMac~ij 91,we CANA-evL Coniin eeaotaeae h ae-al lare goun-waer oun wihinthe13-ootconour Th t los


20 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a 2 ' oo 09 o 07' 06 05 8soo4 N / table March 16, 1901, when water levels were about average. contour has shifted westward. The pattern of the contours indicates that the northern reach of the canal adjacent to State Highway 7 and its flow was controlled by adam a short distance downstream at the Florida EastBECH RailrOUNTYad. Within the Pompano Beach well field area, the water-table c ours show cnsiderably more distortion as co ared to te contours fsr October 1960. The paronounced distortion is the result 7 a i0Y 0? 06 5--


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 36 21 I "I .,.I It a y12 , O w ______ 09. 006 8 C P A L M BEACH I COUNTY BOC B A-ICOUNT 9 0 2 0 o o

22 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1960 1961 1960 1961 618-012-1 616-012-1 141t14 ,,---i --\ \----P-"1--------^-------618-008-1 1 6th-OO9-1 tu , -/ 0/ 6 4 \,0 61-0I I 614-00IJ --e,---., I-'II..^6185-005-1 614-006-52 i I I T I _it ---heav, pumping in the area. The at gradiert of the water table in the southeast indicates that much of the water that normally moves toward the Intraof the area remained relatively high during the period of retord, because of water-control activities in that area. Water levels are ^ril ::^::::::^::^^^::::


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 23 1960 1961 JUNE JULY AUG. EPT OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB MAR APR. MAY UNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV 613-012-SW I -z I I I\\ /.A 6133-08-SW I S ---613-00O-SW 2 L _o os Q) 4 ^ \·I P 613-007-SW I -4 0---------Figure 14. Hydrographs of Pompano Canal showing stage at several locations during 1960-61. maintained at fairly constant altitude for agricultural purposes by control dams in irrigation canals and by pumping water from the west into the irrigation canals. Representative water-level fluctuations throughout the study area are shown by the hydrographs in figure 13. Hydrographs of wells 618-012-1 and 616-012-1, located near the perimeter canal (adjacent to State Highway 7) on the west side of the area show relatively small ranges in fluctuations and continuous high water levels as a result of the water-control practices in the area. Conversely, hydrographs of wells 614-007-3, in the Pompano Beach well field, and 616-006-1, near the coast, show the large range of fluctuations that occur in discharge and downgradient areas. The hydrographs in figure 14 represent periodic water-stage measurements at several locations in the Pompano Canal. The largest fluctuations occur during the wet season when the control dams are open to permit discharge of flood water. During the dry period (1961) the controls were generally closed and water levels were maintained relatively constant and high to furnish replenishment by outflow into the aquifer. The difference between the paired hydrographs indicates the ability to control water levels in the Pompano Canal at desired heads. During the dry season high canal stages are desirable but during flood period canal stages are lowered to accommodate flood waters.


24 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUALITY OF WATER The chemical quality of ground water depends upon the amount and type of constituents contained in the recharge, the compositior and solubility of the rocks through which the recharge moves, and the presence of connate water in the aquifer. In the Pompanc Beach area rainfall is the principal source of recharge. As the rainfall infiltrates to the water table it acquires organic acids and dissolves calcium carbonate from the rocks which imparts hardness to the water. The occurrence of connate water and the encroachment of sea water into the aquifer will be discussed under another section. Ground-water samples were collected from wells at several locations and from different depths in some wells in the Biscayne aquifer. The samples were analyzed by the U. S. Geological Survey and are presented in table 2. Included also are other analyses made by the General Development Corporation and the Florida State Board of Health. The analyses show that the ground water is hard, but is suitable for most uses, without being treated, or with relatively simple treatment. Iron derived from iron-bearing minerals within the aquifer or from the action of iron-fixing bacteria is the most noticeable and objectionable constituent in the ground water of this area. Untreated ground water used for lawn irrigation has caused iron staining on shrubs, trees, sidewalks, and houses. In the samples analyzed iron was present in amounts ranging from 0.01 to 4.3 ppm. Iron in concentrations in excess of 0.3 ppm is objectionable in water used for public supply, and in concentrations in excess of about 0.5 ppm it imparts a noticeable taste to the water. The amount of dissolved iron in ground water in the area is very erratic and cannot be predicted with any accuracy even for short distances horizontally or vertically. Iron is most easily and inexpensively removed by aeration and filtration in the large volumes used by municipal supplies. Hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium dissolved from shell material, limestone, and dolomite in the aquifer. Water having a hardness in excess of 120 ppm is considered hard. Hardness of the water samples ranged from 22 to 316 ppm. The hardness is generally low in the sand ridge area at shallow depths and generally high in the west and at greater depths in the aquifer. This is compatible with the character of quartz sand which is the main component of the aquifer at shallow depths in the ridge area and J


TABLE 2. Analyses of Water from Wells in Northeastern Broward County Analyses by U. S. Geological Survey. Chemical constituents are expressed in parts per million, except pH and color. Hardness as CaCO, S1 618-007-1 13-61 304 .77 7.5 4.3 P2 4.3 16.0 1.4 266 6.2 28 0.3 0.1 283 222 4 493 7.9 B 618-007-2 8-27-51 190 18.0 0.18 44 2.5 9.8 0.8 136 9.0 14 .1 .9 170 1 9 61 7.4 6 618-010-11 25-57 80 74 2.4 118 4.0 393 3.0 33 .25 .414 31 6 6.9 22 614-006-1 8-10-60 168 77 8.5 .44 86 1.0 8.3 .6 118 3.6 13 .2 .1 124 94 2 228 8.0 5 614-007-1 8-10-60 220 78 1.7 .30 8.4 0.2 12 .6 11 2.4 18 .2 .1 8 22 116 9.8 614-007-2 1-24-61 140 77 7.8 .72 4 4 2.8 8.6 .6 164 10.0 14 .2 .4 182 8 146 12 31 7.9 10 614-007-9 8-28-51 10 .12.0 .89 44 .25 9.2 .6 140 8.0 14 .3 .6 168 120 6 267 7.6 7 9-10-66 .. .... 18.0 .01 47 1.1 9.8 .8 140 12.0 16 .1 .4 182 122 8 291 7.8 5 614-007-10 95-51 208 .. 14.0 .07 70 8.6 11.0 .7 222 6.5 15 .4 .8 262 189 7 870 7.6 28 614-010-12 6-18-68 147 76 ..... 1.2 94 6.8 ...... .... 822 10.0 18 .3 .820 264 0 ... 6.9 10 6-18-58 168 74 .... .1 88 4.9 .305 .0 17 .8 .07 240 0 7.5 10 615-006-4 1-24-61 188 78 9.5 .57 52 2.1 7.7 .4 162 2.8 12 .8 .1 167 138 5 295 8.0 5 616-006-111 85-66 90 76 ...... .86 46 .9 .... .... 139 27.0 9 .15 ..149 118 4 7.6 5 617-006-12 2-24-55 178 76 ...... .4 51 2.9 ...... .... 168 85.0 13 .6 ..186 188 2 7.6 7 3-22-56 76 ...... .45 s0 2.4 ...... .166 6.0 9 .15 .188 16 0 ... 7.5 10 5-11-59 77 ...... .3 556 1.4 .... .... 180 .0 16 .1 18 144 4 ..... 7.3 5 118-59 77 ...... 3 54 2.4 ... .188 20.0 17 .25 .. 17 146 0 ... 7.8 5 617-006-22 2-24-55 180 76 ..... .4 50 2.9 ...168 85.0 15 .6 ... 14 188 0 7.6 6 5-11-59 77 ...... .4 58 .5 ...... .... 188 .0 14 .-180 148 6 7.3 5 113-59 77 ...... 3 66 2.4 .188 20.0 17 .85 -170 148 0 .... 7.3 5 617-006-82 4-18-58 160 76 ...... .4 62 4.0 .... 210 19.0 18 .2 .... 225 172 0 7.8 8 5-11-59 78 ...... .7 66 1.4 ...... .... 217 .0 14 .15 .209 172 6 .. 7.2 118-59 78 ...... .45 65 2.0 ..224 10.0 18 .25 ... 210 174 0 .7.8 7 617-006-42 118-59 122 77 ..... .1 50 2.9 ...... -176 30.0 17 .35 ..85 6 18 0 7.3 7 617-006-52 8-27-61 139 76 ...... .50 1.4 ...... -185 .0 22 .3 .... 142 12 0 .. 7.4 10 619-006-11 1-16-52 80 78 ...... 1.3 66 .0 ..... .. 193 .0 18 .1 .. 280 18 6 ...... 7. 25 lAnalyses by Florida State Board of Health. 2Analyses by General Development Corporation.


26 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY the shell beds and limestone which are the main components throughout the aquifer in the western sections and at great depths beneath the ridge. The hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of water. Distilled water has a pH value of 7.0 and thus is neither acid nor alkaline; decreasing values below 7.0 denote increasing acidity and usually indicate a corrosive water; conversely, increasing values above 7.0 denote increasing alkalinity. The pH of the water analyzed ranged from 6.9 to 9.8 and is mostly about 7.5, which is slightly alkaline and should be noncorrosive. Color in water usually is derived from the decomposition of organic matter. Peat and muck deposits are common in the western part of the area and in buried mangrove swamps in the east. Visible coloration of drinking water is undesirable. Water having concentrations in excess of 20 units is considered by the U. S. Public Health Service (1946) to be unsuitable for human consumption. The range of concentration in this area is from 3 to 28 units. Highly colored water often retains an earthy odor similar to the organic material from which the color was derived. Part of the color of the water in this area is from iron. Color is generally lower than 10 in the sand ridge area and generally high in the west, where several large irrigation wells produce highly colored water. Dissolved hydrogen sulfide and methane gases were noted in several wells. The gases are derived from the decomposition of organic matter, and they impart undesirable odors. The odors are easily removed by aeration. SALT-WATER CONTAMINATION Salt-water contamination in the Biscayne aquifer in northeastern Broward County could occur from two general sources: (1) the direct encroachment of sea water into the coastal parts of the aquifer or along uncontrolled canals; and (2) the upward movement of saline water that may exist in beds below the Biscayne aquifer. If saline water occurs in the underlying beds it may be connate, trapped in the sediments when they were deposited, or it may be sea water that infiltrated the beds during Pleistocene interglacial stages when the ocean inundated the area several times. During this study no certain evidence was found that saline water exists within the aquifer beneath the sand ridge, except for a few local areas immediately adjoining finger canals in Pompano Beach. West of the ridge the chloride content of the 2


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 27 water increases slightly and is 30 to 40 ppm along State Highway 7. Farther west, the chloride content increases progressively westward and with depth. Five miles west of State Highway 7 and 1.5 miles south of the Palm Beach County line a 104-foot well yielded water containing 520 ppm of chloride. This increase of salinity with depth is well defined by Parker and others (1955, p. 820), Swho present several maps showing chloride concentrations in ground water at different depths. The local occurrences of saline water along the coastal finger canals may be from downward infiltration of salt water from the canals, or from the encroachment of sea water at depth in the Biscayne aquifer. The system of uncontrolled finger canals has lowered water levels along the coast to permit an inland extension of sea water in the aquifer. Also, with the development of the area and the increased use of water, much of the water that normally would have discharged to the sea was intercepted by municipal and irrigation wells, causing further lowering of water levels and reduction of seaward flow. The movement of salt and fresh water in a coastal aquifer is controlled to a large degree by the relative height of the fresh water above sea level and by the difference in the densities of fresh and salt water. Under static conditions the relation is that of a U-tube whose arms contain two fluids of different densities, and it is expressed by the Ghyben-Herzberg principle (Brown, 1925, p. 16-17) as follows: h=-g-1 where h = depth of fresh water below sea level t = height of fresh water above sea level g = specific gravity of sea water 1.0 = specific gravity of fresh water. When the approximate value of the specific gravity of sea water (1.025) is inserted in the equation, h=40t, or for every foot the fresh water is above sea level, there will be 40 feet of fresh water below sea level. This theoretical condition is modified somewhat by the movement of the fresh water toward points of discharge, by variations in the permeability of the aquifer materials, and by the salinity of the sea water. The variations have only a minor effect so the general relation is adequate for determining the minimum depth at which salt water will occur in coastal parts of the aquifer. One of the inconsistencies is the assumption that the encroaching saline water has a specific gravity of 1.025. The


28 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1960 1961 MAR APR MAY SEPTCT NOV EC. JA FEB. MAR ftP MY JUNEJULY AUP SEPT±OCT 50 CHLORIDE I _ _J _____i_ I5OQ__.___ ^ 121---------w-Q-E ---~--: ----~----100 water level in well 614-007-11. z 10 1 0l inconsistency applies particularly to some of the finger canals that are long and shallow. These canals receive much fresh water from ------2 -50' Z / 230 ground-water inflow which causes periodic dilution as shown by two canals in figure 4b. Because 91 percent of the dissolved constituents in sea water are chloride salts, analyses of the chloride content of gwroundwater samples can be reliably used to determine the extent of seawawater enroachment in an aquifer. Salt-water encroachment occursin well 614-007-11. inconsistency applies particularldjacent tohe uncontrolled finger canals that dissect most of the area east of U. S. Highway 1. This system of canals constituteg and shallow. These canals receive much freshground water from storage, thereby causter ing a general lowering of the water table to near seahown by level during dry seasons. Also, it provides open channels for salt water to move inland. Encroachment is indicated by the changes in chloride cont91 percent of the water frdissolved constituents in sea70-foot well in the southern part of Pompano Beach (fig. 15). are chloride 15 also shows a comparisonlyses of the chloride content of groundwater samples can be reliably used to determine the extent of seawater encroachment in an-006-1 aquifnd the water-level fluctuations in welloccurs in Pompano Beach adjacent to the uncontrolled finger canals that dissect614-007-11, lesst of tha area east of U. S. Hige northwesty 1. ThisWell 613-006-1 issystem of fanked on three sides a persistent drain of ground water from storage, dry pereby cauiods. The changes in the salinity of the water tablfrom to near sea levelshow an excellent correlation wAlso, ith water levels open the well less than water to move inland. Encroachment is indicated by the changes in chloride content of the water from well 613-006-1, a 70-foot well in the southern part of Pompano Beach (fig. 15). Figure 15 also shows a comparison of the chloride content of water from well 613-006-1 and the water-level fluctuations in well 614-007-11, less than a mile to the northwest. Well 613-006-1 is flanked on three sides by tidal canals and is pumped heavily during dry periods. The changes in the salinity of the water from the well show an excellent correlation with water levels in the well less than


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 36 29 1960 1961 MAR APR MAY JUN JUY AU SEPTCT NOV JAN M APR MAY UNE JULY AU EPT --..12P000 -------619-005-SW I 10,000 -----HILLSBORO 4000 oo -v---i-_ -_ -K --^-A-2-00 ---S -61POMPANO'LS6 3-007-SW2 Figure 16. Fluctuations of chloride content of water from uncontrolled reaches of the Hillsboro and Pompano canals. a mile away. The aquifer in this area probably will become progressively more saline as pumpage from Pompano Beach well field increases and intercepts more of the natural ground-water flow to the southeast. Figure 16 shows the chloride content of water samples from the observation stations immediately downstream (tidal reach) from the lower control dams in the Hillsboro and Pompano canals. The low chloride contents during most of 1960 are the result of the nearly continuous discharge of fresh water through the control dams. The two large increases in chloride content in 1961 occurred when drought conditions prevailed, ground-water levels were low, and little or no water was being discharged over the control dams. Water from several wells near the coast showed very small increases in chloride content during 1961 when rainfall was deficient. The changes have a general correlation with water-level fluctuations; that is, an increase in chloride occurs with a decrease in water levels and vice versa. The four lower graphs in figure 17 show periodic chloride changes in two municipal wells (wells 617006-1 and 619-006-1) that are 4,400 and 2,400 feet, respectively, from saline canals, and two private lawn-irrigation wells (wells 616-005-1 and 613-006-2) that are 200 and 1,000 feet, respectively,


30 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1960 1961 MA R APR MAY JUE ILY U&PEIFPT.2Of NOV. OEC JAN FLE MA APR MAY 1N2E IULY A.X .EPT CT. e6I4-006-6 acl-------r :^-; 7'615-006-5 4I6 I I --6616-005-.^ --6 1300,\ Figure 17. Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells near bodies of saline surface water. 1960 1961 MAl APR.MY N Y PNEO U AR PDN 2 A& AN 91L r4 613-010-1 I30-= I = ==' -->--6--^3C 617-010-2 S66-006-2 3 6 1 7-2 Figure 18. Fluctuations of chloride content of water from wells distant from bodies of saline surface water.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 36 31 from saline canals. None of these supplies had a chloride content that was in excess of the normal chloride content of the area, indicating that seawater encroachment was not yet a problem in these areas. Another chloride graph in figure 17 is for the golf course 190-foot irrigation well (well 615-006-5) 900 feet from a saline canal. The well was pumped heavily at regular intervals during 1961. The average water level near this well was about 3.5 feet above msl during most of the summer of 1961. Pumping lowered water levels nearly to sca level in the immediate vicinity of the well, but only a small increase in chloride content was noted. Analyses of water from wells farther from the coast (fig. 18), similarly showed little or no variation in the chloride content during the study. An exception was well 617-010-2, which showed an increase from 26 ppm to 38 ppm. This change can be associated with the reactivation of a large irrigation well in the immediate vicinity. In 1948, well 613-006-3 was drilled to salt water at a reported depth of 210 feet. An analysis of the water in 1961 showed a concentration of 4,650 ppm of chloride. If future samples from this well show increases in the chloride content, the increase may be the result of the drainage effect of the uncontrolled part of the Pompano Canal (and connected finger canals) to the south and the series of finger canals to the northeast and the interception of water by the Pompano Beach well field. SWater samples for chloride analysis were collected periodically from selected wells in the area; water samples from 15 of these selected wells were analyzed each month to detect changes in the chloride content. The maximum chloride content in each well was used in the preparation of figure 19. Water samples also were collected during the drilling of test holes to determine the variations of chloride with depth in the Biscayne aquifer in areas between the Pompano Beach well field and bodies of salt water. Test well 613-007-1, located between the south edge of the Pompano Beach well field and the lower control dam on the Pompano Canal, was drilled to a depth of 304 feet. The average chloride content of water samples from this well was 29 ppm, indicating that the proper operation of the control dam was effectively maintaining high water levels in the southern part of the area, thereby preventing the inland movement of salt water from the controlled reach of the canal. Test well 615-006-4 was drilled to 183 feet below the land surface near the upstream end of a long finger canal east of the Pompano


32 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Beach airport. Water from all zones sampled in this well contained less than 25 ppm of chloride. Periodic analyses of water from this well determine the effect that the adjacent tidal canal and the heavy pumping at the golf course, immediately to the east, have on the inland movement of salt water. Analyses of samples from wells adjacent to and north of this finger canal show that salty water occurs at relatively shallow depth in the aquifer. Also, samples from wells in the southeastern part of Pompano Beach indicate an inland extension of the salt front. A potential area of salt-water encroachment could develop in Deerfield Beach adjacent to the tidal reach of the Hillsboro Canal. As shown in figure 19, water of high chloride content has occurred in the canal as far upstream as the control dam. During low-water periods, the effect of heavy pumping in the Deerfield Beach well field, about half a mile south of the canal, could extend northward to the canal and cause a reversal of the normal gradient and a resultant southward migration of salt water. The distortion of the 2-foot contour in the Deerfield Beach area, in figure 12, suggests that a gradient reversal might have been occurring in August 1961. QUANTITATIVE STUDIES Knowledge of the hydraulic properties of the aquifer of the Pompano Beach area is essential to an evaluation of its groundwater resources. The foremost hydraulic properties of an aquifer are its ability to transmit and to store water. These properties are expressed as the coefficients of transmissibility and storage. The coefficient of transmissibility is defined by Theis (1938, p. 892) as the number of gallons of water, at the prevailing water temperature, that will move in 1 day through a vertical strip of the aquifer having a width of 1 foot and a height equal to the saturated thickness of the aquifer, under a hydraulic gradient of unity. The coefficient of storage is defined as the volume of water released from or taken into storage per unit surface area of the aquifer per unit change in the component of head. Water transmitted through overlying and underlying semiconfining materials into the principal producing zone is termed leakage. The leakage coefficient (Hantush, 1956, p. 702) indicates the ability of semiconfining beds to transmit water into the section being tested. It is defined as the rate at which water moves through a unit area of the semiconfining bed, if the head between the main aquifer and the bed supplying the leakage is unity.


UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 613' 12' II' 10' 09' 08' 07' 06'05' 8004' S2602 I 1 26021' EXPLANAlONl Well s)mpled perloddlolly Upper number I chloride clonin In ports per million. Lower number Is the sampled dept, In Ssetl below ord l urfaoc In wells,/ of bllow Walter l urlCeI G1 wtfcI Sate .s l /-0' P A L M BEACH COUNTY BOCA *. HILLSBORO ...1 CANAL .P , , I I RATON BR 0 WA RD C .UNTY *oil ' F / & ,^ ; " t49 -19' DEERFIELD BEACH ' 1 .' 1in ."// 1 --1l'3 *18' SA MPLE RI A 0t Z !M / (0 i k. Rl U POMPANO Sr " A BEACH .A 1 1 -15' MARGATE .I • II F. oP o cANuAL .---~ ' " -,4' 14 -C 14' Survey tpor .h O quadrMAn s N'AL __ _. 0 lii CA N A L C-14 Lp"ID'M 15AN 80013' 121 I0 09 08 07, ' __ 06, _ 05! _ 80'0 Base taken from U. S. Geological 1 1™^ "* ^^^'^ Survey to~porophic qubdrangles. Figure 19. Northeastern Broward County, showing the maximum chloride content of water samples from wells and surface-water bodies, 1960-61.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 * 33 The hydraulic coefficients are generally determined by pumping water from an aquifer and observing the effect of the withdrawal on the water levels in adjacent areas. Normally one well is pumped, and water levels in several nearby nonpumping wells are observed to relate the lowering of water level to distance and time. This lowering of water level has the general shape of an inverted cone and is referred to as the cone of depression. The shape of the cone of depression depends upon the rate and period of pumping, the water-storing and transmitting properties of the aquifer, and the natural changes in storage in the aquifer. Pumping tests were made on wells in the Pompano Beach municipal well field during early February 1961, and at the Deerfield Beach municipal well field at the end of August 1961. Well 615-007-4 in the Pompano Beach well field was pumped at the rate of 2,000 gpm for 100 hours and the water was discharged to the water plant. For a period of 3 days prior to the test, no wells were pumped within a distance of 3,700 feet of well 615-007-4. Waterlevel measurements made during the 3-day period showed that antecedent water-level conditions were nearly stable, and the effects of other pumping in the area were small. After pumping started, water levels were measured in observation wells shown in figure 20 to determine the drawdown of levels at different distances from the pumped well. In the Deerfield Beach test, well 619-006-5 was pumped for 8 hours at the rate of 450 gpm and drawdowns were measured in the observation wells as shown in figure 20. No other pumping occurred within 2,000 feet of the Deerfield Beach test site during the test. In both the Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach well field areas the municipal wells are developed in a permeable rock zone that is overlain by thick sections of sand, shells, or silt. In the Pompano Beach area the overlying material is mostly clean sand, but in the Deerfield Beach area the overlying material consists of less permeable heterogeneous mixtures of silt and shell. Because of the low permeability of the shallow sediments, the aquifer in Deerfield Beach acts initially as an artesian system when pumping begins, proceeds through a leaky-aquifer transitional condition, and ultimately, with time, to a water-table system. The time required for this transition to be completed may be a few hours or days, depending upon the rate of pumping and the nature of the overlying semiconfining beds supplying the leakage. The drawdown data obtained from the Pompano Beach test were analyzed by the Theis graphical method as described by Wenzel (1942, p. 87-89). This method is best applied when the following


34 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY .615-007-8 EXPLANATION POMPANO BEACH I WELL FIELD s61-007-7 PUMPING WELL 615-007-4,5,6 OBSERVATION WELL N 615-007-1,2s,34 --35f I615-006-2 614-007---DEERFIELD BEACH -/ WELL FIELD I 619-006-7 69065t0t006 *614-007-2 Figure 20. Sketch of pumping test sites in the Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach well fields. ideal conditions are met: the aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic, uniformly thick, areally infinite, and receives no recharge; the well being pumped has an infinitesimal diameter and penetrates the entire thickness of the aquifer; the water is all discharged through the pumped well and water taken from storage is discharged instantaneously with the decline in head. Not all these conditions were met in the field, but the determined coefficients provide valuable indications of the capacities of the aquifer. The coefficients of transmissibility and storage can be computed from a series of


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 86 35 drawdown measurements made at different times in one observation well, or from drawdowns measured at one time in several observation wells, by use of the following formula: 00 114.6 Q 114.6 Q c"4 du= -W(u) S T u T S 1.87 rS whereý uTt a = drawdown in feet r = distance from the discharging well, in feet Q = rate of discharge, in gallons per minute t = time well was discharging, in days T = coefficient of transmissibility, in gallons per day per foot S = coefficient of storage. The test data were plotted and matched with the type curve, figure 21, The coefficient of transmissibility was computed to be 1,400,000 gpd per foot and the coefficient of storage was computed ito be 0.84. Analysis of the data by the straight line method (Cooper and Jacob, 1946) resulted in a coefficient of transmissibility of 1,500,000 gpd per foot land a coefficient of storage of 0.25. 1106 W(u) 1.0 U =0.1 s =0.16 Sr2/t v2.2xiO i T 1,400,000 gpd per ft S z0.34 s Observed drawdown T , 114.6xO xWu P Type curve 1.87 r2/t Motch point 0.I __________ 2(SQUARE FEET PER DAY) Figure 21. Logarithmic graphs of type curve and plot of s against r2/t for observation wells 615-007-7, 615-007-8, and 615-006-2.


36 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Because of the presence of semiconfining beds within the aquifer, the Deerfield Beach pumping test was analyzed both by the Theis method and by the leaky-aquifer method outlined by Hantush (1956), which is based on the theory of ground-water flow in a leaky artesian aquifer (Hantush and Jacob, 1955). The leakyaquifer method involves the same assumptions as does the Theis method, except that the aquifer is assumed to be recharged by leakage through semiconfining beds and the leakage rate is maintained by a constant head. This method also involves matching the plotted data with a set of type curves developed by Cooper (in press). At the Deerfield Beach test the coefficient of transmissibility was computed to be 400,000 gpd per foot, the coefficient of storage 0.0004, and the coefficient of leakage 3.6 gpd per square foot per foot of head differential. The small transmissibility in the Deerfield Beach area as compared with the Pompano Beach area could be due to a thinning of the aquifer or a general change in permeability, or a combination of both factors; however, sufficient geologic information is not available to determine the reasons for the lower transmissibility. If it is assumed that ideal hydrologic conditions prevail in Pompano Beach, theoretical drawdowns that would occur in the vicinity of a pumped well can be computed by the Theis nonequilibrium formula. The graphs in figures 22 and 23 were developed for the Pompano Beach well field on the basis of a coefficient of transmissibility of 1,500,000 gpd per foot and a coefficient of storage of 0.30. Figure 22 shows the theoretical drawdowns caused by pumping a well at a rate of 1,000 gpm for different periods. This graph can be used to determine the drawdown that would be expected with continuous pumping from storage, no rainfall or recharge occurring, and natural discharge from the aquifer not being affected. Figure 23 shows the drawdowns that would result if the well were pumped at different rates for 1 and 10 days. This graph can be used to determine the drawdown in other wells at anjy distance for the times indicated. For a given time and distance, the drawdown is proportional to the pumping rate. Because the period of heaviest pumpage normally coincides with the dry season in southeastern Florida, computations were made to determine the overall drawdown caused by increased pumping from the Pompano Beach well field during a prolonged drought. A watertable contour map was constructed to show the effects of withdrawing 20 mgd from the well field throughout a 6-month rainless period.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 37 DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELLIN FEET 0t0 ,. -----------. .. S,0.30 '0 1000 gpm 19 Figure 22. Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a well discharging 1,000 gpm for selected periods of time. By use of a plotting method described by Conover and Reeder (1962), the drawdown caused by each pumping well was plotted on a grid system covering the area of influence, and summed to determine the net effect of all pumpage. These net drawdowns were superimposed on the water-level contour map for these assumed conditions. Figure 24 shows the combined effect of pumping 20 mgd (3 times the pumping rate for 1961) continuously from the Pomp-no Beach well field for -6-month prolonged 0.6 0 0 drought (no rainfall). O *COMPUTATIONS BASED ON: 1.0 ______ ______ _________T 1,500,000 g pd per ft. SN0.30 1.2?______ ------Figure 22. Predicted water levelawdowns may be lower than might actuallyvicinity of n well disin 1,000 occur because the September 1961selected per levels, selected to representtime. the beginning of a plottingdry season, were near record low after a 4-monthReeder (1962),period of drawdoweficient rainfall. However, the total rawdown causs plotted on a grid system covering the area of influence, and summed to determine the 20 mgd pumping rate is in proportion to thaese net shown at thewdowns were mgd rate in figure 12. Figure 24 shows that water-level contour map for thesels in assuthe immed condiate vicinity of thigure municipal well field woulmbined be drawn pumpidown to 2 feet below mesl, and that diversion of ground water towardusly from the Pompano Beach well field would result in a reduction prf head along the coast and drought (no rainfall). along the predicted water levels may be lower than might actuallyno Canal. occur because the September 1961 water levels, selected to represent If this large indry sease in pumping were near record low after water levels4-month period of deficient rainfall. However, the total drawdown caused by the 20 mgd pumping rate is in proportion to that shown at the 6.5 mgd rate in figure 12. Figure 24 shows that water levels in the immediate vicinity of the municipal well field would be drawn down to 2 feet below msl, and that diversion of ground water toward the well field would result in a reduction of head along the coast and along the lower reach of the Pompano Canal. If this large increase in pumping were to lower water levels permanently along the coast, a slow inland movement of salt water could occur on a broad front in the aquifer and the well field would


38 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELL, IN FEET 100 500 1 0,00 0 PUMPING ONE DAY 0.2 -AT , o 1.0 Figure 23. Predicted drawdowns in the vicinity of a well discharging at selected times and rates. be threatened. Thus, it would not be advisable to withdraw the 20 mgd without expanding the well field facilities. Expansion could be northward, along the sandy ridge, or westward. The northward extension of the field would have the advantage of the availability of water of excellent quality, but ultimately the problem of saltwater encroachment would recur. A westward extension of the well field would take advantage of the perennially high water levels maintained in the vicinity of the controlled reaches of the Pompano Canal. Replenishment to the field would be by continuous infiltration from the. canal, under high gradients. The resulting drawdowns would be small, thereby reducing any threat of salt-water encroachment. A disadvantage to westward extension of the well field is the slightly inferior quality of the ground water.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 39 E X PLA'NAT ON Contour showing altitude of m S .September 18,1961 Contour showing theoreticol oltitude of nwter level, in feet referred to m s ofter 180 do y of pumping. Figure 24. Pompano Beach well-field area showing predicted levels after Contour intervl omot. eh a .Te c s o r t he Theoreticl well disch r arginf N OMPANO [A DAM 1 1/2 0 i mile Figure 24. Pompano Beach well-field area showing predicted levels after pumping 20 mgd for 180 days without rainfall. CONCLUSIONS The Biscayne aquifer is the only source of fresh ground water in the Pompano Beach area. The chief source of recharge to the aquifer is rainfall on the immediate area; an additional source is the surface water pumped through canals into the western part of the area for irrigation. The ground water is of good quality except for the high iron content and the hardness and color, which increase toward the west. The aquifer is composed of marine deposits of quartz sand, calcareous sandstones, and sandy to nearly pure limestones, which extend from the land surface to a depth of about 400 feet. The distribution of the -rock zones in the aquifer is erratic, but generally, thin rock layers that are sufficiently permeable to supply


40 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY small water systems are present within the upper 60 feet. Thicker rock zones from which large supplies can be developed by open-end wells commonly occur at greater depths. The water table has a gentle gradient from the interior to the coast. Its configuration is greatly influenced by the Hillsboro and Pompano canals and by pumping. Relatively high water levels are maintained by the control structures in these canals, primarily for irrigation purposes but also to retard the inland movement of salt water. When pumping increases in future years, a large part of the recharge to well fields will be from the controlled reaches of the major canals. Pumping from the Pompano Beach well field in 1961 has not lowered the water levels significantly to cause appreciable inland movement of salt water. Future pumping at greater rates could lower water levels to altitudes where sea water would encroach into the aquifer. Salt-water encroachment could occur from numerous tidal, saltwater canals. The uncontrolled reaches of the Hillsboro and Pompano canals are the most likely sources of encroachment, because they allow salt water to extend appreciable distances inland and they are adjacent to large well fields. The water from some wells near the Intracoastal Waterway shows an increase in chloride content when water levels are lowered. Salt-water encroachment from subjacent beds is unlikely as no salt water was found by drilling test holes into the lower zones of the Biscayne aquifer in the Pompano Beach well field. Future threats of salt-water encroachment could be diminished by controlling water levels in canals at locations farther seaward, and by distributing the effect of pumping more equally along the ridge area. Pumping tests and water-level data indicate that much larger quantities of ground water can be obtained in the ridge area, and that even larger amounts could be produced farther west, with little probability of salt-water encroachment. Some of the major water problems that will face the city of Pompano Beach in future years will be those problems associated with rapid urbanization. As urbanization proceeds, water needs will accelerate; at the same time, urbanization will require drainage and flood control in the western part of the area. It is important, therefore, to determine the effects that lowering water levels in the west will have on the continued movement of water eastward and on salt-water encroachment. These effects can be evaluated by a continuing program of data collection and data analysis on the availability of water. The continuing studies will '


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 41 point out changes in the hydrology of the area and will aid in establishing an orderly program of water control and water management in the area.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 36 43 REFERENCES Black, A. P. 1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters: Florida State Board of Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research, Paper 6. Brown, Eugene (see Black. A. P.) Brown, J. S. 1925 A study of coastal water, with special reference to Connecticut: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 537. Conover, C. S. 1962 (and Reeder, H. 0.) Construction and use of special drawdown scales for predicting water-level changes throughout heavily pumped areas: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1545-C, p. 70-81 (in press). Cooke, C. W. (also see Parker, G. G.) 1929 (and Mossom, Stuart) Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 20th Ann. Rept., p. 29-227, 29 pl. 1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29. Cooper, H. H., Jr. 1946 (and Jacob, C. E.) A generalized graphical method for evaluating formation constants and summarizing well-field history: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 27, no. 4, p. 526-534. 1962 Type curves for nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky artesian aquifer, in methods of aquifer tests: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1545-C, p. 88b-88q (in press). Ferguson, G. E. (see Parker, G. G.) Hantush, M. C. 1955 (and Jacob, C. E.) Nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 36, no. 1, p. 95-100. 1956 Analysis of data from pumping tests in leaky aquifers: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 37, no. 6, p. 702-714. Hoy, N. D. (see Schroeder, M. C.) Jacob, C. E. (see Cooper, H. H.; Hantush, M. C.) Klein, Howard (see Schroeder, M. C.) Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G.) Mossom, Stuart (see Cooke, C. W.) Parker, G. G. 1944 (and Cooke, C. W.) Late Cenozoic geology of southern Florida, with a discussion of the ground water: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 27.


44 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 43, no. 10. 1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources of southeastern Florida, with special reference to the geology and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 1255. Reeder, H. O. (see Conover, C. S.) Sanford, Samuel 1909 The topography and geology of southern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 2d Ann. Rept., p. 175-231. Schroeder, M. C. 1958 (and Klein, Howard, and Hoy, N. D.) Biscayne aquifer of Dade and Broward counties, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 17. Sellards, E. H. 1912 The soils and other surface residual materials of Florida, their origin, character, and the formations from which derived: Florida Geol. Survey 4th Ann. Rept., p. 1-79. Sherwood, C. B. 1959 Ground-water resources of the Oakland Park area of eastern Broward County, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 20. Theis, C. V. 1938 The significance and nature of the cone of depression in groundwater bodies: Econ. Geology, v. 33, no. 8. Wenzel, L. K. 1942 Methods for determining permeability of water-bearing materials, with special reference to discharging-well methods: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 887.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 36 45 TABLE 3. Lithologic Logs of Test Holes WELL 615-006-4 Depth in feet Material below land surface Sand, quartz, gray to tan, very fine to very coarse, angular to subrounded, iron-stained _---_. ............---------------------.. -020 Sand, quartz, as above, slightly silty; and thin layer of limestone ----------...----........-........... .............-.. --................. 2030 Sand, quartz, white, medium, and tan, shelly limestone .-3040 Sand as above; and pink, sandy, shelly, very silty limestone 4043 Sand, quartz, white to gray, medium to coarse, mostly coarse, slightly phosphatic -----------..-__ __-_ ...--..-4348 Sand as above; and dense, hard, shelly limestone .--..-...---4854 Limestone, white to tan, dense, shelly; some fine sand -...... 5459 Sand, quartz, white, fine, angular to subrounded, phosphatic and white shelly limestone .--. .--..-.--.--.--.-...-5964 Limestone, white, crystalline, sandy, phosphatic .---.------6469 Sand, quartz, tan, mostly coarse and granular, slightly phosphatic, partly indurated to sandstone -.---------...6978 Sand, quartz, white, mostly fine, silty, phosphatic; some sandstone ...----_..-......................--..-......._ .....__..._..... 78 -83 Sandstone composed of materials above ..-. --..--.----------_ 8388 Limestone, very sandy, white, shelly _-----------.8894 Sand, quartz, mostly fine but some very coarse grains, calcareous and phosphatic ...----------....-------.---.. ----..----9499 Sand, fine to coarse, very calcareous, shelly, phosphatic .9-99-122 Marl, fresh-water? tan and brown, shelly, sandy; contains some heavy minerals, wood material, and peat ------122 -124 Limestone, very sandy, shelly, phosphatic ----------.-----124-135 Limestone, slightly sandy, shelly; sand, mostly medium, very hard, 140-143 ..........--........-.-------........--... -----. .135 -155 Limestone, almost pure, very slightly sandy; contains small shell fragments ...----....-.._-----..--.. -.__ __ .--. .------------..... 155 -187 WELL 614-006-1 Depth in feet Material below land surface Sand, quartz, cream, very fine to coarse; small amount of iron oxide .-..........---.._.......... ..------.-..-.... .. .. .----010 Sand, quartz, fine to medium, angular and subangular, shelly near bottom ---....--.....-........................... ....---.......------1020 Sand, as above; and thin layer of yellowish limestone at 25 feet ____ _------..... --...----.. --..... --..-.-......-...... ----2025 Sand, as above, shelly; contains phosphate and heavy minerals ______________.-..._--_.... ....___. 2542 Limestone, tan and cream, sandy, very hard at top; much recrystalized calcite ... .-----_-__ ......----.---.-----.....-4245


46 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Limestone, white and cream, fairly pure, sugary to coarsely crystalline; few shells --_ __-.-_ 4583 Sand, quartz, very fine to coarse, shelly; contains thin interbedded white sandy limestone ............... -................ 83115 Limestone, white and cream, sandy, shelly, slightly phosphatic, very hard at 130 feet .---.....-..--..--...-.....-... ... -115 -130 Limestone, white to tan, much recrystallized calcite, sandy, shelly _.._._..._ .. ..... ...._............... 130 -150 Sand, very fine to medium, angular, phosphatic, slightly shelly _.._ ____. ... ... .... ......._......_. ...... 150-155 Limestone, white to cream, very sandy, shell fragments -.... 155 -157 WELL 614-007-1 Depth in feet Material below land surface Sand, quartz, fine to medium, subrounded, clear, frosted and and iron-stained; bottom 2 feet shelly, sandy limestone .... 020 Sand, quartz, fine to coarse, angular to subrounded, silty ...2058 Limestone, white and cream, very sandy, slightly phosphatic and iron-stained ..-_-_..--..._ _.-----....... _... _............... ........-5865 Sand, quartz, tan and white; contains specks of phosphate and limonite -_ _ ...._...................-------... -6571 Sandstone, cream, very calcareous, poorly indurated, phosphatic _ ---._-.---_----..--..-._--i7182 Sand, fine to medium at top, becoming very coarse near bottom, shelly, white; bottom shows traces of peat ..... ... 82-103 Sandstone, very calcareous, shelly, phosphatic; some inclusions appear oolitic -....-... ...........-...-... ................ 103118 Sand, quartz, mostly medium to very coarse, slightly marly, phosphatic, shelly; bottom 2 feet indurated -------_.---118-146 Limestone, sandy, phosphatic; contains beach-worn shell fragments (rubble bed) _.......-..... ........ -....--. 146151 Sand, mostly fine to medium, but some coarse grains, shell fragments; contains few thin layers of sandstone ------151-203 Sandstone, very calcareous, shelly, phosphatic ..._-_.... 203220 WELL 613-007-1 Depth in feet Material below land surface Sand, quartz, tan, medium, iron-stained ..-...-....-........_.--015 Limestone, soft, tan, oolitic; and hard, dense shelly limestone 1520 Sand, quartz, tan and cream, medium, subrounded, ironstained _ ___. ___ .-____ 2048 Limestone, hard, dense, tan to brown ...........-...... 4850 Sand, quartz, fine to very coarse and some shell fragments; hard limestone layer at 61 feet ._ .--_-. 5076 Sand, quartz, fine to coarse, but mostly coarse; and interbedded thin layers of hard shelly sandstone --_. 7692


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 36 47 Sand, quartz, medium, subangular; and wave-worn shell fragments, phosphatic _..._...._ ......... ....._--.._............. 92 -105 Limestone and sandstone, gray, porous, shelly, phosphatic and containing heavy minerals .---............-..................------105135 Sand, quartz, mostly fine, silty, shelly, phosphatic, glauconitic; few thin sandstone layers ........--------.... ......-------. 135-188 Sandstone, very calcareous, shelly, porous -..--....................... 188 -195 Limestone, hard, dense, and shelly sandstone contains lenses of sand .......------......-.-..-...-.-..-...--......---..... ..-..-...--..-... 195213 Sand, quartz, gray, mostly fine, shelly and phosphatic contains thin beds or lenses of sandstone -..--. -------------. 213-292 Limestone, hard, dense, shelly --....--...-....--.--..-----........ .... .292-296 Limestone, sandy, fairly soft, shelly -..........--. .........----------.. 296-304


TABLE 4, Records of Wells in Northeastern Broward County Usei A, air conditioning Di, dispolal; Do, dounestluj In, Indultrial; Ir, Irrigation ; LI, lawn Irruiation; N, none; 0, oblervvatlin; I', publilu Iupply, B, stock; T, tewt well, Remarkia Ca, complete aualysli; Cut, cuttings; W.l, aui.ltionul water-level duat available. Casing Measuring point Water level Chloride content Well T Remarks number Location Owner P o m r It0I 618.005-1 500 ft. S. and 2,60 0 G. N. Earhart 00 .... ........................ ...... ..... ........ ........... 44 8-28-60 77 L ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 6, T. 49 S., R. 48 E. .2 1,850 ft. S. and Donald Wilson ±50 /.... I .1 .................. .... ........ .... .......... 22 3-28.60 77 LI 2,150 ft. W. of NE cor., see. 6, T. 49 8., R. 48 E. 618-006.1 1,400 ft. S. and City of Pompano 90 .... 8 ........ .... .... ....... .... ...... 118 88.60 76 In 2,175 ft. E. of NW Beach cor., see. 6, T. 49 8., R. 48 E. .2 200 ft. S. and 900 Bernard Millman ±70 -2 ........ ...... -..... ........ ......80 8-28-60 76 Li ft. W. of NE cor., see. 1, T. 49 S., R. 42 E. -8 100 ft. N. and 500 J. P. Finnigan 210 .. ..... ... .... .... 4,0 9.15-61 77 In ft. E. of SW cor., sec. 81,'T. 49 S., R. 48 E. 618-007-1 650 ft. N. and 775 U. S. Geological 804 803 8Top of 8-inch 0.0 10.85 10.70 18-61 82 1.12-61 77 T Ca, Cut ft. W. of SE cor., Survey 2 casing collar 28 18-61 sec. 85, T. 48 S., 29 4-17-61 R. 42 E. 28 98-61 -2 700 ft. N. and 850 City of Pompano -190 ±180 12 ......... .... .18 3-14-60 77 P Ca, Pompano ft. W. of SE cor., Beach ,20 5-24-60 No. 1 sec. 85, T. 48 S., 18 122-60 R. 42 E. 20 7-25-61


618-007-8 8,850 ft. N. and J. I. and M. I. 60 -6 Top of 6-inch 2.0 6.41 2.82 6.29-60 18 10-18-60 77 0 Destroyed 8,775 ft. E. of SW Ogden cross cor., sec. 2, T. 49 S., R. 42 E. -4 150 ft. N. and 1,200 First Baptist 59 -1% Top of 1%.0 15.29 11.51 6. 6-60 ...0 Do. ft. W. of SE cor., Church of inch casing sec. 85, T. 48 S., Pompano Beach R. 42 E. -5 100 ft. N. and 1,225 W. D. Green 98 -2 ............. -. .. .18 10-17-60 80 Li ft. W. of SE cor., 22 1-19-62 sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 618-008-1 2,750 ft. S. and Pompano Race85 -2 Top of 2-inch 1.5 9.50 4.75 7-20-60 14 10-10-60 78 0 2,700 ft. E. of NW ways, Inc. casing cor., sec. 8, T. 49 S., R. 42 E. -2 8,250 ft. S. and U. S. Geological -... .. .. ._ .0 1,800 ft. W. of NE Survey cor., sec. 8, T. 49 S.,R. 42 E. -8 1,650 ft. S. and Ready Mix Con±100 ... 4 ._....__.. -.. .46' 82-60 77 In 1,400 ft. W. of NE crete Co. cor., sec. 8, T. 49 S., R. 42 E. -4 1,550 ft. S. and Larry Marable --90 .. 8 _...__.__.. ...... ........ -. ............ 44 8-29-60 77 Do 1,000 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 8, T. 49 S., R. 42 E. 618-009-1 1,825 ft. S. and 400 Pompano Race120 .... 4 ..._._.. _ .... * ........ -15 10-18-40 .N Ca ft. E. of NW cor., ways, Inc. sec. 4, T. 49 S., R. 42 E. 618-010-1 700 ft. S. and 2,400 State of Florida 80 --6 ... ...... .-. .. .89 3-24-60 78 P Ca, Cut ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 5, T. 49 S., R. 42 E. 614-005-1 1,425 ft. S. and C. W. Hendricks 87 .. 8 ........ ..... .. 22 8-16-60 76 Li 1,620 ft. E. of NW 26 119-01 cor., sec. 81, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


TABUa 4, (Continued) Cusling Measuring point Water level Chloride content ...I0 8,070 ft. E. of NW Well Location Owner -0 .1? 1Remarks number i... -.§ 1400-2 1,810 ft. .and H. F. Wierch 40 .............. ........ --7.000 4.0160 1A 8,070 ft. E. of NW cor., see. 80, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. 1 .8-1 1,075 ft. N. and MartU. Geoloicel 60 .16 2 Top -..... nch 2.0 16.0 8.12 7-18-.... 18 8-10-60 7 a, Lut 12,00 ft. E. of SW Surv casing 10 10-21-60 cor., sec. 80, T. 48 18 110 S., R. 48 E. 1 417 614.006-1 1,075 ft. N. and U. S. Geological 160 158 2 Top of 2-inch 2.0 16.05 8.12 7-18.60 18 8-10-60 76 T Ca, Cut 2,900 ft. E. of SW Survey casing 16 10-21.60 cor., sec. 26, T. 48 18 1.10-61 S.. B. 42 E. 17 4-17.61 17 98-61 -2 1,406 ft. N. and 720 H. D. Thomas 84 -2 .........--48 8-23.60 77 Li ft. W. of SE cor., 28 1-19-62 see. 86, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .8 725 ft. N. and 276 W. D. Bennett 70 -1% Top of 1.1.0 9.60 5.95 8-10-60 42 4-12.60 76 0 ft. E. of SW cor., inch casing 52 61.60 sec. 81, T. 48 S., 54 7-18.60 R. 48 E. 44 10-18-60 48 5-15.61 -4 1,200 ft. N. and 950 City of Pompano 78 1% ---do... .1. 19.07 16.48 8-14-60 17 6-16-60 76 0 W-1, partially ft. E. of SW cor., plugged at 12 sec. 25, T. 48 S., feet R. 42 E. -5 2,640 ft. S. and U. S. Geological 16 16 114 Top of 1. .0 16.87 12.07 7-18-60 20 6-18-60 -0 1,650 ft. E. of NW Survey inch casing cor., see. 86, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


-6 1,150 ft. N. and 826 Hugh Walter 185 2 ... ... 28 6-29-60 78 Do ft. E. of SW cor., sec. 81, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. -7 1,175 ft. N. and Wilson 51 -2 .. -. ..25 68-67 77 Li 1,815 ft. W. of SE 20 8-15-61 cor., sec. 86, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -8 2,550 ft. S. and 750 City of Pompano ±90 -8 .._ -.... 18 9-25-60 76 P ft. W. of NE cor., 18 6-6-61 sec. 86, T. 48 S., 18 9-18-61 R. 42 E. 614-007-1 25 ft. N. and 1,200 U. S. Geological 220 220 2 Top of 2-inch 0.0 12.52 4.89 6-18-60 18 8-10-60 76 T Ca, Cut ft. E. of SW cor., Survey casing 22 10-21-60 sec. 26, T. 48 S., 20 1-10-61 R. 42 E. 24 4-17-61 80 98-61 -2 426 ft. N. and 700 City of Pompano 140 -16 -.18 3-14-60 77 P Pompano Prod. ft. W. of SE cor., No. 4 sec. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -8 425 ft. N. and 710 .... .-....... 191 -2 Top of 2-inch .5 20.70 14.97 8-10-60 16 10-21-60 77 T ft. W. of SE cor., casing sec. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -4 1,000 ft. N. and 550 U. S. Geological 21 21 1%4 Top of 1%.0 20.18 14.98 7-18-60 18 7-18-60 0 W-1 ft. W. of SE cor., Survey inch casing sec. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -6 1,500 ft. N. and 425 City of Pompano 109 16 Top of air-line 1.0 22.04 18.75 8-17-01 18 8-14-60 77 P Pompano Prod. ft. W. of SE cor., hole in pump 20 4-18-60 No. 5 sec. 26, T. 48 S., base 18 4-15-61 R. 42 E. -6 1,475 ft. N. and 425 154 .2 Top of 2-inch .0 20.85 14.47 8-14-60 19 10-17-60 77 T ft. W. of SE cor., casing sec. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -7 1,495 ft. N. and 885 U. S. Geological 21 21 1 Top of 111.0 20.79 14.89 7-18-60 20 7-18-60 78 0 ft. W. of SE cor., Survey inch casing see. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


TABLE 4, (Continued) Casing Measurini point Water level Chloride content Well Location Owner emark number a ' S t -s 0 d .8 1,800 ft. N. and 675 21 21 14 ........... do.......... 0.0 21.64 16.32 7.18.60 10 7-18.60 78 0 ft. W. of SE cor., sec. 26, T. 48 8., R. 42 E. -9 1,000 ft. S. and 725 City of Pompano 108 16 Top of air-line .0 20.22 20.76 3-16-61 18 3-18-60 77 P Ca, Pompano ft. W. of NE cor., hole in pump 20 4-18-60 No. 8 sec. 85, T. 48 S., base 22 8-11-60 R. 42 E. 16 4.15.61 -10 1,010 ft. S. and 725 208 -2 Top of 2-inch 2.0 19.56 15.08 3-14-60 18 10-21-60 77 P Ca ft. W. of NE cor., casing sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -11 1,060 ft. S. and 975 U. S. Geological 22 21 4 Top of 2-inch 1.0 20.14 14.01 7-18-60 20 7-12-60 78 0 ft. W. of NE cor., Survey casing sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -12 2,150 ft. S. and 500 City of Pompano 140 16 ... ... ---10 3-18-60 76 P Pompano Prod. ft. W. of NE cor., 22 4-18-60 Well No. 2 sec. 85, T. 48 S., 17 4.16-61 R. 42 E. -18 2,149 ft. S. and 497 ............. do.......... 167 -2 Top of 2-inch .0 18.64 12.65 2-12-61 20 10-21-60 77 0 ft. W. of NE cor., casing sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -14 2,140 ft. S. and 600 U. S. Geological 22 -1% Top of 1/1.0 18.47 18.25 7-18-60 18 7-18-60 76 0 ft. W. of NE cor., Survey inch casing sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


-15 25 ft. N. and 2,650 City of Pompano 143 .2 Top of 2-inch 0.0 17.72 10.78 4-18-60 22 10-18-60 76 0 ft. E. of SW cor., casing sec. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -16 2,600 ft. S. and U. S. Geological 16 16 1% Top of 1/4.0 15.77 9.57 7-19-60 20 7-18-60 -0 2,800 ft. E. of NW Survey inch casing cor., sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -17 1,950 ft. N. and Alice Lewis 65 -11/ ..... do .. .5 11.86 3.70 0-20-60 42 10-14-60 77 0 2,400 ft. E. of SW cor., sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -18 750 ft. S. and 1,725 Acme Concrete, 00 3 -....... 20 38-60 77 In ft. E. of NW cor., Inc. sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -19 1,930 ft. S. and E. V. Jackson 27 .1%4 Top of 111.0 ... 10.06 9-19-60 ...N 1,680 ft. W. of NE inch casing cor., sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -20 1,160 ft. N. and J. I. and M. I. 189 8 ..-. -. ...... -Complete analysis 1,700 ft. W. of SE Ogden available, cor., sec. 85, T. 48 destroyed S., R. 42 E. -21 1,575 ft. N. and City of Pompano 85 85 2 Top of 2-inch 1.0 10.20 14.75 8-81-61 18 7-27-61 76 0 Originally drilled 1,100 ft. W. of SE casing to 180 feet cor., sec. 35, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -22 1,590 ft. N. and ........... do........... 9 90 16 Top of 16-inch 2.0 20.42 14.60 8-81-61 18 7-27-61 77 P Pompano No. 8, 1,110 ft. W. of SE casing Cut cor., sec. 85, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -28 1,600 ft. S. and 825 .............. do.............. 115 ±105 2 Top of 2-inch 1.5 19.10 13.40 6-24-61 18 5-22-61 76 0 ft. E. of NW cor., casing sec. 36, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -24 75 ft. S. and 825 ........... do ............. 115 105 2 ........... do ........... 1.5 18.7 13.0 6-24-61 18 62-61 76 0 ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 36, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


TABLE 4. (Continued) Casing I Meauurlng point I Water level Chloride content Well Location Owner Remarks number Rear ks ;5 cj S A___ Ito __ .04H 1 1 4I E___ .25 75 ft. S. and 250 .......--do ....... 112 03 10 Top of 16-inch 1,5 ........ 18.52 0.18-61 18 0-18-61 77 P Pompano No. 10 ft. E. of NW cor., casing Cut se. 86 T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 614-008-1 50 ft. N. and 450 E. W. Betts, et al. s5 ...... 4 Top of 4-inch 1.0 18.07 2.00 7. 2-60 ............ . ft. E. of SW cor., casing see. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -2 150 ft. N. and 425 English and Bcasic 27 .... 1 Top of pump 8.0 17,16 4.21 4-18-60 .. ........ ... ft. W. of SE cor., Erwin base sea. 27, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 8 950 ft. N. and 850 George Rawls 90 ... 11 High point of 8.0 11.85 8.86 52-60 -.... ....... 0 ft. E. of SW cor., lh-inch sec. 85, T. 48 S., casing R. 42 E. -4 450 ft. N. and 400 English and Bessie 54 .. 11/ Top of 142.0 .. 7.89 5.18-60 19 5-18-60 78 N ft. W. of SE cor., Erwin inch casing sec. 27, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -5 1,900 ft. S. and De Marco, Inc. ±85 .... 1 ................. .... ....-.. ..... 22 88-60 77 In 1,200 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 84, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .6 1,500 ft. S. and De Marco, Inc. 160 .... 2 ................. .... .. ............. 21 88-60 78 In 1,275 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 84, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


614-009-1 125 ft. S. and 1,150 Phillips Petroleum 70 1.... Top of pump 2.0 15.91 2.68 7-19-60 82 10-14-60 76 0 ft. E. of NW cor., Co., Inc., base sec. 88, T. 48 S., R. 42E. -2 500 ft. S. and 200 Broward County, 104 -2 ....... ...... ---22 4-27-60 78 Do ft. E. of NW cor., Farm Bureau sec. 84, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 614-010-1 1,700 ft. N. and 875 Collier City Water 168 165 6 .......----82 88-60 78 P Ca ft. E. of SW cor., Works, Inc. sec; 88, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -2 1,600 ft. N. and 875 147 -2 .......----80 38-60 78 N ft. E. of SW cor., sec. 88 T. 48 S., B. 42 E. -8 1,600 ft. N. and W. H. Blount -100 .. 16 6-.. ---86 4-18.60 75 Ir 1,700 ft. W. of SE cor., sec. 29, T. 48 S., B. 42 E. -4 600 ft. .and 2,860 ....... .. 65 ... 1% Top of 141.0 -4.49 4-18-60 --.....N ft.' W. of SE cor., inch casing sec. 29, T. 48 S., nipple R. 42 E. -5 1,700 ft. S. and Bateman Co., Inc. +65 .. Top of 8-inch .5 ... 6.82 5-16-60 -..N 2,900 ft. W. of NE casing cor., sec. 82, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 614-011-1 2,725 ft. N. and 326 ._... 70 .2 Top of 1Y1.0 17.31 8.97 5-16-60 84 10.14-60 -6 0 ft. W. of SE cor., inch nipple sec. 81, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .2 60 ft. S. and 2,850 Unknown +100 ...... 12 ........................ -...-.. ......... 52 4-11.60 74 Ir ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 81, T. 48 S., .42E. -8 725 ft. N. and 1,550 Moore 98 ..... 8 ................ .. ..-.. 46 4-11-60 75 Ir ft. W. of SE cor., sec. 80, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


TABSL 4. (Continued) SCuaing Meuring olnt Water level Chloride content 014-012-1 1.000 ft N. and 975 Margate Firt DepL 114 1% Top of 1 1.0 1. .0 9.22-40 76 10-1140 76 0 ft W. of BE c r.. inch c ai see. 36., T. 48 S., R. 41 E. -2 1,250 ft. S. and 950 Margate Utilities 112 110 8 Tp o 9-12-610 1 76 P Margate No. 1 7 ft1 Ef of NW cor., eoe., e3 .T. 48., S. 41 E. -3 1,750 ft 8. and do 117 111 12 32 ... -. ---32 9-12-61 76 P Margate No. 3 1,850 ft E. of NW cor., see. 36, T. 48 S., R. 41 E. 61-005-1 300 ft. .and 1,100 U. S. Geological 14 14 1 Top of 1%.0 11.96 6.76 7-18-0 18 7-18-60 78 0 ft. I of NW cor., Survey inch easing see. 30, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. -2 2,200 ft N. and C. B. Miles -385 1-1 1.120 322-60 78 Li 2,190 ft E. of SW 1.060 8-11-60 cor., see. 80, T. 48 840 4-1-61 S., R 43 E. -8 2,200 ft N. and E. J. Gaynor, mI -55 .150 4-14-60 78 LI 2,100 ft E of SW 112 8. 541 cor., sec. 80, T. 48 S. IR 43 E. 4 2,450 ft N. and Boyd Sleeth and -65 1% 4 10-1840 78 LI 2,100 ft E. of SW Pat Murray cor., sec. 80, T. 48 S., IL. 4 E.


-5 2,960 ft S. and R. B. Moore -328 3-24-60 17 Li 2,670 ft. X. of NW cor., see. 80, T. 48 S., 48 E -6 8,160 ft. .and Frank Bennett 20 20 2 -----14 4-26-60 78 Li 2,720 ft. E. of NW cor., see. 80, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. -7 8,060 ft. S. and W. W. Bivans 18 18 2 ---12 4-26-60 77 N S8,350 ft. B of NW cor., see. 30, T. 48 S., R 43 E. -8 2,200 ft. S. and Michael Doyle 56 1% ----170 3-24-60 77 Li 2,760 ft. E. of NW 104 8-15-61 cor., sec. 30, T. 48 S., 43 E. -9 1,400 ft. S. and Al Aiudi 39 37 1% ---164 3-24-60 -. Li 2,600 ft. .of NW 88 8-15-61 cor.. sec. 30, T. 48 S., R. 43 E. -10 1 10 ft. S. and W. I Zudrell ±-50 1% ----18 4-27-60 77 Li 1,480 ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 30, T. 48 S., .42 . 615-006-1 950 ft.N. and 900 Broward Utilities 1,150 1.104 16Top of 12-inch 2.8 14.90 22.4 62-59 2,400 -73 D Cut, Floridan ft. E of SW cor., 10 flange aquifer sec. 19, T. 48 S., .48 E. -2 2,800 ft. N. avd City of Pompano 85 85 2 Top of 2-inch 1.0 16.41 8.88 3-14-60 18 10-17-60 77 0 Originally drilled 1,275 ft E. of SW casing 14 1261 to 147 feet cor.. see. 25, T. 48 20 1-10-61 S.. R. 48 E. -3 2,110 ft. N. and 10 90 -2 ---.-17 3-10-60 76 Do ft. W. of SE cor., 18 8-11-60 sec. 25, T. 48 S., 16 4-15-61 R. 42 .18 119-61 -4 1,835 ft N. .and 730 U. S. Geological 183 176 2 Top of 2-inch .0 10.34 5.90 1-24-61 16 1-19-61 78 T Ca, Cut ft. E. of SW cor., Survey casing collar 12 1-24-61 sec. 30, T. 48 S., 16 4-17-61 .43 E. I16 9861


TATLE 4, (Continued) Csulni Measturin poilnt Water level Chloride content j0 Well ,f _ Remark. number Location Owner j *i S2,181 ft. N, and 42 City of Pompano 100 ...... 8 Top of pump ... ....... Flowed 10.60 17 8.10.00 70 Ir ft, W. of SW cor., base sec, 26, T. 48 S., R. 48 E *8 500 ft. S. and 250 B. C. W ells 48 ...... 2 ....................... ...... ..... ........ ........ 20 8-80.60 76 Li ft, E. of NW cor., seo. 80, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. *7 B00 ft. S. and 50 E. F. Smlchdt 82 ...... 1% ... ................ .... ... .... ..... 20 8.28.60 77 LI ft. E. of NW cor., see 80, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. *8 600 ft. S. and 2,700 R. J. Corcoran 58 ...... 1 ................. ..... ....... ..... ............ 18 4-11-60 77 LI ft. W. of NE cor., see, 28, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. *9 400 ft. S. and 1,400 Carson Spencer 62 ...... 1% ............ .... .... .--18 4-11.60 77 Li ft. W. of NE cor., see. 25, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .10 600 ft. S. and 1,100 Robert Davis 20 .1. / 1 ................. .... .... ........ .... 24 4-20-60 78 Li ft. W. of NE cor., see. 25, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -11 1,20 ft. N. and Broward Utilities 00 .... 6 .................. ...... ...... 18 9-18.61 77 P Ca, Coler 1,210 ft. W. of SE Mannor No. 1 cor., see. 24, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


-12 1,240 ft. N. and ..... do.-.... 90 -... 6 .. _. .--. 19 9-18-61 77 P Collier Mannor 1,200 ft. W. of SE No. 2 cor., Bec. 24, T. 48 S., R. 42-E. -18 1,240 ft. N. and 186 124 8 ----i -18 9-18-61 77. P Collier Mannor 1,100 ft. W. of SE No. 8 cor, sec. 24, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 615-007-1 2,950 ft. N. and 100 City of Pompano 109 16 Top of air-line 1.0 20.88 15.18 3-16-61 18 8-14-60 77 P Pompano No. 6 ft. W. of SE cor., hole in pump 18 4-15-60 sec. 26, T. 48 S., base R. 42 E. -2 2,940 ft. N. and 110 ..-. 125 ..... 2 Top of 2-inch 1.0 19.66 12.44 8-14-60 18 10-17-60 77 0 ft. W. of SE cor., casing sec. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -8 2,941 ft. N. and 111 ....... do.......... 22 2 .. do .. .0 18.66 12.44 8-14-60 19 10-17-60 '8 O ft.-W. of SE car., see. 26, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -4 1,825 ft. S. and 250 ....... 57 80 16 Top of air-line 1.5 21.29 19.56 8-16-61 22 4-18-60 76 P Cut ft. E. of NW cor., hole in pump 16 9-18-60 sec. 25, T. 48 S., base 18 11-14-60 R. 42 E. 16 4-16-61 -5 1,818 ft. S. and 258 ......... 168 2 Top of Vj-inch 8.0 22.62 12.82 8-14-60 20 5-16-60 77 0 ft. E. of NW cor., casing collar sec. 25, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -6 1,820 ft. S. and 258 22 ...... 2 Top of 2-inch .0 19.64 12.96 8-14-60 20 5-16-60 77 0 ft. E. of NW cor., casing see. 25, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -7 1,125 ft S. and 800 ........ do........... 85 85 2 ... do .... 1.0 20.10 12.20 7-18-60 16 10-17-60 77 0 Originally drilled ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 25, T. 48 S., to 180 feet R. 42 E. 8 825 ft. S. and 875 85 85 2 ... do..... 1.0 21.17 18.10 3-14-60 18 10-17-60 77 0 Originally drilled ft. E. of NW car., 16 1-10-61 to 167 feet sec. 25, T. 48 S,, R. 42 E.


TABLE 4, (Continued) CHiini t Measurilni point Wter levul Chloride content Wall Remarks number Location Owner -0 1,250 ft. S. and 100 U. S. Geological 21 21 1% Top of 1I.A 0.0 19.21 12.89 7.18-60 21 7.18-60 78 0 ft. E. of NW cor., Survey Inch casing see. 25, T. 48 8., R. 42 E. .10 50 ft. S. and 2,000 Fairlawn Ceme147 .6 ........ .. ............. 80 7-18-60 76 Ir ft. E. of NW cor., tery, Inc. 28 122-00 sec. 26 T. 48 S., 20 98.61 R. 42 E. 20 119.61 .11 450 ft. S. and 8,600 Broward Utilities 140 6 .......... ........ .. .. ...... ........ 20 08-01 70 P ft. E. of NW cor., see. 26, T. 48 S.. R. 42 E. ;615-008-1 2,440 ft. S. and 500 Southern Wood 73 6 Top of 6-inch 8.00 15.97 6.41 4.26-60 ....... .. N ft. W. of NE cor., Ind., Inc. tee see. 27. T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .2 2,440 ft. S. and 525 ..-.... do.-....... 70 0 Top of 6-inch 8.00 ... 5.41 4-25.60 .. N ft. W. of NE cor., casine sec. 27, , T48 S., R. 42 E. -8 2,446 ft. S. and 495 .... ..... 2 .................... .... ....... -----N ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 27, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 61.5009-11,200 ft. S. and 800 Jacob McBride 16 16 114 Top of pump 8.00 14.06 2.50 5-16-60 --.......S ft. W. of NE cor., base Ssee. 28, T. 48 S., R..42 E.


.2 100 ft. S. and 500 Southern Factories, 120 ...... 2 ........... ... .... .. 82 2-24-60 77 In ft. E. of NW cor., Inc. see. 27, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 015-011-1 2,150 ft. .and W. P. Brown 165 ...... 12 ........... --... ...... 40 5-16-60 75 Ir 2,860 ft. E. of SW cor., sec. 19, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .2 1,500 ft. N. and 168 _ 12 Elev. equal to 0.0 -. 2.54 5.16-60 41 5-16.60 75 Ir 2,100 ft. E. of SW lower lip of cor.; sec. 19, T. 48 discharge S., R. 42 E. pipe S-3 2;200 ft. N. and Unknown +200 ..... 12 Top of 12-inch 8.00 .. .73 8-81.60 ........ -Ir 2,775 ft; E. of SW flange cor., see. 80, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 616-005-1 1,100 ft. N. and Pearl Dews 54 2 .................. -.... ... ..... ..... 80 38 -60 76 Li 1,600 ft. W., oi SE cor., sec. 18, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. -2 8,600 ft. N. and W. A. Arensen 57 .... 2 .......... ..--.-... -..... 45 5-10-60 -Li 8,800 ft. E. of SW cor., sec. 19, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. 616-006-1 1,600 ft. S. and W. D. McDoughald 20 20 1% Top of 1%1.5 20.70 12.14 4-12-60 ... ............ O 1,050 ft. E. of NW inch casing cor., sec. 24, T. 48 collar S., R. 42 E. -2 1,840 ft. S. and ..... 02 ... 2 ........................ ........ .... .... 20 4-12-60 77 Do 1,125 ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 24, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .8 1,825 ft. S. and G. H. McCall 52 50 2 ............. .......... ....... ....-.. 18 8.29-60 77 Li 1,500 ft. W. of NE 18 4-15-61 cor., sec. 24, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .4 600 ft. N. and 2,850 Town of Hillsboro 71 61 8 Top of 8-inch ... .... 9.06 6-80-52 20 9-11-61 77 P Hillsboro No. 1 ft. W. of SE cor., Beach casing sec. 18, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


TABLS 4, (Continued) Cuulng Measuring point Water level Chloride content .a Well Location Iw Remarks number Owner ___ ___________ ^S'.. A I _1 _a_ g (______ .5 700 ft. N. and 2,850 ...... do ........... 78 64 8 ....--....... --. -....---.. 20 9.11.61 77 P Hillboro No. 1 ft. W, of BE cor., see, 18, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -6 520 ft, N. and 2,550 --... do... ..... 104 90 12 .-..---..--..-. --... ... -.... ..--.. 20 9.11.61 77 P Hillsboro No; 8 ft. W. of SE cor., see. 18, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 616.008-1 8,200 ft. N. and 025 R. H. Wright, Inc. 145 ..... 12 ...........-. ... -...88 8. 4.60 75 In Two identical ft. E. of SW cor., wells tied tosoa. 15, T. 48 S., gether R. 42 E. -2 25 ft. N; and 2,600 U. S. Geological 14 14 114 Top of 1%1.0 16.71 7.64 7-19.60 80 7.19-60 -0 ft. E. of SW cor., Survey inch casing sec. 15, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. S616009-1 2,500 ft. N. and 225 R. H. Wright, Inc. 96 ... 2 -......-------80 84.60 76 In it. E. of SW cor., sec. 15, T. 48 S., R..42 E. -2 750 ft. S. and 150 A.A. Accardi 115 .. 2 -............ ..... --.... --18 8-21-60 76 Do ft. E. of NW cor., 42 119-61 see. 22, T. 48 8., R. 42E. : '616-010-1 1,000 ft. S. and Mrs. H. L. Lyons 88 .... 11 Top of 1.0 ..... 1.81 5-81-60 ...... N 1,250 ft. E. of NW inch casing cor., see. 20, T. 48 S. S., R. 42 E.


616-011-1 2,475 ft. S. and 760 ............ do-..--. +200 24 Top of 24-inch -8.00 -0.46 6-17-60 ... .. N ft. W. of NE cor., casing flange sec. 19, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 616-012-1 1,550 ft. N. and 50 U. S. Geological 8 8 11%. Top of 1 4.0 14.11 1.60 7-19-60 86 7-19-60 -0 ft. E. of SW cor., Survey inch casing sec. 18, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 617-005-1 950 ft. N. and 4,000 G. J. Jeschke _45 -1% .............. -. -.--.80 8-16-60 77 Li ft. E. of SW cor., sec. 7, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. ; -2 800 ft. S. and 2,700 Mr. Anderson 90 ..... 2 ............--.. 22 562-60 78 In ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 18, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. -8 2,150 ft. S. and A. J. Forand 100 ... 1 ....... .. ---------19 52-60 77 Do 2,200 ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 18, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. 617-006-1 1,400 ft. N. and 800 General Develop178 8 ...-..........-.......... 17 4-11-60 77 P Ca, Gen. Der. ft. W. of SE cor., ment Co., Inc. No. 1 sec. 12, T. 48 S., ' R4 42 E.. .2 1,800 ft. N. and 800 .... 180 .... 12 ................... .-....... ......... 18 4-11-60 77 P ----Do. ; ft. W. of SE cor., see. 12, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -: 8 1,400 ft. N. and 500 ............. do.......... 150 8 .... ........... -.. 20 4-11-60 77 P Ca, Gen. Dev. St. E. of SW cor., No. 5 sec. 7, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. -4 1,400 ft. N. and 122 107 18 ...................... --. ...... .18 98-61 77 P Ca, Gen. Dev. 1,450 ft. W. of SE No. 4 cor., sec. 12, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -6 950 ft. N. and 800 ...... do ........... 189 125 12 Top of 12-inch ...... 0.25 1-61 10 98-61 77 P Ca, Gen. Dev. ft. W. of SE cor., casing No. 6 sec. 12. T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


TABLE 4, (Continued) CaNinr Muleurinrg point Water level Chlorilu content Well emarke number Location Owner I mB ark ___3 5_ It *S______ _s ,i dg s j 617-009-1 2,800 ft. N. and 175 J. H. Doran, Inc. 107 ...... 2 ........................ ...... ....... .... ........... 88 8.28-60 7 In ft. E. of SW cor., sea. 10. T. 48 8., R, 42 E. 617-010-1 860 ft. 8. and 1,750 P. C. Vinkemulder 100 ... 4 Top of 4-inch 8.0 16.68 1.88 5-18-60 84 7-15-61 76 Ir ft. W. of NE cor., casing 80 9-16-61 sec. 17, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -2 750 ft. .and 1,10 .... .do....... 100 .... 2 ...................... ..... ... ...... ..... 26 6-1860 76 Do ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 17, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -618-005-1 900 ft. N. and 2,800 Unknown 48 .4 Top of 4-inch 8.0 11.08 4.15 7-18-60 24 10-10-60 77 O ft. E. of SW cor., casing 80 08-60 see. 6, T. 48 8., R. 48 E. -2 1,400 ft. S. and • Sel Bon, Inc. 61 67 2 Top of 2-Inch .5 --7.02 8-15-60 22 8-15-60 77 In 8,000 ft. E. of NW casing cor., sec. 7, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. S618-006-1 1,690 ft. S. and City of Deerfield -k100 -. 12 ........ ....... ..... 20 2-19-60 77 P Deerfeld No. 4 1,480 ft. W. of NE Beach cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -2 1,690 ft. S. and -100 .. 12 ........ .. ...... ...... 18 2-19-60 77 P Deerfield No. 5 2,090 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


-8 1,690 ft. S. and ............. do......... 80 12 .. .26 8-15-61 77 P Deerfield No. 7 2,540 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -4 170 ft. S. and 1,200 Henry Myers 21 1% Top of pump 8.00 12.62 5-26-60 .Do ft. W. of NE cor., base 12.47 7-18-60 see. 12, T. 48 S;. R. 42 E. 618-007-1 1,650 ft. S. and 0. W. Goolsby ±110 .3 ....14 2-22-60 77 S 1,800 ft. E. of NW 12 10-10-60 cor., ec. 2, T. 48 14 4-15-61 S., R. 42 E. 14 119-61 -2 600 ft. N. and 800 American Neigh62 -1% Top of 1%. 1.0 6.82 66-60 --.... N ft. E. of SW cor., bors, Inc. inch casing sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 618-008-1 2,400 ft. S. and 0. W. Goolaby 105 .1% Top of 1%. x .0 14.14 8.49 2-22-60 12 10-10-60 76 S 1,600 ft. E. of NW 1%-inch tee cor., sec. 8, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -2 ,700 ft. S. andN ......... do ....... ±100 3 8 ..-............... .84 2-22-60 77 S 2i ,,575 ft. E..of NW 86 61-60 cor., see. 8, T. 48 60 119-61 S., R. 42 E. . 618-010-1 1,450 ft. N. and 450 Earl Johns ±100 2 .---.............. .... 88 5-10-60 75 5 ft. E. of SW cor., 80 8-11-60 se. 4, T. 48 S., 40 5-15-61 R. 42 E. '618-011-1 1,200 ft. S. and John Thompson 125 .. 2 ..................... .... 84 2-24-60 77 2,050 ft. E. of NW .82 5-15-61 cor., sec. 6, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -2 25 ft. N. and 550 H. D. and T. W. ±100 ... 2 ...................... .. .. 82 5-10-60 76 In ft. W. of SE cor., Henson sec. 6, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 618-012-1 1,800 ft. N. and 500 Unknown 35 .1% Top of 114. 8.00 17.63 1.85 5-11-60 82 10-10-60 76 0 ft. E. of SW cor., inch casing 84 4-15-61 sec. 6, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.


TArBL 4, (Continued) Cuainl Mouluring point Wutur level Chlorlde content WIll ...t .? .r number Location Owner Romark .... -0. -i .R1 1.._ .2 1,790 ft. N, and 200 ........... 40 ..... .......................... ...... ....... ....... ........... 82 5-10-60 76 Do ift E, of SW cor., see. 6, T. 46 S., R. 42 E. .8 8,775 ft. S. and ----do....... 20 ... 114 Top of 114-inch 8.00 ..... 0.80 6-20-60 .-., --N 1,100 ft. W. of NE casing nipple cor., se. 1, T. 48 S., R. 41 E. 619-005-1 1,000 ft. S. and U. S. Geological 8 7 1% Top of 114.0 8.80 5.92 0.18-60 ...., ....... O 1,150 ft. W. of NE Survey inch casing cor., see. 8, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. 619-006-1 420 ft S. and 480 City of Deerfield 80 .. 8 .. ... ... .22 2-28-60 78 P Ca, Deerfield ft. W. of NE cor., Beach No. 1 sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -2 420 ft. S. and 80 City of Deerfield 88 ... 12 ........2.. .....-. .... -18 2-28-60 78 P Deerfield No. 2 ft. W. of NE cor., Beach sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -8 60 ft. S. and 5 -... do........ 110 .... 12 ---.-. .. --25 2-28-60 79 P Deerfleld No. 8 ft. E. of NW cor., see. 6, T. 48 S., R. 48 E. -4 11.0 ft. S. and --do... .90 80 12 ............. _.. _.. ..... .._.. 20 2-28-60 77 P Deerfield No. 6 2,090 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., '.. 42 E. '


-5 1,260 ft. S. and __ do.. .. 90 80 12 Top of 1%" 0.0 12.02 9.78 9-18-61 20 8-81-61 77 P Deerfield No. 8 S 2,640 ft. W. of NE inch air-line cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. .6 50 ft. S. and 400 --do.... 90 80 12 -... -.. .... -.... 28 8-81-61 78 P Deerfleld No. 9 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -7 1,240 ft. S. and American Neigh. 85 85 6 Top of 6-inch 2.5 18.40 8.61 9-18-61 -T 2,540 ft. W. of NE bore, Inc. casing cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -8 1, 260 ft. S. and __ do .. 95 80 6 -. do-.. 2.5 18.14 8.41 9-18-61 .T 2,640 ft. W. of NE cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -9 950 ft. S. and 1,600 __ do 90 80 6 _do...... 2.5 11.92 6.26 9-18-61 .. _ -T ft..E. of NW:cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. -10 980 ft. S. and 1,600 ._ do....8 85 6 .. 2.5 12.14 6.04 9-18-61 .. _ T ft. E. of NW cor., sec. 1, T. 48 S., R. 42 E. 619-007-1 700 ft. S. and 8,250 Edmond L. 59 1%j Top of 111.0 14.67 7.48 4-18.60 17 10-11-60 76 0 ft. E. of NW cor., McDonald inch tee see. 2, T. 48 S., R. 42 E.