Geology and ground-water resources of Martin County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 23 )

Material Information

Geology and ground-water resources of Martin County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 23 )
Series Title:
( FGS: Report of investigations 23 )
Lichtler, William F
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
vii, 149 p. : maps (part fold.) diagrs., tables, ; 24 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Groundwater -- Florida -- Martin County ( lcsh )
Water-supply -- Florida -- Martin County ( lcsh )
Martin County ( flgeo )
City of Ocala ( flgeo )
Water wells ( jstor )
Limestones ( jstor )
Rain ( jstor )


General Note:
"Prepared by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey and the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District."

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The author dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.
Resource Identifier:
030436950 ( aleph )
01745353 ( oclc )
AES1347 ( notis )
a 60009739 ( lccn )


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Full Text
Robert O. Vernon, Director
WILLIAM F. LICHTLER U. S. Geological Survey
Prepared by the UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in cooperation with the FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY and the

Secretary of State Attorney General
Comptroller Treasurer
Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Agriculture (Acting)
ERNEST MITTS Director of Conservation

joridt Qeoloqtrcal Survey
May 16, 1960
The Florida Geological Survey will publish as Report of Investigations No. 23 a report on the "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Martin County, Florida." This report was prepared as a cooperative study between the U. S. Geological Survey, the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District and the Florida Geological Survey. Mr. William F. Lichtler wrote the report and included an inventory of wells, which was made by Mr. E. W. Bishop in 1953.
Both non-artesian shallow formations and artesian deep formations yield water to wells in Martin County. The shell and sand deposits of the Anastasia formation are probably the chief aquifer of the shallow ground water. Eocene limestones, that are very permeable and which compose the Floridan aquifer, are separated from the shallow aquifers by sediments of low permeability. The data contained in this report is necessary for the continued development of water resources in the area.
Respectfully yours,

Completed manuscript received
February 4, 1960
Published by the Florida Geological Survey
E. O. Painter Printing Company
DeLand, Florida March 16, 1960

A b stra ct . .. .. ... ... . . .. .. .. ...----- --- --- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1
Introduction 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Location and extent of area------------------------ 3
Purpose and scope of investigation-------- ---------------------- 4
Previous investigations------------------------- 6
A cknow ledgm ents ........ . .... .. ..... . ...... ....... 6
Geography - 6
Topography and drainage ----------------- 6
Atlantic Coastal Ridge 8-----------------------------------------------8
Eastern Flatlands and Orlando Ridge -------------------------- 9
Everglades ------------------------------- 11
Terraces ...--------------------- --------- ------- 11
Climate------------------------------- 12
Population and development ----------------------------------- 13
Geology -------------- ------- -------- --------14
Geologic formations and their water-bearing properties ---------------- 14
Eocene series ----------------------------- 14
Avon Park limestone --------------- --------------- 14
Ocala group ------------------ 15
Oligocene series ------------------------------------------ 16
Suwannee lim estone ------------ ----. . ...... ...... 16
Miocene series ---------------------------------------------------------18
Tampa formation ------------- 18
Hawthorn formation --------------------------- 18
Tamiami formation -------- --------------19
Post Miocene deposits ----------------- ------------ 19
Caloosahatchee marl --------------------------19
Fort Thompson formation ------------------- 19
Anastasia formation --------------------------- 20
Pamlico sand ---------------------------------- 20
Ground water -----------------------------------------------------------------------------21
Shallow aquifer ----------------------- 21
Aquifer properties ---------------------------------------------------------------22
Atlantic Coastal Ridge ----------------------------------22
Eastern Flatlands, Orlando Ridge, and Everglades -------------23
Shape and slope of water table --------------------------------------------- 24
Water-level fluctuations ------------------------------------27
Recharge ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -----34
Discharge ------------------------------------------------------------34
Artesian aquifer ---------------------------------------------------------------35
Aquifer properties .------------------------------------ 35
Piezometric surface ----------------------------------39
W ater-level fluctuations ------------------ ---------------------41
Recharge --------------------------------- - ---- ...... 43

Discharge ------ ------------ - -------- 44
Quantitative studies 45------------------------------------------------------------ 46
Pumping tests 4----------------------- 6
Intrepretation of pumping-test data --------------------------------- 50
Quality of water ------------------------------------------51
Hardness --------------------55
Dissolved solids ----------------------------------------55
Specific conductance ------------------------------------ 56
Hydrogen-ion concentration --------------------------------------------- 57
Iron and manganese ------------------------------------ 57
Calcium and magnesium ----------------------------------58
Sodium and potassium ----------------------------------- 58
Bicarbonate -------------------------------------------58
Sulfate ----------------------------------------------- 59
Chloride ------------------------------------------ 59
Fluoride ---------------------------------------------- 60
Silica --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
Nitrate --------------------------------------------------------------------------60
Hydrogen sulfide --------------------------------------- 60
Color ------------------------------------------------------------------61
Temperature ---------------------------------------------------------------- 61
Salt-water contamination ----------------------------------------------------- 63
Recent contamination ----------------------------------------------------- 63
Stuart area -------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Contamination from surface-water bodies -------------- 70
Contamination from artesian aquifer -----------------71
Jensen Beach and Rocky Point --------------------------------------73
Sewall Point ------------------------------------------------------------- 74
Hutchinson Island ------------------------------------------------------ 75
Jupiter Island -------------------------------------------------------------75
Pleistocene contamination ----------------------------------------------- 76
Shallow aquifer -------------------------------------------------------- 76
Artesian aquifer---------------- 77
Use ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------77
Public supplies -------------------------------------------------------------- 79
Irrigation and stock supplies -------------------------------------------- 79
Other uses -------------------------------------------- 79
Summary and conclusions ------------------------------------------------------------ 81
References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------81
Well logs ---------------- -- ------------------------------------- 84
Record of wells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
Figure Page
1 Location of Martin County -----------....3----------------------------------3
2 Location of wells -----..-------------------------- between p. 4 and 5
3 Northeastern part of Martin County showing the location of wells 4
4 City of Stuart showing the location of wells 5--------------------5 Physiographic subdivisions of Martin County ....-------------------- 6
6 Approximate altitude of the top of the Ocala group in
Martin County ....-------- -------------------------------------- --------- .. 17

7 Water table in the Stuart area, July 6, 1955 --------------------25
8 Water table in the Stuart area, October 5, 1955-- 26 9 Water table within the Stuart city limits, April 1, 1955 -----------28
10 Water table within the Stuart city limits, May 3, 1955 ------------29
11 Hydrographs of wells 125, 140 and 147 and rainfall at Stuart 30 12 Hydrographs of wells 928 and 933 and rainfall at St. Lucie Canal Lock --....... -----------------------------------------------31
13 Hydrograph of well 658 and rainfall at Stuart ----------------------- 32
14 Data obtained from wells 745 and 748 ---------------------------------- 36
15 Data obtained from well 150 .---------------------------------------------- 37
16 Piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1957, in peninsular Florida -------------------------------------------------------------- 40
17 Piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, April 1957, in Martin County .------------ ---------------------------------------------------- 42
18 Location of wells used in pumping tests --------------------------------- 47
19 Drawdowns observed in wells 658 and 658A during pumping test in new city well field, May 27, 1955 --------- ---------- 48
20 Relation between specific conductance and dissolved solids in water samples from Martin County ---------------------------------- 56
21 Temperature of water in artesian wells in Martin County -----------62
22 Relation between salt water and fresh water according to the Ghyben-Herzberg theory ... .............-----------------------------------64
23 Chloride content of water in representative wells in the shallow aquifer of Martin County ------------ between p. 64 and 65
24 Chloride content of water from shallow wells in Stuart area ------- 66 25 Discharge of fresh water into a salt-water body ....-----------------... 73
26 Chloride content of water in artesian wells in Martin County ------ 78
1 Average monthly temperature and rainfall in Martin County ------- 13
2 Artesian pressures in feet above land surface at selected
wells in Martin County, 1946-57 ---------------------------------------------- 43
3 Results of pumping tests in Martin County, 1955-57 ..--- 49
4 Analyses of water from wells in the artesian aquifer
in Martin County ...................-----------------------------------------.-- 52
5 Analyses of water from wells in the shallow aquifer
in Martin County --------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 53
6 Chloride concentrations in water samples from selected wells ------ 67 7 Pumpage from Stuart well field, in millions of gallons per month 80 8 Record of wells in Martin County -----------.----------------------------. 96

U. S. Geological Survey
Martin County, in the southeastern part of peninsular Florida, comprises an area of about 560 square miles. It is in the Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic province and includes parts of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, the Eastern Flatlands, and the Everglades. Land-surface altitudes range from mean sea level to 86 feet above. The slope of the land surface is gentle except in the sandhill regions in the eastern part of the county.
The average annual rainfall in Martin County ranges from about 56 inches at Stuart to about 48 inches at Port Mayaca. The average annual temperature at Stuart is 75.20F.
Formations penetrated by wells in Martin County include the Avon Park limestone and the Ocala group,' of Eocene age; the Suwannee limestone, of Oligocene age; the Hawthorn formation and possibly the Tampa and Tamiami formations, of Miocene age; the Caloosahatchee marl, of Pliocene age; and the Anastasia formation and the Pamlico sand, of Pleistocene age.
There are two major aquifers in Martin County: (1) the shallow (nonartesian) aquifer, 15 to 150 feet below the land surface, and (2) the Floridan (artesian) aquifer, 600 to 1,500 feet below the land surface. The Anastasia formation is probably the principal source of ground water in the shallow aquifer. Permeable parts of the Avon Park limestone and the Ocala group compose the principal producing zones of the Floridan aquifer. The two aquifers are separated by a thick section of sand and clay of low permeability.
'The stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report conforms generally to the usage of the Florida Geological Survey. It conforms also to the nomenclature of the U. S. Geological Survey, except that Ocala group is used in this report instead of Ocala limestone, and Tampa formation is used instead of Tampa limestone.

At most places along the Atlantic Coastal Ridge open-end wells 60 to 130 deep can be constructed in thin rock layers or shell beds of the shallow aquifer. Some wells are screened at depths ranging from 15 to 60 feet. In the eastern part of the Eastern Flatlands, the geologic and hydrologic conditions are similar to those of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge. The rock layers wedge out in the central part of the county, and it is difficult to obtain large quantities of potable water at most places in the western part of the county. In the Indiantown area, a shell bed at a depth of 95 feet is the principal source of large ground-water supplies.
Most of the recharge to the shallow aquifer is supplied by rainfall within Martin County. Water from the shallow aquifer is discharged by outflow into streams, canals, and other surface-water bodies, by evapotranspiration, and by pumping. The principal recharge to the artesian aquifer in central and southern Florida is from rainfall in the topographically high areas centered in Polk and Pasco counties. Water is discharged from the Floridan aquifer in Martin County mostly through flowing wells.
Yields from wells in the Floridan aquifer range from about 10 to 750 gpm (gallons per minute). Yields from wells in the shallow aquifer range from a few gallons per minute to more than 500 gpm. The coefficients of transmissibility and storage of the shallow aquifer differ at different locations and depths, thus indicating that the composition of the aquifer is not uniform. Transmissibility coefficients obtained from test data range from 16,000 to 83,000 gpd (gallons per day) per foot, and storage coefficients range from 0.0001 to 0.0065.
Chemical analyses of 56 water samples from Martin County indicate that the water from the shallow aquifer, although hard, is generally of good quality. The water from the artesian aquifer is highly mineralized. Temperatures of water range from 700 to 82zF in the shallow aquifer and range from 750 to 910F in the artesian aquifer.
Recent salt-water encroachment in the shallow aquifer has occurred on Hutchinson Island, Jupiter Island, and Sewall Point and in some coastal areas on the mainland. In some areas of western Martin County the lower part of the shallow aquifer contains salt water that entered the aquifer when the present land surface was under the sea, during the Pleistocene epoch. Sea water that entered the Floridan aquifer during that time is responsible also for much of the high mineral content of the artesian water.
Most of the water used for public, domestic, and industrial supplies and much of the irrigation and stock water is obtained

from the shallow aquifer. The water from the artesian aquifer is used for irrigation, stock watering, and swimming pools.
Martin County is an area of about 560 square miles in the southeastern part of peninsular Florida. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee County on the west, St. Lucie County on the north, and Palm Beach County on the south. It includes all or parts of Townships 37-40 South and Ranges 37-43 East, and it lies between 26057'24" and 27015'46" north latitude and 8004'49" and 80040'40" west longitude (fig. 1). Martin County was established in 1925 from the northern part of Palm Beach County and a small part of St. Lucie County.
Fiure 1. Locato of Mr Cu n-t
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The extensive and expanding use of ground water for domestic, municipal, industrial, and. irrigation supplies has resulted in the need for a thorough understanding of the geology -and groundwater hydrology of Martin County.
A preliminary inventory of wells was made during 1953 by E. W. Bishop, formerly of the U. S. Geological Survey. Further hydrologic and geologic data were collected by William F. Lichter during 1956-57, and the major part of the fieldwork was completed by June 1957. The investigation included a determination of the occurrence, movement, quantity, and quality of the water in the
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Figure 3. Northeastern part of Martin County showing the location of wells. -

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nonartesian and artesian aquifers, and a study of the subsurface geology of the area. Part of the field investigation included an inventory of 939 representative wells in the county (figs. 2-4).
The investigation was under the general supervision of A. N. Sayre, then Chief of the Ground Water Branch, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., M. I. Rorabaough, District Engineer, Tallahassee, Florida, Dr. Herman Gunter, then State Geologist and Director of the Florida Geological Survey, and under the direct supervision of Howard Klein, Geologist in charge of the Miami office. The Florida Geological Survey and the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District cooperated with the Federal Survey in this study, which is part of a continuing program designed to appraise the ground-water resources of the State of Florida.
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A detailed study of the water resources of an area of about 25 square miles, in and adjacent to the city of Stuart, is contained in a report by Lichtler (1957) entitled, "Ground-Water Resources of the Stuart Area, Martin County, Florida."
Brief references to the geology or ground-water hydrology of Martin County were made by Matson and Sanford (1913, p. 176, 381-384), Mansfield (1939, p. 29-34), Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 41), Cooke (1945, p. 223, 269), and Parker, Ferguson, and Love (1955, p. 174-175, 814-815). Stringfield (1936, p. 170, 183, 193) in his discussion of artesian water in the Florida peninsula, refers to selected deep, flowing wells in Martin County.
References to water levels in Martin County were made in U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 1166 (1950, p. 8081), 1192 (1951, p. 65), 1222 (1952, p. 77), 1266 (1953, p. 80), 1322 (1954, p. 84), and 1405 (1955, p. 87). Data on the quality of water in Martin County are contained in reports by Collins and Howard (1928, p. 193-195, 220-221), Black and Brown (1951, p. 13), and Black, Brown, and Pearce (1953, p. 2, 5).
Appreciation is expressed to the many residents of Martin County who furnished information about their wells, and to various public officials of the county. Special acknowledgment is given to the following well drillers of the area: Douglass Arnold, Stuart; William Athey, Fort Pierce; George Dansby, Wauchula; and McCullers and Raulerson, Vero Beach, who furnished logs of wells and permitted sampling and observation during drilling operations. Special appreciation is extended to Captain Bruce Leighton for his cooperation in allowing his wells; pumps, and other facilities to be used for pumping tests.
Martin County lies within the Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic province of Meinzer (1923, pl. 28). The county is subdivided into three physiographic regions: (1) Atlantic Coastal Ridge, (2) Eastern Flatlands, and (3) Everglades (Davis 1943, p. 8). Each is a region in which a certain similarity of topography or relief prevails or a certain soil type or vegetation cover is

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common. Figure 5 is a map of Martin County showing the outline of these physiographic subdivisions.
Land-surface altitudes in Martin County range from mean sea level, in areas adjacent to the shoreline or tidal streams, to about 85 feet above mean sea level on the tops of a few sandhills along the coastal ridge. The sandhill areas in Jonathan Dickinson State Park, in the southeastern part of the county, and the Jensen Beach area north of Stuart are characterized by relatively great relief. The remainder of the county is virtually flat, and surface altitudes range from about 15 to 45 feet above mean sea level.
The St. Lucie River, the Loxahatchee River, and Lake Okeechobee form the major drainage basins within the county. The St. Lucie Canal is designed primarily to convey flood waters from Lake Okeechobee to the south fork of the St. Lucie River. After entering the St. Lucie River the water flows northward, eastward, and southward through the coastal ridge to the Indian River and then discharges into the Atlantic Ocean. Flow in the St. Lucie Canal is controlled by a lock and dam structure 11/2 miles upstream from the confluence of the canal and the south fork of the St. Lucie River. The north and south forks of the St. Lucie River drain a major part of eastern Martin County, and their drainageways form part of the boundary between the Atlantic Coastal Ridge and the Eastern Flatlands. The Loxahatchee River drains a smaller area in the southeastern part of the county and forms part of the boundary between the coastal ridge and the flatlands. The several small streams that drain the western part of Martin County flow westward to Lake Okeechobee. The Allapattah Flats east of the Orlando Ridge (fig. 5) is a wide, poorly defined drainageway which remains marshy during most of the year. In general, drainage is to the southeast through canals.
The Atlantic Coastal Ridge in Martin County parallels the present coastline and varies in width from about three miles in the southeast corner of the county to about six miles in the central coastal area, and to about four miles in the northern area (fig. 5). The backbone of the coastal ridge is generally less than a mile wide and includes: (1) the sandhills of Jonathan Dickinson State Park, where altitudes are as high as 86 feet above mean sea level;
(2) a lower ridge, which parallels the Intracoastal Waterway to Rocky Point with altitudes of about 25 to 35 feet above mean sea

level; (3) Sewall Point which rises to 37 feet above mean sea level; and (4) the sandhills of Jensen Beach, which rise to 80 feet above mean sea level. The St. Lucie River breaches the coastal ridge between Rocky Point and Sewall Point. The high sandhills of the coastal ridge are sand dunes built upon old beach ridges (Parker and others, 1955, p. 145). These dunes are quiescent and support growths of bunch grass, pines, and palmettos. They were formed during the Pleistocene epoch and are in nearly parallel. rows inland from the present shore.
From the top of the ridge the land slopes eastward to Hobe Sound, the Intracoastal Waterway, and the Indian River. Westward from the top of the ridge the land slopes to what F. Stearns MacNeil (1950, p. 19), called "the Pamlico Intracoastal Waterway." In Martin County this ancient waterway is now occupied by the drainage basins of the north and south forks of the St. Lucie River and the north and northwest forks of the Loxahatchee River.
Hutchinson Island and Jupiter Island were probably formed as offshore bars during a high stand of the sea. They are now separated from the mainland by the shallow waters of the Indian River, Hobe Sound, and the Intracoastal Waterway. These bodies of water are usually less than six feet deep, but they are as much as nine feet deep in places. The land surface on Hutchinson Island ranges from mean sea level to 19 feet above, and is generally less than 10 feet. The land surface on Jupiter Island ranges from mean sea level to about 30 feet above, and is generally less than 20 feet.
The coastal ridge is blanketed by relatively permeable fine to medium sand. Drainage of the ridge is chiefly underground through the surface sands. Shallow depressions in the sandy ridge are occupied by intermittent ponds which flood during rainy seasons and dry up during dry seasons. These ponds are elongate in the direction of the axis of the ridge.
Because of the good subsurface drainage and the relatively high altitudes, the coastal ridge is flooded less frequently than inland areas, and the population and industry of the county have concentrated in the coastal areas.
The Eastern Flatlands occupy all the area from the Atlantic Coastal Ridge westward to the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee. This is a monotonously flat region with the exception of the

elongated ridge that MacNeil (1950, p. 103) calls the Orlando Ridge (fig. 5), and the narrow elongate ridge referred to on U. S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle maps as Green Ridge. The altitude of the Orlando Ridge in Martin County ranges from about 30 to 50 feet above mean sea level, the highest altitude being near the southern part of the ridge. The altitude of Green Ridge is lower than that of Orlando Ridge, ranging from 30 to 35 feet above mean sea level. The altitude of the land surface in the remainder of the Eastern Flatlands generally ranges from slightly less than 20 feet above mean sea level to 30 feet above mean sea level.
In the area north of the St. Lucie Canal, the Eastern Flatlands rise gradually from the valley of the St. Lucie River to Green Ridge. West of Green Ridge the land surface is extremely flat, having an average altitude of 28 feet above mean sea level and a very slight slope to the south. West of the Orlando Ridge the Eastern Flatlands slope gently to the Everglades and the shore of Lake Okeechobee.
Immediately east of the Orlando Ridge is the poorly defined drainageway or slough which is called Allapattah Flats on U. S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle maps, and Allapattah Marsh by Davis (1943, p. 43). The land-surface altitude along the Allapattah Flats is about 26 or 27 feet above mean sea level. Drainage from the Flats is ill defined, but is usually toward the southeast. Occasionally, during high-water stages some water may flow northward. The divide between the northward and southward flow probably shifts according to the relative surface-water stages north and south of the Flat.
South of the St. Lucie Canal the surface of the Eastern Flatlands rises gently toward the west from the valleys of the south fork of the St. Lucie River and the northwest fork of the Loxahatchee River to a broad crest south of the Orlando Ridge and then gradually slopes downward in a southwest direction to the edge of the Everglades. The altitude of the crest is about 25 feet above mean sea level.
Drainage throughout the Eastern Flatlands is chiefly underground, through the fine surface sands. Both surface and subsurface drainage is very sluggish, owing to the flatness of the land, and ponds are formed throughout most of the region during the rainy season. Surface drainage in the area east of Green Ridge is effected by the tributaries of the St. Lucie River. West of Green Ridge the drainage is ill defined, but in general, it is southward to the St. Lucie Canal or eastward through breaks in

Green Ridge. Drainage west of the Orlando Ridge is to streams flowing westward and southwestward to the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee. Because of the flatness of the land, drainage canals are frequently required in farming and ranching operations.
The Everglades, in general, is a flat region covered by organic soils formed by the growth and decay of saw grass. The narrow strip of the Everglades (fig. 5) in the southwestern part of the county, bordering Lake Okeechobee, is almost indistinguishable from the Eastern Flatlands. The boundary between the Everglades and the Flatlands is poorly defined, as the organic soils of the Everglades and the quartz sands of the Flatlands are intermixed. The Everglades area is maintained in a condition suitable for extensive agriculture by means of water control measures employing dikes, drainage canals, and a levee at the shore of Lake Okeechobee.
The maximum width of the Everglades area in Martin County is about 11/ miles. The altitude of the land surface ranges from about 15 feet above mean sea level at the shore of Lake Okeechobee to about 20 or 22 feet where the Everglades merges with the Eastern Flatlands.
During warm interglacial stages of the Pleistocene epoch the sea level was higher than at present, and parts of Florida were covered by the ocean. Whenever the sea level remained relatively stationary for a long period, wave and current action formed a virtually flat surface on the ocean floor. During glacial stages the sea retreated to lower levels, and the flat surfaces emerged as marine terraces having a slight seaward dip. The landward margin of such a terrace is the abandoned shoreline, which in some places is marked by a scarp.
Cooke (1945, p. 245-248, 273-311) postulated the existence of seven terraces which correlate with different levels of the sea during Pleistocene time. The Pamlico terrace, at 9 to 25 feet above mean sea level, the Talbot terrace, at 25 to 42 feet, and the Penholoway terrace, at 42 to 70 feet are within the range of landsurface altitudes in Martin County; however, the writer could

find no evidence of a shoreline scarp at the 25-foot, 42-foot, or 70-foot altitude.
F. S. MacNeil (1950, p. 99) states: "The Pamlico shoreline also is well preserved. The toe of the scarp along certain intracoastal shores is close to 40 feet, but the highwater mark was probably a little lower than the toe. The 30-foot contour was selected to show the coastal features of the Pamlico coast and is probably correct within 7 or 8 feet for the Pamlico sea level. An altitude higher than 30 feet is more likely than a lower altitude."
There is a pronounced scarp in Martin County at about 30 to 35 feet above mean sea level that fits the above description by MacNeil. It appears that the Orlando Ridge was a narrow peninsula or series of islands and shoals during Pamlico time, when the sea level was 30 to 35 feet higher than it is at present, and Green Ridge was an offshore bar with its crest at about sea level.
The Atlantic Coastal Ridge probably is of pre-Pamlico origin and was dissected and otherwise modified by the advance of the Pamlico sea. The high sandhills in the vicinity of Jensen Beach and Jonathan Dickinson State Park are believed to be remnants of an extensive area of sandhills that once covered the Atlantic Coastal Ridge in Martin County. A study of the topographic maps of the area shows that the north and south boundaries of the dune areas are sharply defined and have spitlike structures projecting westward (fig. 5). These features, plus the relatively high altitude of the sandhills, seem to indicate the possibility of a pre-Pamlico origin of the sandhills. The relative softness of the water from the dune areas (p. 55) lends support to this theory. It may be that water is softer in the sandhill areas because those areas were exposed to the leaching action of infiltrating rainfall for a longer period of time than most of the rest of Martin County.
The climate of Martin County is subtropical, having an average annual temperature of 75.20 F. Rainfall is seasonal as 64 percent occurs during the rainy season from June through October. The average annual rainfall at Stuart is 56.15 inches (table 1).
During the summer and early fall the rain usually falls in heavy showers that cover a small area. Short-term rainfall records, therefore, are valid only in the immediate vicinity of a particular station.

TABLE 1.-Average Monthly Temperature and Rainfall in Martin County
Rainfall at
Temperature Rainfall at St. Lucie Rainfall at
at Stuart' Stuart2 Canal Lock. Port Mayaca3 Month (oF) (inches) (inches) (inches)
January 66.5 1.92 2.11 1.35 February 67.9 2.41 2.13 1.58 March 70.6 2.81 3.03 2.78 April 74.3 3.25 4.00 3.33 May 77.6 4.61 4.91 3.37 June 81.3 6.47 7.65 6.84 July 82.3 6.41 7.41 6.76 August 82.8 5.47 7.36 7.01 September 81.6 9.08 8.76 7.49 October 77.7 8.44 7.14 4.85 November 71.9 2.23 2.85 1.93 December 68.1 2.18 2.07 1.38 Yearly average 75.2 56.15 59.42 48.67
'U.S. Weather Bureau discontinuous record 1933-57.
2U.S. Weather Bureau discontinuous record 1935-57.
3U.S. Corps of Engineers record 1925-57.
There are three incorporated towns in Martin County: Stuart, the county seat, is the largest; Jupiter Island is next in size; and Sewall Point, which was incorporated in 1957, is the smallest. In addition, there are several unincorporated communities including Jensen Beach, Rio, Salerno, Palm City, Hobe Sound, and Indiantown. In the 1950 census, Stuart had a population of 2,892 and Martin County had a total population of 7,665, most of which was concentrated along the Atlantic coast. During the winter tourist season the population of the county approximately doubles.
The tourist industry and agriculture are both very important to the economy of Martin County. The most important crops are citrus and other fruits and winter vegetables, including beans, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, squash, eggplant, watermelons, lettuce, and cucumbers. Potatoes, corn, sugarcane, timber, forage crops, beef and dairy cattle, hogs, and poultry also are important.
Commercial fishing is important in Martin County, as is sport fishing, which is one of the leading attractions for the tourist industry.

The principal mineral resources of the county are sand, shell, marl, and peat.
Because the source, occurrence, movement, quantity, quality, and availability of ground water are directly related to the geology of the region, a study of the geology of the county was an essential part of this investigation.
The igneous and metamorphic rocks that form the basement complex in peninsular Florida are covered in Martin County by approximately 13,000 feet of sedimentary rocks, most of which are of marine origin. In Martin County, the predominant rock types at depths below 700 feet are limestone and dolomite, but sediments above that depth are chiefly sand, silt, and clay. The deepest water wells in the county penetrate about 1,500 feet of sediments, which include the Avon Park limestone and limestones of the Ocala group, of Eocene age; the Suwannee limestone, of Oligocene age; the Hawthorn formation and possibly the Tampa and Tamiami formations, of Miocene age; the Caloosahatchee marl, of Pliocene age; and the Anastasia formation and the Pamlico sand, of Pleistocene age.
The Avon Park limestone is the oldest formation in Martin County for which geologic data are available, although there have been reports of wells penetrating the older Lake City limestone, of middle Eocene age. Most artesian wells in Martin County end in the Avon Park limestone, and most wells in the shallow aquifer probably end in the Anastasia formation.
Formations of the Eocene series known to have been penetrated by deep wells in Martin County include the Avon Park limestone and the Ocala group.
Avon Park limestone. The Avon Park limestone in Martin County shows lithologic changes both vertically and laterally. Generally it is a cream to tan, hard to medium soft, rather pure, chalky to finely crystalline limestone. It is differentiated from overlying and underlying formations primarily by its fossil content. The most important index fossils are foraminifers, including

Coskinolina floridana, Lituonella, Rotalia avonparkensis, Flintina avonparkensis, Valvulina avonparkensis, Spirolina coryensis, Dictyoconus cookei, Dictyoconus gunteri, and Textularia coryensis. The small echinoid Peronella dalli, which is an excellent index fossil of the Avon Park limestone in some areas of Florida, was noted in cuttings from a few deep wells in Martin County.
The thickness of the Avon Park limestone in Martin County is not known, because no wells are known to penetrate it completely. On the basis of well studies in nearby counties, however, it is estimated to be at least 400 feet thick.
Current-meter tests made in Martin County (see description of artesian aquifer, p. 35) show that highly permeable zones of the Avon Park limestone are separated by less permeable zones.
Where the salt content of its water is not excessive the Avon Park limestone is a good source of water for irrigation.
Ocala group. The Ocala limestone, of late Eocene age (Cooke, 1945, p. 53; Applin and Jordan, 1945, p. 130), was subdivided by Vernon (1951, p. 113-115), in descending order, into Ocala limestone (restricted) and Moodys Branch formation with Williston (top) and Inglis (bottom) members. Puri (1953, p. 130) raised the Williston and Inglis members to formational rank and dropped the name Moodys Branch. He also proposed the name Crystal River to replace Vernon's Ocala (restricted) and raised the name Ocala to group status to include all three formations.
Where the Ocala group is exposed, in northern Florida, the Crystal River, Williston, and Inglis formations can be distinguished by their lithology and fossil content. In Martin County only a few well cuttings are available for study; therefore, the Ocala group is not subdivided in this report.
The limestones of the Ocala group are generally granular, white to cream or slightly pink, soft to medium hard, and contain much crystalline calcite in some areas. In places the Ocala is a foraminiferal coquina composed almost entirely of tests of Lepidocyclina, Operculinoides and Nummulites. The Inglis formation, or lower part of the Ocala group, is usually characterized by an abundance of miliolid Foraminifera.
Diagnostic Foraminifera of the Ocala group include Lepidocyclina ocalana, Operculinoides moodybranchensis, Heterostegina ocalana, Rotalia cushmani, Cibicides mississippiensis ocalanus, and others. Further information about the fossils, stratigraphy, and zonation of the Ocala group is contained in a report by Puri (1957).

The Ocala group is generally less than 100 feet thick in Martin County, and it is only 20 feet thick at well 146. Figure 6, a contour map of the top of the limestones of the Ocala group, shows a general domelike structure in the north-central part of the county. The top of the Ocala, however, is an erosional surface, and the underlying formations do not have exactly the same configuration. Nevertheless, evidence from well logs suggests that the major features represented in figure 6 are present in the underlying Avon Park limestone. The principal purpose of the map is to show the approximate depth below sea level at which the first substantial flow of water can be expected from wells penetrating the Floridan aquifer.
Figure 6 shows a major subsurface fault having a displacement of 300 to 400 feet and a strike that is approximately parallel to and about five miles inland from the present coast. Available data are insufficient to permit determination of the exact strike, dip, and extent of the fault. There may be several faults or a wide fault zone rather than one single fault. If it is a single fault it is apparently hinged, as the dip of the top of the Ocala group west of the fault is southeast at a moderate angle but the dip east of the fault is apparently south-southwest at a much steeper angle.
The limestone of the Ocala group is generally porous and permeable and is an important part of the Floridan aquifer.
Suwannee limestone. The Suwannee limestone is the only known formation of Oligocene age in Martin County. It lies unconformably on the eroded limestones of the Ocala group and is overlain unconformably by the Tampa formation, or by the Hawthorn formation where the Tampa is not present.
The Suwannee limestone is a cream colored, slightly porous, soft, granular mass of limy particles, many of which seem to be of organic origin. It contains very few distinguishable fossils.
The thickness of the Suwannee limestone ranges from about 20 to 60 feet on the western (upthrown) side of the fault, and from 100 to 170 feet on the eastern (downthrown) side. These differences in thickness indicate that movement along the fault probably started during late-Oligocene or post-Oligocene time and continued during post-Oligocene time when the Suwannee limestone was exposed to erosion. The downthrown block was protected from erosion; therefore, the thickness of the Suwannee limestone on the east side of the fault is greater than it is on the west side.

Line showing approximate altitude Well for whichelectric log
of top of O in group feet, Is available i
referred to seon sea level 0
referred toeanWell for which well cuttings
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top at Ocola group In feet, well cuttings are available
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Figure 6. Approximate altitude of the top of the Ocala group in Martin County.

Additional slippage along the fault plane probably occurred during Miocene time. The faulting is probably associated with the crustal movements which formed the Ocala uplift, as discussed by Vernon (1951, p. 54-62).
The Suwannee limestone is part of the Floridan aquifer, and it yields moderate amounts of water to artesian wells. Its permeability is generally lower than that of the underlying formations, and the chloride content of the water is usually higher.
The Miocene series in Martin County includes the Hawthorn formation of early and middle Miocene age and possibly the Tampa formation of early Miocene age and the Tamiami formation of late Miocene age.
Tampa formation. The Tampa formation is a fairly hard, dense, white to yellowish, very sandy limestone in the type area, near Tampa. Its presence in Martin County has not been definitely established, but about 10 to 15 feet of limestone just below the Hawthorn formation at well 841, about 2 miles south of Stuart (fig. 3, and well logs), is similar to the Tampa formation of the type area and is here tentatively correlated with the Tampa. This limestone forms the uppermost part of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County. It has moderate permeability and yields some water to artesian wells, but the chloride content of the water is generally higher than it is in water from the main producing zones of the Ocala group and the Avon Park limestone.
Hawthorn formation. The Hawthorn formation in northern Florida consists largely of gray phosphatic sand and lenses of green or gray fuller's earth (Cooke, 1945, p. 144). In Martin County the Hawthorn formation is composed of beds of dark green to white phosphatic clay containing silt and quartz sand. Thin layers of sandy phosphatic limestone and chert occur within the Hawthorn, especially in the lower part of the formation. Lenses and thin layers of phosphatic sand and shell are prevalent at some locations.
The Hawthorn formation underlies all of Martin County and probably rests conformably on the Tampa formation (where the Tampa is present) (Cooke, 1945, p. 138) or unconformably on the Suwannee or older limestones. Its contact with the overlying Tamiami formation is probably conformable.
The formation is 350 to 550 feet thick in Martin County. Its overall permeability is very low, and it serves as the confining bed

for the Floridan aquifer. It does not yield significant amounts of water to wells in Martin County.
Tamiami formation. Parker (1951, p. 823) defined the Tamiami formation as including all deposits of late Miocene age in southern Florida. In areas where there is no distinct lithologic break between the middle and upper Miocene sediments, the Tamiami formation can be separated from the Hawthorn formation only by a thorough examination of the fossils. There appears to be no distinct lithologic change between the middle and upper Miocene deposits in Martin County and its thickness and water-bearing characteristics have not been established.
The post-Miocene deposits in southern Florida include the Caloosahatchee marl of Pliocene age and the Anastasia formation, the Fort Thompson formation, and the Pamlico sand of Pleistocene age.
Caloosahatchee marl. The Caloosahatchee marl is composed largely of sand and shells. Cooke (1945, p. 223) states: "The St. Lucie Canal cuts through the Pleistocene Anastasia formation into the Caloosahatchee marl from the entrance at Port Mayaca on Lake Okeechobee at a point about 3 miles below the Seaboard Railroad bridge at Indiantown. Throughout this distance Pliocene shell marl, some of it hard rock, has been thrown up by the dredge. ... There are no exposures of the Caloosahatchee marl along this canal, for the Anastasia extends below water level."
The thickness of the Caloosahatchee marl in Martin County is unknown, but well 910, 15 miles northwest of Indiantown, penetrated a shell marl from 100 to 150 feet below the land surface; unfortunately, no samples were obtained from depths shallower than 100 feet.
Julia Gardner (1952, personal communication) reported that samples from the 188 to 209-foot interval in well 143, in the eastern part of Martin County, may be of Pliocene age.
Fort Thompson formation. The Fort Thompson formation as defined by Sellards (1919, p. 71-73) consists, in its type area, of alternating beds of fresh-water and brackish-water deposits as well as marine shell marl and limestone of Pleistocene age. A rock sample collected by a driller at a depth of 60 feet below the land surface, in a well north of Stuart, contains what appear to be

fresh-water gastropods; however, the rock samples collected at an equivalent depth from test well 905, north of Stuart, contained no fresh-water gastropods. In the absence of positive identification of substantial fresh-water deposits of the Fort Thompson formation in Martin County, all Pleistocene deposits below the Pamlico sand are herein tentatively assigned to the contemporaneous Anastasia formation.
Anastasia formation. The Anastasia formation differs in composition from place to place, ranging from almost pure coquina to almost pure sand. In Martin County, however, it consists mostly of sand, shell beds, and thin discontinuous layers of sandy limestone or sandstone. The Anastasia formation and the Pamlico sand are the only formations exposed in Martin County, and the Anastasia formation probably underlies the surficial Pamlico in all parts of the county where it is not exposed. The consolidatedcoquina phase of the Anastasia formation crops out at Rocky Point, Jupiter Island, Hutchinson Island, and Sewall Point (fig. 5). There is evidence that the coquina is of two different ages, as it contains rounded boulders of an older coquina. The beds of coquina are probably not more than 10 to 20 feet thick, and only a few shallow wells are developed in them.
The Anastasia formation furnishes most of the fresh-water supplies east of the Indiantown area. It is probably more than 100 feet thick in the eastern part of the county, but it presumably thins to the west and pinches out or merges with the Fort Thompson formation west of Martin County.
The Anastasia lies unconformably on the Caloosahatchee marl or older formations and is overlain unconformably by the Pamlico sand. It is the principal source of fresh ground water in Martin County. The thin beds of permeable shell, limestone, or sandstone that occur at many places between 50 and 125 feet below the land surface usually yields large quantities of potable water to open-end wells. Moderate supplies of water can be obtained at most places from sandpoint wells at shallow depths.
Pamlico sand. The Pamlico sand unconformably overlies the Anastasia formation in Martin County, except in the high area of the Orlando Ridge and in the sandhills (fig. 5) where the land was not covered by the sea during Pamlico time. The Pamlico sand is only a few feet thick over most of the county, and it is probably just a thin veneer.west of the coastal ridge. It is not a source of appreciable amounts of ground water in Martin County.

Ground water is the subsurface water in the zone of saturation, the zone in which all the voids of the soil or rocks are completely filled with water under greater than atmospheric pressure.
An aquifer is a water-bearing formation, group of formations, or part of a formation in the zone of saturation that is permeable enough to transmit usable quantities of water.
Ground water may occur under either nonartesian or artesian conditions. Where it only partly fills an aquifer and its upper surface is free to rise and fall, it is said to be under nonartesian conditions, and the surface is called the water table. Where the water is confined in a permeable bed that is overlain by a less permeable bed, its surface is not free to rise and fall, and water thus confined under pressure is said to be under artesian conditions. The height to which water will rise in tightly cased wells that penetrate an artesian aquifer defines the pressure or piezometric surface of the aquifer.
The zone of saturation, or ground-water zone, is the reservoir from which all wells and springs obtain their water. It is replenished by infiltration of precipitation, though not all precipitation reaches it. Some is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration; some enters streams, lakes, oceans, or other bodies of surface water. The remainder is added to the ground-water reservoir. Ground water moves laterally under the influence of gravity to points of discharge such as springs, wells, streams, or the ocean.
The shallow aquifer is the principal source of fresh-water supplies in Martin County. It includes the Pamlico sand, the Anastasia formation and possibly part of the Tamiami formation. The aquifer extends from the water table to about 150 feet below the land surface. It is. a nonartesian aquifer composed principally of sand, but containing relatively thin beds or lenses of limestone, sandstone, or shell; which are generally more permeable than the sand. Most large-capacity wells are developed in the limestone, sandstone or shell. Some fairly large supplies of water and many small water supplies are obtained from the sand by the use of sandpoints and well screens.
The lithology of the aquifer changes laterally as well as vertically, so that the permeable beds are not always found at the same

depth; in fact, in some areas they are missing entirely. The permeable limestone, sandstone, and shell strata are more prevalent in the eastern part of the county than in the western part.
Atlantic Coastal Ridge. The Atlantic Coastal Ridge parallels the coastline and ranges from 3 to 6 miles in width. The crest of the coastal ridge is about a mile wide and includes the Jensen Beach sandhills, Sewall Point, Rocky Point, and the Jonathan Dickinson State Park sandhills (fig. 5).
In some places, such as Rocky Point and Sewall Point, coquina crops out, but at most places there does not appear to be any well defined rock core beneath the crest of the coastal ridge. In general, consolidated rock is first encountered at depths ranging from 40 to 60 feet below the land surface, and additional beds of consolidated rock are encountered to depths of about 150 feet. They are generally calcareous sandstones or sandy limestones in thin layers or lenses interbedded with sand and shells. In some places they are composed of masses of nodules, many of which are formed by the replacement of fossils. Very rarely can more than 5 to 10 feet of open hole be maintained below the well casing. The bottom of the shallow aquifer is about 150 feet below the land surface. The predominant materials between 150 and 750 feet are fine sand and clay, which will not yield appreciable quantities of water to wells.
Coarse sandstone was reported between depths of 40 and 60 feet in well 121, in Jonathan Dickinson State Park. (See fig. 2 for location.) Similar sandstones were reported between depths of 40 and 70 feet and depths of 95 and 117 feet in the Hobe Sound municipal well field. Well 617, south of Stuart, was drilled to 87 feet and penetrated only loose sand, except for a few rounded pieces of sandstone between 60 and 63 feet below the land surface. Well 820, at Salerno, was drilled to a depth of 166 feet and penetrated a single thin layer of sandstone at a depth of 105 feet. The remaining material was sand and fine shell fragments. Well 656, in the Stuart municipal well field, penetrated beds of limestone between depths of 52 and 88 feet and between depths of 103 and 136 feet. Well 615, near Jensen Beach, penetrated loose sand to a depth of 65 feet. A driller's log of well 80, at the Stuart airfield, reported that the well was uncased in a shell bed between depths of 72 and 80 feet. Well 841, four miles south of Stuart, penetrated limestone between depths of 82 and 87 feet and 126

and 140 feet. Well 905, north of Stuart, penetrated layers of limestone and sandstone between depths of 60 and 65 feet and 100 and 135 feet.
The foregoing data illustrate the nonuniformity of the shallow aquifer beneath the coastal ridge and the lack of continuity of the highly permeable zones. Exploratory drilling is desirable in any attempt to develop a ground-water supply in unexplored areas of the coastal ridge.
Open-end wells sometimes can be constructed in shell beds which contain loose sand and nodular sandstone. Wells are developed by pumping, or by blowing with compressed air, to remove the loose sand and finer material from the section below the casing, which thus forms a natural gravel pack around the end of the casing. The gravel pack tends to prevent further entrance of sand during normal use of the well.
In most areas of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge the sandy components of the shallow aquifer will yield potable water in quantities sufficient for domestic use. Most wells in the sand are 15 to 30 feet deep and are finished with 3- to 5-foot well points.
Eastern Flatlands, Orlando Ridge, and Everglades. The Eastern Flatlands extends throughout the major part of Martin County west of the coastal ridge (fig. 5). The thickness and character of the shallow aquifer in this area is about the same as it is on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, but in general it does not contain as much consolidated rock.
A study of geologic samples taken during the drilling of well GS 23, 10 miles southeast of Indiantown, shows that there is no appreciable thickness of consolidated rock to a depth of 90 feet below the land surface. Well 1, drilled to a depth of 161 feet, on the Orlando Ridge at the Indiantown water plant, did not penetrate any consolidated rock. In the Indiantown area, small-diameter open-end wells can be constructed immediately below the hardpan, in permeable sand from 25 to 35 feet below the land surface. Openend wells can be developed in shell beds from 95 to 110 feet below the land surface to yield moderate amounts of potable water.
North of Indiantown, on the Orlando Ridge, wells 937 and 938 penetrated dense sandy limestone from 126 to 196 feet below the land surface. At this interval the open hole beneath the casing will remain open even when blasted with a moderate charge of dynamite, in attempting to improve permeability. Well 937, 4 inches in diameter, is uncased between depths of 156 and 210 feet.
Well 938, 3 inches in diameter, is uncased between depths of

126 and 180 feet. These two wells yielded 60 gpm (gallons per minute) and 70 gpm, respectively.
Consolidated material occurs locally at shallow depth in the Eastern Flatlands. One such location is south of the St. Lucie lock and dam (fig. 2), where many small-diameter open-end wells are constructed between 22 and 25 feet below the land surface. Consolidated material was also encountered in the vicinity of Port Mayaca, between 11 and 21 feet below the land surface.
Shell beds occur in many parts of the county but they are discontinuous and differ in thickness, character, and depth. They are more prevalent in the eastern part of the Flatlands than in the western part and are usually between 60 and 120 feet below the land surface.
As in the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, nodular sandstone is often associated with the beds of shell. Open-end wells capable of yielding relatively large quantities of water are often constructed in these beds by removing the fine material from an area around the bottom of the well and leaving the shells and rock fragments as a coarse gravel pack. Well 871, an 8-inch well at the Stuart maintenance station of the Sunshine State Parkway, yielded an estimated 500 gpm from a bed developed in this manner.
Most of the sand of the Eastern Flatlands area is of low to medium permeability, but sandpoint wells will yield enough water for most domestic needs. Where sufficient water cannot be obtained from a single well, two or more wells are sometimes connected to produce the required quantity. Most sandpoint wells are 15 to 45 feet deep and 11/ to 2 inches in diameter.
The subsurface lithology in the Everglades is a continuation of the type of materials underlying the adjoining Eastern Flatlands area.
The water table is an undulating surface conforming in a general way to the topography of the land. It is higher beneath hills and ridges than it is beneath low areas and its slope is usually not as steep as the slope of the land surface. Generally, the depth to water is greater beneath the ridges than it is in the Flatlands. For example, the water level in well 837 on the Orlando Ridge is about eight feet below land surface or about 40 feet above mean sea level, and the water level in the Allapattah Flats, 1.5 miles west of the well, is above land surface or about 26 feet above mean

L~~ -- - ----- - - -
.7 's, T37S
4 .
Figure 7. Water table in the Stuart area, July 6, 1955.
sea level. Most of Martin County west of the coastal ridge is relatively flat and the water table is close to the land surface.
The water levels in observation wells in the Stuart area were measured at various times to determine the altitude and shape of the water table in the area and to determine changes in groundwater storage in the aquifer.
The water table is highest in the south-central part of the Stuart area, and slopes east, north, and west toward points of ground-water discharge in the Manatee Pocket. the St. Lucie
.2 ~
0 6R
Figure 7. Water table in the Stuart area, July 6, 1955.
sea level. Most of Martin County west of the coastal ridge is relatively flat and the water table is close to the land surface.
The water levels in observation wells in the Stuart area were measured at various times to determine the altitude and shape of the water table in the area and to determine changes in groundwater storage in the aquifer.
The water table is highest in the south-central part of the Stuart area, and slopes east, north, and west toward points of ground-water discharge in the Manatee Pocket, the St. Lucie

.. 4ER42E
. 34
Figure 8. Water table in the Stuart area, October 5, 1955.
River, and the South Fork of the St. Lucie River (figs. 7, 8). Ground water flows approximately at right angles to the contour lines; therefore, it is apparent from figures 7 and 8 that practically all the recharge to the nonartesian aquifer in the Stuart area is derived from local rainfall. Much of the rainfall is quickly absorbed by the permeable surface sands and infiltrates to the water table. Evidence of this lies in the fact that the water level in well 656 (Stuart well field), 144 feet deep, rose 1.11 feet within 12 hours after a rainfall of 1.09 inches was recorded at Stuart. Surface

runoff generally is small, except after an exceptionally heavy rainfall.
Figures 9 and 10 show how pumping in the city well fields affects the water table. Figure 9 shows the water table on April 1, 1955, when the supply wells at the old city well fields, at the water plant and the ball park, were being pumped. Figure 10 shows the water table on May 3, 1955, when wells in the old well fields were shut down and wells in the new city well field, south of 10th Street and west of Palm Beach Road, were being pumped.
Six automatic water-level recording gages were installed on wells in Martin County. Five of the six gages, installed at different locations in the county, record data on the natural rise and fall of the water table during the year. The sixth gage, in the Stuart well field, records the natural fluctuations and the effects of pumping on the water levels (figs. 11-13). In addition, tape measurements of water level were made in many wells (table 8).
Well 125, in the sand-hills area of Jonathan Dickinson State Park, is 90 feet deep, and the water level in this well responds very slowly to rainfall, compared to the water levels in the other wells, because of the relatively greater depth to water. The water table in well 125 is 11 to 18 feet below the land surface, and downward infiltration of rainfall through the thick sand section is so retarded that the water is appreciably delayed in reaching the water table. Consequently, rainfall is added to the ground-water zone over relatively long periods.
The record from the gage on well 140 shows that the water level in this well responds more rapidly to rainfall than the water level in well 125. Well 140, 30 feet deep, is 13 miles southeast of Indiantown at the edge of a slough area in the Eastern Flatlands, and its water level usually is less than four feet below the land surface. During heavy rains the water rises as much as 2.5 feet within a few hours, because the rain has to infiltrate only a few feet to the water table. When the water table reaches the land surface, additional recharge is rejected and the excess water runs off as surface-water flow. The decline -of the water table in the area of well 140 is gradual, owing to the slight slope of the water table. A large part of the water is discharged from the area by evapotranspiration, especially when the water table is within a foot of the surface. At such times, a distinct diurnal fluctuation of as much as 0.2 foot occurs.

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Figure 9. Water table within the Stuart city limits. April 1, 1955.

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Figure 10. Water table within the Stuart city limits, May 3, 1955.

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Figure 11. yr a o e1F2 a 1 7r ainl a
iana Figure 11. Hydrographs of wells 125, 140 and 147 and rainfall at Stuart.

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Figure 12. Hydrographs of wells 928 and 933 and rainfall at St. Lucie Canal Lock.

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Well 147, in the city of Stuart, is 74 feet deep, and its water level ranges from about 1 foot to 10 feet below the land surface. The material from the surface to a depth of 10 feet consists of fine to medium quartz sand. The hydrograph of this well (fig. 11) shows that the water table responds to rainfall more rapidly when it is near the surface. The record shows also a daily fluctuation of about 0.2 foot caused by pumping in the Stuart municipal well lield, which is about one-quarter mile east of the well.
The gage on well 933, six miles west of Stuart, was installed in June 1957. The water level in this well is within three feet of the land surface most of the year, and it is often above the top of the ground during the rainy season(fig. 12). The well is 14 feet deep and about 50 feet from a drainage ditch. The material from the land surface to the bottom of the well is mostly fine, clean, quartz sand. The water level rises sharply (as much as 1.75 feet in an hour) because the rainfall can easily reach the water table through the permeable surface sand. The water level in the well usually drops rapidly from its peak because of the drainage effect of the nearby ditch. However, during prolonged periods of heavy rain the drainage ditch is filled and cannot accept groundwater inflow; under these conditions the water table remains high for a relatively long period.
Well 928, at Indiantown, is 11 feet deep and penetrates only fine quartz sand, except for a layer of hardpan between four and live feet below the land surface. The water level in the well fluctuates from slightly above land surface to about three feet below (fig. 12). It does not rise as fast as in well 933, probably because the surface sand is not as permeable and the vertical movement is impeded by the hardpan.
The gage on well 658, in the Stuart well field, records waterlevel fluctuations caused by pumping in addition to the natural fluctuations (fig. 13). Well 658 is 100 feet from a municipal supply well and about 300 feet from the center of the cone of influence caused by pumping the three municipal supply wells. The purpose of the installation is to record the progressive trend of water levels in the well field and to ascertain when they have reached equilibrium. A persistent decline eventually would expose the well field to salt-water encroachment from the St. Lucie River. Figure 18 shows the daily high and low water levels in well 658 for the period of record. The lowest point reached was 1.82 feet below mean sea level in February 1957, and the highest was 10 feet above mean sea level in October 1957 and January 1958. A study of the hydrograph reveals that the average water level does

not indicate a progressive decline at the existing pumping rate. The water levels in late 1957 and early 1958 were higher than they were shortly after the well field was put in operation, in 1955.
Comparison of the hydrograph of well 658 (fig. 13) with the daily rainfall at Stuart and the hydrograph of well 147 (fig. 11), on the edge of the well field, shows that water levels in the well field respond to changes in rainfall and reflect, in general, the natural fluctuations of water levels in the area. If hydrologic conditions remain essentially as they were during the period shown in figure 13, the well field should not be endangered by salt-water encroachment.
The shallow aquifer in Martin County receives most of its recharge from rainfall in and immediately adjacent to the county. The average rainfall is about 60 inches a year, of which 65 percent occurs from June through October. Most of the county is covered by sand that is sufficiently permeable to absorb practically all the rainfall. In general, surface-water runoff is small except in the slough areas where the water table is at or above the land surface.
The hydrographs in figures 11, 12, and 18 indicate a general increase in ground-water storage due to abundant rainfall during June through October, and discharge of ground water from storage during November through April or May. A small amount of water may seep from the St. Lucie Canal during low ground-water stages; however, except near the St. Lucie locks, the water level in the canal is generally lower than the water table and ground water is discharged into the canal. A small amount of recharge to the shallow aquifer comes from the downward seepage of artesian water that was used for irrigation.
Ground water is discharged by flow into streams, springs, or lakes, by direct flow into the ocean, by evapotranspiration, and by pumping from wells. Many small streams and sloughs in Martin County discharge ground water to the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Okeechobee. In the central part of the county, where the water table is at or near the surface during most of the year, evapotranspiration is a very important means of discharge. In addition to natural means of discharge, much ground water is carried away

by canals and ditches. The amount discharged by wells during 1957 was very small compared to the total amount discharged from the shallow aquifer. This is discussed more fully in the section on use.
The artesian aquifer in Martin County is part of the Floridan aquifer, which underlies all of Florida and southern Georgia. The Floridan aquifer as defined by Parker (1955, p. 189) includes "parts or all of the middle Eocene (Avon Park and Lake City limestones), upper Eocene (Ocala limestone), Oligocene (Suwannee limestone), and Miocene (Tampa limestone, and permeable parts of the Hawthorn formation that are in hydrologic contact with the rest of the aquifer) ."
Wells penetrating the Floridan aquifer will flow in all parts of Martin County, except at the tops of the high sandhills in the eastern part of the county where the land surface is more than 50 feet above mean sea level. The top of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County is usually between 600 and 800 feet below the land surface. The thickness of the aquifer is unknown, as no wells have completely penetrated it. The deepest known wells extend 1,300 to 1,500 feet below mean sea level.
Wells drilled into the Floridan aquifer in the area west (upthrown side) of the fault (fig. 6) usually begin to show an appreciable flow from about 660 to 800 feet below mean sea level. East (downthrown side) or the fault, wells must be drilled 800 to 1,000 feet below mean sea level before they will flow.
Figure 6 is a contour map drawn on the top of the limestone of the Ocala group. West of the fault this limestone usually provides the first significant flow of water, as the overlying Tampa and Suwannee beds are either very thin or missing. East of the fault the Suwannee limestone is relatively thick and will yield small quantities of water.
Most of the artesian wells in the county include limestone of the Ocala group in the producing part of the open hole, and end in the underlying Avon Park limestone. No wells are known to penetrate the Lake City limestone. A well north of Indiantown was reported to have been drilled to a depth of 1,800 feet and may have penetrated the Lake City limestone. The water at that depth

was reported to be too salty for irrigational use, and the well was sealed off at 1,100 feet, before its initial depth could be verified.
Most wells are cased only into the Hawthorn formation to a. depth below which the driller feels the hole will stay open. This depth differs throughout the county ranging from 275 feet below the land surface, in well 443 near Palm City, to 795 feet, in well 128 in Stuart. The amount of casing in a well is generally related to the depth to the top cf the Ocala group (fig. 6), but lithologic variations within the Hawthorn formation and the personal factor of the driller's judgment account for some of the differences in the length of casing in different wells.
Current-meter traverses were made in wells 748 (2 miles west of Palm City), 745 (12 miles west of Palm City), and 150 (3 miles south of Salerno) (figs. 14, 15) to determine the zones that were contributing water to the wells. A current-meter traverse in a well furnishes measurements of the velocity of the water at different depths. If the open hole that penetrates the aquifer is reasonably uniform in diameter, an increase in velocity in a particular interval indicates that water is entering the well bore within that interval. It is reasonable to assume, from the evidence gathered from lithologic and electric well logs and from observations made during the drilling of artesian wells, that the limestone of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County is fairly
- -I--- ...
Fur 146aabaiind ffr* o00 eM
,,,, .. .. ...
Figure 14. Data obtained from wells 745 and 748.

A0 E POINIIT) b I v lN, Or cuReENr METER MSLo-- - -- ---------Estimated flow 140 p
200 m-----
300* L an InQ
400 ____500
7 00 ___o,. ..
W oo100-
-I- l"000I . I
Figure 15. Data obtained from well 150.

homogeneous. The open hole is probably slightly smaller in the dense, less permeable zones than it is in the more permeable zones. This probably accounts for the small reversals in the velocity graphs of wells 748 and 150 (figs. 14, 15). By current-meter traverses it is possible to determine the main producing zones within the aquifer. If many strategically spaced wells were available for study in an area, the zones could probably be correlated. Unfortunately, there were only a few wells in Martin County of sufficient diameter to accommodate the current-meter tube.
A current-meter traverse of well 748, 2 miles west of Palm City (estimated flow 300 gpm), shows that about 30 percent of the flow enters the well between depths of 660 and 675 feet, about 25 percent between 700 and 720 feet, about 25 percent between 740 and 760 feet, and the remaining 20 percent from intervening sections and below 760 feet to the bottom of the well which is 773 feet below the land surface (fig. 14). Thus, it can be seen that about 80 percent of the water comes from 55 feet of the total 110 feet of open hole.
Well 745, 10 miles west of well 748, is 696 feet deep and has an estimated flow of 190 gpm. Nearly 100 percent of the water is entering the well between depths of 685 and 696 feet (fig. 14).
Well 150 (estimated flow 300 gpm) is located east of the fault (fig. 6). This traverse shows a different pattern of flow distribution because the producing zone is thicker than the producing zone west of the fault and the permeability is more uniform. Water is contributed to the well at a rather uniform rate throughout the part of the aquifer penetrated by the well; 18 percent of the water enters the well between depths of 960 and 970 feet, 18 percent enters between 1,235 and 1,245 feet, and the rest enters more or less uniformly from the intervening sections and between 1,245 feet and the bottom of the hole at 1,315 feet (fig. 15).
Well 841 (estimated flow 140 gpm) is south of Stuart and east of the fault line. The flow pattern in this well was noted during drilling operations and is similar to that in well 150; 20 percent of the water enters the well between depths of 820 and 830 feet, 20 percent enters between 866 and 888 feet, and the remaining 60 percent enters rather uniformly from the rest of the producing zone to the bottom of the well at 1,057 feet.
Well 910 (estimated flow 225 gpm) first began to flow at a depth of 850 feet. This well was drilled with a cable-tool machine, and only a part of the rock cuttings was cleared from the well during each bailing. The heavy drilling mud thus formed during drilling may have retarded the flow of water. The well might have

flowed at a shallower depth if all the rock cuttings had been removed from the well during drilling operations.
The piezometric surface is an imaginary surface representing the pressure head of the water confined in an artesian aquifer. It is the height to which water will rise in tightly cased wells that penetrate the artesian aquifer. In areas where the water level will rise above the land surface, the pressure head is usually measured with a pressure gage at the well outlet. The first survey of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer was presented by Stringfield (1936) from data obtained in 1934. Figure 16 shows the piezometric surface of peninsular Florida, as defined by Stringfield, but revised to include the most recent data available in December 1957.
The artesian pressure head in Martin County ranges from 48 to 53 feet above mean sea level. The piezometric surface slopes in an east-southeasterly direction in Martin County; however, local cones of depression caused by relatively large withdrawals distort the regional pattern (fig. 17). The depressions in the vicinity of Palm City and Indiantown are caused by heavy use of water within these areas, and the depression in the northwest corner of the county is caused by heavy use in the southeastern part of neighboring Okeechobee County. Pressure measurements made in wells 150 and 306, in T. 39 S., R. 41 E., show a sharp drop in the piezometric surface compared to measurements made in nearby wells; however, wells 150 and 306 yield water having a relatively high salt content and, consequently, a higher specific gravity than that in other wells in the county. The column of water in wells 150 and 306 exerts a greater pressure against the aquifer than an equal column of fresh water. The pressure readings obtained at the top of these wells, therefore, do not represent the true pressure within the aquifer in terms of fresh water.
When corrections are made in accordance with the GhybenHerzberg principle (p. 64), to correlate the pressures observed in wells 150 and 306 with the pressures in areas where the water has less salt, the adjusted pressure head is about 48 feet. This pressure is consistent with the regional slope of the piezometric surface (fig. 16).
The piezometric surface is higher than the water table in all parts of Martin County. It is also above the land surface, except on the tops of some of the sandhills in the eastern part of the

. 0 MA I N
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a sweANT1aN 0
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Center intervel 10 f .ee
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-4 Pa A*L
Figure 16. Piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1957, in peninsular Florida.

county. The land surface rises to 49 feet above mean sea level north of Indiantown, and there the piezometric surface is only slightly higher; consequently, most of the wells are equipped with pumps.
There is no apparent change in artesian pressure with depth in the aquifer, at least within the range of depths observed in Martin County.
The piezometric surface fluctuates in response to recharge by rainfall, discharge from wells, earthquakes, passing trains, and variations in barometric pressure (Parker and Stringfield, 1950, p. 441-460). The changes due to earthquakes, passing trains, and barometric pressure are of short duration, but changes due to recharge by rainfall and discharge from wells usually occur over a relatively long period. The fluctuations due to recharge by rainfall decrease in magnitude with increased distance from the recharge area. The principal recharge area for the artesian aquifer in southern Florida is centered in Polk and Pasco counties, approximately 100 miles from Martin County. At this distance, fluctuations of the piezometric surface due to seasonal rainfall in the recharge area are probably small.
No continuous, long-term records of the artesian pressure in Martin County are available, but changes in the amount of rainfall in the recharge area over a period of years would probably be reflected in the piezometric surface in Martin County. There is no evidence that rainfall within the county itself has any direct effect on the piezometric surface. Artesian water levels usually rise during the rainy season, probably because most wells are shut off during wet weather, not because the artesian aquifer is receiving local recharge.
Discharge from wells causes the greatest changes in the piezometric surface. A pressure gage was installed on well 748, 2 miles west of Palm City (fig. 2), and left for several weeks to record the natural fluctuations of the piezometric surface. Then, well 752, which had been closed during this period, was allowed to discharge at the rate of about 300 gpm for 24 hours. The pressure in the observation well, which is about 1,000 feet from the discharging well and about the same depth, showed a decline of about 0.5 foot at the end of the test. Continuous discharge of water from a number of wells over a period of years causes a wide cone of depression to form, as shown in figure 17.

Line showuig opproonoate altitude of the ipel tomelric Su fce in f e above mean sea level in 1957 a Well in which water level woas measured Conlour mntervoI I foot
. . so
Se _
a 1v
, R3E 00
I I I "\ '?k 0
7'. Sou IS ,,O
. . ..-- mra- ... .. -- r-. t CaE of ILhS
Fisrure 17. Piezometric surface of the Floridan naqufer. Anr-il 19.57. in Martin

The available data on long-term trends of water levels in the artesian aquifer in Martin County are shown in table 2. The artesian pressure measurements, of the four wells that have the longest periods of record, show apparent declines of the piezometric surface ranging from 1.7 to 6.7 feet between 1946 and 1957. Some of the declines may be due to local water use at the time of measurement or to leakage through breaks in the casing below the ground level; however, declines are shown in all wells for which long-term records are available. They can probably be attributed to one or both of the following factors: (1) increased use of artesian water in the recharge area or the area between Martin County and the recharge area, either of which would reduce the flow of artesian water into Martin County; and (2) increased use of artesian water in Martin County.
TABLE 2. Artesian Pressures, in Feet Above Land Surface, at Selected Wells in Martin County, 1946-57
Well 33 Well 86 Well 143 Well 146
Water Water Water Water Date level Date level Date level Date level
7- 2-46 12.7 7-23-46 45.0 5-24-51 27.5 9-10-51 18.5
3- 2-53 11.0 3-27-52 43.2 3-27-52 27.7 3-26-52 17.7
1-25-57 6.0 7- 6-56 40.0 4-25-57 25.5 2-19-53 18.2
5- 7-57 42.5 3- 6-57 16.8
The Floridan aquifer is recharged where the permeable rocks that constitute the aquifer are at or near the surface or where the water table is higher than the piezometric surface and the confining bed is thin or relatively permeable.
The principal recharge area for central and southern Florida is in and around Polk County, where the piezometric surface is highest (fig. 16). In much of Polk County, limestone of the Floridan aquifer is overlain by semiconfining beds of the Hawthorn formation, which are not impermeable and may permit downward leakage. The semiconfining beds may have been penetrated by sinkholes which now are occupied by lakes. Possibly these sinkholes are filled with somewhat permeable sand which, in
some places, permits downward movement of water.

The water level in the Floridan aquifer in Polk County and vicinity is at a higher altitude than it is in the surrounding areas. The water in the aquifer moves downgradient, perpendicular to the contour lines shown in figure 16, to points of discharge. The principal points of discharge are springs and wells, and where upward leakage occurs through the confining bed.
There are no known natural springs in Martin County, but there probably are submarine springs where the Floridan aquifer crops out on the ocean floor. If the slope of the top of the Floridan aquifer east of Martin County is approximately the same as it is in Martin County, the Floridan aquifer should crop out on the floor of the ocean about 25 miles offshore. Also if the slope of the piezometric surface and the salinity of the water are uniform, the pressure head near the outcrop area would be about 36 feet above mean sea level, or about eight feet higher than is necessary to balance the pressure of the sea water at 1,100 feet below mean sea level. The artesian water could, therefore, discharge into the ocean; however, the outcrop area is probably covered by somewhat impermeable sediments of relatively recent origin, which could restrict such discharge.
The total discharge from wells in Martin County was relatively small in 1957. The yields of the 80 artesian wells ranged from less than 10 gpm, in wells obstructed by an accumulation of clay in the open-hole part of the well, to 750 gpm, in free-flowing wells. The average yield is probably about 200 gpm; thus, the total discharge, if all wells were opened would be about 25 mgd (million gallons per day). The discharge probably averages less than 10 mgd, as most wells are used only a few months of each year and others are not used at all. A few wells in the high area north of Indiantown are equipped with pumps to increase their yields, because the artesian pressure and the natural flow are low.
Discharge by upward leakage through the confining beds of the Hawthorn formation is probably small in Martin County. The confining bed is composed of more than 500 feet of fine sand, silt, and "tough" green clay of extremely low permeability. The low permeability was illustrated in the following test made during the drilling of well 841, south of Stuart. Drilling operations were temporarily suspended, owing to mechanical failure. The casing was set at 230 feet and there was 400 feet of open hole in the Hawthorn formation. The well was being jetted with clear water, and when the jetting rods were removed the water level was

about 10 feet below the top of the casing. The water level remained static until the next day, when the casing was filled to the top with water and allowed to remain for 24 hours. During this 24-hour period the water level declined only about 2 feet, showing that the Hawthorn formation could absorb only a few gallons of water through 400 feet of open hole in 24 hours.
Further evidence that very little leakage was taking place through the confining bed was noted during the drilling of test well 656, in the Stuart well field. This well was drilled 150 feet below land surface, to the top of the Hawthorn formation. The chloride content of water samples taken during the drilling of the well remained constant at about 18 ppm (parts per million) as the well approached the top of the confining bed, even though the underlying artesian water had a chloride content of more than 1,000 ppm.
The ability of an aquifer to transmit water is expressed as the coefficient of transmissibility. In customary units, it is the quantity of water, in gallons per day, that will move through a vertical section of the aquifer one foot wide and extending the full saturated height of the aquifer, under a unit hydraulic gradient (Theis, 1938, p. 892), at the prevailing temperature of the water. The coefficient of storage is a measure of the capacity of the aquifer to store water and is defined as the volume of water released from or taken into storage per unit surface area of the aquifer per unit change in the component of head normal to that surface. The "leakage coefficient" indicates the ability of the beds above and below the aquifer to transmit water to the main producing zone. It may be defined as the quantity of water that crosses a unit area of the interface between the main aquifer and its semiconfining bed, if the difference between the head in the main aquifer and in the bed supplying the leakage is unity. These coefficients are generally determined by means of pumping tests on wells.
The withdrawal of water from an aquifer causes a decline of water level (drawdown) in the vicinity of the point of withdrawal. As a result of this drawdown, the water table or piezometric surface assumes the approximate shape of an inverted cone having its apex at the center of withdrawal. The size and shape of this cone of depression depend on the transmissibility and storage coefficients of the aquifer and the rate of pumping.

Six pumping tests were made of the shallow aquifer in Martin County, four of these within the city limits of Stuart.
The first test was made in the new city well field on March 9, 1955, well 657 (municipal supply well 1) being pumped at the rate of 135 gpm for 11 hours. Water-level measurements were made during the test in wells 656, 658, and 659, respectively 11, 100, and 300 feet from the pumped well. Wells 658 and 659, are. cased to 115 feet and have 10 feet of open hole in the underlying limestone. Well 656 is cased to 144 feet and has one foot of open hole. The water from well 657 was discharged into a ditch about 75 feet away, but because the ditch was choked with vegetation and has only a slight gradient, water remained in the vicinity and recharged the aquifer during the test.
The second test was made on March 23, 1955, also in the new city well field. Well 724 (municipal well 3) was pumped at a rate of 140 gpm for five hours, and water levels were observed in wells 659, 658, and 657, respectively 300, 500, and 600 feet from the pumped well. The wells are all cased to 115 feet, and have 10 feet of open hole in the underlying limestone. The water was discharged into a ditch 200 feet from the pumped well and remained in the area and recharged the aquifer, but this recharge did not affect the water levels as quickly as that in test no. 1.
The third test was made on the following day, March 24, at the same location as tests 1 and 2 (fig. 18). Well 723 (municipal well 2) was pumped at a rate of 112 gpm for 5 hours, and water levels were observed in wells 658 and 724, respectively 500 and 780 feet from the pumped well. All wells are cased to 115 feet, and have 10 feet of open hole in the underlying limestone. The water was discharged into a depression near the wells and remained in the area, probably recharging the aquifer.
The fourth test was made on May 27, 1955 in the new well field, which had been in operation prior to the test. Observation well 658A, 13 feet deep, was installed 100 feet from well 657 (municipal well 1) and immediately adjacent to observation well 658. Prior to the test the well field was shut down overnight to allow recovery of the water levels in the area. On the next morning the measured water level in both the deep and the shallow observation wells (658 and 658A) was 6.38 feet above mean sea level. Well 657 was pumped at a rate of 103 gpm for nine hours and at the end of this period the drawdowns in wells 658 and 658A were 3.58 and 0.34 feet, respectively (fig. 19). The water

190 Ft.
S 96 899 t -----30 8~49
- -- 70 0 Ft - 14 0 0 F t HWY71 69770 t *
656 8A 659 724
--100 Ft 200 Ft -------- 300 Ft -----657\ 68 /
0 0
Figure 18. Location of wells used in pumping tests.
level in well 658 began to decline almost immediately after pumping started, and had fallen three feet after 21 minutes. Near the end of the test the water level in well 658 had nearly stabilized, whereas that in well 658A was still falling, but at a decreasing rate. The water was discharged into the city mains and so did not return to the aquifer.
Two pumping tests were made on the farm of Captain Bruce Leighton, about 10 miles west of Palm City, during the periods

s 0 100 ISO 2 550 SOC 350 400 450 Soo 550
L WELL 6586A
"5-8A ----WELL 651
Figure 19. Drawdown observed in wells 658 and 658A during pumping test
in the new city well field, May 27, 1955.
October 25-26, 1956, and July 10-12, 1957, using the irrigation wells on the farm. In the first test, well 891 was pumped for two hours at 500 gpm and 25 hours at 725 gpm. The water was discharged into a nearby irrigation ditch and remained in the area. During this test, tape measurements of the water level were made in observation well 892, located 190 feet from the pumped well (fig. 18). Automatic recording gages were installed on observation wells 894, 898, 900, 896, and 897, which were 1,300, 2,600, 2,700, 3,400, and 3,430 feet, respectively, from the pumping well. Significant drawdowns were observed in wells 892 and 894, but if any drawdowns occurred in wells 898, 900, 896, and 897, they were very slight and were masked by the natural decline of the water table and by the effects of barometric fluctuations.
The second test was made in the same area of the Leighton farm (fig. 18). Well 894 was pumped for 48 hours at the rate of 340 gpm. Automatic recording gages were installed on observation wells 899, 900, 898, and 896, which were 1,400, 1,400, 1,700, and

TABLE 3. Results of Pumping Tests in Martin County, 1955-57
Depth of well
- 4-a
3- 9-55 657 656 125 144 11 135 18,000 0.0025 0.287 5.75 3- 955 657 658 125 125 100 135 23,000 .00015 .095 3.39 3- 9-55 657 659 125 125 300 135 27,000 .00035 .048 1.29 3-23-55 724 659 125 125 300 140 17,000 .00035 .048 1.76 3-23-55 724 658 125 125 500 140 23,000 .00051 .075 .67 3-23-55 724 657 125 125 600 140 24,000 .00056 .098 .41 3-24-55 723 658 125 125 550 112 26,000 .00088 .085 .63 m 8-24-55 723 724 125 125 780 112 22,000 .00064 .174 .10 Z 5-27-55 657 658 125 125 100 103 16,000 .00010 .016 3.58 P
10-25-56 891 892 75 40 190 725 30,000 .00023 .027 9.86 10-25-56 891 894 75 75 1,300 725 83,000 .0065 .126 .38 7-10-57 894 899 75 35 1,400 340 35,000 .0021 .072 .25 7-10-57 894 900 75 135 1,400 340 55,000 .0012 .040 .44
1Hantush, 1956, p. 706.
"Gallons per day per square foot per foot of vertical head.

2,100 feet, respectively, from the pumped well. Significant drawdowns were observed in wells 899 and 900 (table 3).
Theis (1935, p. 519-524), using basic heat-transfer formulas, developed a method to analyze the movement of water through an aquifer which is (1) homogeneous and isotropic, (2) of infinite areal extent, (3) of uniform thickness, (4) bounded above and below by impermeable beds, (5) receiving no recharge, (6) fully penetrated by the discharging well, and (7) losing water only through the discharging well. If an aquifer meets all these conditions, the Theis nonequilibrium method, as described by Wenzel (1942, p. 87-90), will give a true transmissibility value for the aquifer, regardless of the distance of the observation well from the pumped well or the rate of pumping.
When the data from the tests in Martin County were analyzed by the Theis method, the computed values of the coefficient of transmissibility ranged from 18,000 to 170,000 gpd per foot for the same area, indicating that the aquifer does not meet all the above conditions. From well logs and cuttings and the performance of individual wells, the main producing zone which is at a depth of 103 to 140 feet in the new Stuart well field, appears to be reasonably homogeneous, isotropic, and uniform in thickness. For a test of short duration the aquifer is, in effect, of infinite areal extent, but it is not bounded above and below by an impermeable bed, as is shown by the fact that the water level in shallow well 658A (fig. 4) began to decline 8 minutes after pumping in well 657 began (fig. 19). The water was discharged on the ground in the vicinity of the pumped wells in tests 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6; consequently, the aquifer was receiving recharge. In addition, the pumped wells did not fully penetrate the aquifer.
After corrections were made for the effects of partial penetration and for the natural fluctuations of the water table, the corrected data were plotted on logarithmic graph paper as s versus
r-, or drawdown (s) versus time (t) since pumping began divided by the square of the distance (r) between the pumped well and the observation well. The resulting curves were compared with a family of leaky-aquifer type curves developed by H. H. Cooper, Jr. of the U.S. Geological Survey. This family of curves is based upon the equation for nonsteady flow in an infinite leaky aquifer developed by Hantush and Jacob (1955, p. 95-100) and described

by Hantush (1956, p. 702-714). The equations assume a permeable aquifer overlain by semipermeable beds through which water, under a constant head, can infiltrate to recharge the aquifer. The transmissibilities obtained by the leaky-aquifer method apply to the permeable aquifer and a second factor-called the leakage coefficient-applies to the semipermeable beds overlying the main producing zone. The coefficients of transmissibility, storage, and leakage for the six tests made in Martin County are shown in table 3.
The wells used in the pumping tests in the new Stuart well field were nearly uniform in depth. The observation wells were spaced at different distances from the pumped well (fig. 18), so the observed drawdowns gave a good picture of the cone of depression due to pumping. When the data for each test were analyzed, the calculated values for the coefficients of transmissibility (table 3) all fell within the narrow range of 16,000 to 27,000 gpd per foot, and it is reasonable to assume a value of about 20,000 gpd per foot for the area. The wells used in the pumping tests on the Leighton farm were irrigation wells, and they were not ideally situated for observing drawdowns. Most of the observation wells were spaced too far from the pumped wells, and all but one were developed at depths different from those of the pumped wells. As a result, the tests in the Leighton farm area show a much wider range of values for the coefficient of transmissibility than do the tests made in the Stuart well field.
The water that falls on the earth's surface as rain or snow is relatively free of dissolved mineral matter except for very small quantities of atmospheric gases and dust. As it runs off or infiltrates into the ground, the water dissolves some of the material with which it comes in contact. Some minerals are dissolved much more easily than others; thus, the degree of mineralization of ground water depends generally upon the composition of the material through which the water passes.
Chemical analysis of 52 samples of water from Martin County (23 from the artesian aquifer and 29 from the shallow aquifer) has been made by the U. S. Geological Survey. The results of these analyses are listed in tables 4 and 5. In addition, determinations were made of the chloride content of the water from 767 wells; and these are shown in table 8. Determinations of 140 samples from 26 selected wells are listed also in table 6.

TAuLE 4. Analyses of Water from WllN in the Artesian Aquifer in Martin County, (Analyses by U. 8, Geological Survey, Chemical constituent" are expressed in parts per million.)
27 7- 3-58 .... 0.04 144 118 905 180 886 1,640 0.7 ...... 3,280 844 5,710 5 7.0
29 6-27-40 ....43 70 72 458 74 309 700 .9 ...... 1,740 471 3.130 3 6.5 kl
30 6-28-46 .15 61 47 200 170 188 310 .8 0.8 894 345 1,000 3 7.1
8-25-58 19 .04 82 52 250 6.4 189 182 450 .8 .8 1,1260, 418 2,020 2 7.3
31 6-28-46 !.... .04 98 89 337 186 216 625 .7 1,.. 440 528 2.610 1 7.0
43 7.17-46 .... .11 114 104 746 188 276 1,340 .8 ...... 2,670 712 4,770 4 7.0
47 7- 7-46 .... .08 108 87 596 182 292 1,040 .8 ...... 2,210 627 3,950 8 7.0
64 7-18-46 .... .14 99 122 984 156 228 1,790 1.6 ...... 3,800 749 5,990 1 7.0 t
65 7-19-46 .... .02 92 83 506 192 235 000 .1 ...... 1900 571 8,4[50 1 7.3
86 7-28-46 .... .03 89 82 501 192 282 885 .1 ...... 1,880 559 3,410 1 7.2 0
7-15-57 ... ... ... .. ... .... 890 ... .. ...... 2,070> 5[50 3,440 .... ......
87 7-28-46 .... .28 82 78 725 228 228 1,190 .1 ...... 2,410 525 4,370 1 8.1 0
88 7-23-40 .... 08 92 83 57 190 247 940 .1 ...... 1990 570 3,570 8 7.1
95 7-24-46 .. .06 84 72 4"3 200 282 800 .1 .....76 506 3,190 2 1.2
106 7-15-57 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 810 ...... ...... 1,950> 540 3,150 .... ......
110 7-16-57 .... ...... ...... .. . .... .. ... ... 950 ...... ...... 2,2800' 610 3,580 .... ......
150 7-15-57 .... ..... ...... ... ... ... ......... 4,050 ...... ...... 7,400> 1,310 11,300 . ......
172 7-17-57 .... ..... ...... .... ... ........ 252 ...... .... 674> 220 1,190 .... ...
186 6-22-57. 17 .11 131 94 545 14 164 215 1,150 .8 .0 2,250 114 4,040 2 7.4 3-11-58 17 .0 148 79 541 4.0 162 148 1.140 1.0 .9 2,910>' 696 3,950 10 7.8 740 7-16-57 .... .. .... .. .... ---...... ...... ... ...... 1,180 ...... ...... 3,0500 140 4,760 .... ......
7 44 7 -17-5 7 .... ...... ,...... ...... ...... ... .. ...... ...... 8 50 ...... ...... 8 78b, 3 20 1, 4 50 .... ......
745 7-17-57 ... ..-... ..... .. ........ ... ...... .... 1,310 ...... ...... 2,860> 780 4,470 .... .....
8 41 7- 1 6- 57 .... ...... ..,.. .... .. .... ... ... ...... ...... 2, 90 0 ,...... ...... .6,0 8 0h 1, 10 0 9, 3 80 .... ......
901 7-18-5.7 .... ...... i...... ..... ... .. .... ... ...... 258 ...... ....... 778> 300 1,310 ..
= Other determinations: Aluminum .0, Manganese .00, Lithium 2.0, Phosphate .00, Beta-gamma activity (Micromicrocuries per liter) 200, Radium (Micromicrocuries per liter) 11, Uranium (Micrigrams per liter) 1.2.
bROSidue on evaporation at 1800C-other values for dissolved solids are sum of determined constituents.

TABLE 5. Analyses of Water from Wells in the Shallow Aquifer in Martin County
(Analyses by U. S. Geological Survey. Chemical constituents are expressed in parts per million.)
, 0
GS 23 8-12-43 .... 0.03 128 26 182 418 139 238 ...... 0.6 920 426 1,560 12 7.2
1 10- 3-45 : ... .... 64 7.4 16 231. 17 13 ..... .2 281 190 428 105 7.4
8 9-12-41 .... .1 82 5.7 3.2 269 9.7 5 ....... .0 238 231 449 50 ......
9 9-12-41 I..... .4 148 19 6.7 489 39 10 ...... 8.2 472 447 802 140 ......
0 z wz d
rn 0
12) .. .. ... ...... ...... ......... __ ____ ... _... .... m
13) 3-24-418n .01f 39 2.1 9.7 120. 5.1 18 0.1 .6 132 106 233 6 7.1
15 10- 3-41 ... .91 124 10 51 396 2 4 79 ...... .1 489 W5l 887 150 ......
17 10- -41 ..79 59 5.0 1.2 189 8.0 5 ......t.1 172 168 327 160
W CO 0
19 6-27-46 ....96 86 18 126 278 1 235 .4 1.0 605 289 1,150 58 7.3 o
GS 23 8-12-46 .... .08 128 026 12 4 548 1394 16123 ...... ...... 747920 42643 1,56380 1260 7.0 m
8)1 10-3-45 2 64 7.4 16 2531 17 13 .2 231 190 428 105 7.4
66 7-19-46 .104 72 5.7 3.2 26944 1 15 .0 .1 23824 2105 44911 1 7.4 9 97-28-46 .... .4 148 19 6.7 489 39 0 8.2 472 15 4 6147 802 1408 7.1
3-7) 48 ............. ...........01.6.32 f62 71
98) 3-24-48, 04 102 4.6 35 224 12 108 .1 .8 373 MVS 701 7 ".0
1499) ... ..... ......
1 5 10- 3-41 .. .91 124 10 51 4 79 489 8 887 156 ......
151 7-16-57 .......9 59 5.0 1.2 189 8.0 5 ...... 1 172 1 68 327 160 ..
161 6-27-16-5 .... .96 86 18 126 278 1 23605 .... .. .0 605 289 1,150 5 ......
214 7- 216-574 ....08 128 30 124 548 34 161 ------92------ 747 443 1,380 60 7.0
36) 7164 02 9
37) 7-646 .. 4.0 19 256 24 37-- 13 1.--- i05 248_ 55 28 ---1 Z
66 7-19-46 .. .04 77 3.2 7.8 244 1 15 .0 .1 224 205 411 1 7.4 81 7-23-46 ... .06 80 3.8 11 248 1 24 .0 1.0 243 215 461 18 7.1
97)... ...----" 2-- 1 8---7 6
98) 3-24-481" .. .04 102 4.6 35 224 1 10 1 8- 3 23 17 7.0
127 7-15-57 ....-.-....- - -30 ... .... 961) 64 180 .... ...
151 7-16-57-----------. . ... .--- ----- 32 6691" 470 916 ----...
161 7-16-57-----------------.-.......... .... 605----------1,5401) 440 2,570 ----...
214 7-16-57-----------------------------------------92 ---443b 266 746
221 7-17-57 .. - -..570 1,450b 890 2,520
"Composite sample.
bResidue on evaporation at 180 0oC-other values for dissolved solids are sum of determined constituents.

TABLE 5. (Continued)
455... .. -17... 57.. ..... .. .. .. .. ...........35..234..186.398
85 -2-8 12 .0 70 .1.1720 6 .1 1b(g gg g(
657 6-14-57 14 .73 86 2.3 0. 4 272 .0 15 .0 262 224 459 27.4 750 7-18-57 23 340, 270 561 ..
- KAs
755 7-15-57 26 31229 176 384 76 3-15-5 ..0 1 218b 238 486
885 7-18-57 ...27 2241, 188 382 875 7-18-57 17 188b 67 240 894 7-17-57 478b 314 742 929 7-18-57 _526b 312 862 980 7-17-57 483b 322 802 986 8-1-5 24 .28 184 5 459 492 128 626 4 66 1,660 554 2,850 3 939 3-25-58 19 .02 109 3.4 7.4 1.4 262 1.8 16 .3 1 3841 266 588 21 7.4

The water from the shallow aquifer generally has a much lower mineral content than the artesian water and is more potable.
The hardness of water is commonly recognized as the soapconsuming property of water. It is the CaCO., equivalent of calcium, magnesium, and other cations having similar soapconsuming properties. The following table shows the hardness scale that is generally used by the U. S. Geological Survey in the classification of water.
Degree of
Hardness as CaCOn (ppm) hardness
0 to 60 .. Soft
61 to 120 Moderately hard
121 to 200 .. Hard
More than 200 ....--.. Very hard
None of the samples collected in Martin County can qualify as soft. Three samples are in the slightly hard range, five samples are in the hard range, and the rest, including all from the artesian aquifer, are in the very hard range. One of the three samples in the slightly hard range was collected from a shallow well developed in the sandhills in the vicinity of Jensen Beach and the other samples came from shallow wells developed in the sandhills near Jonathan Dickinson State Park.
Outside these two areas most of the water in Martin County is either hard or very hard, but it may be commonly softened for household use. The greatest hardness noted in the shallow aquifer was 554 ppm in water from well 986, near Indiantown, and the lowest was 64 ppm from well 127, south of Jonathan Dickinson State Park. The greatest hardness in the artesian water was 1,310 ppm in well 150 on the Harris ranch six miles south of Stuart, and the lowest was 220 ppm in well 172 on the Adams ranch four miles northwest of Indiantown.
The amount of dissolved solids in water is approximately equal to the amount of mineral matter that remains after a quantity of water is evaporated. The maximum amount recommended by

the U. S. Public Health Service for drinking water is 500 ppm, although as much as 1,000 ppm is permissible if water of better quality is not available. Water having a dissolved-solids concentration greater than 1,000 ppm probably would have a noticeable taste and also would be unsuitable for many industrial uses. Most of the water from the shallow aquifer in Martin County has a dissolved-solids concentration of less than 500 ppm (table 5). All samples of water from the artesian aquifer contained dissolved solids in excess of 500 ppm, and only four had less than 1,000 ppm; thus, the artesian water in most instances is not suitable for public or domestic supplies.
Specific conductance is a measure of water's ability to transmit an electric current. Distilled water and water of low mineral concentration is resistant to the conduction of electricity, whereas highly mineralized water conducts an electric current with relative ease.
The values for specific conductance can be used to estimate values for dissolved solids in the water samples from Martin County by multiplying by a factor of 0.6. The accuracy of the
. D,' oved s... d edu on oDssolVed sohods, residue on
e p-, a oQt.on of 180C evopotolhon ot 180 C
*Ossolved sohd sum of issolved solids, sum of
deter ted ConStauents dclermined Conshluenis
,, 4
Figure 20. Relation between specific conductance and dissolved solids in water samples from Martin County.

approximation is indicated by figure 20, which is a graph of specific conductance versus dissolved solids of samples for which both have been determined.
The hydrogen-ion concentration, expressed as pH, indicates whether the water is acid or alkaline. Values for pH higher than 7.0 indicate increasing alkalinity, and values lower than 7.0 indicate increasing acidity. A pH of 7.0 indicates a neutral solution.
Most of the water in the shallow aquifer is nearly neutral and only slightly alkaline. All water samples from the artesian aquifer except one were neutral or alkaline. This sample may have been contaminated or altered before analysis.
Iron differs from most other chemical constituents normally found in ground water, in that concentrations of only a few tenths of a part per million may cause the water to have a disagreeable taste and cause staining of fixtures, laundry, the outside of buildings, and even grass and shrubbery if it is used in a sprinkler type irrigation system. The iron remains in solution as a ferrous bicarbonate, Fe(HCO:,)2, and the water is clear until it is exposed to the atmosphere, whereupon the iron is oxidized to the ferric state and precipitates as the hydroxide Fe(OH)., or oxide Fe2O:,.
The U. S. Public Health Service recommends that the concentration of iron or iron and manganese together be under 0.3 ppm. Water having greater concentrations is not injurious to health, but will generally be unsatisfactory because of staining. The iron content of water from the shallow aquifer in Martin County ranges from 0.00 to 0.96 ppm. The occurrence of water having a high concentration of iron is unpredictable and may differ with depth as well as location. A well that produced iron-free water when it was first drilled may, with time and pumping, intercept water of high iron content from nearby areas.
Iron can be removed from water by aeration and filtration. Aeration exposes the water to the oxygen in the air and most of the iron is precipitated. The water is then passed through a filter, usually sand or charcoal, where the precipitate is removed.

Dissolved calcium and magnesium are responsible for most of the hardness of water. These elements are dissolved from limestone (predominantly calcium carbonate) and dolomite (predominantly calcium and magnesium carbonate), and from shell material incorporated in sand deposits.
Water in Martin County is most readily available in layers of carbonate rock and shell, which accounts for the generally high calcium-magnesium content of the water.
The calcium concentration (59 to 148 ppm) in the shallow aquifer is generally much higher than the magnesium concentration (2 to 30 ppm), indicating that most of the carbonate material in Martin County is limestone rather than dolomite.
The artesian aquifer is composed principally of limestone and contains only minor amounts of dolomite; however, the magnesium content of the water is about as high as the calcium content. This is because the artesian aquifer in Martin County has not been completely flushed of the sea water which entered it during the Pleistocene epoch when the ocean stood above its present level. The magnesium content of ocean water is much higher than the. calcium content; thus the high concentration of magnesium in the artesian water probably is the result of contamination by sea water rather than solution of dolomitic rock.
Small amounts of sodium and potassium are found in almost all natural water, and moderate amounts do not affect its potability. Large concentrations of these elements, however, make the water unsuitable for most purposes. The sodium concentration is usually much higher than the potassium concentration, and in tables of analyses one value is often given for both elements (tables 4, 5).
High concentrations of sodium are usually associated with contamination by salt water, since most of the sodium is associated with chloride in the form of salt solutions. Calculated values for sodium range from 1.2 to 459 ppm in samples from the shallow aquifer and from 200 to 984 ppm in samples from the artesian aquifer.
The total alkilinity of a water sample is the sum of its hydroxide (OH), carbonate (CO:,) and bicarbonate (HCO,) ions, expressed in terms of equivalent quantities of CaCO.. Bicarbonate

results from the solvent action of water containing carbon dioxide on carbonate rocks (CaCO3+H20+CO2---Ca(HCO) 2.
In the samples from the shallow aquifer in Martin County the bicarbonate content ranged from 120 to 548 ppm. The bicarbonate content of the artesian water (74 to 228 ppm) is generally lower than that of the shallow water.
The sulfate ion is of little significance in domestic water supplies, except where the concentration is so large (more than about 500 ppm) as to have a laxative effect. U. S. Public Health Service recommends that the concentration be no higher than 250 ppm in public water supplies. Industrial operators using steam boilers may consider high concentrations of sulfate objectionable if the water is high in calcium and magnesium, because of the character of the boiler scale produced.
Most of the water in the shallow aquifer in Martin County contains little sulfate. The range in the samples analyzed was from 0 to 39 ppm, except for a sample from well GS 23 (90 ft), which was 139 ppm, and one from well 936, which was 128 ppm. These samples may have been contaminated by trapped Pleistocene sea water, as the chloride contents were 238 and 626 ppm. Generally, a high sulfate concentration is associated with a high chloride content, although this is not always the case. The sulfate content of water in the artesian aquifer ranges from 188 to 336 ppm. The sulfates of calcium and magnesium cause noncarbonate hardness, which is more difficult to remove than carbonate hardness.
The chloride content of water is generally a good indication of the extent of contamination by salt water. The U.S. Public Health Service has set a limit of 250 ppm of chloride for public supplies, except where no other water is available. Water with a chloride content of 500 ppm begins to taste salty to most people, and water with a chloride content much in excess of 750 ppm will cause damage to plants, shrubs, and even grass, if it is used for a long period of time; occasional wettings with water of high chloride content probably would not be harmful to most grasses. A high chloride content makes water more corrosive. Chloride will be discussed more thoroughly under "Salt-Water Contamination."

Studies in some areas of the United States have shown that children who drink water that contains about one ppm of fluoride have fewer dental cavities than those who drink water with much less than one ppm (Black and Brown, 1951, p. 15). However, the presence of fluoride in concentrations of more than 1.5 ppm tends to mottle the enamel of the permanent teeth of young children who drink the water for a prolonged period of time. Only a few of the water samples from the shallow aquifer have been analyzed for fluoride content. In these samples it ranged from 0.0 to 0.4 ppm. The fluoride content of the artesian water ranges from 0.1 to 1.6 ppm.
A small amount of silica is present in almost all ground-water samples, but it is of relative unimportance, except in water in boilers, where it contributes to the formation of scale. Silica in two samples of water from the shallow aquifer was 14 ppm and 24 ppm (wells 657 and 936) and in one sample from the artesian aquifer was 17 ppm (well 186).
The presence of nitrate in excess of 50 ppm may be a contributing factor in the development of cyanosis, or methemoglobinemia, in infants (Black and Brown, 1951, p. 12). Most of the samples of water from the shallow aquifer contained less than two ppm of nitrate; however, two samples (from wells 9 and 936) contained 8.2 ppm and 6.6 ppm, respectively. The nitrate concentrations in water from the artesian aquifer were less than one ppm. The analyses indicate that nitrate is relatively unimportant in the water of Martin County.
Hydrogen sulfide is a gas which is held in solution in some ground water. Upon exposure to air some of the gas escapes and gives "sulfur water" its characteristic odor. Hydrogen sulfide is found in all water from the artesian aquifer in Martin County and in a few samples from isolated areas of the shallow aquifer. However, quantitative figures as to the amounts present are not

available. Most of the gas can be easily removed from water by aeration.
Color in water generally is due to the presence of organic material dissolved from organic matter with which the water comes in contact. Color is sometimes due to precipitated iron, the water usually being clear when it comes from the well but becoming colored upon exposure to the air. Organic color is present in the sample as collected and is usually accompanied by a moldy odor, which is a clue to its origin.
Color in water from the shallow aquifer in Martin County referred to units on the platinum cobalt scale ranges from 1 to 160 and is usually higher in the western part of the county than it is in the eastern part. The color in the water from the artesian aquifer ranges from one to five.
Collins (1925, p. 97-104) reported that "The temperature of ground water available for industrial supplies is generally from 20 to 30 F above the mean annual air temperature if the water is between 30 and 60 feet below the surface of the ground. An approximate average for the increase in temperature with depth is about 1OF for each 64 feet."
The mean annual temperature in Martin County is 75.20F (table 1), and the water temperature of the shallow aquifer would be expected to average about 77.50F. The actual average temperature of 120 water samples taken from the shallow aquifer was 75.50F. The readings ranged from a low of 70oF to a high of 820F in wells ranging in depth from 10 feet to 110 feet. The temperature of the water in the shallow aquifer varies with the seasons, the greater variance being in the water close to the surface. Water temperatures from individual wells are listed in table 8.
The temperature of the water from the artesian aquifer ranges from 750 to 910F (fig. 21). If the above statement by Collins were valid for Martin County, the temperatures should range from 870F in the north-central part of the county, where the aquifer is nearest the ground surface (fig. 6) to 940F in the southeastern part of the county, where the aquifer is deepest. Instead, the coolest water (750 F) is found in the eastern part of the county, and the

C X)l P L A N AT F Vi.' "s t V
WI~li;~lI I..lld,-\ i'% IX .,.. . ,. _,. ._ ,. _.. .._,.-, --- "r
-,/ I .T~ {,. .". *r 'ur -IN
-~ ~ V i1.
Figure 21. Temperature of water in artesian wells in Martin County.

warmest water (910F) is found in the north-central part. The temperature of the artesian water in Martin County does not seem to be controlled by the depth of the well. Wells 186 and 747, in the north-central part of the county, are about the same depth and only three miles apart, yet the water in well 186 is 910F while that in well 747 is only 810F. The low temperature of the artesian water in the eastern part of the county may be due to the cooling effect of the ocean water, but that does not explain the temperature differences in other parts of the county. The radioactivity of the water (well 186, table 5) may be a factor; however, further investigation including additional analyses of radioactivity of water from different parts of Martin County will be needed to determine the cause of the temperature differences.
Salt-water contamination of the water in an aquifer is usually the result of encroachment of ocean water. In Martin County there are two major types of salt-water contamination: (1) recent contamination, where the salt water is in dynamic equilibrium with the fresh water, and the salt front fluctuates in accordance with changes in fresh-water head in the aquifer, and (2) contamination during the Pleistocene epoch, wherein ocean water entered the aquifer when the sea level was higher than it is at present and most of Florida was covered by the ocean. A third type of contamination may be due to connate sea water that was trapped in the sediments at the time of deposition; this type probably is not very important in Martin County.
Recent encroachment of salt water is restricted to a relatively narrow strip of land bordering the ocean and other bodies of salt water. The relationship between fresh water and sea water was first investigated by William Badon-Ghyben in 1887 and apparently independently by Alexander Herzberg about 1900 (Brown, 1925, p. 16). These investigators found that in an area such as a small island or narrow peninsula the fresh water floats upon the salt water. This occurs because the density of fresh water is lower than that of sea water. The amount of fresh water below mean sea level is a function of the height of the fresh water
above mean sea level, and the density of the sea water (fig. 22).

Figure 22. Relation between salt water and fresh water according to the Ghyben-Herzborg theory.
h=depth of fresh water below mean sea level; t=height of fresh water above mean sea level;
g-specific gravity of sea water,
1.0-specific gravity of fresh water
The formula is illustrated in figure 22 which compares the occurrence of fresh water and sea water in a small island or narrow peninsula, with a large imaginary U-tube having one leg beneath the land and one leg in the sea. In such a U-tube the column of water which has a height of h+t will balance the column of sea water with a height h. The ratio of the heights of the columns of fresh and sea water is equal to the ratio of their specific gravities. That is h = which reduces to the above formula.
The specific gravity of sea water is about 1.025. When this value is substituted in the above equation, then h=40t. This indicates that the depth of fresh water below mean sea level is 40 times the height of the water table above mean sea level, or, stated simply, for each foot that the water table stands above oe'a

141 Chloride content
O U-8p'5" (parts per million) R 41 E rg Well,Upper number O-r * is number of well; 0-30 lower number is 8 6 depth of well 7oo 7.
31-100 56 53 ACH 101-250 3T 37 64
More than 1000 1 77 o 7 a R 37E R38E R R39E R40E St. L
I B7 a ~iSTUAR o10m/ I'i
I'a i
0 a
,8 ,I AI
-9 c- -- 7 iWG34 dO i IDA OWN93 __ 'T.- '
- T. . ,-',
O 0 2 4
Figure 23. Chloride content of water in representative wells in the shallow aqu fer of Martin County.
,.1 ()'M 297 2
40 9 Is 41 'w
M,3f C 4,, 54 29
';'~~ 43 "R3 N1- 1 51 7, Al 3
17 8 5 Et -- R 0 I3 4 E < . .R 2
7%CL I38 MIE U 17 le 21 I 1iue 1.6lrd otn fwte nrpeettv el nte hlo qe fMri ony

sea level, the fresh water will extend an additional 40 feet below sea level.
Further research by Hubbert (1940, p. 924), Glover (1959), and Henry (1959) has shown that under natural conditions this ratio is somewhat modified by the movement of the water, especially where the slope of the water table is steep. Variations in the composition of the water-bearing material and the salinity of the salt water can also produce modifications of the 1 to 40 ratio (Kohout and Hoy, 1953, and Cooper, 1959). The modifications are usually relatively minor and the Ghyben-Herzberg ratio is useful in estimating the minimum depth to salt water in areas adjacent to sea water.
The contact between fresh and salt water is gradational through a zone of diffusion in which the water gradually increases in salinity with depth. The zone of diffusion is formed by the mixing action caused by the fluctuation of the water table, the rise and fall of the tides, and the molecular diffusion of the salt water. The thickness of the zone of diffusion is variable. Parker (1945, p. 539) reports a thickness of about 60 feet in the Miami area and in Martin County it is probably about the same.
The concentration of chloride in the ground water is generally a reliable index to the degree of salt-water contamination, because more than 90 percent of the dissolved solids in ocean water are chloride salts. One or more chloride determinations have been made of water samples from 771 wells in Martin County. Locations of representative wells and the chloride content of their water are shown in figures 23, 24, and 26. Results of determinations of chloride content are shown in table 8.
Stuart Area
Salt water may enter the shallow aquifer in the Stuart area from either of two sources: (1) by lateral encroachment from bodies of sea water, including the St. Lucie River, the Manatee Pocket, and tidal creeks and canals, and (2) by upward movement of salt water from the artesian aquifer.
The most concentrated withdrawals of ground water in the county are made in and near the city of Stuart, and some saltwater encroachment has occurred in isolated areas during periods of dry weather. Water samples were collected from several hundred wells in the Stuart area for determinations of chloride content (fig. 24). Those wells yielding water having an appreciable chloride content were sampled periodically to detect

t It
Firure 24. Chloride content of water from shallow wlls 1n Stuart are
any variations (table 6). In most cases the fluctuations are caused by variations in the amount of rainfall in the area or in the amount of pumping. Usually it is a combination of the two, because more ground water is needed for irrigation during dry periods, as in 1955, and less during wet periods, as in 1947-48.
In a few cases, notably in wells 647 and 722, the chloride content of the water dropped during a dry period, owing to the cessation of pumping in the old city well field and the plugging of a leaky artesian well, well 128 (fig. 4). Wells 619 and 654 showed

TABLE 0. Chloride Concentrations in Water Samples from Selected Wells
Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm)
100 47 Sept. 20, 1940 110 Oct. 7, 1940 181 Dec. 10, 1946 188 Feb. 6, 1947 124 Mar. 18, 1947 153 Apr. 24, 1047 118 May 12, 1947 104 June 25, 1947 111 Mar. 10, 1948 104 June 10, 1948 89 Sept. 15, 1948 94 Dec. 10, 1948 74 Feb. 11, 1949 110 July 1, 1949 118 Aptr. 27, 1052 185 Jan. 28, 1955 101 May 11, 1955 106 June 29, 1955 148 105 88 Aug. 13, 1946 34 Sept. 20, 1940 27 Nov. 7, 1940 41 Dee,. 19, 1946 07 Feb. 6, 1947 53 Mar. 18, 1947 40
June 25, 1947 49 Mar. 10, 1948 87 June 10, 1948 61 Sept, 15, 1948 87 Dec. 10, 1948 27 Feb. 11, 1949 03 Apr. 7, 1950 188 Jan. 18, 1951 102 Aug. 21, 1951 109 Mar. 27, 1952 107 858 80 July 28, 1958 545 Jan. 20, 1955 670 June 80, 1955 580 Aug. 10, 1955 080 862 29 Aug. 4, 1958 85 Jan. 21, 1955 615 June 80, 1955 1,870 Aug. 10, 1955 2,020 Sept. 8, 1955 1,980

Table 6. (Continued)
Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm)
515 60 Oct. 6, 1953 106 Jan. 11, 1955 131 Apr. 20, 1955 123 June 29, 1955 121 Sept. 5, 1955 157 Oct. 5, 1955 117
518 57 Oct. 6, 1953 46 Jan. 10, 1955 160 Jan. 27, 1955 103 Apr. 20, 1955 87 May. 11, 1955 80 June 29, 1955 96
Aug. 16, 1955 132 Sept. 7, 1955 136 520 35 Oct. 6, 1953 64 Jan. 10, 1955 66 Apr. 20, 1955 75 June 29, 1955 83 Sept. 7, 1955 79
523 45 Oct. 6, 1953 53 Jan. 10, 1955 36
Apr. 20, 1955 33 June 10, 1955 32 Sept. 7, 1955 36 525 49 Oct. 6, 1953 91 Jan. 10, 1955 85 Apr. 20, 1955 95 Sept. 7, 1955 124
588 50 Oct. 22, 1953 265 Jan. 10, 1955 328 Apr. 20, 1955 258 June 29, 1955 400
500 20 Oct. 22, 1953 45 Jan. 10, 1955 67 Apr. 20, 1955 67 June 29, 1955 70
597 15 Nov. 9, 1953 40 Jan. 10, 1955 36 Apr. 20, 1955 39 June 29, 1955 29

Table 6. (Continued)
Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm)
608 58 Nov. 23, 1953 100 Jan. 10, 1955 88 Apr. 20, 1955 87 June 29, 1955 80
619 57 Apr. 15, 1955 550 June 29, 1955 700 Aug. 16, 1955 650 Sept. 7, 1955 645 Oct. 7, 1955 650
620 56 May 11, 1955 42 June 29, 1955 43 Aug. 16, 1955 49 Sept. 7, 1955 47
622 56 Apr. 20, 1955 20 May 11, 1955 16 June 29, 1955 18 Aug. 16, 1955 15 Sept. 7, 1955 43
637 15 Jan. 11, 1955 245 Apr. 29, 1955 48 June 30, 1955 32
638 38 Apr. 20, 1955 230 June 29, 1955 272 Aug. 16, 1955 352
642 45 Apr. 20, 1955 56 June 29, 1955 76 Aug. 16, 1955 65
647 113 Apr. 15, 1955 98 June 29, 1955 40 Sept. 7, 1955 34
654 63 Feb. 3, 1955 197 Apr. 20, 1955 312 June 29, 1955 348 Sept. 7, 1955 348 Oct. 5, 1955 280
687 60 Apr. 19, 1955 775 June 29, 1955 780 Aug. 16, 1955 810

Table 6. (Continued)
Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm)
720 104 Apr. 22, 1955 9,180
84 Apr. 23, 1955 19 May 11, 1955 14
May 23, 1955 15
June 29, 1955 30
Aug. 16, 1955 15
Sept. 7, 1955 15
722 112 Apr. 20, 1955 78 May 26, 1955 61
June 29, 1955 37
Sept. 7, 1955 27
734 84 June 30, 1955 176 Aug. 16, 1955 940
Sept. 8, 1955 930
Oct. 7, 1955 1,430
735 69 June 30, 1955 34 Sept. 8, 1955 94
Oct. 7, 1955 185
Nov. 2, 1955 307
an increase and then a decrease in the chloride content of the water in 1955 (table 6). The decrease was probably caused by the flushing of the salty artesian water from the aquifer.
Contamination from Surface-Water Bodies. Encroachment from the St. Lucie River and the Manatee Pocket is not extensive at present. It has occurred only in areas near the coast, and no encroachment has been found more than half a mile from the river. The fresh-water head is high close to the shoreline, and in many places fresh water can be obtained from wells within 100 feet of salt-water bodies. It is reported that fresh water has been obtained from wells driven in the river bottom, but the writer has not confirmed this.
Heavy pumping in the areas adjacent to the St. Lucie River may cause sufficient lowering of the water table to allow salt water to invade the fresh-water zone. Water of high chloride content was detected in well 720, about 1,500 feet from the St. Lucie River, about midway between the river and the water-plant

well field. When the well was drilled, water containing 9,180 ppm of chloride was encountered at a depth of 104 feet. The well casing was immediately pulled back 20 feet, to a depth of 84 feet, where the chloride content of the water was only 19 ppm. A layer of fine sand between 84 and 104 feet apparently acts as a confining bed, because no appreciable increase in the chloride content occurred after several months of intermittent pumping to irrigate a lawn. It is believed that the salinity of the water in well 720 is the result of direct encroachment from the St. Lucie River, caused by heavy pumping at the water-plant and ball-park well fields. However, when well 622, in the city ball-park well field, was deepened from 56 feet to 115 feet the chloride content of the water decreased slightly, from 36 to 20 ppm, indicating that encroachment had not reached the vicinity of the well field at the ball park. The water in well 722, 600 feet east of the city water plant and 600 feet from the St. Lucie River, contained 78 ppm of chloride at a depth of 112 feet, indicating that encroachment of water of high chloride content had not reached the vicinity of the well field at the water plant. The salt-water front is probably now stationary or is being pushed back toward the river because of the increase of fresh-water head due to the cessation of pumping of the city water-plant and ball-park fields. The position of the salt-water front cannot be determined accurately because of the lack of deep observation wells.
Some salt-water encroachment is occurring along the eastern side of the Stuart area immediately adjacent to the St. Lucie River and the Manatee Pocket. A relatively high, discontinuous ridge parallels the eastern shoreline and is flanked on the west by low, swampy land. The lowland'is drained by streams and ditches that flow parallel to the ridge until they reach gaps where they cross the ridge and discharge into the St. Lucie River and Manatee Pocket. They reduce the fresh-water head under the ridge by intercepting recharge from inland areas and depleting ground-water storage beneath the ridge. Streams are also subject to contamination during low ground-water stages and high tides. Even moderate pumping in such an area results in movement of salt water into the aquifer. The chloride content of the water in well 362 in this area (fig. 3) increased from 35 ppm in 1953 to more than 2,000 ppm in 1955 (table 6). This locality is especially vulnerable to contamination because of its proximinity to a drainage canal.
Contamination from Artesian Aquifer. The beds of relatively impermeable clay and fine sand of the Hawthorn formation act as

an effective barrier to the vertical migration of salt water from the artesian aquifer, except where the beds have been punctured by wells. In the Stuart area, the artesian water contains between 800 and 4,500 ppm of chloride and is under a pressure head of about 40 feet above the land surface. If this water were allowed to flow freely at the surface it could contaminate the fresh water in the shallow aquifer. The artesian water is highly corrosive, and, after a period of years, it may corrode the casings of the wells and create perforations through which the salty water can escape into the fresh-water aquifer even though the top of the well is tightly capped. An electric log, made by the Florida Geological Survey, of well 128, an artesian well within 300 feet of the Stuart waterplant well field, indicated many breaks in the casing at various intervals below the land surface. Salt water escaping through holes in the casing of this well is believed to be the source of chloride contamination in the old well field. The contamination could not be direct encroachment from the river because wells of the same depth as the municipal wells and situated a few hundred feet from the river bank, directly between the well field and the river, yielded water whose chloride content was lower than that in the municipal wells.
Evidence to support this conclusion was noted after the waterplant and ball-park well fields were shut down. The water in certain wells in the area increased markedly in chloride content and when the data were plotted on a map, the wells in which an increase had occurred formed a fan-shaped pattern extending downgradient from the artesian well, the axis of the pattern closely paralleling the direction of the ground-water flow. The water in well 619, nearest the artesian well, had the greatest increase in chloride content, whereas that in wells farther away showed a smaller increase. Water in wells outside the area did not change appreciably. The observed changes in chloride concentration probably were caused by leakage of salty water from the artesian well. Prior to the shutting down of the water-plant well field, most of the salty artesian water was being drawn into the supply wells, where it was diluted by fresh water from within the area affected by pumping.
Well 128 was filled with cement on April 25, 1955, the day that pumping ceased in the water-plant well field, and the salty water in the aquifer after that time was artesian water which had not been flushed away. This residual artesian water moved downgradient and was diluted by fresh water. As the salty water was

dispersed, the water from wells downgradient from the artesian well became fresher.
Jensen Beach and Rocky Point
Little or no salt-water encroachment has occurred in the Jensen Beach area from the St. Lucie County line southward to Sewall Point (fig. 5). Most wells in this area are sandpoint wells, 15 to 20 feet deep, and some are only a few feet from the Indian River. The high fresh-water heads that are maintained in the sandhills of the area keep the salt water from moving into the shallow aquifer. Much of the ground water discharges into the Indian and the St. Lucie rivers, through a zone extending from slightly above the shoreline to points some distance from the river banks (fig. 25). The upward seepage of fresh water along the river bottoms makes it possible to obtain fresh ground water immediately adjacent to the salt-water bodies. In some instances shallow wells drilled a short distance out in the rivers may yield
Figure 25. Discharge of fresh water into a salt-water body.

fresh water. These wells would probably pass out of the fresh water into salt water if they were drilled deeper,
A similar situation exists in the area west of the Intracoastal Waterway from Rocky Point southward to the Palm Beach County line (fig. 5). The fresh-water head is high enough along the coastal ridge to depress the salt front beyond the river banks in most areas.
Sewall Point
Sewall Point is a narrow peninsula almost surrounded by salt water. The source of the natural fresh water on the point is the rain that falls on and immediately north of the peninsula. The rainfall is rapidly absorbed by the permeable surface sand and much of it reaches the water table. However, as Sewall Point is very narrow, ground water has to travel only 500 to 1,000 feet to points of discharge.
The average height of the water table in the Sewall Point area is probably less than a foot above mean sea level, and from 15 to 30 feet below land surface. In accordance with the GhybenHerzberg ratio, this indicates a maximum of about 40 feet of fhesh water beneath most of the peninsula. In the northern part, where the water table probably is slightly higher than in the rest of the peninsula, a sample of water with a chloride content of 14,500 ppm was obtained at 70 feet below mean sea level in well 903 (fig,8). Salt water was also reported at about 75 feet in a well drilled near well 809. Most wells extend only a few feet below mean sea level, so there is a considerable amount of fresh water beneath the bottom of the well. However, under conditions of sustained, heavy pumping the water table will decline below sea level and the salt water will rise and move laterally and vertically toward the well. (See "Quantitative Studies," p. 45.) Eventually, the water from the zone of diffusion may enter the well and temporarily destroy the usefulness of the well. This usually happens during prolonged periods of deficient rainfall when the aquifer received little or no recharge and the demand for water is great. With the cessation of pumping or the occurrence of heavy rainfall, the salt water will gradually move outward and downward in the aquifer.
A long period of deficient rainfall occurred during 1955-56. Analyses of water samples collected in June 1956 from many wells on Sewall Point show that salt water had encroached into the aquifer. Well 816, which is actually four closely spaced wells connected in manifold, was heavily pumped for lawn irrigation:

and had the highest chloride content (1,000 ppm) on Sewall Point. In addition, well 816 is quite close to wells 98 and 814, which were being pumped. The combined pumpage of the wells in the small area lowered the water table sufficiently to allow the salt water to move in.
Hultchinson Island
The hydrologic conditions on Hutchinson Island are somewhat similar to those on Sewall Point except that the land is narrower and the land-surface altitudes are much lower. Consequently, the average altitude of the water table is lower than it is on Sewall Point, probably only a few inches above mean sea level.
Wells in many places on the island are still in fresh water a foot or so below the water table; however, even moderate pumping reduces ground-water levels below sea level and allows salty water to enter the well. Small supplies of water for domestic purposes might be developed in the most favorable locations on the island, but even these would be subject to contamination during prolonged drought periods.
Jupiter Island
The fresh-water lens on Jupiter Island is thicker than that on Hutchinson Island, but not as thick as it is on Sewall Point. The island ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 feet in width and from 0 to 30 feet in land-surface altitude,-greater than Hutchinson Island, but narrower and lower than Sewall point. Differences in the geologic and hydrologic conditions of the three insular areas probably account for some of the differences in the relative thickness of the fresh-water lenses.
Seven wells were inventoried and sampled during the investigation of Jupiter Island in August 1956. Water samples from four wells had chloride concentrations ranging between 570 and 1,190 ppm and samples from three wells had chloride concentrations ranging between 57 and 61 ppm. The three wells containing the smaller concentrations were near the golf course and were probably receiving recharge from the large quantities of fresh water used to irrigate the fairways and greens. Most of the water used on Jupiter Island is piped across Hobe Sound and the Intracoastal Waterway from wells on the mainland.

When Martin County and the rest of south Florida emerged from the ocean after the last major advance of the sea, all the land was saturated with salt water. Rain falling on the land and moving through the ground has gradually carried most of the salt water back to the ocean. The rate at which the salt water is carried away depends upon the rate at which the water can move through the ground. This in turn depends on the slope of the water table or piezometric surface and the permeability of the material.
Shallow Aquifer. Most of the Pleistocene sea water has been flushed from the shallow aquifer in Martin County. The residual Pleistocene sea water that has not been flushed out is mostly in the lower part of the aquifer, especially in the western part of the county. The shallow aquifer in the area of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge has been almost flushed of sea water, probably because of the generally steep slope of the water table and the high permeability of the material. West of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge and at considerable distances from present salt-water bodies, are many areas where salty water occurs in the lower part of the aquifer. One such area is east of Indiantown at the site of the Westbury Farm horse-training track. Analyses of water samples from wells 934, 935, and 936 (fig. 4) show that the chloride content of the water in general increases with depth in the aquifer. The chloride concentrations were as follows: at 22 feet, 32 ppm; at 44 feet. 42 ppm; at 63 feet, 86 ppm; at 86 feet, 810 ppm; and at 108 feet, 615 ppm.
The permeability of the material at 86 feet is quite high, but that between 60 and 80 feet is very low. Possibly, the rainwater cannot move rapidly through the relatively impermeable material between 60 and 80 feet to clear the 86-foot stratum of its salt contact. The area is very flat and is near the poorly defined divide between water draining toward Lake Okeechobee and water draining toward the Loxahatchee River and the Atlantic Ocean. This tends to create a water table with very little slope and consequently there is little ground-water flow.
Another example of apparent residual Pleistocene sea water is shown by data from well 161. This well (117 feet deep) is near the shore of Lake Okeechobee and yields water with a chloride content of 650 ppm (fig. 23). The water from a nearby well (of unknown depth) has a chloride content of 805 ppm. The geologic

and hydrologic conditions of this area probably are similar to those near the Westbury Farm racetrack.
Artesian Aquifer. The piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County is about 50 feet above mean sea level at the present time. In accordance with the Ghyben-Herzberg ratio this pressure head should be sufficient to insure at least 2,000 feet of fresh water below sea level. Artesian wells in Martin County range in depth from 700 to 1,485 feet; therefore, it appears that the high chloride content of the water (fig. 26) is due to contamination during the Pleistocene epoch rather than recent encroachment of sea water.
Analyses of water samples taken at 5-foot intervals during the drilling of wells 841 and 910 showed that the chloride content of the water decreased with increasing depth in the aquifer. In well 841, south of Stuart, the chloride content decreased from 4,050 ppm at 845 feet to 2,900 ppm at 1,057 feet. In well 910, northwest of Indiantown, the chloride content decreased from 935 ppm at 850 feet to 770 ppm at 1,096 feet. The water will probably be saltier again at greater depths. Very salty water was reported at a depth of 1,800 feet in a well at the Adams ranch north of Indiantown, but the well was sealed off at 1,100 feet before a sample could be taken.
It appears that there are relatively fresh and salty zones within the artesian aquifer. The fresh zones probably correlate with the permeable strata, and the salty zones with the relatively impermeable strata. Unfortunately, data are not sufficient to define accurately the zones of fresh water. It might prove profitable during drilling to analyze the water at different depths in the aquifer, so that the salty zones can be recognized and sealed off, and, thus, develop only the fresher zones in the well.
The artesian aquifer in Martin County in 1957 contained a certain amount of salt water. The quality of the water should improve as the salty water is discharged and replaced by fresh water from the recharge area. However, considering the great thickness and areal extent of the aquifer and the amount of salty water in storage in the aquifer, a considerable amount of time will have to elapse before any improvement is noticed.
All public and most domestic supplies of water in Martin County are obtained from ground-water sources. In addition,

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ground water is used extensively for irrigation, stock watering, industry, and air conditioning.
Three towns in Martin County have public water supplies: Stuart, Hobe Sound, and Indiantown. In 1957 Stuart obtained its supply from three wells (657, 723, and 724) developed in the shallow aquifer, and the pumpage in 1957 totaled 103 million gallons (table 7). Hobe Sound obtained its water from six wells located in the sandhills near Jonathan Dickinson State Park. Water from the town of Hobe Sound is pumped across the Intracoastal Waterway to the town of Jupiter Island because no large dependable supplies are available on Jupiter Island. The total pumpage in 1957 for Hobe Sound is not available. Indiantown obtained its water supply from 10 shallow wells and pumpage in 1957 was about 3.5 million gallons.
Irrigation and stock watering probably account for the largest withdrawals of ground water in Martin County.
Water from the shallow aquifer is used for irrigation by the flower growers in the Stuart area, by farmers growing vegetables, citrus fruits, watermelons, potatoes, etc., and Py ranchers for pastureland, stock watering, and feed crops.
Approximately 80 artesian wells have been drilled in Martin County for various types of irrigation and other uses. Many of the wells were originally drilled for irrigating such crops as tomatoes and watermelons. The land is often farmed for only one or two years, after which it is seeded for pasture. The wells are then used to irrigate the pasture and water the stock. The total use of artesian water for irrigation may be as much as 10 mgd during the dry season; however, during the rainy season most wells are turned off.
The shallow aquifer is the main source of water for the many small wells used to irrigate lawns and shrubbery. The greatest concentration of these wells is in and around the city of Stuart. A small amount of water from the artesian aquifer is used for lawn irrigation.
Small quantities of ground water are used in other activities, such as industrial and cooling processes, and for swimming pools.

TABLE 7. Pumpage from Stuart Well Field, in Millions of Gallons Per Month
Year Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec. Total
1941 2.63 2.77 3.23 2.89 2.70 2.82 2.48 2.68 2.57 2.69 2.91 2.62 82.98
1942 3.26 8.54 3.29 3.26 3.67 3.24 3.40 3.30 3.06 3.47 3.48 3.53 40.51
1943 3.53 8.42 3.57 3.62 3.80 3.57 3.49 3.61 3.44 3.63 3.74 3.94 43.35
1944 3.93 4.04 4.41 4.36 4.38 4.29 3.88 3.50 3.40 3.23 3.28 3.63 46.31
1945 3.86 3.60 4.25 3.89 3.71 3.34 3.02 3.28 3.12 3.11 3.18 3.64 42.00 0
1946 3.91 3.85 4.00 4.30 3.40 2.94 3.05 3.21 3.16 3.80 3.55 3.86 43.04
1947 4.14 3.74 3.98 3.61 3.77 8.11 3.48 3.50 3.10 3.27 3.29 3.50 42.47 o
1948 3.61 4.36 5.00 4.56 4.14 3.74 3.53 3.41 3.25 3.79 4.04 4.22 47.65
1949 4.32 4.17 4.77 4.27 3.94 3.13 3.34 2.83 3.96 3.58 3.74 4.01 46.05
1950 4.00 4.84 5.18 4.56 4.79 4.12 4.15 4.28 5.00 4.90 4.81 5.78 56.43
1951 6.08 5.71 6.73 5.30 6.73 5.18 4.27 5.43 4.19 3.68 4.55 5.01 62.86
1952 6.11 5.39 4.76 4.98 5.20 5.39 5.54 5.75 5.59 5.90 5.59 5.56 65.74
1953 6.34 5.85 6.35 6.18 6.47 5.37 5.93 5.34 5.44 5.03 5.23 5.90 69.42 t
1954 6.42 6.65 6.75 6.48 6.40 6.26 5.89 6.70 5.82 6.34 6.75 7.57 78.02
1955 8.32 7.23 8.21 7.54 8.15 7.91 6.85 7.11 6.67 7.55 7.95 7.57 91.07
1956 8.19 8.08 8.23 7.23 7.38 7.26 7.33 7.37 6.78 7.10 7.62 9.32 91.89
1957 9.24 9.19 9.57 8.05 8.30 8.08 7.96 7.77 7.95 8.32 9.33 9.08 102.83

The principal source of fresh water in Martin County is a shallow nonartesian aquifer which extends from the land surface to a depth of about 150 feet. This aquifer is composed of sand, thin limestone layers, and shell beds. It is nonuniform in its waterbearing properties but generally is more permeable in the eastern part of the county than in the western part. The aquifer in the western part of Martin County has only been partially explored and it may contain large quantities of water. In general, only a small part of the potential yield of the shallow aquifer was being used in 1957.
Salt-water encroachment into the shallow aquifer has not been extensive but it is a problem in areas bordering bodies of salt water, such as Sewall Point and Hutchinson and Jupiter Islands. Leaky artesian wells also have caused salt-water contamination in a few areas. Diluted sea water that entered during the Pleistocene epoch remains trapped in some parts of the shallow aquifer in western Martin County.
The artesian aquifer is composed of limestones of Eocene age that range from 600 to 800 feet below the surface. Large quantities of water are available from this aquifer but the water is usually highly mineralized. The degree of mineralization differs in different areas of the county and in different zones within the aquifer. The dissolved solids range from 674 to 7,400 ppm and the chloride concentrations range from 252 to 4,050 ppm. The fresh-water zones within the aquifer probably correspond to the more permeable layers and lie between saltier less permeable zones. Few wells tap the artesian aquifer in Martin County and much water of fair to poor quality could be developed.
Applin, Esther R.
1945 (and Jordan, Louise) Diagnostic Foraminifera from subsurface
formations in Florida: Jour. Paleontology, v. 19, no. 2, p. 129148, pls. 18-21.
Black, A. P.
1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters
-1951: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and
Research, Paper 6.
1953 (and Brown, Eugene, and Pearce, J. M.) Salt-water intrusion in
Florida-1958: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey
and Research, Paper 9.

Brown, Eugene (see Black, A. P.) Brown, John S.
1925 A study of coastal ground water, with special reference to
Connecticut: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 537.
Collins, W. D.
1925 Temperatures of water available for industrial use in the United
States: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 520-F.
1928 (and Howard, C. S.) Chemical character of waters of Florida:
U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-G.
Cooke, C. W. (see also Parker, G. G.)
1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29.
Cooper, H. H., Jr.
1959 A hypothesis concerning the dynamic balance of fresh and salt
water in a coastal aquifer: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 64, no.
4, 461-467.
Davis, John H., Jr.
1943 The natural features of southern Florida, especially the vegetation and the Everglades: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 25. Ferguson, G. E. (see Parker, G. G.)
Glover, R. E.
1959 The pattern of fresh-water flow in a coastal aquifer: Jour.
Geophys. Research, v. 64, no. 4, p. 457-459.
Hantush, M. C.
1955 (and Jacob, C. E.) Nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky
aquifer: Am. Geophys. Union, v. 36, no. 1, p. 95-100.
1956 Analysis of data from pumping tests in leaky aquifers: Am.
Geophys. Union Trans. v. 37, no. 6, p. 702-714.
Henry, R. H.
1959 Salt intrusion into fresh-water aquifers: Jour. Geophys. Research,
v. 64, no. 11, p. 1911-1919.
Howard, C. S. (see Collins, W. D.)
Hoy, N. D. (see Kohout, F. A.)
Hubbert, M. K.
1940 The theory of ground-water motion: Jour. Geology, v. 48, no.
8, pt. 1, p. 785-944.
Jacob, C. E. (see Hantush, M. C.)
Jordan, Louise (see Applin, Esther R.)
Kohout, F. A.
1953 (and Hoy, N. D.) Research on salt-water encroachment in the
Miami area, Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file rept (dupl.).

Lichtler, W. F.
1957 Ground-water resources of the Stuart area, Martin County,
Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 12.
Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G.) MacNeil, F. S.
1950 Pleistocene shorelines in Florida and Georgia: U. S. Geol. Survey
Prof. Paper 221-F, p. 95-107. Mansfield, W. C.
1939 Notes on the upper Tertiary and Pleistocene mollusks of
peninsular Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 18. Matson, G. C.
1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and groundwaters of Florida:
U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319. Meinzer, O. E.
1923 The occurrence of ground water in the United States, with a
discussion of principles: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper
Parker, G. G.
1944 (and Cooke, C. W.) Late Cenozoic geology of southern Florida,
with a discussion of the ground water: Florida Geol. Survey
Bull. 27.
1945 Salt-water encroachment in southern Florida: Am. Water Works
Assoc. Jour., v. 37, no. 6, p. 526-542.
1950 (and Stringfield, V. T.) Effects of earthquakes, trains, tides,
winds, and atmospheric pressure changes on water in the geologic formations of southern Florida: Econ. Geology, v. 45,
no. 5, p. 441-460.
1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the
Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 43, no. 10.
1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources
of southeastern Florida, with special reference to the geology and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 1255.
Pearce, J. M. (see Black, A. P.)
Puri, H. S.
1953 Zonation of the Ocala group in peninsular Florida (abstract):
Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 23, no. 2.
1957 Stratigraphy and zonation of the Ocala group: Florida Geol.
Survey Bull. 38.
Sanford, Samuel (see Matson, G. C.)
Sellards, E. H.
1919 Geologic sections across the Everglades of Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey 12th Ann. Rept., p. 67-76.

Stringfield, V. T. (see also Parker, G. G.)
1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U. S. Geol. Survey
Water-Supply Paper 773-C.
Theis, C. V.
1935 The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface
and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., pt. 2, p. 519-524.
1938 The significance and nature of the cone of depression in groundwater bodies: Econ. Geol6gy, v. 33, no. 8.
U. S. Geological Survey, Water levels and artesian pressures in observation
wells in the United States, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, Pt.
2. Southeastern States: Water-Supply Papers 1166, 1192, 1222,
1266, 1322, and 1405.
Vernon, R. O.
1951 Geology of Citrus and Levy counties, Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey Bull. 33.
Wenzel, L. K.
1942 Methods for determining permeability of water-bearing materials,
with special reference to discharging-well methods, with a section on direct laboratory methods and bibliography on permeability and laminar flow, by V. C. Fishel: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 887.
Well 143
(NW14SW%4 see. 9, T. 38 S., R. 40 E.)
Depth, in feet
Material below land surface
No sample ---------- -- - ---------- --------- ---- ------. 0- 30
Anastasia formation:
Sand, brown, quartz, coarse to very coarse, average coarse,
rounded to subrounded, frosted, with a few grains of
smoky quartz; a few mollusk fragments ----------------- 30- 42
Shell fragments and quartz sand; the sand ranges from fine
to grit, rounded to subangular, frosted to clear, and contains small clusters of quartz grains cemented together with crystalline calcite; well-worn light to dark shell fragments containing numerous fragments of
Donar sp., some of which show traces of original color. -------42- 63
As above, plus some gray-brown micaceous, sandy clay
containing foraminiferas, Elphidium sp., Nonion sp., and
others ----- -----------. ------ -------------- ------- 63-105
As above, plus some white to gray-brown very sandy, hard
limestone --.. ...- ---....-- ---......... ........-- 105-147

Depth, in feet
Material below land surface
No sample ------... -----. -- -- 147-186
Sand, light green, quartz, medium to very coarse, rounded,
clear to frosted; mollusk fragments, coral, echinoid spines 1864-188
Caloosahatchee (?) marl:
Limestone, gray-brown, hard to soft clayey, very sandy
calcitic, and some light green quartz sand and shells ---------188-209
Tamiami formation:
As above plus foraminifers, Amphiategina lessonii ---.- ---- 209-230
Sand, gray, quartz, medium to coarse, rounded, clear; a few
grains are smoky; some clay and many fragments of
pelecypods, gastropods, and coral ---------- ----------------- 230-252
Shell fragments and sand as above, plus some very dark
olive-drab montmorillonite clay ------------------- 252-273
No sample ......... .. ------------------------273-294
Hawthorn formation:
Clay, very dark olive-drab, micaceous, nonplastic; very fine
sand and white mollusk fragments ----------------------------- 294-336
No sample .--------------- ------- -- --- --.... -- .. 336-339
As at 294-336 feet, plus some nonplastic cream colored clay;
mollusk fragments; foraminifers, Robulus americanus,
Uvigerina sp., and others ------ ----- ------- - ------ - 339-420
As above, plus Cibicides concentrious .-..... ---..- -- -- 420-441
As above, plus some cream, hard to soft, dense, sandy,
phosphatic limestone; coral .-- --- ---_ ------ ------- 441-462
Limestone, cream, hard to soft, dense, sandy, phosphatic,
plus some gray to black translucent chert, tan nonplastic clay, and a small amount of olive-drab clay;
mollusk fragments, coral, and foraminifers ---- 462-483
Clay, tan to olive-drab, nonplastic, plus some material as
above; mollusk fragments, coral, shark's teeth, barnacle
plates; foraminifers, Robulus americanus and others ----------483-525
As above, plus Robulus americanus var. spinosus and
many others. ---- --------- ---- 525-546
No sample .-- ---- --- ---- ----- --------- 546-567
Limestone, clay, quartz sand and chert; the limestone is hard
to soft, finely crystalline to chalky or sandy, calcitic; the sand is tan to white, coarse, rounded, clear, some grains containing dark micaceous inclusions; dark colored chert; light green clay; mollusk fragments and coral; foraminifers, Robulus americanus and others ------------------567-588
Suwannee (?) limestone:
Limestone, cream, soft to hard, coarsely granular, porous;
some light to dark phosphorite grains and much material

Depth, in feet
Material below land surface
as above; mollusk fragments, echinoid spines, coral foraminifers. Dentalina sp. (common), Lepidocyclina sp.
(rare) ......... .................... . ...----------....................----------------------------------.... 588-668
Ocala group:
Coquina, composed of large foraminifers: Lepidocyclina
ocalana, var., Operculinoides sp. and others; much granular limestone as above and some cream, medium hard, porous, miliolid limestone; mollusk fragments, small
gastropods, and echinoid spines ........... ---------................................... 668-688
Limestone, cream, soft, coarsely granular, porous; foraminifers as above ......................................................................--------------------------------. ----- 688-722
No sample ........................----------------------------.............................................................. 722-728
As at 688-722 feet .......-------------................................... -------------------------......................... 728-732
Avoi Park limestone:
Limestone, cream to white, chalky to granular, soft, porous; foraminifers Coskinolina floridana, Dictyoconus cookci, Textularia, coryen8is, Lituonella floridana and
others ....................--------------------------------------............................................................----......... 732-748
As above, plus light tan soft porous calcitic miliolid limestone, and some white to brown hard, dense, cryptocrystalline limestone; fauna as above ............. .... ................. 748-768
Miliolid limestone, tan, soft, porous, slightly calcitic; some
white, hard, dense cryptocrystalline limestone; Avon
Park fauna .........................--------------------------------.......................................... ............... 768-788
Limestone, white to tan, soft to hard, chalky to granular,
porous; Avon Park fauna ........... ......... --------------------------.....................................--- 788-848
As above, plus some tan, hard, granular, porous, very calcitic limestone; Peronella dalli ...................................................... --------------------------848-888
Limestone, white to tan, soft to hard, chalky to granular,
porous; Avon Park fauna, plus numerous specimens of
Dictyoconus? gunteri.----------------- -----------.............---....................... 888-948
Limestone, tan, soft to hard, porous, coarsely granular,
crystalline, with limestone as in 788-848 feet; Dictyoconus
gunteri abundant --------- ---------------.......... ........ .................... ----------------948-958
Well 146
(SEY4NWY4 sec. 36, T. 39 S., R. 38 E.)
No sample .............-............ .----------------.......-....................... 0-168
Upper Miocene:
Shell marl, gray-brown, clay, silt, sand (sand, fine to very
coarse, average medium, rounded to angular, clear), phosphorite; some cream medium hard, sandy limestone; pelecypod fragments, small gastropods, barnacle plates,

Depth, in feet
Material below land surface
echinoid spines; foraminifers Cibicides concentricus,
Amphistegina lessonii, and others ---------------------.................--................ 168-189
Hawthorn formation:
Clay, olive-drab, silt and fine sand, micaceous, phosphoritic;
mollusk fragments, barnacle plates; foraminifers, mostly Nonion, a few Cibicides concentricus and Bulimina
gracilis----------------------------------- ---------------------------------.......................... 189-210
Clay, dark blue-green; silt, very fine sand, mica; mollusk
fragments, foraminifers Nonion, Bulimina gracilia .............----------- 210-231
Clay, blue-green, fissile; silt, sand, mica; mollusk fragments, foraminifers Nonion, Bulimina gracilis, Bulimina
curta -------------------------------------- _-----.------ ------------------------........... ----- 231-252
As above, plus some very dark blue-green clay .....---------- --................----... 252-273
As above, but with more sand, silt, and mica; Bulimina
gracilis abundant .....--- -------------------------------------------------.................. 273-294
Shell marl, clayey, silty, sandy; (sand is fine to coarse,
frosted); cream, medium-hard, sandy limestone; pelecypod fragments, small gastropods, scaphopods, coral,
echinoid spines, foraminifers, mostly Nonion ------------............. 294-315
Clay, dark blue-green, silty, sandy, micaceous; mollusk
fragments and foraminifers as above ..---------- - ------.............. 315-336
Sand, green, fine to very coarse, average coarse, rounded
to subrounded, clear to frosted; some glauconite and
material as above --------............... -........ .-................... -.....----------------------.. .... 336-357
Limestone, cream, medium hard, very sandy, phosphatic; sand
as above; clay as in 315-336 feet; mollusk fragments, sponge spicules, echinoid fragments; foraminifers Virgulina cf. punctata, Globorotalia menardii, Bolivina sp.,
Uvigerina sp., and others ...........---- -------------------------- .............. 357-378
Silt, blue-green, clay, fine sand; mollusk fragments, sponge
spicules, foraminifers Textularia, miliolids, and others ....------- 378-399
Silt, olive-drab; foraminifers Textularia, miliolids, Nodosaria sp., Dentalina sp., Candorbulina? Uvigerina sp ..... 399-420
Limestone, cream, slightly glauconitic, dense, finely crystalline; with some gray clay, silt, dark chert, phosphorite and sand; shark's teeth, sponge spicules, mollusk fragments, foraminifers-Robulus americanus var. spinosus abundant, Marginula sp., and others ..........................-------- ---------420-437
Limestone, cream, soft, granular, much clay and fine sand;
fossils as above, plus coral --------------------------.... ---------........ .... ----437-461
As above, plus much coral and some brown chert ................... --------------461-482
Clay, gray-green to tan, some material as above ---------------................ 482-524
Shell fragments, sand as in 336-357 feet, dark phosphorite,
and chert; pelecypod fragments, scaphopods, small gastropods, shark's teeth, ostracods, foraminifers --------------.................... 524-609
Shell fragments and some tan clay, dark phosphorite, and
and chert; mollusk fragments, coral ----------------.............................. 609-630

Depth, in feet
Material below land surface
Clay, tan to olive-drab, plus materials as above ......................... 630-651
As above, but clay is tan -----.... ----.... ..................... ....... .. 651-693
As above; foraminifers common-Cibicides conccntricus
and others ............... - ..-.............. ........................ 693-714
Clay, tan; with cream to gray, sandy, phosphatic, dense
limestone, dark chert, and phosphorite; mollusk fragments and coral---------------- ........-----...... .. 714-756
Suwannee limestone:
Limestone, cream, soft, porous, granular, with some material as above; mollusk fragments, coral, Lcpidocyclina sp. .. ........ . ...... .............. .. .......... ...... 756-777
Ocala group:
Miliolid limestone, cream, soft to hard, calcitic; mollusk
fragments, very small echinoids, large foraminifers, Lepidocyclina ocalana vars. Heterostegina ocalana,
Opere-ulinoides floridenais, and others ....... ........... 777-798
Avon Park limestone:
Limestone, white, soft, chalky, slightly porous, calcitic;
much material as above. Fossils as above, plus Cribrobulimina cushmani, Textularia coryensis, Coskinolina floridana, Dictyoconus cookei, Lituonella floridana, and
others ...... .......--------------........ ... .... ..... .... .. 798-815
Limestone as above, plus some miliolid limestone as in
777-789 feet. Fauna as above--- ........--........ 815-819
As above, plus some finely crystalline, cream to tan, hard
limestone. Fauna as above ..... . ............ 819-840
Limestone, cream to tan, soft, porous, granular; some
cream, porous, calcitic miliolid limestone; and some tan, hard, dense, cryptocrystalline limestone. Abundant
Charophyte oogonia, Coskinolina floridana .- -- ....... 840-861
As above, plus small gastropods .-----.......... .... ..... ....... 861-882
Miliolid limestone, tan, soft, porous, caleitic, and some
white, soft, slightly porous, chalky limestone. Avon
Park fauna .......---------------....... ....... .......... 882-893
As above but less chalky limestone-------- .......... --....... 893-903
Miliolid limestone, tan to cream, soft, porous, calcitic.
Avon Park fauna ........----------------- ......... .......... ... ...... 903-945
As above but less porous. Charophyte oogonia .................. 945-966
As 903-945 feet plus some cream, soft, slightly porous,
chalky limestone ------ -------------. ......- ............... 966-987
As above, plus some very large miliolids ....- --.......... .... 987-1,008
Miliolid limestone, tan-cream, soft, porous, calcitic, and
and brown finely crystalline, dense, fairly hard dolomitic limestone; clear crystalline calcite, white, chalky limestone. Avon Park fauna ..-.................... ....................... 1,008-1,029

Depth, in feet
Material below land surface
Miliolid limestone, cream, soft to medium hard, very porous,
calcitie .......... .........................................................._=__. .. = 1,029-1,071
As above, plus much crystalline calcite ........... 1,071-1,092
Miliolid limestone, cream, soft, porous, calcitic. Avon
Park fauna .................................................... ..1,092-1,113
As above, plus some cream colored, hard to soft, chalky,
porous limestone. Avon Park fauna ............1,113-1,134
As above, plus some light brown, medium hard to hard,
finely crystalline, dolomitic limestone .- ------ 1,134-1,155
Well 596
(NE ~4SEY4 sec. 7, T. 38 S., R. 41 E.)
Panlico sand:
Sand, gray, quartz, fine to medium, average fine, subrounded
to angular, clear to frosted .............0- 5
Anastasia formation:
Sand, tan-gray, quartz, fine to medium, average fine, subrounded to angular, clear to frosted; noncalcareous ---- 5- 10
As above, but light tan-gray ................... ... ............. 10- 21
Sand, light to dark tan-gray, quartz, fine to coarse, average
fine, subrounded to angular, clear to frosted, clayey,
(light blue clay in jet water), slightly calcareous =====_.... 21- 26
Sand, dark olive-drab, quartz, very miceaceous, clayey, (dark
blue clay in jet water); sand is very fine to coarse, average fine, rounded to subangular, clear to frosted;
contains organic particles; slightly calcareous ............... 26- 31
Sand, dark-gray to yellow-green, quartz, slightly clayey,
slightly calcareous; fine to coarse, average medium, subrounded to angular, frosted to clear, plus organic particles 31- 36
Sand, gray, quartz, slightly calcareous, very fine to medium,
average fine, subrounded to angular, frosted to clear,
and organic particles as above ................................ 36- 42
As above to 44 feet; from 44 feet to 47 feet-sand, gray,
quartz, slightly micaceous, very fine to coarse, average medium, subrounded to angular, frosted; contains some soft, gray, sandy limestone, small dark rounded particles
of phosphorite, and poorly preserved fossils ................ -. 42- 47
Limestone, tan to dark gray, hard to soft, sandy, calcitic,
plus small shell fragments; fine to very coarse quartz sand, phosphate as above, and a few mica flakes; very
few foraminifers ................................... .......... .. ........... 47- 52
As above, and numerous shells and shell fragments .............. 52- 57
Shell marl, gray to tan, with material as in 47-52 feet. Wellpreserved microfauna ...... ............. .................................. 57- 58
As above, but contains fewer shells ................... ............ ........ 58- 59

Depth, in feet
Material below land surface
Limestone, tan to dark gray, hard, dense to porous, sandy,
calcitic; small shell fragments phosphatic; fine to very
coarse quartz sand ................................. .... ................................ 59- 60
As above, but limestone is more porous ....................................... -----------------------60- 61
Well 615
(SW /SE% sec. 22, T. 37 S., R. 41 E.)
Paminlico sand:
Sand, cream, quartz, medium to coarse, average coarse,
rounded to subangular, frosted, a few grains stained
with orange-red clay; noncalcareous .....-----------.................................... 0- 10
A nastasia formation:
Sand, dark red-brown, quartz, medium to very coarse,
average coarse, rounded to subangular, frosted, carbonaceous, noncalcareous; some clay ..-----------------------......................................... 10- 15
Sand, dark orange-red, quartz, medium to very coarse,
average coarse, rounded to subangular, frosted; a few
small shell fragments and clusters of calcite; some clay ....... 15- 20
Sand, red-orange, quartz, medium, subrounded to subangular, clear to frosted, noncalcareous ..................... ................... 20- 25
Sand, red-orange to cream, quartz, medium to coarse,
average coarse, rounded to subangular, frosted to clear,
and a few small red shell fragments .....----------............................... 25- 30
Sand, cream, quartz, slightly micaceous, fine to very coarse,
average medium, rounded to subangular, large grains frosted, small grains frosted to clear, scattered worn mollusk fragments and well preserved foraminifers;
contains orange-red clay --------------------------............................................................ 30- 35
Sand, light tan-gray, quartz, fine to coarse, average medium,
rounded to subangular, frosted to clear; a few scattered mollusk fragments, foraminifers, clear calcite particles,
and mica flakes ------------------------------------- ---------.............................. 35- 40
Sand, tan-gray, quartz, medium to coarse, average medium,
rounded to subangular, frosted to clear; a few mica
flakes, slightly calcareous ----------... .-------------- -................... ----- 40- 45
As above, but noncalcareous -------- ------------------------------..................................... 45- 60
Sand, dark orange-red, quartz, fine to very coarse, average
medium, subrounded to subangular, frosted to clear;
contains much clay and mica flakes; noncaleareous ................. -----------60- 65
Well 617
(NWY NE % sec. 14, T. 38 S., R. 41 E. Township and Range projected in Hanson Grant.)
Pamlico sand:
Sand, cream, quartz, fine to medium, average medium,
subangular to subrounded, clear, noncaleareous ........................ 0- 5.

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AGRI. CULTU6t4 FLORIDA STATE BOARI^"RY OF CONSERVATION LeROY COLLINS Governor R. A. GRAY RICHARD ERVIN Secretary of State Attorney General RAY E. GREEN J. EDWIN LARSON Comptroller Treasurer THOMAS D. BAILEY LEE THOMPSON Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Agriculture (Acting) ERNEST MITTS Director of Conservation ii


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL §joridca Qeoloqtical Survey Callafzassee May 16, 1960 MR. ERNEST MITTS, Director FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF CONSERVATION TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA DEAR MR. MITTS: The Florida Geological Survey will publish as Report of Investigations No. 23 a report on the "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Martin County, Florida." This report was prepared as a cooperative study between the U. S. Geological Survey, the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District and the Florida Geological Survey. Mr. William F. Lichtler wrote the report and included an inventory of wells, which was made by Mr. E. W. Bishop in 1953. Both non-artesian shallow formations and artesian deep formations yield water to wells in Martin County. The shell and sand deposits of the Anastasia formation are probably the chief aquifer of the shallow ground water. Eocene limestones, that are very permeable and which compose the Floridan aquifer, are separated from the shallow aquifers by sediments of low permeability. The data contained in this report is necessary for the continued development of water resources in the area. Respectfully yours, ROBERT O. VERNON, Director ii


Completed manuscript received February 4, 1960 Published by the Florida Geological Survey E. O. Painter Printing Company DeLand, Florida March 16, 1960 iv


CONTENTS Abstract ------------------.----.---.-----------. .. 1 Introduction --.. 3....----.---.----.------------------..----------3 Location and extent of area----------------------3 Purpose and scope of investigation-------------_--------4 Previous investigations----------------------6 Acknowledgments ----.-__-------.._-_-__--_-----..--6 Geography -----------------6 Topography and drainage -_---------------6 Atlantic Coastal Ridge 8------------. -----------------8 Eastern Flatlands and Orlando Ridge --------------------9 Everglades ---------_--_--------------11 Terraces ..------.--------------------------11 Climate _------------------------_ -12 Population and development ----------------------------13 Geology -------------------------14 Geologic formations and their water-bearing properties -----------------14 Eocene series -----------_-__ ------14 Avon Park limestone ----------------_-------------14 Ocala group ------------„-----15 Oligocene series ----------------------------16 Suwannee limestone ----_--_____-__-_-16 Miocene series ----------.-------------------.. 18 Tampa formation --------------_---18 Hawthorn formation ------------------------18 Tamiami formation ---------------------19 Post Miocene deposits ---------__--------------19 Caloosahatchee marl ----------------------19 Fort Thompson formation ------------------19 Anastasia formation -----------------------20 Pamlico sand ----------------------------20 Ground water -.. -.-------------------------------------------------------21 Shallow aquifer ---------------------------21 Aquifer properties -. .. ..---------.. ...-----------------------22 Atlantic Coastal Ridge -------------------------22 Eastern Flatlands, Orlando Ridge, and Everglades -------.23 Shape and slope of water table --------------------------------. 24 Water-level fluctuations -----------------27 Recharge ----------------------------------34 Discharge ---....---..-----------------------------34 Artesian aquifer ---.---------------....-.------------------------35 Aquifer properties. ------------------------..--------------35 Piezometric surface ----------------------39 Water-level fluctuations -----------------------41 Recharge ----..----..---...------..-----43 v


Discharge -_--_-----__ --..-.--.---... ----44..-44 Quantitative studies .---.----.---.--.---------------------. 45 Pumping tests 4........----------------------46 Intrepretation of pumping-test data ..---------------------.---.6. 50 Quality of water ----------------------------------51 Hardness ---~--._.--.---------------55 Dissolved solids -----------------------------55 Specific conductance ----------------------------656 Hydrogen-ion concentration ..------------------------------57 Iron and manganese -------------.---------------57 Calcium and magnesium ---. ------------------------58 Sodium and potassium ----------------------------58 Bicarbonate --------------------------------------58 Sulfate ------------------------------------59 Chloride -----------------------------------59 Fluoride --------------------------------------60 Silica ------------------------------------------------60 Nitrate .------------... .------------..----------60 Hydrogen sulfide --------------------------------60 Color .----------------------------------.---61 Temperature .---------.. .----------------.--------------. 61 Salt-water contamination .----------------------------------. 63 Recent contamination .......... ...------------------------------.. --------. 63 Stuart area --_----------------------..-.--.---------.---_.._.. .. 65 Contamination from surface-water bodies --------------70 Contamination from artesian aquifer ------_-------71 Jensen Beach and Rocky Point ...........-------.....------------73 Sewall Point .---------------------------..----------.. -.. .74 Hutchinson Island ---.-----. -----------------------... ..... 75 Jupiter Island ----. -----------------------.-------. .75 Pleistocene contamination --..---------.---.. .-------------------. .76 Shallow aquifer ..-----------.------...................----------.76 Artesian aquifer--------------77 Use .-----------------------.... ------..--....----------. 77 Public supplies -----------------------------------------------79 Irrigation and stock supplies ------------------------------....... 79 Other uses ------------------------------------79 Summary and conclusions ----------------------------------------. 81 References -------.-------------------------------........ .... 81 Well logs _---_----------------------.----......... .84 Record of wells -----------------------------------.----------..... 96 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Location of Martin County ---. ----------------------....... ....... 3 2 Location of wells .....-----_ --------..--.---.-----..---between p. 4 and 5 3 Northeastern part of Martin County showing the location of wells 4 4 City of Stuart showing the location of wells. -----------. 5----5 Physiographic subdivisions of Martin County -....---------..--------..... 6 6 Approximate altitude of the top of the Ocala group in Martin County ...--------_.......... -------_ ----------..--.. ----....... ..... .17 Vi


7 Water table in the Stuart area, July 6, 1955 ---------------_ 25 8 Water table in the Stuart area, October 5, 1955 _ _-__ __ 26 9 Water table within the Stuart city limits, April 1, 1955 -------28 10 Water table within the Stuart city limits, May 3, 1955 ---------29 11 Hydrographs of wells 125, 140 and 147 and rainfall at Stuart -30 12 Hydrographs of wells 928 and 933 and rainfall at St. Lucie Canal Lock -.. ------.~_. ----------------------------------------------......... 31 13 Hydrograph of well 658 and rainfall at Stuart ..-----. ----------..... .32 14 Data obtained from wells 745 and 748 ---.-------------------------.. ......... .36 15 Data obtained from well 150 .----------------------------........... .37 16 Piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1957, in peninsular Florida ..-------------......-...........------------...... --.40 17 Piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, April 1957, in Martin County .-------. ._ -------------------------------------------42 18 Location of wells used in pumping tests ---.-------------------------.. ..._... .47 19 Drawdowns observed in wells 658 and 658A during pumping test in new city well field, May 27, 1955 --------.------......._... 48 20 Relation between specific conductance and dissolved solids in water samples from Martin County .......---------........___..-------.56 21 Temperature of water in artesian wells in Martin County ....-----.... 62 22 Relation between salt water and fresh water according to the Ghyben-Herzberg theory -----------------------------------------. .64 23 Chloride content of water in representative wells in the shallow aquifer of Martin County ....-------......... between p. 64 and 65 24 Chloride content of water from shallow wells in Stuart area .....---.. 66 25 Discharge of fresh water into a salt-water body ....----.....------. -..... 73 26 Chloride content of water in artesian wells in Martin County ------... 78 Table 1 Average monthly temperature and rainfall in Martin County --.----. 13 2 Artesian pressures in feet above land surface at selected wells in Martin County, 1946-57 ---------------------..-----------.43 3 Results of pumping tests in Martin County, 1955-57 ..-_......._ .... 49 4 Analyses of water from wells in the artesian aquifer in Martin County ------------__ ..-----------------------------------------........ 52 5 Analyses of water from wells in the shallow aquifer in Martin County -.-------------------------------------------............. -........_ .53 6 Chloride concentrations in water samples from selected wells --.----6 67 7 Pumpage from Stuart well field, in millions of gallons per month --. 80 8 Record of wells in Martin County ------------------------.. ........ 96 vii


GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA By WILLIAM F. LICHTLER U. S. Geological Survey ABSTRACT Martin County, in the southeastern part of peninsular Florida, comprises an area of about 560 square miles. It is in the Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic province and includes parts of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, the Eastern Flatlands, and the Everglades. Land-surface altitudes range from mean sea level to 86 feet above. The slope of the land surface is gentle except in the sandhill regions in the eastern part of the county. The average annual rainfall in Martin County ranges from about 56 inches at Stuart to about 48 inches at Port Mayaca. The average annual temperature at Stuart is 75.20F. Formations penetrated by wells in Martin County include the Avon Park limestone and the Ocala group,1 of Eocene age; the Suwannee limestone, of Oligocene age; the Hawthorn formation and possibly the Tampa and Tamiami formations, of Miocene age; the Caloosahatchee marl, of Pliocene age; and the Anastasia formation and the Pamlico sand, of Pleistocene age. There are two major aquifers in Martin County: (1) the shallow (nonartesian) aquifer, 15 to 150 feet below the land surface, and (2) the Floridan (artesian) aquifer, 600 to 1,500 feet below the land surface. The Anastasia formation is probably the principal source of ground water in the shallow aquifer. Permeable parts of the Avon Park limestone and the Ocala group compose the principal producing zones of the Floridan aquifer. The two aquifers are separated by a thick section of sand and clay of low permeability. 1The stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report conforms generally to the usage of the Florida Geological Survey. It conforms also to the nomenclature of the U. S. Geological Survey, except that Ocala group is used in this report instead of Ocala limestone, and Tampa formation is used instead of Tampa limestone.


2 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY At most places along the Atlantic Coastal Ridge open-end wells 60 to 130 deep can be constructed in thin rock layers or shell beds of the shallow aquifer. Some wells are screened at depths ranging from 15 to 60 feet. In the eastern part of the Eastern Flatlands, the geologic and hydrologic conditions are similar to those of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge. The rock layers wedge out in the central part of the county, and it is difficult to obtain large quantities of potable water at most places in the western part of the county. In the Indiantown area, a shell bed at a depth of 95 feet is the principal source of large ground-water supplies. Most of the recharge to the shallow aquifer is supplied by rainfall within Martin County. Water from the shallow aquifer is discharged by outflow into streams, canals, and other surface-water bodies, by evapotranspiration, and by pumping. The principal recharge to the artesian aquifer in central and southern Florida is from rainfall in the topographically high areas centered in Polk and Pasco counties. Water is discharged from the Floridan aquifer in Martin County mostly through flowing wells. Yields from wells in the Floridan aquifer range from about 10 to 750 gpm (gallons per minute). Yields from wells in the shallow aquifer range from a few gallons per minute to more than 500 gpm. The coefficients of transmissibility and storage of the shallow aquifer differ at different locations and depths, thus indicating that the composition of the aquifer is not uniform. Transmissibility coefficients obtained from test data range from 16,000 to 83,000 gpd (gallons per day) per foot, and storage coefficients range from 0.0001 to 0.0065. Chemical analyses of 56 water samples from Martin County indicate that the water from the shallow aquifer, although hard, is generally of good quality. The water from the artesian aquifer is highly mineralized. Temperatures of water range from 700 to 82 F in the shallow aquifer and range from 750 to 910F in the artesian aquifer. Recent salt-water encroachment in the shallow aquifer has occurred on Hutchinson Island, Jupiter Island, and Sewall Point and in some coastal areas on the mainland. In some areas of western Martin County the lower part of the shallow aquifer contains salt water that entered the aquifer when the present land surface was under the sea, during the Pleistocene epoch. Sea water that entered the Floridan aquifer during that time is responsible also for much of the high mineral content of the artesian water. Most of the water used for public, domestic, and industrial supplies and much of the irrigation and stock water is obtained


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 3 from the shallow aquifer. The water from the artesian aquifer is used for irrigation, stock watering, and swimming pools. INTRODUCTION LOCATION AND EXTENT OF AREA Martin County is an area of about 560 square miles in the southeastern part of peninsular Florida. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee County on the west, St. Lucie County on the north, and Palm Beach County on the south. It includes all or parts of Townships 37-40 South and Ranges 37-43 East, and it lies between 26057'24" and 27°15'46" north latitude and 8004'49" and 80040'40" west longitude (fig. 1). Martin County was established in 1925 from the northern part of Palm Beach County and a small part of St. Lucie County. Ii ur. --e T .L c t "of a t1-n C" W".1 i A-"6. G E o R IA ' L fv "r*---l , ,..A.. L , .-----.. ..0-'.( --^ r^l <. __ _ __ 1.0L Figure 1. Location of Martin County.


4 FLORIDA7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEYPURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The extensive and expanding use of ground water for domestic, municipal, industrial, and.irrigation supplies has resulted in the need for a thorough understanding of the geology -and groundwater hydrology of Martin County. A preliminary inventory of wells was made during 1953 by E. W. Bishop, formerly of the U. S. Geological Survey. Further hydrologic and geologic data were collected by William F. Lichter during 1956-57, and the major part of the fieldwork was completed by June 1957. The investigation included a determination of the occurrence, movement, quantity, and quality of the water in the -, , I .-i--------------------17 16 ..._15 .tx a S19 20 21 22 24 S 29 2 Figure 3. Northeastern part of Martin County showing the location of wells. -


EXPLANATION 7, ..R7 R4rIME 7Nonf lowing well ' SEE FIG 3 Flowing well JE SEN Recording gage 37 ; R3 R9R38E .R39Et R4E -" * 60 UART\ r762 C FIG. 760 ;9A *44 4 .72 W346 i 0,7 45 , 0 *2 02" 5445"*. 8T 382 B59.6 57 d, .,. 3.004 a 458 -'459-444 ..,'69 45. 4 %o 3-04 \ ' ( )RN / •1 * 4560 467 , ,, 1 " -LERN" . W -'.. ...-..., , X^.s,^/^,99 ? "4,7' 4 45\ .'.8 9174016009 A ,*173", 5o5t , '355 543, !42 0 ' \^so ; 89 \9-, /,,:,-, .i .,.'-.._ ..-i . .""\i ^ ,,-, , ., ; ' ." *.^" Q \ \ .A,, ' , -.,I-\ , \== 254 29 263 '014 i , ".. ! "^9 0, .I --*---6LUC IE so ., , , Vi \, * .I'0 i 2 -. ._ "___ _ :1 2LOCK 242 S41 % _ -:: \ ; *920 q8* .0 ' ,, ,p8916 28 . o05 0 -26 1. 2 I 142 5 \ 864 2!139 243/2800 r. 23 76 SC IL25 N ML 39 0 27 Figure 2. Location of wells. -13 DIDANON 3 Figure 2. Location of wells.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 5 nonartesian and artesian aquifers, and a study of the subsurface geology of the area. Part of the field investigation included an inventory of 939 representative wells in the county (figs. 2-4). The investigation was under the general supervision of A. N. Sayre, then Chief of the Ground Water Branch, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., M. I. Rorabaough, District Engineer, Tallahassee, Florida, Dr. Herman Gunter, then State Geologist and Director of the Florida Geological Survey, and under the direct supervision of Howard Klein, Geologist in charge of the Miami office. The Florida Geological Survey and the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District cooperated with the Federal Survey in this study, which is part of a continuing program designed to appraise the ground-water resources of the State of Florida. -----------EXPLANATION NO'FLOWING WELL i o LI CIE RIVER lcato of ws 3. 5 5 434 43 8\ 30 ,, 00" ,, '8' 4 o' ' " 14 C 63. 047 .31 k / ',, z,, "4Po'° o,' i t1i"i3 _ '6' .4 ^1 .e \ &, i ........9. ., 6'b. W b.. .... .. J" ' V Figure 4. City of Stuart showing the location of wells Sf3 5P C,.. K & d Figure 4. City of Stuart showing the location of wells.


6 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS A detailed study of the water resources of an area of about 25 square miles, in and adjacent to the city of Stuart, is contained in a report by Lichtler (1957) entitled, "Ground-Water Resources of the Stuart Area, Martin County, Florida." Brief references to the geology or ground-water hydrology of Martin County were made by Matson and Sanford (1913, p. 176, 381-384), Mansfield (1939, p. 29-34), Parker and Cooke (1944, p. 41), Cooke (1945, p. 223, 269), and Parker, Ferguson, and Love (1955, p. 174-175, 814-815). Stringfield (1936, p. 170, 183, 193) in his discussion of artesian water in the Florida peninsula, refers to selected deep, flowing wells in Martin County. References to water levels in Martin County were made in U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers 1166 (1950, p. 8081), 1192 (1951, p. 65), 1222 (1952, p. 77), 1266 (1953, p. 80), 1322 (1954, p. 84), and 1405 (1955, p. 87). Data on the quality of water in Martin County are contained in reports by Collins and Howard (1928, p. 193-195, 220-221), Black and Brown (1951, p. 13), and Black, Brown, and Pearce (1953, p. 2, 5). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Appreciation is expressed to the many residents of Martin County who furnished information about their wells, and to various public officials of the county. Special acknowledgment is given to the following well drillers of the area: Douglass Arnold, Stuart; William Athey, Fort Pierce; George Dansby, Wauchula; and McCullers and Raulerson, Vero Beach, who furnished logs of wells and permitted sampling and observation during drilling operations. Special appreciation is extended to Captain Bruce Leighton for his cooperation in allowing his wells; pumps, and other facilities to be used for pumping tests. GEOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE Martin County lies within the Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic province of Meinzer (1923, pl. 28). The county is subdivided into three physiographic regions: (1) Atlantic Coastal Ridge, (2) Eastern Flatlands, and (3) Everglades (Davis 1943, p. 8). Each is a region in which a certain similarity of topography or relief prevails or a certain soil type or vegetation cover is


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 7 .... ,oA N OR 0 fo Cd , 0 S, 'P.5


8 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY common. Figure 5 is a map of Martin County showing the outline of these physiographic subdivisions. Land-surface altitudes in Martin County range from mean sea level, in areas adjacent to the shoreline or tidal streams, to about 85 feet above mean sea level on the tops of a few sandhills along the coastal ridge. The sandhill areas in Jonathan Dickinson State Park, in the southeastern part of the county, and the Jensen Beach area north of Stuart are characterized by relatively great relief. The remainder of the county is virtually flat, and surface altitudes range from about 15 to 45 feet above mean sea level. The St. Lucie River, the Loxahatchee River, and Lake Okeechobee form the major drainage basins within the county. The St. Lucie Canal is designed primarily to convey flood waters from Lake Okeechobee to the south fork of the St. Lucie River. After entering the St. Lucie River the water flows northward, eastward, and southward through the coastal ridge to the Indian River and then discharges into the Atlantic Ocean. Flow in the St. Lucie Canal is controlled by a lock and dam structure 11/ miles upstream from the confluence of the canal and the south fork of the St. Lucie River. The north and south forks of the St. Lucie River drain a major part of eastern Martin County, and their drainageways form part of the boundary between the Atlantic Coastal Ridge and the Eastern Flatlands. The Loxahatchee River drains a smaller area in the southeastern part of the county and forms part of the boundary between the coastal ridge and the flatlands. The several small streams that drain the western part of Martin County flow westward to Lake Okeechobee. The Allapattah Flats east of the Orlando Ridge (fig. 5) is a wide, poorly defined drainageway which remains marshy during most of the year. In general, drainage is to the southeast through canals. ATLANTIC COASTAL RIDGE The Atlantic Coastal Ridge in Martin County parallels the present coastline and varies in width from about three miles in the southeast corner of the county to about six miles in the central coastal area, and to about four miles in the northern area (fig. 5). The backbone of the coastal ridge is generally less than a mile wide and includes: (1) the sandhills of Jonathan Dickinson State Park, where altitudes are as high as 86 feet above mean sea level; (2) a lower ridge, which parallels the Intracoastal Waterway to Rocky Point with altitudes of about 25 to 35 feet above mean sea


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 9 level; (3) Sewall Point which rises to 37 feet above mean sea level; and (4) the sandhills of Jensen Beach, which rise to 80 feet above mean sea level. The St. Lucie River breaches the coastal ridge between Rocky Point and Sewall Point. The high sandhills of the coastal ridge are sand dunes built upon old beach ridges (Parker and others, 1955, p. 145). These dunes are quiescent and support growths of bunch grass, pines, and palmettos. They were formed during the Pleistocene epoch and are in nearly parallel. rows inland from the present shore. From the top of the ridge the land slopes eastward to Hobe Sound, the Intracoastal Waterway, and the Indian River. Westward from the top of the ridge the land slopes to what F. Stearns MacNeil (1950, p. 19), called "the Pamlico Intracoastal Waterway." In Martin County this ancient waterway is now occupied by the drainage basins of the north and south forks of the St. Lucie River and the north and northwest forks of the Loxahatchee River. Hutchinson Island and Jupiter Island were probably formed as offshore bars during a high stand of the sea. They are now separated from the mainland by the shallow waters of the Indian River, Hobe Sound, and the Intracoastal Waterway. These bodies of water are usually less than six feet deep, but they are as much as nine feet deep in places. The land surface on Hutchinson Island ranges from mean sea level to 19 feet above, and is generally less than 10 feet. The land surface on Jupiter Island ranges from mean sea level to about 30 feet above, and is generally less than 20 feet. The coastal ridge is blanketed by relatively permeable fine to medium sand. Drainage of the ridge is chiefly underground through the surface sands. Shallow depressions in the sandy ridge are occupied by intermittent ponds which flood during rainy seasons and dry up during dry seasons. These ponds are elongate in the direction of the axis of the ridge. Because of the good subsurface drainage and the relatively high altitudes, the coastal ridge is flooded less frequently than inland areas, and the population and industry of the county have concentrated in the coastal areas. EASTERN FLATLANDS AND ORLANDO RIDGE The Eastern Flatlands occupy all the area from the Atlantic Coastal Ridge westward to the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee. This is a monotonously flat region with the exception of the


10 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY elongated ridge that MacNeil (1950, p. 103) calls the Orlando Ridge (fig. 5), and the narrow elongate ridge referred to on U. S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle maps as Green Ridge. The altitude of the Orlando Ridge in Martin County ranges from about 30 to 50 feet above mean sea level, the highest altitude being near the southern part of the ridge. The altitude of Green Ridge is lower than that of Orlando Ridge, ranging from 30 to 35 feet above mean sea level. The altitude of the land surface in the remainder of the Eastern Flatlands generally ranges from slightly less than 20 feet above mean sea level to 30 feet above mean sea level. In the area north of the St. Lucie Canal, the Eastern Flatlands rise gradually from the valley of the St. Lucie River to Green Ridge. West of Green Ridge the land surface is extremely flat, having an average altitude of 28 feet above mean sea level and a very slight slope to the south. West of the Orlando Ridge the Eastern Flatlands slope gently to the Everglades and the shore of Lake Okeechobee. Immediately east of the Orlando Ridge is the poorly defined drainageway or slough which is called Allapattah Flats on U. S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle maps, and Allapattah Marsh by Davis (1943, p. 43). The land-surface altitude along the Allapattah Flats is about 26 or 27 feet above mean sea level. Drainage from the Flats is ill defined, but is usually toward the southeast. Occasionally, during high-water stages some water may flow northward. The divide between the northward and southward flow probably shifts according to the relative surface-water stages north and south of the Flat. South of the St. Lucie Canal the surface of the Eastern Flatlands rises gently toward the west from the valleys of the south fork of the St. Lucie River and the northwest fork of the Loxahatchee River to a broad crest south of the Orlando Ridge and then gradually slopes downward in a southwest direction to the edge of the Everglades. The altitude of the crest is about 25 feet above mean sea level. Drainage throughout the Eastern Flatlands is chiefly underground, through the fine surface sands. Both surface and subsurface drainage is very sluggish, owing to the flatness of the land, and ponds are formed throughout most of the region during the rainy season. Surface drainage in the area east of Green Ridge is effected by the tributaries of the St. Lucie River. West of Green Ridge the drainage is ill defined, but in general, it is southward to the St. Lucie Canal or eastward through breaks in


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 11 Green Ridge. Drainage west of the Orlando Ridge is to streams flowing westward and southwestward to the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee. Because of the flatness of the land, drainage canals are frequently required in farming and ranching operations. EVERGLADES The Everglades, in general, is a flat region covered by organic soils formed by the growth and decay of saw grass. The narrow strip of the Everglades (fig. 5) in the southwestern part of the county, bordering Lake Okeechobee, is almost indistinguishable from the Eastern Flatlands. The boundary between the Everglades and the Flatlands is poorly defined, as the organic soils of the Everglades and the quartz sands of the Flatlands are intermixed. The Everglades area is maintained in a condition suitable for extensive agriculture by means of water control measures employing dikes, drainage canals, and a levee at the shore of Lake Okeechobee. The maximum width of the Everglades area in Martin County is about 11/ miles. The altitude of the land surface ranges from about 15 feet above mean sea level at the shore of Lake Okeechobee to about 20 or 22 feet where the Everglades merges with the Eastern Flatlands. TERRACES During warm interglacial stages of the Pleistocene epoch the sea level was higher than at present, and parts of Florida were covered by the ocean. Whenever the sea level remained relatively stationary for a long period, wave and current action formed a virtually flat surface on the ocean floor. During glacial stages the sea retreated to lower levels, and the flat surfaces emerged as marine terraces having a slight seaward dip. The landward margin of such a terrace is the abandoned shoreline, which in some places is marked by a scarp. Cooke (1945, p. 245-248, 273-311) postulated the existence of seven terraces which correlate with different levels of the sea during Pleistocene time. The Pamlico terrace, at 9 to 25 feet above mean sea level, the Talbot terrace, at 25 to 42 feet, and the Penholoway terrace, at 42 to 70 feet are within the range of landsurface altitudes in Martin County; however, the writer could


12 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY find no evidence of a shoreline scarp at the 25-foot, 42-foot, or 70-foot altitude. F. S. MacNeil (1950, p. 99) states: "The Pamlico shoreline also is well preserved. The toe of the scarp along certain intracoastal shores is close to 40 feet, but the highwater mark was probably a little lower than the toe. The 30-foot contour was selected to show the coastal features of the Pamlico coast and is probably correct within 7 or 8 feet for the Pamlico sea level. An altitude higher than 30 feet is more likely than a lower altitude." There is a pronounced scarp in Martin County at about 30 to 35 feet above mean sea level that fits the above description by MacNeil. It appears that the Orlando Ridge was a narrow peninsula or series of islands and shoals during Pamlico time, when the sea level was 30 to 35 feet higher than it is at present, and Green Ridge was an offshore bar with its crest at about sea level. The Atlantic Coastal Ridge probably is of pre-Pamlico origin and was dissected and otherwise modified by the advance of the Pamlico sea. The high sandhills in the vicinity of Jensen Beach and Jonathan Dickinson State Park are believed to be remnants of an extensive area of sandhills that once covered the Atlantic Coastal Ridge in Martin County. A study of the topographic maps of the area shows that the north and south boundaries of the dune areas are sharply defined and have spitlike structures projecting westward (fig. 5). These features, plus the relatively high altitude of the sandhills, seem to indicate the possibility of a pre-Pamlico origin of the sandhills. The relative softness of the water from the dune areas (p. 55) lends support to this theory. It may be that water is softer in the sandhill areas because those areas were exposed to the leaching action of infiltrating rainfall for a longer period of time than most of the rest of Martin County. CLIMATE The climate of Martin County is subtropical, having an average annual temperature of 75.20F. Rainfall is seasonal as 64 percent occurs during the rainy season from June through October. The average annual rainfall at Stuart is 56.15 inches (table 1). During the summer and early fall the rain usually falls in heavy showers that cover a small area. Short-term rainfall records, therefore, are valid only in the immediate vicinity of a particular station.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 13 TABLE 1.-Average Monthly Temperature and Rainfall in Martin County Rainfall at Temperature Rainfall at St. Lucie Rainfall at at Stuart' Stuart2 Canal Lock. Port Mayaca3 Month (oF) (inches) (inches) (inches) January 66.5 1.92 2.11 1.35 February 67.9 2.41 2.13 1.58 March 70.6 2.81 3.03 2.78 April 74.3 3.25 4.00 3.33 May 77.6 4.61 4.91 3.37 June 81.3 6.47 7.65 6.84 July 82.3 6.41 7.41 6.76 August 82.8 5.47 7.36 7.01 September 81.6 9.08 8.76 7.49 October 77.7 8.44 7.14 4.85 November 71.9 2.23 2.85 1.93 December 68.1 2.18 2.07 1.38 Yearly average 75.2 56.15 59.42 48.67 'U.S. Weather Bureau discontinuous record 1933-57. 2U.S. Weather Bureau discontinuous record 1935-57. 3U.S. Corps of Engineers record 1925-57. POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT There are three incorporated towns in Martin County: Stuart, the county seat, is the largest; Jupiter Island is next in size; and Sewall Point, which was incorporated in 1957, is the smallest. In addition, there are several unincorporated communities including Jensen Beach, Rio, Salerno, Palm City, Hobe Sound, and Indiantown. In the 1950 census, Stuart had a population of 2,892 and Martin County had a total population of 7,665, most of which was concentrated along the Atlantic coast. During the winter tourist season the population of the county approximately doubles. The tourist industry and agriculture are both very important to the economy of Martin County. The most important crops are citrus and other fruits and winter vegetables, including beans, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, squash, eggplant, watermelons, lettuce, and cucumbers. Potatoes, corn, sugarcane, timber, forage crops, beef and dairy cattle, hogs, and poultry also are important. Commercial fishing is important in Martin County, as is sport fishing, which is one of the leading attractions for the tourist industry.


14 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The principal mineral resources of the county are sand, shell, marl, and peat. GEOLOGY Because the source, occurrence, movement, quantity, quality, and availability of ground water are directly related to the geology of the region, a study of the geology of the county was an essential part of this investigation. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS AND THEIR WATERBEARING PROPERTIES The igneous and metamorphic rocks that form the basement complex in peninsular Florida are covered in Martin County by approximately 13,000 feet of sedimentary rocks, most of which are of marine origin. In Martin County, the predominant rock types at depths below 700 feet are limestone and dolomite, but sediments above that depth are chiefly sand, silt, and clay. The deepest water wells in the county penetrate about 1,500 feet of sediments, which include the Avon Park limestone and limestones of the Ocala group, of Eocene age; the Suwannee limestone, of Oligocene age; the Hawthorn formation and possibly the Tampa and Tamiami formations, of Miocene age; the Caloosahatchee marl, of Pliocene age; and the Anastasia formation and the Pamlico sand, of Pleistocene age. The Avon Park limestone is the oldest formation in Martin County for which geologic data are available, although there have been reports of wells penetrating the older Lake City limestone, of middle Eocene age. Most artesian wells in Martin County end in the Avon Park limestone, and most wells in the shallow aquifer probably end in the Anastasia formation. EOCENE SERIES Formations of the Eocene series known to have been penetrated by deep wells in Martin County include the Avon Park limestone and the Ocala group. Avon Park limestone. The Avon Park limestone in Martin County shows lithologic changes both vertically and laterally. Generally it is a cream to tan, hard to medium soft, rather pure, chalky to finely crystalline limestone. It is differentiated from overlying and underlying formations primarily by its fossil content. The most important index fossils are foraminifers, including


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 15 Coskinolina floridana, Lituonella, Rotalia avonparkensis, Flintina avonparkensis, Valvulina avonparkensis, Spirolina coryensis, Dictyoconus cookei, Dictyoconus gunteri, and Textularia coryensis. The small echinoid Peronella dalli, which is an excellent index fossil of the Avon Park limestone in some areas of Florida, was noted in cuttings from a few deep wells in Martin County. The thickness of the Avon Park limestone in Martin County is not known, because no wells are known to penetrate it completely. On the basis of well studies in nearby counties, however, it is estimated to be at least 400 feet thick. Current-meter tests made in Martin County (see description of artesian aquifer, p. 35) show that highly permeable zones of the Avon Park limestone are separated by less permeable zones. Where the salt content of its water is not excessive the Avon Park limestone is a good source of water for irrigation. Ocala group. The Ocala limestone, of late Eocene age (Cooke, 1945, p. 53; Applin and Jordan, 1945, p. 130), was subdivided by Vernon (1951, p. 113-115), in descending order, into Ocala limestone (restricted) and Moodys Branch formation with Williston (top) and Inglis (bottom) members. Puri (1953, p. 130) raised the Williston and Inglis members to formational rank and dropped the name Moodys Branch. He also proposed the name Crystal River to replace Vernon's Ocala (restricted) and raised the name Ocala to group status to include all three formations. Where the Ocala group is exposed, in northern Florida, the Crystal River, Williston, and Inglis formations can be distinguished by their lithology and fossil content. In Martin County only a few well cuttings are available for study; therefore, the Ocala group is not subdivided in this report. The limestones of the Ocala group are generally granular, white to cream or slightly pink, soft to medium hard, and contain much crystalline calcite in some areas. In places the Ocala is a foraminiferal coquina composed almost entirely of tests of Lepidocyclina, Operculinoides and Nummulites. The Inglis formation, or lower part of the Ocala group, is usually characterized by an abundance of miliolid Foraminifera. Diagnostic Foraminifera of the Ocala group include Lepidocyclina ocalana, Operculinoides moodybranchensis, Heterostegina ocalana, Rotalia cushmani, Cibicides mississippiensis ocalanus, and others. Further information about the fossils, stratigraphy, and zonation of the Ocala group is contained in a report by Puri (1957).


16 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The Ocala group is generally less than 100 feet thick in Martin County, and it is only 20 feet thick at well 146. Figure 6, a contour map of the top of the limestones of the Ocala group, shows a general domelike structure in the north-central part of the county. The top of the Ocala, however, is an erosional surface, and the underlying formations do not have exactly the same configuration. Nevertheless, evidence from well logs suggests that the major features represented in figure 6 are present in the underlying Avon Park limestone. The principal purpose of the map is to show the approximate depth below sea level at which the first substantial flow of water can be expected from wells penetrating the Floridan aquifer. Figure 6 shows a major subsurface fault having a displacement of 300 to 400 feet and a strike that is approximately parallel to and about five miles inland from the present coast. Available data are insufficient to permit determination of the exact strike, dip, and extent of the fault. There may be several faults or a wide fault zone rather than one single fault. If it is a single fault it is apparently hinged, as the dip of the top of the Ocala group west of the fault is southeast at a moderate angle but the dip east of the fault is apparently south-southwest at a much steeper angle. The limestone of the Ocala group is generally porous and permeable and is an important part of the Floridan aquifer. OLIGOCENE SERIES Sucwannee limestone. The Suwannee limestone is the only known formation of Oligocene age in Martin County. It lies unconformably on the eroded limestones of the Ocala group and is overlain unconformably by the Tampa formation, or by the Hawthorn formation where the Tampa is not present. The Suwannee limestone is a cream colored, slightly porous, soft, granular mass of limy particles, many of which seem to be of organic origin. It contains very few distinguishable fossils. The thickness of the Suwannee limestone ranges from about 20 to 60 feet on the western (upthrown) side of the fault, and from 100 to 170 feet on the eastern (downthrown) side. These differences in thickness indicate that movement along the fault probably started during late-Oligocene or post-Oligocene time and continued during post-Oligocene time when the Suwannee limestone was exposed to erosion. The downthrown block was protected from erosion; therefore, the thickness of the Suwannee limestone on the east side of the fault is greater than it is on the west side.


EXPLANATION Line show ng approximate altitude Well for which electric log of top of O ian group,in feet, Is available i referred to on osea level .\ .referred to me a e Well for which well cuttings Q5% are available UE Top number It number of well9 \ -i Bottom number Is anlttude of Well for which electric logs and top of Ocola group, In feet, well cuttings are available referred to mean seo level Contour Interval 20 feet C. 0ount tU,-"AM 0 '00 0 4 40 660 us 104 z S AL IN MI 100*1 Figure 6. Approximate altitude of the top of the Ocala group in Martin County. 101 e4 T ---7204R4P\Ig -lo~ County.


18 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Additional slippage along the fault plane probably occurred during Miocene time. The faulting is probably associated with the crustal movements which formed the Ocala uplift, as discussed by Vernon (1951, p. 54-62). The Suwannee limestone is part of the Floridan aquifer, and it yields moderate amounts of water to artesian wells. Its permeability is generally lower than that of the underlying formations, and the chloride content of the water is usually higher. MIOCENE SERIES The Miocene series in Martin County includes the Hawthorn formation of early and middle Miocene age and possibly the Tampa formation of early Miocene age and the Tamiami formation of late Miocene age. Tampa formation. The Tampa formation is a fairly hard, dense, white to yellowish, very sandy limestone in the type area, near Tampa. Its presence in Martin County has not been definitely established, but about 10 to 15 feet of limestone just below the Hawthorn formation at well 841, about 2 miles south of Stuart (fig. 3, and well logs), is similar to the Tampa formation of the type area and is here tentatively correlated with the Tampa. This limestone forms the uppermost part of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County. It has moderate permeability and yields some water to artesian wells, but the chloride content of the water is generally higher than it is in water from the main producing zones of the Ocala group and the Avon Park limestone. Hawthorn formation. The Hawthorn formation in northern Florida consists largely of gray phosphatic sand and lenses of green or gray fuller's earth (Cooke, 1945, p. 144). In Martin County the Hawthorn formation is composed of beds of dark green to white phosphatic clay containing silt and quartz sand. Thin layers of sandy phosphatic limestone and chert occur within the Hawthorn, especially in the lower part of the formation. Lenses and thin layers of phosphatic sand and shell are prevalent at some locations. The Hawthorn formation underlies all of Martin County and probably rests conformably on the Tampa formation (where the Tampa is present) (Cooke, 1945, p. 138) or unconformably on the Suwannee or older limestones. Its contact with the overlying Tamiami formation is probably conformable. The formation is 350 to 550 feet thick in Martin County. Its overall permeability is very low, and it serves as the confining bed


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 19 for the Floridan aquifer. It does not yield significant amounts of water to wells in Martin County. Tamiami formation. Parker (1951, p. 823) defined the Tamiami formation as including all deposits of late Miocene age in southern Florida. In areas where there is no distinct lithologic break between the middle and upper Miocene sediments, the Tamiami formation can be separated from the Hawthorn formation only by a thorough examination of the fossils. There appears to be no distinct lithologic change between the middle and upper Miocene deposits in Martin County and its thickness and water-bearing characteristics have not been established. POST-MIOCENE DEPOSITS The post-Miocene deposits in southern Florida include the Caloosahatchee marl of Pliocene age and the Anastasia formation, the Fort Thompson formation, and the Pamlico sand of Pleistocene age. Caloosahatchee marl. The Caloosahatchee marl is composed largely of sand and shells. Cooke (1945, p. 223) states: "The St. Lucie Canal cuts through the Pleistocene Anastasia formation into the Caloosahatchee marl from the entrance at Port Mayaca on Lake Okeechobee at a point about 3 miles below the Seaboard Railroad bridge at Indiantown. Throughout this distance Pliocene shell marl, some of it hard rock, has been thrown up by the dredge. ... There are no exposures of the Caloosahatchee marl along this canal, for the Anastasia extends below water level." The thickness of the Caloosahatchee marl in Martin County is unknown, but well 910, 15 miles northwest of Indiantown, penetrated a shell marl from 100 to 150 feet below the land surface; unfortunately, no samples were obtained from depths shallower than 100 feet. Julia Gardner (1952, personal communication) reported that samples from the 188 to 209-foot interval in well 143, in the eastern part of Martin County, may be of Pliocene age. Fort Thompson formation. The Fort Thompson formation as defined by Sellards (1919, p. 71-73) consists, in its type area, of alternating beds of fresh-water and brackish-water deposits as well as marine shell marl and limestone of Pleistocene age. A rock sample collected by a driller at a depth of 60 feet below the land surface, in a well north of Stuart, contains what appear to be


20 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY fresh-water gastropods; however, the rock samples collected at an equivalent depth from test well 905, north of Stuart, contained no fresh-water gastropods. In the absence of positive identification of substantial fresh-water deposits of the Fort Thompson formation in Martin County, all Pleistocene deposits below the Pamlico sand are herein tentatively assigned to the contemporaneous Anastasia formation. Anastasia formation. The Anastasia formation differs in composition from place to place, ranging from almost pure coquina to almost pure sand. In Martin County, however, it consists mostly of sand, shell beds, and thin discontinuous layers of sandy limestone or sandstone. The Anastasia formation and the Pamlico sand are the only formations exposed in Martin County, and the Anastasia formation probably underlies the surficial Pamlico in all parts of the county where it is not exposed. The consolidatedcoquina phase of the Anastasia formation crops out at Rocky Point, Jupiter Island, Hutchinson Island, and Sewall Point (fig. 5). There is evidence that the coquina is of two different ages, as it contains rounded boulders of an older coquina. The beds of coquina are probably not more than 10 to 20 feet thick, and only a few shallow wells are developed in them. The Anastasia formation furnishes most of the fresh-water supplies east of the Indiantown area. It is probably more than 100 feet thick in the eastern part of the county, but it presumably thins to the west and pinches out or merges with the Fort Thompson formation west of Martin County. The Anastasia lies unconformably on the Caloosahatchee marl or older formations and is overlain unconformably by the Pamlico sand. It is the principal source of fresh ground water in Martin County. The thin beds of permeable shell, limestone, or sandstone that occur at many places between 50 and 125 feet below the land surface usually yields large quantities of potable water to open-end wells. Moderate supplies of water can be obtained at most places from sandpoint wells at shallow depths. Pamlico sand. The Pamlico sand unconformably overlies the Anastasia formation in Martin County, except in the high area of the Orlando Ridge and in the sandhills (fig. 5) where the land was not covered by the sea during Pamlico time. The Pamlico sand is only a few feet thick over most of the county, and it is probably just a thin veneer.west of the coastal ridge. It is not a source of appreciable amounts of ground water in Martin County.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 21 GROUND WATER Ground water is the subsurface water in the zone of saturation, the zone in which all the voids of the soil or rocks are completely filled with water under greater than atmospheric pressure. An aquifer is a water-bearing formation, group of formations, or part of a formation in the zone of saturation that is permeable enough to transmit usable quantities of water. Ground water may occur under either nonartesian or artesian conditions. Where it only partly fills an aquifer and its upper surface is free to rise and fall, it is said to be under nonartesian conditions, and the surface is called the water table. Where the water is confined in a permeable bed that is overlain by a less permeable bed, its surface is not free to rise and fall, and water thus confined under pressure is said to be under artesian conditions. The height to which water will rise in tightly cased wells that penetrate an artesian aquifer defines the pressure or piezometric surface of the aquifer. The zone of saturation, or ground-water zone, is the reservoir from which all wells and springs obtain their water. It is replenished by infiltration of precipitation, though not all precipitation reaches it. Some is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration; some enters streams, lakes, oceans, or other bodies of surface water. The remainder is added to the ground-water reservoir. Ground water moves laterally under the influence of gravity to points of discharge such as springs, wells, streams, or the ocean. SHALLOW AQUIFER The shallow aquifer is the principal source of fresh-water supplies in Martin County. It includes the Pamlico sand, the Anastasia formation and possibly part of the Tamiami formation. The aquifer extends from the water table to about 150 feet below the land surface. It is. a nonartesian aquifer composed principally of sand, but containing relatively thin beds or lenses of limestone, sandstone, or shell; which are generally more permeable than the sand. Most large-capacity wells are developed, in the limestone, sandstone or shell. Some fairly large supplies of water and many small water supplies are obtained from the sand by the use of sandpoints and well screens. The lithology of the aquifer changes laterally as well as vertically, so that the permeable beds are not always found at the same


22 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY depth; in fact, in some areas they are missing entirely. The permeable limestone, sandstone, and shell strata are more prevalent in the eastern part of the county than in the western part. AQUIFER PROPERTIES Atlantic Coastal Ridge. The Atlantic Coastal Ridge parallels the coastline and ranges from 3 to 6 miles in width. The crest of the coastal ridge is about a mile wide and includes the Jensen Beach sandhills, Sewall Point, Rocky Point, and the Jonathan Dickinson State Park sandhills (fig. 5). In some places, such as Rocky Point and Sewall Point, coquina crops out, but at most places there does not appear to be any well defined rock core beneath the crest of the coastal ridge. In general, consolidated rock is first encountered at depths ranging from 40 to 60 feet below the land surface, and additional beds of consolidated rock are encountered to depths of about 150 feet. They are generally calcareous sandstones or sandy limestones in thin layers or lenses interbedded with sand and shells. In some places they are composed of masses of nodules, many of which are formed by the replacement of fossils. Very rarely can more than 5 to 10 feet of open hole be maintained below the well casing. The bottom of the shallow aquifer is about 150 feet below the land surface. The predominant materials between 150 and 750 feet are fine sand and clay, which will not yield appreciable quantities of water to wells. Coarse sandstone was reported between depths of 40 and 60 feet in well 121, in Jonathan Dickinson State Park. (See fig. 2 for location.) Similar sandstones were reported between depths of 40 and 70 feet and depths of 95 and 117 feet in the Hobe Sound municipal well field. Well 617, south of Stuart, was drilled to 87 feet and penetrated only loose sand, except for a few rounded pieces of sandstone between 60 and 63 feet below the land surface. Well 820, at Salerno, was drilled to a depth of 166 feet and penetrated a single thin layer of sandstone at a depth of 105 feet. The remaining material was sand and fine shell fragments. Well 656, in the Stuart municipal well field, penetrated beds of limestone between depths of 52 and 88 feet and between depths of 103 and 136 feet. Well 615, near Jensen Beach, penetrated loose sand to a depth of 65 feet. A driller's log of well 80, at the Stuart airfield, reported that the well was uncased in a shell bed between depths of 72 and 80 feet. Well 841, four miles south of Stuart, penetrated limestone between depths of 82 and 87 feet and 126


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 23 and 140 feet. Well 905, north of Stuart, penetrated layers of limestone and sandstone between depths of 60 and 65 feet and 100 and 135 feet. The foregoing data illustrate the nonuniformity of the shallow aquifer beneath the coastal ridge and the lack of continuity of the highly permeable zones. Exploratory drilling is desirable in any attempt to develop a ground-water supply in unexplored areas of the coastal ridge. Open-end wells sometimes can be constructed in shell beds which contain loose sand and nodular sandstone. Wells are developed by pumping, or by blowing with compressed air, to remove the loose sand and finer material from the section below the casing, which thus forms a natural gravel pack around the end of the casing. The gravel pack tends to prevent further entrance of sand during normal use of the well. In most areas of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge the sandy components of the shallow aquifer will yield potable water in quantities sufficient for domestic use. Most wells in the sand are 15 to 30 feet deep and are finished with 3to 5-foot well points. Eastern Flatlands, Orlando Ridge, and Everglades. The Eastern Flatlands extends throughout the major part of Martin County west of the coastal ridge (fig. 5). The thickness and character of the shallow aquifer in this area is about the same as it is on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, but in general it does not contain as much consolidated rock. A study of geologic samples taken during the drilling of well GS 23, 10 miles southeast of Indiantown, shows that there is no appreciable thickness of consolidated rock to a depth of 90 feet below the land surface. Well 1, drilled to a depth of 161 feet, on the Orlando Ridge at the Indiantown water plant, did not penetrate any consolidated rock. In the Indiantown area, small-diameter open-end wells can be constructed immediately below the hardpan, in permeable sand from 25 to 35 feet below the land surface. Openend wells can be developed in shell beds from 95 to 110 feet below the land surface to yield moderate amounts of potable water. North of Indiantown, on the Orlando Ridge, wells 937 and 938 penetrated dense sandy limestone from 126 to 196 feet below the land surface. At this interval the open hole beneath the casing will remain open even when blasted with a moderate charge of dynamite, in attempting to improve permeability. Well 937, 4 inches in diameter, is uncased between depths of 156 and 210 feet. Well 938, 3 inches in diameter, is uncased between depths of


24 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 126 and 180 feet. These two wells yielded 60 gpm (gallons per minute) and 70 gpm, respectively. Consolidated material occurs locally at shallow depth in the Eastern Flatlands. One such location is south of the St. Lucie lock and dam (fig. 2), where many small-diameter open-end wells are constructed between 22 and 25 feet below the land surface. Consolidated material was also encountered in the vicinity of Port Mayaca, between 11 and 21 feet below the land surface. Shell beds occur in many parts of the county but they are discontinuous and differ in thickness, character, and depth. They are more prevalent in the eastern part of the Flatlands than in the western part and are usually between 60 and 120 feet below the land surface. As in the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, nodular sandstone is often associated with the beds of shell. Open-end wells capable of yielding relatively large quantities of water are often constructed in these beds by removing the fine material from an area around the bottom of the well and leaving the shells and rock fragments as a coarse gravel pack. Well 871, an 8-inch well at the Stuart maintenance station of the Sunshine State Parkway, yielded an estimated 500 gpm from a bed developed in this manner. Most of the sand of the Eastern Flatlands area is of low to medium permeability, but sandpoint wells will yield enough water for most domestic needs. Where sufficient water cannot be obtained from a single well, two or more wells are sometimes connected to produce the required quantity. Most sandpoint wells are 15 to 45 feet deep and 11/4 to 2 inches in diameter. The subsurface lithology in the Everglades is a continuation of the type of materials underlying the adjoining Eastern Flatlands area. SHAPE AND SLOPE OF WATER TABLE The water table is an undulating surface conforming in a general way to the topography of the land. It is higher beneath hills and ridges than it is beneath low areas and its slope is usually not as steep as the slope of the land surface. Generally, the depth to water is greater beneath the ridges than it is in the Flatlands. For example, the water level in well 837 on the Orlando Ridge is about eight feet below land surface or about 40 feet above mean sea level, and the water level in the Allapattah Flats, 1.5 miles west of the well, is above land surface or about 26 feet above mean


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 25 L~~ --------------STUART EXPLANATION ;( " .I CONTOUR INTERVAL 7.O FOOT .6.0 (I WELL AND WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT ' Figure 7. Water table in the Stuart area, July 6,1955. sea level. Most of Martin County west of the coastal ridge is relatively flat and the water table is close to the land surface. The water levels in observation wells in the Stuart area were measured at various times to determine the altitude and shape of the water table in the area and to determine changes in groundwater storage in the aquifer. The water table is highest in the south-central part of the Stuart area, and slopes east, north, and west toward points of ground-water discharge in the Manatee Pocket, the St. Lucie B0V003 SI6.0 WELLAND WATER-LEVEL L OEASUREAENTXI Figure 7. Water table in the Stuart area, July 6, 1955. sea level. Most of Martin County west of the coastal ridge is relatively flat and the water table is close to the land surface. The water levels in observation wells in the Stuart area were measured at various times to determine the altitude and shape of the water table in the area and to determine changes in groundwater storage in the aquifer. The water table is highest in the south-central part of the Stuart area, and slopes east, north, and west toward points of ground-water discharge in the Manatee Pocket, the St. Lucie


26 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY R R42Est * -z STUART WELL AND WATERLEVEL MEASUREMENT Figure 8. Water table in the Stuart area, October 5, 1955. River, and the South Fork of the St. Lucie River (figs. 7, 8). Ground water flows approximately at right angles to the contour lines; therefore, it is apparent from figures 7 and 8 that practically all the recharge to the nonartesian aquifer in the Stuart area is derived from local rainfall. Much of the rainfall is quickly absorbed by the permeable surface sands and infiltrates to the water table. Evidence of this lies in the fact that the water level in well 656 (Stuart well field), 144 feet deep, rose 1.11 feet within 12 hours after a rainfall of 1.09 inches was recorded at Stuart. Surface (Z. 0. 4. ~ /P ;/;; ~i~7V 1-O~;9.. after a rainfall of 1.09 inches was recorded at Stuart. Surface


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 27 runoff generally is small, except after an exceptionally heavy rainfall. Figures 9 and 10 show how pumping in the city well fields affects the water table. Figure 9 shows the water table on April 1, 1955, when the supply wells at the old city well fields, at the water plant and the ball park, were being pumped. Figure 10 shows the water table on May 3, 1955, when wells in the old well fields were shut down and wells in the new city well field, south of 10th Street and west of Palm Beach Road, were being pumped. WATER-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Six automatic water-level recording gages were installed on wells in Martin County. Five of the six gages, installed at different locations in the county, record data on the natural rise and fall of the water table during the year. The sixth gage, in the Stuart well field, records the natural fluctuations and the effects of pumping on the water levels (figs. 11-13). In addition, tape measurements of water level were made in many wells (table 8). Well 125, in the sand-hills area of Jonathan Dickinson State Park, is 90 feet deep, and the water level in this well responds very slowly to rainfall, compared to the water levels in the other wells, because of the relatively greater depth to water. The water table in well 125 is 11 to 18 feet below the land surface, and downward infiltration of rainfall through the thick sand section is so retarded that the water is appreciably delayed in reaching the water table. Consequently, rainfall is added to the ground-water zone over relatively long periods. The record from the gage on well 140 shows that the water level in this well responds more rapidly to rainfall than the water level in well 125. Well 140, 30 feet deep, is 13 miles southeast of Indiantown at the edge of a slough area in the Eastern Flatlands, and its water level usually is less than four feet below the land surface. During heavy rains the water rises as much as 2.5 feet within a few hours, because the rain has to infiltrate only a few feet to the water table. When the water table reaches the land surface, additional recharge is rejected and the excess water runs off as surface-water flow. The decline -of the water table in the area of well 140 is gradual, owing to the slight slope of the water table. A large part of the water is discharged from the area by evapotranspiration, especially when the water table is within a foot of the surface. At such times, a distinct diurnal fluctuation of as much as 0.2 foot occurs.


SST LUCIE RIVER OLD WELL FIELDS WATER PLANT BALL PARK FIELD FIELD 3, $a I, .o. OF WATER TABLE,IN FEET BOVE MEAN a SEA LEVEL.NOTE CHANOE IN CONTOUR 3l FIELDLL,, Ie I9~ Ir Ie /n ®he /t /t /MUNICIIPAL WELL.t . S/ soulo o 2o Figure 9. Water table within the Stuart city limits, April 1, 1955..




_____l____ , , ,,1 1 I I, ' I , , j -g ., t t~ -T.CT r .. ani A_______________T________1 ----_________________ Tr_ -_-_-_-_.-. A J. 771i I I .v_WI.L i FJ 1 i 1 F ,. T Figure 11. Hydrographs of wells 125, 140 and 147 and rainfall at Stuart.


U ,o ,, .w ." ........,^ ,. , -» , --wE LL2aS INOIANTOWN I 29 ''' L.AVD-SUNIFACE ALTTUDE 33o.SFp&fl J' IIk T, Er.-. EA --L o WELL 953 S6 MILES WEST OF PALM CITY IWOL 9 ND-SURFACE ALTITUDE 23.S FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL .. ' I I I I-I I I | | | I I I I j I i I I I I _I » S---_-fl iL Lf£---_ ------_ _ ----g 1 4 ____AN, LOC -,IL ,w Figure 12. Hydrographs of wells 928 and 933 and rainfall at St. Lucie Canal Lock.


I44S l«« 194I 7 I1si v gr y r W .&A oce M&* &# 4» 6e « .(Af OILY MA MAT I" " %fr. w' 1 -ie W." * A go' U AL f .U Geq .we I g 04 .w4 i r FMT OW 1E .f M -1i i t I i I .g ifgsl , .___ _ I ./,___ _ ^ I I I . 3 .--I n o w ---,-----------_ --I.i--_ Ia ltr gas -ydrWrNh of el ril a U LAOALfM= ILO PT A u------------nio.L. ALT STUT-------"6iE L L I_ i . Figure 13. Hydrograph of well 658 and rainfall at Stuart.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 33 Well 147, in the city of Stuart, is 74 feet deep, and its water level ranges from about 1 foot to 10 feet below the land surface. The material from the surface to a depth of 10 feet consists of fine to medium quartz sand. The hydrograph of this well (fig. 11) shows that the water table responds to rainfall more rapidly when it is near the surface. The record shows also a daily fluctuation of about 0.2 foot caused by pumping in the Stuart municipal well lield, which is about one-quarter mile east of the well. The gage on well 988, six miles west of Stuart, was installed in June 1957. The water level in this well is within three feet of the land surface most of the year, and it is often above the top of the ground during the rainy season(fig. 12). The well is 14 feet deep and about 50 feet from a drainage ditch. The material from the land surface to the bottom of the well is mostly fine, clean, quartz sand. The water level rises sharply (as much as 1.75 feet in an hour) because the rainfall can easily reach the water table through the permeable surface sand. The water level in the well usually drops rapidly from its peak because of the drainage effect of the nearby ditch. However, during prolonged periods of heavy rain the drainage ditch is filled and cannot accept groundwater inflow; under these conditions the water table remains high for a relatively long period. Well 928, at Indiantown, is 11 feet deep and penetrates only fine quartz sand, except for a layer of hardpan between four and five feet below the land surface. The water level in the well fluctuates from slightly above land surface to about three feet below (fig. 12). It does not rise as fast as in well 933, probably because the surface sand is not as permeable and the vertical movement is impeded by the hardpan. The gage on well 658, in the Stuart well field, records waterlevel fluctuations caused by pumping in addition to the natural fluctuations (fig. 13). Well 658 is 100 feet from a municipal supply well and about 300 feet from the center of the cone of influence caused by pumping the three municipal supply wells. The purpose of the installation is to record the progressive trend of water levels in the well field and to ascertain when they have reached equilibrium. A persistent decline eventually would expose the well field to salt-water encroachment from the St. Lucie River. Figure 18 shows the daily high and low water levels in well 658 for the period of record. The lowest point reached was 1.82 feet below mean sea level in February 1957, and the highest was 10 feet above mean sea level in October 1957 and January 1958. A study of the hydrograph reveals that the average water level does


34 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY not indicate a progressive decline at the existing pumping rate. The water levels in late 1957 and early 1958 were higher than they were shortly after the well field was put in operation, in 1955. Comparison of the hydrograph of well 658 (fig. 13) with the daily rainfall at Stuart and the hydrograph of well 147 (fig. 11), on the edge of the well field, shows that water levels in the well field respond to changes in rainfall and reflect, in general, the natural fluctuations of water levels in the area. If hydrologic conditions remain essentially as they were during the period shown in figure 13, the well field should not be endangered by salt-water encroachment. RECHARGE The shallow aquifer in Martin County receives most of its recharge from rainfall in and immediately adjacent to the county. The average rainfall is about 60 inches a year, of which 65 percent occurs from June through October. Most of the county is covered by sand that is sufficiently permeable to absorb practically all the rainfall. In general, surface-water runoff is small except in the slough areas where the water table is at or above the land surface. The hydrographs in figures 11, 12, and 13 indicate a general increase in ground-water storage due to abundant rainfall during June through October, and discharge of ground water from storage during November through April or May. A small amount of water may seep from the St. Lucie Canal during low ground-water stages; however, except near the St. Lucie locks, the water level in the canal is generally lower than the water table and ground water is discharged into the canal. A small amount of recharge to the shallow aquifer comes from the downward seepage of artesian water that was used for irrigation. DISCHARGE Ground water is discharged by flow into streams, springs, or lakes, by direct flow into the ocean, by evapotranspiration, and by pumping from wells. Many small streams and sloughs in Martin County discharge ground water to the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Okeechobee. In the central part of the county, where the water table is at or near the surface during most of the year, evapotranspiration is a very important means of discharge. In addition to natural means of discharge, much ground water is carried away


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 35 by canals and ditches. The amount discharged by wells during 1957 was very small compared to the total amount discharged from the shallow aquifer. This is discussed more fully in the section on use. ARTESIAN AQUIFER The artesian aquifer in Martin County is part of the Floridan aquifer, which underlies all of Florida and southern Georgia. The Floridan aquifer as defined by Parker (1955, p. 189) includes "parts or all of the middle Eocene (Avon Park and Lake City limestones), upper Eocene (Ocala limestone), Oligocene (Suwannee limestone), and Miocene (Tampa limestone, and permeable parts of the Hawthorn formation that are in hydrologic contact with the rest of the aquifer)." AQUIFER PROPERTIES Wells penetrating the Floridan aquifer will flow in all parts of Martin County, except at the tops of the high sandhills in the eastern part of the county where the land surface is more than 50 feet above mean sea level. The top of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County is usually between 600 and 800 feet below the land surface. The thickness of the aquifer is unknown, as no wells have completely penetrated it. The deepest known wells extend 1,300 to 1,500 feet below mean sea level. Wells drilled into the Floridan aquifer in the area west (upthrown side) of the fault (fig. 6) usually begin to show an appreciable flow from about 660 to 800 feet below mean sea level. East (downthrown side) or the fault, wells must be drilled 800 to 1,000 feet below mean sea level before they will flow. Figure 6 is a contour map drawn on the top of the limestone of the Ocala group. West of the fault this limestone usually provides the first significant flow of water, as the overlying Tampa and Suwannee beds are either very thin or missing. East of the fault the Suwannee limestone is relatively thick and will yield small quantities of water. Most of the artesian wells in the county include limestone of the Ocala group in the producing part of the open hole, and end in the underlying Avon Park limestone. No wells are known to penetrate the Lake City limestone. A well north of Indiantown was reported to have been drilled to a depth of 1,800 feet and may have penetrated the Lake City limestone. The water at that depth


36 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY was reported to be too salty for irrigational use, and the well was sealed off at 1,100 feet, before its initial depth could be verified. Most wells are cased only into the Hawthorn formation to a. depth below which the driller feels the hole will stay open. This depth differs throughout the county ranging from 275 feet below the land surface, in well 448 near Palm City, to 795 feet, in well 128 in Stuart. The amount of casing in a well is generally related to the depth to the top cf the Ocala group (fig. 6), but lithologic variations within the Hawthorn formation and the personal factor of the driller's judgment account for some of the differences in the length of casing in different wells. Current-meter traverses were made in wells 748 (2 miles west of Palm City), 745 (12 miles west of Palm City), and 150 (3 miles south of Salerno) (figs. 14, 15) to determine the zones that were contributing water to the wells. A current-meter traverse in a well furnishes measurements of the velocity of the water at different depths. If the open hole that penetrates the aquifer is reasonably uniform in diameter, an increase in velocity in a particular interval indicates that water is entering the well bore within that interval. It is reasonable to assume, from the evidence gathered from lithologic and electric well logs and from observations made during the drilling of artesian wells, that the limestone of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County is fairly -. ,I--.-.. ..--1m ls -0 11 .....6.h11 f* \0 P Figure 14. Data obtained from wells 745 and 748.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 37 OKOLOO1C DELP, RELATIVE O o d 'rIIAL LITHOLOOY J RELATIVE VELOCITY A..U.i REIV,/MIN, or CUIRRNT METER MSL---------------Estimated flow 140 gp 100. --j---------an InQ eaging 200 , * .... -___ to o 300. L 400 6500. -------600 ----'-. m NO C-LAY LIMingNTFigure 11. Data obtained from wll 150. 7001100.


38 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY homogeneous. The open hole is probably slightly smaller in the dense, less permeable zones than it is in the more permeable zones. This probably accounts for the small reversals in the velocity graphs of wells 748 and 150 (figs. 14, 16). By current-meter traverses it is possible to determine the main producing zones within the aquifer. If many strategically spaced wells were available for study in an area, the zones could probably be correlated. Unfortunately, there were only a few wells in Martin County of sufficient diameter to accommodate the current-meter tube. A current-meter traverse of well 748, 2 miles west of Palm City (estimated flow 300 gpm), shows that about 30 percent of the flow enters the well between depths of 660 and 675 feet, about 25 percent between 700 and 720 feet, about 25 percent between 740 and 760 feet, and the remaining 20 percent from intervening sections and below 760 feet to the bottom of the well which is 773 feet below the land surface (fig. 14). Thus, it can be seen that about 80 percent of the water comes from 55 feet of the total 110 feet of open hole. Well 745, 10 miles west of well 748, is 696 feet deep and has an estimated flow of 190 gpm. Nearly 100 percent of the water is entering the well between depths of 685 and 696 feet (fig. 14). Well 150 (estimated flow 300 gpm) is located east of the fault (tig. 6). This traverse shows a different pattern of flow distribution because the producing zone is thicker than the producing zone west of the fault and the permeability is more uniform. Water is contributed to the well at a rather uniform rate throughout the part of the aquifer penetrated by the well; 18 percent of the water enters the well between depths of 960 and 970 feet, 18 percent enters between 1,235 and 1,245 feet, and the rest enters more or less uniformly from the intervening sections and between 1,245 feet and the bottom of the hole at 1,315 feet (fig. 15). Well 841 (estimated flow 140 gpm) is south of Stuart and east of the fault line. The flow pattern in this well was noted during drilling operations and is similar to that in well 150; 20 percent of the water enters the well between depths of 820 and 830 feet, 20 percent enters between 866 and 888 feet, and the remaining 60 percent enters rather uniformly from the rest of the producing zone to the bottom of the well at 1,057 feet. Well 910 (estimated flow 225 gpm) first began to flow at a depth of 850 feet. This well was drilled with a cable-tool machine, and only a part of the rock cuttings was cleared from the well during each bailing. The heavy drilling mud thus formed during drilling may have retarded the flow of water. The well might have


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 39 flowed at a shallower depth if all the rock cuttings had been removed from the well during drilling operations. PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE The piezometric surface is an imaginary surface representing the pressure head of the water confined in an artesian aquifer. It is the height to which water will rise in tightly cased wells that penetrate the artesian aquifer. In areas where the water level will rise above the land surface, the pressure head is usually measured with a pressure gage at the well outlet. The first survey of the piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer was presented by Stringfield (1936) from data obtained in 1934. Figure 16 shows the piezometric surface of peninsular Florida, as defined by Stringfield, but revised to include the most recent data available in December 1957. The artesian pressure head in Martin County ranges from 48 to 53 feet above mean sea level. The piezometric surface slopes in an east-southeasterly direction in Martin County; however, local cones of depression caused by relatively large withdrawals distort the regional pattern (fig. 17). The depressions in the vicinity of Palm City and Indiantown are caused by heavy use of water within these areas, and the depression in the northwest corner of the county is caused by heavy use in the southeastern part of neighboring Okeechobee County. Pressure measurements made in wells 150 and 306, in T. 39 S., R. 41 E., show a sharp drop in the piezometric surface compared to measurements made in nearby wells; however, wells 150 and 306 yield water having a relatively high salt content and, consequently, a higher specific gravity than that in other wells in the county. The column of water in wells 150 and 306 exerts a greater pressure against the aquifer than an equal column of fresh water. The pressure readings obtained at the top of these wells, therefore, do not represent the true pressure within the aquifer in terms of fresh water. When corrections are made in accordance with the GhybenHerzberg principle (p. 64), to correlate the pressures observed in wells 150 and 306 with the pressures in areas where the water has less salt, the adjusted pressure head is about 48 feet. This pressure is consistent with the regional slope of the piezometric surface (fig. 16). The piezometric surface is higher than the water table in all parts of Martin County. It is also above the land surface, except on the tops of some of the sandhills in the eastern part of the


40 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY E !--.-1 .--,. is --Ig , o " ----'--'-:------------11 ---Skp , .,r \7 r •\_ \ i *\\ .. .-/ . RDDD Coo \ \....... -o,,,0ow.. \ CC fG I D LC K N08 ' t iO R A N SCALE IN E 0 L Figue .Piezometric surface of the Floridn uier, 197, in peninuar SST MARTIN -j.n \ GLADES " oEECHOBEF R OTTEE 4 PAL E HENDR D RY B E A H ---^ ----^ ------^ ----I y----------^----·-·---,ROW A RD oI i g r 016 .P i e o t s 19a e 1 7 Cnto.,r IWnterl 10 ori9 a in o 9 o to so so Figure 16. Piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, 1957, in peninsular Florida.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 41 county. The land surface rises to 49 feet above mean sea level north of Indiantown, and there the piezometric surface is only slightly higher; consequently, most of the wells are equipped with pumps. There is no apparent change in artesian pressure with depth in the aquifer, at least within the range of depths observed in Martin County. WATER-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS The piezometric surface fluctuates in response to recharge by rainfall, discharge from wells, earthquakes, passing trains, and variations in barometric pressure (Parker and Stringfield, 1950, p. 441-460). The changes due to earthquakes, passing trains, and barometric pressure are of short duration, but changes due to recharge by rainfall and discharge from wells usually occur over a relatively long period. The fluctuations due to recharge by rainfall decrease in magnitude with increased distance from the recharge area. The principal recharge area for the artesian aquifer in southern Florida is centered in Polk and Pasco counties, approximately 100 miles from Martin County. At this distance, fluctuations of the piezometric surface due to seasonal rainfall in the recharge area are probably small. No continuous, long-term records of the artesian pressure in Martin County are available, but changes in the amount of rainfall in the recharge area over a period of years would probably be reflected in the piezometric surface in Martin County. There is no evidence that rainfall within the county itself has any direct effect on the piezometric surface. Artesian water levels usually rise during the rainy season, probably because most wells are shut off during wet weather, not because the artesian aquifer is receiving local recharge. Discharge from wells causes the greatest changes in the piezometric surface. A pressure gage was installed on well 748, 2 miles west of Palm City (fig. 2), and left for several weeks to record the natural fluctuations of the piezometric surface. Then, well 752, which had been closed during this period, was allowed to discharge at the rate of about 300 gpm for 24 hours. The pressure in the observation well, which is about 1,000 feet from the discharging well and about the same depth, showed a decline of about 0.5 foot at the end of the test. Continuous discharge of water from a number of wells over a period of years causes a wide cone of depression to form, as shown in figure 17.


13 EXPLANIATION Line shmoring pprounolt oltilude of the peIlomelric surface in eal above man sea level in 1957 Well in which water level was measured Conlour intervol I fool i ," icr /_ sra o I 0 C~AL IE MSLES Figure 17. Piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer, April 1957. in Martin R ZEý At 16 WLS ]F~r 1.Pezmti srae ftePlrdn qier pi 15,inMri


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 43 The available data on long-term trends of water levels in the artesian aquifer in Martin County are shown in table 2. The artesian pressure measurements, of the four wells that have the longest periods of record, show apparent declines of the piezometric surface ranging from 1.7 to 6.7 feet between 1946 and 1957. Some of the declines may be due to local water use at the time of measurement or to leakage through breaks in the casing below the ground level; however, declines are shown in all wells for which long-term records are available. They can probably be attributed to one or both of the following factors: (1) increased use of artesian water in the recharge area or the area between Martin County and the recharge area, either of which would reduce the flow of artesian water into Martin County; and (2) increased use of artesian water in Martin County. TABLE 2. Artesian Pressures, in Feet Above Land Surface, at Selected Wells in Martin County, 1946-57 Well 33 Well 86 Well 143 Well 146 Water Water Water Water Date level Date level Date level Date level 72-46 12.7 7-23-46 45.0 5-24-51 27.5 9-10-51 18.5 32-53 11.0 3-27-52 43.2 3-27-52 27.7 3-26-52 17.7 1-25-57 6.0 76-56 40.0 4-25-57 25.5 2-19-53 18.2 57-57 42.5 36-57 16.8 RECHARGE The Floridan aquifer is recharged where the permeable rocks that constitute the aquifer are at or near the surface or where the water table is higher than the piezometric surface and the confining bed is thin or relatively permeable. The principal recharge area for central and southern Florida is in and around Polk County, where the piezometric surface is highest (fig. 16). In much of Polk County, limestone of the Floridan aquifer is overlain by semiconfining beds of the Hawthorn formation, which are not impermeable and may permit downward leakage. The semiconfining beds may have been penetrated by sinkholes which now are occupied by lakes. Possibly these sinkholes are filled with somewhat permeable sand which, in some places, permits downward movement of water.


44 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DISCHARGE The water level in the Floridan aquifer in Polk County and vicinity is at a higher altitude than it is in the surrounding areas. The water in the aquifer moves downgradient, perpendicular to the contour lines shown in figure 16, to points of discharge. The principal points of discharge are springs and wells, and where upward leakage occurs through the confining bed. There are no known natural springs in Martin County, but there probably are submarine springs where the Floridan aquifer crops out on the ocean floor. If the slope of the top of the Floridan aquifer east of Martin County is approximately the same as it is in Martin County, the Floridan aquifer should crop out on the floor of the ocean about 25 miles offshore. Also if the slope of the piezometric surface and the salinity of the water are uniform, the pressure head near the outcrop area would be about 36 feet above mean sea level, or about eight feet higher than is necessary to balance the pressure of the sea water at 1,100 feet below mean sea level. The artesian water could, therefore, discharge into the ocean; however, the outcrop area is probably covered by somewhat impermeable sediments of relatively recent origin, which could restrict such discharge. The total discharge from wells in Martin County was relatively small in 1957. The yields of the 80 artesian wells ranged from less than 10 gpm, in wells obstructed by an accumulation of clay in the open-hole part of the well, to 750 gpm, in free-flowing wells. The average yield is probably about 200 gpm; thus, the total discharge, if all wells were opened would be about 25 mgd (million gallons per day). The discharge probably averages less than 10 mgd, as most wells are used only a few months of each year and others are not used at all. A few wells in the high area north of Indiantown are equipped with pumps to increase their yields, because the artesian pressure and the natural flow are low. Discharge by upward leakage through the confining beds of the Hawthorn formation is probably small in Martin County. The confining bed is composed of more than 500 feet of fine sand, silt, and "tough" green clay of extremely low permeability. The low permeability was illustrated in the following test made during the drilling of well 841, south of Stuart. Drilling operations were temporarily suspended, owing to mechanical failure. The casing was set at 230 feet and there was 400 feet of open hole in the Hawthorn formation. The well was being jetted with clear water, and when the jetting rods were removed the water level was


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 45 about 10 feet below the top of the casing. The water level remained static until the next day, when the casing was filled to the top with water and allowed to remain for 24 hours. During this 24-hour period the water level declined only about 2 feet, showing that the Hawthorn formation could absorb only a few gallons of water through 400 feet of open hole in 24 hours. Further evidence that very little leakage was taking place through the confining bed was noted during the drilling of test well 656, in the Stuart well field. This well was drilled 150 feet below land surface, to the top of the Hawthorn formation. The chloride content of water samples taken during the drilling of the well remained constant at about 18 ppm (parts per million) as the well approached the top of the confining bed, even though the underlying artesian water had a chloride content of more than 1,000 ppm. QUANTITATIVE STUDIES The ability of an aquifer to transmit water is expressed as the coefficient of transmissibility. In customary units, it is the quantity of water, in gallons per day, that will move through a vertical section of the aquifer one foot wide and extending the full saturated height of the aquifer, under a unit hydraulic gradient (Theis, 1938, p. 892), at the prevailing temperature of the water. The coefficient of storage is a measure of the capacity of the aquifer to store water and is defined as the volume of water released from or taken into storage per unit surface area of the aquifer per unit change in the component of head normal to that surface. The "leakage coefficient" indicates the ability of the beds above and below the aquifer to transmit water to the main producing zone. It may be defined as the quantity of water that crosses a unit area of the interface between the main aquifer and its semiconfining bed, if the difference between the head in the main aquifer and in the bed supplying the leakage is unity. These coefficients are generally determined by means of pumping tests on wells. The withdrawal of water from an aquifer causes a decline of water level (drawdown) in the vicinity of the point of withdrawal. As a result of this drawdown, the water table or piezometric surface assumes the approximate shape of an inverted cone having its apex at the center of withdrawal. The size and shape of this cone of depression depend on the transmissibility and storage coefficients of the aquifer and the rate of pumping.


46 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUMPING TESTS Six pumping tests were made of the shallow aquifer in Martin County, four of these within the city limits of Stuart. The first test was made in the new city well field on March 9, 1955, well 657 (municipal supply well 1) being pumped at the rate of 135 gpm for 11 hours. Water-level measurements were made during the test in wells 656, 658, and 659, respectively 11, 100, and 300 feet from the pumped well. Wells 658 and 659, are.cased to 115 feet and have 10 feet of open hole in the underlying limestone. Well 656 is cased to 144 feet and has one foot of open hole. The water from well 657 was discharged into a ditch about 75 feet away, but because the ditch was choked with vegetation and has only a slight gradient, water remained in the vicinity and recharged the aquifer during the test. The second test was made on March 23, 1955, also in the new city well field. Well 724 (municipal well 3) was pumped at a rate of 140 gpm for five hours, and water levels were observed in wells 659, 658, and 657, respectively 300, 500, and 600 feet from the pumped well. The wells are all cased to 115 feet, and have 10 feet of open hole in the underlying limestone. The water was discharged into a ditch 200 feet from the pumped well and remained in the area and recharged the aquifer, but this recharge did not affect the water levels as quickly as that in test no. 1. The third test was made on the following day, March 24, at the same location as tests 1 and 2 (fig. 18). Well 723 (municipal well 2) was pumped at a rate of 112 gpm for 5 hours, and water levels were observed in wells 658 and 724, respectively 500 and 780 feet from the pumped well. All wells are cased to 115 feet, and have 10 feet of open hole in the underlying limestone. The water was discharged into a depression near the wells and remained in the area, probably recharging the aquifer. The fourth test was made on May 27, 1955 in the new well field, which had been in operation prior to the test. Observation well 658A, 13 feet deep, was installed 100 feet from well 657 (municipal well 1) and immediately adjacent to observation well 658. Prior to the test the well field was shut down overnight to allow recovery of the water levels in the area. On the next morning the measured water level in both the deep and the shallow observation wells (658 and 658A) was 6.38 feet above mean sea level. Well 657 was pumped at a rate of 103 gpm for nine hours and at the end of this period the drawdowns in wells 668 and 658A were 3.58 and 0.34 feet, respectively (fig. 19). The water


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 47 190 Ft. S96 899 _ -____ ----,30oo S--700 F -----400F-/ /89' 900 / LEIGHTON FARM 898 656 8 A 659 724 -100 Ft-200 F --**-----300 Ft ----657i, 658 0 / 657 / 0 0 / /STUART WELL FIELD -1?3 Figure 18. Location of wells used in pumping tests. level in well 658 began to decline almost immediately after pumping started, and had fallen three feet after 21 minutes. Near the end of the test the water level in well 658 had nearly stabilized, whereas that in well 658A was still falling, but at a decreasing rate. The water was discharged into the city mains and so did not return to the aquifer. Two pumping tests were made on the farm of Captain Bruce Leighton, about 10 miles west of Palm City, during the periods


48 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TIME. IN1 MINUTES AFTER PUMPING STARTED s o0 100 Ia5 0 2 O 50 SO C 350 400 450 oo00 550 v-WELL 658A " -"W-"658A -------------WELL 658 Figure 19. Drawdown observed in wells 658 and 658A during pumping test in the new city well field, May 27, 1955. October 25-26, 1956, and July 10-12, 1957, using the irrigation wells on the farm. In the first test, well 891 was pumped for two hours at 500 gpm and 25 hours at 725 gpm. The water was discharged into a nearby irrigation ditch and remained in the area. During this test, tape measurements of the water level were made in observation well 892, located 190 feet from the pumped well (fig. 18). Automatic recording gages were installed on observation wells 894, 898, 900, 896, and 897, which were 1,300, 2,600, 2,700, 3,400, and 3,430 feet, respectively, from the pumping well. Significant drawdowns were observed in wells 892 and 894, but if any drawdowns occurred in wells 898, 900, 896, and 897, they were very slight and were masked by the natural decline of the water table and by the effects of barometric fluctuations. The second test was made in the same area of the Leighton farm (fig. 18). Well 894 was pumped for 48 hours at the rate of 340 gpm. Automatic recording gages were installed on observation wells 899, 900, 898, and 896, which were 1,400, 1,400, 1,700, and


TABLE 3. Results of Pumping Tests in Martin County, 1955-57 Depth of well (feet) .2r .ii i5 ti 1 -1 in --------------*g ., ^ STUART WELL FIELD 39-55 657 656 125 144 11 135 18,000 0.0025 0.237 5.75 39-55 657 658 125 125 100 185 23,000 .00015 .095 3.39 39-55 657 659 125 125 300 185 27,000 .00035 .048 1.29 3-23-55 724 659 125 125 300 140 17,000 .00035 .048 1.76 . 3-23-55 724 658 125 125 500 140 23,000 .00051 .075 .67 3-23-55 724 657 125 125 600 140 24,000 .00056 .098 .41 3-24-55 723 658 125 125 550 112 26,000 .00038 .085 .63 m 8-24-55 723 724 125 125 780 112 22,000 .00064 .174 .10 Z 5-27-55 657 658 125 125 100 103 16,000 .00010 .016 3.58 P LEIGHTON FARM 10-25-56 891 892 75 40 190 725 30,000 .00023 .027 9.86 10-25-56 891 894 75 75 1,300 725 83,000 .0065 .126 .38 7-10-57 894 899 75 35 1,400 340 35,000 .0021 .072 .25 7-10-57 894 900 75 135 1,400 340 55,000 .0012 .040 .44 1Hantush, 1956, p. 706. "Gallons per day per square foot per foot of vertical head.


50 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 2,100 feet, respectively, from the pumped well. Significant drawdowns were observed in wells 899 and 900 (table 3). INTREPRETATION OF PUMPING TEST DATA Theis (1935, p. 519-524), using basic heat-transfer formulas, developed a method to analyze the movement of water through an aquifer which is (1) homogeneous and isotropic, (2) of infinite areal extent, (3) of uniform thickness, (4) bounded above and below by impermeable beds, (5) receiving no recharge, (6) fully penetrated by the discharging well, and (7) losing water only through the discharging well. If an aquifer meets all these conditions, the Theis nonequilibrium method, as described by Wenzel (1942, p. 87-90), will give a true transmissibility value for the aquifer, regardless of the distance of the observation well from the pumped well or the rate of pumping. When the data from the tests in Martin County were analyzed by the Theis method, the computed values of the coefficient of transmissibility ranged from 18,000 to 170,000 gpd per foot for the same area, indicating that the aquifer does not meet all the above conditions. From well logs and cuttings and the performance of individual wells, the main producing zone which is at a depth of 103 to 140 feet in the new Stuart well field, appears to be reasonably homogeneous, isotropic, and uniform in thickness. For a test of short duration the aquifer is, in effect, of infinite areal extent, but it is not bounded above and below by an impermeable bed, as is shown by the fact that the water level in shallow well 658A (fig. 4) began to decline 8 minutes after pumping in well 657 began (fig. 19). The water was discharged on the ground in the vicinity of the pumped wells in tests 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6; consequently, the aquifer was receiving recharge. In addition, the pumped wells did not fully penetrate the aquifer. After corrections were made for the effects of partial penetration and for the natural fluctuations of the water table, the corrected data were plotted on logarithmic graph paper as s versus t r, or drawdown (s) versus time (t) since pumping began divided by the square of the distance (r) between the pumped well and the observation well. The resulting curves were compared with a family of leaky-aquifer type curves developed by H. H. Cooper, Jr. of the U.S. Geological Survey. This family of curves is based upon the equation for nonsteady flow in an infinite leaky aquifer developed by Hantush and Jacob (1955, p. 95-100) and described


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 51 by Hantush (1956, p. 702-714). The equations assume a permeable aquifer overlain by semipermeable beds through which water, under a constant head, can infiltrate to recharge the aquifer. The transmissibilities obtained by the leaky-aquifer method apply to the permeable aquifer and a second factor-called the leakage coefficient-applies to the semipermeable beds overlying the main producing zone. The coefficients of transmissibility, storage, and leakage for the six tests made in Martin County are shown in table 3. The wells used in the pumping tests in the new Stuart well field were nearly uniform in depth. The observation wells were spaced at different distances from the pumped well (fig. 18), so the observed drawdowns gave a good picture of the cone of depression due to pumping. When the data for each test were analyzed, the calculated values for the coefficients of transmissibility (table 3) all fell within the narrow range of 16,000 to 27,000 gpd per foot, and it is reasonable to assume a value of about 20,000 gpd per foot for the area. The wells used in the pumping tests on the Leighton farm were irrigation wells, and they were not ideally situated for observing drawdowns. Most of the observation wells were spaced too far from the pumped wells, and all but one were developed at depths different from those of the pumped wells. As a result, the tests in the Leighton farm area show a much wider range of values for the coefficient of transmissibility than do the tests made in the Stuart well field. QUALITY OF WATER The water that falls on the earth's surface as rain or snow is relatively free of dissolved mineral matter except for very small quantities of atmospheric gases and dust. As it runs off or infiltrates into the ground, the water dissolves some of the material with which it comes in contact. Some minerals are dissolved much more easily than others; thus, the degree of mineralization of ground water depends generally upon the composition of the material through which the water passes. Chemical analysis of 52 samples of water from Martin County (23 from the artesian aquifer and 29 from the shallow aquifer) has been made by the U. S. Geological Survey. The results of these analyses are listed in tables 4 and 5. In addition, determinations were made of the chloride content of the water from 767 wells; and these are shown in table 8. Determinations of 140 samples from 26 selected wells are listed also in table 6.


T'AuLE 4. Analyuis of Watur from WOll in the Artusian Aquifer in Martin (ounty, (Analyuse by U. 8, Geologiical Sulvuy, ChmILical constituent" are expressed in parts pur million,) S3 Q -w a w _a 27 73-56 0.04 144 118 906 180 336 1,640 0.7 -3,230 844 5,710 5 7.0 29 6-27-46 .. .43 70 72 453 74 309 760 .9 -1740 471 3,130 3 6.5 30 6-28-46 .15 61 47 200 176 188 310 .8 0.8 894 345 1,600 3 7.1 3-25-58 19 .04 82 52 250 6.4 169 182 450 .8 .3 1,126' 418 2,020 2 7.3 31 6-28-46 .. .04 98 69 337 186 216 625 .7 ...... 1,440 528 2,610 1 7.0 43 7-17-46 .... 11 114 104 746 188 276 1,340 .8 ...... 2,670 712 4,770 4 7.0 47 77-46 ... .08 108 87 596 182 292 1,040 .8 ...... 2,210 627 3,950 3 7.0 64 7-18-46 .... 14 99 122 984 156 223 1,790 1.6 ...... 3,300 749 5,990 1 7.0 N 65 7-19-46 .... .02 92 83 506 192 235 900 .1 ...... 1,900 571 3,450 1 7.3 86 7-23-46 .... 03 89 82 501 192 282 885 .1 ...... 1,880 559 3,410 1 7.2 0 7-15-57 ... .890 ..... ...... 2,070" 550 3,440 .... ...... 87 7-23-46 .. .28 82 78 725 228 226 1,190 .1 ...... 2,410 525 4,370 1 8.1 1 88 7-23-46 .... .06 92 83 537 190 247 940 .1 ...... 1,990 570 3,570 3 7.1 95 7-24-46 .. .06 84 72 473 200 232 800 .1 ...... 1760 506 3,190 2 7.2 106 7-15-57 .... ..... ... ..... ...-----..... ..... .. 8 0 ..810 ...... ...... 1,950 540 3,150 .... ..... 110 7-16-57 .... ...... ....... .. ....... ... .. ..... 950 ...... ...... 2,280" 610 3,580 .-.-.. 150 7-15-57 .... ..... ...... ...... ...... ......... ..... 4,050 ...... ...... 7,400" 1,310 11,300 ...... 172 7-17-57 .... .... ...... ...... ...... .252 ...... .... 674 220 1190 .... 186 6-22-57" 17 .11 131 94 545 14 164 215 1,150 .8 .0 2,250 714 4,040 2 7.4 3-11-58 17 .0 148 79 541 4.0 162 148 1,140 1.0 .9 2,910" 696 3,950 10 7.3 740 7-16-57 ....... ...... .--------...... ...... ...... 1,180 ...... ...... ,0501 740 4,760 .... ...... 744 7-17-57 .... ..... ...... ....... -... .. ...... ..... 350 ...... ..... 878" 320 1,450 .... ..... 745 7-17-57 ---... ....... ..... .. ........ ..... 1,310 ...... ...... 2,860" 780 4,470 .... 841 7-16-57 .... ...... --...... ...... ...... ....... ...... 2,900 ...... ...... 6,080" 1,100 9,380 .... .... 901 7-18-F7 .... ...... ..----... ....... ...... ...... 258 ...... .....778" 300 1,310 "Other determinations: Aluminum .0, Manganese .00, Lithium 2.0, Phosphate .00, Beta-gamma activity (Micromicrocuries per liter) 200, Radium (Micromicrocuries per liter) 11, Uranium (Micrigrams per liter) 1.2. bResidue on evaporation at 180 C-other values for dissolved solids are sum of determined constituents.


TABLE 5. Analyses of Water from Wells in the Shallow Aquifer in Martin County (Analyses by U. S. Geological Survey. Chemical constituents are expressed in parts per million.) .| .o o" o &I , 0 GS 23 8-12-43 .... 0.03 128 26 182 418 139 238 ...... 0.6 920 426 1,560 12 7.2 1 103-45 .... .... 64 7.4 16 231 17 13 ...... .2 231 190 428 105 7.4 8 9-12-41 ..... .1 82 5.7 3.2 269 9.7 5 ...... .0 238 231 449 50 ...... 9 9-12-41 ..... .4 148 19 6.7 489 39 10 ...... 8.2 472 447 802 140 ...... 13) 3-24-48" 2..' .01 '39 2.1 9.7.. 120 "5.1 16 0.1 .6 132 106 233 6 7.1 0 1 .w.. .. 15 103-41 .... 91 124 10 51 396 "24 79 ..... .1 489 51 887 150 ...... 17 103-41 .... 79 59 5.0 1.2 -189 8.0 5 ...... .1 172 168 327 160 ...... g 19 6-27-46 .... 96 86 18 126 278 1 235 .4 1.0 605 289 1,150 53 7.3 § m·UW CO 22 72-46 .... .08 128 30 124 548 34 161 ...... ...... 747920 443 1,380 60 7.0 m 7) 7-16-465 .02 9 4.0 16 251 217 13 .8 .8 305 248 558 28 7.41 66 7-19-46 ..104 727 3.2 244 1 15 .0 .1 224 205 411 1 7.4 81 7-28-46 .... .06 80 .8 11 2489 39 4 8.2 215 461 18 7.1 98) 3-24-48 .... 04 102 4.6 35 224 12 108 "1 .8 "33 73 701 7 7. 127 7-15-57 .---... ----...'-".. .'.0 .. .. ."". 6 .1'32 6, ' soi 6. "7..e .. 151 7-16-57 .... ..... .. .... ...... .... 32 .. .669 470 916 .. .... 161 7-16-57 .... .. ......... ...... 605 .... .. .1,54 440 2,570 ...... 214 7-16-57 2-4 ....08 128 30 124 548 34 92 --.... ..--747 44b 266 1,380 6 0 7.0...... 214 7-16-57-----------------------------------------92 ---443b 266 746 221 7-17-57 .. -______ 570 .1,450b 890 2,520 . "Composite sample. bResidue on evaporation at 180 0C-0other values for dissolved solids are sum of determined constituents.


TABLE 5. (Continued) .,1... ........ ........... ......... ... .......................2... .. .. .. 750 7-18-57 23 340, 270 561 C t 40 0 v I I CE a Q =41 455 7-17-57 -... -.. .. 2342 186 398 655 3-25-58 12 .02 70 .9 7.8 .7 220 .5 16 .1 .4 218b 178 s86 7.6 657 &14-57 14 .73 86 2.3 9.8 .4 272 .0 15 .1 .0 262 224 469 2 7.4 750 7-18-57 --.__ S -I-. O23 -_ .. 340b 270 561 _ r 755 7-15-57 -26 -229' 176 384 .j0 776 7-15-57 21 8 289b 238 486 885 7-18-57 6. -27 22496 188 382 § 875 7-18-57 17 1388b 67 240 894 7-17-57 --478b 314 742 929 7-18-57 526b 312 862 930 7-17-57 _ 483b 322 802 C0 936 8-1-57 24 .28 134 35 459 492 128 626 .4 6.6 1,660 554 2,850 30 7.6 939 3-25-58 19 .03 109 3.4 7.4 1.4 362 1.8 16 .3 .1 3341' 266 588 21 7.4 '4


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 i 55 The water from the shallow aquifer generally has a much lower mineral content than the artesian water and is more potable. HARDNESS The hardness of water is commonly recognized as the soapconsuming property of water. It is the CaCO., equivalent of calcium, magnesium, and other cations having similar soapconsuming properties. The following table shows the hardness scale that is generally used by the U. S. Geological Survey in the classification of water. Degree of Hardness as CaCO,, (ppm) hardness 0 to 60 ... ... ... Soft 61 to 120 ...... .-Moderately hard 121 to 200 ... ... ... Hard More than 200 ...........-..-. .. Very hard None of the samples collected in Martin County can qualify as soft. Three samples are in the slightly hard range, five samples are in the hard range, and the rest, including all from the artesian aquifer, are in the very hard range. One of the three samples in the slightly hard range was collected from a shallow well developed in the sandhills in the vicinity of Jensen Beach and the other samples came from shallow wells developed in the sandhills near Jonathan Dickinson State Park. Outside these two areas most of the water in Martin County is either hard or very hard, but it may be commonly softened for household use. The greatest hardness noted in the shallow aquifer was 554 ppm in water from well 986, near Indiantown, and the lowest was 64 ppm from well 127, south of Jonathan Dickinson State Park. The greatest hardness in the artesian water was 1,310 ppm in well 150 on the Harris ranch six miles south of Stuart, and the lowest was 220 ppm in well 172 on the Adams ranch four miles northwest of Indiantown. DISSOLVED SOLIDS The amount of dissolved solids in water is approximately equal to the amount of mineral matter that remains after a quantity of water is evaporated. The maximum amount recommended by


56 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY the U. S. Public Health Service for drinking water is 500 ppm, although as much as 1,000 ppm is permissible if water of better quality is not available. Water having a dissolved-solids concentration greater than 1,000 ppm probably would have a noticeable taste and also would be unsuitable for many industrial uses. Most of the water from the shallow aquifer in Martin County has a dissolved-solids concentration of less than 500 ppm (table 5). All samples of water from the artesian aquifer contained dissolved solids in excess of 500 ppm, and only four had less than 1,000 ppm; thus, the artesian water in most instances is not suitable for public or domestic supplies. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Specific conductance is a measure of water's ability to transmit an electric current. Distilled water and water of low mineral concentration is resistant to the conduction of electricity, whereas highly mineralized water conducts an electric current with relative ease. The values for specific conductance can be used to estimate values for dissolved solids in the water samples from Martin County by multiplying by a factor of 0.6. The accuracy of the SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE IMICROMHOS) SHALLOW AQUIFER / -FLORIDAN AOUIFER .D.iolved .soil .. e .l.due on / oDssolved sOlhds, rensdue on ta -ar.Qt.on f 180I*C vopo-o1-opoon ot 180*C S Drolved soilds, sum of * issolved solids, sum of deteirm ned conStuents delermined consliluenls -. ..... ....3.......0 __ / S i i o JFIPO.1 0 oRAPHM sOWIN rt RELAt'ON iNsTWEEN SPEClrIC CONDUCtANCE AND DISSOLVED SOLIDS IN WATER SAMPLES FROM MARTIN COUNTY Figure 20. Relation between specific conductance and dissolved solids in water samples from Martin County.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 57 approximation is indicated by figure 20, which is a graph of specific conductance versus dissolved solids of samples for which both have been determined. HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION (pH) The hydrogen-ion concentration, expressed as pH, indicates whether the water is acid or alkaline. Values for pH higher than 7.0 indicate increasing alkalinity, and values lower than 7.0 indicate increasing acidity. A pH of 7.0 indicates a neutral solution. Most of the water in the shallow aquifer is nearly neutral and only slightly alkaline. All water samples from the artesian aquifer except one were neutral or alkaline. This sample may have been contaminated or altered before analysis. IRON (Fe) AND MANGANESE (Mn) Iron differs from most other chemical constituents normally found in ground water, in that concentrations of only a few tenths of a part per million may cause the water to have a disagreeable taste and cause staining of fixtures, laundry, the outside of buildings, and even grass and shrubbery if it is used in a sprinkler type irrigation system. The iron remains in solution as a ferrous bicarbonate, Fe(HCO:,)., and the water is clear until it is exposed to the atmosphere, whereupon the iron is oxidized to the ferric state and precipitates as the hydroxide Fe(OH)., or oxide Fe2,O,. The U. S. Public Health Service recommends that the concentration of iron or iron and manganese together be under 0.3 ppm. Water having greater concentrations is not injurious to health, but will generally be unsatisfactory because of staining. The iron content of water from the shallow aquifer in Martin County ranges from 0.00 to 0.96 ppm. The occurrence of water having a high concentration of iron is unpredictable and may differ with depth as well as location. A well that produced iron-free water when it was first drilled may, with time and pumping, intercept water of high iron content from nearby areas. Iron can be removed from water by aeration and filtration. Aeration exposes the water to the oxygen in the air and most of the iron is precipitated. The water is then passed through a filter, usually sand or charcoal, where the precipitate is removed.


58 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CALCIUM (Ca) AND MAGNESIUM (Mg) Dissolved calcium and magnesium are responsible for most of the hardness of water. These elements are dissolved from limestone (predominantly calcium carbonate) and dolomite (predominantly calcium and magnesium carbonate), and from shell material incorporated in sand deposits. Water in Martin County is most readily available in layers of carbonate rock and shell, which accounts for the generally high calcium-magnesium content of the water. The calcium concentration (59 to 148 ppm) in the shallow aquifer is generally much higher than the magnesium concentration (2 to 30 ppm), indicating that most of the carbonate material in Martin County is limestone rather than dolomite. The artesian aquifer is composed principally of limestone and contains only minor amounts of dolomite; however, the magnesium content of the water is about as high as the calcium content. This is because the artesian aquifer in Martin County has not been completely flushed of the sea water which entered it during the Pleistocene epoch when the ocean stood above its present level. The magnesium content of ocean water is much higher than the. calcium content; thus the high concentration of magnesium in the artesian water probably is the result of contamination by sea water rather than solution of dolomitic rock. SODIUM (Na) AND POTASSIUM (K) Small amounts of sodium and potassium are found in almost all natural water, and moderate amounts do not affect its potability. Large concentrations of these elements, however, make the water unsuitable for most purposes. The sodium concentration is usually much higher than the potassium concentration, and in tables of analyses one value is often given for both elements (tables 4, 5). High concentrations of sodium are usually associated with contamination by salt water, since most of the sodium is associated with chloride in the form of salt solutions. Calculated values for sodium range from 1.2 to 459 ppm in samples from the shallow aquifer and from 200 to 984 ppm in samples from the artesian aquifer. BICARBONATE (HCO,) The total alkilinity of a water sample is the sum of its hydroxide (OH), carbonate (CO:,) and bicarbonate (HCO:,) ions, expressed in terms of equivalent quantities of CaCO.. Bicarbonate


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 59 results from the solvent action of water containing carbon dioxide on carbonate rocks (CaCO3+H20+CO2---Ca(HCO,)2. In the samples from the shallow aquifer in Martin County the bicarbonate content ranged from 120 to 548 ppm. The bicarbonate content of the artesian water (74 to 228 ppm) is generally lower than that of the shallow water. SULFATE (SO4) The sulfate ion is of little significance in domestic water supplies, except where the concentration is so large (more than about 500 ppm) as to have a laxative effect. U. S. Public Health Service recommends that the concentration be no higher than 250 ppm in public water supplies. Industrial operators using steam boilers may consider high concentrations of sulfate objectionable if the water is high in calcium and magnesium, because of the character of the boiler scale produced. Most of the water in the shallow aquifer in Martin County contains little sulfate. The range in the samples analyzed was from 0 to 39 ppm, except for a sample from well GS 23 (90 ft), which was 139 ppm, and one from well 936, which was 128 ppm. These samples may have been contaminated by trapped Pleistocene sea water, as the chloride contents were 238 and 626 ppm. Generally, a high sulfate concentration is associated with a high chloride content, although this is not always the case. The sulfate content of water in the artesian aquifer ranges from 188 to 336 ppm. The sulfates of calcium and magnesium cause noncarbonate hardness, which is more difficult to remove than carbonate hardness. CHLORIDE (Cl) The chloride content of water is generally a good indication of the extent of contamination by salt water. The U.S. Public Health Service has. set a limit of 250 ppm of chloride for public supplies, except where no other water is available. Water with a chloride content of 500 ppm begins to taste salty to most people, and water with a chloride content much in excess of 750 ppm will cause damage to plants, shrubs, and even grass, if it is used for a long period of time; occasional wettings with water of high chloride content probably would not be harmful to most grasses. A high chloride content makes water more corrosive. Chloride will be discussed more thoroughly under "Salt-Water Contamination."


60 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FLUORIDE (F) Studies in some areas of the United States have shown that children who drink water that contains about one ppm of fluoride have fewer dental cavities than those who drink water with much less than one ppm (Black and Brown, 1951, p. 15). However, the presence of fluoride in concentrations of more than 1.5 ppm tends to mottle the enamel of the permanent teeth of young children who drink the water for a prolonged period of time. Only a few of the water samples from the shallow aquifer have been analyzed for fluoride content. In these samples it ranged from 0.0 to 0.4 ppm. The fluoride content of the artesian water ranges from 0.1 to 1.6 ppm. SILICA (SiO,) A small amount of silica is present in almost all ground-water samples, but it is of relative unimportance, except in water in boilers, where it contributes to the formation of scale. Silica in two samples of water from the shallow aquifer was 14 ppm and 24 ppm (wells 657 and 936) and in one sample from the artesian aquifer was 17 ppm (well 186). NITRATE (NO,) The presence of nitrate in excess of 50 ppm may be a contributing factor in the development of cyanosis, or methemoglobinemia, in infants (Black and Brown, 1951, p. 12). Most of the samples of water from the shallow aquifer contained less than two ppm of nitrate; however, two samples (from wells 9 and 936) contained 8.2 ppm and 6.6 ppm, respectively. The nitrate concentrations in water from the artesian aquifer were less than one ppm. The analyses indicate that nitrate is relatively unimportant in the water of Martin County. HYDROGEN SULFIDE (H.S) Hydrogen sulfide is a gas which is held in solution in some ground water. Upon exposure to air some of the gas escapes and gives "sulfur water" its characteristic odor. Hydrogen sulfide is found in all water from the artesian aquifer in Martin County and in a few samples from isolated areas of the shallow aquifer. However, quantitative figures as to the amounts present are not


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 61 available. Most of the gas can be easily removed from water by aeration. COLOR Color in water generally is due to the presence of organic material dissolved from organic matter with which the water comes in contact. Color is sometimes due to precipitated iron, the water usually being clear when it comes from the well but becoming colored upon exposure to the air. Organic color is present in the sample as collected and is usually accompanied by a moldy odor, which is a clue to its origin. Color in water from the shallow aquifer in Martin County referred to units on the platinum cobalt scale ranges from 1 to 160 and is usually higher in the western part of the county than it is in the eastern part. The color in the water from the artesian aquifer ranges from one to five. TEMPERATURE Collins (1925, p. 97-104) reported that "The temperature of ground water available for industrial supplies is generally from 2° to 30F above the mean annual air temperature if the water is between 30 and 60 feet below the surface of the ground. An approximate average for the increase in temperature with depth is about 1°F for each 64 feet." The mean annual temperature in Martin County is 75.2°F (table 1), and the water temperature of the shallow aquifer would be expected to average about 77.50F. The actual average temperature of 120 water samples taken from the shallow aquifer was 75.50F. The readings ranged from a low of 70oF to a high of 820F in wells ranging in depth from 10 feet to 110 feet. The temperature of the water in the shallow aquifer varies with the seasons, the greater variance being in the water close to the surface. Water temperatures from individual wells are listed in table 8. The temperature of the water from the artesian aquifer ranges from 750 to 910F (fig. 21). If the above statement by Collins were valid for Martin County, the temperatures should range from 870F in the north-central part of the county, where the aquifer is nearest the ground surface (fig. 6) to 940F in the southeastern part of the county, where the aquifer is deepest. Instead, the coolest water (750F) is found in the eastern part of the county, and the


1> CXPLAATtI' -~ --s" ' WA li'jzij el i» | iI -, /. *r u S. .~ i i.&L e'". \ ," J. J \? \ 0 -57 i -ti'im i'.K, y I \ .\, ,£ Y h --\ .. ... ..... ,,,. ..... _ ..." ..... -Kr---if --^ -^ -""" '-«r-f,---"" "--'-"',, I * ...... 4 Figure 21. Temperature of water in artesian wells in Martin County.


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 63 warmest water (910F) is found in the north-central part. The temperature of the artesian water in Martin County does not seem to be controlled by the depth of the well. Wells 186 and 747, in the north-central part of the county, are about the same depth and only three miles apart, yet the water in well 186 is 910F while that in well 747 is only 810F. The low temperature of the artesian water in the eastern part of the county may be due to the cooling effect of the ocean water, but that does not explain the temperature differences in other parts of the county. The radioactivity of the water (well 186, table 5) may be a factor; however, further investigation including additional analyses of radioactivity of water from different parts of Martin County will be needed to determine the cause of the temperature differences. SALT-WATER CONTAMINATION Salt-water contamination of the water in an aquifer is usually the result of encroachment of ocean water. In Martin County there are two major types of salt-water contamination: (1) recent contamination, where the salt water is in dynamic equilibrium with the fresh water, and the salt front fluctuates in accordance with changes in fresh-water head in the aquifer, and (2) contamination during the Pleistocene epoch, wherein ocean water entered the aquifer when the sea level was higher than it is at present and most of Florida was covered by the ocean. A third type of contamination may be due to connate sea water that was trapped in the sediments at the time of deposition; this type probably is not very important in Martin County. RECENT CONTAMINATION Recent encroachment of salt water is restricted to a relatively narrow strip of land bordering the ocean and other bodies of salt water. The relationship between fresh water and sea water was first investigated by William Badon-Ghyben in 1887 and apparently independently by Alexander Herzberg about 1900 (Brown, 1925, p. 16). These investigators found that in an area such as a small island or narrow peninsula the fresh water floats upon the salt water. This occurs because the density of fresh water is lower than that of sea water. The amount of fresh water below mean sea level is a function of the height of the fresh water above mean sea level, and the density of the sea water (fig. 22).


64 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SALT WATER Figure 22. Relation between salt water and fresh water according to the Ghyben-Herzborg theory. If h=depth of fresh water below mean sea level; t=height of fresh water above mean sea level; g-specific gravity of sea water, 1.0-specific gravity of fresh water then t The formula is illustrated in figure 22 which compares the occurrence of fresh water and sea water in a small island or narrow peninsula, with a large imaginary U-tube having one leg beneath the land and one leg in the sea. In such a U-tube the column of water which has a height of h+-t will balance the column of sea water with a height h. The ratio of the heights of the columns of fresh and sea water is equal to the ratio of their specific gravities. That is -= which reduces to the above formula. The specific gravity of sea water is about 1.025. When this value is substituted in the above equation, then h=40t. This indicates that the depth of fresh water below mean sea level is 40 times the height of the water table above mean sea level, or, stated simply, for each foot that the water table stands above s mean


EXPLANATION 141 Chloride content 85p (parts per million) R 41 E Well,Upper number 0 --A --| is number of well; 0-30 s lower number is depth of well .NS_ 31-100 56 , A 37 684 101-250 3 251-1000S23-6 e 'eMore than 1000 .1 77 7 R 37E R38E .R39E R40E St. Lce 0/ I ] i 23 7 .26. -3' __ _ ", i ,^ -i !f_ _ _ ^^3" o 8'_ . -o"" .. ..^«^ I I I, ,:' ,' " ' 1\I 4 2 I _i SA I MI LE S I 0 2 FSrCALE o w MILES i ocG 5 4 3I' C~ ;42 I a 77 o ~O26 PO177 H B 179 leg 21MIES 116 5 elme2.Clrd otn fwte nrpeettv el nh salwauje fMri ong


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 65 sea level, the fresh water will extend an additional 40 feet below sea level. Further research by Hubbert (1940, p. 924), Glover (1959), and Henry (1959) has shown that under natural conditions this ratio is somewhat modified by the movement of the water, especially where the slope of the water table is steep. Variations in the composition of the water-bearing material and the salinity of the salt water can also produce modifications of the 1 to 40 ratio (Kohout and Hoy, 1953, and Cooper, 1959). The modifications are usually relatively minor and the Ghyben-Herzberg ratio is useful in estimating the minimum depth to salt water in areas adjacent to sea water. The contact between fresh and salt water is gradational through a zone of diffusion in which the water gradually increases in salinity with depth. The zone of diffusion is formed by the mixing action caused by the fluctuation of the water table, the rise and fall of the tides, and the molecular diffusion of the salt water. The thickness of the zone of diffusion is variable. Parker (1945, p. 539) reports a thickness of about 60 feet in the Miami area and in Martin County it is probably about the same. The concentration of chloride in the ground water is generally a reliable index to the degree of salt-water contamination, because more than 90 percent of the dissolved solids in ocean water are chloride salts. One or more chloride determinations have been made of water samples from 771 wells in Martin County. Locations of representative wells and the chloride content of their water are shown in figures 23, 24, and 26. Results of determinations of chloride content are shown in table 8. Stuart Area Salt water may enter the shallow aquifer in the Stuart area from either of two sources: (1) by lateral encroachment from bodies of sea water, including the St. Lucie River, the Manatee Pocket, and tidal creeks and canals, and (2) by upward movement of salt water from the artesian aquifer. The most concentrated withdrawals of ground water in the county are made in and near the city of Stuart, and some saltwater encroachment has occurred in isolated areas during periods of dry weather. Water samples were collected from several hundred wells in the Stuart area for determinations of chloride content (fig. 24). Those wells yielding water having an appreciable chloride content were sampled periodically to detect


66 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY its It I i i n 7m u t o nr n 11 .1 tI 00AN ttON I M h..b. IN P IPM Fiture 24. Chloride content of water from shallow welle in Stuart area, any variations (table 6). In most cases the fluctuations are caused by variations in the amount of rainfall in the area or in the amount of pumping. Usually it is a combination of the two, because more ground water is needed for irrigation during dry periods, as in 1955, and less during wet periods, as in 1947-48. In a few cases, notably in wells 647 and 722, the chloride content of the water dropped during a dry period, owing to the cessation of pumping in the old city well field and the plugging of a leaky artesian well, well 128 (fig. 4). Wells 619 and 664 showed


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 67 TABLE 0. Chloride Concentrations in Water Samples from Selected Wells Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm) 100 47 Sept. 20, 1946 110 Oct. 7, 1940 181 Dec. 10, 1940 188 Feb. 0, 1947 124 Mar. 18, 1947 153 Apr. 24, 1947 118 May 12, 1947 104 June 25, 1947 111 Mar. 10, 1948 104 June 10, 1948 89 Sept. 15, 1948 94 Dec. 10, 1948 74 Feb. 11, 1949 110 July 1, 1949 118 Apr. 27, 1092 185 Jan. 28, 1955 161 May 11, 1955 166 June 29, 1955 148 105 88 Aug. 13, 1946 84 Sept. 20, 1940 27 Nov. 7, 1940 41 Dee, 19, 1946 07 Feb. 6, 1947 53 Mar. 18, 1947 40 June 25, 1947 * 49 Mar. 10, 1948 87 June 10, 1948 61 Sept. 15, 1948 87 Dee. 10, 1948 27 Feb. 11, 1949 08 Apr. 7, 1950 188 Jan. 1 18 1951 102 Aug. 21, 1951 109 Mar. 27, 1952 107 858 80 July 28, 1958 545 Jan. 20, 1955 670 June 80, 1955 580 Aug. 10, 1955 080 862 28 Aug. 4, 1968 85 Jan. 21, 1955 615 June 80, 1955 1,870 Aug. 10, 1955 2,020 Sept. 8, 1955 1,980


68 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 6. (Continued) Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm) 515 60 Oct. 6, 1953 106 Jan. 11, 1955 131 Apr. 20, 1955 123 June 29, 1955 121 Sept. 5, 1955 157 Oct. 5, 1955 117 518 57 Oct. 6, 1953 46 Jan. 10, 1955 160 Jan. 27, 1955 103 Apr. 20, 1955 87 May. 11, 1955 80 June 29, 1955 96 Aug. 16, 1955 132 Sept. 7, 1955 136 520 35 Oct. 6, 1953 64 Jan. 10, 1955 66 Apr. 20, 1955 75 June 29, 1955 83 Sept. 7, 1955 79 523 45 Oct. 6, 1953 53 Jan. 10, 1955 36 Apr. 20, 1955 38 June 10, 1955 32 Sept. 7, 1955 36 525 49 Oct. 6, 1953 91 Jan. 10, 1955 85 Apr. 20, 1955 95 Sept. 7, 1955 124 588 50 Oct. 22, 1953 265 Jan. 10, 1955 328 Apr. 20, 1955 258 June 29, 1955 400 590 20 Oct. 22, 1953 45 Jan. 10, 1955 67 Apr. 20, 1955 67 June 29, 1955 70 597 15 Nov. 9, 1958 40 Jan. 10, 1955 86 Apr. 20, 1955 89 June 29, 1955 29


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 69 Table 6. (Continued) Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm) 608 58 Nov. 23, 1953 100 Jan. 10, 1955 88 Apr. 20, 1955 87 June 29, 1955 80 619 57 Apr. 15, 1955 550 June 29, 1955 700 Aug. 16, 1955 650 Sept. 7, 1955 645 Oct. 7, 1955 650 620 56 May 11, 1955 42 June 29, 1955 43 Aug. 16, 1955 49 Sept. 7, 1955 47 622 56 Apr. 20, 1955 20 May 11, 1955 16 June 29, 1955 18 Aug. 16, 1955 15 Sept. 7, 1955 43 637 15 Jan. 11, 1955 245 Apr. 29, 1955 48 June 30, 1955 32 638 38 Apr. 20, 1955 230 June 29, 1955 272 Aug. 16, 1955 352 642 45 Apr. 20, 1955 56 June 29, 1955 76 Aug. 16, 1955 65 647 113 Apr. 15, 1955 98 June 29, 1955 40 Sept. 7, 1955 34 654 63 Feb. 3, 1955 197 Apr. 20, 1955 312 June 29, 1955 348 Sept. 7, 1955 348 Oct. 5, 1955 280 687 60 Apr. 19, 1955 775 June 29, 1955 780 Aug. 16, 1955 810


70 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 6. (Continued) Depth of well Chloride Well (feet below content No. land surface) Date of collection (ppm) 720 104 Apr. 22, 1955 9,180 84 Apr. 23, 1955 19 May 11, 1955 14 May 23, 1955 15 June 29, 1955 30 Aug. 16, 1955 15 Sept. 7, 1955 15 722 112 Apr. 20, 1955 78 May 26, 1955 61 June 29, 1955 37 Sept. 7, 1955 27 734 84 June 30, 1955 176 Aug. 16, 1955 940 Sept. 8, 1955 930 Oct. 7, 1955 1,430 735 69 June 30, 1955 34 Sept. 8, 1955 94 Oct. 7, 1955 185 Nov. 2, 1955 307 an increase and then a decrease in the chloride content of the water in 1955 (table 6). The decrease was probably caused by the flushing of the salty artesian water from the aquifer. Contamination from Surface-Water Bodies. Encroachment from the St. Lucie River and the Manatee Pocket is not extensive at present. It has occurred only in areas near the coast, and no encroachment has been found more than half a mile from the river. The fresh-water head is high close to the shoreline, and in many places fresh water can be obtained from wells within 100 feet of salt-water bodies. It is reported that fresh water has been obtained from wells driven in the river bottom, but the writer has not confirmed this. Heavy pumping in the areas adjacent to the St. Lucie River may cause sufficient lowering of the water table to allow salt water to invade the fresh-water zone. Water of high chloride content was detected in well 720, about 1,500 feet from the St. Lucie River, about midway between the river and the water-plant


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 71 well field. When the well was drilled, water containing 9,180 ppm of chloride was encountered at a depth of 104 feet. The well casing was immediately pulled back 20 feet, to a depth of 84 feet, where the chloride content of the water was only 19 ppm. A layer of fine sand between 84 and 104 feet apparently acts as a confining bed, because no appreciable increase in the chloride content occurred after several months of intermittent pumping to irrigate a lawn. It is believed that the salinity of the water in well 720 is the result of direct encroachment from the St. Lucie River, caused by heavy pumping at the water-plant and ball-park well fields. However, when well 622, in the city ball-park well field, was deepened from 56 feet to 115 feet the chloride content of the water decreased slightly, from 36 to 20 ppm, indicating that encroachment had not reached the vicinity of the well field at the ball park. The water in well 722, 600 feet east of the city water plant and 600 feet from the St. Lucie River, contained 78 ppm of chloride at a depth of 112 feet, indicating that encroachment of water of high chloride content had not reached the vicinity of the well field at the water plant. The salt-water front is probably now stationary or is being pushed back toward the river because of the increase of fresh-water head due to the cessation of pumping of the city water-plant and ball-park fields. The position of the salt-water front cannot be determined accurately because of the lack of deep observation wells. Some salt-water encroachment is occurring along the eastern side of the Stuart area immediately adjacent to the St. Lucie River and the Manatee Pocket. A relatively high, discontinuous ridge parallels the eastern shoreline and is flanked on the west by low, swampy land. The lowland'is drained by streams and ditches that flow parallel to the ridge until they reach gaps where they cross the ridge and discharge into the St. Lucie River and Manatee Pocket. They reduce the fresh-water head under the ridge by intercepting recharge from inland areas and depleting ground-water storage beneath the ridge. Streams are also subject to contamination during low ground-water stages and high tides. Even moderate pumping in such an area results in movement of salt water into the aquifer. The chloride content of the water in well 362 in this area (fig. 3) increased from 35 ppm in 1953 to more than 2,000 ppm in 1955 (table 6). This locality is especially vulnerable to contamination because of its proximinity to a drainage canal. Contamination from Artesian Aquifer. The beds of relatively impermeable clay and fine sand of the Hawthorn formation act as


72 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY an effective barrier to the vertical migration of salt water from the artesian aquifer, except where the beds have been punctured by wells. In the Stuart area, the artesian water contains between 800 and 4,500 ppm of chloride and is under a pressure head of about 40 feet above the land surface. If this water were allowed to flow freely at the surface it could contaminate the fresh water in the shallow aquifer. The artesian water is highly corrosive, and, after a period of years, it may corrode the casings of the wells and create perforations through which the salty water can escape into the fresh-water aquifer even though the top of the well is tightly capped. An electric log, made by the Florida Geological Survey, of well 128, an artesian well within 300 feet of the Stuart waterplant well field, indicated many breaks in the casing at various intervals below the land surface. Salt water escaping through holes in the casing of this well is believed to be the source of chloride contamination in the old well field. The contamination could not be direct encroachment from the river because wells of the same depth as the municipal wells and situated a few hundred feet from the river bank, directly between the well field and the river, yielded water whose chloride content was lower than that in the municipal wells. Evidence to support this conclusion was noted after the waterplant and ball-park well fields were shut down. The water in certain wells in the area increased markedly in chloride content and when the data were plotted on a map, the wells in which an increase had occurred formed a fan-shaped pattern extending downgradient from the artesian well, the axis of the pattern closely paralleling the direction of the ground-water flow. The water in well 619, nearest the artesian well, had the greatest increase in chloride content, whereas that in wells farther away showed a smaller increase. Water in wells outside the area did not change appreciably. The observed changes in chloride concentration probably were caused by leakage of salty water from the artesian well. Prior to the shutting down of the water-plant well field, most of the salty artesian water was being drawn into the supply wells, where it was diluted by fresh water from within the area affected by pumping. Well 128 was filled with cement on April 25, 1955, the day that pumping ceased in the water-plant well field, and the salty water in the aquifer after that time was artesian water which had not been flushed away. This residual artesian water moved downgradient and was diluted by fresh water. As the salty water was


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 73 dispersed, the water from wells downgradient from the artesian well became fresher. Jensen Beach and Rocky Point Little or no salt-water encroachment has occurred in the Jensen Beach area from the St. Lucie County line southward to Sewall Point (fig. 5). Most wells in this area are sandpoint wells, 15 to 20 feet deep, and some are only a few feet from the Indian River. The high fresh-water heads that are maintained in the sandhills of the area keep the salt water from moving into the shallow aquifer. Much of the ground water discharges into the Indian and the St. Lucie rivers, through a zone extending from slightly above the shoreline to points some distance from the river banks (fig. 25). The upward seepage of fresh water along the river bottoms makes it possible to obtain fresh ground water immediately adjacent to the salt-water bodies. In some instances shallow wells drilled a short distance out in the rivers may yield -FRESH WATER SALT WATER Figure 25. Discharge of fresh water into a salt-water body.


74 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY fresh water. These wells would probably pass out of the fresh water into salt water if they were drilled deeper, A similar situation exists in the area west of the Intracoastal Waterway from Rocky Point southward to the Palm Beach County line (fig. 5). The fresh-water head is high enough along the coastal ridge to depress the salt front beyond the river banks in most areas. Sewall Point Sewall Point is a narrow peninsula almost surrounded by salt water. The source of the natural fresh water on the point is the rain that falls on and immediately north of the peninsula. The rainfall is rapidly absorbed by the permeable surface sand and much of it reaches the water table. However, as Sewall Point is very narrow, ground water has to travel only 500 to 1,000 feet to points of discharge. The average height of the water table in the Sewall Point area is probably less than a foot above mean sea level, and from 15 to 30 feet below land surface. In accordance with the GhybenHerzberg ratio, this indicates a maximum of about 40 feet of fiesh water beneath most of the peninsula. In the northern part, where the water table probably is slightly higher than in the rest of the peninsula, a sample of water with a chloride content of 14,500 ppm was obtained at 70 feet below mean sea level in well 903 (fig,3). Salt water was also reported at about 75 feet in a well drilled near well 809. Most wells extend only a few feet below mean sea level, so there is a considerable amount of fresh water beneath the bottom of the well. However, under conditions of sustained, heavy pumping the water table will decline below sea level and the salt water will rise and move laterally and vertically toward the well. (See "Quantitative Studies," p. 45.) Eventually, the water from the zone of diffusion may enter the well and temporarily destroy the usefulness of the well. This usually happens during prolonged periods of deficient rainfall when the aquifer received little or no recharge and the demand for water is great. With the cessation of pumping or the occurrence of heavy rainfall, the salt water will gradually move outward and downward in the aquifer. A long period of deficient rainfall occurred during 1955-56. Analyses of water samples collected in June 1956 from many wells on Sewall Point show that salt water had encroached into the aquifer. Well 816, which is actually four closely spaced wells connected in manifold, was heavily pumped for lawn irrigation


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 75 and had the highest chloride content (1,000 ppm) on Sewall Point. In addition, well 816 is quite close to wells 98 and 814, which were being pumped. The combined pumpage of the wells in the small area lowered the water table sufficiently to allow the salt water to move in. Hutchinson Island The hydrologic conditions on Hutchinson Island are somewhat similar to those on Sewall Point except that the land is narrower and the land-surface altitudes are much lower. Consequently, the average altitude of the water table is lower than it is on Sewall Point, probably only a few inches above mean sea level. Wells in many places on the island are still in fresh water a foot or so below the water table; however, even moderate pumping reduces ground-water levels below sea level and allows salty water to enter the well. Small supplies of water for domestic purposes might be developed in the most favorable locations on the island, but even these would be subject to contamination during prolonged drought periods. Jupiter Island The fresh-water lens on Jupiter Island is thicker than that on Hutchinson Island, but not as thick as it is on Sewall Point. The island ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 feet in width and from 0 to 30 feet in land-surface altitude,-greater than Hutchinson Island, but narrower and lower than Sewall point. Differences in the geologic and hydrologic conditions of the three insular areas probably account for some of the differences in the relative thickness of the fresh-water lenses. Seven wells were inventoried and sampled during the investigation of Jupiter Island in August 1956. Water samples from four wells had chloride concentrations ranging between 570 and 1,190 ppm and samples from three wells had chloride concentrations ranging between 57 and 61 ppm. The three wells containing the smaller concentrations were near the golf course and were probably receiving recharge from the large quantities of fresh water used to irrigate the fairways and greens. Most of the water used on Jupiter Island is piped across Hobe Sound and the Intracoastal Waterway from wells on the mainland.


76 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLEISTOCENE CONTAMINATION When Martin County and the rest of south Florida emerged from the ocean after the last major advance of the sea, all the land was saturated with salt water. Rain falling on the land and moving through the ground has gradually carried most of the salt water back to the ocean. The rate at which the salt water is carried away depends upon the rate at which the water can move through the ground. This in turn depends on the slope of the water table or piezometric surface and the permeability of the material. Shallow Aquifer. Most of the Pleistocene sea water has been flushed from the shallow aquifer in Martin County. The residual Pleistocene sea water that has not been flushed out is mostly in the lower part of the aquifer, especially in the western part of the county. The shallow aquifer in the area of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge has been almost flushed of sea water, probably because of the generally steep slope of the water table and the high permeability of the material. West of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge and at considerable distances from present salt-water bodies, are many areas where salty water occurs in the lower part of the aquifer. One such area is east of Indiantown at the site of the Westbury Farm horse-training track. Analyses of water samples from wells 934, 935, and 936 (fig. 4) show that the chloride content of the water in general increases with depth in the aquifer. The chloride concentrations were as follows: at 22 feet, 82 ppm; at 44 feet. 42 ppm; at 63 feet, 86 ppm; at 86 feet, 810 ppm; and at 108 feet, 615 ppm. The permeability of the material at 86 feet is quite high, but that between 60 and 80 feet is very low. Possibly, the rainwater cannot move rapidly through the relatively impermeable material between 60 and 80 feet to clear the 86-foot stratum of its salt contact. The area is very flat and is near the poorly defined divide between water draining toward Lake Okeechobee and water draining toward the Loxahatchee River and the Atlantic Ocean. This tends to create a water table with very little slope and consequently there is little ground-water flow. Another example of apparent residual Pleistocene sea water is shown by data from well 161. This well (117 feet deep) is near the shore of Lake Okeechobee and yields water with a chloride content of 650 ppm (fig. 28). The water from a nearby well (of unknown depth) has a chloride content of 805 ppm. The geologic


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 28 77 and hydrologic conditions of this area probably are similar to those near the Westbury Farm racetrack. Artesian Aquifer. The piezometric surface of the Floridan aquifer in Martin County is about 50 feet above mean sea level at the present time. In accordance with the Ghyben-Herzberg ratio this pressure head should be sufficient to insure at least 2,000 feet of fresh water below sea level. Artesian wells in Martin County range in depth from 700 to 1,485 feet; therefore, it appears that the high chloride content of the water (fig. 26) is due to contamination during the Pleistocene epoch rather than recent encroachment of sea water. Analyses of water samples taken at 5-foot intervals during the drilling of wells 841 and 910 showed that the chloride content of the water decreased with increasing depth in the aquifer. In well 841, south of Stuart, the chloride content decreased from 4,050 ppm at 845 feet to 2,900 ppm at 1,057 feet. In well 910, northwest of Indiantown, the chloride content decreased from 935 ppm at 850 feet to 770 ppm at 1,096 feet. The water will probably be saltier again at greater depths. Very salty water was reported at a depth of 1,800 feet in a well at the Adams ranch north of Indiantown, but the well was sealed off at 1,100 feet before a sample could be taken. It appears that there are relatively fresh and salty zones within the artesian aquifer. The fresh zones probably correlate with the permeable strata, and the salty zones with the relatively impermeable strata. Unfortunately, data are not sufficient to define accurately the zones of fresh water. It might prove profitable during drilling to analyze the water at different depths in the aquifer, so that the salty zones can be recognized and sealed off, and, thus, develop only the fresher zones in the well. The artesian aquifer in Martin County in 1957 contained a certain amount of salt water. The quality of the water should improve as the salty water is discharged and replaced by fresh water from the recharge area. However, considering the great thickness and areal extent of the aquifer and the amount of salty water in storage in the aquifer, a considerable amount of time will have to elapse before any improvement is noticed. USE All public and most domestic supplies of water in Martin County are obtained from ground-water sources. In addition,


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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 28 79 ground water is used extensively for irrigation, stock watering, industry, and air conditioning. PUBLIC SUPPLIES Three towns in Martin County have public water supplies: Stuart, Hobe Sound, and Indiantown. In 1957 Stuart obtained its supply from three wells (657, 723, and 724) developed in the shallow aquifer, and the pumpage in 1957 totaled 103 million gallons (table 7). Hobe Sound obtained its water from six wells located in the sandhills near Jonathan Dickinson State Park. Water from the town of Hobe Sound is pumped across the Intracoastal Waterway to the town of Jupiter Island because no large dependable supplies are available on Jupiter Island. The total pumpage in 1957 for Hobe Sound is not available. Indiantown obtained its water supply from 10 shallow wells and pumpage in 1957 was about 8.5 million gallons. IRRIGATION AND STOCK SUPPLIES Irrigation and stock watering probably account for the largest withdrawals of ground water in Martin County. Water from the shallow aquifer is used for irrigation by the flower growers in the Stuart area, by farmers growing vegetables, citrus fruits, watermelons, potatoes, etc., and Py ranchers for pastureland, stock watering, and feed crops. Approximately 80 artesian wells have been drilled in Martin County for various types of irrigation and other uses. Many of the wells were originally drilled for irrigating such crops as tomatoes and watermelons. The land is often farmed for only one or two years, after which it is seeded for pasture. The wells are then used to irrigate the pasture and water the stock. The total use of artesian water for irrigation may be as much as 10 mgd during the dry season; however, during the rainy season most wells are turned off. The shallow aquifer is the main source of water for the many small wells used to irrigate lawns and shrubbery. The greatest concentration of these wells is in and around the city of Stuart. A small amount of water from the artesian aquifer is used for lawn irrigation. OTHER USES Small quantities of ground water are used in other activities, such as industrial and cooling processes, and for swimming pools.


00 Q0 TABLE 7. Pumpage from Stuart Well Field, in Millions of Gallons Per Month Year Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 1941 2.63 2.77 3.23 2.89 2.70 2.82 2.48 2.68 2.57 2.69 2.91 2.62 32.98 1942 3.26 3.54 3.29 3.26 3.67 3.24 3.40 3.30 3.06 3.47 3.48 3.53 40.51 1943 3.53 3.42 3.57 3.62 3.80 3.57 3.49 3.61 3.44 3.63 3.74 3.94 43.35 1944 3.93 4.04 4.41 4.36 4.38 4.29 3.88 3.50 3.40 3.23 3.28 3.63 46.31 1945 3.86 3.60 4.25 3.89 3.71 3.34 3.02 3.28 3.12 3.11 3.18 3.64 42.00 0 1946 3.91 3.85 4.00 4.30 3.40 2.94 3.05 3.21 3.16 3.80 3.55 3.86 43.04 1947 4.14 3.74 3.98 3.61 3.77 8.11 3.48 3.50 3.10 3.27 3.29 3.50 42.47 o 1948 3.61 4.36 5.00 4.56 4.14 3.74 3.53 3.41 3.25 3.79 4.04 4.22 47.65 1949 4.32 4.17 4.77 4.27 3.94 3.13 3.34 2.83 3.96 3.58 3.74 4.01 46.05 1950 4.00 4.84 5.18 4.56 4.79 4.12 4.15 4.28 5.00 4.90 4.81 5.78 56.43 1951 6.08 5.71 6.73 5.30 6.73 5.18 4.27 5.43 4.19 3.68 4.55 5.01 62.86 1952 6.11 5.39 4.76 4.98 5.20 5.39 5.54 5.75 5.59 5.90 5.59 5.56 65.74 1953 6.34 5.85 6.35 6.18 6.47 5.37 5.93 5.34 5.44 5.03 5.23 5.90 69.42 1954 6.42 6.65 6.75 6.48 6.40 6.26 5.89 6.70 5.82 6.34 6.75 7.57 78.02 1955 8.32 7.23 8.21 7.54 8.15 7.91 6.85 7.11 6.67 7.55 7.95 7.57 91.07 1956 8.19 8.08 8.23 7.23 7.38 7.26 7.33 7.37 6.78 7.10 7.62 9.32 91.89 1957 9.24 9.19 9.57 8.05 8.30 8.08 7.96 7.77 7.95 8.32 9.33 9.08 102.83


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 81 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The principal source of fresh water in Martin County is a shallow nonartesian aquifer which extends from the land surface to a depth of about 150 feet. This aquifer is composed of sand, thin limestone layers, and shell beds. It is nonuniform in its waterbearing properties but generally is more permeable in the eastern part of the county than in the western part. The aquifer in the western part of Martin County has only been partially explored and it may contain large quantities of water. In general, only a small part of the potential yield of the shallow aquifer was being used in 1957. Salt-water encroachment into the shallow aquifer has not been extensive but it is a problem in areas bordering bodies of salt water, such as Sewall Point and Hutchinson and Jupiter Islands. Leaky artesian wells also have caused salt-water contamination in a few areas. Diluted sea water that entered during the Pleistocene epoch remains trapped in some parts of the shallow aquifer in western Martin County. The artesian aquifer is composed of limestones of Eocene age that range from 600 to 800 feet below the surface. Large quantities of water are available from this aquifer but the water is usually highly mineralized. The degree of mineralization differs in different areas of the county and in different zones within the aquifer. The dissolved solids range from 674 to 7,400 ppm and the chloride concentrations range from 252 to 4,050 ppm. The fresh-water zones within the aquifer probably correspond to the more permeable layers and lie between saltier less permeable zones. Few wells tap the artesian aquifer in Martin County and much water of fair to poor quality could be developed. REFERENCES Applin, Esther R. 1945 (and Jordan, Louise) Diagnostic Foraminifera from subsurface formations in Florida: Jour. Paleontology, v. 19, no. 2, p. 129148, pls. 18-21. Black, A. P. 1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters -1951: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research, Paper 6. 1953 (and Brown, Eugene, and Pearce, J. M.) Salt-water intrusion in Florida-1958: Florida State Board Cons., Div. Water Survey and Research, Paper 9.


82 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Brown, Eugene (see Black, A. P.) Brown, John S. 1925 A study of coastal ground water, with special reference to Connecticut: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 537. Collins, W. D. 1925 Temperatures of water available for industrial use in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 520-F. 1928 (and Howard, C. S.) Chemical character of waters of Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-G. Cooke, C. W. (see also Parker, G. G.) 1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29. Cooper, H. H., Jr. 1959 A hypothesis concerning the dynamic balance of fresh and salt water in a coastal aquifer: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 64, no. 4, 461-467. Davis, John H., Jr. 1943 The natural features of southern Florida, especially the vegetation and the Everglades: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 25. Ferguson, G. E. (see Parker, G. G.) Glover, R. E. 1959 The pattern of fresh-water flow in a coastal aquifer: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 64, no. 4, p. 457-459. Hantush, M. C. 1955 (and Jacob, C. E.) Nonsteady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer: Am. Geophys. Union, v. 36, no. 1, p. 95-100. 1956 Analysis of data from pumping tests in leaky aquifers: Am. Geophys. Union Trans. v. 37, no. 6, p. 702-714. Henry, R. H. 1959 Salt intrusion into fresh-water aquifers: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 64, no. 11, p. 1911-1919. Howard, C. S. (see Collins, W. D.) Hoy, N. D. (see Kohout, F. A.) Hubbert, M. K. 1940 The theory of ground-water motion: Jour. Geology, v. 48, no. 8, pt. 1, p. 785-944. Jacob, C. E. (see Hantush, M. C.) Jordan, Louise (see Applin, Esther R.) Kohout, F. A. 1953 (and Hoy, N. D.) Research on salt-water encroachment in the Miami area, Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file rept (dupl.).


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 23 83 Lichtler, W. F. 1957 Ground-water resources of the Stuart area, Martin County, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 12. Love, S. K. (see Parker, G. G.) MacNeil, F. S. 1950 Pleistocene shorelines in Florida and Georgia: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 221-F, p. 95-107. Mansfield, W. C. 1939 Notes on the upper Tertiary and Pleistocene mollusks of peninsular Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 18. Matson, G. C. 1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and groundwaters of Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319. Meinzer, O. E. 1923 The occurrence of ground water in the United States, with a discussion of principles: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 489. Parker, G. G. 1944 (and Cooke, C. W.) Late Cenozoic geology of southern Florida, with a discussion of the ground water: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 27. 1945 Salt-water encroachment in southern Florida: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 37, no. 6, p. 526-542. 1950 (and Stringfield, V. T.) Effects of earthquakes, trains, tides, winds, and atmospheric pressure changes on water in the geologic formations of southern Florida: Econ. Geology, v. 45, no. 5, p. 441-460. 1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 43, no. 10. 1955 (and Ferguson, G. E., Love, S. K., and others) Water resources of southeastern Florida, with special reference to the geology and ground water of the Miami area: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 1255. Pearce, J. M. (see Black, A. P.) Puri, H. S. 1953 Zonation of the Ocala group in peninsular Florida (abstract): Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 23, no. 2. 1957 Stratigraphy and zonation of the Ocala group: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 38. Sanford, Samuel (see Matson, G. C.) Sellards, E. H. 1919 Geologic sections across the Everglades of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 12th Ann. Rept., p. 67-76.


84 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Stringfield, V. T. (see also Parker, G. G.) 1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 773-C. Theis, C. V. 1935 The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., pt. 2, p. 519-524. 1938 The significance and nature of the cone of depression in groundwater bodies: Econ. Geol6gy, v. 33, no. 8. U. S. Geological Survey, Water levels and artesian pressures in observation wells in the United States, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, Pt. 2. Southeastern States: Water-Supply Papers 1166, 1192, 1222, 1266, 1322, and 1405. Vernon, R. O. 1951 Geology of Citrus and Levy counties, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 33. Wenzel, L. K. 1942 Methods for determining permeability of water-bearing materials, with special reference to discharging-well methods, with a section on direct laboratory methods and bibliography on permeability and laminar flow, by V. C. Fishel: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 887. WELL LOGS Well 143 (NW1%SW1 sec. 9, T. 38 S., R. 40 E.) Depth, in feet Material below land surface No sample ----------------------------------030 Anastasia formation: Sand, brown, quartz, coarse to very coarse, average coarse, rounded to subrounded, frosted, with a few grains of smoky quartz; a few mollusk fragments ----------3042 Shell fragments and quartz sand; the sand ranges from fine to grit, rounded to subangular, frosted to clear, and contains small clusters of quartz grains cemented together with crystalline calcite; well-worn light to dark shell fragments containing numerous fragments of Donar sp., some of which show traces of original color. .---4263 As above, plus some gray-brown micaceous, sandy clay containing foraminiferas, Elphidium sp., Nonion sp., and others ----. --------.------------,-------------.------63-105 As above, plus some white to gray-brown very sandy, hard limestone --.. ...--,---,,.... -----......... --...-105-147


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 85 Depth, in feet Material below land surface No sample ---,--,,-_,----,.---r,-. ------147-186 Sand, light green, quartz, medium to very coarse, rounded, clear to frosted; mollusk fragments, coral, echinoid spines .186-188 Ca loosahatohee (?) marl: Limestone, gray-brown, hard to soft clayey, very sandy calcitic, and some light green quartz sand and shells ---188-209 Tamiami formation: As above plus foraminifers, Amphistegi?~a lessonii ---,--.-----209-230 Sand, gray, quartz, medium to coarse, rounded, clear; a few grains are smoky; some clay and many fragments of pelecypods, gastropods, and coral ---_ ----------------------230-252 Shell fragments and sand as above, plus some very dark olive-drab montmorillonite clay ----------------252-273 No sample -.--...--------------------273-294 Hawthorn formation: Clay, very dark olive-drab, micaceous, nonplastic; very fine sand and white mollusk fragments --------------.--------294-336 No sample .-----------------.... ---------336-339 As at 294-336 feet, plus some nonplastic cream colored clay; mollusk fragments; foraminifers, Robulus americanus, Uvigerina sp., and others -----------------339-420 As above, plus Cibicidse concentrious --. ---------420-441 As above, plus some cream, hard to soft, dense, sandy, phosphatic limestone; coral .-------__ -------------441-462 Limestone, cream, hard to soft, dense, sandy, phosphatic, plus some gray to black translucent chert, tan nonplastic clay, and a small amount of olive-drab clay; mollusk fragments, coral, and foraminifers ------462-483 Clay, tan to olive-drab, nonplastic, plus some material as above; mollusk fragments, coral, shark's teeth, barnacle plates; foraminifers, Robulus americanus and others --------483-525 As above, plus Robulus americanus var. spinosus and many others ----_--------------525-546 No sample .-------------------------------546-567 Limestone, clay, quartz sand and chert; the limestone is hard to soft, finely crystalline to chalky or sandy, calcitic; the sand is tan to white, coarse, rounded, clear, some grains containing dark micaceous inclusions; dark colored chert; light green clay; mollusk fragments and coral; foraminifers, Robulus americanus and others -----------------567-588 Suwannee (?) limestone: Limestone, cream, soft to hard, coarsely granular, porous; some light to dark phosphorite grains and much material


86 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Depth, in feet Material below land surface as above; mollusk fragments, echinoid spines, coral foraminifers. Dentalina sp. (common), Lepidocyclina sp. (rare) ..-...--. ------.-......-..--......-... ..--...--..-.... .. 588-668 Ocala group: Coquina, composed of large foraminifers: Lepidocyclina, ocalana, var., Operculinoides sp. and others; much granular limestone as above and some cream, medium hard, porous, miliolid limestone; mollusk fragments, small gastropods, and echinoid spines .........--..-......................-.-668-688 Limestone, cream, soft, coarsely granular, porous; foraminifers as above ..-...-...-.---...........---------................ ...... .. 688-722 No sample .-..--.. --.... --... ---------.... .... ............. ..... .... ... ..................... 722-728 As at 688-722 feet .--.....---.--.--...--.. --..... .................. .....----........-...-----728-732 Avoi Park limestone: Limestone, cream to white, chalky to granular, soft, porous; foraminifers Coskinolina floridana, Dictyoconus cookci, Textularia, coryensis, Lituonella floridana and others --..------... ...---.............---------..-... -..... ...............-......... ..... 732-748 As above, plus light tan soft porous calcitic miliolid limestone, and some white to brown hard, dense, cryptocrystalline limestone; fauna as above -...--.......-.............-......... 748-768 Miliolid limestone, tan, soft, porous, slightly calcitic; some white, hard, dense cryptocrystalline limestone; Avon Park fauna ...--......-..--...-..-....----..----...........................--......-..... -768-788 Limestone, white to tan, soft to hard, chalky to granular, porous; Avon Park fauna ----...----..--......... .---... --... ...............--... --788-848 As above, plus some tan, hard, granular, porous, very calcitic limestone; Peronella dalli .--..-............. --........-......---... ...... 848-888 Limestone, white to tan, soft to hard, chalky to granular, porous; Avon Park fauna, plus numerous specimens of Dictyoconus? gunteri ...--...-....--------.. .............-......................... 888-948 Limestone, tan, soft to hard, porous, coarsely granular, crystalline, with limestone as in 788-848 feet; Dictyoconus gunteri abundant -------------------...-....... ------..... -.................. 948-958 Well 146 (SEY4NWY4 sec. 36, T. 39 S., R. 38 E.) No sample .........--....... --------. ---..........-.....-........-................. 0-168 Upper Miocene: Shell marl, gray-brown, clay, silt, sand (sand, fine to very coarse, average medium, rounded to angular, clear), phosphorite; some cream medium hard, sandy limestone; pelecypod fragments, small gastropods, barnacle plates,


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 87 Depth, in feet Material below land surface echinoid spines; foraminifers Cibicides concentricus, Amphistegina lessonii, and others -.... --...................----....-. 168-189 Hawthorn formation: Clay, olive-drab, silt and fine sand, micaceous, phosphoritic; mollusk fragments, barnacle plates; foraminifers, mostly Nonion, a few Cibicides concentricus and Bulimina gracilis ------------------------------------------..-------....................-....... 189-210 Clay, dark blue-green; silt, very fine sand, mica; mollusk fragments, foraminifers Nonion, Bulimina gracilis ....----......... 210-231 Clay, blue-green, fissile; silt, sand, mica; mollusk fragments, foraminifers Nonion, Bulimina gracilis, Bulimina curta -------------------. --------------.----------.. ---...........---------231-252 As above, plus some very dark blue-green clay --.....---..-... ......-... 252-273 As above, but with more sand, silt, and mica; Bulimina gracilis abundant ....-----...----------------------... ..... ... ................... 273-294 Shell marl, clayey, silty, sandy; (sand is fine to coarse, frosted); cream, medium-hard, sandy limestone; pelecypod fragments, small gastropods, scaphopods, coral, echinoid spines, foraminifers, mostly Nonion -........................... 294-315 Clay, dark blue-green, silty, sandy, micaceous; mollusk fragments and foraminifers as above ---.-----------.... ...-.........-..... 315-336 Sand, green, fine to very coarse, average coarse, rounded to subrounded, clear to frosted; some glauconite and material as above ---...-............ ........... -----...... 336-357 Limestone, cream, medium hard, very sandy, phosphatic; sand as above; clay as in 315-336 feet; mollusk fragments, sponge spicules, echinoid fragments; foraminifers Virgulina cf. punctata, Globorotalia menardii, Bolivina sp., Uvigerina sp., and others ........----------.--...------.... .. ............ ........ 357-378 Silt, blue-green, clay, fine sand; mollusk fragments, sponge spicules, foraminifers Textularia, miliolids, and others ---.. .. 378-399 Silt, olive-drab; foraminifers Textularia, miliolids, Nodosaria sp., Dentalina sp., Candorbulina? Uvigerina sp. ...... 399-420 Limestone, cream, slightly glauconitic, dense, finely crystalline; with some gray clay, silt, dark chert, phosphorite and sand; shark's teeth, sponge spicules, mollusk fragments, foraminifers-Robulus americanus var. spinosus abundant, Marginula sp., and others -...-......-...--......-.... -420-437 Limestone, cream, soft, granular, much clay and fine sand; fossils as above, plus coral ---------------------... ....-..... ---......-...... 437-461 As above, plus much coral and some brown chert .......................461-482 Clay, gray-green to tan, some material as above -----------..............-.. 482-524 Shell fragments, sand as in 336-357 feet, dark phosphorite, and chert; pelecypod fragments, scaphopods, small gastropods, shark's teeth, ostracods, foraminifers -----........................ 524-609 Shell fragments and some tan clay, dark phosphorite, and and chert; mollusk fragments, coral --------.......................-...... -609-630


88 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Depth, in feet Material below land surface Clay, tan to olive-drab, plus materials as above ..................... 630-651 As above, but clay is tan -----.. .--........................ .......... 651-698 As above; foraminifers common-Cibicidcs conccntricus and others .......... ... ... ...... ....................... ... .. ... 693-714 Clay, tan; with cream to gray, sandy, phosphatic, dense limestone, dark chert, and phosphorite; mollusk fragments and coral ---.----------....... --------..... .. ... 714-756 Suwannee limestone: Limestone, cream, soft, porous, granular, with some material as above; mollusk fragments, coral, Lcpidocyclina sp. ..... .....-...---.......-.-.....-...........-. ...-.. 756-777 Ocala group: Miliolid limestone, cream, soft to hard, calcitic; mollusk fragments, very small echinoids, large foraminifers, Lepidocyclina ocalana vars. Htcerostegina ocalana, Operculinoides floridensis, and others ............... ... .777-798 Avon Park limestone: Limestone, white, soft, chalky, slightly porous, calcitic; much material as above. Fossils as above, plus Cribrobuilimina cushmani, Textularia coryensis, Coskinolina floridana, Dictyoconus cookei, Lituonella floridana, and others ..--.-... ..-.... -...... ... ....... .................-.......... 798-815 Limestone as above, plus some miliolid limestone as in 777-789 feet. Fauna as above .-.---.........._... -......... 815-819 As above, plus some finely crystalline, cream to tan, hard limestone. Fauna as above .... ........... .....-..... .----. .819-840 Limestone, cream to tan, soft, porous, granular; some cream, porous, calcitic miliolid limestone; and some tan, hard, dense, cryptocrystalline limestone. Abundant Charophyte oogonia, Coskinolina floridana .............. ... 840-861 As above, plus small gastropods .-.-............ ................ 861-882 Miliolid limestone, tan, soft, porous, calcitic, and some white, soft, slightly porous, chalky limestone. Avon Park fauna .--.. -..........----......-............. .. ..... 882-898 As above but less chalky limestone---.....--......--........... ..898-903 Miliolid limestone, tan to cream, soft, porous, calcitic. Avon Park fauna -......-............. ... .. ....---.......... 903-945 As above but less porous. Charophyte oogonia ..................... 945-966 As 903-945 feet plus some cream, soft, slightly porous, chalky limestone ....------. -----..........-.-................. 966-987 As above, plus some very large miliolids .....--................... 987-1,008 Miliolid limestone, tan-cream, soft, porous, calcitic, and and brown finely crystalline, dense, fairly hard dolomitic limestone; clear crystalline calcite, white, chalky limestone. Avon Park fauna ... .................. ....................... 1,008-1,029N


REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 89 Depth, in feet Material below land surface Miliolid limestone, cream, soft to medium hard, very porous, calcitic ... ....................................... .......................... ... _ .._.. 1,029-1,071 As above, plus much crystalline calcite .. .. .... .....1,071-1,092 Miliolid limestone, cream, soft, porous, calcitic. Avon Park fauna .............................. ...... ...... ...... ...1,092-1,113 As above, plus some cream colored, hard to soft, chalky, porous limestone. Avon Park fauna ..... „.... .. 1,118-1,184 As above, plus some light brown, medium hard to hard, finely crystalline, dolomitic limestone .-----.--........ ... 1,184-1,155 Well 596 (NE YSEVY sec. 7, T. 88 S., R. 41 E.) Panmlico sand: Sand, gray, quartz, fine to medium, average fine, subrounded to angular, clear to frosted ..... ....... ....... ... .05 Anastasia formation: Sand, tan-gray, quartz, fine to medium, average fine, subrounded to angular, clear to frosted; noncalcareous ----510 As above, but light tan-gray ........................ ................ 1021 Sand, light to dark tan-gray, quartz, fine to coarse, average fine, subrounded to angular, clear to frosted, clayey, (light blue clay in jet water), slightly caleareous ..===..==... 2126 Sand, dark olive-drab, quartz, very micaceous, clayey, (dark blue clay in jet water); sand is very fine to coarse, average fine, rounded to subangular, clear to frosted; contains organic particles; slightly calcareous .............. .2631 Sand, dark-gray to yellow-green, quartz, slightly clayey, slightly calcareous; fine to coarse, average medium, subrounded to angular, frosted to clear, plus organic particles 3136 Sand, gray, quartz, slightly calcareous, very fine to medium, average fine, subrounded to angular, frosted to clear, and organic particles as above ......................... .. .. 3642 As above to 44 feet; from 44 feet to 47 feet-sand, gray, quartz, slightly micaceous, very fine to coarse, average medium, subrounded to angular, frosted; contains some soft, gray, sandy limestone, small dark rounded particles of phosphorite, and poorly preserved fossils ................... -. 4247 Limestone, tan to dark gray, hard to soft, sandy, calcitic, plus small shell fragments; fine to very coarse quartz sand, phosphate as above, and a few mica flakes; very few foraminifers ..................... ........................ ..... .. ..... .4752 As above, and numerous shells and shell fragments ............... 5257 Shell marl, gray to tan, with material as in 47-52 feet. Wellpreserved microfauna ..... .. ...... ... ............. .......................... 5758 As above, but contains fewer shells ..................... ......-.....-... 5859

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90 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Depth, in feet Material below land surface Limestone, tan to dark gray, hard, dense to porous, sandy, calcitic; small shell fragments phosphatic; fine to very coarse quartz sand ................ .......-.... _... ..................... 5960 As above, but limestone is more porous ......----......--------.......... .----6061 Well 615 (SW /SE% sec. 22, T. 37 S., R. 41 E.) Pamlico sand: Sand, cream, quartz, medium to coarse, average coarse, rounded to subangular, frosted, a few grains stained with orange-red clay; noncalcareous --..---.---......-.................. 010 A nastasia formation: Sand, dark red-brown, quartz, medium to very coarse, average coarse, rounded to subangular, frosted, carbonaceous, noncalcareous; some clay ------....-......................------1015 Sand, dark orange-red, quartz, medium to very coarse, average coarse, rounded to subangular, frosted; a few small shell fragments and clusters of calcite; some clay ....... 1520 Sand, red-orange, quartz, medium, subrounded to subangular, clear to frosted, noncalcareous ---........-......_... ...............2025 Sand, red-orange to cream, quartz, medium to coarse, average coarse, rounded to subangular, frosted to clear, and a few small red shell fragments ---..-......... ..............-------.. 2530 Sand, cream, quartz, slightly micaceous, fine to very coarse, average medium, rounded to subangular, large grains frosted, small grains frosted to clear, scattered worn mollusk fragments and well preserved foraminifers; contains orange-red clay ---...--...........................--------------3035 Sand, light tan-gray, quartz, fine to coarse, average medium, rounded to subangular, frosted to clear; a few scattered mollusk fragments, foraminifers, clear calcite particles, and mica flakes --------.----------...-----------....... ........-. 3540 Sand, tan-gray, quartz, medium to coarse, average medium, rounded to subangular, frosted to clear; a few mica flakes, slightly calcareous ----------------. ---....-......-----. .4045 As above, but noncalcareous ..-------.. ---------... ..-... --..-........ 4560 Sand, dark orange-red, quartz, fine to very coarse, average medium, subrounded to subangular, frosted to clear; contains much clay and mica flakes; noncalcareous ..---..--........ 6065 Well 617 (NW% NE% sec. 14, T. 38 S., R. 41 E. Township and Range projected in Hanson Grant.) Pamlico sand: Sand, cream, quartz, fine to medium, average medium, subangular to subrounded, clear, noncalcareous --...-.........-..---... 05.

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 91 Depth, in feet Material below land surface Anastasia formation: Sand, red-brown, quartz, medium to coarse, average medium, subangular to subrounded, clear to frosted, noncalcareous, carbonaceous .-...-................--........----------------510 Sand, tan-gray, quartz, medium to coarse, average medium, subangular to subrounded, clear to frosted, noncalcareous -.... 1015 Sand, tan, quartz, medium to coarse, average coarse, rounded to subrounded, clear, noncalcareous ...-......---------. 1520 Sand, tan, quartz, slightly clayey, slightly micaceous, noncalcareous ............-----.................-.... ------.--.--------.. 2025 Sand, dark gray, quartz, fine to coarse, average medium, rounded to subangular, with small shell fragments, very micaceous, calcareous, phosphatic (small, rounded, dark particles), clayey; few foraminifers ------------------2530 Sand, dark gray, quartz, micaceous, very phosphatic (as above), clayey, fine to medium, average fine, angular to subrounded; some clear calcite particles and shell fragments as above; no micro-fossils noted .-----.----------3040 As above, but with many foraminifers ...--..--...........-..... ........ 4050 Sand, dark gray, quartz, very fine to fine, average fine, angular; micaceous, calcareous, very phosphatic, clayey (dark gray clay in jet water); small clusters of minute clear calcite particles and abundant mollusk remains -.......--5060 As above; numerous macrofossils recovered at 63 feet (material from 50 to 63 feet) when well was blown with compressed air; sample consists of marine pelecypods, gastropods, echinoid fragments, crab claws, coral, and a few fresh-water gastropods; also, contains wellrounded pieces of hard, dark gray calcitic limestone ....---------5063 Sand, dark gray, fine to medium, average fine, micaceous, calcareous, very phosphatic, clayey; small clusters of clear calcite along with numerous mollusk fragments; microfossils very abundant ---........----.---.. ...--------------.. 6373 As above, but medium to coarse, average medium ............-.--.---. 7375 Sand, tan-gray, quartz, fine to medium, average medium, angular, micaceous, phosphatic, clayey (white clay in jet water); shell fragments, small clusters of minute clear calcite particles and particles of brown, hard, fossiliferous, calcitic limestone ............--.... ........----------7580 Sand, tan, quartz, fine to medium, average medium, angular to subangular, slightly micaceous, slightly phosphatic (as above), clayey; shell fragments ....-----.. ....--__.-8087

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92 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Depth, in feet Material below land surface Well 623 (NE YSW% sec. 4, T. 38 S., R. 41 E.) Pamlico sand: Sand, light gray, quartz, medium to coarse, average coarse, rounded to subrounded, clear to frosted ...........-.............----.....--. 05 Anastasia formation: Sand, dark brown, quartz, medium to coarse, average coarse, rounded to subrounded, clear to frosted, carbonaceous .......... 510 Sand, cream, quartz, medium to coarse, average coarse, rounded to subangular, clear to frosted, with some redbrown clay; slightly carbonaceous ---........--...........-------.----1020 Sand, cream, quartz, medium to coarse, average medium, rounded to subangular, clear to frosted, and a few particles of red-brown clay ........... .........-........ .... ..2025 As above, but coarse -...........--..-..... -... .........-........-.... ....-2535 Sand, tan, quartz, very fine to fine, average fine, angular to subangular; contains a few particles of dark gray sandy clay and mica --....----..-..............---------. ..... ------3540 Sand, white, quartz, fine to medium, average medium, angular to subrounded, and a few particles of gray to redbrown clay and mica ...--.........------.--...----... .-.... ............... .4045 Sand, white, quartz, very fine, angular; a few small clusters of sand grains cemented together with iron oxide and a few particles of clear calcite; micaceous --.......-....-..-......-........ 4550 Sand, white, quartz, fine to coarse, average medium, rounded to angular, with some brown sandy clay, crystalline calcite and a very few dark shell fragments some of which are encased in crystalline calcite; micaceous; a few foraminifers ......-----........---........... ..-...--.--........_............. 5052 Limestone, tan-gray, hard, porous, vuggy, fossiliferous; some dark particles of phosphorite ------.................-............ 5255 Sand, fine to medium, quartz, clear, subrounded; layers of soft, cream limestone, and hard gray, nodular sandstone, composed of quartz sand and some shell fragments cemented with calcite ...---._ --.------------....... ----....-... 55-100 Sand, tan, quartz, fine to medium, clear, subangular to subrounded; shell fragments and foraminifers ....-.......-.....----.. 100-110 Well 841 (NE¼ SW14 sec. 16, T. 38 S., R. 41 E.) Pamlico sand: Sand, quartz, medium, clear, angular; brown organic stains -..-. 021 Anastasia (?) formation: Sand, quartz, medium, clear, subangular to subrounded, stained brown; some grains cloudy ---................--...--............... 214..

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 93 Depth, in feet Material below land surface Sand, quartz, fine to medium, clear, angular, slight brown stain -.....-....-. ........................ ........ ..... ...--...... ...... 4255 Sand, light tan, quartz, medium, clear to cloudy, angular to subangular; a few shell fragments ...-...........-....-..........----...-5563 Sand, tan, quartz, fine to medium, clear to cloudy, angular to subangular, some shell material, a few small foraminifers; thin limestone and sandstone layers -..............-.....6384 Sand, tan, quartz, very fine to medium, subrounded to angular, clear to cloudy; shell material; "quicksand" at about 88 feet .................--.........-----------------------........ 84-105 Sand, tan, quartz, very fine, clear, angular; shell fragments -.. 105-116 Sand, tan-gray, quartz, very fine to fine, clear, angular; shell and very small phosphorite nodules -......--......... --.. .116-126 Sand, light gray, quartz, fine to medium, clear, angular; shell fragments and thin layers and lenses of limestone and sandstone; some phosphatic nodules. Sand coarser at 136-147 feet ...--. -...................-------.-. .... ................... 126-147 Sand, light tan-gray, quartz, fine, clear, angular; shell fragments, some black grains of phosphorite or limestone; hard limestone layer at 150-152 feet; small foraminifers ...----...---.. ---......---......... -..-...---..---.-----.....---. 147-168 Miocene (?) : Sand, light gray, quartz, fine, clear, angular; slightly shelly; some phosphorite and small foraminifers ..-----------168-189 Sand, quartz, fine, clear, angular; gray-green clay, shell, and limestone lenses; micaceous .......---.....-...-.......---------------. 189-210 Sand, gray-green, quartz, fine, clear, angular; green clay, silt, phosphorite; layer of clay at 220 feet _.............---......--. 210-231 Hawthorn (?) formation: Clay, green, sandy, silty, slightly shelly; few pebbles cemented by calcium carbonate; black and brown phosphorite grains; few foraminifers ..---.......... ... ....... --...... 231-252 As above, but more foraminifers, Cibicides concentricus ...----...... 252-378 As above, and a few mica flakes ------..---......... -......---.. --.--.. 378-615 No sample (Driller reports "flint" layer 18 inches thick at about 6 45 feet) ---..-......---.............. ... .. ...... ............-----------615-647 Clay, dark green, silty and fine quartz sand; phosphatic nodules and flint fragments. Cibicides concentricus -.........-.647-653 Clay, light green, silty and sandy; many foraminifers, Cibicides concentricus and others; thin limestone layers and phosphatic nodules -......-------.---------.............. .653-660 As above, but dark green .....--.......-..... .......-----660-664 As above, but less limestone and more sand ............--.............---....--664-681 Clay, very light green; foraminifers as above; little sand or phosphate, flint fragments --...-....-...-..-.-------.... -.. 681-683

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94 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Depth, in feet Material below land surface As above, but darker green color ........................................... 683-697 Sand, black and brown, phosphatic; some clear, subrounded medium, quartz grains, foraminifers, and dark green clay --.....--...........-...... .........-..... ..-....................--...-----......... 697-702 Limestone, cream, and light green clay in alternating layers; many foraminifers; some fine quartz sand, silt and shell fragments .-..--.. --.............................-.........--............702-715 As above, but more limestone ..........-...-......................-..-.....-...-... 715-726 As above, but much phosphate .-.............--.....-.--.......-..-........-. -726-736 Limestone, cream, and light green to white clay layers; much brown and black phosphatic sand, fine to medium, clear quartz sand .......-------------.... ...........-.....-..... -......................... 736-747 As above, but a layer of tough, dark green clay at 752-755 feet .. 747-774 Clay, light green, and a few limestone layers; considerable quartz sand, clear to frosted, subrounded, medium to fine and dark phosphatic nodules (First flow of water at 779 feet; approximately 1 gpm) ..--...-................-.............. 774-779 As above, except more phosphatic sand -..-......--.----..-...--................. 779-789 Sand, brown and black, phosphatic, and clear to cloudy, medium, subrounded quartz sand; light green to white clay .789-810 As above 810-820 feet; white, shelly hard limestone at 820 feet; estimated flow 30 gpm at 820-831 feet; water salty ........ 810-831 Limestone, cream to white, and shell fragments; hard layer 835-837; foraminifers ....--------------.................--------.................... 831-842. Clay, green, tough, phosphatic, and fine to medium quartz sand; thin limestone lenses and shell fragments ...................... 842-856 As above but more sand .. ...-----------.. ------....................................... 856-858 Tampa(?) formation: Limestone, white to cream, cryptocrystalline, sandy, phosphatic, chalky, much calcite; shell fragments and few foraminifers; hard limestone at 862-866 feet ............................ 858-866 Suwannee (?) limestone: Limestone, cream, soft, porous, granular, sandy, phosphatic; contains black flint fragments, calcite crystals, shell fragments and few distinguishable foraminifers; water flow increased from 30 to 60 gpm ......---........------........-............... 866-888 As above, but more fine sand and harder; foraminifers ................ 888-893 As above, but less sand, and softer ................................-................... 893-914 Same as above, but more sand .----------.............................................. 914-935 Same as above, but less sand ......................... ............................... 935-956 Same as above, but more calcite ---..--....---------....-............-............... 956-967 Ocala group: Limestone, cream to light pink, hard, porous, many foraminifers, Lepidocyclina ocalana, Operculinoides moodybranchensis, and others; coral fragments, echinoid spines ...... 967-987 .

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REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 23 95 Depth, in feet Material below land surface Same as above, but few foraminifers .-...--.-...........--..... ....-..--... 987-1,010 As above, but white and hard ..................-....................-.................---1,010-1,023 Limestone, cream, soft, little sand, many foraminifers and shell fragments; Lepidocyclina sp ......................................-1,023-1,030 As above, Lepidocyclina, Operculinoides -...----.............................1,030-1,044 As above, but hard ---....-...-.... ----....--.......... ........--..-----...... 1,044-1,057

PAGE 106

TABLE 8, Record of wells in Martin County, Lo' intn C asng S2 2 40 Sl Conservation Serve 91 0 238 ..... 8-12.., T ,. Ca. S 6 t C. *1 10 ., 1W? Roerka 2en t Co. -S .I ..... .**** 5 . -W 6 40 39 d i nt own Devel.opnt Co 35 .,,, h.. ,, .. ... N ,. 0S 23 NW W 23 40 4O Soil Conservation Service 091 4 85 OE 238 ..... S-22-4; ..T .. Ca, 1 SE SE 6 40 39 Indiantown revelopment Co. 161 6 141 CE 13 ...... .13.! .. .. 2 SE SE 6 40 39 Indiantown Development Co. 35 2 ... SC ........ ...... ... .N 3 SE SE 6 40 39 Indlantovn DevelopmntCo. 35 2 ... SC ...S ..... ........ N .. 4 SE SE 6 40 39 Indiantown Development Co. 35 4 S... C S ..... ..... .... ....... 5 SE SE 6 40 39 Indlntovn Developent Co. 98 2... OE .............. ... .. 6 E SE S 6 40 39 Indiantown revelopment Co. 125 6 ... OZ ... ..... ....... ... N . 7 SE SE 6 40 39 Indiantown revelopment Co. 33 2 ... P ... ..... ... .... * . 8 SE E 13 40 37 Port Mayaca 30 3 ... OE .... 9-12-41 ... Ir. 78 Ca.1 battery 4 vells. 9 81 SE 15 40 37 Spender 27 l ... SC 10 ..... 9-12-41 ... N 77 Ca. 10 NE NE 22 40 37 Port Mayaca ... 6 .... .. ... .... .. .......... N .. 11 SE SW 17 39 37 L. .Maey 40 2 ... OE 56 ..... 9-11-,4 ... D 77 12 SE NE 27 39 42 obe Sound Co. 117 12 ... OE 14 ..... 87-46 ... P 76 Ca. 18 ..... 7-13-56 ... 76 13 SW NE 27 39 42 Nobe Sound Co. 80 12 ... OE ... ..... ....... ... P Componite 14 SW NE 27 39 42 Hobe Sound Co. 77 12 ... OE 32 ..... 7-13-51 ... P 77 15 SW NW 13 40 37 Kaut Dairy 40 2.... 79 ..... 103-4 ... S 76 Ca. 16 SE NE 13 40 37 Port fayaea 48 6 ... 7 ..... 9-12-41 ... D 78 17 SE NE 13 e L 7 eaer Popertie 32 4 29 O 5 ..... 103-41 ... D 78 Ca. f-

PAGE 107

TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Cusing S9 0 9 Orange State 0 Co 2 1.... 1 ..... -24 26 SE W 8 40 39 State Road Department 38 .... 12 ..... 72-46 .. D,SIr 7 27 SW E 25 10 40 38 Sam Chatpain00 4 40 OE 425 ..... 7-2-46 0 80 Ca fo W 12 40 38 F y *4 214.02 44 -.7 74 C. 238 IN SW 27 39 40 39 Orange State13 .... 16 .....2 72-46 .. S 78 24 NE NE 8 40 39 State Road Department 1 li OE 196 ..... 72-46 AD S S SWE E 26 39 Indinton P evelopent Co. 1,00 40 OE 310 .... 6-23-46 25 I. 80 Ca. 7 lowing ell. 1770 2411.0 1-25-57 82 45028 NE SW 27 39 40 nknwn 13 26 3.42 7-... 3-246 7858 19 EN SE 26 39 37 W. i. Wi elopnt 1,100 6 .OE 625 .... 6-27-46 20 1 80 Ca.o flowing oll. 6740 .8 -2-19-53 78065 .... 1-25-57 20 NE SE 26 39 38 Indantown Development Co. 1,100 6 .. OE 340 .... 6-28-46 .. 0 .Flowing 9eil. 21 3N W10 8 S~apChatn290 .... OE2-53 ..D 78 530 12 0 o 161 .0 1-25-57 0 82 23 450W NW 9 40 39 Or ta .25 .. 16 .... 37-2-45 .8 74 32 NE NE 26 39 38 Indintown Development Co. 1,100 6 .. OE 965 .... 6-28-46 45 Ir. ,. Flown voll. 6425 SWE 5 39 Top .... -.. 2-5 7 26 SE 39 LouieWine0n 381 16 .... 13-462.. 57 75 32 SHE NE 26 39 38 Indiantown .eve.opent Co.Phpp 1,100 43 OE 1640 .... -3-4 40 Ir. 80 la.oving well. 177220 2.0 -2-57 83 28 NS 912.7 72-46 84 708^I 2-1 _______ -__ _ __ _

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TABLE 8. (Continued) LagIlaon Costal * B6 Swn er "a Remarks -• , .o ': 8 I. a-a. -A s Us U F. 34 NV ju 36 39 38 Indiantown revelopment Co. 1,100 6 .. Q; 700 .... 6-28-46 400 Ir. 83 Plowie well. 720 .... 32-53 +12.2 1-30-58 35 S ! SE 12 39 L. M. Boone 60 2 ... .... .... ...... ... D 36 S-d S 12 Arundel Corporation 35 2 .. .. 47 .... 7-16-46 ... In. 78 Ca. coapoaite suaple veila 36-37. 37 S 12 Arundel Corporation 37 2 .. .... ... ...... .a. .. 38 a 12 4 Arurdel Corporation *23 I .. .. ... 8.50 7-16-46 ... D .. 39 SE I 1C J. B. Idoodham 60 2 .... 32 .... 7-16-46 ... D 7 40 SE ;0 1 Y C J. B. Woodhas 30 1 .. .. 30 7-16-46 ... S 76 41 SE SI 3 4 Henry Crew 30 .. .. 57 ... 7-16... D 74 42 SE K. 4 Vence Faru 35 2 .. .. 64 ... 7-17-4 ... D .. 43 ! n 2 3N 4. V. A. Hires 00 4 .. .. 1,340 ... 7-17-4 45 r. 7 Ca.; flowing we. 1,400 8-25-5 1,390 4-23-51 44 E EE 27 38 40 W. A. Hires 60 1 .... 28 ... 7-17-46 ... D 74 45 Sr SN 23 38 1 A. J. harrett 700 3 .. 08 1,350 ... 7-17-46 ... Ir. 78 Flosng vell. 1,350 +28.0 8-25-53 1,370 8-14-56 1,/00 +19.0 4-24-57 I II 46 W M X Y l Vida Evans 0 68 ... 7-17-4 .. . S47 3 L, 0 ZVas es 500o 3 C..E08 I +3 0.0 7-17-46 63 c.; fling el. 48 1 .1 24 Y 40 Toseph la 60 ..0C 42 ... 7-17-46 D082 I49ISyI SW 18 w .C. C. .. .. 30 ... 7-17-46.. D 74

PAGE 109

TABLE .(Continued) Lacation Casing -~i rne --. .g i o W S h .s -.9 1 "" -s a S § S a 3 -S. SP .0 3 -Remarks 0 af 9 1 a3 aAsi 3 So A. 50 d SV 17 38 41 V. F. Doealdsoan 75 .. 75 30 ... 7-17-46 ... D 74 51 sE s 17 38 1 H.0O. Jordan 30 O ... ..E. .D .. 52 S SE 4 39 1 Henry Paulson Ranch 30 2 .. SP 29 ..P. 7-18-n6 ... S 76 53 SE S 39 .1 Hen7 Paulson IRnch ' 4 21 .. SP .. 4.59 7-18-46 ... . 54 SSBE 4 39 41 HenryFaulson Ranch '21 1 .. SP .. 4.73 7-18-46.. S 55 SSE 4 39 41 Henr P °aulsan an 240 .. SP 15 .... 7-18-&46.. D,S 76 56 So SE 4 3941 Henry Paulson Ranch 30 2 ... .... ....... s Z 57 SE SU .39 41 Henry Paulson Raich 30 l .. .. .D,S o 58 SE r!? 5 39 41 E. J. Rhoades 28 2 .. SP 25 .... 7-18-6 .. D .. 59 b S IA 6 39 1 Corps of Eiginers 78 8 .. OE 89 ... 7-1 6 .. DI .. 60 SS SE 6 39 1 D. S. Greenlees *32 2 .. .... 8 .78.. D,Ir .. 8.6 7 -. 61 SV Sd 5 39 41 F.'d. Loy 32 2 .. .. 25 .... 7-18-46 .. D,Ir 7 62 SW SE 30 37 L2 P. S. Fagin 8 1+ .. .. 3,920 .... 7-18-46 .. D .. 0 63 SE W 30 37 1.2 ras. anford 10 1 .. SP 4,080 .... 7-18-46 .. D 64 SEE h' 13 37 .1 Cordon Breuer 600 4 .OE 1,790 +30.3 7-18-46 .. Ir. 78 Ca.;' lowing.vell. 65 SW SC 26 37 41 V. C. Langford 500 4 .. E 890 .... 7-19-46 100 ,Ir 76 Ca.,; flaoing vell. 875 +27.0 57-57 .. 66 SW S 26 37 41 V. C. Langford 81 3 .. OE 15 .... 7-19-46 .. D,Ir 76 Ca.; battery 3 vells. 67 SV SW 26 37 41 V. C.Langford 81 2 .. .. .... ...... I.r. 66 hI SE 21 38 41 0. D. Quinlivan 54 1 .. .. 18 .... 7-19-46 .. D 69 bSW ;E 21 38 41 0. D. Quinlivan 54 2 .. COE .. .. ...... .. Ir. ..

PAGE 110

TABLE 8. (Continued) _72 .S_ S 2'. _. 3. 4.1 J, C. Morse 0 ._.27 .. -19-,6 ... Dr 7_ WcUi t Lun Cju ina x c Wt a W a7 SE E.2 8 1 .l 2 .... D " a I. a3 S S ! 3 " 3 Zk . g 6.2. 5 ^S h l 70 h S E3 3 38 41 Je.i. Oler 60 2 .. .21 .... 7-19-46 ... D, 71 h Mn !N 3& 41 C. H. Hardwiek 75 1 31 .... 7-19-.6 ... 0 75 72 bSV SE 27 38 41 J. C. Mro 01 S .. .27 .... 7-19-46 ... D,r 74 73 SE E 32 38 41 Paul J.effrs 23 .. SP 23 .... 7-19-46 ... D U S5-53 SE 32 38 Pul Jeffrs 23 7-19-46 ... Dr 75 SW NE 19 3741 CmomgeCasper 56 2 .. .......... ....... ... ..D 76 SE SE 19 37 41 C. S. WUllca 60 k .. i6 .... 7-22-4; ... D 0 77 S NE 19 3741 0G. S. VilkLca n 23 ..SP 23 .... 7-22-46 ...D .. 78 RE BE 21 3741 F. A. Hertal 531 .. SP 61 .... 7-22-46 ... D,r... 79 1 IW 22 37 41 L. J. Cabl 26 .SP 9 .... 7-22-46 .D .. 80 S SE 10 38 41 U. S. raiy 80 6 70 .. .. .... ....... n... .. 81 V IV 15 37 41 Sperti-Agr, Inc. 60 2 .. OE 25 .... 7-23-46 ... In. .. Ca.; battery 2 uells. 20 2-11-49 82 d IBV 15 37 41 Sprti-Atgm, Inc. 24 1 .. SP 13 .... 7-23-46 ... In. .. Battery 2 velr. 83 NV NM 1 37 41 Sperti-Agar, Inc. 19 2 .. SP 16 .... 7-23-46 ... aI. .. Battery 4 wulls. 84 1E SE 22 37 41 R. IT. oke 19 2 .. SP 26 .... 7-23-46 ... D .. Batter 8 wella. 85 W W 26 37 41 Uy A. Cary 26 1 .. SP 15 .... 7-23-46 .. D 86 SE W 26 37 41 M.St.J St;. o fas~ ovate 1,200 6 .. OE 880 +43.3 7-23-46 .. Ir. 77 C.; flouing ell. 870 +42.2 3-26-52 880 +40.0 76-56 76 890 +42.5 -7-57 87 SE IM 26 37 41 Mt. t. J.aseph os avist 750 4 .. OE 1,210 +28.2 7-23-46 .. Ir. 75 Ca.; fIcvine wall.

PAGE 111

TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casing a a C+.n ,S .r g . 12 .9 aa. 3 u t „ a1.. x. 5 Ua'. .a a 6 r"a -ac be. A U 5 a a aA 1. a a Cd 88 SE SW 1 38 /.1 A. .L. Writs 1,18 5 .. O 915 -38.7 7-23-46 .. .75 Ca. flawing well. 945 6-20-56 935 -36.3 59-57 250 76 89 SE W 1 38 41 A. J. L. aritz 28 2 .S 65 .... 7-23-46 ... D 78 Sttery 2 walls. 90 SE SW 1 38 / A. J. L. rits 31 .. SP .. .... ....... ... .. 91 E SE 35 37 41 .J. Perr 30 2 .. SP .. .... ....... ... D .. Battery 3 Vels. 92 SW W 1 38 41 .E. Bloaingdale 32 2 .. SP 300 .... 7-24-46 ... D .. Battery 2 wels. 93 Wt 5E 12 38 41 T.. 0. ulap 28 .. SP 196 .... 7-24-6 ... D .. Battery 4 veiUs. 1, 0 6-20-56 94 h SE BE 12 38 41 V. K. K plinger 30 2 .. SP 25 .... 7-24-.46 ... D .. 37" .... 6-20-56 95 h SE E 12 38 .1 V. N. Kiplinger '1,058 6 748 0E 805 30.9 7-214-6 ... Ir. 75 Ca.; flamnd vwel. 830 6-20-56 790 .33.0 59-57 96 BE ME 13 38 41 V. K. plingur 36 2 .. SP 40 .... 7-24-6 ... D .. 97 I' SW 4 38 41 City of Stuart 55 4 .. SC 75 .... 8-7-46 ... P 78 Ca.; composite saple vells 97,98,99 320 1-20-54 2 206 5-26-55 160 12-15-55 98 n S 4, 4 City of ftuart 65 6 .. SC 152 .... 5-26-55 ... P 78 211 12-15-55 99 B SW 4 39 41 City of -tuart 75 6 .. SC 98 .... 5-26-55 ... P 78 rael packed. 156 12-15-55 100 S E 5 3S 41 Lohn's Dry Cleaning 47 2 .. 05 110 .... 9-20-46 ... I .. 89 6-10-48 185 3-27-52 248 6-29-55 101 51 S 3E 71 J3 Thoas Collain 1 2 .. SP 15 .... 8-12-46 ... .. , ,i-

PAGE 112

TABLE 8. (Continued) 102 *dL"fllu O.flar "1i i , .r Rmark 104 WSE 2 38 1 A. .uer 24 .. SP 49 .... 8-13... 1 .. 105 W SE 2 37 1 FA. .lBauer 88 2 .. OE 340 .... -13-4 ... 188 47106 h ' S'" 12 38 41 Port Sall Corporation 1,020 3 698 05 810 +36.6 8-13-4 ... r. 75 Cp.; i el. 107 BVW E 12 38 41 or. f. a C 22 e... SP 41 .... 8-123-4 ... D 108 SW SW 12 38 4.1 P.rt Sall Corporation 24 5 .. SC ... 11... 8-13-4 ... I .. Gravel packed. 105 h 1 SE 2 38 41 A. ..auer 88 2 84 E 0 3 .... 8-13-44 ... D .. 53 2&-44 61 6-1062 7-28-5 167 3-27-5 106 hS S 12 38 41 Jort Se.all Corporation 1,020 379 698 C 80 +36.6 8-13-41 ... Ir. 75 Cp. floving uwell. 81950 +360.0 57-57 7 107 h S? W 12 38 41 Port a Corporation 22 2 1 ... SP 41 .... 8-13-44 ... D 1208 b SW S 12 38 41 Port Smalth Cor1oration 24 5 I ... SCP.... ... .. ... rav...l ...l packd. 109 h FS 1W 13 38 41 J. E. Stoke 90a 88 2 2,E 50 +28.0... 8-13-4 ... D,Ir. 75 F in e 100 110 hSV KN 13 38 4c1l J. E. Ke~ra 1,379 6 OE 950 .... 8Ir. 75 Cp.; nowine well. 950 7-28-5 965 1-20-5 95600 +0.0 57-57 76 141 h -INW 25 38 41 P. .Stoth 27 120 .. SP 78 .... 8-13-46 ... D 112 h S NE 26 38 41 H. D. Sith 15 1 .. SP ..34. .... ....--.. ... D 113 hSJ NV 23 38 41 J. W. Stokes 960 5 ... OE 2,150 +28.0 8-13-46 ... Ir. 75 Flowing well. 1,650 5-25-5 1,600 +30.0 53-57 76 124 h SW N 23 38 41 J. V. Stokes 120 2 .. SP 78 .... 8-13-4< ... D L 115 h IWI SEI 151 38 411 H. E. Hooper 201.2 .. SP 34 .... -14-14 ... D

PAGE 113

TABLE 8. (Continued) S Localton Cai 2 aa. Ca 4f U --ii"? Bo .Ul .-" 5 .r (a a U a aI : 13 at ag a M 1 a cc C CU4' , o e. ! "a , ý W U :, Re ar , Al I 3_________ __iiC0JI.iJC U C: 3 4 116 gSE SW 22 39 42 Andre Lester 30 2 ... SP 12 .... 8-14-46 .... 117 SW SW 26 39 42 Andrew Lester 75 4 ... E 42 .... 87-46 ... In .. Composite sample wells 117,118,119. 118 SW W 26 39 42 Andrw Lester 70 1 ... OE .. .... ....... ... In... 119 SW W 26 39 I2 Andrew Lester 82 6 ... OE .. .... ....... ... In... 120 SE SE 12 40 42 Gene Tunney 20 2 ... SP 27 .... 8-14-46 ... D,r .. Battery 4 wells. 121 I W SE 2 '0 42 U. S. Ary 89 12 ... SC 27 .... 8-1.-,46 ... P .. Composite sample wells 121, 126; 31 5-22-47 gravel packed. 122 SW NE 2 40 42 U. S. Arm 81 12 ... SC .. ...... ... ... .. CGravel packed. 123 SE SE 2 40 42 U. S. Arm 90 12 ... SC .... ... ........ ... P Gravel packed. 21. NE HE 11 40 42 U..S. Army 90 12 ... SC ... .... ....... ... P .. Gravel packed. 125 SE SW 12 40 42 U. S. Ary 90 12 ... SC ... .... ....... ... .. ravel packed; water level recording gage installed 7-27-49. 126 NE I1W 13 .0 42 U. S. Ar 100 12 ... SC 32 .... 4-15-.2 ... P .. Gravel packed. 127 NE F' 19 40 A3 Mr. Holchser 30 1f ... SP 30 .... 8-14-46 ... D,Ir .. Cp. 128 IW SW ,A 38 41 City of Stuart '852 6 795 OE 4,S0 .... 11-24-53 ... F .. Flowing wbll. 1,800 1-26-55 2,400 +40.5 4-14-55 129 NE SW 25 39 41 Albert Welch 42 4 ... OE 142 .... 8-15-46 ... Ir. 75 Composite sample'vells 129, 130. 130 W FW 25 39 41 Albert Welch 40 4 .. E *... .... .......* ... I *r. 131 SE S 25 39 41 Albert Welch 3 4 .. GE ..* ........... ... Ir. 75 132 W 1W 16 38 41 J. I. Craig 42 14 .. SP 8 .... 8-15-46 ... .. 133 SW IrE 38 8 1 C. Albacht 85 2 .. OE 13 .... 8-15-6 ... D 134 WSW 4 38 41 Stuart Ice Co. 75 4 .. OE ... .... ........ ... In. I .. ____ ________11 1 -------U-------§

PAGE 114

TABLE 8. (Continued) 6 N 23 ~0 Portaya velopment Co 02 9 , ., ,,, ....... ,.. N ,, * a aa 5: ... Sp -l p 0 o .4 .4 0 l iU N I .0 .4-. 44'. V u M I I & s s 137 UE K4 23 o 37 Port j ys ca Dvelopent Co. 222 ... ... ....... .. 138 NE IW 23 40 37 Port Hayeca Developmeont Co. 19 2 12 OF ... .... .... .... 77 139 E NI 23 40 37 Port Mayaso Development Co. *30 2 28 OE 50 .... 423-49 5 N .. 140 SE E28 40 41 U S. S. Coolocical "urvoy *31 6 30 OF 26 0.61 9-22-50 ... 0 .. Vnter level recordlne gs.e lnstalled 9-29-50. 141 SW SW 35 39 41 R. H. Parrie 35 8 85 SC 75 .... 24-53 400 Tr. 76 Slotted casing. 1/.2 SE SW 5 39 41 Joe Greenloes '*1 1l .. SP ... 5.36 3-27-57 ... N .. 14 W s 9 38 40 .J. J.ath.eon "958 6 272 OE ... +27.5 5-23-51 550 Ir. 79 Flouinr ell L. 940 5-24-51 950 3-27-52 1,000 +25.5 4-25-57 230 CO 1u.4 W SF 7 40 42 John Harrimn 72 8 60 0F ... 2.48 2-16-53 950 Ir. 145 NE hW 23 39 33 Joe Adama 1,485 6 425 OF 685 +12.5 25-53 300 Ir. 83 Flouine well. 620 + 9.0 1-25-57 82 665 +10.0 4-17-57 346 SE W 6 39 38 H. .Wrilliamson 1,155' 5 432 O0 580 +15.5 122-51 300 S .. Flouwng wll; L. 575 +18.2 2-19-53 82 620 +16.8 36-57 147 VW NW 10 38 41 U. S. Geological Survey '74 6 73 OE ... 7.00 6-20-52 ... 0 .. Gravel packed; water level record15 9-29-52 Ing age Instatlled 8-2-52 17 1-26-55 148 NE SE 14 40 37 Robert Arreta 100 2 .. OF 92 ..... 2-10-53 ... D .. 149 NE FE U2 40 37 Robort Arrleta 45 6 .. 6 0 ... 3.92 2-30-53 ... ..

PAGE 115

TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casing 4 -S SE 2 39 41 R. I. larries 1,31 6 ?40 0 4,020 .8-12-51 350 Ir. 75 Cp.; rloing wel. .0 9502.8 ,17-5 1 SW SE 15 40 37 State oa Florida 27 2 27 CE 32 .... 2110-51 .. Do. .Cp, -SE E 34 39 37 Ro A eta 22 6 20 E 119 ..... 2-1 5 74 E 3 9 37 Robert rrsea 2 6 99 .... 2-a a a O a0 V, Remarks S .4 -a iiis an -.A 0 ; a E E 28 9 37 Robert Arit 2 6 20 OE 77 .... a-1 S 74 a a 150 SE SE 2 39 41 R.oM.t arrisa 21,315 6 70 O 14,020 .... 8-12-5 350 Ir. 75 Cp.; lowing well. 3,950 +29.8 4-17-5 4,050 +28.8 4-23-5 151 SW SE 15 4 37 State o Florida 27 2 7 OE 32 .... 2-10-5 .. ... Cp. 0 152 E NW 2 40 37 Robert PArroperta 75 2 ... .E 90 .... 2-10-5 ... D 75 153 SE SE 3 39 37 Robert Arrieta 22 6 20 OE.. 129 ..... 2-1-5325 S 74 154 SE SE 33 39 37 Robert A Proortieta 25 6 20 E 55 .... 2-120-53 5 74 155 E 17 33 39 37 Robrt Arrieta 25 6 20 OE 99 .... 2-11-53 5 S 74 156 SE SE 28 39 37 Robert Arrieta 25 6 20 OE 77 .... 2-11-53 5 S 74 157 NE SW 27 39 37 Robert Arrieta 25 6 20 O1 140. .... 2-11-53 5 DS 75 158 SE SE 20 39 37 L. W. Scott 40 2 37 OE 67 .... 2-11-53 10 D 77 Original depth 150 ft; water reported salty. 159 SW VE 8 39 37 Joe Ad ams 1,. 2 5 .n .. 37 +.... 2-11-53 ... D 77 160 ' NW P 39 37 L.KMaxy .2 805 .... 2-11-5 5 75 161 1 SW 5 39 37 C, H. Tucker 117 1 ... OE 605 .... 2-11-53 5 D 74 Cp. 162 VE SW lj 40 37 Pesnencr Properties 2 2 .. 2. ... ... ..... ....... ... D 75 163 NE rd 13 40 37 Rasseor Propoertion 35 4 2 ...... 12 .... 2-;2-53 D 7. D 7 164 !7d SE 13 ,40 37 Basemor Proporties .. 1 1... .. 1...... 2-12-53 ... D 76 165 Di IW 17 40 39 P. L. Henson q.. l.. 110 .... 2-17-53 10 D 75 166 SV S' 20 35 37 Minor olios .. 1l. .. 63 .... 2-17-53 10 D 74 167 Sd NE 29 38 37 F. E. C. Railroad 100 1 ... .143 .... 2-17-53 10 D,S 73 163 S.E NE 18 3? 3 .C. llilliwln on l,O0C 5 5 'n OE 428 +20.9 2-19-53 300 D 92 FlowiF wuoll. 450 +19.9 36-57 0

PAGE 116

TAsLQ 8, (Continued) L 0, -,8 l Cdi;Lne , g sJ J +12 9 4-19-57 170 S 30 38 38 H. C, Williamson 1,080 5 500 OE 518 +16.3 2-19-53 150 Sr 82 Flo el. 570 +13.3 36-57 169 71 SW 19 33 38 H. C, Williamson 1,080 5 500 OE 00415 +16.69 2-19-53 150 S,Ir 82 Flowing well. 740 36-57 +1296 4-17-57 170 SW 23 39 38 o. C Wlldams on 1,080 5 500 OE 518 +16.3 2-19-53 1500 r 8 Cp.Flo owing well. 171 Otf HE 31 38 38 H. C. »dllalmson 1,080 5 500 OE 600 +16.6 2-19-53 100 SBIF 82 Flowinc well. g +14.6 4-17-57 172 SBES» 23 39 38 JoB Adams 1,278 6 425 OE 252 2-13-53 4O0 Ir. 83 Cp.l flowing well260 +10.0 1-25-57 84 252 +11.0 4-17-57 173 NE SE 7 39 38 H. C. Williamson 1,080 5 500 OE 420 +20.3 2-19-53 175 S,Ir 82 Flowing woll. 445 +18.8 36-57 0 174 SW NE 34 38 37 Eber, Dabbin, Harmon & 1,080 5 500 OE 865 +22.5 2-19-53 175 Ir. 81 Floving well. Case 890 +20.6 1-23-57 175 SE HE 18 39 38 H. C. Williamson 28 f ... OE 181 .... 2-19-53 10 D 71 176 SW FE 2 39 37 J. A. Clements 11 If ... 50 217 .... 2-19-53 5 D 70 177 NT SE 21 39 38 0. C. Smith .. 1 ... .. 95 .... 2-19-53 ... D 178 SW NE 27 39 38 H. B. Barrett .. 1l ... .. 30 .... 2-19-53 ... D 71 179 h S, 'W 25 38 40 Unknown 55 8 .,... ........ .............. N 180 SE SE 28 38 38 Henry Hlaellea .. 1 ..... 6 .... 2-4-53 10 D 75 181 NW HE 20 38 8 Fox Brown 14 2 12 OE 11 .... 2-24-53 ... D 76 22 5-31-56 182 NW NE 20 38 38 MartinBrown 14 1f 12 OE 11 .... 2-24-53 10 D 73 183 SW SW 16 38 37 Unknown .. 1 .... .. ... 2.64 2-4-53 ... D 342 5-31-56

PAGE 117

TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casing 0 W to -C I -' a 20 0 e4 " q 4 Owner k .4 ", 0 Remarks 184 gW S' a 13 38 37 r. Jone .. ... 3 ) .... s2-2 -g3 7 " WD 7 .-a *§ S a S .0 S US Vi AU A AU 5 fl, .AoeS A 5 RC O H Cci 5 0 g I 184 SW SW 13 38 37 Mr. Jones ..if 13 .... 2-24-53 7 D 73 54 5-31-56 185 SE SW 16 38 38 Ruben Carlton 65 1i ... SP 37 .... 2-24-53 10 D 72 186 NE NE 1 38 38 Ruben Carlton *843 5 373 OE 1,130 +25.2 2-24-53 250 Ir. 91 Ca.; flowing well. 1,150 +24.2 4-30-57 200 91 187 SE W 1 38 38 Ruben Carlton .. 1 ..... 52 .... 2-24-53 15 D 76 188 W NE 26 39 38 JoeAdams .. l ..... 67 .... 3-2-53 ...D .. 189 SE YW 24 39 38 Joe Adams 1,000 8 400 OE 545 .... 32-53 10 Ir. 85 Flowing well; pumped 400 gpm. 720 4-16-57 190 SE IN 24 39 38 Joe Adams 1,000 8 400 OE 575 .... 32-53 10 Ir. 84 Flowine well; pumped 375 gpm. 680 4-16-57 191 SB NE 36 39 38 Joe Adama I1,050 5 400 OE 295 +13.5 32-53 125 Ir. 83 Flowing well. 295 4-16-57 -S 192 NE NW 36 39 38 Joe Adams 1,000 5 400 OE 570 .... 33-53 75 Ir. 85 Flowing wellý pumped 220 gpm. 575 +11.0 4-16-57 85 193 Ir NE 5 40 38 0. E. Jordan .. ... .. 74 .... 33-53 10 S 74 19/4 N hW 4 40 38 Unknown .. 1 ... .. 46 .... 33-53 10 D 75 195 NW W 2 40 38 J. A. Slay 8 li ... OE 23 ... 33-53 10 D 73 196 SE SW35 39 38 J.A. Slay 25 1 ... 0B 38 ..... 3 -53 ... D 197 NE NW 2 40 38 J.A. Slay 122 1l 119 OE 22 .... 33-53 .. D 75 198 SE W 35 39 38 J.A. Slay 18 1 ... OE 33 .... 33-53 10 N 73 199 SE NE 2 40 38 .E. Priest .. ... .. 75 .... 34-53 ... D 200 SW KW 1 40 38 W.E. Priest .. 1 .. .. 27 .... 3-4-53 ... D 75 201 NE SE 1 40 38 Mr. Williama 10r 2 ... OE 21 .... 34-53 ... D .. .__I I I Io

PAGE 118

TABLE 8. (Continued) 0 4 '" I -J -" -" 1 C 0 .... :. 4 " D = C' V Z. La Own r .l ~.' C 2 .... !'Remak s +,,, C ,, .... .4 ., .. 6 S 4 "1 1 " 1 ..a .... P" ,. D . V1 4A V rr ° 202 !.Z5E 1 40 38 W. ..oland 21 1 , 0o 18 .... 3.-53 10 D 76 203 i , !7 40 39 J. .OwenlJr. 115 1 .. CE 20 .... 3-53 ... 0 73 204 I d S 6 40 39 S. G. Huddle 85,1 85 CE 22 .... 3-53 ...D .. 205 I I I. 1 38 To0 PTylor 23 1 22 CE 25 .... 3-5-53 10 D 74 206 SI SW 4 4C 39 W. .Mou 87 1I .. OE 17 .... 3-5-53 ... D 207 SI SE 40 39 V. .Dalgety 120 110 OE 163 ....3-5-53 ... 0 208 V SWE 0 39 J. C. oucGinm 651 .. OE 35 .... 35-53 ...D .. 209 SW N: 10 40 39 l'nknovn .. 0 1 .. .. 20 .... 35-53 ...D .. 0 210 !M I'E 9 40 39 P.L .Henson .. 1 .. .. 46 .... 35-53 ...D .. 211 SE S 3 40 39 J. C. Can ..1 .. .55 .... 36-53 ...S .. 212 ENW 2 40 39 J. W. CreChoad 62 2 62 OE 10 .... 36-53 ... D . 213 Si S 36 3939 E. Bowling 601 f .. CE 207 .... 36-53 ... D .. 214 SW SW 36 39 39 H. W. Bouling 301 .. CE 92 .... 36-53 ...D Cp. 225 W S» 31 39 40 Mary Kelly I1 .. 28 .... 36-53 ... 1D 216 SE S 128 39 40 Taylor Cattle Co. .. 1 I .. 0 7 .... 36-53 ... D 217 SE S: 4 40 40 TaylorCattle Co. '27 2 .. OE 42 2.97 3-9-53 10 S 76 218 V SB E28 39 40 TaylorCattle Co. *23 2 CE.. 17 .... 3-9-53 ... D 4.02 3-27-57 219 NE SE28 39 40 TaylorCattleCo. 40 2 .. E 11 .... 3-9-53 ... D 220 Si NE 27 39 40 P. L. Bailey *24 2 .. .. ... 2.60 39-53 ... N .. 221 NE NN 26 39 40 P. L. Balley 80 .. CE 570 ....39-53 ... D .. CP. 222 SE SW 23 39 40 P. L. Bailey 80 .. OE 396 ... 39-53 ... D

PAGE 119

TABLE 8. (Continued) LocaLiun Casing o o a Sg v 1 Remarks a g a .g 9L ej I " ss a .9, 3 a. g .8 4... g .J-.4 ,,, , -0 allt -... a_ 14 .04.4 T4 a0 ___ __________ a .&' a 41 223 SE S 23 39 40 P. L. Bailey 20 2 ... OE ... .... ....... ... S 224 SE SW 19 39 41 M. G. Phipps 25 1I ... OE 52 .... 3-10-53 10 8 76 225 " NE 26 39 40 P. L. Bailey 22 ... OE ... .... ........ ... .. 0 226 SW NE 23 39 40 k. 0. hlpps 25 2 ... OE 13 .... 3-20-53 10 S 78 227 IE SE 23 39 40 M. 0. Phipps 25 2 ... OE 38 .... 3-10-53 10 S 76 228 1E S 24 39 40 M. G. .Phipp .. 2 ...OE 112 .... 3-11-5 ... D .. 229 1E SE 24 39 40 M. G. Phipps 25 2 ... OE 43 .... 3-11-53 10 76 230 SW WV 19 39 Al M. G. Phipps 30 2 ... OE 78 .... 3-11-53 ... D . 231 1 SEE 13 39 0 Allen's Ranch 35 4 ..... 27 .... 3-11-53 ... .. 232 IE SE 13 39 40 Allen' Ranch 25 2 ... OE 22 .... 3-11-53 10 76 233 SE W. 18 39 .1 Jack Sutton .. 1" ... .. 18 .... 3-11-53 ... D 76 234 SE SW 18 39 41 Leo Wrote ... .. 17 .... 3-11-53 ... D 7 235 Q SE 7 39 1 L. D. Louton 49 2 ... .. 19 .... 3-11-53... .. 236 SW SE 7 39 41 Barny Willlams .. .. 22 .... 3-19-53 10 76 P 237 NE SE 7 39 41 L etor Roddish 51 2 ... 05 29 .... 3-19-53 ... D 76 238 W ZW 8 39 41 J. C. Reddish 38 1 36 SC 14 .... 3-19-53 ... D 239 SE SE 6 39 41 Jo Satell 32 1 ... .. 14 .... 3-19-53 ... D 77 240 h SE SW 6 39 41 H. C. Ryals 52 2 ... OE 28 .... 3-19-53 ... D 241 SE SW 5 39 L1 D. G. Van do Water 54 3 ... .. 30 .... 3-19-53 ... D 242 h W SW 6 39 L4 Unknown .. 4 ... .18 .... 3-19-53 ... ,S.. 243 SE SW 5 39 41 F. W. Loy 105 2 103 CE 48 .... 3-19-53 40 D 76 __ ________

PAGE 120

TABLE 8, (Continued) Locail Ln C4iasi Owner _Q --a Rem b arks S'A 10 Aw g W 1 a W V1 I IL 6,4 9 ?: k I .0 .0 -1 4 0i i i a I 6 goal -di Ei5u a r_______ 244 N NE 17 39 41 J. C. Creas 960 6 350 PE 1,450 .... 3-3--53 300 8,TIr 77 Plowing well. 1,500 4-24-57 245 S NW 17 39 41 Unknown ... I ... .. 38 .... 3-23-53 15 D 75 246 W NE 17 39 41 Unknown ... it ... .. ... ... .......... N .. 247 SE Sl 5 39 41 H. N. anes 32 1 ... SP .28 .... 3-23-53 ... D .. Battery 3 wells. 248 NW E 5 39 41 J. B. auvage 35 I ... SP 27 .... 3-23-53 ... D . 249 SE NE 5 39 41 E.J. Rhodea 60 1) ... SP 28 .... 3-23-53 ... D .. Battery 2 vell. 250 NE NE 5 39 41 Robert Peok 42 2 ... SP 28 .... 3-23-53 ... D 76 251 SW NE 14 39 40 Yates Siemon 30 1 ... SP 13 .... 3-23-53 ... D 76 252 NW FW 18 39 41 L. E. Hurley 38 2 ... OE U3 .... 3-24-53 ...D .. 253 NE W 18 39 41 Unknown 38 2 36 OE 9 .... 3-24-53 ... D .. 254 NE SE 36 38 38 Allapattah Cattle Co. 840 5 ... 0E 1,240 26.0 3-24-53 250 Ir. 82 Flowing well. 26.0 4-30-57 1,270 52-57 255 NE NE 23 38 38 Allapattah Cattle Co. 800 6 ... OE 1,030 23.5 3-24-53 400 S 84 Flowing weal. 1,090 12-16-55 1,090 22.5 4-30-57 256 NE NE 23 38 38 Allapattah Cattle Co. 75 1f ... 0 104 .... 3-24-53 ... D . 257 BE SE 18 38 40 .0. Skegg ... If. * .... 32 .... 3-24-53 15 D 75 258 NE SW 28 40 41 W. Brewater 12 1I ... SP 38 .... 3-25-53 ... D 74 259 NE SE 25 40 41 Unknown ... 2 ... .. 25 .... 3-25-53 ... D 260 SE SW 19 40 42 W. C. Merrill ... 3 ... .46 .... 3-25-53 ... D .. 261 SE SE 21 40 42 Unknown ... If ... ... ... .. .... .. D S262 NW E 120 40 42 Vence Nelson 134 .... OE 13 .... 3-25-53 ... D 76

PAGE 121

TABLE 8. (Continued) LuocrnaLn Casing a a .4 fa v 3 a , akJ "41 SOwner Reark 263 W SE 20 40 .2 Veneo Nelson 134 .... IE 13 .... 3-25-53 .. D 264 S W 24 40 42 R. J. Suint 60 ... OE 18 .... 3-26-53 ... D 265 SW S 124 40 42 H. J. Wilkinson 83 4 ... OE 17 .... 3-26-53 ... D,Ir. 78 L 266 SW SW 24 40 42 City o Jupiter 30 2 ... SP 19 .... 3-26-53 ... Ir. . 267 NE SW 19 40 43 C. M. Carmnroto 47 2 ... SP 38 .... 3-26-53 ... D *3 268 SU W 18 40 A3 Charles Genard 25 1+ ... .66 .... 3-26-53 ... D .. 269 SE SE 13 40 42 R. A. Porter 30 2 ... SP 58 .... 3-31-53 ... D ** 270 SE .FE 12 40 42 Unknown .*** * *** ** *** .... .. 271 W 8E 12 40 42 Unknown ... 3 .. 5 .... 3-31-53 ... .Battery 4 wells. W 272 W PE 12 40 42 Unknown 134 2 ... 0... ... 1 .....* .* * * Battery 5 wolls. 273 SW W 1 40 42 Unknown ... ... ** **** 313 3 *** --53 274 SE NE 35 39 42 H. E. Paroons 11 1+ .. SP 13 .... 3-31-53 ... D 78 275 KE SE 27 39 42 Howard Inches 30 21 ... .. 31 .... 3-31-53 ... D .. 276 SW NW 22 39 42 N. Alegorini 57 I1 ... OE 19 .... 4 1-5 ... D .. 277 g NE NE 21 39 42 DeLoach ... 2 26 ... .. I -1-5 D .. 62 8-165 278 e NE E 16 39 42 C. D. Funk 35 2 ... OE 38 .... 4-11 .D 387 B-16-5 279 gW WE 16 39 42 DUnght Funk 42 1* OE 21 ... 3 4-1-53 ... D .. 280 SE SW 9 39 42 J. R. Leonhardt 22 l .. SP 23 .... 31-53 ... D 78 23 8-16-53 2785---l5E163942----0.D.Tu ---I -352--I---E-38 .... -4 -1-5 -I-------------D-

PAGE 122

TABLE 8. (Continued) Ca-l.n C | Om r f, ' 4 b. to em rks -S -" lX b 211 g IE 22 9 /.2 Florida Evanrelsatic Assoc. 32 37 .. 41-. .. iD 35 8-11-56 232 e I 1 39 42 tkomn ... j ... .... -1.. D ., 3 IW 15 39 42 E. .Taylo ... .. 46 4-5 284 g IE 9 39 42 Plor. Tiltol 3 ... SP .... 45 ... D 55 8-16-56 232 e S W 33 39 41 M. .hipp 25 21 ... SP 25 .... 4-14-53 73 D 256 fr diV 33 39 4.1 .0. Phipps 50 ... ... ... ......... I. . 287 e R 9 35 39 42 knon ...2 52... .... 4--5 ... D .. 238 SE W 25 39 41 L. A. Zclazie 35 1) ... OE 28 .... 4-4-53 ... D 289 d SE 25 39 41 Paul Thos ... 23 ..... 52 .... 4-14-53 ... D 7 290 SE 1N 33 39 42 Roscoe lora 53 2 50 OE 80 .... 4-14-53 ... D, .. 291 SU SE 32 39 42 LbU ova '15 1 ....... ... 2.90 4-1U53 ... 1 292 SE S1 32 39 42 Paul Vosdtik 75 2 ... OE 84 .... 4-14-5 ... D 293 e S S 33 38 /2 ron ller 18 ... SP 9 ...P 49 .... 4-1-5 15 D 7 31 1-21-5 26 8-16-5

PAGE 123

TABLE 8. (Continued) Locnlun Casing C. .-e1 e -a a0 a Owner a.a a 1 Rearks o ' S. a a -ue a -S 1 O a0 O U 0 A 0 U A kk -I a US a U a 3 0.3S -a a 9 a-a -'a -. 29 f 1!tE 32 39 42 Unknown ... 1 ... .. 49 .... 4-1U-53 10 D 76 295 h S E !i 26 3S 41 C. E. Beadla 98 2 90 08 43 .... -17-53 ... .. 36 1-20-55 296 h SV S 27 38 Al J. C. Morse 86 1 ... OE 28 .... 4-17-53... D,S .. 297 h VW 27 38 41 RayWoad Darling , 57 It ... OS 28 .... 4-17-53 ... .. 298 h SZ Nd 34 3 41 Paul Thoras 60 1 ... CE 25 .... -17-5 ... D .. 299 !9 94 34 39 41 York Witha= 67 1, ... CE 31 .... i -17-53 ... .. 30CO h SE 33 38 1 A InHie Slissard 15 SP 18 .... 4-17-53 ...D .. 301 h SE li 34 38 41 R. C. Ward 35 1 ... .. 85 .... 4-17-53 ... D 73 32 1-21-55 302 h SW 27 38 41 E. D. Johnston 32 3* ... SC 29 .... -17-53 ...D .. 303 h !~E Z E 33 38 41 L. .Foskeri 35 1 ... SP 24 .... 4-17-53 ... D .. 304 h S !E 33 38 41 JNm Merrit ... 2 ... 29 .... -17-53 ... D .. 25 1-21-55 305 SE I 10 39 40 J. B. Roodhan '24 2 ... SP ... 2.61 3-28-57 ... .. p 306 S ME 11 39 41 R. H. Harriss *1,170 6 638 0S 3,180 30.0 4-17-53 150 Ir. 75 Flouiin uell. CO 3,2CO 30.0 4-23-57 307 SE S 2 39 41 R. H. Harriss 16. ... SP 50 .... 4-17-53 15 D 7 308 h Id K 25 3S 41 D. H. Harvey 43 1*... SP 35 .... 4-20-5 ... D 37 6-30-5! 309 h !:i 1W 25 39 41 artha "hittle 36 12 ... SP 27 .... 4-20-5 ... D 310 b Sf SV 24 33 41 Leroy Fritobr ... 1· ..... 16 ... 4-20-5 ... D 21 1-20-5 ________ _ CI-

PAGE 124

TABLE 8, (Continued) LW.iltn Ctln * » 'V .12 b 38 .Salerno Tot Co. .., ...... ... ........., ... .. &06 1-20-55 0 -.0 45. 35 Ua .5 311 hS SWe 21 38 42 Ilenonto Co.2 ... ... P 241 .... 4-20-53 0.. 77 312 h SB S 24 388 4 F. S alro T to Co. I ... ... ... .. ........ ... .. 313 I SE SW s 38 42 C.ool H. uIi 38 2 ... S 194 .... 4-20-53 ... D 236 1-20-55 305 6-27-56 3U1 hSt S 24 38 41 P. Maspel, Jr. 30 .... .. 39 .... 9 4-20-53 ... D .. 13 1-20-55 24 6-27-56 315 h Sd SE 24 38 41 ChJrle. Pope 32 1~... SP 21 .... 4-2C-53 ... D .. 316 h l 9U 259 38 42 J. OCenken 280 ... SP 21 .... 4-20-53 ... .. 37 hSE SE 24 38 41 J. F. Puo. 44 2I ... SP ... .... ....... ... D 328 b SE 30 8 42 Cck ~rin inc 83 21 ... SP 29 .... 4-2-5 ... D . 3129 SE F 25 38 41 CGohrles Stiler 2 ·i ... f SP 18 .... 4-20-53 ... D 7. 23 1-21-55 320 WI 1E 25 38 41 madlearshl 20 1 .. SP 39 .... 4-20-53 ... 7 321 b SE II 25 38 41 R. F. Saunderan 24 1-k ... SP 21 .... 4-21-53 ... .. 322 h Ir VE 25 38 41 J. F. Gauehnn 43 ...SP 21 .... 4-21-53 ... D 323 hWIlNKE 25 3841 J. J. O'Connor 40 .... .. 26 .... 4-21-53 ... D 324 h SW S 24 38 412 A. Idn 4 1 .SP 22 ...SP 2 .4-21-53 ... D 325 bHW 1E 24 38 41 Charles tiller 25 1 ...SP 185 .... 4-21-53 ... 0 152 1-20-55 159 6-30-55 326 h 1 IN E 24 38 41 Hubert Stiller 26 1 ...SP 320 .... 4-21-53 ... D 192 1-20-55 123 6-30-55

PAGE 125

TABLE 8. (Continued) -....... a a ,,U 01 1. LI l.t.n C asing U --1 209 1-20-55 S1 6. 8 1 J. .da 2 ... SP .. ..-21-5 ... Dr .. 2 ell 9 a 1j o3a h S-'E 14 38 « .1 A03 Mancl 26ls... SP 3 .... -213 a -*A **i 327 h SES 13 38 41 .Eddi. Cdpo 80 2 ...SP 8 .... 4-21-53 ... D .. 29 1-20-55 178 6-30-55 328 hSW SB 13 3 1 J. E. iday 30 2 ... SP 4 .... 4-21-53 ... Dir .. Bt2 91 1-20-55 4 6-3.-55 329 h 1W %1 13 33 41 H. L. Gerould 80 * i 36 .... 4-21-53 ... D .. O 330 h SE SE 23 38 41 Axl oelon 97 2 ...OE 32 .... -21-53 ... D .. 31 1-20-55 SI 331 hSf SE 4 38 41 0. ancmll 26 if ..... 4-21-53 ....D .. 71 1-20-55 77 6-3-55 38 1-20-55 34 6-30-55 333 h Se IN 23 38 41 B.R. Fvord "45 1.} ... SP 20 .... 4-21-53 ... D 3.2 I6-55 334 h SE SI 1 38 41 Ch. K. Pekll 9 10 1 ... 7. 20 .... 51-53 ... D 335 SE F 1 38 41 A. J. L. orit 36 1 ... SP 9co .... 6-7-53 r. 336 IS M W 10 40 8 P.. L. Chastain 28 If ... SP 21 .... 2-17-53 D... D .. 337 h I'd E 2 6 33 41 S E. J. Florentine 88 I4 ... OE 46 .... 7-27-53 D 53 1-20-55 338 hS S tW 23 38 41 Chrlo Keck 10 li 1. 75 51-53 D 72 1-20-55 79 6-33-55 339 SE SF.15 3 41 P. ". Hicknan 65 1 .... 30 .... 5 1-53 ... D _,. .., _i ...

PAGE 126

TABLE 8. (Continued) I L uuin .n ' t nd I ---1A .O.. "21 U U I 42 I i & g s 340 hV SE 15 38 41 P. .Hickau 72 2 4... 0 (8 .... 5-1-53 ... D 46 1-20-55 S3U4 h SE 15 38 4U 0. H, Cook 83 2 ... 02 28 .... 51-53 ... D S25 1-20-55 342 E W 15 38 41 V. .Walsh 90 2 ... 0 45 .... 5 1-53 ... D 47 1-20-55 343 SW W 10 38 41 P. J. hBradl 18 1 ... SP ... .... ..... .. 344 IM SE 9 38 41 R. L. Wall 18 if ... SP 30 .... 1-3 ... r. 345 W S 9 38 41 R. L. Vall 40 l1 ...OE 23 7-27-53 ...D . 25 1-20-55 346 SE IW 9 38 41 H. W. Tresler 63 2 ... OE 20 .... 7-27-53 ... D 21 1-20-55 347 h W 14 38 1 T. 0. Schreckengost 871 ... .. 22 .... 7-27-53 ... ..D 23 1-20-55 348 h SE W 14 38 41 Ralph Griggs ...* 43 .... 7-27-53 .. D .. 349 h NE 1 14 38 41 Rodger Allison 82 14 ... CE 25 .... 7-27-53 ... D .. 23 1-20-55 350 h WE U4 38 41 Port Sewall Development Co. 1,000 8 ... CE 1,250 .... 7-27-53 50 N 76 Ploaing vell. 84 1,260 53-57 351 h SW HE U 38 41 T. B. Parish 56 1 ... CE 26 .... 7-23-53 ... D 352 h NE E 14 38 41 S. NeKrassoff 63 2 ... OE 36 .... 7-23-53 ... D 46 6-30-55 353 h SE NE 4 38 41 S. NeKrassoff 80 2 ... OE 545 .... 7-28-53 ... D 670 1-20-55 580 6-30-55 680 8-16-55 354 hSE IW 13 38 41 W. .Lauson 38 2 ... SP 70 .... 7-28-53 ... D 62 6-30-55

PAGE 127

TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casing n g Sa .a Remarks oS I U 4 a aS .0 r -S S So a" o Rouarh d.o 04 3 1 O 3 E SE 11 38 artinCountyol Club 93 .2 7 .... 8-3-53 .0 .. 36 1-20-55 h. 359 HE SW 11 38 41 C. .Kno ble 42 2 ... OESP 35 .... 8-53 ... D .. 360 SU HE 11 38 41 E. .vilokoo 65 2 64 OE 27 .... 84-53 ... D .. 6358 h RESE21 38 41. Mart Countye olfClub 93.2 ..... 37 .... 8->-53 ...D .. 36 1-20-55 3591 W NE 11 3841 C. T .K nbel 2 ... OE 35 .... 84-53 ... D .. 360 Sw E 2 38 41 E.Charles oel. 2 12 ... SP 35 .... 84-53 ... D .. 36 1-20-55 2530 6-30-55 361 IW E 11N 38 41 C. A. Lintell ... 2 ... .. 25 .... 84-53 ... D .. 1,370 6-30-55 1,980 98-55 2,050 8-16-55 0 363 W SE 2 38 41 H. Thelosen ... 2 ... .. 60 .... 84-53 ... D .. W2 82 1-21-55 103 6-30-55 o 364 SW SE 2 38 41 Drw King .. ... .. 139 .... 84-53 ... D .. 365 ~ SE 4238 1 Earl B. Dugan 37 1 ... OE 95 .... 84-53 ... D .. 86 6-30-55 366 N."W FE 2 38 41 W. E. Oliver 52 52 2 OE 31 .... 8-4-53 ... 367 1Wr SE 2 38 41 George Brooks 30 1I ... .. 43 .... 8-4-53 ... D .. 368 NW YW 2 38 41 George Sollitt 40 ....... 285 .... 84-53 .. D .. Composit saple ells 368, 369. 291 1-21-55 369 1W W 2 38 41 Gorge Sollitt 20 ... ... ... ............... ... D .. I-A I-a L. -I -19II -I1--------------I --I ---I -I --I --I--\ -I-I -I-----C..

PAGE 128

TABLE 8. (Continued) 0 .: r a r l ral 00i 70 iE 38 Al .Roynold ... 2 .. 2 .... 8-... .. Owns i i arks 371 3 R. .Ros , 91 2 E 21 ...I. 85-53 I ..-.2 "20 1-21, 372 S I 'E 3 3 38 4U1 C. Aleen s 2 ... .. 17 .... 85-53 ... .. 373 Ed :!3 38 1,2 C. Al.en 68 2 ... E ... .... ....... ... i .. 374 1 :E 3 238 l4 J. 1. ColMn .. 1 , .o. 25 .... 85-53 ... D .. 372 i'* 163 32 41. Pra one 65 2 2 ... 8--53 ... 377 SU S1: 3 38 41 8. I. ?ox 22 .... 5-3 ... D .. 379 hSE 3 38 41 eorge Backu ... ... .. 13 .... 8-5-53 ... D 74 380 hE 32 38 V. renma 52 ... SP 18 .... 8-5-53 ... .. 20 1-21-55 381 h S : SE 29 38 4 C. A. Len 38 ... SP 152 ....8-5-53 ... .. 382 hSSE S 29 38 41 Fred. Hronl s 57. ... SP 22 .... 8-53 ... D 24 1-21-55 ,383 bh E E 29 38 41 J. B.v eac 40 2 ... .. 21 .... 8-53 ... D 384 hSE 32 38 41 Paul e e 55 ...SP 28 .... 86-53 ... D 385 h IE KI 33 38 41 L. .Jonsn 68 2 680 S 28 .... 8-53 ... D 386 h SE Se 28 38 41 Charle C.en 15 1 7 ... SP 26 .... 86-53 ... D 78 21 1-21-55 4.1; 47-55

PAGE 129

TABLE 8. (Continued) Local Ion Casitn a ..h 2 ... ... ... ....... .... -10n 2 -"D -. * S n e 0 W & 2 Va adO VI .Id Owner a.* -I V l .no g s g S 3 rhs o4 &J A g fi " * o g 0 a V ora.. ! / .a g 5 * I-21 SS DI .... a a a ... 0 391 E 17 38 1.1 E._ ____. Ses ._._s_ ...!. 8-11-. ... .._ 387 h S 2 9 38 .41 R.. ..y .... 8-6-53 ... D 76 21 1-21-55 388 I SW 16 38 41 C. L. PLuce 522 52 OC 28 .... 8-16-53 ... .. 389 1 S 916 38 41 Coorge Socth 62 .. E .. .... ........ ... ... 390 1N %i 167 38 41 JoAe osly 52 1 ... E 21 .... 8-1-3 ... D .. 22 1-21-55 391 IE II!E 17 38 41 E. MS l Sellers ... f .. 1 .... -11-53 ... D. 392 SWE 1 1 38 41 R. J. Triay 2 .. ..... 8-1-5 ... .. 393 SW SW 9 38 41 Cliord uce 554 55 OE 20 .... 8-11-53 ... Ir. 394 V Si 9 38 41 Cliford luke S0 2 80 CE 18 .... 8-11-53 ... r .. Battery 2 wells. 395 iE 1W 17 38 41 A. H. irard 90 It , 21 .... 8-13-53 ... .. 396 Iw HE 16 38 41 Stnuly S dith 28 12 ... S 130 .... 8-11-53 ... Ir. 77 Battery 2 wells. 397 SE W 17 38 41 Frank Patzak 70 2 70 S03 23 .... 8-13-53 ... D .. W 393 51 SW 9 3S 41 lHarold Bulrkey 90 4 90 OE 16 .... 8-13-53 ... D 77 z 399 SW SW 9 38 41 Harold aurkcy 20 2 ... SP 22 .... 8-11-53 ... Ir. .. Battery 4 w.lls. C400 SE SW 9 3841 .Cressie Baker ... 1f.. 27 .... 8-11-53 ... D .. 25 1-21-55 401 SE SI 9 38 41 Julius Csonedi 45 1 ... OE U .... 8-11-53 ... D 402 SE S 9 381 41 Stevo Hollo 42 1 ... O 11 .... 8-11-53 ... D 403 SE ;W 9 38 41 Lilian Marr 62 1 ... .. 16 .... 8-11-53 ... D 77 404 1E IE E17 38 41 F. S. Class 50 2 ... SP 13 ..... 8-11-53 ... D 405 IN SE 8 38 1 D.E. Andrws 90 2 ..... 12 .... 8-1-53 ... .. 15 1-21-55 I___ _ __ _ _ ________________ __ -----1 ---1 -1 -1 -----------------1 (

PAGE 130

TABLE 8. (Continued) w-"r --,--.2, S s2 1-21 i-55 4A0 .E W 17 38 41 Ca. .rls 92 ... 25 .... -13-53 ... D 4091 E W 17 38 41 Charles Xr. 32 ... S. 16 .... -813-53 *. Dr... 1.1 2 S W 17 38 41 H.ruy J.t.0 2 ... .. 23 .... 8-13-53 ... D 22 6-2-556 4.1O SU W 17 38 1 u. Pua.orr 101 2 101 TtS 28 .... .-13-53 ... D .. 412 SE SW 17 38 4. Char esF 829 2 ... S. .... 81-53 ... D .. 43 RE W 172 38 41 Z.imV Ludlm 250 I* ... 2P 6 .... 8-13-53 ... D .. 27 6-22-56 .24 MI SW 17 38 41 AJ. ve. o .I ..... 28 .... 8-13-53 ... D .. 1.2 S 8 17 384 Bac O e .als ... 2 ...I .. 38 .... -13-53 ... D .. /13 E IV 207 38 41 .V. Lodwr 0 16 ... S 3426 .... 8-17-53 ... D .. 41 7 V W1V17 38 a Enmt Higbee 90 2 26 .... 8-17-53 ...D 5 eW S 17 38 /1 BuA P-oarrla 102 1 102 CE 38 .. -13-5 ... C .. 18 Y1 IV 17 38 41 Jinaursr, ... I* ... .. 23 .... 8-17-53 ... D 419 W V 17 38 41 ULppe ... 21* ... .. .... 8-17-53 ... D 420 E S 17 38 41 0. B. Cadwre1 45 2 ..... 31 .... 8S-17-53 ... D 39 6-M-56 421 SW SI 17 38 41 L. .Smons 98 2 98 CC 72 .... 8-17-53 ... .. 99 6-22-56 4.22 HE 20 4.1 Ada lmnsley 36 1 ... SP 15 .... 8-17-53 ... D .. 17 6-22-56 L±23 RW SU 17 4 ..Hove ... .. 1 .... 8-17-53 ... ..

PAGE 131

TABLE 8. (Continued) Loctin n Castn0 I t At c. mA V. 2i S34 II sw 17 33±1 c .h.r .scihton J U * !CE 10 .... -17-53 . 31 eC Id 0 , 425 .i i4 s 17 33 .l .'omn Loirhton 6 ... 7 .... -18-3 ... D .. 426 IN SW 17 38 41 Frank Desttoeranc 45 .17 .... ;8-17-53 127 M ISE 13 39 l. J .F.pper ... .... .26 .... -17-53 ... 28 SE 7 38 4 R. G. upfol 55 3 55 C 26 .... 8-17-53 350 r. .. 9 E SE 7 38 L Donw ard sC 3 50C 1C30 .... 8-17-53 350 :r. .. 432 ! I .W 5 3 H. M. Bedell ... I * ..... *** .**** *.......*** .* L h I U W 32 38 41 G. E. rlder 45 1i .... E r:'" 1 .... i-7... " j.. S SE 18 3 Al .r. Jo on ... ... 6 .... 1-53 ... 436 Si S 18 38 £1 F. L. Tracy 135 1+ .. .27 .... -18-53 ... 437 SE SV 13 33 41 J. W. Blland 25 .. SP !1 , 8-1-3 ... -7 433 !NEE X 24 33 4C iave Ea.r 4Z 11 ... SP 26 .... 9-18-53 ... D 17 139 S S 13 38 C1 .Wilia J. P atheson ... .... * .... 8 -2C-53 ... .0 .;E 2A 33 4 "arl ranlels 25 1 ... .. 2 .. .. '... ..j. .. . £41 Ed YE 24 38 40 Paul 1rs 73 1478 CE 23 .... 3-20-53 ... 0 429 SE 91 13 38 40 lllian J. letheson 60 2 6C CE 34 .... 3-20-53 ... 3 1,370 +35.0 4-23-57 3CO 76 L iE 24 38 1 0 llar1 uay 40 1I ... SP 27 .... 8-20-53 ... tt4 un sr

PAGE 132

TABLE 8. (Continued) .6 W 8.. .. .. .5I .... .. S, L uS n ' ~ C. 2g I .a D W SO I I Iwn r Remrk I" , , ->eMrf on0 S " a 8 1 US * 1 W 2 8 442 SE 2 38 40 od n *orl ... .I 21 .... 8-20-» ,, D 76 " .W At IkD64 I ___U U___ ___W__ 445S I M BEU 38 O V. A., Helson , 17 ....8-20-53 ... D0 464 I1sE 14 38 40 Od ll C.. .. .3 ....820-53 ...D 76 S7 IN 14 38 40 J. ..ll 263 1 ... P 21 .... 8-20-53 .. 76 448 ' SB 13 38 40 J ..Amendol 42 14 ... SP 33 .... 8-20-53 ...D 76 449 91SE 1338 40 Ste rlasko 90 1I 90 O. 28 ... 820-53 ... D 450 S IE I 2 1838 41 UnVkown ... 1* 23 .** 8-20-53 ...D 7 451 1 SE 1838 41 H. H. L/Hurx .. .... 20-53 ... 0 .. 452 BE 1 23 38 1.0 Unknown ... .. 21 .... 8-20-53 ... D 76 0 453 ITd 38 8 40 ..Gal 38 ...SP 22 .... 8-2053 ...D .. 34 8-17-56 454 S E 1 38 40 RoM Leighton 35 1 ...SP 98 .... B-20-53 ... D .. 455 IN M 22 38 40 C. Pavace 28 1f ...SP 18 .... 8-20-53 ... D .. p. 35 8-17-56 456 1 E 21 38 40 Jack Crier 110 o ...CE 42 .... 2553 ... D .. 45 8-17-56 457 aW 11E 20 38 40 Vida Y. Evans 80 1f ... SP 34 .... 8-25-53 ...lD 76 58 SE HE 22 38 40 A.R.Love ... I37 .... 8-25-53 ...D .. 38 8-17-56 459 I SW 23 38. A ..D .Kndbr 27 1* 41 .... -25-53 ... D 55 8-17-56 46C0 IE SE 22 38 40 IH. A. Lncoln 1151 ... O 46 .... 8-25-53 ... D 16 8-17-56 461 S SW 23 38 40 TomLord 37 ...SP 169 .... 8-25-53 ...D 205 8-17-56 462 v. SW 23 381 40 A.J. Barrett ' 87 1f ..... 590 .... 8-17-56 ...D

PAGE 133

S"" TAL .(Continued) _-_ Location Casiag g a A. -,----e 0o .63 ;E W 27 38 ,0 H. S. Saree ... 1,S ... SP 22 .... 8-25-53 ... D 76 8 9 " 8 -17-5 S 2. A. C ea ... 1 .,. ... -2..D ..R 4636 SW W 27 38 40 ..oSavage ... 1 ... SP 22 .... 8-25-53 ... D .. 132 8-17-56 5U4 a a 5 8-17-56 0 . 467 SW 26 38 40 a. A. hCorey ... 2 ... .. **.... 8-25-53 ... D .. 85 8-17-56 46 SW SWn 27 38 40 U .0. Johns 4 li ... SP 21 .... 8-25-53 ... D 7. 513 8-17-56 469 SW N 26 38 40 D. A. C oran 1.5 1 ... .. .... 8-25-53 ... .. 85 8-17-56 4687 IW N5 26 38 41 .. dA. oe i 1 ... .. 28 .... 8-25-53 ... D .. 38 8-17-56 469 SW NE 3 38 41 D. B. Irons 15 1 40. .... 9-9-53 ...Ir. .. 470 SW b 3 38 41 M. K. do Medici ... 7 ....99-53 ...Ir... 32 1-11-55 471 SW NE 3 38 41 John enninger 50 2 ... 28 .... 99-53 ... Ir. .. C 472 SW NE 3 38 41 John aonnnigor 2 18 i ... SP ... ........... ... H .Z 473 SW NE 3 38 41 Anna Chisholm 50 1 ..... 35 .... 9--53 ...D .. 474 SW NE 3 38 41 R. L. inneham 16 2 ... SP 54 .... 99-53 ..; Ir. .. 33 1-11-55 475 tW NE 3 38 41 A. .Kannor 80 2 ..... 23 .... 9-9-53 ... D 476 NW E 3 3 41 J. B. Frasier 55 .... OE 20 .... 99-53 ... r... 477 W NE 3 38 41 J. B. Frazier S... ... SP 16 .... 9953 ... D 478 NW NE 3 38 41 D.F. Hudson 87 2 ... OE 19 .... 9.9--53 ... D 479 W NE 3 38 41 C. R. Ashley 22 1* ... SP 27 .... 9-14-53 ... Ir. .. -

PAGE 134

TABLE 8, (Continued) S J i ^ i--.ii'! S. .s -I ..i 48 N0 IN Z 38 1 r.o.ThuN .... 2 .... 31....9-U-5 ...Zz... 481 I E 3 38 .D.N.0ao 10 ... .. 27 .... 9-U-53 ... D .. 482 W 3 3 8 41 Pd Staffrd 63 I1 ... 26 .... 9-14-53 ... r... 483 SEW 3 38 41 aknoun I .* .... 9-14-53 ... Ir.. 4 m E 3 38 ? Turr & N 60 2 ... OE ... 9.39 9-15-53 ... .. a85 S NW 3 38 41 iru r hD l .. 1*, .. 43 .... 9-15-3 ... D .. 486 E W 3 38 41 Zaakt bsle 30 l ... 3. .... 9-15-53 ... Ir .. 487 S 38 4 H. M odfr 22 2 ... SP *.... 9-15-53 ... r. .. I8 S W 3 38 I2 Carorl DMuoln be 16 If ... SP 61 .... 9-15-53 ... .. Battery 2 ells. 489 WI 3 38 41 T. .OutW.enon 19 2 ... SP I7 .... 9--53 ... D . 22 1-11-55 490 S W 3 38 41 R. C. Spioer 18 I1 ... SP 20 .... 9-15-53 ... Tr. .. 491 S W 38 41 J D. White *... 2 ..... 25 .... 9-15-53 ... D .. Battery 3 vlli. 492 SB W .338 41 R. D. Hauk 63 2 ... 16 .... 9-15-53 .. D .. 493 as W 3 38 41 Evn Cray 8 2 * ** 218.... 9-15-53 ... r... 49. W W 3 38 .1 .J. G3ree 62 2 ... OE 16 .... 9-15-53 ... Ir... 495 r 3 38 41 S. Peaboy 60 2 ... OE 16 .... 9-15-53 ... Ir. .. 496 S I 3 38 4l As. S ube ... 2 ..... 27 .... 9-8-53 *... Ir. 497 W 3 38 41 R1 y RI7 18 * .* S 2I3 .... 9-8-53 ... Ir... 48 1-11-55 62 6-30-55 49 SW 3 38 .1 S. 68 2 ... .. U 1 .... 9-18-53 ... Ir.

PAGE 135

TA~L 8. (Continued) LrcaLion Casinsg 0 a 1 Slg loS 3I S SW 338 41 .rence 69 2 ... C 32 .... 18-53 ... I S nunor 3r -g Z -a o nI R-ajra , 21 1-27-55 501 SE KE 1 38 1 H. Stone 80 2 37 .... 9-28-53 ... I. . 29 1-27-55 502 SE E 4 38 &1 B. J. Fox 0 .... .. 6 .... 9-2-53 ... D 503 SE IE A 38 41 S. J. Box 72 14 ... .. 36 .... 9-28-53 ... Ir. . 182 1-11-55 50.4 E lE 38 13 B. J. Fox 18 i ... SP 9 .... 9-28-53 ... I. . 505 SE sEE A 33 11 J. K. Speiner 23.... 9-28-53 ... D .. i| 1-11-55 3 506 SE E 4 33 1 Robert Penton 62 2 ... .. 25 .... 9-28-53 D... .. 507 S :: 33 1 S. E. aousk 68 2 ... ... .... ....... Ir. 508 SE 1.2 i 38 41 Martin County Hospital ... 2 .... 1 39 .... 9-28-53 ... Ir. Battery 4 ls. 21 1-27-55 5C9 S ICE .3 41 Episcopal Church ... 2 ... .. 18 .... 9-28-53 ... Ir. .. Battr7 2 uells 0 20 1-27-55 510 SW ME 4 33 41 .Schu:ann 72 2 ... .. 23 .... 9-23-53 ... Ir .. S1121 1-27-55 511 SE W 4 38 41 I. T. Rembert 22 1I ... SP 70 .... 9-28-53 ... Ir. .. 3 8 1-11-55 512 E 1 A 38 40 0. C. Slth ...2 ... 19 .... 9-28-53 ... Tr. 513 SE I W A 38 Al Presbyterian Church 50 2 17 .... 9-23-53 ... Ir. 19 1-27-55 5U4 SEIW 1.4 38 Al H. V. Bessey 80 2 ... DE 96 .... 9-28-53 ... Tr. ---CR

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TABLE 8. (Continued) 14 .1 S1 0 --1 . Ia I44a II A M .i IS. I a. 3r. 4. 5 o ao a ....2 ., *. We 7 1 ,. -2 I *. -7-. sa ai.. .4.. 4 4. I ... ______.._ ....A_ -68_-.-.-3 .______I__, 515 SE W 33 1u R. C. Johm 60 2 ...1... 06 .... 106... Ir... 117 10. 7-55 516 SW J 4 38 41 Catholl Church 2 .. ... 1 .... 10653 ... Ir... 12 97-55 517 SU rE 4 38 41 S.J.0 Cson 20 2 ... .. 235 .... 10 653 ... Ir. 5108 W IN 38 41 Vll1Ia KiLn 57 21 ... .... 6 .... 106-5 ... Ir. .. 160 1-10-55 112 5-20-56 0 519 S 1N 4 38 421 Euene Cabre 63 2 ... ... .50 .... 106-5 ... ..r 220 1-1-55 520 SU IW 38 41 H.. Partalo 35 2 ... OE 6 .... 106-53 ... . 79 97-55 521 S W 4 38 41 H .. Ptlaw 60 2 ... OE 42 .... 106-53 Ir. .. 522 SV I 4 38 41 E. .Lyoima 40 2 ... O 49 .... 106-53 ...Ir... 39 97-55 523 SW IN 4 38 41 Albert Cpe 45 I ...E 53 .... 10653... Ir . 36 97-55 524 Sr 1 4 38 2 1 H. T. Llttaan 2 2 ... ... 64 .... 106-53 ... Ir... 4 97-55 525 W IN 4 38 41 Erie Tlnr 19 2 ... OE 91 .... 10-6-53 ... Ir... 85 1-10-55 121 97-55 526 1 SE 3 38 41 Z. T. Kosl ... * ... " ..-. 86 .... 107-53 ... Ir. 527 II SE 3 38 41 E. J. Branlla 76 1T*... ... 29 ... 10753...D 528 II SE 3 38 41 E. J. Brasgala 26 1 ...... ... ...1.64 107-53... 529 IV SE 3 38 41 Alen Keton ... ...... 19 .... 107-53 ... D

PAGE 137

TABLE 8. (Continued) SLocal tn Casing o mer R4 ,.rkIIs --, l-. 9 --.I " , S ? , , 8 .> s ",o 3gg 530 SE 3.9 4 , V.A. Cresik ... 1 .... IC8-53 ... Ir. . 531 SE 3 s38 1 A. T. Co.pton 22 1 ... SP 33 .... 18-53 r. 2 SE 3 3 1 J. p enry .. ... .... -1.1 533 S SEE 3 38 1. Farl Krucrer L22 0 Mb ... .... ......... 1250 r. 534 SE 3 41 arl riger 16 ... SP 3 .... 08.. 535 IM 1 3 35 41 A. P.. Kreeer *17 ..... ... 10.90 10-22 I S 3 .*... ° .... 1 " 531. S , SS 3 3811 ,arll Vmeger 161I ...JSP 36.... 10-8-53 ... D .. 536 W W 3 33 41 H. P. i:elson ... li ... .54 .... 1-2-53 ... r. .. 25 1-19-55 537 SIr SI 3 38 1. Aaron Cleveland 20 ... 35 ... Pattery 2 vels. 32 1-19-55 538 !S 3 3 1 .l! C.W.l ong 68 2 6a8 CO 18 1C-12-53 ... Ir. .. 539 MW 3 38 41 F. 0. Button 74 2 I 74 CE 14 .... 10-22-53 ... .. 540 Wi SM 3 33 1.1 rayl ol3es 65 1+ 65 OC 16 .... 0-12-53 ... Ir. .. 541 IW W 10 3 .41 P. G. Cockran ... 2 ... .. 2 .... IC-2-53 150 Ir... 542 .It SS 3 38 41. J. A. cCoy 1 ... .. 20 .... 2-12... 543 S 3 38 41 Frank Sutton 2 ... .. 2 .... 10-12... D .. 5U SM SV 3 38 UL D. S. Richanrson 20 1 ... .. 25 .... ID-2 ... D .. 5A5 S I1 3 33 41 A. E. Jones 46 1. .. .... 1C-12-5 ... .. 546 SV SW1 3 33 41 Anna Epcpeena 6 .. 13 .... 21-53 ... D 517 10 39 41 J. W. Per 60 2 ... .. 20 .... 10-12... fD .

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TABLE 8. (Continued) I. .ll .. .. 2 0 -I .S D &A 4 Pi c a /--S .P 6.. 20 13-5 -.. SS8 R. .., .. 1-0-1 a 4 .. Cp „ nr 4 4 , -U . A i .Uami ll w 5L8 N .3 3 41 .C. Dios .. ... ... 0-1353 ... 549 PF. SE 4 33 41 Jackl artmann 19 2 ... SP 14 .... 10-13-53 ..D. 15 2-11-55 550 IeM SE 438 41 P. S. Hill .6 1 ..... 2 .... 10-]1-53 .. 551 12 SE 4 33 4I R. S. Hill *2 1 .... O ... 1.30 1C-13-53 ... T 552 SE Se 1. 33 1 Jooe roenlce 18 2 ... FP 56 .... 10-13-53 ... ... 553 IF. SE 4 38 41 .S. Fiohor ... 2 ... .... 0-13-53 ... Ir. 554 IM SE 4 3 421 R. J. Randolph 22 ........ ....71 10-13-53 ... I 555 HE lE E 33 4 Ralph Harton, Jr. 19 2 ... SP 26 .... 10-13-53 ... .. 556 I1N S L 38 41 A:. Pezlan ...1 29 ... 0-13-53 ... D 23 1-11-55 557 I'V FE 4 33 41 R. W. HarLman, Sr. 17 1 ... SP ... 3 .. 10-13-53 ... r. 553 MI SZ 4 38 /.1 I. V. lMercott 60 2 12 .... 10-13-53 ... Yr. 559 :-l SE 4 33 41 IHerb Younr ... 2 4 ..... 10-14-53 ... Ir. 21 ' 1-21-5 560 1.7 I'E 9 38 /.1 H. .Jndlrd 30. ... .. 23 .... 210--53 ... D 561 E I:E 9 38 41 T. .PFlloy 60 1 ... 22 .... 10-4-5 .. 5s I 1. N;E 9 33 41 A.0.PltLan ... 1-... 22 .... 10-13-53 ... D 563 FE tE 9 3 41 W. L. Sullivan 0 ... 21 .... 10-14-5K ... Ir. 30 1-19-5 564 SE NE 9 383 R. F. Lonrbotto. ... I1 .. 2. .... 10-14-53 ... D 565 E KE 9 33 .1 H. G. Harper 55 2 55 F0 25 .... 10-14-53 60 Ir. .. Battery 2 wclle. 51 1-9-55 20 6-30-55 L _ _ ------------:-_. ---j---

PAGE 139

TABLE 8. (Continued) LocatLon Casnr ng W ..96 a e a % . 1 1. .U ? 8 * i Owner a O t At W 1.0 0 .___ __a____ 566 CW NW 10 38 .1 Dave Giesbrlght 26 2 ... SP 26 .... 10-14-53 ... D 567 W W 10 38 4.1 Unknown .. .. .4 ... 10-20-5 ... D 78 29 1-19-55 568 SW NW 10 38 41 J. D. Baker 20 ... SP 17 .... 10-20-53 ...D . 569 S SE 4 38 41 Unknown ...1 * 51 10-20-53 ... D .. 570 SE NE 9 38 /1 E. H. Hall ... 18 .... 10-20-53 ... Ir. .. 571 WW RE 9 38 41 Elmer McGee 78 ... .. 19 ... 10-20-53 ...D . 572 W NE 9 38 41 Elmer McGeo ...I* ... .. 23 .... 10-20-53 ... D .. 573 Sr SE 4 38 41 Fred Thompson 30 f ... .. 67 .... 10-20-53 ... D .. 574 SE IE 5 38 41 0. S. Kanarek ... 37 .... 10-23 " .Ir. 575 SE HE 8 38 41 L. D. urchard 107 1I 107 E 15 ... 10-21-53 ...D .. 576 Si HE 8 38 41 George Zarnits 101 1* ..... .. 15 .. 10-21-53 ... D .. 577 SE HE 8 38 41 R. V. Johnson 120 1 ... OE 17 .... 0-21-53 ... Ir. .. z 19 1-10-55 28 6-29-55 P 578 SE HE 8 38 41 H. Whalen 112 ..... 19 ... 10-21-53 .... D .. 579 SE NE 8 38 41 A. H. ulmart 57 1* ... SP 22 .... 10-21-53 .... 580 S. NE 8 38 41 W. F. a 87 1 87 .. 16 .... 10-21-53 ... .. 581 SV NE 8 38 41 J. N. Lau, Jr. ... 2 ... .. 14 .... 10-21-53 ... Tr... 582 SW NE 8 38 41 C. Albracht 700 ... OE 00 .... 10-21-53 20 Ir. .. Flowg veil. 2,400 1-10-55 583 NE HE 8 38 41 0. .Pooall 103 I* ... OE 14 .... 10-21-53 ... D .. .________ _____________ ________,_____-^---_________ -----I

PAGE 140

TABLE 8. (Continued) loctasn ia*na -H " '" 17 1-10-5 L W , ^ Reml a 0 .i .3 54 ?. NE 8 3 41 C. Berber 0 p 14 1 i 0-21-53 .D .C | g l r Ow l 4 .4 40.i0 6-2 9-55R 0 * 4.0 6-29--5 a U .2 4. a!4 4e 598 I. SF: 8 38 41 .PI. cBarbr 8 .... .... .... 10-21-53 ... D 595 IW IE S 39 41 P. B. olter 26 .. 26 .... 10-21-53 ... .. 17 1-10-55 59 6-29-55 586 W h'E 38 41 C. OutanuLh ... 2 ... .. 36 .... 10-22-53 ... D .. 557 1.V HE 8 38 41 Ivan Taylor 30.. P 35 .... 10-22-53 ... Yr. 328 1-10-55 256 4-20-55 59/ SW SE 5 38 41 .R.Pkowe 40 2 ... SP 4 .... 10-22-53 ... Ir. 400 6-29-55 590 SW PE 5 39 41 .S. Stinch oll 20 1 .. .45 .... 10-22-53 ... IYr. .. 56 1-27-55 60 4-20-55 56 6-29-5 593 SW «s 5 38 4l1 C.nch 22 1? 6 ... .. 6 ... 10-2?-53 ... Yr. 64 4-20-55 59/. 5 ? 5 38 41 J. R. Povoroy ... 2 54 .,.. 10-22-53 ... Yr. 63 6-29-5 595 SW SE 5 3i 41 G. Schlosier 60 2 ... .. 27 .... 10-22-53 ... Tr. 596 I1E SE 7 338 41 D. .Ward 61 2 57 0 ... 1.56 116-53 ... D .. L. 597 Ed SE 5 33 41 A. H. Chappolka 15 48 15 OE 40 6.87 119-53 ... Ir. 29 6-29-5

PAGE 141

TABLE 8. (Continued) Lucation Caning . .M 3pI 598 SE 5? 38 41 F. cha 52 2 ... .... .. r. a V SE 5 38 .1 V. Santarsio 67 I ... .... 21... Tr. .. Composite sample ella 600, 01. 0 S 0 a 1,10 2 6.5 -210 9 a 60 2 S. 1uS na n.aheso *9J 8 -. S 5n000 a 7B Fon o 5603 E SE 5. 38 41 .nknoSn ar 52 2 ... O. 32 .. 112-53 ... r.** 4l 2 6-29-55 604/ I E, N', 10 38 A.. U. S. Coologlcal Survey ·3... "2. 11 O 569 SE 5 38 41 C. M. SkFo 50 ...... .13 .... 11-53 ... .. 606 FW SE 5 38 41 V. rrySaarspor ...67 * 2 .... 11-3 ... Ir. posite saple ll 600, 601. 721 1-27-55 601 SW SE 5 38 41 V.LenatHrsiero 35. I ... S ..8 ...... ..11.-2.. ... I .. 602 SW E 5NW 38 /1 D. L. Matheson 8939 6 O 1. 1 .... 28.5 11-16-53 50... Ir. 79 Fowing l. 1,120 26.5 4-25-57 210 79 609 NE SE 5 38 41 D.Unkno n 258 3 ... ..P ... 9.01 11-20-53 ... N .. 610 E 510 38 1 U. SPeter Gooley 3 1 .3 OE ....2. 11-20-53 ... 0 r. a ..pked. 611 SW NE 5 38 41 C. ..Ando n 83 2 ...OE 2650 .... 11-23-53 ... Ir... 6106 SW E 5 38 41 Harobry Harer .1,. ... OE 99 .... 11-23-53 ... Ir. .. 97 1-10-55 0 131 5-11-55 607 NE SE 5 38 41 Lena Huff ... 1I 38 .... 11-23-53 ... ..D 608 HE SE 5 38 41 .L. Williame 58 2 ... OE 100 .... 11-23-53 ... Ir. D 80 6-29-55 609 NE SE 5 38 41 D. L. Williams 25 1j ... SP ... 9.01 11-23-53 ... 1N 610 tE SE 5 38 1.1 Peter Gooley ... 1+ 56 .... 11-23-53 ... Ir. 59 6-29-55 611 NE SE 5 38 41 D. W. Anderson 83 2 ... OE 24 .... 11-23-53 ... Ir. 612 NW SV 4. 38 41 Robert Carnnr 1.6 1 .OE 99 .... 11-23-53 ... Ir. 34 4,-20-55 613 SE SW /. 38 1.1 Bernice Holmaes ... 1 * 63 .... 11-23-53 ... D .. ___

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TABLE 8, (Continued) AL ca =a 6 1 -. 'R ks 0 -E S 2 | 3 1 a ' 5 614 IE SE 5 38 41 C. H.Hardwick 85 1) ... 0B 21 .... 1-23-53 ... D 20 1-10-55 62 6-29-55 615 V FE 22 37 41 ouglas Anold 65 2 65 .. .... ....... .. .. L 616 w r 27 37 41 E. P. Jenkins 78 2 68 OE .... 5.31 12 2-53 ... D .. .2 75-56 617 h 1'M IE 1 3 41 C C. aBischoff *80 2 80 OE 36 6.76 127-53 9 0 D .. L. 35 6-30-55 618 h r. IN 13 33 41 Jack Kuhn *85 2 85 OE 13,800 7.57 128-53 ... .. 619 IN Sd 4 38 41 City of Stuart '58 2 ... OE ... 9.90 1-20-54 ... T 550 4-15-55 700 6-29-55 645 97-55 390 5-25-56 620 ' SV I 33 41 City of Stuart 56 2 ...OE ... 8.45 1-20-54 ... .. 42 5-11-55 49 8-16-55 77 12-15-55 621 E Sd 4 38 41 City of Stuart 56 4 ... OE 42 .... 1-20-54 120 .. 24 5-26-55 622 lIE SW 4 38 41 City or Stuart '55 2 ... OE ... 8.24 1-20-54 ... T .. Deepenod to 115 ft in 1956. 20 4-20-55 16 5-1-55 29 12-15-55 115 18 9-19-56 623 1E. Sl 4 38 41 City of Stuart 55 4 ... 0C 40 .... 1-21-54 120 P .. L. 21 5-11-55 35 5-26-55 624 SE 11£ 4 38 41 B. J. Fox *20 1 ... SP 7 .... 1-11-55 ... Ir. . 11.45 24-55

PAGE 143

TABLE 8. (Continued) Locatlon CasLng t a.I 6 a D .. On .-i ga mar ks 626 SU 3 38 J. S. L hton 71 2 ... OS 16 .... 1-18-55 ... D .. W , U. 0. 8 ?, 14 9 1 Al a . 0 U 0-5 627 SW E 9 38 4 Stanley Smith 40 2 ... OE 31 .... 1-18-5 ... Dr .. 628 W1 I 16 38 41 Stanley Sith 59 3 ... OE 29 .... 1-18-55 ... Dr .. 629 SW SW 9 38 41 H. I. Durkoy 103 4 ... OE 15 ... 1-18-55 ... Ir... 630 dT h W 10 38 41 Paul Hoenshel 63 2 ...* O 21 .... 1-18-55 ... Ir. .. 631 KW NE 9 38 artin County Garage 53 2 ... 0E 2 .... 1 5 50 D * 632 SW SW 3 38 41 Amo Schra 67 4 ... 0E 16 .... 1-19-55 ... Ir... 63 hW SE 15 38 4 P. V. Hoifean 73 .... OE .... 1-20-55 ... .. 635 SE E 4 38 L1 D. J. Fox 78 2 ... E U .... 1-11-55 ... D,r .. 636 SE W 4 38 41 J. M. Davis ... 2 ..... 17 .... 1-11-55 ... Ir... 637 W SE 4 38 41 R. W. Hartman, Sr. 15 1* ... SP 25 .... 1--55 ... Ir... 48 4-20-55 32 6-3 D55 638 SW W 4 38 41 EugoneCabre 38 2 ... SP 23 .... -20-5 ... I. .. 295 107-55 308 5-25-56 639 SE SE 4 38 41 City of Stuart *72 4 71 CE 15 7.16 1-26-55 ... F 6,0 SE NE 9 38 .City of Stuart *70 4 ... OE 18 4.33 1-26-55 ... F . 641 SW SE 5 38 41 J.R. Pomeroy *30 2 ... SP ... 8.93 76-55 ... .. 003

PAGE 144

TABLE 8, (Continued) mI -tenLUO Cn ^ -6 4I H „ t I" I -. .turi .13 8 41 ak Ku 26 2 .,. SP 75 .... 10-.D, ,S owne 1 6/, .a _i Andreer 25 P .1, 2.. a .. 642 SE I 5 38 1 elt. tueeioH l *47 ... ... 11.5 1-28-55 ... I 56 4-20-55 76 6-29-55 65 86-55 643 bl 'W 3 3 /41 .ack Kuhro 26 29 ... SP 75 1.... 2-2-55 ... Dr. 6504 SW 4 38 41 Andiw lkadr 5 5 ... SP ... 12.41 2--5 ... .. 645 W IN 4 38 41 4 Jaes eon 45 ... ... 7.55 23-55 ... .. 60 4-20-55 34 9-7-55 648 SB rI 4 3841 C. e. Pdurodr, Jr. *19 1 ... SP ... 11.34 24-55... .. 649 E SW 4 38 41 h rtin County Sadool 121 I+ ... S .... 7.73 2-4-55... .. 650 id BE 4 3 41 Dick Klinade *23 1 ... SP .... 7.287-5-55... .. 651 i NK 4 38 41 Judge Conta *26 1* ... SP ... 7.72 24-55... .. R 6552 N1M 10 38 41 Donald eltov 84 3 ... IO 18 .... 2-55 ... Ir. 653 W S 10 38 41 Citod Stouasr 78 6 .1. CE 24 ... 24-55 ... Ir .. 654 rd SI 4 38 41 .E. Rue 63 1 ... OE 197 .... 2-3-55 ... Ir... 312 4-20-55 302 11-2-55 655 HE IN 9 3841 Framcis Reeou l 63 2 ... 0OE 15 .... 2-4-55 ... D .. C.' 656 W IE 9 38 41 City aroStuart *U5 2 14 B ...0 7.04 2-U4-55...0 657 W E 9 38 41.1 City of Stuart 125 4 115 0 21 .... 5-26-55 105 P .. Ca. 39 12-15-55 / /

PAGE 145

TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casing .-9.t A a. S 9u -i.. a a SO ner .= g , Remarks 658A E 938 j. .eologicalSurvey 131 3S 3 5-2-55 ... .. 653 1N 1M 9 '38 Al City of Stuart 0125 4 115 OF, ... 4.34 39-55 ... 0. 'dater level recording Cage installed 10-4-55; removed 3-22-59. 658A IN !:E 9 3i 4 UL .F. Geological Survey 13 3 SP 34 ..... 5-24-55 ... 0 659 1M4 1I9 38 41 City of Stuart 125 2 .115 03 ... 5.10 39-55 ... 0 .. 660 SE E 5 38 41 Casaboom *i5 2 ... O ... 12.10 2-16-5 ... .. 108 4-20-55 83 6-29-55 0 662 SW S 38 41 Gray *16 1 ... SP ... 3.50 2-17-55 ... .. 663 10 SW 4 38 41 1. W. W.icshuhn 28 1 ... SP ... 8.05 2-17-55 ... : .. 664 SW 4 38 .1 Bruce & Harries Festaurant *17 1... SP ... 9.0 2-17-55 ... .. 665 S; SW 4 38 1 Bruce & Harries Restaurant *19 1,, ... SP ... 10.05 2-17-55 ... .. 666 SE t:E 5 38 .1 Authur rehone *61 2 ... E0 ... 11.59 2-17-55 ... 1 . 66 4-19-55 667 Ald Id 10 38 41 D. L. Vclton 27 2 ... S ... 6.06 2-1-55 ... 11 .. 25 668 SE IIE 9 38 41 R. D. Smith '22 1* ... SP ... 3.79 2-23-55 ... I .. 669 SW SE 4 38 L1 Curry '18 1+ ... SP ... 3.73 2-23-55 ... It .. o0 670 SE S1, 9 38 .1 Jacck '~rtin '63 +f... OE ... 5.3 2-23-55 ... D 671 VA SE 5 38 1.1 Harry Iyor 22 2 ... SP ... 9.62 2-28-55 ... I . 672 INr SE 5 38 .1 Rhiley Christoforcon *49 1t ... SP ... 9.43 2-24-55 ... 1 . 673 SE HE 8 38 41 Herman iP. tz, Jr. 105 2 E .O ... 5.92 2-24-5 ... N 674 IW SW 9 38 41 Clif Luce 103 2 ...OE ... 3.9 2-24-55 ... N 47 4-20-5 -----g

PAGE 146

TABLE 8. (Continued) !ir~ Lwl~n CantB g i!'? -• .3S ,A -, & 5 76 SE 9 34 41 Ln Tyn '27 1 ... SP .. 4.31 2-25-5 ... i .. 677 ? " 9 34 41 Ralph fra.e.r '27 1 ... SP ., 10.72 2-2-o5 .., 5 ! ,, 678 7 J 14 9 38 41 a lph Krar '*2B 1* ... SP ... 10.74 2-25-55 ... I .. 679 , d 2' 9 93 41 2K. ,. JriCht '61 2 ..0. E .*.. 6.4 2-25-55 *.. .. 241 -11-55 632 SE 8 9 3 41 Con Aon pto n '23 1 ... SP ... 8.20 2-25-55 ... .. 673 r! E 0 10 3 41 Aulthur DI oner *17 1 ... SP ... 5.35 32-55 ... I! .. 674 A I 9A 33 41 ipherason *'1 1i ... SP ... .99 -2-2 5 ... I .. 675 I.1 SF 3 39 41 K. .erAoVrn 8 2 ... SP ... 7.87 32-55 ... ; .. 66 SE FV 5 3. 41 Jeron Cosen 21 2 ... SP ... 7. 2-15-55 ... U .. 677 13 !;dE 9 33 41 Gordanlh an 0237 I ... SP 0 8.20 2-25-55 ... .. 6S8 E 10 338 41 Autr Dnon 47 .... ... 5.395 32-55 ... I .. 689 S'd 38 41 C.lleson *46 2 ... SP ... .9 3-21-55 ... .. 695 Vd IE 3 38 41 c. Alln ... 1i f ... .... ... 3-..... ... ... 63691 S :F. 5 3 41 J .tons y21 2 90 .. 6S ... .7.26 2-15-55 ... .. 637 1 E' SE 5 33 421 Shoppard uble Park *60 2 ... 0? ... 7.03 2-16-55 ... 1H 775 4-10-55 638 It X:E 3 3841 G'nno un *4to7 2 ... CS ... 6.95 3-15-55 ... 11 659 S! ' E 3 38 41 C. Alien 166 2 ... 'SP ... 6.89 3-12-55 ... II. 693 M ; S 3 39 41 C. Alien ... 1i ... SP ... 7.9.9...... 2... Ir. .F 691 .* SV 9 33 4 H. I. BXerarn 90 4 ....S .. 6.26 3-11-55 ... N 692 3S SW 9 38 41 .T. erIey "23 2 ... SP .. 3.09 3-11-55 ... .. 693 SW 1:E 9 3 1.1 J. F. 'destor *l4 10; ... OE ... 4.90 3-11-55 ... 1t 63 E 33 1 C le 6 ." .. 68 -l5 .

PAGE 147

TABLE 8. (Continued) LLol liiin Cosing a Oil. t .... ... ... uowner I I Reumrks u .k t At V -e I Si 8V a a a m AA to 1A t ." a I A A < ^ | 694 1 SE .9 38 41 aoessling *51 2 ... OE ... 4.38 3-11-55 ... N . 695 VW SE 9 38 41 CoesslinC *A9 4 ... OE ... 5.04. 3-11-55 ... N .. 696 SW SE 2 38 41 Edward Roemelt *27 f ... SP ... 7.81 3-30-55 ... N . 697 h lE 113 14 38 43 Martin Conty Golf Club *17 1i ... SP ... 3.65 3-30-55 ... li * 698 h IE IW 14 38 41 .rtin County Colf Club *20 f ... SP ... 1.52 3-30-55 ... ! .. 699 h LE cW 14 38 41 R. H. Vilastom '20 1... SP ... 3.95 3-31-55 ... 11 .. 700 h lW SE 14 38 41 V. E. Heuara, !r. '25 Ij ... SP ... 3.59 3-31-55 ... N . 701 SW E 11 38 41 E. E. Fowler *21 1 ... SP ... 5.57 3-31-55 ... 11 702, NE 1M 15 38 /1 Con Plumeer "19 1 ... P ... 6.05 44-55 ... .. 703 h NW SE 15 38 41 Florida Power & Licht Co. *61 4 ... OE ... 4.77 44-55 ... 1 .. 704 h NE W 26 38 41 Cooree Browning *20 li ... SP ... 2.17 46-55 ... N .. 705 hSE LIE 26 38 4.1 ..Osborn, Sr. '15 1i ... SP ... 4.53 46-55 ... .. 706 hSE SW 24 38 41 Emaory Detoach *17 If ... SP ... 4.87 44-55 ... I! .. 707 h SE SW 24 38 /.4 .B. Osborn, Jr. '19 2 ..... ... 7.50 46-55 ... .. 708 W N"d 13 39 .Joe Gay '27 1i ... SP ... 6.88 3-26-57 ... S .. 709 h. E I'I 25 38 41 Whinney Stevens *30 lf ... .. ... 5.81 46-55 ... N .. 71C hW tiW 25 38 41 Kipchom '32 If ... SP ... 3.85 46-55 ... 1 711 H1E IE 17 38 41 H. Johns "15 If ... SP ... 6.12 47-55 ... N 712 h VE SF 29 38 41 John Grim '67 2 ... OE ... 2.64 47-55 ... .L 713 h i' EE 27 38 41 Unknown '1.1 2 ... OE ... 1.75 47-55 ... Li 71L hSu SE 27 38 41 A. C. Horse "31 i ... .. ... 2.59 4-7-55 ... N .. ___ -:---.______________ __ _ _. __ __ ____ __ _ _---------------I 31

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TABLE 8. (Continued) ,'a IIon C*ain| ng 1,, Owner Remarks 53· .4 a , It W As M --+ ...w .. ' 0 4,. 715 h S S 27 38 41 V. L. Herritt " 33 1 ... .... 41 4 4-7-55 ... . 716 sE 2 38 41 H. .StafoN ' 18 2 ... S ... 8.97 4 -8-55 ... .. 717 hI SIV 12 38 41 Jack hlticar *21 2 ... ... 15.64 48-55 ... .. 48 8-16-55 718 SE 5 38 41 Harry Dyer 24 2 ... S1 47 .... 6-29-55 ... JD,r .. battery 3 ells. 719 SE KW 4 38 41 1. T. Rmbert 53 21 ... CE 34 .... 4-20-55 ... Ir. .. 33 6-29-55 ... 720 5 I 4 38 41 Ernie Tyner *84 2 ... E 9 .... 4-22-55 ... Ir. .. Chloride contet of ater at 104 ft 15 5-23-55 9,180 plpi well pulled to 8 ft. t 21 5-25-56 721 SW KE 4 38 41 .P. Hudson 84 2 ... OE 27 .... 4-23-55 ... r. .. 29 6-30-55 722 1V W 4 38 41 City of .tuart *112 3 ... C 78 .... 4-20-55 ... P,r.. 61 5-26-55 37 6-29-55 35 12-55 723 IV BE 9 38 41 City of Stuart 125 L 15 0 24/ .... 5-26-55 100 P .. Hmiipl well lo. 2. 22 2-16-55 724 EE 9 38 41 City of Stuat 125 4 115 OE 16 .... 5-26-55 100 P .. Kmniepal well ro. 3. 16 2-16-55 725 S1 W 4 38 41 R. B. KacCullough 30 1 ... SP 37 .... 5-11-55 ... Ir. ;. 77 97-55 726 SW W 4 38 41 VilliUm Kig 57 2 ... OE 78 .... 5-11-55 ... Ir... 80 97-55 727 S 4 'W 4 38 41 Vllitm King 20 2 ... SP 54 .... 5-11-55 ... r. .. 728 SE E 5 38. 41 V. Voodman ... 1 ..... 87 .... 5-11-55 ... r... T I__L

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TABLES. (Continued) LCatrlon Casing 1 a a S. a C I 6 Omer ai .a 5 1 | 9 a 0o 0 .. ...... 44 U a W L, a U4 pa F. a -W-d. 0 -i0 at QJ 01 U ill -L a I4 39 ll2-55 730 SE 1N 4 38 41 F. L. Hall 86 2 ... OE 45 .... 5-11-55 ... r. .. 731 E d 4 38 41 a. rtin County High School 35 2 ... SP 49 .... 5-11-55 ... Ir. .. Battery 3 wells. 732 h S SE V 12 38 11 Dutton 20 4 ... SC 81 .... 5-11-55 ... r. .. 733 Sd ;E N 4 38 41 St. Pary's Episcopal Church 105 3 ... OE 18 .... 5-24-55 ... Ir. .. 15 107-55 734 h HE SJ 13 38 41 Danforth 84 3 ... OE 176 ....6-0-55 ... D .. 90 8-16-55 930 98-55 1,430 07-55 615 12-55 735 h iE S1 13 38 41 Metcalf 69 4 ... OE 35 .... 6-30-55 125 D .. 94 9-55 185 107-55 307 112-55 635 5-25-56 736 1Z SE 4 38 41 C. A. Chrlstensen 115 2 ... OE 24 .... 6-30-55 ... I. .. 737 W 11E 8 38 .1 A. J. Rot 46 2 ... OE 3. .... 6-30-55 ...D . 738 h 1d KE 25 38 /1 J. J. O'Connor 25 2 ... SP 27 .... 6-30-55 ... D .. 739 Ed ;E 32 37 41I Unknrun ... 6 ... OE 2,190 .... 5-10-57 20 Ht 77 740 SE SE 13 39 40 Allen's Ranch '990 6 .74 0E 1,380 .... 12-16-55 650 Tr. 80 Cp.; floving ell. 1,180 +28.7 4-18-57 1,040 .... 1-12-58 741 13W SW 13 39 40 Allen's Ranch '890 6 460 C 1,820 .... 12-16-55 235 8,11... Floving wvel. 1,820 27.5 4-18-57 742 SE SW 13 39 40 Allen's Ranch '1,003 6 460 OE 1,53C ....12-16-55 225 S,I... Floing well 1,.4.4 +29.0 4-18-57 ' ___ 00

PAGE 150

TABLE 8. (Continued) -s ' ?A s .5 t S s« ' I " 2s .743 1 SUv 16 38 38 utlCaultoa ... * ... E 40 .... 2--5 ...D 74L W IE 2 38 37 I.C.C. VUml so *1,050 5 398 C 350 .;.. 1-16.-5 ... 5,1.81 Cp.1 floog vell. 350 6. 1-5 +13.8 5-29-5 745 EIZ E 19 38 39 Allpattah Cttle Co. 0695 6 340 0O 1,310 .... -126.5 190 3 85 Cp. floviagu ll 1,310 +23.5 5-1 746 aE SE 18 38 39 llapttah Cattle '. *510 6 ... C 1,20 .... 12-16-5 325 5, Ir 86 Frig well. +22.0 5-30-56 747 w 5E 9 38 38 abnia Carltoa 825 6 ... CE 1,020 .... 22-16-55 400 S,Ir 811 Flowing vll. 975 +27.0 -30I-57 748 E IE U 38 40 Vlllm Mtherson 773 6 397 0 ... +31.2 2-28-56 300 rr. 78 Farlb wU1. 1,070 32-56 1,050 +32.7 4-23.-57 749 W rd 7 4 39 Jama Ovu, Jr. 125 1I ... CE 35 .... 3-2-56 ... D .. 750 SB W 7 40 39 Jams Qum, Jr. 130 2 ... CE 23 .... 3-2-56 ... Ir. .. Cp. M0 751 S SW 6 o 39 Jmes Ove, Jr. 35 21 ... SP 19 .... 32-56 ... S .. 752 SW SE U 38 40 Villan Mtbhersn *775 6 ... CE 1,020+29.6 5-23-56 300 Ir. 78 Flowiag wU. 1,130 +31.6 4-23-57 753 bhW SV 12 38 41 Abdrew Brke7 68 2 ...CE 102 .... 5-25-56 ... T 754 hE I S 12 38 41 C. .Ra&sy ... 2 ... ... 159 .... 5-25-56 ... D .. 755 b WI 12 38 1 Jack Whitleaw 65 li ... CB 2 .... 5-25-56 ...D .. Cp. 756 b W SW 22 38 41 chrl d 28 li ... SP .... 525... D .. 757 h EZ Sw 13 38 41 neforth 45 2 ... SP 46 .... 5 --56 ... D .. Btt 3 vwelI. 758 IM SW 4 38 39 ettels *835 6 650 C 1,3X +22.8 4-26-57 360 Ir. 87 Floaigve wl. --~ i -L U___ _ _ __ .__

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TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casing sm 3 0 CA -A ''I .0 32k-. I 759 S 5 '9 t 0 1,3CC 23.C 52-7 .C r. a FI wr uC ll. tt2_ 0 5 5 i. IV, 762 S .2 3 3 7 C. An 30 21 ... Sp 22..... -31-5 ... -bib '. *S & s2 763 V i. 3 __37 Chesr ____________ll 0 ... SP 65 ..... -31-56 ... . 765 V SF 1 38 397 nes 213 16 65 1,3CC 3.0 6-56 .. r. i S76 M S 23S 38 3 acks h777r 6 373 C 2 ... 34 ..... 6-21-56 ... D f v 76V1 hI E 20 38 41 Jack riticar 74 2 ... S? 95 ...925-31-56 10 0 .. 768 h M 13 38 41 C. 3. Simp 73 4 70 Of ..... 6-2-56 ... Dr~ 7629 S ! 32 37 C. aewon 30 2 ... S? ..... 51-56 ...S .. 7'f? St S 1: 32 37 C1 D tc. r ndetid 730 ... S 4 ..... 5-31-56 ... . 7 S5 2 337 Chaeterle Lubderll 150 2 1...5 34 ..... 5-31-56 ... .. 765 FW !i 2 11337 41 C. B. Anceat ... SC 19 ..... 6-21-56 ... 0 .. 766 hr? Nr 1 3 Jac h tior r 6ith2 ...C r,: 3 ..... 6-11-56 ... 0 767 ', M 31 37 3 1 ada rreniter ... C 695 ..... 6-11-56 ... 0 .. . 7 1 38 C .c ,0 i 76C; h ;H r: 15138159 33 t~l U C.f3 (C. Sa73 .. 70 CC 6$ 6-13-56 ... DZr. .. 769 : 31 37 i .obnson 1 2 ... C 6321 ..... 6-11-56... . 770 SVi 1U 31 37 41 .tA. crud 567 2 55 C 6 ..... 6-11-56 ... D .. 778 WI 32 37 .1 Farl errli. 110 2 1 C5 29 ..... 6-11-56 .. 779 T !! 15 32 37 .41 C. .1. Care r i15 2 110 CS ..... 6-12-56 773 114 35 31 37 41\ YaoortdRth CC 2 ... iC.E 61356 1 H. '17 017 :ii 3137 c.1 V. A. Enith 1 23 2 .9 .....} 6ll-5<' ... 7 9 . 775 !231 r'E 31 37 L darrecm 6 -... 0E 2.... 6-11-CC i 776 11 1 33 37 41 Fobieson U,1' 2 1C5 C 21 .6U-35 ... 3 .. Op. 777 !t'31374 I 67 2 *... OE[ 1 .....h 6-115 ...6 -D 77 iS [is 31 37 41 Carl tIrrCin T11C 1 2 105 CE 29 ..... 6-11-56 ... 0 779 I7 .iE 31 37 41 I.l.0Carey 113 2 113 CS S .....2 6-12-56 ... 0 ..1 -.I

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TABLE 8. (Continued) .80 E 1 4 J. .Blain 652 00 107....6-1-6 ... 781 BE 11 31 37 41 Foss 56 2 ... OE 3 .... 6-11-56 ... D 782 SE WE 31 37 41 R. R.Wson 0 2 ... OE 25 .... 6-11-56 ... .. 783 SE rE 31 37 41 PDe DeQune 110 2 105 OE 68 .... 6-11-56 ...D .. 784 HE W 35 37 41 Childs *15 2 ... SP 75 5.1 6-11-56 ... D .. 785 E WI 35 37 41 Child *21 4 ...IP 96 6.0 6--56 55 D .. 71 0-18-56 786 IE IN 35 37 41. L. F. Domerle 16 4 ... SC 410 .... f.18-56 ... D,Ir .. ktteTy 4 wells. 787 S E 35 37 41 V. H. Alley 18 2 ... SP 10 .... 6-18-56 ...D .. 788 S IME 35 37 41 C. E. Henriks. 25 2 .. OE 174 .... 6-18-56 15 .. 789 S nB 35 37 41 R. H. Dewey 18 it ... SP 84, .... 6-18-56 ... D .. 790 S E 35 37 41 C. S. ichols 22 f ... SP 152 ... 6-18-56 ... D 791 S KE 35 37 41 B. H. Simon 15 2 ... SP 80 .... 6-18-56 ... D .. 792 KNE 35 37 41 R. Deoy 20 2 ... SP 14 .... 6-18-56 ... D .. 793 S E 35 37 41 B. J. Carlber 20 1 ... SP 186 .... 6-18-56 ... D .. Battery 3 vels. 794 W KG 35 37 41 E. L. mery 21 2 ... SP 29S .... 6-19-56 ...D .. ttery 2 vels. 795 SW IE 3537 41 E. L. EmT y 10 2 P .. .67 .. 6-19-56 ... Ir. .. Battery 3 wells. 796 SE 35 37 41 J. S. Cloary ... 2 ... SP 31 .... 6-19-56 ...D .. sttery 2 vlls. 797 SW sE 35 37 18, V. Sales 25 2 ... SP 67 .... 6-19-56 ... D . 798 S SV 36 37 l41 V llU m u napp 21 I ... SP 203 .... 6-19-56 ... Ir... 799 UW S 36 37 41 WUlliam napp '23 3 ... SP ... 2.88 6-19-56 ... ..

PAGE 153

TABLE 8. (Continued) Location Casitng .I 0 I ...S .° 1f a' D .e 2 es g U s a6 --~a W "N -V 0k U" 5O Ia -Z s 3s S80I0 S! 1 38 11 Geneo Dor 30 2 ... sP 65 .... 6-19-56 ... D .. Battery 2 vels. .i D ... 2Da tten v2 as. I802 IMR 1 38 41 CGen Dyer *27 2 ... SP ... 19.5 6-19-56 ... .. *2782 ... SP ... 19 .i5 6'1956-If 803' VW. 1 38 41 L.. A. faovwl 28 2 ...SP 4t .... 6-19-56 ... D .. Batteory 2 wells. Ml w tr 1 38 a L. A. la .*27 ... SP ...20.2 6-19-56 ... , .. 805 I 1 38 1 H. 0. Hill *1,090 6 ... OE 8 +26.6 6-19-56 250 Ir. 76 Flowing veil. 0 59-57 8 1 38 H G. Hill 202 ...SP ....6-1956 ... D .. ttry 2 vels. 807 KE SW 1 38 41 J. J. Jouneworth 21 2 ...s? 6.-1956 ... D .. Bttery 2 wells. 808 NE SW 1 38 4 J. J. .vorth 21 it ... S ... 6-19-56 ... I I I 6.20-56t 809 SE &S 26 37 41 F. Langford 21 2 ... SP .... 6-19-56 ... D .Bttery 6 wells. 810 I W 1 38 41 C. B. Arbogast 28 1 ... SP 12 ... 6-20-56 ... DID .. Battery A vells. 811 SE W 1 38 1 W. A. Palmer 30 2 ...SP 0 ....6-20-56 ... D .. Battery 2 vells. WQ 812 SSE E 35 37 41 F. H. Andrews 32 1f ...SP 9 .... 6-20-56 ... B .. 813 SE SW 1 38 1 A. J. L. 14orita 24 ... FP 470 ... 6-20-56 ...DIr.. Battery 4 veils. 814 IW 1 E 12 38 41 Thomea Dunlap 28 2 ... SP 158 .... 6-20-56 ... D .. 815 W SV 6 39 1 R. H. Reddish *28 it ... SP ... 5.38 -28-57 ... I . 816 sW e 12 38 41 E. H. illheffer 26 If ... SP 1,0C0 .... 6-20-56 ... DIr Battery 4 vells. 817 W E 12 38 41 E. H. Killheffer 26 2 ... SP 82 .... 6-20-56 ... Ir. .. 818 h SW E 12 38 1 C. .Banfll 26 2 ... SP .... 620-56 ... D .. Battery 4 vells. 819 SE W 27 3940 P. L. Bailey '47 2 ... .. .3.56 3-26-57 ... 11 i Cl

PAGE 154

TABLE 8, (Continued) ---------^ -,----.'---W----I LItwIs-ClnI b0. 82 h SE 2 3 V pl er 18 2 .. 0 ,. 6.2-6 .. ... tte e 823 NE Sf 1 38 /. oorge Shepard 18 1½ ., SP ?1 .... 6-20-5 ... D .. S. I t I ! * Remarks3 82 S NE S/ 1 38 .1 F.X. Kouh 21 1# ... SP 41 .... -21-56 ... O .. 3______A_46_____ U 4 Za. 820 h E S 24 38 41 Slerno Fire puertent 7D8 ... OE ..... 2 ...... D .. 821 hE SE 12 38 41 W. M. plinCer 18 2 ... S 680 .... 6-22-56 ... ID. .. Bttry 3 ella. 822 h NE SE 12 38 41 C. B.Arboat ... ... SP 835 .... 6-20-56 ... D,r .. Battery 2 uell. 823 NE SW 1 38 4a1 ergeShetter 25 2 ... SP 1 .... 6-20-56 ... D .. 82 h E S 1 38 41 .F .lKou e 21 11 ... SP 41 .... 6-21-56 ... D 825 SW SE 17 38 41 RuelDe 98 2 *... O 55 .... 6-22-56 ... D .. 826 SE SW 17 38 41 H.eny Crul 100 2 ...OE 55 .... 6-22-56 ...D .. B 827 hSE lE 19 38 42 Jack Bloor 27 2 ... SP 28 .... 6-27-56 ...D .. 828 h SE SE 19 33 42 Lwren Bictter 252 ... SP U8 .... 6-27-56 ... D .. 829 h SE S 19 38 2 E. L.D Blasi ae 27 2 ... SP 34 .... 6-27-56 ...D .. 830 hSE S 24 38 41 R4ug 35 els...f SP .. ... 6-27-56 ... D .. 831 hSE SW 18 38 42 C. H. WIilaa 38 2 ... SP ... 11.74 6-27-56 ... D .. attery 2 uell. 832 h IE 24 38 41 Ed. Larence 35 1 ... SP 41 .... 6-27-56 ... D .. 833 h SB SE 24 38 1 John Eridckon 221 ... SP 88 ....6-27-56 ...D .. 834 SE SE 24 38 L41 David Loaue 27 2 ... SP 37 .... 6-28-56 ... D 835 V NE 33 37 41 Edvard Nelon 84 2 ... OE 27 .... 7-5-56 ...D .. Cp. 836 SV HE 33 37 41 Frank NHovaoasa 69 1 ... OE 16 .... 7-5-56 ...D .. 837 SW E 33 37 41 Fred Arnold 18 1 ... SP 44 .... 7-5-56 ... D 838 SE NE 32 37 41 Radio Station WSTU 45 1 ... O0 785 .... 7-5-56 ... D 839 E NE 33 37 41 A. R. Mller 81 2 ... 0E 41 .... 7-5-56 ... D 840 SE W 13 37 41 Yerg 6 Adoron 12 2 ... SP 7,410 .... 7-6.56 ... D

PAGE 155

TABLE 8. (Continued) Locat |in Casing. & a 1* SOwnea -r.4 W0 Si ra a s ReBarks * ". ." ' I u) 80 , = B I« ON I N, -a, s &, C. a 0 0 ^ s a v g______ 841 NE S9 16 38 41 Stanley Smith *1,057 L 45 OE 2,900 .... 94-57 ILO Ir .. Cp.; flouing ell; L. 842 SE IW 1O 37 41 W. C. Sheprd 15 2 ... SP 3,250 .... 76-56 ... D . 83 SE tr 13 37 L1 J. K. Patoron 20 L ... SC 6,320 .... 7--46 ... D .. 8 1 I MW 26 37 41 W. W. Bailey 20 Iu ... SP 30 .... 76-56 ... D .. 845 HE S 26 37 41 It. St. Joseph !oviato 20 2 ... SP 36 .... 7-6-56 ... D .Battery i vell.. 846 h 1W SW 6 39 41 Bill Jerniman 103 4 ... OE 52 .... 3-28-57 ... D,I,.. I--I 847 HE SW 26 37 41 ft. St. Joseph loviato 20 2 ... SP 39 .... 76-56 ...D .. 8/8 INW E " 15 37 1 J E. J. Prico 27 1f ... SP 38 .... 7-16-56 ... D .. Battery 2 uclls. 849 N'I W 15 37 41 E. J. Price 87 3 ... OE ... .... ........ ... ! . 850 W W 15 37 41 E. J. Price 20 12... SP ... .. ....... ... .. 851 WE IW 15 37 41 E. J. Price 20 2 ... SP ... 0.05 7-20-56 ... .. 852 IW T 15 37 41 H. Dicta, Jr. 18 12 ... SP 41 .... 7-20-56 ... D . 853 hiW I 15 37 41 E. R. Watson 18 1 .. SP .. .. 7-20-56 ... D .. 854 IE NE 16 37 41 A. DuyJ 27 1 ... SP 40 .... 7-20-56 ... D .. 855 Mo 1. 15 37 41 Henry Ostron 55 2 ... SP 16 .... 7-20-56 ... .. 856 NE 8 W 15 37 1 ..Tilton 37 3 ... SP 39 .... 7-20-56 ... .. 857 NK S 15 37 41 W. Y. Okanoto 103 3 ... SP 3. .... 7-20-56 ... D 858 NE W 22 37 41 C. T. Pontior 68 2 ... SP 15 .... 7-20-56 ... D 859 SE W 15 37 41 Argy Mrearilas 25 1) ... SP 29 .... 7-27-56 ... D .. Battery 2 wells. 860 SE .WW 15 37 41 larian Senoke 16 1f ... SP 26 .... 7-27-56 ... D .. 861 SE NW 15 37 41 Hrold Salalor 20 1 ... SP 22 .... 7-27-56 ... D .. ).. ___ II______ »

PAGE 156

TABLE S. (Continued) L~ula~ C I .: Omer 862 ME W 1 3741 WOO25If .. ? 2 ... 722-6 863 3281115 3741 J, -3.bLUng 23 If... SY 27 .... 7-27-56 ..D,T,. A4s C5 USW36 3942 P. V. Lakvt 1732 ... SP 700 .... 0-8-6 ... Xi.. Better76 Wells. 865 g I t26 39 42 A' wCOl. ... 2... SP 61 ....86-56 e.. I.Xv 866 g NW1322639 42 Gmaramnl J.Bd ... 2.. SP 57..88-56 ... xr.. 867CNW313 26 3942 Z. X. Tarim ... 2..S1 57.. 68-56 ... rr.. SM g W SW36 39 4.2F. .Frsie ... 2... SP 600 ....8&8&56 ... Ir.. 869 g W SW 25 39 42 L D.Jabaaaao 24 2 ... S171,190 .... 88-56 ... Ir..0 M8c70 SW 11439 42 Betty Blo* ... 2... SP 5W0 .... 8-.8-56 ... Ir.. 871 2/. 238 4 falmdUaTuiqkeiAuthority 70 8 ... CE 19 .... 8-U4-57 5000D 872 S 1537741 2bwit eWaambn'gu 32 2 *...0O 31 .... s-2-56 ... D 174 SE W 25 3741.Zal Temple 25 2...0ZE 3o .... 8-20-56 ... D 876 X :33 22 3741 apezt Jackso 16 3+... SP 27 .... 8-10-56 ... D,Iz .. Battery2 wells. 877 XWVOR22 Y7 41 J.F. ft~dok 31 4 ... M 30 ..... 8-10-56 500Or. 81 Battery2 wells. 87 SW IM22237741 V. L TiltmI 2f2*... OF 35 .... 8-10-56 ... D B. attery 2wella. M -SW B1E 2237741 0. S. Ncboit 16 it... SP 28 .... 8-11-56 ... D 81S1BE22 37 41 3.3sdZ7 26 2... 0 33 .... 8-1n-56 ... D Ba ttery 2wells. OU Id 5E 22 37 41Gbci.Stsaplu ... 2...8 N 1.... -11-56 ... D,X. " ri

PAGE 157

TABLE 8. (Continued) Loca tliun Casing V a ' a V S S 22 7 eb ass 20 2 ... 33 0.0 -11-56 ... 884 SW 23 37 41 "Jobn mnberg 23 2 ... S 32 .... 8-11-56 ... D,z... hatter 9vell. 885 g W Wl 15 39 2 Gu treamNursry 80 6 ... OE ..... 8-16-56 950 r. 76 a in Owner 'S a" 45S 886 gW I 15 39 2 Gulfstreamn urer7 33 2 ... OE 29 .... 8-16-56 ... B,r... Battery 7 ells. 0 887 g SW 10 39 42 Gulfstrem Nursery *10 2 ... S? ... 1.7( 8-16-56 ... N .. W888 g SW S 10 39 2 Gulftrema Nuery 32 2 ... SP ... 2.3 8-16-56 ... ..N 889 g Sr 5 10 39 42 G astreamf Nursery ... 6 ... OE ... .... ....... ... .. 890 h SW 25 38 40 Bruce Leighton 75 8 ... E0 ... .... ....... ... Ir .. 891 hW SV 26 38 40 Bruce Leighton 75 8 ... OE 88 .... 3-10-58 725 Ir. .. 892 h S SE 26 38 40 Bruce Leighton 40 2 ... .. 2.1 -25-56 ... D .. 63 3-10-58 893 hSE NE 35 38 40 Bruce Leighton 75 8 ... CE ... .... ....... ... Ir. .. o 894 h NE SW 26 38 40 Bruce Leighton 75 6 ... OE ... 2.12 9-25-56 ... Ir. C.. 895 hIW SW 26 38 40 Bruce Leighton 75 8 ... OE ... ............ ... Ir. .. ravel packed. Z 896 b S SW 26 38 40 Bruce Leighton 33 & ... OE ... 1. 9-25-56 ... Ir. .. P 897 h SW SW 26 38 40 Bruce Leighton 133 A .... 1.3 9-25-56 ... Ir .. 0 898 h RE SI 35 38 40 Bruce Leighton 75 12 ... OE ... 1. 9-25-56 ... r. .. Gravel packed. 899 h E SE 26 38 L0 Bruce Leighton 35 4 ... OE ... 0.9 10-23-56 ... Ir... 900 .SE SW 26 38 40 ruce Leighton 155 A 135 CE ... 1. 10-2-56 ... Ir. .. 901 SE E 22 3938 Joe d 1,110 8 490 OE 280 .... 9 150 Ir. 82 Cp.; floi wU. 2. +9.0 1-25-51 1 258 +11.5 4-17-

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TABLE 8. (Continued) Locaton Casllng V„ v 1 "1 " " --ne p W. I.6 s 4 8 :1o -S b 5 z .°»8 S! 4 o W" : 8 902 SE W 26 37 41 D.r. Childs 25 4 ... SP 293 .... 9-19-56 ... D , 43 0-18-56 903 IE I 34 37 41 Evnude 80 4 ,,. 0 E 4,500 ... 9-19-56 200 ... Sulmin pool. 904 W V SE 30 37 41 C. B. Arbogast 126 4 108 OE 43 4.04 11-14-56 15 T . 905 SW SE 30 37 41 C. .Arbogast *126 4 109 OE ... 4.42 11-4-56 ... T .. 906 h W W 25 38 40 Bruce Leighton 334 .... CE ... ..... ....r ... Ir. .. 907 hE S& 25 38 40 Bruce Leighton 30 1 ... .... ............... .. 90Wl hW -W 25 3 40 eruce Lighton 35 2 ... O ... ..... ........ .. D .. 909 NE IE 33 38 37 Eber, Bbbhi, Harman & Cuae 1,095 6 ... OE 700 +22.0 1-23-57 300 Ir. .. Flowine vell. 910 IW SE 34 38 37 Eber, ibbin, Hrman & Cae '1,096 6 469 0 770 .... 10-21-56 225 Ir. .Fluing vell. 740 1-23-57 911 SE SE 36 39 38 Seaboard Railroad 1,000 6 ... 05 670 +16.5 5-21-5 .. n. ..Floing vell. 912 KE I 23 39 38 Joe Adas 1,120 8 ... OE 480 + 9.6 1-24-57 130 Ir. 79 Flouling ell. 412 +10.6 4-17-57 913 E SEl 23 39 38 Joe Adas 1,100 6 ... 0 510 +8.0 1-24-57 120 Ir. 80 Flowing vell. 520 +9.0 4-17-57 914 SE KE 23 39 38 Joe Adams 1,100 6 ... OE 520 .... 1-25-57 75 Ir. 84 FPlaiae well. 525 4-17-57 915 HE 1W 26 39 38 Joe Adms 1,120 8 ... OE 300 +10.0 1-25-57 160 Ir. 81 Flowing vell. 265 +11.0 4-17-57 916 W NE 7 39 38 H. C. Villaon *1,028 5 487 0E 510 +19.5 3-6-57 ... Ir. 81 Flolng vell. 917 NE SW 30 38 38 H. C. Wiliamson 1,060 5 ... OE 530 +15.5 36-57 .r. Ir. BZ, PFou ng wel. 918 SE E 23 38 37 H. C. WllMason 1,080 5 ... OE 725 +12.0 36-5 ... Ir. 81 Flowin well. 919 *SW SE 5 40 38 Smlly Brothers 950 8 636 0 1,110 +27.0 37-57 750 Ir. 84 Floing well.

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TABLE 8. (Continued) Lm at Lon CasLn +17.0 -21-.70 J3 -'em rkB C U . S... OE 0 + .-1-7 ,. 8ell S9 .e ... 1.9 7 ... N .. 921 ?r )r 30 39 38 ..Steward 1,03on2 6 .55 OE 1Z 95 +26.0 37-57 250 Ir. 81 Flowing well. I LW I Sg° 922 WE SE 6 40 39 E Geaoard Roilroad 800 6 ... 930... 1. -7-57 1..0 F 1 lowing el l. e +17.0 5-21-57l p 923 1U' SW 25 39 38 JoeO Adams lCC 8 ... OE 860 +10.3 -16-57 300 S,12.8 FloainE well. 92 1 1W 18 39) e 1 c.0.el esch 32 i ... ... 1.9. 3-26-57 ... l .. 1 925 S SE 18 39 41 Rl. Boe. Canc 03 .M .. SP 40 2.0 3-26-57 ... S 75. 926 SW NE 12 38 10 William Mthsoron 950 6 ... CE 1,230 +34.3 4-23-57 1CO Ir. 77 Flouinz well. 927 lS MW 14 38 38 .ubin Carlton '792 6 ... 05 1,050 +23.8 51-57 35C Ir. 82 Flawing well. 928 TE SE 6 O0 39 U. S. GeoloFical Survey *1I 6 10 OS ... 1.C 5-17-57 ... 0 .. Water level recordinj sagCe installed 5-17-57; Eravrl packecd. 929 V SE 1 40 39 Laurance Clark 92l 2j ... OE ... .... ...... .S .. Cp. 930 VW SE 2 39 37 T. F. Clonenta 90 2 ... ..... ........... ... D C.. Cp.;slotted ainr.-. 931 SE UE 8 38 1/. Willim tlo an H on 9C 6 ... OE 1,050 +26.1 4-25-57 60 S,1 .80 Fl.. ing ell. 932 1E S 82 ) 38 Williaem iathcrson 950 6 290 OE 1,10.0+ 26.0 -2-57 350 S,I .80 Fculne well. 0 933 :W IVF 21 38 0 U. F. Geololical Survey *I' 6 1. CE ... 1.8 6-12-57 ... 0 ater level rceordir. rore installed 7-25-57; eravel packcJ. 4 9314 S M NE 1 0 39 Klichael Phlpps '11.U 2 ... SP 2 .... 8-13-57 ... S 935 1 MlEE 1 40 39 Kichael hlpps 86 2 84 OE 810 .... 8-13-57 ... S 936 SE SE 36 39 39 Michael Phippo 108 2 106 0O. 615 .... 8-13-57 ... S 937 SE S 24 39 33 ornan Hlall 194 4 156 CEO. 23 7.92 3-12-53 60 S 938 SE SV 21 3 3 Iornan Hall 18C 3 122 OE 30 8.15 3-12-5S 70 S 939 M SE IF 4q ., Frank Corka,, 9. 1i 91 O ... 3-25-5 ... D .. Ca.

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