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- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00001196/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Water resource studies ground water resources of Pinellas County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 12 )
- Series Title:
- ( FGS: Report of investigations 12 )
- Creator:
- Heath, Ralph C
Smith, Peter C. ( joint author )
- Place of Publication:
- Tallahassee
- Publisher:
- [s.n.]
- Publication Date:
- 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- iii, 139 p. : illus., maps (part fold.) ; 23 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Groundwater -- Florida ( lcsh )
Water-supply -- Florida -- Pinellas County ( lcsh ) City of Dunedin ( flgeo ) City of St. Petersburg ( flgeo ) County roads ( jstor ) State highways ( jstor ) Surface irrigation ( jstor )
- Genre:
- bibliography ( marcgt )
- Bibliography:
- Bibliography: p. 51-52.
- Funding:
- Report of investigations (Florida Geological Survey) ;
- Statement of Responsibility:
- by Ralph C. Heath and Peter C. Smith.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- The author dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.
- Resource Identifier:
- 022489326 ( aleph )
01726077 ( oclc ) AER8196 ( notis ) a 55009229 ( lccn )
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Charlie Bevis, Supervisor
\ Herman Gunter, Director
NO. 12
$ By
( Ralph C. Heath and Peter C. Smith
Ground Water Branch
Prepared By The
In cooperation with the
and the
Pinellas County
Acting Governor
Secretary of State
Commissioner of Agriculture
Superintendent Public Instruction
Attorney General
Supervisor of Conservation
Siorida geological Survey
June 15, 1954
Mr. Charlie Bevis, Supervisor
Florida State Board of Conservation
Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Mr. Bevis:
One of the first cities in Florida to experience a failure of a
well field through salt water intrusion was the city of St. Peters-
This large population center is located on a narrow peninsula
and the heavy draft of water for municipal and other rapidly de-
veloping enterprises, such as tourist and beach attractions, perm-
anent homes, and large agricultural and other water-using busi-
nesses encouraged the county commissioners and officials of the
larger cities of the county to inventory its water supply.
This water resource study, undertaken by the United States
and Florida Geological Surveys at the request of the citizens of
Pinellas County is being published as Report of Investigations No.
12. It is a pleasure to record that a large source of potable water
was discovered during the investigation, lying wholly within the
boundaries of Pinellas County, and an adequate supply is available
for an increased development of the economy of the area.
Herman Gunter, Director
Abstract ..........------------...................... ........ .. ... 1
Introduction ... ............ ..---.... ..................... 2
Purpose and scope of investigation --...--......-..--......-......-..........--- 3
Personnel and acknowledgments -....------.....-- ....----..-- ....- .------ 3
Previous investigations ...------...----_.-------------------..--- 4
Geography -.......---.-.......--------------------- ------.--.------ 5
Location and area ....--..----........------- .....--.......-------.------- 5
Climate .----..---.--..------.-..--.--.-..-----.-----.- 5------
Topography ----.......--- .-........------- ..-----....-----... -- 6
Terraces .----. ...-...-.--......-----....------ -..--..-...--...---..----- 7
Drainage ........ .... ...------------..---------- .----....----. 10
Geology ...... ----..---..---------------------.. --.--- 10
Oligocene series ..--..-.-----.-. .--.----...--.. ..-.--------------....-.. 10
Suwannee limestone --...-..--......._...--------..--- .. ---------10
Miocene series .-----..---------....--------------............-...-........ 12
Tampa formation ......--------- -------.........----..----- 13
Hawthorn formation ------ .. ....-.....-------......-...---------........-.... 15
Middle and upper Miocene deposits ........-------..-...-..--.--.-- 15
Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene series .....---....-----...-----.....----. 16
Ground water .............---------- ....----...----------.........---. 16
Occurrence ..-----.-...-..-..-.-.-. ---..---- ------.. ----.. 16
Water-level records -.........--------------- -.....---------. 18
Fluctuations of water levels ...-....-..-.--.-.- ---..-- .. ...----... 21
Fluctuations caused by rainfall ....------..-..----.--------......... 21
Fluctuations caused by pumping ---....---------..-.- .---------.....--. 22
Fluctuations caused by tides .-....----..---.-- ...------------.. 24
Fluctuations caused by earthquakes and trains ___--------....... 25
Fluctuations caused by changes in atmospheric pressure ---....26
Piezometric surface in Florida ..---.--- ..--- ........--.-----...---- 27
Piezometric surface in Pinellas County --....-..-...------.......-..-..-----... 29
Area of artesian flow ..... ...--- .. .. ........---------- -------.-..... -----------. 31
Salt-water encroachment ....------..............-..-------..----..--...-..-..-.--.---- 31
Relationship between fresh water and sea water ...--........----.. 32
Salt-water encroachment in Pinellas County -..-.......-....-------..--. 34
Underground drainage of Lake Tarpon ......-- .---........--------- -- 38
Quality of water- .--....--....-- ........-.....- .. ....--... ................---------- 42
Use of water --------......-.-...--.......-- .... .....----------------------------- 45
St. Petersburg water supply ...--------..................---------------- 47
Summary and conclusions .....-.....--......-...--..--..........------... --.........-- 48
References- ...-----.... .....................--------------..- ------------.. 51
Figure Page
1. Map of Florida showing location of Pinellas County------- 5
2. Map showing the Pleistocene terraces of Pinellas County _--.---_ 8
3. Geologic map of the Miocene deposits in Pinellas County .....----. 11
4. North-south geologic section through Pinellas County .-....-----_ 12
5. Map showing the approximate altitude of the top of the
Tampa formation .----.............------....------------ Between 14 and 15
6. Hydrographs of wells 246, 269, 272, and 337 in Pinellas County,
and monthly rainfall at Clearwater _.--------..-..-... Between 18 and 19
7. Hydrographs of wells 13, 77, and 561 in Pinellas County and
monthly rainfall at three stations ._----__---_.------ ..-----.--.---. 21
8. Daily highest and lowest water levels in well 337, 0.3 mile north-
east of Coachman, and daily rainfall at Clearwater _--------- 22
9. Fluctuations of the water level in well 269 .......---.--..--..--..----. 23
10. Water level in well 272 showing fluctuations due to ocean tides,
earthquakes, and passing trains ._---.--__----- ....-------------_ 25
11. Effect of atmospheric pressure on the water level in well 337 ... 26
12. Map of Florida showing the piezometric surface --_-------- 27
13. Map showing the piezometric surface and the area of artesian
flow in Pinellas County in June 1949 _---.---- Between 28 and 29
14. Map showing the piezometric surface in Pinellas County in
May 1951 .--_-...-- .----.-.---__ -----..-..---- ..--_.--..------ ...-------..- 30
15. Diagram showing the relation between fresh water and sea
water beneath a narrow peninsula _----.. --.--.............-----...----..-. 32
16. Map showing the chloride content of water in wells that pene-
trate the limestone aquifer in Pinellas County .. Between 34 and 35
17. Section along line B-B' in figure 13 showing the theoretical con-
tact between fresh water and sea water in Pinellas County _--. 36
18. Map of northwestern Pinellas County showing locations of
Spring Bayou and Lake Tarpon _----.-----....-.....--...-..---.-.--.--.--. 38
19. Factors relating to underground drainage of Lake Tarpon --.- 40
20. Chloride content of water in sinkhole in Lake Tarpon in 1947 -- 41
21. Hydrograph of well 13 in Hillsborough County and monthly
rainfall at St. Leo, Pasco County -- --...___-----------___.-.--.-------. 46
1. Comparison of various types of data used to compile figure 5 ..- 14
2. Relationship between length of pumping time and chloride con-
tent of water in well 420 -----..-----.....-----......--...-------.-----. 35
3. Analyses of water from wells in Pinellas County --------- 44
4. Average daily output of public water supplies in Pinellas
County, 1947 -...... .....-- _____ .........--- .-............ ... ... 45
5. Record of wells -----..............- ....--------- ...---------------- 53-139
Printed by E. 0. Painter Printing Company, DeLand, Florida
Ralph C. Heath and Peter C. Smith
Pinellas County comprises a land area of 290 square miles along
the west coast of Florida, and forms a peninsula between Old Tampa
Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. It is underlain by a series of limestone
formations having a total thickness of several thousand feet. The
upper several hundred feet of the limestone consists of the Suwan-
nee limestone of late Oligocene age and the Tampa formation of
early Miocene age. South of Palm Harbor these limestones are over-
lain by clays and sandy clays of middle and late Miocene age. A
veneer of Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene sands and shelly sands,
ranging in thickness from several feet to more than 50 feet, overlies
the clays and sandy clays in the area south of Palm Harbor and
overlies.the Tampa formation' in the area north of Palm Harbor.
The Tampa and Suwannee limestones constitute the principal
source of water in the county. Water in these formations occurs
under water-table conditions in most of the area north of Palm
Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon, and under artesian conditions in
the area south of Palm Harbor. Where the water is under water-
table conditions the formations are recharged locally by rain. In
the area south of Palm Harbor, where the clays and sandy clays con-
fine the water in the limestones under pressure, water enters the
formations wherever the confining beds are discontinuous or absent,
but principally through sinkholes in the vicinity of Coachman.
The artesian water in the Tampa formation and Suwannee lime-
stone in the area north of Old Tampa Bay and east of Lake Tarpon
is derived principally from recharge that enters the limestones in
northern Hillsborough County and southern Pasco County.
In the area north of Palm Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon, the
water table is relatively low, ranging from about 2 feet to about
6 feet above sea level. Over the rest of the county, where the water
'The stratigraphic nomenclature \of this report conforms to the nomen-
clature of the Florida Geological Survey. It conforms also to the nomenclature
of the U. S, Geological Survey except that Tampa formation is used in this
report instead of Tampa limestone.
in the limestones is under artesian pressure, the piezometric sur-
face ranges from about 2 feet above sea level in some areas near
the coast to more than 22 feet in the northeastern part of the county.
The problem of salt-water encroachment first became prominent
in Pinellas County between 1920 and 1930 when the early municipal-
supply wells of St. Petersburg began to yield salty water. Areas
on both coasts of the county have been affected by the encroach-
ment. These include: (1) a small area that extends in a north-
easterly direction from the coast south of Palm Harbor almost to
Lake Tarpon; (2) most of the area between Indian Rocks and Long
Bayou; (3) an area along the southeastern coast of the county be-
ginning in the vicinity of Lake Maggiore and extending northward
for more than 15 miles; and (4) a small area at the north end of
Old Tampa Bay about 2 miles west of Oldsmar.
The chloride content of the water from many of the deep wells
in the areas of salt-water encroachment is more than 500 parts per
million, whereas the chloride content of uncontaminated ground
water in the county is generally less than 50 ppm. Uncontaminated
ground water generally contains less than 300 ppm of dissolved
solids and has a total hardness of less than 250 ppm.
The difficulty of locating and preserving adequate potable water
supplies is a problem confronting many of Florida's coastal com-
munities. In some areas the problem is one of finding satisfactory
water in sufficient quantity to supply the needs of the community;
in others, the problem is one of protecting supplies already developed
against an encroachment of salt water. The presence of naturally
salty ground water in some of the water-bearing formations in
Brevard, Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee, and other counties of the State
makes the finding of satisfactory ground-water supplies difficult.
In Pinellas County, however, the problem is primarily one of pre-
venting the encroachment of salt water into the water-bearing
Salt-water encroachment began first in the southern part of
the county in the early twenties. By 1930 it had so seriously affected
the St. Petersburg supply that a new well field was developed for
the city at Cosme, more than 20 miles north of the city, in Hills-
borough County. Since 1930 salt water has continued to move into
the water-bearing formations as a result of a gradual increase in
the withdrawal from wells. Among the other public water supplies
in the county that have increased in salinity are those of Clearwater,
Tarpon Springs, Pinellas Park, and the Pinellas County Water Sys-
tem. In addition, many wells supplying water for irrigation and
domestic uses have also been affected by the encroachment.
The investigation leading to this report was begun in 1944 by
the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida
Geological Survey and the Board of County Commissioners of
Pinellas County. Its primary purpose was to determine the extent
to which salt water had encroached into the water-bearing forma-
tions and, to evaluate the factors governing encroachment. An
investigation of the surface-water resources of the county also was
begun in 1944 by the Surface Water Branch of the U. S. Geological
The field work of the ground-water investigation consisted of:
1. The collection of information on the location, the depth and
diameter, and other pertinent facts on the existing wells in the
2. Analyses of the chloride content of water from all flowing wells
and from most of the wells equipped with pumps.
3. Repeated analyses of the chloride content of water from se-
lected wells.
4. Measurements of the water level in all open wells that could
be found.
5. The collection and geologic study of rock cuttings from 34
6. The installation of eight automatic water-stage recorders.
Most of the field work of the investigation was done by P. C.
Smith, of the U. S. Geological Survey, whose death in March 1949
prevented his writing the report. Earlier field work was done by
A. G. Unklesbay and T. C. Wiggins, also of the Federal Survey.
R. C. Heath collected the data on the piezometric surfaces, the
terraces, and the geology and prepared the report. The investi-
gation was made under the immediate supervision of H. H. Cooper,
Jr., District Engineer, and under the general supervision of A. N.
Sayre, Chief of the Ground Water Branch, U. S. Geological Survey,
and Herman Gunter, Director of the Florida Geological Survey.
Helpful assistance was given throughout the investigation by
W. A. McMullen, who was then County Engineer of Pinellas County.
A. R. Swartz, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Con-
servation Service, placed his office facilities at the disposal of the
authors during the investigation, and F. S. Mann, also of the Soil
Conservation Service, assisted in making water-level measurements.
A. O. Dunlap and other well drillers saved cuttings and gave infor-
mation on numerous wells. Also, information on wells was given by
many public officials and private individuals.
The water resources and geology of Pinellas County have been
treated briefly in previous reports of the Florida Geological Survey
and the U. S. Geological Survey. A report by Matson and Sanford
(1913, pp. 319-325) describes the geology and ground water of
Hillsborough County, which at that time included the area that is
now Pinellas County. A report by Sellards and Gunter (1913, pp.
258-262) contains a generalized map of the area of artesian flow
and describes the water-bearing formations. Chemical analyses of
23 samples of water from Pinellas County are listed in a report by
Collins and Howard (1928, p. 224). A recent report on the chemical
character of Florida waters (Black and Brown, 1951, pp. 91-93)
contains 81 analyses of water samples from Pinellas County. A
report by Stringfield (1933, pp. 13-17) gives a general discussion
of the occurrence of ground water in the county and calls attention
to the problems that need investigation. A map of the piezometric
surface of the principal artesian aquifers in the Florida peninsula
and a discussion of recharge and discharge areas are included in a
report by Stringfield (1936). The geologic formations that crop
out in Pinellas County have been described by Cooke (1945, pp. 131,
192, 224). A report by Ferguson and others (1947, p. 137) describes
two of the largest springs in the county and gives chemical analyses
of their waters.
Pinellas County is approximately in the center of the west coast
of Florida (see fig. 1) and includes the peninsula that separates
Old Tampa Bay from the Gulf of Mexico. It has a total of 439
square miles, of which only 290 square miles, or 185,600 acres, is
land. The county has a coast line of 128 miles, a length of about 40
miles, and an average width of about 7 miles.
The climate of the county is subtropical. The average annual
rainfall at Tarpon Springs during the 51-year period beginning in
1892, according to the records of the U. S. Weather Bureau, was
51.20 inches. The average annual rainfall at St. Petersburg over
the 32-year period beginning in 1915 was 53.24 inches. Thus, the
Figure 1.-Map of Florida showing location of Pinellas County.
average annual rainfall over a long period of years is about the same
in the northern part as it is in the southern part of the county.
However, in any particular year the amount falling on one part
may differ from that falling on another part by as much as 15
inches, or more. In 1941, for instance, Tarpon Springs had 62.46
inches of rainfall, whereas St. Petersburg had only 45.77 inches.
The months of heaviest rainfall are June through September. The
mean temperature in the county is 71.7 F.
The topography of Pinellas County may be divided into three
types: hilly uplands, characteristic of the area from Oakhurst to
Palm Harbor; a flat upland, around St. Petersburg; and level low-
lands, characteristic of the area north and east of Pinellas Park.
All of these subdivisions lie within "The Terraced Coastal Low-
lands" (see Vernon, 1951, p. 16.).
The principal upland area, here referred to as the "Pinellas
ridge," is an area ranging from 3 to 4 miles in width, bordering the
Gulf of Mexico from the vicinity of Oakhurst to the vicinity of
Palm Harbor. It consists of gently rolling hills formed by the erosion
of small streams, and of sinkholes formed by collapse of the surface
formations into limestone caverns. Altitudes on the ridge range
from about 25 feet to as much as 100 feet above sea level. However,
the summits of most of the hills are between 80 and 95 feet above
sea level, their concordance indicating that the Pinellas ridge may
once have been a continuous, relatively level upland. The highest
altitude in Pinellas County, as recorded on the topographic maps
of the U. S. Corps of Engineers, is 97 feet, on State Highway 580
about 4 miles east of Dunedin. The maximum relief on the ridge is
in Sec. 5, T. 28 S., R. 16 E., near the southwest shore of Lake Tar-
pon, where the altitude changes more than 40 feet in less than a
tenth of a mile. North of Pinellas ridge, and separated from it, is a
line of small hills, extending around the north end of Lake Tarpon,
whose summits range in altitude from about 20 to about 60 feet. Al-
though these hills are not a part of the ridge, they give the area in
which they occur a topography similar to that of the ridge.
The upland in the vicinity of St. Petersburg has low relief, the
maximum altitude being about 50 feet. This area is roughly circular
and has a diameter of about 5 miles.
Surrounding the upland areas are areas of low-lying level land
and swamps, which range in altitude from sea level to about 25
feet. These level lowlands are best exemplified and have the greatest
areal extent north and west of St. Petersburg and south and east
of Lake Tarpon.
During Pleistocene time the sea stood above and below its present
level, submerging greater and lesser portions of the land according
to its height. Whenever it remained relatively stationary for a
long period, waves and currents washing back and forth across the
sea floor formed an essentially level surface, called a "terrace."
Upon the retreat of the sea to a lower level each terrace emerged
as a level plain having a slight seaward dip. The landward margin
of such a terrace is the abandoned shoreline, which is generally
marked by a low scarp.
Discussions of the Pleistocene history and the terraces in
Florida are included in a report by Cooke (1945, pp. 245-312) and
Vernon (1951, pp. 19-32). Three of these terraces, the Pamlico,
Penholoway, and Wicomico, have been recognized by the senior
author in Pinellas County. The Pamlico terrace, whose shoreline
is approximately 25 feet above present sea level, is well preserved
in Pinellas County. The Penholoway may be associated with a
scarp that is present at several places in the county between 60
and 70 feet above sea level. The Wicomico terrace, built when the
sea stood approximately 100 feet above its present level, is repre-
sented by the highest surfaces of the Pinellas ridge.
The terraces are not readily recognizable on the topographic
maps of the county because the maps have 20-foot contour inter-
vals and hence do not show sufficient detail. In order to identify
and delineate the terraces, several traverses across the county were
made with an aneroid barometer. However, the topographic maps
were used to delineate them in the relatively inaccessible areas
where traverses were not made. The boundaries of the terraces are
shown in figure 2.
When the sea stood 100 feet higher than it does today, during
Wicomico time, the Pinellas ridge was a shoal about 40 miles west
of the nearest land, which consisted of a large island located in
what is now the relatively high lake region of central Florida. Much
of the shoal, particularly in the area northeast of Dunedin, was so
near sea level that some parts of it may have emerged during low
During the formation of the Penholoway terrace, which is
believed by Cooke (1945, p. 17) to have occurred during the Sanga-
Figure 2.-Map showing the Pleistocene terraces of Pinellas County.
mon stage interglaciall), about 200,000 years ago, the Pinellas ridge
was a chain of islands about 35 miles west of the mainland. Rem-
nants of a scarp that was formed during that time are, among other
places, at the following locations: about three-fourths of a mile
east of Palm Harbor on State Road 580; about 3 miles east of
Dunedin and also about 5 miles east of Dunedin; near the south
side of Largo on U. S. Highway 19; and about a quarter of a mile
north of Walsingham on U. S. Highway 19.
Cooke (1945, p. 292) recognized the Talbot terrace having a
scarp based at 42 feet. The senior author recognized no such terrace
in Pinellas County but included in the Pamlico terrace deposits
which Cooke might have considered to be Talbot. However, at
several places in the county the base of the Pamlico terrace is at
an altitude of 42 feet. The most notable example is the segment
of the scarp on State Road 580 about half a mile west of Tampa Bay.
There, the land surface rises from 40 to 52 feet above sea level in
less than a tenth of a mile. Another is near the intersection of
38th Avenue West and 44th Street North in St. Petersburg, where
the surface rises from 42 to 53 feet above sea level.
The Pamlico is the best preserved and therefore the most easily
recognizable terrace in Pinellas County. Its landward margin,
which coincides with the shoreline of the Pamlico sea, occurs at the
base of a low scarp that is well preserved at many places in the
county. The scarp is well preserved, for example, along Clearwater
Harbor in the vicinity of Clearwater, where it is rarely more than
several hundred feet inland from the present shore, and also along
the west side of Old Tampa Bay. However, it is not generally as
well preserved on the bay as on the gulf.
The line of hills (see fig. 2) that extends from the Pinellas ridge
along the west and north shores of Lake Tarpon may have been
formed, as a bar (Leverett, 1931, p. 21) or a spit, of material trans-
ported from the Pinellas ridge by an ocean current flowing in a
northerly direction. The change in trend of the islands from north
to east around the north end of Lake Tarpon was probably caused
either by local currents, such as would accompany eastward-moving
storms, or by a change in direction of the dominant'ocean current
during the formation of the Pamlico terrace. The building of sand
dunes has increased the altitude of some of these islands by as
much as 15 to 40 feet above the level of the sea at that time.
The northern part of the county is drained underground by
solution channels in the Tampa formation, and by the Anclote
River. The Pinellas ridge is drained by a series of short creeks on
both the east and west coasts. Sinkholes and lakes also receive some
of the surface drainage of the ridge, particularly in the area around
Coachman, where part of the rainfall percolates downward through
sinkholes into the underlying formations. The southern part of
the peninsula is drained by Long Bayou and Cross Bayou and their
short natural tributaries, and by the network of canals that have
been dug to drain the previously swampy areas in the vicinity of
Pinellas Park.
The geologic formations that are exposed in Pinellas County
range from deposits of early Miocene age (the Tampa formation)
to undifferentiated deposits of Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene age.
Those below the Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene are exposed in a series
of belts across the county (fig. 3). The boundaries of the forma-
tions as shown on figure 3 are generalized, but probably represent
the true boundaries rather closely. Information on which the geo-
logic map was drawn was obtained from 34 well logs and from a
study of several outcrops of the formation. A geologic cross section
showing the vertical extent of the different formations from the
vicinity of Tarpon Springs to St. Petersburg is given in figure 4.
The following discussion of the formations of Pinellas County
does not include the Ocala limestone which, although it underlies
the county, is not important locally as a water-bearing formation be-
cause it is more than 300 feet beneath the surface and is overlain by
a productive aquifer composed of the Tampa formation and Suwan-
nee limestone, and because the water from the Ocala in Pinellas
County is more highly mineralized than the water in the overlying
All deposits of Oligocene age in Pinellas County are referred to
the Suwannee limestone. These deposits are differentiated from
the underlying deposits of Eocene age and from the overlying de-
posits of Miocene age on the basis of lithology and fossil content.
Suwannee Limestone
In Pinellas County the Suwannee limestone is composed pre-
111III1 Lower Miocene-Tompa formation
QX^ Undifferentiated middle and upper'
Miocene deposits
iti.- Middle Miocene-Hawthorn format
1 0 I 2 3
Figure 3.-Geologic map of the Miocene deposits in Pinellas County.
dominantly of a white to cream-colored, hard, generally fossiliferous
limestone. Well 5 (fig. 4), north of Tarpon Springs, penetrated 180
feet of Suwannee limestone. Although the well ended in the Su-
wannee, the formation is believed to be not much over 180 feet thick.
Cooke (1945, p. 88) reports that the Suwannee lies unconformably
on the Byram limestone or, where that is absent, on the Ocala lime-
stone and that it is unconformably overlain by the Tampa formation.
It is highly permeable and a good source of water where salt water
has not entered it. Water from the Suwannee is relatively hard.
Sedimentary rocks and sediments of Miocene age in Pinellas
County cannot be differentiated on the basis of fossils because of
the scarcity of identifiable specimens. Therefore, a division of the
Miocene can be made only on the basis of lithology.
The lower part of the section of Miocene age consists of hard,
sandy limestone referred to the Tampa formation. In the southern
part of the county the Tampa is overlain by marine sands and clays
of the Hawthorn formation, also of Miocene age (see fig. 4). In
the central part of the county, from the vicinity of Clearwater to
Figure 4.-North-south geologic section through Pinellas County along
line A-A' in figure 3.
Palm Harbor, the Tampa is overlain by sediments that appear to
have been derived from weathering of the limestone. They are re-
ferred to in this report as deposits of middle and upper Miocene age.
Tampa Formation'
The Tampa formation is generally a hard, sandy limestone,
whose color varies from white to light tan. Chert fragments are
abundant in some well cuttings. The formation contains many
molds of Gastropods and Pelecypods, and a few specimens of the
foraminifera Archais floridanus and Sorites (?) sp. The Tampa
ranges in thickness from about 100 feet in the northern part of the
county to about 150 feet in the southern part.
The Tampa formation is believed by Cooke (1945, p. 115) to lie
unconformably on the Suwannee limestone. The Hawthorn forma-
tion, according to Cooke (1945, p. 145), lies conformably on the
Tampa, and in some areas of the State the two formations are so
similar lithologically that it is difficult to differentiate them. How-
ever, according to Vernon (1951, pp. 183-186, table 14) there is an
unconformity between the two in the west-central and southwestern
parts of the Floridan peninsula.
The altitude of the top of the Tampa formation is shown in
figure 5. This map is based on the altitude of the top of the first
limestone penetrated in wells, as determined from a study of rock
cuttings from 34 wells, as reported in 75 drillers' logs, and as in-
dicated by the depth of casing in 7 wells.
Where no well cuttings or drillers' logs are available, the records
of the depths of casing in wells are a generally reliable index of
the depth to the limestone, because wells are commonly cased only
to the top of the limestone. Thus, in the area north of Pinellas Park,
where other data were lacking, the records of casings were used to
determine the altitude of the top of the formation. Table 1 shows
the generally close correlation between the various types of data
used in compiling figure 5. This table lists the wells for which all
three types of data were available. Only in wells 13 and 410 was
there any considerable discrepancy among the data.
Limestones such as those of the Tampa are formed beneath the
sea and originally have a smooth upper surface which dips gently
seaward. Later, if a different type of sediment, such as sand, is
'The stratigraphic nomenclature of this report conforms to the nomen-
clature of the Florida Geological Survey. It conforms also to the nomenclature
of the U. S. Geological Survey except that Tampa formation is used in this
report instead of Tampa limestone.
No. of well
in table 5
Depth to lime-
stone from well
cuttings (feet)
Depth to lime-
stone from driller's
log (feet
Depth of
casing (feet)
deposited on the limestone before it emerges from the sea, the
smooth surface is preserved, and the contact between the limestone
and sand is said to be conformable. If, on the other hand, the
younger material is deposited after the surface of the limestone has
been exposed to the atmosphere and altered by erosion, the con-
tact is irregular, and is said to be unconformable.
An inspection of figure 5 reveals that the surface of the Tampa
formation is irregular. Actually, the generalized representation
shown in the figure cannot show the numerous pinnacles and sink-
holes that are presumed to exist. As pointed out above, Vernon has
found that the Tampa formation and the Hawthorn formation are
separated by an unconformity in the west-central and southwest-
ern parts of the Florida peninsula. Thus, the irregular surface of
the Tampa in southern Pinellas County is doubtless due primarily
to erosion that preceded the deposition of the Hawthorn formation.
The irregular surface of the Tampa in the central part of the county
is probably due partly to erosion and partly to irregular weathering
of the Tampa during the formation of the middle and upper Miocene
The limestone of the Tampa contains numerous solution chan-
nels, -which provide a large storage capacity anid readily transmit
water to wells. It comprises the upper part of the productive lime-
stone aquifer, which is the principal source of water in the county.
k'1~~i I~ FD Al ~L tk. I
% %0 % %
* Well for which driller's log or well cuttings \
or both are ovailoble
0 Well for which depth of casing was used
to determine top of limestone
as Number of well listed in Table 5
() Post office or principal intersection of town
Contour lines represent approximately the altitude, referred
to mean sea level, of the top of the Tampo formation
O/-*'Conour lines based on well cuttings or drillers log
,-60-''Con ur lines based only on depth of casing
Figure 5.-Map showing the approximate altitude of the top of the Tampa formation in Pinellas County.
Observation well
Observation well on which altitude of
measuring point has been determined
Well on which water-level recorder has
been installed
Number assigned to well in Table 5
Contour lines represent the approximate
height, in feet, to which water would
rise in cased wells that penetrate the
limestone aquifer, June 1949.
Approximate areas of artesian flow
I 0 I 2 3
6Ii l.&
Figure 13.-Map showing the piezometric surface and the area of artesian flow in Pinellas County in June 1949.
F`LUKILIA C~tk~uliucCL ~LK~VkY
// g s ** ^^
-J V
0J _
.0 -
S- 0- o 23
XXi#O S o oo
@ 000o OLDSMAR
59CP 8 0 0 o22 0
ODUNEDIN 06'1672n1lto02 I2
/ 244 333 .1
1 O3 Wa
O = O O 0 4
i "'9 *COACRMAN Oa** 'g
% see 02G I 02 O
i2 )04 oo 4 o Pf4 %3\ -^
S !,4 429 _, @440 0,40. 5'_.00 0 547M
R OCK Si 476 (, s
%98 0290 O 04437
,0 OU', sD3
1M i @602 057
Chloride Content
(Ports per Million) \\
O 50 or less A 6
0 51 to 250 \'W v. >
501 to 1000 ',, /
SIpl 0or more
Assigned to wel in table
Underlined well number indicates chloride '
determination made in 1943-45 by the '
Agricultural Experiment Stotion, Lake Alfred, e' A
Florida oi '//
Post office or principal intersection of town 5s40 ". -- -'. f
SC 1 MI E 3I 0 "
251 o 50 6
501 to 1000
0 lpolor mor
v A. imq f~b
Numbr asigrd towellin able5 X 065
Figure 16.-Map showing the chloride content of water in wells that penetrate the limestone aquifer in Pinellas County.
___ ___
I*(I t f L
The hardness of its water ranges generally between 150 and 225
ppm in those wells whose water has not been contaminated by salt-
water encroachment.
Hawthorn Formation
As shown in figure 3, the Hawthorn formation underlies the
peninsula south of Clearwater. It ranges from a fairly hard gray
sandstone to sandy gray clay, and is calcareous in places. Irregu-
larly distributed through it are small grains of black and brownish
phosphate and angular fragments of chert. The formation ranges
in thickness from about 50 feet in the vicinity of Clearwater to 80
or 90 feet at the southern end of the county. It is overlain by sands
and shelly sands of Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene age.
The Hawthorn contains beds of sand which yield water to do-
mestic wells, but as a whole it is a relatively poor producer of water
because the sands are discontinuous and have a low permeability.
No analysis of water from the Hawthorn formation was made as a
part of this investigation, but it appears probable that the water
would be less hard than that from the underlying limestone forma-
The clays of the Hawthorn formation, together with those in
the deposits of middle and late Miocene age, confine the artesian
water in the limestone, retarding or preventing vertical movement
of water to or from the limestone.
Middle and Upper Miocene Deposits
The Tampa formation in the central part of the county, from
Clearwater to Palm Harbor, is overlain by deposits consisting pre-
dominantly of blue to gray clay, fine-grained sandstone, and
weathered lumps of limestone. Occurring irregularly in the deposits
are fragments of chert and cavities containing sand that probably
washed down from the Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene deposits above.
The thickness of these deposits is generally less than 50 feet.
The age of these deposits is uncertain because of the absence
of fossils. However, studies of well cuttings indicate that near their
contact with the Hawthorn formation the lower part may inter-
finger with the Hawthorn, whereas the upper part apparently
overlies the Hawthorn. Thus, these deposits are probably in part
contemporaneous with the Hawthorn formation and in part younger
than the Hawthorn. They are probably equivalent to deposits re.
ferred by Vernon (1951, pp. 180 and 189) to the Alachua formation
in Citrus and Levy counties.
The large percentage of clay in these deposits would probably
prevent them from yielding even small supplies of water. However,
they constitute a competent confining bed for the water in the
underlying limestones.
The surface deposits in Pinellas County consist of sands and
shelly sands ranging in thickness from a few feet to more than
50 feet. North of Oakhurst and north and west of Largo they con-
sist predominantly of fine to coarse sand. Southeast of Largo and
east of Oakhurst they consist principally of calcareous sandstone.
These deposits unconformably overlie the deposits of Miocene age.
The age of the surface deposits is not definitely known. Cooke
(1945, p. 224) referred the sand and shell deposits in the southern
part of the county to the Caloosahatchee formation of Pliocene age.
On the other hand, Vernon2 believes all the deposits in Pinellas
County above those of Miocene age were deposited during the
The Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene deposits are not generally an
important source of water in those parts of the county where water
of satisfactory quality is available from the limestone, although
they yield a few small domestic supplies throughout the county.
Where salt water has moved into the limestone formations many
domestic supplies are obtained from these deposits. However, the
water from these deposits is likely to contain appreciable amounts
of salt in some of the coastal areas, particularly around the southern
end of the county. Water from these deposits is likely to be cor-
rosive and to contain objectionable amounts of iron.
Ground water is the subsurface water that is in the zone of
saturation-the zone in which all pore spaces are completely filled
with water. The zone of saturation is the reservoir from which
all water from wells and springs is derived. The water in the zone
2Personal communication.
of saturation is derived from rain and snow that falls on the earth's
surface. Not all the precipitation on the earth's surface soaks into
the ground, however; part of it is returned to the atmosphere by
evaporation, and part of it enters streams, lakes, and other open
bodies of water and becomes surface water. Of the part that does
filter into the earth some is lost by transpiration of plants, and
some reaches the zone of saturation. Upon reaching the zone of
saturation, the water is available to supply wells and springs and
is thereafter referred to as ground water. Water between the zone
of saturation and the land surface is subsurface water but is not
called ground water.
The amount of rainfall that enters the ground to become ground
water depends upon many factors. Among these are the slope of
the land on which the rain falls, the vegetal cover, the intensity of
the rain, the climate and the character of the surface material
through which the water must percolate to reach the zone of
saturation. After water reaches the zone of saturation it begins
to move laterally under the influence of gravity toward a place of
discharge, such as a spring, a surface stream, or the ocean.
The ground water thus moving toward a point of discharge may
be under either water-table (nonartesian) conditions or artesian
conditions. Where it only partly fills a permeable formation, its
surface is free to rise and fall and it is said to be under water-table
conditions. Where it completely fills a permeable bed that is over-
lain by a relatively impermeable bed, it is confined and its surface
is not free to rise and fall. Water thus confined is said to be under
"artesian" conditions. Technically, the term "artesian" is applied
to ground water that is confined under sufficient pressure to rise
above the top of the permeable bed that contains it, but not
necessarily above the land surface.
A formation in the zone of saturation that is permeable enough
to transmit water in a usable quantity to wells and springs is
called an "aquifer" or water-bearing formation. Areas in which
water from the surface percolates downward to the zone of satura-
tion are called "recharge areas." Ordinarily, water-table aquifers
are exposed at the land surface almost everywhere and hence re-
ceive recharge over most of their expanse. On the other hand,
artesian aquifers can receive recharge only in areas in which their
confining beds are discontinuous or absent.
Ground water in Florida occurs under both artesian and water-
table conditions. The principal artesian aquifer consists of several
limestone formations of Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene age thft
act more or less as a single hydrologic unit. Stringfield (1936, pp.
125-132, 146) described the aquifer and mapped the piezometric
surface of artesian water in 1933 and 1934. Later, Parker (1946)
proposed the name "Floridan aquifer" as a collective term for the
water-bearing limestone formations. In a large part of Florida
the water in this aquifer is confined under pressure by relatively
impermeable beds of Miocene age. The collective term "Floridan
aquiclude" has been applied to these confining beds by Parker (1951,
pp. 819-820).
Ground water in Pinellas County occurs under both water-table
and artesian conditions. The water in the surficial sand deposits
throughout the county and the water in the Tampa formation and
Suwannee limestone in the area lying north of Palm Harbor and
west of Lake Tarpon is under water-table conditions. South of
Palm Harbor and east of Lake Tarpon the water in the limestone
aquifer is under artesian conditions.
The height to which water in an artesian well will rise above
a given datum is called the artesian "pressure head." The pressure
head at any place in the artesian system is controlled in part by
the head in the area in which the aquifer is recharged, which in
turn is determined by the amount of replenishment that reaches
the aquifer from rainfall. Systematic observations of the artesian
head or, as the case may be, of the water table are an important
part of any investigation of ground water.
Measurements of water levels have been made in many wells in
Pinellas County. The measurements are recorded in table 5, to-
gether with the dates on which they were made. They provide in-
formation on the altitude and seasonal variations of the artesian
head in the county.
Variations in water level from one time to another are principally
the result of such factors as rainfall, pumping, and tides. In order
to obtain continuous records of the changes in the artesian head,
eight wells in Pinellas County were equipped with automatic water-
stage recorders. Hydrographs for seven of the wells, prepared from
the records of these recording gages, are shown in figures 6 and 7.
The first recorder was installed on well 272 at Clearwater in No-
vember 1945 and was kept in operation until June 1949, when it
became necessary for the city to place the well in service as a
z cr
'ELL 337, 0.3 mile northeast of Coachman
-Monthly Rainfall at ClearwaterIh- 4-
i1~T tl
I! I_1I I L
i.Iiuli IIEL AI D
SI.1.1 I i I I I I I Il U I I I I
Figure 6.-Hydrographs of wells 246, 269, 272, and 837 in Pinellas County, and monthly rainfall at Clearwater.
'45 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952
WELi 246, Clearwater II
S- il_ i Water-stage recorder removed December10
I1- j when owner installed pump.
WELL 269, on Stevenson Creek at Gulf to Bay Blvd. I I|1 1 ---- .lI- ,L111 Ill
Si 1111 HII I I I I
S Water-stage recorder removed May 31
when owner installed pump.
WELL 272, Clearwater i _- 1 1, !1.1 11- -I1111 11 11
z x
6 10
9 5
L~vt,"IlAA6 1%,0" t'llCll il vilco uu llig toiltz lad-Illuiltill lita luu.
A" -
Frilml IN ii il Inmol-ill Imoml Irml Al
. . . . .. . . . . . I I I r
i I
i i i i
. . . . . . I .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ---~ ~- -
m i i i
--L-A- L
' i =
oql r(lY 11 1 Im i 11 1 if f if 11 1 11 It r-ir if 1 11 1 11 A 11=11
I I- I I II 1_ I I I I I I I I I U 1 I I I I I I -l I I I IILIJ I I I I1. I 1 1-1
municipal-supply well. Fortunately, however, the recorder on
well 246, only eight-tenths of a mile north of well 272, was placed
in operation shortly after the one on well 272. The records for the
other wells in the county were begun in the last half of 1947.
As may be seen from figures 6 and 7 the water-stage recorders
were removed from wells 269 and 337 when the owners installed
pumps. The record for well 337 ended in April 1950, and that for
well 269 ended in December 1952.
Long-time records from water-stage recording instruments are
very useful in studies of salt-water encroachment, as they indicate
the extent to which water levels may be declining because of such
factors as heavy pumping and artificial drainage through canals.
As the artesian head controls the extent to which sea water may
move into the formation, a progressive decline, however slow,
would indicate that the encroachment problem is likely to become
more critical. The hydrographs of the wells equipped with automa-
tic water-stage recorders (figs. 6 and 7) show a slight decline of
water levels from the beginning of each record to the spring of 1950.
The decline was probably due in part to a relatively low rainfall dur-
ing 1948 and 1949, although some of the decline may have been due
to withdrawal. During the summer and fall of 1950 the water levels
rose to the highest point on record in all wells except well 13. A
new high probably would have been recorded in well 13 also, had the
gage not become temporarily inoperative early in September.
After the high levels of September 1950 the water levels in
all wells declined slowly until May 1951, after which they declined
rapidly in all wells except well 13. This rapid decline was doubtless
due to a heavier use of water for irrigation during May and June
when the rainfall was below normal. About the middle of June
the water levels began to recover, probably as a result of decreased
pumping. During the rainy season, from July through September,
they were about the same as at the beginning of the year, although
they were still 1 to 3 feet lower than in September 1950. They re-
mained relatively stable until April 1952 when they began to decline
rapidly once more. By the middle of May they had reached the
lowest points on record in wells 246 and 269, in Clearwater, and in
well 561, east of Pinellas Park. These low water levels were probably
due to heavy pumping during April and May, which months were
exceptionally dry-the rainfall at Clearwater and Tarpon Springs
totaling less than 2 inches during the 2-month period.
wz Z
Zzj <
315 Monthly Roinfall at t Petersburg --- -
Figure 7.- ydroraphs of wells 103, 77, and 561 in Pines County, and monthly rainfall at three stations.
Figure 7.-Hydrographs of wells 13, 77, and 561 in Pinellas County, and monthly rainfall at three stations.
1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952
Well 13. in Tarpon Springs
Month Rnfall at T Spr rgs
Well 77 0.8 mile southeast of Palm Harbor
Monthly Rinfall at Clearte
Well 561, 2.6 miles east of Pinellas Park' I | III I
The water levels in artesian wells fluctuate almost continuously.
Some of the varied causes of the fluctuations observed in Pinellas
County are rainfall, pumping, ocean tides, variations in barometric
pressure, earthquakes, and moving railroad trains. The fluctuations
range from almost inperceptible movements to changes of several
feet. The changes of water level produced by rainfall and pumping
are the largest of all the fluctuations and are the most important
because they affect the amount of water in the aquifer and the
extent to which sea water will encroach.
Fluctuations caused by tides, changes in barometric pressure,
earthquakes, and trains are usually less than a foot in amplitude
and of short duration, and are significant only in that they reveal
the elastic properties of the aquifer. Generally these fluctuations,
except those due to tides, occur only in wells that end in artesian
aquifers. Tidal fluctuations occur along coasts in both artesian and
water-table aquifers.
Fluctuations Caused by Rainfall
Fluctuations caused by rainfall are especially significant because
they indicate the extent to which the water in the aquifer is re-
plenished. Well 337, near Coachman, is in an area in which the
artesian limestone aquifer receives recharge from rain. Thus, the
water level in this well may be expected to respond relatively
rapidly and strongly to rains. A hydrograph giving the complete
record for well 337 is shown in figure 6, but the time scale of this
hydrograph is so condensed that the response of the water level
to individual rains is not apparent. However, the response is obvious
in figure 8, which gives the record for 1948 on an expanded time
scale. As the water level in the well is lowered during certain
periods of the year by intermittent pumping from other wells in
the vicinity, the daily highest and lowest water levels are given so
that the effect of pumping may be observed and differentiated
from the effect of rainfall.
A study of figure 8 indicates that rain at Clearwater is generally
followed within a few days by a rise in the water level in well 337.
At times, however, a rain at Clearwater is not followed by a rise
in the water level, and at other times the water level rises ap-
preciably when no rain at Clearwater is recorded. This occasional
lack of correlation between the water level and the rainfall is
doubtless due principally to differences between the rainfall at
KLr 11W i LLI ..1 11 .E.O:
Figure 8.-Daily highest and lowest water levels in well 337, 0.3 mile
northeast of Coachman, and daily rainfall at Clearwater.
Clearwater and that at Coachman. Such differences in rainfall
within short distances are common in Florida.
The hydrographs of those wells in the county on which recording
gages are maintained and the rainfall at the stations nearest the
wells, given in figures 6 and 7, indicate the manner in which the
water levels vary seasonally and from year to year in relation to
rainfall. The relationship is somewhat obscured by the fact that
periods of relatively heavy pumping accompany periods of little
or no rainfall. Thus, the decline of water levels during droughts is
only in part a direct result of the lack of rainfall, and the recovery
of water levels during rainy periods is only in part a direct result
of the rains. Where relatively heavy pumping of water for irrigation
accompanies droughts, as it does in Pinellas County, a differentia-
tion between respective effects of rainfall and of pumping on water
levels can be made only after much investigation and study, if at
all. The available information does not permit a differentiation
of the two effects in figures 6 and 7.
Fluctuations Caused by Pumping
When water is pumped from a well that penetrates an artesian
aquifer the water level in the well and the artesian head in the
surrounding area are lowered. The decline of the artesian head
is greatest at the pumped well and it decreases as the distance
A, A
S \
5 1 E I
-- _._- __--
Figure 9.-Fluctuations of the water level in well 269, at Stevenson
Creek, caused by pumping from Clearwater municipal-supply wells.
(Figures in parentheses indicate daily rainfall, in inches, at Clearwater.)
from the well increases. As pumping continues the cone of de-
pression deepens and. broadens at a gradually diminishing rate.
As the cone encompasses another well the water level in that well
first, but more slowly later as it approaches the initial static level.
Figure 9 shows fluctuations of the water level in well 269, at
Stevenson Creek, caused by pumping from several other wells in
the vicinity, including wells 253, 263, 266, 267, 270, and 271 of the
Clearwater municipal supply. The nearest of these is well 270, 0.3
magically start and stop, it has not been possible to identify the
drawdowns and recoveries shown in the hydrographs with the wells
that caused them. The relatively long downward trends in the
hydrograph, such as the one between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and
11:00 a.m., April 6, are typical of the drawdown curves caused by
steady pumping from one or more wells. Had the drawdown curve
Figure 9 shows fluctuations of the water level in well 269, at
on April 6 not been entered by a a pumping from several wells
the vicinity, including wells 253, 263, 266, 267, 270, and 271 of the
ome of the wells, it would have contain ued downward, gradually ap-
fluence the water level more than those farther away, but, as no
record is made oflh times at which the individual pumps auto-
proaching the horizontal, tas indicated by the dashed line B-B'
representing a logarithmic extension of the curve. ra thwever, as
that caused them. The relatively long downward trends in the
11:00 a.m., April 6, are typical of the drawdown curves caused by
steady pumping from one or more wells. Had the drawdown curve
on April 6 not been interrupted by a cessation of pumping from
some of the wells, it would have continued downward, gradually ap-
proaching the horizonttal, as indicated by the dashed line B-B'
representing a logarithmic extension of the curve. However, as
the demand for water decreased during the evening, the pumping
became intermittent, and the water level recovered and declined in
a complicated fashion. The rise of the water level during the night
of April 5 and the morning of April 6 has the form of a typical
recovery curve, such as that which follows the cessation of pumping
from one or more wells. Such curves have very nearly the form
of a drawdown curve on an inverted scale. If there had been no
further pumping, the recovery during the morning of April 6 would
have continued at a diminishing rate, as indicated by the dashed
line A-A', until the water became stabilized at some higher level.
The relationship between the hydrograph shown in figure 9
and the rainfall at Clearwater demonstrates the manner in which
rainfall acts as a secondary influence on water levels through its
effect on the use of water and, hence, on the rate of pumping. The
rainfall recorded by the U. S. Weather Bureau at Clearwater was
0.45 inch on April 5, 0.11 inch on April 6, 0.26 inch on April 11, and
0.90 inch on April 12. No rainfall was recorded during the period
April 7 to 10. A heavier use of water during the period April 8 to 11
is indicated by the fact that the water level in well 269 was more
strongly affected by pumping during that period. It appears prob-
able that the heavier pumping of water beginning April 8 was a
result of the use of water for lawn sprinkling during the brief
drought. The fact that the heavier pumping extended into April
11, when 0.26 inch of rain was recorded, might be explained by the
possibility that the rain fell during the late afternoon, or by the
fact that April 11 fell on Monday, which is washday for many
Wherever there is pumping, water levels react in much the same
way as they do in well 269. The resultant effect is a general lower-
ing of the water levels which is most pronounced where heavily
pumped wells are concentrated. In those areas where large quan-
tities of ground water are used for irrigation, water levels will be
lowered most during droughts, when wells are pumped most
Fluctuations Caused by Tides
The water levels in many wells near the coast fluctuate in
response to ocean tides. These fluctuations are due to one of two
causes: (1) where the aquifer is exposed to the sea, to a direct
marginal transfer of water between the ocean and the ground
water, and (2) in an artesian aquifer that is exposed to the ocean
August 1946
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
/ Predicted times of high tide Fluctuations due to passage of trains
t e q an ,I t
.oo a e ri
the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1946. The maximum water
levels in the well lag half an hour or more behind the predicted
w ,iw ihJ I
'< I;..
Figure .-Water level in well 272 showing fluctuations due to ocean
tides, earthquakes, and passing trains.
only at places more or less remote from the well, to an alternate
compression and expansion of the aquifer by the rise and fall of
the tide. Tidal fluctuations are apparent on the records of the
automatic recording gages on wells 246 and 272, which are respec-
tively 0.2 and 0.3 mile from Clearwater Harbor. The maximum
recorded tidal fluctuation in these wells is about half a foot. Figure
10, which is a tracing of the record of an automatic recorder, shows
the effect of tides on the water level in well 272 during the period
August 2 to 9,1946. Short vertical lines above the line representing
the water level show the predicted times of high tide at St.
Josephs Sound (Clearwater Harbor) as given in the tide tables of
the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1946. The maximum water
levels in the well lag half an hour or more behind the predicted
times of high tide.
Fluctuations Caused by Earthquakes and Trains
The water levels in many wells that penetrate the artesian aqui-
fers in Florida fluctuate when earthquake waves pass the wells.
Such waves cause very rapid alternate expansion and contraction
of the acquifer, which force the water level in the well to rise and
Fluctuations of the water level in well 272 that were caused by
the destructive Dominican Republic earthquake of August 4, 1946,
are shown in figure 10. Also shown are fluctuations caused by the
aftershock of the earthquake, which occurred on August 8, 1946.
The maximum magnitude of the earthquake fluctuation of August
4 was 0.9 foot, and the water level continued to fluctuate for about
2 hours.
Slight fluctuations caused by the passing of trains are not un-
common in artesian wells near railroad tracks (Jacob, 1939, pp. 666-
674). Such fluctuations are small and are perceptible only in wells
that are within a few hundred feet of the railroad tracks. They
are caused by a compression of the aquifer by the weight of the
train. The fluctuations in well 272, shown in figure 10, were caused
by trains passing on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad tracks about
50 feet from the well.
Fluctuations Caused by Changes in Atmospheric Pressure
Changes in atmospheric pressure cause corresponding changes
in the water level of artesian wells (Parker and Stringfield, 1950,
pp. 450-453). Fluctuations of water level due to changes in at-
mospheric pressure are often masked by greater fluctuations that
are due to other causes, but they are readily recognizable on the
charts obtained from the water-stage recording instruments on
wells 337 and 561.
Figure 11 shows a comparison between the water level in well
337 and the atmospheric pressure as recorded by a barograph at
the U. S. Weather Bureau Station, Drew Field, Tampa, from April
APRIL 1949
23 24 23 26 27 28 29 30
,-- 45.2
w U)
____________________________ _____
33.8 '
Figure 11.-Effect of atmospheric pressure on the water level in well
337, located 0.3 mile northeast of Coachman.
23 to 30, 1949. The atmospheric pressure, which is recorded on the
barograph in inches of mercury, has been converted to the equiva-
lent pressure in feet of water and plotted on an inverted scale. The
similarity between the two graphs is obvious. Rises in atmos-
pheric pressure cause corresponding declines in the water level
in the well, and vice versa.
The height to which water will rise above sea level in wells
that penetrate the principal artesian aquifer in Florida is shown by
the contour lines in figure 12. The imaginary surface represented
by the contour lines is referred to as a "piezometric surface." The
shape of the piezometric surface indicates the direction of move-
ment of artesian water and the areas in which the aquifer is re-
plenished by water that falls as rain. Water enters the aquifer
Figure 12.-Map of Florida showing, the piezometric surface.
in those areas in which the piezometric surface is high and moves
in a direction approximately perpendicular to the contour lines to
the areas in which the piezometric surface is low.
One of the most conspicuous features of the piezometric surface
in Florida, shown in figure 12, is the dome centered in Polk County,
which indicates that considerable recharge enters the artesian
aquifer in Polk and surrounding counties (Stringfield, 1936, p. 148).
The artesian aquifer is also recharged in Pasco County and parts
of Hernando and Hillsborough Counties, where the piezometric
surface has the shape of a smaller dome with a maximum altitude
of about 80 feet. As indicated by the slope of the piezometric sur-
face, the artesian water flows southwestward from the central part
of Pasco County into northeastern Pinellas County.
The piezometric surface in Pinellas County is shown in figures
13 and 14. Figure 13 was prepared from measurements made in
June 1949 of water levels in 69 wells in the county. Figure 14 was
prepared from measurements made in May 1951 of water levels
in 57 wells in the county. As indicated by the contours in the figures,
the piezometric surface at the time of the measurements ranged
from less than 2 feet above sea level in the northwestern part of
the county to slightly more than 22 feet above sea level in the north-
eastern part of the county. In the Pinellas peninsula the piezometric
surface is highest in a small area south of Coachman, where it
stands slightly more than 16 feet above sea level.
The piezometric surface changes constantly in response to such
influences as rainfall and pumping, but its general features remain
the same. Thus it can be seen from a comparison of figures 13 and
14 that in response to differences in rainfall and pumping the
piezometric surface was appreciably lower in May 1951 than it was
in June 1949. In fact, a comparison of the water-level measure-
ments, which are included in table 5, shows that the water levels
were 0.2 foot to 4.3 feet lower in 1951 than in 1949.
Owing to the lack of a sufficient number of wells in which
water-level measurements can be made, the details of the piezo-
metric surface cannot be mapped accurately in many parts of the
county. Although nearly 1,000 wells have been drilled to the
Tampa formation in Pinellas County, water levels were accessible
for measurement in less than 75 wells, because of the way in which
turbine pumps were installed. In other parts of the State most
wells that have turbine pumps are equipped with air lines which
permit measurement of the water levels, but few wells in Pinellas
County are so equipped. Facilities for making water-level measure-
ments are especially desirable in areas affected by salt-water en-
croachment to aid in determining the extent of encroachment, which
is controlled by the height of the water table or the artesian head.
Prior to the mapping of the piezometric surface it was thought
that the artesian water in the Pinellas peninsula was derived from
recharge in Pasco and Hillsborough counties (Stringfield, 1933, pp.
15-16). The more detailed mapping of the piezometric surface
(fig. 13 and 14) has revealed, however, that in addition to the
artesian water moving into the county from adjoining counties
the aquifer receives recharge locally by rains. Most of the local re-
charge apparently occurs where the piezometric surface has a
ridgelike shape in the area north and south of Coachman. The
rate of recharge is probably greatest in the area centered about a
mile south of Coachman where the piezometric surface has the
shape of an elongated dome.
It is not possible to determine the extent of the recharge area
from a study of the piezometric surfaces. In fact, it appears prob-
able that some recharge enters the aquifer by slow percolation
through the confining bed wherever the water table stands ap-
preciably higher than the piezometric surface. Recharge doubtless
enters the aquifer also wherever the confining bed is discontinuous
or absent, as, for example, through the sinkholes in the eastern part
of Dunedin. A study of the piezometric surfaces has revealed,
however, that the artesian water in all the county south of a line
through Palm Harbor and Oldsmar is derived wholly from local
rainfall. The water in the aquifer in the county north of Palm
Harbor and Oldsmar is derived in part from local recharge and in
part from recharge in Pasco and Hillsborough counties.
In the area north of Palm Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon the
piezometric surface is low and has very little slope. In this area
the aquifei contains large solution channels and is so permeable
that the water moves very freely through the aquifer on its way to
the Gulf. Wall Springs, the submarine spring offshore at Crystal
Beach, and the spring in Spring Bayou at Tarpon Springs are three
known points of discharge from the aquifer in this area. East of
Palm Harbor is an embayment in the piezometric surface, which
may be caused by heavy pumping from the large number of irri-
'lc; e
Figure 14.-Map showing the piezometric surface in Pinellas County in May 1951.
gation wells in that area, or possibly by a relatively free movement
of water through subterranean solution channels, or by both. An-
other small embayment occurs south of Palm Harbor on the 1951
piezometric surface, but not on the 1949 piezometric surface. This
feature is probably due to heavy pumping in that area for irrigation
at the time the water-level measurements were made in 1951. The
largest embayment in the piezometric surface, which occurs around
the north end of Old Tampa Bay, is doubtless caused by natural dis-
charge of water into the bay. Over all the southern part of Pinellas
County, south 'of Walsingham, the piezometric surface is relatively
flat and has a maximum height of less than 10 feet. The lowness
of the piezometric surface in this area doubtless is a result of the
lack of local recharge.
Wherever the piezometric surface stands higher than the land
surface, wells will flow under natural artesian pressure. The stip-
pled areas in figure 13 represent the areas in Pinellas County in
which artesian wells will flow. The areas of flow include: a narrow
band, generally less than a mile in width, that extends from a
point about 2 miles south of Clearwater around the southern end
of the peninsula to a point on the east coast about 2 miles south
of Coachman; an area about a mile wide that extends up the valleys
of Long Bayou and Cross Bayou east of Oakhurst and Largo; a
small area slightly more than a mile wide at the north end of Old
Tampa Bay about 2 miles west of Oldsmar; and a small area at the
south end of Lake Tarpon which extends a short distance up Booker
Creek. The areas of artesian flow decrease in size as the artesian
head declines. Many wells that are reported to, have flowed con-
tinuously when first drilled 10 or more years ago now flow only
when there is a high tide in the Gulf or in wet periods when there
is little or no use.
The encroachment of sea water into fresh ground water has, in
the last few decades, become a major problem in many coastal areas
in the Nation. Such encroachment may occur wherever the pressure
head in an aquifer that is exposed to the sea is lowered excessively
by pumping or by artificial surface drainage. The problem first
became prominent in Pinellas County between 1920 and 1930 when
the early municipal-supply wells of St. Petersburg began to yield
salty water. Subsequently many irrigation wells, other public-
supply wells, and domestic wells began to yield salty water.
Relationship Between Fresh Water and Sea Water
The relationship between fresh ground water and sea water in
coastal areas was investigated by Badon Ghyben in 1887 and, ap-
parently independently, by Baurat Herzberg about 1900 (Brown,
1925, p. 16). These investigators found that in small islands and
in certain coastal areas that are composed of permeable material,
fresh ground water, because of its lower density "floats" upon the
sea water. As with any other floating body, part of it is above
sea level and part of it is below sea level, the ratio of the density
of fresh water to that of sea water being such that the volume of
fresh water below sea level is much larger than that above sea level.
Thus, as postulated by Ghyben and Herzberg, the depth to salt
water is a function of the height of the water table above sea
level and of the density of sea water. The relationship may be
expressed by the formula
h t
where h is the depth of fresh water below sea level, t is the height
of the water table (or piezometric surface) above sea level, and
Figure 15.-Diagram showing the relation between fresh water and
sea water beneath a narrow peninsula, according to the Ghyben-Herzberg
g is the specific gravity of sea water. For practical purposes the
specific gravity of fresh water is assumed to be 1.000.
The formula may be explained by reference to figure 15 which
represents the occurrence of fresh water and sea water in a small
island, or narrow peninsula, composed of permeable material, in
conjunction with a large imaginary U-tube having one leg beneath
the land and one leg in the sea. It is apparent that in such a U-tube
the column of fresh water in one leg, which has a height of h + t,
will balance the column of sea water in the other leg, which has
a height h. The ratio of the height of the column of fresh water
to that of the column of sea water will be equal to the ratio of the
specific gravity of sea water to the specific gravity of fresh water.
That is,
h+t g.
h 1
This equation reduces to the formula given above.
The specific gravity of sea water varies from one place to another
but is generally considered to be 1.025. If this value is substituted
in the formula given above then h = 40t which indicates that the
depth of fresh water below sea level is 40 times the height of the
water table above sea level. In other words, for each foot that the
water table stands above sea level the fresh water will extend be-
low sea level an additional 40 feet.
The Ghyben-Herzberg principle is tacitly based on the assump-
tion that the body of fresh water floats on sea water in static
equilibrium. In fact, however, such a body of ground water is never
static but, instead, is in constant motion, receiving replenishment
from rain and discharging into the sea. It has been shown by
Muskat (1937, p. 289) and Hubbert (1940, p. 924) that the dynamic
condition under which ground water occurs tends to vitiate the
Ghyben-Herzberg principle wherever the slope of the water table
is comparatively steep, as in the immediate vicinity of discharge
along a shoreline or a pumped well. In general, however, the slope
of the water table is so gentle that the condition of hydrostatic equi-
librium assumed by Ghyben and Herzberg is closely approximated.
The contact between fresh and sea water is not a well-defined
boundary such that on one side is found fresh water and on the other
side sea water. Instead there is a zone of intermixture, commonly
called the "zone of diffusion," which separates the overlying fresh
water from the underlying sea water. Within the zone of diffusion
the salinity of the water ranges from that of uncontaminated ground
water to undiluted sea water. The zone of diffusion arises principally
from the vacillation of the fresh water-sea water contact in response
to fluctuations of the water level and the rise and fall of the tide.
As indicated by Brown (1925, p. 36), European investigators found
the zone of diffusion ranges in thickness from 60 to 100 feet under
normal conditions. Investigations in the Miami area have shown the
width of the zone of diffusion there to be 60 feet (Parker, 1945, p.
Salt-Water Encroachment in Pinellas County
About 91 percent of the dissolved solids content of sea water
consists of chloride salts. Thus, determinations of the chloride con-
tent of ground water are generally a reliable indication of the extent
to which normally fresh ground water has become contaminated
with sea water. More than 500 determinations of chloride content
of water from wells in Pinellas County have been made. It has been
found that, in general, ground water which has not been contam-
inated by sea water contains less than 50 ppm of chloride, whereas
that which is contaminated contains up to 1,000 ppm and more. To
most persons, water having a chloride content of 350 to 500 ppm
has a perceptibly salty taste.
The determinations of chloride content are listed in table 5. The
generalized results of these determinations are shown in figure 16.
As can be seen from this figure, there are four areas in the county
in which a considerable number of wells yield water with a chloride,
content in excess of 50 ppm, and in which salt-water encroachment
has likely occurred. These areas include: a small area south and
east of Palm Harbor that extends from Clearwater Harbor inland
for a distance of 2 to 3 miles most of the area in the vicinity of
Indian Rocks, Walsingham, and Oakhurst; a narrow band about
a mile wide along the southeastern coast; and a small area at the
north end of Old Tampa Bay about 2 miles west of Oldsmar.
Although salt water has apparently encroached into the areas
described above, it can be seen from figure 16 that there are a few
wells in each of the areas that yield water with a chloride content
of less than 50 ppm. Conversely, there are a few wells in nearly
every other part of the county that yield water with a chloride con-
tent of more than 50 ppm. These irregularities are due in part to
the fact that the wells sampled varied considerably in depth, and
in part to the fact that some had been pumped extensively prior
to sampling. As a rule the deeper wells may be expected to yield
water with a higher chloride content than the shallower ones and
a given well will yield water with a higher chloride content after
prolonged pumping.
One example of how the chloride content differs between wells
of different depths may be cited. On January 28, 1947, well 458,
which is 108 feet deep, had a chloride content of 25 ppm, whereas
on the same day well 459, which is no more than about 0.1 mile
from well 458 and is 289 feet deep, had a chloride content of 400
An example of how the chloride content increases when a well
is pumped is shown in table 2, which gives the results of tests
made on well 420 by V. C. Jamison of the University of Florida
Citrus Experiment Station at Lake Alfred.
Period Chloride content as C1
Date pumped (parts per million)
June 7 15 min. 129
June 7 3 hrs. 2,984
June 7 8 hrs. 2,940
June 8 10 min. 2,970
June 8 4 hrs. 2,970
June 8 8 hrs. 2,928
June 9 10 min. 2,914
June 9 9 hrs. 2,970
June 10 10 min. 2,928
June 10 3 hrs. 2,928
June 10 9 hrs. 2,941
The well had been idle for at least several days prior to June 7.
After it had been pumped for 15 minutes the chloride content was
only 129 ppm, but after 3 hours of pumping the chloride content had
risen to 2,984 ppm. The chloride content did not change significantly
after the first 3 hours of pumping. Although the yield of the well
is unknown, it was probably more than 100 gallons a minute.
According to the Ghyben-Herzberg principle, the contact be-
tween fresh water and sea water along a section from Clearwater
Harbor to Coopers Bayou would be as shown in figure 17. Several
assumptions were made in drawing this section ard it approximates
the actual contact so far as these assumptions are correct. One as-
i 'z
6w .si SA WATER
Figure 17.-Section along line B-B' in figure 13 showing the theoretical contact between fresh water and sea water in Pinellas County.
sumption is that the limestone aquifer is isotropic (equally per-
meable in all directions) so that water may move through it ver-
tically as well as horizontally. There appears to be no doubt that
the limestone contains some layers that are less permeable than
others and hence that water will move less freely vertically than
horizontally. It appears likely, however, that there is enough
interchange of water between the upper and lower parts of the
aquifer to enable the fresh water-sea water contact to adjust, in
time, to the piezometric surface. Moreover, because there are
hundreds of wells in the county which have open holes through
several hundred feet of limestone, there is probably a relatively
free exchange of water between the different permeable zones
in some parts of the county.
Another assumption is that the fresh water-sea water contact
is in equilibrium with the piezometric surface. The contact probably
rises during times of heavy withdrawal and is depressed by fresh
water entering the aquifer during the wet season. However, be-
cause the contact can rise only as the fresh water immediately above
it is withdrawn from storage and replaced by sea water, a process
referred to by Wentworth (1942, pp. 683-693) as "change in bottom
storage," there is necessarily a lag between the time the fresh-
water head is lowered and the time the contact has reached the
new point of equilibrium. In fact, the recent experience of well
owners in some of the coastal areas in Pinellas County, especially in
the area from Clearwater to Indian Rocks, where wells have become
contaminated with salt water without any detectable decline in
artesian head, seems to indicate that the head declined to about
its present level prior to 1947, when water-level observations were
begun, and that the contact has not yet reached equilibrium with
the lowered position of the piezometric surface.
A study of figure 16 reveals that wells on the upland area in the
vicinity of St. Petersburg (see fig. 2) yield water with a chloride
content of less than 50 ppm, although numerous wells between this
area and the principal recharge area near Coachman yield water
with a chloride content of more than 50 ppm. Thus, it appears
probable that the limestone aquifer in the vicinity of the upland
area is being recharged by water percolating downward from the
water-table aquifer through the confining bed. Additional evidence
that local recharge is occurring in southern Pinellas County is
offered by the configuration of the contour lines of the piezometric
surface on figure 14.
Figure 18.-Map of northwestern Pinellas County showing locations
of Spring Bayou and Lake Tarpon.
Lake Tarpon, formerly known as Lake Butler, in the northern
part of Pinellas County, is connected by an underground channel
with Spring Bayou, at Tarpon Springs (fig. 18). At irregular in-
tervals the lake drains through this underground channel into
Spring Bayou, and between drainings the salt water from Spring
Bayou moves through the channel, contaminating the lake water.
An explanation of how the draining occurs has been suggested by
0. E. Meinzer and V. T. Stringfield and described by H. H. Cooper,
Jr. (personal communication) as follows:
"During the intervals between drainings the channel evidently
becomes blocked in such a way as to retain the water in the lake and
allow the stage to build up. Ultimately the stage builds up so high
that the block is overcome, and the lake drains. The nature and me-
chanics of this block have been a subject of interesting speculation.
"A plausible explanation of the phenomenon has been suggested
by Mr. Meinzer. He points out that the underground channel, in
conjunction with the vents in the lake and bayou, forms a crude
U-tube, in which a column of the relatively dense sea water in Spring
Bayou balances a higher column of fresh water in the lake. So long
as the system is in balance, the contact between fresh water and sea
water is in the lake vent at a depth which depends on the lake stage, the
tide in the bayou, and the relative densities of the two waters. As the
differential in head increases with a rising stage or a falling tide, this
contact is depressed. When the differential in head is great enough
to depress the contact to the bottom of the U, any further increase
throws the system out of balance, the sea water flushes out of the
channel, and the lake drains.
"The lake will cease to drain when a new static balance between
the two columns of water is established at a lower stage. Probably
the cessation of flow occurs during a rising tide in the bayou, and
subsequently, near high tide, sea water moves back through the
channel into the lake vent once more to complete the cycle.
"The reason that the lake stage at which flushing begins varies
from one time to another is apparent when one considers that this
critical stage is dependent on two variables: one is the tide level
in the bayou, and the other is the density of the lake water. The
density of the lake water varies with the extent to which it is mixed
with sea water by the constant agitation of the tide. At times the
concentration of salts in the lake water, especially in the vicinity
of the sink, may be so high as to allow the lake to flush under a con-
siderably lower head differential than if the water were altogether
"The ratio of the specific gravity of sea water to that of fresh water
is about 1.025 to 1.000, or 41 to 40. Thus, a column of sea water 40 feet
in height will balance a column of fresh water 41 feet in height. Ap-
plied to the problem at hand, this relationship indicates that for each
foot of lake stage above the bayou tide level there will be a depth of
40 feet below the bayou level to the contact between the two waters,
providing the lake water is fresh. If the lowest section of the U-system
were, for example, 120 feet below sea level, the highest possible head
differential that could occur without flushing would be about 3.0 feet.
Differentials in head of more than 3.0 feet would indicate that the
lowest section of the underground channel is more than 120 feet below
sea level. When additional studies have been made, it may become
possible to predict with a fair degree of accuracy when flushings will
occur. Investigations of the specific gravity of water at various depths
in the lake sink immediately prior to the flushings are needed. Also
needed are studies of the differentials in head with consideration of the
time required for tidal fluctuations to be transmitted through the
An investigation of the underground drainage of the lake was
undertaken by the U. S. Geological Survey. As a part of the in-
vestigation, automatic recording gages were installed on well 13
at Tarpon Springs and on Lake Tarpon. Charts from the recorder
on Lake Tarpon show, that the lake drained 27 times from July
1945 to November 1949. The stage of the lake at the start of the
drainings has ranged from 2.5 to 5.5 feet above mean sea level
and at the cessation of the drainings, from 1.2 to 3.1 feet above
mean sea level.
The hydrograph for well 13 (see fig. 19) shows that the water
level in the area west of Lake Tarpon fluctuates in response to the
changes in lake level. In fact, the fluctuations of water level in
well 13 and of Lake Tarpon are almost identical. Thus, as shown
in figure 19, unusual fluctuations associated with the draining of
Lake Tarpon occurred in both the well and the lake in August and
October of 1948 and in August, September, October, and November
of 1949.
The lake drains through a sinkhole having a maximum mea-
sured depth of 115 feet just off the northwest shore of the lake
(fig. 18). After entering the sinkhole the water moves through
an underground channel or channels and emerges through a vent
in the bottom of Spring Bayou.
1947 1948 1949
Mean Doily Woter Level
4 in Well 13 t Tarpon Springs
Mean Iaily Stage D
of Lake TArpon
20 Monthly Rainfall
6i9 otfTarpon Springs
Figure 19.-Factors relating to underground drainage of Lake Tarpon.
0 10 20 .
100 -
10 20 0
10 200 10 200 10 200 10 20 0
x b
-oo o 0 o 2
g 03 0 0 "
____ x a ___ co __ __ O __ __41 I CDI __ B ___ 5
i v" \ _- -ic
____^<. ___L--_-_< _W.__^ W \_W_. __ _e
2 2 2 Z
2 Tz z z
aI 1 4W
F 2 0 -h lo i o 1 i Ti
Figure 20.-Chloride content of water in sinkhole in Lake Tarpon in 1947.
10 20 0
10 20 0
10 20
Figure 20 shows the variations in the chloride content, and thus
indicates the variations in density, of the water in the lake sink
during one drainage cycle. The lake stopped draining on March 30
or 31, 1949, probably during a high tide in the bayou, after which
relatively salty water flushed into the lake sink, reaching almost
to the surface of the lake by April 7. From April 7 to June 30,
while the lake was relatively low (fig. 19), salty water remained
in the lake sink, its vertical position changing, partly as a result of
tides in Spring Bayou. As the lake rose, beginning in July (fig. 19),
the salt water in the lake sink was depressed and diluted (fig. 20)
until, sometime between August 4 and August 11, the balance
between the fresh water and salt water was upset and the lake
started to drain. Draining of the lake is accompanied by a partial
draining of the aquifer in the area west of the lake, as indicated
by the hydrograph of well 13 in figure 19. A plot of the chloride
content of water at the surface and at the bottom of the sinkhole
in Lake Tarpon from early 1947 to April 1948 is shown in figure 19.
A comparison of this plot with the mean daily stage of the lake
during 1947 shows that during the period from May to July, after
the lake had drained, its level remained relatively low and salty
water was present in the bottom of the sinkhole. In August, as the
stage of the lake began to rise, the salty water in the sinkhole was
depressed until it could no longer be reached for sampling.
Chemical analyses of 10 samples of water from selected wells in
the county, made by the Quality of Water Branch of the U. S.
Geological Survey, are shown in table 3. The relative mineralization
of the different samples is best observed by comparing the amount
of dissolved solids. In general, such a comparison shows that min-
eralization increases with depth and with distance from the re-
charge area. Thus, the wells at Clearwater, Dunedin, Largo, and
Safety Harbor, all of which are relatively near the Coachman re-
charge area, contained less than 300 ppm of dissolved solids, where-
as the wells at Bay Pines, Oldsmar, and Pinellas Park, which are
much farther from points of recharge, contained more than 900
Nitrate is derived from the decomposition of organic material,
and a relatively high content of this constituent generally indicates
the presence of local recharge. No analyses were made of the
nitrate content of water from wells near the center of the Coachman
recharge area. However, the nitrate content of well 167 at Dunedin
and well 640 at St. Petersburg was 6.0 and 6.5 ppm respectively,
indicating local recharge near both these wells. As pointed out in
a previous section, the possibility of local recharge at St. Peters-
burg is indicated also by the fact that wells in the upland part of
the city yield water having a lower chloride content than wells in
the area between St. Petersburg and the principal recharge area
in the vicinity of Coachman.
Hardness affects the suitability of water for certain uses.
Among the most noticeable effects are the increased quantities of
soap needed to form a lather and the scale formed in vessels when
the water is heated. Most hardness is due to the presence
of calcium and magnesium, although iron, aluminum, and other
substances, which are generally present only in negligible quantities,
contribute to it. Water having a hardness of less than 50 ppm is
generally considered soft. Hardness of 50 to 150 ppm does not
seriously interfere with the use of water for most purposes, al-
though the quantity of soap required to form a lather is noticeably
larger. Water having a hardness of more than 150 ppm is rated as
hard and is commonly softened when used for household and other
domestic uses. Each sample analyzed for this report had a hardness
of more than 175 ppm. Three samples, those from Bay Pines, Olds-
mar, and Pinellas Park, each had a hardness of more than 495 ppm.
Studies in some areas of the United States have shown that
children who drink water that contains about 1 ppm of fluoride
have fewer cavities in their teeth than children who drink water
that contains much less than 1 ppm (Dean, 1943, pp. 1161-1183).
However, fluoride in concentrations more than 1.5 ppm tend to
cause mottling of the enamel of the permanent teeth of young
children who habitually use the water. In view of this, it is sig-
nificant that the samples from well 167 at Dunedin and well 25 at
Tarpon Springs did not contain measurable amounts of fluoride and
the others contained only 0.1 to 0.6 ppm.
Iron differs from most of the other chemical constituents
normally found in ground water in that concentrations as low as
0.1 ppm may impart objectionable characteristics such as a fer-
ruginous taste and the staining of plumbing fixtures. Three of the
samples from Pinellas County, those from Oldsmar, Safety Harbor,
and St. Petersburg, contained more than 0.1 ppm of iron. However,
it appears possible that the relatively high iron contents of 0.81
ppm in well 212A at Oldsmar and 1.64 ppm in well 640 at St. Peters-
(Analyses by Quality of Water Branch, U. S.
are expressed in parts per million except
Geological Survey. All results
those for color
and pH.)
Bay Pines
Largo (at Wal-
St. Petersburg
Tarpon Springs
(near NW
shore of Lake
- .-E
Tampa fm.
Tampa fm.
Tampa fm.
Tampa fm.
Tampa fm.
& Suwan-
nee Is.
Tampa fm.
& Suwan-
nee Is.
Tampa fm.
& Suwan-
nee Is.
Tampa fm.
& Suwan-
nee Is.
Tampa fm.
Tampa fim.
qw 4
P.4 .04
+ __ __ __ -I I __ _ J. __ _S __ I I I' ___ __ __ _S
i 1 1 i I 1- 1 1 1- i -
---------- q-
burg are due in part to contamination by the casing and other iron
pipes through which the water passed and thus do not give a true
indication of the iron content of water in the aquifer.
The significance of the chloride content of water is discussed in
the section entitled "Salt-Water Encroachment."
Nearly all water for public, industrial, agricultural, and domestic
uses in Pinellas County is obtained from wells. The Pinellas County
Water System, which obtains part of its supply from McKay Creek,
is the only public system using surface water as a source of supply
at the present time, but it, also, obtains part of its supply from
ground water.
Wells tapping the artesian aquifer range in diameter from 3
to 12 inches and range in depth from about 50 feet to as much as
300 feet. The yield of deep wells varies with the permeability of
the limestone penetrated, the amount of open hole, and the diameter,
but wells having diameters of 8 inches and more generally yield
several hundred gallons a minute. Shallow wells are generally
developed by driving 11/ inch casing, equipped with a well point,
to a depth of from 25 to 50 feet. A few shallow domestic supplies
are obtained from dug wells having diameters of 24 inches or more.
The Florida State Board of Health lists 13 public water systems
in Pinellas County, all of which, except the St. Petersburg system,
obtain water from wells in the county. St. Petersburg obtains its
water from wells in Hillsborough County. The average output of
each system in 1947 (Florida State Board of Health, 1948, pp.
20-21) is given in table 4.
Million gallons
Public supply a day
Pinellas County Water System 0.650
Belleair .18
Belleview-Biltmore .144
Clearwater 1.50
Crystal Beach .036
Dunedin .33
Largo .175
Oldsmar .20
SPalm Harbor .024
Pinellas Park .070
Safety Harbor .075
St. Petersburg 7.10
Tarpon Springs .20
s ~ ~-- --- ~I
The consumption of water in Pinellas County is increasing so
fast that any figures given on consumption are obsolete before
publication. For example, the average daily output of the Clear-
water system increased from 1.5 million gallons in 1947 to 3.2 mil-
lion gallons in 1951, and that of the Pinellas County Water System
increased from 0.65 to 1.5 million gallons over the same period.
One of the most important items to be considered in a study of
the ground-water resources of an area is the total consumption of
ground water. However, because there are hundreds of domestic
and irrigation wells scattered throughout Pinellas County on which
no pumping records are kept, it has not been feasible to derive a
consumption figure that is much more than a calculated guess.
About the best estimate that can be made is that the consumption
of water in Pinellas County was 13 to 14 million gallons a day in
St. Petersburg Water Supply
Although the investigation leading to this report was concerned
primarily with the ground-water resources of Pinellas County,
the report would not be complete without a discussion of the water
supply of St. Petersburg, which is now obtained from 12 wells near
Cosme, in northwestern Hillsborough County. The St. Petersburg
supply serves approximately half the population of Pinellas County.
All the wells draw water from the limestone aquifer. The water
in the aquifer in the Cosme area enters the limestone formations
through the recharge area in Pasco County and northern Hills-
borough County.
Measurements made in 1930 of the water levels in the Cosme
wells indicate that the piezometric surface stood between 36 and
43 feet above sea level prior to the time the wells were put into
operation (see table 5). The current average daily pumping of
about 12 million gallons has doubtless created a cone of depression
around the well field, but the depth and extent of the cone have not
been mapped. However, a record of the water level since October
1930 in Hillsborough County well 13 (see fig. 21), about 4 miles
east of the nearest supply well at Cosme, indicates that the piezo-
metric surface has not been lowered appreciably at that distance
from the well field. When it is considered that in other places in
Florida, as in northeastern Florida (Cooper and Warren, 1945, pp.
263-282), the piezometric surface has been lowered substantially
by heavy pumping over distances much greater than 4 miles with-
out any serious consequences, tle record of the water level in Hills-
i 49
o 48
2 47
- ----- ---
S20 0
Figure 21.-Hydrograph of well 13 in Hillsborough County and monthly rainfall at St. Leo, Pasco County, 1980-1951 inclusive.
borough County well 13 appears to indicate that the ground-water
resources in the Cosme area are not being unduly affected by pump-
ing. In fact, the available information indicates that the ground
water resources in the region north and east of Cosme have the
capacity to yield several times the amount of water that is now
being pumped, provided new wells are dispersed over an area of
sufficient breadth to avoid excessive drawdowns.
The results of the investigation of ground-water resources in
Pinellas County may be summarized as follows:
1. The principal source of ground water in Pinellas County is
an aquifer composed of the Tampa formation and Suwannee lime-
stone. In the northern part of the county the top of this aquifer is
10 to 50 feet beneath the surface. Toward the south its depth in-
creases until in the vicinity of St. Petersburg it is more than 125
feet beneath the surface. In the area north of Palm Harbor and
west of Lake Tarpon the water in the aquifer is under water-table
conditions. In the remainder of the county the water is under ar-
tesian conditions.
2. West and south of Lake Tarpon the water in the aquifer is
derived wholly from local rainfall. North of Palm Harbor the
aquifer is covered only with permeable material and hence receives
recharge from rainfall readily. South of Palm Harbor the aquifer
is overlain by material of low permeability but nevertheless receives
substantial quantities of recharge through sinkholes in the area
around Coachman; the area of recharge possibly includes the
vicinity of Dunedin. Recharge in this area is indicated by the fact
that the piezometric surface stands high-as much as 16 feet above
sea level about a mile south of Coachman. Lesser quantities of
recharge doubtless enter the artesian aquifer wherever the water
table stands very high above the piezometric surface, as, for ex-
ample, in the upland area around St. Petersburg.
3. Salt-water encroachment is the most critical ground-water
problem confronting the county. Areas already affected by en-
croachment include: (1) most of the area between Palm Harbor
and the southwest shore of Lake Tarpon; (2) most of the area
between Indian Rocks, Walsingham, and Oakhurst; (3) an area
about a mile wide along the southeastern coast of the county; and
(4) a small area at the north end of Old Tampa Bay about 2 miles
west of Oldsmar. The chloride content of the water from wells in
these areas ranges from less than 50 to as much as several thousand
parts per million.
The quantity of water that may be safely withdrawn from the
aquifer at a given place depends on the water-transmitting capacity
of the aquifer and on the height of the piezometric surface. Where
the piezometric surface stands highest, more water can be with-
drawn without causing salt water to move into the wells. Wherever
the piezometric surface is lowered, water is removed from storage,
and the water so removed is replaced in part by water from the sea.
4. In the long run, salt-water encroachment can be controlled
only by limiting the total draft to a rate at which an adequate fresh-
water head will be maintained. Where feasible, the safe draft at a
given place and from a given group of wells might be increased by
artificially recharging the aquifer-that is, by injecting surplus
surface water into the aquifer through wells. To be effective, how-
ever, the artificial recharge would have to be introduced in the
immediate vicinity of the pumped wells. If, for example, the aquifer
were artificially recharged in the vicinity of Coachman, no ap-
preciable beneficial results would accrue to the wells in the vicinity
of Walsingham, but the safe draft at Coachman might be increased.
At some places, where geologic conditions are favorable, artificial
recharge would be most effective if applied immediately adjacent to
the coast, where it would build up a ground-water "ridge" to act
as a barrier to the inland advance of sea water (Laverty and others,
1951). This approach to the problem would be effective, however,
only if the aquifer were underlain by a watertight formation, for
otherwise the salt water could move upward from the deeper forma-
tion, thereby bypassing the barrier. The scanty information on
the geology of Pinellas County indicates that there is no watertight
formation underlying the aquifer and, hence, that an attempt to
halt the advance of sea water by creating a ground-water ridge
along the coast probably would not be successful.
Artificial recharge can put a stop to an encroachment of salt
water only if the rate of recharge exceeds the rate of withdrawal.
So long as the draft of ground water in Pinellas County continues
to increase the problem of salt-water encroachment will grow more
serious. An encroachment of salt water is especially lamentable
because its effects are long lasting. Having once established inroads
into the aquifer, the salty water will rinse out only very slowly,
leaving traces for many years and perhaps for generations after
remedial measures are undertaken.
The investigation leading to this report was restricted largely
to a study of the existing wells in the county, because funds for
drilling test wells and observation wells were not available. As
most of the wells are finished with open holes that extend through
more than 100 feet of limestone and thus draw from more than one
water-bearing zone, several aspects of the problem of salt-water
encroachment could not be investigated. Among these are (1) the
relation between the height of the piezometric surface and the
depth below sea level of the fresh water-sea water contact, (2) the
rate of advance of the contact in the areas already affected by
salt-water encroachment, and (3) the possibility of differences in
pressure heads between various water-bearing zones.
The relation between the height of the piezometric surface and
the depth to the salt-water contact must be studied before the
problem of salt-water encroachment can be adequately understood.
Figure 17 was drawn on the basis of the Ghyben-Herzberg principle,
described in the section titled "Salt-Water Encroachment," to show
where the contact would be if it were in hydrostatic equilibrium
with the piezometric surface. The position of the contact as shown
in figure 17 may differ from the true position because the permea-
bility of the aquifer in a vertical direction is doubtless much less
than the permeability in a horizontal direction, and because vertical
movements of the contact that accompany changes in the height
of the piezometric surface are delayed by changes in "bottom
storage." On the other hand, if the Ghyben-Herzberg principle is
found to apply approximately, the effects of pumping at a given
place can be predicted fairly well.
Studies are needed also to determine the rate at which salt-
water encroachment is occurring. Water samples for chloride
analyses have been collected from selected wells several times
since 1948 in an effort to determine the rate of encroachment. How-
ever, the results of these analyses have not been consistent, because
each well draws from several water-bearing zones so that the
samples are mixtures of water from several depths, and possibly
because intermittent pumping of the wells by the owners causes
the chloride content to vary inconsistently from one sampling to
another. Where the rate of encroachment can be determined it
may be possible to predict when the wells will become contaminated.
A program designed to determine how closely the Ghyben-
Herzberg principle applies and to observe the advance of the salt-
water contact would consist of establishing a series of observation
stations approximately 1 mile apart across the county from Clear-
water to Tampa Bay. Each station should consist of three or four
small-diameter wells drilled and cased to different depths in the
aquifer. The deepest of the wells would end in the zone of diffusion
between fresh water and salt water, the shallowest would end near
the top of the aquifer, and the other one or two would end at in-
tervening depths. Such a system of wells would provide a means of
extracting water samples and measuring pressure heads at isolated
depths in the aquifer, an operation that is not possible with the
existing, open-hole wells. Tests of chloride content of water from
the wells of each station would indicate how the salt-water contact
advances and retreats, and measurements of the water levels would
provide a record of the changes in pressure head that cause the
contact to advance and retreat. Similar stations could well be
established in each of the areas affected by salt-water encroachment
to provide accurate information on how the extent of the encroach-
ment may increase or decrease.
Further analyses of the chloride content of water from many
wells throughout the county, at least once a year, would provide
much needed additional information on the extent of salt-water
encroachment. As of February 1, 1953, five recorders were in
operation (on wells 13, 77, 166, 246, and 561), three having been
discontinued because the owners of the wells rightfully elected to
restore the wells to their own service. As the height of the piezo-
metric surface controls the extent to which salt water will encroach,
it is especially desirable that records of water levels such as are
obtained through the use of automatic recording gages be continued
indefinitely on at least five or six wells strategically located over
the county.
Black, A. P.
1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters-
1951: Florida State Board Conserv., Water Survey and Res.
Paper 6.
Brown, John S.
1925 A study of coastal ground water, with special reference to Con-
necticut: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 537.
Collins, W. D.
1928 (and Howard, C. S.) Chemical character of waters of Florida:
U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-G.
Cooke, C. W.
1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29.
Cooper, H. H., Jr.
1945 (and Warren, M. A.) The perennial yield of artesian water in the
coastal area of Georgia and northeastern Florida: Econ. Geology,
vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 263-282.
Dean, H. T.
1943 Domestic water and dental caries: Am. Water Works Assoc.
Jour., vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1161-1183.
Ferguson, G. E.
1947 (Lingham, C. W., Love S. K., and Vernon, R. 0.) Springs of
Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 31.
Florida State Board of Health
1948 Tabulation of water-supply data (Mimeo. rept.).
Hubbert, M. K.
1940 The theory of ground water motion: Jour. Geology, vol. 48, no.
8, pt. 1.
Jacob, C. E.
1939 Fluctuations in artesian pressure produced by passing trains as
shown in a well on Long Island, New York: Am. Geophys. Union
Trans. of 1939.
Laverty, F. B.
1951 (Jordan, L. W., and Van der Goot, H. A.) Report on tests for
the creation of fresh water barriers to prevent salinity intrusion
performed in West Central Basin, Los Angeles County, California:
Los Angeles County Flood Control District.
Leverett, Frank
1931 The Pensacola terrace, and associated bars and beaches in Florida:
Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 7.
Matson, G. C.
1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and ground waters of Florida:
U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319.
Muskat, Morris
1937 The flow of homogeneous fluids through porous media: New York,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
Parker, Garald G.
1945 Salt-water encroachment in southern Florida: Am. Water Works
Assoc. Jour., vol. 37, no. 6.
1946 (and others) Water resources of southeastern Florida: U. S.
Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper (in preparation).
1950 (and Stringfield, V. T.) Effects of earthquakes, trains, tides,
winds, and atmospheric pressure changes on water in the geologic
formations of southern Florida: Econ. Geology, vol. 45, no. 5.
1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the
Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., vol. 43, no. 10.
Sellards, E. H.
1913 (and Gunter, Herman) The artesian water supply of eastern and
southern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 5th Ann. Rept.
Stringfield, V. T. (Also see Parker, Garald G.)
1933 Ground water investigations in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey
Bull. 11.
1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U. S. Geol. Survey
Water-Supply Paper 773-C.
Vernon, R. 0. (Also see Ferguson, G. E.)
1951 Geology of Citrus and Levy Counties, Florida: Florida Geol.
Survey Bull. 33.
Wentworth, C. K.
1942 Storage consequences of the Ghyben-Herzberg theory: Am.
Geophys. Union Trans. of 1942, pt. 2.
I~ '4
Two miles northwest of Tarpon Springs,.about 0.3 mile
northeast of Victor Chemical Vorks, on south side of a
railroad siding, near County Line east of vell 2, in a
lumphouae. NWINE see. 2, T. 27 8., R. 15 E. Owner's
weil 4.
Two miles northveet of Tarpon Springs, about 0,2 mile
north of Victor Chemical Vorkes on northwest side of a
railroad aiding, near County Line, in pumphouse, west
of well 1. Near NW cor. NWINE s@eo. 2, T. 27 8., R. 15
E. Owner's well 2.
About 2.2 miles northwest of Tarpon Springs about 0.2
aile north of Victor Chemical Works, about 900 feet
wet of well 2, near County Line, in pumphouse. NEiNVJ
sec. 2, T. 27 ., R. 15 E. Orner' well 3.
Two and two-tenths miles northwest of Tarpon Springs,
about 0.2 mile north of Victor Chemical Works, about
00 feet vest of a railroad sidin, near County Line,
about 10 feet south of vell 3. NEtNW see. 2, T. 27 S.,
R. 15 E.
One and nine-tenths miles northwest of Tarpon Springs,
about 300 feet east of main office of Victor Chemical
Works about 100 feet south of County Road 47. SE)NWi
sec. 2, T. 27 S., R. 1 5 .
Tarpon Sprlnes, northeast corner of Tarpon Ave. and
Scoring B91d., at site of Old Tarpon Hotel. S5ESW* sec.
12, T. 27 S., R. 15 E.
Tarpon Springs, at 20 Wes Tarpon Ave., north side of
owner's residence. SEtSW sec. 12, T. 27 S., R. 15 E.
Tarpon Sorlngs,
Tarpon Ave. and
R. 15 Z.
TAroon oringe,
Tarpon Ave. and
R. 15 E.
Taroon Springs,
Tarpon Ave. and
R. 15 E.
Trroon Springs,
Tbroon Ave. and
R. 15 E.
Tarpon Springs,
Tarpon Ave. and
R. 15 E.
on vest side of Orosse Ave. between
Lanon St. SW1SEI sec. 12, T. 27 .,
on west side of Orosse Ave., between
Lemon St. SWiSEj eeo. 12, T. 27 8.,
on vest side of Orosse Ave., between
Lemon St. SWSEt see. 12, T. 27 B.,
on weft side of Orosse Ave., between
Lemon St. SWistE sec. 12, T. 27 8.,
on vest side of Orosse Ave. between
Lemon St. SWiSEt eeo. 12, 27 8.,
Victor Chemical Works
Tarpon Springs,
Victor Cheailcal Works
Tarpon Springs,
Victor Chemical Works
Tarpon Springs,
Victor Chemical Works
Tarpon Springs,
Victor Chemical Works
Tarpon Springs,
David Black
Tarpon Springs,
City of Tarpon Springe
City of Tarpon Springe
City of Tarpon Springs
City of Tarpon Springs
City of Tarpon Springs
United States Depart-
ment of Interior.
Geological Survey.
H. F. Heye
H. F. Heye
C. E. JackPon
J. L. Soyd
Layne Atlantic Co.
Orlando, Florida
Layne Atlantic Co.
Orlando, Florida
Layne Atlantic Co;
.Orlando, Florida
Layne Atlantic Co. April
Orlando, Florida 1947
Layne Atlantic Co.
Orlando, Florida
Otona, Florida
Ozona, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
FrankY ay
Tarpa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Porter Zir erman
Osona, Florida
.1 I j I,
Six-tenths of a mile southeast of Tarpon Springe, on
south edge of city dump. Near SE.cor. SEINEI sec.
13, T. 27 S., R. 15 E.
One anA nine-tenthe miles north of Palm Harbor, 0.4
rile east of U. S. Highway 19. 8WtSWt sec. 25, T. 27
S., R. 15 E.
One and nine-tenthe miles north of Palm Haroor, 0.1
mile east of U. S. Highway 19, east of Wall Springs,
>n east side of a house. SEISEt seo. 26, T. 27 S.,
R. 15 E.
One and two-tenths miles north of Palm Harbor 0.3 mile
east of U. S. Highway 19. Near NW cor. SEi NE see. 35
T. 27 S., R. 15 I.
About ,0 miles vwet of Tarpon Springs, 0.6 mile north
of State Highway 582, about 0.1 mile east of the Sea-
board Air Line Railroad. BESVW s*e. 4, T. 27 8., R.
16 E.
a ,I ~sr .
I ag 0
i'. 1 1.1
Top of 8-inch cas-
ing, 0.3 foot above
land surface.
Top of 8-inch cas-
ing, flush with
land surface.
Top of 12-inch cae-
ing, flush with land
Top of 6-inch cae-
'ing, 2.9 feet above
land surface.
Top of 12-inch cas-
ing, 0.4 foot above
land surface.
Top of 3-inch cas-
ing, 0.2 foot above
land surface.
8.50 9-12-47
.67 9-12-47
1052 6-21-49
131 0C
4-?-48 Public
S 9--48 Supply
- 5-15-51
4-?-48 Public
9-?-48 Supply
5-2E-43 Irrigation
3-31-47 Irrigation
Drawdown 5 feet
when pumped 110
Well probably
Well filled with
Well abandoned
owing to high
sBlinity of water.
Well probably
Well probably
Well probably
Water samples
were a mixture
from vells 11 and
Water samples
vere a mixture
front wells laand
F.G.S. Well W1619,
Cuttings from
strata penetrated
on file with
Florida Geological
Survey. Automatic
water-level record-
er installed
40 1 8
8 8 1
Two and four-tenths miles northeast of Tarpon Springs,
1.0 sile east of U. S. Highway 19, 75 feet east of a
residence near County Line. Near NW oor. NWtNVt leo.
5, T. 27 4., R. 16 3.
Two and two-tenths miles northeast of Tarpon Springs,
vest side of Salt Lake, 0.3 mile north of Atlantic Coast
Line Railroad. Near SW oor. NVMW*S soe. 5, T. 27 8., R.
16 I.
Two miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, 0.4 mile east of
U. 8. Highway 19 0.28 mile north of County Road 71,
east side of esail pond about 100 feet west of location
for new State Highway J in an orange grove. Near SE
cor. NHtW see. 6, 27 8., R. 16 .
One and eight-tenths miles northeast of Tarpon Springe,
0.3) ile west of State Highway 3J, 300 feet south of a
small pond, 10 feet north of a dirt roa4, southwest of
well 20. WtNt seeo. 6, T. 27 8., R. 16 3.
About 3.0 milee northeast of Tarpon Springs, 0.45 ile
north of State Highway 582, 0.1 mile east of Seaboard
Air Line Railroad, east of a residence. Near NW ocr,
NEtNt see. 9, T. 27 8., R. 16 Z.
Three and one-tenth miles northeast of Tarpon Springs,
0.5 mile north of State Highway 582, 0.4 aile east of a
dirt road. NWiNE seeo. 9, T. 27 S., R. 16 E.
Three and four-tenths ailes northeast of Tarpon Springs,
0.5 mile north of State Highway 582, 0.6 mile east of a
dirt road. Near MV oor. NEtNEt seeo 9, T. 27 8., R. 16
One and five-tenths miles east of Tarpon Springs, 0.4
sile Pouth of State Highway 582, 0.45 mile east of State
Highway 5 wee t side of a water tank. SViNV seeo. 17,
T. 27 8., A. 16 E.
E. H. Beckett
Tarpon Springs,
I. H. Beokett
Tarpon Springs,
E, H. Beckett
Tarpon Springs,
J. L. Boyd
J. L. Boyd
J. L. Boyd
City of Tarpon
One and four-tenths miles east of Tarpon Springs, 0.2 City of
mile south of State Highway 582, 0.35 aile east of State Springs
Highway 55. NENEi see. 18, T. 27 S., R. 16 3.
27 One and one-tenth miles east of Tarpon Springs, 0.25
aile south of State Highway 582, 0.1 mile east of State
Highway 55, north side of a Skeet Range, on a sand hill,
10 feet north of a dirt road. NWtNEt soo. 18, T. 27 S.,
R. 16 3.
28 Six tenths of a mile east of Tarpon Springs, 0.2 mile
south of State Highway 582, about 300 feet east of Boyer
St., top of a hill. Near NH oor, NWIt seeo. 18, T. 27
S., R. 16 g.
29 One sile southeast of Tarpon Springs, 0,5 atle south of
State Highway 582, about 200 feet west of State Highway
55, north side of a small pond. SEiNWJ seo. 18, T. 27
S., R. 16 z.
30 Five miles eoutheaet of Tarpon Springs, 3.1 miles east
of State Highway 53, 3.0 miles south of State Highway
582 0.1 *ile east of East Lake Road, east side of a
residence. 5waSSt see. 27, T. 27 8., R. 16 3.
31 Three and three-tenthse iles southeast of Tarpon Springs,
0.335 ile east of State Highway 5 0.6 mile north of
County Road 42, ab9ut 50 feet north of a sand road.
Near NW eor. evtsvt sro. 29, T. 27 8., R. 16 E.
City of Tarpon
Atlantio Ice Co.
Tarpon Springs,
David Bilgore Co.
L. 0. Binder
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Porter Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
Porter Ziamerman
Ozona, Florida
Porter Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida-
I-- I I ;? .7 4
b~e LIe
~ r.~
78 I10
Top of 8-inch cou-
pling, 0.2 foot
above land surface.
Top of 6-inch cou-
pling, 0.2 foot
above land surface.
Top of 3-inch casing,
0.8 foot above land
Top of 10-inch cou-
pling, flush with
and surface.
Top of 2-inoh cas-
ibtr 3.4 feet above
land surfaces.
Top of 12-inch cou-
pling, 0.3 foot
above land surface.
uamwD Mv lrW1 I
nm t nTnir ArtiH HIuf
112 --
120 0
100 --
20 0
20 --
132 --
15 0
12 --
3-31-47 Domestic
3-31-47. Domestic
3-31-47 Irrigation
3-31-47 Irrigation
-48 Public
Ice Plant
F.o.S. Well W-1521.
Cuttings from stra-
ta penetrated on
file with Florida
Geological Survey.
Drilling discontin-
ued when well
failed to produce.
F.G.S. Well W-1522.
Cuttings from stra-
ta penetrated on
file with Florida
Geological Survey.
Drilling discontin-
ued when well oaved.
- I -I .1 I J....---.-4.-------. I -d
1 I IIi I I~
fAmdfawrM BATum
Three and three-tenths miles southeast of Tarpon
Springs, 0.45 mile eat of State Highway 55, 0.55 aile
north of County Road 42, south side of a sand road. 83t
9tt see. 30, T. 27 S., R. 16 z.
33 threee and two-tenthe miles southeast of Tarpon Springs,
0.6 mile north of County Road 42, 0.3 mile east of
State Highway 55, 30 feet north of a sand road. Near
NV cor. SWSj| see. 30, T. 27 S., R. 16 S.
34 Three and two-tenths miles southeast of Tarpon Springs,
0.6 mile north of ty Road 42, 250 feet east of
State Highway 35, ;v feet north of a sand road. SVtS3t
see. 30, T. 27 S., R. 16 E.
35 Three and three-tenths miles southeast of Tarpon
Springs, 0.55 mile north of County Road 42, 200 feet
east of State Highway 55, 300 feet south of a sand road.
SVWSEL1 se. 30, T. 27 S., R. 16 .
36 Two miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.35 mile north of
County Road 42, about 500 feet vest of State Highway 53,
about 600 feet north of owner's residence. NENVi seeo.
31, T. 27 S., R. 16 E.
37 One and nine-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.25
mile north of County Road 42, about 300 feet west of
owner's residence, on south side of a small building.
Near NV cor. SZtNVt soe. 31, T. 27 8., R. 16 E.
38 Two miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.25 mile north of
County Road 42, about 75 feet west 9f State Highway 55,
southeast of owner's residence. SEINVI seo. 31, T. 27
S., R. 16 E.
39 Two and one-tenth miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.22
mile north of County Road 42, about 600 feet east of
State Highway 55, northwest of a residence, in a pump-
nouse. Near NW cor. SWVNE seo. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 E.
40 Two and two-tenthe miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.2
mile north of County Road 42, about 700 feet east of
State Highway 55, east side of a residence. SVtNEI see.
31, T. 2? S., R. 16 E.
41 One and eight-tenthe miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.1
mile north of County Road 42, 0.2 mile west of State
Highway 55 0 1 mile north of a sand road, in an orange
grove. svltNW see. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 S.
42 One and seven-tenthe miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.3
Smile vest of State Highway 55, 15 feet north of County
Road 42, south side of an grange tree, southeast corner.
of grove. Near SE cor. SVtlNV see. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16
* one ana eigtni-r nts miles nornteast or ralm narbor, u.1
Smile north of County Road 42, about 0.2 mile vest of
State Highway 55, north side of a residence, in an
orange grove. SEiNVW see. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 E.
44 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.4
mile south of County Road 42, 0.25 mile vest of State
Highway 55, 0.1 mile north of a sand road, west side of
an equipment shed at edge of an orange grove. Near NW
cor. SEtSVW see. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 E.
45 One and six-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor 0.35
mile south of County Road 42, 0.15 mile vet of State
Highway 55, 0.15 mile north of a sand road, east side ol
an eq ipment shed, in a pumphouse, in an orange grove,
8ttSVt see. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 3.
46 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0,4
alie south of County Road 42 0,25 mile west of State
Highway J5, 0.1 mile north of a sand road, east side of
an equipment hed, in a pumphouee, at edge of an orange
grove. StiSVt see. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 E.
47 Two miles northeast of Pals Harbor, 0.45 aile south of
C County a Road2.2 0i;. eeeast o t!se5e.n
L. 0. Binder
L, 0. Binder
L. 0, Binder
L. 0. Binder
V. B. Thompson
Tarpon Swinge,
W. B. Tnompson
Tarpon Springs,
V. B. Thompson
Tarpon Springs,
L. L. Riviere
Palm Harbor, Florida
L. L. Riviere
Palm Harbor, Florida
Pasco Packing Co.
E. E. E. Developing
, Co.
Dade City, Florida
SV. B. Thompson
Tarpon Springs,
Manatee Packing Co.
Manatee Packing Co.
Manatee Packing Co.
A. O. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Jack Clyatt
Oena, Florida
Jack Clyatt
Oona, Florida
D. C. Ammons
V. B. Thompson
Tarpon Springs,
V. B. Thompson
Tarpon Springs,
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. E. Mountain
Palm Harbor,
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
n_ U M RINIRTN I P tTN CAT= ERci. fTT. H lnt = nMTEM -
b r I I Ie |
--- 120
187 187
55 55
118 87 12
--- -- 12
90 --- 2
Top of 10-inch oa- 17.58
ing, flush with land
Top of 12-inch cou- 21.09
pling, 3.8 feet
above land surface.
Top of 2-inoh cou- 16.78
pling, 0.5 foot
above land surface.
Top of 2-inch eou- 21.12
pling, 0.9 foot
above land surface.
Top of 4-inoh cou- 17.51
pling, 0.5 foot
above land surface.
Top of 2-inch casing, 11.19
1.3 feet above land
Top of 12-inch cas-
ing, flush with land
Top of 12-inch cou-
pling, 0.6 foot
above land surface.
112 1
51.58 48.3
1- 5-48
1- 5-48
3-10-47 Domestic
3-11-47 Domestic
3-10-47 Domestic
.*.J I I__________I _____________________
a Chloride analysis sup
Lake Alfred, Florida.
Driller reported
sand entire depth of
well. Drilling die-
continued when well
failed to produce
Driller reported
sand entire depth of
well. Drilling dis-
continued when well
failed to produce
F.G.S. Well W1614.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated on file
with Florida Geolog-
ical Survey.
Salinity is reported
to decrease with
J-12-47 Irrigation
)plied by agricultural ICxperimental Station,
I Ie I
Two and two-tenths ailes northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.3
mile south of County Road 42, 0.s a e east of State
Highway 5, in an orange grove. sEtSIst so. 31, T. 27
8., R. 16 I.
One and five-tenthe miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.1
mile south of County Road 42, 0.73 mile east of State
Highway 55, in a pumphouse in an orange grove. NItSV*
see. 32, T. 27 S., R. 16 I.
Two and eight-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor,
about 75 ftet south of County Road 42, 1.0 mile east 9f
State Highway 55 south side of owner's residence. HNW
Set s*o. 32, T. 27 8., R. 16 I.
Three and five-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor
east *ide of Lake Butler, about 2.0 amles north of State
Highway 584 1.8 alles east of State Highway 55, 1.0
mile west of Bast Lake Road. southeast corner of a
cottage, at edge of Lake. sVtNk aoo. 33, T. 27 8., R.
16 I.
East side of Lake Butler, 1.0 mile north from Brooker
Creek Bridge, along ast Lake Road, 0.2 mile east of
Eaet Lake Road, south side of a phaok, 50 feet north of
a sand road. Near 8W eor. SEitNt seo. 34, T. 27 8., R.
16 I.
last side of Lake Butler, 1.4 miles north
Creek Bridge, along lapt Lake Road, about
of last Lake Road. SVtWt seo. 33, T. 27
from Brooker
1.0 mile east
8., R. 16 I.
One and one-tenth miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.5
mile north of County Road 41 0 65 mile west of State
Highway 55. Near NW cor. NEIN i oo. 1, T. 28 8., R.
15 S.
Six-tenths aile northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.25 mile
north of County Road 41, 0.65J ile east of U. 8. Highway
19. Near SE oor NEiNVi seo. 1, T. 28 S., R. 15 IE
Two-tenths mile northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.26 mile east
of U. S. Highway 19, 300 feet north of County Road 41
at site of old college. SWtNW* seo. 1, T. 28 8., R. is
One mile east of Palm Harbor 0.55 mile west of State
Highway 55, 0.1 mile north of County Road 41, 100 feet
west of a paved road. SSrNi aseo. 1, T. 28 S., R. 15 1.
About 0.95 mile east of Palm Harbor, 0.6 mile west of
State Highway 55, 0.1 aile west of a paved road, 400
feet north of County Road 41, north side of owner's
residence, in a pumphouse. 8tSN seeo. .1, T. 28 B., R.
15 I.
Nine-tenths mile east of Palm Harbor, 0.7 mile west of
State Highway 55, 0.18 mile west of a paved road, north
side of County Road 41. SiNji e#so. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15
Five-tenthe mile east of Palm Harbor, 0.2 mile east of
County Road 36 south side of County Road 41 east side
of a house. N~iSVj see. 1, T. 28 S., R. 1i i.
Six-tenthse ile east of Palm Harbor, 0.15 mile east of
County Road 6, 8CO feet south of County Road 41, in a
grove. NlsWS seo. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 L.
Nine-tenthse ile southeast of Palm Harbor 0.35 mile
north of State Hil.way 584, west side of County Road 39.
Near S cor. 8Wt8Bt see. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 I,
Two-tenths aile southwest of Palm Harbor, 900 feet south
of a fruit packing house at Pala Harbor, 100 feet east
of U.. 8. Highway 19. MfItl seo. 2, T. 28 S., R. 15 go
Palm Harbor. 200 feet north of Florida Ave., 400 feet
eait of U. 8. Highway 19, 20 feet west of a dirt road,
Nt1Sti see. 2, T. 28 8., R. 15 I.
a ate__r level __ pres in fee above th searin point
a Vater levl pressed In fet above the seasuring point.
L. J. Cobb
L. J. Cobb
C. Jackson
C. n. Johnson
J. A. Boyd
James 0. Hamilton
Palm Harbor, Florida
Food Machinery Co.
Dunedin, Florida
Claude Wood
Dunedin, Florida
Herbert C. Mann
Palm Harbor, Florida
H. 0. Sooggins
Palm Harbor, Florida
Robert Hamilton
Palm Harbor, Florida
Hubert McDaniels
Charles Jackson
Palm Harbor, Florida
J. L. Beckton
Palm Harbor, Florida
I. H. Harris
Palm Harbor, Florida
H. K. Riohmond
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. O0 Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
L. V. Mixon
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. I. Mountain Apr.
Palm Harbor, Florida 11946
;Ir Ifor
14 __ __ _1 ___ _____t
El H
a2 0
T6p of 12-inoh cas-
ing 3.85 feet below
lani surface datum.
Top of 12-inoh oas-
ing, 0.4 foot above
land surface.
Top of 2-inoh cas-
ing, flush with land
Top of 2-inch oas-
ing, 1.0 foot below
land surface.
Top of highest point
on 6-inoh oasing,
1.0 foot above land
Top of 6-inoh oou-
pling, 0.4 foot above
land surface.
Top of 10-inch one-
ing, 0*5 foot above
land surface.
67.96 65.00
1031 5
350 -
345 --
75 -
70 --
550 -
920 --
437 --
5-28-43 Irrigation
3-11-47 Irrigation
Oil test
4-7-47 Irrigation
0 3-12-47
0.5 5-o20-48
___________________________ 3........1...'.! I ___________________
Chloride anslyesis upplled
Lake Alfred, Florida.
by AgriOUJuImlr Experiment DBU1Ion,
continuous automatic
Iater-stage recorder
Installed 12-15-48.
F.G.B. Well W1742.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated on file
with Florida Geologi-
cal Survey.
46 4.51
75 10
75 110
I I I 1 111 1
ir a B IH
Ozona, 300 feet south of Bay St., 100 feet west of See- N. 5. Buchuan
tion Ave., south side of owner's residence. NZiNE* Osona, Florida
*eo. 10, T. 28 S., R. 13 .
Ozona, about 600 feet south of Bay St., about 73 feet Fred Williams
east of Section Ave. E*NNE* sea. 10, T. 28 B., R. 15 E. Ozona, Florida
One and five-tenths ailes southwest of Palm Harbor, 0.5 B. V. Cram
mies south of intersection of State Highway 384 with Ozona, Florida
U. 8. Highway 19, 0.2 5 il* west of U. 8. Highway 19,
vest side of a bridge, at owner's residence. NiESEt sec.
10, T. 28 8., R. 135 .
Osona, 3 Bay St. south side of owner's residence. NWM Ann Kennedy
NVWt *o. 11, T. 28 S., R. 13 3. Ozona, Florida
Seven-tenths mile southwest of Palm Harbor, 0.2 aile C. Pomerenhe
east of U. 8. Highvay 19, 0.1 mile north of State High- Ozona, Florida
way 584, northeast of owner's residence, in an orange
grove. NEINVi se*. 11, T. 28 8.,, R. 15 .
Four-tenths mile south of Pala Harbor, 0.32 mile north Fred B. Allan
of State Highway 384, about 100 feet west of County Road Pala Harbor, Florida
1, at Baaboo Gardens. NEINEL see. 11, T. 28 S., R. 13
One and two-tenths ailes southwest of Pals Harbor 0.3 J. C. Suaner
alle south of intersection of State Highway 584 with Oxona, Florida
County Road 69, 100 feet west of County Road 69, in a
vacant lot. Near SE cor. SVtNV seo. 11, T. 28 8., R.
One and one-tenth ailes south of Pal Harbor, 0,45 mile S. E. S Developing
south of State Highway 384, 1200 feet west of County Co.
Road 1, west of a residence. NWISJt eso. 11, T. 28 8., Dade City, Florida
R. 15 S.
One and one-tenth miles south of Palm Harbor, 0.45 mile S. Developing
south of State Highway 384, 600 feet vest of County Road Co.
1 100 feet southwest of a barn, in an orange grove. NE* Dade City, Florida
Sit se. 11, T. 28 8., R. 1 5 .
One and one-tenth miles south of Palm Harbor 0.43 mile E. I. E. Developing
south of State Highway 384, 50 feet vest of County Road Co.
1, 100 feet south of a residence, in an orange grove. Dade City, Florida
NW3IIt se. 11, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
Six-tenths aile southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.2 mile north Paln Harbor Junior
of State Highway 584, 0.22 aile east of County Road 1, High School
vest Cide of a paved road, south side of a high school. Palm Harbor, Florida
NVtNVj see. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 t.
About 0.95 aile southeast of Pals Harbor 1.1 miles wast Charles S I anford
of State Highway 55, 0.13 mile north of State Highway 8arasota, Florida
584, west side of a graded road, near southwest corner
of a residence. NVtNSi seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
Seven-tenthe aile southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.4 aile R. Duguid
east of County Road 1, 1,000 feet north of State Righwiy Pala Harbor, Florida
584, 1,000 feet east of a high school, in an orange
ve in a pumphouse northwest of owner's residence.
NVt see. 12, ?. 288., R. 13 E.
About 0.8 aile southeast of Palm Harbor, 05.2 mile east R. Duguid
of County Road 1, 0.2 mile north of State Highway 84, Pala Harbor, Florida
in an orange grove, north of over's residence. NWVNSI
see. 12, T. 28 S., R. 153 .
Six-tenths mile southeast of Pals Harbor 0.15 mile east dward M. Herman
of County Road 1, about 450 feet north of State Highway
84. at east edge of an orange grove. NW, NV see. 12,
T. 28 S., R. 135 .
light-tenthe mile southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.5 mile R. Duguid
east of County Road 1, 400 feet north of State Highway Pala Harbor, Florida
8 rnder a windmill, north side of owner's residence.
ItiWt see. 12, T. 28 8., R. 1f 3.
C. Woodoook
Palm Harbor, Florka
Porter Zlnrman
Ozona, Florida
Porter Ziaerman
Ozona, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Louis May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Harold May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. E. Mountain
Paln Harbor,
14P a Q
M- 604
go *4 l
1 Ir~b
Top of 4-inch cas-
ing, 0.8 foot above
land surface.
Top of 4-inch cou-
pling, 3.2 feet above
land surface.
Top of 12-inch cou-
pling, 0.3 foot
above land surface.
Top of 12-inch cou-
pling, 0.5 foot
above land surface.
Top of 10-inch cas-
ing, flush with land
Top of 12-inch cou-
pling, 0,8 foot
above land surface.
24.58 18.63
5- 1-46
4- 2-47
9- 3-47
12- 4-47
-- __
7-1-47 Domestic
7-1-4? Domestic
4-30-48 ISchool
0 3-27-47
--- 5-25-48
-- 5-16-51
38 2.5
Water not used for
Water not used for
Water unfit for any
use owing to high
salinity. Well is
capped and covered
with dirt.
F.G.8. Well W1738.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated on file
with Florida Geologi-
cal Survey.
Automatic water-stage
recorder installed
51 110
553 4
77 P2
--- bO
80 4
I I I I i I I I I _
TABL I 5. WI LL R ORD (Continued)
1 %0g
About 0.8a mile southeast of Palm Harbor 0.6 mile east R
of County Road I, about 700 feet north of State Highway P
584, northeast o owner's residence, in an orange grove,
south side of a small pond. NWINEt seo. 12, T. 28 8.,
R. 153 .
One aile southeast of Palm Harbor, 600 feet west of C
County Road 39, 15 feet north of state Highway 584, at 8
south edge of an orange grove, in a pumphouse. NWtNEt
seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and two-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.25 J
aile east of County Road 39, 0.1 mile north of State P
Highway 584, vest side of a dirt road, south side of a
house. Near 3S cor. NENzt) seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
Nine-tenths aile southeast of Palm Harbor 0.6 mile east H
of County Road 1, 30 feet south of State highway 584, 5 C
feet west of a pumphouse, at north edge of an orange
grove. Near NW cor. SVBNIe seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 E.
Nine-tenths mile southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.6 mile east I
of County Road 1, 30 feet south of State Highway 584, in (
a pumphguse, at north edge of an orange grove. Near NW
cor. SVWtNE seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and one-tenth miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0,7
mile east of County Road 1 900 feet south of State High-
way 84 400 feet west of County Road 39, In an orange
1rove,.in a pumphouse. 8NVtt seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15
tight-tenths mile southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.15 mile
south of State Highway 584 700 feet east of County Road
I, In an orange grove. SW NVt seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15
Sight-tenths mile southeast of Pala Harbor 0.3 mile east
of County Road 1, 700 feet south of ttate highway 584,
in an orange grove. Near NW oor. SEINVI sao. 12, T. 18
S., R. 15 t.
One and two-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.2
mile west of County Road 39, 0.3 aile south of State
Highway 584, 890 feet north of a barn, in an orange grovq
north side of a shed. Near BV oor. SViNEt sea. 12, T.
28 S., R. 13 5.
One and three-tenths miles southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.43
alle south of State Highway 584, 900 feet west of County
Road 39, about 300 feet northeast of a barn, in an
orange grove. NWSLt seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 E.
One nilo south of Pala Harbor, 0.35 mile south of State
Highway 584, 300 feet east of County Road 1, north side
of owner's residenoe. Near NW cor. NWiSW8 seo. 12, T.
28 S., R. 15 3.
One mile south of Palm Harbor, 0.36 mile south of State
Highway 584, east side of County Road i, ralt side of
ovnerts residence, in a pumphou e. NVt8SV sea. 12, T.
28 S., R. 153 .
One and four-tenths olles southeast of Palm Harbor 0.7
sile south of State Highway 084. 0.14 ile east of county
Road 1 east lid* of a dirt road, under a tank. SEtSVt
seo. 12, T. 28 S., R. 15 3.
One and sevon-tenths miles south of Palm Harbor, 0,25
mile north of County Road 38 about 300 feet southwest
of County Road 1, n a oemeni puphouse near a residence.
Near OW ar. SVwiVt e*** 13, T. 25 S., R. 15 3.
Two and one-tenth siles southeast of Pala Harbor, 0,6
aile east of County Road 1, north si0e t County Road 38,
north side owner's reeldence. SEtNEt eoo. 1l, T. 28
S.. R. 15 3.
Two and one-tenth iles southelet of Palm Harbor, 0,65
mlle east of County Road 1, north slde of Opunty Road
38, northeast corner of a residence. SliNEt aoo. 13, T.
28 S., R. 15 .,
_______________________________________________ I
* Duguid
alm Harbor, Florida
harles E. Sanford
arasota, Florida
ames Smith
alm Harbor, Florida
larry Biggine
Clearwater, Florida
Harry Biggins
Clearwater, Florida
Harry Biggine
Clearwater, Florida
Arthur Z. Yahn
F. H. Moody
Crystal Beach,
A. S. Schneider
Plant City, Florida
A. 8. Sohneider
Plant City, Florida
Kenneth Overoash
Dunedin, llorida
Kenneth Overoash
Dunedin, llorida
Carl Merritt
Palam arbor, Florida
WV. 0MClane
Tampa, Flcrida
J, H. Woodhaa
Palm Harbor, Florida
A. E. Mountain
Palm Harbor,
Harold May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank Hay
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. E. Mountain
Palm Harbor,
A. O. Dunlap and
Dunedin, Florida
A. X. Mountain
Palm Harbor,
John C. John
Palm Harbor,
Top of 4.5-inoh oou-
pling, 0.5 toot a-
bove land surface.
Top of 10-inch oae-
ing, 0.2 foot above
land eurfaoe.
0L Top
of 10
)-inch oae-- 65.63
foot above
Top of 6-inch cou-
pling, 0.9 root
above land eurface.
Lj ______I .
tj I~ I L ,t O
5-1 -51
4- 3-47
* hloride analysis supplied by Agricultural
Lake Alfred, Florida.
553* --
200 0
300 0
40 -
3-29-45 -
6-4-43 Irrigation
9-8-47 Domestio
3-27-47 Test well
2-26-45 Irrigation
3-27-47 -
4-3-47 Irrigation
1-2-48 Irrigation
12-31-47 Domeetio
9-11-47 IDomeetic
Szperiment station,
57 4.1
82 4.,
92 12
204 10
260 52
108 56
108 $1
90 60
50 ..
Two and two-tenths miles southeast of P1la Harbor, 07
aile east of County Road 1, south ide of County Road
38, south side of a residence. N1tSt seeo. 13, T. 28 8.,
R. 13 S.
Two siles south of Pals Harbor southeast corner of in-
tersection of County Road 1 vWh County Road 38, south
side of owner's residence. Near NW cor. NEISV) seo. 13,
T. 28 8., R. 15 E.
Two and two-tenths ailes south of Pala Harbor, 0.2 aile
south of County Road 38, about 300 feet east of County
Road 1, southeast of owner's residence, in a pumphouse.
N*tSVt sec. 13, T. 28 S., R. 135 B
Two silee south of Pala Harbor 0.8 aile south of State
Righway 584, about 30 feet west of County Road 1, 15
feet south of a dirt road, at intersection of a dirt
road with County Road 1. Near N cor. HtNINE eeo. 14,
T. 28 8., R. 15 1.
Two and one-tenth miles south of Pals Harbor, 0.4 mile
north of County Road 38, about 30 feet west of County
Road 1, at southeast corner of an orange grove, in a
pumphouse, ntnl s*e. 14, T. 28 8., R. 15 .
One and nine-tenths milee south of Pala Harbor, 0.6 sile
east of O. 8. Highway 19, 100 teet north of County Road
38, northeast of a residence. SBViNi teo. 14, T. 28 8.,
R. 15 3.
Two and three-tenths miles north of Dunedin, 0,25 mile
south of County Road 38, 0.2 mile east of U. S. Highway
19, south side of Curlew Creek, on golf course, in punp-
house. Near 8V cor. NWIWt see. 14, T. 28 8., R. 15 1.
Owner's well 1.
Two and three-tenths siles northeast of Dunedin, 0.35
mile south of County Road 38, 0.48 aile east of U. 8.
Highway 19, 650 feet northeast front olub house on double
drive, 700 feet north of double drive. SEtSVi see. 14,
T. 28 8., R. 15 1. Owner'e well 1.
Two and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.35
aile north of County Road 98, 0.6 aile east of U. 8.
Highway 19, about 1000 feet northeast from olub house on
double drive, 600 feet south of double drive. BiSE*
sec. 1), T. 28 8., R. 15 Owner's well 2.
Two and six-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin 0.4 aile
north of County Road 98, 0.9 mile east of U. 8. Highway
19, about 0.5 aile east of Country Club, east si@e of a
barn horth side of a residence. 8VtSI soo. 14, T. 28
s., A. 15 8.
Two and two-tenths miles north of Dunedin south side of
Ourlew Creek, west side of U. S. Highway 19, west ede
of barracke, in small building. Near NE oor. BV*8 see.
15, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and one-tenth miles north of Dunedin, 0.45 mile
north of north end of igbland Ave., 400 feet east of a
hard surface road. 8t6Bt soo. 22, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and nine-tenths miles north of Dunedin, 0.4 mile
east of U. 8. Highway 19, south side of County Road 98,
at owner's residence. Near NV cor. 8V5LZ see. 23, T.
28 8., R. 15 I.
Two and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin 0.7
aile east of O. 8. Highway 19, 0.2 alie north of County
Road 98, about 0.3 mile southeast of Country Club, south
eide of a sand road, in a puhouseo Near V I or. Ic t
NSt ee., 23, T. 28 S., R. 153. Owner's wll 2.
One and six-tenths milee northeast of Dunedin, 045 mile
south of Couty Road 98 about 0.2 aile west of County
Road 99, 1Ntati see. 23, 0. 28 5., R. 15 I.
R. o. Hurst
Pala Harbor, Florida
B. 0. Hunt
Dunedin, Florida
Vernon Fraser
Dunedin, Florida
e. B. 3. Developing
Dade City, Florida
3. I. I. Developing
Dade City, Florida
Paso 'Packing Co.
Dunedin Isles Country
Dunedin, Florida
N. 8. Knight
Dunedin, Florida
M. 8. Knight
Dunedin, Florida
M. 8. Knight
Dunedin, Florida
Civil Aeronautics Ada.
Washington, D. O.
F. L. Skinner
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Dunedin Isles Country A. 0. Dunlap
Club Dunedin Florida
Dunedin, Florida
J. A. Merritt
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedn, Florida
R. ,C Howell
Pala Harbor,
A. 0. Dunlap
Duedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A.. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, rForlda
A. O. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
T. J. Zi-merman
Osona, Florida
A. O. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
- --
r H1 o
1 0
aa a tlC) C'l1
li 19:
Top of 4.5-inoh oas-
ing, 0.5 toot above
land surface.
Top of 4.5-inch eae-
ing, flush with land
Top of 12-inch cou-
pling, 0.7 foot
above land surface.
Top of 8-inoh ear-
ing 0.1 foot above
lana surface.
Top of 8-inoh ae-
ing, flush with lana
4- 4-47
4- 3-47
6-19-47 Domestic
4-4-47 Irrigation
Well is capped.
F.G.S. Well V584.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated between
40 and 80 feet on
file with Florida
Geological Survey.
Listed in the U. S.
Geological Survey
Water-Supply Paper
319, P. 322. For-
merly owned by L. B.
- -- --
TA BL 59 V LL R COORDS (Continued)
-f -i
I a
Tvo and two-tenths miles northeast of
east of County Road 1 100 feet south
580. Near NV cor. NwtSi seo. 25, T.
Dunedin, 1.1 miles
of State Highyay
28 a., R. 15 E.
One and nine-tenths miles east of Dunedin, 0.75 mile
east of County Road 1, about 400 feet south of State
NHihway 580, 300 feet east of County Road 36. NWiSWi
see. 25, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
one and seven-tenths miles northeast of'Dunedin, 0.32
mile north of County Road 1 about 0.15 mile east of
County Road 99, northeast o a barn, in an orange grove
known as Old Tappan Grove. SVtSEt ee. 23, T. 28 S.,
R. 15 K.
One and nine-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.7 mile
south of County Road 98, 0.1 aile vest of County Road 1,
east ide of a small pond, in a pumphouse. Near SI cor.
3swis seoe. 23, T. 28 8., R. 15 I.
Two and seven-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin 0.6
mile south of County Road 38, 150 feet east of county
Road 1 on south side of a fruit packing house. NEtN~
sec. 24, T. 28 8., R. 15 Z.
Two and six-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.65 mile
south of County Road 38, about 100 feet east of County
Road e, east side of owner's residence, in a pumphouse.
NINVt see. 24, T. 28 R., R. 15 Z.
Two and four-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 660 'feet
vest of County Road 1, 150 feet north of County Road 98,
in a tool house. Near SV cor. NVWNVI seo. 24, T. 28 8.,
R. 15 1.
Two and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin 0.1
vile siuth of County Road 98, 0.1 mile vest of County
Road 1, ve*t of well 117. SVINVW see. 24, T. 28 8., R.
15 K.
To and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.1
mile south of County Road 98, about 400 feet west of
County Road 1, vest side of owner's residence, east of
vell 116. WVi*V sec. 24, T. 28 8., R. 15 E.
Tvo and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.25
rile fouth of County Road 98, 60 feet east of County
Road 1 in an orange grove. NViSW see. 24, T. 28 8.
4. 15 E.
Two and two-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.35 mile
south of County Road 98, 38 feet vest of County Road 1,
esutheast of owner's residence. NViSWt see. 24, T. 28
S., R. 15 Z.
Two and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.9
mile south of County Road 38, about 350 feet east of
County Road 1, In an orange grove. NWV8W) see. 24, T.
28 S., R. 15 t.
Two in4 tye-tenthe miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.6 mile
n',rto of State Highway 580, 0.25 mile east of County
Road 1, in an orange grove. Near SW cor. SEiSVt sec.
24, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
Tvo and one-tenth miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.45 mile
north of State Highway 580, 02 mile east of County Road
1, in an orange grove. NWINVt seo. 25, T. 28 8., R. 15
One and eight-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.55
mile east of County Road 1, 660 feet north of State High-
way 580, in an orange grove. BVi NW sea. 25, T. 28 8.,
R. 15 I.
fwo miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.8 mile east of County
Road 1, 660 feet north of State Highway 580, in an
orange grove. SEtNV soo. 25, T. 28 8., R. 15 E.
Two and two-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 1.0 mile
east of County Road 1, 190 feet north of State Highway
580, Near NM cor. SEtNWt sso. 25, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
0. A. Davis
Dunedin, Florida
Inman ovell
Bill Garrison
Dunedin, Florida
A. J. Grant
Dunedin, Florida
3. V. Nigles
Dunedin, Florida
E. V. Niglee
Dunedin, Florida
S. V. Nigles
Dunedin, Florida
Eugene Niglep
Dunedin, Florida
Lee Nigles
Dunedin, Florida
E. E. E. Developing
Dade City, Florida
Royal Barnum
Palm Harbor, Florida
A. J. Grant
Dunedin, Florida
J. L. Howell
W. C. Overoash
Dunedin, Florida
Jernigan and Thomas
Clearwater, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
J. L. Howell
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin. Florida
I -L
~- I
W '4
r~r ri I __ ___
Af A
-- I
Top of 8-inch cas-
ing 0.5 foot above
lan& surface.
Top of 4.5tinoh cae-
ing, 0.5 foot above
land surface.
Top of concrete pump
base, 0.2 foot above
land surface.
42.90 15-27-46
43.23 3-18-47
76 -
25 --
35* 1--
3-18-47 Domestic
Well is covered with
C hbloride amllyle supplsid by Agrioultoral IZpwrinent Station,
Lake Alfred.,,2o zrl .
58 l8
271 1156
98 ic
TA ILI L. V LL REC ORD (Continued)
One and nine-tenths miles east of Dunedin, 0.3 all*
south of State Highway 580, 50 feet veat of County Road
36 at east edge of an orange grove. Hear NE oar. 8Vt
SVk rec. 23, T. 28 S., R. 15 3.
One and five-tenthe Mlle northeast of Dunedin, 0,75
llie south of County Road 98 0.25 mile north of County
Road 1, 50 feet east of County Road 99, about 5 feet
north of owner' resideno. WVtNI **e.o 26, T. 28 8.,
R. 15 S.
One and five-tenths amles northeast of Dunedin, 0,?5
*ile south of County Road 98, 0.25 mile north of County
Road 1 about 50 feet east of County Road 99, south of
*ill 19, at over's residence. NWtEt seo. 26, T. 28
S., R. 15 I.
One and five-tenthse iles northeast of Dunedin, 0.8 mile
south of County Road 98, 0.2 lite north of County Road
1 about 300 feet east of County Road 99, on east side
o owner's residenoe. NVfNZ *seo. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15
One and five-tenths miles northeast of Dunedln 0.15
mile north of intersection of County Road 1 vith County
Road 99, eapt side of County Road 99 at 1310 Georgia
ATe. NViNt rse. 26, T. 28 8., R. 1 j .
One and fire-tenthe miles northeast of Dunedin 0.13
mile north of intersection of County Road 1 vith County
Road 99, 0.1 mile east of County Road 99, north side of
Oeorgia Ave., east of well 132. NVWNt seeo. 26, T. 28
S., R. 15 3.
One and five-tenths lles northeast of Dunedin, 0.13
mile north of intersection of County Road 1 with County
Road 99, about 0.05 ile east of County Road 99 south
side of Georgia Ave. at owner's residence. NWINEt seo.
26, T. 28 8., R. 15 .
One and five-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin 0.13
aile north of intersection of County Road 1 with County
Road 99, about 0.07 ailo east of County Road 99 south
slde of Georgia Ave., at owner's evidence. NVNE seo.
26, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and five-tenths aile northeast of Dunedin, 0.13
mile north of intersection of County Road 1 with County
Road 99, about 0.12 mile east of County Road 99, south
side of Georgia Ave., east of well 137. NVitNE seo. 26,
T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and five-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin about
0.1 mile east of County Road 99, 0.13 mile north of
County Road 1 south side of OGorgla Ave east of well
135 at owner' residence. NVJNEt lse. 26, T. 28 8.,
A. 15 I.
About 1.4 miles northeast of Dunedin, about 400 feet
north of County Road 1, 150 feet east of County Road 99,
south side of Ohio Ave., under a water tank. NVWNE@ eec.
26, T. 28 8., R. 15 I.
One and five-tenthe s les northeast of Dunedin, 0.75
*ile south of County Road 98 0.25 mile north of inter-
section of County Road 1 vith County Road 99 about 400
feet vest of County Road 99 at ower's reaidenoe. NEt
NIt see. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, about
0.1 mile vest of interseotion of County Road 1 vith
County Road 99, 200 feet north of County Road 99. Nit
WIt eo. 26, T. 28 5., R. 15 3.
One and six-tenthe miles northeast of Dunedin about 0.4
mile ea.t of intersection of County Road 1 with County
Road 99, about 400 feet south of County Road 1, in pump-
house, southeast of owner's residence. SIjNli seo. 26,
T. 28 8., R. 15 L.
One and eight-tenths liles northeast of Dunedi, 0.62
mile east of Intersection of County Road 1 with State
Righway 580, 60 feet south of State Highway 580. NW
Sat see. 25, T. 28 8., R. 15 I.
J. L, Hovell
Dunedin, Fnorlda
A. A. 8ohulti
Palm Harbor, Florida
A. A. Sohulta
Palm Harbor, Florida
Clarenoe 1. Burns
Dunedin, Florida
H. J. Fillinux
Palm Harbor, Florida
J. 0. Hagln
Palm Harbor, Florida
R. 8. Vhitaler
Palm Harbor, Florida
T. J. Vhitaker
Dunedin, Florida
V. Oven
Palm Harbor, Florida
L. F. Helms
Dunedin, Florida
0. 8. Gladding
Dunedin, Florida
Logan V. Davis
Dunedin, Florida
Elliott Beatty
Dunedin, Florida
H. E. 8umner
Dunedin, Florida
Eueno Nigels
Pan Rlarbor, Florida
- I 1 ___________
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. O, Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. S. Mountain
Pala Harbor,
F. H. McBride
Tampa, Florida
A. I. Mountain
Palm Harbor,
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. E. Mountain
Pala Harbor,
A. E. Mountain
and Hovwel
L. P. elms
Dunedin, Florida
O. 5. Oladdinx
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. O. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunodin, Florida
ff i i
r] I I_
MAN a to 'm
f? r!to
cr 8 Al
Top of 2-inch cas-
ing 1.7 foet above
land surface.
Top of 4-inch cou-
pling, 2.2 feet
above land surface.
Top of 8-inch cas-
ing, 0*1 foot above
land surfaoeo
3-26-48 Domestio
Well is capped.
F.G.S. Well W1620.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated on file
with Florida Geolog-
ical Survey.
F.0.8. Well W1743.
Cuttings from strta
penetrated on file
with Florida Geolog-
ical Surrey.
- 2
26.76 18.00
I --
_ __ __ __ _ _
I 136
About 1.83 sles northeast of Dunodin, 0.70 aile east of
Intersection of County Road 1 with 8tate Highway 580,
100 feet south of State Highway 580, south side o ofwn-
er's residence. N Si leoo. 23, T. 28 S., R. 15 3.
One and eight-tenthe iles east of Dundin, 0.70 mile
ast of intersection of County Road 1 with State Highway
$ o, 800 ftet south of State Highwa 580, south of well
143. NVtsvt ,e. 25, T. 28 S., R. 15 .
One and two-tenths slres northeast of Dunedin about 100
tfot east of intersection of County Road 1 with Stat
Highway 380, about 0.2 sile south of State Highway 580
along sand road leading into oqnesr' residence west
side of house. NWtSt roo. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 .
One and three-tnths siles east of Dunedin 0.25 sile
north of County Road 34, 0.25 mil south of State High-
way 380 0.13 mile east of intersection of County Road
1 with 8tate Highway 580, about 190 oot west of a hard
surface road. Near NV oar. 8VtS seo. 26, T. 28 8., R.
.15 .
light-tenths silo, *at of Dudin 0.5 milt east of in-
terseotion of County Road S34 wi tate Righway 580,
0.20 mile north of County oat 34 500 fet east of New
York Ave., in a grove. 8 s8Vt seo. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15
About 0.0 sile eapt of Dunedin, 0.33 ile east of Inter-
section of County Road 34 th State RHighway 580, 600
feot north of County Road 34, 0.2 mile east 9f wev York
Ave. in a grove, southeast of wll 147. SwVtn S *s.
26, '. 28 S., R. 13 I.
One and four-tenths alles east of Dunodin 1.2 miles
east of intersection of County Road 34 with State High-
way 380, 0.435 ile south of State Highway 580, about 660
feet east of a hard surface road, about 400 feat north
of County Road 34 south side of owner's residence. SVW
S3t soo. 26, T. 28 ., R. 15 3.
Nine-tenths aile north of Dunedin 0,85 mile south of
County Road 98, 300 feet west of 6. 8 Highway 19 about
)00 ftot east of snore line. N&NVI seo. 27, T. i8 S.,
R. 15 .
About 0.735 ale north of Dunedin 1.0 mile south of
County Road 98, 0.25 mile east of U. 8. Highway 19 at
northeast corner of property belonging to Juice Indus-
tries, near guard house, SVINtt soo. 27, T. 28 8., R.
135 Owner's well 1.
About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin 1,0 mile south of
County Road 98, 0.25 mil east .ofU 8. Highway 19
known as *'fed Mil1 well. SVIMt seo. 27, T. 28 8.,
R. 15 3. Owner's well 2.
About 0.75 mile nortn of Dunedin 1.0 mile south of
County Road 98, 0.25 sile east of U. Hlihw 19
southeast of a boiler house, SwVN rso. 27, .? 26 s.,
R. 1 5 Ownr's well 3.
About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin 1.0 sile south of
County Road 98, 0.25 mile east of U IS, Highway 19, at
southeast corner of ain building t.own as *ain plant'
well. SViNt eoo. 27, T. 28 s., R.l 5 I. OwnPers well
About 0.73 ile north of Dunedin 1.0 mile souta of
County Road 98, 0.25 ile ast of U. S. Highway 19. "et
of a water tanl. Known as general supply wll. Sink
ee*. 27, T. 28 i., R. 15 I. Ovwnr'e wll 5,
About 0*735 ile north of Dunedin 1.0 mile south of
County Road 98, 0.25 sile iaot o 0. S. Hig Ba 19, in
sothyest emotion of property. nona as thi fire well'.
SWtiet seo. 27, t. 28 8., R. 15 I. Owner's well 6.
About 0.75 ile north of Dunedin. 1.0 ile south of
County Road 98, 0.25 3ile oat of U. 8. highway 19, near
Iin ate, at southeast *dli of prop rty,' Kin as
VollPr house well. VNIo see, 27, T. 2 o., 3. 5 I.
Owner's well 7.
Juice Indusries,
Dunodin, Florida
Juoie Industries,
Dunedin, Florida
Juice Industries,
Dunedin, FlOrida
Juice Industries,
Dunedin, firida
David Nigels
Dunedin, Florida
David Nigels
Dunedin, Florida
Major Diokinion
Dunedin, Florida
Norman Mendel
Dunodin, Florida
Robert MoDougal
Robert MoDougal
J. L. Howell
Dunedin, Florida
B. L. Skinner
Dunedin, Florida
Julo .Induitrile, In.o
Dundin, Florida
Juto lndutris, Ino.
Dunidin, Florida
Juice Industries, Inc.
Dunodin, Florida
Ino. MIy
City, Florida
City, Florida
City, Florida
A, 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0, Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Bradenton, Florida
Bradenton, Florida
Bradenton, Florida
Bradenton, Florida
VATER Lttrm.
aflmlnt tnfiW Nue
Mw-us I-runia
- 4 I -- ** -I -- 1 31 -- 2-5-47 Domestio
Top of 4-inch can-
ing 1.3 feet above
lanI eurfaoe.
Top of 6-inoh cou-
pling, 0.7 foot
above land aurfaoe.
4- 2-47
8- 1-47
21 .---
21* --.
5-20-48 Domoetio
1-2-48 Domestic
5-28-43 Irrigation
3-20-47 IDometio
Oh~~~~~o~~~ide~ ~ ~ anlsssple yAroltr2 eietSain
hlooride aunlysisr auppli.d-
Lake Alt o, rlorita.
76 8
65 4
*.- 10
60 --
37 6
-- 112
- 12
by Agricultural grperiment Station,
158 About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin,
County Road 98, 0.25 mile east of
NEt sec. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
1.0 mile south of
U. S. Highway 19. SVt
About 0.85 illp n rth of Dunedin, 1.05 mile south of
County Road 19, o.4 nile eie, of U. S. Highway 19 in a
nurn.hrae, in an or~ni~e rove, northeast of well 160.
lepr SW cor. IE:!S E sec. 2?, T. 28 3., R. 15 E.
Seven-tenthe mile north of Dunedin, 0.4 mile north of
Skinner ?1vl., e.st side of Hizhland Ave. east of Juice
In'lu'tele, Inc., near a windr.ll. SEt!E4 sec. 27, T.
2e S., 1. 15 E.
161 Five-tenths mile nor:h of Dunedin, about 0.25 mile north
of Skinner 31vd., vaot side of Hig'.land Ave., near south-
eist corner of a cycl)ne fence, on property belonging to
Juice Industries, Inc., south of main gate, in swampy
land. SVWNEJ sec. 27, 7. 28 S., R. 15 E.
162 Dun.dln, 1053 BasA 9lvi., in basement of owner's
residence. NOSE1 sec. 27, T. 28 S R. 15 E.
163 Dunoedn, 1244 Bies 9lvd., NEJSE) sec. 27, T. 28 S., R.
15 E.
Dunedin, 500 feet vest of Base Blvd., opposite 1129 Base
Blvd., in an ornze crove. Near SW cor. NE3SE* sec. 27,
T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
l~5 Dunedin, 303 feet west of Bass Blvd., 50 feet south of
Bay Street, near a residence. Near SW cor. NEISE$ sec.
27, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
166 Dunedin, one block north of )ain
Atlantic Corst Line Railroad, at
plint of Juice Industries, Inc.
S., R. 15 E.
Street, east side of
south platform, south
SVWSE| sec. 27, T. 28
i6?7 unedin, soutreast of intersection of Grant Street and
highland Ave., northeast of Fire Station and City Hall,
in a pumphouse. SWVSE* see. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
Dunedin, northeast of intersection of Main Street with
Broadway, under city water tank, in a pumphouee. SEt
SWt see. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
Nine-tenthe mile south of Dunedin, 45 feet west of Edge-
wter Drive 300 feet south of Oranrewood Drive, across
ro, a from 43 Edgewater Drive. SVW BI sec. 34, T. 28 8.,
R. 15 E.
Five-tenths mile southeast of Dunedin, about 20 feet east
of Milvwukee St., at southeast corner of intersection of
Milwaukee St. and James St., near a garage, in a pup-
house. Near SW cor. N tNEi see. 34, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
-- i -
Juice Industries,
Dunedin, Florida
L. B. Skinner
Dunedin, Florida
F. L. Skinner
Dunedin, Florida
Juice Industries,
Dunedin, Florida
0 S. Oldding
Dunedin, Florida
0. S. Gladding
Dunedin, Florida
West Coast Packing
Clearwater, Florida
0. S. Gladding
Dunedin, Florida
Juice Industries, Inc.
Dunedin, Florida
City of Dunedin
City of Dunedin
Guy A. Neal
Dunedin, Florida
171 Seon-tenths mile southeast of Dunedin, 300 feet east of F. L. Skinner
New York Ave. on projection of Scotland Ave. NWtNWV Dunedin, Florida
sec. 35, T. 26 S., R. 15 E.
172 One end one-tentn miles east of Dunedin, 1.2 miles east of
U. S. Highway 19, 0.25 mile south of County Road 34, near
a house, in an orange grove, known as Milwaukee Grove,
southeast of well 171. NEINWj sec. 35, T. 28 S., R. 15
One and two-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin 1.2 miles
Rpst of U. S. Highway 19, 0.45 dile south of county Road
34, southeast of a barn, in an orange grove, known as
Yilvaukee Grove, south of well 172. StIMt sec. 35, T.
28 S., R. 15 E.
One and five-tenthe mlles southeast of Dunedin, 1.6 miles
east of U. S. Highway 19, 0.4 mile south of County Road
34, about 0.2 1ile vest of County Road 34, about 0.4 mile
southeast of Coun;y arn, southeast of a pond in an
orAnfe grove. StNVi se. 35, T. 28 S., R. 15 E.
F. L. Skinner
Dunedin, Florida
F. L. Skinner
Dunedin, Florida
Robert McDougal
T. J. Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
T. J. Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
0. S. Gladding
Dunedin, Florida
Po-ter Ziasmerman
Ozona, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
0. 8. Gladding
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A, 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
--------------- r I I .
14 H 0 4 z
188 12 Industrial
120 80 6 Top of 6-inch ca- 18.35 7.69 10-23-45 30 4-9-47 Irrigation isted in U. S. Geo-
ing, flush with land 10.88 3-25-48 logical Survey Water
surface. 10.92 41948 Supply Paper 319, p.
69 6-23-9 322.
188 --- 12 --- --- ---- --- Indutrlal
120 80 6 Top of 6-inch cas- 18.35 7.69 10-23-45 30 0 4-9-47 Irrigation Listed in U. 8. Geo-
ing, flush with land 10.88 3-25-48 logical Survey Water
surface. 10.92 4-19-48 Supply Paper 319, p.
15.69 6-23-49 322.
50 50 1.5 --- --- 47 o 4-8-47 Irrigation Listed in U. S. Geo-
logical Survey Water
Supply Paper 319, P.
12 --- 1 1 -3-47 -- Sample for chloride
determination taken
after well had been
flowing for an in-
definite period.
100 73 2 Top of 2-inch cae- .- 21.56 4-23-46 --- -- -- Domestic
ing, 9.2 feet below
land surface.
55 50 2 --- 18 --- 3-20-47 Domestic
164 38 6 --- --- 32 0 4-8-47 Irrigation
80 b5 2 --- 41 --- 3-20-47 Domestic
200 -* 12 Top of 12-inch cae- 9.72 7.67 10-22-45 80 --- 2-5-47 Industrial Automatic water
ing, 3.85 feet below 9.00 6-23-49 level recorder in-
land surface. 9.54 5-14-51 stalled 12-15-48.
146 32 10 -- -27 --- 2-5-47 Public
25 -- 4-28-48 Supply
96 --- 10 -- --- 40 --- 2-5-47 Public Water analysis given
Supply in U. S. Geological
Survey Water-Supply
Paper 596-G, p. 224,
analysis 316.
60 -- --- 32 --- 12-1-47 --- Samples for chloride
25 -- 5-7-48 Ideterminatione taken
after vell had been
flowing for an in-
!definite period.
202 71 10 -- --- ---- --- --- Irrigation
240 26 8 Top of 4-inch cas- 20.70 9.8 2-2-48 30 0 2-5-47 Irrigation
ing, about 2.0 feet
below land surface.
114 65 3 -- -- --- 30 2-5-47 !Domestic Well was originally
I drilled to a depth
!of 161 feet but
later filled to dept
lof 114 feet.
201 --- 8 --- -- 20 0 2-5-47
TA BLI 5. VILL R 1 C 0R D 8 (Continued)
One and seven-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin,
feet vst of County Road. 34, 0.1 11e south of a
tery, in an orange grove, west side of a house,
sec. 35, T. 28 S., R. 13 S.
About 2.0 miles east of Dunedin, 0,5 mile south of State
Highway 580, east side of County Road 36, north side of
Jerry Lake. nNI3wV Seo. 36, T. 28 8., R. 15 3.
One and eight-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, 0.2
mile vest of interseclon of County Road 36 with County
Road 31, about 600 feet south of County Road 34, near a
house. NVSVi sec. 36, T. 28 8., R. 15 E.
Two and tnree-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, about
0.35 mile north of Sunset Point Drive ( county Road 32)
350 feet vest of County Road 34. 8StSVt sec. 36, T. 26
8., R. 15 I.
Tnree and seven-tenths miles east of Palm Barbor, about
2.1 miles east of State Highway 55 east side of Lake
Butler, 0.2 mile south of Brooler Croek, about 0.1 mile
west of Caqt Lake Road. Near NW cor. SV1N2t eeo. 4, T.
28 8., R. 16 3.
Two and nine-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, 1.3 miles
east of State Highway 55, 0.7 mile north of State High-
way 584, about 0.7 mile northeast of a bridge, in an
orange grove about 10 feet soutn of a sand road. Near
SV cor. SEiNjt sec. 5, T. 28 S., R. 16 E.
One and eight-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.8 mile
soutn of County Road 42, 0.2 mile east of State Highway
55, In an orange grove, in a pumphouse. NtNEt seo. 6,
T. 28 5., R. 16 1.
One and eignt-tentne miles east of Palm Harbor, 1,1 miles
south of County Road 42, 0.2 aile mast of State Highway
55 0 7 mile north of State Hignway 5U4. Near 8 cor.
SVNSI seec. 6, T. 28 8., R. 16 E.
One and three-tenths miles east of Pala Harbor, 0.55
mile vest of State Hignway 55, 0.3 Nile south of County
Road 41, about 300 feet vest of County Road 94 west
side of a dairy. NiSVi seo. 6, T. 2U 8., R. 16 E.
One and three-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.55
mile west of State Highway 55 about 0.3 mile south of
County Road 41, west side of bounty Road 94. SVSSVi
oee. 6, T. 28 8., R. 16 s.
About 1.8 miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.6 mile north of
State Highway 584 about 0.1 mile west of State Highway
55, vest of well 187. NVaSE* seo. 6, T. 28 8., R. 16 E.
One and eight-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.5 mile
north of State Highway 584, west side of State Highway
55, in an orange grove, east of well 187, north side of
road to a residence. SWiSSt seo. 6, T. 28 8., R. 16 I.
About 1.8 miles east of Pal RHarbor, 0.5 mile north of
State Highway 584, 0.1 mile west of State Highway 55,
vest of well 186, east of well 185. SVt8Et seo. 6,
T. 28 8., R. 16 3.
Two miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.3 mile north of State
Highway 584 315 feet east of State Highway 5. StES61
see. 6, T. 18 S., R. 16 E.
Two and one-tenth miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.2
mile north of State Highway 584 0 2 mile east of State
Highway 55, in swampy land. SE5Isl see. 6, T. 28 8., R.
16 E.
One and signt-tenths siles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.3
mlel west of intersection of State Highway 584 with
State Hilhway 55, about 100 feet north of State Highway
584. NtNVwt se.e 7, T. 28 8., R. 16 E.
One and nine-tenths mile southeast of Palm Harbor, 800
feet south of State Highway 584 500 feet west of County
Road 74, north of well 192. srWiVi see. 7, T. 28 S.,
R. 16 3.
_________________________________________ _______________ ______________
Dorthy Douglas
H. F. Heye
Clearwater, Florida
J. Springer
Henry Wilson
Clearvater, Florida
J. A. Boyd
S. I. I. Developing
Dade City, Florida
8. Chase
Dunedin, Florida
C. E. Jackson
Pal BHarbor, Florida
Palm Harbor, Florida
Riviere Dairy
Palm Harbor, Florida
C. E. Jackson
Palm Harbor, Florida
C. 3. Jaokson
Palm Harbor, Florida
C. E. Jackson
Palm Harbor, Florida
J. M. McCord
Palm Harbor, Florida
G. V. Kersey
Palm Harbor, Florida
H. L. Grider
Palm Harbor, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank Hay
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0, Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. E. Mountain
Palm Harbor,
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Taapa, Florida
A. 0, Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
286 64 12 17 0 4-8-47 Irrigation
Top of 12-inch cae-
ing 0.5 foot above
land surface.
Base of pump, flush
with land surface.
Top of 6-ioch cas-
Ing, 0.2 foot above
land surface.
Top of 3-inch can-
ing, 0.2 foot above
land surface.
67.65 161.48
3-27-47 1Domestio
3-13-47 Irrigation
3-12-47 Irrigation
3-13-47 Irrigation
3-11-47 Stock
3-18-47 Domestic
3-13-47 Irrigation
3-13-47 Irrigation
I I I _I I --tI I-
Well is covered.
12 1
-- 12
Two miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.1 mile west of in-
tersection of State Highway 584 with County Road 74,
1200 feet soutn of Stete Hignway 584, southwest of a
barn. SVWNts sec. 7, T. 28 S., R. 16 E.
Two and seven-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.7
mile east of intersection of State Highway 584 with
State Highway 55, about 200 feet nortn of State Highway
581, 50 feet northeast of a house, near a bridge. Near
SE cor. NSINWt sec. 8, T. 28 S., R. 16 S.
Two and three tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor,
0.35 mile east of intersection of State Highway 584 with
County Road 74, 350 feet south of State Highway 584, in
an orange grove. SWJNWJ seo. 8, T. 28 8., R. 16 E.
Two and five-tenths miles southeast of Palm Haroor,
0.42 mile east of County Road 74 200 feet south of
State Highway 584. SWNWit sec. ,. T. 28 S., R. 16 E.
Two and six-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, about
0.2 mile north of east end of County Road 95, 0.45 mile
east of County Road 74, vest side of a sand road, north
side of a residence. Near SW cor. NWtSWt sec. 8, T. 28
S., R. 16 E.
About 2.0 miles northeast of Oldsmar, 2.1 miles north of
intersection of State Highway 580 with Tampa Shores Road,
about 0.8 mile north of Sunshine Race Track about 0.5
mile north of intersection of Tampa Shores Road with a
sand road, 50 feet west of a sand road, vest of a log
gate, near county Line. Near NE oor. NE*SE* sec. 12, T.
28 S., R. 16 E.
About 1.5 miles northwest of Oldsmar, 0.5 mile northwest
of"intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway
580, about 50 feet south of State Highway 584, 2 feet
south of an irrigation ditch, northwest of well 200 and
well 201. Near NE cor. SWISE* sec. 15, T. 28 8., R. 16
About 1.5 miles northwest of Oldesar, about 800 feet
south of well 198, north of well 202, about 20 feet east
of an irrigation ditch, west of wells 201, 203, and 211.
SVWSEO see. 15, T. 28 8., R. 16 E,
About 1.3 miles northwest of Oldesar, 0.28 mile northwest
of intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway
580, about 500 feet south of State Hignway 584, 20 feet
east of a small house, east of well 198, west of well
201. SVWSWt sec. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 E.
About 1.2 miles northwest of Oldsmar, 0.2 mile northwest
of intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway
580, 40 feet soutn of State Highway 584 5 feet south
of an Irrigation ditch east of well 200, north of well
203. S9VSi sec. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 E.
About 1.3 miles northwest of Oldsmar, 0.45 mile southwest
of intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway
580, 5 feet east of an irrigation ditch at north edge
of swampy area south of wells 198 and 199, west of
wells 20 and i2l. Near SE cor. SWtSEi see. 15, T. 28
S., R. 16 E.
About 1.2 miles northeast of Oldsmar, 0.30 mile south-
west of intersection of State Highway 55 with State
Highway 580, south of well 201 north of well 211, east
of well 202, about 50 feet south of an irrigation ditch,
about 200 feet south of a bulb packing house. SESEt
see. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 E.
Three miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.4 mile east of
east end of County Road 95, about 0.5 mile north of
County Road 38, about 0.25 mile south of St. George Lake,
on a sand hill, east of well 205. NEHNWi seo. 17, T.
28 S., R. 16 E.
H. L. Rider
Palm Harbor, Florida
E. E. E. Developing
Dade City, Florida
F. J. Sutton
Palm Harbor, Florida
F. J. Sutton
Palm Harbor, Florida
J. C. Mueller
Palm Harbor, Florida
Jessie Boyd
Palm Harbor, Florida
A. and W. Bulb Co.
Clearwator, Florida
A. and V. Bulb Co.
Clearwator, Florida
W. D. Day
Oldsmar, Florida
A. and W. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
A. and V. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
A. and W. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
E. E. Developing
le City, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Tarpon Springs,
A. O. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
L. W. lixon
Tampa, Florida
L. W. iUxon
Tampa, Florida
L.w, Nixon
Tampa, Florida
L.W. Nixon
Tampa, Florida
L. W. Nixon
Tampa, Florida
I.e. Nixon
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
a Water level expressed in feet above the measuring point.
14 1 0
IH E4 94
M3. d to
aB'Az to
Top of 2-inch cas-
ing, 1.0 foot above
land surface.
Top of 8-inch cas-
ing, flush with
land surface.
Top of 8-inch cas-
ing, flush with
land surface.
Top of extreme west
end of 5-inch pipe
which empties into
irrigation ditch.
Top of 6-inch cas-
ing, flush with
land surface.
Top of 12-inch cas-
ing, 0.8 foot above
land surface.
1.52 12-22-47
400 ---
1775 1
3-20-47 Irrigation
3-13-47 Domestic
12-3047 Irrigation
12-18-47 Irrigation
12-3-47 Irrigation
Samples for chloride
determinations taken
after well had been
flowing for an
indefinite period.
F.G.S. Well W1643.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated on file
with Florida Geolog-
ical Survey. Well
was originally
drilled to a depth
of 140 feet, but was
later deepened to a
depth of 242 Set to
obtain more water.
F.G.S. Well W1645.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated on file
with Florida Geolog-
ical Survey.
Samples for chloride
determinations taken
after well had been
flowing for an
indefinite period.
Samples for chloride
determinations taken
after well had been
flowing for an
indefinite period.
I r I -
TA LI 5. V LL RE 0 0 RD 8 (Continued)
I o
t I8I
Two and eight-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor
aoout 0.1 mile east of east end of County Road 95, 6.5
mile north of County Road 30, near a small house, in a
shed, near a large tank, west of well 204. Near HE cor.
NWiNVi seo. 17, T. 28 8., R. 16 1.
About 3.2 miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 1.1 miles west
of County Road 31, 900 feet south of County Road 38,
south of owner's residence,in an orange grove. NVSVi
see. 17, T. 28 8., R. 16 I.
Two and five-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 1.5
alleys east of intersection of County Road 1 with County
Road 38, 0.3 mile north of county doad 38, 0*2 mile
south of County Road 95, about 1200 feet east of County
Road 74 (a dirt road). Near SW oor. NHtNE seeo. 18, T.
28 S., R. 16 1.
Two and one-tenth miles southeast of Palm Harbor, about
1.0 mile east of intersection of County Road 1 with
County Road 38, 0.3 mile north of County Road 38, north-
east of Curlew Church south side of a house. Near NE
oor. OSVIKt seo. 18, 1. 28 8., R. 16 S.
Two and nine-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 1.8
miles east of intersection of County Road 1 with County
Road 38, about 0.1 mile south 9f County Road 38, south
side of owner's residence. ntSE*t see. 18, T. 28 8.,
R. 16 E.
About 3.0 miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 1.8 miles east
of intersection of County Road 1 with County Road 38,
0.25 mile south of County Road 38, west elde of a dirt
road, east side of a house, south of well 209. NEZBSE
eec. 18, T. 28 S., R. 16 S.
About 1.2 miles northwest of Oldsmar about 0.4 mile
southwest of intersection of State Highway 584 with
State Highway 580, south of well 203, east of well 202,
about 30 feet south of an irrigation ditch. NEtENt seo.
22, T. 28 8., R. 16 C.
About 0.6 mile west of Oldsmar, about 0.4 mile east of
a bridge across Moccasin Creek, 400 feet south of State
Highway 580, east ride of a dirt road, south side of a
residence, in a vacant lot, near shore line of Safety
Harbor. SWIU see. 23, T. 28 8., R. 16 2.
Oldsmar, west side of Bay View Blvd., between Seaboard
Air Line Railroad and State Highway 584. NVIllt seo.
23, T. 28 8., R. 16 E.
About 2.0 miles southwest of Oldsmar, 0.2 mile west of
State Highway 590, 0.2 mile south of State Highway 580,
about 0.2 mile front a railroad crossing along a dirt
road north side of a house. NWJINI seo. 27, T. 28 8.,
R. 16 &.
About 2.0 miles southwest of Oldomar, 0.4 mile west of
intersection of State Highway 580 with State Highway
590, south eide of State Highway 580 at the Tangerine
Shop. NECNEt sec. 28, T. 28 8., R. 16 E.
About 2.3 miles southwest of Oldsmar 0.5 mile west of
intersection of State Highway 580 with State Highway
590, about 300 feet south of State Highway 580, east
side of a dirt road, south pide of location for new
house. Hear NW oor. NEiNIt seo. 28, T. 28 8., R. 16 E.
About 2.2 miles southwest of Olsmar, about 0.35 mile
west of intersection of State Highway 580 with State
Rilhway 590, 700 feet south of State Highway 580. NE2
NIt sec. 28, T. 28 S., R. 16 S.
Two and five-tenths miles north of Safety Harbor, 300
feet south of State Highway 5801 100 feet west of State
Highway 593, east side of owner e residence, in a small
pumphouse. SVimNW sec. 28, T. 28 S., R. 16 1.
Two and one-tenth miles northwest of Safety Harbor,
about 1.0 mile north of County Road 50, east side of
Lake Bowden, at Camp Soule. 8VNI6 s0eo.32, T. 28 8.,
R. 16 1.
Pasco Packing Co.
Dade City, Florida
V. R. Tnomas
Palm Haroor, Florida
David Bilgore Co.
Clearwater, Florida
Floyd Grissett
Palm Harbor, Florida
A, D, Boyd
Palm.Harbor, Florida
Jessie Boyd
Palm Harbor, Florida
A. and V. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
Oldsmar, Florida
Town of Oldsmar
J. T. Humphrles
Safety Harbor,
J. T. Humphries
Safety Harbor,
J. T. Humphries
Safety Harbor,
J. T. Humphries
Safety Harbor,
B. 0, Nason
Dunedin, Florida
Boy Scouts of America
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
L. V. Nixon
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
P. Vasbinder
Safety Harbor,
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Duneiln, Florida
- -
Top of 8-inoh cas-
ing, flush with
land surface.
Top of 2-inch oas-
ing, 0.5 foot above
land surface.
Top of 3-inoh cae-
ing, 0.8 foot above
land surface.
Top of 6-inch cae-
ing, 0.2 foot above
land surface.
Top of 6-inch cas-
ing, 0.2 foot above
land surface.
in depth.
TA L I VILL RIO RDS (Continued)
,, ,, .. ,
One and eight-tenths miles northwest of Safety Harbor, D
o.35 mile north of County Road 50, 600 feot east of a <
dirt road leading into Scout Camp. SWitSt see. 32, T.
28 S., R. 16 I.
One and seven-tenthe miles northwest of Safety Harbor,
700 foot north of County Road 105, 0.453 ile west of
State Highway 393, 0.6 sile north of County Road o0,
east of well 219. stSei seo. 32, T. 28 8., R. 16 I.
One and five-tenths siles northwest of Safety Harbor,
1.1 miles north of County Road 50, about 0.1 ile eastof
State Highway 593 (Haines Road). 8EtNVt soo. 33, T. 28
s., R. 16 E.
One and five-tenths miles northwest of Safety Harbor,
1.0 amil nortn or County Road 50, 1.25 miles south of
State Highwa 580, 150 feet eat of State Highway 593
(Haines Road). Hear S8 cor. SEItNt se. 33, T. 28 S.,
R. 16 3.
One and five-tenths miles northwest of Safety Harbor.
0.9 mile north of County Road 50 1.35 miles south of
State Highway 580, about 200 feet west of State Highway
593 (Haines Road). NWVSWV seo. 33, T. 28 S., R. 16 E.
About 0.8 mile northeast of Safety Haroor, 1.7 siles
toutn or State Highway 580, about 30 feet west of State
Highway 590, east edge of an or grove, across high-
way trom owner's reaidenoe. NVitt seo. 3, T. 28 8.,
R. 16 E.
About 0.7 mile northeast of Safety Harbor, 1.8 miles
south of State Highway 80, about 0.1 mile vest of State
Highway 590, southwest of well 224, about 300 feet north
of a dirt road, in an orange grove, n a puaphouse In
owner's grove 1. NVW seo. 34, T. 28 S., R. 16 1.
About 0.7 mile northeast of Safety Harbor, about 200
feet southwest of intersection of Bay Shore Blvd. with
Grand Central Ave., in a vacant lot. Near 85 cor. S5t
St seo. 34, T. 28 S., R. 16 I.
One and five-tenths miles northeast of Safety Harbor,
northeast of Phillippi's Grave in Phillippi Park about
200 feet east of County Road 30 at bottom of a h;ll, 30
feet west of shore line, 15 feet northwest of well 228.
NHWNVI seo. 35, T. 28 S., R. 16 z.
One and fire-tenths siloe northeast of Safety Harbor,
northeast of Phillippl'es rave, about 200 feet east of
County Road 30, at bottom of a hill, 15 fet east of
shore line, southeast of well 227. NWItWit eo. 33, T.
28 S., R. 16 3.
About 0.83 mile northeast of Safety Harbor, about 300
feet northeast of intereeotion of Grand Central Avenue
with Bay Shore Drive, west sid of Bay Shore Drive vest
side of owner's residence. StSVt seo. 35, T. 28 S., R.
16 C.
About 0.83 aile northeast of Safety Harbor, about 300
feet northeast of intersection of Grand Central Avenue
and Bay Shore Blvd. east ld Ba Short vd., 5
foot from shore line, east of well Z9. 8 se *. 35,
T. 28 S., R. 16 I.
Two and five-tonth milles southeast of Dunedin, 0.2 mile
north of Sunset Point Drive, about 300 feet east of
County Road 34. NViNt* see. 1, T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
Two and three-tenths liles southeast of Dunedin, 750
feet north of Sunseof 9int Drive, 00 feet west of
County Road 34. NStNWt eso. 1, T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
Two and seven-tenths siles southeast of Dunedin 0.18
mile east of County Road 34, about 130 feet nsrn of
Sunset Point Drive, north side of a shed. WNVtt coo.
1, T. 29 S., R. 15 .
Two and three-tenths miles southeast of Duepdin, 0.3
mile west of intersection of County Road 4 with Sunset
Point Drive, south side of Sunset Point Drive, across
road troa a fruit packing house. SVtNVI ceo. 1, T. 29 S,
R. 153 .
IBuster Allen
T. Kamenskey
Dunedin, Florida
J. B. Johnson
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
David Bilgove Co.
clearvater, Florida
3. R. Taylor
Portemouth, Ohio
J. Couch
Safety Harbor,
J.. Couh.
Safety Harbor,
Harold Toth
Safety HarDor,
e. L. Hackney
Safety Harbor,
C. H. Taylor
Portsmouth, Onio
Safety Harbor,
Pinellas County
Clearwater, Florida
Pinellas County
Clearwater, Florida
L. 3. Wilson
Safety Haroor,
L. E. Vilson
Safety Harbor
A* 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
P. Vasbinder
Safety Harbor,
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0, Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
_________________________________ .1_____________I____________1 I
0 -- 10 I
380 --10 Irrigation
Top of 10-inch cas-
ing, 0.3 foot above
land eurfaoe.
Top of 6-inoh cae-
ing, 0.2 foot above
top of concrete
pumphouse floor.
Top of 6-inch cas-
ing, 0.6 foot above
land surface.
Top of 20-inch steel
curbing, 2.0 teet
below land surface.
Top of 6-inoh oot-
,lj1ng, 0.2 foot above
ilana surface.
3.89' '2.10
176* --- 10-23-44 Irrigation
30 10
3-24-48 Domestio
7-11-47 Irrigation
--- 2-4-47
Sample for chloride
determination taken
after well had been
flowing for an in-
definite period.
_ I I ._ _I I I _
S Chloride analysis supplie& by Lgricultural Ixpelrient Station,
Lake AlfreA, Florida.
----4 I
Clearwater, vest end
Street Pier, east of
T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
Clearwater, west end
Street Pier, east of
T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
Clearwater, west end
Street Pier, east of
T. 29 S., R. 15 t.
of Seminole Street, at Seminole
Clearwater Harbor. N mwSB seo. 9,
of Seminole Street, At 9eminole
Clearwater Harbor, NWtS3 soe. 9,
of Seminole Street, at Seminole
Clearvater Harbor. W NSE seo.
Two and five-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin about
600 feet vest of intersection of County Road 34 with
Sunset Point Drive, about 600 feet south of Sunset Point
Drive, in an orange grove. SEJNWe see. 1, T. 29 8., R.
15 L.
Thrne miles southeast of Dunedin about 0.3 mile east of
intersection of County Road 34 with Sunset Point Drive,
about 0.3 mile south of Sunset Point Drive, about 15
feet south of an irrigation ditch. NIESIt sec. 1, T. 29
S., R. 15 E.
Two miles southeast of Dunedin, about 0.6 mile east of
intersection of Sunset Point Drive (County Road 32) with
Highland Ave., 0.25 mile north of Sunset Point Drive,
north side of well 238, north edge of an orange grove.
NKtNEt sec. 2, T. 29 S., R. 15 1.
About 2 miles southeast of Dunedin, 0.6 mile east of in-
terseotion of Sunset Point Drive with Highland Ave.,
about 0.2 aile north of Sunset Point Drive in an orange
grove, south of well 237, 300 feet north of a pond. Sit
NEt sec. 2, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
One and eight-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, 0.3
mile east of intersection of Sunset Point Drive with
Highland Ave., about 0.2 mile north of Sunset Point
Drive in a pumphouse, in an orange grove. Near NW cor.
SWtNEt sec. 2, T. 29 ., R. 15 3.
One and eight-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, about
300 feet east of intersection of Sunset Point Drive with
Highland Ave. about 500 feet north of Sunset Point
Drive. SZENiV sec. 2, T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
One and two-tenths miles south of Dunedin, 0.45 mile
east of U. S. Highway 19 0.4 mile north of Sunset Point
Drive, at 1222 Idlewild Drive, NWtIEt seo. 3, T. 29 5.,
R. 15 E.
One and three-tenths miles south of Dunedin, at 1261
Idlevlld Drive. NVtNEt sso. 3, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
One and five-tenths miles south of Dunedin, 100 feet
north of Sunset Point Drive, 50 feet west of Douglas
Ave. Near SE cor. SEINWt sec. 3, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
One and eleht-tenths miles northeast of Clearvater, 0.35
mile vest of Highland Ave., 1100 feet south of Sunset
Point Drive, in an orange grove, 400 feet west of a dirt
road. Near SE cor. NEZSEt sec. 3, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, 200 feet north of Fairaont St. 10 feet rest
of Myrtle Ave east side of Sunburst Apartments. Near
NZ cor. HENEt sec. 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, 250 feet south of Marsnall St., 30 feet east
of Oarden Ave. SEtINE see, 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
George Smoyer
Clearwater, Florida
T. J. Constantine
Clearvater, Florida
Never Xerxs
H. H. Constantine
Clearvater, Florida'
H. H. Constantine
Clearwater, Florida
Neverse Yrxa
D. E. Wiloor
Clearvater, Florida
A. H. Patterson
Clearvater, Florida
City of Clearwater
H. F. Heye
Clearvater, Florida
Sunburst Apartments
Clearwater, Florida
City of Clearwater
City of Clearvater
City of Clearwater
City of Clearvater
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
P. Vasbinder
Safety Harbor,
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
Albert Ginn
Clearwater, Florida
sRE r o
~ __ __ ____
-- __ _I __ _
Top of 12-inch cas-
ing, 0.5 foot above
land surface.
Top of concrete pump
base, 1*0 foot above
land surface.
Top of 3-inch cas-
ing, 1.4 feet above
land surface.
Top of 10-inoh cas-
ing, 1,0 foot above
land surface.
210 .--
27* ---
26 0
7-16-47 Irrigation
Oil Test
Oil Test
Unueed Pub-
lie Supply
F.G.S. Well W1668.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated between
220 feet and 995
feet on file with
Florida GeologicaL
F.G.8. Well W221.
Cores on file with
Florida Geological
Well never used
owing to high
I Well never used
owing to high tur-
bidity of water.
Automatic water-
level recorder in-
stalled 2-25-46.
Well was abandoned
owing to high salin-
ity and is cemented
Well was abandoned
owing to high salin-
ity and is cemented
Well is abandoned
and cemented over.
Water analysis given
in U. S. Geological
Survey Water-supply
Paper 596-0, p. 224,
analysis 314.
* Choride analysis upplied by Agricultural Zxperiment Station,.
Lake Alfred, Florida.
- 12
3 I
Clearwater, about 0.3 mile east
south of Drew St., west of well
MNE)NI see. 14, T. 29 9., R. 15
of Duncan St., 50 feet
255, in a pumphouse.
E. Owner's well 3.
Clearvater, at intersection of Drew St. and Atlantic
Coast Line Railroad, behind Fire Station. Near BE cor.
tSWSE see. 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, north side of Drew St., east of Atlantic
Coast Line Railroad. EjSEdE sec. 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, on a golf course, at intersection of Betty
Lane and Seaboard Air Line Railroad, in a pumphouse. NEt
StE see. 10, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. City well 14.
Clearwater, 20 feet northwest of intersection of Highland
Ave. with Rosemere Road. NWISWI seo. 11, T. 29 9., R.
15 I.
Two and eight-tenths miles northeast of Clearwater, 0.65
mile north of Drew St., 300 feet east of Grand Ave. SW9
NMt see. 12, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, 1200 feet east of Duncan Ave., 600 feet
south of Drew St., east of well 261, west of well 256.
NWWNVi sec. 13, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. Ovner's well 4.
Clearvater, about 0.6 mile east of Duncan Ave. 600 feet
south of Drew St., about 1100 feet east of well 255.
HEiWJ sec. 13, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, about 0.7 mile east of Duncan Ave., 600 feet
north of Gulf to Bay Blvd. SEMNVf see. 13, T. 29 S.,
R. 15 E. Owner's well 2.
Three miles east of Clearwater, 700 feet vest of Belcher
Road, about 400 feet north of Gulf to Bay Blvd., north of
bulo packing house. SEjNEI sec. 13, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
Two and nine-tenths miles southeast of Clearwater, 0.25
mile vest of Belcher Road, about 400 feet south of Druid
Road, in an orange grove. NWISE* see. 13, T. 29 8., R.
15 E.
Two and three-tenths miles southeast of Clearwater, 0.2
mile south of Druid Road, about 300 feet east of Keene
Road, north of owner's residence. SWtSW* sec. 13, T.
29 S., R. 15 E. Owner's well 2.
Clearwater, north side of Harvard St., 200 feet east of Henry Blanton
Lake Ave., at 1612 Harvard St. Near SW cor. NVINEO sec. Clearwater, Florida
14, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, south side of Cleveland St., 250 feet east
of Glenvood Ave., In a pumphouse. NE)NVI soe. 14, T.
29 S., R. 15 E. City well 16.
Clearwater, 100 feet north of Cleveland St., 100 feet
west of San Remo Ave., at 1434 Cleveland St. VWNVi sec.
14, T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
Clearwater, about 700 feet east of Duncan Ave., about
700 feet north of Culf to Bay Blvd. SE5NE9 sec. 14, T.
29 8., R. 15 3. Ovner's well 1.
Clearwater, northwest corner of intersection of Gulf to
Bay Blvd. and Lake Ave. SVWNVf see. 14, T. 29 S., R.
15 E. City well 19.
Clearvater, northeast corner of intersection of Oulf to
Bay Blvd. and Glenwood Ave. SWINWi sec. 14, T. 29 8.,
R. 15 E. City well 18.
Cty of Clearvater
City of Clearwater
A. and W. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
City of Clearwater
City of Clearwater
City of Clearwater
Atlantic Ice Co.
Clearwater, Florida
City of Clearwater
City of Clearwater
C. Walker
Clearwater, Florida
A. and W. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
A. and V. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
A. and W. Bulb Co.
Clearwater, Florida
H. H. Constantine
Clearwater, Florida
F. L. Hendrix
Clearwater, Florida
F. L. Hendrix
Clearvater, Florida
A. and W. Bulb Co,
Clearvater, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Southern Drilling
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Frank May
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Fla.
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Milton R. Vaughn
Tampa, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
o 1 0 'o
___Z____ N__ _Q_
Top of 10-inch cas-
ing, 0.5 foot above
land surface.
Top of 6-inch cas-
ing, 0.5 foot above
land surface.
Top of 10-inch cas-
ing, 0.78 foot below
top of concrete pump
base, about 0.5 foot
above land surface.
22 --
22 !
Ice Manu-
2-4-47 IDomestic
9-11-47 Irrigation
2-18-47 Irrigation
Well is abandoned.
Water analyses given
in U. S. Geological
Survey Water-Supply
Paper 596-0, p. 224,
analysis 312.
well was formerly a
Clearwater supply
well. Now abandoned
and plugged.
Well was formerly a
Clearwater supply
well. Abandoned
owing to high turbid-
ity and hydrogen sul-
phide content.
Chloride information
for 8-20-41 obtained
from files of Clear-
water Gas and Water
10 I
* Chloride analysis supplied
Lake Alfred, forida.
by Agricultural EZperiment Station,
- I I I -- -
Clearwater southwest
and Druid Aoad., vest
SVSVt oee. 14, T. 29
of interseotion of Highland Ave.
aide of a dairy. Near NV cor.
8., R. 13 I.
Clearwater 200 feet north of Cleveland St., between
Lady Mary Dr. and evergreen Ave. 10 feet east of Steven-
son Creek. NEitNl sso. 15, T. 29 8., R. 15 I. City
well 12.
Clearwater, 200 feet south of Cleveland St., between
Missouri Ave. and Jefferson Ave. east of well 271.
Wtnt seo. 15, T. 29 8., R. 15 C. City vell 13.
Clearvater, 200 feet south of Cleveland St., between
Nilrouri Ave, and Jefferson Ave., vest of well 270. NVi
Nft sso. 15, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. City veil 11.
Clearwater, between Laura St. and Grove St., 75 feet east
of Cast Ave., in pumphouse east of a water tank, north
of well 273. NW9iNx leo. 16, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. City
well 7.
Clearwater, south side of Drew St. between Myrtle Ave.
and Seaboard Air Line Railroad, 100 feet south of a
water tank 100 feet south of well 272. NLiNEi soo. 16,
T. 29 S., R. 15 City well 8.
Clearwater, east side of Garden Ave., south side of Drew
St. Near NV cor. NtANi seeo. 16, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
Clearwater, east side of Garden St., south side of Drew
St. Near NV cor. NEiNE* see. 16, T. 29 S., R. 15 E,
Clearwater, 200 feet south of Court St., 60 feet west
of Myrtle Ave., south side of plant, in a pumphouse.
SEN@t. seo. 16, T. 29 3., R. 15 E.
Clearvater, vest end ao Turner Ave., near Clearwater
Harbor, north side of Turner Ave. NEtSV seo. 16, T.
29 S., R. 15 3.
Clearvater, northwest corner of intersection of Jefford
St. and Prospect Ave. SjtSEt seo. 16, T. 29 S., R. 15
I. City well 21.
Clearvater, 700 feet east of Fort Harrison Ave., at the
east end of D. St., under a water tank. SEiNSK see. 21,
T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
Clearvater, southeast corner of Lakeview Rd. and Madison
St., in a pumphouse. SEtNVi leo, 22, T. 29 8., R. 15 1,
City well 22.
Two and two-tenths miles southeast of Clearwdr, about
0.3 mile south of intersection of Druid Rd. with Keene
Rd., vest side of Keene Rd., near owner's residence.
Near NE cor. NiNCt seeo. 23, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
Two and three-tenths miles southeast of Clearwater, 07
aile south of Lakeview Rd., 0.15 mile east of Highland
Ave., north side of a hard surface road north oide of
owner's residence. 83t8JV seo. 23, T. 19 S., R. 15 3.
Two and three-tenths miles southeast of Clearwater, 0.25
mile south of Druid Rd., about 300 foet east of Keene
Rd. eat of a small pond. Near NV cor. NVtNVi sec. 24,
T. 29 S., R. 15 3.
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Xilton R. Vaughn
Tampa, Fla.
Clearvater Jersey
Dairy *
Clearwater, Florida
City of Clearvater
City of Clearwater
City of Clearwater
City of Clearwater
City of Clearwater
Florida Power Corp.
Florida Power Corp.
C. C. Henery
Clearwater, Florida
Col. Scott's Estate
City of Clearwater
Bellview Hotel Co.
Clearwater, Florida
City of Clearwater
Clearvator, Florida
I. C. Nelson
Clearwatur, Florida
F. L. Hendrix.
Clearwater, Florida
T. J. Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
John Philpot
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A, 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. E. Mountain
Palm Haroor,
I- .'.
Top of 6-inch oou-
pling, 0,3 foot
above land surface.
Top of 10-inch eas-
ing 0.5 toot above
lan& surface,
Top of tin rim,
about 1.0 foot above
cement floor.
4-1-47 Public
-17-48 Unuled
4-1-47 Public
3-27-47 potel
_ _____ __ __ I I '-I--
* Ohloride analysis supplied
Lake Alfred, Florida.c
by Agrloultural Experiment Station,
62.72 53.72
F.G.S. Well W1745.
Cuttings from strata
penetrated on file
with Florida Geologi-
cal Survey.
Well was abandoned
in 1935.
Water analysis is
given in U. S.
Geological Survey
Water-Supply Paper
596-0, p. 224,
analysis 313. Au-
tomatic water-level
recorder installed
10-24-45. Recorder
was removed 5-51-49.
Well is stand-by well
for City supply.
Well has been filled
and covered by con-
crete floor.
Well has been filled
and covered by con-
crete floor.
Well is filled and
covered over. Well
is listed in U. 8.
Geological Survey
Water-Supply Paper
319, p. 322.
F.G.S. Well W953.
Water analysis given
in U. S. biologicall
Survey Water-Supiy
Paper 596-G, p. 224,
analysis 310.
-- 10
~I I I I I
Two and six-tenths miles southeast of Clearvater, about
0.6 aile south of Druid Rd., 900 feet east of Keene Rd.,
In an orange grove. SWtNV sec. 24, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
Two and nine-tenths miles northeast of Largo, about 1.0
mile south of Druid Rd., 0.65 mile east of Keene Rd.,
south side of owner's residence. .SWUSE see. 24, T. 29
S., R. 15 E.
Two and eight-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 0.9 mile
north of State Highway 686, about 200 feet vest of
Belcher Road (County Road 27). NEISE see. 25, T. 29
S., R. 15 E.
Two and one-tenth miles northeast of Largo, about 1.4
nilee south of Druid Rd., about 0.15 mile vest of Keene
Rd., north of well 288. NZtNEt see. 26, T. 29 S., R.
15 5.
Two mlles northeast of Largo, 1,5 miles south of Druid
Rd., about 600 feet vest of Keene Rd., near owner's
residence, south of well 287, north of well 289. N1ENEi
sec. 26, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
About 2.0 miles northeast of Largo 1.55 miles south of
Druid Rd., 200 feet west of Keene Rd., 50 feet north of
a pond. St9NE* seeo 26, T. 29 S., R. 15 E.
One and five-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 1.2 miles
north of State Highway 686, 500 feet west of Highland
Ave. (County Road 111), west side of owner's residence.
WNVIM see. 26, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
One and six-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 1.2 miles
north of StRte Hignway 686, aoout 200 feet west of
County Roa4 110, west side of owner's residence. Near
NE cor. SEINt sec. 26, T. 29 s., R. 15 E.
One and seven-tenths miles northeast of
miles north of State Highway 686, about
County Road 110. SVWNEt see. 26, T. 29
Larao about 1.1
0.2 mile east of
8., R. 15 E.
One and four-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 0.6 mile
south of County Road 116, 300 feet west of County Road
110 (McMullen Road) 20 feet west of a residence. NEt
8i sVec. 26, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
One and three-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 0.7 mile
north of State Highway 686, about 100 feet west of
County Road 110. SEtSW9 see. 26, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
One and three-tenths miles northeast of Largo, about 0.7
mile north of State Highway 686 about 100 feet west of
County Road 110. SEJSW* soo. 26, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
One and seven-tenths miles north of Largo, 200 feet east
of U. S. Highway 19, 50 feet south of Vyatt St., at 709
Wyatt St. SVWNVt eeo. 27, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
About 1.0 mile north of Largo, 0.95 mile north of State
Hignway 686, .02 raile east of County Road 25 ,n an
orange grove, in a pond, east of well 298. SVtNE seeo.
27, T. 2" S., R. 15 E.
About 0.9 mile north of Largo, 0.9 mile north of State
Highway 686, 660 feet north of County Road 24, 50 feet
eaet 9f extension of County Road 25, in an orange grove.
NVtSEt ee. 27, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
About 0.9 mile northeast of Largo, 0.75 mile north of
State Highway 686, 0.25 mile east of County Road 25,
100 feet northeast of east end of Rosery Road. Near SW
cor. NEtSE5 eec. 27, T. 29 8., R. 15 E.
About 2.0 miles north of Largo, 0.18 mile north of Vyatt
St., about 300 feet west of U/ 8 Highway 19. NEINfI
sec. 28, T. 29 S., R. 15 /
Ernest E. Whitacre
Clearwater, Florida
Edward R. Watson
Clearwater, Florida
H. 8. Beokett
Clearwater, Florida
J. 8. Taylor
Largo, Florida
J. 8. Taylor
Largo, Florida
J. 8. Taylor
Largo, Florida
Jack Strickland
Clearwater, Florida
W. T. Woods
Largo, Florida
Charles B. McMullen
Largo, Florida
T. Tucker
Largo, Florida
L. H. Anderson
Largo, Florida
William Leavell
Largo, Florida
J. 0. Apgar
Bellmont, Florida
Largo, Florida
Largo, Florida
C. F. Emiling
Largo, Florida
Thomaa Dairy
a Water level expressed in feet above the maturing point.
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Tobin Madeon
Largo, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
Porter Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
Porter Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
A. 0. Dunlap
Dunedin, Florida
T. J. Zimmerman
Ozona, Florida
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REPORT xmlns http:www.fcla.edudlsmddaitss xmlns:xsi http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema-instance xsi:schemaLocation http:www.fcla.edudlsmddaitssdaitssReport.xsd
AGRICULTURAm FLORIDA STATE BOARD LmBRARY OF CONSERVATION CHARLEY JOHNS Acting Governor R. A. GRAY NATHAN MAYO Secretary of State Commissioner of Agriculture J. EDWIN LARSON THOMAS D. BAILEY Treasurer Superintendent Public Instruction CLARENCE M. GAY RICHARD ERVIN Comptroller Attorney General CHARLIE BEVIS Supervisor of Conservation ii
LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL liorida geololical Survey Callahassee June 15, 1954 Mr. Charlie Bevis, Supervisor Florida State Board of Conservation Tallahassee, Florida Dear Mr. Bevis: One of the first cities in Florida to experience a failure of a well field through salt water intrusion was the city of St. Petersburg. This large population center is located on a narrow peninsula and the heavy draft of water for municipal and other rapidly developing enterprises, such as tourist and beach attractions, permanent homes, and large agricultural and other water-using businesses encouraged the county commissioners and officials of the larger cities of the county to inventory its water supply. This water resource study, undertaken by the United States and Florida Geological Surveys at the request of the citizens of Pinellas County is being published as Report of Investigations No. 12. It is a pleasure to record that a large source of potable water was discovered during the investigation, lying wholly within the boundaries of Pinellas County, and an adequate supply is available for an increased development of the economy of the area. Respectfully, Herman Gunter, Director iii
CONTENTS Page Abstract ...........------------...................... ......... .. ... 1 Introduction ... ............ ...---.... ..................... 2 Purpose and scope of investigation ---..--........-..--......-......---...-...-3 Personnel and acknowledgments -....------.....--...--.-..-......-----3 Previous investigations ..-------...---_..-------------------..--4 Geography ---...--.---......-...-------...-....---------.------.. 5 Location and area .......-----........-------. .....--.......-------.------5 Climate .----..---.--..------.-..--.--.-..-----.----.5-----Topography ----....... ---.........------..-----....-----... -6 Terraces .----. -...-...-....--.-...-.......-----.---..--..-...--...---... 7 Drainage ..... ..... ..------------..----------.......---.----. 10 Geology --.... ...--..------------------------.--.----10 Oligocene series ..-...------.-..-.. --.---.-..-.------.-------..... 10 Suwannee limestone --...-..--......._..--------..----. --------10 Miocene series .-----..---------.. .. ----------------............-...-..... 12 Tampa formation ......--------------........ .. -......-. 13 Hawthorn formation -----.. ....-.. ... ------......-...--------........-.... 15 Middle and upper Miocene deposits ........--------..-...-..--.--.-15 Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene series .....---...-----....-----.....----. 16 Ground water ..............---------....----...----------......---.--. 16 Occurrence ..-----.-...-..-..-.-.-. ---..----------.. ----.. 16 Water-level records -... ---..-......---. .--------------.--. 18 Fluctuations of water levels ...-....-..-.--.-.---..-.. ...----... 21 Fluctuations caused by rainfall ..._.------....----.--.-----......... 21 Fluctuations caused by pumping ---..-----------....-.---------.....--. 22 Fluctuations caused by tides .-....----..---.-...------------.. 24 Fluctuations caused by earthquakes and trains ___--------....... 25 Fluctuations caused by changes in atmospheric pressure ---... 26 Piezometric surface in Florida ..---.--..-........--.-----.----27 Piezometric surface in Pinellas County -......-----..----..---....-..-..----... 29 Area of artesian flow ..... ..---. .. .. ........----------------.-..... -----------. 31 Salt-water encroachment ....------..............-..----.---..------..--.. ..-...-.---31 Relationship between fresh water and sea water ...--..--.....----.. 32 Salt-water encroachment in Pinellas County -..-.......-...---------... .34 Underground drainage of Lake Tarpon ......-.......-..----.....----------38 Quality of water ... ........ ........-...... .. ......------................---------42 Use of water -------......-----. ...........--...--..----.................--------45 St. Petersburg water supply ---..----..........-....-. --.------.. .---------47 Summary and conclusions .....-....--...--....---..-.....------.... --..............-48 References .-..-----...-----.---------....................------. 51
ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Map of Florida showing location of Pinellas County -----5 2. Map showing the Pleistocene terraces of Pinellas County _-----__ 8 3. Geologic map of the Miocene deposits in Pinellas County .....----. 11 4. North-south geologic section through Pinellas County .-..-.....--12 5. Map showing the approximate altitude of the top of the Tampa formation .----..............------....-----------Between 14 and 15 6. Hydrographs of wells 246, 269, 272, and 337 in Pinellas County, and monthly rainfall at Clearwater _.--------..-..-... Between 18 and 19 7. Hydrographs of wells 13, 77, and 561 in Pinellas County and monthly rainfall at three stations __----_---__--_.---..-----.--.--. 21 8. Daily highest and lowest water levels in well 337, 0.3 mile northeast of Coachman, and daily rainfall at Clearwater _--------22 9. Fluctuations of the water level in well 269 .......---.--..--......---.. 23 10. Water level in well 272 showing fluctuations due to ocean tides, earthquakes, and passing trains .__----_-.. ---_....-------------_ 25 11. Effect of atmospheric pressure on the water level in well 337 ..-. 26 12. Map of Florida showing the piezometric surface _---------27 13. Map showing the piezometric surface and the area of artesian flow in Pinellas County in June 1949 _---.---Between 28 and 29 14. Map showing the piezometric surface in Pinellas County in May 1951 .--_-...-.---.----_-----_.......---..----..------...---.----..30 15. Diagram showing the relation between fresh water and sea water beneath a narrow peninsula _----.. --. --..-..........-----..----..-_ .32 16. Map showing the chloride content of water in wells that penetrate the limestone aquifer in Pinellas County --. Between 34 and 35 17. Section along line B-B' in figure 13 showing the theoretical contact between fresh water and sea water in Pinellas County --_. 36 18. Map of northwestern Pinellas County showing locations of Spring Bayou and Lake Tarpon -----------.... -.....-......---.-.--.--.--_. 38 19. Factors relating to underground drainage of Lake Tarpon --.40 20. Chloride content of water in sinkhole in Lake Tarpon in 1947 --41 21. Hydrograph of well 13 in Hillsborough County and monthly rainfall at St. Leo, Pasco County ----....___-----------_-_.-.--.-------. .46 TABLES Table 1. Comparison of various types of data used to compile figure 5 -.. 14 2. Relationship between length of pumping time and chloride content of water in well 420 -----..-----.....-----......--.. ..------------. .35 3. Analyses of water from wells in Pinellas County --------44 4. Average daily output of public water supplies in Pinellas County, 1947 -...... .--.._.. .....--.------.........-__------.... .-----45 5. Record of wells ....-.--.._-.------------------53-139
Printed by E. 0. Painter Printing Company, DeLand, Florida
GROUND-WATER RESOURCES of PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA By Ralph C. Heath and Peter C. Smith ABSTRACT Pinellas County comprises a land area of 290 square miles along the west coast of Florida, and forms a peninsula between Old Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. It is underlain by a series of limestone formations having a total thickness of several thousand feet. The upper several hundred feet of the limestone consists of the Suwannee limestone of late Oligocene age and the Tampa formation of early Miocene age. South of Palm Harbor these limestones are overlain by clays and sandy clays of middle and late Miocene age. A veneer of Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene sands and shelly sands, ranging in thickness from several feet to more than 50 feet, overlies the clays and sandy clays in the area south of Palm Harbor and overlies.the Tampa formation' in the area north of Palm Harbor. The Tampa and Suwannee limestones constitute the principal source of water in the county. Water in these formations occurs under water-table conditions in most of the area north of Palm Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon, and under artesian conditions in the area south of Palm Harbor. Where the water is under watertable conditions the formations are recharged locally by rain. In the area south of Palm Harbor, where the clays and sandy clays confine the water in the limestones under pressure, water enters the formations wherever the confining beds are discontinuous or absent, but principally through sinkholes in the vicinity of Coachman. The artesian water in the Tampa formation and Suwannee limestone in the area north of Old Tampa Bay and east of Lake Tarpon is derived principally from recharge that enters the limestones in northern Hillsborough County and southern Pasco County. 'In the area north of Palm Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon, the water table is relatively low, ranging from about 2 feet to about 6 feet above sea level. Over the rest of the county, where the water 'The stratigraphic nomenclature ,of this report conforms to the nomenclature of the Florida Geological Survey. It conforms also to the nomenclature of the U. S. Geological Survey except that Tampa formation is used in this report instead of Tampa limestone.
2 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in the limestones is under artesian pressure, the piezometric surface ranges from about 2 feet above sea level in some areas near the coast to more than 22 feet in the northeastern part of the county. The problem of salt-water encroachment first became prominent in Pinellas County between 1920 and 1930 when the early municipalsupply wells of St. Petersburg began to yield salty water. Areas on both coasts of the county have been affected by the encroachment. These include: (1) a small area that extends in a northeasterly direction from the coast south of Palm Harbor almost to Lake Tarpon; (2) most of the area between Indian Rocks and Long Bayou; (3) an area along the southeastern coast of the county beginning in the vicinity of Lake Maggiore and extending northward for more than 15 miles; and (4) a small area at the north end of Old Tampa Bay about 2 miles west of Oldsmar. The chloride content of the water from many of the deep wells in the areas of salt-water encroachment is more than 500 parts per million, whereas the chloride content of uncontaminated ground water in the county is generally less than 50 ppm. Uncontaminated ground water generally contains less than 300 ppm of dissolved solids and has a total hardness of less than 250 ppm. INTRODUCTION The difficulty of locating and preserving adequate potable water supplies is a problem confronting many of Florida's coastal communities. In some areas the problem is one of finding satisfactory water in sufficient quantity to supply the needs of the community; in others, the problem is one of protecting supplies already developed against an encroachment of salt water. The presence of naturally salty ground water in some of the water-bearing formations in Brevard, Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee, and other counties of the State makes the finding of satisfactory ground-water supplies difficult. In Pinellas County, however, the problem is primarily one of preventing the encroachment of salt water into the water-bearing formations. Salt-water encroachment began first in the southern part of the county in the early twenties. By 1930 it had so seriously affected the St. Petersburg supply that a new well field was developed for the city at Cosme, more than 20 miles north of the city, in Hills-
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 3 borough County. Since 1930 salt water has continued to move into the water-bearing formations as a result of a gradual increase in the withdrawal from wells. Among the other public water supplies in the county that have increased in salinity are those of Clearwater, Tarpon Springs, Pinellas Park, and the Pinellas County Water System. In addition, many wells supplying water for irrigation and domestic uses have also been affected by the encroachment. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The investigation leading to this report was begun in 1944 by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey and the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County. Its primary purpose was to determine the extent to which salt water had encroached into the water-bearing formations and, to evaluate the factors governing encroachment. An investigation of the surface-water resources of the county also was begun in 1944 by the Surface Water Branch of the U. S. Geological Survey. The field work of the ground-water investigation consisted of: 1. The collection of information on the location, the depth and diameter, and other pertinent facts on the existing wells in the county. 2. Analyses of the chloride content of water from all flowing wells and from most of the wells equipped with pumps. 3. Repeated analyses of the chloride content of water from selected wells. 4. Measurements of the water level in all open wells that could be found. 5. The collection and geologic study of rock cuttings from 34 wells. 6. The installation of eight automatic water-stage recorders. PERSONNEL AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Most of the field work of the investigation was done by P. C. Smith, of the U. S. Geological Survey, whose death in March 1949
4 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY prevented his writing the report. Earlier field work was done by A. G. Unklesbay and T. C. Wiggins, also of the Federal Survey. R. C. Heath collected the data on the piezometric surfaces, the terraces, and the geology and prepared the report. The investigation was made under the immediate supervision of H. H. Cooper, Jr., District Engineer, and under the general supervision of A. N. Sayre, Chief of the Ground Water Branch, U. S. Geological Survey, and Herman Gunter, Director of the Florida Geological Survey. Helpful assistance was given throughout the investigation by W. A. McMullen, who was then County Engineer of Pinellas County. A. R. Swartz, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, placed his office facilities at the disposal of the authors during the investigation, and F. S. Mann, also of the Soil Conservation Service, assisted in making water-level measurements. A. O. Dunlap and other well drillers saved cuttings and gave information on numerous wells. Also, information on wells was given by many public officials and private individuals. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS The water resources and geology of Pinellas County have been treated briefly in previous reports of the Florida Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey. A report by Matson and Sanford (1913, pp. 319-325) describes the geology and ground water of Hillsborough County, which at that time included the area that is now Pinellas County. A report by Sellards and Gunter (1913, pp. 258-262) contains a generalized map of the area of artesian flow and describes the water-bearing formations. Chemical analyses of 23 samples of water from Pinellas County are listed in a report by Collins and Howard (1928, p. 224). A recent report on the chemical character of Florida waters (Black and Brown, 1951, pp. 91-93) contains 81 analyses of water samples from Pinellas County. A report by Stringfield (1933, pp. 13-17) gives a general discussion of the occurrence of ground water in the county and calls attention to the problems that need investigation. A map of the piezometric surface of the principal artesian aquifers in the Florida peninsula and a discussion of recharge and discharge areas are included in a report by Stringfield (1936). The geologic formations that crop out in Pinellas County have been described by Cooke (1945, pp. 131, 192, 224). A report by Ferguson and others (1947, p. 137) describes two of the largest springs in the county and gives chemical analyses of their waters.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 5 GEOGRAPHY LOCATION AND AREA Pinellas County is approximately in the center of the west coast of Florida (see fig. 1) and includes the peninsula that separates Old Tampa Bay from the Gulf of Mexico. It has a total of 439 square miles, of which only 290 square miles, or 185,600 acres, is land. The county has a coast line of 128 miles, a length of about 40 miles, and an average width of about 7 miles. CLIMATE The climate of the county is subtropical. The average annual rainfall at Tarpon Springs during the 51-year period beginning in 1892, according to the records of the U. S. Weather Bureau, was 51.20 inches. The average annual rainfall at St. Petersburg over the 32-year period beginning in 1915 was 53.24 inches. Thus, the ",*** i *.*..'*.," .* -* \ ,'",.. -I * ......... ; "...*\ o F r ..o..... .i.......a......g:o....P ..a n . .. .. .... ... S".." " Figure 1.-Map of Florida showing location of Pinellas County. so f··~~ so ,·,,d
6 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY average annual rainfall over a long period of years is about the same in the northern part as it is in the southern part of the county. However, in any particular year the amount falling on one part may differ from that falling on another part by as much as 15 inches, or more. In 1941, for instance, Tarpon Springs had 62.46 inches of rainfall, whereas St. Petersburg had only 45.77 inches. The months of heaviest rainfall are June through September. The mean temperature in the county is 71.7° F. TOPOGRAPHY The topography of Pinellas County may be divided into three types: hilly uplands, characteristic of the area from Oakhurst to Palm Harbor; a flat upland, around St. Petersburg; and level lowlands, characteristic of the area north and east of Pinellas Park. All of these subdivisions lie within "The Terraced Coastal Lowlands" (see Vernon, 1951, p. 16.). The principal upland area, here referred to as the "Pinellas ridge," is an area ranging from 3 to 4 miles in width, bordering the Gulf of Mexico from the vicinity of Oakhurst to the vicinity of Palm Harbor. It consists of gently rolling hills formed by the erosion of small streams, and of sinkholes formed by collapse of the surface formations into limestone caverns. Altitudes on the ridge range from about 25 feet to as much as 100 feet above sea level. However, the summits of most of the hills are between 80 and 95 feet above sea level, their concordance indicating that the Pinellas ridge may once have been a continuous, relatively level upland. The highest altitude in Pinellas County, as recorded on the topographic maps of the U. S. Corps of Engineers, is 97 feet, on State Highway 580 about 4 miles east of Dunedin. The maximum relief on the ridge is in Sec. 5, T. 28 S., R. 16 E., near the southwest shore of Lake Tarpon, where the altitude changes more than 40 feet in less than a tenth of a mile. North of Pinellas ridge, and separated from it, is a line of small hills, extending around the north end of Lake Tarpon, whose summits range in altitude from about 20 to about 60 feet. Although these hills are not a part of the ridge, they give the area in which they occur a topography similar to that of the ridge. The upland in the vicinity of St. Petersburg has low relief, the maximum altitude being about 50 feet. This area is roughly circular and has a diameter of about 5 miles. Surrounding the upland areas are areas of low-lying level land and swamps, which range in altitude from sea level to about 25 feet. These level lowlands are best exemplified and have the greatest
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 7 areal extent north and west of St. Petersburg and south and east of Lake Tarpon. TERRACES During Pleistocene time the sea stood above and below its present level, submerging greater and lesser portions of the land according to its height. Whenever it remained relatively stationary for a long period, waves and currents washing back and forth across the sea floor formed an essentially level surface, called a "terrace." Upon the retreat of the sea to a lower level each terrace emerged as a level plain having a slight seaward dip. The landward margin of such a terrace is the abandoned shoreline, which is generally marked by a low scarp. Discussions of the Pleistocene history and the terraces in Florida are included in a report by Cooke (1945, pp. 245-312) and Vernon (1951, pp. 19-32). Three of these terraces, the Pamlico, Penholoway, and Wicomico, have been recognized by the senior author in Pinellas County. The Pamlico terrace, whose shoreline is approximately 25 feet above present sea level, is well preserved in Pinellas County. The Penholoway may be associated with a scarp that is present at several places in the county between 60 and 70 feet above sea level. The Wicomico terrace, built when the sea stood approximately 100 feet above its present level, is represented by the highest surfaces of the Pinellas ridge. The terraces are not readily recognizable on the topographic maps of the county because the maps have 20-foot contour intervals and hence do not show sufficient detail. In order to identify and delineate the terraces, several traverses across the county were made with an aneroid barometer. However, the topographic maps were used to delineate them in the relatively inaccessible areas where traverses were not made. The boundaries of the terraces are shown in figure 2. When the sea stood 100 feet higher than it does today, during Wicomico time, the Pinellas ridge was a shoal about 40 miles west of the nearest land, which consisted of a large island located in what is now the relatively high lake region of central Florida. Much of the shoal, particularly in the area northeast of Dunedin, was so near sea level that some parts of it may have emerged during low tide. During the formation of the Penholoway terrace, which is believed by Cooke (1945, p. 17) to have occurred during the Sanga-
8 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY .... ... A l. .. ..... .. ... .--.....I. .... ;*;* ...... .. ..: .4 .t oi I . .....: .. * .::: .:: .*........* LEGEND *, ":* :+++ :i:iii::::: Pomlico terrace::: m::::s: unsw :. ...: ..*: ... ........ . ( shoreline ot 2 5 feet ) 4:::* ::!44 .Penholow. terr.ce... Wicitc terae... (shoreline at 70 f eet) (shoreline ot I00 feet) :::::: : .H.H ----4 .... SCALE OF MILES Figure 2.--Map showing the Pleistocene terraces off Pinellas County. ~ ·..·,.·..s~:·::. 0 .0. ..:2.... ~It .0.: .0il~·~ ( nn~~n··· iiii~·~~~lr·1~):: ~I:?0 i... ~:i 1~:~! 4 ····(· :... ......46.4.14. ::: ........... V ... ', ....... · ....... ...... ...... .. ··:'::::5........ .· ~~.......... .t 4 t::. I.., ..........~·::·: I JU~:I:~·~·~~:·.:5:...........!~ Pamlico terrace-( ,I i....,.......:.~; (shoreline a 70 feet) .. Wiomco erac(shorline t 100feet .. .. ... . .. ... ... . 0~ SCALE F WLE
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 9 mon stage (interglacial), about 200,000 years ago, the Pinellas ridge was a chain of islands about 35 miles west of the mainland. Remnants of a scarp that was formed during that time are, among other places, at the following locations: about three-fourths of a mile east of Palm Harbor on State Road 580; about 3 miles east of Dunedin and also about 5 miles east of Dunedin; near the south side of Largo on U. S. Highway 19; and about a quarter of a mile north of Walsingham on U. S. Highway 19. Cooke (1945, p. 292) recognized the Talbot terrace having a scarp based at 42 feet. The senior author recognized no such terrace in Pinellas County but included in the Pamlico terrace deposits which Cooke might have considered to be Talbot. However, at several places in the county the base of the Pamlico terrace is at an altitude of 42 feet. The most notable example is the segment of the scarp on State Road 580 about half a mile west of Tampa Bay. There, the land surface rises from 40 to 52 feet above sea level in less than a tenth of a mile. Another is near the intersection of 38th Avenue West and 44th Street North in St. Petersburg, where the surface rises from 42 to 53 feet above sea level. The Pamlico is the best preserved and therefore the most easily recognizable terrace in Pinellas County. Its landward margin, which coincides with the shoreline of the Pamlico sea, occurs at the base of a low scarp that is well preserved at many places in the county. The scarp is well preserved, for example, along Clearwater Harbor in the vicinity of Clearwater, where it is rarely more than several hundred feet inland from the present shore, and also along the west side of Old Tampa Bay. However, it is not generally as well preserved on the bay as on the gulf. The line of hills (see fig. 2) that extends from the Pinellas ridge along the west and north shores of Lake Tarpon may have been formed, as a bar (Leverett, 1931, p. 21) or a spit, of material transported from the Pinellas ridge by an ocean current flowing in a northerly direction. The change in trend of the islands from north to east around the north end of Lake Tarpon was probably caused either by local currents, such as would accompany eastward-moving storms, or by a change in direction of the dominant'ocean current during the formation of the Pamlico terrace. The building of sand dunes has increased the altitude of some of these islands by as much as 15 to 40 feet above the level of the sea at that time.
10 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DRAINAGE The northern part of the county is drained underground by solution channels in the Tampa formation, and by the Anclote River. The Pinellas ridge is drained by a series of short creeks on both the east and west coasts. Sinkholes and lakes also receive some of the surface drainage of the ridge, particularly in the area around Coachman, where part of the rainfall percolates downward through sinkholes into the underlying formations. The southern part of the peninsula is drained by Long Bayou and Cross Bayou and their short natural tributaries, and by the network of canals that have been dug to drain the previously swampy areas in the vicinity of Pinellas Park. GEOLOGY The geologic formations that are exposed in Pinellas County range from deposits of early Miocene age (the Tampa formation) to undifferentiated deposits of Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene age. Those below the Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene are exposed in a series of belts across the county (fig. 3). The boundaries of the formations as shown on figure 3 are generalized, but probably represent the true boundaries rather closely. Information on which the geologic map was drawn was obtained from 34 well logs and from a study of several outcrops of the formation. A geologic cross section showing the vertical extent of the different formations from the vicinity of Tarpon Springs to St. Petersburg is given in figure 4. The following discussion of the formations of Pinellas County does not include the Ocala limestone which, although it underlies the county, is not important locally as a water-bearing formation because it is more than 300 feet beneath the surface and is overlain by a productive aquifer composed of the Tampa formation and Suwannee limestone, and because the water from the Ocala in Pinellas County is more highly mineralized than the water in the overlying formations. OLIGOCENE SERIES All deposits of Oligocene age in Pinellas County are referred to the Suwannee limestone. These deposits are differentiated from the underlying deposits of Eocene age and from the overlying deposits of Miocene age on the basis of lithology and fossil content. Suwannee Limestone In Pinellas County the Suwannee limestone is composed pre-
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 12 11 PASCO COUNTY . PM .coun v PINELLAS ICOkM T I ::i i PALM HAFE I • OkO "1 N X. ,iiiii ·e[" LGLEAM •. ......:.'.. M iocen.dits .. ...... .. ........~~:~: .............. ::::::.::::::::.:::''~:~''''S Middle:~ MiceeHotor frato Figure....... 3..G i . .. ..... ......-x ..:::~::::~:~:::::~' c O·;·'··::2·~; stoa lilllli Lower Miocene-Tampo forma'~·tio ..............t.o n ......tio n ..5 :2;5~~;.; ·~5:·.r·r.·.·r· ..:........... ........-~ ---------------. 'i·'·5.·.'.T;~............. ..... 357~fz.. ..:.~.~.t~t ·2;.~2i:·:·;:;~~5~·' " "....... ..... : ····; :::;.~::~ ::~:~ : ~. ........~~ ....... .. .............. OF ILE Ti'iwa rn:~::~:::~ ... ............... ..... ..... ........:::~::::;,,~ i 5 ~·I··I··... .51. PETERSBURG:~::::: ....................~·t.:S;:f~t·~':~~:il~::..............~· Lower Miocene -Tampa forma tio ..... ... ........1 r\ ··..·..... ·'·'~;'~5.: ·~~·~·; ''2~:~:::::.:s:·~·.~·.···:·;···~........ ..............·~::::: 1 0 1 2 3i'';..'" ··~~:~:5~::~:.~~~~,i~~: ~ ~ ;~.S.··.Z··i~~;A ::~:::::::~ SCALE OF MILESz~~4~::~~s· ·-5t Figure 3.-Geolo gic map of the Miocene deposits in Pinellas County.~
12 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY dominantly of a white to cream-colored, hard, generally fossiliferous limestone. Well 5 (fig. 4), north of Tarpon Springs, penetrated 180 feet of Suwannee limestone. Although the well ended in the Suwannee, the formation is believed to be not much over 180 feet thick. Cooke (1945, p. 88) reports that the Suwannee lies unconformably on the Byram limestone or, where that is absent, on the Ocala limestone and that it is unconformably overlain by the Tampa formation. It is highly permeable and a good source of water where salt water has not entered it. Water from the Suwannee is relatively hard. MIOCENE SERIES Sedimentary rocks and sediments of Miocene age in Pinellas County cannot be differentiated on the basis of fossils because of the scarcity of identifiable specimens. Therefore, a division of the Miocene can be made only on the basis of lithology. The lower part of the section of Miocene age consists of hard, sandy limestone referred to the Tampa formation. In the southern part of the county the Tampa is overlain by marine sands and clays of the Hawthorn formation, also of Miocene age (see fig. 4). In the central part of the county, from the vicinity of Clearwater to 330 o D .P OCN rline A-A' in figure 3. 4.A4, ine A-nigre C0~'4'ra a w ^^ ^. ^^ a" 0 ^~~^^o
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 13 Palm Harbor, the Tampa is overlain by sediments that appear to have been derived from weathering of the limestone. They are referred to in this report as deposits of middle and upper Miocene age. Tampa Formation' The Tampa formation is generally a hard, sandy limestone, whose color varies from white to light tan. Chert fragments are abundant in some well cuttings. The formation contains many molds of Gastropods and Pelecypods, and a few specimens of the foraminifera Archais floridanus and Sorites (?) sp. The Tampa ranges in thickness from about 100 feet in the northern part of the county to about 150 feet in the southern part. The Tampa formation is believed by Cooke (1945, p. 115) to lie unconformably on the Suwannee limestone. The Hawthorn formation, according to Cooke (1945, p. 145), lies conformably on the Tampa, and in some areas of the State the two formations are so similar lithologically that it is difficult to differentiate them. However, according to Vernon (1951, pp. 183-186, table 14) there is an unconformity between the two in the west-central and southwestern parts of the Floridan peninsula. The altitude of the top of the Tampa formation is shown in figure 5. This map is based on the altitude of the top of the first limestone penetrated in wells, as determined from a study of rock cuttings from 34 wells, as reported in 75 drillers' logs, and as indicated by the depth of casing in 7 wells. Where no well cuttings or drillers' logs are available, the records of the depths of casing in wells are a generally reliable index of the depth to the limestone, because wells are commonly cased only to the top of the limestone. Thus, in the area north of Pinellas Park, where other data were lacking, the records of casings were used to determine the altitude of the top of the formation. Table 1 shows the generally close correlation between the various types of data used in compiling figure 5. This table lists the wells for which all three types of data were available. Only in wells 13 and 410 was there any considerable discrepancy among the data. Limestones such as those of the Tampa are formed beneath the sea and originally have a smooth .upper surface which dips gently seaward. Later, if a different type of sediment, such as sand, is 'The stratigraphic nomenclature of this report conforms to the nomenclature of the Florida Geological Survey. It conforms also to the nomenclature of the U. S. Geological Survey except that Tampa formation is used in this report instead,of Tampa limestone.
14 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TABLE 1 COMPARISON OF VARIOUS TYPES OF DATA USED TO COMPILE FIGURE 5, MAP SHOWING ALTITUDE OF THE TOP OF THE TAMPA FORMATION Depth to limeDepth to limeNo. of well stone from well stone from driller's Depth of in table 5 cuttings (feet) log (feet casing (feet) 2 33 33 33 13 12 30 33 44 72 72 74 90 50 52 56 140 30 28 31 145 40 35 37 223 75 75 73 268 65 71 74 278 71 67 73 290 73 73 75 291 90 94 95 293 88 90 89 359 70 75 81 361 70 80 82 410 130 140 124 442 126 122 120 484 140 140 146 deposited on the limestone before it emerges from the sea, the smooth surface is preserved, and the contact between the limestone and sand is said to be conformable. If, on the other hand, the younger material is deposited after the surface of the limestone has been exposed to the atmosphere and altered by erosion, the contact is irregular, and is said to be unconformable. An inspection of figure 5 reveals that the surface of the Tampa formation is irregular. Actually, the generalized representation shown in the figure cannot show the numerous pinnacles and sinkholes that are presumed to exist. As pointed out above, Vernon has found that the Tampa formation and the Hawthorn formation are separated by an unconformity in the west-central and southwestern parts of the Florida peninsula. Thus, the irregular surface of the Tampa in southern Pinellas County is doubtless due primarily to erosion that preceded the deposition of the Hawthorn formation. The irregular surface of the Tampa in the central part of the county is probably due partly to erosion and partly to irregular weathering of the Tampa during the formation of the middle and upper Miocene deposits. The limestone of the Tampa contains numerous solution channels, -which provide a large storage capacity anid readily transmit water to wells. It comprises the upper part of the productive limestone aquifer, which is the principal source of water in the county. A1
PASCO COUNTY g PINELLAS COUNTY TARPON SPRINGS 27 z.o -J0 1s J ' **' .1 -,i PALM HARSO wa* IN N '/ 9 % .\,! * Well for which driller's log or well cuttings \ N4 GbALDSMAR or both ore ovoiloble \ \ ST. PETERSBURG o Well for which depth of casing was used to determine top of limestone \ y \ Or Number of well listed in Table 5 Contour lines mprsent approximately the altitude, referred IO< to mean sea level, of the top of the Tampl formation -I r ,-O-"'Cour lines based on well cuttings or drillers log \ -60-",'onlour lines based only on depth of casing \ , SCALE IN MILES Figure 5.-Map showing the approximate altitude of the top of the Tampa formation in Pinellas County. *4m 0A50
FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HREPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 12 PASCO COUNTY 2 PINELLAS COUNTY T " /V TRPON SPRINGS ( 2I 0 d ° .-oo !,/ / 4 measuring point has been determined 54 Number assigned to well in Table 5 / Contou lines represent the approximate Sheight, infet, to which water would Approximate areas of artesian flow Figure 13.-Map showing the piezometric surface and the area of artesian flow in Pinellas County in June 1949. 2*1 3a3 330T.EERBR ie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~F Hufc n h rao reinfo nPnlAsRBOuR yi un99
F'LOU lL)A Gk~Lo~uC±CA1 SL±'kfcY £:ro l :&d ^ 1 Ut^ c.-1. .1'. Ii.'.\N .-_ ! PASC.0 COUNTY -24 TARPON SPRINGS IN *,*//\ zo Z0~I ,0 so 0O 463w 406 OcpsA4 GPMM '66 'V.^BX soeQ s~ ^ w 6®£?Jf^ ^ M1Y\5Q" OTAKHURST^ @64 @ 566 ^W^ ' ^^ 0 ^^^>s9 .4 \ 501 to 1000 4 0602 49 PETERSUR (Ports per Million)\\ \~ | ^? 0 50 or less ^ ^ ^ ^ ( ® 51 to 2500 'Kv^ ^\,3 *Ip~Iomore \ \ TI < ^ ;^^/ ?s 566 Number assigned to welt in table 5 ~ -'<'A V.:"---./'^^ '('"a aij Underlined well number indicates chloride \ \^>^1/'fT/ determination made in 1943-45 by the '.'' ,^ ^' 'I^ Agricultural Experirment Stc'tion, Lake Alfred, A '^ w ) Florida \..)-. a; 67 -/ U Post office or principal intersection of towns 6s54 ir ^^S s^/ SCALE 1M MILES 11// j'/ ^ Figure 16.-Map showing the chloride content of water in 'wells that penetrate the limestone aquifer in Pinellas County.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 15 The hardness of its water ranges generally between 150 and 225 ppm in those wells whose water has not been contaminated by saltwater encroachment. Hawthorn Formation As shown in figure 3, the Hawthorn formation underlies the peninsula south of Clearwater. It ranges from a fairly hard gray sandstone to sandy gray clay, and is calcareous in places. Irregularly distributed through it are small grains of black and brownish phosphate and angular fragments of chert. The formation ranges in thickness from about 50 feet in the vicinity of Clearwater to 80 or 90 feet at the southern end of the county. It is overlain by sands and shelly sands of Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene age. The Hawthorn contains beds of sand which yield water to domestic wells, but as a whole it is a relatively poor producer of water because the sands are discontinuous and have a low permeability. No analysis of water from the Hawthorn formation was made as a part of this investigation, but it appears probable that the water would be less hard than that from the underlying limestone formations. The clays of the Hawthorn formation, together with those in the deposits of middle and late Miocene age, confine the artesian water in the limestone, retarding or preventing vertical movement of water to or from the limestone. Middle and Upper Miocene Deposits The Tampa formation in the central part of the county, from Clearwater to Palm Harbor, is overlain by deposits consisting predominantly of blue to gray clay, fine-grained sandstone, and weathered lumps of limestone. Occurring irregularly in the deposits are fragments of chert and cavities containing sand that probably washed down from the Pliocene (?) and Pleistocene deposits above. The thickness of these deposits is generally less than 50 feet. The age of these deposits is uncertain because of the absence of fossils. However, studies of well cuttings indicate that near their contact with the Hawthorn formation the lower part may interfinger with the Hawthorn, whereas the upper part apparently overlies the Hawthorn. Thus, these deposits are probably in part contAemporaneous with the Hawthorn formation and in part younger C-
16 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY than the Hawthorn. They are probably equivalent to deposits re, ferred by Vernon (1951, pp. 180 and 189) to the Alachua formation in Citrus and Levy counties. The large percentage of clay in these deposits would probably prevent them from yielding even small supplies of water. However, they constitute a competent confining bed for the water in the underlying limestones. PLIOCENE(?) AND PLEISTOCENE SERIES The surface deposits in Pinellas County consist of sands and shelly sands ranging in thickness from a few feet to more than 50 feet. North of Oakhurst and north and west of Largo they consist predominantly of fine to coarse sand. Southeast of Largo and east of Oakhurst they consist principally of calcareous sandstone. These deposits unconformably overlie the deposits of Miocene age. The age of the surface deposits is not definitely known. Cooke (1945, p. 224) referred the sand and shell deposits in the southern part of the county to the Caloosahatchee formation of Pliocene age. On the other hand, Vernon2 believes all the deposits in Pinellas County above those of Miocene age were deposited during the Pleistocene. The Pliocene (?) and Pleistocene deposits are not generally an important source of water in those parts of the county where water of satisfactory quality is available from the limestone, although they yield a few small domestic supplies throughout the county. Where salt water has moved into the limestone formations many domestic supplies are obtained from these deposits. However, the water from these deposits is likely to contain appreciable amounts of salt in some of the coastal areas, particularly around the southern end of the county. Water from these deposits is likely to be corrosive and to contain objectionable amounts of iron. GROUND WATER OCCURRENCE Ground water is the subsurface water that is in the zone of saturation-the zone in which all pore spaces are completely filled with water. The zone of saturation is the reservoir from which all water from wells and springs is derived. The water in the zone 2Personal communication.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 17 of saturation is derived from rain and snow that falls on the earth's surface. Not all the precipitation on the earth's surface soaks into the ground, however; part of it is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation, and part of it enters streams, lakes, and other open bodies of water and becomes surface water. Of the part that does filter into the earth some is lost by transpiration of plants, and some reaches the zone of saturation. Upon reaching the zone of saturation, the water is available to supply wells and springs and is thereafter referred to as ground water. Water between the zone of saturation and the land surface is subsurface water but is not called ground water. The amount of rainfall that enters the ground to become ground water depends upon many factors. Among these are the slope of the land on which the rain falls, the vegetal cover, the intensity of the rain, the climate and the character of the surface material through which the water must percolate to reach the zone of saturation. After water reaches the zone of saturation it begins to move laterally under the influence of gravity toward a place of discharge, such as a spring, a surface stream, or the ocean. The ground water thus moving toward a point of discharge may be under either water-table (nonartesian) conditions or artesian conditions. Where it only partly fills a permeable formation, its surface is free to rise and fall and it is said to be under water-table conditions. Where it completely fills a permeable bed that is overlain by a relatively impermeable bed, it is confined and its surface is not free to rise and fall. Water thus confined is said to be under "artesian~" conditions. Technically, the term "artesian" is applied to ground water that is confined under sufficient pressure to rise above the top of the permeable bed that contains it, but not necessarily above the land surface. A formation in the zone of saturation that is permeable enough to transmit water in a usable quantity to wells and springs is called an "aquifer" or water-bearing formation. Areas in which water from the surface percolates downward to the zone of saturation are called "recharge areas." Ordinarily, water-table aquifers are exposed at the land surface almost everywhere and hence receive recharge over most of their expanse. On the other hand, artesian aquifers can receive recharge only in areas in which their confining beds are discontinuous or absent. Ground water in Florida occurs under both artesian and watertable conditions. The principal artesian aquifer consists of several C-,
18 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY limestone formations of Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene age that act more or less as a single hydrologic unit. Stringfield (1936, pp. 125-132, 146) described the aquifer and mapped the piezometric surface of artesian water in 1933 and 1934. Later, Parker (1946) proposed the name "Floridan aquifer" as a collective term for the water-bearing limestone formations. In a large part of Florida the water in this aquifer is confined under pressure by relatively impermeable beds of Miocene age. The collective term "Floridan aquiclude" has been applied to these confining beds by Parker (1951, pp. 819-820). Ground water in Pinellas County occurs under both water-table and artesian conditions. The water in the surficial sand deposits throughout the county and the water in the Tampa formation and Suwannee limestone in the area lying north of Palm Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon is under water-table conditions. South of Palm Harbor and east of Lake Tarpon the water in the limestone aquifer is under artesian conditions. The height to which water in an artesian well will rise above a given datum is called the artesian "pressure head." The pressure head at any place in the artesian system is controlled in part by the head in the area in which the aquifer is recharged, which in turn is determined by the amount of replenishment that reaches the aquifer from rainfall. Systematic observations of the artesian head or, as the case may be, of the water table are an important part of any investigation of ground water. WATER LEVEL RECORDS Measurements of water levels have been made in many wells in Pinellas County. The measurements are recorded in table 5, together with the dates on which they were made. They provide information on the altitude and seasonal variations of the artesian head in the county. Variations in water level from one time to another are principally the result of such factors as rainfall, pumping, and tides. In order to obtain continuous records of the changes in the artesian head, eight wells in Pinellas County were equipped with automatic waterstage recorders. Hydrographs for seven of the wells, prepared from the records of these recording gages, are shown in figures 6 and 7. The first recorder was installed on well 272 at Clearwater in November 1945 and was kept in operation until June 1949, when it became necessary for the city to place the well in service as a
FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 12 '45 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 NDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJASON.DJFMAMJ JASONDJFMAMJJ, A ONDJFMAMJ JASONDJFMAMJJASOND l /ll I/ l l 7!--_ ,IlilI--il-Lii ---i ---i -1-1 HWELL 246, Clearwater1 r | 1 \ -1 1 .1 11 I W 6 1 1 | \ Water-stage recorder removed December10 when owner installed pump. W L 9 -------------" -----. 9i i 6 --.., ..l. ---..----.-..... .21 when owner nstalled pump. ca 14 ---------------------.--.----------------S,Water-stage recorder removed MayApri 28 S WC V---wnerwhen owner installed pump. 12 -WELL 337,0.3 mile northeast----of--------------------.--J-.---,---ti±-^-'---"*--z^r r J 2 WELL 37, CI0.3milenorthe a stofC oachman 1:-..1!1111 I1 S15 -Monthly Rainfall at Clearwater Il--li Figure 6.-Hydrographs of wells 246, 269, 272, and 837 in Pinellas County, and monthly rainfall at Clearwater. -v v -----... I-IIII I llllli',.O --i IC41 A iV D U1Ulll1 UIIC .11IUllUI1l pd 1iUU. ...W. 3,0.3mln dh, '" >2 -.. .a tO la n a .--r" ;-': 'I; 12 WLL 37, .3 ile orteastof oachani
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 19 municipal-supply well. Fortunately, however, the recorder on well 246, only eight-tenths of a mile north of well 272, was placed in operation shortly after the one on well 272. The records for the other wells in the county were begun in the last half of 1947. As may be seen from figures 6 and 7 the water-stage recorders were removed from wells 269 and 337 when the owners installed pumps. The record for well 337 ended in April 1950, and that for well 269 ended in December 1952. Long-time records from water-stage recording instruments are very useful in studies of salt-water encroachment, as they indicate the extent to which water levels may be declining because of such factors as heavy pumping and artificial drainage through canals. As the artesian head controls the extent to which sea water may move into the formation, a progressive decline, however slow, would indicate that the encroachment problem is likely to become more critical. The hydrographs of the wells eqg1ipped with automatic water-stage recorders (figs. 6 and 7) show a slight decline of water levels from the beginning of each record to the spring of 1950. The decline was probably due in part to a relatively low rainfall during 1948 and 1949, although some of the decline may have been due to withdrawal. During the summer and fall of 1950 the water levels rose to the highest point on record in all wells except well 13. A new high probably would have been recorded in well 13 also, had the gage not become temporarily inoperative early in September. After the high levels of September 1950 the water levels in all wells declined slowly until May 1951, after which they declined rapidly in all wells except well 13. This rapid decline was doubtless due to a heavier use of water for irrigation during May and June when the rainfall was below normal. About the middle of June the water levels began to recover, probably as a result of decreased pumping. During the rainy season, from July through September, they were about the same as at the beginning of the year, although they were still 1 to 3 feet lower than in September 1950. They remained relatively stable until April 1952 when they began to decline rapidly once more. By the middle of May they had reached the lowest points on record in wells 246 and 269, in Clearwater, and in well 561, east of Pinellas Park. These low water levels were probably due to heavy pumping during April and May, which months were exceptionally dry-the rainfall at Clearwater and Tarpon Springs totaling less than 2 inches during the 2-month period.
1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 SO ND J F MA M J J AS 0 N D J F M A M J A S 0 N J F M M J J A S 0 ND J F MA M J J A S 0 N D J F MA M J A S0 ND -T: I ,i. I'TT1 JJ I i! We" '3'in 'PO iL---Ll----i -.---_-_ l Q4 -I a Wl 78miesouthea.___stoflI f_,---ro S Well 561,32.6 miles ea st of Pin els Park' 2 .5l ! ' i -» i .I i i l I J l I IIk1 1 1 .I I I I I_ I I 1 -I IE Iil Ai IiI I_1 il .15 Monthly Rainfoall at St Retersburg ---------------------------------I .1-I" 40 -FT .I _1 I lIII -Il-I-i--iile..iI is of lgim Hiair-iIiiiLJ Figure 7.-Hydrographs of wells 13, 77, and 561 in Pinellas County, and monthly rainfall at three stations.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 21 FLUCTUATIONS OF WATER LEVELS The water levels in artesian wells fluctuate almost continuously. Some of the varied causes of the fluctuations observed in Pinellas County are rainfall, pumping, ocean tides, variations in barometric pressure, earthquakes, and moving railroad trains. The fluctuations range from almost inperceptible movements to changes of several feet. The changes of water level produced by rainfall and pumping are the largest of all the fluctuations and are the most important because they affect the amount of water in the aquifer and the extent to which sea water will encroach. Fluctuations caused by tides, changes in barometric pressure, earthquakes, and trains are usually less than a foot in amplitude and of short duration, and are significant only in that they reveal the elastic properties of the aquifer. Generally these fluctuations, except those due to tides, occur only in wells that end in artesian aquifers. Tidal fluctuations occur along coasts in both artesian and water-table aquifers. Fluctuations Caused by Rainfall Fluctuations caused by rainfall are especially significant because they indicate the extent to which the water in the aquifer is replenished. Well 337, near Coachman, is in an area in which the artesian limestone aquifer receives recharge from rain. Thus, the water level in this well may be expected to respond relatively rapidly and strongly to rains. A hydrograph giving the complete record for well 337 is shown in figure 6, but the time scale of this hydrograph is so condensed that the response of the water level to individual rains is not apparent. However, the response is obvious in figure 8, which gives the record for 1948 on an expanded time scale. As the water level in the well is lowered during certain periods of the year by intermittent pumping from other wells in the vicinity, the daily highest and lowest water levels are given so that the effect of pumping may be observed and differentiated from the effect of rainfall. A study of figure 8 indicates that rain at Clearwater is generally followed within a few days by a rise in the water level in well 337. At times, however, a rain at Clearwater is not followed by a rise in the water level, and at other times the water level rises appreciably when no rain at Clearwater is recorded. This occasional lack of correlation between the water level and the rainfall is doubtless due principally to differences between the rainfall at
22 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1948 JAM FEB MAR APR M JU JULY AN SPT OCT NOV DEC .... -----_ -----_ -D------_ ---_ ;-ILO -noteaoCo --an and d\ail r --a-i---nS_ -1 --------------------------------.2-iFigure 8.-Daily highest and lowest water levels in well 337, 0.3 mile northeast of Coachman, and daily rainfall at Clearwater. Clearwater and that at Coachman. Such differences in rainfall within short distances are common in Florida. The hydrographs of those wells in the county on which recording gages are maintained and the rainfall at the stations nearest the wells, given in figures 6 and 7, indicate the manner in which the water levels vary seasonally and from year to year in relation to rainfall. The relationship is somewhat obscured by the fact that periods of relatively heavy pumping accompany periods of little or no rainfall. Thus, the decline of water levels during droughts is only in part a direct result of the lack of rainfall, and the recovery of water levels during rainy periods is only in part a direct result of the rains. Where relatively heavy pumping of water for irrigation accompanies droughts, as it does in Pinellas County, a differentiation between respective effects of rainfall and of pumping on water levels can be made only after much investigation and study, if at all. The available information does not permit a differentiation of the two effects in figures 6 and 7. Fluctuations Caused by Pumping When water is pumped from a well that penetrates an artesian aquifer the water level in the well and the artesian head in the surrounding area are lowered. The decline of the artesian head is greatest at the pumped well and it decreases as the distance
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 23 APRIL 1949 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,I 12. ,.-J n -ba 4 rae ----:--.___ -gz Ij I. W (0.45) (0.11) (0.26) (090) . Figure 9.-Fluctuations of the water level in well 269, at Stevenson Creek, caused by pumping from Clearwater municipal-supply wells. (Figures in parentheses indicate daily rainfall, in inches, at Clearwater.) from the well increases. As pumping continues the cone of depression deepens and broadens at a gradually diminishing rate. As the cone encompasses another well the water level in that well declines. When pumping ceases the water level rises, rapidly at first, but more slowly later as it approaches the initial static level. Figure 9 shows fluctuations of the water level in well 269, at Stevenson Creek, caused by pumping from several other wells in the vicinity, including wells 253, 263, 266, 267, 270, and 271 of the Clearwater municipal supply. The nearest of these is well 270, 0.3 mile from well 269. The pumping wells nearest well 269 doubtless influence the water level more than those farther away, but, as no record is made of the times at which the individual pumps automatically start and stop, it has not been possible to identify the drawdowns and recoveries shown in the hydrographs with the wells that caused them. The relatively long downward trends in the hydrograph, such as the one between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., April 6, are typical of the drawdown curves caused by steady pumping from one or more wells. Had the drawdown curve on April 6 not been interrupted by a cessation of pumping from some of the wells, it would have continued downward, gradually approaching the horizontal, as indicated by the dashed line B-B' representing a logarithmic extension of the curve. However, as
24 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY the demand for water decreased during the evening, the pumping became intermittent, and the water level recovered and declined in a complicated fashion. The rise of the water level during the night of April 5 and the morning of April 6 has the form of a typical recovery curve, such as that which follows the cessation of pumping from one or more wells. Such curves have very nearly the form of a drawdown curve on an inverted scale. If there had been no further pumping, the recovery during the morning of April 6 would have continued at a diminishing rate, as indicated by the dashed line A-A', until the water became stabilized at some higher level. The relationship between the hydrograph shown in figure 9 and the rainfall at Clearwater demonstrates the manner in which rainfall acts as a secondary influence on water levels through its effect on the use of water and, hence, on the rate of pumping. The rainfall recorded by the U. S. Weather Bureau at Clearwater was 0.45 inch on April 5, 0.11 inch on April 6, 0.26 inch on April 11, and 0.90 inch on April 12. No rainfall was recorded during the period April 7 to 10. A heavier use of water during the period April 8 to 11 is indicated by the fact that the water level in well 269 was more strongly affected by pumping during that period. It appears probable that the heavier pumping of water beginning April 8 was a result of the use of water for lawn sprinkling during the brief drought. The fact that the heavier pumping extended into April 11, when 0.26 inch of rain was recorded, might be explained by the possibility that the rain fell during the late afternoon, or by the fact that April 11 fell on Monday, which is washday for many homes. Wherever there is pumping, water levels react in much the same way as they do in well 269. The resultant effect is a general lowering of the water levels which is most pronounced where heavily pumped wells are concentrated. In those areas where large quantities of ground water are used for irrigation, water levels will be lowered most during droughts, when wells are pumped most heavily. Fluctuations Caused by Tides The water levels in many wells near the coast fluctuate in response to ocean tides. These fluctuations are due to one of two causes: (1) where the aquifer is exposed to the sea, to a direct marginal transfer of water between the ocean and the ground water, and (2) in an artesian aquifer that is exposed to the ocean
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 12 25 August 1946 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 / Predicted times of high tide Fluctuations due to passage of trains nl t c ml SaS i-7 l hi j ----i 0 Figure 10.-Water level in well 272 showing fluctuations due to ocean tides, earthquakes, and passing trains. only at places more or less remote from the well, to an alternate compression and expansion of the aquifer by the rise and fall of the tide. Tidal fluctuations are apparent on the records of the automatic recording gages on wells 246 and 272, which are respectively 0.2 and 0.3 mile from Clearwater Harbor. The maximum recorded tidal fluctuation in these wells is about half a foot. Figure 10, which is a tracing of the record of an automatic recorder, shows the effect of tides on the water level in well 272 during the period August 2 to 9, 1946. Short vertical lines above the line representing the water level show the predicted times of high tide at St. Josephs Sound (Clearwater Harbor) as given in the tide tables of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1946. The maximum water levels in the well lag half an hour or more behind the predicted times of high tide. Fluctuations Caused by Earthquakes and Trains The water levels in many wells that penetrate the artesian aquifers in Florida fluctuate when earthquake waves pass the wells. Such waves cause very rapid alternate expansion and contraction of the acquifer, which force the water level in the well to rise and
26 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Fluctuations of the water level in well 272 that were caused by the destructive Dominican Republic earthquake of August 4,1946, are shown in figure 10. Also shown are fluctuations caused by the aftershock of the earthquake, which occurred on August 8, 1946. The maximum magnitude of the earthquake fluctuation of August 4 was 0.9 foot, and the water level continued to fluctuate for about 2 hours. Slight fluctuations caused by the passing of trains are not uncommon in artesian wells near railroad tracks (Jacob, 1939, pp. 666674). Such fluctuations are small and are perceptible only in wells that are within a few hundred feet of the railroad tracks. They are caused by a compression of the aquifer by the weight of the train. The fluctuations in well 272, shown in figure 10, were caused by trains passing on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad tracks about 50 feet from the well. Fluctuations Caused by Changes in Atmospheric Pressure Changes in atmospheric pressure cause corresponding changes in the water level of artesian wells (Parker and Stringfield, 1950, pp. 450-453). Fluctuations of water level due to changes in atmospheric pressure are often masked by greater fluctuations that are due to other causes, but they are readily recognizable on the charts obtained from the water-stage recording instruments on wells 337 and 561. Figure 11 shows a comparison between the water level in well 337 and the atmospheric pressure as recorded by a barograph at the U. S. Weather Bureau Station, Drew Field, Tampa, from April APRIL 1949 23 24 25 26 27 2 29 30 D8AROME RIC PRESS IN A N ELL 337 3 -------------------------------------45.2 t S 34-01,. . _________ ______ -3462 Figure 11.-Effect of atmospheric pressure on the water level in well 337, located 0.3 mile northeast of Coachman.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 27 23 to 30, 1949. The atmospheric pressure, which is recorded on the barograph in inches of mercury, has been converted to the equivalent pressure in feet of water and plotted on an inverted scale. The similarity between the two graphs is obvious. Rises in atmospheric pressure cause corresponding declines in the water level in the well, and vice versa. PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE IN FLORIDA The height to which water will rise above sea level in wells that penetrate the principal artesian aquifer in Florida is shown by the contour lines in figure 12. The imaginary surface represented by the contour lines is referred to as a "piezometric surface." The shape of the piezometric surface indicates the direction of movement of artesian water and the areas in which the aquifer is replenished by water that falls as rain. Water enters the aquifer Fge 1.M Of Fi h n the iez or urfa SE .0O R -G IA I> os---I NASSAU .lk #" 1 AL aH. .& " ,-10el y h 0 ho h o n ,o , LA y \ LL' T A 10. .. ... ....*. 0 vl to which wot etr will ri c 3 f/c
28 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in those areas in which the piezometric surface is high and moves in a direction approximately perpendicular to the contour lines to the areas in which the piezometric surface is low. One of the most conspicuous features of the piezometric surface in Florida, shown in figure 12, is the dome centered in Polk County, which indicates that considerable recharge enters the artesian aquifer in Polk and surrounding counties (Stringfield, 1936, p. 148). The artesian aquifer is also recharged in Pasco County and parts of Hernando and Hillsborough Counties, where the piezometric surface has the shape of a smaller dome with a maximum altitude of about 80 feet. As indicated by the slope of the piezometric surface, the artesian water flows southwestward from the central part of Pasco County into northeastern Pinellas County. PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE IN PINELLAS COUNTY The piezometric surface in Pinellas County is shown in figures 13 and 14. Figure 13 was prepared from measurements made in June 1949 of water levels in 69 wells in the county. Figure 14 was prepared from measurements made in May 1951 of water levels in 57 wells in the county. As indicated by the contours in the figures, the piezometric surface at the time of the measurements ranged from less than 2 feet above sea level in the northwestern part of the county to slightly more than 22 feet above sea level in the northeastern part of the county. In the Pinellas peninsula the piezometric surface is highest in a small area south of Coachman, where it stands slightly more than 16 feet above sea level. The piezometric surface changes constantly in response to such influences as rainfall and pumping, but its general features remain the same. Thus it can be seen from a comparison of figures 13 and 14 that in response to differences in rainfall and pumping the piezometric surface was appreciably lower in May 1951 than it was in June 1949. In fact, a comparison of the water-level measurements, which are included in table 5, shows that the water levels were 0.2 foot to 4.3 feet lower in 1951 than in 1949. Owing to the lack of a sufficient number of wells in which water-level measurements can be made, the details of the piezometric surface cannot be mapped accurately in many parts of the county. Although nearly 1,000 wells have been drilled to the Tampa formation in Pinellas County, water levels were accessible for measurement in less than 75 wells, because of the way in which
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 29 turbine pumps were installed. In other parts of the State most wells that have turbine pumps are equipped with air lines which permit measurement of the water levels, but few wells in Pinellas County are so equipped. Facilities for making water-level measurements are especially desirable in areas affected by salt-water encroachment to aid in determining the extent of encroachment, which is controlled by the height of the water table or the artesian head. Prior to the mapping of the piezometric surface it was thought that the artesian water in the Pinellas peninsula was derived from recharge in Pasco and Hillsborough counties (Stringfield, 1933, pp. 15-16). The more detailed mapping of the piezometric surface (fig. 13 and 14) has revealed, however, that in addition to the artesian water moving into the county from adjoining counties the aquifer receives recharge locally by rains. Most of the local recharge apparently occurs where the piezometric surface has a ridgelike shape in the area north and south of Coachman. The rate of recharge is probably greatest in the area centered about a mile south of Coachman where the piezometric surface has the shape of an elongated dome. It is not possible to determine the extent of the recharge area from a study of the piezometric surfaces. In fact, it appears probable that some recharge enters the aquifer by slow percolation through the confining bed wherever the water table stands appreciably higher than the piezometric surface. Recharge doubtless enters the aquifer also wherever the confining bed is discontinuous or absent, as, for example, through the sinkholes in the eastern part of Dunedin. A study of the piezometric surfaces has revealed, however, that the artesian water in all the county south of a line through Palm Harbor and Oldsmar is derived wholly from local rainfall. The water in the aquifer in the county north of Palm Harbor and Oldsmar is derived in part from local recharge and in part from recharge in Pasco and Hillsborough counties. In the area north of Palm Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon the piezometric surface is low and has very little slope. In this area the aquifei contains large solution channels and is so permeable that the water moves very freely through the aquifer on its way to the Gulf. Wall Springs, the submarine spring offshore at Crystal Beach, and the spring in Spring Bayou at Tarpon Springs are three known points of discharge from the aquifer in this area. East of Palm Harbor is an embayment in the piezometric surface, which may be caused by heavy pumping from the large number of irri-
-o -I g i |t -0 $ two, I " Figure 14.-Map showing the piezometric surface in Pinellas County in May 1951.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 12 31 gation wells in that area, or possibly by a relatively free movement of water through subterranean solution channels, or by both. Another small embayment occurs south of Palm Harbor on the 1951 piezometric surface, but not on the 1949 piezometric surface. This feature is probably due to heavy pumping in that area for irrigation at the time the water-level measurements were made in 1951. The largest embayment in the piezometric surface, which occurs around the north end of Old Tampa Bay, is doubtless caused by natural discharge of water into the bay. Over all the southern part of Pinellas County, south 'of Walsingham, the piezometric surface is relatively flat and has a maximum height of less than 10 feet. The lowness of the piezometric surface in this area doubtless is a result of the lack of local recharge. AREA OF ARTESIAN FLOW Wherever the piezometric surface stands higher than the land surface, wells will flow under natural artesian pressure. The stippled areas in figure 13 represent the areas in Pinellas County in which artesian wells will flow. The areas of flow include: a narrow band, generally less than a mile in width, that extends from a point about 2 miles south of Clearwater around the southern end of the peninsula to a point on the east coast about 2 miles south of Coachman; an area about -a mile wide that extends up the valleys of Long Bayou and Cross Bayou east of Oakhurst and Largo; a small area slightly more than a mile wide at the north end of Old Tampa Bay about 2 miles west of Oldsmar; and a small area at the south end of Lake Tarpon which extends a short distance up Booker Creek. The areas of artesian flow decrease in size as the artesian head declines. Many wells that are reported to, have flowed continuously when first drilled 10 or more years ago now flow only when there is a high tide in the Gulf or in wet periods when there is little or no use. SALT-WATER ENCROACHMENT The encroachment of sea water into fresh ground water has, in the last few decades, become a major problem in many coastal areas in the Nation. Such encroachment may occur wherever the pressure head in an aquifer that is exposed to the sea is lowered excessively by pumping or by artificial surface drainage. The problem first became prominent in Pinellas County between 1920 and 1930 when the early municipal-supply wells of St. Petersburg began to yield
32 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY salty water. Subsequently many irrigation wells, other publicsupply wells, and domestic wells began to yield salty water. Relationship Between Fresh Water and Sea Water The relationship between fresh ground water and sea water in coastal areas was investigated by Badon Ghyben in 1887 and, apparently independently, by Baurat Herzberg about 1900 (Brown, 1925, p. 16). These investigators found that in small islands and in certain coastal areas that are composed of permeable material, fresh ground water, because of its lower density "floats" upon the sea water. As with any other floating body, part of it is above sea level and part of it is below sea level, the ratio of the density of fresh water to that of sea water being such that the volume of fresh water below sea level is much larger than that above sea level. Thus, as postulated by Ghyben and Herzberg, the depth to salt water is a function of the height of the water table above sea level and of the density of sea water. The relationship may be expressed by the formula h t g-1 where h is the depth of fresh water below sea level, t is the height of the water table (or piezometric surface) above sea level, and I ANO SURFAce -" ---WATER ASLEE __ MEAN SEA LEVEL 1 FRESH WATER h S4 WATER SEA WATER Figure 15.-Diagram showing the relation between fresh water and sea water beneath a narrow peninsula, according to the Ghyben-Herzberg principle.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 33 g is the specific gravity of sea water. For practical purposes the specific gravity of fresh water is assumed to be 1.000. The formula may be explained by reference to figure 15 which represents the occurrence of fresh water and sea water in a small island, or narrow peninsula, composed of permeable material, in conjunction with a large imaginary U-tube having one leg beneath the land and one leg in the sea. It is apparent that in such a U-tube the column of fresh water in one leg, which has a height of h + t, will balance the column of sea water in the other leg, which has a height h. The ratio of the height of the column of fresh water to that of the column of sea water will be equal to the ratio of the specific gravity of sea water to the specific gravity of fresh water. That is, h+t g. h 1 This equation reduces to the formula given above. The specific gravity of sea water varies from one place to another but is generally considered to be 1.025. If this value is substituted in the formula given above then h = 40t which indicates that the depth of fresh water below sea level is 40 times the height of the water table above sea level. In other words, for each foot that the water table stands above sea level the fresh water will extend below sea level an additional 40 feet. The Ghyben-Herzberg principle is tacitly based on the assumption that the body of fresh water floats on sea water in static equilibrium. In fact, however, such a body of ground water is never static but, instead, is in constant motion, receiving replenishment from rain and discharging into the sea. It has been shown by Muskat (1937, p. 289) and Hubbert (1940, p. 924) that the dynamic condition under which ground water occurs tends to vitiate the Ghyben-Herzberg principle wherever the slope of the water table is comparatively steep, as in the immediate vicinity of discharge along a shoreline or a pumped well. In general, however, the slope of the water table is so gentle that the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium assumed by Ghyben and Herzberg is closely approximated. The contact between fresh and sea water is not a well-defined boundary such that on one side is found fresh water and on the other side sea water. Instead there is a zone of intermixture, commonly called the "zone of diffusion," which separates the overlying fresh water from the underlying sea water. Within the zone of diffusion
34 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY the salinity of the water ranges from that of uncontaminated ground water to undiluted sea water. The zone of diffusion arises principally from the vacillation of the fresh water-sea water contact in response to fluctuations of the water level and the rise and fall of the tide. As indicated by Brown (1925, p. 36), European investigators found the zone of diffusion ranges in thickness from 60 to 100 feet under normal conditions. Investigations in the Miami area have shown the width of the zone of diffusion there to be 60 feet (Parker, 1945, p. 539). Salt-Water Encroachment in Pinellas County About 91 percent of the dissolved solids content of sea water consists of chloride salts. Thus, determinations of the chloride content of ground water are generally a reliable indication of the extent to which normally fresh ground water has become contaminated with sea water. More than 500 determinations of chloride content of water from wells in Pinellas County have been made. It has been found that, in general, ground water which has not been contaminated by sea water contains less than 50 ppm of chloride, whereas that which is contaminated contains up to 1,000 ppm and more. To most persons, water having a chloride content of 350 to 500 ppm has a perceptibly salty taste. The determinations of chloride content are listed in table 5. The generalized results of these determinations are shown in figure 16. As can be seen from this figure, there are four areas in the county in which a considerable number of wells yield water with a chloride content in excess of 50 ppm, and in which salt-water encroachment has likely occurred. These areas include: a small area south and east of Palm Harbor that extends from Clearwater Harbor inland for a distance of 2 to 3 miles most of the area in the vicinity of Indian Rocks, Walsingham, and Oakhurst; a narrow band about a mile wide along the southeastern coast; and a small area at the north end of Old Tampa Bay about 2 miles west of Oldsmar. Although salt water has apparently encroached into the areas described above, it can be seen from figure 16 that there are a few wells in each of the areas that yield water with a chloride content of less than 50 ppm. Conversely, there are a few wells in nearly every other part of the county that yield water with a chloride content of more than 50 ppm. These irregularities are due in part to the fact that the wells sampled varied considerably in depth, and in part to the fact that some had been pumped extensively prior
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 35 to sampling. As a rule the deeper wells may be expected to yield water with a higher chloride content than the shallower ones and a given well will yield water with a higher chloride content after prolonged pumping. One example of how the chloride content differs between wells of different depths may be cited. On January 28, 1947, well 458, which is 108 feet deep, had a chloride content of 25 ppm, whereas on the same day well 459, which is no more than about 0.1 mile from well 458 and is 289 feet deep, had a chloride content of 400 ppm. An example of how the chloride content increases when a well is pumped is shown in table 2, which gives the results of tests made on well 420 by V. C. Jamison of the University of Florida Citrus Experiment Station at Lake Alfred. TABLE 2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LENGTH OF PUMPING TIME AND CHLORIDE CONTENT OF WATER IN WELL 420 Period Chloride content as C1 Date pumped (parts per million) 1943 June 7 15 min. 129 June 7 3 hrs. 2,984 June 7 8 hrs. 2,940 June 8 10 min. 2,970 June 8 4 hrs. 2,970 June 8 8 hrs. 2,928 June 9 10 min. 2,914 June 9 9 hrs. 2,970 June 10 10 min. 2,928 June 10 3 hrs. 2,928 June 10 9 hrs. 2,941 The well had been idle for at least several days prior to June 7. After it had been pumped for 15 minutes the chloride content was only 129 ppm, but after 3 hours of pumping the chloride content had risen to 2,984 ppm. The chloride content did not change significantly after the first 3 hours of pumping. Although the yield of the well is unknown, it was probably more than 100 gallons a minute. According to the Ghyben-Herzberg principle, the contact between fresh water and sea water along a section from Clearwater Harbor to Coopers Bayou would be as shown in figure 17. Several assumptions were made in drawing this section and it approximates the actual contact so far as these assumptions are correct. One as4 ,
-jz S. -PIEZOMETRIC SURFACg, --...... .a 0. B-t--o MEAN SEA LEVEL u X00 2W~FRESH WATER -' a cr, 800 Figure 17.-Section along line B-B' in figure 13 showing the theoretical contact between fresh water and sea water in Pinellas County.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 37 sumption is that the limestone aquifer is isotropic (equally permeable in all directions) so that water may move through it vertically as well as horizontally. There appears to be no doubt that the limestone contains some layers that are less permeable than others and hence that water will move less freely vertically than horizontally. It appears likely, however, that there is enough interchange of water between the upper and lower parts of the aquifer to enable the fresh water-sea water contact to adjust, in time, to the piezometric surface. Moreover, because there are hundreds of wells in the county which have open holes through several hundred feet of limestone, there is probably a relatively free exchange of water between the different permeable zones in some parts of the county. Another assumption is that the fresh water-sea water contact is in equilibrium with the piezometric surface. The contact probably rises during times of heavy withdrawal and is depressed by fresh water entering the aquifer during the wet season. However, because the contact can rise only as the fresh water immediately above it is withdrawn from storage and replaced by sea water, a process referred to by Wentworth (1942, pp. 683-693) as "change in bottom storage," there is necessarily a lag between the time the freshwater head is lowered and. the time the contact has reached the new point of equilibrium. In fact, the recent experience of well owners in some of the coastal areas in Pinellas County, especially in the area from Clearwater to Indian Rocks, where wells have become contaminated with salt water without any detectable decline in artesian head, seems to indicate that the head declined to about its present level prior to 1947, when water-level observations were begun, and that the contact has not yet reached equilibrium with the lowered position of the piezometric surface. A study of figure 16 reveals that wells on the upland area in the vicinity of St. Petersburg (see fig. 2) yield water with a chloride content of less than 50 ppm, although numerous wells between this area and the principal recharge area near Coachman yield water with a chloride content of more than 50 ppm. Thus, it appears probable that the limestone aquifer in the vicinity of the upland area is being recharged by water percolating downward from the water-table aquifer through the confining bed. Additional evidence that local recharge is occurring in southern Pinellas County is offered by the configuration of the contour lines of the piezometric surface on figure 14.
38 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PAS CO C 0 U N TY SPRINGS Spring Bayou -/Sinkhole through wht .lake drains 1 0 J , SCALE IN MILES | PALM HARBOR Figure 18.-Map of northwestern Pinellas County showing locations of Spring Bayou and Lake Tarpon. UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE OF LAKE TARPON Lake Tarpon, formerly known as Lake Butler, in the northern part of Pinellas County, is connected by an underground channel with Spring Bayou, at Tarpon Springs (fig. 18). At irregular intervals the lake drains through this underground channel into Spring Bayou, and between drainings the salt water from Spring Bayou moves through the channel, contaminating the lake water. An explanation of how the draining occurs has been suggested by 0. E. Meinzer and V. T. Stringfield and described by H. H. Cooper, Jr. (personal communication) as follows:
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 39 "During the intervals between drainings the channel evidently becomes blocked in such a way as to retain the water in the lake and allow the stage to build up. Ultimately the stage builds up so high that the block is overcome, and the lake drains. The nature and mechanics of this block have been a subject of interesting speculation. "A plausible explanation of the phenomenon has been suggested by Mr. Meinzer. He points out that the underground channel, in conjunction with the vents in the lake and bayou, forms a crude U-tube, in which a column of the relatively dense sea water in Spring Bayou balances a higher column of fresh water in the lake. So long as the system is in balance, the contact between fresh water and sea water is in the lake vent at a depth which depends on the lake stage, the tide in the bayou, and the relative densities of the two waters. As the differential in head increases with a rising stage or a falling tide, this contact is depressed. When the differential in head is great enough to depress the contact to the bottom of the U, any further increase throws the system out of balance, the sea water flushes out of the channel, and the lake drains. "The lake will cease to drain when a new static balance between the two columns of water is established at a lower stage. Probably the cessation of flow occurs during a rising tide in the bayou, and subsequently, near high tide, sea water moves back through the channel into the lake vent once more to complete the cycle. "The reason that the lake stage at which flushing begins varies from one time to another is apparent when one considers that this critical stage is dependent on two variables: one is the tide level in the bayou, and the other is the density of the lake water. The density of the lake water varies with the extent to which it is mixed with sea water by the constant agitation of the tide. At times the concentration of salts in the lake water, especially in the vicinity of the sink, may be so high as to allow the lake to flush under a considerably lower head differential than if the water were altogether fresh. "The ratio of the specific gravity of sea water to that of fresh water is about 1.025 to 1.000, or 41 to 40. Thus, a column of sea water 40 feet in height will balance a column of fresh water 41 feet in height. Applied to the problem at hand, this relationship indicates that for each foot of lake stage above the bayou tide level there will be a depth of 40 feet below the bayou level to the contact between the two waters, providing the lake water is fresh. If the lowest section of the U-system were, for example, 120 feet below sea level, the highest possible head differential that could occur without flushing would be about 3.0 feet. Differentials in head of more than 3.0 feet would indicate that the lowest section of the underground channel is more than 120 feet below sea level. When additional studies have been made, it may become possible to predict with a fair degree of accuracy when flushings will occur. Investigations of the specific gravity of water at various depths in the lake sink immediately prior to the flushings are needed. Also needed are studies of the differentials in head with consideration of the time required for tidal fluctuations to be transmitted through the system." An investigation of the underground drainage of the lake was undertaken by the U. S. Geological Survey. As a part of the investigation, automatic recording gages were installed on well 13 at Tarpon Springs and on Lake Tarpon. Charts from the recorder on Lake Tarpon show, that the lake drained 27 times from July 1945 to November 1949. The stage of the lake at the start of the drainings has ranged from 2.5 to 5.5 feet above mean sea level
40 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY and at the cessation of the drainings, from 1.2 to 3.1 feet above mean sea level. The hydrograph for well 13 (see fig. 19) shows that the water level in the area west of Lake Tarpon fluctuates in response to the changes in lake level. In fact, the fluctuations of water level in well 13 and of Lake Tarpon are almost identical. Thus, as shown in figure 19, unusual fluctuations associated with the draining of Lake Tarpon occurred in both the well and the lake in August and October of 1948 and in August, September, October, and November of 1949. The lake drains through a sinkhole having a maximum measured depth of 115 feet just off the northwest shore of the lake (fig. 18). After entering the sinkhole the water moves through an underground channel or channels and emerges through a vent in the bottom of Spring Bayou. 1947 1948 1949 J F M A M J J ASO N D J F M A M J J ASONDJ F M A M J A ASOND 4 Moon Daily Water Level -X -4_ _ _ _ _ -_ ----_ -------in Well 13 at Tarpon Springs 5 Mean Daily Stage -0 sooo , -Chlodde Content of Water ' Sin Sinkhole in Lake Tarpon 12,000 ---EXPLANATION o CNhloride at Surface 8,000 * Chloride at Bottom 2 Choride at Surface I ^and Bottom lw IW 11 20----L.Monthly Rainfall --1 5oi Tarpon Sprin F f Figure 19.-Factors relating to underground drainage of Lake Tarpon.
I I CHLORIDE CONTENT IN PARTS PER THOUSAND 0 10 20 0. 10 200 10 200 10 200 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 200 10 20 0 10 20 L\° I I I MARCH 24 MARCH 31 APRIL 7 APRIL 14 APRIL 21 APRIL 28 MAY 5 JUNE 9 JUNE 16 20-W oi * S3040 ---6' 50 --------9a a, ww w w 70z --3-3 go _O __4d n o ae in sil in Le -o in E 90 a 0 a0 ----------S100 9u Lu 1 ---*---4-i -----.----i-------___ f20---_-_z 40 -50 -----6 o -a 0 -------I: ---I. LU W U LU L 15 X 14 z z a z UJ uj Figure 20.-Chloride content of water in sinkhole in Lake Tarpon in 1947.
42 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Figure 20 shows the variations in the chloride content, and thus indicates the variations in density, of the water in the lake sink during one drainage cycle. The lake stopped draining on March 30 or 31, 1949, probably during a high tide in the bayou, after which relatively salty water flushed into the lake sink, reaching almost to the surface of the lake by April 7. From April 7 to June 30, while the lake was relatively low (fig. 19), salty water remained in the lake sink, its vertical position changing, partly as a result of tides in Spring Bayou. As the lake rose, beginning in July (fig. 19), the salt water in the lake sink was depressed and diluted (fig. 20) until, sometime between August 4 and August 11, the balance between the fresh water and salt water was upset and the lake started to drain. Draining of the lake is accompanied by a partial draining of the aquifer in the area west of the lake, as indicated by the hydrograph of well 13 in figure 19. A plot of the chloride content of water at the surface and at the bottom of the sinkhole in Lake Tarpon from early 1947 to April 1948 is shown in figure 19. A comparison of this plot with the mean daily stage of the lake during 1947 shows that during the period from May to July, after the lake had drained, its level remained relatively low and salty water was present in the bottom of the sinkhole. In August, as the stage of the lake began to rise, the salty water in the sinkhole was depressed until it could no longer be reached for sampling. QUALITY OF WATER Chemical analyses of 10 samples of water from selected wells in the county, made by the Quality of Water Branch of the U. S. Geological Survey, are shown in table 3. The relative mineralization of the different samples is best observed by comparing the amount of dissolved solids. In general, such a comparison shows that mineralization increases with depth and with distance from the recharge area. Thus, the wells at Clearwater, Dunedin, Largo, and Safety Harbor, all of which are relatively near the Coachman recharge area, contained less than 300 ppm of dissolved solids, whereas the wells at Bay Pines, Oldsmar, and Pinellas Park, which are much farther from points of recharge, contained more than 900 ppm. Nitrate is derived from the decomposition of organic material, and a relatively high content of this constituent generally indicates the presence of local recharge. No analyses were made of the nitrate content of water from wells near the center of the Coachman f..
REPORT OFINVESTIGATIONS No, 12 43 recharge area. However, the nitrate content of well 167 at Dunedin and well 640 at St. Petersburg was 6.0 and 6.5 ppm respectively, indicating local recharge near both these wells. As pointed out in a previous section, the possibility of local recharge at St. Petersburg is indicated also by the fact that wells in the upland part of the city yield water having a lower chloride content than wells in the area between St. Petersburg and the principal recharge area in the vicinity of Coachman. Hardness affects the suitability of water for certain uses. Among the most noticeable effects are the increased quantities of soap needed to form a lather and the scale formed in vessels when the water is heated. Most hardness is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium, although iron, aluminum, and other substances, which are generally present only in negligible quantities, contribute to it. Water having a hardness of less than 50 ppm is generally considered soft. Hardness of 50 to 150 ppm does not seriously interfere with the use of water for most purposes, although the quantity of soap required to form a lather is noticeably larger. Water having a hardness of more than 150 ppm is rated as hard and is commonly softened when used for household and other domestic uses. Each sample analyzed for this report had a hardness of more than 175 ppm. Three samples, those from Bay Pines, Oldsmar, and Pinellas Park, each had a hardness of more than 495 ppm. Studies in some areas of the United States have shown that children who drink water that contains about 1 ppm of fluoride have fewer cavities in their teeth than children who drink water that contains much less than 1 ppm (Dean, 1943, pp. 1161-1183). However, fluoride in concentrations more than 1.5 ppm tend to cause mottling of the enamel of the permanent teeth of young children who habitually use the water. In view of this, it is significant that the samples from well 167 at Dunedin and well 25 at Tarpon Springs did not contain measurable amounts of fluoride and the others contained only 0.1 to 0.6 ppm. Iron differs from most of the other chemical constituents normally found in ground water in that concentrations as low as 0.1 ppm may impart objectionable characteristics such as a ferruginous taste and the staining of plumbing fixtures. Three of the samples from Pinellas County, those from Oldsmar, Safety Harbor, and St. Petersburg, contained more than 0.1 ppm of iron. However, it appears possible that the relatively high iron contents of 0.81 ppm in well 212A at Oldsmar and 1.64 ppm in well 640 at St. Peters-
TABLE 3 ANALYSES OF WATER FROM WELLS IN PINELLAS COUNTY (Analyses by Quality of Water Branch, U. S. Geological Survey. All results are expressed in parts per million except those for color and pH.) fm. 3-10-49 42 0.08 138 37 76 245 46 308 0, Sfm. 3-8-49 25 .08 62 9.2 23 196 3.0 52 . D fm. 3-8-49 18 .01 66 4.8 15 142 63 23 0 fm. 3-8-49 29 .08 58 11 18 187 4.0 48 . L fm. San.3-28-49 36 .02 63 28 32 223 3.4 107 Bay Pines 594 Tampafm. wanClearwater 270 Tampa I. 3-9-49 28 .81 162 23 255 207 57 560 .3 .5 288 193 32 Largo (at Wa Tampa fm. singham. & SuwanReservoir) 464 nee Is. 3-10-49 29 .04 186 36 193 215 42 540 .272 89 0 7.5 Tampa fm. & SuwanOldsmar 212A nee Is. 3-9-49 15 .17 72 8.1 18 231 2.6 43 .1.5 1190 498 329 5 7. Tampafm. 3-9-49 19 1.64 72 7.6 27 216 2.5 57 Tarpon Springs (near NW shore of Lake Tarpon) 25 Tampa fin. 3-7-49 10 .02 49 13 135 63 39 262 .00 .5 588 176 124 0.0 7.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -I. _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ ............ .__
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 45 burg are due in part to contamination by the casing and other iron pipes through which the water passed and thus do not give a true indication of the iron content of water in the aquifer. The significance of the chloride content of water is discussed in the section entitled "Salt-Water Encroachment."h a well poi USE OF WATER Nearly all water for public, industri50 feet. A few shal, agricultural, and domestic uses in Pinellas County is obtained from dug wellsd from wells. The Pinellas County Water System, which obtains part of its supply from McKay Creek, is the only public system using surfaexcept the St. Petersbur of supply at the present time, but it, also, obtains part of its supply from ground water. Wells tapping the artesian aquifer range in diameter from 3 to 12 inches and range in depth from about 50 feet to as much as 300 feet. The yield of deep wells in Hillsboroughvaries with the permeability of the limestone penetrated, the amount of open hole, and the diameter, but wells having diameters of 8 inches and more generally yield several hundred gallons a minute. Shallow wells are generally developed by driving 11/2 inch casing, equipped with a well point, to a depth of from 25 to 50 feet. A few shallow domestic suppliey a day are obtained from dug wells having diameters of 24 inches or more. The Florida State Board of Health lists 13 public water systems in Pinellas County, all of which, except the St. Petersburg system, obtain water from wells in the county. St. Petersburg obtains its water from wells in Hillsborough County. The average output of each system in 1947 (Florida State Board of Health, 1948, pp. 20-21) is given in table 4. TABLE 4 AVERAGE DAILY OUTPUT OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES IN PINELLAS COUNTY, 1947 Million gallons Public supply a day Pinellas County Water System 0.650 Belleair .18 Belleview-Biltmore .144 Clearwater 1.50 Crystal Beach .036 Dunedin .33 Largo .175 Oldsmar .20 * Palm Harbor .024 Pinellas Park .070 St. Petersburg 7.10 Tarpon Springs .20
46 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The consumption of water in Pinellas County is increasing so fast that any figures given on consumption are obsolete before publication. For example, the average daily output of the Clearwater system increased from 1.5 million gallons in 1947 to 3.2 million gallons in 1951, and that of the Pinellas County Water System increased from 0.65 to 1.5 million gallons over the same period. One of the most important items to be considered in a study of the ground-water resources of an area is the total consumption of ground water. However, because there are hundreds of domestic and irrigation wells scattered throughout Pinellas County on which no pumping records are kept, it has not been feasible to derive a consumption figure that is much more than a calculated guess. About the best estimate that can be made is that the consumption of water in Pinellas County was 13 to 14 million gallons a day in 1951. St. Petersburg Water Supply Although the investigation leading to this report was concerned primarily with the ground-water resources of Pinellas County, the report would not be complete without a discussion of the water supply of St. Petersburg, which is now obtained from 12 wells near Cosme, in northwestern Hillsborough County. The St. Petersburg supply serves approximately half the population of Pinellas County. All the wells draw water from the limestone aquifer. The water in the aquifer in the Cosme area enters the limestone formations through the recharge area in Pasco County and northern Hillsborough County. Measurements made in 1930 of the water levels in the Cosme wells indicate that the piezometric surface stood between 36 and 43 feet above sea level prior to the time the wells were put into operation (see table 5). The current average daily pumping of about 12 million gallons has doubtless created a cone of depression around the well field, but the depth and extent of the cone have not been mapped. However, a record of the water level since October 1930 in Hillsborough County well 13 (see fig. 21), about 4 miles east of the nearest supply well at Cosme, indicates that the piezometric surface has not been lowered appreciably at that distance from the well field. When it is considered that in other places in Florida, as in northeastern Florida (Cooper and Warren, 1945, pp. 263-282), the piezometric surface has been lowered substantially by heavy pumping over distances much greater than 4 miles without any serious consequences, tle record of the water level in Hills-
a 1930 1931 1932. 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1.939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 j 1 1A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J S48I -46 45 rope measurements --A Mean daily water level (from recorder charts) -20j Figure 21.-Hydrograph of well 13 in Hillsborough County and monthly rainfall at St. Leo, Pasco County, 1980-1951 inclusive.
48 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY borough County well 13 appears to indicate that the ground-water resources in the Cosme area are not being unduly affected by pumping. In fact, the available information indicates that the ground water resources in the region north and east of Cosme have the capacity to yield several times the amount of water that is now being pumped, provided new wells are dispersed over an area of sufficient breadth to avoid excessive drawdowns. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The results of the investigation of ground-water resources in Pinellas County may be summarized as follows: 1. The principal source of ground water in Pinellas County is an aquifer composed of the Tampa formation and Suwannee limestone. In the northern part of the county the top of this aquifer is 10 to 50 feet beneath the surface. Toward the south its depth increases until in the vicinity of St. Petersburg it is more than 125 feet beneath the surface. In the area north of Palm Harbor and west of Lake Tarpon the water in the aquifer is under water-table conditions. In the remainder of the county the water is under artesian conditions. 2. West and south of Lake Tarpon the water in the aquifer is derived wholly from local rainfall. North of Palm Harbor the aquifer is covered only with permeable material and hence receives recharge from rainfall readily. South of Palm Harbor the aquifer is overlain by material of low permeability but nevertheless receives substantial quantities of recharge through sinkholes in the area around Coachman; the area of recharge possibly includes the vicinity of Dunedin. Recharge in this area is indicated by the fact that the piezometric surface stands high-as much as 16 feet above sea level about a mile south of Coachman. Lesser quantities of recharge doubtless enter the artesian aquifer wherever the water table stands very high above the piezometric surface, as, for example, in the upland area around St. Petersburg. 3. Salt-water encroachment is the most critical ground-water problem confronting the county. Areas already affected by encroachment include: (1) most of the area between Palm Harbor and the southwest shore of Lake Tarpon; (2) most of the area between Indian Rocks, Walsingham, and Oakhurst; (3) an area about a mile wide along the southeastern coast of the county; and
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 12 49 (4) a small area at the north end of Old Tampa Bay about 2 miles west of Oldsmar. The chloride content of the water from wells in these areas ranges from less than 50 to as much as several thousand parts per million. The quantity of water that may be safely withdrawn from the aquifer at a given place depends on the water-transmitting capacity of the aquifer and on the height of the piezometric surface. Where the piezometric surface stands highest, more water can be withdrawn without causing salt water to move into the wells. Wherever the piezometric surface is lowered, water is removed from storage, and the water so removed is replaced in part by water from the sea. 4. In the long run, salt-water encroachment can be controlled only by limiting the total draft to a rate at which an adequate freshwater head will be maintained. Where feasible, the safe draft at a given place and from a given group of wells might be increased by artificially recharging the aquifer-that is, by injecting surplus surface water into the aquifer through wells. To be effective, however, the artificial recharge would have to be introduced in the immediate vicinity of the pumped wells. If, for example, the aquifer were artificially recharged in the vicinity of Coachman, no appreciable beneficial results would accrue to the wells in the vicinity of Walsingham, but the safe draft at Coachman might be increased. At some places, where geologic conditions are favorable, artificial recharge would be most effective if applied immediately adjacent to the coast, where it would build up a ground-water "ridge" to act as a barrier to the inland advance of sea water (Laverty and others, 1951). This approach to the problem would be effective, however, only if the aquifer were underlain by a watertight formation, for otherwise the salt water could move upward from the deeper formation, thereby bypassing the barrier. The scanty information on the geology of Pinellas County indicates that there is no watertight formation underlying the aquifer and, hence, that an attempt to halt the advance of sea water by creating a ground-water ridge along the coast probably would not be successful. Artificial recharge can put a stop to an encroachment of salt water only if the rate of recharge exceeds the rate of withdrawal. So long as the draft of ground water in Pinellas County continues to increase the problem of salt-water encroachment will grow more serious. An encroachment of salt water is especially lamentable because its effects are long lasting. Having once established inroads
50 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY into the aquifer, the salty water will rinse out only very slowly, leaving traces for many years and perhaps for generations after remedial measures are undertaken. The investigation leading to this report was restricted largely to a study of the existing wells in the county, because funds for drilling test wells and observation wells were not available. As most of the wells are finished with open holes that extend through more than 100 feet of limestone and thus draw from more than one water-bearing zone, several aspects of the problem of salt-water encroachment could not be investigated. Among these are (1) the relation between the height of the piezometric surface and the depth below sea level of the fresh water-sea water contact, (2) the rate of advance of the contact in the areas already affected by salt-water encroachment, and (3) the possibility of differences in pressure heads between various water-bearing zones. The relation between the height of the piezometric surface and the depth to the salt-water contact must be studied before the problem of salt-water encroachment can be adequately understood. Figure 17 was drawn on the basis of the Ghyben-Herzberg principle, described in the section titled "Salt-Water Encroachment," to show where the contact would be if it were in hydrostatic equilibrium with the piezometric surface. The position of the contact as shown in figure 17 may differ from the true position because the permeability of the aquifer in a vertical direction is doubtless much less than the permeability in a horizontal direction, and because vertical movements of the contact that accompany changes in the height of the piezometric surface are delayed by changes in "bottom storage." On the other hand, if the Ghyben-Herzberg principle is found to apply approximately, the effects of pumping at a given place can be predicted fairly well. Studies are needed also to determine the rate at which saltwater encroachment is occurring. Water samples for chloride analyses have been collected from selected wells several times since 1948 in an effort to determine the rate of encroachment. However, the results of these analyses have not been consistent, because each well draws from several water-bearing zones so that the samples are mixtures of water from several depths, and possibly because intermittent pumping of the wells by the owners causes the chloride content to vary inconsistently from one sampling to another. Where the rate of encroachment can be determined it may be possible to predict when the wells will become contaminated.
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS No. 12 51 A program designed to determine how closely the GhybenHerzberg principle applies and to observe the advance of the saltwater contact would consist of establishing a series of observation stations approximately 1 mile apart across the county from Clearwater to Tampa Bay. Each station should consist of three or four small-diameter wells drilled and cased to different depths in the aquifer. The deepest of the wells would end in the zone of diffusion between fresh water and salt water, the shallowest would end near the top of the aquifer, and the other one or two would end at intervening depths. Such a system of wells would provide a means of extracting water samples and measuring pressure heads at isolated depths in the aquifer, an operation that is not possible with the existing, open-hole wells. Tests of chloride content of water from the wells of each station would indicate how the salt-water contact advances and retreats, and measurements of the water levels would provide a record of the changes in pressure head that cause the contact to advance and retreat. Similar stations could well be established in each of the areas affected by salt-water encroachment to provide accurate information on how the extent of the encroachment may increase or decrease. Further analyses of the chloride content of water from many wells throughout the county, at least once a year, would provide much needed additional information on the extent of salt-water encroachment. As of February 1, 1953, five recorders were in operation (on wells 13, 77, 166, 246, and 561), three having been discontinued because the owners of the wells rightfully elected to restore the wells to their own service. As the height of the piezometric surface controls the extent to which salt water will encroach, it is especially desirable that records of water levels such as are obtained through the use of automatic recording gages be continued indefinitely on at least five or six wells strategically located over the county. REFERENCES Black, A. P. 1951 (and Brown, Eugene) Chemical character of Florida's waters1951: Florida State Board Conserv., Water Survey and Res. Paper 6. Brown, John S. 1925 A study of coastal ground water, with special reference to Connecticut: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 537. Collins, W. D. 1928 (and Howard, C. S.) Chemical character of waters of Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-G. CookeC. W. 1945 Geology of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 29.
52 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Cooper, H. H., Jr. 1945 (and Warren, M. A.) The perennial yield of artesian water in the coastal area of Georgia and northeastern Florida: Econ. Geology, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 263-282. Dean, H. T. 1943 Domestic water and dental caries: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1161-1183. Ferguson, G. E. 1947 (Lingham, C. W., Love S K., and Vernon, R. 0.) Springs of Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 31. Florida State Board of Health 1948 Tabulation of water-supply data (Mimeo. rept.). Hubbert, M. K. 1940 The theory of ground water motion: Jour. Geology, vol. 48, no. 8, pt. 1. Jacob, C. E. 1939 Fluctuations in artesian pressure produced by passing trains as shown in a well on Long Island, New York: Am. Geophys. Union Trans. of 1939. Laverty, F. B. 1951 (Jordan, L. W., and Van der Goot, H. A.) Report on tests for the creation of fresh water barriers to prevent salinity intrusion performed in West Central Basin, Los Angeles County, California: Los Angeles County Flood Control District. Leverett, Frank 1931 The Pensacola terrace, and associated bars and beaches in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 7. Matson, G. C. 1913 (and Sanford, Samuel) Geology and ground waters of Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319. Muskat, Morris 1937 The flow of homogeneous fluids through porous media: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. Parker, Garald G. 1945 Salt-water encroachment in southern Florida: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., vol. 37, no. 6. 1946 (and others) Water resources of southeastern Florida: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper (in preparation). 1950 (and Stringfield, V. T.) Effects of earthquakes, trains, tides, winds, and atmospheric pressure changes on water in the geologic formations of southern Florida: Econ. Geology, vol. 45, no. 5. 1951 Geologic and hydrologic factors in the perennial yield of the Biscayne aquifer: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., vol. 43, no. 10. Sellards, E. H. 1913 (and Gunter, Herman) The artesian water supply of eastern and southern Florida: Florida Geol. Survey 5th Ann. Rept. Stringfield, V. T. (Also see Parker, Garald G.) 1933 Ground water investigations in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 11. 1936 Artesian water in the Florida peninsula: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 773-C. Vernon, R. 0. (Also see Ferguson, G. E.) 1951 Geology of Citrus and Levy Counties, Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 33. Wentworth, C. K. 1942 Storage consequences of the Ghyben-Herzberg theory: Am. Geophys. Union Trans. of 1942, pt. 2.
?TABL 5. WELL RIOORD6 1 Two mile northwest of Tarpon Springs, .about 0.3 mile Victor Chemical Works Layne Atlantic Co. April northeast of Victor Chemical Works, on south side of a Tarpon Springs, Orlando, Florida 1947 railroad slding, near County Line, east of vell 2, in a Florida umphou. NVWNE see. 2, T. 27 8., R. 15 E. Owner's 2 Two *mile northvest of Tarpon Springs, about 0,2 mile Victor Chemical Works Layne Atlantic Co. Sept. north of Victor Chemical Workse on northwest side of a Tarpon Springs, Orlando, Florida 1946 railroad aiding, near County Line, in pumphouse, west Florida of well 1. Near NW cor. NWINE1 seo. 2, T. 27 8., R. 15 9. Owner's well 2. 3 About 2.2 miles northwest of Tarpon Springse about 0.2 Victor Chemical Works Layne Atlantic Co. pril mlle north of Victor Chemical Works, about 900 feet Tarpon Springs, Orlando, Florida 1947 wet of well 2, near County Line, in pumphouse. NEiNVJ Florida Pec. 2, T. 27 5., R. 15 E. Ovner's vell 3. 14 T»o and two-tenths miles northwest of Tarpon Springs, Victor Chemical Works Layne Atlantic Co. pril about 0.2 mile north of Victor Chemical Works, about Tarpon Springs, Orlando, Florida 1947 oO fet vest of a railroad siding near County Line, Florida About 10 feet south of well 3. NEtNW| see. 2, T. 27 S., R. 15 E. 5 One and nine-tenths miles northwest of Tarpon Springs, Victor Chemical Works Layne Atlantic Co. arch about 300 feet east of min office of Victor Chemical Tarpon Springs, Orlando, Florida 1946 Work, about 100 feet south of County Road 47, SEmNWj Florida *ec. 2, T. 27 S., R. 15 E. 6 Tarpon Springs, northeast corner of Tarpon Ave. and --1931 Soring Blvd., at site of Old Tarpon Hotel. SE*SWt seo. 12, T. 27 S., R. 15 E. 7 Tarpon Springe, at 20 Wee Tarpon Ave., north side of David Black owner' residence. SEtSW see. 12, T. 27 S., R. 15 E. Tarpon Spring Florida 8 Tarpon Springs, on ve't side of Grosse Ave. between City of Tarpon Springs Delong 1907 Tarpon Ave. and Lanon St. SWs5Ej sec. 12, f. 27 S., R. 15 9. 9 Taroon Sorings, on west side of Oroese Ave., between City of Tarpon Springs Delong 1907 Tqr on Ave. and Lemon St. SW$SE seo. 12, T. 27 S., R. 5 E. | 10 Tar'on Springs, on vest side of Grosse Ave., between City of Tarpon Springe Delong 1907 ?arron Ave. and Lemon St. SWtSE seeo. 12, T. 27 S., R. 15 E. 11 Taroon Springs, on wvet side of Grosse Ave., between City of Tarpon Springs Zimmerman 1907 Trnon Ave. and Lemon St. SWiSt see. 12, T. 27 S., Ozona, Florida R. 15 E. 12 Tarpon Springe, on vest side of Orosse Ave. between City of Tarpon Springs Zimerman 1907 Tarpon Ave. anA Lemon St. SWISE seeo. 12, t. 27 S, Ozona, Florida R. 15 Z. 13 Six-tenths of a mile southeast of Tarpon Springe, on United States DepartA. 0. Dunlap So t. south edge of city dump. sear SE.cor. SEtIN sec. ment of Interior. Dunedin, Florida 1947 13, T. 27 S., R. 15 E. Geological Survey. 14 One and nine-tenthe miles north of Palm Harbor, 0.4 H. F. Heye Frank )ay ile east of U. 8. Righway 19. 9WtSWt sec. 25, T. 27 Tarpa, Florida S., R. 15 E. 15 One and nine-tenths miles nortn of Palm Haroor, 0.1 H. F. Heye rile east of U. S. Highway 19, nast of Wall Springs, n e.st side of a house. SEjSEt seo. 26, T. 27 S., R. 15 E. 16 One and two-tenths miles north of Palm Harbor 0.3 mile C. E. Jackeon Frank Xay 1946 eapt of U. S. Highway 19. Hear NW cor. SENE seec. 35Tapa, Florida T. 27 S., R. 13 1. 17 About ,.0 miles vent of Tarpon Springs, 0.6 mile north J, L. Boyd Porter Zirmerman Dec. of State Highway 582, about 0.1 mile east of the SeaOzona, Florida 1946 boar Air Line Railroad. sESVW *seo. 4, T. 27 S., R. 16 .54
PINELLAS COUNTY EASURING POI WATER LEVM CHLOR.IDE CONTENT 60 --8 Top of 8-inch ca&14.2 8.51 9-12-47 12 0 9-12-47 Industrial Ing, 0.3 foot above land surface. 48 33 8 Top of 8-Inch cam13.5 8.50 9-12-47 15 0 9-12-47 Industrial ing, flush with land surface. 25 -8 ---------0 --Industrial Drawdown 5 feet when pumped 110 g.p.m. 25 25 8 Top of 12-inch cam13.0 6.67 9-12-47 20 0 9-12-47 Test Well probably I ng, flush with land destroyed. surface. 305 ---10,52 6-21-49 490 -3-28-47 Industrial 130 ---------Well filled with rubbish. 4 -----------Unused Well abandoned Domestic owing to hlzh slinlity of water. 105 65 6 --------Well probably buried. 103 40 6 ----------Well probably buried. 5 4 6 -----------Well probably buried., 105 40 8 ----276 -4-?-48 Public Water samples 470 --9-?-48 Supply were a mixture 450 --5-15-51 from Yells 11 and 12. 103 40 8 -----276 -4-?-48 Public Water samples 470 --9-?-48 Supply vere a mi'ture 450 -5-15-51 from wells Ioand 12. 141 33 6 Top of 6-inch cam14.88 12.08 12-18-47 60 0 10-2-47 ODservation F.G.S. Well W1619. Ing, 2.9 feet above 12.89 1-29-48 50 0 11-10-47 Cuttings from land surface. 12.22 4-19-48 50 0 11-18-47 strata penetrated 12.51 5-14-51 50 0 11-25-47 on file with 50 0 12-1-47 Florida Geological Survey. Automatic wvter-level record er installed 10-6-47. -----131 C 5-2E-43 Irrigation 2 ----200 0 4-3-47 Domeantic 255 0 5-15-51 84 -12 Top of 12-inch c9.75 6.88 5-1-46 50 0 9-3-47 Irrigation ing, 0.4 foot above land surface. 108 90 3 Top of 3-inch cam14.08 4.06 3-3-47 5 0 3-31-47 Irrigation ing, 0.2 foot Above 3.18 1'-2-48 land surface. 5.41 6-21-49 5.0 5-14-51
T A L I 5. LL REC 0 RD S (Continued) 18 Two and four-tenths miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, E. H. Beckett A. 0. Dunlap 1924 1.0 ile east of U. S. Highway 19, 75 feet east of a Tarpon Springe, Dunedin, Florida residence near County Line. Near NW cor. NW*NVW seo. Florida 5, T. 27 A., R. 16 I. 19 Tw and two-tenthe miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, Warren west side of Salt Lake, 0.3 mile north of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Near SW oor. NWiSWt eso. 3, T. 27 8., R. 16 s. 20 Two miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, 0.4 ile eat of .H. Beoktt A. 0. Dunlap ay U. S. Highway 19 0.28 mile north of County Road 71, Tarpon Springs, Dunedin, Florida 1946 ast *ide of mail pond, about 100 feet vest of location Florida or new State Highway 53, n an orange grove. Near BE or. .6, .2 8., R. 16I. 21 One and eight-tenths miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, E. H. Beckett A. 0. Dunlap Ma9 0.3 aile west of State Highway 55, 300 feet south of a Tarpon Springs, Dunedin, Florida small pond 10 feet north of a dirt roa4, southwest of Florida well 20. \WINt soe. 6, T. 27 8., R. 16 3. 22 About 3.0 miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, 0,45 mile J. L. Boyd Porter Zimmerman April north of State Highway 582, 0.1 mile east of Seaboard Ozona, Florida 1936 Air Line Railroad, east of a residence, Near NW oor. WC seeo. 9l T. 27 S., R. 16 Z. 23 Three and one-tenth miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, J. L. Boyd Porter Zimmeran ay 0.5 mile north of State Highway 582, 0.4 mile east of a Ozona, Florida 1946 dirt road. NVINEt see. 9, T. 27 S., R. 16 3. 24 Three and four-tenths miles northeast of Tarpon Springs, J. L. Boyd Porter Zimmerman April 0.5 mile north of State Highway 582, 0.6 mile east of a Ozona, Florida 1946 dirt road. Near NV cor. HEtNEt *se. 9, T. 27 S., R, 16 i 25 One and five-tenths amiles east of Tarpon Springs, 0.4 City of Tarpon A. 0. Dunlap June miloe outh of State Highway 582, 0.45 mile east of State Springs Dunedin, Florida 1947 Highway 55 weat side of a water tank. 8ViNWV seo. 17, T. 27 5., A. 16 S. 26 One and four-tenths miles east of Tarpon Springs, 0.2 City of Tarpon As 0. Dunlap June le mouth of State Highway 582, 0.35 mile east of State Springs Dunedin, Florida 1947 ghay 55. NEN see. 18, T. 27 S., R. 16 3. 27 One and one-tenth miles east of Tarpon Springs, 0.25 City of Tarpon A. 0. Dunlap Jul *Ile south of State Highway 582, 0.1 mile east of State Springs Dunedin, Florida Highway 55, north side of a Skeet Ra ge, on a sand hill, 10 feet north of a dirt road. NWINEt eso. 18, T. 27 S., R. 16 S. 28 Six tenths of a mile east of Tarpon Springs, 0.2 mile Atlantio Ice Co. A. 0. Dunlap Oct. south of State Highway 582, about 300 f9et east of Boyer Tarpon Springs, Dunedin, Florida 1927 St., to of a hill. Near HN oor. WVNWt seo. 18, To 27 Florida i S,#R. 16 . 29 Onoe ile southeaet of Tarpon Springs, 0.5 atle south of David Bilgore Co. Frank May State Highway 582, about 200 feet west of State Highway Tampa, Florida 55, north side of a small pond. SEiNWJ seo. 18, T. 27 S., R. 16 9. 30 Five miles southeast of Tarpon Springs, 3.1 miles east Johnson of State Highway 55, 3.0 ailes south of State Highway 582 01 ile aest of Cast Lake Road, east side of a r dence. t see. 27, T. 27 8., R. 16 E. 31 Three and three-tenthe miles southeast of Tarpon Springs, L. 0. Binder0. Dunlap March 0.55 mil@ east of State Highway 355 0.6 mile north of Dunedin, Florida 1947 County Road 42, about 50 feet north of a sand road. .ev evI seo. 29, T. 27 B., R. 16 E. 56
PINELLAS COUNTY a MEASURIMT POINT MATBE LEVEL CBLORTE O R NTRNT 01 98 -4 ----112 -3-31-47 Domestic loo -3 --------'*(1) 87 -8 Top of 8-inch cou18.35 1418 2-1-47 120 0 3-31-47 Irrigation pling, 0.2 foot 17.56 4-19-48 100 -5-10-48 above land surface. 15.55 10-25-48 15.82 6-21-49 16.3 5-14-51 101 66 6 Top of 6-inch cou20.60 17.50 3-31-47 20 0 3-31-4 Irrigation pling, 0.2 foot 17.18 12-1820 -5-10-4 above land surface 16.50 1-29:18-4 15.68 4-19-48, 17.63 6-21-49 70 -2 --------25 -3-31-47. Domestic 73 -3 Top of 3-inch casing, 15.79 4.14 3-31-47 52 0 3-31-47 Irrigation 0.8 foot above land 4.0 6-21-49? surface. 4.89 5-14-51 56 -3 -------25 0 3-31-47 Irrigation 115 76 10 ----132 -4-48 Public Supply 85 66 10 ------F.o.S. Well W-1521. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Flcrida Geological Survey. Drilling discontinued when well failed to produce. water. 72 78 10 Top of 10-inch cou24.34 20.80 8-1-4 --F.G.S. Well W-1522. pling, flush with 17.70 12-184 Cuttings from straland surface. 18.09 3-11-48 ta penetrated on 20.92 4-19-48 file with Florida 21.88 6-21-49 Geological Survey. 22.0 5-14-51 Drilling discontinued when well caved. 128 98 4 ------20 -3-27-47 Ice Plant 270 -4 ------. 80 -3-31-47 Irrigation 97 -2 Top of 2-inch oas20.07 5.77 12-5-47 25 0 12-4-47 omestio igt, 3.4 feet above 6.40 4-19-48 land surface*. 6.77 6-22-49. 7.10 5-16-51 190 57 12 Top of 12-inch cou16.29 11.90 3-10-47 15 0 3-10-47 Irrigation pling, 0.3 foot 11,49 7-16-47 12 -5-5-48 above land surface. 9.55 8-28-47 10.84 12-18-47 10.76 1-29-48 11.50 4-19-48 57
ABL 5. LL R I C u R D (Continued) 32 |Three nd three-tenths miles southeast 'of Tarpon L. 0. Binder A. 0. Dunlap 1947 Springs, 0.45 mile evstt of State Highway 55, 0.55 il Dunedin, Florida north of County Road 42, south side of a sand road. 8Bt 9j s*ec. 30, T. 2? S., R. 16 z. 33 'Three and two-tenthe miles southeast of Tarpon Springs, L, 0. Binder A. 0. Dunlap 0.6 mile north of County Road 42, 0.3 mile east of Dunedin, Florida State Hirhway 55, 30 feet north of a sand road. Near NV cor. 9i9Ci *sec. 30, T. 27 S., R. 16 S. 34 Trhree And two-tenths miles southeast of Tarpon Springs, L. 0. Binder Jack Clyatt 1947 0.6 mile north of ty Road 42, 250 feet east of Caa, Florida State Highwa 553, ;v feet north of a sand road. sViS3t sec. 30, ?. 7 S., R. 16 S. 35 Three and three-tenths miles southeast of Tarpon L. 0., Binder Jack Clyatt 1947 Springs, 0.55 mile north of County Road 42, 200 feet Oona, Florida east of State Highway 55, 300 feet south of a sand road. SVSi se. 30, T. 27 S., R. 16 3. S36 Two ileos northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.35 mile north, of V. B. Thompson' D C. Ammons Aug. County Road 42, about 500 feet vest of State Highway 55, Tarpon Swrings, about 600 feet north of owner's residence. NEtNVi sec. Florida 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 t. S37 One and nine-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.25 W. B. Tnompson V. B. Thompson 1934 ilse north of County Road 42, about 300 feet west of Tarpon Springs, Tarpon Springs, owner's residence, on south side of a small building. Florida Florida ear NV core. SNVI eeo. 31, T. 27 8., R. 16 3. S38 Two miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.25 mile north of V. B. Thompson V. B. Thompson 1934 County Road 42, about 75 feet west of State Highway 55, Tarpon Springs, Tarpon Springs, southeast of owner's residence. SEWNVi seo. 31, T. 27 Florida Florida S., R. 16 3. S39 Two and one-tenth miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.22 L. L. Riviere Frank May Oct. nile north of County Road 42, about 600 feet east of Palm Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida 1947 State Highway 55, northwest of a residence, in a pumpnouse. Near NW cor. SWVN @ sec. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 ,. S40 Two and two-tenthe miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.2 L. L. Riviere A. E. Mountain mile north of County Road 42, about 700 feet eapt of Palm Harbor, Florida Palm Harbor, State Highway 55, east side of a residence. SVtNEIt ec. Florida 31, T 2? ., R. 16 E. 41 O4ne and eight-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.1 Pasco Packing Co. Frank May April *le* north of County Road 42, 0.2 mile west of State Tampa, Florida 1945 Highway 55 01 mile north of a sand road, in an orange grove. SVix oosec. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 S. S42 One and seven-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.3 E. S. E. Developing Frank May 1944 mile vest of State Highway 55, 15 feet north of County .Co. Tampa, Florida Road 42, south side of an grange tree, southeast corner. Dade City, Florida of grove. Hear 53 cor. SVtWNV sec. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 43 , one and lght-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.1 V. B. Thompson 1934 mile north of County Road 42, about 0.2 mile vest of Tarpon Springs, State Highway 55, north side of a residence, in an Florida orange groe. SENiWV sec. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 S. S4*4 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.4 Manatee Packing Co. A. 0. Dunlap Au mile south of County Road 42, 0.25 mile vest of State Dunedin, Florida 1947 Highway 55, 0.1 mile north of a sand road, west side of an equipment shed at edge of an orange grove. Near NW S or. SESV eseoo. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 3. S45 One and six-tenths miles nortneast of Palm Harbor, 0.35 Manatee Packing Co. A. 0. Dunlap Ot. mile south of County Road 42, 0.15 mile west of State Dunedin, Florida 1945 Highway 55, 0.15 mile north of a sand road, east side of an eqipment shed, in a pumphouse, in an orange grove, tSV o eo. 31, T. 27 S., R. 16 s. 46 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Pala Harbor, 0.4 Manatee Packing Co. A. 0. Dunlap aile south of County Road 42, 0.25 mile vest of State Dunedin, Florida Highway 55, 0.1 mile north of a sand road, east side of I an nuipment ehed, in a pumphouse, at edge of an orange groe. S9tSVt see. 31. T. 27 S., R. 16 E. U47 Two *mile northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.4.. mile south of Chase Frank May 1940 |2 ^0.fisiee east31 o .a yTampa Florida_ 58
PINILLAS COUNT! EnAIRNTHft PtHN ,AT T.RIvI. fT.TMt 0niTMT 06tne 1w0ll 0'rter. -120 10 Top of 10-inch coas17.58 9.45 3-10-47 20 0 3-10-47 --Driller reported ing, flush with land 6.73 -49 sand entire depth of surface. 7.72 5-15-51 well. Drilling die187 187 12 Top of 12-inch cou21.09 21.41 8-2-46 10 0 3-10-47 Driller reported pling, 3.8 feet 19.1 3.10-47 land entire depth of above land surface. 17.89 7-16-47 well. Drilling die1410 12-18-47 contiued when wll 10.47 6-21-49 failed to produce 5.22 5-15-51 water. 55 55 2 Top of 2-inch cou16.78 12.53 3-10-47 -----Tet pling, 0.5 foot 11.50 12-18-47 above land surface. 1954 6-2-9 1291 5-15-51 57 57 2 Top of 2-inch cou21.12 16.85 3-10-47 -------Tt pling, 0.9 toot 15.78 12-18-47 above land surface. 16.82 6-21-49 17.20 5-15-51 102 83 4 Top of 4-inoh cou1751 12.78 3o10Irrigation pling, 0.5 foot 12.67 1ri-4ato above land surfacs. 12.82 1-29-8 13.98 6-21-49 14.66 5-15-51 90 42 2 Top of 2-inch oasing, 11*19 7.08 3-10-47 -----Irrigation 1.3 ooeet above land 7.17 4-19-48 surface. 7.80 6-21-49 7.86 5-15-51 65 40 2 --12 -3-10-47 Domestic Irrigation 151 69 12 ------Irrigation 68 48 2 -30 0 3-11-47 Domestic 118 87 12 -----Irrigation -12 Top of 12-inch cas51.58 48.34 7-11-46 -------ing, flueh with land 49.80 6-21-49 aurface. 90 -2 ----10 -3-10-47 Domestic 205 724 12 Top of 12-inch cou81.43 76.96 12-18-47 300 0 9-11-47 -F.G.S. Well w164. pling, 0.6 foot 77.1 1--48 300 9 1-5-48 Cuttings from strata above land surface. 78.35 4-19-48 penetrated on file 78.35 4-12-48 with Florida Geolog78.78 6-21-49 urey 79.93 5-15-51 10 66 12 -----1187 0 J-12-47 Irrigation Salinity is reported to dectease with pumping. 87 90 12 -----612 -5-28-43 Irrigation 2200 0 3-12-47 510 -5-15-51
T A B L 5. WILL R OORDS (Continued) I I %4 Two and two-tenths ailes northeast of Pala Harbor, 0.3 Chase Frank M 1942 mile south of County Road 42, 0.5 alIe east of State Tampa, orida Highway in an orange grove. 8EtSIt seo. 31, T. 27 5., Re 16 . 49 One and five-tenthe siles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.1 L. J. Cobb A. 0. Dunlap Oct. sile south of County Road 42, 0.73 .ile east of State Dunedin, Florida 1946 Highva 55, in a puaphouse in an orange grove. NIBSVt S3, T. 27 8., R. 16 i. 50 Two and eight-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor, L. J. Cobb A. 0. Dunlap 1943 about 75 feet south of County Road 42, 1.0 mile east 9f Dunedin, Florida Stto Highway 55 south side of owner's residence. HVW S oo. 32, T. 17 8., R. 16 I. 51 Three and five-tenths miles northeast of Palm Harbor 0. Jackson Jan. east *Ido of Lake Butler, about 2.0 miles north of 8tate 1948 Highway 584 1.8 illes east of State Highway 55, 1.0 ml* west of East Lake Road. ioutheast corner of a ottag*, at edge of Lake. VtWk eso. 33, T. 27 8., R. 16 I. 52 aest side of Lake Butler, 1.0 sile north from Brooker C. X. Johnson Creek Bridge, along East Lake Road, 0.2 aile eant of ast Lake Road, south side of a phack, 50 feet north of a sand road. Near 8W sor. SEiNVt soe. 34, T. 27 S., R. 16 I. 53 ast *side of Lake Butler, 1.4 miles north from Brooker J. A. Boyd L. V Mixon Inco Creek Bridge, along apt Lake Road, about 1.0 mile east Tampa, Florida plete of laset Lake Road. 8VWtK seo. 35, T. 27 8., R. 16 .June 1948 54 One and one-tenth miles northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.5 James 0. Hamilton -1918 mile north of County Road 41, 0 65 mile west of State Palm Harbor, Florida Highway 53. Near NW cor. NHNt seeo. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 1. 53 Six-tenths a*le northeast of Pala Harbor, 0.235 ile Food Machinery Co. A. 0. Dunlap Hay north of County Road 41, 0.65 mile east of U. 8. Highway Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 19. Near SE ocr NEiNVW seo. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 ., 56 Two-tenths mile northeast of Palm Harbor, 0.26 mile east Claude Wood 1900 of U. S. Highway 19, 300 feet north of County Road 41 Dunedin, Florida at site of old college. SWtNWI sec. 1, T. 28 8., R. 1s 57 One mile east of Pala Harbor 0.55 mile west of State Herbert C. Mann A. 0. Dunlap Ha Highway 55, 0.1 mile north of County Road 41, 100 feet Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1948 weit of a paved road. S8tNE* aeo. 1, T. 28 S., R. 15 I. 58 About 0.95 mile east of Pals Harbor, 0.6 mile west of H. 0. Sooggins A. 0. Dunlap Feb. Stae Highway 55, 0.1 alle vest of a paved road, 400 Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 feet north of County Road 41, north saide of owner's resldence, In a pumphouse. K1iNgt see. '1, T. 28 B., R. 15 I. 59 Nine-tenths aile east of Palm Harbor, 0.7 mile west of Robert Hamilton A. 0. Dunlap Oct. State Highway 53, 0.18 sile vest of a pavel road, north Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 side of County Road 41. SliNtI #so. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 1. 60 Five-tenths mile east of Palm Harbor, 0.2 mile east of Hubert McDaniels County Road 36 s*outh side of County Road 41 east lide of a house. KijaSV see. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 K. 61 Six-tenths mile east of Pala Harbor, 0.15 mile east of Charles Jackson A. 0. Dunlap 1943 County Roam 3, SCO feet south of County Road 41, in a Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida grove. NltSbt seo. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 i. 62 Nine-tenthe sitle southeast of Palm Harbor 0.35 mile J. L. Beckton Frank May 1945 north of State Hi ..vay 584, west side of County Road 39. Palm Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida Near 81 oar. 8Witg *se. 1, T. 28 8., R. 15 I. 63 Two-tenths aile southwest of Pal Harbor, 900 feet south g. H. Harris A. I. Mountain Apr. of a fruit packing house at Pala Harbor, 100 feet east Pala Harbor, Florida Palm Harbor, Florida 1946 of U. 8. Highway 19. MSt seli o. 2, T. 28 8., R. 15 g. 63a Palm Harbor. 200 feet north of Florida Ave., 430 feet H. K. Richmond Ia t 9f U. 8. Highway 19, 20 feet vist of a dirt road, N1tit see. 2, T. 28 8., R. 15 X. a Vater level expressed in fet above the seasauring point. 60
PINELLAS 00UNTI WRIAHRTmW V 9 1 JAUL.. j d 9* aATE t LEEL CL DO ITE 265 -12 T6p of 12-inoh ca9.72 --103i 5 5-28-43 Irrigation Pontinuoue automatic Ing, 3.85 feet below oater-stage recorder land surface datum. Lnstalled 12-15-48, 170 52 12 Top of 12-inch a&$34.9 29.78 3-11-47 71 0 3-11-47 Irrigation 1ig, 0.4 foot above land surface. .105. 46 4.511 -3-11-47 Domestic 80 --2 Top of 2-noh cas4.20 a3.10 1-29-48 350 -1-29-48 Domestic Ing, flush with land a3.50 6-22-49 345 -5-15-51 surface. 65 --2 Top of 2-inh ca12.0 a2.0 12-5-47 75 -12-5-47 Stock ing, 1.0 foot below al.74 1-29-48 70 -5-16-51 land surface. al.30 4-19-48 al.10 6-21-49 1400 --6 --------Oil test 305 -15 -----400 0 4-7-47 Irrigation 260 75 10 -----Irrigation 100 --6 Top of highet point --60.69 8-1-46 42 0 2-28-47 --on 6-inch casing, 62.19 2-28-47 1.0 foot above land surface. 147 67 6 Top of 6-inch ocu67.96 65.00 5-25-48 30 0 5-24-48 Irrigation F.G.S. Well W1742. pling, 0.4 foot above 30 0 5-24-48 Domestic Cuttings from strata land surface. 23 0 5-24-48 penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 253 75 10 Top of 10-inch oas72.3 67.51 6-3-46 100 0 3-12-47 Irrigation Ing, 0.5 foot above 68.93 6-21-49 137 0.5 5-20-48 land surface. 70.6) 5-15-51 116 4.5 ------550 -3-17-47 Domestic 920 -5-15-51 ----437 -3-17-47 --202 53 10 ---.--621* -6-4-43 Irrigation 590 -5-16-51 255 33 10 -----110 0 3-20-47 Irrigation 66 -3 ---117 -3-20-47 Domestic 00.-0. .. 2.5 -Public Supply 61
T A L 5. WELL REC 0 R D (Continued) 0 64 Ozona, 500 feet south of Bay St., 100 feet west of SeeN. 5. Buch.an tion Ave., mouth side of owner's residence. NEINEA Osona, Florida *eo. 10, T. 28 S., R. 15 . 65 Ozona, about 600 feet south of Bay St., about 75 feet Fred Villiimse C. Woodcock 1944 east of Section Ave. E*Ntit seo. 10, T. 28 B., R. 15 E. Ozona, Florida Palm Harbor, Florit 66 One and five-tenths miles southwest of Palm Harbor, 0.5 B. V. Cram Porter Zitneman 1945 mile south of intersection of State Highway 584 with Ozona, Florida Ozona, Florida U. S. Highway 19, 0.25 ile west of U. S. Highway 19, went eide of a bridge, at owner's residence. NItSEt eec. 10, T. 28 S., R. 15 S. 67 Osona, 5 Say St. south side of owner's residence. NVW Ann Kennedy Porter Ziamerman 1945 NV *eo. 11, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. Ozona, Florida Ozona, Florida 68 Seven-tenths mile southwest of Palm Harbor, 0.2 mile C. Pomerenhe Frank May May east of U. 8. Highvay 19, 0.1 mile north of State HighOzona, Florida Tampa, Florida 1946 way 584, northeast of owner's reeidence, In an orange grove. NEtNVt s*e. 11, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. 69 Four-tenths mile south of Palm Harbor, 0.32 mile north Fred B. Allan A. 0. Dunlap Mar. of State Highway 584, about 100 feet west of County Road Paln Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1948 1, at Bamboo Gardens. NEINt2 sec. 11, T. 28 S., R. 15 C. 70 One and two-tenths lmles southwest of Pala Harbor, 0.3 J. C. Sumner -1940 atle south of intersection of State Highway 584 with Ozona, Florida County Road 69, 100 feet west of County Road 69, in a vacant lot. Near SE cor. SVNHVi seo. 11, T. 28 8., R. 15 3. 71 One and one-tenth ailel south of Palm Harbor, 0.45 mile S. E. E. Developing Frank May south of State Highway 584, 1200 feet west of County Co. Tampa, Florida Road 1, vest of a residence. NWISZt eso. 11, T. 28 8., Dade City, Florida R. 15 S. 72 One and one-tenth miles south of Palm Harbor, 0.45 mile 3. 3. S. Developing Louis May Aug. south of State Highway 584, 600 feet vest of County Road Co. Tampa, Florida 1 1 100 feet southwest of a barn, in an orange grove. NH3 Dade City, Florida Si se. 11, T. 28 B., R. 15 S. 73 One and one-tenth miles south of Palm Harbor 0.45 aile E. E. E. Developing Frank May Aug. south of State Highway 584, 30 feet west of County Road Co. Tampa, Florida 1944 1, 100 feet south of a residence, in an orange grove. Dade City, Florida N2isi *see. 11, T. 28 8., R. 15 E. 74 Six-tenths mile southeast of Palm Harbor, 0,2 aile north Palm Harbor Junior A. 0. Dunlap Sept. of State Highlway 584, 0.22 mile east of County Road 1, High School Dunedin, Florida 1947? vest side of a paved road, south side of a high sohool. Palm Harbor, Florida NViNVY seo. 12, T. 28 S., R. 15 S. 75 About 0.95 mile southeast of Pals Harbor. 1.1 miles west Charles S, I1anford Harold May of State Highway 55, 0.15 mile north of htate Highway Sarasota, Florida Tampa, Florida 584, west side of a graded road, near southwest corner of a residence. NWVtNS seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 153 . 76 Seven-tenths mile southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.4 mile R. Duguid Frank May Sept. east of County Road 1, 1,000 feet north of State Righway Pala Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida 1944 584, 1,000 feet east of a high school, in an orange crave in a pumphouse northwest of owner's residence. iNVt eoo. 12, T. 2 8S., R. 15 . 77 About 0.8 sile southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.52 mile east R. Duguid -of County Road 1, 0.2 mile north of State Highway 384, Pala Harbor, Florida in an orange grove, north of owner's reeidence. NWHNSi see. 12, 7. 28 S., R. 15 E. 78 Six-tenths mile southeast of Pals Harbor 0.15 mile east vdward X, Hoeran Frank May Jan. of County Road 1, about 450 feet north of State Highway Tampa, Florida 1947 584. at east edge of an orange grove. NKVNVi see. 12, T. 28 S., R. 153 . 79 light-tenthe mile southeast of Pals Harbor, 0.5 mile R. Duguid A. E. Mountain east of County Road 1, 400 feetoo north of State Highway Pala Harbor, Florida Palm Harbor, 58, Wunder a windmill, north side of owner's residence. Florida n1M*Vr see. 12, T. 28 a., R. 153 . 62
PINZLLAS COUNTY e MIASURING POINT VATER LEVEL CHLORIDE C0NTENT 30 28 2 ----27 -7-1-47 Domestic 38 38 2.5 ---.--5100 -7-1-47 Domestic Water not used for drinking. 42 34 2 ----2100 -7-1-47? Domestic Vater not ueed for 340 -5-16-51 drinking. 174 51 10 ---------Water unfit for any use owing to high salinity. Well is capped and covered with dirt. 85 44 4 Top of 4-inch cas24.58 18.63 3-5-48 ----Domestic F.G.8. Well W1738. ing, 0.8 foot above Irrigation Cuttings from strata land surface, penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 41 -4 Top of 4-inch cou17479 15.34 51-46 15 0 4-2-47 pling, 3.2 feet above 1495 42-4 land surface. 1145 :-1-4. 15.42 6-23-49' 15.84 5-15-51 180 -12 ---65 0 6-19-47 Irrigation 44.04 7-11-46 180 -12 Top of 12-inch cou47.57 43.70 12-18-47 162 0 3-17-47 Irrigation pling, 0.3 foot 43.97 1-29-48; 125 0 4-30-48 above land surface. .44.73 4-19-48 45.00 6-23-49 45.67 5-16-51 185 -12 Top of 12-inch cou40.33 30.19 7-11-46 640 0 3-17-47 Irrigation pling, 0.5 foot 30.4 3-17-47 400 0 4-30-47 above land surface. 29.71 12-1-6-4 30.44 6-23-49 41.63 5-16-51 90 55 4 -----225 -4-30-48 School ----4 ----25 0 4-3-47 Domestic 226 77 L2 ----525 0 3-27-47 Irrigation 350 --5-25-48 00 -5-16-51 64.04 11-20-47 100 --0 Top of 10-inch cas69.50 64.74 2-20-48 600 0 3-28-47 Irrigation Automatic water-stage ing, flush with land 65.84 5-25-48 425 0 5-5-48 recorder installed surface. 64.86 8-25-48 11-19-47. 65.09 4-19-48 66.76 5-16-51 200 85 2 Top of 12-inch cou46.19 .4 19--47 20 0 9-3-47 Irrigation pling, 0.8 foot 49.02 12-18-47 25 0 4-30-48 above land surface. 4.02 1-29-48 ,43.71 4-19-48 42.94 6-23-49 44.16 5-16-51 140 80 4 ----372 -2-28-47 Domestic 115 -5-25-48
T A L 5. LL R E 0 0 R D S (Continued) 80 About 0.835 llte southeast of Pali Harbor. 0.6 mile east R. Duguld A. So Mountain of County Road 1, about 700 feet north of State Highway Palm Harbor, Florida Palm Harbor, 584, northeast of owner's residence, in an orange grove, Florida south side of a small pond. NWiNEI ese. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 Z. 81 One mile southeaset of Palm Harbor, 600 feet west of Charles E. Sanford Harold May County Road 39, 15 feet north of State Highway 584, at Sarasota, Florida Tampa, Florida south edge of an orange grove, in a pumphouse. NWtINt *so. 12, T. 28 8., R. 135 . 82 One and two-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.25 James Smith A. 0. Dunlap Jan. ile east of County Road 39, 0.1 mile north of State Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 Highway 584, vest side of a dirt road, south side of a house. Near 3E oor. NZNEi so. 12, T. 28 B., R. 15 Z. 83 Ni~ne-tenthe mile southeast of Pala Harbor 0.6 mile east Harry Biggins Frank Hay April of County Road 1, 30 feet south of State Highway 584, 5 Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1944 feet west of a pumphouse, at north edge of an orange groe. Near NW coor. SVNI seeo. 12, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. 814 Nine-tenths mile southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.6 mile east Harry Biggins Frank May April of County Road 1, 30 feet south of State Highway 584, in Clearwater, Florida Tapa, Florida 1944 a pumphus, at north edge of an orange grove. Near NW or. SVNE seao. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 E. 85 One and one-tenth miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.7 Harry Biggine Frank May April mlle east of County Road 1. 900 feet south of State HighClearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1944 way 5814 400 feet west of County Road 39, in an orange rove,.in a pumphouse. BV*N*t eso. 12, T. 28 S., R. 15 86 tight-tenthe mile southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.13 mile Arthur S. Yahn Frank May 1945 south of State Highway 584, 700 feet east of County Road Tampa Florida 1, In 4n orange grove. SWINVI #eo. 12, T. 28 S., R. 15 87 Sight-tenths aile southeast of Palm Harbor 0.3 mile oeat F. H. Moody Frank May April of County Road 1, 700 feet south of State highway 584 Crystal Beach, Tampa, Florida 1945 In an oran.e grove. Near NW oor. SINV seao. 12, T. 18 Florida S.. R. 15 2. 88 one and two-tenths miles southeaet of Palm Harbor, 0.2 A. 8. Schneider A. 0. Dunlap 1920 mlle west of County Road 39, 0.3 mile south of State Plant City, Florida Dunedin, Forida Highway 584, 890 feet north of a barn, in an orange grovq north side of a shed. Near SW oor. iNj seaoo. 12, T. 28 S., R. 153 . 89 One and three-tenthe miles southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.43 A. 8. Sohneider Frank ay Jan. mile south of State Highway 584, 900 feet west of County Plant City, Florida Tampa, Florida 1945 Road 39, about 300 feet northeast of a barn, In an orange grove. NWJiSt seo. 12, T. 28 8., R. 15 E. 90 One miloe outh of Palm Harbor, 0.35 mile south of State Kenneth Overcash A. 0. Dunlap Dec. Highway 584, 300 feet east of County Road 1, north side Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 of owner's residenoe. Near NW cor. N9VSW seao. 12, T. 28 S., R. 15 S. 91 One mile south of Palm Harbor, 0.36 mile south of State Kenneth Ovroah -1940 Highway 584 east side of County Road 1, east side of Dunedin, llorida owners rosidenoe, in a pumphouse. NWVtt seo. 12, T. 28 5., R. 153 . 92 One and four-tenths alles southeast of Palm Harbor 0.7 Carl Merritt A. 3. Mountain 1935 mile south of State Highway .84. 0.4 sile east of 6ounty Palm Harbor, Florida PalmHarbor, Road 1 east side of a dirt road, under a tank StSVt Florida seat. l, T. 28 S., R. 15 K. 93 One and seven-tenths miles south of Palm Harbor, 0.25 V. C. 0, clane mlle north of County Road 38, about 300 foot southwest Tampa, Florida of County Road 1_n a oemeni pumphouse, near a residence. earW or. SwiHtt se. 13, T. 25 8., R. 15 . 94 Two and one-tenth siles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0,6 J. H. Woodham A. 0. Dunlap and 1927 *lie east of County Road 1. north ele ptf County Road 38, Palm Harbor, Florida Howell north side of owner's reooldnce. EtNt oo. 13, T. 28 Dunedin, lorida S.. R. 13 3. 95 Two and one-tenth slles southeest of PalI Harbor, 0.65 John C. John A. S. Mountain 1945 *lie east of County Road 1, north side of County Road Pala Harbor, Florida Palm Harbor, 38, northeast corner of a residenoe. SiNEt seeo. 1), T. Forida SS. R.Is 5 .
PINELLAS COUNTZ LEVEL CHLO IDE CONTENT 0 § 1t P0 H no -4 ----1681 -3-29-45 252 --10 -----199 -6-4-43 Irrigation 300 -4-9-48 275 -4-12-48 375 -5-16-51 104 57 45 ---445 -9-8-47 Domestio 165 82 4.5 Top of 4.5-inoh cou57.59 53.29 7-10-46 37 0 3-27-47 Test well pling, 0.5 foot a54.39 3-27-47 50 0 5-5-48 bove land surface. 52.45 9-5-47 52.71 1i-4-47 12-15-47 52.03 12-18-47 5.32 4-19-48 152 92 12 ------85 0 2-26-45 Irrigation 241 204 10 Top of 10-inoh cas59.9 54.18 7-10-46 275 0 3-27-47 Ing, 0.2 foot above 54.99 3-27-47 land surface. 54.93 6-23-49 56.60 5-16-51 220 --12 -----131* -5-28-43 Irrigation 122 76 2 -Irrigation 260 52 L0 Top of 10-inch caa65.63 61m 6-26-46 55* a5-28-43 ing, 0.2 foot above 51a8 4-l'3-47 53 3 22-45 lanfd surface, 6135 4-19-i: 200 0 4-3-47 61.20 6-23-49 62.55 5-16-51 --2 -----300 0 4-3-47 Irrigation 108 56 6 Top of 6-inch cou44.87 41.24 1-z-48 25 0 1-2-48 Irrigation pling, 0.9 foot 43.38 6-21-49 above land surfaoe. 43.04 5-16-51 108 5 3 --25 -12-31-47 Domestic 90 60 2 ---20 -9-11-47 Domestic ------4 Wo --50 -9-11-47 Domestic oo -2 -35 -3-18-47 Domestic 50 3 -----40 -3-18-47 Domestio * Ohod analyi euppe byr Agricultural Experiment Station, 65
SA L 5. VILL R ORDS 0 0 D 8 (Continued) 96 Two and two-tenths milles southeast of P4l Harbor, 0.7 R. C. Hurst R. Co Howell mile east of County Road I, south eide of County Road Pala Harbor, Florida Pals Harbor, 38, south side of a residence. NgtSEt sea. 13, t. 20 8., Florida R. 15 S. 97 Two miles south of Pals Harbor, southeast corner of inB. 0. Hunt A. 0. Dunlap June tersection of County Road 1 with County Road 3), south Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 de of ovwner's residence. Near NW cor. NZI8V seoo. 13, T28 ., R. 15 E. 98 Two and two-tenths milee south of Pala Harbor, 0.2 sile Vernon Fraser A. 0. Dunlap June mouth of County Road 38, about 300 feet east of County Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 Road 1, southeast of owner's residence, in a pumphouse. Nts8Vt sec. 13, T. 28 8., R. 13 B. 99 Two lles south of Pala Harbor. 0.8 mile south of State 3. B. E. Developing Frank May righway 584, about 30 feet west of County Road 1, 15 Co Tampa, Florida feet south of a dirt road, at Interseeotion of a dirt Dade City, Florida road with County Road 1. Near NI cor. NZtNEt see. 14, T. 28 8., R. 15 1. 100 Two and one-tenth miles south of Pals Harbor, 0.4 mile 3. I. t. Developing Frank May 19114 north of County Road 38, about 30 feet vest of County Co. Tampa, Florida Road 1, at southeast corner of an orange grove, in a Dade City, Florida puaphouse, NtiNsl seo. 14, T. 28 8., R. 15 S. 101 One and nine-tenths miles south of Palm Barbor, 0.6 mile Pasco Packing Co eaet of .8. Highway 19, 100 feet north of County Road 38, northeast of a residence. 8VtiN sego. 14, T. 28 S., R. 15 3. 102 Two and three-tenths miles north of Dunedin, 0,25 mile Dunedin Xsles Country A 0. Dunlap 1941 outh of County Road 38, 0.2 mile east of U. S. Highway Club Dunedin, Florida 19, south side of Curlew CrOek, on golf course, in pumpDunedin, Florida house. Near 8V cor. NWiWt so. 14, T. 28 8., R. 15 1. Owner's well 1. 103 Two and three-tenths siles northeast of Dunedin, 0.35 N. S. Knight A. 0. Dunlap Feb. mile south of County Road 38, 0.48 mile east of U. 8. Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1944 Highway 19, 650 feet northeast from club house on double drive, 700 feet north of double drive. SEtSVi se. 14, T. 28 8., R. 15 3. Owner'e well 1. o104 Two and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.35 M. 8. Knight A. 0. Dunlap 1944 mile north of County Road 98, 0.6 mile east of U. 8. Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida Highway 19, about 1000 feeoot northeast from olub house on double drive, 600 feet south of double drive. SWiSE* sec1. l, T. 28 6., R. 15 9. Owner's well 2. 105 Two and six-tenths alles northeast of Dunedin, 0.4 mile N. S. Knight A.. 0. Dunlap north of County Road 98, 0.9 mile east of U. 8. Highway Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 19. about 0.5 aile east of Country Club, east side of a barn horth side of a reeldence. 8VtSI seco. 14, T. 28 a., A. 15 S. 106 Two and two-tenths liles north of Dunedin, south side of Civil Aeronautics Ads. A. O0 Dunlap July Curlew Creek, west side of U. 8. Righway 19, wee side Washington, D. 0. Dunedin, Florida 1943 of barracke, in small building. Near N oor. 8V8eIt seo. 15, 1. 28 8., R. 15 S. 107 One and one-tenth miles north of Dunedin, 0.45 mile F. L. skinner .J. Zimmerman 1904 north of north end of Highland Ave., 400 feet east of a Dunedin, Florida O1ona, Florida hard surface road. 68tSlt eo. 22, T. 28 8., R. 15 3. 108 One and nine-tenths miles north of Dunedin, 0*4 mile A. 0. Dunlap A. 0o Dunlap 1939 east of U. 8. Highway 19, south side of County Road 98, Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida at owner's residence. Near NV cor. V8N3* seo. 23, T. 28 8., R. 15 I. 109 Two and three-tenths siles northeast of Dunedin, 0.7 Dunedin Islea Country A. 0, Dunlp 1941 mile east of U. 8. Highway 19, 0.2 mle north of County Club Road 98, about 0.3 mile southeast of Country Club, south Dunedin, Florida elde of a sand road In a puphouse, Near WN oor. NVi lit eee. 23, T. 28 1., R. 15 .Owner's well 2. 110 One and siz-tenths alles northeast of Dunedin, 0,45 mile Jo A. Merritt A. 0. Dunlp 1927 south of County Road 98 about 0.2 aile west of County Dunedin, Florida Road 99 itsiv seee. 23, T. 28 i., R. 15 g.
PINILLAS COU NT S itaSUMUM POINT IMATg LVL CLBIPtD L 0kTENT B .S. | PS " I I 2*** **----* ---Domestic 107 77 4 top of 4.5-inh ca25.6 21.42 6-26-46 13 -3-17-47 Domestic ing, 0.5 foot abo 17 -4-30-48 97 45 4.5 Top of 4.5-inch a19.3 10.50 7-10-46 16 -4-3-47? Domestic Ing, flush with lana 17 -4-30-48 12 op of 12-Inh on36.24 ------ell i capped. --12 ---1880 0 4-3-47 Irrigation 450 2 5-5-48 1020 -5-16-51 -------280 0 6-19-47 Domestic 10 21 8 ---180 0 4-4-47 Irrigation F.G.S. Well 584. Cuttingse fro trata penetrateA between 40 and 80 feet on file with Florida Geological Surey. 255 40 ----283 0 4-4-47 Irrigation 185 5-15-51 276 31 8 ---80 0 4-4-47 Irrigation 75 2 4-30-48 237 25 8. Top of 8-inoh cas234.64 261 32 0 4-4-47 Irriga1tion S0 foot above6. 37 0 4-30-48 28lan.3 surfa 6-2-49 28.36 5-15-51 194 5 89 Top of 3--inch ca7.99 4-3-47 ng flh wth 2-18-4 375 0 4-28-48 urfa6*43 1-29-48 5.15 4-19-48 5.57 6-25-49 7.05 5-15-51 60 30 6 -----591 0 4-8-47 Irrigation Liste in the U. 8. 360 -5-15-51 Geological Surey Water-Supply Paper 319, P. 322. Formerly owned by L. B. Skinner. 178 84 .5 ---45 -4--4-47 Domestic 278 84 8 ----45 0 4-4-47 Irrigation 268 646 ------
TA BLE 5. V LL REC 0 RD (Continued) III One and Peven-tenthe miles northeast of'Dunedin, 0.32 -A. 0. Dunlap 1942 mile north of County Road 1 about 0.15 mile east of Dunedin, Florida County Road 99, northeast of a barn, in an orange grove Xnown as Old Tappan Grove. 8WSEt sec. 23, T. 28 ., R. 15 B. 112 One and nine-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.7 mile 0. A. Davis J. L. Howell 1928 mouth of County Road 98, 0.1 aile vest of County Road 1, Dunedin, Florida east pide of a small pond, in a pumphouse. Near S8 cor. S~SVw seo. 23., T. 28 8., R. 15 1. 113 Two And seven-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.6 Inman Novell A. 0. Dunlap June mll# mouth of County Road 38, 150 feet east of hounty Dunedin Florida 1945 Road I on south side of a fruit packing house. NE*NW, se. 24, T. 28 S., R. 15 Z. 114 Two And six-tenthe ailes northeast of Dunedin, 0.65 mile Bill Garrison A. 0. Dunlap June outh of County Road 38, about 100 feet east of County Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 Road , et side of owner's residence, in a pumphouse. EiN see. 24, T. 28 R., R. 15 Z. 115 Two aqnd four-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 660 feet A. J. Grant A. 0. Dunlap 1944 vest of County Road 1, 150 feet north of County Road 98, Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida In a tool house. Near SV cor. NWtNVIW so. 24, T. 28 8., R. 15 Z. 116 Tvo And three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin 0.1 B. V. Nigles A. 0. Dunlap Ma mrle siuth mf County Road 98, 0.1 mile vest of County Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 Road 1, vest of well 117. SVINWi seo. 24, T. 28 8., R. 15 E. 117 Two and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.1 X. W. Nigles sermons mile south of County Road 98, about 400 feet vest of Dunedin, Florida County Road west side of owner's residence, east of veil 116. 5+V4 sec. 24, T. 28 s., R. 15 Z. 118 Tvo and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.25 E. .Nigles Frank ay silo »outh of County Road 98, 60 feet east of County Dunedin, Florida Road I In an orange grove. NVISVW see. 24, T. 28 8. 4. 15 k. 119 Two A ,nd two-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.35 mile Eugene Niglep A. 0. Dunlap 1931 south of County Road 98, 38 feet vest of County Road 1, Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida southeat of owner's residence. NViJW seeo. 24, T. 28 S., R. 15 Z. 120 Tvo e«nd three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.9 Lee Nigles A. 0. Dunlap 1943 IIle south of County Road 38, about 350 feet east of Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida County RoAd 1, in an orange grove. NW8SWt see. 24, T. 28 S., R. 15 t. 121 Two in4 tve-tenthe miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.6 mile E. E. E. Developing Frank May 1944 n')rtý of State Highway 580, 0.25 mile east of County Co. Road 1, In An orange grove. Near SW cor. SEiSV* sec. Dade City, Florida 24, T. 28 S., R. 15 Z. 122 Tvo And one-tenth miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.45 mile Royal Barnum A. 0. Dunlap Feb. north of State Highway 580, 0 2 mile east of County Road Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 1, in An orange grove. NWINVt seo. 25, T. 28 8., R. 15 C. 123 One and eight-tenths alles northeast of Dunedin, 0.55 A. J. Grant A. 0. Dunlap 1934 mile east of County Road 1, 660 feet north of State HighDunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida way 580, in an orange grove. SVHWNV sea. 25, T. 28 S., A. 15 C. 1214 Iwo miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.8 mile east of County J. L. Howell A. 0. Dunlap 1942 oad 1, 660 feet north of State Highway 580, in an Dunedin, Florida orange grove. SEHVt seeo. 25, T. 28 8., R. 15 E. 125 Tvo and two-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 1.0 mile W. C. Overcash A. 0. Dunlap Au eat of County Road 1, 190 feet north of State Highway .Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 580, ear cor. SgtNWt soe. 25, T. 28 S., R. 15 3. 126 Tvo and two-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 1.1 miles Jernigan and Thomas A. 0. Dunlap e*at of County Road 1 100 feet south of State Highway Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 580. Near NV cor. W4si seo. 25, T. 28 R., R. 15 E. 127 Ono and nine-tenths miles east of Dunedin, 0.75 mile Covey A. 0. Dunlap 1940 east of County Road 1, about 400 feet south of State Dunedin. Florida Nihway 5380, 300 feet east of County Road 36. NWtSwi see. 25, T. 28 5., R. 15 3. 68
PIRILLAS OOUNTr VATER LEVEL CHLOR I 'CONTENT 202 61 8 ---. -45 -4-8-47 Domestio Irrigation 220 90 6 ---... 40 0 6-19-47 Irrigation 45.60 .10-23-15, 216 58 8 Top of 8-inch cas5758 ,----" ing 0.5 foot above 46.60 t-30-47 lan& surface. 46.87 .1-29-48 49.33 6-23-491 .50.15 5-16-51 92, 57 4.5 Top of 4.-inch cas57 ?47.3 3-18-47 10 -3-18-47 Domestic ing, 0.5 foot above land surface. 226 53 8 -------Irrigation 271 156 8 ----17 -3-20-47 Domestic Irrigation 88 -2 -----22 -3-20-47 Domestic 95 --8 Top of concrete pup --42.90 5-27-46 5 0 3-18-47 --Well is covered vith base, 0.2 foot above 43.23 3-18-47 sand. land surface. 269 98 ------76* -5-28-43 S 25 -4-2-47 288 62 12 36* 0 7-6-45 Irrigation 185 103 12 ----230 -6-27-47 Irrigation 225 -5-16-51 234 78 8 ----73 0 4-2-47 Irrigation 362 61 10 ---35 -5-28-43 Irrigation 246 77 12 ---22 0 4-9-47 292 76 8 ----Domestic Irrigation 105 7 4.5 ----16 -3-20-47 Domestic 284 87 8 69
TA L 5. V ILL REC 0 R D S (Continued) 128 One and nine-tenths miles east of Dunedin, 0.3 aile J. L. Hoell A. 0. Dunlap May south of State Highway 580, 30 feet west of County Road Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 36 at east edge of an orange grove. Hear NE cor. SVI SVk see. 23, T. 28 S., R. 15 X. 129 One and five-tenthe miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.75 A, A. Sohulta A. 0. Dunlap June site south of County Road 98, 0.25 mile north of County Pals Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1941 Road 1, 30 feet east of County Road 99, about 5 foot north of owner's residenoe. WtNKt see. 26, T. 28 s., R. 15 S. 130 One and five-tenths ailes northeast of Dunedin, 0,?5 A. A. Sohulta A. I. Mountain 1944 mile south of County Road 98, 0.25 mile north of County Pala Harbor, Florida Pala Harbor, Road 1, about 50 feet east of County R9ad 99, south of Florida well 129, at ovner's residence. HlItNE so. 26, T. 28 9., R. 15 I. 131 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.8 mile Clarence i. Burns F. .McBride Au. south of County Road 98, 0.2 mile north of County Road Dunedin, Florida Tampa, Florida 194 1 about 300 feet east of County Road 99, on east side os owner's residence. NVHiNZ se*. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 3. 132 One and five-tenths milles northeast of Dunedin, 0,15 H. J. Fillinux A. I. Mountain 1942 mile north of intersection of County Road 1 with County Palm Harbor, Florida Pals Harbor, Road 99, ,apt side of County Road 99 at 1310 Georgia Florida Ave. NViNEt se. 26, T. 28 S., R. 15 3. 133 One and five-tenthe miles northeast of Dunedin, 0.15 J. 0. Hagin A. 0. Dunlap --mile north of intersection of County Road 1 with County Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida Road 99, 0.1 mile east of County Road 99, north side of Georgia Ave., east of well 132. NVWNEt see. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 3. 134 One and five-tenths alles northeast of Dunedin, 0.13 R. 8. Vhitakter A, I. Mountain mile north of intersection of County Road 1 with County Palm Harbor, Florida Pals Harbor, Road 99, about 0.05 mile east of County Road 99 south Florida side of OGeorgia Ave. at owner's residence. NVWNEt sec. 26, T. 28 S., R. 15 K. 135 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin 0.13 T. J. Whitaker A. Z. Mountain 1926 aile north of intersection of County Road 1 with County Dunedin, Florida and Hoveol Road 99, about 0.07 aile east of County Road 99 south side of Georgia Ave., at owner's residence. NVINE* see. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 E. 136 One and five-tenths tiloe northeast of Dunedin, 0.13 V. Oven mite north of intersection of County Road 1 with County Palm Harbor, Florida Road 99, about 0.12 mile east of County Road 99, south side of Georgia Ave., east of well 137. NVtNEt sec. 26, T. 28 S., R. 15 2. 137 One and five-tnths miles northeast of Dunedin, about L. F. Helms L. P. Heol 0.1 mile east of County Road 99, 0.13 mile north of Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida County Road 1 south side of Georgia Ave. east of well 135. at owner's residence. NWiNE* sea. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 I. 138 About 1.4 miles northeast of Dunedin, about 400 feet 0. 8. Gladding 0. 8. Ola ding 1926 north of County Road 1, 150 feet east of County Road 99, Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida south side of Ohio Ave., under a water tank. NV&WNE sec 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 I. 139 One and five-tenths siles northeast of Dunedin, 0.75 Logan V. Davis A. 0. Dunlap April *ile south of County Road 98. 0.25 mile north of interDunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 section of County Road 1 vith County Road 99 about 400 feet west of County Road 99, at owner's residence. NE* Nl see. 26, T. 28 8., R. 19 3. 140 One and three-tenths miles northeast of Dunedin, about Elliott Beatty A. 0. Dunlap Mar. 0.1 mile west of intersection of County Road 1 with Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1948 County Road 99, 200 feet north of County Road 99. 1i| Wteseo. 26, T. 28 5., R. 15 8. 141 One and six-tenths siles northeast of Dunedin about 0.4 x. I. 8umner A. 0. Dunlap 1946 site ea.t of intersection of County Road 1 with County Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida Road 99, about 400 teet south of County Road 1, in pumphouse, southeast of owner's residence. SEiN1 *seo. 26, T. 28 S., R. 15 I. 142 One and eight-tenths miles northeast of Dunedi, 0.62 wenu Nigels A. 0. Dunlap 1945 mlle east of nterseetion of County Road 1 vwith Stat as Harbor, Florida Duned, Florida RI hway 80, 60 feet south of State RHighway 80. NVI 84% see. 25, T. 28 8., R. 15 I. 70
PI EH LLA 0 0 U T MaURINO POINT WATER UVEL CHLO ID CONTENT 283 93 8 -----15 0 4-9-47 Irrigation 65 -2 Top of 2-inch a37.82 29.75 4-23-46 25 0 4-2-47 -Well is capped. ing 1.7 ftet above 34.23 6-23-49 land surface. 34.18 5-15-51 65 -2 ----22 --4-2-47 Domestic 115 42 4 37. --------Domestic F.O.S. Well W1620. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 78 --2 --37 --2-5-47 Domestic 78 -4 --29 --2-5-47 Domestic 78 -. 4-27 -6-19-47 Domestic 84 --4 --32 -4-2-47 Domestic -2 --30 -2-5-47 Domestic 47 --2 --31 -4-2-47 Domestic 62 --2 --35 --2-5-47 Domestic 117 43 6 ----25 -4-2-47 Domestic 215 -5-17-51 85 31 4 Top of 4-inch eou26.76 18.00 3-26-48 25 -3-26-48 Domestio F.0.8. Veil W1743. pling 2.2 fet 13.54 4-19-48 Cuttings from strta above land surface. penetrated on file with Florida GOological Survey. 232 44 8 Top of 8-inch cas50.6 40.43 6-26-46 32 '0 3-18-47 Irrigation ng, 0.1 foot boveon land surface. ill 80 10 -----Irrigation
IA L .VILL R1 0 0 RD I (Contieod) 143 About 1.85 s11es northeast of Dunedin, 0.70 aile east of David Nigels A. 0 Dunlap A. introsetion of County Road 1 with State Highway 580, Dunedin, ]loida Dunedin, Florida 194) 100 feet south of State Highway 580, south side of owner's residence. NSi so. 25, T. 28 S., R. 15 B. 144 One and eight-tenths miles east of Dunedin, 0.70 aile David Nigele A. 0. Dunlap 1927 east of interseotion of County Road 1 with State Highway Dunedin, Flo0ida Dunedin, Florida 50, 800 tfet south of State Highway 580, south of vell 43. NVisWt se. 25, T. 28 S., n. 15 9. 145 One and two-tenthe ailes northeast of Dunedin, about 100 Major Dickineon A. 0. Dunlap ay east of intersecotion of County Road 1 with tate Dunedin, Florida Dunedin Florida 1948 ighway 580, about 0.2 mile south of State Highway 580 salon and road leading into owner e residence west ide of house. NWtSt *seo. 26, T. 28 B., R. 15 I. 146 One and three-tenths miles east of Dunedin 0.25 mile Norman Mendel A. 0. Dunlap Jan north of County Road 34, 0.25 mile south of State HighDunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1948 way 580 0.15 mile east of intersecotion of County Road 1 with Atate Highway 580, abou) 1 0 feet vest of a hard surface road. Near NV eor. 8VtSKt sea. 26, T. 28 8., R. 147 ligsht-tenths mile, east of uedin 0.5 sile east of inRobert MoDotgal tersot on of County Road 3 ith State Highway 580, Chicago 0.20 mile north of County Road 34, 500 feet east of Nev York Ave., in a grove. SV8Vt seo. 26, T. 28 8., R. 15 S1148 About 0.0 itle eapt of Dunedin, 0.55 aile east of interRobert MoDougal section of County Road 34 v~th State Highway 580, 600 Chicago feet north of County Road 34, 0.2 mile east 9f evw York Ave. in a grove, soutneast of well 147. SVtSVt see. 26, +. 28 S., R. 13 3. 149 ;One and four-tenth amiles east of Dunedin 1.2 iles J. L. Howell A. 0. Dunlap east of Intersection of County Road 34 vith State HighDunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida way 580, 0.45 sile south of State Highway 580, about 660 feet east of a hard surface road, about 400 feet north of County Road 34. south side of owner's residenoe. SVt 31 seeo. 26, T. 28 S., R. 15 3. 150 Nine-tenths ilie north of Dunedin, 0.85 mile south of B. L. Skinner Frank May County Road 98, 300 feet West of U. 8. Highway 19, about Dunedin, ?lor 00 feet east of enore line. NW&NVi seo. 27, T. 28 8., .15 151 About 0.75 aile north of Dunedin, 1.0 mile south of Juioe nduetr Inc. orrill County Road 98, 0.25 mile east of U. 8. Highway 19, at Dundin, oria Bradenton, Florida northeast corner of property belonging to Juie* Industrise, near guard houses. S4N9t sec. 27, T. 28 8., R. 153. Owner's well 1. 152 About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin 1.0 mile south of Juloe Indutrl Ino. Morrill County Road 98, 0.2 mile east .o U. 8. Highway 19. Dunedin, Florida known as *fed mill wall. 8lSVN see. 27, T. 28 8., R. 15 3. Owner's well 2. 153 About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin 1.0 mile south of Juloe Industries, Inc. Morrill County Road 98, 0 25 ile east o U S. o HIha 19 Dundin, l j Countyeas Ro a boi5ler house 5 so. 8 T.i ay 1 Dunedin, Florida Bradenton, Florida outhast of a boiler houses, 8X soo. S7, T. 26 s., R. 1 .Owner's veill 3. 1534 About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin, 1.0 mile south of Juie Induslries, Inc. orrill County Road 98, 0.25 mile east of U. 8. Highway 19, at Dunedin, Florida Bradenton, Florida southeast corer of main building Knovn as wasin plant, wll. SViNt geo. 27, T. 28 8., .15 .Owner'se well 4. 155 About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin, 1.0 mle souta of Juloe Industries, Inc. May County Road 98 0.25 sile lost of U. 8. Highway 19. ye Dunedin, Florida Plant City, Florida of a water tank. Known ae general supply aell. 5VtNtK se. 27, T. 28 8., R. 15 I. Owner e veil 5. 156 About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin 1.0 nile south of Juoes Induseries, Inc. May County Road 98. 0.25 sile eat of 0. BHignaw 19, in Dunedin, Flwld Plant City, Florida the st eeotlon of property Known as the fire well'. SNt see. 27, t. 28 8., R. 15 3. Owner's well 6. L57 About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin. 1.0 site south of Juieoo Industries, Inc. May County Road 98, 0.25 sie east of U8.. lighway 19, near Dunedin, norlda Plant City, Florida in ate, at southeast dge of prperty.' K snown ae Uolr house well. I tili see. 27, T. 2 ., R. 15 I. Oner'i wall 7. 72
PIrN LLAO COUNT! M yS&URW. POINT VATJVEL .LO IDI .ONTEN --....4 -31 -2-5-47 Domestio 250 76 8 --. .. ... 83 )7 4 ----37 -5-20-48 Domesootio 100 63 4 Top of 4-inch cas28.4 18.05 1-2-48 25 0 1-2-48 Domestic ing. 1.3 feet above Ian esurtaoe. 23) --8 ---21* -5-28-43 Irrigation 110 .10 --21* -5-28-43 Irrigation 80 60 -----30 --3-20-47 Domestio 90 37 6 Top of 6-inoh couU.27 1.0 42-47 196 0 4-2-4 pling, 0,7 foot 0.9 81-4 200 0 4-28.-4 above land surface. 1 41 10.18 6-23-49 8.13 5-14-51 400 --12 -------Industrial 200 -12 ------Industrial 4u0 -2 -------Industrial 400 --12 --------Industrial 300 -12 ----, --Industrial 200 -12 ------Industrial 100 --12 ------Industrial 73
TABLE 5. W LL REC ORDS (Continued) 0 f8 a 158 :About 0.75 mile north of Dunedin, 1.0 mile south of Juice Industries, In. Feb. County Rod 98, 0.25 mile eaest of U. .Highway 19. 8Wi Dunedin, Florida N ec. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 I. *159 Abo-ut 0.85 -.il nrth of Dunedin, 1.05 mile south of L. B. Skinner T. J. Zimmerman 1904 County RoAd 19, 0.4 nile eet, of U. S. Highway 19, in a Dunedin, Florida Ozona, Florida n ^ur-)ae, In an or*nie grove, northeast of well 160. " SW cor. 1EJ!ES sec. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. 1160 Seven-tenths mile north of Dunedin, 0.4 mile north of F. L. Skinner T. J. Zimmerman Skrinner lvl., e.ast aide of Hizhland Ave., east of Juice Dunedin, Florida Ozona, Florida In'lu'^ter Inc., near a windrill. SE!NEt sec. 27, T. 2e S., 1. l5 E. 161 Five-tenths mile nor:h of Dunedin, about 0.25 mile north Juice Industries, Inc. Frank May of Sklnner ldva., vat side of Hig'.lqnd Ave., near southDunedin, Florida Tampa, Florida e* t corner of a cycl)ne fence, on property belonging to Jilce Industries, Inc., south of main gate, in swampy land. SVJNEJ sec. 27, 7. 28 S., R. 15 E. 162 Dune.dln, 1053 ASs 91vd., in basement of owner's 0. S. Oladding 0. S. Gladding 1939 S regidence. NKESE1 sec. 27, T. 28 5 , R. 15 E. Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 163 Dunpin, 121414 qps Blvd., NEJSE) see. 27, T. 28 S., R. 0. S. Gladding Po-ter Zimeraan 1936 15 E. Dunedin, Florida Ozona, Florida 1614 Dunedin, 500 feet vest of Bass Blvd., opposite 1129 Base West Coast Packing A. 0. Dunlap 1927 Blvd., In an orange grove. Near SW cor. NE5i seco. 27, Co. Dunedin, Florida T. 28 S., R. 15 E. Clearwater, Florida Ul5 Dunedin, 30)i feet west of Base Blvd., 50 feet south of o. S. Gladding 0, 8. Oladding 1942 By Street, near a residence. Near SW cor. NEISEt sec. Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 27, T. 28 , R. 15 E. 166 Dunedin, one block north of Main Street, east side of Juice Industries, Inc. Atlantic Cost Line Railroad, at south platform, south Dunedin, Florida plint of Juice Industries, Inc. SW*8lt sec. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. i6? lunedin, soutrneast of Intersection of Grant Street and City of Dunedin A. 0. Dunlap 1942 Highland Ave., norther"t of Fire Station and City Hall, Dunedin, Florida In a pumphouse. SVWiSE see. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 9. 168 Dunedin, northeast of intersection of Main Street with City of Dunedin Broadway, under city water tank, in a pumphouse. SEe SW s*ec. 27, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. lb9 ?line-tenthe mile south of Dunedin, 45 feet west of EdgeGuy A. Neal 1925 wte~r Drive, 300 feet south of Orangewood Drive, across Dunedin, Florida ro. a from 43 Edgewater Drive. SWiVBI see. 34, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. 170 'F ive-tenths mile southeast of Dunedin, about 20 feet east Green A. 0. Dunlap of Yllvwukee St., at southeast corner of interseotion of Dunedin, Florida Milwaukee St. and James St., near a garage, in a punphoJuse. Near SW cor. NOiNEi see. 34, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. 171 3Seen-tenth amile southeast of Dunedin, 300 feet east of F. L. Skinner Howell New York Av. on projection of Scotland Ave. NWtNWV Dunedin, Florida | sec. 35, T. 2 S., R. 15 E. 172 One And one-tentn miles east of Dunedin, 1.2 miles east of F. L. Skinner Howell 1928 U. S. Highvay 19, 0.25 mile south of County Road 34, near Dunedin, Florida a house, In an orange grove, known as Milwaukee Grove, otet of well 171. NENW see. 35, T. 28 S., R. 15 ,.70 Ine and two-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin 1.2 illes F. L. Skinner Howell e~pt of U. S. Highway 19, 0.45 mile south of hounty Road Dunedin, Florida 34, southeast of a barn, in an orange grove, known as Yilavukee Grove, south of well 172. 9SINV sec. 35, T. 28 S., R. 15 E. 1714 One and five-tenthe miles southeast of Dunedin, 1.6 miles Robert McDougal A. 0. Dunlap Oct. east of U. S. Highway 19, 0.4 mile south of County Road Dunedin, Florida 1945 34, about 02 ile west of County Road 34, about 0.4 mile southeast of County Jarn, southeast of a pond in an orAnge grove. ttNVi see. 35, T. 28 8., R. 1l S. '74
PINELLAS COUNTY $ MEAatIllf POTNT NATE T.RV..CHLORIDE .21EMI0 Top of 6-inch 5 7.69 10-23-5 30 Irriation te n U. .Geoing, flush with lan 10.88 3-25-8 logcal survey Water surface. 10.92 -19-48 Supply Paper 319, p. 0 .-7 -8-7 Irrigation Listed in U. s. Geological Survey Water 188 -12 -----mple for chloridend ra 120 80 6 Top of 6-inch ca18.35 7.69 10-23-45 30 4-9-4 Irrigation Lisdeted rmination takenoing, flufh with land 10.88 32548 logical Survey Watern inland surface. 10.92 41948 Supply Paper 319, p. 15.690 18 -20Domestic6-23-49 322. 88 -2 --------|3-20-4Domestic 500 0 Top of -inch -1 7.69 10-47 0 4--47 Irrigation Listed in U. S. Geo159.00 6-23-49 level recorder in96 --0 10 --------40 0 2-5-47 Public Water analys.S given logical Survey Water Supply Paper 319, P. 22 322. 60 --12 ----41 -4-1-47 -Sample for chloride determination taken after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 100 73 2 Top of 2-inch cas0. 921.56 4-23-468 0 -----7 rrDomestic ing, 9.2 feet below below land urface. 55 50 2 -----18 -3-2-47 Domestic 164 38 6 ---32 0 4-8-47 Irrigation 80 b5 2 --41 --3-20-47 Domestic 200 -12 Top of 12-inch ca9.72 7.67 10-22-45 8 --2-5-47 Industrial Automatic water g, 3.85 feet below 9.00 6-2-49 leofvel freorder in-but land surface. 9.54 5-14-51 stalled 12-15-48. 146 32 10 27 --2-5-47 Public 25 --4-28-48 Supply 96 --10 ---40 --2-5-47 Public Water analysis given Supply in U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-G, p. 224, analysis 316. 60 ----32 --12-1-47 --Samplesfor chloride 25 --5-7-48 Ideterminations taken lafter vell had been ifl3wing for an in!definite period. 202 71 10 ------Irrigation 240 26 8 Top of 4-inch cas20.70 9.8 2-2-48 30 0 2-5-47 Irrigation ing, about 2.0 feet below land surface. 114 65 3 ----30 0 2-5-47 Domestic Well was orizinally drilled to a depth !of 161 feet but 1later filled to depth lof 114 feet. 201 --8 -----20 0 2-5-47 275 74 10 -----Irrigation 75
T A I .W LL R 0 R D (Continued) 175 One and seven-tenths amlen southeast of Dunedin, 300.. Dorthy Doug:las A 0. Dunlap 1937 ft est of County Road. 34 0.1 O ilo south of a eaDunedin Florida tory, in an orange grove, west side of a house. SEtNit sec. 35, T. 28 8., R. 15 S. 176 About 2.0 miles east of Dunedin, 0.3 mile south of State H. F. Heye -Highway 580, east side of County Road 36, north side of Clearvater, Florida Jerry Lake. »NtWt sec. 36, T. 28 S., R. 15 3. 177 One and eight-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, 0.2 J. Springer A. 0. Dunlap June mile vest of intersecslon of County Road 36 with County Dunedin, Florida 1945 Road 34, about 600 feet south of County Road 34, near a houe. NVWSVi sec. 36, T. 28 8., R. 15 S. 178 Two And tnree-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, about Henry Wilson A. 0. Dunlap ay 0.35 aile north of Sunset Point Drive (County Road 32) Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 194 330 feet vest of County Road 34. 8t8Wt sec. 36, T. 28 S., R. 15 3. 179 Tnree and seven-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, about J. A. Boyd 2.1 miles east of State Highway 55. east aide of Lake Butler, 0.2 aile south of Brooker Creek, aqbut 0.1 mile ovet of East Lake Road. Near NW cor. SVNBWt see. 4, T. 28 5., R. 16 3. 180 Two and nine-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, 1.3 ailes E. E. E. Developing Frank May June east of State Highway 35, 0*7 mile north of State HighCo. Tampa, Florida 1946 way 584, about 0.7 mile northeast of a bridge, in an Dade City, Florida orange grove about 10 feet soutn of a sand road. Near SVcor. SEiNi sec. 5, T. 28 S., R. 16 x. 181 One and eight-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.8 mile 8. Chase A. 0. Dunlap June soutn of County Road 42, 0.2 mile east of State Highway Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1936 55, in an orange grove, in a pumphouse. NVtNEt seo. 6, T. 28., R. 16 . 182 One and eight-tentns miles east of Palm Harbor, 1.1 miles C. E. Jackson south of County Road 42, 0.2 mile mast of State Highway Palm Harbor, Florida 55 07 mile north of State Hignway 584. Near SB cor. SINK se**0. 6, T. 28 S., R. 16 Z. 183 One and three-tenths milees east of Pals Harbor, 0.55 McClane A. 0, Dunlap Mar. mile vest of State Hignvay 55, 0.3 sile south of County Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 Road 41, about 300 feet vest of County Road 94, est side of a dairy. NWISVI sec. 6, T. 2U 8., R. 16 E. 184 One and three-tenthe miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.55 Riviere Dairy A. E. Mountain 1944 ilvest of State Highway 55 about 0.3 mile south of Palm Harbor, Florida Palm Harbor, County Road 41, west side of bounty Road 94. SVSVi Florida sea. 6, T. 28 8., R. 16 3. 185 About 1.8 alles east of Palm Harbor, 0.6 mile north of C. E. Jackson Frank May 1944 State Highway 584 about 0.1 mile west of State Highway Palm Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida 55, west of vell 187. NWVSE* seo. 6, T. 28 8., R. 16 E. 186 One and eight-tenths miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.3 mile C. 3. Jackson Frank Ma Dec. north of State Highway 584, west side of State Highway Palm Harbor, Florida Tapa, Florida 1944 55, in an orange grove, east of vell 187, north side of road to a residence. SiISS* soo. 6, T. 28 S., R. 16 Z. 187 About 1.8 miles east of Palm Harbor, 0.5 mile north of C. E. Jackson State Highway 584, 0.1 mile west of State Highway 55, Pala Harbor, Florida west of well 186, east of well 185. SVit8E seo. 6, T. 28 S., R. 16 I. 188 Two miles east of Pala Harbor, 0.3 mile north of State J. M. McCord Highway 584 315 feet east of State Highway 55. 85S Taapa Florida 198 se. 6, T. 28 S., R. 16 z. 189 Two and one-tenth miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.2 Sanford A. 0. Dunlap mile north of State Highway 584 0 2 aile east of State Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida Highway 55, in swampy land. SE5S1t sec. 6, T. 28 8., R. 190 One and elgnt-tenths miles southeast of Pala Harbor, 0.3 G. V. Kersey Frank May 1944 mile west of interseotion of State Highway 584 with Palm Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida State Highway 55, about 100 feet north of State Highway 84. INi seo. 7, T. 28 8., R. 16 E. 191 One and nine-tenthe ailel southeast of Palm Harbor, 800 H. L. Grider Frank May 1945 feet south of State Highway 384 300 feet west of County Palm Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida Road 74, north of well 192. SVwAIi eeo. 7, T. 28 S., R. 16 3. 76
PINILLAB COUNT! MEASURING POINT WATIR LEVEL CHLO If ONTENT 286 64 12 -----17 0 4-8-47 Irrigation --3 -------17 -2-5-47 Domestic 227 76 8 ---20 0 -5-47 --96 61 4 ------Domestic --2 -------825 0 3-27-47 Domestic 325 50 12 Top of 12-inch cas38.8 29*75 7-13-46 45 0 3-13-47 Irrigation ing 0.5 foot above 30.56 3-13-47 land surface. 33.12 6-24-49 255 -12 Base of pump, flush 69.8 65.89 3-12-47 275 0 3-12-47 Irrigation with land surface. 375 95 12 ----63 0 3-13-47 Irrigation 225 79 6 Top of 6-inch cae67.65 61.48 3-11-47 13 0 3-11-47 Stock ing, 0.2 foot above land surface. 84 -----12 0 3-18-47 Domestic Stock 145 -12 ------Domestic 300 61 12 ----15 0 3-13-47 Irrigation 82 --3 Top of 3-inch can.-.59.69 7-12-46 47 0 3-13-47 ing, 0.2 foot above land surface. 250 94 12 ----23 0 3-13-47 Irrigation 202 52 10 ----------Drainage Well is covered, 305 --12 -----Irrigation 165 40 6 ----17 0 3-13-47 Domestic 77
TA 9 L 5. L L RECORDS (Continued) 192 Two miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.1 mile west of inH. L. Grider Frank May Sept. tersection of State Highway 584 with County Road 74, Palm Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida 1945 1200 feet soutn of State Hignway 584, southwest of a barn. SWjNIt sec. 7, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 193 Two and seven-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.7 Z. E. E. Developing Frank May mile east of intersection of State Highway 584 with Co. Tampa, Florida State Hiahway 55, about 200 feet north of State Highway Dade City, Florida 814, 50 feet northeast of a house, near a bridge. Near SE cor. E~INVt sec. 8, T. 28 S., R. 16 3. 194 Two and three tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, F. J. Button Frank May 0.35 mile east of intersection of State Highway 584 with Palm Harbor, Florida Tampa, Florida County Road 74, 350 feet south of State Highway 584, in an orange grove. SWJNWJ seo. 8, T. 28 8., R. 16 E. 195 Two and five-tenths miles southeast of Palm Haroor, F. J. Sutton Caraway 0.42 mile east of County Road 74 200 feet south of Palm Harbor, Fforida Tarpon Springs, State Highway 584. SWiNWV see. 6. T. 28 S., R. 16 E. Florida 196 Two and six-tenthe miles southeast of Palm Harbor, about J. C. Mueller A. 0, Dunlap 1917 0.2 mile north of east end of County Road 95, 0.45 mile Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida east of County Road 74, vest side of a sand road, north side of a residence. Near SW cor. NWtSWt see. 8, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. r97 About 2.0 miles northeast of Oldemar, 2.1 miles north of Jessie Boyd intersection of State Highway 580 with Tampa Shores Road, Palm Harbor, Florida about 0.8 mile north of Sunshine Race Track, about 0.5 mile north of intersection of Tampa Shores Road with a sand road, 30 feet west of a sand road, vest of a log gate, near dounty Line. Near NE cor. NE*SE* sec. 12, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 198 About 1.3 miles northwest of Oldsmar, 0.5 mile northwest A. and V. Bulb Co. L. W, Kixon Dec. of"Intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway Clearwator, Florida Tampa, Florida 1947 580, about 50 feet south of State Highway 584, 2 feet south of an irrigation ditch, northwest of well 200 and well 201. Near NE cor. SVWSE* sec. 15, T. 28 8., R. 16 3. 199 About 1.5 miles northwest of Oldemar, about 800 feet A. and V. Bulb Co. L. V. ixon Dec. south of well 198, north of well 202, about 20 feet east Clearwator, Florida Tampa, Florida 1947 of an irrigation ditch, west of wells 201, 203, and 211. SVWSEW see. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 X. 200 About 1.3 miles nortnwest of Oldemar, 0.28 mile northwest W. D. Day L., ixon Jan. of intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway Oldsmar, Florida Tampa, Florida 1948 580, about 500 feet south of State Highway 584, 20 feet east of a small house, east of well 198, west of well 201. SVWSWt sec. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 201 About 1.2 miles northwest of Oldsmar, 0.2 mile nortnwest A. and W. Bulb Co. L.W. Nixon Dec. of Intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1947 580, 40 feet soutn of State Highway 584, 5 feet south of an irrigation ditch east of well 200, north of well 203. SW*SVi sec. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 202 About 1.3 miles northwest of Oldsmar, 0.45 mile southwee A. and V. Bulb Co. L, v. Nixon Dec. of intersection of State Highway 584 with State Highway Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1947 580, 5 feet east of an irrigation ditch, at north edge of swampy area south of wells 198 and 199, west of wells 203 and i21. Near SE cor. SWiSEi seo. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 203 About 1.2 miles northeast of Oldsmar, 0.30 mile southA. and W. Bulb Co. 6.V. Nixon Dec. west of intereeotion of State Highway 55 with State Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1947 Highway 580, south of well 201, north of well 211, east of well 202, about 50 feet south of an irrigation ditch, about 200 feet south of a bulb packing house. SEOSEO see. 15, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 204 Three miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 0.4 mile east of E. E. 3. Developing Frank May June east end of County Road 95, about 0.5 mile north of Co. Tampa, Florida 1946 County Road 38, about 0.25 mile south of St. George Lake, Dade City, Florida on a sand hill, east of well 205. NENWi seao. 17, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. a Water level expressed in feet above the measuring point. 78
PINELLAS COUNTY g MA.SURIN1 POINT VATE LEV.L C4tDE OTNT 350 250 12 -----375 0 3-13-47 Irrigation 250 60 12 ------30 0 3-13-47 Domestic Irrigation 236 53 12 ----58 0 3-20-47 Irrigation 82 --2 -12 0 3-13-47 Domestic 72 -2 -----------55 --2 Top of 2-inch cas13.19 a2.16 7-25-47 30 --3-18-47 -Samples for chloride ing, 1.0 foot above a2.97 11-24-47 25 --5-10-48 determinations taken land surface. a2.27 1-29-48 after well had been al.78 4-19-48 flowing for an al.80 6-24-49 indefinite period. al.2 5-16-51 242 33 8 Top of 8-inch cas7.79 1.52 12-22-47 825 0 12-3047 Irrigation F.G.S. Well W1643. ing, flush with Cuttings from strata land surface. penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. Well was originally drilled to a depth of 140 feet, but was later deepened to a depth of 242 Soet to obtain more water. 140 36 8 Top of 8-inch cas9.34 4.31 12-18-47 1950 3.5 12-18-47 Irrigation F.G.S. Well W1645. ing, flush with 4.12 1-2-48 Cuttings from strata land surface. 4.18 6-22-49 penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. --4 ------Domestic Irrigation 140 41 8 ----500 --12-10-47 Irrigation Samples for chloride 550 --12-10-47 determinations taken 587 --5-7-48 after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 155 24 8 Top of extreme west 2.39 a2.54 1-2-48 1750 -1-2-48 Irrigation Samples for chloride end of 5-inoh pipe 1800 ---7-48 determinations taken which empties into after well had been irrigation ditch. flowing for an indefinite period. 130 33 6 Top of 6-inch cas8.51 2.76 12-8-47 400 --12-3-47 Irrigation ing, flush with 3.03 12-10-47 125 --12-8-47 land surface. 3.27 12*22-47 1775 1 4-19-48 3.20 1-2-46 3.80 1-29-48 3.38 6-22-49 ----12 Top of 12-inch cas56 44.12 7-13-46 12 0 3-13-47 Irrigation ing, 0.8 foot above 45.26 3-13-47 land surface. _____________ --_____ --: * '.*. .9 ..____ .______ _____________
TA D L 1 5. V LL REI 0 0R D (Continued) 205 Two and eight-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor Pasco Packing Co. Frank May aoout 0.1 ille east of east end of County Road 95, 6.5 Dade ity, orida. Tampa, Florida mile north of County Road 30, near a small house, in a shed, near a large tank, west of well 204. Near HE cor. NWiNt seeo. 17, T. 28 8., R. 16 z. 206 About 3.2 miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 1.1 miles west V. Re Thomas Frank May Jan. of County Road 31, 900 feet south of County Road 38 Palm Haroor, Florida Tampa Florida 1946 south of owner's residence, in an orange grove. NVihVt sec. 17, T. 28 8., R. 16 1. 207 Two and five-tenths miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 1.5 David Bilgore Co. Frank May miles east of interseotion of County Road 1 with County Clearwater, Florida Tampa Florida Road 38, 0.3 mile north of Uounty eoad 38, 0,2 mile south of County Road 95, about 1200 feet east of County Road 74 (a dirt road). Near sV ocr. NENHE seco. 18, T. 28 S., R. 16 2. 208 Two and one-tenth miles southeast of Pala Harbor, about Floyd Griesett 1.0 mile east of intersection of County Road 1 with Palm Harbor, Florida County Road 38, 0.3 aile north of County Road 38, northeast of Curlew Church south side of a house. Near NE cor. SVIKWV see. 18, 1. 28 8., R. 16 S. 209 Two and nine-tenths miles southeast of Pala Harbor, 1.8 A. Do Boyd A. 0. Dunlap Mar. miles east of intersection of County Road 1 with County Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 Road 38, about 0.1 mile south 9f Qounty Road 38, south side of owner's residence. NitSEt seo. 18, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 210 About 3.0 miles southeast of Palm Harbor, 1.8 miles east Jessie Boyd A. 0. Dunlap July of intersection of County Road 1 with County Road 38, Palm Harbor, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 0.25 mile south of County Road 38, west side of a dirt road, east side of a house, south of well 209. Nt8SEj eec. 18, T. 28 S., R. 16 s. 21.1 About 1.2 miles northwest of Oldemar. about 0.4 mile southwest of intereeotion of State Highway 584 with Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1947 State Highway 580, south of well 203, east of well 202, about 30 feet south of an irrigation ditch. NEtNt sec.o 22, T. 28 8., R. 16 C. 212 About 0.6 mile west of Oldemar, about 0.4 mile east of Farmer Frank May Feb. a bridge across Moccasin Creek, 400 feet south of State Oldemar, Florida Tampa, Florida 1948 Highway 580, east side of a dirt road, south side of a residence, in a vacant lot, near shore line of Safety Harbor. SiUI sec. 23, T. 28 S., R. 16 I. 212, Oldsmar, west side of Bay View Blvd., between Seaboard Town of Oldsmar 1916 Air Line Railroad and State Highway 584. NHilEi seo. 23, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 21) About 2.0 miles southwest of Oldamar, 0.2 mile west of J. T. Humphries Frank May State Highway 590, 0.2 mile south of State Highway 580, Safety Harbor, Tampa, Florida about 0.2 aile fron a railroad crossing along a dirt Florida road. north side of a house. NWUNVI seo. 27, T. 28 8., R. 16 I. 214 About 2.0 miles southwest of Oldeiar, 0.4 mile west of J. T. Humphries Frank May intersection of State Highway 580 with State Highway Safety Harbor, Tampa, Florida 590, south ide of State Highway 580 at the Tangerine Florida Shop. NENEt seeo. 28, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 215 About 2.3 miles southwest of Oldemar, 0.5 mile west of J. T. Humphries P. Vasbinder intersection of State Highway 580 with State Highway Safety Harbor, Safety Harbor 590, about 300 feet south of State Highway 580, east Florida Florida side of a dirt road, south pide of location for new house. Hear NW cor. NHiN2t seo. 28, T. 28 S., R. 16 2. 216 About 2.2 miles southwest of Oldsar, about 0.35 mile J. T. Humphries Frank May Ma vest of intersection of State Highway 580 with State Safety Harbor, Tapa Florida 1945 Hiwhway 590, 700 feet south of State Highway 580. NE2 Florida NSI sec. 28, T. 28 S., R. 16 ., 217 Two and five-tenths miles north of Safety Harbor, 300 B. 0, Nason A. 0. Dunlap July feet south of State Highway 580, 100 feet west of State Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 Highway 593, east side of owner e residence, in a small pumphouse. SV*iNV sec. 28, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 218 Two and one-tenth miles northwest of Safety Harbor, Boy Scouts of America A. 0. Dunlap Oct. about 1.0 mile north of County Road 50, east side of Dunedin, Florida 1947 Lake owden, at Camp Soule. SV*NI eeoo.32, T. 28 S., R. 16 2. 80
PINELLAB COUNTX SPOINT AT LEVEL HLORE ONTENT 175 76 4 --11 0 3-13-47 Domestic Irrigation 30 4212 --16 0 j-18-47 Irrigation 20 1.5 4-7-48 155 58 10 ----20 0 3-18-47 Irrigation 14 -2 -----Domestic Well consists of a battery of 3 sandpoints, 2 inches in diameter and 14 feet in depth. 140 62 4.5.' ----20 -8-1-47 Domestic 10 72 45 --------Domestic 140 20 8 Top of 8-inch cas7.10 2.43 12-6-47 2523 0 12-5-47 Irrigation ing, flush with 2.45 12-10-47 2575 0 12-6-47 land surface. 2.33 12-22-47 2.23 1-2-48 2.80 4-19-48 66 --2 Top of 2-inch o5.91 1.57 2-10-48 ----Domestic ing, 0.5 foot above 2.20 4-19-48 land surface. 2.15 6-22-49 309 --6--6Public Supply • 72 --3 --48 --3-18-47 Domestic 72 -2 -----20 --3-18-47 Domestic 80 -3 Top of )-inoh cas46.45 36.09 3-18-47 22 0 3-18-47 Domestic ing, 0.8 foot above 35.13 12-8-47 25 0 12-8-47 land surface. 35.84. 1-29-48 36.36 4-19-48 264 4 12------Irrigation 177 65 6 Top of 6-inch cam58.5 46.82 8-5-46 50 --12-9-47 Domestic ing, 0.2 foot above 46.71 8-11-46 land surface. 46.86 9-5-47 171 149 6 Top of 6-inch cas89.9 79.11 10-7-47 20 0 10-3-47 Camp ing, 0.2 foot above land surface. 81
T A I 5. VILL RIO 0 RDS (Continued) 219 One and eight-tenths miles northves of Safety Harbor, David BilgorL Co. Frank Nay 0.55 mile north of County Road 50, 600 feet east of a Clearwater, Florida dirt road leading into Scout Camp. SWist see. 32, T. 28 B., R. 16 t. 220 One and seven-tenths siles northwest of Safety Harbor, C. H. Taylor -1920 700 f«et north of County Road 105, 0.45 mile west of Portsmouth, Ohio state Highway 93, 0.6 mile north of County Road 50, st of well 219. StStit s*o. 32, T. 28 S., R, 16 g. 221 :On and five-tenthe siles northwest of Safety Harbor, J. Couch Ae 0. Dunlap 1946 1.1 miles north of County Road 50, about 0.1 mile eastof Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Florida State Highway 59 (aines Road). SEtNVi soo. 33, T. 28 Florida S.. R. 16i . 222 One and five-tenths miles northwest of Safety Harbor J.. Couoh. A. 0. Dunlap June 1.0 ile normn or County Road 50, 1.25 miles south of Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Florida 1946 State Hghway 580, 150 feet eaet of State Highway 593 Florida Ne Road). ar SW cor. SEINI| sec. 33, T. 28 S., R. 16 3. 223 One and five-tenths miles northwest of Safety Harbor Harold Toth A. 0. Dunlap March 0.9 mile north of County Road 50, 1.35 miles south of. Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Florida 1948 State Highway 580, about 200 feet west of State Highway Florida 593 (Ranes Road). NWSWV s@eo. 33, T. 28 S., R. 16 E. 224 About 0.8 mile northeast of Safety Haroor, 1.7 miles E. L. Hackney A. 0. Dunlap uoqtn or State Highway 580, about 30 feet west of State Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Florida Highway 590, east edge of an orange grove aoross highFlorida way from owner'* residence. NVSt so. , T. 28 S., R. 16 3. 225 About 0.7 mile northeast of Safety Harbor, 1.8 miles C. H. Taylor outh of State Highway 80, about 0.1 mile vest of State Portsmouth, Onio Highway 590, outhwest of ell 224, about 300 feet north of a dirt road, In an orange grove, in a pumphouse In owner's grove 1. NVWSZ soee. 34, T. 28 S., R. 16 i. 226 About 0.7 ileo northeast of Safety Harbor, about 200 Zinser feet southieet of interseotion of Bay Shore Blvd. with Safety Harbor, Grand Central Ave., in a vacant lot. Near 5s cor. SZt Florida s s*eo. 34, .To 28 S., R. 16 I. 227 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Safety Harbor, Pinellas County northeat of Philllppl'se Graveo In Phillippi Park, about Clearwater, Florida 200 feet east of County Road 306 at bottom of a hill. s0 feet west of shore line, 15 fedt northwest of well 228. NVjNVm $so. 35, T. 28 S., R. 16 1. 228 One and five-tenths milee northeast of Safety Harbor, Pinellas County -northeast of Phillippi'e Srave, about 200 feet east of Clearvater, Florida County Road 30, at bottom of a hill, 1$ ftet east of shore line southeast of well 227. ItNWII eo. 33, T. 28 s., R. 46 . 229 About 0.83 le northeast of Safety Harbor, about 300 L. 1. Wilson P. Vasbinder June feet northeast of interseotion of Grand Central Avenue Safety Haroor, Safety Harbor, 1941 with Bay Shore Drive west side of Bay Shore Drive west Florida Florida side of owner's residence. SVtSVt eso. 35, T. 28 S., R. 16 3. 230 About 0.85 mlle northeast of Safety Harbor, about 300 L. 3. Vilson feet northeast of interseotion of Grand Central Avenue Safety Harbor and Bay Shore Blvd. east side of BaY Short Bvd.,5 Florida eot from shore lin , east of well 2Z9. 85V8 seao. 35, T. 28 S., R. 16 3. 231 Two and five-tonthe miles southeast of Dunedin, 0.2 mile Buster Allen A. 0. Dunlap 1946 north of Sunset Point Drive, about 300 feet east of Dunedin, Florida County Road 34. NViNtj seo. 1, T. 29 S., R. 15 3. 232 Two and three-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, 750 T. lamenskey Frank May 1929 feet north of Sunse. Pgint Drive. 500 feet west of Dunedin, Florida Tampa, Florida County Road 34. NgtNVt soo. 1, ,. 29 B., R. 15 S. 233 Two and seven-tenthe siles southeast of Dunedin 0.18 J. B. Johnson A. 0. Dunlap mile east of County Road 34, about 150 feet n of Florida Sunset Point Drive, north side of a shed, NDnEt *oo, 1, T. 29 6, R. 15 3. 234 Two and three-tenthe siles southeast of Dupedin, 0.3 Gifford A. 0. Dunlap March mlle west of intersection of County Road 34 with Sunset Dunedin, Florida 1945 Point Drive, south side of Sunset Point Drive, aoross road froa a fruit packing house. SVtNVt soO. 1, 7T 29 IS, R. 153 . 82
PINELLAS COUNTY SIAB I1 POIHNT &IAT LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT 04 gi E 0 M W I C 380 10 ----1 -Irrigation 270 80 8 ---176* -10-23-44 Irrigation 258 3 10 ----Irrigation 129 69 .5 ---35 --3-18-47 Domestic 130 73 4 -55 --25 0 3-24-48 Domestie 212 36 10 Top of 10-inch ca&23.81 16.96 7-11-47 30 0 7-11-47 Irrigation ig, 0.3 foot above 16.27 1-29-48 lan&d surface. 16.87 4-19-48 15.60 6-22-49 17.30 5-17-51 180 20 6 Top of 6-inh cas21.2 13.93 6-24-46 ----Irrigation Ing, 0.2 foot above 13.90 4-19-48 top of concrete 14.91 6-22-49 pumpnouie floor. 14.72 5-15-51 6 Top of 6-inch cam--11.58 4-24-47 50 o #-24-47 Ing, 0.6 foot above land surface. 8 -20 Top of 20-inch teel .66 :.70 4-20-48 20 0 4-21-48 curbing, 2*0 feet .60 6-22-49 below land surface. 6 Top of 6-inoh oot3.89' '2.10 4-20-48 1175 0 4-21-48 jlkng, 0.2 foot above land surface. 62 30 2-185 -4-24-47 Domestic -----24 --100 --4-24-47 -Sample for chloride determination taken after well ha been flowing for an indefinite period. 306 64 10 ---Irrigation 307 90 10 ---21* --6-4-43 Irrigation 21 0 2-4-47 96 40 4 ----17 --2-4-47 Domestic 126 80 4.----22 --8-1-47 Domestic 83
TA L 5 .VILL RE CO RDS (Continued) 235 Two and five-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin about George Scoyes Frank Min 1941 600 feet vest of Intersection of County Road 34 with Clearvater, Florida Tampa, Florida Sunset Point Drive, about 600 feet south of Sunset Point Drive, in an orange grove. SESNW* seo. 1, T. 29 8., R. 15 S. 236 Throe miles southeast of Dunedin. about 0.3 mile east of T. J. Constantine Frank May intersention of County Road 34 with Sunset Point Drive, Clearvater, lorida Tampa, Florida about 0.3 mile south of Sunset Point Drivq, about 15 feet south of an irrigation ditch. NISEt sea. 1, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 237 Two miles southeast of Dunedin, about 0.6 mile east of eovers erx --1930 intersection of Sunset Point Drive (County Road 32) with Highland Ave., 0.25 mile north of Sunset Point Drive, north side of well 238, north edge of an orange grove. NKtN*t sea. 2, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 238 About 2 miles southeast of Dunedin, 0.6 mile east of inH. H. Constantine Frank May March terseotion of Sunset Point Drive with Highland Ave., Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1945 about 0.2 mile north of Sunset Point Drive, in an orange grove, south of well 237, 300 feet north of a pond. SEt NEt sec. 2, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 239 One and eight-tenthe miles southeast of Dunedin, 0.3 H. H. Constantine mile east of intersection of Sunset Point Drive with Clearwater, Florida Highland Ave., about 0.2 mile north of Sunset Point Drive in a pumphouse, in an orange grove. Near NW cor. WtNE sec. 2, T. 29 S., R. 15 S. 240o One and eight-tenths miles southeast of Dunedin, about Nevers Yerxa 1932 300 feet east of intersection of Sunset Point Drive with Highland Ave. about 500 feet north of Sunset Point Drive. SEiJNV sec. 2, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 2141 One qnd two-tenths miles south of Dunedin, 0.45 mile D. E. Wiloox P. Vasbinder 1945 east of U. S. Highway 19, 0.4 mile north of Sunset Point Clearvater, Florida Safety Harbor, Drive, at 1222 Idlevild Drive. NWiNKt seo. 3, T. 29 8., Florida R. 15 E. 2142 One and three-tenths miles south of Dunedin, at 1261 A. H. Patterson Frank May Idlewild Drive. NVtNKE soe. 3, T. 29 S., R. 15 S. Clearvater, Florida Tampa, Florida 243 One and five-tenths miales south of Dunedin, 100 feet City of Clearwater north of Sunset Point Drive, 50 feet vest of Douglas Ave. Near SE cor. SEINWt sec. 3, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 2144 One and eight-tenths miles northeast of Clearvater, 0.35 H. F. Heye Frank Ma mile vest of Highland Ave., 1100 feet south of Sunset Clearvater, Florida Tampa, Forida Point Drive, in an orange grove, 400 feet vest of a dirt road. Near SE cor. NSJSEt sec. 3, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 2 45 Clearwater, 200 feet north of Fairmont St. 10 feet vest Sunburst Apartments Albert Ginn 1906 of Myrtle Ave,, east side of Sunburst Apartments. Near Clearwater, Florida Clearwater, Florida NZ cor. NEINEi sec. 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 2146 Clearwater, 250 feet south of Marsnall St., 30 feet east City of Clearwater !of (arden Ave. SSNEJ sea,. 9, T. 29 S., R. 153 E 247 Clearvater, vest end of Seminole Street, at Seminole City of Cl0earater Street Pier, east of Clearvater Harbor. NHSE* seo. 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 3. 248 Clearvater, vest end of Seminole Street, At Seminole City of Clearwater Street Pier, east of Clearwater Harbor, NVWSEt see. 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 249 Clearwater, vest end of Seminole Street, at Seminole City of Clearvater Street Pier, east of Clearwater Harbor. NWSE31 sec. T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 84
PINELLABS COUNT URINC POINT WATER LEVEL CHLORIDEB CONTET 283 --10 --21 --6-4-43 Irrigation 25 0 4-11-47 12 Top of 12-inch cas57.49 43.53 7-16-47 35 0 7-16-47 Irrigation ing, 0.5 foot above 42.35 10-17-47 land surface. 995 --------Oil Test F.G.S. Well W1668. Cuttings from strata penetrated between 220 feet and 995 feet on file with Florida GeologicaL Survey. 300 94 12 --210 6-4-43 Irrigation S---------Irrigation 34----Oil Test F.G.8. Well W221. Cores on file with Florida Geological Survey. 13 -2------20 -6-20-47 Domestic 12 -3 -----25 -6-20-47 Domestic 12 Top of concrete pump 27.40 19.89 8-6-46 ------Unused Well never used base, 1.0 foot above Public owing to high land surface. Supply salinity. 10 ---27* --5-28-43 Irrigation 26 0 4-11-47 26 --2 Top of 3-inch c21.04 ----Unused ing, 1 .4 feet above Domestic land surface. --10 Top of 10-inh ca32.27 24.94 9-4-45 20 0 3-26-47 Unused PubWell never used ing, 1,0 foot above 25.23 10-22-45 lie Supply owing to high turland surfaces 25.40 1-12-48 bidity of water. 25.26 1-29-48 Automatic water25,75 4-19-48 level recorder in25.59 5-14-51 stalled 2-25-46. 250 30 8 ----------Destroyed Well was abandoned Public owing to high ealinSupply ity and is cemented over. 270 30 8 --------Destroyed Well was abandoned Public owing to high salinSupply ity and is cemented over. 204 -8 ------Destroyed Well is abandoned Public and cemented over. Supply Water analysis given in U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-0, p 224, analysis 314. -85
TA BLE 5. W LL REC ORD D (Continued) 2 0 250 Clsearter, at intersection of Drew St. and Atlantic City of Clearwater Coast Line Railroad, behind Fire Station. Near BE cor. SWEt see. 9, T. 29 3., R. 15 E. 251 Cloeorwater, north side of Drew St., east of Atlantic Atlantic Ice Co. A. 0. Dunlap Coait Line Railroad. SEjSEt sec. 9, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. Clearvater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 252 Clearvater, on a golf course, at intersection of Betty City of Clearwater Southern Drilling may Lane and Seaboard Air Line Railroad, in a pumphouse. NEJ Corporation. 1936 see. 10, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. City well 14. 253 Clearwater, 20 feet northwest of intersection of Highland City of Clearwater A. 0. Dunlap June Ave. with Rosemere Road. NWISWI seo. 11, T. 29 5., R. Dunedin, Florida 1946 15 I. 254 Two and eight-tenths miles northeast of Clearwater, 0.65 C. Walker A. 0. Dunlap June mile north of Drew St., 300 feet east of Grand Ave. SVj Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 MNI sec. 12, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 255 Clearwater, 1200 feet east of Duncan Ave., 600 feet A. and W. Bulb Co. A. 0. Dunlap Nov. south of Drew St., east of well 261, vest of weil 256. Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 NWtMNW see. 13, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. Ovner's well 4. 256 Clervwater, about 0.6 mile east of Duncan Ave., 600 feet A. and V. Bulb Co. A. 0. Dunlap July south of Drew St., about 1100 feet east of veil 255. Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 XNIW sec. 13, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 257 Cletarwater, about 0.7 mile east of Duncan Ave., 600 feet A. and W. Bulb Co. A. 0. Dunlap Aug. north of Gulf to Bay Blvd. SEMNV* sec. 13, T. 29 S., Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1943 R. 15 E. Owner's well 2. 258 Three males east of Clearwvter, 700 feet vest of Belcher H. H. Constantine Frank May Road, about 400 feet north of Gulf to Bay Blvd., north of Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida buo packing house. SE*NEi sec. 13, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 259 Two and nine-tenths miles southeast of Clearwater, 0.25 F. L. Hendrix A. 0. Dunlap April milwest of Belcher Road, about 400 feet south of Druid Clearvater, Florida Dunedin, Fla. 1945 Road, In an orRnge grove. NW1SE* see. 13, T. 29 8., R. 15 S. ..50 Two and three-tenths miles southeast of Clearvater, 0.2 F. L. Hendrix A. 0. Dunlap Dec. mile south of Druid Road, about 300 feet east of Keene Clearvwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 Road, north of owner's residence. SWtSVW sec. 13, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. Owner's well 2. 261 Clear-water, about 0.3 mile east of Duncan St., 30 feet A. and W. Bulb Co, A. 0. Dunlap June south of Drew St., west of vell 255, in a pumphouse. Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 INEN see. 1l, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. Owner's well 3. 262 Clearwater, north side of Harvard St., 200 feet east of Henry Blanton A. 0. Dunlap Lake Ave., at 1612 Harvard St. Near SW cor. NViNEO sec. Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 14, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 263 Clearvater, south side of Cleveland St., 250 feet east City of Clearwater Milton R. Vaughn 1934 of Glenvood Ave., in a pumphouse. NE)?NV seo. 14, T.Tampa, Florida 29 S., R. 15 E. City well 16. 264 Cleatrwater, 100 feet north of Cleveland St., 100 feet City of Clearwater -1933 west of San Reso Ave., at 1434 Cleveland St. V*JNVi sec. 14, T. 29 S., R. 15 3. 265 Clearvater, about 700 feet east of Duncan Ave., about A. and V. Bulb Co. A. 0. Dunlap 1944 700 feet north of Gulf to Bay Blvd. SENEt sec. 14, T. Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 29 S., R. 15 3. Owner's well 1. 266 Clearwater, northwest corner of intersection of Gulf to City of Clear-ater A. 0. Dunlap 1940 Bay Blvd. and Lake Ave. SWINVW see. 14, T. 29 S., R. Dunedin, Florida 15 E. City well 19. 267 ClefArvater, northeast corner of intersection of Oulf to City of Cleaiwater -193 Bay Blvd. and Glenwood Ave. SWINWi seo. 14, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. City well 18. 86
PINELLAS COUNTI S MEASURING POINT WATER LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT 19o---Destroyed Well is abandoned. Public Water analysis given Supply. in U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-0, p. 224, analysis 312. 95 -4 ---51 -4-11-47 Ice Manuifacture. 206 44 10 -22 0 4-1-47 Irrigation 157 65 10 Top of 10-inch ca-48.45 ----Public ing, .oot above Supply land surface. 20 87 6 Top of 6inch ca-53.52 -20 0 2-4-47 Domestic land surface. 303 91 10 ---60 -3-27-47 Irrigation 62 3 5-19-48 301 85 10 --35 -4-14-47 Irrigation 37 o 5-19-48 303 86 10 --25 -4-14-47 Irrigation 25 3 5-19-48 306 -12 ---25 0 9-11-47 Irrigation 295 74 8 -----Irrigation 277 107 ------20 0 2-18-47 Irrigation 300 94 10 ----21 0 4-14-47 Irrigation 20 3 5-19-48 291 82 10 --------Unueed well was formerly a Public Clearwater supply Supply well. Now abandoned and plugged. 135 57 ---25 --1-27-47 Public 25 --4-21-48 Supply 125 60 10 Top of 10-inch cas59.04 49.88 1-2-48 50 0 5-17-48 Unused ell was formerly a ng, 0.78 foot below 50.76 1-12-48 Public Clearwater supply 2top of concrete pup 50.35 1-29-48 Supply well. Abandoned bae, about 0.5 foot 4 623. oing to high turbidabove land surface. 5.4 5--51 ity and hydrogen sulphide content. 278 9 1 --68 -30* -6-30-43 Irrigation 22 --4-14-47 17 0 5-19-48 215 -120 -49 --1-27-47 Public Supply 183 88 10 -----16 -t-29-4l Public Chloride information 34 -6-4-43 Supply for 8-20-41 obtained 32 --1-27-47 from files of Clear50 --4-21-48 water Gas and Water Dept. * Chloride anaiysis yupplied by Agricultural Iwperiment Station, Lake Alfred, pgoridd.
SA B I 5. WV LL RE 0 0 R D (Continued) zbQ Clearwater. southwest of interseotion of Highland Ave. Clearvater Jersy A. 0. Dunlap April SDrid Road., vest side of a dairy. Near NW cor. Dairy Dunedin, Florida 1948 SWVte seo. 14, T. 29 8., R. 135 .Olearvater, Florida 269 Clearwater, 200 feet north of Cleveland St., between City of Clearvater Lady Mary Dr. pnd Ivergreen Ave. 10 feet east of Stevenon Creek. NtNE so. 15, T. 29 8., R. 15 B. City eil 12. 270 Clearwater, 200 feet south of Cleveland St., between City of Clearvater oKifsoi Ave, and Jefferson Ave.. east of well 271. VnWt seo. 15, T. 29 8., R. 15 i. City well 13. 271 Clearwater, 200 feet south of Cleveland St., between City of Clearwater iltn R. Vaughn Xivouri Ave. and Jefferson Ave., vest of well 270. NVW Tampa, Fla. Nst aeo. 15, T. 29 8., R. 15 K. City well 11, 272 Clearwater, between Laura St. and Grove St., 75 feet east City of Clearwater of Cast Ave., in pumphouse east of a water tank, north of well 273. NtiNEi seo. 16, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. City well 7. 273 Clearwater, south side of Drew St., between Myrtle Ave. City of Clearwater and Seaboard Air Line Railroad, 100 feet south of a water tank 100 feet south of well 272. NliNSi seo. 16, T. 29 S., A. 15 E. City well 8. 274 Clearwater, east side of Garden Ave., south side of Drew Florida Power Corp. Wi. Taylor. 1900 St. Near NW cor. NONE* sec. 16, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 275 Claervater, east side of Garden St., south side of Drew Florida Power Corp. T. J. Zimmerman 190 St. Near NV cor. NECNEI seo. 16, T. 29 S., R. 15 S. Ozona, Florida 276 Clearwater, 200 feet south of Court St., 60 feet west 0. C. Henery A. 0. Dunlap Au of Myrtle Ave., south side of plant, in a pumphouse. Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Forida 19 S IN2 seo. 16, T. 29 S., R. 15 I. 277 Cloarvater, vest end of Turner Ave., near Clearwater Col. Scott'setate John Philpot 1898 Harbor, north side of Turner Ave. NEiAts sec. 16, T. 29 ., R. 153 . 1278 Clearvater, northwest corner of interseotion of Jefford City of Clearwater A. 0. Dunlap April t. And Prospect Ave. S8iSEi seo. 16, T. 29 S., R. 15 Dunedin, Florida 1944 City well 21. 1279 Clearwater, 700 feet east of Fort Harrison Ave., at the Bellview Hotel Co. eat end of D. St., under a water tank. SEiNKE sec. 21, Clearwater, Florida T. 29 S., R. 15 1. 280 Clearwater, southeast corner of Lakeview Rd. and Madison City of Clearwater A. 0. Dunlap April St., in a pumphouse. SEtNVW* so. 22, T. 29 8., R. 15 3. Dunedin, Florida 1945 City well 22. 281 Two and two-tenths miles southeast of Clearwer, about Bergeson 0.3 mile south of interseotion of Druid Rd. with Keene Clearwator, Florida Rd., west side of Keene Rd., near owner's residence. Near NX cor. NEiNt s@eo. 23, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 282 Two and three-tenths miles southeast of Clearwater, 0.7 I. C. Nelson A. 0. Dunlap 1940 aile south of Lakeview Rd., 0.15 mile east of Highland Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida Ave., north side of a hard surface road north side of owner's residence. 8SijV8 seo. 23, T. 19 S., R. 15 E. 283 Two and three-tenths siles southeast of Clearwater, 0.25 F. L. Hendrix. A. E. Mountain 1937 mile south of Druid Rd., about 300 feet east of Keene Clearwater, Florida Palm Haroor, Rd east of a small pond. Near NW cor. NVtNVi sec. 24, Florida T 9 S., R. 15 S.
PINELLAS COUN T Y SURIN P CHLORDPOINT ONTENT 188 4 6 Top of 6-inch cou6272 53.72 4-19-48 ------Stock F.G.S. Well W1745. pling, 0.3 foot Cuttings from strata above land surface* penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 5 -23-7 5 0 5-17-48 Unused Well was abandoned ng 0.5 foot above 6 8-21-47' Public in 1935. lan& surface, 6.80 10-17-47 Supply ' 10.00 4-19-48 11.55 5-14-51 195 80 10 -----23 --1-27-47 Public 50 --4-21-48 Supply 195 --10 ---20 --4-1-47 Public Supply 165 -10 Top of tin rim, 29.62 25.03 9-4-45 15 0 5-17-48 Unued Water analysis is about 1.0 foot above 26. 4 -18-46 Public given in U. S. cement floor. 26.1 11-8-46 Supply Geological Survey 27.21 4-23-47 Water-Supply Paper 26.84 12-30-47 596-0, p. 224, 26.41 8-25-48 analysis 313. Au27.38 4-19-48 tomatic water-level recorder installed 10-24-45. Recorder was removed 5-l1-49. ------147 0 4-1-47 Public Well is stand-by well Supply for City supply. .2 36 4 -----Well has been filled and covered by concrete floor. 80 36 6 ------Well has been filled and covered by concrete floor. 180 42 8 ---60 --8-7-47 Refrigeration 125 125 4 -------Well is filled and covered over. Well is listed in U. 8. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 319, p. 322. 296 73 10 ---25 --4-21-48 Public F.G.S. Well W953. 1upply 146 70 12 -----25 -3-27-47 iotel Water analysis given in U. S. (bologioal Survey Water-Suplty Paper 596-G, p. 224, analysis 310. 285 76 10 ---30 --1-24-47 Public 40 --4-21-48 Supply 123 --4 ----25 --5-1-47 Domestic 336 0 10 ------48* 10 5-28-43 Domestic 272 --4-11-47 Irrigation 168 -------17 --2-14-47 Domestic 15 -5-10-48 89
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TA L1 5. WILL R O0 0 RD S (Continued) 284 Two and six-tenths miles southeast of Clearwater, about Ernest E. Whitacre A. O0 Dunlap Oct. 0.6 mile south of Druid Rd., 900 feet east of Keene Rd., Clearvater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1943 In an orange grove. SWtNVt sec. 24, T. 29 5., R. 13 Z. |285 Two and nine-tenths miles northeast of Largo, about 1.0 Edward R. Watson A. 0. Dunlap July aile south of Druid Rd., 0.65 1ile east of Keene Rd., Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 outh side of owner's residence. .SWtSEj seo. 24, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 286 Two and eight-tenths umile northeast of Largo, 0.9 mile H. 8. Beokett A. 0. Dunlap Dec. north of State Highway 686, about 200 feet west of Clearvater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 Belcher Road (County Road 27). NHISEi sec. 25, T. 29 S.. R. 15 E. 287 Two and one-tenth miles northeast of Largo, about 1.4 J. 8. Taylor miles o'utn of Druid Rd., about 0.15 mile west of Keene Largo, Florida Rd., north of well 288. NKINEt sec. 26, T. 29 S., R. 15 5. 288 Two miles nortneast of Largo, 1,5 miles south of Druid ..j. s. Taylor A. 0. Dunlap 1934 Rd., about 600 feet vest of Keene Rd., near owner's Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida residence, south of well 287, north of well 289. N1ENE1 sec. 26, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 209 Abiut 2.0 miles northeast of Largo 1.#5 miles south of J. 8. Taylor A. 0. Dunlap Nov. Druid Rd., 200 feet west of Keene Rd., 50 feet north of Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1943 pond. SE*NE* see; 26, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 290 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 1.2 miles Jack Strickland A. 0. Dunlap Oct. north of State Highway 686, 300 feet west of Highland Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 Ave. (County Road 111), west side of owner's residence. NVNt sec. 26, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 291 One and six-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 1.2 miles W. T. Woods A. 0. Dunlap April north of St.Re Hignway 686, aoout 200 feet west of Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1948 County Roa4 1 0, west side of owner's residence. Near NZ cor. SEtNW see. 26, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 292 One and seven-tenths miles northeast of Larro about 1.1 Charles B. McMullen Tobin Madeon 1937 mIles north of State Highway 686, about 0.2 mile east of Largo, Florida Largo, Florida County Road 110. SV*NEt sec. 26, T. 29 8., R. 13 E. 293 One and four-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 0.6 mile T. Tucker A. 0. Dunlap Dec. south of County Road 116, 300 feet west of County Road Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 110 (Ycullen Road), 20 feet west of a residence. NE SV ec. 26, T. 29 8., R. 19 E. 294 One and three-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 0.7 mile L. H. Anderson Porter Zimmerman April north of State Highway 686, about 100 feet west of Largo, Florida Ozona, Florida 1940 County Road 110. SiSWj seeo. 26, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 295 One and three-tenths miles northeast of Largo, about 0.7 William Leavell Porter Zimmerman April aile north of State Highway 686 about 100 feet west of Largo, Florida Ozona, Florida 1946 County Road 110. SJSWJ seeo. 24, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 296 One and seven-tenths miles north of Largo, 200 feet east J. 0. Apgar A. 0. Dunlap 1934 of U. S. Highway 19, 50' feet south of Wyatt St., at 709 Bellnont, Florida Dunedin, Florida Wyatt St. SVWNV seeo. 27, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 297 About 1.0 mile no-rth of Largo, 0.95 mile north of State Markley Hignway 686, 0.2 alls east of County Road 25 in an Largo, Florida orange grove, in a pond, east of well 298. SVtNhE seo. 27, T. 20 S., R. 15 E. 298 About 0.9 aile north of Largo, 0.9 mile north of State Narkley A. 0. Dunlap Sept. Highway 686, 660 feet north of County Road 24, 50 feet Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1943 eat 9f extension of County Road 25, in an orange grove. NW8t see. 27, T. 29 8., R. 15 E. 299 About 0.9 mile northeast of Largo, 0.75 mile north of C. F. Emillng A. 0. Dunlap Dec. State Highway 686, 0.25 mile east of County Road 25, Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 100 feet northeast of east end of Rosery Road. Near SW cor. NSt ec. 27, T. 29 S., R. 13 E. 300 About 2.0 miles north of Largo, 0.18 mile north of Wyatt Thomase Dairy T. J. Zimmerman 1905 , about 300 feet west of U/ 8 Highway 19. NEtNgt Ozona, Florida e. 28, T. 29 S., R. 15 ./ 90
PAGE 101
PINELLAB COUNT! ..MEASR~IN POIUT WATEI LEVEL CRLO IDE CONTANT A 273 65 10 ----27 0 1-31-47 Irrigation 102 67 4.5 -----20 --2-24-48 Domestic 114 61 6 Top of 6-inch cou6.48 a2.05 2-19-48 20 --9-11-47 Domestic pling, 0.4 foot al.37? 4-19-48 above land surface. a2.16 6-24-49 aO.5 5-15-51 --10 -----20 -3-28-47 Domestic Irrigation 330 100 6 ------22 -3-28-47 Domestic 240 104 --------25 0 1-3-47 106 75 4 Top of 4-inch ca:51.7 42.09 10-21-47 20 0 10-21-47 Domestic F.G.S. Well W1617. ing, 0.5 foot above Cuttings from strata land surface, penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 137 93 4 Top of 4-inch cou39.11 32.10 4-27-48 ---Domestic F.G.S. Well W174. pling, 0.3 foot above Irrigation Cuttings from strata land surface. penetrated on file with Fla4da Geological Survey. 15 15 L.25 -------Domestic Well is in larger dug well. 120 89 4 Top of 4-inch cou37.99 28.85 12-19-47 50 0 12-19-47 Domestic F.G.S. Well W1647. pling, 0.5 foot 29.23 1-12-48 Cuttings fron strata above land surface. 29.06 1-29-48 penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 120 -2 --20 -9-25-47 Domestic 55 --2 ----25 --9-25-47 Domestic 87 -------21 -2-14-47 Domestic S ----------Drainage Well is apparently plugged as it does not drain pond in which it is located. 255 96 10 -----25 0 1-24-47 --275 50 10 --------59 o 4-11-47 Domestic Irrigation 135 50 6 --------Well reported to be filled and buried. Well is listed in U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 319, p. 322. 91
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T A L 5. WILL RECORD (Continued) 301 About 1.8 ailes north of Largo, 200 feet wvet of U. 8. Newton Brown Highway 19, 50 feet north of Wyatt St. 85iNci soo. 28, Belleair, Florida T. 29 s., R. 15 K. 302 One and four-tenths ales north of Largo, 0.3 mile west Town of Belleair Phillip Morrill 1926 of U. S. Highway 19, about 500 feet south of Wyatt St., Valrico, Florida west side of Seaboard Air Line Railroad. SWt8NK seo. 28, T. 29 S., R. 15 1. 303 About 1.15 miles northwest of Largo, 0.15 mile north of Belleair Estate County Road 129, 1500 feet west of Seaboard Air Line Clearwater, Florida Railroad. SeISVh sec. 28, T. 29 S., R. 15 1. 3014 Two miles west of Largo, 0.35 mile west of County Road R. A. Trapeen 1910 51 600 feet north of County Road 53, in a pumphouse. Nashville, Tenn. SIt N sec. 32, T. 29 S., R. 15 3. 305 Two and one-tenth miales southwest of Largo, 600 feet west T. H. Leafy of County Road 4, about 500 feet north of intersection Largo, Florida of County Road 4 with Taylor Ave. SiSWj seo. 32, T. 29 S., A. 15 I. 306 About 0.5 mile west of Largo, about 0.12 mile north of A. White County Road 4, 300 feet vest of U.' 8. Highway 19. 8E5 Tampa, Florida H2l see. 33, T. 29 8., R. 15 ,. 306A About 1.9 miles southweea of Largo, about 600 feet east G. Trotter A. 0. Dunlap April of County Road 4, about 600 feet nortn of Taylor Ave., Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 In a grove. SViSE seoo. 32,, T. 29 8., R. 15 X. 307 One and two-tenths miles west of Largo, about 0.8 aile David Bilgore Co. west of U. 8. Highway 19, about 600 feet south of County Road 4, 50 feet south of a creek, in an orange grove, in a pumphouse, 7 feet below land surface. NVi See. 33, T. 29 8., R. 15 e. 308 About 1.4 miles soutnwest of Largo, about 0.83 mile west P. H. Fuller of County Road 20, 0.1 mile north of Taylor Ave., 0.1 Largo, Florida mlle west of a dirt road, northwest of owner's residence. SWe seo. 33, T. 29 8., R. 15 1. 309 One and three-tenths miales southwest of Largo. 0.8 mile P. H. Fuller Frank May Sept. west of County Road 20, 300 feet north of Taylor Ave., Largo, Florida Tampa, Florida 1945 near owner's residence. SVSVt eeoo. 33, T. 29 S., R. 310 About 0.45 mile nortnwest of Largo, 0.15 mile north of Frank Haasl State Highway 686, at 672 Clearwater Rd. Near SW coar. Clearwater, Florida NVJNWJ see. 34, T. 29 S., R. 15 X 311 Largo, nor;nvest corner of intersection of-First St., Town of Largo -1930 N. V. with Woodrow Ave., 200 feet north of well 312. NZINVI see. 34, T. 29 8., R. 15 B. City well 2. 312 Largo, eoutnvest corner of intersection of First St., Town of Largo 1930 e. V. with Voodrov Ave., 200 feet south of well 311. NU*Nw see. 314, T. 29 8., R. 15 I. City well 1. 313 Largo, east side of Third St., sI. W., south side of WoodTown of Litrgo row Ave., west of well 312. NItUWt sec. 34, T. 29 8., 5314 Largo, 0.1 nile nortn of State Highway 686, 100 feet H. D. Hudion H D. Hudson 1944 *ast of U. 8. Highway 19, at 252 Olearwater Rd. 8VINvI Largo, Florida Largo, Florida s. 34, T. 29 S., R. 15 B. 315 Largo, 0.25 mile east of intersection of U. 8. Highway Town of Largo A. 0. Dunlap De 9 ith State Hignway 6t6, nortn side of State Highway 686, north side of City Auditorium, in a pumphouse. 8Vn Ni seo. 34, T. 29 s., R. 15 B. 316 LargO, about '400 feet south of interseotion of U. 8. Lewis Johinon T. J. Zimmerman 1911 Highway 19 with State Highway 686, south sedo of a stone Largo, Florida Oiona, Florida building, south of a railroad station. NltSWj seo. 34, T. 29 8., R. 15 S. 317 One and four-tenths alles northeast of Largo, 0.55 mile Pyatt A. 0. Dunlap Oct. ior7h of State Highway 686, about 100 fot yest of State Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 Hghway 695, near owner's residence. WitNft seo. 35, T. 29 , Ra. 15 . 92
PAGE 103
PINI LLAB COUNTY anfl I .. S -iVEL CLHE01 T U.DL NT.T. A 0 18 --1.2 Top of 1.2-inch -8.22 4-22-46 -.stock asging 2.6 feet 7.48 4-17-47 above land surface. 310 6 8 ----30 --2-14-47 Public Supply ---------Drainage Well is reported to bb plugged. 286 --6 --583 10 10-5-44 Irrigation --4 ---30 0 1-24-47 Domestic --.-"-27 0 4-16-47 Irrigation 257 88 10 --52 0 4-15-47 Irrigation ------.---Irrigation 4 ----17 0 4-16-47 Domestic -to Irrigation 3 218 95 10 ----20 --2-10-47 Domestic Irrigation 22 --L.25 Ba of pitcher --6.02 4-22-46 ----. --pump, 3.0 feet above land surface. 174 ----25 0 1-31-47 Irrigation 17 0 5-13-48 74 -10 ------104 --1-31-47 Public 75 --5-13-48 supply 30 -16 --300 0 1-31-47 Irrigation 7 -1.2 Top of 2-inch elbo, -3.60 -27 0 4-15-47 Irrigation Well consists of 1.10 feet above battery of 3 sand land surface, points, 1.25 inches in diameter, 7 feet in depth, and spaced at four feet. 67 130 0 ---30 --1-31-47 Public 37 --5-13-48 Supply 00 -----------Well is plugged and buried. 27 101 4 Top of 4-inh c--11.46 10-24-47 ---Domestic F.G.S. Well w1622. Ing, 0.6 toot above Cuttings from strata land surface, penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey.
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T A 9 L I 5. WELL REC ORDS (Continued) 31 One and four-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 0.25 mile Dr. R. L. McMullen Frank May June north of State Highway 686, about 0.1 mile east of Largo, Florida Tampa, Florida 1944 State Hliwhway 695 (Kenne Rd.), 50 feet east of 9wnrl9' residence, In an orange grove. Near NE cor. SWiNEt seo. 35, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 319 One 'nd rofor-tnnths nmles northeast of Largo, 0.25 mile Dr. R. L. McMullen A. 0. Dunlap 1926 north of State Highway 686, about 0.1 mile east of Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida State Hlzhv!ay 695 (Keene Rd.), 'est of well 318. Near NE cor. SWV'NE: sec. 35, T. 29 S., R. 15 . 320 About 1.1 miles east of Larg, 0.2 mile west of interJack E. Prestley Jack Clyatt Sept. section of Stite Hlgrhay 695 iKeene Rd.) with State HighLargo, Florida Ozona, Florida 1947 way 686, about 100 fe-t north of State Highway 686. SU" NIV see. 35, T. 21 S., R. 15 E. 321 About 0.0 mile east of Largo, 0.4 mile vest of InterDonigan's Dairy Perkins section of State Higanvy 695 (Keene Rd.) with State Largo, Florida Hithray 686, 301 feet south of State Highway 686, north of **ell 3.', In a pasture. IIWISWV sec. 35, T. 29 S., R. 15 3. 322 About 0.9 mile cast of Largo, 0.35 mile wesat of interDonigan's Dairy -section of Stite Highway 695 (Keene Rd.) with State Largo, Florida Highway 686, about 1500 feet soutn of State Highway 686, about 1000 feet south of well J21, In a pasture. NWi SWV sec. 35, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 323 About 2.0 miles east of Largo, 0.7 mile east of interV. A. McMullen section of State Hilw~ y 695 (Keene Rd.) with State Largo, Florida Hi.-hvny 686, 0.3 mile north of State Highway 686. Near SW cor. NEINV asec. 36, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 324 Two and seven-tanths miles northeast of Largo, 1.0 mile Hagan A. 0. Dunlap Mar. west of Intersection of State Hi.way 693 with State Dunedin, Florida 1945 Hiahway 686, 0.4 mile north of State Highway 686, 100 feet went of Belcher M. HNEiNjt see. 36, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 325 Two and two-tenths miles east of Largo, 0.9 mile east of James Michlelsor James Michelson 1939 intereection of St to Hlih'ay 695 (leene Rd.) with State Largo, Florida Largo, Florida Hirhiay 686, south side of State Highway 686, south side of ovner'es residence. Near NW cor. N'WViE see. 36, T. 29 S., R. 15 E. 326 Safety Harbor, 600 feet west of N. llth Ave., 200 feet Town of Safety Harbor Frank May 1936 north of Main St. SEINEj sec. 4, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. Tampa, Florida 326A Safety Harbor, about 600 feet west of N. llth Ave., Town of Safety Harbor Frank May 1936 about 200 feet north of Main St., 25 feet west of vell Tampa, Florida 326. SEiNEi esec. 4, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 327 Sefety HArror, one block south of Main St., southeast Town of Safety Harbor -of Intersection of Iron Age St. with Second Ave., east of Tennis an' Shuiffleboard Courts, lbout 300 feet west of County Ro4 30. Nlear NE cor. NESSWV see. 3, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 328 One -nd two-tenthe miles northwest of Safety Harbor, 0.3 Guy MoMullen --a mile north of County RoAd 50, about 100 feet west of State Hl..himy 590 (Haines Rd.), at owner's residence. WINV{ sec. 4, T. 29 S., R. 16 Z. 329 One and three-tenths miles southwest of Safety Harbor, R. B. Swearington -0,26 mile north of State Highway 590, about 0.1 mile wvet of St-te Hian.vay 593 (Ealrne Rd.). Near SE cor. NWSWV see. 4, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 330 One andl five-tenths miles vest of Safety Harbor, 0.35 Allen McMullen P. Vasbinder Feb. mile ' et of intersection of State Highway 593 (Haines Safety Harbor, Safety Harbor, 1948 Rd.) with County Road 50, about 250 feet south of County Florida Florida Road 50. Near NE cor. NEJSEJ sec. 5, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 331 One and five-tenths miles vest of Safety Harbor 0.4 Waller and Mitchel Frank May June mile went of State Hi~-wnay 593 (Haines Rd.), 0.2 mile Tampa, Florida 1944 south of County Road 50. Near SE cor. NE*SEI sec. 5, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 332 Seven-tenths mile northeast of Coachman, 0.1 mile east J. C. Weaver A. O. Dunlap -of intersection of new State Highway 55 with State Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Florida Highway 590, north side of State Highway 590. Near SE Florida cor. SVISVj see. 5, T. 29 S., R. 16 1. a Vater level expressed in feet above the meaeuring point. 94
PAGE 105
PINXLLAS COTUNT MEA9URINO POINT .WATER LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT 228 114 10 .. -----Irrigation 118 -3 ------20 --3-26-47 Domestio to 2 12 100 3 Top of 3-nch cou-3.64 9-9-47 25 0 9-9-47 Domestic pling, 0.4 foot above land surface. 6 Top of 6-inch cas7.47 al.O0 7-25-4? 55 --1-31-47 Stock Samples fcr chlorid ing, flush with al.5 9-1147 50 --5-5-48 determina taken land surface a0.95 1-12 48 after well ad been &0.60 1-16-48 ewe r ;1:60 1-16-48 flowing for an inal.03 1-29-48 definite period. a0.80 4-19-48 90 --4 Top of pipe, about 8.17 0.10 1-16-48 85 --1-31-47 Stock deteSml on alo 3.0 feet above aO.30 6-24-49 80 -5-15-51 after well had been land surface. 1.17 5-15-51 flowing for definite period. 111 --2 ----40 -1-31-47 Domestic 46 --L2 Top of 1.25-inch -5.56 4-8-48 100 --7-o10-47 Domestic casing, 2.4 feet 5.00 6-24-49 above land surface. 286 98 8 ------40 --4-24-4? Public Supply 28 60 4 -------Public Stand-by well for Supply city supl:,y, .8 ... ---------Well is plued. -----40 --4-28-47 Domestic 90 63 2 Top of 2-inch cas45.76 32.80 2-10-48 ----Domestic ing, 1.1 feet above 33.48 4-19-48 land surface. 218 90 10 --Irrigation 220 64 ... ... --21* --28-43 Irrigation 95
PAGE 106
TA BL 5. VILL R 0 0 R D 8 (Continued) 333 About 1.5 miles northeast of 0oachmea 0.4 ile vest of 1. V. McMullen Estate Intersection of State Highway 59) (Baines Rd.) with Clearwater, Florida State Highway 590, 300 feet north of State Highway 590. Sltz t seeo. 5, T. 29 S., fR. 1 6 3. 334 One and one-tenth miles north of Coaohman, 0.4 mile east Tosburg of intersection of County Road 106 with County Road 32, about 600 feet north of County Road 106, north of a residenee. SWVNIt $so. 6, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 335 Four-tenths mile northwest of Coaohman, 0.5 mile south Coaohman faoking Co. Frank May May of County Road 106. about 300 feet east of County Road Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1945 32, in a grove. StSVt seo. 6, T. 29 S., R. 16 I. 336 About 600 feet northwest of a pcoking house at CoachCoaohman Packing Co. Frank May 1935 Man. in a grove, in a sink. NVtNEt seo. 7, T. 29 8., Clearvater, Florida Tampa, Florida R. 16 3. 337 About 0.28 mile northeast of Coachman, about 600 feet * Coaohman Packing Co. Frank May June northwest of State HRgnway 590, 50 feet north of a Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1946 small residenoe. iNtNIZ seo. 7, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 338 About 400 feet northwest of intereeotion of State HighCoaohaan Packing Co. Frank May way.390 with County Road 32, at Coaohman, northeast 1leanrater, Fla. Tampa, Florida side of County Road 32, across road froma a oking house, 5 feeoot vest of well 339. Near Se oor. Nitt soo. 7, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 339 Coachman, about 400 feeoot northwest of interseotion of Coaonhan Packing Co. Frank May --State Highway 590 with County Road 32, northeast side of Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida County Road )32 srose road from a payking house, tfeet east of well )38. Near 8 ocor. 0iNVt seo. 7, T. 29 S., R. 16 I. 340 Four-tentne mile soutneast of Coachman, 0.8 mile north R. B. Plokeral P. Tasbinder June of Gulf to Bay Blvd., west side of County Road 32, near Clearwater, Florida Safety Harbor, 1941 a resioence, north of vell 341. XVtSt @seo. 7, T. 29 8., Florida R. 16 I. 341 About 0.45 mile soutneast of Coahonan, 0.75 sile north Russel Sharkey P. Vasbinder 1942 of Gulf tb Bay Blvd., weet side of County Road 32, at Olearwater, Florida Safety Harbor, owner's residence, south of well 340. SVtSt *eo. 7, Florida T. 29 s., R. 16 I. 342 About 0.6 mile southwest of Coaohman, 0.2 mile southeast David Bilgore Co, A. 0. Dunlap 1938 of State Highway 590, in grove known as 'Byrd MoMullen Olearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida grove'. SVISVt see. 7, T. 29 s., R. 16 3. 343 One mile northeast of Coadfman, 0.43 mile east of interV. H. Oberry A. 0. Dunlap Feb. seotion of new State Highway 55 with State Highway 590, Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Florida 1946 about 200 feet south of State Highway 590. W}V smeo. Florida 8, T. 29 .., R. 16 I. 344 About 1.3 siles northeast of Coaohman 0.5 aile vest of MoIntyre McoConnell interseotion of State Highway 593 (Haines Rd.) with Safety Harbor, Clearwater, Florida State Highvy 590, about 300 feet south of State Highway Florida 590. NWit seo. 8, T. 29 S., R. 16 g. 345 One and five-tenths iales northeast of Coachan. 0.35 Dr. P. Phillips Frank May mile vest of intersection of State Highway 593 (hines Tampa, Florida Tampa, Florida Rd.) with State Highway 590, about 100 'fooeet south of State Highway 590 in grove known as 'Del Ora grove,. Near NH cor. 4NEj seo. 8, T. 29 S., R. 16 S. 346 About 1.25 siles northeast of Coachman, 0.37 mile west Dr. P. Phillips A. 0. Dunlap 1932 of State Highway 593 (Haines Rd.), about 0.2 mile south Tampa, Florida Dunedin, Florida of State Highway 590, in owner's grove 2, known as 'Del Ora grove'. VNi seeoo. 8, T. 29 8., R. 16 I. 347 About 1.25 siles east of Coachman 0.6 mile west of State A. V. Belloau Howell and Dunlap 1926 Highwvr 593 (Haines Rd.) 0.26 mdle south of State HighDunedin, Florida way 590, south of well 346. Near NI oor. SVJNi seo. 8, T. 29 S., R. 16 3. 348 One and tow.tenths ailes southwqst of Safety Harbor, 100 David Bilgore Co. Frank May July feet vest of State Highway 593 (aines Rd.), 100 tfeet Clearvater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1946 south of Seaboard Air Line Railroad, at a fruit paqking plant. Near 8 oor. WNIN se«. 9, T. 29 8., R. 16 I. 349 One and one-tenth miles southwest of Safety Harbor, 0.25 Dr. P. Phillips Co. A. 0. Dunlap mile southwest from Alligator Crooeek on County Road 30 Tampa, Florida Dunedin, Florida about 300 fett west of County Road 30, south of a dirt road. SJliNs sec. 9, T. 29 8., R. 16 I. 96
PAGE 107
PINELLAB COUNTX --URIN POINT EL C LO IDECOTMT 117 4 -----12 --2-11-47 Domestic 0 ----------Irrigation 102 44 8 ----------Irrigation 585 118 10 ------rrigation 428 63 12 Top of 12-inoh oas57.81 44.39 4-28-47 25 0 4-28-47 Unused Automatic water level Ing 0,4 foot above 43.73 7-29-47 12 0 5-6-48 Irrigation recorder Installed lan surface. 4. 2-T188-22-47. Recorder was I .yi :I 6removed 4-28-50. 80 4 -45 --4-28-47 Processing fruit 4--------Processing fruit 134 84 2.5 --20 -9-19-47 Domestic 90 -2 --22 -9-19-47 Domestic 1V 380 -8 --15 --4-28-47 Domestic Irrigation 320 60 12 ----21 0 2-11-47 Irrigation 30 --215 --2-11-47 Domestic --531* --5-28-43 Irrigation 390 43 12 ----62* 0.4 5-28-43 Irrigation 265 --8 --32 --2-11-47 Domestic Irrigation 212 64 12 Top of 12-inoh cs-16.22 7-31-46 43 --5-15-47 Processing Ing, flush with land fruit urfaeDome 95 2 -------omestic ' 97
PAGE 108
TABLE 5. W LL R Z C 0 R D 8 (Continued) 350 About 1.2 miles southwest of Safety Harbor, about 0.4 Dewey Linton P. Vasbinder 1945 mile southwest from Alligator Creek along County Road Safety Harbor, Safety Harbor, 30, 400 feet *apt of County Road 30, at a fish camp. Florida Florida niear NE cor. NEtSE2 seo. 9, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 351 One and four-tenths miles southwest of Safety Harbor, B. H. Ursohel H. Francis 1946 about 0.6 mile southwest from Alligator Creek along Safety Harbor, Clearwater, County Road 30, about 75 feet east of County Road 30, Florida Florida vest of well 352. NESI(t sec. 9, T. 29 S., R. 16 z. 352 One and four-tenths miles southvest of Safety Harbor, B. H. Urschel P. Vasbinder 1941 about 0.6 mile south from Alligator Creek along County Safety Harbor, Safety Harbor, Road 30 about 300 feet east of County Road 30, east of Florida Florida veil 35t. NEiSEj sec. 9, T. 29 8., R. 16 E. 353 One and seven-tenths miles southwest of Safety Harbor, Harold H. Francis Harold H. Francis 1925 0.6 mile north of Gulf to Bay Blvd., about 300 feet weat Clearwater, Florida Clearwater, Florida of County Road 30, at oiner's residence. SWiSE seeo. 9, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 354 About 2,2 miles southeast of Coachman, 0.2 mile south Myron A. Smith Smallwood --of Gulf to Bay Blvd., 1.2 miles east of State Highway Bayview, Florida 593 (Haines Rd.), north of owner's residence under a windmill. Near NE cor. NW*SWi sea. 16, T. 24 S., R. 16 E. 355 About 2.0 miles southeast of Coachman, 1.05 miles east R. R. Meador P. Vasbinder 1935 of State Highway 593 (Haines Rd.), about 300 feet south Clearvater, Florida Safety Haroor, of Gulf to ?ay Boulevard., west side of Bayview Ave. Florida Near NE cor. N9ESE sec. 17, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 356 One and eight-tenths miles southeast of Coachman, 0.7 mile east of State Highway 593 (Haines Rd.), 0.2 mile south of Gulf to Bay Blvd. west side of a stream. NVj 3E1 sec. 17, T. 29 S., R. 16 E, 357 One and seven-tenths miles southeast of Coachman, 0.35 Eugene L. Pearce Frank May 1943 mile south of Gulf to Bay Blvd., 0.3 mile east of State Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida Highway 593 (Naines Rd.), at Peacock Farm. Near NE cor. S3w4sW sec. 17, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 358 light-tenths mile south of Coachman, 0.4 mile north of G. C. Eldridge Johnson Jan. Gulf to Bay Blvd., 0.1 mile west of County Road 32, Clearwater, Florida St. Petersburg, 1947 northeast of well 359. NViNEi seo. 18, T. 29 S., R. 16 Florida E. 359 About 0.85 mile soith of Coachman, 0.3 mile north of G. C. Eldridge A. 0. Dunlap Oct. Gulf to Bay Blvd., 0.22 mile West of County Road 32, Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 southwest of well 358. NWINEt eco. 18, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 360 One mile south of Coachman, 0.25 mile north of Gulf to Brown --Bay Blvd. 300 feet east of County Road 32, in a small Clearwater, Florida sink. NEiNEt seo. 18, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 361 One and one-tenth miles south of Coachman, 0.45 mile Hamilton A. 0. Dunlap Nov. vest of County Road 32, 300 feet north of Gulf to Bay Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 Blvd., in an orange grove. SEINWi sec. 18, T. 29 S., R. 16 B. 362 About 0.22 mile north of State Highway 60, about 1000 Robert Brown Frank May 1942 feet east of County Road 32, 800 feet west of well 363. Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida SEiNEZ see. 18, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 363 About 0.22 mile north of State Highway 60, about 1800 Robert Brown Frank May Nov. feet east of County Road 32, about 800 feet east of weli Clearwater, Flqrida Tampa, Florida 1944 362. SJNEIt ose. 18, T. 29 S., R. 16 S. 364 Tvo .nd one-tenth miles southrest of Coachman, 0.9 mile Meyers A. 0. Dunlap April south of Gulf to Bay Blvd., about 100 feet east of Dunedin, Florida 1945 County Road 27 (Belcher Rd.). SViNVW seo. 19, T. 29 S., R. 16 z. 363 Two and thres-tenths miles south of Coachman, 1.1 miles B. Weber S. Weber Nov. south of Gulf to Bay Blvd., 0.5 mile north of Allen Clearwater, Florida Clearwater, Florida 1946 Creek, about 200 feet vest of new State Highway 55 (Raines Rd.). NESE* seoo. 19, T. 29 8., R. 16 E. 366 Two and four-tenths miles south of Coachman, 1.17 ailes Louise Reiman Rudohick 1947 south of Gulf to Bay Blvd., 0.45 mile north of Allen Clearwater, Florida Largo, Florida Creek, about 200 feet west of new State Highway 55 (Raines Rd.), south of well 365. NESE1 seoo. 19, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 98
PAGE 109
PINELLAB COUNTY EASURIN POINT _ WATER LEVEL CHLORIDE CONT0ET 110 -2 --730 -2-5-48 Domestic 728 --5-15-51 65 34 3 ------210 -2-5-48 Domestic S3 Top of coupling on 5.85 2.20 3-4-48 ------Unused Water reported to 1-inch pipe, 1.3 .Domestic be unfit for use feet above land surowing to high face. salinity. 61 35 2 ------Domestic 70 25 60 ----115 -7-1-47 Domestic to 85 -5-15-51 65 --2 -----115 -7-1-47 Domestic 15 --30 --56 --2-21-47 --Sample for cnloride to determination taken 2 after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 284 -3 ---35 6 5-?-43 Irrigation 285 43 8 Top of 8-nch ca-43.47 9-10-47 ----Irrigation ing, flush with 45.15 6-23-49 land surface. 318 81 10 Bottom of pump base, 66.1 51.74 11-3-47 ------Irrigation 0.1 foot above be53.29 1-15-48 ment base. -----------Drainage 280 82 10 Top of 10-inch cas72.54 5.78 11-24-47 -----Irrigation ng, 0.6 foot above 13 --5-17-51 land surface. 284 60 10 -21* -6-10-4j Irrigation 303 63 12 ------Irrigation 100 55 .5 ----22 --8-1-47 Domestic 65 40 1.5 -----32 -6-9-47 Domestic 100 --3 Top of 3-inch ca15.97 7.36 2-11-48 25 --2-11-48 Domestic ing, 0.5 foot above land surface. 99
PAGE 110
T A L 5. V L RI O 0 RD S (Continued) 8 36? Two and seven-tenthe miles south of Coachman, 1.5 aile. Wayne Walters Wiggin 1931 south of Gulf to Bay Blvd., about 0.15 mile north of Dunedin, Florida Allen Crooeek 0.12 mile vest of new State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), at Browning's Dairy. 8518 so@so. 19, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 368 About 2.1 miles southwest of Coachman, 0.8 mile south of Henry L. McMullen A. 0. Dunlap 1926 Gulf to Bay Blvd., 0 3 aile east of new State Highway Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 55 (Haines Rd.). S91NV4 so*. 20, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 369 Two and two-tenths sales southeast of Coachman, 1.0 mile Mary 3. Kilgore Car. 1906 south of Gulf to Bay BlMd. 0.2 .ile east of new State Clearwater, Florida New York Highway 55 (Raines Rd.). SV*HW* sec. 20, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 370 Three and two-tenths miles southeast of Coachman, 1.2 3. Hurlybau A. 0. Dunlap June aile north of State Highway 686, 0.6 mile east of new Dunedin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), at edge of an orange grove. 8ViNE **se. 29, T. 29 5., R. 16 z. 371 Three and three-tenths miles south of Coaohman 0.95 William Tersey mile north of State Highway 686, about 400 fe east of Clearwater, Florida State Highway 693 (Haines RA.). NViSWt seo. 29, T. 29 S., R. 16 I. 372 Three and seven-tenthe siles south of Coaohman 0.55 Salmniok mile north of State Highway 686, about 259 feet east of Clearwater, Florida new State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.). SViSVt seo. 29, T. 29 S., R. 16 3. 373 About 3.9 miles southeast of Coaohman, 0.5 mile north J. G. Buis R. H. all of State Highway 686, 0.7 mile east of new State Highway 55 (Rainse Rd.), north side of Whittney Rd. Near SV cor. SOSOi seo. 29, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 374 About 2.8 miles northeast of Largo, 0.56 mile north of Francis Belcher A* 0. Dunlap 1943 State Highway 686, 0,1 mile east of County Road 27 Dunedin, Florida (Beloher Rd.). SWViSV seo. 30, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 375 Two and seven-tenths miles east of Largo at southeast Grace Garrtt A. Z. Mountain Dec. corner of intereeotion of .State Highway 686 with County Largo, Florida Palm Harbor, 1934 Road 27 (Belcher Rd.). NVISVW sso. 31, T. 29 S., R. 16 Florida 3. 376 Two and nine-tenthe miles east of Largo, 0.2 mile east Tyner's DaLry of County Road 27 (Belcher Rd ), 300 feet south of State Largo, Florida Highway 686. Near HE cor. NWVSVh seo. 31, T. 29 S., R. 16 s. 377 Three and six-tenth s ileg east of Largo, 0.15 mile. George Wallace Jack Clyatt S south of State Highway 686, about 300 feet west of State Detroit, Michigan Ozona, Florida 1947 Highway 693 (Haines Rd.). N080Et sec. 31, T. 29 S., R. 16 n. 378 Three and six-tenths mile@ east of Largo, 0.17 mile Norman Tarbt Frank ay -south of State Highway 686, about 300 feet west 9f State Largo, Florida Tampa, Florida Highway 693 (Haines RA.), south of well 377. NBtSBt seo. 31, T. 29 8., R. 16 3. 379 About 3.6 miles east of Largo, 0.2 mile south of State W. Hart --1937 Highway 686, 300 feet west of State Highway 93 (Raines Rd.), at owner's residenoe. Near SE cor. NEBSEi seo. 31, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 380 About 3.6 miles east of Largo, 0.5 mile north of State C. H. Whitney 0. S. Kelly Highway 686 about 100 feet east of new State Highway 55 St Petersburg, (Haine Rd.). west of velle 381 and 382, east side of Florida owner's residence. Near NW cor. NWANt eso. 32, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 381 About 3.6 miles east of Largo, 0.5 mile north of State C. H. Whitney Scott Highway 686 about 120 feet east of neo State Highway 55 (Haines Rd). east of well 380, west of well 382. Near W cor. NWi0ti seo. 32, T. 29 8., R. 16 E. 382 About 3.6 miles east of Largo, 0.5 mile north of State C. H. Whitney A. 3. Mountain Highway 686 about o40 feet east of new State Highway 5 Palm Harbor, (Haine Rd.) east of welle 380 and 381. Near NV cor. Florida NtNVit seo. 32, T. 29 8., R. 16.Z. 383 About 3.7 miles east of Largo, 0.35 aile north of State J.-, Prestley Jack Clyatt Set. Highway 686 about 490 feet east of new State Highway 55 Clearwater, Florida Ozona, Florida 19&7 (Haines Rd.). NVNV seo. 32, T. 29 S., R. 16 3. 100
PAGE 111
PINELLAS COUN T M L EU POINT CHLOF ID CONTENT 102 100 3 -27 --2-21-47 Domestic Stock 100 98 -----37 --2-21-47 Domestic 99 ----29 --2-21-47 --Sample for chloride determination taken after well had be n flowing for an indefinite period. 178 65 8 --------Irrigation S--39 -2-21-47 --65 -12--55 --2-21-47 Domestic 6 -4 -20 --4-30-47 Domestic 265 --5-16-51 215 92 8 -----------Irrigation 133 --3 --180 --7-10-47 Domestic Irrigation 1 -3 Top of 3-inch cas--4.5 7-10-47 160 --7-10-47 Stock ing, 0.3 foot above 2.87 9-25-47 land surface. 96 3 Top of 3-inch ocu15.14 7.3 9-9-47 205 --9-9-47 Domestic plng, 0.3 foot 200 --2-11-48 above land surface. 75 65 2 ------Domestic 96 --3 ----180 --7-18-47 Domestic 6 --2 ---20 --2-21-47 Irrigation Well reported to pump sand. 4 ---.14 --2-21-47 Domestic 99 --225 --2-21-47 Domestic 138' 10 3 Top of 1.25-inh pipe,20.15 5.8 .2-11-48 37 --2-11-48 Domestic 1.75 feet above top 7.65 4.19-48 of 3-inch coupling. 0.38 6-24-49 .15 5-15-51
PAGE 112
TA BLE 5. VELL RECORDS (Continued) -I 384 About 3.6 miles east of Largo, 0.2 mile north of State Charles A. Graham A. 0. Dunlap May Highway 686 about 300 feet east of new State Highway 55 Dunedin, Florida 1947 (Haines Rd.$, north of well 385. SWINWi see. 32, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 385 About 3.6 ailes east of Largo, 0.15 mile north of State V. H. Deal --1938 Hlan'vay 686 about 300 feet east of new State Highway 55 (Hainee Rd.), east side of owner's residence, south of well 384. SVWNV* sec. 32, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 386 rhree and nine-tenths miles east of Largo, 0.25 mile V. E. Smith A. 0. Dunlap June east of new State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), about 200 Dunedin, Florida 1947 feet north of State Highvay 686, in a pumphouse. Near NE cor. SWVNVi seo. 32, T. 29 5., R. 16 Z. 387 About 4.6 miles east of Largo, 0.95 aile east of hew A. Greenhalgh P. Vaebinder 1945 State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), about 200 feet north of Safety Harbor, State Highway 686, near Righpoint. Near SE cor. SEINEj Florida sec. 32, T. 29 3., R. 16 E. 388 Five and five-tenths miles east of Largo, 1.9 miles east V. Hawrak P. Vaobinder July of hew State Highway 55 (Hainee Rd.), 0.95 mile north of Safety Harbor, 1947 State Highway 686, 0.75 mile northeast of Highpoint, 350 Florida feet north of Boleesta Fish Camp. Near NW cor. NEJNEt sec. 33, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 389 Five and four-tenths miles east of Largo 1.75 miles V. A. Jordan east of new State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), 0.65 mile. Highpoint, Florida north of State Highway 686, about 0.5 mile northeast of Highpoint, south side of a sand road. Near NE cor. SUj MNt sec. 33, T. 29 8., R. 16 E. 390 About 5.4 miles east of Largo, 1.85 miles east of new -State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), 0.65 mile north of State Highway 686, about 0.6 mile northeast of Highpoint, south side of a dirt road, about 0.25 mile southeast of south of Cross Bayou Canal. Near NE cor. SWANE seao. 33, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 391 Five and one-tenth miles east of Largo, about 0.3 mile E. B. Rhenke Howell 1927 northeast of Highpoint, 1.5 miles east of new State HighClearwater, Florida way 55 (Haines Rd.), 0.3 mile north of State Highway 686, west side of a sand road. SEiNW* sec. 33, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 392 About 5.0 miles east of Largo,at Highpoint, 1.3 miles Hi-Point Cabins mast of new State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), about 300 feet north of State Highway 686, under a windmill. SEB NWi sec. 33, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 393 Four and seven-tenths miles east of Largo, about 1.1 H. I. Bellinger --1941 miles east of new State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), about 100 feet south of State Highway 686, about 0.2 mile vwest of Pighpoint. NViSWi sec. 32, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 394 Five and two-tenthe niles eaet of Largo, 1.55 miles east Frank Fitzgerald Pucket 1938 of new St-te Highway 55 (Hainee Rd.), about 600 feet Clearwater, Florida St. Petersburg, north of State Highway 686, north of well 395 about 0.4 Florida mile southeast of Highpoint. Near NW cor. NVISEt sec. 33, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 395 Five and two-tenths miles east of Largo, 1.55 miles east Frank Fitrgerald Pucket 1938 of new State Highway 55 (Haines Rd.), about 300 feet Clearwater, Florida St. Petersburg, north of State Highway 686, south of well 394, about Florida 0.4 mile southeast of Highpoint. Near NW cor. NWSE Florida sec. 33, T. 29 S., R. 16 E. 396 One and three-tenths miles southeast of Largo, 1.0 mile W. A. McMullen, Jr. A. E. Mountain May east of U. S. Highway 19, about 0.7 mile north of County Largo, Florida Palm Harbor, 1934 Road 22 (Ulaerton Rd.), northwest of well 397. SEtNWV Florida eeo. 2, ?. 30 8., R. 15 2. 397 About 1.4 miles southeast of Largo, 0.83 mile east of Mayme Lano Jack Clyatt U. S. Highway 19 about 0.4 mile north of County Road Largo, Florida Osona, Florida 22 (Ulmerton Rd.), about 0.1 mile south of a dirt road, in a field, near a residence. NEHiSW sea. 2, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 398 About 0.7 mile southeast of Largo, 0.85 mile north of Wright County Road 22 (Ulaerton Rd.), about 300 feet east of St. Petersburg, U. S. Highway 19. NWNEt seeo. 3, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. Florida a Water level expressed In feet above the aeaesuring point. 102
PAGE 113
PINELLAB COUNTY VATE LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT 61 0 25 9.16 7-18-47 31 --7-18-47 Domestic 9.52 1-12-48 37 --5-6-48 27 4.77 7-18-47 31 --7-18-47 Domestie s u ra e. S 114 4.5 Top of 4.5-inch cs17.23 5.98 7-10-47 240 -7-1-47 Domestic ng, 0. foot abov 96.5210 7-23-47 37 --5-6-48 land surface.9-2-47 6.21 1-12-48 6.15 1-29-48 6.63 4-19-48 85 --2 Top of 2-inch a16.248.70 7-12-47 32 --7-18-47 Domestic ing, flush with land surface,25 --5-15-51 241 223 6 Top of 6-inth ca4-.49 a0.7 11-1-487 24o 7-10-47 Domestic ing, 0.2 foot above ld 7-23-47 225 5-4-48 land s urface. 5.38 9-25-47 6o.85 6-24-49 106 -3 Top of 3-inch c--315 --7-16-47 Domestic Samples for or 80ing, 0.8 foot above 25 --5-16-51 determinations after well haurfae. 'flowing for an •definite perilo -----------Well reported t filled with tras 101 40 2 Top of pipe oint, 4.4991 --2-21-47 Domestic Irrigation 0.foot262 --2-21-an7 Domestic 84 3 --35 --7-18-47 Domestic 5 ---2--22 --2-21-47 Irrigation 97 ------225 --2-21-47 Domestic 80 ------12 --6-11-47 Stock Sample for chloride 80 --5-16-51 determination tafte r well had been been flowing nindefinite period. S3.22 .56 9-11-47 70 0 9-1-47 Domestic 57 -2 -22 -2-21-47 Irrigation4-19-48 e4.17 6-24-49 5.61 5-15-51 7 -2 -----25 --2-14-47 Domestic 103
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TA BL9 5. WELL RE C OR D (Continued) 399 Egeht-tenthe mile south of Largo, 0.65 mile north of A. White Stte Hiahwny 686, 650 feet west of U, 8. Highway 19. Tampa, Florida SyWt sec. 3, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. S'r% ll'pe-tentre mile er'itn of Largo, 0.4 mile south of J. S. Taylor A. 0. Dunlap 1941 T4ylor Ave., 650 feet east of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida In in orAn.-e ;rove. SWiNWv see. 3, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 01 On~e tmilo Pouith of Largo, 0.5 mile south of Largo city Kathryn McGarrah -914 lirits, abot 300 feet east of U. S. Hlnv'y 19. NWI Largo, Florida 3 , Aec. 3, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 4o2? One ond three-tenths miles south of Largo, about 0.8 H. L. Ulmer A. 0. Dunlap July rile soith of Taylor Ave., about 50 feet eset of County Baskin, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 R(Rid;-e Rd.). !.ear ,NW cor. NWjSWj sec. 3, T. S.. R. 15 E. 01,0 One nnd five-tenths miles south of Largo, 0.1 mile east H. L. Herington of U. S. Highway 19, north side of County Road 22 (flrerton Rd.), north side of ovner's residence. SWt 3 ec. 1, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 4'o4 One and five-tenths riles southeast of Largo, about 0.3 J. M. Carr ,lio .o:t of U. S. Hign,'ay 19, north side of County Road 22 (Ulerton Rd.), north side of ovner's residence. SEt 3 ec. 3, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 405 One aind rour-tentne nMies soutnvest of Lorgo, 0.9 mile B. Kllgore A. 0. Dunlap Jan. west of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), 0.32 mile west of Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 cKYey Creek Reservoir, 800 feet south of Taylor Ave. W:Wti sec. 1, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. )6' Nine-ten:he ile e so'th,est of Largo, 0.25 mile south of F. L. Bockover F. L. Bockover 1942 Tavlor Ave., trest Alde of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), Largo, FlorFlorida NeAr NE cor. 3EiNKI sec. 4, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 4'07 One mile southwest of Largo, 0.4 mile south of Taylor 0. Herring Ave., 300 feet rest of County Roid 20 (Ridge Rd.), north Largo, Florida side of a sand road. Near NE cor. NEJSEJ see 4, T. 30 S., R. 15 S. 4'08 Onoe nd one-tenth miles southwest of Largo, 0.45 mile 0. Herring A. 0. Dunlap Nov. s'th of Taylor Ave., 900 feet vest of County Road 20 Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1944 (RIdze Rd.), 200 feet north of a sand road in Oak Fern Irove. Ir1SEh see. 4, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. '09? One and one-tenth miles south.east of Largo, 0.30 mile Godeno A. 0. Dunlap Apr. soith of Taylor Ave., 600 feet vest of County Road 20 Dunedin, Florida 1946 (Ri'e Rd., d 30 feet south of a sand road, in an orange grov. NEt seec. 4, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 41o One And two-t,,nths miles southwest of Largo, about 0.6 Helen Walh)erg A. 0. Dunlap Oct. mile south o)f Taylor Ave., 0.17 mile west of County Road Chicago, Illinois Dunedin, Florida 194 20 (Ridge Rd.), about 600 feet south of a sand road east of vell 409, in an orange grove. NEISE1 sec. 4, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 41 kl"outt 1.5 miles routhwest of Largo, about 1.0 mile south David Bilgore Co. of Tiylor Ave., 20 feet west of County Road 20 (Ridge Clearwater, Florida Rd.), 300 feet south of Baekin. SEiSEi sec. 4, T. 30 S, R. 15 E. -412 One i.nd five-tenths miles southwest of Largo, about 0.5 J. W. Trotter Smith 1929 mile east of County Road 4, 0.5 mile west of McKay Largo, Florida Largo, Florida Creek Reservoir, 100 feet south of Taylor Ave. NEtNE) ec.5, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 411 Avrrit 1.5 miles soitnwest of Largo, 0.5 mile east of J. W. Trotter Smith 1926 County Road 4, 0.5 mile vest of MeKay Creek Reservoir, Largo, Florida Largo, Florida about 150 feet south of Taylor Ave., south of well 412. REiMNR sec. 5, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 414 One and six-tenths miles southwest of Largo, 0.5 mile T. A. Mitchell east of County Road 4, 0.3 mile west of MoRay Creek Indian Rooks, Florida Reservoir, 0.2 mile south of Taylor Ave., along a dirt road, 900 feet west of a dirt road, in a grove. NE*NE* see. 5, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 415 Two miles northeast of Indian Rocks, 1.15 miles north Vesta McCarty of County Road 21, 300 feet 9ast of County Road 4, nbrth Stockton, California side of Church Creek. SVSVt seec. 5, T. 30 s., R. 15 1. 104
PAGE 115
PINELLAS COUNT! SMEABURINO POINT WATF LEVEL CHLIDE CONTENT 205 ------------Irrigation 317 --12 nalf inch hole in --58.64 6-27-46 22 0 3-28-47 Irrigation to pump base, 0.3 foot 10 above land surface. 85 --2 ---15 --2-14-47 Domestic 390 --6 ------61 0 2-14-h7 Irrigation 90 ----20 b-27-47 Domestic 210 --6 -----37 --6-27-47 Domestic 323 98 8 -------Irrigation 9 --2 Top of 2-inch cas-2.55 4-24-46 --------Sand point well. ing, 0.2 foot above Never used. land surface. 25, --2 --------Irrigation 175 114 10 -------Irrigation 326 --8 Top of 8-inch cas69.84 61.50 6-27-46 -. --Irrigation to ing, flush with land 62.04 1-15-48 338 --5-16-51 6 surface. 303 124 10 Top of 10-inch cas69.0 60.42 10-13-47 30 0 10-13-47 Irrigation .G.S. Well W1621. ing, 0.6 foot above Cuttings from strata land surface. penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. --84 4 ----16 --1-29-47 Domestic 25 --1.5 ----140 --2-10-47 Domestic 16 --25 Top of 1.25-inch cae-8.95 4-25-46 ----ing, 1.5 feet above land surface. 210 -8 -----20 --2-10-47 Domestic Irrigation 73 --2 Top of 2-inch cas--7.35 4-26-46 70 0 1-24-47 ing, 1.2 feet above land surface. 105
PAGE 116
TABLE 5. WELL RECORDS (Continued) lb16 One and six-tentne miles northeast of Indian Rocks A. Merritt A, 0. Dunlap 1938 0.95 mile north of County Road 21, 200 feet west of Indian Rooks, Florida Dunedin, Florida County Road 4, at Otona, west of a cemetery. Hear NE &or. NVINK see. 7, T. 30 8., R. 15 I. 417 About 1.4 miles northeast of Indian Rocks, 0.8 mile V. .Herzog Frank Hayden north of State Highway 694, about 0.2 mile west of Largo, Florida Anona, Florida County Road 4, south side of a dirt road, vest of Anona. Near SW cor. WINEQ sec. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 S. 418 One and five-tenths miles northeapt of Indian Rocks, A. R. Miller A. 0. Dunlap 1938 0.65 mile north of County Road 21, 900 feet east of Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida County Road 4 600 feet south of a dirt road, east of Anona. SEIjNK sec. 7, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 419 About 1.0 mile northeast of Indian Rocks, 0.5 mile north Warren Haumook A. 0. Dunlap 1944 of State Highway 694, 0.3 mile wept of County Road 4, Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida i00 feet west of a dirt road. NEfSW* sec. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. '20 One and five-tenths miles northeast of Indian Rocks, M. F. Goering Frank May 0.45 mile north of County Road 21, 0.22 mile east of Tampa, Florida County Road 4. 5u feet south of owner's residence. NEtSEt sec. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 421 One and four-tenths miles northeast of Indian Rocks, M. F. Goering Frank May 1940 0.3b mile north of County Road 21, 0.16 mile east of Tampa, Florida County Road 4, northeast of a school house, In a grove. NESE3 see. 7, T. JO S., R. 15 E. 422 Eight-tenths mile northeast of Indian Rocks, 0,3 mile Kirsten A, 0. Dunlap ly44 vest of County Road 4, 800 feet nortn of State Highway New York Dunedin, Florida b'4, about 300 feet east of a dirt road. SEJSWV eec. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 42) Elht-tenthe mile nortneast of Indian Rocks, 0.25 mile J. J. Currie weqt of County Romd 4, 150 feet north of State Highway Inaian Rocks, Florida 694, southwest of well 422. S9ESWt see. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 424 about 0.9 nmile northeast of Indian Rocks, 0.22 mile vest Castagna A. 0. Dunlap -of County Road 4 north side of State Highway 694, east Indian Rocks, Florida Dunedin, Florida of vell 42). SWISEO sec. 7, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 425 About 0.9 mile northeast of Indian Rocks, 0.2 mile wvet Claude Harmook A. 0. Dunlap 1924 of County Road 4, nrth side of State Highway 694, east Indian Rocks, Floriet Dunedin, Florida of well 424. SV S E see. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 426 About 0.9 mile northeast of Indian Rooks, about 0.2 mile Harry Hammock, Jr. ---wvet of County Road 4 north side of State Highway 694, Indian Rocks, Florida east of well 425. SVWSEi sec. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 427 About 0.9 mile nortneast of Indian Rocks, 018 mile west Harry Hammock --1945 of County Road 4 north side of State Highway 694, east Indian Rocks, Florida of well 420. SWISEM sec. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. S428 One and three-tenths miles northeast of Largo, 0.15 mile 0. E. Nelson Porter Zimmerman 1937 north of County Road 21, 0.22 mile east of County Road 4, Indian Rocks, Florida Ozona, Florida west side of a dirt road. SEiSOE see. 7, T. 30 S., R. 15 K. 429 Two and three-tenths miles northeast of Indian Rooks, L. Nuhoff Frank May Feb. 0.9 mile south of Taylor Ave., about 0.6 mile east of Clearwater, Florida Tampa, Florida 1945 County Road 4, about 0,2 mile west of dirt road, in an | orange grove, west of well 430. NWINE* see. 8, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 430 1 About 2.3 miles northeast of Indian Rocks, 0.9 mile L. Huhoff south of Taylor Ave. 0.7 mile east of County Road 4, Clearwater, Florida S sat of well 429. NWVNE£ see. 8, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 431 Two and four-tenths miles northeast of Indian Rocks, L. Nuhoff James Walker 0.95 mile south of Taylor Ave , 0.8 mile east of County Clearwater, Florida Largo, Florida Road 4, east of well 430. mWiNEA see. 8, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 432 About 2.3 miles northeast of In ian Rocks, about 1.1 Dan Henry Dan Henry March miles south of Taylor Ave. about, 1.0 mile east of Largo, Florida Largo, Florida 1946 County Road 4, east side of a dirt road, south of well 633. NMKNE seco. 8, T. 30 S., R. 15 1. 433 Two and four-tenths miles northeast of Indian Rooks, Dan Henry Dan Henry April about 1.1 miles south of Taylor Ave., about 1 0 mile Largo, Florida Largo, Florida 1945 east of County R#ad 4, north of ell 432. NEINEj sec. 8, T. 30 S., R. 1; E. 106
PAGE 117
PINELLAB COUNTY HEA9URINO POINT _ WATER LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT 260 8 013?1 -5-28-1f3 Irrigation 1350 0 L4-.17-47 2) -~3soof lug hih-3.42 4-26-46 32 -1-24-47 Domeetic 288 200 12 ---1627* -10-23-44 Irrigation y1675 0 1-25 a 7 382 --5-16-51 135 --~------121' 5 8s-7-44 Irrigation 120 80 3 129' o.4 6-7-43 Domestic 02984' 3.0 6-7-43 2940* U.0 6-43 1050 0 1-20-47 sH ;04 S, s & 6 s ^ i l gH1 E4 p 260 -----1371*---28-43 Irrigation 1350 0 4-17-4-Irrigation 23 --2 9asof plug, high--42 --1-243-47 Domestic est point on pipe, 1,0 foot above land --surface -1-30-47 Domestic 288 200 12 ------462* --2-17-47 Domesrrigation -1063 --2-172-47 Domestic 9 0 3-.822 --4-17-47 Domesti51 90 ----4--62 --'1-30-47 Domestic Irrigation 13 -4 ---121*55 2-14-47 Irrigation 120 80 3 -2 129# o.4 6-7-43 Dometic 2984* 3.0 6-7-43 2940* U-0 6-7-43 1050 0 1-2 474 357 --12 T ----6Irrigation 309 222 10 ------------Irrigation to 8 97' -2---42 -1-3o-47 Domestic 95 --4 -----15 2-1-30-47 Domestic 125 -2 ---5.36 -26-46 16 0-2-10-47 Domestic 92 2 ------103 -2-17-47 Domestic 94 40 3 2-1 -4-17-47 Domestic 90 oi4 n s --sp --i 62 -Ai t-3a-47 Domestic Irrigation 251 74 12 155 0 2-14-47 Irrigation 69 -2 Top of 2-Inch cas-4.36 4-26-46 ----Ing, flush with land surface. 10 -25---15 0 2-10-47 Domestic 12 L .25 Top of 1.25-inch cas-5.36 4-26-46 16 0 2-10-47 Domestic Ing, 1.1 feet above land, surface. 14 ------10 0 2-10m4? Domestic
PAGE 118
? A B L .L REC ORD D 8 (Continued) 434 About 2.4 millee northeast of Indian Rooks, about 1.0 Dan Henry Dan Henry mile south of Taylor Ave., about 1.0 mile east of County Largo, Florida Largo, Florida Road 4, north of well 433. NE9NEt see. 8, T. 30 S., R. 43)5 One and six-tenths miles southwest of Largo, about 1.0 David Bilgore Co. mile nirth of County Road 21 300 feet west of County Clearwater, Florida Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), south of Baskin. Near 1W cor. NEt ec. f), T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 1436 One and eight-tenths miles southwest of Largo, 0.75 mile Rex Cole A. 0. Dunlap Feb. north of County Road 21, about 600 feet east of County St. Petersburg, Dunedin, Flortla 1946 Road 20, south of Baskin. Near NE cor. SE*NE seec. 9, Florida T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 1437 Two miles southwest of Largo, 0.7 mile north of County L. 0. Henry Johnson 1945 Road 21, 0.42 mile west of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, 900 feet west of railroad at Indian Beach Junction. Near Florida MW cor. 3SWNE* sec. 9, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 1438 Ono and nine-tenths miles southwest of Largo, 0.65 mile Rex Cole Littlefield Dee. north of County Road 21, 200 feet east of County Road 20 St. Petersburg, Largo, Florida 1945 (Rldre Rd.). SgjNEj see. 9, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. Florida .3^9 Two anA two-tenths miles southwest of Largo, 0.3 mile J. A. Walsingham Johnson 1945 north of County Roed 21, about 50 feet west of County Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, Road 20 (RIUze Road). Near SW cor. NEISEK see. 9, T. Florida 30 S., R. 15 E. 440 One *rO'. six-tenths miles south of Largo, 0.9 mile north J. S. Taylor, Jr. A. 0. Dunlap 1941 of Co-nty Road 21, 0.22 mile east of ounty Road 20 Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida (R1i^e Rd.), west of County Home. NWINVW see. 10, T. T0 S., R. 15 C. 41. Onae .nd five-tenths miles south of Largo, west side of Pinellas County Home C3nty H e. !EINWI sec. 10, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. Largo, Florida 44'2 About 1.85 miles south of Largo, 0.6 mile north of County D. H. Bowie and S. Day A. 0. Dunlap ept. Road 21, 00 feet :est of U. S. Highway 19, at a trailer Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1947 prk. EI.NWt Reec. 10, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 441 One r.d nine-tenths miles south of Largo, 0.37 mile K. J. Obermeyer B. F. Stahly Au suth of County Road 22 (Ulmerton Rd.), about 350 feet St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 1947 east of 'U. 3. Highway 19. SWtNEt see. 10, T. )0 S., R. Florida Florida N vo .illes ith of Largo, 0.5 aile south of County Road King-Tnoma.s-Pruden A. 0. Dunlap Sept. 22 (Ulr.ertn Rd.), about 350 feet west of U. S. Highway Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 194 10. 3SQ:Wt sec. 10, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. *5 -o %nlA two-'.n*.e olee e outh of Largo, about 0.7 mile J. E. Whittle A. 0. Dunlap -of Co.;ny Road 22 (Ulmerton Rd.), about 100 feet Oklanoma City, Dunedin, Florida e't of U'. S. 3.~ihay 10. NWISEt see. 10, T. 30 S., R. Oklahoma 15 E. :6 eo nd two-tnths -iles south of Largo, about 0. nmile J. L. Cone Jonneon sauh of Cou.ty Road 22 (Ulmerton Rd.), about 0.18 mile Tampa, Florida et of* '. ..: I.y 10, north side of a dirt road. Florida NWE0 i sre. 1), T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 4.47 About 2.3 niles routh of Largo, Pabout 3.75 mile south of J. R. McMullen B. F. stary 1945 County Rond 2 (J1:erton R'.), 0.4 mile east of U. S. Largo, Florida St. PeterSDurg, Hih-vay 10 nnrth side of owner's house. NEISEt see. 10. Florida T. 30 ., A. .15 E. 4148 ?Nvo *an five-tenths miles south of Largo, 500 feet east J. L. Cone A. 0. Dunlap of Interpec'tln if U. S. Hi;hvay 19 with County Road 21, Tampa, Florida Dunedin, Florida In a ;rove, nrer a water tank. SWisEt see. 10, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 449 One and five-tenthe miles F.uth of Large, 0.1 mile north J. R. McMullen B. F. staby 1945 of Interpeftion of County Road 22 with U. 9. Highway 19, Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, about 0.20 nile southeast of owner's house, 5 feet west Florida of Mbsyou, P*t of a Darn. SEISE* sec. 10, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. a Water level expressed in feet above the measuring point. 'OS
PAGE 119
PINELLAS COUNT! MEASURING POINT ATER LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT 0 1 0.I 14 -1.25----11 0 2-10-47 Domestic 70 ----29 0 1-29-47 Irrigation 305 98 12 -----Irrigation 303 ------18 0 2-27-47 Irrigation 18 -2 Top of 2-inch ca--8.80 4-24-46 37 0 4-15-47 Domestic ing, 4.3 feet above land surface. 289 62 8 ---------Irriation 343 123 10 ---500 0 4-15-47 Irrigation 35 -25 -----30 --10-10-47 Irrigation Well consists of battery of five sand points, 1.25 inches in diameter, 35 feet in depth. 142 120 6 Top of 6-inch cas38.44 29.84 10-3-47 25 --10-3-47 Domestic F.G.S. Well W1623. |ing, flush with 6.. 25 --5-10-48 Cuttings from strata a ment floor, about penetrated on file S 0.3 feet above land with Florida ,eosurface.* logical Survey 113 109 3 Top of 3-inch cas23.00 1.18 9-11-47 35 0 9-11-47 Domestic F.G.S. Well W1616. to ing, 0.4 foot above 2.18 1-12-48 25 0 5-5-48 Cuttings from 80 to 25 land surface. .98 1-29-48 113 feet on file 2.00 4-19-48 with Florida Geolo( 3.10 5-15-51 Ical Survey. 178 17 6 ----50 --1-15-48 Domestic S to Irrigation 23 88 12 ----1277 -5-1-43 Irrigation 118 2 --------Domestic 125 -3 ----25 --1-22-48 Domestic 25 --5-16-51 362 60 10 ----710* --5-28-43 Irrigation 925 0 1-28-47 114 -2 Top of faucet oonnec344 aO.40 1-22-48 45 -1-28-47 Stock 1dater samples for tion, 0.5 foot above a0.10 4-19-48 25 --1-22-48 bcloride deterinaland surface. ao.16 6-24-49 [tions taken after wet :had been flowing for an indefinite period. | 109
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TABLE 5. VELL REC 0 RD S (Continued) H 1450 One and nine-tenths miles southeast of Largo, 1,0 mile G. N. Graves A. 0. Dunlap u east of U. S. Highway 19, about 200 feet south of County Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 194 Road 22 (Ulaerton Rd.), south side of owner's garage. NE*NV* sec. 11, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 451 One and nine-tenths miles southeast of Largo, 1.0 mile 0. N. Graves a. F. Stably Dec. eat of U. S. Highway 19, about 200 feet south of County Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, 1947 Road 22 (Ulmerton Rd.), about 15 feet southwest of well Florida 450. Near NE cor. NE*tW sco. 11, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 452 About 2.0 miles southeast of Largo, 0.95 mile east of F. F. Hunger P. Vasbinder 1942 U. S. Hichwny 19, 0.2 mile south of County Road 22 Largo, Florida Safety Harbor, (Uloerton Rd ), vest side of Atlantic Coast Line RailFlorida road. NE01Nr 'see. 11, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 1453 wo and nine-tenths ailes southeast of Largo, 2.4 miles W. H. Adams B. F, Stably June east of U. S. Highway 19, about 300 feet south of County Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, 1947 Road 22 (Ulnerton Rd.). NEINEt see. 12, T. 30 S., R. 15 Florida 454 About 3.15 miles southeast of LArgo, about 2.4 miles M. P. Bowden B, F. Stahly July east of U. S. Highway lO, 0.M5 mile south of County Road St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 1945 .2 (Ulmerton Rd.), about 50 feoot west of a dirt road, Florida Florida north'ept of well 4)5. SE*NE* sec. 12, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 455 About 3.25 miles southeast of Largo, about 2.45 miles M. P. Bowden B. F. Stably June eat of U. 9. Highway 19, 0.4 mile south of County Road St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 1944 S('Jlmrton Rd. , west side of a house, southeast of Florida Florida well 454. SE*NEI sec. 12, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 456 Three miles southeast of Largo, about 1.5 miles east of J. B. Starkey -1935 U. S. Highway 19, 1.0 mile south of County Road 22 (Ulmerton Rd.), west aide of a graded road. Neat NE cor. NENE @seec. 14, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 457 Two and six-tenths miles south of Largo, 700 feet south J. L. Cone Frank May of Interseeotion of County Road 21 with U. 9. Highway 19, Tampa, Florida Tampa, Florida 400 feet east of U. S9. Highway 19, in a grove. NV|NEi sec. 1$5, T. 30 S., R. 15 K. 1458 About 2.75 miles south of Largo, 0.2 mile south of interJ. L. Cone Johnson Dec. sectlon of County Road 21 with U. S. Highway 19. 0 3 Tampa, Florida St. Petersburg, 1945 ile east of U. 8. Highway 19. Near NW cor. SEINE1 seo. Florida 15, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 459 Two and nine-tenths niles south of Largo, about 0.4 mile R. H. Van Dousen A. 0. Dunlap Feb. south of Intersection of County Road 21 with U. 8. HighDunedin, Florida 194 way 19, about 200 feet east of U. 8. Highway 19, in A grove. SWVNEZ see. 15, T. 30 9., R. 15 E. 460 About 2.9 nlles south of Largo, 0,35 mile south of interJ. H. Trowbridge A. 0. Dunlap 1932 section of County Road 21 with U. 8. Highway 19, about Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 350 feet vest of U. S. Highway 19, in old 0Oun Grove*. 3EiNVI sec. 15, T. 30 S., R. 5 E. 461 Two and nine-tenths miles south of Largo, 0.35 mile Charles Kramer A 0. Dunlap 1946 south of County Road 21, ab.ut 0.15 mile east of County Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), east side of a dirt road. Near NW cor. SWtNVW sec. 15, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 462 Three and one-tenth miles south of Largo, 0.6 mile south G. L. Velboom Johnson of Intersection of County Road 21 with U. S. Highway 19, Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, about 100 feet east of U. 9. Highway 19. NVE sec. 15, Floida T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 463 Two and two-tenths mlles northeast of Oakhurst, 0.8 mile W. W. Baker Frank May 1930 south of intersectiin of County Road 21 with U. 8 HighLargo, Florida Tampa, Florida way 19, about 200 f,.et east of U. 8. Highway 19, east side of owner's house. Near SW cor. NVtSEt see. 15, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. '164 Two and eight-tenths miles southwest of Largo, 0.6 mile rinellae County A. 0. Dunlap Nov. west of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), 100 feet south of Water System Dunedin, Florida 1944 County Road 21, east side of Walsingham Reservoir. Near :E cor. NWVNVt see. 16, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. County well 465 Two and nine-tenths miles southwest of Largo. 0.6 mile Pinellas County A. 0. Dunlap July west of County Road 21 (Ridge Rd.), about 1260 feet Water Systea Dunedin, Florida 1945 south of County Road 21, south of well 464, NVtNVWt sc. 16, T. 30 S., R. 13 E. County well 2. 110
PAGE 121
PINELLAS COUNTI LE.LRT CPH IDR CONTENT H t-1 8-26 0 -2-F. G .Well 1650. 160 --4 Top of 4-inch cou15.79 8.52 8-2a-47 64 0 U-2ts-47 F. G. S. Well W1650. pling, 0.3 foot above Cuttings from strata land surface. penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 161 --2 --90 --12-5-47 Domestic 95 73 2 ---75 --6-27-47 Domestic 93 50 2 -----235 -10-3-47 DoeastUe 149 48 3 ---195 --10-3-47 Domestic 129 60 2 ----210 --10-3-47 Domestic 119 --3 ---160 --6-27-47 Domestic 362 60 10 -----710* --ZIrrigation 583 --5-16-51 108 --2 ---25 --1-28-47 Domestic 89 103 10 ----400 0 1-28-47 Irrigation 8 -----206* 5 5-28-43 Irrigation 301 176 10 --------Irrigation 174 40 2.5 --30 --1-28-47 Irrigation 250 10o 6 Top of 6-inch cou8.47 0.20 4-13-48 56 -1-28-47 Domestic pling, 0.4 foot 0.20 4-19-48 45 -5-16-51 above land surface. 03 95 2 -96 --2-5-47 Public Supply 02 105 12 --160 --1-29-47 Puolic Supply Ill
PAGE 122
TA 9 L 5. WELL R EC ORD S (Continued) L66e Ao'it 2.6 rilts e ,uth 'f LArgo, 80G' feet south of County H. F. Heye Johnson 1932 Road 21, ZOO feet west of Cournty Road 20 (Ridg;e Rd.). Clearwater, Florida St. Petersburg, NE 1;i sec. It, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. Florida 4~67 Cne and n-,e-tenthe riles northr. of Oakhurst, 0.9 mile J. T. Thurston A. 0. Dunlap June i outh of Cc.urty Ro'd 21, 0.2 mile vest of County Road Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1939 20 (Ridge R(d.), vest side of Seaboard Air Lir.e Railroad. ;swIsE sec. 16, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. SA it 1.0 rlles north of Oakhurst, 6CO feet north of Judge Hamilton A. 0. Dunlap 1946 County Po-' 131, I .9 mile seutr. of County Road 21, 700 Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida et west of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.). SW13EJ sec. 16, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 469 One and four-tenthe riles east of Indian Rocks, 0.35 C. H. Olliff A. 0. Dunlap 1932 mile soutr of Courý7y Road 21, 0.4 mile east of State Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida Hlihay 69h, 0.2 mile e.et of County Road 132 (a sand road), about 800 feet southeast of owner's house. SWi IW1 see. 17, T. 3C S., R. 15 Z. 470 Seven-tenths nil,' northeast of Indian Rocks, 0.4 mile S. A. Whitell Frank ay May west of State Hi..hway 694, about 300 feet south of Indian Rocks, Tampa, Forida 1946 County Road 4, veet of wells 471 and 472, south side of Florida owner'' hosee. ,IE01VW cvc. 18, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 471 ieven-ter.tre mile northeast of Indian Rocks, 0.4 mile S. A. Whitsell west of State Hiehvay 694, about 300 feet south of Indian Rocks, County Road 4, about 20 feet north of well 472. NEtNW* Florida roe. 18, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 472 Seven-tentrs mile n),rtl.oaet of Indian Rocks, 0.4 mile S. A. Whiteell west of St'te Highway 694, about J20 feet south of Indian Rocks, County Ro'.d h' a0tout 20 feet soutn of well 471. NEtNWV Florida sec. 18, T. 36 S., R. 15 E. 4?3 One mile northeast of Indian Rocks, 400 feet west of H, D. Ulmor A. 0. Dunlap and 194 County Road 19, about 600 feet south of County Rord 4, Indian Rocks, Howell nevr ovier's rouse. NWVNEO nee. 18, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. Florida Dunedin, Florida i 474 One qnd one-tenth miles northeast of Indian Rocks, 50 R, 0. Ol11ff A. 0. Dunlap Oct. feet enst of State Hi'hvnay b94, 200 feet south of County Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1944 Road 21. NBtNE* sec. 18, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. I475 One mile enet of Indian Rocks, about 0.25 mile south of B. A. Whitell Frank May County Rond 4 100 feet vest of State Higanwy 694. Near Indian Rocks, Tampa, Florida St cor. NWiIEI sec. 18, T. ý0 9., R. 15 E. Florida 476 About 1.05 miles ept of Indian Rocks, 0.45 mile south R. M. Mear --of County Road 21, about 75 feet east of State Highway Indian Rocks 694, north of wells 477 and 478. SEiNE& sec. 18, T. Florida 309., R. 15 E. 477 1About 1.05 miles east of Indian Rocks, 0.45 mile south R, M. Hears of County Road 21, about 100 feet east of State Highway Indian Rocks, 694, west of well 478. in oned south side of owner s Florida house. SE*NEI sec. 18, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 478 About 1.05 miles east of Indian Rocks, about 0.45 mile R. M. Mears A. 0. Dunlap 1936 soutn of County Road 21 about 110 feet east of State Indian Rocks, Dunedin, Florida Highway 694, east of weil 477. SINEt sec. 18, T. 30 Florida S., R. 15 E. 479 Three tenths mile east of Indian Rocks, about 0.3 mile Palmer A. 0, Dunlap July past of the bridge at Indian Rocks, 756 feet south of Indian Rocks, Dunedin, Florida 1947 County Road 4, about 500 feet south of a house. SWNWN Florida sfc. Io, T. 306 S., R. 15 E. 040o About 1.20 miles southeast of Indian Rocke, 0.?0 mile Fred Yunker A. 0. Dunlap 1 soutb of County Road 21, about 100 feet east of State Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida Hignway 694. SEiSEi see. 18, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 481 One and one-tenth miles southeast of Indian Rocks, 1.1 Kilgore A. 0. Dunlap 1q3 milee south of County Road 4, 400 feet south of County Clearvater, Florida Dunedin, Florida Road 131, 800 feet wePt of State Hignway 694. INWNHe spe. 19, T. 30 S., R. 15 t. 482 One And four-ientnas ises soutneast of Indian Rocks, Kilgore A. 0. Dunlap Oct. 1. miles south of County Road 4, about 800 feet west of Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 State Hi nvay b94, about 700 teet north of County Road 220. sw|NZJ see. 19, T. 30 S., R. 15 C. 112
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PINELLA8 COUNTY MEASURING POINT WATER LEVEL ..QHORIDE CONTENT 101 --20 0 4-17-47 Irrigation 300 100 10 --21 --5-28-43 Irrigation 214 ---19-44 285 53 10-------Irrigation 300 111 8 ---288* --5-28-43 Irrigation 296 72 8 ---------Dometic Irrigation 75 --4 Top of concrete 38.17 19.75 5-16-46 -floor, 0.2 foot above land surface. 2 Top of 2-inch cas37.84 15.71 12-2-47 152 0 4-17-47 Ing, 0.2 foot above 17.65 4-19-48 land surface. 260 110 10 Top cement pump bae, -1.b7 11-3-4 1329* --5-28-43 Irrigation 1.1 feet above lam 141 --4-17-47 ourface. 265 100 8 ----72 0 4-17-47 Irrigation to 6 340 126 12 ----1092* 4 6-4-43 Irrigation to 10 00 -4 ---30 0 4-18-47 Domeotic 50 --6 Top of 6-nch ca44.6 10.46 4-18-47 195 --4-18-47 Domectic to Ing, 0.8 foot above 9.90 4-19-48 4 cement floor 300 --6 ---965* 12 5-28-43 Irrigation 93 * --3-31-44 S-5--44 11* -5-21-41 232 0 4-18-47 58 78 8 Top of 8-inch cou14.40 7.25 7-23-47 -----Irrigation P.O.S. Well W1523. pling, 0.5 foot 10.62 6-24-49 Cuttings from strata above land surfaoe. 8.49 5-15-51 penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 78 8 ---8--50 0 1-30-47 Irrigation 449 -8 -1962 0 2-17-47 Irrigation 350 90 10 Top of 10-inch ca-6.6 2-27-47 76 0 2-17-47 Irrigation ing, 0.4 foot apove 6.1 7-21-47 1260 -5-15-51 land surface. 113
PAGE 124
TABL 5 .VBLL RECORD (Continued) 483 About 1.5 miles southeast of Indian Rooks, about 1.35 J. 8. Taylor miles south of County Road 21, 800 feet east of State Largo, Florida Highway 694, 600 feet north of State Highway 694. Sit NEt see. 19, T. 30 8., R. 15 B. 484 About 1.7 miles southeast of Indian Rooks, about 200 George Adrl&noe A. 0. Dunlap April feet north of State Highway 694. 50 feet east of County Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1948 Road 132. SVWiNW seo. 20, T. 30 8., R. 15 9. 485 About 1.75 miles southeast of Indian Rooks, about 100 Roy Head Johnson April feet south of Intersection of State Highway 694 with Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, 1948 County Road 132, 150 feet east of State Highway 694. Florida Near SW cor. SWtNWt sec. 20, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 486 About 1.1 miles southwest of Valeingham, 1.05 miles H. F. Heye A. 0. Dunlap -south of County Road 21, about 50 feet west of Seaboard Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida Air Line Railroad. Near NE cor. NZiNW seeo. 21, T. 30 S., R. 153 E. 487 About 1.1 miles south of Walsingham, 1.1 miles south of Ernest Cobb A. 0. Dunlap County Road 21, 300 feet east of County Road 20 (Ridge Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida Rd.). NEtNEt see. 21, T. 30 9., R. 15 E. 488 One and three-tenths miles south of Waloingham, 1.3 W, J. Newborn A. 0. Dunlap miles south of County Road 21, about 300 feet west of Oakhurst, Florida Dunedin, Florida County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.). Hear NE cor. SWiNEI seo. 21, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 489 About 13) milee south of Walsingham, 1.32 miles south V. J. Newborn A. 0. Dunlap Nov. of County Road 21, about 300 feet vest of County Road Oakhurst, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 20 (Ridge Rd.). SWINEI seo. 21, T. 30 8., R. 15 E. 490 About 1.6 miles south of Walsingham, 1.58 miles south Ernest Cobb A. 0. Dunlap of County Road 21, about 300 feet west of County Road Largo, FloridaDunedin, Florida 20 (Ridge Rd.), northeast of well 491. NWtSEt seo. 21, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 491 About 1.6 miles south of Walsingham, 1.6 miles south of Ernest Cobb A. 0. Dunlap 1941 County Road 21, about 500 feet west of County Road 20 Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida (Ridge Rd.), southwest of well 490. NWVSEt see. 21, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 492 About 1.7 miles south of Waleinghm, 1.7 miles south of Ernest Cobb A. 0. Dunlap County Road 21, about 100 feet west of County Road 20 Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida (Ridge Rd.). SWJSEJ sec. 21, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 493 About 1.9 miles south of Walsingham, 1.9 miles south of James Cobb A. 0. Dunlap 1945 County Road 21, about 200 feet west of County Road 20 Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida (Ridge Rd.), 0.1 mile north of County Road 139, SWiSEt see. 21, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 494 One and two-tenths miles southeast of Walsinghnm, 1.15 W. J. Root A. 0. Dunlap 1945 miles south of County Road 21, 0.25 mile west of U. B. Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida Highway 19, vest of well 495. HEIIW seoo. 22, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 495 About 1.25 miles southeast of Walsingham, 1.15 miles W. J. Root Rutset -south of County Road 21, 200 feet vest of U. S. Highway Largo, Florida Largo, Florida 19, east of well 494. NEINVW sec. 22, T. 30 S., R. 15 9. 496 About 1.65 miles southeast of Walsingham, about 1.6 W. A. Repetto Johnson miles south of County Road 21 about 600 feet west of Seminole, Florida St. Petersburg, U. S. Highway 19, west of well 497. NiSWi seo. 22, Florida T. 30 S.,R. 15 E. 497 One and seven-tenths miles southeast of Waleingham, V. A. Repetto ZimmermAn 1920 about 1.6 miles south of County Road 21, about 300 feet Seminole, Florida Ozona, Florida west of U. S. Highway 19, east of well 496. NESWt seo. 22, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 498 One and two-tenths miles northeast of Oakhurst, 0.2 mile Thomas J. Darns Frank May Jan. north of County Road 139, about 0.2 mloe west of U. S, Seminole, Florida Tampa, Florida 1945 Highway 19 east side of a house. SEt8V seo. 22, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 499 About 1.15 miles northeast of Oakhurst, 0.75 mile north C. W. Whittle A. 0. Dunlap 1938 of County Road 19 160 foeet west of U. 8. Highway 19. Seminole, Florida Dunedin, Florida 30 feet north of County load 139, about 20 feet southvest of well 300. 8tStWi seo. 22, T. 30 8., R. 15 E, 114
PAGE 125
PINELLAS COUNT! MEASURING POINT T LEVIEL CRLORID CONTENT -10 -25 0 1-31-7 Irrigation 195 16 6 Top of 6-inch o52.81 44.39 4-13-48 ------Domestic F.G.S. Well 740. to pn 0.5 foot Cutting from strata 4 above land surface, penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 147 84 3 -----25 0 5-10-48 Domestic 332 132 12 ------362 -2-14-? Domestic to75 -5-5-51 Irrigation 10 220 90 6 -25 0 5-19-48 Stock 164 ------22 --1-29-47 Domestic 284 128 10 ----127 0 1-29-47 Irrigation to 8 200 90 4 ---21* --6-4-43 Domestic 25 -1-22-47 320 90 10 -416* 3.5 4-16-43 Irrigation 280 0 1-22-47 220 90 414 --2-14-47 Domestic 283 93 10 ---25 0 1-29-47 Irrigation 253 99 12 -----55 0 1-28-47 Irrigation 8 -2 -----27 --1-28-47 Domestic 255 84 12 ---4-16-43 Irrigation Sample for chloride 70* --5-28-43 determination for 67* 12 5-19-44 4-16-43 taken after 30--9-25-44 well had been pumped 73* --3-29-45 for 5 days. 27 0 1-29-47 142 --2 --60 --1-28-47 Domestic 250 127 12 -14 --2-14-47 Domestic 27---0 120 8 -----Irrigation * Chloride analy supplied by Agricultural Experiment Station, .:'. ** ** ;: ..* : : , .., " -1
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T A L 5. WI LL R 0 0 R D (Continued) 500 !About 1.15 niles northeast of Oakhurst, about 0.75 mile C. V. Whittle Johnson 1942 north of County Road 19, about 150 feet vest of U. 8. Seminole, Florida St. Petersburg, Highway 19, 0 feet north of County Road 139 20 feet Florida northeast of well 499. SEtSWt sec. 22, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 501 1ineo-tenthe mile northeast of Oakhurst, about 0.25 mile J. W. Johnson Johnson north of County Road 19, 150 feet west of U. S. Highway Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, 19, at northveat corner of a greenhousee 150 feet north Florida of well 502. Near SE cor. SEtNW* sec. 27, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 502 Nine-tenthe mile northeast of Oakhurst, 0.22 mile north J. W. Johnson A. 0. Dunlap May of County Road 19, 150 feet west of U. 8. Highway 19, Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 150 feet south of well 501. Near NE cor. NEtSVW sec. Z., T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 503 !About 0.8 mile northwest of Oakhurst, 0.67 mile north A. M. Forsyth J. P. Adams I of State Hhway 694 about 600 feet vest of Seaboard Largo, Florida Sarasota, Florida Air Line Railrsad, 300 feet south of County Road 139, In a pond. NEIrNW sec. 28, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 504J About 0.6 mile north of Oakhurst, 0.6 mile north of In0. H. Cadman A. E. Mountain I terction of County Road 20 witn County Road 19, 150 Oakhuret, Florida Ozona, Florida feet west of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.). NWNEt sec. 28, T 30 S., R. 15 E. 505 About 0.5 mile north of Oakhurst, 0.6 mile north of InG. H. Cadman A. 0. Dunlap tersection of County Road 20 vith County Road 19 about Oakhurst, Florida Dunedin, Florida 500 feet west of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.). NW1NEt ac. 28, To.. 30 S., R. 15 E. 5.16 About 0.35 nile north of Oakhurst, 0.3 mile north of inA. M. Forsyth A. E. Mountain terpectior. of County Road 19 vith County Road 20, west Largo, Florida Palm Harbor, W.e1 of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), east of well 507. Florida w S ac. , T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 507? About 0.3 nile north of Oakhurst, 0.25 mile north of inA. Y. Forsyth J. P. Adams 1933 i ericti)n of Courty Road 20 with County Road 19, about Largo, Florida Sarasota, Florida 80" feet west of County Road 20 (Ridge Rd.), west of iwell 50t. SWNEt sec. 28, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 508 \Abeout n.5 mile northwest of Oakhurst, 0.22 mile north H. 0. Mowry Johnson 1946 of 3t-te Hirh1way 064, 0.3 mile west of Seaboard Air Line Largo, Florida St. Petereburg, RillroRd, west side of ovrer's house Ne.r NE cor. NWV Florida W W ?ec. 28, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 50' About 0.4 mBile northwest of Oakhuret, 0.23 mile north of R. 0. Mowry Frank Ma 1939 tit»te H.*hway 694, 0.25 mile vest of Seaboard Air Line Largo, Florida Tampa, Florida RAIlrod, ea*st side of owner'e house. Near NW cor. NEt 3WI see. 28, ?. 30 S., R. 15 E. .510 Oakhurst, about 0.1 mile north of the railroad crossing V. E. Years Frank eay Dec. In Oakhurst, east of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, Largo, Florida Tqnpa, Florida 1945 w t f a lare pond west side of owner's residence. S1IMt~St sMc. 2, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 511 Oakhurst, about 500 feet northweet of the railroad crossE. M. Hears Ing, about 10 feet north of State Hlihway 694, about 150 Clearwater, Florida feet went of Seaboard Air Lire Railroad, near southwest corn.r of An abandored store. Uea.r SW cor. NXWSEj sec. .. 30) 5., R. 15 E. 51^ A'o,. .).ý5 rile west of 0.'khurst, south side of State 0. E. Barela Johnson HithwAy A04, near southwest corner of owner's residence. Oakhurst, Florida St. Petersburg, ,3WIS\ sec. 28, T. )S., R. 15 E. Florida 513 Onkh-jrst, about 0,2 mile west of the Seaboard Air Line Florence Robinson A. 0. Dunlap 1945 Rilroad, about 30 feet south of State Highway 694, in Dunedin, Flo'-da A Pumphouse. SttSWi sec. 28, ?. 30 S., R. 15 E. 514 Oak
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PINELLAS COUNT! MUWA RIER LEVEL CHLROD CONTENT 130 80 2 ----12 --418-47 Domestic 250 --288 ---28-43 Irrigation 140 --5-15-51 212 -6 -----201 --1-29-47 Domestic Irrigation 460 4 8 --------Drainage 142 --4 --45 --1-29-47 Domestic 300 --8 ---337* 0 5-28-43 Irrigation 290 --5-15-51 168 --4 -----40 --1-24-47 Domestic 400 -10 ----------Irrigation Well was originally to drille to a depth 8 of about 500 feet, but was later filled to a depth of 400 feet. 345 60 4 ---15 0 2-10-47 Irrigation 285 60 4 -------Irrigation 250 127 12 ------40 0 4-18-47 Irrigation 18 --I Top of 1-inch cas7.67 13.8 7-17-47 ---ing, 0.7 foot above 12.98 6-23-49 land surface. --2 ---------Domestic 282 107 10 Top of concrete pump 55.68 46.38 6-11-46 ----Irrigation base, 0.2 foot above land surface. 225 --10 ----.. 4 1-.-44 Irrigation 16* QO 5-2-45 288 115 8 ------Irrigation 312 156 12 --269* --5-28-43 Irrigation 117
PAGE 128
TA BLE 5. WE LL REC ORDS (Continued) S1.3 riles eo of Okhurst, 1.3 miles west of SeaBill Willias --Sbrdc Air Line Rilroid, 03 feet north of State Highway ,:#. NEISWJ sec. 20, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 5 ne And pix-tenths riles .eat of Oakhurst, 1.6 miles W. B. Duke Johnson Feb. t of SAbord Air Line Rlro, out 350 fet Oakhurst, Florida St. Petersburg, 1948 Sof v east aide of oners realFlorida lence. Nenr cor. 3V145W1 sec. 29, T: 30 S., R. 15 E. 5 Atout 1.65 nile vit of Oakhurt, 1.65 miles vest of Jim Smith Jonnson April 3.'o'rd Air Line Railroad, about 1.2 miles south of inOakhurst, Florida St. Petersburg, 1948 terxection of County od l32 ith Stte Highway 694, Florida oebout 100 feet west of State Highway 694. Near'SE cor. NE!:315sec. 30, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 520 0'khurst, about 0.22 mile south of intersection of SeaRobert Leach Zimmerman boird Air Line Railroad with County Road 19. 0,2 mile Largo, Florida Ozona, Florida vest of County Road 18 northeast of well 532. RWINEt sec. 3., T. 30 S., R. l5 E. 521 COakhurt, 0.25 miie south of County Road 19, about 300 Henry Leach Henry Leach 1938 feet east of County Road 18, east side of owner's reelIndian Rocks, Florida Indian Rocks, ence. aPfr 'WM cor. IEMNEO see. 33, T. 30 9., R. 15 E. Florida 522 'Oakhurt, about 0.3 mile south of intersection of SeaRobert Leach Campbell 1916 boqrd Air Line Railroid with County Road 19, about 0.2 Largo, Florida mile wept of County Road 18, southwest of well 520. 523 Oakhurst, about 0.3 mile south of intersection of SeaW. G. Blair and Co. A. 0, Dunlap Jul SeaV. 0. Blair and Co. A. 0. Dunlap Jul I board Air Line RilroAd with County Rod 19, about 0.15 Seminole, Florida Dunedin, Florida 194 mile east of County Road 18, about 900 feet north of County Road 18. NEPNE seao. 33, T. 30 3., B. 15 E. 2 About 0.65 mile southeast of Oakhurst about 70 feet Robert Leach A. 0. Dunlap Jan. s outh and 530 feet west of County Roa 18. SEtEi seec. Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1944 33, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 525 About 1.1 mileps goutneAst of Oakrurst, about 0,55 mile R. M. Brumby Fuller 1918 south of County Ro.d 18, about 350 feet west of County Oakhurst, Florida Tampa, Florida Road 18. Near NE cor. SEtSEt sec. 33, T. 30 9., R. 15 .1 526 Auout 0.7 mile southeast of Oakhurst, about 0.28 mile Ernest Cobb A. 0. Dunlap 1941 south of County Road 19, about 0.22 mile west or U. S. Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida Highway 19, south side of a dirt road, west of well 527. Near NW cor. NEtNW* sec. 34, T. 30 S., Re 15 E. 527 Nine-tenths mile southeapt of Oakhurst about 0.2 mile Ernest Cobb A. 0. Dunlap north of the intersection of Seaboard kir Line Railroad Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida with U. S. Highway 10, 300 feet west of U. S. Highway 19. NeAr NE cor. NEJNW* see. 34, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 528 About 1.0 nile southeast of Oakhurst, about 500 feet W. 0. Blair and Co. Frank May south of intersection of Stata Highway 19 with Seaboard Seminole, Florida Tampa, Florida Air Line RMilroad about 500 feet weat of U, 8, Highway 19. SE*MV* see. 314, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 529 About 1.1 ciles southeast of Oakhurst, about 0,21 mile J. A. Walsingham Johnson south of intersection of StAte Highway 19 with Seaboard Seminole, Florida St. Petereburg, Air Line Railroad, about 400 feet west of U. .Highway Florida 19 $,at of owner a fruit packing house, Near NE cor. 1 NE.SWJ see. 34, T. 30 3., R. 15 E. 530 About 1.15 miles southeast of Oakhurst, about 0.4 mile F. L. Campbell A. 0. Dunlap Dec. north of County Road 18, about 500 feet west of U. S. Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1945 Highway 19. NE3SW* sec. 34, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 531 One and fJur-tenths mile3 southeast of Oakhurst, 0,3 Kersey and Brown A. 0. Dunlap 1940 10e north of County Roi.d 67, 900 feet east of U. S. Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1 Highway 19, west of well 532. tIIWSEJ aee. 34, T. 30 S., 532 About 1.45 nmiles sithaset of Oakhurst, about 0.28 mile Kersey and Brown --north of County Road 67 about 0.2 mile east of U S. Largo, Florida Highay 19 east of YeOl 531. Near SW cor. NESE a rleoao. 34, T. 30 A., R. 15 E. 533 One And one-tnth miles southest of Oakhurst, about R. M. Brumby Zimmerman 1913 0.22 mile north of County Road 18 about 350 feet east Oakhurst, Florida Ozona, Florida of County Road 18. lNear SW cor. V*iSWvi seo. 34, T. 30 S., R. 15 E. 11.8
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PINELLAS COUNTY MWAR LEXVL ChLO. I dONNT z f4 tO 0.--44 EE0 To0 p ----Irrigation nch pipe, 7.17 .3 3-24-48 20 --2-12-48 Domtic K2.7 feet above land 2 R.8 <-23-4 suface. 0.90 5-15-51 .12 a. 4-1-8 25 --4-1-4 Doestic Sample for chloride to Ing, flush with land determination taken 2 surace. after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 14 --2 ----21 --28-43 Domesti 22 -e-18-47 t 2 .25 Top of coupling on 55.68 18.77 7-2l-47 25 -7-17-47 Domestic feet above land sur180 ----62 --5-28-43 Irrigation 278 100 10 1636* 24 3-7-44 Irrigation 303 106 10 --522* 5 7-15-ý44 Irrigation 252 1 8 Top of -inch cou14.24 5.51 8-8-46 1703* lo 5-28-43 to pli 03 foot 5.60 3-24-48 1724* 8 5-19-44 6 above land surface. 6.:17 6-22-49 1779* --7-15-44 7.91 5-15-51 1900* 8 3-20-45 2076* 8 5-21-45 260 90 10 ..--1232* 8 4-16-43 Irrigation Well was originally 1269* -4-20-43 drilled to a depth 543* 10 6-22-43 of 300 feet, but was 197* 10 6-23-4 later filled to a. 25 10 6:24n-4 depth of 260 feet. 200 --------Domestic 258 90 12 --262 0 1-29-47 Irrigation Well was originally drilled to a depth of 310 feet, but was lp.ter filled to a depth of 258 feet. 236 60 4 Top of 4-ich -370 28.75 4-13-48 ------Irrigation pling, flush with 29.06 4-19-4-8 land surface. 29.44 6-21-49 31.80 5-15-51 255 128 1 ----------Irrigation 333 --1 -1350 --2-18-47 Irrigation to 1435 --5-15-51 100 ----22 -2-14-47 Iomestio 114 4 --35 --1-29-47 Domestic 119e ile t
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SA I L 5. VILL RIOORDS (Continued) 534 About 1.3 miles southeast of Oakhurst, about 600 fiet Bill Villiams As. 0 Dunlap ay th of County Road 18, about 0,35 mile yest of U. 8. Oakhurst, Florida Dunedin, Florida 1946 Highway 19, northwest of well 535. SVWist seo. 34, T. 30 , R. 15 E. 1 535 About 1.35 ailes southeast of Oakhurst, 100 feet north Williams A. 0. Dunlap of County Road 18, 0, 3 mile voet of U. .ighway 19, Oakhurst, Florida Dundi, Florida southeaet of vell 534. Near SB cor. SWISt see. 34, T. 30 9., R. 15 t. 536 About 1.4 miles southeast of Oakhurst, about 0.1,mile F. L. Campbell A. 0. Dunlap 1944 north of County Road 18, about 200 feet west of U. 8. Largo, Florida Dunedin, Florida Highway 19. 88WV seow. 34, T. 30 8., R. 153 . S53? Seminole, 1.6 miles southeast of Oakhurst, about 0.15 Kersey and 1rown mile east of U. P. Highway 19, about 200 feet north of Largo, Florida 54th Ave., N. SVWSE0 eoo. 34, T. 30 8., R. 135 . *538 Seminole, 1.8 miles southeast of Oakhurst, about 0.32. Kersey A. 0. Dunlap mile east of U. 8. Highway 19 north side of 54th.Ave., Clearwater, Florida Dunedin, Florida N. Hear SV cor. S8ESRi sea. 34, T. 30 8., R. 15 I. 539 About 5.0 miles northeast of Pinellas Park, 0.8 mile B. L. McMullen north of interseeotion of State Highway 688 with State Largo, Florida Highway 686, about 0.12 aile east of a hard surfaoe road. NWtNWj see. 2, T. 30 8., R. 16 B. 5140 About 4.5 miles northwest of Pinellas Park, 0.86 mile Joseph Segar -July south of State Highway 686, vest side of State Highway Clearwater, Florida 1946 693. Near NX cor. StiNhi seo. 6, T. 30 8., R. 16 3. 5141 About 4.3 miles northwest of Pinellas Park, about 1.05 L. J. Burd 1942 miles south of State Highway 686, west side of Statq Clearater, Florida Highway 693 south of well 540. Near NE cor. NEiSEt .6, T. 30 S., R. 15 S. $542 About 5.4 milea northeast of Oakhurst, about 0.7 mile Gay's Dairy Johnon vept of State Highway 693, north side of County Road 22 St. Petersburg, (lmrton Rd.), volt of well 543. SEtSVI soo. 6, T. 30 Florida S., a. 16 3. 543 About 5.5 miles northeast of Oakhurst, about 0.65 mile Albert V. Gay vent of State Hichvay 693, north side of County Road 22 (Ulmorton Rd.), east of well 542. SE8jS see. 6, T. 30 s., R. 16 . 5414 About 5.6 miles northeast of Oakhurst, about 0.6 mile H. N. Wittetruck July 's»t of State Hizhvay 693, north side of County Road 22 Largo, Florida 1945 (Ulerton Rd.), east of well 543). 8WISE see, 6, T. 30 s., R. 16 E. 545 About 3.2 miles northwest of Pinellas Park, 0.7 mile R. Rothermel Johnson March south of County Hond 22 (Ulmerton Rd.) west side of St. Petersburg, 1947 State Highway 693. NESEt seo. 7, T. 3o S., R. 16 3. Florida 5146 About 3.6 miles northwest of Pinellas Park, 0.2 mile F. W. Sable B .stay April south of intersection of State Highway 693 with County Largo, Florida St. Petersburg, 1947 RoAd 22 (Ulnerton Rd.). Near NW cor. SWNV\W see. 8, Florida T. 30 5., R. 16 E. 547 About 3.7 miles north of Pinellas Park, about 1.1 miles east of State Highway 693 about 300 feet south of State Highway 688 200 feet west of Cross Bayou Canal. NEiNEJ ec. 8, T. 30 8., R. 16 E. 548 Two and six-tenths miles northwest of Pinellas Park Hunt's Dairy C. S. elly March 1.2 miles south of intersection of State Highway 693. St. Peterburg, 1946 with County Road 22 (Ulmerton Rd.), about 0.2 mile east Florida of State Highvay 693. NViNWI seo. 17, T. 30 S., R. 16 549 About 2.3 miles northwest of Pinellas PArk, 0.1 mile H. V. Rowe 1917 south of intersection of Cross Bayou Canal with State Highway 693, about 200 feet east of State Highway 693. 4NV4 sec. 17, T. 30 8., R. 16 E. 550 Two and two-tonths miles northvest of Pinellas Park', Paul Renner 0. Xel 1945 about 0.21 mile south of intereeotion of Cross Bayou 8t. Petersburg, Canal with State Highway 693, about 500 feet east of Florida state Hi hvay 693. Near SW cor. NVwISt seo. 17, T. 30 Sol R. 16t B a ater level expressed in feet above the Maesuring point, 120
PAGE 131
PINELLAB COUNT! SIBRM POT A VEL CH RIDE CONTENT 2 9 10 -------Irrigation 190 7-2117 0 2-18-7 --155 6 Top of .6-Inch Cas27.93 19.10 7-1 42 1 17 0 2-18-47 ing, 0.9 foot above .19.73 4-19-48 lan surface.20.05 6-1-49 22.05 5-15-51 255 128 12 --250 0 4-21-47 Irrigation to 6 330 --8 -----1447* --5-28-43 Irrigation 180 --10 --212* 0 3-20-45 Irrizqtion 230* 3.5 3-20-45 ----------Domestic 105 2 ---225 --9-25-47 Domestic 107 1.2---125 --9-25-47 Domestic 12 68 2 ------200 --6-27-47 Stock 106 ----------Domestic 105 ----190 --4-30-47 Domestic 88 34 2 ----182 --4-30-47 Domestic to 1.25 85 42 2 Top of 2-inch as-10.37 4-29-47 190 --9-25-47 Domestic to ing, 1.2 feet above 1 land surface. .5 Top f 2-inch 4.94 a3.5 7-22-46 255 --7-29-47 --Samples for chloride g, 0.3foot above a3.0 7-29-47 225 --5-4-4B determinations taken land surface. a2.45 1-12-48 after well had been a2.li 4-1 98 flowing for an a 2.70 6-24-49 indefinite period. 140 36 2 --145 --4-30-47 Doilestic Stock 4o -. 6 -----200 --7-29-47 Domestic Sample for chloride determination taken after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 100 40 2 -----100 --5-1-47 Domestic Stock * ; ' * .' ."'. '' ' '" :.:.m** ;1.*121:*
PAGE 132
?TABL 5. WELL R C O RD 8 (Continued) 551. About 2.7 miles northwest of Pinellas Park, about 0.4 Bryan's Dairy May Bros. 1947 nile west of Intersection of State Highway 693 with Largo, Florida Tampa, Florida Cross Bayou Canal, about 100 feet north of a graded road. 9WtNE1 sec. 18, ?. 30 S., R. 16 E. 55$2 About 2.35 miles northwest of Pinellas Park, about 0.1 John Wilcox 1945 mile south of intersection of Cross Bayou Canal with St9te Highway 693, vest side of State Highway 693, north of well 53. NEiSEt sea. 18, T. 30 8., R. 16 E. 553 Two and three-tenths miles northwest of Pinellas Park, B. E. Johnson about 0.15 mile south of Intersection of Cross Bayou Cr.nal with State Highway 693, West side of State Highway 693, south of well 552. NEiSE seo. 18, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. 554 About 2.3 miles northveet of Pinellas Park, about 0.16 Herbert Slack mile south of intersection of Cross Bayou Canal with Largo, Florida State Highway 693, west side of State Highway 693, south of well 553. NESE sec. 18, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. 555 Two and three-tenths miles northwest of Pinellas Park, Renner about 0.2 mile south of intersection of Cross Bayou Canal with State Highway 693, west side of State Highway 693, south of well 554. NE*SE* sec. 18, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. 556 One and nine-tenths miles north of Pinellas Park 0.1 L. Page mile east of State Hifhway 693, south side of 102nd. Ave. Pinellas Park, N. N WW see. 20, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. Florida 557 Three and nine-tenths miles east of Pinellas Park, about W. E. Wells -1924 1.0 mille south of State Highway 600, 0.1 mile west of St. Petersburg, 9th Street. SEINEt sec. 25, T. 30 6., R. 16 E. Florida 558 Three and two-tenths miles northeast of Pinellas Park, City of St. Peters0.85 mile west of 9th Street N., 0.43 mile south of burg State Highway 600, about 600 feet south of a dirt road 1200 feet west of a dairy, 2 feet north of a fence. NWI NVt see. 25, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. 559 About 3.3 miles northeast of Pinellas Park, 0.7 mile Fortner and Glailvell Tampq Deep Well July wost of 9th Street N., 0.6 mile south of State Highway Dairy Drilling Co. 1942 600, eant of well 558, at dairy. Near SV cor. NEiNWJ Pinellas Pqrk, TUPA, Florida sec. 25, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. Florida 560 lAbout 2.9 miles east of Pinellae Park, about 1.15 miles City of St. Peterseast of intersection of 74th Ave. N. w4th State Highway burg 600, 0.85 mile south of State Highway 600, about 0.65 mile southwest of well 559, in a pasture. Near NW cor. iV3Wt sec. 25, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. 5ol 'About 2.6 miles northeast of Pinellas Park, about 1,0 City of St. Petersmile northeast of interseotion of 74th Ave. N. with burg 3tte Hiahway 600, about 700 feet south of State Highway 600. NVWNEj see. 26, T. 30 8., R. 16 E. 5 62 Two qnd three-tenths miles east of Pinellas Park 0.6 Sellers' Dairy C, S. Kelly 11932 mle northeast of intersection of 74th Ave. N. with State St. Petersburg, St. PetersbLrg, 'l. y 600, about 300 feet south of State Highway 600. Florida Florida WI see. 26, T. 30 S., R. 16 z. 563 3St. Petersburg, about 1.65 miles east of Pinellas Park, T. C. Evans Pyles Sept. |t 3725 70th Ave. N. SWtSE* seo. 27, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 194 Florida Florida 1564 One Pnd seven-tenths miles east of Pinellas Park 150 Eugene Bryan -14 feet south of 70th Ave. N., at 6940 37th St. NWISEt sec. 27, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. ý565 About 1.7 miles east of Pinellas Park, 600 feet south Frank B. Delay Green July of 70th Ave. N., on west side of 37th St. SWVSEj see. St. Petersburg, 1946 27, T. 30 S., R. 16 3. Florida 5o6 Pinellae Park, at northeast corner of interseoti'on of Town of Pinellas Frank May 74th Ave. N. with Atlantic Coast Ling Railroad, near a Park Tanpa, Florida wter tank, east of well 567. krtSE sec. 29, T. 30 5., R. 16 6. 567 Pinellas Park at northwest corner of kntereeotion of Town of Pinellas Frank May Atlantio Coast Line Railroat and 74th Ave. N., west of Park Tampa, Florida well 566. Near SW oor. NSt8Et see. 29, T. 30 8., R. 16 122
PAGE 133
PINELLAS COUNT! WCARTER lEVEL CHLCRID CONTEXT 130 -------200 --L-30-47 Domestic Stock S---73 -4-30-47 Domestic 120 --35 -4-30-47 Donestic --. --------Domestic ---------------110 --2 ----225 --4-30-47 Domestic 8 --1.50 ------112 --10-3-47 Domestic Sample for chloride determination taken after vell had bea flowing for an indefinite period. -13 Top of 13-inch c7.68 2.04 10-22-47 7 0 10-22-47 Ing, flush with land 5.31 6-22-49 surface. 3.72 5-15-51 110 8 4 -----157 --6-9-47 Domestic Stock -14 Top of 14-inch cou9.62 1.01 10-24-47 170 0 10-24-47 --pling, 1.1 feet .2.05 4-19-48 above land surface. 1.73 6-22-49 300 --14 Top of 14-inch ca9.72 3-98 51-47 121 0 5-1-47? Unused Automatic water ng fluh with lan.25 9-11-47 Public level recorder insurface. 1.74 0-47 3up)iy stalled 8-19-4-4 123 11-26-47 Sup.,ly st..lled 8-19-7 5.18 6-22-49 3.30 5-15-51 135 60 .25 ---220 --5-1-47 Domestic Stock 15 15 .25---105 --5-1-47 Domestic 165 ---------Domestic 16 16 .25 ---100 0 5-1-47 Domestic 32 80 12 -----462 --2-3-47 Public Listed in U. S. 525 -4-9-48 Supply Geological Survey Water Supply. Paper 319, p. 322. 480 65 12------Public Supply ,,, ______________ __________123 ____\ ;
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TA B L 5. WE LL REC 0 0 RD 8 (Continued) 568 One mile northwest of Pinellas Park, about 0.22 aile Wilkinson C. W, May July north of Intersection of 74th Ave. N. and State Highway Tampa, Florida 1947. 693 (eaines Rd.), vest side of Haines Road. NE$SEt sec. 30, T. 30 s., R. 16 E. 569 About 1.15 miles southwest of Pinellas Park, 0.62 mile 0. A. Sawyer Johnson north of intersection of 54th Ave. N. with State Highway St. Petersburg, 693, west side of State Highway 693. SENEt eo. 31, Florida T. 30 S., R. 16 E. 570 About 2.1 miles southwest of Pinellas Park 0.65 mile V. and W. Cattle Co. vest of State Highway 693, north side of i4th Ave. H. St. Petersburg, SEiSw seec. 31, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. Florida 5/71 Seven-tenths mile southwest of Pinellas Park, 0.6 mile Shoecraft Nursery Newman south of 74th Ave. N., about 0.6 mile east of State Pinellas Park, Pinellas Park, Hlnvway b93. SVwNEt see. 32, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. Florida Florida 572 About 0.85 mile southwest of Pinellas Park, at 6222 J-..F. Yount B. F. Stahly June Washington Blvd. 162nd Ave.). Sec. 32, T. 30 5., R. 16 St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 1946 E. Florida Florida 573 One mile southeast of Pinellas Park, northwest corner Palatex Corp. Frank May Oct. of Intersection of Diston Blvd. and Atlantic Coast Line St. Petersburg, Tampa, Florida 1946 Railroad. Near SE cor. SWINEI seo. 33, T. 30 S., R. 16 Florida E. 574 About 1.5 miles soutneast of Pinellas Park, about 0.16 F. S. Holroof A. 0. Dunlap Sept. mile east of Disaton Blvd., about 500 feet north of St. Petersburg, Dunedin, Florida 1944 I 54th Ave. N., in a grove. SEISEO see. 33, T. 30 5., R. Florida 16 E. 575 St. Petersburg, 3990 Lealman Ave. SEiSWj sec. 34, T. J. A. Boyle Green 30 S., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 576 St. Petersburg, 3707 Lealman Ave. N. NWISE see. 34, J. W. Bruce Harry Green 1945 T. 30 S., R.16 E. St Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 577 St. Petersburg, 2901 Lealan Ave. Near SW cor. NCharles .Wedding sec. 35, T. 30 S., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, Florida 578 About 6.2 miles northeast of Pinellas Park, 0.35 mile L. D. Lyons Fay Bros. July &met of San Martin Blvd., 2f0 feet south of Gandy Blvd., St. Petersburg, Tampa, Florida 1947 at a residence, east of well 579. Hear SE c6r. NEjSEj Florida see. 17, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. 579 Six miles northeast of Pinellas Park, 0.15 mile east of Charles L. Debbe Pinellas Machine June San Martin Blvd., 100 feet south of Gandy Blvd., Near SE St. Peteriburgi Co 1946 cor. NVtSEg sec. 17, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. Florida St. Petersburg, Florida 580 About 5.9 miles northeast of Pinellas Park, 150 feet south of Gandy Blvd., 350 feet east of San Martin Blvd. SWISEK see 17, T. 30 S., R. 17 E, 581 About 5.6 miles northeast of Pinellas Park, about 0.7 C. A. Smith alle northeast from intersection of State Highway 600 St. Petersburg, (Gandy Blvd.) with 4th Street N. along Gandy Blvd., at Florida 10,600 Gandy Blvd., south side. SESWi sec. 17, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. 582 Six miles nortneast of Pinellas Park, 1.1 miles east of Walter Collany Green Sept. Intersection of State Hlhv.wy 600 (3andy Blvd.) vitth St. Petersburg, St. Peterburg, 1946 4th Street t., about 0.) nile south of Gandy Blvd. in a Florida Florida trailer camp. SEjSEt sec. 17, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. 583 About 6.15 miles northeast of Pinellas Park, about 1,2 Walter Collany Pinellao Machine 1939 miles enst of intersection of State Highway 600 (Gandy St. Petersburg, Co. Blvd.) with 4th Street N., about 0.3 mile south of Oandy Florida St. Petersburg, Blvd., northeast of well 582. SE SEJ sec. 17, T. 30 8., Florida R. 17 E. (eant side of dirt road). 584 Five and three-tenths miles northeast of Pinellae Park, E. C. Wright Parker Drilling Coo July About 1.0 mile north of intersection of State Highway Tula&, Oklahoma 1949 600 (oandy Blvd.) vith 4th Street N., east aide of a dirt rond. Near NW cor. NWINEi sec, 18, T. 30 5., R. 17 E. 124
PAGE 135
PINELLAS COUNTX VMAT R LivRL CHL TDE COHNTENT 82 4 2 -185 --7-29-47 Domestic 137 -3 ---240 --9-9-47 Domestic 4 ----250 -2-3-47 Domestic Stock 182 100 4 ---201 0 2-3-47 Irrigation 108 -2 -----35 --2-3-47 Domestic 256 119 8 ---155 --5-1-47 Industrial to 6 275 114 --------Irrigation 25 --1 --25 --2-11-48 Domestic 26 26 .25 --50 --2-11-48 Domestic 8 Top of cement pump 40.62 32.28 2-11-48 25 0 2-11.48 Irrigation base, 1.0 foot above land surface. 88 44 2 ---5200 --10-1o-47 Domestic Water not used for drinking. 18 -1.5 -----735 --10-10-47 Irrigation Well consiXes of battery of six sand points, 1.50 inches in diameter, 18 feet in depth. 35 --6 Top of 6-inch-cas6.40 -110":4 1660 -10-10-47. Irrigation ng 0. foot above .87 6-22-49 5.00 5-15-51 4o ---3050 --10-10-47 Irrigation 14 -125-30. --10-10-47 Irrigation 90 --5-15-51 500 '385 2 Top of 1-inch one584 5.81 10-10-47 ----Ing, 1.7 feet above land surface. 1507 3700 22 ----46100 --5-13-48 Oil Test. Sample for chloride Dry and determination taken abandoned when well had been July 8, drilled to a depth 1948. of about 8900 feet and cased to 3700 feet. Analysis by U. S. Geological Survey. F.G.s. Well w-1669. 125
PAGE 136
TA BL 1 5. W LL RECORDS (Continued) 585 Five and three-tenths miles northeast of Pinellas Park, E. C. Wright ParkerDrilling Cos March nbout 1.0 mile north of Intersection of State Highway Tulsa, Oklahoma 1948 600 (Gandy Blvd.) with 4th Street N., east aide of a dirt road, near well 584. Hear NW cor. NW*N{t sec. 18, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. 586 Four and eight-tenths miles northeast of Pinellas Park, W. C. Thornton 1935 at center of intersection of State Highway 600 (Gandy St. Petersburg, Blvd.) and State Highway 686 (Roosevelt Blvd.) with 4th Florida Street N., at a gas station. NWtNE* sec. 19, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. 587 Four and three-tenths miles east of Pinellas Park, V. E. Wells 1924 about 1.3 miles south of Intersection of State Highway St. Petersburg, 600 (Gandy Blvd.) with 4th Street N., about 800 feet Florida vent of 4th Street N., at Suwannee Farm, south of dairy,. south side of a creek, 30 feet northeast of well 588. NEtSWt sec. 30, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. 588 Four and three-tenths miles east of Pinellas Park, W. E. Wells 1924 about 1.3 miles south of intersection of State Highway St. Petersburg, 600 (Gandy Blvd.) with 4th Street N., about 800 feet Florida vest of hth Street, at Suwannee Farm, south of dairy, south side of a creek, southwest of well 587. Near SW cor. NEtSWt sec. 30, T. 30 S., R. 17 E. 589 Two ind aeven-tenthe miles southwest of Pinellas Park, 0. C. Lewis Miller 0.8 mile eret of Seminole Bridge, near Interseotion of St. Petersburg, 46th Ave. N. (County Road 16) and 77th St., north aide Florida of County Road 16. SEtNEt sec. 1, T. 31 S., R. 15 E. 590 About 3.4 miles southveat of Pinellas Park, at east end Eddy Storey of Serntnole Bridge, soutn side of U. S. Highway 19, south side of a road side stand. NW*SW* sec. 1, T. 31 S., R. 15 E. 591 About 2.4 miles so'itheast of Oakhurst, about 0.5 mile Veterans AdvinistraA. 0. Dunlap -eat of Seminole Bridge, 0.15 mile south of U. 8. Hightion Dunedin, Florida way 19, north side of a small pond, at U. S. Veterans Bay Pines, Florida Hospital, northnret of wells 592 and 594. Near SE oar. NWiSWi sec. 2, T. 31 S., R. 15 E. 592 Abo-it 2.5 mialles southeast of Oakhurst, about 0.5 mile Veterans AdialnistraA. 0. Dunlap March west of Seminole Bridge, about 0.17 mile south of U. S. tion Dunedin, Florida 1934 Hightay 19, 2 feet south of a small building about 50 Bay Pines, Florida feet northeast of well 594. NEtSVW soo. 2, T. 31 S., R. 15 9. 593 About 2.45 miles southeast of Oakhurst, 0.6 mile west Veterans AdinistraA. 0. Dunlap 1937 of Seminole Bridge, about 0.2 mile south of U. S. Hightion Dunedin, Florida way 19, southwest of well 591, about 5 feet west of a Bay Pines, Florida pond. NASVi sec. 2, T. 31 S., R. 15 E. 594 About 2.65 miles southeast of Oakhurst, about 0.5 mile Veterans AdjnistraA. 0. Dunlap west of Seminole Bridge, about 0.2 mile south of U. 8. on Dunedin, Florida Highway 19 about 50 feet southwest of well 592. Near Bay Pines, Florida NW cor. SEiSWi seo. 2, T. 31 8., R. 15 E. 593 Seminole, 1.7 malles southeast of Oakhurst, 0.25 mile east H. V. eloss Barnham 1928 of U. S8 Highway 19, south side of 54th Ave. N. Near NE Larg, Florida Clearwatr, cor. NWINtE sec. 3, T. 31 S., R. 15 E. Florida 596 One and six-tenths miles southeast of Oakhurst, 0.3 mile Frank Duhm Al Roulo 1914 south of County Road 18, 0.5 mile vest of U. 8, Highway Seminole, Florida 19 east of a dirt road, south of owner's residence. SWIMNi sec. 3, T. 31 S., R. 15 E. 597 Four miles southeast of Oakhurst, 500 feet vest of Park A. E. Smith Jones Jan, St., N., north side of 26th Ave. N., St. Petersburg., 1947 NESVt seo. 12, T. 31 8., R. 15 3. Florida Florida 598 St. Petersburg 3506 54th Ave. N. Near NW cor. NIKNEi Fred Cafel 19 see. 3, T. 31 A., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, Florida 599 St. Peterasburg, 750 feet south of 54th Ave. N., abQut Re Col A 0 Dunlap 1931 700 feet east of Diseton Blvd., In a grove. NfiN t @eo. St. Petersburg, Dunedin, Florida 4, T. 31 S., R. 16 E. Florida a Water level expressed in feet above the measuring point 126
PAGE 137
PINELLA8 COU0!t VMR K Ip.t, -CEfil,?E CONTEHT 230 100 6 ---3125 -4-26-48 Drilling Well apparently Processes destroyed. 150 2 ---550 -10-10-47 Dome stio 45 ----205 -10-3-47 Stock S----240 -10-3-47 Stock .20 20 1.5 ---20 -2-3-47 28 40 3 ----250 -10-9-47 Domestic 4 Top of 4-inch cas5.07 a3.1 7-24-47 310 -7-23-47 -Sample for chloride ng 1.2 feet below a3.4 1-12-4 determination taken lan. surface. a3.10 6-24-49 after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. *W,0o 91 6 Highest point on 65.93 a2.00 7-24-~7 1395 --7-23-47 --Sample for chloride inch casings 1.7 a2.24 1-12-48 1365 --5-16-51 determination taken feet below land sura2.00 4-19-48 after well had been face. al.1 5-16-51 flowing for an indefinite period. 4 Highest point on 45.25 a2.87 7-24-47 275 --23-47 --Samples for chloride ,inch casing 1.0 a3.27 1-12-48 300 --5-5-48 determinations taken foot below land sura2.92 6-24-49 250 -5-16-51 after well had been face. a2.4 5-16-51 flowing for an indefinite period. 4 ---. -325 --7-23-47 -Sample for cnloride determination taken after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 4 ----240 --4-21-47 Domestic Irrigation 40 8 ----?225 7-7-47 Domestic Sample for chloride determination taken after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. .!) 45 3 Top of elbow near 6.23 al.9 1-21-48 250 --1-21-48 Domestic Samples for chloride faucet, 1.5 foeet al.00 4-19-48 250 -5-13-48 Irrigaiion determinations taken abo-e land surface. i3.0 6-2-49 220 --5-15-51 after well had been 2.05 5-1 51 flowing for an Indefinite period. 1.5 ----5.0 --2-11-48 Domesti Irrigation 90 8 ----2390 4 2-22-45 Irrigation
PAGE 138
TABL3 5. VILL RECORDS (Continued) i I 600 St. Petersburg, about 1000 feet south of 54th Ave. N., F. J. Burns Milton R Vaughn about 1000 feet vest of Di'tOn Blvd., at Memorial St. Petersbug, Tampa, Florida Cemetery. Near SV cor. NWtNZt seo. 4, T. 31 S., R. 16 Florida N. 601 St. Petersburg, about 100 feet west of 63rd St. N., Belcher'a Dairy about 400 feet south of 54th Ave. N. NEtNaW soo. 5, T. Pinellas Park, 31 9., R. 16 1. Florida 602 About 1.8 miles southwest of Pinellas Park, about 0.3 R. N. Bennett mile vest of County Road 16, south side of 54th Ave. N. St. Petersburg, NVtNst seo. 6, T. 31 8., R. 16 S. Florida 603 About 2.6 miles southwest of Pinellas Park, about 1.0 F. X. Miller mile east of Seminole Bridge, one house east of 7555 46th Ave, N , north side of County Road 16, vest of well 604. SWiSW seec. 6, T. 31 S., R. 16 x. 604 About 2.6.miles southwest of Pinellas Park, about 1.0 0. H. Ford 0. H. Ford mile east of Seminole Bridge, in 7500 block of 46th Ave. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, N., (County Road 16), north side of County Road 16, east Florida Florida of well 603. SWtSWt seo. 6, T. 31 8., R. 16 E. 605 About 2.5 miles southwest of Pinellas Park, 1.0 mile 0. H. Ford Ton Johnson 1942 east of Seminole Bridge, in 7500 block of 46th Ave. N. St. Petersburg, (County Road 16), north side of County Road 16, south Florida of well 604. SW NW seo. 6, T. 31 5., R. 16 E. c06 St. Petersburg, 6515 38th Ave. N. Near NW cor. N'IWjN A. G0 Lord Pinellas Machine 1941 sec. 8, T. 31 S., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, Co. Florida St. Petersburg, Florida -1? St. Petersburg, 2601 49th St. 11. northeast corner of F. H, Robinson Ellenberger 1944 26th Ave. N. and 49th St. N. NEISEt sec. 9, T. 31 S., St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, R. 16 E. Florida Florida i' St. Petersburg, 3?10 Hainee Rd., at Allendale Nursery, George Dill ::E!:IEt see. 12, T. 31 S., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, Florida .^) S.. Petersburg, 650 16th St. 11. SW¼SEt soc. 13, T. 31 R. J. Foster Anderson 3., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 010 St. Petersburg, 530 16th Ave. N. SWISEi sec. 13, T. R. B. Husing Newman 1944 1 3., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, Florida 611 3t. Petersburg, about 300 feet north of 5th Ave. ., St Petersburg High -1936 be tve n 25th ýt. II. and 26th St. N., south of well 12. School S93SE9 sec. 1, T. 31 S., R. 16 E. St. PetereDurg, Florida 612 St. Petoreburg, about 300 feat north of 5th Ave. N. beSt. Petersburg High A. 0. Dunlap 1945 tveen 25th S3. N. ,'nd 26th St. N., north of well 611. School SEUt3E sec. 14, T. 31 S., R. 16 E.t. Petersburg, Florida 613 St. Petprebtrg, 700 feet north of 38th Ave. N. 150 feet Skag A. 0. Dunlap Sept. vest of 43rd St. NM. .Nesr SW cor. seo. 3, T. 31 ., R. St. Peterburg, Dunedin, Florida 1945 16 E. Florida 614 St. Petersburg, north side of 5th Ave. N., east side of Admiral Farragut Park St. SWiSWI sec. 18, T. 31 8., R. 16 E. Academy St. Petersburg, Florida 615 St. Petersburg, in vacant lot of corner of 52nd St. N. City of St. Petersand 1st Ave. N. Near NV cor. SWj:IEj sec. 21, T. 31 8., burg R. 16 I. 616 St. Petersburg, 50 feet east of 10th St. N., 120 feet Foremost Farms, Inc. Frank May 1933 north of 4th Ave. N. Hear NE cor. NESNEt seo. 24, T. St. Petersburg, Tampa, Florida 31 S., R. 16 E. Florida 617 St. Petersburg, 4810 23rd Ave. S. NEINEI sec. 33, T. Bob Lone Star 1938 31 S., R. 16I. 128
PAGE 139
PINELLAII COUNTY * MEASURING POINT WATER LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT 450 -10 ----60 --2-3-47 Irrigation 192 --------------Domestic Stock 114 --1.5 ---67 --2-3-47 Domestic ---------15 --2-3-47 Domestic 85 --1.2 ---------Domestic 171 --2 -----20 0 2-3-47 --260 --2.5 --205 --4-30-47 Stock 163 80 2 ---20 -7-28-47 Dor.estio 168 --3 ---25 0 2-11-48 Irrication 25 --2 -----25 0 10-9-47 Irrigation Well consists of battery of five sand points, 2 inches in diameter, 25 feet in depth. 18 --1.25 ----35 -10-9-47 Domestic Well conxists of battery of three sand points, 1.25 inches in diameter, le feet in depth. 190 90 6 --------School 232 166 8 ----28 -2-3-47 School 343 10 -----------Irrigation to 8 130 --5 Hole in pipe elbow, 9.49 0.58 1-28-48 425 --1-28-48 Domestic 0.6 foot above land 0.68 4-19-48 370 --5-16-51 Irrigation surface. --12 --------Unused Well is plugged with Public rocks. Supply 216 102 8 -------Dairy 92 76 ----17 --6-26-47 Domestic Irrigation 129
PAGE 140
TAB 5. LL REC 0 RDS (ContinueA) o St. Petrrure.', about 0.:0 rile vcot of 37th St. Sl., Barber I-out 10j feAt Ec-ith of A dirt rc.a e:-;endlng vest from St. Petersburg, ta int.re~rtion of 37th St. S. with 30th Ave. S., near Florida eýt aide of a barn., n.o,th c-f vell 19. SWNEi sec. 34, 1 6t. Pet.-r.urh ,-oit 0.? nil vest of 37th St. S., Barber about ?03 feet s-uth of a dirt rcad extendirg west from St. Petersburg, lIcrFclopn off 37th St. S. ith 30th Ave. S., e.ith of Florida well (E, In a Erive. :NiSEi eec. 31, T. 21 3., R. 16 6-0 St. P~etpr.urg, 19Z7 4th St. N. SWISE1 sec. 7, T. 21 S., Coca Cola Bottling Co, Pinellas Macine Co. 1940 S R. 17 E. " e' ' 'St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 620A St. Petersburg, 192 4th t. .8 7, T. 31 , Coca Cola Bottling Co. May Bro. 1949 R. 17 1. St. Petersburg, Tampa, Florida Florida 62 53. Peterslur, 30? Driwntvwters Blvd. E-SWS sec. 8, E. Boone Pinellas Mac.ine Co.l 3 ?1 ., .17 E. St. Petersbur Petersburg, Florida Florida I Pt 3 e rt'-irg', 307 Brirhtwaters Blvd. SWSE1 sec. 8, E. B. Holtan Pinellas aclne Co. T .R 17 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida Z > I P3ter. rg, 321 BriE-.twaters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 Col. R. B. Har t Pinellas Macine Co. 3., .R 17 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida Z 4 S3t. PFters'urg, 321 Bri'.htwaters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 A. W. Roberein Pinellas Macnne Co. 3., R. 17 E. -St. Petorsturg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 52 P5tfr r'r, 531 Bri ?.taters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 R. W. RobnerPinellas Macine Co. 1 S., R. 17 E. St. Peters:urg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 6 St.. Pet1r. -aurg, 531 BriY.htvaters Blvd. Soc. 8, T. 31 0. N. ilson Pinellas Machine Co. 19 S., .17 E " St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 27 'St. Pet'rur, 521 Briht :atv.ers 3lvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 J. J. YoFleming Pinellas ine Co. .R 1? E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 3*. Peter-lur, 651 Brl.htwaters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 J. .HarYoung L. J. Anderson 1942 .R 17 -E St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 1 30 3. Pr-er -'rg, 711 Brightwaters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 S. P. Hoarlin Pinellas Macrine Co. 3., F. 17 E. St. Petersburg, St. Peterscurg, Florida Florida 60 3. Petpr--iur, 831 Frightwaters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 H. W. Holland Pinellas Machine Co. S., R. 1-7 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida .31 S3t. Peters'ur, 1011 Brightwaters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 ThoAF. Deie Pinellas Machine Co. S., R. 17 E. St. Petersourg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida .32 t. urg, 1105 Brightwaters Blvd. Sec. 8, T. 31 HF.aF.len Pinellas Macnine Co. 3.S, A. 17 E. S St. Peerersburg, Florida Florida 3 -. Petreburg, 1222 Brichtater Blvd. Sec, T. 31 C. Markey. arrPinellas Macnine Co. Se S., R. 1? E. "St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 634 St. *Peters-ur-, 1620 Beacn Drive N. Sec. 17 T. 31 8, Frank M. Harria Ellenbergar 1944 R. 17 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 6) St. Pterburg, 12t Ave. ., etween Beach Drive .ec. 1. T31 .C. .ray AarPinella Machine Co. -e D e. .17, T. 31 ., R. 17 St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 636 St. Poteraburg, 12th Ave. N., between Beach Drive N. and Inedsa Apartment Langenaorth Shore Drive. Sec. 17, T. 31 S., R. 17 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida Florida 37 13t. Peerurg, 1000 Beach Drive N. Sec. 17, T. 31 8. 0. S. Johnson Pinella Macnine o. 1940 St. Petereaurg, Florida 130
PAGE 141
PINELLAB COUNTY MEABUATRRG POINEVEL f ID CONTENT -.-3 --1085 -6-26-47 Stock Samples for chloride 1050 -1-21-48 dekerminations taken 940 -5-16-51 after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 220 -5 ---037 -3-22-5 IrriCation 260 ------50 -10-14-47 Industrial 25 -5-13-48 267 127 8 -----Industrial F.GMS. Well W1901. Cuttings on file with Florida Geol. Survey. -----375 --10-14-47 Irrigation .25---250 -10-14-47 Irrigation .25 --225 -10-13-47 Irrigation ---210 --10-13-47 Irrigation -----250 --10-14-47 Irrigation 125 ----300 --10-14-47 Irrigation 3o8 --5-16-51 85 -1.2 -275 --10-14-47 Irrigation 100 --3 -375 --10-14-47 Irrigation -2---300 --10-14-47 Irrigation ----.350 --10-14-47 Irrigation ------200 --10-14-47 Irrigation -----200 --10-14-47 Irrigation 20 --5-17-51 82 -2----250 --10-14-47 Irrigation 127 -2 --75 --10-17-47 Irrigation ------100 --10-17-47 Irrigation 102 3 ---275 --2-4-47 Domestic 260 --5-16-51 Lake Alfred, Floridl».
PAGE 142
SA 9 L , W LL R 0 0 R D 8 (Continued) o)8 St. Petersburg, 305 18th Ave. N. Sea. 18, T. 31 S., R. George T. Turner May Bros. April 17 3. St. Petersburg, Tampa, Florida 1948 Florida b39 St. Petersburg, near intersection of 15th Ave. M. with City of St. PetersR .Neikiri 1926 5th St. N., north of wells 640 and 641. Seo. 18, T. 31 burg Lakeland Florida S., R. 17 C. City well 15. 64L0 St. Po*ersourg, soutn end of Crescent Lake, vest of veill City of St. PetersR. J. Neikirk 1926 641, In a ball park, 600 feet vest of water tower. See burg. Lakeland, Florida 18 .T. 31 8., R. 17 1. City well 16. 641 St. Petersburg, south side of Crescent Lake, in a ball City of St. ersR. J. eikirk 1926 park, 600 feet east of veil 640, near water tank. Seo. burg Lakeland. Florida 18, T. 31 S., R. 17 E. City well 14. 642 St. Petersturg, on Mirror Lake Drive north side of Mir-. City of St. Petersror Lake, north of vell 643. Sea. 1i, T. 31 s., R. 17 burg I. City well 9. 643 St. Petersburg, east side of Mirror Lake, north of well City of St. Peters644, south of veil 642, north of a parking lot. Sec. burg. 19,. 31 8., R. 17 E. City well 1. 644 St. PPeterburg, east side of Mirror Lake, 20 feet east City of St. Petersof Water Works Building. Seo. 19, T. 31 S., R. 17 E. burg City well 3. 645 St. Petersburg, west side of Mirror Lake, west of well City of St. PetersDec. 646, northeast of a church. Sea. 19, T. 31 5., R. 17 E. burg 1922 Cty veil 7. A4^6 St. Petersburg, south side of Mirror Lake, near intersecCity of St. Petertion of 6th St. N. with Mirror Lake Drive. Sec. 19, T. burg 31 S., R. 17 E. _47 St. Petersburg, 90 feet east of let St. S., at interCity of St. Peter-section of 1st St. S. vith 3rd Ave. S., known as burg 'Fountain of Youth'. Seo. 19, T. 31 S., R. 17 E. o48 St. Petersbur,. vest side of guard house, at main gate U. S. Maritine Serto U. S. Mrltime Service, at Port of St. Petersburg. vice Sec. 20, T. 31 S., R. 17 E. St. Petersburg, Florida t4^ S3t. Petersburg, at northvest corner of intersection of Harry Price -1917 4th 5.. S. Nnd 3'th Ave. S. Sec. 30, T. 31 8., R. 17 E. St. Petersburg, Florida ~650 ' St. Petereburg, Lowis Island, north end of Lewis Island, D. Johnstone Johnstonq 1945 50 feet north of a tractor shed southwest of well 631, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, vest of vell 652. Sec. 31, T. 31 S., R. 17 E. Florida Florida 651 St. Petersourg, Lewis Island, north end of islnnd in D. Johnstone circular cement enclosure, northeast of well 650, northSt. Petersbuwg, vet of well 652. Sec. 31, T. 31 S., R. 17 S. Florida 652 St. Petersburg, Lewis Island, north end of island east D. Johnstone Johnstone 1945 of well 650, southeast of well 651. Seo, 31, T. 31 8., St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, R. 17 E. Florida Florida a Vater level expressed In feet abote the measuring point. 182
PAGE 143
PINLLAS COUNTZ , MABURING POINT AiTER L5KVL CHLOR, :ntMKT 200 125 6 --------Irrigation -12 --------Unused Standy-by well for Public City supply. Supply --12 --------Unused Stand-by well fow Public City supply. Supply ----12 ---------Unused Stand-by well for Public City supply. Supply 207 --12 Top of concrete rim, 36 26.0 4-8-33 ------Unused Well 3 in U. 8. 2.3 feet above top Public Geological Survey of casing, flush Supply Water-Supply Paper with land surface. 773-C, p. 172. 200 --12 -----150 --8-31-23 Unused Chloride information Public from water analysis Supply given in U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply-Paper 596-G, analysis 320. 200 -12 ----148 --8-31-23 Unused Chloride information Public from water analysis Supply given in U. S. Geological Survy Water Supply-Paper 596-G, analysis 321. 166 75 13 Top of 13-inch cas36 25.9 4-8-33 ---Unused Well 1 in U. S. ing, flush with land Public Geological Survey surface. Supply Water Supply-Paper 773-C, p. 172. 186 -12 Top of concrete rim, 37 27.0 4-8-33 --. ---Unused Well 2 in U. S. flush with land surPublic Geological Survey face. Supply Water Supply-Paper 773-C, p. 172. 216 --4 -----458 --11--23 Public Chloride information 125 -2-4-47 Supply on 11-3-23 is from 675 --5-16-51 water analysis given in U. S. Geological Survey Water SupplyPaper 596-G, analy-. sis 323. Samples for chloride determinations taken after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 420 --10 -------675 0 2-4-47 Irrigation 590 --5-17-51 190 ----Top of cement mound, 8.07 al.7 7-28-47 1200 --7-2e-47 Unused Samples for chloride about 0.5 foot above al.9 6-24-49 1045 --5-17-51 Domeetic determinations taken land surface, aO.5 5-17-51 after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 300 -8 -----1300 --2-16-48 Irrigation Sample for chloride determination taken after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 187 --3 Top of 3-inch cas3.89 a4.88 2-16-48 1200 --2-16-48 --Sample for chloride ing, 0.2 foot above determination taken land surface, after well had boen flowing for an indefinite period. 300 --8 ----1200 --2-16-48 --Sample for chloride determination taken after well had been j flowing for an indefinite period. 1. i 133
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TABLE 5. WELL RECORDS (Continued) 653 St. Petersburg, north end of Lewis Island, south of L. D. Chielde wells 650, 651, and 652, In a cement enclosure, east side of a dirt road. See. 31, T. 31 8., R. 17 S. 654 Pass-A-Grille Beach, St. Petersburg, at Don-Ce-Sar Don-Ce-Sar Hotel 1926 Hotel. Sec. 7, T. 32 8., R. 16 E. St. Petersburg, Florida 655 Pags-A-Grille Beach, St. Petersburg, about 0.235 ile Don-Ce-Sar Hotel -1926 southeast of Don-Ce-Sar Hotel, under water tank in St. Petereburg, tLaarillo Park. Seo. 7, T. 32 8., R. 16 B. Florida 656 Voaximo Point, St. Petersburg, about 2.4 miles south of J. D. Fulford B. F. Stahly a 22nd Ave. S., about 0.65 mille west of 31st St. 8., vest St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 1947 side of owner's residence. See. 10, T. 32 8., R. 16 E. Florida Florida 657 P'axio Point, St. Petersburg, 6712 30th St. 8. Sec. 10, J. L. Ward T. 32 S., R. 16 E. St. Petereburg, Florida 658 PYximo Point, St. Petersburg, east of well 657. about L. Bennett 0.1 mile south of Pinellas Point Drive, about 300 feet St. Petersburg, enst of 29th St. S., northeast of a residence, in a Florida all puep house, See. 11, T. 32 8., R. 16 E. 659 St. Petersburg, 4908 Sunrise Drive S. Sec. 7, T. 32 S., Homer Smith Pinellas Machine Co. Ma R. 17 S. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 194 Florida Florida 660 St. Petersburg, 4930 Sunrise Drive. See. 7, T. 32 S., R. N. Wechtel Johnson June R. 17 E. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 1947 Florida Florida 661 Five and one-tenth miles east of Tarpon Springs, south County of Pinellas Central Florida Novo aide of State Highway 582. SEJ see. 11, T. 2t S., R. Well Drillers, 1951 16 z. Orlando, Florida 662 Five and one-tenth miles east of Tarpon Springs, south County of Pinellas Central Florida .De of State Highway 582, 20 feet SB of well 661. SEk sec. Well Drillers, 1951 11, T. 24 S., R. 16 s. Orlando, Florida 663 Five and one-tenth miles east of Tarpon Springs, south County of Pinellas Central Florida Dec, of State Highway 582, 50 feet SB of well 661. 8s eeo. Well Drillers, 1951 11, T. 24 S., R. 16 3, Orlando, Florida 664 Five and three-tenths miles east of Tarpon Springs, south County of Pinellas Central Florida De side of State Highway 582, 950 feet BS of well 661. 3S9 Well Drillers 1951 see. 11, T. 24 S., R. 16 s. Orlando, Florida a Water level expressed In feet above the measuring point. 134
PAGE 145
PINELLAB COUNT! WVARTMT~T PATUTM TVL... SVAT .LVEL HLOTDE COTET SA 152 -6 Top of 6-inCh *8.06 al.2 2-16-48 1050 -2-16-48 Irrigation Samples for chloride ing, 0.5 foot above a0.9 5-17-51 870 --5-17-51 determinations taken land surface. after well had been flowing for an indefunite period. --------1515 --6-26-47 Irrigation Sample for chloride determination taken after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 200 --4 Top of southeast 5.06 a5.65 10-30-48 1610 --6-26-47 Unused Sample for chloride corner of a 4 by 5 determination taken foot concrete tank, after well had been located at north flowing for an inside of reservoir definite period. into which well discharges, 2 feet above land surface. 200 180 --Top of 1.25-inch 6.35 a4.23 1-21-48 1320 --7-28-47 Unused Samples for chloride coupling, 0.7 foot 1.01 6-21-49 1250 --1-21-48 Domeetic determinations taken above land surface. 0.78 6-24-49 1170 --5-16-51 after well had been a3.27 5-16-51 flowing for an Indefinite period. 4 ------1220 -7-28-47 Swimming Samples for chloride 1200 -5-13-48 Pool determinations taken 20 --5-17-51 after well had been flowing for an indefinite period. 300 --10 ----1525 -5-13-48 Irrigation 1350 -5-16-51 180 .150 2 Top of northeast 6.57 a2.55 3-9-48 1200 -7-28-47 Irrigation corner of cement al.60 4-19-48 1150 -5-16-51 post, south side of al.85 6-24-49 driveway, 3.5 feet al.5 5-16-51 above land surface. 182 --3.5 Base f faucet con2.03 a6.70 3-9-48 1075 --1-21-48 Irrigation nection, 25 feet a6.28 6-24-49 east of house, 0.35 foot above land surface. 380 173 12 Top of 12-inch casing 26.27 2.57 18-52 12t 28 19-52 Test F.G.S. well W-2.26. 1.5 feet above land ' ' Cuttings from strata surface. *penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. Yielded 650 g. p. m. with drawdown of 49 feet after 29 hours of pumping. 380 173 4 Top of 3-inch casing, 25.79 2.10 18-52 ObservaP.O.S. well W-2560. 1 foot above land tion Cuttings from strata surface. penetrated on file with Florida Oeological Survey. 101 67 3 Top of 3-inoh casing. 24.46 0.91 18-52 ObservaP.O.S. well W-2561. tion Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 250 173 4 op of 3-inch casing. 25.36 1.99 18-52 Observation 185
PAGE 146
T A 3 L E .W LL REC ORD (Continued) 0 I Aboiut 2.7 mile? nrthv'est of Citrus Park, NWJ Ni eseo. City of St. Petersburg Milton R. Vaughn 1930 34, T. 27 S., R. 18 E. Tampa, Florida 2 Abo-it 2.6 nmil"" nor-hvest of Citrus Park. NE{ NWt sec. City of St. Petersburg Milton R. Vaughn 1930 34, T. 2? S., R. 17 E. Tampa Florida 3 About 2.8 miLen northvest of Ci:rus Pirk, SEt SW sec. City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930 27, r. 27 3., R. 1? E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida * Abiut 2.9 allcs north of Citrui Park, IIW SWsoc. 27, City of St.R. Vaughn 1930 .? ., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 5 About 2.9 miles north of Citrus Park. NE* SEt sec. 27, City of St. ilton R. Vaughn 1930 T. 27 S., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 6 About 3.0 liles north of Citrus Park, SSE NEJ soo. 27, City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930 T. 27 3., R. 17 E. Petersburg. Tama, Florida 7 About 3.2 mlle4 n~rth of Citrus Park, NW. NW* seo. 26, City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930 T. 27 3., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 8 Ab'out 3.3 miles north of Citrus Park. NW* NW saec. 36, City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930 S17 2. Petersburg 2. ?7 3., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida
PAGE 147
ILL 8 BOR 0 U G H C 0UNT 1 g MiAfrRTNa PTN.T .WATER LEVEL CHLORnE CNITENT )40 80 12 Dame of pump over 44.08 6.8 6-20-30 ---------Public Listed in U. S.. well, 1.0 foot above 13.2 12-29-34 Supply GeoIogical Survey E H0H land surface. Water-Suonly Paper 773-C, p.168. F.G.S. well W-131. Cuttings from strata penetrate on file with Florida Geological Survey. )05 65 12 Base of pump over 43.73 7.8 6-20-30 ------Public Listed in U. S. well, 1.0 foot above 11.6 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. w ell W-123. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file oith Florida Geologi cal Survey. 354 79 12 Base of pump over 37.39 11.1 6-20-30 -----Public Listed in U. S. well, 1.0 foot above 14.9 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-118. .Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 345 65 12 Base of pump over 48.67 10.7 6-20-30 ------Public Listed in U. S. to well, 1.0 foot above 16.2 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey ? 10 land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-120. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 350 89 12 Base of pump over 48.48 10.5 6-20-30 ------Public Listed in U. S. well, 1.0 foot above 14.8 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-132. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 297 61 12 Base of pump over 489.59 11.39 6-20-30 ------Public Listed in U. S. well, 1.0 foot above 16.0 12-29-34 Supply GeoloricaL Survey land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-132. Cuttings from strata. penetrated on file with Florida Geologi cal Survey. 350 107 16 Base of pump over 54.87 16.27 6-20-30 ------Public Listed in U. S. well, 1.0 foot above 21.9 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey land surface. Water-SuDply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-124. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geologi cal Survey. 345 82 12 Base of pump over 53.35 13.65 6-20-30 ------Public Listed in U. S. to well, 1.0 foot above 18.4 12-22-34 Supply Geological Survey 2 10 land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-133. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 1S. well W-133. Cu'
PAGE 148
TA LE .WILL REC 0 RDS (Continued) About 3.1 miles north of Citrus Park, SEt lIEt sec. 27, City of St. Milton.R. Vaughn 1930 T. 27 9., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 10 Abo,'t 3.J milep north of Citrus Pprk, SEj SWt sec. 23, City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930' r. 27 S., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 11 About 3.5 milen north! of Citrus Park. SWj SE. sec. 23, City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930 T. 27 S., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 12 About 3.7 miles north of Citrus Park, NEI SE* sec. 23, City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930 T. 27 S., R. 17 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 13 About 5.3 miles northeast of Citrus Park. WtI SEi sec. City of St. Milton R. Vaughn 1930 21, T. 27 S., R. 18 E. Petersburg Tampa, Florida 188
PAGE 149
HILLSB.OROUGH COUNTZ M KEASURING POINT WATER LEVEL CHLORIDE CONTENT well, 1.0 foot above 20.9 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-128. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geologi cal Survey. 289 2 60 16 Base of pump over 53.31 12.01 6-20-30 ----Public Listed in U. 8. to well, 1.0 foot above 16.5 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey ? 12 land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-130. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 300 76 16 Base of pump over 59.31 17.63 6-20-30 ----Public Listed in U. S. to well, 1.0 foot above 22.5 12-29-34 Supply Geological Survey ? 12 land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-129. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 299 54 12 Base of pump over 57.55 15.35 7-20-30 ------Public Listed in U. S. to well, 1.0 foot above 19.8 12-22-34 Supply Geological Survey ? 10 land surface. Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. S. well W-12900. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. 362 5 --12 Top of 12-inch cas57.09 8.08 10-23-30 ------PUnused Listed in U. 8. ing, 1.0 foot above 9.55 1-9-35 Publiy Geological Survey land surface. 7.85Water-Supply Paper 773-C, p. 168. F.G. 10.15 7-25-49 S. well W-143. Cuttings from strata penetrated on file with Florida Geological Survey. Automatic water-stage recorder installed 5-17-44. 139