Luther W. Hyde
Prepared by the
in cooperation with the
* tl
Luther W. Hyde .. 4--
The chronological bibliography of ground-water
reports in Florida was compiled to assist in finding
literature pertaining to specific areas. The biblio-
graphy, along with the accompanying maps, can be
used to select references by area and by date.
The bibliography is numbered consecutively from
1 to 115, and is arranged alphabetically by author
within each year. The area covered by each report
is shown by patterns on the accompanying maps. The
number opposite a pattern in the explanation on the
map corresponds to the number opposite a report
listed in the bibliography. For example, to find re-
ports covering Seminole County, each of the five maps
is consulted. It is found that report numbers 2, 4, 8,
and 10 from figure 1; report number 42 from figure 3;
report numbers 87 and 88 from figure 4; and report
number 106 from figure 5 all cover the Seminole
County area. The titles of these reports are ob-
tained by references to the numbers in the biblio-
A few of the reports in the bibliography are not
numbered and are not shown on the maps. The nature
of these reports is such that they do not cover a
geographic area. These reports deal primarily with
hydrologic and ground-water principles rather than de-
scribing a particular area. All of the reports listed
in this bibliography are included because they make
significant contributions to ground-water knowledge.
In addition to the reports listed, reports on
ground-water levels in Florida have been published
by the U. S. Geological Survey in the following
Water-Supply Papers:
Water-supply Water-supply
Year paper number Year paper number
1940 907 1949 1157
1941 937 1950 1166
1942 945 1951 1192
1943 987 1952 1222
1944 1017 1953 1266
1945 1024 1954 1322
1946 1072 1955 1405
1947 1097 1956-58 1538
1948 1127
Other data-collection stations and periods of record
for observation wells are given in Florida Geological
Survey Special Publication Number 11, "Index to
Water-Resources Data Collection Stations," which
will be published in 1964.
This bibliography has been restricted to reports
prepared by and to a great extent published by the
U. S. Geological Survey and the Florida Geological
Survey so that the report areas could be portrayed
graphically. A more complete list of publications
can be obtained by consulting the list of references
in each of the reports listed in this bibliography.
Additional bibliographies which will be of assistance
are Florida Geological Survey Special Publication
Number 4 (report number 69 on bibliographical list),
and U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper
1492, "Bibliography of Publications Relating to
Ground Water Prepared by the Geological Survey
and Cooperating Agencies 1946-55."
Most of the publications listed are on file in
the Florida Geological Survey library in Tallahassee.
The publications are also available in the larger
public, college, or university libraries in the State.
Copies of many of the publications are available for
distribution to the public and may be obtained from
the publishing agency.
No. Year
1 190S Sellards, E.H., The underground water sup-
ply of central Florida: Fla. Gool. Survey Bull. 1.
2 1910 Sellards. E.H.,and Gunter, Herman, The
artesian water supply of eastern Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Third Ann. Rept.
3 1912 The underground water supply of
west-central and west Florida: Fla. Geol
Survey Fourth Ann. Rept.
4 1913 __ The artesian water supply of east-
ern and southern Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Fifth Ann. Rept.
5 1913 Matson, G.C., and Sanford, Samuel, Geo-
logy and ground waters of Florida: U. S.
Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 319.
6 1925 Collins, W.D., and Howard, C.S., Chem-
ical character of waters of Florida: U. S.
Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 596-i.
A 1931 Thompson, D.G., and Stringfield, V.T ..
Ground-water resources of Florida: Fla.
Geol. Survey Bull. 13.
7 1933 Stringfield, V.T.. Ground-water resources
of Sarasota County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey 23rd and 24th Ann. Rept.
S 1933 ___Ground-water investigations in
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Bull. 11.
9 1933 Stringfield, V.T., Ground water in Lake
Okeechobee area, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 2.
0 1934 Ground water in Seminole County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv.
1 1936 Artesian water in the Florida Pen-
insula: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply
Paper 773-C.
2 1938 Ground-water supplies in Florida:
Civil Eng., v. 8, no. 7.
3 1938 Thompson, D.G., Meinzer, O.E., and
Stringfield, V.T., Effect of a sea-klevcl
canal on the ground-water level of Florid,::
Econ. Geology, v. 33.
1 911 Stringfield, V.T., Warren, M.A., and Cooper,
H.1I., Jr., Artesian water in the coastal
area of Georgia and northeastern Florida:
Econ. Geology, v. 36, no. 7.
1 1942 Cross, W.P., and Love, S.K., Ground wa-
ter in southeastern Florida: Am. Water
Works Assoc. Jour., v. 34, no. 4.
No. Year
16 1942 Love, S.K., and Swenson, H.A., Chem-
ical character of public water supplies in
southeastern Florida: Am. Water Works
Assoc. Jour., v. 34, no. 4.
17 1942 Parker, G.G., Notes on the geology and
ground water of the Everglades in sou-
thern Florida: Soil Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc.,
v 4-A.
18 1943 'arker, G.G., and Hoy, N.D., Additional
notes on the geology and ground water of
the Everglades: Soil Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc.,
v. 5-A.
19 1943 Cooper, H.H., Jr., Ground-water investi-
gations in Florida (with special reference
to Duval and Nassau Counties): Am.
Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 36. no. 2.
20 1944 Parker, G.G., and Cooke, C.W., Late
Cenozoic geology of southern Florida,
with a discussion of ground water: Fla.
Geol. Survey Bull. 27.
21 1944 Parker, G.G., Ferguson, G.E., and Love,
S.K., Interim report on the investigations
of water resources in southeastern Flo-
rida with special reference to the Miami
area in Dade County: Fla. Geol. Survey
Rept. of Inv. 4.
22 1944 Parker, G.G., and Hoy, N.D., Geology
and ground water of the Kissimmee River-
Lake Okeechobee area, Florida: Soil Sci.
Soc. Fla. Proc., v. 6.
23 1944 Unklesbay, A.G., Ground-water condi-
tions in Orlando and vicinity: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 5.
24 1945 Brown, R.H., and Parker, G.G., Salt-
water encroachment in limestone at
Silver Bluff, Miami, Florida: Econ.
Geol., v. 40, no. 4.
25 1945 Cooper, H.H., Jr., and Warren, M.A., The
perennial yield of artesian water in the
coastal area of Georgia and northeastern
Florida: Econ. Geol., v. 40, no. 4.
26 1945 Love, S.K., Cation exchange in ground
water contamination with sea water near
Miami, Florida: Am. Geophys. Union
Trans., 1944, pt. 6.
No. Year
2 1945 Parker, G.G., Salt-water encroachment
in southern Florida: Am. Water Works
Assoc. Jour., v. 37, no. 6.
28 1945 Effects of the Pleistocene epoch
on the geology and ground water of south-
ern Florida: Fla. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 8,
no. 2.
29 1946 --Municipal water-supply problems
of southern Florida: Soil Sci. Soc. Fla.
Proc., v. 8-A.
30 1946 Unklesbay, A.G., and Cooper, H.H., Jr.,
Artificial recharge of artesian limestones
at Orlando, Florida: Econ. Geol., v. 41,
no. 4.
11 1947 Ferguson, G.E., Lingham, C.W., Love,
S.K., and Vernon, R.O., Springs of Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Bull. 31.
1948 Hoy, N.D., Some important geologic pro-
blems to be encountered in the develop-
ment of a fully effective water-control
program for south Florida: Soil Sci. Soc.
of Fla. Proc., v. 9.
32 1948 Vorhis, R.C., Geology and ground water
on the Fort Lauderdale area, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 6.
33 1950 Cooper, H.H., Jr., and Stringfield, V.T.,
Ground water in Florida: Fla. Geol. Sur-
vey Inf. Circ. 3.
1950 Parker, G.G., and Stringfield, V.T.,
Effects of earthquakes, trains, tides,
winds, and atmospheric pressure changes
on water in the geologic formations of
southern Florida: Econ. Geol., v. 45, no.5.
34 1951 Heath, R.C., and Clark, W.E., Potential
yield of ground water of the Fair Point
Peninsula, Santa Rosa County, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 7, pt. 1.
35 1951 Parker, G.G., Geologic and hydrologic
factors in the perennial yield of the Bis-
cayne aquifer, Miami, Florida: Am. Water
Works Assoc. Jour., v. 43, no. 10.
36 1952 Peek, H.M., Cessation of flow of Kiss-
engen Spring, Polk County, Florida: Fla.
Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 7, pt. 3.
No.' Year
37 1952 Stringfield, V.T., and Cooper, H.H., Jr.,
Economic aspects of ground water in
Florida: Min. Eng., v. 8, no. 8.
1952 Geologic and hydrologic factors
affecting perennial yield of aquifer: Am.
Water Works Jour., v. 48, no. 10.
38 1952 --Geologic and hydrologic features
of an artesian submarine spring east of
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv.
7, pt. 2.
39 1953 Black, A.P., and Cooper, H.H., Jr., Water
resources of the South: Editor and Pub-
lisher, Oct. 1953.
40 1953 Cooper, H.H., Jr., Kenner, W.E., and
Brown, Eugene, Ground water of central
and northern Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey
Rept. of Inv. 10.
41 1953 Peek, H.M., The artesian water of the
Ruskin area of Hillsborough County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Ciro. 4.
42 1954 Heath, R.C., and Barraclough, J.T.,
Interim report of the ground-water re-
sources of Seminole County, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Ciro. 5.
43 1954 Heath, R.C., and Smith, P.C., Ground-
water resources of Pinellas County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv.
44 1954 Klein, Howard, Ground-water Tesources
of the Naples area, Collier County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 11
45 1954 Schroeder, M.C., Mifliken, D.L., and Love
S.K., Water resources of Palm Beach
County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept.
of Inv. 13.
46 1954 Sohroeder, M.C., and Klein, Howard,
Geology of the western Everglades area,
southern Florida: U.S. Geol. Survey
Ciro. 814.
47 1955 Parker, G.G., Ferguson, G.E., Love, S.K.
and others, Water resources of south-
eastern Florida, with special reference
to the geology and ground water of the
Miami area: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-
Supply Paper 1255.
No. Year
48 1955 Parker, G.G., Salt-water encroachment in
Florida: Fla. Eng. and Ind. Exp. Sta.
Bull. 72.
49 1955 Poek, H.M., and Anders, R.B., Interim
report on the ground-water resources of
Manatee County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Inf. Ciro. 6.
50 1956 Bishop, E.W., Geology and ground-water
resources of Highlands County, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 15.
51 1956 Wyrick, G.G., and Loutzo, W.P., Interim
report on the ground-water resources of
northeastern Volusia County, Florida:
Fla. Ceol. Survey Inf. Ciro. S.
52 1957 Brown, D.W., Kenner, W.E., and Brown,
ICugone, Interim report on the water re-
sources of Brovard County, Florida With
special reference to the central area:
Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 11.
1957 Hendry, C.W., Jr., and Lavender, J.A.,
Interim report on the progress of an in-
ventory of artesian wells in Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Cire. 10.
53 1957 Klein, Howard, Interim report on salt-
water encroachment in Dade County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 9.
54 1957 Lichtlor, W.F., Interim report on the
ground-water resources of the Stuart area,
Martin County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey
Inf. Ciro. 12.
55 1958 Bermes, B.J., Interim report of the grourd-
water resources of Flaglor County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 13.
56 1958 interim report on the geology and
giound-water resources in Indian River
County, Florida: Fla. Cool. Survey Inf.
Circ. 18.
i6A 1958 Tarvor, George R., Interim report on the
ground-water resources of St. Johns
County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf.
Cire. 14.
57 1959 Brown, D.W., Interim report on the
changes in the chloride content of
ground water in Pinellas County, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Ciro. 16.
58 1959 Leve, G.W., Interim report on the ground-
water resources of Putnam County, Florida:
Fla. Cool. Survey Inf. Ciro. 15.
Re port
No. Year
59 1959 Peek, H.M., Ground-water resources of
Manatee County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 18.
60 1959 .Record of wells in Manatoe County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 19.
61 1959 Schroeder, M.C., Klein, Howard, and loy,
N.D., Biscayne aquifer of Dade and
Broward Counties, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 17.
62 1959 Tarver, G.R., Interim report of the
ground-water resources of St. Johns
County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf.
Circ. 14.
1959 Cooper, H.H., Jr., A hypothesis concern-
ing the dynamic balance of fresh water
and salt water in a coastal aquifer: Jour.
of Geophys. Research, v. 64, no. 4.
63 1959 Hendry, C.W., Jr., and Lavender, J.A.,
Final report on an inventory of flowing
artesian wells in Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Inf. Circ. 21.
64 1959 Kohout, F.A., and Meyer, F.W., Hydro-
logic features of the Lake Istokpoga
and Lake Placid areas, Highlands
County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept.
of Inv. 19.
65 1959 Peek, H.M., The artesian water of the
Ruskin area of Hillsborough County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 21
66 1959 .. Record of wells in the Ruskin area
of Hillsborough County, Florida: Fla.
Geol. Survey Inf. Ciro. 22.
67 1959 Sherwood, C.B., Ground-water resources
of the Oakland Park area of eastern
Broward County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 20.
68 1959 Stewart, H.G., Interim report on the geo-
logy and ground-water resources of north-
western Polk County, Florida: Fla. Geol
Survey Inf. Ciro. 23.
69 1959 Unklesbay, A.G., Heath, R.C., and Peek,
H.M., Bibliography and index of articles
relating to the ground-water resources of
Florida 1861-1955: Fla. Geol. Survey
Special Pub. no. 4.
No. Year
70 1960 Kohout, F.A., Cyclio flow of salt water
in the Biscayne aquifer of southeastern
Florida: Jour. of Geophys. Research, v.
65, no. 7.
71 1960 Flow pattern of fresh water and
salt water in the Biscayne aquifer of the
Miami area, Florida: Internat. Assoc. Sci.
Hydro., no. 52.
72 1960 Liohtler, W.F., Geology and ground-water
resources of Martin County, Florida: Fla.
Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 23.
73 1960 Parker, G.G., Ground water in the Cen-
tral and Southern Florida Flood Control
District: Soil and Crop Soi. Soo. of Fla.
Proo., v. 20.
1960 Rorabaugh, M.I,, Problems of waste dis-
posal and ground-water qualities: Am.
Water Works Assoo. Jour., v. 52, no. 8.
74 1960 Wyriok, G.G., Ground-water resources of
Volusia County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Sur-
vey Rept. of Inv. 22.
1961 Cooper, H.H., Jr., Movements of sea
water in coastal aquifers: First Natl.
Shallow Water Conf. Proo.
75 1961 Klein, Howard, and Sherwood, C.B., Hy-
drologic conditions in the vicinity of
levee 30, northern Dade County,Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 24, pt. 1.
76 1961 Underseepage along levee 30, Dade
County, Florida: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof.
Paper 424-D, art. 307.
77 1961 Kohout, F.A., Case history of salt-water
encroachment caused by a storm sewer
in Miami, Florida: Am. Water Works
As'so. Jour., v. 53, no. 11.
1961 --Fluctuation of ground-water levels
caused by dispersion of salts: Jour. of
Geophys. Research, v. 66, no. 8.
78 1961 .-Relation of seaward and landward
flow of ground water to the salinity of
Bisoayne Bay at Miami, Florida (abs):
First Natl. Shallow Water Conf. Proc.
79 1961 ..........alt-water encroachment studies in
the Miami area Florida (abs.)i First
Nat'l Shallow Water Research Conf. Proo.
No. Year
80 1961 Leve, G.W., Preliminary investigation of
the ground-water resources of northeast
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 27.
81 1961 Reconnaissance of the ground-
water resources of the Fernandina area,
Nassau County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Sur-
vey Inf. Circ. 28.
82 1961 Menke, C.G., Meredith, E.W., and Wetter-
hall, W.S., Water resources of Hillsbo-
rough County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey
Rept. of Inv. 25.
83 1961 Musgrove, R.H., Barraclough, J.T., and
Marsh, O.T., Interim report on the water
resources of Escambia and Santa Rosa
Counties, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf.
Circ. 30.
84 1961 Pride, R.W., Meyer, F.W., and Cherry,
R.N., Interim report on the hydrologic
features of the Green Swamp area in
central Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf.
Circ. 26.
1961 Rorabaugh, M.I., Inter-relation between
surface water and ground water: U.S.
Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424.
1961 Use of water levels in estimating
aquifer constants in a finite aquifer:
Internat. Assoc. Sci. Hydro., no. 52.
85 1961 Sherwood, C.B., and Klein, Howard,
Ground-water resources of northwestern
Collier County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Inf. Circ. 29.
86 1961 Wyrick, G.G., Record of wells in Volusia
County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf.
Circ. 24.
87 1962 Barraclough, J.T., Ground-water resources
of Seminole County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 27.
88 1962 --Ground-water records of Seminole
County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf.
Circ. 34.
89 1962 Barraclough, J.T., and Marsh, O.T.,
Aquifers and quality of ground water
along the Gulf coast of western Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 29.
No. Year
90 1962 Brown, D.W., Kenner, W.E., Crooks, J.W.,
and Foster, J.B., Water resources of
Brevard County, Florida: Fla. Geol. Sur-
vey Rept. of Inv. 28.
91 1962 Brown, D.W., Kenner, W.E., Crooks, J.W,
and Foster, J.B., Water-resource records
of Brevard County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Inf. Circ. 32.
92 1962 Clark, W.E., Musgrove, R.H., Menke, C.G.,
and Cagle, J.W., Jr., Interim report on
the water resources of Alachua, Bradford,
Clay, and Union Counties, Florida: Fla.
Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 36.
93 1963 Foster, J.B., Well design as a factor
contributing to loss of water from the
Floridan aquifer-eastern Clay County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 35.
94 1962 Healy, H.G., Water levels in artesian and
nonartesian aquifers of Florida in 1960:
Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 33.
95 1962 Piezometric surface of the Floridan
aquifer in Florida July 6-17, 1961: Fla.
Geol. Survey Map Series 1.
96 1962 -Piezometric surface and areas of
artesian. flow of the Floridan aquifer in
Florida July 6-17, 1961: Fla. Geol.
Survey Map Series 4.
97 1962 Marsh, O.T., Relation of Bucatunna Clay
Member (Byram Formation, Oligocene) to
geology and ground water of westernmost
Florida: Bull. Geol. Soc. of Am., v. 73,
no. 2.
98 1962 McCoy, H.J., Ground-water resources of
Collier County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 31.
99 1962 Meyer, F.W., Reconnaissance of the
geology and ground-water resources of
Columbia County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 30.
100 1962_ Sherwood, C.B., and Leach, S.D., Hydro-
logic studies in the Snapper Creek Canal
area, Dade County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 24, pt. 2.
101 1963 Bermes, B.J., Leve, G.W., and Tarver,
G.R., Geology and ground-water re-
sources of Flagler, Putnam, and St.
Johns Counties, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 32.
No. Year
102 1963 Ground-water records of Flagler,
Putnam, and St. Johns Counties,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. 37.
103 1963 Clark, W.E., Musgrove, R.A., Menke, C.t
and Cagle, J.W., Jr., Hydrology of
Brooklyn Lake near Keystone Heights,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv.
104 1963 Water resources of Alachua, Brad-
ford, Clay and Union Counties, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 35.
105 1963 Clark, W.E., Musgrove, R.A., Menke, C.,
and Cagle, J.W., Jr., Water-resources
data for Alaohua, Bradford, Clay, and
Union Counties, Florida: Fia. Geol.
Survey Inf. Circ. 43.
106 1963 Hoy, N.D., and Teel, J.R., Jr., Hydro-
logic map showing features of the
Floridan aquifer in Seminole County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Map Series 5
107 1963 Klein, H., Schroeder, M.C., and Liohtlei
W.F., Geology and ground-water resouro-
of Glades and Hendry Counties, Florida
Fla. Geol. Survey Rept. of Inv. 37.
1963 Kohout, F.A., and Hoy, N.D., Some
aspects of sampling salty ground water
in coastal aquifers: Natl. Water Well
Assoc. Jour., v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1963.
10S 1963 Kohout, F.A., and Leach, S.D., Salt-
water movement caused by oontr'ol-
dam operation in the Snake Creek Canal
Miami, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Rept
of Inv. 24, pt. 4.
109 1963 Leach, S.D., and Sherwood, C.B., Hydr
logic studies in the Snake Creek Canal
area, Dade County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 24, pt. 3.
110 1963 Liohtler, W.F., Anderson, Warren, and
Joyner, B.F., Interim report on the wat.
resources of Orange County, Florida:
Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Ciro. 41.
111 1963 Menke, C.G., Meredith, E.W., and
Wetterhall, W.S., Water-resource record
of Hillsborough County, Florida: Fla.
Geol. Survey Inf. Ciro. 44.
No. Year
1963 Sherwood, C.B., and Klein, H., Use of
analog plotter in water-control problems:
Natl. Water Well Assoo. Jour., v. 1, no.
1, Jan. 1963.
2 1963 Saline ground water of southern
Florida: Natl. Water Well Assoo. Jour.,
v. 1, no. 2, April 1963.
3 1963 Stewart, H.S., Records of wells and
water-resources data in Polk County,
Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey Inf. Ciro. 38.
4 1963 Tarver, G.R., Hydrology of the Biscayne
aquifer in the Pompano Beach area,
Broward County, Florida: Fla. Geol.
Survey Rept. of Inv. 36.
15 1963 Wetterhall, W.S., Hydrologic reconnaiss-
ance of Pasoo and southern Hernando
Counties, Florida: Fla. Geol. Survey
Rept. of Inv. 34.
Number corresponds to that on
chronoluqicOl lts of principal
qrouniw-woatr rewrs in FlorldO
6A I
8 -I
rt .r L1. *rm- prt plyt .bLLmbwLd Sinmd-ter r rplite Ln roril4 prererd by the
U.S. O.LlSLul lur" 2 O tLhe 7%oei,. OoIlo|il, luavy., 101-190.
Number corresponds to Ihol on
chronological list of principal
ground-woter roportt In Florido
14 23 g-T I
15 24 4 2
16 16 25 ,
17 26 r 26
St 27 [~27~]
19 28
20 29
21 2 30
33 ...,t,,,,
rFiure 2. Areem of principal published ground.water report in Florida prepared by ihe
U.S. OGeloicail survey or tht Ylorida Oooloical Survey. 1941-1930.
Number cotipr ota n56 A
ch~ronoogi~cal list of pr,o I 0l
qtgound-woter rqmt? in Florido
310 Lk~I 56E2ZliJ "I
41 m 58 a Bf~imiB
a;:54 F 0 1
4.3 43 60l .,r. ~ **
34 y'D S52 11i
-1o 5 r F-15 T- t
46~~ 0~ 4
4 659
49 F-43 66 r-65--J
44 7~L 611O
45 62 I~
3?,39.481 STATEWIDE0C llf
pta-1. A prLsocipa pialilhbd ..oud-tor ro.pacte in flarld. pfl.pared by tho
U.S. o"04. 0%~t. suooI trip Ilofida 0Goo CLostoo l rly. 195119S.t ,
NumbOr correspond 1to that on a
chronological h s of princlool
ground-woaer froiltI in Florido
70 M 64 M
71 | 71 | 5 | B |
72 86 tG
74 rrm
751 75 1 89| \
76 90
77 77 91
78 78 9 92
79 79 93 A
00 97'
81 98
82 99
83 100
ri,it 4A. AAnm of prwlnlhll publlt bd pInund-water eporlt n tl1rildln prep red by the
U.S. OoliogllastI urnvy t lth thorida OwolCiclI lSurvey, 19b0-1962.
Num corresponds to t
thto on Ctrnologcol list of
p noadl gound-water reports
n Flndo.
1024 112
1O3 1F A7 III
105 = 113
106 l II4
107 115
,ost ,,
MOgur 5. Are of princlp.l pubhlbhd grouMd- .ter report in Forl prepared by the
U.S. CGGololcsal Suey or the lorlIa Colosical Surey. 1963.