Le Nouvelliste

Material Information

Le Nouvelliste
Place of Publication:
Creation Date:
July 9, 1930
Daily (except Sunday)
normalized irregular
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Haiti ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Port-au-Prince (Haiti) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
Haiti -- Ouest Department -- Port-au-Prince -- Port-au-Prince


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began publication in May 1896.
General Note:
"Journal quotidien, commercial, agricole, litteraire et d'annonces."

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
000471641 ( ALEPH )
12544054 ( OCLC )
ACN6482 ( NOTIS )

Full Text

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t -1 tf4 ieraaBoyer q# W. C. De Weti.S
: .". !:. :~: i e f u i?! ::i! 7il! .S :. .

-.- > . : . : . . . . .: . . . . . - . . .: . . . . . . .
rostnt epliqs qc Pen
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igQs16410040 knh
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Ue dSincsA pplip Ecs4

tnont efu d adnmnioa. & 1' Ete AoReetAppiq ts ara.iegle :redi .23-Siuilet. "'" .idatsescnt invitba A its Su Secrkirint da Ptle d.i -le .n .sera00ve--du.7 au At, tous Its jourS de. 8 heuros hear. da: mata, sort au.Prin. el Jnilet' 1930
Le Drecteur

fermaun IJERAUX

a trn'2ttre queleoaque, en relafairn comme" dpotais creand6biteurn, ave M. Jules Musnt, d~idi tk S Juillet N aPort.aupPrioiievitiesa .se fare toanaitre dana is -4 plus apide,# ita Ligaian de
en lt adrnsint.routes d6eumentaappropri 4.I
20r14-Prinn, Ie 4 Jillet 1 93O

his Mica)

ctut& Georges Castera Chiru
-acoiachemsants-voiep urfina'.

tSU7 CoDsant f. otlant M~dr.gintrale. MaladiA de-i youx tez d3 Is gorge el des oraileii. aqjt%8e1g s ciaux pr. a di
wmi, les ravoP ullra-violets. nix de Iabo'ratofire,

Si demands g raI8
span4 )Vo4porn tmoswt~
gage .-. .s war -pin.a.mi.e. ar

ac'leS de.Petatnqo i: itient i ."Cifidt6s dimanche se ont charges sposn it d asurhia". .


U .4 "g o.

inrua. .
lu a.:.:r:.:. .a:ti::-:i:i: ::i:.:. :i.:_i .
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or qual

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nu fact re Ebdttetve*

I :te quist invariable faia
ceux qui L s oaadoptsia

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O~i~it liPanrneas N.inti!! tfttNt
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onstancw de




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. ;- /.-

prohain hragederceuc io-rte eat h all0- oW & Ood .
1930 A 9 hneures riu ma in A Li ftf-4 DrN-do,

Le comA d Admcstkration v s ta qca it ne met ptut e, ve4 quo 4.000 btiweis u t %ieu de 5 U). Le pia du bite(ei! de trois go v ides tI3 couporU t Fue Lee kh ant.aug at6& en aombte .e4 der

gras lot gdee gros ot gleg g-Ot lot gdes
loss gdes

100 1.O

75 Jo s de G,

2 ap du gos lot 2ap da 2e grosi .ot 2 ap du 3etgQs Io4
1 7 o tnl t hlna pit les deux dtrnttels eh4tc

30 3 deswos ;u$ iP5

R jo issCZgVOh

T fort"'stock


air N.iehelia vienne ar


pnem 28X 112 Or0


aU)Rt, d'tpr~ r ~ en itfi
soiiltres, sois, a survefl'nc a leteuhab ,lieu a t veur, des strops extratti' e ctnaoes ,nures' A paint, qrn nKi orcvieonent pas rfii -Seearkgtfl, mi g ca *:uest's r~gfioade a plane dti Gt.-le-Sie et de.l. e a Logano, n a seulemRtt des pfit iwntas tde t Itico.ras au-s iS enombreux p'ovri4 atrts grand el paME ,AMGki ; mebteireA anneS
de c. den ptaines,. omprenant Is plus amnux terroir, dnn% suRh im,$artheo O-uqult eton,,varfum{ incompara.

I. Sne. .~. t. t seu.lHreprae en Haiti pab e rfaVe Pnitl dnga'do,"''is
&UUu-en.-"dititlle.non in9s v tr o ,3 sider on swc. u S consn 4m&0b'e Ia bumn, Cem -gilAu d lee foudres oit iI ,A-itilH! biea des aunke aVao d'a r a oofnommation, G'est cei doneeo Rbtsm Sirt'he ?o ve lot t s cOfa-rome toaJOUrS pareils.
A .
.U.-G Uvitei. et %Pom paref ,

'"{.eiot 4'-twie-tc h d i.igrie aorerie.gidco' ot dt ndatriel a Al t "A t $preuvea ct doot le sort roe iv 6vocablemef .f'"li>l p"rosr ,. bt"la prosp~nttndu pa y "

:xTrol400Le M'q. La tod6.#.o toi lacooa, de a e Lo gallon 4A epot

(Sb:i : ._i. Jk4Gd. tO iGd. 2.@ : Gr to0O

/ 4 1.R O r itr.,#

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Un grard rabais


9r toua es

wwiebttes &na genra

Bose !Daisy Exr reamerwy

ikca .D. 4OlTJEN Ftbwetl i Nsw oTI
-.- .F 8 Ago Row e sutn

.d .-.,,
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. r40m rw: nwt .

I t ge derucaon Vg'

-g C.mmissair "Datec r."
pon.:. : r. rempirPa" mission. de: MPi::. .
- u::.:isttrep p l tique, :
M aintenait p i e ,jana.
instructio-n Se poursui n,

L.a Canmisi0n itoba
": .a h is4 Port-au-M'rince

0'tt aiou;W31011 vA p.mriie A W4 hen:wu A ,sdib ttle !.Yw ;, iP {ptioa Atirin'i ;ie la .ele se reffdi.tau ll.l T omrail(7r laws t ehaloupe de-t"[orwmpaiiim Af tbrd 4urJt. bateau de la tfihe panare nms IoUhaito $ onvo vagele aux nel tl'a de Il a cO,.IkNOals vrevneidrong.

zuea1 atr (uerrkt ,a. battu mit c~iaa j~MFvarkan greedy dani one ieoconive
onweon k roit notre O jv :peonRo-hede succe CtPC0C6.

L0eg fun~rai1Ies de Pik6liell

P iord oune1I

Cs mahin eurent lieu a I'T St P.

tserr e .Arcahaie,, .;,
ndrailles de ce quifhat Per re
hfen COdn~c~
.U-.onvoi inmns 2C'p
gna le cercNteiItde ((a uA va sn a-l4 gIse4 IBeac~up cla Z, be3ucoup .e cains amcerent des' amis- dePori .au i in (0 l erelF~eVlal t't;tgLO'i'

i e leader J,

Jolibois fi.s

en: la chapele ardene, avxn, L-4, .lcvee du carps, tn pailhiqj.e
cliscours fanbre.
.Nos sincares et .vives cond
ekances .ou. a les parents et a(
:lids du difant.'

: : . : : : . :.: . . . .-.0 .

. . :.:.i.?. ~.:: . . .

AU~1S ac ure f flrci

it A Eatsstu rpend"
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REPR-,rNTA j: "R BOUARDP"GraA'llu"t z i P flAU i

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cm bdliUP L' .J .1.
Uroxserw teInadI,

So6ur AnonymC e
vw~m i r A e4n.


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Ho/el, hotel t

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r'z. z z8t4ZZ4~ S t' $~'ZttM. '44.4' 44'4%2L ,~ ~ 4'Z,544 ~ 44~

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Luxe Cor fort Skcurit&i-Ru-1
. ra.PQ"pagl le Y.yage" j."i. i .

po. .t p a Jsrs Z
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$r~~a ebowa~ie osV Mml el'ten TUr~ Ars2"'
D6. Pod .au Pefi sour 'Mm .h.M.rercf.i oear bUio :4lA s qquo eoddi AV6 heda ~a

Fot I C4 ,a UwPDP4

S~wtagoOr. S~o~K ~ i
tevweh IVA.tO ItLO (200.
Or. t-OF1' $is .&#.::.:7
A ln.' I2&4;a

.cV Tim

H O D S:UR E 7:.%:. .:. .

"'home' ou"votre bureau, he't.p ndroits o5 vous pouvez aIs sc V s ou yes valeurs. Pour uniso

minimxe vqus vez t- votre service la protect!
'd'un coff ret de st'.rcte 'doublerrent prog&. t-tes porter dlaeier de notre voAte.
NovvS voryisinvitons A visiter ns vetss,
Le seul endroit qaf pour y d&po,&zr votre tga l
docuxeiMs de fam11e, bljoMz, .etc.

]Ban qu f

. .

VLne Drivo zartoCdmr .tnfa tc
q&ho* u ankr .bin usq~
. .: .4. 4. .

.a.d. .
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sr ar tnls dwtdentdsusPATUIM g
Noosvorrn itivlonw t~rnA ft vwtea 6kort;& nWsP'.4i$
d Fontaio ne ,On a Chnuut.
Vdid -:f Af~tPo o fe, t,.s U
N ow. .o-- T. . . : s. -.-. ?o. .--. b
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