Le Nouvelliste

Material Information

Le Nouvelliste
Place of Publication:
Creation Date:
June 27, 1930
Daily (except Sunday)
normalized irregular
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Haiti ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Port-au-Prince (Haiti) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
Haiti -- Ouest Department -- Port-au-Prince -- Port-au-Prince


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began publication in May 1896.
General Note:
"Journal quotidien, commercial, agricole, litteraire et d'annonces."

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
000471641 ( ALEPH )
12544054 ( OCLC )
ACN6482 ( NOTIS )

Full Text

wednt~v~&a. lictelfFreu1

.:]Iku- ftppar "tAm t

nt Voron~ lo _L# fles sat i temes qi di
.q:.ens hin : o. .r.e.- .We.vie
P M w. . a b .
rim T~otun- ITelet.n1 et ~ sMn

+: c. . .
ta p $e e qz',i a tes~lmhis.)p~r mess pti Lou

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4hq~f a ad atk

44n qtw to -.

On jcfl c:,rslp*11 quWlIeqantIn
4.sMaUhS *:lsa va u o uoap #*ij4U *X eat~r *05 Is ias luse~nSt ftr 92I.
eortsev t -axe 14d",.1 Areariut par lea Cliamben

a~~~~~~~Dpii qui -&t:Iijstn qh en nmt rut* L 4A4P~ sut t Pupe4 .4 diptb epd aartoon= itt~~~~~~~~~ro dc o s~ a e iocttnviI owse
0 4 080lfl C l5U*$ 4iit.OJu c
tw eiuu nla "tion, b4.ose
tj acwt4i :;i':i: 0* j Ati-nrka done qa I h amven pow ed 'its ran e . au::,dt'* qS t.,a s*qi.

p ,fksin oqute sr leA mauveis
I. .de. caract~re d Johnson
+:+ff S,!:+::tttI:,:: etm wd m f lt -' .



O+ti4 lit. 01.:(i

. .,.+. Tfadio qu'oA eat s&a "9o debouIoOna e 0
.-ws C4~ t -t ion de- command* do i'absorption
owed 919tre su

. . . . . . .< .4
o, :s dire quo e n Sub tact, Vbowsn,) qui provoqus Is,

ttI :.:: .: .aji t .& 6I ,b"ord. et I4 maaiaet

Omme,|lientte On oous npporsv que dpuis qa'il a re.
.- etatiruation doi Is nuL tl d rempiact
::::::::::::::::::::: .:.: : f .77jt.'-tat da g atr l Ruaalt di r t on a" pout
*::. .4>.: )intrd~' our., la fistic--us Lea p atna emptoya Uahifins,
e rat S.: n.o-.a.n s: Ih.0.r i u-i t -t o
ayst lujorsIatteinnt Quaat #i.Acent qua, spree s t .+ i a [t e +::, a' a h.i 4 eote-,it ,,ite M l1r, i l .:.q .ws oa it". p t able tour
Si.ouK 'a .,e. .On tdemau w ei Fc t
it e! :e:s: fit! s.:n.,; no#faoa drn ve gvrde csi ram
moul dosen-.fla et soots plu's Lh13 sisOovn .4ft expMerts .o Nova ijanisaooa pour que Islei~tO#t Ubtauiquo. CUe. n uAr. vqul"" att
-.tuePtcc ouAtesde Port as.,rIe.
t t t o 0. . a. . . . . .


I n d 'I ru O ~ r emiin -wUa14it j4,TVtIt
liqui:4ts if iiVnqun a 2 fiirs W jp*lost4tur r4#M e 5rpr#

if~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~41 Of f ov n~ u ~l~t oiv~4SOLIA 4trrvtV4e
MOt.r$,.in r a t ffre'. 4 4!)V1:t All&n ninAM4 van 'apnsft

tt t$ t uiitM4C 041 t ea Vil.a tifEaam00stara
Tout Cai 4 ArNSr*24 ie es a o rr : 'ISajo- "ttit$iloaietie .Cadnau n A,
,La araa r o r 4. a d.+l hRipa *+: a .i:nt.&ff.' : .'u. : w=t .;

ovtnea t &Ag41.4M : Ecstss lPoo. dr u nt Vd.teptr cROn SP oAkuxnoff da, -an s $Mongopnet ip~ta p mS aesm. C M JO 4is !4 ai 14Wll Vfttrn
:. ! : : + ii : :i~: .:i::: .i:i~~i +ii.: : .:@ :: :.:.+ : + +a.:4m6':.!:./.:. .4.' .k 1 .: 1 . .

Pevni.dyui agasUj n re.s.I Ehe n. p:.hnpo .ir .Aune d rsq*

So ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vaeee-6::osir 1srtpoiiu Mi I.quiFo. em ta in 4iw 3.
44 fItt4.ud F&
casis a i wi: mf alair te baubi ueapt:gade iV ar.sCr ts-r&4->s -4 t~t
-" naflddo,'Abar in Je. "rr rht "

U, .coraershion4 p r s ril sitat I*S4614 .,~ i44~ 10 trt~ r Cosadc i .rret~ ratuisotae um otta et w Ivw hl 0 trcj
r Ar er. .t. . . 1#W i e .Arcut4 nla pifle . . s a_.n. .re t -. .

: e t" l:" u d .: t rl o n~~o pi) t s t ,id* iio. !0 : "4"'/. "A - .: .- ., .

qu G o nf "atat a ur I } n, .s.q'lr -oosuAt a. -dn "

e .h n -.L U p q e .ane -. i M a d qr at .t mp .1 I. . .e 44 4
A ist L ad on Domcicain. Ie syapathP, Las Marines. moot entiftenc . lv eharg . :t 6n "n4as

.p. d. _n eu* miiem Go1ree ptit qu ., eln aos id to . b . .
." . .d + .
V "A. u.Aota c " .
son A irspo arie ya~1o adIAa1ur ou a
do. pSsirie u d e uetin. *te n ttsaubew un adtaa s p.

"n. u vrn ,ntrepris. par rOcp .atto.epo "rr e .-. q. ._4
,, ni ee prI, .P p0us Ju e tiara, . Fla t"i_ "f"rt.
La onvrametdi tInir:8 iia-tn crde pr Jr er 1 ice Jr Satd vnoubn pPni aa

Vtbtn Frent Apa
.- em' Des oug0 mmo-ut a . V

rP es do S rviee d'Hvog.'ne tout sont de, tPde route, n a JrqI : 1 .m r a ur r : iea, i Pe(xception di' 2:0 chicieros 4 d 1) ttoflnr ten lr. . r;tVh .-.' rWi :,
a 2pbea t- fineel t e eti- avarat., ,Ser ijc dv San it ie n) Mai-a4 d ta4
~IaIRpaW;adesmindamt 4rns ei-a Itshantes mninw les theCwd pii f Mee Mp'antatat -* n*n
A I Gympaathsu 1.014 OG| ees aunt eall're
t~ Lghlof e lmoe d -WpRo T g .

': er e .___: fate., ao "lourr Arn -ikaincr 13 r,-r p ieues Franaises A .de: s proprw. ,*h Ie. : : tr qot pr&
pius crave et Is plus impa.rd,.nnnb"I :'it I ptmbe Yr ant aic ih o er o Prancai>=l" "ttirt tie fmtt en l j" =- "r llc i rmi nip-Ire. d S potoa-r ace J s! naa in Son personnel e i-Wav rredm mton
ch.iant nt. .e co e C -. ., p . e rVd he (o pt 2odoIats-or v a oe a), p sas r-4,fre lst, ta s sdes e r anfp b ei q qA t e n * fVPeit5attetud rel eft is
jeu, .c Lau .aWamen O t pa .r .-ce l enttrcm n Itie [es t OI e n aten qt ac-. nW.: v ) ) t tI alV ? i p. .IP S

ar mcareOu ea~tuntte r)"u tt doiztai ri4 do ) COL** at ,+ a hnw t
- --- d--- d-i-a---I . .-e i-e t. e "t e s i ta /u
lk end cue wto ari miLin ci-ve dollars parantSnssd,-twsc a h Apran M V ?c.A vi
Ie .'IS -EhI1&,atiOrsetteviV zateva.
Si~~~~~~~~~~~~10 file Apreia osvnspu uae~dsIAtu u tatr4 pu uta nreb in', -tf~~ a ttu:tn a avn

L er G oyu a d lo ies hin h o ot it onr s trreI .t I ate, |rpa e citra e aa(.A u)an PazM.' Iif at. n. :e- vt" ; .
)an isec-d-teg CEw n itre c i, diYas o.JCMan$ a b a-d qu'el Iflron e'umuoft a eH e o ia -ai-'it din1rm 4esCi d s ei Nmatil s &nl-00 11ht''de 7 ovraa st

Hootr.,ab s.plm, ana IOU #S m--,i,,,-.t- -,u u.,,a:fl-l+fa. .;n r4 -,,ad
Noe.covit o bale eat Cjoosoua dc-sDes ch
au-cue rtteate IegouerarrnD$duo Sat rv-en eisca, v nre its b oaamgm, d e 1W0I I jititttfra 7,4bSIt f-K da ~

S opolseraP0y.Pe leou00"It u ltmi T ,e q
La farMw meaaliKe 2* coam tttuet Its i
1muiveIa jjtiun S ur. co4 o bt etbt flusomatsqnt.11y.i;4 chiiqits i-ank ua iK chant do mtuttode s e alo s'pt Pl- a ttCOU Eraser 30Uof I1.Rapuh iiar, q'i hintmane 110r 63-t bsci rnv e liiu ini n
Leppo berrtson exhhbCS IrenFtarta wer& pour.A in _.
chg itus poue Grt ltl~~tsrrl e fi;, si a flnt s ruvcm i snsc
beatI&nNaMio'rskquo Ixt Pyso aeenbitJ iA ogis do Ia Taxe. n

l -des terLeTrpis
~~~~~~O t ,.,.". . ,, .

stn.veQ1nt Vo 'nm ~ k_ cl. attlepuud
lent t& ~~ntte 4.;I 9lpotf:Yl r ia 1pa e S eio e r 14t .to 4 0 0u .
rots e Juiistid dhvo4s

Aa~ t 100),- ri~ei- s ttvl n
G.4YAss0storm q Ats sawn
t. .6. .-. to et .O .::Y. n . '

Ai t . . . .-$ I t .4w f l t $ ot i A . . .o .:
.:. . *P' :" i-~. W i.
--. .]

wkr~~vir#rcsw* ni
~~~~t~~ 0tt ef Isjn Lus

*4i J$ tlcgo n M1.arsi.14sp
. .: ,,w:., : :. . .~. . n. .oi! .tw .
qe seas ==tfr== m= aiu,..4
- +i'+o'- : ':; .,: ;; i : + + il: r: .


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-A' nsier Charlte V oti
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A 4i spicaios 4* MreJ#avar' Vic; qeiui s t 4 areqainpnewl Ilsith+ Cn+t die c a"t +e t+ "v p+ ts tu h' a +: ++ lm,

sea.l I e apn 4 l ton s .:. . .-.#

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t bhpr 4 tl $.

L4Gt Ahmvt
b Diwtht r (1ig*p -nk'rei t

Monsieur our f irter

las do aordaamarix- ouiv dont I
en L lt 1 ostu -e pAu
0i4U lo'. rtiO A

t ~ ~ .p be-k: o.i 'rvdgn 15 qnoi 6i 1.: is0P&n'fol ez~$i .&t o
ztairetba4 o t j Our 11 u y a unt

tear.Is--ls La ratued -coot a

rit I'IP'atO da2 ot pour

rboller:1lee pet itsgnditiers et j1r P patt-4undtnA-643o-Le p6upletqa
pr tesc nrg i qnew~eut cflnre .c:s 'mpA6 se w-fdeinaado. aa.Ornverne mau dpreire A stuure ito m4ta qei 0I eU :de root re( ffinD Bill ~ nige de'nt i
O i rbJEt1 e rla de: I'eztculion d bs n-kbses sar to ibac et E"acIC3,0 aest r.-udu compto q2F les; prod mis dr. c. Ps tarN no ser veal qtx'atuz d~pensts scan~d4!au seg du nord am~ra. La Ont dion des!xproduct eutrs de C0f6'"xt Ia ceclo n'a pas- 60 rue, tir j~ contraire6 .ethi5
slit. lis brismoresM et lt Uilag&8 0(fli 61A ap menIl~ die or 50Sh 31
doltats.-a so 1CM100 tivres tiuzuxie le produc'eur 'le --&a net tt clitetba5hprc

teur de eaCao est ot abois III paie "a 'Atat ii cts.40 par chiqniv 1ivr de ceacao exporlA, I is .qi it
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>rniilic~ss s. ir~sor. .publi4 no ser1
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fr quenter toUt. 1 temps que 18 Serv.c -. Tsechniqu3i do F'gricul u .o.r resl-erat -ente Is mns t8
per.nord amri a n.
Acr.ue esure- n'st 'pn-e p)'.r
rendre orrvice au poeluctour de .
cafd. Le bureau di: -kbonebes est. -pna sineure"qfon doit : u p Driraet s'il kIl q&.1 con
A _t.0 lO u auprvisio 0d dtmrmaiae et sans !,e riFdtr

DAflS ala2I% 0Cl ier Gur~ts Bi
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14, i r6colte Vi Ir& bnuns.
eat Un surt!us a ur fa pgaoduc n101 air a lie. da .16 mitiong 500 ,an'Y
tcf6 qulW meataet 4t 4~i at
t 4*. k rint r: d 'i.tiat divQot"

*ma~iiaa b p Aticn a eo Cn
le 'kmmagasinC.1.410 U 1%08 1,1 l !~ :: .!7 .t!!! ;. :.{ |!. t .

linde. M4IAr~rmorrbe
m tO~r psbpaa~ a~ ta fe.

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Pares H e
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Rue Coa-be at flue d-u Ma-aej: Tte -l,at
C- Vg

A chat.E4 l

,tis .prix Zcep ton rnet, pour-.r.,g de aieier 'ns, aehat vieit o vieux D o d aI:,nr E r'sprecietIsas, vieilbes pCit iirger o ertsoat r-leds naonalit,,rc SPE IALI' IDE- .LAJAISON a
Coetean d rianecs de tole, so .t en or, 14 at iFt sur coiumtande,i aalion fo i; l bloui.
N. 3. Ia l r vs iat #. eaooir aQ issotimaut d4 Dupgf!rd cssbte. .

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' La maison de Ia fHame

,eMe et 4 ms E"pisode ( pa- ties

knt,, e 50 .eentiuws


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n14&&z Es mom IalCfl*i

Dentl- outs U XIP~Lt~a -r

Dtms.As- UzIA d-t se4 !9

Pour Idis &rtitlft $ Atsq pse

gUS RueTraver ta 20
Crl j ti


C~~~tL14~~ tLSIL-YQ &E

bin~ihi' ntxivztn~MW de i I
h~Sure SUC t"b mpttaft' +n
COIJRJtissques.el, prair 4
tpe.s d u soiK0Or chte et Lom**

A 2tnon~pi~ rtuaise CMaOMI rchi c>u
tiaey~grapbie m.Aozsy*C aMoto
klvec chg. n ourvimL- apu~ TON j~paths
quo COUNd "A4odm
tns*~igerneatden Ilangun ma evpo ~pr~

gnol IAllemantd. MRP
ftnn- 6galC.0Mon 1*veutacaTIUS w"t
tecon. PatieulWresd:e i'm.W
qunssax en rtarOi
Aeax qui 'vedut gagnerdu
L -: i::. : I::- .i a a t :4
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el agr~ttavec -anneset iu~r I" .'. -." @udiants At aduit4. "o m,.Waidtttf*Dtn
--. . -. . d--- ir--- pat i n

N atonIr 151 Droi t 4go CPO' a*
(your 'l u,;.ample$ ,re X' sogr -." ,.N&Ad-M,.:DrenviOti-ti::"ti:- t:Pau

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.s vaus. Pom-ur tn onn

4u J Avpre rice. It rotection
setet dotblMtn t $par
pow ie ti Ottevote
ttIvow.nios iio not
Do~acri sOpur y rotretnta ent,
its 4tbentures, ~actions, acs', pUndaswn
cloumtnts de, farnle, bljoux1 tc

lo s;+<~~!:i :::iYiU :-i!?::!:: ::iii~+:

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Frnk J. &ILIN. Agent.

kid t ~ qnle d flaWt7
Zzeis d doi n Aes, k 4ref
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-demati&unt wtementdilicat.vous
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ass les eic ii les plus


om-b eux

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r putal n de "eltals~ me+nt de premier ordre

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Propr+ie. mire

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vot OP .oolmrnt fatal Je Sble #I*steat
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