Le Nouvelliste

Material Information

Le Nouvelliste
Place of Publication:
Creation Date:
February 28, 1930
Daily (except Sunday)
normalized irregular
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Haiti ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Port-au-Prince (Haiti) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Haiti -- Ouest Department -- Port-au-Prince -- Port-au-Prince


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began publication in May 1896.
General Note:
"Journal quotidien, commercial, agricole, litteraire et d'annonces."

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
000471641 ( ALEPH )
12544054 ( OCLC )
ACN6482 ( NOTIS )

Full Text
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, : ":,- :,.- -: .. ... .. . . ..: .. ... .. . . .. ," .. . .. . ...a..
iMB:.. ..rank of mere privAte, t : Brig dier- hands of the Frenchcolonist ?
OF THE COMMISSION -.General T hese pivil or military officials -Why thi discrimin ition?
collect salaries from the IHaitioa: Tran Aur l Atory a ounds with inst
e tends t frak and ry ranging from 5,000 -to 20,00. dollar of Haitian who fieAVarious Gp
.Welcome. par- annum. Js it any wonder that none ment positions with distinction; t
O tho fifteen yearssinee are .found aniong them willing to utter of thi .were eJu-edt in Europe
ar d has been subjected .to a word or to raise a finger- to change are. calture(men in tlhe possession
AiUp.ation -by troops of the existing conditions in Haiti? 'Can it he far higher diplomas than those hel this i.the first tim. otherwise than distinctly pleasing to the majority of Americans sent to i
ji tin people have had the collect two .salaries, one from the it is precisely this upper class, in
-l .ii seeing an assemblage of American and the the other from thle commonly termed the << ciic who
st i~en, as toi" we are 'wel-"Haitian Govegiment, and all'for the joy other countries, hold all the high
.-- to our shores to 'hold an of leading a Jife of ease and comfort, fires that American propaganda, :
Sito the. causes of its hitter all the more ,o when one considers that upon annihilating through mere env
V. ." the Treaty Officials and Experts, from pite, atcuses of exploiting- the 'ma
i. thiss people, kindly and the. highest to the lowest, are their own Yet thi- Haitian firte is inmnasur
:e simple-hearted and .trustfal su.,pervisors, their only law being their superior to a large number of A!
A ..fto\he notable Comtiission will and pleasure? They are not, nor leans who are ruling the country.
ii"ompose a welcome inspired have they ever been, our counceltors: though it belonged to thw m.
.. ..hopes they base upon.your t;.ey regard themselves as our- master. IFf,'IClENCY UK AMERICAN
* endowmentfta, your disinter- us as mere slaves. i OFFICE-HOLDERS QL USTIO_
SAnit vour impartiality. As they U, R INSTRUCTION A simple test of there veracit of entering the harbour the
o the Haitian people-who
| udderinge over the memory .
VimU1 and purposeless carnage
nrre, and burning with in-,
r.r the acts of brutality to
-eaitian women were subject-
re leaving the Cathedral,
ent to prayfeor the souls
d p'easant&----reverted to
g pages of our alternately
o rious history which may
p in two names, each a
ft or an immortal epic:
.BoE ar.:
vaBh, f00 of Haiti's sons
."aliantly side iy side with your
Or -in the glorious cause of your
i-one Petion, the
P i'dent of the young Republic of
:ibat tfhe Venezuelian patriot B;)
';'bW his title of < Libertador >.
tiuh nation, which in the past
Utted to world events of such
a. that now urges upon youth
.tts fact in mind: Haiti is nu
story as a Colony ceased on
PT ::1804. Single-handed and at
.a fgirgantic effort Haiti gained.
-|i ence, and after having paid'
tt time with its blood it paid
tecod time with its gold. Fromn
Sthis our nation has occupied
i,: all international assemblies

it is now fifteen vyers since American
1 .ervention has been in existence i,
1 'iti. Yet what is noted by visitors 'to
S_,c shore? The Port Officer? An
.merican. The Chief Emigration Of-
-- er? An American, 'he Collector of
ustoni. ?-An Americai. ITh'e Chief of
I alice An Ame(icain. The A.ssistaxnt
Cih.ef of Police? XAi Amierican. The
( :ief of the Traffic Department? At-
f.-a.erican. The Chief of the Garde
,A .iati AnU American. In every branch
0o :ihe Administration it i- by Ameri'-
a.s that the most important offices artn
Ir--d in the Departments of F"inantu(
i-.J:tic a WVorks and A,2,ricuiture, in thn-
l .ic Health Setrvice in our choold-.
i:t tact throughout tihe land the ubi-
uoiltUS Amliericat is to be fouId hlordiitL
ta over the Hattian. w hose languaUg' hiei
a .nior spt'ark, taking suath decisions as .
L.e pleases with -tsupretite di-regard oi
Ln11 local Government which he is sttip-
'i;..d to serve. Nothing has teen done
to ,ro d o uce so iu-ch t a ('tnltiitnuct t.
I: pr ii ol Sltd ilnitc'lltiolln of tite Ialiit idtl
-: .,cl-guvt' tlov c t'Itl and thi- drfer fiftetc;l

Why are Ilaitians not in these varion-
,7overnmetit positions -now held byf
u.tericans? Granting-.-ierely for the

;:Within the recent past it de-.sao< of argument--that itn 1915 and in
.on Germany, it signed the the initial stages of the American inter-
4Ygersailles, it ratified the Kel- mentionn there were no Haitian,- capable
it.epjoys membership in the of filling these positionS, surely 1now.

4:;Nations and is one of th(
Republics of the Pan-Amer

-.*1thiese titles to respect pun
.. : to what ar&t .we now
r pen quivers with indig
:O..ur voice catches in out
ignominy .of the ansf.i
lpsttus to make: To a etatut
f'l that of a colony!
44 fact that America's colonieF Assemidies openly
,.ele ted? And.we?
A|iynben of your worth who
cihosen 14. President Hoover
t. liii *Com.mission ia, in our
1 Bturest guarantee that your
...... ... *it =v =- . *.. *
hnot n
)hng rave wrngs. Unlikte
t have ino relaivep or
......t the Ia ti- ofe es
.i#. ..erete In.. H.a with
gAt Treaty Officials or experts
ind you:are on a highe
4 hui tllitary clifque wh!ea
aatot :n AiWI
|... .........i.. .

.4ftor fifteen
Ite possible
, ..- # ffl" .

n years of training, it should
to ind men fitted to be Chief
. fL.. E i'. ...,. ... i f t.


is $ 0.20 per day. But the American, momeys by Americin oIi as atdited
...accstomed .to spd money: lvishly, by .Ame.cnntsa.cotn.. ... and of
an.e p.ays but slight hed to the hat that the .es.ablising, in all 4E departpienw flf
vernr millions he spends in Haiti are as der Treaty dtciah handling eredis
many the hifchlood of the uHaitian taNpt-pytr running into several adilllion dpinr s
LIanJI WIhoRI poverty iN itithiEUtdIy ext\retife. budghiuary avstnm similar to h it e f
n of The? (*untiin-ir>tn .wi H IWe ?hol4n rftiY(!. other civilized gunntries, ir krnWd to
Id by atin -buiblin&. uc(h at uVy tirhr rm1n1 guarf asxznst all poT''ihilhy of the ^*
kaiti. try |to-.e-. which would hanv co-t pendilure of Haitian funds accrViirs to
.ai.irtw oparal day less hBtd they Amern t th. caprice' of the offcl in charge. ht

:of- miring the National I'ie et woula inoh irregularities, as have been more
aent rtifind the (aCoii -fon t that it is t;h ver entegorincaly prohibited by Haitian
vtou- work of ,u n-iian nul-d isted iv: ant .tislation dating acdk over a < .fntury,
:i.'sr, foreigner. hat Dr...MilIpiaugh wa. obliged &o re*
riAlily Apart fro t i a .;urpri ingl. g 't ign t.

MtieLr- nittmer (of ijmprovemintit of a material
S a-o Jk-cr, the fruit t fs., i.fft n v t lint
-e cal nillini dolla-ti.. what improve
ncnhl of a m1or1aI ouItf are tor i I noted

th .)

abhoe statement would ie for the tCorn-
riisstion to call upon each American in1
c iarge of onet; of our public Serviw('. or
holding an important Govutrimt :cnt pj-
-itionl, to state what expirienrc ithev hali
had before becoming oft-ce-holders a1
a high salary under the ldi t .ian .iovernt
idt-int. It -would, for itsLtatc-e. lie ilighir
instlruictve to inquti-: into the past re.-
ct-rds of the variou- Cullectors of Cuit
omis----eritahbe autocratL-. particularly.
mn the outlying distri-ts--and to ascei-
tain what positions they held before
-utt'rintg the Custoni- Se--rvc'.
And tIeven tlte high tffitcial s of lthi
I'n It y. who ,re s 1uppotseCl to le mein
lof great attailmenitt-,k wtiat proof hiav-
tIe given ti hrf, I!Nir ti _\h I1,-"- thtI,,
nittt If'it n -iit Adv :'t, iser l e tI- r i t .
int rustcd wit-ith t t. lionomlii.c lir, <
otU to'.Oiitryv atnI' I 'Vhenl. uoii o e. or 1 t.
totti,-ionS-, tin t ht i the1 t]uipop lrtnl i .
.u- ing -tet'ral tuitlitni tor ailit !t il:.-
t e ci..1e oIl a I. t ilt U tL;ou l l i i'
. -t' -': ati! ) ll;il Jt;'ilit t. l Eiu: t *,ttt-
ag d itn '-uch 'wi'e" ai- tinitake llti h1 1 --
thev t ntlltlioti-. tihl' reorganitin .titn t
the Natiojai taiiroul> t..utoupant .t lttani
afftord.. an iim-t. tte. In this truoiai.-.i'tii.
according to Paul D)ouugla, an An il'lliit
Professor of Politial Eft';t [..nivers- ty of Chitoty' I ,l put!lit-tih d a
book giving the r'uilt.s of hi, uPn.Tr-.tonal
inMestigratit in taiti, no t 1.- d tsuii
thIan 2.0J),fI doilalr- found it u- aa% iLto
ilthepckets- of ,r unkilnon individiuab -,.
The Haitian Tre.aurity would not htave
been hard put to for the use to which

-1Ti \TI't.iENT t< {E VTEl
J "I It' C on ai--t on ,'i.!I discover th,.:
t;tI kttVi -tnI'.lfiS ,,t the i tstlul aI.Utt.iih:.
' Hula it h>t a ttIme at-' m an- it-Ah .:
--xisel tc n I .19 ; uit place Iht beetn takt .
*, d!ioti it and halr. Even tho.-c 11tl-
ia ,i- v.s ho appt['tir mo-1t zealott s and ti-
. tttje inI the' -t' vIct 1 f AI rtif-.ianII oI t-
ti- ial ari zeal('ItlHi aand v t. -,tt'd o lly fi;i
the .take of and for as long as they arct
collecting a paltry salary.
Iusteaud of aiming at giving us real
a+-J.Iaur-e, and .ti making us1 appJ rcr.l*.
tth- is~a'iicc, the thort-sighted plic-
of the Amreric-an during the pat: .fiti-
teen year- has, ,1 ien the oI
takingg otur ruin and of courting i loath-
itrn for their acti% itic'. fastt;. what of
ti.e wat., ri .ht well ite the tottto o0'
", -hmgton', rpre-ntfi invc ti t I luii,.
tat' in m1 i prinl o..,f wihos, t'ii2 -s i .+
rtl- .(.Ut'F h i\ -ut f..-lit' at v,t l' t a(H t
o-,ite lttitl., u ailttaill thel td l- a.n [ it.
Ii, -ur t 'he ,Iom pli'ity t f tht III' ,'i ',C -.
.'tftlft it'ti Eih It t e ~i. eu ,,i,.(l .Aji!t: ti ;
Utf': I I Ia .I ii the rillte-,.,1r ,1i'ftt v --
SofIi.t.- |d> .i," t .i i }tc .>t.i ti ^ ,i v i i
"dittjtin -- 't tl utnt,-,' on .t ,li tr-i-i tI L *.
fr nt li.nt it ih. ,ii t r. n- tn O flw l -

r'ta j lu c i on at:l t- -! 110. I.- i hu i.-t tt,,n'.
nuna'i oa[tirut tha t t yst ,' h rini *t- t
r n un indeI I nittc. y in 1i f., I I.I It- I.
rI'Ctp l it t usi tt'-r po .-l." Ibttb'n o t; o l iE -
ther Pbion, thtt wc ont hf iu- a

of 1u1icli arri
tl h '- world. u M lit, H ithe '\ .,elietI t- l .t
Pd L .i the int, e.-v t efI a ,rti..- t{ o 3;1ad1 til'
Mtain tl itha :itta tc es .to 1t tIrtni, to just.-if
their act

such anl amouInt could have been put. thl'ir fllnutre o of Onfi d htie the itnagil-

A d hIt i i G lio"
.lU 'Ll~~, tiiti ELAAA4 t.itf1t'1 111 l .... 4,, LI ,it ....i j'i7. ... :,, t ) v.,.",: 'a +

. o r[ O 1 ice r, C. l l i .-gr iat o n pt -.tL er, i ii y eti litkt a ltit ll -,. 1, 11[-1 in o v.l p .tY.f, $i -'" -".
holiteetor of C4toxn, Chief of Pofitea high salaried Finamcial Adviser lot .ATE OF A. EJICAN
.hief of the Public Health Service, an the express purpose L.f ,afeguarding iti[ WHO IDICStIII) i ( COOP ER -AT
A. hold positions tos enigieE't, proft'-ihnancial intrlt.< \,\ 1"1 TI \ tI
.o0 '., office clerks, etc. Aw rn'gar ti. the pay u t in t fruitr e o Coofi ;ii u i e. .i, th( n t',..,t -i
Consider for a[ iintant, CGentlenC tn,'our d->hut to F'rz-ani r H- iti I hi st ulte l uhutit n. In tte.t'l tt it It int i ll t- ,
hat after wimuitg our ind pendenucebusittss mn ii woulit have ictliiiei tihiE kn wnt s-iittalit.iti tu .adl -'t,;i(..',(n :i
ir I" letStotfs h, who hitd been 81laves nutiti i lunig as teili-g c irrn wiiV I t pirs t uti ill N'l iut I, lltl it t hi- i t, i ,
,hen, set thenlaclves to the gigantic world ; dot- i wnw rd couil. t tt l oa nly thing fir of y our lnqilirt'y- ttat tii' paltl, ,N
,Ef oirgni irig a nation .by their owr .:hiti t do t) was to keept.. its gold and plat<'d in Haiti for itiuitEintitg it
aidedd efforts and handicapped by ti tot convert it while fra-mcs are at .12or pr1t-ig( of the ,bil e l r. v i.n e"tr
utilityy of fortegig nt liouis- and thi .37ill tihe nioreo as the French hoand- veresie.s tiwet't lhiliant andi A:n'rieat
ridicule of the entire world. Of all tha older. did not ailpprove of the trat.I- haIS been invariably to dert-re the battle
we,- accomplishedd without any outside t-lion, in felt they ref-used to ftlet in the right against tha fori-.r.
as.sitance no mention is ever Imrade ; myvtmenit. Through his failure to see .We are kept utter-t in the dark a.
Amncrican!, their chief interest beint things in the iprujl:r tight the Anmir'-aitn regatrdls the expenditure of our moue.
apparently to discover a11 that oui :inlcinal Advister cVaued Illnii to lose dt.i-abured a. we Ur t.tfrom cor-troltlit.
history sii a nation discloses. of an un- :rotm two or three million dollars, the thOM entrutttld W ilh tih -t',hs.... ..
fortunate or disircritublle nature.l'i.Hali .neniit of which was easily reped -by it. While the Anericat'n has in his hand
t,4tonly coun-ty in the world that has others. the various drnmiin.stra.iv, r,,.t- rt wi t
known.days of bloodshed, and disrup-. MERICAN ACHIEVEMENTS.OF permit of -no- oatrl. \V as it tnot hi
dt ? y thi ytatemat.nv ijsregard of RELATIVELY SMALL VALUE desire thut AnAurican auditors ,houl
all thint reflects to our 'rdit and of the The improvements made by Amer- check Government acotnt tha
stupendous efforts' by which our fore-icans in Haiti .ar solely of a material brought about Dr. Mill-pough r--
fathers created a Nation out of the lasi order.and are of small intrinsic worth, aitlion from the offt.e of Financiul And
ves who, up tothl htime ttiey threw o o ionsidering the maiy milhlons they have viser? For onice an Americat Finm ia
thir- bnds, had known ano-other treat- ost the Haitian Treasury and tih fact Adviser was struck by the n-cen.ity ofr
nztP that that t 6f-um ... at -.-t~iWa te, average .st of Haitian l .ahoutr hamv.i thoe exipe:id|'"u of Iftaitin
. .. -.,- ... t a 6.f. .. .... ,... .. ... -.. . .. ....

4 "A

So much foir the semnitice ofi iTa
r'ovtmentui of a material order. As ret
..urd. inmpiovenmnts of a moral order
hnrt,. exist not eve a embtanc.
A-rnmrica's i'crHe.isentatives i Haiti
havv. taught u-1 to drive out SenatorA
til Deputies out of office, to elsea
down social clubs, to refuse to permit
Oif ..iur cintrolle,
t, i,,s-i laws of the utmost msrirnoency
.iaaiatel the Press, against the rnght of
i>ltding public meetings, the right od
free speech the right of making public
mauniiestations, the right of holding
opinions, the right of suffrage, in brief
against one and all bf the democratic
liberties guaranteed by the very Con*

,titution imposed upon us by W ashing-
Upon examining the-,e laws, Gentle-
ttni. wou will be astouinded at the
'essons in public morality, in democracy
arnd in civilization in general that Amer-
icanLti have given us. After comparing
Otw, laws they have drafted with tho-e
ItI the ILitian period you will bN1 forceC
' .ahutit. to (yoir diatnnumfiture. that 1iy
tw.1 rriteiriot of these lawa Hlai iB1 hba
. !iit-~l~n aily pTr ,-d tnhen',e .-c- -q -.-
; ,a, in i'-'i iittiot "'to our ,\,a '1. an
Si -, .

\ \ 1IC \Nit TO MIlSREK, ':<'ENT
i'] HE! ORKEE TH tlE oMil l
F ,r since rumoutrs of a ( i t ,in-,ai'U
..- i pa trv reau'h_'d .Haiti tin" -\mvriner 1
iiF-'r ,have left no stane untmunei n pret
p a-ft tIte; pr ,t-rm1' ii thi,
n IrVy inti # JH p o-^, t-, i t l le other
11a 114, that totht.iig I J W Vhatt.1t'I" IVt' OrtIh

,of credit waI' aftoCnoih.L'd in .zHta.nst
utiringt their 'xisten'e at-. at inolh t '-tt-nt
nation, it are ignorantt of the ib' .i-
mertst th'tt-"ll l'he used again u1 intr'O
wn- t-iCe Co-pletely shut out ft rom e'eri-
thing that concerns our country, the
t-nIirt administration of which is itt thO
hands of Americans. The PIreAs is rse-
fisrd information; and while atnnal
: it iothet, r reporti ive:' 1.0 *, ii"'-I ,n !f
I it utpousi-.tb f.'r laitialt to chti k
thei,'r ftig res. the ', rt'p t t- art a
orthiv- of crudt lhti't' a- th -,- -t;il.1n; ,-4
t'v tit' htgh komt~ttn mt'in itl vtit dI
-vents of common knnwledc are tr r-
tStely distorted, we know wiihat value
o attach to them..
To defeat our desire, our wail and
abilityy to do what is right, all th:ise
vho are responsible for atnd who bene-
it by the present atste-i affairs .ill
lire no p.una to convn'* the {tomn
iaistion that our nation is a mere ag-
.:;oimeratiU of incapable and ignorant
,tings. And there are people who ..... :-
ie |paid- with the nation's mon wv, as-

.uretlyv- -to testify in favour -f the
\inirican contention.
You will Ih t:akn to visit the m-n
delapidated sections of the. city a:md into
our slums whose inhabhants will b
".;~dte t to you, and' vo' v11 bhe
told: 4 Here ar the people that are

7 ... Atin u. id O.. b. k- --.g -:
.*. .:

. .-


1-- .~



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L60 ptit tN iuiL dispersto e


.. t h h t .. i a on i e .. .

6d.r \f s do t -em la Ai. ers d'E1'1-0e aoe
1uar4#tt j !Cise d n .o dbuar hart a~I:nir

neprstason ando* a trieSt suhvtmcm do< Ieu
Dpo.,kan P Ort uP'c" a0 oulO?

cuealadter lae f'oavoirarqui ote .. .doa0 u,' :Uh

Pot dpt'Oja}e 3gtur de a tdtdt.* o d ht srut e F"
SPresvtatio a de W(I rm subinEtiee de Cp-ot .

tee 4* 7 nala b 2r ~Ie uir :-t Aicr,-ie .o doem u u P. e.s P.. .

.tf -n.lit teh'C -.velC i t !e. Pj U a, h. A C -i. .O.---E-..I F. I

(ftliC ttitQa to F? Ute Fl' )-$ttt~ait C jrTs~i5L4tL
J44~i44 tirtnd*, sr.-' 1#'~ I tP4C~1'F' J~i jj'r,
it' deli 44$C 4srICj 44444CC fC'Ii4CC44'S
4>)C.tC' 4t'JONLi Ut (ICC de, 11:43 S u' El '4
tie a.
'fna~nCn- *FU-FI rV4 I F3C'C., 49,' C!CCCC4S
toi.ip di 'C4~C4' 5. ~-- a )~ ~ :- j. C{ 4
(44t.c4r1-:-. ii 'i IC'' 44 CC
C444C.$ \CC..,C.i *l. 4 C [C
(sari:'. (2':: ~14 4~I*'~ -.
tl t 3411 e'E'-v--. '4CC .t~3i Pr:ia di- 17444- 41
11414N I 3>95 4 Th94FF~C CC Cl Ft C C4C
I C3 :,CIC~ C :C:4:3kC4C 3CC..
rh-I 4~. 3d UCIFL 4CC CC C(4 444 C- .. .4'

dtsn CuF~: 31 ~4 CCCC4C di 4 'JC~ 4 P't4 ~9: U-' id 1C144 if
Loosed *1 kit tw CnC#144.CCL 14;4g.
-4. ntuw 49 .CC IC 3 114434*45, -pCI? %l4i4C- 4 C
te ICCECIICC d ~- CS'441 CD4CC4ti 4' tl'44C:ilet. P4 4'

JJCC441 jCU'. 4490 *A4491' : In i:t:n

Itlevit,4a1;j 4i. 'i,9V fl C4-s '"C j1 9 *4,4 Vd"
0.443 C 4a iji)1(14' 41441,35 a im T'5A 4i4444'M

Otur leg Iktes et It-s Vj au II149
bitt 1? em21 t4' t cn, A(*\uCst1?l ""0 1 tfIlkCS. t'.

avtCii lf"'a C-4u f F'%9.F 44 0d t34V4iCl t

T*4Fv JCL Ciiattr 4i m aiu ila'-

: 1 r$ 1, IFFCV. 4 i' -C

paxd P*re, viu-~ 411
011 t C t 7 ar1 iiI t al 1 0 1 s Et N1 > agtFCI'-44v
C 3944 '4.'mr t' 11344

.\n.-u~r Ilviti* lii it4' 4" 4 454-Fi 3

)*t wvt F'ti td CS. w a{U -
IC 415 -4'1.-it

Pour athnuer le scandal

dttlii-MC1* 4, rC I' it 1 M ft a o 4
1C icf J t1444. 3~ UC 13 I Ut

uvot ;%mICICviC3C4 C (1W PrlCVI t1it441t o outa 4"fI
baites pour vo ine np
VAtsu'k4- dt Vu~~ N AU C1C14111 fso l4U m

-3 ibtoul cat JtFme' sutt fa JClk'ti jur

C ,.Voi mle eftM 'w~'~%~

Souveratn.s dans les tae de FaindismeS
d'Anum ee de

A 'a -hnrmaeie L (CAMILLE

... t ....:... .

.. .. .. .. ..
* -- ... ... . .. .._ .* .. .

-,., r .' _. -,

Le gra 4 f, m dWArt av."c Fa tC' S a B3erlni

Ent ee 2 gdes 3 et 4

D mauche

S Rosa-Maria

A 8 he'jeS

- C-)*C4)A.Ct tW $4./C

S 3 -

Place die t Paix

Rue Courbe et hue u Mar% c:


Aclait Ecilit

de C r

Vt~~~~~~~~~~ :lJir S I .i) ~ ;~1 ~ 4
C. oe~~~ aecr Pa
en->aC~~tt5 Hi 4VI -;'[U 4ttS d-ia~t~ >:rese Pe-
Ol'S )t:i, f), V -S i~tC ~ Ct~JC
jjL~s n ;4c~4Ft 0t2, -

....d O f ^ .
(.onnect o .:f a :ianc'.> i ^

liLt iA~
tO:CI(04 1) 'i-C- (1i) 0[

L a,. 4i n I t"I' CCi.l 't, i .C :1 : It f i dI I OU ,
.B. La Na-n 2- ien1 die cevoi01r uP assortment de
inGa seatl-

m-: -=w~n~sa-;9~~ w na wacrwaw 7a

-P *'& P cka, Cflt p. "

v tre S,
qucs. at
-.- A c:ux
S" temps.


Optique ,Po a, rne i 'f tyr
1E.t9 Hue duCentre, pre 4 ta Wst itndies ... .
'Cholasisgt hs Unettes oo ef 4 ncc. i-410e volb d'ovt-- -t iii4aii
orter, po rj.ire 4eriic o 0t o- i re pOa -.oir _Je' p, o n pot, tf
(o.rirel'in >u pore' voir de pr T et d oin A i fois. Ma adrd
eosoo-pes 4 t tdo escoperde -fis sd at .C )N f PAt et ous ge dap wts.

Rpavatiuons tou. genreAihavattgarant1 "

.. .t4 4 % ~ i .4 .. ..i r. . . .. . .-- --C --
........ .d J t~xm r ra t -. -Wool***



-- .. at.


MMa,*, is & co

Ial llhum

... . : : .
;.-. 2 ....... .": J] .. *..7* -- -: ......... -2 .. .. .. ..... .... .... ... ....... ,- ".... ....- .... ... ".. .... .... .. ... ..... .... ....
^^f^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ....L ....^ ^ ^^y^^^ *^^ j^B i^^ v^ ^^^^^^^ ... .... .:...:...........' : ":^:: ":'''
.^ .. ... .. .^ *;. ^ .;...! ......
**Mttttf~t **b ^^B~i^Bte W ^B 'Ti- ^^r..i....... ....;... ..::
____________ % Jr : :..:. .i... ....... ..,*Y .; ,

),t',interview dem

, ( aoutnf Minix Viet!dtB:',rarer par len der-
#itsdo t0 liers vapbrs .
j, Jisidt im mris


gEu vents ob
.. TR. L PR TZ

Sl clients tn spec
jcl pour dimar
a done lei jour. Je C
4thui et demain SA.M
.cennaissance de a SAINT

. g, .

RuOe. dui Quai

)urrier de Lyon
Care : N DOLLdI4.

: : r

... sur le champ d manoeuvre c'est IL

MrtI'* ,'I t


S. ..
Les MeiUreurs
pour 6Bsbdes
-- ... q_ e s .. .. .... ....
"pafte que c'estla seulecteal.}
q uiua 6tW tA


..... .. .. -
Amnavtva yw usV

. .dans une cigarette

Mohr & Laurin


LAISSEZ dire quicoique cequ'il d&i6tre,
cest le gout qui compete en tout et pour
toutl Des centaines de millions, et encoet
des millioa:s de Chesterfields, aux tabacs
mIlanggs -t marius, en un mot, suivant
la m&thodrt Chesterfield courante elles ne
sont faltes que suivant unc seule tormulel
"Le GOUT par dessus tout"


. et poufifit ci

bins Gervais
l jiJoha Brown
id r:lide de S9:s

Ix de sea Joarp
loult IiWS.) OU'O
;itine:te Iricolioe

1 D ootro, qu'el-e
i | ras machine A af ie
Ia Pebelle dae 3 mwi-
:t vsP' iccep'e &era d#
.iWS4 heur'ce.
ltd t rtlc de la ma -
, ootot sali fal ona
elieD'be I.nt pcur If I
ct grand ou0P Itra
dams a! coj,'icion d*

. --..".....

t -

A Louer
A Ia Rue Dufcste confortable Uai$on
hauten raeahemenL peInte avec tout le eon-
fort s'adresser pour Ies conditions a Madame
R. Malldebrancbhe
122-4 avenue des Dalles,
TetIphone 2680.


LIosun & Mvns TnrIACCO Co.,U. S. A.,

Kb -rrrr-r '-Jn''rutpsw.w. ..

nrc Ui F

Tr&6 ancienne Compagnie
surance contrb 1 inDcndie, i't

plus puissantes du Monde.
--yconmeroant pr6vcyant assure

e Oes

0renez uoe assvtnance aveeLa
No wilifh Joi lnos.Soc Atl.
Agents f Gnraux pour flaiti JOSEPH NADAL Co 9


Avtcd s tiANDIS SL. ,'r P Vi
turez es jastbee ht fir t la tIa the i,
leo fin ,s cu' voks d -ire ,voir.
Deamrd r. galtmoft :
Coniro 'e tomasquee grolsMise et Irf I1.

('ot re Its (

Aierilka bine SANT :
SQ\ SItese rft
sera ici le 1;' OILE '"
afe pour Europe Demofd
pregnantt du fret. es iqcerfect
ctt; Agauts 4 208


.'. . ..... l
yqg tL. .. ..-----. .

Iw~~--: -,~

st:acts dou v ge t lt TA-
F geucC jp% I' k 't
I )E T;ILETT, iif' E1U
Ies itats, s T.n tie [o tln'e,
'z Its mla(queCA pour aorrigmr
on duo irz c t d visage.,
Rut Travosiwra II 2


..*. *.:' "

V -.- puqu-fgI.....m

.. -






1.- Bisc Vt&s F as de 's tame u q .LOSSgS WILES>
lei a:tes variutls rommuUes.
2. Des Boubons de Chocolat
d'uoe d-.s p'us randes marques J'l1 R P r c rom nt', rou som
me. '; se.s h avoir un sloet d BNNSaU-S B-(.BtUMgENT
FRA is, v compis ls l amefpses b s dte FRUITs CONFITS
RANCIvS en hbois d'une iEve. s vendane A uv p'ix dd-
bart o t coneurrerce
3o.- Poor ce q1r 0oneern -I, crvay nous na lea
p vvns pm cocAe v__es mwais por es ix pc4tdentte ezp4dt
i> 0 o -3 p 10' juigr 6it PonYeS x dPs s ;it aoni pao yo'
ath rer 'e t SP r sfrlnt o 20o e p' c i p ow l stf
4o-- Chem'ses et F .x-c 'o 's m rqut Sean r vale IDV'
d'u ae val. ir towte d& Or I U09 0 (1 ei de toutt)s le mlcQ-
re Nu e n e P1 eCO1-or 1s f P- vS em-entR & airiver
bo pris de Or t2 ,O. ave( desx uO-co f.
-o,-- N us recvon, p1r cha P"r .b-tea des marchand ses
tl. ches rF its et Lu at nes ). s o s roii ter note slodk dar
Itee? d d6p cernets-
Ae u'& etrrft nois avors no.5 ra st de -, ifrires de ia ma que
.A. D S. fwbriq ds avec Ju :at de mignWt i tien
p ix i t II 5r c. vo1r rate PP itment- mai0oeCa) I you
poizV ,Z a rr t;n t :" Dn brspfe vur decx gourdes 5)
..- Gar i e h a ua .e t aches.
V et n tre tomptor Jc Bolstoae
C t 4 ace, KoWV, CfcP'-COi*, Orangeado

e.t la boIsson id-ale.
Faite avec du pur Jus de Raisin

ele, est ratraichissaate et recon .ti-

a iie.

S, cen .o

%'S.-WW log


. . .



; I



.. -

SE 1 8 A

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-- .. . .

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.ldAMMM _arr ^sseAh, --d, mi m,'"" .Li lfWri i $ 6 l

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.. .. .. .. .


, .-*tT..'l^*^

Fonde*e en 179-7

* z

pmak ng al this hue and ciry. hat are declaration of InA&pe dent6 4 6uingOur Duotvaluable lIWA?
.jh.y better than animala?.o Loenl na. of the- United States o Aneric .4 after, tfundametntally, the. powers. 4 s "
tive danres will be organized and shown a When+ in the corse of huana n of* our govrment; ..;
yu at. vvdoo orgis; peaatsu It hventi. it f *or prdagoury'-for one suspewni iegio .w ,l g l
,0ll' be made to act the pirt of idiots t pol t1 di ,s 1 v0e the .politkal bih' l deciaeg the4'e lf .( ti ..( )II I|
inad imberilek; Hinact adl that is most'< whih have ted hem th a- with pow. for in
object will be rounded up and .othing. othcr, andd to assumen adding th1t pow-. a.i t
will be left out of the picture destined A crm of the earth, -the separate.0ad 4 h4;j *')' tU '..
'p prove to that i*ai Are a mer, K < Ho h1ax ithi tuie. inratusjotin -
to prove tab ion thsat titans ,tre a meire+ a equal station to which the Jw, of H t, "i
i large arznnic, of foreg, usereari, \b t thre' :.. t,. t eve ,
,dolhlctiou of +s+'age inegrocs. .rm irgmiufre and of nature's God entitle< "
Btt i.i Wil ie of no avail when ti o mplt& th work of dlieaflt, Id*'y1 I select sri ., e1t W d.Ced, by Ame.
lut l1i,- wai 1i1 w e, hni a decent respect to the ojminjons, ""w i t
1 attin .ii, li t 1 t1jlinArers fr we of nankvie requires that they .jhoubl ai- haI excited odn.I .Mtic iutrree- itl we t ,O., mourt witi h th.I et xil tr. oe .
atlt paitII to a r ckg'runa 0+ oe. declare the causes which il0pel ithienh t u "o al wih :i e eo .ter
un r cot i vlnt, :,'Iort touittiour wi. to the separatio, to bring on the inhabiants of our frn'. sv' < (t .l >hii bn .
'and ca:aum tv to keep n stri e in .. ............ ............ t i, s n olhiv., 'xce-'t Ihcnitas a i their f
'World 2marclh of civilization, qWe hold these truths tp b self- m"' "t
"UR DETRACTORS ARE evident, that all nien re; -crat& t e oppressions, i uden. hialA. st. h o. r p
f PREI ARING A BOOMERAN that th r aebtheirl'1 a we he b<,, f ,,ne for ri vf, b, cth ,.n t s. : I .
S "ien .iy, hare.foot. ragged negroes thatr } ^ etn nalienae .ve bn o t ibrs oo (S ippo t, mf
Stbu pointed out to on welwoits;. that among tBse- Syelife, n le ( ves o4) lilt! h haoisionI
suggest this tr1ught: It is th9e, un.- lib and pursuit of ppn repeated injury. I ew f tli' rtples shiQ tu G n. hUS i! Will SeTYr
orunat creatures that are being right veg Thn. a, to secure these r-ghts, go : 'l- .* ,l- | isii i ,tiy i sons h v i exept-t :i
tMdshd ole.ath the birden. of taxation t are inituted mo m e- etheref the represent ative'nn \I os nil e .toys, Iry
ia order that the hostiof Americatii this O rivin -their just powers from the co Unted State of Americ of cout
"^i^. -.>^,'i- m ^ ^r w h'mr~ mp r i j appeahin 1 tlihc Siutrr u JutliJge or (-i (.i' ;v- 0t tnH'tl Slmttc, I r'.i 'int. .;
oletryv supports may draw landsoma e ea sent a.sf ihe governed; tha weJudgeevefr "I: d *S
Sf, -t governedthat. wheeer d I tihe or.d for the rectitude of ourt ite Opp0ostit hi, iS Ment the etiire ni
aaia e. an, .ot:.n of government ibecotnes de. S na-e, nti f i iisi I}LtL btt .' l i s
And thIe larger the number of ignor- < strut. :i r of these ends, it hs the. righi itlel lions.%' 7 l. ...I td l ;.}...v... Uelt
hnt H aitian citizens are pointed out to of thl people to alter or to abholl-:l he
ou ihe ioire, fully you will realize the ,n to i. tile at new gvernnienr. i t .rand in-
anutterabl-e failure of the past fifteen : layita its Joundation on such prin.- e lcj'eh itlent ofe ';asli s ,,- .1 iI iL "
,A- A ...A'.fe ;l i v .Iltenio w in Ih .- _1c L .. ... I .. .. fJ .

yu.VA < ... ...... .c..... a 1ipij', an(i organizing its power; i i
iave done S; little to eontribule to ithe. .Suc lorn. as to the n shall seet iiost
pp-lift of the mainaes, to intensify agri. likel- to effect heir safety and happi-.
, ltural jiroductioni, to deiyelope t.radi. ..
And comn tiit.r itnd to readd education j ,., .
Troughit tihe liand. '; ltift, when a long train of iibuse.- .
The inwre you are told that it is ab-> and u nurpatious puresing invariably
bur x "tutsnfrn~trigtsU>th ~ in'~aat obec, ein.~s adeig toX F:BR

burd o pram uffre rights to th< e th t- mile object, evinces a design to re- 11E1tERS.
mount; iwges the forcibly will it strike vyo that it is. this amre ,,i i thir right, i is eecoddil[on- --y.
class who was called upon to make a off,,,. ,uchi government. ain to.
&6810Pion 11rdig the ('Algoutrion t and,, to...
vision rg'rding i he Contnitution anld' .. h new gliari for their future' intilt
Vote O neiiltmet Of t -ris all Colln-' i11,, r l
tit t i u who furthermore, ca t, . . r. . .
fheir vote -every two years for the the I M i as refui-'d hi- a Lcin1 to io ', to Nt-t ,l f
Mavorn of their repective Conmuine-, theI hoienhteome and tntCz,-arv for hfit' f
alnd with ii all are held to te _icapablr'I 0t..1 .: f, 'tit t iihtt it
Of c -leitin Deputies and Senatore- to i, ha forbi' l .il hi- Ii over n' ,.n t:l 14 'ille x
W":- Of 'kill ati n
wepreseuf t Wm. p lt,, ht : (ol tiuiuediate tri, 1'rr-.,in' lt n
TO tUit Ur _. tl atterz tIn 'aW i from tlT i unt '... i t ll -lt1 -- it.l .t iF) IUl tir '. r -Il, / ,r
Zaiti_ n -f r ta w orth w ho co t i pose ilt ,v v.L,, n i ii 1$ i. a.- .iitl .s itift Ir o t 'ibl tl' o l
.. 'k.. .. 4 14 <-te li te the A.m er .;i ll } i t 'v
lan s in f i'i -t p la tim e A to p u t y O .- n -" .'' i t(o z0 tf 1., t ;ib. 0 x ti
In to l i .. o1 .veryth ging and everyoirt ,.f t 1tt. 1 itt U lt :it
capabic rt .al:tig an unfavorable; I L, it[ 1 1t 1 tc .h., tt heir law r i i
pre iirn i v iour tnMids. Into the back- ii' t 'hu i u lli.tailti tl iL'ii r it -tri' .- W
g rou tid l bhe th rust all th at is of an p I-. u... t'-.'. p it ,l i ;|,i ,tI ,- wil 1i 1
credit t> us. W hat more natural tl ,In I t 'i ili fi i ri I pf 'f- e' r'tp tlihoni i
tilt .1la i. w ith
that lho~e 'who are benefiting from 1. ,i. iAttirtl' 41 ri, inf,,ditatilbir t t
ptreae.nil ^sai hoaiiu! sh ud train ever' I thtint, ait Derve Uoi Th1itHv their arts arnd to satisivx- i' Pit rh'k lcn,
S- t Ctre--est' of -re-iting i haiti t-t ha" ; L i .i lveI t'prt' .r iti i l G '
-.4 - - -- C t a--i i-- .it. .
E..F. .. .... I IanT v fii U lltn --1 lii>.. i- n ,41 1l ilt
SIW/ iNINGS FROM AMERICA ri, ikt- of tlt, peop le., ir t vi'..
S 4 ie, ha. rtii ted i'or o t' a nI. {iloKc ( iflrrh"i :t''i"t- r *
Our ture, Gcilelt.i your tio ru i.r 4t t
la, nds l4 hE'f i'tlt'e'lI wiiercltv the lei-.:ltivve'''I' C Pt t ,:
While it- i true that warnings have ', i pab.l of annihiation, .

l u g it. !lS tim ii'4t4)ti 4 t+H. 8t'toatr'4 tl! -.-- i' Ion:' ui1.'u tIui je, t^n X >tl! ",t f ii ti *" *.-.. '
c jipa on 1 y o tt itii m ttv i ith t I ( 11%'(-'l1" i 'i .i, n ia iti'l5 it< ; 'e- .
ro uid[ f t Iw. lt parol o tullh whitd- i It t'011i 1i liioT. p eople al' Li
washig x u i n,1 i ut t o t i d t Ilj Iiir i 1. II,

.-^meritd will do otiMi th than e-" l a.- ,r 4 >t1il)iI.g jiilticiari pOh t. ~, x, tt'
clpa- te:ir. iompatriots, ;-twititant. h ha erected a multilii of In-, "" (l., b
ded "of l. ei ip yo o l th A ofc 9t, a, I

woll give oar countryy bark into our ace, tadg armiesI wjt out til to te, hi, i[li
hands a. Vou'te .ai: lifto d han tl a oaes'nt of our th-gudttUtes. Au Ate, o 1r
b uof the m"l" nu's:" the gove"nmint li j-- + t i.e h a 1s t reu. dMn t-r4t1 h?
i .W p l -.. .. -, .h,] ox. 4 tovt tl.' I

v-4 ,-t g.; o: : r ,o t c h o r a,*d ,bg j ^siitt i ciar-t w il iothers, ~t'o ci nit a I :

A -IMl SUGGrESIO (N 3 tt of, l td Alperior to-i ElA Irq

jur..h.... 'i ion y uoreig l' t< t .
- : w i. l b t h e: re u e m na d b y e G a r e .b jrct:u s .to. ....i _l.d g ... ..... ... .
edTori' IE pr S GGESTvON ci o er. oi pLeait-, det
(eI. i. Noh .'i -.-' .. a of pretended ogli latat einc, ta i qtiaida t
# Inct ity. oHg rit tvcTjrv Fo, rt pa.t o.t. t, h n-. y ap its k m) 4. i,
et torq xast I

wi ive l .noght ito bactk iuto our tr hdO [o
*.d ( T ,: e r suthm fato 'y th ae lawe 't h a w d ould c o m mh4'on t rt' a hue, nt,

t the inzha (itcinr tbnaes crm m nru
i ------- -
aact the Vpw

mtjwn jj j awalv yst tvijj 4*t i &.tt I wint O thers t trai1d -

l pin ltOh P iat. we p' th *ame ound ." N
rdie fathers 9 811- 7arw us.tovn 'tixeou y rZth

ri or h of iby jury; -b
c oril yn hto, ad xahkiaaiy on--ur a, hat S3r o

*o u 1r fo r e f anhe r t . ... o... .
A l birtily '# 1 ..< .a
I. ."" ..t,.'G : .. : b "... + >: ', -". .' .' <-" :" '.

we.r- oI': a Give me Lib .rtry or givc
e' clth.,
Jtirn to tlhi .r111iA Of Hajti: lxIhat rfd
1u $E'? Liberty or i)ea h
itur 'counitrie- I-hare v the anie sen-
i,'I-1. \\ iv liti o tile t!4 n e.' filp't


apscirr~ ~i it e"CI~I!J

The Commissin wili find ut 'rtiL American Polie 01 Office
I1. niIth, when gInerai pbi etiei thought that Bornt
.. of Stat appointed ,e wr going to Nonminatte

I arin f the m ethods of c .I r- L. 4,1ontt Cr&'-'r< cfIiC E- (-, ,o'I r.t j' itI 'a- Ir v r it i! .; t s
ithait hI ,It' c leen eiI;plot1 edffl ;:It ( 1 .'. l' i i it .
2 '..s "I.t Vi1'ft il. i'i- / n;ti- ni'-C .' IE. j. 4 i' i: "1i4 .L i.. 1'4 c; ,', .j, Lit-tett''
Ivs n i.- 1',* rt- rcI' Intt the f p o ;-..ii 1 t4 '' tj .- p .'*4 ont.- .t nrt'n Lu" tn'n

t t t f 'C t'F' l (till o t e -. i f ," ,, p. .tS:;."i ;t'5 4,- .-, f i ,i- ,i, t t'ii:,i, V ,, d 1' ( in tu"
"-ni .nl .* it-f' il i ;, .., t, 4i niu ,. ( t i.,-;i ., Uor- t> C'I { (,i)!:in lit
.1 'Lill V i N ) rIui0 1111 "%,t I 'It-, tr
[-i \-.'itn i d-. v it\\ WCL il01 j'dV- "-r K t SK it '. xi, ,' .l O'',-" .B ; t' t i t', tte ''1X ,.i ..4.. is pIio i iu t 4it
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lt ii, 1. rio t, t- ,,,, .,Li aiv ti i tir i ; i '

it" i~,' PAIa. .'It f-'llii.' tii ianp iifi r tla a ais
p r ir t c \ a i tul t iiO R h
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.: l t fu e t i t 11t i u i
de itt1 0 qi 't sit at tt s t, da .t 0 d -,1

i nt 1 vtnii I* g n n t ilt t ;lr it'lC ili ,R4f4ti i It tl ti r t I jtiV'+ t v ta I
i'a ,,i ,va an ... 't'l jr" I'It t iLk4 t t, i v Ela1 ti on l u Ui".

-l'ui'lt ti-uiiii41if! ii l I'l, "iti, 1 0i )j I t CJ
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-i I uitav itet de 'l 'i et t tlsx. i Io h:
ni ft 1'tlit1',? i f i ;re p4"ttt p r o n ,e L. m,.

raat l.n i pa ,i t "spl inI T t t i^lo 1it I ii 1.i .' .' i ..r-".aisn i* r .............. e rit .
ie t a e. i jl. | li s it c tI ct 'a'- o t di d dr r1 7'" t r
r kil l m t u 1 .I'll a\ u Imt uV0 11. l et lfili t ,%tdL C td m |i I I

lit a vous fe irits:. *. t lt Iitt s, ( dwe ElUte qui d ,s .et ions
rlx, nullo# d>pns s t 1-. e s p Pc-e. a- la os d q "*sl .

u "... *tr qw q t ;nt l u i e q ru '( i '..
0 ,, h, ,, ,, ,, la disposition

e ,,iuh^ i s. tipl e i ctI ch.s !e Sd. ," i r" ." l tastq e. 1: :a Co n^

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