Le Nouvelliste

Material Information

Le Nouvelliste
Place of Publication:
publisher not identified
Creation Date:
August 3, 1913
Publication Date:
Daily (except Sunday)
normalized irregular
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Haiti ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Port-au-Prince (Haiti) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Haiti -- Ouest Department -- Port-au-Prince -- Port-au-Prince


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began publication in May 1896.
General Note:
"Journal quotidien, commercial, agricole, litteraire et d'annonces."

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
000471641 ( ALEPH )
12544054 ( OCLC )
ACN6482 ( NOTIS )

Full Text

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torlt&eivileou Judiciaire
En n of, '1 n6htps o
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CHAPUS~iT '11 Mw ' EU'

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-LO surt oUnaut Yes- art ePs de cre-di0 ext ra0r d IIIa Ir el% pf sltes 18S Jamier
e t 1Fevrier 1913.
-Lirod1iciive det cel du Q3 2 P
Aofd. 18i? portant tarif des frais 5 petcevoir ddf les Tribunaux.
An r5 det duzime: de defenses
Ii u ms de Septemhr ti:; selevmlt 0. grour deg a 7VL1c~$ et) o ora
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--Avi tministrie?~m Ci cleswus men.
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-~-ortour ono ls entreprereurS
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do Pt au-rie. - herdo-cnre

it dt poser pr dudicatuaare.Al tnmr -s o-mp-s (.

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icri c bt. etI:. tt

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#1008 prison ~
La dPnonei4 diatement.

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W. Suite Ie-C.Omi:eim-banent:st for-] .m6O.Il qo 000 s4 Pon1%I 4a:J OnA'. Le Stte;r Laroh i unra.pot.
sur toute Ysreot#ve~e noe
par r.A C:m bre. b, F.anT coo:: VOW avoi aento temp e SO & cupe . r d ea qoeftioa t vo:1 oi- grand *l i bre:d de d e roto-ada rodukt* es epropoe au: $Aat decvoter$iQ.Ogure serot parties par Is. Mnst l
tOrieur. Getui-ci trout qua Ia.mesure :e.t mauvaise. IIfallait admett.rI e.:ou re jeterles. dem.andes - L. proposition est. impraticoble, dit Mr Lhrtsso . . O nofera }am~is, o.e r.partition."quita. We. 1 .nef a ut froiser rersonn.e mieux aIors, jcute-t i est djourner Ia tiLAssan em:,"'" ,. se:. rang ,- c.t s.c vis : .:i:::.:' F~~~. .* .ente. trau.r.poreu .d
LQ ~itt~t l'Ini~rfr oltntp

aux tA$:axsisatJs.p lrite.-sdtauto e et ::I:. . -f : . ::" r i :. . . .-. e. le h cbaut eIs terrainS no" o tur~s et aux rcamatiorrs EoIde PBrut et Gateau.
Les conclusions de ce rapport sont votdee avec tes loi$,
La sance et suspente pennant dix oPiv ties.
A la reprise, on voW. le :onstruetion d'tun 4 J-0mrn et .s modifications appo1-Ves. articlee in3 contcaL d'ecairagre P4IenrtqoN de SAit
c o ~ t a t .d 'e ta ir g e le . !_ . .e. . . :Aarc votPen:fviles ni trait i
:iM . e ,. . . . e , . . . . . e _ .o m. .----------------'inrsuffisanee .de C i eetdiion e t a.dii io-. hr. e.des::- ta. .pes. Lecture se f ait Re nouv aux messages de Ia Chambre.Ell a acpto Ca41Va votes du Sa'Sat su ile. udgAt et e. fuse dautres, comm leo 1 00 Mdollars. en ftiveur do FEff Ighisi.Wealey-pnue.::.yuet I inseription :At Budget:de A Dett Pa blique de Ia ce.anedo 1 e7-d o "dolar:
F ra(ide pour.:.I.rais de p isage.o be $-- vai-i S-onvo1tt
-- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- -. :.-: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l. At . -gart .'' Dana.- coo c ::- nditi ons p:a ftnanpo hujkaes. 0n oq
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nastos et des-av-aux Plarlic tot'dtUkiitAlPo oV huw~0

le Vrl 0 StA o4#

ha- dU $ Ao~l wat Sue s1nfsexalts de I tpoos 0d mesre~ a NJe-M F ncs. Ri0n0OA
Ltpo 1 VW.ue~ u v .CaitatwourY tjtsre.e

Ire. r, ttiuqni cotc tiers d 4.L~ clg
to~~~~~~u mode41sr44e41'.wiPpart-isan 44 01Ovenlt sq&~i oG no eetb t
Mr- Caunl a hit oWerver Cquo .cette ~*SOVsi pr-opos1uoa reprodulit cello do Mr Fra-~ f t4

bro quo'orde0 d jouerI o Nnate pourmuite d
aim s la a eso.bohr

te deise e~sag do s Chahta iede
a:rive S e ot . Iuri:ta #0 ren4 :,ft C-. $ft ;
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St "nc du 27A.-iA ".13 . : .h. I.". .4.
Maerci nostvioltals oft olbtur4 pttenu tour Iro'i "me i4t derai 0re sesi~sion io ubi u v
Lo u, volumineuse correspooda-ceI'h. rt.ahli co sisat en .es.gsqu loo e . . . ." .subveuutong-. i voyes carleto Gramd Corps, relatida

porteau budgets :dei114rnt I
taut. par w a-Ve pi px yn
--- .--." ----- -- ---- . . . . . . .�.

yes disessin u e iu
0Ga:eOt -& a hord :auxm-Ov 0es:0dqulIques rt u trt
J-goatoo. ritts, -salpinighn
Mt ltft min.toon
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P.25 potdasIspOfet14 favurI e varst
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AlQ Gm L int ds iorrcks-vbaxmtzrin4kf
quo Attose ataI.ys do e a Crps.,.de
Rtxw~s~-tant 'qogristo

co ru. . . ij. Mr. UlS-na, o

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et::dman a 025 e a.or orrni048n:I0 kirome'Dopttsndo le Gara dutford
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. . tena t4.r.t. A .nquoi no-- e-ad. -tt &eN srIuze (.ti[n e gr - .i:& j D:parts d L og-n.

pan ~rii. cen.Mnsc4gtr
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mete no an dre pus~ ~t ltit implmeutto det tde ~lu~nt'arpeurpi 4 r .cre iuaj'sp1mnir4 30p
#eoaoprb coid UJdr~ dntle 'mrisdmvtq ect e-ntd i .f

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Z p paS V riU. c'est 41- o :ell:. ::01, rer -fe rnat' 'e, etacessoirs dg C m:: .;. .,.;. . .
I Sono f, o .EMaboa d-e .Mire.b -ala:: : . .d m . .de-1:9. g ::.c;.:. .1 .Mo. n t a,.
j~t e t 4laadroit comm e: s a rs0 '-own .v::: N ~ i sm.T aft. ntio . 1a :.S - eta 're : "A_, . 306 p.4 rteis.-i nsp :dire plu tts, : e .:.out- URMP-18ment . d-' -~ de. I. n udsr Suar cettei:. :: ,: :u pe e lie4 h V p
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~n iifr~t~i~esVvole an a prole hypcte On Inga

'A: 'ea ulm M taflo " - i i, do rancreo r .u p a 0.psdtoni rt: ?::e' I-n Oouverneoe:::::::::':nt a . CoCO#-tu sonne oh z Ic sgn rd Mu rat Qtwirm,, ma : q.i.p4v it. lea d .-agr a j. . �-.u. � ':ard. Ip dO - a er -vo rlanacee M t pseudonyml reforceurttent victorf-S

Thawbre ,:: ;:a g ageo . d'utjourner. I netent. aupres do pPu de dr olL. lids( net Obspu otsd S; abet1~lpn'oMIO4,

t . m o y e n s . d o - u v rsa n ' 0 : . .t t -- . . r t., . t. t .C O- : . . . t .: q.l .t o. .o m. .-j .
*onIeddqud :protsoonre! :re-S1toTI
-is mGn$4ieareU0 :rftG do chez Snn e t-pr quNeure tl (;Iz wima R,,dmass1. vpoonnoi ard stm 'edtorut:cX4 ietot
Ut ~ ~ dg de.l . ~ ir beneti
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A pastir detPr ep:t~p
Urie -aranuiason h ilIe wentropartee, uyiwt toll'es dA~ces, 1C.
addresss e r en n os bureaux
-Po ' au Pri nce, '9 �

pour bu:re'ux, 3 grandespiA du: magasin de 1- et A.:.Stec �"Stadres ser a u ,-nagasin1

Les. Crdanciers de la f illite Cad Has' set &Cofson iDes A d~poser tours liirondo aIuceS Al TO huti dov . . . . . o o , . .:: m ~ . . .i ~wcctn . .r.

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',nbF- S, "" I.Sc, Reims. (France),fournise
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; r tih�id ourope, a le plai sir d na
e i former les ar naleurs plant d ici que
de [oAne et Grand-Goave, qui Aoa I91.f3, vient-de recevoir un fort sock de
ViI.Ibaluiaqi-e doeIa meieure ' e u .ott, qu' offre a des prix xeep a hau l2 lionnellement r'duits.� aor
B. P.1-BElD,'Y-N6,fa ,

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