Le Nouvelliste

Material Information

Le Nouvelliste
Place of Publication:
publisher not identified
Creation Date:
August 16, 1913
Publication Date:
Daily (except Sunday)
normalized irregular
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Haiti ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Port-au-Prince (Haiti) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
Haiti -- Ouest Department -- Port-au-Prince -- Port-au-Prince


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began publication in May 1896.
General Note:
"Journal quotidien, commercial, agricole, litteraire et d'annonces."

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
000471641 ( ALEPH )
12544054 ( OCLC )
ACN6482 ( NOTIS )

Full Text

suvp eab ~ wVap t110u T rwbousuy
i w:b .t. "d suo.oso s-co~- . .tt -au~. . . .
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1.1ier, 'a la Chimbre haute, sancetion
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Sde.Ps .oye, qau see plan di. non.ptie "mef- 'lihie , ra dj inscrite au
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Inw 4re -raaux rublics

no orguslere e r . N. L~ger,
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Le s6nateur Lh.mrison, .de me"me.qne Ia Comudission dnt iiest.lerapportenr,. o s y .opposent-pas M. d 1s 0es -i----.stljout~, se-- t eralose. I 27 ptotin atira-ori-Ia temps de fAlire i .-mpiMer t-. pib.e VnIwprimerie :Nalioatie
taut surcharge de. besogtiees.jours4v 1
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".ccepte .e .a .pro position"Ro-a" mainrl, i us io"eta, co eie.c s.Fl, r .,Lhdrisson, ,quO cotst flir-e soit .-"olu.:

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+-. ,-.": .: .i::3 .J. �. ". .:sn f t a x m e e s s ::e fx n e
Mr Rm3my fhitare.8t aunt t:o pt do, p our e: aIrac.hatde . e Le ts publics arri6 .L vote .ur6. ce et imIitdeId ~pair- t.-Miniswtre, est adopt6.
Or .pas se a v-:riote dsemble.Le.d& pas Qsar demand "qn mIl sort Solt f" aux intrs e-:s, t fixant Ia t-ch-t do ces elfets'a on taut momns 6Iev6,: sort 50) 0/a,
M . $ ON3 onsmf"ydetare: qu., + it z&est conform me dpour fixer Ie rachat au p aX con a er6" -par le retrait. On votJe- -.'Y'tsemtl sans modification.
L~e 020 point d e Flordre da jour -a trait, au d' ouille ment do Idco'r~ep4anc-D
Ondon_'_na' -- k-e-zt u-r: 4ueP4tiiori. adresseA la .Chambre par fins h.itatA
do a lanedoCul.Ad-6a Centre lea
ff iedelIi& Itt%&-tGt
ce #tprhn de"rag s r aitnPRuO iuters env~e par i ii xtin
i .ts dmnd Ia Ghtmbr.::e-:danas:

Jor xps#d4moifs do fai;9revivre: I aueientard43 Sept. A turr to-i-l: -Preide dni:eui- cornmisson.e pusiursdtpuzls APlet do'
2uh e e w .A.I.Mm . .mess ge. . 6:
:',:b e~p~r!+ S4.
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lecture des- coneldasions.du rapport re 4t aIaif Ia Ioi qui -ac.Orde une. re. e via. gere deJOa ourdes a"Mme V ch.
Desravines. Le mini.tra i ionamy pro teste: centre tOute augmentation de d&
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pe sei.qu.on Lav r son budget
-rLp dpt. Leona. .:tie 0.

Fpan LaChimbre de o continue tour# ours AaccreastcitusIa[hnd.o .-rsere.rtooes g1ui-ten-r;a

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quo amotoo inprieeipe implique bd~C
-drement to voletdo proje t;paCOnj

d 'vo.t: :demandee.paS.ob ret ue. .vain.
Viv~dicussions -entra leg 4p4sILaconte4 Oar, U n, Savali Bilt .
U~tr 4Leconyo &e-a preoneut _seuls
16 hIitod6put4 Cksrde.m-nd 'As
grtfersa Propositib.fIndantasi ademander in e rante vfog * Mi.n4 yWtae Lbidi 'y:iln do o
Wotpsus oInS du o onde &onvaiea
dtiG q atquie m.::ddmord. Pass Oa.
a . . . . . .

A:e vicMt4A des personnahit's gae. Le: d4puz& Leconte agit4pa-usim. d no : A :o _00hamto.-it-.
vot doi-propoito_d lt *n ei

ceuvire miriteire et qt ils ott p'3e~'tt~
. . . . . . . . . . . . .-. .-. .-._.ea se-tbie0ntl - Rt SU t re8v
do2opbn pooes qts d-i0tmf0lrtlnd i

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scolairo.i KwllULtovra4ner n f6 , M1oi hi, nmuid
None~sppenos 4 jI a&~oms 4Ozone,. .
[oinPo.ue I A 1:SorUra iWaneCuts
Aepa, ue6pli nhvmsbeA- celay

heureuse initie ginq e:::sera .jaas trop .encoure- -- --------- .I

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La Chapelle do St Luis de Toan'0 0t .1W
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-hon Ottente nI
US,, ccearite omeneraA uhbt .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a " .':: ! ::,-. ::.:::!::" +:::::::. . :::.:.::. . :: : i . . . . .

r m. . . .
Tu&sles amiA dW S' -Louis soo t cw.C n

r4 lasle.No
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.-. - . . . � . . . .i- L O.W: .:::. :.: .::: : .: : : + + : .: + + . . ,

mearcr6di dornier en:::AsISemh.i n6v male p-our ia rarouv le1grnntdo $011. donsell:do ietov
Mr LuisBoro a4:4r#4]a president de la Soete;X MM;lixtiphoRan et i-uguste NMoobts Ott" 4 galmet
L S c i 6 .d e : !+.++g iS~~~a i iO . . . . .: .:~.:! . .e i . .: .
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. s. $oucherau. ""eL salp.nite% :r Intl4trwtohsir
Ani stdri td'

.aitlas snsAaigtiM

aveemefitncesiteoem ent .4a' ouge arrat Aucc
reco- bnmi1nds, nd ~ ~'u
e- ri u-, o d yel, S1. :. . . . . . .:

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t. ,ea MOu EBradu n oJ W .
-t aloaugwenter ra rsga-ga 2'

1I ot eureux d WP K.enlu f - 444ph tus d nam breux - mi a.domm1I4Altl, . ot
- La #po01641ix Coleoti soul tout:.

-Noscomp .im .nt.
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nfon~rsea rxhombreuz

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:former its ateursta- d'ici quo d.Ltogne ei Grand-GoAve, qu'il vient de:recevowr iu. f ort stock do Vi-thamp-nve do Ia ineilletre qualit, l oflore a des prix except tionnellernent rtduits,
it P. flILd,.-Netgociant

p d eta.Surte on 2 o.U ur& parle
::~D D-. C , i
Rbhume, Grippe, Eurauenwat, Ifaluenza. L_.Ces Slirop-. es. un sdatif-,---un a.nai gesi-qedon.antiseptique datis les mala. dies des bronches,-.Iaphtisie et ia pneu. m-pnie.Par.on: uage, les douleurm thrcques, cess ge L epiaint:
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Pba rMaie Adg rL amar-0e Camille
GfanP ue.

Dr::Gaston -Dalencour
theein des ales, o 62
Spiiaite: maladies des en/antS.

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Celle doutoureuse maludie a-,enfiln trouvd sa gutison par la
Liqueur de Etoile
.e-tefprparation gu rit radicateTment, el/c n'est pas .un cemnant 4 Ia. maniere des narcotiques, sorn
-- - - -- - - - - -- - - - . .).n. . . . . .n. . . .
I n IU60 Ot C-f lVKing

En ven/e ' aPhamarcie "Leon
Gustaves, sit ue 4 Ian,'le des fues IMagasinzde R'Eat- et Csars.
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a.u~ r~~ . . . . _ _77-~~hoto~~rapbe bincm eh apitat
praiqu~-nnouwe, A isai norn estii!!! :i pouvu Tjifri iconiesIi


-Les-accessoiKesgCp :.Dose qiIvientd -dc

bommes celles. pP 1cdnviennent Aleu
tixereent; a-litl6ratours, Aoas i~ti
L7Ag. a

Angle des rues du Centre. des aN ouveIliste . . .

. .i .a . e n---

D ema eze sC oule rset iser

Reconn usPar 1q commerce des Antilles comme Ies


tes plus cortomiques.
Veurmnina Ready Mixed Paint pour travaux a Finterieur Sun


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Seus Agents pour Haiti.

116, Broad Str.,


4 i32~Plac. Geffrd
.-. .: e . . .ffr a ,.d.,.' . . .x'} : ."
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l~ L ': '. . . :E:' : :' : ::: ::"PETER'::: : . ,pro lprieta re

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Ia Pression


nset Liqu eu rs de ilere marque

Sand-,ichs en tous 9enres r6 soe ite heure.
et t to

dCIGARE TTES de hta Jama Iica

Ta b acco &.C. Co

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4. 4 lllj 44t'r-sienu.e.A.pu .A.


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Vaau die--m-r-einjctale doi fe i abrcto fet o
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ranti p roduit, :::de. ia .canne asucre sans aucun ingr-dient ehiMiqde

B-,:ou on onne-oiA 2
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QrUsf', ORItd
C tsal 4rU bit d * r6 t Ela tnr t qdM IMIWn rqe senn aa Qf~t~~.uU e 3aV * AI#i r Aits 6~rtWu

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AI n: l :d 11

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Beady Mixed Paint

-.-.-.-.-. . -.-.-.-. - -.-.-.-. .1. .V. .01M.-.-.-.-.-.-. .1 SO N.1
I. .I. . . . . .09. , .--

.::4: . . CF E ,

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