Le Nouvelliste

Material Information

Le Nouvelliste
Place of Publication:
publisher not identified
Creation Date:
June 5, 1913
Publication Date:
Daily (except Sunday)
normalized irregular
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Haiti ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Port-au-Prince (Haiti) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Haiti -- Ouest Department -- Port-au-Prince -- Port-au-Prince


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began publication in May 1896.
General Note:
"Journal quotidien, commercial, agricole, litteraire et d'annonces."

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
000471641 ( ALEPH )
12544054 ( OCLC )
ACN6482 ( NOTIS )

Full Text

-ofl sq tbal pfsp sal inouns ud las 0W1
-spBan u yb :&a . xt 'ooa .od sas ed ! U a 'nan$uj GPpwm s aaae.
-sasp p 1duo1o.u Iamal'as o'� 'jb !nh 'oalno ut ab ;so,a ";atggedmi sasogpe
--8 jp Uo.U b -l9tlId ea 4q : sal 53 .p awla.tuEtu us an ;amawiuril
rl ap t9Mau n; o.a�llaI 0f alut nb d t unatn op ia sdl 'I sap pdp
-k- 1� t;.%' ip +e
'toj ) n 'atuI"q sub a.zod b ad 'a top po. Of) L *an1a)4,p spq) aInal
-agp z;. tupuad,;oa ne oh se - iau I al $sro;ed a:>uutwu e uanua�d
-'a ni t o ,.p a OI ef 6 Yd 0 to u .b sathnUltua sanm sn op "s.lott tota> ap �uuusgnas snd ii~t~ Sot afl '!p1tu I0tsJ$�Ian anQiid e'" Opp ti n igtf*ii t p suo ar?� eb �a z /if9 s�ta/�nfqu nh :�mn -u mxOapp UOfeSo 1> 011.n.op anh!toi :adaid� at add�
>anb9 aoa ! anb eau u.-: O as" elu ap aa 'juau ndb .---s n -;b n ut:
-uo1! pJ i p t : un stuw saanuj stoig - a o.-s t po�n urld rip �o pd,. snld vn11 ailtia � :rn�anqi1�oa '%u_&ed _ot I N.1�no ,.os � up) ndap s ad no g p !rn�sau 4 aps 9tMd uapmi Iap wq u.ilp sold jatiop op iiq Ineo a 0te$itfounOa 'p atsnnad �q 'tcuts Cf SUrpfI'�4m0ooa 'In pgsor, 1$1
-p q qy p a:q 1tiaij a dR a� no t xu+aln oan i 10 'J i to .O . 1. 10 0 >'op uy.4015" Y ja uiq ed�sn9' . anod o'a. I snod pot+ naptq ' u10 E l dW ! .g tloteo di 4n.1 a : : "pJ! f.+ ) 3AtlO:i 8 00 � a tItd a
1 �-' 1 1qa0t4. � lt4tp� fis
s 4 ajIp apumuwa soon up pq aa ad-. ap. .:. .p oqds. M0.
todw *ofloff aq fl*�oold as�d at too ge saeee jp dol $4* 4w045,4 s ,v ~ _ :nwm>+Qs 1$ius) : .a,;: am, ++ , + .si i i:;iii

p 1Ul)Uad 'auut o�buy anb�.
mues Snt wunt j j tonu aUe sea opnsuvp '331e� o�
way, f anb euu onu codosd oa aiueaqo d !~ 0 loSeuuosad unmu t Ol�adda owx ofu -SaOeP aun is�, ao 0 I lnou-sUe lteaalV $#s atWatltI ninot aun 4 nluAiil W UapUt snid a - not o8 op aqmamE eun9 1t n al op9ldwt l aoi suup sS 1%p '{q9lU4easIem IUER�n 'uo puand
-ed0 l ao in. ! 94o 'aae31o0tui Ranal 'InlU 'znanb ofnpot leU1! eq W!L W a-.e 1 ,o --- t r a-gm1 t --parxua1 -a p ftluai . awiaq o 'odt axa acd,
ue iuosin2w 'suxi sana �- aaodmi us 'OP.mmo - e orlted uoaIpp91d aun
*axas n�:aq nn a�ud ap duopapp 1. uo a 1tbol aod- l ai a eit -, inotes'
I qduotaI ap Iesnoa %alo sap ldoa ej suep sonI somel Stal la a�Jam ap dneoanoq s ad Iifn -JaQ U!jaalonup - nUJltp sot osa us a ies UG)1(1 1:4 nnuq sp 911 us rOp aueuW 'sitW oni 1u0 spab
antu sa 't punb 'etusi usoiuap 'uoia;ie a sok slUtLUm snid sn't. xnwMeaq ino is aU 'S ? sa;aq n Ip u la ta sitt aop srnas
.sell| 81 aaluo3 tob E -'ataJn e -O8 -!j Sap xnatt no *as!32oou soeqb
-@solip sejaeq s net oo sq "%na) p cma. )�eaPos stl!,nb iuoipuaidde sno& dnooneaq ;uo si Ma ';tida;lo op ao aona saIpua. a 11o0M ad snnE p 1,ain@AE sto 'Issu xna 'teub IS@. 8 ,U 1 Y smat op slualal s sa
ajeaq's9a uonusodap ouaq ananoi su qa sqrtaqs st wos eem-xn �eup 'sx gned 4 ;ua 'tub aa 's od 'sn as a d a o dnt a u d u n
-unqoa p Ilailasil unp as a o1 sa.q a g.u i . j ao .a.d aid sela p atamqa oun p tr:up auy Junels Basaoj j3d { uni-e8 apuoagS s i n'da allyast9 i iuat aa .aJ0 9tfl .�a ar a

Jiieaumpi 's.q !uotuega ai 61Mh 4.q f '!&: . t. s. 'a.nM sp suadp
inb n in Ap ab jsap : Xuae t& xnE aanW�46 aqt--oi suxow ej 80
tizldsaj ap una!mtaxpep awos no s i !aua a s p so e n aunpIntautouosueameds s e so !!Td * I ;un iun�rod ob ,o ;aanb4amq Z GS 0ns op 9?11a1s aun itoaw O l! a'1 as 1o !h sJIaois: saz 8fp I A XUQ ,�rs uuS&�3d us puunb 'eS�nlui a;oqj wuap-smseobtett op svdaena ai ans "&m0adns a J ad i0an:titda Zi 3e sop01o1q sap spdo egisunpy pa oinw�y -tnaxa a1d's&pWdd4p e)Iqau4 at ni sud seAEJQg so ep iudn�i e ep etl3Jp V, 'Inj Uuo:) 'p-11�nj�puxrnb "P tapt titI) ?P QI s toliWU JrJ sai b
-ee un sed jiq au o a01nb unb�anb p-fon9 k dWm1 au>
c 3Ae '9111e opuoodn, io ua s3p o o onbsa U? adamai
-wOU uci sa* Qe~go u o Juoj sindap a iompucu zallpa euh
Jes�r':inusui stumeo ;uana[ un 1utu3asm smuj 38 1 -od sud j s li'at u t nox 1Jdsa no ntuameenoAp flp issnaV
iso de tpsny sns3 op sepnb pti i' copr!dap tia ' b SeS ue1fQ
-vdnuoi�p tx1~ uoEdnOOd auti 's;no;OP oausasnId 1 'aaua�1mM sni]vl ~ is1s1V I!JdupGO1 O�JSv04 spi) l UOII!P'b7�ea 1130araqnf1 too aub n$ aip aau81omi snod soHd waiuofsd as ojoI sieno a ao ef ' uc ua1 �ua2iW*u ou s! 'sinop nos paJoIO r op asj uonVIsu;q&uo(ssin i tOo&'aItaU ?1enb apea ua d V uot ES to e1t 1 sa841uo up }rAnod souues
nss4eadtop moo s1ays as amatu sep B4e s.IIYS 90Q 14C5 a asnass;osd
wOU l!OS SI!s> sa;dwaxap sid enb uo.ppoo eaumasd r� juauma�asuap
UUzu snour au u 'ant ep ;uiod a> v 8eegW a. a g �ns quasstnd sal
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unstntra s� Jou3 mmaW luene�4 at'an a JyaOd sed wto a: a tm saual t P tdmad �nse q -94W03 s a p ei tUaA!op n et
'oo. a t1a4 sm p�p.kib 1AnP puaTUIT elto is Jo) fleJqdfnoat �sMO AlY�aa- ~woo;o eOu1O>NOcq epi stna3osinot a�� np asating q 4 sa>daul iuos "Itub Ja�j IUVPpSSUd 'su2 sauuoq s;4 �p 'ge4d as o nop 'uOflonLQsti ep 01hQ� nd et 9jnd ics amt np s 19e sa wunod an esw;�nsq.i ap oian5l 'xua zaqa anb *tom awwoan asuad �uewatqgosd 'tuasspusnoj au 6s&d son euh ua�q wp 2A asenos\ elemn e{oa.p saajo�d ''ann sai euh satno sa� sesas on xno Jaaisp un 20a1 orite:o> esp
-�und snold seauroahesoo anl a:i; oua d up> pu 45s enoA 11Jt psa eyes J8al 9 lUavies;ue s!Eymouv �09 1 enuosInd 0fP )eamwlansa spAnlm ne I pyqest�odsas ena r t�nd ap�ned a issune inni adudse* otn assao anod SCjisseq>u sU0op!p el a~ saa!euw!�d se10o? sap ~:sponsq

JIt11W ItS!U'8 1
: a!q!m )o!!mu t

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4ta pj up o durap on, + a sp

�p p os niduoaawji a
UOuapuU Il!n naqtuauJa�nop a i

anb 1U9 e uoUe Eas Il utti

:i' agel nu4 qpteu+ .! eo legt�a solI �p .seliJoe. 0e
~atuaAooil 'i srtidmang i

1 uias ;
9aJUe{!lA pud, sujot e; GaM? sapius1 ituos slo�insuoo sw'j

suep stiuuosmad Wap:qwtou u�q
-J03 uit? ?ta1 9Qa81W0UI 0Sa lu SL .tuaJ 11E SdS�U�Iap 'SOJtiWN sti
4!i np SL�ItalI pi80 sQ�du Sa'IEulua[nsot a~ nya UCIIOJOJ v auxtn00 arlUEdy E3lj lantolV[i
auda adied r.* au:sy i
SAlid94( tllapass'seo i

"anofl3J aJ l JioAiod sud at;jlgp 3j:atOS UQJa eI �.

'seum !1s.1y
eg :.

nl UOlt ' OUpCu? Mg .nblonb

no uon no spyled Itnot i. 'Jlose ' aatt 'U1 ou1 'aa!JEfltffYa lQ. 1131 1 "w e buo;aeodWo 0�1II130I , S{t
t epng 9$ su0p 9!lebuI s8d wais on u> saysod stojaun ;oawsauddgsu 'ux * ep aasq0J w i f V
'odds 1~uIet19 nb xiaa en Jo sa j8?nu1 I �uo a sw anodde stc t 'pioq q.p quo i 'seenantooapp guj&uu4 1qIi
as uin �nb 'alquoils. �uawauaUOOt
-aad npu-tipu oIa sa�ow aucp �aa! sesna 9pneeq x�uas da u p anos nu sa3oqaisa+ aapn 9 .,_, ;'oewWUU I neanod tue 'loltgi! sitselm r1 oat autolw Joad uonten�a anal and sSII,1
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.,J <,p In>, tPjP uamaies a
!nb sww gno ul all a sii e b asuo f-! uood uojbaqtua .

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'n d nb *pC el 9 94141 g 'aput sas ep ejqu b esod ussuaqt; * "I 1* q u m s aqa uad a! (o loIaw o aso eo 'are;gy
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9S.a sOsa tsa sa juanad 'asuciP.ed non
r toppop0 p u 4l oated senbfiJloel .sons ap eqv sh 'thliamuo ep ;ram tu sad sa!,n sann Sie .OI ap queJ nb 'sanoA saia 'sIwJp net 'snai rb!$QIO?U4I s wa '8 #2asponcf ap �upauawofn emuoo 'p 4M1 1U0 0 espd 9:9 100 ooo00 $ a ) aae.sanaj'stica ou e? sOUIoJ salwoo
gaf p eqv a�qnd rp !IoAPJ aj 'JtvU) AvNvy S ryjop af 1 xnap 'Jnajese&Iaa �ug noa i0u1 'salosr aud SamWOS n1 SnOU

rzy4d0On $ep .lto6vJpp Samt.madnsop JE39ap$ flp 'eoo no0ss$nW Ef Jd $ 'O00 tV $)4 Sughop�LelIur oswnh ejuu toop '(e�o;sedao� p of fee.r eivedu aun pa tqn.' teWGWQQJI tsepjosomow ene1su 4"!; j>n �gJ(peaa y 'apsB -nb 816F !'IV � ?56Ee.qowgoO P9�ad quamps u d inawoj s1inb 'U0IHeS!3!
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egJvj #p tVy EP0p �y sp sauvt6II$Jo sl1p1103 $)sampuaa ng xip ajuuxios sauriop E91ioJd up sopIn01Sfb2U Saso >ppad saj
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pda a-onsUo sap easa e sUp ino'rn ua.uow laiuaur, au
! sssm UUOIs 0001 t s I susPo dOnep on1s W JaS3nd sp ur, np . opud a n pu
pOtA Pset agig ICsQoI Slop anod sepno800d upaee mts n p 1�u tls 83psaglra inu nb ioexa sadtouud sag
isa h .tely ilsto ra s* 'e: ua e nesap I!asuoJ Vip UOSp p aun ld pSIJOJ 9o1a 1 d&oJd el ep ~ too l'1!"'e. np>
5 el e ses a t qi sie 00 p �a jawaj � 4 9+&gqsad on p' we nu Q1? 0uop a I sold is ssvjjop afum Asnowma Pjiaddola p *�sdso saj exutus
~~~~i~. 0W $!IliJa.&:: 8auam s1 �: e np trwusw.,ou ijemnod sp ;fvsio
. .:A:. . . .

4pp se p 4,sbut£o Sep� EUSS! sel esn&! �> e aj aooun~a ap an se 'U?9 J� luWISOJ xnuea;sap mi00 ai -"l!! 0loall anib s�pueq edipapsstSpgs .Sa r )4 e ey goe 'owa�taU0!'foWeak soDbyp9j nJaeqae PA eapoasoue isAp etpdX$ I'dvojp ap
-aq*qu tkkb@y t$tklod tvanawni j9r p a . >u )s edn I:Op ano) ai!u3suaU 4n 1 iJd&1 15
p'dIEwap tmaoluOo sqo epoamajsqosa anb 'jnsd ainup eaoofl puqpnt}s .SUn1 E OInSameimU.Jls gt
r'~~~~lu, sunuJil~tsr4�

gase isoeltdatauinloliuiaih ? anoEUjO 10a w-4oduu no so17i> ua�nedsawnnu4g mnnna �nad (Xun�otw suosaq sa�r tpupawauedq .Jap aj m s nosq q) suestr rrs:!pw ?u. Pd a ip vi- w49444 u. seq xun saidrpe4 auauala
sol wttstiitla to d p 610 %eO aqwuasSye pwlta pul a;uvdonb piposq uf st AoOd aJf01una 4a a,1 f*a!$iumew sues
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9ael$uoSa oIoXUTan jsn a inp eabaor b odud9pseos noosp oDnlaAequ tl'layaiassu a9 s
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a~ $1!J9p ouleqa n -- j efa u; auy on s uoudaaf� aagguiassyj ap> tueptsu<3 e apasurj -us said sal soauu:d S9pJnd saEl
o wjep tq~ia ~ti s~aywa� ip na~qua �uioas p *auuosasana ap ssuawtuindae-se -mm 'ua i ed 'juos s�umxs souuoq
"w- 0~pULUmap apialnq eufl--aY9wuPa�upd : nx i a s�uau�dyq sinal op seals sai nuau

usrt ortou g tas aqwda tsiuop O3g% La4b wus nu �uaauo tUE SJJflOIJX3 ass d u !uJpnr nWo so~ isa
-eramwwe w.a,.u,., g sn&siednsngea a utfvoe��dwoa o~ uoo��d p ta sa.etn� saOaUd ep ap saq dtsed tues a�uo�jMAod
wdv t 4p flp. eg .ans aonu.a 19810;( 974 eprousaquo, a 4 M , one cor aasaon n ooon

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de afrt�ha pietienaegm ure6a b e DrG 800 fi ett u St-ThomasetXEurDpe

a-d~ s tMtn# e >8
.p#tOtq6r Lt G ��beles e nohrtx am, pwherfn 6tedtd osn (10mn s l

dohoesu esmples * lomiter heala aion de la more deleur ob�re et regrets 4tos Lot: lU00.4100 dollars! II parlir a le m�rme jour �s
-e ar rIues ui et 11amm it te�sd m�re uante, blle foJ .t co.sin.nsine. heures d m atin, pour tayes, Ja .-i dfs bomme-da ndesmomen1s Mme V e Rostwr Zo nda Al -o:_.44-- . meZ S o �&�nngo, Porto dico
aruques. 11 ya Vqewemple d eJe n g ace P$arre Pa l Deaujur. - Les am �te�rs sent fnfo.rmn�s que SainThom as
d're bueble file dea Qbsmps, quU6- Is re prnen de crore leur la a liste du tiraUe dui W1 ilM dernier,~ Po.wPi c , 3J i ex4 qu e aepo es.t arrive, ainsi q &des billet pour
litrs. patriqnl W$arI Jdansn te fod nquenad galtd. le b/rage du 2U Juin courant. G. K EfT L & �o,-~ Agen

zes h I a r � tPl ro t o n a e U E T 0 R On u E ot. en d a te n t g agn� o'o 0 dol ar . -
0 -ra - d . I y $ &1 11, l fo l e q u i e S O c �te 9stro n o m : 4u e c h a cu n g a g n a r- p;.,,,,.o-_-.-. .-- 1u$iluht tes reates de 1'Empereur, a. *teron o4om n Po - Pa CA & STIL L0 - ent . . #I L LANnASE

Ur�asd ttssldt ad ie t 9 sarv4tIons faite ce m �tin 4 7 )ren PN4ace-Geflt4V4 iJ 3. *%t. <' meansj~ Wnam4 e m
,*,r;d4ve;m:tw**t $ 3 " F ed : : a r ., : so r6a os e sui nd neaitpear.tnti&mu474.Prls titema V, sera i

dosenlre ,4�les14at. ietisO enpsuw.Sad 0 e fl-fl --a e t * I h e r r p o rG- -r h e a 4 Wa m
,, ,tbl : II_1'�, g.s : -- .dn es.s::et sor .****** - ****flMie ** **w pa dr c" si --, 6__� ho_ o rG b. _.- :*Y

to se m s r s d a l .ote x mum da tem pt t�r .* sr wve, S Mirs rPe it G o ve e 1or auPrince, ta Juin 19

.e .tr. ePV. #-,d-- --l Us e . 0 one. s. .-.-. 11. . . . iragone1 A r c A I I -E N�-T SI, - A g
* o 0 - Le�er du S oleil . -. .- !5 bres 24 11 sera i vers le 22 courant. - . . . .
n S d1c ce. nea Ia .W i9~ 9 ---. 1>9� 5 - __ - --�.'.1 i --2� �,��1iCt���

-r- eo4e1Sy va n d r c be u an C o cher t . - bres-- -1 p a r ira p ro h b lemen t n 4 r e -- . -

u g tof ut �torel ' loge du u p J g , ( i :
$uf�rencier; en fletant te voeu ul a 10a er d Pa pou CP�m ie K n swn Pde C Cp ft W D
rie une prochti nea fais sur Wautes Angle dis A vessis foyer & Christophe dre1ourles, Gap uina rhinn e pourt ($srv 4w-vork4ta�m
o es nationate Une grande maison haute n�L to-U prendre les p5ssa rs pour ' '

t 7 proehaineco (�rence (dg'lt> s .- tes SeS d�pendances. r se ervi e Atlas
don e prb eoeet p~r un conf& S'adresser au Nouvelliste . e v Al m
-ender-. de gM au Eeree r lte-uer- L
nini-duL a S tira cel aprL mi b herures rpo
!nC 1 1118 (817 Le .e e x a m e

Payour A I tnt6rie ar! Lt htAidenie et les d4nes du Cons -venant d e Mirago�no> est atucntidu 1 C tyes. Purama ohrn iaque a
. ti ce e d iii gu� ami Alfred Bar- set de A des anciennes �1.1 ici vers le 14 courant. a e - Jarnaiqu. . ,

on, a\ocat, qvinrmplace Mri Normit ves de S-e Rose de Lima out l'honneur I� partira le m��nejour pour J�. PortvuPrince, 18 Juin 19 �htodor� m e 6 1't&reur. de p��4enir les Associ�es que FAss�m- -r�ie, Port dePaix, Cap .thien, REINPOLD & C Auer Choix herax car M. R�jon joiat* b e erale remise t Gm m, aura: de solides conne sace e des mani�es lIieu ma di prochain, 7 J in. "
eitmdles rt pleines d4e correction. A ce Port-au Prince, 10 Juin 1913.

tPoedane de,4ePr�siderde tab u La Yerti a1hme LUcsEAaN L.R B S E , a b
publique' j S Str .s compiments. .A.u T. re p
. A Armes de Paris> au prix de--- s"offre po r eap�diion de toutes rcsrchandises alien� .ndes que on
-IItrois gourd t'ouvrage WeMAfxl1 �e �n 11aiti entre autres; Articles de m�naje nmaill�s, Peinture, Quine il
or . a ro MicnayitSalomon Jeune et Ioff ire rie Fournit ures pour Crdon nier, [mages de. Saints, Gaiend�iers, Ht

486Mtelh eintma et spectacle ccncert avec - oul defa te .
dA aPdiltaa N#quene tMile �UW A Ve dre0 Pri�re d&exp�die.r tes commandes le p�us PIteyossihle, afin d'avuir
AniLaLe tbdeau Saikta Anna .; dpr articl w em& pour l nouell roll et les fdtes de Nb�tiv iej p Unw gurdr. de 280 s. e. de .n.

?ad.I I Pour le prix, s'adte -ser 4 Monsieur, S'adr4sser directement � lui.
d i m a n h et , or i i x "e.
Ap_�%dem da �$dma he 8 nb. i/ fo ail l f r Juin 10 l
a Cercle Belive, rprUentatQB e j
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Dane avis � si nombrpuse client�le qu*elle re�oit �s chaque bteau do e veaux assortiments de marchandises de toutes provenances~, consistaut. 4 Broad Str., NewYork articles pour hommes, dames et enfants.
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L'eau de mer que nous employons, a 6t�. soigneusement capth au large,au del� de file de la Gonave. Nous faisons remarquer ai orps m�dical I'observation judicieuse que font ls laboratore �trangers:tr a g e r s:" :.". .:, � : . . . . """. . . .!. .: "./ ::.i;i! . .+: ::+;;:; . ! . .: . . : . . ;
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